HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-02 - Orange Coast Pilot,1 I •. !1 7 Bifi Gust Cuts · Power~ ' • • 1eu . '' IXOll. Bag I.ands .. Comp_a11y -otters -~ Pro pe rt y· ~ .... ~ . ' Irvine tho.se lrvine lands they deem desitable ror public ownership so that the lands --SAN FRANCISCO -Irvine Company oUiciab !}ere today offered four public may be enjoyed by the public pending a agencies inpncdiate possession of workable plan to compensate the com- rancblands surrounding Upper Newport pany." Bay. Irvine's action was viewed as a major In an -0fficial-statement;-1he-lrvine--shiftinits long:;standlng-pollcyotseekln By TOr.1 MURPHINE ot lfl• DetlY P'li.t Si.ff • • DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * , MONDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 2, 1973 ,)'OL. "' NO. n. 2 SIECTION5. 14 'AGliS an _..oas Protesters Awaited By JOHN VALT.ERZA ' Of Ille DellY Plllt l1afl • President Nixon and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu began a round of olliclal talks at' the Western White House as hundreds of demonstra- tors were chanted in opposition in the gates of the presidential estate in San Clemente. ~--<:on: pany_of!er: " · e di ate a tidelands exchange ln Upper Newport Thieu's helicopter touched down at the landing pad of the Western White House 'at 10:30 a.m. where a full state arrival ceremony took place. ' l possession by interested public agencies ay. -- It was also-viewed as a major and ' dramatic step· toward ending the debate and legal actions which have embroiled the Back Bay for the past decade. The company offer was made in a high-level session here at San Francisco's Airport Hilton Inn· to officials of the U.S. Department of Interior, state o f California, county of Orange and city of Newport Beach. Military bands, a VIP gallery of 500 local citizens and a 21-gun salute were in- cluded in the welcome celebration. After remarks .by both heads of state the men retired to Nixon's offices to begin two days ol. conferences relating to the rebuilding ol the war-torn natioo lllld converting ~ fragile cea~fire to lasting peace. Critics have asserted that Thieu is in the United States simply for "image building." Gusty Winds Wreak Havoc Along Co™t There was no immediate reaction from the public agencies. Irvine executives, however, said the company's new posi· ·.i.. 'DAU.Y PILOT<PM• 'Y •kMN,ICMlllW Hundreds of those critics were on hand at 109-acre Sap £1emente State ~ark Sun- day as a howllni wind turned a anti-war vigil into a chilly affair (Pictures, Pqe 3). Bv JOHN ZA.lLER lion paper was well received by the Of flM oa11Y P'llot stan public representatives. Winds gusting up to 55 miles an hour In addition to offering its lands sur- SANTA ANA FIREMEN POUR WATER ON CHARRED BUILDINGS AT FOURTH AND SPURGEON Smoka From Blau Early This Morning Visible for Mllff;.lnvl:lfftatorl Chock lot Arson The total number of anti-Thieu and Nixon demonstrators was about 350. In I Jashed the Orange C:O:.st Sunday closing rounding Upper Newport Bay, the Irvine off a section of coast · highway, Company agreed to cancel an appeal on smashing windows, and creating the current Back Bay lawsuit. mayhem in yachting harbors. This issue which has been grinding No major damage or injuries were through the courts for several years was ,reported, but there were an estimated to test the legality of the Upper Bay land Supreme Court Affirms F. om· Sa· nta. Ana their ranks wa• actress and activist.J-r onda -protected by s e v e-P. a 1 bodyguards -but other members of 1be group took over the speaking duties. Stores Destro ed As the demonstratdrs sat on the cold -=~,;l1~1zed~!,,,lboa~]I in coas~ ~s. swap. It began as a so-ea.lied "friendly" ---po-,;e.-flilltlter aflectllfg ot-1east !,~i!WSUlt lilll opponents lo the liaetands ex- persons, and the nonnal ·doses of broken change jumped into it and it soon t~ limbs and yards strewn with became unfriendly. branches. : An Orange County Superior Court Ban on Ala sia Pipeline ~ ground members of a guerrilla theater --------------trOU~'l!F'antiiWal<p!llY"'. 11!111!'===1 By Ragm• . g F" and marijuana wete abundant during the Ire early part of the ·evening. The par)t Is --about a quarter mile lrom1 Ni.Ion's The heJtvy wmds began about noon and decision ruled the swap constitutional. blew a steady 25 to 35 miles an hour until But last Feb 23 the Fourth District WASIIlNGTON (AP) -The U.S. ll p.m., according . to most reports. Court of Appe~l 1n1 San Bernardino over~ Supreme Court today let stand a· lower Gusts in the Newpo.rt Harbor area were ruled that decision. The appeal court said court decisloo blocking construction of reported up to 55 mtles an hour. that judicial precedents that appeared to the controversial trans-Alaska oil Amateur met!"'rologlst J. Sherman (See BACK-BAY Page %1 Denny of Huntington Beach said the ' pipeline. winds were the heavies t ~Ince April, 1970. The high court refused without com- ' The worst damage was reported In the ment or dissent ah iurgen·t goVemment Newport Beach and Costa Mesa areas. 'Ille Oran~e County Harbor P~trol PLEASE f 0 URS ELF plea lo overiurn the lower court. Thus, >--;~~~~~~~~~~~~!f.--;;;:;;;;;,..-;~n;;T'r;:;n-,..C<'""-t~he~us~ti~ce~s~le~f~t ::the future of the pipeline t .boats after 'sailors igo0red SJ!lal\ craft WITJI_ A PILOT AD rom lfSlope to CUngreso:' warnings that should have kept most The j;overiunent, the state of Alaska boats tied to their moorings. and a consortium of oil companies urged "A lot of people thought they were Please yourself with a DAILY PILOT the court to overturn a decision Issued In pretty good sailon: until they got out in classified want ad. The results can February by the U.S. Circitit Court of that wind," 91Jd Sgt.' Robert Bainbridge, pleasantly surprise you -Appeals bere. 0 But it takes more than a good sailor to ~ 'lbe circuit court-said the gove11anent stay out of trouble when It's blowing 50 OPEN HOUSE SAT & e«ild not Issue permils for constructioo tnols." SUN CAPE COD ON of the pipeline °" U.S.-owned land In addition to the 50 rescues made by A "°' LOT because the right.of-way needed exceeds the Harbor Patrol, BaiIJbridge said there (Address), Lge 2 car garage. the 54-foot width allowed by the federal were probably aoother 50 capsized-boats Stressed for 2nd un!L 200 Mineral Leasing Act o! 19!0. The pipeline ·that were helped by private citlwls. amp undergroond duplh would r<qUjre 146-foot widths. , }(e also reported four boats with elec. service, garage ·door The goveinment, 'delcriblng the. ilSUe broken masts and one that ran aground opener, complete kitcheri, as a vital one lnvolvlncnational security at 10th Street. all elec. extra touches you and the nation's balance<Of-paymenls "We were busy out there until mid-wouldn't believe, fireplt, drain d\le to the need toJmport oil from 11lght going so rast we just complete~ig-sprinklers on time clock. fOR:!lgn' buyers, asYeQ not only for high norcd th~ paperwork/' he said. ''Tnere 2 Br, 1\i Ba , downstairs, 2 COUfi review but also an extraordinarily was no way we could keep up 'l)'llh all the Jolt bdnns up, For sal• by speedy ""°lutlon by the high courl. rcporls with so many people disrc~ai'iling owner. Asking 162,111111, Bkrs The high court's refllsal to consider the our dangei' warnings.'' welcome. · case virtually P&rantees stlll more Jn another Newport Beach incident, , delay ln the project., an Jnterior Depart• .two cara were burned near Irvine Avenue -Tblt"house-.old the first day the ad meot-olllciol commented, becauae !t left and 16th Streel when an electrical line ran, aAd the advertiser \fas really enviromnenut ~ to be molved fell on them. Both were unocoupled and pleased! For J)!easlng resulis ol your ooly alter c.&iw aett!es the legal proo. parked. own, please cafl direct -ll4U6'll. I~ o! the plpolloe r!ght«·way. Tbefe were two large power failures In Jared G, carter, deputy un- (See WINDS, Pqe I) dmecretary, said he could DOI e&llmate ,• --f~ f'.· A raging fire of wdetennined origin seaside Casa Pacific. · fx?w much delay would result, but thinks swept through four businesses in down-TI>e basic premiSe of the demonstratOn the environmental question could be town santa Ana early today keeping 45 ts that Thieu is in the United States ln an resolved "fu a fairly short time." firemen busy for three hours. Smoke attempt to repair a poor public image The pipeline stirred stonns of con-from the ~laze could be seen for miles. (See 111JEU, Pqe Z) - troversy over Its potential il!lpact on the The fire originated in a gymnasium I ..,.... above a Mel.lean-American restaurant enyiro~n;ient. , and spread to three adjoining brick and The ·Wilderness Society and four other stone structures. Damage was es ti· environmentalist groups began the litlga-mated at $175,000. There were no in-Oru ge Coast tion that blocked construction of the 739-JurJes. i;;/ mn~tnt. tn·a tomlte1 btief, tllli!) leetrO!ed wes··tfte-El-Ge!WIJo.. . .Qosa--.1-----,; urged the high court to uphold the circuit -· del Mariachi, 302 E, 4th Street at the . · IOliltljeast comer of Spurgeon Street, the Judge~ and leave the issue of rigbt«-way .R (ri!jR,.sportswear Store, a record shop Weather width to Congress where aeveral bills and lo barber ,shop, ·. , , • Sunny . and, \rindy Is the way the · have been in~. . . T&eJ til~, bft>ke out at 4:17 a,m. and wealherlady sees it for Tuesday, In !Is decllioo, the dreuit court said ;;,..s.roportal through a fin alarm bo•. It . wilb highs of 17 at the beaches, ris- the Issue waa a simple ooe. By enacting ·WU under control at 7 a.m, • 'Ing to 72 Inland. Winds are ••- the Mineral lasing Act, Qngress ~1 F.Ire ·ofnctals are imeStigating' the pected to decrease to 15 miles per "allowed pipeline companies to u.se a possibility of arobn. . hour. Ovelnrgbt lows in the !Os. ~ amount of land to ?Jfistrucl their The. {ire was ln an . area planned for · 1 pipelines. These comparues have now ·rehabi11tatitm"under tlie city,'s recently come Into co¢t as:companied by the ... adop(ed '\!owntawn reconsl\'uctioo pro- INSIDE TODA 'Y ecutive agency au~ to .administer •gram . · the statute, and have said, 4This is not enough land, give us more.' MOTHERS-IN-LAW CAN BE DEADLY NEW DELllUUP]) -Police said to- day a 111rvey of 111!cides In Delhi last year showed that 25 men took their lives becau"" of differences with their mother> In-law. Abuser Sentenced SANTA CRUZ (AP) -A woman .was ·9enlcnced to 1·10 years Jn prison on a felony charge of child abuse and ne glect in the death or her 16-mooth-old daughter. Mrs. Susan Young, %7, of can· ton, Ohio, and codelendant Robert Dion, 24, o1 Los Angeles, were convicted in the death of Rainbow Dawn Young In a Santa Crut Colloty &iperlor Court lrlal. Are vou~jighting mod abOMt a defective product you have pur- chosed, or a service you have paid for that tunted out to be a dud? Financial colum,1f.sc St1lt.1ia Porter tell!f 11ou lioto to sue i'i small cloims court toda11 on Pune 18. ' .. # . , • % OAILY PILOT s MO<ldai, AP<ll 2, 197) ITl· hile Pio Chairman Geneen Talks w Senat.e Panel • Heart Attack Victim Huntington City CIRrk -Paul Jones Dead at.62 Funeral amogem<nts are pending to. day . tor HunlJnilol> Beach en{ Clerk Paul c, Jones who died Sunday o a heart attack. ~~Wd_Jones was sJrlc~en-_a hls home at 7532 Rhine Drive at about 10 a.m: and was rushed to Huntlngton Intercommunlty Hospital where he was Jioclal:ed dead on arrival. He bad suffered a previous heart at· tack · and was working in a limited capoclty_at the Ume ol bis death. Jones had been cllf clerk !or 13 years and was i-ecently awarded the title of Certified Municipal Clerk by the Interna- tional Institute of Municipal Clerks. City Administrator David D. Rowlands expressed the ''heartfelt sadness" of the city staff over Jones' death. "ije was an efficient, responsive--and cooperative department head in the con- duct or the affairs of the department. He was a warm, friendly person ~ the con- duct or relationships with £ellow workers aild the public. We will miss him greatly," Rowlands said lhis morning. Smith's Mortuary in Hunting ton Beach is handling the funeral arrangements . " I FronaPage I BACK BAY . • • Tribesmen Kill Hospital Patient . ' DEAD AT 62 City Cl_erk Jones THE IRVINE COMPANY still concurs in the legal views ex· pressed to the courts by its attorneys an d by the Attorney General on behalf of the State Lands Commission that the Upper Newport PORT ~IORESBV, New Guinea (UPI\ Bay Land Exchange is legal and constitutional. Nevertheless, the _Tribesmen carrying bov.'s and arrO\\'S Company believes that rather than continuing litigation on the con· attacked a hospital Sunday in the stitutional and other issues. the interests of all concerned are better Western Highlands, killed one patient and served by a fresh approach involvin g mutual and concerted efforts seriously wounded another, a police by public agencies and the Company to achieve public o\vnership of !---spokesman said-today.-=---~---==-thg. ~Co_mP._agy'~l<!._1!~-il}-Upp~ Nfl'Y.PO;t;lJay. The attack followed an incident earlier Accord.ingly, for its part the Irvine Company hereby pledges its Sunday in which patients went 10 the aid willingness and intention to: . of a hospital driver attacked by six men, (1) Refrain from appealing to the California Supreme Court OIANGI COAST DAILY PILOT the appellate court decision in the case of Orange County vs. Heirp.. (2) Work with lhe Orange County Board of Supervisors to find mutually acceptable means of terminatmg existing la\VSUits. TM OtlftQI CO<'lll 0.-.ILY PILOT, wlth w!l lCh' (3) Offer for im1nediate possession by interested public I• Combined lh• HnJ·Pr~I, II M llsl11d by agencies those Irvine }ands they deem desirable fOr pUb- lr.. °'.,,.' c ... , P11bUlhlllO tclTl"~v. s.". Jic ownership so that the l~nds may be enjoyed by the r111 llCllllOl'lf 1r1 Pll~llstwo, Ml!MaV ""°""' "'""'' fO!' co111 ""'"· H•WllOl"I •••'"· public pending a workable plan to compensate the Corn· Huri11n91on B111eh1Fwn111n v.11,,, Ug11111 pany. &ffCl'I, 1rv;ni1s&dcl1~c11 .,,., s.n c1e ... ,n111 (4) Consider all reasonable form s and terms _ of com~nsa· < ' L_---1-~!d''l:M'::-!'1!.' ~"'!l''~~~· :J•~"~"~'"!:!' .. ~' -I----:__::;.:_ . ' el·•' bu "' 'led '· , f ed t r edlllon 11 011&1li11tc1 5,tvni..,. 1rnd•v1. 1:1 , in hmng-nori1mi · -w;-ue ePr--paymen s-or.~+-1- • rn• pr1t1<.11M• puen1h~ 011n1 it •• 330 wttt exchange for surplus public lands elsewhere. B-.y $1rHI, Ciitlt Mttl, Call10n1!1, ,,.,., 1tob1tt N. w,,J ''"ldl<I! •!Id ,llbllt/\fr Jtck R. C1.1rl•Y \'Ice ''""'"'' 111<1 ~rtl M~er Thom11 ••• EOltor Tlioll!-. A, Murphin• M•11t11lno Ecl!tor Chtr4•1 H. Loos Rlcht1d "P. NtU AHlll1nl MtMOlnO lclllon Coll• M,..1 .UO Wtll 111 SlrMI HtWJllOrl ltk~; »U -~•I lloutntrd utuM &Nctl: m "or"t .. .......,... H\lllllnOIOll'ltKll! 11175 &t.O. IOvlf'l'lnl kn C.._111 IDS Norlh llU C.mlno A111 Ttl.,.... 17141 MMJll · e......_ ._........., ••1·1•1• ,_ dttt11 """' """' .. L...-lffdl 4f2-4420 '- ,.,_ ........ o, ..... Citv!Jl't Cl'"_.,... 140.1121 '~""'· "'" Otl"lt c..., ~111111 .... ~IOY: Nt 'MWI llOtlA. ilh111't!llN. llCl!Wlll! f'\en.t or Mffrli,...,...rt ""'''" ffljl¥ 1111 n«ldlllfd wlfllOtll ..,.cl.ti lltl'· ,,,.11 ... C'Wl'flOt\! ·-· ....... C:it"• ~,..._ Mr. 11 Coi&it l.\tu, tell,.,..... ~i.t-w ~·., u .s ,_,...,, ill¥ llMll fj,lf l'l'IOl'llfl1'1 lftllltM ...,....,.. tfM l'*"IMy', • IT IS CLEAR THAT early accomplishment of public ownership of Upper Newport Bay lands will ,.qwre a coordinated and energetic effort on the part of the interested public agencies. Therefore, the Irvine Company respectfully suggests and urges tbat thooe agencies, as their interesl• appear, ·prompt!{ undertake the following actions: (I) Expedite conclusion o the work of the Upper Newport Bay Field Committee currently chaired by the Depart· ment ol the Interior. (2)' Determine final boundaries and expj!dlte th1! completion of ~he appraisal process now under way. , (3) Develop as rapidly as possible a recommended funding and/or ex.change program for eai:!Y ·~cUon by particlpat· ing agencies. ..--.1 --- (4) Establi sh 'a Task Force com.posed of representatives of ap- • propriate public agencies and the Irvine Companyio meet regularly to expedite the recommended program. (5) Review pending lawsuits with the objective of terminal· , . Ing them on mutualiv acceptable terms. .. (61 Seek ·ways to ta\<e immeJliate ~ssion of tbe desired lands pending a workable plan to compensate the l:om· pany. • GIVEN TH~ MUTUAL EFFORT and cooperation herein pro- posed, ~o lrvtn,e Company is h?P•ful that early accompllibment of compaLi~le public and private obieclives Is pOSS!ble. -. A .t ' ~ ' ' ~. \ --- C1lmes ~ OFIJi In Areas- Walton OK'cl To Play Russ • WASHINGTON tAP ) -The Na- tional Collegiate Athletic Associa· tion said today it will allo\Y' college basketball players. including All· American..l}ill Walton of UCLA, to compete ·rn the uix:oming basket- ball series between the United States and the Soviet Union. Walter Byers , execulive director of the NCAA, said his organization, under rules already established. could in ef£ect sanction the tour if the Amateur Athletic Union made a formal request. " '" The NCA.A changed its previous objection to the series after Rep. Peter Peyser (R-N.Y.), told Byers that Vi'alton was to call the NCAA · '• offices today to seek permission to compete fqr-the American team. ,- " NeW[Delinl Electri-·q's_i --;N~fr!W~; 1 1 II INCLUDED '" .., ' I General Electric I "BEST BUY" I ,DISHWASHER I ' ... ~ ' ~I .. --.... j ' I =tl!J I ~~~~ ~~~~--::-!!~ '-'-M14--.-I _..',_" --+- ·~=-=w -<--: 19995 Modtl SD250N -'369'~ Phone MB-7788 ; 1815 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA ' " ·' " " " " ' ,, " ) ! ' --' -.. .. ' Mood11. Ap<ll 1. 197), s OAI" PILOT :J --Group Protesting Thieu Visit at Windswept Park More than 300 persons gathered at San Clemente State Park Sunday turkey, beans, rice and cake. Free cigarettes· were distributed. Picture night in preparation for today's march to Western White House in pro-at right shows the chow line in operation. Picture at left shows singer crowd was orderly and chilly as winds howled through the area. Thieu was to be given reception this morning and \vas to dine with Nixon tonight. t~st of meet~ng betwee_!l ·Presiden!_ Nixon ~nd President Thl~u Q_f SQutb. en~rtaining the gr.J>!lR· ln. b;lckground is_N_orth Vietnamese flag. There Vietnam. Jane Fonda was among the group. '!hey were fed a menu of were political skits performed critical of the U.S. role ln_Vietnam. The ~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~.;c.--'-~-'-~~~~~~~~----'~~--~-'--~~--~~~~~-'-''--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~ ~igi the. Elusive Whale Puts on Show for Kids City's Welcome Bit Premature District Housing Crisis School Bond-s ·to Be Asked ' LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Gigi the whale has surfaced again, delighting a boatful of elementary school children by swimming alongside their vessel and playing for an hour ber~re heading north Italian Group Assails Brando 'Contradiction' JEDBURG, England (UPI) - to join other whales. The village council has decided to The · bti f c· I th f withdraw its new tourist guide. Solutions to the pupil housing crisis in flex ibility so that the portables could be Valley Elementary School where the Califom18!.g g;!~ !hale igr~~ :it:! A photograph on the front page of the CapiStrano Unified School District put to use swiftly when needed at the need will be acute. Pacific 8 year ago after spendln~ her · the guide shows the entrance to the will come before trustees Monday in the start of the next schOol year. · ··--Besides the issue over portable first year in captivity, was confirmed Jedburg cemetery with a caption form of proposals to sell school bonds Trustees have already taken one initial classrooms , these other matters appear Friday by the American C.etacean SOcie-that reads: "Where friendship, and allocate cash to rent portable step for a portable claSSfO!>m at Crown on the agenda for Monday's 7:30 p..in. ty. hospitality and a wann welcome classrooms. se~ion. John Olguin, president of the whale _,await you." The bonds are propoSed to alleviate the -Approval or general budget watching organization, said an unusually district's housing problems well into the 3,000 smokers guidelines for the next fiscal year's friendly whale was sighted oil Los future. budget. The guidelines are statements or Angeles harbor March 15 during a whale The portable classrooms are expected philosophy and ~ on each ex· watching expedition. Seiz' m·e Okayed to help the di•lrict-handle the growth Of Pot Gatl·er pendilure category, rather than pro-He said the boat, carrying children within the next few nionths. " posa1s for certain dollar amounts. ' from two elementary schools, came upon Director of Administrative Services . ....._.... -Deliberatlon on a set of recom· a pod of six whales one mile off the coast 0£ 'D Thr ' Joseph Wimer has recommended the ap. ANN ARBOR, Mich: (UPI) -~ mendatlons by a citizen's advisory group when one of the whales headed for the eep oat proval of the rental idea, but in a estimated 3,000 marijuana smokers me on.p_roposals to begin a program o( early vessel. memorandum to Supt. Truman Benedict, on the Uni~ersity or Michigan campus childfiood education in the district. The whale stayed for an hour oc-Wimer said the exact nwnber of Sunday dunng the second annual Ann -Consideration of applications for casionally rolling ..on )]e_r back to ey'e the B_E_VE~ ff!LU_(_AP_) --The district portables is not yet known. . Ar:bQr J;lash F~val. 'There were no ar· federal and ilate-grants for the comtna children lining the rails, and then re-attorney's office may seize a copy .of the The heaviest growth will be in the west rests. school year. joined the pod and hl;:a~ north, sexually explicit film "Deep Throat" to portion of the district w be re Span~rs said the event celebrated ...:...Considering the adoption of a ie!Olu· 1 ; NEW YORK (UPI) -The head of an ltallan·American organiiation today sent -Marlon Brando a letter saying there ·was a "blatant contradiction" between his role in "The Godfather" and his support i -of Indians. -J : Brando won an Academy Award for his p~ably to t!le . ca.µtorrua g~a)'. __ . ~ . . overcrow~ is mos .. .,..._t~a.,cu"te,,,,'==7:-=-i rm.gt~ alleged joys oC amoklng ·on_ooce again_oUertn& I.be M•nqna wlialeS' summer habitat t_n the Bering ara m prepanng US case against two men-pliiii a1readf6ave been complete for. e illegafweecram16eiiillanessor-A"iiri school site in Sborecllffs for a1e-:- Se0a-1 . .d the bal i.1-. accused of violating obscenity laws by sta"eredstartingtimesasonemeansof Ar~r's $5-an-arrest . 'marijuana Previous .attempt! to aell the. acreage portrayal of an aging Mafia don In the movie, but refused to accept it because, he said, Hollywood over '11bll "Yeafs maligned American Indians. ·.: John P. Lomenzo, ·New · York's secretary of state but writing in his capacity. as head of a group called "The Columbian Coalition," said: "Frankly, we see a blatant con- tradiction between your reasoning for refusing the award and youd. participa- tion in a film that has defamed the Italian-American community. "Do you really distinguish ihe 'JllOVie industry's vilification of the American Indian from its-treatment of ltalian- Americans in .'Tbe Godfather'l" gwn Sil w e's \ft:Utity was . maxunizing facilities at Marco Forster ordmance. drew no bidders, bUt the district staff bu con~in,ned ;after photographs of her showing the movie, Junior High School. State Rep. Perry Bullard, who invited said there is now some interest ln the were $bo"'1 to Sue Bailey, Gigi's former Municipal Court Judge ~nard S. Wolf Wimer suggested that the district seek members of the Michigan House and property by Investors. 'Ibe Manzana.slte keeper. ati San DJego's sea world, who · bids to determine the rental rates for Senate judiciary committees to join him has been scrapped because of the dona· recogniled her famous ward. signed the necessary search warrant, portable classrooms -bids which would in the April Fool's Day festi.val as. a .lion of a site to the district by AVCO The photograph,, showed Gigi's enabling authorities to confiscate one . remain effective until ~arly next "fact-finding" project, said "This is a Community Developers in Lagwia Niguel unusually white flukes, a scar ·on her print or the film but not preventing the December. good thing . People are e n i o Y i n g where the need for a new junior high belly, ~ a white, square-shaped mark 'Ibe concept he said is to maintain themselves. There is no destruction." campus is greater. just to the rear of her blowbole that was defendants from continuing to show other iiiiiiiii' iiiiii' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii purposely made with dry ice before she prints. was freed to aid in sµbsequent ideq· tification. But there was no sign of the radio transmitter attached· to Gigi when she was tu~ loose off san Diego March 13, 1971. She was captured a year earlier at the age of ID weeks for a i!Clentific sludy. A June 18 trial date was set for theater owner Vincent Miranda and manager Steve M. Hagan, 20, each charged with one misdemeanor cowit of exhibiting ob8cene matter. Prili~ipal Played Oboe New lrvi11,e Sclwol Chief Will Emphasize Music By CANDACE PEARSON Of lltl ~llY ,, .. , Staff Students in at least one Irvine school this summer will harmonize on their way to learning if oboe player John Inmon has his way. Inmon; a· former choral director with a bachelor of arts degree in music, also happen~ to be principal at Irvine School. Irvine Unified School IJilirlct trusrees Students who come to the music school couldn't go home "without having some kinii of music every day," said Inmon, smiling at the idea . The committee is still working out more details for the proposal. ---detided-recently-tbey-wanled-tbei>-lirst---f summer school operation to be different. ~ change adopted wu to add an Mfnhasis lo music. Inmon wants to find teachers with skills in music, local music groups who would give assemblies or appearances at the school and as many volunteer piano playtn and music tutors.as.possible. -: District officials also plan to expand the music offering• during the regular school year. -,'! don't know of any other district thdt's attempted this kind of thing," said tntFon, who has developed a curricu1wn ~posal for the new emphasis. lfvine takes over operation of schools from outgoing San Joaquin District July t, bnder terms of a unification election. 4This district (San Joaquin ) does a go&i }ob with music," Inmon said , "but I st1n feel we haven't done enough. If we do 't _do more music might be forgot- tc .'' . e sa1 1:i1s liIOF'T""tiil"tfiTSltk:e an'a create an "awfully sad world ." fhe proposal calls for a separate music sc~ool on one site for gra•des one through 12 Every subject offered would be done lh!"ugh music, including the o I d st~bys, reading, w r I ti n g and a thmetic. I've been kind of Jumed on by this ldtat'' said lbmon, who suggested that wiitlng !Ollgs or learning other music akllls are natural Ue-lns with basic sub-j.... -- Working wlih Imnon on the Idea are San Joaquin music coordlna1or Joanne Harri!> University High chor'il1 dU.Ctor -Oanlet Trevino and band director Vivian Triem and summer school director Jerry Roy!. l'he pmposa! hasn't gone lo lrustees yol, but Inmon said lhal they and other dlllrlct offlclala are "enthusiastic" about Iba pow program In general llfgb school summer c!Wcl begin Jltle 20 and elementary begin July 9. Dtpendlng on wltlcb final dale Is chooen lot the music !iC!iOol. It would run four or Iii: Wetb. - llUILDING MUSIC PROGRAM San Joaquin began an active but small Instrumental music program only a few- years ago. Currently there are about 1,150 th ird through eighth grade students in the Irvine area of San Joaquin involved in choral and inStrumental music. "A place like Irvine -the kind of com· munity I see developing -should have a fine music program," Inmon said. urrender l1i South Korea Irvine Principal Inmon SEOUL, Korea (AP) -Two U.S. · soldiers barricaded themselves in a ,,_po_IJ_ce _ hut here today, demanding Inmon plans !Omething for every sklll,~1e dbcharges and safe conduct level. Trusi.et have said they'd lllte to 1"11 of South Korea, but surrendtrtd on see a sludeot productim end the sum-the appeal of two friends. mer. ~ U.S. Ith Army oUlclals said Spec. 5 One suu..Uon has been Benjamin Michael McDonald, 25, of Oakland, and BMtten's ''Noah 's Flood" Inmon said, Pie, Terry Hergert, 22 of Saint John, because It involves a iarge cast and Wash., held out with a variety of orchestra. weapcilJ in the hut on a hill (or nine Classes Inmon hopes would be offered hours. before giving up . They hee<led in addition to reading,· math, music ap. friends' appeal to drop the demands and preciatlon and recorder are beginning return to · U.S. military control, the or. lessons on all band and orchestral in· ficial! said. · slttlln<nls, rlty\hm band, band , , The friends were ldenlillcd as Johnny orchestra, ensemble groups, glee club, A. Dunn aDdstevcn Zimmerman, both vocil -enaemble, madrigals, chorus, folk privates fil'lt class. dance and modem dance. McDonald and Heriicrt were laken Into "I'm also a nut oo folk-dancing," be Army custocty but.no chariies were filed admllted. •it's f\ln and w0f1bwhlle." bnmedlalely. • ,·. , O\JR DESERT CLASSIC I . Reilly a Classic for All Occa1 ion1 -H1thaway's Stlirt in.-Nlne Sprin9 Colors -$15.00. J'Relps cf!rea9er • • . - -. All Cotton • Nowporti!eo<h, Wihhi<•, Sher~ Oaks, P ........ lokew_ood, Wttt <;olil!l ,. ' ' .. -• ' I i l I I • • I i· 4 DAILY PILOT ,-Crew Leavei Sinking Cargo Ship · HONOLULU (UPI I ...: The 34 crewmen of the "Silver Dove" )Vere rescued Sun- -day, but the huge cargO vessel was sink· ing today in the Paclric. TwentY.·seven crewmen were plucekd from lifeboats by the Coast Guard CUtter North Wind. They had spen t the night in the boats, bobbing on the cold seas. A cargo ots1a1ar.ew:!enlly shifted...._ c!lus~ .... the list. A Coast Guard spokes:man said' alx other crewmen and the captain remained ak>ard the noundering Anterican ship ti!ftil the last possible moment, then abandooed it 930 ·miles southwest of Ha_wali. eOhloBlast CINCINNATI, Ohio (AP)-Leaking gat has been tentatively blamed (Or an ex- plosion that killed seven and injured seventeen here Saturday night. Asst. Fire Chief Robert . Schinaman said Sunday night that .debris from the INS~ORT ... ) .. U,I Ttfttll!Olo blast was being examined for clues to u·hat caused the gas leak that apparently triggered the blast. Two crane shovels were removing the debris from three buildings and loading it into city trucks ror transfer to a nearby vacant lot. Workl'{len were also seeking a possible eighth body. FATHER. CHILD SORT THROUGH MOBI LE HOME WRECKAGE Tornado Caused $50 Million Damage in Georgia, South Carolina Senator Asks Haldeman e Deserters Slopped _[!'Qg(@LM (AP) -_ With !he withdrawal of American combat troops from Vietnam. the Swedish govern;nt says it will no longer automatically ant asylum to U.S. military deserters. B it will continue to protect those already in the country . T~ Testify in Bugging There are some 450 Ameri can deserters and draft dodger!! -:-urrently in ~eden. Kjell Oeberg, general director or the Swedish Immigration Board, said Sunday new ones will be stopped at the borders. e Managua Shake "MANAGUA, Nicaragua (UPI) Residents of Managua blamed a nearby volcano t'oday £or.five strong eartl]_guakes narshOOkthe nuiiSle!fbf a destructive earlier quake in which 10,000 persons died. The tremors Slturdiy shook down wall s, caused some panic and left the ci- ty \\"ithout electricity for several hours. eWaUWorks BELFAST (UPI).-·Northern Ireland emerged today from its quiete~t w~kend in months and the army credited 1t to a ne\v "iron curtain" surrounding Belfast's main irouble spgts. In the only miljor incidents during the weekend, the anny said, a sniper shot and slightly wounded a British soldier in the town or Newry and a bomb wrecked a small seaside hotel 20 miles east of Belfast Saturday. e Sadat Visit . CAIRO •(UPI) -Egyptian President Anwar Sadat flew to Libya today for talks with l.Jbyan leader Moammar Khadafy and other ofricials in Tripoli. Egypt gave no speciftc reason for the visit, \\'hich Political sources said was ex- pected to last one or t\\10 days. Sadat's visit to Libya \\'as his first since January V.'hen he discussed with Khadafy plans for the proposed merger of the two coun- tries, scheduled for September. e 1•1a11e R0to WASlllNGTON (AP) -A Republican member of the Senate Watergate in- vestigating committee says two GOP se nators were . among targets of spies working for President Nixon's re-election last year. That and other statements alleging political espio[Jage by the Committee for the He-Election of t h e President ~ere made Swiday by Sen. Lowell P. Weicker All U.S. POWs Home, xcept-1- And He's Coming By United Press International All but one of America's known prisoners of war were back in America today and the sole exception was free and preparing to go home. THE LAST group of former prisoners arrived SUndaY at Travis Air Force Base, where 6,500 persons -the largest crowd in the short history of "Operation Homecoming" -cheered. The· last ex-POW off the CI41 jet was Air Force Capt. Frank Lewis, ,28, of Boston, whose wife, Wynne, and daughter, Kelly, waited at the end of a red, white and blue welcome mat. Air Force· Lt. Col. Louis H. Bemasconi, Northridge, Calif., Spoke for the other men. ''God bless each and every one of you. God bless our commander-in-chief, President Nixon. God bless these United States of America," he said. From the crowd came an echo of voices singing "God Bless America." mE LAST prisoner released and the last knoYltl to have been held by the Communists was Army Capt. Robert T. White of Newport News, Va. LAS VEGAS. Nev. (AP ) - A He was turned over to the Americans ·California salesman was in jail today by the Viet Cong in the Mekong Delta after the FBI arTested him when a Sunday, flown lo Saigon and then to jetliner he was aboard made an Clark Air Base in the Philippines. On emergency landing because be created a hand at Clark to greet him was his v.·ife, ~disturbance, ofriciais said,..The-FBI said-Judith; Harry Meeker. 2.5, a self-employed White was the 596th prisoner of war the salesman started an incident that in-Communists have freed. The total in- volved both P8ssengers 0 and crew duded 564 American military men. 24 members on the National Airlines American civilians, two Thais. two scheduled nonstop flight Saturd~y night Filipinos. two Canadians and two \Yest rrom f\.·1iami to San Francisco. Germans. ( R-Conn.). and denounced by a spo kesm(ln for the Nixon committee as "absolutely. categorically, undeniably" fal se. \VEICKER SAID also fie.believes White House Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman was so closely iiivolved with the Committee for the Re-Election of the President that he "had to knoW what was going on" in the way of political espi~g,e.__ He said Republican campaign aides were "almost competitive as to who· could do the--dirtiest deed,!.'...Weicker said he had been told by Alfred C. Baldwin that office activities or Sens. Charles Percy (R-rll.), and Jacob Javits (R- N.Y.), and Rep. Paul N. 1.fcClo6key (R- Calif.), were among those marked for surveillance. Baldwin. a former FBI agent, has testified he was hired to wiretap Democratic telephone calls. Weicker said Baldwin told him he had been ordered by convicted Watergate burglar Jams W. McCord to stake ·OUl those offices and several others on Capitol Hill. BALDWIN, HE said, had been told to watch the comings and goings from the offices of Sens. Edward M. Kennedy {D- Mass.); Edmund S. Muskie (0-Maine), William Proxmire (D-Wis.); Mike Gravel (IJ.Alaska): and Rep. Shirley Chisholm (IJ.N.Y.) . Weicker said this surveillance was on the "exhibition schedule" of the alleged spies leading to what he called the main event: Bugging Democratic headquarters in the Watergate office building and spying on Democratic leaders at . the party's convention in Miami Beach, Fla. He said the June 17 arrests inside the Watergate foiled plans laid for that weekend to break into the Presidential c;ampaign headquarters of Sen. George McGovern (l}.S.D.), a nd to fly to Miami to bug the telephones 0£ Democratic Chairman Lawrence f . O'Brien and other party leaders. WEICKER SPOKE on !he CBS in- terview, "Face the Nation." · When reached for comment, Javits and Percy said they had not heard of such alleged activities concerning their of· fices. Percy, who said he was both surprised and puzzled at the report, said that if it is true he would consider it an ''outrageous 11ction." Wind Blamed for 2 Deaths • ' -. Ftoodin • Raging Tornp;does Plague Nation By Tiie Auocloted Pftts Flood conditions worsened today along the rain-swollen MiS!issippi River and in the South, where torrential rains ao- oompanied by lomadoes battered por- tions of two states during the weekend. Snow was still piling up In the Southwest, and strong winds w_hipped 1n 80UthW<Sfem areas not hit by the HEAVY SNOW w were )o•t!d for the mOWltalns of southwest an~n­ tral r.oloraik>, central · and "'"st~m ..... Arl1.ona and 'New h-tepco. )tore than ~ foot of new snow fell Sunday ln Utah. Rain fell w~l of· the Rockies and in U .S~ets Co~r =- _,,,,---- Cambodia Flig!lf From ~lre Services town~f Tuk ~. American Fill fighter jets blasted ~d-Gov ent losses were recorded as vancing communist lines on embattled Jour illed and 14 wounded, the command Highway 2 today, but succeeded .only_1n--said. covering the retreat of goverMnent Meanwhile. in \Vashington, Defense forces as Communist troops stormed into Secretary Elljot L. Richardson says the the district town or Chambak only 20 present €ambodian government ...wo.idd miles sou~~~_!>hnom Penh. have trouble surviving without U.S. bombing support unleSS'·the-€ommunlsts agree to a cease-fire. Fl'ELD OFFICERS said the American warplanes made at leaSt eight sorties against the town of Chambak itself before returning to their bases in Thailand. Monday marked the 26th con· secutive day of intensified American air raids in Cambodia. Field reports said government troops retreated two miles north on Highway 2 under a heavy Communist 82 mm mortar • barrage. Initial casualty fimlres were put at seven dead .and 33 wowided. Communist units intensified offensive f>peaitions m._every fn>g~y, and well informed miiUary sources said the daily U.S. B52 and Fill strikes have com- pletely failed to stem the current Com- munist push. DURING THE PAST tv.·o months, Commllnist units have managed to sever every major supply route feeding the Cambodian capital, including Highways I, 2, 3 and 4, and the nation's ml').it im· portant supply artery, the Mekong River . According to the high command, fighting erupted along the banks of the A1ekoog_ less than 15 miles southeast of Phnom Penh today as Communist forces staged ·a fierce ground attack against the 2600 YEARS OF .. ' DELICIOUS TRADmDN Here's a really different meaHn-a-hurry ... at pin money prices! Great Japanese food for you to enjoy anytime, take anywhere ... and you can keep your shoes on, too! CHICK-A-BOB 35¢ CHICK-TERI 35¢ ftMPURA 55¢ TERI-BURGER UC FRIED RICE 30¢ and much more! THE FALL OF Cambodia could threaten the security of the Thieu government in South V i e t n a m , Richardson said Sunday. The secretary said U.S. bombing raids over Cambodia are justified because the U.S. aim "is to support a government with which we have been fighting, in a continuing eJfort to bring ·the · fighting to an end." South Vietnam said tcxl.ay it will boycott the Joint Military Commission until Communist forces end their five- week-old siege of the Tong Le Chan ranger base, 50 miles north of Saigon. A military spokesman said Saigon has proposed that it and the Viet Cong send a joint team of majors and colOnels to the encircled camp lo "solve the problem." "SOUTH VIETNA~t will boycott any" further meeting of the JMC until Com· mwiist troops stop their attacks against the Tong Le Chan base or at least pennit the evacuatioit of govenunent wowided remaining at the base," the spokesman. U. Col. Lee Truong Hieil, said at his dai- ly press briefing. aouthem FleQda. h Flash flood watches were pooled f<>< portions of southern New Engl!lJld, where a weekend thunderstorm dumped up 1to _,., ~ 3 ~ inches of raih. ... ""' Fair weather prevailed froro the ~¥ Allantlc coast west to . ~tbem Plains and over most or trom.Ja, 1.Jt Alton, ill., t , isslssippi swirled t~gh· downtoWn streels:. Two levees. in eastern "'Missouri failed and flooding became widespread in the '!;Vest Alton and _Old M5 dislricts j"_'.IY t_odaY· STATE POLICE said the 1'V"!! the Missouri River side o_L..WeSt Alton was overtopped at lbouf:'"4 a.m. and broke shortly aft,er."Water apprQBChed the town -of westAlton -forcing the ~vacuation 10 to 20 families by boat. Corp6 of Engineers a~~'f' volunteer . workers· gave up sandbagging' efforts !zt the area. A Civil Defense spokesman said -about 10,000 acres of famtland were heing flooded. The COrps of Engineers said the levee in the Old Monroe di,strict along the ~tississippi River \Vas also overtopped early this morning. A spokesman said the town of Old Monroe is not in danger at this time-- but that thousands of acres of .fannland were ~und8ted~ ----- , " TI:IE CLEANUP from Saturday night's .. tornadoes was going on beside flood i: preparation today in portions of Georgia .j and South Carolina. The twisters, which il struck before National Weather Service " radar could spot them, inflicted severe •1 property damage and claimed at least eight lives._ 'DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Dtll'l'tf'Y cf the Daily Pilot is 9uarantttd Mal'tdlY·Frk11y1 If ytu 6t ntl tllYt ytur P•Pt• Dy S:JO p,m .. c;IH •ltd YftUf ,,,, wiU H llrt119hl It ytw. C•I!$ ire likll!I IHIUI f:JO p.m. S1lurt11r IM 5ntty: H YtV "' •I r«•1¥t ytv• t•PY •Y t 1,m, S1tv..,1y, or I 1.m. Svn<Uy, c1H •ltd '1 ctpy wi!I lot •rlMlfhl It yov. C•ll• •rt t•k•• until 10 1.m. T tl~ph.ones Mou OranGt County Artes • · • 642 .. 1)21 •nd Wn1mlnt.ter ... NorlhWHt -Huntlng!IHI Be.ell 540·1210. So11 Cltmenh!, C1pJ,ir1no Be1tetl, San Ju1n C1pl11rano, Dena Point, Sovtll L1gun1, L111una Nigvel 492•4420 ·-' ) ,. I I r I : l l . ; I • -----~1-- YQURS IN~JUST • 90 SECONDS! GR-AND OPENING 1---Grtsts-Hp-to-60-MPH-f ause-Havoc;-Will-Sul:Jside·---+-----l ' MATIO!o!AI WIA1Nlt ~l lYl(I IOlllCAIT t• '1AM IST 4 .·, -1) " 30.41 30.74 • '· .•. '' ~ . ' ' .• .. • .... " 11'! 1 LastPOWs . Welcomed With Song 1'RAV!S AFB (UPI) -A jublianl Oq: , waving crowd burst Into patriotic song Sun- day when the nation's final captives or the Vietnam \Var .. came home across a red, wh' and blue welcome Ina Sixteen I lsoners ol 11•1 war st -from the dark 1 ~ly ..... of a C141 Starlilter jet :i~_...-Tuto .the bright California slID-· • • Another 1n'JW-e.J . -Sky_divers Crash --, In Air; 1 Killed ELSINORE iUPJI -A sky- diver, his wrists. apparently iroken bv a collision with an· cilher parachutist breaking a .... ·ay from a tricky IO.n1an star format ion. struggled help- lessly y,·ith his ripcord as he Jell 3,500 feet to his d'3th. ported ii) lair condi,tion . at Loma Linda rtfedlcal Center y,•ith a possible. broken spine and internal injuties. BOTll WERE veteran sky· divers. Hover had made 100 jumps and Radecke, w!\O·held an expert rating from the U.S. Parachute Association, w a s making his 332:nd jump. Ski liift Spills ---SQUAW VALLEY (UPI) -A Hrt cable derailed at this ski resort Sunday, spilling, a half d o z e n passengers about 20 feet 10 the snow. There were no serious injuries reported . The derailment w a s caused by youngs ters swinging in their seats. causing the Exh.ibilton Lift cable !o jump the gUide \\•heel. said Hans Von Nolde. a spokesman for the resort . .. DAILY PILOT !j SACRA~1ENTO (API -A bill. whic h would have placed "truth-in-funerals" bill and Telphose under a regula tory body dominated by orthodox two other measurures "to pro-funernl directors, was l:ilted in tcc t bereaved relnfivt-s from coinmi tJc~ a f 1 er extensi\'e high·pressure tactics" have debn te. befn proposed by a California ~ K.:ipUoff said he plaoned to legislator. introduce his th r ee -part The proposals are certain lo ·package today. It would re· arou se strong oppositio!l from quire itemized labeling -in the powerful funeral di rector's advance -of funeral nr- lobby, 1 Ass em b t y ma n rnngements. It would establish Lawrence Kapi111ff (0 -San penalties for violating o Diego) said Sunday. decedent 'S burial instructions, .....----~ shine as a chorus of "God Bless America" swelled from 6,500 greet<fs ,. the Jarg~· of the u,Operation Homecoming" gatherlnp. Toby M. Radecke, 29, o/ Los Angeles. Sunday smashed to earth in a backyard in the Sedco Hills south of Lake El· sinore. With eight other parachut-'----~-------' The proposals were sug-and would provide for a 1na· gested by a low-cost bodv jority of public members-on disposal_ organization which the State Board of Funeral the Legislature came close to Directors and Embalmers. • .. ',.I '" " ·" ·. • • ,,. .. r ~ • Mai.car stud11 SACRAMENTO (AP) -A newly n.leased rePort sheds light on why manl[: doctprs and hospitals provl!fing ser· -vices to Med.1-0ll patients have complained that it takes for- eve!' r0'!4lthem to be reim- bursed. Jn a report to the t~isla­ ture. released Sunday, the Joint LegislaHve Audit Com- mittee saf' three private in- surance cq:npanies hired to process claims set up an inad· equate svstem, then failed to ooerate It properly -and ther. chall'?ed the state $4.5 million mo~ than had been authoriz- ed by the Legislature. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - 'l'heo(lore R. Meyer, former chainnan of the University of California Board of Regents, is dead at the age of 70 . Ul"IT ........ Boporer, Honoree John V. Hover, 21, of Loma Linda, Calif., a dental student, was knocked out by the im- pact with Radecke, seconds after Hover's parachute de- ployed. He was un'conscious when he landed, and was re- President Nixon, "unabashed ~movie fan," -awarded director John For d the nation's hl~hest ciyilian medal of freedom during a Beverly Hills tribute to the veteran film maker by the American Film In· stitute. Narco 'Plant' Trial Slated pa~ LOS ANGELES (AP) --Pretrial n)qtlons are set for Alcatraz Starts New Life SA!! FRANCISCO (AP) - Alcatraz Island, the rocky out- cropping off the San Francisco waterfront that has been sym- bolic of Americ3's . toughest criminals and Indian militan- cy, begins a new career today as a park. go back and roam all around and have a picnic lunch." Much · of the historic prison, abandoned in 1963, is in ruins or littered with trash from the ravages of time anQ. nature and a 19-month oc· cupation by militant In!llans. April a ih Superior Court for Beverly Hills attorney DoMa Y. Gordon, who pleaded in- nocent to charges that she solicited a narcotics officer to plant cocaine on Dr. Monroe Richmon, community colleges board of trustees president. She was indicted March 14 by the county grand jury and is free-on her promise to ippear in court. lsts, they bailed out of a twin- e!lj!ine Beechcra(t at '12.500 feet to form a star, a demand- ing and d~rous maneuver requiring control and nerVe. Skydivers "fly" their bodies. by muscular control. until all jumper! are on the S8?1e level, then come together in a circle and join hands as they plummet earthward. THE JUMPERS broke out of the star at 3,500 feet. they said. Mover's chute had just deployed .when Radecke. still moving at top · speed, slam· .med into him. R~decke-rould---be-seen try• ing to pull the ,ripcord hand· les on both his main and stomach mounted reserve parachutes, ground observers said, but coulOnot get them open, apparently because of broken wnms sufered in the collision. Gary Douris, general man- ager of the Ets.inore Para- center, said he inspected Radecke's reserve .chute after the tragedy and found it work- ing properly. Ttih to Be USSR Bound putting ou t of business last "These b,llls are long over- year 1'Kapilofl added. due," Kapiloff said. "\Yith the That organization, t h e· high cost of dying today. it is Telophase Society of San imperative that we enact OAKLAND ( up I ) Diego. provides cremations strong legislation to protect and disposal of the aslies-<!l ,the next-of-kin from those fe\v Leonard Moore says he11 start sea - arranged in advance by unscrupulous funeral directors rowing a bathtub from the the d~'edent -for $250, plus a who, tn the name of love for United Stales to Russia July 4 membership fee 'of $15 to $25. the dear departed, squt'cze to deliver a million letters as The average oost of funerals every possible penny out of an ambassador of good. will. nationally including cemetery the relatives." "There is a· nee<i for plots and headstones, is The "truth·in-funerals" bil l reportedly about $1 ,700. would require every contract · friendship around the world." between next-of·kin . and satd_Moore, 48. "li we. just TELOPHASE-d·i r-e c-t-o r -funcraldire:t.tors to include ;in stand there and s3y it, most Thomas B. \Veber told a itemization of ''variOus extr·-,---11 pea:ple wouldn''t pay any at-legis lative hearing.-last year cos1rwnrerrtl1C'fll1nltylnay--.. tention. But if we dramatize that the funeral industry "is not want" such as organ it, people will see the need." . trying to bury us" 'A»ith a bill music, transportation of Moore, director of the West introduced by state Sen. Jack mourners in a limousine, color Oakland Conununity Center, Schrade (R-5an Diegol. The photos and nowers. once rowed his bathtub 100\p; ___________________ _, miles down the Sacramento River to publicize the com· munlty center. This time he plans to row the 41h-foot long tub 52 miles across the Bering Sea from the Wales In western Alaska to the u.s.s.a: 2 FOR 1 PRIME RIB THRU APRIL .. I I I I Meyer died here Saturdav nl~ht <at Franklin Hospital, after_ a battle against cancer. The COl"(X>nlte and tax law ex~ oert \ves a formf" head of' the Mechanics Jnstltute. and past oresldent of thP. Californiit a11d San Fr<1ncisco Bar Associ- :ttions. The-notorious f o.r mer federal prison island ~ssed Sunday into the hands or the National Park Service, which plans to open "The Rock" to public tours as soon as boat transportation can be ar- ranged. Four Up Front in LA Mayoralty Race i I I I i Alread y planned is a tour that will take visitors through • PHr.llsfaer.Dles the forbidding old ma in cellblock, and then to behold a SAN DIEGO (AP) -A Ti-sweeping view of the San Juana, Mex ., weekly newspa-Francisco skyline and green per publisher drowned and six hills to the north in Marin companions were rescued an-County. what Los Angeles is today , and he adds, "We like it like it is." LOS ANGELES (A P) - There's a sort of impiSh Irish smile on his ruddy face as Sam Yorty, the bouncy-mayor of Los Angeles greets support-ers of his re-election effort in NOW ruNE in on one of Tuesday's primary election the millions Cl TV sets in the campaign. sprawling Los Angeles Basin. "I never dreamed when I was running track here at UCLA that I would be running for mayor of Los Angeles." Then an actor's voice comes on, urging the 1.2 million reg· isteJ'!'(I voters In Los Angeles "Vote for a working ma:ror:" Bradley and 12 other men are challenging Yorty In Tues- day's primary for mayor Al~ heavily in the race are former Los Angeles police 1 chief Tom Reddin and fonner Assembly speaker Jess Unruh. ""a.2$.loot cal!b! (l'ajgU>\'.er:_. _"P!"lPI•'•~ .l!."P!'~ ~ turned in heavy seas at the to change once they've oeen mouth of_ the San Diego river, on the island," said Dave -authorities said. --mes;-8-6UpeJintendent-in-the "We have a good city," says In a slickly produced com- lhe 63-year-old Yorty wllo rel-.....ctal, City C:ouncilman ishes tl1e informality of being Tom Bradley, a &-foot-4 black -known as-''Mayor-Sam" and man, strides across the turf who boasts he'~ the only Amer-ol an empty:, silent athletic ican ma)'.Q!" lri!IL•-~ign-stadillllL-. _ _ policy. "I love this city," says winding up a campa at _centered_larply_ Oil persooa!--1----- ities ·and has generated only mild_ ~tbusiasm among An- YOU ARE ALL INVITED TO A ~ I • The dead man was Alejan-new Golden Gate. National dro Perez-Garcia; publisher of Recreation Area. ''They, ..say '4 th€ La Ertra paper. it's fanta~ and'.ttie,J: ~~t to Yorty is more than willing Bradley -21 years on the po- lo take a share of credit for lice force, 10 as a councilman. gelino!. . -- The Great Western feeling. Everywhere. you go, all over California, the giant GW means strength. And when you save with· Great Western, our strength is your strength. Because -then-you -know you have money that is safe and growing. You're backed by assets over $4 Billion and our record of absolute safety since 1887. You're earning the highest rates in the nation on in- sured savings. And, of course, you're getting all of our free financial services. With the help of more gooq people in more offices than any other-savings-association. Get the good feeling of strength. The feel- ing that comes from knowing you've put your savings in exactly the·right place. That's the. Great Western feeling. NOW SERVING THE COSTA MESA / SANTAANA COMMUNITY • DVANJA OF OUR SPECIAL PRE-OPENING PHASE #1 OFFER. This is lhe tolal ave raga cost if you enroll only on a course designed Individually for you • : :~~GREAT WESTERN -sAVl.NGS JACK LAlANNE'S 1.4. ·I ,, ' <!\." .... i ... '°'"',,. ..... c..r I • ........ l•IMI • , .. tlltl Arttluf P. Moort, V,P,.Mgr, --· t .. , ...... .. •IUIMA PMft 1-U.QUNA HIUA/1.MMtre W01M "" ....... ..., u ...... a7-l'lt:t. .., •• ,.. ...... tsf.1111 Wlyne L Shtpptfd. V,P,.M&f. JtclCHoe4. Y.P..M•· I .... ,,,A ANA • I 'Mtl ........ M 11Mft • M7·71n Joy [Jllolt, V,P,Mcr. , 9 ,t.M, to 4'30 P.M. Dolly I UntH 6 P .M. Fridays/ FN0 l'llld .. 'SUL BEACHILtltVNWOrld 2111 W••tmlnal•r A••· • 4M-44S1 John A. H~ v.P.-Mar. ,_wmlACIC0Ylft90f ... CMllllOM: .... ~---.._~1tuc••CM1111._,.0..........,......,,...Dlrlf/ .. Otl ..... AltoPrwCMolaoAMoflll"8M. MEMBER, f'ED£RALSMINGSNIO UWI lllSUIWCE<XlRl'OIUl1lOfl FEDEAAl.HOM£ LOAll MHK • A &!INOSASSOCIATIOI< Of Gl!EAT W£STER~ FINANCIALCORPORATION ,.. _,,,, '"' ----' • • • l u.i!>fi"""'HEALTlf SPAS COSTA MBA/SANTA ANA J611 SOUTH l•tSTOL c.....n.ctMti ...,. ., c.,... •• ,,..._. .; M.U.rthr • ·- •fJ WUTCU'f HIV( l(WPOIT IEAC•, CAUF, fOI llllllYATIOl!I CAlL. (7MJ Ml-4"5 CALL NOW 919·4800 • • • • . ' --- • • om-miss to The South Coast Re~onal Zone Conservation Com· mission, established to~plement the Coastline Con· servation lnltiatlve (Pro . 20), is beginning to look like a ship wlthout a rudde , loundering in a sea of paper· work. ~--- As of last week, the 'commission had taken action on . 27 applications for exemptions and permits, out o( 100 proeesoed. It had a 'backlog of 550 applications and was &etiln:g new requests at the rate of 25 a day. . ' -------· _,_ '!be regjonaJ body may he hampered bY regulations set up bY ihe ·state on hearing and voting procedures. The regional commission's "boss," the state Coastal Zooe Cooservatio'o Commi...ion meets Wednesday at the Newporter IM in Newport Beach. Maybe this will be an opportunity for the regional body to ~et some luid· ance on -or relief from -iis difficulties . Control Needed ·Now --~~-- • . • .;· I ·l I " ! At this rate, one staff planner figures, the regional commission will be about a year behind within three months. · -Even action tak en by the commission is not con· elusive In some instances, for its ruling can be appealed to 'the llate. In fact , Chairman Robert Roj>ney recentiy In the past two years; lumll"r prices have increased · as.much. as 56..percenl..ln..J!l!lle,~. SoftwQ!lCl ll,Jlll· her rose 8 percent in February ilone. l ___ ~ ( ........ ) ' -· expresaed the hope that the public would appeal some of the approved ,exemptions, which he felt were not in keeping with the intent of the Coastal Conservation Act. Suits filed by developers afso confront the body, and and the legal battles are going to be very costly to every· Obe in time and in money. · To the homebuyer, this can mean a boost of $1,500 to $2,000 in the cost of a house. To the small contractor, wbo cannot afford to at.ockpuo it is beginning to mean that prices are completely out of reach -if indeed any luniber it all can 'be found. · · This week in Wasltington, tho Cost of Living Coun· ciJ will open hearings to try to .determine what·can be done to ilicrease supplies and get lumber prices back In line. -But the principal handicap seems to be the com· inission's procedural disorganization and a lack of agree- ment on practical working rules. These would at least get it moving faster through the mountain of wock. 1-----Regrettably typical was last week's situation, when ttve-:-oommission members who had been on the short end of a 6-5 vote against ·adjourning a lengthy meeting, ,_ ____ slrn_o_Plf!y walked out. It left the meeting without a quorum . One action promised is increasin~ the production of logs from natlonil forests to 11.8 billion·board feet this year, an increase of 1.8 billion board feet over 1972, with the additional supply earmarked for domestic use. Government negotiators also are tryin~ to persuade Japan to.cut its purchases of U.S. lumber. Thev last year --aooounted-for 85-percent of the-total 3 billion board feet-of lumber exporis.-~ 1 -ranted, H .rtl'O eaSy to-start---a meeting in the -----,aftemoon and have it drag on after midnight. But it '!'Ould be more reasonable to agree at the outset on a firm adjournment hour. This would benefit theavait· Ing public as well as the commission members. When the wage and price freeze moved into Phase II, government spokesmen S:\n~led out lumber prices for soecial comment. noting they had somehow con· linued to rise, deSPite the freeze. The promised "in· quiry" is Ion~ overdue. Price and export controls clear- I:v are in order if the construction·industry is to meet Similarly, commissioners who know they will have to leaw a meeting early should make this known at the outset of the meeting, instead of simply disappear· ing when important votes are pending.' the nation's housing needs. . .. Abor_tfun Not an Issue For Court.S ~ . ' swer is - don't. But 111ly half an The full an .. that nobody I "qualified" le on such an t. questiOn ; 1 knows enougb about all the facets !d, and their loog·term lmplica- 1 THE fact of the matter is that if preme Court didn't make a n, somebody else would. And this y else would be state legislators ing to the diverse pressures and ·ces of their populations and con· cies. er the Supreme Court ruling, no is compelled to }lave an abortion ; a matter of personal choice. Under state laws, women were compelled to have them, with no personal seems c~ar to me that as long u remain such deep and widespread erences, it Is healthier in a racy for the law to come down on side of freedom, rather than on the of· coercion. LEAVING wholly aside the tangled its and demerits of abortion (which, , . Dear T Gloo~y · Gus Dr. Timothy Leary has testified he ·-is.-a-Pontiac -and-a-Chevrolet, buL if he claitn.!J to be a Ford we'll know he's on an LTD trip. -A.R.V. '. '. ' -' _, .. ~ Samples· 'of ~tt(411 in Comnaunity Action . ·\ .. ,, '•i ' ,,. ....... ~Thos4e Cr·o·codil·e Tears for the OEO • •• WASHINGTON -Those wails ,of pro-convicted of attempted arson, being ap-earlier the properly had bee1' appraised test and cries or ··out.rage· .o~er the ~ · ~ prchended with a fire bomb at a sc hool. at $15,200. dismantling of the Office Of ~omic ROBERT S.Al-,J·,EN . ChA sta1.rr members .wereh investigated by Fort Lauderdale . FJa .: Communi ty Ac· -Oppartunity-·"(OEO)-are·-as··-phtm)"-and--·----t e po ice on narcotics c arges. · tion director and cmploye were convicted hypocritical as Croc0d11e · te'ars: ·· ~ as""Vegis-:-N"ev .:-EXeCutive·dir~tor -or·ri·l!tng-meml:fers-uf :an·auto-theft-ring-. "'--- . • · . used CA effiployes to work on his NaSsau, New York: CA employes who Not only are they grossly' m~sl~adJng misdeeds , including inciting riots, racial residence with materials charged to the refused to participate in a Jeftist-0rgan- and wtfounded, bot they-are det1betately disorders and outright revolution. program . Also, the CA was used in ~ ized "march 00 Washington" Were fired. P-'~andand oi:gan-THE SORDID Commu .1 A ti l partisan campaign £or the election of the Elizabeth, N.J.: CA bqq.rd member u.eu prompt~ . . ru Y c on s ory -board chairman. strictly by self·m· 1S--graphically sununed-up......by-Rober.t-__ ,..,...,,,=.:-i-_ --.----'--_ r..e~P a_hous,e to _Beadstart for '225 a terest.--"';""" · -;-,a: Hawkins-Jr., Cilifornia OEO director: _ ~U!~~g. _ _.!_n~.: _xecut ive d1rect~r month , while paying $55 a month -for the _ .. _ --.-) ....,-. .. '.1 -In virtually e\'ery -"-Thfr&-will..:.be ..few '°' mourn the ex.__ cliarlerea a_ private p I a n ~ -:for-his place. And a CA employe rented a house nfmf·~t' ;flk\{n.,i~ g:itertwined~ma.,_.--the are-~ ~tinctian~H;,omm & Aclioo . 'J>Crsqnal-use, and arranged a·1u1cy con--to the agency for S383-a month that he thln idfi"SRIW-~f\ftthg ro fecognl~t. ~ijit;lk;;at ~-The war on poverf; .. ~mised -:i::~~t ffacrnrr-a-telatlve:--as buying-for-1 128-amonth-on-a-VA --·--,l~-~;~~-a~(l.l;lor:tion ~J~~l.'te<tby . delivered little. The majority of poor Yakima, Wash.: Community Action loan. • ' la1'11i'i..,.,_,.,.., J111wuu DI" 1tiOfe .n. .1 ~ j0ll6008, pepple didn't participate. If you went to -employes engaged in confrontations with Sao Juan. Tex .: CA em.PJoye11 were re- leglll-;, OP!!fl a. year, forcing .,...; 1~ teftil\.s; !Ocial Work-watts and asked the man on the street, school authorit~, in u,nion organizing quired. ~fie~ ~,ck part of their salaries peopTu •• tO l~ and detei.Ve and conspire ers, and other pro-. the chances are he had never heard of and strike picketing-during'their work-to the boacH; president. who was and connive,i making a rew abortionists fess looal do-gooders, black activists and thl!"program. Yet they spent $60 million a ing hours. unemployed .. Atso, local attorneys were much ric~J aI)d lheir many victims bard-core welfare bood.Jers. year there." Jer~y Cit:Y, N.J .'"! CA agency was cap-hired for he rty"fetai ners although work· much poorer. Currently in existmCe are 907 CA agen-tured by the Black Panthers, who used ing fuU·ti me oil 'Other matters. CA board As.St. Thomas advised us long ago, not NOTHING more devastatingly reveals cies throughout the country, due' to lose its federal funds to disseminate hat~ of directors Cn~:iiot meet once during an everything;Ji.t may be mor.ally un-the trile spurious nature of this carefully iederal funding Juni 30. As of A"'".128, 10 literature and provide bail for party 18-month period, and there was. no d I f b dde H -contrived and orchestrated anvil chorus .,.~ desirable be lega ly or 1 n. e than the £ollowing two facts : regional OEO OffK:eS will. be Shu~ down ; members arrested on criminal charges, evidence the poo r, black or white, ever reiniads u.s to. consider the "po.uibilif¥" of their 1,500 erDployes, mcri Uian, half including bombing of police stations. got any benefits. f 1 11 the ban be nf reed 1 ~ (1) OEO is NOT being scrapped. Every ll f red lb ' o a aw -WJ e o au'-\ program that has proved itself effective ,wi be trans er to o er goyernlnent Canton, Ohio: CA funds 'were used to Portla nd, Ore.: CA board cha1nnan ly, is it pr-Qaent to undertake such en· nd d · bl · · "'""" · ·, purchase lumber from a f1·rm owned by a was convicted ··of fire·bombing. as the forcemei-it If other IOclal ill s are created a . ~Jra e '~.not only being retained f"'#"· • : .. b it and is .......,.rcive law a'good means but given additional funds .. -Actually, SHOCKINGLY illustrative 'o(' the real board dir~tor .. One full-time staff leader of an arson gang that set fire to at l Y ' . ,:"" alit .. ., these activ!Uea have been paff. of QEO in nature of the Commufilty Acfiou #<>gram ~ employe hired his daughte.r: at $300 a least seven major structures. or securmg~mor y_ · Cl name onJy for some t~: While tuiided and what is behind the belloWS :•f com· month. TRJS infamous record could go on and IN mE E of allortion, the PQOrest ~ through OEO, they have been ad· ptaints about its Jmikmg is· that 80 per· Grand Junction, Colo.: CA attorney on. There are pages and pages of similar and most rattt have sulfertd the m~tered by the Labor Department, cent of the CA budget went for head· used offi~ial letterhead to boost the cir· outrages in ·which professional poverty most, while the affluent neither bear the HEW, HUD and other permanent agen-quarters' salaries and other overhead ex-culation ol an underground newspaper in czars fattened their pocketbooks at the burden or illegitimacy no'r run the risks cies. penses. . · which he bad an interest. federal trough \\'hlle the poor got or infection or death at the bands of (2) Only the notorious scandal-riddled Only 20 percent of CA money, if that Harlem, Mont.: CA paid a local at· nothing -except to be exploited in the unlicensed and untrained butchers for ex-Communi~y Action program is being much, ever got dOwn to the pOOr. torn ey who was the city attorney of fanfared name of the anti-poverty pnr orbitant fees. Fraud, corruption and junked. During the nine years' existence Further it was in these heavily staffed another. community $20,000 as a "tourist gra m. social _hypocrisy may be more "im· of this malodorous boondoggle, it has and costlf headquarters that most of the speciali st." The numerous OEO programs being JnOral" Utan the medical act of abor-cost taxpayers more than $2.8 billion scandals, boodlihg and .other abuses oc-Northeast Oklahoma : Regional CA retained, and "'hich constitu ted some tion. while chalking up an unparalleled record curred. Following are cross-country ex-headquarters purchased a $ 3 9 , 5 0 0 two-thirds of lts mor.e than $2 billion In-an ideal society, and an under· of corruption, waste, mismanagement amples: building from the brother or one of the budget , include a wide range or educa- "populated world, it might conceivably be and nwnerous other abuses and York, Pa.: An associate director was project's. lawyers. although six months tion, health, training and rehabilitation ~sid:!'edl~n~rU:~ toe~~dic~~ti~~~':i · activities, as Jollo"'s: theologians disagree on the "evil" of HEADSTART, widely popular educa- abortion, and the sociif consequences of B tt M • th · M k tional project wilh a $400 -million budget. anti·abortion laws are so obviously unfair oyco IS~ es e ar will be permanenlly shifted to HEW, and repressive. we must let individual where the Office of Education has been conscience decide for itself. running it in recent years. The training • ,, and related activities of Manpower, with more than $1 billion, to be moved to the i -habor Department-;-which-.i.s--already managing it. • . Also health centers and family plan· ning, with an increased budget of 1102.6 million, to HEW ; community economic development shifted to the Office of Minority Business Enterprise or Com· merce Department with $2.6 million in-" crease in budget; National Institute of . , Mental Health budget boosted to $29.3 .. million ($6.3 mill ion increase ) and . , assigned to HEW supervision; alcoholic . counseling and recovery-ibilted to Na· , tional Institute for Alcoholism and Alcoholic Abuse and given a higher .. budget of $14 4 mjl!ioo ; misrant-and!;;;;r--- seasonal farm wor~er prqgr_am t over to Labor Departmept with .million budget, $3.7 millio~ bike. ORANOI COAIT l1JJl)J~i~·ll Robtrt N. Wud, Pub~!htr Thomai K ttVil. Editor Ba rl>oro K-rtibich EdifOffa! Poge Editot · The t'ditnrin.I 1ittg<' or tho Dall\.' Piiot i.C<'k!I tn fnf11nn and •tlmU. 11111· rl'l\d(•r11 by J)~cnUnsi thl11 nc1\1~pl!'r'!I oplniun5 •nd· t.'Om· !TW'n111r)' on tupi~ of !ntel"Nit 11nd 111.Wnllic.an..-.·. b)' 1n11\'ldln1t a f1M'Un1 ffll' !l\C• ('XIJl'•~'lion uf our' rt!',_drnt' nuini·u~, and h3,1 llf'l'k'flt1n.: tb,•. dl\ 1·!"llr• \.-l•'"'r" •i nt_. •it I nfOnTl('Ct ob· !>1'~1'1"11, and J1.flok1.;s~n on topic. o( th<' dit , Morntay, April '2. \9'13 . ... ••• • • ::; . ;. :;:-: ;: .. .. • ------ ' I ' • •• ' DAILY PILOT 7 . -1Contro ' .. ... 00n'-N6ise··=---+=~ ~- By Phll lnterlandi V.Atican ~h.4-DDMve~'_A-::-. ~~~-,~~m....:....:.h_P_:__· _u~t _o_n_.__'·_._B_r_.id_Jg;z_e_'~_] :~:Proposed -__ SAN..D!RGQ.(A!').-A-cil)I law h"'! been · l'fOPOsed to · l)!gulate .noise lit sa11. Diego, 'iiicludini barking .dogs and planes iq Dight, · · ·NO indoor meeting such as a "1"QCk concert .would produce iound in excess,of 100.deci.bels !or' more t~n 31) seconds. ' ' -·Ecoi'OGY ~-"~ ---· -----~*-... ___ No car horn could be. sound- ed except iQ emergency. , <\n unduly nol!y . pet 'Would be banned from the city. The ordina'nce was drawn by a pand, Of ~itiUns ,inCluding \ ".'. (}_. /J -! doctor's . and noi~ specipl~ts. . ~ Y.·Z . , • . . : : city C:Ouncilrnan · jw Bates o KJq " ........ ~··'""""' i... ,,,,_ w..w ,_.. __.. · Said. , . , . .. Violaµorts of specific decibel 1: met him throtlgh compyter .d,atiog. It turiis out·we limits would be a misde-both lied about the same things." meanor with ·a maximum puni.shmenl of six months Ill_,_ jall and a $500 fine. ?----------~-------'----~ ·e fluak¢ Study- BAKERSFJELD (AP ) - The Kei:n County Board of SupervisOrs has-authorized $3,000 :cor additional , seismographic studies in the . area of a proposed 8,000-aere ,community near Lebec. ) - . The board acted after hear- ing the resuJts of another hearing bekltt the county ~~"t::;g t ~C:i:ve~~~j multi-million dollar project being considered by Larwin Development, Inc. lor the Te-. Jon Raqch Co. e Lftlee Help SACRAMENTO (AP) - A plan to .strengthen levees in ttle ·Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta has been introduced in the legislature by Chairman · Howard Way of the Senate Agricultu~ and Wat e r Resources Committee. L. • J olm Wayne 1st . ' Singing Cowboy Rare is -the Seasoned Citizen who can name the first singing cowboy of the movies. John Wayne says he was the fellow. "I finally convinced my producer he ought to find somebody else who could at least carry a time," says ·wayne. "?.fy successor was Gene Autry." GeL-it right: Old Paul Revere didn't shout: 11The Brit- ish are coming !" What he shouted was : "The Regulars are . · · coming!" ... Did I tell' you the feet of ' most eagles are bright yellow? . . . Those two ailments the medical quacks • Tl\e measure would provide up to $300,000 in state funds -fur tile progmp, wtuChS\em7 - roed from a levee break last -:. most favor for their phoney cure claims are said to be cancer arid ar~ t}lritis ... Average vo!Ume of poetry sells 2,000 copies, that's all ... Do you know what the combs and wattles oo-ehickens-are--for-2--To-keep them cool. Chicken"s do not perspire, the dainty little rascals . . summer,-fiooding Andrus and BraMan lslands. LATER MARRIAGE -Men bereaboots aren't marry- ing as young ,as they did IO years agq. Neither are women. Latest census figures .show that. ~ifically, there are five percent more bachelors under age 35 now than a -7 Commuter's Reverie . 01i .Golde1i Gate-S paw1is Movie -Women'· .. • -\'~T!CAN CITY (UPI) -SAi'; FRA~ (AJ?) -~ qisteel ~none day he was driving across 1he Tiie Yalicari has given formal daydreamed about .a11omovte Plot while bridge \\'ilh a Criend, producer-director permission to lay persons, in· commuting acro6s the GoJiien .~te ,~.s T. Flock er. Casteel says they eluding women, to distribute Bridge. Six months later, ~ \Vas l5 ~ about the idea almost' as a Job ·communion wafers in stories above the Pacific Oce~. starring wtin~ "slugging do\\'ll a few" that nli;:ht. in the movie that grew out~or tiis reverie. ~ithin t Y10 n1ont hs. Flock.er sold the circumstances 'where priests The film created by the San Fran.c1sco idea to Sam Nc\\·n1an . \Yho \\Tote the are absent 0'. in ~ho:t SU.pp!~. newscaster is called "Ground. Zero" and Perry ~·Jason TV series. By April 1972. The Ya t 1 can 1nstruct1on will be celeased natlohally in ~ay. Casteel: NC\\'llll)Jl rind Flocker \\'orkeri mad~ , 1t clear Iha~ men are In the mo.vi~ ·the ramOus sPan 'is out -a fonnat. Ne11·n1an 11·rote the script c?ns1dered m~re suitable than "ground zero" \vhen-u r1de 1 w 0 t-Id by July. women for _.th1s task an~ ~at. criminals plant 'atl A·bomb atop a bridge t;aste~l.. 32,...uninarried nnd \\'ith, brl?"'" men who have take~ religious towe,. They ~f~j' to set it off unless hair, or1g1nally \\'a!!: cast as the bad guy, __ v9\\·~_are prefe_rable to those . l\\'Q lcarllni:f Cn · s are ·released from · But he \l.'as in a heRd·on C!'t~ cr~sh in \9:fi1 ~ ~ve-not:---· ~Jilr:--~=~.,..._-~~--·-----... or----.. ~ . .the.bridge approact-P.' His hip 1v:is ut- Casteel who is with station lKFRC Jured and he ncn1• uses a cane topped LAST YEAR, the Vatican ' . r . . ' barred women from having says news ~~ .sparked his idea. fonnal Churc_h titiea sue!\ as IN THE FILM, HE piays a· White Wicks rector or ~~1?'1e-. . House ,~eol who must climb the bridge Even.~w. m place~ ~~ere . tower and disarm the bomb .berore it the;9' are. allowed to d1str1bu~e wipes qut 12· cities and fqur million peo- commuru<>!1 wafers._ they wtll pie. The final scene, a shootout,· \Vas qpt have .a,;pecial_ title. . filmed 746 feel abfverthe water. In some_.mission territories, · "The moyie shOws how easy it-\l.'OUI~ nuns alrea_4y have b e e n be for anya1ne 'o Come into possession o.f distribut~ comm _u ~Ion ~'l a~qiic wejl~," Casteel said In 11n wafers with the penruss1on of 1nterv1ew. · local bishops, but the ·Vatican The film alrea~·y;is cau~il'!8 fallout. . had never formally co,ndoned Officials who. operate lhe orange bridge · the practice . are seeing red. ''An ything like this puts ideas in the mg-NE\V iriStMiCtion ·Said 1lea-d0 f8 SCrewball,'' says Dale Luehring, laymen could be chosen for bridge manager. · - this task only for a specific oc-Although securtty men didn't ask to see casion or for a limited period the script, Luehring says ,they \Vere of time, eit her when a priest is under tl\e iplpressiop il was a "scenic not available or when large film."' · numt>er o! persons at.a mass .. ~ ,.:. ,. make '.it impoSsible . lo CASTEEL GOT T<»KNOW·ttie security distribute communion In a officers a-year ~o'whep 'be.did a.news reasonable-time. . ~feature aboUt-the br.idge. " r / 1111 / ;-- -.- -· : .• and it automaticalty i'ecaHs :.__~"liltar,3fXJIJ ml(ti& • . 1\'it h a silver 'ft'Olf's head. When.Newman sootted the cane, he decided casteel shoul_d' play the lead. C.\STEEI" DESCRIBES IDS part u a .. ,,k>lent Henry Kissin~er., I \V.Or.k .tor. J.hi: . presi,ftent . but instead of u s 1 n g . diµlomac.\', I'll 5boot you in the head if I have to." Cnstccl had no acting experience., but had "'Orked in fiont of a c1mcra in TV nC'\\'S jobs 1n H:nraii and Louisiana. He \\'HS 1>..1id $6.800 tOr eight 111eeks of ncling In the filn). 1vhic6 co9t SJ00,000 to produce. Wt!. ttys he ~190<~&.-IJ-']:>ercent . of the net bceause ii 1,s. his id~a and he had ~contacts needed O. get the final Sl.'t>nes atop lhe bridge. · "If "·e couldn't get on-top of ihe bridgt' to get tbe final sequence. 1ve ·~·ouldn'l have a n1ovie," Ca1teelsaid. I-IE SEES 111E FttM almost as· a scoop or future news \\"hen aton1ic 'ft'e8pons-will be-used In-crime. • "\Vc'rc just "telling a story. sadly rnough. that \\'e :is newsmen are going to be reporling some day. "Some people \Viii accuse us of foster- ing ii. To that l say it 1vill h11ppcn ~en if \1·e n1ade our picttu·e or not ," Casteel said. . Stephen Leonaudakis, _Pfl"Sidcnt of the brid~e direct ors. says: •·\Vhen yeu have a structure like the Golden Gate Bridge, which Is almost a shrine. it 's ~oing to" be -subjecl. to the im- aginations of al[ sorts of people." 11e says the birdge is1.having the same movie trouble the ~e, ~ate Building did in 1933 \Vhen King ~ong climbed on It., . • Badham BUI Capitol ·N.....-Senlce SACRAM.E.NT_O Assemblyman...-Robert. E. 1----"'"dham (R·Newport B.eB<bl. has reintroduced a bill which woul!I t:!llirge lh<:.purposes ol the S~te Wa~r Project to i!?· elude enhancement of mfl. wildlif.e a n d recreational' resourCes in the Sacramenf6: decide ag~ aDd ~ID!! _percent more-unwed women under 35. The poou]ation watchers caD.'t explain the wtiy"bf this, alillOUgliSOfue'OJ>servers reait-um"Pilt .. -::"''--;--:::--~-:-Jlt--1.,.'~iil!O!i:OI No, no, crt~·s the National HeadQuarters of the, Arneri-· can Red erosS, the Salvation Army 'Contributes no funds • San Joaquin Delta, and to pro- vide an adequate new water supply to water users in ~hC delta. ~ · An additional $10 milli_on a year of state oil royalty ac· cumulations would be set aside for release to the pepartment of Water Resources to cover allocatioos approved by the Legislature to enhancement and salinity cob· trol projeds. · eAUoap-es : SACRAMENTO (AP) -A- -·new steam depletion allowance would be granted to owners of· g~thennal wells under a bill introduced in the J Senate. _ The measure, proposed by Sen. Ralph C. Dills (0. :Gardena), would extend to geothennal w~lls the present 22.5 percent resources deple- tion aUowance which applies to oil and natural gas '1 "to the Red 'Cross, as preViously reported. My misstate- meht. Aj>ologies. · Another oddball word with ·opposite meanings is "sterns." As in : "A tourniquet stems the flow of blood which stems from a ruptured vessel." Any others'? QUERY -·Q. "'Where does a hippopotamus feed, underwater or on the land?" A. On the land . At night. Pretty efficient grazer, the hippo . It ca n polish off more than 50 pounds dry weight grass on any given night. Cattlemen, please note . It crops close, too. As closely as shee p. Experiments show a rocking motion induces sleep in grownups as well as in babies. So the bed makers say they intend to put out cradles for adult$, particularly for insom- niacs. C:Onsider that, sir. If you find it hard to doze off at night, why not purcbas.e such a bed? Possibly you cou!d get your wife to teeter ~u gently to sleep, humming "Rockabye Baby" softly. With the night light on. Am asked to name the first American novel. That was "The Power of Sympathy." Written in 1789. By one William Hill Brown. Was all about seduction, inct?st, abduction, rape and suicide. Certainly set the pattern, didn't it'? Claim is poison ivy doesn't affect newborn babies, newly arrived foreign immigrants ,and Eskimoes at first exposure, although they do become susceptible shortly thereafter. Could this be true ? Address ma il to L. M. Boyd, P. 0. Box 1875, New· port Beach, Catif. 92660. resources. ~~~"··'··1 , That allowance is a deduc-· tk>n from 'corporate income 'taxes. ereaeJa Limit :' S;\ClfA"liU:NTt:rlKP) -A Jystem· of acreage limitations · to eliminate canning peach : surpluses would be created un- : der a bill introduced by state 'Sen. Fred ·Marler, (R·Red- :)lin ). • : ! , Cfing peach production ~n : recent years has reached as . · much as 25 percent of the crop, Marler said. ·Gov. Ronald Regan vetoed a -~imilar bill in 1971 and asked . fanners and state officials lo : ~d alternative solutions. For ~Clvertising In OUT 'N ABOUT Phone Norm Stanley 642-4321 THE STORE THAT BROUGHT LOWER PRICES TO THE BEACH AREA PHARMACY I i WE QUOTE PRICES I OYER THE PHONE .•• ANYTIME ' f-CHICI THn1lsurt1 SALi SPICIALS-s~·-•• ,. , O.r ..... l"rl<• t llAN ROLL-ON D1ocl1,1nt, I Y1 oL •• , ••••••••• ,, l .t9 t $1.09 j&ill1tt1 "'lATINUM PLUS" l l1d11 ~10 •. , .••.••. 1.99 1.59 !PLAYTEX DEOD TAMPONS, #JO ••••••• , •••••••• '.. I.fl t.59' J incl J IAIY OIL, 10 ol •••••••• ,,, •••••••••••• t.49 1.29 lllle l'rld 79c 1.39 1.19 99c I . 2700 l Coast Him!wav. -at Femleat Corona del Mar· 644-7575 ' '" • .\, ·. i ' • ·U NNER. -Eut-)'ourself l?ehind the_whecl_0!Jhe car that'.s been voted "best economy sedan" three. years in a row by the readers'ol'Car an 'ver magazine. --'Fhe--ca1''·V0l~siest-subcompact, to serVice in a 1972 survey con· ducted by Motor Service and Service Stafioft Ma"nb.gemen -mcrgazines.- The car Motor Trend mag!'lzine nained ·"Car of the Y,ear" in 1971 and "Econonly Car of the Year'! in 1973. ' . ! · Put yourself behind the wheel of a. Vega arid see what Ws'like fo drive . . . ' . . a. winner. • · Now. .. -. . . . Now t)uouvh Moy 31, you can.Onlar o Veqo !hot.comes oPeci<!lly equipped with some Ol' 6ur more ~ular 9P- • ti.om o.nd· qet an adi:iitiOO.al . JX'.'j>ulo.r .'option ot'no'char91i:Thc1t1 ri91>~ no ' cliarge-for items rahqinq in manu- .factlucir"s suqqested ietail price from $4$.50 to $92. · ' ' • .. , . ' No charge for Alt•' pow•1t1!-.tlttl w_h en' you ordef-th• lflltch· bock or Kommb'cok with GT equipment, rndio, and either tht Turbo Hydro-motic 9r • 4-speed ID0.11\101 Iron•· milolon. Ho ch•1• tor,.,. c;o.• tom Ext.rlor whq. ~ order a Veqo. H.atch- bac.k, Notchback or'\ Kammbaok .,\th .t!i• more po,.erlul 140'2· ~••"91!>•, .Turbo Hydro· ~, l ''il ' ,ma c rantm 11 OD, rodtb, ~wb'ltelsiripo lliOI d wheol trim 1i1191. ' • t I No Chor9e for the air deflector and fuel•I• carrier when you order a Vpqa Kammback Wagon' with GT equip- ment, Turbo Hydro· motic .and radio. No dtarge for the lug· ..... corrler when you order o Veqa ·Kamm· .rback wo9on with the more"'power{ul 140-2 engine, Turbo Hydra- mt1tlc, radio, whlte ~ atri~ tiret and wheel trim rih91. . ~ • i ' . The award-~ little ear T•k• • ..eDlld .0 \l4ckl111p. lt-.ikl w .... 1 w.M.. • • •• • • • .