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1973-05-02 - Orange Coast Pilot
• • • . . ... ,, t . ... ,_ . ' . ~:~-r-l t .JI ... _, • .. .. I n :r t I •• 'f • . • • , -.:•. . :: . , .; ~·· •• • ; . , . •• ' . ' . i ... ' . .. .. " . es • . ' ' ~ .. . .. . ~· . -~ • Pat,ern Bejeeii. --~- • r • • • • • • '· -- • • -":· J .... !!"!!! 1978 -... '· . .. .. .. • • • ! 'Connally Turns To ·Republican~ r • ' -l Tom:mFY-Martba.MJ bas · been summooed to · 11 · what she tnow. about the a- tergate !Incident. · : 'Too MflRJ Res~lriUties' I ,. . Supervisors OustCaspets Jn.1.tpp.er Ba~'· .. PW I Jfui~ •\ !J~ I ~,/ .4" ' I ' . , , • ' '•• : :'" , :I' I ·1:·_J;~;1 r ~. -·'>1t 1~ r .'·,' )_}.1-/ ~!: :·• ' - Sapervilor Ronald Caspers '* Newpolt CJart.ol)'Ablhelrn· toAl\e commlltee. Beach ,... dlllnped. ~ from bis ~r wffb ,County Admlnlatrattve •eat on a federal ccmmKtee working to OfDair ~-1\iomu. they will now ~It . llri!'B Upper, !!~ Bai _Into public on_the Ftell l::ommlttee, a panel formed . ownenlllp ... WUllllfe J)reietve. • by the u.t. Interior Department to •tudy The.octloq ~ dn al to,2 vote o~ his-· wa~i..tnging Upper. lllellrpQrt Bay lJ>. lellOw Orange :c:onn1y supervtoon, a -, • -:r · . jorltf· of wlJo9t oaia c-b.ad · -i.; use. Artu surrounding• the many·Olber -1bUltles lo'bncne tlie /llUbllc 't1ilelands are now OW11<d;~ the tmpbrlant coouniltee aulgnmenL .,-' ll'vtne Co. • 'liie maJorl\y•-Including Supervllqrs , Cupers made sevJ!ral other sug· Ralph Dledrll:b ·Roberl Bat;ln; lilll geotioOI to the board wbicb he aald "°"Id ~ dart .::. cited cUnm' heavy speed! up the process of achieving public -as dlalrman of tile Board of OWMnlblp of the Upp& Bay. They"'"' ~ atld' member ol the 8ooJOi' all ldopled unanimously by other Co¢ llfillonal jloUtltne Commilelon IO .(See ·CASPERS, hp %) ~ lbe!l''*to·OUll btm. Bui lhe """""81 'WU viewed 88 a Jd reW{to~•~~ed•lbe Quake .Bonds So COlllll!tlee llnce "' fonnatlbn ~ )Ibo :. ' Aki be 'l!'llld. "~lbe'='Coii\ ODm-,"-· Ml;llAMENTO (AP) -The ·liral 125 mlssioo In l1IO eeooridl" to remain ~· mllllal"in i;alltom!a ""hop! earthQu1\le 1"8 • lhe \lpper Ba)f C0011Dlttee. • 1iciiidi Iii' llOl1" fO an apparent low bldclOr '!be q.., cl ...ilna on ilie ~ U40I percent IJ>teres~ say1 Stale U)lper Ba)'" OOlllmlttee w a I rallod Treaaum Ivy Baker Prtost. The low"t by C8aper1, 1lho uked that Supervilor of l)\,e bids opened Tuesday was from a David Bater be named to join him on the ·~ lll8de up of the First National committee. Oty Barlk of New York, United 'lbat mollcll !ailed Oii a s lo S TOie. Calllomia Ban\, Morgan Guaranty Truit Tbell, on a motion by Diedrich, the ma· Co. ot llew Yort1 and Salomon Brolbera. "Jorlty named Battin cl· Santa Ana and and Aaaoclaleo OJ New York . ' • ' .. . . """-· ' .... Gclvemment: -I •I i.., 4 ~ E-rid~iiee · Reponed· NEW YORK-~· -Govei:mnerit 111- vestlP,tOn iay ·· have~ rank- 1 ·Wlilte HOcloe Ulee ..... dlllclall of ng ~ ~ Pt•..,._l Nl.on'1 'ri>el~ commlllee .. • .,.;;j,iilir to ·~· •n elaborate cover •tory ~'l~·Witernll'~·ln, the N'1' York .TIDIOa ~-\oilof. Th51"'w•~1~"~ th~~ lJ>.. P.INCH Wlm.LING TO RS1'UllN , TO WHITI HOUSI , ,.,.,,, i.- vestigatnra .. saying the 1n- clulled1na.m!!lll• to ~·a ; ... ..1., · lbe • ~rn' -~·-_, ~11'.f ' j~ ·CJ:••-'! c1--..ll.:..' ... -"'--'!of . ..~~ \:.Utaq .. ""!""'!!!, ' -~ l The <(Vid<nce .,... ,tllei : '!itl!il:I '. WU cOor<linaled byt.Pl'Olid<:a ~· H. R. Halileniln aild, Jobo'I . D , ; l!ltr~. wllo resigned Moqday1.jnd! form(r'1.ity. Gen:..Jobn N.!Mltcbell, 'who. Ma.W the Coli1millee for the RHlectloo cl the 'Prelldeot al the· tbrit, ·the Time! , • said. ' AJ.ao Involved, tile newspoper 11id It' •learned lrom federal lnvestipton, -. John W. Dean, the pr.,ldentlal eoumel fired this'week; and former White tUouse . •i>e.cial · aaal!!anta Jeb Stuart Magruder ii and Frederick C. LiRut. "A st(I')' .•~q In today's New ~ (See W 4TlllG~1'E. Pip Z) " ....... At V.-..,._ 1 --L.M. l fff " -.. . _ ....... ---... ·-.. .,......,.. t.t ........,, ..... ' lllllWll -IOIM »a1 ,..._. "' ... .... _ ...,.... •a.: ---.. ' -1 , . C.mit . . ' -. ~..... 17 ,..,.. -lfff =-.. ~·-·· . Cllt8lllflll--11 ,,. "' = ... ..: •• '11 llh-• .. .... _ .... .. _ . = -: =r..::-"": • • \ • IWl.V I'll.OT s FBI Guards Said ' CHICAGO (AP) -'!be Odea&• 1'ribolo4 ,.,,.nod today that J'rteid<nl Ntxoo ~ "IQl!<r Md outroc " TllooolQ Wllto he leamocl-lhat " • ...,nts .... posted outJlde lM om ... of • bis lop aides l!. R. Haldeman Md John Ebdldunan, wbo reaigned Monday. --The Tribune aloo reported from Wllilln&tcJn that Nixon 141d the cabinet ' ID a dOltd meeting lhal Sen. Cl!Orl" C. ""1cy (II-Ill.) will never bo president .. ., laog u r have aoythlng to say about it." Ul"I T ....... ,. HE'S WITH GOP NOW Forater_O.mocr1t Connally • from Pqe I ' CONNALLY. •• Mr. Connally aboard." Only three mooths ago, Connally said oo naUooal lclevl!.ion that if he did switcli from tbo oe.-auc to the Re- pubUcan parly, the change would not mean be wo1Jld seek the White Heme in lll76. "U I do switch, it's not going to be .on lhe ball of .-g lhe -ideolial nomi· nation," Connally said Feb. 2. "It is based on which parly I can be moot comfortable in.'' Connally served 18 months as Nixon's Treasury secretary and wll! one of the Pre!ideot's closest advisers during that Ume. When Coonally resigned from Ute cabl· net -just one month bef!X'e the Water4 gate break-in at Democratic headquarters in Washington -he ~id so Jn a warm ex- change of pralae with Nlroo. I 'lbe pap<r said the ~denl'• com....n was reported by "pctl(N who were at the meeting." The PrdidenL rq>orl<dly told the Cabinet Lhal bedld nol' object 14 the White llouse files being lleCUred, but dld. object to having lfaldeman and EhrUcbman treated like criminals with guants outside ibelr door" , - Commenting oo the guards. Press ·Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said TUe!J- day that 1he action was taken to "make * * * ~BrilK:ry' Charged Watergate Links To Trial Sought LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Defense at· torpeya in the Pentagon papers trial , ac-cu.Slol' former presidential adviser John 0. !!brlichman of trying \o bribe the trial judge, have ,demanded lhal any Watergate o.r White House Hnks to the trial be made pubUc. U.S. District Court Judge Mall Byrne • rejected. Tuesday a government request to keep from the press further development! in a continuing court- ordered probe. He said he would make public any documenlS relevant to the trial. Attorneys for Daniel Ell sberg and Anthony J. Rusao Wed for dismwal of the indictments aiainat them after lbe government . revealed that Ehrllchman knew l!!D Wate!B.ale coosplralors burg- llimed tbe Office ofEU!berg'a Jl8'chlaL· rm 1n 1971. The defense also cited att Ehrllchman contact with Byrne April 5 at the Western White Hou![e In San Clemente where Byrne said earlier he was told he. ~ was in line for a high "futu re assignment in government," reportedly the direclor- ship ol the FBI. Although Byrne said he reru sed to con- sider any orrer until a(ter the Lrial, the defense motion r:alled it "possibly an at· tempt to offer a bribe lo the court -ID attempt made in the virtual prtsence of the President of the United States which was fnutrated only because the Judge refused to listen to the offer. Ellsberg and Russo are charged with espionage, eoc1spiracy and theft in the copying of the secret Pentagon study of the Vietnam war, which Elssberg sub~ quently leaked to the press in 1971. The judge announced be would not allow the """' to go to the jury unW all White House and Watergate Jlnb are in· v"'11g~ted Bild analyzed. He b e I d the dimls8al motjon under conslderitlolL The latest dlaclosores cadle Tuelday In an FBI memo about an interview. with Ehrlichman Friday, in which the White llouse aide said he had been asked by Prt21ident Nixo·n .to make an independent Investigation of the Pentagon papers leak t.o news media. Ehrlichman said in the interview that Watergate coospirators G. Gordon Li<f. ~ dy and E. Howard Hunt Jr. were hired for the job. He said he knew that the two were trying to produce· a "psychiatric profile" of Ellsberg, seeking to show that Ellsherg bad "emotiooal and moral proO- lelTl!." Ehrlichman said he knew llunt and Liddy were making trips to . the West COesl lo develop this profile. Bul be said he was not told of the break4n at the psychiatrist's office until afterwards. When he learned oJ the burglary, the report said, EhrUcbman told Hunt and Liddy "not to do this again."· The report said Ehrlichman doesn't know whether anything was obtained from the Beverly Hills office of Dr. Lewla ·¥1-~ing.· * * * From Page I WATERGATE· •• From Page I .. t. TAKEOFF PATIERN. • • study before he would comment on the plan. But Tuesday Bresnahan said in an in· terview that his investigation was turning up Uttle merit in the plan. "It might help 90me people down on Balboa Island to have the je,ls Oy over Irvine,'' Bresnahan said. "But il sute wouldn't help the people of Irvine." Bresnahan said that a preliminary noise study. indicated the circular pattern .. might cal!!e more total noise for more people." But 1'e stressed that this con· clusion was only preliminary. "Our noise study is continuing so that we can be sure there really woi:i't be any overall savings ," he said. Bresnahan said hi s Investigation into safety aspects of the plan produced more <lerinite conclusions. "The FAA reaction has all been ad-- verse." he said. "They say that flying a circular pattern would conflict with too many flight patterns in the area.·· Bresnahan said established paltems as far away as !As Angeles International AiJ1lOrt could be disrupted . Closer lo home, Alarine jets and helicopter flights "could come pretty close to commercial , .. OU.NU COAST DAILY PILOT ' f1'lt OrlnlJ• C-1 DAILV il'IL01, .. 1111 -kcll la cemtilMll tM N.-Prn1. !1 wtPtltMd ty t1111 Or"•"9• Coat! i'w111t11119 ~y • ._., ui. .Oltlon1 1rt 111illll11Md, M...:11, ltlf'0\11111 l'rld1y, lor COii. MtM, N""'POrl ll•tl!, ~untl"SJICHI llKfV'-1•111 Vlllt?, L'911M e..cri, lrv~la.dll! ... ct ·~ Slfl Ct.m.nl•f t.n JINn ClllltltlN. A 1111111 t9111IOMI to:1111or1 11 P11t1t111r1i11 s.iu,.,.,......,... 5und•ra ,,,. prlflc1""1 ll!llltitloll'lt Mnt'tr 1t UD ~· ll•r lt....i, ( .. Iii M--. CAllfOnll9, ftl:tt. l•Mrt N, W1-4 ""'IHI!! ~ ~ J•ck R. C.rl.., vie. ,.,...111e111 Ml O--•l MtMttf Til-11 1'.H.;11 ...... l\11'91t A. M11,,ll111• ~"" .,1,... ct-1 .. " H. l.Ht "lch•f"I -,. Nill AMilfMt ,..,,.... h i,.,, -QIM #.#11 UI -:' ::r ltr.iri N...,.,. ....,., ml N ~,_ ~t.dl1 m ,..,.., •-=.-=t':'tl 11!1. m.='l'.3 Tef1,t;w ITICI '41-4111 Ct PW M•tl t 1 &C2·1&11 '"""' ci...-........ Lltlllt .... ........ "'""" ......... c.it'¥ Ctllll!ltlMfl• ....... ~. 1WL ~ C.. ,......,.. ~ .................. ...... ..... ,,....,., ., ~---.... _., ...................... ... ................. ......,.. ..-.. ~ ...... a... .... ~ ..._._... .., """' .. =I 'r !Ml A-1• """"'*' ....... ....... ......,. f jets." and light airplane traffic around the airport coold be jepordlzed, be added. "In general, there are just a lot Of con- ructs," be said. Bresnahan said that ll there were a large noise reduction lrom the proposed circular pattern, "we mJght try to sit dov.11 and really look for a aolutlon to these conIDcting traffic· patterns. But It doesn't look like there would be much point doing that if our preliminary mlse studies hold up ." A.nother aspect or Griffin's propoaal called for relocating the jet takeoff runway. Bresnahan said no studies had yet begun on the cost of this , "except .we know it \vould be very expensive." Bresnahan said he didn't know o( any separate parts or Griffin's plnn that might be salvageable from the overall plan. "All the reaction v.·e have so for is adverse," he said. Quints IIDprove; • Tiniest Breathes PORTLAND, Ore. (UPI) -Quintuplets born to a woman who took rcrtility drugs are improving in .their hospital en- vironment. \_, ~ediatricians said that o l a n e Anderson, U1e srri11lest and frailest child was able to breathe on her own afte; having been placed ln a respirator during the weekend. Britain Covering Up Topless Gal Poster LOtm<>N (UPI) -Brllaln's Royal Academy of Art has decided to withdraw the picture of a bare-l:ireasted model on a Poster promoting its 2.iOth anniversary. The move came after London transport authorities warned that the girl's anatomy would encourage graflitl. Power Rate Up Edison Hike OK'd; Oil Cit.ed · LOS ANGELES (AP) -The C.Ufomla Publlc Utilities Commlt- sion said today It autborned Southern California Edison to !ncreue rates ~61.2 million a year, effective May t, to-uffl!et;Jte -htgher-c.wt of fuel. Bills for the average ttsldential usage of 300 kilowatt·bours a n1onth will go up 35.7 cenu, the commllS!on said. Tbe maln cauae of the lncreas1> ts a 17-cent rise in the cost of oU. This accounu for as5 mllllon of the boost Ille 1'UC"Dld. Other factors are a reduction ln the avallabUlty ef gas, which neces.'flates use of higher price fuels, and environmental controls for air .~uallty, which require the ~ompany to use more fuel, the PUC s1J •. The vote for the rite Increase was 4-1. with commissioner J, P. Vukuin Jr. oppos!n1. • ' ' . • . • 2 $uspec ' lnMll~r Rekased? · Sll'Olll lndlcaticm eme!ij today that . --will· ''""" -14 charge l\llO pm'oona ·II 14 lbe ~y death last Friday of • Tustin boy drag· god behind a pickup lnlck on a desert ......... ' ._..ay. •. A·polr of YC>llhl wbo ~ to Tutlln police aboUt' 14 iloUra later In the ......, mwit bo roleased. today II in. sufficient evideooe exlsta to prosecute them. A second pair oouaht in Las Vegaa since &hortly ·after the death of Jlnunie L. Manning, t7, ol 12912 Woodlawn St, Tustin, 'tftre picked up, questioned and cleared Tuesday. • Lester L. Parker, 19, or 112.U Katherine Drive, Huntington' Beaeh and Melvin 0. Deem, 19, of North Las Vegas. were In). tially booked orf suspicion Of murder and remained in custody at Orange County Jail. San Bernardino County Sheriff's Ll . Ron Forbush 1ald tbe lWX> unldenUfied youths lnterrog~ted Tuuday. coold not be implicated by fesulla of a polygraph test. One of lbem w1s drlvlllg lhe pickup lnlck from which Manning fell, jumptd or was pushed with a rope Ued loi>lely IU'ClWld bis legs. Deem rode up front along with the liaa Vegas youth and thj> thin! prind~ u M~ w .. dragged, bouncing, mp. IDg ~ flopplni on bis back, nearly one mile dOwn Hip.way 15 north O(Banlow. Parltr was fidlDI ID lbe pickup truck bed with Manning, but d<nlea llnowJedie ol what happened 14 the vlcUm wbo was found -clothillg in tattered shreds -by a motorist. ~ "Now we are trying to determine what b&ppened In tile bed .of tbe~" Lt. Forbush said today whne preparing t.o present facta to the san Bernardino County Dlalrlct Atl4mey's Office. The Jieotenant In ' d!arga el the homicide detail predicted a decision one way or the other by noon and 14id be would be wJlling to reveal much more detail later ht the day. · Dllfr ...... 119ff ...... lrf ltldllN kMflllr "There a r e lndlcotlons el llaavy narcollcs U9e, 11 he llk:I. The part!.. 14 Jhe tragic Manning death had at~ a near-riotous rock concert ID Las YftlU that· erupted ID violence when llil!'ocbeduled Deep l'llrple group failed 14 appear. SPECTATORS GATHER AT HUNTINGTON BEACH FIRE SCENE On Golden w .. t StrMt, I Burned Out Car, G•r•ge, Apartment From Page I CASPERS •.. Manning bad -""'° from bis Tustin hollle, apparently just drifting, !pr-about a month prior 14 bis draping deilll. 5 Hell's Angels . f l,,.cl1. GµiJty 'In '72 ' Abduction Ol'lll '" . 538 CENTER STREET-COSTA MESA 646-1919 CLOSll SUNDAY Tennis Dresses Ladies Teoois Shoes 7.95 :9.50-14.95-16.95 Tennis Rackets 4.95 to 58.00 Dunlop • Wilson · Pean Tennis Balls Tennis waim Ups T el)lliS Stringing T emris Hats & Visors • .............. jiii,;,. ............... -llli!t ...... Duck Feet Fins Masks • Snartles • KM:k Boanls la(ll3 Swim Trunks sp Swill Trunks & Suits Sbbboanls · Wbeels & Trucks . -frlsllees & Beomerangs -Sllae SkateS · Cblldrens Sldewal _.Back ·Packs Sleepq.hgs Darts & Dart Boards DPDI 9 TO 6-CLOSm SllDAYS I Backboanls Basketballs · Goals Baseball Shoes • Bats ' Mitts • Gloves • Undershirts VoUeyballs • Rubber & leather SoftbaOs VolleybaU Nets · Racquet BaD Racquets Paddle T emls Patklles HandbaD 6loYes & Bals Pit Pong Paddles & Sets Ralaigh Btes • 10 Speeds · 5 Speeds · 3 Speeds · 1 Speed Parts· Tires· Tubes Repairing 538 CENTER--i46-1919 [ i • ~ • • • • A s G Piii I I Y0t Dai 1-feJ uu er. DEA you ac locate of the vehicl( Hennh tinR;lot the co an am pages cars a That Ing M other will 81 Mo<or Wfci DEi in 197 Social rem&I when U_1 notbo y-cor.U. you r1 age ( wldo• ltlo1 DE• $ecre· fectiY ID he "Iron Shern man actua signif did e: late I my I broui YIM bee&• yoar have acce1 tltat : feels said .. ,.. dlalM iiott• form the f ...... Thal glve1 IUllJI ad•• We J~ tor, men1 nia~ Jette scbe Up< ,pa~ bee• ,..n ~uJb agei ·~ c osl • ·schE side fr au Savi and viol, rcq1 PJ>. ban Det 1 Col 'per da~ 1 ha: 'Loo . qui ' ! To Loo , ~ hii C<)I t Ca be -qu l'O d~ otJ P. ~ °' ··-·~··· \ At Your Service A Sa.Ddly, Wtdle1'11 ud Fnday Feature Of lb< Dally Pllol Goi o probl.,.1 T_.., llli'llf Pol Dunn. Pol wlll cut nd tape. get th• • onnon1 and octton 11 o u netd to · ""l '°'"' ln•quj. "" tt<1 IA got> mun<11I and ~our que• tlonr ta Pol Dunn I Al btulM11. Moil Your Seroice, Oranot Coe11t Doily Pflo~ P.O. Bos l~. COJto lltta. Ca., 92828. lndvd< uovr Ulephonc number. Cluslc Car Parts DEAR PAT: In your April a.column , you advised M.J., Costa Mesa where to k>cate a part for his HM8 Chevrolet. One of the best sources of antique and classic vehicles and parts that I know about is Hennings Motor News P .0. Box 380, Hun· tington, VT. 05201. Published monthly, the cost ls 60 cents per issue or $3.50 for an annual subscription. Ea:ch month J50 pages of classified advertisements for cars and parts are printed . R. R. 0., Balboa Thanks for writing. la addition to giv· ing: M.J. anotbtr IOW'Ct of lnformatlon, otkr readers lnt.erested ln antktue cars 1rill appreclate learning about tle.a.alags 1\10lor News. WldotD'• Be1aeflts DEAR PAT' My husband passed away in 1971 . I am not old enough to draw his Social Security at this time. lf I do not remarry, will l still be able Lo draw it ,vhen I am 62? H. B., llantlngtoa B<acb I,f you rem•ry before age IO, yoa will not be enUtled to any widow'• benelltl on your deceased husband's account ac· cording to Social Security regulaliolll. II you remain unmarried, or remarry after age 50, you will be ellglble to claim widow's beaefbs at age Gt. Money Retur11ed DEAR PAT ' f ordered a book. "My Secret," that advertised a formula for ef. fective weight toss. The tonic is supposed to be made from ingredients available "from any grocer." I sent $5.95 to the Sherman Oaks address for Sharon \Vood· man Associates oo March 10. I did not actuaUy expect to obtaln anything very signi ficant in return for my check , but 1 did expect to receive someth ing. It's too late to stop payment on my check and my two letters to the company have brought no response. W. R. S .. Costa Mesa Your SS.95 b: beicg ret·araed to you beca~ or yOOJ' Mle at the btlMtm of your order form wbJcb stated, ''Since I bave some elevated blood press"'°', your accepLante ot ,dl.y erder will a1111N. me ttial yoor pre*1tptlon will 1tave no .tn er· feet.I upon me.'' A company 1poke1man tald you'd "problbly send tbe book back BD1"8Y" becaast It waml ptr1Gll5 wttb diabetes, btart or other beaJth problems 'hot to ate the formall. Befort your order form'• '!"alllyfJlg aole wn pollll<d oat to the ftrm, ID RC9M! of ''ftamd'OUJI back enlen" wu f!Y<D for delayed ddlwry. Tlmt 11111e reuoa for ll004tUvuy wu giv .. lo ,,_ ruder ID tJio Feb, 4 col- 1UDD •• "My Secret" WU being advertised by Lydia Feldmu. .. Warning on B0ttd1 Jesse L. Aaams, acting national direc- tor. U.S. Savings Bond Division, Depart- ment of the Treasury, cautions Califor- nians about becoming involved In chain· letter or similar "get rich quick" schemes with Savings Bonds. Adams said experience indicates chain s c h e m participants loee their i n v e s t m e n l because U:ie supply of interested persons ioon la oxbii~· Tbe Treasllr\' bas autbol'IUtt iioiiks end otber Issuing lgenicies to refuse appUcaUons for bonds • jf chain schemes are suspected. The Postal ServiQ!!: paints out cbain·letter • JChemel which use lhe mails are con· sider<d In v!Oletlon or postal loltery and fraud laws. lndividuals who purchase Savings Bonds for chain-letter schemes, and then discover participation may violate certain laws and regulations, may rtqUest a reflmd. using Treasury F9"11 Pl}.2966. This form is av ailable at many banks, or from the Bureau of the Public Debt. 536 S. Clerk Sl., Ch icago, JU. 60605. Finally~ s Boueeeife Extr..tited Ex-Nazi To .Face NEW YORK {UPI) -For se veral years, Mrs. llennlne Braumtelner Ryan has beea leadlng the life or .. quiet hoosew~e in.the borough of Queens. • U .. l T.......,.. Living human cells, stored in tin~. chembers dis-to determine effects of prolonged weighUessness on played here by Prof. Leonanl MayfUck of Stanford cell growth. The cells will be placed aboanl Skylab SChool of Medicine, will be orbited in outer space for launching.May f4. ~·~~--'-~~~~-=..,.~~~~~~~~- But He 's Still Rklier by $40 PANO RAMA CITY {UPI) -A little man with a big mustache, small ambitions and a lhill& for Pl bills went into tho rec:ord books of crime Tuesday. Crea ti 011 of Municipal Councils Delayed Again He banded a note to a.teller at a Crocker -Bank br80ch here that read: "I have a gun. Give me all your twenties in this envelope." The teller said she had only two bills or that denomination. "I'll take it," he said. "That's the smallest bank job this year," a detective commented. Creation of Municipal Advi90ry Coun· cils in unincorpotatelip.reu of the COW]~ was delayed another 30 days Tuesda y by the Orange C-ounty Board of Stipervisors. Supervisor RaJph Clark complained that the guidelines offered by , Robert 'n>omas, cotmty administrative officer, needed clarification. Under the guidelines proposed by Thomas the councils could be formed by Lagunan Held in Vegas lnMarijuanaSmuggling A Laguna Beach man and two others face a preliminary hearing Monday In Las Vegas. on charges they smuggled , $100.000 worth of marijuana into the United States from Mexico. U.S. CUstomS agents seized 750 pounds or the dnig from the trunk of a car * * 21 Arrested In Drug Raids In Las Vegas LAS VEGAS (AP ) -Twenty-one persons, including six athletes, a student body officer and a campus policeman, were arrested Tuesday in narcotics raids al the University of Nevada , L.as Vegas, and in Las Vegas. \.. _ They were booked for investigation or a variety of charges, including possession and sale of marijuana, LSD, heroin and other dangerous drugs , said Patrick Stevens, head of the Las Vegas office of the state Division of Narcotlca. Stevens said the arrests followed a three-month undercover investigation by one of bis agents wbo bad been enroUed at tho university . The arrests came about midnight. assertedly driven by Herman William Landt, 33, of Laguna Beach, about 50 miles north a:f the gambling mecca. Agents also arrested George 0. Vaslbiner, 34, of Traverse City, Mich., Landt's companlon in the car. A third associate, Chillys Elaine Sandberg , 24, of Anaheim was arrested at a Las Vegas bolel A customs spokesman said she drove the vehicle from a location in Southern California into Mexico where 341 kilos (750 powids ) of the illicit weed we> load· ed Into the trunk. The car returned across the U.S.·Me.x- ican border near Calexico, spokesmen said, under the scrutiny of customs agents . Agents said marijuana laden vehicle was turned over to Landt and Vasibiner in Las Vegas. Miss Sandberg was left behind while the two men headed norlheast of Interstate 15 where the ar· rests took place. U.S. Magistrate Joseph L. Ward Mon· day set bail at $10,000 for Landt and 15,000 for both Miss Sandberg and Vasibiner .. A preliminary hearing on the charges was scheduled for Monday af- ternoon by the magistrate. through a peliliop containing signatures of 15 pctcent of lhe reg~tered vo~rs _in the area: When ronned they would.elect a five· member governing. board fljlf rour year terms. • All expenses of the councils would be defrayed by local taxes raised through a service district. Thomas said bis guidelines had the ap- proval of the League of Ci ties, homeowne rs groups and other county departments. • Dlscussion lndicaled that the required number of algnatures kr the petition woold be reduced lo 10 pereenl, the same number needed to fonn a service dl&trict. Three representatives o( area groups spoke. Bart Speod1ove of the Saddleback Afe1l O;>ordinating Council said his group a~ed ·lilt-guidelines. Will GJll of the Foothlll Homeowners Association of Lemon and Cowan Heights said his 12,000 members approved all but the provision that the council pay for election costs. He thougbr the county should flnance the election. Dennis catroo, of the Midway City Chamber ol Comlllerce, said no special district would have to be formed in his area. He said donations of interested in- dividuals would finance the Midway City council . 9 NY Officers Hurt NEW YORK (UPI ) -Nine policemen were injured Tuesday night in clashes with 400 demonstrators protesting the ratal shooting of IO.year-old Clifford Glover by a plainclothes J>Olice officer la!lt weekend. Seven persbns were ar· rested in scattered incidents in the te nse Queens County neighborhood where 150 policemen, some in riot gear, were called to disperse crowds stoning buses and set- ting street fires. ' '' GEM TALK On Tuesday, a federal judge approved her extradition to West Germany to face charges ol kilting and torturing Jews in a Nail coocentraUon camp. The decision by Judge Jacob lti•hler rt9Ulted a req uest by the \V est Gennan government that Mrs. Ryatr, a former Nazi prison guard. be deported to stand trial on the basis of evidence given by death camp survivors. 11le judge stayed the surrender orOer.' until Friday to permit ~rs. Ryan's lawyer, John Barry, to file a writ of habeas corpus, Extraditiop proceedings are not di~ly open to appeal. Mrs. RYan, 53, vlas a guard at Maj daoek, a Nazi death camp near Lubin, Poland. On March 6, West Germany sub- mitted documents citing nine' cases In whic h Mrs. Ryan was accused or playing a part ln the torture or camp lrunates. Que charge said Mrs. Rayn provided a stool on whlch a girl stood and was hang- ed on a make-shift ga\IO\\'S. \Vitnesscs, l\t ishler said. testified that "Mrs. Ryan aciively assis ted in the macabre 'selections' that consigned 1\•omen. children. elderly and others to lhe gas chambers." She became a U.S. ci tizen tn 1963 after marrying Russel Ryan, a con$ll'uction engineer • and American citizen in .Austria. She lived the lire of a housewife until her presence in the United Stares was discovered by Nazi hunter Slmon Wiesenthal. Mrs. Ryan is being held without bail. lf convicted in West Germany, she could be jailed for l ire. Poland also asked for her exlradition · to stand tria l there. Prisoners' Unit Attacks Pa1·ole Hearing Policy SACRAMENTO {AP ) -A prisoner's ri ghts organization told the Adult Authority chaired by a Newport Beach man Tuesday tb.1t prisoners are being denied their civil rlgtlts In the setting of parol~ bearing dates. The eight-member authority heard the charge at a ~eetiog in which members of the public al.so crtticlzcd prison policy. The Adult Authority is the parole gran~ ting· body for the lS.lnsUlullon penal system, In which there are about 20,000 inri'lates. There are nearly another 20,000 persons on parole. But the authortty plays no role in setting prison policy. Henry W. Kerr of Newport Beach, chairman of the Adult Authority, said the crl\icism on parole bearing date pro- cedures would be discussed with the legal adviser or the Department o( Cor- rections. The criUcism came from the. Prison Law Collective of San Francisco and its backers. The organizauon·s spokesman. Bob Spiro, said the policies on parole date recission do not conform to tbe re- quirements expressed by the U.S. Supreme Court 's Morrissey vs. Brewer case, and last December's Robin Lin Prewitt decision of the California Supreme Court. One criticism was that in cases in which a parole dale is rescinded from a prisoner whom a psychiatrist has detemt1ned to be unfit for life on the outs ide, the prisone r is barred from bringing Witnesses ot hls choice to a hearing for questioning by th e inma te. - Guard -~ -f Charges ~ UltlT ....... df!OERED TO GERMANY Former Nu.i Mrs. Ry•n Board Orders Beach Access ' -~--'\_ '~-. Legal Stucly A 3(klay legal study nln1ed at pro- viding public ac:cess to 9th Street Beach in South La guna has been Ordered by county supcr,f.sors. The board, in a 4-1 vote, denied an ap- peal by Grant Meyer Jr. f\1eyer ts the owner of !he property straddling lhe el'· isf.!ng semi.private access (Thousand Steps ,, to the beach. ije WW\ls lo di vide part of his land into three parcels for development. The Pl anning Com~n ruled tllol he · would have to dedicate a 10-foot wide easement to the beach In order to be allowed the parcel spUt. , Meyer complained that this would make the remaining lots too narrow for good~· The J,000 oteps problem hu bee• with the supervisor11 for a long time, They were originally installed by property owners in the area but there is a question of their prese nt ownership. An easement down the s t e p s presumably belongs to the South Laguna Homeowners Association. The easement was given to purchasers <>f lots above Coast Highway years ago to aasure the lot buyers that they would have • perpetual route to the beach. No taxes have been paid on the land o{ Thousand Steps since 1930. according to ~1rs. Lola Proctor, a Laguna Beach realtor. A rounty study in the spring indicated it would coast Ul,000 to repair the crumbling stairway. It was estimated !hat the cost or buil<ling restroom s on the beach, below an 87-foot. c!ifr. would be $45,000. In separate actions the board denied and ordered a County counsel study on ways the county can gain ownership of the 1,000 steps. (There are actually only 287 steps in the beach approach). Methods to be studied include prescrip- tive rights or county purchase. Eight penons were taken into custody al a campus dormitory, Stevens said, ad· ding, "As soon as ~·e walked into the dorm we could smell the marijuana. I've never seen anything like it. The thing that impressed me was the openness or it. The stuff was just lying around in jars and bags, with litUe vials of. cocaine." Sliower Sin.Mrs Get in Character TODAY 1. by OMEGAO . . a Do111e RUTLAND, Vt. {AP ) -Five ~ak~ men, some of lhem Jatbered , won the five divisions of the first national solo singing-in-the shower contest Tuesday J C HUMPHRIES night, in the shower room at Rutland l~, ....................... ;;;.;;;..,.,...,:i• High School. The event was ategcd by the Rutland WHAT IS WATERPROOF? chapter of the society for the Preserva· There is a vast difference be. Coasf,al 'Board Acquires Office lion and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc., and tween waterprof watches and drew 22 entries. watches termed ••water resis_tant." The three judges, led by Dr. Robert A "water resistant" watch worn English. professor of music at Green on e wa rm wrist at cold tempera- Mountain College in Poultney. were ture will allow moisture entrance, clothed. condensation on crystal, and pro\>. Tbe south Coast Regional t.one Conserva tion Commission will have a permanent headquarters beglMing Fri· day . The commiss ion ~ated by Prop. 20 has been W1 ing borrowed space io the Long Beech Harbor Department lie» . quaners. . New offices will be In tile lnlemntionlll Towers at 6&6 E. Ocean Blvd., Suite 3l07, Long BelCh. The commlJSlon bu Juri>dlcllon ovtr development within I ,000 yards of "!•an -high Hele line In Orange and Los Anples counties. t.omml sslon executive director Melvin C.rpenter said the new. larger oUiee will be open from i a.m. to 4 p.m. Walk·ln re- -quests for services can {>OW be ac- commodsted during lundi lloun. he ad- ded, ~u,. ol lncreMed staff. 'orange County number wilt be added in the next ~·eek, Carpenter said. Commission hearings wU I continue to Lake place at the harbor district head- quarters at 9'25 Harbor Plaza Drive . The move Friday cOincldes with the hiring or three permanent cooservatl911 analysts this week, Carpenter said. Two more planners1have been authorii- ed by the :ftate coastal corrun.!Jsion. aUMugh Carpenter Indicated Monday Ile may ask South Coasl CornmlJSlon tut> port for a request to tho stale for four °" five more planners In the coining n-.ontbs. The last two of 10 clerlcal &laff members will bo hired soon. be added. The comml!llllon backlog and permit application requests still e1cced that or 8ny other reglon1tl commWlon. Of the 834-p<rmlt appUcatlons received prJor to Monday's mcetlng, 220 hAVc been fully processed. Canada Pipleline -'Plan Denounced WASHINGTON (AP) -Propontnts or lbe tran!-Alaska oU pipeline have dt- nounced a pro~ alternate route through canada as "fabulous hum· buggism" and "fantasy ." Rep. Craig Hosmer (R.cellf.) joined oll lndu!llry spokesmen Tuesday In urging a House Interior subcommittee to approve lcglslallon to pennlt the COQ!lructlon of ar1 SOO.mllc Alyeslta Co. pipeline which would c.arry oil fr0m tht North slope to Ibo Gulf of Alas~ shipping port or Valdez. able damage to lhe watch. A truzy-waterprool wateh bas an extra lhlck crystal, with retaining ring or a bezel forming a tigb\ seal. The crowQ' is heavy and thickJ wilh an 0 ring gasket plus ~ long post. The back is a .. screwback'' type, threads and seats holding lhe seal being well machined and fin. lsbed •• A typlca 11water resistant'' case has a small bezel holding a not too thick expanding crystal which al- low• molsture to condense in and out through pores. The crown has a small gasket, and the post is thin and short. You can see the size of lhe gaskets and how the backs Ill. Omega •• ,. tho perfect gilt. Yellow or whil!! 14~ gold brocelet watch. Rounded rocto rtgulor boz.el oc.cc~lvoted by 28 diamond$ -....... _ .... ..J65(>. J.(~ flumphriej JetvfJlr,1 1823 NEWPORT BLVD .. COSTA MtSA CONVENIENT TERM S l7 '1'£A R5 IN TH& 5AM l LOCATION l•11tAM•ti,•1tl -... , •• , ctl•11• rHONE Ml·l401 ft.quests for pennll eppUcallons and olber lnforrtaallon lhould be malled to P.O. Doi ICM, Long Beach, iOllflt. Loe Angeles me phone !Milllbets will be (Ill) -I and ~ 11>e ()rqe County line 11 &4MMI. Anothtt The backlog usually rtmoitts around 400, ..he said, addirli tbllt the five cu,... r.1.Uy.authorliecl planntt1 couldn't han- dle pennlt -t and coutal land ... planning also. He called • propooed tra~n•d• pipeline "that fabulous humbugglsm Wltlcb hu -do(l08iled .. tbe doorslep of the U.S. Capitol " These differences c a n . and shoud be, demonstrated to you by your local jewe:l::•.:.:r·~-----========================~ I • , • l l I ' \ . __ , - • • • • i DAILY PILOT w-...1, M11 1, 191J ...... ~~~~~~~~--':...:::;:::.:,...=-="----' • • Tornado Sma,shes · Town S·SOUrI County's Own Ta~many Hall rucgy TICKY POLll'IX: The Orange County Boan! ol supervisor• majority. in its infinite wisdom, yesterday appointed two committemen to wort with the Federals on solving what to do about Up- per NeoNport Bay. This is nict. Everybody wants to know what to do with It . You will re<all lllal the Back Bay body of water i.! wi\hin the municipal oonfines. o! Newport Beach. And Newport Beach I> willlin tlie Filth &Jpervisorial District. And Rooald Casp<n, county board dlainnall and Newport ...ident, ,..,,..._ sen1s the F'iflh Dlllrtot. Tberef0tt, you would uy all logic suc· 41111..ia that Caspers wooJd be a natural for p Back Bay committee, right? Abo. there is Second o I 1 t r l c t SupenriJor David L. Baker, who, in the past. has bad considenible to say about lhe future o1 Upper Bay. IN FACT, WREN Caspers ha! beer nitting off to coastal zone meetings and other activities in recent times, it has been Baker who 58.l in for him in Back ·say negiilfil!OO. \iilhllie U.S. lnfehor Depar1!J1erll types. .So you aay all logic alJo suggests that Baker Would be a mtmber of the coun- ·ty1s two-man Back Bay team. • M a matter of !act, that is the precise combination Chairman Caspers himself suggested. So Caspers and Baker got apJ>Olnled to the job, right? Wrong. ABRUPTLY APl'ER Chairman Roll made the pitch, Third District· SUpervt.or Ralph Diedrich ol Fullerton said be didn't like it. He thought Caspera and Baker were already too busy. So Diedrich then moved that the clx>re go to First Dlstr1ct SUpervlsor Bobby Battin of Santa Ana and Fourth District Supervi!IOI' Ralph Clar1'i of Anaheim. 'lbiw was du!Y. adopted on a 3 to 2 hollot, Caspers and Baker dissenting. So there you have it, folks . The fate of Orange COUhly-U.S. negotiations QO Up- per Newport Bay shall !all to a ~.ol supervisors who, with luck •nd • good map, might be able to actually toqate lht body of water. 1 L ,. After all, it is clear thit the supervisors from Santa Ana a n d Anaheim are really well oriented ioward oceans and bays. There's a swan lake in Disneylallid, you know. Aad Santa Ana boasts several drlnking fountains. PLAIN FACT IS that our good Orange county Board or Supervisors is supposed to be a non-partisan form of govenunent. That's what all us Purist! always thought, anyway. Well. county elective office may be non-partisan. but there is a hell of :i lot o[ partisan yakking frbm our varlo~ supervisors these. days. Fullerton's freshman Super v ls or Diedrich, ror example, only Friday was speaking belore a group known as the Democratic ~m when he warned, "The Republicans better look out." Then he boasted of the good works or the coun- ty board's three-member Democratic majority. He meant himself and the aforemm- lioned Clark of Anaheim and Battin of Santa Ana. In case you haven't figured it out, that leaves Dave Baker and Ron Caspers as the Republicans on our non-partisan board. AND \'OU WILL NOTE il was the Diedrich-Clark-Battin trio who gave Caspers and Baker the heave-ho on the -...!Jlper Bay negotiating team. Sort of makes you wonder. Maybe we've got a Lillie Tam man) Hall going u11 lherc in our C.ounty Seat. PRESIDENT NIXON SHRUGS OFF WATERGATE PRESSURES AT DINNER With Mrt. Nixon and Him ere Cha ncellor Willy Brandt, the Carpenters Nixon Genial At Banquet ' For Brandt • WASlllNGTON (AP) -President Nix- on appeared to have cast off hls Watergate worries at a White ffouse din· ner party for West German Chancellor Willy Brandt. Nixon cracked jokes and h~ld down his usual role of master of ceremonies at the Tuesday night party, the first White House social event since the President accepted. the resignatiO;JlS of some or his top aides. But it seemed obvioos lo some observers that Watergate still was on the JTtiDdo .ol many of lhe 110 guests. In· eluding Brandt. OUll1NG THE ' cbampagne toasls. BM!mdt•sai4 Nixon's holpll.allty wu more. than routine because he was aware the PrefldeD'. had ~·~Jems ol a domestic ~ture, as we all ha\re to deal "1th lrom time to time." , An>qq# t~e gu.,u WBs Defense SecretMy E!UOI RI~ · f President Nixon ha! nimi~ated Richaidson as attomey·geO.n.l and1plac- ed him iD cbarp'of the Waterirate pr1)be. He appeared at the lfinl1"'. party only hour> alter the Senate vot;d to cell for an independent prosecutor lh Watergate. Asked what he thought about it, Richardson said "I'm certainJy going to take it into account." SEN. HOWARD H. BAKER Jr. (R- Tenn.), a to~rank.ing Rep u b Ii can member of the Senate Watergate com- mittee, felt the Watergate penneated the party, "I feel better," said Baker. "I think we turned the corner." ~ Nixon introduced the after-dinner ~t.ertainers, the youthful sofl·rock musical group known as the C.s.rpente.rs. * * * 'KISSINGER'S DEV A.ST A.TING' WASHINGTON (AP) -Henry Kissin- ger, the swinging member of the Nixon Administration, has turned again to Hol- lywood {or a White House dinner partner. He escorted actress Mamie Van Doren to a dinner Tuesday night for West Gennan Chancellor Willy Bnuidl. Asked what she thought of President Nixmis naUooal security adviser, A1is.s Van Doren replied : "Devastating." Kissinger turned to rcpoliers and laughed, "Write that down , ror God's sake." Apolog11 Tendered White House Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler has apologized to Wash- ington Post and reporters Bob Woodward. (L) and Carl Berstein who teamed to uncover many of alleged instances or political espionage, sa~ge and c~er-ups in Watergate case. Circus Acrobat Lives After 55-foot Plunge NEW YORK (UP!) -A cin:us acrobat billed as "The Great Atlas" feU ap- proximately 55 feet from near lbe ceiling ol Madi900 Square Garden Tue!day night when a rope used in his act malfunc- tioned. The performer with the Ringling Brother1, Barnum and Bailey Circus was not seri<M.Wy injured. Atlas' acl called ror him to fall from a platform but to stop short or hilting the ground by a rope tied to his wrist. The act apparently worked well enough to break the fall and keep Atlas rrom being seriously Injured. The next act Came on and. the acrobat was carried olf in a stretcher. e l'oters Defeat Relief PORTLAND, Ore. fAP) -Voters re- jected on Tuesday Gov. Tom McCall's plan to provide residential property tax relief by having the state pay 95 percent oC the school costs. \Vilh 99.7 percent of the ballots counted, the vote was 356,639 to 255,711. The plan lo.st in 33 of the 36 counties. Only three or the state's 1.301 p«cinc:ll had nol r<J>Orled Wednesday morning. :1 e 1Ue.rican Riot Erupts PUEBLA. Mealco (UPI ) -Heavily armed students took three ' policemen hostage Tuesday. touching off~ five-hour gunbaltle that left three s1u•ents dead and 20 other persons wounded. Police said six of the wounded were policemen, while others iacluded innocent bystanders. \ e Nems Blackout Set PINE RIDGE. S.O. (UPI) -Federal negotiator Richard Hells1em has an- ( JN SHORT ... ) nounced a blackout of all news pertaining to negotiating-sessions in the 64-day-old impasse at WoundeQ Knee. He declined to ans\li·er newsmen's questions con- cerning the reason for it. However, il was understood that American Indian f\1ovement (AIM I leaders at Wounded Knee have protested the former government policy or holdi ng news cooferences expressing t b e government's view of n e. got i at in g sessions. It'll Be Fair, Warmer e 4 Raider• S1upen4ied WASHINGTON (AP! -·Four federal narcoUcs agents were suspended Tues- day for mis13ke'"ldenllly raid's last week on the homes of two Illinois families. . Temperatures Expected to R eac h Into 70s I The nation's chief enforcer of drug laws, Myles J . Ambrose, also said tie wn.s seei<lng an immediale grand jury probe or the Incident. Ambrose. s.'.lid that the four agent4 joined by ti olher agents from local police -stonned into two Collinsvtlle, ill., residences without approval ol. either the courts or their superiors. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Dfll•trY of tltt Dilly Pilot Is ;wirinltt<I ..... _.. ... rif.,., II ,.... • lloet ••w •-""°' .,. 11• """' t•ff ..,, .....,. ,.,.,. wm .,. """'• i. .,.... ''"' .,.. liflffl ... ru ,, ..... "" ~~. Mii hilM¥! II .,... .. Mt ,_,.... ..... ""' 9f t ··"'· ... , ....... ., • •,111. \t!Mty, c•ll tl!d I C.,J Wiii .. •,...iit " ,..,, <•llt lr11 , ...... 11111111 , ........ ltltpKonn ~ °'',.. ,_,, jlr1•• • "' ...,-071 ,._ .. ,i .... ,... .... ••kfl -"""'''•l•ttlff . . .. ' ... .-.u. ,,.,, c.....,,., C•tktr-••eel!. ,.,, ,. •• u,..1-r-. .,... ~. '""' ~ UoftU Jlllt..i •• ......,. ' 2 Perish; Heavy; Rains Increme Fwod l)anger . lngs on lt.s w•y toward io,m, and alter leaving the mot>ile borne1, U demolilhed KAHOKA, Mo. (UPI) -A lonlldo bas struck lbil --Ml--" town, k1lllng two ~ and blfurln& IOVeni other penans, llllte polloo ~ • one house and damaged seven! others in Kahoka. "We have at leut llPO palODI tilled, a tr.-monllH>ld boy and·• ~)'Ul'<Jld wo- nwt. Severs! were hart, but we don~ !mow bow many ytt,'"liild lllgb1ny Pa· trolman 'Donlld Alvoril. He sald tbo t~ bit about I p.m. Tueoday In the small towe Just oouth ol the Iowa border and west ot the llllnoia bonier. Lorea Waide, &be sba1ff'a wire, said at !'"'81 20 per.ioos ....., La!uied, Includ- ing nine who were boopitalieed. 'lbe in- jured """' talc en either to Memphis, Mo .. or Keokuk , Iowa. "The people were In a trailer port tbal was the hardest hit plaQe," ,Mn. Waide said. "That's where the f~talitif!r'Wtre. There were 24 trailen before the tornado. and only i2 were Jell atandi.ag: It w.t. really a mess." She sald bef..-e the lwisler struck the trailers, it flattened several Iann build· Meanwhile, heavy raim and acattered lbunderstonna in parb of tllinoil and Missouri have raised the threat that th• Mlssislppl River, where a ri'COf'd flood crest has caused millions ol dollars tn damagei mJ.iit rise again. '!be re<Ud flood crest of 45.& feet. 1~6 feet over fiood stage, wa.,, reached Tuesday at Cape GirardrJ&u, Mo., bot (lood coptrol officials to the n..-th today feared renewed flooding in the St. Lou.is area because o{ heavy raln!all in the upper Mississippi Valley. Flood fighters agreed that ground aoak- ed by .. ril.,. rains could not take up much new i:ncipitatlon, and the runoff would go straight into the l!WOTien riV8'S and streams. · At Jooeavllle, La., strong wind> pushed rising bacicwatm over the top o! .J!. tr.- mile.long levee Tuesday, burying anolher 15,000 acres or soybean fields undet' water and forcing the evacuation of 150 families living In the area. A farm leader at Mayersville, Miss., said cotton and soybfwn fanners were helplessly watchlng the remainder af the planting season pass wilh 90 percent o( f _wo Copters Unscathed By Gunfire · their land covered by flooding . 0 lt's-very definitely getting serious" ' ' SAIGON (AP) -Two peacekeeping helicopters were fired on today as they flew over Viet Cong-<:C>Qtrolled territory in South Vietnam carrying four members -of the international cease-fire com· mission. The helicopters were not hit . They returned to their base at Da Nang without damage or injury to the passengers or the crews, which included civilian Americans flying on contract for the commission. said Jack Vance, Issaquena CoUnty e:r· ecutive ror the Agriculture StabillmUon and Conservation Service. "Time's run- ning out to get anytl:iing like a ncirmal crop planted.." He said 100,000 acres ol farm land was under 'vater ~ Issaquena Cowity alone, with about 18.000 acres usually beini.~. planted in cotton and 70,(KX) to 75,000 acre& being Wied !for. toybeans. Elselvhere, the direetor or the Maine Civil Defense said Tuesday lhal Oood damage along the St. John and Penobscot rivers should qualify the region as 1 disaster area. Lebanon Troops 'Ibe Viet Cong mission in Saigon acknowledged its focces fired' on• an aircraft in the same northern area as the helicopter incident. But they charged the one they shot at was an American recon- naissance craft. Representatives of the International Commission or Control and Supervision and newsmen on the scene who witnessed the firings made no mention of seeing any American aircraft. · Battle Rebels Outside Beirut A COMMUNIQUE from the Viet Cong Foreign Ministry, broadcast over the Communist radio, claimed that the American reconnaissance alrcraft flew through the safety corridor that had been t!stablished for 1he two commission helicopters. The United States has bef;n flying unarmed reconnaissance mls.sions over South Vietnam, American sources said. But there was oo official cOmment on tbe helicopter incident. Ambassador Michel Gauvin. head of lhe Canadian peacekeeping delegation, called the !iring "deplorable.•• "These gu y:s must be lousy :shots," said Carl Fox of Kansas City, an American civilian copilot who talked with a Cana- dian Press reporter in Da Nang after the helicopters returned . "But we were lucky, damn lucky." · The helicopters were en route from Quang Tri, 19 miles below the DMZ, to Gio J..inh to pick up a team from the lnternatinnal Comrnlssion of Control and Supervision that lnvestigated the April 7 downing of two other peacekeeping helicopters. Nine persons were kil!ld aboard one or those helicopter.i, and~ group today was to bring the other one back to Quang Tri. As !he two helicopters were about hall a mile north of lhe i:'bach Han river, observers of the International Cw-- mission on the south bank of the river said they heard ground fire . They radioed the helicopters to tum back. BEIRUT (UPll -Lebanese troops clashed with Palestinian guerrillas in the subutbs ol Beirut today when lhe lroOpl tool!' action to .Jiberate ""' soldiers iid- naped by armed men. '!be tbump o1 ex· plosions and the rattle ol mac:hlneguns sowtded throughout 'lbe1 city in the wont fighting since an outbreak in 1969. First reports said 10 soldiers were killed and 35 wounded. At least seven civiliins suffered gunshol wounds, staff members at the American Uni.v~ity ol Beir\lt's Hospital reported. Guerrilla casualties were not known. Fighting took place In a two-square mile area of southern Beirut around the ShattlJa, Sabra and Bir Hassan Pal~ stinian refugee camps. Such fighting in the past brought Lebanon ctos. to dvil war and threatene<I a confrontation with Sfria, which fully supports the Palestin· iBM againsl Israel. Near the Sabra camp, a building,._qe.ar the headquarters of the P o p u I a r Democratic Front ror the Liberation of Palestine (POFLP ) had two holes in it, apparently caused by tank or bazooka fire. About a mile away plnewoods near the Bir Hassan refugee camp caught fire. A one-hour exchange of gunfire in varioUs areas in the morning was follow- ed by a lull. In the al1-t ~ started again oo the road from Beirut to the capital's airport as well as at Tel-AJ- Zaatar, a refugee camp m the eastern OUISkirta or the capital. Army troops and guerrillas excbanled rocket fire at Tel-Al·Zaatar. Sehool Dra1na Gun.men Hold 44 Pupils HosW.ge PEORIA, Ill. (AP) -"We didn't know if we were golng to see the light of day again. 'I'bose were a mean bunch of devils!" That was how Paul McAvoy, as, custo- dian at St. Cecilla Elementary school, said it fell being held captive with 44 pupils and three other aduJLs for almost two hours Tuesday by three gunmen in lhe sc hool basement . One or the gimmen was killed by police. The o\hf:r two were captured. The three were suspected or holding up a sporting goods store minutes earlier, police uid. NEARLY TWO HOURS alter the ordeal began, Metvln Burch, JS, ot Peoria, who wa:s trying to use Orth grader John Ardis u a lhield. wu ahot to death by Police oulsldt the tcbool. Eleven-year-old Ard.ls, the aon ol a Peoria alderman, said later that he volunteered to be the ho<tase. "The 'guy asked somebOey to ltO out with him,'' he eld. j'Nobod.Y else did a:o I 1hougbt !'d befler go or he might get mad. "He took me out with a aun at my head," he said. "I burcl a lhot, ,.,. him fall and Just ran." Capt. Sal Pisano, ol the Peona potlce, said u 1ho twn emerged ll'OTI! tltq ICbool I the boy broke away and Burch rihot several times al police. Other rtport.s in· di<ated that Burch fired Into the air. Burch wa5 shot to death as more than S.000 persons looked on, Pisano said . t.jcAVOY SAID HE was "just getting ready to sweep up" when three arm~ men led the school children and their teacher, Sister Anne Delores, to the base· ment cafeteria. "I had just 1old my filth grader> to st.art doing their homework," Aid the nun. She wu teaching an arl~ class In a one-story frame building near the main achoo!. "The plaet1 was as quiet as could be and all or a audden the door new open and a man with two guns came ln and &aid, 'Get against the wall !' " she reJ>Orted. The nun said he told them, "I have .,,ouah explosives here to blow up lour blocks." Two other men cnrrying guns and aacl<a filed In after him, she aald. The 24 pupils ol the t1851 Jell lheJr boob on lhair deab ao<I with their teacher jolMd 20 other cbllclttn •ho came te rrcm !be play"""'1d and Died lllto ~Ibo IChoctl ~t whore they Jo!G- ed another tucbu, a woman perishioo.er and McA""'· I BIVI men~ ciJar1i fraodl people porlll< film • A 1' told I the ' perW Cburc lnusic Taber. to be Could Taber Jay Cedar WbipJ HOUY' on $5 sche<I The count: charg sellin1 permi firm Count es SA( Legis quire! profil liceru introc calls on th teena Prt -• '1!lld I ori dJ rnino! from But Long and nece~ lieeru youtt poslli drive adult e s SAi The Good bas ~ ...... Oil Minft agreo and I The woul said. Th with t.8til> custo an s fron( cars. •• SA An)< veni was pho< bill "'" pi~ mea wou' 1971 • SI Cali won eigJ: un disc ha! u B. on 1 Inc. pro• our. T stat thal shil ove p HOI the Act ~ ove • L • Alt1 oul Anj Re' be re1 h• ... " ... Jl01 ton "A . .. COi I rlt( opl nol ""' CO( cit 2.Plead l lmi0eent • To Fraud RIVERSWE (AP) -Two meiibiVe pltadeci-lllMCtnt )9 charges tl!at ll!Y m a d e lraadttlent claims to enUce people Into buying limited partnerships In • Utah-based mm company. A prosecutor •aid tl>e pair told prospe<Uve ~ that the company obtainect permJssion from the Mormon C..'burch to use the name and lnusk: of the Mormon Tabernacle C2.loir in a movie (CONSUMER_) to be called "The Boy Who Could Sing Like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir." Jay M. Wheeler, 43, of Cedar City, Utah, and Ver1and Whipple; 13, of N o r t h Hollywood, were each released on $5;00C"1>aU. A jury trial is scheduled July 13. The pair were Indicted by tl>e county grand jury April 10 an charges of grand theft aod selling securities without a permit in connection with the firm they operated1 CanY,on C.OUntry PrOduclions. e Slur on Te e.11? SACRAMENTO (APl Legis1aUon to end the .-re· quirement for-an additional profile photo on drivers' licenses for minors has been introduced by a lawmaker who calls lbe twC>-photo law "a slur 01\. the maturity of California teenagers." · Present law Says a full face -1lnd profile photo must appear ori drivers' licenses issued to minors to distinguish them from lleenses issued to adults. But Seo. Joseph Kennick CD· Long Beach), said that 18th and 21st birthdays don ' t necessarily coincide w i I h license renewal dates and the youthful profile photos are "no positive indication whether a driver was a minor or an adult." esett~nent SANTA BARBARA (AP) - The local branch o! the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. has settled by a sUpulated judgment a criminal consumer fra6d action against t h e branch and three em ployes. Disrtict Attorney D a v i d Minter said that the company agreed to pay a civil penalty and costs of the legal action. The amount or the penalty would not be disclosed, he said. The company was charged ~th making rai se represen· tations to sell ball joints to customers who responded to an advertisement for a $9.95 fl'(lllt end alignment for their cars. U,.l ,.._.~ Pulling ONt Financier John D, Mac- ArUlur has announced that he is pulling his substantial stake out of Florida because "fan· atic'' ecologists a n d politicians are .making it a 11difficult place." Doctor 'Forese es' Killers ANN ARBOR, Mich (AP ) - A University or ~tichigan psychiatrist say s he can predict on the basis of clin ical examinations that c e r t aJ n teen-agers with no cri.Jninal record will eventually become murderers. Dr. Derek Miller, assoc iate chairman of the psychialry department a t University Hospital, said he has predicted murder efforts by 1 o adolescents in the past decade. Eigbt of them eventually tried to mu.rder someone, he said. Three succeeded. -DR. ~llLLER said the key Char;1cteristic or the µr o-- spect.ive murders is dehumanizaJion brought on by parental mistreatment. ~'Dehun1anizatioo means an individusl loses the capacity for human empathy," he ex- plained. "He is simply not capable of recognizing how others feel.", e Gripe PhOJ1e SACRAMENTO (AP ) Anyone annoyed because the vending machine he was ·using was broken would .. have a phone number to call under a bill introduced in t h e Assembly. IN ONE CASE reported by the psychiatrist, a 13-year~ld girl revealed in a clinical in- terview that she neither en- joyed nor disliked hurting • people. Two years later, she killed a woman who refused lo part with her purse. Assemblyman Eugene Chap- pie (R-Cool), introduced the measu.re which, ir enacted, would go into effect July J, 1974. e No Oeertlme? SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A California l<!w r e q u i r l n g women be paid overtim e 3fter eight hours or work a day is un c ons t itutional sex discrimination,' a federal judge bas ruled. .. U.S. District Judge Charles B. Renfrew made the ruling on a suit filed 'by Homemakers Inc., a Los Angeles firm that provides housekeepers .and nurses to customers' homes. The firm was protcstlng a state lnvestigatlon of charges that women working 12·hour shilts were receiving n o overtlme pay. Phil Gregory, attorney for Hcmemakers Inc., argued that the 1964 federal Civil Rights Act invalidated the state law granting women s pec i a I overUme priYUeges. e 82 t'for.tfotts LOS ANGELES (AP) :Although 82 of 99 retail meat outlets checked in the Los Angeles area by the Internal Revenue Service were found to be in violaUon of ceiling price regul&tiOOB, Mly U of these had not confonned on a sec· ond cbeck, tho ms says. "The u still in violation were cited with a notice of ·~ parent liability," Kenneth Sul· ton, an IRS zpokesman, said. "A dally line or 12,500 can bo assesed for continued oon· compliance." He said the 12 mart.ts, most of them small and operated by per...,, who did not undmitand gulde!inos im· posed by President Nixon, complied 21 hour! after too citations. AU the Bkely murderers had violent fathers who often showed a dramatic loss of coo· trol, Dr. fl.1iller said. AS CIULDREN, he ex· plained. these individuals were the subject of attacks simply because they came t o represent a n . una cceptable part or their father's personality. The murderous types also had mothers who were deceit· ful or mothers unable to shield their children from their father, he said. State PTA To Endorse VD Plan? SAN DIEGO (AP) -'!be California Parent • Teacher Association is expected to en- dorse this week a "strong pro- gram in venereal disease edu· cation in every sdiool 1.n can. fomia ,'' says a spokesman. Such classes would begin by the seventh grade and possibly as low as tile fifth. A resolution to that effect \\'tis prepared for the 74th an- nuBI state convention opening today, the spokesman said. About 3,000 delegates are ex· pected to attend. The: meetings will end Fri· day. Official Set SACRAMENTO (AP) -An Orinda newspaper publWN!r has been named by Gov. Ronald Reagan to the board ol tn1!iltes oC the state University and college system. He ls Dean S. ~her, 70. publisher of lbe Orinda Sun and 23 Califomi• newspepen, in- ciudlng seve.ral in Contra Costa County and lhC San Jor qnin Vnlley . DAILY '9lOf Cities Don·'t Have to Bear the: Bareness ' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Local ardlnanctt b a r r I n g toplesa llld •bottomltss waltreaes or eot.ertaloen at restaunnll and ban are con- ties and the city of Sacramen-ell!vated Into oonstitutlonllly to regulated conduct ralher protected eipresslon mmly than words qr speech and thus because the waiter or waitress did not violate the !st Amend-menl Is wiclothed. Such builness conduct doe! not become sym- 1 lt 11kt aucb ordinances bollc and tbus eomml1nicatlve oould be cansldmd lqitlmAJa in tho conolitullonal -!<Jrislatlon l'Oqulred to protect becauae It occu111 Jn toplesB or breach<o of the pe40e amongst a bar's larg•ly male cJlenltle. Tawdry tstablishmentt tea.tu .... ing nudity as 1 commercial exhibition and cai... prorl!OUon lll8Y bo delrirnental to the general wellare of the 1111' roundinr community.'' entertainment but merely re- qui~ the entortalner lo wbr some clothes. The majority opinion or 47 Plil'" wq written by Justice be-.t IJld !01l1rl•I fop!ess wal-...i -~ and-nude ~ ...., , Sacnmel1to Q1allq - casei Involved 11 • ""' pl •·· :c;w1t1•rr ' 1Ututloul, tla C.a U1 o < n.U Raniond 1. Sulllvan and co1>-em oy.,. . ..S W-~ , In •. Ill' ,.atlel Justice who daaced . su.-;;. Cou1'I bU ru¥ U.Cal bans on top.Ii¥ or ~ tomle88 -taklog part-Jn live acts or exhibitions in any public place ett<pt lheatera alBO an> constltutlonal, the 4-2 dects!on said Tuesday. P.Ublic morals and well' are. bottamlest fashion . u TllE ORDINANCES I re "directed ~t conduct-topless" and bottohile.53 exposure - and not ¥t ~h or conduct which is 1h, essence' ss)eech or 'closely atin to speech,' " the court said. D\!nall!",Tll!Cbl il!Pd Justiees IO!llM · ' &ii lflrwll·~ and..Louls . Jn bl• dlmOll ~ Ilk! Burke. The 3').poge aiasent exJandinC sdlrlcllllll 10 was written b~ J u s t i c e enlerlainen JDlbs tho !aws Mathew o. Tobrtner and con. qv e rbr o'ad and on- curred I~ by Justice Stanley coostltutlaillL "The service of food and The riillns mnUnoed: beverage is a commercial ac- THE Dl!lCISJON held Iha\ challenged ordinances I n Orange and SaCramento coon- tivity," said the court. "It en· •·Such nude activity is tails nothing of a com· nothing mote than a com· municative nature in the con-merclal exhlblion designed to stitutional sense. stimulate the customer and promote !ales. , . Topless ''THIS OJU>INARY business -waitresses, who mingle with activity is not transformed nor customers, may stimulate 'llle. decision said thllt the local laws do not prevent such ~fosk. '' THE DISPNT laid, "com-• THE ORANGE County case munlca,tlve eoterlalmneDI Is 1 involved an establishment protected ~-~~~ serving food and alcoholic under !be ~ ,..,___ • • Here's the kind of help Mothers love to get~ And they're all on sale. I) • I • Sa1es17a Reg. 199.95. Penncres!"" W range has "lleep warm · oven.control. lighted cool< top and tifl up/Iii! off oven doo1. White. copper, avocado or gold. t.;0101 cos1s no more. Gas range w1th ..:'Look Clean" oven , ~•g. 229.95. SaM S20I. Save on a range or • microwave oven. • •. t. ~ Sale $288 Reg. 319.95 Our JCPenney Microwave oven defrosts food or bakes a calle 111 minulesl Grea t for caSseroles. Features a stainless steel cavily, 1ntenor hghl, easy IO read·m1nu1e hm er This oven al ways stays cool. so you can even cook on paper plates or plas11c. Saves so much clean-up 11me Mother's Day savings on a trash ·compactor. Sale $168 Reg. 199.95. Free·standing or undercounter trash compac 1or compacts au trash 10 jus1 '1• ils original volume Heavy duly bag hold s !rash neatly and securely. Automatic deodoranl spray conu ols odo1. Changeable lronl panel 1n your color choice. • ~ I And a dishwasher. Sale s179 Reg. 199.95 This cOnvertible dish· washer lealures removable side ~ panels lOf permanenl installation Dual tevet wasn. 2 cycte·se1ec11005 Reg. S234. Convertible dishwasher has 3 cycle selections, solid maple culling bdard top and sound dead~ fln1ng cabinet and 1ub pads. Sale $168 Rig. 1•.11 Buill·1n dishwasher has souno deadening hber glass tn1ulalion and dual lftvel wash JC Penney We know what you're looking for. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M. at the following stores: • • FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beoch (71 ~) 6+4-2313, HUNTINGTON CENTER , Huntington Beoch (71 <4J 992.n1 1. - ' • • • • I l • • ' •, DA U ;y PILOT EDITORIAL PA.GE • Delay Costing Money For a goodly amount ol dine, the Laguna Betdl Festival of Art.s has been offering the city a substantial sum of money with which to pay <Olla ol the M.aln Beacll Park acquisition and development. And, for Just as loog, the city bas he<ln 1ntrflng at the mooey, poking it witli sticb and plcl:iDg up comers to peek uodemealh, presumably to see whit strtnp or trapo may lurk. The whole matter ii tied to Jeuing ol the city· owned Festival of Art.s grouoda used.for !lie enormoualy sucxe..Cul summer art exhibition and fllf!eant ol the ~,:·pre~ntly being negotiated, the Festival u lessee would pay the city an estimated $162,000 -up from $88,000 pald this fiscal year and up about $48,000 over what the city could get uoder the old lease contract. In negotiating, the city should beM In mind thil: fir!J(, the Feslival offered the money fleely; second, the current lease runs to 1975, and that's many lost dollan from now I! the city procrastinates. -The latest proposal seems fair and the city mould move. Fool dragging could peril the whole deal Bargain Package If all goes well tonight San Clemente city couocll· men will approve the plans for a north area fire depart- ment substation wb.ich bas been in the works for liter- ally years. And the only reason tbe proposal finally seems com- plete Is that the city stall worked out a complete bar· gain package to suit a frugal council. The station will be built on land that will cost the city less than $300 a year. The buildings will be modular structures. The full package will cost less than a three-bed· ' room bouae Ill. the ame nelgliboctood -under $30,000. Only the five firemen will come at the normal price -at least '10.000 apiece. The total price of the package b a bibute, Indeed, to the city .Wt._ primarily ·c;1y Manager Kennotb Carr and >'ire Chief IUlllllY Coleman . Tho auholalion b set for compleUon by midsummer, just about al the time that the fire danger Is bigbeot in tho community. Although lt will be far from a full aubstation with a full oomplemont ol men, it nonetheless will be a wel· c:ome and important addition to the anal! city f1ro department. Rambling Rhetoric . Finally, the Laguna Beach city oouocll and planning oommjHion are starting to crack the whip and rap the gavel when ii comes to long-winded and repetitive dis- cussions made from the public podium. ln the past, parliamentary procedures and com- mon courtesy in diJcussion bave. been rudely shoved aside in favor of citizen filibustering. Sometimes, the mayor or commission chairman would plead with speakers to "be brief," but usually with lUkewarm and uneven response. Marathon monologues are not the same thing as presenting the public's view. More often than not they hinder full public participation. Something fair can be worked out. The chairman could ~t a specific amount of time for a particular •.ubject. Proponents and opponents would each get equal -lune. The length of meetings has to be cut down. Sessions that continue._ into the wee hours of the morning pro- duce muddled\decision making. • Moderation in talldng and meeting length, as in other things, is a virtue. s Bill to Implement Vote Stalled Negative Voting Has Little Value De~r GIO?WY Gus-r Death Penalty Decision Thwarted (smNEY J.HARRI~ 'Jboaghta at Large In nine elections out of ten, most peo- ple are votlng against someone or som.ethlng, rather th.an for : thus, those v;ho win office on a "negative mandate.'' I as it were , feel no compulsion to do much except reaffirm their antagonism to what bas been repudiated at lbe polls. • • • 'Ibe wlgarian doesn't enjoy a 1tory Wlless tt bas a hap- py ending; the es· lhete doesn't enjoy one unless it has a bill<r coding; both are equally false to the patchwork qullt of reality, which Is a commingled fabric of both. • • • It may be true that the weak will always be driven to the wall ; but it iJ the task of a just society to see that the wall is climbable. • • • There are many things that defy even the.mightiest intelligence; but there i3 no limit to the depths of stupidity. • • • Pain that is Imposed by others ls only a drop In the bucket (and far more I wonder if a\1 the "fat cats" sup- porting the Committee to Re-elect the President with that big Ne-w· port Harbor boat parade last year knew their contributions were going from water to water· gate, that is! -S.l.N.K. 04tiMIY ~ -lltl '"' ~"""' '1 niMers ...... Mt MCftNl'tlY rlf..et fM wttws 9t IM -· 5..i ,_ ,., Miff ti ONMIY OW. O.llY Pllllt. tolerable) compared to tho pain that la self-tnfllcted. • • • Teocblng Is a nobler pn>lesslon thin heallag, for healing stops with tho In- dividual, whereu, 11 llmty Adazu oald, "A teacher afiecta eternity; lae can never tell wbtre his influence siopt." • • • It Is latuous to demand • tu system that will operate with "equality"; all we have a right to uk is that the lo- equaliUe1 Jpdng from the lmp«odse nature ol lbe rystem, and DOI from the caJculated imposition ot t h e ad· miDistrators . • • • lt Is one oC the ironies of promotion that those who do their jobs too well are often deemed indispemiable, while others rise past lbem because ol lbelr •err dispenabiltty. • • • U se1ual experience were as available as water, promiscuity would become as rare as dealh from over-quaUing at a drinking·lountaln. What's a Watergate? Tea pot Dome. Watergate. Both names are synonymous w:lth political scandals, the greatest yet to surface in this cenbry. Yet how many people know that Teapot Dome was a U.S. Navy oil reserve near Casper, \llyo.? Or that Watergate is a cluster of five residential and convner-- cial buildings hudd led on the northern shore of the Potomac? One suspects that the 83 percent of or Americans who have heard or the Watergate scandal, accord- ing to Gallup, know ne1t to nothing alxtut the city·within-a-city that gave lhe scan- dal Us name. So now it ca n be told lt anyaoe cares to listen. The first unit of the Witergate complex, which eventually was to cost $78 million, opened in the autunm of 1965. Watergate East and Watergate West con· sist almost exclusively of cooperative apartments. The Watergate Hotel and Office Building arc entirely commercial. Watergate South contains both offices and apartments. A.• for the arthltecture, It's. • .d~ ferent. Lots or curves, and balcony rail-. ings that have been likened to shark's· tooth necklaces. I,es Chamjl01 deocribed by ooe obseCj'er as "a cozy CIU&ter of JO International shops," opened in the Watergate la.~t faJI. Directly to the east -aod who can mils Jt-? -at.ands the Keonedy Ceator. An:hllecture crlUcs like it about aa much u they do the Wmrpto. \\'hen the center ope>ed, local wap tnsi11ed It w a s "Ibo box t b e Watergate came in." DESPITE these puldoWM, th• Watergate Is con sidered nn "In" pince to Uve. "Under Kennedy, Georgttown was the righl addresa," oboerved Life mogulne In 19611, "Under Nlxoo, It is ... lbe Wattrgato, which has a view ol the Potomac, several swimming pools, spec- 11cular architecture with a nautical 0.vor. and • proximity <eight blocb) to 1100 """'1ylvanla Mt11ue." 'l'lld•y. many Republleana feel t b 11 the pl'OI· EDITORIAL RESEARCH lmity Is a litUe too close !or comfort. Watergate residents, RepublJcan.s 11 well as Oemocrals, were complaining about bugs long before the break.fn at Democntie NaUonal Committee head- quarters last June 17. A group or Watergate West apartment-dwellers bad previously sued the developers , alleging defective appliances, inadequate air con· ditiOD!ng, faul ty plumbing, and root and window leaks. Anothet problem Is notoo. The complex Is situated In the Olgbt path of planes beaded lor nearby National Airport. Since June 17, Watergat e has acqulred an entirely new aura. Visitors to the Ken· nedy Center gape at it ln passing. Tour- bus guides have added It to their list or attractioos. A New York Times Magazine contributor went so far as to say lhal ''there does seem to be a Marienbad, 'La Dolce Vila' quality about the place, a feeling that is belghtened by the labyrinthine dfalgo: by the sunken walkways, tiered fOWltalns, strlated ares and eaptJve prdml;. a Villa d'Eate turned to 11-, the Anckoa Doria's superstructure cut lD coocrete." SECURITY PllEC.\tmONS ""' strln-gent at tho W • t erg ate, although Democrau '""Y feel Inclined to argue the point. Doonnen, security guards. and closeck.lrcult TV cameru are ever on the alert for intruders. Nevertheless, a number of burglaries have occurred. One vkti m wns Rose Mary WoodJ, a long-tim e alde to Pre$ldcnt Nixon. Tht Democrats wtU continue to belabor the Wslergatc scnndal, but from afar. Tbe national commJttte rt."Cel"llly moved out ol the complex. Mind you, It ""' nothing penooal . 11·1 Just that the porty found a place that renlod for 1 .... W!iat In heaven's name -is going on? I thought this was representative government here in Babylon; of and by and (or the people. l deluded myself. .One man -just one legislator -is thwarting the will of millions. It's Assemblyman Robert Moretti T'm stewing about. The Democratic speaker ol the house. He's lousing things up. Last November, 5.4 mJllioo Calil<>r- niam voted (67.2 percerit) to restore capitol punishment. I mean, restore it ror the aiminaJ; it was neve!" abolished !or the victim. • That 2-1 voto for Prop. 17 was a pretty clear cut decision. Righi! Right! SOME legislators thought so, too. Thty moved to implement the will of the peo- ple. Senator George Deukmejlan (R-Long Beach) was one. He introduced SB 450 to -and tha t's his privilege. [ J MORETrl is against the death penalty RUS WALTON Bui, he admits that if SB 450 did gel to the Door of the Assembly, so that all the ------------Assemblymen could vote oo it, it would mandate capital punishment for certain crimes: plane hijacking and trai n wrecking involving fatalities; arson that caused grave bodily harm or death ; kid- naping, rape, sex crimes, armed rotr hers and assault resulting In grave bodily harm or death. Tbe Senate Judldary Qimmillee passed the bill, f.%, Seniton (leorie Moooono (().SF) and David Roberts (!>-LA) vot.d "no." Senator Nicholas Petrla (D- OaklandJ and noo-.tor Alan -(!>-LA) were absent. There Is JIUle doubt that tho bill wJD be passed by the Sule Senate. That means it will eo tq the Assembly -to lbe Assembly Criminal JusUce Committee. It will go there and ille. Because that's where Moretti enters tht! act, and pulls the switch. probably pass. He doubts that II will ever get oul ol committee. And, he s b o u I d know, ~1oretti appointed the members of that seven-man Criminal ~ustice Committee, including the four-Democrat majority that is opposed to capital punishment. That's one of the reasoDI those foor are on that committee. It adds up to one thing: the will and acUons of one man, elected by 49,713 voters, can tell 5.4 million Californians to go to hell. ADd, it means that four assemblymen, who altogether poUed 256,000 votes, can do the same. Here are the four Democrats who can be expected lo kill SB 450 -or any other death penalty bill that comes before lbem : Bob Grown (Oakland), John Miller (Oakland), Alan Sieroty (Beverly Hills) aod Henry Wmnao (LA). IN THREE OF those Coor dislricts (Crown, Sleroly and Wwnanl tbe Prop. 17 vote was overwhetrnln8;1y "yes." Only In John Miller's dislrict did lbe death penal ty fail; on1y John Miller can say that be represents the will of the DUI• jority of his oonstituea ts. But, representative gcwemment goes dteap In Babylon these days. MoretU told a news con!'""'°" that Iogislators have a duty to lead public opinion, not tust represent~ It. He said nothing aboul legislators following the wlll of the ~ pie, once an issue has been thoroughly debaled and decided. There Is something wrong with a system when It permits one man from one of the st.ale's 80 aS9el11.bly districts to thwart lbe will of 5.4 m!lllon voters. Checks and balances are fine. And Jm. porlant. But wil!ull di sregard of a public mandate is something else. Starr Land Gift a County Milestone To the Editor : GUI of 4.1100 acres to the wlldllfe and county open space by the Starr Foun- dation must rank as the outstandlng ac- tion In Orange County In lbe last decade. AS OUR county deteriorates at an ac- celerating rate into 8 tragic Los A n g e 1 J z a t i o n of over-development, perhaps the demonstration of their larsigbted leadership In re<egnizlng that we have a responsibility to the land and lbe wild elements inhabiting It can jar others into similar steps before the wtiole remainder is paved under. For certaJnly the present policies of local and county political units are not meeting their obligations to stop the mt.dness ol subsidizing developers at residents' expense. They use zoning and taipayers' money to tum one of the en- vironmentally richest areas in the world into a rat's nest of gas stations, overhead utUJu ... ruperfluous freeways and roads , parking Jots, rabbit-butch high density housing, billboards. gutterized river channels and power plants. WHAT IS In all this f0< the people who live here, to be subjected to more of theoe things! Nothing but misery, a fu ture of dcsoluUon. 'l1>ose factors people long for in urbanized society are wr developed natural places that they can reel, see and walk upoo . Where a kid can stand alone in an open field and know that the natural world holds something other than TV channel numbers, lreeway routes and too many people. Maybe the Starr step can tum others lo the ume path. Let lrvine Company sa ve and pus on all of Newport Bay open land, not to the govmunent but to the wild things oo the lnnd, with the county's role limited to stew&rdsh.ip. Let the NOW]JOrt-Mesa achoo! district tum ovtr thelr intrusive parcels of land in the Folrview Wiid Area Park to the county rather than gn.plng IM land speoulatlon gain. Let the county llop subsidizing deatructlvt!, degrading development with nood control, stwtrs. water and plaMiJ'll services and tum that money over to procurement of land, not r or overdeveloped parkJ but lor open wlld placea. 