\ ' ·' --l --· ' • .. ,, -. , • .. • " .. . • .. , . • , • DAII.Y PO...OT EDITORIAL PAGE eommission -St Umbling The regional body may be hampered hY regulations set up by the state on hearing and voling procedures. The regional COmmissiM'S 11boss,'' the state CoaBtaJ: Tho South Coast Reeional Zone conservation Com· mission, established to implement the Coastline COn· servation lnltiative (Prop. 20), is beginning to look like 1 a ship without a rudder, foundering in a sea of paper· ···---~·---work. Zone C<>nservation Comm!Jsion meets Wednesday at the Newporter Inn in Newport Beach. Maybe this will be an opportunity for the regional body to get some guld· ance on -or relief from -its difficulties. As of last week, the commission had taken action op 27 applications for exemptions and permits1 out ol. 100 prdcessed. It had a backlog 61 550 applications and w~ getting new requests at the rate of 25 a day. At this rate, one staff planner figures, the regional commission will be about a year behind within three " months. Even action taken by the commission is not con· l:lusive-ln some instances, !or lts ruling can be ap~ed to the state. In !act, Chairman Robert Rooney recently expressed the hope that the public would appeal some of the approved exemrtions, which he felt we~ not in keepin~ with .the inten of the Coastal Conservation Act. Suits filed by developers aiso confront the body, and and tbe leg;U battles are going to be very costly to every· one in ·time and in money. · · But the prlncifal· handicap . seems to be the com· mission's procedura disorgaruzation arulaJack of agree. ment on practical working rules. These . would at least get it moving faster through the mountain of work. Regrettably typical was last week's situ~tion, when Sive con1mission members who had been on the short end of a 6·5 vote against adjourning a lengthy meeting, simply walked out. It left the meeting without a quorum. Granted, it is not easy to start a meeting in the afternoon and hav e it drag on-after midnight. But it would be ·more reaso nable to agree at the outset on a firm adjournment hour. This woul d benefit the wait- ing J!Ublic as well as the commission members: Similarly, commissioners who know th~y w~ll have to leave a meeting early should make this known at the outset of the meeting, instead of simply disappear- ing when important votes are pending. • A bortion Not an I ssue -Dear ~ Glo~~y For Courts Cus Dr. Timothy Leary has testified he · is a Pontiac and a Chevrolet, but --if-he-·-cfatm.r-10-be a··Ford we'll know he's on an LTD trip. -A.R.V. . Control Needed Now In the past two years, lumber prices have increased as much as 56 peTrent in some areas. Softwood lum· her rose 8 percent in February alone. To the bomebuyer, Ibis can 111ean a boost of $1,500 to $2,000 in tbe cost of a house. To the small contractor, wbo cannot afford to stockpile it ls beginning to mean that prices are completely out of reaclt -if indeed-any lumber at all can be found . · · · This week Jn Waslrlngton, tho cost of Living C<>un- cil will open hearings to· try to determine what can be done to increase supplies and get lumber prices back in . line. One action proinised is inereasing the production of logs from national forests to 11 .8 billion bo .. feet this year, an increase of 1.8 billion board feet ov~r 1972, with the additional suppl y earmarked for domestic use. Government negotiators also are tryini? to persuade Japah to cut its purchases of U.S. lumber. Thev last year aC09unted for 85 percent of the totai 3 billion board feet of lumber exports.- When Ule wage and price freeze moved into Phase II, government spokesmen sin'!led out lumber prices for soecial comment. noting they had somehow con· tinued to rise, desPite the freeze. The promised "in- quiry" is Ion~ overdue. Pri~e and export controls clear- lv are in order if the constructio,n industry is to meet the nation's housing needs. .. . ' ..... Samples of ~I in Comnaunity A~tiota ,, .Thos~, Cro·cod.i·l·e Tears for the OEO • \ ' J • --. ~ ~ i ' "' WASHINGTON -Those wails .or pro- test and cries of ·outrage .o)'er the dismantling of the Office ci! Eeonomic Op~Jt~nilY. (OEO are_ as ~~L!!Jd. hypocritical as crocodile te3\S- convicted of attempted arson, beil)g ap-earlier the property had been appraised prehended with a fire bomb at a school. at $15,200. CA staff members were investigated by Fort Lauderdale. Fla .: Community Ac· the police on narcotics charges. tion director and employe were convicted -Las Vegas;-Nev:-:-Executive· director-of-bting-members-of--an11ulo·thefti'ing. used CA employes to work on his Nassau, NC\\' York : CA employes who misdeeds, including inciting riots, racial residence witti materials charged to the refused to participate in a leftist-Organ· Not only are they grossly· millead)iig and wlfounded, bot !hey. are delibetalely Gi-v Gli1 c-rntnts .,.. 111'"9ttt1• ~., planned and organ- A reader in Maryland, incensed at the ~· "" °' 11111 HC••a.•Uv '"*' "" , disorders and outright revolution. program. Also, lhe CA was used in a ized "march on Washington" were fired. ntE SORDID Cemmunity Action story partisan, c~mpaign for the election or the Elizabeth, N.J.: CA bQard member is graphically summed up.-by Robert._ ~ard chaU1ll~an. .. . . re!_!t_ed .ii ho_use to Headstart for $225 a Hawkins Jr., caliromia OEO director: ScoUsburg, 1~.: Executive d1rect~r month. while paying $55 a month for the "There will be few to. mourn the ex· chartered a private PI an~ .for his place. And a CA employe rented a house tinction .of Comnwni1y Action a . persqnal use, and arranged a JUtcy con-to the agency for $383 a month that he The-war-on poVerfy:]ll'Omised·m~~:t tr~~t_for a rel<!_tlve. was buying for...$128 a month on a VA delivered little . The majority of poof Yakima, Wash .: Community Action loan. pepple didn't participate. If you went to employes engaged in confrontations wil'h San Juan. '.fex .: CA empJoyes were re· Witts and asked the man on the street, school authorities, in uplon organizing quired. ta.fdc~ ~pck pa~t of their salaries the cha'nces are he had never heard of and strike picketing-during their work· to the bo.ir~·· president, who was the.'pr;ogram. Yet they spent '60 million a ing hours.. unemployed.' Atso, local attorneys were yea r there." . Jersey City, N.J.: CA agency wa s cap-~ired fo~ hcftr.",fet.ainers although work· Currently in existence· are 907 CA agen-lured by the Black Panthers, who used 1ng !ull·time ,~!1. ~ther ntatlcrs. CA. board cies throughout the country, due to lose its federal funds to disseminate hate of directors d1~,not meet once during an iederal funding Juni 30, As of April 28, 10 literature and provide bail for party 18--_month period, and there _was no regional OEO offk.'es-wJU -be shut down · members arrested on criminal charges, evidence thi: poor, black or white, ever of.' their 1,500 employee, more ilian half including bombing of police stations. got any bcnefit,s. t d . . ft~~-.. .,.. ., Ille ... -···· s ... '"' ,., iud and prompted SUprem~ COUrt'sTCCen ectSton·on-cnlUI--....... • w..nr 941" a.iw 11:iaet. strictly 'by self-in- tion. has written to ask me wh~ther . I terest. think that "nine men versed mainly in .,.. ,. · ·· In virtually every the law baV~ the com te~ce ~o judge in . m~~tf~* Jar 'l'JbOr!e Iptertw~ed µpt.ance , they are - 4 -gi:rctrll'-cooiplex··mm:a , bio}ogteel-·aml---· ·lhirn -.re· 'flltltg-fo· recognlie};-.2..aittatJonaJ---propa-- sociol~ ..... su,bject I CIQP.M#n~ poi&_ot,an ao~;:~_l;>ortion (·1 ~~pted by as aboiijon." taW &t·~es i"rn'lllion Or~ ll· "' ~~IX>1lfiCos, My answer is -legal~ o~rat~ a year, forcing p>a11 1 ~tiltS; social wotk· no, they don't. But people to liti and deceive. and conspire ers and other pro-. that is only half an and connive, making a few abortionists fessional do-gooders, black activists and answer. 'The full an-much richer' and their many victims bard-core welfare boc:xllers. S\ver is that nobody much pOorer. . ls really "qul)lified" As St. Thomas advised us long ago, not N~RING .more devastatin~ly reveals to decide on such an everything t,hat may . be morally un-the tz:ue spurious nature of this _carefully 1-~"'""are---Qae'St.to . dal:f'lbles~ll!-bete-gally forbidden:-He-contr1v.ed_and_ ~rchestrated_anv1l chorus nobody knows enough about all the facets reminds us to consider !he "possibility" than the ro~owing tw:o facts : ~ I I I , .will be tr&?Uferred. to other. government Canton, Ohio: CA funds were used to Portland, Ore.: CA board chainnan / }obs. purchase lumber from a firm owned by a was convicted ·of fire-bombing. as the involved, and their long-tenn impiica· of a law -will the ban be enforced fai M i (1) OEO _lS NOT bemg sc~apped. Ev~ry. lions. ly, is it Prudent tc> undertake such en· program that ~s proved t~U eUec:tive board director. One full-ti me staff leader of an arson gang that set fire to at employe hired his daughter .at $300 a least seven major structures. forcement if other social ills are created ~ d~lrable i~ . not only being re tamed by it, and is coercive law a good means but given ~ddit1onal funds: ~ Actual!r, . . ,. BUT TRE fact of the matter is that if the Supreme Court didn't make a decision, somebody else would. And this somebody else would be state legislators responding to the diverse pressures and prej udices or their populations and con· - stituencies. for securing "morality"? these activities have ~ lMiJ't ?f OE;O m . l .flame only for some t~. While.funded IN THE CASE of abortion, the pooresJ· through OEO, they bave been ad· SHOCKINGLY illustrative· pf· the real nature or the Community Actioa iogratn and what is behind the ~-oom­ plainlll about its Junl;ing is Ilia! 80 per· cent of the CA budget went for head- quarters' salaries and other overhead ex- penses. month. · ~--TDIIlS'!!"~infOULamrDJl)QUS~I~ec<>r~~d1LI>CQ1~1~ld~gg1o~oruo~a~n10...~--~ Grand Junction, COIO.: CA auonrey on. There are pages and pages of similar Under the Supreme Court ruling, no woman is compelled to have an abortion; it is a matter of personal choice. Under most state laws, women were compelled not to have them, with no personal choic~. and most ignorant have suffered the ministered by the Labor Department, most , while the affluent neither bear tbt HEW, HUD and other permanent agen· burden or illegitimacy nOr run the risks cies. · . of infection or death at the hands of (2) 'Only the notorious scandal-riddled unlicensed and untrained butchers for ex-Community Action program is being orbitant fees. Fraud, corruption and junked. During the nine yea rs' existence social hypocrisy may be more "im· of this malodorous boondoggle, it has moral" than the medical act of abor-cos t taxpayers more than $2.8 billion Uon. whlle chalking up an unparalleled record In an ideal society, and an under· of corruption, waste, mismanagement populated world, it might conceivably be and ntirnerous other abuses a n d considered a crime to eradicate a foetus. ' But as long as even distinguished Only 20 percent of CA money, if that much, ever go t down to the pOOr. Further, it was in these heavily staffed and costly headquarters that most of the scandals, boodling and, other abuses oc- curred. Following are cross-country ex- amples: -• York, Pa.: An associate director w~s used official letterhead to boost the cir-outrages in which professional poverty culation or an underground newspaper in f tt d th . k !book t th which he had an interest. · czars a ene eir PoC e s a e federal trough while Ole poor 101 Harlem, Mont.: CA paid a local at· nothing -except to be exploited in the torney who was the city attorney of fanfared name of the anti-poverty pro- another. community $20,000 as a "tourist gram. · specialist." The numerous OEO progra'ms being Northeast Oklahoma: Regional CA retained, and ,which constituted some headquarters purchased a $ 3 9 • 5 0 0 two-thirds of 'lJs more than $2 billion building from the brother 0£ one of the budget, include a wide range of educa- project's lawyers. although six months tion. health. training and rehabilitation activities, ~s Jollov.•s: It Seems clear to me that as long as there remain such deep and widespread differences, it is healthier in a democracy for the law to come dgwn on the side of freedom, rather than on the side of coercion . LEAVING wholly aside the tangled merits and demerits of abortion (which, theologians disagree on the "evil" of abortion, and the llCM:ial consequences of anti-abortion laws are so obviously unfair and repressive. we must let Individual conscience decide for itself. Boycott Misses the Mark HEADSTART, widely popular educa- tional project with a $400 million budget. will be permanently shifted to HEW, where the Office of Education has been running it in recent years. The tralning ' and related activities or Manpower, with more than $1 billion, to be moved to the ,1 Labor Department, wh.ich is already managing it. Viet Bills Hit Taxpayer WASHINGTON -An astonishing _oo___ percent of the cost of keeping South Viet- nam 's President Thieu in power for lhe (J ACK ANDERSON J past four years has been picked up by the U.S. taxpayers. according lo an un- published study. What's more , there's no indication that the thls, the government generated $55 burden \\'ill be any million sin1ply by printing more money lighter in 1973 d(!-and wangled another $35 million in non· spite the end of 1he American foreign aid. \'.'Br. ,,_ __ The grim-'!tat.lstit9- have been pot tO. gether from official figures by the Ind<> china Resource Cen· ter, a private re-. search group, which has been ketJ>ing close watch QO Vietnam, La06 and Cam· bodia. ., . ,, Quite a few California ladies are boycotting the meat markets. I can un· derstand their frustration. The dollar ain't what it was -yesterday. But, the ladies boycott the wroflg out· fit. It's not the fanner or the butcher who ls causing the high prices. It's the federal government. The Feds keep telling us we have a 76- cent dollar, based on 1967. What they don't say is that we have a 32-cent dollar, on the 1939 base; or, a 45-cent dollar on the 1947 base. SlNCE the end of World War 11, ' (..__R_u_s_. w._:A_r;_:r_o_N ___ J- ' Also health centers and £amily plan· ning , with an increased budget of $102.6 million, to HEW : community economic .. development shifted to the Office of Minority Business Enterprise of Com· merce Department with $2.6 million in- crease in budget ; National Institute or .~ Mental Health budget boosted to $29.3 ,. million ($6.3 million iocrease) and .,, assigned to REW supervision; alcoholic, counseling and recovery shifted to Na· ., tional Institute for Alcoholism and "1\lcoholie Abuse and given a higher .. budge! o[ UI millian;_.mjgrant and seasonal farm worker ~am t Iii over to Labor DepartmeQt with million budget, $3.7.mUUon.liikt. OIANGi.COAIT DAILY PILOT ' . Robirt N. \Vted, Pub"fi•h<r ' Thoma1 Ke.evil. Editor Barbor« K'Ttlbich Editoriot P.noe Editor Thi' C'd ltnrfBI pe~{' or· 1hu 0..lly Pll11t seek~ l o Inform 11.nd 11imu· II 11111' 1·1'1\d1•N hy vrciwntlnJt thl~ 1 • f'll'1VllJ1b.p('r'.11 orlnlon~ and t.'On1· ll1l'l'\111r)' 1111 !bf\IC! uf l'nlt~t 111nd · • ' '';A 'le>4.bj';1&""1idlAM a t~· 1"111' I h(• t•xp1-.'ll1dun of 011r l'l'!'dcr:1' ,111ini11nit. Rnd b}' JM'l"ll"nlln~ th1• d1\r1'!lf' ,·li•\\'t111inui ,,r lnCormtroD. M·f'VC't·l\ and J1l'lukl,11nu'~ ~n 1011lca: 11f lhll di\)\ ' " Monday, April 2, 1973 .. ::~ ·-· : . =· ::; ... ... .... )~~Controls &>JI Noise {-·:~ . - '~tPropo~ed · -~AN DIEGO (AP) -A cilY Jaw h~ be<\t> proposed to regulate nol!:e· in ~ -Diego, • iflcludin& bar~ dOgs and planes i~ flight'. Nd indoor meeting such as a fock concert ,would produce Sound in excess,of 100 decibels for' more than 30 secpnds. ' ( ECOLOGY) NO car .ho.m could be. sound· ed. except in emergency. . An unduly noisy. pet "1ould be banned from the city. • • QUEENIE By Phll lnterJandi The ordinance was drawn by -a ~l Of titiUJis ~lnCludlng . doctors and noise specialists, city COuncilman · Jim B8tes said. .._ ________________ _, Viola~ of specific decibel '~1 met him through compufer .dating. It tu~ns out ·we limits Would be a misde-both lied ab.out t,he sa me things.'' · · meanor with ·a maximum ~men' of six months in jail and'1l~~ fine. · .-----------'-------------. .• quaJii's,ud,y L lff .. B . d BAKERSFJELO (AP) -• • 01J~ The Kern · County Board of -Supervisors--· .has-authorized --'- $3,000 :tor , add itional seismographic studies in the area of a proposed 8,000-acre ·.community near Lebcc. The board acted after hear- ing the results o( another bearing before the county Planning Commission con- Ceming t he controversial multi-million dollar project being COl'L'!idered by· Larwin Development, IDc. for the Te- joo Raqch Co. eu..ee Help $ACRAMENTO. (AP) -A plan tb strefigthen levees in the S&ctamento-San Joaquin Delta has been introduced in the legislature by Chairman Howard Way of the Senate Agriculture and W a t e r Resources Committee. The measure would provide up to $300,000 in state funds Jolin -Wa)711e 1st· ......_ ' Singing Cowboy -Rare is the Seasoned Citizen who can name the first · singing_cowboy of the movies. John Wayne says he was U}e fellow. "I finally convinced my producer he ought to find somebody else who could at least carry a tune," says Wayne. "My suecessor was Gene Autry." Get it right : Old -Paul Revere didn1t-shout:-L4The-Brit· ish are coming!" What he shouted was : "Th,e Regul~ are coming!" ... Did I-tell you the feet of most eagles are bright yellow? . . . Those two ailments the medical quacks • most favor for theii-phoney cure claims are said to be cancer and ar~ thritis ... Average volume of poetry . sells 2.000 copies, Lhat's all ... Do you know what the combs and "''allies . -ror ;tile program, wlUChS terrF - illed from a levee break last -on ctuc~ens are-for-?~To.-keep-tbem~ cool. Chickens do not perspire, the - dainty little rascals . . summer, flooding Andrus and BraMan islands. LATER AIARRIAGE -Men 'hereabouts aren't marry· • Baclla•m Biii ing as young as they did 10 years ago. Neither are women. Capitol Ne:ws Servlct . Latest census figures-show -that. Specifically, there are SAC R A M E N T o five percent more bachelors under age 35 now than a Assemblyman . Robert E . decade ago, and eight percent more unwed women under Badham (R·Newpor\. Beach) 35. The population watchers can't e:Xplain the why of this, Ms -remtroau~a bill Wh1ch -alt.hough some-observers credit the P:ip. -:-'_ . woul(l enlarge the purposes of No, no, cries the National JJeadquaiters of the. Amen· the S~te Water. Project to in· t can Red Cross, the Salvation Army 'Contributes n~ funds elude enhancement of fi~~~ _,"to the Red ~oss, as previously reported. My mtsstate- wildlife and recreational ·meht. Apologies. resources in the SacramenfO.: Another oddball word with opposite meanings is ,San Joaquin Dett-. and to pro-"stems." As in: "A tourniquet stems the flow of blood vide an adequate1 new water which stems from a ruptured vessel ." Any others? supply to water users in the delta. ' An additional $10 million a year of state oil royalty ac, cumulations would be set aside for release to the Department of Water Resources to cover allocations appi'oved by the Legislature to 1--~~-.,,1mn,cem · trol projects. ~.eAHo~llllt!e•. : SACRAMENTO (AP) -A ·Dew steam depletion ·allowance would be granted to owners of geothennal wells under a bill introduced in the Senate. . The measure, proposed by sen. Ralph C. Dills (D- ~(}ardena), would extend to geothermal wells the present 22.5 percent resources deple- ilon allowance which applies to oil and natural ·gas QUERY -Q. "\Vh<re does a hippopotamus feed , underwater or on the land?" A. On the land. At night. Pretty efficient grazer, the tuppo. It can polij:h off more than 50 pounds dry weight grass on any give n night. Cattlemen, please note. It crops close, too. As closely as 'sheep. Experiments show a rocking motion induces sleep in grownups as well as in babies. So the bed makers say _they end to put out cradles for adults, particularly for insom- niacs. Consider that, sir. If you find it hard to doze off at. night, why not purchase such a bed? Possibly you ~Jd get your wife to t~ter you ge ntl y to sleep, humrrung "Rockabye Baby" softly. \Vith the night light or\. Am asked to narile the first American novel. That was "The Power of Sympathy." Written in 1789. By one William Hill Brown. Was all about seduction, incest, abduction, rape and suicide. Certainly set the pattern. didn't it? Claim is poison ivy doesn't affect newborn babies, newly arrived foreign immigrants and Eskimoes at first exposure, although they do become susceptible shortly thereafter. Could thi s be true? · Address mail to L. !if. Boyd, P. 0. Box 1875, New· port Beach, Cattf. 92660. resources. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[! That allowance is a deduc- tion from corporate income ·taxes. e Peaeh Limit ·: SAcRAMEN'J'(}(AP) -A .$)'Stem of ap-eage limitations ·to eliminate canning peach : ~!uses would be created un· . der a bill introduced by state . ·'Sen. Fred ·Marler, (R·Red- '.-<iing). ':: Cling peach production in : rece nt years has reached as · muc:h as 25 percent of the crop, Marler said. jlmilar bill in 1971 and asked fanners and state officials to : ~ alteinative solutions. For Advertising In OUT 'N ABOUT Phone Norm Stanley 642-4321 ' I • • .. ,... MoM&l', April 2, 1913 DAI LY PILOT 7 • • ... ,L t:om·muter's Reverie on Golden·-Gate-Spawu.s Mo.v.u· ~= VATICAN CJT'l,-(uP!) SAN FRANCWX! (A,P) -1'1<¥1 C,Steel -The Vatican has.given formal daydreamed, about 4-movie Plot while pe!'mission to lay persons, in· comm1Jtlng ·across the Golden .Gate eluding women, to di stribute Bridge. Six months later, be \Vas 'lS communion w a 1 e r 15 in .stories above the Pacific Oce<yi. sfilrring in the movie that grew out'of liis reverie. circumstances . where priests The film created b)'. the San Francisco are absent or in ~ho rt supply· newscaster is called "Ground Zero" and The y ii ti c ci n inst ru clion will be tele~ natloDally in, 1\;1ay.-mad~ it clear tha~ J11Cn a.r~ Jn the movie the r~ous span is ~tdered m~re swtable than "ground zero" \\'hen under w 0 rt d ~omen for this task an~ ~t, criminals plant an A~bomb atop a bridge men who have taken rehg1oos tower. They threaten. 'to set it off unless vov.·s are preferab!e . to those tv.'.o Jea--Oln8: cria\ln\ls .are released from . who have ~__:_ ---.:.... T jail . ...1. _ ~ Casteel, who is with station JC:FRC, LAST YEAR, the Vatican 1 ed -.~·d barred· wocnen from having says news stor~ spark u~_,1 ea. fonnal Church titles such as IN mE . FILM, HE playS:..-. bite rector r>r ~~l~t~.. . . ijouse .~eqt who mus.!,J'.liml> ihe bridge Even ~w. m P.laces wher:e tower and disa!JJVttie bomb .before it they ar'e'. allo'fed to distrlbu!e ~~ out. u..ci\ies and four-milliM. peo- commwuon wafers, they will pte. 1he1 inal scene, a shootout, -was npt hav.e. a special title. . ~iJtiled 746 .feet. abQva ~,water. In some mission terri_topies, · ''The moy:ie shows how easy it would nun s alri!ady ~e-1> e e n be for anydne. ~o (»me into possession or dislributing_......cij m m u n i o n . aq. atomic weapon," Casteel said In an ·wafers "wltli the permission or interview. .. . local bishops, but the Vatican The film alrea4y,is cauSil}g fallout. had never formally co.ndoned Officials who operate t.he orange"bridge · the practice. are sieing red. "An ythj.ng like this puls ideas In t~e THE NE'V instruction ·slUO hea:d of-,screwballi"' saysi>ale-Luehring, laymen . could be chosen for bridge manager. · this task only for a specific oc-Although security men didn't ask to see casion or for ~ limited period the script, ·LuehrU"tg says_ 1t~y \Vere of time. either when a priest is under the IJ;npression it was a "scenic not available or when large film." 'numlier of persons at a mass make ' it imp6Ssible t o distribute communion In a reasonable time. CASTEEL GOT TO KNQW·~ ~Uy officers .a year ago~1;2 he· did a news feablre about tbe bridge., • . l. i • 11·it h a silver wol f's head. When Newman soolled lhe cttne , he decided Castetl should' pla}"lhe lead. ' Tben .one day he v.'as driving across the 1 ~dge" "'ith a !riend, produet'i'-director .J.al*s T. Flocker. Casteel says th ey '~ about the idea almost as a job Wtine 11slugging do'1'n 3 fe w" that rih;:h1. CASTEEL DESCRCBES f Within two monlhs, }<"locker sold the ""kilent Henry Kissin . \York ror the idea to Sam Nr,vn1an. \Vt>o "Tole !he president. but cad' of · u sin g Perry A1ason1 TV series. By Apr il 1972, <liplo1nacy · shoot you in the head if l Casteel. Ne"•1nan and F'\ocker "·ork e<I have . out a tohnat. Ne11·n1a11 11•rote the script asf l'cl hnd no at·ling experience, but by July. hnd \\·orkl>d in rront of a c;nUera in T\' ~ast~I.. 32. t_llll~arried ri nd 1\jl ro11·n ·nc"·s jobs in •1a11·aii -and Lou isiana. batr. orig1n~ll) 11 a~ cast i-1tfe._ba~ guy. He "·as p.'lid $6.800 for eight 1ve_sks of But he w~s in a he ca~ cr~sh in 19:fi7 Rcllng in the fil n1. 1vhich cost $300:000 to ~n the brad P ~ch. His hip 11•as Ill· ..:produce. lie says he also g~s I I 'percent JUfed no" uses a cane topped Of fhc net bcCa use it 1ras tii s idea i nd he Wlrlu . / ti JI : .. and it automaticalfy recaHs . lta!llf ,,tfer ,3000 ml(A' · ' ' . ' ' " ,; . ' had contacts nc>erled to ·get the final scenes atop 1he bridge. "If ire couldn't get f)ll htp of ihe br idge to get the Una! sequehce. 1v.e \\'OUldn't have a movie," Casteel said . llE SEES TICE .FJtM almOst as a scoop or future news. u·heo atom ic v.·eapons will be used in crltne. "\\'c'rt' just tclllng a story. sadly rno ugh . that v.·e as newsmen are going to bt' repor ting some day. "Some people \Viii accuse us of foster· ing it. To that I say it wiJI ha.ppen e\'en if 11·e n1ade. Our picture or not." Casteel said. . Stephen Leonaudnk.is.,_ptesidcnl or the bridi;i:e directors, says : "\Vhcn you have a st ructure llke the Gol~en Ga le Bridge , which is almost a shrine . it's going to be subject to the im· riginullons of all sorts of people." I-le says the blrclge is..haviog the same movie troubl~ the f.mpire. ~ate Building did in 1931 when King Kon g climbed on it., ' Put yourself behind the wheel.oUhe.cai;.that'.s been.voled 'hst economy sedan" three. years in a row by the readers'ol '(;ar and J:?river magdzine . The car voted easiest subcompact lo serVice in a I 9'72 survey con- ducted by Motor S0rvice and Service Station. Management magazines . The p ar Motor Trend mag(,lzine nalned "'Car of the Y;ear" in 1971 and "Economy Car of tlie Year'' in 1973. ' · ' . . i· . Put yourself behind the wheel o,f c;i. Vega and see what 0il's'like fa drive a winner. Now. •' --~ l f': 1 •. ~i ~ ·1 , 11 .. ~ '"' •1•(• "•\• , . -- ,. •• "' ' .. .. '• ,, .. •, " •' ... ' ' ' • Gov. Ronald Regan vetoed a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 1--~, ~-i---~~-~. PHARMACY • 1 WE QUOTE PRICES j OVER THE PHONE ••• ANYTIME · ,!;:Hie• tMn1/Sun1 SALi SPICIAU.-""'· 1ttt. I Clwf' -... "'ie. I ":1,;ru ltAN kOll·ON Diodere"t, IVJ ot. •••.••••••••••• 1.19 $1.09 139• l6 ill•H• "PLATINUM ptLUS'' 81•d•, .t l O •••••••••. t.99 1.59 • !PLAYTEX OEOO TAMPONS, ~10 ••••••••.•.•..•••. 1.9) 1.59 l.19 J •M •J IAIY Oil, 10 Ot ••••••••••••••••••••••• l .~9 .... J.29 99c I 2700 l Coast mroiwav. at Fernleaf. Corona del Mar • 644-7575 - . . . -NowthroughMoy31,you,can.Ordero VoqQ jhQt COJMS lpOCidlly equipped with eome of 6ur more pqpulat" dp- . tiom and· qat an additiOnal pqpular .t option cit 'no 1chO.rQ.e. 'TllQt•1 'riQhi, no cliar9e,-:-for items rctjiqinQ in manu- ·factUr9r"s suggelted i8tail price from $4$.SO to $92. . • . .. " 'I ~ No charge fo~ tlte1 pow•"•~'-""' '1f he~ ou ordw' the HGtth· No chwr1• for ftlle-C.. tom lxterlor wh9Jl you order a. Ve<ja l{Qlcli· bQck, NcitchbQcl<· • ac or amm oc with GT equlpntellt, radio, and eithet the Turbo jiydra-mattc or 4-speed lllQnuol trcm1- ....million.. ~; umm i , more "powerful 140'2 .- •JW!>•, Turbo HydrQ· )Tlp~lc )\ 1ra ii1'!'.,it1i~D, roillil, wblleillripe llrft ' ua ., heoi irlln .Jin<Jo. - No chorge for the air. deflector and lut1•1• carrier when you order a '(J!qa Kammback wagon' with GT equip- ment, Turbo HydI"a • matic,a.nd. radio . No charge for the lug· .,... carrier when you f)rd.er a · V99~amm· -more powerful 140-2 engine, Turbo Hydro- ma tlc, tadio, wh lte 1tripe tires and wheel ljlm rings. ·' • __ , •' ... '· , • ' 1 .. ......... P!LOf • • 1 " • ARBUCKLE & SON WESTCLIFF MORTUA RY "27 E. 17th St.. Costa l\lcsa 616-4888 BALTZ·B,RGJ<:RCl~ FUNERAi. HO~rn .. Corona del l\lnr 67:~·9·1 50 Costa ~1esa 646-2424 A campaign has b e e n launched to gather funds for a permanent dome swimming pool cover allowing patients lit Fairview State liospital to use the facili ty all year. The latest contribution by f'airvie\v F a m i I i e s and Friends is expected to e-0st about $15,00C. The organization in- corporated in 1966 provides n variety ~( extras that make lite a bit brighter !or the ban· dicapped and cannot be purchased by the state. Retarded patients at the facility ha\•e received color televi sion sets for their \vards, plus the Jolly Trolly, a 1ram~·ay providing transportation art>.und t h c sprawling grounds. Falrvie\v Families a n d Friends were a I s o in- strumental in obtaining funds 'Relevance of Arts' • for the swimming pool, whicb., has physical therapy use in addition to recreaj.ion. Each year Fairview · Fami_lies and Friends stages a major fund-raising operation to help finance their WOJk at the h05pita1. Donations are also accepted as gifts. or in memory of so- meone ?Od are ta~-ded.uctible. Speake.rs may be arranged to expl ain the organi zation to clubs or community groups.by contacting Dan Unger. 9460 Stinson Lane, Westminster. Contributions may be sent to Evelyn Powers, 310 Wisconsin Ave., Long Beach. ALL-PRO , DRAGSTERs_J ' ·~~ ~ .. __ M .. !o ~ -204t 2041 HI RISE HANDLEBARS PAINTED FENDERS R!G. 31.11 SALE ·23ss !/ ~'?:1... ·-·. • '• ·i I ORANGE COUNTY Piggy Ba1ik -'lr-ial $1.ated REDWOOD STAIN 1 GAL. REDWOOD $TAIN .... l.47 SALE 99' MR. BUBBLE MENS ·~.---i.7.-JE.w.iL BENAU~· ----- 45'' \Vld~. AS$t. o( prints. .... 1.07 SALE ss~ .. WRISTWATCH Day an d date calendar. SALE 2286 ' " "-="""""""""'"''·~~,,.... .................. =f1 MEXICAN .... 2f.14 RED CLAY r KMART PEANUTS • . . New County Bus SANTA ANA -New bus lines being( added to the Orange County T r n fl s i t District next month "'ill be of benefit to riders in several Orange Coast comm unities. One -0f these is known as the 1-Iarbor Boulevard and Adains Line and \Viii begin service April 13. The Adam~ Avenue line will intersect with the Hartu Boulevard line and link d ow n t o w n Huntin'gton Beach with . Costa 1\1 e s a , <>range coast College. and UC Irvine. The J1arbor Boulevard line will connect La Habra y:ith the beach areas. Connecliflg \v ith the Harbor Boulevard Line b e g i n n i t1 g April 23 will be the five new "\Vest Central" lines. These "·ill provide service i n Anaheitn, Buena Park, Cypress, Fullerton, Garden Grove. Trainjng for-the 28 driver:s required already is under way . County Mental Health • Agency Awarded Grant Tues., Wed. Only .. !'" . -. • ,, ~ ,. t •• I. ~ r ; 1 ~ ~ ~ ·1• ·~ 11 ~ ~· l •• 1711 K.:MART CO.LOR PORT AIL~ ·TY '"' W /Remote Control -I Picture Tube Year Parts. 3 Years .... llt.00 SALE 299°° MEN'S NO-IRON SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS -.. ~'- I I I . l I I l l ! 1 POTS •••• 1.44 L_. _ __;;..._· ._ ... _~·_s_A~~ 2/100 · SALE J>Jain or fa'ncy - polyester/cotton sport shirts, S·M·L·XL. . 86! I •• .. • .. ~ . -~ .... . ' ' ' ..... ' • • •••LY PILOT f Man Loses •••UKe ... e Johnson's 2 Million Trees Killed ~e~~~~r> 1-At traps=-, -, -~:i----. ~,----nrother'----~--.......-r. --..-L-~---...,.-------~~:~· • ,_ " ···· ln._ 'f inter; ose _a11ge! ·~ •• ..... ". o· .·. '' :'. ' ' • > > --Income Tax SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A Southern Callfomla electrical' engineer has lost his court battle to claim ei:penses from gambling trips a1. an income- tax deduction. ~==~~~m Houston Johnson, who In· herited $5,000 when his older brother President Lyndo!'h B. Johnson died Jan. 22, has filed for bankruptcy in federal CQUrt. BERKELEY (UPI )-Sta~ plans to fight a predicted ma· Approi:imately two million Jy eucalyptus groves planted jor holocaust . eucalyptus trees died during at the tum of lhe century have The talk er "an unpreced enl· extremely cold weather in been wiped out by 8 quirk of eel fire danger" has some res· December, and 3,000 acre$ of nature. idents jitt~I'}'. landscape could ignite like a Tu·o million or the tall hard· "We're planning on packing toDfrtctors of the Ala--_.-,.,,, woods have dead branches up everything \\'C don't use and Contra Costa East k 'J day to day and moving it out The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals 'ruled that James T. Shlo.saki of Los Angeles should not be permitted to •deduct $1,230 he spent for traveling to and lodging in Las Vegas, Nev. while gambling there. ' lie. said mounting medical bills caused his financial downfa ll. "hanging Ii e lace on the of the house until the danger's Bay Park Di · heve np- hills. along the eastern shore past,., said John L. Ditvis, a proved ree-month SM.397 of San Francisco· Bay from El businessman who has li ved in b to begin relnoving the ~rrito I~ Castro Valley. the plush neighborhood rJ. ~ree~s,~b~ut~th~a~t ~OJJ~,~ly~to~uch~e;s ~~~~~~~~~~ M I · f 35 the surface. It \\'ill take $6 HJT IS embarrassing to me TONS OF Jhe chaff-like de. ontc air or yea 1nillion 10 clear the hazard. ta take bankruptcy but it will brili cover the Berkeley hills, NSE afficials be worth it if It pc;1nts out to-and Alam~ County fire hav mltted emergency Congress that millions of Warden Wilh~m H. Ht,l•de-~,.-easures to save the 5,132 Americans are forced into brand has liud prelimln homes of llontcla.ir with a bankruptcy by medical costs fireline along the Warren "They!r•-havin"' open house _oLJ.chool. 0Q.n't they , they simply cannot meet," Freeway, but some, like Dav· ;eon open SCHOOL?" JOlffiSiif-saH!. is, "are on the wrong side of (· CONSUM_E~ ) , . The court said it agreed His suit said he has $53,108 the line." · in debts he .cannot pay.__He' "We're worried." said Da· said his monthly 1.11~rr1eis a vis. "Most or the trees in the with th~ tJ..S..:I:ax Court In Los ---------------------Angeles that the rooney was not a legitimate expense "paid for the production of income." Shio9aki "has had and still has an urge to shoot craps" at Las Vegas and "obviously he knows more or electricity than craps," the court said. e Estimating D • i'\ government P$08i6fi and Social Read: "(l area are dead. The big lg -., Securitt.--artfowiting to $803. 11c:; 'branches break of£ and then · • Johtfson, 59, said the main the whole thing comes d<l\\'11 . , -..........medical problem was his SACR AMENTO (AP) -Tiie litter on the ground is _,..,,.,.-~ight leg, injured in a 1957 fall , Sonie two million eucalyJr · the immediate hazard." S E 0 F ·z . that requirOO a series of tus trees in the Berkeley At nearby Sibley Regional tate yes Wll , ossi operations. and Oakland hills would be Park . officials estimate that cut dov.'n under a bill 50 tons or litter Der acre cov- "NEARLY two-thirds of the sought by-eight East Bay er the ground and 125 tons per Do YJtti MOST SUITS, COATS, 1-Pc.DRESSES 99¢ Cajiitol Newt Service the. prestigious Los Angeles -debts are as· 3-result of legislators. · acre 0!1 dead lurobe L§lill County Musewn cf Natural medical treatment," he said. Because it would ap-stand. the reasury SACRAMENTO -\\'hile History which squashed a One of Sam H o u s t o n propriate .an unspecified · ONE FIRE official describ- some may consider it bone-lower Cambrian bilobite call· Johnson's assets was listed as amount or money to the the DRY CLEANING SACRAMENTO . (AP) Household rooving firms wauld be t"equired to give accurate estimates under a bill before the Legislature. . Assemblyman Alan Sieroty, (().Beverly Hills), introductd the bill to bar JtlOIPS from chargii:ig more than 10 percent above the pre-move estimate. Sleroty said movers mate low estimates to give prospective . clients the impression they can save money. · t ed Fre · Ir 1· h ·1 state f•'re marshal, the bill ed area as a "tinderbox'1 headed -and others JUS may montia emon 1 w en 1 royalty interest in his book that could threaten the East 01aNAOA HILLS 18~ CllJ1sw111t1 SLI TOllANCl~ul'e.U and Hawl!lotM not dig it _ twq members of was considered for the booor "My Brother, Lyndon , • ' requires t""'O ·thirds ap-Bay metropolis of 300,000 WOOOlAND HILLSZi~ Victory Bh'll La111woo0Carson St. an; Pirncu~t Bl'lt the 1 _.....,1ature are dedl.cated last yUr. published in 1968. other assets proval of both houses of when the northeast winds be. ••V1t11113520 Tyler st -1u1Na pa1118Neh a'od °"'1ifltlroce ~ incruded the $5,000 willed to the U?iistature. gin blowing over the dry hills IANtA ANAl900 Solllb llli$tol St 01aN01Garden Gro~e Bl~d. llld lhl\CMsler to giviDg the Golden State a ACCOJ,IDING T/Edward C. him'.'.'.'~b:'.!y'....'.'.'.his~b:,:ro:::th:er::· ___ .!=========:::!..~in~l:ate~s:umm:'.".'.'".'erc:.. ____ !._ _________________ _ Ir\ fact, -mo·ver rates are ba!ed on weight and are strictly regulated by state tariffs. "The custamer is often surprised with a .bill $200 or 1300 hi,,her than t h e estimate, ' Sieroty said . fossil to call its own. Wilso.n, curator 0 f in-- · Why not! Callfornla Is vertebrate paleontology at tJie already 11ie--_.... .. of a -state flower (poppy), atate L.A. ¥usewn, " .•. Fremontia fish {golden trout), state bird CremonU is · not especially (valley quail), and state tne characteristic of California (redWQOd).~ -and ..• .it is certainly not wide,._ Actually no other state has ly known to the general its own fossil.· · public." Dr. Wilson was writing to A S S E .M B LYMAN Alan ~Assemblyman Leon R a 1 p h Siero!Y· wbose Bever'Y. Hills who, as chairman of the Com- district is Just a bone's throw mittee o n • Governmental rrom the La Brea Tar Pits, Organization, was cansidering has introduced legislation to a bill to make F. f. (named for name the saber·tooth cat the California's first state e DalllClfleS-Due Mficial fo.ssiloo0f-U1e-~ta1e. senator) the. official fossil. ·-SAN FRANQSco-iA?)= 1-1-"necause -rne-S>ber-tooth -:sen. ~w~-ctai!f"Blddle-<R· damages reSolt when con-cat was f~und ~amly m R1vers1de ), who introduced the demoed land .iJ used in viola-Cal~!omia, it~ ~tin name, bill il_l the lawer ~se .be!~.re lion of building restrictions on Smilodon Cahfomicus;, ~ars crossmg ov~, carried it with u. trifdnal deed the land· the name of the stale, Stero-him to the Senate, h~ed by, -+--'--""' ' -fy says, "and aome of the "thousands" of supporters1-0\vner must be compensated, f' t f -" pies come 'shin II to t h . the Califon\ia Supreme Court mes 0::1;,u exam . . wt g we e 1 r says from the La Brea tar pits m crustaceous primal leftover. Th. 5-2 d .. ed Lo• Angeles." e ec1.5ion concern . Backing the cat fer fossil is BUT .rr -wAS nat..•"' be for Bank of Amenc;a property 1n . -; 9"' ~ Santa--:-Ear~-a part-or----.--- . -..--:-Fremontiafremonji.JUJ ~J~led _ which Sou t b.e r n .c3uwre1 ~ ?:'"--• • ~ the gov~ O?Jan~a- Edison eo .. tried to o-liy • Convention tton .conuruttoe 1~. y_ear. its eminent ·domain to bUild an esqwsite exoskeleton CJ"!lDChed electiiC substation. under the advance of. the Owners of adjoining tracts 0£ 18,0llO saber-tooth ca~ lobby, a Biddle purchaaed from the Ba~ of \7 spokesman said. America claimed thef-'llllld Also . kno.wn as ~e saber- suffer damages if an electric Jn Anaherm• tooth tiger, the leonine . me~t- transmission station w a s eater roamed the Cabforn1a erected. The owners dalthed bus~ country during the late that the original deed fl'bth the ANAHEIM -The largest P}e1stocene age, some ~·~ to bank prohibited use of the prcr convention of the year, the UJr 7:.,000 years a~o, ~errortz.ing - perty ror such 8 statklll. coming sessions of the Na-as well as. nppm~ a~ .-~ • tional School Boards Associa-smaller anunals wtth its SIX· "' • tion, will· overflow from the inch long canines . e C'on1plai11t Out city's Convention Center to Democrat Sieroty do.es not various nearby hotels f <l r claim to know all t h e SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -· · various meetings. historical data abont the An investment counselor's ... complaint that a November There are expected to be salxr-tooth, and is ref'erring Co P I · 18,000 men and women from queries to the S o u th er n w a ace pony show was h all 50 states converging on t e ca 1 if o rn I a Palentalogical improperly run has been re· • jected, the Caw P.,.lace's city April 6. Society, at ·whose request liis agricultural district board an-The delegate workshop, a bill has been intrQdu~ed. nounced. p~nvention session will be David Goodstein charged held the first day at tbe Dis-~----------,! neyland Hotel. Described as that show manager Allen Ross the legislative body which "played favorites.'' makes policy, adopts resolu· During a recent protest tions ~nd elects officers or the hearing, Goodstein alleged association. it also gives di· that Ross allowed one partici· rection to the convention and pant to substitute one pony for to the association's ye a r another before an e v e n t around operations at head· began. He added that other quarters in Evan!ton, Ill. persons wanting to substitute The association's Council of ponie s were denied School Board Attorneys wilr permls.slon. meet April 6 and 7 at the RosS, manager o[ the Santa Royal Inn and-' the National Barbara Fair, gained attention Caucus of Black School Board during a recent state Seriate members will ~pril H at Orga1iist Keyed Up MANSFIELD, England {AP) -David Klein, 35, ayed the organ· for 51 . boura non-stop. He was carr~ off afterward in a state of exhaustion to a waiting ambulance. inquiry into the operation of ,_:th'.'.':e..'.Di'.':'sn~ey~la:nd~:,:H'.'.'.ote::l::_. ----'=========='! the Del Mar district fair, ,- ___ .... _ ..... ,.., ........ .... TOIL'AFLIX• Tollet ~PI ........ Ut1llh ordiM')' plu111m1, Tbilaftu doa not pmr1lt comprnted •ir DC" mnar wetl'f' to rpi..ti beck or tte•pe. Witll N1-ftu th. full prcuurc p1.,... tllroush th• clo•iln& m••• •11d twilhel it dOW!ll- • IUCTIOtWtlM ITOl'I 11'\.AIH;•ACIC ' • COf1'DS ITllU',CAH'T 111110 AltOUNO • 1Al'dl.D TAIL ..... .Ma-n.MT" .Kids Lik~o 'Ask Andv " WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LAW OF ORANGE COUNTY PIOVISIONAU.Y ACCllDlflD IY THI COMMITTH Of .sJAIUALOf~A•--1- Now •tceptlng men •nd women for •dmi11lon to the f•ll 1973 s.m •• .-, • If ,... -.-.." 11 Wltlt 2 ,..., .t •c••••i. ~ ..... 160h.,. -•ff,..-...... 2i•u...w-...~ ........ ~ .. .ilff;r th. ..,!¥.._ .t ..... , .. M .......... , hit!. 'The J.D, \f ll-1. degrn <Ml b9 11""9d in 4 y1111 or t.s• of p1rt-tl1M 11t1Jld1nC•1 3 d11111 pet .,....,~: 3.4 • hovrt ~ d 111. MIT! Ol PHOHI fOl INfOIMATION 01 CATALOGUI 800 South lrookhunt A ... helm 92804 17141 635-3453 APPLY NOW FOR SEPTEMIER 6th DAY, EVENING Ol WEHEND CLASSES " ' -- • y • J Warning, The Surgeon General Has Determ ined • That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous Io Your Heallb. • ~. -T • \. ' I f • JO DAILY 'ILOT -· Al)fll Z 197' . TONIGHT'S TV lllGHLIGHTS KCET flt a,oo -"The Scarecrow." Percy Mac. Kaye's classic about a scarecrow brought to We as an-Instrument of revenge on Hollywood Television ·1'beater. Gene Wilder, Nina Foch, Peter Duel and · Will Geer star. NBC·D 9:00 -''The Subject Wu Rooel." StlOng perfonnanees from Patricia Neal, Jack Albertaon and Martin Sheen in the movie version of FrllDk Gil roy's drama of a son back from world War ll. ABC 0 9:00 --' "A Lovely Way to Die." Kirk Douglas as a fonner New York policeman suddenly embroiled in a mysterio us case of murder. Sylvia Koscina, Eli Wallach. CBS II 9:30 -Salute to John Ford. A 90-min· ute special honoring the 78-year-Old director, win· ner of six Academy 'awards, spotlighting the Careers of Ford's stars -John Wayne, James stewart, ~ Maureen O'Hara and Henry Fonda. KTLA 0 9:30 -For Your Profit and Protection. This film, produced by the Pacific Coast Coln ·Ex· change, !ells ho\\'. to protect your assets and about the supply an d demand of silver. • TV DAILY LOG Monday Even ing AP'R1L 2 1:11 II D D ID &l lil!l Ill llool ma -•-... ill "'-· •""-ma. .. ,' I lllllllTNll ••'*'E•••..,. ·-···•......---:-llfj1'nl-• UO (I)_1_ u _, (CJ ("J "It Ill ~ ,.,.... (dra) 'II -l.ollll Joatdll, Kurthpr. - ----Cll cas ...... wan.r Cndtte !llMm lrtfftll ... m ..., ""'"" -· . Czech By TOM BARLEY Ot "" O.llf , .... f lllf . 11 bu be<n a Iona. lolli lime since thl! critic saw the name of LeopoJd Kozeluch on a chamber music program and 11 bas, looi<ing .back fond!)< on the performance Thl.Lrsday night of the Czech Nonet , been altogether too long. But then these nine gifted Ciech mu1lciana s e e m e d determlned to take their Laguna Beach Chamber Music SQc:iefY audience d o w n memory lane in this splendid third concert of the 1973·74 season. For the other portion of the first half of the program in the Laguna Beach High School auditorium was devoted tQ ;iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiilii;i1 I LOOK IN .. CHANNEL 30 Find rho GM wtio car"I NATIONAi GENERAL THEATRES u W1HNl!R ) ACADEMY AWAllOS l lST P ICTUR• lt:ST ACTOll OUT SCltEElilPLAY -• SlEVE McQUEEN • "J£R£111Aff "CETIWIY" JOHNSON" , .. , I _,_ Musicians Im ress YET B 0 TU oompooers, especially Spohr, have a great deal to offer the chamber devotee and an appreciative audience Thursday night ma y well share thls writer's post· concert reflection; that the time is ripe for a revival 'or chamber scores by both com- posers. • • The prolific Spohr·s Grand Nonet is a delightful work that NOW t HaU TUl SDA Y CHAILITON HISTON "SKY JACKED" .... llA9UIL WILCH "KANSAS CI TY BOMBEI!" (7'('\'-1• '""''"f ~~· ~.~!~ ·~· ~ C:OllOHA DE~ MA il JANE DONALD FONDA SUTHERLAND PETER BOYL£ SfaL .~ ..... ~ *llOCI ~ 1NwKMe 7100 , .. "MINNIE .and MOSKOWITZ" Coll n.tw ,.,. a fOUNTAIN VAlllY ... ~~~1 ~.;u~);;';-,;;.i ·~1 l..!1L1~(;.I• DOORS Cll"EN 1:M N .. I 11-•1 "HI ARTtRIAK KIO'' .,. "HOT ROCKS" o fOUNf AIN \/Al l(Y .,.~~~n ..,_...a;oo;;;-;:;;;::-1-;.~u;;;-(;.1~ Ooort OPl'f'I W~dy 1:15, Sal·Sun !:30 l11rtir1 Slr•l11nd "UP THE SANOllDX" (R) "I LllSS THE I EASTS & CH ILOIU!N" on w lhe second ball ol the ~am and the pleoe de resi!f.ance or _the eve~ - Antonin Dvcn t's Sereilade in D minor, a work that might have a purist or two. looking down a long nose but which is, in this critic's booX, chamber music at Us most entertaining. ~It was only to be expected thal W. colorful, thoroughly entertaining work by the Czech giant would enjoy a faithful. devoted rea ding. at the hands of nine musicia ns from the co mpo sei-'s homeland. Dvorak.drew heavily on !Olk tunes for much of-the four LollY-. madonna ~ r;;;:;f PANAVISION9 ll«IM ... 1£.!:!J METROCOLOR U' ft(us Stew Mc9MM "JUNIOR BONNER" ' KLONDIKE ICE ARENA NOW OPEN m--"Cop!" -W'lffl fllMlnclll Criail" t'JO a Cl> 1mew1 r k, ~ s.Hw w..s. n. ladbltl Slllll ....... Fft , ___ .:::~====:::...=_jl,!!!!!!!!!!!!~;;:;;.;;;;;,;iii! ....... ~1 WINNER OF 3 ACADEMY AWAllllS ( 1) BEST-PICTURE OF m-·--m-A 91'.l·mlnirtt 'l*f.11 holorina: the -U.A. CiTY CtH•MAS Li01£1 DAY"'iVllllY Tu11:-lii 71-J'Nr-old dlrtctOI', wllllllf fl .ix kldmy Aw•rda. Tiit apedel ... bptd at • dllllltf '" lot """"' with •PP11r1ncn .., mot1on pktun si.11 whole rtws t nd ctl'Htl .. ,. I-bJfWs -wlllf"" ttm1r1, lncludln1 Jolut w.,...., Jim· mJ stn1rt, Meufftn O'H1r1 t lld Htnry Fonda. THE YEAR! 111 ""'""-llfjUlllt -7:00 8 (J)Dl!l- O -lofNtn @_ Tl'ltll., C.11• nrrt @ W!lilH1 -.. . 0 wtlat'a My Ullll lll l!M lucy Qt I Dr11111 ol J11nmt m st.p1t11•11i. ,.."' m Whitis, 1{11111 1nd a., @El M11111t1 ml Varied1da Mukllts 6)U111' Clllb w .......... 81 IHC!AL I S1w1r -Ftr YOIM Pnftt 1111 ProtlCliMI A Him pro- duced bJ tht P•clflc Cont Coln Ex· ct11np ltlls how to protect JOlll' llMb tnd tbout 1111 suppl}' ind d1m111d of silwr. a -1JO II Jthnllf Minn's Sbftd u, ... CD e.-,.,_ USMC ChMf Jo Annt Worley 1uests. It) MldlacM Jtria1 i;:-~=•ltlatrt a!}Vtn.dtda a _, (C) ("'1 •1 u.. • ~ 10:00 0 m ID - • Sbwtl'"'fdrt) 'SJ-j,11111 Car· fJCri111 natiten lllJ, Barberi Halt. m Rolltr , ..... Cl) Tt Tll 1111 Td fI) V1rttt: P't1111tolt IMll "Tlle h1· (l)llle M'......,.. dlll'IS l fld"tfll""Slmd" An llXlfliM. Q Mllllll $ ...., (2llf) '"1'111 !Ian of tf'le Indian .. rt11 fOr lnl· c pl ..... (ltdY) '44--f'tul Ken-~llty. rtJd, HldJ lt!MIT, P.tlr lorTt. fl) Sp:lits CWlr1p ·0W1Wm- m n.t11r1 ·-' m NChlCll',_ mn.Am111u,. Iii>'"·"""""' ED Sports et1a11t1111 OJ Tiit Md11111 F1111n, 1:00 II (I) C111111Mt1 ''Thi Uh" (R) Matt Olllon rides Into 1 "robbt11' 1oost .. outl1w 11nctuu1 1nd meets 1n old fl1m1 (1utst Anne Fr111tis), who trits to prvt1d lllm by prt · senUn1 him 11 htr hulband. D m U11pln Mike ConllOl1 lO:JG 0 Ttlk lad: ID 1111 c:.s&iy el TV M11skll llll-r-1!)42 ~ .. 11"' II D D 1!1 Ill m Ell ""' (J)(J)~­.............. GJ • .,..., Dlllot O Mftll: '"'ltMllll ti Ctnki" (•dY) '53-RJch1rd Greene, P1ull Rt)'mO!MI. mtMll•c..,. .. .. m Clllld: ........ ""' .. .. iuests with t11MG 1ppe1ranca ll:JO II (() cas Liii ~ ('C) -.:.. mad1 bJ Totl1 Atlds tlld ClllrlH t1f l.HaMllC" (00111) '17 -JoM "elSOft Reilly. (R) ftmr ShtlllJ Wlntm, ElllM MIY D (J) @ Iii) 111t -""" '"' Clff .. -• eommitmenr• (RJ Wi llit b lllOt 111 D gm·,.._, c... 1t1tt tllt btck In 1 p!1nround rtlmll-Smith b subst!Mt 11oat. mtnl 1ttnd 1obbt1J by • f\lhlllMI f' M" Iii 1 sui.. wtlo IS llUTll up, •poot; mcMe ""' D rn Ci) m w ,.., T .. Dr. mttrlt'S. H1lm Glnott, 1uthor of "lltlwlll ill i IBCl&L I Tiie II' hl9 DIM hrtrt1 i nd Cttlld" lfMI "hbrtltl San Ol1io M1)'0I' ht• WllSOll end h rtirt ind TMnlpf," puts, •kins !'tis covnt1rp1rt, lndl111apolil MIJ(M' with comic A!btrt Broob. Ricll11d Lu111, mMt lo compart m Tt Ten t111 Trudi . problems f1dn1 ihtl1 tl!ltl. ID Movie: "TWlflty lfM Mn" m Thi Ql!Olt 1nd Mri. Mvh (dfl) '60-Clry Wery, Annie ROllt. Q) hnyMtMll El) M1r111111U Co11l1 IZ:OO ID Alhd Mltclleodi Pm111ta fD I iflCIAL I Hotl)'WOOll Ttltvltle~ eJD MHHt lltlM S1tow Tbeltrt "The Seare<:ruw'' KCEr1 production of PertJ M1tK1y1'1 tltl· IZ:JO 0 ""' (2! BEST ACTOR: MARLON BRANDO """ °"'' 21111 WNlll "S ,INO•ltS 0, DIATH" __,,_ -M1!1~1 ira~~~ NOW! Rlch1!'S '""'"' Raq\111 W.tMI 'll.Vlll!ARD' 11111 In Co'-rl ,., N litioo J1mn 1'in ~~m ~1ll1~0-~~1rt ~II menio1 ~H Jolil Mui~ liw11 r.i11 ffim wi~ 4 0tc1r NomlnlfMllU ... , Plc lllr.I ''SOUHOSR" 10 ) Ck1ly ~tC•l•r "I LI SS THE IEASTS" fPOJ l 0tc1r Nomln1t1on11 • Int Pktvr1 1 HOl!l.l\IEllANCI" (It) JM V•ltllt-l11rt lttYIMllCll "McC1be a Mrs. Mllll r'' IEST ACTRESSt • I ACADEMY AWARDS! "CAI AllET" IPG) Ll(I Mh1ntltl-Joll OrtY "PLAY IT AGAIN SAM" ~ 8 ACADEMY'AYiA"RDS BEST ACTRESS • LIZA MINNELLI BEST SUPP~RTING ACTOR • JOEL GREY BE T R • B FOSSE BEST Fl™ fi ff1'J18 afs~ ART DIRECTION BEST CINE TOGRAPHY . BEST SOUND Liza Minnelli Michael York Helmut Griem Joel Grey LIFl llA ' .,j . ~lst.,;IN "Travels With ffiyAur:it" .~•-G NU1•t1 ••1 II.II IN THIAYRI 1'WO t-----sit-tbour1-x1m:raw~ttt ~-llbf-MIUt.n,..,._ - Ille 1s 1n ln1trum1111 of """"I'· (com) '4t-Robtrt Yount Btrbtfl ·lii-iiimm Cine WltdeT, N1111 Foch, Petti Dull Hitt. i nd Wiii Geer star, G) MUlitllllN 10 Mip llN VtWtz S119w llfj M .... u I ::::,:11111o - l ~I fJ -: (C) "Tht _,. ...,. ,,.,. lllllf'll lltltlr' (com) '5.S-len, Brtblt, Cestr Aomlr'- tll O -(C) -.. -l'lfll) '5-lol111 Pl)'M. Moll f,.. t:OO " CJ) """' Uq """ .... Tuesday DAYTIME MOVltS ,., m.,,,, "" ..... - l:lO &'J "Tht "'"1 IW' ldr•I '11- Robaf'! Mltthum, Gii $(111, su., Bt'1f. t:• D "K!u 1111 lllt•" (m1t1) '53 -J:OO ()) (C) "hPl'I Ncttt ~ ~thryn G11yson. How1rd Kief. Part I (t.om) 'U-J1ckll Glutan. (com) '47-Rontld Colm1n. tml (C) "nM F•r Oil West" (WI&) ll:OO (J)-.lld Cold" 1•."c-l_'~ __ n-t. _ _,·'.,',,__.,.,.•'·Mil>,,•.,"'ii'"'·..:"""='=":..::""':::_i-1---4' " Cl!IJ. 01 ...... etl•~ D "fllc!<I .. -N· (dH) '46 ''"llCCI ............ (wn) '44- -Al1n Curtfs1 Jtd: Holt. Jotl MKlll . Ill 0 "\.nl M "" Wiii -• . C-l '41 -MIO let> H-4'°" fl "Tht CtM(° (""') 'U--ONo ' I ............ ("111 ~l -,. lltlll• ~111'"""' I 1.t u w-. ...... EOWAR:>S < l\~\1\<l\HR HAjl8U~ A l A[J Alt,,I', • . ~1? 14 1 "DIE OF TilE YEAR 'S 10 BEST FILMS I" t EOWAROS Cl\~.\1 \ <l \l ~.R HA~BOP .\T AQAM\ COSTA V [)A • ?7'7 ~1~1 4 I Lagun~ • Ill • 1459 Via Lido H••poti 114'Kh ' l'!lo••o: 67l·fli0 "Sleuth" . .... "Play Misty for Me" 1PG1 -'u.·..i-,. .. r.. SIAD/UM • I :::. t. .6lltUU.1tuu.!•.'.l!.'.9 _,.!_,_.n.n• $!ADIUM •2 .~;: t. ..:n1!l• .. 1:tu1r;i-:::. -.. ''""-··i.~ll"O $!AD/UM •3 .::;, t. ..&.!.UUu:aJ..l.U:·~ _,, .. -..... SIAD/UM '!:;:, .. ••.lo,,•1~1.1..l•C.1': • -w• """"'-.._ '"'.k'IOI · ~..., •11C191Nl EOWAROS HURRY I Iii.NOS SOO N "Fiddl •r On The Roof " ,., "Black Momma, White Momma" "Bloody Mamma" Ill ''Deliveftlhce" 1M Ull "McCabo & Mr>. Miner" "The Getaway" C PG) ....... "Lady Shwp Tiie ltuos" I RI "Poseidon Adventure'' -.. I ntl CPO) "Fun" NOW ! CINEMA VIEJO >All DlfGO l"WY \I LA P•! T\1111100 llJ0-699 • AWARD NOMS PICTURE "SOUNDER" """"""'"" (ij)c> ............. Cll. CICELYT't'SON PAUL WINFIELD 2nd AT VIEJO ROJ'ERT REDFORD "THE HOT ROC " f NOW TOGETHER 1111@,"I NOW ' ) _,. .....,.. ' • 1 ' • • Monday, ... II 2, 191) DAil Y PILOT jj: ' classic leather clogs ·-·7.99 :-----· Choose from two a.citing styles. Orig. $12 "Muley," perforated leather on a low wedge heel-Orig< $13 ~'Cinch," open -?ad, instep·.tr.a p, lo;. wedge heel, navy · " or brown glove leather. .. ·-· ..... ·- .. acrylic,, nylon shell ~ops 4.99 Orig. $7-$8. Great way s to top pants, shorts , or skirts. Lorge grOup includes turtlenecks, short sleeves, sleeveless and pointelle trim styles in nylon or acrylic, white or colors, S-M-L. Sorry, no moil or Phone orders. Acce ssories, 41 Junior Fashion Shoes, 75 cross-strap sandal The "Double Cross" by Penoljo, potent leather in white or bone coif, block potent. Reg. $2-1 15.99 Reg . $18 Belair® platform clog . ............ 13.99 Reg . $18 Lifestride "Angel Touch" . step-in casual 14.99 Reg. $18 Belair® stacked heel sanda l 12.99 two-band sandal Bel-a ir's® woven de1ight ... two brood bonds of -Spanish kid leather , a smart sand al on a low rise heel. Orig. $20 15.99 Better Fashion Shoes;-I 08 Women's Shoes-, 35 leather, look-of· leather handbags 6.99-12.99 Exciting new close-to-the-body handbags in leather and look-of-leathe r vinyl. Shoulders ond totes with gussets, ~ops, buckle s, sid e pockets. Fa shion right fo r Spring. Handbag s, 37 • famous maker sandals, clogs 10.99 -13.99 Orig. $15 Belair® stripping sandals from Italy, tan ombre, white, red/white/blue, pastels, 7-10 Narrow, 5-10 Medi um, I 0.99. O rig . $18 Famou s maker platform clog, white, red, blaCk crinkle, 13.99. Mail and phone orde rs invited. Fashion Shoes, 8 bright white Jewelry 1.99-2.49 $4-$6 Valu es. Take your pick-of the brightes t of whites ... bang les , Bacelets, necklaces, pierced or clip ea rrings . Sorry , no mail or phone orders. Fashio n J ewelry , 20 famous mitker eess 1~69-8.99 $3-$16 values. A great group of hondy ideas. in~luding checktakers, index-its. Fre nch purses. billfolds, and coses fo r credit t ards. keys, eyeglasses, ond ciga rettes. Sorry, no mo il or phone orders. Personal Lea ther Goods, 86 . ANAi:iEIM NEW'°lT HUNTINGTON BEACH ORANGE. MALL OF ORANGE , CEll.11.ITOS . 444 N. Ewc:llcf 17141 515-1 121 47 Fe1hio11 hl•ftd 17141 644-1212 7777 Ed.lttger Av111w• 171 41 192·llll 2100 N1 Tw1tin Streit 17141 991-131 1 SHO P 10:00 A.M. to 9:30 P.M . M0NDAY THROUGH fFRIDAY . SATU RDAY 10:00° A.M . to 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON to ~ P.M. 500 lo1 C•rrlto• M ,11 I 21 l I 160·0411 l I 1 • ,, .· " ), ... Mond. -. MORF WINNER-Bill von KleinSmld's Columb\a::!O Moo'n Shine, ·Newport Harbor .Yacht Club, was !he overall winner Saturday in Voyagers Yacht Club's Ship Rock Race for MORF yachts. Von IGeinSmid . . Drumbeat Wins Catalina West. End Race · By ALMON LOCKABEY but ~ race home on Sunday Tribute, Fr e d Mac.Dooa1d, Counlerpoint, Bil Headden, Harvey/W1yne1 CBYC. (3 andemoruam, 1"1'1 e r ... 11111 1•111r was J baUle with 30-35 knot NHYC; (3) Trend, J im BYC: (3) Tomahawk, John SOUNG -(1) Bellwether, Ford, NHYC. Drumbeat, an Eric~ Inds. Llndennan, BYC; (4) War· Arens BYC P.icUrd/JloCU<t, LBYC: (I) FINN -(!)'No. 5, Lorne northerly w across lbe lor Al C 1 BCVC . C' ; •• D. -(I) Pr1mera, TNEGAB, 1lailOo Beek' skipPered by -Don Ayres Jr.,· chaMet. T" -• r • _asse , ,J_@ ~ . d Leibel, RCYC; (2) H~y was the overall and Class B Win Is . Taylor/Pattison/-Ptiil Morgan, NHY~; (2J NKYC: (S)-Ump, D 8 v-i Days, Danny Thompson , Olympic cla5"s sailing In Smyth, CBVC. AntBi'!O, Alan Andrews, BVC;' Sharpnalk, RYC. NHYC,· (3) No. 104, Paul winner In Newpart Harbor NHYC's Olympic c J as a ea CLASS A -(t ) Tribute: (2) {3) Q>nunotlon, Ma rs h a I I TEMPEST -(I) Soake1 Yacht Club's Catalina West regatta onlionday were bit by warrior; (3) Bnlsbllre, Gene-Beck.l!YC. Argyle Cam~ll, BYC; (2) ~Ph_elan~,_R_CY_c_. ___ ~ End Race. The two-legged 25-30 knot winds inside the Trepte, SDYC. Olympic Qanes Regatta Screaming Yellow Zonker1 race was the first in NHYC's harbor with a number of C~A~ B -(1) Drumbeat; TO R NA DO -(I) Ken Weiss, ABYC; (S) Zig Ahmanson Series. capsizings. (2) Trend; (3) Brigh t Star, Screaming Yelin Zonker, Zag, Douglas Steele, SCCYC:. e race to-Rowlanit's Catalina West End Race Bill Pascoe, NHYC. Tim -Taylor, CBYC; ( 2 ) 470 -(1) No. 52t, Dave Saturday was in OVERALL-(1) Drumbeat, CLASS C -Wings, Taylor/· Skunk, Bob K:ettenho(fen, tJllman, BYC; (2) BU z z ':;:::~:::alher condition!, Don Ayres Jr., NHYC; 12) Smylh/Pattisoo, CBYC; 12) BYC; (3) Full Tilt Boobfe, Bomber, Tei! Munroe, NHYC ; KIDS LIKE TO ASK ANDY 1fZ~~11~ ~~~ '2'Rff1!.'R ~1Zfi:i?·~~ 11.~11.i'2-R~~ ~~~t'R11~11."R ~11fi:i?~~ 11. ~11.i'21t-i~m~.i'Rff~'R. ~1Zfi :e11~11.-R~11fi:e~ ~ . AD PRICES GOOD QUALITY -Y.A LUE :-SERVICE . i i MONDAY P'RU SATURDAY, APRIL 7 • DDT T~ • D ~ $ EXTRA LARGE. FAfr0 <!iCJee: ~ft tY .J' '.CJ I Artichokes 3 1or $1 . BUTTERY FLAVORED, FUERTE Avocados 4 1or $1 ~ i ~ TH ICK MEAT T.he dictionary defines service as "the i Banana Squash 9c lb ., t-....... ~=A .J_J-ll[• swEEr. Ju1cY ~perfQ[lf!!llJSe_ of lab_or for 'the benefit _of -u \Teran W l_........,.,....._-+~--Valencia-Or:ang~s &-lbs. foi-$,.-.. --t--,.•nutlil!r' . Th1rlw i:clrard's sziccessfut' ' . .. Bill von KleinSmid's Colum- bia.30 Moon Shine £rom NHYC ~as the overall winner Satur- day in Voyagers Yacht Club's Ship ~k Race, the second reature of the Massey A-fidget Series. Runner -up was John Reynolds ' Ghost NHYC and third was Red Dog, skippered $ rt;)~ ... r;7=rr.:r4-~~. 'Cl. ~r.i service is .total e111;ployee pa.· riicipation. We Uy Charles Sparkuhl, SVC. ~ "J:,/QJj~\;I (b@@ Ol~ .nave DeLo's Ransom from 2 are d eter1nined to serve and provide happi-vvc was the winner in the ~ RICHARD'S ARMENIAN --- around Catalina Island Race ~ Str;ng Cheese 1 69 . -ness for Oltr c1tsto1ners to the best of our for Pacific Handicap yachts. 11 .;> lb. Second was . Niki 11, Joho ability• 01tr expert management provides Kinkel, vvc, and third was i PHILADELPHIA IRANO Tern, Bob Bums. vvc. .,, Cream Cheese 39c eno1tgh checkers so that waiting in long The race started from Los 'Fr. I oi. Angeles Harbor light and Q RICHARD'S HOME MADE check-out lines is absolutely unheard of. Our finished at Newport. · <' A I B B tl 89C -April 16 Deadline :; pp e rown e Y •'"' friendly, courteous boxboys are eager to as· f', WESTON'S ed f Stoned Wheat Thins " ... 49c sist you to your c.ar and our knowl gable i m .~ ' / clerks a're always on hand to answer any Race to Ensenada F orrns Mailed · 0 t "-'""-"'---l ~ .l.J4'B:CI ( q1testions that 11wy arise. Only a store built ~ Ri<hord'< Silv or Platte• Pork On Service f.VOll.ld provide charge accounts, ~ Special Purchase From the Land of Corn b • • -• J d l' • 'f f.' oat provision1.11 g, iorne e ivenes, gi t cer· ~ Pork loin Roast . prepared 1or 1.49 lb. tificates, catering-, and reauy-prepnred hot Invilalions and entry Qlanks ·fo~ the 26th annual Newporl to Ensenada Race have been Desert Pirates? QUARTZ HILL (UPI) - Somebody stole Mervin Smith's sailboat· in the desert. Smit h parked his yellow, 6-foot boat on a trailer in his dr iveway in this desert jlren communi ty northeast of Los Angeles. He cama...home during the weekend to find that the lack of wale r had not prevented thieves from piraling his -boat and sup- plies stored in it, at a loss to him or $11,200. Deaver Wins 3 Str~igl1t Dick Deaver ol Los Angeles Yacht Club won the California elimination In the N o r t h American YaCht Racin g Union's Prince of Wales Bowl competition Saturday in three straight races against N e i l G au g h a,n of Southwestern Yacht Club. . The best three of five series was sailed out of Long Beach Yacht Club. host for the Prince of Wales final S, Aug. 22-27. Deaver will sail against seven other area finalists in a double elimination tournament in the finals to determine the North American match racing championship. Saturday's races \Vere sa iled mailed by the sponsoring Newport Ocean S a i 1 i n g Association (NOSA). Deadline for entries is 4:30 ~ easy carving "' c c Ch 1 59 foods. In fact, we do everything to 1nake shop· "' . enter-ut ops tprr1'mope,,,.rldy • lb. • R l d M d ~ ping at ic iar 's arkets easier an more p.rn ., April 16. John R. Payne, NOSA president. cautions that no entries will be aceepted after deadJjne. An entry fee or $30 is charged, of which $25 will be refunded if the entry is withdrawn by April 16. $ Spareribs 1 • ., .. d ... ,, $1.09 lb. convenient. RICHARD'S I :::: ~ Soo~~ mild Spfc1 hlo111d 1111onin9 79C Jb, ~ Stuffed Pork Chops ~ JIMMY DEAN $1.29 lb. p1r1l1y & o11mond dr111i"g $2.19 lb . i Stuffed Pork Tenderloin eoast vachting Association .,, Seaf ooa THE-RACE IS open to all cruising yachts of suitable type whose owners o r charterers are members of a yc.i-cht club recognized by the No rth American Yacht Raci:ig Union (NAYRU l. Pac i f i c (PCYA) or !he Southern $1' lenren Si.;99estions California -¥aeh>1ng-Assooi.. Flounder ·fillets -----1r.w; "'''"' -89c lb. lion (SCYA). Members of recognized c1ubs of ro reign n Northern Halibut Steaks •·· A"·'· $1.89 lb. countries are also-eligible. f'. Ent ries should be· mailed to f Finnin H dd' $119 lb Preston Zillgitt. NOSA, P.O. ~ a le No" S<01i• . , Box N, Corona de! Mar, 92625· £ Smoked Alba core •••••• '"''" ol lho ... $2.29 lb. ALL ENTRANTS must have 'J;. B Sh · $2 39 lb a valid handicap certificate ~ ay rimp , ......... ,.. ' ' !or th e fleet in which the.v in-$ Please do not hesitate to ask for personal service ·tend to sail . The various neets are Ocean Racin!l (TOR), ~~ ~.,~ are Ocean Racing (IOR), Paci-l? ·'f 'J'?tTTTL!:Yn "">fJ fie Handicap -Racing Fleet ~ J ~UJCIJ • lllOf, • (PHRF). Mid~et OCean Racing -:? Fleet (MORF) and Ocean µ 1' Rarin-. catamarans roRcA" :f! Li.l"'CS Are Here! Entrants in PHRF,·MQRF' and o " OR CA must be currently p'.lid 1 ~ up members of th,ir associa·1 " buy a bunch of nostalg'1a lions ns of April 16. f2 NOSA officers in addition to I $3 Pavne are Frank Morales. JaCk Swart, Davlil Lang, and William.. von KleinSmid, vice ---HOME ANO GIFT SHOP ~ presidents; George y u J e , ~ nC.f<'J• Ex~J11siv1ly At liclo treasurer; Jack Ba i 11 i e , 11 Spring & Summer Robert Eastman. Don '° Frank.Jin, Carroll Hud so n , ~ KEDS Jack Mallinckrodt, B r u c e « McClaire, Phil l\1organ. Al ~ h Oherg and Ken Ross. direc· fl? . t on gs tors. ~ RICl:IARD'S Large AA Esgs PILLSBURY _Lay_er_!akLMixes BLUE RIBBON Applesauce AURORA Bathroom Tissue HEINZ Keg O' Ketchup General Mills Cheerios J ranco Ameri ca n Beef Raviolios French~ ScallopeaPotatoes NEW! MIGHTY DOG Dog Food , NABISCO "Nilla" Vanilla· Wafers FROZE~ • doz. all flavors -~ • • -l."' reg. s11e 25 OL 2 p~. ·-·:::. l2 oz.. 10 Ot. 26 Ot, 5 5/1 oz. -6 ~ or. 12 Ot. 25c 53c 39c 59c 35c 15c 39c 6-12 knot ~1inds over a 5-nille R ~·indward-leeward course in eoatta ~ grasshoppers ~ Minute Maid Grapefruit Juice 6 ot. 25c Cal T-14 s lo O s. Dcavcr's ~ 1 FROZEN 1~----rmITTa~rg~m~mf-'ri~e}i\jricef"iirn~ce~s'---yR~..::..."'i::---=---tt;----------;~..:_,...;r-__:_:._:.:_:...:___:_ ______ --iJ;;;;:~,.,..j[.,, fn...i.:1 d · were 1 min. 24 SCCS., 44 esults tj r\(lmps-\..!Illa as-II , C 1111 Or C IC Ill seco nds and 48 seconds. ~ •• Champion Toppl.ed Daaa Point Yacht Club f Spring Regatta ~ PHRF·A (with spinnaker>) ~ -(I) Lush Life, J>ck Bay, Si ..., BYC. -(2\ Andiamo, B o b J ~ S:xiaro. BYC: (31 Z3palino. ~ Bill Fodon, DPVC. PHRF ·A[ $ REDONDO BE AC H . (no spinnakers) Happy Day, Frank Barry, DPYC; (AP) -Art "Snapper" PHRF·B -Art Phelps. 1( Norris, 22, of Miami, upset DPYC. .O the defending world aod MONGOMERY·!! _ (I) ~ Arneric:an tltlists Saturday Betty Brooks. eve : (2) Jerry 'f\ when he drove h i 5 Armstrong, VYC; (3) Reggie ~ su per cha rge a 1,200-Armstrong, VYC. 'oi? horsepowor Mer«Ulstr to LI00-14-(I) Cared Smith ~ victory In the Bushmllls BYC: (2) Bruce Orsborn. "" Caconut Custard Pie Rye Bread pl•ln or sHCftd Rye Rolls Cinnamon Rolls LIQUOR t " I lb. .... $1.79 59c 6 for 53c 6 for 45c c ,11y Sark S<ol<h Whisky v, g•I. $16.H Dewar's Wh ite l ubel Scotch Whisky fifth.... $6.n Ten High Straight Bourbon Whiskey 'Ii 911: $9.91 Smirnoff Vod k1 80 proof 1/i gal. $10.69 / SAVE EXTRA 10 •;, BY THE CASE Mix or Match Sime Sit.• .. i:~C:C:C::::+-_:_,fN<fohor.,.;,•,.,-l'o,,,•,.·e,..rboa<!-t'herc-!ac~e.1--j BYC: 131 Ray Seeman, BYC. I ' --ct cy OVlC , ~~ncouutcsrse3nldnuthprceHt = LBYC; (2) Dennis Ba 11 , 11~:i?~1l~~1!.i'2~'.1Z~~~~'R'R1lf~1l~f1!i~1l~~i PVSA : f3) Don Ball, PVSA. ' . champ Bpbby Raulbord SABOT -(I) Betty Foder, "1'} · !,~ Aooollletl, bothcacannol '~~mLP BOb DPYC; (2) Tim Fu I I or , ~\..c..l,~ HARBOR VIEW 1660 Mac Arthur Newport Bach .,.. .,.. DPYC: (3) Slov• Schumaker. ' ' '---------' ' DPYC. OPEN DAILY 9 -8, SUN. 9 -6 644.1660 -.. P~C/f/ ' ;O I .J.' ',(' t ~~-LIDO CENTER 3433 via Lido, Newport ltach ' OPENDAILY9 -7.SUN.9-6· 673-6360 - - BEA ANDERSON, Editor ! I : B·lind Youth Keep • Touch . By AUJSON DEERR Of tltt ~llY PIWll Sl•ff 1birty students explored the Anaheim Police Department. 1bey sat in on a· briefing of patrolmen, listened to calls in the communicatlons center, got a lesson in disarming a suspect and were fingerprinted. They observed much about how a police department operates v.•ithout even They opened the entire base to us. Our kids won't be serving in the military, but we reit they should have an idea _of what military life is like." Braille students have been invited to participate in a squadron party at. the base on Armed Forces Day in May. The police department tour was the brainchild of Detective Jerry O'Keefe, one of severa l Anaheim officers who has given time to Brai lle Institute. There was an opportunity to hanfile Youth activities a·t lhe lnstitute include poUce equipment from the pistol (unload~ evening classes in judo, swlmming 8Jti ed with cylinder open), to cartridges, the gymnastics during lhe school Year arid baton, helmet and badge. regular Saturday outings. Fun outlnf ON DISPLA y to Disneyland and Fanners's Market a On display,· for students to climb into plaMed as well as educatlonaJ e ~ and over, were a police motorcycle, squad curs ions. car, accident investigation vehicle,_Bl~ck An-annual evenLis a sports car rafly Maria or paddy w~gon and Explorer which takes Wtce in the summer. A bl~ rescue equipment. While the group teenager, with instructions in Braillt, lunched on the lawn the police helicop-acts as navigator for the sighted drlvet. ter ·new overhead. This year's raoe will fini sh ln San I;>icgoi seeing it. POLICE _ d 111 all bl ' d Mike Hamilton, Westmi~stcr. one of There are approximately ~0t0 lne stu eots, a eg Y_ in , were on -Giv.ing--1.heir_days_ofLto_participale in a special tour arranged by the depart-the tour were Sgt.Bill-Donoghue and of-those participating in the ride along, en-participants from 6 to 25 from throug t- ment and the Braille Institute, Anaheim. ficers Fred Mills and Ken Brott. joyed learning about police equipment. A Orange County involved in Braille pro- radio buff who often listens to police grams in addition to the same number of It wasn't a normal tour of the facility. nIB tactile tour of the facility began' call]. he especially liked the com-adults being served. Instead. four-officers, giving _ up a day With an introduction to the record! mlBlications center. ---. -- oil, guided a touch tour. Later the same department, traffic department and He learned, «Dtrary to television Hudson noted that the facility's ,pro. week, seven older students rode along on training bureau. The group wa!I ad-depictions, that pol.Ice work is not 8 posed expansion will provide added spaqe ...rung· patrol. dressed by the chief of police and Iii-felony per mihUte. "Most of the time we · for you1h activities as well.••• Tfd. EXPEIUEJllCES lened in oo briefing of officers as a new were just patroling, checking up on niques for Daily•Llvtng deitter. f . steve Hudson, youth coordinator for shift went on duty. things." The centef will tnclude. a c-bedroom. the Anaheim branch of Braille Instl(ute, Next came a demonstration on the Mike was the student who practiced bathroom and living roOrn as a. ~ explained, "We want our kids to have department's life-size dummy nicknamed taking whacks at "Numb John." ground for learning to handle day-to-day -every possible_ experience that a sighted _"Numb John" of-bow the baton i!-,used to-_ _ ________ llving~wlthout-vislon.- persoo would have." disarm armed suspec ts. One of the older The ~~udents who ~e along were ac-He added that the outings_ into the coni.. · bandlin comparued by a sighted person. A --1 other exc;ursions have been made to students got to take a crack at g high!' h f th d f · b d munity are important for the students. I Orange County Airport , fire departments the training batons, which are canvas-l8 t 0 e ay ~r t e stu ~nts was_ ed ha boo the mock search, cuffing and arrest of a "It is important," he said, "because and an all~ay trip to El Toro Marine Air cover m · Braille staffer. the kids get to know about the corn- Station where students literally "had the Students were fingerprinted , visited the muni ty and the commuriity learns more nm of the place. ' I ACTIVITIES communications center to listen to po ice Both department and Braille Institute aboul us. They need to go to the places "The kids climbed all over the aircraft, calls and toured the "bay" where police feel the tour was successful enough to and meet the people who make the com- talked with the men stationed tl\ere. cars enter the facility with suspects. warrant trying again. munity run." Daily. Pilot Photos By Richa rd Koehler ' ' • I --., • JI • , J 4 DAJLY PILOT Monday, A.prll 2, 1~73 Jin Brown uys b ----"""•-u.pn&LJo_,._ __ Hfly nowt..~ l•t•~"-'~­ than Invest In furniture. High Stakes for Tracy Clinic • ·Reasons . Furnished By LA.URIE KASPER •. Iostead, she told. !hem why The. change toward travtl °' tM o.u., """ 11ttt people aren't buying furniture. has come about, she ex· If you often look around the (The market has experienced plained, 'because that Industry ·living room, den or dining a decline .) has romanticlied their product JOOm...an~ide...ne.wJJ.wi.t~--JCs not..being-sold' properly. __ ~•n~d~g!yen it an affordable !m- is needed but you can't· afford she said.· And the blame age with ttedit to support the It right now, you're not saying doesn't always lie on the buying rationale. ~·bat you think you're saying. showroom floor salesman. It's They've stopped advertising Actually, you're ~ying you largely a Jack of industry pro-priCe, she said, and in ~n "all· would rather spend the dollars motions to the public. out campaign" they 've on somethina: else and that AccordJng to surveys she created a demand someUting else is probably conducted during 1972, travel ';Everyone needs to get aw~y travel or leisure time eqiup-is the top competitor of home-Thl!t certainly ~asn·t · ment. r furnishings. Even though hall gospel LS yars ago. So says Jan Brown, an in-of the people she sltrveyed ""'e have not sold the idea -=:::::::;;;::--< ~ lerior decorator, inventor and said they were in the market that c very one needs · president of TryOn Company, for furniture, thet said if they furniture," she Ibid .her au- Inc. and author of "Buy tt won $3,000, they would speod dience. nighf-The FumitW'e Buying it on travel. Rather, she said, they have Handbook." She was supposed Travel -was once a luxury overstressed the idea of price lo answer "What Makes Peo-ffX' the rich or put off and 50 buying rurnlture is cm. , · ,pie Buy Furniture?" for saved for. "Heme furnishi ngs sidered a big investment manufacturers and retailers attending Market Week in the was in the luxury field too but which must be lived with for a Lo s A n g e I e s H o m e unfortunately it still is," Mrs. long time. · Furnishings Mart. Brown said. But for travel, she said, peo- LJ • Your Horoscope Tomorrow pie will "shell IL(mmey) oot almost gleefully." But both travel and huyiog furn1ture can be a hassle. Just as lt.,..Js._dilfieul.t for the average person to plan a trip, putting a room together tJ fruslrating for many people. The answer to·th.is Is service and proven 1>y the growth of travel agencies. "But it's·not enough to say service," she said, "People need to I.>e told why they are better oll with it." Room arrai•t and · furniture sir.es are the two biggest problems people face, she said. Her company manuf~urers kit! .w h 1 c b enable people to arrange rooms in a mlnature sclae. P8ttem and c;olor coordina- tion, too, are problems and people can be given help_ here Aries: Insist on Your Own I !nm aeluDas in ma~ . . and stores. • • People are attra<;ted. Mrs. { Brown said, by envlim'll'ental .•• 9"ttlnp U well .. lhe ldN o( • self expression a n, d in.:' just Jook for awhile. Then.~ dl~~,Z· said, they need i· they need to be given 8 Wtlf or· I gettlng It all togelher. The ~ won't even mind waiting fo~ what they want If they're told ~ about the wait and believe it's f~,. worth it. And this Is where the. horn furnishings field ba.s fall~ ~ "Other industries have done rt,~ more effective selfii;lg job lha~ y;•e have," she said. She sug-.~ gested they steil-ideas from~]·. the other industry and when r • asking what makes people buy,:,~ furniture, rea1lze "the ans~ Is you." :'ti .·,·;-·~ ··if· '·: ' . '.It, '~ . -~ . ..... ' .. . . ,. ' .. ~ ,.. . ... Style ._:,~ TUESDAY APRIL 3 past mistakes. ltfake the most of it. Key is to be yourself , not an imitation or a robot. Be original, insisting on your own style. are. not for what you wish they could be. could surround sale o r which means much points in \ purchase. Be diplomatic in ex-speeial directipn. plaining to family member. SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22~ · By SYDNEY OMARR Aquarians I wish . I had known : Gertrude Stein and Evangeline Adams. Aquarians I have enjoyed knowing : For- rest Tucker and Kim Novak. An Aquarian who surpr~ed me with warmth arid friendliness: Shelley Berman . An Aquarian who leaves me cold: Mark Spitz. An Aquarian who sometimes lets me talk : Zsa _Zsa Gabor. ARIES (March 21-A ril 19 · ou g c ance for proverbial second opportunity, a fresh start, the capability or erasing ·scouts' Goodness Edible TAURUS (April 21Hlay 201: Some comment on your ap- pearance, . stating it h a s "changed." Aura of mystery, perhaps glamor, surrounds you. Don't reveal all you know. Be discreet. \Vhat you fear u·ill evaporate. Trust in- tu ition. CANCER (June 2t.July 22): One you indulge is not being fair. Some ol your ambitions could be fulfilled if you rid yourself of emotional anchor. What appears to be a prcsSing problem is solved by routine procedure. LEO (July 23-Aug. 221: Study Cancer 'message .. Find out "hy some p ersons, previously friendl y, seem GEMINI (May 21:-fune 20): aloof. A bit of analyzing could Some desires are due to be result in "remarkable" come- revised. You meet people and b;a~k. Gemin~, Virgo !n· sec-them~in-differen~light-. _dividuals_are likely__to be 1n- What you imagined is not flat-volved. tercd by hard light of facts. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): l\feans be groy;'Jl-up enough to \Vhat you saved or collected accept people for what they proves or value. Controversy High-handed methods wlll not -Dee. 21 ): Acctpl facu as they suffice. Be willing to listen as exist in connection with pro-· · "'ell as assert. ject, relationship. One who has LIBRA. (Sept." 23-0ct. 22 ): deceived in past is quite will- Lie low. Explosive situation ing to try a re p e a t - exists. Don't stick out your performance. Be on guard . ·1r chin. Caution now truly is the you care for yourself, others belter part of valor. Where will care for you, too. ' marriage, partnership enter CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. picture, you must step llghtly. 19): Friend in high place uses You are due to be surprised as unorthodox method to promote secret income information cause beneficial to you. Main· leaks. tain self~stecm. Others have SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): conlidence in you - return Some areas, which were hid-favor to yourself. Despite den or forbidden , come Wlder-obstacle,-ymrwill-SUcceed. -- ~rching spotlight. Nothing is AQUARRJS (Jan. 20-Feb. apt to occur in lukewarm 18): It might be best to stick fashion. Know it and ~epa~e to what is familiar. Journey . a cc or d.ingly. Relationsh ip now could be ill-advised. Key is to be versatile without becoming confused. Canctr in- dividual is in picture. Find out what is needed at home. PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): You can reach far, but strive to understand rules, limita- tions. You are in position for solid advance. Important to keep track of what you have, what is expendable, what should be reinforced. Bundy Col\vell, 'vho has actively supported the John Tracy Clinic for the deaf and hard-of-hearing and who assisted in establishing the new Orange County Center in Fullerton, has been na1ned honorary horse show chairman for the 10th annual clinic benefit. Disc ussing plans v.·ith hin1 arc l\lrs. Charles Currey, /left). president of the county guild \vhich sponsors the event and l\.1rs. Richard 1\1arvin Jr., chair1nan. The Peacock 1-lill Naliona! J·Iorse ShO\V \vill take place May 26 and 27 at the Peacock Hill Riding Club, Tustin. A world of goodness will be capsuled into the Laguna Beach Art Festival grounds on Saturday, April 7, when Girl Scouts-of Laguna Beach , Capistran·o Valley and San Clemente present their fourth annual International Food Fair. Junior. Cadette and Mariner troops will prepare and sell specialty dishes from abroad in booths decorated to pro- mote ecology. Proceeds will benefit the Juliette Low \Vorld Friendship Fund. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIR'.111DAY yoo have fine sense of humor, a tendency to put on weight, an appreciation for the arts. You are lh· dependent, creative and at- tract to you many born under Sagittarius. August could ho.· your most significant month Of; 1973. ~ ' :> LOSE WEIGH~' THIS WEEK :~ Thrift Shop Specials Hearing Tests Conducted For the next t\\'O months. tested som·e 200 Head Start hearing tests will be conducted ·children in Santa Ana. for preschoolers in t h e The Nevoport Chapter first Newport-ltfesa School District. adopted the clinic as its major Supervised by a trained philanthropy in 1962 and in audiologist from the John 1966 a demonstration home Tracy Clinic, screening will be and nursery school was opened done by 30 members from the in Costa Mesa. Newport Auxiliary, National Seven families currenlly use Charity League who have the home which provides a completed a hearing screening home-like setting \Vhere a training program. trained teacher or the deaf Instructor for the program works u•ith the parent atld was DJ'. Edgar Lowell, ad-preschool child to develop minisl rator of the clinic in Los language and the ability lo Angeles. and training· con-communicate. sisted of lectures on the Also on the staff is a $10.000 to the Los Angeles Clinic are raised at the two NCL Ticklocker Thrift Shops in Costa hfesa. This week will mark the spring opening of the shops, which have been re-stocked with clothing, boutique items, furniture and s m a 11 ap- pliances. Each day, one I u ck y customer will be selected to receive $5 ·worth of n1erchan- dise. Brownie t r o o p s wi ll rep1"esent different countries by performing costumed folk dances hourly from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The fair will open with a flag ceremony at 10:45 and a songfest is scheduled for noon. Command Performance Regal Members and guests of Las Brizas del Mar will be treated royally when they board the Queen Mary at 11:15 a.m. Saturday, April 7, for the annual fashion sho'v and luncheon, given to benefit Children's - The Odrinex Pten can htlp .yW:: becom1 !he slim trim "'°'°" tl'llt -~ would Ilka to l>e. Od1lne1 hes been uMi£:! ~~~:~~~~'1:'y:i~~~~~'~r!c!~! f1t thd live 1on1er. :•; Odtlnex Is 1 tiny tlbftt ind ••If!~ swtllowed .Cont1lot nod1n11rous dr11n.: i Ho 1t1rvln1. No IPfClll IXltClsei~ Odrlnex Plan ens ts Sl.25 alld lh1 lar1e economy slzt $5.25. You must lose ucty fit or your money wlll be refuncled. No qutstlons 1sked. Accept no substitutes. Sold wilh tf'lls 1u1r1n111 by: To f u rt her demonstrate their international spirit, the scouts will operate a World Friendship Booth where fair- goers may purchase Interna- tional Food badges promoting brotherhood. These donations help support exchange visits of scouts overseas. Home Society. The regal cruise into fashions is en~ !----------~---------= titled Command Perforn1ance. Community chairmen, the Mmes. Brendon Wentworth •. --------------------Donald Lamherg and Ernest Carillo will be ·assisted by the ~1mes. Harley Ph I l lips , Richard Smith, William Witt· man, H. Donhld Outmans. Frank Quiggin and Robert Short. Sepcl•I• for April 2nd to 7th l· LECITHIN GRANULES r-------------------t ! . ~,o~ HOME SEWERS t I ~\+ I~ Would You like To Cut a Perfect Pattern Every Time? ATTEND OUR 2 HOUR anatctmy and workings of the nursery school teacher whoT;:===================:::;-1 ear, kinds .a'nd causes of has been specially !rained to '~:·: ~~ •• 1 :·1 SPECIAL '2.49 .J __________ """""' I I PATTERN FITTING CLI IC ~eafness. the clim,,,·c,,,pmr>iogr,;'r,',.m~'m'•;;',;;k10,;;.vi:;;thimidr.