7.0NING, Proposition 20s, Impact statemenls and myriAd little rulea are • demonstrated failure and perhaps do lttioualy Jeopardiu the rights ol In· dlvldual ......... Tllo oounly aad c!U.. rhould lake a brooder, simpler view, MAILBOX Letters from readers are welcome. Normal.Ly writers should convey their messages in JOO word.I or le ss. The right to ccmdense letters to fit space or eliminate libel is reserved. All · letters must include signature and mailing address, but names may be 1uithheld on Tequest if sufficient reason ii apparent. Poet711 wilt not be publishe.d. • ,, .r--- buylng massive proportions of the re- maining land and simply set lt aside and le11ve it alone. Tr WOUW be I miracu lou s turnaround II Individuals and ......,.,... t.al agencle! would !e!l!le the signlficance and potential ol lhe Starr lift and all do some lik e thing within our own copabllities. YERLYN G. MARTH Fair Boan .. To the Editor: I am wr!tlnf In mpacse to your editorial chastising tbe Orange Olunly Fair Houslnr Council ·lot not checking with the Irvine Company reganllnl their alleged discriminatory advertising bdore filing suit. A!tbougll I did IO U a OOll· cerned cltlun nt.ber tbao U a reptettrr !alive ol lbe Housing Couocil I did hav• occasion at last yur'1 lrv1ne COmpany Barbecue and Round-up to dlJcuss tbls very sub!ec:t with then Yi"' Proaldent Gllbut Ferguoon. As I reeoll, ho !Jr dlc1ted at the time that tho ltvlno Com- pany wu a,...., of tho poblem and I& tended to do -thine about II In lbe near future. NINAE. WEST (Mn. Robert J ,) R e treshlllfl To the Editor: I wolild like to thank you and your paper IM the pool coverage ol the C.plstraoo Unlfled School Dlrtrlcl ,,..,. lion. Partlc:ulnrly the column of April ti done by Join Yallena . People In Loguoa Niguel and Viejo """' very llll'red by the admlnlstraton timlnc ot tho iJowlnc • job the lncumbenls have done in- corporated in a 0 Dear Parent" Progress of the CUSD roport that lfOlll borne with our children on Thursday and Friday prlor to the election. All of Mr. Valteria's comment!: were quite frank, unblased and a refreshing joy. JOEY SIMS Scary Welcome To the Editor: Since leaving city employment 1 have refrained from being active In matters ol city concern. As a COPcerned citizen and full time resident of Laguna Beach 1 feel compeUed, however, to speak out in sup- port of enforcement of our city dog ordinances. A FAMILY or eight spent a lew days In Laguna Beach during Easter week at our invitation. The to.year-old son was in process of running from the motel room to the beach when be was confronted by two full grown Gennan shepherd dogs . They bloclced hla path on either side, bared their fangs and held him "at bay". Fortunately for the lad he wu '° scared he froze . This apparenUy frustrated lbe dogs and after two or three minutes one dog Jost Interest and walked away. The se«11d dog followed In another 30 seconds or ao. Appar~Uy aome persons witnessed the affair but wert either too scared 10 Interfere, dida'I know what lo do, 0<''fell their action might Incite the dogs to pursue the attack. 1be boy returned to the room white as a sheet and woold not go back to lbe beach. The other cblldren were also helil- tanl lrom that point to eiijoy out beaches. Their mother was n e 1 1' l y beside herself. It is unlikely that lamlly will return to Laguna Btacb. I WOULD suggest that perhaps a two. point full scale "()pentbl Enf....,..,.,ot" might be In order, employing summer help If needed, trained In dog ap- p<'Oherlsloo by SPCA, together with a substanUal Increase In lines against owners Involved In vtol1tlon of LAguna's dog ordinance•. JOSEPH R. SWEANY Good Re portl"I To the Ed~or: Ar a JO.year rerldent of'Dana Point ond one who Is acutely lnlmst<d Jn education -the loeot _!lllem In particular, I wish to congratulate you on the quality or John Valten%8'1 reporUng ol school affairs. What tnspiru my pul· ting praise to paper in particular is bis "Pilot Logbook" column ol April Ii. RE IS mOBt astute in his analysis of the strong community feelings that smolder beneath the surface ones of ap- parent calm contentment and majority status-<i_uo votlng, Perpe tuated c om p 1 a c en t ad· ministration of children's minds is to me the greatest crime of society, and 1 am one of many who appreciate his con. tinued Insight Into thi! as well as other vital areas of community politics ! IN TlllS CUSD merry-go.round, all we as indJvidu.als can do is put our bucks on the new guy and hope he IJ'lhs lbe brw ring. DORIS WALKER Likes Letters To the F.ditor: Thank you r.., pubUshing the 1et1er1 from Buckley O'Neill and Bemlce Balter (Ma!lbox, April 18). It was a dellgbt to bear Crom people who do their own tblnlt- lng. Thank you again ror a breath of frtsh air I VIRGINIA SEXX>R OIAlfN COAST DAILY PILOT Robtrt N. \Vctd, Pubtltllcr Thom<u K.,uil, Editor Barbaro Kr1ibit1' Edltorlo! Page Editor Tho odltorlal -"' n.. l>tl1' Pnot Jtitk. tr> tt11orm and 9dm .. te rndtn by Pftllf!fttirw on th\t ,_. dlwne commentary • topar ol ta-,....,. ,,, -ed """'""'"'• and cartoonlsta, ~ ~ • b'um tar rndn1' vlfw1 and b)' Jll"'M'ftdrw th*' MWtipllpel"t OOlf*-and ideu C11 .,,.,.... ....,.. m edl!ONI °"'"..,. ot thlt Da!ty Pftot •ppeu only bt tbt editorial rolumn •t thl'! top ol tho Pe&t-. Oplnloftl; •XPN*ed by the CJOI. """'""' and ~ ...s. lttttr. writen ani~Lrown and noendol .. """' .. -...... "" ""' DollY Pllo< -"" -· Wedne&day, May 2, 1973 I l l ' "· I .. -----~ --• -Wfd...,.,, ~ 2. 197) DAILY PILOT 1 msale. Sale S.4-1' 8. Reg. $496. Four piece 'French provincial style youth bedroom set. lightly brushed lemon· chiffon finish vfth wh ite highlighting. Set includes double dresser, five drawer chest. lull size headboard and mirror. .. ,,,. Barrel group.~amily room sale. Made from kiln dried solid oak b~rrels. Aich oak finis h on exposP.d wood • sJrfaces. Foam cushion throughout. } , supported vinyl upholstery. j Black barrel swivel chair. reg. $82 .. Sale $65. Gra ined oak !able, 48" diameter;< 2_8". Reg. S82 .......................... Sal• $65. Bar, with grained oak top, rf>Q. S 158. Sale $126. l Bar stool wilh back. re9 •• S51, ••••.. Sale $40.1 Three seat sofa, reg . $223., ...... ,.Sale $179 Callee !able, reg . $56 ............. Salo S44. End table. reg. $44 , ...•.••••.•.•.. Sale $35. Arm chair. reg. $101,. .•...•....•.. Sale $80, Ottoman. reg . $46 ............. ~· .. Sale $36. Bar stoc1I. reg . S36 .•.•.......•.••• Sale $211 Wa ll ran1p, reg SJS, ..........••••. Sale $28 Four barrel sofa , reg. $275, ....••• Sale $22t'r. 2 seal sectional . reg. $1 52 .......• Sale $121. Three seat sectional . reg $193, ... Sale $154. Sectional corner table. reg. $56, ... Sale S:W. Sale prices effective through Saturday. ... • • ' • 4 I 1 I I (\A.· · . ' -ave on mattresses and sets. I • 5ale13995 Reg. 199.95. 'Oreamaire1 Queen sized set of mattress and t:1ox spring. Heavy cotton felt and full sisal insulation for extra lirm support. 12 side supports for firm edges. • Twin mattress or foundation, reg . 59.95, Sele 49.95. 1 Full mattress or foundation , reg. 59.95, S.le 49.95 King size set, reg. 279.95, Sale 229.115 JG Penney We know what you're looking foF • . • · Sealy Posturpedic • . mattresses and sets. 27915 Queen size sel. maoress and bo11 spring Collon felt and wire grtd mesh plus sisal pad. 432 resilient steel coils for e111ra support. 39995 King size set. mallress and box spnng Over 500 resihent steel coils. co11on..felt custlk>ning and wire gr1d mesh plus sisal pad insulation. Full maltress or foundation. 99 95 Twin mattress or loundatron. tl.95 Shop Sunday noon to 5 PM at the following stores: , FASHION ISLANO,.Newport Beach (714j 644-2313 . HUNTINGTON CENTER, Hunti~ton Beach (714) 892-7771 . • • • • • I I " ' • • • • • • • N~wport Defen~s Zoni~ ~eg_a~~ty· ( ay 1. PEID. 11-lal Of .. n.l'I' ,.. ... Ibey tedm!cally will be In ...,....i plan u n t 11 iJll. roaaooable buls In !Id II vlolatioft, "111 ""1clear1r --!llem<nttd by -~ 611pport • di)''• dolmnloltlm _ _, ~ •-~ d"-~y -may bring a writ abould not be used u a .....,. ••-1 I ·•--•·• Or<!iallll!ll N of maodllo to ...,,..., com-w -·Y ··--or -·'·"-•· _.._. • .....,.dqmcuelawml _, altamey gmeral opin- <"""1 ~ to eanlro\,..empt trom thoae re. -""' 1S<f<111 uoeondfllWT ... -~·-- I lt't ,....Odly lepl for -~. •-·er ~ are a-u• ~·-•· ~ ~ _ ~ ~ .,.u.--. ~r o w I b ~ ro 1 I 01. qulnmenta," O'Nell llld. P • . ~ lll'OOOitJ' any mannor "'1M ~y llOt ~ ~ · Y ~ He added that hll ooinloo .'.:.'J~addltloo, I eupPos<. • comlst.nt wllh the CU1T9 ~. copridoua or ~ Dlinll 0 Uell .... ~-mlpt be challenged buf!eell tw or PRPU17 owner zolng," ho lltld. gest d&crlmlnatlon agalnlt m O'N~. r e 1 po n d In I to edamant obout hio 'ability to could ... k Ii> Injunction to He clttd other constraints indlvldual properly'• """'•" chll1Y by local realbln that d<lend it. prevent the' city from Issuing the dly must be wary of. O'Neil said. the propOeed. genenl plan la Councilmen last'week spent any bulldlng permits," he "All zoning ordinances must "I~ rezonh>& ~f, tho cont~ to U.S. Supreme considerable Ume debating said. meet a m In l mum con-city must e\irclse ~lb police Court rulings, said the city la whether their efforts to draw On tbe populatioo versus alllutlonal standard requiring power In 1 eeuanable, lair i:w:>' acting solely to Um.it a new plan _ which won't be toning is.sue, O'Neil said there the ordinaftce to reasonably and impartial manner, keep- natural population growth. dooe by July 1 _ would satWy are any number of grounds to relllle to 1 I e g I t i m a t e ing In mind the -ol • . UNIT Y '.META·PR·Y J .. BOOK &t'Olt ' y . • Dl•l<A tMdltOt.... UI 1757 • legal requirements. do tt. govem:nenta.l jlUll">OO," be prillectlng and ~ lhe TlliT BAD been lhe charge said. general public lolereat." ""'11----------------···· -of (:lem }Wlln. manoaer of O'NEIL NOTED that since "WE AGREE that the .. THERE M vs T be a said. theNewportllarlxr-Ollta1,_....:..:..::::::..:::.::.::_::::....:::::::___::.::_:::::==__::::_:::___:..:.;..:::...:.:..=...:.:..:..:_:_.::..:...._:_..:.:._:__~---~~----~~~~-~~~~--:--:..,...~- . . l Meaa Boord ol Ro.llton In a r<C<Dt talk. 'l'fle state ,.., ..... .retell tHt all loc•I 9-rn- -ts .... , ha""' %onlng in com- pll•nce with generlll pl•n• by ltd" I. "Population control ls ooe ol ow-staled goals," O'Neil said "but 11 Is oaly a part of lhe purpose of the general plan." I Togethe r O'Neil coiiCfded that a my\;ad of staa. Ian fordni cities t.o come up with new general plans is "fruslnll.ln&" but disclosed Tuesdoy that the city -and any other charter city -may be able to ignort tll<m. A young couple in South St. Louis display their ~on in knee- deep water as floods ravage river towns 1n Illinois and Mis9ouri. 1st Bighorn Kid Born ., At Riverside Fl1L1Eb\Y in the l1t!iltjijl!1il Timex electrics atsao Now you can forget to remember to wind them. Wofnen'scitectf1c Timex• wllh yellOW f--------go1~oneoaae, MQwn leather strap. Men'1etec1ronic calendar Timex• ~th yellow'gOIO-tono cue. Water nmstlnt U k>ng 81 C8M. crystal, crown are lntlcL Weter reslstant aa long as case, crystat. CtOM1 rtmaklaw.ct. JCPeriney ial buy sets. rtie· upkeep is as easy as the price. 2 for sg_ . ' Striped or contrtst trimmed tank toPa teamed· wlth solid color double knit shorts. A snap to care for because they're all washable nYlon knit. Colors, loo, lots of them. Reds, whites, blues for atartera. All In siz.es8to16. ·I • Terry short stuff for girls. Women's weclgt heel aandals are .\Anyl. Dressy or casual styles in 1011 of ~Ol"I. .Cork p4alform sandal• are vl:nyl with oo~ heels. Several stytel in mines' Ind girls' sizes. Women's and teens' acun. of ocrylic: terry. Four styles to choose from In ll!Mlr'lll colOrJ and llres. Women'a high heel corll 11nd1t1 with COit platfofro and fOlm lnne110ie. Potent. Ylnyt in -colorl. ' ~6 Short sleeved romper of cotton/ nvton stretch terry tor sizes ~·· • • JC~enney · ,. . ' We know what you're looking for. $450 Short sleeved romper or cotton/nylon stretch terry. S,M,L tor sizes 3 lo 6X. · h~ I w. 11now """,.,.,.,. looU!t 1or. Shop Sunday noon .to 5 P .M. at the fol owing stores: • -· • \ Sllop s ... ., -to 5 ....... tloo ,.. .... __ , ' • • FASHION ISLAND, Ntwp."~ Bttch 17141 b44-2ltl FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beech (71 4) 6'44-2313. HUNTINGTON CENTER , Hu.,+ington Beech (?14) "2·7771 . HARBOR CENTER, Cost• Mo,. {114) M• 5021. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Hunt•n9ton Bttch 171 41192-7771 I 11 Gn u.~ bn tio1 Sa! f; ...... I N Fra "Se but his Tl fror Des Tea ··st up 60 ; tbe slig sba .. to 1 yea ter1 Wa! mil Wal res to eno f wb ing - • 1l .. ,, I i G .. 'I ,,. d~ be thi vo! 1j I E to l WI ax be WI LI of ~ f <> a~ to .. ri1 th W• fi! fi t w th 31 th i! " tc Ill " ~ • I ,_ r ' • · . 8 Students V,S. p~bating Claa~p . -· .. -., .. ~ Get' Honors Coast Coed Tops All .'Others 1 • Eigbt residents ' ol Orange Sheil Dalrymple led the -Lar.ry Adams were the win-Robin Dodge and Janet Be<:k Coast oommuoitles .,., among Orange Coast College speech ners of the Bell-Scroggins in oral ioterpretati~. and\) 1 7 Peppen:line University team to a series of iocllvidual Sheri Dalrymple. Wtda and triumphs . at the , National Award . Searcy 1 n extemporaneous School ff Law students ln- Junlor college speech cbam· Tbls award is given to the speaking: • . ducted lftlo the ochool'I Pl Phi pioosblps in GaUinburg, TeM. debate teams, chosen by their CertiflCllte winners for OCC Laml>da ·Honcr"flociety•at the where it placed Hlth na. peers, for · eiemplifying the and their contribution to the recent annual· awards 'banquet . ,tlonally. best attributes of debate, naUOnil ~eot were Jlarip betd by the Sllldeot Bar As· Miss Dalrymple won the na· talent and sportsmanship. Lundell , Al Stewart, Adams, sociation. tional tiUe in the Lincoln-Janet Beck· was a national Diana Gerhardt, Se arc y , Honored at the meeting J)ouglas d~bate competition, winner by bringing home the JWbin Dodge, Sheri Dalrymple were : Patrick callahan and taking firs! place ahead of all fourtb place award for speech and Wida. Lawrence Sassone, Huntington male challengers and becom· analysis. Wida cmte home There Were 90 ·teams with Beach: Gayle ·Posner, Los ing the first female U.S. with a fourth place cham· 800 participants from Alamitos ; Barbara McDonald, champion in this event. pionstup ln impromptu speak· lhroughout the United States Fountain Valley; John Cim· 'l1IE occ Oxford-debate ing. competing for national honors. baluk, Costa Mesa; Thomas teams of Diana Gerhardt -TEAM MEMBERS making Th1 champfonshlps were Ely, Irvine and Barry Jacobs, Sam Wid~aild Geo.rge Searcy it into the semi-finals were ·held April 16-21. Mission Viejo. • Wfdnesd.,: fW 2, 1973 * DAILY PILOT f .. UPI Ttt.btt• He's Home Safe . , Greek alien Antonio Gregorioo, who took · og, thl\ U.S. at an immigration service bearing and won, em· braces his American wife Patricia after an immigra- tion judge graol<!d him pel1!1Jl11imt U.S. residence in San Francisco recently. . One mo~week'til Mother's DaJ _ You may have run out of ideas,, .. Song Sung-With· .. Little Feeling • but Penneys ~is _still going strong_. N!:W YORK (UPI) - Frankie Laine is singing "September Song" these days, but you'd never know lt from his bowling $(.'ores. The singef whose hits range from the 1947 HThat's My Desire" through ' ' M u I e Train," "The Wild Goose." "Shine," "High . Noon right up to tod ay's "Joey," was 60 years old on March 30 but tbe thought didn't make his slightly grizzled hair turn one shade grayer. "My wife bas been after me to do 'September Song' for 20 years," Laine said in an in- terview. "But 20 yea rs.ago I wasn't ready jn my own miod. TetT·1f""" ago, when I FRANKIE LAINE wal 50, maybe I was but I reslSted it. Nowt fmally saiJf He's 'Old Enough' to myse1r, ~ou1re o 1 d enough .. .'" . . • .. ~ • La1he jtas bttn bowling He ~ bis ~Id~.' .them over professionally for ~ ~l ag~. ~· more than 25 years. He has mg it by saY}llg: lieen influenced by a Dllll\ber ~ of singers over the yeafs, for _ 'ifLen the sllow better or for .worse. The first -'" one was Al Jolson, wberr Laine is ovei,-I go to my was 13. room, "read and tr'1c .. to put .. the. .. .,,;15~~.il:!t~l:°t!ti: lights out hM • 3 "and 1for four shows, 'ai1 day ; ama. I never ge.t to hear ltim sing 'SoMy Boy.' 11p b!!f1>re IZ. That nigbt I sang it for my T•at's. tldomatie.' brothers, my mother _heard : , me and asked. 'Where did you ..-.....-~ hear that?' Whap! "i actually don 't feel any "But wben Bing (Crosby) diffi!rent. 1 get my sleep hit in the early '305, he killed because when I iJon't the first me. I imitated him and you thiDJ that' goes on me is· my couldn't tell the dilleren~. voice. I never {:arouse, t~:'ver Later I switched to (Perty) booteorkeeJt~e~:· ·eomo, 1• guess because he , • ; "' · . sounded so much like Bing. I •1WHEN THE '•, Show is over was still trying to find my- 1 ga to my room. read and tty self" to jlut the ligbli out by 3 a.m. When ru; :·finally did find I never get lff>r· ~fol-$ · 12. himself, it began, with his Im· When I'm on~~:...~1~ itating a rising star named axiomatic; ~:...r: .. 1~ iT: Nat Cole, and ·then developing "As a nf\~i~ }oiif. '\W a style of bis own. · ' beeD fightirt~~~ ~: ·y; :·r loved black music," be waa. 30." .l-1·:( ..... '· .-. ~ • ·. ·, said, i'and when I started ll age m~e•\•'ilill,~·~ '. everybody thought I was eol· Lame, it shows uj> 1tl. OCDl~it( · ored. When I recorded 'Th&t's of Philosophy, as when he ~was· My Desire' in 1947, before it discussrnr-his brand new 57· hit on the 'while' charts it was foot-twin 'dfusei fishing boat, tops.on all the •harlem' charts aptly titled fMy Desire."· in major cities. I was the first ".What tbel,hell ate we going white guy who sang black. to tlo with the money?" be 'Today all the white guvs are said. ''Our· two kids ar~ mat~ doing it;" '8 ·-.. • ... • .r ried and happy. We're leavirig 1:-<"ne doesn't .knock today's them enough. t,might as. mustc-he believes that as well enjoy the ~·· t years of1 'alw.8»1 in the music business fishing with a go · us tfat~'· · th~re . are a few truly fine ~.~. • song~ among what he calls THE ~ ·~te av!~ slm~~ "crap.'' fishennen. · He spellds 26; As for singers, he said: weeks a Year on the road, and· "Amongst tbe guys who've the other half of tbe .y~r Qe been around for a while the and his wife enjoy therMtiivei. two best male singers are "We look out the o:in!fllit;io: JoMtiy Mathis and ~Y the morning. If U;W-··-.n ·1· W~U1ams. As for .. 1JMDen, is shining we go fishiQg.. If .it'§' •4 .l\Oberta Fla~k is ;one'. of my raining we bowl." ~vdrites now. ·. · The husky-voiced) In~ er t.; 4 l • took up bowling n.·"fOCl,Qber . . ur OF lve~Y. fo/ and he's' already t6'ii8 -~00 ,· e.fistening aod enter~~ on his besi days -··i.r'file ~~Y Chtr~~ Re has1,li0 bas hit as high as 193. ii., .. ~·' ·~ual. t.' ;f {. .it;. "' . SPECIAL ' . .' ... ",! FOR THE HARD OF HEARING ONLY A tiny llttlo device that wlll enable you to hHr your radio and TV at norm1I volume. Pay only 29c when you rocolvo It. SEND NO MONEY OR STAMPS WITH THIS COUPON, Wm. Ad # .. 2, h!lf "'°' P.O. lex 1560, C01te M .. , C.. t261' NAMI •.••••. '. ..••..•.•..••.•••••••••.••••••••••••.••• ' ( ··----~~-I·--·-----Dress-length robes of O&cron• polyester/cotton voile, lined with· nylon trtcot In soft pastels; sizes 10 to 18. Full-length styles as well as a special group of extra aizea, 14.25 ' $6 fashion shawls of brushed acryflc In Ill· angular, semf.·clrcle, or fitted atyles. Paatall end white. ~--- Flowero-tn+pct night flghla. ChD0141 from throe ooloriul, charming oprlng bouqueta. JCPenney We know what you're looking for.. ADDIUS ············•·······••••··········•••••••···• $ho $ nday ' h foll • c1n ...... . ........................ ,,.1 .. ,_:.,.1 . p u noon to 5 p.m. at t e ow1nCJ stores: s13 Oress·length ensembl• Qf.r!Ylon trlcot witt:L __ sheer overlays or fuD· . length ensembles of 1?1 nyl9n trlcot: Pastels . _ and prints; •lull P,5,M,L., .: , ~~~~-~~FASHION.ISLAND, Newport Beaeh (714) 644-2313. HUNTIN$TON CENTER, Huntin9ton8eaeh (714) 892-7771. HARBOR CENTER, Co•to Me•a (714j 646-5021. J t ' I ' UPI T1l.,hl lt Funny Now Fonner priso!l<!r of war 'Maj. Robert D. Jeffrey and wife Joy smile at letters the major wrote while in Hanoi but were delivered just reCently in Dallas. Group Reports Torture Climb~ SAN FRANCISCO (Al') - Use of torture ls increasing all over the world aA government policy, a spokdman f· o r Amnesty · International said here. The organization, based in several countries, is asking for worldwide aid to political prisoners and POWi. G!NETI'A SAGAN. t he group 's We s t Coast coordinator, cilcd "mounting evidence" that torture of dissenters artd prisonen is in- creasing int~tiooally. , "1bere are mo un ting evidence! ~at the use ol torture has become an ac- cepl,ed me.ans ot controlling dissent and maintaining power on almost every tontinent in 'the name of. national securi· ty ," M.iss Sag,'\" uld. "From-Greece, a'J rests, beatings and even death by torture have beep w e I I documented.· Brazil, J r a , Indonesia, South A f r I c a . Rhodesia, Czechoslovakia , and the Soviet Union" all employ torture, she claimed. 1'~ SAGAN spoke at a news conference along with law professor Frank Newman of UC, Msgr. James FlyM of the city's Catholic Archdiocese and Robert h1cCaf!e Brown of the Stanford School o r Religloo. 'Ibey all supported the org&Qi:ation's effort to present an lntematiooal petition bear- ing one million signatur" to the United Natioru in AU(U!t, callin( '°' the .....,... d. countries participalln1 '. 'f d torture and cooclolnl>lnC Ito pracUce. Soleful News Slioe Warning Sounded LONDON (UPI) -Those modish platfQnn shoes that are the rage these days not only cause bunlons but also , can make normal chUdbirth 1' impoalble, a British chiropodist contends. George Lewis, chairman of the education committee of the Iru:titute of Chlro!Xldi.sts, sounded the warning at the in· stltute's aMual meeting. HE SAID the way girls have to walk when wearlog high wedge shoes can displ ace tht pelvis and make it painfuJ and, in .t0me cases, impossible tor them to have children. '"nlese are extreme effects, I know,'' Lewis said. "But girls walk 1n a peculiar way when they wear t h e 1 e monstrosities. '111ey bend their knees and the pelvis ~ al> domen are thru!t !orwanl. "This is unnatural and can seriously affect a girl's health. Apart from till!, the shoes cause discomfort and distort the root bones of young eirlJ," be said. THE BRmSll Federation of Footwear Manufacturers .scof· fed at the warning. ''C hir o p od i sts are alarmists," a federation 11pokesrnan said. "No matter what fashion is brought out, they don't like it. "Regarding very young peo- ple, under 16, it is probably true that they should not wear extreme shoe fashion.. But this ls up to their parents." You and Your Children Are INVITED TO OUR AUTOGRAPH PARTY Honoring THEODORE TAYLOR AUTHOR Of THI A.WAID WINNINQ. IOOK 'THE CAY' PIUINTINGi HIS NIW IOOK : MALDONADO MIRACLE SATU•DAY, MAY 5 e 2 t• s ,.,,.. THE CHILDREN'S BOOKSHOPPE J707 I . C011t Hwy. Corona d•I Mir a 67J.1424 Ot1e·htllf lloc• W"' of .,,.,, Crow11t' Nea rly Everyo11,e • • Mail Gripe ' Unit Opens .Coast Marine_ Refuge to Be ~a~olled Santa Ana, Anaheim Elect 1be Post O!Oce ha• opened Rangers to Prot,ect Corona del Mar Ocean Life up !Lt own compl.tlnto depart· ' : ment. , Newport Beach l'IJ1i<l"I w!ll ltart pa· thU<ls ol the money and tho comlY h8' Called Poet Tei Aid, the . or· trolling the corona de! Mar marine -almld• a~ved ...... n ... the other flee will 1erve cusfruners 1n ,........ " ""' -.,.......,_,. solving speclfic problems,. in-serve sometime in June, enftrelnl laws thlnl," Wynn said. "1! all the detall.s eluding repeated delays ln pr0tecting vulnerable ocean Ule, C 14.y can be worked out, we hope to have men mall deliveries. Manager Robert L. Wynn gald loclay, or> the job by June." The service wlll be open Wynn said he expecla the city a n d Wynn said a lull yea~s budget for the Iron\ 8:!w a.m. t&4·p.m. Mon-~Coonty oC orange to come up with ranger program is $7,800, which cavers day through Friday f 0 r enough money to fUDd the ranger p,. several m e n WJ)lting on a part·Ume penons calling 831 -2 5 Z 8 . •-·•· . PerSOOI are asked to call their gram despite a recent decistoo by the Ulllt-local Poot Office r 0 r Caldomla Department of F!oh and Game-· The Jtale ,... originally suppooed ID aaalltance before eaUing Post to renege on an offer ID provide port ol put up IUOO but thouSht better of their Tel Aid, in case the problem the money. offer. Wynn Aid. can firat be llQJved klcally. "The city -will come "1> wkh two-"We will still go back to them aoon I I I • Panti-hose sale in time · for. Mot 's Day: Isn't that a happy coincidence? ' Ae-g. 3 tor 'Ln. Myton panti-hose. Nude heel with reinfor'ced panly and toe. In all favorite shades plus brown, navy, grey, white, black and off4 while. Short, average, long. I • ~ ..... ~ 31or~ Aexxtra seamless nylon stocitlngs, with nude heel in proporHoned siles. s4 Total support pantl-hose • of Unell!ll nylon/spandex wilh nude heel. Available •• i ' f ss -llO>dlng hol! slip of double knit Antron• 111 nyton. In white for -5,M,t.; anort or regular. 150· We k~~~~~;~ng for. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P .M. at the following stores: in fashion shades. Queen size, $5 . ' \ \ • , I • • ! • List-ens to Landers ' I -- 1 -------} __ __:_ ____ 1 'j'"" ISLAND, N..,... "'j ,,,., ..._,,"· HUNTINGTON CENTER. H•fi~"" h-' ,'"" m.mr. HARIOR aNm, """' "'" P"I """: • ' ~ ' ~i 4 F ~ f v r a ' ! r d: " M M di Ji: b al ·C Ir ti w re ~ b b - • c ,, a t • t t ! t I ( I I ~· Canless Cannery Rising on spot where Old Newp<>rt Cannery used to turn out countless thousands of cans of packed fish Is this $1 million reslaw"ant by Burges.o-Don<>- van lnc. The 10,000-6Quare-foot facility is near· replica of old Westi!fn CllMl!rs Co. !hat onre oper- ated on Rhine Channel water frolil. Company spokesman said much ·of the old machinery will go into decor of restaurant, due to open around mid·June. · Think Tavern U.S. Institution Honored ' By H. o: 0Qalgg NEW YORK (UPI) -This day we give you a great sociofixture of human history. May is National Ta v er n Month. Think ta.vern. Your friendly neighborhood dump has a distinguished lineage. And an ancient one. In the Stone Age, ther.e prob- ably was a boite named the ' Cavern Tavern. in Ireland . Blackthorn. is tvugh wood . Ernest Hemingway, anQther patron, said he Wfl.S strong er.ough tl'J break it. They bet a sizable sum. Hemin~way thereupon grab- bed each end and brought the middle down on his skull . The two pieces are tied together and mounted behind'the bar. JOHN GALLAGHER. the THE WORD "lip'' comes manager. once ejected a from the taverns of colonial drunk, Brandan Behan . times. The custom was to give Months I ate r , Gallagher waiters small gifts or money found out who Behan was. 11e for their services. The money said he was sorry. he didn't was put into a box labeled "To know it was a famous poet. If Insure Promptitude." Oft, he had, be would have kicked .• brother. : • .. him through the door. One day, 45 years ago, a • ~ tavern keeper and an old friend and patron sat talking. ---~ New Navy District Proposed : WA$111NGTON (AP) A group ol Soothem California congressmen has introduced legislation that would e~Iahlish a new. naval district head- quarters Jn the' Loo Angeles- Long Beach standard metropolitan area. Tuesday's bill was sponsored by 22 C<lllg)°essmen . repr_i!senUng districts in the area. CONSOLIDATION of the 11th Naval District based in San Diego and the 12th Naval District in San Francisco has ~n recommended by Administration officials to the Navy as an economy move . In a joint statement. Reps. Craig Hosmer (R·C3lif.) and Glenn M. Anderson (0-Cali(.) said their proposed district "is a natural response to recent base closures and s h i p transfers to San Diego.'' ' \,tdnesday, May 2, 1973 DAILY PILOT New Clinics,,Now Open . ' COSTA MESA-HUNTINGTON .BEACH l -. medical weiglit ~ LindOro's unique program is o safe and pradicol method for lhe entire family to lose weigbt and learn how to. rilain.tai.n proper weight ••. uri'dj"'""--a~ the strict supervision of Medical Oodors. reduction J Coll for in formohon _ Monday fh ru FridOJ' 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. UNDO~:r · MEDICAL CLINIC ::::_.a:~i~•1acH 557-1893 NEWPORT BEACH GARDEN GROVE . LONG BEACH PASADENA OUllGI 645-3740 534-2051 426-6549 796-2614 SJl.2395 'o••''°'''u....i fte10 OP..ten;,..,.! C.1..ti•• T~...,..._ llcl1. ""'*"'~lld,, aw,. a.nt.1S4t, ............... . ' WOODLAND HILLS SHUMAN OAKS WEST COVINA FULUiTON LA U•A 347-5647 789-7103 962-3438 870·9501 694-1029 w, ...... victe,., M9Cllro:tilld9. Mll1Nn ..... -_.._ Penneys spring sates. . make summer affordable. • Sale313 Reg. 3.69. Streich terry suit with feet. Completely snap-in. In solid colors of KOHJIN•/stretch nylon. Sizes 0-2 Sale 225 Reg. 2.65. Short knit sacque with matching panties. In !lame re-. tardant Oyne1e modacrylic. Sale 246 •. Reg. 2.90.... Printed crib sheet with elasticize'! ends. Sanforized* cotton In assorted prints. Sale 92¢. Warm weather buys for men.· •• I ,. t J I ' I I \ ' IJntil 1783, George WaslaflJfJ• ton's laeadquart• ers was a New York tatlertt. Samuel Johnson, a THE FRIEND said: "It is my experience that the num- ber of red-haired women seen in New York in any given period of time is equal to the number of white horses." "No!" the keeper yelled. "There are more w h i t e horses." Reg. 1.09. Cotton pillow case in assorted prints. Sale 296 Reg. 149. Cotton thermal crib blanket with nylon satin binding. White, maize, mint, blue or pink. Size 36 in. x 50 in. I \ curmudgeon of the first water, "just a splash." grew warmer, according to Boswell, i n tavernity. "There is nothing which has yet been contrived by man by which so mucll happiness is produced as by a good tavern or inn." Patrick Henry called the tavern "the cradle o [ American Liberty." PAUL REVERE, John Han- cock and Ethan Allen held p~triot meetings in a New England tavern. Until 1783 , George Washington's headquarters was a New York tavern. He said his famous farewell to his officers in one. Two famous American documents were written in one the Declaration of Independenre (T. Jefferson) and the St. Louis lllues (W.C. Handy). Thereupon they got pencils and pads and toured the town by cab. The late J o h n Lardner, assigned by the newspaper upstairs to cover the research, remembered that the count the first year was l'87 red-haired women to 168 white horses. Btrr THE figures varied and criss-crossed each year as the survey was renewed. One year, the saloonkeeper, the patron, and the reporter stayed in the tavern and coUnted by intuition. 'The hunt remained indoors from then on. Finally, It was disbanded. The tavern owner explained : "What's the use of even think· ing alloUt It? T<lday, the traffic has driven the white ~s and ~ red-haired !!iris off the streets." in the l1Mlijijll1ll Siie price• effective through S.turday . Sale 31or214 Reg. 3 for 2.52. Cotton gripper under· shirts with short sleeves and tapes. o.-3 Sale 31or161 Reg. 1.90. Training pants of two-way rib knit sttetch cotton. 1-3 Sale1°9 Reg. 1.29. Newborn size Todd1etime• disposable diapers. Toddletimee day- time disposable diaper. reg. 1.49, now 1.26. T®dleUme• overnight dis- posable diapers, reg. 79¢, now 67e. Toddletimel!D toddler disposable diapers reg. 1.04·, now 68C: Greet valuH on theN blby -tin, too. cial 333 Men's nylon taffeta jacket with zlp front, stand-up .collar and fold~in hood . .., Drawstrings on collar and bottom , con- trast trim OJ.:! f_rOnt Bnd collar. In assorted colors, si~-S.M,L.Xl.. cial .299 ~ Special Men's cotton/polyester walk short. University model with b&Jt loops or continental style. In solids or patterns. sizes 32~2. SAVE ON CHAIN LINK FABRIC PROTECT FAMILY, HOME AND Pm 500'-Of IF. * FAIR!C WHEN 70 INSTALLED ly WARDS 444 Boys' unlined jacket of Penn Prest poly· eater/cotton. Zip front, adjustable cuffs and elastic sides. Assorted oolors, sizes 18. N>o I~ prHChool lizes ~7, 3.44 I .. JCP-enney We know what you're looking for. CllMM ••rtoln tleletll• •M 11vrlll!tt ti' il~nl'I', ltw•malnttn•ntt 9ilhol1tllM ... ,,._ •lflyt.(Nllll fafl;ric:. Wirt l~l:lrlC k flll·flP 111¥,1111• t.r Gtn :;:;:·,..... ..... 1~ flttt ... ""' ...,.-.;, ... ..... .. ... • Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M. at the following stores: 0 I ~ / @> • Nt•lw low prltul. Can for frM ""-'* ~I WOOD AND WIOU•HT llON ALICI AYAILAll.I. FASHION ISLAND N 8 "! ' l -'----------------!' , ewport eacn 714 , 644-2313. HUNTINGTON CEN\ER , Huntington Beach {714) 892-7771. .H"'RBOR CENTER, Cost• Mosa (714) b46-S02i. I • ., • I r • • • .. 0•11'11' .. Utt '"" ,. ..... • Cruel Implements Sei%ed Orange County sherifrs deputie~ confiscated what they called biggest haul of cockfight equipment in department. history. Seizure, along Wlth arrests of 14 adults and two juveniles, occurred 1n Villa Park dunng ~~kend. Officers said they aJso found four dead birds and about 20 other~ waiting ~ do battle. De- vices included razor·sharp spurs strapped to cocks leg to np the opponent. ~Pot'. Bill Slips Under Wir~ SACRAMENTO (APJ - Californians could s m o 1t e marijuana and cultivate it far personal use under a bill sen l to the Assembly floor without a vote to spare. At the same time, lhe Assembly Criminal Justice Committee Tuesday k i 11 e d another bill which legalizes marijuana smoking bu t con· tains no comments on cultlva- tion. 1N A THIRD vote, the com· mittee approved 5-6 a measure -authored by Assemblyman Alan Sieroty ([).Beverly HUis) -droppil)g the penalty on marijuana possession to not more lhan six months in jail and a ·$500 fine. State law says a first mari· juana possess~on.:...Charge can be heard as a misdemeanor or felony -depending on what the district attorney decides - and can be puniShable by one to 10 years in prison. 11IE DECIDING vo~n the 4-2 de<>i;>ion passing the first bin allowing smoking and cu ltivation was made by Assemblyman Ken Maddy CR· Fre.sno) who said he would cast it to enable the measure to be debated on the floor. The bills other than the Sicroty penalty measure were authored by Assemblyman lfenry \Vax man ( D · Los Angeles). The Waxman bill sent to the floor is AB 376. The Sieroty bill sent to the floor is AB 449. The Waxman bill killed on a 3-l vote was AB 1452. • Sale. Save on · snip-to-fit carpeting. Save on installation, do it yourself. ) Save more, no padding needed. Sale 32.~ Reg. 4.99 Continuous fl/a-- ment>shag of DuPont nylon famous !or long wear. Solid and two-lanes. Rubber backing. Style 8790. Sale 4~~~ Reg. 6.00 Antro!NI~ nylon in a very durable level loop surface. Brunslon .. llbers for anti·shock. Splits wipe up. Rubber backing. Stylo Bno. Sale 5~~. Reg. 6.99 Heavyweight Dacron polyester shag. Three--tone and solid colors. Foam rubber back. Style 7720. Installation kit contaim; all toc:Hs aQd malerlals so you can Install carpet yourself qulekly tnd eoally.5." -..-........ through 8olunlll)'. JC Penney W. know what you're looking for. Sllop S••lf "°" to 5 p.m. at th• followl"t 1tora: FASHION ISLAND. Newport Buch 1714 1 644.ZJ I l. HUNTINGTON CENTER , Hunt ington Buch 171 41 892-7771. • • ·' 'Overqualified' 'Loan Plan Urged SACRAMENTO (AP) -A stale lQan program r 0 r aerospace engineers and other ''overqualirled unemployed'' to start their own businesses hes been proposed by S.n. George Moscone (0.San Francisco). Moscone said Tuesday there are at least 20,000 unemploy. ment aerospace engineers in the San Francisco Bay Area alone, most of them without jobs ror one to four years. "OUR ENnRE W}ent· ployment system is buill around lbe special needs of setting back into Jobe. This syttem falls lo recognize the needs of a highly educated, mldd~eged Individual at the brink of despair 1" Moscone ~ said. I-le said at a news con~ ference that highly skilled rormer aerospace workers have the potential of creating jobs not onlj for .themselves, but al!o for hundreds of othen. ' • • . . Repairs Auw Fraud Called Minor P.l!M $PRl!IGS (AP) -'!be state'1 clllel reguilt« of ault repait ~ says ind.npetence ol auto meclwilca 11 .. a rar grea!ei problem i. Callfornla t11an fraud ..., tliiul!ll·llt·belng;" -• flooert C Alexander, chleiol the state 8"""'u !'I .1..U Repair, .aaJd ·bit~ a l"9flr•~ lbal would make llate lltenallllf el mechanics voluntary. eniimm would take their bulloeu to eertllled re- palrilleli, 1o<c1ng others . to meit t~ same sllliillrd.I or go oUt of buslneSI. Aleun<ler sale!. l He told the M-Car Dealer's Association of 80l!lb""' Callfamla meeting here !bat a llll;'l"Wnl up I P"!'".,.m to certifY the competency of rnetliUks -1rill pralloblJ I Introduced in the Legis!Ature. For Mother's Day, were lowering our already low _prices on famous brand appliances. Lilnited time only. 1999 Rival" Crock Pot lor low-heat coolOng.. EnhanceS the navor ol toods and retains the nat't..al vitamins. Great 10f serving, too. Stoneware wilh glass lk1 31h qt. capacity. In liam9' OI avocado. 15ss i' .. •• • '• .. • 4588 -. 23ss General Eleclric' Dekllce---9 lemperalufe sellings, see--lhrough gla. -· and crurm ~ay. WoOO-gn;n -- 1195 RIYal• Click 'n Clean" electric CM opener. Cutting lril sfodes off lor easier deaning. Magnetic Id Iller. '9Ca51Bcl hande and cord sla'age. • \ We k~~~!]~~ng for. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P .M. at the following stores: ' I ' \ • I FASHION ISLAND, Newport Btoch (714) 644-2313. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beach [71'4j 892-ml. • t • ' \ • • Bl p SAC: propo.! Califo1 agenc1 rnittee jecti-Or the sU missk1 THE Sen. - ,. c ,. c f c ' " c 1 ... ae .. J .. y, r'/1.y ...• 11 3 DAILY Pl~DT 11 , , . I Nat~re W-lnni~g Coa~t :Sand_ Fight ~ ' B1 WDJJAM SCRREIBER problbly 1lt !her• !or aeveral fiood runoff wattr from In-massive buildup might have JDOv<""'Ol that. dlreclkla. l ot ., ..., ''"' ''"" montbil. land. · been averted had tb~ity sup-"But I tblnk that efc llJ!r Nature is n • t cooperating "The bUlldup II a result of "ln that respect, I don't ported the Q>rps' si!gg.,tion the south 1Wellt 1b11 1* Ilia · with the Ann:)' Corps of the w .. terly swells during the think we wssted oor time be-to build anolh .. groin at 62nd beacM& will be .. avenp <( En-'-rs in Ne·--' Beach. winter IJld this slJld ber wes cause .tho river was open loog Street. 30 to 40 yards wider CllaD ••= ""'" • not unexpected when the oand enough ID serve its urpoae," H•rshbarger and Giboon sily tiefore the llaUI ·~Gtbooll aald, • Barely • month after the wu remo.-d during the be said. "lt may be that ne1t some ol the sand dumped Harahborger' added tlllil tho, Corps c:<>mpleted its '1831,000 erosion work," he satd. year another channel will ha'"' between the West Newport tidal pool and slJld W, will~ beach .,..ion conlrol projecl But Gibson said tho sand ID be cleared." l!"'inS will Inevitably shl!t cha~ consldertbly Wtfh·.., • l in Weoi Newport, !be first big bar amlthe~poc>l It trsppe<I _ DA'""o •• ~ -·· ol the ~ ID the ll)OU!h of the river peeled seyen ID elahl4oot lJ<W , • prob! bas ared wlllgraduallYdlsappearasthe, -~~·~.~~~~~~~···~~~__"bee~a~'+"~ol~the~~na~lu~r~ti~-<>e~~~n'.__~in~M~a~y~,~June~.~lllld~IJ~1JllY~~;;_.::::~~--llf~l j em appe , · summer's southerly swells1- WA VE ACl10N bas built up pick up. what erperts are calling an ''WE RA VEN'T had any "artlflcial benn" stretci..;.... · ""'" good aouth swells yet but l ~ think .when these come you'll see a big ahift in the nature of lhe beach at that end," he said. Marine safety Gapt. Dave Harshbarger said the last time the river mouth was com· pletely open was in the late 1950s and then "you could surf right up between the jetties.'' But this .week, botK channels ~ of the river were blocked by • • • fJoth eJaan- nels of ·the rh•er tcere blocked· b" the wide sand bar and the onl" river flow was b" tidal action. 0.llY ,Uet Stmft ,.M,_ BOARD SURFING ONLY SIGN POINTS TO TEMPORARY SAND BERM , In the Late 19SO's Surfers Could Ride Between the Jetties from the mouth or the Santa •· · Ana River to . the Oradge Street 'beach that has trapped sq.~nt pools Qf oceap water. the wi~e __ s~~ bar and the only river nras by tidal action . ACCORDING TO Giboon, only tides above about five feet can get over the sand bat lnto the river and the artificial lidepool aioog the W e It Newport BeaclL Peppe~~ine Unioe~sity · School of Law is pleased to announce that it has now been give n fu11 ac- creditation by the Comn1ittee of Bar Examiners, State Bar of California. The Scliool is also approved by the Americar. • Power Pfuni ChRck Urged ' I SACRAMENTO" (AP) - A proposal to establish a potent California power plant siting agency has won Senate com- mittee approval over the ob- jections of major utilities and the state Public Utilities Com· Jose ), cleared the Public power plant locations and Utilities and Corporations establish a plan of future Conunittee on 5-0 vote Tues-state power needs. mission. THE Bil.L sponsored by Sen. -Alfred Alquist (D-San day and advanced ,\to the · Senate Finance Committee. The Alquist measure-would create a l3-men$er Electrical Power Facilities Council that would pass on t h e , en- vironmental acceptability of A PUC spokesman, William Foley, said the coul)Cil. should be concerned w 1 t h en- vir9nmeQ.tal ratpeets only and not try to . pre-empt some authority t h 1 commi!&ion bolds. , ·•t11 ·-.. . '. • . . 'I . ' ' Sales worth looking into! Save25%on •, all pictur~:~ and., .. m .. 1·-r;~"~.I ·· ,,,: ,. ;•" ·-1 ~1~-Uf:~~· 'J ,··. fromslfi' ·· :: :u~:;.··~~· ~:~ · ~ .. ~ •..,.~1 .If' ""1 •' ...... ,, , ; .. I ...... , . ' \~ J ' ' ' . r I . ' Save15%on a1·1 pict~re frames, too. • J · JCPenney - We know what you're looking. for. ' • . . ••• ~ Shop Sunday noon .to 5 p :M. at thtfollowlng atont•: FASHION ISLAND, Ne,;port Beach C714l .644-llil. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntn g·~o n Baach 1714 ) 892-7771. • Bar AsSociation. , ''Ille ma.Mlve sand bar ap.. peared Only a feW weeks after huge earthmovers c I e a r e d 300,000 cubic yards of sand out of the river mouth and nearby beache's to use as fill between the groins farther down the beach. Davis said both river chan- nels were completely openea up during the erosion control pcojects to release any big ·Applications are being accepted for the fall term which begins August 20. Applicants should hold a bachelor's degree. No specific undergraduate major is required. Accident Prone "The saod we dumped between the groins is still holding there pretty well," said Perry Davis, the Corps' l'lhlic realtions officer. "The LOS ANGELES (AP) - and buildu t the · · During 1972, the Century Both the three-yecir day prngram for full-time student s and the fou r-year evening program for part-time students lead to the Juris Doctor (J.D .) degree. s p 8 nver JS not Boulevard-Western Avenue in-coming back from where we Write or phone for i11fo rn1ation : dumped it." tersectin was the city's most ·accident prone, says City NEWPORTiBEACH Marine Traffic.Engineer S.S. Taylor. Pepperdine University School of Law J2345 Wes tminster Avenue, Santa Ana, California 92703 (714) .531-8581 Safety Lt. Larry Gibson, who In a report, Taylor said 40 ac- has acted as a liaison officer cidenls were recorded at the ' between -the city-and the--intersecton, compared ·ti>lS tn· ~ --- corps, said today the buildup 1971 when it was tied for third was expected and the tidal highest in number or ac- pool near the river jetUes will cidenls. • Mom's -the word. Surprise her • With gi~Js_ from - P~oney~. ' ' . ,1'tJ'• ' -3999~"-, I • i '• You11 ociOk like a pro-!oiil!J·with -. thMe tradttlonal utriiJa .. Our, basic &-pc. heavy~gauge aluminum go~rmet cookware set Includes: 1 * ql col/ered saucepan, 2* qt. covered saucepan (cover flta omelet pan), 10 qt. covered stock pot (cover fits uute pen), 8" omelet pan; and 1 O" saute pan. A. An assortment of colorful aprons, featuring bold and 'saucy' prints. $4 ea. Bright asso'1ment of 'gourm et' print potholders. A spicy accent. 1.25 B. Po!lery accessories of rugged, attractive glazed earthenware, Ideal for use in kitchen, den Of bar areas. All imported from England. Y.i lb. canister, ............. 1;50 1 lb. canister ••.•••••••••••• S2 3 lb. canister •..••• , •••• $2.·15, 7 lb. canister _ .•.••••.••••. $s 2-pt. pitcher ........ , .... 3.50· Onion soup bowl & cover, $1 :J..pt. covered bean pot, 4.25 Oil & Vinegar IX>ttle, $2 c. Cutting/serving board with gravy frap. Northern hardwood. 21• long x 14" wide x 111 .... thick. 13.35 o. Natural wood cutting board and 11'h" stainless steel cl~aver. Beauty and utility. 6.50 6-pc. wooden tool set. 4.99 E. The Spurtles. A ~. natural wood tool set from the "Galloping Gourniet" collectl<?n. 4.99 ~pc. oval wooden sp<>on aet. 1.75 F. Kitchen Girl recipe boxes for th at nice 'n neat look,. Green or yellow. 2.75 Kitchen Girl recipe files for qul~k. easy referen ce. Green or y8llow. $4 • c. JC Penney We know what you're looking for. • ' Shop Sunday noon to 5 P .M. at theJollowing stores: • • FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beach (714j 644-2 313. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beech (714) 892-7771 . •• -- '· ' • • • • -· • .. • .. I I ' ' 1 I, ! I i" • ... HOU::VWOOO (UPI) -Ed Ames, the ouulzed stnger-ae- tor, It oo the O.an'1 Ust ol UCJ..A bu! -..iusect I h e monet.Ary r e w a r d and llCbol8nbiP ID e~ge for 8 parltln& pface oo calnl)Oa. .. "'Ibere are too m a n y deaervlng 1tudents wti6 oould use the financia ... aid," be ex- plains, "and a parking 1pace ts much bardel lo come by than money." Ame.s: .-:ho never had a ocl· lege education, ii cramming a ' ~~year course for h Is Bachelor of ArU degree Into three years and bas an academic grade point 11anding1-------------------------=---"--~ al U on I U scale. ON DEAN'S LIST Actor Ed Amos • Company Vehicl.es Cl.eaner His major is fine arts. ~1 G<n' interested in direc- ting motion ·picture and television shows," sald the big guy. "But J Celt I didn't have enoogh background in .history and philosophy. I had some seet-<>f-the-pants knowledge of film techniques. but the formal educalion was missing. "A university is the only place you can learn how to research and a b s o r b in· formation, and that 's what I'm doing." Ames hasn't abandoned his career to pursue the a~ademic Sptdal to tbe Dally Piiot lire. When a job comes along L'O S A NG EJ.. ES he cuts classes and lhen works Cali!~ residents w i 11 overtime to make u p breathe 1 little easier this classwork. year thinks to G e n e r a I "A few \\'eeks ago I took off Telephone's accelerated pro-10 days to do a televi!ion gram to equip i~ vehicle fleet special." he" said. "I'm still with the latest state approved catching up. • smog reductlon device. 11THIS SEMESrER l 'm -•PRESKN'ft,Y-operaling. the -s~are, English third largest noo-govemmen-literature, play writing, screen tal vehicle fleet in California, writing, stage direct.Ion and General Ti!lepbone Is lnstalling cinema direction, It's _ state approved smog re duction fa~inating to study production devices in all its vehicles a details after you've already year ahead of the ·schedule worked in the various media.'' est.abllsbed by the State of Ames is· best known for his Ci1ifomla for all vehicle costarring role with Fe!S owners. Parker in the ''Daniel Boone" State and federal laws re-television series, which en· quire that all motor vehlcles joyed a four-year run. be equipped with an approved "I've done some directing in smog reduction device by stock , and summer thealer," April 1974 .. General will have he said. ''Some day I'd like to its fleet of 5,829 vehlcles write, direct and produce meeting thls requirement by plays and do some producing July I, almost a year ahead or for motion pictures. One of my schedule. assignments this sel1l.!eler is DEVICES BEING installed are deslgned to r e d u c e hydrocarbons, carbon monox- ides afld nit.roU5 ox.Idea, the " thre~ barmfUI Ingredients in smog. According to G e n e r a 1 Telephon e's fleet ad- ministrator Joe Glasson, more tMn 100 of the company's fleet mechanics completed a 27-hour state a p p r o v e d training ingram on the in- stallaUon, t est I n g and maintenance or smog devices. All of General 's 1171. t972 and 1973 vehicles are presently equipped with approved smog reduction devices. However, some 3,000 vehicles of earlier vintage will r e q u I r e i~ stallaUoa of tile approved equiriment. All installatiOJ\5 will be accomplished in the company's SO vehicle main· tenance centers I o c a t e d throughout t h e com~y's serving area. • Daugliter Has Faitli In Nixori ORLANDO. Fla . ./AP\ - JuUe Nixon Eisenhovltr's railh in her father hasn't been shaken by Walergate. "I'm prouo..or him and I have faith that he will do what is right," the President's ,daughter said Tuesday et a reception here, where she was guest of honor. "My father has done 80 much for the country and it's too bad that it's being obscured by Watergate. "I think in the next few month~. Watergate will be pul in its proper perspective." l Camping Program Scheduled Thinking about camping this summer? The Orange Coast YMCA has a number or suggestions to offer this year .. Wee~·long session.s begin June 16 and' continue throllgh Sept. I at Camp Osceola, the Y's mounlain retreat In the Barton Flats area of the San Bernardino National Forest. CARAVAN CAMPING includes a grade school co-ed lrip lo Soll.R.F. on the primitive shore of San Diego's Sliver strand. Campers will learn ocean swimming, surf- ing and saHln' during this sessiori, scheduled July 8-13. Another caravan camp Ls £or junior high boys and girls In !he High Sierra Jucy 2t·28. Activities include erploratlon. 1wimmlng, fishing and hiking . A THIRD caravan camp for high school-age boys and girls consists or a trip up the GoJd Coast to San Francisco with slops at Big Sur, Morro Bay and Monterey. Dates are Aug. 18-25. Day camp sessions begin Ju- ly 2 and Aug. 24. There will be four two-week sessions, each leatorlng activities and trips to spots of interest throughout Southern California . For detailed information about these camping ac- Uvltiet, oontact the Orange Coul YMCA, 2.100 University Drive, Newport Beach, 642- 9990. I See by Today's Want Ads e VW BUG. '68 u bl e COLDSPOT 14 cu. f\. re-frigttator-tl'H:~ 2 ~ frost less, dent con: dltlon. e PORSCHE 912, 1963, AM, FM, SW. lmml\cu\ate oon· dilion! -· , l Polyester sleeveless dress with ribbed aweater jacket. Tan, blue, or navy. Sizes ·1•v.-22v.. s23 This spring, prints take cover. Just one of the Sleeveleaa a't>· atract.printed pa1y: e!ller dren with ribbed sweater jacket. Navy, burgundy or brown. Sizes 14Yt·24Yt. $23 ideas for half sizes from Dress Carnival. JCPenney We know what you're looking for. ' • Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M ~ at the followl,ng stores: ~ FASHION ISLA ND, Newport' S.1ch (714) b«-2313. HUNTINGTON CENl'ER, Huntin9fott a..ch (71'4j 892-7771. HARBOR CENTER, Coste Mose (714) b46-6011 . • ' ' ' ,, I• " • ' . ' \ • •'"'" v Sci Cc • Dist to cit April slate-< llc:ens mlllic annou Jame: Fullei Allo comn tingto Lagu1 1'1ewp JU..- Beacl lt88,4 Fount Irvin• Clem1 D Or. llobll ·-· Hortleull~ Jltnft. s ""' ~ .......... M•"-· Kt GNry. ( H•!M P '-~ •t • i;m. In Lomlr •m Hoh """"' . I Lo/1 it. Oriw. I Aprtl X •lld ''" Allltll ot of Cm!• EV•llS t ,..,,..,, tl11 l'rk11y. CMQll. 1111 en WE Ul Ill M I n ( ~ Ne ( • . ,---11)'-(). C. HUSTINGS pt the Dtlly ,..,. '''" o.tbt , .. ., '''" '""" . , WILL !'IE .RUN! Schiol MOn·Mongeri Car Fees .> • Receivet.l By Cities ...... JpVoh A, l•M Sr. eci• 12, qt 8Jll .. C•11ln11r,·11 Or, 1i1o111itnq10n Bttth. Survlvei! w • UU11n of tht home. Two ·~nr JJ,.~eoh Jr. ~ J•mes. Two d1~gtil"_t~ ••n aocn. Ind a.tTy Arml!aoe. Sill! Ar•ndclllldre11 ind lour 11 r 11 .1 ti ortndd1j,E1 r1n. Stf"vlctl Tt\vrldty, 1040 •m •t k Ftmllv Coionl•I Fvne••I Hol'ne, Hlmlntltf, 1 ••DFEIM · Wl!llem fl:. Redlen! Sr., tormer. ,,,..rt!be• II! Ca111. Eddie ltk~enbaelMr "hll In IM ••"!!" $qU.dt'Oll: kklved hu1blnd of Llltl~fl R. ltltdtm'I, f111Mr of MB. Vlrgkll1 Wtll>fV, Mr1. 00roth9y 5"1111'1, Mr1. Eld.ii Dion, Wllllom R. ~ Miiion J, AKI~. Alto ...,....... bY • ht grtnOtl'llldreii ~Dennis MangersJ presldent or the·lblUUngti>n Beacb1Jilion High School Board, says be is giving serious consideration to running for the State. Legislatw-e from the 70Ul Assembly District. Mangers, 32, would run· as a Democrat, and assuming he could win his party primary, he would expect to face Republican Robert Burke, 501 • now .in his fburth term. .. • Kids Like To · Ask Andy 1wo o,.•~•Nkhl ~. s..rYl~n 11 I om, Frld•Y In Ille V.A, !$•wt•tl•) c-t•rv Ch11Qll. Wt1twoocl VlllllQ'e Mori'!'" Di~tor1, ¢ ·t ,. I ' ARBUCKLE & SON ' ' ' WESi'CLD'F MORTUAR'( •/ U'I E, 171b SI., Cotla Mesa MHSIS · I ~ .. . B~TZ-er~GERON :.: . h-.~ FUNERAL HOME •• j ; • Corona del Mar fl:..9451 . r Costa Mesa · Ms.W4 11 • • • BELL BROADWA,Y MORTUARY . i. UO Broadway, Colts Mesa: LI I-USS , . • • McCOHMICK LAGUNA BEA'CH MORTUARY r l'IGi Laguna Canyo~·Rd. 111-9115 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery Morluary Chapel uet Pacllle View lirlve Newporl Beach, Calllomla llUIGCI • PEEK ~AMIL-¢ COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME ., 7801 Boua Avt •. w·-·-• SMITBS'MORTUAllY 1111 Malll SL Batlnclan Buch 511 ISlt ' For !eekender A~'vertising J>lione .,_ 6424321 I \ ' .,. ' ' I l • • ' Twcrtone swimsuit of ~ / ~l(linmlng Spanette9 rubber/ nylon. 'Built.In polyea1er bra. Ml .... plzes.$30 Nylon tunic swim drirss with polyester bullt-!n bra. Matching nylon/spandex briefs, Misaesalzes.s35 JCPenney . ,' . • w.:11..ow what you're looking for. • S~op Sunday noon to 5 P .M. afthe following 1tore1: MSHION ISLAND, Newport ilofch 17141 644·2113 HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Booch 17141. 892 .7J71 . • . . I• • • . , . . DA\LY PILOT .JI '1 .. . Forest~ Service: ,,./· . ~ . Ask~ V oiunl,eers ~ • White on target FOr suh-ta~ned legs ttid:. want to make their mark come summer. . , ,, • "f. • ' .. '· ... ' • • Perlorated leather ck>g on cork wedge with cushion crepe rubber sole. 799 -·-.. • • Platform sa'ndll ts smooth lealhel' o~n cork sole. 850 • \ I siing-blclt platform Y19<1Ge 11 •moo\h leathor on cork IDie. 7'9 • We k~£E~~~~ngfot.·. • Shop Sunday noon to 5 p.m. _at the followlftCJ stores: FASHION ISLAND, Ne'l'port Beoch (714) 644-2313 . HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beach (71"4j 892-7nl. I HARBOR CENTER, Cost• Mesa (714) 646-5021 • • • • I I I I , lf DAILY PllOT 'MS .. ' Bill Labeled Sexist WtdOt!dl), May i. 197) Slaying Suspect Tricked Doctors? Fin eh • ..-~~~~-=-~-.~~ . 'Ava·ilahle' SACRAM!:ln'O (IJ') - Women would be allrrllod to Uat Ulemselves on voting records 11 uMI•• •nther than u ''MLs1•1 or ''Mn ... under lflblatlclo ·~ by -Ii>< Aaaemb)y Electlona and Reap- portlomnent Collllllltue S-1. A ..,,._.uve of the Na- tion Ota:anWitloo of Women, Gerl S!ie......d lobeled the JC.apUolf bill '•1...tst," Ind said her ...... -Willied all prellx .. for ....,.,._Mrx .• Mi&i and even Mc -stricken from votJni la .... ec1uesSau9ht FRESNO (AP) -The for- ,_ Santa Cnu mental patient IOCUl<d ot murdering elgh1 women .locludlnf bit ,,.,W.r, cou1a have dl!ceJved poychla- lrle! uamlners Into beUevlng hlm a.aoe, aays one ol two pty- chlatrlsls here who enmlned him. The doctor, who concurred with a colleague that Edmund EmU Kemper Ill was no long-. er a threat to society, examin- ed him two days al,.,. he al- legedly killed a 15-year-old girl and dismembered her body. "If someone wanted to de- ceive the e:u.minet!, regard- µie,s ol lhe length ol examlna· CHICO (AP) ~Butte Cow>- tv depuU..: ~ for c1u .. Tuesday'lii;the ii.~ ol an IS-year-obi Ctilco Jl)rl whose ( '~~EFS .. ) . Sena~e's Meetings body Wfl f(!Und In an orchard, the aref'I ihlrd dea th 1n four days. . S~y Oosed The victim was tdenWled .., Patrl~la Farish. An autopsy was ordered In dtlmnlne SACRAMENTO (AP) - A cal15e of death, but deputies move to open state Senate par- said the .girl 1ppearecl, to have ty i:neetings to the press and been raped 1nd J!raogled. public hM been kllled by a e ft•••tt Set lapslded &-19 fOle after oppo- LOS ANGELES (AP) _ nents said they wanted to con· Former lobbyiil Frank Vicen-tinue to hatch strategy in SC· cret. ' cia, a Bellflower Democrat, .. dereated 13 candidates In the AJmost simultaneously Tucs- "T II E EXMUNATIONS were after the ract and were only held because or the re- ouest to expunge the records." the psychiatrist said. "We c;in only l?O by what lnformalion authorities ,R:ive us and the per- sona\ examinations-It app~ar ed he had betn cured.'' Ex-Nix_ori Aide W ordd Help White House ho been menUonecl u a !tad·· W a t • r gate aples did Ing Repubilcan c:andldate lo.-"soinethlng that was stupid IOY<n>O< or lllO U.S. !laune and loollah" but they "ore not nut year. criminals at heart" 'Uhderage' Man Sues LOS ANG~ (AP) - A tt-ydM>ido mao bat llJ-ed a civil NII In SUperlGr Cow'I Werilnl .~t lour diJCotheqUU 11<actlced ael dlscrimlnatkln by l•ttlnc in hi• undel'll elate but.. not hlll\St!ll. The suit ,.., filed T\le>- ,day by Brad -, it,' Los Angeles. Ile Ultea three clubo In beach areas and one in Van Nijy•. He said he has nol talked to Nixon •Inc• lbe Pnaldent's nalloo>I televlaloo 1ddr<11 Monday but ildded that be has talked to White House advlltn "during tbe put n hours." He wwld not ldenUly the advlt- er>. In anrwerlni newm>a1'a questiDflll TueadaJ' Finch said that when be WU O<I the Nixon Ital! be and !:brtk:lunan had not "seen e~ye on policy matters-but lheJI In tbl> bus l- nesa, you win some, you lose REAGAN, WHO .,pauses • atrict . Jaw and o rder ph I IJ!30pby, acknowledged, Tuuday that the electronic bugging d t he Watergate ~Uc party head· quarun wu Illegal but aald "criminal" was too harsh a 1----------' term to UAe. aornt.'' RadicalS Lose With Pot Issue •• ln his first public statement on Watergate since President Nixon's speech to lbe nation. Reagan told newsmen it had been "sort of Ignored '' throughout the episode that the bugllfng particlponts were ''well -meanlng individuals" lN ms LAW DAY -h commllled to re-el«llng the BERKE~EY (AP! -A Finch said information leak· President. raucous overnow c rowd ed from a federal grand jury "They did something that shouting "Smoke that .Joint!" \ probing the Watergate affair was stupid aod foolish and was disrupted the Berkeley City ••seems t.Q, threaten lhe rillht crimirial -It was illegal.'' Council meeli.og after council A "d-d th c · • l or secrecy inherent In the Reagan sakl. "Illegal is a bet-members called (or an in-CJ ea ODVIC ' American legal oystem." ter word than c r Im I n a I vestiga!lon Into the legality of Jn related developments: because I thlnk crlmlnal has a the city's new marijuana ln Sacramento Secretary of different connotation. d'nance Karenga Denied Parole ~:~w;~.,B~;'d:;.: "rHAr JS Nor 100 hard to :~~~1 .. 2:. i:;:i:,, ~: 9J Richard Kleindienst oJ bl.ock-believe ln an operation that juana -jammed the council SACRAMENTO (AP) -The rive weeks, authorities sa id ing investigation of an alleRed· size," Reagan said Tuesday in chambers Tuesday night and hls first comment on the ma· ho ed 1•-· di. lea e at Callrornla Adurt' Authority has she had been slashed witb a ly illegal $100,000 campaign s ut nc-ll' sp sur ccntrlbutim to the RepubUcan jor Watergate developments of the action on the initiative denied parole to Dr. Geza de knife, then trussed and bathed the previous two days. wh,·ch 50ught to N"l>Vent police Party for more than a year. 'I ., k the p id t d.d ,. • Kaplany, convicted in 198:1 of with nitric acid. She died of ' hun res en ' from making arrests for marl· k·1 d bu In a telegram Tuesday to vtry well last night when he J ling his young bri e by ms on Sept 30, 1962, in a the Watergate grand jury, . . Lo juana use. said urell-meamng ~pie, wilil Th 1·1 ordered a r-ess bathing her in acid. San Francisco hospital. Brown said the contribution ,. r-v e counc .... GOP b h no criminal intent, d i d and was unable to ·retUnte In turning de Kaplany down was given to the Y t e something stupid and Illegal . business when more than 400 Tuesday. the Adult Authority, DURING A widely publicil-International Telephone and ··1 doubt if any of them persons locked outside the wh ich serves as the state's ed slx-Wttk trial, the doctor Telegraph Co. and ''clearly would even lntentionally dou-chamben entered the building 38th Auembly District speclal day, the Senate delayed a election, but (11ices 1 runoff showdo\vn vote on a resolution againlt Robert McLeMao, the that would order all Senate leadiria Republican vote-get-committee meetings lo be ter. c;>pen. ---------- Peace ind Freeddm can-The move to open J)3rtY parole board, said de Kaplany admitted kllling his wife -violated" the federal Corrupt ble_park ," Reagan added . by r~vlng glass panes £rom would not be eligible for who was a beautiful ex·model Practices Act. ootsld s. ' parole again until March 1976. and also an Hungarl8n rttugee "The rkeley Marijuana· didate JUclw'd DMr, 1 retired meetings, or eaucuses. lo re- houlOpainlc', alao made the porters and the publlo came runo(I. from Sen. Jobn A. Nejedly (ft.. .• Cowi-ltt r-. Walnut Creek). who ••Id mat· SAN FRANCISCO (AP ) -ten·or public importance were The defeme attorney for con-dllcuMed aAd the public should vlct Rucbell Magee'• trt1l or know about them. inurder·iddnap charges llem- mlnj • from the 1170 Morin County cour!houoe lhootlng has been aentenced to to days for contempt or court durbJi that trl.al. The sentence imposed Tue!- day on Robert Carrow, a former mayor or Novato , was stayed for 10 days pending an a weal. • ··.' OPPOSU\G the measur,., Sen. James E. Whetmore {R· Buena Parkl said la1,·nl8kers bad to .be able to plot slratcfv somewb.::re without givinP. ii away to opponents. Public meetiniz;s, he said, w o u I d mean Oemocrals could listen In on Republican meetings and vke vena . ' :" .· . . . . . . . - ' . . . . . . . . . .. SPITZ DIVE SET SUNDAY Among the re"50ns given by -but he pleaded Innocent by At~~!; :i ~.:; Caseload l Jp .Jnillative has been elfect~lvely the board were the seriousness reason of insanity. has refused to properly ln-negated,'' CouncUwoman of the crime: de Kaplany's vesUgate evidence of criminal SAN DIEGO (AP ) -The Hancock declared at!er mental state and his alleged THE BOARD also denied activity In the m matter," welfare caseload in san Diego, council approved the resolu· SANTA MONICA (AP) -.lack of understanding con-parole to Ron Karenga, coo-Brown told the jurors ... Now County Increased by 312 l~st tion directing o(flclats to en· U.S. Olympic s w i mm l n g cerning th~ killing. victed in September 1971 or that he is out of office, I urge mon_th despite a statewide force the law until they champion Mark Spitz is taking De Kaplany, a onetime ordering and directing what you to w J d e n y o u r in· _decline, officials report. determine its legality· another plunge: He and model Hungarian freedom fighter, authorlliet described as the vestigation and other possible:l;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Susan Welner have taken out a was 47 in February 1963 when "!orture-assault" of a woman crimes committed during last he w3s convicted of first member of the black na-yea r's campaign." marria"ge llcense and say they degree murder In the death of tionallst organization, US, or Also in the ·capital, Gov. will be ""cd on Sunday in Hajna, his 25-year~ld br ide of which Karenga was a leader. ROnald Reagan says the Beverly Hills. _.:.:_...:_.:_:_:_.:_ _________ ::_ __________ ::_ _ _;_ __ II Spitz, winner o! seven gold medals at the Munich Games last summer, is 2.1. Miss Weiner is 21. • Sew u'p /.a great gift for Mom. In Sunday's Family Weekly: 10ani-2pnt .save s29 on Complete Pullout-and-Save Section: . 251 E.COAST HIGHW~ >b~ "-,,.I-\---=:::.~ NEWPORT BEACH ~ R.ESERVATIONS-CALL 673-1505 • ,• . -._ . . . . . . ..... ' .. : : " \ -, . • This zig-zag • Sale 1299~ Rtg. $159. Morn'll love lhe machine, you'll I0\18 !he Mvlngs. Does 6 Slr1tlCh, 9 decoratiVG stitches Including zlg~zag. Ttlree pasitlon needte. puSh buUon reverse. Two speed motor. Washable vlnyl carrying cue U... eluded. wllh loot control. Great Ideas for Rooms That Work Every room in the f1ouse should 1oork for your com. /orJ and convenience. I/ the room.~ t.hol should work tM harde31 for you -kitchen, bathroonl, porches and ba.tenM!tU-don'l, here's lwto to get them on tM righl track/ Women's editor Rosalyn Abrevaya salutes Na· tional Home Improvement Monthwilh a spectacular Illustrated color section devoted to the planning and execution of a major overh aul or a simpler redecoration that will help you update every room in the house and make them ">York for you." Lciok for Ideas for remodeling or reorganizing for greater efficiency and pleasure in yo.ur present home. And ••. look for inspiration in special features by experts who offer tips, shortcuts and product ideas for doing your own cleanup, paint-up and beautifying projects-indoors and out-the "easier way." - • PAllll'jT POWER -If parents have the power , to tnfiuence their, offspring con•tructively, !hey also have the power lo do so adVer•ely -by subtle, inexorable, unknowing destructiveness over many years. Find out what kind or 11vlbes" you are sendln~ your child. . I FqRCED V01'E -Should Amertcam\be required to vote ? FmiUly Weekly wanted to know where lhe naUod's leaders stand on lhls vttal llsue. lb r tb!s exclusive report, learn how le1P4lators Uke 1 Bani Goldwater, George McGovern, and Edward · Kennedy feel about a "forced vote.'" All Coming urulay Wit.Ji The '. '• ' JCPennev C • We know whet ywl'9 ~ng for. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P, .M. 1t the followfng 1torn: FASHION ISLAND, Newport looc~ (7141 M4·2l ll. HUNTI NGTON CENTER, Huotlrtflo• lu<h 17141 192.7771 . I DAILY PILOT I - I I I - ---------- Ii s~ l'lllllp Seashon Beach, Second graduall candid•' Marine tie,c>, V.J Navy Marl!D I Mrs. J< aimell Beach. lt'lllning Center 1 Navy cian Sei T. NelR Virgil Newlan~ Beach, Control Great L Marin Roman< Roberto Edward pleted . mainteri Marin~ Toro. Coast Recruit son of S. Gart Si., Fo· in the Beach tralnin( Navy Han>W Mrs. P Marilyi Beach, trainill{ Center Navy Robert Luella Grande Beach, trainin1 Center Navy MechaJ t. Shel L. Slit .... Huntin, : eel to 1Naval seven 1 ·the J aboard USS 0 \ ·Pacific : Na~ : l\ticb.; andM • Oasis reportA 28 al C Airq • ner 91 . Jr . .'~ :c~ to Kt4 · comi\I trainir: The t>d to Cenlc1 spccia Serl : son o f Payne : cte, l J deploi : poraf! I Foree , Wing. • • Air I s.hW: M. S I Higlw != {Force J Wmg. I Na1 l,Jamo 1 and . / 17154. . Vall< aboa1 , trans , Reve Harb ~ Air of C Bani · arri\ ... , Tl ' Alt con it · is a l Fon: vi~ • poi1I t in SI E~ l Tan , Nt I B. f , FilOI Cost reor 1 Tral I.I Da• the. rig• I Wel dll~ • sail l ... ---- Ill ihe Service I • -Navy Fire Control Techni· ian Seamal\ Apprentice Gary • Nelson, son of 1\1r. and Mrs. irgil F. ~ Nelson of 21851 ewland St., Hunting ton each. c9mpleted the Fire rol T'echnician SchooJ at reat Lakes, !U. Marine' Pfc. Ambooy D. maoo, son of Mr. and Mrs. oberto A. Romano of 13801 wards , Westminster, com- leted a specialized aviation aint.enance course al the arint Corps Air Station, El OTO. Coast Guard Se a m a o Recruit Dominic P. Garofa1o, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic S. a·arofaJo Of 16351 Rosewood St., Fowitain Valley, enlisted in the Coast Guard at Long Beach and is receiving training at Alameda. Navy . Seaman Apprentice Harold G. HID, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hill Sr. of 6712 Marilyn Drive, ·Huntington Beach, graduated from recruit trainin& at the Naval Training Center in San Diego. Navy Fireman Apprentice Robert A. Ryan, son of Mrs. Luella E. Ryan of 16516 Le Grande Lan c • Huntingt011 Beach, graduated from recruit training al UHf N.11val Training Center at San Diego. Navy Aviation Structural Mechanic Thi.rd c'lass George L. Shellman, son of Mr. John ~. Sl1ellm;tn of 6092 Thor. .. Huntington Beach, has return- . ed to his homeport at the 'Naval Air Station af~r a seven month deploy ment with I the Attack Squadron 215 ... aboard the .aircraft carrier VSS Oriskany in the Western ·Pacific. : Navy Ai an Apprentice : l\flchael/ A. !Y•U: son of Mr. and Mrt. J Mermer of 879'2 •Oasis Ave., Westminster has rePorl"ll to uluning squadroo . 28 at ~rpus~· ·,Tex. Ai..J..• min C. Con· • ner, ';J;" of' Ed ard D. Conner ·Jr .• ~'[ 575 •'I}'averse Drive. l Cos Mesa;Juii been assign!'d ' to K . er AFB, Misl., after ·completing Aif ForCe basic training. The alnnan has been assign- ed to the Technical Training Center at Keesler r or specialized tr aining. Sergeant Harley E. Payne, 1 son or Mr. and Mrs. Chris A .. ' Payne. 18062 Freshwater Cir-! cle, Huntingtbo Beach, has J deployed to Thailand on tem-f porary duty 1Yilh the U.S. Air i Force's 474th Tactical Fighter • Wing . • ~ Airman ft1ic b ael U. f Schwartz, son of Mrs. Edith j M. Schwar12, 694 N. Coast f Highway, Laguna Beach. has l deployed to Thailand on tem- porary duty w\th the 1J.S, Air Forces 4.74th Taclical Fighter Wmg. f Navy Radioman Third Class J.James E. Colptr. son of Mr. 1 arid Mrs. Harold J. Borg or 17154 Jwtlper St., Fountain 'Valley bas reported for duty aboard the amphib io u s , transport shlp USS Paul Revere, bomeported in Pearl Harbor. ~ Airman Dale R. Howe, son of Gale L. Rowe of 25250 Barque Way, Dana Point. has · arrived £or duty at Udom Roy. •al Thai AFB , Thailand. ,. Airman Rowe,, an aerospace control and warning operator, is a member or the Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) which pro- vides tactical air power sup- • po"rting the U.S. and Its allies in Southeast Alia and the Far I Easl. He previously sen-ed at I Tan Son Nbut AB, Vietnam. J Navy Seaman Recruit David : B. Ftelcb, sop or Mr. Calvin C. Fields of lllO Santiago St., Costa Mesa, graduated from recruit training at the Naval Training Center at San Diego. 1 Marine Lance Corporal 1>11Ytd IV, Schalb, husbruld or the former Mlsi Shal'(llJ Ker- l rtgan of 6461 SUnslde Ave .. Westminster, bu rePorted for cluly II the Marine Corps Air Stil!dl!,~ Bay, Hawaii. DAILY PILOT .l.'J; . 'Nohel Prize Winner Still Active at 80 Nl.3001 Nt. tl,11 • VARIABLE SPUD 'le INCH DRILL • l /S H.P. MOie<. • Double in1uloted for 2--pl ...... REG.' 14.99 ANGELS FENCE & UTILITY PAINT • An oil boM e11terior point. • Whiteoftly. Rl!li. 2.69 GAL$ ,. ,-EA. , 71NCH PlllT TRAY & ROLL .. SEt • Sh1111!1r nt•tal tniy. ~"".:."" • Easy rell roNer cot•· •top quality roller cover. REG . 69• 2 INCH ADJUSTABLE SHOWER HEAD • Chrome plattd all mefal shower head:.· •• lorge 2" dtameter 'e P1umb ill At Aneefs! IAVI t.00 REG. 2.99 '~~ ALUMINUM SCREENING • Now is the time of tM year to fhc thole old 1ereen1 ... at Anrl• lowHI pm -1 • All qualify aluminum. SQ.FT. 10 FT. x 5 n. STORA.GE SHED degreu still come . H I s -..,. recently counted 30 such medals aod awards and I& honorary degrees, including nine from foreign cotlntries. AMONG nIE latest, the Na- Uona.l Aeronautics and Space Administration b<>nored Urey ror "pioneering c o-sm o- chemlstry theories or the origin and history of tbe moon, the meteorites and the planets • • • and for major ex- perimental contributions to the theories of the origin of life on earth and elsewhere in the wllv~e." 10 PIECE TWIST DRILL SET • Industrial fini•h-in m01t popuklr 111••· • Pockoted in it'• own plot.. JK:box. '!l!l~~- EA •. ' - -~ Life wherever It exlst.s Is as close to the "'hite-balred Urey as the orchids and peach roses which he nurses with H painter's touch In t h e backyard of tile home where he and his "'ife~eda, have lived since 1959. In the. same breath in \\'hich he talks of eons or time -he believes man's solar system began as a huge gaseous mass, contractlng as the sun formed in lhe center. throwing off goblets or gas and solids that collided as planets Urey is a modern man. V. "x75 FT. SISAL ROPE • Stfong ••. f.,thcn• heayY duty jebt. FOLDING ~ WEIBE ·~~ • Sturdy, aluminu"'.I con1tructlo_n. •Comfortable tlat arms. • 5'x 3 x 3 webbing. EA. 4 IN. CENTER SET BATH FAUCET 11IE R£All bumper of Ills 19&7 modtJ car ~· lbil sticker: "Don't blame me. I voted for McGovern ." The Nixon ad_!'!)inlstratlon 's cutbacks in sclenllllc research funds have saddened him, and he thlnk! the. American people have .. allowed rk>lin~ by "a ~mall handful" of activist col· ll!(te students in the 196il1 to permit this. "'Ille social problems in the United States today are nol just golng to go away," Urey said. "All the people - American Indians, b I a c k s • Me1.icans, Chinese, Japanese or any oilier -.,. eveolualb' going to be brwabt ln1'! thla aocloty by one melllod or anolber. •j And we had better try our best to make all ol our people Utt best kind ol people .. , po.1S!bly can." UREY, WHO ...,.tel as one of three program chie!a 'Of the Manhattan Project fro 1!1 which the atomic bomb grew, believes "It's a ver/ bid mistake to cut back on edllca- tion so rapidly • • . t don't understand lt at all." TOOL& TACKLE BOX IAVI so• 24 INCH BIG BOY BRAZIE \ • "Snap.A~Way" ... s ... \\ two bra1len In ontl • Revolving and adjust· able chromt pfofed g•ill. !I!' REG. 7.99 EA. RID D CHAISE LOUNGE .~. FRAME ·' • Adju1Jable back, arms, and whffll. .. • Durabl• chrom• plated bath faulet • PoP""UP a1Mmbly not includ.d. •Your choic• ot 6()..75 or 100 watt1. 41NCH BENDER BOARD • FYll 5/16" thicltn••• 7 ' &.. •• '4ihefh1. • Long lostlng California RMI wood. REG. ]• Nt. 701S • S.lf.adheliv• caJpet sq11a,.t. •·Your thoic• of decoratOf' colors, u•no STOCI Oii HAO 1111 EA. REG., , _____ 17• 8 1> INCH CLAMP LAMP • I Y," aluminum th9de, 20' cotd. • Ughtw•Jeht, tlampt on anywhero. UN, FT. NYLON SHAG CARl'fT TILIS .............. 57' U. 121'0 L OAIYIY. 1llOCICllA'1 °'''°"'' • llOllWAU A DIVISION Of JllllSTONl llYD. . H4NOY DAN l~C. ., S'111DDAKll ......... ..,...,., ...... 6, ltt•O vtCTOIY llYO. &CIOH f90M •ir.uMOOK to, • GAROlNA '""to. Wiil .. • 6JJ NO. Mill$ ......... ........ ))°' $0. lllSTO\ '"'lllt.NOOf MlUtM COU1.JUU • WHITTllR l)JSS lll.IGlMM 10 . tll.OCI'"''' °'""" I 10l)1 h\AONOIJ4 --, ...... OllG HACH '2S17 t:IOUTMIT. --_ ...... • I I I I I ) f • DellY Jllllt ,,." ....... MICHAIL FORD TRIES TO ORGANIZE RAC ING SHOW Whlle Plonnl,,.,..lg, Ho's Living on Couch In Offic1 Costa Mesan, 21, Promoting Show By JORN ZALLER Of .... DellY Jlli.t '''" $1D.OOO sponsor lined up lo give him advance funds until a sudden business reverse made At 21, Michael 'Ford has set ": himself up in Costa·Mesa as a blg41me capitalist operator .. the sponsorship Impossible. Working from a rented of-Now. he's sure , he'll find fice on Superior Avenue, Ford another backer. singlehandedly is trying to ""' organize the world's largest IN TIIE meanlime, he race car show in Anaheim at pushes ahead with prepara- the end or this year. He's made preliminary ar-lions. ·He knows, for example. ran1ement.s to bring In 210 rac-exacUy how many square feet ing cars from across the of carpet he will need. and United Slates and Europe, even how much guard rail contacted the world's top chain will be needed to protect drivers, aod even collected the race cars from the hands $40,000 in commitments for of the curious. spoll!Orship. And he's planning several FORD Wll.L profit handsomely if he can put the show together because It will be "bigger and better than anything ever done in the rac- innovations. "I've· been to shows where they had hostesses ruMing all around in mini-skirts, and even less in one case,'' he says. He i s tr11ln11 to or11oni:e world'• ••7e•t rare rar s how In Anahe bn '111 ~~~ log world," he says. Ford, who is from Pasadena a n d attended Saddlebeck Colleg~. is the first to admit hia ambitions are high . But to emphasize his dedication, he poinls out that he has put every penny of his personal savings into the project, that he hasn't been able to afford a date in nearly two years. and that he lives on a couch in his Costa Mesa office. The main problem he faces ts the same one facing most begiMing businessmen -the young capitalist lacks capital. He's not only flat broke but also he's more than $6,000 In debt NORMALLY, THlS wouldn't bother him because. as he says. ''My country runs on credit, why can 't I?" But right now he can't afford the down payment to reserve l h e Anaheim Convention Center, and he can't raise the $8.000 he needs until he has a hall reserved lo guarantee the show. "1rs a vicious circle." he explains. "Everybody wants to be a part of the show because It's going to be so big they won't want to be left out . But l can'L guarantee I'll have a show untll I've rented tha t hall , and for that l need money." Ford kept his confidence, however. He said he had a ''That's bad. Racing is a sport which has that quality known as 'class,' and it should be treated with dignity. Our hostesses will \\'ea r formal evening gowns.'' ANOTHER innovation will be his insistence that nothing besides high performance rac· ing cars be permltted. "We·n have everything from 13G-mile-an-hour go-karts to rocket cars," he promises. "But no street cars at all. This show will cater'to people who are serious about racing." Ford, who aspires to a lifetime of racing promotion and later even some race driv- ing, admits that some people look askance when they find out he·s only 21. ' "BUT WHEN they see how aggressive l am , and how well I understand the sport and how to promote lt. they usuall y come around," he says. , "After all, this is the time when I want to get out and make somethin g of myselr. And I'd much rather be work· ing for myself than sitting at someone else's desk eight hours a day." As to the $100,000 he'll need to open his show, he says "I'll ~et it. I've alwa ys been sure I would. T wouldn't ha ve gone into this thing i£ l wasn't sure I'd succeed." ENSENADA YACHT RACES • .1 O Reports on the Marine Scene Thursday 9: I 5 a.m. 11 :55 a.m . I; 15 p.m. -3:45 p.m. 7: 15 p.m. .. Friday 7:15 a.m. 9: 15 a.m. I: 15 p.m. 3:1 5 P'·m· 7: 15 p.m • KAPX 108 At tile A,.1 of ttte FM Dlal • ' ANAHllM 444 N. E11cll4 (71 41 SJ5.t lJI 0 'l.i • • I \.. ' l .. · • .. I. I ' , ,) :<? :~ i . • ........... - , • • B. 0 • . • • by hush pappies® Wh ite on! On your feet ond odding o spe-c:iol spork to cosuol clothes ... or punctuoting o white suit. Top foshion thot's oll comfort with two eosy-going slipon stylos. A, The "Brovo" potent leothor moc too, trimmed in bross, 24.00. B. The '1Doyton " smooth loothor ploin toe with strop ond buckle, 23.00. Men's Shoo" 57 NEWPORT HUNTINGTON HACH OW<Gl. MALL OF ORAN&E cumos 41 Fiihf•11 hl•M' f7141 M4-IJIJ 1111 Mlll'ft't AY9ft11 17141 ttJ.)JJI 1100 N. Twtth1 Str.•t 111 41991·1111 500 L•t C•rrif'" Mill 111J11'4.cMI• SHO' 10 A..M. to t :)O r ,M. MONDAY THROU~H FRIDAY. SATUADAY tO A.M. tot r.M. SUNDAY t2 NOON to 5 '·"'· . -I As 'E Jn {. , Fred ·~movies 'escape. auctleni phllhaJ too baJ Fred A the. Cat it WU '!lie Ctnler ·~ 1100, I realize Asta -c hund!< !ram' 1933 b 1153. · Seat+ sister partne and i G1Dgt1 patine after 1 Ecol RoSOV! A ' lessor joined lacultJ OCOOOI Now author grow11 name( "facul~ He wl than ~ Jobi newsp years report fairs. the U Unite<! on hoOO" but a: an • univei comm tende1 for jo J ... fellow reele< Mondi wing group Gui: famOI in hi! last bet we is a mulliJ a poU for a w>, Armi Froe Gls I not ' goin1 bis la Fn be!O< Pr 0: said annu enJi&I mir• talns ffiBJll IP prao to p mail! bras; At surv1 aide! was! gard do::• Tl cul> dale War man and ente ft, Abri at b doe1 bun TllO'I gan Astaire "· 'Escapes' Jn Films , ll'rom Wire Services Fred Altalre says be made movies In which people coul<J ·escape. On Monday nlght, an . audience in New York • s Pbi.lha.rmonic Hall was only too happy to be escaping. into Fred Astaire movies agai.rt in the case of one, 40 years after it was made. The Film Society of Lincoln Center was having a benefit evening1 with some tickets at $100, from which it hoped to reali1.e around !60,000. Astaire was present for the two-hour abowb!g ol 29 ol his ( PEOPLE J h~ .of movie .dances from "Flying Down to Rio" of 1933 to "The Band Wagon" of 11153. Seated beside him was his sister Adelle, his first dancing partner but never in a movie, and in the audience was Ginger Rogen, pis "primacy partner,'' who blew him kisses after the ahowlng. * Economic 'historian Henry Rosovsk)''• stock is going up. A one-time assistant pro- fessor at UC Berkeley, he joined the Harvard University faculty in 1965 as professor of economics. Now, Ro!Ovsky, 45, an authority on the economic groW!h of Japan, has been named bead of the Harvard 'faculty of Arts and Sciences. He will have a staff of more than 2,000. • '* JobJI Scali used to be a newspaperman hiinself -29 years as a specialist In the reporting or international af- fain. Since Feb. 1, he's been the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. On May 11, he's to be honored by Boston University, but as a newspaperman, not an ambassador .. The university's school of public comnumications plans t o tender ScaH lts alwnni award for journalism. * Jonathan Gulness is a stout fellow -and the newly reelected president of the Monday clab, Britain's right· wing conservative pressure group. Guinness, 42, from the famous brewing family, said in his campaign: "If in the last resort It's a choice between a white Britain which is a police state and a multiracial Britain that is not a police slate, then I would be for a multiracial Britain." ·Servants For Brass Defended WASIIlNGTON (UPI) Army Secreiary Ro b e r t Froehlke, defending the use of Gis as servants, says he does not wan~ his chief of staff going home at 5 p.m. to mow his lawn. Froehlke, int est i mon y before the House Defense AJ>- p t oprlations subcommittee, said Tuesday the $21.7 million armual expenditure. to provide enlisted aides to generals, ad- mirals and some Navy cap- tains "makes sense from a management standpoint.'·' IF CONGRESS stops the practice, he said,. it will have to provide new, more easily · maintained quarters for the brass at greater cost, he said. A Generai AcoounUng Office '""•Y disclosed that enlisted akleS, at taxpayer expense, waah private cars, babysit, prden, keep house and walk ~ for top commanders. THE MJLITARY "''vloes contend the practice, which dales to the Revoluttooary War. is necessary to free com- manders from onerous tasks and enable them lo fullill entertainment obligations. Referring 'to Gen. Creighton Abrams, Army chief ol staff, at his side, Froeblke said, "it doesn't make sense for him to hurry home at 5 p.m. and mow bis lawn and spade his garden." · 'Tango' Banned ~ ~ARAois. Vene211ela C.\l'l -The. !llln . "La•t Tango lo Paris" bas been banned In Veneiuela, bul a Unlled Acltsta spokesman · sald aulhorlttes did not ,.. the fjlm before barring It. • • • • / I • • ' -., ' D DAILY PILOT -19 • vanity fair gift robes Just the sort of flowing softness she'll love slipping into. At home or traveling. And they're totally washable Dacron® polyester Shevelvo® fleece that practically tokes core of itself. 8-18. A. The long mandarin zip front. ruby/pink/rose ; shamrock/white/red; buff/block/leopord print, 25.00. B. Short 'man- darin zip-front , ruby or shamrock . 20.00. C. The long shirt look. button front, purple/ ' heather/rose ; wild flower/green/white, 25.00. Robes. 51 mothers day ts.sun~l3 ANAHUM NEWPOU HUNTINGTON BEACH ORANGE. MALL OF ORANG! CURITOS 444 N. Ewcll4 (1141 515·1121 47 F•1hlon hland l714l 644·1212 777\Edi"I'' A.,e1u1• 17141 192·1111 2JOON,T111tll'IS+!-•1tl7141 991·1l11 600 lo1 C•rrlto1 M•ll 121Jl 160·0411 SHOP 10 A.M. to 9110 P.M! MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY , SATURDAY 10 A.M, to 6 P.M. Sl,INDA.'i 11 NOON to l P.M. I • -' • -I • • 1 • • . • I • ,., " ' '' • ' •• I , .. .. ·. •, . ,. .- , .. •' t. ' ' , ., I . ' ·, •' " lll l .. , .,. • , , ' ,, ' I ' ••• / • • ~· :,a.\ ' _,. ··------~ -~ ~ .10 DAILY PILOT Ne.v Serles Set Newport-Yachts Dominate Race ' BOATING Log Racers Shark Isla¥ fsrht Cl ub of Newport Beacli will" host top predicted log racers or the Soo&er1\ qlilp Cruiser Associ8ti0n at" the annual STYC Invitational Saturday. May U.· Predicted k>g racing is one of the favorite activities of soutbland power boat skip- pers. It tells not only the piloting and navtgauonal skills of the skippe~ but also tells exactly what the yachts will do under various sea conditions. Last year's invitational at- tracted power boa.ters from at least six major Southern Ca I I ror n·$1l· clu with California y lub or Marina del 1ng home most of the honors. • A good turnout Is npecled this year with festlv1ties beginning Friday night at the temporary SIYC clubhouse on Bayside Drive. The trophy awards dinner is scheduled at Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club Saturday night, May 12. Warrior: Chance-SO, A 1 Cas:tel, Bahia Cor In th l an Yacht Club. Atorrante, ca1.32, Burke Sawyer, NHYC. Drumbeat, Erioon-16, Don -Ayres J; .•. NHXC. Raider, Ericson -46, John Hooten-Jack Hart, BCYC. Bright Star. Ericson -46, ·w.T. Pascoe m, NHYC. Sanderling JV , Columbia - n , Bob i'oole-Jack Johrnoo, BCYC. LUcky Puff, Morgan -42 , Richard M. Foxx, Balboa Yacht Club. Red Rooster, carter -4l, Davis T. Pillsbury, NHYC. Blue streak, Cal -39, Gary Myers, NHYC. Tribute, Columbia -~2. Fred MacDonald, NHYC. Blue Star, Ericson -39 , carter-Atford-Oarra. BCYC. Regulas, Cal -48, Bob and John Garrison, NHYC. Carrera, Columbia -43, Steve Barnard, NHYC . Dead1ine ror entries in the PORC is May 5, 3CC(>rding to LaMy Coon, general chairman. Ton Boat Designed By Eric~on ·Yachts I Ericson Yachts has joined the rush to One Ton type yachts with the production of a new Ericson·37 from the design board of Bruce King. The Ericson·37 ls designed to the One Ton class with a ratlng of 27.5 (8,382 mete rs) under th e lnternational Offshore Rule Mark III. The boat will also serve as a com- fOrtable. medium displace- ment family cu ri ser, ac- cording to Del Walton presi· dent. Walloo said the E-37 may prove to be the fastest in the Ericson line which includes 25, 21. 29, 32 , 35, 39 and 46 footers. ••One Too Cup racing is breeding a new caliber or boat," said Walton. "Despite her expecled prowes.'I on the racing circuit, the E-37'~ 11 feet 4 inch beam -pcmutted under the IOR rule -creates a roomy cruising boat. We have made no CQmpromise in regard to l i ving ac- commodatiori,,. What's New The E·37's clean lines were achieved by designer King within an overall length of 37 feet. fi ve inches, waterline length of 28 feet six inches, beam of 11 fee l, four inchts and a draft of five feet, nlne inches. The boat displaces 16.000 pounds with a ballast ol 8.000 pounds. Sa.ii area of the high aspect ratio rig is 613 square feet . The shrouds are positioned in· board to accommodate a dou · ble head rig. . When cruising lhe boat will sleep six adults with two ad· dilional berths as optional equipment. For racing t~e boat will require a crew of six. The underbody features &>ft bilges, a swept back, shalotw draft keel carried art to the rudder po.st. King termed the new design a "conservative 3 7 • r 0 0 t e r v.·hich is a nice cruisi ng boat and will probably do well in One Ton racing.'' Holding ri:anks Also Can Hold Fresh Water The Fires.tone Tire and Rub- ber Company is marketing a Flex-N-Fit holding tank that provides a convenient and economical means of storing "raste as well a.s drinking water aboard boats. The rubber-coa ted tanks in - itially were designed for sewage con taJnmcn t. Users are now adding JeCOnd unit& to hold fresh waler supplies. The tanks are ncxi ble and can be folded and inserted through a relati•ely ltTlall a~ ce.ss opening and will conrorm to the configuration o f available space. They cornt in JS, 30 Ind tO galk>n llz.es. Tbe largest. sail order in sailing blslory has beeo jointly 8JUlQUllCed by Neil Pryde, Ltd , H0118 Kong and C o a I I catamaran Corp. of Lrvlne. The order Is for $,000 sails wilh an option for 3.000 more. They are bell1$ built for Coast Catamaran's new 1 2. r o o t Monocal whldt &OCS lnlo pro. ductloo lh1s monlh. An or!!llit•l ld<A In fut.olng sbtetJ Jo htltdl1 <i<w• has been palenled by Barient Co., a subsidiary of Nardo Scie~ lific Industries. Called the Barie:nt J·Lock. the new device prevents: sheet fouling when tacking, and allows fast sheet changing v.•hen changing heads'ls. The device is presently available in two sizes to accommodate ~ inch and ;i..jnch sheets. f\1auro Marine Helm Pilot is a device tp audibl y and visually signal a steering error when racing sailboat.'! in long or short distance races. According to the manufac- turer, it tells you when )'O\I are getting "beaded.. or "lifted" and by how much, Jhus ooabling you to decide whethe!-Jo remain oo the present course or to tack. All this information Is displayed on a large dJal IMlcalor. The Helm Pilot compass digital readout can be set to give contlDOOUJ display of the average courae: sailed ror periods of 15 Jo 10 minutes. More ln!onMtloo can be ot> Jained by conJactlng Russell' Associate<, Inc. 1911 E. Hun- tington Drive, Pasadena . -Boat (enier fnfotmation 'Pr~itled ' AND MAS TER CHARGE, lOCi .. •• WHEELBARROW .lDay•O•ly 688 3-o1. ft. capocity, 10" wheel,~ ite bearings, 2Sit32.ll6l!r:", Charge it. LAWN SPRINKLERS 3-o':;' 2 3~ ';:;;; 3 9~· A. -"way fWTet tpriM'-ro+sts.. a, Olclllotorwoten 2,200sq. ft. GARDEN TOOLS YourCAol~ 77! Clwpll Jioovrd•ty ...... Hand h'o~nter1 trowel or cultivo• tor, Wood ho ncUes. /. ·- NYLON BEARINGS 20"-LAWN SPREADER SufH!-r Saving11 8 9 6 """""" ......... l~MM ~rioblo ~ eiet~ for ol typn of gro• Med Ojll;j f<rftillDI', ~ b...ringt. Uu y..,. Km.ort a..,p u.nl"'·-· CORDLESS SHEARS l-Day• Only 13 88 a.ctric vrou sheori. Trim, dOM ait with ftO tangling ccwd or plug. SPIAY NOZZLE Q.wph 77.c .. ,,.,.. Spnryinofic• hoM.. no11.I• c:ontroh water 1h'ength for -. .. iaw.... GARDEN HELPERS Cltar1elt! I ~ Carbon steel Mod l+tooth bow rolte, rounded Mcwt ot garden hoe. 8" ANVIL PRUNER a..,,, .. ,, 97c .....,. lentpMed ond hal- low 9round steel Made, wiril tcifMy i..J.,Jddw ...... J-11.Mll~ J.I .. ,. 56c o.,,. Cllll. LOCI .., .. ,. 363 O•lt lOCIClllU 196 24" MOTQalUb 24" PORTABLE SMOKD WAGON DELUXI SMOKR CAST·laON NUtLIGHT J.o., .. Orily 116 n.i~ 16•1.7S 20:ll.7S • lllEI TillES S1VIDT'!iU r,.,,,.,,, 93c a..).,,, ,76 Yew Chokit YIM Clleb • ////-~ IEFLECTOIS iUGlEIOll ""'"sac 11! Ee. ~;' ,196 , POLO SEAT RAMEPUMP "'i:r 391 133 3-PIECE HOODED GllLL IAl .. -QGllU YAIDGRILL WAGON GRILL 9'11ACHI GRILL BAR.I-QUE SET 18-INC~ TABLE GR l t O!!,. 5~~"'' I ·~rr25~~ 5~. I!! .. ··t97 ' • • I' ...... Adjuatoble fire grida; tubu· Adjuatoble chrome 9rld,, fll-"""" wltlt """" Full·vlew 1of1ty glots, 2 _ ........... t<ld<, 3-p*-wt, 'Pfl'Ulai •1r. ~" lollf'. torlc. Oita111lng Jrtpad '!JI· Ta~ Jot ''"' '-91. odjuttobte tubvlor it.el, tripod let• .1 .... ~le"'" boA quick-draw flr• drowfr, akf.e olr .... rm. Mounted "" •leli\i." .i..a. Cltore• tpil ond 9rid•. Ul op• fold for aloroo•. Sid• chro'"' 9rict1 oncl UL op· heot mdlcotot, motorl.dd .. two wooden p1d••toh. It -'f IC 111ort"'. N.j U"c:.w I( 11erf9 a.,;.., •. pro'4d nt0tor. Choroe it. C'Off)'tno hondlet. ~owl ,.-..-.a.....~. .,,., U.L Of>p'O..d. c..y ....... pla>ld "ll!!!!!." ~ .. ----:~ -·-..ii!!! .. !.tt!t -· -!1""1-<t" --.. --.. ------.. 'mc:8• • ·-------•"'1·------~--• ·-· •.• ,. .. m2m _...., ._ .... .JS NI -··-•-.&,.... ~ ··--=-::=.o:=--"·--· -":.~ ___ ....._.,. --~ ~ ·:::::-·--·--.... =::r---·-·--ir.-----..... ... ...., , ___ ~!!!. ......... ._. _, ..... e~~ 119!1 ••!!II n ,, .. -· -------r--== --M-. . . ·-..::.-::-:.= .. --------- • I . . ,. " ,. -..i • I i ) ' ;..! I -t .... ff ~· ., ~ • " .' .. ' i • , • !· •• •• ' ,, • ... ' i ~ ~ j ~ ' ~ • ~ ., ~ • \· ~ ! ',~ . , .. \- .... -- ' • .eup _Des~er -_Back Set . -1 ' Sail I or Ensen«um . St.epliens w Revamp Intrepid Racer .... . ' pun Stepben•. the original • designs, Stbucbart l!lplallled. o .. ol the modela will be baJ. dllslglW', '!" the twc>tlm.. sr_ICNllNS d 8 1 f 1 n e d ed on lntilpld'o or1aintl 11117 ' A llibt lo moderate westerly w""I II expectN1o-..nd the illl-y.idtta In the Newporf to Ensenada race dowu the coast of the 12$-mlle lnternatlooal sajllng classl<. . 'l'lie S,500 lllilors who wJU be manning '\he boats are hoping tllal the westerly will Increase In . ..,lhority dllring the af- ternoon. . Only . the first race in 1948 had a real weather start That near nearly one-third or the 100 slatter• were knocked out of the race by dln)1asling• and gear !allures before reaching San Dlegq. Tlll!I MOST recent heavy weaiber ,start was two years ago when 3$-knot southeaster- ly 'Wind! had the mammoth fteef tacking most of the dtstaq&. Several boats were dis:riui,sted and two were sunk. But for the most part. the race bas been marked by llght ~ .•. ' = .. winds at the Cllarl which Amerll'O'• CUp d e'f~n der lntlepld lor:lhe 1117 ddense, llaoL • dwindled to ..., wo off ~. 'lnttti!Jcf.• hu 84feed to aerve wl1en s{lt ,.., skippered by 1'11£PAM,110N9 are being Diego's Point Loma. ,. In lbal'•41Y again for the Em~ (BIJ•I Mosbacber in a 111J!de to mo~ ~d from B. •-•~--of ski ~-• West" CO.si syndicate who ~ 'deleme ."'er. the stcra-at ·llinnefoid Ship Jg -ppert, . ' Dftl'JING _,_.__. I cball ·-usual, will he _whe\ber,.to llV!l ,..........,... the famed 12-meter Au•tn ian enger Dame Yanl, Olly lslud, N.Y .. to the inside the Coronados Jsliinils ' ' . • -and b preparing her for a Pattie. In 11170 lntnopld was Sari Diego facllllles ol Driscoll south of San Diego or to g0 tblr~ bfd in the 1117l CUp cam-modified under tile dlreclio<t Qmtom Bolls; lfOcllncationS outside. The decbion is palgn. .. · of Britton Chance Jr. and BUI will be done · In. s8h Diego usually based 00 wiiJd con-Satunlaf tt)>Of'ts .will be A:noouncemeht tbaf ~ephens Ficker ol Newport S.Jieh sail-under the !Upervlslon of Gerry ditlons in late aftemoon. broodcast al' 7.is am 9.15 ~s bOen , retained b Y' od Iler to victory agalnst Drl1COU, who earlier was nam-Communlcatlons on the , -. ' " · lntrepld·West to des I g n Australia's Gretel U. ed u sldpper-for ,lntrep!d;s of th m be . a.m., L 15 p.m., S. t5 p,m. and · modifications for the 65-foot Intrepid, one of only two 11174 CUp campaign. '!'he ayn-~~f::d et Jewrapo~ w Ocean 7 ;~-~.mld. l<lhera · wood hUUOO Jl.meter was double wtnner:s_ in lhe W-year diet le ho~ to bJ,vq Ule )'!lcht -es e wa are ex-de · ~··ttl b G S. ·•'·•·-· of Amer"1ca's CUp co-'• San 0'.;.,;. by J I Sailing Association al Balboa peeled to start lining the nia . m -e Y eor'e ·~~, ''.r ~ ""'" WI!! · Yacht• Club. shoreline from the· jetty en Scbucharl, one of the three co-pet1Uon. was purchased m Accordinll to Oriocoll, the trance to the Corona del Mar ~ • who is acting as Fe~ary by. a three-man tentative ·Mod l f Le a t Ion IN A.DDrfION. five radio bluffs by 11 8 m busmess manager for the pro}--western syndicate co~lsting schedule eaDa·for the comple-- reports a day will be made by · · ect. · of Schuchart of S ~ a t t I e , tion of tank tfitlng by Sept. 1 radio station KAPX-FM, 107.9 THE WARNING signal for Stephens wtll also design a George F. Jewett of San Fran-and recommissioning of San Clemente. The station will the first start will be at 11 ;SO new aluminum 12·meter for clsco and Charles J, Hughes, Intrepid bv Jan . l, 1974. have a apotter plane overhead a.m. with the catamaran fleet the Courageous Syndicate o1 San Die.go. ' . Tbe trials conducted by New and a chase boat on the water. due to start at 12 noon. the New York Yacht Club. On the basis or lines .furnish-York Yacht Club wUI begin ln On Thursday the station will There~fler, starts wiU be former owners of Intrepid. ed bv Steuhens. two eight-foot June, 19'74. The final best of broadcast at 9:15 a.m. (pre-signaled at 10-minute intervals Stephens' agreement with the models of Intrepid are being seven series for the prized start). 11 :55 a.m. ( s tart ), · untU the last class of-Midget-Courageous Syndicate-permits built for tank tests at the · silver um, held by NYYC 1:15, p.m., 4:45 p.m. and 7:15 Ocean Racing Fleet yachts get him to work on modifications Lockheed Ocean Laboratory since 1851 , gets under way in p.m. Wlder way-at l p.m. of any of his older 12-met!r Towing Basin in San Di,o. Jate September, 1974. • • Orl!N !)AllY'lO,.I~; SUN. 10·7· · · . . .. -. THURS., ERl.; SAT., MAY 3-4-5., 1973 ~· . .. 1r pool , 3-TEMP., 5-CYW ~ENT PUSS AUTOMATIC GAS DRYER 11711 . A miln•I,. f.11/f•r~ .II .\'n 1-:•tNr f:..11 2.SPEED, 5-TIMP. .Jill!llMANEN1 Pli5s . AUTOMATIC WASHER · 114~' FRIGJDAIRr 11;cu. "· FUUY ADJU~T ABLE SHE.LYES DOUBLE WINDOW STYLE . DlYEI: No inion co,.. '°' perln(I~ preu fob· . riQ. fiw dryiitv <}'des, !hr.. posilioft ~ Mltctot. btro 1ofQ9 lint · .-er-. UM your K ,_,. a-. Con! . for Cotto WASHIEI: 2 -.,...cf, J ~~ .............. «IOI down !Mfl!IOMlll press fObria. 2 po~itiotl WGNr • 1e ... 1 conrrol. j wo•er ~""· ~ -Sur, ... otifetor. °""'" •. NO-FROST CUSTOM IMPERIAL AIR CONDIT.IONER II~', 1'28~! • ' 011_11 - · e first : Quality Merchandise •Chai:gelt -. •.Full Service W arran~y 9J.M~ ...... ..... ~-• EE!ft.IMG azaw ... ------·----·- • 100 W·ATT IPP, 8-T RACK, 54-INCH AM/FM/FM CONSOLE STEREO. 288PO. •' ...... 4iYt!! ~ ..!.!!!' ... ·-~--:ac.-::r--;: -= ... ~·-.,.,,='t'· ..... Cl ., ... --~ --·-· ----:::r-.... -.. -·-·--.. _._ SAIJAAU ...... .... Sf2lllCS --•wrr ...... _ _ .. __ .;:._ __ .. _ ,,,., __ ... __ --·-----··-...... _ COMPACT 12"·DIAGONAL PORTABLE 88 11 · 3-Day• Only ' . ' ......... _ ltod: GM wtWM TV, 12" ICIWI ...o...-iiogan1ly. Ue}.t. weight pottcrbll llKlkt• it .city to cony ffOllll JOOM. fo r-. Chor09 ill' MoOt1 2012. 1 • oo.rnLJD 18" ·DIAGONAL POR;T,ABLE 11111 •:te. .!!!!!!.'!. -'='------. ............ ••!!fP ----· ---,., ..... , '"--·--J!!.!!!<!. __ .. _,. ' -· -an -... --""~ .. --...::... • ~ -·-'!le . --:::r ·--.... !!'!.!A-WUIW'lll --.. -·--·--- ggg $ t ; .. • • CAT SAILOR -Buddy Ebsen.will comedown from his famed 35-foot Polynesian Concept catamaran to sail in a 60-mile ocean ratjng crosmng from the Ba· hama lo F1orida in a Hobie Cat. The eve.nt is a fund- rabing Calcutta for the U.S. Olympl~ salling fund. Buddy ~s -Benefit Ebse1i Co1npetes iii Florida Buddy Ebsen of Balboa Island, popular televisloh-ac- tor' • all!l l gung·ho mutllJJull sailor, wJ I both compete and serve as official host In the Le Club Intemalional-Bahamas- U.S. Hobie Cat Championship to be f'leld at Fort Lauderdaye, Fla. May lt-13, Ebsen is the owner of Polynesian Concept. a 35-foot catamaran designed bv Rudy Choy. which has \YOn a number nf offshore mullihull race$, including the l\Jultihull Transpac race to Honolulu. Purpose of the Florida event is a fund-raising Calcutta at the Le Club lnternatl00a1 with all p r o C'1! o d s going to the Olympic salling fynd. The club is the unprecedented o c e a n crossing "'Cl' by Hobie Cata over a IO-mlle course from Cat Cay, Biblmas to Fort Lauderdale. • Ebsen wllU1e sklppm!lg his own Hobie cat,' aloog with 1.2 of the ·top Hobie stJppera from the U.S, llawaU and the Caril> bean . Each of lhe Hobles will be accomparUed by a h I g h powered chase boat for the en-. lire race. The cats will be equipped with ldenlicot red, white and blue sails and will carry lndl:vlduatly c o I o rt d identifying streamer! from the i... masthead. October Deadline For Life Jacket,s October l , 1973 ls the date that It will becorm. nece.sary for boats or 16 feel and over to carry at least one Type f, JI or 111 personal 1 tlotation device for each person on board. plus one Type IV throwable device. Under interim regulations in effect since April 17, 1972, the extra Type IV for man- overboard protection w a s prescribed only for boats of 7.6 feet and over. 40% of Boat Deaths Take Sportsmen .SACRAMENTO Ac- cording to ng11res released by the Department of Navigation Md 0 c e a n Development, hunters and fi shermen 'u.Sing boats claimed almost 40 per- cent of the boating fatalities for 1972. Altl1ough the State recorded o~er 600 boating accidents, the 50 accidents Involving duek hunters or fishermen claimed u of the lives loat. An a'd- diUonal 112 sportsmen were In- jured and propetlf 1 ... totaled $39,860. Department Director John E. Bennett conuneoted, "We ere concmied that such a small percentage of accidents can result In such a high percentage of fatalities. For Olis reason, we are launching an extensive campaign to meet thla pn>blem head«}." The Type I PFD Is • hl&h- performance Ufe preserver with more than 20 pounds of buoyancy designed to tum a person face up in the water. Tyoe Ifls a vest with at lea~t 15.5 poul'Kll of b u o y a n c y designed to turn a person race up, and Type Ill Is a vest or jacket with at least 15.S pounds of buoyancy n o t desiyned tB turn 8 ~son face U)l, Type IV Is a throwable device such as a buoyant rln11. horseshoe o'\-cushiQn. Bilats under 16 feet will con· tinue to have to carry Type I, II, IIJ ,and IV (or each person abomf. Canoes and kayaks are IJ!ch.<led In thb re- quirement. Racing shells, l'O'\t'· ing sculls and racing kayaka are exempt. The C'.oa.st Guard has said that, white these regul1tlort1 take effect later 1n the yeat, boatmen who comply with them prior to that lime will be considered complying with tht current regulatJOJl$. Life Jacket Drive Starts Clfllol -· !fer.ice SACRAMEN:J'O -A vigorous campaign to penuade Colllomla boatmen tO wear their life jacket& ha• been started by the State Department Ol Navigation and Ocean Development Although Calll<>rnta law r .. quires Ofte C0est Guard IP' proved device for · e v e r y person oo an boota, neltbet federal nor afllte·llw requires these devtcts to be worn. North America Sailing Championships Slated • The North Amertcan Salling Association, pvernlng bndy for tho Aquar!uo, Balboa and Enl<flada clu&es, will host Its national clwnptonsltlp com- pelltloo June 1~ lh a race trom Newport_ Beach Jo.. Catalina !stand. ~aid _L. P•lrtc~ Is. COlll· modott ol the assoclallan, '!'ho clasaes ... an lrallonbl• saliboata. This wtn be tile oeeond sail· Ing of the oveot. Over liO "°"" and 200 portlclpyta are ts· pected to ~pate. The aMOClatlon w11s oraaniied a -' year ago wltl»Z moullJen and has. now ~ 14 over 1,000 family membei s. NOSA will beg!!) the "'lllla with • a dinner and •llJlllt" meetinr at Bahia Corfttthia~ Ya<ht Club on Friday ~I before the race. On S.turdly the fleet will """'to Avalon. Partlclpents It\ \his 1W1 .,.. will trailer their botU from U lar lway II Sal Frlllclsco, Novida • n Arbonl. PirtOOS dtJI~ tllOl'O' lo formaUon on &io ..., can ~· tllct PaU'Jck It 417 VJott Suerte, Nowport Buch. 9*0 .I "I r I . I ! • I - • OVER THE couNTER Understand Your Pension s~ ~~ .l:'l'Uml~tl. • ·~+ "l Up ~-2 mt ~ Uo I'·' IV. Uo 4.1 J,~ '"' uo \~·· '""1 11'1 Up .6 l'ilUpl .• I~ I Uf 12.t I~ t: ,1./P 1 1e:\· I~ 1"' th:r 1f'.1' 1~ \\ Up )0.0 ,,,. :11!1 Up ID.O 1 liloUpt.I n1u1>t.s 11\li 'h UP t .O 21\lt 2\lo U11 1.t 1'1" 2 Up l.t ~~ 2~ \?: '·:· \'I Up 1. l'llo Up I . ••• '·' ••• I.I "·' MUTUAL FUNDS • Plan --In Plain English BY SYLVIA PORTER July 31 II the dudllne by which admlni1trator1 of 44,500 penJlaa plans tllrouili<iut the U.S. must ma.te available to you. the partldponb Jn the plan•, a clear, under- rtan dab I e """'1pt I on of your bene- fits -and also the con- dltlaaa wider which a per- Udpont will not be eUg-Him• Ible to nocetve benellll. In addJUon.. under new regulations of the Labor Department, }'OU may request a summary of the latest an- nual financial repOrt of your pensk>n plan. • YOU WD..L, probably for the first time, have a chance to undentand the pemion plan to whkh you bt!Olljf. And aa I result, mUIJooa of you wilt discover nol hft' boul"", but bow extremely limited ore your expected Mure beoellt&. The new "Employe Pension llenelil Plan" mu&I tell you IUCh V)tal point& aa: ls all :vour compensation counted toward figuring yow- benefita T .What -.... dillon& miJst you meel to qualify ror benefits? How are benefit& computed? WREN WILL benefit payment& begin and bow will th<y be paid? Will you be eligible to collect whatever benefits you may have ac· cumulated U you quit or are •fired "before your normal retirement or early retirement or if you become disabled? How many yeers of service muat you have before you bop to be ellglble f0< IUture benllllta! Does tbe Ume ""' worked for other employei-1 count toward the tenn of aervke? llow m.ach does y o u r employer contribute to the plan? How are your employer'• amtriOOtlom fig- ured? A fixed rate ptt bourl Or week? Or mooth you w<rk? A lump monthly sum! Other! 00 YOU, THE cmploye. contribute toward y o u r pemli>n beoe!ita -and is this contribution mandalory or voluntary? What happens to your coo- trlbulioo if you quit before reliremer:lt age or die? How do you file a claim for your benefits and appeal the denial of claims? • What will happen to your benefits if your company is merged or company con· lrlbulJooa .,. suspended .. ltmllnatecl!_ lll1IST YOlf FORMAu.Y file , a claim before you can f1111NC£ receive~ retJrtment, e a r I 'f VY' retlremeol er dlsablllty l>ene!its -and II ao, v.1>at Is the U,.,, limit 10< filing ouch a ~11 other speelal -CdM Office visions of tbe plan might af- fect your J>ell.'loo right&! For Realtor l1oder what conditl<m might you -or your mrvlving n...,,,u, McKenna & Co. has ~ -not receive the Inaugura ted an expansion"~~ peo.sion benefits you expect? gram with the recent openlng Every ooe of these qlltstioos of a branch realty office in must be clearly answered by Corona del Mar. 1 your employer betweea now lohn G. Robbhis has been aod July Sl -assuming your named manager of the Corona employer hasn't already spell· del Mar branch located at 2846 ed out the specifics of your E. Paci.fie Coast lUghway. partiQ..llar pension plan and , Corporate headquarters of assurfi'ing your e~loyer does Herrell , McKenna & CA>., not get a special extension of fonnerlyMcKe.ona Realty,~ this deadline for disclosure.. located in Long Beach. • OflN DAllY 10.10, SUN. 10.7 == • -' Modern Shelving SHELVES 1.88 TO 3'.78 11t'24" Walnut finkh SMH ••••••••·•••• 1.11 ~ l xl6" Wolnut Anhh Sheff.,, •••••••••• 2.76 101136" Walfwt fWltt Sheff ••••••••••• 3.37 I 2x36" Walnut l'inhh SW ••••••••••• 3.71 MOAL STANDARDS Gokf.or Walnut..C.o&.f, 2 Ft ••••••••••••••• 67" :ti~ -.r,;;;;~;~~~·;;~-·--··H· SPRING BEAUTIES I POIYPACK BEDDING PLANTS Pacific Relocates Secur11y Pacific Bank has announced a June La.get date for the relocation ol lta South Coos! c..it<r Branch In Santa Ana, fonn<rly known as BriJ>. IOI Plaza Branch, ID penna- nent quarters. Scheduled to relocate In the Bristol Town and Country Shopping Center, near the ln- tersectJon o( Bri!:to1.stteel and Mac.Arthur Boolevard. Securl· tv Paclflc Bank's South Coast Center Branch currentfy serves resldeota and businessmen at !130 South Bristol Street. In addition to a full range ot banking aervices, the relocat· ed Bristol Plaza Bronch will off Pl" e s c r o w • safe-deposit f:tcillties, nJght depositary. d"ive-up wtndow and walk·Up window. Desiimed by George T. -Nowak, this 5.859 sq~ foot branch will reflect a town and country style. Thursday, S/3/73 DELICIOUS BURRITO PLATE ~-~77e l""Y=.... - Friday,S/4/73 TUNA FISH SALAD LUNCHEON ~ !'.:::::::97~· ~~c...l...i~l-............. " . • ~~·9 !! 11-- Gokl wined or deep anfi.. qu•. With doubie-loc. odo ht1,j.,.. tape. FAMILY SIZE 40-GAUON GAS WATER HEATER 56!J .. ..... .. " a:-o"• -.._._....,...__.. ... ....... I ••••• _, c....6&0..111.'Hlf"'- .. .... ~ ...... _ ....... _ ....... -00..-...... """' -...,._. ...,. _, 'Miii wt. Saturday, S/S/73 BAKED ONE· HALF CH.J,CKEN ---1 ,_ ___ -. .. ~.o.-0-.. ,__ ...... -· 58 ' G4ott-Gn.d gos woter Mc.t- .., Hoturel r-vulcrt.d ,._. lflOCtot. automatic P'ft1Uf9· VIGORO® 6-IN· 1 FOR DICHONDRA 50-lb. • KMART• FERTIUZER 2-CU . FT. HAWAIIAN PLANTER MIX 36" SECTIONS PLASTIC FENCE MOTHER'S DAY SPECAL • Doorkoopcw" f-11~ f fl«I'°"" GARAGE DOOR OPERATOR ·"........ • ........ tlktJeW ~o.lt .... , ... ,...,._ ._ .. _ 93 •Ct• ... C ..... Drt.. •CW.t•!MdlMI •C'y' 1.t,~•1•111 •AtaJI , • .,,..,.. $ ................. ,....,w..--.. .. ,... fW ...... ..... _...... .............. ,... ....... ,..._.,..._ .... .. ,..._..__._ ... """' ..... ""· ..... ...,. -'-.... ,......,,, ... _.. ....... a,-.... ., .. .,.N#> ... , ....... ...,, .w\--·-r-.:=. -;;:.::.";:'-• WiW l•aAG ":' ...... -=~"!' lltitiM ... "''l2P! ---·--·---..-.. -~ -M I 67 0-,.ltl STURDY 1-GALLON LIVE PLANTS ~~;;~,0r 1 ~-C-:-:;:......~ -, IACH _, .. 1 cost&!!!!_ "';.t::\,.------UIWflt _ .... .,.._ .... ---....... __ --·-........ 1&11'111_, ~""'C;..--- ~!!!l-·-... et••:- lmfM&l'r ··- ........ -;...-·------=1-a~ e•--- . . \ --- 7~ HEALTHY 5·GALL ~ LIV~ PLANTS 7! 3-Day• Only 2! -~ !!!!'!!.9!.. -_ ... __ ----~-----!.'!!" ·~ ~ ·-=--· m12 w ._ =-.... II! !lt. --~eu-=--·- I v I ( 1\ SI , doci mei lnsu mi aca 3rd D beet med volv Gen WU -1 .... Al ..... will> torn pall) Cow 8SS1J J .... at f1 $100 Bl Bult G1 MuC 10< the fort Int 11 deci thn! oour the a!le of ll U1 Amt and men .... com men -I clalr anb wbet devl -Ill tml for tw!o lhe I of I Medi •'() COlllJ had Gst oplnl ·~ origi atlol the BOii "sbo venl Mo& $50,C Tb by .. wb for de!e to ...... with the the •tall ., COO! subj Bide beai ofa to U Uptll (All just: "I \hit cow to ' find COii ci11 .... the' It lhe Am "de "!rt erd sucl tff• via !In@ ..,. Gu • . . .. ' .. f PILOT ·ADllERTISER .. ·~ ' . • WedilddlJ, M11 2. 11'i> ) Wtdr.ru, ~lf 2, 1Q73 DAI LY PILOT I THE ;ICK ·OF Punch I Hobbies or Crafts Could Pay .. Off • I 100% DACRON® POLYESTER PILE! BEAUTIFUL NEW. DEEP SHAG ANO EASY TO MAINTAIN. NEW DECORATOR COl.011$. NOW SALE PRICEO COMPARABLE RETAIL .... $8.99 -""' 3,. 1972 Pr,ces KODE~mHli.LOW liJo'!l.·IUl0£l® Ill POLYESTER PILE. A NEW TWO LEVEL PATIERN STYLED WITH A NEW POLYESTER FIBER. -· CARPIT TILIS·SAY~ $ IJO.IT·YOURSELF • SAYE 5911 OTHER CARPETS. EASY TO INSTALL FEELS LIKE VELVET-OUTWEARS 29c ::~1~~05.:~ll~ESIS~~PRICm EA. CARPET uouR NYLON Hl·LOW J .I 100% CONTINUOUS.FILAMENT NYLON 2'' I' ENTIRE HOME PILE. POPULAR· NYLON HI-LOW TllAT • • COMBINES BEAUTY. ANO DURABILITY. 50 YD MANY COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM. SAYE . LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM NOW SALE PRICEO ............ $2.00 I I ' COMPARABLE RETAIL ................... $4.9? ~ HALLWAY AND TWO BEDROOMS ---------------1 .. ?. DUPONT NYLON SHAG i .:::~~t~ 100% DUPONT NYLON PILE. DEEP RICH. 3!9. •D.. ·; . coMPLmLY $ DURABLE SHAG. MANY NEW BEAUTIFUL SA COLORS AVA~:~ESALE PRICED...... $3.~ INSTALLED OVER COMPARABLE RETAIL ....................... $8.1111 LUXURIOUS HIRCULON"" SHAG 100% H~RCULOll OLEFIN PILE. NEW OEllSER4" SHAG THAT RESISTS STAINS ANO WEAR WITH MANY NEW COLORS TO SELECT FROM. 52.:f" NOW SALE PRICED $3.00 COMPARABLE· RETAIL ... , .............. $7.99 ....... _ ............... ·-·· -········-............... , ... ~ .... ~···· - FOAM PADDING -IAHD ON iO SQUAii T AIDS "-..... - 1000's OF REMllAllTS ~rz~ 60%1s~~'EL80% SAVINGS UP TO S4Vl"GS UP TO =="" INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARPETS , • . . KODIL 11' TRl·COLOR SHAG 100% KOOEL POLYESTER PILE. RICH, DEEP. LUXURIOUSLY THICK PILE. MANY NEW HI-5" STYLE DECORATOR THREE COLOR SHAG TO SELECT FROM. RESISTS Ol~T ANO SOIL "2Jl· STAINS. NOW SAL~ PRICED P.• COMPARABLE RETAIL .................... .'.$8.99 Herculon®Wnen Pattern 100% HERCULON OLEFIN PILE If! A TIGHT 5" LOOP WEAVE THAT COMBINES BRIGHT DECORATOR COLORS WITH .A UNIQUE DESIGNER "IO. 'Ill. PATTERN. NOW SALE PRICED .... S.ll COMPARABLE RETAIL ...... . ..... $1.99 »·• • •101t lt••• ~········ .... ,.,,., •• •"'( ... , ......... " ........ , ................ , .• ALLllD NYLON SHAG r ~ ~/1#-: /)•i NEW, HEAVY SHAG STYLED FOH Jf.itjfll•"*tl TODAY WITH MANY 899 'Ti r. NEW DECORATOR ,,-,a-11 }11"' II' ~N COLORS. so. YO. ·c-llOWSALE PRIClD SAVE .. __ ... , __ .. _ ...... _ s.400 .COMPARABLE RETAIL ••••• .,. Sll.99 ' 11yOzir~ Do-It-Yourself C•t ••• C•rry IDEAL FOR FAMILY ROOMS, PLAYROOMS AND POOLS. AVAILABLE IN MANY NEW EXCITING COLORS. 99 NAME BRANDS. NEW DESIGNER DESIGNS. HI-DENSITY FOAM BACK. SO GREAT FOR KITCHENS, PLAYROOMS, DENS, RESTAURANTS. ETC. NOW SALE PRICED ..• COMPARABLE RETAIL .•.•. : .... $3.99 I SQ. TD. SAYE $2.00 NOW SALE PRICED ... COMPARABLE RETAIL .......... S6,99 LONG BEACH 3008 Bellflower Blvd. • 421-8934 ANAHEIM 649 N. Euclid St . 635-76•74 • . . r I I l ·1 '"' DAILY PILOT Wtdntsdat, May 2, 1973 """""™" M11 2, 197' PILOT-ADVERTISER 4 Coolants .. ~~.:. Sleepiness Can B_e Danger May Add . To Life BJ moMAS o. ruAS P<ople mlghJ live !O years looger ii iboy could l!Ofllehow "cool It" a Southern caruo~ researcher claims. Dr. Roy Walford , a 48-year· old UCLA palhologis~ says he may be ready a!I soon .as 1'76 to help ·them do it, too. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOCUS slow the aging process their cells undergo and. at the same time, push for1,vard the age v.·hen they 'll start getting cancers or heart ~ttacks. WALFORD, WH_QSE 155,000 in federal grants ftlnounts to aboot 2 percent or the total the kovernment spends on studying aging and its effects on the immt.me system which -• llie body uses to light diseases, isn't ready to work on people. Tha t's because his cooling process isn't permanent. For fish, 1'11ose body temperature is the same as the water they swim in , it has worked ad· mirably. In· his mice. however , Walford hasn't been able to control b o d y temperature longer ,than a few days at a time. Bur BY repeated injections of his coolants, one of which turns out to be marijuana, of all things, he's been able to accomplish almost as much as , with the Ii.oh. Iii! work <11 aging Is even more import.ant to mankind's eventual longevity than cures ror the diseases it would delay, Wallord contended in 1 an interview at an American 1 Cancer Society seminar ror science writers in Nogales, Ariz. That's because cur i n g cancer and heart disease would leave the elderly prone to the third leading cause or death, accidents, and also in- crease the number or deaths rrom such "minor " diseases as pneumonia and influenza . "A PERSON'S vulnerabiU ly ~ doubles every eight years." he r said, "that means every eight years it takes him t"·ice as < Jong or becomes twice as hard for him to recover frQm any kind 0£ environmental iru.-ult. whether accident or even minor disease." This. in tum, is a result of the deterioration of the im- mune system itsel!. Walford said. The longe r a person lives, the less capable he is or fightin g off any ailment. So Walford and other scien- tific e1tperts on the aging pro- cess believe finding cancer and heart disease cures woul d only extend the maximum life span of most people by about 10 years. IF mE A.GING process llself were slowed, then the immune system "'ould remain f ~ capable or fighting off all sorts O[ diseases lllllCh longer than it oow can. And in the. process, cancer and heart., disease would also be delayed. What effect "'01.dd the cool- ing off have Ol\ the more youthful cancer and heart at- tack victims? Wallord says it would also delay their dilficullies. But more important, he said, is what the lo"•er body fC'm· peratures could mean to those over 60, "110 now suffer 80 percent of the nation's cancers and fatal heart disease. W ALFOliD1S experiments also suggest that if there's an:v time when 11coolants" should ··be applied, it's in middle and old age. Animals which lived • • 'RANK HAS ITS ADVANTAGES .• .' Challe1ige the News Quiz • • . on Satur~y's Family Page • By OIL STEINCRORN How rwett the one-or twc>- socond nap while driving a car late at night. Oh, If you could ooly re.Uy !all off to sleep for a hall hour or so whlle at the wheel after a long~ lirlog drive ls almost over. ' Many people do . And many get hurt. And many die . Alcohol is not our only enemy wben driving. Dear Dr. Steincrohn : Believe it or not. I orten fall asleep for a few seccnds while · driving when waiting for the light to chang~. Whal wakes me ls horn-tooting by im- patient drivers behind me. I can't understand why I'm always so sleepy lately. I'm afraid lo take a loog trip by car. ls there anything to do about it -Mr. D. DEAR OIL STEINCROHN: I'm · a traveling salesman, driving thoosands or miles every month. Tbe hardest part of my 1ob is staying awake so I won't run off the road and kill myaell -or someooe ei... the drlvet bas lnluble slayil)i I pinch myaell; tum on the awab, r suag<st an ei- radlo loud. open windows, an"'1atloo by 1 d o c t o r . drink cOll .. -anything IO try P··•·-~· .,.. .iJe e p y gets •leepy at the wheel, u a !ew........is oap while drl~ cao be !ala!. • to stay awake. ~;,:_-hive -taking FOR MRS. L: Don't be .. 1 111t11t ellher .........,,. this lllOdldbes and c1qn•;, reallit llUrPris<d that your friend with lnlalle deJ1re io sleep most o1 they promole sleepiness. arthritis sUU _,. copper the Ume, or I'll have to quit Are you aJleralc! It la poosi· ~ra:'~~;.!;e..,: 1'!;~~ my job. 1 hope Y'lll have IOllle ble lib! ta . = . ., • advioe that may help. _ 14r an ' ~ are per will help rheumatic pains. Y. • ~-sleepy, Sotne .get . . But anyone suffering with COMMENT: So 10 the com-· -~ ooe or lwo aspuin arthritis day after clay wilhry plalnu from fr u a t r a t e d , tablet.. anything. unhappy poople who have 1 How is your thyroid gland I don't really blam. ibom _ working? If It i.s underactive, ' especially l!Ahe -has not DOCTC)R--IN THE JtOUSE you may need thyroid pills to hell>ed. At least, ~ keep ycu normally awake. brtoelet.r' isn't in. itself a Ill It possible that you llllfer bannfuJ procedure. from nar<Olepoy? 'Ibis Ill often 'My only auggestion Is that overlooked. Sudl -le are )'Olll" frien<f"~d not diuon· always sleepy, but special t1JIAe all medical advice while hard lime staying awake. II is medicines will belp overcome ~ his amulet. In this easy to undersland bow mud! tlletr abnormal sleepmess. way he will be getting benefils of a danger they are to To save your life and the of acienurlC as well as themselves and other innocent lives of others make a resolve neighOOtJy advice. drivers. . to draw up al the side o! the For Mrs. U.: It ;., Important There's not much difference road somewhere to nap when · to repe&t that food should not bet.ween a drunken drivet ap-the overpower.Ing desire be . aJ~ed. to remain un· -chlng you and one l)Om· oomes to sleep 81 the wheel . refrtgefa.1<4 !or hour• alter a pletely sober who has lallen Some day I hope that auto meal. To"_prevent deterioratioo .asleep at the w~l. com~ will invent some and ooi)taminatlon mate it a • kind of device that will go off habit to refrigerate it as soon IN EVERY CASE where like a siren when tbe driVer as possbile . B.U:l.LDERS EM .P,.ORIUM . 5BIGSAUDAYS,~1"3THRUMAY7, 1973 . ' e EL TORO ANll) COSTA MESA ONLY: OPEllDAILY9A.M.T09P.M.,SAT.&SUll.9A.M.T06P.M. OPEN SAT. 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M.e BATH VANITY SALE! l'MPllOl 4" CINT• SET wmt POP·UP AJID LU01'l MAIDW ·19"d5" WHITE/GOLD BATH YANITY Completely finished and assembled. One~piece cu ltured marble top wi1h built-in soap dis h and 4-inch backsplash. Faucet extra. ' GG NY-MATE WAll CABINET White/gold finis h with decorative plaques and hardware. Comp letely finis hed and ready to . 9.99 . 4495 .... ·'-'> • . ' install · J 495 19''x31" WHITE/GOLD.BATH YANITY Completely finished and ready to install One--.pie ce cultured marble top wifh backspla•h. Complete with 2 drawe rs. 5495 12995 MOTOR Oil ~oscode non-detergent motor oil in 30 and 40 weight only. LIMIT 7 PER COUPON ·~TS.10• .ti FOR COUPON IXPIRIS MAT 7, 1973 10'x24" SPLASHER POOL 1699 C0RRU$ATED FIBERGLASS For patio roof s; •privacy scree ns and fe nces. Each panel covers 2 ·fee t in width. . SIZE IEG. 6'x2(>" 2.39 8'x26" 3.19 1o·x26" 3.99 12'x26" 4.79 SAll 1.99 2.79 3.49 3.99 7•PIECE PORCELAIN COOKW•RE SET r:> Decorated porcelain enamel on steel with 18/8 stoinle,. rims,.to t----"."".:r prevent "chipping. ·17•9 "BUILDERS /Jr.c.,t Ll01P9' 1 FERTILIZER FISH BASE One of t)1e best liqu id fertmze rs -.......:, f0 r fems, fu schias, azalea s a nd ~ many 'other shade plants. ·t-:----ii ' BBQ BRIO.ITS 20·L8. SIZE For campouts , barbe cues and picnics. Easy lighting, long burning briquets. I 3/4'' PADLOCK laminated steel c:ose with brass cylinder and· hardened steel shackle. Complete with two keys. Extra strong 'a nd · extra safe. 149 HEAVY.DUTY ROPiE HOIST • 2000 pound.capa~ily. Complete with 65 feet of nylon rope, Ideal for tho home mechani.c, boatman or sportsman. ' 2•• • ~ 0 ~ tile first hall or their lives al normal body temperatures ~ tile last haU cooled off ac- tually outlived those which kept tllelr cool for • lifetime. So how to apply this to people? All birch cabinet, ready to finish. Has double shell bowls, lour doo,.. ond two drawers in center of cabinet. Foucets·extra. ~ AMERICA'S GREATEST HARDWARE STORE.,;;-S....;_A""'--D_H_O~M---E __ IM_PR..,.-i. O,_· v_· E_M_ ... E_.N_r_·c __ E--N_TE_R~SI -YAW'f-11, 1L•NO. --121 I llYIMl l lVD. • 67S1 W.,,....,.11 &tL · Flnt. Walford, ••id to be the ooly scienUtt In the tuiUon wortlna in this directloo, mus1 lind a drug that can Fadu•l19 lowtr b o d y temperatures WltllOlll Ill effect•. "That 's a p-oblem l figur• lllouldn't tatc more than three IO ftvo 7earr to aalve," be iald. TUSTIN OMI llOCl L Of MlWPOIT AYL WllTMIMlftR Af-WQTll, BU•APAllK Af-Aft. • ATn'IOIOn, ORAllGI 1J4J L IATIUA AYL LA HABRA m1w.LltWUKYI. ATTISTIMAYL AT-aft. L_!!"~·~·~-~:!?"~_.J.W~l~L~(l~J>~•M~·~·n.~ "'-TA Miii• llt L lmtll. ----AfllAflCallHl&Ya. -•-AUAllTAUAAYL •LONG BEAC H •VAN NUYS •RIVERSIDE• COVINA •LA CRESCENT A• THOUSAND OAKS• SIMI• IANCASTIR •CHATSWORTH •TAltZANA •UPLAND •SAUGUS •CHULA VISTA •REDWOOD CllY •GOLETA • VISALIA• VICTOltVlllE • GP,NADil HIUS •$AN IERHARDINC1• CAIMR(lLO • llAKERSflflD •HA«; I ENDA HEIGl!TSeSANTA MAltlA •DEL AM() •SA NTA CIARA •CORONA •ESCONDIDO• Sl'RING VALLEY• V.DEllA HEIGHTS e RESEDA • fAST LOS ANGEUS • I " I I I 1 ' ' I r . ·., ·• ' . I i • I: r~ ' ' •• ; . ~ ·• .. . , j ' • I, r • I .. ... • • • • .. . .. ~ .. • • \ DAILY PILOT ·~~ \ ' flLC9U~T-# ~ltL,~ .. Good morning, . . 2r:a ?~ .. ga~5 .• GJ~:I?~ .. ar:.5, . . Mr. Wilson. I saw you and your son fishing at the \ { • YC1U'RE ~EHT.111 ·:.n·1·! -pier yesterday. • .aank • ' • 7 . ' ;/ , k rname . ' It isn't that other banks don't want to be friendly. The si~ple fact is that '.'big" and "friendly" just do not compute. Because we're a local, independent bank we will be sharing your interests and concerns and can respond better • because YQU are our neighbors. . Can a local.bank offer·"fringe': benefits? YOU BET! Just listen to these- No Service Charges · on Checking Accounts With No Minimum Balance Required. Saturday Banking (9-12) . Exte'nded Daily Hours (9·5 Monday-Thursday, 9-6 Friday) 3 Drive-Up Windows Free Postage For Mail Transactions Excellent 4-3/41}'0 New Car Financing (8.86 1}'0 annual percentage rate) . . Highly co1npetitive ·1oan Ra'tes for Interim Construction Jteal_Estate, Home Improvements, Boats, Airplanes, ""' . .. . . . . Re~reational Vehicles, and Personal Loans. W~'d:like to 1neet you, so if the ,idea of doing business with a frie\ldly, "hometown" bank appeals to "' • Ii you, 'stop in to see us. While you're t!!tiac1f IC . -liere be sure to . register for -the FREE .,;--~ ORA WINGS because we're giving cs• 1-~ 8ank away a FORD COURIER, a HON:DA tit XR-75 •. and 10 POCKET CALCULATORS! · Somebody will ·win. Why not YOU? I . . • " Golden West & Edinger Huntington Beach 842-9393 Mernber F.D.I.C.· • I I I • • I l • .. f 1 \ . I , f DAILV PILOT W<dfl<Wy, May 2, 1'173 L. Jtl. BfJfld 20,000 Flies To the Pound "•low big was the workl's biggest banana spUt?" fn. quires a customer. Just 268 reel l~g1 that one. Savvy en· ~""'"' In llooolulu pul It l4gelhU In the recent past, With $1000 scoops of Ice cream, 500 baMnas, IS gallons of whipped cnam. chenies and chopped nuts. Its dish was a rain gulter lined With waxed paper. Wby I don't mow, but the 4,000 glands in yoor ears tend to produce more wax when you get scared, medical researd>ers S"3. Common booseflies run about 20,· 000 to the pound , please note. No secretary in the employ of a Taurus boss (April ~May 20) should remain unaware of the stargazer's claim that such men pretend to be lOtlgh, but wilt when they see a girl -cry • • Odor of smoke works as an insCct repellent, that's known. So fishennen Say it's a good no- tion to hang their clothes In the smoke of their campllres, whenever possible. Deer hunters do it, too. That smoke odor maskl the man smell. • QUERIES -Q • "Do the Jaws of any slates permit \acts of homosexuality between consenting adults yet?" ' A. Only .Colorado, Cennecticut, Tilinoi!, Oregon and Hawaii, so far as I know. Denmark legalized such back In 1930. Sweden, in 1944. West Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Italy have done so, too. Llke\vi.se, Great Britain, in 1967. Q. "At what age is the Persian lamb slaughtered for its curly coat?" A. Three days. Q, "Is it true President Grover Cleveland had an arti- ficial jaw?" A. Partly artificial, anyway, Re underwent surgery for a mallgnaQCY in bis Jaw aboard a yacht d11ring his presi· dency. Bui ~ public wasn't apprised or that fascinating fact until %4 years after hts death. EXOT1C ANIM~ -You kno'v those exotic animals shipped into this country from Africa, South America, tropica l places elsewhere? Only about one in 10 survive the trip here, claims an investigator. Freight charges are based on cubic footage. ~ers therefore jam pack their beasts into llttle space. And they ship rar more than their ol'ders require. knowing most won't survive. A1erciless. The three Bs are what the fashion eXJ>erts look for in their costume models, according to one of same named Candy Jones. Beauty. Brains. And breeding. Maybe you didn't know the first elephants were only about as big as pigs. And they had no trunks. Address mail to L. 1.1 . Boyd, P. 0. Boz 1875, New· port Beaclt, Cali.f. 92660. ·Youth In Dorry Moretti Aspires To Governorship Capll<ll News Service SACRAMENTO -Bob Moretti was jl1St 27 when he came into lhe office of the San Fernando Valley Times in ear- ly 1964 and said he ·wanted to win the 42nd Assembly District seat being vacated by former Assembl}1llan To1n Bane {O..Tujunga 1. Few Democrats bothered to visit that cons erv at Ive newspaper b e c a u s e Its editorial page policy gene rally refused them endorsement. rn fact, in 1964 the Valley Times was the first daily newspaper to endorse the candida cy of Barry Goldwater for Presi· dent . BlIT. l\101\ETTJ l''aS doin~ the things he knew he had to do to win , and the appt>al he n1adc lo the nev•spaper not on· (NEWS ANALYSIS) ly won him the endorsement of its editorial board but also carried liim through l he general election. Moretti is still young. He won 't turn 37 unfit June. But he has done all ttle things he wanted to do In the legislative rteld and nov,. "'ants to be go\crnor of California . "I guess I could continue to he re-elected to lhc legislature for as long as I want.'' Morelli said in ans~'cr lo a question, and tht job of Assembly :-oeaker "is never boring. There isn'l any time to let i t become boring." TRE YOUNG lawmaker WB!i holding one of his weekly press conferencts which. he said, "I do ~ause ytiu guvs asked me to do it. I reall y don't have lhat much to say." The 1u.b~ct of the denlh penally tame up, prom !='led by Senate Ju1J!ciary C:>"mittee'.s 11·1 approval or the law en· forccmtnt • backed measurt, Row would II do in lhe Assembly! "If It aeu to tilt floor." Mort•ll said . "I think It would pas!." 1 -~ .. , oiflOnent of \hf! ,._.,._ no·.,~Jt• Aiad Jl"VS ht .. I TOO YOUNG AT 387 Robert Moretti "do1-sn·1 hrlie\'e il he Ip s resolve capital crime."' "LEGISLATORS have I w o big jobs to do. representation and leadership, Even though his constituents may have voted for re-introduction of. the death penalty. t believe law~ makers must show leadership II they oppose it.. "The popular side ls not always the right side," he Sf!ld, and he cited examples of pecple \\'ho supparted lhe. black community before il "'as a popular subjec1. or the civil rights nlO\'ement before iL too. "'as popular. "The responsibility of tradershlp Is far mor! difficult than mere representation. A man n1ust be courageous to take an unpopular slaDd." MORETTI IS quick, un- derstanding, fast on his feel tn debate and has an ability to Ret along with people even if they have opposing views. or a!J r1ndldates mentioned for the Democ.ratlc nomina t1~ ... Mor,.111 is the only nnt> wilh complete So u l h e r n 1 • r • .,i., "r enll1tlon. The others are , ba~lcally, Norlherr c.: 1 r r ian· Is he too young to be eoveriwr? Neict year, at all, he 'll an.swer that quutlon. lie hasn't been 100 young to manage SUCCH!lfU!ly t h e Leqtslature Iii tilt biggtlt a:t:1•e Jn lht unloh • • .. and much much more\ I PMHlt .. ~ 1811111' 110111'1 Morel .... ,, .. , Jerome Alexander . . • PILOT .ADVUTIS . : .· ·~ • . Re1 in 99 Quibd Bedspread . ~ w .. """' fl ltll, hit ... 11.. ' • s ' .90 .\=:. s ) Exciting collection cf beouti!ul wigs iii on ooay of ncrturt1I styln in easy· to-care-for syrilhetic. wrth the look of real hair. By famous Jetome AleJion- der, maker of wig histoty! 01111 Mtrrln's Nist CJtlnift Ctflptt It• rrarti11 1f Its Drisital 'rlt1! My Islands ColDa• l"'"" !""""""' ,..,,;~"'"'' I I c ol me e11otic: islands ••• Bar- bodos, Corfu, Mojorca. 2S o~ Jaji F..-Giiis • s,,.. c.1 ..... SltttrT•P ··htllion GNoMo ........ ..,. 8149 t ire series of fro- Ol'Or'la matched ef- ler bath accessories. ta. • Toji ColotM •••• •••• •••• , •••••••• '9c seoo Value Coty liB'llde Colo-JI A km.mus frog.Ula lt.'11 treosurt )'OU fcrt e ........ s300 • Doc1ra11r S1lla1 AtlCIH, Col .. Sllllll l'lrfl• ..,._ beauty for )'OUI" bedroom with o rid'Jy ~ 10-tfw..floor ~ Hied with wieghtieu·, 6 or. &mman estron acetate. Color-bright prints orwJ NJWt decora1or sollds in 1161120" s;u-ato Thrifty low price! Alt fnt quollty, Tllrlfiy $awes Yau Mere en Gttallty lifts( Decorative I Practical · Glass Gntwa• ~ l.u>......,. polyest•r. I mouing, ode frM 'n fluff ing. In PQltll ~:E,~, s 9 7 :_ -• LOfg9 rnugs In beoutlfu1 ""'""'"'- . . Mo!M'• Coy g;& ""' lection of lazy Susons in OliYe orGyital c.olor, Tall Foot«! Compotes with Ruby Bond or in etched l•, Cowired Diamond Point Cadf Bo~H. lleootiful b.iysat this.low price'.-fcr'Mo- 1her's Doy, the ~e bnde. " ' • lcstwook · ....... off1 oblefumli. or offc.;4 . .. ----.... , ... • • • . . • LOT.ADVERTISER w,dntsdaJ, MilJ 2, 1973 QAILV Pill! n • • 'OUNTAlfril VAi.LllY-1MI M• ... 1&11' SL ~1 T•llltt Wll$TMINSTll-~............, •f ~ .... NUlllflNefON llACM·..,U>I llMdl IMl. •I A1'111l• NUNTOt•TON llACM-all IJlllM'lltr, \ • ' )O,UfCJ~fll VA~!l'l4l ................ ~........... N\UiflN•TON auc~t ........ , ~~ ,., ....... ,_, __ .... -'-~~~~--·....,..._..~ .............. '--~~~~--,-~-'-~~~~~~~~~~r.'i1 .. • .. 9 . "'°""' IOlt, fllli•".,;.t. ....... ester. ~.,,re, non- ting, ~ ! .. t ._.stay cool 'n fluffy. ~edpe tick.- In pasf\11 pti1fs. 20i36". -.. , • .. 1 t .. }.,; ~ . 49 'ANrACD -;···~1~...... s 19 .~ n49--llYBI ••. rt .... I •11tf •·• •.•••...••••.. . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Acl'YllC Blan-ats ~ .. ucc. . ' II !4 • • • • • . • • • • ,' • • • · .. · 15-aa r£'11a DllST · us11. ·, -' ,. -. . . MllJ. ·---;;;,...~.,.._;=:....=.;;;~:;;;,..;;;;.~~=-~:;,;.,.·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·:...;..••~-~·~·~·~· , .1~1~ · ·~ · ' -41<20UNCE· f 1 (~j. ~ . , , . ~:g~~ .. ~81°~ ·BIOMl .SELTZER ... ~--~ . $ Is_ ·1a1 E'"'CFK~FF60EI: ----s o" \D TlllfTI .......••. fu I · OUNCE . c ~ -39 ~· _ . . IJPDltm.. .c ' . ' " . ~ c . I ~ ' . . ' ; ... •PCA1B ' -~·~ •SIUSC... ~ ' > I , J • ' , .. ,klr_ ' .. • ,.... . ~_.. '11'5 ·a '12'' }NaW wlt :•(oOk :I I ~ $ 29 ~;·--Krr I ~ , ' ~ ... '.. • ' , . s : I '40UHCEBOTTLE s • '1~ c. . 811• .... ,. .~ lJ!" • '~ . ~ s149 SWEii~ H ,.... . -: ··-~ . . , .. a YOUR :s CHOICE '. . , __ lllk . .... lack . . . P130RUNCEI! ,·GTEULAR..XITRJ.N' HOLD02'RUN1, SCl-NTID . ' • ''-: "~" , . I \· . . . . • 'J."~vl, • l . . " IPIAl~~ .. I '·~_.,i:;."" STATI ONE RY OEPT GIFTS & NEED S-AT DI SCOUNTS "··~ 54c Choice t ' .... klti -Flftli Gallon Imagine 83< ~ fdi' you .., f\no s3aa 86 po>of scotd\ ... _ & _,,, S<o1fond, " · Douwe EabaPI .- Pipe TollaCcb 4:s100 ., .. , ...... Reigu\or or, Aromatic: ---... "' Holl:nr• ~. 2 "01.. ..... .. • ' ' . .. l .. I • • i ' . ' • • • • • l · •· . . NEW '73 TIOGA . NEW FOUR STAI MOTORHOME • MOTORHOME I len ~ ClllUil wi#l liG v..a Ftllrilg flrl!•'*""·sind '9idlnt t119l11t, l~IOlflllic. tr~"'°" ~ •I""**' KJftl'6, 14'' JlllllH bnUS. stff«ftlailllf (Jlllle ... .....,,.,JI (llllDn .... 'Ull!'ll• .. _, bil'WI'• ' (U, ft. !ii* willt slilN ,..-, 2 llult sMty rtffittf*• 1• BTU llefltf. !Str. Wftl5. 5'Wf fft&.timW/fD"indllld; NEW '73 FAMILY SIZE ""'" irl9 s~ ..._,, tun ~ .. titt• ~m S~VE : .. -~. --& -~·!2 gilofl .. .... -Wdcs. ",... ... ....., '"'"" 20 ·fl. PACE-ARROW MOTORHOME $' "' JIEW '73 DODGE CHARGER ......................... -. .. .......,.~. ..... ·"' ................ ••::ell ...... "' ~ ' , ·,.cm. ... ..w. -r- $ '69 CHEY. _..- ""' -,, .... hdOrf "' a.-dt ---Ylllll -..... ...... . ..., engine. .,iematk trlll& ··-_ ..... rMliefl. ..,... - Mtltl"· !loOfTt} .... '~ $1 .00.:0· ... • • ,MEW '73 DODGE~ COLT ... ,.,..,...,. ........ ..,.,, ..... ......,., ..... , t •• ·-= =~:..1:::=;g,· .... :.::~;::.~i:. .... S711 ls ~ tt.i Ulll ll'&:t h:iildllll IP"~ OdfrrW...,_,.i pfb 1:2361 ~le."'-" ollllca' .................... _ ..... " l'Olll' 11111'11 m:lit. AHlllJAI. PEJCENTAGC UTE ,.,,. '68 MUSTANG 2 DOOi ~MAID'l'OP '&8 CllEY'f ...... ., .. ·'' BRAND JtEW '13 : DODGE VANS . v-a·s, 6 cyl. Short Wtl!elbase, L.:ong ~lbase ., "GIGANTIC · ~ • .JNVEf([DRY! IMMEDIA'lE • DELIYE/li'I! ~ . , •.•• ., .. .. '69 CHEVY PHONE: 54-o-2660 or , &42·2566 tod~t .. N - leach · I t;ity -.tQllMIMJICt• ,.. Mll • *'5 .. ::,,.~' ., m. • - • . I FOl:FRIE ·CREDl1 CHECKS!· r • . \ • . •. " NEW 1'73' ' • J ' • -.. y.,. '· CONViRSiDN ,Wlnf:iul1tr•10P· '~.t-.... " . . -. ' . .. • ·$.· " . -· '• -· . , , _..,. ___ .,. __ ,Mly .. "°'°"" .a:1.,...... 10111J::1> IMMllUATE D.ELIVERYI • • • ' ; '"' ••• \ l - "' " , . - -• • '" . . . ' .. ' ..... .,. .. ..... ·-----..... ~= :;-I r I I ., ' . • • .. ' ' ,. . . . . . ' • ~IN Ille~ Kiilc W.ll y, he ' y.,. haJJ1 "I tiilaJJ morr a lJJ llie cban "It l'jew' N 1 G MA shot ! ood . Coll ttitm Ta1 colle1 ijputb event Moel Fin Lake Rive1 River Tio Waiki Bem ,,,. Mero Jim I Porth TaJ about Counl 118,:W Wi INI winds at th! th<'S< Unuec G"' lashec NaUoi to ""' Jy tod '"Tb letlinl said , wild.ti Rill racer said t In JO I Gar 190.84 will<b P11 CLI hallbt Oklah tract Ttr by ti were Pn! third pl eke cJub I Ka .DE Tiger wiM< the Grad Detr< n. lblla goes I ,pnnc Base! Ri CJ AL baslo eood ol B Ernil Ko = COUD' , (ft• ~ to i Wall .... Dig ~~ fe.,,I , th• l ot tli Iii ,...., what eviti !ronl lime • '111 ar.I otMi eldj • Kc = -~ Ille D!G1 : '., • • R~ssians, ·u.s. CJaslr ~~night · . ' . ., • .. • I • • • • .. ,-- OAILY PILOT Ange_ls Blitz Ti.gers Baseball Now Fun For Halos' Singe-r '\pETROJ1' 0 (AP) -"Baseball is fun ag'ain," proclaims pilcber Bill Singer or lb• ~ornla A:ngel.s. Del · Tigers manager Billy Martin, however, .~'ht dispute that. caurom· its best hit output of the season -J4 and Singer pitd\ed a five- hjtter in uppin~is record· to 4·1 and lowering his ear d-run·lfverage to 1. 71 ~ as the Angels de eated Detroit 6-2 at Tiger stadium Tuesd&x night. The loss was the Tigers' sixth in the last eight games and de't>t:ived them of one. J've ·got my dt'Hvery down good and two, l lifted weights all winter to get sirortser. '' The Tigers. "'ho have lost six of their last eig l!!....games, only managed a sin'gle after the fl/th inning. The} scored a run in the fourth on a bloop double by Norm Cash and Duke Sims' double, then ~dded an unearned run in the eighth \Yhen Singer dropped a popup. Califo rn ia pummeled starter Woodk> frymnn , now 2·1 , antfTom Timmerman for 10 hits and all their runs in the first five innings. Angels Slat~ Fryman lasted just three lnnl!\gs, giv· Alt ~ .,. '™" 1n11 ing up a solo homer to Frank Robinson in "''" 4 c111~n11 11 g•1llmor• '~ p.m. the second, one to -designated hitter Bill M•v $ Cal 11t1 11 1tllmott 3: p.m. M•v • x11 tor1111 •• a1111mor1 10: '~· GrabarkewiJZ in the thin! and two more first plaee in the American ~gue East1 ru~· In the 'ltl'frd on '~ single by Bob Instead. they have-bwnbled to fourth \., Oh~ and force-out ·by Alen G_allag~. behind new leader Milwauk~; BalllrriMe '\.-Hobltl~ ttnd ~llve.11 also singled 1n a and New York. The Ange.ls are thli"d in · run .~sch m the-fifth. . . tbe West two games behind Jiader TM, teams meet again tonight, with Chicago. ' · -MJck'e>: ~lie~. 1-S, Scheduled to pitch for Singer, 29-year-old righl·hander ac· Detroit'\agamst strikeout ace .Nolan quired from the Los Angeles Dodgers of Ryan, 3-t, . . , ~ the National League last November, fell The Angel$ acquired S~ ln . trade upon bad time's after his 26-12 r"ecord last Nov. 3o\ along wlth1 Rbb1nson , with the Dodgers in 1969. He was 8-5, 10-shortstop ~boy Va1~1 linfiekler. 17, and &..18 the last three yeani. Grabarkewltz, a.nd, ·t~ Mlke '"Si'!Whler "It was hell it really was '' he said of -who bas S111ce beeri ,lcQulred by those lean t~es. "At the 'end of last Detroit for catcher · · i'e Sandi' end season I didn't want to ever play baseball fanned to Toledo. ! · ' 1 again. But t came bere and the change of 'Ille dea}, ~r-F · -.Ralibr,, ftl':C, >et al, scenecy, new face:., atld.. everything l:ooks~M1.,aat1~l ~ lar. ., .~!. · .1 helped.'' . · ""glllg. IUJlOl'll&r "Robllioori' , the The fl.f09t-I, 200,-~ ~ as 1eam with four homers and 12 ' at· be raised his right arm, explalnfng It ted-lo, ..t!l1e Valert1ne II ;t; <the ached league leaders with a ' .370 ~g "It ;.,.a to get la• this b\<191"' the end average,, Val~~'fA.~' Tiles- , . -.,. • of the game the 'lilsl lbl'ee yean," he day· and i,s MOl'C m·theltl. "1".0't'o I 4-' d. ''t ba 1-bl ~-1st th I-~ ttl .....,. (ti ~'U~'ili . (i ,., THE LAKERSMIGRY .,T r-IS f. .TO .'LT ClfAMBER~ . , . ~-•" sa1 . • ve rou . e "~ _a ree ur ,. " .., .. ""' '>i.4:Y41;. • •; ~,.,.,..,,...~ M ••• " ~ · .. ~ " , '"~ • di1:1gs. ~ last to the end ni>•,\becaust Gr•.blrtc'wi."' • t J ••~11. tr ~ t 1 o • >;;, ;4r.. , '" <' :;n ,.~ · "»"'•' " r--~~ t.0 .,. .,J"'" Z ,~;·; 1f""~i·•"M""' '• 1· '""~ " • • o o • > •••• • ... • • ._;J, , ··(!. ,•;'. ~ ~ • tl' A, .' _... · ·· , ,· .t' ·.e..-rv,d 5 't ::0 <111 1i'1 2100 , ••• " l ••~ .,..._. '· !l i:.. ' , .a!j . '1~· ., •. • " -• • ~ .f.AaO~, ~I • 2 2 G.I~ dll 3 t Cl Cl I I I 'Do~•< t rnll' , 9· ~· · !°;... • ~-=~t : i: ~ t= ~b ~ ! : ~ -.~ ~ 1~ t' ... . •" G•lltAA~! 36 ' O a, 0 MCA"ullff1, 2b ~ t I Cl • • • , .. ' • . ll111foi\; rt S 0 0 • 0 M.Sl.,.l1y, C1 3 Cl O o •• , , -."J<' ;. -• , TOl"bof1, c l O Cl t A.AOC1rf.g11e1, lll ' 9 1 O S .'.J '.ll!_~·p ' Alomlr. ho 4 01.l".t ""!E.8rlt1ICIT1111, Sfl O 0 O t Hi P • 'sl119tr, I' o 0 t t flrHMn, pit I O O O -an o roves s . onit ~r~:;.:, .. ~ : : : , • UGrt>w,poooo With -H-0.mer, 2 Single~ LOS ANGELES !AP) -Ron Santo says the Clticago ,Cubs th is year 'are the "strongest ·team I've ever beef\ on:" and then he went out and prO\led his point1- at least ror the time being. '.f1!e Chicago captai,n pounded out two J.$talles and"a ·bome "ron -one of three ~"'by ~·Cubs .,-In lead a 9·5 romp l'imicb boosted them i!.llo a first place tie '\vitk·:N•w 'iork In llie Nati0{\41 .. ~e , 'EU'st. .. "' . -It's th• fii;i time the Cubs have'~ jOyed sucli lofty status since June 24, 1970 -except for opening da y -and Santo thlnis this just might be the year they stay there. • "LW.e've got good starting pitching," he . said, "~t our bullpen has been lhe strength. 0£ the cl~~ IO far." • ,In-~esday ·nlgl1t's win IBµrt Hooten ,,.., g~ied. '.with . an eight-nm lead but . finally Tfeileped, ·jn the ninth· aOd Dave l.eRoche ciMein-~o get the final two outs ill quiok fashion. • Tonight Mllt Pappas. 1·2, will attempt to stretch tbt CUbs' win streak to nve NATE.R -INKS PACT .. when he 0-Don sunon, 2·%, In the second game of the three-game series. Tile Ctibs kn~ed oul Qodgers s~r Tommy Jolin . in lhe lhlrd when they scored three l'UllB to jump the lead In ~. The Dodgers got-0oe back in the third but Chicago put it away in the fourth with three bo'me runs off of Doug Rau - by Billy Williams, Jose Car<lenal and Santo. It was the first time any club bad tagged three hoJller> In Dodger Stadium. ·"I cartll '·rt~illber us eVer doing it either," said Santo who now is hitting .378. The Dodgers pounded out 13 hits in-- eluding ·back-to-back bomers in the ninth by Tom Paclorek and Bill Buckner. Besides his homer, Cardenal also tripl- ed home two runs to jump his average to .'!68. Olk ... If) LK ......... UI Mrlll1lil allt111'91 MOrodly, cl S ' 3 1 lltUMt!I, u i t . 1 0 Bect;ort, ill ,S I ~ l Mola, II 3 0 1 0 e .w11u ..... H • l I 2 P1<.lor11t. " I 'I' I ' ' Hlffl", II I 0 I 0 81,KK,,..-. lb f• l ~ I Hldtmen, lb 4 I 0 0 W.Devl,, cl I t \ 0 Slnlo,311 • 2 JI 1'1roUM111, c 3 O o O l'antoM,3b O OO O YMOtr,c 2010 C.rd«lll, rl ' ' 2 3 W.Cl'llwtorO, rl • 0 1 0 Hundlr/1 c •000 Ctv,3b till k.Htl_., u 1 1 1 I Lopes, 211 l O J I Hoolon,p ~O IOJOfln,p Of0 0 U.A~p OOOOA"J•P 0000 G•rvl't', pn I o o _ o 1-+ov;h, p I 0 0 0 L.cy,ph 1000 WITH. AB41'0V·'f ~,~T, C11h••r. p o o a o ~ Toi..... 11 f U J TOlll1 t. Si!> 4,. ALBUQUERQUE . (AP)' -· fiCLA•s Swen Niter S(l).'S be ~ continue to play baH<tbell wl'tti ' the . Arilerir.an national ~tball team ir\,_its a irrent tour with t&e' Rmslids,. desptle1.f!is ajghiqg iof· a . lnlilt>year ' cootrii¢t Wilh the Virglnl• 'SquiM of the American Basketball Cllic.to HJ «.It oot -f Lot ~" ~ 001 000 09 --5 E -lll:vn11ll, .w. Cniwlor4. OP ~ c~ t Lot 4J!Ol!lts 1, LOB -Cllk:IOO 12. Loi ~ f . 215 -lo\Cll'ldllr. aeu..-1. l8 -C~I. HR -8. Wllll.llml (I), S.nto l•J. C1rdMll 121, P.c:tortk 111, Btldl_., 12). SI -l.ciPOs. S ..... Hooto!\, k.1M"1gor, 111!111. SI' -lltdltr!, Cir. IP"HllllllllSO • .._,. IW.J.2) .. ,,, IJ S s l 4 • U.llocM t /I f 0 0 0 1 .IOhll (L,2·11 2 t S l 2 I 1t1-""'lSOCl·•llon._.__ .. . -·r ·. _ -=.i . ! : : : ! : '' "I am-not affected as.long as don't " cWt...--1 1 o o o o· Play a prolessioMI game .• •" Nater i8kl s.w --i..11tOC11t n >. HBP" -by HOurill (Sa11to1, •WP _. ~ HootOll.. Pl -l"tr!MGll. Tlmo -2:42, 'I\lesday. ~ ~ -12Al:l. - Sf,htrlNn. p 0 • • 0 To••lt if • '' ' .,ot.,. a t ·s 1 C1lllor11le 011 e20 OCO ,... • Dtttolt GOO tot 010 - 2 E -$111911'. LOS -C.llfornlt 10, Oltl'ot1 t . 28 -... !.._.~I!!" ), C.sl'lft Slmf. H--"· Aloln&on l•I, ~tl:r: (1), s ~:~~JM J •• so llf!W" (W;.._1) ffl;t .I "t I • S F,YM.11 (L,2+11 3 16 4 4 t-1 ·Tl~n 2,,2213 LaGrow ,2. 2 0 0 0 2 $ch(frmotl'I t '2 I t I 2 H&P -bV $1ng11 l,,..lftlol. Tlm1 -2t& Al· tMdll'IU -10.111. •' ' ' ' ~· t'J, Anteaters Nab Seventh Win y...._: "R .. ) -& w ·· ow;:o ,,!l Jeff Malinoff drove Jactc ·Gleveland across Witb the winning run in tlM! top of the 10th inning lo give the UC Irvine baseball' teain an 8-7 vlctocy over 00.t Cal State' (Fullertoo) Tuesday '1.te111000 on the Titans field . UCI"s Anteaten, the No. I team In the College divisjon for tho. second straight -· met boat eoapnW. ewl.th a ~~ U8llinf l\!eo-1, ' .. 33. M~• blow cat110'lil two outs in the 1911 of the 10th altar Clewlaad bid iln&lei! fer bis lourtli hl~ol'1be ganie 8lld Terry Stupy wall<ed. Stupy liter ltll a home rt!~. Ra'y Hump!irtes· picked ~ bis lot!I vlc- t<!f)' against one defeat ·Iii a ~ role _,the Titans bad laiott«I tbe qre In ·Jr. bot(9m o~~~btl!ilJ?.• single tal· The An!<ftero CGll!lnlled to be')lnxed on the Fullertoo diamood as they outhit 'lhelr hosts, 14 In r, aod .. llod the 'Jltans commit two -}II •llllier pme this ... ...,, Full•r!M ...,. a 3-t victory over the Anteaters II tllt oame · te, Ille lone Joas ol the yoariit m NCAA collqe division team. -UCI bas WOil ....,. In a row "1111 11 ol Jhe last U gatne<t In 11 drive -an NCAA wes!em resional playoff IMlrlh. ijC: ll'Viriit (f) .. Clll ,,.~......._, lfl .. _,.. ' . ,..,., ........ , <I t {<1 • ~ \ • I 0 0 ~ndJ• •I 4 ~ Glltiff, tt ' ... , 2 t ltupy, c ' 1~ t 2. 0.¥"8; ,, .. " 0 ili'lllMft, 10 t 0 I 1 ,.,,....._ ib· 4 I ! I ~tf Jltt ......... 11111 N•it t~. • 4 1 t 0 JlO!tltW, It ' 0 1 I tfMMfl\, u 5 O i 2'"..HIU'lilUon. 'b " l I 1 Jc,...,.,. 4 2 I' t WlllllMon, (; i I 2 O ~-n 1 • I o wtut .. ~ 1 • 1 -.r 2.0 Ol...,.,,_, lt O ...-1, tOttHWIN.,, DOD l)ivh,,p 1000£v.r1r t 'IOIO Huml'tifl-. P 2 0 0 II ~IU~, 11 t t 0 0 10111• ~~II It IO ~· •• 0. 4 1 1• t .. 1",.... » 1 f I ...,....,. ....... • uc.emr. •• ,,.. lf1-t u ~-•' tn '" ,._, • • • I ' " • -FV Spiker.. .SA Valley. Consistent Domjnates - • By ROGER CARLSON Of tllt Dlll't Plltl Iliff Fountain Valley High hu produced its share of exceptiooaJ lract and field stars but perhaps the most OOO!iateot of any Barons p«!onner Is Riclt Ca!e. The 5-3. 150-poond speedster bas bests of 10.0, 22.3 and 22-2~1' tn lbe JOO, 220 and long jump. And each tlrne out he's wilhin an eyelash of bettering lhotie mark!. "Rick has had a better season than any athlete we've had here," say1 coach Stan Clark. "Phil Maas had better times in the sprints, but Rick bas more big wins than anyone . .. He Setrm to run fast enough to beat the competition each time out, especially In the 220," adds Clark. Case was a double winner in the recent lleacli Cities lnvllalional, caplurlng !ti< century and furlong 1n 10.l and 22.S over the Orange -Coast area111 top sprinters. He finished second to Newport Harbor High's Tom OiStanislao in consideration for the Daily Pilot trophy for the outstanding perfonner of the meet. The latter cleared 15--0 in pole vault conr pdiUon. Hts most ootable improvement since the out,,et of the track-and field season is in lhe loog jump. "Rick was a l~foot jumper at the .start o( the season and he's gQt room for plenty of im· provement, '' says Clark. ''His best as.set Is Initial speed and he has good spring. It's just a matter of im· proving lhe coordination between speed and spring," adds the coach. Case mWed varsity football com- peUUon for the Barons alter lettering oo the sophomore team. He was inellglblt! (or duty on the gridiron as a senior after a one-year stint al Rhode Island. . "With ltfs !P,d'd he could have. been a real good rece11.1er," opines Clark.. Case ls also a factor in the Baroos• nif· ty mile relay quartet. The combo o! Case. Jolm Sayles, Richard Lenga and Bruce Moore has pro. duced a 3:25.4, but Clark says if they can put It together sufficiently lbey should be in the 3:21 category. CUe <'an a 49.i 440 leg in the mile relay at the RivWde Spike-0-Rarna (Fountain Valley "°" the team tlUe) and Sayl.. and Lenga have 49.6 and St.I cloddnp to their aedll As foc the future in tn1cl< ll's the 440 that Clark feell CUe will shine the most. The zzo is bl.! best event now, but given time it eventually wW be the Wl. College eodeavol'I figure to be at Golden West oc G"'"'1DMt. Gauchos' Bradley ' Sharp in Prelims SAN DIEGO -GI""" Brndley was virtuaJJy a one-man show ror Sadd1eback C.Ollege's track and field team in Tuesday's Mission COo!crence prellms at Balboa Stctdium. Bradley qualified in the long jump, tri- ple jump and l~and-220-yard dashes. The only other two Gauchos earning berths in Friday night's finals were javelin thrower John Broad and quarter· miler Richard Cordery. Bradley had a season best or 9.9 in a heat of the 100 and later clocked 22.5 in the furlong. He had the fifth best mark in t.he triple jwnp ( 44-6 ) and "-'as sixth in the long jump (21-11 ). . ....,,..llMI ...... FOUNTAIN VALLEY HIGH'S RICK CASE IS REGARDED AS THE MOST C.ONSISTENT SPRINTER IN THE SCHOOL'S TRACK AND FIELD HISTORY Legal -Berries ' Spicing Coa8t Fish Outlook Legal barracuda have made a good showing in Orange Coast area waters but lowered wat'r temperatures due to overcast skies brought about a decline early this week. ,;There are a lot of bamlcuda around and bonito fishing Is good," a spoke!man for Art's Landing says. "Wt week we bad a fantastic run on big barraCuda but the water temperature drop over the weekend caused them to leave," a report from Davey's Locker adds. Farther down the coast from Dana Wharf comes a report o! gOQ.d berry fishing on Monday. "We had eight passengers bring in 16 legal fish Mon· day.'' a spokesman says. Bay fJ.Shing for spotfin croaker and silver salmon at the jetty has been good according to bolil Ari's Widlng and Davey's Locker. All three landings agree that warmer water temperatures in the ne:zt few weeks could bring about a banner ocean fishfng season this summer. oc1AHSI CI -17 •"Iii.rt: 1 MrrKUd41. 10 ~Ip be», S nKk (ri ~ ITIKklflt, SA.N CllOO M'r-:1 l"lll'l -1'2 !!'t""' ' Vfllll1 1o11 bob!,, yll 111, n ~rr1cw., Oiinlto. MARINA DRL RI -11 1nQllf't: 270 roe (Oil, 4 ...... ll:DONCO -ICI 1~1'"'' i Vlllowl1ll, l'J (ll~o ::..~~ rr.u~ ~'/,ar:x cod. .,... -:M Miiiin: 0 HPPO•T (DlftY't Locket) -:M tfl9i.rt: 54 borllfO, 11 <•11(0 '*'• 12 rack cod. CAr'h lMldlftt) -211 ... lln: ll l:lol'ltlO. 10 M"Klllko, 11 1111•, J6 roek. Cl11:Al. II.ACM -62 •11Gltf'1~ I06 rock ~Od. l ll"fl -ii 1not•••: 1 r..nKl.ld1. 2so bOl'lll'I. 1 k•lo blU, 1s h1llbul. Sunset Loop Track By STEVE BRAND Of 1111 D6M\' P.-t lllff Newport Harbor High and s<a Ana continued on a collision course after both survived the Sunset League track and field pretims Tuesday at Western High in Anaheim without a major upset. As e1pected, Santa Ana's Saints Jet all varsity quallflfn with 13 while Newport's Sailors and Marina each landed 11 into Friday night's finals at the same site. Newport, which is rated a strongtt choice than Marina to upset Santa Ana because of its strength in the fie)d events which were not contested on the varsity level Tuesday, got heat wins from King Humann (51.2) and Brian Theriot (49.9) ln the 440 and Tom DiStanislao in. the "tM> low burdles in 20.1. Huntington Beach's Robert Angel sped to a 4:26.1 mile, tbe fastest of the day, while in another section Marina's Ken Martyn clocked a 4:27.0, finishing second U> Loara's Ralph Serna. VAlt51TY 100-(HMI II 1, Brito (Wl f.I, ~,.~lllkjl'll WI 10.0. l. Crtwtord <St 10.0, •. 'fltllf ""I 10. , J. ~rt~K (WI 10.l. ,1~211 Edw•rdl ts t •• ,, C1m11'1 CA) '"! 3. Mer M) 10.1, 4. lr(lhkowskl 11•0 10.3, .5. lh11nlllca (W 10.4. ~(Htal 1\ \. Merl11111d tMl 1'.1, 2 Tl,lcr IMI n .2 ftltll j\ . llrlro. IW) :ti.I, 2. H1wtlrit Ml 72.7, ), Dunk11r l 21.l. ~"'"~'-Edw1rdt. Uil 2 .3, 2, TMlol !111%2.3, • 1r1«1 A) 71.1. UD--( t IJ • unnlr \L 51 .. 2. Porttf' IW 51.1 Ounktf' SI $2. 1, H'urNnn N .,:1. l: ... _ .. "·~·· " ' ilJ1 ,,.,.., 1,1 4'.t .•ICHThln IWml 1, l. or"'-/ "'· llO-IH.-1 lj I C• ti IMI 2, . 2. Sl'llrl~ IWmt. 2:01 •• . EKMI' I HI ?!·01 .•• ~ t' .. u .. IA : I l 1. o.rirnark I 2: • l_-Rftd fM tri, . ,'ii.\ lwm> ,,m.t, <. '""' "J > ""·'· ovu1--(HMI 11 l, Anll .. IH) •:2 •• 1, 1. klv«lr1 !L) •:U.5, 3 lllUIM [~) i :31.J1 •. PC.I (W"') 4:3'.t , S. Ct.rke INI 4:11.1. (Heal 21 I. 5erri1 ILi 4:16.6. 1. r.i"''~M •:21.0. 3. l•tsan fNI •:J6.S, 4. Connell' 4:)9.7, , Sc:ott CNI •:•7.0. 20 H t 11 J, Harrell IS 1• 7;7, 1-rl IL ''·'1-~· Sti~r' nd !NI l!.2_. •• l.llom&,, ~ ... } lS~, I ··-1 Ll"'Ts.s. iHe11 :i) 1. '111~ lLl 1• •• 1. "'Pi I $ 1$,]1 J. OISt..W11M1 IN) 1S.2, • IPll IW 1 , A.1nk111 M l•.l. 1 U...:itte11 'j /. ~fl\~1 !SI 1t.t. 2. "f11l11 !Y'I 2'0.0, . S~lrt LJ ~ , ?. llll,,_ l l) 10.2, l. ... , ... 1 'l fSI 20.6, • E1thlrll 'LI 20.i, S. Howll 1wm 1 •· TO A QVALIFIEllS -\, S1nt1 Arlt lj• j· N..,_.. 11.irtMw lrid Mlrlfll II .t.. LMrl 1 . Wnllffl 1, 6. WHlmll'ltll" s. 1. ANhtlm 4. I. H1H1-tlnp!011 a.di a. JUNIOlt YAltSJTY IOl)....(HMI 1) Rey ISi lll.1, 2. DI URM (SJ 10,7, l. Prl',\ie (Wm) 10.ii.IHHl 21 llJohnMWI CS) 10.6, ]. TOD¥ I I 10,I, l. 111nt.!Llrtl 10 1 tHt1 ll l . Purt•U (H) 10.1, 2. ,,,._ 1s\ \o.•~ 1. Por1l110 ILi 10.I F .. ]l Founjl -Norton {Ml 10 r. l'ii-tit 1 I 1. Norton CMJ riJ, 2. DI I: RIYI .7 ~ld !Wm 21.J IH11t 2) 1 I! .'./, 1. M•'°" t51 13.~. 1. ~m1111 \SI l•.o.~ J) I, C~"""' I'/ %3.4, 2. Port1Ho IL: 13.1 -"'O -H 1 • H IN) 5'-', 1. A1 (SI 5'.1 • Lal>Of .1~IM S!.I ~NI 21 1. Fr.o.rrtkton l h.1. l. Plck1rlno 1\\ 5'.6 IHH• '\ I· Cl'l•ll' .. Ol'I ~s Sl.!1. • G•rdelUrtl ( J.l.O, 3. Norr I Lf S6 . ...i -!HNI 1 l. Hiii IMI 2:12.t , Ounc•n l\j 2:1$,f, J. Ltlll'I tNI 2·11 •. 4 jHMI ]) \, Pk.kerln! I l i!'~'· 2. JW!kln1 jl 2:1 .4, l. Youna (LJ :IJ. MHI J) l,J.left<I H 2:07.t, 1. 0.Vfl {LI 2:10 6, l. RUl'lde:r.,,IY!A>2j' 14.t. Mlle -Hf \ 1. hr.I IL) {;4'.0, 7. II,_., (LI •:4'.7, 3. ""'1 iL) •:4, 4. ~didV (5) 4:52.S., S. Alllfl Cft,J 4:1!.0 lHMt 2) 1. Ouloole CWm).•:lS '• ]. °"i!"' 'J.' 6:ff.2, f "1ucl<sft (HI •:'Sl.i, 4. Mt9I'-fNl •: .4ri. -~ 11 •,:. 11,M ILJ 10:~•· I' L.-i IW 10:2'.\, ti L) 10:2" S. 4. NW j l l tP:'• S. 1 "-r l.) IO'it.J. 'L MIT-Oil) fl :it. , 1 E /Mvwhort { IO·U ... '-Wftll IMI 10: -~ <-•m 1$) 10:'ti'.o4i.:)~.V.I) 10:41.6. S. 1C:.ft11 H) 10: 1, 1=rn -jt~I 11 1 iW fA) 1•.•, 2. ICondr1ck !L) 17·!"· rrl•ld {L 11.2, 4. NIM:l'lw1,l IHJ 11.l, . Aldr <.l'I IM t.O IHtl !\ '· MlrsMl1 / li.SI 2. !lurks IS) 6. 3. Harm ( 17 (t, -'· IClrkpa rick HJ 10i'.oc.H -(KHI 11 1, Mlr1.~ll fLI 11.1, 'L kotl ISi 21.3, l. •IOrlct! !Ml ~\, •· Pilbdtwlt1 tHl 13.!)1 J· Hwrl1 IS~ 23.l IHfft l I, Burks ISi 21.A, 2 1'1\11•1 IH) ,, .... $ofwlleG .... no, 4. Fult"'""°'a (NJ n.A, ti: IN QUALIFIERS -I. I AIMI 27, 2. '"'~~ ""· ' ll:: l.o9r1 , MlrlM t •· Pil-1 rbor 1. S Hurt- tlna!Oft 1. '-W.StmlMttt' 3, 7. AMllllm t •· w .. "'"' o. ,llU.L FlnD ll'n'.NTI 1.J:.11ol>. ~ -l!!'7i11:!1 \,~11i~\;'\~J ,Hlgll SP - 1 M.;(\:J a-O'h 'L l"•rker 15 \,\, J. Mnn ISi d-lV., 4. nk (M j U-n\, 5 Nu tot C l 4.l-0~ -1 · scott 1s1 lO<O'll• 2. e•rc'" l'"r·nv.i, l. !?l~·m M) t-10, •• R1y 1!1 1t'6. J. Pr Me Wm) ,,. Baseball Standings '1fJ -1 Ttnnv-°" (l.l 6-2. 2. Gon11ltt c11 M 3. l~L~A u .•. ~111n&nti.r11.,. <wmi s.-10, • A.1111v Nit SCORING l.EADERS:1 . ~rilt _•11t 2'Vlo. j· w .. ml111l1-, llVJ. 3. Laer• 12; -~, MlrlM '· . M""°" llMCh 4, 6. WHltm I, • 1'1\lllltl'IOllM'I ,,,.ch 1nd AMhel'm 0. J'lOSlt-SOPH 100-(Kfll 1) 1, Monck\' IHj 10.4, 2 • .Mee-'"'I 'tt'· i""J 'f J,_MlctO!rt_ f H 10-.4. 1 Gtmn 1wrn I J. Hff l ,...ttaon tM) 10.6 1.. Fooo (Al 10.7. t ~ 2. Pitt~ !Wml 10.6, ·~. 91rKll U() 10.1, 1~ DIK• -Hflen: L.ucn flO .,,., allftln (Ml AMERICAN LEAGUE Ealt Dlvlllon Milwaukee Baltimore New York Detroit Cleveland Boston W L 10 9 10 10 tO IO 10 11 9 7 12 11 West Division Chi cago II s Kansas City 13 9 Angels 10 8 Minnesota 9 8 Oakland 9 t2 Texas 7 10 'f\IMd..,.I G-ft ,_,.,. York 6, ICl!'lw.t CllY 1 .,. .... 