<ea>;f;-a::.:n.;:d:...:oha::.:r.;:d-0.::.:..f·tl ··~blli()-llAl~ll-.(:..(lA..l,A!A,y~~~f\:) 4"---!1f-tll'.! ostrrit'tl'Rrant110mi . • r1 1 ren . ., ~ .. a machine "'hich tests hearing Funds fol' hearing screening. loss. the nursery school and home Volunteers already have plus a yearly donation of TRAIN to boa DENTAL TECHNICIAN of J\ledical & Dental. Career 1717 S. IROOKHURST ST., ANAHEIM, CA 9280t Aw I ............. llt!llMI ......,._ If T ...... • T"""1ol S~. DCcorating Demonstration Please ca ll for date and lime: 832-69.11 BAl\BAl\Y CO.I.IT Featuring fam oue namu u: .., Le Creu1tl t Sa.batit.r t Cordon Bltu Royal fr'orttsltr t B1w FrancaU ---------~ t--~WHIAf-GIRM-O•Ho--~­ coLD PRESSED • .:. ;~".SPECIAL •1.99 -~-""~ IETTERWA Y GRANOLA Mada According to a Spec~I IMlpe by Malle Davl1 I '' :~.<~,~b.1 SPECIAL 69c 40 ;'" ~2s~1:·> SPECl~L •1.59 I ..,.'!!--------, ------~~ . CASHl\ilS • JUST ARRIVID "::t.<~1 .':;1 SPECIALJ-1.39 Coastl in e Health' Foods I l ... l"l11ttl'td, ,. .. , hv-<>t\ ...,IM I Learn hew to- • • Draft Patter111 • Adjust Patterm • Flt Anr Gilrment • ~lake Anr Sise Anr St1le . • Learn De1l1nJn1 Al Dealpen Do It • Cop1 Latett P~lou • Po1ltlon Darts • • M11ter Wllh No Ptnrlns No Experience All Equipment Avo.llable At Cllalo _ Admission $!.00 CLINICS DBGIN AT 10 A.M., l and , r.M. All Cla1te1 lden~t I I I I I I I I I IJ .t "t .· .. .J Yale ·Locks -Up Letter Contest DAILY PILOT J 5 Where's Ly le's?? DEAR ANN LANDERS : When rou Father passed a"'•ay ln 1954 and it's ~ spoke to our group at Yale in February• aWfiilIYl\aril 00------rn<>fhe r to go ------~ 1-1;~~~~~~~~~~--1 you referred 'lo a very fishy letter that everywhere \\ith us. especially skiing. I awn, I came fro.rn New Haven about 10 years . She fell last winter on a slope at Sun _ V FOR •1!9· You said;t-W11s-thoHeH.,..lllat fi rst .valley and her hip pe,~didmeruljust _ _ -PRIOC"""IPJ ION . • alerted you to the Yalees' Wlusual talent right. ~ for composing phonies. Don't you feel that now. since I am 63 DEAR p;T.: That's quite a litany or PRICES • 1 J was onlredy njnedyea1~1dbw1hen th11t~e~-Y:h,earsA?~~· ... 8!1 padst1theh ch1dildbe-bealan1·ngedage1, actl\'tlles, dearte. Tbe only ones that re-Call ... r er appea an a ~·l\Ng was p1vu-I a\.-u""·-• an s ou -ow o qWre your personal attention__:__ ably reading your column I had never date without a chaperone? Please rush substitutes \\'On't do -are lhe last IYi'&. 642-4104 heard of Yale. WouJd it be possible for your advice, Ann. We are desperate. -So ooncenlrote on THE!\I and go easy on you to hunt up that letter and print it ? IMPATIENT LOVSRS IN NEW HAVE N the olhen. And incidentally, Annie, you aren't the 1DEAR LOVERS: Now that you are 1 .. - square old bag many of us expected. past the chlld-bearlng age why don 't you DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our daughter You're a mighty cool chick who could lie do your bomtv.·ork and stop bothering me .. graduates froni high school next yea r 390 1· 17"' St. •t Tntlll Ave. about her age by 2Q years and get away "'itb pboqy letters? and has her heart set on nursing. 1'.ly CotteN~~~lptd Mk:42_..104 .zi.. .. " . MB:DlCiltl SHOP with it. Of course, I was seated toward If you kids at Yale knew bow roocb husband and 1 are proud of her but we M .... 111111 P'rf. ~ i. '-S•t. t .. 1 the back. Please come again soon.-BOW alike you r group-cons&ructed master-are upset by an article that appcarcdl l';:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;=~~~ WOW WOW -'75 ple«s w~. you'd be tboroughb' em-recently in the \\'all Street Journal. 11 DEAR WOW : Wbo cares where you barrassed. Get lost._ It said a career in nursing hns many "·ere sittblg?. That wu a nke com-DEAR ANN LANDERS: How can a 31· occupational hazards. Listed \rere back pllment. 'lbank you. . year-old wife· and'motber of thrtt young injuries from lifting ht.~<l.\'Y patients, Tbe letter you asked about appeared on chit4ren keep 8 spotless home, put gour-diseases from infectious pat i en ts . Feb. ti, 1964:. Hett it is: met meals on the table, chauffeur her hepalitis from cleaning test-tubes giving DEAR ANN LANDERS: My boyfriend motber-iI\:law and aunt around town , injections, and injuries fro1n falling on and I have been going together for 41 work in the church thrift shop. Iron shirts the heavily waxed flOOrs. True or false. years. 1 Jlad my first date with Atherton like the Chinese laundry. and give thrt'C Ann ? -CONCERNED IN BALTl~10RE after l graduated from Vassar in the kids loads of love and the. time and at· DE,\R. ·CONCERNED: True. But the Class of 19'23. He was in the Yale class of tention they deserve? · satisfactions of nursing cert.a.inly com- crnon·s SPORTS"'EA R 1921. And. Oh yes, my husband has a lusty · pCnsate for lhe occupational ba iards. I My parents have never allowed us to appetite for sex and l have lo tak e care know of no group that gi\•es mOre -and go anywhere unchaperoned because they · of THAT, too. "-ny bright ideas, Ann Lan-receives mqre - in terms of personal Westclilf 1'1a11. 17th and Tr.rine. Nc11port ~uch.California92660 were afraid we tJJ.i.ght get into trouble, ders? -JUST PLAIN TIRED fulfillment. - fa ster Para de of Finery ·,'Little Tan1 n1y Burns Jnd Mrs. E. C. Burns preview Ea ster finery for Braille In- ~S litute Aux iliary of Nc ,vporl Beach Easter parade planned for Sunday, April 15. ,noon to 3 p.m. in the Coffee Garden. Corona del Mar. Proceeds will aid insti- ,ltttc expansion. ~ ,- CHOC Full of Easte r Fun The CHOC Bear is dressed.for Easter by the Mmes. Wayne Osborne and Chris Schneider Oefl lo right) as a reminder of the Ladybug Guild luncheon and can! party Wednesday, April 4, in the Fountain Valley Community Center. .~Engaged :Jill Januson and Rich- ard Sepulveda or Costa l Mesa are planning to . marry in September. ~She is the daughter of ;J\1rs. 1\.1. L. T.csulou of t Long Bench. • • J_ __ DTERY International Walk ' Dinner Plans Progress Foreign int rigue will flavor student s. Grace ~l uhumuza the n1e11u for the annual and Srctsai Sca lout and their 'internation al \V <l lk, a pro· American £amilies. the Gerald 'grcssivc dinner sponsored by \\fhilcs and San Vacca ros. the Corona del 1'.1ar Chapter of A German entrec, in honor the Am erican Field Service. of In geborg Hofer, will be · ear three..Jiarboc-'SWICd.in..the F r..1 Brusseau Vi ew Hills homes have. been home. At-\he· door with the selected for the event which AFS student will be ~1rs. will take place from t to 7 ~1abry Steinhaus.and family: p.m. Sunday,·AJ>l-il 8. _, Guests will walk next door Authentic Uganda a n d to the ~of Judge and Mrs. Thailand hors d'oeuvres will Mark Sodefi for dessert and to be se rved in the home of Mr. meet Julie Donoghue from and ~trs. James Hines where Australia and her American guests will be greeted by family, tbe Charles Crones. SEWING CLASSES ST ART APRIL 9 fl DRESS DESIG N • BASIC DRESSMAKI NG CtASSES l.111r11 1111tt1 t1Wl11t 11141 llow 11 m•k• your 1111n 11111.,nt. tnlllvlllu.ill t1111111c11on -l lmlttll Cl11t" .. • 10.ns • • • rescr1 ••• er --..:.. • ... -Vt • ~ • • 0 When any pharmacist fills a prescription, both his reputa- tion and the reputation of his company are on the line. Every pharmacist takes his profession with the utmost seriousness and dedication to f ill -h is customers' prescriptions with ext reme care and accuracy. And so it is at the Treasury Pharmacy where the same personal dedication and service is f oll owed by our pharmacists in fill ing your prescdpt ion. We at the Treasury Stores are proud to be a part of the pharmacy profession and proud to. offer this service to our cus- tomers. With this' convenience of having your prescription filled while doing other shopping, we know you'll appreciate pre- scription service at the Treasury. OPEN "DAILY 9:30 to 9:30 SUNDAY 10 to 7 • • • ! -' l -~ _1 1·~· --< -GaANAOA HMU llGOO·(Mt9W'l!f1tl-SI. flMIMDI lS20 IyJ!" 121!01 ft:Jatt IMI. mna·,.....,. . 19i•tr1tioA tbil-w••k onl Cwrwtl\'t $111M fer Clllkk't111 f , 22Sl.17ttiSt. c ......... 541·2771 ' I Ca ll 675·6730 KAY LOUISE ORIGINALS l40 Pitl....nle. C..... iHt M• '· '---------------------_,..j I ' I ' ' ' . .. \ ' J• OAILY PILOT Mon<lay, April 2, 1973 -• Sharman Frets Over. Five~da By GLEN!t.""WHITE Of .. DORI • 119tf INGLEWOOD . days wi1houl a game. Five days ltD ch to lose the momentum tbty flnlUf seemed to have &alhtreiLSwidoy nlaht when !he !,;lken maulOO the Chicago Bulls, 108-93, to take a %-0 lead in the Nil tlonal Basketball As- sociation playofis. That five-day break is v.•hat Lakers coach Bill Sharman is most cOncerned about as his fortes get ready ror Friday night's resumption of the i;erics in the \\1lndy City, •·\Ve played !he best basketball we 've Hypnotist Big He~p To Norton SAN DIEGO (AP I -In the su1nn1er or 1970~ Ken Nor ton's pron1ising boxing 1 ca reer suddenly tailspln{led. ''He was so discouraged that he want.eel to stop," said Dr. Michael Dean, a local stage hypnotist. The San ofeg~based heavyweight had won his first 15 professional fights after mustering out of the Marin e Corps. Then he foughl Jose Luis Garcia Jlily 2, 1970 in Loo Angel~. He lost by a knockout despite a protest th.at he was hit after the bell ended the eighth round . "My backers-felt I was too ccicky and took the guy !or granted," Norton said. "I wasn't prepared f!1Cntally or physically. They urged me to see this hypnotist." Dean. whose real nan1e is Dr. Sanford J. Ber'rnan, Ph.D. in general sen1antics and e(feclivc communica tions a t Northwestern University, said ''Ken was not listening to his lrainer and didn't seem to know the difference between self confidence and over con(idence." Saturday, Norton took an 18-1 record ·· into the ring at the San Diego Sports Arena as a 5-1 underdog in the biggest fight or his life. He broke Muhammad Ali 's jaw and v.·on a split 12-round de· cision. "I kept telling Ken that the big dif: ference between success and failure isn't big at all. It's only one-millionth of an inch," Dean said. "Thal was a split decision, and without hypnotism ·1 dori't thi nk he would have won .- Dean said he has met off and on \\'ith Norton for the past two and a half years. Th~ had up to 45-min ute sessions together each day last week through Fri- day. · Under hypnoSis. Dean said he sug- gested that Norlon relax . ''A· relaxed person is good at v.•hatever he does," Dean said. "Your good executives arc relaxed. This is true in all walks of life." Dean also prescribed some readin g: Napoleon l~ill's "Think and Grow Rich." which he said embodies Dale Carnegie's fonnula of success. Norton said he enjoyed the book. Norton said Dean helped him remove a 1 number of flaws Crom his boxing style. "He came to me and said his arms get too tired to keep them up. He used to get tired in five or six rounds:· Dean said. "J told him to rejuvenate himself. Through auto-suggestion. \vhenever his arms are tired. he should step back out or his opponcnt'1> range, roll his Shoulders. re la.x and think ·1 feel great. I teel gre3t.' Then he can come back fresh and continue to fi ght . "You sa\v hi1n doin g just 1hat in the flg ht. He also used self-hypnosis between rounds \Vh<:n he kept his eyes open and took deep· relaxing breaths," sa id Dean. Goes Three Sets played In lb rte or lour'Wetlts," Sharman said SWlday night alttt lhe lrlumph. '.'llaJkelball I& a game of peaks and val· le~s and we•Ve been ln the valley too long -I hope now we're go1ng up. "Tonight we flnally moved and ran for rour quarters. C.Onaequenlly we got bet._ ter shotl. hit a better percentage and even got a few easy layups, We had good quickness and although we didn't move as well as l'd like in the first quarter, I thought overall we did very lVell." Sharman, appearing loose and joking "'ith the press, admits the layoff from competition til Friday could hurt a club that just regained its momentum. "I hale lo have Iha! long off afta-a . good game," be says, Tiii! l4ke,. finally broke out of )he doldrums after the Bulls had aped to a U.25 lead in the second quarter. With super sub Mel Counts gelling lhing.s un· tracked with three buckets in a row, the i..aken ~nt on a spree. When It ended at halftime they owned a. 56-47 lead and had hit 17 of 22 shots for the period -a scaring 77 percent, They outscored Chicago by 16 in the lranie and· that was enough to carry them the last half. The teg;acious losers tWice rallied tG ., . A Wi1ul-jamm er Ryan .Looks Sharp --. Dodgers Agree -LOS ANGELES ~APJ -Ca lifornia Angels manager Bobby \Vinkles says pitcher Nolan Ryan look.. much better this SPfing ~than he did -last· year and although the Los Angeles Dodgers might not remember the previous details. they'll still agree. , \Yhile winds" gusted to 35 miles an hour Sunday al DOdger Sladium, Ryan pitclled a full nine innings for the first time this spring, choking Los Angeles on two hits as the Angels took a Z-1 victory. . The triwnpb gave lbe Angels lhe year- ly "freeway series" two games to one after the teams split two games at Anaheim Stadium. "He's 75 percent better now than tie was last spring," Winkles said of Ryan, last season's major league strikeout leader who collected eight Dodger vic- tims. Both teams got their only runs in the. first inning when the winds bothered both Ryan and Dodger starter Tommy John, also hurt by some wildness in the open- ing innings. California got three walks and a single for it s runs while a walk led to the lone Dodger score. . Ryan, who yielded ~ve walk s, said , "I ·settled down and took something off my pitches. Earlier I \\'8S throwing too hard trying to compensate for all the wind. "I wanted to go aJI lhe way, that was Sports in Brief my plan. I \\'anted lo stretch it out and go as far as I could," said Ryan who in five previous spring appearances pitched 21 innings giving up 19 hits and nine earned runs. John, who undern·ent surgery on his pitching elbow during the off season, sa id "[ couldn't blame the wind for my wlldlleM. It was my motion that was meued up. Actually, I'm very pleased to be at the point I am now." Afltl: the lhree walks in" the firs! In- ning, John yielded only two more in the other six innings he worked. It was only the lefthander's third showing or spring and before the SlUlday game he had thrown only six innings yielding H1 hits and four earned runs. "I'm glad I was able to 'tum around and pitch well after that bad start," John said. The Angels traveled to Palm Springs today to host the Oakland A's and the Dodgers went to Phoenix for an en- counter tonight with San Francisco. Clyde Wright was set to start against the •A's while Claude Osteen \Vas to open for the Dodgers against the Giants. The Angels wind up their spring sChedule . with .two games against A.1ilwaukee while the· Dodgers stay in Arizona · for one more game with San Francisco and one wit h Oakland. 2,000 Hoop Faris Invade Post Office for Tickets GREENSBORO, N.C. -An estimated · 2.000 basketball fans jammed the area of Greensboro's main post office Saturday night to mail their orders for tickets to the 1974 NCAA basketball finals. The tournament' will be played in the Greemlxlro Coliseum, and officials had ann0W1ced that 8,800 ticke ts would be available for public sale by mail order. And 12:01 a.m., Sunday was the earliest the requests-could be postmarked. The ticket-seekers brought radios, chairs and lots of nunors to the post of· lice. The first fan in line""; J!)..year-old Brice Moore of Greensboro, arrived at 1:30 p.n1. Saturday and stuck bis arm in the mail slot to hold his position . "I heard they were stampin g the mail times on them as they came in," l\foore commented. · Hundreds januned the s i d e w a I k s outside the post office. and a crush developed in the building's do1,1ble doors. A few fans became unruly and some pushing and shoving erupted near an in- side mail slot just after midnight, authorities said. Traffic was tied up in both directions along several blocks of East Market · Street in downtown Greensboro as fans \vaited to use a curbside mailbox: One man, heading out of the post office and into a 'heavy rain, commented. "This is the biggest circus I've eve r seen." Eve1·t on T Qp NE\V YORK -Chris Evert. the cham- pagne kid of tennis, uncorked her famous f\vo-fisted backhand and left Katja Eb- binghaus flat in the final of the $30,000 lady Gotham Classic Sunday. As a result of her 6-0. 6-4 victory over the \Vest German which was worth $8,000, the second-seeded Mi ss Evert pop- ped into the lead of the U.S. Lawn Tennis Association money list with $26,350. Smith Holds Off Laver Goll Leaders For Tournament Win ( come wilhin five. The luL lime !hey did berlain. who 1pp&m11ly bu come out of It was with 2: 10 left in the game. hibernation. But a pa ir of l>UkeLs by Jim He had 21 rebounds and Sharman llYIJ McMllllan, lwo frte lhrows · by ~erry he ~inUmldaled the Bulls on al least 10 West and a bucket by Cail Goodrich shots. Add.ltlonaUy, Chamberlain even upped the count to )02·89 and it was out scored ~our polnts. O( l'each. (Ilic.ti ltJl lM ........ U•) west· and Goodrich had big nighs or~ ~* 2:-;r ~.., •, 1~ 1r fensively as the former canned 30 points w111<..-2 '"' • •rldM , w • with 13 Q( 24 shots from !he Ooor drop-t:~•r l :: 1: ~':1'1" 1; U » ping in. West tiedoodan_NBA1 re~1r1d with 19 ~~=•• ~ t! t! :~~'°" ': ~ ~ assists. And, G rich ed a scorers Por1.-1 o.o • coun11 ' o..o u with 33 He hit 15 or 23 shots from the W•lt~ ~ ).l ll ' H'9<d 0 0.0 D field, 1(1119 0 M 0 And perhanc: the most rewarding To1111 '2 t-11 t> r-. CIJa Cl!ktOD performarice was that of. Wtlt. m· Lil 'AlllJllK TD11l1 SD .. 12 I• H1t2•22 -n 1J U-24 2' -IOI Ul"I Tt ltllllolol WILT CHAMBERLAIN INTIMIDATES NORM VAN LI.ER. ' Bucks Bow;~ .•• l Run Away ";I =-MILWAUKEE (AP) -cazzi< lluaaelli•, Nale 1bunnond and Jeff Mullllll, takJni<I charge a(ler h1glH1corlng Rick Ban7A was injured, combined for 50 polnta 5'!;&·1 day lo sperk the Golden SUI!< warnor, to a !!S-92 Nallonal BaJkelL>all AJJocilj,. J tion playoU victory over the Milwauk~~ Bucks. ''' Tbunnond, p1aying with an Injured fin-;1, ger, scored 12 of his polnl& in lbe ~-1 ood ~I.ind Russell came oll lbe to pump in 25· as the Wardon e~l the,. best-or-seven Western Con!~., .. semifinal series at 1·1. . m The Warriors led 93-15 with 1:35 ~J play. then fought off a furloUI come~<J\, led by Lucius Allen's shooting as p~­ wau.kee pulled to with.in 93-9% on a ~; point play by Oscar Robertson with ~I seconds to play. • ... The Warriors' Mahdi Abdul-fllhm.6p i was foule<l by Russell Lee with se~~ seconds to play and .sank t~o fr;e ~., for the Warriors' f1naJ points. Jon ~ Glocklin missed a shot from the co~1 for Milwaukee seconds later and Clyq~11 Lee rebounded for Golde n State, in~ ... - the victory. , , , Mullins added 18 points. 13 after Intel:, .Jl}lssion as Golden State beat Milwa ukee for onlf the secona time in erght 'mee~;.~ ings this season. . .. Milwaukee sa\v a IS.game winning ; streak broken. · :".; Barry, averaging 22.3 points a game;·· hurt his le(! snide while allempllng 19: drive in for a shot less than three ~~. utes into the game and sat out all ba\, the last 14 seconds of the contest. 1t was not immediately known wbethef' Barry wou14 he available for the thit!I, game of" lbe series in Oakland TITund3Y., night. '0 1 Geldtll 11119 !ttl MUWI Ullll (ft1 • .'T 01'.T -.. ,.., C.Let Thurmond Mulllni S J..7 1~· 0 0-G 0 Olndrlc19• •. 6 2-• '' Perry 3 0-G ' t 0-1 16 Jebblr TJ '·* '' 1 '-' 18 Al!l"n 10 •S 2• 5 ,.7 11 ll:(lbttllOn • ,., 10'. llarnen p ,.hm•!'I Et111 ll:uuell ' 2·1 lG Oolvls G G-4 ,O, o o.o D Orli.toll o 0-0 O • 11 J.l 15 1t.L11 O 0.0 0· McClolclln S 1·1 If, Totah '1 \J.ll t~ Tol•I• :ti' l•?O '2 Coldl"n St1te 21 ?O 7' It -iK Mllw~ulitt ?0 71 7• 21 -t'? ·Fouled out -Mllw111k11t, Oandr!t191t •,, Total mtJl5 -Golden srate 19, Miiwaukee 11 ~, Tet hnltal '°"'' -Golden Slala tOICh A!tl11 1i1 Alltnd•nct -10,lJt. NEW YORK (AP \ -Explosive Eeft. Monroe erupted for 32 points, his sea~ . high, and Walt Frazier added 29 Sunda)' ~· as the New York Knicks scored their~., ond straight-victory over the Baltimore , BuYels, 123-103, in their Naliooal Basket• ball Association Eastern Conference plaroff series. · · GaQleS three and four in the best~.:..· seven aeries wtll be played ln Baltlinoi't · Wedlleilllly and Friday nights. . The dynairilc Monroe , who came to: New York in '!f trade with Baltimore last· season;-bedazzled his ex-teammates-w1th - .an 3uortment of twisting, driving acrobaUC shots in the nationally televised game at Madison Square Garden. (. WbM the Bullets closed a 17-poin third-quarter deficit to six points early in the fourth period, Monroe virtuallY. single'bandedly look charge. He scottJ 11 of the Knicks' next 13 points, giving New York • commanding llJO.lii ad-L vantage. . , 1 Frazier had· 11 poinls and elj[hl assi.ts, in the first half as the Knicks built a $&-;; 47 lead wilh lbe help of Lwo key spurts,•• 16-4 run midway through the first quartts:•; and a 12·2 burst early in the second pe- riod , • l tlfimtrt 11'21 Htw Ytfll UUJ -"-, Of<T O P'-r ChiMl•r 13 l ·I 21 Bibby O 1M1 t , C!1rk 5 2-4 12 Bradll'I' 3 0-0 •• , Hayes 10 J.4 23 o.&uucllere 10 2-2 t'i--l Pat1trnton o •0-0 o Fr1rl1r ~ 12 s..a }ii_, Port•r 2 0-0 4 Jttkton 2 ~-2 '.•.(, ll:iorda!'I 5 10-12 20 Luci• 3 0-G RotllnlOl'I 2 0-G • M1mlnQ..-1 0-0 ·2•1 StaUWOrttl 0 0-0 0 Monro. 12 M 'Ii Tr11v1nl I 0-0 2 A:IHO:I I 0-0 16 Unseld $, 1-3 11 WI• 2 0-G '•\ Tol11l1 4l l1-24 IGJ Tc1111 !J 17·?0 121 ' B1l!ltr10r• 2s n n 24 -1o:i •.: New York 3l 26 2' " -12) -Fovltd out -'B•lllmGi'I, Ct1r1< TOlll fol.Iii -B11!11'!1Dft 2J, N1w Yofll 2J Alllncllnct -lf.6'14. '· 1 ' Pearson In 500 Triumph ATLANTA (AP) -David Pell'IOn aurvlved a torrid duel · with Cale Yarborough Sunday _and euon<d hla_apple-rod and white Mercury to vlctOry- belore '111,000 peraons In the At!anta 500-m.lle atock car race. . P~rson) a 38-yeal'-f)ld two- tune Grand National cham- pion, and Yarborough bad alternated . in leading ~ Stl t,225 Spnng Classic almost trqfn the opening gun. ~ut Yatborough's Chevrolet ran lnlo overbealllig problems wfllle Jeading by a rlarrow ll)&riln with less Uian SO miles to, go and Pearson moved ~d to an easy triumph, his · ~ major one of the season. 1:lie two were the only StfOnll runners left during the la~ter stages. Richard Petty, stpCk car racing'• only Sl niJJ!lon winner, had b I s rt)IChine wrecked shortly lifter th~, halfway point and suCh notables as Mark Donohue, BObby Allison, A. J . Foyt and Pete Hamilton were forced out with mecb8nti:al woes. 1• • J r ---:. ~e&f80l1, Wlnne.f Of siJt ID&• -ILY. Pll'OT Sfaff.l'bO..._ }or events and $137.705 in th C E .-same Wood Brothers Ml>'.cury LAR VANHOOREBEKE IS HUMBLED BY THREE HOURS -OF ACCOLADES. las\ year, complet~--the 328 laP,S around ,......th( 1.522-mlle cqurse in 31loilrs 34 minutes ~-:ft""D'h· His 'speed for the r~ was 139.391 miles an hour aiid hla share of the pri1.e maney was $18,175. :nu. groylng Spartanburg, s._c,, driver bad started ninth in a ·40-car lineup that had been put together through the age-old process of drawing nYmbers from a hat. ''lltree days of rain had washed out qualifying trials atld, in the grab-bag selection or the . lineup, Gordon JOhncock's Chevrolet started in the pole position, wilh Bob- by Isaac's Ford in the other front row spot. Isaac went on to place sec· ond, more than three miles back .. Johncock dropped out before the race was over. Ben- nY Parsoiis came in third in a · Chevrolet, Buddy Baker was foUrt h in a Dodge while Y¥borough limped. home in fil fb place. thOugh Pearson and Yarborough dominated the race, Petty and baac held the Jead at tinies 'in the early going. After the early nurcy1 . however, Pearson ana Yarborough swapped the lead 21 times. Girls End Cage Play The Mad Hatters and the Thunderbirds fini shed second m· Southern California after successful seasons in the Hun- tington B e a c h recreational basketball leagues. The Mad Hatters a re members of the Ponytail League and are fifth and sixth grade girls. The Thunderbird! played in the Junior Misses circuit and are seventh and e}ghth 'graders. Both seasons have been concl ud ed. Nixon Pays Tribute to Van; 1,500 Come to Honor Coach By ROG1'R CARLSON Of !flt b•llY Piiot S1.rt The end of an era came to pass Sunday night as 1,500 paid homage to C I a r e V an Hoor ebe ke with a testimonial dinner at Anaheim C.Onvention Center. Saluting the fonner Hun· tington Beach High dropout. who went on to become the man who guided Anaheim High to 16 Sunset League cham pionships and a pair of CIF football tltl1?s ·1n·2.1 years, were people from all corners. A -commfndatiOn f r o m President Richard Nixon was presented to the Anaheim Fox, experience. There's been a tot along with tributes from of great moments, but a lot of former pl:iyers, coa ches, ad-heartaches, too." minlstrators and adversaries Summing up hi s career at on the gridiron. . Anaheim VanHoorebeke said, In addition to several "I've had my God, you players plaques, a couple of lamps and aI¥f these two up here with· a portrait done by Lagmia me," as he embraced hi s wife Beach High coach Hal Akins, and daughter Chris. VanHoorebeke and his wife, Cerritos College coach Ernie Vi, were presented with Johnson called Van, "A good a motor home in which to guy, an outstanding coach and travel. a superb American." Accolades, thank yous and WestzniM:ter .~gb coach Bill well wishes prevailed and at Boswell said, Van has done conclusion vanHoorebekeis more for football and young parting words were: --people than any other. He "All I can sa)liS tlianks .• brought Orange_C.Ounty foot· These years have been a great ball out of t~ dark ages and to know Van i.s to loye Van.'' Southern califomla coach John MeKay te rmed VanHoorebeke as the ·"best single coach I've ever run Jn to." ~ Cap Sheue, his original foot· _ ball coach at~ Huntington J3each High, re co 11 ect ed memories of his association with VanHoore&eke and finished: "The moral of t b e story is never give up on a boy, especially a C I a r e VanHoorebeke." And· Mt. San Antoni o College coach Mal Eaton remarked, "He made high school coaches go to work." Cal Slate (long Beach) coach Jim Stangeland said, "He retires from football a wealthy man. There's never been a finer person in foot· ball." Stang eland is also a Huntington Beach High grad. And former Anaheim player Bill Miller summed up the en- tire evening, sayi ng, "Truly, this is the end of an era." ~ondll. April 2, 1973 DAILY PILOT 11 UCI's S.pence Turned Down a ro BaseballCon ract By HOWARD t. BANDY °' .. o.11y """ ,..,. I When the UC Irvlne boseball record books ve rewritten at the cooclustm of the currmt campeign, they'll have to put an lniUal with the last name ot Spence. Tom Spence has his name inscribed on the current sheet in ·many hitting categories but his sophomore lrother Rod Li pressing him and if his cur- rent heroics continue, he will be the family 's nUmber one hitter at UCl before the -year Is ended. Rod alttady bad five home runs and 23 rbl in the fint 22 games, less than half the cur· rent season. The UCI sea90D homer mark. Is slx by Jeff MallnOff last year. Brother Tom had aeven in his two years · 'flth the Anteaters. When Rod graduated from St. Augustine High in San Diego, he was drafted on the 17th round by th e Atlanta Braves and subsequently of· fered a contract for around $30.000. \Vhy then did he tum to college baseball instead of a dia mond career? "My older brother had a lot to do with my going to school," be says. In this in.· stance, Rod ls referring to Tom, the eldest of the three Spence olfsprlng. "He's in pro basebell and be kind of told me I should go to school and then I would have something to fall back on. He also said you are treated bet· ter ln pro ball when they Can•t push you around. .. Tom was signed out of Santa· Clara University. by the Chicago White Sox. This year he Is with the Phlladelphla Phillies organization . All three came up as first basemen. Rod knew he had a tough act to follow at UCI with Jeff Malinoff a year ahead of hlm in school. But this didn't bother him and he bas been switched to the outfield to get hir big bat in the lineup on a regular basis. Does It bother him to play better bitter wttb men on base." Being the team's leading rbl man and home run hitter bears out this contention. Rod plans on playing sum· rntr baseball in Boulder, Colo . under Chapman coach Bob Pomeroy. Hts name wtll be known to baseball fans In that area because ~ played lhere aht'ad or him. The young outfielder-first baseman will reeih bis 20< h b\r\hday Tuesday and under cutTent baseball niles, he can- not be touched by the pros this year. But when he turns 21 next suson as a junior, he can be drafted again ln the sununer. What are his thoughts along thl! line? •iJf they offer me enough money, 1 think I will be tempted to take it. I'll be far enough along In school by thst tirne so I can finish in the off- season ." Rod is studying · soc i a I science at UCI and feel s he y,·ould like to go into business in the accounting (ie\d v.·hen his baseball playing days are ended. -Being the· youngest of the three Spence brothers. he has been innuenced by both of his elders. Tom was the one who. 1nnuenced him to attend UC! • and Rod Isn't sorry. He had opportunities to attend USC and Santa Clnra but in the final analysis, It was honesty that paid off for t h e An looters. "Coach Adams was really honest with me . He told me l!xacUy vthat he could do and he has done it. or course. I knew from Tom jusl what to rxpect, 100." Yes. there will be initials in the UCI baseball r«:O!-d book at season's end and they will be prominent ones in both irl- stances . T. Spence and R. Spence -quite a pair to draw to. the outfield? "I bad a lot of tmJble out UC IRVINE'S ROD SPENCE' PREPARES TO SLIDE. there last year," he recalls. "I ---------------------------------- guess It wairbaviilg to adjust lo the enviromnenl I started slow and lost my confidence and began punching the ball. "I'm not that kind of a hit· ter-and during the summer l went back to my old way of bitting and-I think it's helping me lhis year. "As for playing the outfield, I think 1 can concentrate more on my hitting in the outfield and I'm beginning to enjoy-it." Ori many teams, Rod would be the cleanup hitter but for Uct this season be his hitting behind that man again - Malinoff. "I think I like hitting behind Jeff. There is a lot of pressure on oppoolng pitchers. I have more of a chance wi th somebody on base, too. The front guys get on and then the pitchers try to pitch around Jeff. "I don't feel any pressure batting fifth. J also Utink I'm a For Coast Area Sports Ca'lerulnr Mel96ly lAlll'· ll E1lmcl• •f SA \ltl\eyl Founl•ln \11Uev '' TrM:k -1.0.l• Mew '' SA VllllY 11 Ct11ft Mew, Westm Ml• 11 NlW!>Ori :I~). Hfft«, S.l'lt• AM It HUl'lfll'IOIOll Tl'!lflll -San DltOO Stitt 11 UC i&M<h. U.r1 ti IMrlN, "Wn!m.nsltr In ding JC Swim Clockings Jrv1"" tJ:bl. ,, ~ H1rbar, 0.M Hill• II S~-r--.., CAJH', J) dlebeck, U11l....,-s!ty II Ll<IUllt' Beat.ti, T w1 T1 hM09U -~°""'"" \11IMY 11 Nl'-1'°" \lltJo •I OrtmJt, S•n Clmlenl1 " 'ITC" I "' 1"41 COrona oe1 /Mr, u n,wr1lrv 11 Dena 11 1111 P1rt.;-1i:u 1. u r:· 1·vlm·-1t .,. meOtev ,...., -1. ,.......,.. ,.,,.,., ""'..in ,., :o>< • •••• • •••• 1•• •• R ind•, P1H6eni 11 5 o u 1 h1 r n l :olol.l/ !. Dltblo \11IW,. Fooltolll l !M.r1 M.ltlflolil, ~ ,, Hun"ngtOll '"4:11, C1Utorfll• Collet iDOTll al J), LA •• on... c...r 11•.4• s. "-lc•n -... om ,, ..wnn.o, ""'"·~ ,...., •• HlrbOf •I folder! Wttt (J:JOJ. IU""!'!' J:S2 ... on.n -t. _. .,.., M--1 H•tOOt, Wl ,llrn 11 5 ... "" .... ,...... t•. 11. ,,~• --•~ ·~· .. __ ... m 1111 -Ctit --o1 .... ~-MJ:'Vi;',0 ~;;,o,n,~J ~:i lflOfll Pl1i1 (noon) sovfft Coli! 1.GDO trw -1. Hl""'I' l'"ul"'1onl ~" 1.l•m•HU~, -MllM" ueo •• o........ Conftrence dWnPIOll'1i1Pt ., Ctrrlto. •:!6.$1 2. Atoll SI-!Lono IMClll A~lj 1.,•11 Miii et Lo6 ll,l1mh• C1ll I••·~"' J. 10:15.21 3. T~ (,-oo!llHI) 10:14Al 11 ): S)f ~=:°"-11 Uf•"°'" '"°'~'I .~I' II -~·l'IDt CQllll 11 Ml. !if 4. lllatll-(f'Vlllrt!lnl 10:2'.I! S. LACC • Wfft, SloCloltOl<k 1 e W"t If Rio Hondo, Wltl'" lAmerk111 11.lv«l lO:Zl.I. f..llrul 1111 ... ~:.ICI), ~ ...... n .......... n.~ ., °""""'°"' (balll II ,, • 200 lrM -I. Vin Zll'ldl (Foorllllll c~::r~1~·!..T'lr a'mino II GoldM Cllllom~ ,~._uc., n11N1~ll: 1;'7.21 2. 1111-(Stqvol••I 1:4'.fl ,, WtcSI IJ:3CI). dollbltl'IMdll"• •t noon!. TownMl!d (Fottlltnl l1oft..J• .. HllVW TINli• -c.tona a.ii Mir •I 1'ou11t1l11 Treck -Clleff.-. lnvlt1t/°"1I !Ed''°"! 1,-ulllrlol'I), MhM!lfl IOCC) l c.,.I. VIII•~', SA Vl lll'( II EclllOtl. Mlclnoll1 Hu11lll'llJloll 8"(11 Mir '"· NtWl'Or OfMo't -IL Wiii...,., 1•wc1 ltlUI 1! Est1111c1,, Newoort tt•rbor 11 -S.11t11 tt1rbor, W"lml1111'tr, 1"09!1 Mnil. 11. llrellteM (OCC) Ii&•. AINI, ttunttngton 9e.dl 1t L.611"1, LOii M •tlOtl Vltlo), laouftl INdl Troolw 50 "N _ (. -(OCC(, •-ho ·····-,, c 'I M .. I I MM! (10 •. m.), Silddl~k ., s..n " -,,.. Oii eM, r Ill • Oleao Rtl1n. AlUll·PIClllc, C\•r. (FullM"IOlll 12.,/ S.. Mytnif IOCCI, t~111~~fus ~f1~117~~tv~' ~~.,.;1 morit, Cllepn:1•n 11 ufi:rvt"' 1noon WlmblrlltY !Sol•nol n.si s. OOnoY•n I I.ff-INCi!. Footllll/ 11 Ml1110t1 vi.. CrlW -Or1not 11. w1111h11:1icm, (Plerc1J, T.i9111 (Gniumonll, .. ~ 'I S..n Cl1m111l1 •t E Modin• (ill 11 HIYV. UCM, C~t S 111 IS1n Oll!'llOl, !Ol1blo V1llt-¥) 22.6. r Jl1 Orll'!DI CNll 11 Mil 01900 M1H Cil Stii. '\~r(o::~~~f•n OltOO. Ofn.r. -i . MeOn IOCCI tt.11 11, UC 1rv1111 11 C•J Sl•I• (L-atecll! ll•Mblll -UC lrvlM ... Ano111 C1rdf111• (OWC) 22.11 11. L. •t1r bOrto ., J; LI H•YV •I Goldtto w~ Minor II Hottvlll• (l p.m. tn'llOltlon). ,.,. ..... ,.. (OCCI tt.f. (2:30). w ....... IAllf'. 41 200 Ind. ~. -T. Cl1r1tv (Ol1blo ·Debbie Burlison is the coach of the Mad Hatters which in· elude Dee Dee Meng, Theresa Riel. Megan Christopherson, Sandy Martz, Karen Senske, Johnna Gonzales, Barbara l\finear and Pam Rico. Harness Entries llM~ll -El DcirHO ., LeAun• V•tltVI J!ID.JJ 2. Gtbll'• (0. Anl•I lltilCh (3:1$), UC Irvine •I UCLA 2:04,01 J.. Wll-(1•1..a.n11 J:IU.Sl '· (J:)(I). La t La h Modrlqu1r (Monf.r.yl P.n11111J11) 2:111.11 Ttnnl1 -SOUl!Mrn C•llfornl1 Colleoe s ug 5. TOWllNnd (F0oth1lll 2:07.S. 1IChlo1N11(2). 200 bultlrfl'I' -1. Mo b l n•on Gvm1111UC1 -Ft1V11l•ll\ V1H1v 11 IFuttlrlont 2100.)i 2. Aoclr'--• ,_,_ WedmllttlM" (7), Alllhllm II H---1 ......... On the Thunderbirds of OOlch Ron Burlison (Debbie's father) are Mkbele Burlison, ~e Mu t erlo, Becky Woodruff, Kim Wilson, Lorna Mullallay, Dianne Stuart and Joelene Lanage. The Mad Hatters lost the championship game of the Huntington Beach city cham- pionship to the Goofys then entered the Orange County Municipal Athletic Association tournament and won it. ,, ·Basketball VAN-A.1,0NE WITH HIS THOUGHTS. For Mond•Y ClNr & 1"111 ,l"lrsl Post I ,.m. FUIST 111.ACIE. Ont mile. J>KI. clelm-'"9 •ti 1ge1.. d•lm!ng prlc1 St,500, pctrV ''"°°· Knight Sc.Imp, M. Hil,.,e'r C:Mloe B1rmln. R. Wllll•m1 Hit Storm, G. Lonao lildy Be""""" M. tmlltl Fr1M Mll:Olll, 0. l.lnon Rocket Ir.I, S. 0.-r JIHlC C/lolct, J. l.1Qt!rto111 Sii~ Record, A. WtNGElll. AIM tlltlbll Alt Keyed up, E. Th0r11lcm ~ncl11 ~nd. P. ROtthlo SICOND MACI. Ont m1t1. ~. t:ondlllonecl ror 3 a. • ye1r old m•ldlM· Pll•N 11.IOO Siar Asset, L GtlOOl"V Ml9111 Alm1hurs1, J. O'Brl.n Slog W1tcll, J . Mllll1" N11tlve Slit, J. C>ennl1 Shor! Trip, W. Short Ol~monze Price, G. Holl Admlr•I Time. R. Sl•mt<°mlfl Tru• 01ndy, R. Wllllami ' • Gorman Topples Kodes NIA "INAL STANDINGS Al$0 ttltlltll H•rtior (l:UJ. . Plftln111l1 ) 2:01.J: J. Cl1r1ty fOl1blo """"""' lA.,, JI F G }f v111r,1 2:06.•1 '· H•v•l•tt !SMUOl••I Swlmmll!CI -Soutll Cw1t Conlwlnct or 0 e1•s J:O..S: J. Jotwli.on IOl1blo Vllll'f') u;mi>loniMPI fl_C.,-rll0t j2l. 2:07.3. ),1Nblll -Goldln W" 11 Cm 100 fl"M -1. Mcllvldt 1Foo11'11t!I 1!.!~ oirn cc ~I Sldcllet:Ytk :30!.t •.• , 2. v'" Zll'Ctl IFooltllll) oft.ti 1. ~;;;-,.~). !tom . Col.... • U1. GREENSBORO, N.C. -Pro ltochl !Fiii~) .... Ji '· H ... Tenn 1 -tlrrlto. 111 Orl!IM CO.ii f.t.mlrk:1n 1111,,.rl .... 71 S. lnton "x oc: lrvlM •I '"-'"dlM• I''"' 51 goUer Jerry McGee was slin. 1011blo Y•lltV) "·'· ~ -1. r11tk -CorDN Ml Mir 1 Fou.i11l11 t' C•....._.• CO'#Cl •.Ii 11 . ll'Nflflnl .v1lw.... Mlonafl• •I E•lll'IC:ll, SA ping and sliding on the wet, COCCJ ... , It.°""*' COCCI •• 7. ~i..:. '~'°"•tHX".=: ~~ 200 IMKktll"Oke -t. M11111911 COCC) H111111r ,, s.n11 AM, wntminiiw 11 treacherous fooUng of a nar· 211131 '· 000rin1cy IEI C•ml11e>l 21os.1 1 w.t.m. Dlflol HUl1 •I Ulll\'9f&lty, L-1.1 tr d 3. GeW• CO. Mui 2:ot.t 1 L Cllr1tv ._, :1.!.t.L1011111 ~111 Ml••lllfl v1110 row Ull\.lge.over as earn an 1ot11>10 V••w...1 2:01.11 s. H•.,.'-'' 1,,.. • ~''; &1 -11 illfl Arnold PaJmer was getting qvo1a,1, wn... !,.....,.,,., 1~01.1. C""*"'--I llllDP Amit •I Mlttf" Otl. OllWlrl -14 alltlWmtlfl COCCI il1lU }.VJ1A1M111111 •' en.11 MeM 1.i1 11 a chuckle out of It ''"' c.,,....;.1occ1111l.•. 1 · · ....... ':l Tb Arnold n·ppec1 too H soo tr.. -1. v"' Zllld'I (FDOftllll) Swf I _ fS.. ~l en, I ' . e 4:41.51 2. H.,....., (FulltffOtl) l:S2.t ; l . et11=:3.'!111 •• ., 1~ lt':~'r.'G tumbled into the waist-deep TOWllMnd !Foolflllll •t,..11 <11. s 1mmons tt•rl:lor .i GGld9n t (Jl te of . II I' Clang a11elll St03.SJ s. W1ll•n 1•~'1: 1~ 1f COfllllll lfll wa r a ra1n-s wo en 1ttle IArntrk•n 111 .. .,.1. K..,1,11 IP•Mdtn•I ~1:n1tot ., Ed1:i. U' ~!\\~ '"'i creek and came up sputtering ~;n:t1 c:-"Ma1-:...1'to:Cl":' 1, 1rc,1 E111nc1a Gost1 """' •I FOllflll n I · nd I hln t bis ... , 1 • • • v.u..,, H1111t1ncJ1Ct1 8Ntll ,, sin•a An• or air a aug g a own JOO ll'l'ff•' -1. Mot 10111110 v.11..,.1 Marini •I Lolr1, tfl'WPOl'I Hll"tlOI' 11 misfortune t:ll.7l I, Wllfllll'I• IOWCI l 12t.l1 l. w,"""""• t•r. Ucllllll Otech • I .. • Cwrtoll 1011010 V1ll1y) 2:21.01 •• '1-..n !t• .~•not-•I Ml111<on Vltlo, It h -ed h If Votmond• (FoolllltlJ 2·21 21 s Swt111or V/I a P•~~ Si n ct-:•, ,..,.,,, 011 ap,....n ~ W a Y iSin JONI 1 :21.1. oii.t,'.. ....: '· K.,,1 • SI, An " (111 II '2·1.si S111 OllOO through Sunday's rain-delayed IOCCI 2:U .!1 l!. Y•rwoocl COCCI MI'S• 11 Sf:not Coe1I (2. I. I,_, I r j w;\!~rnr.~~· ~ :,1oe~1i.on 1::'is~dln third round of $210,000 Greater '«» ·,," rt1•Y -l. 011bto va•Wf I . "Kk=-_ llCl!~•t r.reenghnro_Qpc" n"ll ............ l;:I0,11 L Or•• C••I 11n.11 J. • JJ;-(;fi'r I ll'IO , ~ ~ ~~,. ........ , Flolttllll-.Jt•.., ........... -~----~ :l~~-''wi:r"r30\ba'" 11 ii. c: ment. Palmer sp-aped his J;n.:. °""" -u. ~ wttt 11)4.t. i-t----'·~· --''=<'·'''"' C~I VANCOUVER, B.C. (AP) -6=7 to Roger Taylor of England ~~,'!~ F~~g~~R. J..vir1~~~~ •-w'°"",-..,..----l'•or-Tom C'.orman it_was_al.,__and Pj~s o( France, JHIRD RA.Cl. °"' mne. 1191 -,ioston " 1• .':::· 0 • .rnost like playing in his home-Gorm an, 'll, crediting his re-dlilonJ1Uloes "'"wlnnersora Baseball Volleyball~ "tt'tl! vor11: s1 25 .MS 11 town and Jan Kodes knew It, tum of KOOes ' service for his ~.s1:t~~731~11~"g 1;:.' .~:'1w: ~!:iptil• 2~ ~ .256 ;: • '8_S Gorman tO?k the slngles victory, picked up IO points ,,.... ,,, s1,200 n,.,, mer'" 1n l•it • N CMlll'M OMlkln ,no title Sunday In the $50,000 for his victory, along wilh $10. e:;: ~.;;:.: .. ..,,O'Brien ttmcn " a '34 '.Rothmans International pro-000, giving him 18 tour pointlrr Vlctort Aw•rd. P. Conroy ~~~ : : :: ,! fes.sional tennis tournament. "I've played 'often -here,-=r%T~~·~-:;~ c11Yt11nc1 :12 so .3" 20 Gonnan, Who grew up and starting when J was 12 years a.1c1w111, J. B•!lfY w ...... .,_,_ played .. ~ f bi I Id but I've . cr111Y F111 ... -. J. Gr•llll111 • M....., ·Di•ltlDll mlJ\;u o s ear Y te°'" o , never won a big· c111tr11 p.,, c;: tCl'l'd 111MitW11ukM '° n .nz nls in. Seattle, had a large ger game " sa id Gonnan after Roy•• Go. J. 0enn1, i lfO Sl 31 .in • of a) 1 • AIM 1119'.i. o11 .o .a .... '° ifOUP voe supporters on the singles victory. l'ltftlll ~11, J. 1111S1M1 0mttie l' .. .Alt ~ hand lfs he defeated KOOes 3-Kodes got seven points and 11111., Tw, J. L10111t1m ·~°' A~ldnc .. rxm:' 6, 6-2, 7·5 in the singles final. $S,OOO for second place. ~~!!: s•~.~· of: .. "':;_, ~i Oii6illfl Sl•ll •7 ,. » :: I~ "I thought I was playing in flew nlYM" 1111'1)1'1 U.500. C•l bred. """"' ~!~ : :! ...., 22 Se 1 atUe," said Kodes, obVioo5-~-:'°Aa101, J. L1g111t1111 ht"tltnci 21 ,1 "1' ~ y angry at a couple of qu~ G • 11.~1,.. Tass. R. °'°""' Jf'Cf~llt(I c11v1"°" 1111• .2$6 tion able line calls. ymnaStiCS 8:~ ~\1,~~M~.J~*' "Tom played very w 11, but v•n M•1c1. J. atn111tt be Tlmmv T•••· A. Wl"lllf' l re wtrt· one· or two ·bid ~tm"e:.!\11.11 nu.11 w'I"" Fr01t Frost, G. Ho11 calll on my serve," said the SO.'Vi1ll'Cll !W ) ·:i ':'li I Wiii • J· Roc:kln $!ockfn1, T. Otn"ll 27·year-old ciecb6slovakJan. '"'t110or ml., . van 11 itn wm. • POlctv C.ll!xk ... -1" s~~· rv cw1~r,'S.tt-.2:. ~.~1 1Wml, 1. "''™ 1tAC1: On• mllt. trot.~''''"' Jj-:_:::__~~The:;'1.,P,tou~_~r~nx'!\'.C~h~a~1[;jf.!<l'~a[Ud~erosei!~·l-t:~dt r :..¥.""'M.~f!il" iWu.1. t_ 1111 hlnt11<:11p 111 •Oft. wire t11tm1"' ' on~ , W.tt= ~-.1 l. Ol'to111tlo ~ttc-ft~,.OCO.W,$0ll-J7AIOOO fOC1 (1"'"1~.,:.----· ~·"°'·~-· 'Ml~~~Alt..-.ian •1 players have wins. '· '·'· · c 1ovirr 01v,°J. ol•ltfl ~.,. con1 dtl. hii.rton 1s-1t, 1s-I ~ ti no I ~ Dltm t Gorman missed his oppor-nintlll blr-l. Vin lt11ltwn (Wm. I, C'•loary LMI. T. Olnnlt 11 ,,,"' 1tf1ntftU tr9.l'_-0.fll*tld t tunlty to add the cfoubks U· J:J:t'"'""'" (Wm, I, 3. HoclQl1 CWll.). Cllaunuv It., L. 0•\111«! • A =:rJ;a...~!~'iN). Ue, IS he and partner Erik nmJ!ir~==~1W"!i·)1.J: ~:~::i~~f.·~· .. • 0rlftfl COii! °"· llUll«ton IS.It. lS. M?.. YOfll IN) ........ YOfll: IAI,. lJ Van Dlllen blew some golden 'w.411!;.!;. o.f.:~~.t~V1lt' l. YM-~:~~ .. ~t. ~~Mlllw 'Nl~r 1 """". ... Mlr~MMIM IJ.1. IM, "".\r.n. ••. l•Ulll'IOf'l •• llt.1• JMJnot opportUnitics and lost 7~. w: ....... 1. ttton (Wll.I. •O. 1. V•n Afl'lllrtl lf1VIU1, J . n.n.., J4. llli.l!tn (W1ti.I. S.7. Simi •&el . °"9' tfll ... N<• ,_ ., J..., y~ -·,. ,.. ... ..-.M 1111 MM -.t. ,..,_,..,.. 1W IK • I • • TtM'li -tof.oni 0t1 ,,..., 11 wrist when he grabbed for a Mi!Qnoll1, Edlto11 '' Lot A11mltt1t, bridge railing but the only '-- Hockey Standings I . damago was to his dlgoity. 'f.alent Bred He "as soaking wet and sent for some dry clothes. Wben they arrived he got some male voluntetn from the massive gallery. They fonned a ring. Palmer changed clothes on the spot and-ccotinued play. Atlanta t h I r d beseman Darrel Evans of the Atlanta Braves appareoUy lnberlted his baseball tRlent.111s mother and aunt both played j>n> fesalonal softball in Pasadena. LEASE GRAND PRIX I I . , i • ' ' • ' I '' •• • • Ja DAILY PILOT s MondaY, April 2, 11/1' • How ·Small Oaims Settled ' rt---boliff-Eas-y-Aveliue..ior-Redr.esse.,.,.s.___1-+---" FINANCE BY SYLVIA PORTER (First tn a Striea) Let's say the dry cleaner has tuined your-coat and refuses to compensate you for the damage. Or the TV repainnan has charged you for fixing your set but has failed' to do so~ Or the landlord refuses to Sustained Demand ·-F-ord-E~eeutive 1 Expects Record return your rent secur· ity deposit even though you left the- a ..pa rtment you vacated In good con· dition. ' Or some- one owes you PO•T•• rrioney -for wba~ver reason -and refuses to pay you back. relatively small, it would ~d· ly be worlhwhile for you to hire a lawyer and take the 'trouQie of going ·thro.~gh ~e lnvolved, time-consuming - ~rvfce fll'IllS and neighbors; lnablllty to recover rent- securlty de po ~ Its froin landlords; defective or un· delivered merchandise; minor penonal injury or property damage (Including th-Ose due to auto accidents); unsatisfac- tory appliance, auto or house repairs; clothing ruined or lost by dry cleaners and laundries: breaches of warranties; wage claims; ~damage by movers; fl.Rd unpaid )Q8Jls and in- surance claims. and often cosily court pro-Sfll.L, THE poSsibilities are cedure necessary to get back many and varied. One'woman the money you feel is due you. brought suit to get back the However, today, in mo.st money she paid for a dog who areas, an often overlooked, di~ three days after she had easy av.enue for 9uick rE;dress bought it. Another sued for' the in dispute~ of this sort is the damage done to her patio by a small claims court. By CARL CARSTENSEN percent over 1971 -for the tree service. Of ... c.itt 1'1ttt '""' greatest m· ere""" in sales #If In such courts, which exist T beh If ...,... " Jn almost eV"'"' s t a re o sue on your own a , 'l11e auto industry is en-any division in the industry. ( 1•• h t . -., t you must meet your state's joying the highest level of sus-"Our dealers never used to a tuuug no m every own o.r leagl age minimum. which is tained demand for new cars in . d city), the procedures are so II 8 2 If h. be considered aggressive an simple and informal that you usua y l or 1. you are its ·history, and t is surge sales conscious, but that's not 1 . r t under this age, you usually should lead to the third con-" B "d don't need a awyer: in ac ' fl 1 . h h secuUve year of reg>rd new· true any more, enton sa1 • some courts don't even allow must I e you~ c aunt roug a ar sales a Ford J\fotor Com· "C~ang~s in -S 0 u th e r n la\vyers. Court fees are low, ~rent, r~lative, legal gua~· c -~-.~ ::t· • -• --Galifom1a are even moreu 11 rangiff".'from $3 to $lS -d1an or friend, and -have this -pany executive .sa u in an in-dramatic because dealers here _sua Y. 6-· · adult appear with you at the terview here today. continue .to be the leaden. To-Cases seldom-ta}te m.ore trial .. If you yourself are William P. Benton, Ford d a Y a Lincoln-Mercury ~ban a month to come to trial; unable to appear _ whatever vice president and newly ap-dealership here is most sought. tn son;ie areas, you may have your age _ you can give an poi n ted · Lincoln-Mercury after," he said. to wait only from 10 dars lo adult power~f-attomey to sue Division general manager, two weeks arter your chum .is or act in your behaU. said the industry's sales pace, 11TllE 11 c o n s e c u t t v e entered. MO:Jt judges will WhiCh reached an annual rate months of record sales have usually: render a decision on H you are, to get the max- of. 12 million during the first put us in the best possible the spoi or within a day or two im~m . ben.efit from 8 s mall quarter, shows no signs of position .to.capitalize on the after the trial. clauns court, yo~ must know cooling off, and . is· an in· exceptionally strong market." how to star:t a suit and wh~~ to dication that· 1973-delive_ries While sales of new cars even . BOW MUCH YOU ~ sue do both_while yQU are awaiting sh>u)d be in cause amaument to Detroit for depends on ~here you.live, trialf 'or once you are in the excess of 11 auto executives there seems but the ~u:nnum limits court. millicn for to be concern o~er the dollar across the country usually The next column will give the f i r 1 t squ~ze put· on .f ore i g n range from $100 ~ $1,000 -you vital hints. markets because in the past. with the courts 1n a fewr----,--,~==---1 ti~or to this segment of1 the market !ocalities Imposing higher-ceil-PUBLIC NOTI_CE ___ 1 has had a direct relation to 1ngs of from ~l"~ to $3!~· ..,,,, :~ ~ ! ~ ~ stnall or compact car sales. ·.The average hm1t 1n 100 cities F~cz~Tios~S...:~,!~NNS,.Ss -Benton said there should surveyed by a Ralph Nader 11The 1011ow1"11 person Is ooil'lg business Linc o In. continue to be a foreign car study group, though, y)Vaks AIM, uoo west co1st Hlghw1y, M er c U r Y . S be found to be $350. In New or Newport Be1ch, CallfOl'Tll• 9lUO dealers, Ben· ...,.ON segment Jn the u. . cause C't th r "t . $500· in Agreulve lnlern1tlonal Marketln11, ton ··'d. "This •"-'.been a "enough buyers will always I y, e tmi IS • 240G we" coest Highway, Newport :Kl1 ua;, . California $300· Washington, Beach, c1111orn1a cs 1 ate ot k bl r'~ for the demand 1t." ' . ' $300 I lncorporatlOl'I -Calltornlal remar a e pe """ k' f C . th D.C., $750; Minnesota, o Thi• ooslMS• Is condll(te:t by a automobile business. Despite Spea 1ng or apr1, e "$550• Florida $250 to $ 1500. corporation. ~--ges and c·ballenges German 1'mport sold by 1.,-M ' ' ' Ge-orge M. Turner, Secretary many 1,:no.11 • Generally you can · use a Thi• statement w1s flied wlfh !ht coun· sales have ~ver been better, dealers, he said, '~We're tak· l1 I . ' urt t n] ty Clark of Orange Countv on March ll, and prospects never brighter." ing a11 we can get. We should sma c aims co 0 ~ue 0 h 1973· ,nn1 'Ibis seems tO be partieular~ sell in excess of 100.000 this for money (but no~ in . sue Published Or•nll* coest Dany Piiot, -1---··--t-'Ll ___ ffi-""M·rcury·-··-·-·· -rdl --o1 t" cases as assault or libel). You Apr11 2. 9, 16, 23, 1973 m.n ~1c!ilnlel_~"':.:11-1;;f ~~ .. ,.~ Y~l!! reg~ ~uf~:x:'5 · ~-,cannot sue for-t~e-fumishing wiu c oxu ~nu 111v Most man aciurers, lu of goods or services, for the PUBLIC NOTICE than 600,000 "deliveries, up _30 domeetic ~ !O r ~l .,.n. return oJ property or for FICTITIOUS eUSI NESS PuBUC NOTICE agree then; IS 8 point of pnce-negligence, µnless you can fix The 1o1~0~.! ST!~~,EN!rt doing cost relationship. where the a money value to these bullnes1 •1: Nor1l'E°Tic~E~Ne"~i1~~v=~osfhat se•I· custom.et might reject the claims. A~~.~~~~!YBJc~~1Ti. n'fs1 ocean ed propoM" w111 bl r1ca1~ tiv the city foreign car market, but .the.y There are' 'some off-beat c. Cot1r..t W.lilqullt Jr .. .us Dart· of Coste MaH at the office ol Iha Cl!y ..:i ... -•t kn"" .. -•ere that pomt IS moor, Latuf\11 B-.ai. ca111. tu51 Cltrlt II tM City Hiii, 11 F•lr Drlva, uvu u..-'fM SUitS 01 course Jn ·one Mllrllyn W. Wahlqvlll, .US Dartmoor. COlita MeN. c11itorl'll1. 1,111111 ""° 11o11r o1 in cost. ~-)' · · [ 1 Laou111 Beach. canr. '2651 11:00 1.m. on Aptll 91 1'7':1, 1t whlth llme ·"So CaprJ will continue in Celetitftted Case, a ref: RDCe "This bu1lnes1 Is (OIMIU(;lt'd by an ln-they wm bl ®'Md PVblldy al'td rt•d -,.1 .... r sued the New York dl~ldu11. aloud. In ttM Coum:ll Chtimblrl for the us " Benton said.__ .w "' . . -. . c. Co11rall W1hlC11J!SI, Jr. •urnlsliino an 11~. miotlJl'lil1, l<ii/IP!Ml'lr. -· ·• -Tel~phone--co:-for-$300-in --;his staffmem--·ttred with ttia coun° trinlport•llon and 111e11 otti.er facHllles a1 WHILE UNCOLN-Mercury ·"" t;m... lost through ty Clerk of Oriloge C011nly on March u. may 'be rllQlllrlld tor the 1mprovtme11t o1 wor.mg 0 .•"" , 1913. Anev No . .s 11etweefl Nf'\119«1 Boulevard Division has made tremendous TV\l'lr telepbope service -0 11 "''1,"' and El<le!'I Aveni.It from 13rd Slteel 10 • r· Id -.th r'·": . he ''d 'ted 61 1/. Pllbllshld Or•llfl• Coest a y p ot, wuton siraa1. gains 1n the luxury 1e w1 cla1m1ng ud was. . ~ Apru 2, 9, 16, 23, 1973 17'-73 A 1e1 of pt1n1, speclnt111ans and other the Continental and Mark IV hours on the phone waiting forl ----=~--,,c==c---1 contract document. m•Y be obte1nec1 111 , f t lo PUBUC NOTICE tht offk• o1 111e c1tv c1erk, n F11r Dr1~. in recent years and Mercury s a dial tone or or opera ors cost• MH1, c1n1orri11. ullO'I 1 d•llOl11 01 Marquis Benton thinks the answer or In redialini? because1----,-"-T-1T1ous 1us1Ness US.1111 r~ l,lpOl'I return of plan1 and • II spec111t1Uons 11 bid opening: A eMrg• of days of the automobile being of wrong numbers. The sma The 1on!~E~~~~~~:~0 butlntu -~i.O:Ai'~'M~iLm;:~-l~:~~-~E~Ks~•1L eonsidered,_a ... status symbol claims.court ruled in,favor oI. as:_ ~ ·_ Ea<:h bid .nan bl med• on tht propoi•1 are gone. the writer: the case is now un-"~!!rt~~ ~~~'!!c~R~12 tonn trld 111 1111 mal'tl'llr prOVldlld 111 tht I ·• ' difttract oocumen11. anc1 srwou 111 ac· "'It's basic transportation der appea . E. A. White, 2312 Newport Boultvard, ltd b tr11fled 0t cashier's Id be ., -. • I Newport Beach, 92'60 ~:"or, bl~ ti!ncic tor"°' lfl• thin 10% and that's what it shou , But most claims mvo ve This bllsfneu Is belno condllded by an °''""'"'°""'of the bid, made .,.yable 10 he said. run-of-the-mill disputes with lndlvldual Illa City of COiia Mt111 I di d E. A. Whlla NOTICE 1s FUllTHE.lt GIVEN th•t the "California leads in auto. local tradesmen, an or s, Thi• stiottment wa• t!led with 1,,. Coun· City Coum:n of 11ld c11y NI• heretofore tren..:i-_ and this is where the, 1v Cltrk or orange County on March 1, 1tl1bllshtd 1 prnall!ng rite and $Cllt of ~ PUBLIC N0'11CE 1913. w89f£, In aeeordanu ....-1th 11w, to be paid small cars got s t a rt e d """7~ In ""' COMlrvcflon of lhl aboUI ll'llllleod . • .. Publl!Md Or•l'lll• CMsl Dally Pilot, lmproV'l.,...,ls. That 11ld r111 and scale Between 1975 and 1980, this N~~~9.c 1: i~~:';~~sNg:rcS:~~ ~N· Miorch 12, 19, 26. and Aprll 2, 1973 687·73 -;:o.~1 : =~1'J1Yc~~.~~ same segmen,f. of the market TENDED TaANsl'£1l OF L1QUOrt PUBLIC NOTICE 1m. and 11 «i fOe In tne otflce of tllt' c1tv · is going to get a bigger piece LIC£NSI oa L1Cl!Hsl!s CMrlr; of Mid City. Tlult said rill and . . h US NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN : Kale'ti .herel" referred to 11'111 a~led Jn Of the action ID t e · ·• Thal JOHN W. KEATING, Soc. Sec. Na. 1·5'1017 fllll llOtlca ,, lllovgh fully Incl cQ!TIPletely he 'd W.36-U'lll, Tran1teror and Llcen1ee, NOTICE OF TllUSTl:E'S SALE Ml forth hllreln, ar.d !'Ml llld Kale, 11 Sal • whose bl/llneSS addrlU ls 2602 N1wpar! T.S. No. 1·1,lMA #d«lted by Mid Rnolutlon. 11 m1!1e a "AS the car population COTI· Boulevard, Jn the Cily of Costa Mete, On Tuesd1v Mav 1, 1973, at 11:00 A.M., rt -o-•I .. •• -,, , lo I I g 'th Countv of Orange, St11t o! Cal!fornfa, ln· BENEFICIAL SERV ICE CO., 11 duly 1P. Pl "' "'' "° ct r r~" · t1nues ncrease, a on Wt '""s lo sen, tr1ns!ar and assign to ~Int" Trustee undlJI' atKI J)<Jrsuant ta Tl'l1. Con1t1ctor lhan, In the d ooo INC s ·~ perlormanct of the work and Im· aSsociated rising COSts an PACIFIC FISH t.. SEAF ' ., . oc. Offd of Trus! r~orded Dfcember 29, •provtrnl!llS, conlorrn to !ht llbor Codt d r I sec. No. 9S.2l979CS, Tr~nsferee and ln· 1966, lll !fist. No. 1$308, In boOk 8139. pa~• of Iha St•ta of Citltornlt and other laws greater dcman S Or C eaner tended tr1111feree. whose bu1lness addreu 1,S, o1 Off!clal Records ln 1he office of of ttM Stall ot Calllornl1 appllClble air it's ObViOUS that the Is 2620 Newport Boultvlrd. In the Cl!y o! the C:oun!y Recor!lrr of Oranoe C:oun!v. f!llrllo, wllh the lxcepllon anly of soch ' ' . Costa Me!I, Coun!V al Oranoe. State ol C1llfornl1, W!ll ~Ell o\T PUBLIC AUC· variations 11 miy bl r~lrt'd under the Smaller Car Will play an even C1llfornla, Ille following described TION TO HIGHEST lllODER FOR CASH "''.' .' •... , __ ,,, .. ,,, '' .• ,,, '" · tant role ·1n our personal prOPtrty. to wit: (oav1ble a! nme of 1111e In lawfut money ~fldff'lllS ~.~~;; l~I taken ~·~ which more 1mpor All stock In trade, flxtur", equipment of fhe Unlttd Statetl al the south front have not been 1uperllded bY the pro-transp()rtation system," Ben· and Oood wllt of a certain P11tka11e llouor 1n!ra11ce 10 the Old or111<1e countv vi.r-of t11to Labor Code. Pr~&renee to "d business known as THE LIKKER STORE, ,..,,,,.11,.,u~e. loc,.ted tn "" 200 Bl<1Clr of letior llwlll bl glvet! ontr In tht manner ton SaJ • Jncludlnq Inventory not 10 excetd west Santio Ana Boulevard (ktrmerlv Wet! provkltd by liw. 120,000.00, and loclltd at 2602 Newport 61" S!•,...t) s~n'" Ana, C,.llf0tnlio, "" No bkl lhall bf (Ol'lsld11ted Ul'llttf fl It ·BENTON FELT l hat Boulav•rd, Jn 1111 City ol Costa Mesa. right. f!tle 'and lnttred conveyed to and "'*" btank for tumlshfd by ihl • • • h · county ot O••llil•• Si.te of Calltornle, ind nl'.IW held bv 11 under sald Deed ol Trust • Cltv of C!ta Mna, ='nd II mlde In K· whatever dtrectiOR t e auto Ill-tranlltr thl loflowll'tll alcOllol!C beueragt In the 1>rOS>ertv situated ln ulil <OcRintv cordanee wllh 1111 provt1lan1 of tilt pro-dustry Went in future years llcll'IM lor llcensesl: Oll·S•I• General and State described as: , _.,.--po11I rt>qU!ntmanlt. . .. , __ 1 • Llcenta No. 1M1 now luutd to premlHS All ol Iha leillhokl esfilt of Trutlor . Each blcklet" must .,. ncenMd and alsq his L-M dlvtSIOD would be ab e located •1·2602 tttw90rt Bovlevard for the In Lot 97 01 Ti'"ICI m~. as shown on ,. ~1111111e11 _. reQUlrlld by 11w. t compete pr'fml.es toc1t«1 '' 2602 Newporl map recorded 111 Booll: 151 Paoes l Thi Cltv Council ot the Cllr of Coslt O • Boultvard. 111 the Clty of Cosl• Mesa. througl'I _,, of Mlscel1•neous Maps, MIA ,_.,,.. the rloht to rafact any or "We're taking a Jook at the Coun'Y ol Orano•. State"' California. recnrds of Oranoa Count\'. Calltornl1. II Did . , . TM! ttie amount of PUO'Cha!.e pr-lee Sald LtHltlold ei;tala In !ntertsl hiving 1 'CiTY OF COSTA MESA R·V C1eld, too. 1 d like to see or conslder•tlon In connection with uld beeft created by that certain tease da!ed PubUlhtd 0r•l'l9f co.it oauy Piiot. U dealers have their own +r1K11fer of said llcenM (or llcensesJ h June 10. 1963, eio:ecutt'd bV lhe Irvine March 31) and Ai:trll 2, 1,13 93J.73 0 r the sum ol S2S,OOO.OO, which cons1sh ot company a\ Lessor and bV Maceo line because it's just to good 3 lht l0Uowl1111: Check ln 1h1 amount of Cor'l>Gl"aflan. 1 Nevada corpor1tlOl'I, [ th k t t S'2S.OOO.OO. Harbot 111v1'1ment Co.. • Callforni1 Segment 0 e mar e 0 That the 1movnl O! lhe purchase prke (t>rpor1tlon. doing buslnHI as Dover Overlook '' or cOl'lslderallon In conrie<:llon with lhe Shores DeYelQPment Co., es Less" NOTICE TO CltEDITOltS · tr1nlfer ol said buslne1s Is the 111m o! which leaff' was racorded fn the oft!ce SUl"EltlOll COUllT OF THE He noted that the division's S60.500.00. which lnclu!les est1m1ted of the county A:KardlJI' o1 oranoe COlln· ST ATE OJI' CALtFDftlOA l'"Olt . , I f amount of Inventory cf 1!ock In trade l'IO! ly on Auoust :13, 1963 11'1 Book 6683, Paoe THE COUNTY OF ORANGE Los Angeles d1str1ct sa es or to eMceed '10.000.00, which consists of the 771 01 ofncia1 Records. NO. A·7Slll the calendar year are 45 per· 1o11owll'tg: Promissory Note secured by Tha slreet address ind o!her comJl'lon Esll!e of ETHAN PHILLIPS, a~a Securllv Agreement In the amount ol deslgniot!on, If any, of the real orcperfV ETHAN L. PHILLIPS. ·~~ ETHAN cent above a year ago, com-$60,SOO.OO. dHc~lbed above Is pUrl>Ofled to be; LAFAYETTE PHILLIPS, Oe,ee,ed. ed w'ith the division 's 34 All other bu11nes1 nam~s and ftddre1ses 1716 Pol1rl1 Drive. Newport Beech, NOTICE IS HER EBY GIVEN to the par used by the Transferor within three yeftrs Calllornl• ' creditors of the •bo~e niomec1 decedent percent gain nationally. 1111 past ·JO lar as known to the The under11ontd Trustee d!Kla!ms any that all l)lr-s Mvln9 Claims 1g•l11st !he Sal f '1· Tran1ferH lrt: llablUty lor 1ny lncorreclnets Of the Slreet PUBLIC NOTICE sakl decedafll art required 10 Ille them, es 0 every car 1ne are Tnet 11 h11 titen agreed between said address a<!d other common lle1lfll'llllon. 11 lf--~--wttrrtl'le nectt1ltf"l'"•W<IH1+ '·in lilt' tr111tt"l-r..,-,nn..--.--.,;,..r-ago:-with t1cen1 .. 111d4"~11Mfe<'.........,.a-"lh'f, shown• of the clerk of !ht lbOW enlllled cwrl, or . , · , ' I qulred by Ste. 2.07' of the Bu1lness and Said sale will ti. made, but vtllflOu! to 1>rei.mt triern. wilh the neces1ary Ciipr1 s and Mark IV s sa es P~sslons Code. Iha! ""' Conlldt!'"lllan COYel'ltlll or w1rr1nty, exprass or !mpllad. vouchlrs, 10 the undersigned ~t ~JO l'lnd up 152 percent and 47 percent tor the 1r1nster ot said buslnass and raoardlng 11111, pouaulon, or en· .· StrMI, P.O. Box 133S. NtwllOft Beach, ' trll'l1ler ol said llcenae Is to be pald only cumbrancn, to Prf the re-m•ll'llng prl~ Callfonll• '264.3, which 11 the place of respectively. 1fltr sa!ll traniffr hi$ beell ll!ll)roved bY clpal sum of the not1(1l MCUHd bY said busil'lffl'of the vnllt1"110ned In •IL matters said Departmtnt of Alcohollc Bavet'age Deed o1 Tnnt, to-wll: S76,'6A.S9, with 111-Pfff•inlng to the estate ol said dect<le~!. PUBLIC NOTICE COl'ltrol. ltrftl ~ at prOYldtd In said wlthlfl four ~tm alttt me II••• public•· 41 Thal a silt, tran1ter Ind aulgnement of Mtals), advances. If any, under lht t1rm1 lion of !hit l'lllllc:e. !ht 1loresald stock 11'1 tradt, 1rxtur11, of 111<1 Delld of Tf'll\f, taft, charoes and Oattd March f, lm , l"ICTITI OUS SUSINISS equlp!Tlflll and 9ood will of tha Mid IKPtn!Jts of ttia Tnn!H atKI of tilt trusts Mlldrtd E. £9ttp NAME STAR.MINT bulll'lllS Wiii .,. made, al'td 1111 (Oii-t'l'Nted bY said Delld of Tr\llf. Adml11lttratrlx with ''°" The foltowlno pt:rM>ll 11 doing buslnfH 1lder1t!on lhert'lor IO(l>flher with th• con-Thi beneflcl1ry Under wkl DHd of WILi llWllWM ol !tit es111t 1s: 1~1tlon tor the tr•n11tr and aulgnrMl'll fMI ntratoforl axtCV!ed al'td dellvered of IN allo(We natntd decede-nt CHR:YSlE CREATIONS, 1631 I low• ot lht aloresakl license (or lleema1J ·l1 to to the undtrllgnad 1 Mltttn Dlclaratloli Ml,IRWM"Z. lfUltWn'Z a •EMI!• St., Cost1 Mtsa, C.111. '2626 bl conwmmalfd on or 1fltr lht 1•th d1y of Default 1nd Oamtl'ld ror 1111, 1<!d " GI.,.. SfNtt Craig P. ChrY1l1, 1631 B Iowa SI., of Mey, 1m, at the flcrow dtpirlmenl ol wrltttl' Notice of Dal1ult 1nd Elecllon lo ,. '"lial Thb bullneJI Is con<IUC!td by 11'1 In-BAN I( 1)1= AME ltlCA N.T ... S.A .. Sell. Tht Undttlf\lned Cl\IMd Mid Nolle• N..,.n -..ctl, ~ nw:i Costa Mala. C1rlf. 9%626 Newport BtlCh Olllce •• 3-CU Vl• LIOO, of Offeult and Eltcllon lo Stll lo bl 1'11; f714) ,,.,.,... dlvtdual. Ntwport Be1ch, In thl Clty ol Newport ~orded 11'1 tht county wl'ltrt tht rq! • A~ fir M~l111 Craig P, Chrysle Bt&Ch, County of Oran!Jf, Sii~ OI properly 11 loutlld . ... .. WIN ·--This sltltmtnl Wtl filed ,,.Ith Ille COUl'I-Call torl'lll, J)l'OVldlld that '"' OtperlrNrnl Otta: Mirth 21, 1m P'Wll'llfltd or....,. ,_, 01lly Piiot, ly Cltrk of Orange County on March It, OI Alcohol ic BtVll'lff Control NI• Ip-BENEFICIAL SERVICE co .. ~JI l:l. l,, 2' and ,.,..., i. 1t1J 110-n lJn. proved 11ld tr111s11r of 111d license. 11 tr+ntet, DY P2'"2 Oiled March 21, 1913 TITLE INSURANCE AND Publltheof Orall(lft COflll Dilly Piiot W•lltf M. T•lbert, Pr1th:H1nt lRtJST COMPANY, Aoanl Mttdl t6, and ;\J)l'U t. '· '" ,,,, • 111.n • Oonlld T. RF111, Viet Prll!dent By LINOAY HALSEY --ts HEllE•Y . O!VEH tMl Intended Tr1nstere'e1 Aulhorllld Stgn11ur1 . ~-....... • JOhn W. l(tl!ll\ll. PublllFl.ed Nl;WJIOl'l He•~ Nfwi p_.,, .... Of tt,. l«tlon of tlle ..._1tr OI !ht TrarilftrOI' Ind LICtnfH cotnDIMd wlth the Orange Co.11 Oally Cll'J (If l«'ff9 Ane prptlOllW•f9 bl •mtlld· Publl~ Orl!'191 COflit Oelly Pllol. Pllol, Ntwpott B11ch, t1Utom!1. A,prll 2, • "' n. Cf!Y tounen _. Mid Cltt by PRIVATE TIUST 1 ... ff0..7l • • '''' •~ n ......,.,.,... _.,_.. ... ...... ""'" ... . . . .. . . ___ ., .. "'-~· AP<H • FUNDS AVAIUILE . PUBIJC NOTICE :i-.~ ;-'-.. "Yc:Fet"':: ~ FPllt R!Ai EllATI LOANS I """' ... 1.-fflolro tf'Y Hill, 20 fM l Ind TAUlf DEEDS CMe ~ ,.._, ..... AM. Calllorfll1. Sl,600 To '250.000 ---· .......... • ... TOOi"~"" "°"' °' ... " TJIUST 0££0. ftAM, XEROX c:J..t1~~1~:: 4~ ,: COMPUTI XEROX SIRYICEw1~ """ ·-~~;,. YOLUllll DISCOUN T e PICKUP & DILIYllYw1m1,,,_ Ol'Wt 9'1tv !tilp! MMIOMT IGUITY .... ·-................. , ·-5 w MlWdt , '·a.• ,. • •· e. •· IG. n. taoHtWott o... 12. 11. .... ,s. ""T1, ....... _ .. _ ... "','?i "-Pone.dt,Callt .... , ...... ~ .... ,, ...... ,. ... 2. "" <404·1'l DOUBLEQUICK 1400 Im• :.-::o::;-- 1tll M. Mlllt St,.~ Aflt'IJHW , I I .. • a-H ' .. Fifteen out of.~ ;every 100 ' . ·We couldn't 'Jlrove it, of course, Alllericons but tliot the -percentoge-is-everr greater • • l' • " , ' • . ,.,. today sto:ck. see Ms likel.y the own it here . In er- ., onge Coast area ..• and it's growing every day. • That's why the DAILY PILOT wos . proud, years o go, -to be the first newspaper in Orange County to ·bring its readers speed "today's .final stocks todoy" __ via super high • still doing it in every home- delivered edition -and the se i'Vi ce gets better all the time. services. We're wire //,,.-- Woll Street's computers "talk to" computers / DAILY PILOT plant every trad ing more than 1,000 per day at the It in rote only the of 12 words the minute . entire New York tokes and American Stock from the co n yo n s of-Woll to minutes to move Exchange reports the typesetting on the Street right machines of the DAILY PILOT he re Orange Coast. ' / • Rd-when~teehnel Gf!y-And~-G-WGy-te-beeHhat-speed--+-tt-­ record ; first to When the DAILY PILOT, no · doubt, will be among the use it to to it comes business is the • bring readers "today's action today." financial news, the one that means . • DAILY PILOT f . . .. • \ I , .. ., I • -r >. ' ' :· • . • ' , •• .. :. ' .· ' : I : I t I . , . .. :i l ! ! ' • l I • I I I i I I t t ' .. / ~/ t: ' •• •• .; ::-•• •• .. •• ~ •• •. ~ • . -'· o' ·. . •. . -.. • • • ·-....... ---. l l I ,. ~ • ... -,.,. • .. , - .,.., c. {" ri • , ) • .. ' \ Yes, you're right. There1s nothing really funny about a fractured leg. But -pardon the pun -it does give our friend, here, at least one bceak. He has time to thoroughly enjoy tile DAILY PIL.DT ~she takes a leisurely meal at the outdoor restaurant in Zenmatt, Switzer- land, in th shadow of the real Matterhorn. · · • But you don't have to break a leg, go to the Matterhorn -or even to Di sneyland, for thgmatter -to share our friend's enjoyment. We're happy to deliver the Orange Coast's finest hometown daily newspaper to thousands of homes full of w~ole-limbed readers every da . If it turns out this season ou' re not as great a ski whiz as you thought you were, turn a bad break into a good break. Take time to get even· better acquainted with the • . • . · • • • • ' 1 - • I • l l . • I J -..... 1\.0T A MILER TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEFF M'1TT, I G<rT' YOUR. NEW SPRING SUIT ·FOR.YOU! ITS ABOUTTlhE! I GAVE YOU iHEOROE:RA MONTHA69.' FIGMENTS: .NANCY Monday, APfll 2.. ! •• . LOTSA LOCK WHAT ARE '1tl!J RllNG ON ltiAr Rl6?! INPJANS Rlt7f: HOllSES, · NOT PO&S ! II. ·-~ .. ,_ PERl=ECT? ~UllUN"l; 11'~ TERR.181..E! ITDOESH'J' \:tT/ . , • by Do119 Wiidey -"WE'l!f LOADED FER llEAR'.. WHUT'D Y'MliAN 0Y THAT, HUM? •• by Toin K. Ryan by Al Smi~ ARE '>blJ GoNNA GIVE ~ THA'T UP uusr·BECAUSE 'THE SUIT OO~SN'T FIT? by Dale Hale by Emie Bushmiller wor.L .. SALLY BANANAS •• GORDO MOON MULLINS ANIMAL CRACKERS • by Roger Bradfield By Charles Barsotti ,........,,,,,,.~~~~--. ~ ~ -' ~ • • ' • ' , by Gus Arriola , , .. _,. by Roger Bollen --. -' . , • ' ul " " " H ~ ~ « ~ "' .. . , .. " • H " • k " " r, ':l To " N • • • .. • ' . Tl " • • • • ' • ~ • J u " c • 0 < .. c " • It • It " • " k ,, • " " AUNT FRITZI FEELS B LUE TODAY·-GO JN AND DECISIO..S, P!Cl6101lS.! lj)HI/ CAll•r :t MA!Ca 1'61? WfLL1IULfT1FATe 1 ~it:,i..i~··'·....,,"""·""' t.IAl<e: 1/1.J ~SIOll-· • • ,, ' • " • • SAY SOMETHING THAT WILL. PL.EASE HER 0 ..,_l .... -1!!"/llltlF-,,,,,.H ... ,,,-.., Nfl,·1 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 45 Compass Saturday's Puzzle Solved: R ' o ' R '' ' 0 ' R !:: I ll 0: I A " , ' ' 0 'f c RE . .ll B A LL ! 'S R E il A '0 ' I LR B R I ·l' U E E ti A 11 If E ' " .,.~,, '' ' 0 ' i" t ;J Alli () !!: ' . . ' 0 11 A D • ' I R L S IC 0 "' 10 1U TER X H 0 L ,, ' LR U 13 I': R 3 ' • ' I K R T IE J: S S 1 Pet name .point: Abbr. 5 Must: 2 46 VI P's w ords 1etaincrs 10 "--·it!"; Be 48 Awakened Quiet ! 50 Fbi: 14 Durch length 51 State:Ahbr. measure 52 Kind of paint 15 Gli!lcial ridge 55 Moving hack 16 Scarlett 59 Unive1&ity O'Hare's board home official 17 ...• estate 61 Using speech 18 In at1 adept 62 Refrigerant manner 63 From !hen 20 Economized unlil now i;cverely 64 Musical 22 W eigh\ units symbol 23 Fa1mer's 65 Minus purchase 66 Indulged to 24 Doing excess 12 Fillet: Her. 37 Pool users bus1nen 67 Biblical 13 Means· • 39 Guided 25 Eng. fruit country companion 42 Kind of look hawker DOWN 1!1 C.as and oH 44 No par! 28 Certain pipes: 1 Drinking .21 Come 47 Excepl on the 2 words 1rio1s 1oge1her condition 32 Dock· 2 Man's namo 24 Green spo1 in that w o•kcrs' 3 Wild animal desert 49 Disassembled union: Abbr. 4 Join a cause 25 Smok11 51 UK coins 33 1nslruments 5 "The Wreck 26 Color 52 Hatmful 3S Nocturnal cf the······-·· 27 Wooden 53 Euroriean ci!y PEANUTS OKA'(, RERUN, TllL5 15 OUR FIRST 6AME OF THE SEASON. l'M GOING 10 LET <;OU 5TAKT IN LEFT FIELD l>5 A Fl\VOR TO 'IOOR SISTER .• JUDGE PARKER I DON'T FEEL YOU'RE A 1 FEEL THAT I 'M IMPOSING 6TRAN6ER, 6ET5Y! THE ••. AND YOU'RE VER'r' 5RAVE JUDGE AND SAM HAVE TO &E HAYING A COMPLETE l &EEN DOING NOTH ING STRANGER AS A HOUSE J &UT TALK ASOUT YOU! GUEST, KATHERINE! ' 6AM, WHY DON'T YOU TAKE eETSY'S eAc;S UP TO THE GUEST ROOM AND THEN J"OIN US IN THE LIVING ROOM FOR SOME TEA?. by Charles M. Schutz WH..tr ARE r.JE f'[;Al{ING FO~, 1HE STANLe( CUI'? ·-· sound 6 lnQu•red shoe 54 Infrequen t 7 ShdtJw11hout 28 S101ms,ofa goUdrives MISS PEACH by Mell 36 T omtals • revolvu1g son 55 Be a ionanl 38 Concrete R End . PtP.li~ 29 Canortical 56 Labr;HJor o110 Chew 9 S hins· iowest hour mint!rtll 1 UN0Er?5fAND ARIHU~ YE5. ACCOlrDING-TO M'f ST'A11STICS, p1irsistcr1tly dac~s 30 Cancer 57 Treaty group: W1$Hl!:S TO ~A"i l'ME"E ARE MOICE PEOPLE In.INNING '41 Dec!ari::s 10 vc1v 31 D1r1 Abbr. TH& MOS°f" !NT!"Rem~ FOR' MAYO~ or: NEW YO""K CITY •: ·.· THE GIRLS ~ '4·Z "Remember bow be ranted and raved when I started wearing boots-well, Carol,' that was NQ'tHING ! " DENNIS THE MENACE ) . ' ' ' ' • c • • • • • ' ' • • • • ., • • I • .. /,, -·· " I' Cl .. T ,, " • q • d • " ,, d t 0 ' ' • ' ! lran~ly l)cau1if1il needlework 58 ValltiV u'l'uoe S ... & ... j.l!:TIC ·~THIE: WE"~ .. ? T ••• T e ~ &•« vor·~ N 43 Chemical 11 Fine· r;;nned 34 Ver y 60 Actr,c"".'.'.:..··;_· --j--t,;C7;:;-,:,;"':;;;Ai)C--='~=='7=;:;;::::;;;::;;;=::;;;~::;~--""-----\\-H""" H rs; "'"'5 &,....-I 11---n-"~<~om:POV;~·:~~~~~m~m~o:.,~:~;=~~""~'";:ern;:·~·~;~;""'-'r.'~""1;1;-i $1Afl~flC 1\N1-11"'>P&-:J.IA~IW>JE M""4f6ANl,_,---f-t--·!----<r-------'rl't~ 2l' 567• 11 I " " • " .. " " ' • •t .. " I • • .! of- ' 1 ! • A.Mf121CA M£E1 rlER£ DICK TRACY CALL TME POLICE, ~-.,1 c;RANNV.-THIS MAN IS A CROOK. l'M DOING TME ONLV HUMAN 'TMING YOU ~N DO TILL i"Me POLICE COME. IMGIVlNG MIM lo?'<> FIRsT AID . ,. ' ' - .. ~ r . -. '• " 1. II • "" ' .... • ... 'l'l NM I 1M 10 M!llU IWll MIS,llOftY.Al<ll& NIA\< ,; . f HE IWllS A SRllllQH6 /f A PAE11Y STUPID~: ,,,:. ', __ . -· • '• . I PUBUC NOTICE PIJBLIC NOTICE -TO ' PUBI.JC NOTICE NOTICI TO CONTll:ACTOlltS CA.UINO ,-OR llDI • ·•ID NO. a-n CONTRACT NO. U.13 SdlOOI Dlltrkt: Nl!W1'0ll:T ·MESA UNIFIED. NOTICE ' TO CONTltACTOllS Bid Delld11M: 11:00 O'dock •.m. of tl\e CAI.LING l"OR l lDS Torti day of APffl, 1'71 110 NO •1·'1 Place of Bid R~: 11$1 Plaantla, ' C.osl1 MtH. C1llfoml1 CONTRACT NO. ""7J Profect t den t 111 c I I Ion N1rne: khool Dl1tr1cl; NEWPORT-MESA TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION CENTEll, UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT HAR8otl VIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Bid Dffc:lline: 11:00 o'dodl 1.m. ol t11e P11c~ PllM 1r1 on flle: P~lla.Sng 10f~ day"' APRii., 1913 0.01rtmer1t. 1157 Pl~,. Coat• """'· P'I~ of Bld R~pt1 1157 P\acent11, c1111ornla CO$ll Mni!, C1tlfotnl1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ttllt the ProJect lndenl!fle11!0!'1 Na~: Porlable abo-med $choot Dtsfrlet of Ofane- Sonnd R1lnli!r~I Sysiem CoonTY:--Clnfornl1; Ktlng""" 1nd·tllrol.lgtt Place Plan1 are on flle: Purchot1"111 111 GovtrnitlO Bo.rd, twr.1nt1fter rettn'ed OH!artm&nt, 1'57 Pl.a:nt11, Coill MeH, to 11 ''DISTRICT'', Wiii rec:•IYe I.IP to, but C1lllornl1. riot liter thin the 1~S11ted ll!IW, 5"1· NOTtce IS HEREBY GIVEN th1t th41 ed bids for 1111!1 1ward of • contr.ct for 1boYe-n1med Sdlool District ol Oranoa 11141 ai.w. profKI. . Cotmty, c1111orn1,, 1cll119 by 1nd through Bld1 shtll be rec.!Yfld In tll9 pltu ldlft. l!s Governlflll to.rd, 11er.inat1er rtt..-red tilled .1bow, 1nd lhall be ~ 111d to as "DISllltlCT", w1tl rlKtlve 1111 to. but publicly re.id •IOUd 11 the abov.-1111..:1 not lltel'" lh1n ffle 1bove-st1ted tlme. nil· tf!IW and pltc1. , ed bids for the award of a contr1c1 klr There will bl • $25.«1 deposit ,.quired the •boll• project. for each sef of bid documenh to Bids WU bl 11K.ived-ln Iha place Iden· guar.1ntee the return \n 9ooc1 condition lilied .1bolle. Ind 1h1114 be Ollffled Ind within 10 d1ys '""'" lilt bid optnlng d1t1. 11t1bllcly rffd. 1IOUd 1f Ille MiOYe-st•ted Each bid must confoml 1nd bl time 1nd 'PWott. -rHpOntlw to the aintrKI doeumenlll. Thert wlil bl .1 m.oo deposit required Eich bid shall be ~led bY lilt klr tach "'' of 1 !Md documents to wcurlty ,.,.,rid ta In t"9 contrKI gu.1r1m1M thit r1turn ,Jn good condition tlocumtmll and or th9 ltll of pl'opo5ld Wlfflln 10 days an"'" ll1e bid OIH'lllng date. M.ltlCOflfrlCIOfll. l!tch bid must conform Ind bl The DISTRICT ~ ll1e rJgM to ra-rnponslve to the conlrtct docuirwnlS. llct any or 111 bids • to w11ve 1ny Ir· Each bid t"-11 be accompanied by the rtgUl1rltlts or lnforll\llllla In 1ny bids or tet:11r1ty , rei.rred to In th• contract Jn the bld<llng. dqcumanfs Ind by lhll Its! of proposed The DISTRICT hff determlnld 1N 1Ubcontrac:lor1. gener1t p,..Ytlllng r•le of p&r di~ WIQH The DISTRICT reserves the r19f'll to re-In !hi loeallty ln wl'lleh this work t1 to bit Itel •i'i't'. « all bids or to w1lv• any Ir· i:>ertormtd for each Crin :or-tYPt-01 r9911farOrn or lnfonnalJ!l'Js in •nr bid• _.km1n ntedetl to ,1Kecute ll1e o:ontrtcl. or In' !he bidding. TllHI rtle!l-1,,_ on 1111 ll·ll'le DISTRICT The DISTRICT hlls determlntd !fie offi« IOCl!ed 11 1t57 P11c.ntl1. Costa iienertl Pf'tlvalt111111 ra!1 of per diem ,..tges Mewi. Celllorn11. COPlfl m1y be obt1lnld ln the loc1Uty In which this work rt to be on requttt. A COPY of tl\est r11n lh•ll be performed for ••Cll cnin or typa of POI~ II lhll lot! Sill. workman nHGed to 1xaeut• !he contract. The for99olng schedyle of per diem Tllnil rain ara on lite Iii the' DISTRICT ~J Is be$ed upon I _.king d1y of oflica located at 1151' ~Ill A'1fl~• ""'•' !II hours. TN ,..,.,,;, ~•r •1111 Cosl1 Mest. CeH!ofnl1. COPlas mri be c+'f'.'lllW work 1IMlll bt'lt ltHi ,lmt •¥ obtalnld on rfCll,lftl. A copy' of fllest rllH Oi'1:9iNll. .. ; · ·· ..Jhall...bl_P011led.1Lthe-lob site. 11,l._ al'laU __!' '!!:'-11411Jw'i ll_JIOh lh1 Coi.· Thi lorlQOlng sch.clule of Dtf Cllem TRJCTO_R lo Wfiili\---'thl_,.,(_Ontrld-h 'Ill~ Is based upon 1 -1<.lng day of •••rded, end uPii'I lfl\"'\-tul!llContrector eight (IJ hours. Thi rite for hOJfdly and under him, to PIY not Ins tMn Iha stld owrtlme work 1tw1U be 11 lt11t time and 1pedf1et1 rain to 111 •orkmtn amplO'(td ona-Ntf. by !him ln the execution of tM contract. It sh1tt be mandatory ll'POll Illa CON· NO bidder mer wlthdrl'lll hit bid for 1 TRACTOR to 'Nhom the conlr1C1 Is ptflod of forty·flve (4$) da.,.. 1tt.,. the aw1rd«I, end upon 1nr subcontractor dalt *'' for 11>1 OIH'lllng of bid lo untiel' nlm, to pey not Ins thin lhe s1ld A IWl'fmeflf bond lind 1 Pfrlarrnlnce specllletl r11n to ell workm&n l'IT!ployed bond will be rtoe1ulred prior lo 1JC1Klltlon of by !him lr1 !he 1J1tclltlon of !hi conrract. tfi1 contr1ct. The PIYrMnl bond m.11 be No bidder may wlthdr-hb bid fGf'• lft ttle form Mt fcirlt! 111 the c:ontr:acl ptrlod of forty.five (45) days .1fler the documet1l1. dale sat tor the openfn~ of bld1. • Govlmlng 8011rd A PIYmftll bond .Ind .1 parlorn\lln • 8y Ocrolhy Harvey Fl.ntf' bond wttl bl required llflor to fllecu!I ' Purdla1l119 A!lfnt · thll contract. The fWIYment bond shall be. Pllbtllhed Otln(le COll51 Dally Pllof, In tht form set lorlh In _.,.,. contraci Mlrd\ U •nd April 2, 1m 174-n documen~. Gov ... nlno Board er Oonl!hy Ha'rvey Fl1her Purchasing Agan! Pubtl1twd °"'"" cont Dilly M1rch 2' and Aprll :t ·1m Pt\ol, 1n-n PUBI.JC NOTICJi MOTICIE TO -COJITUCTOltS CALLING 'Ofl-.llDS llD •O. n-n PUBlJC NOTICE CotfTltACT NO. ,,..7J -------~-----I SdlOOI District : NEWPORT-MESA • UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ... cT .. LTJ;~~.-:."M·'~.IE.;s -Bid DHdHl'll: 11:00 o'clock •-m. of th• ..... .. • s:!.. 10fJI .., of April. 1913 lf>I lotl?Wllll PtrtonS tre d"""9 ~Ki ot 81d ll,ac.lpti 11J7 Pll«llllt, buslflll5 11. • CM!• Mfrs#l Caflfornf• .;:) OATA PROCESSI NG POWER, Proltc.I rM.ntlffcatlon Hime: Studio Hummingbird, Co111 Miu, CaUfoml• UghtlflCll Svstffl'I f'tleM 1, Phlst 11, tt626 PIWIM 111 W•rr•n Hugllls Lewis, 1199 Hum-Pl1ct Pl1n1 ''' °" ffllL Pur(haslng mlngblrd, Costa Mtw. Callfomlt t26M. O@a;rln'ltnt, 1857 Plaett11f1, COlil Mesa, Frink H. LaugllTtY, 2:2103 E•slwood c11Jfornl1 . Slrtel, Torrance, C.1llfom!1 905115 NOTICE IS HEAE8Y GIVEN !Ml 111e Oon11d A. Rtvmond,.1513 8ffch Par'I(. 1bove-rwimed Sch<d Olslrl<t of Or1nge Foster' City, ~allfornl• ·f'404 COllllty, C1lllornl1, ICl!ng ~ 1twi thrOUgh This b11Sl111ss Hi.condudld by an unln-111 Govarl'llll!I e~ nerelnaflel' referred corpor1ted tStOClllLOll ot!Mr lh•n I to as "DISTRICT''. W1J1 rtc.llYI I.IP to. bul par1M'\t.lp. H l , I llOI laltr 11'111'1 !M' )lb6oioi,ttated tlim, Thll sta~ ~I~ With Ille Coun-..... .cl bld1 for ftli"'ewtrcf ol' I contr1ct • for "" lboYe pro}tcl. . ty Cl..-k of Orange COl.lllty on March ''' ekk shin 11t ractlved II\ tilt pl~ kNft. 1973. "t4'M llfl«I lbo\le, and WU 11t opened anO Publl1hed Or•ngtt Co.tst Dilly Pilot ~c!"-t=e~IM al:;.. 1~t11td Mtrch 26, 1n0 Apr112, '' ,,, ltn 197·73 fl'llre "wlll be 1 w ,oo C11pOSll NqUirld P UBI.Jc No nc:E for Heh Mt of bid docutn«lb to 11uara11i. the rtturn In llOOcl condition --~,c,CT=ITIOUS -.-.. -,.-.-.-.---w~~ 10 ::· =· l~~I~ dlltb. NAM& STAT•MaNT rllponllYI to tha cont!'acl docUrntflb., Thi loUO'Nll'lll penon Is dolno busfnt11 Each bid sl'Mill bl accornptnled by 111e ••: IKUrfty rlferrtd to In tht contract Q\)AllTY l!ROOUCTS, 1615, Clrlrns tlocumtnb atld by' IN-1111 or proposad· W.1y, Unll•A,·Cosl• Mist. C•llf. '2627 tubcontrlldor1. 8tn11I K. Svtnsson. 163S Ohms 'Wl'f, Tht DISTRICT raMrVft tht right to r• Unit A, Co.11 Meu, Call!, 92•27 .Itel 1ny or 11! bldS or to ••Iva 1ny Ir· Tlllt bu1!n1u Is COlltlU<:ted bY in In-c111u11rr11n or 1nrortri.t111n In 1ny bids or dlvldual In fflt" blddlno. SllflDf K. S'ltnHOl'I _ The DISTR ICT hlJ determined lhll ThlJ 1l1tement wa1 lllld 'lllllh Ille Coun· general pr1v1lllno tilt of per diem Wl9fl ty Cl1rk ol Orange County on Merch 13, In lhl' loCetlty In wlllch this work Is to be 1973 performed for l&th Ct.llt or type of "UMf work.min MeOld to lllKUlt !hi contract. Pul)llthed Orange Co.ti! 011lr Pllol, TheM r111s ,,.. on Ill• II lh• OISTRICT Mtrch 19, 26 •nd April 2, f, 1911 73'·7a olflc.: loc.lted ti 1157 'lacenll11 Avenut, PUBLIC NOTICE Cosl.1 Mesa, C1l1fornla. COPlll may bl obl.1lnet1 on reqlll!st. A COPY of these r1111 11@11 bl posted 11 Ille lob site. ----------~--1 Thi loragolng Klltdule or !>fr dltm FICTI TIOUS IUSINESS w1ges 11 be1ed upon a working dty of NAME STATEMENT eight ltl hours. The r1!1 for l)olld1y •nd The UO'Nlna pet$0111 1rt ®Ing overllma work 1h1tl bl 11 l•1st llmt 1nd 1----duil . INTERDESIGN ASSOCIATES, 9'332 LI It 111111 '8 n'llrlell!Of'Y IJtlOll fllt CON• Jolll c1rc11, Huntlngtoo Buch, c11. TRACTOR 10 whom n.. con1r1ct 11 926"16 1warded, Ind uPOfl 1ny Wbcontractor J1m1s Winston Smith, 9:132 LI Joll• Und81'" him, lo PIY not lnJ !Mn !hi Mid • c1rcl1. H\lntlngton ee1ch, C1I.' '2646 speclll«I rills t~ •II workman l>fl'IJl{O'f"d ~ KatlllMn Crosby Smith, Pm L• Joffa by-!flem In 1111 tKacullon of !ht contract, Clrcte, HU!ltl"!lon 1Heh, c11. '2646 NO: blddet' m•Y' wllhdrt• hit bid for a Tiii• tiu11n"• 1 cOl'lducled bY 1n unln· Widd o1 forty.flv1 ('5) tllys 1ft1r fht corlJC)l'tted 11110CllllOl'I otlllt' 1han a d1t1 set for the Ol)lnlllQ ol bids. par1r11n1lllP. • A P'Ymtnl bond tnd • P111ormt11e1 J•mt•. w. Smtih bOl'ld ..,.m bl rlCl\llred prior to 1J1tic;utlon Of Thls·stitement w11 llltd w!tll tht Coun-tilt contract. Tiit PIYIMlll borW wn Ill .ty :Clttlt ol Orantt COuntr on March 1. ~:=.n';:"lll st! forft'I In Int contract 1971 n:J744 Oo¥.rnln0 tottd "u~l1thtd Or1fl!lf COlltl Dilly Pllol 9y-Dorothy Hlrvtv Fltihtt' M1rc111tt, lt, ,., 1nc1-.-.r11 t, 1973 !"'-n Pubflt~c~.i~,~~4:t Dtlly ,.llol I PUBUC NOTICE Mlrm 2• •M AP!'ll t. 1tn 11s-n ~-"--~~,,-----=~ f ,ICTITIOUS I USINISS PUBI.JC NOTICE MAMIE STATSMINT Tiit ! tollowlqg ptrtonl •r• doing ,ICTITIOUS IUSINISS bllilrittl u 1 NAME ITATIMENT W~MSER AMERICAN PL.AH· Tht followlno Pl!'-Is Going buslno1 TAT N,. 2NS £111 Co.ti! Hlghw1y, 11: Sult J, Cortna Oii M•r, C.111. '262$ THi WE\.LCO MORTOAG! COM> Pt rttslvt F1rmlno1~111e .• 2W illl PANY. 2ltt N. 8totOVflY $\Ille 2071 CM tilgl'lwr;, (Gtonl dtl Mir, C1\lt. -11!"11 ANI, C.Lit. tt10t fUU ·-THE NIW -Wlr..Lllt DE Vil.OP'• A lc•n A9rlcu1111r1I Strvlc• MCNTCOR,ORATION,C•lltori'll• tor 111on: 2US E11I Co.II Hlgllwty, Corporallon, neo N. H1yvenhur1t, SI., Sult ,, Cor.rtl dtl M•r. can•. fl6U Viti Nu.,... C1Utorl'll1 Thi• bu•lfllSI It l/'f1"9 conove1td b'f • Tl'll• bU_tfnitll r. btlnl conducted by-• C11I 1.1 nmntd P1r1ntrt111p, COl'POl'lllort H eu" .. llSTER o.r.et• Plflntf -Amalc1n THOMAS . ""' Awlcultur.11 S.~kt Corpor1tlon Viet !l"fnldlnt, Martttfl'lt Mrcf\111 s. ,.,Ylft Ttilt '"*'*"' totd w1tl'I tllt County Tiii• ltltl'l'*\I lllld With lhtt C~ly Cl•k °' °'""" CounlY on: MltCFI u. Clerk Oj °""" COl.lllty O!U M1rcri b, 1f73, • ., Thtr•" M. W1rd, Otputy Covnly lfn. •Pr TIMrtll M. W•fd. DtlMY ..,,.., Cl«I:. ,,... Putill"*9 °"""'' coa.t Dtlty l")Jol, .-llblltl*I . Otl!IOI C,oHI O.Uy Piiot, April 2. f, I~, U. 1'13 "°"n April 2. f, 1" U. 1l1J ""71 ·- CWN UP ON YOUR CLEAN OUT? . FOR FAST! PILOT CLASS· IFIED ~T. D .- A L D I R E c T -·· ' 6 4 . , -·.5 6 7 8 • DAILY P·ILDT 21 • -D--XILY PILOT WANT ~OS • ~·..... ·-. -·--"'"'--.....:-.. --...... ·"' •:-----~--._,. ·-_.._ .:...::'..::'~ . . _,., .... "QO' YOU NEED'~ _;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;B;;L U;;F;;F;;S ;;;.;:;;;;;;. a large ( bedroom, 2 bu.th $Weeping BAY VIE\\' home that's neat and clean, from this immaculate !n a good nttighborhool with 3 bedroom Blutts condo a large covered patio for BeButifully decorated only. .