7, '"'°"' A"fflt 6. Ottroll ! Pct. .526 .500 .500 .476 .429 .389 .688 .59t .556 .529 .429 .412 Mll'Wt\lltH 4, Otkl-.id 3 Cln-4..,,, 11 Ml-11, Plld, Wit •rwNI OllUOt "'11ttlmore 5 T"'11'1 G•- GB \\ y, I 2 2l\ I 2 21.ft 41!< 4'h lllfl .. I Cl"' {Sp(lt«ff J·l I 11 N ... Y«\ (M .. Ok i\ 1-0 or IC .. kh M l T'-~'' f9'"9rl t-11 11 IMIOl'I !1'l.t11! ,.JI .. _.. IRYlll ,.,, ,, Det,.11 u.oHcfl 1..n 0.-1.-ici (Ho1ttm111 >21 11 Mll'WM• .(hll .,, Clevel-.icl (St,_ 1~ 11 MlnnllOll (WOOCS-••> ll11tlrrlor1 IP•'""" 1·11 11 OllUeo !Wood ,_,I T~10- NO 01-. KMc!ul• NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago New York Pittsburgh Philadelphia Moot real St. Loois Eatt Division W L t2 8 12 8 8 7 9 10 8 11 3 16 West DivlsloO San Francisco 19 6 Cincinnati 13 8 Houston 15 10 Dodgen 11 lZ San Diego 8 16 Atlanta 7 14 T ...... .,.,._ Hcluston ), P"-11.o.ipttl._ t MordTNll t , AUlllll 6 S.n 01'90 10, SI, Louis 5 SM F~1..clsco I, Plt1"""'11h 1 Clllc-t.~S Oflh> ·~ ~ltd. T ..... te.-t Pct. .600 .600 .533 .474 .412 .158 GB 1 l\ 21> Jl\ BY.. .760 .619 4 .600 4 .471 7 .343 10 .333 10 PlrhWrll'I tw.aw Ml 1t S1111 FrMtC:rKD (llMr >II "°"''°" (Rotiml Ml .. Pllllldllohl• (l.Ort- barll 1~1 C!llCIMlll IGrlm•liW '"" ., ,.... .,. •• tS.ner .,, Montrell !Mc.-.,.llr 1.01 11 All111t1 (Oobten .,, St, Louis 101~ Wl 11 Slri Di.to llCl!W l""I Cllltl9o {P1pflft 1·1) 11 °""" I~ 2·1) !.4.6. 1.:=r11"1~·o~l~Ljf~} o?-:.• i·i.'l'3c':' 1~1 llMI JOll'l't H,. J, Htlt 3 1."McCUN IN/ 2).6.. 2. Roburh Ot w'· U Ml 4) 1. Hurn1rv1 IN 23,1; 'L P1t,.,_ I 1•-2. \ ..,_., ... ,, •1•1"'1 IH) 1:21.1. (Ht1t 21 1. ""'II,. .... , l' '· """"' '"' ""·! '~ I ,l:Zt.O Htat SJ 1. Mor ... CS) "ijfffi::i ' . '"""ff I" ""·'· ••• "''" "' N l::rt.t. Ol\l;fl Ml 1:2'.!. IHtt I Mfi''" cw> l :tt ·~ . WllMll IHI l,, , .. I· -., ~ ,"Ll'"i ·L·~""• ',l __ . ~-"'"t.' " .. I "'" w... l. . ..,._. 1 :2' nMI J '· u~ h :lt .... 2. $11V I I ,~-~NS.!j~~~z1i}i.f·'~ ~-Hir."""'j• f~l l ,_ Wli.o!I (W,., .... ) '-LI 10. I ""'' I Vmtf' !Wl , ... 2. $Jenfff IM) ,,, 1. .,.._ I I t.t. Fnntt 4th -IY'I ILi f.t. '10 f§IHMI 1l I. Mlckllri IH) 14.4, J, M.,.n ~l 14.. 2l ,_ ,._ 15,, 1 •. ,. 2. ~ "·j· O ~ 1. H1MCll'I m) 1,,1. 2. ll'lrt !.. . Ml • " v .... " , .. ,, l· .... ::: jti" HHf I, khullt (W!ll) l .I, 2. ..on 111·1NO QUALIFIERS -11 N..-t H1rbor 12, 1. 11Jt .t.llf 11.1 J, Wftffnhll tr 10; i,' Hurtttnoton llff<:h_ t, S'. Mir I'll •• .. LOlrt J, 7. W•lwn J, I. AnfMl!ll 1. Pl•1.D •V•NT P INAl.S U -1. \.fOf!lrd (WI 2l ·SV!o, 2/ Ml\kt~ IHl 70-11 ~, ,. !~m !Ml 20-1 , '-TIWftfi N) •·1 , s. C:orrl1t11 1-w...:r.:r ..... ~·· ,, ... , ~ .. -l\.i~~i ~. ~~~H12'~'."1~\~"&M~ "~(\4J \.~r-•. ~1~;.,f't-lelJ_tvp!,~\tt ': •• TE...,... SCORING l.E ... OEltS -1. N\#IK...eteft ~ 11, t. Wttttrll 10, i, llWrfftt f, 4, ~ ....cl ,....._, Klrtlor 4. t. Stntt AN >. 1, Lo9n 1, I. Ml1191m 0. # Fertig Fea~ . At Trojan Club ' Cr1lg Fertig, asslslant football coach, and Nick Pappas. director ol athllllc support gtOOPS, will be guesta ol the Orang• Col!nly 'l'n>Jan Club 11 • bnm<h to be h<ld at Ille Balboa Bay Club next &md11y. • Fertig wlll bring a i\revlew of the 1973 Troj•M football team, ACCa'dlng to chairman Gary Jenn!IOO. 'l'n>Jans alumni and friends of the unlvenlly are lnvited to the bnmch thal wUI &et Wider w1y at ll:IO wflh 1 cockWI hour followed by hruncb lrom I to s. for !urtl1<r lnlonnatlon, coollcl Jen- ni.on at au.mi or ~.,. t MV Qualifies 15 for Finals By HOWARD L. RANDY Of tM Dllff'f Pll" tt9fl M!Sllon Viejo High quallOed 15 vanity performers W lead the Wlf Into Friday night's Crestview 'League track and n.Jd flnall whlcil will be held on tl>e Dlablos Dold w1th field eventa Drt!ng at 5 lllld the first. ruMlng event at 7. In tile frosi>soph division, the Dlabloo had eight places In tl>e nmnln( !lnllJ, one less than Katella. Field eventa in the lrosh-oopb di villon were completed Tue .. day with TUstln leading wtth 22 poillts U> 20 for Katella and t4 for Mllllon Vltjo In third. Mission Vlejo'1 Scott Klpen -beat nca ... uy in the varsity 100 and :ao In 10.S and :IS.$ md will be mnonc Iha f1vorllta In the flnall In both l'ICtl. Teammate Mark Stoddard bit I0.2 bl lhe low hurdles to pool Ibo b-1 11111'11 ill the day In that eYOftl and -~ his hut tn the hlat-In tu. ·: The Olobola' middle' dilllnoe · gave coacb Bill Crow'1 1quad four In !he mile nm !lnllJ with .i.i posting a 4:M.1 In w1nn1nc the """1!1!11 heat In the ,_ \lm6 ol the dly. Ken Ho-moved II yirda In ....,I In his boot In the • al \lat bud-GI Iba 1trotcb nm, theo Nied 1111 to '111ually wallt acrou Ille ftnlth line In t :OIJ. • See DIAJll.OS, hp II ' .An1 cila D Co , ... •Lii Pl \O.J. .,u ••• .l. 2 {SCI ' ,,., • R1llly "'~···· ·~ 31 I. n.•. .... Lattin •(HNI 101 s; l l I. (MV) .... .,,.,_, fOl 2 ..1. Fr! 2:0&.ll. •• Mll1 .• c. "" Midis ""'' A 4:211,0, ,, 120 ~ lJ..t, t o-JFI 1 ', .... , 1. Plr IVPI • Ll80 . lll-'· ··-• ·I. Jc • Woll~ .. "" TotJ ·~"' •{IJ, I ·T'"ll1 : 100 w .. 10.6. 'W•ll• .s. (111 ,., 10.6. -"' ;._ I. T11 • "'24.0. . ~·· '. ·IEMI . "" . 2, 01 • CEM I .. 1:29.l , Seht1 (Tl 1 "" ~ilt.1 '• VPld! ,'. fVP) IH11' • Splll1 -J:l7.1 " t .l, : -~~ "''" -,,. • IS.1, CVPJ · 0 Trlnl 1,.~. TflD '· To VltJt ... '" ' "' S-101 ""' S-10, LJ ,.,, "' " "' Mm Jt~J -• 11'6, " (Tl ,,. s, • tM'li >I ~Cite ....... ~ ~ 12:)..o 111'4 " .• • ll•tl • - . "'" '· 7. .. ll ... t . Bel :'-ltll ' al I • H11 ' . ~ _ .. .... ' --. .. f Successful Title Defense ~ ·. Anne Teel CTefl) defeated Esther Nugent for her third straight . championship at El Niguel Country Cl ub m Laguna Niguel. women's golf DIABLOS .. Continued From Page 30 VAR$tTY Trad!. Q•"l1"91"!1 • 100-(Hr•I 11 I. K!pers CMV) 10.3, 2 . OCC, Golden West Send Swimmer8 to State Meet • ·Ln Pk~~!~ (VP! in~. J. Hugh"1 !Fl .10.!. (Heel 21-1. Free fT) , 10.J, 2. G~ss C$Cl 10.6. !Hr111 Jl 1. Reilly <Fl LOS ALTOS -Foothill, (5:13.9); Bill ~1 c Anene Y , '0.3, 2. P•lmer (MV) 10.S. J. Mann (5' t4.7). , · csc1 io.s. Diablo Valley, Pasadena , m -<Heat i1 1. Klr.lll•s tMvl n.~. 2. Or c st and Fullerton · d med D K t · Relllv IFl 23.6. 3. s~hwab fl/Pl 74.<I. ange oa 200 1n . . -an en lH1a1 71 1. Klngslend !EMl 21.s, ?. collegesareexfected-fobethe (2·079)· Misiolek (2·097)• B~ (Fl n.t., 3. (1/1$ (SC) 'll.9, (Heel . . ', . . .• 3l 1. Frrr IT) n .3, 1. Palmer (MVI leading contenders for the Mike Yarwood (2.: 10.9); Neil :"-.4co-Hrit l l 1. E•ton fMV > so.2, 2. team title when the annual Richey (2:16.4). Lcfl!n IVPl 51.6. J. Fer11uton (0) 51.3. state JC swinuning aiid diving 50 . free -Mark Desmond ·(Hui 1) I. Beno (Fl 51.5, ?. OelacrY.-h · h. b g I l (Ol n.1. l . Turclnovic (F) s~.1. (Heet C amp1ons ips e .n a (22.0)~ Larr y Blatterman 3) 1. H'/'d<! (VPI s2.o, 2. 1c. Hcrwer Foothill College Thursday. (22 1) Do M (22 4) (MV) 51·0· Prelims will be held at 10 · ; ug oon · ; .2:':.i:"<~~'in~)cE'MiK:i:O?~r'i A~':~~ 1. 1 5 Th d Rich Hyland (22.5); Frantom • • 10J 2:os.s. <He•• 31 1, Eller co1 2:01.3, a.m. and mas at urs ay (22.9); McAneney (23,). · :.i. Frlsioe tFJ 2:01.s. l. Patterson (Ol through Friday. One-meter diving _ Mike : . 2:~;_1Hut n 1. Gertch (Fl ,,iJ.2, Pasadena edged Or an g e Wilson . • 2. C•"91•no tMVl .4:33.1. IH•el 2) i. Coast for the Souther D med] cDOk IMVJ •:21o.1, 2. Bdl cFJ •:n .o, l. Calilorru'a ti"'· last week whi'le 400 ey relay -3:42.5. Mtdlson (\/Pl .4:3A.B. (Hell, 31 I. ue Nort°" 101 •:21.a, t. M. Hower 1Mv1 Foothill swam away with the Friday ~ .4:211.0, l . a-IMVI .4:36..S. J/\ll Ind d R' h . , . uo HH-tH .. 1 11 1. woi.kY 1vP1 Northern Cal crown. Golden 'IVV • me . -1c ey _ 1s.1, 2. s1ocldard IMVI is.1, i. Pmthlll West, fifth '" ... So Cal -et, (I·" 9) •·JF) lS.3. (H"I 2) 1, Gf"9000' (MVI .,, Ute: '"" .~. ' • r..1, 2. RlcMrdson IEMJ 1s.1. <HHl 31 also figures to score heavily. 200 free -Misiolek (1:49.8); •• Pinkerton IFJ 15.3, 2. cn1m111~11J d . the d f din Frantem (l·.52.7)·, McAneney . 1vP1 1s ... J. Pinkerton tf.l 1s.J. Pasa ena is e en g . no LH-(HHt 11 J. Pinkerton, !F) state champ. (1 ·53 J)· Ma-en (!·53 4) •. io.s. 2. Bltluk ($CJ 20,6. (HHI 2) I, • • ' •• • . . • ?.tDdd•rd IMVl 20.a. t. YDUllll co i 20.4. Qr.:anae Co' a s t • s Ron 100 fly -Moon (55.5): Des· ' a. JOhMOll ISC) 20.A. (HNI 3) 1. -d (56 6) H bb' (59 6) • Wol•kY CVPl 20.6. 2. w1tlel' csc1 20.1, Misiolek, Dan Kent and Mark mon . ; o 1e . ; • 3. GreQOtY lMVl 20..1. n..---d and Golden West's Ri ck Thomas (1:00.1). • Tot•r quallfl1r1: Minion Viejo {151, ~ k Fonlhlll 1121. vm. Pert <101, O••no• Kevin Williams and Marc 100 bac -Misiolek (54.5); ·<•J. San c11men1t 111. E1 Modena 131, Cardenas are the lead'"g area Blatterman (58.7 ) ·, Carpenter ·'Tu1lln (2), l<ate!Ja tOl. .,, Fro1fl·SOP11 swimmers. (1:00.2). · Tr•ck 011an11er1 JOO bi-east:.... Kent (1:03.4)·, · : 100 -(Hu• 11 1. Evens (K) 10.6. 2. Misiolek has the top mark in • Wood 1sc1 10.6, !Heat 2J 1. HUI !ICl the state '" the 200 backstroke Yarwood (1:03.9); 0 wen 10.6, 2. Weber (0) 10.8. {Hell 3) l. "'' • Wt!t1nd (MVJ 10.s. 2. 0e1ass1 <Kl 10.s, (2 :0.3), Desmond has the No. 1 Marksbury (1 :05.7); Richey ··"·····"·le) Opftrma11 (VP) and Wy111I (K) (l .·08.6), • time (22.0) in the SO free and •. 210-111!at 1) 1. EveM fKl io.t., 2. Kent and Williams are two of 800 free' relay -7:33.0. __ t. Tournev !Fl 2.3,,, J. Oplerman {VPl • "U.o. tH~at 21 1. Weber co1 24.2, 2. the better breaststrokers in JC Saturday Wygal (l(,j U.3, !HNI 3) 1. O.LY11sel . . ·./·.',~' .. ,",·,'.·,.'·Marvel (0) 24.3. Hulse swunm1ng. 1,650 free -Marron ~ Williams won the 100 breast • 660 -CHret 111. Wll'llsl (MVJ 1:29.6, , b So C I I ki (10:50.4), •• 1. c11r1 Rotilnson csc> 1nd LU1ywhlle JD t e a meet, c oc ng 100 free _ Delmond (49.5) ·, , tEMI 1:31.2 cHut 21 1. Jones !EM> 1:03.4 while Kent was second 1:29.1, 2. Home (Tl 1:29.•1 !Heet ll 1. Misiolet (48.4); Moon (49.7); "' Schltl11n11e• (Fl l ::ra.s, 1. Hollrnbt'tk in l:Q3.6. Kent later bagged Frantom (50.4)·, Blattennan , ITJ 1:2'.6. J. Horvath IVPI 1:30.6. th 200 breas' l •'n 2 "°'4 w1'th 1320 -(Heal 1) 1. Huddleston CSCl e ;;ro. (50.4); Mc Aneney (50.7). J:19.2, 2. Fonran• CMV) 3:n.o, J. W1'll1'ams placing l h ,· rd back I k •. Vl'!dllltI (Tl 3:l.o. (Heat 2) 1. Sorlrtge 200 -Mis i 0 e '.(VP) 3:18.3. 2. Harri• (MV) 3:1l.l, (2:21.S). (2 00 3) c l (2 12 2) • ·iHraf 3) l. Hol enbtck CTI 3:20.s. 2. And Cardenas captured the : · ; arpen er : · ; , Sptlli.l)ury I FI 3:26.•. J. Larios IMVI Blatterman (2: 13.2. · . •• 1·216 SO free (22.5) and was third in ' ·10· HH -IHHI n t. Treflholm <OJ the SoCat 100 free ("".!). 200 breast -Kent-(2:20.3); 9.7, 2. 1rby <Fl 10.1, 3. Fowler IVPl w Frantom (2:24.2): Yarwood ·,-,10.3 CH1a• 21 1. sate.-fKl 9.7. 2. Rey· ORANGE COAST ENTRIES R'ch mond tVP! 9.8, 3. Henry IMV) 10.2. (2 :24.3); l ey ( 2: 2 5 . 4 ) ; ~~~=~J r~~j 9~~~kl CMVJ 9·9' 2· Prll· Thursday Marksbury (2:25.8), -120 LH -!HNI 1) 1. Wl!ltln (MVJ 500 free Ron •r.~o1· ek 200 fly Thomas (2 13 7). •. IJ.1. 2. S!Quer!os (0! 14.1, 3. Reymond · -i•u.>1 -: • , <VPl 1 ...... !H••t 2i 1. S.te• CK! 14.2, 2. (4 :53.7), Steve Marron Hobbie (2: 13.8). . . ' • I Monarchs · RustlerB One Game Ba.ck;_ CIF Bound F, ·.• . l T .. ·z S Th. ,..J - ID Baseball ina l t .et -.ur;suay Mater Dei High'' Monarchs bave virtually cllnched a CIF AMA ·beseball playoffs berth followJna their 8-2 Angelus League triumph over Servite Tuesday at Boysen Park. The victory gives coach Bob DonkersJy's outfit a half-game lead over St. Paul and the Monarclls lead. third pla~~ Bishop Amal by two games in the Joss column wt th two games remaining. ~ . Pat Eccles bad the bot bat, stroking four safeties , in- cluding a triple and double. Mike Yost tripled in a pair of runs in the seventh inning and Kevin Timpane added three rbi to the Monarch's totals, Timpan drove in a run in the second frame with a sacrifice fly and added two more rbi in the fourth with a double. Golden West College, vlrtaally eliminated from U.. SooU..m Ca I Li o r n ta CM· ference baseball Alcture three weeks ago, is suddenly right In the middle of the tiUe raCe with just one game to go. The Rustlers thumped con- ference leader Los Angeles CC, 6-3, at Grilfith Park Tues· day and .now tr>U tJw Cµbs by one game. Cypress, a U loser to Rio Hondo, is lied with Golden West. Coach Fred Hoover's Rustlers wind up the cam- paign Thursday, hosting J:;ypress while LACC visits LA fftibor. In other JC games Tuesday, Orange Coast outslugged host Santa Ana, 10.7, and invading Saddleback dropped a &-5 till to San Bernanlino Valley. In the Golden West game, the Rustlers scored five times Mlm" Dtl ltl b k ... r 11 "' in the ninth inning to rea a N•l•r•, u G1n:M•, (f '""''rentl!VJ, lb Sl•nbr•, rf Ec"lies, 2D Volt, If Ti..,.,.,,., lb •Mc(•llft'I', ( A"AMO, ph Leniton, p c111 ..... ,, p11 Tot•lt ....... "' ~ g ~ : S-3 ti,. The big blC>W was Mike , 1 o o Dodd1s three-run homer down : ! ~ ~ . the left field line that climax- 7 1 1 ~ ed the rally. ~ : ~ o Winning pitcher C u r t 1 o ' ~ Peter9Dl'I struck out three and ~ ! ! o walked two and also had two "' • 10 1 hitB -the first a tw~run • r " ...,. single. Phil Macartney hit ~:.0;, 1:, ! ~ ~ : safely three times for the Pirrveelto, 3b 3 l 2 o Rustlers who captured theW' e radV,cl 402 1 Kr11e11rr. 11 3 o o o fifth straight circuit game. Garrlwn, c 3 1 1 O In the CX:C-Santa Ana tiff, Krh'l!er; 2tl 3 0 2 0 Nov11ck, '' 2 o 1 o Paul Fleming had t h r e e ~~;::!1d, lb 2~ t ~ ~ singles; Mark Olson slashed a seen by 111nlnt• triple and a double, Dale Se~Y~::r 0•1 :~~ ~l~ ~ 1i ~ Kubeska tripled and singled and Howanl Reither bad two sing! ... The Pliates' Jolin Palmer drove In u.r.e nw. two being> plated on a si.l1h Inning dou· ble. At San B<nlardino, Sad· dleback's Gauchos acored all ol their runs In the third In· ning to lake a 5-0 lead, but .the. l!ldlanl ~ed 3WaY, finally plating the final two runs in the eighth frame. In the third for the Gauchos, a pair of walks and a single by Jack Morse loaded U.. bases. A sbigle by Mark King, a walk to Craig Anderson and one- base blow• by Steve Carpenter and Steve Williams did U.. damage. OefdMI Wftt Cl) '8_, 2b ...... P. Mtc.1rt111Y, er Pti.rwt'f, p C1lder, lb Sptrks. rf W. Macar1My, rl ll•k•ll'I', SI CrMCI, 3b Mc<:1u1..,, ph Caln, 3b $1mpsan, It Total' "'""" s 1 1 .I s 2 2 J ' 0 3 0 ,5 0 2 2 S 0 0 D 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 I 0 0 • 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 o o a o ' 2 2 2 )91128 LM Alllltls CC Ill Al'l'IOld, cf Mtll•• 3b Smltti, 2D !lttndon. rf Doml"lllJll, rf COW111ll. c Notn, lb E1tu, If Clorven!H, 11 E'sperLI. p Cowin, p Tolal• M rll , .. l 1 0 0 ' 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 .. 0 1 0 .., 4 I 2 0 ' 0 2 , 3 0 1 0 0 0 c 0 33 3 9 3 Sc.en llY '""'"'' Golden west ooo 030 oos-a 12 o LM Al\gll!n CC 000 ()JO OQO-l 9 1 OU.HG£ COAST (101 ' lb r h rtll 4 1 3 I FtllOlr, 7b P•I"*'• cl Olton, rl tow.n, i; l(u'*°• ( """"""' Rtlttlef', lb Wicl<~ r1 w.1,on,, u Qvt-blf'ry, p hlrl-. ph ·1..-rd.p G•~f!'lfll. p H..:trlck, p Tot•lt • 1 1 I ' 0 1 3 3 2 2 0 l 0 0 ' • 2 2 1 1 • 0 0 • I 2 1 l I o l 2 ' 0 0 3 1 1 1 l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l 0 l I 0 0 0 0 3.5101310 •b r II rtll s ) J l 4 0 I O 2 o I 1 .. 1 ' 3 3 0 0 2 s o 1 e 5 1 1 0 • 1 1 0 3 O I o ' 0 0 0 3 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 2 1 ' 0 llnnel'I, 11 Menner, 3b Mor-1b lll1ktf'1 u Cortiy, lb Whl,., rl Rltld•lls. ( O•Yl1. cf t'.OllUlet, 111 Gel.sple, ph Fottcm, p LIYlllQi!one, p Fraile~. !tl Tc11t1 411151 Sctn by h1111tnp ' h • Or•1191 Co-st IM1 002 201-10 13 2 $enl1 An• 001 010 l~0-7 1S 1 S94klltl»ck IS) l<lr\O. 31:1 1brhrbl 5 ' 1 1 ~ 0 0 0 2 0 0 l J 0 2 l ' 0 1 2 ' 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 ~ 1 ' 0 2 l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 Lek, rf A~r-, u ,._ .. ,enter, If WUU1m1, c Srtrll\gman, cl ,,.,, 2D Mor$1, lb w.ae. P Keuler, n Swaim, fl M•rtln, on Tot1l1 '3\S IS S•n lll"fllrd'IMJ 141 A1d1m1 , H loctnegr1, U·tb T1.otmln11, d OevldlM!tr. c Copet•nd, 2b..J.b E;tn, rf Senilno, rf Henry, 311-u Aldaco. lb N1lbtrJU, p Menmllori, p Tct•b sc-by l'fltlllll• Hr II rM 5 0 0 0 3 1 2 I 4 0 0 0 2 3 1 1 ' 2 7 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 ' 0 2 l ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 n 6 2 • S•ddlebatk 005 000 ...J ~ : S.11 81rn1rdh10 000 .102 lbr-6 t 2 DAILY PILOT JJ ,-; -Douglass Throws One-hitter Senior right-hander Rich Douglass tossed a nifty one-- hitter in leading the vlsJtlng Trltons to a 1.0 Crestview League baseball victory over Mission Viejo Tuesday. Douglass st ruck out nine and walked two while I o s i n g pitcher Rich Rommel, who also went aU the way, fanned eight and didn't issue a walk . San Clemente's lone run came in the initiaJ inning when with one out C.Orky Fisher singled to center, stole strond, went to third on a passed ball and scored when a fly ball to the outfield was dropped. MisSion Viejo's lone hit came in the fourth when Carlos Sandsledl singled up the middle. ·s111t""""'9111 Z•'r101t1, cf Fl,~l!I', lb W•l1119r, rf C>'lvq!t1$, " St1vro, ll J•n!M, lb Oodd, c M8rr, tlh Yoder, H N~IMln, ltl Tot•ls .. , ...... 3 0 l 0 l 1 1 0 ~ ·: : ! 3 0 I 0 3 o a o l 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 2S 1 3 1 Mlsl!Oft Vf$ II) H,.Wrkuon. ts McGtrry, 11 Schmk:lt, ct R<l'flmtl, p S11111bl<ldl. lb RtYN>ldS, C Lano, rl .. , .. "' 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 (I 0 :J 0 0 0 l 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kty, rf R ichard~. 11> White, 31:1 Rvdlsell, pfi lltron. pr Tol•ls 22 0 l 0 SCOf'I flY INl\ftll S111 Cltmtn,. Mlulon Vlt]o ••• 1110 ODO ~1 1 1 000 000 0-0 1 2 ' • Our popular polyester tires. You don't have to tighten your belt to own them . 4 forS88 .,u.0.~1.!. ~ El Ttgrw Belted. Our 78 series polyester co~d bOdied tire with two rayon belts. No trade-tn required. 4for sgg All other sizes plus applic able fed. tax. 1895 •'"' 1.83 fed ."'· A78-13 (600-13) blackwall tubeless • Mlleegern1ker8 GP. Has 4 plies ~f Polyester cord. 78 series wide profile. Available 1n blackwall or whltewatl. No trade-in required . Bl1ckw1ll tubtlHI • Tire size 87&-13 Prtce 19.90 Tire size E78-14 \ Price 24.00 Tire size F78-14 Prtce 26.00 Tire size G7&-14 Prlet 28.00 Tire size 560-15 Price 21 .50 Tire size G78-15 Price 29.40 Fed. ta x 1.81 Fed. tax2.22 Fed. tax 2.37 Fed. tax2.53 Fed. tax 1.74 Fed. ta.w 2.60 Other sizes av1llable at our sped~ tow prlcn. Whitewall• $3 more per tire. • " See your JCPenMY e1lalog for more 1utomoUff v1h.te1. ,:i',TrenhDlm (0) u .J, 3. Prltch•rd CEMI (4·129)· Vince Fran tom See JC Swim. Page33 IA.•. (He•l /l I, S•n<:lle$ COi 14.A, 2.1jp;;i;m·-·;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;ii;o;;;;;;;;;;;;~I , Trip Cf) 14. . -- ' • Tot•l.®•llfltn: K•ftfla (9), Mlulon Vlr jco II). Or1noe fnd VIII• Pert (11, LEASE c o I ~~n"'g!_::n:eOC:lf.oolhlll {!l Tuslln 10, a ont1nenta l'ROSH·SOl'M flllLD EVl!NTS e • e Cl"l11111J HJ-1. E!um1n (SC) 5·11, 1. Hl!l {I() .s.101 J. IClmmkh (Fl .s.10, 4. McC•rftlty IT) S.10, 5. Arm,trong CKl 5·10. LJ-1. HUI (I() 20-<4.\t, 2. Sll\C!Ml (0 ) 20..J'/•, 3. Hulse (EM) It.a,,., .A. TllYell (Fl 19-J, S. Gon11le$ IT) 19·114. T J-1• GonUllS (T) .C-2~, 2, TVv.I (F) 3'·1, 3. G1tuppo (VP ) :ll-2, 4. Armstrong CKJ :11·1\lt, '· VBnllew (MVJ ,.. •. PV-1. SChlmmel (VP) 174, 2. MonlllOtntry (MV) 12.(1, 3. MOOl'I (0) • ll~. 4. &nnelle (OJ 11.0, 5. Johnwn " CTI 11-4. ·.:-SP-1. LO!tlt {Tl '"11Y,, 2. Churct\111 . (MVJ 54..Jlh. l. Roctrlgllll( (I() 51:·10, 4. .,. ,. C•I" IOI 52-11•,!o, S. Wheeler (Pl S2-0\lo. .. Olscvt-1. KoNiult (T) 12$4, 2. •' '8•11Dhm•n (Kl 114.(1, 3. Delay (MV) '.: ·, 1:0-.C, .4, H•11ry (MV) 11M, 5. C.llt (0) 112.(1, Tum Scorlno: 1. Tvst111 22. t. ..... 1<a tll!t1 21), 3. Minion V!elo 14, .4. •• Or111119 12. s. FoolhlU 10, 6. VIiia P•rll. , 9, 1. S.11 C1tmfl'lll 6. a. E1 Mod"'I 3 • .. ,: -.:: Bahe Ruth Play • Tryouts for lhe Laguiia ·Beach Babe Ruth baseball ~:.Jeague will be held Saturday · ·at 9 a.m. at the Laguna Beach High baseball field. • ,,r . • ANTHONY SCHOOLS •': HAltlOl cunn ·1•' -H1rW Ctnt.r Ctit• MtM, t1nk11111 ,., cn41 t1t.z111 1111 S. 1""111tttf II. A111lttlll'\, ~I, ntM I'll, l!l~I 174-UDO • LEASE ••• Mercury Full Malnlenonco Lolling ... Your Choict, Now! 540 -5 630 art'., C..11'/r•F•i/r tf Fi•r C~rl' ohnson-& son ~-- '1t2I HAAIOR BLVD. COSTA MESA • - 319M~lr.-n sumvor so-our most Po\"erful au1omobile battery. Just look atourguarantee! This ls the one for those big·englne air conditioned cars. Corrosion-resistant polypropylene case. Available in group sizes 24, 24F, 22F, 27, and 27F to fit most American cars. SURVIVOR 60 GUARANTEE Should any Penney $unol~or eo 8~11Bt.,..ltlll (nOI mereiv d!S· ch11~) ,..;,hin 2 ye~ra. 1etvrn lt la Pinnt)'$ ano R will Ill re· plac.d et no ••Ill Ch•IQ*. Alie< tM ~-1 Pe•!od bl.II nrlot 10 thl e•P1•111on ~II 1)1 m~ qua<Bnlee. J, C, PenMy COmpany ,.,11 rnpl..c~ !Ile s.11....,. tN"ii'"9onlY 1or 11'1e pe•IOO ot o ... nersh•p. ll&s•d "°!ho cu1r.,1 f11'lce 11 1ne lime ol rt1u1n. PIO f1te<1 o•el !he )lll~d gu111nllfl montt.1. .... -Spe·-;----·------, 1-2·3 oil change lube comblnll1on. I Here's what we do: tube car, change oil and change oll filter. I 6 35 (5 quarts Penneysheavy dutyoit and oil filter Included.) I .. _______________ . JCPenney 1595, plus 1.36 fed."' 155-12 (fits 600·12) blackwBU tubelB$S. El Tlgra Sport. Designed speclflcally tor compacts, Sports and minis. A 2+2 construction of polyester cord and fiber glass belts. Available In most popular small"Car slzes. No trade-in required . 8~ckwall tubtfH9 Tire liu Pr1ce 145-13 20.95 155·13 20.95 165'\3 20.95 155-15 23.95 165-15 23.95 Fod.taa 1.38 1.55 1.70 1.69 1.79 Whllowat11 only $3 mo;. por u ... We auto center ~now what -you're looking for. \ Shop sundlly noon to 5 P.M. et th• follow.Ing Auto Centert: l I FASHIC?N ISLAND, Newpolt Beach {714) IM-2l13. HUNTINGTON 1CENTER, Huntington BNch (714) 892.ml, . ' ' • ~· ' • \ I • • ' . D DAILY ~ILOT • I • • Business as Area TenniS.· Summaries T. o Victory ·-, . GoH ScO~ ~ Usual OCC Eases Vtnlty JttonlMoY......., CHI ..,.. ~I _, " Y.-.ltT ' ~ i ~ Mkfl ct\ltl cm-.> ""'°" ._ Vltf9 fl!lll ca1 ,_ c.....-. ...,_ uc 1,.._ <4::.1.~~C.. .- -Orange o:iest College's worn· ".,.... ven1tt w "'cs>~' r.1",..,.. ,...; '°"'',. ~" · ._ tc1 51..... .... AM Ye1"7 it) CJI) lttMdl 1.-: *' to Wlllttt.lr s.11 Iott tt 111\0W {I) 15 cr.t. l"Oir.N 1';1:1~ en's volleyball teams rolled to S!NIU INI def Jone. M1 Off cou1er .,...... ,. c« 1,. ~ 01114:1, ...._ 11, VIM~ .. w-•--~-v ov-In• .. ,. I 1 ... G In S Miiiott CEI Oft, ~ft 6-01 dtf, L Ill bt 1-41 .,.. "'' klM 1-4. R~ II) Ott. ICnnh n, "'""'' ew~... .... t.tdlfJOOtfL•l ..... 1 , , .. !MdlM .. ,I ........ , dtf, .... Ryan(l)76dff.RMf11n,1-1. I :J, Metli:llMI H . Mamro ts1 to.I ,.._ w1 -1-4. 14. at'8h CL.I n -'· ,........,. n.~ . vading Santa Ana Col ege. s1e1r INl _, •·t, ... , ... 2. "°· T. Sntft• cr1...,., '"'· w, u...... EMlt< u 1.,... u. 1,.. w. w. •4*tnt tt> n ..,, ~ ,,, .., For Uni 440 Duo By BANK WESCH · chance In the 880 yanl nm al Of "' DMrr Plitt St•" the meet, and Dykes will be at-"At first I was one of te ting 1..:-trl I · them those QUJIS you have to wait mp Jill) Pe m ' to Come in before starting Admiltedly, that's asking a the next race,"-Bob Brad.4 lot But Bradford and Dykes, a f rd pair who have reached a 0 " .. ' "1 went out for track be-similar present posu1on V1a cause 'th.ere was not·hing diverse means, might be able better to do."~im Dykes. to do it. Bob Bradford and Jim Bradford has had to Dykes are a pair of would-be overco.me injuries this season business majors, whose on his way tO a 49.7 clocking in business at the moment is the the 440, the loth best time ln 440-yard dash. the CIF, the best in the And the University High Orange Coast area. track men may just take care The 5-11, 165-pounder missed of it in style at this week's much of the cross country championships. season when he needed an University coach D o n • o-peratiOn to correct . a h?ne Christensen feels his senior growth which was ·bindenng stars o:i.uld finish 1-2 in the 440 his nasal passages. The injury event at Ule league meet, and kept him out oJ training for they'll also be on the school's six weeks. mile relay team which cur.: 'I1len a January cold and an rently has the fastest clocking injury incurred while at- in the CIF for an AA•school . tempting to pole vault set him Bradford stands an excellent back further. Bradford feels DYKES TAKES BRADFORD'S HANDOFF Alamitos Entries • EllMtl• fOI" Wtd""41v Ct1•r a F11I s2 •lKI• 011 ltt ric1. ss uad• 011 ""' 1111 .. tll'I. FIRST ltACE -one mHe. P1c1. c111m1,,. •II •9"· Cl•lmll'l9 prlct s2JDO, Pun• "'°'· Bact>elor Falr (Sl1mm1rl v1.11 KMi~ 1w1111.m1) Glory's Klno IGrtrOt)') Reno Bin Tass (Dermlil Hal'1 Tammy Cl•ri.on) A11dy'1 O&hllll (Hayden) H"1rv ICld (Bruns) LllllV Abadloi (Cronk! Also 1!!1911119 011rk Sun1et (Markwell) All I(~ Up (TllOrl\tonl SEcottD It.AC• --mil•. P1u. Condll!OMCI S y11r oldl & UllClll'" M•lffn pUl'll fl'90. Cedar CrHt Royal (81lley) Star Assel (G~) Gyp1v W•v• (l!gh!lllll EIGHTH RAC£ -one mlle pace. Ccf\dltloned all e<;ie1. Non wll\~S cl MSOO In n·7l comb. Also non winners of sa500 In 77.73 comb th•I are non wlnner1 In l1sl 4 1h!lr!s. Pur11 l1IOO. Native S!rtam (Oesomerl Flrel>llll Jude (L!11hthlfl) Sln<1le Sml!h (WUllam~l Pe~s Rebel (Wheel1r) Beretta CWl!t1em5) S.Jar East (Car!na1 Andys Colt! CBar!onel NINTH llACll!' -0111! mitt .. PetP. Conditioned l!lll age1 non winners ol USOO !n 12·13 eomu !hat have s!l!lrled 5 a.-mor• ll~s I" 72·73 comb. Pvrs• '""'· Baron Eric (Olnnlsl And';'s Oouble CGrefll,tl Varsity Ju111 (Larson! land Freight (Longo) WM G-rel Fun (Balley) Myron Lobell /AvblnJ Sir 8ob ISlynllkl Pokey Chuck ("Shorll le. 11. F•roti oo _, 6-L t-ei • ..o. u . w.,. ua -..o. '"°· u . u. .,.... YMlllY 'M1e OCX:: AA team won .n1, MYen CNI 1os~ -':1· "t. .... °'""'""' ce1 WM ...... i. w, "'· ,,_Kttly lSI ic.t ~ ~'"" M~~11Jf&:;'i:tr. be hasn't peaked yet, and 1!>.5 while the A squad-posted Badham-VOfd•t• IH) def GIJllftartOn-~ s'!!'.~1 (e) iwt. H1M.. ~~::..:..~~:ii 2i:it c.n ...... tMl 71.---..... ""- hopes to do so ln the league or a hard-earned 15-12, 1·15, lS..13 i~k':.:. t4i. U.i .o111 wtltl c_.v.n ~= .. 1~1. "2; dtf. v1,.,hont· u. 2<6. .1• vntr ~ICOlll fMJ 11, lOtlt to lfnlll'f14. CIF meets. ictory 81rn1rd.Conn (N) won "2, .. J; won GIY~ovt (E) won 7.$, '"21 _... Ml--vs.I• 01\t) ,,,.,, .... ... • • "I feel much stronier than I v ' 1-z. '"2• Julllw v1rs1tv " -... c:r=• ri•m 1:1 ~def: =r..7Zl ~; '-!. did three weeks ago, but I just Leading the AA team were ttllAlt.ttofl 11ac11 (1> nu ,......., ,_,., ,,.. '.;::=; ~:,"":~, eirlMI• Mew <JI '°" to MCC.attw 1 ... 1 1ci11 to W:11or Ml "~' to w1nl#I ~ ... T i n k a H e s s , An d r e a H11110r Tutt•• ,.... WI ..,., Ml 7t. °"· .,..., "· ...,. wish 1 could have started s1.,1n -....... Mlddockl tsi ._ w. w. M1111Atc~ w..n...,. working earlier," Bradford MacDonald, Michelle Poirier, 11~:~. !NJ 10l1 to Vt.rs ~-4; dl'f ~;.r::':.f. CEI .,, O'lmp "°1 ftf. ...~'!":. ~ *1 '° fvtl« "'' '°" 1° C•l'l'IPAOtw IMi J."'i.J. aru.::11, says. "I hope to break 49 in Barbi Sweet, Diana Harmon Albfr.I CNI 10.1 :Mi _.. '"'· ""'°" CEJ"' 1~.-~. cte.rlan SI '°"' u. 1.... u . , -:. h · I Min~ (H) dd Slatl• .._1 ; 6ef Kit• Maf90! (El 6'1. Eflitrtl0v911 "31 def. .,...... IClm !Ml 17. lolt to C..,. 7S, N;: t e quarter in the eague and Aloha Puha. Standouts for 11a,,.. 6-1. RorvloV '-'· McC~Wr•t,. 1s1 lllf. L•r.11.0. JKODt CMI '"' tied G1t11n 1s. .w.· CmlFee.~,, and better that in, the the A squad were Pam Martin e1~y1oe1t (HJ ;:J~ ''°· McVIC11er CEJ ;;:.1, '"'°· f'.'l!flt" 7-41 io.1 Jor119-P. Grtffitll 1. 6-0t.uo IMI 16. *'· •-bV ~ Dooll't'·Fervd• lMl def Mlller.l.el.191'. Stewtrt-HOVH won 1-ll WOil ... ,. ~11-TtYlor IS) t.t ..,, lod.. K9fl(lr1dt (Ml 12. dlf. Sitvtfw f7r k Christensen feels those goals ....:an=d~J~e~aruu==·e=Sla=tl~efY::,,·----~·~·1~'~"'::.:'="='"='="="=·'="='="'='~'="=· ----='='""::::'~1-•:·~"""~=w=-==•='=' ~-~·=·~·--'~·------------='~'~"=M='="'~'~'"::..::"":::.· ="=~=""":::::..;::"'~.,;:.:;· should be quite realistic. "He rari the 49.7 at the Orange County meet about 35 minutes after ruMing a 1:56.6 in the 880/' Chris tense n recal!J. "And he's still three or four weeks behind because of the injuries." "But he's our fier'cest coni· peutor, and he al.ways seems to do well in the big meets and invitationals, I think he'll run some even better times later on." From all indication!, Dykes too has his best quarter mile time ahead of him. A sprinter most of the season, Dykes has been clock· ed in 102 for the 100 and 22,6 for the 220. He has run the 440 r only rarely yet has a 50.4 clocking there and has run a 49.2 on the mile relay team. "Jim came late to the quarter mile, but he has still been running excellent times.'' Christensen points out. "He has some form problems in sprinting, but has a beautiful stride for a 440 man." Dykes feels his speed is basically a natural gift, but he has worked hard to develop it As a sophomore he ran a 10.6 in the 100-yard dash -and was in the mid 23s in the 220. Running the 440 in dual meets this season, he has emerged undefeated, and it is ' for that reason th a t Christensen feels a 1·2 finish is poss ible. ·Although it is called a dash, neither Bradford nor Dykes consider the quarter mile to be an all..out speed event. Bradford says he tries to go out fast to make up the stag- ger of , the start on his op- ponents and then reacts to. the race situation from there. Dykes .tries to go the first 22.0 in about 24.0 and likes to come from behind. "l just seem to run my best when I'm trying to catch some one," Dykes says. ' Both runners plan to run track in collcgl:, and both plan on majoring in business. Brad- ford will probably attend junior college, Dykes has an academic scholarship to l..Qng Beach State but hasn't decided whether he will go there or not. Although he excels in the 440 now , Bradford may be better suited for the 880 in college according to Christenson. ''I think it's well within his reach to run a 1:50 ih the hal f mile," says Christensen. ,;He might no.t be quite quick enough for the college 440, but bets big and strong enough to run a good 880. And for Dykes- "The quarter should be his race," Christensen says. "I wouldn't be surprised to see him do very well once he has a chance to train for it and run it regularly." ! Hooked on fishing? Hook these big buys. 3daysonly. • Famous name rods ·Your choice 999 Ber.kley spinnf ng or aplncut ft sh Ing set •s perfect for the beginMr: The e.et i~cludes reel, rod and 8 ~ .of t11Jene line. ' \, ~ and reels at reduced prices. j ' ,. • .. " ' Me Gotta Go (WtHlam1) Alldv's W\t190 (Grenlerl Rtl\llV'S H"lr (Mlrkwelt) Ol&mon!e Pdnct1 (Holtl Airm!r&I Timi (SlemNmtnl Also Ellglbl• Armbro Newt!• (C11n1w1v) M•Y Tona (W!IUamsl Alamitos Results THlRD RACE -Olll mll1. Pa<•· Clllml!llJ •II 19"· Cl1lmlltf prrc1 S2900. "°" wLnMn SIMI ~ PwrM $1600 Pt!er A!cl'Wlrd (Gordon Hal Storn\ lH•yOenl Chloe B1rml11 !WUllams) In Error (Holl) Dur Pal>tl'" Doti (S,,erre11) Hl9n Ttmo !Berkntrl Jordan Adlo~ (SIVlUlkl lady Seiter <Longo! Aslo El19lbl1 Bvl!ord Boy (H1r~rl eonnv'1 Ht'le11 fTO!ld II ! fOUltTH ••cE -ont mlle. Trot. Cl1lmlng 111 1t11es, T~ tlalmln11 price 13600. Pur~e $1700. • 8elysv's Del!ght (Stnnell) CJ's Haw~ tlene) Hl,f(~ Finn CWilll•ms) Vltlor'i Award !Conrovl Romeo T•r, CW!!llamsl Mergl!lrl J e !Marky,ell l So SO IM< 11m•nsl IMdl!llS "" IRoctl'>lc) Alto EHtlble Arr•n CRus~e!O 0-l!l•nlev C1td'l (Moel "IJ!TM 1tACE -tfol, Clalmlng ~n· dk•P 111 •ges. s..,,1, clalmlng pr!~ MOQn.,,.500.,'iOIXI. TOii delmlr19 prl<I. l&S~S. Pur1e U.00. Afblon Vt>lford (M..,oekd Kelly's Mell tOeul!onl C•rdlll (Aullln) Arl~nt (Wltllel'Ml Bettl1 lord (Elv!ns) T arport Pt!• iShttrrl!'l'I) Rtbel ~Nrt IM!llerl t>tmonlU (81J)'dl SIXTH llACI. --111Ue. f'Kt. Condlttol!ld 6 w1r oldS & vno:rer 111.11 hfvt ~ won MOOO, Abo 6 Vfflr okts & ~ 11\f:I h•"e -won i1000 Ill.II •~ flOl'I Vl'lfll'ltn ln 1•1! 3 sl•rt1. Pur.a ..... O\ltdt HUI lord 1 .. 11.,-) Paler J . Adlos (Voll1ro\ C\IJIOm Dn19n IOivtlofl) CllvcM'o MJlfl (Tl•~) OITICt IMrlt (McGrlGOI') T••"'4 &:tt !UoilltNlll ,...,,,., O.wn fl"t'11 Ml C1l•llnt CWl'IM!f'!'l . ,., ........... Blltt« lov (ktl-lerl --' Fw Tu1tc11v Cle1r & Ftll .,IRST RACE -One mile. Paee . C1almlno atl 1ge1. Pvr$e $1600. Reio Gr•nd1 {8enn1tt) 2S.60 1(.40 ?60 Fln1I Count (Holl! 13.60 6 • ..0 Slo•mv Oeflance CSml!h) t..00 Time -2.06 1/S. AlllO raced -Mv•kfl Hanover. Coon· try Dutches~. Chief Rfveler, S!,,11dy N•l)Oleof'l, Freight Manl!~st SCrelthtd -Peter Rlc!lard. VI•!• Knox. S2 £.tl<I• -S.Rojo Granite a 7.,.1n•1 C1>11nt, Pahl 1m.oo. SECOND RACE -One mlle. Pace. COndlticn Cel bred. PYrte 11800. B P Adlos (Ll11111n11n '·80 3.1'0 2.ao Perfecl TemPO (Oaultonl J.00 ?.CO J&eltles Qve1!1on (lon"°) J,80 Time -?.cs. Al10 raced -No Jv1tu1, Bravat1, Sad S•m o, Beth Ann Tass, Headliner Fred. Scratehtd -Fro.t Frost. TMIRD RACE -Diii mll1, Tro!, COfldlllon au egn, P\l•H 12100. Neqo!lft!or fl\'llU1rn1l 9.60 (,80 (.60 Cen!ral P1•1i. tBoydl t .00 S.60 Roc~et 8la1e (/\111!!11! 6.IO Time -2.Ql JIS. l\lso r•cl!<l -Rori Mol, Frtlohl Tem· PO> 8111ter T•H. F1elglll ,1Mgn1t1. Francl Mood" No .cr•tthts. lfOUltTH RACIE -~ mtLt. P1c1, Cl1!11111111 •ti 19et, !'urse t 1roo. lli.eo!n (BeUlltlll (7,t(l lt.00 11.90 Llft<:olns Jemie CW!1Ham1l f .'10 ~.60 Sco!l'ls Leeder (TOddl 5.0G Timi! -2.07 4/!, Lagtma Beach Pancake Feed The Third Annual pancake breakfast to raise funds for spring sports at Laguna Beach will be held May 12 from 7:30 lo 11:30 a.m. in the High School cafeteria. T\ckets are $1 per peraon for all you can eat. Also raced -Ch•mp Le!/lel Lady, Cousin l\nn, Marl<l!tt• Belle, Pride of Egvpt, Uncle Smlld911. Scretcl'led -Act!on Boy, Good Gret· tan A. f'FTH ltACIE -One 1'1111•. Trot. rondltlon ell aqe$. Pur11 U600. Baldwin (8,,llryl 3.60 3.00 2.60 Dire Nttd (Daulton) • '·00 J.00 Beret (Ackerman) 3.00 Time -l,00. l\lwi r1ce11 -OVr It~, Ouk• l'e<iasu1. Gary Pavl Hollmann, lvmtMr Pele. Scratched -Peace Pact, Johns John. Sissy HUI. SIMTH RA.CR -0111 m!l1 ... llCI. Condition a ll 1>11es. Pur~e \12'00. TgJe/ Frtol11ht (W!IUamslJ.IO 2.80 ? . .IO Shv 8arietv \Gordon) 3.60 1.40 Coont Paree 1a1ackm1n) J .10 Time -1.os. l\!so racPd -Andys Sa!tor. Gatl&l\l Hanover N, Terrv Je•ns Rocket, IClwl AVf'fll, De$11 Bf'lll. ~EVENTH RACE. Orie m!l1 Ptca. Clalm!ng all ~I. PurMt SJ20Q. Shat'l> Siar l81lltoyl 3.80 2 . .-0 1.Sll Adi°' Cer1 !Miiier! ~.60 3.60 Poppa R•1t !J~) 3.00 Time -2.01 2/$, 1\1~ raced-Game J•ck HtrlM B•r· ry, Dlr!ng ~Uy, BIO Red Mtcllll'lt. I! E1t•01 -6·Tot•I frelthl & 2·SIW Vlrltty, Pal• ~!2.M. SIVENnt ltACIE -G1m1 Jack H~mtt Berry, O•rl"ll Sally, Dig 11:,d M•thlne. EIGHTH ll:ACI -One mll•. c1111m. Ing 111 IQtS. Pvne •2"0. Como Hano....,. (Mll!er) 7.llO 4.00 3.:xt Ml1s Mllr11S1 !Conrov) 12.tO 1.00 Andr•s Boy lllQl!illlU) 1.00 Tlmt -J 2.04 )/S. "'"° r•cld -Owv'fr H•nowr, Bae Of Gold. OOOdlllow Pf,·"'-"l"flllll HlllfY, H•rrods1'1Ur9, Scrlfdltd -Grfft lrllh, l~. u l•.td• -1.C0mt "4•119Wf' • ,. Ml• Mlir'OM. P•HI '1St.M, "INTH aACE -()ftt 1nlle, P..-:1. Clalt'flll!O tll igtt, PUTM 1200. ll:o c ~1ng $1otklflt C0111< 1\10 7.90 3.611 2.20 Onty kn (OeJom•rl 4.o!O s.20 AOllY N fMIJklrl 1 • .0 Tlmt -2.0. ~fJ, Also rl«d -Prill<• Sam, Ot,..'"" • lf'O. l.IMo(Jo Mltt!on, Mr, Val, Poll~ , ..... » •••ttt -.S-ll.tcll"l11 SttcllM a 4-~ Ollly ..... ,. .......... • A. 13.99 Mitchell 300 spinning reel features bull!~ln dmO. 8. 9.00 Daiwa 7350 Rl reer 10< medium fresh and salt water. Roller line guide minimizes fray. '" C. 5.99 Zebco 600 reel of durable lexan body internal drag system and selective anti~reverse. ' D. 9.99 Berl<ley 6' spircast rod. Cherrywood flrish wilh nylon handle. reinforced with fiberglass. 9.99 Zebco 6' black spincasl rod with stamp frame~ end cork grips. , 5.44 ZebcO rod and reel set fealun>s famous Zebeo 202 reel and JC Penney rod. 5.88 Zebco rod and reel set features lamous Zebco 33 reel and JC Penney rod. · 3.99 61h' Daiwa spinning rod features stamp !raqie guides, cork grips and plastic reel seal · 3.99 7 Daiwa spinning rod. 5.99 Reg. 7.99 6' Zebco green spinning rod with llbert:lll finish. Three hard-chrpmed guides and tip. 6.99 Berkeley spintast rocHeatutes stamp frame guides, cork gries and plastic reel seat. 14.99 6 /2' Garcia spiMing rod with stainless steel guide and tip-top. 14.99 Garcia 7 spinning rod. • • Vinyl chest waders with suspenders in tan. 9.99 Vinyl hip boots in brown &.99 Premium lishing line with high abrasioo resistance. Ha uniform diameter and excellent knot strength. nc / ' JCPennev We know what you're looking for. . ., ·shop Sunday noon to 5 P ~M. at the following stores: FASHION ISLAND, Newf>9rt Beac~ (7L4j 6-44-2313. HUf'!TlNGTON CENTER, Hu~tington B~ach (714) 892-777 1. I )... \ " I MES, 0 Bil club Coon Tom 2-an< 'Do with chall Cmn OIBel We dent, up, I Ne Coas am neod Ce pres! at ! with Cris Wr PagE defei Otho! ,In Pagt Porn u.-y, Fre<I bertl Dr peel lllDI nigh EC ~ Ne M"8' toun day. J Pe Viej• cup vlctc Mar pion Al rugli r:. te. A sche shol MW J~ • a .... chaz Cow Belo Fl Tuel Gru and GI~ In Dub COP! 1w .. ~~ won tlon Al Pac N .. TVJ Lo TVJ Lo .. -Lo ,.11 ... .. -· • .. .. I • MES.A CC PRESIDENT'S CUP CHAMP £0 WARNER, PR£XY JOHN HAC KER. Off the Greens Donovan Grabs- Harris Top Qualifier lrvineCCHonors For GWC Bill Dononn ii the men's club cbampbi.al Irvine Coul COOntry Club after del'"Ung Tom Ounml,.S In tbe fiolls, 2-and-l. ' Dooova11 ruched the finals wilh a victory over board chalnpan Fornst Smith whlle Cummings defeated Bruce OJ.sen to gain the other berth. Woody Smith, club presi· dent. defeated Dick Clark, 1- up , for the consolation Utle. Nut bl.a event at lrvine Coast is the 10th annual i:ro- IJll tournament on Wed- nesday, May '1.1. Scmte Ana Cecil Wright woo I he presldenl's <up championship at Santa Ana Country Club with i Z.and-1 Vict.oey over Cris Brown In the finals. Wright won oater Oruck Page by delaull and Brown defeated n::~ '°' the other berth. \ · • ,In lb#. . ntpt, Toby Psge W. lllii_,. 'll'er Van Pameror wt* • Mrid-3 vic- tcry. _, bad defeated Fred Walker 14 gain the !ilta1s berth. • Dr. W'111Jam Kincannon COi>' ped a 5-and-4 win over Don Randlll u. gain tho Batlusrot flJghl awn. . Costa Me•• F.d Warner is the president's cup champion at Coot• Mesa Goll and Coonlry Club. Next big event al Costa Meaa is the member-guest toornament Saturday and Sun· day. Mlssl-Vlefo Pete Pi<:tle """ the Mission Viejo Golf \Ctub president's cup champllJilsblp with a 1-111> victory oveS' BID Agee and Marty Flom In the cbam- plombip match. All three goU...S copped 11iJbt tiUe• with tho <ham· plooship determined In 811 18-hole playoll that ....,t to Piel· le. A m e a> be r-blender Is ICheduled Saturday with a sboll\Ul start at 8:30 at Mlsslm Viejo . ... C..11011 Jim Jones dele1ted Richard Broom for the prestdeot'1 cup '' champlonablp at BIS canyon Country Club in Newporl Beocb. Fttght winners tnclud<d Ron Tucker over Dave Kelly; Jack Gnmdofer over Bob Janee; and Glenn Leuon over Jim GllDlllius. Jn a fiesta tournament, Jack Duboise and Brian Bueclon -" low 0<t hooon In twOIOr'De competition while 11>ay Kopp, 1Uclwd Broom, Dtclt Whltrow and Jobo Hooten WU! tbe low DOI lounome "' Uon. Art Murphy and Dewey Pacbbln)' copped low gross NB A Playoffs two aome honors with Hank Weeks, Kurt J o hansson, Glanullias and Dave Barnes the IOW'90!De victors. Other winner.I in lhe event included Barnes for t h e loogest drive: Don WUI and Earl Lundhigh for closest to the pin; and Ifill ..Burke for most accurate drive. A mulligan tournament will be staged next Wedoesday. Clark Booth ol Newport Beach fired a bole-in-one on the seventh bole, a 187-yanl S- par. He tut a three iron while playing in the oompany of J1m Gray, Herb Schurter and Dick Klmball, all or Newport -~ '• S•" .J1U11t Hilb Chuck Mootalbano won the Sao Juan Capistrano Open <hamplonship al San Juan Hills over the weekend after firing a raund 65 and a 6T on the cloolng clay. Allen Tapie of Newport -finished secood wilh Diet M<:Ctean, also o f Newport, tied for third. Jad< Spradlin and Bob Rla:b. the 3&-hot. leaders who we.re tied for the title going in· to the 17th bole oo Sunday, fell out of cootention at this point. Rilch hit his tee shot out-of· bow)ds and took a seven. SpndJln used a three-wood to play conservatively and knocked two out-0f--bounds and the third ball was hard to find , He ftnished with a disastrous nine on the par.I bole. 19th Hole 'The first annual Anaheim celebrity golf invitational will be held at Anaheim Hills Country Club in Orange Satur- day and Sunday with many area g o II e r s participating along with sports a n d Hollywood <elebrities. A practice rQUDd is schedul- ed Ftlday with competition in two segmeots Saturday and Sllndsy. JC SWIM .. SANT A MONICA -Go lden Weot College's Ray Harris quaUfled in three events to · Lead the way for the Rustlers in .Tuesday's Southern California track and field prelims at Santa Monica City College. Finals are set for Friday with field events beginning aL 2 and the first running event starting at J. Harris had the top mark in the 1on« ju.mp (U-.7~). was the leader in the triple jump (15-10) and easily cteared the high jump qualifying beil:ht of 6-0. Coach Tom Noon11 Rustlers have 19 quallOen gotn,g into the finals. lm Angeles C:lty College leads the way with 29. Other top quallrters for the Rustlers tiiclude Phil Maas in the JOO (9.9) and 220 (22.6); Jack McQuown in the 880 11:57,8) and mile (4:26.1); and Bogdan Tarabonovic in the dl•<US (129-11) and shot )lilt (48- 8). And GWC's Steve Ward gained a berth in lhe 120 high hurdles with a 14.8 clocking while teammate Dave Powell did 58.3 in the 440 in· .tennediates. JC, Prep Baseball Standings Vanguards Roll, 11-4 • • • • DAILY PILOT # PUllUC N0'11CE ; ' • • li§lf IWLT l'ILOT -WtdpudoJ, M11 Z. 1973 • Atlantis Hunt -to Go ·on ! • -For the Rttord' ~ .. .. Birth MOAe MaMOIUAl HCH,.Jt'Al • A"1I 1. tm Mt. Md Mr&. lllwn w,.., ltt1 COi· ..... C-1• ~. ooy. Mr. •lld Mfl, ·-Nltl..,., 1..S. Ml, Mart Clrt ... '°""r..ln V•J!..,, bqr, Mr, tAd Mrt. lllMft Jfflrt, 1'7·11 'hi. ""• SlfWI, Coall Mtu. Olfl, Mr. Ud Mtt. M_., J. Cunnlnetwn.,, ,..:~'Jr:,.~ ... ''J::r'~ S:',!,';::; ~~~; •• llDtll Clrtlt, tilif'l""910f1 IMCfl, bO'I' ""· Ind Mii. (;-ve Allllrd, 17'12 LOI _.,I_, Fout!ltln 'f'1li.y, t1'1, 1 ta. Mt. ~ Mr•. JIOMIO L •• , ... n1• ,,.....,. llf'Mt. HvntiflftOfl ~ '. " . " .. ·' • ' ,. ' • .... $T. JOS•l"H HOS1'1TAL ~111 Mr '"° Mr,, Pt!oll M. God,ll1w, 'U.372 Vl1 Ju1n!t1, Ml11lot1 Vlt (o, OG~'. •11111 1• Mt . told Mn. H1rold 811!, lt.tfO ll:cs1 (lr(lf . we:s1mfn11tr. glrl, M•. 11\d Mr1. Clltr1es 911.1bler, till1 C1'11rlr.rlll• Clrc!•, Irvine, gtrl • .\pr\I It Mr. •l'ld Mr,, H11W•rd J. Goodm•n, l'001 Ob<lld!•n Orlvt, Mluqon Vle)o, Qlrl. Mr ttld M•'· ll:ontld L. Kt'~"'· 2319J P.wro. L11911n• Mllf1. girt, A!llrtl tt Mr. tl!d M,,, W111ter "'· D•tM1~n. !~'11 MO\lnllln Cr•IO CLrclt, Favotol n VtU,Y, girl. M•. •Md M•1. Jol\11 J, G••no•roen•. SOU P•r1• W•"• Irvine, t>Oy, ... ,.u 11 Mr. •ncl Mr•. John O. Lll)er1v. 14581 f ir Av111111, Irvine, girl, Mr. •net Mr1, Otv1d L. ll:o.lllt, 1~932 oon.nv Clrci.t lrvlM, t10r. APf'llU Mr. Ind Mr1. Emil f , R•MI· ns11 Rlm1nl, L1t9Uftt HUIJ, g!rl. IOVTH COAST COMMVNtl• MOSPITA.L Marriage Lteenses u s Vl!GAS, Ntv .. -Mfr• ., ... flt-ltll,IH lier• h'Kh>Clt: Spanish Coast ro Be Scoured . for Lost Continent OPEN DAILT 10 A.M.·1D P.M. ;suN. 10 to 7 ~-•. _........._ ~-.... s: ••=:.•c .... ._...- OFH• IXPllE$ $UH WAY I, ltlJ SlOCK ~UP NOW AND SAVE NO LIMITS! BUY 1 or 100 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST "IUEH PAii llMcllllN.9'Lall••lill' • 5301 lech llYd. W:Jo4o • • .._..,M•W.... llOO Hwlt ., .... '54120a 1 FISK .. P,REMIER 4 PLY NYLON· CORD TIRI! ·~J.I -..11 ........ .,..,..... ,.. ......... , .... 1.n WHITl,WAILS14.M • • • • T 1 ·• ! I I ' I ' ' \ 1 I r r .J ., . • I I I I . I I r I r 1J , I I I I I I I I t ' I r • f I: Ii., I I t l t t ~ I t I i ..... --'--~ . . . ' • : Another Star Named Dick ~PQwell? . ., DAN TEDRICI( tn 1tlw! role of "Von.kn~_ .. • rn DIEGO (AP) Will one o! lour farm boys picked -· -1 up by Gypsy Rose Lee's Ile~ of lllJCCeSS ipoU Dick . mother !or her voudeville act, Powell Jr:! Can the look-alike Powell· pinned : "Ob, it's no ilOD ol the movies' Jale probl~ My mom's watching ',;••et·IO""' guy and J"ne . the dance and we'll practice -~ .... . · • 1onlght." AUyaon (IDd haJ>Plness In their "It Was lhe riul. time my footstepe, sta.rtlng at th~ age mom t\a.!J Seen me Work pro- of Ut ; • , fessiorially," he recalls of that In hlB first ling at tba opening night in M a r c h . footllg bts, Powell·cone<des an Afterwards, she told bim : uncertainty that be will make "You did everything right." It -aud that he may be Abnci.!t • IO years ·before, trying IO keep a memory of Dick's father died i n hfs idol alive. · ' · ~ HolJ~~ of cancer wl~ hia "lie could do anything with hand m hers. a role," he says of his rather. Despite the wealth and fa~e "He wu very real." or hls _Rarents, Dtck Jr .. 1s . modest, almost bashful. He The husky, blond. Powell 1~ admits he also has been equally proud of. his ~othe~, uninspired _ until a buddy w1\;h whom he t1ves 1n their and he decided while plunking West Los "'1Jgeles a~artme~t. their guitars in 1970 that Dick (,'Oley formerly hved . 1 n ollght 10 give show business a Newport Beach.) D u r 1 n g ..._ rehearsals for "Gypsy," June ·~· . . Allyson fiew down to help her The dedication was there 'SOb already. l1e pumped gas for ,1 • seven months in a Newport "8£N HE s yu m b l e. d Beach filling station to save ~gh bis .first dance routine up $900 for a white 1963 con- • ' . ' , .. l vertlble with a black interior . In bis used car. !'<>well woold . slip oU alone to the beach with hil guitar and stt there· playing for hour&. • • • • • ~ • I divorcocl, ,Ille! Dick earned neW ·car. r: btoWn 1m·t:aprt . high Ocbool dlplom' while II 'His -glit is' Jan 'Wood of tending Orqe Coast Colleg s,t. Louis, but she g Is to lo Costa •· He dabbled ·. Callfomia rsrely as a skater drania at Costa' Mesa an Jn a traveling ice Jhow. RE WAS "born In Santa earlier In Newport Harbp .Po~ll'µister t¥>W holds down MOoJca and reared ,in big Hlgb. After translerring -t a g01{9fttID.ellt job in houses in ·Beverly HUis and Santa Monlca Junior College. Washington . D.C., a.ft e r West Los Angeles. &rore his he tOiOk up merchandising nili!nleer work in President father died, the two went sail-because a new job was offered Nlx~ectlon campa ign . jShe formerl y worked as a M:"r :~8~ail~~!lot. ~ 0 . 'Be could do a1t1ttlal119 tt>ltla a ole,~ "Gypsy" is small, but Powell Po.-U ••fl• of lafs fatlter. 'He'a verv was accepted -~ulckly by the , , · cas' tn San Diego's year-old real. "off Broadway theater." ___ __ ___ ___ __ __ _ _ ___ __ __ __ _ _ 0 1 didn't know who he was --a.t nrst," said She l ley · . Newman,anta-yea r-old ing in their 55-foot cabin w~1c1h he accepted : Selling ,, dancer. "lie's just like cruiser and were close. 1'0nce mens clothes for $.2.25 an C\'erybody else. But hejs dif- dad Jet me steer it." he hour. rerent , really different _ he's recalls. ~ . · 1 al)Yays trying to make !he re-st After his widowed mother HE HA~ sioce \\'O~ a 15--cent of us happy. A \var1n gentl e and Glenn Maxwell , Powell 's hourly TaJSe, ~d Dick Powell . guy. And hir 's got a great barber aod a frif:nd, were .Jr. talks or going back. to t~at sense of humor." Dlarried, the family Los Angeles store from wh1cb Richard as he was called and he t~k a le~ve March 1 to do · TH E STAGE dancing was Pamela, ,two years older -his f1~t acting for pay. something new. After three moved to Newport Beach. A bachelor, he swims, surfs weeks of it, Dick turned to The Maxwells were later and tools about the coast in his another performer after a OflN 'DAILY ID TO IO. SUN. 10 TO 7 ' disappointinc utlne and Nld. "al least I'm .,..istent -1 al· ways do ij wrong." But the cast bellev..es the talent is there. Hla siJJ&ing aod musical abU.itv i-' regarded as good. ind he has an ac:tor'a agent l~KikiQ.s_ around. Says Powell: "I lqlOw it wUl..!!!µ-whtli!'."" 'Tl)O fo lks back in Los Angeles have seen him on ll'llevlii:W n wlthout knowtng It. For the regular commercia l rate of 5136. Powell is one of five unidentified young men who build a pyramkl of beer cans In a new telev~IOD com-· mercial. "He works very hard," says A local actor, lt.11c:hael Byers. One reason Is probably the n'"o ressio11al pride Dick Powell 1 Jr. feels in both his parents. <)r hi~ father's rnovies, he uses the word "fabulous" t o describe two of them-"John· ny O'Clock'' and "To The End of The Earth." "When people say ! look Like my dad , it makes me feel good ," he .says. cm• a ;a: • • • DAILY PILOT .. TONIGHPS TV IDGIHJGIITS KCET flll 7:00 -Gear Up for Population Bal· anc:e. General aviation practices in the U.S. and bow< airports help ntral and small U>wn development are examined. CBS IJ 8:01>· -Sonny and Cher. Kerry Ann Wells. Miss Universe of 1972, brightens up the Bonos' hour. Danny Thomas also guests, -NBC 0 10:00 -All.star Swing Festival. Trump- eter Doc Severinsen is host. for this hour featuring 1 some of the greatest jazz and swing stars -Ella Fil:gerald, Count Basie, Benny Goodman , Duke El· , lington, Joe Williams and Dave Brubeck Quartet. · ABC D 10:00 -Owen Marshall. Wayne New-. tqn.gue$1s as a philosophy instructor accused of the !3 mercy killing of his abnormal infant son. ~ IUIJ liJ 10:30 -"Alexander the Great." Richard •, Burton portrays the le~endary conquerer in this 1956 drama with Frederic March and Claire Bloom . --. .. TV· DAILY LOG Wednesday Evening MAY2 1:00 U 0 0 !!>ill Cil ED H••• (j)\lj)NMI• 0 ....... 00 Cit S.•ft fJ W1•W ONtl ff AliYt CD! IHCWI Mqlc Cltw (60) ·Holl m11ic\1n M1rk Wlhon pruenlJi "M11ic lts V11•s Style ... Guests In- clude Art M•tr•no, wntriloqultt JI~ M1rah1ll i nd m111tl1n Rico. Q) Star Tflt -fB Ml Dwk:t WllOflCl1 fE Klll1tpod11 lodp £!) Tllrtt stoops l :JO ~Hop.n's KtlOf.\ fJ Movie: (90) "TIM Sen of a... ;ibt " (dr1) '65-M11k Dtl!l(ln, Sdllt Gabel. {j) CBS Ntn W1tltr Cl'Gllkllt 0 Have Q11n Will Trani (i& Mtn Grlfflt Show ~ C111tu .. , fduutftn .. Buyin1 11'11 Servicrs of Others" m )Nn111 C.rson Sflo• (E) ..... 1. C!B Thi Fran• ho,M m lJtGt JtaKell o rn(J)CDAIC W••11••d•r Movll: "'TM -hll4lh11 Cnt" (d11) '4Pr--Grt11orr Ptc:k. Ann TOlkl. Ethet B•n)'ITIOlt. Ch1rt11 l1u1hton, V1lh. Louil Jourd1n. m Mlf'I Grilfi11 Slltw • Cl:) Mt~tl1 !:00 I) (I) Mtdlell Cant" ht .. His· ••II 1Utsh It I llobl·lrottllll pho· to1r1pne1 wllo promises • crit1un1 In 1111 that ht'll t1kt her on hi~ 111it trip, and tht postponn bldly ntedtd auritfY. m0r ..... QlNIM fl!l "-If -hlltill (R) "EdY1nl Mund!" m_...,,_,,,,... A:JO 0 llo<ku -In a- 111 1111 - Im Modtodoo """" Ul) 0 Caf• .. Ml lanil' 1:45 fl) tltl(U aM Mtllffln "Th• Dt1· art •ltd Ult Mo11nt1IM" fl1in t~Y by Ttnt 111t11rt pho!Olflphtr Jim• Bones. 10:00 IJ (() Cl.11• Andrew Duaan 1uub u t bolt •11lldilr wtlo hif11 C111110n to clttr f41m of char1n In tllt l llPlrttll huntln1·accldtnl Ntf'I 7:GO B (I) D SI-othl"'"· .. 8 ltwlillt ftt Delllll 0 OJ m I IHCW I AWtlr SWiii Cll TMk «Cu: 11'11Nc:a F.alnl (ft) Kell Doc sMrinMn Cl) U..., Wwi; PJtstrrts some of tht t'lltlil Im 0 Wlllf• Mr UM? 1nd twins stirs, lnc1udl111 £111 fltl:· m 'l'LM Luq 11r1ld, Count llnlt, lltnny Good· Cl I Dru• ti Je1nnll men. DuU £111n1to11. .ill Wlnl1m1 fB ll11Pl•••llte Maril arid 11'11 Dive Brubeck Quartet m11scwr1ur u,"',.,. emm• U. llllMI frtU Blair n1rrat1s tht study of pntr1I IVl1tlo11 prK· D (JJ ()) m 09tfl Maflflall "Th• lieu Jn U.S. and how ilrpcW help first Oay of Your lift" (R) Phlltllo· rur1I ind .sman town dmlopm.nL phy lnstNCIOJ Sim Steph1ns 11 IC· dt Mllllkl custd of tl'lt mtrq·klltlnl of flis CE Mldoillllos H g C.unld" ab!IOflNll Infant son. Wl)'fl1 ~1wton al U1t1' Chlb a:uuts. . m Stlffd bctr 0 hril lafttfl hutntl ei.-~ 7:Jt 11 WKllJ hi4 ti )tfftMfl m llllfll,,_. TllN&rt "Thi Gold-tin Rou, Grttr IVffb. Cl) Htlft't """I In Bowl" Concl, (R) ! 0 W1it RI '°"' fltMr 1"9 lhtu aii) Vinet)' H•rrr is detupd w111111111 aid wlltn 10'.JD D Tl& lid: ht slips in a r1sl1ur1nt In front ol •• ~up ol l1wy1rs. m TNt MwllrtuN 8 Movtr. (C) (Zltr) "Gen!lpt 1t llJ Alppf Ctu1 CGm1dy Hriu Colllncht Crffk" (wtl) '63;-.\udlt m ... ,$ftrtl Murphy, Coll11n Mllltr. tiD CZ "" Cll T• Ten·• Trvtl • [J) '" .,.,. "' h ll:GO IJ D 0 Iii !!:Hill N.., G M"" 1-: (2lil) "Tiit Qol-Cl) (I)®) Non st MtricMI* <••> '58 -AUdl• D a.. sw, "'°"' Mufl)lly, Mlc:t!HI Red,lR'+'t. rri MMIMI Dilfttt Ill m , .. , Dr, mien 1.11 II TUI 11tt a_, (CJ 1!Jo) ·-· t1ie ....... lrllt" (dta) '~ichl~ Burton. fJil sttittJwt (R) fmfric Mirth, Cl1lr. Bloom. Ql 'hil It T• Uf• ID Tndll " C.MfllltllCtl ....... ,...., m-: -· <m> ·s1-Due Cltri, .limn Cf1la. ~OOIJ CIJ -""C...(R)O'"'' ID ......... l-- Thoma and Mia l.lfllvtl'M of 1972, "SINMb•lll" (R) ktnJ Artft Wtlll IVlfl CI!) Chet Jt1111111 ht ... l 111 al ID -11 "Dirt Doti" (R) OffletB Malloy ind Rt9' 1tt http 11:15 ti a-K from 111 11nnPKt1d eource In their . pursuit ol two motoreyd•·rldlna ll:JO 9 Cll CIS , Litt Mllie: (q "Tllt pul'SI an11che11. • Llrl·HI~ 5•" (WIS) '58-1'1ul D (II (j) GB Pul lylldt a.. -mn•n. Ula Mll1tt (It) hul Simnis ltan9 Iha! the : ~ f !-=...em.. m1rrl11t of his Clau1hter 81rb1r1 le G ([l Cl) a> )let Pw Ttlke Howle ii lr!¥1Hd, 4111 to 1 ttc:hnl· • Tt Ttl lllt TMll e1Uty, • fDT'*«C:.114111•• U.1DIDMfrll ....... ,._. m,,,,, _ fll-C.•~ IZ:JOU- . ID-?J ID-(C) -<"'> '*- lm«*.,1t•11tp .,_., mM'1::'-C.O-Gm. mi.-1.oo_,,,,... ~JOO ®l !ll•IC _,, ..... l:GO aJllJO CIJ - ~ MUliofl "Awult 011 GI\" l:4S IJ lltwlt: "JUI die w " 'he• 1lonl" (~) lnmtl11t« Jetf1110n (di.I) ·4~ lllldnrm. Dhtltf KIJts ls nUd by t ~l~h~ Enallsll· McGulrt. • ••11n le pt btdl e p1in11111 ht told lo 1n old lri1nd. Willrld Hf1$1·Whl11 2:00 m AA..,.. st.r. "'flllt: ti flllt 1nd P1m1l1 Fr1n•Hn 1uest. Ltrtk," -..........- l:Ol ID --.... (""') 'SO Thursday -o.-llltr, M.,. _,. t:JO D "Ille M-1-· 1""1 ·11 DAmME MOVIES _..,,.,,,., -M•'J ..... J;it(l)"lio M-Cold, (*'l 'It "" D lCl "A """' -1•~> '51 --0111k """· 11o11111t --Rkberd Kilty, etrm111 Slvlllt, di (Cj -C.,W. ...... N.I.'" • Cond, -S.Mt' ... ._... P1rt 10:00 CJ) ...... tf '""""' (ho!) 67- 1 (411) '59-RlcM'td [p11,. Doftlhy P1l1t Cushln1. Ed•11ll Judd. Mc:Cultt: -·liDJ dll 1 'M'fjllisA ~~;:·1aNTI Ill · IESTllNstEI· o -.. ot ·-l""l . '3~tlph hll1rny, V11iri1 Hobton. 3:30 0 (t) "SM tf ...... (tlor) '&t U.ia B "'l'YldlullJ ltm" {com) '44--t1dto T1•11hlm1. fltd MtcMuiray, Cl1udetft Colbtrt. •:DO 8 "lvt .... t.,. Mt'°'(COll) '5'- "'Vlal'lnta Ttn'Of" (was) '*-Wll· Cl1tl G1~I•. C1r1on llktr. ~ lltlott. l:JO (I) -• IMll -• ....... ,..,~ • Herbof llYd. at W'-• Edl191r St. at lrls1ol • llocli llvd. • Mer••·· Slffl .......... 2lOO Hel'llor ..... 1400 ••• ,., 1544111aec•llYd. . •~saoo 548·20ll ' 546_.7132 89~·2081 Try Saturday's News Quiz - • • 'i { • . I ---( f IJ • \ • I - ' . • I - -' r-.._ -- ' If DAILY PILOT • Tlaeeter Notes • I GWC Open~ '3 · Cuckolds'.1 By,ToM TITIJS ..... 0.1,Y .. , ... ,..., > 'Back in the 16th century, wJt_en the c:Qmmedia del arte · , atyJe 9f theater cam~ into being, llllian actors would i thove from' tbwn to town With their tOuring producUons, us- : .Ctng ltock characters but in- : · ~rj>oraUng local gossip into ·the show. ~ Members or the Golden "! _)'lest College drama depart- ment will be doing the same this weekend and ne"'lt when , q they present a com media pro- duction of "The T b r e e Cuckolds," which d t r e c to r Charles Mftcbefl promises will be "one of the liveUest shows to come to the Golden West stage." While "Cuckolds'' is the only new show bowing in on the ' ()range Coast this Week, South "!'~·COast Repertory will give two • holdover perfonnances 0 f ~ ::nie Tempest" tonight and f Thursday, Also continuing is "The Gingerbread Lady" at the, Costa Mesa C i v i c Playhouse and "Cheaper By the Dozen'' at the Fountain Valley Community Theater. ·{ , • -. • • ' , • , . i I . • • • • • • • • "THE THREE Cuckolds," a~d by Leon Katz from a wor by an unknown Italian :author , revolves around a drifter who surs things up in . OCC Choi~ To Perform For Benefit A special benefit concert hosted by the Orange Coast College music department wit! be held Sunday afternoon) May 6, at 2 o'clock in the OCC Auditorium. All proceeds will go tn the Leenerts Memorial Fund to aid OCC music student Nancy Leenerts. Mrs. Leenerts' hus· band, Elmer, was recently killed in an industrial ex· plosion in Costa Mesa. She has .four children. Diiiy Piiot Sltff l"tlot. JUST BETWEEN US -Pali Tambellini and her daughter. Sheri Henderson, share a happy mo- ment together in a scene from "The Gingerbread Lady" at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. the Jives of three cou_ples, reuniting some s ever e·d romances in the process . ~uckolds" will play .,Fridays and Satufdays at 8:30 in the Community Theate r on the Huntington Beach campus . Rick Waites will take the central role of Arlecchino, with Renata Florin Co-starring TWO FINAL performances as Flaninia. Other principals ot Shakespeare's • •The in the GWC cast will be 'T<empest " will be given tonight Michale Silliman, Debra Man-and Thursday be(ore the pro- ning, Roland Barajas, Linda ductlon moves out to make Hoeh, Dave . Armstrong and room for "In the Mid!lt of Steve Bubrig. Townspeople Life." oepning May 11. David will be played by Daniel • Emmcs is directing the SCR Baerg, Dan Cartnell, Steve show . Marion , Charlie Matheis, Har-Hal Landon Jr., Sarajane ry Smith, Kimberly Cole, Joan Roblnson. Richard Doy I e , Keamey, Eve Kearns, Molly Reginald Rook, Robert Wright McCauley, Marilyn, McElliott and Gary Bell take the primary roles ln the fantasy, which h9s attracted a record number Of high school and cO!- Jege students from some 40 schools ln the area. curtain time for "The Tempest" is 8 o'clock at tile companJ'S T h i r d Step Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd., Costa M e s a . Reservations 6461363. and Diane Mooring. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=====-c:cc-::--c--c---- Backstage assignments are taken by Robin Huber. set designer: Sherry George, costumes ; Steven Cr a i g , lighting. and Frank Pendle. stage supervisor. "The" Three ANO "Finion's Rainbow" (G) ,,;.~."Nancy has been an OCC '· .. tnusic student since _ 1964.'' said Paul R. Cox, chairman or • Orange Coast Co l l e g e ' s ''The Sisters" l RJ ,. division of Fine Art!. "She ha!I " taken one or two classes each "Plclt-up On 101" lRJ semester and now needs only "to fmish this semester to "Chorlie One Eye" receive her AA degree. PLUS "We areHiolding this concert "S1erile Cuckoo" IPGl so that NAncy will be able to "The Getaway" IPG> ! stay in school to complete her And / degree." "Lady SinCJS Th e Blues" (R ) I The concert will feature the "LADY SINGS THE BLUES" 11t1 "F" t Of f " {RJ occ Choir' under the direction 1-~1111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ I m~k • IS an:ry f W It E GI kl h 1 ~~;·.,1 .~z.•.:n~,~ .. ~· ~~~~~~~I , o a er . ec er; t e ...:::::==·-~ "Red Sun" .. Chamber Singers and _,, Chorale, directed by Richard M. Raub ; and the Jazz ~ Ensemble and Concert Band , ~ under the direction of Or . Charles Rutherford. Tickets are currently on sale in the OCC Book Store and 1nay be purcha$ed from OCC music students and staff. Tickets will also be available at the door . NATIONAi GENERAL THEATRES NOW f LAYING RE SERVED SEATS On Sale Oallr 12 'Iii 9 MARLON BRANDO .bL . 'j>8i1s ® 1~~:' Unlftd i\rf11t' MON. THRU THURS. 8 P.M. FRIDAY 1 l 9,45 SA!UROIY 2-7 l 9,45 SUNDAi 2-5 l 8 ...::-.:;A1L SIATS M.c00:::;;,1 WXDAYS 6t4S SAT, A SUN. 12:41 "CHiil 11.lDllS" "SEDUCTION Of ING.I" IOTH flA TUllS lATtD XI,....~ 1 JOCKEY CLUB ChlrlleO-•t SanNllonll 1>\U ~W\~"' Still Tops In Harmony & Originality! NIGHTLY !. Mon. th ru Sat. tilo Cowt' Ho Minlft11•• , " -,....., :it-.,. '-41. ~--::.I ., •' ~·. P.odl.leed by PAUL GUCKLER lfxl R1CHAAO ~· OireC1ed by PAUL GtXKl.i!.A [ ()1trlbuted b>" CN::MA@N INOUS~ GIVE US AN @ CO-HIT AT B~TH THEATRES ! "THE SEDUCTION ·OF INGA" / BOTH FEATURES RATED X DOORS OPEN WHKD~YS 6145·SAT & SUN 1 :45 S1n1• A"' Frwv. n11r Ch~plNln Or••. 547-601 1 685 S11nflower Sll'•t I Cotti MN • 549.335~ j MON. THlU. fll. 7130 j SAT. & SUN. 7 P.M. 2nd f!ATUH "GRIMM'S FAllY TALES" 1 ', llAllLCI llUllUCll.'a SHOWTNG ,.....,r-'7 . NOW! • • -'Fhe ·Joke~s on Dim Actor Prime Target for Stage ~ranks ENTERTAIN~ENT SCR Youth Production . Hehl Over Coast Repertory's innovative children's program, Magic Theater II. .. Contmued strong demand for tickets has necessitated the addition of four extra 'SAVE THE TIGER" w•h Jack L.mmo11 -···-"LAST OF THE REC HOT LOVERS" lotll C.lor I R J By VERNON SCMT HOLLYWOOD (UPl)" ~ Nothing stops an actor in his tracks so quickly as a prac- lical joke in mid-performance. A prime viclird pf the theatrical put-on ls • An Duncan, who; stars in "How II}'! Seduce· A Woman." He gets jumpy whenever the script calls for him to pick up a prop. Angus was a· member of the Old Log Theater in Min- neapolis for two years where a · playful repertnire troupe pro- vided a lot of unintentional laughs. On the final night of one ... performance, A n g u s , a youngish look-alike for Dean Jones, picked up the stage telephone to outline a murder plot to a nonexistent con- spirator on the other end of the line. "THE CAST had rigged the phone to my own house," Angus recalled. "And there I \Vas, in front of a full hOuse, talking to my wife'.. I read my lines straight. but $e kept calling me dirty names. 1 went along with it and didn't break up." . Angus was less fortunate on Broadway starring in "Barefoot In The Park." ''I came on stage carrying Director Set /:I• CINTURr 11 712·~ ····-- two 8\1.itcases," be recaUed. "I • was to reach offs.tage and pick up a third valise. Well my pals in the cast bad loaded It with _ an anvU . I couldn't budge Jl That got the biggest laugh of tile night. . "A couple cl. months.later I was doing the same scene and reached offstage for the same va.Use. When l looked into the wings there was a totally nude girl standing where the suit- case was supposed to be. That was the first time l ever broke up on stage. The audience didn't know w[lat was hap- penin}: . ._ - ' "MOST ACTORS either get furious with a practical joke or laugh Wlcontrollably. There are times when you can't just go ahead and try to hold a play together. "I'll never forget the time 1 was supposed to leap out of bed and into a pair ol carpet slippers. One flight they were nailed to the stage. "The audience howled wh~n- 1 took a step and tore the tops out or ~Y slippers. But I kept a straigh t face and continued as if nothing unusual had hap- pened. "One of the most common stunts is to ignore another ac- tor's entrance when he knocks on the door. '111e actor on stage continues to read or whatever while the poor guy offstage pounds the scenery down.'' IN ANOTHER play Duncan was called on to light a cigar. In one perfom1ance a fellow actor handed him a rubbei: EXC LUSIVE ENGAGEMENT DAILY 2:00 · 4:'5 · 7:'30 · 10 :00 ~,,l'(ATt;/ ttune·FU! S.HOWING NOW! Bruce ie•- The oriental sensation- now gives America the action its been waiting for! .v,ry lin'!!tof hi!,loody is a Jethal weapon.in ~7"""·'-·,..,........ • .... _, ...... .,.,........ ~ ........ co. c"••us •RONSON ''RED" su·N·'' .. •"•" .. muiawiii~m•mN Eiss._ ....... iii .. iillililiill .. lllill .. ' \ cigor and walled for tile fun. .. I knew what be was dolnl \ right away," Duncan .said. "So i• .,:. I just handed it to another ac-);. ~ tor who was in on the joke. Ht was so paralyzed be forgot hi!I speecl>es for the rest o( the act. "When I was doing •S'taJag 17' the script called for me to jump intn bed. I did. But only to find I'd been short~sheeted. Trus time I pushed my feet right through the bedding - again getting a laugh where I wasn't supposed to." DUNCAN SAIJI. practical jokes aren't as cil.lamitoos in movies and television because-- retakes are conunon and .viewers never see the goofs. "It's another story on the stage~" he sighed. "Several hundred people are sitting out there in ,the theater watching you make a monkey out of yoursell ·and they n e v e r understand why." A FAMILY TREAT! THE TWO MOST POPUl AR W!LOLlfE FILMS ~VfR MAOr -~·· ·-Broia fvlf!!i ~ AND ~ii..-~ -·~=~~-'~ff NOW THE SCllAMING STARS1 (I ) + ASYLUM (RI lfT1SKflr1 belw'" , · • , l•rtlt lllwd, ' "H••bor Btwd. 8 l-1862 ICAUTl-IUNCMUI FISTS DF' F~tJ .... ,... RID SUN (PO) u .. ~•ln Awe. ••ti of ICnott 527-122l -IHI PO<t THEATRE Of BLOOD 1'l . + DAUGHTERS -Of SATAN 01 Newport -f ....... , , at Ill•~•• St. S45·J3ll ·--'l)tllF WHO CAMI TO IMNNI R ..... .. ', • • ·1 • • • c.' •" vl1 • •.i' ·I , I I ' ,. ·< :, " ' ., L -, ~ • ~ -~ ~ r r • •. .. , .. ~ • . , • ~ • • 't • ~ • • • } ' ' ~ • • ~ • • \ i c ! ~ ' • • • ! ' • ~ • • . ' ) ~ • • ~ ' • • l ' • • _},.;., .......... ·--··· . .. .... _., ., ' ... -. ' • • ""' .,..,II . ' 2 eavier . .... : Twiggy :.r '"" '.'.;'. ... Returns 1il ' ... By VERNON SCO'l'I' HOLLYWOOD (UPI) ~· . Twiggy, the English model, 1•' , .. ,who became a symbol ror Lon-. v!··. ~oo's swinging 1960s, has ,j. . come to Hollywood to star in l•J her second motion pictute . apallingly overweight The splinter thin cover girl 1 has increased her avoirdupois '" , . by almost 10 percent. <I• '.),' '·'' Be.-rital stati- •ties ·are some• iolae.-e between Don Knous and Raquel Weleh. 'f,; ·-------...... ~----, • She has shamelessly allowed ~erselr to burgeon from her • ~ormal 91 pounds to a huge 99. ~he added weight, how~ver, ~.ba1 failed to alter her vital ';-.:Statistics which remain 32--22- 32, leaving her somewhere , between Don Knotts and Ra· quel Welch. Twiggy cannot understand , Iler sodden added poundage, :~~:but she ordered vichyssoise ~ and French fried potatoes for : i:; •lunch. • • . ''I'M ACCUSTOMED to being slim," she said. "I was ~.teased about it as a child. And '1 hated ii. 'Now I don't think about my weight." "It's a good thing," said her r •.Jover-manager of six years, :~ .. ·Justin de Villeneuve. "She ·eats sweets, potatoes, I · :chocolate and soft drinks all I the time. As it turns out, I'm the one wQo's dieting." ' "Twirible guessing game,:' L she .said, her British accentc reminiscent rl Eliza Doolittle. -it; She is relieved to know that /.Albe i~n't playing an American 1.}pl. "There's nothing worse ~ than a British actress at-~ .. tempting to play an American ' .. -unless it's an American girl :;1 ;trying an English accent. .,... "The only o~ who's really P, .! UPI Ttllllholo TWIGGY GROWING UP, ALMOST 100 POUNDS But H8_r Mea surements Remain 32-22-32 good at it is Mia Farrow.' ... DE VILLEl'<EUVE groaned .. 1'We werfi! sitting in a theater watching Mia in a play/' he recalled. "She was ·so good Twiggy asked. me in a loud voice if Mia was English. , Everyone in -the theater heard the question." · Twiggy bas changed' her ap- pearance somewhat. Sh e ' s allowed her blonde hair to grow long. She wearS alrn06t no make-up, allowing her freckles to shine through, in sharp con- trast to the heavy eye make- up and lashes she wore as a model. .: "THINGS HAVE changed," she said. "My first picture 'The Boyfriend' got good reviews, but it didn't make a great deal of money. ' "For the past eight months Justin and I ·have been work- ing on a picture of our awn - 'Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance' - but we c<>uldn't raise the money in England. So we had to shelve it." '!Too bad ," said JU$tin. "We put a great deal of time into the project aiid it ·would have given Twiggy a chance to sing and dance again." • ADVENTURE AND BEAUTY And not too soon either. At the rate she is" gaining weight her days as a musical star are numbered . New Yori~ R evi v al . 'Str.eetcar' Rolls .On By WILLIAM GLOVER Sh a k e s p e ar e Festival doom of Blanch< DuBois. NEW YQRK (AP ) -For it• organization. FOR 111AT Bl~pivotal role, last hurrah lbe Lincoln Center IN CREATING this offbeat thC productioo happily has Repertory Company d 0 es concept, Direc tor Ellis Rabb .~Rosemary Harris, a defiant "-U d · h 1 · Jirsl r•·•-dislor"on ol ... · wr!llh of l..,l hope. James l'3C -prou wit nove -~ . ~ _u uu;.__ ,Tl' Un " c1y s l I -t emotional nuances of tbe r aren o s row a n e Y triguing dash in "A Streetcar f •'--t T Kowalski is less convincing N ed "'--:--" amous opus u~ ennessee thou h uffc~ t to th am . ~"\'.:.. Williams wrote 25 years ago. g s 1 •1en . e The mtense mterna.J drama It begins lik e. an excerpt from rhyt~ of the mterpretahon .. has been surrounded in the "Porgy and Bess." as a coo· Phili~ ~ rounds off his production which o p en e d geries· of vendors a n d lo.ng stint w1th ~ corl::ny I as t week with an passersby rotates about a with one more me pe . ~ agitative accompaniment of romantically skeletized cen-an: ~ rchel~I tiud: soullnd and ~xtemal action t~t tral setting . :nd ;atricia ~~ is :°~; sp1 s ~ver mto the usually hid-Then1 with almost cinerrlatic Stella of more cerebral than den wtngS' and backstage ex· illusion, events focus down in. earthy appeal. panses of the Beawnont to this New Orleans dead end Dou I W Sch 'dt Theater • . . g as . nu earns . · for the famthar n1etaphor of cheers for that composite set· It IS as ~gh the troupe ,brutalil?'s trium~ over ting which even includes a had dete~nuned to s a Y romantic vulnerability. magical atmospheric rnist, !areweU , with defiant , sweep-Like a syniphonic coun-and high conunendation l!JleS 1ng totahtr. terpoint, Rabb iterates n10re too ,to Cathy MacDonald ahd . After eight years of finan· improvisational interludes to Gary Harris for the melange c1al slf¥ggle, announce~ent separate and stress t h e of music and telling sound ef· ·came weeks ago, the resident Dramatic development. The fccts. enterprise is 'to be replaced device attains its eerie acme "A Streetcar next season with a branch of in the ultimate scene as a sta-,Desire" is oo a JOseph Papp's multi·purpose tue-stiff chorus wi~esses the entrancin g trip. 'Surprise' ·Cast for .Irvine The Irvine Com.munity Theater has announced the cast for its closing·production of the 1972-73 season, Fred C a r rrUchael's freewheeling farce "Surprise," opening June 9 for a three-weekend engagement . " The play centers around an elderly onetime silent movie Bill Cosby Set For Chapman Comedian Bill Cosby will give two performances Thur~~ day at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall Auditorium at Chapman ·College in Orange .. Appearing with Cosby will be folk sin ger Tim Morgan. All seats are reserved with actress who opens a resort hotel in Vermont and the com· plications which arise when her magazine ,writer friend unfolds one of her plots at the innkeeper's ''opening night.'' Joanne Wolcott takes her firth JCT role as the hotel pro- prietress, while D .. o: Calhoun will be seen as the imaginative writer .• John Loughman plays • a chiropractor suffering from amnesia who becomes a cen· tral figure in the comic pro- ceedings. and Lois Farah is cast as his suspicious wife . John . Phillips and Sorrell Wayne will por:tray the laconic New England couple who help run the inn. Others in the Irvine cast include Debbie Ensign. Pat Schneider. 'David Perlman. Harry Lauter and Larry Eldon. Directing ''Surprise " will be tickets at }4 each available bY(";;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;; phone through the ASB Office, 633-8821, Ext. 309. JCT resident director Tom Titus, who will be·assisted by Sharon Davidson. Chuck Ben· ton will double as stage manager and 1echnical direc· tor . with Barbara Boeze in charge of properties. Performances of "Surprise" will be given June 9. 15·16. 22· 2.3 and 29-30 in the llumanities Hall Playhouse on the UC ·Irvine campus. Reservations may be obtained by calling 646-3l78. Coogan Film HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Jackie Coogan left hls Palm Springs home to play a role in "Wednesday Morning" o n location in Mexico in John Wayne's new adventure film . U.A. CITY & SOUTH COAST CIHEMAS-TUESOAY SOC: (.\LL U.OlllS & GOlDEl\l AGERS OPllHIHG 'TIL 2:HI • k~ ~: •• '• ., ~ " •• . ..r: ~· ~ •I H 'i ·-r -<: '" E. ti ' 1i l (. ' r . ' ·j.. t . ' 3459 y~ ... Lldo Eve. Show St•rtt 7 p.m. Newpo rt ~h_ Continuout Show Phone : 673~ Sund•)' from 2 --=tMl'C1\M\ -Afl.,SI' • nallD za:ta a.u HISflRST flt.M SIN:(~ J, JU.IT" -eroTHer sun SISTer MOOR• EXCLUSIVE JUN --~""-' ·~ """""""""""""" ...,.;-~ . ~Jz, _....... ··~•'ii _ .. ::' -~-~i:&'.:' (XUM .. 1111w a -........ -.~~ JUL IE ANDREWS CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER • PllfOIMANCt ICHIDUll e MONDAY lhru FRIDAY · 7:b0 &' 10:00 P.M. $ATURDAY -SUNDAY '-HOLIDAYS 1-4-7-10 SPECIAL WEDNESDAY MAtlNEE -2i00 P.M. 2n Oil tC Style, Class, Grace. MAGGIE MITH 'Travels With fT1y Aunt' ~----' luouu - i W. M1tttitu--C. Burnett • "PETE 'H' TILLIE" Clint E11IW00d .,JOE KIOD" &o111 Jn Color IPGJ • • Ll11 Mlnn-111-JHI or.., • OK1rs1 "CABARET'' "PLAY IT AGAIN SAM" 1 Botti In Color !POI ~-····~ EDWAROS I I\ f 11 \ I f \ H R MA~ ~Li l-h I A0Aloil~ l))T A 1.A (~A • 9,94141 WT W111C • ~ tulS. .~,.· . Cami ' sumett · ... -.lri~ .............. ,.. .. ;, .. .. "Pete'ltTillie" -........ ....., ......... _...., ..... ~ ~!lolotrllll'l>C!Wt •l ........ ''-' [ill] PIUS· RYAN O'NEAL .JAC:OUEUHE l "Slil "THl THI EF WHO CAME to DINNll" (PO) .. ,._. " "' ,. . ·. ·' ... ' . . .. . . : -· ' ..... ~· . :~./: :.,.·,}:.~~~-'.~:·, . :.·: .,. .. . ·, · .. • .. -.. . : " •. . •. ··«·'· ~-'· .... .' . ' .· . ·" .. . . ·.· ... IN BLAZING COLOR I ON THE 8\G SCREEN I SOUTH COAST PLAZA THEATRE Sin Dl"90 Fwy. It 8i"lfloi SI., CoUt Miff, Ph. 5*2111 SEAL BEACH BAY THEATRE M1l11 s1 ... , Ptel!Jt Co~ll Hwy .. Ph. '4J14SJ1 Spec. Ene•t•m1111 -Admi111on st.50 -7;>0 •rid t:io p.m. ' • PALOllAR PICl'L'W um:RH.\TIO.~AL ~ LAURENCE MICHAE L OLIVIER CAIN in JOSEPH I. MANK!l'WICZ Film of CONT. SAT. .... SUN. <rhinl! of the perfect crime ... "Then gtJ one s«p fur1hcc Also This Suspen:ce ,Thriller CLI NT EAS TWOOD (RJ "PLAY MISTY FOR ME" lli11'it11 ~:~::: 19tfl Gad NEW~O RT 548·1552 WfD., 1 P·"'- ii~. He loved 'M>ITlel1. He loved men. He li\oed as controversially as he ruled. But he did not care what the world thoughL He was the world. From Luchino Visconti,the direcfurof.''The Damned" and"Death In Venice:' Onceagainyoureyeswill be opened. EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT SHOWING NOW! Nearly Everyone Listens to Landers \ ~·~VISION9 ~ CHARLTON HESTON 1£!!1 EDWARD G. ROBINSON e 2nd TOP ATIIACTlON 9 • f 1 · I I ~ I • I • H DAA.V I'll.OJ ' s F.as firms !~ay Sue Steelworkers ~PllO~ Am. (AP) ...; 111. ..u-100 ol the ...... ~~• lndepeodeot · ~ dealers met here ~ ancr the result Of .llllir-mayludto• 'llll(Jor aall-trust lawsuit .oplnll major oO eou>- panla, a Phoenix ._ mu.a rrponed. • lillUm l>'TAR·TV said the dealen met b<h1nd $ood doors lo dbculS dii!lr growU>g problems In-~ wallne sbor1llgea. .. ,.,.,. 8"'111' formed an ·-.,JzaUoo lo be called ..... OUr Supply. Grape Union !J,;i" :f:lritishers $ye Rolls 4i>NDON (UPI) -The company making Rolls-Royce motorcan those stately --bots of quiet elegance, wUI re- main In British hands, bankers 8('.Ubg for the finn announced i;µeaday . ·!A_ •pokesman for N. M. ~tlischild and Soos, Ltd .. aeid "9 foreign firm> submitted 11o&rs w he o Rolls-Royce l!o!Ors, Ltd.. the highly pro- fit.file car division of the old t:auilaupt Rolls-Royce group, .. ent oo sale to the highest ... m. AP l>tlpolael Tho United St<elworken Union '!w )otDed with AfL. CIO Pmident George Meany In c:onclemnlng alleged "union bu•tlng" by the Teamatm Union ln • drive qalnst U.. Unli.d Fann Workers ln Calllomia. I. W. Abel, pmldent o (the 1.4 mllll ... membcr USW. sec· ood In size only to tl1<! International Brotherhood of Teamsters, said Monday 1n Pittsburgh the USWs ex· ecutlve -Ooa rd voted unanimously "to support Meany's comderMatlons." ABEJ, ALSO said the USW backs Meany's call for a "full· scale co ngre ss ion a I in- vestigation" of an alleged deal between the Teamstel's and the majority or table grape growers in the Coachella Valley. The Teamstm have been attempting to organize grape pickers io the California vineyards who are npresented by Cesar Chavei• UFW. About 75,000 workers are Involved. Meany has charged that a contract recently negotiated by the United Farm Workers was "clearly superior in every instance to the sweetheart 1 '!L'1der today. . contract'' signed by I he A st.ateme~t issued by _·Teamsters after ''collusive, Rothschilds said at least one secret meetings" with some bl.4. from the unidentified growers British firms which submitted · ~clers exceeded the reiene CRANCE, meanwhile, sasis ale price established by lbe he thinks the table grape i .o v er nm en t appoibted strike probably will be ex- mceiver or the old Rolls-Royce tended to all of CaliCornia and ---f-Arlzona in the dispute with lhe Teamsters. ;_mobile phone --·--place a receive '. telephone calla la:rourcar .. ______ _ . . .. 1 ....... --·--Ho C•pit.11 lnvt1hn•11f Month to Monttl k•nftl 1111• • ;> ... OR~NG£COU~7Y R ~Dl01 £LE PHONE SERVICE I\( 4015.SootaFe, SaitlaAllo 835-3305 "I think it's just a matter of time before they all sign PRIVATE TRUST FUNDS AVAILABLE FOA AUL ESTATE LOANa 1.-1 A 2nd TRUST OEEOI 11,500 To $250.000 UI' TO 90% LOANS OM ~UST PEED COLLATERAL Jll~JllT [QUITY fUMM N•wpo1t C.n!•r 620 H•wpo11 C.nltr Ori.,. Nnopor1 e...:h, C.1111. (714) i44-tft4 1 DUPLICATING NO : XEROX COPYING AND 4' ... · SJUS UP TO Z4"X36" MIN. ·:~OLUME DISCOUNT e PICKUP & DELIYERY•1-'.