$29,300. Then call with expensive 842-2535 fol' additional info. carpeting & drapes CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX $64,950 Call tocfoy * 64H400 $21,950. \Vil! ·go FHAN A, or less for cash, 3 Bdrm., needs elbo\V polish. Large. view sundeck Private oommunity reCreatiou facility & li\\irnming pool !08.til!fl HARBOR COMP'ANY REALTORS SINCE 1944 · 613-4400 ESTATERS Harbor Highlands Best Buy ·Adult occupied and squeaky clean throughout. Charining 3 bedroom home close to 881. Daver Dr., NB 64s.s700 Mariners School and Park, with formal dining area and DARE TO BE spotless built·iri kitchen. DIFFERENTI Manicured landscaping for Heroe is an unusual home, 4 the111ost-particular, First bdr, 2 baths large pie time offered. $46,900. "1aped lot, electrio rootrol• C. F. Colesworthy in individual rooms. Realtors 64()..0020 Eastside location, home is spotless . see it you'll love OWNER anxious. Executive it! Call Red C a r p e t home. 3 bdrms., 3 baths. Realtors, 54&-8640. Family rm., Jolina! dining NEWPORT B A rm. Fireplace. Tile roof. Marine. . Contra-•~ Firm~H Built-ins. Rear living rm. ... uo.,,, brk $45,750 540-1720 Finest equipmen t & wa~ location. 35 Y.r. O\VNER trans.· 4 bclrms., 3 ,. s il baths. Beautiful. R a n c h o"" ·company.. pace .ava • (Ol" boat sales & repairs. area. Family rm .. fireplace. BILL GRUNDY RL TR. Dining rm., bu i It -ins. 675-6161 Choice landscaping. brk $50,960. m.2390 3 BEDRMS EASTSIDE OWNER leaving. Beautiful I~ C _..... ][£2 J I I~ Gener1I -e O W GE ·P AIK •. FAMILY-Gum POOL · $l 4,50_0! •• ELEVEN UNITS TALK ABOUT SUPER, Ea!tsid(" Costa Mesa! Great archite:ctural des.ign and eJC. ceptiooallY well built. Do your niainlenance outside with a garden hose. 6 Dou· ble garages ~ S L'Overed parking spaces. You too will be excited when you see this new listing. HURRY!!!! College Park droo1n house! ALL. J\EW PAINT! IJugc htmily ' room -\\'/dUal fire. place to large living room. 3 queen size bedrooms, cliee1y kilehl'n w/message center. DETACHED GUEST FACILITY • with beamed ceiling. PLUS private.entry. Gorgeous and SPARKLINC Al(.THONY POOL! IMMAC· .NEED FIVE .ULATE Pl\OPERTY • NEAT HOMES ? ONLY $34,500! Don't wait • TAKE ADVANTAGE! Call CijECK TillS: Large lot. 2 645-0303. bedroontS each • separate fenced yards • lo\v main· tenance . garages _ laundry. Income $750. per month. Asking $69,500. Take lin1e to check Utis out, you'll like it. IOHI \1 L 01.~0\ "' R£AlT LJ R\ Ge ner11 JIM HYNDS 1-IBs bt'cn in Real Estate since 1968. llC!. canic lo the real l'Slate prorcssion front a C!U'ft'i' in engineering. He has \\'Orkcd in nl'W residen· tial saleS al \Vestlakt' Vil· lage .. \\'rst of Los Ani:cles and in the sale or invest· n1e11t property itt Los An- geles and Orange Counties. EXCLUSIVE REDUCED He becumo a Real E"ate COLLEGE PARK $33 Broke< ;n 1972 and foe lho ·• • • to ,950. Outstandlng past IV.'O years hll.s bern 3 BR POOL fa1nily home on quirt street. selling 'l·esidrntlal property . + . 3 Bedroom, 2 bat_~ & fa1nil~ in orange County. lie is S1t':'ated on .a 9u1et st~. room plus ovenuzed m~lh· proud of his lasting associ· this hon1c 1s m sparkhng purpose-bonus J'OOOl, flfl" ation \\•lrh The R cal condition inside. and out. place, shake roof & patio. Estaten. Featw·cs charming counl!Y _..., _ _ _ Please contact .J If\-1 HYNDS ilclien. \!.'Ith new cushlOile<I 540:1151 Open Eves, to serve you in buying or floor !lies,. upg:r~ded shag selling your horn ot' in· carpeting in hv1ng room, . r anCI Jovt>ly pool, patio and veslntcnt prope_rues. yard \l.'ith low maintenance 646·TITI for full h?me.u.vtng -en. _ _ _ _ _ _ ''SUPER STAR'' joyment. Priced at $39,000. ~------~ • . . . . Please phone 546-2313 for . Sip ~our n11nt Juhps _in the additional information and North Mesa tropical retreat ot this -t'Ozy appoinuncnt. 3 B-dnn + D 3 bedroon1, 2 bath, fan1ily . en room home. Lovely custom OPEN11L9 • rrs FUN TO BE NICE! Fam.I p I cabinets in family t'OOn1 ~ - ~ I Y. + 00 plu• ao ;,laod .>""'k ccolec Lovely Mechterranean style of ceramic tile. \Vell tended North Mesa ~omc •. Arched back yard \Vith flowers in . _ entryway. Shimmertng ft sh bloom, Kiddies can 'valk to pond. Double door entry. school v.'ithin 4 minutes. __ ___ -~ Separate Ionnal I_ iv i _n g Price only $34,300. Don't let MESA VERDE room. C~rved SJ>8:ntsh fire· this one get away. Cail place. Giant lan1ily roon1. No\v, 842-2535. 3 h~e bedroom~. D~N or ·OPENT/Lg• tT'SFUNTOBENICEJ $33 000 sewing room! Tile kitchen. yard. Sparkling Blue }laven Like new 3 bednn, family rm POOL _ Fenced off, too! THE REAL ES TATERS 9 • Break(ast bar. EZ car(' 1 11 9· ~ .. '. l home, new birch kitchen VACANT • FAST OCCU· cabinets, new range & oven, PANCY! ONLY $35,950 _Al '----'"'-======., completely renovated in· STEAL! Call fast . 645-0303. side. BC'aut rear yard \\'/avocado & orange trees. Vacant and ready for your 'trunily, \\-'ho's first?? IOlll\I L Ol \O\ CLEAN·N·NEAT ON A NIFTY STREET N-rt. Call us on this wl.'11 kept -··•-1--::;;==.,.-7'====-I home in College Park. 3 OPEN HOUSES h<xfrnom•. focmal d;oiog R £ ,/ 'U ... ~ at 9 area, fllmily room. \\'asher Fairview J_ l5 _eJ. W..E_Y._BR_IDGE and dryer area in the house, GeneNI · AN ORCHARD IN MEREDITH GARDENS 011e of th" n1ost charn1\ng to 1,)(-conu.• aualla.ble In this choice neighborhood f'eilture-s 3 l> e d r oom a, torn1al dining t'OOnl, sunny ki1ch~n V.'ilh breakfast arcw. anrl \argt!, \\1alnut paneled fu1nily room with fireplace. Tastefully decorated in im· maculatr conditio n thr"ughout. Located on quiet eul-de-sac, n e a r elementary school, park and tennis row·ts. "W'alt 'til you see the y«l'd"! Prieed al $19,000. 546-2313 for •!>" pointment. prices, l111erest inct>case. Get off that L'OUCh and conte Stt -i'his lieftulltiil~n1odefli0nli: - That's right, \Vith all the ex· tras inclUded. Converted garage\ air conditioned, 3 p a t i o s , p r ofessionally decorated in/out \\'el bar. 4 huge bedrooms and just 2 yeurs old . Priced lo sell al $38,000. Let's go! a w ,111 .1 11?. 1 11 Realtors 545-0t65 Open Eves. Two Homes on the RallCJ• \Vherc the Dears & the horses play. Where never is heard a neighbors \\'Ord, and !he tenants keep the poclret· book full all day. Pul your brand on this bargain. Only 165.000 - BEAT YOUR WIFE R•3 ZONE $27,000 --Newport Beach. 3 bdrrns., Unbelievable value. needs fix dining rm.1 B u i I t -i n s • up, CI6se to shopping -ex· Fireplace. Patio. Sundeck, l cellent starter home or in· greenhOuse. brk ' S44,500. vestment cau Red carpet, c540-""""'11"20~=-~=~- (PORTOFINO MODEL) lw·ge kitch@n and pool sized 646-8811 A top Harbor View Hills d $34 950 JO"' Do to thL<> lantutlc deal. You won't nee(i"JnUch money for this beauty. 3 queen size bdrma with 2 luxurioul baths. Full price i1 $31,950. \Uith So/o down ~it .caJ1__ be yours. Let us show it to you by appointment. . -. yar • , . ~" wn. • horrie with a plan to "do Call 6'1'!Hi679 ,(1nyt1m1) your_ '<>Wl1 thing;" beauti· RLTR: Realtors, 546-8640. ' MOVE AFTER flllly lndsepd. & upgraded N' I B ~•1 family home. 3 BR., 2% 1ge QI ey *COLLEGE PARK * We have many exclu~vo lhrt· SCHOOL'S OUT ings in this desirable C.OSta Into this sharp 4 bedroom Mesa loc;-Irom-$23;500 ·to· Harl:xlr Highlands-home-in ba. plus bonus area. & Assoc. OPEN SUN. 1·5 $40,000. Call today! Uie desirable Westcliff area. BALBOA BAY PROP. Lovely pool sited E-Z care * 642-7491 * yard .0th tall tre<>•. Oo-cupancy mid-June. OUR MOVE! YOUR OP· $56 000 PORTUNITY! Lake Forest --Call 675-6679 =,~•ill i!.i•~;:;...00m~ Nigel Bailey decorated, club & lake priv. & Assoc ~ $46,000 inclds. many extras. 831).-6499 RL TR. FANTASTIC BUY! Brand new sPyglass Hill 7200 plan., Sweeping ocean vtew. 4 BR, fam. rm. $110,000. By owner. 644-5035. PUBI.JC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSllll ESS "AME STATEMl!NT TIMI f911owlng persons are do!nll b\rSlntSI IS: SWEDISH • AMERICAN MOTORS PORT, 1&35 Of11n1 Way, Su!le F. Cotta M_, Ca. 92627 RoberJ C. Chrl•llanHn. 5199 E. ~ean Blvd., Apt. 7. Long Beach, Cl. 90803 Ovt Hauelberg, P.O. Box 3702, long 8tech, Cl. 90I03 This MIMSs 11 conducted bY a 911n-eral patlner1hlp. Robert C. Christiansen Thi• •lattment WIS flied With the Cour>-,., Clerk at Or11191 County on Merell 13, "'" "'"' Publlllled Orange Coast Dally P!lot M1rch 19, 26, and April 2, 9, 1913 ns.73 NEWER .DUPLEX some view Steps lo ocean -·best buy on Peninsula. $63,950. CaJI: 673·3663 673·8086 Eves. associated BR OKERS-REALTORS 1025 W Bolboc 67l·l6L) NEWPORT LIVING 3 BR, 2 BA, bright clean location near beach. Conven. ient to schools, shopping, parks, nr \Vestclill. P rime prope11y for your family. $45,500. CALL 64~ml ~-. ' 1733 WestcliU Dr1, N.8. l1'.~ ............................. , . PUBI.JC NOTICE THE REAL ESTATERS NOTICIE llllVlt iNG l lDS ANITA LANE NOTICE rs HEREaY GIVEN that Mal· IMMEDIATE ACTION ed prOPOMI• will bl received bY the City POOL HOME of COS!I Mesi •I !ht office of the City Cttrlt -i t-tt..-Clty~ H1ff, 11 Fair Drlv1, c·heck. !ho'• 0--ne ~-lo-~buy· Coste Mnt, Cflllornl1, untU lhl hour of <> uo: •.:o lltOO 1.m, on April 9, 1t73, 11 which time ing. 4 BR, 3 BA, JClnt. cond .. I thly wtn be ®'!'led publlclr •nd reld near M.,.,.; .. ,., School ~. i List ""''r ho1nc wlU1 • !roe • on-your property-IORl.\I L 01\0.\ A'IAL T LJ R\ tloud Ir! lht COUllCll CMmblr1 for """'"' • "' ~ ~¥ fllrnir1111111 an l.1bor, malt1"l.1ls, IQlllpment, park. professional who will give .. 1r1n1port1tlon and such otner l1c1Utie• as you their prompt, apprccia·I ~D~l~Ac.M~O~N-D-S~-M-A-Y-I may "' required for fht Extwnslon of · · 8 Tinager or1..... hve attenllon. l years exp. A set ol pltn1, Sf)IClllcallont and olher • CALL ANYTIME • SPA..,KLE contr1ct documenll mar be Obtalntct al ~I\ the ofllct o1111e City c11rk, 11 Fair Drlvt, ~3928 or Eve. 545-3483 But this little gem outshin"" Costa M-. Ctllfornlt, upon a dePOSll of ~" 11s.oo rtlundal)lt upon relurn of pltns 1nd !hem all. Decorator touched 1pecltlcatlon1 al bid opanlng. A cn.r91 ol throughout the 3 bedrooms, $1.00 wlll be mad• 11 handled by men. 2400 SQ. FT. OF--dining room a o ol , •• PLEASE MAIL SEPARATE CHECKS. " DON'T MISS TRIS-ONE room snys "\Velcomc" 4 lar;ge bdrms, 3 !;la. _form-= dining and a family room yoq "'ould not believe -il is HUGE! Plus a 16 x 36 POOL. PRIME! 0 n I y $62.000 GINNY MORRISON ** * ·ltEALTORS· ..,,• *• 1!i05 Mesa •c.M •Verde Dr. Ea.st, * -~ * Costa Mesa *•••* 56'1...tl30 C WAI l<f H 0. 111 Realtors 545-9491- 0pen Eves. "BARGAIN DAY" 'STIRS THE IMAGINATION Heavy shake roof with lo\vcring trees sur'l'Oi.inil this 3 txlrm doll house. Well ... - plll.nlted style \\•ith you in mind. Used brick fireplace. Lots o( panelling. Really and truly a lovely hon1e. Seller has Bgrectl to sell FHA and GT. \Vhal ll1(ft could you ask for? Call now lo see this one. C WALl<EH & lll Realtors Opcn E""s Macnab· Irvine • Realty Company AN AWARD WINNl!R Top stars are the architect•, but you are the winner in this top award custom 4 BR, FR for outstanding design, Ctilors & view location In _ "Big . Canyon''. $194,500. Lois : \er, 6'12-823a (Jl7) • molinab -lrvine ·.: . 644-6200 E•ch bid 1h1ll be midi on llle prOl)(ISll LUXURY ~Al,OOO terlainer's living r o o n1 . form ind In tht manner provided In thl·~~~~~~~-..~~~~~+~=~~~~~=~=~~C~o~o~v~o~n~lo~o~l~ou~l~<l~e~·~sa~c~l~oo~•;·~=s:'~oi~i"~E~v:eio~;1~'i')i~~-==~~~ contract document1, and ltwlll bl K· is home is unbelie hie! 5 •-·• etrot • terttnl!I bi t•shler"r ._0-aA.A chert Of'• bid bond for not,11" thin lO<K. P e egan s 1ag cp • terest VA loan or low down n. a rvv ~ "C'ify":C~~ t~~· inaoa 111r•bl1 to thi;oughout. n1oi;aic tile en· THE 't)UIET END conventional linancing. All Westside Cos"ta Me!IU, ne\v F IXE$R 24 U 500 PPER NOT1c1 is FURTHER GIVEN Nt.111e try & Family rm. park·like OF LIDO for $.30.500 and seller will shag carpet enclosed patlo • . Cl'Y counc11 o1 nkl City M• neretofor• landscaping, side yBrd for· pay $900 of your costs, H'ut· beaui..Blueh~vQn pool large 3 Bd1'nl11., Sl:M30 R-3 tot, ex· ::~.:C:::~~':i~~:.;,":0 ~·:.r~ boat or trailer, 3 car garage VERY LIVABLE PLAN • 3 ry! 847-6010. lot. Huny, this won:t last cellent locat!On on the 1 In tht constPucllon of the otboYI en1111a<1 • 3 tiled baths -it realJy Is Bedroomsi with expandable oPENnl t• "'SFUNT08E.NIC£/• $26,5()(), Eastsldc • Valut priced to l~ov-ts. Tlllt wld r111 and a<:•I• beautiful • Call For a~ master iuJte and den: large i , I CAU. 642-1771 sell -Fix It & save $$$. Call ••• 1t1opt..:1 b't' tn. City councn br pointment, Red Carpet, It · 'fh r· 1 .llJ~ l~'IJI Red Car""t. Re a 1 tors , , RllOtutlon 7).1 on 1n1 2nd day of Jinu.ry Realtors 546-8640 ving room wt ll'CP ace Q'l!l •ii,~ "" ~~~~~~~ * 2 DuPWES -* ~~P',E~;T"."Eds ~rB;A~CR~~R,~Epacnp~!~s MESA VEl'RDE' ·o~m1u~21· --~H~l~O~D~:~l-~~~~~~r;=A~G=E~ IOOPttd bY Mid RMutlol'I, 1s "''°' • 2 BR. EACH Excellent easlsidf' locaUnn, partofnil1no!k•brttflrlftel. REALTOR 4 B + p I \\•<ilking distance to shop-Pl~,,..a~,r~torlhe ·~ ':nd t r"n! o·N 57x300' LOT --r 00 ping • Big 20x50 L'Ont·. patio, :o;;:iri::. ~~~a'~ ... ~~~= Roo~c/RriN°Co.unl• ~ 539 ,500 ! ''1 ACRE'' 4 ~v~,sized11.Bc.lrms1•12 a1a1hs at '"' Sl.1!1 of C1Hfornl1 ell9llcab11 R·EALTOR 642-5000 GOV'T ON !\1csa Verde trte shaded • '-:"'""' ... ! ... _ t(' m~ e s33'°.'!e thlf1to. with the exce9119" only of 1uch 1 IMMACULATE P R IME R ·can t "'"' ~·a at Otu)I ,'11N"" v1r1111ons •• IT'llY "' rtc1\llred unoer tl'll anc. · 2 0"."''"·~ •••ovh• .. 011t or st•I• ipac111 1la!\J1e1 1111r1u1n1 to Wl'llch pro-CALIFOR NIA L IVING FORECLOS URE PLUS new carpets! -·Do "'~:t nli~~ it~ Red Cnrpet, C:ffdlngs he"undtr ''' ttklft •nd w111cn , $3',500 ~ -I king s!Je bedrooms. ltuge Xlnt Cos1n Me"a l~a!lon. "" hive not been eup1n..:1ec1 ltr ''"' pro-Be 1 Ooly $1 ,300 down payment family room, Handy chE.'f's Should take 16 un1L<1 or Rel\llors, ~. · """' " "" """ ""· • .,~, " aut"u home o't 3 yrs 1 ' •• mor •·1 ~ e 1-old 2 -FOURPLEXES_ ltbor thlll bl-,1_..-on1.,--1,, 1.;;'~-__!!____ • ~ -lhb -.s..2..!!Ll!..I e l e Y. k11cheri.__ ..._QVJ'n'u_cabana. , e. '-' C.'v~ • '"m _ er provldtd br 11•: Huge tam 11 Y lifornla refurbished -coiti"I -Ve s ll Sparkling Wl'O\IAhl 1 r on un1tg ~. ChV1't~r-:Wic»nS1d• No bid .thin M cons~ units• 11 11 kitchen with patio bar, "'"'"rm'c. Brand new nsi.iut enclosed POOL! Ex 1 _ er lradc up to 12·16 uait~. Dix 3 BR 2 BA owoers + 3 • mtdt on 'b11n1. '°'IT\ fut"lllthetl by ""-v•ul1·• ·o-n beam -111-'"'It' '"' ~ '" ...., '2 BR ·1~ "'"" "---Clry of Co-11 Mu1, .1;.ci I• mltle In K • "" "'-"'"" ...... In and out. Full pticc only • aharp. MUST SEE -Cllll to-san1e ,jlrta, Call 54!t·8 .. "4, uni 11 nr ~. ""'-KUt cord111e• ~111 th• Pl'6vhlollt. °' ,,,. pro-SN&Cious: master· suite with s23,4$0. day 6';.-0303, rount CX>AST REAI.:roRS Plaza. $78,;ioo. <'ll. $1.900 dn. '°"' ,..qutr1man11. . · private gardtn atrium -Pr. · •-1.. Ow Each bldOlr ffllllt flt llctMM •l'ld 1180 1ncipaQ on..,. ner, ~1111..:1.11 rtc1Ulrtt1 bY I••· t!lega.ntly UJ>lli'&dtd. A must Vacflncln cost money! RC!:nt 979·6748. Tht c1rre-.c1t at•fht Cl.., t<f CMll !lee --Red Carpe~ RAl-1t0&'1, ~..... •Pl.. .. ... -----~----· ~ *"~-!I'll rlgtlt to rtllCI "" or ~. Rtaltors 646-7711 tfd;., ei~hfu a oa·11;'Pllot The fastt<s,t draw in the west. ctTVOFCOSTAME$A. Oally Pilot Want.Ad's ha\11 2Gl1 WestClitf Drive. ctassifiedAd.Sell'iclle.items •• ·.a Diily Pilot Clusl l"Vbllthld Otl!IM COlllt D•ll" Piiot. 1. .. -..inll -Jore. o...u.. 'tUl 9 PM noW! Call 642~!i6TS NOW! I _All_._6-12_-56_18_. ____ _ Ni.if'(~,, w °'9'11 2. 1m -.n ...... _ -"'""" • I . " • , I - ·' I I ' • I " ' I ( I • " ' D61LY P.ILOT M...i.,, April 2, 1973 -----------~~ ir;i;i;;;i;ii~---iiiiiiiii~iiiliiiiii;;;;;i---~---~---~--=-~--T--~ ~ " The Bluest Marketplace on the" Orange Coast Amountemem • . • , • • 500 • 524 Au'°'1.Gbaei . • • • • • • • 950 • 990 • --t. Solo ••• 12l ·M9 • l2S • S49 f'ilnonak, • • • • • • • • . • • 1-'---. ~1oo1r .......... -""".~1-1rm-~-1-1.Y-PI ,. eT-C• ASS·lfll~· rllJ-.ll~~,,,,_ .. • .. .ISO .~c-·-,,.1199..-ll·li-- • . - ·-• ••••••• 700 ·799 financial • • • • • • • • • 200 . 299· . . a.ntof , •••••.•.•• l00-"99 ~ for Sale • • • • • . 100 -12• lc6t & Found • • ••••• S50 • 574 MerthondiW! • • , • • , • • , 800 • IM9 You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad ( 642 •5678 ) 'Fas~~~ltA= " Schook ond lmtruttion • , • S75 • S99 -...i """' . • •• 600 • 1119 l ~ ••••••• 915 -949 ERRORS. Advertisers should check thtlr .. d, d1ily & report errors lmmedl1Mly. The DAILY PILOT Hsumts llablllty for tht first incorrect lnMrtion only. Gentrll General Wt-..._ .., ... ry .. 1 1 SPANISH 3 BDRM! .3 BDRM-$24,9501 Immaculate. Lo v e I y Lovely home. Dining landscaping. D i n i n g room, kitchen built-ins TOOm, modem kitchen wlt.fi d1sftw3Shef. 'Fami-built-ins with dishwash-er. Family room, fire. ly room, fireplace. Nice place. Quiet cul de sac .. secluded patio. Move·-in Screened atrium with condition. Choice land· wet bar. $40,800. 54ll-scaping. 54ll-1720. 1720 FAMILY RM+ LIKE NEW CONDITION I I BONUS RMI $36,950. Owner trans· $38,950. Assumable VA !erred. Large h ome loan. 3 bedrooms, -2 with 3 bedrooms .. 2 baths. Family -room, ~a!Jts. Secluded rear firepl ace. Large· cover· 11vmg room. Family ed patio. Plush carpets. room, fireplace. D1nJn g .. r 0 0 m , built-ins. j()n M.any special features. quiet cul de sac. Beau-Nicely landscaped. 54ll- tiful. 54ll-1720 1720 2955 HARB R BLVD. ' COSTA MESA 540-1720 GeMral Gtlneral oflnJa !Jd/e PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 28 Linda hlt Drive Tradilional home wiUt 6 bdrms., 5'h baths. Large. $Unjen living room , family room & breakfast area. 2 Stairways, 3· fireplaces. Main channel view .............. $295,000. Linda hit Waltrfront Elegant custom 5 bdrm., family room, 516 bath home. Panoramic main channel view. 2 Stairways,. 3 fireplaces. Large boat slip. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $325,000. Linda Isle Waterfront Beautiful , 'new 4 bdrm., 41> ba. home on lagoon, with Jiving rm., family rm., Ige. ganoe rm. or 5Ut bdrm ........... $255,000 _,.. .. l~I _.... I~ I _...... I~ I _,., .. • A"4tt:N-Sllliti, ~ AlllASSOCUTIS REALTORS 28211 l!AST COr\8T HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR.CAUf • 644·7270,......------:- LARGE TWO STORY -FAMILY HOME - . for the large family vt'ith a need for many extras. SEP ARA TE family room, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, LARG E kitchen \vitb din· ing area,' PI ... US a forma l dinin g room, two fireplaces (1 in the upstairs master suite). Large fenced yard for the children. $56,500. Costa Mesa -646-0555 Corona del Mar 675-7225 Saddlebacl<- ~SU22l I~, I I ~ANYON VIEW -$24,750 I Thill Cosio. Mesa 3 bedroom hoine ls vacant nnd L~ pric- ed lnr quick .sale and inr mL'Cilat'-' possession. It won'I : last. Call M&-7171. Ol'f_N TIL t • rT'S FUN 10 BE NIC£. WELCOME A SURPRISE That's part of owning this spacious T\VO STORY custom decorated home in ·1lACK BAY area ·-4 Bedroom, FAMILY ROOM, 2 bath~ builtin gourmet kitchen, with many xtras. Pool size yard. See to appreciate. j). iilJld41&.1 t)f =:.~ =~-~~ so1sto1A1T·Of rtltc0t.w1u co, so1s1orA1Yo•rHt<otwru.co.,... ..-. _ ..-. ..-. ..-. ___ .-. ..-. ___ ~ BYOvmer: 3 br,2ba .• ~ ............................... $52,500. ---.....-.... General General General Gen•r•I · ****** * TAYLOR co~ * BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB Beauti ful custom quality in one of finest home s in area. Profes~)onally decorated. 4 Bdrms, huge family r1n with rosewood pan- eling, lge dining rm & full y equipped kitchen. Open beam ceilings, lavish tile floor in entry hall, loa ds of sto rage, auto. sprinklers. All this plus air-cond ................ $159,500. ''Our 28th Year'' "'". ~~----stepdown fam rm. Fplc. General General bltns $29,500 642..2494. • GOLF COURSE VIEW Outstanding 5 BR. 3 ha~ Calif.-Contemp. on Mesa Verde Golf Coune. Owner bldg. new home,-wanrs-Jong escrowi buy now at $74,500 FOREVER VIEW -DOVER SHORES Elegant, lge. bay view home; 5 BR, 4 ba. Comp. entertainment center around lge. htd. & filt 'd. pool; locked wrought iron gates. $166,000. Land avail. CORBIN -MARTIN REALTORS call Anytime 644-7662 1 Dana Point ' ---~ INVESTORS $28,500. R-2. 1 Bdrm cottQei Ocean view, walk to marina" Goorl rentaJ property. PaUO: sized yarU. Brick trplc,. 34062 Copper Lantern. , San Juan Capistrano ReallY,. 493-1137. Fount1in Valley FOR SALE WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 1 ~Ge=n•;;.";;.'-----G'-'-="'-r-•I--=.,-.-"Overr.!:~i~;"B~00c~"~~o~i~~!~club" NEWPORT BAY-CHERRY lAKE AREA BY OWNER Btautlful 8 yr old, 6 bedroom on cul-de-sac, just north ol 1.file Square in FountaJrj Valley. ~mt.airs has 4 bedrooms, fireplace, fenced yard, utUity room, OVUi sized dbl prage, larg@, all- electric kitchen 8e dinlnj: room. Upstain has l~ finished bonus room, 744 -i:; ft. includes 2 bedrooms, clo,sets, sink, cupboards & recreation area. Idea! for mother-ln·law or I&e. famib\ $37,ffi(). By appt. only. _ - A. Ul'«llOOI: t1()MI: DELIGHTFULLY CLEAN - Here's an immaculate three l!_edroom home th-at ro8ms all over a large Baycrest lot creating for111al and informal gard- ens. Very quie t neighborhood and very well maintai ned. Very easy to see, open NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4910 Gener ii General • OUR 24th YEAR Offering s_ervice only experience can provide daily at 1725 Skylark, Baycrest. New-. SOUTH OF HIGHWAY port Beach. R-2 Lot, cu stom built 2 bdrm. home UN19UI HOMIS OP NIWPOR~ ·~CH, 645-6500 plus guest qtrs. SGl ,500 A llltl .. ef Lyien lwhMJ ~ BACK BAY U....il()US:: tJ()US::~ Sharp -newly carpeted & draped. Family ~ L ~L~ kitchen w/lge. eating area -3 bdrm., 2 Fine Custom Split Level Home 4 Br. 3 ba, upstairs liv rm w/view & frplc. Lrg fa mily-din rm overlooking patio .. Elec kit w/bltns & breakfast bar. Separate serv- ice rm . Fine custo11.1 quality includes plas- ter \Valls, raised foundation , hi3h wood beam ceilings. 2800 sq ft. Great for living & enter- tainment. One of a kind . You own land - over I/4 ac re . $87,750 OWNER 646-6563 General Corona del Mar • s.n.1218 . OWNER Mcrificc. 4 bdnns., 2 baths. Exotic lancl1eaplnli'. Rear living rm ., family nn. Fireplace. Dinini' r m . , built-Ins. Patio. B r 11: $38,500. 8'Ho691 INVESTMENT PRESCHOOL OWNER arudous. 4 bdnns., 3 baths! Lovely pool. Famlly ti.ENT ALS! rm .. flreplaC<. Dinlni rm .• \\'e have a few properties built-Ins. New c a r p e t a . available In a range from BBQ. No down terms. brk two bedroom. "cuties" to $43,<XXJ. 962-1373. For Complete Information On All Homtt & Lots, PIHSt Coll: REAL TORS . bath home wiUt 2 car garage. $38,500 · 1~Ge~n~1~rt~l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!~Ge~n~1r~tl!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~il 575.3008 One ol the Area's finest and best established Preschools. Liei!nsed for 73 Children. Conveniently loca!l'd t o serve Newport &>ach and 675-3000 Co.la MoM. $110.000. Call for appointnrent, 646-055.5. QUESTION: like new four bedroom view 1 'o'°'WN"'"E°"R,.--d"•-,•"'P"'•"'r"'a717e-. -.I homes. A couple ot thctie bdnn!!., 2 baths. Fonn even a v a i I a bl e on a dining rin .. built-Ins. Patio lease/optkln plan. . Ca 11 shake roof. Beautiful con- 675-?m dition. br1c $28,950. 962-5566. "OWNER BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 B1ysldt Dr., Suite 1, N.B. 675-6161 General General VIEW K.V.H. -$74,900 Vacant -move-in condition. Great corner location. View of hill s & peek-a-boo or ocean. 3 Bdrms. & family room . Triona Bergin CORONA DEL MAR Fine family home -loads of room. Beautiful location. New decoratio n. Take your t1me- but hurry. $89,950. Appointment? Call Paul Quick PRESTIGE LIDO CORNER Dramatic "one/of a kind". Best Lid o ad· dress. Spacio4' r1ns . Excellent floor plan . 3 BR's. & fam /dining rm. 2 Frplcs. 3 Car gar- age. Call Iiud Austin SEE THIS FINE HOME [% lill1Qll __ "\Ve need another home. We don't y,·ant to buy until ·we sell thls one because of possible double home paymen1 s. On !he other hand, \\"C don't \Wl.nt to sci! \Ve believe we ha ve the finest ho1ne for sale i11 the Corona del Mar area. Over 4000 square feet of gracious, quality construction, built by Dale St. Charles. Four bedrooms, each larger than the normal mas ter bedroom and three and a half baths with beautiful ap- pointments. A large living room \Yi th a .m.ag- nificent fireplace, a gorgeous form al dirung room , and a most unique family room with. a one or a kind fireplace wall. A gourme t kit- chen, a walkin pantry and utility r?"m• "!Id a sunny informal eating area. Thats the .1n· side -you drive by and describe the extenor'" this one unti l 1vc £ind Gener•t General anolhl'r. Now \\'hat???" .:--;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1soLUTION: • Take advantage of CoJy,1ell. ... Call 646--0555 or 61:>--7225. •• ofl11,/a !Jjk PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT llJl!SIO!AIT Of THf COlWIU. CO, to you rsel! and then call us. 875-7225_. See Linda Isle Waterfront 300 Marigold Corona de! Mar! You will be Elegant custom 5 bdrm., family room , 51> sorry if yo u don't. bath ho me. Panoramic main channel view. 2 Stairways, 3 fireplaces. Large boat Macnab-Irvine .. $UlSIOIAll' Of T14f (()I.Wit t CO. General FRESH IS THE WORD! BAYCREST ~ ~ sUp ........................... $325,000. ReaJ~~L'ilcJr"" I For Complete Information OCEANFRONT · ... .1 On All Homt1 & Loll, Please Call 180' VIEW :'! Newly rc111odelcd 4 BR's, 4 ,116s101Al!T O•T1U(OLWtLLCO, BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR bathi;:. Sn1art Ill'\\' decor · Id D S · l N B 67$.6161 ua11lally furnished. Larg(' 'j·"'~' "'~'"g;"~' ~·"'~''~"~' =· =phO=ne~~34~1~B~a~y~1~1~r~.,~u~rt~e~. ·~·~·~~'!!"~~!:I LR. separate DR. $177,500. call fl.\Vfl.Y. 642-5678. c. Fay or B. O"•t•ns. fi.12~823:i (J16J . $©\\4Ulv\-LGt-tfS® Macnab-Irvine e;ma SUllSIOIAl!l Of Ill( COlWEll CO. TRANSFERRED" l\fust sell this 3 bedroo home, cathedral ceilinp; &' fotmal dining room and a • huge lan11ly roon1 'vlth a'. brick fireplace. Vacant by April 15/priced below mar-, Home + Income ••1 · · · 531;.:is;i BKR. • ?o.1EAOOW llomc 3 Br, 2f Ideal R...2 location on 45 ft. lot Ba bl d h " t , lnll, 11 W)lr, pa ,' steps to the beach. Custom forced air heat, block v.·all: built, 3 bedroom home. fence, sprlnklera. Xlnt con!. Dining area + family room . $37,500 By owner. 962-0134" Has 2 bedroom rental on rear. If you like sand Gi1rden Grove blasted wood & bric!: ··; -'---'""-------i "WOW . '27,500." . plenty or glass you'll : ;e ~ this. Call 673-8550. Huge COYered patio • Larr ' ~j' "' '"" ro BE ""'"~ f:n~~· ~cbe~ -. just super neat. Tod good to be true, don't wait, call ~ . . .. 536-2561 BKR. • I Garden Grove HOT DUPLEX "FOUR BED'ROOM SELDOl\1 SEEN! Charm PLUS POOL'' . packed duo in prime Cdl\1 E.:..rn,-·• sl,arl• 1....,.. .._._ neighborhood. Just rcleased ,..., "" '"' ''"""' :!Ill> o.t $64,950. Lo\v clo,vn OK! round this ncat·as-a-rtin Don't ,,..;ail!! Call no\v hon1c, sh.ag carpets, pah~:: 645-8400. ing &. loads of closet 8fl(We'I , .l!~"-'l!i:t!il~~·1CQCffrf!LN T[J!.ll.Jt91 I ii; U1e drcarn of every hou!t- r "'ifc . . . lhe 11parklirut. • OCEANFRONT ESTATE Enchantin view. Exclusive area \V/privat eac . uxur1ous ome \V ms, baths. Pool & I her a p y pool w/jacuzzL $350,000. Carol Tatum he...P..uule...wiJ.hJ .he..BJJilt.ln-Chidl 642-8235 0 Reorronoe lttlers of the ~-.........-:: ,_ ...... ..,,,.-, Balboa Island 644-4200 pool Is a bonus for lhe whole family. JI! health ls forcing sale, C11.l1 , , . 536-2551 BIO\. ~+~"~""~11~··~·!··~·-:!i~~::::l--•... now being built, de!~xe units; plans in office. Oi.yNER sacrifice. po 9 a.oose your colors. Buy one home. 4 bdnn1., 2 bath,; LOWEST PR ICED HOME IN BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB Redu ced to below owner's cost! Land includ- ed, $99,600. Howard Wells LARGE LIDO LOT Room to garden or expand or for your favorite pet. Three bdrms. & den & cbann- ir.g! Full price $94,500. Gene Vreeland CHARMING CORONA DEL MAR Old Corona del Mar; deli ghtful area, So. of hwy. Walk to be ach. park & shops. 3 BR's. & guest. qtrs. Remodeled 1971. $89,950. Cathryn Tennille 133.07.00 -., ---Coldwell,Bmiker ~ 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., N.B. Newport Htlghtl 2 Bdrm~ .. l b&th: frplc.: on lgc. rtuilntenance-free yard, ,,..;llgc. cnc1oled ·patio. De· tachcrJ Z.Car gl'rage pJu11 nn. for _bollt &. trailer. Priced at $37,500. • C.11 13-.1003. 642-225.l Evel. associated BR O l<F"S-"Fl'll TOltS :~l'· #I inl.,..,,. ~II IJt l .. foor xrombi.d WClfds be. · low to form four llmple WClfdi. I FELLAS I I I I 1 I I 1T·1 c I~ HI I i ROCUS] ~ I I j I Ii. Most of us wq.uldn't hove such fat walle1a If we would ~------..,, remove our credit - DJELEY ·1 •• I I I I II O Compl1I• th• chuckle qvoled by UUlng fn I~• mlulng word ..Y~ d1Yelop rrom ilep Nc.t 3 below. ·~ 8 PR<NJ NUMB!IED LETTEOS IN ' 4 s THES! SQUARES- I UNSCRAMBIE AIOVE LETTERS ~ tO GET ANSWfl: I I I I-I I FOR sale by owner, Balboa !&land duplex. 100 block Topaz. $79,500. Prin only. 67J.-7910 WATERFRONT lot, 50x80 w/'!IJ' Boat 1Up, 1'1ake otter to owner. 673-7770 Balboa Ponlnsul1 . ·----NEW DUPLEX 3 &: 4 BR. berun <..-ell'~ .• 3 frpl~. Pt1.hos. Po!lh decor. Quick posaess. $106,500. --GEM1-- 1610 W. Coa.st l·l\vy., N.B. REA~TORS 642-462.1 OWNER must sell 2 Duplex· c1, Xl11t cond. t blk to ben ch. Xlnt Inco me . --....·-· llj. . OW R muiil sell duplex. Xlnt oonct. 1 Blk lo bcoch. Xlnt Income. AJt. 6i5-0l44. Coront dtl Mor SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS ·IN CLASSIFICATJON 700 SPYGJ..ASS 11111 2500 ICJ· tt. l Bd:, !case or ll\le. Qrtllt vltw. Prlnclp&f~ 641-5598. ' or both for SUS,IXX> each. Heated I: filttted pJO). ~ MORGAN REAL TY living rm., Dining fttf· 67U642 67W459 bullt-lns. Flreplo<e. ' ** $29,950 ** 132.900. 80-2561. TO"/. DOWN OWNER trans. 3 bdnna., 4 BR. 2 BATHS balhs. Secluded rnr 11 nn. Dlnln& rm., bull~lnl EASTSIDE F1n1U, rm., flreplooe., N11r. Schools 128,00l. -. I Gt0rv1 Wllllomson [Uii'OSSESSIONS Realtor 54US70 JH lnformnlk'm and locaUol( DUPLEX ni u·rM! F11-' "VA hOa'\N.l Sip your Seashol"(l Soup1 In , ~ · ict -1 your Cape COd Cottage. Cozy Kf\SADIAN · 1 2 br hOmc w/cedar panel· ·' I Ina fp •shag r.rpt lhruoul R ·11 Est1ta 9'2"'44· + i bdrm garage apt. Crcat O IOICF; HO~tE: ' ' locat1on! By owner, $71,500. BcautJft~lf. nuiln!Alned 1~ 673-1638. onlU m lrQot beach. 3 bdi Coronali1 Mar -n w/bil-. din. rm. P.'*1- Bt'aut. 3 Br., l% ba·Pool. td lam. rm, bl!IM. £~ COrner lot. Completely re-care blck )'d, $41.000.. cond. It decorated w/new 962-68216 <Tt>t.s llmJOUt. Only 164,500. "w"ALK=·"'1o,-<'.be'°'•c11..,.., -..,-ht,.,..• ""II n4/83Ht60; Aft 6 pm, park Uk• nu. 3Br, 2.Bo ~ !152-165>. lot. Owner 114.900. - N'P'td a "Ptd"t Pb.ce an 1d! Sell ltl1c ltr1•11 ••• &Q iii'1I . I .. •• ~ j ' : Cl ,. n ',)I . .. ·~ "' g• • n ',, a • 2• 11 d 2 •• p H ' ' t k ~ • •• ,. ~ c ,, ' " r F, > s ·' t ,, I J 'r . .. •• ,, ' ~ :• • ' ' I i T• i ' ' ' ·' I l I . ' I • . DAI LY PILOT 23 _:_-_ ... _ .. _,.~1 1; iiiiii...;..iiiiii ... w.iiiiii=I -· .. iiiiiiiiil~ I._.;.;;. I~ I ~, I~!.__. _ __,lfi ~I ~lip.iiii!""~-~'~~~l~l-;;-;:;<;mi.-..::1~~.e!l~I iiiiii-~ ... -~l~ii!!I 1 1H~untt~~""~':°'=·=·~·~·~"'~~j~------_.,. ___ 1 Newport ~ 1-· Propo~ 1u •,•""·-------n ~_ ... _ .. _s-:-b_:C_n_. __ m_1HouM1:..:::=:....:u::.:""';;;;.rn.:.::..._~JOS;;: Dup1 .... Furn. ~ 'ESTKIJY-f.: PllA u.i...!~~!"fi,~ -NEWPOR-T-5HORES-~51~-20;'.-uNij~E~·~0p~~"~ort~'"'e1"~:;~200~l~Ge~ne~r~el~.~~mci=~ll1~rv~ine~~~~~~~tc~o~st~•~-~·~;~;,;1 . ___ _ A ST& ,.c~· E, !:'~~ .. Beaut polio. 11'91 4 BR + den + poo1 rm. APARTMENT • Golt .Pro Shop LA'NDCORDS. 2 BR. 1 both .......... 1285 <"°· ,.llr, .,:._1nrru. ,-. Imm. ~- POOL ..,,. ~ ... Opea House Sat • R-deck 1..,., chonnel , • PIHllct 1"'11 Co. We Spedallze In NewpoM 2 BR " •· -•-nd ••~ ., L•~ - 0,.1'11'1:) u. •l'tn-=-mea.n. liM .... ;..,an )•,...,.,._,n's Sun 11-$. Pe<:orator touches. """500 COMPLE.X • SI S. &ach...-COrona del !\tu-• ., 1,., ....... su· t'O ._, S2l0. -\\'estcl U •re a •-j,..m;>"~!<i ~ n~. • ·-..----· HUNTINGTON BEACH .. Merone Eng s rv 2 BR.. 2 bath& .......... SJllO 6T>-1849 "° · .4 btdroom 3 mmt aoraeow. floor pla.n. IRVINE .. -By Owner $1500 CAYWOOD REALTY e Bullct.rt Supply i Lquna. Our Rental Ser·~ BR., 2 baths •.•••••• $375 ::-...,--· --.,.;--;----:~ tbs, eleetric kite:hen with C.l:lur btdiOoms 3 baths, for-dn. 3 Br, 2 ~. trpt. Total * 541-1290 * CALIF. HOLLAND Bui.· Sales vice Is FREE to You! Try 5 BR. 2ll batba ........ ~ DupltxH Unfum. J50 mine Wear cook center' mat dining room, large tam· pymnt $21'1. 8 3 S -11 0 3 , * Tola! securit.y complex Nu-Vlcw' I 1• Trash 1.-1111ter. Hardwood Uy f?Jll1 with fireplace. 675-2018. *Private pa.Hos 64s.4l70 or 340-0608 eve. ~~:Y1Ew0,RENT4~~~.8 , •. d h•11 Hunt lntton klch f!don, four ar &&ra&e Covered pa~io. This home UNIV. Park. 3 BR. 2~t ba, HARBOR VIEW HOMES * Li mirrored wardrobes .,,..._.,.., .,..~ I :1)Nt 1torace. View of l'Oil hu .everyt.tung tor the ex· lam nn. Xlot cond. $39,950. Popular Mona.co Model. 2 * Jacuzzi &r: awim. pools RESTAURANT. seats 36, \ CIOUl'8e and lots o( lrtlell. l'Cutive buyer. c ALL 640--0l&6 or 640-0:221 bedrooms & den, well det· * l.c nc facllitle• take out also. Newport Oiarminc 2 BR. No children NEW 3 BEDROOM R,t:il <.'OWltry 11Ving close to 842-4451. · orated, shows like a modf:l * Park-like Jdsepg Blvd. nr Fairgrounds, C.~1. or pet,s. $190. Avail April 7. REALTY 2 Bath, large pvt yud, encl -1-d)opP!!ig._C~L 893-8533. -DOLLED-UP ~~une Beach home, Large lot. l"QOlll for * Air conditioning saJ.000 lull price. Sl0.000 dn. Agt, 64>.2423 A Compt1.ny \\'ith Visio9 • 2 car pvt garqe In duplex REE CHOICES pool. $64,~. Jo'EE. * Dlsh\li'ashe.r11 Owner/Broker. 642--0590. Univ. Park Ccnt('r, ll"\·lnc building $250. per mo. Man- Ready 101· a aood buyer that . 5 UNITS HARBOR VIEW * Al~D l\lORE! Investment Coron• del M:ir Ca1t Anytin1e, 552-7500 ager at 313 OS\·{ego. Hunt· odilla & buttercu;r. are wnl pay less than $35,000. HOMES 800 omee hours 8 M1 to 6 Prtl ington Beach. 5¥-052.. bloo tn for 3 bedrooms plus tovelv Prln1e location at the North Sl, ,000. FUU. PRICE OpportunifY 120 2 BR, 2 Ba, French '"!'!!!!!!!!!"'!'~~'!"'"'!'~'i!'l!!!!""'!!!!!'!!~!!!!~!!!!!! I now 'in ni 1 1 gor. 20' x 24• u....,'"irs ente;. end of town. u~ ln this & REAL TY &3S.0716 call n()\I,' tor appolntmen1 N ~ l k' 1.:: gwous area. Floor plan that . .-...., -ap all t•· bene' 1., •• from 1, SILVER 1 ormol • .J1• l'I: couALSOnny2 Brit, RENT or Sale • Nt-w 2 br. Newport &Heh · will Ul't __ , --~' 4 ,.._.. tainment room. Block fence . •.: uc ... N q> c ........ mo. . , 1,. Ba. Cntrl •'-, ·-/mo.'-~~.....,.-----I s '/";---:-:-·~-D<:U· 5 "•-s'--ble •--· these ewoort Heinht1 Kilo lnants -certified 99.9 2 Ba -• t ~ il n .... ~ 1 -ms• baths one •. t""" mlnutesto '&hopping,tree. "'"" """' u.....,.,_ :i.... • .... ~ uu~. ap .• uo:am ce •• s~~ B""'· ..... ~.·,,.,, OCEAN VIEW ...... .,, • ""' .,,,. v.·ays and schools. c ALL units will bring yoo. ~fie percent puri~ Uniwrsal S215/ 544-3463 '"" -o.>o.r~ !'~~ A!~~:sfu~ for 8424451. , potenUat .eJ,!o~uture develop. A GEM lnvestm..!"!l>lvls~ ~~i6to ~c.halTI-ll ~ 4 ) OCEANmo.V1EW, 5 ~R .. 3 BA., L6!'.;u2lUn• BM-. S:p~x~ .... 4pl~room. "PPfv men • -.......,,...,.... Olarm1ng 4 BR., 2 up •· 2 dn. ..............,, . 2 und·-~ ''°" I -• "'' r ""' ..... WI \V • _.." s .. ~ em e e-· carpelina: ~ bll·ln• Lge, family rm. w/beam Money to l.cMin 2""' ~! Lse, $650 mo. Aft. 6. Sl6S • S!\!ALL. but nice: 1 eoclmed 'pr. s:ris. voeei ce11. 211 Bath&, t11e & dbl. Flnol Ph•M SELL·OUT 49-1.54.111 BR So , ·-· Bl ea •·at•·-~· M~ baalns. Lge. k I t c he n Only 2 Deluxe 4 Plexes left CASH ' · · ~ .. na. tna, ' o.c ....... .....,.......... bl & .... ,_... ....,__ I~1tl.1Acut.A TE! yard. w/ tins uu-.;i1 cau1uo:tl. 1n this group. No more like '* 3 BR. 2 BA. * p:io • l BR, trplc. Sep. din · "..A6tan REAL ESTATE 1190 Glerineyre St. 4~9473 549--0316 dbldoorentry,slatefloor. unltsw/aU .amenitles . U'l'9""VUJU rm. le\\', c .......... er A,. fw""9t !"~ -=---=--==--- HARDWOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~I P}t!CED RIGHT I CV[CUTIYE MANSION Big ·ocean view! 3 Bdrm., t.11 2 bath ·horn• willl beautiful Palos Verdes stone frplc., them, 90 HURRY! Large "AA N\'"' v · •·-• Old I J{9) Heavy shake roof; dbl. Open llouse Daily 10-6. ONE DAY WALK to \Vater 2 Br, gar, s~~i.Jtl1 Pd. 4 BR. 2~~ BA. tments garage en alley• w/extra, 12132 s. }laster, G.G. S210. 3 BR. gar, $250. Both 2 f 1 ~'""";'i · parking. Only 7 yrs. old. ·c...~ .. 11ng Inv~•nt C-p. . wi h Vacant! Agt. Fee. 919-3430 I . 1'P cs. _ ....... cent ocean , J t '"° """ -'C,..... u• 1n emergency I Vle\V! Apta. Furn. ' 360 us ..,..,,........,. 631-5662 <good title'& equity *? BDfil1S. -$225* NU.VIEW RENTALS FLOORS 24,950. 3 BR, 50''!:150' lot, r16'x18' cove™ patio, crpts, ttrps, compl 1ncd & lndscpd, ·2 car gar. approx 25 yrs . new • Must see to BP- preciate. ' ill~gc Real Esta te 4471 (.=:) 544-llOJ "FIVE BEDROOM MANOR" 's a home that has all -the charm o'f the Old South. Just peri'ect for all kinds of .tntertaining. Lovely formal "dinin& and living room·, a lluge 2 11tor:y home~ Ex· ecullve life style U1at re- flects pride-of-Ownership thruout. 5 Bedroom, with a master retreat that is enormous.·llome back to parochial school, one n1ilc to ocean. Prof~ionally decoratedln.<1ide, parkllke yards outside, has access _ to_ ..rear. yard. U&.500. • Home Vaeant. Move in today. LEADERSHIP R.E. 842-4466 EVE: 536-0668 TWO BEDRM MINI PALACE 'huge family room with a This little gem has new shag ...-et bar plus a large coon· crpts in tbe living rm & try style kitchen. It's walk· hall. New tile in kitch &: din ~ ~e . to parks, area. Relax on the covered schools, shoppmg. A must patio looking out over the see ... 536-2551 BKR. well manicured yard. With 2 HEAVENLY HIDEAWAY BR I BA ii'• an idtal starter home for a Young Pl'ince and his Princess. uge 4 bedroom home en lhe The price is only $22,000. comer, covered p a I i o , I' 'fireplace. country s l YI e kitchen, rlUsed e n t r y , l _ . 1llage Real Estate 'formal living room, ••alk to 53 ·5800 ( •••·) 531·5180 shopping. Enjoy pool & ·ocean brftze in the huge 'ear yard. Carpets &: drapes thruout. Home sho\\'S pridc- of-ownenhip. $30,950. or 11ubmit your terms. , LEADERSHIP R.E. 842-4406 EVE ' !!6&-9!1li8 '. VILLA PACIFIC FOUR BEDRM·MODEL FORECLOSURE ~. VACANT SIX BLKS TO BEACH t $33,$0JI •. , .. FAST POSSESSION BROKER 962-5511 "HIGH. ON A • HILL" Truly 10mething dillerenl • A .-iti:nken Roman tub, private . dt'!!ssing room and one of ,.the largest master suites available. If you like ln- rdividuality, then see this ·one .••. 546--2551 BKR. '~UME FHA LOAN Sharp 4 bedroom home -on cul-de-sac street near HIGH ON A HILL quad·level Doctor's home. Lower level has large fam· ily room with fireplace. Second level, family room, formal dining room, elegant living room. All electric kit- chen. Upstairs 4 ~ms are secluded for privacy. Balcony off master bed- room. 2~ Baths. Seller must leave area 900n, CAW.. 968-4456. $34,950. ,·in a $40,000 area. Prct1tlge neighborhood. Fam· ily P!f0blen1 forces saJe. Va- cant'3 bedroom 2 baths. for- mal dining room, -1amily rooril. Newly painted exter- ior. Carpets, custom drapes, intercom thruout. Submit. Seller will help redecorate. CALI.96844ii6. vlcw of ocean & hills. La:e. living & family nn. w/frp1c. Attached 2 car garage. Nice patio areas. Easy-care land- scaping. A je\\"el at $49,950. * 499-2800 * CALL '='° '''·JClC NEW TRIPLEX HOME' $1,000 to $25,000 Avail. oo'v thru summer 67l-4030 or AS-h'l"MS a.Ibo. lilind ~ ~ NO BALLOON •cau: 494-3001 • 1'"'·~~..,..,'"'"....,.------------1 ...... IN COSl'A.MESA . CHARMING 2-BR. 1 ba .. Laguno Nlgl!,!I LOVELY furn. 2 bd &pl• . .£ALTY . ' Bdrm .. l!l Bath PAYMENT r $215 ., y I Year'" ·-mo N ' Bd 111 Ba h un ' o. ear Y E TERRACE High •'d l.J• .....,..,. • o Ne•r Ntwporl Po1I Office .. rm., 1 Bo ·d Re Ito 67~ :m30 S A . · v.i e children or pets. 67J.-6:M5 1 Bdnn., l Balh required ) a rs ;r. ocl'an view. Gate guards. ==~~".,--~--NE\VPORT Heights .Spanish 10% DOWN Cot ti Me11 \Valk to bt>ach. Comm. pool, VERY charming 1-Br. apt Rustic, 1~): lots, 3 BR. 2 BA Orange County L p tl'nnls l'tc., all paJd. Nfw $225. Jnc. utll, yearly Rec Rm, ?i,1in Vu of Ocean. A OW -ayments MESA VERDE 3 bdrri1., 2 bath. Cpts., drps., WINTON REALTY 67S-3331 All nu shag crps & paint partment Su -~-Bar" n B Realtors "7 '791 E•sy Terms Lovely 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 frplc, trplc.,_fan\, on. F.Z mntn<:e· BalbH P911ln1Ul1 nd=11. & -.....-..i. y OV.'11· • --~ .. u Fam Rm, bltin kilch, ser-lll~50~,,;'93-5~~·1~69!:_.-::-:,,..-=-,cc 1--;::;;-;:;;;;;;;-7-;-;;;--/ ,.... ... ._...c:-er. 642-33'77, 415 Santa Ana 4-PLEXES (7) AAMES vice porch, encld patio, conv SUPER clean 3 Br, 21,i ba, $25 WEEK & UP --oc=EAN~~FRO~-N-T __ , St.-Open House Sat~&-Swl .. Beaut. garderi a'pl!. "Pride-to all schls, 2 children, l !rplc: pcilio, barDeque. cin· • Sleipinj: Rooms -\•~-• ~155"·'-',000=. ~-----ownership. Xlnt investment, " pet ok. G8.!dcner & v.·ater yon vi~·. $325. e Housekeeping rooms ma Yn'Cn you "''ish to lease or 1 ·Santa Ane pd t 1 d buy an OYO apt. on the area & cond., Anaheim. , on qu1e cu c sac, 4~12 e Oceanview apt-. beautiful blue Paclfie, 2 or 3 0-WN--ER--~-~-0-.. -,-Br-,· I $800/mo. inc. Priced right. HOME LOAN $395. 6 nlO lease aceeptable, lake For••t BALBOA INN Br $100 th . ...-.. " ' $78,500. Has good spend. & 54.~2. . 1-.,_,_ s• · · a mon or up. Ba Frplc Nr So Coast xlnt terms. Will -nsld•r ~ -• " Furn or unfurn, and 2 BR·. 2· · • • · ...... 772 3636 3BR-2BA. ·Eastside family RENT A 615-St«> BA. at $52,500. Sweeping Plaza. 1 yr old. Total house in Irade. Alt 3 pm, • oome. Lgc rm•. ttrtec. L ,_ F 1 H 1,,_ view coastnne rocka &: stn1 pymnts $274/mo. 833-llOJ 7141552-7655. State rJe. Bkr. 18 Yrs. Cpts/drps/frplc. 2 petios, .... -ron O ,_y OC~NT upper, OW11· elevator to wide beach. 24 552-9503' =1"'7u"N'Ol"'T"S-,....,$7=s"',ooo=-1 I TD L fncd. rear yd. Dble gar. er s. unit, 2 BR, avail Ape'. hr. garage attendant. call Wntcllff .. Excellent Starter or Retire· S oa ns $280/mo/yrly lse. 642-2272. Owner says he wants to keep 1th to June lit. 675-8531. Russ SWartz. 499-3005 rltr. ment Unit. 1 Blk from ea~-3 BDRl\'I' 2 BA lge-back this vJry ~s 2 story Corona cltl Mar AN OLDE HOUSE Near the sea; aroun'd the "Ra 0 . rtu 'ty" =• 7"' INTER T ' · homeoverlookingourpeace-1.,..--....;.;..;.;;.;;.c_ __ re ppa DI Hwy. Walking distance to 10 ES yard, gardenger, au t 0 ful LAKE with priv boat 2 BR be ll I l Blk all schools & shopping. 2 d TD L sprinklers, no pets. $325. dock &r: lots of wood deck· t • amsm_ ~PJ: · · corner froni. the beach. 3 Owner must move! Plush 3 BR., oaken firs., ~I wood BR, 2 BA, plus family AL\VA~kr~~~· n oa ns ~~3m3027 Madeira, call ing. NO\V VACANT! 3:;nC:o.1t R.~ ~ paneled. Mll8Sive bv. rnl. room. Corner fireplace, Lots for Sale 170 Lo\'.•est rates Orange Co, ~tESA Vt•t'dc 1'~amily Honie. LAKE FOREST-REALTY wffrpl. North section of the bltns, crptg. Sparkling ~.1 ---------Sattler Mtg. Co. 4 BR, 3 BA. formnl din rm., 837~61 or S37-6217 village. ESTATE PRICE -Priced right at $59,900. * SPECTACULAR * 642.2171 • 54>0611 fam rm .. frplc In mnsterl~-=:::..,:::::.:-o'--=-"'"-- $47,000. Don't miss out!! 645-8400. Condominium size lot &rving Harbor area 21 yrs. BR. $388/1no.1 Yearly lease. Me1a Verde Mission Realty 494-0731 1 fFI 1 .,: 1 NTJL 9 11,885 sq. rt will 12 lo 14 eon-DON'T BORROW 54>2081 aft 4 pn1. . LARGE 3 bci. 2 ba. frplc. Lido Isle dos. Asking $110,000., sub-'TIL YOU CALL USI ATTEN'!ION! Small famtly. bkfst rm. Ex. Larg. liv & ·~. \~ E. ll°"'3nl & Co. mit. San Clemente. See Bo h . Charming 2 Br & den, c]O!;C din rm., lncd yd, $240. Cost• Mae ----· - LIVE LIKE A KING At Budget Price!! FURNISHED • UNFURNISHED OUR EXCLUSIVES 1111 on.. tJ...._~ Dorothea at Daneri Realty. n-o\v on your ome equ1ry to t'Ve~hlng. Walk to 543-8124. 3S~~~rs. & den, 45 ft. lot. l ~iiiiiiiiiiiiii c:-:~~· 1:~s.H4:::~~ I y ·r~; i! ~~e:rto~~:~; 4s~;;~1~~~~ ;:i:. :e~~y N·;.e'"w"'po=rt~Be~ec__,.h---1 ** PEOONCLLSOSED · 5 BDRMS. plus family rm., Valley-Lake Tahoe. Ski over 20 years and NOW in painted, $265_ . m. o. Mon· 1115 . 1 BR. ~----1•-nt, I~ 4~-ft 3·30 Orange County! ..... ua.nn•• uu GARAGES 3 baths. 40 Ft. lot. $110,000. MobilliDIM& 1:m1, area. ~.3 •:1 a · · · SIGNAL l\ilORTGAGE CO. hccllo. Avail. 1 mm ed. bltns, gar, lrg pat i 0 . 3-STORIES, bayfront, ocean . ,.... Mountain, OtHrt (TI4) 556-0100 54G-4713. Child/pet ok. * CONVENIENT view; 4 bdrma., 3 ba's. "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;iiii~ Resort 174 3 BR 1% BA. fpl, dbl car $275 • 2 + den, 2 Bath. TO ALL BEAOIES $235L,OOOID. 0 REALTY • M-y Wanted 250 •"'· $225'. 3 BR, 2 BA, Frpk .. deck, patio, 1 blk FROM $145 MONTH Mobile HOMH 80 Ac Mt. hideaw&.!" in Nat'! $65,000 OWNER occupied blUns, patio $250. Century beach! 3.117 Via Lido, N'pL Beaoh For Sale 125 forest nr ldyllw!ld 5000' el, CdM b>me. Would-IU<e 2L M&-9521 1365 • LARGE 2 Br, 2 Ba. 2 ADULTS PLEASE * EX67CLl-u7300sIVE * Motor Home Rentals i::;ino.&x,meJn. ~;,fo: i,.n1't·ooo, t t•o1A·~~.ooo. To io% ~--~: P'ooBtR.,;_".;,lh gy~:s, dbt gar.1 btk beach, VILLA i>OMONA 4 Bdrmo., plus den; 5 bath•. s-10am1538-32ll6 Agt. • s'l>-0 ~-:;;;"~;;;;;. $21S -;;;;;;.th: NU-VIEW RENTALS PHONI! '42-2015 = " N rd R h F Mortg•gei, 260 ~ -•. 673-tOJO or 494-l248 11760 Pomo·· Aw.I ~ • o corn or. SJILES & LEASING enc H, arms, Trust Deeds ~· BLUFFS pi l"l ' ·-Magntflcent, custom home. full .service facility Groves 180 VACANT 2 Br., Sl40. Also 2 LftUt 1110,000. Da M t R -,1y 2 BR, 11111. Kids/pets • Casa . cle Oro RENTALS' Summor, winl.r nmar 0 Or 0meS 40Rive~?.':~5000o~~·~'. Hali TPOUWT OYROKURFOMRONYOEUYI ok. Agt. F .... 919-8430 $285 Per month; on wide ALL llTILITIES PAID • l"a•-110 v1·a Zapata ~oA """A AVAJL. Apr,11 ht, 3 bd, 2 ba, -nbelt. 2 B<lnn., 1 bath; Compare bef-~nl ~ 'i,jr)Q REALTY 531·6800 -· ~ Earn 10% interest en well· 2 car gilrg, cov. patio. East db\.-garage. Spotless! Adultll Custom des~ fea : Real E1tate Wanted 184 secured 2nd Trus~ Deeds on side. 646-00481557-2289 plellSe. No -·. • Spocloua ldtch'en with 3377 Via Lido, Npt. Beach O C I ~-673-7300 HILLSIDE home, architect * ,.. I 'k C h * range ounty l'i!ll estate. 3 .BR, 2 BA. Hrdwd firs. 64_4...1133 BROKER direct Ua:htina · -~--~-~-~-designe<l, eustOm bit 4 yr TU C GS Broker -CTI4) 556-0106. Family only. $25011\10. Call NEW p ORT SH o RES e Separate dln'g art,_ N•wport Beach old. View, 700 yds. to Will buy your property. AU collect; 493....5768. A-frame 2 bdrm, den/loft, • Home-Uke storqe Arches Marina. 4BR, 2BA, c··• within 12. •-. Call HA VE several Well secured dbl • Private po"·· 119 ~/"" Catal Dr =i• •1.111 Fountain Valley 2 Ba, frplc, dahwhr, UUll NEWPORT ,'1W ..,...., um . 962-8851 2nd Trust Deeds for saJe. garage. ~1 & tennis privl. 0 Closed garage w/atonse ()pen Sat & Sun _9-5pm. 979-5099 rvu • M ble pullm . HEIGHTS OMte .Ji~ 4 BR. or 3 BR & Den. Xlnt. Steps to beach. 1365. 1't & "' an 2 bedroom 'vilh lots of living ~loca~~ILEuondo·'·n. !;~581~. by. 50be~~ -.!111111 l;:J';.,pd"'v'')..:,ti\ ta;~,C: 1~~~0 OCEAN : ~-".' =.. .. · ottr· space. Large family ·room iJOO'"'UliJ --· ·-·-11 fl!i l $360/0FP'ER. (1) 828-56TI TOWNHOUSE DUPLEX ~ed with plush Jand.- plus living room and formal ~~~~~~~~~~' BROKERS INC. ...._...... or Cl) 828-5Dl 2 + den/offi~. aundedc. ~~~vlng-at ltJ: beat dinin& room. SUper pride of · WROUGHT Iron enclosed -.ic. $275 yr'·" 5Z19-A LARGE l BR ~M at $49,950. can 646--nn for Rnfbtat9. I NEED 00,_ bltn~ · r. · am River. 54MS.12, 6'2-5218. 2 BEDROOMS $210 jlChool and shopping. 1' Park like yard. Home "'shows pride-of-ownerPihip -~.thnlout. Anyone can qual- : ify tor this loan. Owner ownership location. Priced ~ urtyard 3 B 2 Ba F ".,.. Y ...- more info and appointment '-~_....., __ , _ __, R·3 LAND HOVHS Fuml1had 300 rm, tns, crpts, drps, dbl THE Blull!I, brand new 4 No Pets . t -. gar. 5.11-7967 or 546-0469 or BR, 3 BA. pool &: yard 365 W. WU.son g:u.1971 0 SUMMER o see. for Laguna Beach 545-9491 John. maint. Cu8t crpt & drps, $30 WEEK & UP SWJM INT OPENTIL o •IT'S FUN 'ro BEN/Cf! Commercial CASH or $150 • Util Pd. Nicely furn. 1 4 BR. J:Iuge born.ts rm. Wet $tiOO me. 1st&: last plwi S200 • Studio le: 1 BR Apta.. Ill ~ Property 158 JOINT VENTURE BR. Steps lo Ocean! ~-8~~.Jk~ ~/~~ dep. Avail April 15· 83.l-Jl635 e TV&: Maid Service Avail. lx>ught another home. must sell. $29,500. Submit terms. ,, LEADERSHIP R.E . 142-4466 Eve: 846-0080 . , SURFSIDE ! •4BR2lhBA e Double garage · Yreshly painted T 10 • Gold wall-to-wall ~ ,Brlck fpl in 30' liv rm. .•· Walk to beach • fll,500. 3 Balroom atrium model home with secluded, heat- . ed and filtered sky blue ~ pool, back yard is main· tenance tt'ee and has boat door In garage. Step down ~ living room, formal din· ing, huge master retreat orf atrium v.'ith Roman Gbath. cul-de-sac street, good neighbors that re- flect executjve life style living. $54,950. Terms. LEADERSHIP R.E. ~ EVE'!i1&-0668 1---'--'-----·I Call Builder,. 645.1260 $300 • Util Pd. Lrg 2 BR, 'I1lE Bluff&-view. 3 Bij., 2 •Phone Servk:e-Htd. Pool ~ LAGUNA BEACH . frplc, yard, patio I blk Huntington Beech ba. Quiet loc. New cpts. & • Childttn & Pot Seetlon _ 4 Very distinctive retail INVESTOR _ 22 \o 2.S-K, beach! drapes. $475 Mo 11 ease · e $120 Monthly :o:::==o=::=:=:=:=:= i>lort>s + 2 houses on So. want 10 to 20 uni ts. 10% $500 • Utll Pd. 4 BR, 2 VIEW House, compact 3 BR, Corbin.Mart l n RH.rs. 2376 Newport Blvd CM ''Ma. yday • Coust Iclwy., steps to beach. Cap. rate on realistic ex-frplc's, 2 decks. Exceptional l~ Ba. w/modern kitchen. 644-7662 548·9'155 or 645-3967 ocean view' So Laao'"" Prefer adults only. Vacant. ;=-;;;;;.:=:;-;,:--,;=::-;:;::::::-11=..,.::;~~.:!!..;=:~'.!...-1 Mayday'' Stores are leased. Beauti-pense schedule. 10'/o Cash NU VIEW. R.EN"T_A_L, S Lease. S235lmo. 8-47-7979. 3 BR, 2 Ba, Newly Decor. AOORABLE 1 BR_ beam rul ocean view + income. tlo\Y. 494-3661 .. Bltn11, breakfast rm, 2 car ceilings lets privacy _ nr EMERGENCY ! ! !\·lust Asking $275,000 GROWING Mission group 673-4030 or 494-3248 BIKE to Beach 2 Br, gar. gar. 1~ blks ocean. Pool & maj. 5b0p ctr. Adu.IL& $l"3.s0 sacrifice lhls fan ta s. tic REALONOl\IICS CORf. '"an'" to rent w/optK>' n to Newpo· rt •·ach ~so 3 Br w/everything, clubhse prlvil. $325/MO. 536-Sll4 Newport Heights 3 BR, 2 Brokers 675-filOO " U> ""' singles, families ok. Yearly. For Appt. 536-0740. . BA. $42,950. Submit all of· NNN In buy church facilities ln HB Agt. Fee. 979-8430 Du ,_1 _..,B~Rr.~Furn~-.~,~lrg--cl~ooe-ta,·t fers! Hurry!! Call 645-8400. . . . come cor. comm. area. Call 8-47-7207 WALK to Water l Br hse, 3 BR 2 BA, bltns ta Brand N•w p .. x quei!n alze bed, prlv. dress· 7 F ' NTlt 9 Property, $16,896. next 2 yrs CdM, util pd. Also Bach. tr,:·' fenced. ~1Mo~ui Ocean Vu, walk to bob, 3 & 4 lng rm ,extra Irg. rooma, $52,800. next 5 yrs • $63,360. Unit, Npt, Bal., C.M., H.B. & t mo'a In ad-::'-ce + .. ~ Br. No peta or chldrn. encl. gar w/1to ....... e. Adulta second S yrs. $11S,OOO. cash. lli Agt Fee. 979-8430 ..... _., 646-0384. .... n4-492-0021. n.tdll • Houw Unfurn. 305 cleM dep. 962-C9l ' on22tc 00F pellt~ ,· • c M. ========' 12 . adjoining income prop-. ' TIRED of 1eelng dumpet BA YCREST Area 3 BR, -u tr on, • · C M $15 ~---ot t.ov.ly mod•! home -4 BR. 2BA, crpl> drpo, 1"' yn!, * STUNNING 1 A 2 BR. erties, cent , . ,000. -....-,_ By appt _,., 54HJ41 NEW EXCLUSIVE o .... r. 645-2031 t 612.fil 2 BA, lam. rm. $298. 646'.2848 "'~· Furn. 2 BR, 2 BA. Unlurn. Turtle Rock Hills Business 96H'l82. Garden Apt>. Pool . a... l1rwin realty Inc. ; 124 hrs.) l·l;rv;l;n•;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;. PRESTIGE I• You'll want to cbeck U>e ex· llay!ront 4 llR.. 3 baths Duplex .. /Unlt1 OPJIO'!unlty 200 RENT or Sale • 3 Br/2 Ba, Tu1tln areo. no W. 18th SI. $111:> lras in this lovely home. • . Pl'1' & Sll_p _ $21.5,000 Hie 162 PRESTIGE many xtru Voe 1215/mo. " up. .It'• loaded! In addition to LIDO REAL TY 195D Buys .. 8l3-ll03 eveo 'BR. 2 ba, air cond. °""to ""*~$25"""""P"E"'R,...,,W"l"'E"'K,,-*"'"1 the 4 bdnns., family room, 3377 Vla Lldo'j Npt Beach OCEANSIDEC of hwy, 2 Br & Hou111 * Apt1. 64l-2312. ' 131e7hh..Jlll5' euoyr :~1~-'llJ fwy!. & Up. Pool A makl NS'Yice. I-al dining and ulllity 1 Br, FP, /D. Owner 81\X, ,,_... _ 2100 MODEL BR 3 BA, 2 tam "!.1~.r. JU' ' marlna. 841...,L .. I' u • ._.. 673-300 $53,250/oUer. 673-4096 OPPORTUNITY FOR leue -4 BR, 2 ba, . Kitchens ava.11. MOtel Tahiti with tub, there·s a self· * 149•011t· * frplc, bltla, dbl guage. H•,. Condomlnlum'i corner Harbor A: vtctorlL OWNER anxious. Pool heme. cleaning oven, air con-* 12 UNITS * Income Property 166 W.11lhCOITAMllA Be h 841 ~·s ~ U furn 320 ·°""="'77'"'"'"=-'-ii"-==1 3 •~s., 2 baths. Heated&:: dltionlng, hum idifier, elec· 3,L Lois ac · -~ n • NICE 1 &: 2 Br. Tratlm. $95 ~'"' !ri d v:1 Every so often. perhaps only Theae Are Just A Few Of • U M t ad 1•· 133 E. fill.-• ~. Dining rm.. c garage oor opener, I Bl k B h 11 UNITS . 1.1 1 3 BR, 2 BA, family room2 c' I 1.•-·-oc p. a UR! u .... •= """' hi · r · oc to tac once in a 1 et me. an oppor· Our MANY RENtALS. . . drp ti OI • ..,.... 16th SI 61'1~• .built-Int. Family r nt . . wroug l.l'On encing, gas ' Just over 2 years old, t'Om· tun1ty presents 11.Jielf lo the * fplc, crpts, 8• ~2273-· 6--.,, ! 1ireptace. brk S 3 5, 5 O 0. ~1~~ .• ~°1rs h;~~i~ ut~r:~~ Ea$j20:~ml fortablc attn or Santa Ana. individu al "'hi ch 111ay never $9S SUPER Bachelor' All cRr gar. S260 mo. · 3 bdm, 2 ba, b It In A., LARG. 1 bd, all bltina + "'4&-06o4. ed, lnndscapcd 10 pcrttcllon Low malntenan<.'e , all lf'as-occur again. Frl'Quently, lhe uui Pd Comp! Furnished lrvlna dlshwaahf!:r, new d r a, dishwasher. Adults, nc pett. 'O\VNER Iii de s pc r a 1 e. i;r.nd has a broathlaking Balboa Bay Prop. ed. Price $150,000. ·Don 't perr.on who has gained · *' · .. rec~atton facil.~. Con· &12-4044 aft 6• Prestige 4 bdt·ni. Dining VIC\\'. Ewrything's Included * 673.-7420 * nlii>s lhls Mr. Jones. wealth, Independence. re· $ll5 • UNREAL! 1 BR. 2 BR., 1~ bl., alr/cond. $22S tact Mr. Queen, 9-2132 e SllARP 2 BR. -$160 e . rm .. buill-ins. 1-·a1nily rm.. to1· the price of $70,000. NE\V dplx on Bal Penin. 3 639-150t. spect, and security In hla Houae. Stove &: refrlg. Pets 4 BR, 2\.t batha $360 Newport lffch Nice furn. •hag crpt, no pet11. , fl\'eplace. A1sun1abl c VA Br. 2 ba ea. DlahY.'shr. 52 UNITS <:on1mW1ity 1hrough hi~ bus· ok. . 3 BR. & fim. rm., 2 bath• 2265 Maple 540-4484 I ' -1 , . oan. Won't last. bl'k $40,800. ·_red hi•t range &: oven. Buyer gets Expansion room. Choicest lneN1 hat done . l-IO ~1n1ply * brand new, Turtlerock $375 SPACIOUS creenbett, end Dana Point ·846-1383. \ ht u 1 er de-"'~tion. Harbor Blvd. 3.8 acre site VirtUc of being in the 11•• BY ... Se 1 _,, 4 BR 2 b& SS85/le0 unit 2 bd, 21Ai bat den fon-nal1---------·I -.,......... t plt.cc at the right w • u... a 1 i-auer. ., dln. ~ nn, BluttJ 4 7 5 . ~~ 2 d' a ' AM8L·IN~--N...__,,..,._. f.-~'-"~"':':-~"""',.llelaj-~Mr,:;;,,;01.,~r;i ut!>-' -••nc11t1-'~ ""'-'="-"m '-"•t---~-t ~ Rat 6'13-2058. ·-ible, v.1ill sell tor price ot · th ng kt tlilr -......--* Turtlerock ............ $350 QJ" 190 mo. riqutre: l S. fl'l"'"'~!~I~~!: to the REALTY e e~UFirS CONDO land only or long tm:n !:ic;r1f~ e,~J1eona= $155 ~HARD ·to Beat! 2 Br. 3 BR., 2111 bl. DellZXt Townl\outa Unfum. 335 ~ Lqu.ne, or tel loomed i:::::;-s ,::, ' ~~ J~~S:~\~~ s ~;· ~~ths lease. ;'4 StU'Nm1501 ~.;' ~ .. "'=":~;.!': ~p.~"'· Etlcl yard tor k1da s1ufl1, N.B. ~ Hunll!'f!!'.' -Hun11n;ion lhHii ~..-!<!~·..owrienhip. Th l c k Oftk:e hours a AM to g PM TED 1WBERT A. .ASSOC! at OCMra around us, tttm· 1 * TOWNHOUSE jjOld lhog cll'pe~ and 1 Mn Vla Lido N.B. m-mi Trade your unti. !or theoe on lng\y mor. fortunate in IU1 11'15 • WON"!' LASrl 2 Br. 3 BDRM 2 BAnl 122) LeQUINTA H•RMOSA .V'J -c:ovetetl potlo LUXURlOUS ~ •tor> C<dar 3 :J::'Sil'/i ::Jg_ Anabolm loci· -.. ,. yet cer1ajnty "° EISld•. Gonp. Etlcl yard Ctll W/430-tSU 8Plnlth Counny !:<tote Uv· -)ult ....,, thOll 'l: m,,; R-.. fOI' Eve.-,-Br Channel b>me + "''" WEXFORD LTD 512-ll.211 men .... "'· lnteilla<n~ for child. NI I fng & Spodoul "'111. Tor-.• , o ' me. In th!> Unlvotsil)' Pll'k gartg0 1 bdnn ltllMY 1pt. and ulted oono!VOI • wit> * L•!UM e'! ra«tl pool· 1w>lten au >woi> t lut • • • 5.1&-~ BKR. Home. 5 bdmts .. 3 baths Pier a. lllp far 3 boall + $ 20 UNITS $ lllat _, M..., lime: LANDLORDS! "SINCE 19411" 2 STORY to"""°"" 3 Br, 2 BBQ. ' n, VE BEDROOMS and I a cu gonp wiil ... ..... ............. $lllll,OOO 1 • 2 BR uni w(kwt -~gh~1• ~.be~ ~:lit FREE RENTAL SERVICE lit WOllern Bink 8141-Ba, panoramic OOWI view. Unbdlevabl< Living! --IV THI SEA" oommodat• all l'Otll' need"' Wills !tE. -'11!9. =~1F,'~1~r.Ji llm• or r<ttlnr In it th• Bl!ACON RENTALS Un1vor11ly Pork, Irvine $450. mo. 841-1751: <SH13S 2 BR. FURN .... $llS .aJ:-h&> to be a drum It's loc&ted n .. r pool and BLUFFS CONDO now for these. berlimJn.. or making ad .. * MMlll * Dey1 552-7000 Nlfht1 Neweort llMch ALL trrllJTIES PAn> «mt true Jf your family tcnnl8 court and prleed at 4 BR. 3 BA h rd t f\nd C Breecher tnwat•. 543-3464 d!1on whm a onct-ln·a·llfe· ..;,;.J;..;. Adult• • No ~eta ~trt• a' formttl llvtng &: ~~&i'!9re~~!!la:t~ft~.1 ~t~ ~lodtt. by ' o!ner. 0 &'13-5569 PANICi Ultra pluah duplex. Ume opportunity appeani. QUICK CASH l BR, 2 BA, trpl l yr old. AOt.n..TS ONLY • LEASE C4 blkl S. of san Di~ d1,lnmlnl•J roo"'°mm •• a°"rlov'a~t"•'lsedc 1_ lcr tee thla oN.' tod,ly. anpmyrtme, or 644·8400 att 6 Juat rtltased at S50,950. \Ve have that opportunlty to Crptfdrp. • Children o k . 3 BR, 2 bA., bllns, carp, on· B~ach, l blk \V, of Hot 1Y p: :o..i-O..vner lea·"'"'" for Europe oUer t the lnilfvidua1 who $215/mo. 833--11G3. '6'm-2018. drpj. 3 Car pr. 1&ctng to 16211 Parksldt Lane.) f d~11.fH BUT PRICED :0 i d h•11 HA~BOR VIEW HOi\1ES 2 and wants ·;::-uont !'! Aaent can metl our nqulrtmtnt11. THROUGH A TURTLE ROCK. New 3 bd, 2 pool, $300. Aleo 2 Bdrm11., 2 (71') MT-Mil -•• ea· 11 UE• .~,i<.ETI BBOOKR.K. . ; re I Br&: d~n. up111•detf :ylfl ... 645-8-100. ' lf you have the rtqulrtd ba, W/W, pa.ttos. UICI of Ba , $250. Rltr. 642-5333. UL-' CE • ~~ d 1 1 11 mlnln1um l~~tm .. nt or . .. .... k I: pool $36$. W..2326 5 J C litrino $135 .. """" Nl ~ .l iAUTIFUL ,,,., •1e pa o, pane ng, WANT 4 Jo 8 uni" nr. ocean. 12500 and would llko •d· QILY PILOT ~ . en uan ap Pools. • Gordo111. Sautll. • llE.LMEAQl>W ~-ll~Il view 162,000. 641>-12211 So. t? La Jolla. ilavo $22,000 dltloOll lnformoJ lon, acnd 3 BR. 2 BA, frpl, 1 )~ old. 2 BR. 2 b& townhoGle In "Teiuila !'riv. patio. 846--0Z!I A ~-~ \\'Ith~'! i For-Sole~r '1\9'-a-plut--08!11·-,....Ofkmr-•d-·•M Cli>V4rp. ""'Chlldrtn.,,,o.JL c 11'~~~A\lta _1,..1........., . • 1r ram nn. MOV!!·ln UN"ll~ [I. VI~ 14 BR, 2\i BA, family. room Rltr. 8334160. phone nuri.M:r to: The WANT A '21S/mo. w.t-llDI, 8~Jl18. ~!.:; &;:'·~= Patto, I "' rvn. 11.'1·rr· 135,500. 8'1-l3ll. Univ. Pork Ctnttz;_ new lnstde *· out! WHtciiil * TRIPLEX WITH POOL Thomas Compony, 1400 E. FOR ACTION •• • =wimmlnc poOl, ftiP1c. crpll 9UICK CASH ' .. 0~ ~~";..\! to 1:l~1 am. $88,500 84Mlll8 A lix<r UJ>lltt for l§tlll· -TDilltY Ave., Doti Pl&ln" 642 5678 4ra. $2!0 mo. ti> 1JIO, or L Pl OT 1 • • Dupltx nesr the 00.,n Beauc artL Bkr 54&-ms. lll. 6'11U. Or, cal' • DAILY PILOT ;m. on Y.ar te .. _,__!(£48 DAI Y L 1i;......,._,..,...,.,...._....,..,~ A IOtltl want ad Is • J100C1 b-Mita Lant>n,*Rttltor N""1 a "l'ldl'! Place an adl, 3121218-'lllO CLASSIFIED AD Ctlle Olue<a. '88-r.«T or WANT AD C••'''ld Adi ••• M2.s678 Ylltmln\. HrS-e&1 C..U &d-5611. White !3ephant D\me-A-Une C92..s563. ' . • ,_ • ' • • • DAILY PJLOT I~ :.;I -·-~l~;m;~ I--...... Jl51 [ ---1 •-;i::.::;:.;.F;:u;;rn::;·:._ ___ 3::;60:: Apt. Unfurn. Unfurn. 365Apt. Unfurn. Apt&., Offlc• R.entaJ .._. Rentals Wanted 460 Cirpenter ~leaning 365 .~ Fu01 t~r Unfurn. J7D io"UU. SEltVrCE NEW ,Unployee, Irv I n c CUSTOM "'0 0 OW 0 RK.' Oedicated Clunl:;~~l--1-l 1------j!M~ynt~~l•!lfl~on~-!B!H~c~h=:_j1~~~~;,;,;.~¥~~!t:o~n~8o~t~c~h;:;H~un~t~ln~g~tofn~ho~cgh;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~W~e~st~c~ll;ff~B~u~l~ld~l~;.:f:odwitrlal-C<H I , cabinet>>. paolos, WE 00 EVERP'Jllli! I m · mer e. c 1 ve bedroom unf house \Valk gen r pa r 1. Duke Refs. ·Free est. 646-2839 $145 • Sl6S M ST READY W Bl\'d., N c ~po r I inc dist. eteM. 5C~. Need OaDurka 646--1598 8-16-9495. l!OUSE & APARTM.EN~ BACHELOR&JBR .pao;o., HARBOR GREENS AL 0 * * * !;'!',ru,;hW.l . "'· Jlow•'d dining area"""""' r ... C1rpet S.rvlco CLEANING.CALL trplc'a· · J)riv. s;11rageM l7Jir"Q washer It dryer Vogel Co. 847-3756 Divided bollh & Jo" of Furnished & CASA Tl EM PO SPARKLING NEW MEDI(:~~ SUioe.900 ... It... Rltn. 5411-9346. • JOHN 'S ea.,,.. & Upholslt<Yl---==---'-clMetJi. Rec. hall, pool & 601 Dover Or. N . a . DISCRI?i.tINATING bwiinesa Ori-Shampoo I re e Scot· Income Tix pool tablell, ~unr1 b8!h!!. Unfurnished Bcaulilully decorated, fully chguard tSoll Retardant1J. \ 1 See for yourlS<'!r. 17301 BAY SHADOWS carpeted, in t-011 (.'Ofldition. woman would l!ke to ~hare Deereasers & all co1or INC0f.1E Tax Preparatiim ' Keelson Ln. t.1 blk \V. of ·From $130 to $215 mo (just North of SD Freeway at MagnoHa) Air condiliont'd. Parking ln· Y 0 u r b 0 m e· P re 1 e r brighteners & 10 mln11tc Reasonable ralcs. Pl:ie caU. 8c(lch. 1 blk N. of .SlaHirl. DELUXE l & 1 BR w/FIREPLACES Apartments i:l uded. AU on ground level. buslnesswoi:ian or teacher bleach for white carpets. 61:.>-6676 for appt. IH'l-'78~8 5r12-7445 lntt:tt6led in music & a11. Sa'•e your money by saving . . · Bachelors • 1 Bdrms • Private Patios • Dis hwashers $pal'1ou~. Light & Chl'(·1)'! Living alohe. No pc1s. ine ext.rd trips. Will clean Jan1tor1al Newport Be•c'h 2 Bdrmt e 3 Bdrms e All !!eating .Paid e Jacuzzi • lleated P~I 1 BR's FROM $157 DESK space p.vaijabJc $50 Prefer C.Omna dcl Mar. living rn1 dining rm &·1::::.::;:;.::;.:,;;:,.__ ____ o..1l . I 1Vt or 2 Full S.ths e Recreation Building e Luxurious._Landscap1ng 2 BR's FROM $177 mo. }Viii provide furniture .rn-45.20 e~t 7 liu.11 $J 5. ''Any . mi. s7.so, Of'FICE cl~aning, ! i c 'd. 1 \VATEJU'RONT . YE:ARl~Y J e IIea.vy Pile Shag Carpeting. nt $5 n\O. Answering service couch $lO. Chair $5. 15 yn. bonded. 7 ~rs exp.~~-~ 011 Big l$:ly. :: RR., 2 ha., i\ln~lia· i.11.c ht•ch'OOl't:l!i 1\/ A'ults Only· Bc11.uliful appointments Jn-uvailahl~" 17875 Beach Blvd. exp. is "'hat counts. not 6·12-6824 or MS-2521 . .___ \" . Huntington Beach. 64.2-4321. hod J do rk M'lf Priv ....... <'h. $450. hh:h beam ccilioga:. lar~e·I STOP BY ANO SEC'US BEFORE WE'RE (·Jude Decorator FiJ·e1ilacc11. Pw1CNk n1ct . "'o my . Painting & 2 BR. 2 -htJ . Roorn for 35' llvlng roon1 1y/ga.s or Shag Carpeting. Priva1e NE\\' cust. dee. <>fc. suite has Good ref. Sll--0101. P•rw.rh•nging boat on C'hann<'lfront S.'iOO y,·l'JOd burning firrp!UC('. FINISHED-FOR YOUR CHOICE OF APT. 1•1u1os. Pool . J acuzzl . own N.B. st. address. 705 L & R Carpet-Upholstery ,.. .. l,enin. Pt. near ));1y. 3 Bit, t•ot1vC'nl1·11t litundry area ' 8912 Heil Ave., Huntington Beach Volll'yball cou11 Gas Mi. ft . "''ill partition, grnd House $29.!li! Steam-house CUSTOM PAINTING , 2 baths. $350 off kitchen .. Enclosed pn· 1Mgr . Mr & Mrs E 11iott 847-4982 BBQ's. Closed Garages. flr., air cond, plenty pkg. Personals 530 $49. ,.tJv._Rn1 $21!. Guar. Inter/Exter. Unfurn. iilte'r. , NEW 3 Bit 2 bu.. Apt . Frpl, llO!I. 2 sy.·i mniing IJOQI~ AdulLc;, No Pets. 1815 Westcliff 548-9586 535-0300. spec. price. }~rec color can •• bltrui, nr "bay. 1100. sauna, J.-ec.reu.t.ion fac.ih· A t U f -"":365 Apt. Unfurn. 365 409 W. BAY•St, DESIRE to share offtcC" DRUMMER C•mont, Concrete suiting & est. Lie, lns. associated BROKERS-RE AL TO ll:S 101~ W Balboc l>Jl )l>l.J t l(•!I. &:tul'ily guard. No P • n urn. space ,t rcccptionisl in \\lon't be underbid. 642-6005. • j}l.'I_~. s· N t B h Costa Mes• N'pt/Santa I Ana area. k I H u ntington ••ch ewpor e•c CUSTOM concrete wor . No Wasting Manager Bldg E ·103 968-5467. Young man 19,.new in area. Remove asphalt driveways. * WALLPAPER *' 1 STILL AVAILABLE I PARK NEWPORT * 646-3387 * 16l7 :WESTCLIFF RecenUy moved heo~, .• rrom Replace w/co"""°e 00. ft . When you csll "Mac" ., 3rd floor. 2 BR AP'l'S \llJTI I APARTMENTS 1294, T;,6" & 540 sq. ft., ample Indianapolis v•ould 1 e to No delays, Free <' s I . 548-l#i 646-lnl 1 _ \llE\V!? Sl441mo. inclds All ! pkg, util, janilor. Ba.um· y,·oric: with rock group or in 638-3325 1 PARK NEWPORT, itublet U111itics. lS hole pulling on th~ ~ ADULTS gardner Jr l!).I. 541·fl002. night club. Very taJentcd. CUSTOM Concrete b y PAL'iTINC-& Paperir\i, jg Ma" 1st _ Sept. tst. 1 BR. gr{'{'n & 11('"'' recreational --J LA COSTA APTS " OI"' Call Oiip \Vard, 539-2982. Renaissanct> c.o. oo'.oo day yrs in Harbor a r " . Models Open 10 til 7 pm 1700 Peterson Way, CM nr Harbor Blvd & Adams P~I. Spa. Tennis. Atlullls flu ·llit it>ll. l.u.\'.ury apartment living • NICE ofli cr' space ""'4 " *HINDU SPIRITUALIST * financing avail. Free est. Lie/bonded. Re1s . .,~ 0 tAl!0370 VILLA YORBA overlooking the waler. t:n-1 & 2 Bedroom Ne"·port Blvd, 3 blks North Let lhis ad chanoc your 000 ••«. . 642-23.'>6. only. -IM . 640-1610 J'tU" . s-;o 000 h 1 h 7 • c pco • Dra of coast H\\'Y t.900 sq ft. ... "'~ JOY ru • ea I spn, nr s pes S:UXI. ulil incl-. 54S-5300. whole outlook o~ life for I.he PATIOS, walks, drive!!. Saw, PAINTING & repair. 35 .• 3he:~· ~Jf~CX vi~~· d~~n~ "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lluntington BeaC'h Sl\'iZntning pools. 7 lighted • Pool • BBq's . belt(}· Profe~sKlnal advice break, remove & replace \Vorkmunship guar. Tit~~ '!!! (714 ) 842-9622 trnni); courts, plus n\lll<s or All Utilities Paid EXECUTIVE suiles, ln11ned 011 life. Readings dally. 10 Concrete. MS-8668 for est. adv11.ntage of 1ny e,;p.. $300/Yrly. 642-3850 Rltr. DELUXE -.-,,'-10--v--F.'-. ~1 N'-'1~'0--D.::A.::Y_•_ hicycle trails. putting, shuf· 354 Avocado St., C.M. -0ccur. Coast H111Y al N'pt AM • 10 Pl\1. 4 9 2 . 913 6 . 5J6...7056 $135. Balbba. Yearly. 1 BR. APARTMENTS $145 A MO fir.hoard. croquet. .Junior l's 641-9708 Blvd. Ample frt:;e parking. 492-903'1 312 N-0. EI Camino PATIOS-PLANTERS 1 .:::::::0:::_--=G~E=R~ Viii. paid. No kid s or pets. Air Cond . 1o·rp1<'·s.;: Swlrn· • fron1 $189.50 n1onthly: also! I "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"" 642-4644 Rl·al San Clemente. AU Conerete \vo1'k. m.-3533. * PAPERHAN 417 E. Bay, 547-lls:>. ming Pool!l . llealtn Sr<t . ~~~'1.:1 & a~a~.R. ~~.L4·pi~~: ~1o~-~~oJ1~~~s E~: !! ~CASA ~VICTORIA 600 S1:1. Ft. Ofl>'ICE "''/kit & VETERANS l>'OUNDATIONS . Art istic Carl Rcbko 646-2 • TRbPICAL POOL • Tennis Courts · Game and 'l'B.AS. Pool, rec bldg. Kids . k' h . . l .~ 2 BR. Furn & Unfurn. Ba, $lj,5. ALSO fiOO Sq. Ft. Earn $4.58 to $7.00 per hour Planters, concrete & brick PAINTING · Reas<>nablc " J Br. fum, $145. GaK & 1vlr Billia1'{i.-Hoom.--~ \\'elconie. -Yrom $l4a. ~ Irie :!!C ~s, pr1vat.e J!a. os .Carpets, drai;_>es, D/\\', TV STORE Sl55. C.Pil. 616-2130 gulll"anleed -by using your patios. . .ctc. Lic'd 644.:-:06S'l. Eves,;.675-7307 pays: 9~ ~ pd. E/side on l8th. 548-l Uift 21 B8~~'1ll, ~ Ss!:t!. l\1.11:i·. ITJ61 Keelson "A", ~r'?-~,'°"su"bsi .. :=~~g,P~~-ant. Pool, etc. Come by & 4001 ~0 BIRCH, N.B. G.l. Benefits while 11.t-Child .Care -DOn-__ .,,., Apt. Unfurn. -36"5 • .'~eo'~i'r"'E·R"RA"'"NE·A~N 1 blk \\I. or &<ach Blvd .. off !~ 1 : '"""' · • inquire about our 1'1ovc-In $l60/Pcr fl.to. 541-5032 tt-nding Santa Ana College. Pla•ter, Patch, Repair rvi Sla1er. 847-4260, 968--7510. ini::. \Vlth c~evators. Op11onal Allowance. ;125 Victoria St. _.=::::.:..::::....:::::c..:c::_=;:.,,~ I Call now -. CHrLD Care-Lg. yd. Lots of B•lboa lsl•nd VILLAGE WALK TO BEACH n:iwc1. serv1,ce.dJustJ no,both of At l-larbor, C.M. 642-8970. OJo'b'TCE: Space/Lease. CdJ..t S<l7-9561 Ext 370 TLC. $2().-t'Y;i wk. H . •PATCH PLASTERING' 1' ash1on ls an at am ree • location 659 sq !f. Can be ..,..... I F · 1 and San Joaquin Hills RDad. Huntington Beach divided. 6Ta-6676 PREGNANT? Thinking 645.$87 afL 6. 548-3917 Al types. ree estima es t Bit. incldg. stove, refrlg, 'lAN\ Harbor Blvd .. c.i-t. Ne\V .1, 2 & 3 Br, cpt/rlrp, ".'..:::::::::..:::::..,::=~--~,I bo . Kno u h f ts Call 54()--682.5 crpt, ~rapes. t 21 5 / 111 o. V IAN 171,1 ~7 o""" dwhr, Jrpl. 20a 1 5 l h . Tt>lcphone fn4) 644·1900 8-uso'ness Rental 445 a rt1on? ""a t e nc Contractor J I ' ~ ~w 8<7-?""7. for rental information 1 BR. Deluxe. Adult poolside fit'lll! Call LIFE LINE-24 ~P~l:u~m~b~i~n-2:...-----=~ Yeary on y, Lillie lsll:1nrl, RE~TAL Q''F'fCE =" -'c" bu'-alo n e " h rn ""22 ·~ -ga.u ·" ~ w, a • rs, ....... -...., . Cornm'I, Indus, Resid B~~r;:n~:~liafm-5270. OPEENI p''u"'e AMrto°". M5:30esaPM. 2$11~/~o .. 'w/Closed Garai:c. NBER~' 3oce:, ;i~~~l~;~r i~ ~~~· ::.i:~:· t~;ni~t~iGO~ Fin~~!'a~! :~~u~~R at-PROBLEM Pregnancy. Con-New, remodel, repair, S!ore L.R. OTIS PLU~ING • "7-8149 •. '"'''· BR. YearJv·, "25 8<" ~~. 1 1 1 fNent, s y m pal he tic fronts, cust. patios, ofcs, etc. Remodels ~ Repall'S. Water ~ ...., I o.rv...,,, mosphere. It ea or pregnancy counseling. Abor--Lic'd. 962-196L heaten, clispo!ijl]s, furnaces, ~~~~~R.~ eB~~ ~'~~e': 2 ~!~r$~~5 2 :a~;1_1 da~~;1$~~:sKa~~at N~~io. 3~~~·yeari;r; frp c.. 2~c?ul~~J Bj1~:65 ('~kl~·~ ~i~~1~~~t~1~ tu f ~: ~ r i ~"; ~A~~doptions ret.&424436 JACK Taul~ -Repair ~i~~~~:i~1!~~i~ refrig. Yrls. Adults, sorry -All Uto'lo'to'es Pa'od Now. 8 12-4~S. OCEANJ>'RONT 3 BR. uppc1·. area. ~I i\lora Kai IE. of design, advert i s in g, ~~~------.-! remod., add1t. ~ yni exp. Service. no pets. Close to shop's & Frpl, deluxe; $..1.JO. Yl"ly Beach off Garfield) !162-89f'4 publishing or related fields. l>'REE Yoga Demonstrations Lic'd. My \Vay Ca. 547--00.16. I .::~P~L~U~,~,-8-1N~G-RE~·-~.-P~A~lR~-I beach. 211 E. BaJboa Blvd. l'ool & Ret'reation 2Bll, patio, bltins, no p<.,11, Davidson Really 6.JG-7767 1260 sq. ft . at SOc D. V.'right, Tues al JO.am & 8 pm. Yoga Additions Remodeling No JO. b too small Ph. ~ves: 985-5822 1959 1\laple Ave. CJ\f l ~iOl Alabttma see days $1•1J, BRAND New o('eanfronl Newport Beach &l4-795J. Center, 44:> E. 17th St., C.P.1. Gerwick & son, Lic'd * * 642_3128 * * Coro". d.I .. _, CASA GRANADA-ph ~i:l6-36R3 aft Spnl J Condominium 2 BR, 2 BA. REAR Sheet J\letal bld,.,.ing ti46-828l 673-6041 * 5-19-2170 _....;:....;:.::..:::..::=-"-""==-I li~~iiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l d I J SEACLIF'F i'-1nnor /\pts. 2 ., DRAINS unclogged -$'1.!iO ~-~~ ON TEN ACRES Apts. furn./unfurn. Lease t"ireplact> / priv. ~tios. Pools Tennis Contnt'I Bkfst. 000 Sea Lan, CdM 644-2611 I.MacArthur nr Coast Hwy) 3 BDRMS belo\v higby,oay, lrplc, garage,. s u n d e c k . Adults. $285: &42-$31 eves or "'knds. -c;.. 2 BR, 1 BA, new carpets, drps, pool, $200 mo. Gcllt' Robertson, Rltr. 673-3850. SPACIOUS 1-BR. Frpl. Pool privi1. Quiel aJ't-"a. $1.il."i llal Pinchin Rltr. 6T.r439'.! 2 BR. crpt. refrig & rang-1• $190 lease: adults, no pcl •13Ui lris; util-pd, S.1!1-•l:1'•IO Costa Mesa --------TIIE EXCITING PALM MESA APTS. MINUTES TO NPT. BCll. Bach, l & 2 BR. From $14;) Adults, No Pels. 1561 Mesa. Or. (5 blks (mm Newport Blvd.) ""'"""° I BR. Carport, priv patio, nl'\V crpts, drps. All clPc." Rl'SJ). adults only, no childn>n 01· pets. s12::i. S.18-1322. NE\VL Y DECORAT~D 2 Br \\'/t'Arpo11. \\'fr pd. Call bt .... •n 1 & 5, 6."lG-4120 2192 "/\" Plat•rnfia •.•.. Sl40 2.'"Jfi6 "D" Ornnge Avf'. , .$1.W .-SHADY Jo.:LMS · l-'\..101. • Adults Poolside $1 tO up. e Childl'('n nt'Xl block-unfurn 177 Jo:. 22nd St., Ci\1 &12-3tMC1 I BR. Carpets, drapes, SIO\"l' & n..•frig. Sin~Je girl or n1ar· ric.tj epl. No childri>n 01· pets. $130/nio. 642-316.li VERY niec 2 Br, 2 Ba. Drps, crpls, patio. QuiE'L Nr . i;hop'g. Adults $ l 6 5. &l2-W22. e TROPICAL POOL e :l Br Studio, l~lr Ba .. frpl , spirnl s1rcasc. Gas & \Vl r pd. 1':/side on 181h. 548-1161t DELUXE VIEW spae. C.Ondo1niniun1, 2 en. 2 BA, 11\n 1111 .. fplc, el!'valor, adulLc; only, $1."J(). 641-161~1. $11!0. 2 Hit, lit ha .. sturlin. Dl"Jl. Cl'Jl1. 28.1 0 ~ I f' . jj~-'l"Jll, 21::/~192-52'17 ,• !\'+~\\'1RiTs1 ro ·-Tn1:S21ii :\r ll1:h. !'io pf'!:'. ,\d111!<i. 11~ ~;. 2Urh Sr .. C.\1. .ilS-OJ:fi 1 ,\: 'l HR . !h•,tt••d I:,0ot. $1::111 ,I;, llfl. /\rlu lts. t'>,·o !ICl s, :-:;.:~ rl'llll'll' St t>!:r-,~"lii.i. ltcnt<il Concession Li o Is e S.JOO/n10. Y e a r .case. Br. Unfuni Sl6.."i. Fui·n $l80. approx 25x·10 suitable for S\VINGING SINGLES Drafting Sewer lint> to 100. _ SJ:i Lovely 2~ BR, apls 1vith 11 675-7694 Avail April \j_ Pool. 1;125 1ilun1bcr. electrical, TV Call •·Leah" 2-8 pin. * a56-0S2S * kl 11 f:' siz ed BR. On 3 BR. :l BA. Cl'pls, drps, NE\V B/\Yf'RONT -P1·lv. Plact'ntia Ave. Ask about Rt'pair etc. 824!~ A, \\'esl ~~~-=~=-~31=22=....~=-IPLANNING any size job. , . - bcaulifully I a n tl s ca p c d bllns, ref rig, db l i; a r · Bch & P ier. 3 Br. 2 Ba. our disrount. 5-18·26!!2. 19th St, Sl3;) mo, Inquire 824 YOUNG couples club, 18-35 + Free consultation. ca 11 Sewing/ Alterat1?ns g1'tlunds. Cas incl'd in rl'nl. Adults. Le a s c $?.65/nio. S5.50/n10. 2 Br, 2 ba. $49j. \V 19th SL Costa l\fcsa 539.33-14 or 548.3643 557--0626, 557-9695. All t ' _ ,. 2 • 5845 Child up to 3,yl'nrs. No pcLc;. 67~r39G7 or 5-i-1--20-1~, 979-0631 or 6 4 4 -4 :i I 01 ~~~~~~~~~~:: '"Tll E F /\ c T o Ry •' l'On· Ca.JI '"LEAH" 2-8 pm era ion~ ~~ Blk E. or Harbor. Mesa Verde eves/\\'kcnds. ~' sis1ini.:: of 22 unique stores Social Clubs 535 Electrical Neal, accurate. 20 years exp. •UXI J\Ierrin1ac \\lay 5;"i7-9il.59 ·ran Rent Yearly. $29;)/nio. RentMs I has Shops avail. fr $70/nio. ELECTRICIAN, licensed, Television Repair ~ NEW 4-PLEX Dl~X 2 & 3 Bi-.. 2 Ba. Encl Unfurn 2 ·BR, 2 BA BAY . ··canne1'Y Village," 42530th SINGLE? bonded. Small jobs, maint. 2 BR. \V IW Crpt, rlra1>es. ~ i\~l6.."i ~P-~\~'W Ofe.. DUPLEX. Nu ga l'a g e . St.. NB. 673-9606, Agt Receive a selt'Ct number of & repairs, 548-520.l Rice's TV Sales/S.rv. Lovely ki!chen. Bltn l'angc. ., :J 1 ace vc. · Adults. 673-2706. :tl:\ 19th c•~t~2-~'~:120c:;.·~~-~~~~ quality compatible matches Gardening t:f75 Logan Ave., Costa Mesa Garage. Lndry rooni. No Newport. Beach SI .. N.B. Rooms 400 STORE. Av.iii ,\pril l sl, 690 from 1000's in your area. formerly l\lesa Nor1h Center pets. 1 child ok, 557-1501 NE\V 3 & 4 BDRMS, 2 BA, \Vest 19th St, $135 n10 . In· each ,..,/LARGE PHOTO & EXP. Japanese Gardener e ·Repair A,ll Makes or 645·74115. PENIN. duplex. ::I Br., 2 lnL ivitlk 10 beach. crpts .~ dr/1~. l'tOOJ\.1S Sl5 1vk up w/kil $:{() quire 824 \Vest.19th St Costa comprehensive profile. know how. Tri 111 111 in g. • Used TV s For Sale_ BRAND NEW Di s h w sh r/rcfrig. s:t:o frplc. Lltns. $275. & $.12.i. 1Yk u11 apts. Childrn .~ pct -'~!~Psi:~"~'--------I Guaranteed & contidentia1. Clean.up, Small landscap-CSEA l\1embcr. • rehable, . Yearly 612-3850 61;;-53jj sc..iclion. 23i6 Nl''vport Blvd. CUTE building with garage. ./ Call now & receive FREE ing. Orange Co. since 1961. SP/\NISH''3 BR. 2 ba., yard. Jtf.:AL.TOR SEE ocean froni palio, CJ\I. 54s-9755. 645-3967. 1.0CKI sqit;"ideal !or Beauty sample profile sheet on l 968-3486 Open 6 days, S to_5. ~ S225. Di-ive bv 1100 Vicloria. 3 BR, 2 BA on NB Pennin. 1 . .. Br 2 Ba nu AITRAC room, hath, kil l'h. Shop, Boutique or offices. pcrs 1 pcch live INTRA-DATA PROFESSIONAL gardener, 1 Bick S. of Baker 54&-6002". &16-219f! or 64~>--6177. BIL in srv/ov, <lsh/y,•sh. refr ~~r',,.i:,'." 's'_:zs;, ' v ea~ I v . privl. Business \\"oinan or S'.!JO. 64:>-2020/642-6560 mac . ,__ k 1 THE GABLES fqil c·. cpt s, drps. t blk from &i;;...i'S7S./// · " tea,·hrr, non-smoker. ccn· Jo~OR rent small apt for rom· 714-541·3~,21H3~-'J\f·A·T-E' ~prinkl:: 'clta~uupn ~:s: 1 llit",I 2 Br. "·,gar. Adults. Crp1s, ()('can. Av11il 4-15. Trrunal'. !rally Joe. SlOO n10. &Jti-1979. mercial use on Coast H"'Y .... ours I ands cap in g George. E1t1Po1n1111t dl'ps, bltns, Ind yrd $.110 nio. yr Is. 673-7690. Aph., \NF.:\V . Unfurn room y,•/pri Coronadel M<1.r. 673-3345 LOVE \\'ORN 06~4<;-569~-~3·:_ ___ ~~-·ll-------' 1Y/patio. \rtr. pd. Call hty,·n LAB.GE 2 BR, ri1'l•pl<1<'e, step Furn. or Unfurn; 370 ha. Corona del i'-1ar. St'p en· 1 d t . 1 Rental 450 Discover DISCOVERY N-EW La\\'ns '· prinklc"•·l••••••••••I 1 ,I;: 5, 636-412{). to beal'h. Palio, yard, gHr· ----------tr. s l 1 :; I Ill 0. u t i 1 pd. n U$ ria PROFESSIONALS in a l\eld sod totillin. Tree I & 21:19 ··r'" Orange /\vro ... $160 ag(', yrarly. 673-6&10. Costa Mesa fc'~•7;:>-~C'M""8~.----~-~ NOW LEASING ?~-A1.n1,966ate1u_r Match1nakcrs. shrub~ renlo~~d. eonf~st. Job W~nt1d, Male 700 •• BEAUTIFUL I & 2 Bl{. -,~&""2~B~R~.~.~l~ISii·'-~. ~s21i<J""''. -A-du_l_ts, F'U BN Roon1, ideal fol" stu-Huntington Beach !;-'> 968-2283 s ('onlc n1porary Garden Ap(J>. ree .. ~ popl, 801 Don1lngo, waoliB.AU 21 dcnl $60/n10. 2 blks beach! l714 l 835-6885 f2l3J .387~'93 . . . SCRAM LET ~·ro111 $17S-$190. Patio~. N.B. !M·l-4 767. '-°' 1 a<lull, no J)f't. :;:m.o:i.'li NEW M-I Travel 540 ~~f~~fso cfe~~-~:ntib~ • :ri~~.' ;!~\~"·l~~ti1:"·r:J.181;~ NE\\I 2 Br, 2 Ba Conrlo, i ~~ ~ :1 tli~~n ~J~ * NICEd' B1 R00 .• kit. priv111 01~~· l 1~q~~il~ ·~!-N•!\,~!111c1 RIDERS "'anled to share ex· ne1~ la\\11s planting, C)lp. ANSWERS ',' fan1 ok . Call 55i-2&41. ocean-front·, bltn!!, security, Beautiful apts. \\'/private Priv a u t me, nr a . -"'· 646-0691 or 833.0a19 penses lo Charleston, S.C. reliable. Free est., ~-' yl'!l lt'ase, S·lOO nio. 67Hi19 pa!ios, gnragr, pool. spa. D f. '548-4271. ,..,,,;,..,,....,..,..,,..,....,,! Le · 4/8 Co t bet EXPER J · I rrs llC\.\'er 2 bedroonu; & din--o· Ad II Vacato'on Ren•.als 425 av1ng . ntac ore . apafl('se, main . Befall Hitch Scour ,' ing area, cast UppC!l' bay, J\10DERN, spacious, pv1 I Lu sh gurdrr set 1ng. u s, FOR Lease. M-1, 1,440 Sq.1 1~4!/5!.!>l~S-!56~78~.'.'!!!!!\i~!!!!I CIE'anup, landscape. Fl"l'e E l"d -CARDS I exoctic garden, r1C'tached lxlrn1, 2 blks beach. Adult<;, 110 pc!~. 15l E. 21st , C.l\I. f1. $165. 3,120 Sq. ft. SJ:>O. . e 5 t j m a te s . 531)-3333, ye 1. -, separate garage. S200 per S22:J. incl util. L.se. 6-1-1-81~i1 ~·_,•~· 1&°""8666'°"-'*'---~~· I BIG Bear La:ke, spend l6i5 Plac<'ntia Ave .. CostH al Sam.;spm • Most of us wouldn t have I U il.. p 1 Easler yacation in lovely 3 Mesa. George \\loods. I such fat wallets if we woWa mo. No Pf'ts. IUtr. 646-0~£1j. NR Hoag: 3 Br/2 Ba, nu s 1ag 2 BR. f"r{'l! ·1 11.Lss. oo · J3R, 2 BA Mtn Honie, eves. GT...,...1380 6-\6-ll&1 Lnt Ind F«n1 UNIVERSITY Stud.e n ts. remove our credit CARD& Dana Point ~~/~~~-1;~2-~rk. No P<'ts. ~~~~adg~;: c~8~1~fio.J 2·11 711: ss:r2979 COSTA MESA 'miiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~I ;c:.e~. ~rl~iat~~~:i DRUMMER Re BIG BE1\R, lrg niod. cabin • 63&1800 f\.1 Wed F 2 Bit. $190/nio. Inquil'e: An.v day is the BEST DAY to Vacancies cost money! nt nt SOO\\' Sunlniit. Day or 1:WO sq. ft., private office, Found (free ads) 550 • Or), • ri. • Young n1an 19, neiV in arti(i. tel. -19-1-{;818 .cal.I today 642-5678. i1lrl)'.!., etc. thru a Daily Pilot cc·. • 1 1 · · · -'~"~•~· ~Sl~80~.~64=2-_l~48J~·~·-~~ 8' Virgin \Vool Circular shag l c 11 an c e , c 1 ea n ·up. lndianapolis 1,·ould Jlke Jo JOC-l'O S. Coast, Lagunn. or l r un an ndi Don't delay. ·1 vour house. apt., store \\I k ~14 6:m-2742 clean uniL Plenly of park· EXP. Jap anese. mai n-Recently moved h<'rc frqi;n Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Un furn. 365 Apt. Unfurn. 365 Rentals to Share 430 NE\V l\1-l S1Jacc 1yl!h Office rug. I 2 · 3 0 · 7 2 . Arca Landscape. Jo~rre es l . \\'Ork with 1"01.'k ~roup or in :N:•:W:;::PD:::;.':'~B:•:•:c=h~---:N~e=w~p~o~~rt'-'B=•='::'::h;_ ___ ;,.:,:Ne::w~p~o::r~t_;_B~e-•_c_h_____ to sharl' 3 Ix! honlt'. Need 2510-56 fairvie\V, S . A. O\\'ller identify. Hunttngton EX.PER. Japanese GarrleTlE'r. Call Chip \Varrl, 5.1!1·29S2. I f'INGLE ,1,onian \\'Ould like l'.l00-26QO ft 3 phase 208V (~oldcn~1·est/'f~bert 1.~ . B. 842-8412 8-17-9438. night club. Vr ry talented. only your•txJnn furn. l, ctn!! 0\\'ner: 6-J6-l2J2. &14-2228 Beach Police Dcpa.11ment. Con1plete yard scrv. Rt'lla. YOUNG n1an . OCC studl'OI. OK. SI JO 1110. }-"or inte1·vi~\\' 10,000 Sq. Jo'L FOR LEASE:. ~ groy,•n black Cfll. part .~ neat. Free est. 642-1:\89. E:xlX'rienecd in painting & call Jean dys a16-5.122 Spl'inklers, dock high. Call Burmese vie. Santa Ana & Jr\PANESE G n rd c n c r. General construction seeks OAl{\\"OOD c:anlcn :! hcl 540-7630. lrvinr. Call 642-{)581. Con1plele yanh\.'ork & parl·li.rne cinployment. Cllll fur11. a pt. 10 shart' \\0 /n11tll' :S~to:r~a~g~•::_ _____ 4::5:;5 Lost 555 cleanup. Free est. 6-12-310'2. Gre~ 6-12-0022. nl' f1•n1Hlc, Nc"•porl Bench. -COMPLETE La \V n ~ ,r,. Job Wanted, Female 7')2 Phone 642-6095 * •\VAP.EHOUSI'.:, 13 ft x 26 "CINDY " female dog. l!l" .at Gardening se1vice. Haul.ing ~ r.1 JO DL~ agrd lady \l"il h cu r ft on Coast H\\")'. N.B. $-IO shoulder, long black hair, & clean-up .. Jin1 541\..0.llhl. NEED help at home? \Ve • 1110. E,·es: 64:>-7091 n1sty legs, curled tail. have aides, nu r s c ~, to J>hnre 111ob1lc hunH' 111 Yellow eyes. Rey,•arcl. Vic. PIC?NEER Enterp E":P· l.ocal h 0 us ekprs. companions. Laguna Beach. No pets, Rentals Wanted 460 N cw P 0 rt & 2 2 11 d . sorl cond. Flower inst I _ & Honirnlakers up j 0 h ~, Free rent. 494-7972 64s-1532154g_7976 care, sOO, cleanup, 646-6852. 547-6681. 1.1 BLIND diabetic fl' ma 1 e, \VANTED: Chris1 ian Lady to needs room & board, TLC, \YHITE male poodle with GEN'L gard~ning, n_i o w , * DA y WORK * . shnre my two bedroom can pay up to S200 mo. Refs. grey ears, needs clipping. edge , & trim. Resid. or General Cleaning. Reliable house. 64c:i-~2936::::::c·---~ \\Trite Oassified ad No. 619, \Vearing black jeweled col· comm I Free est. 64>5S55 transportation 5-i3-7006 '' Daily Pilot, PO Box 1560 Jar & Dea collar, nr H.B. HI General Services LICENSED NURSE, nu Garages for Rent ALLSPACE Self Storage 435 M ini Warehouses Various sizes from $25 MO U lock it -U keep the key. 011 Sill' !\lg:rs-24 hr at"t't'SS. Nn n1ove in. Set:urily Jl:tl rott cct. No n1ove out fet'. 0Jll•n Dai- ly for lnspeellon. Han1ilton • ~, NC'y,·land St.. HR. I S."..>-0697. if no a11i;, 6*-00~17 Costa f.1esa, Ca. 92626. School. 3·2'2-73. call 536-8192 . . , care, your home, days, NEED J une 1st, 3-4 bdrm $50. REWARD for Irish Set· TRY the Handi·AJ:ld~ boy~. & relief. 549-3612, 546-80.i't house. 1 yr . lease. Ncwpo11 t er ma I e. n amed ~ome &_Apt repall"S. ~"n Sch. District. 675-2113 "Banshee". Vic. or 30t h & installation, boat ma 1 n. TYPl~G . DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 Ocean front · Newport Prepare Apt for n e w Reas. 'ratesr quick serv1d!, Beach. 675-1484 tenants. Hauling. 675--0472. free pick-up & del 64~J GOLD female co c k er T01_'~ SERVI~ES C <;l • Help Wanted, M & F 7\ Spaniel. 14 yr old, ans to Paint g. P!Uf!!b g. Moh1le 1-;;;;;;::;;;;::;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;~ "T·iffy" lost vie 3n1 Ave & 11n1s Spcc.1ahsl. 646--0977,I• .. J\Ia.rigotd. CdM. 675---0908. 646-1809. /\U beRtt<TG IEcmNp, T""'L"'"y":,_," 1 ··TQl\l" Orange niale cal RA 1 N Gull<'rs lnst11llcrl . Vic. \\lilr.on & Nc\vport Quality 1\·-0rk. Reasonablr. Rl vd. 642-'Ji02 Anytin1l'. •·rec l'Stimat('S. 968--220-~. NEEDED· "1 ·.:, HE\\' ARD ! Hauling 1==<------1 Trader's Paradise LOST small ~vhili• Jl?O<lle. 32' Van for short ruri1Hurc Blue l'~llar. Vlt'. of F.t1n.e;l'r, 1 fl ils & garage cleaning. f oun!a1 n Valley. Nee rl ~ ~1 862 .. Unsk\Jlf'd , II "' , • 1l Ii 11 • A, ,( I ( ·1 I ' ' ' I ' I ' " J • i . 1 I I ! ~ ' II ~ ~ ~ j ) " ·I .._ ___ _. Z f;SJ). eal'! sidt•, Ne11 shH~ rarper.~. dr;t, adul1s nnlv no l>l'IS. SJG:). 6-\l-lJO:: . n1edicatlon. Re .... ·ru'fl 847-9747 c·::::.c::::::.· ~--~~~­ • l>~UNO OR LOST A PET? GEN. linuliug. TL'Ce/Shrub el C 0 .. ' 1 , _1 P-· trin1. Gar & yd cleanup. I I ~-l.LL1'<.MIL-----ll-:~~~re~a*u~o~~~·~~s~~~1 ~s~n~~~·~~-~~~---r.ifiriii~-.-i·-jtt Assemblers. '21El . ~Ill' 1:111'. "1. k1<l1' ok. Pt't consid rwd. JJh; MS-7129 SJ1ARP & l..\Rl.i~ 2 BR. Crpts. drapes, hit-Ins. $140/MO. Ph: 518-:J686 e 2 BR. -$1•!0 e Cti>ts. drps, bltins. ;~o pe!s. 2265 t\taple. :,10--l·IS·I $17:1: l..GE. ct"an :: Br. fk'\I' ···p r, 1lrps: Slave .Y l'i'f. No fl<'IH. 76:> Shal!n1:i.r .·111-1 1:).i 2 BDRi\1, pool, 1·rpLc;. dr~ l'<'frig .. $165. 215."I ln·lnc. Mitr. /\pt/\, 54~71ifi 2 Hn. llC'\\' P<1inr !,, t·1111,., Bltnll & frplc. S17:1. !IG8·80<17 ----'l OR. Aclults. no Jll'ls. BA\' I l\f EAOOWS AP1'. :~ \V. Bn v SI. C~\'I. &llHXJ7:1 . - Nr"' MPI~ • 376 \V, Boy. l & 2 ilch'tn~ wllk 2 b&lh11. EASTSIOf; 2 Br. l 88. erp11t, d~ at.CM":, encl gar. Priv . .. !lo. $160. 518-tfBl. 11AVE $13.000 equity In S32,000 3 BR, 11" ba house in l>'ountain Valley. Trade for uni~ or income prop- t<rly. 531·2!'19.'l. rR.\DE dlx 1nt n hme, 2 BR, frplt'. nll rlcct, \\"/\V cpl1o1, bltrnt. I.._, ru.:Jol for TD's, I n1· lx:h pl'tlp. 0\1'1\t'I'. P.O. 3o'.'. :al l. L1.1 Vt•1·n•"· u. 91'i!JO . . s· t SKlPlDADER & dump tn1l'k ft trim t I. mes LOSf uomcse c. . •o,k. Conerele, ""''"" Personnel S.rviee NRewew~~. ,._~_.,a2.r ea. sawi""", breaking. 846-TIIO. ~~ ~ ~· ••0 17581 Irvine BIYll!•l l LO~ dog t . 5 mos YARD, garage ~leanupR. #115 'Tustm: d 11 rs .::>• , emer, · Remove trees dirt ivy 0 .,11 i:.a.t:A ; 0 a Black. ~k:. Springdale and ~cDrl~v~ewy:L::'!..!· gra=d:;ire~. "e:;7:::• -~:::;:::: _.....,. Bo!sa. 893-4969. LOCAL moving & hauling by Equal Oppor, Employtr° ' Rtudenl Large truck. Reas. 5< Unios Cosoa Mesa, 3 j j~ 534--1846 .,. 534--21&1. ACCT CLERK Bldgs. \V/pnol. \Viii ex--s.m:. andReplirs H_ousecle1ning WITH FOLLOWl'Ni •·1 change down or can add . QUALIE'ICATIONS.:1. .. $120.000 T.D. The Invin Co. HOUSE OF CLEAN A/C pay, A/C ""'· llf~ Rt>11lt<ll'!I 644--61 11. Babysitting F"lool"'ll, ''·lntlows. \\'Rll~. t·ar. blllil\fl & R:<'ncrstl lfld"-l(C~ SAILBOAT 45'. rum.::ed pcls & clrnpeR. 7 Yrs. area. lO key add. & typin.e:.'S:'\111 x-t•an c.rubK-r. \'Qlut! $22.000. ClHLD Cn1-e. J\ly hon1c. &12·6821' or 646-2527. ~;1~~nii;iir:itr "''CXV; ~ t>quily $14.000. \Vant n1olor Sn .. 'lck1' .. l~t hinch. 1\ton. Q;\\'\\'KRS. Un Iv f' r 5 i 1 > DICE.ON o hontt' or f1'l't' .It l'lrnr des•! 111111 Fri. Full or i;>-~·t rlnys. Stud<'nts. Boncterl. ~cf'('('ru'fl. ELEC ' , t>i•r , 6 P~I. &18·46.ll. Reul!On;l~. 002-7GS.. lnsiu'i.'(i. llr!y ra1e11. Cn ll IM.i22 \rop Knmuu1 W1\NT old houge on R-2 lot I ctiiltL~ "'N'kly. G:J6.ISOO, 1\10n: \Ved, Fri. frvint. CrtlU, rt11vt• lnnrl i 01hc1· pl'Ofl· l\ly l~~1~~;~1 r1~1 i\lur. Let a DUtch M an ~ C<lt~11111y .cmJ)loy~r ., , I I ' ' 1•rtic.s ta cx(·h1111~e. . _ · V' Clean Your Carpets ACCQUNTING C :-;;:::;:;o:;::::::':i:J/.':-:-:::-::::---1-i::~~:1J~~~'.:::::::::::::::-f~~~~~=·/=:=k=•Jr~~~~·~'C~EN~~SE~.~DJ::~°"~'~~C~·~·~·~,~·~ ....... ~ ... ;.;..,,'...i • .:;.w1~!1'(k;,;M~.;.~v~ .... 1t·~~l!al~-1"!'...:~~Hl-... -il .._ "·•• _.,. rJAVIS l~l~n&s lf:rbor, "oi 5-1~45'1. y,r{!I be M.tlsfled. a.17-1508. ~;:itii!ie f~rn;;,<' r~~~ ', ..._. 712 SI James Pl .. N.B .. 3 Ukc to 1rndt'T Our Trader'a * QUAUTY CLEi\NING * land this • ..-.1 " 1 I HR .. I~ ha., ot-ean vu. Paradise co51u11.~ Is for ~ur Carpentv Conlplete. 5 yra exp, refs. Start -."'""'A .. ·.,0~un ~ O"•nl'r roru.kter k>c. or ,...., Mlk 541--8995. -i: " ~. ~'+ comm loc'Of'llc f~ $45M 5 tlays A!JJNbOll\ r~ I ,..Palpall'l.I :.."°,, l•ll•L l'A.::. t...{u1 ..... n ~alanrtI:o~·I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;-~~-~~=~J"'-.·•M•"•"'•l.c>••R•h•r.•5'8-•mJ••.••••'°'•S•bucks.•••••I P um re ......... """ ry • n • ...,.,. 1 e o.o:uuo .......... l..&.l.I n~ • I Ing. TR" Call -· 64H678 Now! 7190 It.-Blvd .. C. I --• ---•· -, . I , • • Motida1, Aorll 2, 197:1 DAJLV PILOT f5 ~!=_! o'll~-1(jJ) I ....,..... j(jJ) I L.,.... l[ll)1b '-!••• )[Il] I -..... J[IJ 1 ~!!!!!!!..., .. !!!!!!!. _!!!!!!!!!_ l[JJJ!!!!!!!IJ 11-1 -... ---. -,[jJJ~J I i .... ,..... J[IlJ1_ .... _dloi_ .. iii:11~~1 . }11fpW1ottd, M & F l!O H1lpW1nttd,M & F 710 H•lpWon!td,M & F 710 H1lpW1nttd,M & F 710 H•lpWonttd,M & F 710 H•lpWonttd, M &'F 110 !~, M & F 710H•lpW'•n!td, M_~! .. no C•e:t:i~..!nt 801 ACCOUNT'ANn-,--S:AlllCIEl."tER. --~··--" -"~~~;· N~~ i.v'l!'~1."M3;;![j1 • SPLENDID 111~·NTr• ... POr~ltc10:J. N"e\VJ)Ort Beach Financ. Expcr. blnk iellen nctd~ x:iy to into.,::~ Mon-Frl. Yach! Corp, IG31 Placentia KEYPUNCH \·erde Conv. ~ 661 SPARE TIME .us; i • I ~~ ~~~~('l'"t11,;:~n Ilk: iul Institution tia& Im-f:a~~ :~~lu:,~~J'~C Ave. Oonuls, 9089 Adan\S Costa 1'.!e~. -Swing Shift ~nt("r St, CA! S.t OPPORTUNITY NEEDED Polaroid self tlmt>r. 1142-1150 1 ruediale opcninga. It you Shopplng Ctr. CW.I Penson-Ave., HB. CEL COAT REPAIR MAN. 2 OFFICE GIRLS Nntlonally known 3Ai ratC'd evt>11or11.1i.-.1in1c v.·knds. quality, wL> orrer you n nel Dlnoctor· for interview. COUNTER Girl, fuU or part Exptrlenccd W!-o5.a2 & 1'fo's actual v."Ork exper. NEEDED CO(llpa.ny has openlrl}; for furniture 810 unique ~'Ork environ111cnt f21~ 923--9't61exl245. Equal limt>, for cleaJl'1's. Equal Oppt. Employer on keypunch, kcytape or Radio telephone dl!iPftl<'h civic minded person. Our a: a challeogl.ng prof~. Oppor. E1nployer Call for app't. 64l-.089.1 GEN'L OFC-kl'y dlsc device. itust be 25, able to drive fl.Ind l'alilng llne Include• • Secretaries • QUEEN alrl'pe-r, l'lerculon Siona! opportunity. DARl\1AID :dcd A 1 1 cou~N SORT~s , CLERICAL t 1 Th Apply In Ptlr&0n cruKly, novellies, S:retling '5tlfll & lnve11c'M t, bm llOfl m.'e • PP Y n rv r..1\ Al)p Y n c YELLOW CAB CO. r.ardl, candlt's, pluK much • Typists IX'r90tl·lit Mo1hcr's, '10 So. Nwpt, Bch. -temale, full CASHIERING Pcr&0nnrl Depurtme11t ,..,__ more. Our conlnlission!i the vinyl sofa & lo~at. \Ve are seeking a Jr, & , Sr. Accounting Spc lal· ist. We require a min. 2 yrs, business c>Xj)('r. Bit J Const Hv.')', Lag. Bch Noon linH!· pern1ancn1. l.nformal Fine ladles clothin& istorc. l\1onday • f'ri. !l am-12 Noon 186 E. 16th, '-w.la Me!la h!ghc11t, no investnl('lll, v.·e • Receptionists h1rn ps. i-ocktall & end 'Ill 5p1t1. working condl!lons. Mueh Perm. No phone calls. Sf.e ORDER CLERK train. Presllge posltkln • Bookk tllbles, pictttrt'll. Alt top -r a Jr. & "4 yrs. as a Sr. I• .A.n Accounllnc or Bu5- lness Dea"rce. a muat. Salary will be In accord· tl ance \v/expc'1· & qua1{1i. u&.tions. J:o"or considera- ' llon please send resume ;_£:. l!BJIU')' hi.SlOI')' to; BARMAIDS wan1ed in Tustin standing. Sl.75 + apeed Mgr. Back Street, no 25 PACIFIC MUTUAL Nationally kno\vn manuf. cont n ct in 1:t st• h ools, eepers quality 1"-..x lnt ronrl. ~1&'8772 Ne"'POrt, Costa A1esa. Area. , based bonus, Some E~li!\h J"as.hion Isl., N.B. 700 Nc"·porl Crnter Or. finu. ~lust have good phone churchc1. club8 &. 01-g11.niza-• MTST Oprs 3 J'C rrenrh Provincial 8CC· 673-9TI7 necess.Cal1Bevttlyt;6.5800 Ne"·port Beach lr!.anner 1o de•I lions. \\'rit(', inrlutllng llonR1. S7:l. Pink ,f.t white BEAUTICIAN make more ClJST. SERVICE DEPT. GENERAL OFFICE w/customers. Imaglne . telt"phone nunlbl..·r to; e Laborers Bt\'t1.kln.i1 ru:1 \\'Ith lt'af $35. nioncy rent boolh ' in PART-TIME Typing, filing, Q:d phone KITCHEN HELPER ro1npany gi\-es bonugr s ClaS!lltiNI Act oo. 628 Als u-r rhe111. electric NewPof't ·BcM'!h -Nt-w -shop.-EVENING v.'Ol'k.. Quick) re. \'OIC'\', Rh oot ?IC<'. Prcv. I'"· Full or p/tinie quarterly .. BeautUUl oflir.ei;, c/o Dally J>Um bn10n1, n1lllC. l\take oner. $.10. wk incldg t 0 w r J s SOW'Cerul men over 20 yl'5. r,:r,-, \in ccngil\Ct'l'ing o~c Apply In Per5011 Call Sally Hart, 540-ti055, c r,·0· Boe' 1115601 •"'"" Interim 1,:;•1c.;7.,:-1,:_i'i>3~. ~-~~---- :,,1s....2.112 64&-2816 J'K'edect. Pre\•lous expe.r not N·~8P ~· u :1ll'ei~ 0 8PP<>crhi 111 A11yli111e l'xcepr 12-1::30 pm Coas1al Pe>N'lnnel Agency, o.sta "cSR. " · ~<Mu Personnel Service 2-l' CUltVl-:D Burnl or"n~f' l3!J nPC<'ssary · · a r. · · flse, McDONALD'S 2790 Harbor Blvd., C.l\1. SALESl\tE.N & Mgrs, 111/f, , c11u;h('d \>f'l\'c•t sola. S·IOO. ~ !~~~vner~~~~Tsa-~oR__n, CALL f~f .7 • $98 w~. :11rs5·P!~~~rt~1l 8 20362 Beach Bl., lf.B. GRDER takers. \Voman-giris $2001• ~ u1> \\•kly gua1·n ii 17581 Irvine Blvd. Orna1r antiq. ~ld il Vrlvt>t ~ Equal Oppor. Employer 'over 19. From our oUlee or Qua · No C)(p ntc. l\lr. Lee #115 Tustin barstls $6j: ca. Xln't oond. 5 day wk. Xln't salary & 598-777.f 547-0913 GIRL Friday for growing & h Part iun 1· (21:\l '77G-8.>13. 1••5460 673--01-1~. \vork.ing conds. Ja Cos 1',or i. excit ing business. Mu 8 1 KITCHEN lfELPER. The your onlc. or inu? .-. 1 "'~=--c:--,,--.---.,--Hair, 2043 \Vestcliff Dr., DELIVERY, female \\'/car. have good ability In areas of .. Blue Beel, Call 67J-990.I Day or eves. No exper. SALES Rt>p11 for floral rt>n!Rl Equal Oppor. }:;mplnycr 61..\C'K Naus:Myde t.-Y.ivrl Suite 205. N.B. 64fi:.l3"5. no exp nee. llour pay + car Bookkeeping, typing & after 3Pl\t. neressary. Salary $1.65 At. service. Con11nlssion. Ca.II rocker & ottonuu1. Like ~auly Operator Wanted. allowance. Musl have small rcccpt. Sa 1 a r y com· LIVE-IN Companion f 0 r 894-2TJO before 5 pm _ _... 64~16 or 646-2612 n1•v.-. !\takt> offer. S•l:!--llSO G"·en'11 Beauty Shop g~nq. 4301 Birch ?l.'B mensurate with e,xpe r . older lady, lile housev.wk, PdAGING.,books&-Cotnposing Secretary $1100 MD. URGENTLY c\'csor)ln~111•,vknrls. • 494-3294 641)--0'J77. ·good home, small salary. ept. on Tues aft.fr • * • SOl-"A & loveseat, DELIVERY man -early 552-7484 • noons & c>ws. \Viii · 1rain. nf'\'t'r 11!lf'cl, bo!h for $160. Accounting Clerica l BILLING & Collections morning LA Times route, GlRL FRID~1Y1.• $2. per hr LOAN PROCESSOR Apply 1545 NC'\\'port Blvd., Ad1ninlstr11.nve Assistant NEEDED usunlly hotttt", 968-T!HO Free & 1'"ee Positions Clerk. Days, ff ti m·e. Costa Mesa Area. Must starting, WI ing 10 work. C.t.1. To Corpornt!' Vice Pres. -RUTH RYAN AGENCY ~ssonrn!l Dept, l:Ioag Hosp, ~27 ~r~i'?/io car· ~~· :d~~:~e~ cfe~':: ~~i~~tm7rt~rr:cgeop~i f~; P_AR_T ___ T_Th-IE-->y~pis-t.-ty-pu-ig tif Po~tt~~~ ~~i~~~t:l~•;;s '1793 Newport, CM 646-48541-~--------office wo1·k & lite typing. person wfl yr J:o.HA-VA ex-figures. Must be J\C· Unskilled &1•1-411\6 17931 Beach, HS 847-9617 BOAT BUILDERS DENTAL A88t. Challenging Call 642-4088 for appt, ask per. Start $650. Co. will CURATE. 2-3 days/wk. 100°/o i\PVERTISlNG SALES - . o,-ange County newspaper 'n e ed s ex p e r ienced Claslrllfied Adve!'lislng &ales 'persons. Full lin1e position Mnd:Hng VilCi.t!On l'f'lief for otitside sales slafr and de'veloping l\e\V buslness. , (ioo<l opportunily for right • , pru-sOf\, If interested, send resu111e to Clnasified ad No. 50. Daily Pilol, P.O. Box · · 1560, Costa 1'fesa 92626. ANCIENl MARINER NO\\' Hiring DISHWASHERS Daytime, Age 18-21 Apply In Person • 3 pm-5 pm, Mon·Fri ' 2607 \V. Coast HY.')'. biev.'J)Ort Beach 646-0201 Need expcr. 1.inish carpenter, poc sition 1 aAss'valts ExPrevenUve for Ken. reimbua·sc fee. Also Fee 493-2222. Fee Paid By Co, LABORERS Six Oak ~=~it:~n·Chalrt painter & bonder for qua!· ontro t. p. nee. GIRL Friday. one girl office, Jobs. Call Helen I-Jayes, PART Tit.1E hel p. for donut L' JW'rnJ · Ag Hy saillx>al manuf. \Vestsail Mugt FMX -neat, depen:: require 8 a g g r essivE! 540-6055, Coast11;l Personnel shop. Must be fast & dl · 1;~!j()() 1ca~~:us Ji:-Y G·l·IS!501,0 Corp., 1626 Placentia Ave., dable, pers:>nable. 552-83.'l9. organizer \\'ilh xlnt clerical Agency, 2790 Harbor Blvd., pendable. 548-0358 or 557·9186 546-2118 N1'\\'1X>rl fkach I • ~ ~ CM. DENTAL ASSISTANT • Ex· skills, 644-oro.5. CM. SECRETARY-EXEC. ntertm Antique Mahogany ~~l~gul~~uri-'!>11·ng= ~~~~~ir 54~~-~J'!SC GRADE A...MEOiANIC ~ Mi\IDS. ,,,d.ays, ff t j Ill c . • PLASTICS • ln~LlClldc.nt malllre per.son Personnel Ser:yice --Bar~•t•r . . Requites exper, in· electric, Personnel Dept, Hoag Hosp, Mat1riifli a'1dler/-~\'llh excellc>nl skills & s~ll· 17581 Irvine Blvd. $1~ ·644-41~ Men DE~~~~ ~ds ~~-hydraulic & n e um at i c Newport Bch. Floor Man u1g n~ccl to 1\•ork for d1vl· #llS Tustin Garage Sale 812 Exper. in fibergls boat tool· pene ti "67.,o }~('C gn· · systems, machine main· r.1AID v.·ork in exchange for Sonie exper. pre{'d. but will slon n1ana,ger. Aptitude for &"11 r.1.r"' -··---·· -- ing, n1old layup, \\'oodv..-ori<-Varied du es. .>-Vi9.'; tenance, ni a chining, apt. 4. hrs per day. 548.9/~ train sharp d<>pcnilnble man figures & insuranc(' C'l<per. ~ DECORATOR'S \Val'C'houM' ing. Aircraft t>xper. ok. OESIGNER·GRAPHICS 1rclding, & preventative 2376 Newport Blvd. on niaC'hine cpcration, !;C'I-preff'rred. Salary comtnen-Equa.1 Oppor. En1ployc>r Snlr ~loclel Home Stoek- Many co. benefits. Long Esrablished Interior Design 111aintenance schedules. Ap-ups, Cit'. !\lust be neat. sura1e \\'Ith 11.bllity, liberal PriCt"s at Cost and Relow! t term program. \Vo r 1 d's Firm in Newpo11 Beach ply in person, at Coast · MAIN...,NANCE possess stable \\'Ork rerord benc~its. CaJL 842-ml for \VAITRESS, exper. OVER Sat. JO AP.1·3 PM Only.17851 1 largest builder ot frbgis area now in planned ex-catamaran, W26 r.1cGa"" I IO & have o"'n car. Must be appolntment. 2l, p/tin1e. Closed Sun & Sky Park Circle Suite C sailing yachts, Contact Wil· pansion seeks designer . Irvine. Contact Pa u I MAN able to \\'Ork \vlmds if nee-UNIGARD. llolldays. Kramer 's Colonial Irvine I North of' SD J:o'\\')'. lian1 \Vood, Mgr Production EXp'd In dime n s Ion a I Brehmer or Art Huskey. INSURANCE Kltcheil, 19th & Harbor, CP.1 orf t.tacArthurl . · l)('velopment. Columbia· graphics, rendering, & GRADE B MECHANIC es.sary. Apply Yachts, m r.1 ('Corm i ck architectural interiors . Requ•·-s expe• . .,-,., paod•d Small n1a11utacturing plant 9 1 Secretaries • Bookkeepers \YAITRESS -Must be 21. Mi1eellaneous 111 .... • .~ " am-1 am or 1 pm-3 pm JOBS Call 673-4 UO for intervie\\'. , Ave., C.M. Apply Tues. thru 540-2860, 250 Fischer. Costa pol••tyreoo process -.uip-requires bondable & expcr. *· o•ange ~---1 Plasu"•• * Gall Cal ~ II bo el Th ., , -, ! j I . I d . • .....,... ... ey e. -.. ar r 1'"1SIIING GEAR. Big s ec-urs. "esa. ment, hydralic & neumatic man or an toria uties, 850 West 18th St. Island Dr .. Newport B<>ach. tion o( ust'd saltwatc>r and Equal Oppor. Employer m/f Di'cta.J. Sec'y $600 svstems, \Ve Id in g & carpentry, painting. wiring. "--ta Me"", Cal•·f. I"'' .r ....,,, -* 1 OOO' FREE * fresh1,·a1cr rod•. rl'Cl!l. etc. BOY & GIRL Experienced. Gd typing ma in tenance procedures. ,..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I -10 WE NEED YOUI. tro1n $1.50 up. All In excel· CARRIERS \VestcliU Apply lfi person-at Coast. Call For Appl. POSITION avail for person Liz Rclnder's Agency lrnt t'Ondlt1on. Plenty of FOR PeN1Gnnel Agency Catamaran, 2026 1'tcGa1v, Industrial Re lations exper. i n Venlpuncture. 4500 Canlpua Dr. 1 ,_ jl ~-I 1651 E Ed. S.. h·vine. Contact Pa-u I (714) 494-9401 a]\ 640--0 W'l'&"' gs . ..,.,,..·n sleep na THE DAI Ly Pl LOT . 1ngel'. ·"· Please c 140. 546-2118 Newport Beach ba_,,. -pane & gn• tan 'M""k 111 Cenlc•·I Brehmer or Art Hnc:key. K"'· , .. ., • South Santa Ana & North .... ::r PRESS OPERATOR SECRETARY, young, skill-Trne Assemblers tern11. New Black .& OeC'ker Costa l\.1esa areas. Vi c. 542-8836 HAIR Dresser , skilled; Mer-TELONIC \Vomen to work for· plastic ed, .competent. Immediate Cl-rkS mower $39. 14 ft. rlberglas1 MacArUtur, Sunf101\·er & DIGITAL TECH rell Hair Designs, .CdM. INDUSTRIES n1oldlng plants. 546-3.170. opemng. E-x e c u t I v.e 1tr kyak$a'"att'r ski, 3625 W. 5th Call eves, 494--8209 9 SI I A l bl k oll FIO\ver. Call Dan Fenyman Elee. tech w/'} yrs exper in PRODUCTION & InV1!nlory type~Titer. Newport Center Sr 1ypists ·• n 8 na. oc al the digital electronics to assist HOST~ES & \Yaitresses-Laguna Beach Control Clerk. Sal $~$45S locat10n. To $600. Send t Harbor Blvd. (Qf1st) 9:31). DAILY Prt.OT engineer in R&D. Small Banquet. Over Zl. Contact mo. Apply in J>('rson or by resume to Classified Ad No. Secretaries "G"p'-'.m=-~,----,-----,--~ • 642-4311 • I fast gt"W•ing l'<>mputcr . ~le~n~e~~ 2 t:~~ecr:~: Equal Oppor. Employer phone, (213l 4~. 1850 61~;.. D~!_>.:,:ll~~~saP •. O-ca'l"11x_ Accnt Clerks Big gelcct'lon of used salt BRANCH ~lANA.GER 1 peripheral l'O, Call Larry '"J W. 8th St, Long Beach. JOU '-Vll v.·ater & fresh water Established interior design 'l'RAL'lEE Brov.'11, 979-4844. 300'..I Clubhouse P..d., C.M. MAINTENANCE Equal Oppor. Employer. ~ -rods, & .reels, etc. from Jinn in N'p1 B<'ach ar<-a Sarah Coventry has openings DISlt\VASHER, kitchen help, HELPER REAL ESTATE SALES S E C R E T A R Y -VOLT Sl.50 up. All In exceUent .ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN no\\' in plannect expansion. tor full ·time manager. see rhef. Lll~na Beach HOUSEKEEPERS YOUNG r.1AN OVER 21, .. SUCCESS CAREER MA RKET I NG DEPT. Ins tant Personn81 condlOon. Plenty of lun?I & !I eeks ex Per i<.' n l' c 11 Salary + comm. No exper. Counlry Club, 31106 s. Coast Doml'Stic jobs 100'(,. l•r{'{' PART TIME FOR APART-New or experienced. Join the Growing tlnancial serv~ce Temporary Service jlgg. Down sleepl.ni bqt:. draftsnian in i 11 t ori or ne<:essary -only' ladies who llw• s L • Li"e-out. rook, child care. ritENT COMPLEX. Wo•\d's t•~··t and •·-tesl organization located In N pt 'l<>A<> Camnus Dr., Suit ... 106 Propane & g"s lanttrns. -I I a-amb'•l~us & •"'l'ong lo J·• · · • • -.. => J.lUI ,..._ I T I _, 60 lll -•· ' Nc1v Black & Decker nKl'A~r arch1tectura rel:iiling, ·~ ..... ·u \Vill pay top salar)' for CALL 546-5025 growing resale organlzation u:n er. ypngs.,..~ • e Newport Beach 546-4741 54<>-2860. 250 Fischer, C.M. "l•:::•::'"::.-:..>10--06=.:::.l:.:<_~-~-c~~;~!1~ndH~gpency-G. ~iZ~ top person ........ to $650 MAINTENANCE MAN with a network of over 300 s~~9 , r1'°mn1' 1colleged Equal Oppor. Employer $.'19. 14 .. ''-1 1~~ tlWasaSthl(JISak, . A.SSEMBLER.<i for ·eampl'r BRIGHT young individual .r e Live-in hou.sckc>epcr, N.B. offices and become -a-P.• ... ..._~ P~ll .~ or a'-'f.'l!!!~~~~~~~~~I waler • ~-' t., m ciory, e'Xper: Apply Major needed foe quality sailboat ,E;;-;1;6;;1h_;S;l;.,;S;;.A;;.;54;7;-4';;;95;;;;;.I No cooking. Must like \VEE KEN D S 0 NL Y · member of our Millionaire vancement. X 1 n t co. WHO WANTS TO WORK? Santa Ana. 1 block off ,.Jif.ay Campers, 8.j8 \V. 18th manuf. as engineC"ring aid • children. To $500. TH 0 R 0 UGH LY EX-Club. l\1ulti-mllllon dollar benefi ts. 644-:4300. DRIVE• A CAB! Harbor Blvd. (east). 9:»1 1 1:s., Costa Mesa. for drafting, purchasing & Dr's Assistant e Live-in for elderly couple, PER I ENCED. APART-adV1!rtislng program. Free SECRETARIAL Openings -CHOOSE your hours, work p.ni. I EMBLERS T ·. & prod. Typing ability nee. Youn• lady (lS·2Sl to assist l-1.B. Drive. $400. t.1ENT COMPLEX. • guaranteed ll<:ensing.school. A unique experience In or-for yoursell, be your ov.'Tl * AUCTION * l ";f:~r. s&.iJbOat r:~~~lily. Weslsail Corp, 1626 P lact"n-in health spa. \VU! train, no e Llve-ih N;B. 2-Children. -~~Ca=ll:..::546-"'-'"'="=---r Excellent sales ·training. -fice work. Full/pt time. boss. Men or women. Can ~nlngs on""an 8 sfilfts. A:r)-tin Ave., CM exp. nee. Apply in person Spanish speaking ok. To a-1 A (, E, \l/arehouseman, Please call Virginia Jones Aft. hrs & weekend work be slightly handicapped Fine Furniture "". • at gate 7 am, 3 pm _ ll n11filNJtSS Opper,' Be your • $250. clCan cut, good driving 835-4811. OK. Scribes of Lido, 4340 Nea t-Clean . Appearaoc-c & Appliances •,PJ.r t;to\'vn· 'boss. \Ve supply the any aft or eve. 29JO \V. e Live· in for· prof. parents. reL'Ord, mech. abilily, part RED CARPET Campus, Npt Bch. SU!te m. Vts. retired, Age 21 to 70. A~Uon~ Friday, .7:YJ p.m . l:i;,. ~~7!~~tia~ ~¥h t ..u:.alnliis.-No exp. neceiS. Be J:C::lo::la::lst:Z:H::lwy=-=· =N=.B=-:::=:zz= I Care I i11 fa111_. \Vk;nds free. time now. full time sum-. Re•ltor:s ~:?90. nr Orange C.O Supplement your incoml". Windy S Auction Barn tOp Jevl!l exec. we need the -Span. spoken. To $300. mer. $1.75 hr. Non-smoker. ~=~.,..,.:=-c,.,:;,.,~=" I Airport Orlve a <:ab 6 hrs or more a 2015\.) Newport, CM 64s.86!16 1..-:sISTANT Manager. Clean-'j'Jebple. Let 'us hear iroin ELECTRO IC UNKEL AGENCY Jntcrviev; 3:30 to 5 PM, R. E . SALES INV. OLV. day. Apply In pel'IOn, Behind Tony'll Bldg-Mat'I. cut, dependable, honest & 1,"Gu. Commitnlent. 540-2'170. · N 1819 N. Broadway \\"eekdays, 3.5 Hardware Experienced apt, com'I, or Secretary Yello'v Cab Co., 186 E. 16th SWIZ..fMING POOL. Scan \\1lllng to work. F/Ume. ditr _ ..,000 Per ifo. The ASSEMBLERS Santa Ana 541-3323 Ltd. 3737 Bi rch St.. N.B. ind'lk ... 11esman or1 Bkr. t&o St., Costa Mesa. 18, x 4, 1,, •-old n-•- 0 p p o r t u n I t y tor ad-•• ~I 'LLIE'S WIG & o ,... \lo'Or w owner o ro. Wood k ' Mill · 71 J "" • ru:u ''ancement. Apply in person. Blue Beet, Call 673-9004 Housekeeper ''" · """'"'111Y other highly skilled men. K II G" I wor ing man wood dcckln&:, filter, clean- .tack In The Box. 223J' ancr 3pm. Assemblers needed \\'/PC Need Help Salon has opening for Beaut. ofc. in p r fn1 c e y 1r N~ 2 craftsmen for niill In' equipment & test klt H Bl d 0 '! beautician, exp in hair ..1.. high 1·1 '\ ch \ \ E arbor v , ostlt"" esa. CtttLOCAREI hOusek~ping board &: soldering exper. Newport Joe. I nce n f I v e 1 1vt:1t-.\ on qua 1 Y sa1 · "' some cm ca s. very. ASSISTANT Manager. Clean-_ -2 schoo -age children. Pennanenl employment. Dad L..l\.to!Jf' both \\·ork. & goods~ comin & comm. plan. Applleant-n111~1 1 boats. l\fin. 2 yrs. exper. thing only $275~ Originally cut, dependable, honest & Mon-Fri 12-5:30. Prefer Pleasant sutT0UT1d1ngs. have a big home. They need c'cc'"oc'co"1'0'°"n". "'=~-"-~-~ possess highest degree or in-\Vest8ail Corp., 1626 Placen· $520. New. Must .sell - willing lo Y.'Ork. Fftim!'. $0f11eolle w/car. Must have someone to live in & take l\1ASSEUSES "·anted, \\'ith tegrity & enlhusiasn1 & Nrl.'ds )"Our .skills! \Vork tlA CM. !\:IOVING. 531-1218. o pp 0 rt u n t 1 y for ad-RELIABLE references. Ca.11 For Appl. care of the home & us, dlploma, will pay 50":~ coni-know Orange Co. int!'rvu h~· "'here you'r<' apprecl1tted on SWAP ~1EET 1'"'01.LOWERS vancement. Apply in person. Plea9e "'rile to P.O. Bo1' Industrial Rf"lations Randy & Don, ages 6 & 8 mission. New place. just appt. only. "Our 28th YCiil' long or short trrm tern-, JI~) I am nX>ving ~\\'ill sell at ' :Jack In The Box, 223J 494. Corona de\ t.lar. yrs. Call & ask for Tony. opening. Call 836-.(1.:~ St'rvlng So. Calif." pornry assignmenu. Wotil: Mltdlrt1e · · my CO!lt (lnvo1ct' ava.l 2 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. GONSTRUCTION Co. in N.B. (714) ~9401 :-142-0667 for more informa· MERCHANDISE ritGR . Girl Wesley N_. Taylor Co. withe top companies In cases of door m11ls !hat 83,)' ATTENTION seeks young Superin-lion. 968·9386. Friday to Pres. The Rl.'d 2lll San Joaquin Hills Rd. Orange Co. C1K>OSe the "go n\\'AY" in~tead of 1 BOYS & GIRLS 1 tendentfGen t.1gr. Ext-cl TELONIC H o us EKE EPER/Prac. Balloon Ltd. 1-fust apprec. Newport Center 644-4!110 days, hours & loeRtlon most ''welcome" u 1,.f7'•t11 gag-kldi; oppty for a you.ng man Nurse for Sawyers Home. fine children's c 1 o thing. REAL ESTATE SALES convenient for you. Ex· Antiques 800 t'Ven Jove thetn for their Start UU1.t Summertime job w/small last growing rinn, INDUSTRIES r.1ature. 11 pm-7 am shift. Career oppty for young ~ cellent earnings, \\'cekly roon1, 837-1753. now!! Work part-lime alter s-1 Lie. hel pful. Salary 64&-67lS. t20..JOJ energetic l\1s. super· FRT!'REALINIC 1 NEGNSE paycheck. Let us start you CLEARANCE SALE USED ELECTRONIC school and full time this on1>n. Reply in confid~nce 10 Laguna Beach I A GI I vise stock, recev., & dis-w/your best toot Ior.·ard. SAT. 10-6 * SUN. 12~ CALCULATORS iru mmer. Ynu can make S25-1"" 0 561 nsurence gency r lrib., inv. control. Call Hunt-"'amous Real Estate Licens-A'ply 9 am-noon r.11.1 ... make room for con-.,0 nd pe •-..._, ~1 r. \Vil.son, P •. Box , ~·1 k al 1· ' 2061 • C D •• ~ . \I' o. $ N I ·...,. a more r v.·ec .... iou Corona clel Mar. Equal Oppor. En1ploycr 1• ust now pc>rson ines ington liarbour. 846·3024. ing Course now available UllMSS tr. r. talner load from ScoUand uvn t wa · ,,...v!' ow must be 12·16 yenn> old and ~:;;;;,11.';;;;;;;;;jji;;;;;;;ij I rating. Excellent oppty .... 10L 01 NG m ,, ch 1 ,, c thru Tarbell Realtors. Free Irvine 833-1441 arriving aboard • • s S D!11plRy & prinlet5 n1ajor C-.VC ;n the Newport-Costa 11\i • ...,..,. ...,.. • 1' EXEC. ·sECRETARY Salary npcn. Must be ggo.c-1 '~perntors-Growlng company Placement Service. Free Across from O.C. Airport lloestch", April 4th. P rice!I b!'And11 .• V~h1t'll . to $2000 . .:.Mesi • Huntington Beach Snles mnnag!'l' needs self typist. California lnsurtanC<', has openings 0 11 2nd & 3rd Training Progran1• Eaiit as low as· Oak side bo4rd11 No"' $4.>-$.iOO. Sat. only. ,f,n!a. Help us get ne\v Controller to $25K sturtct· \\'/good skills. Sllll'f Irvine. For inter..rie\\', call shirts. Accepting ex(>('r'd whlle you learn. Call Al SECRETARY $89. A~olres $79. Chairs ~96c;2--5c.=3°'1C__,•-==--,,=""'="I customers for our p~pcr and R.E,, construgion & CPA S625. Call 1-lrlcn Hayes. 'Fern Nut1er, 833'-9480. operators & trainees: op-Sloan 1n4l 832-5440. on Good skills· Yachting dealer. SlO. Hall li'ff!I $69. Dres!ler'll TICKTOCh:i-::n. T II R I J:o' T ,win Fantastic Trip.'i 011d }l!J.kgroC~d~ P ~~~1 po.::;~ 54()-6()5.'i, C~tal Personnel r NT ELL I GENT young portunity lO learn while Weekends {714) 832·7000. Call 646--05.'il $69. Clocks $39. Golf clubs StlOP \VEST. Spring rranrl .:~~.CA!* Tf~r D ~!yr!. Fee/Also 1~Vr~~sitions. ~~,~~cy, 2790 Harbor Blvd., ~1~;r pl~~~~e~t a~~l \\·itt~ 2~~r~~~· c~~f~~!.t}njae~li~1~ ~&~&1A~~\,hy not 'vork St~fVIfE ~at1~~11Cl~~Lc; ~ftt=~s ~J·~t. World ~~~\~~: f,~.e 'd~w.f~g Yf'o~ ams. PERSONNEL AGENCY EXECUTIVE offi<:e <lei.ail. Part time, U Z..1olding, 200 Briggs, C.M. In the hottest area Hunt-· x · 928 • C Y * 22 Rooms of Antiques t~i t>reh:1,nrll11e ~rrt1f1cntcJ1. A !YOUNG Mnn To Train As 488 E. 1711, 181 l-••'ncl ~1 an1 lo 3 pm daily. $2.50 Hr. NEW C 1 d inglcn Beat'h I Foun!Ain tlme hi'I. 3 E. out * f'rom :n r.ountries s1r1rts I 11f's. April 3rd. Also "'1-•--· ·1v--'e•-Homcs & '• ~" SECRETARY ,--"'"'~ kd M Rr ge rea Y man. H"'Y· Cdi\:t 675-2276. "'\' Ill ol • ~-1 w 1ruu" -· • Suite 224 642-1470 'h""-' "-ee ays, rs. Cla.c;s A smog llcense. Tonl Valley and let us train you! 1957 Ne"·port Av~. r tp1.1er .'13 )CJ n-rowvun · -,wts. Shorthair, alerb pride Looking for shArp set:l'Clary Johns. Stanip Ford, s.15 N. El Call Phil M c'N am e e, TOW DRIVER EXPER Costa ?vfesa 5'18-9033 :>40 \V!'~f 19th, C.l\I . jlf \l.'Orkmanship, desife to .. -.,....., ¥-• ....,_,. v.·hO cnn lake full chw·ge of lfwrn ,,,... JVtii • ..,, Caniino Real, San Clemente. VILLAGE REAL ESTATE. ovrr 21, neat appear, bond· ANTIQUE VICI'Olt nddinw: machl~. ~ease. 11ust drive. Apply ---.,--===s"',----personnel office in lhe 492-1137, P.ir. Bear. * 962-44TI * able, A.C. Auto, 1705 N. El SHOW & SALE usrrl • bu1 in xlnt conct. All , ..tieiween 10:30 ,\ 12:30, Ren-* COOK & Irvine Industl'ial area. Call R.E. Salesmen needed im-Ca.nlino, San Clemente. IOO E hlblto nictul gears -No cheap ' tal Readier, 569 \Y. 19th, PANTRY HELP * 639-8598 btv..·n 8 & noon for J°'"NE PERSONNEL NE\VSPAPER .De I l v · af-X rs plastic parts. l\1ake oUer. I CM I need Good an appt. "-YI ternoons. N.B. area. l\1ust med. Top romm. Ask for TRAINEES Lon• Beach A-nn o1•1150 ~• i , Exper e . company SERYICES•AGENCY OWTI depend. car. &16-8162. Jack Scott, Scott Realty, ., '"' O',... eves or an,,. .. me 1 B'XJjysrrrER ..... ·anted In bnfts, vacation pay & EXTRA titONEY _A Ultle or 536-7533... \VIII train dependah\e v.'Omen <kf'onA& l;-01 °5• Bc6 •7ch8Blvds •cc",,·knd~'oo' =-,.--,-..,,--,~ lil~iden View School area, hospitalization. Good future a Jot selling Sh a k I e e erE PAID to become Injection moldlng pn · ' • 1PQLAROID Automatic 103 Hunt. Bch. 2 Sehl age \\'Ith salary increases. Apply Products. 54~. r~ NURSING RECEPTIONIST operatoni. Graveyard ehUt. Thur,,, Fri, Sat l-lO pm Land camerR J ust like new :.......,.ren.-tl47-8416aft6pm. in person. Dana Point Elec. Sales En21' to S12K ST. JOSEPH Day or night, no exp. nee, r.tuat be neat, dependable., Sunday 12 to 6 pni ,~·Ith tluhgu~ &: Polaroid 1 B~ y sm ER/Housekeep-Castaway. 25001 Dana Dr .. F/C Bkkpr to S650 Purchase Agt/Steel SIOK ea!fY, fun job. Will train, no have own car, be able to Appllancts 802 self timer. 842-llSO eves or own tran•portation'. Dana Harbor. No phone Dental f'rnt/back to $600 Buyer/Marine Hrdwr $14,500 .HOSPITAL, ORANGE 1yp· '-rlh d 1 liland entire shift &: work • nnv!lme wknd11• 7: 7 'J>m. 64tHll.OO or ~':;"~11;'·'--:-,==--;--;-~~i:~.Y~~ = f~~-~!f~r to f: RN'S A~ t:'~:'n a: 'arte ~~ ~1~0 °~1a~.ndaya. $ 2 · 06 per ~~r~~~~~:~~~ t!\l JC:,~.~ PL;.Yl-IOUSES -~ton1 64<>--0121. COOK and Counter help, Sec'y Adm Asst S600 ~·!Construction 10 S67S eve. at 2930 West Cst Hwy., Apply 1 pm-4 pm clean. S93-9060. destg~ or standard plans. BABYSm ER needed. n1y p/li1ne to t/tin1e. 18 ar . """'"J N,B. • Orange Coalit PluHcs * A -F ramc> . castle • etc. home 2::l0 _ 7:30 pm. Call over. n1dngt 10 to 7 2am. or ~~ ~~:~rl ~ ~it'{~ro~::ge 1f0 :: 8.)() \Vest 18th St • DISltWASHERS, washer!!. Kil11 er Installed. 67:Mi712 or 842-"""t be fo1-c 2 p.ni. 'veek da,ys · ain-pni. no Fo• m~ttco l surg·•c•I, ER. RECEPTIONIST "'••la M"•· Calif-_ dd:_'Y1.~.'d1• .. ~~7b61201· _ ~~~lS &,-067c'5--,8;,7o,2"".,...,c-7-:--:~ OM> C'xp. neCt"s. 3 months local Payroll.Computer to $700 Clerk Typist to $500 • ... , . 1 ~ ~· • o.~ .,.1u-~ r: BABY'SITl'ER, I or 2 cJnys n re.si., nl'llt app, apply in Ship/Ree Clerk $4~') Con1m'l/Linl's Ralc:r lo $500 ICU & conccnLrnted care.' F'OR RENTAL OFFICE, I iiiiiiiiiiiiili . -. ' . 'TI ENCY. Brit. Inc. gloht. , \\'k. O\\•n lransp. Occas. pcrson. Jack in the Box, Gen'! orr, typ 70 $5:.:'5 Scc·y, AnaheW11 $600 Full tlrnr $c pnrl lime open-Apartmc>n! Complex. Type, K F..Nr.-IORB \Vl\Shertdryer dlrtlonary col l. prep 8Cr\cs, ' \vknds. &14.2957, 1201 s. Coast Hwy. L.B. ExlK!. S!'c'y" S600·S700 Rcccpl, Gen ore ro $525 Ing~. PM's .f.: Nights. Cener:il OUiC<'. Pn1t 1lme. Typist $79 en. Over 200 "'"·011hers. A<lvcntureg In LI v I n a: ' I . I' • ! ~ • I l I -----'-! .. ., I• • I I '1 I I. I ' I I I ' : ' ' . • [!ij NEWPORT Frce & Fre PosltionR ExccUcnl s<al<iry $: person-Eves & WC<'kend". • , drytrs, ref'rlg from $39.95. $300/BP~t off(lr, 67rl"-OS14 • BABYSITl'E~ \Vanted .l\ton-...... Ll'\'.l shift 1 ro-" --")--+2;5-t!,t>-0780~~-f'effi'iffi'ifiiinF~§~::j~~~~~~~----~ I Fri, J:JlRi. Urll"li~eltecptng: days a \\'ttl{, A e S '5 -1 el'sonn• Agen ... 1 bb! 'fJHSH-HGPK1N EED!I 1u•ma,,\Jde swivel Z chlldrcn. 644-857a. Students, part time. 833 Dover D r'., N.B. SS.JERR I \Vllfl'TlrviEZ..fOREC. Apply to *RENTAL AGENT * '" . .,. •11 ''"'"K \V -he-rocMl'r & ouoman. L.11 .. e , Banking r":.J<ell'J (),./ 'I"!!!-• NeedB Glris jW;ih Banldn< Expor. ! 1 • Etcrow e loan P roc111ors • Ntw Acci.. Clerk< e T1ll1rs • lqtmed. Ttmp. A1Sl£11ments Appy In Person h -ietwn 9am & Noon r;t0&1 "Bu1ln11s Ctr. Dr. Irvine Ufll\li..'tt'n 9 am·l 2 noon ~I 1-1--l' _ ' .ahk BookkMptrs • , . fitirntnt ... ,er ..... I '"'" , it Min. t yr exp. • •ICont•ct: Mr. Walsh 'i Bonk of Costa Mtsa ' 97M200 l!qmoH)pportunlly Empleytr APPLY lN PF.ROON. 642-3170 ~ F.:. 17th (at ·nel M PERSONNEL OFFtCi:; For \\·ell known.growing real IMMEDIATELY! i• a Y tag-eiunore-as rs· ne1v. M11.kc offer. 842-1150 JACK·IN-THE-BOX "'"""""""'"'""""!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Suite 224 642-1470 ST. JOSEPH f'!ltate co. in Laguna Beach. eve,; or lU\ytlme wknds. 1205 Baker St. FUU. CHARGE, CHlEF ~· .,,,._.. 1fsrn 11 HQSPl"'AL Must have salesman 11-Ttchnlcal 636-2840 * 839-1178 l\Uchcllc·shampoo &: set $4. 1• ccnse. 494.g.173. \YllTRLP<X>I, ·n EI e c I • Jro.nelle·blow cuts for ss. Costa Mes• BOOFJ~ foru pro-J1\NfTORlAL -Openings for 1100 W. Stewart Or . RN·LVN-AIDE R1pro dryer Ha.rdly UAed, Diust ?.1ariAnne-body v.••vet 21. COOKS, Busboys 2nd &: 3rd gress ve m ret• •lore lull time day porter, 7:30 10 ORANGE S.tatistlcal sell. 675-m'i. 7 NATIONS * 642--0844 I H d In Newport Stach area. 4 _PM. dally. In Newport U·7 & other shifts. Top P"1 G I Offl R W h /D Shlfl!I •aval . ostesses ay Need mature penon to \l.'Ork _!!!!~~!!!!~!!!!"'l'~~"! duty pay. lmmed. pay for enera c• ent as era ryers SALE of Household aoocts. &: eve. Apply in penon, In enjoynble sum>Undlng:s. ~~fh arei. fl1 1°he:ihruA ~i, NURSES Aldo -7-3:30, 3 noor duty, Counlrywide $2. Wk. Full main!. Sat 4.7 and Sun 4-8. 10 AM C.Olony Kitchen, 2 714 2 Call Miss M&dl80n or P.1rs. ni ornls urns · PP Y mo's cxper. Apply Park lnll"\'WI l\fon·FT'I 9. 5 , Xlnt efl!Tllnt:J -L.ona: & short * ~13)2 * to 5 Pl\I. 1350 Sussex, Nv.'Pt Ortega 11¥-')I, San Juan Langton n -4/644-4400. only btwn 2 & 4 pm Datly, Llc1o Conv, H06p, 4 6 6 LetooWle Nun;e!I Reghtry, ttnn 1e:mporary u.1111-RECONfl. APPLIANCES Bch 64l'.-6109 Cash only. 1 Capistrano. FREE <109 N. Harbor Blvd, S.A. F1agshlp Rd, NB No phone l51 Hospital Rd., f\'B rLob-nients -varied & ln· Delivered . ••u•r, n..n1ap'•· FREE (Vl~n Bleach). For Cooks _ Sauce Cook JANITORS. awing, nlles, caUs please! \ k chonee the ...... P" '"'' Pub. Rel. Trne I/time>. ~rsonnel Oepl, --"'-'-'"'NU=•==•:-:-A'°'lo"sc---by Park Lll'lo Bldg l 1ert111 ng \l.'Or • 1815 Newpart, CM StS-7'180 one lady "'itl'l 1ultable ha.tr With great exper. 'in large ~.....,. 64Z..9955. 540-993-1. day, hour &> location moit !ATE lOdel he nd \11ho \\'ants 10 hecome a food operation. Call Chef SoRmEe design ~~~tectJ_ ... or Hoag Hospital, NB. Experlt'nced prefcred clay ~RN"'°·L"VN~.'-w"'"an""'1e<1""1'"n~D~r-.-~,-of· convenient ror you. Weekly d n~ ~~ ~ blonde "ovf'rnlle." 642-(1844 F __ ,_,., r.•~ 1700 · · exp. J:o•rte '-" r ee "'"'9• JUNIOR Sale-spien: 10-15. -'-\fl. Beverly Maner Com-. d paycheck. ryer, ' • rcu, V'l"I. • AAA A•-A~ncy ... E an rice, al Ulisu~ Worl Apply In Per-n _ ttlt'h . 6 MS. DANA PQtn! \ acht Club _..,.., ... • tJ!JIJ ' Ea.m $20·S41'.1 per week get· Hospltal. 24452 Vis Estrado. ~1 I c -COOKtffSKPR, niu.st be xlnt 17th Ste 217 SA &41-5112 l\tL"-' ca enter, hrs 8·5 r.ron Apply Atrro. 1ce m1.ker retrlg. n1en1ber.ihlJJ tor Ml{]. 10-;fi cook, belut new home on , FliN SALES . ~~,t~Ptl.CW~i;! lf:~tth~ _L_._H_. --------lht'U Fri. Call 496--0222 11f!rr &t"'Tl 9am It noon av11.cado tln1'1h. Xlnt. eond . redur.tlun, 1\96--8196. Nwpl Bl,y, rels, 2 Adults 6 pm. Anytime v.·('Ckend!I. K II G' I !"~. ~0 1Dl8 USED BICYCLES Eves 6::1> lo 10 PJ\.1. $600 mo. nr"·~l)l)per route and does CjlUICK ,.ASH -- " ' " ., I l ' Gil--5.1)72 to lllRrt No uper. 11N:. \Ve not includo eollecl~ or "'° SALESr..fF.N-for Nlltlonally e y _ ,, s Building Mat1rlai1 106 All Type$ 't 642-\272 COST ACCOUNTANT tra\11. Must eajoy d11ncing, delivering, Transportat on lg LI G ~1~~~'f.~111~Ult~,e.~!f'Y UPltlGllT freeic>r fo1· gar&. Fff P11ld .• Well establlshrd • meetlnst .pcoJ)lt & lhe out.-pl'ovidl!d. Wt wor~ .. !our T.nROU H A sell \V/COM.f>t\tlbJe oflic-O ~06 lvlhw.....Ctr~r ... fft•~Sjll~lP~L,;;U;;S~B~U~,ILD~l;N~G~j±w~/\~oc~k~-=$50=. =C=•l~I =:=::::-t-----j Ing ~ppor. f 0 r inctiv. Thun 6:30 Pl\, 11hnrp, wtt;: Saturday. We have Optnin~a DAILY PILOT Or&"iC co .. ~'iie"'(,2"o 91• lrvin. l)S..1441 '1r~t$! Doon, lumber, pty. -.. w/aome exper. St a r I Zlt. 18.11$2 &ach Blvd., H.B. ~~~~~~~~:~~eya!,:'~~ !JM>-5291. Nr Orange Co. AC!'Ofll trom O.C. Alll)Clrt ~'OOd. alum ah~l1ng. mold· DAIL y PILOT $850+00E. Alsc ~-,,.Jobs. Town A Country Sbopplns ty. You mlist be Olli ol WANT AD Airport. ....~ ....................... I Blll!(,ILwDtndcwlER" •stUc.R.PLUS Call Jc.., s .. wn. -· c .. 1" No c.Ilo-IChool by 3 PM to WAIT1!ES$. exper. over 21 . IU > CLASSIFIED ADS Coastal Pentt1nvdn<I Ag<ncy, II'• a bl'I<,.._ •• ,,.II your ~\cl 1 • Ex!>erlenceJ 642•5678 11·0 a \)nw!. _ : . ...U-)'IM' Oean 6 Neat. Some IJ'tll 2406 So. Malo SI, S.A. FOR ACTION 2"100 HnrborB ··CM. Items with C!UC, USC! Dilly n prforlty . · 1ttms with ff.If, W1f! Da~ ahlfts. Apply F.at-A A1f.', Mon tbn1: Sal in-S • • • Nl!fd a "Plld''T Pia« on ad\ Pilot Cluslllod. MHm. --------Pilot Oasalll<d. ~ :!.&l(>.11:::::::.:120:::·------, ---'7:..:lt:..: ;:.:;tG-::.::1032=. ___ 1 _________ 1 '· ;, i • -- • - DAILY PILOT MondaJ, Aprl l 2, 1'173 l ~~~l~~~l ~~-~~1 ~~~~1':!' ~~~~·~~iii:-. I~ .._I -----~]~~·,,I ... ~... I~ I T-i• ( ._ .. ,. l§l ( . ......... l§l I ......... l§l I ~ .... u. ' ]§]I _ .. _ ]~ >-' j ~ . 1 ~1 li-----J~ll·-"• Ill . .ow __ E_·:,_: .. 1:_."_'_"_j"'_._,:· '~-:_~ ... 72.;,.,47,f'T~·~!·~-::.R~reo= ... ~'!;~~,~H=-'~F:l,::-..::a::ll<!::' -S!..'!11"~'!!~!!•' ~ Mi'9-LC~1ulcs=~3 Autoo._l!!!~=,!'7~0~~A~utos,~.~-!lm~port~od~-..!'~70~=A=-~~· iu~ .... ~:r;t;::::"°=1~A!!l/IOl.~-::.,~u~ .... ~""'=~"°~:::~ . .J__ STEREO' 1913 G "'r ar d , • IMPORT OWNERS ''.GRAND EllA." ' CAPRI TOYOTA '::-:-c-on;J:AC FORD I Quad 5,ystem, full 11\zt> VICTORaddin,.machine, us-ST£REO: Deluxe 1973' Car-\" •-all . -•·J Com I p Jal 1 .--~~~~!!--.1·-;;;-;;-;:;-;;;;-:;;';;~' ---~..:::,;.:;:.__ ..... .;',J--I .. . I• tuml.ble. "11~1/MPX .... __ , I l II I ,.e llll\IC Ille ,...,-ls to P e1e or art _..;..;;....________ EL DOlADOS , • 11..1.• "" l'd ~ but in xJnt cond. All ~ .. u BYS e.rn, u 11 ie r· k ~ R~~RATIO"" I '" ver, air susix.m n mt<tal gtan • no <'heap · gr, en a en a r llhelh in stock at very low 853 Production Place ' ...... ~ ' j' 1pe11ker systen1s, t{l.pe deck plastic partg, latake offer. 1ut11ienaM>n spkrl, 200 watt prices. Ca1l 893-0)n. N'pt, Beach &t&-50'16 Anytime me~; .. brn. Deoor inter., 4 Dr Sedan, Auto Tr&n1, 1961 to 1972 -... 1 4 · lo chan e J 1 " your ""' • v«r 00 ~ v ·~ '1L c.<PlU 1600 •""· Med '69 T oyota Corona · · ~ plug in lack&. llcund new-in ll42-ll50 .. eves or anytime A ~I I Fr.1/~IPX re<:etver rec 111 .. '6 11eats, am I t m Rod.lo, Alt Cood. Belie. 17 TO CHOOSE • -I box, was lefl unclaimed. Y.'knd.s. and !ape deck. Brand OO}V & '71 SJX Pac cabover, Import RK rMtional stereo. Xln'~. $1850. (X\\IZ585). COUl•ES-CONVE RTIBLES t ~1":~~,~ .. ~:~·0" ANSAPHONE wllh remoto ~;j.,',j:•.;;:; =~1";:;;!; :~. ~i. ,:;= •.'\::!';; _.'!,·~~~1-•! _____ 95_6 5'~D~;;.N BILL$~4'AXEY DE VILLES EXCLUSIVE •• : M::l:;sc::e:_l"'l•"n"'eo"'°'u"'a=="---1 control, s bll under war-$170. or small pymnls. new. $650. or consider t1'adc '71 DATSUN p u ' You'll find this '65 Ford' i W eel 820 ra111y. % Price. J BM 893-0501. ' for tent traller. 496-112.1 AM/FM, wide u're~', "'~[b TS TOYOTA 1966 lo .lm Mustang very exclu.s.lve ~ t int typewriter, cho.lrs, filing 2J" color TV UHF & VHr New Custom like new !!Tl Six Pac ~A UN 18881 BEACH BL. 84.7-3555 34 TCOO UCPHESOOSE dool' hardtop with air con-! WANTED: Used 2-wtt" cabinets. G73-Z42S. $9S. 21" e&W TV, $25.19'; c Sh II· •too Cabpver camper, 1lecps 4, NEW 1'973 cUtlonl lbarg ln · ed I J EXEC iwvl chrs. $15/25 Sec portable "'/stand $.\i. All amper • ._,., ice box, sink, 11tove. boot, .. --_HUNTINGTON BEACH SEDAN~ ng &l'l( a 'pr1c . , radio. Send & receive withln chrs $8/29 Desks $2A)/85 Off have nice pictures. ~7694 Limited stock. Get them step-bumper. 496-4123. PICKUP '69 TOYOTA .Corona, auto, CONVERTIBLES lO DAY FREE TRIAL EX'=' .. , 100 ml. 673"'393. \Yrlte Sup! 867 W J9 Cl\1 642-3408 while they last. 893-0573, NO DOWN air, racUo, heater, $1.XIO prl Many excel.lent colors O -IANGE. ~ • Classified Ad No. 667, Dally ZENml color Iv, poet. pie-~ 0765 Cho' f · · GU.STAFSON -j Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Pi1nos/Org1nt 826 lure. Xln't walnut cab. $\OO. ll%' TREK Camper, all lux· Trudel 962 ply. <JV.-1<.>e o 'inter10rs ~1esa, Ca 92626 53l-t'21. ury Items. many xtra11. I-;,.:.;;;,;,; _____ ..;..:.: 1SOS-23 per mo. for 48 mo. 1969 TOYOTA Corolla sta (Cloth & leather)_. , . Lincoln·M-curv.?, . ,1 ORGAN HOBBY must be seen to apprec. '67 Tayot• Stout Pickup Def. pQ,yment price $3m.60. wan·SUOO I n1ake of f er. Facto1)' a.it cond.1uonihg ._. • '" OLD ORIENTAL RUGS 548-1.845 , A.P.R. 14.34';t. ' """' ....,....... , -o-una Hills Full power· CboJce: of: . 16800 Beach al \Varner 01' t \ "ill pay 5-10~~ n10ro than w/camper shell ,-..... ~ ~. wu.w Stereo AM/FM radio Huntington Beaeh -· '~~~~~~-~ ~10 Don't buy any c can un1.11 I free to You JI 1, co~u~~.~~t~rJ~~ s·$~~g; BILL $l~~XEY ii Ni .. r~p!_f! .. ~tn ·~efi?~~IM ~~$~· ~~ Tru~n':"r:.1l0re ~~-= ~ ~l.3)V5192k1'!,~.~.', ' Oriental Rugs &: Hand ~1ade ::~~ t~1~~~~~-::a;;:~ '-· ______ _, --="=-~~:.::;=o:-=.___ t::~ ,..,;,;.:--~~ 548-S.SSS. All in imlnacula te oondlUon • ·• ., w::r:~~~E::~::ld ·~:.a:;:i~~~;~~ch ;:,:"';12 :i:::. $2:n _c_y Sc_~_':o_··-··-~-~-" ____ 92_5 l~~~i~:::T~~ ~~ ~'7~. '::~~ ~ 1'38 s=.M:. COO· N~= 1:.ii~c: i .·' ~ ~~:::~;~::;~~.:.~.2182~ ~~~~::1::ti:~.: ri~.~t:~~::~ .. '~i:;; :;f~~:~~~= foe '62 CHEY. P.O. Ks.A"R~fM~r,..J;....N""kNe l~Gw*hooHlk.A' ~~~~;~1 ~~;sro3~·$1J A~:~~ Hot Merchandi5' :, G . F'inanclng Available ~i Ton, 4x8 bed, blown 5-J0.9100 o ""nd You'll f d thl '7D M erlu... ARMSTRON cl e ctr 1 c USED ORGAN SALE I YEAR old, female oocka!Xlb, · enoine, eve-"hing else in '70 TRlUMPH S p i tf i r e , , pen . .,.... ay " "~r '"vory ho 1 t al Iha vis lo:_i..'f(. I guitar. Plexigla!IS, 24 frets, N~d " fern.-ed d 0 ~~ 0 ·~ ""' '61 v.•~• ,.~, Ghia. •-• Cl l 68 CPE n-v Full •"""' io, intcn:hangeable pickups & l-1Al\.11'10ND L-103 w/Lcslic s Ya r s · CZ »T1' CZ gd. shape_. $450. Call after 6 n.1-u'""~ ..... ,,, n.eu can, o mileage. Orig · "-""' • power, S789 prl~ (ZSG547) 10 I bridges, cusloin case. $250. $!!92; Hammond M-3 !'.=herry, 675-1694. pm. 737~9. xlnt cond. $700. Werner's owner. 551--0660 wkdays, aft lcathE'r, AM/FM Ste r . DAY FREE TRIAL · E» r .,, ·~ all•c 5. .$799; Hammond A·lOO ebony, 2334 N l Bl d C M ,,. -'lO TOYOTA . k Lo Union '76. l li62;1 Pac Cst 5. Weekends all day. Beaut. cond. Low book, Cl-IANGE _, • $1995 H -· c 3 $ """ p v " . '~ PIC ·Up. H s t "-h • . '"1 015 °'"9518 . I ; ammo.~ · 17,,,, ·1 XI 1 -• $1600 wy, unso ~ • opposlle '&; TRIUMPH H-ald. Xlnl ~· · -GUSTAFSON T Sn . Hammon Porta-B .;il499; Pets ll'ld ...._ lOO, bought Feb. St h, l'idden 5.57--:8212 aft 5 pm. 0 · • body shape. Needs engine CHEVROLET • rj'' 'i Ivan' 4 S•n"og . d • I ll~l '73 HARLEY Davidson Baja ml cage. n COuu. . B r A - enor llJO Allen Spinet S495; \Vurlitze1· MAZDA 'A'Ork. $150. 673-3577 Eves. Lincoln·Mercu I 536-8128 spinet $495_ These and many _ on<."e. ?\-1ust sell, transferred Vans 963 ,66 CHE 9-·" Off • F • I overseas! Cost $700, \Viii _.......------1---------' VOLKSWAGEN VY pass station 16800 Beach at Warner -~' j ice urn1ture ' n1ore at: take $575. 842-7621 '64 CORVAl R Greenbrier *Mazda '73 Rot•ry * \Vgn. 327 VS, P/s, .P/b, 1-Iunlinglon Beach • 1• Equip. 824 1 W all ichs Music City _c_.,_, ______ .;;8;:.;:52 BICYCLE SALE bus. 4,000 mi. on nu $66 MONTH ---------1 nut'?, fact air .• (N~s 842..a&44* (213)592·5~ Llqul 'dotion S.1.le South Coast Plazt1 S·I0-28.lD BURJ\1ESJ:: kiUens. Shots. NE\\t 10 SPEED ITALIAN en_g./trun§, -nu -Paint, 36 ~10NTHS OPEN LEASE '69 VW Squareback engine \vork). $27a, Call. aft ''Home of tht Viking;' / &4'1:::2292. ask _ _wr J't(J'y._ B!CYCLES $59.95• ~~ . $650/offcJ-. 548-2153 w·u Blue 4:30 '''kdys or anyt1mc •' I Public & dealers inyitcd. Us· ·~nso·a~CE;?R,,,:. 675--3716 an 11:30 pm. h1cycles;-soo-£:-"Ba~ "m-FORD·VS ·df!luxe s·-CAtL MRc.ep~R~a~~~~!,,,, -jJ349 _ "'knds, 642-7434. 1972_ G~~ Totino, yellow. I ed & new ofricc furn, equip .v e, a....,_ M,..-..-· . ._ """._, -BILL MAXEY '69 Malibu clean fOSl l1295 -uitile.mL &. top:--.Pl~ .... I supplies. 1n_lsc other equip . Ca)I alt 6Pr.1, 5-LJ-2322 Dogs 8!>4 Blvd., Balboa 6Ta-7282 Van camper. elect. reCrjg .. ~ Hunt. Beach '62 WAGON 1~=78) $595 8,IXXI n1i. 3,500, John \Val.sit, a_t substantial price reduc-LOW\ii;l'RRYY'<O:};cg~an~HHl<o>lllii~da>yv I '~!!!.------~ 1972 KAWASAKI 90 stove, _toilet, pop 10 P · TOYOTA Call 557-l;75 B~rs Outlet 979-4200 or 979-8527 eves. n 11on Such as: Three 3M 209 model, all latest feat ures. PUPPY \\IORLD, 100 ~tixc."'1 Only 600 miles, runs perfect S45-J2l.> aft 5· 968 I Copiers. one 3M 107. Pen-Sacrifice, $1500., 496-1020 Pups. Ruy & sell pups, a.lso for slret-'l or dirt. Best offer. '70 DODGE Van, panelllXI, MAZDA 18881 BEACH BL. 847-855.5 2151 Hal'bo~. c.r..t 1 FORD XL 390 · Air, ~ 1 daflex Oolders, used desks, S 1 • Good 830 Pit Bull Terrier, Irish Set-Bell helmet. cork ceiling, crpls, $1700 or HUNTINGTON BEAOI '67 1r..1PALA.. F'a:ct:-air, real' tape, nu tires & brk,I. ~ f various sizes, new steel por ing s te r, Co c ka p oo, Pom. * 551-5151 * best oUer. 1346-7056. '61 Bug nu eng. speaker, new tires, 1 owner. to apprec. &14-8064. desks, various sizes. Stand-FISHING GEAR. Big selec-Chihuahua, T·cup Poodle·, SUZUKI 90. 1700 miles. 8 '72 % ton Foret Am/fm, p/s, NUS'l42 ....... , •••• ,. $495. Must sell $945. or best otter. 1972 FORD LTD, eve"ry xtm. 11 ard Staples, Xerox toner, lion of used salt water & Shepherd. Open Eves ; speed, full kit, better than p/b, many extra.s. Jo mi. ~11331"""-Be:::;•;:c::.h,;B::.l.:....,....,...;"""'"=666 '60 tmsptr compr eqpd ~2012 1 owner, must sell at once. misc. copy Paper, floures-fresh water rods, reels etc. 531--5027 new. 545-0524. $3450. 646-3631 BUY a Classic - 1st Rotary 647VLA .............. $150. '72 IMPALA Sedan, good (2l3l ~l; 673-7436.. cohan~ flxt,!1,:es. olgUicealnlamps & from $1 .50 up . .All in ex-OBEDIENCE class to start 1972 y AMAHA Enduro -• 1966 DODGE 6 cyl, stick car in USA. 1972 R-100. Call 557-1975 Bankers Outlet shape, completely tuned, GREMLIN ' c U'S. uo:aut w ut exec cellent condition. Plenty or ·n the Newport/Irvi an/ Make offer. Call 832-9422 2151 Hal'bor, C.M. $2200. Call 545-3667 l desk W/credcnza., misc. 1 ne area 3.000 mi. Xlnt cond., $700. v camper. $950. C a 11 r other furn iture P 1 e c es , lu~ & jigs. Down &ICE-ping Wed n esday-April 18th, Duane Pratt, 962=8571. 675-M96 eves or wknds. MERCEDES BENZ •n YELI.DW V\V Bus, 1968 QIEV Malibu Sta Wag. RE p OS SE s s E D 1972. 1 Trailer hitches & low bar. bags. Propane & gu Ian-~~~i~~o~;28 all dogs '* '73 KAWASAKI 900 Z....l, Autos W1nted 968 sunroof, 7 pass, new eng. A/C, P/B, P/S, gd cond. Gremlin. Good oond, air Dividing rails, belt hack tems. New Black & Decker 1700 miles, 2 mos old, 50 USED & brakes, xtras +, orig Makl' ofr. 830-6508 aft 5pm cond, auto, make oUer. Ce!fc ) massager'!!. Sale slarls Mon-mowec.$3!L 14 fL _liberglass LHASA Apso, rare gold sacrifice! $1595. 558-1983 WE PAY TOP owner, serv records, Daw-'69 CHEVY Van. Xln't con-tinela Bank, 646-7121. . day 4-2-73 ut 9 am to 9 pn1, Kyak, "'ate~ki. 3625 W. 5th female, 12 ,.,.ks. Champ MERCEDES less $2,450. 830-4141. dition. Mag wheels. Call '71 GREMLIN 3 s.....il 'a.ir all week until sold to the St., Santa Ana. l block orf stock, AKC reg. All shots. 1970 SUZUKI TS 250 Savage CAS. H '68 VW Bug, white, good &12-5353. $1395. l""''"'"• ' ~ walls!! BAnk Amc rlcR.rd & Harbor (east) 9:30-6 p.m. 557-5.~ Enduro ,lo miles, xlnt cond, ON DISPLAY ha $900 Sec I 410Y2 675--0187 i I Mastt>r Charge accepted. TIME FOR STUD availahlt>. Al-:C regis. 675-2155· Sh N C 1ris;Cd~1 Or call abet. 5-6 CHRYSLER • JEEP * t 1005 N. Alain SL, Orange. UIC S Pekingese., Blond \v/black '71 HONDA, 175 SL arp ew ar eves, 673-U21. I Norlh"'est Orange bet\\·n Ci) K CA H niask & \Vhile niarkigs. Ph clean, low mileage for used cars & trucks, just Trade-ins 7 'SS IMPERIAL. E\'eryth!ng I Katclla & Collins. All Items S.l2 5: * 5<1&-1375 '* call us for free estimates. Comihg f n Every Day ' 0 V\Y ca mp er· Pop-on it! Runs good , clean. JEEP '56 "cab-over" V·6 I marked at bargain prices to THROUGH A ·· ?.01. GROTH CHEVROLET top/tent. Xtnt. V'!nd., ne"' $1375. 675-.3031, 497-2292. short bed pickup. Hub~-sno.,.' 1 move~ Hurry _ stock is , ADORABLE bla ck mixed 1970 1-IONDA 350 BL, $375. Ask About Our Unique l'llgirK'. ~lake ofttr, 8.U-1318 h 1 & . . , I. · -• r DAILY PILOT breed pu1>pif's. $5 each. Exccllt>nt cond, Ted, Used Mercedes Lease ~ COMET w ee 8 ures-winch-new 1 1m11t, ... -many one o a 1:..~ .,. _ 15 _, 2 "194-~ 'o" V\V. Auto slick. 49.IXXI 1ni. paini & upholgtery. 646.5916 , kind items!! CLASSIFIED AD '""" ...., Ask for Sales "1anager Plans Nrw brakes. $1000 or orfer. --..,.------ Dally Pilot Want Ad8 have DACHSHUND pups, min., GIRLS SC'H\VINN Stingray 18211 Beach Blvd. House of Imports Call aft 6 pm. 644-2117. '62 toM!.1, needs stal'ter. LINCOLN-- barg · •· 642 5678 AKC Shol •1 J & I al bike $30. 2912 Carob St., Huntington Beach $125 _ ains gaivre, _ • Red:· hlac:·&\~n~ ~l .c Eastblu'ff, NB. 644-1140. Mi-6087 KI 9-3331 6862 Manchester, Buena Park \'cry J.?Ood·~~~·eau eves. --=-· ="•:.,963-~· .:.2007~,:•~~-___ ,, ..... __ • .....__ AFGHAN puJ>'. AKC. Shois MEN'S 10 SPEED, 21" WE PAY TOP DOLLAR oo lho Sanla Ana Frwy 962--CONTINENTAL ~ ' -I Perr-1 -•a-. "'· FOR TOP USED CARS .5231250 . . $150. & up. Mel ow. temp. "''" ""' ,..., .,.,._, ·-1 SUPER n., •-I ., • I "'" -~ 644-43. 75 If your car is extra clean, ·n ~1ERCEDES 280 SL 1 ...._. 1"'• o mi s '1't.>-O.U" ~1wit sell. $1375. ~ IRISH ..,_1 f al 7 '72 SUZUKI 125. Good con· see us fi rst. Metallic blue, both hard & Call 892-4lS9 , show ;~f&-.-~~c:c~: dition, many extnts;-$475.-__ BA!JE~_Btn9< _ sort tops. AJC, ru1 deluxe EYEBROWS UP after s P M, 644--6287 2925 Harbor Blvd. featur8 7 Ihll11-s::a.1eti>-lltg?i· '64 JAY Squareback $800 . ....:ris J . _ sired $175. 645-1374. Costa :l\.tcsa 97'9-2500 est offer over $8000. 497_1904 factory eng, runs & looks They'll all be, when you GREAT Dane p up pl es, TWO '72 Hondas C875D-4, xlnt. 6T.rm90 drive around In th!S '70 black, 175 & up. Male & One maroon, 1 gold. Low IMPORTS WM 'TED '68 MBZ Z-.OS. AM"tn.1, all ,,... WHAT IS IT" Lincoln 4 door. r..lagnlflcent mi's. Call aft ~PM 545-~ Orll nge County's power. Best oiler -?i.1ust U:J VW Squareback -Xlnl • car Lots o( er 10 DAY female. 549-2722 TOP $ BU¥ER sill ~ea. m-8178 cond. New tires & brakes. .Tru.!-luxury-all t:he-Way •. .A. FR.f:E TR.IA~GE 1-§~!~I -cl 8EWlNG CUIOE fOR THE · GAL ON TH'E CO • .A , ALASKAN Malomuto, AKC, * BSA 650 * BIU. MAXEY TOYOTA MGB $1200. 64U23J, 'TI Marie m wilh .. mony GUS1AFSON _. q1¥1lity_ . pu_pple_st . female. Good coud. $400. 18881 Beach Bl · VOLVO lea~ it's har,d tq paas ' For an-•d In-Woman!s World---· -·- Call Mory Beth 642-5678, 'ext. 330 . 546-1228 after 5 pm & wknds Call after 6:30, 536-7490 H. &'\ch Ph~ 847.8555 • up. 10 DAY FREE TRIAt Uncoln·Merc:ury1l H 856 25'' Italvega-Super Speciale I970 MGB-GT. \Vire wheels EXCHANGE ., _!'.•es · -· .... • All componola $3.iO. Scolli" JUNK CARS WANTED lo mi, oop shape. Priced t~ )12 VOLVQS GUSTAFSON 16800l~unBe1,~:J>00atB~:"",h" I ABSOLUTELY beautiful. 3 Fish Fry ask for Tom. I pay top $$ for junk or sell, 644--5769. _ _ .. .,., .. ,,., yr old filly, 3 bar qtr plus I ~~~~~~~~~ I wrecked ears. 7141547-4365. '69 :l\.1GB GT, am/fm radio, * FACTORY UnColn· ... trcury 842..s&44 * (213) 592-554 mustang, broke 10 rid£>, Autos, tmported 970 wire whls, Pirelli tires, xlnt * EXECtrrIVE 16800 Beach at Warner "Home of the Vlkln9'' Nine-Way Basic: Smart Crochet! I 10-lB 12\;-221' 9111 ... L_ "J . ~ ... •'•" .. · . . ' ,''"· . " i : . ,, . ' ~ :• . . ····."' 7126 ' • • ,. :: •• . . ' g£111tle & can be reg. ~lust I If ml cond. 675-0887. * DEMONSfRATORS Huntington Be!lr:~ ,.n. sJ75. ""-3135. . '"""'°'"""' . BMW PORSCHE 6 142.-* 1213! m-"44 i s.iso~1o~F 6~v~d. s~~27G:> ~------....,. ....... ~L--EA· SE_ A·--1960 PO RSCHE c a r '•' a To Choose From ''Hom• of th• Vtkin@: • • .''"' s. ""or •re 1 Cont. 'n M•rk IV !~~·~~~~~~~~ 1.1 ... 1 .-;ne $2700. or make offer. P.Iust Cl S I I L bl fi I I _s_._l•.:../...;.R•:;.•.:..t --~ 1973 BAVARIA see 10· beHev• (1) '/ll3-1J8.1 earan$ac:e a.. dau "l ~~.wt.'::'~':.·~: YELLOW ROSE?/ I Bolt Ind ii·*) 27' Tl\AVCO all 6. Huge vings lerior. AM /FM "'"°· door No, buc • yellow . ., Uncoiil Mime~ 1' z;; v1,;1 :c:1 t:;RER '68 PORSCHE 912 Example: 145 EA station l~ks. _all extras. 18,000 lo wit!i very many extras. IO . . ~·-22· CONTINENTALS CREVIER BMW Xlnt cone!. ~faker offer. ,vagon, a utomatic transmis-rm. Private owner must 1tll DAY FREE TRIAL EXl 20' PltlllE & JOYS Sales_ Service. Leasing 836-7088 afte.r 6 PM. sion, air conditioning, lug-640-00i6. CHANGE. -I Beals, General 900 VAN L'ON •dtSIJNS 208 IV. 1st SJ., Sanla Ana '63 PORSCHE gage rack, AM/FM radio, COUG~R GUSTAFSON I ~· --.. ·.-. .c:.-....;c.:.: ·· h ~ • Service e Rentals 83S..3171 Good cond . Call after 5:30, rear speaker, wheel rovers, • 1 22" Trailerable Lug a r * Danmar Inc. * Visit our new borne! 66-4575 '72console. #1456364 . #104897, * * '69 Cougar A/C p/1 Uncoln-Mercury ' J·louseboat Kit \vlth sink and & TOYOTA List Price wa.s $51591 good condition.' will 'd.ti 16800 Beach at Warner ~ rel rigerator. Complctt>ly l::.'!D1 IIai;_':!°1'·"'~vd., G.G. SALE PRICE 642-1977 548-4090 Huntinglon Beac"h -: assembled but n eeds ..., oovu finishing. $800 or oUe•". Noxl lo G.G. Dalsun '72 TOYOTAS $3959 · DODGE 142444 * (213) 592-5544 54S-8838 Plus many new & --~-""-='-=='--1----·---.. __ ''Hom' of the Vikin9~' I used boat equip + lumhcr. Rent A Motor Home • FACTORY I Boats. Maint./ 1j.'. Y~~r-~a•; ROY CARVER; Inc:.-· *-~TORS DEAN LEWIS '68 DO~~~ DART MAVERICK , Service 902 ~~C,..,~-"=--'"---234 E. 17th St JO Sports Special. 2 Doo r. Vinyl MAVERICK '72, 12 OQ i __. ...... u,._....,......_........... ..._ e NE\V 26, 25, 23' Llfc!in1es. Costa Mesa 546·4444 top, 6 tyl, auto .. Good cop-miles. R&H, Stick shift' xln BOATS C L E AN ED & Plush, fully l'QUip'd. First To Choosr-From "·~ di(ioo. 4 Now <ires. BY cond. Pvl porty. 548.s9ss, ·inspected 35 Ct'nts per root. class mnotorhomes. CAPRI Clearance Sole '-owner. 557-2TI1 days. Evts MUSTANG , 54&-1_2.55 A er 5 838--05.U --------5.11-2479. . -l S PRICES Sf ART FIBERGLASS & Gclcoat ELF contained, air cond., ~ '66 DART Wgn. Air cond Rt> pair. Fiberglass '72 Ford for rent. $15. per • • $1779 luggage rack, alt, elect:• 1968 .J\.tUSTANG-6 t;Y\ Craftsman. Expcr. &UHi2&1. day. No mileage charge. • 1966 HARBOR window, 6 cyl. Xlnt In & HT. Orig O'A'ner. Auto.; Boats, Power 906 58&-7737 Example: 1600'2 di'. 4 speed COSTA MESA ~9303 out. $750/offer. 551-50lO. Pv.'T st, l'&dio. Lo mi. Xtra T l'adio, heater, low miles'. =-~==-"""~~~-1.~'-"==='--"""'="-clean. $1375. 962-2270 or railers, 'Travel 945 BRAND NEW TE21.et0849. • VOLVO 1971 Station 68 Charger, ps/pb, auto 833-llo.1 15 Ft. Boat, cover, 4-0 li.P. Evinnide, tilt lrailer, all nc'A'ly painted, '73 tags on boa! &: trailer. $550 or best offer. Trade for ? 1973 'MOtJRY-. ZI', self cont, 48 months financing available wagod "· 33White, auto. Xlnt trans, tape deck, xlnt cond, k.66~"'M""u"ST=AN=G-Co_n_rt_' -6 'Y" '73 CAPRI (on approved credit) con · ,500 ml. $3344.55. $1195/orfer. 552-TilO. _,,, • -h--ve , lots of xtras, sacrilice under ,73 TOYOJAS 646-6424 aft 4 pm. .67 Dodg Dart 6 /h 2 d ·~ ........ p, tape deck, autd, coSI, 49'H020. Immediate Delivery · - . Aul U 990 ' · r • r, $150. John, ~9389; •l(!'s. Auto Service, Parts 949 GUST~SON also available •t os, lod .... ~...rii""'porlaLion. $450. 548-<l896. ' SAVINGS BUICK FORD '61 Hardlop. UOR419 lll'l!i 18' Sportster Cabin Cruiser. BUY Bat t e r I es and Lincoln· ercury '68 Fastbk, WlA336 '~ • 636-5208 • 120 hp Men:. Cruiser, I/0. Radiators. 16800 Beach at Warner DEAN LEWIS "ii .Rlvie~~:·xlnt co·~. fi ~;: 1----------1ea, 11 5.57-1975 Bankers OuUIJl & many e'lcas All 5 e. 497-164S !.I ti g1 Be h ~ 151 H<Ll'bor, C.r..1. 1 Top off spring separates "'ilh · · · "' .-.un n on ac A/C, landau, mags. Mi ing !his la<'y, easy vest! \Vl'ekends, 96.l-290-1. 842-8844 * {213) 592-5544 $3475. ST:>--8991 '71 MUSTANG Mach I. SMART CIRCLES • 3 roe ~oats, Soil 909 DAIL'( PILOT "Heme of the Viking" I IOI ·n RIVERIA $2900. Loaded, • Air. ,.,,.. lapc, good cond, ~'ach side of front· add !R.M· CLASSIFIEQ ADS T YIOITIAI S2400. Call 968-9097. ~ ion interest to this n£>\\'est 1<1' P INTAIL Sloop, fbgl hull, Vacancies C06t money! RE'nt ~1896 cond, 6B,OOO mHes. '69 J\.1USTANG Mach I. "ti'• vest! Back is don"c in n1PSh, ~:~1 .. lro~!.n~l~Cll~;, 1 •• ',1•,',',~.· FOR ACTION ••• bfJ~ e~u~~ aa ~~lly ~?i~ 1966 Harbor ' CADILLAC FACE VALUE ~~~""~=ust sell/Make otk t . BASIS of n bcau1 iful, :;:?. Crochet of \\'Ol'Sted. Patrcrn CIR~~·ifie<i Ad. Costa Mesa 64•9303 At face value, you can't beat ~. ·G-1, \\'l'C'k iva1·drohr. &'1v this i1 26: sir.f's S-10: 12·14 incl, ladder. life jackc1s, l.'Om· this IO\V p"'ice of $689 fo1· OLDSMOBILE I . rnsy p1·111c<·.~s as a dress or St:Vl~N1"\"·"'l\'t; CJ;NTS pass ~ other {'(fulp. $875. A. this '65 Fo~ 1'~alcon. Auto-} • juinper _ sr 11 one, t11·fl. righ! for carh palle!'rl -add 2;; 673-<IOOJ j ~ I ~ maric trnns1nission lc.ss :.. ~----f"'n''f:'!'.1. ,,...111 ... :lf .. '1,.->J'"l\'~ .... ,~-s~io~"ij'~""1'~nl!'i for each pattern f.?.r FOR the sophisl!catcd sailor 'f /\lP/ • STAR G.A'7E".:>•j( 4 r:; thr1r1 30 000 actual '1nllcs CUTLASS SUPREME 'y.1, Ir Pi1n!f'<l PR.1t('rn :1 111 : lliill Mlrihlnd•Srieell•I lland .. kwho..wam»-&oia.L.Ca.w·~·~t-----f:::;:·'~'"o.!.''fg'";:.:._.::..::o; ' .6J -.&'--.... lJ"'I IPEP34il. 10 DAY l'.1REE 4 -c1r J.{T. Air & JXl"11t~ Sl1.rs 121~. J4 l:,:, 16,i. 1.~1 2, in~: olher1vise third-class pcrformal'let'. Lile "'eight Jl Al llS QsA.~LAN;--:---r~.,;.,;;.:'""+-----l-----ll.-11.---...+.:PW.l._-µ·CUAcl;...,_ wndws, brks & strg. Vh\YL 2012. 22111. l\l 1~~cs' Slz"s 10, clcllve1)' \11ill tak;_M~ 1i;1· Cat, mu"t sec. $1005. ~A~.J H ~our Ooilr AdirityGuiJ• M u ,r, 11~ Something Big GUSTAFSON ,x,r 3'1s1 9u':to ,!:',1. .. ....... ' [· i ' I I I I \\'eeks or more. .::io:11u to 675-6866 Pvt party. Alt 1t Y ,.ccorrling lo llr• Start. Y • • _, .. ~ 12· 14· 16· 18· Alice Brooks, the DAILY llOBIE 16. 7 mo., New cond . i)11.72~ To develop messoge for,T1J1:sday, oer. 2!.~ '68 Cadillac two door. Big Lincoln-Mercury 7141644-4608 t>ves. 1 : st;vr:::i..11'-FI''t~ r •:1"TS PILOT, 105. Nt-edlecrafl All t>xtras, trailer, $1900. 1 J5M5-8).a ftad words correspoiiding torunbers 4-lf.29 1~ • car. Bigger valoe. JO BAY 16000 Beach at Warner OU>S Delta, 88 hrdtP., '66; 4 !Qr .rach pa!lern -add 2l Dept .. Box 163, Old Cbeli;ea ""Hll30 eves,· or .. 1__ • ~TAUlUS of..awZodiocbirthslgn. · FREE TRIAL EXCHANGE. """""Mon Beach dr~ p/s, p/b & \v1n~ows, N''hl,ii; for each pattern for Station, New York. N.Y. days ""' "'';JU A'~-,. 1-~-JI Leod 61 tw ~~ GUSTAFSON 142.u4'4"'*05 ' (213) 592..5SM r&n. air cond. $ 6 5 9 ~ Air J\!ail aorJ Speclal Handl· lOOU. Print N•nte, AddrMS, MAY'° l'""'llh 3211 62Povmbtl ocr.21 548-81~ Ing: uther'A'ise thlrd-clas.<i Zip, htlftnl Number. * 30 IT. Owens O'uiser * ~ 1_ .S.lG.3! J A JJ Mltk• 63 That H.~ 11 Uncoln-Mercury ''Home of the Viking'' · 1 delivery wlll ltlke three N E E D L ECR.AFT '72! Large salon It Dying bridge .fMG.n ~ ~lidlncit ~ ~ 1; ~ S..U-SJ..51: t68(10 Beach at Warner '68 1'"0RD entry Sqr Wagon, PLYMOUTH f \\'ctks or mOtt!. Send lo Crochet, knit. etc. Free Good shape! $5,990 GIMll'tl 6!.cMn1we 361n uvr.itt tt:zkll. ' Huntington Beach alr, Jo miles, warr good un-GTX , • Jl.1arian Jl.1Artin, the DA.ILY directions, 50c. 494-9727 496-4020 m uAr 11 7Good 37 6« 67 'rour SAGm'AltUS 142-81441~ (213) 592.5544 lll Aug '73, see to apprec! ,I PILOT, '142, Pattern Dept., fll<iWll l\lacr11me Book. C--20, 5 hp engtne, needs JuHrJ ;~ ~~ =~~ -NOr.u .J..1 ''H ~-kl ,, $1290 Call af 6 PM ·1 • .1 23'J \Vest 18lh St., New Ba.s.lc, foncy knots, pat-\l.'Ork. $2T::i0 or best offer. ~.,: IOCiuld 4CIRomonce 70.scm. UC. 11 L\!'i ome mw VI "I kd · ter 1971 Plymouth GTX1 1"" York, N.".t'. lOOll. Print lcni~. $1.00. 6l:>--Ol&'\ 615 1271 e t~i?-f2>~ 111.-.c:orripltttd .. 1 ln!lttttttd 71 Wfl'/ •1 .. -. , ~O Cpe DeV\IJe gold ?'-.r!;. anytime ,S un · C.I.D., Auto trans, m NA.,U:, A.DDRF..SS \\-1th ln"llant Crclchet Book -; :>-ves, 70-8).88 12 ~ ' .. 2111 72 Bot-o • ""_....¢. w/goltf Inter Fully 'equip v,,,,...,...,..., stee~-' P\111' brakN, A\11 ZIP, IZE nnd STl"l.t: Lf'arn by pictures! Pat· ER~CSON 29, Wheel, loaded, CANCll Ille AJ Onl, 73 Mlttalc.a 21 OCMl mi's Pvt ply Musi '67 FORD Convertible XL-Fr..t/l'"M stcn:o, vinyl tOp; NU)f8Elt. tC1'15. $1.00. Bristol. $13,950. (.-..).J~~· JI ~~:~~~ ~~ ~;~~ ::.~~~lM sciJ I h1ake 0 [fe r , 500. Top cond. $875. 846-1323 ~tust st:ll. $3100.00. fh. SEE l\tORE Qu ick 1;o111plcte ln!ilantOlft8ook C11.IJ 675--0558 41htJUtT 1: '16Cop<lcom ,.6You 76Con • Eves/wknOs 586-2517. Days or53&-G697e1res. 1)15.\527after6. l·p Fashlon1 and choo...,. one -more than 100 5tl!ts -* LIDO J< No. 2012 * = ~·-11c;. .. , "7Ptndl119 '17MoU -JAJl.J' "A" -o '65 Galaxle 4•dr 'm•I I '66 FURY 1v"-n lb i a-. $100 18Coref11Uy A8Ri9ht '181 t.ms a. ,.l.S.28~ vo-.:ini · .. s •P S, '"'" • l> ra,e1 -· pattern f1-er from our · · 1'1;1ller. VERY NJCE! ' 163-16--1'-89 19And A9To 79 e. •t;o_ • ~CADILLAC. Reblt eng. p/b. Cood condition, $300. &. steering, air, l O\Vl'ICr 1"' Sprlng-Sutnmer Calalog. All Co1nplef" Ar11111n 80011. -A11klng $R75. 5.ll·'m.'17 • u o 1CL Ge11 300ut eoRou;h Good trnNpon•non car. 64G-9"'a63 $500. 646-73&1. a~~t'~! On\~ 50c_ _ _ -·· $1.00. ~ 21 Ob\tfr1ocy -sl 1111, 11 r,. •QUAllUL ="'-::=:=;';;;;;;-;:--::::--+"! ~,..--~i~~·~~~~;'i;:;;~~~·~•·;;•M"~rv~'~''i'i-"~"°'~·~;,1,~· .idso.!!'i;: fK~·rr~;;t'!'Eith~,.~l~ls~&~lr~lr~.JGoo<~~lf---~-l~ Jutr 1J 22Tedloo.i• f~ Pf'Olfl•"'t 12 v°"" 'JA11.10· s:zoo. &t:;;.'TOM '62 GM.AXY. --Good -stmpt'!. PONTIAC ,·· • ~w today, "~r tomOJ'J'O\\'. Bno1t or .... 1•r11e n.ic11•n."-. ..,. • .. .Hf...u · • • ~,.. ,1 · I ~t.ires,, $200. Ca ll ,_•", S1. !"JOc. Boa tt , Slip1J Oock1 91 0 :·f111:7?f3! ~~;:~ ~r;:f :;~cu ,!-14-\ Full Pwr $475 or . ., JNSTANT FA s IT I 0 N Quill Book 1 • 16 p.1tterns. · ~M .. _. 26Con .56A,_ 86 ~~1, '1-8 · BEST Of f'E'R! 536-1743 '71 FORD LTD 9·1>818 W8'Qn 'P/~ A/c Vf'.ry cl(!an~ DOOK -Hundreds n r Mc. l..tMTT -22' !or power boal. Vl•GO 27 PNdMI S1 And 117 Wa<j PISCO I '60 • '61 Cadllla<'S. Both In • l...oft~. Priced for quick ml. Xlnt. cond. • fQhion 1,~ •• 11 , Mu.11tUn1 Qllill' Unok t . -ACT'OSs from N e w p 0 r t ~u•.11 28 Sport. ~ Ston 81 Si>oit If'-1p ~ I ~ N 1.1.-M Mic Ol:IL.3555 nc11 'Xll'lll or (213) 437 '7.tl'.l ..... 50c_ Isli1.nd. Call 673-40'15. • 29Thtn .$~Y°"' 19Kf()I' 1 runnng UJ0"'· ew ruvuo::o. • · ~, -11111' Need. '"f>.d"T P11ce a.n ad! Qi ltt f TM Sf~ ~J 30T.-I f/JMifvr • 90 Heindl• MM. it mlle orftt, 84U376. • * 'TI. TORINO Sq, Waaon '65 GRAND Prix. i001t•1 • I t:lll &C367&. J31~ut'itu1 pa~~~~. s~!!41!>Sc~,t.NG Ol'eded • ~... ~Good @ AdttM ~~~ud l?-1!! uj ·72 CP& Di'VILLE SUnrf. ~~~mUtl •· below ~~·.run powt~ij!i l!!!llll!!!!!!•••!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!llll!!!llll!!!llll!!!llll!!!llll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!llll!!!!! ,.........,.., blue w/while 19. All facJ op. -· _..."'"· • ·~:::::;;:::_ ___ _:.::: ""':_, * M $-.Sl07 * tt1 _.,,, J7S..55G ..!!. --""'-'==-=---•----------------------:-----,,1.:~ne.=-==,==~-· Want Id"""''' •.• 6Uam C!auUtfd Ml •. , l4W61ll ~ .~ • -I .-' 7 ...... -~ . . . ' . . isirano -EDITION .,. ... ~ • .. T • • ' . • -• , Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks ' VOL. 66, NO. 92, ~ SECTIONS, 26 PAGES --ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA' MONDAY, APRIL ~. 1°973 TEN CENTS : ' Wind Gusts Up to 55 MPH Bombard Coast v By JOHN ZALL.ER Of 1141 o.11'1' Pltet Sl•lf Winds gusting up to 55 miles an~bour lashed the Orange Co:.st Sunday closing off a section of coast highway, smashing windows, and c r e a t i n g mayhem ln yachting harbors. No major damage or injuries were rrtported, buJ there. were an , estimated 100 capsized boats in coastal ~ areas, power failures affecting at .Jeast 6,400 persons, and the nonnal doses of broken High Court Lets Stand WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme CoUrt today let stand a lower court decision blocking construction of the controversial trans-Alaska o i 1 pipeline. • The hlgb court refused without com- ment or dWent an urgent government . tree limbs and yards strewn with The Oralige ' County !Wbor Patrol branches. reported Jowillg..in. at least 50 capsized The beavy winds began aboul"l1oon and • boats. alt.. sailo!s i_...i small craft blew a steady 25 to 35 miles an hour until wammgs that should have kept most It p.m., according to most reports. boats tied to their moorings. · Gusts in the Newport· Harbor area were "A lot ·of people thought tbey were i'eported. up-to 5r5 miles an hour. pretty good sailors until· they got out in ,Amateur meteorologist J. Shennao that wind," said Sgt.·Robert Bainbridge. Denny of Huntington Beacl\ said \be "BU\ It lakes more than a good satlor to winds were the heaviest since April, 1970. stay out ·Of trouhle 'wbea It's blowlog '50 The worst damage was reP,Orted in the knots."', · Newport Beach and Costa Mesa areas. In addition to the 50 rescues made by • X·Oll Bay Lands Irvine Com_pany Offers Property By TOM MUl!PHINE Of IM DNtr l"lltit ,,_,. SAN FRANCISCO -Irvine Company officials here today offered four public a g e n C i e s immediate possession , of riincbiands surrounding Upper Newport Bay. ~1:u::w;;nu;e°';~~ ~i~t -Meat -Pri·ces from Alaska's Nortll Slope to Congress. In an official statement, the Irvine COmpany offered "for l m m e d I a i e possession by interested public agencies thOSe Imne lands Ibey deem desirable for public·~p '!!L tbat the~ may . be eojoyeil by"the l'Ublic pending a wor~~le plan ~ compensate the cqm-, the Harbor Patrol, Bainbridge said there were probably another 50 capsized boa\s that ....,. helped by private ciliuos. He also reported four boats with broken mull and one that ran aground at 10th Street. "We were busy out there until mlcl- nlgbt·golog 111 fast we just completely Ig- nored the fliperwork.'.' he said .. "There wu'no way lie could keep up with all the repOrts with so many people dlsttgardlng our danger warnings." ·• In anolher Newport Beach Incident, two cars were burned near Irvine.Avenue aod 16th Street wheo an electrical 1lne fell on them . Both were lmOC'CUpied and parked. There were two large power failures in r.osta Mesa. One in north Costa Mesa beginning at 2:57 p.m. put .1,650 customers out of service for 49 minutes. Another failure in the downtown area began at '3: 11 p.m. and affected 1,300 customers for 69 minutes, Ed.1900 of. ficlals rePorted. . . In other coaJtaJ activity, Huntington Beach police issued a lrafiic advbory for motorists traveling on the Pacific Coast Highway at Bolsa Chica State Beach. Police said that drivers Ignoring .their warnings suffered saodblastinf and risked accident due to poor visibility from blowing sand. At Dana Point Harbor, the Harbor (See WINDS, Page I) _...08-S Protesters Awaited · S. Viet Head By JOHN VALTERZA Of "'9 De ... ,...., Sleff President Nlxoo and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu began a round of official talks at the · Western White House as hundreds of .._ •• tors chanted in oppooltlon at the gates of the presl4entlal estate in San Clemente. Thieu's helleopter touched down at the landi!ll pad olAbe Westem White - .@i_ li:lt LOI. -I full -..ml_fll . The government, !lie state of Alaaka • _, ,, , . • ~ a . ....-IWll ~l,ollif:'~ ""~ R _ -t.edz· the court to overturn a · n iisued m . Febru•ry by the U.S. ClttU!t Court of epor . y papy. "' • ,~ '-... ~ ... ;... --'~i:i~~ofa.:::r -. a tidQUU bcbinP In Upper Newport Bay. -·· -tool<--. .. l!lllltary bands, o VIP-1allooy Gf-IOO ' local clllzen• and • 11.gun ....... In- cluded In the welcome celebratioo. Appeals here. · The ctrcult COW1 said the govemrnent F ll L could_ no~ Issue permits for constructioo· a oiver of the pipeline on U.S.-owned land · · · because the right-of-way needed exceeds the 54-foot width allowed by the federal Mineral Leasing Act of 1920. 1be pipeline would require 146-foot widths. The government, describing the issue as a vital ooe involving national security (See PIPELINE, Page I) Gas Firm Mum On Rationing . ' . In County Area By 'lbe .u-Ioted Pres• On the picket line, at the dinner table and in the supermarket, consumers fought rising food prices today aa part of a natioowide meat boycott. The April 1-7 boycott -organized by a variety of consumer groups -caused a reported drop in meat sal~ in some areas. Lloyd Jarrell, meat manager at a giant open-air market in Richmond, Va., said, "Our red ·meat sales were off 20 to 30 percent over the weekend." The n\anager o~ the .u-Ioted Food Store ,Co-op, IDc.· in Manhattan said his business was affected "quite a bit." West Virginia hoosewives announced Texaco, one of the nation's largest plans for pickeUng various supermarkets gasoline retailers, today had no comment and distributing leaflets. on whether plans to ration gasoline to 200 Families throughout the nation said Los Angeles area stations would affect they substituted things like tuna fish or any outlets in Orange County. meatless casseroles for the usual Sunday Neither the head office in Los Angeles roast Leef dinner. nor ils affiliate in Newport Beach bad any U.S. farmers withheld livestock from information about gas rationing in local market temporarily last _,k to protest cities. A spokesman for Texaco, Los declining prices. Angeles, however said this morning a United Pres.t International reported hog "statement" on rationing wu expected prices were slightly off at principal llllcl- Irom the firm's corporate ~dquarters west markets In early trading, dropping this artemoon. · as much as $4 per 100 pounds at the big This, presumably, wlll be in response East st. J.ouU:, DI. martet, and at Joliet, to news reports that Texaco-would begln--ru., and-aa·mucb-... '3 et P<orla,w. rationing gasoline to 200 of Its mon than (Meat packen, some of wham decreed 1,000 Los Angeles area outlets. • pllint Iayl)/fs until the sltuatioo settles ' A spokesman for the Texaco station at down, watched a~bensively for trends 3001 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, said It lo beef ~. But beef prices -at was his undemanding that the ratioriing the live level not Included In the Jlelf would aflect only Independent dealera. price freeze _ edged II to lt.50 higher The independents, Ile said, buy Tezaco at principal markets, UPI said.) gasoline but sell it under a different President Nixon amounced Thursday label. nlgilt that a celling oo the price of all PLEASF.: YOURSELF beef, pork, and Iamb was t6 go Into (See BOYCOOT, Page I). It wai' also' v1ew..t· .. a major and dramatic stee toward ending the .debate and' legal" actions whlcll. have embri>Ue<I - tile Back Bay for the past decade. The ·company offer •was made In a high-level ,...loo here at San Francisco's Airport Hilton Inn to officials of the U.S. Department of Interior, state of Calilornia, county of Orange and city of Newport Beacll. Di&ILY~·._q,,.,~ . ! I '' , JANE· FONDA BRAVES CHILL WINDS TO JOIN PROTEST About 350 Po_rsons Gotherod .ti Son Clemonto Stet. Porlt : There was no Immediate reaction Crom the .public agencies. Irvine executives, however, aald the company's new posi- tion paper Waa well received by the public reprfftDtatives. lo addition to offering its lands sur- rounding Uppei' Neirport Bay, the Irvine Company lC?eed to cancel an ,appeal OD the current Bact Bay lawsuit. · This !slue whlcll baa been grinding through the courts for several years was to test the legality of the Upper Bay land swap. It began aa a so-called "friendly" lawsuit but opponents to the tidelands ex· change jumped into It and It soon became unfriendly. An Orange County superior Court decision ruled the swap constitutional. But last Feb. 23, the Fourth District Court of Appeal in San Bernardino over· ruled that decision. Tbe appeal court said that judicial precedents that appeared to support the trade don't apply in the Back Bay cue. It was a llO-page oplnlon and the legal pi>lllnn.u-e-wn·--or nont Is constitutioaal !or any public tidelands to be traded"lnto 1'ivate owoenhip. The ap- peals coort said no. The Irvine Company bad until 3:30 (See BACK BAY, Plge I) . ' lJ7 atergate Panel Chief Rej.ects 'Nixon's Off er WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen: Sam J. Ervin Jr. (D-N.C.), today rejected as wiacceptable P~ident Nixon's offer to produce White House aides for informal testimony in secret sessions of the special committee investigating the Watergate bugging case.· (Related story, Page 4). Ervin, lhe committee's chairman, said the Senate is ·empowered by Jaw to su~ wens any witness it wishes on its oMI terms and to mete punishment for refus- ing to -appear as a witness. "I am not willing to elevate a White ·iroUIO liae'ab&Vethe 'gregrli!l'sie.-of the American ·people,"' Ervin ·told a news conference. 11I•d0n't ibink 'we have any such -thing or sucll thing as royalty or nobility in this C0W1try that exempts a White House aide frorh appearing ·before a ~mmitfee . of . Congress just like anyone ·else who is subpoenaed," Ervin sai~. . .. . He said it Is "absurd" to bold" that the Senate is Impotent to deal with the White House in the Watergate case and recom- mended PreS!dent Nixon take a "refresher course" in the laws or evidence at Duke University, his alma mater. · Ervin also rejected the White House claim that presidential coumel John W. Dean ill is . exempted from appearing becauie .of bis Iaj\'yer-dient relalionshlp 'with' the-President ·and ·WhJt .. · House aides. CUSD Trustees to Mull Dean, Ervin .said, was appointed by Nixon to find out whether any of his. aides were guilty· of niisoooduct in the events surrounding the bugging o( Detnocratit ·National Committee head- quarters in Washington's Watergate of- fice complex last June. "Now he claims he was acting as their attorney," Ervin said, and accused Dean of a "confi.lct of interests." Ervin repeat~d a warning that be wilt About 350 dinting --began marcl!lnl alolig A vealda· del Presldente at.aliout II a.m., _many.of them carrying Viet Coo( Oap and placards. DozeN of the clemoastrators carried American nap as they arched in a long oval on a potcb of dirt alongslde the roadway. The turnout wu about the same as that which appeared Sunday oiaht at a rally at the nearby state park . Tactical squads lrom the Coeta Mesa and San Clemente Police departments - about ao officers -at.ood In rormauon at the location demonstrator• IDd authorities had agreed that the marchen would use as their stopping point. This mon)ing's march yJelded no arrests. After remarks. by both heads ol slate the men retired to Nixon's offices to begin two days of conferences relating to the rebuilding ol the wor-tGm nation and converting the fragile ceaae-fire to lasting peace. Critics have aaserted that 'lbieu is ~ the llnited States simply for "image building." HundredJ of thole critics were on hand at 109-acre San Clemente State Park Sun-- day as a howling wind turned a anti-war vigil into a cblUy affair (Plclurel, Pap 3). The total number of anU-11Ueu and Nixon demonslfa~.rs was about 350. In their ranks was actress and activllt Jane Fonda -protected by s e v e r a I bodyguards -but other memben of the group.iook..over.the speaklog.duties.. ___ --1 As the demonstrators sat on the cold ground members of a guerrilla theoter troupe perlonned an antiwar ptay. Wine and marijuana were abundant.during the early part of the overing: 'Ille park Is (See TIDEU, Pap I) o r .. ge '· '-'-fif,---1-~!e1d T....;p~ l..'f_.1.:::-..LJlA.LIL.l..!!..(JL....~~~~see~knal.tlle.ul!a~rre~s~tsLb-y-.th-.e-=-~~na~te~o~f ~aU~·l-~~_J!!!!!!!!~!:_~~-l~~-l I;"' _r..JJ __ .Li ~-Wh~te House aides who refu!W?· to honor Weedier Ervin said he would first issue. "an SUnny and windy Is the way the , I I engraved invitation" and then· a forlnal weatherlady sees it for Tuesdly, trip would be to "instill an attitude of subpoena H tllat were refused. : with highs of ~ at the beaches, ris-· reopect and appreclaUoo fer o u r Ervin said Nixon is giving the ap-ing to 72 Inland, Winds are H· Democratic principles." pearaoce of covering up tbe'.hcts ..• He -~ to-decr·ease to •5 miles-· Two claaes at the 9Chool, plus two called this "totally Unbecoming" and "a A"'"•t.'\I ~ _. other classes from Rkbafd Henry Dana (See WATERG~TE, Page I) bour. Overnight lows in the 50s. Elementary School in Dana Point are INSIDE TODA 'Y hoping for board permission that would -Are JIOU flght!nQ mad abo•I a allow them to !ravel to the capital In Wt.id ow ·Brok\ en: .. )Ag-8_,i_n d<f<CtiVfl product vou """" pUI' June. ., . cha$•d, or a 1<!'.11\Ct:.JIP!'./\iiU< '111e •trlp1""'"'d QQI reiiutre ovtt:Jligltl I S J · · · ri l"-'-ww:1or.fh9l':iunllil «•.t .. 1«W a sta)'ll, ·bul.. insieOcl , ~d hiVo!ve n an ·nan ·»nrg a•,j d'tid1 r ni...cia? column1>1 svivia boanllng a plane early lnJjle day, touring · 1 • • • Porter t<lb you ·how to sue i11 &crt mel\to, theni. returning late the · Burglars wbo smashed a trindow smal t claims court todot1 on same day. • , • recentiy replaced after being broken by Pane 18 The Itinerary would. incliide lan~marks earlier Intruders carried of! three cases • · • ' su~as Si.ltter'' Fort, the govemor'1 of liquor rrorn a Sain Juan Capistrano ...... '' A11111 L•"''" ,, l •• I di . d ri th ::l: d Or . L .M. ~ 1 MrMt It m on, -\be caplto auu->n' an restaurant u ng e w en , ange c•1H1r111t 1 ".,..... ....,. 4 museum. t County Sherilf's offlcen aa d. .. c~ 11.i. 0r ..... (Mftly • ~d9.1'1f"llti--'~\iUiii'~ililOlt-iiii-ii-iiifo'iT911r~-t-t.:::;~~-l!-"'~>"'.'~~t-~-1 boardb!l •t Orange C.OUnty Airport after Adobe llettaunnt, ~ llatl Cam l-n o ::..a~",C:. : \::::'"' u.: breakfu t and~ret?ll}lrig bdme bef1~ dift. C&plstrano at -tt74. They said the :=._. ,..~ ::=:: ~ ner. burglan smuhed the window to gain en-~"" "._. 1 ._.,,.... u.t• The averap COii per pupil would be try and then pried open the dOOr ol the ..,_ " --• aboUt $2&. Uquor supply room. . . -' ! ) " I Z: D.ll.LY PIL01 SC Monday, Apr il 2, l!J73 F rom P •ge J THIEU ... about a quarter mile from Nlxon's The basic premise of the demonstrators is U\at Th1eu ls.J,n the Un1ted States in an attompf le npalr a poor public llDOlge ind that he plans to asscrtcdly "auction ofr" South Vietnam to American business interests. 1 No one could really say why the demoostrations \\'hich "'·ere so heavily publicized drew so !cw persons. One young girl huddled near a bonrire Sunday night said , "If they thought they were golng to gl!t 3,000 people to lhls thing, they were crazy ." 1be marching was expttled r:O continue today and 1hcn shift Jo the advocates of Thieu and Nixon tonight. New Jersey minister Dr. Carl ~1clntire plans to bring h1s fundamentalist block to be same area and conduct a rally in support of Thieu and his regime. The le£tist demonstrators said Sunday they planned to be on hand to 6reet the con· servative forces. That activity is scheduled to coincide with the arrival of Thleti and his wife for a pi'ivate dinner at La Casa Pacifica starling ~t a p.m. Tuesday's activities at the compound were scheduled to involve large numbers of aides to both heads or state and will last through the morning hours. In the afternoon the President and Thieu plan to make concluding statements on the lawn in front of the Presidential villa. Thieu will leave for Washing_ton, D.C. later in the day .where more talks arc scheduled. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew will serve ·as official host for those discussions. The arrival of Thieu in Los Angeles SWlday to meet President Nixon and thank the United States for keeping "America's word to a small nation," set off a confrontation between pro-and anti- Thieu Vietnamese. · · Police held the rival groups apart and there was no violence. As Thieu climbed into his JimOWline. the pro-Thieu demonstrators streamed toward the anti-Thieu faction, yelling in- sults and brandishing placard sticks ,and 12-foot long banner poles as weaPons. A line or police raced between the two groups and held them about 30 yards apart. They screamed insults at each other until the pro-Thieu group · was she pherded into buses. During a 14-hour stopover in Honolulu. Thieu videotaped an emot ional thank you speech to the American people, praising their "supreme and disinterested acerosity. From Pagel WINDS ... Patrol lowed in nine capsized boats where small crart operators ignored warnings and went sailing anyway. One , boat reportedly smashed into the jetty at the harbor mouth. Control tower operators at Orange County Airport said the winds were the iworst in three years. No accidents were reported, but officials said at least a dozen light planes were diverted to ::apistrano Airport and Long Beach Airport because of the winds. In Laguna Beach 900 residents had a 90-minute J)O\Yer failure. Edison reported. Another 1.500 residents in the Saddleback Valley area.!Jad a 30-second power break. No damage was reported in the Irvine and Saddleba.ck Valley areas outside of dust stirred up from a few newly plowed fields. Nine Flee Blaze --On Cabin Cn1ise r Nine persons were rescued unharmed Sunday after their $50i000 cabin cruiser caught rire, burned to the waterline and sank in Emerald Bay off Catalina Island , officials reported . The passengers, includi ng several small children, reportedly jumped in the water and were picked up by a passing boat for transport to Avalon Harbor. DAILY PILOT l"IMM by Rlclllnf KMftltr SANTA ANA FIREMEN POUR WATER ON CHARRED BUii.DiNGS AT FOURTH AND SPURGEON Smoke From Blaze Early This Morntng Visible for Miles; lnvestig•tors Check fo r Arson --------F rom Page 1 BACK BAY.