~ . oo· UBLEQUICK 1400 ........... "--: 1110 H. Mtl111s~~-l.5nt! An• lu.46» SPECPAC A Different Way to Speculate , We believe now is the time io buy '\ow priced speculative stocks. C all or '.write for our report on _an un ique way -lo invest your risk dollars. Leason & Co., Inc. 1617 WestcliH Drive Newport Beoch, Co . 92660 (71 4) b42-9112 or (213) 689-+474 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY .. . . PANTERA • dcTomuo •.. lmf)Ortrd for Uncoln-M'creury. ltalh1.n ·~-·~ '" wurk created by the brilliant Chl3 StvdlOI or T'Urin. '~Rtdl designed the 351 CID 4V V·8 engine. Four wheel In· ;4tt>tndcnt auspen.sJon and rnld·1htp cngjne placement. Five . .....i ,..,. bolr. fully aynchronl7.<d ••• r.;:·- ' . "Pantera .•. Italian for Panther ••. ' ' ,,,..,, ,,,.,,,,,,_ill'''''""",.,. --bnson & son .. ·l~--1 FINANCE 'sweetheart' contracts with the Teamsters," Chavez told a news conference Monday in Los Angeles. ChaveI' AFl.rCJO Ul)ion bas been picketing grape ranches for several weeks 10 the Coachella Valley, where most lrowers declined to ren ew UFWU contracts. "GROWERS AROUND Fresno are refusUig to even talk to us," Chavez said. "Growers around Arvin and . LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tho nation's second meat boycott fmds food retailers reporting near normal sales at meat counters. Various approaches were being taken by consumer groups in lhe boycott which began Mondaji: -Fight Inflation Together (FIT) began an open-<nd boycott and FIT organizer June Donavan said her group would continue the effort "un· ti! something gives." -The National Consumer Congress, c I a i m i n g mem· bership in the million~. declared a one·week boycott No Power Plants On Coast SAN DrEGO (AP) -Public opposition was cited Tuesday by Sand Diego Gas & Electric Co. !or its decision to drop plans !or any more fossil fuel power plants along the coast. A pair of electric generating plants will be bullt by 1917 as plaMed but somewhere ln- land, company officials told a group of environmentali.sts Monday l\i8ht. THE PLANTS -costing about $80 million each - would be big enough to pro- duce 800.000 megawatts of power, enough for 700,000 peo- ple. A spokesman !or the utility said Prop. 20, lbe 1972 coastal initiative, "indicates that Ule people ol . Colilomia don't want" power plants on the coast. UNDER conslderaUon are eight i iles includlng five io the northern part of San Diego County, one near Santee and two near Otay southeast of San D1ego. All are considered close enough to the San Diego County aqueduct which is needed for large amounts of water for cooling purposes. The uUlity's officials met with reiresentatlves or 10 en· vlronmeotal groups . •• Push • • • .. "' ~i a! "' "' n: Ii "' • •• ~ n: ~: "' •• .. :: ~: ~: •• •• • • •• •• .. •• •• ~: i:: ... r: : •• ' •• .. •• :: •• •• .. :: •• •• •• ~j fl ~ " ~: ~: ~ ., Pi :, ~! :; ' : • • • • • p : ~ ( ' I I • • • I :Nixon Economic - " .. • 1'17J s DAILY P1l01' LOS ANGELES -'lbe COin-• mon stoclt fll Collins Food:! : lntematlooal Inc. began tnod-'· klg on the Pocllle Sloct Ex· chan&I' 'l'ueod81 'lrilh the llYJfto J>o1 CF, II W'll llV10UllCtd bf Thomas P. Pbtlan, ex.change pttSlc!MI. -- Collins Food$ lntematloMI Inc. hil the larles! lrtnclli:le o1 Kftlfucl;y 'rriid CllJckeq _. tenns ot royald., peld. and'.ls also Ille operalor Ind Iraq· ehlser o( Sluler Family Stea~ Ii OU.MS. • ~ ,, 1. ~ ~ :r • ,1 ' ·- • - • • .. ' DAILY P. LOT W~. M.11 2, 1<;1 ... DUNTON. FORD'S ··BRAND NEW 1973 . . .'MUSTANG . 2 DR. SPORTSROOF $ ;J02CIO 2 V V41, CruiM, ,..., ,.,. lfMrlnf I frt. lfiK iweka, WW. ew•I WSW tir••· rcHli•, etc. (Jf02fll4214) IJ7t •99 TOTAL DOWN PAYMIHT, O.l.C. • 07 ~Eli MONTH fft It ..... • n•· HJ.0711 1.-1-. ,,-. J.L tu. 'N lk-. -1 .. ,._. ...... • ..,,, uWlt f.r q ML ~-''""· jlric• "6ttl6 iood. .. ~-.,... t.ut,, 7J ._ • if,.. ,,WW .. ,..,_._, WI mill ,,;. It t.MW..O' iowL ..i..-. '11 ~ ~ 'flCPffNW Urt It,,,._ BRAND N~W 1973 FORD LTD •• r e Pl·NTOS ,eMAYERICkS THIS 'NEEKEND ,ONLY YOU CANNOT PAY MORE THAN •• I -·~ . BRAND ·N·E·W· 1:973 .GRAND .. TOilNO 2 DR. HARDTOP $ 9 Ct'ltllso, WSW tlm, ,.wer,atnriftf. & frt. d!K ltnJke.;'. rodlti, JhtfM 9i.., •Ir, cMd., viMWllty ,,..,,, whNI cov.rs. (3A;)Ofl9f1J2) "2 '99 TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT o.A.C. BRAND NEW 1973:· LTD WAGON .. ... HARDTOP $ I .THAT'S •1qln' fO\KS ••• $99 ~VER fAC!TORY INVOICE PLUS $90 DEALER PREPARATION, FACTORY •mNTION FEE, SALES TAX AND LICENSE'. . . . THE FOLLOWING CARS APPLY ONLY: e Pl:NTOS COUNTRY SQUIRE $ 21 JSI CID 2 V V-1, •ir CM!d., "'41•, '°"'""~' ~· WSW tir.s, th11•d 1la11, wh1el covert. j"62MIS'°'Sl . 400 CID 2V V-1, hHvy My Stlt- fN'"'ion, olr copl., l'eM ....,, cenQ!lltMe ,....,, 1'9't.I WSW tif"e1, I ........ """' tifltM flalf, m:. (U76Sl69122) ·10l9 '99 TOTAL DOWN PAYMINT O.l.C. PER MONTH e ·MAYERICKS '99 TOTAL DOWN 2 Or. Htrdto·p. Auto. tr•ru., fac- tory •ir, full pow•r, powtr 1t••t· i119, pow1r di1c brak11, pow•r windows, powtr 11111, rtdio, httt.r, whit. W•ll tirtl, vinvl roof, finttd 41 lu, wh11I coveri, l ltck wi~ Whitt vinyl roof. leather, iriltrio r, clttll. IVCJ. 791 1 1969 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 2 Or. Htrdtop. Au f om a f i • ff an1., factory tir, full pow•r, pow•r Jlttrin9, pow • r di14 brtkti, powtr window1, powff 1t•t1, r1d io, h•ttar, whi te w•ll tiral, vinrl roof, fint1d 91•11, whttl co•tri, low milt•, t:i1rt clt1n. B••utiful d•rk grttn. IYESIOll $ 1969 CHEV. CUSTOM Carryall finttd gl•••, ••fr• r••• · t•tf.' $ 1970 CHEV. El CAMINO Deluxe VI , t llfo, trt n1., power ,t.•rl1t9, powtr di1c brak•I, r1dio, h•1f1r. vinyl roof,\ tint•d 91111, wh1el coV•t1, G1m Top 1Mll, Shtrpl 18125-tEI ' . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1967 T·BIRD LANDAU A....to ttan1., f•cfory air, full power, poW91 Jfea,.. in9, power disc br•lin. power wittdow1, powff ' 1aeh, redio, heat•r, white wtUJ, viflyl roo,, fint.d 9lt11, wlit•I cov.ra., ~Ii• ..aharp, "'"' 9ood. s, .. ,, IZVK4701 $999 1971 ·PINTO <f •P••d, radio, h•afer. Btck lo B•1ic1. a I tconomy ctr. (848BZTI 1968 CAMARO DELU~E Cp• .• va , 4 tpt•d, powar 1ft1rin9, r•dio, h1at•r1$12 9 9 white will tirt1, tinttd 9laJ1, wh1tl co•ar1. It tatl cr•1m puff. IVZTl 29 1 , 1970 MAVERICK 599 1970 FORD LTD 599 1969 .. MUSTANG MACH I ·Sport• .,,f, VI, 4 •P••~. pow" ,,.,,;,,, ndl.;$18 9 ·9 heat•r, whit•weff firt1, Rtgal Rid, wit+I v•llow 1port• •tri p•. htr• titan. lt52AI , , . . .. ' ,ATMIHT O.A.C. '!f ir.,._, .. ~· $13.Ul b ....i-,,.....~-. '1l .._I .. ""-' .... · .. ..,.. ............ _• ~,,,_,... ...... --.. ........ .._,nS..•itlrw,,.,ll1"1 ..... W•,,_il""1WW. .., ... 7J sa-......... .,...... .... 12.""- fleett.ide: 4 1pe·ed, power it.er· ln9, redio, h••f•r, h•••v duty ti111, I' bed, e1tr• good cond. • ('64197J) ' ' 1972 LTD . . " DOOR 'HAROTO,, VI, 1ut•· m•tlc tr•n'-, ftct'ory •ii', pow1r 1tt1rlft9,. powtr . dl1c hr.ltt1, powtr w,indowt, r•dip' ht-.kr; ; whita w•ll tir11, v,i11Vl 1~f,itint-' 1B 91•11, whet! coven tenl'lt 1triP•, ll9ht 9old wit\ w.~lt• · vinyl roof. Go1;1d inili~ 110.09. '. EICJ . ' ,. ' 2 Or. Hardtop. VI , .euto. tr•n1., ftc:tory •ir, pow•r 1t11ri119, rt• dio, h•1hlr, whit• wtl/11 finttd ' ,1 •••. low mu ••• th•rp! ( 100· I QE I ' .. ' 1970 FORD . GALAXY 500 · Vt, a11tom1tic tr1n1.; power 1tterln91 pow~ cl;.c. ~aktt, rtdlo, h11t1r, white wtlh, vinyl ' roof, tinted 9la11, whHI cowtt~ 22 ,919 mil••· ltl•nc• of f•t· tory wtrrtnfy. Sh1rpl (96JCIFI ' ' • • • . - c • '. 1 • --•• • • • • l • L • • Nul r ition rt©m ew dr - . . • • cent while the control group's milk intake increaseil 3.9 percent. Since the incrf¥ise could have been 6ue 't<>'a cllalnJe ill•ele wi!iitller. she saljl, the ewe~J group's increase WIS "just .l>i!ely ol'signilicance." 'However, the experimental group's vegetable coosmnption reflected a more significant lncreUe. All&, th& gNUp's -. , notr!Oonaf~ .............. by the ...... ~ ta.pOrceol. Still, wblle tbe~ did. IUppor\ the eUO!'llv.-,l!f-lbe nutr4>n ~· Ill', L.amll saitfthf l..i pointed out !hit nuti:l· l)on .duciiu.i( ilioold biv 'IO eililaldor <itber'WJ..,....11D a chlld's lile belore a major changet~ be-~ She quesilGiie!!. ''Wh1 do 'wo hive teacben who leach but DOI leamen who Jeana!" TRAGIC JSOIATION She ....-they ..... the -or atteD!iqn from the Wldler lo the learner and claimed "the lsolatlon of the learner in nutritioo is tragic." A teacber may tell the studeni. what to·do, she explained, b<ll then the c:ldldren may leave the class and never even see fruit again. , Also, she noted, children aged 10 IO ti . are already "pretty Well set in their own viewpoints." · . · ' They've •!ready been ·tdooenctd •by their culture. Site ·DO!c4 the pnWmity ol Mexico, the media·and the food Ind_, which aells "excillng, ...UC, particular foods in nickel and dime1package1.'' ' Allo. Ibo said, "Povtrt)' does DOI deprive I -from &lvlng her diJktren what lbe tblnb Ibey Uke," • .11U\ 1111• !s·DOl oecessartly ,1IW119 Rood nutrltlOll. -~ (ll'Ofrallii often are considered a atigma1 slle said, becauoe 1..........,t food means welfare. Another major fllctor ln nutrition Is lbe preosure ol dianp. Wblle much ol Ille f..eee .. ... -lltetl•• ,• die ell•eelate eelce. v --r teD t hewt, 'I lOllf! p 1t. Here's e ....pple.' work was being done in the home , it is now being done )11 industry. • . LOS.ING CONTAcr Q)iJdrOll. lbe feels, are losing contact with Ille ortgln ol food. They may, fer es· IJllPfe, tlliDk !ftl1k comes from a -oo ~tblna onr. Once the child perllclpated iD the • . ' • a li etime _.,tltl!GI---~ b11ks W8tt lnto 1 dlab. But now, sbe asked1 "Wbtt malber bas Ume lo feed bef child \ ~yl" !Mtead. she Aid. the • ..,.,. motlllt• poJd,. !meo dlOh In· the Ovei for dlMfJr • I "'We team by all d our senses," she- sald.")lOintlng out that food Js related to the homo, love, contact. ol pareni. and nctp!ws and TV --Ima&• the child emulates. . "Love b ~led by the chocolate cake. You never tell them, 'I love you. Here's an apple.' " And !he shewed pictures of the "AU· American boy" complete with a smile and a baseball cap and an advanced cue of scurvy and a typical eute but chubby baby . Some children, she said , have a chronic history or Illness. She sald it is a known fact that "inrecuon and malnutrition go hand In hand, whichever comeS fint.11 Pl\QVINCIA.L "We are very. provlncia1," she said, noting an uawlllinlllltss IO try different foodo. U It we r e accepted, cottonseed meal might be "people food" and aub&tituled !or the. tradltim!1 · appk snaok. But there are OUiu mental eoocepto about loodi, even ~ wllti:h 'ate ac- ctptatjle. ~ ~ _ · • "We have a very'Umltod ,....,tlll of what is acceptable for hrufda&t," Dr. L.amb said, telllnl ol 1 mother wllo wouldn~ serve lell-<>vtt IP6lhettt and meatballs for bttafllall. "Really food does have oer l)'lllbob," she conllnued. miming that then It; men's food and -·1 lood. • Sherbet and ·fruit salad "with enough carbohydrate to drown a porpoise" is often served at women'• luncheons whilt the men eat steak and apple pie. Also. there is COlllj)ll3Y food and home food . And, she asked what is a birthday "'ithout birthday Cake? Or. Ylh.1t ls fal· lening 0th.er than bread and potatoes? "Tilere is no good rood or bad food. All food is good in its proper place and amount," the nul.ritionlst said. But she admitted that even nulrl· ilonists are uncertain and realize that there is much more they oeed to learn. "It') really a lifetime pursuit/• she ..id. • ' Mother's Cooking· Spiced • . ., , ~·men • • • ·1 'I BEA AND£RSON, Editor w..-..r, Mn i. 1m , .. 41. Tricks Tarn Into Treats Youngslenl will delight in preparing . thete rtclpes for Mother's Day dinner becluae they include aecret ingredieoi.. Throe ol the couraes make use of cranberries, designated a Plentiful Food this month by the United States Agriculture Department. The l'hlffon pie is definitely a sweet !0< special days ooly bul cola adds • bit " intrigue. • " M~lnutr).tion ' B'fl~s . High , The cool~ nuiloutr!llon in this coontry difference," Dr. Briggs said, supporting both or which provide empty calories is '30 hllliqn ,• yeer. his statement with the effect of In· which don't replace· the ci!Jortes !ouncl "People .~ <Mf>'t know bow much formation about cbole9llOI and In food. · malnutritleB '!here Is," claimed Dr. cydamates. Dr. Briggs said' M percent ol the G<ori• M'i/airrP. ~ nutrltion Comp.nng the cost ol chronic diseases aven1ge child's calories comes from at the Uni~.,., •Betl:eley, and '!nedical cart In this c!ountty (173 rooda low in nutrieni., leaving jllll t6 who was iPIM"!l'""fbo.-·f .. 'Ollllri-billion) with the eost of food ($130 percent to SU!'M' ... rylblng else. tion educodon a.:.tillg • ·"""" "°"""""" ~). the nu-and .author ,of , ETim ab:ienleeism. from work ~ ~ by !WP.~ 1D1lry °""" testbooks said i.. ls "mon>.convin'c8d 1 • ~ itl'JIO\l ~ ,..n.""' llO It· He told '1¥1 1111\tft ml.' Wcit.ers that thin ever'" that' Ille cost' ol ~trttion )rliiutOd to his iio! eating the rt,bl'l!od of good eatllll . ~· -get11ng.-a1out .45 is $3f billioo. '<foad, be said. essenUll'imll1elpl'!'liie dlt<.· ' , t.1..,iiollhil"""'llesaid,COQIOl!in ,the ~nu:::, ~~·1:l; These SIL ~be~ indode ~ biU fill" dlae-related to reac!J 20 per<ent ol the cblldml, be said. -or Aft• ....., fill< ~. nutrillm. more nutritiooists wbo -woild wort with water, 13 6r ~91'Clft c --· iis otiesitr is Clle•eouoe ol an •1"1·death teachers are ne«1e4 Ii> ·Ille edlool major m!iieNJ.:iloinonll>-.aod 1$: er 4 ~,:M ........ ':Ill IO· 30 pettenl tJ the sy!IOW. tra<e elemceta; _,..,., Wblch are' llill llCJ1ll!I in tlilil .-ut ~~'IO he unknown. •• .,._ ~ SOl!'f DRINK --stlll, ho \d.111111 l!!A;.'!'J.e ,man.lii •lh>· ~ !IP nlleo o~. d I a'b'O \es, street eatJ Wliliievtt'tle'W-IAI eat.• b,ypert<iiililn -llld ,heat! dl8elle alao AFFWENT TOO • :""~: dll,th m..llMl • .0 related ~~·~~!.t~ roam 'EOAY malautrt~ ~£~tee! A. third o1 the -w• If 111111on an- thlt pmons with to IJ1d a!Outol nual-~H for IOO~ decll' Is die! related, income• alto Ila!'. · ..be. Rid. Adwrtl..... •-· l'lill, 'Ille (ta ednc1!o..nolod tllll-w-. 1vallabill11, lllte, color and testuno ol • people ..., b ac• ol 15 Ill Cltlilorul• "foods alt.ct.. 1 penon'• eaUnc l>ul,M have no lttth at lll.J btlle•e , lmolfledle II a big factor. Other problems come r,,,.. tile ...,,... "I say DW1tlon educltlon can mil• 1 of alcohol and lhc mlsU3e of oolt drinb. I t --~-- He suggested that a ta1 <11 loll -~ woufd-fl\'O!'lde.. $10 million to II"""" a good Dlllr!Uonal pntg,111<ln !he acbools. The trplted Statet, lie sal~, l'lllka onl1 11th lll ft'llllh "" llff ..00 21,1111 In lnllll\ mortlllty. '!'lie beolthlut t1l1lont "' Ule -Id, be Slid, are oOrthem~ ohd Somllnavla. Part fll lllla, be aald, II due 10 ooci•llD!lf inedicllle. CjtlJll staU.Ucs !hit ..,, a . ol 100 children will die of ~le d'*'", Dr. Briggs urged, "Let's die from IOIJIOlhlng else, Ute old $ge." The meal ll easy to supplement with -polaloel, lllced-toauilOes, erisp... r .i. '" Motli er'• ltelpers can practice good nutrition end delight the whole fomily by preparing dinner on her special doy, Sundoy, Moy' 13. • lettuce and a hot vegetable medley -to make the meal appealing and completely nulriUous as recommended in food clasaes at school. MOTHER'S HELPER CRAN-MEATLOAF 2 pounds ground heel clwck 2 eggs I dill pickle, chopped t onioo. chopped t slices bread, cnunb1ed 2 IW11!1'9"• salt \!it--. l can (I.-) wiw.~ cranbenY .,.~ -v. . ' l l'arl&f ·~ . "'" Sllc:.d 1mlatil<s . . ill " boWI, mix ground meat, eggs. dill• pickle, mton, •bread,.sal! and pepper. Add baU ol the cranberry sauce and mix Into meat m!J<ture thoroughly. Line a shallow baking pan with loll and shape mixture llllo a loaf en foil lllake diagonal marks on IOp ol loaf using lbe dull edge ol a klllfe. Bake in a preheated moderate 350 degree oven !or I hour. Ma!b remaining cranberTy sauce and spoon over loaf. Bake 1!i minutoo lol1ger. Servo bot Gil I platte' pmilbed with parsley sprigs and sliced tomatoes. Serve in H portions with mulled potatoes, ii de.sired. Fifty.four percent of the ev~reg e child 's calories com e from foods low in nutrients, leaving just 46 percent to •upply good heolth. • I , .. CRANBERllY ORANGE MOLD · 3 envelopes unllavored gelatin ~ cup cold water 3 cups cranberry juice cocldaU 1~ eup sugar ~2 cup lemon juice l/t cup orange juice 3 jars {14 ounces each) cr~- orange relish ¥" cup 9eed1eu railins Quartered orange allces Sprinkle gelatin over "'* lftll let so(ten. Place over k>w hetl& llld air anUI gelatin is dlssolved. Stir ,i.._. t FTJI juice, augar, le.,. arid"._,,.._ Qlill unlll <Jll"'"1 thlMod. Nd In ~'Uc!: raliiUi · i '·4 :,. -Ji.,, Pwr mixture into t-quart oervlll .... f. Chill unUl llrm. Serve· aamlohliil with quartered oraflge sUeec. • MfmlER'S DAY CRANBERRY APPLE PIE l package 110 ounce•) !men pie crust shells I can (I pouod, 5 ounces ) apple pr.nu. ing - 1 cup whole berry cranberry sauce II cup chopped walnuts I egg, beaten Separate the two pie shelb In the package. Let thaw at mom temperature. aboullO minutes, or until doucb become> soft. Mix pie filling, cranberry sauce and nuts and pour inlo one pie shell Brush edge of pie ahell with water. , , Clarelully remove secood pie 11\i!U fl'om pan and tum upaide down on lop ol ,apple filllng. Pnls8 edgea together with tba tip or a fork. Trim edgeo ol pie wllb»a•lllarp 1mtre. Reroll scraps ot dough with the fJngers Into a toog rope. Brush top of pl~ with Ughtiy beaten egg. Shape rope Into the letter "M" on top of ptc. Brush letter with beaten egg. Bake in a preheated hot 400 dciree oven for 35 to 40 minutes or unUl pie is brown and bubbly. Cool before cuttinc Jn. to wedge:i. CHOCOLATE CHIFFON PIE I (S-inch l baked pie shell J envelope unDavored gelatin 'h cup sugar 'h teaspoon salt r t/S cups cola llfferase 2 (I-ounce) squares unsweel1.ned chocolate , 3 egg yolks, all«htly beai.tl l teaspoon vanilla extract 3 egg whites I/.& tea!p()Oll cream or tartar , II cup !llf!lr ' \!i cup heavy cream, whlppel II cup oeml·sweet cbocolale bll3 Miniature mar1hmall0j\'1 In a Jl!edjuDH~ ....,. l1'UI. -ine 1<latln, 111gar, salt, ~ Ind. cbocolate. Cook over medhnn heat uatU· ctioclllate is melted: stir frequently. Slowly stir all or mixture Into egg yolks. Return to sauce pan; coot over medium hca~ stirrlllg coostaQll1, jll!t uatil mixture boils. Remove lrool\.)eat. • Place pon ....-1ce wai.r. Cool ..,uf mixture mounds oilghtly when dropped frumapDM. Blend In vanilla. Beat egg whltell and cream ol lartar until l'rolhy. G'raclJally beat iD ougar, a llltle al a Ume. -1- beating unUI Iliff and gloasy. CareluUy fold merll\IUO Into ~ chocolate mixture. Gently fold In whipped er.am and J>OUI' Into hoked pie shell. Chlll lllllll'llrm. To decorate: melt cho0olat6 .blta Oftr hot water. Spread mtli.d cbocolalo lo thln, ewn layer on waxed PIPll'i c:hlll. CUI Ollt 0-r sll1-lel W1tll -U cookie CUiler. C\11 du\ tt<m lhll* with sharp lmlle. Arrange bolh on top ol pie. Plaeo rninial\lre lllll'lllmllloWI 1D -ol each Dower. I • • • I • • • W~, M., 2. 1973 ••• • I That ReaH y ' \ Count I Matters Multiply ,• 117 CAROL MOORE It tlit Dail')' "'lttt Iliff "What we don't lall: about can hurt us. ~Whit~ we don't floe 11111 d..uoy us!' With that warning Dr. Albert Burke, outhorli,Y oo world aJlain and TV e<>m· li Jt)elll&tor', launc:bed Into' uouaJty dlstuleful subjed• at q._ Lll\&DI Beach Town HaJI, ch&Uenging Amerfcans t o 'J:\' thlDt more for themselves. ut· He mentioned p e n d I n g ft brownouts, force and freedom , ,,1 tnJnorlliH protesting to get in --G·''Clr out of the system, isolation ' • ol the. United states and 1) failutes ol education. Today's life and death , issues, Dr. Burke said, are ,., del.ermilled by gun power or "lrl tbe power of iesponsible peo- r• pte who are well informed. '" " I. ,; Clubs · '~ ~·· ·~Always ~.Active , .. Alumnae • . PUty-year members of the "· Alpha Della Pl Alumna• Assoclallon will be special ' . 1:,, guests when lhe Orange Coun- "· 1)1 chapter gathe1'9 Saiurday, l I May $, in the Allporter Inn lo " mark the organization's 12th b!rthday wittt a Founders' luncbeon,.beginlllng al 10 a.m .. ' Lutherans .. Member! of the Orange Cooney Lutheran 11igh School ~ AUJ.iliary -and guests have ... plaontd a Gk>rioua Adventure , luncheon and fashion ~w for Saturday, Ma1 &, at II o.m. in the Saddlebaclt Inn. Florence Smales will narrate t h e laahlon showing. Music:ians Young musicians f r o m t.broughoul Orange County will compete for honors Saturday and SUnday, May 5 and 6, in the Orange County Young Musicians Qintest. Grand prbe will be 11.000 and a solo appearance with a symphony orchestra. Prizes ol $200 will be awarded in other divisions, with second place awards or $100. M r s . Lawrence A. Dysart . Santa Ana, has further information. . Baptist Women "Crises appear traumatic now because we haven't talked ·-them or been prepared to think Pbo41t them." WASTED MONEY He criticized utility com· pan1... for frhlering 20 years worth of ad9ertising budgets oo a m u s i n g com merclals, leaving the publle uninformed and hostile toward mulll· million dollar eJP811slor:i pro- grams aod nuclear power plants now 11eeessary t o satisfy basic need!!. "Our ~ergy crisis evol ved not from a lack ol fuel but because we didn 't plan aoon enough how to get lt from dis-- tant sources and make it available in acceptable form. "!\.folders or corpora t e management are too busy sue· ceectlng instead ol leading public opinion. ''The Alaskan pipeline is necessary and Coogrtsa wW provide It.'' Bui ll>en Dr. Burke's ex· tremely experienced with en· vironmenlal i...ues, He taught them at Yale rrom 11M? until they wene dropped In 19!i7 "because only kooks were con- cerned with such matters." TABU TARGET America'• reluctance to discuss force drew D r . Burke's criticism from several directions: ''Or all nations, we should know. Most ol the world knows force is politics that comes out of the mouth of a gun. People in the ghello know this. "They know that to make changes, enormous obstacles have to be bl.own up. That's exactly what they're prepared lo do. Art on the Auction f3/ock '"l'here ls no more lm- Poriont poUlical tool than peo- ple tilling eadl other. on .. third of your weekly news magazine 11 devoted to JUch conflict. It'• Ju•I that oo na· Ilona! opo-Is candid wiJb the people." • msroay PROVES Websler's we n!ad 'aboul the notmaley interrupted by W'1•· 'l'bat'1' a bli dlffereuco ID ·• ltwwonr.. "There ls no sucb thing .. • vacuum, II • will tM tilled ellh<r wltla,..... ~ ,.. .. _,_" ~·· . 10.'. Burke relmed lo Woun- ded Knee to show bow lndlans, knowing vuy illlle about tho S)'lleftl; -/l l'OIOUJ'Ct d.velopment Cf.Ottr an the r .... rvation w 1,;,ld lllbjecUon to white man'• law. affairs -another dl$taslel\d subject here thll Is iligrained abroad. Dr. Burke related port of tbe oon·.....,gnltion ol force lo. historical inlerpl'etaUona. UsiJ( Al ~ and ml, norll)I actlvtsts .. , eumpl~, he added "You ca11't keep11 good .,..; down. If you'd"'' lei hJm into • the •)'Item legally, he'll make II on bl.s own. It's not a matter or 'being like me' but 'matching my performance'. •i'Wbe1'4 do the,Y UWtk 1'e got tbo idell ol a confederaeyT ~Y not from I he Encllsh. 'lbere """ no such thlng In Europe. Ben Franklin admllled In the beginn!Jis Iha! the concept came from the iroquoi! tribes in New York. "Obviously that's only one SOU!'Ce of our govemment1 but we all are living under lodian law." ' AJ further "muJts" for educaUon that pr e pa r e s cllk.ens lo participate In 30Clol)I. Or. Bwl<e IJllod wdng fresh sylllbl lnsleld of ap. proved, oboolete lelll>ooks, reacting quicker to community feedback and sending te.acllers back to school •very other )'UI'. ''We aJways have considered oceans as barriers while other countries view them a s hi~hways. Luc.illy, by an tlili.orica l OUke, we 've bad the right, allies wbo control the seas," he said. '1Aoother misconception is the'de'f initlon of peace. Russla.:1 'Dicti onar y of Political !fenns1 calls it '\he "in~rval l).e.tween wan.' Jn "It's so easy to save the world and .so difficult to save a mnali ' part of ii, Uke your backyard," Dr. Burke ad· .,,,,_, . PREPARATION "'The greatesl danger .It une- qual education ·c.·for people of any colori We ad have to find our way. As it ls, even 'Whites aren't prepared to cope with the 20Ul Century." mltted in stlcklng lo the big lssues, SOLUflON Misunderstanding, in general , could be alleviated greaUy, Dr. Burke contended, if U.S. schools taught human "All these problems aN! · solvable if we keep ·talking in, stead of polarizing. If we . become that ossified, we're in SILENCl!S BiOicl!lt trouble." ' • Dr. Albert ByrW I,. '• She Says 'No Soap' to Lp~e DEAR ANN LANDERS: Aller reading the Jetter signed "Low in C&lifornia,, I am moved to write my first letter to a columnist. J raced the same problem -a husband who resfused to bathe or change his underwear for weeks at a time -and I )lope "Low" will listen when I teU her to DEAR ff AND D IN ST. PETE: I bad follow her instincts and "do something no idea bow many women bad this prob- about it." I speak from more than 50 lem until I printed tbe first letter about years of first.band experience. It several years ago. Since then I have Like "Low," I stuck it out because "he received hundreds-maybe tbousands- was such a good guy." But after so many of cries · for help froiD. wives, who, Uke years of being left in a state of m. you, were torn between love and bate. describable tension and belng torn Psycblatrlstl say tlda ii a deepceated between love and hate, 1 know what a and COJJJ.pllcated Ulnes1, bat It eaa be foolish mistake I made. cured, and lf a man loves h1I wlle be Now my nervous system is shattered wtll try. No Wilman aboctld have Co lleep beyond repair and·J arn in no condition to -with a husband wbo un.ella like a goat.. make a move. I ·hope ·every woman who ·' -.r-· reads this and has a husband with this DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am eagerly peculiar behavioral quirk will insist that awaiting my 18th birthday so I can he get professional help {he is sick) or legally .escape the clutches of a lousy dissolve the marriage. home life. I ltnow my folks will suffer a These days a woman has a good many "t deal when I go, but they are ask· more options than were available 50 ing ·for Jt. I want to leave borne so I can years ago. It's too late for me, ~t it's be independent, free to mate my own not too late for her. I wish the lady much decisions and learn from my mistakes. success. -IDGH ANO DRY IN ST. My dad says I am to spend the next PETE four years of my life living at borne and Your Horoscope TomQrrow commuting to a nearby wUversity - which does not interest me at all. If I refuse Dad's offer be wiU not give me money to go to any other school. Also. he will consider my "lack of cooperation" a slap ln lbe face. I see no altemaUve except to leave home' and work my way tttrough college. I know it'will take a few years longer but I am wlling to do It. Please tell parents .that it is their job to help their children grow. to prepare them for a life of their owl'!., to encollfage individuality and strength. Children need supJ)Ort, not uitimatwns. -MY OWN PERSON . DEAR l'ERSON: If you'd rather 110rk you way through?C'Ollege and be oo your own, 1 aee no reason for your parents to bold ·It agalnsl yoo. Nor should you bold It agalnll them be<aoJO they relu.. to finance your four years o~ college away from bome. (lt Just mtgbt be &hey can't affonl IL Do you have any idee what It costs?) My gveu la that after you've flown the coop, yoa'JI bave a lot more respect for your parents. And the cqmforts you now tak., for granted wtlJ take on a whole new meaatng. Good luct · io you, dear. Virgo: Reach Beyond Limits _ THURSDAY MAY 3 By SYDNEY OMARR being weak . Let Qlhers know you want promises in writing. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): • Road to progress OO'fl must be Clpricom'penlons at• noted poved with diplomacy. OU~ for their "long memories." U bursts, actions based on im- Y® want to know where pulse would defeat your something is, where U has purpose. Uti.llze showmanship wt sprinkle with tact"Taurus, been filed, check with a native Wn per50ns cowd b e of Ibis mdiacal sign. Some f.,.tured. astrologers claim the VIRGO • Capricorn peroon ls a genius' , (Aug. 23 ·Sept. 22) • h ·t lo I ,; •• Jost Good funar aspect now com· SOORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Maintain low profile. Don't in· sis!, push, cajole or chide. You can finish important project. You gain goodwill. More persons become aware bf your abilities. You discover better meana of distribution. rudiments. If you a r e thOTOUgh, there is m o r e chance for success. Me.!Sage from a distance could be en· couraging. But don 't count too much on one who dreams. Get facts and base actions on valid information. PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcll 20\: American Baptist Women's Society, South Sho"'5 Baptist <llurcb. La~ Niguel will sponsor a mother-daughter luncheon Saturday, May 5, in the fellowship hall. Soprano Cynthia Carter will entertain. An art showing, silen t art auction and a tea will be combined Sunday, May 6, from 1:30 ln 6 p.m. by members of the Niguel Art Association in the Laguna w _en I comes oca .... '6 cldes with journey' special obiec.ts. Try lt and see,J.sl: a educallonal project. You reach Capncom ':" fmd sqinetblng l>eyood what appeared to be a that IS Dll8Smg. limitation. You perceive what SAGITTAIUUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 ): Accent is oo bealtb, work, special services. Improve relatlooa with co- workers, thole who stiare be- liefs and tnleresls. ReJSlive seems to be in wrlllng or calJ. Ing mood. Take what you hear and r...i with provernlal grain ol aalt. Check directions in cocnectlon with any journey. Some relatlves feel restricted . and they are Ukely to let you know about It. Key now is to mend fences, lo build bridges of goodwill. You will need back· ing for future project. ' Rec:e ption A champagne reception to introduce ''Children of the Earth," a phot~y by Jan Pa.ra:in and Linda Jooes Q>ow. ling will be given Thursday. May 3, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Deane Homes in Big canyon. The affair will benefit March of Dimes programs . El Camino A potluck luncheon and a talk on Backgrounlts for Gracious Living by designer Helen Davis will hlghligbl lbe Thursday, May 3, meeting of the El Camino Real Woman's Club in the Dina Polnt-Com· munity House, Rummag e Sale . New items. white elephants end rummage will be offered for sale Friday and Saturday, May .f and 5. adjacent to Pacifica lloopital and the Hunt- ington Retirement Horne. · Niguel Community Center. Previewing entries are (left to right) the Mmes. Thomas Leach and Jack Berg. Spring Ceremonies Coast Couples Marry Kirst.Hughes James J. Kil'.'st Jr, of Dana Point and Sue Ann Hughes, San Juan Capistrano, were n1arricd in SL E d w o r d s Catholic Church. Dana Point. The Rev. Gerald J. Plesetz of· ficiated. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kir st, ~ C&nada, and Mr. and Mrs. James G. Gray, Cottonwood, Ariz. Attending the newlyweds were the Misses Marilyn Gray. t.-1yrna Gray, ?\-fary Kirst and Dana Kirst; the Mmes. Sheryl Dreher and Lloyce Pau ls; and Gregory Kirst, Tim Mac.Donald, Steven Gabriel, St ven Carpen ter, Steven Scott and Dennis Lhamon. The bride is a graduate of Loma Linda University School of Nursing . Her husband is a graduate of Arizona State Uni- versity. They will make their ho1ne in San Juan Capistrano. T a9lyvanini-P099i Gia Poggi and Antonio 'Taglyvanini exchanged mar·· riage vows on the beach in Heisler Park, Laguna Beach in rites conducted by the Rev. Tom Polcari. · The bridegroom, opera singer and com~er, and his bride, a film ac;tress of the 30s and 40s, wlll continue to reside in Laguna Beach. Attending the wedding were "Georgia," a Chri stian evangelist. and Paul Drew. A recepUon followed in the park. MRS. KIRST ARIEs (March 21-April 19): others desire. You senle IWbo Empbasla ls on collecting, ls telling truth or otherwl.!e. con50lidaUng galM, enhancing IJBRA (Sept. 23-0cti 22): financial potential. You can Study inveslment proce<!ures, build for security. Family potenUal. Opportunity ulsls member who worries about to cash in on talents, assets. i'nooey can be placated. Ex-You are rewarded for past plain position and dq It in research, apeclal efforts. One diplomatic manner. Yf'1 respeci poya meaningful TAURUS (Aprll 20-May 20): e<>mpllment-and baclu·it up Have faith in l>Mic abilities. with 50metbing soUCI. Refuse to be dlscourafed by one ' who Is proverbia "wet blanket." Shake yourself !Tee from emotional rut. Dine out. Expand mental h or I z on s. Check travel faJders. Plan ahead. GEMINI (111.ay 21 • June20): Help Hints How the non·alcohollc can help the alcoholic -aee<>rding to A.A. (A l'c oho 11 cs Anonymous): By talking lo Ille sick 1J1cohotic always In term! of suggestion, onJy, avoiding the use of threats 'or du~. slnee the decision must and can only be made by the alcoholic himsell (herselfi. What you seek is available. But you will have to look in out-of·the way places. Means change procedures. Do some tearing down in order to rebUild. Message s ho u I d become Increasingly clear. Aqnrlm, Leo and Sqorplo ~ sons cwld be involved. 1-jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil'iij'~·- CANCER (June 21..July 22):1 Accent ii on friendly ll'f'U&'ion. Ill.any around you seem tDtent on making dlfnges and Including ynu -whether or not y00 ·ha_. 10 agree. Be l'!COpU\'e without Proceeds ·rrom the 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. sales w:ill go toward a projfeilor and equipmenl for reddents who are hard of ::::~gv;~. those wkb Jm.:.,,...====;;,------;---1F==~O~V~E~.~.~·~ .• ~.~G~H~T~?~I --._ ... THE NEW LOOK! 11 ,, ... mat/;":, WIGS l Buuty Solon Ul·D, L 17 .. lt. c-__ .... , .... ''"-'- ' cmon·s SPORTSWEAR Wut(ll1' 'P11tn, 17th ud JrviDC. Ntw_port Scacb,Califomia92660 ml(e IBleigh HUNTINGTON NAllOUI Cl•t._Y.rn1.....,,«-"- MOU•Sr TUIL.S .. T. ti t9 t lntillt Tiit lt•tdWJrt; Cffltt, MUHTINOTON l lACM 16141 ALGONOUIN •I WAl:Nl'- 1 ... rm Try Saturday's News Quiz • 56 LB. LOSS 'IN 40 DAYS Und4or Medical Suporvl1lon ., tM . ·-Omeg~ Clinic CALL FORUAN 1 ;~iNrMENT '. - CO A SJ SUPER MARKET W• 0.0...., 'f'W ,llf'tlllMI Wf'N •• cJtM U pilf fll\ll'I• 673·3510 aso t.CbAST HW't • O~ONA DILM CAPRICORN (Dec. ·ii.Jan. 19): You know w!lat sbnuld be done and you gain cooperallon In doing I~ 'you are <Specially auccessfUl now in dealfilg with women. C 1 • c er individual pla)'I key ?<)le. Young persons mpond to your style, efforts. AQUARIUS (Jan. ~Feb. 18): Highlight the basics, the IF TODAY IS YOUR BmTBDAY you have seMe o: humor whld! often i> regarded as your trademark. July shou1d be one of your most significant mon1hs of 1973. You draw to )W many born under SagUtartot. You are a natural entertainer, love to eat and can laugh at your own foibles. • OF COSTA MESA a delightful bttdget salon where beautif11l hair st~les ~egin . ,f ' PRICE t!IST r tl•tr• Ctl•rtf ''' Ltr1t M•lrl MONDAY THRU THURSDAY, • • FRIDAY, SATYRDA'C, SUNDAY PRICES SLIGl'fTiY ,Hl&HE• 1 S!Mmpoo' ••' Set , .................... -.. --.. $150 • up · P•rmanent W•v• .. -················~·-··-· 7.50 • up t;nt ........................ ~····-·······--·-• ......... S.IP & •P ll11ch Touch.up --....... _ ........................ 10.10 • up Fro1t;n9 .. _ ...................... -...................... .14.00 • 1p Semi Permanent L11he1 ·······~·,. .. ··-··-·-···10.00 · I -~au:curs_ '1.50 1695 Irvine Avt. -Costa MtSa Comer or e .. 1 171~ St.-Abov1 La Covt R11t111ront ·645-iOSO 548°9986 0,.. O.U,1 1Mt"'""9~ .... ,e llftlf Miit ......... • ( I ( I ( I I ! I I " I• I, • • • l +-l I I _..,_ --.. Follies Back To Fracture Mo~ than 100 danccn. singers and actort w i 11 ~rtleipate In 1he Oct. 25-27 Fo·actured Follies sponsored by the Silver and Gold Chapter cording t9 ~trs. Jack ¥· Lyons. chairman. ' c DAJLY PILOT Eating Alone 'Buddy System ' Solves Problems for Singles By BEA ANqERSON Of .. Delly ,llM ,,,., ed as "rtpeal performances," frozen {or later use, or used in 4 teaspoons sfill 1: teaspoon pepptr 1 ct. he Auxiliary of Sooth Coast C.OmmWllty ll o s p 1 t a I , ac- Preparations for the all- community talent. show began wi1h a meeting or all the chairmen last week. After a hiatus QI three years, the ·Follies is expected ~ Eat AJone and Like It? The topic was the last In a Slngles Survival lecture series, sponsored by Orange Coasl Evening College. • "planned over" casserole. Leftovers n e e d n ' t be tlreaotne, she claimed. "For u:amp!e you might prepare baked chicken parts aJong with rice baked in chicken broth, malting ~tra amounts of each. Another nigh! you could combine the two and add a can or soup for a casserole. 3 tablespoons \Vorcest.er· shire sauce 2 12-ounce bOttles hot catsup I I I . I I I to earn nearly SB,000 for the '"''·'~~ . auxlllary's pledge ol flll0 ,000 lo the hospital. Assisting wilb preparations a"' the Mmes.-V. Oougtaa Matheny, Violet Adams and James Thomas. Committee chairmen are the Mmea. Helen C. Turner Prall, Jeffrey R. Townsend, Fay D. Nell , Zachary Ptl a 1 ab y , Thomas Fletcher, A r t h u r Briggs, P. AlacDonald Tabor 1 Joseph F. Simmons and William H. Roley. Others are the M m es . Ceorge w. Wotr, "'Ga 11 Whitelaw , Maurice E. Day. Patrick J. Shea, M i s s Margaret Causlin and Miss Ev>lyn Reynolds. Also assisting are Carl W. NAMED CHAIRMAN Mrs. J1ck M. Lyon s ~ CalJaway, Leonard G. Davis, s...:..:..w.., Lawrence A. Campbell and Lyons. Pl•que Ci tes Dorise J Hko's Accompll1hment1 ~~ I D~ P~t Dt,a.d~ _ .~~o/~~v"t!~~,~~ To avoid disappointment, .prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding ltories with black and while glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Women's De- partment orre week bef~re the wedding. Pictures received after that time will not be used. · For engagement . announcements it is imperative that the story, also accompanied by a black and while glossy picture, be sub- 1nitted six "'eeks or more before the wedding date. If deadline is not met, only a story will be used. To help fill requirements on both wed- ding: and engagement stories, forms are available in all the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Women's Section staff members at 642-4321. Do rise Je sko's Doy Friends Pay Tribute Dorise Jesko's 'slory has a fa1Tiili3.1;. ring to il. Twenty years ago she was hired for a temporary job -a month -at the Costa Mesa Library and she's been with the system ever since.' The Mesa Verde librarian was honored for her two decades of service during a reception in the Mesa Verde Library attended by friencls. l'Ommunit~ leaders. c o · workers, library pa tr on s . family a n d headquarters personnel. ~trs. Jesko re1ninisced over her career of dealing with books and people in between greeting people and showing o[f the service pin "'hich was presented to her by the board ot supervisocs. Three ~ during the past 20 years stand out in the Costa Mesan's mind: movjng from the "little teeny library". up th e street a ha]f block (Co6ta Mesa 's Center St. Library was in t\vo locations on that strcet1, getting lo open !he Fountain Valley Librar y 1 ·Te;?.Uy a thrilling thing " 1 <1nd coming "home" to Costa "·lesa -by way or th& ~1esa Verde Library. Most of all, lhe friends she has collected rro'rn all three libraries enriched her life while she in turn w a s enriching \heir&. The cily of Costa Mesa recognized her efforts to build il happier world and a happier city will\ a special plaque \\'hlcb conunended her for "her involvement, her tireless efforts given freely and unselfishly in the· interest of a better. Costa Mesa.'' Sitllng on a table, almost as an afterthought. was her shiny new Citizen-of-the-year plaque from 1he Costa Mesa Chamber of C'.ommcrce. It wasn't an afterthought. though. It was just a silent rerniDder that Orange County is fortwiate that Doris Jesko's montll-k>ng job has stretched oot for 20 years. But, Dorothy \Venck, Orange Count)!/ Home ~dvl>or who conducted the course, really dldn~ advocate It. Instead, s h e encouraged singles to "develop a buddy S\'Stem which rould lead to nice friendships," And even In· dicated thal romance ond possibly 1narri:igc m I g h t result. However. for those 'vho e:tt alone and don't like it because . of the aloneness. she SUR· gested readlng a book or w·atching TV while dining . "Ealing out is another 601U· tion,'' she said, but it, too, can be lonely. It's more expensive and restaurant meals are not well balanced. sQe asserted . Her preference was prepar· ing nutrltlonally balanced, tas· ty meals at home. and she said, this can be achie\'ed if you plan ahead. now TO PLA.'i ~1rs. \Venck orfem! the following tips : -Plan around foods that give good nutrition -include all or the basic rour food groups in the dally diet. -Plan menus a· round grocery specials for economy. -Plan meals a week ahead. and concurrently make a grocery Ust, -Plan not to run to the store daily -this sn ves time and money . _,Plan more variety. Using con\'enience foods. although more costly. is a solu1ion. They can be made lo.sty by adding spices or sauces, or by combining them with other foods. -Plan for more leftovers. By cooking extra quantiUes of some foods, they can be .serv- "\Vhen you prepare extra amounts. you might share your meal u·ilh a guest. NO \\'ASTEO Tl'.\1E "lt takes no lon~er to preJ)llr(' enough food fo r l\\'O than it docs for one. If you shnrt> 1vilh' someone, then )'OU don't have lo eat fllone." Mrs. Wenck also suggested that the buddy system could work tv.·o ways, such as reciprocal duties on preparing meals or a return of other favors Ylbich also could be beneficial. The speaker contended that it costs less pe r person when cooking for more than one, There nre lim italions i n buying small quantities -so 1nuch is packaged for I \\'O or four servings. Mrs. \\'enck ad,·ised !hat one set aside time on a day orr to do meal. preparation in ad- vance and then dovetail jobs by chain cooking several make-ahead foods which use some of the same ingfedltnts or utensil&. .J\n example ls iher recipe ror Multipurpose Barbecued Ham· burger J\1ix which can be rrozen, thawed nnd used as the basis or several s i 111 p I e recii;cs: MUl.Tl·PURPOSE BARBECUED H.UIBURGER ~IIX 4 mcdlu1TI onions, chopped J cloves chopped garlic (op- tional) 2 eups chopped celery 4 pounds hamburger Treasu·rY will baby mother's budget with these baby needs savings. Brov.·n hamburger in a large kettle (no fat needed if you put hamburger in cold pan). Pour orr exces5 fat. Add tM onion, garllt, celery, sah, pep- per. \Vorcestershire s a u C' ~ and catsup. Cover and si mmer 20 minutes. A1akes 10 rups. To F'rttte Cool quickly by slandlng kettle in Ice "'aler. Spoon !he mixlure Into live l·pint con· tainers. Seal. Label \\·i!h name nnd dote. Ft•ceze at 0 degret F'. or IO\\·er . Do not stack until thoroughly frozen. It n1ay be ~tored In free zer up to 3 mooths. To Tba• Place cbntalner of the ml.r in hot water or under running hol water just long enough to allo\\' mixture to slip out or t~ co ntniner. HMIBURGER-RICE SKIU.ET JIC'rtl 1 pint Bnrbttued Ham- buri::l'r ~1lx in a skillet. Add 2 rups cooll:ed rice. I Np canned .. \\'hole kernel corn. • • teaspoon thyme , and Vt cup chopped green pepper, if desired. Simmer o. few minutes to blend navors and to coOk the .. pepper. Yield: 4 lo f aervinga. OHJLl OON CAllNE Heat Barbecued Hamburger Mix In a skJl!et with ~equal measure of canned red kidney beans.-Season with c h l 1 i po"1der. STUFFED GREEN PEPPERS Use t h c hamburgeNiet skillet mlxture to stuff I hollowed out gr~n ptppel"I I that have been blanched four 1uinutes Jn bolling water). Dake ln a shallow pan ln a moderate oven (375 dea;ms F.) about llO minutes. Yield : 4 servings, 1 peppc!l"I eacb. • f ,/":.;:., BA9Y JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER ~§::~MAGIC wn•-.• ~LOTION ~. 1- 0VERNIGHT PAMPERS JOHNSON'S BABY SHAMPOO SIMI LAC READY- TO-FEED SIMllAC .. 140Z. AM MEN POWDER .. . . . . -.. ........... .... ,'C \... ... # babY, 9 oz. 1#(~ poWder JJc ~ ,.,,._ "llllf ililil ii ii ii " AMMENS POWDER 11 oz. - ~"M:. ~~c ~ lotion • NEUTROGENA BABY SOAP I 12's Q-TIPS COTION SWABS 408's • 12112 oz. .. • • l. DESITIN OINTMENT 41!.. oz. QT. \ • ~ .. ....... ~eacfytofeed ._-. ..__.,,,. '1. "'fl !I Ill ENFAMIL READY· TO-U$1".-. QT. - • - I • • - • • '44 DAll.Y PILOT • Wtdntsdo7, Mll 2, 197) Rich Banquet Fa 1e Dance students will perform during t~e annual mother-daughter banquet ~t TeWinkle School for California School students and their molhers. The affair will lake place Saturday. May 12. Rehearsing are lien to ,right) Susie Keal, Jody Anderson and Alison James. Ci nco de Ma yo Celebration h1aking a little Cinco de !ltayo music in anticipation or the Crest Vie\\' PFO carnival. Saturday, ~1ay 5. 11 a.m. at the school are !left to right) Norma Bena- videz and Philip Gonzalez. 'I See in My Crysta l Ba//' G~sy fortune teller Mrs. Dick H~ann predlcLI 1ucceq for t b c Harbour View PTA fashlon show set for Tuesday. May 15, in the Hun tinlllon Harbour Bdch Club. llcatfng prediction for 1h• gypsy-themed event is Mrs. William Ashby. ' LI-nits Continue Fund·-raising J:di,,,,., Hou: A <Olu!ftn dnoleCI to Nrwporl Btoeh, COllO Jlua, LaguM Bco<h fl"4 JI-VllJo par<ft~ lcdchcr Of'll'l1lfzodonl ..UI .ppeor •• tu Dollv 1'1101 each to•• k. Inf°""""°" llWd,-:;b< nefiti<d btl lhc "'"""'"' •-' .,,. Jlrt. G<md Smllh, 17411 CenUUo PkM:c, N t ID p o r I Biach btl ~ p.!ft. Thvrtdav fllT publlcotion Wldne1dav. California PT A Mn. WUU.m Clopol • l'Nldmt COMING UP: Annual motbtt ~ luncb<m lrom 11 :30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Satur· day, May 12. In Boewell Rall, TeWlnkle Scboal. Pr<cram will be prt,1!ellted b y Elizabeth School or Dance and home .. wn llllhlom will be modeled ·by mather1 and daugbtera. Eastbluff PFO Mn. E•1-Kavoc• Pmlden t C OMING UP : Go od citiz.enship awards for the third quarter were presented to Jani Fales, Betsy Helwig. Todd Patrick. Julie Bennitt, .Tami Hen~ 9rickson. Michael Nigro, Kirsten Sketch, Steven Pi-1or- ris. Susan ner, Burr Eliker, Michael Farthing, J o • n Loos. Stacey OcMars. Ron \\'ood. Andrew J e r f s ' Eli7.abeth Foley, Heather Gallanoy, Lisa Sadler , J erry Fields, Strobe L a C r o i x , C.Olleen Hamlin and rJ:wck Barlow. · Mesa Verde PTA Mrs. David C!llmberlaln President COMING UP : Paper drive from 7:15 a.m. to 2 p.m. tomorrow at school. Newport Hts . PTA Mrs. James G. Blala President CO~fJNG UP : Deuert Fair at 6:30 tonight in t he Officers Installed - caldoriwn wW be followed by open -and clasaroOm vlaltaUOlll at 7 p.m. REPORTS: Ptoctecls cl 1111 1""'1 the April peper drive will be added to the lllnd 10 purd>ale playground .equip- ment· ..• Teachers' louD&e ............... tect by board members.· Pres idio PT A Mn. Hap 111om- .Pre>ldent REPORTS: Mrs. S t r • e t • r Klog. popu dri•• cllalrmln IMOW¥.'Hthatthewinners . ...,,, .lohn llllney, Burloo. Tarvin and students from Mrs. L 1 D c e Gilbertsm's first grade class. St. John Aux. Mr•. ffarokl Hansen President COMING UP: Wine tasting party from 7 to 9 p.m. Fri· day, May 4, In the school hall. Olalrmen are Mrs. Robert Dube and Mrs. George Taylor. REPORTS: Mrs. llooald Mad- dock re p orts that $2,639 profit was realized rrom the annual fashion show. Sono ra PTA r.tn. Thomas Elicker President COMING UP: Two Walt Disney fllms,"Ben and Me" and ''Little Tool," and i ., Laurel and Hardy's "Dirty Work" will be shown with cartoons at lhe month1y movie Saturday, May 12. • REPORTS: Officers elected to serve for 1973-74 are the Mmes. Thomas E I i c k e r , presiden t; William Jordan, Norman SUker, W i 11 i a m Palmblade, Hugh Thompson, John Cavin and Frank Davies, vice presidents; Harold Ne'i\1bem and Bert Field , secretaries; John Kiska mp, treasurer: . Jon McK.ibben and John Ponsell, historians; Burch Pickett, parlia mentarian, and Miss Nancy Heiman, auditor. P-T s .calling Carnival Time Editor's Note: A column devoted to Fountain Valley, Huntingtan Beach, Ocean View ond Seal Beach School District parent-teacher or· ganizations will appear in the-Daily Pilot each wetk. l1tfornwtion must be re· ceived by Afrs. Gilbert Turnbull. 5671 Afangrum Drive, Huntington Beach by 5 p.m. Thursday for publi· cation \Vednesday. Are~alos PTO Mrs. Tbom11 HW President REPORTS: New o f fic e r s elected at general meeting are the Mmes. '111omas Peel, president ; George Rennie and Bud Ronn.an. vice presidents; Richard Davis, secretary, and Thomas Hill, treasurer ... Mrs, Rennie, PTO you th coordinator, reports that winners in the youth bowling league are Lajla Von lAltzow and Glen Valencia. Members of the winning team are Betsy Gribbin, Cheri Rennie, Pam Roar k and Jefl Wright. Burke PTO Bill Mel.laste r President COMING UP : Fun Fa Ir carnival is scheduled Satur-. day, May 12, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on !he school grounds. Game and food booths will be (eatured , ac- cording to Doug Smith, carnival ·chairman. Cox PTO Mrs. Hoben Nldloll PfeAH!t rit REPORTS: May Day Jll'Otlfam wfs sponsored yesterday by the unit in place of ttldl· tional room partlet, lntema· tional cultures were a · plored, and ·room mothera assisted by teac:blng dances of various <OU!ltri., · and helping make costumes. Ead er PTA Mn. GonlOil' Roup P"sldtnl COMING UP : Eader Beaytr carnival will take place Saturday. Ma,y 6, from 10 a.m. lo l p.m. Cll the school pl a y ground. 1"'entf-<>n< booths wlll be available In- eluding games and food. plants and white elephant sale booths. FY High PTSA r.trs. Rogu Belgen President COJ\llNG UP: New officers will be installed at a dessert meeting at 7::W p.m. Tues- day, May 15, in the school cafeteria. Installing officer will be DeMis Mangers, president or the board of trustees of the Hun tington Beach Union High School District. Entertainment will be provided by lbe school band. Gisler Inter. Pf A Mn. Ardaar Melvin President R.E;PORTS: New officers in· stalled at a meeting in the Villa Sweden are the Mmes. Arttiur ~1elvin, president; James Powers, Bill Burke and John r-1cGWre, vice pres i dents : Bruce MacKenzie and Richard r.tast, secretaries: Eugene Miller, historian: D. W. Pat- terson, tre a surer , and Darwin Zirbel, a u d i t o r , Hooorary servlct' award was presented to Mrs. Ralph Alcala, outgoing president. Hope View PFO Mr,. Robert Sllccts Presld .. t COMING UP: PFO workers will be feled at a thank-you hmc:beon booted by the ex - ec:uUve board Wednesday, M&J' t , in the Mercury Sav lnp and Loan building. Spring Vw. PTO Job Allam Pmldtol COMING UP: Happiness ls <..:. Spring Vlew'1·Camival. nls la the theme of tile '""t ad>eduled F r id ay , May IJ, from 4 to 9 p.m. on th• achoo! grounds. Public Is Invited to attend t h e camjval, wlllch will 1 .. ture gamei boolhl, a cake walk and the sale of white tlepbanta, arta and crafta lte.. and food. C.mlval chairman Is Mn. Richard Taylor. . ' ·Carn ival With a Fiesta Flair A Cinco de Mayo theme has been chosen for Bear School PTA's spring carnival to take pla ce from IL to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 5. A performance by Thomas Mann , The Magic of Mann, will be featured. In a South-Of-the-border mood are (lelt 10 right) Lisa Penton, Kevtn Kelly and Cindy Pirtle. Formula For Fun Mad scientists and hap- py hobbyists will con· vene at the Tuesday, May 8, meeting of Col- leg~ Park PT A for a • Science a n d Hobby show. Guest speaker for the meru.tg will be Richard Watts, whose tO!>ic will be Year· round School Program. Ready for the show u Marty Naftel. Carnival Prized Erin Tomblin, with the help of Mrs. Preston Hamblin, chooses the prize she wants to win 1t one of the booths It 1he Ead.,..PTA carni•al planned for Satiirday, May 5, from IO a.m. to 2 p.m. .. ' -. • • Wtdmisda)', May 2, 197.) DAILY PILOT •• I .. -. • ' . "\ • • • • , • • ' • J 'Flower &llow . . Something beautifurJs h~J¥!n!ng at coordinators, will be complemented South Coast Plaza. _:-• ,.a flqwer and by the exciting display gardens of garden fair! Our· beautiful balconied Roger's Mesa Del Mar and Bizarre- two-level mall has been turned into a . Bazaar. We'd like to think our flower dazzling display of ~lor and will play and garden fair is a showcase of to be a packed house (we hope) thru beauty to be enjoyed not only by May 7. The flowering f:?enius of Mr. . Mother 's Day sho ppers, but amateur ' -, • South Coast ?ta.za Harry, Macres, Sr.,. anct · Jr., show . gardeners and florists alike. ' ·• \. . BRISTOL AT SAN DIEQO FREEW .. Y . COSTA MIES.A • OVER 85 FINE STORES AND SERVICES ... DEPARTMENT STORES ... May Co. • Sears • WOMEN'S APPAREL ... A lbert's Hosiery • Alr0e •Mr. Elliot's • Chris' Fashions • Finn's • Gene's • Greta• • House of ·Nine • Hubbub• Judy's • Lane Bryant • Lillian's • Joseph Magnin •·Marlene Fabrique • Miss Hawaii • Saboina • The·Wet Seal •Young M,a~ernitY •Zelig's Casual ltashion$• MEN'S APPAREL ... Carat's • Chasin's •Gentry, Ltd.• Harris& Frank • Hoelscher's •Prep Shop • Rebel Shop • Tie Rack • QHILDREN'S APPAREL ... Ber:g~ro'm'• BabwNews •FAMILY S.l:f.OES ... Gudes-Barnett •Innes Shoes • Thom McAn •WOMEN'S SHOES ... C.H. Baker • Cameo • Field's • Joyce Shoe Tree • Leed's • CHIL,DREril'S Sl:jOES ... Cabot's • Hl!ME FURNISHINGS ... Golden Needle • House of Fabrics • Singer• Udoff's •VARIETY-DRUGS ... South Coast Drug o F. W. Woolwort11. • JEWEl,RY.QlFTS ... Chic A ccessories • Galleon •Jewels by Joseph • Keven Jewelers• George M41rray • Pace Setter • Raj of India • Raj International • Suo'i;et Houl)e_!_ Welsfle1d~A • FOODICANDY ... Hickory Farms • Lindberg Nufrition •See's • RESTAURANTS ... Coaches Corner • H.arvest House• H ungry Tiger • Kaplao's • LePetlt Cafe •RI.Viera• SPECIACTY SHOPS .. "A-U-Card • Cline's • Decorator Line • House of Terry • Pickwick.Bookshop • Rqoten's L!.J.gj!!ge • Sports Plaza • Tinder Bo~• Toy Center• WaJHc~s •·Westen's Cameras• SERVICES ... Bak Portrait Studio • Better Barbers • Bun Nichols Optometrist • Crowning Glory BeautY a on_• Frouse of Tailoring • On tli• Go Travel • Regis 0 Beauty Salon • f'.INANCIAL •.. Avco Savings & Loan • Bank of America • Crocker ·Bank • First Western B11nk • Household Finance ~Pacific Savings • U.S. National Bank• THEATRES ... South Coast Plaza·I ani:t II Theaters • United Artist Cinemas I, II and Ill. . -. . ' . . ·SOON ..... ~.SOUTH ·COAST VILLAGE .. ·.86 UNIQUE SHOPS AND RESTAURANTS· • • •• • • • \. < .. -! ' • '" . . • • l . , ! 1 I ' . 0 • • " DAILY PILOT Flowers, Con;veritioneers at The Plaza 'Mr. Flower Show ) Draws Plaza Crowds • One of the largest cul !lower shows ever staged in an •II· enclosed shopping c e n t e r opened last Friday for an 11· day exhibit at South Coast Plu.a. lt has already brought ln record crowds. The Fk>wer Fair and Garden Show, coordinated by "Mr. Fl~er Show," llarT)I Ma<ns Sr. and hls son. Harry Jr .• wW last through May 7. ln addition to U>011saoM of cut flowers, many of llt~e known variety and some flown in from A!rlca especially for .lhis show, according to Harry A1acres, there it a strong representation of po I l e i:1 flowera, test tube orchids, bt±shes. shrubl, trees, tropical ferns and other foliage. The dis:plays of plants, trees, shrubs, cut flowers and fems have all beeo lniegraltd Into ''arlota ,.111np and dlsplay1 that are ln evidence on all mall levels. 1be m o a t breatbtaklng display, however, is located In tbe Carousel Courl, wbere Ibo skylight to be darkeoed in onler to ahleld tbe flowers and plants from sunllgbt. Adding ID the be>uly of co~ or. Mams has Included UlM1f' running water and spewing fountains in bb v a r I o u s displays and has also lbemed some ol lhem. to certain cowr tries. The only commercial touch is In the displays which have been-put together by Rogers · Garderui and Bizarre.Bazaar, both of Costa Mesa. Roe:era Gardens ha ve included patio and other garden accessories in I.heir display. Shopping Center Pros To Tour Plaza Areas and directly across from South Ceast Plaza. • MACRES MEN !HARRY, JR. AND HARRY, SR.) WORK TOGETHER Father-son Team Sets Up Huge South Coast Pla1a Flowe~ Show • • ' South Coast Plaza and Town Cenltr hu been singled out by the International Council of Shopping C e n t e r s , head· quartered In New York, for a speclal tour when nearly S,000 ed, will be complimented by a ed, will be compiemented by a West Tour, including the Los.1-~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • members gather in Anaheim to attend the 1973 convention starting May 6. They will con- vene for a four-day seminar and etudy sessions. · Special bus tours will depart from Anaheim at 12 :30 p.m. on Sunday May S a n d specifically visit sOuth Coast Plaza and South Coast Village, the 5000-1.o-be-opened -"theme center " of 85 boutiques, shops and restaurants located on Sunflower Street in Santa Ana Cerrltos and Lakewood shop- ping centers, and an Irvine Tour. . On Monday, May 7, the first official day or the convention, Gene Robens, g en e r a I manager of South Coast Plaza & Town Center, will chair a discussion by key managers and devel opers from overseas and other parts or the U.S. who will address themselves in a series ol. roundtable di.scussions to "Operatk>ns and Management of·Ov er seas Centers." College Offers Class • In Frisbee Flinging FRESNO (AP) -The Frisbee craze, long the trademark of the 1'yowig set," has gone respectable. It is now the subject of a university class at Ca! State Fresno. Flinging the saucer·shaped toy, and hopefully catching it when it is returned, is being taught under the watchful eye of one of America's few "frisbee masters," A 1 & i s t • Professor ol Recreation Geo<ge Sappenfield. 1be class, offering one unit, Is aimed mainly at teachers, recreation personnel and those y,·orking with mentally. and physically handicapped persons . .. The Frisbee is an ezcellent means of physical therapy for the bandic8pped, be<:ause it teaches band and e ye coo rdinatlon," Sappenfield said. "We also teach different games with the Frisbee, such as F r i s be e shufOeboard, Frisbee target throwing and even a fonn of goU with the Frisbee for children coofmed to wheelchairs." Sappenfield says his class is the only one of its kind in the nation to olfer college cridit. FOR MOTHERS DAY • • • • Put a Secretary in Her Purse! Rolfs Secretariat ls Where it's at! Ranchero cowhide com· bines coin purse, currency pocket, ~ovable checl<book fo lder, snapshot aod credit card pockets, pen. Comflower blue with white trim, , •• $12 IU.UTIFULLY GIFT WllAl'l'l!D FREE! e GOLD MONOGRAMMING e JUST OFF THE PRESS! OUR NEW SPRING CATALOG ROOTEN'S LUGGAGE • SOUTH COAST PLAZA Sin Oi.,o Frwr. 1t Bristol Co1t1 Me11 IU~MIRICARD ..... ,.,. M ........ M. 10 •·•·-t p.-.; s.t. 10 •·""·°' ,,,..,,; S.. it,. I .. ' COHVIHIENT ,AYM.11!1!_ ' All Mount mes Jn 14k Gold • • - lJlJ IRISTOL ST. SOUTH COAST Pl.A%A · COSTA MISA PHONE 546-4510 ' ' • - , - • • I -~ "Mommy! Como quick! Billy's SCRATCHI N' his chi<k· 1 • en pop,!" . . • .::lfe77~7· · · ~Y'v~s7 .. -· .J(ej7e, .. · 156 Of)fy ! '}Uft-t'". ,v'?/U~7 ! "" Q;~g/ c{l~rir.c.t-·· ..... ,,r,,,~·''' to q5:- 1'?ot1e4 ~fylu ~ 1\>vri0 ~,,; .. : ... 2..11 03\~~rf?··· itiuf~gt. · · rrJey ~rd. '9l°~ (O:IO i"7· f~flt~ .... ~ 1t1le? t Rilifi"7 ..r.,.,.i~ t·f)o~·~· . i/: 'l'f - Wtd~, Mty 2, l'i7J . . DAil Y PILOT 'J: Smoking Puts 'Em In Court •Er · ••• Ahout Those Waterhugs!) EL' CAJON (AP) -The manager llnd 15 directors of U>e El Cajon Chamber of Commerqi are being hauled. ' Into COl!'t to decide II smoking lhould be banned Bl their meetings. A summons orders them to .. appear 1'1ay 8 in San Diego Superior COUrt. TllE 1rrn cllroctor, Dick Morris, ftled a allt ~lier asking (or a pormanent in· junclloo against smoking. The suit accompenled by a statement by Dr. Richard Fosburg, chief of thoracic surgery at San Diego Naval Hospital, saying anyone o:- posed to clgarefle smoking is "in dani;er ot tonlracting an irreparable· dlsease.:• MORIUS, AN attorney, said he has been subjected to physical discomfor t , an- noyance and a threat to his health by having lo attend meetings in which there is amok!ng. Until the sum.momes were handed out, director Lloyd J'ullen commented, "I thought it was all just a stunt." 81 llllX WEST wu:AtNGTQN (UPI) -~~ en>ployes these .,.Y. are tllldentandably 11\X· loas to avcld i!vlnl any Im· pi don tbef. mlcht have known something about the wateigal.t case. Thi> is true not only or lhe toP Preildmtial aides you've been reading about; minionsr subalterns and minor staff fWlCtiooaries also are taking 'pains to dis.associate tll<mselves from the bugging coosp;ncy. I RAD occasion the other day to call a minor sta.U func- tionary about another matter and more or less in passing I said, ''What do you bear about Waterpte?" "Waterwbat?11 be replied. "Watergate." "The' swit.Cbboard must have conne<ted you wi th the wrong minor stall functionary. 1 do6.'t have anything to do with water rates." "NOT RATE. Gate •. M in locking the gate after the COW bas been st.oleo." "You must be calling about ·Magazine Debuts -tho tncr...e In cattle rustling Ul<e an old Abbott and C..ltllo have leaked from lbe grand own lnltlaUve." that bu taken place smc. rootine." jury or the Ervin commlttte, l 1be Waterpte ....., u m<at pricos 1Je8an boominl.:f . calepically deny ha v l n g some pundits an QJtna. may suggest you contact t h e 0MY GOD,~ UWl mtnor staff discu.$5ed the mauer with go to the very heart cl I.he A&rlculturo Department about luoctionary gosped, "are they either Abboll or Costello. As American pollUcai l)'Sl<!m. that .'' mixed up in this. too ! far as I am concerned, they But It's the tort of stuft that "No~ oo. I'm referring to the -::R::•g=ar=dl=e="=°'==w=ha=t =mi=g::hl=w=e=re=ac=tln=g=•l=rl=ct::ly=o=n=tbe=i=r =ki=lled=v=at=id=evU=le=. ==== altempt to bug the.- Democratic National Conr ' mltt.ee headquarters." •1vou SHOULD call an ex- terminator for somelhlng like that." , "'Not that kind ol bug. Elec- tronic surveillance . Tbe con- •ptracy to plant listening devices ln the commiltee"s suite at the Watergate." ''flow do you spell it'!'' "w ..a-t+r-g-a-t-f:." "IS<ft that 50me kind of dental appliance that spurts a stream of water in between your teeth? ''TllAT'S A Water Pie. The Watergate is a hotel- apartment-office b u i I d i n g complex." "If you have a questiOA about rent controls, yol!-s1'toufd can the COst or Living' .Coun· ell," the mioor stall ftll!C' tionary said. By that time 1 was ·getting rather exasperated, so I said, "This Is beginning to SOlDld Parrots Pirated ~jf d'Jbf~ and Raj of India INTERNATIONAL both located at . . . • SOUTH COAST PLAZA -COSTA MESA • · Remember Mother with a Gift from Rai FEATURED AT Raj of India On Mother's Doy she'll love our unique Mlectlon of . . • •CLOTHING • JEWELRY • BEDSPR~ADS PH,ONE 540-6404 • FEATURED AT Raj International Just Arrived l • CASSEROLE SETS • SALAD SETS • TEA SETS PHONE s.cG-6424 . ' 'c le ' B d MEXICO CITY IAP) - Oup . S ase Thieve s robbed a bird ven- dor of 25 bilingual parrots, police reported. ''--------~-----...a . The vendor said he ALSO FOR MOM WE HAVE 8EAUTIFUl CANDLE ARRANGEMENTS, On Older Values b~la:ug~ht=the=b~~=ds:w:or~ds=inJ1~~~~L~O~V~E~LY~G~l~A~SS~IT~E~M~S~&~O~TH~E~R~F~IN~E~G~IF~T~l~D~E~AS~~~~ I-English and Spanish. • NEW YORK-(AP). "·Couples," a mag a z In e dedicated lo t)le proposition that two are better than one, made 113 debut Tuesday on newstands across the country. "To some ears, the very word 'couples' may seem old· fasbJoned , bot we were in- terested In the subject precisely because couples .•. are under attack." the magazine declares in its first issue. "SUddenly, we live in a world where priests and nuns get married but I a y m e n don 't." "COUPLES,'' W 8 I CB describes itself as a magazine on the art of staying together, is a project of New Yofk magazine, t he weekly that describes in detail what's hap- pening in New York City. "We have the revolutionary idea that people should be together. We don't believe in separatism, and that's what's encouraged by the men's and women's magazines," said Clay Felker, New Yo r k publisher. The managing editor or the new magazine is A a r o n Latham, senior editor at New York. "BACK WHEN everyone thought Ozzie and Harriet was the typical American famly, there was no reason for a magazine Uke this , 1' he said. 0 But now, the old eonventions or coupling and the family are being swept aside b y technology and w o m e n ' s liberation. The public is upset and concerned. And they want anawers to their problems." Felker said the idea for "Couples" took shape last fall after several discussions on the many problems New York staff members were having in their personal relationships. "We have done no market research on this subject," be said, ''We're flying under the direction of our own shattered lives." LATD.UI, %9, said two more ---test is.sues of "Couples" are planned this year. Both will be sold only on newstands at an average cost of 'l an tssue . Ull II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111 ii ll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l Ill I I Ill I l I IHI 111111111111111111111111111111!!! § DOUBLE KNIT TRIO ~ U the magazine proves popular, it will he published as a monthly, and subscriptions will be sold. The three test issues will be ~ BLAZER SUIT WITH CONTRASTING SLACKS ~ --put together by New York -staff members in l h e magazine's olllces in an East = Side tawlihouse. U "Couples" = succeeds, it will move to = another location. and a staff = will be hired. -- ---DURING A time when = -established magazines a re : dYi!lg, "the idea js to start a = new magazine without spend-= ing an incredible amount m = money anc;i without taking := risks," Latham said. : Felker added : .. We're put-= -ting oot a magazine that comes = rrom our guts. U the public = likes it, we'll put out another. = If they don't, we won1l We're :::= not going to force it down = their throats.'' = -·Felker said the new maga. = zine is aimed at the "educated = -and the affluenl.. = -4'WE'RE NOT aiming it at = ju_st married couples," Lathan = said, "I don 't l h Ink = -the problems ol unmarried = couple are much different = than the problems or married = ones." = In the first issue, there are := articles on pow to fight , how _ to manage money, open mar· : riage, group marriage, the ad· = vantages and disadvantages = or sex clinics and couples who : have jobs in tM same pro-: fession. = ----Energy Mee\ ------Cajtitol ,i;ews Service = SACRAMENTO -The state = will bold an energy workshop = -here May 15 and 16, accordlng : to U .. Gov. Ed Reinecke. to : explore what can be done in = California to avert an energy = crisis . ' • = - llle wit WOfb and plays. -oolleets wrinkles. °"'Y complimetlls. Thulaclcsorw _.,jlnatod to'"°"' up with the...,11 l•kot. And olther oult pant a< slack -·II" It•!-. We~.-wro. you con bank on. Our min-pricl"I jiiilky -loo• you this.. Just ask uy of ow a .. too...., TRIO ---fRI01--.. TRIO DOUBLE KNIT SUIT PLUS DOUBLE KNIT SLACK A $125 3 PIECE WARDROBE 00 ----' ·----= ----------------= --= --= -------------------------·= --------------------------·= -------------------------- ' 1-= iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii --.c ---- • DON'T PANIC! For the lady whose busy schedule ' doesn't permit e planned reservation _ .. or that une x. pected important dote ... or when ou t-of-town guests come unexpectently . . . you can wlllk right in! 01 • °l¥ BEAUTY SALONS South Coast Plaza S40.8888 ~ I Bristol and San Di090 Fnteway • -----· -----·-------.... --------------------.... .... --.... ------ IANICAMERICARD MAmllCllA- AMERICAN EXPiw ;: HUNTINGTON BEACll ANAHEIM HOElSCHEA'S Vo~tnn0$1f. 447 North Loora Anohtrm Cen1tr (714) 774.97,, --.... ------- li()(LSCHER'S Vondetmost) 11 Hunt1119fon Ctnler ltoth .. Efingrt (7141192-.1374 COSTA MESA HnflSHER'S 3333 Bris lol SI. Sooth CO!Sl Pim r1141040-4940 ' ------,_ ------------------• -----------------------ORANGE : HOELSCHER'S E! 2104 N. Oranie Miit = M!I) of Orante = 17141 998·2261 = ·-LOS ANGELES PASADENA GLENDALE ALHAMBRA RIVERSID~ :: = HOll\CtU'S HOClSCHlR'S HOllSCHl~'S lit~'' talSCHlR'S Vondeunotti ftk.Groth otSCM = --.... E W~\hft &r'9Ulf00 6\Sfo,1Colotodo8f'+'d. 71SNorthGltndoltAvt. 24S£ostMoinStr1tt ll3SMoinSlfttt = = HiUOtl Hoitt Downtown ~""°" ClftlM' OowfttOWl'I Oowt-.... = = 627·03!• 7•6·0263 747.1111 18 .. 4303 (7141613.0780 .= 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~1111111111111111111111111111111111flll I • I • .. I , l - I . r , • • • • DAILY PILOT ., . Asia War at Standstill? Newsme1iN oies Large .U.S. Build!'P in Thailand (tdit0r'1 !IOI<: SIU Sonct.n jUIJ r<· Taiwan. Okinawa or Cllllomla. Air Force base •l Vdom. ft Is made up 1 , tlln!ocl from arignm"'11 m Tll<JU<md. This keeps the "OD popor•• flaur,. at 1 of linguists, technletans and com- Hla carloou opp<ar regularly on the lower level lor many ...-, not the munlcatlons per$Olllltl. Ill cl01ely guanl· edi~ pag• of th< DaUv Pilol.J least ol whlch Is Jhe coot factor that ed mlJsJoo Is monliorlng cammunlal must show up on the delenae budget. ... communlcaUons that ortglnate out of By BllJ.. SANDERS Most o! the military penoone1 Jn North Vietnam , Laos and C.mbod~. s,ectal lo tbe Dally Piiot Thailand ara Air Force oot there are also The Air Force aiao has Ill James Bond l Vl'APAO, Thailand _ Anyone who Anny, Marine and CIA unlll here. opera.tloos. Besides Ill huge air baltl al lhlnU U.S. war activity lo Sootheast Asia THE MARINES, perhaps boi.terlng Ul>pao, Udorn , IJbon and KMate: the Air I ls M8J'lng a standslill should pause at the !heir rugged Image. occupy the most Force bas a superse<ret radar IT&~ edge of this baae and listen to the giant the unit at Kokha, 50 miles soulh o1 Chang B42s thunder off for bombing raids in primitive base lq country at Nam Mai - a mamnum aecurity base with a Lw and Cambodia. Their gutteraJ roar ~ t~story-tall tracking antenna and a pi.,_ the momlng calm as regularly as 'The •U&'ttlrfl ttumL-s large cornplez o I communkatloos the !11.tnriJe. ve:r devices 8.nd computers. Anyone who thinks that the American. game is P I a fl e d IOI t h Part of Jheir mission, they admit, Is mllltary inveotment in Soulhoasl A!ia io •le.Ill.' tracklng American apace shot&. The not substantial should toor the bases -..--miJsioo they will ni>I admit ii monlt«lng which dot this ancient OOU!ltry. space and mllltary Olghl acUV!ty out o1 Phong in nortlH:oalnll Thailand. It is the People"s Republic o1 China, ool one omctAL'l HERE are reluctant to a dusty tenl camp, lo<ated on a red ol Jhe doors )ml~ the anleMa oomple• talk Jn dfCuUUve tenns about tbe number clay plateau, without the ameoities ol stands as mute wttntw. to the fact. On It ol servicemen in Thailand. To the que&-running water and flush toilets. It is is a sign . wbJcb says, "UDldentUled t1on ol bow manyi tbe.y answer with "a similar to camps that housed Army Flying Object ClasslfJcaUOO:" llttlo over 50,llOO." The military numbers troops Jn Korea at the end ol lhe war . ..,... Is played with slill. 'Ille Army Is -Jed by the 7111 IN CHANG MAI, T Ji a II and •• ~ paper, ~ Is only ooe U.S. air Airborne eompaz{yMd-tbe Ullt AvlatJoo • OOrthemmoot cily and """"'1d la1gest hue ln air of Thailand. The remaining Battali~. However, Its most interesting population center, the AJr Force bas a b4&es are •1Royal Thai" inslallaUoos and operation ls found GO mlles northwest of small top secret lntelligeoce operation, Ibo U;S. ls•tmply sharing Jhooe faciliu... Bangkok al a small wwn called Lopburi. housed behind one ol the largest tourisl In fact, mo.i ol lhem are nothing 001 It I! a Green Berel advl!ory unit hotels in the cruntry. · U.S. bases. obscurely located on Jhe back ..CUon ol It iJ a casual operaUon, militarily, and Any number one comes up witb in a large Thai Ranger training base. ia made up or the cream of Air Force ~to the U.S. armed forces level in 1bere are no signs ' indiCating an persmmel. The men .there are lingµisls , 1ba1land mu.rt be an estimate because of American military presence at the · base tedm.icians and intelllgenoC types tbe various devioe1 used to obscure the gate or tn the town itJelf. The Green After watching the Air Force's F-4 Iola!. For example, most ol the s.52 Berel mission is to train the elite Thai Phantom jet! screaming down Jhe crews at Utapao are not permanently Ranger Corps and Bonier Police, whlch nmwQY. IOO<led with their deadly carxo, ata.Uooed there. guard and protect against Thal in-one ii struck by the. incongruity that Is surgents. capsuled hf the situation at Nakbon 11IEY ARE on "temporary duty .. H Phanom. But then, that Is lhe hislorlcal status. owever, their temporary duty is THE r.1osr sophisticated Anny unit in characteristic of the u .S.'s long in- Cru:sa~r Praises Snakes ' ., . ~· MATEO (Al'l Snaket are good and good for you, says· a snake crusader who bu a ticklish fOUJ'-foot boa constrictor named 0 Julius Squeezer.'' carol Kemnitz bas slarted a class at San Mateo Junior High School on why a pe-son shouldn't be afraid of makes. "Men don't like to admit it," she said, "but they're often as afraid of snakes as women are." Fact i3, said Mrs. Kemnitz, serpents are not slimy, do not for six months at a time. Then, the men Thailand ia the 7th Radio Re5ellrch Field volvement in thls part of the world. r;~rot::ate::::"':::th::e::ir:::pe:rma:::O:en:t;::bases::;;;:a:t::;S:ta:t:ion::J:oca::ted;;;;fi:ye:miJ;::;· :es:J:ro~m;;the~J~ar~g:e ::;::;::;-I I~. H•M srMk•i.I ( ANLll.4.LS ) ' ,t ,. ~ t ' ' t I [ I I ' ' I h • \ Animals Ge t Most Tattoes WASHINGTON (AP) Fewer people and m o r e anima1s are getting tattoos, the National Ge ogr a phi c Society says. • poison you with their flicking t.ongue and have taste$ that mostly run to a field mouse or two, or perhaps a juicy tad· pole. eButt Why~ SACRAMENTO,• (UPI Brian and Scott Arnold have Jost their pet -despite a special deodrant. The mother of the two small boys said their IO-month-Old male goat named Rumples was sent to the pound after a ~ neighbor complained he at- tracted Qies. A survey indicates that the concern of health authorities a bout disease ( r o m con- tamina te<I needles largely has prompted lhe closing of many tattoo parlors lhroughout the 'A'Orld, a society spokesman said. Mrs. Shirley Arnold said she used a spec\al. d~rant to keep Rumples from becoming IN A REPORT on .the tattoo offensive aDd that he had no front, the society said; rues. • '!.lhi1 hut llf' a. all.w• ;, 14" io... .Sll,1.IX! ,. am BECAUSE •.• >TUOY AND STOlA&f. WAU SYSTIM , .. , clr11wtfl •"' JOIH'I, tlttk ''"' .,., .......... trytti,,_. ru . netd fot c....-ct 19t 1pa•'9111 • 1tor•te .U1pl11y.W -nf1t '''"' thl1 ~ 111 J.oWft llJ" l.f!t.,. $()7.00 TWO LOCATION$ TO SUV( YOU- South C..1t Plau I T\1 Mil of °'•"I• 140.7777 6.)7-7717 COSTA MESA OlANGE • FURNITURE Your .. • Wedding ~ • Day • • • • Let us capture 'each step-. each moment in everlasting color Award Winn ing Photog raphy by South C oast Plaza 549-2103 "As -more tattoo-parlors-.!!(-don't umerstand..-SOme•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ close in lhe world's seaports, of our neighbors have rabbitsl- th.e number or people ac-. and chic.kens,"' she said. quiring epidermal artwork ls "They told me there's a city declining. But g r o w i n g ordinance against k e e p i n g numbers of pets and livestock cloven-hooved animals. So ·y Du/o The city sandal ... a very upt own way to look smashing whether you're on t he town or off for the day. -. • .1• 9:1ce· '" Soltttl C..t ,,_ Cott4 Meso u..,., """' -546-4791 SHOETREE o,.. 5ulWIO'(, lllOot1 t'9 5 P·'"· Moltdoy t1tt11 frldcry ,10-9 Soturday, 10°6 Cheese Of The Wee k BIG BARN CHEDDAR Regular 20' ·.o s1 Sll.9. $1.79 lb. OFF ott. t•-' Moy 1 rtlte Moy I BIG BARN CHEDDAR CHEESE ;, medo tho carol.I old country woy. Thlo 9rttt cheddar add1 new fl•vor to m1in di1h11 1nd 1n1ck1. It's full fl1vortd ••. 1h1rp without beln9 bitter. Try • stmpltl Yo1lll find the trtdttion1I chtdd1r n1vor dtllflhtful. Buy ind-enj oy t piece cwt f,..h from tb...whMI 1 I now sport tattoos. ... guess I have no choice." "For several years, race e Wi CLi horses have had idenlifying •e n mp numbers tattooed inside their SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - lips to prevenl "fixing' a race Freedom wasn't much fun for by substituting a skillfully Tallulah the chimpanzee. dyed faster horse for one She jumped across a 15-foot originally entered. moat, grabbed a bush and "Poultry farmers brand pulled herself up, then ran their turkeys with tattoos about 50 yards to hide in the under the wings to facilitate back of a snack bar at San recovet;r in case of theft. And Francisco 1.oo. dog owners have begun put· There she was confronted by ting registered marks or t.00keeper! anned with rifles, numbers inside their pet's tranqu.ilizers and pitchforks. ears to combat dognapers." . t., • Tallulah thougtit about It for a few minutes and then THE REPORT added: returned to her cage "Tattooing also has scien-· tlfic and medical applicaUons. e Dog's Life American astronauts are tat-tooed with tiny dots to show Los Angeles (AP) -When precisely where electronic Sassy, a German shepherd sensors should be attached to dog, chased a rabbit into a their skin. mine shaft it touched off a ··Plastic surgeons use in-seven-hour rescue · operation visible tattooing to cover involving two helicopters, a ·strawberry' marks or other seven-man emergency detail birthmarks that discolor 8 pa-and an animal control man . · • I k The pooch darted into the tient 5 ace or nee · · · · old shaft in suburban Acton. ''FBI agents sometimes have discreet identification The dog wasn't realty trap- marks tattooed under their ped -just frightened. arms." The rabbit, apparently even The sociology spokesman more frightened, wasn1t· seen who P<epared the roundup again. report noted that New York e p t P ll'- City outlawed teltoolng In 1961 e "' as a potential health hazard. WASlllNGTON (UPI) -A chemist who helped develop HE SAID tightened health the birth control pill !or laws in other parb ,of the women says be advocates the United States and in foreign use of cherrUcal (.'Olltraceptives countries -notably England on dogs, s:ats and household and the Scandinavian ~ '" ha pe~. tries -ve apparenUy been Dr. Carl Djerusi, professor the chief reason for such statistics as these: d chemlstry at Stanford As of early 1972, ooly 50 tat· Urriversity, indicated there b 100 parlors remained in the an urgent need for a chemJcal pet contraceptive but that it United Slates, and only about may not be available for 150 others lhroughoul the r.,I years. of the world . ln an interview p.zbllshed in TJUS COMP ARES, he snld, Chemical & E n g I n • • r I n g with the sih&atJon at the turn News, Djera.ssi saJd some 61 the century wllen. for ex· 2,@ to a,100 clop and cats ample. "I percent ol all ~llomeveryhoor. 'lblscom- American sailors had tattoos.'' pares to about 450 humans an He also &aid there's oome boor. 1Ugg.,tive evidence I h a I ... _ -r D -r modern-dloy Atnerican and ._. ~~ other youlhl dl..Wn tattooing QUINCY (UPI) -Since It 9S "nol belnf the .'lnl.tl\lntl~ Was..&.llJIJl..la\111; 8 Z..)'~Jd. allhouab you occasionally black·lalled deer lllUlled HoUy hear of coUege gtrl1 having lit· hu fancied llaell a r<gular tie 001terme1 tattooed on member of the Jerry Gerry lhem,.Jv... and apparently famlly. talloolng Is sllll going big with The Gt!rrys AYI Holly lhe motorcycle ,.L" cbuel the famlly dog, rtd .. In Kids Like To Ask Andy the bacli or ill<lr pick-up truck. w~~· Dea collar, eata peanut Wlilwlclle. and, ...,. let "' Ille house "heads for the couch and inaUs room for herself whelhe< I am on It or nol" • I For a limited time only . Go rham Sterling annou nces a. trio of Spectacular Sale~! CHOOSE FROM 24 GORHAM STERLING ORIGINALS savin gs of 20% OFF OPEN STOCK PRICES! For example : NlW Baronf.J ~dd 10 your own oolledion or present Gorh.tm Sterling place-selfing or serving pie<'.6 as an unforgettable gift lo someone you are for •• , .at fhese gre.it ~ngs •.. • O>ld-Foot ............. Regular ~18.00 S.le Price $1'-40 Regular S16..60 s~te Price $1J.li Regular S32.0S Sale Price $lS.64 -"1-WONW. . ••• the -Gofham smtlog O!lJIJnal. A d' ....... tle llnk to tr>dtdoo ••• 10 eltglnoe. •.• to lfttler horlzort5 l«)'OUI' life. A urnkiue ecpreulon In ttlrlV. ol whit ft you, yod-tule and )'Out sendtivi,ty 10 beauty. • Cllame ·-2.4 Q>rNin~ Or!Jll"~·nd eccltf111 .-(;oldftt M«lld tnd -H;..,...;;-'l<c CoJJ ...... • 1 SILVER e "'FTS e CHINA e CA'fSTAL ._ ............. SQUT!i.COAST PLAZA -" "" Son Dlilo ,.,..., • c:----2621 I I ' • [ r • • • •• WPdneid")', May 2, l'f73 DAILY Pllot...fl Arthritic i • I ·Patients Neeilled Uhi1ilp · Ponehes ollt Sentenees • His First,_ .ATHENS. Ga. (UPI) -A rr 18 ·R:ING jointly ...,. ferent 1J1JU o1 1aoc1 or en· modllne ctve me a J>1ece o1 onllilltans-con-be Ulllhl to And Las ~ young Chiml'lJlZCI' b bebw j duded by ·reoell'<bers from tertalnment. banua." She can a Ii o ~le spontaoeoualy LIMA, Peru (AP) - taygbt by researchers to .,... t1iii l(nlvtntty d. 6-gb, A _.tor monlton the re-subllUIUte orange, c a n d y • Jhrougll !!!!> use of a languig.. brakeman wllo assJJted. ~ LONDON (AP) -Thf ·Uk ~ SLato Uruvenlty end qu<sts and grants U1eJD If the ral!ln, water, milk or other like system for thclr Own 19-yw-old woman tn g • .~thwesl !.().ndon branch typewriter:,_~; device to com-ibe )'.n.s llegiOllal Primale •sentence Is grommatically foods. She can also ask for purpooes,:• said Unlvenity ol Ing btrih to 8 boy aboard a Control Comical ' • • ijl the Family Planning municate .,,..,.e requests. • Cei>ler et Emory University. CO<rect, or refuse> them If music, a picture, a short Georgia psycholoSlst Emst train In Poru's Andes saJd SAN DIEGO (AP) AssociaUon will dl!lrlbute '!be pro)ec4 spon>ored by The chimp, named "Lana," Lana mokes a ~tlcal movie, a toy or for the window von C!uer!eld. • later: · Acopuncturo is be'•• lilied •10· 000•pecialt' comic to~~-chto the NlllOllal Institute for Clllld punches out senten~ Using error. .to be opened. "We hope to find out som.. "'It's the first and last . --"arly •· •--N".:!o •-• een-ogers -"lle,ve!opment, ls designed fo • symbOls for words. By using "We "'"led to find out il, In thing about the buic pro!>-~ ~2!.,&emseL .i.n,volved In --~ •• -~-~-lllem about contnceptl<n. .solve ~-ehlldreo have-~ ~-in proper ,.. USING THE symbols, Lona a conlnllled enviromnoot, !ems many children have In -· •• ~ tois<omoeo,.-ysDr.stepben ~""""""""""""""""""""""""!....:ln:_:l<arnlnf::.:::'.~~::_:::::~:._~~~1~q:""":•:ce.::.:l•:":'~c:an=-•:sk:.:lor:.:dll:·:_:can:::~punch:::::~out:::·_·_·:p:1:•:•:•e:.._:cblmps~~·~•~·:r:1~11~a~s~and::~~=aMlllll:::·:'.'...'.1angua::'.::'.g':'_':be~a=dd:ed=..·~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ \ I . ' • I L I r ~ [ " ' \ I I ,. E. 111<>_.n of Scripps Clinlc1- &t~arch F(llllldatlon. 1'Too many arthritic pa- tients have told us or this," he said In an interview. "Many of them have claimed great relief from pain in the pro- cedures." A Ucensed acopuncturlst, Tomson Liang of Oceanside, ( .MEDICINE ) told' newsmen .that be has traln'ed "more than JOO local doctors ~ use acuponctur& on basic illnesses.'' . Liang said, "They have come to me in seminar sessions a.pd llldivicfually." His family bas handed down the art, in which needles are in- serted into the body, for 1,000 years, he said. e Call• Taketa SAN DIEGO (AP) -lnsom· nia outranks all other medical problems that are prompting calls to San Diego's new tape. recorded telephone medical service, Tel~Med, a spokesman says. ' More than l,000 calls were handled in each of Tel-Med 's first two WJys, said Pat stalnaker of Sm o k: i n g Reoearch, San Diego, which is running the system. San Diego i. the first major U.S. city lo lnStall the service. Operators plug callers in to any of 125 tapes which were screened by a doctors' com- mittee and descri~ symptoms and causes of common medical problems. e Gab Smoking SAN FRANCISCO CAP) - The former surgeon general of the United States who alerted the iaiblic to the dangers of smoking said here that the na- t i o n • s c i garette-smoking population wi l l be predominately female withi n live years. . Dr. Luther TelTy-told ..... news conference that young people are ignoring t h e dangers he warned of in the 1964 surgeon general's report. "More youngsters a r e starting smoklng younger and . are l!JlilOking more," he said. "Thi& Is partlcolarly true "among girls. We're (jOD· cerned about the lack ap- parently of a convincing 1ap- proach to. the young." e Zombie Look COLll!>IBUS Ohio (UP!) - Marijuana smoking may cause "emotionaf senility" 10 times faster th.an alcohol, a researcher from UC Berkeley has told an Ohio State University seminar here. Hanlin B. Jones, pnllessor ol medical physics and physiology, said an eight.year study showed marijuana can turn a person lnto a "t.ombie." The study Included 1,400 marijuana users. Jones said •' emotion a I senility" is s;e "Inability to link emotion ponses with intellectoal acti ty" and said victims had a blank look and often apPeared to suffer from Parkinson's disease. e.!0% Cited SACRAMENTO (AP) Fewer than one out of fi ve ruv,g offenders released as "outpatients" f r o m the Ca 11 for n i a RehabilitaUoo Center bad major violations after their first discliarge, says a state Departlnent of Justice study. The 4•fonow-up" study in- volved 4.050 persons com· mitted to the center at Corona and released between 1963 and lllti6. It was pre~ by the Justice Department's Bureau or Criminal Statistics. Di.charged drug offenders were spUt into two groups - those released to an "out- patient SUflefVis.ion status" and otMrs d\schargcd because o( a wr l orlii!Causc they were judied unfit fOf the rehabilita- tion program. e Cold Fitttors SAN DIEGO (AP) ~ A medical colwnnist "'Y• !he common eold end· oold ..,,.. are Induced by psychological stress. "Both are caused 11)1.virus, I but both require that a person be In a deprtssed !late of mind or wihappy before Oley hit th• syotem," Dr. Eugene ScbOenleld told a student au· " • dlenct !Im. He writea a nationally syn. dlOilted CQ)umn under the name "Of:H~Pocratd." • • • • 1 l ' CL as E OUT--OUANTITIES LIMITED! PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH MONDAY, llAY 7 SOUTH COAST PLAZA-COSTA MESA BRISTOl ST. &1SAN DIEGO FREEWAY . HANIMEX PRACTICA TL with F1.8 (BIS & c~ I • Slqle le••''"'' • Awl• fll• la1411na • Micro sctffn focusln~ •· lrllhl .,..., flndtf • Instant rtlut• 11lnor • • ru. ,;.. ' 10 1'00 ASA < ,. Flull "f''.an• "X" Speh. ' • Co11wtnltnt 1hlltttr rtltlM Wljla 1'¢k • , ..llSMC•m .... plua '"I " • 117 .. 95 OUR REG. PRICE 139.95 KODAK 76il . SLIDE fil PROJECTOR · • Holdt lo.Slldt.ot 140-Slldt Tr;tfs • Smooth, D1pend1bl1, Gfawlty fHd e Whls ,.r·Qultl Op1r1Uo11 HONEYWELL Preview Projector • 1'uth--Pllll, No-Ja • Slldt Ch1n1tr • Aulo1111tlc Cori lttltKIOf • Autoiullc Focus In& • Slldt Prl'fltwtf • 500-latt lfl&frltM•• HONEYWELL PROJECTOR 620 , 79.95 OUR RU. PRICE 119.95 HONEYWELL PROJECTOR 630 99.95 LADY BREVONIA' S DINA ------------------------------. KODAK SLIDE PROJECTOR 604H 66.95 Pant -Hase *100% NYLON ~FINEST QUALITY .,. ONE SIZE FITS ALL OU~ REG .. PRICE 79.95 ALL SHEER FROM WAIST TO TOE WITH STANDARD FOOT BAUER C1M SUPER 8 ,., MOVIE CAMERA ' wilh DELUXE CARRYING CASE .. Schhtlffr Clnt'tlf t/1.1 L•11• wllll M111Ual as wef,-. ... a1 P'owtr Ztt•, t-l .... Dl.-1tt et L.111• 43111111 Blhln•t11t·Ll•1 C•S lllet1rl•1 Systt"' Wlllll ASA lt1n'1• AO & 160 rocu11111 U111 Mff11t--fr .. Sft. tt lnfl•llJ Tlwtulh the .L1111 \C1wl111 Dulll·ln ffpt A Fllttr Dlaplw11"' L.ecll111 Dutto11 lt Ovttldt Aulot111Uc • :1:~: Otop-111 C1rtrld1t Lold 114 .95 Auto lte11ttlnt fll 111 Control MFG. LIST PRICE 208.90 CaproF~66 Electtonic Fla1b • Cipro FL'' qulcll chlf&e •ltctfonlf: fl11h unit with 10Jd tube, b11llt·ln Nl·Cld b11tery, ltot shot, bullt-t n PC conmct1111 cont, co111pleto with UL tpprovtd 120 V AC batlttJ charpr •nd•ve11.clyc11e. 24.75 OUR REG. PRICE 39.95 m1388Z m Movie Projector • Sh•p 1/1.5 Zotlfl Lons • Shtwa llotlt Su"' I and ft1111lar I ... • e:11u1w MJu1t·lllatlc Tak•Up i Colllrol° . • Automallc 'II"' Tllft1dln1 . • S.ll·Cont1lr11d C1rtyln1 Can 34.95 OUR IEC . 'llCE 59.97 KODAK D67Z Movie Projector • Forward · Rew1r11 • Stlll ProJ1ctlon • Autom.ttlc Tllr11dln1 • Sprock1Ue11 PT0J1cllon • Sllows Solh Super I and IMM Mov/1• • 400 Fl. Rt11 Capaf:llf 99.95 .. OUR REG . PRICE 134.50 ---~----------------------------------1---------MOVIE PROJECTOR D70Z MOV1£ PROJECTOR D85Z 124 .95 14a.95 OUR REG . PRICE 169.50 OUR REG. PRICE'199.50 --220 m Pocket Camera Outfit • Sh11p l·Elemont l/,,S l.1111 t USIS lht Ntw 110 fllrn C1rlrld&1 • Compl1t• with 01taeh1lll• Wrist Strap and Thrtt lill1 lcu1tts • 19.95 DUR REG. PRICE 22 .97 Soligor MK-6 Strobe • Ptnnantnt lt•ch1r1e1bt1 Mlcad o.tterll1 • Include s ftech«1ln1 UnU • Guido No. of 21 with ltoclaclwo111 II 12.95 OUI REG . PRJCE,29.95 (eumig· VIENNETTE 5 MOVIE CAMERA • VAltH> Vlt:MNAlt ZOOM LENS , 1/1.1, a.40ln111 e Foct1111 lo 4 fl. · • £u1111 lbcr• AUacU.l lot Clos•U•• • lt1tlta Vltwflndlt with Spllt·lm11• R1nP Th"•r • Powtf ZOCNI Of lll1nu1I Zoom .. • CG lllllld Ifill Ll•s •FU• ..... Aut oiM1Uc1lly S.t 2S-1'0 ASA • lullt·ll'I CCNIY9fllM Fllt•r • ftcMllll f:Jll PllCI • Sptlds 11 attd 24 fps • Sln111 FriN 137.95 • Calll• lt1l11" Socket OUR REG. l'RICE 189.95 EVERY ROLL OF KODACOLOR OR GAF COLOR PRINT FILM LEFT HERE FOR SINGLE PRINT • 2•• And PRINTING STANDARD FILM SIZES ONLY • oli or Automatic Lense • • T4 ·MOUNT 90-230 ZOOM F4.S • ll1ll•••l z... 91 ...... ,,. 21:12• 119 e lulll·I• Ltnt Sll;ade OUR 1£8 . PRICE 167.9 13SM M F2.8 TELEPHOTO . • 4 Eltrntnt ~ltpllttt 61 ,1 ~ Allll• 11• • a.llt·I• LHI Shl4• 28MM f2.8 OUR REG. PRICE 72 .95 WIDE ANGLE 7 4 ts • 7 EleMnl Wldi .,,,. ,.. OUR REG. PRICE 87 .95 •i! ··-·PnjlcW • MMN VAut11111tlc Ctntrol1 t ' 'orWard Optr1tl0ft • Sil#, t/J.$ ....... • Sot-,1tt Brllll•nc• • S.ll·Contalrt1d C1rryln1 C111 ~ lncludts 1"°111•• Cll)"Ei lt TttY ·24.95 OUl-.IEG.·,iltE 19.U mr• m SHe Prejector t Aalo focus • Sllarp f/J.S Lt11s • e $00.Watt llflllllCICI • fCMWard, Rl'ftrae Cycle 1 Stlf·ContalMd C1ttyln1 C11t • OllO Splll ""otf W 100.Slldt • Vertlctl Tray 59 .. 95 OUR REG. PRICE 14.13 z nu PAllTl·I . LAIOR GUAIAllTll tSWlvtlC._,.._. e Hot Shoo• P.C~CliMlctl•1 t 11.NICtlcw O.I• lie.. IS • 11.MaolwOMI 9'1"9 lft. II • Avt.-.tlc Of llanu•I o,.,a;U• • ce.,1111 with !IC· SJM c~ 120/2.20 Vttt Caa,., • A.:C. COf41 62.22 OUR R£8. PRICE 19.58 i~ ~ AIREQUIPT ClfCUL-Al"-UG"lllllS- 1.59 OUR REG. PRIC'E 2.11 ARGUS !<IX WESTINGHOUSE -fLISI CUllS YANKEE IOTO- ..,._,.,,-TllYS CTM ol ) .• 69¢ EA . lor GAF lo Sowy• hol•cto 'lltNi 100111•1 1.1& OUR:JIEG • .PIUCE:1'97 l.l1111t ) I' .I , ' I ' J • L . M'1 2. 197J • Wodnnday, Mu 2. 1973 PILOT·ADVERTISER %0 tpAllV Pl,\01 l . l I i . CREST Tootl!Paste Rt11l1r er Mi1t 18" Portable BBQ llG 101 -Revol•· iog and adluru~e chrOR plated grrU. S.. green witll wind 5 95 b.tnd. Fot~up legs. #1112 • "Perfection" FOLDING SYllNGI -I FAllLRISS - Ideal !or vacation or travel. Carrying case.1 49 GUARANTEED IY SAY·ON. hf. 1.19 • Bonne Bell Ten·O·Six LOTION SPRING SALi -T~e °" cleansing and corrective cosmelic that helps ""' skin to complete natural beauty. 22 oz. GIANT SIZE JOY for Sparkling Dishes LEMON FRESH \Ii GALLON Count Vasya VODKA EXTRA DRY ID Pr11f S.59 1 • ; DECORATOR Music Boxes Bini 11 Cage Moll~e .Bird Jn his t.gi. 9.95 Daacers Tiny luc1te box. • 9.95 Lucite box 31? KJ1hx2~i" 8.95 LIPSTICK Helder Receiitaites fer & lipsli<ks wilh visible roosicat mechanism . . • h 8.95 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UlllY i • 41~PACICOF Family Scott ~ A lfillm Place To Shop! lEAD CRYSTAL A dauling, exquisite gill item! Lavishly faceted lor sparkling glamour to enhance lhe dining table and various other areas in the home. • Ashtray • C1h Pine • Dinner Bell • Larae Bowl • Creamer & S111r • Candy Oisb • 4·Pc. Tidbit Tray .. YOUR CHOICE BATHROOM TISSUE Colors er Wbitt. D ichoildra\ SEEP FOi UWllS ••. Does best in "'· grows Mii fn partial 1 99 shade. Tolerant lo so il conditions. I II. • BAMBOO ~ Waste Basket. Attractive round wGven design 11" 1n diameter. Its "tural 1 49 color enhances any area of tile home. Rer. 1.11 • BONUS SIZE of Man-Power DEODORANTS PANASONIC FMJAMIFM Stereo Radio formu~tedf .. MEN• Rer. 97c I" -~ @ R11. l3c I 11. SUPER DRY . .. . NEW orelle· 711. DIOD~RANT ANTl·PERS~RANT I! . \ "Barber Pole" JARS l ; •. ,! HOME ENTERTAINMENT UNIT '1-• Hasti11s" ... features a 4 chan- nel amplfl 1er system and 4 air suspen· s1on speaker systems. Solid-state en- gmeered. Magnil1cent Walnut wood. "·~;0c~~~ING I. 69 _ .. . J~ . L.. -, ~~ ·~----... ,.,,., "' . ., Modern glass canisters "' r 101 1magrnat1ve home dee orating and 01gani11ng lO V." 4911. #R E 1140 179 .95 •• ~Beautiful Nails Tok• Months to GI/OW! ~ ' · .Eylure NAILS . ggc 9" 4111. 6 01. SIZE MENNEN PANASONIC 12" TV PORTABLE BLACK & . WH ITE ''Tiie Waa•la ke" • _ . Trim, contempar· ary good looks arid it's compact! fea- tittes Spted-0-Viston lor sound & picture pleasure. 75 Square inches of viewi11g area . 84 88 Antique White or Red. il'AN·112 o FABERGE Skin Bracer "Straw Hat" scent & stitch sn Do your own "Spring" needleio int. clulch bag. 2 01. Cologne & n1 "Wake·Up" AFTER SHAVE .5<• .... 1v11n111.17 lOW PIKI 7 oz. AEROSOL 3 oz. Balh Powder. Cologne Fresh, Cool and Cnsp! 2 11. 111 2.50 4.00 Protein 29 AD PllCIS Pll'IAIL, TllUISDAY, MAI 3rl tlrw SUNUY, MAY ill HAIR GROOM Puts buk Iha cut11J sh1mpoain1 !Olk 111! sac 7 .. IYOIDAT J .2J LOW PIK! I "Oil Tow• Bl"" ••• A breath of nostalgia 1s in this cheerful floral de- sign. Perteet gift tor Mother. • SERVICE 23l 95 fOR 4 • 13 OZ . SIZE Just Wonderful . HAIRSPRAY Chaise Yaur Flrorite Farmul1 1oxoF12 scon Confidets SA~ARY NAPKINS Rt1al1r or s.,1r 39~. ' =et_~ j 3.50 GIANT SIZE "EXCELLO" Flour Sack :~ TOWELS "i .. "\ lltatld, lilt, ltMMd, t1nl1rd .,1 11111l1d. I I _ _,, ..... Mt!OAI J9' lOW PIK! .. \ 11 OZ. LOTION OR 1 OZ. TUBE Hltad & Shoulders O~RUPF Stt'AMPOO • ~FOOllS MAY ,1t73 .... _ 5'\-IT ~IAS DRY 9IANS CRANBIR!l,Y ~UCE CRAHBl!jtltY JUICI CoCKTAIL ' other Plentlfuls Confusion liable On Labie r By PATRICIA M.CORMACK UPI Fllllllly Newt Editor NEW YfrllK(UPl l -What kind cl. lnformjl(jon should ap- pear on 1be'labell of products bought In food -.. 1 • 'Ibo Food And D r u g Administration (FDA) has pro-4 lelling the consumer the percent of the recom- mended daily allowance (RDA) for an adult cootained in the various consUtuents of the lood product. •• • IMPORTANT NOT .ICE! • Effective Next Monday (May 7th I Bar9C1in Basket Will Discontinue l!ltie <;:hip Stamps. Q. Why? • ' ./II.. Most of our customers at. •riremely concerned about the way food prices have been rtSing -la~Y. We have ah\-ays endeavored to satisfy our customers in every way possible, and at this time it is obvious th~! the majority of our cu•- fomerS are more concerned a~ut prices ~an .sfamp,$. Q. Does Thi s Meon Borgoin Bosket IS ,Becom ing A Discount Store? I A. Yes and no! YES!! We will be working on lower marg'ins and you will save on your grocery bill. • • · Wrd.....,, M1y 2, 1'7) Ol!LY PILOT BANANAS GOLDEN RIPE 10~ .. GRAPEFRUIT 8~0 69' ·SQUASH ... YOUI CHOIC:I NISH LOCAL SUMMll 01 ITAUAN ,, .. PEPPERS STUFFING SIZE 'u2ftc ' iEi.L ' . 7 LI. STRAWBERRIES Also listed would be nutrl· tioo information about the amounts of caloi'les, protein, lat and <;arbol\Ydrates. ·However , Dr. Paul Lacba.nce, professor of nulrl- Uonal ~logy at Rutgers Uoivenlty, eontendl .that the average comumer c a n n o t understand what this in- formation means. NO!! We have no intention of compromising our standards of QUALITY, SERV~CE, FRIENDLINESS or SELECTION, Fresh, LocaUy 4 Grown IAIUll $4 , ' I I He made tlBt potnt to ~ editors of 1be Sc t'e h.c e 1, journal of the 'Nnr · Yo,.. Acadel!lY of Sclencel. In the article lilied "Food !or '11lougbt," he said II the ln- formaUon on the label were related to individual meals rather than 'f6od intake per day, ll might be useful to the housewtle -or houseUlsband or houlepe.rson, as t h e Women's M ... ment likes to DOVE -FULL QUART I =~1. lhe keeper o1 tbe UQUID DETERGENT • i Was 89c .....••••.•••..... ln!ormalioo proposed I o r I' Anotber point about all the PAR -T· PAK SUGAR FREE 6/59"' labels: a r wU1 bave to . take a .=;,;, glass oo SODA POP 12 Oz. Con> .................... . get all the infonnatlon on , the 1 _ lood·letchlng ucurslons. To FRISKIES BUFFET 7/$1 teeny-Onlest print will need to ' • . • be used. CAT FOOD , Your Choice of Varieties .... , ......... . Not too many adults cao LIBBY'S 6/39"' =~.iu:.thout help via PINEAPP.LE JUICE 5~.~;: . -. -. • • • . . • . • . . . -,. Puttlng"so much informallonl:....----·------------------- 00 a label moy further clog • aisles or supermarkets with parked carts -• as shoppers take time to read and digest the consumer lnformation c:n the bottle or can or plutic tube or box. ' And there's another prob- lem : hqw. oh, how wiO nutri- tional t¢onnaUon be !lxed to appter. bananas, tomatoes, potatoel, peaches. radlahes, celery ·and such? Wha\ about fialng same to meat pictagesl .GRADE "A" WHOLE BODIED " ). .. I : I I ; ~ H~~D ~~. SH~loDERS. ·.i:: SHAMPoO YOUR CHOI~; ' ' GLEEM .tOOTHPASTE,. ' If. i dz. TUii Illa-. 1.lJ AT SOMI STOllS 69'" f ' ' ... ' "\ • MRS. SMITHS 69"' . · NATURAL JUICE I' ' • APPLE PIE I Inch Slzt . . . . . . , 10 oz. BOXIS ' CotA ·COLA KING S1Z!' 12 fl. 0.. Botti• F c o. .,. I' ,. \ • " • AtJ fir the profencr's con-- tenUori that ,,.•re sllghUy In· capable o I understanding nutri-1 lnformallllll, give yoursell a test. . a0r~~~FRYING CHICKEN CENTER CUT ,09 C RIB PORK Cl10PS ...... .. Iii EASTERtl FED . 98' . -r ·f (. ,\ II y~ were wronci you'h I • 1 . nutritl<l!8l dun""i GUDE "A" '3~0G~D FRYERS Side Dish .., Adds ·Tang Did , llmW that rl!Ublrb II ·~~ Allhllllt H ls m.,t fllnllilr to uo "*-.S:f.:;. .,....,., llida other .-. , It e 1{6 Cl ~ mall:es an ea:ell!nt side dlolt. with part, veal or 1 chictei. For ~ .....,its, purcbloe rlmbar11 tllat 11 llnn and crtsp, with llillb not .....alvaly thin. • '-i , I fOMa.' STYLE ~~R~RIBS • 1 -. I ' t Wl;IOI:.£ PORK LOINS . , .. .. . .. .. .. 111 Pr••• Effectives " . . 49'. lb. RIB ·H.ALF ... 98~ LOIN HALF _ . .". , 09 !,!i COUNTRY STYLI! 79t.. Th~ ~ru Sunday ,..y13, A .. , ~, 6 EAmlN FED ',, (I J • PORK SAUSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .., 1 j;,f ..... biKt hi SfKk .. iloo4. ,. NORTHERN 89' FtLLET 'TURBOT ................. ., • ' ~ GLADLT ACCEPT ' , · '·u.s.".A. P c:quroNS 98• ·' SAND DABS .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . lb • OSCAR MAYER 98' • ALL BEEF· ALL MEAT 'WIENERS .... 1. a OSCAR tllAYl!ft ,....·12 Oi. Plcg. ,09 t!~:fJ ·,~ ~: ~~1~1ck Bo~~a ..... ,~ LARGE LOIN PORK CHOPS , . • . . . . a CENTER CUT · 0 LOIN PORK CHOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 lb BAR M SLICED BOLOGNA 0 • 89' BAR M BULK WIENElS ............ · lb WJ GIVE C ARMOURS · -79• ILUI CHIP ~ , • ST.AMI'S I~ :~f!1' ~~~ERS 12 OL .•. '.. ;· cOsTA • BACON .......................... 98a m 1-. . r ' runtUU• 1. • WI •tv& ILUI Clttf STAMPS 19111 and 710 ••• • -. I ' ' • .. • , • • , ' ' • • f .... . . D ~VPILGT • • ' • • • • • • King Salmon! .•. fUll flavored, tend~r. tastyI·W!tole or half, for an-oven baked tro~t! Roik ··· -Fillets ... to give you more good eating, less waste, for your f~ dolh~r! rib P1rch ..... • • • • •• " . SALMON $ STEAKS Fresh! from ~ld)!kan King 1l4/J, • • I I I I • . 69 . llt • almon! Fro Broil th • I I \ • ' ' I . '· Ocean perch thatlive up to i t'B promise of good eating -and fillets! ••• for value! --Cherrystone ..• rushed to us from New Engl$d! '(Littl.e Neck Clams ... :'·1.00 Ih.) • Butterfl$h:.;.filff\s f~,f. They'll love:~~'<tlal't!ror·t1ieoe! F.resb! H l'b f;·ill!''ll. t · ··~159 a 1 Ut;,;rt es.· ... .,·:.~. Delicious b . e"d·~-Or1bre'atl ftnd fry! . . . Fillet ~ .. • .{O;upder~~[·, Trust El ~h0·1fO;Something1 different! . . -· Large Sandabs .. :.89£ Corvina Fillets .. sl 4! For broiling or skillet cookery! M'ahi ~Mahi .......... 99£ Tasty .P'lember of the bass family! lobster Tails .... ; s2 9.! FrQm A,usttali•! net weight 8 ·oz. each~ Fresh ·oysters ..... 89~ , On so·inany m,eJ;tus in Hawaii! , ·- Ri·Ver Smelt ........ 69f From quiet pools on the CoJumbia! Western 8 Oz. jar. Eastern 8 oz. $1.39 '., . ' . . '. ' Ch .., -b • ·tt s••• ,.. , ·'-...... I ftftt . ~.eau r1an~. -~~,,. • ·· ~ 1 at••ev~ . r•a.sts ........ Tenderlo1n.<>(Jill1jrafuged J?.S.l)_.A. Qbo1ce ~ • · _ _ _ · Heavy;;Vdl!l,.•weet ~~;Jilel!• (rib cage portion attached) r' . ',.. . . , i:;,· '!: • ~ .,. ,.. ~.'~ '.-, ~ '. ~' •Y."'iSli ~ F-ILLiT-ilCilOIW ! ct.~1'!.~1e-rloin s3_\L -:--;:--IEEF~B . BO .. ~y-B-B-Q or liake 59i ·.Rack of . Lamb. s 1 '! Ready foryou to seaaon and bake! U.S.D.A. Choice lamb! Pork Roast·' e~~-~LEss .. 99!:· Boston Butt-mid-western pork ... rolled for convtioiencel SLICED BACON El ;Ra ncho's ranch scyle It.._ I '"OQllD BEEF Extr~ lean .... Bulk or Patties S 1 I! Wh o but El Rancho we uld ofier s~ch fabul ous fare.for m1_1in c_o_µrs'! pleasure? All a.t special price ... and values that run for seven full days of savings·! Twenty -eight fish items for your d1n1ng de.light ... fresh fillets , seafood steaks or shell fis h ... fish for broiling, for baking, for frying ... fa vorites for a hearty stew F. H dd' s1o 9 C k d Sh . $}99 1nnan a 1e .... -" oo e nmp... • Smoked and .slated 'ib the old waY! The· perfect size for cocktails! Smoked Ha.li~ut .. sl 4? Green 1 Shrimp ..... s34! Smoking makes it a d ifferent delight! Ju~bo size'· fro~ the Gulf of Mexico! Large Crabsl ...... ;sl 4? ;King Crab Claws.s1 2? Dungeness ... big mAa\y;• raal ' value,. 'From Alaskan King Craht ,, ·ao cood! onterey Squid .. 39~ Fillet bf.Cod .i~ .•. ~1 1 z ut in .,n piec~. bread, deep-fry!~' 'Fresh! ·True cod from c~·~~:'. . ·,j· · l -~--,.-:'Ji;f'RaRcha White"ISai ... H~---~ • • • ••J, '< voD'icA-GIN-RUM I ' 1• • EL RANCHO'S OWN LABELS! • $ ~ J9 . Mil OR MITCH ••• FlnH ~ Case of 12/5th& 40.68 " - Benchmark ......... ~699 · • Save 1.10 Sea'1-ams straight whiskey qt. . $ 699 I ~~u ~ve~.96 ~~~!~~f-~;jl;n1 • . I of a steaming pot of chowder/.Plus ... beef.1J11d pork ,and turk·ey and lamb for more selection for menu , mak ers. No wonder so many-Su~r-ShQppers prefer El Ranclio! ' ' ~ • ·~ r 1 : lor.d Cal~ert ...... s4 99 ( C&\ladian whiskey reduced· 60' 5th ~~~~ ...... ~~~~-. ,_._ ............ ~~~~-.. ,-tAPIR ~=~~J;'e 21c ~~~=SE ~~;_.59c • • • . Just the thing to go with fish ! 14 oz Del Monte Corn 51ors1 Golden whole kernel or cream No 303 Instant Potatoes. 29c Springfield mashed ... 16 oz package Tomato Sauce l01ors1 Use it so many ways! Del Monte 8 oz M.J.B.RiceMixes 25~ Your choice of flavors - 6 oz pkg. Pineapple 2 9 C JUICE . Big 46 oz can of Dole's great taste_! Soft Margarine ... 45~. Fleischmann's ... (2 half pound cups.) Folger's Coffee .. s2 69 Save on the three pound can! Kosher . Dills ....... 59e Heinz •.. crisp.Spears •.• 24 oz. ---HAIR 69C SPRAY Misa Breck in 13 oz. aerosol can . . . . TOWEL'S ' . ·29c >pringfie1d Decorator giant 2 ply roll . Springfield Tuna. 39c Chunk style light meat ... No. 'h can Tuna H.elpers ...... 49¢ Choice of Betty Crocker varieties! 8 oz. En chi ladasv1~ .o,E, ~1.•rJforsl Fl'Qzen Beef, Cheese or Chicken 7'11 oz. Apple -Pie ......... ~.s9c Sara Lee 33 oUnces of fun eating! frozen coc• CQL4 King Size! '8 paCk· ~ • : plus depcisit! Hydrox Cookies .. 49c Favorites from Sunshilie! 20 oz. pkg. Clorox Bleach ..... 55c . Big gallon• goes 90 far! kf Sl'WINGFlnD C Brea ast ... i~s1M~ .. 43 Package of ti envelopes! , ""BOIY 99c ALL New deodorant that worb! 5_oz aize i 1 Fleischmann' s Sfti99. · , ' GIN . T~. . . ' Monterey style from Knudsen 1 Ninety proof. hal • gallon aize, ' . . ' . ' .-_! Beef Tam~les ..... 59c . . . . \. . ' ·Lynn Wilson-choice of 2 sizes! 12 oz. ~ Brick Chili ......... 59e XLNT-so easy to serve! 8 oz. pkg. Taco Shells ........ 39e \ I '. La ,colonial· 12 ct· ready to use 7 days i. Tostado Shells .... 25c Los Pericos 12 ct pkg-the easy way! 12 oz . · Open daily 9-f • Sun. 10-7 ' Pric ... in effect ' Thur. 1htough .Wea. No Sales to deolers SHARP 9 oz 69C CHEDDAR · . . Knudsen's· aged 12 months or more! Seafood Sauce· IOl.jli ... 3!iC ----------Fi.sherioan'o Wharf tartar ~r cocktail' .U° Super fr.esh Produce ·lrB1hCnrn • j . .. • Large ears tender golden kernels burstiiig with sweeUlaror! Great with,fiaht ' . . . r>ln-eaplffe......... 9~. . Fr~sffte:nroris-;.-19 Large site maturity. fruit from Hawaii! Tangy juice -complementa fish! ·cherry Tomatoes29~ · ·Grapefruit Juice59~ Red, rilie and tatty! 12·or.-b11ket" • May ·3 through . g ' - ' I -1 HU~H PU PIES BREAK THE SILENCE . .\'(HITE.'"IREAD ·~ 4/lOO. RUD ............ 39' Looi !TALIAN 011.I fl:l51"'UfV.NT IAKilV-OltOc••T" aa11t-WINI - • .-. I • WedMidlY. May 2, 1973 AILY PILOT . •• ot.• FILLED POPCORN BAU..S beet _1 a..unce pacbgM, cream buttered """'*"' ' ., .. "Cneese • '-Blend ..-: cua111 "f ~ can deviled l\Bm ' ¥ ~ 'trio. deYlloctl,lolD. ~dd ' ' a lew tablespoons elf bOor' gradually unUI mlzllD'e Is IOlt "'10Ugh, lo sbapo iii"' bills. Sblpo Into l·lnc:h ball,s. Chill j . · ~llOl'Yillr, roll bills in · popcom . P....mc flOftly Into ~· : t dooen balls. • ' ' • ·~ ,,.-•, • ' I ' .... #. --. -. , ' '7fe ~rood o~ ·r·--· I, iz ounce package com bread mix ,..,.,:·····~-·· 608 EAST BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA • REFRIGERATED DELIVERY SERVICE: PHor• ~!0 ·,\' $PICJAU POI THURSDAY, FRIDA.Tr SATUIDAY. MA~)lt,'~ ...---"""""-+-------------------..... --------------~ TENDER I tablespoon dellydrated minced onion I egg I> cu{ beef_ oil or fat for frytn~ Combine corn bread mix, onion, egg and beer. Stir together until .well blended. Drop by spoon!~~~pending what size you wjmt) into prel!<iateq ~ fa;t'·"!; oil (ltiO def!I''!<• F.) and cook·lor 2lo 3 min1'les or until golden brown, turning bush puppies to brown evenly. · • . SWEET ~;:· tnn· N ), ~, t < •• ., ' -' ~ . . LARGE EXTRA FANCY SUMMER SQUASH PRINGL!is NEWFA~D • POTATO CHIPS (.> Remove with slotted spoon and drain on' absorbent paper. Repe1t .until all ~are done~ Server hot Y'I e I d : ap- prop.mately 24. (No_te ; Htish pus>eies may be pr~pared the day l)efore. Wrap_. IQ. foil and -~29' 2 L B $ 5' 5 ·PER DSL. . ' . • _ ,heal iii a·350 ~-J: • . . ';. ... - • I I f " ' ,, . ' . ' ' ' " 1•1 . . • JT -' . ~ . . . ., • -• • " '. IJKE-ICE - • 1 / We wanled to bring you UI a>al, full, rich -of ic:e CftOlft'ia our ice milk, end we wooildn't ..... fof anything else. &. we waited Iii ..,. to brine ,... Lean Line. It onlf hu .bout 90 QJoriet in a .f Pooilioo serying. And our revolulionaiy new formula makes~ lalte like ice c:r<em. Like· Chocolate ice cranl A(ill ' Vanilla ice cream. And SUawbeny Pwfoii ice cream. Arid Block Ra""'°"1 Ripple ice .-.n. AJMI ~' Chocolate Bila iCe Cream. T,Y iL lt'..-1-Line ·ice rMk. We mode it lute like ic:e oam ~ II'! · think your lute buds are u important M ,_ IP.)Jdiaa I• . . ,. . ~i.,a.a..r,..c..-I ... ..• t . PAC. • • • • • '1 l -'-~.-___:::.::.:~ ·::._:::· ·.:_· __._ _ _::_' _;;_' :...,.-.:::,:..::~-·:___----~.H:'--:---'--~· ·l __ , ' . I •• - ,• , • DAILY PILOT Berry Bes.fs Picked Near the IDP of the list.of the atrawberry shortcake, LI> cally grown strawberries are berries at their best, picked ripe and full o( sweet juices. 'Ibere are two schools of thought when it comes to shortcake base. Some bold for a sponge cake. Others, pro& ably Um majority , favor a biacult base. Both types o! shortcake are given here so that all shortcake fanciers may be pleased. Sometime during the berry season, a pie should be served, too . so a recipe for strawben'y 0< blueberry pie Is olfered. !iHORTCAKEDESSERT 11.2 cups sifted flour lf.t cup com starch 2 teaspoons baking powder in: teaspoon salt i;, cup margarine 11 cup milk l quart sliced sweetened strawberries, leave l O whole for garnish I> pint beavy cream, whip- ped Sift together • flour, com stareh, baking powder and 88it into mixing bowl. Cut in margarine with pastry blender or two knives until coarse crumbs fonn . Mix in milk with fork just unlit dough forms. Gently knead Oil lightly floured board Qr cloth 15 times. Roll out to 'h: inch thickness. Cut with floured 2~-inch blscu.lt cutter. Place · on ungreased cookle sheet. Bake in 450 degree oven until lightly brQwrfed, 15 to 20 minutes. Break blSCljit.1• •porl w)lllf. warm. but not llot.s,n.d bot- tom halYU wl!b qmprlDe and place oae ~ blll on · each desse~ plate. SpoiJn bell the sliced ~..,.., ~ halves. co..r with tuoult tops. Spoon on wblpped ~ and garnish wWt ,.mle bier- ries. Makes ibou(10 aervlng1. SPONGE SHORTCAKE l cup sirted confectioners sugar 213 cup slrted com starch 3 eggs, se parated 2 tablespoons water '4 teaspoon cream of tartar 112 t.easpoon vanilla Whipped cream Sliced. sweetened strawber- ries Sift I> cup IUgat and Cont starch twice. Beat egg wbitu, water and cream of tartar in large mixing bowl unUJ veey .. rt peaks ronn wbeo beater is raised . Gradually beat In re- maining Jil.z cup sugar; beating until stiff peaks form . Add egg yolks and vanilla; beat just until blended. Slit com starch mi1ture a little at a time over egg mixture , folding until well blended after each addilon. 'l\rm into 2 (8 J: l~-inch) ungreaaed round cake parw. ~ Bake in 350 degree oven 25 to 30 minutes or until cak~ springs back when touched. lmmedialely invert pans on wir e racks. C.001 completely. Remove fron1 pans. Makes 2 (g..inch J layers. Place one layer on cake plat.. Spread with whipped cream and spoon on strawber- ries. Top with second cake layer~Co er with remaining straw 1es and top with mou s of whipped cream. FRESH BEJ!!lY PIE 1 recipe double crust pastry for 9-inch pie 2~ tablespocm com starch I cu p sugar 4 cu~ rresh str<berrie s, cu t Jn half or blueberries Mis com starch and sugar, then toss with berries. Turn berry mixture lnlo postry-IJn. ed pie pan. Cut several slits In top crust lo pennlt escape of steam. Cover pie with top crust; sea l and Oute edge. Bake in 425 degree oven 35 to 45 mlnutes or until crust Is browned. fl.fakes 1 (9-inch) pie. Tiles Cleaned TUe grout in kitchens and bathrooms can be cleaned by brushing or wiping with a mix- ture of a third cltlortne bleach and two-thirds .1'11er. Al}ow to stand for 10 or J5 minutes and wipe off wlth a clean, wet cloth. This mixture can also be us- ed to clean and disinfect showeNJ. To remove mildrew In showers, use undiluted bleach. Kids,.Like To Ask And:v ., I • /' •• . . . . ~ • , STOii HOUISt JrQl.fM. 10 lJtl TO' PJl SAT. l SlJI. JOU. to 1 P.I. YOUR ALPHA BET A·i'EIGHIOl!HOOD llUTCH'R [1l£ MAN IN THO RED APRON) Pl<Ol.Cll.Y OfFER£ BUTCHEB.'S PllDE MEATS MWt YOUU~TO SDYI •QUALITY Nl)•SATISfACTIOff • DISCD'ltT mxD I WILSON'S SPARERIBS "BARBECUE FAVOl!lll" FRES!I FROZEN MEDIUM ~IE DUTCHBl'S PllDB FRESH GROUND BEEF ICONO PAK I I.IS. OI OVll GOLDEN CR[SP BACON 1-lB. PACKAGE LB. 1\ "CONVENIENT AHO DELIOOUS" '1 . IU!tABETA'S llJ?CBllfS PlllDI BE£f I Ii KARO'S .. / . HEAT &'SERVE7oc . . COD A~LETS o;_ ~u~m 109 -SMOKIES EA. . 1~· ' 11-:r '= 1 ~5 · USOA GRAllE A IEST OF DHUCg 95c IJOAST llMIE cur ... 7 5~ i1N'icJott•1MU~· =~~:rs 77J. 1ncnr1 rlllll • ESH FROZEN FRYER fANTA >TIC OISCOllhl~ l\FP.f OAY 89c 63• SAUSAGE LI. = NCUIE ,._ _______ :=s ~-65< LEAN GROUND 119 BEEF PAmEs LB. ' FANTASTIC: n1~r1111NT ' E Vl Ii I ll ft V ORlL B I TOOTHBRUSHES .,. CHILO SIZE •JO JUNIOR SIZE ·~o . •60 ADULT SIZES .47• ,55c 79c ' I \ I ~ irnEN'S EXTRA DRY ,.i.7, 'jiii' SKIN FORMULA G f4NfASTIC Ol~C O'.JNT S EVERY [AY 11~11ou1e (8LYSDL ....... DISINFECTANT 1 ~ ioWL'CUlNER @Sii.a'N'WlaP <§ u'OJ 'ilAMDIWRAP f8 afNumsoi.iD '··" ...... AIR FRESHENER (8 ·~ils6tis'TLED6E ....... FDINITUR£ POLISH 77• 60• I A!i l ASTIC 0 ,('Jl;N~' !VEHY (1Af • ~ r.;;:;;:.. "":."""'• . ..,,.. "°"""' sac ~ PAnCAKE MIX 8iNtENSIYE CARE ji;ij' BABY POWDER •.O-t Bd..,. 0 .1 ,.a..-,. lcib, Lo•- r.;;:;;:.. C-'el• k!•. 11 ~ 1 ss ~ Nice l Euy Ha ir Collr "59• TUMS'MiXED FUYDRS 12• •·O• • Tahlllon U..W COMMAND DEODORANT SPRAY "' COYER GIRL LIPSTICK '"· cOvrii Giat' i.1ak£-up 140 CoYffGIRLC OMPACTS 140 J..Snoott.. Na!urol lolh MoK.n \.II llloi!;-cithwn MAYBELLINE DEMl·LASHES 11• (8 HWALESSENCE ~ SHAMPOO 89• h-.-'!\ (8 SUDDENIElUfi 57 )IOii' HAIR SPIAY c , PtUHURY R.ouR 64• liOWNleMix· 51• ...-!$Cm· M'tx 47· @li'frt~N MIX 13• DOUIU MW! DOUllll SAYINGS AT t>11A NTA • DMOa. tJ4tcO!lftt\ °'' e • Wtl'llOI 111 91Hitfe.il lo - ,...,._ low cfltOOlll'll ~ "' p..y .,, MCldf pou!Wt "1 ....... , ,..,ct.. " "-... ....,,_,.._ .. ............ ...,.. wHITT:'Kl~'D' 61 1~ DETERGENT I ! I . -----~---, I -801 WHITE KlllQ SOlP 4 68~ • ---~---------- -I c I I • ------------- I I i I I ' -------__ _. __ _ -IOI SALVO DETEllBEllT TABLETS· I I ------------- 12--0\IU IOI IYORf I FLlllS 88' -------_l ____ _ I ' • ' i· ., --~-----..---- LTXIOlllf ~:a l r you 5 9 .• 64 * throughout the store. ~<XlllilBOTnl FRESH MlllT YEL LIQUID • • W~ntsda,y, M1y 2, llt7J WHITE ROSE DISH DETERGENT RED RIPE TOMATOES NEW POTATOES .c c USlfTS LB. .LB. WHOLE WATERMELON RHUBARB ASPARAGUS t . . ' I TENDER GREEN . c RED c CRIMSON RIPE RED LB. LB. GARDEN LETTUCE FRESH GREEN CABBAGE '2.(UICI BOffi! WISK .HUVY DUTY LIQUID DmRGENT GARDEN FRESH BUTIER OR RUBY RED c LB. LEAF .7·5C IBESC PRODIJCl PlllCJS lHECllYE ' Y 3-9, lliURS. TIUIU D. . ' ·' • ------------- fDRIVE ·~,., I .,. • FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS EYERl' DAY ... ,., .\\~l!A ~l l/ 01~COUtll '~•Cl 35c 41< @Mfoiu..!'P'El:S'""' 33• ©~f!0:irJf~~:~, l 5 5 @vttlkiiECAMP.siilts 51 c 901 "°''" r. ,_.. Mio: ------------ (!.(II.INC[ BOK CHEER DmRGENT • 0 IP.""' 1 J(dl.;..(.~< ., IMITATION ICE MILK t o, · 4 11.-1e .. n · r.,,,.,~ JOHNSTON YOGURT 58• 42• 27• llUlLITT BAKERY l T DISCOUMT PRICES . •• Q....-~ \(K'I I j ' ~ (l';::.) Rl'HA B~A 10,8% 39 < Wholl WllJat lread . lltll£i . '""if' . ' ;• BEL [ DAlllS ate . Al ND RING ' M!N'7u'NJ£ ., • JH LAYER CAKE ' lll'MI ICTI • 10.0. ""Q Gt..t ....it11 3 9c DESSUT LAYERS .......... ' I\,,. llTRt'• o, Lou1 37• GIANT B AD 6Qc r ! \ .,..:,. " ·, "ANTASTIC Ol'iC.OUiiTS EVERY DAY CALGONITE ~ 3'> CJl llOX • Au'"""'' DISH DETERGENT ~s'OFfe'LuT'eoMNET MARGARINE ~sotsPruo~.:.. MARGARINE rl"..::. \ K'osil[ii 'fR41lKFURTERS . OR KNOCkWURST @iAi:.o 's'Hrus ' }.\P++• tli.T~ 01\tOu:1l " fql~l 58< 39• 129 43• c El. FANTASTIC OISCOUN~S EVERY DAY .. l (Pt\A Hll ~ OllCOIJNl Fff!r.l (§H'u0N'Fs'~oRK & BEANs27< © HUNT:S TOMATO PASTE 15• © Huflrs"iDMATo sAucE 15· 801 M...,,....,_,. lk -H'uflfs'NEW POTATOES 32• "'"""""" HUNT'S RED BEANS 'II)°"""~ (.p<o HDNT'S CHILI BEANS I @Pii'ilii 'i 0BEANS @Cof'FEE°CREAMER 33• 35• 16< 69< I WE WELCOME FOOD STAMP SHOP!'ERS IN Alr'f lOS Al'ltf:ll\ IUVU:Slot Oii OllA"'( C0UM1'T Al.'1IA Ill• ., FANTA STIC DISCOUNTS EVERY OAT © i'iiSTANl: p'o'i'Ar6Es © NOODLES. ROMANOFF @ltoTPl'P'Pus I ••-"'V• '"'' • lJ'.>-OI MAINE SARDINES "01 t ,.. • ' Vno•!"•e~ KAL KAN CAT FOOD © BOWL 'Cl'.run <§ oRiiil'oiiEN'n @wiNoow0ciiA'4n © wO'Otov['WA'sif @scou'iiiNG PADS <§> Ci:AMATo iuicc • l Al'"" I ll• O!>COUNI 1'111Cr 54• 49< 21·· 23• 18<. 55• 62• ' 43' 40• 19' 41/ DAILY P1l01' Horse Sense? Jockey Eats ' Little By JOHNA BLINN NEW YORK -"lf you eat too much. you get sJua&lsb. "'When the horst haa an empty stomach ht has more space to breathe and l think: it's just about the 58me with a jockey ... Ron TU.rcxic.tt .said. digging into 1 well-seasonNt shish kebab. The F' r e nc b-Canadian jockey will ride Secretariat. the Derby ravorite, in the an· nual Running of Roses on May 5 in Louisville. •tis wire, Gay helps him at . home , acting as his trainer and carefully keeping him on an 1100 calorie, hi1h protein di el "Gay sure stops me rrom rating a lot ol things. My food styles have dtange<I a lot from the logging camp.·• Believe it or not. Ron was a mini· lumberjack in the canadian woods be£ore be comine a jockey at 19. "Your stomach changes and shrinks when you eat less. Pretty soon you fltld you don't ~eed that much food." It is 'surprising to see ho" little he actually consumes In a day, A. typical day's menu con- sists or grapefruit. cereal and coffee for breakfast, an early lunch of eggs Md ham or cor- ned beef hash, and an early dinner of broiled m e a l. vegetables nnd salad. "We have the same basic menu for our daughters." Gay explained. "Ron stays away from thf' starches: -he's prtlty good that way and tht girls just eat more of everything we do serve. We never eat des. sens." "Ron can hold his own in thl kitchen making French toast for the girls on Sunday but ~ selcbn eats what he coob." Gay said. ' "That's because I'm a lousy cook!'' Ron said. 111 worked as a cook in the lumber camp one winter back In 1964. It was all pretty heavy food : ham and eggs for breakfast with beans and potaloea. 1 only cooked as a job; I never liked it?" Ron is proud U> be riding Secretariat tn what will be his fourth Derby try. <He won last year rldlni Riva Ridge.) What does he think about his chances for a winner this year? 11WeJl, 1 woul dn 't change with anybody. "Everything Secret1riat does. he doe> just righl I'm not superstlllous and I doo't carry a rabbit's foot -only a whip! I ride each race trying to do my best." Gay claims she's afraid or horses. although "Our girls love to go to the track with their father when he'1 nol working. They sometimes talk about becoming jock<ys or golfers, whatever they 5et on 1elevh1ion." RON TUl\OOTl'E'S Sllll!R KEBAB A LA LE JOCKEY CLUB 3 tablespoons olive oil 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice I ~2 teaspooM ground &ina:er 1 teaspoon coriander I clove garllC!, pre~ 1 •,~ teasoon curry powder, op- tional I teaspoon sa lt I teaspoon garlic salt 1 pound leg of lamb cut Into 2-lnch -4 small tomatoes l medium-sized creen pep- pers cut lnto 21h inch squares I cup mushroom caps (fresh or canned) Combine olive oll, lemon juiCt!, ginger. cor I and er , garlic, curry powder, salt 1M garlic salt ; mix well. Add lamb. Chlll W boors, turning lamb occa.sionallJ. ArTange lamb on 4 akewen. Reservr ollvt o 1 I tnlxturt. Broil lamb 3 or 4 Inches from source of ~at or cook on &rill 5 to 7 minute!, lum. Place tomatoes , green pt!>' pen a n d mushrooms Git skewer ii. Brush lamb and ve~ctablcs y,•\th rematnlng olive oll mlxh1re. Cook 5 n\inutes longt!:r, or until lamb Is desired d<gree of dontneu. Serve on • bed ol hot coolied white or brown rice. For a 11lntmln& m e a 1 , sublltltuto a good bottled lo• calorie 1talan dre11ln1 !tr oil and lemon juk:e, and skip rloe. l I ' .... , , 1 ' ' I • ' . • • ;: •• ,. • .- • l~ J . ! • ' I I • • • • • • t . . • • I • i • I ' i • l ! I • • ' . • ' l ' ' ' : ' I ! • ! . l • ' l ) ' ~ . l ! ' • • • • . . l • ' •: . . . i • . .... \ -.. • -· I • 119 IWLV PILOT Wednfiday, Ma~ 2, 197) WedMMla:t, Ma:t 2, 1913 PILOT-ADVERTISER J$ filow to Convert a Meat-and Pptatoes Spot1s~ • • 1 I r , , • Trimming the food budgel 2 1able1poons lloor Add !lour IO pan wilh teaaon-BEAN CoRHY SOUP tender, about 30 mlnulet. u.. lat JI dealrecl or with erumed spinach, ~teas-ult lor__l meat and potalOet man \', teaspoon each: ground tnss. Gradually wb!U In mllk "l cup yellow aplll peas slotted spoon to transfer beans I cup !lour -may bt ball ar pureed fruit or crisp bacon Dash pepper (or woman) ls • challenging pepper, paprika, savory, and cook. sllrrtng conotantly 4 Into blender. Pour in aboul 2 all *>le wheot strips. Dub ganlc powder aaslgnmtnt. ~Utut.es such marjoram over medium beat until mix· eups water cups of the bean water and 'k teaspoon salt • Melt butter ln large heavy u casserole .melange and 'ti teaspoon ground nutmeg, ture thickens. 1 envelope or equivalent dry add remaining ingredients ex· Butter 4rr marsarine 'BEAN AND lSARLlfY Sl'EW pot or saucepan. -Saute onion IOmalo surprise are apt to dry muatan1 Add about ooe cup or Ibis milk powder lo make I cept corn and pepper. Put evOrylhlng except the 2 tablespoou buller or unUJ lender. Add "'"1ery and ellc~ groall.'I and possibly I quart mlllc -dry nonfal, white sauce 10 the blender. quart milk Pur<e smooth. Reltlm lo butter ln'9 t!lll blendOI'. Whir 'Pl!'£arine cook 3 minutes m<re. Add re- downrlght rebellion in lhe reconatitul<d, 0< wbnle Whir Ulltil smoolh. Poor this 4 INspooo eaq,: 1 a 11 , saucepan. Sllr in com. taste smoolh. Heal IJ"lddle Ol' fl1ing i& 'cUP dlopped oo1on malning ingrodlellla, 'bring to nks Put tlDll In bleoder con· rnllture lnlO the remaining gnllllld. CIDDin and correct seasoning. Heal pan. Greue with buller. Poor \& lsJp cbolll"'d celery boU, <Over and simmer 30 ra Bui; cleverly bandied, lhe tainer. Cook ..,._li .., in-,.uce In the pan, tasle, eot• I modlum onlnn and serve hot lapped wil.h a In batter lo make ! Inch cakes. 4 etiJis waler mliitileS. sllrrlnc OCiOOaionally. exploratlon o! alternate pro-dical<d In a % quart ssucepan reel ,..soning t'modhnn clove garlic fresh lwisl of pepper. Makes Saule over medlum hul unlll 1> cup dried leollls Qieclt leollls ... """"""'3. leln !oods can be a laste-u-and tranafer with juiceo IO I.be The aoup may be chllled un· l' olb -16 ounces corn about 11> quarts. brown on liolh sides. 4 cups dried blaCteyed peas Take one cup of alew out of ponding advenlUre In good blender. In the aame pan, mell UJ ne<ded. Before serving, mi< kttn<la, undrained BLINTZER CAKBS Tum when lhe lop bubbles a 'h cup barley , wbole the pol, pour Into lhe blender, 94ttng. CUtting out beef will butter. Add onion and saut.e well and beat over low flame, Frt9b ground pepper to bit and the sides. are firm. ¥.a cup carrots, sliced blend until smooth for a not.only help beat the budget, until tender, aboul 2 minutes. stirring. M"akea about 1111: taste 2 eggs Serve hot . Makes 2 cups bat· 2 bouillon cubes (bee{ or thickening withoUt flour and a ft also helps to lower 8 hlgb, __ Tr_ans_f_er_om_·o_n_to_bl_end_er_. _q.:..u_arts • ....,,.. ________ s_imm_er_be_ans_111_· _w_a1_er_un_ti_l __ 1 _cu.:.p_co_l_W.:..g•_.c_he_ese __ 1_ow __ 1e_r,_about __ :M>_cal<es __ ._Gooc1 __ as_ls __ c_hi_ck_e_n>c.,_ _____ h_earli_·er_ta_s_te_. _· __ _ cholesterol count / '!be stem food lraditionaUst woo~ be swayed by these f~ alone, thougb. What you need is accept.able meal alternates:. Food technologists were asked what they would do and ~ came up with the following recommendations. They agreed that the two tnost c o m m o n complaints about mee\tle.ss meals are: The subslltule pretends lo be sdmetbinlJ it isn't and it's · often a hodgepodge or lhings 50 you can't tell what it is you're eating. The suspicious diner reels that oomelbing awful is being fobbed off on him and he doesn't like it. 1be way to banish these rears. I h e technologists say, is to drop all pretense and honeslly ad- mit that whatever you've prepared ls NOT steak. LET 'EM llAT CAKE 1 pound cooked fresh or can- ned fish I small onion l small stalk celery Or i;l cup sliced celery lops Handful parsley, preferably flat 1talian 1A cup (in stick) butter or margarine 3 slices fresh bread 2 eggs Salt and pepper to taste Whir all the ingredients together in blender until just smooth. Fonn int.o four cakes . Place on a plate, cover and chill 30 minutes or longer. Saute in melted butt.et or margarine until golden brown . Serve with lemon wedges iF desired. Makes 4 cakes . WHIZ-BANG PUDDING OF THE SEA 2 eggs J/i teaspoon salt 2 teaspoon ground allspice '· 1 teaspoon ground white (or black) pepper I/, cup cream 1,s cup nonfat dry milk powder 1 pound fresh , frozen, or thawed fish fillets ~ any kind Preheat oven to 300 degree F. Put everything in blender and whir until smooth. Grease a small (21h: cup) mold or loaf pan. Pour in pud- ding. Put this pan in a larger one. Fill the outside pan with simmering waler. Bake at 300 degrees F. for 30 minutes or until a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Serve Mt or cold, unmoldcd or sliced in the p~. Makes about 2 cups. Freshly grated florseradish is a nice but non· essential condiment. SAVORY SUPPER SOUP l can (about 7 ounces) tuna. drained 1 box (10 ounces ) rrozen broccoli or cauliflower, cooked 5 minutes in 1h cup water seasoned with J teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butler or margarine I smaU onion, s~1 Spin9ch Sau teed A light, delicious dish which is best complimented taste- wise with a contra sting vegetable such as sauteed car· rots or yellow squash. SPINACH CAS.SEROLE ~4..cup raw brown rice !.i cup shredded Ch c d d a r cheese 2 eggs1 beaten 2 tablespoons chopped par· sley \~ teaspoon salt y, teaspoon pepper I poond fresh i;pinach, washed and chopped 2 tablespoons wheat germ J tablespoon butter or mar· garine melted. Cook lice, following label dJrectlons. Combine lhe cook- ed t:lce and<liteSe. Combine the e&8''· parsley. salt and pepper. Stlr the two mixlure:s ~ and add lhe raw spTltach. Pour Into a .butt.red 10 cup .;aswole dt.h. Top with wheat germ whldl llu.J>etn mixed with the -mell<d butter. Bake al 350 d.,,..U fur 3ii millbtes. Mnkes 4 terVlnp, ea<h 23 per- cent or lfle fle(ommended D.tlly Pro!tl.n Allqwance . • FRESHNESS DATED MEAT MASTER MEATS DELICATESSEN DEPARTMEfYT -.......... PRODUCE DEPARTMENT A ll'!CIAl COlllUU010N Ofl RALPtfl OMMIND Itel' AHO 1"D1VMD IOf PAOTllN. fl'llh Fryers ..,."':.'"_ ... 43 ... 88 U..1.D.A. Qoloe-,._,. ..__ Small Loin Chops .. 1.88 u.&.D.L Cllioloe-""" Lanb Shoulder Chops .. 1.28 ---Portlon-F'"" Port< Shoulder Roast l'rMh-Utlltda.t Port<Chops ----Meaty Loin Fork Ribs Ff'Mll lhouklerc.t Fork Steaks --Com Dogs "°::::..°" C.ltWCvtRlb Smoked Fork Chops Hot or Mid :..1 lb. ROii Jimmy Dean Sausage LY« lnnd-111:We11-l0&. l'lcg. Port< Unk Sausage llloed-1 lb. Plebg9 'Evergood Bacon MAY4-13 ... aa ... 88 lb. ~88 .. 1~09 ... ea .. 1.88 .... 98 .... 48 ... • 98 Prlctt elTecllY• ... , 3 lhrvugh •. _.en Tortillas ••• ,.,.._,_....o1. Beef Tamales ~89 lb. .15 --.... 88 ~1• .. .. -.28 Ralplt1-o.lldou1 Beef Wlenels ' .-. Avocados ....... -.......... Tomatoes ·--Cucumbers ,.. ... 29 . 120&. .76 ...,_ .... Cut ClllCk Roast .A&ex-XLNT IMft..CllMM or eeer e...1111os • ... .n R1.,..1-CIHartll: ltyll Monterey Jack Choose .. 1.08 Onloft-Cl1m-O.,.-I.,_. & Olllori Rods Party Dips Ookl-N-loft 11"b ... 88 ...... 16 --·· Valencia Our.gas ,.... .18 • ... 47 ... 48 -. ·-Alll"' ... 88 ... 86 _Soft Margarine Knfl--• ... --mlb. American Cheoee Food -~~ ... _ 1 ... 88 1.66 FWldlmun-21'ub SEAFOOD DEPARTMENT Diet Soft Mqslne a.llDll-1M , ... 41 ~ Bouquels -.87 Mixed BouqUels -.. u -Fiiiet of Sea Baas ·-Fiiiet of Rock Rah LIQUOR .. 1.89 lb. 1.19 2.99 .8.79 tlftll 8.98 Soft Margarine w.-DAIRY Orange Juice --' Chlvo Dressing . iHOUSEHOLD •' , ... 46 41DL .71 ..... 47 IMf--~-15 ..... -111 Net Set 1\lmblerS ... • -----.. -Teflon Grtddle Pans -8.88 ..... .._ ____ _ Garden Hose -4.88 8 98 -Colooo-~-IW- "'Jll • Playbal~ -.48 BAKER'fo,DEPAFmlENT ....... •-Herden-Cnolcednut ..... 39 ....... .... Bread ........ 46 Pt ... -FrelhhUd Clmamon Rolls -·· llllph9-Dellc:SM• Lamon Tea Cakes ·----Angel Food Loaf ----Apple Pies __ ._ ...... Calfee cakes ..... 66 r.79 .... 86 THIS IS RALPHS SUPER CENTURY 1873·1973 .98 ... 72 -· = 1.18 ... Iii -· ·.: 1.18 .... 42 ... ,, .. aa ..... ,.,. ... 88 .... . .... 84 .... . .... 48 ..... Pbift* l~.87 -·-68 ..... 8lnftol '"'.; • Ou 11 ...,..,.__._..,..,, .... 1 86 Slmd'lllt.y ..... . ... 49 -· PANTRY FILLERS M.111-AI ClltllMM 1 II. 91 Grow1d con. -• """'IOllJ ...... .:..... a Lhtt •• 18 Kai Kan cat Food -• "-P-AMMli ... 79 Spaghelll Saa ,.. • OOlilllll OtlM-Wll Ai• 68 Rice A Rori Mx ,... • Al .....,._boept OllWllll.... 80 Cln1lda Illy --= . __ ..,_ 81 eon. CNlll1lr 11; • .......................... , ... '81 sm.d DIS ulng -• -...0.~....... •.. 18 Kai Kan Cit Food •.: • $+EVERYDAY LOW PRICES I llC Frtft Drinks ( ".:.29 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS .14 ..... 81 --...... .... . .. .. 86 -. .... -· ..... ..... .. ... -.... .• , ... 83 •.• HEALTH & BEAIJTY AIDS FROZEN FOOD PANTRY FILLERS PANTRY FILLERS PANTRY FILLER$ HOUSEHOLD NEEDS ....... Crnt l'Ootll ,Qt9 :,: .II ----ArtMtlt Pain '°'91111 "!: .11 _ .. .._ .... CoMpOl Tlbltltl ':.: 1.00 ..,_, ... ..__, ..... .... "'" ::;.,,Ip _,_ :.11 =--.: .. __ • ...,_ •:.01 _.., CMn:ln•Wwtlll' =--,...., ..... ounrom 4:.:: .u -.en.-------· •..;.- ~· ~=-~l ".: .10 .. _ ... Pruit Ca aid• .: .30 -·-Kroft·-\ ".: .11 -·-llllpbo -.I:; ..r ---,_ .. ....... a..-....... OlllllN , __ ' . ..... 1"""9f-conw. ..... tfl•lllPOO = .. --. F.D.S. F""""'9HJ ... 11'.: 1.17 ,,., ...... " ':::1.aa c:.HP--__.._"'._ ----_.,__ = ....... ....__, .. 1lntof lloalla ':.; .N •,:;.n •,;2.11 Ww;'l •n•• 1 lllMDn•••••· -----n•...,.. .... C:..Colo ------ .... 11 "i: .Tl .:.::;.- ~-- --,.. .... --,_.,,,. .. _ Cffeco lfMNt I nlHI ....... .... ·---... :t.n .... --=~.-.. .. __ ---·-o ... ,..,. _....._ .... --_ .. Col&.-. .. .. = .. ,. •.;1.1t , I • , • • .,.......,., M>)' z. 1973 'Good Buy' Meat , ---------' t • -• :c·~uo.1< Tempts Carefree Cook Boek dlu!'k cuts are among and chan&• ol pac:o. The llquid I packa&• dri<d onloo soup C.ver ollvea with fmh tap th o l .Ute. ·~ 'Is a acrumplloos wine, onion mix waler; soak uotll oeeded. Ill .,.., ..,,..P ce the "good buy!' and tomato-~ flnt i>_twpoon prllo powder a.Inch electric fry (Jiii "Ith lide ol Ille coin. to ..,mate the meal. 19 teaspoon 8!'IJUOd clov,. heat cootrol 111'1 al 3llO Why, lben, do oo many of us Any cqt .of. clluclt can bo I t•Neoponn Found parsley degrees, brown chuck cubes limit our preparotlon of chuclt cubecl, trimmed ·of (It and us-flakes well on all sJdes In bot oil to roosts for polllnr, steaks ed lo this elepdtly d!Umnl I' bay leaf Push beef cW>es to one aide for bolllna and ground clwck creamy Beef Slew w I t b I tablespoon salad oll of fry (Jiii. Add onions lo emp- for an -.......ion ot Olives, (By Ille viay, cubing 2 tablespoons all-purpose ty area (ll neceWry, add I hamburger dlnnera! beef at home taW but Oour tablespoon oil); aute onlona Tall< heart! Chuck, 1 le.. minutes and o~ proves 1' cup cold water unW UgbUy bmmed. Add te~ meat out, blossoms eheaper than p u r.c ha s Ing 6 carrots, peeled and cut In soup, tomato Jubt, beer, - with the >low MOtiq and ready-cut stew iiieat.) The thirds per and boy leaves. !lrilll( Iv culloary hnaglnatlon that !Int eleclric fry (Jiii lpin malles ll small whllaonlcio), peeled boil, then turn heel coo1"'1 made beef stew I n I o the cooking carelfte. 1' pound whole gr... beans down mrtil !igbl goes out (aim- bourguignon. Chuck steaks, good when Place mea t in large bowl mer ·point). , With the l>elp of an electric broiled. also .,. great used Oombine red 'line. tomatoea • C.ver and almmer I hour 15- fry pan you can make chuck for Swtaa. ~ w;vided you -ooup mis, brllc powder' ~es or unW meat la =-~:.. m ~t I nit. ·l'.1 ¥h ~ loe:, a:; clovtl, P11'119 flates and ha; ~· = :'r!"~DJ. Easy Beef A W. :. iif !lelk.1 lea/; pour o'll!I' meal. C.ver musbrooroa lo contents of fry similar lo \h!it.......,. · ·· and refrigerate over Vighl, pan, stirring lo com!Jloe. eo .. roast, mtiele wllb \ . BEEF A LA MODE turning once. Unue cooting until warm and' ~ Ill · • r pDl1llda boneless beef R e m 0 v 11 meal from tluooghout. Serve over rice or pot. t • '~ rolled and llod t noodles ii deslttd. <Mates C ·Jill 'tlle' aimaikir ' i,IOIP Nd wine marinade; 1 dry. In !:!-inch servinp. . • ,'1' ~.~ ... J/-Clll,(lS '.=\. ) toma~ electric fry with heal coo-Note: Mdllioaal tomato ar-i -.W add ..,., ••cvl·tD,piecet trol set. at 3'l degrees, brown fulce and/or bee1' may be ad- • . / I meal well on al aides in I ded if thloner sauce fs desired. r tablespoon bot oD. Drain OJ:· from South 1 cessollfromftypan. HORSERAllISB Sll'ISS Add IIl'!rlna<\e. Br!J18 liquid ·STEAK lo lull boll, then turn heat con· trol llown until · I goes out (simmer point). ver; sin>- and riter n: into sauce z boneless chuck '!l<Ab. I· inch thick (about ~ ' pounds ) jV. cup Oour Praline ! Preserved Found: pralines that teep C.Ok over medium heal, well for averal weeks witb>ut sUrrlng a few times, until mer z· ho~. blne Ooor in fry pm. . ' onions and gi:eet1 beans c.ver and simmer 45 minutes more. To serve, ar,ange meat and vegeeables oo. .p~tler; -sauce. Makes 6 setvings. ' 1 tabl espooo wad oil CHUCK POT WATCHING: ROAST IN ELECTRIC FRY PAN 2 cans (1 pound each)!r-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;~i;i;;;ii;i;;;;,;i;ii;.,ii;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, tomatoes ......... ..i .. n." This recipe comes .. _ .... ""6 dissolves and mixture from a "'°" who ""' up ID lo a boll. • Louisiana and married a Yankee. C.Otinue boiling, wtthou~ But lradilioo goes deep; stirring. unW mixture reaches even though this cook oow 23\ d~s on a candy lives In the East she still thermometer or until syrup, makes pralines from a recipe 1 wbeo dropped into very cold esteemed in Acadia.ti. country. water, forms a soft ball that AOADIAN PRALINES · flattens • on removal from ' 'water. Remove from heal .. ---Add pecans and vanilla, stir~ lcupqar %: cup heavy cream 3 tablespoons dark syrup corn ring until creamy and misture coven pecallll with a slightly opaque coating. I/II tea_, bating ooda l/16'1easpooo salt 1 ·90p pecan ba1ves Wteaspooo vaniJla lo a heavy 2-quart saucepan slil!together the sugar, cream, corn syrup, baking soda and salt. ! 10C . I I I I } I ' • Drop by beep i ng lea· spocDuls onto wax paper. Cool •. Stoni. between layers ol wax paper in a tightly cov· ered tin boL Makes 20 t9 24 two-inch pralines. - CREAMY BEEF ill'EW WITH OLIVES ll small stuffed olives, slic· ed and rinsed I 211.i pounds lean b on e d chuck, in 1 li2 ~]Jh.cubes 2 tablespoom1 d oil 2 large onions. in JU.-inch slices 1 can (10~~) ounces cream of celery soup Y.ii cup tomato juice ;i cup beer 14 teaspoon pepper 2 bay leaves l can (4 oun c e s) mushrooms, drained (oir tional) ( 2 la rge onions, chopped I 1easpoon celery aalt Y• teaspoon-garlic powder 11' teaspoon ground cloves \<o teasi-ipepper 2 tablespoons horseradish Preheat .12-lnch <leclric fry pan with heat oon!tol aet al 350 cre.r..s. Trim steab" ... cess Tat. Pound 11om-· Into -meat until entire ¥.& cup-fipur is used . Pour oil into preheated fey Jlilll; brown steal< '!!' ~~ sides. Combine remairilng ~ gredien.ts and pour over steak in fry pan. Bring liquid lo a lull boil; turn heal control down until light goes out ( sim- mer point). Cover and simmer 1 hour. Tum meat in fry pen. Cover and simmer 1 hour longer. Makes 4-5 servings. I 10C: ., I j I I - • / Best Idea Since Shopping Carts Now you can do a week's shopping without forgetting a single item! Use pre-printed shop- ping lists prepared for you by PILOT PRINTING. 140 separate printed items, plus additional spaces you can fill In younelf. Just chec:lt 'em off - 34 St•pl11 21 VogetoblH 14 Fruit• 6 Bakery Items S Bever•9ff 19 Mui ind fl1h entrlu 11 Do!ry It..,,. 20 MIK•ll•neous Two-year supply (I 04 tom) furn- ished in convenient ta.:-off. ptod for just $1.00 (postage pi.ptoid) SEND IN CQUPON TODAY AND BECOME A SUPER SHoePER , ................... . . ' . • Fiii In thl1 coupon, cllp •nd mall with $1 to: 8 • Piiot Printing Shopping Lian • • Pott ~le• ~ 1540 . • 8 Costa IMN, Callfornl1 92626 a • • •............................... ., .......• • • • • l .......................................... . . . ................ ' ........... _;_ ..........• . -. . .. _ .. __ .. _ . •••••••••••••••••••• , DAILY PILOT 0 I . ' ... .,, ' I • . , • . II DAILY Pim ~ ·, rJ . su ·nshine Fruit s·righten Shish Kebobs I .LET'S ASK 11 NAN WU.KY bananl, lit tlll' nu.cl coccnut pmlsh. got u"2 ftdpes wrllo lo N• food ocall ol.·Amerlcan HO(lle. ealls lor t C1itl! What do you lo Ibo UUe. '!be no THr. COOK 111c11 te-lemon Julct. Fold orange plces, sliced Wiley, Drawer NN, Pharr, Whenever I am asl<ed tp do ii lbe redi>e calls for com book. However, this Ame/lean C lllll:e .. llWIYol,..._ Mis gelstln and sugar In banana and COCUIUt Into Teus'l8517.Noaelf4ddttsaed sugg~ suitable book! for syrup ind you have none on Home cool<hool: comes very f..-more srape!nltl ftldpes saucepan. Add cold water. SUr ielstln. Pour lnlo a 41> cup envelope Is needed this Ume. bridal &how"' or ono ror any hand! Does It make aay di!· close i... ~ the oronge and over beat until dissolved. Add mold or Individual molds. Chill One ol the bigesl, brightest beginning cook I always stan feren<e what nour or baking Ju~ doo't band the bride 1 U-"!,.... 1J11pofnllt 1tllOlll ore over -orange and lemon juice!. Ollll until firm. Sme with mayon· sod best cookbooks lo come with a 1ood basic one that will p0wder you °""? gourmet (whatevtr lbat Is) _, ""'"1 eapOclally good grapelrult -until parUally set. nalR, whipped cream or off the press recenUy Is the ans-most ol. lbe questioos Back lo dir c o o k boo k cookbook. She will be so '-'----- here are• couple more. Peel and segment lb e dessert topPlng. "New American Home All· bound .tq crop up. review. No one cookbook scared she'll never get past II)' bulband Is such a grape-oranges. Cul In pieces reaerv· Rmember, ~you would like Purpose COokboal<'1 edilecl by How ffill\Y boxes 'Of brown covers 'eve~g so bewm TV-dlnnen....Tbat • tlnd con £rullnut heeabawhoteone1_:1n~g~a:...::~=w=wbo:::::f=•=aegine:::::="=~=f=~~lhe::.::..='r=~=bookl:.:.:.:=e=t=fro=m-w_ru_·ch_I_Fra __ oc_e_s_M_._er_a_wf_ord_and __ the __ w~g~a-r_oo~y~ou-bu~y-i_flh~e-re_ci:~:::o:f~t-hose::.::..=lba::.::..t=~=t-"=co=m~~=•=~="_.:_come:=:..::~=t.r~.-----~-------~ !or lireaklut every "10rnlng. I No C2irlstmas or birthday gUt c.1579-l«lll for.,_.,..,.. -1""-c.1 coloct w loll ... ' • pie.-bfm more than a buRt of any ll'Ult. He likes niby red grapell'Ult bell but ..in eat anyling. even canoed lrull wben be can't gel alJ1lblng else. I like lhls one for "Wa!WI Kabobl." You "111 need I> cup butter, y,. mp pineapple juice, 2 tablespoons lemoo juice, 3 tableapoo111 brown sugar, I> teasp>OO (udi) ground cloves and dry llldStard, I pound cooked barn cllunq, Ix! I> ioch • • :\ • 1----each, -1-Wl drained pineappl• Cllaml<s (Uouncesl and I large orange aklnned and cut into , I. aeclioos. 1 Melt the butter in a small Saucepan. Add plneapple and lemon juice, brown sugar, clove1 and dry m1.11tard. Cook Bnd beat until bot. I Thread ham, pineapple, and .tnnee clwnks on ske•en. 'tine those up on a broiler pan lnd spoon part of butter sauce over kabobs while broiling. Spoon rest of sauce, while broiling kabobs for about five lninutes. Tum once. Serve .over hot buttered rice or noodles. It's a relatively ecoOomicat dish as is "Jellied Ambroata." The dessert is fairly low- calorie, too. You ·will oeed I eEYelope ·unnaY<nd gelatin. lit cu -s ugar, 'h""CalY'cold~water, 114 cups real orange juice (fll)t orange drink), 2 oranges, 1 ' ' What vons value means to vo11 Vons Value Means Our Owa Bakery ... Volue means mu(h more Thon just low pric« lions ¥olue 0150 means a dnty af a Oen, a at Von1. Vons Yolue, for instance, meonl complete liquor d1partment, quanty USDA bakery goods delivered o<ren-fresh lo you Choice meats, the finest fruits and from our own bakery. Breads, po1!ri.i, vegetables, o greater selection of popular cokes ore all mode right here in Sollthern brands in the sizes you wont, friendly, Colitornio using the fineO ingredientl. • .ond cour1eous personnel who ore always onx.· no preservatives added! ious fo• Mrve you better and Blue Chip VOIS VALUE BAKERY. . Vona own bakery, fresh"8SI, qua/Uy. select/on. ·-· -- Stomps. .39 .89 VOIS VALUE PRODUCE Nature's be8f delivered fresh dllfy , FLORIDA PINK l GRAPEFRUIT :iw~~r ANOJ ... ICY Von Enrlcbld Bread Vonc B111na Cake ------~.-~ ____________ .. STRAWBERRY 79 F h I II Sq h RHUBARB PIE 8 ;, ru 11 •n UIS ....., """ ""'"" • S111nt Golde• C.11 """"'-............ .39 Fresh Bean Sprouts (a.:=-u. .29 ·---·--.10 ••. 19 STAR KIST TUNA UGHTCtiUNK e~UNCECAN SWANSON TV DINNER FFllEO CHICKEH 1 n-.oUNCE PKG. YOllS VALUE GROCERIES OUrMltctlon and tlzN •dd up lo 11,..,., •vlnol tor )"OU. Dr1td Biii NI'!:."::"' .59 Diet Riii Coll Ritz Crnk111 .79 .45 Jers1J1111ld Buttnllk ~ .24 PH hi 8'r1J fry "::"' . 79 Libby's Fnlt Ant "l:'l.."!!i"' .39 -BORDEN'S "' 59'c ~~!i~32...... . Ar11ld1 V1nlll1 W11tn Plllahry lnalHI Po!JtllS Fancy Fll'l!I Pl .. ppl1 Juice , .29 ':= .49 '=' .27 Rag1 Sp1glllttl SalCI ..=:::.. .75 Friskl11 C.t Fotd ~-:-.=."!!ii"' 2/.25 ~---~---~ i8 DOUBLE Bl I BLIE CHIP STAMPS o l I· W11H U1Y Gtoefri l'UICHA.Sl I I '"'""""' v..-. ,...,. •• to1c1 ow,,,..., ... ,, I I ,---, EFFECTIVEMAV... VONS I I L___J DHECOU"ONPUICUllOMDI I •------~~VSSU~-----• ••--•mthfi lllit•llA •••"' SAVE with this : coupon on 1 CRISCO 48 ". i SALAD OIL ~ 1 95 : ,-----, .EFFECT11JEMAY3-0 VONS '1 L..__J ONI COl.lll(m ,EACUITOMEll ·------------------· 'JONS COUPON .--------.. ISAV E with this I 1 coupon on 1 !TRIX 12 ~Jx 43 ! : CEREAL 1 : I I l Cucumber Updates A Salad Vons Cinnamon Rolls Vans Crescent Donuts .49 FRESH SALAD 'TOMATOES ... 25 AMERICAN BEAUTY 19 SPAGHETTI 12 ~ flll&l_ l"f AUAH ISTT\..I I I CJ .J~~~~ VONS I ~------------------~ I t • 'Ibis version of a favorite salad comes from Kentucky. JELLIED PINEAPPLE CUCVMBEK SALAD I can (BV, """"'8) crushed pineapple In heavy IYJUP 1 package (3 ounces) lemon gelaUn *' teaspoon salt 2 tablespoon lemon juice J container (8 ounces) com· merclal sour cream (1 cup) l medium cucumper (peeled and finely diced to make 11/4 cups) Thoroughly d r a I n the pineapple, mashing the fruit ·down-there will be about 213 'cup; to tbe oyrup (about 1/3 cup) add enough water to make l/.r cup. In a miall saucepan heat the pineapple syrup to boiling. Into a medium mixing bo~·J tum 'the gelatin: add hot pineapple !yrup and stir until dissolved; if gelatin does not entirely dissolve place bowl in a pan of simmering water and ltlr untU It does. Add salt, lemon juice and sour cream and beat until smoothly combined. Stir In drained pineapple and the cucumber. Turn into individual ~ cup molds. or custard cups. Chill until set. Unmold and garnish \\'ilh salad greens and a top- ping o( sour cream. Makes 6 servings . . te : Use a s lender cumber that has small .. Papayas ··Candied How many ways can you serve papaya? When firm. the fruit can be p~pared like squash and enjoyed as a vegetable . As they ripen. papaya11 can be candied, n1ade into preserves. served a la mode. nr pared and !liced for 11 .. 1a11. The mellow llavor of papaya goes exceptionally well with tangy cllrus (Nils. At breakfast or as an ap- pe:lizer. serve a 1lice of C .ya with fresh lemon or l Papaya's •buttery te1ture ind succulfnt sweetntas satisfy a sweet toolb, and the fuit Is a eood aourte of Vllamlrui C and A. The more yellow Iba p1P171, the more ripe lt II. Sunday is FllDBAY in the l1J.!lijij!C1ij €ilKRtm') Compve our low prfce1 wltfi wh111rever you a hop now. ARRID X-DRY 6 "· 66 , . DEODORANT '" i ~ll.PWD..Ll.l'WD, UflSC. • .......... _________ , Gtll'btr Baby hnll Acllve Tooth Polish G 1111111 T ootlrpat1 .......... w .... ................ 3/1. .78 .57 W~LLA'BALSAM 99 CONDITIONER 8 ~ ~OflwmtlODY • Vilalis Dry Texture Sange Mens Hair Sprty ·~ Excedrin Tablets ~'f~W~ .88 .94 .84 CEPACOL ,. 88 ' MOUTHWASH l "'-' UEPS llR£.l,f/1 fllUH I Tums Tablets Vinqulsh Tab lels Bayer Aspirin --.... --.1\, .25 .99 1.28 NICE&EASY HAIR COLOR A.LL $HAOEI AVA.ILA8lf 1.46 ~ Vislne Eye Drops --·-..... o.ca.-k •ll.. 1.17 CREST 8.75 1~ TOOTHPASTE 90HIJS TUH ~ Jio!Olll .69 En11 Plnte BUH kn's lllCln EL RANCHO 15 l?.2!!~JORTILLAS I . .33 .14 f!Rl.l. Fl.AYOAFU. Fresh Valeticil Ortng11 Honeyd1111 Melons Fancy Anlou Purs ---~-.98 .... 19 , •. 29 1"'FRESH GREEN 39 t. ~s!!~;.·A~,.2_u_s __ .,"•· ·--~ IN THE NURSERY Blooming Mum Pl1n1J M1rgu1rlt1 D1lsl11 --·--· WINES 2.98 ti .89 & SPIRITS Visit our complete flquor department tor all your bevera9•need1.. OLD COLONEL TYLER i"'"'i .. ~OOf flfTll ,llQ 3.69 ,( Black Velvet Wlllskey = 11.39 Se1grtm 7 Cro11111 ·~ ~ 4.99 Annie 6rHn Sprl1p WIH :&->'?:: 1.B9 _-CRYSTAL '""' -97 t ~BEER "=""' ~ !:e;~w~ODU:lfVoOO • I FROZEN FOODS Stock up on th9&• buys •nd fl'fftt your food coar,_ Stoalfers Lasagne ·--IMILN .. Morning Stu links ::::zl'.llm lmllaHon Ortng1 Julc1 Vons Chill Mic Grwn Giant Pns 1.29 .69 VONSOWN ,. ENCHILADAS 8 "" llEtf Ol'I Clif.Ul .33 Four AUtrlll• Ash Stlcf1 '!<':: .B9 • .,.Cilll'"'l'"IZ T~101 w-4.49 Mta, h1l1S..lood1'11tt1r := .II IJ hz Mlrprlll lllx :t .69 lnlrlll l'lla Alleb ... Ill --.... CHUCK STEAKS USDA CHOICE BLADE CUT CHUCK ROASTS FLAVORFUL\:UTSOF USDA CHOICE ew CALIFORNIA FRYERS CUT·Uhr QUUTlllD GROUND ""I&~,. ~ll. Pt<G. OA MORE Our~ Wbolt Dma -:=o'l:" .33 Picnic Miu Arllcb Hllfll •.::o .33 S&W kidney Baa '="' .23 HunlS Stm4 Ta'1" ""='" .26 1)1( Mntl8,_ l'tll ''=-"' .22. .CHIFFON 120couNTROU 29 PAPER TOWELS 1 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Dlsmn .. Dllll'Jt!il = Lysol Sprty Dtollorlztr ~ Dow H11dl Wrtp -;:.'lii:l".=- Kl~aa Sbell Papar -::::: .59 .79 .33 .41 RINSO .,, DETERGENT 49 ""' GETICLOTHUCLEAH .65 B1tbroo111 Bowl B111~ Assorted Cuddly Prllla Plntic Cmll Bawls S1nltlztll 1.Jtex Slam CHILD RENS PLAY BALL ICl'Ot WIU. LOYI IT "" .. "" """" .48 ----=-.... 73 .18 ":~ .49 .49 VOii VALUE DELICATESSEN GourfMf qullfty, outst.ndfng vcMty pfe11fng prle•. VOii.VALUE MEATS Wf ,..lure USDA CholOI Stffr BH' uelu1fvtly In •JI our atores. CENTER CUT CHUCK STEAKS """"""" RI~ CUI Club StllkJ ll111llas Family, Stab 0-BIM lltll Routs ... 98 =-.. 1.79 =-..:: ... t.49 ":I' .. 1.19 USDA CHOICE 59 ruf.,SHORT RIB~1 Foo 11111 uvar ... 93 llottlw Cbutk Roasts == u.1.39 FARMER JOHN BACON 1 ............... FnP FrprWlip Frm Frytr Tblghs Frm Fryer B111111 FRYER LEGS•• DRUMSTICKS ................. Slr1tl1 EH hit Cl!Gpa c.tw Cit I .. Port Cllaps \l.,89 ••. 98 " .85 -·-98 _,., .•.. "':.00 ... 1.19 '37 ~-VOii VALUE ) ... Al•_x x_in_t B_urr11_0_1 _-_-_-=-__ .2_8 ~SEAFOOD FARMER JOHN 79 , WIENERS 1 1':~ . &.; .... ~ .... ~'-------· .......... llr11J1111ld Sour Crea• ·r <:.";. .29 Yon llltl a.-Drllllq -.37 Br11Ucft11.,r a..a -· --.37 Ctrtl·FnP An a' Cfll" Ctrtl.fna Dalt I'd Allell • tt• 7S -. llt.19 • PACIFIC COD FILLETS .,.NIMACl'f Frnll Diver Sel1 Allfll Fucy DnUft WlllU11 .. 1.29 ~ LLl ,69 ...... 69 ' ..... _ ll • 11111 Adams Ave., at Brookhurst, HuntJhgtOI Beacll 34011 Doher,iy Park Drive. Capistrano B8acb 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, HontingtDn Beacll Laguna Hills Plaza, El Toro 21812 ,8eacll BIYd., Huntington Bm 17950 Magnofia, Fountain Yaney r, • \ I -I , l .• . · . ~ ... .· . W-. Mu 2, 197l DAJL'Y PILOT • ' Do you ·want _to • • Save up to .10~20 \ ? .. ·ou _on_oieat. c_ New U.S. price ceilings show you ·may at Mayfair . MEAT CEILING PRICE COMPARISONS , -AS l'OS1tD IN THESE 11ARt1m (l'lltC£S P£R POUllD) 'll U.S. OOYl.RMM(Nf'ct.C PHASt Ill MGULATIOHS I 1SO.lt4 Oii ... ,,,. ....... Top tltloinJt.,k l .9t 2.79 ; T·bone Stull 1.7' 2.29 Porterhouse steak 1.85 2.29 Rib st1ik i..•8 1.69 Chuck steak ~ 1.06 1.09 Round steak, bone 1n 1.39 1.69 Top round steak 1.75 1.89 Chuck ro1st. blade cut .89 1.09 7 -bone roast bol\f! in I.OS 1.23 Rump ro.1.t 1.39 1.49 W1ttrmelon ~st J.49 1.59 Standin1 rib roast. small end 1.47 1.69 ShCMllder clod roast. boneless 1.39 1.69 Beef stew meat. boneless 1.19 1.49 Ground beef .89 .98 Ground bttf-3 lbs, 1nd over .87 S.fliv.r .89 .98 C.nter cUt f>Ork ckops 1.69 1.79 farmer or country style spareribs 1.14 1.19 Center ham slice l.69 1.89 Smoked picnic, 1hce~ .89 .93 Le1 of l•mb. domestic. 1.29 1.29 ' ....... , .... 2.09 2.15 1.88 1.88 1.98 1.98 1.48 1.49 1.1 9 1.09 1.48 1.45 1.79 1.68 .98 ,93 1.18 .98 1,48 J • .45 1.58 1.49 1.69 1.47 1.58 1.28 Ll8 .88 .89 .88 .98 .88 1.78 1.69 1.19 1.19 1.98 .97 1.29 1.28 Mn .... 2.29 : 1.89 1.99 1.69 .89 1.49 1.79 .89 1.1'7 1.49 1.63 1.69 1.69 1.39 .93 .89 .95 1.65 J .15 1.69 1.23 "'"' '"' 2125 1.98 2.05 1.05 1.48 1.89 .98 1.23 l ,39 1.45 J.69 1.35 .93 .89 .95 1.69 1.15 J.98 1.09 1.25 ' ' • Pork· Spareribs , M~OIUM SIZE -GREAT TO BARBECUE Strawberries RED RIPE LOCAL - 12 OZ. MIN . BASKETS 6 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ' 0 t ~ Mayfair ~st ~uysin Produce Italiari 8quaslt, • 29LB .JO LB. FRESH TENDER ~anana§ CENTRAL AMERICAN 'W"atellhelo.l!ET,RIPE .9 LB •. c:54rlic/p~R ESH COAST .22 EA. SUMMER SQUASH Fresh, Tender .•..... lb .• 29 ASPARAGUS Ttndtr •.•..•••..• lb .. 49 POTATOES U.S. No. 1 Whit• Rose ..•. , , . 2 lbs, .29 CARROTS Crisp Tender 1 lb. Cello Bag .•.• , 2 for .29 BULK CANOY Mix or Match Assorted V•rieties ••• lb, .31 DELICIOUS APPLES W1..,inaton Extr1 Foney Red or Goldtn . , •• 3 lbs. 1.00 RADISHES OR GREEN ONIONS G1rden Fr'esh ••.••.. Bu .• 10 f:forqatoes VALENCIA ORANGES Sweet Juicy 8 lb. Cello Bag , ••• , . e1 .. 9a WHITE GRAPEFRUIT Desert Grown 8 lb. CeUo Big .••... ea .. at FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT lndi1n River Ruby or White ...• 5 for 1.00 WHITE RADISHES Gourmet Delight •.... Bu .• 21 MUMS Floral Quality •••••. ea. 2.49 HOUSE PLANTS Assor1ed 2 1/.4" Pots .••.•• 3 for 1.00 ORANGE JUICE Tropic1n1 Pu(e·Ou.rt ea .. 4t LARGE SLICING • Prices charged per Pound. or meat may now be compared easi- ly. By U. S. GovemJT!enl . Regu- lation, meat ceiling prices are posted in every store. Ceiling prices a re the highest prices charged during the 30 days prior to Ji.larch 28 , 1973, !or ten per- cent of transactions on each meal item. Prices lower by up to $.10 -.20 per pound or more, at Ma.)·fair. show up in the ceiiing prices on 20 some favorite items,postedin stores and printed here for your comparison. Since these are the highest priees, for both recent past, and indefinite future, we believe they show you can count on saving on meat at Mayfair. Fresh Fi.ycrs WHOLE BOOY GRADE A, U.S.O.A. 2 1/2 TO ~ LB. AVERAGE WEIGHTS TOTW TO.AL . "" ~ .. ..... "'" M.Jf1ir 21 28.60 P1nlty 21 JJ.0$ ... ,,... 20 ..... Slfew1y 20 21.66 ... ,. ... 20 27.21 Lucky 20 21.JO ... ,. .... 21 21.51 M1rllet81tktt 21 30.47 M.,t11t 20 26.50 Alpl\I Btt1 20 28.72 ' • ""'" " NA'!'f'A!lt ..... , 1.77 1.ot , ... .... Mayfair ~st ~uysin Meat Leg fll' Lamb NEW ZEALAND 99 eJ . FROZEN · U.S. GOV'T, INSPECTED e LB . ·Mixed FTJ@r Parts A4LB. 3 FOREQUARTERS W/BACKS -3 HINDQUARTERS W/BACKS • 3 WINGS, NECKS & GIBLETS INCLUDED ~i~l~!e:.~. WELL lRIMMEO 1.39LB. 7-Bone Roast CENTER CUT CHUCK •LEAN POT ROAST Por]{__GJLops RIBENOC~PS -89 BLADE CUT· BAKE W/ORESSING e LB. FrW.r Parts FOSTER FARM 66 DRUMSTICKS OR WHOLE LEGS W/PEL VIC BONE e LB. Sliced Bacon ARMOUR 'S MIRA:CURE • 12 OZ . PKG, • Tol!c~{fsl2~1JT~~f!.C!!~RIMMED 1. 99LB • §~f!c~~:!~i~:~-~~-'W£~ZEe69LB. LuricJieori~~oz. ASSORTEo AJ EA. KRAFT CHEESE Americ•n Singles 8 oz. Pkg .••• , •.••• et , .6t BEEF SHORT RIBS L••n Me•tv Cuts Br1ise or 81rbecue . , , lb .. 59 RUMP ROAST Tri1ngle Cut Well Trimmed Gre1t Oven Ro1st •• , • lb . 1.27 T ·BON E STEAKS Tails Off-Wall Trimmed Broil or B1rbtcua ••• lb. 1.73 HORMEL BACON Thick. Sliced ' Range Style 2 lb. Pkg. e1, 1.9t STANDING RIB ROAST Sm1ll End·Fat Added Grett Oven Ro1st •••• lb. 1.39 BLACK COO FILLETS Mild in Fl1vor', ...... lb, .II - OSCAR MAYER WIENERS All Me1t or All 8H:f 16 oi:. Pkg ...•...•. e1 •• H BONELESS SHOULDER CLOD Rolled & Tied To a.g ·&c Ro•sl ••••• lb . 1.21 OSCAR MAYER BACON Sliced 1 lb . Vacwm Pak or W1ftr Thin 12 oz. Pkg., • , •.••. ea. 1. 1t SALMON Silver Bridlts Whole or ~1lf ••••• , lb, 1.ot Cmter Sl icts,, •••• lb. 1.39 TURBOT FILLETS Hilt! in Protein Pin Fry ••••••••••. lb .. 7t STEAMER CLAMS Evco Brlnd • Froi:tn 3 lb. 819 ••••••••• ••· 1.AI • ,,,,. BLADE CUT · WELL TRIMMED POT RO~ST Round ~Sliced Steak Pork Loin BONE·IN FULL CUT • FAMILY PAK 11TO14CHOPS, GREAT TO PAN FRY OR SWISS CENTER CUTS ANO ENOS MIXED FAMILY PAK 3 LBS. OR MORE LE~ TH AN 3 LBS., 89~ LB. • This week'SCJJestGJJuys in Groceries <:J?agu Sp~~~~!~iMu~~~~z .75 <qjeJ 'Monte Catsup,. oz .• 2 J Grapef~~l~i~~ 80Z .• 69 Ins~an!u:f:v"!,,~'!i!'?f!!,s oz .• 55 Close(il]p ~!/!.!!~!~~.2 oz .• 73 Appian Way'Pizza APPIAN WAV 12 1/2 OZ. .35 Royal Occasion CHARCOAK<?T~C!,·PROOF HALF GAL.6.99 COFFEE MATE Cre1mer 11 Oi: .•• 67 HEINZ 81rb1cua Sli.Ke-Rtgul1r, Smoke, Mu1hroom 16 Oi: ...••••. 39 RED PACK 1t1l i1n Tomatoes #21/2 C1n ....•....•..• , .•. 35 GINO Frozen Ch .. •• Piz:r.1 L1rge 16,0i: ....•.•.•. -..... '4 HEAD • SHOULDERS Shompoo 7 Oz. Tube ••..•.....•...• 1.29 <qjeJ 'Monte Com GOLDEN CREAM OR WHOLE KERNEL ' #303 CAN ~oyale Gelatin ALL VARIETIES 30Z. VAN DE KAMP Fro:r.en Oinner1 Bfff Enchilld•. CM••• Enchil1de, Mexic1n Re~l•r •• , •. 53 LIQUOR flOYAl OCCASION Ory Wines Burgundy, Chlblis. Pi"* Chdolis, Vin·fhtse, RttiMWeln, S.ulern• Full Gillon ........... , . , . 2.0I 'Mayfresh Orange Juice FROZEN 60Z. 'PriskJ.es Cat Food ALL VARIETIES 6 1/2 oz. Prices'Effective Thursday, May 3 thru Wednesday, M"f 9 USDA Food Stamps Welcome 175 EAST 17tft STIEEY COSTA MESA •OPEN 24 HOURS I l I < , ' j • • --.-.---k X e • a · & • ---"-•~.• ~-------------~ -~-· I . I , ~" PILOT·ADV£RTIS£R DAil V PILOT ( FACIAL Scotties Tissue ASSORTED 100-CT. WHITT& z ~ . •••••••••••••••••••• t'RESll • g.oz. Jerseymaid · Yogurt STlllllED . OR FRUIT SUNDAE ~ ~I 1 CHICO'S BRANO PKG. OF 17 0 SLICED AMERICAN '",::"~:..-;::;.".';,. 99' ••••••••••••••• D PARKAY MARGARINE •••••••• ;.:;~ ••• 31' D XLNT CHILI CON CARNE •••• :·:~z:: :".63' 0 HACIENDA CHILI ............. ~·~; .79' D XLNT BEEF TAMALES ........ :.0 : •• 39' ALEX BURRITOS;,::~!:~.;:~.::'. 2!Jtu. D HEBREW NATIONAL ••••• .'~~1:":':;!'. 111~ SE ..OU .. 'lUA .. D CASINO CHEE ........ ~·:~~: :'~: .89' D SQUEEZE MARGARINE. .... :·~~~:''. .48' MARS CANDY BARS • ~. :~·: 4gc Thrlftiinart Is Determined Ty _ _.. Charge Less On Morelteins • > " I '.;J ... • ,;;;;NES;;.;.;TL~E'S;..;Q_.UIK-. •• _..~..__· ••.• _..;·: .... :'. __ 7gc;_, D PRUNE JUICE .......... :.~~~·: ... 59' --Cl1llolfSI', 5'AMl!.H. JTIOGANOll • •I QI. t 0 RICE A RONI QOUllN (;JfJM •tH,,C.""1.,fllf.D 31 . . . . . .. . . ... . .. .. . .. "· 0 ALL DITTRGENT ......... :;-~ •• 1379 IRIS DRINKiNG WATER •• ~-;a: 2SC D JIF PEANUT BUTIER ••••••• :':.~:::'.' .69' D KAL 111N ~'*:1~w~~~~::: 19' ~ .....•........ ~ .•....... ·~ D ONION RINGERS •••••••••••• ':>'.•! ... 89~. DINNER FRIES •••••• ~\~~~";:.:·. 48c • 01.1 ·~ 4·1111• \'Al '.\Tlll:\S Ta.\'f'ltL R•\·fi'i .. _ .... P..T... ... c.w- CAU. lfJ.-'f)Mlll I ....................... &MA_..._. ..... . F;;,1;~ECTED"" 9 c F;y;s;ECTED >ElVIC 7 7. c Breasts·:::·. 8 1b. Thighs.;~·;. 1b. FRYER DRUMSTICKS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 85?.. ~BACKS AND NECKS ••••••••••••••••••• :·:--;~0:~~· •• 15f.. FRESH FRYER WINGS •••••••••••••••••• .'!' !'! ·:•,w,. 45f •. BEST OF THE FRYER •••••••••••••••••• '';'~~'o'i::·~,~·. 75f. HORMEL'S RED LA BEL or AR~IOUR'S CAMPFIRE Sliced Bacon Farmer John 73 c I u.s.D.A. 1NsrEcrED 1 11. FllESll FROZEN Pure Pork sausage ....... ~" Roasta·ng • DISCOUNT SEAFOOD • FillIT OF TRUCOD •••• $1~° Chickens ·~~OU'PER SEA BASS ~.:;i $1 ~: WESTERN OYSTERS •• '-:. 98 ... RAINBOW TROUT •• :"!:·: $1~.9 llr41 (ft .. lltr 11111 ................... ,'!.~; .. 1Jt I Wti•llit W'lcll>1r1 fislli Di1Hrs .':'!.~r.:~.!~.!i'!i.Sl.fl I Clr11ti11 fisa Slicb ........................ ~.'