-.. p.m. this afternoo n to appeal that decision lo the California Supreme Court. Under tern-is of its new policy sta le· mcnt, Irvine will apparentl y abandon that appeal. Today's negotiated agreement on the lands around Upper Newport Bay does not come as a total surprise:" Fifth District Su~rvisor Ronald Caspers acknowledged that Orange C o u n t y government and the Irvine Company were working on a negotiated ~greement. He divulged thi s nearly one year ago, on July 14, 1972, at a meeting of the Orange County Coast Associa tion. Originally, the Upper Bay swap between Irvine and Orange County was approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 6, 1964. It called for the county tQ give Irvine 157 acres of Back Bay tidelands. In ex· change, Irvine would give the county 450 ?Cres of its bay uplands for public use as park and recreation areas. Tribesmen Kill Hospital Patient PORT MORESBY, New Guinea (UPl) -Tribesmen carrying bows and arrows attacked a hospital Sunday in the Western Highlands, killed one patienl and seriously wounded another, a police spGkesman said today. The attack followed an inciden t earlier Sunday in which patients \\'cnt lo the aid of a hospital driver attacked by .six men. Public Scliools Wee k Observed Public Schools \Veek \Viii be observed April 9 to 12 with open houses for parents at each Capistrano Unified School District school. 8peciaI activities are planned by pupils ·and staff at each school and houn will be 7:30 to 9 p.m. unless a school designates otherwise. The schedule will be : -April 9: Las Palmas, Viejo , Capistrano and Ole Hanson elementary schools. -April 10 : Marco Forster Junior High School. -April 11 : Dana Hills and San Clemente high schools. -April 12: Concordia. Crown Valley, Palisades-Serra, Richard Henry Dana and San Juan elementary schools. Girl Saved From Capsized Craft PITTSBURGH (AP) -In a real-life version or "The Poseidon ,Adventure" movie, a 12·year-old girl was tr"apped ior two hours in a capsized small boat, kept alive by a pocket of ai,r inside the hull. A Coast Guard helicopter crew fought steep, wind • whipped waves oo the Sac ramento River Saturday to res~ue Mary Anne Clark and her dog. Officials said Mary Anne was boating with her mother ; sister, Kathy, 13, and the boat's owner, Jack Warner, when u·avcs seven or eight feet high capsized their small boat. lrviI1e Co1npa11 y Releases Upper Newport Bay Policy Specia l to the Daily Pil ot SAN FRANCISCO -Here is the full text issued here today by the Irvine Company relative to its new policy position on Upper New- port Bay: THE IRVINE COMPANY still concurs in the legal views ex· pressed to the courts by its attorneys and by the Attorney General on behalf of the State Lands Comn1ission that the Upper Newport Bay Land Ex change is legal and constitutional. Nevertheless, the Company believes that rather than continuing litigation on the con· stituUonal and other issues, the interests of all concerned are better served by a fresh · approach inv-0lving mutual and concerted efforts by public agencies and the Company to achieve public O\vnership o! the Company's lands in Upper Newport Bay. ~ F ou1· Santa Ana Stores Destroyed By Ra ging Fire A raging ' fire or undetermined origin swept through four businesses in down- town Santa Ana early today keeping 45 rlremen busy for three hours. Smoke from the blaze could be seen for miles. The fire originated in a ·gymnasium above a Mexican-American resi1turant and spread to three adjoining brick and stooe structures. Damage was esti- mated at $175,000. There were .no in· juries. Destroyed was the El Castillo Casa de! Mariachi. 302 E. 4th Street at the southeast corner of Spurgeon Street, the R and R Sportswear Store, a record shop and a barber shoir, The blaze broke out at 4:17 a.m. and was reported through a fire alarm box. It was uoder control at 7 a.m. Fire officials are investigating the Possibility of arson. The fire was in an area planned for reha bilitation under the city's recefitly adopted downtown reconstruction pro- gram. From Page J BOYCOTI ... effect today. But leaders of consumer groups said the boycott was being beld anyway because the ceiling would not be effective. Although some New York restaurants reported patrons asking for more meat- less dishes than usual, a spot check of restaurants in the Chicago area showed most restaurants doing a booming busi· ness. "Right now, \li·e've got a y,•aiting line of 20 minutes, and I've seen a lot of steaks going by," said Frieda Marianos, service manager at a Chicago restaurant where the best steak costs $7.50. A sampling of Detroit area supermar- kets showed customers in large numbers were avoiding meat counters. "We've been selling chicken, that's all." said Cheri Killingsworth, a meat clerk at a Detroit food store. An assistant manager at another chain store agreed that it was "really bad." Joining the ranks of meat boycotters in ~lichigan was the Rainbcl\v People's party, forme rly knovn1 as the W h i t e Panther party. A party spokesman ex- plained, "l\1eat prices arc criminal , and we're in favor or all political action like this." . --. ' . ' ITT GW•······ - Ste s to Block Allende WASHINGTON (AP) -ITT Chairman tlarold S. Ceneen testified today his com- pany did not take any steps to block the election of Salvador Allende as presldenl ol Chile in 1970. In testimony for the Senate foreign relation! subcommittee on multinational corPorations, Geneen said "all that I'IT dld was to present its. views . concerns. and ideas to various departments of the U.S. govermnent." ' · Not only was this a c;onstitutional right, Geneen said, but also the obli@:ation of International Telephone aOO Telegraph Corp. in protecting shareholders ancl employes. · . Gencen said 11T 11did not encourage or. participate in any way lo any alleged plot for a military coup in ChUe tQi block the election of Dr. Allende, Nor did I'rr con- tribute · money to any persons or to any agency of any government to block the election or Dr. Allende." (United Press Internationa l reported today that Geneen acknowledged today he offered to contribute funds: to the CIA to suppart the opponent of Allende in the election. (Geneen told Senate investigators, however, that "the subject was obViously dropped" and insisted that rrr never contrlbuted money "to any person or to any agency of any government to block the election of Dr. Allende.") John A. l\1cCone, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and now an I'f'T director, told the panel Marth 21 that Geneen sent him to Washington' in September 1970 to inform high govern- ment officials that I'IT was ready to con- tribute up to $1 million "in support of any government plan for the purpose of bring- ing about a· coalition of opposition to Allende." In earlier testimony, William V. Broe, a CIA agent then in charge of Latin American clandestine operations, also said Geneen told him as early as July 1970 he was willing to assemble a substantial political Jund to support the candidacy of an opposition candidate to Allende. Geneen said today he did direct an ap- proach to the State Department and the White House office o~ Henry A. Kissinger "lo tell them we had grave concern over the outlook for ITT's investment and ~vere de~irous of discussing our thoughts 1n \Vashmgton and were willing to assist financially In any government plan to help protect private American invest- men1.in Chile." · · Geneen said he did not recall offering a contribution fo the CIA's Broe ln July, Marine Struck By Train, Dies With Wife, Son OCEANSIDE (AP) - A railroad switch engine hit a car Sunday night, fatally in· juring a young Marine and his wife and 3-year-old son. Police Lt. A. J. Doucet said the warn· ing signal was flashing at the crossing, and the engineer blew a whistle. The victims were identified as Lance Cpl. Laurence Blasingame and his · wife Cathleen, both 22, and their son Chase, all of Oceanside. Mrs. Blasingame was killed at the scene of the crash. Her husband died two hours later, and their son died early today in Oceanside Com- munity Hospital. Their car was carried 1,700 feet down the tracks by the northbound Santa Fe engine which was moving three other engines and a caboose. The engineer was identified as Floyd R. Wellage, 56, of San Bernardino. Denied 1970, but accepts Broe's testimony that it \Yas mentioned since "It is a matter I might well have raised in view of my concerns. ''lo any event,'' Geneen said, "the sub- ject was obviously dropped and I did nothing further abo)lt ij." Frowa Pqe J PIPELINE ... -. •• • and the nation's balance-of-payments r drain due to the need to import oil from•: foreign buyers, asked not only for high court review but also an extraordinarily ,_,. speedy rtSQlution by the high court.' · "· Oil issues were actively traded todayr on Wall Street and suffe~ steep de-Jlf ~lines in the wake of the high-oourt rul-"" _......- mg. Continental Oil, the Big Board's most active issue, fell initially l 1..!: to 3614, Al· !antic Richfield was down 4~ to 731h and Standard Oil or Ohio dropped 5 to 98¥... Alaska Interstate, which is in· volved in the project, fell initially 3~8 lo 2811. ' The high court's .reruaal to consider the case virtually guarantees still more delay in the project, an Interior Depart- ment official commented, becau~ it left 1_ envirorunental questions to be resolved ·only after Congress settles the legal prob- lems of the pipeline right-of-way. Jared G. Carter, deputy un· _ dersecretary, said be could not estimate ~ how much delay woold result, but tbinU th~ environmental question could be resolved "in a fairly short time.". The pipeline stirred storms or con- troversy over its potential impact on the environment. . The-Wilderness Society and !our other e.nvironmentallst groups began the litiga- tion that blocked construction of the 719- mile pipeline. Jn a counter brief, they 1 urged the high court to uphold the circuit " ju.dges and leave the issue of right-of-way width to Congress where several bills have been introduced. CdM Man Gives Grant to School An emeritus professor who served as the ~JJ'Sl dean of UC Irvine's graduate division has, with his wUe, donated $700,000 lo lb_e University of 01.icaao. Dr. and ).Jrs. Ralph W. Gerard of Corona del Mar made the gift, announced Salurday by unive rsity officials. The 11 grant will be used to improve teaching and scholarship on the campus where Gerard spent more than 25 years. While there, the psychology professor earned an academic reputation which led the New Xork Times to rank him among the top 100 contributors to the social sciences during the 20th Century. Dr. Gerard, 72, was professor ot psychology at the Irvine campus and is professor emeritus. lie came to the cam- pus in 1964 , the year UCl opened. Gerard has been president of the UCI Friends of the Library. From Pflfl'! J WATERGATE ••. terrible disservice to the high olfice of president." As he has since the beginning of the Senate investiga tion, Ervin refused to comment on the substance or the case or to answer questions about any of those who may or may not be involved. Ervin, waving Sµpreme Court reports above his head, cited legal precedents dating back to Chief Justice John Marshall to back his claim. The owner of the 44-foot He-Nomoiki, Dr. Robert Reed. said the fire broke out in an inaccessible area ol. the galley and Sfil'ead to other ~rts of the boat. The He- -Nomoiki sailed rfom'l\1arina de! Rey. Accordingly, for its part the lrvine Con1pany liereby pledges its willingness anclln!enLionJo: (II Refrain from appealing lo the California Supreme Court t.he appellate court decision in the case of Orange County vs. Hein1 . -New! General Beclric's i -c-oMf:..m-1 INSTALLATION INCLUDED General Electric: I I I OIAN•I COAST K DAILY PILOT (2) Work with the Orange County Board of Supervisors to find mutually acceptable means -Of terminating existin.S lawsuits. . (3) Offer for immediate possession by interested public Tiie Orlllllt (0.$1 OAILY PILOT, Wllll wlllcll d • bJ •• cornll1111111 111e N•..,·Prni, 11 ouDu.,.ec1 by agencies those Irvine lands they deem es1ra e for pub- ~ 0r.rr111 co111 Put>111M1111 c'am1Hny. se~ lie ownership so that the lands may be enjoyed by the r111 ..sJ11on1 '" 1>11D11111ec1, Monc111 111ro111111 public pending a '''~rkable plan to compensate the Com· Fr11t11, l1lr Coii~ Mn.t, ~llWPOrt le.icti., Hunt!"'l!ton l e1te111F1111"'1111 ve11ty, LIGIH'I• pany. aeee11, ••vln•1S1011111»ek anc1 s.n '""""'"' (4) Consider all reasonable forms and terms of co1npensa· s ... Ju-n c11111ir•l'IO. " 11111111 reg1-1 tion, in cluding but not limited to. deferred payments or Miiion II pYt>ll1llecl S.tunl111 Ind SUn01v1. I f d J h 1111 J:1<fl'tC1,.1 P111>1i,111ri9 1111111 11 11 U> w,11 exc 1ange or surplus public Jan s e sew ere. , __ _,_.. ~tr .. i.....c. .. -111_.,...Clltfllml•, tt.•~··------ Rob1rl N. w11" IT IS CLEAR TH AT early accomplishment of public ownership Prn1c11111 ,.,.. Putt11Nitr of Upper Newport Bay lands \Viii require a co-0rdinated an d energetic v1ct Prn~·~~ ,';;, 2:..'.~~ M• ... 91' effort on the part of lh e ·interested public agencies. Therefore, the lho!T\j1 "••vii Irvine Compan y respectfully su ggestS and urges that those agencies, 1:,1tor as their interests appear, promptly undertake the following actions: TI!ci11111 A. Mwtphin1 (1} Expedite conclusion of the work of the Upper Newport Ch•rl•• H. ~.·;:•1rio f.'~7'cJiird '· Nill Bay Field Committee currently chaired by the Depart- >.u111.,,, M•ntt1111 ea11or1 1nent -Of the Interior. s.. CHHtt OHk• (2) Determine final boundaries and expedite the completion JDS North El C1111 ino R11l, t2•12 or the appraisal process now under way. °'"'"Off'-(3) Develop as rap dly as possible a recommended funding H•.;;;',· .~:; :uwH·:~r ~':C.~ and/or exchange program for early actiori l>y participat· ~'lnOIOn 1Ydl~ 11911 •1tdl '°"'-"'"' ing a(Jencies. Wtlil!lf l1tdll m F-11 A"'ff\..,. I" 1 .. .,.... ,714 , ,.2 ... 121 (4) Establi sh a Task 1'"'orce composed of representatives of ap- Ct...lflo4 Ad,.rtl•fllt 64 2•5671 -propriale pu blic agencies and the Irvine Company to meet regularly to expedite the recommended program. 5• ci.-11te All o.,ort-11'1: (5) Review ""ndin" la\VSuits~\villLthe...obJ'ectivc of terminal· 1.-.,... 492-4410 f'... "' c..,'""'· ,,1 j, Or•• co..i Pvbl1th111t 1n~ them on mutuaJI,v accept:tb~l~e~te~r~m:s·:~~~~~~~~~-t~~::::::~~~;,iil l---l-~°"':;;;:":;""'·,..:1"!,,''\'P..,~~;;;!!!~~~+-------ll'!---!'e.elL.wa¥s to t;iko. Immediate pos&eision ot Ibo deslr: l!Wlr t11 rtoroc11X.,.t .-r:::i.111tt.= lands pending a wo rkable plan to compensate the Com- rnt...-i ot C011Yrlfll1 OWt!tr'. pany. lec9nCI ciat.· .,..,._.. ptld If eo.11 Mett, " Cell'°""', Mto-i.tloll °' UPTltr $l' 61 "'°""""'' -... ftMN u is INll"'"'' 1r1ru,.,., GIVEN THE MUTUAL EFFORT and cooperalion herein pro-.,...,._ .,_.. l!\Ollllllr. posed, the Irvine Company Is 6ope!u1 that early accomplishment of compatible public and private ob)ectJves Is possible. I • •I I I "IEST IUY" DISHWASHER I . e 20.8 cu. FT. NO-FRosr I TI ~~,; .. 1 J8l ewir6.96c..Ft.w I 1· 9995 II llOl,DS II' TO 29 POCNIS-I PROlllB *"MORE L ftlfFzet c.wcrrv TIWI I r • ..., nr....., ..,... t.lod tl SD21 0N I ,.., ""' 1ur-1NXRK I MODEL EVER MMJEI lncludet chol<e or <0lor on '369'' front PIMl ll1ld removal of I L old dlshwuhor, , ------ Phone 548-771 1815 NEWPO;lT ILVD., COSTA MESA , ' · .. ' I ! •. ,. ' • • • • .. ,I ·' :1 " • • .1 .. • . ·I ., r ·1 I ,. ' :· • . ·' ' • . •• ·' •' . ' la DAILY PILOT l • • • "-. . . • SC How SmaII Claims-Settle.d COMPLETE-NEW YORK sroCK UST - I l • • -- • Pearson In 500 . . .. "" ···•-J.'T •••·~ Mond'1, April 2, 1973 DAILY PILOT J.7 UCI's Spence Turned Down : " ' • • riumph ~-Pro-Basebfili Contra-c·----t · -• • - ATLANTA (AP) -David Pearson survived a torrld duel • with Cale Yarborou6'h Sunday -llUI. gunoed his applHed· and white Mercury to vlctory before 72.000 persons In the Atlanta 500-mlle stock car race. l'earson, a 38-year-old two- tim! Grand National cham· pion, and Yarborough had alternated In leading the $111,ZZS Spring Cllissic almost rrorn the opening gun. But Yarborough's C~vrolet ran into overheating problems while leading by a narrow margin with less than 50 miles t<l go and Pearson moved ahead to an easy triumph, his second major one of the ~son. The two were the only s\rong runners left during the latier stages. Rich!ird Petty, stock car .... raclng's only $1 million winner, had h I s tnJChJne wrecked short1y after the. hallway point and such !!Q!ables as Mark Donohue, BObby Allison, A. J. Foyt and Pete Hamilton were forced out wUh mechanical woes. Pearson, winner of six ma- jol-fVents an0:-$137,705 in the sl)IJle Wood Brothers Mercury la_st year, completed the 328 lapg around the 1.522-mile course in 3 hours 34 minutes 53;4eCOnds. His. speed for the ra;c.e was 139.391 miles an hour..--am his share of the prize money was $16,175. :<nie greying Spartanburg, S.c,, driver had started ninth in a 40-car llneup that had been put together through the aje-old process of drawing ntunben from a hat. ~Three days of raJn bad w';lsbed out qua lifying trials and, in the grab-bag selection: o~ the lineup, G o rd o n Johncock's Chevrolet started in the pole position, with Bob- by Isaac's Ford in the other front row spot. Isaac went on to place sec- ond, more than three m.lles hack. Jolmcock dropped out before the race was over. Ben- ny Parsons came in third in a Cbevrolet, Buddy Baker was foUrth in a Dodge while Y1rborough limped home in fifth place. Though Pearson and Yarborough dominated the race,,Petty and Isaac beJd the lead at times in the early going. After the early flurry, however, Pearson and Yarborough swapped the lead 21 times. Girls End Cage Play The Mad llatters and the Thunderbirds finished second in· Southern California after ~ satcessful seasons in the Hun- t~gton B e a c h recreational basketball leagues. The Mad Hatters a r e members of the Ponytail · League and are fifth and sixth giade £iris. The Thunderbirds played in the Junior Misses circuit and are seventh and efghth graders. Both season.1 have been concluded. Debbie Burlison is the coach of the Mad Hatters which in- clude Dee Dee ~teng, Theresa Riel. Megan Christopherson, Sandy f..tartz, Karen Senske, Johnna Gonza les. Barbara Minear and Pam Rico. On the Thunderbirds of ~ach Ron Burlison (Debbie's father) are Afichele Burlison, Jblie 1\1 u k e r i o , Becky Woodruff, Kim. Wilson, Lorna ¥ullallay, Dianne Stuart and Joelene Lanage. The Mad Hatters lo~ the championship game of the RUntington Beac h city cham- pionship to the Goofys then ~tered the Orang~ County MUnicipal Athletic Association ti>Umament and \\'On it. " DAILY l'ILOT SI.ill Photol By BOWARD I. BANDY better hitter with l!1"'1 on Of .. wu... ..... __ baJe." __ _ When the UC Irvine baaeball record l>oob are rewritten at the conclus!M of the current campotgn, they'll have to put an Initial wtth tbe last DIJlle it Spence. ·Tom Spence has his name Inscribed oo the curnn!.J!>eet in many hitting categories but his 80pbomore brother RAld Is pressing him and if his cur- rent heroics continue. be will be the family's number one hitter at IJC! before the year is ended . Rod already had five home ,runs and 23 rbi in the fl.rst 22 games, less than half the cur-- rent season. The UCI seaSon homer mark Is s(x by Jell Mallnolf last year. Brother Tom had seven in his . two years with the Anteaters. llelng the team's leading rbl man and home run hitter bears out this contention. Rod plans on playing sum· mer baseball in Boolder, Colo. under Chapman coach Bob Pomeroy. His name Will M' known to baseball fans in that area because Bob played there ahead of him. 'Mie young ouUielder·first baseman will reach his 20th birthday Tuesday and under CUJTent baseball rules, he can- not be touched by the pros this year. But when he turns 21 next season as a junior, he can be drafted again In the summer, and Rod Jsn~ sorry. He had Wbat are bta ·thoughta -along -opporllmltie'r to attend USC this Hnel "If they offer me enough and Santa ~la:a bot Jn the money r think 1 will be final analym, 1t was honesty teriipt~d to take it. I'll be far that paid off for th e enough along In school by that Anteo!An. time ·so I can finish in the oU· .. Coach Adams was M!ally season." honest with me.. He told me Rod is stud,ying soc J a I exactly what he could do and science at UCI and feels he he bas don~ it. Of course, l would like to go into business knew Crom Tom just what to in the accoWlting field when expect, too." his baseball playing days ar~ 'i'-'• there will be initials in ended. lllll UC! baoebalt record book Being the youngest of the at seasoo's end and they will three Spence brothers, he has be.Prominent ones in both in- been influenced by both of his stane:es. T. Spence and R. elders. Tom was the one who Spence. -quite a peir to draw Influenced him to attend UC! to. ' I CLARE VANHOOREBEKE JS HUMBLED BY THREE HOURS-OF ACCOLADES. When Rod graduated from St. Augustine High In San Diego, he was drafted on the 17th round by the AUanta Braves and subsequently of. fered a contract for around $30.000. Why then did he tum to college baseball instead of a diamond caree_r? Nixon Pays Tribute to Van; 1,500 Come to Honor Coach "l\.1y older brother had a lot to do with my going to school,'' he says. In this in- stance, Rod is referring to Tom, the eldest of the three Spence offspring. "He's in pro baseball and he kind of told me I should go to school and then I would have something to fall back on. He· also said you are treated bet- ter in pro ball when they can't push you around." ' By ROG1'R CARLSON Of ftM DlllY l'lltt ltetf The end of an era came to pass Sunday night as 1,500 paid homage to C I a re VanHoorebeke with a testimonial dinner at Anahein1 Convention Center. Saluting the former Hun- tington Beach High dropout, who went on to become the man who guided Anaheim High to 16 SUnset League champiorahips and a pair of CrF football titles in 23 years, were people lrom all comers. A CDmmendation ! r o m Presidenl Richard Nilon was presented to the Anaheim Fox, along with tributes from former players, coaches, ad- ministrators and adv-ersaries on the gridiron. In addition to severnl plaques, a couple of lamps and a portrait done by Laguna Beach High coach Hal Akins. VanHoorebekc and his wife, Vi, were presented wit b a motor home in which lo travel. Accolades, thank yous and well wishes prevailed and at conclusion VanHoorebeke's parting words were: "All l can say is thanks. These years have been a greit VAN-ALONE WITH HIS THOUGHTS. experience. There's been a lot of great moments, but a lot of heartaches, too." Su'T'minR -up his career at Anaheim VanHoorebeke said, "I've had my God, you players and these two up here with me,'' a!I he embraced his wife and daughter Otris. Cerrito!! College coach Ernie Johnson called Van, "A good guy, an outstanding coach and a superb American." \Vestminster High coacll Bill Boswell said, "Van has done more fM football and young people than any other. He brought Orange Couoty foot· ball out of the dark ages and to know Van is to love Van." Southern Calilomia coach Joh n McKay termed VanHoorebete as. the-'4hest single coach I've ever run in to." Cap Sheue, his original root· ball coach at Huntington -Beach High, rec ol I ec t ed memories of his association with Va nHoorebeke and finished: "The mor81 o( the story is never give up on a boy. especially a C I a r e VanHoorebeke." And 1.1t. San Antonio College coach Mal Eaton remarked, "He made high school coaches go to work." Cal State (Long Beach) coach Jim Stangeland said, "He retires from football a wealthy man . There's never been a finer person in foot· ball." Stange land is also a Huntington Beach High gr8d. And former Anaheim player Bill Miller summed up the en· tire evening, saying, "Truly, this is the end of an era." Tom was signed out of Santa- Clara UnJversity bY the Chicago While Sox. This year he Is with the Philadelphia - Phillies organization. All three came up as first basemen. Rod knew he had a tough act to follow at UCI with Jeff fi.1alinoff a year ahead ol him in school. But this didn't bother him and he has been switclled to the outfield to get his big bat in the lineup on a regular basis. Does it bother. him to play ..,;;::;;;;::..-. the ouUieJd? "! had a Jot of trouble out UC IRVINE'S ROD SPENCE PREPARES TO SLIDE. there last year," he recalls. "I--------------------------------- guess it was having to adjust to the envtronment. I started slow and lost my confidence and began punching the ball. "I'm not that kind of a hit- ter and during the swnmer I went back to my old way of hitting and I think it's helping me this year. "As for playing the outfield, I think I can concentrate more on my hitting in the outfield and I'm beginning to enjoy it." On many teams, Rod would be the cleanup hitter but for UCI this season he hls hitting behind that man again - l\1alinoff. "! think I like hitting behind Jeff. There is a Jot of pressure on oppoelng p&hers. I have more of a chance with somebody on base, too. The front guys get on and then the pitchers try to pitch around Jeff. "I don't feel any pressure batting fifth. I also think I'm a For coast Area Sports Calendar Mold.iy (.\Ir, I) E•lanc:l1 11 SA V.iu..,1 FDUnl1ln V•lley Tr.tek -l.C.+• M<rw II S.A V•11•~ II CC>SI• M-. WH!m Mfef' ,, Nl wtlOl'1 ll:l~J.· H1rtlor, Slnll AN If Huntl119lon Tennis -Sin DltvO Sl•I• II vc Buch. LIMrl II ~rln.i, Wfflm.n~••• Leading JC Swim Clockings Irvin .. 12:11>· ,, Newport H1rbor, D&NI Hills II Sid· lllM.iv (Apr. S} dltoltk.. Unlver.irv •t Uq....,. Beech, wl &11eb1U -.. oun.1ln V•tltv II Mlsllon Vlt!O ,, Or•"'"· kn Clement• Toti JI~ s m n-CCH"-oel /Mr, un . .,.rt.ltv 11 D1n1 1t vm1 Part.: ·1J:l5J, UC •·YIM 11 «IO medlt'f' rel1y -I. PHlden1 ,..,,.,., ""''"'°" ... :.A . _,,_ , -··~·•· •• , R.tdla11d1, P•llden• 11 S o 11 1 11 er 11 )·461 · 2 00•"''· v1n-., __ ... m , .... t · ~:!::.i.::• ;,o.ii;:.::n.~~~~on .. ~•t~ ~:·:::-~~ ~wi:.':°tt30~'. 21. LA 4." on• c:::1 s:;i..t,S."A....;.;~~ H-l>Ort HtrDOr, w I 111 r n II Sil ........ II.pr. 7) ......... l :S2.I. Ottlen -t. Get-. •• , ..... e~ ..... 11111r, l...UUlll ~IC·• ...... nor., Swimming -CIF PN!lh'l"ll "' a.a-S:M.l. Ml"lon Vltlo 11 Foollldl1,.l:I Mooeni 11 rnont Pl111 h1_,I, South Co.st 1.000 free -1. H1rwy lflllleriolll S.fl \.JllTMfl11, /Mitt" ..,., •• ...... ...,. Conf1rel'l(1 chlm11lon1hl0$ .ii C1rrllos t :M.51 2. Ann Slmmom (Lortg 811d!) Amt!, I.Olli ,..,."' II Loi. Al1mhos 1•11 ft 1.m.). lO:lJ.71 l. T-'lillftd (fool11111l 10:24.<t r .ir J :Ul/ .. u111n1111 11 l)rlfl\M: ""°"'"'J &uebatl -Qr11"1;1 Ccwisl 11 Ml. !AC •· Rob!--. !Flll1..-tonl 10:2'.11 J. LACC • GolOtn W111, Sloodltbl(k 1 !1 :30), Gokler! W11I II Rio llO!ldD, Std· Willen fArMrktn RI.,.,.) 10:21.1. (.tlflll !Ill I! ~,·.!0)1 _i.,..,11 "'""'"'"'" !Ibid: II Gniumotll (borh 11 2:JO), .. ''" _ O. V•' •• ,,., (f-O) ColllOI! 11 C.I Kii Cl). Cllll>rnlll ti UC lrvlM, Sou!htrn ..., Sw1mm•11S1 -El L•mlllO 11 Go10111 C1tlfomla Cotle<lt al LA Beollll (both 1:'7.21 2. 8tlltw f$tqUQl1s) l:lt.2: 3. WHI CJ:lO). doubltllffdtn It -1· TOWMll'ld (foolllllll l:lt.J: L Hervey Tt11ru1 -Car-doll M• 11 fOIMl"lll Trick -ctwlf"'° l"v "tl•w11I (Ed'!Otl, I Fllli.rton!, Mhleltt lOCC) 114'.a. V•ll•Y. SA VIH~ ,, EOlllOl'l, Mlolloll1 H1111tlnvtoll 8e1cll Mlrf"'· Newro rt OftMn -ll. WlllS-(OWC) 11s:t.•1 lit E1!anc:l1, HewDOr1 Hlrtlor 11 llnll Hertior. Wntmt1111.... ros11 M~ JS. ,-,..,_ IOCCI 1tft.t, Alhl, H1111l1rigtan &Mdl ...t l.olrl. L.o5 Mluloll Vltfv). Lilllllll 81Kll T 50 frff _ I. -(OC<), •-•· A'.m''-'' c-o! .... -· , , Meet 110 t.m.J, "S&ddt"':>llcli: ti a11 ....... Anlllllni~w .. im ,.., ... -,, ..... ~~ ... ~ OTeao 11:~1'11. A11111-P1Clfl(, Cl•r• (f\IUlrlonl 72.ll 1. HYI• (_OCC). O.ana H n. •I Unln~•rv. ~I .1 "'°"'· Ch•om•n II UC lrvl111 (l'!OOI\), Wlmbtrlty (SOllllO) 22..Sr s. OOM'llll U1111111 Ch, Fool I'll I It MlllOOfl Y"· N;::.-uC~o.rirn f,::'· ,J!,""~'',!'....."",,· {P'lt!U), T9'0ll'I (Groumonf), ltlttol'I lv, S.n ltmtnll 11 El Modenl Cal 11 1 s "' •.-..... !Ol1blv VllllYI 22.•. :lJI, °''"'" <.11151 It 5111 o,-Mil.If Cll ltt. .~:~cC.:J..~'1f'" 0 fOO, Otlltn -I. ,,,,_ IOCC I n.11 10, UC lrvl111 ., Cll S!ll• fL~lllKtl 91Hbll1 -UC lrwl111 V"S Ar.otll Clnkll•• (GWCI n.111 u. L. 111r :T:':l'o)~t 2: LB NIVY II Gtl1 Wilt Minor 11 Holtvfllt (I ii.m. erll!Mllon), ftrnMll (OCC I t2,t. ~ !AP!'. 4) 200 Ind. mfd. -1, Cl1r1ty (Ollblo Harness Entries 8111blll -El Oor1~ II LJlllllll V1lll'f') 2:03.Ji 2. G1t>tr1 10. A1111J &•ach ():1$), UC Irwin. •t UCLA 2:1M.01 3. WlhGn (Pl~l 2:1M.J1 4. 12:l0). La t La h Rodr1qvt1 IMonltr1Y) P'"'l111U11) 2:"5.01 Ten11l1 -Sovtll9rn C.1lllCH"11!1 Collti!'S 8 ug J. T-'lMnd (fOOlttltl) 2:01.J. 11 CMpme11 12). .. ·-I Gvrnn1stla -FOlll'lt.1111 Vllltv et blrtr ... ,,y -· Robl111on W111mlnn.r (7), Anlhtllm ii NtwPOrl (Full.rton) 2:00.Ji 2. Rod1'1qvel (M11111, Harbor (J:lJI. Penlns11l1I 2:01~1 l. Cl1rtty (Ol1blo ThllrsdlY IAPf". I) F G If V1lleyl 2:1».4; •· H1Y1l•tt (SlquolaO For MoMIY dlllontd J ~·~ Ind U!>dtr ttwit 11tv1 SwlmrnloQ -ScMll CO.SI Conltnna or 0 ers 2:06.!1 J, JDhnlOl'I (Ollblo V1lltyl Cini" & Fill ,FJ"' ... , • P.llt. n•••r won M,000 MM 52..400. cMmllloml!IPS ti c..-rltvs 121. 2:07.l. FlltST It.ACE. One mll1. II.let. cl•IM-Adlot, S. Detomtr n?·~g1.,.-°"""cc .~!'j.i:' CY.P:'"!n 100 frll -I, McO\llde (Foothill) 1111 1111 &QM. dafml"9 11<ice 12..SOO, Strell1, J. O'Brien ' 11 r;-i:::c· j":~~ G.9: t. Vin ZlllCll IFool'tllll) It.ti t. ""< ',~ 51.600. Ml111r Du &Hu, w. Short ~:!:'"1'11.C•llforn COi 1 U GREENSBORO, N.C. -Pro ltodll !fvlltrtolll 49.S: L H~1 n vu! Scllf'llO, M. Har'l)tl' Ancty1 Coho, T. !11rh!nt Tinn s -Cl'rrltos 11 Ol'"ln!lt CO.I (Amtrk.111 Rlftl") ff.7/ S. Stlt!Clll Cnllot 81rmln, t:t. wnuams Kwl A.,.,11, M. Avbl11 (2), uc lrwl111.it PIPC!lfdlne' 1'':11S). golfer Jerry McGee WaJ slip-10111110 V1lltyl 4t.t. °"""9 -1. H.il SICH"m, G. Longo Algonquin. .L 8..tlolrttl Tr.ck -Corolll Oii Mir I F~11ft C ........ I !OWC) 51,21 11. ~ ... llttm L.t<!V 8tlwy11. M. Smllll T-"'-L • ,....... .... .. ,...... ~ " lii1t1M11, SA ping and sl1'd1'ng on the w t '"''' ... '' -oc Fr111s Ml•,...11, O. Lar•-O TO o' H .• ,IU ,..., Vtlltv •t Edt9°'1 -Hunttnatoll fl.Herl •I e • J ' ( Cl W.7 . ..,.... -· ripe me, · lolrio, M..rJM It Anll'lltm. IMwllOrl b 200 bKIU!rolll -1. MllMtlk COCCI ltOCllll Brei, S. Dtsomer Al11 llftllMt H1111or 11 S.iftr.i Alll, Wnl!nlMfwr II lreac ef'OUS footing Of 3 nar-1111.71 2. Doewvlky IEI C1ml110) 2;D!IJ; Jiiii Cllolce.. J . Llgh111111 Penny_O•wn... e. Sl'l'Prt w"''"'· D1111 Hiiis 11 u111wn.1tv, row '-!A .. e o-r a stream and 3. Glt>tn <Dt AnuJ 2:06.t i ._ Cl•r•tv SUvtr Record, A. WINGER 81/Her &oy, D. KlllT!ollW scnor-1 tf Ullunl ~':IUIOll Vftlo ..,.°"'& '"" IOl•bl-o V1t+wl 2;07.JI 5. He.,.lttf IS .. AlllO .11,11111 SIVINTM •ACI. °"' lftlr.. p&CI. ., FOOll!Ul. El ,, St:r. Arnold Palmer was gett1'ng qu.M1). WllM!I IP•MClllll l 2:07.7, AU l(eyt'd uP. e. TllomlOll cl I I II ' ci.m.ni.. 81~ Am.of •I M.1111'" De OttMn '' •1----oc S.lldll ''"'· P. ,_,,,. • m /II I Ill"· !lip (II ming Pf"ICI Lo. Allrrll!O. 11 Co.I• ~ '"' ,, a ~udde out of 1't, -. .. ........... c Cl 11111.2, ..... 111,0CIO pvr11 tJ,IOQ. 3:15). u.1 1'-Cl,,_.., COCC) 2:11.t. SECOHO RACE. Ont mil t. PK•. Amplify, R. W1U11m1 l<l'WI~ .... '! Then Arnold flipped too H 500 fr .. -1. V.111 Zllldt fFOOlllJ11) (Olldlll0<1ed fol' J & ~ Y••r old m1ldtN. Brtma 8, J. Mllltr Swfmmlno -COis Conft M'ICI ' · 1 • e l:G.S1 2. Hl!'V9'/' IF\lli«tOll) l:S2.t; 3. pur$e s1.aoo Bell• .Olympl1, J 1111.., ™moloMhlPI •I ..,.1109 t 1..rn.f LA tumbled into the waist-deep TownMnCI IFoo!llllO 4:51.1; 4. srmmons S!1r Auef, L. Greirorv Pll'"IOrllU!y, 0, Aclclrm.sn HIJ1)0r If GClldRn W.SI (3). ' t f • ll !Lorio 8HC;t!J 5:01.J; $, W1t1111 Mlghl Alma hvnl, J. O'Brien Robrt11, A. Cr1lg BlllblU -M.tcll'IOlll 11 C'Of'Oftl di! W8 et 0 8 r8U'HIW0 en little {Amll'"lcln 111'11!"), l<-lttl (l'ltadtnl) SIOll Watch, J, Miiter Popllr Chut•, E. Cobb f.'~~· It Dlfll HIH .. Las creek and cam tteri 5:0S.t. °"'9r1 -It. Mlr"1ll IOCCJ -;Basketball -Gor-man-Topples Kod es N111~e sue, J. Dennis Trve Biron, L. 01\11to11 es,•111;l•. 'c.i die SA, v~=.i ft' e up spu ng 1111.11 a. MlllW 1owc1 J1tJ.4. 3, S'°'Ort Trll), W. Short 1Npl11 Hiiis Actor, R. VlllH ICtY VttlfY. tf1M1t1,.,J,n IC:h 1~ Senti A:..11 for air and laughing al his OWO 200 brM1t -I. Mol fOl1blo V1H1yl Olamonlt Price, G. Holl A.Ill 1111"41 M.lrln1 11 l.olr.i twPOff HI,._ 11 misfortune. 2:11.71 l. WllllMM IOWCl t 1 .. l1 1. -A.dmfn1t-T'tmr.1t;-Smnemi1n --Kor•llUI, C-&oyd ntm!!!itr.__ . U.-0~11 R t Courtol1 IOliol)k) V•lll'f) 2:21.01 ~. Trvr Dlll<ly. R, Wllljnm! Stmg1 ColllY. J. Cr111t lilven ;-Of'11'MM"-il-MIUl~-V11 Cl. -1,.-,,appened haJI Way VO.morldl Cftoolllltl) 2:11.2J $. Swtnsor AlllO l'lltlbll EIOHTH RACE. 0111 milt, ......, con-VUll Plr II S.11 Ch'"*"!~ Matlt" 11 ~ II IS.' J-•0 2•21 7 ........ I K o VANCOU\'ER B c AP) 011tch Hiii Loro. J. s1111, dlllOl\ld •II.,...~ w1-~·.. ...... 11 st. AnlllonV 1111 11 J:IS Sin Olf9o through 1occ) -,, •• ,,·, ·1·1.··,-2-::, 'ioc~,, ' . . . ( -6-7 to Roger Taylor of England ·•••• • "--. "°'''"' c~" .,. 1 Sunday's rain-delayed " --- ~ I ~ I . I ~ ~ .. " • .. ~ • ,. ~ • •' • " • ~ • • • • • • ' • s • • • • ., • , • _ .. • ; ! ~ l l ; • : H•A l<IMAI. STANDINGS Elsfeni CDllf,,..11(1 All111tk Division ,., T Go Total Frtlghl, II:, W!lllamt In lt72-73 comb !NI,,.. 110!1 wl11Ml'"t Of Gvmlllstfa _ Rio Horida 'it Gol6ell SiM . ._ r vr om nnan, It was al-and Pierre Bart hes of France. TNIRo RACE. 0111 mu•. tro1 con-'1.XIO 11ra1 money •I'* Mir, 21, AE west 131, s--,, Eal.on fl :Jsi. third round of $210,000 Greater . «IO ''" re11y -1. 011blo v1t11v 1----~.w9~~..,----.. :tJ-....l,-£ncO.....,l.... most4tke-J)l8yin~ ~-thot~~m~1e~·--t6olornmnmr,1?, c1 editing-his re-du,_. •"·•t" --~ nort~llM!'t ~~n_1·~rec• --L.i9v111 IMCti Tr~""'!;IA"'~";..-G~ree~o~>b<>!l/l'~~lll!'l~~!'.l!J""~"~"~·'::.' ~·;..~°"::.";"'"~~';·~··~·~··~·~·~"~---JI--._,.,. Yort. si :u 6'5 11 I0\.\'11 and Jan Kodes knew it, tum o{ Kodes' service for bi's In 1912'73 comb •nd "°" wr1111trs ot ""1 ...-nOfl "11• • """ d .ts,,.c;r~tP,:'-\bolll •fW\:h~ ment.P 6vft•lo 21 6t :~ •I w,m 111 1tn.n (omb th1t .,, "°" win-PVf"I• t.:t,200. 11 wm .30 ' . 3rtt:t. °""" -U. ...._ w..e J1M.t • .. P11111d~p1111, , , , 01 n .110 lt ta~1cGoSrumnd"an ~k tthhe s$501ng 000 les v1ictho1ry, 1picked up JO points r;;;11o1pv~~~_:,rs1 rnontY 111 1t11 • ~~11~=:·i:~t= ~1~. Eoi-°'"°';.i L~ A~:;,,1.,:,~ wrist when he grabbed for a ~-en r1 vtslln ·~ '! in e , or s V ctory. along with $10,· v.,.,.. H•-· J. o•ar1en He1r111,, F. TO!lcl Jr. bridge railing but the only .. "' ",',1rnor• ~! ?! ~. Rothmans International pro-000, giving him 18 tour points. v1c1ora Aw1rd, P. CGnrO'f Gino Hl!!OVW, G. Ho11 d to his di · ... .... .... ' I . ,. . Myltry Trip, 0. Ktt!IOll StlWVll 11•-· .), O'lrltn amage WBJ gruty. Htwlton 33 •• ...o1 19 ~s1ona tennis tournament. "I've played often he-, "· ·-· c " '" "·-• ' H 'r.' '"' .... rn..... •kll. "· winger g ......., ne, · W1ui.ri. k He was .,,. .. ,.i ........... t and sent IM )2 so ..l90 20 Gonnan, who grew up and starting when I was 12 years 8•1dW!n. J-8•11eV OlrfnO lrtf, L.. Olrvlllln oc ey ~ .. .. , ' .,,.......,. cont~• 1 ed h 1 h 1 Id b cr111Y FJ11tr, J. Gr.ihlm P•ter , .... klm. K. TiiW for some dry clothes. When .,,., MldWMt 01w;s1o11 PRY muc o is ear y ten-o , ut I've never won a bio-c"'1r11 ,,, c 8oYd HINTH u.c:a o... mite r<Mtlw•llk" 111 n .m nis in Seattle, had 8 large ger oame," said Gorman aft~er Rov11 Go. L 0-11 (111m1no 111 -top c111min. = they arrived he got some male Olik-OO $1 31 An t e AIM e:11re11111 SJ.JOO. Pl/Bl SU106. s din I •--from the I """°'' .o ., _... :io group of vocal supporters an the singles victory.· Frt1ght MIOl'llt .. J. il:\llMll 01cu Olf11nm1, o . .._., tan gs vo uo~., mass ve IC".C OmlM 1 l6 .. At ,4 hand as he dercatcd Kocles 3. Kodes got seven poinU nnd sin•er T•u. J , L1g111h111 N1etlk1 tNry, J. GnindY gallery. 'Ibey formed a ring, lli'\.ll ~nc 60°1"1':' 6, S.2. 7.5 in the singles final. $5,000 for secood place. (=1~~ s"~~!: 2 & '"!;.... ~i ~.:.,u;:-f·~:;: Palmer changed clothes OD tbe ~ '"" ,, JS :ffl IJ "I thought t was playing in • "'"' ""'"' wm S2.JOO. "' bl'td. P\l'M 1 v P, o. K•rmtW """' 111""• spot and cootiDued play. '1lelnl• ll '4 S2.000. l'rosty Av1lon. G. l.onoo NNL Talent Bred Atlanta th Ir d baseman Darrel Evans of the Atlania Braves apparently inberlled his basebslf talenl· His mother and aunt both played Jln>- lesaional softball In Pasadena. $. "• ,. ,. :m n Seattle," said Kodes, obvious-a P Adloa. J. L1011111111 Llnc:Dln, o. &11Hkll lllf ..... 21 ,, .2U ;: ly anary at R toople or ques-G . lt~ln11 Tiu, It. OIOMt Comtl TOlll, G. Q.ltll'do l!~I ;f ft ,T r: 01' ~ l'Klled dlv!tlon !Ille t' b"I I' ymnastics 0111 Phllt!Pf, J. 0'8rlln ..,.. ........ Bof!Ort }I I 1g m l!l 1oci:1 e 1ne calls. 01r11 onio. M. JO!llS s1~ Fri.co. J, ltitrrtfl N.Y. 1t1notr• ,, * "Tom played very well, but v .... 1 M••I. J, s"'.-11 Stolts Ao11n. fl. Gmi.11 8vttllo a1 '' s1 21, he Timmy Tan, A. Wing..-Oltrolf ~ JI " 1 Iii LEASE GRAND PRIX , t re were one or two bad ~ea1nirn111r 1111,,1 1u1.11 wuto11 Fr1111 FrMt. o. H11t1 Toroni& .i u -1 ,, • B . h n calls on mv serve." sai'd the I ""• "'iw'-· 11aon Wii.l. 2. Roc•1n s1oc1t1n,, T. o.nTi1s ~~~:'"Min 1 :l l! ,. ase a 2!-year..id'C..Choslo vaklan. r""" m.I., y., ''"" (llim.). AON '"'"" Volleyball _, The tour M\V has mad• sev. ~r11:°i'wTrf:~~I',!;. ~'7~ •. .twmJ. 1· P"::/Ti"'::C:.· J::'~1r.. trirf. c111m. ~t!1,.'f;.t, ~J ~ 1i 3 = Cf 'I I s...i,-n Oliti " 1101 llOrH-M•rdi(' 0(~111 2 Jng Mndlctp .. 11 IOll. btllt Cllll'l"llng MIMlltot1 J7 :JD jl '.S tc• ·'l':IO l·---f·~·m~~·=~~·~"•t~l·~/~,\~1;:;~~.~~~~~·~---'"'le~n~s~tops~~· ~a~n~d~•;;•~·~en~d~i~ll~eren~~t_;~~·[E;h' z~ .. w~n .. • ·~·"?;~'~"~~·~' ~-~·~ .. ~;t_~"~'''~"~u~.-~~-~~.,~-~~,,.~':":•m:•:"'~-;; ... ~· :w:·:-~':"~v~•:,.:·:"":'~ s1. 1.ou11 n S1 a '• m )SI t1: ,,__ ~have "ins. -::;:: . '!'~ .~... k c• 1111,1so. PVrw t.:t,000. • u -·-•• ~r,1tt111a., 91f1' I ., •( I Mll'IMilot• ,, "°"';o; 2 ,..,.. .... --~-~--...., ~ uvnnan missed his l'INV\,... Hor1011111 blir-1. v~11 t1:11ntn cwm.1, c111111rv L.d. T. OtMlt 12 "~' l ",.. ,,"" •• -... 'J.0o'"'• .!.. I -Y~ 2,.,,k. llott1l•ll (Wm.), I. HOd~• (Yll1,), c ... -• L •• '' • C1U !1 ,, 2, ,.. tkl-.~ tunity to add t b. doubles t'1-1. v·-·· .. . .... v Oii •-< lfldltd1~:1o11 "~ l l'•rl~ twlr-tl, Tombrello (Wm ) i F!"lre ll!f CO!'J, D Ltwll I Ore"" COMt Ott. If~ IJ.1L 1$o rt ._.. "":\I\..~ ~NI , tie, as he and partner Erlk 11~1 .1.l1, M1111t11r1111" !Wl'fl.l;.7. : Hl emp1,., J. °"""9 Molltrllt l"ltoii i .. ~.,11 IH) .. ,... Yn 11.1 i, 1~ Van Dillen blew some f.lden 1 ~ , ... ,!!omlnv 1w1111. 1, T0t-L•Un Em Pre• WI"°"' VlfWrr T°"'"" ., ~ 4 "' ~ •• , , , • l1fl ,..,, !Wm,),,,1 , Flt! Pl\" J, MllW t COt'Ol\I• dfl ~r o.I. 'Mlr!rll IJ.I, IH, OMro1t 2, H1w Y1111 """'" J. tit Al '· ltltl-t, tk, t• Jnnin.t oppoi\\lll bes and lost 7 . u , '""111d-1. lllOn (WI .), •.•• 2. Vlllf Atl'l"'t.""' lnllttl~. J, •• u... w J ...... v..,..,. ~ Ytfft tr.'""" 4 AfllMI 4 !le Rvllfll !Wm l s 1 tlxtH llACI, One mli.. ~. ~ Cor-clt6 ,.,.., °*'• Mli'lfll IW' lM. ,r~ l" ~~II 4 ) ------~ A•+•m1lle tr1111mr..len, ,_.., 1felf'l1t9, powtt ~r•k••• 1t••1r wln-'•W-.. 1lr 1olMllHonlri9, r14'lo, k1t.r, fl11t9' ti•••• whlt1 tlcft will · tlre1. >• Mel'ltt. ''"" •"'"lo•t• 011 .,,wov.d ·er.di+. - ... _ -~- I " -. . • • SC DAILY PILOT JD , r Monday's Closing Prices-U>mplete., New · York Stock Exchange Llst • t •• l • . ll:d DAI LY PILOT Monday, April 2, 1913 AMBLER . by Doug Wildey DOOLEY'S WORLD J ·by Roger Bradfltld TUMBLEWEEDS 11 ·j ) ' . ' ' ; l • . . J • • • " • ·l A • it I( ~ J, ..... .. MUTT AND JEFF MUTT, l Ger!' YOUR.NEW 5PRING5UIT ·FOR VOU! IT!:A80UTTIME! I GAVE YOU -Y-HEOROERA MONTMAGO! !=IGMENTS NANCY " •. LOTSA LOCK, WHAT ARE 'It)() R:>ING ON ™-IT roG-?! . INPIANS RIP!?HOllSES1 NOT POGS! ~f, I ii .... • 5C.R16PA i:; SCK1~1't.E I~ 9.2 ___ _, PER .. CT?, YoU RUN"r; ITo iER:R.161..E/ ITDOESN'r ~IT! MUTT, L165ENI LOOK ATT~E FINE QUALJTY, THE BEAUTIFUL MATERIAL., Tl-IE COLOR;STYLING · AND THE LOW PRICE Ol'tl99.99 by Tom K. Ryan by Al Smith ARE YoU GoNNA GIVE ALL. THA'T UP JUST 8CCAUSO ,-HE SUIT OOESN"l"FIT? by Dale Hale by Emie Bushmiller SALLY BANANAS GORDO • MOON MULLINS ANIMAL CRACKERS - ~ . 'T:!(ft) by Gus Arriola by Roger Bolen AUNT FRITZ! FEELS BLUE TODAY·-GO IN AND SAY SOMETHING THAT WILL. PLEASE HER MISS RITZ·-YOU LOOK LIKE A BEAUTIFUL. MOVIE STAR "------ DECl510"5, Dl!CISIOlolS ! lllH~ CAll'T r. MAICI! THeM ? WELL1I 'L[ LET FAie. •=":~""""'""'·---..._ M/t.~ MV ~ISIOAl ... 0 TODAY n 0 ..... ; .... PEANUTS . by Charles M. SchulZ TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE OKA~, RERVN, THIS 15 OUR fll5f 6AMEOF THE 5€ASON l'M 601N6 ltl LET IOU 51/\fCT IN LEFT FIELO /lS A FAVOR 10 'IOOR SISTER •• WH!tr ARE WE PLA~ING FOK, THE STAN LE'<' CUP? ACROSS 1 Pet name ~ Mus1:2 words 10 "·--·it!": Bl! quiet! 1'4 Dutch lenglh measure 15 Glacial ridge 16 Scarlett O'Hara's horn a 17 --·-es1ato 18 In an adept manner 20 Economized sr:verely 22 Weighl units 23 Farmer's purchaso 24 Doing businl!'S 2S Eng. fruit hawker 28 Certain pipes: 2wo1d1 32 Dock· worken;' union: Abbr, 33 lnslruments 35 Nocturnal sound 36 Tomcats 38 Concrete 40 Chew pe1s1slenUy 41 Declares franldy 43 Cheinical compound ,,.5 Compass point: Abbr. 46 VIP's 1etaincrs 48 Awakened 50 Fix 51 S1a1o:Abbr. 52 Kind of paint 55 Mov•ng back 59 Unive1sity board ollkial 61 Us!ng speech 62 Refrigerant 63 From then until now 64 Musical symbol 65 Minus 66 Indulged 10 excess 67 Biblical Saturday's Puzzle Solved: R 1A C li:1R1 LASS D A R ~ l!ltI!I SL!A ~ SCRB 'N S A LL i' lllA S!I E R A SED VILE B HIT 'JBl:'.ll A 11t:E l' ~ ~ ~ l' ! E: A ~ ~ ~ S~ ~ ~ E YSER C::A JilJ E r E ll SE R OIC , I J 'SS K A R 0 R E ~ S AS l t1 A D '1IH LSC101 U T 0 1trl'ER r:N OL All!L E '1 Sl'.:R S E A S P1IER TERSE 12 Fillet: Her. 13 Means' 37 Pool users 39 Guided countfy companion 42 Kindoflooft 44 No part DOWN 1!1 C.as and oil 1 Drinking 21 Come J POIS 1ogether 2 Man's name 24 Green spot in 3 Wild animal desert 4 Join 11 cause 25 Smoke 5 "Th6 Wreck 26 Color of the-··---" 27 Wooden 6 Inquired shoe 7 Slrde without 28 $1orms, of a revolving 8 End: P1efi11 sort 29 Canonical 9 Ships' lowcsl hour dncks 30 Cancel 10 Very 31 Did 47 E11cep1 on'111e condition that 49 Disassembled 51 UK coins 52 H<1r1'1'1ful 53 European city 54 Infrequent go\f drives 55 Be a tenant 56 Labrador mineral 57 Trea1y group: Abbr, •·• JUDGE PARKER by Harold Le Doux I DON'T FEEL YOU'RE A 6AM, WHY OON'T YOU TAKE 1 FEEL THAT I'M IMP051N6 STRANGER, BETS'Y! THE ... ANO YOU'RE VERY &RAVE JUDGE ANO SAM HAVE TO 8E HAYING A COMPLETE I 8EEH DOING NOTHING I 5TRAH6ER AS A HOUSE 'l euT TALK A50UT 'fOO! GUEST, KATHERINE 1 MISS PEACH by Mell :! UNOEl?5Tt1NP Alt:TH(Jlt: WISMES TO 51-iA!lE bcau!l!ul needlework 11 Fine 9r<11ncd n1lncra1 34 Very 11 n111torcstet1 5A VaUcy , ~U"'LJ"E 60 Awm •.• t" I ... TMi .M05T !NT(REST!NG- STAT15TIC OF THi WEEI'] YE5. AC~Oin>ING-TO MY STATISTICS, 'fMl!lt:E Are 'MOll:E PEOPLI' ~NNIN<!r FOlt: MAYOP: OF NEW Y0'1< CITY TH AN THEU '"'' VOT&trS ·IN ANTELOPE ~~JIOP:,MIQilGAN- ·: ... THE GIRLS ~ ~·? "Remember bow be rated aDd raftd wltea I 1tarted wurlar boota-weD, Caroli that waa NOTJµNG!" DENNIS THE MENACE 5 ""· · ~ATl~fiC/:AH l~--1~~~,~·~~t·~~·~,~~·~~~~~~·~·:;~:·~~~~~-f,--'F"'::-'~>t:-:::-:---J-""ir-~rf-:3~~~~~~--::::..:...--:::-..:::::=:::===='\;J~;::::::;-:-:-:~""":::::::::...~........,.11-~-~~~~~~-".>.,(:7:;,-; J A~:.~ ICA · '2,' : ( = .. " " " " J, I HE12.£ :·., .... • -.>' v·z. DICK TRACY I CALL TME l'O\.ICE, ,..--..,\ GRANNY. TJ.llS MAN IS A CROOK • ~ L<'I .... ,iii.!' by Chester Gouid -=-"'?.!:! rr.:l'M-:-:00=1NG=TM:::-::l!:-:::O::N~:'::y~ Now HUMAN TMING 'YO\} CAN PULL OFF HIS DO TILL. TMI! POLICE .r---...'~'· cOME. IM GIVING l!INI S,OX. FlR'T ALQ. • ' • - " " • • ' • • ' ,, ' • " • . ., " " .. ., w ·,~· '. ' • , ,. ' '" 17 i I \ ' • • • • • h ' ·. I Today's Final. I --N.Y. Steeks----• 7 OL. 66, NO. 92, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, ·.CALIFORNIA TEN CENTS ' - Wind Gusts Up · to.' 55 MPH Bomb~d Coast By JOHN ZAILER 01 tllt DlllY 'flot Sl•lt . Winds gusting up to 55 miles an houf lashed the Orange Coo.St Sunday closing off a s~tlon of coast highway, smashing windows, and c r e a t i n g mayhem in yachting haDbQrs. No major damage oi" injuries were reported, but there were an estimated IOO capsized boats in coastal areas, p<>wer failures affecting at least 6,400 persons, and the normal doses of broken Skindiver Missing; Buddy Hurt By JACK CHAPPEIL Of 1k DllllJ POii Sl.1ff A Laguna Beach diving rescue team today sought the diving buddy of an Upland man now in critical condition after being pulled unconscious;-hls-hea:t stopped, from the surf at Divers Cove Sunday. It l.s presumed lhe diving companion of the hospitalized man ii lost at se!. Guards were unsuccessful in locating a body in early morning div ea, today. Hospitalized is Steve QUji)h, -23, of Upland. He is reported in very critical condition at the intensive care unit at South Coast Community Hospital. The other diver sought is identified as Ken Paggines, 21, of Upland. Laguna Beach Lifeguard Captain Bruce Baird said the two men-were div- ing in unfavorable water conditions and apparently ran out of air. A witness on the beach observed Guyon surface and make frantic waving mo- tions, tllen sink below lhe surface. • Two other divers, Nick Wack:ym and Bob Updyke. both of Redlands, batlied Guyon into shore. Lifeguard Jim Stauffer and Baird ar- rived; after being called by a citizen, and immediately administered mouth.-to- mouth resuscitation and external heart massage. Baird said the diver was iiear death (See DIVERS, Page %) * * * Visitor Rescued From Heavy Surf A 27-year<ild Montebello man, fished out/of heavy surf Sunday by two o[f-duty Laguaa Beach lifeguards, was re~rted in fair condition today at the intensive care unit of South Coast Community Hospital in South Laguna. Alex Husaruck was given mouth-to- mouth resuscitation after being puµect exhausted and near drowning from the water by John Slowski and Bo1' McCarty. The ~ident occurred near Rockledge Beach while down the beach at Divers Cove, full-Ume lifeguards seareh~ for the body of a scuba diver lost in choppy water. PLEASE YOURSELF WITH A PILOT AD Please yourself with a DAILY PILOT classified want ad. The results can pleasantly surprise you - tree limbs and yards strewn wilh bi:anches. The heavy·winds began about ooon and blew a steady 25 to 35 miles an· hour until 11 p.m., according to most reports. Gusts in the ·Newport Harbor area were reporte<I up to 55 miles an hol,lr. Amateur meteorologist J. Sherman Denny of Huntington Beach said the winds w~re the heaviest since April, 1970. The woi'st damage was reported in the Newport Beach and Costa M;esa areas. • . The' Orange County Harbor Patrol reporlld towing In at least 50 capsized boats after sailors ignored small craft w~s that should ~ve kept~ most bo&ll"lled to their moormgs. A'A vlot of people thought they were pretty good sailors until ll>ey gol out in that ~;" saia Sgt. Robert Bainbridge. "But it mkes more than a good sailor to stay out ofllooble wben ·lt's blowing 50 knots.'" • In ad~tion to the 50 rescues made by -IXOD Bay Lands Irvine Company Offers Property By TOM MURPHINE a tidelands exchange In Upper Newport Of ""' D.llly Pilot Si.If B . ~ ay. ~A.N FRANCISCO -Irvme Compa~y It was also viewed as a major and offiCials here today offered four ,pubhc . a g e n c i e s lmmediate possession of dramatic ste~ tow~ ending the debate tilt Hil'.llOi PatrW, Bllnbrldge said there were ·~ another 50 capsized boats that ·-. helped by private cttizeos. He oJao re)>Oried four boats with broken ma.stt and one that ran aground ' at-tilth Slttet. 0 We were busy out there until mid· nigb1 going.so fast "" ju..t completely Ig- nored the paperwork," he said, ".There was DO way we could keep up with all the report,s wlth'so many people disregarding our danger warnings.' 1 ee In another Newport Beach Incident, two cars were burned near Irvine Avenue and 16th · Street when an electrical line fell on them. Both were unoceupied and parked. 'lbere were two large power failures in Costa Mes11: One In north eoSta Mesa beginning at 2:57 p.m. put 1,650 customers out of service for •9 minutes . Another lailure in the downtown area began at 3:11 p.m. and affected 1,300 on customers for 69 -minutes, Edison of- Cicials reported . In other coaatal activity, Huntington Beach police issued a traffic advisory for motorists traveling on the Pacific Coast Highway at Bolsa Chica State Beach. Police said that drivers Ignoring their warnings su{Jered sandblasting and risked accident due lo poor visibility from blowing sand. · At Dana Point Harbor, the Harbor (See WINDS, Page %) Protesters Awaited · S. Viet Head By JOHN VAL TERZA Of IM DellY Plltf Stiff President Nixon and South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu began . a round of otricial talks at the Western White House as hundreds of demonatra· tors chanted bi opposition at the ranchlands-sur~-Upper-Newport -and lepl actio!s"-v.:hic.h ~•e ~broiled Bay. the Back Bay f0< the past decade. In an official statement. the Irvine , The company Offer was made In , a _ g!!.~J>J.Jhe--RWJO.ential~~ Clemente. Company olfered "for i mm e d i. 1 t e high-level ..,.!liiiio!f at San l"mit1~1 po58eSsioo IJr·IOlemted public 18-Atrpo\1 ffiltoo 1iin lo -·al'h U.S. those Irvine lands .they deem .. desil)lble Departlilibt ()f -· Iii~ · o I for public ownership so that the lands California, county of Orange and city of may be enjoyed by the public pending a Newport Beach. workable plan to compensate the c<1m-There was no immediate reaction from pany." the public agencies. Irvine' executives, Irvine's action was viewed as a major however, said the company's new PoSi- shift in its long-standing policr of seeking tion paper was well received by the public representatives. High Court ' Upholds Ban On Pipeline In addition to offering its lands sur- rounding Upper Newport Bay, the Irvine Company agreed to cancel an .,.appeal on the current Back Bay lawsulr. This issue which has been grinding U.rougb the courts for" several years was to test the legality ol the Upper Bay land swap. It began as a so-called "friendly'' lawsuit but oppooents to lhe tidelands ex- change jumped into it and it soon became unfriendly. An Orange County Superior Court WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. decision ruled the swap· constitutional. Supreme Court today let stand a lower But last Feb. 23, the Fourth District c<1urt decision blocking c<1nstruction of Court of Appeal in San Bernardino over- lhe controversial trans-Alaska o i 1 ruled that .decision. The appeal court said DAILY P1LCrr S .... ~ JANE FONOA BRAVES CHILL WINDS TO JOIN PROTEST About 350 Poroon1 Gathered at San Clemonto Stito.Park · Meat .Sales Reporwdly: Falling Lower in 4reas that judicial precedents that appeared to pipeline. support the trade don't apply in the Back By 11te Associated Press West Virginia housewlv.es announced The high court refused without com-Bay case.· . , On the ,picket line, at the 4fnner table plans for p!cketing various supermarkets ment or dissent an urgent government It was a 60-page opinion and the legal and in the supermarket, consumen and di!tribuUng leaflets. plea to overturn the lower court. Thus, point at issue was whether or not it is fougJlt risiilg. food prices today as part of Families throughout 'the nation said the justices left the future of the pipeline constitutional for any public tidelands to a nationwide meat boycott. thef substituted things like tuna fish or he trad.ed m· to pri·~te ownersh· ~ The April J.7 boycott -organized by from Alaska's North Slope to eoo~o:. .... 1P· ... ue ap-meatless ca.ss:eroles for the usual Sunday ""~ peals court said no. a·variety ·of consumer groups-caused a The government, the state of Alaska The Irvine Company had until l :30 reported drop in meat sales in some roast Leef dinner. and a consortium of oil companies urged Ri,m. this afternoon to appeal that areas. U.S. fanners withheld livestock from the court to overturn a decision issued in detislon to the California Supreme COdrt. Lloyd Jarrell, meat manager at a giant market temporarily last week to protest February by lhe U.S. Circuit Court of Under tenns of its _9CW policy state-open-air market in Richmond,. Va., said, declining prices . Appeals here. ment, Irvine-will appllffilUY abandon "Our red meat ~re off 20 to 30 Uniledl'reo,slnternational reported hog The circuit court said the government that appeal. . percent over the weekend." prices were slightly off at principal ~fid- could not issue pennits for construction Today's negotiat.Nl agreement on the The manager of the Associated Food weSt markets in early trading, dropping of the pipeline on U.S.-0Wiled land lands around Upper Newport Bay does Store C<H>p, Inc: in Man)lattan said hi> as mucb as $4 per-100 pounds at the big because the right<if-way needed exceeds not come as a total surprise. Fi£th business was affected ''quite a bit.'' Eut St. Louis, Ill. market, and at Joliet, the M-f09! width aHowed by the federal District Supj!rvisor Ronald caspers .!Ill, and Unwell as '3 at Peoria, Iii. , Mineral Leasini Act of 19'.!0. Tbe pipeline acimowledled that · Orange c 0 u n t y (Meat pl!:tm, . ...,., of whom decreed would roquire ,146-foot widths. ·government and the Irvine Company Frances Jahraus plant lllY!>lfs IDllil 11ie s11uauon .. u1es Tbe government,. describing the Issue _..working O!l a negotiated allfeOlDeJll. · · · ' down, watched apprehenalvely for trends as a vital ooe involving )18.tiooal security lie dlwlged this nearly ooe year .,., on in beef marketing. But beef prices -al and the naUoo's balanCe<ll-payments July 14, 1m, ai a meeting of the Orange Lumber Chier s the live level not Included in the .new drain due toJhe ileed to import oil from · County Coast AssoclsUon. price freeze -edllll· $t to $1.50 bigqer foreign buyers, asked not only for high Originally, the Upper Bay swap at principal markets, UP! said.) court review but also an extraordinarily w•d 79 n• President Nixon aMounced Thursday speedy resolution by the high court. !See BACK.BAY, Pqe l) I OW' ' Ie8 night that a ceiling on the price of all Thleu'a helicopter toudtOa dp1111 at the landing pad ol the Western White House at J0:3Q a.m. where a full state arrival ceremony toot place. Military bands, a VIP gallery of 500 local citizens and a 21-gun salute were in- cluded in the welcome celebration. .. About 350 chanting demonstrators began marching along Avenida del Presidente at about 11 a.m., many of them carrying Viet Cong nags and placards. Dozens of the demonstrators canied American Oags as they arched in a long oval on a patch of dirt alongside the roadway. The turnout was about the same as that wbicb •PJ!e8red Sunday night at a rally at. the near.by state park. TacUcaJ squads from the Costa Mesa anaSan Clemente Police departments - about &O ofllcers -stood in formation at the location demonstrators and authorities had agreed that tbe marchers would use as their stopping poir». This morning's march·yJelded no-arres'ts. After remarks by both heads or state the men retired to Nixon's offices lo begin two days of conferences reJating to the rebuilding of the war-torn nation and converting the fragile cease-fire to la.sting peace. Critics have as'serted that Thieu is in the United States simply for "image building,"· : President Nixon used the name of his esta te, "La Casa Pacifica," as a means of characterizing the two days of con· ferences with .Thieu. He said the talks come at a time when peace with honOr had arrived but he stressed that. the peace could not have been won without-the ~alor of lhe South Vietnamese. "It would not be possible," he said, "without the courage and leadership and solidarity which your people have made. "W.e meet coward building a peace for your laad which · has suffered '° much and for your people who have suffered so (See TJDEU, Page l) Oruge Coast · Oil issues were activel traded toda beef rk and lamb was to go into on a ree an su ere eep e-Laguna Bea p1onee11 Fi'iiaiiincfee>s--.r-:'--iifeeca-''i&i~ayf.."'iiii°'feeidiers'ii'lioncoiiiriu-l--4;;;~ ~gloes, in tbe wake of the high-oourt ruJ. Walton 0 K' d Jahraus, wife of the Isle founder of the groups said the boycott was being held Welitller Lamma Beach Lumber Company , 2nyway because· the ceiling would not be Continental Oil, the Big Board's most .. •-· ed Frida . La effective. Sunny and windy is the way the active issue, .fell initially llf.t to 36'13, At· . T~ P' -R Joseph R. Jahraus, di y· in Although somi! New York restaurants weatherlady sees It for Tuesday, lant.ic Rich!ield was down 411.a to 73% O UJ.'V USS Jolla She was 79 ed k t and Standard OU of Ohio dropped 5 to --.; Griveside services inn be at 11 a:m. report patrOll8 as Ing Jor more. mea -with highs of 67 at the beaches, r::r 93v,. Alaska lnterstatei which is In-Satw'day at.. Fairhaven f4emorial Park less dishts than usual1 a spot ciheck 11( Ing to 72 inland. Winds are el· OPEN HOUSE SAT & volved In the project, iell initially 31> to WASllING'OON (AP) -The NO. with Dr. Dallas 'l'llmer·ofllclattng. mtaurants in the Clllcago area abowed ~ed to decrease to ts miles per SUNACA40'PEL~~ON l8ll. Uonalla~le Atltldlc A3oocia-The famil,y requests that in lieu ol most restaurants"cloing a booming busi-. Overnight loW> in the SIJs. t1on • today it will allow colleae no .... rs. cootribuUons be made to a ness. INSWE TODA"' (Addttss). Lge 2 car garage. buketblll playm, tncludlna Al~ f voril• barlt · "Rigttt llOW, ... •ve got a waiting line • Stressed for 2nd unit. 200 $1,600 m' Jewelry Americall BID Walton of IJCLA, 1o a Mn. J~braui"came to Cal~omla from of 20 minut .. , and.I'Ve _,a lot of steaks Are you fighting mod about a amp undergrwnd duplex com-'• In Ute ·-•-buket than •• going by," Mid Frieda Marianol, oerv!ce dt/ecttve product you hall<! pur-e1ec. service, garage door t""-he ....... --... -Moline, tlllnois more .., years ago manager at I Qdcago restaurant where cha.std, or a seroict 11ou hatid T k h B I ball aeries tween the Unit.cl with her sister whose health called for a the belt steak coots fl m. paid for th!lt tiirned out lo be a ~~. :':f~~:~.::; . 8 . en Y . urg ars Stalel and the Sovlet"Uni111. belier climate. She was a aoclal welfare dud ? Financial columnist Sulvia ., W'llter Byen, esecutlve dirtctor worker for several years whlle nursing Porter ftlls .,0u how to aut in wOuldn't believe, lirepit, Burglars who may have been aware of the NCAA,,uld bis orpnization, her s~ter. G Gear S I 1~ tod sprinklers on Utn< cloCk. lhat .. n Emera~~_.,_~Y homeowner was on undo!" rules ~ -blilho\I, She met her husband In Santa Ana, ard llDS, to en small c "'"" court au on 2 Br, 11> Ba, downstairt1, 2 v~lion took 1Uv0nta(e·of her absence coukl In el!ec:t -Ute. \our 'lf theiOved for many years in lbe'Jal)raus Pagt 18· l-_.'-:::::::::::-:::!w:t;bd:;:'.an~s~u~p~. ~F~or~aa~le.i":~::=~to-~enttF-lht:·~::..::':;:~~~~:J:t± ~Ama~-~-~~A~tbi~et~i~e~U~nion~~:,::~·::1='~ I at 721 · Otth Coast Blvd. Orana:e County Sheri.H's olficers are In-••••Ill• ' 11 -PJO,..mn tc:dued at e1,eet,~y-She:riff!'e-+-2 11~=1~~ Uffft Gt "fl~C"". -...urftlnl welcome: officers said. 'l1te N changed previous wlClow eventuaUy i;noved to T. •, men a guns a l, m t e c.::C. ,. ,,:=' ,__ ,, Deputies said Mrs. M11dred Jr. Dooley, objectk1n to lhe serlei «er Rep. where she lived two years until her home of a La1¥Da Niguel physician . c:r".-ni • ~ ..... : .. ~: This house sold the first day the ad 50, ol 527 Emerakl Bay return.d horn• Peter Peyaor (R-N.Y.), t*llyera , death. Dtputies said Dr. J01eph. Edgar Jensen, :=,:,:,'",':. • : T-,. ran, and the advertiser was rtAlly during the weekend and reported the that Walton .!fU to Cltt lhe-NCM , surnvcn Include a IOll, Richlrd..,... 4S, Of :1381.Plna!ore Ctr<le, dlaco~ tlie --" -• pleased! For pleasing mulls of your theft of )<.web from the medicine cabinet offices today to "el penn!liloo lo ren!.owner or Loguna Beadt Lumller; a loss wben."he retumed lo bis borne from =-= -·~ :=, -,..,; own, pleaJe c:an direct -64U678. in her bathroom. They said 11>m·wu DO· compete for the AqltllCan lnm. , sist« In Florida; a 1lfothl!r of Plloenll; vacation durlJ\8. the weekend. They said •-" w ... -• evidence of forcible entry. " ·~· and llieO srandcltJldltn, aft of !AIUD8· there was no evhlenco of forcible entr~. • -' iJ j ' • ) I DAILY PILOT LB l'H•P•geJ 'THIEU ... muCh during the past 25 years or war." Hundreds of those critics we~ on hand at 109-acre San Clemente State Park Sun· day as a bowling wind turned a antJ.war vigil Into ·a cbllly affair (Pictures, Page 3). The total number of anti-Thieu and Nixon demwtrators was about 35Q. In their ranks' was actress and activist Jane Fooda -protectec(_.by s e v e r a I bodyguards -but other members ol the al'O\.IP took over the speaking duHes. As the 'demonstrators sat on Hie cold ground members of a guerrilla theater troupe performed an antiwar play. Wino and marijuana were abundant during the early part of lhe evening. The park is abol!t a quarter mile from Nixon 's seaside Casa Pacific. The basic premise or the demonstrators is lhat Thieu is in Uie United States in an attempt to repair a poor public image and that be plans to asscrtedly "auctioR off" South Vietnam to American-business interests. No one could really say why the demonstrations which were so heavily publicized drew so few persons. • MondO)', April 2, 19'/J DAILY l"ILOT l"llott by Rkll•rd Ko.Iller .-. . . l'l'T Claai rtnp WASHINGTON (APl -I'M' Chairman Harold S. Gencen testified today his com· RaDY did not iuke any steps to block the election· of Salvador Alltnde ns president of Chile in 1970. • In testimony for the · Sepate foreign relations subcommittee on mulUnational · corporations, Geneen said "all that-I'M' did was to present its views1 concerns and ideas to various departments of the U.S. g'overnment." Not onJy was this a constitutional right. -Geneen-said, but also-the obligation ol Internati"onal Telephone and Telegraph Corp. in protecting shareholders and employes. .. Geneen said ITT "did not encourage or participate in any way in any alleged plot for a military coup in Chile to block the election of Dr. Allende. Nor did ·1TI' con· tribute money to any persons or to any • • • . . ... <; agency or any government to bloc: the~ efection of Dr. Allende." (U~t.ed Press International reported today that Geneen acknowledged today he offered to contribute funds to the CIA to 'suppOrt the opponent of Allende in the I eleCtion. j (Geneen told Senate ihvestlgators, 1 however, that ''the subject was obviously J dropped" and insisted that li;'f never contributed money ;-'to any person or to any agency, of any government to block · the election of Dr. Allende.") ,_, Jolm-A. McCone , former director of the -~ Central Intelligence Agency and no1v an ~. ITT director, told the panel .March 21!'.l that Geneen se.nt him to \Va!;hington in September 1970 to inform high govern-r::l m~nt officials that ITT was ready-to con-. t tribute up to $1 million "in support of any ~over.nmen1 planJor.the.purpose-of.bring~~ rng about a coalition of opposition to Allende." One young girl buddied near a bonfire Sunday night said, "if they thought they were going to get 3,000 people to this thing, they were crazy." SANTA ANA FIREMEN POUR WATER ON CHARRED BUILDINGS AT FOURTH AND SPURGEON Smoke From Bli!ze Early This Morning Visible for Miles; Investigators Check .fo~ ArM>n F romPqe I Jn-earlier testimony, William v .~ BtoC/ ~ a CIA agent then in charge of Latin Ai:nerican clandestine OJl!!ratlons, also said Geneen told him as early as July 1970 he was willing to assemble a- substantial political fund to support the candidacy ' of an opposition candidate to A1lende. 'Ibe marching waa expected to continue today and then shift to the advocates of Thieu and N~on tonight. New Jersey' minister Dr. Carl Mcintire plans to bring his fundamentalist block to he same area and conduct a rally in support of Thieu and his regime. The leftist demonstrators said ~unday they planned to be on hand to greet the con- servative forces. That activity_ is scheduled to coincide with the arrival of Thieu and fiiSWife for a private dinner at La Casa Pacifica starting at 8 p.rn. Tuesday's activities at the compound were scheduled to involve lar,ge numbers of aides to both heads of state and will laJ?t through the ·morning hours. In the afternoon the President and Thieu plan to make concluding .statements on the ' lawn in front of the Presidential villa: Thieu will leave for Washington, D.C. later in the day where more talks are scheduled. Vice President Spiro T. ·Agnew 1vill serve as official host for those discussions. The arrival of Thieu in Los Angeles Sunday to meet President Nixon and thank the United States for keeping "America's word to a small nation," set _.Oll..@i confrgnta!iM..b:e!We.en prO'.-and anti-Thieu Vietnamese. -- Police held the rival groups apart and there was no violence. As Thieu climbed into his limousine lhe p~Thieu demonstrators streamed toward the anti-Thieu faction, yelling in· suits and brandishing placard sticks and 12-f~t long banner poles as weapons. A hoe of police raced between the two groups and held them about 30 yards apart. They screamed insults at each other until the pro-Thieu group was shepherded into buses. During a 14-hour stopover in Honolulu Thieu videotaped an emotional thank yo~ spe_ech to the American people, pfaising their ''supreme and disinterested generosity. * * * 300 Proteste rs Jeer Tlii eu Vi sit An estimated 300 to 350 antiwar demonstrators gathered on seaside bluffs about a quarter of a mile from the Western White House in San Clemente today to protest Soutti Vietnamese Presi- dent Nguyen Van Thieu's visit to the United States, Many of the demonstrators, dressed ·in military fatigues and field jackets, wav- ed Viet Cong and U.S. flags as helicopters shuttled dignitaries to the Western White House compound. One of the dignitaries was Thieu, who received a ceremonious chie£-0f-state greeting from President Nixon. The demonstrators planned to picket near the \Vhite liouse entrance, but Secret service agents said they would be held at least a city block away. OUNGI COAn LI DAILY PILOT F rom Pagel -BACK BAY PROPOSAL • • • between Irvine and Orange Cdbnty was approved by the Board of Supervisors on May 6, 1964. It called for the county to give Irvine 157 acres of Ba<lk Bay tidelands, In ex- change, Irvine would give the county 450 acres of its bay µplands for public use as park and recreation areas. Included in the old tidelands exchange agreement were three tidal islands own· ed by Irvine in Upper Newport Bay. The swap called for these islands to go to Orange County and be dredged away, making room for an 800-fQOt navigable channel all the way up the Back Bay waters. In its new policy statement, the Irvine Company stresses that it still strongly belteves that the tidelands exchange was and is legal. But the company position now is that continued legal flights would be counter-productive and a whole new approach is needed; Thus the offer to the public agencies. _nwse_who_received the. new Irvine of- fer today in San Francisco were Webster Otis and Richard J. Shukle of the U.S. Department of the Interior; Norman B. Livermore, Jr. and James ·F. Trout for the state of caJifomia: David L. Baker and Adrian Kuyper for the County or Orange ; and Mayor Donald A. Mcinnis for Newport Beach. The Irvine Company was represented by President William R. Mason, Counsel Guy Claire and consultant Robert Shelton. The session to recei~e the Irvine offer opened shortly after 8 a.m. in directors room 600 at the Airport Hilton Lnn. It broke up shortly before 10 a.m. There was no immediate reaction from the public officials on the new Irvine policy statement. Orange County's Sec- ·ood District Supervisor David Baker of Garden Grove said be simply couldn't _speak for the entire Board o f Supervisors. While the new Irvine offer -and reversal of past policy -is aimed at creating public usage of Upper Newport Bay, many questions will remain on how the plan will be implemented. A major hurdle will be determining the public agencies which will come up with the money to pay Irvine for its lands. Means will also have to be worked out to terminate all the lawsuits pending on Upper Bay. Also, ·there will be-a.___ question of taxes which the Orange County Assessor's Office alleges Irvine owes on disputed Back Bay lands. Irvine has refused to pay these levies for the past .. fou-~ years; P ay Call Hike Seen WASHINGTON (UPI ) -John D. deButts, chairman of the American Telephone and Telegraph Co., predicted Sunday that the price o( a routine call aL a pay phone \vould rise to 20 cents to meet the giant utility's operating costs. DeButts also forecast a 15-cent in- formation charge plus higher rates for installation and long-distance calls. Irvine Company Give s Upper Bay Statement Special to the Daily Pilot SAN FRANCISCO -Here is the full text issued here today by the Irvine Company relative to its ne\v policy position on Upper New- port Bay: TH E IRVIN E COMPANY still concurs in the legal views ex- pressed to the courts by its attorneys and by the Attorney General on behalf of the Slate Lands Commission that the Upper Newport Bay Land Exchange is legal and constitutional. Nevertheless, the Company believes that rather than continuing litigation On the con- stitutional and other issues, the interests of all concerned are better served by a fresh approach involving mutual and concerted efforts by public agencies and the Com pany to achieve public ownership of the Co1npany's lands in Upper Ne,vport Bay. Accordingly, for its part the Irvine Company hereby pledges its willingness and intention to : (I) Refrain from appealing to the California Supreme Court the appellate court decision in the case of Orange County vs. Hein1 . (2) Work with the Orange County Board of Supervisors to find mutually acceptable means of terminating existing la\VSUits. (3) Ofrer for immediate possession by interested public Th•°""'" co.11 o•.iLr PJLor, "'It! Which ·agencies those Irvine lands they deem desirable for pub- 1• cornblntd !tie Newt.-P1~"' 11 Pllblllhed by I' h · th h I d ,t ' d b tne 011nae Coest Pl.lllllsni,,g C~n~. S.C..· .IC 0\Vners lp SO at t e an S ·may elljOye y the .. i. mn1on1 ••• Mll•""":I· Monct•v tl!roug" public pending a workable plan to co pensate the Com· Fri.Hy, ~ COS!• Mf~. Nftl>Orl 8f•dl. pany. ' H111111no'°" 8~K111Foun111n v1111y, Leoune (4) Consider all reasonable forms and terms of compensa· 0 Four Santa Ana Stores Des troyed By Raging Fire A. raging fire of undetermined origin swept throug h four businesses in do\.\'n· to\vn Santa Ana early today keeping 45 firemen busy for three hours. Smoke from the blaze could be seen for miles. The fire originated in a gymnasium· above a Mexican-American restaurant· and spread to three adjoining brick and stone structures, Damage was esti- mated at $175,000. There were no in- juries. Destroyed was the El Castillo Casa del Mariachi, 302 E. 4th Street at the southeast corner of Spurgeon Street, the R and R Sportswear Store, a record shop and a barber shop. The blaze broke out at 4: 17 a.m. and was reported through a fire alarm box. It was under control at 7 a.m. Fire officials are investigating the possibility of arson. The fire was in an area planned for rehabilitation under the city's recently adopted downtown reconstruction pro- gram. • Fro1n Pqe I DIVERS-... when he was brought from the surf. He began breathing again at the hospital. Fire Department and police assisted in moving the man from the sand up a step flight of stairs to the waiting am· bu lance. · It is nOt known exactly what happened to separate the two divers. Baird said that a sudden stiff wind picked up Sun- day, and may have caused the two men to become se parated. The wife of the missing diver was found by Baird as he searched the beaches for information about the men. Kathy Paggines was located in Boat Can- yon Cove, just south of the area the divers were found. R uss Visit P r otested STOCKHOLM (AP) -Police kept small groups of Jewish demonstrators from getting near Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin when he arrived today for a state visit. The demonstrators, protesting restrictions on Jews trying to leave the Soviet Union, were "kept about 200 yards from Kosygin and it was not likely he noticed them quietly holding up placards. 8tldl, lrYIM/s.ddltbldl ind S.n C!tmttit • • ~1 •• ~:-~Jiiirll'ftlfttrino. ~ ... 1""11 'l'llion1"',-l-+------tlon.-1n~g--buLno.Llimiled_f.il.~,,e,,nt,,sc..o"'r'-14--a. M1111on 11 J1Wnlll«I s.111n:11V1 •nc1 $void'"· exchange for surplus public lands elsewhere. '"-prlricfSMt Wbllthi,,. pi.~1 It •I llO Wetl &•r 5'r"t, c011• M"", cimorrt1•, '7u1. IT IS CLEAR THAT early accotnplt'shmen l of publ1'c wne sh' o r 1p p,~::i• .~ ~"~~~ of Upper Newport Bay lands \viii requjre a coordinated and energetic J•ck R. Curt•v eff?rl on the part of the interested public agencies. Therefore, the v1c;, 1"ntld11nt •M 0tntf11 "''"'"' Irvine. C~maany respectfully suggests and urges that those agencies, Th•m;; 1 !••.,11 as their interests appear, promptly undertake the following actions: Thom•• A. Murphin• (1) Expedite conclusion, of the work o( the Upper Newport , MtMtlnV e.i1'°' Bay Field Committee currently chaired by the Depart· c1i,,1., H. Looi Rlch•r4 '· N•ll ment of the Interior. • ANl•flftl MIMflll(I Edltw\ (2) D le . f ' .._ -°""" e rmme mal boundaries and expedite the completion 222 Far.•t "•'"'v• of the appraisal.process now under way. M.111119 Addr••u P.O. 1., ,66, 92652 (3) Develop as rapidly as possible a recommended funding °""' ....,_ and /or exchangl! program for early actiQn by participat- c.t" "'"'r m w"' hY''""' in~ a.e:encles. :~~r.;:O:~.C:~~~-= =:.•;:.~ (4) Establish a Task Force composed of representatives of ap- .,.,, t1ttM11111 as HO!'~ e:1 c.m111o 111 .. 1 propriate public a,aencies and the Irvine Company to meet ,.,.,.... ,,,4, MJo4JJt re~ularl y to expedite the recommended program. . """""-IWn!lh!!!.m-H1 (5) Review pendin~ lawsuits with the objective of termina~ 1rem-011111utnal«"1l'e< bmtm tms. ,, • .,.~ ... , .. -,4 • .-( ) . ee WRv~ o a e immediate po.'isesslon of t e eslt'e ~.:';: ::;" n:.'"':1or~·11":;.~.:,,~ land~ pendJng a \\'orkable plan to compensate the Com· ..rrwi.1 lftt"• 1r tdWrtlWIWliw. ...... .., pany, rN't' lilt ~ wl!llOVI ll*"l ,., . ........... .. eopytlffll ...,.,, • """"' <"" ~;;,;.. .. 111 " ""' .,,..., GtVlltN TME MUTUAi. fl:S:ODT 11.nd cnoneratlon herein pro-) ~=··..-"'='11".T.j, r:..::,'"'mn::: l)nr;:Pd. !he Jrvf"'t rnrt1nflnv fl\ honef'11J that earlv accomplishment of f!Ut11111llflt WM INll1fltr. rnl'tlnat1hl e nnhll(' aru'l nrivate obiectives ls possible. · < ' l + WINDS ... Patrol towed in nint· capsized boats wher~ small cra£t operators ignored warnmgs and went sailing any'Yay. One ·boat reportedly smashed into the jetty at the harbor mouth. Control tower operators at Orange County Airport said the winds \Vere the worst in three years. No accidents were rep:>rted, but officials said at least a · dozen light planes were diverted to Capistrano ·Airport and Long Beach Airport because of the winds .. Girl, 16, Raped By Trio A ft er Kidnap iriLaguna --The kidnaping and rape of a 16-year-old girl abducted from a downtown Laguna Beach Street was under investigation to- day by Laguna Beach and Hollywood Division detectives. The girl, identified by officers only as a resident . of · south Orange County, was raped twice and dropped off in Hollywood with a handful of change after she ac· cepted a ride With three men in a car. The incident occurred at about 1: 15 a.m. March 25, a Sunday. Laguna "Beach Det. Gene Brooks said the sexual attack and kidnaping were similar to' that of a 13-year-old girl visiting Laguna from-€ovina~in-Gctober.- Brooks said the girl had been visiting on the beach with an older woman relative. Slie had left to go downtown to a service station. and was returning to the beach at Cress Street. She was in the 500 block of South Coast Highway, when a car with three men pulled up, and she was offered a ride to the beach. When she asked to be let out the driver of the car pulled out a large fold-up knife tllreiltening the girl's life. She was orde red into the back seat, and the vehicle was driven to a secluded area in the hills along El Toro or Laguna Canyon road. There the girl was forced from the car by the driver who took her to an Isolated spot and sexually assaulted her. The other two men waited at the car. Then the girl was forced back into the vehicle and was driven to the Anaheim area where the two male passengers were let out. The rapist drove to a construction site in Los Angeles, attacked the young girl again and then drove her to a phone booth, handed her a handful of change, and sped away. Brooks said the local department was notified of the crime last week. and was continuing an investigation of the in· cident. Geneen said today he did direct an ap- proach to the State Department and the ' \Vhite House Office c..~ Henry A. Kissinger 1 "to tell them we had grave concern over the outlook for JTT-'s investment and ~ere de~irous of discussing our thoughts ' 1n Washmgton and were 1villing to assist • financially in any g~ernment plan to ~1 help protect private American inVest- ment in Chile." ' Ge~ee": said he did not recall offering a contr1buhon to the CIA's Broe in July; , 1970, but accepts Broe's testimony that it v.·as mentioned since "it is a matter I might well have raised in view of my concerns. · ~ "In any event," Geneen said, "the sub-l ject was obviously dropped and I did ~ nothing further about it" Public School s Montl1 Observed April is Public Schools Month and will be recognized with open house at each of thi five Laguna Beach schools. Docent tours of Laguna Beach Rig~ 1 School, 625 Park Ave. will be held Tues- day and again on April 6. Tours wiu 1'1 depart from the administrative offices at 9 a.m. and :ll a.m. Following is ,the schedule for the Other·•· schQola: ~ru ' _-Thurston Intennediate School 2100 ParITve ~ 1:30 p.m. ro-9 p.rii~ Ap'iil s:- -Aliso El!lmentary School, 21542 Wes- ley Dr., So\Jth Laguna, 7:30 to 9 p.m., April 10. -El Morro Elementary School, 8681 N. Coast Highway, 7:30 to 9 p.m. Wednes- day. -Top of the World Elementary School, 21601 Tree Top Lane, 7:30 to 9 p.m., April 12. Public Schools Month was initiated on-' an annuaf basis in 1920 by the Grand Lodge or Free and Accepted Masons of California and Hawaii. Worshipful Master of the Laguna Beach Lodge, George Pletts, announced that this year's theme will be "Preserve America's :'"Heritage for Tomorrow's Children -Support Public Schools." Pletts urged local residents to take ad- vantage of the open house programs. McMahon Hurt in Fall MIAMI (UPI ) -Television personality Ed McMahon was hospitalized during the weekend for injuries received in a fall aboard a yacht in the Bahamas. McMahon, 50, had several stitches taken· in a cut over his right eye and wa~ treated for bruises on his nose and ann. " OIAHT 6.96 C.. Ft RlffZB( HOLDS 11'10241 POltllS- l'ROVl>fS*" MORE Ffa£ZBCtRN:Jr{ THNf NN GE 10t4J9Z8C MOOS. !MR MADS 19995 I I I Model SDl 50N I I Includes choice ol colOl' on front panel and removal ot I " '36991 L old dl.shwaaher. 1 ---·--- 1815 NEWl!O, T ELVD., COSTA MESA ,) " . " . " • I . • l j I ' ' I • l I J -. -------4 • , • T oday's Final N.Y. Stoeks k TEN CENTS v -- ·\£J.fld Gusts · Up to 55 MPH Bombard Coast 1' \•f'4·-nl'~1J:. .. f, ·"''' ' "' '" ·By •JOHN ZALLER Of .. DIMIJ·l"illf S..ff 1 Wjnd.5_gusting uP to 55 miles..an. hour lashed tlie Orange .Ox.st Sunday closing ' oU a ~ion of coast highway, stnasbing "windows, and c r e a t i n g mayhem in y,achting harbors. 1 Nd ~jor damage or injuries were ·,1 tePorted, but there were ... an .estimated 100 caPllzed boat! tn coastal areas, ww~ (allures affecting at least G,400 persons, and the normal doses or broken tree limbs and 'yards strewn vl'ith branches. The heavy.winds began about noon and blew a steady 25 to 35 miles an hour until 11 p.m., according to most reports. Gusts in the Newport Harbor area were reporte4 up to 55 miles an hour. Amateur meteorologist J. Sherman Denny or Huntington Beach said the winds were the heaviest since April, 1970. The-worst damage was reported in tlie Ne\vport Beach and Costa Mesa areas. The Orange County Harbor Patrol reported towing in at least 50 capsized boats art.er sailors ignored small craft warnings that 'should have kept most boats tied to their moorings. "A' lot of people thought they '!er.< .pretty good sailors until they got out in tbat wind," said Sgt. Robert Bainlirldg~. "But II takes more than a good 'll)lol". to stay out of trouble when it's blowfpg 50 knots." --..:::: __ In addition to the SO rescues made by ,· ~ , DAILY PILOT ..... 'JRtdl#Wf-..:; SANTA ANA FIREMEN l'OUR WATER ON 1CHARRED BU IL DINGS AT FOURTH AND .SPlJR~ON . Smoke From Bl-Early This Morning.Visible for Mil .. ; Investigators Check for Arson Flames Destroy Four Businesses ; In Santa Ana A raging fire of widetermined origin swept through four businesses in down-. town 5anµt 1Ana early today keeping 45 firemen busy for three hours. Smoke from 'tbe .bl&ze muld be seen for miles. The ·fire originated m· a gymnasium above ,a Mexican-American restaurant aiid, spread tcr-three adjoining brick' and stooe structures. Damage · was esti- mated at" $175,000. There were no in· juries. Destroyed was the El Castillo Casa del Mariachi, 302 E. 4th SI reel . al tbe toatheast comer or Spurgeon Street, the R.aDct R Sportswear Store, a record shop and a bafber ~p. The blaze broke out at 4:17 a.m. nnd was reportea~through a fire alarm box. It : waa ~r cOll!iol al 7 a.m. FJe o~icf!l15 are .JnV~tigat~g the pon)billty of anon. ' Tl\e llre. J!lis~ln_an _area pJ!Med for , t:ehibilltatk>n under. the ·city's recently adoPted doWDLiiin 'itconalructlon pro- gram. ' PLEASE YQ_VRSELF Meat Sales Reportedly 1 Falling Lo.we r in Areas By The Associated Press On the picket line, at the dinner table arid in ttie superm arket, consumers fought rising food prices today as part of a nationwide meat boycott. The April 1-7 boycott -organized by a variety or consumer groups -caused a reported drop in meat sales in some areas. Lloyd Jarrell, meat manager at a giant open-air market in Richmond, Va., said, "Our red meat sales were off 20 to 30 percent over the weekend .'