?!:.5X. lii11'1 llt·O·Clleut Pitra ................. ~~· ... !5c I l•••sll1'1 C•trrJ Pit ..•...........•.... l!':~~:~·.13c J ~r1aU11 l1ra•ff fis• Stieb ........ ~.f!! .. ~ ,5St Jr1111eet On•t• J•icr ........ !:?.?.'..~'.'.!..~~~ .. 26c I C1rta1's fis• & C-ipl ..................... !~.'?!: .. t5c I Carullu 1!'1111• fislli Slic•s ............ .'.~~· .. 19c J1"1'1 C~ttse Pina ...... -............. !~.~ .. Sl.49 I G1rt11's Sc1111, C1l1's ................... !.~ .. Sl.39, I C1rut111 lre1M• Fis• Sl11•s ...••... :i.~~:-.Sl.15 Jtl•'s S11s111 Piua .................... !~.?.' .. Sl.H I '•rt11's fii• Slic-s ........... ~.~ ... ~~~.Sl.ll l C1rutiN Fis• Ca•« ............. '.'.'!'!~.~.1.~~!·,53c l•f!J'S P11r ltJ S11•wic• ............... !.1.~' ...• lk I ll1rt11's Fis• fillets , ..... ~.'i:~.1.'.'~.?'::'!~.?.~.Sl.st I '''' ..... it.kl C1e111 lars ............ ~.':<!~.l5c Wr11U W11c•en T11•er .'?':.~.~~!'l.~~-~!:.$1."5 1 C11~1ll11 law C1ckt1il S•ri!Q ......... !.1.?.•:.$1.5! , Pyr .. 141Mitttl11 lc1 Cr••• Sa14wic• ..• ~!.~~.59c ' . PATIO TOMATO PLANTS ............................ ~ ... 79' Romaine LETTUCE 2sc F•ESH CRUNCHY ea. Potatoes WHITE s ~~.].. l ~ NgwCltOP • U.S. NO. I NEW C:ROP 2 ~ C BROWN ONl~NS...... ... • • • • • • ~··· Yodka • Quart ~90° Gin • Filth .,. Rum • Filth • uu.soY VODKA • 59 • LONDON lltlDGf • $ GIN • ' RON OE lfOH ltUM llGHT Of OARIC Yo ur Choice! EA. SPRING BEER -~ ... ,.. 39c Ill 0 Q\/AU , •••••••••••• • Seagram 7 Crown • -· King George IV • • Canadian Lord Calvert •. • SEA.GRAMS 7 CROWN • ... ttOOf MH<DIO W""4UY • KING GE.OlGf IV Ill '100I' K O'OI 99 • CAHADfAN LORD CALVERT to ,llOOI' CAHAOIAN Wlflll(T Your Choice! :?.!f~1 EA. PADRE MIA WINES 1;:;1;Ef.-:" $192 DonCarlos . .. $499 TEQUILA::~·. QUART Thriftimart Meat Prices Are Cut _.} . To The Bon,. 0 GREEN PEPPERS """""""'" 31 t~lfNC110HtD • 10.or. C ••••••••••••••••• D FRESH ORANGE JUICE ••• :;;.:·;·~~::·:'. .89' D IMO-DRESSING FDR FOODS. •• :·.·: •• 31' FRESH BUTIER •••• :-~~:::~-: 77c 2701 HARBOR BLVD.,-COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN G~OYE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA 5858 WARNER,. HUNTING TO~ BEACH e . .' 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO -- I I I IOI '1J oa o~ nl If IOI "' lol I .. IU I sti ill He I& "" I ' go ml in lb< ' an Co ml I J . c v. Sal • • I! v. qu Ye do sp ti~ ov sa ., •1 .. en .. I" or. w IP "' 2jJ .. m A. ( ( j I I . I . . . • .• • • -~-.. . . , .. , .., ·' . . ·"'~.~ .. ......-. ...- ~eat i , , • R1icotta Smooths Lasagna RICOTrA LASAGNE SWIRLS a· cooked lasagne noodles I pound fresh spinach, w..ti- ed and finely chopped 2 tablespoooo llT1\kd Par· ...... ~ I cup ricb!ta Cheel!O Y. teaspoon salt and a dash olpewer v. teaspoon pound-mitmeg Saace: 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 medium-size on.ion, chop-, peel I 2 !ableopoooo vegetable oll ; 2 cans tom.I<> sauce (8 ounces each) Y. teaspoon lea! b a s i I , crumbled Y. teaspoon salt and a duh of pepper Steam spinach until it ls quite limp, but not mushy. You don't need any water to do this. Just put the washed spinach in a pan which has l tight-fitting lid Md cook it over low beat about 7 mtnutes. Mlx: l!J>in&ch ' wlth cheeses. salt,.pepper, and nutmeg. Coat ea4b-noodle with 2 or 3 table- sp®ns of. the mixture aloog Its en6re length: roll up: tum on end ao that )'OU see the spiral, and. place In a shallow baking pan. Then saute the garlic and onion in the oil and combine with the remaining aauot In- gredients. Pour sauce over the rolled-up noodles. Bake in a 350 degr~ ovm tor ... 20 minutes. Makes 4 attVings, each 32 percent of the Recom· mended Dally P r o t e I n Alldwance. Sou/fies Suit 'Two FONTINA SOUFFLE 2 tablespoons butter ~,tablespoons flour .,. teaspoon salt y, cup milk Yo cup 118blly pac:Md 1rated (medluJl>.finel font In a -~ 2 eggs, separated In a I y,.quart 11uetpan over low Ilea~ melt the butter; stir in flour and salt. Add milk; coqk, adrrlng conatanUy, until thldtened. -· ,_ beet: odd .-and with 1 wtiW< stir untll meli.d. Whisk in the egg yolks, one It I time. Beat ti8 whit.es UD· UI still: fold Int<> c1-mix· ture. Tum Into I lndlVldual IOU!Ot d!Jbes (each 1bout IY. by t lncbel) .• Bake In a prtheai.d 17$- dqroo oven until pulled and bn>wn -20 minutes. Serve at once. I l ( • • WldOHday. filtJ 2, 1973 f, Stt;jff ed With Value, Flavor - ~y,·--ull ' Mlt mea~loal lngrtdlints. Place part ol lhe mlxt\lre In a loal pon and form I well. Combine re!)lalnU.-fiYlng In· &redlenls and a(jd. I<> well. eo ...... ub..renulililog meaL Balte at MO for one hour. Serves eight, * calories '*"· f U you wilb, hu~two cups of plain Qr onJon lom4lo sauce to • servo with J<lUt meat loaf. Loot for a llrand that lists no oil or S11Pf lo the Ingredients. Plain wmat<> aauce Is 14 calories a cup/Ill, according I<> one ol lhe~~!ling brands. (Canoed spag tU aauce Is much hl&ber!l Hin ll ls -• low-calorie daow\ lo< rice-podding fans ! Olr Slim Gourmet oven-easy rice pud<!ill( la only 71 calories a .serving, half tDe COWJt or bom~de rlce pudding. And the aavlllC over pa .... ed pJddinp J.t even more spectacular. For tumplt, ooe of the besl-tnown brands of canned rice P\lddln& Is 195 calorie• per_""1og. DAlllY·RICll lUCll "l'UDDING 1 quart aklm mlDt I ega I envelope (Y. pocbge) low- calorie vanlua pudding mill Ii cup INllnl rice Pincb of sail ' -3.ta~ '"'"or IUltr substttute v. teal-nutmeg "' cJn. namoo 1 teA!pool) nun or vanilla flavor (DIJllmal) Small box (1' ounce) ralalna Combine milt, egg and pud- ding mix ln an QVtnprool a:lau bakin( dish. Stir or beat until mix 11 completely blended. Add all Ttmabthlc ~ and 1Ur wtlL Place the baking dish lo a prtheated ~ oven fetr .. hour. Stir occulooally dur- ing_ the llr1I ~ miouleo oL bat· Ing. Sprinkle with additional nµtmeg or cinnamon I f deol!Jd. CbW well before serving. llaha 10 hall-cup servings, 89 calories each with sugar, only 74 calor1e1 wilb a u a: a r IUl>ltllute. DAILY PILOT fJ . ·I l THE SllM ' GOURMET • THE . QUALITY I THE TRIM . THE EVERYDAY LOW PRICE PACKAGED GDODS PIU(llAICOIK1Mlltf1DIJICl,T OM 'lltl·ftAHO AllDMVllllMllllT(.OMTIOLl.IO"IMI "Olli "llQ P1<11lCTK»4 POI.la' OOAlANTlfS Tll5l PRICIS TO IC lfl'ECTM ROM WlD. MJ.Y "1lf) THlOIJGM lUl1 IMY tnt, lt7S" • K E Y B UY ... sl~ ... SJ~ _..VANILLA WAFER£ ........ ,.';:! 21 .. Low Everyday Priced Del i Item ~'. . HYDROX COOKIES ..••••...... ~".:';.'; 59• t ·aoLDEll CORll ·:::.:s.:g:· isc DOLE JUICE DRINK :!:.~.~= 39 • DOLE FRUIT COCKTAIL ....•. ~C:: 46' HARVEST DAY COFFEE.~.:: es · w:1.11t13:t.J! ·*''l? ... ZEE NAPKINS .......•....••.• ;:;:: 12' ... ALUMINUM FOIL..~:'.'.'.':.".':!I';'; 44' Lysol o;.lt'tt!9ol(11'1tl.79· UDY LEE All MEAT fRANKS ................. 1~: It• ... TACO DINNER ...... :: .. ,,':;,"'.; 49' FRENCH BREAO ............... :~.,:. 56' _..INSTAl\T BREAKFASI,~4: 47' _..LASAGNE ................... '.':';:::; 32' .,..BROWNJE MIX. ..••••••... .-:~ 53' ... FROSTING MIX ....•.•. ~':!' 37' ... HERSHEY CANDY ..•...•. ~.'.~,';:; 36• KOOL AID DRINK MIX ... ~ 7• LIPTON TEA BAGS .........•.•••. ~ 64• KEY BUY ... MARSHMALLOWS ..•... ,,\':,. 25• GOLD MEDAL FLOUR~~-.<:::::; 71 • .,.-ANTHONY SPAGHITTl ..•.• 'l:; 47• ... SCHILLING MIX ....... ,'::!;:~."::: 19 • FROZEN FOODS .,..coUNTRY WAFFLE£ ... '.'::~= 41' ... ENCHILADAS ... ~! ,:-.::;;.. ~.'O:):; 39• ... CHILI & TAMALE. •... :::~::;; 51' FISHSTICKS ................... ';;".>;:: 1.33 WltOUU~L 1'"01. CAM FROZEN FOODS PIZZA SNACK TRA ~ ........ ,.:-,;; 93• JOHNSTON PIE£ ........... ~~,;';;: 79' BIRDS EYE VEGETABLES.~.'7:;49' BABY WHOLE OKRA •...•••.• :":::; 32' PICTSWEET PEAS ................. ~,~ 44' CANNED FOODS ... TRAILER PEAS ................ .'!,~ 15' SHELLIE BEANS ................... ::'!! 29' LIMA BEANS ............... '.".'.~.= 33' WHOLE KERNEL CORN .••... .,\:'<~ 24' _..APPLESAUCEi; ............. ":-:,~~ 35' .,-+DOLE PINEAPPLe.".:.::"~·~·;! 25' ... GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .. 'Z:-:<~~ 47' KEY BUY 9cHIFFOll, TOWELS i'St 29c ........ llooolJ """' W' HARVEST DAY COFFEE~C:: 2.58 ........ llol"M ... COFFEEf'<ATE .. ~~69' "'° REEN CHILI SALSA ...... ~ 25' ... HEINZ KETCHUP. ............. ~~ 29' ... SALAD.DRESSING •• ~.'.".~,':; 67' SCHILLING PEPPER ........ ~.":!89• KEY BUY 9PlllEIPPLE JUICE i ~·29c ... JIF PEANUT BUTTER ....... .'~:: 65• r,...,,W.ftr MARY ELLEN JAM .............. ~ 52' LOG CABIN SYRUP. •••••••••••••. ~~ 79• MUG ROOT BEER ................ :.:: 79' II Yo• Art in I Rush ••• N -~I l•~llO fl tlo ~"" or Ill*, ltll for <l•U •lfM .,~ l)t ••l'""s !If .._,i "' .•• , I CHI.I" ii • Miff ""'U.loto ~, •• •I li;ftn If lftt • ti"* .......................... 111111 •1 ... SPRAY WAX .••••• ~.=:::t:79 ' ... CLEANSER ..•....... ~~~:= 73' DOWNY LIQUID RINSE ••••• ~= 1.45 CAMAY BATH SOAP. ............. '0: 1 B' MR. CLEAN. ................... ~.'::;; 73' COMET CLEANSER ............... ~.:: 'll' ZEST BATH SOAP. ................ :.·,: 22' PET FOODS ... FRISKIES CAT FOOD ..•.. :.'.":".:: 14' PURINA CAT FOOO .• -••.. ~:::; 53' ALPO DOG FOOD ........... ~:~.:-,;: 30' DAIRY PRODUCTS SOFT MARGARINE.: .....••••. .:':::; 35' LADY LEE BUTTERMILK ........ ~.:! 47' VITA PAKT BLEND ...... ~ .. ::~:B5' PREMIUM ICE CREAM .... ./.'.::::79' BEVERAGE • SPIRIJS PABST QEER .................... .: 1.49 BLENDED WHISKEY., •. ,::::::;:-: 7 .69 BURGUNDY WINE .••••••• ~':: 1.39 !S'IM•YNU'll Al DI.Ill nClfllSWfl'll ~ Dl".I () J.~T.~~~~i~ .. ~.~!~~PFz~lorrLE .. 5 2 c NR nPl 41' PATIOCANDU ••••••••• ~n 1'4AN A Wf1!1MAltkfT, A O!SCOVfrilf CIHTU OfflflS A VA· lllTT Of" NON·l'OOO ITIM$ P10M Wt4ttHO APPAii\ 1010'/'S AND GAIDfN NllDS,AtMONfY. SCOTCMQUIRD LOUll&E PILLOW CASCllE iO·DZ. IDX 95 DISHWISHiR DETERGENT ..... c 10L•.u-oz .. 1a1 S J ais DETElr&EllT ...................................... . DISM 157-DZ. IDX ' $235 Low · SUDS D TER&Elll ........... . ,._.,nc 69, IQCUllTIAY ,,,,,,,,, GIANT II' Pl.A.Inc COOLIR ••,,,,, PAPll fl\.ATI 1 33c HOlDll ............. .. ~:r~~ ............. 27' POITAILI I J 21 ~OllU ,,.,',,,,,,,, i.t.VIHG IYll'l'DAT LOW PW1CI$.. lhttt11 I. ftllr JOI l lfi1K1• • 111 h. ,,.,. c..,. ltft AlliMllM • 719 'II'. l•,.... ..... All/SA • 21J f . ~--SltMt IAlOWIVi•K . IW•I ,,.,.. ""' CANOCA Pill • 11"M Meo...,•••· 'II'. C0'/'1111 • '""-" V..,1llfCtr, OOWJffJ • IJ" lhtt-11-<4. .(:AtOlll t•OYI • 1JO"/S lttW Sf, 8r1ghl prln", :11 "1t:J•"tlte. L••• LEE CHEESE. ··~""""'""' 79' IUI I , , ,,,, ,. lllDIV, WllA,,IDJl.ICl l, 11 .. l ALEX-XLNT IUHITOS ....•.....•.••.•.•••. :'.~llt 25' SWISS CHEESE ........................ ~.";~rJ::.~l6 I• _.. PILLSIUIY COOKIES .•••••••• ~.~~~=:~~:1: 52' WfT SWISS CllUSf ............•... ~~~-t'i'jlC 1 .. OSCAI "MAYEl IOlDCWA ........... ,.,,=~~:!l 61' DSCAI MAYER SALAlll. •• ,,.1101-CMIMl!I=~:~ Jt• Pll.LSIUIY BISCUITS ••••••. '.~'.'.~~·-~~.'.~'.~'.~~~ 11' "R'" CHUSE "'"11 ... '"'''"'-'·tt• ft JU"I ,,,,,,,0 ,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,.cMIOOAl1IMl . SPORT TDP CGllLEll IPllOll Zip or tl'IOp clotvr•: vibrant print•. s211 DISNIY 97' flflUI '°P'S , ..... , ... "OltANOl 11'"1'' , .. CillOllt CilOVI • I 1011 M11ullt h , CiUllOitl • ll tS W. Cilt....U lh4. MlllOltl • 1000 "· Cr...,.11 l •t . IUl"Mll.MD .... • lJJ W, Ao•. 'S 11111111..C.IOll IUOI .tht •"""• .. , .. MUllTillGTOll 1(1(11 ., ... ltil1t Cllk• 5' llCilltlA lllll.S ·~ o;. .. Irr. 11 \1 P11 HN"'Y looped towe ls in bl"Hllonl cMotlgn•. 22'' 1 II" IYAL 1111111 lllllEI ae.,.nlble tubvlot nylon; tvtf1 !.d, toW. cweceoo. ........ _,, YOUI -·11ala-1PllAJ-CH01a .......... __ 63c IUllllDE \ PLAITICJUIQOLAll ,,,3 ~::.OP·••····••····· II' CDOllE H...,..d<>~ Sfllll Fiii , ..,.11~. cau ra1 s11• lA ._l.iOA • l1 ...... ~ Ctot. llOIWOOl 0 1--.. ~Ct•. llWllOill • llUI )A. ,._.,..,.. tltt ltlll!OI • llMI rr.t.o •••· UllWOOO • 11111 ••fk 4••. lOMC. lll(M • tlJS t ~ SI. I, tot illc.«11 • ,.., I. ltt•~lf" 1,,,, MOlll011l • 111 "· llil'il( ...... °'"'' MOllftllltO • IH ltw, WiUo ~Will • 110111 •i...•1 lt•I, OllMW • lt• I. <"'-A•lo rt5AIMMA • .. I. Wit "'° ... ii.II llllfllOlllO • JP.II ...... t1, I, '-Ill CIMlll • tJJ f,Wo 1-1 ""4. t111 HDIO • ltJt, ttlfrl St. ~llfi A114 • JJ1' t.. M11t1 U.llti llOllC.1 • Hfl' lloiftlil lht \OU1'1 C•n . Jlll 'Ir••--. •. ~fOOllDO l(.lfll • 111' ltltM '"'"' 1Q.1.llN(I • 1')1 ·~Jt!~.J:!!'f \t•,, ~··•lf(f . ,.,,. ,.,,,.... .. 11.4. """"'. tl .. JHt»I .... .. "'""' . un• .. .,... ....... 111 11. WISYOllSfll • tfll ~ .. .. '"fflllltSUt • t al I ....... )t WUflUllUll • .......... ,Hit nttttt • IM81 ...._ ft .I••· WM!ltllf • 11,)1 I,~ ..... WlllllllCIOtl • lltf th, ...... WOODll .. •U.S • I ... 'tlt111"1' "''· '-----J ·STORES DPEll lD Ill ' • .•. s1e1 s1s• .llMllSOl'S _llT'Wll Piii P'l9'tohemu:• '*"'"'Y .,, •. SJ27 • $697 11" I U" ·::flllt 111 S J 57 . IEll'S WW ~llTS hf"IM , ...... '°"""""'"" COtteft and poly•1ftor ~ftl~,,-... ..,, ... s3t•. I ..... .. '° .. .. .... _ I I • • • • l • • • "BURRITOS ZIPtEIHND· 59,' C IEOOI GRUN l~Mlt l'l(G. CORN DOGS PILUBURY 811CUITS • Wt~, May 2, 197.3 JOY LIQUID DETlllGEIT GIAIT SIZE JO•IONS FABRIC PLIDGE IOFTINER IEOULUOR I BunEtMILK I-OUNCE I . I • o~c ~:8~~' 79c . ~::.~43c I.OUNCE SIZE • l • • s PILOT -ADVERTISE~ I 1j U.S.D.A . GRADE A WHOLE BODY .• O · BASKET IFRRDINT TAllLITS. ••OA,OI 83' ... ~ JIRGINS LOTION ,~ s1ot GaunE CRUT FOAMY IHAVI TOOTH PASTE -lll:'.ftc .:::;... 56' 11·0\MCI gy-l.wtef ORA.RX . .=..66• VITAMINS _, .... ,37 .......... "'' VACUUM CLEANER BAGS .. d.,~~~',n 3 ftc ,AC.:A(of 7 CAMPHO PHllHQUI _,, 43• • 1,0J1o1a : . BECTRASOL PRICES EFFEC.];FULL DAYS• THURS. thru WED.~MAY 3RD·MAY 9TH Dm.G ... , 14600 S. .• .-........ W ... M ...... ~ 101 WM "'"'""" S~, C•t«i .... . 49 •••z ••..-....... "·"~• lffd 33.(Jt c JtOJ w ... lnlttflel'tll Srr-t, S..M ... DU L 1111 a..-,..,..., hr._ Gr•" PACKA0£ UH N .... T-A"'"' -... lttlO hJt CoRiM A.,_., o,.... ISIJ We•t...,_ Mwd,. W91t'M....._, l4JO Worf UM.rt .4,.._, A..tr.el• 26JO Id~ , ....... s.te AM ' 12JO Mc,.._ A,_., S-.. .... . 2S64 Wert he4WJ, ~- 2110 ......... IW., Cotro M"o llfl Wtt'·,..,_, C:e .. M ... 14171 lff HAI,.....,., Trntt• 14212 Mr ..... ...._ wtttttler I .. • ' .( .. E me uct U$1 N lire 'ii,"~ ~ .. Ut1 'ber lo 1 ry i •lol era era mo Cl 1 1 I sal we ~I ~ .. , ,r;i /' (1 : 7 \.,,, I f; • ·~ i - • LENTIP:UL CRANBERRIES BRIGHTE . I • • V Ei·rsatile Berries • Spark . s·pring ·MeaJs Bright••' aQ, your ~p~· Roll up °""'t like a jellyroll meals with cranberry prod· starting at 'Uie a. inch side. ucts. They're on this month's Press roll together firmly and U$DA list 01 plent.1fu1~, place into a shallow roasting Miz: cranbemf'."!aa with pan. Bake in a prebelted bread stutrini ht a Ucious modetate oven (350 degrees way to stre!di~ive meat F.) for 1 hour and.15 minutes. U, make utra ""'ings. Or, Serve garnished with peas and I*"" It to make ' hacious fill· clllTOU and sprigs ol parsley. ·~· for a~our-yer German Serves 8-10. t~te • f GERMAN r.ROC:OLATE Add 1par e to molded . .. • r -.: . ~1 raiJa~ with ruby' 11!<1 "cran; CRANBEllRY OAnl ,,....., Jul loekta11vn>e Wll1. 1 rl " pocbge . (18\> ounces) to ue ~~1 l!Ule ~ l. • /devil's food ~e .mix ry are . "" ""'" to 1 y. i;up cocoa • stock u on er sauce, · 1 c8n (16 ~) whole ber·· cranbe .j11lce • Ud • . ry ~ ....,_ !!l'f.'l ink ~ • 3 packag"' ,l.9 ounces es<Jil • frozen wlfpped topplhg, CRANlllEltll tlNWllKl!L r thawed ' HEAT LOAF ·' I ~ (8 oancts) jellied • cranberry Sauce ~ pounds giound cbucll, Stir .cake mix and· cocoa un- • I~ egp '; · U1 well blended. Add.eggs and 2 teas~ aalf ,.. water as d.lrected on package. ', v.-teaspdbn pepper PoUI: baller lnlO 2 greased and /. 2 tablespoons,lnstalit minced noure<i t-tncb layer cake pans. cranberry} sauce and place cubes on top of cake around · the outer edge. Chill until ready serve. Makes 1 9-incb layer cake. MOLDED CRANBl!lllRY PEAR SALAD 2 envelopes unfla'{ored gelatin 2 ~ era~ Julee ' I - I ca (16 ouncesi'whole ber-. r:x.: Wry sauce I caa (I pound, 14 ounces) • pesr balves, drained and diced II cup finely chopped celery 1 large apple, peeled, cored and shredded . 1 cup bite-sil.e salad greens Mlfcmnalse Silt gelatin Into I cup of the cranberry juice. Place gelatin mlxbare over: low beat and stir ~~~· 11 ,dlsoolved . Stir into remaining er an berry jui<:e. Stir in whole berry a&J<e. ' • • DAILY PILOT (CJ • " ' P~te Mak~s ·si11fuJly Rich· Des5er-t -;J!lltlt 1'!scutts ~t -IDOl'llnc with IOltleri ihiiod wlli>le wheat Ind r. delical<i sugar coatq DOW bid ,OU good day as a -Wheat 'n :~ Dosoet 11 ~-:..-m.=.:: ~~ ~ .. ilnlpU1 ~~Ji>~;::.:.:. oll.n So -..ie.tlng a dessert to follow a light. supper or ii lt'a your tum to bave bridge club. &Imply lop 'eedl oven- Wlrtll a<iviDg with lee crum or w!>lppod topping. Pul a ~ 91 mapie•!lrUP for that •pecial final toUCb. WBl!AT 'Ii DATE D~RT 1 -pq. (40) sugar coated miniature shredded whote •whe&t bilclilta . J tablespoons r. g a I a r . ~aine °" butter, ·melted · Ii cup t<guJar margarine a, rotter • llk cups milk *cup suga r 3 teaspoons vanlilil flavoriJlf I oop chopped pitted dal<I I "!P chopped walnuts V... cup maple-flavored syrup 1 Cimnble a of the biscuits in- to small mixng bowl. Add the 2 tablespoons melted margarine; mix-we1L Se\ aside for topping. Place the % cup margarine and milk In large saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring OC<Mionally, unUI margarine me}is. Remove from heat. Add sugar and vanilla; stir witll sugar Is dissolved. Add remaining biscuits; stir, Cl'Wlhing biscuits with spoon, until all biscuits are com- plelely crumbled and mil~ is QUICKER THAN MAMA USED TO BAKE absorbed. Stir in dates and walnuts. · Spread in lightly buttered 9 x 9 x 2·inch baking pan, press- ing lightly, Sprinkle biscuit topping evenly ovt>r mixture. syrup e,·enfy OV!r top. Bake in SSO degree oven about 25 minutes or unlil edges are lightly browned. Remove from oven. , ~our serve warm with ice cream or whipped lcwing and ad· ditional syrup, or serve cooled. Makes 9 ~u~. / WATOl YO••llAll IOI • ., """ -""' .... ., ............ l•• NICIJ -_. IW '9' .. ~ 1-'UI ua11 ,., "111!1 , ........... _ ......... rot-_ ... ..,"'.....,-~~• .... _ ............ ,.. .. I onion /' . \ r t11 Bake as direct.ed on .P.fPge. I g~~ (I ""!'"") IWI· !=?'Ii Iayerii on a rack. CUI ) hole...;..;,, each .Jayer 'fl!b, • serrated I can ·'! ...,., · tltile 'lhto.i}!d thin laycrll'. c ~~) coo Mash cr~1y saace in a 1 d~ ~broth • bowl mid'' told)!! I paokage <if In bowl. mix chuck, eggs, the whipped ~·~· Plaqe salt 'pepper land onion Mix one cake layer on a serving weli and· ~. press 1nio an platte< and spn;ad with 113 ol 6f!iong a • 10 inches on a sheet the _cranberry ~re. Repeat a! wU]>&per. In a bowl ml• ending with a plam cake layer. ttpffing llllx; cranberry aauce Spread the top and sides of ahd chicken 1 broth. Spread the cake with the remaining ~e moly ovtr meat. whipped topping. cube Jellied OllU unW thickened and a>QSbtency ol unbeaten egg white. Fold !I pears, celery and apple,,~ Into a Ill quart mold. QtlJI until gelatin 1 is .firm. •'I fo. UldDOld, dip mold Into l~ewarm w'-ter for a few seconds. Tap to looaen gelatin and Invert mold onto serving platt.r. Swrowxl with bite- at:e. pitcel ol 'aalad greens. ~with mayonnaise. Makes I I II-quart mold. I' I ' .( Appl~sauce_ Helps Cake Made . to Kee.p '1 ""' CR~TE 1 APPLESAUCE CAKE lkJ)Jnce package I cup canned cbocolaQt 2 cupa sugar 4 eggs /,' 211 cul-~11our , r II t-rfbaklng soda 6 squari!$ (6 ounces) semi· s""'l't cMcolatf. from an I l1"P ' 111 cupa ~ al!Plesauce I cup chopped (medium· I teaspoon vanilla : ·II te01poon almond extrllCt fine) w8Jnuta, 11 desUod , Grease and flo\lr the """9m ~ of a 10.lnch 1D1el me pen • with a removable bO!tom; If l •C!IP butt.r l . • · pen Is In one piece, lino )lot--· Blueb~rr:ies $i:Zzle I .r:a::~ paper. and L On wax paper silt together 1.'1n Y,ankee .Classic . ~~n!:·=·~i: 1 _ ...L_ • sjir In cbocolafe syrup, v ' a • )'~ SIZzLERS over Into a bali round and and almond enract; aet allde 4 pocbgei 1.5 ounces es.) '-ed1e1 togetber wkll Ila to cool. tefrigeraled bl!culll tines of • fork. In a l!qe mixing bowl 11 cup chqpped nuti ~llrusb'a oool:!e 9beet beavilJ cream _,. and IOgar; 1 can . (I pound, 5 .ounces)• with ,melted butter. 'l'lace tborouiblY beat ln e~, 011•,.t blueberry pie l1llJng or 2 allzlera on top llld brlllh LI!""'; .lllr. ~' ""°"" clJooo. '.... (IJ -... ) heavily with bullet. B.okt In. .... ml:dun! • ' blu~ dl'f.~ 400 Ufrte OVID !rem 10 to 1l 'sUr Ill 0our mlxture ID 4111- •/Grated rind of l'l!nlOn mlnut., Of unUl ddll1-cllUOlll alternaloly wllb ,"° /''lo teaspoon'nutmeg ed. plealGce; begin and eDd With i II cup buUor or margarine, Remove !rom ~ •heel flour mixture. U wled; fold In melted , and coot ta a ·..s. Spr!cf!Je walnuls. • ' ' , • Roll out each 1ilCUlt to a 4 slzzlara ')t(lh l!61il~ 1'lnJ IJlto ~ Pin. Ind! round <In a llihtJy flouR!d sugar, 11 dliol(til. llii'Ye wann Bake' In a prtbeoled ,-. \' wr!ace: llr i 'bowl, mlr mlla, for the llest fliVOf ' depH -1D1UI a ctlil! 1ll!tter Pl• filling, tenllm rind and nu~ (If "'!t11>1cked l'ro2on • Jnaertod ID •enter cornea wt Dlil· "' ' • ' . wlld bl ' ... a CJ'pa cJoao ,-..1 holir ,llld 31 'Brush edges ol rouilda with mllMd with-"'!!!_.,..· ~ m1Jlrt8, ' water. Place a apoon o! lemon rind ml ' nutmee 11 • Place pan on wl~ not to blueberry m~ure into the usual.) cool for 15 mlnut<s. Tllrn oul center of each round. Fold Yields 40 &Wiers. and cvol oompletely. ' • • • i.-.-;= ....... ;,..J ' fi __________ ,,.,.. ___ , I M.l.OIKOUNfiONUjCOU.OW I SUISHllE STAn JIOZll COllCllTIATI ORANGE JUICE '<:~· ' *;: . I I u_ I ' I • UMlf ..... 6-0i CANS ... -.;.. ' I COUPOf'.C_Pll ADUlT CUSTOMO. IMCTIYI I LI WlD., .UT _1_ !HIU...JU~ MA_y .. 1971. - • 32-0LJAI ,I • . ' I THERE 1s A MARKET BASKET M:B. DISCOUNT FOOD sTdRE NEAR YOU - --:---:----~ • ll•=.J .7fl.W..Aw. •'""MIWIUlf,tlltc-tWil • MOITDIYPlll.IJttl.An.tk•"' • IAIGalnl.172JftlC...... : g; ·=~''·!'... : ==~.'C.·.~·"' : ==ii::=:.':'4. : ==a"J.4:-~\.t~· .. : ==,.:i:~-:~-, ... ir-: =·~':fl.i:"l::!.:-: =~~m:=~-:..-~· : ::::""" v.t\i.~ii. . r • tlll ........ ., lh4. • ... 1"'1tl~7141~.... • OITutOiilMfl, ..... &,.. •Sift&= lllH~H. ••• • '&E""" .u.._.,,, ........ ". ••u11 1t,fJ .. ,~.111 •sma 11M,....mwL -:·=~ ...... St. :tt::.~;;tl~~:=~~ :;:r:.s::::.~~~~-::;a~:~.·,i'/J:!::-... rw. • ~··:t.., ........ ,.. • .._~lt .. wtW1Mlh4. • Pllll ..... ll .. L""91"· • MITIP~lt .... WtA~ •CA~ .~1 ...... 111 •·Lm JlatL......,.,., ........ •MsW.llft&". • SBIY'll. lttlt a,., • ~ tlttL"L-.ltiMti..._ • IOOCIUCl,-111 ,....._ • ._._, 11M ....... I"' • • S'-dn 11111 -- • (flflMllA.JtJI""-"""' • ltMI= it..~14. • MIOllOiiACll.141\•••INi•...... • fl8AID,)UI s,,.., ....... • <tYIM.tlJl._..,O"• • lOI 1.t•tt.._.....,. ..... , • ltY ...... )tll'QikeiltS1. • ffttll,.tJtllC......tffl ··~................. • LtSAICIUl:.-J.IJtC&eM-.••'-• IOWielkllm .. a>lSlwirS,...... • Yl19(1.QtUM•lh .. ecaf9Gn,lllJ'C...C.... •~,utlW,TllWSt •MWU.WTS., .... ~.... •WMlf .. IJJ4tl."""1twlM.. ...... 121w.c....a... • , M~c..th.. • MllCOllllJ, , ........ """' '. Nitwi, ... Jl-t.WW.n.tlhoe. • NllY&ll-fawt, 6"""-11 • I )1JW.ttwtrt t11h. •...._TOI. IHI. llMllfttltt .. ' • • . • / • I • f.: • Green Peas ':!!:=" •:= 26' • fruit Cocktail ~-= •:;-30' TOlllGlo Juice .:.:.. -:;~· 38' • Peas·&·Cemt1,::...::.24• ·-~~N . :SL.DIR --lowl··~ --........... •• . ···":'Ji~ a·~ 21c •·~35c fl canned Spinach.:::. 'i::· 22' 8Dill Halves ··..:..::.:-'].~·48' Sliced Carrots · :::... •;:: 19' Green Peas ..::::...-.::... ~ 19' A . ORANGE •· · ilUICI Scotch Treat-lroten • ; • -Aiax Liquid,.Q1•ner c1::~Tn9 2:;t•· 55c ~ A· 33~Gallod;;1i ~Jfi: Bags Gkod :~~: 69c ! e. Lu·terne lce~Mllk ldoalo...... ~c-:~!~61 c ! I. White Magic Bleach Gano• ·39c Jug • CRAGMONT COLA Partytlme Favorito ·' ' ' MANOR HOUSE MEAT PIES Fro....-JIMI Hoot & Serve • • • . . •• .,,. ...... • · ••r-r ' -.f \ • . ~ • •• • • " .... ' Family Steaks Boneless Roasts USOA a..ice leitf a.ct Beef Rib Steak USOACW. i.otp Cu,. .. s131 ~'!'..~:ists · .;_Sf'6 · ~!!kChops ... s101 ..s111 !!~!!~!,I~ R.!as• ~. s1•• ~.~.~!°st T ·Bone Steaks USDA CIMi.o...M a..f ' Sirloin Tip Steak .. ~I~' . ~~.!'.,:a• B•_ei •. s1 ''· Oscar Mayer:::::!'::.':.::;93t Sliced Bacon = :t!: 8C)t COLDBROOK MARGARINE lops ln·Value! • IDWARDI -COFFEE llkhWuot- . . I, ' ' . •I " ' ·! •.• ... • •. t· •• • • ' ' I I ! I Ye> cul ""' dlt I rig ... ... ... tot The 'hon Del witl pa ti call owo ' : • ! . Prir . and ·bric and ·Lau $10! • • . I co sme : whe 'ove: 'Yet : by I 'pet! 'wal 'the n1a.:! 842· . ' . • • . ~ . · . - ' . ( I .. • . . . . ... . . . ~· ,. . , l:· ~\!E ~ ~~E I YOU~ $WINGERS \·-llring your ~a m~lY o TheR~~fliters. You'll fl~d a "!h·e Rea Est~ters'~ a tre\en ous seleetion of homes thllt mei• livinc,l 10 enfoyeble .. : end et a price you cen efford. ,,,____ ·-. ...--.. -,· L1tt us teke Y,Of' on en. ins~c'tion tour now . Remember we .are the lar9est loc:elly own- ~ ~d Reel Estate firm with over I 001 profeuionels ta help you every step af the wey. Please drop by, we will be heppy to answer eny of your questions. ~~; t-' ·~ .. "It's F .. Ce Be .NIH' te. ~· • • ' I HARBOR 'vlEW HOMES llG CAINYON VIEW ·1 'I1le sharpest Mon~go Model! Inimaculatt adult · home. 4 11edroo"°" ramlly room a: dining room. Del Piso tlled entry and toyer, paneled garage with loU of ~ b&Be lot with µwared patio and privacy -rOom tor pool and boat pius. Call 646-TI71 NQW -Priced at $791750. You °"'n the land. -I • . • , COLLEGE P~K 3 IR+ POOL ~ Situate4 on a 'Auiet atreet, this home is In 1park- Uilg condition lnalde and out. Features Charmin.a rountty kiteben y.ritb new cushtoocd noor tiles. upgraded ~ Clllp<Ung Jn living room. .00 JcweJY pool, patio· ~ yard with low mainten- ance for full hom&ollvlng enjoyment. Priced· at $39.909. Please phone 546-2313 for additional in- formation and appolptment. !; · NEW.P.QRT HEIGHTS I ·DUPLEX . • . NEWPORT HEIGHTS ' . " 2 ~ with 1'ts of Uvtna apace, 11.rae ~:t l'dQm, p]u' Uvh;ig room and formal dtillpg .ti)om. SU:~r pride ot ownushlp lo- .<atlon • ..$49,950. Cj11 646-n71 Each uni~.:._ 21~~ Uvh1g ,TQOtri With tireplnce. , B\.\.!Jt•lns,, 4lfll!}J iuea, laundry ·~oom. Room tO expanill 148.500.,10'1. DOWil. 1c;a11 ~-7171. · '\r ' . .. ~. ·. BEAITH£-WENT RACE • THIS IS \Vhy pay rent when you can own thia ~ remodeled MESA VERDE 3 bedroom home \\'ith as little ai; $1800 down and IQW monthly payments. Call us for ietalll NO\V! 646-7171. ~ CUSTOM EASTSIDE POOL HOME Nestled at the top or a quiet cuJ-de-saC: Lhis fine custom home features: • 4 large bedrooms • Large USx29J livin1 room with-.fire- place ' ' • e AU,.electric gourmet kitchen with .self· clepiing oven • • Large lot (60xl29xll5x160l with "comW,ete privacy" back ,yard and ~I • prof""'9n8J .liandscapl~. -• THE "CASTAWAY" $48,900 lt's a bealllifUl. .. instant home" featuring 4 bedrooms,·famfiy· room and formal dln· Ing-ell on one level. Upgraded, In (m. maculate oondition inside and out and tastefully decon.ted. Please pho~ 546-2313 for additional information and see It soon! • ·f SEEING, IS BELIEVING See this charming 3 bedroom home, a11 fr§bly paloled inside. Ra ck yard like ll .TOri!st.-with Jots of trees-6Ul)Cr sharp. Top schools and excellent neighborhood. Only $34,500. 546-2313. You'll buy this if you bother to see it. GOLF COURSE .' . I SOUTH LAGUNA · COMMERCIAL IUILDING Exce1lent opportunity to purch!se this 1200 "I· rt. building in choice So. I.aiun• Socatlon on a 25"20 lot tor ooly $78.500. Has -....S lighting Md air conditioner. 2 baths. Bet.utltul Spanish decor. 6 parking a~. Owner will lr&dt. For details call 673-8550. • " .. flist TIME ADVERTISED 3 CAR GARAGE Be ihe first to sec this bcautlfUJ 4 bedroom, 1 bath ho.f11e-with iai'ge family room. ca- thedral ceWng, pool size lot In a"n excel· lent neighborhood. It's only one year old and priced at $37,950. Call NOW 842·~. GREENIROOK AT m . FIN£ST There's oQ):y one or'~ beautifuJ. 3 bed- room, 2 bath homes on the markel It's Immaculate in every way like a model horde. l.Mge covered patio, lush Ia.ndscap- Lng. AISo-..use ol & club and pool _fOlr only S6.00 per month. CALL NOW 1842-2535. THE· 'llGHt-!NVEstMOO 7°/o LOAN ASSUMAI~ . All this piuS macy !JWre (lite features too, -· mlm"efous to menuon-'tor only $54.900. call today for your appointment to fall in Jove \\'Ith this cu!l tom charmero1!W.6-2313. SPANISlil 'PASTORAL PARADISE You have a golden opportunity to achelve tbat rare combination of dlstlnctl~ cbann and e1egance in a setting that .ls" a ·vertta- ble Eden. Cooll'd by sott breeiet wafUng scents of field and lake mingled with the song_ of bii-ds right Into your .O'f" ne11". you'll thrill to the exquisite decor, and fri- comparabe.. comfort afforded by this very special home. You mwit experience thl~ one-we can not describe It. $68,000. Call 5l6-23J.4. Is equal to a llftertm~ of toll. Your chance to own this cute duplex In Corona del Ma.r. Ptont has 2 BR ~+:--Pen. New!l:• J!!inUld T vt/w earpets. throughout. Si;>Otlffl Condi- tion· throughout ~ 1 bedroom' ovtr 2 car· garage. Only $73,500. No chi.rte to u- iume loan. Hurry. Cell 673~, . NEw BAUOA·1DUPLEl . , Prime Newport PenlnAula location. Spacious 4 and 3. Deluxe featuret include 'f}oo't' to ceiling : brick fireplace. Lavish' Utt ot tile tn kitchens and b&lhs. Walk )11 c1 ... t. 'T open befm cel)ings. Laundry area f ot' ee;cb unll Stepa to the beach. s100,ooo. can 646-71'11. • 4 BR, ONE $TORY . . MJSA VERDE . U you hul'Q', yoo may see this home before it's ·sold! Otannlng throq&houl, in~ super- sharp condition and slll¥lted in vt!l'Y-de- sirable location on cornc:r lot wtth boat gate and room tor pool Priced a~.900. Please phone 546-2313 tor appoin~enl END YOUR SEAR6H Here is a beautlfuJ 4 bedroom, l %. bath .. bome''Wlth very luxurious !catureA. You11 ove the spacious 1650 1q~ (L you'll have 1 -. to sprawl out in. customized brick work on l front of. hou.&e acofnt~ wllh metieuloua 1 landscaping. Price includes retMgrrator ·/ ''1th matchlJ!g built-Ins ~ 1tullhwasher,, Brick fi replace amk4st a &ff of luxurloua. - ' ' brand new blue--~n ••B~.WIYo! .. ~I'.petlng, Price only $33,150."'c1qtnoW~842'4535. . YOU'LL •HA.YE •TO we .your im>natio'n and ;:~ t.M tt· wards. Six bedrooms ~t ect tor 1. Jarge1 f&mily. It'• nearJy'new but ln need of tender loving care. l4cated In a prestige area and waiting for your call to see It. r''f.-6010. ' . . OWN YOUR 0 •A.)••ol.Y,'3 bed)'OOll1 c0r&m1n1um~ • por-~-P~ to !lb.rt. •Ettremely eleen and ·s~rp 8.hd centrally located In Hul'lf.J-ngton B§ch iiear schools, shopping anti the !JE:t~. ,.Budget priced at onl y ~4,000. .. ~ -SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL · , 1 Ito.. . .. • l . "SPANISH" -847-0010 .. OWN.ERS 0 WANT OUT NOW : I can ,QOl eXpliJJl )n \tie'N>JlCe of thll ·ad, the 3 bedroom.(Spanlah beauty with imported sme11 ·oe a roee. ,Yet, t ...... limilJar 11em1.tlon Italian tile floors, 1or;f::'us kitchen and ·when r,,.,aik thnNgh t}ilj tibme. 'D"le home bu al •1 I LEASE~R BUY • Tl\ls outstandihg horffe In choice Corona del !\'Jar location. Enjoy that Swiss chalt l feellng. A great home for en\ertalnlng. Jm. maculate move-In roQdltflli. ,Completely furnilhe9-~See •t Jo ~te IL Right for aotmoae movil1& int.o _the area with beylng ' in the. mind but want. to think It over. Option price $60,Cn>. Ca.JI 673-8550. TOP -oF THE WOltLD Viev.• it from the house of ,many windows, gl6rloos breathtakllia: ac.an', canyon and night light view'al~ at yo\ar command . 3: wonderful ' bedrooihs "'11tbf muter bftlh nt for an,.4 empefor! Quick )ioDealon.• $110,000. 613-8550. ' .• ' ENTICINGLY DEslRAILE D"1lY PllOT ' • , .. J • . -REDUCED $2500 , 4 BR-POOL-VIEW HOME Choice Harbor \'ip"· 111111 loe&t.iol\. Jde&l tor home enterUlining. Lovely alJ electric bulll-ln kitchen. Outs landin~ OCHJl and CataJlna vk-N from kilchM'I, d.inln}:' room, living room and n1aster lk-droont. E.xre ns\ve ""'"' cpts. and drapes. CUstom pool \\'ith jftcuu.I. Now only $112,'°'1 and you 0\\'11 the land. Call 673-tlMO. -· LllTLE ESTATE A truly unique designed b~e for that 1rowtnc family. 4 large size bedro6nu -Outatandln& llv1ng room ~itt'I a rom.mandhfg 1'tew ot CDM. QuaUty w/w carpets and dmpes. A "-'Ol"llttll drcarn kitchen \\'1 th loads of dreem ct.1pboar& BuUt-in fM.'n rn.ngto and dishwasher. Expen1lw wood pa.nelhut in some rooms. 21Ai baths. Bffu· tl!ull¥ tanmcapcd. !Asking Sllft,000.1 Ftr1t time offered. 673-8550. "O·O·O·Hl' You'll squeaj "1th delight When you feut YOUJ' eyn on this moderately priced immaculate s· bedroom.,Jlo.rw;. Located on a corner lot.,w1UI all~ en~-and'~,. gate. "Tiie delW<O - tures audt u shake root, and lovely ca.rpet1ac will please )'OU ••• only $32,900. 847-6010. ' .. : over 2300 sq. ft., 4 bedrooml. 3 b6lht and a den. family room, fonn u g area, beeutifu : Yet the' warmth and horrttniN are-not d~~ tropical a~um. ~ b&r plus much, much "' i more. Squeaky clefln to boot. Thia Ja a by plutllcal ap~·1 li· t,be' rich. ;msh icar. ·must see." Priced al only $4'50Cl can which accounts tor the drastic reduction on thia gorgeous 2 story, 4 1.ara;e bedroom home. 'lbat'11 not all. It has a big family t'QOm. formal dining, large pdvate lot. pretty landsca~ing and too much more to mentio'n; Only $48,000. 847-6010. ffarmOnlous bleridtng of charm and utUity are combined in t.hil adorable home located In Corona de! ?.tu.l ~~dellihUul •pa.Uo and garden arfelt:-JYU' peace and quteL Fee la»id, comer"firtjUce, 3 nlce bedmoml, $26 950 2 baths. What more can you uk fo< &l _ · ' - . petlng. the new eu1tom W:Spea, VJe gtadous ~:;.:::s; OW 842-2535. , : ' wallpaper and decot'a.Ung, lhO landscaping . . . • the roses? Come, let me pw you the house and ma,ybe )'OU will • I(!( uie same feeling 'too. 842-2535. :. . ,· SnAWL '~PACE ·-.• ls w~l you'll find I •thW, 3 ~ with h~' 15ollus room •nd lar1!t. w'11' land!c:aped· yard. Theo bonu1 has a half bath1&nd a wet bar ... i:\etf~t tof. a family ~ ekter'lalnrft!'nl ~ er a greil molMr·ln·laW ~ All thili for jtnt $36.9:50. 1147-«iJ,b. . , . " ~ ~ t· .. • • • • • . , 2 BEDROOM HOUSE , R.-2 t:OT ASSUME.. FHA LOAN ,_ . " This Cotta :\fesll home ~th beamed ce\llnp, B:nd bUge 'back yard ill ll'l 1deel starter ttome • .Note the..JFHA. as&umable Joah + R2 rtionlng. Pri~ at $25.liOO. Fo< delaliO Clll 646-n7L - • ·-· $62,900? f13..8550'. "'iiiiil Total price of this 4 bedroom, 2 bath home wltl\ ':.. a11 the built-ins. l t'1 an extr~ decorated 3 year old home within "'alking distance to the beach. It could be perfect for you. Call now '842-2535. • • .. SALISMAN ••••• Ywr ' I -~ LIFE SftLE • l'l_runt & l'redMtlvet Yiu c•n com0pl•ti rMcit (tr~ wfth leu fru1tr•tlon. ~ Holplllf others Is -1.rflnr. rol.1 llf"'! Is •xcltln• · ' &.arn mor• -INrn mort1 anti ,.,.. IMttw ••• JOIN A LEADER. ' lhqulromont1: lnt91rlty & lnthV.l11m. P.S. Let'1 talk .1bout It •.. Coll Mo at 546-1600. • REDUCED $2000 crn·ner must go quickly and bu reduced 11\e • tJl"\pe drastically on his beautiful 2 story 4 bed· ro&n borne. It'll \\·orth much more ... h hla:hb' UJgraded inside and out. lias a huge tamllJ -room and Ionna1 dlnlnc room. Much. much mDr't'. . 847-6010. • ' t ORONA DEL 0 11Wl »2 ....... . )7MSIO VA TERMS Here is a BIG 5 bedroom or 4 btdrooM plus dtn home that will eell uftdtr w:overftment tetTJlS., 260 IQ. ff. of tuxurtousfTivlng, bar .. :Vod. floor.. 2 massive birch fire_i>lact1,_ 1padoua famtly kitchen area. with buii:e pantrY. A hard to ftnd · 3 car prqe. O"f'*" MYI l"-ll "l want wt ... Prl<e $$2,!l!Kl. Call !'D""'842~. I I . . .~. I -- • ' • • • I I I • I • • I TUMBLEWEEDS MUTT & JEFF FIGMENTS NANCY THERE'S AN OLP SAVING- • WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S AWAY• - • TD DAY'S CIDSSIDID -PUZZLI Y ..... dity's ~ SoMcl: ACROSS •5 T~:Vllf. 1 Hit the --•s Produce ··-48 Ceme IO • 9 Steep rugged pe1k .fOCk• S2 FINna.I 14 Spur org•niul- 15 Noted tlon: 2 words ......... 68 M1n'1 n11me 18 WRHam the 57 HetlcoPt« Conqueror'• 91Nmbly \ ancestor .. s ..... 17 Minute Oflftc1 bu1ine.lllft 18 Bank 69 SeN· trariMctlot-I ·-19 Tooklt111y body 20 Time of d1y: 60 E1pert Poe I. 15 1 A1i.n city 21 lndenletions 62 Different 11 Asht•e 35 C1Md!M 23 Interval of 63 Skin granted k'ldi1n .... blen'll9htit' 12 Sini;i41<-36 Fruit . 25 Unit of 64 Artim .. C.mpbf:I J8 Bild 9CIUl'ld C~City tJfOUP 13 Obno1lous "42 llMstl ol 26 F1m1i. rurr 66 Plant, Of 1 l)e(Jp4e: 81. --27 Pronoun ••" $ ..... 44 G.nn1n1' 29 D1i.1I rinish DOWN 21 c ...-10 45 H9fe end 32 Gry11nd ••ilt -· Less« Slrf1 1 --cat'OO 22 In-of ~1 Take Int• 35 Conwerutlon 2 Show to be one'1f11"1'1V 35 T.n1h: Prefix IN• 24 Oneofh 37 F1tmlnlM 3M....-...... • Summanw 49 SPoru ..... 4 L.-ner %1 Source of , . ...- 38 Trt1turt-5 StTlce out --39 ··-Boleyn fl Run .way 21r-· . •hip IO ·-ffOn'I <.cJ Thlc knua 1 A11enlu,f01t ...... _ one'•mind units .... 31 Groupof 51 C~llenoed 41 E•l1tltd 9 Thofough~ -fi2 Gullet 42 Fur tource f ire 32 Monk of ~ H\hi 1.-nd "43 fua1 •nd 9 Eme<g9nCy Tibet &4 St1te ... >., ...... 10 F,.nc:h ...... H Untover.cl +4 ObMrved .culptor 34 Mirtric unit 59 M1k1e atft.c:h 2 HI ,:T>fE'RE'- 'l"OU LOOK ~ HANDSOME TOCllltY, WILL!E PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER 0 by T°"' K. Ryan MY roi.o Gl<Me 15 eo1Hfr10 ror. . by Dale Hale by Enie lushmlller WHllRE' THERE'S A •w11 .. 1.1e:• 'THERE'S A W"'Y IT ••• ll'9 TOO LATE. OID YOU WANT HOW ! &ET6Y, TMl!Rf'S AHC!THl!R TADLe, ADllN HID MT>lERIHE, .. /llR. DR~? 2"ii ~ MISS PEACH DICK TRACY M--;;6N MUWNS Miir-t.r.r-. \'Aiir-r·r.r.- ANIMAL CRACKERS AU.NMT.~l ON 'Mr PIWI ! 11111• ~ a1t' I'""-.-u H I ~! •. • ' r ., ''-"----------c..J ' by Gus Antala !; by R09er Bollen IQl~'I ~ \llllAlf. lelllt .. "TO i51111,1"8SP'I "b" • I ' • ' • • • • ' • • . • . . • . . . . . • . . -. . . . • • ' . I ~ ' l . . -I ; ' • ' ; , • • • . ' • • ' ' • ' _, • ' • ' • I • . • ! • . ' ' ' • • ' l ( l • ~ l I • ' THE GIRLS by Harold Le Dou~ W!'D A6KYOU 'rO JOI~ U6, lll1T WE'RE RE>DV 10 LEAVE NOW! l'IONt•-· ~ ~IA-17 THAT '{---- • .\ by M.I c oc • I • • • • • ' . • ' I • • • • . • . ' • l • • • I • ? -. , • '\"'Yt~ l i l ' . I j I 1 . • • . • • • -• • I ! . . ~ ' -. i.,+-.,..--~· f ·A~IWN: '. i; • .. . . • • • ) l . ' . l ' • • """ !hat bed• l!CIO Sttl1 Farr mud ,~J '. I •like jPm! .~'·' ~ s -:is2.~ -F°'"' . tiedt draJ: uu1 f il'<'I Boal IJn~ -<iu• ·au (021 S-1-1.! hon1 NlCE C1?\'E oow ~di )led Roa """ & dish . ·4 ln\Jl Spa Dini .-lish f i l' """ "'" Nit.~ 1162--. .;o ~18. Cal' Bo• be Fin But Ool \\'01' $41 in ""' .,,., '"' Cru roo '"" !02 " . •. • t· ~· • • .; • t~ • . •• :· • • • • . t:' .. • ! • . I i . , • r . • • • DAILY 'II.OT ''" ' . " ' • •• - r•o.. • FR~E REAt ~SUTE Ll~'ENSING ~Q'1',RSE -. 1973 Famous Licensing Course now available thru Tarbell. Applicants fully reimbii.rsed upon quaijJication. For de- tails call Mr. SIQan (714) 832-5440 in Orange Co unty. on weekends 832· 7000. . ... ... .-. .. . . • • . . . . . .. . . . .. ""~- • fimt• Placement Service BEAUTIFUL MISSION VIEJO $58,950. The u1tim1 t1 ii'! r1l1111d living. 4 1p<1co1n bedroom, l b1th1. Unfimit1d S•ddt1b1ck Mo11ntein view. frof111ion1I 11nd· 1c1pi11,, fo1mtl dlnin.g Joom &. dining •r••· lwo fittplt et1l femily ro9m. B••uliful briek ptlio. All modtrl! kiteht n with '"'l'V tonvtniente. C1i11tom fhtilout. 8)0-6060 WITH FAMILY IN MIND Huritingto11 e.1ch. V•rv low1lv hom•. lmm1c:ul1t1 co11dition. l b.droom1, 1 b1th1. P1tio. Form1I dll'lln9 room/ l(ltch111 buil t-i11t wftfi" dhhw1th1r. F~1pl1c1. l11utiful 9•1111 >h19 c1rp1h . E•· c.l/1n loc1tion . l'orced0 1ir h11t. ~ot9eo· ... l111d1c1pln9, A ih1rp hom1 like tlii1 won't lait',01191 Sl l,f50, 9&2-~S~• • A'dvance Training Program , fo1,411tain . .'Valley .......... A- " Y~n't Miss I lerfl'sl,'fo~ chant.<e to ov.11 lhat ~till l)omr. 4 hl'droor®~ 3 baths. Betit loca· !io11 m· 'tountain Valley. Secluded rear living room. Fiunily room, fireplace. All n1od~•t"tWWN!11 1vilh hul11-i"5 . '" d;sh1va$11&..· T11·0 patios. ~Poor. CTUbhoui;e-, jfolt. Showa ·llke a model home . ; f'roft'ssiunnl!y landscaped. ~W.5(1). \P21Gill 842-2561 . ~-' . . ' ShOwplace Home : '52,500, £xqQjs.!te pool ~e. • Formal 1 • fliriing room. 4. 6edroom1t .3 baths. custom - drapes. f(;old shag carpets. Lar1ce i anally room with flrl'pl~c. Plus a bonus room. Boal ga1c'. Choicely \and~1Ald. Beautiful pool. .Quality thh&m kitchen \vilh 0}1U thr N'>f\"Veniences. Palio. (021621 962-1373 :...ii)~ Meadow Home ,. $4,1.950. Oh-!iO b e a u t I r u I ho111e. 3 bedroons, 3 baUui~ Niccly landscaped. Pool & CO\'Cred patio. Ft 0 n l OOurtyanf. Huge n1 aste r ~_Jn suite. Fl8.g§t9ne ./kddiarouod the pool. Rear , ing room. Family room.: pl ace. Dining room Be e Irle built-ins v.1th dlsh\vas er.: (02'239) 842-6691 ., ·4 Bdrms. · $32,990 lrnrnaculale home, Lo\lely s 1,a11ish accents. 2 batrui. Dining ' roent built-ins & tl ishv.·aiJ1e1, Family room. f•i rep!ac-e-.. . On a rtiost-rk>si rdtill'! quil'!t cul de sac stHet. Rear living room. ~icelv landscaped. C017'%11 !)02-13 -·. Ele2ant 'Thruout Huntington Beach Just $28,500! Lowis of e.itrru!I in tins $11.rP. l . bedroom home. 2 balhs. Patio. Dining ro61n. Ne1v shag car1~~. thruout. Fire & burglar alann. $2000 in- lercon1 systen1 & sll'tOO in all rooms. H andyn1an's v.·orkbench for Dad. You can rt'!'I $."CUn.> In this at1ractive borne. (022581 346-.1383 Near The Beach $35,500. Particu1a.r,fy n i c e boine, Ior Ute ~icular btzy- er! -4 bedrooou, 2 baths. Lovely enclosed 'front courto ya.rd with lire~., Beauti!ul master bedrooiil. suite. Lots of treasurable privacy. nm. ing room. J.~amilr room. fire- place. Modem ' builr-ins & dlsh\vasher. Patio. Forced- air heat.· (02176) 962-8865 4 Bdrms.-$31,950 Real sharp home with «lpen- bean1 ceiling. Paneled fan1ily roon1. On a large corner lot. 2 batlis. Dining r o o m . Kitchen built-ins. FireplaCE'... Rear living room. Near all schools. Shag c a r p e t s . \004\8)··1"2·256! $25,95~Wow! Priced to sel( quick! Nice ho~ with ma.ny extras. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Fonnal ~·~~ii:~~~ Family roOrn, ftttPlace~ Ana a secluded rear livln& room. ,Patio, forced-air beat. (023601 962·8865 5 Bdrms.-$37,500! Excellent home. Good floor plan. Immaculate inside & out. Pool-sized yard. 2 baths. Family room. Dining room, built-ins, dishwasher. Cozy firepft!.ce. On a quiet l'Ul de sat' street. Close to the beach! .• ~l 84~1 Very Prestigieus $49,900. Beautifully decor- ated hOme. Bay Bisc:ayne ntodel. Large f a m t I y room \vilh conversation pit. 4. bedrooms, 3 baths. Fonne.1 din in g room. Pat io. ii.replace. Modern kitchen with built-ins & dl.shwa1her. (02'117) 962-f>566 Loaded With Extras $42,600. Lo v e l y home owrllowiqg with s p e c t a I · goodies too numerous to name. 3 bedrooms. Pool It patio. Formal dining room. Fireplace. Carpe~. drape!. Tnp location. Enc l osed all-weather patios. Come see to appreciate. ( O 2 2 3 6 ) MG-1383 4 Bdrm. With Pool Huntington Be Ci ch ' Great Faniify Home $48,950. Vt•ry-,' sharr. 4 bedrooms. 3%' '· b a t h s ~ Air--conditionin~. 3 l' H. 1' garage. J.~ami4' r o o 1n , lin!place. Nice. s,: tie Pr f u I kltc:h<>n with l'dlst\)!.'asher. Plush shag· carpets. Patio. Lclv<>ly easy-<:a.re yarrl. Irlf>al for any fun1ily, 1021ZH IM2--0691 Has 5 Bedrooms $37 ,950. No more problems In finding the home for your large family. Fa v o r i l e 2-siory · home. Ideal floor plan. .P,atio. B u i 1 I -·i n s , dishwasher. 3 fireplace. Rear _ living rooQt. Ruge di nii'tg roor11. Large family room. Shows very WP.li. Jmmerlinte possession possiblc, l01921 ~ 962-5566 Priced To Sell $24,500. Low pl'iCc & extra features combine to make thts u real buy! 3 bedroo1ns, 2 baths. Forced-air heal. Patio. Dining roo1n, built-111s &. dishwash('r. LovC"!y lirc- pl&ct'. Attractive rear yoord. ~'!J very well t01671 ! 962·1373 Here It Is S37 ,500. All I tie. room for 1 he large family. 5 bedrooms. 2 baths. Palio. Lath & plai;1cr comtruclion. Formal rlining room. Built·ins & dishwasher. Famlly r o o m , firepla<.'I!. Rear living room. Shag carpets. Paneled garage_ Lots of .fruit trees. t0224 1) 84&-0604 Start Packing $31,900. Move in right away in this nice 3 bedroom hon1e. Lovely c-8.Tp('ts & drapes. Good school dislrict. Covcrerl patio. Gas huilt-ins \vi!h dishwasher. f[ rep I a c l' . Secluded rear living roo1n. \0!)619) 962-5566 Costa Mesa ' . • '; Move In Now $30,500. Ready tor immediate jloS$l'Ssion. 3 bedrooms, 2 ·baths. Formal dlnlng room. family kil t hen with bu.llt-ins. Rear living rocim. 'F'ireplace. Very lovely yard'. Pluah new carptts. (022161 a40-1720 Large Famify Home! $36,950. BeauUfuJ honlc al the ~nd of a quiet cul de sac street. 3 bedroozna, 2 bath.s. Family room & bo nus roocn. Covered Patio. Dining room. r~ireplace. Secluded rear liv- ing room. Buil!-ins wilh dishv.•asher. Shake r oo f . 5'10-1720 Executive 3 Bedroom! J.1J,TJO. Immaculate & beautiful. Near the Santa A/ia country club. 3 spaciolll' bedrooms. 3 baths. Formal dining room. Family room. fireplaN'. Dehi'<e tam i I y kitchen \Vith built-ins & dishwasher. Shows like a model home. 5:10-1720 Professional Decor Sl.2,500. E.xqulslte\y done in- side & out. 3 spacious berlroomi Qinin& room, gas buill-ins with • dlahwasher. Family room, tireplace. Two patios & an atrium ofl the master bedroom s u i le • Open-beam ceiling throuout the home. Eleganl living. (022101 540-1720 Irvine Strictly Deluxe $52,900. Corigeous home has everything you wanL -4 bed- rooms, '.?~ bathi,:. ExceUent Uoor phut. Atrlu1n off the beautiful 'large nlasle.r suite, Family room, fin•place. For- mal dining room , Electric built-Jns & dishwasher. Patio. Pool facilities. (02399 ) 540-1720 Calttomia Lovefy sn.500. Lovely corner-lot hon1e. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Central ai r <.'Onditloning. Shag carpets. Dining room. tlom-pleasing bullt-rns witJ1 dishwasher. Family room'. Fenced rear yard, No down tenns available. ( 0 2 2 0 4) 9~2390 El Toro Huge Garden Home $49,500. 2000 sq. ft. or real living plea.sure. -1 spacious bedrooms. Heated pool wltll jacuni. Patio. 3-<:ar gara,ge. Shake roof, Dlnillg room, built-in..'\! & dishwasher. Nice fireplace & family room., Beautiful home, ( 0 18 3 3) 8j0..606I) Country Living Gel away from the city & en- joy yourselt Beautiful 5 bedroom home with 3 Ntbs. Gorgrous v.'OOdland RtHiie . Custom drapes, shag carpets. Huge family room. Patio. Formal dining room. All deluxe family k i t c hen . Fireplace. Clubhouse & pool facilities. $56,!KIO. (022'23) J!3i>.<1030 • Mission Viejo 4 Bdrms + 3 Baths! $43.950. ,ExceUont Mes" A Rare Fjn~ Verde home. Very large lot. $29,900. A most unusual home Lovely garden & fruit trers. \vilh spacious bE11rooms. 2 Plenty or roon1 tor a pool. baths. Fognal dining ·rpOm. Boat s, trailer ac c e s s. Patio. Fa"fully kilchcn with Mission Viejo Spaitfmg Thruout $34.900. Beautiful San Juan mode I home w i t h pro- fessional landsl'aping, 2 love- ly patios. Even 1:1 hand·" man's 11'0rkbell<'h In the garage. Pool-sized Io 1 . Dining rootn. b u I It -I n s, dishwashe r. family roon1 & llreplace. 3 beclroo1ns. 2 baths. fu>Ar living room. Tilc roof. l02257l 830-6030 Hillside View $4-4.000. Oh-eo-nice view of the rolling h.ills. Attractive 4 bedroom home with a huge la.rnily floor plan. Large tear yard is ideal tor kids. BuUt- ins, dilhwa.sher. Fam 11 y room & fireplar..'t'. Patio. Love!Y extras th r u o u l . \~) 83().600) View For Miles $43.950. 15 acres of nature's playground for your back yard. Lots of room tor a pool & recreatlonRl vehicle. 3 bedrooms. Shake roof . Formal dining ro om , BuilHm &. dishwasher. Family r oom, fireplace. Rear living room. Choice area. (00712) 8'.l\l-OOXI Laglina Beach Reduced j3500! Spacious top of lhl'! world hdme. 5 bedmoms, 3 f>atfis. Large attractive landscap- ing. Patio. dining room. All delu.'<e kitchen \vith modern buill-ins & dish wa s h er. Lovely family l'OOm & • fireplace. High above the Pacific with lots of privacy. 156.000. 494-8003 covered paHo. Shake root. bui H-1ns & d 1 sh washe r -Like Royalty.I Formal dining r o o n1 , 1'~ireplace. H.ear living room. Executl·ve Pool Home built-ios & d's h w .. h.... Open·ooam ce!Jlng. Cowred Thai's th .. feeling """ get in Family roo m . fireplace. patio. Boot &~iler access. this spectacular cu 1 Io m 1WJ05I 540-1720 $29,900. (02'll01 830-6000 h · Jo \ M ho ... $58,000. Just like a n1odel ome tn \'e Y on.arc ~. • bed 3 •. J .----------------------"1 4 spacious bedroom .suHcs. -1 home. rooms. uni is. b h Thou ht · Beautiful pool ""ith' pa!io & OnMt House Directory at s. g -staru::enng decking. Forma l dining .... -·· coastline view. Lots of- room, Electric buill-ins & (Open 1·5 p.m. Sunday) privacy. Rear Uv\ng room, dishwasher ln the family family room, den. Elegant kitchen. Fireplace. family 3 Bdrma., family rm., :1»32 Ilg S ur, 0.n• "'"' formal dining room. $179,000. room, Elegantly decorated. fi repl1ce .. $39,950.. 493""'~1 494--8003. Lovel)l landscapl.ng. (OZ!52) HorM prop .. 3 bdrma., 26711 Lairl1t, S•n Ju•n C1pl•tr•no ---------- 84&--0604 o/.._ acr•. 567,500 493-6251 \ 3 Bdrm1., f1mlly rm., 3402 Ptrk Drive, S•nt1 An• flr•pl1c .. $15,900. 962·1373 Near The Beach 3 bdrm1., f1mlly rm. 2702 ca.tor, Sent• AM 521,000 962-1373 4 bdrm1., family rm. 1571 M.inhlrdt, W•tmln1tw $34, 900 i92-440 I 5 14rm ... t1,.,i.ce. 6052 ~ Huntington IMch form•I dining rrn. $27,500 146 0604 3 bdrma., famlly rm., 15162 W~ew, Huntlrt11ton hac:h, Prestigious Living Just across the Niguel coun- try club. Beauliful home. 3 spacious bedroom suite~ .• 3 baths. Forme.I dining room. 3-ca.r, garaie le: patio. All modem family kitchen with·' bulU-lns&: d Is h washer . Family r o o m , lireplactj Rear Uvi~m for boors o J?rlv&ay. rgeous I IV I n r l'OOlri. Wltb b cefilng. Wet . . -• , .. . . Fo1.11'\l1in Vt lley. II you need iht 1oom, tl<itn ttih hom e ht1 ii! lde1llv l1nd1c•p•d. ~''' living room . P1tio l •h•k• reof. Nie• corn•r lo l hom•, Loh of roolft for • pool , W1l ~l n9 dl1ttne• lo • tthool1. 8uilt·in1, di1hw.f1h•r. f irepltet & ftlTlllV room. Evin • bo1t gtlt. Ntw th•g ci••P•h . $)9,900., 962-IJJJ Laguna Beach Won't tast Long S.'Jl.!'((l. 0\\ rlf'r mus! sell this \'ltt'ant 2 bedroom O\\'n-your _.1v.·n a pill1n1.:011t. On, the ()(;('!lll ~JCI<' of the highway. .lust 2 h1ock11 frnm 1he Pat.:l lic-. Qui.-.1 :U'C"a i u p~iitiJ:!111us Nurlh l..iH .. ·unn. S('pura11· ,,1n1rol widiant Cl'il· Ing l\('at in each...i'OOrn. f...argl' living rooni & ll£'1h·oon1i;. !\todt>rn k i 1 c h l' 11 \1t1lh buih-1ns. 494-.'WOJ San Juan Capistrano EstatQ Living The cpilome in luxumu.s liv- ing. 4 be<lroon1 s ulll's , J. batha. Beautlful pool wllh jacuzzi. Spani!lh tile entry. Am/Fm in!ercon1. Great family roon1 v.·i rh ·\VI'! bt1r. f ireplare. l)inin~ r o o rn . Ulll'a-nux.lt>l'll ki!ch<.>il, Till' root Lot!! of rnurh-Y.'anli,,'d 1nivacy. TI1rce pa1ios. !'tear living roon1. $76,000. 1015001 <l~J.'..-1341 Brand New $54.,900. Very lovely hon1e \\'Ith 4 bedrooms. 2 baths . Formal dining r o o nt . Beautiful solid-ash cabinet ... Lumii,lou.s lighting. Large mal!ter sultt> with walk-ln closets. Sunken· ~.ar )!Ying room.1, Fanllly room hu a wet rbar. Fireplll_tiC-AH deiux~ k I t c h e n built-ln11. Atriun:a enll)'. ( 11O9 4 7 ) 49.rjl<I Wonderful Famify Home $42,lXl. Lovt!IY living rwm v.ith cathedral celling. Huge y1trd. Large family room. 'Fireplace. Formal dining roo1n, bulll-lns, dishwasher. JU:oil one mile from the beach. Patio. Across trom ,,e.,... park. (01047) 493--1341 Fantastic View Excelle11t home, ideal tor kids & 'f,orsca. Very secluded with a 1narwlou1 pcee.n & hillside view. 3 ber!room suites. Rom!lll ' tub. Formal dining room. All modem kitchen. Chlkl:'s lllanrooDd, riding ring & 'M.dln1t trail •• t'amily 'toom, fireplace & wet bar. Even a tennlsr court. 167,5(1). (910027l.4!J3.1341 Dana Point Beautiful Thruout S·ll ,900. Exciting 4 bedroom Dana Point Reduced $2550! NI'\\' prl~ $39,950. Enjoy 1he lol'ely oeean & v a 11 e y l!L't'nt'ry frtinl 1ht.s auract\l'e hon1t' Y.'ith .1 ~pa c i ou~ \w;<tir<10n1. Lovl'I)' JHlllO ..... It h lnts of dcckhtJ:;. Nunl<!l'Ous f h1Hh• IJ't'('i1. ~·lud<>d n"fl.r U\•111~ roon1. Formal dining mon i. Gn>fl! fr.mily klll'ht'n \\·it11 hull!~ins. •1!l~l ---------- The Very Finest $13,500. One ol Dana Polnt'1 very finest homes . 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Patio. Dining room, built-ins & dishwasher. Family room, r i 1· eplace. Awnrd-wlnnln& Butler home \Vith o. nl~ ot't>an &: hillside view. \\1&lk· ing di&to.nce to the marine. 49H251 True Ilegance $.">9,IiOO. Ideal lor the large fa nnly. Exccllenl home fOl' tnll•tialning. 4 bedrooms, 3 l)ll1hs. Patio & Rhake root. Forn1al dining room. Nice ki tchen '-''ilh butlt-inll It dll\bY.·a.,her. Family room, lh't'place. Large fef\Cf'd reo.r yaNl, Wet ~r. Beautltul landscaping, 49~l San Clemente Spanish Delight $32.500. Brand new home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Open-~am celling. Large level yard. TUe root. patio. Dining room. Built'-lns with dlsh\\'BSher. F' Ire p I a c I'! , 1007821 ~92-7210 Panoramic riew $45,000. fantastic view Ni matched ooly by t h e beauty or thts home. 3 bedroo1ns, 2 bathl. P•tk> A 11hake roof. Lovt!l,y pool. Rear living room. Famil)' room. fireplace. Dining room . Thick pile carpets. On 11. quiet cul de !18.C street. BuUt-ins ·Ir d.llhwasher. 492-7>10 Beauty + View $49,500. Love-ty z..tory home ln Immaculate condition. Panoramic city & ocean view. La.rge family patio. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Shake. root. Fireplace. Otannlng yard. All modem g a a bullt-ln.ci with dishwasher. 4.92-7'.!lO Emancipated Living S•l\,000. ~~nfluential home in Foun!rain Valley. 4 bed- rooms. Beautiful ca\hedraj open-benm ceiling. Huge cov- Prcd patio. J.,eovely fruit t:I't'es. Carpets, drapes. F a m I I y room & fiteplace. Dining room. ~deluxe kitchen. t 02366 f 8il6· llS3 $36,!nl. Very sharp home. Showa like a model home. Inunaculate condi tion . Dining room, gas built-ins. PaUo. Flreplaoo. Forced-air heat. Just in time for sum- mer. (02250) 8'16-0004 Just one. mile from the beach. Very heart-warming home with 3 · bl'!drooms, 2 baths. Forced-ab' heat. Two patios. Deep shag carpets. Lots o[ love.l,y paneling. Formal dlninJ;. . room. All delwte b u' i \.\., i n s w:lth dlshWJ5her. ~ily . room·, rireplace. $37,400. (02270) ,,.,,._ ots of privacy. $16,500 . 146 0604 bar. fST ,:!00. llifl8l6) 4i)H003 • hon1l' within w a I k i n·g distance of Dana Hill s Hlith School. Plush shag carpe1i1. All modern elcx:tril' bulll-lns y.•J th dl!!h\vasher. Lovel)I fireplace. Shake rool. Only 1 year old. (02Zlll • <9H251 l\1lnd~laggerin.g panoramic view. 3 bedroom11. Covered patio. Beau11 tul m a JJ I I'! t bedroom suite. Rear living mom. Dining room. rirep]a('(', Lowly kitchen with all the modem con- Vl'!nienccs. Artractlve .. yl\I'd. Con1e see to en.joy. $52,000. •~mo j' •. '· • • . ,. ., ; . • ,Since 6 I SOUTH COAST OFFICES COSTA MESA HIS Hcwbor lhd., 540-1720 NEWPORT BEACH 6fO.J Newport C......, Dr. 540.1nO HUNTINGTON BEACH ll111 ...... ~. 142"66f1 f 017 A..._ . . .. ~ . .,~ 1· ·Ji•( ..... ........ 9tJ1 HOW!h~• ...... " FOUNTAIN VALLEY • LA~UHA BEACH , ................ 1'20 S. "-Hwy. 4'44001 t6J·1Jn SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO , 17t45 MDftoll• 141-25,, ll 771 Del Obi.,. 4f J·114t MISSION VIEJO SAN CLEMENTE 1101 s. El C-1" ~HUk ,,_ 4ft..7210 llMOl O SANTA ANA '· .,.,.-,:_, EL TORO t7f.J:Jt0 DANA POINT MT 61 :A° c.-Hwy. •tu211 --····-··-···-·······=·--··-· ' . •\ • ·t .. • ' • • ' ' • I • ·~ ~ . 1 ' • • • • ' . • • • • I :1 I 1 I • " I ' • •• - • nAILY PILOT ~ o o I• o ,J00•$!4 ~·JU•.,, 1 j ••••••• 950. 990 -&--900·9'• "'"•"'*". . . . . . . . JOO • m ' -..:..J.. The Biggest Marketplace on the · Orange Coast DAILY · Pl' 01 ·tLASSIFIED_ ADS . ' ·-·- ' --"" w. . . .1'15 • "9 ~· • •••• , ••• S'2S•$49 ""' and -• • • • • • ISO • 899 ......... Gonoaoj, • • • • 1!0 • 199 .....,. . • . . . . • • • • • • 300 • 11919 : -'*•obal ......... 100-m HouMt fot Solo • • • • . • 100 • 114 last & rOl.#ld , , , , • , • 5.SO • S74 Meld-a. •• ' .••.. 800. 149 You Can Sell It, Find It , Trade It With a Want Ad [642-5678) One Cal I Service ~st Credit 1 Approval $chook '..d '"51r\.Cticif\, , , • 599 -and ......... ·~·6!19 llUnlpiOltotlon. • • • • • • • ~..:.. 949 ERRORS. Advortl .. ,.. should cho<k the ir ~•~c1t .dilly & report erron lmmodletely. TM DAILY PILOT IHUm•t li1billty for tho firs t tncorNd inMrtlon only. I -.... I~ I _,. .. Ge neral A Ui-il()Uf ti()Mf 2500 LAKE PARK LANE, Newport Beach! Wow! Whatta address! And whatta locati on! A shake roof chateau nestled on a hiJJ over- looking legendary Cherry Lake in Newport Beach. Surrounded with pine trees and quacking mallards, this three bedoom home is super and definitely Unique! OPfN TOD.AT, 2500 LAKE PA.RI, CHERRY LAi i , N.I. UN l9UI' HOMES OF HEWPOJtT IEACH, 6<45-;6500 A li.Rf"t of Koy G 1- U,_.l()Uf: ti()Mt=S RE/IL TORS !;Go;;;· ;;n;;;".'".;.';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 Gener~I SHARP -.....------- BAYSIDE BAYFRONT • 'A~-~ ~ MDASSOCIATES REALTORS 2828 EAST C0AsT HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CAUF. 644·7270 ~ e NEED e A POOL? . HEATED 18'x36' -Great EASTSIDE location! Close to Westcliff shopping. 3 Bedroom, convertible den, 2 baths, fire- place, plus ROOM TO ADD ON. 10% down -owner will carry 10%-2nd T.D. $39,500. Call for appointment. ~ e NEED e 16 UNITS? _ .. in excellent rental area close to large shopping center. TWO SEPARATE BUILD· llliGS. 8-2 Bedroom unfurnished , 8-1 Bed- room furnished . Large heated pool. Covered lanai. pin g-pong and shuffleboard. WILL TRADE .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. $220,000. .. ~ e NEED e .· A DUPLEX? _ .... General SUPPLY LIMITED. DEMAND GREAT! Newport Crest Ccndjlminlum Homes, cluslered about handsome courty1rds, occupy one of lhe tew remainin11 large properties in desirable. Newport Beach. Uac!ly 1ighl for perma· nent residericy or l oliday home. Sundecks. fireplaces, wet bars, Sun·lite• kitchens, luek·undef double a:ara11es. Heated swim· ming pool, ltahted tennis coul"ls, s1unas, therapy pool. Alt e~te· rior· maintenance provided. A lastin11 eipe(ience iti glo1ious li~ing! Two, three Ii f111r bedroo11s. ~neral General ' OUR 241)1 YEAR Offering Service' Only Experience Ca n Provide MAGNIFtCENT VIEW , .. of the entire Newport Harbor. Lovely 4 bdrm. home plus convert. den & 3¥i baths. Fashion Island & the university are handy lo this location. $119,000 4·PLEX SOUTH OF HWY. Two 2·bdnn. un its & two I-bdrm. units. Xlnt cond.I Beautifully shaded courtyard. 4 Car j!ar . One of the best bu vs \Ve have seen at $126 ,500 ** ** **• * TAYLOR CO. * General General oflnJa !}6/e PRESTIGE WATERFRON T HOMES ' SHOWN BY APPOINl:MENT Linda hie Waterfront Beautiful, new 4 bdrm., 4y, be. ho'me on lagoon, with living rm., family rm., lge . game rm. or 5th bdrm ............ $255,000. For Complete Information On All Homes & Lots, PIH .. Coll: BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bayside Dr., Sulle 1, N.B. 675-4161 General General FOREVER VIEW -DOVER' SHORES Elegant, lge. bay view home; 5 BR, 4 ba. Comp. entertainment center around Igo. htd . & filt'd. pool; locked wrought iron gates. ~166,000. Land avail. THE BLUFFS -FOR LEASE Back Bay view. 3 BR. 2 Ba. $475 MO/lease CORBIN· MARTIN · REALTORS call Anyt ime • 644-7662 General General I ••••••••• e TEXAS SELLER University Model Lots or ceramic flool' tile, !Ovcly carpellng. 3 bdrm. 2 ba.. family room. and • a greenbelt location. Price of ·~.OOJ lncludcs the land. ired hill REALTY NEAR TIIE liARBOR EN· 'l"IV\NCE . Your O\\'ll pier l\nd slip • beautifUl unob- stMJctL'd hay viC'\v • near yacht clubs. fishing, and "'atcr acUviti('s. 3 BetJ. h'J(>Jn'i, la~~ sandy beach wllh room ro rxpand. Beautiful .. tree·lined street in Old Corona del Mar. BOTH UNI'ill HAVE 3 bedrooms, - den, fireplace, 2 baths, builtin kitchens, PATIOS, 2 blocks to shopping and schools. Choice location. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . $98,500. ,,__..,_.. e NEED e 4 BEDROOMS? lrom$6~,495 £1ull••ll -trti11o111111,,.1nd11c . - BIG CANYON-$114,500 Wonderful floor plan in this spacious 5 bed- roo1n home \vith family rm & formal DR. 3 Fireplaces. Popular open beam · vaulted ceilings. Good cptng & drapes & beailliful landscaping, Circular drive. Fine location. 55 ROYAL ST. GBORGE DAILY 1·5 ''Our 28th Year'' WESLEY N . TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 San Joaquin Hill s Road "Overlook ing Big Canyon Country Club'' FIVE UNIT FIXER UPPER Five individual 3 bedroom homes on large 300 ft Eas!- slde Cosla ti.1esa 101. Paint and r.lean up Lo be• \\'Orth mOI'(' sm. Owner asking only $72.500. Jus1 listed, call Us llO\V. Forced lo give away this fan· !runic 4 BR, 3 BA channer. Huge rutnP'Ull room, !an1Uy roon1, fireplace, !annal din- ing, wcl bva. NO MAIN T.ENANCE. Prime "Grttn- beU" localion. $77,500. Ian(! inchHled. Don't \\•a.it! Call 645·8400. Univ, Park Centt'r, Irvine Cal Anytime, 562-?;m OUice houn; 8 AJ.1 lo 8 Pl\1 1-Bdrm, each unit. Near ocean & across !'rom park. I Xbtt summer/\\•inter reni· als. $52,~. Call : f.i73·~ 673-0088 EVE'S. associated BROKERS-REAL TORS 1015 W. Balbaa 671-166) General PETE BARRETT -REALTOR- 641.s2i>o 4-U FIXER UPPER Uniqu~ Coslu Mesa, $50,000 . F.P. $5000 D.P. ldt"al lo- cation on R·4 Zone, possibil. ily lo build more. Ask !or Richard Van \Vert . APARTMENT HOUSE EASTSIDE COSTA l\fESA - liu·~r lot . roont for 1 ad- rliUonal in~'Onlt' units. 3 BR 2 BA, lirl'pl, Jid11'd floors w 11lcep shag carpeting, all blrin11. fornla\ dining, and only $34,500. O\\ner retiring to 1ruvel. Call no111, 54~8424. Soulh Co Real!ors General BAYFRONT-FEE Spectacular view main bay & mountains. Sandy beach -pier -garden atmo sphere. One block from N.H. Yacht Club. Contact Bill Bents PRIME LOCATION-$89,500 5 BR's. Baycrest beauty. 3 Ba's., fam. rm. glass walled to sparkling pool. Courtyard entry. Lge. bright Jiv. rm. Owner trans. Mary Lou Marion OELIGHTFUL TOWNHOU SE 3 Bedroom & lgc. bonus rm .. upgraded thruout. Sprinklers, gas fire pit. E!tc. Fine location in Univ. Park, $54,900 -Fee. "Chuck" Lewis A RARE FIND! Meticulous Lusk 3 Bdrm. with more con- veniences added than you can count. This hom e is one of our best! Call no\v & see. Jim Muller EXCITING CORONA OEL MAR Much more than duplex - shiny ne\v sea- side sensation. Bea1ns, brick & glass + income. I~ Blks. to ocean. $13.1.500. Paul Quick CHANNEL RE EF TOW ERS Lu··urious .. waterfront condo. Comer Joca- ti· n. Complete socurity. Elev., pool, boat • 1p -breathtaking view of channel & 1arbor. }larriett Davies OLD SPANI SH OCEAN FRONT Original San Clemente showpiece, buil t high on 3 prime view lots. Unmatched views. Use as home or· deyelop condos. $249,500. Geo. Gnipe. 833-0700 .....-- Coldwell.Banker ~ 550 Newport Cenltr Dr., N.B. NEWPORT CENTER , N.B. 644-4910 General General 546-5880 Open Eves. 7 S /oPfN TJL9 ,. V. E. llo1mnl & C.... a Iii>. tJ.........,, V"'I""' ... and within \Yalking di stance to school s and shopping? 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths, FAM· JLY ROOM, fireplace. Has assumable VA loan-All for only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~29,950 . North Mesa FIX·UP, profit! Duplex &~HERITAGE REALTORS -. Tri •Level I • • • a •-• • • • -ri~69~ Br. houses. Good net $43,950 ! * VACANT * "cosh flow." $29,500 ~ From Pacific Coast Highway, up Superior Av!nue to Ttc0nderoga, and direelly to 4rl2 Robon Covrt. KNOCK E>..""EClITIVE H0,.1E AT Move in oow! Xlnt terms. ~ 5 UNlTS $61,950. Lg. 3 Br. 2 BARGAIN PRICE? r>prfect Bdrm., 2~~ bath ~ome 1 ba .. house + ~ duplexe1 on . . .on any door and find a. nite nt>ighbor. 3 Bcdroon1s. GO' by 130' lot. Low down. Paymenls 5203. v I · c· 2 · h street from ocean 1n New-300 Joi. Good 1nc.'On1e ocalion. 1an~ story \\'It 1 $67 500 Mak ff CALL me for acreage ~11 3 levels. Stained glass & rAi..soA BAY PROP property & incom~ unils ' MARBLE foyer! Formal • Farel Wallu3r l\.ealtot' dlne. Cheery kitchen with * 673-7420 * ASK FOR 8.RuCE EXPANSrvE VIE\V~ Big W d --··''-,, • ., ~-"78 ~• "121 -•~74 Te~p"'11o: (7l4J 545.g141 Sales Office open dall1 JO a.rn., to sunseL fiin1ily room. PLUS . HUGE: ant 8 'laW"' · .... .,..~ ~ r~ 14 BONUS ROOM & \\'ET General Gener•I ~$ • BAR! Spacious bedrooms. ~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiii~~ii~~iiiiiil Park like yard. 3 car gar-~ age. llw"l)'! Call 6-15-0303. e NEED A LARGE FAMILY HOME ? PRICE REDUCED on this TWO STORY ... for the large family \vilh a need for many extras. SE PARATE family room, 5 bed- rooms, 3 baths, LARGE kitchen \Yith di11- ing area, PLUS a formal dining room. t\vo fir eplaces (1 in the ujj'stairs master suite); Large fenced yard for the children. OWN-· ER ANXIOUS ............. _ .... ~54,900. ~ General General Newp>rt Crest ts• PtojK'I ot PKific M.C..Jnc.Robert fl Grant Corpon1tion, 5eneral Contr•ctot C 1973 PHiflc N.C .. l~f, ·-•M ....... --• --- SUPER HOUSE 3 BR + BONUS $31 ,500 ! CR EA!\1 PUFF ST ARTER HOJ\fE! Stain gla.-.s ('ntry! SOMETHING SPECIAL IN COLLEGE PARK :;.;,·;;-·;;.-·;;·.;,··;.;,·.:;--:;:;:;:;;;.J Marble & Del Piso 1ile fire. plaC'e, Large .FORMAL DINING room! 3 spat•ious WALK TO BEACH Brighi, !'hecry, DEANE BUILT homE' lf'SS than l mile to bt'nch, 3 bedIWms, 2 balhs, clt'ctric huiltins, •family room, patio off n1ao;. !er hcd11n. St'au!ifully land- scaped with a varil'IY of fn.iit Trees. Flexible 11'.!rnlS. S:l3,000. bf'drooms. Cheery kih':ht'n. L<lundry, PL.US a SUPER BONUS ROOM . P1\TIO L'Ombo! All enclosed wilh Jalousi(' 1vindows so you pirk up the mood! Fantas- ticaJly SliARP in and out! ONLY $31,500! Take ad\•an- tage -call 645-0303. HIKI.\ I L 01\0~ REA t!U !I ;. A !'parkling clean 1vcll main-• WCADLt::E tained 3 beclroom, 2 hath ho1nc \Vlth formal dining, REALTORS 1-~~~_,o-=-,-=-- famny room, pool sized Open Evenings 5 1/4•/o LOAN yorrl and ins\d._. laundry on a lovely tree lined low traf-• 962-4454 • Can be assumed wilh no !Jc stret>I ""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~J qualifying on this lmmacu· ONLY $33•950 late 2 story family l•ome. WINNING !luge bonus room for pool N• I B "I . table and ping pong. Beauti-i9e ai ey COMBINATION ru1 tandscaping wHh spnnk· & Assoc. best locallon, beatitiful 5...,.n. lcrs. sunny built-in kitchen, · ·~-· and extra wide Jot. J ust put REALTOR ish. pnvacy \\•iUi pool on n1arket. $37,500. Bener PLUS 4 bedrooms • , , only lod $12,500. Se(' ay. NEWPORT BEACH GINNY 1\·tORRISON C wALl<ER & LEE OLD HOUSES •. never die, they just fall nparl. Trad(' .Your o~d for this"':"" executive, aUt<n11on geltl'I', 3 Bedrooms. fireplace, 2 slory +++. • YOU'LL WALK ... a cou ntry milt' before you find a 6~·~ r·; loon \\'i1h so little rlO\\'n. t&Xl sq ft. shake roof, 2 baths, carpets .~ drapes thruout. $247. PIT!. • 5-ACES •.. (CAN'T WIN IN STRAIGHT POKER.} 5 Bedrooms, f-lAS-1'0- BE -A • WINNER. 2 baths, fan1ily n'IOm, l)uiltln R10, rov~red patio plus much nmre. $32,500. • GO WEST MONT. That's right, n 4-bedroon1, 2 baU1 . Westmont H o m e • Known (or ultimate e legana'. spnclous a n d spectacular. Loaded with f':<citlng irleas nnd Uoor pl11n. Take over \I A 6"{ roREST E 01.SO\ '" NEAL 7'0NS VACANT & READY Rt':IE>coratcd 3 bedm1 & ram· ily nn home on huge corner lot . room tor boat or trailer. llJ ng-size covered patio & prh·ale yard. Quick posses· sion. Lo\V down. Only - $27,950. CALL S.12·17TI ~21 UNDER $30,000. l.fard-10-Und $29,950. home in Nor1h Costa l\fC>Sa. \Von't Inst Jong! 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, close to till St'hOOil!, shopping and !rt>e\vay ac- cess. · COATS & WALLACE REALTORS -5Cf>.4t41- 10pt n Evenings) "ABANDONED" Soon to b(' vacant 4 BR, 3 BA home. l\1assi\'e swim- ming pool, family room, fireplace. Perfect WestcliU neighborhood. Ottered at $84,500, First offer takes it!! Call no\v 645-8'500. 2 Bdm1s .. l balh: Crplc.: on lge. ntaintrnunr e-frt'f' yaril, wt lgr. rnclos1•rl palio. De· racbcd 2-1~n r gara~c plus nn. ror 11(\R! & trailer. Pri("('(! at 537,500. ****• -REALTORS-Realtors 646-7TI1 loan. Kf't?p paymts al 1t 11 1505 Mesa 2043 Wcstcli!f Drive Sli8. PIT!. NEW TRIPLEXES •6M •Verde 01'. Eal!'.t, Open 'llU 9 PM IN COSTA MES.I\ caJJ : 673·3663 &12-225.1 Eves. associated GROKEAS -REALTORS 10.2S W. llalbaa 6 7l ·36tJ OWN ER-WANTS OU T! 3 BR, fR, DP., 2000 5Q tt. Gor~l.'01/ll C'Xt"CUtiV(' hotne -. liw·tl in 10 monlhs, nr Coun· try Club. Sl3.:JOO. Cnll 64~7221 1733 \V1rstclllf Or., N,B, • _,_, * Costa Mes::i. 1 • • • • • • • • • Wm . McCabe, Inc. 3 Bd rm .. 1% Bath '**•** 557...(1.3(1 Rea l Estate 2 Bdrrn., 11,'l Bath GOING UP! * 841-4405 * i Bdrm., li Bath (Opr.n Evt'nings) two Costa Mesa homes 00 10% DOWN --~==---large ~ acre kJt. Will sell ____ _ Oran ge County EASTSIDE. or exchange up lor uruts. I • • • • • • • • • Aportmont $26.500 Prlc.d on1y 131,soo. GOOD INCOME Realtors 547-4791 546-5880 (Open Eves.) Charming older I'"'"' !or "'' $750. MO. * Newport Heights * ne-.vlywt'dS or rehn>d couple A nice income Crom rive • Swi.'s dtalet w/SpQnish motif. on qu!<'t cul-lle-snc slreet 2 lx.'tlroont units All have 3 BR, 2 be., remodeled to wilh Jots or 1rws and prtv-RffJ"tJ.ges, laundri, separate perfection! E.~ lge, 1yard, !\('}'. \\i.olki ng dl~tnn~ to enck:IM'd yards. A a k 1 ng room tor pool. 1-turr~: P"bh< lihrnry nnd Wcstclllf I • • • • • • • • • Sl!J."IX!. C•me ,.,. _ Call. BALBOA BAY PKOP. Pla2ft. Our exclusive. BR ING 541151 Open Eves. * 641-7491 * PAINT BRU.SH C BR. l'!i Baths SALESMEN-a WALl([K & lll Ro•lio"' 646-77U H,B. Homo.-l 19,900 -. -• ANXIOUS .ro URN ~::I \\lf''1<:1ltr Drive FORTIN CO. MONE:\'· larger ~lt, bon. Open 'hi! 9 PM REALTORS t • • • • • • • • • "" otl>M' trtngo b<on<!ltJ. . CALL GINNY, 567-030. CLASfilYTEO ...... 642-5611 642..SOOO 541-8625 Oualfl<d Adi ...... ~. ·--------~ • MACNAB IRVINE ELEGANT EASTBLUFF Beautiful 4BR pride of ownership home. One of the best views in Easthluff. Private parklike yard viewing the upper bay. A must see! ~72,500. Betty KBIT MoJ,:61.()(), (N42) TURTLEROCK VILLAGE- BROAOMOOR HOME View! A1ountains & a sea of lights accent the privacy of the yanl. 3BR, 2 bath home. 'h. block to pools, park, & tennis courts. Includes the land @ $57,500. Joyce Edlund 642'-8235. (N43) FORE ! YOU CAN PLAY THROUGH this golf course home, overlooking 10th green at exclusive Big Canyon Country Club-~BR, 3 hath. $121,500. Barbara Gothard 642-8235. (N44) . CONTENTMENT Charming 4BR home overlooking lush green canyon. Used brick Cireplaces-huge recreation room. Private beaches . $891500. Ken/Helen Hartley 642-8235. (N45) HARBOR VIEW SPECIAL Individualized born e w /views & parkside location. SuMy carpets & ceramic tile floors, gas BBQ, 3 roomy BR's & 2 baths. $69,900 incl. land. (N36) ..... QUIET COUNTRY ATMOSPH&f\E . Beautiful 2-story-SBR.-3 bath-;!~ DR.-FR. 2750 sq. ft. home in parklike set- ting. $62,000. 644-0200, Lois Egan.,,(!'ifl)- "CHALLENGE CHANCE " $67~ Call now regarding charm of this champ- ion 3 BR clearly created tor you & candidly calculated to capture your fancy & chase away the canvassing blues of changing chalets. Walter King 644-6200. (NJ2) COZV-COMFORTABLE $38,500 -3BR & FR. Cul-<l~sac avoids heavy traffic flow. ConvenienUy located within walking distance of· shopping cen· ter & business/professional dilitdl!li. ~pa· cious yard. Walter Klqg 644-6200, ~Ill) '· . -------~.---~:--- [ Irvine I Mtcn•b·lrvlno A1111yc«n~,,, I 901 Oowt Otln 142·1235 llU MlcArthur M4•1200 Newport Bt1ch,C1nrornl1121•s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - . £~ "" 'bll Su SJ: •• "" lo• "" fin ll~'t t·cl 10< ""' 6~ e in in lr·r 3 ( bcl for ] I,~ l'hi Pi! OH SU "" 11U1 }'Ol ye; OS yo1 is El for $40 \'er fi~ ,, • U• : gu • ph ' SU • vc ... G7: . E• : 1"11 : Nt « fl. c '; ~ ,, ,., 'I ! • )' ' " • : \l : • I\ . Ii -. . ~ ·-'.1 -. ' . • • ' • ( I ( i • . -. . . -----------·---~~-~ . . D41Lt PIUIT • Pll.OT-ADVERTISO 11¢M~!E~~R ... I --~lie] ;I ;-;;,; ... ; ... ;;:i:;llie..:1 1 ~1-·-·.--;l;le;;ll i I Kow'!!~BoiNGao.JBathJ.l ~iiiiiiiliiiiilii~ lldl*<•'"-· Wllllt 101'01 1 Huntlnpon llM<h 5ctloql1 ltlN Jr. Coll .... 0.-11 ' General eo.ta -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;; HUfttlnttoJI hKh Lido Isle Ge-• -ltrUt I~ I _,,. .. ----- MobllaH«MI For S1l1 I~ 12.I =Call 1 n11 Im e.. I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I $l4,000. I-------- . • TOWNHOUSE THIS COUN11tY 1' 2llR. ~· 36' 11aF 'ooo1 • EXCLUSIVE • T U ·1 ARE YOU A "'""""".dbl ,.... incd' • Bdrm.:. plUo d<n; 5 ,,. .. ~ 24•5T • BR. Mod.". ]..-..-;;,,.. Covontnltnl lonn 7"'. no en DI s OLDE HOUSE -CLUB-SLA""? lds<pd, ...... ·11rad•d "' Ft. Nord cornu • ...i-w/vkw & """· quallfyln~ '20.800. Paymts BELONGS TO A BYGON£ ATMOSPt-l£RE • Qoraf'OUI • 5 v.•/w crpta (t r p •, MUn111cent. cuitom tQne. l i liTlilil i-iiiiii' iiiiiiiili I t:9oo:I ~ ~ d= $145 • ER.A. netai"'cf ~ ot two &tory IJ'l..1~ Crttn· TO lfOUSEWORK~ Hffe'• ther~lcally (.'Qnt.roUed, $'170,cm. tAchM1a. t . ~ aktinl. lge. pie-brook. 4 Bedroorn1, 3 bllht, a Door plan thlll wtU save FA ht, ~ll'C blUn R/0, ture wiodt:loM. kx!&. tlawina fonno.J <Unlnt, lru1u lamlJ,y 111.,,. and make boultkeep. d.llhwshr, a:arb dlllPtl, dln ~TAL-5: Suruner. w1titer • OPENl.NG FOR A.e,,.:~1~. ':" EAn;'. ...-porch ~-"'°'" wiU> wtt J>ar. aunktn I..: a pl<....-.. ~ ,m. Xlnt lo<. """"11• I•• ~O REAL TY JtUI Etl~. ~I·· I~ new or o:pttient"ftl lictnsc-d sro& ~ $10l 000 located in oldfor of 11....tn{; room, 1op gratte <"at' ts 1.1P6.,"rlidt.'d and &uJ>('t" cl.ran than ttnt. LEASE HOME Real Este.\e Saltspooplc. l6lln llJauabte. • Cooal;.ent Coal• Mcstt.. ON • prts, dntf>t!S, catbednl ce1J. tor a :young mother of two. I! 3317 Vt& Udo, N~. Beach • • \'our own llrlYlltc desk &: l I ,.,,... SIZE LOT OF APPROX. Ing iu 111astt-'T' bedruorn, 3 3 Bedrooms 2 baths Rancho 6Jl..7300 A.crNg• for sate 150 Enjoy living in ~11ss\on VleJo phont',. cooa waJk-lns. ,......,. monlhty lneorne 0 111Q.l'· 9000 SQ. n . (:ar gara&t. Lots of trees. La CUt'Sla Monterey. Pro-· OUR EXCLUSIVE-S -oow while loa&Jng lhlt1 4 u\.lvf'rtlshig. ~nll~ i(l('!\iw:>~ Ow;:r i'>' ~e ror ~ l]nlque 2 BOftM. -n:ooR Enj(,fy ihe clabhou:lt· A pool h.:oiuklt~J.,y laudl!itllped. Own-( ) u.d 'bclMWJ ,.U~e lit.or;' ho111u. 18 fi'al'll, for lniervkiw • to uii ts,. to sec. P'l.AN,A< tcatUJ"t"S 0 L DE 11.c.1ivhies. J1111 llitcd • won't e1-. haV(' bought larger .,,!!!'!!"!'!'!l!~~"!'~~"'l·nup~ -Jl79,®I). St 1 9 LAK& FRONTAGE Superb loc&ith,><n. On l y e CALL ANYTIME e Newport t"ASHivNED PARLOR last. hon1t-. CALL. 9684456. "':''SPANlSH VILLA'' 32~ntE~~t!"~:~o«an 2-M> .c. "'' bcauUlul Lake $350 per 1non1h lncludf't' the ,_,.,_ "9lB E LAt .,,.01 1'YPE UV. ru.t., appro.1':. 25 CALL 842""4451 Approx. 3000 ""· tt. of hOmi• view. 4 Bdrm.<1., 4 baths Naclmlemo ~ar ITIMr1naA & g1u'd('r'llf\I: Sl.'l'Vl(-C. Phone U!I _,, or Vt. ~,..,._ It ft . Jorw. \l.·il.h COZY LDC $28,500. vm \Y ccntrl\I aJ;' cone!., r)LUS $230.000 re$lde11Ual ih-vek>prnenlS. !Oll.lt' :.."6-07/l for nlOl"tl ln-F la BURNING flREPLACE. N h11ae nuul. ' D.•"n'l\5., ,._. LIOO REALTY $850. per fll•re w tem\J. rorn1ul1on. 1lrv .. w Spac'-·-1arm-·I kit h n 0 DOWN -,...,,., ..,.:\, ··~· · Id · I 1· I I • This ;t'de ~~ ~ .:Alr.: basement ru~npUJ ro1 , for· 1117 Via Lido. N'pt. Beach me. J>l\Mta rl• lt' c ll~ • 646-1111 L~ ... , 05 0 ., POSSIBILI· 3 ~~~~lS 2 SA.ntS, mill 11v. & dm. nns. M 6.,,.7300 srnnll doo•n. Bkr. ~. Lachenmyer $34,500 Realtor French • 2 Story Pool $24,500 ! n.u~ r ba1uwvuu Uoors. carpet. cus1on1izcd fcatun.·s. ~·n·t ~,-~~~----- {anytime) TIES" It would make an drapes, boil tins. Covered en; tr~l'rrrd l')QMh. Call Mesa Verde Commercial excelll"llt F1RST HOAIB for pa.110. The hard«> lind Ooor THE REAL ESTATE FAIR-_ ..... .._.-----Property 1$8 newlyw'fds, or RETIRE-plan, llowieY.•t(e's dream-.•• S36-25.5L DESIRED LU<·a1Jon. P.t~u 1---'-..;. ____ _ MENT HOME for Senklr "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!I! Oo!oe to schaola, Irt-ewa,,y ft-Verde o 2 yr lmmal' 2 citizens. We doubt that""'' '! -"-"'pl"". ~\l.L ,,_ • ......., RARE INDEED t 2300' r' '"R lBA. ,_ ''RE D T S'' M...... 'ID '"' """°'"'""" !I Of)'. ~-I. 'V • • •1~U ~~ anything like It. A HI StardWlt qUllii1y honiu. An '""'· nn. Nr. Elem. & $ •• - 500 ·-J $2,000. ~lrt"d achie\~~nl 'f"' lntennl."d. ~hi. 7';', MSSUnl 22, FULL PRICE REDUCTION IN PRICE. ~n en<"aled 111 execut \'t' VA. Avail Jnlv By Owner 52 Unit Motel Priced a htt bi>IO\v the mllrk- E't IX'Cause th1• bachelor O~'Jlt't )Oays ··~U!" This UnC' :; bC'Clroom horne onJy nrPr1s ·r.L.c. Rnct you! Ex· cel!ent Hw1tln~to11 &ncf1 local 1011 t'l"i;e to iJChool.s In JX1t111Jllr Shorcc1<t;st, Cull 675-7t?"5. ShAdl'S of Old NMv Orleans~ !:'RESHL\' PAINTED 2 11tory Pans1un 81\RGAIN! fluge 1ivi11,i.: roon1. Gourmet kltetll·n. Spae:1ous bedroonls. Seeludt"CI' pnuo_ OLYMPIC SIZE POOL! .. Plus" gor· gt-<iui; lawns. OutdOOI' BBQ a r l' a &: BAD~11NTON COUlt1'! fl!A P URCHASE 0 .1\.! F'nbulous to\Vne horn~'· VFRY ANXIOUS seller! CaJJ toda,y • 645--0303. NO MONEY DOWN WALK TO SCHOOLS This channine; 3 ticdroom and den hon1e L'I wfllklng distance from all i;chool11. "'ith no major s1rrets 10 Cl'OSS. ~.ludcd WK.lied, lrtt shaded back yard with tree. torm flagstone p 1:1. t I o . Pren)iwn cttrpctl11g 111id we.11 coverings mnkc lhHJ a great value at $25,500. Why wait, call now 546:-2313. of1FER YOUR owN Fixer • 4 Bdrm + ...... Jsn. 3BA. hrrtwood 1·~.9:~. ,,;1-.-s00: "\\'hat a buy! 3 Bedroom, 2 n di d t ON Pnrr , oors. n 1u·ta. l'COnl or LO , . CALL NO\I.; 1-uR ADDRESS! 30 f'Clm. Rm. + I.laths, beautiful lerTaz.o ('O-drnpes, ~rpta. So l'nuch tor VE.L "\: I BR, 2 Br\, lam1ly MISSION REALTY 40' Pool • Beach • try gives SPftCious open the prlCC'. Call PttfomlAJ>Cl' i·n1, palio. shag c r Pt . fee-ling. l.ovt"ly C'arpets, R.E. 003-5621 ASt>un1~· 1 ~ pt'n..