! The manager of the Associated Food Store Co-op, Inc. in Manhattan said his business was affected "quite a bit." West Virginia housewives announced plans for picketing various supermarkets and distributing leaflets. Families throughout the nation said they substituted things like tuna fish or meatless casseroles.for the usual Sunday roast leef1dlnner. U.S. farmers withheld livestock from mark'et-tempoi'arily last week to protest declining. prices. UDllecf"-lnlimational reported liog pricts _were slightly oil al principal Mid- west ~keta In l'&rlY trading, dropping , aa much a~ fl per 100 pounds ~I the big ., East St l..ouis, Ill. market, and at Joliet, Ill., and as much as $3 at Peori3, Ill. (Meat packers, some of whom decreed plant layoffs until the situation settles doWn, watched apprehensively for tr;ends in beef marketing. But beef prices -at the-live level not included in the new price freeze -edged $1 to $1.50 higher at principal markets, UPI said.) President Nixon announced Thursday night that a ceiling on the price of all beef, pork, and lamb was to go into effect today. But leaders of con.sumer groups said the boycott was being held anyway because the ceiling would not be effect!ve. Although some New York restaurants reported patrons asking for more meat- less dishes than usual, a spot check of restaurants in the Chicago area showed most restaurants doing a booming busi- ness. "Right now, we've got. a waiting line of 20 minutes, and I've-seen a·lot of steaks going by," said Fiieda.Marlanos, service ~r at a Chicago restaurant w~re the best steak coots fl.50. A sampling of Detroit_,area supermar- kets showed customers in large numbers were avoiding meat counters. "We'Ve been selling chickeil, that's a11," said Cheri Killingsworth, a rileat clerk at a Detroit food store . the Harl>or Patnl, llalnbrldp aald there wm! prol>obly another 50 capobed boat.s tbft ~ bel~ by private ctt!Jens. He a~ rep0r1ed f911t boat.s with broken mull aad aoe Iba\ ran aground at 10th Street. "We were bUly au\ there-until mid· l)lgbt l<'ini IO faal we just ~mplelely lg· OOred the poperWwk, .. be aaid. "There was DO way we C<lUld keep up with all the re!lOUJ with '9. many people dlsrquding our danger warnln,gs.11 lll-,notber Newport Beach tnctdent, two cars ftl'e burned 'Dear Irvine A venue and llth..StneLwil"1-111-.electricat11De fell on them. Both were llDOCCupled and parked. There were two Iarae power fallures in ll>sta Mesa. One· In north 'll>sta Mesa beginning at J:57 p.m, put 1,6.50 CU!tomers out of service for 4t minutes. Anollier !allure In the downtown area began al S: II p.m. and affected 1,300 customers for 69 minutes, Edison of, ficials reported. In other coaJtal a~tivity, Huntington Beach police issued a traffic advisory for motorists traveling on the Pacific C.OSst Highway at Bolsa ChJca State Beach. Police said lhat drivers Ignoring their warnings suffered aandblastinJ' ·and risked accident due to poor v1slbllity from blowing sand. At. Dana Point Harbor, the Harbor (See WINDS, Page!) Bay -band Offered lrvineCo.Shi-fts -,Puts Up .Newport Area By TOM MIJRPDINE may, '1e enjoyed by the public pending a ot .... ~ PNM "'" workable plan to compensate the eom- otMrabf.~9~~· ·0He~lnf2~~ ~~·s acuOri was viewed as a.major a g enc I e s immediate pmession of shift in ill long-standing policy of seeking ranchlands surrounding Upper Newport a ,tidelands exchange in Upper Newport Bay. Bay. In an official statement, the Irvine ...ft was also viewed as a major and Company offered "for i m m e d i a t e dramatic step toward ending the debate possession by interested public agencies ' and legal actions which have embroiled those I~ine lands _they deell!_ desirable _~ Back Bay for the past decade. for pubhc ownership so that Uie lands The company--om· wa.s made in a High Cou,._t_ ·Uphol~ _!Jan fht.Pipel•Be . -' . WMllDfdToN (AP) -The U.S. ~ Court today let llaDd a JoWer court declaim blocking -al the cootroverslal trllll-Alaab o'l l pipeline. The high court refused without com- ment or disstnt an urgent government plea to overturn the lower court. Thus, the justices left the future of the pipeline from Alaska's North Slope to Congress. The government, the state of Alaaka and a consortium of oil companies urged the court to overturn a decision issued in February by the U.S. Cireult Court of Appeals here. Tbe ctrc:Utt <lCiurl said the gOVeriimenl could not issue permits for CCllllr\IClioo of the pipeline oo U.S . .owned land because the riilil-ol·way nee1led tl(oeeds tbe 54-loot width 4lfowed' by the -nl Milleial LeuiDg Act al 19211. The plpellne would reguire !!&-loot widths. Tbe government, deocrlblnc the Wile as a vital one involving naUooal security and the nation's balance-of-payments drain due lo the need to tmwrt oll from foreign buyers, asked not ooly for high court review but also an extraoniinarl.ly speedy resolutioo by the high court. Oil issues were actively traded· today on Wall Street and suffered steep cfe.. clilles ·in the wake of the high.court rul- in~tinental Oil: the Big Board's. moat active issue, fell iniUally 1 ~ to 38'1', At· !antic Richfield waa down I~ to 73~ and Standard Oll of Ohio dropped 5 to 98Y<. Alaska Interstate, whicli IJ ·1n-· volved in the project, fell lnltialjy J'll to 28%. The blgb court's rerusal to CCll!lder tbe case Yirtually guarantees otlll more delay In the project, an IDterlor lleparl· ment official commented, became it left environmental questions to be i-esolved only after congress selllea tbe legal prob- (See PIPELINE, Pa1e I) Walton OK'd To Play Russ ~wASHINGTON-(}.P) -·'!be-Na· t1ooal COlleglat..-Alblellc Aaaocta-· ~~.lJ..,-t.,~ . -lllll W=~ , . .._ .. thl Nil eerlM bohMD tbe United -Ind tbe Scrriet Unlon . Walter Byon, -ve director of the NCAA, aaid bis orpnlz&Uon, under rulea already tllabllabed, could In effect aanctioo the tour II the. Amateur Athletlc UDloll made a formal request. The NCAA cbanled llJ previous objectioo to the aeries after Rep. Peter Peyser (R·N.Y.), told Byers lhl!I Walton was to call the NCAA alflces today to -k permlaaion to compete for the Aµt~I~ team. Hearings Slated On -Culver Drive Interchange Plan State beilrlngs on the deslgii of the CUiver Drive and Santa Ana Freeway In- terchange wlll be beld May I In Irvine City Hall. 11)e one-mile relocatloc of the freewa y and straightening of Culver Drive which slate highway plaruiers are consldertni lncludea revlJloJla sUgested by a city of Irvine atudy commlttee. The revlllon would .eliminate the need to relocate Trabuco· Road, reductni the lmpoct , al the rebuUt freeway in· .ten:bonp Oii hom!t In the ~l Glub developmeot, accOrdlhg to the com· mlttee. • The federally fllJl!IOd project was in· lllated by the .t>1111111.y pr11r to in- corporalion of the now, city. In 11'11. A high accident rate In the area qualified the project for !eden! highway funda, cl· ty olllclals noted. high-level session here at San Francisco's Airport Hilton Inn to officials of the U.S. Department of Interior, state o f California, county of Orange and city of Newport Beach. There was no immediate reaction from the public agencies. Irvine executives, .. however, said the company's new posi-, tion paper was well received by the public representatives. In addition to offering Its lands sur· !See BACK BAY, Page!) Allende 'Block' Charges Denied . By _ITT Chief WASHINGTON (AP) -m CJlalrinan Harold's. c;..,... teslllled today bis com- pany did not lake any steps to block the election of Salvador Allende u president of Olile In 1970. In testimony for the Senate foreign relations subcommittee on multlnaUonill corporations, Geneen said "all that ITT dld wu to present its views, concerns, and ideas to various departments of the U.S. government." Not only was this a constitutional right, Geneen said, but also the obligation of International Telephone and Telegraph ·c:orp. In protecting shareholders and employes. Geneen said I'M' "did not encourage or participate In any way in any alleged plot' for a military coup In Chile to block the election of Dr. Allende. Nor did l'IT con- tribute money to any: persoos~or to any ·agency of any government to block the eleclion of Dr. Allende." (United Press IDtemalional reported today that Gene<n acknowledged today he offered to contribute funds to the CIA to support the opponent of Allende in the election. · (Geneen told Senate Investigators, however , that ''the subject was obviously dropped" and insisted that ITT never contribu ted money "to any person or to any agency of any government to block the election of Dr. Allende.") John A. McCone, fonner director or the Central Intelligence Agency and now an 11T director. 1old the panel March 21 tha"t Geneen sent him to Washington in September 1970 to inform high govern- ment officiala that rrr was ready to corr tribute up to II mllllon "in support of any government plan for the purpose al bring· ing about a coalition of opposition to Allende," Orange Coast • I • I WITH A ~ILOT AD 'N• . . ' Th. . s •t lease IXO.ll • · IeU Ill .UIDIDI Garbage Dispersa ls j--J-~"cl°c1a~~~K;iedf';~~an~t~a~.:!.fi;f:;~ir:icaniff-~..:::..~:=:::::::...::::.:::=:,::i_~-=:...:::=:::...:::.-==-__:=.::=:___::::_=::.::=::==:=::...:~~roten at Ef-'fu~~~+--.....,!!!!!..., __ .L~-~r!!!!!.~-..'.l--~I .Ple"¥santly surprise you -n ~--~ OPEN'HOU.· SE'SAT.&' De·m onstrators Ch ant Outside Sa n Clemente Villa Thirty-five . giu:\>U• dllposal unlls Sunny and windy Is the way the • awaiting lm.tallaUOn In new homea on the wealherlady sees It for Tuesday, SUN CAPE COO ON El Toro l\larlne Corpo ·Air station were with highs of 67 at the beaches, ris· • A'40'.t..OT By JOHN VALTERZA a long oval on a patch of dirt alongside of characterizing the two days or con-d1-d of dµrtng the weekend by Inc to 72 inland. Winda are ex-(•~--1.•.~ e 2•••••-ge. the d . I ltb Thi bu'1lm who droyt a truck to the site, peeled to decrease to 15 miles per S~1r-=~ r""or ._";6,:;'t.-_.. °' ,... °''" ""''"" roa way. erences w eu. Orqe County Shrif'a officers uld. hour. Overnight Iowa In the 505. ~ -~· -President Ni1<0n and South Vietnamese Tbe lW'llOUI was about the same as He sat~ the talb come at a limo when lloplllea aid Ibo lnlnlders broke into amp · UDderground "duplex Presidell't Nguyen Van Thieu began a that which appeared SUnday night at a peace with honor bad arrived but be a pnp i.d for slortng equlpment and INSWE TODAY <elec. mice, garage door round of olflclal ,talkl at the Western rally a~tbe nearby •tale park. stressed that the peace C(lllld not ha,. then loedld the dlspoul Ul!lta onto their Are ~ou fighting mod about a opener, complete-kitchen, White House 85' hundreds of demonstra· Tactical squads from lbe Costa Mesa been won without the valor o( the South aWaJdnl vehicles. Tbe. proje ct defective product 11ou have pur- all elec. eXlra toucbea YO)I ~.7., ~~ pre~1~r.\'i~:7.1e 'fu J: ~~ ~~":!1:!':~ ~et;"= at Vi~l\"';:i,j not be (IOC41ble," be aakl, auperlntendenl valued the loss •I ll,225. ~"l'J'fo,. ~ha~ t!::~eoJ:'~ ~"! wouldn't believe, nrepit, Clemente. the location demo n".I t r a tor: 1 and .. without the courage and leadenhlp_aoL dud? Finandat coh.imnist Sylvia sprinklers 00 time clock. Thieu'• helicopter touched down nt the authortues bad agreed that the mattbers solidarity which your people have made. Radio Tower Downed Porter ,.11, gou how to sue hi , Ba ,_ 2 lartdlng pad of tile Western While Hou.se would use as tbeit stopping poh\l. This "We meet toward bulldq a 'poact for --•! 1o · urt loda 2 Br, l'h • ...,.,., .. tairt, at 10:30 a.m. where a foll state.arrival morning's man:b yielded no arresta. your land which has suffered ao".much f"""" c 1'""' co 11 on loll bdn:nl up. For sale by ceremony tooi:J.lace. Aller remaru by both beads of slate and for your people who have ltiffered so SAN RAFAEL (AP) -A l!Mool steel Page IS. t:=J==:::;:::::~:;~·~·'J.~\Hlng~!-~"2~.1!1111~, ~,B~ll<l~-:·:::==;:1~·1acy~~be=~·'.;' ~a.vie gall~ol..500 -the meo.nti!'~ u the 25 ~~-.!!,!ar." ~=:Jr=a~dlo:;;tr~ansm:~ISl~lo~n~towtf*r:':;bu~been;;;;;;!;to:p-:=t:~-g"~· ... ...,.~=:;~"~·~~~~"~..,~";:::jllq=~ I ,.. · ·l!lld a :ii-· · mtlrbr....:al1 t .,....,,.~. ~ ' eluded In the welcome celebration. the rebuilding of the war-tom naUon and hand al 109-<lcre Sall Clentenle Stale 'Ibis ·house sold the finit day the ad About ISO chanting demonstrators convcrtlog tile fragile cease-fire to Park 5ilnday u a bowllnJ wlnd II/med tlon, the sheriff's deportment said. ran, and the advertiser was really begu marching along Avenlda de! lasting pea«. CriUCll.J!ave aisel'led that a anti-war >!g!l Into a.cbllly affair (Pl.. TumbollJ •I the bale Of KTIM AM·FM's pleaaedl For ple11ing resulla al your Preaidente at about 11 a.m .. many of, Thieu is In the United Stales simply for tures, Page I). tower in • !leld northeul of bere were .. own, please ca!t direct·-llwe78. them carrying Viet COng flags and "Image building." The total number al ant~Thteu and loostned juat after the station went .ofl. placards. Dozens of the demoostrators President Nixon uoed . the name of hlJ )ilron demonstrators was a~t 3itl. ID tbe !!ii" Saturday night, sh e r 111 • s carried ~can O~gs as they arched In esta te, "La c...a Paclllca," as a mwis (Ste' TRIEU, Page I) · Ueutennt l!!lr OlmeUy said . < ..... • ll'tvfl ,.....,. 11 ·-H ...... 16o1, .., __ I IMCk Mliftltfl 1•1• ......... ,.,. I T-11 a1111 .. 11l:a11tlllt II --II -, .. ,, -• "'""' ._.. I ............ .....,, .... "'"•*' " --• .. • .~ • I I [_ I I \ ' I ) • % DAILY PILOT IS Monday, April 2, 197) Fro11tPqel THIEU ... • ... their ranks.JVU actress and activ'lst Jane Fonda -protected' by s e v e r a l bocfycuardl·-but otl1er membea of the group loo~ over U.. speaking duties. As the demonstrators sat on the cold ground members of a guerrilla theater troupe performed an antiwar play. Wine - ·and marijuana were abundant during the early part of the evening. The park is about a quarter mile. from Nixon's seaside Casa Pacific. The basic premise 'of the demonstrators is that Thieu is in the United States in an atteffipt 10 repair a poor publlc image and that he plans to assertedly "auction off" South Vietnam to American business Interests. No one could really say why the demonstrations which were so heavily publicized drew so few persons. One )'(IUllg girl huddled near a bonfire Sunday night said, "if they thought they were going to · get !,000 peop1e to this thing, they were crazy." Th.e marching was expected to continue today and then shift to the advocates of Thieu and Nixon tonight DAILY l'ILOT Stall l'l'IOll . - -:'-: ... ... ., ·~ , _.r ~'*• _P .. e I Waterfltlte BllfJfllllf BACK BAY... V. • roundlni..Vpper.!11,piri.&yrlha.lr.v~FV-l- eompany 11reecl IO Cllleel 111 aJ>iieal on , the curreqt Bac;t: Bv laws~U • ./:,- Thll IJsue wblch• has l>efl!tlrlndlog throlf;b. the coUr1a t<J".teveral Years was ig.i..t the lepllli>·,i the ypper Bay land swapr lt btpn.u 1 so-called "friendly '' lawsuit but opponents to the tidelands ex· change · jumped into it and It soon became unfriendly. An Orange County Superior court decision fuled the swap constitutiona l .. ·But last Feb. 23, lhe Fourth District Court of Appeal in San Bernardino over· ruled that decision. The appeal court sald that judicial prec®ents that appe,l!reti to support the trade don',t apply in the Back Bay case. lt was a SO.page opinion and _the legal point at issue· was whether or not it is constitutional for any publi9 ~tidelands to be traded Into private ownership. Th~ ap- peals court said no. The Irvine C.Ompany had until 3:30 p.m. this afternoon to appeal that decision to the California SUpreme Court. Under terms of its new policy state- ment, Irvine will apparently abandon that appeal. ' . Testimony l'j~{ .. ta'k~ a""! la.ws at his al ma WASl!INGTON .(AP) -Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. (J).N.0.). todaY rejected as Wlacceptable President Nixon's offer ~o produce White House aides for informal testimony in secret sessions of the special committee investigating the Watergate bugging case. (Related story. Pag'e 4). · E'rviµ, the committee's·chaiMnltn, said the Senate is empov.·ered by taw 1o sub- poena any witness it wishes onJlt._ own terms and to mete punishment ·for refus- ing to appear as a witness. "I am not willing to elevate a White House aide above the great masses of the American people," Ervin, told a news 'conference. mended President Nixon· "refresher course" in the. evidence at Duke University, mater. Ervin also rejected the . White -House claim tbat presidenUal counsel John W. Dean lift ts exempted from appearing because Of 'his lawyer-cllcrit rel'atio"nship , with the Presideilt and \Vhit e House aides. Dean, Ervin said, was, appointed ~~· Nixon---to find out· ·whether. any ~f btiJ;: aides were guilty of misconduct in tht.1 events surrounding the bugging ft· Democratic National Committee hea~ quarters in Washington's Watergate ~~ fice complex. ~ June. _,,.,.--... 4il~ ''Now be clai.ms he was a~ing'as the " attorney," Ervin sai<t. ana: accused De~ of a ''conflict of interests." \,. New Jersey minister Or. Carl Mcintire plans to bring his fundamentalist block to he same area and conduct a rally In support of Thieu and his regime. The leftist-demonstrators said-Sunday-they planned to be on hand to greet the con· se~tive forces. JANE FONDA BRAVES CHILL WINDS TO JOIN PROTEST About 350 Personli Gathered at San Clemente State Park Today's negotiat~d agreement on the \ands around Upper Newport Bay does not Come as a total surprise. l''ifth District Supervisor Ronald Caspers acknowledged that Orange C o u n t y government and the Irvine Company were working on a negotiated agreement. He divulged this nearly ooe year ago, on July 14, 1972, at a meeting of the Orange "I don't think we have any such thing or such tblng as royalty or nobility in this country that exempts a Mµte House aide from appearing before a committee of Congress just like anyone else who is subpoenaed,•· Ervin said. He said it is "absurd'' to hold that the Senate is impotent to deal with the White House _in the Wat~rg~te case an~ _recom· Ervin repealed a warning that he wif seek the arrests by the Senate or all White House aides who refuse to honor; formal subpoenas. Ervin said he would first issue .. an; engraved invitation" and then a formal subpoena if that were refused. --• That activity is seheduJed to coincide with the arrival of Thieu and his wife for a private dinner at La Casa Pacifica starting at 8 p.m. -Man's Condition C1~itical r-~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~-, '• Irvine Company. Gives Upper Bay Statenient County Coast Association. Tuesday's actiVities at the compound were scheduled to involve large numbers of aides to both heads of state and will last Ulrough the morning hours. In the afternoon the President and Thieu plan to make concluding statements oo the lawn in front of the Presidential villa. Thieu will leave for Washington, D.C. After-R€scu€-From Surf Originally, the Upper Bay swap between Irvine and Orange C:Ounty was approved-by the Board of Supervisors on· ·-~- ·' later in the day where more talks are scheduled. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew will serve as official host for those discussions. The arrival of Thieu in Los Angeles Sunday to meet President Nixon and thank the United States for keeping "America's word to a small nation," set off a confrontation between p~ and anti- Thieu Vietnamese. Police-held the rival groups apart and there was no violence. As Thieu climbed into his limousine, the p~Thieu demonstrators streamed toward the anti-Thieu faction , yelling in- sults and brandishing placard sticks and 12-foot long banner poles-as weapons. A line of police raced between the two groups and held them about 30 yards apart. They screamed insults at each (!!her until the pro--Thieu group was sh~pberded into buses. · During a 14-hour stopover in Honolulu, Thieu videotaped an emotiona l thank you speech to the American people, praising their "supreme and disinterested geneiosity. "Fifty thousand Americans accepted the supre me sacrifice of their lives in order to keep America's word to a small nation," and others were wowided. or im· prisoned under "the harshest con- ditions," he said . Thieu is seeking assurances that the United Stales which fought in Vietnan1 for more than a decade will continue to provide economic, political and military aid to his nation. He also sees his talks with Nixon and subsequent visits to Washington, the LBJ Ranch in Texas and to Europe as a chance to build his stature as a world statesman aild combat a public Jmage of him as a repressive dictator. Nixon's objective in the two days 0£ summit talks is to make sure that American troops will not have to return to Vietnam. He plans lo emphasize the U.S. interest in maintaining at least the appearance of peace. -The President twice publicly warned Hanoi to stop infiltrating troops and equipment into South Vietnam or face ·•consequences." The clear implication was that boming of North Vietnam might be resumed if there are continued cease· fire violations. Nixon l]as not commented publicly on truce breaches by Saigon. But he is con- ce rned that violations bf South Vietnam will invite retaliation by the c.ommuni sts and he is expected to privately warn Thieu to restrain his own forces. OUNGI COAST " DAILY PILOT Tiie Or•1111• Co11t DAILY PILOT, with wl!lcfl it combl"fd T~e N•W1·Prtu, 11 l>Ubll~htod b't' the Ortn0• Co11t Publl1hlnt COmptny. S"PI· r•11 ..:1111cin, e•• l>Ubll•hed, M011cfar ThrolJOh Fdclly, lor COITI Mt11. Ntwpcirl Beith. Hunll"l!Ot! 8tac.ll/Foun111n Y•lley, leOlll'll llHd!, 1 .... IMISaddltilaQ tncf s.~ Cltl!ltflle/ By JACK CHAPPELL Of The DllllY l'llol Staff A Laguna Beach diving rescue team today sought the diving budd·y of an Upland man now in critical condition after being pulled unconscious, his heart stopped, from the surf at Divers Cove Sonday. It is presumed the diving companion of the hospitalized man is lost at sea. Guards wtre unsuccessful in locating a body in early morning di ves today. Hospitalized is Steve Guyon, 23, or Upland. He js reported in very critical condition at the intensive care unit at South Coast Community Hospital. 'Irvine ls' Fete To Be Discussed Wednesday Niglit Results of Saturday's fund raising pie· nic and talent show will be discu ssed Wednesday when the organizers of the ci· ty arts festival -Irvine Is ... -con· tinue planning the May 12·20 events. Parker-Hannifin Corp. was the scene of Saturday's box-lunch supper and en- tertainment program . Players of the Irvine COmmunitY Theater presented a scene from the group's current show "The Desperate Hours." Irvine ls ... members Bobby Knapp and Lynn Kambe will report at 7: 30 p.m. Wednesday in room B-1 of Rancho San Joaquin Intermediate s c h o o I how "desperate" for funds the non-profit cultural group will be in the fina l six \'/eeks beCore the festival opening. Diane Langmack will report on the registration for the May 19 and 20 arts and crafts showing. CdM Man Gives Grant to School An emeritus professor who served as the first dean of UC Ir vine's graduate division has. with his wife, donated $700.000 to the University of Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Gerard of Corona del Mar made the gift, announced Saturday by university officials. The grant will be used to improve teaching and scholarship on the campus where Gerard spent more than 25 yea rs. While there , the psychology professor earned an academic reputation which led the New York Times to rank him among the top 100 contributors to the social sciences during the 20th Century. Or. Gerard, 72. was professor or psychology at the Irvine campus and is professor emeritus. He came to the cam- pus in 1964, the year.UCI opened. Gerard has been president of the UCI Friends of -nle Library. J~Ji rl • Ing I reQ Olll t<litlort II Mlls'*I $ah1nt.iy1 efMI SU1W11v1. rn1 prlntlPll Pllblli.111119 11J1nt 11 11 JJO we11 B•r S1rttt, C11111 Mna. Cflllo rnll. f1tM. Roba rl N. W11d Prtllllmt 11111 Publl11>tr J1ck R. Cu1lev Vkt P....,ldent 11'111 Genntl M•rltOer Thom11 Ktt¥il Ed!IOT No Irvine Takers For 'Tot Tender' Thomt1 A. M111phin• The city of Irvine'! "tot tender" pro-M•NOlrlt Ecl!111< Ch.A•• H. Loo• R1ch•i' '· Nill gram, born after much debate by ""1".," M_,,llf Ec11ior1 1 members of the city council, attracted no ~ interest from parents who mlght have co111!• Mtt• ui wn1 tty s1r111 US<'d the evening service while they N~~t;!:~n~N=~· ... ':.~1'" par11clpate<I in other city recreation pro- """'"""" lt•(ll: 11t1s 1..c:11 110u1tv1•c1 grams. ~n Cltfl'lt"'r: ~ Homi El c.em1 .. llttl City officials said today there were no '"•"'•11• fn4) '4t-4Jt1 children registered for the evening Cl•ulflff A"'1rrtl..., '41·1171 supervision program which was to have The other diver sought is identified as Ken Paggines, 21, of Upland. Laguna Beach Lifeguard Captain Bruce Baird said the two men were div- ing in unfavorable water conditions and apparently ran out of air. · A witness on the beach observed Guyon surface and make frantic wavin& mo- tions,-then sink below the surface. Two other divers, Nick \Vackym and Bob Updyke, both of Redland s, hauled Guyon into sho re. Lifegua rd Jim Stauffer and Baird ar· rived, after being called by a citizen, and immediately administered mouth-t(!- mouth resuscitation and external heart massage. Baird said the diver was near death when he was brought from the surf. He began breathing again at the hospital. Fire DepartmCnt and police assisted in moving the man from the sand up a step flight of stairs to the waiting am· bulance. It is not known exactly what happened to separate the two divers. Baird said that a sudden stiff wind picked \IP Sun· day, and may have caused the two men to become separated. The \Vife of the missing diver was found by Baird as he searched the beaches for information about the men. Kathy Paggines was located in Boat Can· yon Cove, just south or the area the divers were found. From Page I PIPELINE ... May f, 19114. It called for the county to give Irvine 157 acres of Back Bay tidelands. In ex· change, Irvine would give the county 450 acres of its bay uplands for public use as park and recreation areas. Included in the old tidelands exchange agreement were three tidal islands own- ed by Irvine in Upper Newport Bay. The swap called for these islands to go to Orange Coonty and be dredged away, making room for an 80()..foot navigable channel all the way up the Back Bay waters. In its new policy statement, the Irvine Company stresses that it still strongly believes that the tidelands exchange was and Js legal. But the company position now is that continued legal flights would be counter-productive and a whole new approach is needed. Thus. the offer to the public agencies.-- 1bose who received the new l!Vine of- fer today in San Francisco were Webster Otis and Richard J . Sbukle of the U.S. Department of the Interior; Norman B. bivermore, Jr. llDd James F. Trout for the state of California; David L. Baker and Adrian Kuyper for the County of Orange; and Mayor Donald A. Mcinnis for Newport Beach. · · The Irvine Company was represented by President William R. Mason, Counsel Guy Claire and consultant Robert Shelton. The session to receive the Irvine ofter opened shortly after 8 a.m. in directors room 600 at the Airport Hilton Inn . It broke up shortly before 10 a.m. There was no immediate reaction from the public officials on the new Irvine policy statement. Orange County's Sec· ond District Supervisor David Baker of Garden Grove said he simply couldn't Jems of the pipeline right-of-way. srvr.ak for the entire Board of Jared G. Carter, deputy un-"~ dersecretary, said he could not estimate Supervisors. bow much delay would result, but thinks While the new Irvine offer -and the environmental question could be reversal of past policy -is aimed at resolved "in a fairly short time ." creating public usage of Upper Newport The pipeline stirred storms of con· Bay, many questions will remain on how troversy over its potential impact on the the plan will be implemented. env ironment. A major hurdle will be determining the The Wilderness Society and four other public agencies which \\'ill come up with environmentalist groups began the litiga-the money to pay Irvine for its lands. tion that blocked construction of the 789-Means will also have to be worked out mile pipeline. In a counter brief, they to terminate all the lawsuils pending on urged the high court to uphold the circuit Upper Bay. Also, there will be a question judges and leave the issue of right-of-way of taxes which the Orange County width to Congress where several biUs Assessor's Office alleges Irvine owes on have been introduced. disputed Back Bay lands. Irvine has In its decision, the circuit court Said refused to pay these levies for the past Spocl1I to the Daily Pilot SAN FRANCISCO -Here is the full text issued here ·today by the Irvine Company relative to ils new policy position on Upper New· port Bay: THE IRVINE COMPANY still concurs in the legal views ex- pressed to the oourts by its attorneys and by the Attorney General on behalf of the State Lands Commission that the Upper Newport Bay Land Exchange is legal and con~itu~iona.1 .. N~vertheless, the Company believes that rather than cont1nwng litigation on the con· stitutional and other issues, the interests of all ,cgpcerned are better served by a fresh apprOach involving mutual ·and conc~rted efforts by public agencies and the Company to achieve public ownership of the Company's lands in Upper Newport Bay. Accordingly, for its part the Irvine Company hereby pledges its willingness and intention to: .. (I) Refrain from •Waling to the California Supreme Court the ap)>Olfa!e cojjftlleiliion in the ca!e of.Orange County vs. Henn~ (2) Work with the Orange County Board of Supervisors to find mutually acceptable means of terminating existing lawsuits.· _ (3) Ofhlr for immediate Jl(>ssession by Interested public agencies those Irvine lands they deem desirable for pub- lic ownership so that the lands may be enjoyed by the · ' public pending a workable plan to compensate the Com· pany. (4) Consider all reasonable forms and terms of compensa· tion, including but not limited to, deferred payments or exchange for surplus public lands else"1here. IT IS CLEAR THAT early accomplishment of public ownership of Upper Newport Bay lands will require a coordinated and energetic effort on the part of the interested public agencies. Therefore, the Irvine Company respectfully suggests and urges that those agencies, as their interests appear, promptly undertake the following actions: (I) Expedite conclusion of the work of the Upper Newport (2) (3) Bay Field Committee currenUy chaired by the Depart- ment of the Interior. Deterrniiie final boundaries and eKpedite the completion of the appraisal process now under way. Develop as rapidly as possible a recommended funding and/or exchange program for early action by participat· ing agencies. . .. (4) Establish a Task Force composed of representatives of ap. propriate public agencies and the Irvine Company to meet regularly to expedite the recommended program. (5) Review pending lawsuits with the objective of tenninat- ing them on mutually acceptable terms. (6) Seek ways to take immediate possession ol the desired lands pending a workable plan to compensale the Com· pany. GIVEN THE MUTUAL EFFORT and cooperation herein pro- posed. the Irvine Company is hopeful that early accomplishment of compatible public and private objectives is possible. the issue was a simple one. By enacting l ff;o;ur;;y:ea~r~s~. ~;~~;;;;;;;~;;;;~:~;;;;;;;;:;;~~==;;;;:~~~:;:::~~;;~~:~~lr" the Mineral Leasing Act, Congress "all owed pipeline companies to use a ...- certain amount of land to construct their af_ .. Jf!.. I B I le • - - - - -, ~~~~"i~t, !:i•a,:':'a~~ ~~·:ii.~~ fV8W: Ullillll . 10 I· 's I 1N~~~~~N 1 ecutive agency authorized to administer 1 I INCLUDED the statute. and have said, 'This is not enough land, give us more.' I General Electric I From Page I WINDS ... • Patrol towed in nin11 capsized boats \\'here small craft o~rat rs i ored warnings an went sa11iilg anyway. ne boat reportedly smashed into the jelly at the harbor mouth. Control tower operators at Orange County Airport said the winds were the worst in three years . No accidents were reported, but officials said at least a dozen light planes were diverted to C"pistrano Airport and Long Beach Airport because of the 'vlnds. Jn Laguna Beach 900 residents had a 90-minute power failure, Edison reported. Another 1,500 residents in the Saddleback Valley area had a 30-second power break. No damage was reported in the Irvine and Saddleback Valley areas oul!lde of dust stirred up from a few newly plowed fields. "BEST BUY" I DISHWASHER I I ~ I ao.a cq..f.LNO-l'ROSL-.0--•1 I ··- I REFR19ERATOR-FREEZER I Only 301'1• ~ W Hl9h ••• '369':s I I I I L 1999~ Model SDlS.ON XnCiudes choice of cQjor. on front panel and removal ot old dlahwuher, I I I I ------ " ... •• • I 7 • l~--t-$ot J:Mu ... All~ I l•w:'."~'"'.::=t="""::D~O~(fertJIJ.<Qm.~~. l!J.S.:J.5.p.m.)JQ(b ..• ,. "'=4tlf°"'l,;• ~-'.J'::--l"!"~ ' --f<-" ·-·-+!-- grarn. 181S NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA 1---f---..,._,...,...,....,._ ~•Y• al a •Olt.-of~ '1.~aa.u.O~..-......,_..U-· ·~~~~~~~§.~~~;;;:~11r coi1••leh;, u1i. °"•"'• eo.1t Pub!IVilnt per child for the eight vltek program. .. ~ny, No ,,... '"'"'· ltt11S•••tltnf, .. Some interest In a similar daytime ~UAMI (UPI) -Television personality tc1iior111 mt11.., ot 1111¥"''""'*',. '"''"' sed I ho .,,., " rtlll'OdwM •ltl'IOllt ..... ,,.... program was ex pres , '' recreat on Ed McMahon was spltallzed during the "'1i.'1en ., to11Y110111 -..r. secretary Rose Palmer said, "but no one \vcekend for injuries received in a fall =11i!'.4''1..=r:1o11Ni:., •1u~~ ~; signed up for the evening." aboard a yacht in the Bahamas. ll'lllflt111~1 !It' l'fl•U u .11 '"°"""'' ... u.,,,.., The service has beert cancelled for the AfcMahon, 50, had several sUtcbea taken •"1rw'""'1 11·"' !!IO!llN.,. ~ duration or the 11pring recreation pro-in a cut over hb right eye and "·as tl'cateQ for bruises on his nose and ann. " . . -I l j, ' I 7 I • 1 B~ntingto_n .· Bea~h 011tai11 ·Valle. Today's Final MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1973 TEN CENTS ~OL. 66, NO. 92, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, .CALIFORNIA '~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-+~~"""/';....::~~'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ s to 55 MPH Bombard Coa·st • • . . .. . . I . , , ByJO~ ER II · • ?·O.llY PllM 'lift ( .. ; WfucJs .. guStinJ up to 55 miles an hour ashe<f the Orange Cor.st Sunday closing .. ort ·a section of coast highway, .. ~ashiqg, windows, and ere a ti. n g . maybenr.m yaJ:hting harbors. No major damige or' in)urlCs were reported, but there Were an eStimated 100 caf)slzed t>O.ats . in coastal areas, ~wer .failures affecting at. least 6,400 \f)ersons, and the OOi'mal doses -0! broken • ·- tree limbs and~yards. strewn wilh branches. The heavy winds began about noon and blew a steady 25 to 35 miles an hour until 11 p.m., according to most reports. Gusts· in the Newport Harbor area were reported up to 5S miles an hour. Amateur meteorologist J: Sherman Denny of Huntington Beach said the winds were the heaviest since April, 1970. The worst damage was reported in the Newport Beach and Costa Mesa areas. .The 'Orange County Harbor Pa.trol reported t!)wing in at least 50 capsized boats after sailors ignored small craft warnings that should have kept most boats tied to their moorings . "A lot of people thought they were pretty .good sailors until they got out in that wind," said Sgt. Robert Bainbridge. "But it takes more than a good sailor to stay out of trouble when it's blowing 50 knots." In 8:ddition to the 50 rescues made by -·------~- • the Harbor Patio!, Balnbrlcjge said there were probably another lO capsized boats tbat were helped b~ private citizens. He also reported four boats with broken mists and one that ran aground at 10th Street. "We were busy out then! unW mid· night going so last we just completely Ig- nored tl)e paperwork," he said. "There was no way we could keep up with all the reports with so many people disregarding our danger warnings." ·1e-u ----- . -' IXOD ·ee- " ' . ' ' DAli.Y PILOT .....,. b)' ltldl•rd KOlllltr Spokesman • ----' Charges Probe Leaks By tbe Associated Prtss The White House charged today at San Clemente that a Senate committee in- vestigating the Watergate bugging case has been "plagued by irresponsible leaks of tidal wave proj>ortions" ·and said its chairman should "get-his own~· ed house In order." (Related story, Page 4) . .. .1a Ila._ ... --·Iba,.. -of the Watergate cue by•the omnmlttee beaatd by sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. (D- lf.C.), a presidential spol!esman iald the White House hoped Ervin would glve "some constructive assurances" on the committee's course. • Ervin, at a news conference in Washington, rejected as unacceptable President Nixon's offer to produce White House aides for informal testimony in secret sessions. Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said the White House "intends to cooperate with tbe committee." SANTA ANA FIREMEN POUR WATER ON CH1'RRED BUILDINGS AT FOURTH AND SPURGEON · Smoke F!om Bl•n E1rly This MorninQ. Visi'bl• for !t'iles; Investigators C~lc for Arson Responding to questions, Ziegler said the Administration stands ready to "work out Procedures" for testimony by White House aides, but said it Would have to be done without infringing "on the separation of powers." Four Santa ·Ana Stores · Des troyed ' B.y Raging Fire A raging fire · of undeterri\ined origin swept through four businesses in down- town Santa Ana early today keeping 45 firemen busy for three hours. Smoke Crom the blaze could De seen for miles. The fire originated in a gymnasium above a Mexic~American restaurant and spread to three adjoining brick and stone structures. Damage was esti- mated at $175,000. There were no, in- juries. . ' Destroyed was lhe El C8stlllo Casa de! Mariachi, 302 E. llh Slreel" at the aoathetist corner of Spurgeon Street, the R and R Sportswear Store, a record shop and a barber shop. Indians, Govermnent OK Provisionary Pact in SD WOUNDED KNEE, S.D. (AP) - Provisional agreement that could lead to the end of the 34-day occupation of Wound- ed Knee has been reached by the federal government and activist Indians . Asst. U.S. Atty. Gen. Kent Frizzell, the government's chief negotiator, told a news conference SUnday that "a con- sensus" had beeR reached at that day's session On more than hall of 10 Indian demands. · ••possibly two or three items remain to be negotiated today," he said. "I think the con!rootation is very close to being settled. In my opinion, remarltable prog· ress has been made ... " The talks were to resume this af. temoon. Ramon Roubideaux, an attorney representing American Indian Movement forces occupying the village, said the In- dians were ready to leave the village and face legal charges as soon as agreement is reached on the 10 items. AIM leaders ~nted the list of 10 demands to Frizzell before sunday's three-bour negotiating session Was held in a teepee on the outskirts of. the vlllage. Neither Roubideaux nor Frizzell would di~s the cooten~of the package. In his statement; Ziegler said, "We do not intend to try the issues on televisioli shows, at press oonferences; by leaks, in- nuendo or overstatement."'!!._ Ziegler said tHe Wliite House hoped that Ervin, who bas been out of town for his brother's funeral, would return "to get his own disorganized house in order so that the investigation can go forward in a proper atmosphere ol. fair traditional fairness and due process." The press secretary gave the sta\e- (See ERVIN, Pqe l) MO,THERS-IN-LAW CAN BE DEA DLY NEW DELHI (UPI) -Police said to- day a survey of suicides in Delhi last year showed that 25 men took their lives because of differences with their mothers·in·.Jaw. In another Newport Beach lnct!lent, two cars were burned near Irvine Avenue and 18th Street when an electrical, line feU on them. Both were unoccupied and parked . There were two large power failures in Costa Mesa. One In north Costa Mesa beg tn n l n g at -2':57 p:m. put 1,l50 customers out of service for .f9 minutes. Ani::ltber failure In the downtown area began at 3: 11 p.m. and affected 1,300 • customers fof 69 minutes, Ed1IOll Of· • ficlals reported. In other coa.tal activity, HunUncton Beach police Issued a traffic advt.'y for m·otorists traveling on the PadJlc Coast Highway al Bolsa Chica Slate Beach. Police said that driven ignoring tbelr warnings suffered NDclblastlna and risked accident due to po0r v!ilblllt7 from blowing sand. At Dan .. Point Hartior, the Harbor (See WINDS, Page l) • on ~-oas • DEAD AT 62 Cltj Clerk Jones Paul C. Jones, Clerk of Beach, Dies of Seizure Funeral arrangement.II are pending to- day for , Huntlnctoo Beoch' •qty Clerk Paul C. Jones who died 'Simtlay. of a heart attack. . The 62-year-otd ·Jones was stricken at his home at 7532 Rhine Drive at about 10 a.II). and was rushed .to Huntington Intercommunity Hospital where he was declared dead on arrival. He had sulfered a ,previous heart at- tack and was working in a limited capacity at the time oi his death . Jones had been city ele.rk for 13 years and was recenUy awarded the tiUe of Certified Municipal Clerk by the Intema· tional Institute of Municipal Clerks. City Administrator ,David D. Rowlands expressed, the "ht.artfelt sadness" of the city staff over Jones' death. "He was an efClcient, responsive and cooperative department head in the cOn- duci of the affairs of the deparlm<Gl. He was a warm, friendly person tn the con- duot or relationships with fellow workers and the public. We will miss him greatly," Rowlands said this morning. Smith's Mortuary In Huntington Beach is handling the funeral arrangements. ~ Protesters Awaited S. Viet Head By JOHN VALTERZA Of "'9 O.lrr Pn.t Stiff President Nikon and South Vietnamese.. President Nguyen Van Thieu began a round of official talks at the Western White House as hundreds of demonatra- tors chanted In opposition at the gates of the presldenllal estate in San Clemente. · "Tlileu's bellcoplel' touched (fown 'It the lanclin& pad o/ the Weslem White 11ouoe at lO:!o a.m. where a f\III state arrival cerolnoliy took plaee. .Mllllary banda, a -VIP-gall<ry o/ aoo local ciUiens and a 11"1'81 Alute ...,.. ln- c!Uded In the ,..,come celebntlon. About 3lO chanting demmstrators began marching · along A venlda de! Presidente at about 11 a.m., many of them carrying Viet Cong flags and placards. Dozens of the demonstrators carried American nags as they arched in a long oval on a patch of dirt alongside the roadway . The turnout was about the same as that which appeared Stmday night at a rally at the nearby state park. Tactical squads from the Costa Mesa _11.nd..San Clemente Police departments - about 60 officers -stood in formation at thie location demonstrators and authorities bad agreed that the marchers would. use as their stopping point. This momiog's march yielded no arrests. Aller remarks by both beads of state the men retired to Niion 's officet to begin two days of conferences relating to the ·rebuilding of the war-torn nation and converting lhe fragile cease-fire to lasting peace. <:;riUcs have asserted that Thieu ls in the llnlted States simply for "image building." President Nl.xon used the name of his • estate, "La casa Pacifica ," as a means of characterizing lhe two days of con- ferences with Thieu. He said lhe talks come at a time when peace with honor had arrived but he stressed that the peace could not have been won wllhout the valor or the South Vietnamese. "It would not be possible " he said "ithoh ' • w ut t e courage and leadership and solidarity which your people have made. "We meet toward building a peace for your land which bas suffered so much and for your 'people who have suffered so much during the past 25 years of war." Hundreds of dematratod were on (See TllIEU, Pqe l) The blaze broke out at 4:17 a.m. nnd was reported through a fire alarm box. It \Yas under control at-, a.m. - Fire officials are investigating the posslbilitY of arson, PI.;EASE YOURSELF WITH A PILOT AD Irvine Firm Offers Land Orange «:out The1 lire was Jn an area planned for rehabilitaUon under the clJy's recently 1-.---.adop~~ClimL.pr<k~~~ with a DAILY P!LOT.:-~::::-~~--:;-:-------:=---=----:--::-:---:=--::-::---------~--+---c;=::;li!!~ gram. classified want ad. The results can U N B D l M End D ade f D 1:. Weatller Autoists Steal Handbag, $160 Huntington Beach police are seeking two motQrlzed tbiev,es who took $1110 In a hlildbag from a sliopper at Huntington Cel\ter. Catherine C. Kark, 50, of 17201 Sandra Lee St., Huntingtoo Beach, told police she was walking in the parking lot south ot the Broadway departmen\ store about 2 ~30 p.m. Saturday; when she was ac- costed b a air of oung men. •. -"fir'&' . pteasanuy aurprise you -. pper ewport ay . ea ay . ec o euate , &mny and windy ts lhe way lhe OPEN HOUSE SAT & weatherlady sees It for Tuesday, SUN CAPE COD ON By TOM MURPHINE The company offer was made In a decision ruleCI the swap constitutional. with highs of 67 at the beacbes, rl• A •N LOT °' "' °''w-...., ----higlt·level·session bere at San Francisco's But lasl Feb. 23, the Fourth Dlslrlct Ing to n inland. Wmds are ex· ~ SAN FRANCISCO , Irvine Company Airport Hilton Inn to officials of the U.S. Court of Appeal ln San Bernardino ·over· pected to decrease to 15 miles per {Addrea). Lge 2 car garage. officials here today offered !our public Department of Interior, state of ruled that decision . The appeal court said hour. Ovemlght lows in the 50s. Stresoed for Ind unit. 200 age n c i e i Immediate poo9eSllon of · California , county of Orange and city of that judicial precedentA that appeared to amp underground duplex ranchlands Sllrl'OUl\ding Upper Newport Newport Beach. support the lrade don't apply In the Back INSW E TODi:\ Y elec:. sei'v.lce, gar•-door Bay. There was no Immediate reaction from Bay case. ATt 11ou fighting-mad about a _... In an official statement, the Irvine the public agencies. Irvine executives, It was a &l>-page opinion and the legal defec&tve product uou have pur- opener, complete kitchen, Company offered ''for I mm e d I ate however, said the company's new posl· point at issue was whether or not it is cha.std, or a .service you have · all elcc. extra touches you possession by interested public agencies tion paper was well received by the constitutional for any public tidelands to paid /OT chat turned out to be a wouldn't believe, fireplt, those Irvine lands they deem de5irable public representatives. ~traded into private ownership. The ap-d1«I? Finmtciol c0Lum1Ust Sylvia sprinklers on time clock. for public ownershlp so that the lands Jn addition to offering its lands sur· peals court said no. Porter tells you how to .sue in 2 Br. lli!i Ba, downstairs, 2 may be enjoyed by the public pending a rounding Upper Newport Bay, the Irvine Tbe Irvine Company had until 3:30 small claims court today on loft bdrms up. For q,le by ·'workable plan to compensate lhe com-Company agreed to cancel an appeal on p.m. this afternoon to appul that Page 18. ...M_kirwl "3,Q · paQy." ) · the current Back Bay lawsuit. d I I to th Carr I Su Cou t " • • slowly through the patltlng DI as ur pa....i her. one reached out the pwenger window a n d ·polled her bag >~r~'ii:::::==:-~·~~lu:J:".::::::::::::::;;;IMll~~11~e·~~~·~ct~10~n~ll'llg)•P.•~~~~~·~~~u-~~ ~;=:~~~1,1Jl~l1'/J~~~~~~~F=::;;;ec~s~"."~r-ttnnr~~~e~·~ut1~1 ~f~;~:~..,~Ppoli~re~~~~~sta~·~~~;::1==~"'~"~'~'~=:~"~M11L•Mln ~ SI n t 11 t!t S ._.. ..... • 1 oog·s ng po cy o 9ee ng ,roug e 'COW' or severa years was men , me w1 apparen iiii''<iiiV'-T-t---1 a tidelands exchange In Upper Newport to test the leaaHty of the Up,. .. Bay land that appeal. c....ic. • ,,..,. ,..,,., ,, . from her grasp. -• Police said Mr$. Kark told them her bai contained $160 In cash she Intended to use at tbe shopping conter. ., ' ' j , This 1-aold lhe first day tbe Rd ran. and tbe tdvertiRr was really plealedl For pleasing results o/ your own, pleue call direct -6l2-067a. •, ' B • .~ -·~ ~ ay. swap. It began u a so-called "friendly" Today1s negottated agreement on the DHlfl Nillkft •. •--Mltbtl 1 .. ,. lt was also viewed u a major aod lawsuit but opponents to the tidelands ex· lands around Upptr Newport Bay does ::::.:..:= J ~ : dramatic "step toward end!Jlg the debate: change jumnM loto It and It soon not come as a total surprise.. Fillh P'IMkti 1••• ........ • nd I al tlo hlch ,_ broil "' bee rend!·-,.., *' ._.. • • ....,. """ ,,.,, a eg ac ns w rwve em eQ J ame unfr1 y. District SUpervisor Ronald. C&spers tM+'"''" 1• ••"' '""" • the Back Bay !or the put decide. ·~ 'Oran&! County Superior Court lSee BACK BAY, Pqe 1) I DAILY PILOT H ,.,....r ... 1 THIEU .. . .. hand al JOMcre San Clemente Slate Park Sunday u a howllng wind turned a anli"'!lt villi lnlo a chilly allalr (Pic- lum, Poae J). The tofal nwnber or anti-Thieu and Nixon demonatraton wu about 350. In their ranks. was actress and activist Jane Fonda -,Protected by s e v e r a I bodyguards -but other members of the group took over the speaking duties. As the demonstrators sat on the cold ground members 'of a a:uerrllla theater . troupe performed an antiwar play. Wlne and marijuana were abundant during the early part of the evenlng. The park Is about a 'quarttt mile Crom Nixon 's seaside Casa Pacific. The baslc premise of the demmstrators is that Thieu Is: in the United States in an attempt to repair a poor public image __ and that he pfans to assertedly "auctioo ofr' South Vietnam to American bu!iness interesl3. No one could really say why the demonstrations which were 90 beaVily publicized drew '4> few perlOOS. ' One you°" girl buddied near a bonfire Swiday nlgtit said, "if Ibey thought they were going to get 3,000 people to lhls thing, lhey were c;razy." The marching was expected to continue today and then shift to the advocates of Thieu 'and Nixon tonight . MoodJJ, Ap~I 2, 1973 DAILY .. ILOT Sltlf .. 110 .. New Jersey minister Dr. Carl Mcintire plans to bring his fundamentalist block to he same area and conduct a rally in JANE FONDA BRAVES CHILL WINDS TO JOIN PROTEST About 350 Per50n1 Gathered at San Clemente State Park support or Thieu and his regime. The leftist demonstrators said Sunday they~ - planne_d to be on hand to greet the C'.'On· . 300 servattve forces. Protesters Jeer Tliieu Visit To-San, Clemente That activity is scheduled to coincide '!''Ith the arrival of Thieu and his wife for a private dinner at La Casa Pacifica starting at 8 p.m. Tuesday's activities at the compound were scheduled to involve large numbers .__~of. aides to both beadJ ol. state and will last through the morning boors. In the afternoon the President and Thieu plan to make concluding statements on the lawn in front of the Presidential villa. Thieu will leave for Washington, D.C. ! , Jater in the day where more ta1ks are ' scheduled. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew will serve as official host for those discussions. The arrival of 11lieu in Los Angeles Sunday to meet President Nixon and thank the United States tor keeping ''America's word to a small nation," set off a confrontation between pro-and anti· Th1eu Vietnamese. Police held the rival groups apart and there was no violence. As Thieu climbed into his limousine, the pro-Thleu demoostrators streamed toward the anti-Thieu faction, yelling m. suits and brandW!lng placard sUcks and !:I-foot long banner poles as weapons. A line of police raced between the two groups and held them about 30 yards apart. They screamed lnsult.s at each ottier until the pro-Thieu group was shepherded into buses. During a If.hour stopover in Honolulu Thieu videotaped an emotional thank yoU s~h to the American people, praising their "supreme and disinterested generosity. "Fifty thousand Americans accepted the supreme sacrifice of their lives in order to keep America's word to a small nation," and others were · wounded or im- prisoned under "the harshest con- ditions," he said. Thieu is seeking assurances that the United States which fought in Vietnam for more than a decade will continue to provide economJc, political and military aid to his nation. , He also sees his talks with Nixon and subsequent visits to Washington, the LBJ Ranch in Texas and to Europe as a chance to build his stature as a world s~atesman and combat a public image of him as a repressive dictator. Nixon's objective in ihe two days of summit talks is to make sure that American troops will not have to return to Vietnam. He plans to emphasize the U.S. interest in maintaining at least the appearanceJlf pe.~ The President twice-publicly warned Hanoi to stop infiltrating troops and equipment into South Vietnam or face "consequences. 0 The clear Implication was that homing or North Vietnam might be resumed if there are continued cease· fire violations. NiJ:on has not commented publlcly on truce breaches by Saigon. But he is con- cerned that violations by South Vletnim will invite retaliation by the Communists and he is expected to privately warn Thieu to restrain his own forces. OIAN•I COAST •• DAILY PILOT Tiit O•tno• C0.11 DAILY PILOT wH'll whldl 11 Ci>mtlln911 .tllt NtWl·Prtu, Is Pllflll$hfcl by ltl• 0••119• Co111 Puon1hln9 cornp.1ny. S-· rite 911ll!Om 1rt publllhl!'ll, M-t'f llll'Ollllll Frklty, ror (Olli Mtu, NIWpOrl Bll(ll, HvMif19!0ft lll•~lll F111111i.111 Vt!ley, l1911n1 81tcl1, lr\llnt/Saddlt!Nc-«Id Stn CluntnttJ 1--~i-. tn-J11t,,-(1'Pblnno. "-.1nv1.-nv111rqi1- ' ecll!k)n .. Pllbllsktd Sltvrtll\'I trMI klrldt}"I. 1"9 ptlncipll PVblli!llno 1tllnt It t i!» Wt1t Btf Strtd, Col!t M.,., ClllfOffli., 111:16. Rob1rt N. W11d f'rtildtlll 111111 P~iah« J1ck II . Cvrlt v \llc:e "''''"°'' .,,., Gtntrtl M.11119w 1\011111 KttYil Eclller <. ' An esUmated 300 to 350 antiwar demonstrators gathered on seaside bluffs about a quarter or a mile from the Western White House in San Clemente today to wote.st SOuth Vietnamese Presi- dent Nguyen Van Thieu's visit ,to the United, States. Many-of the demonstr ators, dressed in military ·fatigues and field jackets, wav- ed Viet Cong and U.S. flags as helicopters shuttled dignitaries to the Western White House compound. One of~lhe dignitaries was Thieu, who received a ceremonious ch.ief-of·state greeting from President Nixon. The demonstrators planned to picket near the White House entrance, but Secret Service agents said they would be held at least a city block away. Ocean View Eyes . Hike in Federal Lear11ing Funds A request for more 1han $112,000 in federal funds to help children with learn- ing deficiencies is eii:pected lo be made tonight by trustees of the Ocean Vie\v School District. The grant request ~'ill be made to the Early Childhood Education Program and, if approved, would result in an additional $130 per student for 692 kindergarten- through-third grade children. The additional funds would h e eannarked for 12 percent of the primary grade students at Crest View, Vista View, Meadow View and Glen View schools. Those schools were selected on the basis of student tumovcr. testln~ and other crit eria, according to a district spokesman. Trustees will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the district board room, 7972 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach. Returni1ig POW Joins His Family Iii Huntington. City's Welcome Bit Premature JEDBURG, England (UPI) - 1lie village council has decided to withdraw its new tourist guide. A photograph on the front page or the guide shows the entrance to the Jedburg cemetery with a caption that reads: "Where friendship, hospitality and a warm welcome await you." Maratlion Si1iger May Set Record For Sleep Also Marathon singer Ed Downey, who broke the world record for non-stop singing Satutday, may be on his way to a new record for sleeping. "He had a steak dinner then went to bed late Saturday night," said his manager, Mel Lindhe_im. "And he's still sleeping this morning." The HWltington Beach vocalist, who sang for 49 straight hours to break the old record by an hour, will be awakened before Sunday, Lindheim said. Downey, 21 , is scheduled to appear on the National Easter Seals Telethon Sun- day evening. Downey's personal sing·a·thon grossed between $3,000 and $4,000, which will be passed along to the Easter Seal Society, Lindheim said. The donations \\'ere made by persons st rolling down the Huntington Center Mall, where Downey sang. He set out to sing for 50 straight hours, but gave up an hour short of his personal goal at about 4 p.m. Saturday. "He just couldn't go any longer,"' Li.r.dheim said. His last song was Neil Diamond's "Song Sung Blue." 2 Held in Bank Bilking Sclieme l1ivoling Bof A LOS AN"GELES {AP) -Tu·o men have been convicted of conspiracy in a plot to bilk nearly $6 million from the Bank of America for an unsuccessful salvage o~ eratipn off the Panama Coast. Kenneth N. Dallamater, 60, a Canoga Park lawyer, and Robert D. Pollock, 4S, a Long Beach promoter, were convicted in U.S. District Court on charges of con- spiring to issue bank funds without au- thority. Both are scheduled for sentencing Aprll 16. The pair received Joans totaling $5.8 million from a bank vice president. None of the payments htid been authorized by the bank, said U.S. Ally. Thomas E. Kotooke. From Page J WINDS •.. l_ Skindiver M~sing,--. , BuiMyHurt By JACK CHAPPELL Of tM Delly PlliM Staff A Laguna Beach diving rescue team today sought the diving buddy of an Upland man now in critical condition after being pulled unconscious, his heart stopped, from the surf at Divers Cove Sunday. "' It i.s presumed the diving companion of the hospitalized man -·i! lost al sea. Guards Vr'ere unsuccessful in locating a body In '!"IY mOtl!ln& dives loday .. Hospitalized is Steve Guyon, 23, or Upland. He is reported in very critical condition at the intensive care. upit at South. Co8!t Community HO!pital. The other diver sought is identified as Ken Pagglnes, 21, of Upland. Laguna Beach Lifeguard Captain Bruce Baird said the two n1en were div- ing in unfavorable water conditions and apparently ran out of air. A witness on the beach obset\'ed Guyon surface and make frantic waving mo- tions, then sink belo\\· the surface. TWo other divers.~ick wackym 3.nd Bob Updyke, both of Redlands, hauled Guyon into shore. Lifeguard Jim Stauffer and Baird ar· rived, after being called by a citizen, and immediately administered mouth-to-- mouth resuscitation and external heart massage . Baird said the diver was nea-r death when he was brought from the surf. He began breathing again at the hospital. Fire Department and police assisted in moving the man from the sand up a step Dlght of stairs to the waiting am- bl.J!ance. It Is not known exactly what happened to separate the two divers. Baird said that a sudden stiff wind picked up Sun- day, and may have caused the two men to become separated. The wife· of the missing diver was found by Baird as he searched the beaches for information about the men. Kathy Paggines was located in Boat Can- yon Cove, just south of the area the divers were found. Marine, Struck -..... -· By Train, Dies With Wife, Son OCEANSIDE (AP) -A railroad switch engine hit a car Sunday night, falally in· ju ring a young Marine and his wife and 3-year-old son. Police Lt. A. J. Doucet' said the warn- ing) signal was flashing at the crossing, and the engineer blew a whistle. The victims were identified as Lance Cpl. Laurence Blasingame and bis wife Cathleen, both 22, and their son Chase, all of Oceanside. Mrs. Blasingame was killed at the secne of the crash. Her husband died two hours later, and their son died early tOO:ay in Oceanside Com- munity Hospital. Their car was carried 1,700 feet down the tracl(S' by the northbound Santa Fe engine which was moving three other engines and a caboose. The engineer was identified as Floyd R. Weilage, 56, of San Bernardino. Russ Visit Protested FNl!''P ... l . BACK BAY PROPOSAL • • • -ledled that Oraoge "Cou•ty lbell&leolC.lifo~o: Dov[d L. Bake govtmment lllCI the Irvine Company llid· Mirian K..,,.,. for the County ~ worilllll 911 =••lod ...... -. Oran.I•; .... Ma)'OI' !)onald A. MclMI lie dlvulbdlbla . ooe ~ ago, 0. -for KeW)IOl'I Bead!. July J~. I9n, at a meeting of the Orange 'nie ~rvine Company was represented County Coast Association. by President William R. Masoo, Counsel Originally, the UpPtt Bay swap Guy CJaire and consultant Rober between Irvine and orange County was Shelton. approved by lhe Board of Supervisors on The session to receive the Trvine oifer"'•'f ~fay 6 1964 opened shortly after 8 a.m, ·in directo~ ' · . . room 600 at the Airport Hilton Inn. Jt It called for U1e county to give Irvine broke up shortl.Y before IO a.m. 157 acre~ of Back Bay tidelands. In ex-. . . change, Irvine would give the county 450 There ~as 11~ ~mmed1ate reaction from acres of its bay uplands for public use as the public ofhcuils on the new Irvine park aod recreation areas. , . policy statement. Orange ,County's Sec- locluded in the old tidelands exchange ood District Supervisor David 84ker o! agreement were three tidaJ islands own· Garden Grove said he simply couldn't ed. by Irvine in Upper N~wport B{ly. The speak for the entire Board o t swap called for these t.Slancb to go to . OfaJ!ge County and be dredged away, Supe~v1sors. . making room for an 800-foot navigable While the new lrvLne offer -and .. channel all the way up the .Back Bay reversal of past policy -is aimed at .:: waters. . •' creating public usage of Upper Newport '"~ In its new policy statement, lbe Irvine Bay, many questions wiU remain on how llM ~mpaoy atmses tbal II still strongly lhe plan wlU be implemeoted. .., believes that the tidelands u:c~e was A major hurdle will be' detennlning the ,..,,, and is legal. But the company 'POliilon public .agencies which will come up with now' is that conUnued legal~ would the money to pay Iryine for its lands. be counte:Productlve and a r;o1e new Means will also have to .be worked out approach is needed. Thus the offer to the to tenninate all the lawsuits pending on public agencies. I Upper Bay. Also, there will be a question Those who rece ived the new Irvine of-of taxes which the Orange County fe~ today in. San Francisco were Webster Assessor's Office alleges Irvine owes on 4! Ohs and Ri chard J . Shukle of the U.S. disputed Back Bay lands. Irvine has Department of the Interior ; Norman B. refused to pay these levies for the past Livermore, Jr. and James F. Trout for four years, - Gigi the Elusive .Whale •. - Puts on Show for IGds LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Gigi the whale has surlaced again, delighting a boatlul of elementary school children by swimming alongside their vessel and playing for an hour before heading north to join other whales. The sighting of Gigi , the famous California gray whale released in the Pacific a year ago after spending her first year in captivity, was confinned Italian Group Assails Brando 'Contradiction' NEW YORK· (UPI) -The head of·an Italian-American organization today sent Marlon Brando a letter say~ there was a ublatant contra!liction" between his role in "The Godfather" and his support of Indians. Brando won an Academy Award for his portrayal of an aging Mafia don in the movie, but refused to accept it because, he said, Hollywood over the years maligned American Indians. John P. Lomenzo, New Y o r t ' s secretary of state but writing in his capacity as head of a group called "The Columbian Coalition," said : "Frankly. we see a blatant con- tradiction between your reasoning for refusing the award and your participa-- tion in a film that has defamed the Italian-American community. "Do you really distinguish the movie indu.stry's vilification of the American Indian from its treatment of Italian- Americans in 'The Godfather'?" Front Page l Friday by the American Cetacean Socie-~ ty. John Olguin, president of t& whale watching organization, said an unusually friendly whale was . sighted off Los •!, Angeles harbor March 1~ during a whale watching expedition.. • ~ He said the boat, carrying children ' ~ "" . from two elementary schools, came upon a pod of six whales one mile off the coast when one of the whales headed for the vessel. The whale stayed for an hour, .oc-• casionally rolling on her back to eye the f'" children lining the rails, and lhen re- joined the pod and headed north, presumably Io the CalllorniA gray whales' summer habitat in the Bering Sea. Olguin said the whale's identity was confirmed alter pbolographs of her were sboWD, to Sue Bailey, C)gl's former keeper at. San ~go's sea world, who recognhed her lamooa ward. , The photographs snowed . G i g i ' s lD'lUSually white flukes, a scar oo her belly, and ,,;white, square-shaped mark just to the r:e.ar of her blowhole that was purpooely maae with dry ice before Ille ' " was freed to aid in subsequent iden-'1 Ufication. · But there Was no sign of the radio transmitter attached to Gigi when she was turned loose off San Diego March 13, J97J . She was captured a year earlier at the age of 10 weeks for a scientific study. Girl Saved From Capsized Craft PITJ'SBURGH (AP) -In a real-life version of HTite Poseidon Adventure" movie, a 12-year-old girl was trapped for two hours in a capsized small boat, kept ' alive by a pockel of air inside the hull. STOCKHOLM (APl _ Police kept A Coast Guard helicopter crew fought small groups of Jewish demonstrators ment to neY.'smen outside the Western steep, wind -whipped waves oo the ERVIN ... fro.in getting near Soviet Premier Alexei \Vhite J!ouse as Nixon began two days of Sacramento River Saturday to rescue :· N. Kosygin when he arrived tOO:ay for a summit talks with South Vietnamese Mary Anne Clark and her dog. state visn. The demonstrators, protesting president Nguyen Van Thieu. Officials said Mary Anne was boating restrictions on Jews trying to leave the It came within hours after Ervin with her mother ; sister, Kathy, 13, and Soviet Union, were kept about 200 yards declared his committee is fully em-the boat's owner, Jack Wamer, when from Kosygin and it was not likely he powered to require White House aides to waves seven or eight feet high capsized noticed them quietly holding up placards. testify under oath in public sessions. the boat. ~~~~~~~====~·· I~ -~ ~Genni Beclric's i-;Nftc:"t~;-11 ~ --~ ~ I INCLUDED : General Electric I I "BEST BUY" '369'1 I DISHWASHER , I I : tj I 19995 I I I I Mo.Iii SD250N I I lncludtl choice of color en front f)9?'tl and nmoval ot I L old dbhwaaher. ------ 1815 NEWPORT ILYD., COSTA MESA " .... • . . ., 'I ' t· ' I I I ' I --• • Monday, Aprll 2, 1973 Group Protesting Thieu Visit at Windswept Park H DAILY PILOT OAIL V PILOT Stiff ....._ ' I I More than 300 persons gathered at San Clemente State Park Sunday night in preparation for today's march to Western White House in prcr test of meeting between President Nixon and President Thieu of South Y.ietna·m.-Jane Fonda ·was among the group. They were-fed a menu of turkey, beans, rice and cake. Free cigarettes were distributed. Picture at right shows the chow line in operation. Picture at left shows singer entertaining the group. In background is North Vietnamese flag. There were political skits performed critical of the U.S. role in-Vietnam. The crowd was orderly and chilly as winds howled through the area. Thieu 'vas to be given reception this morning and 'vas to dine with Nixon tonight. ! I I High Court Lets Alaska Pipeline Ban Stand! . . WASHINGTON (AP) The ·u.s. Supreme Court today let stand a lower court decision blocking conslnlction of the controversial trans.Alaska o i l pipeline. The high court refused without com- ment or dissent an urgent government plea to overturn the lower court. Thus, the justices left the future of the pipeline from Alaska's North Slope to Congress. The government, the state of Alaska and a consortium of oil companies urged Boyeo~ In Effeet the court to overturn a declslon-tssued in February by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals here. The circuit murt said the government could not issue permits for construction oC "the pipeline on U.S . .owned land because the right-of-way needed exceeds the 54-foot width allowed by the federal Mineral Leasing Act of 1920. 1be pipeline would require 146-foot widths. The government, describing the issue as a vital one involving national security !feat Sales Repo~wdly Falling Lower in Areas By 1be Associated Pren Ill. On the picket line, at the d~~'\able. (Meat packers, B0111e of whom decreed and in the supermarket l=QDSUmers plant la,yo!fa _until.-tbe sltuation settles fought rising food prices t~ay a:s part of down, watched apprehensively for trends a nationwide meat boycott. in beef marketing. But beef prices -at The April 1·7 boycott -organized by r live level not included in the new a variety or consumer groups ~ caused a ice freeze -: edged $1 to $1.50 higher reported drop in meat sal~·:. in some principal markets, UPI said.) areas. President Nixon announced Thursda~· Lloyd Jarrell, meat managef .. 8.\ a giant night that a ceiling · OD the price of all open.air market in Richmond, Va., said, beef, pork, and lamb was to go into "Our red meat sales were off 20 to 30 effect today. But teaden of consumer percent over the weekend." groups said the boycott was being held The manager of the ~ Food anyway beca111e the ceiling would not be Store Co-op, Jnc. in Manhattan-Said bis effective. business was affected "quite a bit." Although aome New York restaurants West Virginia housewives aJ'!IOUDce<l . reported patrons asking f<r more meat· plans for picketing variOWI supermarkets Jess djshes than usual. a .spot check of and distributing leaflets. .. , . , restaurants in. the Cbicago area showed Families throughout the nation S81d most restaurants doln'g a booming busi· Ibey substituted things like tuna fish or oess. meatless casseroles for the usual Sunday "Right now, we've got a waiting line roast leef dinner. "' of 20 minutes, and I've seen a lot of steaks U.S. farJ11erS withheld livestock from going by," said Frieda Mari&nOll, service market temporarily last week '~o· protest manager at a Chic~o. restaurant where declining prices . the best steak costs $'7.50. (United Press Tnternational reported -A SaJl\Pling of Detroit area supennar· hog prices were slightly off at· principal kets show~ cuslomers in large numbers Midwest markets in early trading, drop-~re avoiding meat counters. ping as much as $4 per 100 pouf'\PS at the "We've been selling chicken, that's all," big East St. Louis, Ill. market, and at said Oleri Killingsworth, a meat clerk Joliet, 111., and as much as $3 at Peoria, at a Detroit food store. ITf Head Says No Steps Taken to Block Allen;de - and the nation's balance-of-payments drain due to the need to import oil from foreign buyers, asked not only for high court review but also an extraordinarily speedy resolutioo by the higb court. Oil i!sues were actively traded· today on Wall Street and suffered steep ~ clines in the wake or the high-court rul· ing. Continental Oil, the Big Board's most active issue, fell initially 1 'h: to 36%1, At· Jantic Richfield was down 41k to 731h Walton OK'd To Play Russ WASIIlNGTON (AP) -The Na· tional Collegiate Athletic Associa· lion said today it will allow college basketball players, including Alt. Amerlcah'Bill Walton 'of UCLA, to compete in tbe upcoming basket· bal! series between the United States and lhe Soviet UniOn. Walter Byers, executive director or the NCAA, said his organization, under rules already established, could in effect sanction the tour if the Amateur Athletic Union made a formal request. The NCAA changed its previous objection to the series after Rep. Peter Peyser (R·N.Y.), told Byers that Walton was to call the NCAA offiCtS today to seek permission to compete .for the American team. Dea,dlocked Jury Meets 8th Day In Magee Case SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Tired and deadlocked , the jury in the Ruchell Magee kidna~murder trial began its eighth day of deliberations today at the order of the judge. ' The six men and six women reported Sunday they were ''hopelessly deadlocked" -11}-2 on the murder charge and ll·l on the kidnaping count. They gave no indication which way the majority voted • . However, Superior Court Judge Morton O:ilvin ordered them Jo co n t l nu e deliberating. The jury !las deliberated for 50 hours since receiving the case a week ago. • ' · • ·.. During a court session Sunday while WASHINGTON (AP ) -I'M' Chairman Central . ..JntelU1ence. Agency and no.w an the jury. was read a tO:pige transcript of Harold s. Geneen testified today h\s com· TTI' director, told lhe p&nel Match 21 Magee's deferue testimony, the de£etro pany did not take any sleps to block the that Gerieen. sent him t9 Washinaton in dan't was renloved from the courtroom election or Salvador Allende as president Septeynbei 1970 to tnfonfl high govern-for calling COivin "a hypocrite son or a of Chile in 1970. \ ment oflicials that ITT was ready to con· bitch" !or failing to heed his request to In testimony fbr the Senate foreigh tribute up to $l million "in support of any tell the court stenographer reading the relations subcommittee on multinational a ment Ian or the ~ of brin • transcript to slow down. , corpo a ons, ITT • ee, !La black..wbg haup;enl 1L did was to present -its views, concerns, ing about a coalition of opposition to years in prison, is accused or killing a and itleas to various departments of the Allende." judge and kidnaping five ho!ltages during U.S. Aovernment." In earlier tesUmony. William V. Broe, a futile escape attempt at the Marin Not only was this a ,constitutional right, a CIA agent then in charge or Latin Count,t Civic Center. Aug. 7, 1970. Genejn said, but also the obligatloo of ·-~ -·-~~·-U al _Four l!LnonJ, including the judge, died tnteroatio11al Telephone and Telegraph ~·can --opera ons;-" In the ensuing gun battle. • Corp.~_ in protecting shareholders and said Geneen told him as early as July Black militant Angela Davis last year empltes. 1970 he was willing to assemble .. yas acquitted of murder-4i.dnap in the Ge n said m udid not encourage or substantial po1ittcal fund to !Upport the case. parti ·pate In any way In any alleged plot candidacy of an opposition caodldate to Def..,.. attorney Robert,Clm>w ao- for a~itary coup In Chile to block the Allende. Cllled Colvin ol try1n1 to "coeroe" the elec~ of Dr. Allende. Nor did m con-Geneen said today he did dirt<! an •J> jury. tribulj> money to any penoos or to any proach lo the State Department and the "'l'hll court Is not trying to coerce the agenf of any government to block the White HOUie offi<e o! Henry A. Kissinger jury In any way, shape or form," replied elec~n of Dr. Allende." "to tell them we had grave concern over Colvin. <U,ted Press International reported the outlook £or rrrs Investment and Carrow asked how much longer the toda:it that Geneen acknowledged today were desirous of discussing ou'r thoughts judge planned to keep the jury he ofjored to conlrlbute fuods to the CIA In Washington and were willing to assiit dellherallng. to su rt the opponent of Allende Jn the financially 1 ln any goverrunent plan to "I'll let y·OlLknow Jn due course;• sa !d a. •· -:: b;lp; pnitocl pil .. -~-~!'!:~~~;=;;;i;~~.;.:;;;;;;;;-~ een to nate n a , men 1n1lllli . ·-s the Jory wa:s: leaving t howerer, that ,;the subject wu obv~ Geneen aald he dld not l'1!Call oflerlng a courtroom, M1111ee rose from his seat and dropllfd" and insisted that m never contrlbuUOn to the CIA'• Broe in July , shouted: "Hana on in there!'' conutbuted mooey "to any person or to 1170, but accepts Broe's tesUmony that It Oolvln cited a 1969' rullnt by a any agency of any government to block was meQUoned alnce 11lt la ~ matter T California appeals court which allows a tho dection ol Or. Allende.") might weU have raised In vltw of my Judge to use hls dilcrttlon in urging a Jolrl A. McCone. former dl..-r or the conotms. jury to come up with a ven!icl '- I , ' " I and Standard Oil of Ohio dropped 5 to 981~. Alaska· Interstate, which is in· volved in the project, fell initially 3% to 281'. The high court's rerusal to consider the case virtually guarantees still more delay in the project, an Interior Depart· ment officia1 commented, because it left environmental questions to ·be "resolved only after Congress settl es the legaf prolr !ems of the pipeline right~f·way. Jared G. Carter, deputy un· dersecretary, said he cool ti not estimate how much detay would result, but thinks the environmental questioh could be resolved "in a fairly short time." The pipeline stin'ed storms of corr tr.o.\!.ersy_over its_ poteo.\ial impact on the environment. The Wilderness Society and four other environmentaJist groups began the Jitiga· lion tl)at blocked construction of the 71$- mile pipeline. In a counter brief. they urged the high court to uphold the circuit -judges and leave the issue or right~(.way . width to Congress where several bills have been introduced. In its decision, the circuit court said the issue was a slmple one. By enacting the Mineral Leasing Act, Congress nallowed pipeline companies to use a certain amount of land to construct their pipelines. These companies have now come into ~ourt accompanied by the ex· ecutlve agency iiuth::>rlzcd to administer' 1 the statute, and have said, 'This is not ' enough land, give us more .' Ervin Says No to Nixon WASIIlNGTON .(AP) -Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. (0.N.C.}, today rejected as , unaccePtAble President Nixon's offer to ,produce White House aides for informal testimony in secret sessions of the special committee investigating the Watergate bugging case. {Related story, Page 4). , Ervin,. the committee's chainnan, said the Senate is empowered by law to sulr poena any witness it wishes on its own tenns and to mete punishment for refUS· ing to appear as a witness. "I am not willing to elevate a White OUR DESERT CLASSIC ! House aide above the great masses of the American people," Ervin told a news conference. "I don't think we have any such· tbirfg · or such thing as royalty or nobility in this country that exempts a White House "de from appearing before a committee oI ~ngress just like anyone else who )s subpoenaed," Ervin said. He said it is "absurd" to hold that the Senate is Impotent to deal with th~ White House in the Watergate case ana recom· mended President Nixon take a •·refresher course" in the laws of evidence at Duke University, his alma ~ mater. J. Ervin olso rejected the Whlte HCNIO l claim that .presidential counsel John W. ' Dean Ill is exempted from appearing ' because of his lawyer-Client rela~p l ;:: with the President and White HOu~ : aides. 1 ~ Dean, Ervin said. was appointed by 1 Nixon to find out whether any of his aides were guilty of misconduct in the events surrounding · the bugging o[ Democratic NationQil Committee head- quarters in Washington's Watergate of· fice complex last June. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Really a Classic for All Occasions -Hathaway's ----~S.,h,.ir..,_t J_n Nine S ring Colors .~ ---~I S_.O~O_. _ All Cotton --~ --------·-· 'lif• ~----------~---------------~ • • > N.wpor1 Btoch, Wildlire, Shtfmon Ooks. P.modtno. · Lokewood, We,1 Co,.ina • ) , I ' i I I I r • .. r f ' ~ I I I I , • • • 4 bAll Y PILOT Mondar, A1fll 2, 1973 " ·Crew Leaves • p • Cargo Ship Raging ·w ar~n~ Tomadaes Pfugue Nation HONOLULU IUPl) -The 34 crewmen of the "Sliver Dove" were rescued Sun- day, but the huge cargo vessel was sink· Ing today in the Pacific. By Tiie A Pr<t> Flood condi worsened today along • the~in-1 en Mississippi .River and in the , where torrential rains ac- .co panied by tornadoes battered por· _/ tions of two states during the weekend. Snow was still piling up in the Southwest, and Strong winds whipped . sandstorms In 80Ulh-anu not ltit by the snow. BEA VY SNOW •werninp were 'Po<led for the mountains of southwost and - trat Colorado, central . ind western Ariuma and New Mexico. More than a fool of new lllOW fell'Slmcjay In Ulah: Rain-fell; west of tli& Rockies and in 80UthCm Florida. Flash Oood wolches were poslOcl for portions of southern New England, where p weekend thunderstorm dumped up to 3~ inches of rain. Fair weather prevailed from the mid.- Atlantic coast west to the southern Plains and over most of C3lifom.ia. In Alton, Ill., the Mississippi swirled through downtown streets. Two levees in Twenty-stven crewmen· were plucekd from lifeboats by the Coast.Guard Cutter North Wind.-They had spent. the night in the boats, bobbing on the cold seas. A cargo of sugar ·evidently shifle$!, causing the Ust. · -A· Coast Guard sl'!!!<esman said olx other Crewmen and-the captain remained aboard the floundering .American ship until the last possible moment, then abandoned . it 930 miles southwest of U-.S. ' -4' .easteni Missouri failed and flooding Jets~rr.._O. 're_.r __.___,,.. becim. wideipread-1n 1he we5t Allon ~ ( -~-~ ~ and pld Monroe districts early today. --STATE POuci.saiftlie 1evee.oi1 the H~wail. • e Ohio Blost CINCINNATI, Ohio (AP)-Leaking gas bas been tentatively blamed for an ex- plosion that killed seven tind injured seventee n here Saturday night. Asst. Fire Chief Robert Schinaman said Sunday night that debris from the .( IN SHORT ... -)~ .. - blast was being examined for chie s to \vbat·caused tbe gas Jeak that apparentl y triggered the blast. Two crane shovels. \\'ere removing the debris from three buildings and loading it 'into city trucks for transfer to a· nearby vacant lot. Workmen were also 5etking a possible eighth body. ' e De1erter1 Stopped STOCKHOLM (AP) -With the withdrawal of American cotnbat ti'oops from Vietnam, the Swedish government says it will M longer automatica~lY grant asylum to u.s; military deserters.-But it will continue to protect those already in the country. There are some 450 American deserters and draft dodger!! currently in Sweden. Kjell Oeberg, general director of the Swedish Immigration Board, said Sunday new ones will .be stopped at the borders. e MattfJgua SJ1ake MANAGUA. Nicaragua : (UPI) - Residents or Managua blamed a nearby volcano today for'.fi\1e stro.ng earthquakes that shook the ruins left by a destructive earlier quake in Which 10,000 persons died. . The tremors Saturday shook down \Valls, caused some panic and left the ci· ty without electricity for several hours. e Wall Works BELFAST (UPI) -Northern Ireland emerged today from its quiete~t w~kend in months and the army credited 1t to a new "iron curtain" surrounding Betrast'~ main trouble spots. In the only major incidents during the weekend, the anny said, a sniper shot and slightly wounded a British soldier in the tOwn of Newry and a bomb wrecked a small seaside hotel 20 miles east of Belfast Saturday. e s adat Vblt CAIRO (UPI) -Egyptian President Anwar Sadat qew to Libya today for talks with Lifiyan leader ... Moammar Kha.dafy and Qther officials in Tripoli . Egypt gave no specific reason for the visit, which political sources said was ex- pected to last one or two days. Sadat's visit to Libya was }\is first since January when he discussed with Khadafy plans for the proposed merger of the two coun- tries, scheduled for September, e Platte Rom LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -A California salesman was in jail today after the FBI arrested him when a jetliner he was aboard made an emergency landing because he created a disturbance, officials said. The FBI said Harry Meeker, 25, a self-employed salesman started an incident that in- volved both passengers and crew members on the NatioMl Airlines scheduled nonstop flight Saturday night from Miami to San Francisco. Ul'I Ttlepholo FATHER, CHILD SORT THROUGH MOB ILE HOME WRECKAGE Tornado Caused $50 Million Damage In Georgia, South Carolina Senator Asks Haldeman To Testify in Bugging \VASHINGTON (AP) -A Republican member of the Senate Watergate.. in- vestigating committee says tY.'O GOP senators were among targets of spies working for President Nixon's re-election la st year. That and other statements alleging political espionage by the Committee for the H.e-Election of the President were made Sunday by Sen. Lowell P. Weicker All U.S. POWs Home, Except 1- And He's Comino-. ~ BY-United Press Int.ernaUonal All but one of America's known prisoners 0£ war Were back in America today and the sole exception \\'as free and preparing to go home. TIIE LAST group o( fonner prisoners arrived Sunday at Travis Air Force Base, where 6,500 persons -the largest crowd in the short history of "Operation Homecoming" -cheered. The last ex-POW off the C141 jet was Air Force Capt. Frank Lewis, 28, of Boston, whose wife, Wynne, and daughter, Kelly, waited at the end of a red, white and blue welcome mat. Air Force Lt. Col. Louis H. Bernasconi, Northridge, Calif., spoke for the ot~er men. "God bless each and every one or you. God bless our commander·in:ehief. President Nixon. God bless these United States of America," he said. From the crowd came an echo of voices singing "God Bless America." THE LAST prisoner released and the last known to have been held by the C.ommunists was Army Capt. Robert T. White of Newport News, Va. He was turned over to the Americans by the Viet Cong in the Mekong Delta Sunday, flown to Saigon and then to Clark Air Base in the Philippines. On hand at Clark to greet him was his wife. Judith. White was the 596th prisoner of war the Communists have freed. The total in- cluded 564 American military men , 24 American ci\°lilians: two Thais, two Filipinos, two Canadians and two West Germans. (R-Conn.). and denourlced by a spokesman for the Nixon committee as ;'absolutely. categorically, unden iably" false. \VEICKER SAID al so he believes White House Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman was so closely involved with the C.ommittee for the Re-Election of the President that he "had to know what was going on" in the way of political espionage •. He said Republican campaign aides were "almost competitive as to who could do the dirtiest deed.'' Weicker said ~ he had been told by Alfred C. Baldwin that office activities of Sens. Charles Percy (R-111.), and Jacob Javits (R· N.Y.), and Rep. Paul N. McClookey (R· Calif.), were among those marked for surveillance. Baldwin, a former FBI agent, has testified he was hired to wiretap Democratic telephone calls. \\leicker said Baldwin told him he had been ordered by convicted Watergate burglar Jams W. McCord to stake ·out those · offices and several others on Capitol Hill. BALDWIN, HE said, had been told to watch the comings and goings from the offices of Sens. Edward M. Kennedy (D- Mass.): Edmund S. Muskie (0-Maine), William Proxmire (D-Wis.); Mike Gravel (().Alaska); and Rep. Shirley Chisholm (O.N.Y.). Welcker said this surveillance was on the .. 'exhibition schedule"·of the alleged spies leading to what he called the main event: Bugging Democratic headquarters in the Watergate office building and spying on Democratic leaders at the party's convention in Miami Beach, Fla. He said the June 17 arrests inside the Watergate foiled plans laid for that weekend to break into the Presidential campaign headquarters of Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.), and to fly to Miami to bug the telephones of Democratic Chairman Lawrence F. O'Brien and other party leaders. WEICKER SPOKE on the CBS in· terview, "Face the Nation." \Vhen reached for comment, Javits and Percy said they· had not heard of such alleged activities concerning their of- fices_. Percy, who said he was both surprised and puzzled at the report, said that if it is true he would consider it an "outrageous ?Ction." Wind Blamed for 2 Deaths Gusts U to 60 MPH Caz e Havo · ' Cambodia. ~light . From Wire Services . American Flll fighter jets blasted ad- vancing Communi st lines on embattled Highway :2 today', but succeeded only in covering the retreat of government forces as Communist troops stormed into the district town · of Chambak only 20 mJtes SQUth of Phnom ~enh. __ Fl.ELD OFFICERS said the ~merkan warplanes made at least eight sorties against the town of Chambak itself before returning to their bases in -Thailand. Monday marked the 26th con- secutive day of intensified American air raids in Cambodia. • Field reports said government troops retreated two miles north on Highway 2 under a lieaV)' Coiilmunist 82 mm mortar barrage. Initial casualty figures were put at seven dead and 33 wounded. Communist units intensified of£ensive operations on every fMit today, and well infonned miiltary sources said ~e daily U.S. B52 and Fill strikes have com- pletely failed to stem the current Com- munist push. DURING THE PAST two months, Communist units have managed to sever every major supp ly route feeding the Cambodian capital, inch:iding Highways 1, 2, 3 and 4, and the nation's most im· portant supply artery, the Mekong River. According to the high command, fighting erupted along the banks of the J\1ekong less ·than 15 miles southeast of Phnom Penh today as Communist forces staged a fierce ground attack against the 2600 YEARS OF DELICIOUS TRADmON Here's a really different meal-i n-a-hurry ... at pin money prices! Great Japanese food for you to enjoy anytime, take anywhere ... and you can keep your shoes on, too ! I CHICK-A-BOB 35¢ CHICK-TERI 35¢ TEMPURA 55C TERI-BURGER 65¢ FRIED RICE 30<: and much more! town Qf 'l\Jk Khleang. Government losses were recorded as - f our killed and 14 wounded, the command said. . Meanwhile, in \Vashington , Defense Secretary Elliot L. Richardson says the present Camb!)d.ian government would hare_ trouble surviving without U.S~ bombing support unless the Communists agreeJo_a cease::fire._ TIIE FALL OF Cambodia could threaten the security or the Thieu government in South V i e t n a m , Richardson said Sun.day. · The secretary said U.S. bombing raids over Cambodia are justified because the U.S. aim "is to support a_ government with which we have been fighting, in a continuing effort lo bring the· fighting to an end." South Vietnam said today it will . boycott the Joint 14ilitary Commission wttil · Communist forces end their five. week-old siege of the Toog Le Chan ranger base, 50 miles north of Saigon. A mili tary spokesman said Saigon has proposed that it and the. Viet C:Ong send a joint team of majors-and-colonels··to-thc- encircled camp to "solve the problem." "SOUTH VIETNAM will boycott any further meeting , o{ the JMC until Com· munist troops stop their attacks against the Tong Le Chan base or at least pennit the evacuation or government wounded remaining at the base," the spokesman, U. Col. Lee Truong Hien, said at his dai- ly press briefing. \ Missouri River side Of West Alton was ovei'topped at about 4 a.m. and broke shortly alter. Waler approached the town of West Alton -forcing the evacua_tion of 10 lo 20 families by boat. Corps of Engineers and volunteer workers gave up sandbagging efforts in the area, A Civil Defense spokesman said about 10,000 acres ol fannland were being Oooded. . . The Corps of Engineers said the levee in the Old Monroe district along the Mississippi River w~s also overtopped early this morning. A spokesman said the town of Old A1onroe is not in danger at this time - but thatlh-ousa nds-Oracres of -farmland were inundated. THE CLEANUP from Saturday night's tornadoes was going on beside flood preparation today in portions( of Georgia and South Carolina: The twisters, which struck before National Weather Service radar could spot them, lnflicted severe property damage and claimed at least eight lives. DAfLY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE . Dtlivery of tht Dally Piiot is. guararitttd Me<MllY·f'rMl1y: II ""' do llot. '""* YlllN' ll•Ptl' •Y ''" •·"'·• c•ll •nd rour ctpy will IN -..119111 11 rw. C•111 1r1 11ktr1 1111111 ____hR.l.m.. ____,_ S1hrruy Alld kll!Uy: It Y"' • ntf reu!~• Ylur CtPY by t '"·""· Sllu1d1y, tr I 1.rn. 11/1H11y, call 111d I copy will k ~tfll It YtU. C•ll• •rt llktll Unlit 10 •.rn. Ttltphones .MMt Orange County Ares • .• 642·4)21 ond Weitmlnster .•.• NDrltlW'51 Hunllnglon 8,och 540•1220 Sen Cltmtntf, C1pJ1tr1no Beach, Son Juon Cepl1trono, Deno PDlnt. SOulh Lavun1, Legun.1 Nlguel .tJt2-4.tJ20 YQURS IN: JUST 90 SECONDS!. GRAND OPENING ' I ' I 7 i I I 7 ' VOL 66, NO. 92; 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES Irvine Company ~iv~s Upper Bay .S~tement Spo<i1I to th. Dilly Piiot SAN FRANCISCO -Here is the full text issued• here today-by tbe.Irvine_Company relative to its new policy position on Upper. New· port Bay: ..---~..---• .. \ . .. ... OAANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ers=----"- Tiiklanm Exc.hange Abandoned By ToM MURPIDNE -01 ... l»lf't , .... ltlff THE IRVINE COMPANY ' still e<1ncurs in .the-legal .views ex· SAN FRANCISCO ·-Irvine Company pressed to the courts· by its attorneys and by the Attorney Gj!neral officlAla here today offered four public on behali of the State Lands Commission ~t the Upper Newport age n c I e • lmnwllate poaealon of Bay Land Exchange is legal and e<1Mtitutional. Nevertheless, the ~-surrounding Upper Ne~ ComPl!IY believ~ that rather. than c:pntinulng litigation on the con· In · an official statement, the 1rv1no · stituUonal 1nd--olber-isaue1, the interests of-all-eoncernld..are..better Company:offered "for 1 m·m·e d I a t e· servOd by a fresh apJU'OaCh involving mutual· and C<Jncerted efforts ..,._ton by lnlere3ted public agencies by public agenclea and the Company to achieve public ownership of u-Irvine lands they deem de3irable tlie Compony'1 landa.in Upper Newport Bay. . . fa< public owtiersblp ,. that the lands Accordingly, for its part the Irvine Company hereby pledges its may be enjoyed by the public pending a willingness and intention to: workable plan to compensate the com- (1) Refrain from appealin~ to t he California Supreme Court pany." the appellate court decision in the case of Orange County Irvine'S action was viewed as a major vs. Heim. shift In its long-9tanding policy of seeking (2) Work with the Orange County Board of Supervisors to a tidelands exchange 1n Upper Newport find mutually acceptable means of terminating existing Bay. la\VSUits. It was also viewed as a major and (3) Offer for immediate possessipn by interested public dramatic step toward ending the debate agencies those lrvlne-1a:nds--they deem desirable for pub-arid legal actions which have embroiled lie ownership so that the lands may be enjoy,ed by the the Back Bay for the past decade. public pending a. workable plan to compensate the Com-The company offer wu made in a pany. high-level session here at San Francisco's (4) Consider all reasonable forms and terms of C<Jmpensa· Airport llllton Inn to officials of the U.S. Today's Fina~ N.Y. Stoeks MONDAY; APRIL 2, 1973 N TEN CENTS _er DAILY ,/LOT "*" llr P'atrkl O'Drtl!Hlt tion, Including but not limited fo, deferred payments or Departmeot of lnteri<)". state_ of exchange for purplus public lands elsewhere. California, county of <mmge aod etty of Newport Beach. · LED BY JANE ' FONDA (WITH U.S.· FLAG) PROTESTERS MARCH ALONG BLU FF Viet Cong FllfS Also.In Evidence 1t St1t1 Buch North of W11t1m White Hou11 Ollldal Weleolile -!Tis CLEART HAT early aecoiifjilisomeni-or puDUc ownership-· ·--There-was no Immediate reaction trom...... of Upper Newport Bay lands will require a C<JOrdinated and energetic t"' public _agencies. Irvine, encutives, p . eff~rt on the part of !he_ Interested public agencies. Therefore, the howe..r, sila, th~ compan~ s new po$!· rotesters .. Nii~ii, Thi~u on Coast Irvin• Co!J'P!"Y -~tilly sug1¢8-111d uraes tha!:l!l-,a;en_cteo.. ~"="':Z:WNf•!.!""'." ,,~ the ", .,_. ·-· • ..... · · ..... • u tlielr iittemu appear, promptlr undertake the tollciWlng action!: IA addilioo 14 o1f · Its iC. ·s o c . (I) ~te conc!~11-o th~ work .ol. ,lbe Upl!!;r Newport .. 'iq*iL\M,J!o~Bay tho U: tng a-rr' y Biy Field Comnuttee curtenUy Chaired lly. lhe,Depart· cOmJ>imj-:qnea !if cancel .,; appeil on ' · me ntof.the Interior. . . the curreni Bick Bay lawsuit. For Talks Amid Protests '(2) Deternune final boundaries and expedite the completion This -Issue which has been grinding c Fl of the-appr8!sal -process now under way. . tlorouglnlie courtJ !or ileveral years was on g ags (3) Develop as rapully as poSStble a reco~ended funding to test the legallty of the Upper Bay land ?Jld/Or ex.change program for early action by part1c1pat· swap. It began as a so-called "friendly" mg ag~nc1es. • . . lawsuit but opponents to the tidelands ex- (4) Establish a Ta~k Force. composed of ~epresentatives of ap-change jumped Into it and it soon propnate public ag~nc1es and the Irvine Company to meet became unfriendly. re~arly to ~xpedite t?e r~commend~d J!rogram. . An Orange County Superior Court (5) ~view pending lawsuits with the Objective of term1nat-decision ruled the swap constitutional. 10~ them on mutually acceptable terms. But last Feb. 23 the Fourth District (6) Seek ways . to take immediate possession of the desired Court of Appeal ~ San Bernardino over· lands pending a workable plan to e<1mpensate the Com· ruled that decision . The appeal court said pany. that judicial pre:edeots that appeared to . GIVEN THE MUTUAL. EFFORT ·and cooperation herein pro- posed, the Irvine Company is hopeful that early accomplishment of e<1mpatib!e public and private objectives is possible. .Mayor A-sks County Action On Back Bay Swap Off er By L. PETER KRIEG pany poUcy switch as "an innovative ot ,,,. oeMY , .... ,,.,. move and a correct one." Newport· Beac(! Mayor Donald A. Mcinnis said he hopes supeivlsors will Mclnni> ,saJci \oday that Orange County put the matter on their agenda next SUpervloors -d move':llnmedlately to Tuesday ml invite -both the U.S. Departo take advantage ol the It;vlne Company's ment of Interior and the California Lands offer to sell or tra•its Upper Newport Division to make ptesentations of what's Bay holdings. • :· • been going on." "It'• a real hooesl attempt oo the part · Thooe Ill'• agencies together with of the Irvine COmpany -to emf the Utiga· Orange t<Minty· . and cuy of Ne~ tlon and mookey bu3inesS t)lat's been · Beach, comprlle the field committee thlt going oo oo long he!ll''!'" them," Mcinms has beeil probl!ig po,aible ways to ac- said In an bttervlew at Orange County quire tlle l!ack . Bay lands owned bY Airport upon retliming from San Fran· Irvine. • , cisco. · But Mclnnls stressed that it'1 going to Mc!Mis had attended the Upper h.:lve to be up to the county to take lhe Newport Bay Field Committee meeting next sep. where the land development firm had of· "The solution must rest with the coun- support the trade don't apply in the Back Bay case. · It wu a 60-page opinion and the legal point at 1sSue was Whether or not It ls coii.stitutlooal for any public tidelands to be traded Into private ownership. The ap- peals court said no. The Irvine Company had until 3:30 p.m. this afternoon to appeal that decision to the California Supreme court. Under terms of its new policy state- ment, Irvine will apparently abandon that appeal. Today's negotiated agreement on the lands around Upper Newport Bay does not come as a total surprise. Fifth District Supervisor Ronald Caspers acknowledged that Orange Co u n t y government and the Irvine Company were working on a negoUaled agreement. He divulged this nearly ooe year ago, on July 14, 1m, at a.meeting.of the Oraoga County Coast A3SOclatlen. Originally, the Upper Bay swap betweeu Irvine 8Jl <>ranee County was approved. by the Board of Supervisors on May a, 1964. It called for the county to give Irvine (See BACK BAY, l'qe I) PLEA.SE YOURSELF • WITH A PILOT AD By ARmUR R. VINSEL Of Ille Da\JY Pllol Stiff Chanting ·bilingual slogans and songs By JOHN V ALTERZA against continued U.S. support or ijie °' IM Dflf>' 'net It.ff South Vietnamese regime, nearly 400 President Nixon and South Vietnamese demonstrators marched on the Western President Nguyen Va:n Thieu began a White House in San Clemente today be-round of official talks. 1t the Western neath a sea of blue and red Viet Cong White House u hundreds of demoostra· flags. (Related pictures, Page 3). tors chanted In opposition at the Squads of Orange Coast police tactical gates of the presidiential estate in San officers stood at parade rest on the Cron-Clemente. iag;;· road of El c.mJno Real, aboiit a Thieu's helicopter touclied dowp at the block from La Casa Pacifica. landing · pad of the Wt!ltein White House They grimly marked the end of the at 10:30 a.m. where a fuU state arrival three-mile road down which the unex-ceremony took place. pectedly large · crowd of protestors Military bands, a VIP gallery of 500 marchedthe. local citiiens and a 21-gun .salute were in- A ga ring of eqlial size inside the eluded in Ole welcome celebraUon. presidential compound was at that m~ ment welcoming South Vietnamese Pres-About 350 chanting deinonstrators ident Nguyen Van Thieu at a formal re-began marching along Avenida del ception. Presldent e at about 11 a.m., many of They were aware of the rally out!ide them carrying Viet Cong fiags and spearheaded by actress Jane Fonda and placards. Dozens of the demonstrators the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, carried ,\merican flags as they arched in but it was inaudible inside. a long oval on a patch of dirt alongside A few grotesquely garbed marchers the roadway. includfu:g one ex-GI in a Halloween mask The turnout was about the same as and a coalition of Vietnamese students that which appeared Sunday night at a enrolled in U.S. colleges took part. rally at the nearby state park. The formal , two-page open Jetter out-Tactical squad! from the Costa Me5a lining the Vietnamese students' position and San Clemente Police departments - 0n-Tt:iiaf's government Was-distrlbtiled about 60 officers -atood bl fonnation st and a SP,)kesman sa.id they hoped to pass the location a e m 0 D I l r a t 0 r S and one on to Ni.Jon this afternoon. authorities had agreed that the marchers They had Jed cheers in the Vietnamese would use as their stopping point. This language earlier on a b!Ufl top of San morning's mari:b yielded no arrests. · Clemente State Park waving U.S. and After remarks by both head! of state Viet Cong flags at helicopters making the men retired to Nixon's offices to passes along the coast. begin two d8ys of conferences relating to The marchers, shepherded by police the rebuilding of the war-tom nation and and press pbotQgraphers and reporters converting the fragile cease-fire to were oi"derly as they advanced on lhe lasting peace. Critics have asserted that checkpoint where they were turned away Thieu is in the llnited States simply for and began a circular march up and down "Image building." ~ the sidewalks. President Nixon used the name of his ''Five, four. three, two down with Nix-esta te, "La Casa Pacifica/' as a means early parL of the evening. The park is about a quarter mile from Nixon's seaside Casa Pacific. The basic premise of the demonstrarors ls that Thieu Is in the United States 1" an attempt to repair a poor public in\Bge and that he plans to assertedly "auction off" South Vietnam to American business interests. No one could really say why the demonstratiohs which were so heavily publicized drew so rew persons. ' One young girl huddled near a bonfire Sunday night said. "if they lhought they were going to get 3,000 people to this thing, they were crazy " The marching was expected to continue today and then shift to the advocates of Thieu and Nixon tonight. New Jersey minister Dr. Carl Mcintire plans lo bring his fundamentalist block to he same area and conduct a rally in support of Thieu and his regime. The leftJst demonstrators said Sunday they planned to be on hand to greet the con-. servatlve forces. 1bat activity is scheduled to coincide wlth the arrival of Thieu and his wile for a private dinner at La Casa Pacifica starting at 8 p.m. Tuesday's activities at the compound were scheduled to involve large numbers of aides to both heads of state and will last through the morning hours. In the afternoon the President and Thieu plan to make concluding statements on the (See THIEU, Page ZI Or ange Coast fered t<tsell1 tJ Back Bay land, or trade ty," be said,~and witlt the Irvine Com- l--l.l,---tt..!!!<,.111lhllcl)~ P"'ll'~ elsewbeit. pall)! lbeJ.'re the oro...blg~.._.t1wndo~,... .... n..._"--0P1'he1"'""""'wwwmm1'"'""'Ht-ww'.-u!0oi ...-a DAl&Y-P "It'• up 14 the county now, the ball's In The Itvlne Company &!!d the county '·- on down with Thieu .. , " the rh f 'L0•'-'=~·1---. .:..0: ca y an . ferences wltb Thieu. can their corner. It .eems that the Irvine bad been involved in a major land ex~ cl1ssified ·want ad. The results Qmipany has giveo the whole nine change that the county has since tried.to pleasanUy surprise you - Banners and signs depicted the Presi· He said lhe talks come at a time when dent a.s' a monster with bloody fangs and peace with boDor" bad arrived but he Weather yards," Mclnnfl said. back out ol: The issue has been min!d In l>range County Second D h t r I c t the courl4 for vears_ • The company was , Sopervllor David Biker, wb081So al' racing a 3:30P,in. eadllDe foday 'to-ap- teoded the San Francisco meeUng, joined peal the lljtest court decision. Mcinnis In laudlng the cllange of pollcy Mcinnis 'said he did not know U his city by the Irvine l:ompany. woold he able to porllcipate In the finan. "I beljeye the Irylne Company made a cial end of any negotiatloos that are very wise decision," Baker said. '1Havlng worked out. the other government a g e n c I e s "The city has not discussed any finan- partlclpate wu aloo a good gesture." clal participation as such," he said. Baker reported that the Irvine offer "There may he -llS3Ullllng the other was well received by the public agencies agencies can get together. bi.it he couldn't take ·a position on it. · "There may be pieces In the city "That will he up to the full Board of might want to consider, but It depends SUpervlsors," he explained. "I am on the other agencies/' he said. preparing my report to tbem on what Mcinnis' was tbe city's sole represen- ~=ff======~~b~11:1~t~w~o~n•:t :®~~1~atn:a~~r~~~s meetjgi. 1-kin.' -1;\Supervtoor Bl._ Baker went lnlo ·the San Franct.co l!OOnty In the 1be<nce of Board Chairman f!100ti1iC •llll03t, cold in .Ubstltutillg for Caspers, the county'• O.ld committee &lperrilor R<lnald Caspers. Biker's member. Caspers ,.., 1ttcndlng a uslltant spent the we.;kend mearclllng meeUng of the South Cout llqional the Upper Newport Bay background and O>nservatlon Commission. thell brleled BQer prior to the .... ion.... tllclnniJ wu opUmlatlc that lhert will · BUer d>aract.rtJed 'the Irvine Com· \See REACTION, Pose J) •I . contaipel1 slogans u~ing freedom from stressed that the peace could not have OPEN HOUSE SAT & Thieu-Nixon tyranny m the South. been won without the valor of the South SUN CAPE COD ON ,2'he chanUng began to.die down a fevr Vlelnamese. · • moments after the marchers reached "It would not he pooitble,"·he said. A 40' LOT ,., c...._"-int. . 1.11e .-......,., "without the courage and leadershlp1and (Address). Lge 2 car garage. "Lt's have a llttJe .more fire ," ecrearn-solidarity which your people have made.· Streaed for 2Dd unit. 200 ed a VV AW veteran wearlnt! a march "We meet toward bullding a peoce for amp' undergrouncl 4Uplu """1il<lr'• red arm bond on bis military your land whldt has trufl1!red ' .0 · njuch •~ -~ 1,,. .. ,!.-11111~ oiiifl\, ' and for your people who havo suffereil so e~ . ..::l """~:.i_. ·r-:~1 • .:;:: "Five, foar, three, two down wtth,Nix-much during the past 25 years of war." opeoer, ·com .... e • ~, on, down with 'l'hltu,"·they ,sbouted with Hundred' of detnoGStrators ·...,. on , all ~ l!llra touchea you rcnewlld zeal • hand at Il»-acre S.. Clemente State wouldn't !)elleve, firepl~ A CJ'OUP o1 thol'Olltli*ed horse• C\'f': Park Sunday u a hoW1inJI wind turned 1ptlnklet:1 cm time clock. raled nearby spooked at all the tumult a anti-war vigil Into a chlfly affair (Plo- 3 Br, Ill Be, dowtitllin, S and ·q,e dazzling red and gold banners tutts, Page 3). Sunny and windy Is the way the wealherlady sees it for Tuesday, with highs of 67 at the beaches, ris- ing to 72 Inland. Winds are ex- pected to decrease to IS miles per hour. Overnight lows in the 50s. INSWE TODAY A re vou fighting mad about a defective product you have pur- cJrcstd; or a· ttrvke t101I have paid for thnt ttu'Yled otiC-tcrbe a d1td? f'humciol colum11ist Sylvia Porter tells you how to sue in small claims court today ou Page 18. loft bdl1J'll up For $81e b)t marcllers wived, sending them racing Tho total number of anli-1'hie1.1 and owner •M&>.s' t62Jl00...llm---~ bac~k~and~~!Or~th~wUhin~~-~the~..!_~~~-~-~en~c~1 ... ~~Ni~1xon demonstrators was about 35n. In '"n:..,. • • -·~Hi j!iili~liif'IMT«mmlin""e..-oi-~,.~.-~.'--~--ll' ~ ~f e a , _ a pro y sever c.1c_. J. 1,MI \I This ·"°""" IOld the ()tJI dly the Ill Wlf!W-beblnd to . .,..t a rllltl willl! bod s -but other members of the c~,_, • -• nn, and the advtrtlser was really . coalition of pro-Nixon people led by the group took over the speaking duties. ~::'=. : ~=..... Mtlr\ttt pleued!. For pleasing t<sultJ of ypur Rev. Carl Mclntlt<. It wu due to arrive AJ the demoostratot> 1-'1 on the cold ,,__, " -... own, pleue can dlrfct -MU678. tonight. ground members of • gutrrilla theater : ::-: It .... 1 ... 1: :: ......... ,; 'l1te ooly major dlMenillon among irwpe .perfonned an antiwar play. ll'lne "'-" ww• "'"' • (See PROTESTERS, P•J• I) and marijuana were abundant during tile • • J , . , , \ 2 DAILY PILOT N Mondiy, Aprll 2, 2q73 • 'Wind Gusts Up to 55 MPH Bollihard GOaS Uy JOHN ZAU.ER Of ""' O.ltr ""' ll•ff WIDdo ~ up lo 55 mu .. ao bour lashed the Orange Co:.st Sunda1 closing off a sect.ion of coast hlghw13. smashing windows, and c r e a t i n a mayhem in yachting harbors. No major damage or injuries "'ere reported1 but there \\'ere an estimated 100 capsized boats In coastal areas. power fall4tcs arrccting al least 6,400 persons, and the norm al doses of broken tree limbs and yords ' slre\\'11 with branches. ' the heavy wlo.da began about noon and • bit\¥ a steady 2S to 35 mllu 1n hour until JI p..m.~g to mott reports. Ousts In tht Newport Jfarbor area wf:re rtported up lo 16 miles an hour. Amo!Our metoo'rolo1l1l J. 8herman Depny of Huntloaton Beach 11id the wlnlf• ,..,. lhe'heavlest •Ince Aprll , 1970. The worst damage was reported In the Nelrport Beach and Costa Mesa areas. The Orange County Harbor Patrol reported to~ing In at least 50 capsized boats after sailors igno~ small craft warnings that should have kept most ooats tied to their moorings. . "A jot o[ people thougnt they were B-ay's Colorful History Related The present !talus <>f the Upper Bay -AUG. is, 1966. State Lands C.om- dates back to May 25, 1919, when the mission refused to approve the exchange. State of Call!<lmia granted tidelands and -SEPT. %5, 1967. State Lands Com- submerged lands of Newport Bay to mission now accepts the· swap . ~fter a Orange County "to be held in trust and hearing featuring strong opposition by subject to the condition that a p~bllc conservationist groups. _M.r.boJ:kil!Y~~fil.P.1-!f~~~~----· -NC!Y •. 1z, IHI. Coun~y supe.rvisot$. merce and navigation an<l:li!btng:' approve transfer or tideland! and Here are some highlights from its 52-recording or deed. year history: -MARCH, lMt. The Irvine Company -MA y ZI, ltzi. A lawsuit filed sues the county to test the validity of Jhe against'the Irvine Company by Orange land swap. _ · --Olunly brooJihl-lho-ruling-lhal-all-lands--XPim;;-"IMrSix Newportlleach above the line of mean high tide -three homeowners enter the lawsult as in- baby islands and part of the patent lands . tervenors against the Irvine Company. -.,.,.. Judged to belong 1o the Irvine -DECEMBER, Im. coort rules that Company. AU other properly went to the the land swap ls legal. county. -JANUARY, I17I. Revamped county -JULY I 1J17. Governor Goodwin board condemns land swap, calls for Knight a~ved legislation w h i c h review of exchange without wailing for pennitted the exchanie of filled or appellate court decl8ion. . . reclaimed tidelands ln Orange County for -MARCH, 1971. Supenr1sors reJect privately owned adjacent lands of equal • land swap. Advise lrvi~e Company that • pretty good Allon until Ibey got otJt In thal wind," aald SCI· Roller! Bainbridge. "But it taku mote than a good sailor to m, out of ·ltCUble "Nbe4 II'• blowlnJ ilO knOtl." In 1ddlllon to ti. ilO mcues made by 1he Harbor Patrol. Balnbrtdse satd there were probably another SO capsized boats that were helped by private citizens. He ul$0 reported four ; boats with broken masts and one that ran aground at toth Street. "We were busy out there until mid- night going so fast 've just completely lg· nored the paperwork," he said. "There wa.s oo way we couldtkeep up with all the reports with sct~_peoJllo dJm&ardini our dqer warnings," In another Newport. Beach Incident, two cars were burned near Irvine Avenue and '1&1.h Street when an ele<.1rical line fell on them. Both were unoccupied ant parked. There were two large power failures in Costa ?i.lesa. One in north Costa Mesa begin n in g at 2:57 p.m. put 1,650 customers out of service for 49 minutes. Another failure in the do\vntown ll'fa began at J : 11 p.m. and affected 1,300 customers for 69 minutes, Edison of-• - . , flcials reported. ~ In other <OLl!al actlY!!?,..:Hun\l!ljlon Beach police lll1J<d ilromc iilNory for motorists traveling on the Pacific 1 Coast HJghway at Bolsa Chica State Beach. Pollce said that drivats ignoring . their warnings sulfe.rei:l sandblast!°' and risked accident due to 'poor v1slblllly from blowing sand. At Dana Point llarbor, the Harbor . Patrol towed in nint· capsized boats where small craft operators ignored warnings and went sailing anyway .. One boat reportedly smashed into the jetty at the harbor moulh1 • COntrol towtr'• operators at Orang - County Airport said tho winds were lhii· woriflii fliiff years. No acclifents were repOrted. but officials said at least a dOzen light planes were diverted to Capistrano Airport and Long Beacb Airport because of the wlnd.s. 'In Laguna Beach 900 re~lstents had 90-minute power failure. Edlsoll reparted. AnQther 1,500 residents in the Saddleback \.'alley area had a 30-stcorid power break. No damage was reported in the Irvine ·and Saddleback Valley areas outside of dusf stirred up from a few newly plowed fields. .From Page .l THIEU ... ·<> • :i. lawn in !root of the Presidential villi. · ~".~ Thieu will leave for Washington, D.C. "' later in the day where more talks a "" scheduled. Vice President Spiro T. ; Agnew will serve as official host fo • those 1lisctWions. ' The arrival of Thieu in Los Angel~,a: Sunda.y to meet President Nixon and~" thank the United States for keeping "America's word tQ. a small nation,'' set ") olf a confrontation between pro-and anti· Thieu Vietnamese. Police held the riva,I groups apart and there was no violence. As Thieu climbed into his limousine, the pro-Thieu demonstratou~.streamcd toward the anti-Thieu faction, yelling in- sults and brandishing placard sticks and 12-foot long banner i:ples as weapons. "1 A line of police rl!ced between the two ~ groups and held them about 30 yards f!! apart. They sere med insults at each " other Wltil the ro-Thieu group was shepherded into buses. During a 14-hour stopover in Honolulu, Thieu videotaped an emotional thank you speech to the American people, praising their "supreme and disintere!led . generosity. ' "Fifty thousand Americans accepted ...._the supreme sacMflce of their lives in 1 • or greater value subject to the State exchange no longer applies. Lands Cemmlsslo~'s approval. -APRIL. 1971. Irvine Compan y sues -MAY ZO, 1983. The first fOnn of the county. Calls for courl -recognition or land swap was presented to county argument that county cannot back out of l DAliY PILOT itiot. ay Rkf'l.,'11 Kott.lfr order to keep Ameri ca's word to a small nation," and. others were wounded or im- prisoned-under "the-harshest con•'-'-'~- ditions," he said. · · supervisors by the Irvine Company -the Upper Bay deal. . 292.7 acres of Irvine uplands for 151.8 · -JULY 9, 1971. Tax .liens on disputed acres of filled county-owned tidelands. Upper Bay property clunb to nearly $5 SANTA ANA FIREMEN POUR WATER ON CHARRED BUILDINGS AT FOURTH AND SPURGEON Smoke From Blatt Early This Morntng Visible for Miles; Investigators Check for Arson Thieu is seeking assurances that t~e United States which fought in Vietnan1 for more than a decade \Viii continue to provide economic, political and military aid to his nation. -AUG. zt, 1163. Plan amended to million. Irvine Company re~ses. to pay. 418.2 acres of Irvine land for 146.8 acres -FEB. 13, 1973. Fourth district Court or county land. of Appeals in San Bernardino rules the -l\fAY I, JtM. Proposed trade no'v Uppe; _Bay tidelands exchange un- stands at 450 acres of Irvine uplands for const1tut1onal. 157 acres of county tidelands. Approved -APRIL %, 1973. Irvine Company by the board after a public hearing a~ter n:iakes a major policy s.hift in offering supervisors learned from state appratser t;pper Bay lands for 1mmed1 ate 1 --Bernard Evans-that-Uiey_..would-be $8 _possessk>.o of publ!.~_gigencles_JVigt__pay- million better off by the swap. ment to be worked out at later dates. From Pqe J BACK BAY PROPOSAL • • • 157 acres of Back Bay tidelands. In ex:· change. Irvine would give the county 450 acres of it s bay uplands for public use as park and recreation areas. Included in lhe old tidelands exchange agreement were three tidal islands own- ed by Irvine in Upper Newport Bay. The SY.'ap called for these islands to go to Orange County and be dredged ~way, m~ng room . for an 800-foot navigable ~nel all the way up the Back. Bay waters. In its new policy statement, tbe Iivine Company stresses that it still strongly believes that the tidelands exchange was and is legal. But the company position now is that continued legal flights would be counter-productive and a whole new approach is needed. Thus the offer to the public agencies. Those who received the new Irvine of- fer today in San Francisco were Webster Otis and Richard J. Shukle of the U.S. Department of the Interior; Norman B. Livermore, Jr. and James F. Trout for the state of California; David. L. Baker and Adrian Kuyper for the County of Orange ; and Mavor Donald A. Afclnnis for Newport Beach. Ii.JI The Irvine Company \vas represented bv President \V ill ia m R. Alason, Counsel Guy Claire and consultant Robert Shellon. __ The session to receive the Irvine offer opened shortly after 8 a.m. in directors room 600 at the Airport Hilton JM. It OU.NGI COAST ft DAILY PILOT broke up shortly before 10 a.m. There was no immediate reaction from the public officials on the new Irvine policy statement. Orange County's Sec· ond District Supervisor David Baker of Garden Grove said he simply couldn't speak for the entire Board <> f Supervisors. While the new Irvine offer -and reversal of past policy -is aimed at creating public usage of Upper Newport Bay, many questions will remain on how the plan will be implemented. A major hurdle will be detennining the public agencies which will come up with the money to pay Irvine for its lands. Means \vill also have to be worked out to terminate all the lawsuits pending <ln Upper Bay. Also, there will be a question of taxes v.•hich the Orange County Assessor's Office alleges Irvine owes on disputed Back Bay lands. Irvin e has refused to pay these levies for the past four years. Italian Group Assails -Brando 'Con.tradictio1i' NEW YORK (UPI) -The head of an ltalian·American organiuition today sent Afarlon Brando a Jetter saying there was Rites Conducted For Ida Gronsky, Balhua-Resident Funeral services took place this af. temoon for 45-year Balboa Peninsula resident Ida "~iz ~avilion" Gronsky. She died at 78. f\lrs. Gronsky, who lived at 2134 f\>tiramar Drive, picked up her nickname ln the early 1950s from sport fishermen \vho stopped by the Balboa Pavilion for bait. She and her husband owned lhe Pavilion from 1948 to 1960. "She and dad came down and buill a house on the peninsula in 1928," recalls son Art, owner of Art's Landing at the Pavilion. "There were only a few houses down here and the whole peninsula was my playground." The Gronskys spent only the summers in Ne~rt Beach until l!H2. They came down every year from their home in South Pasadena, Gronsky said. But in 1942, the move became permanent. "Once they got the Pavilion, Mom worked down there starting at dawn," Gronsky said. ti.1rs. Gronsky didn't get too involved in community or civic affairs because she "was making a full time job of being a mother and she was a good one," her son said. Mrs. Gl'()Mky's husband died in 1965 and she had been an invalid ever since, Gronsky said. Mrs. Groilsky's Ollifr sUiViVors include sons ~loe of Newport Beach and Irving of Brentwood, daughter Johanna Slept of Hollywood, seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren . Services and burial took place at Home of Peace Cemetery in East Los Angeles. a "blatant contradiction'' between his Tilt Or•np• C011t OAl1.Y PI LOT, with """ld1 c G !~ comt1!n.cl th1 Nt wt-Pritu, 11 P\IClllU\eel ti'( roJe in "The Godfather" and his Support omputers one 1n1 Or1noe co~1t Put11l1h1n1 ccm01n1'. S•P•• of Indians. rfll N l!lonl ~rt Publbhed, MOtlCll'I" th•Mh f"•lll•I'· tor ca.11 Mu•. Nr.i:itrt lead!, Brando y;·on an Academy Award for his F N lle~cn, 1r.ln1/Stddlrbocl Ind Sen Cl1m1n!1/ Frona Page 1 PROTESTERS ... demonstrators outside the \Vestern White House today occurred when they decided to eject a shouting bearded preacher-of the-Gospel. - He had · taken up a post -carrying a huge placard -at the parade route's temlinus shouting challenges to accept Jesus Christ. He y;•as using a megaphone long before the marchers arrived. "Ho Chi Minh didn't have his Bible squared n\\'ay! He was an atheist,'l the unidentified evangelist shouted. "That's not important," he said, ·when asked his name . "Are you a Christian'?" he asked . The preacher 's arrival \Yas preceded by that oI a portly, ha'>'•k-nosed Indian riding a Honda motorcycle pl.astered \\ii.th s Io g a n s supporting his brothers at Wounded Knee. San Clemente police pu]led him .over on his third pass through the restricted street. From Pagel REACTION ... be concrete results from the Irvine Fotu· Santa Ana Stores Destroyed By Raging Fh·e- He also sees his talks with Nixon and subsequent visits to Washington, the LBJ Ranch in Texas and to Europe a! a chance to build his stature as a v.·orld statesman and combat a public image of him as a repressive dictator. Nixon's objective in the two days <lt summit talks is to make sure that American troops will not have to return to Vietnam. H"e pla11s to emphasize the U.S. interest in maintaining at least the appearance of peace. The President twice publicly warned Hanoi to stop infiltrating troops and equlpment-·into South Vietnam or face "consequences ." The clear implication " was that boming of North Vietnam might 'be resumed if !here are continued cease· fire violations. Nixon has not commented publicly on truce breaches by Saigon. But he is con- cerned that violations by S<luth Vietnam will Invite retaliation by the Communists and be is expected to privately v.·arn Thieu to restrain his own forces. Mrs. Stevenson Succumbs at 71 Private family services took place ~ Company offer. day at Pacilic View Mortuary in New· "Hopefully the public agenc ies -the port Beach for longtime Balboa Island stale and the feds and the Supervisors -1~11SS V1's1't Protested resident lvanetta M. Stevenson. She will agree that now is the time to sit .\ died Saturday at 71. down and solve the problem," ?i.iclnnis Mrs. Stevenson and her husband Jived said. STOCKfTOLM (AP ) -Police kept at 106 Coral for 35 yBars and became "This ha s been going on for a long s111all groups of Jewish demonstrators major property owne rs on the island. At time," he said. "There hav e been suit s, fro1n getting near Soviet Premier Alexei the time <lf Mrs. Stevenson 's death, the , and counter-suits and counter-{:OUnter· N. Kosygin when he arrived today for a family .owned seven houses on the island. suits. This can't do anything but speed up state visit. The demonstrators, protesting Mrs. Stevenson is survived by her hus· a solution. restrictions on Jews trying to leave the band, Fred, of the family home : a son. "By their action.'" Mcinnis sald, "the Soviet Union, were kept about 200 yards Dr. John Stevenson of San Diego; a Irvine Conlpany has said let us sit do\vn from Kosygin and it was not likely he daughter, ~1rs. Glocia Shaver of Apple and work this out as reasonable people." noticed them quietly holding up placards. Valley and seven grandchildren. ~~-~--~~~~$.-~--~-~-=-~· I . -CoMME -, • INSTALLATION INCLUDED General Electric "BEST BUY" DISHWASHER -~ • ' ,, kun!f~1o" lt•thlFO..nt~ln \lllley, l.ltUAI portrayal of an aging Mafia don in the 1·om ewpo1·t l~~-l-~·~·":-'!~'!'=''-""'"L.f~"""-J--'002l!i~!!La~!Llo.J1.>'~-eJlLlLb<cJ111Se•~--::--=-=-~~~--:~~~--!-t-• 111.11on r1 """o''*' s.111ra1v• •rid surie11v•. he said, Hollywood over the years Off1'c1'a}'s Cai• I I I I I Thi "prtnc:~I Pllbtl$1!1nt Pllftl It 11 llO Wt~I ,,.,. s1r111, cmra Mn1. c.111orn11, •i.M. ntaligned American Indians. Rob1rt N. W11d John P. Lomenzo. New York 's P •H •4otf11 fncl PllOH1htr f secretary o state but writing in his J1ck R. Cwrl1y • Vk• Prn1oen1 1rie1 a-r11 M1n1g1r capacity as head of a group called "The Thom11 K11 .. a Col umbian Coalition," said : Edllof T~o"'•• A. Murphin• "Frankly, we see a blatant con· M•n1'1"' t:4itor tradictlon be.tween your reasoning for l. Ptl•r 1Crl19 N'""'°'' ••1Ctt c 1"' 11:1111o1" refusing the award and your particlpa· N..-,.rt a..c• OHlu tion in a film that has defamed the JJJJ Newport 10111, ... rJ Jtalian-Amcrlcan community. M1llf111 ~a,,.,i P.O. ••• 11 1s, tl66l "Do you really distinguish the movie OtMr OHlcw industry's vUiflcatlon or the American a .,. M1u1 JJD w111 ••v si•••• Indian from its treatment of Italian· L••-e1K111 m '"°'"''' ,,_ Americans in 'The Godfather'?" H1111tl11fllft lffc:ll1 11UJ lttcll lovlt'llrcl Sin Cltmtn19: JOJ Horfl'I El Ctmlno R"I Portable computers valued at $9,000 "'·ere stolen from the car <lf Vice Mayor Howard Rogers over the weekend, Newport Beach police disclosed tod/t. Rogers, of 9'29 SeviUe Ave,, told In· vestigators be Jocked the six $1,500 mini· computers in his car Saturday night. When he came out the next morning, he said, both car doors were open and the computers y,•ere missing from the back seat. Police investigating two other car burglaries on the same block bellevc a wire tool was used to pop open the door locks fn all three cases. T•.,.._ f714 1 ••1·4121 Nothing was. taken from one of the 1~--J,--CJ .. ~" bft!'.t!::;--MU!?!""-=--1-=::l\::f:cC:'Mru:··:::'!:":·:!!:·:::ll:~:-l:!:~:.:W::':n::F:•-":-:::!:::!:....~"~''"';:gr .. ~l~WOl;;:V~·h~ir';t:Je! ' 11 n nn Rf'!lMn.,..r·r~I~~~iiii~~§~~~~ r-T>""'11""·~,,,-......,.· .-co!.........-~ ..J;eviiie, told •poii..-tll<,t.-tH>.,.,f4P..j ~~·· ,.:,~r ":" .;~':~'::''~~~ 1t1lAMI (UPI) -Television pe"F!onallty radio 'r'alued at $17$ was removed from -~ .. ~ w1111t111 M>tC ttl ,.,. Ed ~fc~lahon was hospitallzed during tbo underneath his dash. ~•l\c:.>;\1111 m1'aloll et ~'1tfll 6-•· UP ••• "'°""" c11M -..... wi 11 c .. 1, """" weekend for lnjurle5 received In 1 fall Rogers, a consultant for a Long Beach-tl\\\l t 111f!Drtli., MN:rt.11o11 ..., mri.r 1us aboard a yacht in the Bahama~. based calculator company, saJd \oday he BcVITDml CAiii ::rr:.,. "--11'.:11,.,::1~.,...."'"' ""11t•ry P.fcMahon, 50, had several stitches taken w11s uncertain "'hethtr lh6 computers,"' aa,..,. In a cut OVfr hl5 right eye 1nd w1s used, to give: demonstrations at a>lleges, MODG. ~DH truted for bnJlse1 on his ,.,.. and ann. w•re covered by insurance. ' -' f • \ '369'1. Model SDlSON Includn tholce of color en lront .. n<I and ''"'"'"' of cld dlsh"'Uher. I I I I I ------ Phone • 548-7788 1815 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA ( I . I "' I• r , 7 I 1 . ' ' • "'1 ,, -•• - I • ' • .. I Oran • ' . e .Coast Today's Fbaal I 0111"0' N.Y. VOL. 66, NO. 92, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES .. c TEN CENTS • .. . . -! ,\f_ind Gusts Up · \4:> 5.5 ~H Bombard Coast 1 By JOHN ZALLER blew· i'steady 25 lo IS-miles-an hour witll pi:ell•: ....t IOilon until. they aot out,ln .\f~.na:w~ -_,,, keep up w .. llll allJ.he f(cial! <re~ed. ·, or "' -• .,. '"" 11 p.m., accOrdlng lo most' reports. !lii f~ wd' Sit:'Rollerl Baliibridge: • prll wi\h ~J;i people dlSregiriliilg In olliei coaJtal acUvltY.l\llntington <Winds gusting up to 55 miles an hour Gusts in tfie Newport H3rti0r area were ' "But Jt·tates,.more>tban a good liUor ti) our danaet warnµtgs ." __.. Beach police issued a traffic advisory for lubed the Orange Coi.sl Sunday closing reporled up lo 55 miles• an hour. . stay out ·01 trouble """1 ll'a blowing IO In ..Oilier NeWJ>!lfl Beach Incident, motorists traveling on the pacHlc Coast off a section of coast highway, Amateur meteorologist J. ·llhennan kilo~~ twocarswereburnednearlrvlneAvenue Highway at Bolsa Chica Stale Beach. smashing windoJl'S, and c re a 11 n g l)enny 01 Hllntlngton Beacb .• flid the in addition io the IO teacUeS made by and •181b street wben an electrical line. Police said that clriftl'S !poring' their 'll)ayhem In yachting harbors. ' winds were the be&viesl •'-'AJ>rll, 1970. the -·p~ Bainbridge said there fell on. lbem. Both were unoccupied and . warnings suffered 'sandblasting and No major· damage or injuries were: · The worst damage was riported in the were ~~another 50 capsbred boals part:ed. ~ · risked accident due to poor visibility reported, but there were an estimated Newport1 Beach and COsta Mesa areas. tbat.~belpec! by private cltizeDs. There were two large power failures in from blowing sand. 100 capsized boats in ceaslal areas, The Orange County Harbor Patrol •He • abO reported !Ow' boats with Costa Mesa. One In north Costa Mesa At Dana Point Harbor, .the .Harbor Power· !allures a:ffecting at least 6.400 rePorted towing in at least ~ capsized broken Diasta and ooe that ran aground be 'g l ho in g at 2:57 p.m. put 1,850 Patrol .. towed Jn nin" capsized boats person'St and the normal doses of broken boats aftel' sailors ignored small craft at IOttf street. customers out of service for 49 minutes. where small craft operators ignored tree limbs and yards strewn with warnings that should have kept most ''We-were busy" out there until mid· Another failure in the downtown area warD!ngs and went sailing anyway. One branches. . boats tied to their moorioRs. night iolng so fast we just completely ig-began at 3: 11 p.m. and affected 1,300 boat reportedly smashed into the jetty at The heayy winds began about noon and "A lot of people thougb.t t\!eY were nored ·the paperwork," be said. "There customers for 69 minutes, Edison of-the harbor mouth . .. .. -•-• ---_ .. _ Con trol tO\\'er operators at Orange County Airport said the \viOOS' Were the '''orst in three years. No accidents were reported, but officials said at least a dozen light planes were diverted to Capistrano Airport and Long Beach Airport because. of the winds: ~ In Laguna Beach 900 rCsidents had a 00.mlnute power failure, Edison reported. • Another 1,500 residents in the Saddleback Valley area had a 30-second power break •. No damage was reported in the Irvine and Saddleback Valley areas outside of dust stirred up from a few newly plowed ne1ds. I· ' ~, • . 1eu, 1-xon on ...,..oas $6.S Million 1' ote Protesters --Coun-cil .Weighs Awaited S. Viet Head 7 Fair Land Issue By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI ly Fairgrounds territory now being of· Of .. 0.llY ,. .... Stiff lered I Open space and downtown redevelop-as surp us. menl provide -the focua for tonight's A report on .this properly is eapected " meeting of the Coala Mesa City Cowii!il. tonight from Vice Maior Wlll4rd T. The open sj>ace Issue centers around a Jonlan and Councilman Robert M. request by City Mauacer ~ Sorsabal Wilson, both of whom m~ Jut. --to.~··• mlllim ·bond elecllon wtlb,.fili' bcionl.........,... ihll'itate fleb. this _, -.,,_rlb ,ll( ~-~.-..--=~n·N .. Bea' ti) ·-than 100 acres ol vacazffliii([ • . ""'"""~ ..... -•~ ewport c · But councllihell, .ibo hav~.-WllJoli said todaf tbe ilat<:ome of lboa4! . tive to adding~ S~~'t_.-~n-~~y~ry_w~U result in ajoiotpro}- cerned about the cost. ·111ey have ur ect lnvolvillg tiOUi the fair and the city. dtcated Ibey might reduce the overall Whil · · _,,, bolb h d cost of the bond package by as much as e re~a.mmg UD;,~c, e .an. $1.5 million. Jonlan mdlcated tbat both the city s That figure represents the purchase open space needs the fair's physical im· price of 33 acres of vacant Orange Coun-provement effort · would benefit. "We might be able to see a building on that 33 acres rather than just green space," Wilson hinted. • DAILY PILOT 1"11919 h' Pwtct ~ By JOHN VALTERZA ·°' ,,.. DlllY ,. •• , '''" President Nixon and South Vietnamese Prtsident Nguyen Van Thieu began a round of olficial talks al the Western White House as hundreds of demonstra- ·--tors-dl.anted-tn opposition at the ~{._the presidential estate -In San .Thieu'& belloopter touched down at the landina pad of the Western White House at 10:!0 a.m. where a full state arrival -ceremony took place . Military bands,· a VIP gallery of 500 local citJiens and a 21-gun salute were in- cluded in the welcome-celebration. Watergate Probe Full of Leaks The site earlier this year was tabbed as ·"ideal" for a community center by Mayor Ja<k Hammett:-Wltson did not say wbelher that idea was discussed, but he predicted that the negotiations could conclude "with an excellent project." LED BY JANE FONDA :(WITH U;S. '~AG) PROTESTER$ MARCH ·AiONG BLUF J:' •. ; v;.1 Cot>s·Flags Alo6 .in Evidon '•I.Stat. BO•c~ Nolth of'W-l'lfWhito flouto '. · • About 350 chanUng demonstrators began marching ~!ong Avenida del Presidente at about 11 a.m., many of them carrying Viet Cong flags and placards. Dozens of the demonstrators carried American flags as they arched In a long oval on a patch or dirt alongside the roadway. The turnout was about the same as that which appeared SWlday ni8ht at a rally at the nearby state park. .. · . -White House I ' ' . I . ' S~h~ol Bo'°d· Campajgns · ··'400· DemoiJ,strat.e TactJcal squads from the Costa Mesa and San Clemente Police departments - about 60 officers -stood in ronnation at the location demo.n strators and authorities bad agreed that the marchers would use as their stopping point. This morning's march yielded no arrests. Meanwhile, councilmen will also have to address themselves lo the problem of meeting Soraabal's SepL. II election date. ' . By lbe ABIOClated !'rm The schedule calls Ice work lo begin on . . . . 4,gainst Support ' . '!'Ire White House charged today at San the election May 14. Clemente that a Senate cOmmittee in-Also on t.ap for tonight's meeting are vestigating the Watergate bugging case several items intended to speed up has been "plagued by irresponsible leaks redevelopment of the downtown area. Fail to Generate !Interest Of Thieu Regime After remarks by both heads of state the men retired to Nixon's offices to begin tw~ ~ays of conferences relating to the rebwlding of the war-torn nation and of tidal wave proportions" and said its Sorsabal has recommended awarding a chairman should "get his own disorganiz-$32.500 contract to consuJtants Wilsey By WILLIAM SCHREIBER ed house in order." (Related stories and Ham for develol>ment of the °',,,. o.i1r l"tltt St.ff Pages 3 and 4) technical machinery reqWred to initiate The race for· four vacant seats on the tn its strongest stattlbent on the probe the first steps of redevelopment by Jan. • b the 'ti I 1974 Newport-Mesa schoo, I bo. ard has become of the Watergate case y comm.i ee • · beaded by Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr. (D-Alsoadvancedbythecitymanagerisa a ho-hum adair and nobody, including N.C.), a presidential spokesman said the proposill ilppointing the city staff as e:r-the candicJates, seems to know what· to White House hoped Ervin would give offiCio· staff . of the Costa M es a do about it. "some constructive. assurances" on the Rede~elopment-Agency. 'Ibis is a Two incumbents-are·unopposed in their commillee's course. · · technical change allowing the staff lo be April J7 bid for another lout yean. Jn a -~-a-nem--conference-Jn__emJ>loyeclbyJhe qeo.cy.-=-~~-~-11hird-lruslee-area,-lhe-t ..... candidates Wasbinglon rejeded as unacceptable · Tbe members of the Redevelop..,..t are qld friends and the campaigning has President Ntxon's offer to produce White Agency are Costa Mesa's five city cOOo-been less thin active. House al~ for informal testimony' In cltmen. Up lo now they have aerved out Only one.area -·number !Ow' In New· aecrel sesslOl\S. . their dua_I roles without addllional port ~ east of the Upper Bay _ has Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said remuneration, but a third proposal by shown alcns..of life .. the White House "intends to cooperate Soraabal .would give lbem a PIY of. $25 · For.the most part;~ cani!idates corF with the' committee." per meetmg, not to exceed four meetings tacted toaay were uneoncemed about the )>!r month. lack of piiblic lOfUllll'. ~; ' ., "As far as being a g~'citi1.e0 is cop- cemed, I think it is a good idea to have fofums to let the people know where candidates stand," said Area Four in- cumbent Thomas Casey, a banker who lives in Corona del Mar. By ARTHUR R. VINSEL converting the fragile cease-fire to ot tM .DlllY,I'• •t•H lasting peace. Critics have asser ted that Chanting tillingual slogans and songs Thieu-ii ,ju the -tn1ltt!d ·Statenl'""'"'y"'· o"'r--«1 against continued u.s: support of the ."image building." South Vietnamese regime, nearly 400 President Nixon used the name of bis demonstrators marched on the Western estate, "La casa Pacifica," as a means White , Ho,,.,.. in Sari Clemente today be-of cbaracterizjng the two days of con· '"""" ferences with Thieu . "But with the tax time rush . and all, neath a sea of ,blue and red Viet Cong H Id h I'm not too uhhappy there haven't been flags. (Related pictures; Page 3). e sa . t e talks come at~ time when many," he said. ·~If th.ere were any, I'd Squa4ot Orange c.oast police tactical peace with honor had arrived but he go to~hem " ---__ ~ _ officfrg..stOod at parade.resLon-the.lron--s~~essed that ~h~ ~ace ~ul.d_ not have_ In . reality, there bas only been ~ tage road of El Camllkfi Real, about a ~"Won wtlbifu n tinalor of flie SOuth candidates' forum held so far, and' the bJOck~from La casa Pacifica. Vl.~tnam,ese . . , organizers, the Newport Beach Women's 1bey _,,jgrimJy marked the end of the .rt. would not be possible," he said, Civic League, failed to notify the press three·mile road down which the unex· ·~without the .courage and leadership and it was hap~. pectedly large crowd' ·of protesters solidarity which your people have made. "That was just an oversight," said a marched "We meet toward building a peace for league spokesman. "We norinally ne.ver A gathering of equal size inside the your land which has suffered so much (Set FORUMS, Page \%) presidential compound was at that roo-(See TlllEU, Page 2) ment welcoming SQuth Vietnamese Pres- PLE.4SE YOURSELF WITH -~ PILOT .4D Irvine Firm Offers Land ident Nguferi Van Thieu at a fonnal re- ception. Orange Ceast They were aware of the tally outside spearheaded by actress Jane Fonda and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, ~--i'll!ll..-)'llllneilf-lrl·ilr'rDl!!b\'-Pl~l'--.....;~~~~~~-,--~-~~~~-~~---~-~-~~~~~--~--~~~-~~b:',\ut i~:~~ly-,lns~i~de~.id.-<·...,rclM~·,__.j.-~_.. ... !!!!!! ~~=%.:~;d~ou2'he results can Upper Newport Bay Deal May End Decade of Debate ~~u~n~i:.'~/~:i:~:;ee;u:':i'~ Weather • OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN CAPE COO ON A>IO'LOT (Address). lee 2 car garage. Stresoed for '2nd 'unit. 200 amp underground duplex etec. service, garage door ~r, comp1ete kitchen, all elec .. extra tou<hes you wouldn't believe, fireplt, sprinklers on time clock. . 2 Br, 11> Ba, downstairs, 2 loll bdrms up. For sale by owner. Asking $61,000. Bkra welcome. This house sold !he flrsl day the ad ran, and the advertiser wu· really pleased! ;For pleasing mulla ol your own, plesae call dlrtel -Ill.Wm. By TOM MURPHlNE ... ~ ......... SAN FRANCISCO -Irvine 'Company offlclala here ~· offeEed four· publle · age n cl e 1 immediate pa•Bllion ol ranclllands llll'l'QUndlna Upper Newport Bay. . In ·an of!lcl~l 1l•1temt11~ lhe· lrvlne Company offered "for 1 m.m e d I a I e possession by lnlereSled public qencie1 tho.1e Irvine lands' they deem desirable for public ownership so that ·!he lands may be enjoyed by the public pending a workable plan to compensate the· com· pany." lrvino's action waa viewed as a major shill in Ila long .. landlnc policy of eeeklng a tldelallda exclwlge ID Upper Newport Bay. II was also viewed as a major and clramaUc step Iowan! ending !he debate and legal actions which , have embroiled Ute Back Bay for the pest decade. • 1 enrolled in UJ;. colleges took part. ,.Sunny and Windy is the way the The formal, two-page open letter out--Weatherlady sees it for Tuesday, The . cempany offer was . made. In a high-level session-here al San Franclaco's- Altjtort Hilton Ina to:offlclals of the U.S .. Deportment, ol> l.nterior, slate o I ~m!a, Colln!Y ol """-• l!ld City of N~ Web, --_,. . Thm was no -• ... action from the l!Obllc .-r Jr:vlne eseaillve9, howevw-, said the co_DJpany'1 new posi· tton _, ,._. well .recetveil by the public .......-u~es. · In addltion to·•Otterioie Its lands sut'· l'OUf!dlng Upper Newport Bay, the lrvine Company agreed to cancel an appeal on !he current Back Bay lnwsulL · This lasut which has been grinding_ u.rough lite CO\lrla for •oeveral years ·Wll lo teal the_ legality of tbe Upper Bay land aw•p. Il bep.n u 1 so-called "friendly" lawsuit but opponenla to the tidelands ex· chana• jumped into ti and ii soon -Wlfrtendl)'. An orange County Superior Court deci&lon ruled the swap constitulional. lining the Vietnamese students' position with hiAhs of 67 at the beaches, ris- Bat lNf;. Feti.-23;-the~F~ Dlrtrtct~ on Thieu's government ..was dl.stributed , Ing to . 72 inland. Winds are ex- Cour( of Appeal In San Berpardlno ••er· and a spoiesman said tltey hoped lo pass peeled to decrease to IS mttes per ruled that decision. ·The apJ>W court said ooe. on. lo Nixon this afternoon. hour. Overnight lows in the 50s. . tlift Judicial Neeedenla that ippeared to 'Ibey bad led cheers in the Vietnamese support. the trade don'l -ipply tn·the Ba'* . language earlier on a. bluff lop of San Bay case. · .' Clem~te State Park waving U.S. ~d It was a fO.pqe opinion 'and the• iegaf Viet Cong Oags at heli~ters making point at issue l'(as whet!ter or. not It ls passes along the coast. . constltutl6nat for'-any public tidelands to 'nle marchers, ahephenled by pohce be traded tnlo pri•t• ownership. The ap-and press PhOlographers .and reporters peals court said oo. were oryter1y. as they advanced on the --· · · Co . · . checkpoint where they were turned away l111: ltv1ne mpany had until 3.30 , and began a· circular march up and' down P·"\· Utls altemoon to appe~I . that the sidewalk$. . dec.mlon to the Ca"lifornla Supre~e .Court. ntive, fout;-three, two down with Nix· Und~r teo:rn• ~f 114 .. new pohcy state-on, down wl~ Thieu .• .'lithythml· metll, lrvh\e will apparently abandon calty cllanted. • that. appeal. Banners and signs depict e ·Presl· Today's negotiated agreement on the dent as a monster with bloody fangs and lands around Uppor Newport Bay does contained slogans u11lng freedom !tom not come as a total surprise. Fifth Thieu·Nixoo tyranny In the Soulh. District Superviaor Ronald Caspers The chanting began to die down a Jew (See BACK BAY, Pie• 2) (See PRMESTERS, Pace 2) j ' INSIDE TODAY A re 11ou fighting mad about o defective product-you hav6 pur- chased, or c service yoii hove pa1d for tha& turned out to be a dt1d? Financial columnis t Sylvia Porter tells you how to sue in snwll clai"1s co urt today 011 Pag• 18. • • -. 2 DAILY PILOT c f,....P .. eJ FORUMS ... tell the pipen of OW' meetings.'' OnlY three candidates showed up at the ~1arcb 20 session -Casey, his 18-year, old :;n1 Margaret Sctterhom and Dr. Tbolnpooo, who la nioninc unopposed for re-election in Newport Beach's Area Five. Only 35 people heard them .speak. Miu Setterbolm was the Ollly candi· dale contacted who criticized the Jack oC public m .. ttngs. ''The lack o~ forums reflects a lack ,or concern with education on the part ol the people," she said. "I suppose if there \\·ere ma,jor iS!Uct involved. it v.·ould make e difference. but it shouldn't." Orville .o\mburgey,' who is running against insurance man Charlts •·Chuck" Bridges for the Costa Afesa area tv.·o seat vacated by Beverly Langston, al!O blam- ed a lack of Wuea for tl!e dearth or forums. ''All I'ni assuming is that people are s8ustied with lhe way things are golng and that there are no great is.!Ut!S," he said. ''J"JI still try to tell people where J stand by campaigning, but the lack of (oruma isn't too crucial, really." . Thompson, though he is unopposed, doesn't blame the voters for a lack or i11terest but rather the whole idea or forums in general. - .. DAILY PILOT Plltto 'Y fldNrd ICttflttf I • ....... P .. eJ BACK BAY PROPOSAL. . ., ' ltd1ed that °""''" c • p • h government and the Irvin< Company were working on a neaotlated agreemenL Ha dl..i.d Ulla ~ cme yur qo, on Juty If, Im, •t a ~ of the"Oronge C.OU.ty Coast ~iaU.O. · Originally, the Upper Bay swap between Irvine and Orange County was approved by the Board of Superviaora on May 6, 1961. It called for the county to give Irvin e 157 acres of Back Bay tidelands. In ex· THIEU ... and for your people who have suffered so much durl_l!J the past 25 years of war." Rimilitdi OI -~ ,..... on hind at 10km San Clemente Slate Park Sunday U I bowling wind turned a antl·war vfcJI Into a chilly affair (Pic- tures, Paae,S). The totahnwnber of anti-Thieu and Nixon demonlttators was about 350. In their ranks wu ~ind ~vtat Jane Fonda -pro tected by a e v 'e t a I bodyguard• -but other members of the group took over the speaking duties. clw!«t. Irvine woulil~ve lh• c;:rtr 450 acres or Its bay up! [or pub usns park and recrtation areas. lnd.ude4 in lhl old Udllondl exchllna• a-greement,..re;tiree-tldoI Islands ,wn· ed by Jrvine in Upper-Newport Bay. The swap called for these Islands lo go to a.41 Oraoge County and be dredged away, .;t maki11g room· ror an 800-fQOt navigable channel all the way up the Back Bay waters. . " In its new po)icy statement. the Irvine Company stresses that It still strongly believes that the tidelands -exchange was and is legal. But" the company position · now is that continued legal flights would be counter0prod.uctlve and a whole new approach is.needed. Thus the offer to the public agencies. · ThoSe who receiv~ the new Jrv lne of· fer today jp...Bin_ flancisco v.1ere Webster Al OU. and 'l\ichard J. Shukle oI the 'U:S. ;i Department of lhe 1nterior; Norman B. "'"4 Livermore, Jr. and James F. Trout for ~ the state of California: David L. Baker ~ and Adrian Kuyper for the County of.@1 Orange; and Mayor Donald A. Mclrmis ; for Newport Beach. The 1rvlne cOmpany Was represented !. by President \Vllllam R. Mason, Coun~el Guy Claire and consu'ltant Robert '4 .. Shelton . "This is an inappropriate format to let people say \\'ha~ they \Vant," he said. ''T.hey are generally a washout in attend- ance and what lhe candidates have to · say at them is mostly hooey." SANTA ANA FIREMEN POUR WATER ON CHARRED BUILDINGS AT FOURTH AND SPURGEON · Smoke .From Blat t Early This MornMg Visible fo r Miles; Investigators Check for Arson As the demonstrators sat on the cold ground members o[ a guerrilla theater troupe perfonned an ant.fwar pla~. Wine and marijuana were abundant during the early part of the evening. The park is about a quarter mile from Nixon's ....seaside Casa Pacific. _ The session to receive the Irvine offer ' ,. opened shortly after 8 a.m. in director$ room 600 at the Airport ~lilton ln"t It broke up shortly before 10 a.m . I ! I I-. r _The voter service chairman for the League Oi. Women VoterS-ln the Harbor Area said her organization has b e e n •·scared off" of public forums for th e candidates. "They are generally very embarrass- ing because of the poor attendance, even when there arc big issues," said Peggy Stivers. "\Ye have printed a brochure listing all the candidates and their qµali · ficatlons, however." That brochure is available at any pub- lic library starting today. n1e only other chance l-larbor Area voters will have to hear their candidates \\•ill be on a special Community Cable- vision (Channel Three on Irvine cable television) program scheduled April, ·10, 11 , 12 and 13, at 7 p.m. . . All the candidates have been invited lo make a five-minute presentation and, according to fl.frs. Slive~s, all but_ a.rea seven incumbent Roderick f\.facMdhan, running unopposed, have accepted. The two other candidates in the race. Bridges in area two and high school teacher J11mes K. Schwan also in area four could not be reached for comment • today. 1 SChwartz has said he is ruMing be- cause of what he calls an apparent lack of concern on the · part of current trus- tees and some residents with further improvements in the educational system 11nd elimination or inequities in the dis· tricl. TONIGHT COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL Regulsr meeting, City Hall , 6:30 p.m. UCI LECTURES -"Principles of Investment," part of series on Invest· ment Alternatives, 101 Physical Sciences, 7-10 p.m. Adm. $6.50. "Board of Educa- tion C.Ompliancc with La\\'," part .of series on Education and the Law, Social Science Hall , 7-10 p.m. Adm . $5. TUESDAY NEWPORT·MESA SCHOOL BOARD - Regular meeting. Costa Mesa High Lvceum Theater. 7:30 p.m . ·uc1 LECTURES -"Orange County Historical Sites," part of a series on ---- Gigi tlie Elusive Whale Puts on Show for l(ids LOS ANGELES (U PI J -Gigi thc- v.•hale has surfaced again, dellghting a boatful of elementary school children by swimming alongside their vessel and playing for an hour before heading north to join other whales. The sightlng of Gigi , the famous Computers Gone From Newport Official's Car Portable computers valued at $9 ,CKXJ y.·ere stolen from the car of Vice Mayor Howard Rogers over-me-weekend,., Newport Beach police disclosed today. Rogers1 of 929 Seville Ave., told in- vestigators he locked the six $1,500 mini- computers in his car Saturday night. When he came out the next morning, .he said , both car doors were open and the computers were missing from the back seat. _ Police investigating two other car burglaries on the same block believe a wire tool was used to pop open the door locks in all three cases. California gray whale released in the Pacific a year ago after spending her first year in captivity, was confinned Friday by the American Cetacean Socie- ty. John Olguin, president of the whale watching organization, said an unusually friendly whale was sighted off Los Angeles harbor March 15 during a whale \Vatching expedition. He said the boat, carrying children from two elementary schools, came upon a pod of six whales one mile off the coast when one of the whales headed for the vessel. The whale stayed for an hour, oc· casionally rolling on her back to eye the children lining the rails, and then re- joined the pod and headed north, presumably to the California gray whales ... -summer -habitat-in the Bering Sea. Olguin said lhe whale's identity was confirmed after photographs of her were shown to Sue Bailey, Gigi's fQrmer keeper at San Diego's sea wor1d, who recognized her famous ward. The photographs showed G i g i ' s unusually white flukes, a scar on her belly, and a whi te, square-shaped mark just to the rear of her blowhole that was purposely made with dry ice before she \vas freed to aid in subsequent iden- tification. Irvine Company Gives Upper Bay Statement Special to the Dai ly Pilot SAN FRANCISCO -Here is the fulI text iss.ued here today by the Irvine Company relative to its ne\v policy position on Upper Ne\V· port Bay: J-.--""'ohe< logy and Environment or Orange ·-county. 161 liumanitles Hall , 7-9:30 p.m. Adm. $5. "Fro1n Immigration to Evacua- tion," part of s erles on Japanese- America n Internment During \Vorld War IT 17! Humanities Hall. 7·9 :30 p.m. Adm. $4:50. "Encounter v.•ith Art," Little Theater. Corona del Mar High, 7·9:30 p.m. Adm . $2.75. "Energetics -Cure to -Weight Control." part of series _on Con: trovcrsial Issues in Nutrition and Health. 101 Physical Sciences Bldg., 7-10 p.m. Adm . $8.50. THE IRVINE COMPANY still concurs in the legal views ex· pressed to the courts by its attorneys and by the Attorney General on behalf of the State Lands Com mission that the Upper Newport Bay Land Exchange is legal and constitu~ion3:1 ·. N~vertheless, the Company believes that rather than continuing litigation on the con· stitutional and other issues, the interests of all concerned are better served by a fresh approach involving mutu.al and c~ncerted ef~orts by public agencies and the Company to achieve public ownership of the Compants lands in Upper Newport Bay. . Accordmgly, for its part the Irvine Company hereby pledges its ,Villingnt?Ss ana infention lo: -. --- (I) Refrain from appealin ~ to the California Supreme Court the appellate court decision in the case of Orange County vs. Heim. OU.NII COAST DAILY PILOT CM 12) Work wilh Ihe Orange Coun ty Board of. Supervisors. to find mutually acceptable means of terminating existing Ja,vsuits. (3) Offer for immediate possess ion by int~rested public agencies those Irvine lands they deem des1r~·bte for pub· Tiit Oru1~ Co-11 DAILY PILOT, wllfl whodl JiC 0\VnCrship SO that fhe Jand S ma y be enjoyed by the 11 tom111n.i "'' N••1·f'•H1. 11 po,oblltlltd w 1,ub!ic pending a workable plan to con1pensate the Com-1111 OrlflQf CO.II PllDlll~lng COr!\P'ftY. St;lt- r•!t edl!iont 1r1 PUbll)ll9d, MOlldty 11\rotl(lll pally. F •~•r, '°' cos1• M•t•. Ntwpart a1ac11. (4) Consider all reasonable forms and terms of compensa· tl..n11""'°" •t11C111Foun111n v1111v, L111un• tion . in cludint but not limited to. deferred pay1nents or &Ntfl, lrYl11t/s.dcll11Nct •M Stn Clem.nit/ ch • '" nluo bl' j d j I' I----1~,.-,_...-c,1111111110 ... 11 1111 •evkA .. 1·-------1-'----ex. angC-LULS.urf<'il'W.-p.u ican s e s"e-~"~•~e,_,re~·---- ""1'1on Ii. """lltlltd l.allJUllYI Incl l~yl. r11t-J1..c.pa1 M 1;,111n1 p1.tn1 11" un wt11 IT IS CLEAR THAT early accomplishment ?1 public ownersh~p ••Y 51'"1• '111'• .....,., Ctt11ttn1.t, ,,.,.. of Upper Newport Bay lands 'vill r€qu1re a coordinated and energetic ,..~~:.:: .~ ,.'!~1~, effort on the part of the interested public agen cies. TheI;'efore. the J1ck R. c11rl•¥ Trvine Company respectfutly suggests and urges that tho~e agen.cies. Vltt Pr111dtn• •"4 0t111r.i M•n•ter as their int erests appear, promptl y undertake the following actions : Thom11 K11Ya (I) Expedite conclusion of the \VOrk of the Upper Newport '"'~ Bay Field Committee currently chaired by the Depart· Thtm11 A. M11•phin t MtfltlinR 1:01"" ·ment of the Interior. °'''''' H. L••• IUth•"" '· N.n (2) Determine fin al boundaries and exped ite the completion "-'1111111 M-0'"9 Edtloft of the appraisal process now under way. c"" M-Oflk• (3) Develop as rapidly as possible a recommended funding JJO w,,, ••v Str••* and/or exchange program for early action by participat· M1illnt Addrt11:·1".0 . ••• 1560, 926?' inJ? a2encles . .,_ OHi"' (4) Establish a Task Force composed or representatives of •i>-. Ntwllfi'l l••tll: )J.J) Newoorl IOUlt Y•r• propriale public aaencics and the Irvine Company to meet i..tolo"lt aNC111 m '°""' •-,.. ""'""l'flOll e.ac11: 1N1s tM(ll aou1w1N1 regularly to expedjte the re~ommended program . .. ~ CIMWnl9: IOJ Htftl\ El Ctmlne ltMI (5) ReviC\V pending lawsuits wjth the objective or terminal· ,.,~ 11141 '42.,..,.21 in.it them on mutually accentable terms. Cl••lftt4 u ... ,. ...... 641"1'7' /6) Seek 'v~ys to t11ke ·imn1edlate possession of lite desired ~:;.:i.,.::.~-~a1;11:.':'C lands pending a workable plan to compensate.the Com· •lltwlfl -"" .,. #¥.rtlM!Mfln '"'"' pany. I -· .... ~ .... ,,....., ...C1*1 ...... m!WM of cwrntllt ......,.., ._. -"""' •• •• <"'• -· GIVEN THE MUTUAL EFFORT and cooperati on herein pro· c.HtwM·• ~-..., ortlilt .... d th U b I I _,...,,, .., -11 u,11 _,,"'"'' lflMWI' pose 1 e JNine Company is hopefuJ tha t earlv accomp s men o .., __ • • -· compatible pubilc and private objectives is posslbie. ) f , F otu· Santa Ana Stores ·Destroyed By Ra ging Fire A raging fire of undetermined origin swept through four businesses in down- town Santa Ana early today keeping 45 firemen busy for three hours. Smoke from the blaze could be seen for miles. The fire originated in a gymnasium above a Mexican·American restaurant and spread to three adjoining brick and stone structures . Damage was esti- mated at $175,000. There were no in· juries. Destroyed was the El Castillo C~a de! Mariachi, 302 E. 4.th Street at the southeast corner of Spurgeon Street, the R and R Sportswear Store, a record shop and a bafber shop. The blaze broke out at 4:17 a.m. and was reported through a fire alarm b:>x. It was under control at 7_a.m. Fire officials ate investigating the possibility of arson. , · The fire was ;n an area planned for rehabilitation Under the city's • r_ecent1y adopted downtown reconstruction pro- gram. Mesa11 Ar1·ested On Liqttor Store Btrrglary Charge An unemployed hairdre sser is in Costa Mesa city jail today on a burglary charge stemming from his alleged participation in a liquor store break-in over the weekend. Police clai m they found Timothy Roark Mul vany. 23, of 2700 Peterson Way , Apt. 16-D, hiding underneath a pickup truck enjoying the spoils or his heist. After being ordered to crawl out, r.1ul vany allegedly surfaced with a bottle of expensive Scotch in one hand and a sandwich in the other. The owner of NorVal Liquor, 1746 Placentia Ave., told investigating officers that both lhe liquor bottle, along with Ulree sandwi ches in M u Iv any 's possession were taken from the shelves . Police theorize that r.1ulvany obtained acce'ss to the store by breaking open a wooden door. Mulvany was booked on sus picion or burglary. The basic premise of the demonstrators is that Thieu is in the United States in an attempt to repair a P90r public image and that he plans to assertedly "auction off" SOuth Vietnam to American business interests. No one could really say \\oily the demonstrations which were so heavily publicized drew so few persons. One young girl huddled near a bonfire Sunday night said, "if they thought they were going to get 3.000 people to this thing, they were crazy." The marching was expected to continue today and then shift to the advocates of Thieu and Nixon tonight. New Jersey minister Dr. Carl Mcintire plans to bring his fWldamentalist block to he same area and conduct a rally in support of Thieu and his regime. The leftist demonstrators said Sunday they planned to be on hand to greet the con· servative forces. That activity is scheduled to coincide with the arrival of Thieu and his wife for a private dinner at La Casa Pacifica starting at 8 p.m. Tuesday's activities at the compound v.·ere scheduled to involve large nwnbers of aides-lo both beads or state and will last through the morning hours._In lhe afternoon the President and Thieu plan to make concluding statements on the lawn in front of the Presidential villa. Thieu will le!ve for Washington, D.C. later in the day where more talks are scheduled. Vice President Spiro T. Agnew will serve as official host for those discussions. Fro1n Page J PROTESTERS •.. moments after the marchers reached the checkpoint. · "Lt's have a little more fire,'' scream· ed a VVA W veteran wearing a II)ateh monitor's red ann band on his military fatigue outfit. "Five, four, three, two down with Nix· on. down with Thieu," they shouted with renewed zeal. A group of thoroughbred horses cor- raled nearby spooked at all the tumult and the dazzling red and gold banners marchers waved, sending them racing back and forth within the fenced encloo- ure . A few of the demonstrators said they would remain behind to greet a right wing coalition of pro-Nixon people led by the Rev. Carl Mcintire. It was due to arrive tonight. The on1y major dissension a m o n g demonstrators outside the Western White House today occurred when they decided to eject a shouting bearded preacher of the Gospel. '369'1 There was no immediate reaction from the public officials on the new lrvlne . pc>licy sta·tement. Orange County's Sec· · ond District Supervisor David Baker of Garden Grove said be simpJY CQl.lldn't ,,.. speak for tbe entire Board of •:.. Supervisors. ~ While the new Irvine offer -and r: reversal of past policy -is aimed at , .. · creating public usage of Upper Newport Bay, many questions will remain on how the plan will be implemented . A major hurdle v1ill be determining the public agencies which will come up \\'ilh the money to pay Irvine for its land!i. Means will also have lo be worked out to tenninate all the lawsuits pending on Upper Bay. Also , there will be a question of. taxes \Yhich the Orange Count y Assessor's Office alleges Irvine owes on disputed Back Bay lands. Irvine has refused to pay these levies for the past four years. Rites Conducted For Ida Gronsky, Balboa Resident Funeral services took place this af- ternoon for 45-year Balboa Peninsula resident Ida "Ml'Z Pavilion" Grensky. She died at 78. r.1rs. Gronsky. who lived at 2134 Miramar Drive, pick·ed up her nicknam.c in tbe·earJy rd950s from sport flshennen \Vho stopped by the Balboa Pavilion for .,_ bait. She and her husband owned the Pavilion from 1948 to I~. ·'She and ·dad came down and built a house on the peninsula in 1928," recalls son .<\rt, owner of Art's Landing at the Pavilion. "There \Vere only a few houses down here and the whole peninsula was my playgrotind." The Gronskys spent only the summers in Newport Bea~h Wllil 1942. They came down every .)'ear from their home in South Pasadena, Gronsky said. But in 1942, the move became permanent. "Once lhcy got the Pavilion, Mom \\'Orked down there starting at daY.11," Gronsky said. Mrs. Grons.ky didn't get too involved in community or civic affairs because stlc "was making a full time job of being a mother and she was a good one," her son said. Mrs. Gronsky's husband died in 1965 and she had been an Invalid ever since, Gronsky said. ... Mrs. Gron¥_ky's other survivors include sons l\ifoe of Newport Beach and Jrving or , , Brentwood, daughter Johanna Stept of Hollywood, seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Services and burial took place at Home d Peace Cemetery in East Los Angeles. • 19995 Modol SD250N Includes choice of color on rront panel and re:mov.t ot old dl&hwashrr. -· • I I I I I • • • , . ., .. , .... ------ ' Phone L'u 548-7788 ,, • ~ ·~ 1815 NEWPORT ILYD., COSTA MESA \ , -• ' -