-enl Gl. 985 So. Coa!lt Hwy., Laguna 527 SOO clrapes, large family roon1, $J;,,500 ~-02SL Phone (''14) 494-0731 , • nre~1ace. \\'ater softener. Huntington Harbour ... ~1 . V r. .,. Ill SSIOR ieto PRIME EASTSIDE--UNBELIEVABLE BUY OF patio, 3 '"' ,.,. .. ,, gar•IO' S 3 BR & I :'I' '-J"'\ THE CENTtmY! ! door openers. Unbelievable BY Owner -hUllt' 2-sty, 0 • pae a~ rm. !·'! Just \isled, you can't miss! for the price. CAl..J.. 96$-4456. 4BR, 2\A blt, tam rm, din BY "'ner, 3 br, ;\liso Villa ba, trplc, pool-size yard, Modern ~'.<>nven\cnces. 4 rnl. Nr water. $66,000. Condo. Pinn B . Appnt. shake roof. $32.900. qtll'E'n bdr1n'.1. Huge paneled 2l3/592-Tl28. s3_7_-c.90oc77 c..._ __ _ Choicest llArbor 8\\-d, lotu· Uon oo 3.8 a("('('s, ~r l R.l'1tlaurun1 . Roorn ti:ir r\· i»tn~l(lll (IV1nl.'T" It fl ... :OUhlt", "'Ill fl..s.•t in finAn1·•~. L.nnq ti·rn1 lrll.SI' 1)1)ss~l11t• i\11' St\111'. li~l!iOl nm1s1 1. 01 'o' " R£Ai!VN~ IRVINE TERRACE ---GEM fam. 1·n1, wiU1 nUlffilnolh Irvin.• Newport Beach rireplacc, oVerlooks ran. tastic 40' pool. Deluxe 3 BDRM, 2 Bath, Ll.11i;:1' Lido Isle Beauties bulltin kitchen. Ba.I'. Full K1tchen, catpet lhru-0u1. ON \I/IDE street; 4 bdrm&., size dining rm.. n Ice 551.395-1, J ballls: ft>aturt>s galore! carpets, boat occes.s "'ith Laguna &Heft Price $135,000. Asswnttble separate storage, near the •!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'"""""" I ;;~::;:..;::;::;:_ ___ I G',1:-T.D. be:ach, E--Z terms. NO Gll\1-* CHOICE * 60 Fi'. GARDEN l'hanner. ~11CKS. IT'S FOR RF.AL! I" ACRE H 4 Bdrn1s .. fa1n1ly room, 4 Ol'fNTIL I • ITS FVN 108E NICE.I 1610 W. Coast Hwy., NB ~ lj~l·ll\ll I .:;~~:--:i.;.:,~~;;.u;.;1~;.:rK.:.•_B_U_IL_T_w_-4623_ 1 VIEW! Balboll ls1end ComplelC'ly redecorated & 2 • ADJOINING i11co1n~ pn>p- ertle-s. cenl. C.~1. $~.000, O\Vner, 645--2020/6 12..Qi60. Duplexe1/Unlt1 sale 162 BUYING 3 UNITS? Spectacular vie'~ home &fore you Clo look a\ the ad-ov rlooking harOOr enlranee yan1agc~ of U1ls Uivt'5tr:nrnt \\•llh aJI booting activities ~n ron1p._'11'l"-On lt1 (I 1r1pl<'X 8(.>aulifully ctcsil.?Jled home 111 terms of rcducNt mn1n-wilh large living & gleaming; 4 BR., 2~!a baths, WATERFRONT lot, SOx80 family mi.; 1-story. Lge. "•f'.f}' Roat Sliµ. ~1ake oUer )ol. to Owner. 673-TnO $72,500. lmmed. Pos.scss, Call early 962-~ i'4 Laguna omesites bl\Oi~ $la5,00'.I. Street to t.lreet l(u in xlnt. LI DO REAL TY I ORl\I [ Ol 'O\ $42,950 Location. location! A big 4 BR Buc.'COlla built ranc:h nlale wilh heavy shake roof. Just 6 blOcks to beach a.nd only 4 years old. Cus· tonlized "'ilh all the extras including a C"hef,; goUnnel kitdlen, used brick fire- ph\cei tvzy family room and park· ike grounds providing oodles of privacy, and room for pool, playground & ten· nls court. Just listed by ll ED CARPET. 962-5511. nf'i~hborhood: u1Kte:rground utllllles &: incl. house plnns. Sll,900. BY n1\ OC'I', 2 • 2 nn. l BA. ut•nr bt•a<'h. nC"' cpl.it, S."J\.500 l\fl('l' :;, 496-~. (tlfll~\1·11·10 Bi·:.1·h. __ _ 166 tl'nAl\Cf' &11d do"·n. \Vc-bl.l'\ft' family rooms on the 3 Condo"i, l'ach pr1C't'<I \\C'tl vi1..>W side l:K'low .\\·hat thl.' ,modrhs sell l nfln1a1c sun palio lur. 1'.a~·h ar1• 2 Bl'l'lroon1, \I ith 1vater fountain ]'! Balhs. E.11·1·1 U1I h'.11· .. Bcdroonl!f 4 bal tc. ('hMl. Citt'))(?ted. Priva11.' $Zl8 ·s00 P•1t'i0s. 5',1 01· 10'.;'i Down ' OK ••. Ownl'r mui;I srll HARBOR Balboa Penio1ul1 EASTBLUFF REAL TY 644-1133 • DUPLEX--$79,500 2 &: 3 BR., 3 ba.. 2 frpl. ~lodern & returbished 2~ car gar. Ae:t fast!! R{"A i TOP} PR1~1E B I u f f s Condo 4 BR + den, 211 Ba, f11>I ---~$~3~9~0~.-- Cflll/drp, Owner 6Th--3535. Fountain Valley ••. movt's you ln. seller pays a.ll other costs, payn\t!l: $226 $1-8,000 t'"'ch. C.111 an.ylizne, "6.lG-05.'i>. -"""GE.1111M1-- 1610 \V. Coru.1 llwy .. N.B. REAL1'0RS 642-4623 * TRIPLEX $89,500 P E U per mo Inc taxes. No 2nd EAC F L TD. Adulls only c.'()ndo, 3BR MORNINGS-2 BA: all elC<: bltin R/0, • LlKE NEW 3 + Bonus, w/w cr11ls & d rp s , .. RF.AL TORS SINCE l!H4 * DUPLEX $54,750 ~1ARS1-IALL Realty 675--4600 Caplstr•no Beach 3 ~~ bath condo. Spcculntor's delight. R * GAS B·B-Q on patio 'ft"ars new. \Yon't last, Call • CUS!'OM d.-apes, mirrors If • GOL~ shag tliruoU~ rllage Real Estate * t:~~gE pools &: maint-free 962-4471 ( =.) 546·8103 * ASSUME at 71.i!':O 673-4400 l'::::!::!IE '"!~IE~ I SPECTACUL.Atl ocean view, ! , iii unusual 1 BR furn. gar, parking camper I boat. HORSES!! Titls is a tiome ""'n> sure your family \\'ill C"nJOY th<' . 1 yl"ar 1uuntl. The pool ur~·R · . · :1110\v~ on t.hts .~ aC'J"<' ,. ·us1 ri •hi lo rn1c,1aininK i;.inrh \\1111 largr cus1om s J i.:: r hon>"' r~'n ........ t~rral PLUS your frirn!ls. ~lluion Y1i'JQ ~. ~''" t l.'I the placr «> li\•e and tlua a 3 betlNom rental or. guE'"S El Dorado Sorrento ii1 right home. Cu~torn home is va- for ~'Ou. 4 bdrms and only cant • quick possessKm. $-t0.500. ~-$65,000. CALL Gt2-tm 4%-5tll. Corona del Mar Salisbury Rt-.1\ly • PRICED to sell at $31,900. larwin realty inc. 963-440S (24 hrs} PRESTIGE 2100 MOOEL 28 ft of luxury living, 4 Bed· OWNER am:ious. 4 bdrms., 2 nn.s, 4 bath home W/!Cllper- balhs. Patio. Dining mL, big rec room upstairs "'ith family rm. Forced-air heat. Ml bath, plus ramily room l>icture windo"'S. entry hall. &: formal dining room do\vn· Nice yard. brk $31.500. stairs. Asking $52,900. CALL EXCLUSIVE '84G-OOO<. 847-8531. CARNATION COVE OWNER 1.,.ving. Garden l i~~iiii!iii~~ daple>; lot over 250 fl. ~c.p. Home. 3 bdrms .. 2 baths.11111•1 3rd interest In pier. El" Ira Family rm., r I r e p I ace. • • . parking. Fee land (you oWTI Bulll-IM, d I a h washer . ·--:- ii). The very best quiel & Patio. Near f\!iles Square ! privnle beach loc. $210,000. 1 Pnrk. brk $33,900. 962-1373. ~~:;~;::~~~~ OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-5 1 137.995 C.R.V. Ord•red • 111 Bayslde~Place Seeing is believing. This lo SALISBURY tc.EALTY price buys so much! 3BR, $24,000. 315 Marine, Ba.Ibo&. JslRnd 2BA, gas bltins, 20x40 patio, HARBOR VIEW OWNER sacrifice. •Beautiful 673-6900 675-4437 Eve. pie shaped cul-de-sac lot, HOMES home. 3 bdrms., 3 baths. :.:.:...:.:_:c:.__;;_:_.:..._;.c;;;__::..:..:: OIX'n air sundeck, dbl gar. A 3BR 2~A. overaized dUI gar, 60' x 100' fncd lot, elee: bllln R IO, eating bar, din rn1, fanl lliv rm, FA ht, w/111 crpts & drps, lrg muter sulte. $1200 dn w/paymts less then rent. Family rn1 .. formal dining CdM Duplex steal! Vets, here is your Ve ry popular Soinnlcr!K'I rrri. f'ircµlricc, tile -roo r. starter. Call Bkr, 963-5621 ft\.'l' bedroom modf'I nva.11-Bui!l-ins, re:.ir living rm. CUii.' 3 BR, 2 Be tront house able i:Jr sale or lor lt'aSf', hkr $45.7.iO, 540-1720. w/fncd priv patio &: yard. SEE-BUY-Move Today U_niqUI.' fl~r rlan tnt•l u~l'!I O\VNF.R df'Spc'rote. Beautiful Immed. occup. 2 BR, I Bil S5(XXl On. As.Wm 7% loan. giant family room "''th IU"C-3 bdrm. in Irvine. 2 baths. rear house, xtra wide 42' $269 local Mo. Payment. place, form.al chnlng area, Dining rm .. bu i 1 t -ins, lot. $69,500. Call 675-6900. 1-tove In Today! Nice 3 BR. i>Unkt>n h:-r1ng room and dishwasher. Family rm. 2 BJ\. Ulmer lol. Nr schl!l:. I' rllage Re~I Estate 531·5IOD l ::::.1 531-5100 vcr"«ltllr hf th bcdrocim that Shag carpets. C e 11 1 r a I NEWPORT~ REAL TY t•an b" usrd :u• a den. Call 11 1 r -<'" n 11 d i tionlng. brk Success & Happine11 67~i2'L. S31.51XJ. 979-2390. ~~=~==~==~l iHiiiiiuiiniitijjo~g~to~oiii;;Boa~~c~hiiiiiiiiii l will be yours· ir you look no O\\'NER 11n.,;ous. Dclu.xe 4 CAMEO HIGHLANDS further. This model hOme ..;:-.__ bdrm. 21.. bAths. Atriwn off GardC!n oricnled 1 u x u r Y ''"1th shakt' roof & decorator master suite. Family rm., home, 4 BR. family nn, din· COUNTRY nrof. lanctscapcd yard, Bl fireplan" r·ormal dining ing rrn, beamed ceilings. • $.17,995 ~ It's all you'll ever r n1 . Bui II-ins. Bcau1i.ful Corner lot. Private beaches. £STA TE want: ln•inr. brk S5l,900. ~1720. PrinC"ipe.is only. OPEN SAT POOL 8.47-3584 BKR .............. I l SUN 1·5. 463.1 Dorchester • !!ii. BY OWNER. OVER !4 ACRE. \/ MESA VERDE'S ' NEW DUPLEXES c;:;:~~;~~c =mw;~ $28,500 2 BR 1 BA Doll hou~ near the I·Jeight!I Sl'c ot town. Shorp &. clean. niC't' neighborhood. Will go Vi\ or Fl·IA, says the seller or submit lhe new !">% down program . Are you qua!H!ed?? Call • I -f:. 1 lowe1t price at $32,500. 5 b 100..... _,_ Coming Wear cook center : .. EASTSIOE ctl::tfA MESA. I Best valu~, "·ilh torn1al din. upcr uys on ...,.s marl'· & Trash Master. Hardwdod ~ l-lomc, .. 2 Port'<'~S or Lond . lni;:, la1~c l"at·in kirC'h cn. cl .2Some vic-.aJv. Spac. 3 BR. (I 1 j'{C"l'lr s ... Joach1rn. 3 .lk'rl-flreplat'C', covered patio, ~f' :i~~g~v I. !O>n. Check ~["~tor=. ~~ ~'f~~ roo1TI. 2. Bn!11s, n~nlni:: fini shed garage "'m-k.shop. ORG N E y eotrrse and lots of trees. n.011111, f Jl"l'JJlil.r~. -~s.10.000. \\'on't last Jong at this price! M A R ALT Real 1.'0UJltry living close t1.1 Call nnJ,·t1n1c. 64 ... ·0;);).). 540.5880 Open Eves. 673-6642 67$-6459 shopping. CALL 893-85.13. WANTEO .,,Y» HERITAGE • • REALTORS ~·-·-·-·~· •• 11!.J Priv. Prty wants to buy trom Priv. prty, hoU$e on R-2. 3 or 4 unlt&. Pn. CdM or Np! B;ch. Write CIMSlfled Ad #647, Daily Pik>I. P.O. Box • BUSINESS • 1500. Cos!a Mesa, Ca. 92626. O!ARMING 2 Br in CclM. Nr -. CAPO BEACH PLUS HOME I shop"g l beach. IM.000. By $25,500. I low difficult it is to find a nice bOme al this price. 3 Bedroom, clean-as-a-pin. Walk to !tChools. shopping, and S minutes to freeway. Submil tetrnS. CAIL 893-8533 I:: WALl<E H 11, LH Rellltors ~9491 Open Eves PROMJSE her anything but show her thU eKtremely sharp 4 BR home. No down. GI's. 0....'?N?r 18.YB submll All olfers. Thlr eye pltasing family homt 11 localed on " quiet cul-de-sac In H.B. 847-3Sll4 BKR l.;1rge sloping 1ol \\1irh fine So. Coast VIC\\'S, South La· VIEW ~una. $17.500. . rronl owners l BR. 2 ba. Firtest residential nrea . unit: lge. aundeck on this Trl•mcndous lge. 101. w/ 3-aly. b·iplex. trreplaecable ocean, roast & V&lley views. &-like new! $135,000 Und~rouncl utll. An ex, BALBOA BAY PROP cept1onal buy al S32.000. • Rare hon1t>sile in prh·. 1.'()n1· ..... 673-7420 * KICK YOURSElF • , . DON'T BLAME US if _you miss this one. Nicety upgraded 3 'bedrm, 1~.t. bath, family or dining rm, used brick lirepl, green shag t.hruout. remodeled kicthen. Lushly planted back yard w/2-lf.'\'t'l circular patio. l>oal gate. CUI-de-sac loca- hon in 'pride-01-o~ip'" neighborhood. Full prK:c $32,500. SUbmit all otters. larwin realty inc. 968-4405 (24 hrs) $7B,950, JitGH · ON • A -Hil..J.., ocean \iew custom 4 BR 4 BA, llli:F pool home. 3Z'lO sq fl, rumpus rm, sep laundry nn, !ml din n n,.2 kitchs. a.II up- (i:Mlded a.ppl's. One-of-a-kind. Plen1y or privacy. A-MUST· TO-SEE. Xlnt decorating. I' dla ge Real Estate 'Q.4471 ( =1546-11101 murtity, right on the oc-enn. fantastic views. Hear the STEPS TO OCEAN waves ct'ash\ .Step:t to priv, 2-51 )., A·Frame. 3 BR. 2 ba. beat'!!. ~ hnnnce. l{nown Blt-~ns. Walk to b'each, ';l-l'ch1tec t 11 house pl a n s pools lennls. $45.~. md.: 155.000. CAYWOOD REAL TY .s .' ~~ 1 -~*~~.541--12~90-* __ Beyfront Corner Nl.!'ar Ncwpor1 Pif!I' ''4-5611 ••9-1100 3 lot5 & 7 small apts RED WOO O/FJR CON· Prim,·. only. ,\gt 673-3012 TE!\1PO ~ SPECTACULAH., BEACON Bay Fml - 2 + Enter siun prlv atrium lhru guest r1n + apt, dock ror, 2 tall loover doors graced by -55' boats, dble gar. tennis, bronze e&rr lamps Into new· $165.000, 10~~ d\\'n. consider ly reblt 2 bdrm & den. 2 lrades. J~tD. 1\38--2'257 balh!, ocean view home C'QNDO . Park-like s u r -4 PLEX $95 000 ytly w/formal din nn. !!rep!. I.iv round!ng&-pool, NB, 3 BR, 2 $9500. Wik tf, ~ It C rm w/3 walls glass, prof BA. $43,000. Bkr. 673-5221 , Pf Harbor 496-0088. decor w/lot.s ol wood, mir-642-3645 ,.;..:-"'"-';"'-''C::""'""----1 ror. toll1. rems, Oowen. 3 fl!Ll.Sl ·E ho hl 1 •Mountain, Oestrt Redwood decks. 1hake roof. D me arc tee Retort 174 Near 500' g-11151. Master has design, custom built, 4 yrs Roman tub, 2 courts, much old. 4 Br, ~ Ba-345 Catalina LAND INVESTMENT mirror. Very special -mual Dr. Owner. Open da\9;', Bea11tllul Level . lUvcnJdc !lee! $69,500. By owner-Opl'n 548-0272. ..., Cou nty Desert Lllnd wtth ' 1-fouse IJ -7 Sat/Sun, Thmp HOUSE for sale 'by O\\•ner In Trees & Shrub!! 1700 fe('t Hills Dr al :;()04 Cresta Way. "The Bluffs .. , $59,900. 3 BR, elevatl<ln . 40 Acroa SJl> prr (CaJI 962-1267 for other 2~ BA, l m mac u late, JIC:nl: $1750 down. Balance time~.l decorated. 644-2146 by ap. $36.50 month. 160 AcrH PORTOflNO polnlmonl only. 1ame land, i 100 per acre HARBOR Vu Home, $6000 down. BaJance $100 LAGUNA J\fonlego Model, 4BR, 2BA. inonth. 997--0Tlfi Agent. lU:~O:iSE S SIONS hn APP -" lo "-Step into the ultlmate of 1ux. su~rbly upgraded. S \~·s LE VIUley Vu I. Dl:&UI :-or lnlormation and locafun urious living. Quietly de-like a model Fee. S78,500. deser1 knolls. Sacril. $5(0). of tt:~c F1lft & '/A homes, signed, wUh an all 11one 644-™8 ca~ti. F.q $1000. ~'7"'821~ ~o~::i:-1 -exlt>rk»"; poolsize k>t; 5 bd· Oceanfront Duplex R•nches, P'•nn1, KASABIAN '""" w/w <11Tpeling: ter· + boach lot 1135 000 GrovN llO 962~ raw noon in entry hall. Pr'inc. only. Agt. '573-3012 1 -...:0.;.:.;=----~ Real Estate * TilADE YOUR HOME * • for income -Fivt! units \vlth 3 BR 2% BA owner's unit. Near fluntington Har- bor. CaU 968-4441. * Cre1t Realty * 4 BDRM & POOL * lmn1ac. landsC"aped home on sp11cious corner lot, rock fountain, coven!d patio, all x!rns. shag crpt, nr sc:hools, $42,950. 968-7510 OWNER must sell 4 Br + den, compl. redec. Shag, P!'ncling &. wallpaper. Over SSCXXI. In improvements. By se:hool & Park. 962-8263. Fonnal dining room, T h e HARBOR v 1 H L..EASE. l~onc Ranch. 28R best view In Laguna. $135,000 Montego. 4 Br,e 2w Ba. Fffi~ ti.e, nu 4 1tall barn. 8 pipe ~I DIR. Owner. $64,SOO . corral.a. Owner. 644-.\'l)'f VTO&/ZJ't 833--J894. Rul E1tofa Wooled 1114 REAL ESTATE: Duplexes near the ocean ,,.., '" MUes Lanon. Reallor * Quick Ccnh * 1190 Glrnneyro St. *673-&563* \Vill buy your oroprrty. All 494-9473 ~9-0316 Newport Helghtt cuh within Tl. hn. Call MAGNIFICENT :~ BR, 2 BA 962-8851 by owner. Pnr101~4n1lc ocean SHADY LADY i t view, ma!slve s•ori" frplc, Tree 11hadcd corner lot. New-jlUT.I sunken Hv rnl, 1 h·"l!I clgn.11, ly remodeled charmlni 2 ~ bltlns. $5M,500. 4Jl-8002. BR, 2 BA .• family nn. & NE\V 2 BR, 2 Bu home, hobby rm. New Kit. b!Un1, BROKERS INC. ocean vu, sepnr1.11e dining, lovely trplc. & F.A. heat, WANTED l:rp\c, bltns, $39,500. $5800. lge cov'd patio. Extra Jge. handles, 496-2218. dbl. garage plus boat Priv. Prty want1 to buy h'01'n t $52 500 prl. prty hou1e on R-2, 3 or L•guna Hills 'orage area. ' · 4 units. Pre. CdM or Npt CALL "=" ,.,·1.414 Sch. Write Claalned Ad try kitchen. Jar. lot &: gar. ·M •• •647. D&Uy Pilot, P.O. Box NE\V LAQUESTA 3 br. coun· 9 <:I' "'.900. Ownrr ,, .. 3-370 -..... ..., 1J60, Costa ~1esa, Ctl. ~ ..,.. v• REALTY ~1UST leave area. Brand 1 Laguna Niguel Nr ar N1wport P••l Offlct HOflfE MUlh of lllghWay nPw s & s Pk. Htg. * LEASE OR BUY * CitM . prefe r near OCftn BY Owner. beaut 3 BR. den, liv rm. din nn. 1% ba, SHOP. fplc, boat storage, near "'Ater. $30,950. 536-7329 H I 3 BR 2 "-I __. front "solrl oors, have au e ms ma n $ 51 , 5 0 0 . . • °"· t\rgc COVo.:il'U 3 BR. ~-liamily rm. 2 Full cuh", Principal~ on l 1 . uograded! 8'9.'\-(1,gG. Owntr. J>aflO, fam ljll, eJI bltns, ba'J., 2 frplC's. Lge. yiU'd . Wrlte P.O. Bnx 1287 Alham· · 1\ r,ra.i11I vit..,\· ftoul :h.· lml· Cr,•al fu'.ire 1ocr11ton _ ,·ct-OWhl'r. 64(}..8078. • 1'f)nv ur lhis ill('Omt• dupll!'.\, "''tUle bu1ld1nc Al 191 =1 Ne"'-Cost• Mesa , Thi:~ 1nusl be the invcsl\111•1'\t rort Rl\·d., C ~I. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; : • ,, •• ,, 100""" 10'· · 6 ""'1 400 l17" BACK BAY new and Vt"ry prornJs1ns: tax :: \\Tit<>off.l'honeustodayfor CM CONDO OWNER. 3BR. 2BA, den. trplc. nice yard, nr .0011s centers &: SctW:. $36,500. 847-- BY O\vner: Sl,950 down. T. l~rgc fno"I lot. 1-i.i,soo. Prtn-Best N'pt. H'ts, location .. hra. Calif. 91802 Ovr 7'i~ GI. Pmt~ $.166. 3 <'"lpals onl,y. 0\1.-ncr. 4.Cft..44l4.. A180, will lcase/oplk>n. ~~~~~~~~~~I Br. lan1rm.2 ba, bonus rm. Need a "Pad"? Place an ad! BALBOA BAY PROP. ; 83."<-1103 or 5*!'fi03. CaU &IH6711. * 642-7491 * htanct.f ,~ •• nfldi1li:in11l inrorma-• ' •: tion. 5.i6.o2r.l. eamre. Uvlntl "" lrg 3 • • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I "'::::-.~l ========:::=:I BR hOmes. Adlt & c.•hlld. OWNER desperate. GOrgeoug • ----aec.rtion. Priced 1rom $32,950 ho mt. 4 bdrms., 3 baths. d. ~ -0 ~ "tt. A -f} -C ~ C. • W HY SmLE to $33.950. Bia ktl, lam rm, Rear llvlng rm . Family ~~ l-'"lJ ~._ ~ pq• >:l (ront rm w/fpl , 2 car pr, nn .. fireplace. Dining rm. That/ f • • W J G 'fh Ch k/ OWNER. 3 BR. 2 BA. lam '------.J ~ rm w/FP, cul~e-sac, nu '••••••••••I cpl1. drps, asswne VA 7%.1 1 $45,000. 548--0520. Bu sines• _o~portuolty 200 FOR A It'll rec area. cockt•ll IOW1&". Built-Ins, dishwasher. Two n 11guing OTCJ ame WI a uc e billiard rm. Olymplc &':!. ='°'· Top area. b r k Elfl••4 "Y CLAY l . POUA.M. 2 BLKS ocean. \v/180" view. .. S•n Clemente - IJSE D HOME? !!'.?. °"S::' '1':~1 " .!IOO. --O '"°'roogo '""" ol th• 2 sn, 1 ... .\00 Del R.,.,.,.. •• • LclqluoCrlLlc Off SaBI• _ :~ 1 , •r iacrifielni.t h 1 11 i;i~e. e OWNER moving. Shtirp l four ~rambled wo1d1 be-, Value $56,000. N~ed tnimed. O n eaners--u1y :"; . I ., 1 ,. 11 ,..,\. 2nt !iil fl 4 1 , bdrm. 2 baths. Patio. Dining low to form four ilrrtple woids. r· We. 8.11-2888 or ZlJ-376-2814 e Butcher Shop/Mkt •• HARBOR VIEW HILLS Ii 11·....-1,..1 2 bnU1 ho1nt" "·ith rm. New shag C'arpets. Fire I R I D M A S J 1 • Bldrs Supply Inv On -: l.ov~ly fou r l11:•droon1 homr. \' .. J:.'tf·l\:111 car 1> (' 11 n 8 ' burglar alarm. Stert'O. I~ HOLLAND Bus. s.1 •• ~ only :t:1 t'\t•h1,h•1· hlilln~ lt-Yuflul, rlmpeti~, com-531·5111 ( =.J 531·5100 ~~:~~=kbencb, bric I J1 I I' J I MotlhHornet. J:IP &1:1'-1170 or s.40-0008 eve. ~. lhrou~h ..,r oth..:t• al S9:1,:;.oo, f'li•!('I~ ht11lt ln k 1 l c h r n. -.500. O'"l'll"'" • • • _ -• • .. 1.~------~-,716 OranJre, <Mia n.1esa ~· &·aulilul •~•\\ dN'Orall.ng l 1111·1·11\,11·1·, ~J)rinkFlc.-sl.I:. IA~~ :::;::::::ZI O~WNEbomR mua, bdrml sell.2 baShathsll' I I Ii • and 1.-...1• lnod~·aping. Good •'n'"""'· '''<· u """ * JUST LISTED * e, .. • F E T 0 N • BARBER SHOP 6 DC'Cllln and ttarbOr v;ew • 1 S"J,(Y.r,, ~lURR\": C,u 11 tio. Dining nn., built-ins. Mobile Homu chnlrl. Prime Costa MHa truly A clW"mlllt horn<' ~J.'l1-Tti7t lor details Ae.enL 2 BR. hom~ on Eastside Fireplace. Shows like a , I' I I J for Sale 125 $bopping C4"nler. ~•t eq:ulp, 1lonf' 1(1 f'('T"f('('tlon hy two ZonPd profeuiona.I ~ home. brk $36,900. . _ _ _ • RQD(i leMlft -moneymaker. ' inlonl<'<I 0 w n "I . Call IDEAL FOR 121.!IOO _;;962-'11165==· ----~ Motor Home Rentals °"'""' "'" finance with to-• 615-'12!5. _Goorge WllUam1011 OWNER sacr\lice. Lovely 3 r...,S;r-;I;..::B;_;:;.S...;AT--il ~ down. ED n ID D LE _......-...~ GUEST HOME RHltor 541,6.170 hdrm. Cov,,.d ,_,,..., r · SALES ; L.E"SING REAL-TY.~ paUo. 2 baths. Ttmctd I' J J I A stitch tn time makes bend-.. "" G :i ~!room, 2 baths. Close fO tront yard. CMpet!I. Fam.Uy tuU 5ervice facility In', Souvenir • Toy Store Jthopplnit. SS2.500. COt.J..EGE PARK BEAtrrY rm., fl~lace. Rear living Ing over-. 5-1 D M l ff on beautttul 8&.lboa Island, Roy Mccardle Realtor By owner. l'l!dt<Onlled "1· E -~ ~ l t!O anmar I 0 or omes $10,000 ond It ~ yourol Good 1810 N Bl d C :\l 11ide & out . 3 Br Ir den, 2 rm. U3<.""'' """ pa. • I C • T H E l I t!C'8.30fl Just atanlna! 2171Ai cw:g: 112 9 ., " ' 8", 2 frpln. $ 3 $, 9 5 0 . -"'brk.::._:~:;::IS::_.'50=-.:;;8.::<u.691:..::::=· --~-,~'i"'-'-..;:.-:.,=.-....., 0 CcMPlett th• duitk!t Quo!.d Ml"lrine Ave., 61 3 -8 6 6 8, '"!~~~~~~""""'"'i ;~91'-;"i"6;il:"8.i;:Prliiin':i;·-°":'7"''-;·ii>' OWNER leaving, 4 bdrnu.. J I J 15 I by filling In tl'le m!is!llQ word 531-6800 54~ I: O R 2 dining rm. PA\\(). Family L-.L--.I.-_.1._ -.L. -.L. _,_ you d..,....Jcp from s1•P No. 3 bt1ow. B="'n=-a=-==--~---~-1 SAi.ES i\S.c;oclATE • * BY WNER -4 8 ' rrn.. flrcpifl('e. Bull!-11\$, 17X44 BUDDY furnlsbed ~ln A ER abop I nd Io r .. , , .NJ~ ro join lhe Bf\, l(OOli~ mnd., SZ7,()I)). dl1hw1ts.her. Q1th<'drnl reil-> • Costa Mr~A adult park. Low equip. busy COl"Tlt'r, 10,000 ~ ROOMY !lr•rlta~e Rt•fll E~tl'llC teiun. T'·1·n1~. 9J9 Dog'AIOO<l SI., ln1t. BIR play a r c u . 8 PRIN f NUMBERED LelTERS IN :-It'll.CC rent. $4500., JO~~ h<Hl'lf'S. 1'11.).11 E<l"•1trd1 & .:. Both il :5idt• Mii OU! JuNI lhf' tr yt:!Uf'rt" !'('Rely h> "el w1th C~1 . 893--5370. Ascwnn.blc VA l o11n . 1HfSE 5 U'-•ES t1own.Payme11tsu.keren1. ~Do'=lsao;:;,.,,H:;.B::;·'=-~--~1 } homf' lor. 8 IAtKC fflmtl)'. n.n active ~roup t•n ll O:lvt' I 3 r.EOROOM .. 2 bRth11 pool, BeAulUul. brk $ 4 O, 8 0 0 . 1 I J I J Dealer 557-9300 I E."'1'/tBL1SllED ~'l'tl.-.i Btoflu11f1>1l df't"'ra1f'fl , 4 ~1 y hr ~, 5 ~ O. 1 1 51 playroom. quit•I N}..cJe-te.c. ~· ! C) lJNSCtAM8lf ABOVE l fTTERS \ FOR l'fnt, lraller !l~n>. Sen•lt'i! for: •Alt. °"-st OfJlw. bdrtn. ;;J.h lorrn11I dln1na 11 ER I TAG ~: R E AL $39.000 548-.34•16 49-1--6364. The ruictrt dra"' ln ll'IC Wt'~L 1 lO GfT AN~WEt . · -· · -2')13t)', Nrwpon Beach. Sif.) ~29·10 "! = 'tdl11~ :;:r,' i.!~ ESTATE "t 2 -~, Dall~ Pllot Wanl Ads have • .. a Dally Piiot Cl8$Slllo<l SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION BOO p<!r mo. Dltlly bolort "°"" Fast '"" 1 "'.,.. 1"" a -!fat. b:!allon 5&61 Srll \<Ile lt,..ms-v ._,., barga.ins anlo~. Ad. 642-Sb"l'S. ______ :._ ___ :._:.__::.__:._:._ _____________ '"!7;:;.l-:..:.l<:::'"'c....------,.,.II awnv 84~ . • • • '1 l .. II l.._-_ ... _-__,l~I ...:.--I~ 1 ·:....-~;"11!] 1~.:.~ 1i .~ .. ~ -a.(J>tS S1 "" • f;~~~=~~l ,~~~~~~l ;;;~;;E~~I .~""'..:u8::l~ DO.: N. 'T H.u'-":;;;-.;.;;Ml;.,...;;.U..;;nlunt=·-..;;*.;;;. !!--•• Unfum. "5 AplL ,_ U0 ;'· Uwfum. ~~=:::;..~-=~· = Ofl;n; ~··~, • ?:p1rhlnily 100 I i C •I~ Cotti f11eN : Off-. SrnaJI • Jn-lilt•• I -;:ic_ Generol rv,,. ......., r 1 i~i;;iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l :;::::.:::..;;;;,:.:;;;...____ ...-. •I , / ·-2 B" 2 BA bl~ SHARP 1 BR HOOSE ii VIUA YORll'.' ·PINCH *PARTNER* i{'.,.j,.,, ~. oilldl;i: 4 BR. 211 ba., .......... 143$ completely r.m. Incl utU A HARBOR GREENS 4 lluil~ eJ°t . $395 • 5 + 0tn trpic bh111. .S DR. 2 ba. '''' •••.••• ' $36$ aardeoer. $225. molbt.. Ma. (71ofl 142 • ActJ\te wllh ~ cuh. nr. yard. ~ ·~ 3 BR. 2 bl. tam rm •••. $315 ,_ure adl.ttl' onty, no petl. Fum11•·• & ;~kw' manaa:ementl $52!1 • '4 + Oen. ft':nllill.tla l BR. 2'ii ba. 0th.ore Avail Juae l Owotr m:m n9U *MOW 1 T , ~ ..... 0.0.ted ~ •M ........ , ~... B!ulla, N.8 ....... $41\1/lOO Unlurnlth·· S"pac 2 llR n~ ~- ,by 6'-adins~anutacturer. ,-.,, b:'adl °"-u11,1 ..........,., C BR. 2 bL T.R. ffiU. •• S47S SPACIOUS l br, kw N!inf!d -$~. Klde ~1~:~ SUlle wide .,.,... ~ 'Nt'.v1EW RENTALS I 811. 2 bL, lum ....... $IOO gentlenwt. walk to beach A From $1» to $215 mo oar. 113&1·,I. Kee-U. <I uJary $lb,000 1tt )'t&l' pl1i1 lltOtH. AU uW pd. itJ5. yr. Oot1MIO'''•11e'' bDr W: ol Beach•.sf..d. oU tQ\W Wre ot profibi. 613.4030 or • «M-SN 1.v. 6"13-601l S.cheJor1 • 1 Bdrm1 •1111 io •'''""'' 1110111 Slater). 968-1510, [ 111 qu&lill': Wllltrcnen lo LANDLORDS! le J BR, So ot hwy, bldns, 8d ""'"""""" ,'W" v ID ~-ch, 0 ~.i•~·-· fle*m. he-~ read)' --~ UJO mo. Yrb'. No chlktttn 2 Bdrm• •-3 .rm.s •·i.~mr \tit.nc lot AW\. ~ 1 ..-.~t --' to !Wt ~t once & enjoy a ~ sr.~e tnd r~ or peta. 642-$57 1 'h or 2 Full Bathe ~~:::::~~~l s,,,,11 ' •Pl w/gar~f ... jdJ"9f11fted partlclpal.lon ln ac Ourona ... Ac IJ' Coste Mete 11et• Glo, l•om $IG5. r111111lurt h1-proDt deprrmlon/inll&tion I: Laguna. r iwntaJ St... ~:;.:;;;...;;;;;"'-----ttia.ster Jize bedroom• w/ ~~1H.N111. Mlldtl~ optn • oo rlnaneia1 buttnea vice LI FREE to You! Tni ''SINCE 1946'' C ~-1.: .. b beam ceW"""'• 1 ...... e 10 1 .. GO 1100 1 ,.FY~w l.o , rt~; Nu·View' B"· asa -Oro ·-·--· '"" "·~ ··~· ... _ lnvea~::,.the ~~ NU-Vli:W RENTALS ~!1!";~~rnp~~1rv1:~ AlLtrrnn'IESPAID =g ~::t'ng w{r~~la~~ Mo;• R~~· exch.lngt'd. F'or penonal 873-4030 or 4.9.f.»48 Deya SSJ..7000 Nlfhts C.ompare b&lote you rent Convenient laundry area L Mone 'confidend.tl intenlew~ write Balbol ftlencl Custom designed, featuring: ott kitchen. Enclosed pa· eas ~ , , 2 BR, 111 ha., alt dmd. 1225 BOB Pi'J11'1: REALTOR 552-700) 1CJauUted ad no. 656. '°.ii -·-----• Spacious lritchai with ln-dos. i ai<lmn1lng pools,, COME .a«o a. rtal glt.rden !De.Uy Piiot. PO Box 1560, LEASE -Waterfront. Pier. 2 BR. I Ba. •••••••••••• $28S dlrect lla:htina sauna, recreation tacill· ap~! Uke,llVtrC ln l ho1nc WA!:<TERFR.C>tn 3 a R , ~Coria Mes a , Callfomla, New 3 Br, 2 Sa. aU elec.>. 2 BR. 2 Baths ••••••.•• $325 e Separate cfin•e area ties. Secunly ~ No for $162.501!"0. 2 cR, 1\i crpta, drps f'ri>k, nu ap- Udo Isle • c) 192626 and include phone ·-673-3838. 214 Grand 2' BR, dtn, 2 ba, air cond $275 e Home..Jllc:e ato ...... e ""la BA: 2 pric g plaefp, priv -11---gar I ea a e ......... .... ,.... • patios &: rec areas. Wilson .... ~,.,.~, • · humbet. Canal. 3 BR. 2' baths , ••••• $266/275 • Private patios G W"·· , W 6'1\1-1060 j -YEARLY_ 2 BR. $.lX). 2 BR 3 BR. 2i,t ba.. •••••• $30C'/450 • Closed garage \V/storaro Models Open 10 tll 7 pm 018~a~':!>r on I.I.MID St., · Me.:;:;..:,.=y"-0-,-cle-----·I 'TAX SHELTER-INCOP.IE ~pt. $250. New shag crpts.1 4 BR. 2 batha: • .. •• ••• •• $295 e 1ttarblf! pollman 2700 Peterson Way, CM 6*-2846 ll II $30 frpl c, gar. 615--0158 ~ BR. 2'ii ba. '" ··" •••• ~ • Kfng·!.l Bdrms nr Harbor Blvd & r;roo~~gin~:st~~n;· re , a BH. 2~ ha .•••.•• $36.:1/395 e Pool . Barbecue,; . SUf' Adams CHALLJLO'i:'v'!!fWElESLCPOMEAID 0 ' 1 • 10. B•lbo• Poninsuli \Ye llave Summ~r R('nlo.1" rounded wilb plush laod-_ n.a;,.i~ •,.,"m":"a. ,-.... !'f1'!':.ne~-~rite i d h•11 scapini:. Brand new 2 bdmD with I .....,.. . Adull.1 No Pel! CA~ n370 refrigerator, dshwhr, range, C1assltiM Ad No. 685, P.O. IMMAC. 4 Br., 3 ba. Near . re I LARGE 1 BR u9o '("tU11 dbl lavatories, t:hag crpt, Box 15Ei0, Daily Pilot. Cosla bay. Yrly. lease. $525 mo. 365 \V. \Yll.aon 642-1971 drgs, walk-jn doset, palio MeSa, Calif.~ t.tARSHALL Really~ -"'""'7-o='=~~~=:= -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ill garage. CaM lm ... 0..!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!~I Corona del Mar REALTY $30 WEEK & UP ~ CJS R<oal Eatale SELLING bua:lncu, "Tree of Co WI y· . e Sludio &. 1 BR Apts. DELUX'E <>ALU~ eve "-'f..a'>'" Ute" dreu 1hop. Ideal kM:a· Sail) • 2 Br howfto, blbl!I, A mpany lh ision • TV & Maid Service Ava.IL APARTME'.NTS ' "'l'L "l"• '11'1': ~ ition on Cowit Hwy. in yard, ocea4 side hwy, child/ Univ. Park Cenler. Jrvlnc • Phone Service-Htd. Poo.I Air Cond • Frplc'i; • 3 Swim-El_ Pllel'to Mesa I' ......... ..__.. V tt r y Call Anytime, 502·7500 • ~·,1•-n • Pet •--t1on min P Is H Ith S ~-·a pa:n;r1, pet. Office hours 8 AM to 8 PM .... u w-.; "' ~ l: 00 -ea pa · 1 &.,2 •BR Apts. Unfurn. , reuonably prle«I. <19!)....2590. S280 • 2 BR. hi ms. immac. • $120 Monthly Tennis Courts • Garno arul $I 30 & U Money to LOln 240 <00d. <hru-i>ut. ChDd/pet. 2376 Newport BIV<I., CM Billiard Rnom. P· $500 • 3 Br, 2 Ba, 2 fl.replc'.t, I ;;;Leg=u;.;n;;;•c.;:;llH.:.;;,,•;.;h;...,..___ 548-9156 or 64$-3967 1 Bedrm. J-""'rom S165 All Utilities Paid It I TD L ans dbl gar, 3 patios. Pool. 1180 ·~ec l B·· apt Good Ad Good For S5 on Rent 2 Bedrm. l''rom $205 Pool &. RecieatiOn 'IS , 0 "'"''' 1oc. ·N,~"'""' ,; .,,.,;,. ATI'RAC. 2 Bdrm. Quiet, MEDITERRANEAN 195_9 M•pl• Ave, C.M. NU-VIEW RENTALS 12'15 . 2 Br. hims. 111 blk• beam ceillng 2 blkl to me· , VILLAGE ** 3 Br., 1Y, Ba.** 673-ID30 or 494-3245 IM'ach. Patio. View. Sml pet. jOr shOp•g center extra lrg Large, newly d«.'or .. Encl. * OCEAN Vu Home. Fully $275 . 4 BR, 2 BA, trplc, gar. closet. New paint, w/w 2-400 H.erbor Blvd., C.tit. palio, b!Uns. crpts, drps. malnfd pool . dttk furn . yard. Nice cond! Laguna ~Ufmpl . furn. Sl.59.50. lTI4l 5&7·8020 Close to <'ve:rything. SliO & lBR, 2BA. 2 frplc. \Vashl-r, llills. RENTAL OFFICE $~ nlO. 868 Center St. ;\pt. ,Lowest rites Orenqe Co. dryer. refri,1:'. Lge gar, Cpl.~. NU.VIEW RENTALS $160. NICELY furn . 2 br, u1> OPEN 9:30 AM to 5:30 P~1 t, Cl\f or call ~79. S•ttler Mtg. Co. rlrps. Li;c $.."AXl mo. 67l-fJ6lj 673-40:.0 or 494·32-lS per. Crp1, bltins, gar. Quiet NO DEPOSITS 1 BR Frtt in eJ<change ro1 642-2171 545-0611 3 BDRi.\1, 2 SA home in 1 BR cottaJ.:i', ch.arming, adults, no pets, 2234 C Lovely 2 Br apts w/a light clean-up and buildi.n,g Irvin(' Temce. Avail May quiet area. $150 mo. + ulil. Rutgers Dr, l-213-<1a4-5uM king-" BR. On beautifully maintenance. Private Park. i:;etvlng •1arbor area 21 yrs, aft 5 20. Lease $425. 6'75-664<1 "A'-'d"ll""-'so:::"""'"'·~•;::M-'l::::::!ru::'::· ___ 1.="---------landscaped grounds. Gas Retired couple preferred. 1 DON'T BORROW eve!I. Mission Vi•io • SHADY El.MS-POOL. incl in rent . Child up to 3. '""-"''·::3.'.:795:::· ..o•::.r_,540-536::::::::'.:.l __ _ 'TIL YOU CALL USI ::.::==..:..:=;......---1 •Adults Poolside $145 up. No pets. 1; blk E. of EASTSlDE DUPl..E..'C. 2 BR S0t'r'CM' on your home equl!y ,C:.°'=':.•..;;;M;c'°.;;":.·-----4 BR, 2 BA. Leue $300 mo. • Children dead·cnd st. Harbor. 1 BA unit avail. Pvt patio for any goOd purpose. SeN· 1. \Yate-r paid. 177 E. 22nd SI. CM 642-?.&15 CASA GRANADA & yd. Quiet Joe. $165 / mo. lng Los Angelf'I County far VERY CLEAN 4 bed· *** ~1S50 ** * * SUS CASITAS 400 Me1rimac Way !»7-9559 540-1151, HERITAGE over XI years and NOW In room home with fir• }\Im Bachelor &. l BR'S. Lrg. 2 BR, crpts, drps, "R::E;::AL,,,,TOc::::.RS.:;::._~~-- UP TO 95% 2nd TD Loans DL\'. 2 & 13 Br., 2 Ba. Encl gar. $165 up. Rental Ofc .. ~ Ma~ Jt,vt. 54&-l!Gt. 2 BR. 2 Si;;;;; Townhouse. Crpt, dl,\l!, encl garage. Patio. POOi. ~-54.S-7403. ~·w~1 ~ch '· OCEAN and HARBOR VIEW Elegant apartments designed wUh a .Master's touch, su- perb Jx?use aecurit)', eicclu- sive Versailles Club and pool with unique Aquabar, roun.talns and lonnal gar- dena. All part of lhe South Coasrs finest apartnient L'Ontmunily. l Bedroonv'studlos from $195 2 Bedroom from $305 P.1odcls open !t A.i'.1. Iii dusk ~ Ors.nec County!' piece, femlfy room and ~ Models Open Daily. dshwsr, pool. quiet area. ANNOUNCING SIJNAL MORTGAGE co. l•1"9e fenced yard. v.. HouMeforltent I e 2110 Newpon Blvd., Cl\f adults only. $180 Iree utils. News Apts. AJJ .lrg 2 BR, 2 From Ne\\-·port Blvd., tum at 1n4i 55&-0IOO cant -and . ready for _ NICE l & 2 BR Trailer~. S8S 646-120-I BA's. Bl1ns, w /\v cpts. drp&, Ho!ipltal Road fl blOC"k 4500 Campus Drive, N.B. ftmlly now. Lease re-& Up. Mature adults. 133 E. EASTSIQ.E large 1 BR, D/\V, gar, $195. 2126 Doctors atxwe Pnclric CoaM l lW)') to ON THE BLUFFS A.T NEWPORT 2HD Trust Deeds · _... t $285 16th St .. CM. 642-1265. frplc, beamed c e i 11 n g", Circle, 54:,.ssoo. entrance. 900 Cagney Lane, qu1r .... • • per mo. Newport Beach BR 1 d patio, l adu11. no pcui:. $160 C OUS Newport Beach, Ca. "92681. PRIVATE FUNDS AVAIL. CALL Agent 546-41 41. 1 ·• c Ci,n, crpts, rps, gu 642-8520 SPA I APT. Telephone: tn-1) 645-0060 Any Amount 3 Br/2 Bu ne\vl~ decor. & water paid. Adults only, 2 Br in 4-plc.'<. Lrg kitchen, * CALL 6Th-4494 Bh."'R . COUN TRY CLUB. VILf,.AS. bllns, brcakfsl rni. 2 car no pets. $140. 5-1()-9722 * SI·IAOY ELl\-1$-POOL liHn range, gar.i.ge, lndry PARK NEWPORT Prime MeM Verde location, • Adults Poolside $145 up. t "'" Mortg19n, Condo. w/dcep s hag l(ar, 11~ blk lk.'C'an, pool & I BR. furn apt. $125. Yard. • Chiklren dead·end t!il. rm. nopes. 64.';.7~. APARTMENTS ffd 260 carpeting, all bu i 11 i n s, clubh.qe privl. Yrly. 2ll: No pe-ts. 177 E. 22nd St., C~1 6'12-3645 * * SPACIOUS 2 BR. crpls, '-;;;T;•;;U;•;;';;D;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;I pMvate eourtyarrl. Pool & 799-5913: 71 •1: 53&-0740 Call &i5-~H72 after 5 pm. rlrapes. $140. Married pref. on the bay 1~ clubhouse facilities, and THE BJuffl'I. brand ne'v 4 BR. BACHE.1..0R apt. $118 & up. 5J~~~~N~~ts~ 2 r!i~: 2 ~ 673-8145 aft 6. Luxury apartment living walk 10 golf course. Lease 3 BA, pool & yard maint. No childrt>n or pets. 2135 area. 710 w. lBth St. Sl4a & UNf"URN l & 2 BR GanWn owrlookin.:: the \\'&lcr. En- $300. n10, -ADULT ONLY. Cust crpt & tlrps, S600dmo. Elden Avr, CM Apt 1. up. Apts. Frplc, O/W, piiv joy $750,IXX> beall}) spa, 7 PUT YOUR MONEY TO WORK FOR YOU I Earn 10% inleN"sl on well· secuttd 2nd Trust Deeds on Orange County real estate, SIGNAL f\10RTGAGE CO. (7141 556-0106 4500 Campus Dr., N.B. 30% DISC, "·ell SCf'Url'd $64.000 Jst on 40 ac Apple Valley. Pays $640. mo Incl 10'7'.. All due 1978. Rx 3 Ap- ple VRilry .O'vncr 242-3144 [ I~ ~:~ .. -34&-8421 South Co. ~~~asl plus $200 CP· 1_H..;u,;.n;_l;;in;:gt:,_on_B_•:..•:..<:..h__ LARGE 1 & 2 BR Apts. pat10. $165-$190. 5.57-2841 swimming p00ls, '7 lighted -· • t LG 3 BR 2 BA 1 drps tennis courts, plus miles ol LA QUINTA HERMOSA CrpL<:;, drps. bll-1ns. poo. . , , cps, , DES IRABLE SHARP watl'rlron1, lg. 4 br SI'" occ "~"· nl9 r hicyc~ lr1lils, putting. sbuf-Nr. E. 17th St. No JX'lS. ~ nr. , u~ .... u·s. IX' 1-101\IE Mag-cpl, b1t!ns, frplc, dock Spnnish Counhy Eslale Li v· & Sl5() per mo. 67~1573 Bkr. ,m;:o::;·..:"::":..--0350=·=--=~~ fleboard. croquet. Junior l's 21: .. ~;J ~f; ~i.c'l'a~ir~:p: ~e~: 6~0--0~· $450. Yrly ~~~: ~~~ou~u~~-~: NE\V , 2 BR. 2 BA. d 0 rps. 3 B1 R. 2 BbA11.upper. $165.cl t't1>I s, ~ i1:i~~nt;I~~ al~nJ BBQ. Unbelievable Livin.... rrptg, Pool. BBQ. ar. 'rps, iru;, very ea.n. 2·sto..., tO\\'n houses. Eire· hll·ins, palio, garage, 1vater \\11\TERFRONT, 3 BR 11luii l BH . FURN $lS5 ., Adults only, no pets, 376 \\'. Kids ok. 962-3894 ·3 furn. Adult11 only, no pets. sturly. 2 BA. v.·/dock, uti1. 2 BR. FURN •. .,"' Bay. 12 BR. oarp, drapes, gar adll, tric -~itchcns, ptiva~e patios RATE REASONABLE tn('L yrly. $5.50 mo. 642-0306 .,..., or b:uconiPs, carpeting, dra- A1ms5 lrom Country Club • BR 3 B \ Jo,/R DIR Lrg AU. TJJ'lLITlES PAID ;s· BR, 2 BA, w/palio. t..rg & no pet, Nf. trwyfshp. pcries. Sublerrane-nn pnrk- 275 Mesa Dr. * Ph. 518.£706 "yro:· Pool 1 Prlvl. i larbo'r vu 14 blks "s~u~~"~ ~~o FOY)' quiet, ln1mcd. occup. Kids 846-43!17 Qr S46-4l2'l. . ~~dvj!~:~~~'J~f ~g;~n~ NEAT 3 BEDROOM Hms. $600. 833-3894. , on Beach, l blk \Y. on Holt & pets ok. $179. Manage!' .NE\V 2 B.r. Bit-ins, \\l/\V Fashion Jsland Al Jamboree h /I d to 16211 Parkside Lane.) 1040 C Valenci&. 545-30'6. crpts. drps. $1115 mo. Avail. ome w arge yar , lBR house. on 34th St .. un-, ~nGE 2 BR. bu 111 ,. n icf>l::.::l..:675=>-'7"4'l!I'°-. _____ 1 and San Joaquin Hills Road. garage, c • r pets & furn. Adlts, no p'e ts. (7141 8474441 ...,~ Telephone (714) 644-1900 drepes. $210. per mo. P.1onthly. J«!f rcq. 827--095.3 $145 _ $165 dishwasher, FIA heat , E-51 DE 2 BR. $150 tor renla l Information BL·~1·s 2 br d 2"-ba BACHELOR & l BR .• patloa, ndulls. $100. 6 4 2-5 168' Bltns, W (\V displ, hid pool. k Now vacant. C A L L v r . • en, n • 56-SEiZS Adlts, no pets. 642-9520. 2 BR., :Z. ba. l Bl . to ocean. 540-1151, HERITAGE JI\•. rn1, fonne.I din. $475. frttlc's priv. garages -},rplc. New carp. & drapes, Houses furn ished 300' REAL ESTATE &14-5573/673·3752. Divided bath hall& lots of QUIET 2 BR, crpts, drps, 2 BEDROOM, 110 pets, adults nc1vly painted; yearly; $295 Tit E BLUFFS. 4 Br. 3 Ba closel<i. Rec. · pool & bltns near lr.vy. & shopping. only. blorrth to month. $160. Ask for Mike Gener ii MESA VERDE cusl , cl'pt, encl n•tlo frplc. pool tables, sauna baths. $150 incl. utll. 531-8fA>8 or Realtor &14-7770 JONES REALTY 673-6210 ...-See for yourself. 17301 S48-89'J2 For Lease Lovely 3 BR, 2 Lsc. $•100. 644-1480 Kttlson Ln. fl blk w. of 2 BR. AduJts. no pets. BAY COR ChaJUlt'lfront duplex -3 $105 · Util pd. Ne\v & nice BA~ 2 frplc •. tam rm. encl Br•nd New Duplex Beach, 1 blk N. of Slater). SPACIOUS 2 &. 3 br Apls. MEADOWS APT. 387 ,V. BR, 3 ba. den, bltns, frplc. ! bach w/gar. Ideal stUdtmt pat10. On quiet cul-~e-sac-. Ocean Vu, \Valk 10 bch, 4 842-7848 1996 f.faple A\-e., 2712 Bay St. 01. 646-0073 patk>!'I, gar, sm boat dock, Cd!\1. Nr. besl St:hls. 2 ch11dn>n, B N ~ ·~ 00., ~35~-~LT°'R'°A.co,N=:l~C~E~-~6 ColteL,oe Ave. $140 & up. East Bluff $475, yrly. 67:;..()120 557-~ 1150 . Util Pd. Small rottage, J ,.... ok. WAf<'r & -~ener r. 0 ,..-...s. U'9tr"WO'I· SI .. -U Apt. 645-4107 or &12-3813. ----------~· •~" Pool • Gard Sa 2 BR, 2 BA, bltm. crpt'd &. ·woodsey seNing. Ide a I pd. $375. 1\-lo. 3018 Ceylon. Newport Shores s. " ens. una LRG, quiel 1 Br $140. Nr drp'd thru-oul, S2JO per mo. couple. Laguna. A van ImmM. 54~. ~e~. Priv. Pa 1 i 0 ' shopg & ft°\l')', No pt'!!'I. 28i2 • DELUXE • 1007 Haven Pl, NB. 646-2723 $~ . Ulil Pd Decorator J E • z N·PT. Shores 3 BR. 2 ba., , . <-'"ll 2 o:.-.7 l5!W 3 BR. 2 BA Apt for le-A'>l". "•"1J8Z ' 1 B • ·, BcauUful B DROQ.,I, bath, double ft•pl .-, pool•, tennis; walk lo •• a.-... r., Apt ' . .., -lncld spac. m&s!Pr sui1e, •0::.T..:•c::::~c::::::·:.....-~~-~ um. . 1 ; ap ' garage, nice yarri. $2.1() Newport Be•ch * EA,,...BLUFF Dix 2 sly 2 ocean v1C'\v, Laguna. th Call ~ """'0 beech. $.lZ. Rltr. 6-12-:sitJO , __ ,,_ _______ 2 BR. l BA. garage, ne1'' din rm & dbl garage; aulo ,,, NU VIEW RENTALS ~non · v+...-.....w even· carpets & paint. Yf'IU'lY (ioor opener avail. Pool &: Br, 2!i Ba, rrpl. patio, 2 car • •"' 3248 1ngs and weekel\d11 or Houses Fur n. or $29.50 per \\lk & up. 1 BR. 2 lease. $145. 673-513'J. Recreation area. ..i.....,,_. gar. Adlf.s. fl.14-6405 673-4030 or ·""·64 ·=H=l200::..._~----Unfurn. 310 BR & Bachelors. Color TV, ~ Ibo. I nd .,.. _;:.:.;;.:;'--'-------maid serv, pool, The Mesa 2BR, npl, bltin slo\·e, Clean • S287 • Nr.;w Bayfront-priv Bch & B• Is• 2 BR Home, frpl , gar. AJso 3 lt"'ine 415 N. Ne~-mrl Bl., NB $150mo. 865 Amigos \Vay, NB P1tr JSR, 28A, $.i60 mo yr. 3 BEDR001'1. 2 b a I h , Utilities pa.id. Avo.il MRy 15lh to June 15th. $260. n10. Realtor, 644-1270. BR horse ranch in country, -.:;·:::.::....--:-::::::-::-=:=-:I .646-9681!1:'!!~!!,..-~~-~~-63S-7m aft 6 Managed by ly. 979-0lm or 6444510, $175 util Pd. Agt. Fee, ::1~R 4 BR Townhou·• I S"' N \\Ill.LIAM WALTERS CO. z A gm..84:-(1 · v rent · = FURN New 2 BR Oupleic. 2 1 Br dup ex wt gar. J..)J. o LRG 7BR B , garage, in Untvenlty Park. $410 per Br, gar space, on bch. children, no pets. Adull.S 388 UNFURN Attr. 1 br apt, sundeck, cloae to beach, SHARP, clean 3BR 2BA, mo. 552--9314. Adults no pets. Yr lse. Res: \V. Bay, CM. 64fr1317. crpt/drps, frplc, 2 stall yearly, 673~. COMPL. .F\lrn. 3 BR home on Canal. AvaD May & June. $300/mo. No pels. 67:'"6737. crpts, drpg, bltins. $260/Mo. Condominiums 213 I 693-5743 or Bus: 213 I LARGE 2 BR. Like a home. carprt. $175. Call &14-0079. X lnt Joe. 5 40-1151 ~2 u 50 A goodwantadts a guod i.n-1 HERITAGE REALTORS. Unfurn. 320 4 .. _,,, · Encl g11rage available. Call Fast rewlts are just a phone vestment. --.,,,,,,u •· ···---FURN. l BR i Queen sofa 642-1656 call 8:\\'ay 642-5678. I --~~~----,:=i 2 BR, trplc, beamed ceilings, Leguna Nlguel bed in llv. rm. on A t u f 365 1 Apt. Unturn. 365. Apf. Unfurn. 365 Newport Beach pAtio, 1 small child ok, no .:.::?::::::::~:.:?.::;:;C----bcachfront. $250 mo. /\vail. ::;.!P:::;.• ..::;n::..;u::,r;;n;.• ___ ;;:::.. I BR. Collag(". kidsfpelli. Also 2 BR l\foblle $87. Bachelor un its In all bch cities. Ai:;I. Fl't'.. 979-8-l30. peti;, S16.l )Tly 642-8520 BEAUT. decorated 2BR 2BA until July 1st ~. Newport Beiich ~1ESA Verde heaut. 4 Br. 2 Condo. on the 7th hole or lhe ndeck --~ ;~ii~~~···~~~·················-1 ( I f 'I . El N' I Goll Co"...,,. 2 BR, Sharp, su ' l'<'-'"' 18;!·"-. rpJ'·,,28•1m.1 Y rm, patio. igue .... .,,_. ing, Beach I blk, o.dlts, no L""-' J'flr1J A \I It i I ab I e June 1.st. pers. $225 )Tly. 675-212". * llOUSE for rent 3 BR. 2 S175/mo. Agt 495-1827 House' Unfurn. 305 BA. childM'n ok. Avail 5/6. Townhouse Unfurn. 335 Apt. Unfurn. $215. 979-5327. 365 I Huntington Be•ch Gener•I 2 BR, palio. car pe I s. 1::.;:c;;c.,;;;_ _______ , S146fmo. Se'!'! manager, 980 3 BR. J~i BA ., f'('Cf'ea lion Bilbo• Peninsula RENTALS Aportmenls ~ -19th St.., Co!i!a !\l'Ha ISM S. Coast H11o')' .• Laguno. (Piccadilly Circiu1 COSTA MESA OF'F'fCF. 51-rving·Colita ·''~· NC\l'pon lli'ach. I luntlnjj:IOn Beach. SlJj • 1 .... rg Boch~lor h.""· rurn or unt Sn1l pet ok. Pa110. $145 . I BR. furn h'Cf'. al Npl . BetlC'h. Clo~<' 1n 11o·ater. $lt5 . 1 "DR. I IOU!IC. Child. eat ok. Gar, f'f'ICI Jlftlio. $190 . 3 BR hou~. part. tum, JOd9/pe111 ok. Car, encl yin!. CAlJ. 6-0-0lU \\I. l7th St, C.t.1. facilities. $210/mo. 1o10DERN 2 BR. crplS, drps, M6-6l)7 or 557--0618 ft"nced yrd, water, ideal for 2BR Townhouse, l Y.i. ba, d1ild. fl85. mo. 642-3289. bltins, crpts. drps, fenced Huntington Bffch patio, 962-8781 -3 BED RM ., .2 bath, I ;N.;;•:.;"PO:.i:.:;:..:''-Be=ac;;;h:;...... __ 1 townhouse. $210 per ADULTS-LEASE mo. Bltin s, firepl ace, 2 B z b rt 1250 r. a. carpo , xint. con d & loc. Agt. J Br. z bo. gar, pool SJOO 962-4471 or 5~103. REALTOR 642·5.1.13 Ask for Dale Duplexes Unfurn. 350 3 BEDR00:\1 21i hath. fan1i· I)' roozn \\'/fireplace, 16. x i :H;;u;;;n;;l;;in;g;;l;;o;;n;;B;;;•;;•<;;h~;;;;;; 32' pool. S3.10./n10. on ll'11se. 3 BEDROOM 2 b a1 h NEW 2 BEDROOM BRAND New Oceanfront Condominium. 2 Br. 2 Ba. $400/mo. Year I ease , 675--7694 I Coron• dtl M<1r ON TEN ACRES Apts. fum.1 unfurll. Lease Fireplace I nr1v. patios. Pool!' Tennl~ Conln!'I Bkf11I. !YA Sea l.."\n, Ccl:\1 &1"-2611 l1'!11rArthur ur C011st H\\'l'I 2S~~~Rr°M~~.;;· AV/\IL: I Ba1h, t'Ut·IOlk-d pvt gnrnge l-$1•UJ & 1&$1 75. ino. ln duplex building. $185. prr NE\YLY DECORATED I RED CA.RPET 893-1351 mo. l\1Nnager nl 313 Os\\'l'gO, tM:odroom. ulilitic!I 11 aid , llunlington Beach. r· I -SINGLES or fan1illes. 2 BR. 536-41a2 irep ace. .~...... mo-to-mo. w/everything. Also 3 BR I ~"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... ..!!!!!"!'!!!"!'!!!"!'!!! ..::R:::"::l:::lo:;r·c;&l:.:<-.:...::727::.::.0 __ _ hJne ranch in country, $1i5 Sent• Ami NEAR beach. 0ce(l.n v"w. 2 1 - utll pd. Agt. Fee. m.8430 I;;:;:::=..;::.;:_ _____ I BR., bit-int, ... frplcs._. pool. •J. 2 & S •••••• Ytew A,."""91ta 2 BR d ( -1 SHAJU> 3 Br. 2 Ba. Elclru. N~wly dee. Adlllts, $110 To • CltM to fHW.n ld"'tl • c.th .. lf Ctn. 1..AGUNA BEACH OFFICE cptsi~' 1~~. $115i:;! Good location. $250/MO. p;o ycari>'· Owner &J.5-4810 ~· fleer tt c.Mllftf '''3: ... Dtluu 8'<vln( Lag<ma, o...aCa .~~t. !st 4r. last. S36-4U6 962-528.l. .MR 3BA, firepl, bllina. O li-k 1f!tchtAt, ~fH ~~= ~~~~Ad lnpla';;. QUICK CASH C0tt1 MeN -----W/accept sl ngles or ,.~!~;,' =•i ~rt~tk ;oof. AJI utll Pd. Jdieal tar &tu-families . $365/Mo. B7>'1'971, O .. t • ratJt • Stc'ltrlt, Gvlr4 Gotta d LRGF.: 1 BR, uUI pd. $00 409 Marigold, rut. • f...C. c.,.. ••. l,~t. CHARMING 1 Br~ THROUGH A l.13 C East 21'1 St. l BR nr ocean, •hag, rolfll, t~~ Quiel area. Nr. ~~ S4&-8945 1!f.95. "Av~· :/~~lls, no pet. 434033 f47f.f730 O::':~,, 644-0509 Adult.. Belboti Penintula • oq 644-4 116'. WALK to Beach! F\om DAILY PILOT 2 BDRM, PAllO, ........ ··-CANYON w ·t Penthou"' wlvl•w. Utll pd. $25 WEEK & UP view, 516\1 t•rkspUl'. W· S!ngleo ot<. WANT AD • Stocplng Room• 6#M1\I or 673-0817. lUXURY A'ARTMINT HOMIS SZ!O • ON Golf Coune-. 2 Br, • 1-lomeket!ping Rooms Llke to Trade? (Air Trader'• ~ Bl, Gar. Chlldrrn/pet ok. • Ocean Vlew Apel Paradise column JI for you! '-, .. .,,. Mrtlt ltl.., Mt c:...,.,. Dr. : ' i ~ -> -z •• l • • ' ~ f'Ji'"" " r•11 1 ~ • UJll IOAOUtM Hll• S ROAO H('ll'JIOCT c111r11t , "' ' ' • FASHIO~. ISLAND " .J ~ ~ YpURSELf: • • .. •I' . -' ,~ t' ' (You're Not Dreaming). •• ... '~ But You Can ,. , PENNIES . • with a " ' PILOT PENNY PINCHER •'t • Classified Ad· ,, 3 LINES~ 2 TIMES • ' Any Item Priced:.;'; · $50. or Less (If more thin one ii.m, Iha combined ~al cannot oxceed $50.I . ' • 'I -- 642-5678 CAU. 494.t~I 642 u7a I BALBOA INN 5 llnce. 5 dl\yl for 5 buru. Ut1rw11, Amu '"'"' frl••porl c..,1"1 r * LANDLORDS * -..., 150 Main Strm Sell the old 1tuU. Buy the I ----·~·~"'="~'"_:o~tv~<1~o~'""="~t ----=="="=·="=""=-=="=:!._'------''llllllllll•llllllllll .... nu:£ fl.Er'l'AL SERvlCE --------__ ....;670::.:~=40.::.. ___ ,,_ncw=..:"::::LllL:::;.. _____ ._ • " wi.,p,. ... I 1 • I " ,Sale ' • ' . • • ~-"' -Apt. Santi -ljEW /Mel D\V, OK,J ~IL , Fu .--~ost1 -1: i Sf 1BA ' 1Spacl • . 1 I 2 E Beau ti elude Sh•g •Palk! Volle, BBQ' 1Adu1t 4 .MAI j PAL 'Alml FU Unbel huge ins, ~ etc. l SING l ill! 2 BE Untur. to SJ) YOU'! """' (5 blk * I & 2 Carpo anl · in¢b ~ ~ EXTR Heat4 Malu ~i -., 2 Br '""" pd. l ...., 2BI Hun1 -1 BR. gard oce~ pno1, 846-( New W1N1 AnlL \Y. I [ -Roo1 IN ' roor kit cl lad) 586- ROO wk sect CM. COM boU "'" 6T.i- ROO bus ~ 2Rc C.N '"" lDE 00 mo cu ""' pat PL! •m 646 Ro -M<l; pn ... 'Gu PRl E> ..E PR "" n11 Sui ' .. ., ' --· . . . . . . ~ ... ~~ ....... , 0~11. Y .J!LOT !7 ![Ill [.___' --·=___,• lrIE ~ • I~ I~-• lt51 I ---... J~ I I ~. · ·· _1~~·-:_ -~~I · • J~Sch .. ~.'I ~ ·~...._ m m ~. ---- 1 ---• ·,,_,,...,~~-----~--~·~Ud~-~--~--~~1~~· ~~~ -ri... ~--, • self ~ Lleoo';d"d;,. ~.;_,. ~~ mmi~ W Id Y • ~~~~:: ...___ .•• _ warehouse ou ou Like :-=.~::.ir= units 11 train. ttot ,......_ LM COlilPLEl'E II 0 U S E a.EANING SERVICE. • i*4fMl * $.i&-0068 .. lrwilnt :sm. ~:~':" ~,~"!¥, : To Work In A ~.~~~~~ " 11111 ~ AtW11a or t lln>okhurst. IRONING ~ ! .. ~-..! Travel ACJ'ncy? ~ o."'"'"' J ... 1~!7F ~°T-~00• ~,1m1£Miw11oow in ... , .. ,. 0u. shor1 c...... · ~sc%"iri~ CAIU'r:r a. ..... special! ... ......., ... .......,. ........ """'""111 1w11 T1~ht ly Or•ftf" County Travel tington Beach. ~Rrvt now Sc~· fl, hfln $U. Complete Afonll • • • , tor n<xt Wl. 968--<9'11 S.lloonoe.,. ~allzlng In • SJ I.ARE Apl or House A: SAVE S$S HOME PARTNER Uc. Buaineu Call 836-1.l&t or 54&-1-479 YOUNG Set School -()pen ~· Class Co11Yenes May 22nd ...,_,pm. ' c1ayo_ AMn u OFFICE cteanlng, 1 • c • d , 3 Nl9~ .. W---L For 14 w--L-Pro. tttclien .• $21 .'«kly. -· 1 Yn exp. in area. .-. " ..-. ..._ 646-3106 or $45-1051. · 64).6824 or 641).-.2527. Coll For Qvallflutlon ~~s:r:;,~0'>v~ '='.· -=;;.;.;.~ry,_ ____ _ Interview NOW I El111 & Bushard. ~1689. e·ruCK \-enett, alwnpstone, Ullllt.__, To 15 Stud-ts MATURE, dependable, te"<-~;::•e ~="""i:...":: WU ••• ed yard. loty home. Re-ls. Custom 1''otk ?nly 968-786S. 1jEW 2 BR. ,.. Huttot Hot lunch-~1061 · /McFadden, upotaln, bltns, WANTED -2 """' Io "" A1"rl1'nes Schools Pac1'fic BABY5mlNG In my home, P1inllnt & DW, air, pool , adullJ:, b&b)' 4BIVbse, w/2 others. H.B. day Ot nltc. N~ yard, bot P•perhantlnt ~-U;.1-;;.::JO.::.'' __ ..;365=: ISHARE my 2 b ..i rm Sant• Ana Newport a.pt. Mat u re , employed woman. 'Pool. aft ~- OK. no pel5. $175. 968-7465 area. S80 +-util. 962.-8668. lunch. 4W6-8706. No Wutlng ~s·euc _J(IIJI Lu ... , .... I Nrw t.ltet lndulttial Olvt»on E'o• Women Botatyard CONCRf..11.-.! for1n Sl'll<'I., & I \V'w t 1~ r Iro n t b 0 atylll'd Jlni.Wcrt.. ()i~lom. cunc,rete 'NOrkt•a'S. 1.,".i·o.•k;o ... "...,:.-ii5.liitii6iii0ii0ii0iii> Noodod lmmodlotoly t:xp,~r. Pl'l•l'tl. Pcrn1. !/Un1e I' I only. 1'1'11.inecs tll.'\"f!Ptablf', COOK Jobs B Ph P.l ust tlJt\'i" short hidr & 1 y on• ('lt>llll n'l"tlrd. BlnC'k\e's Boat I \'at\l, 211.a NC'\\'J)Ol"l ttlvd r lime dt·f>1-•0th~hlr day , Kelly Girl is now rtgh1t~rln1 N.B. ' tO!lt.v .Swp try cook. 1 "-'OTI\e:ft '4'h0 'l\'OUld !Ike tu do -' {'.lea11 llte industrial v.urk. BOOKKEEPER $650 AppJ.y tn rl\rstl11 1 Call At Our office once nnl)' t-'abulous Po. "' ofrlc-l-s on ~r, I to fill out '" applicat ion A lhl' "'alrr look111J:: lor sharp I 11igp up lor \\'Ork. After thal bookla.'t'pc1 . I.and dC'v~lop. le ~ all your usiarune.nt.1 will ~ 1111·111 11r n .t:. backgnx.11\CJ. m&de y,•hcn our 1tafr calht Xln't hcnt•lilJh you. Work In assembly line, Co1npany l'~s 1'"ce packaging, lnve>n1ory, atn'I SECRETARY .,50 unsktUed "'Ork & P C ~ assembly. To ~tR~ctil~ ~\ttn/\J;l:C'r. NN'd ~ts., Gor-for Roni 435 610 E. 17th St. Bual,,.11 Service *WALLPAPER* ' Fum. or Unfum. 3711 . GARAGE high door lllltable Santa Ana 543-6596 PROFESSIONAL Ty P 1n 1 • When you call "Mac" Your paychock wlll be m•ll-~oit• Meg camper, hoe.I. Ml} La rffCC -- - - - ----• Libra Office $ttv\OCL 2588 l=-:-=:'0:~~~14"l~4_!e_::V'8~·---ed IO )'OU eech \\'eek, IO If i;..-tr ,iar1er, 1'·60,-sh.SO. Xln'I NL'\\'?.}1·1 fir1n. (iQoct benefits &. future. 16 Fashion l1land Newport Beach ™''"''n ~ & I l 11m oc 3 A!. pm , ~!• * * * SPARKLING NEW . 1BAY SHADOWS : Aportnients 1Spackn1s, Llght &: Chetl')'I Canad& Wa,y, CM. 646-8365. ---SPLlilWWY£V£ZW Newport Blvd-B. 6'5-8850 P!~~Ji, re='. 35Till ~~ ~J\t~ ~;e;~~;o l~;I ~: G•r•ge for Storefe C•rpet Service advantage ot my exp. v.'Ork a.<>slgnmenta. Ri'glstl.':r All'O Ff'E' Pl'l:o:itil)ns lB'lll Placentla, CM I -, II •11 ll•J JOHN'S Carpet" Uphotatecy !>!&-"""-any wcekday for ht, 2nd & NEWPORT Office Rent•l 440 '-;;;;;;;;;;;j~·;-.!i "· iiiiii"'i'i1•illll . Dri·Shampoo free Scotch· PROF. p&lnter, boneat work, lrd shift, Personnel Agency 1 1 · ruard (Soil Retardantol. t<u. Int/ext. tree "'-Apply 833 Dover Dr •• N .B. UNION J'~o~UARE Busln-Rontol 445 P..--.ilt 530 == : 1~1 m~:. ~R~~~.55~1::~ u 1 Bctwn 9am ~ noon 642-3870 -"" It modem office bldg bleach tor whlte carpell. celling• s....,,..i. Llc, ins. Kelly G"1rls BOOKKEEPER I SEC'Y, wUI divide, All services: DESIGN CENTER VETERANS Save your money by AVll"ll loc refs, froee est &\5--0809 l'XPt'r. "larinc J\tanuf. tlrn1. Carpeted, panelled. 6th ~ location y,•/country at· Earn $4l~ ... tobfl·~ .. i'~! hour ~ .. ~ tr1~:1 Will claen TOTAL SERVICES co. , J.'rin1;l': benefits. Good Coint)MY Pny!l fce l-)1u11\ Op1101'. t:rnployt•r 1 I COOK E.'<p'tl only, top~. Bcncllls, I paid vill', llospitalliatlon ~ • llh• lns. Appl_i' 12-6 . SAM'S SEAFOOD I 1Gi7S I'111·tfh• CoiiKI lhvy. 1 I llunlinitlotl lkn<·h I COOK G<Mx\ ~:tl:i.ry, Ex1,.•r. only 1 Ap11ly t:k>rby lt1·11tnurarlt ! floor. Sacrltl.ce sub-let. JdeaJ motphere, 1 dee. l lor ruar&n ='-' Y -..... your v...,. nn., uw na rm. I: Pa.lntlng 1061 Business Ct'fl-Dr. <;rinds. Stehh· (°('I. Jntt>r\'ic\\'· 516·1l':90. for insurance Office. Call architectural, environment-C.I. Bene.fits whil~ at-hall $1S. Any rm. $7.50, &t6-09'hll: ~try. 1n~ NO\\'. l\lu..-1 ht1 v '-' 1 n 41 MT-0039. al, interior dHign, ad,'ertis-tendina SanlA Ana. College. coocb $10. Chair $3. IS yn. Irvine 8 9107 n•sun"M.'. can for uriit. 1 .... ~·'-Ir-"' Call now -exp. is what COW\tl, not INTERIOR, Exterior. Lo\\' AC1'QS5 (rom 0 .C. A>'r1>0•'I •»•790_ I Beautiful •PPOintmie:nu lft. ... ._., .,......,,...Utg or rt'lated 547-9561 Ert 370 method. I do "'Orir. ""UOUIU. Loeal =-''O'~c."'==~~-----elude Decorator Flroplac... SPACE available, Co• la fields, ~ Ml· ft. at 50c. D. Good I ,..,. ..v-rates. refs. Phillip, 1237 So. "la.In St. DO"' •·11lL C _. COOi<. '''pt'11,•ncc..t, fo r W~gh "' ~" •y Ll~SED re ~~IOL 64Z-ro5S aft 5P'I Santa Atoa ">17-~. ·•o • ' or '-' arrll'l' l\{'("u-t I I t Shag Carpetlng. l>rlvate' Mesa '' t. V'l'?'7955. ~vu.. • r..l" . " =--,,,,,,,,,, ... ~,..~;;;;.;-;;;;;1 «I for Dt>hvl'ry of thl' \os1111a , inutC'(. Ol'l('rtll~. • I BR's FROM $157 2 BR's FROM $177 ·Paliof. Pool • Jacuzzi • WALKER& LEE BLDG. MEOJCALunitorotnce HW Spirl~:";!!11~5f0* am-lOIC.;..•_r_.:.poo..;...n_ter:;,;.. _____ *PAPERHANGER* ~ Daily !>1101 In viC'lni1y or f1~~l~itn~~~· Ji~.~0~1~,~~ .. ~~.1 Volleyball courl • Cai 2'190 Harbor Blvd, Harbor 81 sq ft, top E/1~ loc. Reas. pm._,Advlce on all matters. GENERAL CARPENTRY Ca.rt Rebko &46-24-49 APEX Bristol .~ Allon-Br ls1ol & ,BBQ's. Closed Garage1. Adams. Fl,.t calsl deluxe ""'-Ph Ownr 5411-<;'161 311 l'I El Camino, San ~ REPAIRS. Pl .. ler, Potch, R-ir S<«rrstmm. Call Mr. llltlrr COOK To'°"'""" noon meal !Adults, No Pet" •ullea including air, mum, .lndustrill Ron)ol 450 Clemente. 492-9136 , 61S-Mll '" &12-t.'21 ror 20. "'"""'"'" l.eai.'Uv - ' carpell, ample puking lull m-<034. '!!NOR ho-· -•-Plum-* PATCH PLASl'EIUNG EMPLOYMENT AGENCY BOS boy • k>tchcn h<lp day Day 0"~ °"'""" ~to 409 W• BAY St semce Call Gene Hill " ,,_ "~-All ~ ~ --•--te or ou'ght. Apply In peraon at mornio-s COii •• "-··. ..2--0200 I 557--0136 • N-L-~··1NG, TO LISA WERNER : blog-~---Paintl"• v~ .... ~~w~. :::;:;;o:.•:::·------""" """" ua Ti! ~~""' ·• Call -Ancient Mariner Rest, 301 COOK. "-"P'd only. The Col- M-f Bldg E-101 FOR LEASE Hunllntlon a..ct. ,...ppy BIRTHDAY I --"eau 540--5560. Plumbl-THE ~SY WAY N. T"'tln Ave. Santo Ana. • ... eou .. Sl>Op. S62 Weol * 6"- 3 - 1 * om.,. .,,.ell """""5 tloor. N£W M-1 WE LOVE YOUI FOR-Experienced Carpentty, I;,.;=:;:.::; .. ~·----· I 19th St. C..tn .,,.. -Union Federal PI a i • MOM, DAD & JASON ""'iii or ftn1'h.-Call Dave -L.R. OTIS Lo<n~~'G BUS DRIVERS B k h . San • 9'0 Sq. Ft. 4 Up ,,_ """" I •• ,11-.-wvau>:i.>~ Ask us Wti/ COUNTER IU.:LP: In beer THE £XCI'!'ING F...!:_~ o unC ~{ Diego Jtamilton &: Newlaod PREGNANT'? Thinking ab-u•tu-;.u:io.a 'W'f"" :io • eveB. Remodels &: Repairs. Water Men-Women • O V" stand at n'IOtorcyrle rat"'~ PAL , M MESA. , ... ""way. arpets, drapes. "JU! -or 0 "" -~.. ....,_ C ·-ont C-rete heaters, dbpoaals, furnaces, cean ltW l'Vc'"'1 rn niRhl rt• n 6 ~ APTS. all utilities paid. ca 11 ~· !W.l'\NU o.-uvn? Know all the-facts ...... , V'U'-Skill-' "nsklllod .. , . . v i :.JU "~UTE lint' Cllll LlFE LINE 24 d1hwashn. 64H263 MIC & eu-v School' District to 10:30 nt On.111g1• Counl.Y ·i ,......,~ S TO NPT, BOJ. hfarilYtl Stovall · M-1 CORNER 121X9 o hrs, -"'!-~~. -PATIOS..PLANTl!RS B/A. Complete Plumbing licen1ed £ Bonded 1-~11lri.:1uundi1. MuM1 ~ nv<'l' FURN. OR UNFURN . (114) 832--MIO ~ -• Service. $3 2" P H 2 Unbelievabl,y lllf'CC' nptr;, * MESA E w/bldi, 991 W. 19th St., CENT, SS, paraplegic in AU Concrete ,"'"Or\c:. 894-3533. By the State of Ci111f. • -tr olJr 1 yl's ull\. $:l.:io I"'" h1•. CAii huge pool, Jacuz-J elect bit-V ROE C..ta Mesa. 642-3490 wheel chair wants to meet >'OUNDATIONS -Artlstlc PLUMBrNG REPAIR 1811).C Nowporl Blvd. Suh"ll"lt· Drivers Ne<'ded. c6:c1=c2-.;,0000;;:::~------ iru" -<"l'IS drp, snuna ground Ooo' -Five ofliCft M-1, 1680 oq t~ 1£10 Pl-n-loving gal i,,ry age. 64&3360 Planters, conc~e 1< brick No job too small Co>ta M"a &l>-0211 '""'"'" r tinte in future. 1 L'OUNTEll help: Nrcd G etc. .illtrts; no'--, and r<eeption room. HOO lia Ave. CM. Geo,.. Woods, ALCOHOLICS ,.11os, etc. Lied 644--0681-* * 00-3128 * * ASS>:>lBLERS wnnt<'d '°' y,. """'· In operntion or "''"'"'" lo •mo-k "' rood coo- 1 Fro S ,.. UNIQUE lIOMES ... .,,..,._,, Phone 542--7217 or write , w , ve1. w. ;_:;,;;;;;:::;_..:;__;.;;-;,!:;r:.:.;;__ f1ist growing bo:1t co. AP11l y 111v ur v1,· 11r c. u.s r1vC!0t'S ''''"' 6.,~ Io lO.'"" Oru••~ S!Nm!:, From 1150 "l· 11· S4l3. per mooth. Call 6'r.>tj80/64&1111<. $115. Anonymous. PATIOS alks drl Sa Remodel & R-otr 1 I -I 8 d ' """' 0 "' every rd. night 2 BED ' F_: $!!;'. VERDE 546-S9!IO.' ~ 4001-H BIRCH, N.B. P.O. Box l2'l3, Costa Meaa. t,reak. """°ve ~ replace,. •I Oipper Morin<' Co'1>. 1919 lie. prer d, hut not req d, c } ~ ~- Unlurn Apt; A-1alt ;:;;;;. iJO 441 OLD Newport. 3 b1lts No. 4000 oq, It. 541,:iOJ2 Socl1I Clubl 535 coocrete. --tor e•t. I~ bull,!.. o:;..,;: !:.!!.'. E. °"'idental, S<rnta "'"' ~~~ly or'(,;~"."";';J, c~;,:~~; '1 ;::i~'~ ~~l~~s. S2.50 to Slli LESS. of-Coast lfoy. Approx. 900 Buol-Rontal 445 ContrKlor Gene Ennes. "17-1838. ATTENTION mate over 1' Aw., lluotington Brach. CUSTOMER You'tt -'-'""t, lhey'tt ·--'er-.,., ft. incl 4 pn·v. olll-s • S I /Al • must be clean cut Openings •· 0 t O por E pl SERVICES pn . __ ... , ·,~ u ft-T"'-WJU --. ~ °' ......nf'>•GE ~ • .,,.._ tor ·-·t LOVE WORN JACK Tau~ -Repair ew ng terett?ne • 4.Alua P • m oyer 1..'l:U. ~ ~ ..,.-. recept. nn. Great for .,.1vn.n 11\U<U><,. ·~· D'---mod "" for rn"AVe yarti man asals-"""!~~.;o~ ....... ~ ... ,. (5 b1ka: fro N Blvd. --pi per mo 275 Flower St ..um:r DISCOVERY re .. addit. -yn: --.' ~ ~ltul order div, Perma.nenl m ewport ) engmeenng or draw Ing CM ~..,,._ ... "Mi • PROFES.SIONALS in a &ti::I Ue'd. My Way eo. 547 AJter1t\ons-642.S845 tancoo~-managcA 1 r .1ramee & Business Sales Rep h1lt t1me -Ilion for ef. 5'11-9e60 bu&ineu. SJ))/mo. Util {r>cL _.,...,.... f ~. pp Y ll'l pe_rwon, fI--'" r ·•• Sal fl · ....,,,•-u in • CASA VICTORIA ~ .,..._ 7 R I I W tecl 460 o Amateuc M>tcbm•""n-Drofti"I N,.t, '"""1rale-:lO yeant oxp. Jack ln The Box 10'2 Ocean ~~mg o c copy ~es , -"""' •-w/x t IYPlng I • 2 l.;;.:"i~'f~m;;;;;::-"-1 ~on~'.!"~':...!::.!tltl~~--=~1 (Elt. l9E6). Til Hntg Bch. • , ary & comm. +S hrs daily. !!kills & l!Cood JJhoM wlcr. °' BR. Furn & Unturn. FULL SERVICE 5 BR hooae, -i.. pool, tn•> ~ (213) 381-3393 Reckf, Comm'I, Indus. 1c..cc•;.... _______ , . Call 833-8691. Cl\1. 714: 979--15M. Carpets, -· DfW, TV WMtcliff Building ··-:'!!!!!!!!!!! ~·~c TILE • AUTOMOTIVE CAFE ER 0 c ant. Pool, etc. <Jome b>" Oomer westclill Drive & Onctorate or -l [-Room A<1t1111oo8. -II. ~~~-NEW ~ LOT MAN T IA W RK UTTER, SAILS inqbire about our Move-In lrv!no Blvd., Ne., P 0 r 1 ci>lldnm, Jtme Ut to Aue , Design Droftlnt Assoc t<modcl. Free .,t, Snrall With or without grill exp. Mcl<lhhln s a 11 s , 11!11 Allowance. 52> V\ck>rla St. Beaeh. Mr. How AR 0 3bt. I l[S] 2960 Jtandotph Ave., CM Jobs welcome. 536-2426. ~~~~pply tn penon ilrs. 6 am·2:30 pm. All Reynold1 Ave , S.A. 5-I0-3684 • . at Harhor, C.M. 6<U970. 11<5-<1101. Dick T)oler STl-1444 ..... --551-S626 or 551-9695 THEO.;[}RE wknd• "-holldays ofl. Call EXTRA LARGE 1 Bl~ FRONT corner •ulte • 2n., WE NEED A HOME Eloctrlcol I II i 11 ROBrNS FORD l33-869l. DATA Heated pool, From 1135. "'" Coast Hwy, CdM. 2lOO We ..-. a quiet, adult family & ... otMol f 2060 Harho• Blvd,, CAFETERIA Help, lull time, "'!~"'°adult•-Infant ok. No "'l-11, crpl, drpa, alr/cond, of 4. in .. .,.., 'of • 3 br Found {frM ads) 550 ELECTRICIAN, lh:enottd, Costa Me.a 5 day, Matm~ "~ma>>. CONTROL PL£RK : ~· 1881 Monro v I a . music. elevator. p r k • g, home on yrly leue. Bett bondod. Small jobtt, malnt & 6#-l!•H y 2174. 1 ccurtty patrol. Can be local ttter. 673·9119. PLEASE help! Found in my repairs, 548-5203. Job Want9d, Female 702 AVON WANTS YOUI • TROPICAL POOL . divided. From 37c sq_ It. WANTED: 1 BR •••• ,.,.,,,. garage -Vecy lrlghtened ,,_ ·No Job Too Smoll Be an tndepeotlenl AVON Career Secretaries 2 Br Studio, 1\1 Ba., trpl, 2'1U E. Coast Hwy. 6'7>--4120 for resp bach. NB Pen. $170 ne.-vous beaut. mother cat Dill Alt 4,30 pm 54.>4614 WORK WANTED • 2 days Represcntallv» & E•>'n spiral strcue. Gu k wtr DESK space available $50 max. Call bet. 6:30-9:30 (gray. whlte gold patches) week. OOusework _care for money In your spare llmc A t'!OIVI $150 pd. E/side on 18th. 548-U68 mo. Will provide fumiture PM. Jlm 67>3600 and her kitten. I cannot "-•r'-lnt edcrly In Balboa, LI do near hon1e. Call: \'l.':l'll{tC ran~l' ,).AIU. • Top t .. ~ .. ·-.,QA -"-"' •-= n~AAh Blvd thl.':m a home Plse call bet Have own -.. ......... rta"-. ll"\.'111{', Orange & $,A. Call 1'11~um $23) at $5 mo. Answering service NE'Wl..YWEDS wanl 2 BR keep them and must find -_. Ifind, Corona del Mar area. 5*7041 or 546--5341 S .. No }'J:::ES. N.B .. C.l\1., wuwu .....-av_.....e • .uo• ... ~ . wdumhouAe.ObedJentdoi:. 1 EXPERT Japanese .... ._..}"' Lall.I BABYSITTER -Dependable !1nn1edlately. .. ~ C;'· Huntington ae,och. Ol2--432l Clean, Rell•ble. b o lb txD & 9prn Garifener. Oomplet< Yard Call 54>-2368 btwn 10 I< 2. •itter ro, one 9 yr old boy, • p p S 1617 WESi'CLIFF employed. Reta. 646-0388. 548-7381. Setvk-e. Free e1illna.te1 NEED help at home? We eve. hn k Sunday. H.B. • •• Huntington S..Ch 3400, UM, 756 &: S40 sq. n. ELDERLY lady wishes lBR ~leD ~~~-~ n I a _:_~.~-ei,;:54&-:::26t11::;..,.---,~,--have aides, nu r 1e1, area. Own tran1portaUon. Amp 1 e pr kg . U t 1 J • apt. or house on first floor. vidnlty' ......,~·· ~..........u-, EXPER. Japane.e Gan!entt. ho u I ekpni, companions. 75c hr. 536--0229 berore 10:30 500 Newport Center Dr. Baumgardner No. 10 4 . Max tllS mo. 540-3926. Warner Hun.---. Beach& Know how. Tr Imm ln K. Homemakers Up job ti ' a.m. or btwn 3 &: 4::11. Sulle 900, N.B. 541-5032· iii 8-1&-isni ""'6""' CI ean-up. S m a J I 547--6681. BABYSITTER -needed , 641).1970 1 BR. Del~Adult poolside garden , n~ar ocean. Ftp c., lrg patio, 6 pools, sauna, tennis. $160. OFFICE & ,.,.... tor reot. eves. landscaping 96&-3486. YOUNG Mother w/chlld ...m teacher'• 2 aons. my home 24 Central Tower. Orsngc 19;;31 Campus or Santa I I~ DOG. part Irish Setter, v1ie.EXP. Japaneie main· manage home for or yoW'S. 675-3008 aft 4. 547-6446 1 \na oc Airport, .,General Arwwwwo•ltl ~ ~.2) RdVal~ll!:kwyal • £: tenance , clea~-u p. motherless home. NB area CdM. F.quaJ Oppor. Employer Aviation Bldg. $255 mo. . . •. p 16"" • ~;;i.r ..., ter 5 Landse.11.pe. Free ext . MS-2991 BABYSI1TER Occuional , Newport BHch 114,~. m. 84U«2/847-9438 Holp Wonlod, M & F 710 daytime I< eve Corona del * CERAMJSf, • x P d • '':':':'.::::.:..;,,r;::;;;._ ___ I YOUNG black p..i hit Mar a.rea. call ~ wanted for dental o !lice. 1: • ORANGE County Airport, Auto Tr•nsportatlon S25 kin ppy, w . e JAPANF.SE GARDENER BABYSm'ER lovln Unlimited oppty. 5-i5-1427. 'WINTER.6 ""'6ummt1'. Yrty, orttce suite, 4 room~ ~· 1f!'.:... .. A1ema1e. Vic CM. NB. AREA A Better Temp. Position • g care CLEANING WOMAN Anita'" 1\llfrtals, Bkt, ~ w/vlew, 688 sq. ft., 4341 MAN wLo;hcs ride daily lo J.J\ • tin n.uo.;i,.,lf.cr, C • ?vt • e 64.5-1796 e for 2 small children. 1 day 84&-0259. W. BalbWiB;il lvd. 673-20!'iR Birch St. Suite 200, 5'10-3™ 3 from San Juan Cllplstra.no. &l~.26. after 3:30 PJ\f. EXPER Japane~ Gardener EARN MORE per wk. In my home. Refer. Dependable, mature !or ofc Arrive by 9 AM, 496-9229 "'ALE Collie "Lassie Type" · · desired. 6iW.Q15.1 suit<'!I. N\vpt Beach. Loci\! 000 Sq. Fl. OFFICE w/kit & 1 d v1 'nity foot 1 Complete: yard 11rv, Rella. & resld 40 hr k N' hi Ba, SJ,$. ALS_ 0 600 Sq. Ft. B°'roo'" khu-t"on ~ac• Huon-neat. Free est. 642-t389. BABYSITTER tor Jar g c · w · ig 8 · I I~ STORE $1 55 C ~t 646 2130 '" uc '" WITH USI family, my home, from Bondable. 6M·0606. •-* ;Ii ' . . . I ll•l tlngton Beach, 96:>-5230 EXPERIENCED J•paneoe • 11:30 to 5:30~, no CL..EA["UP .~ delivery boy. !:~;;;;;;;;;~;; 1 1 & 2 RM. dlx. suites. Adj. PwMRlk •·<ALE _1 light .._ GIU'denu Complete yard '--·,.k-p'"", "" Full 1.lmc. App ly ln pe-"n, · Airporter Hotel. No lse. N'q. " .... • orange • maintenance shrubbery """' .. -... .. 'ti 01U '""' 2172 DuPont No. 8. 833-3223 white. 2 w4·~kJr-. ago 52 . · ~" Fr~ e eltlma~ e Typ·ists BABYSmER wanted rn Hut cheson, 140 Industrial :n-.t1 U"W'VJ'I• home 6 mo'1 g\tl 8-6 P.1 yloiill'iiai;y,i;iiC..iiilai;;iMiieii"'ii-.......... Room~ 400 Bu1ino11 Rent•I 445 P-.iolt 530 FOUND ••male Samey..J GARDENER 01 22 ,.,.. • Receptionists Tues.' ll'ed & t'rt.' N~~: CLERK TYPIST ~• pn' ho-turn!s•-• SEP'DATE •--t•••"· + ~·-Hluky vicinity -r..-o Gu.,. pe~--'-k ,. exd-• S • 67&-1803. "~ ...... •a=. "'Y-uu IUJ."6 .. -• F R E E v o c a Hu'"': ......... Beach 979 ... as7S" '"..,,, ... T. ~ • ....., "' • ecretar1es room. a.j!Jl or "'llhout UXXI ICl ft, panlg, crpts, adj Dem 0 0 11 ratt 0 n for "u.16'""' • dlUonal maint. job a . BABYSITTER for 16 1nos old ldtchen~lege1. Working busy comer. 645-:IO'lO / ~ aMool A coltere FOUND vie. P.,!esa Verde, •549-2015 * Geol1[t. • BookkH~fS girl Monday lhru Friday, Varian Data Machintl lady. ~U&slon Viejo area. &t2-6560 stodeats P.ton 4.3) PM purebred Ouffy med. si1Jed Hampton. e NCR O r-my home, O'o\'n l r a n 1. "SS6-=.29;;,::18:,:a;;r;;;1"::.,.:3:::'30=.;1..:'':;.1,,.,= 35 ti. OF olfice or 'tore . 'Y:oea Centtir. '4'is ·E. 11\h ma.le dof. HURRY! 546-9965 EXP American Jap&ne&e perators 6 73-888 1 ROO~fS $18 wk up w/klt S30 lronltl£f", 145 E. 1Sth St., St., c .M. s.a;..8281. Lost SSS gardmtr tor deaJt"Up a • K•ypunch Oprs BABYSI'ITER needed, my ~las an lJnnlOOiale opening wk up apt.I. Chlldm I: pct c.r.I. Awrov. 2000 sq. ft. at PROBLEM Pregnancy. Con-R maln. N.B., C.M., A H.B. e U sk"Ued home, F.Mt Side Costa for a gOOft typisl (00 sec:tion. 2.176 Newport Blvd, 2Sc 1q. h. C.J .S. Real Estate, !klent, 1 YmPa 1 he t le EWA R 0 . Ge: rm an 540-Tl73 n · I P..1esa. 54S-Q40 an 5. ""p.m.1 in our purchasin~ ot. 518-91.JS, 64~. 541-1168. prepancy counwitnc. Abos'-~o!!"te~hlnd· 8 G.ner•I 5erv1c:e• Assem. BABYSJTI'ER part Ume. Oc· dept. You \\'ill be responsi· COM. •le<pong nn. Prtv. The "Yellow Pages" of tion & adoptions m. leg ml cas-1 wcekentltt. ~ .~le tor typl~ orders. filing bath & entry, patio: 1 .~cl;us:=lll<d:::·::·::·::·;;w-orn.;;;:::;;;;;:;;;:.,;;APCARE;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;";).443';;;;~ j ·~·1900Fa b' ~•de r • b 1 e • PRINTING Let UA help eoirta Mesa. P. other various duties. non-11mokers. S 8 o I M o . .,...,.. n .w, e.ys. Aft 5 you. Seddleb..c.k Pnnt.lna It: Interim 6T.<-<i611 548--0155 Graphics. SJr>-9386. BACK OFFICE u you •re looking tor a PLATINUM toy • mtru&ture Hatlllnt Personnel Service P.1ake use of )'OW' ta.Jent w/ care.er w/growing Orange rem DQO(fJe. Anlv.'0'5 to,_~·:-..;;..______ 17511 Irvine Blvd. this doe'tor. Extremely at· Co. company !hat oUen ROOM Cl<>.'te to stores & bus, CM. Can, babysit lot' part of rent. 96Z-M35, 64H494 2 ROOMS vffbath, furnished, C.M. $100 ~nc utll '~ 01.dcr tl.':nant. M>-2020 I 642-6560 lDEAL for student, clo8C to occ. Furnished. SSS per nionth. 64~ CLEAN Bedroom, L r R cl011Ct. Use of kitchen & paUo. Lady only. 646-4974 PLEA&\NT quarters for emp)Qyed man ove.r 30. "Anatl." vie. van Dyke 1;1· • #llS Tustin tracttw work area In Fuh· xln't 1alaries, benefits & SommJt. Lat Bch. Reward. F~!'HER ·• SONS.. 're:e 'Ion rliand. Some to.b work. growth ••• 6'1H288 de,y. <M-135.1 eve. Wo!lt. traoh, yaJd I< gar. 1315460 W>O-Call He!"" Hayes. MALE Sealpoinl Siamese ~-up. Free est. 1 .,.11Equ~a'!l '!Op~J>O~"·~Em~pl,;,oyer;,;;;,,.. ~. O>utnl Ptnonncl Plca!le Apply cat. nr. Hell Ave. Ir. Algon.l,;.~="';;.·-------1' Agency, 1roO llarbor Blvd., (n Person quln. HB. Beloved pet or the YARD, a:araie c:leanup1. ACCTNG CLERK CM=:...' --------I Or Contact: B. Krnll\a BeckW\thl. Ph. M&-E17. Remove trtt11 __ dlrt t vy . Natkmally known firm offers • BANK Reward! Drtvewy11, gradma:.·841-2666. out.alandlng oppor. for in-St•t• Mutual Savin91 LOST ft'lllaic Samoyed, ans SKIPlDADER A dump truck dlvtdua1 w/50l1le A/P AIR \YUi tie: I N "Kim" ·•·-A•--o •· ~'Ork. Concrete, "'.'1:1halt ex per. Good beheftts iOCllJd. Be n,lO\l tt~ to c"'Po!1 .. ..,. ....._._., "' L tile profit •harina· ,..a1 .. _, to n h. n Septc~1l.ie1·. \\f' Brookhurst, 4/27. Reward aawlre, brea11:!~. 846-0. ta(X), Ca l I ,.. .. n0{ are now lntcr.1e.,, Ing far~ VDM Trader's Paradise 962-6492 32' FURNITURE Van for 54().6Xj5 Cout ~ • Loan Service '-----------'------..) LOST Si~te ca• ft.ml loeal tum ha.ult It sen'I "-.' ,,........ Ha e E~ -• " • hauling· MS-1862. ..... ._,,., ... ...., arbor Blvd., • Pcnonnc:l lines times dollars 2722 Michelson Or. Irvine, Celifornia 133-2400, .... 336 2.84 ACn?I ~'a)' i4., WANT 18' farnilY type boa1 ~~ lcblaek ~no. :;:;:::o~·,"-';;::o=,,--=~ CM. • Data Proreuing Near Lake Ell\OOre, Util· ltd '68 VW bu& or J3.aja bu& Ma rm.11.ek GEN. Jtaullng. Ttee:/Shnib APPRENTlCE, enthusiastic • Accounting ltits, for property iluntlna:-w/,taa ldt It wWJe tlttt. Ln. Rew&rd. 567-4506 trim. Car I. Yd cleanup. I: lndustrioua to work on an· Call us 10 dilcu~• ~xccllcnl MATURE ......_Christian ton Beach. -t ,..Uow JtOlnl A blk LADIES pr .. crlptloo ~. 53l"317. 517-QIOI. llqu. autoo. 548-<iGU. position with top Salary• EQu•I Oppor. Employer -Room & Boord 405 Varian Data M1chlnel' Is Jookini:: for n l1nt11 cont"'l cl1.•rk , p rl"fe>r abl>' \\'/production t'Onlrol c:xpcr , Filing &. Utt lyplng ~·Ill be amoflg regular duties. It you meet ~ quallftca· !Jons & att interested tn joining a growing Ontnge Co. ~. that oUerw xln't salarle:s &: beneilll · •• , Plea&e ,\pply ln Penon Or Contact: B. Krafka VDM 2722 Mlchol1on Dr. lrvlne, Callfornia 833-2400, oxt. 336 Equal Oppor. Employer DATA PROCESSING I CONTROL CLERK f(lr lcnchng Orange 0Junb' data p1q'fM1ng firm. Ac- 1..'0unHni: .~ or dalA may l'itp. desirnble. Knowledge of 10 key adding mach1Q\-:.' Call 5411-QJSO or 646-1<25 !Go' appf, or senc:I ""81Jme to 1.0.C. Cnrp., box 567, a.ta ~!CAA, 92627. * DAY BUSBOYS * , 1'~uu time, apply alter !l pm. Tonio's, 21D Ne:wpoct Center Or, Fashion Island i DELI COUNTER & ASSISTANT MGR :: Mu~t have lull dell exp. &! t•nlcrlng knowledge. Musi hr llhlc f() wnrk ·sut or Sun. C:•~K:l.J.$69 1. pref to •hr apt tor noom • 84IH243 1»--962-22'13 or 962-«il8 at-s, dart< b&ll f)'omd. LOCAL movlna •hauling h> " ~ * llu<llU. -tioanl I saJ, -HEMET lOx~ IBR -1 It' cel>ln crulnr R<wm!! m..1'46. sludenL 1-l1'>Ck. Rua. ~Illy poolllt>n a 531-1300 • ' "" •'l'· w/oov'd pello A ""'1-i:t :llllHP V8 o..Yat!. ~ BU< Fm ,.tter/lab "Cleo." 534-IMll or SIW164. tlqJ hOrtfware :".;..~ We.,. an .....i employment CLEJlK TYPIST Guest Home 415 It, ad1t pt1<, $3500. or trade Pvt. he.d. Glaaoed hlfi v I c Brooldiurativictorll. lieu-'-... "1C. APl>b' "' c 0 a, 1 oppo11unll)' employ"' Gin F'r!Ooy ., ... needed 1or PRIV .Jioort! tor la<IY.-!::'_. eq "!~· coodo cc Goodpl TOcond;.~ trade l ~ flW!OO, ....,, ~ HOUSI -CLEAN £!!~~J-3 3JO t 2 BEAUTY OPRS 121 Athrdn. °'r'-60 w.p.m .. ltl21D Ex .,..,, ~ Tt..C ~Q 'I'll . ...--. ex 1 , ~t 546-201L MED hi .,... poodl•, Male. ....-~ ~·~~ -n uan No totio.1ng ......_ Comm/ """'' • c exper, a • to SlX> 1 Wll.L trade 50tn ..,.icy tn " -Dune -xlnt -"Anltl" marine collar. f'loon, w"""""1, walll, t:ar· Captst.ano 493-4586. O>ntad guAm-Bugy doop. C a 11 ... ume ...,.., lot.-lnr & \lf·:N1'1\I, 1\A•littant - Nt'1\porl &ach Orlhodo ntlc 11f(IL't, chair 3\de. Approx. 4 lluy:c I \\k. Top 111.lary, llh1.•ral frlnA:t' bt-1\C"fltt COD- w,·ultil environment, 0..ntAI ' <''<JX'r. ttquJred. No 1mok· intt. Ai:e 20-30. ~2626 DBNT,\L A11l1!anl , ('l'lf'~tlc. rnthuslutic lft- dh.iidual .... •anted for I.ARUM 1 Bch µnacUcc . Ex per .1 neoeu. F'uture lim.lted only by bOUve lo USWM 1 mpon. 1alary open . &-3$96. PRJV "'~or ,..,,,. tor t6" uttlt Jnal......s pool apt oond.,...,,. torO>ovY.'Fonl llewanL 54!Hl1S5 alt 4 pet> • c1ra,_ 7 Yrs "'""· Jay Hauard or Jim Lomi1. 64.'>-1050. '"""""" small ore w/con- stnl•r 1..... ..,..1a A A/or E1lol l!ev . ......,...-i or Dodge Spttct. VM In LOST lrloh Setter. Wearing -or 64&-252'1. >t/C. • ASSEMBLERS • BEAUTY operoton. 1 with AAu~1c\P'At"wATER 1t1n\d !l('tvlce. &12.-.9'l78 \Md for prop or land 1n , x In I eo11d. 640-0786 or Uc. taf, Vlc: lTth St., 118, C•rpet Cleenlng 1st fl 2nd lhitt 1n Electroulc• followlni: 10 m ft nag t . . S R I 420 H.B . ...._ lJ47-6!147. ' &M-0878. $50 n.want. 536-1644 Floor Coro & Windows Firm. Ntpt prcmlum or. Ul'l"'"'Y n<"-"'"'' nt0olcnrtst DISTRICT OF ummer enlo I 10 AOt<S !rte ot lnd•blod· H~VE DUPLEX J.2BR, ii' MALE Irish S.tter, Vic: Dutch Malnt Sclv. !111·1!0!! fcn.<I . No eX1>0r1ence ""!-for 11 opel'nto..,, "'10-IOIO ORANGE COUNTY * " LIDO ISLE * * ne"' levtl 1Ubdlvlsloo ttmd, yOnlL Aaowno .VA IOU\. N•wport Beach, 4 / 2 S, "lilako Room Yor o.dd,y" Apply In Pe"°" 1TJ32 !ruin< Blvd. 2 BR, 3 Ba. OR 5 nR. nMI' Bir-tow, tqUil)' $7,000. rrtm f'llt)'. Wanl late n'llJdtt Needt medicaUon. &l&-c585 • , • clean Otll 1~ ••--Potttt A n·rumt~ld Div. "1\1.akt• rtoo1u For Daddy" Suitt' G 1'u~in TIME FOR FOR ACTION. • • DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642-5678 I Bo ·-" J Jul ltlr ~-.... -car , .. ~-car or ·~ • ·--AMY ln<0tpt11M.d ••• ,, .. n OUI llX> ..,.... II hlk E. of Nwpl F'Jwy] • • ,....., une, · Y ,_.,...., • ~TT S6f/6Zotmflllf, mtr. Any day ta the BEST DAY to · ··tum that Junk inll) cuh 26181 Anopueno . . tum 11\.11.t jUl\k Into <'Uhl~~~"'!'~.,;,~..;,... t. ~i. nltr. 613-m2 tr-· l'J9.9116. -· Nn an adl Dnn'l tltlay, • with a DallY Pilot Clatlllled San Juli\ Cap'-'trant> will> a O.llY Piiot Cl•ultled S.11 the old stuD. Bey the ~-==:;._~~~-1-~~~~~-•••••••••••••••••-.can tod&.Y 64H6__18. "'"'-''-'Call=I""-' iO(ifll.:...::=---An equal oppor. ~pl M/F' ad. Call &t2.-!m'8. new !tult. • ' • • , - • ,, • . ' ~ -' J -~ • ' . I • . l ; ----. 1 • • ' • • . , _ ·._,..,, .., t. ~'7' • . . . _ _ · _ ltl\I! ·-. ~ ~·•· ~ ~; l'lt'Or-~ '.'" ••1111 • llIJ]I .,.,,-ll]J] l .,,..,,":"' ]l lJ I · ,,, · l(IJJI · ,,,. ••. tt lf I'' .,,,,, w'" ][II][ 1 •Je 1• ·' O!J [ !i'J' • l(Il] '"'~I 1 ;_ • ......., M , " 111 ... 1, w-. M , "Jn• :'":;1,~w=:•n:i..i::· M::':.:"::n:•l~ ... ~1p~w~-~~·;;M;;;;';;;;";;1;;";;Ha;;;;;'e;;"';;""';;;;;-.;;;;;M;;';;;;;; "1;;•0; I ~;..~.,~w~·"~·~oc1.~M'1;"~11~·l~Hel;'~w~~~ ..... ;M~•~r~"'~·a~ ~;;;~Ma ,, 11~~~ • "'LICTRONICS ;RL ~--. --··-LA!!ORERS P.\Jl-O:u .. Gilded, SA.L!SMIN I SHEET MEtAL ,. ""'"' •--~ Tr...nDIRY WORK TOMORROW • ~Gl!RS ""I'-d8lrld but 4'>t ,.. Silver Si>rina• Wat. -I SIOUJED • SEMI ll<D 1 ED TECHNICIANS ..,...;,, Ui• tnJlr!o, llllne '''" IUlll"UM e ASST MANAGERS ljlllftd. WUI ll'all1. Phom for aatermen. p1111!_ __ "._'.,!_• WI~ l•p In fol'-·'-IOOd PM"' vol«. Aa• 21 or e Ka~• a•ft :r •PPL $40-TG • ....,.._ US =~• m • "'!"'•'" -.. ..... Mwot '°"'...,. ... Weoeedmentoaccepttemp. assignments as : .. , ... ......, Equal '!P"'""!liz ... pra,.r 1u11 11me. Part '''"' • SH.EAB-llRAla:'' I ' I• per. 11. ht. to •tart. c.u <»r e Car <II: Truck Ualoaaers • GAS ATT&N $ .:-avallabla. .APoly b: ..,...., • PV!ICll ~ Appl. -hfeflo Car w-L ":: R>o<p!IO!lU'(~ cla1<, SILVER SPRINGS WATER e DRILL l'llESS 'I C:UU. i'riday. lite bld<PI" lyp, e Warehousemen • -""" cor aow .....,.. !164.N. Batavia. °'"""" e WALES NC l'l/l!IQI .-. -penonallly. e & General Laborers Growth Co-4 L-tlono -.,. 3" • * 71': SJa.«m * LAY0ln'"r001~G . EXPANSION IS A BYWORD AT VARIAN DATA MAClllNES Proiuction Test We have openings on 1st & 2nd shifts for Individuals w/2-3 yrs digital electronics ex· per. Familiarity w/computer test & trouble s hooUng is desirabl . It you want lo work on sophisticated com - puters employing state o! the art electronic technology, learn more about computer sys· terns (CPU,1/0 , Cont rollers & Peripherals) & belong to • warn that's growth orienU!d. SllU'I 51'1. &IU400. Dally Draws Optiona l CALL ~191 Pro" S.tooUp M.n SAIBSClerJc.SIJll tlme. Own Xln't wo991 l ·boN!lta Hond Crall• & Good!.,. C H I t I B I N N NEWPORT BEACll 'l'ran•portatlon. Ma"'f"· be1 K. C. Hollowfy1 .Inc Sl>ltable ror boutique, abJ> ·ar e P u u ot ecessary MARAUDER MARINFTW1" """· Mllll l:avo m .. • t~. G@-:1106 1"80 Arm11,_ .Ave Sewtng Piece Work. Apply lo Person N~ ntoklen. Fland lamina· c:Mnlca.t •Pl'ltOOe ~ ..,me SALES -ili i'i: Pre.fer 2. .,yr S•"ta ~ ' Wf'IJ known tnlerk>r de1lgn between 6:30 & 9 am tomorrow !Ion. aiu Placentia Ave. CM ~:c~~~ ~18~'* college /or oornp:inent aale1 (71.t)-557 ..... llrm localed In tl:c Dealgn MANPOWER, INC, MEDICAi.. ..... ...,1, llood •~= ' · "'P· Aft U. -· SlllPPrNC p ,, • .,, • • • PlarA. Newport Be a c h , typlsl will train Write P~~R, Ja<PEJt. SALES 1"'!'!""1ril C!e11t would Uke to preview Classined Ad N :W,g Dall ' Pald vac.tk>nr C.M 8 · ed . Pal E1tctron!Cl, 6 3 9 1 p.mplet of )'OUJ' work to 4"1 W. 19th St ... Costa Men Pilot. P ... O. IJl:sx.oir:MJ.' eo.t!' Dill J&n. W -J472· .• ~ nHI= OW:':!i: W e·1 t m tn • t er Av ., dllpf>y on <:Onalgnmenl. Equal Opporturuty Employer M.,., Calli. 9iJ6l6. own ,.tall shop, 11\teretJled ,,w;;""""""'o:;:;::;:;=';,.· ,..__...,,__\ Pleue call Jan Marki, MEDICAL QUAIJTY lo f.u.bJQn Ii: ettarive .elllnc SML bolt buUdet ~ roan 64U330 bo11o.m 6 5 pm Holp Wontod, M I F 710 Help Wontod, M & F 710 Frolll o..ic~'f°tlolllo~ Jor a fine sJl«lalllY ::hop. w/ftbm'gl&u. ~.A~ Hospltollty Hoston ~· ,. _,. _ = ,. S.A. area, SIJ.71M. · ASSURANCE >'\ill or part time. S&luy 1~ ~~ . 11 · Service -v~ ... ---we UTE llOUSEKEEPlNG ?-fOTEL Maids Wlll tra1n OJ!m. Ph; S47-T133. ctn ' ta >T\eq ts looking tor womt'.n to a: care of 2 amaU boys Apply tn per'°'1 onty Cost~ SALESMEN wanted for SUf'ER.VISOR wt-lcome Ii: interview new ~ PERSC>NNE1. Cd.\1 61!>3998 .rt' pm. ' ~lt"M Inn 3215 ~Blvd SPECIALIST Cable 1V worjc. Good pay, Boat a.&Rmbb' for Wi't a.Jl. tt1ddent1. Sil.let or ad· SERY1CE.5•Arc..._V"'V LlVE-IN companion f 0 r Q.t. ' ' Oextble hrs. AP'PIY in boat manuf. Maif have ~rtislng exper. he.l~tu1. ~"'t\..I wido\lo~ man Ute duties penon. Telepromptu, 2624 proven ix.t W'::'J' be.~k· MUJI l\avt' car" typewriter. Free & FM Position• Prefer Olde~ male 0; N" eeded w. C.oa&t H\.\)', Newport a~ & direct tb\e IUJltt- 547-3095. ~ticrowave s8.Jes mkt enar female. $150/MO. room & V1rlan O.t1 Machlr\es Bch. VllOl')' exper. tlCYTEL lTELP fCar & Expenses) 10 S18K board. Ap~ly in peraon. 226 SALES~lAN &: Mgrs, m/f. l1lander V1dtt Corp NO\V hiring for the Bcautilul At.'(:fttfRE/CPA e.'<:p to S25K Cabrillo St .• Costa Meaa lmmedi"ately A leader i,h I~ mini com· $a>6, It up Wkly gue.rn U .oiiiimii;;Wii;;. li;i7;i;lhiiStii.ii'iiCii.M.ii. ... I New l~llton·Laguna. Hills. Management Trne to SROO allemoona. puter induflr')' ha.I M lm· qual. No exp. nee. Mr. J..ee Ho!J.5ekeepe.r P/C Bookkeeper $700 LlVE Jn Hou.aekpr/Cook mediate ~.tie for a quall. 12131 77()..85'13. TECHNICIAN Malds Dental Ole Manager to $100 English speaking R e f ~ T · ty assurance special!Jt ln SALES reps for Ooral rental Houseboys Sec'y/no sh/Anaheim to $600 t•eq'd 2 Oilldren in ... -"! ypistS ~ our reqtvJn& tnrpectlbn service. Commil.slon. Call ~1n~Desk Clerks Gen'! Secretaries to SG:WI housl;hold, age• 3 A ·6. dept. · 646-2612 or642-2516 en Typists/gen ofc to $600 &15-2810 e Cl rk Typl 1 PBX OperalDNI lnven Control Clrk $450 . e St You'll be l'lt!f>Onl.lble tor veft. Cashlrrs RecePt/Gen'l Ollice 1450 LVN, for light duties &i e Sr, Typist dot' Ptll'Chatlna:, material -~~ ---~~ --Secretaries CALIBRATION TECHNIC~ft: GET ON THE Cofll'e Shl>p Waitresses Insurance Sec'y to S700 penon, Omeaa Clinic, 1969 • Tech Typist .D!nlng Room Waill"esse1 Recept/Gen Ofc to l550 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa It you meet thele quattnca- Dmlng Room Walters CAIL: TRISH HOPKINS 84&-tG34-. • R-ro Typist 1ioos & .,. looldn,: for ao Newport Beac:h BAND WAGON ! ! ! AND CALL I 714 l 833-2400, ext 332 And We'll Discuss T his Opportunity Or Applf In Person We offer xln't salaries, benefits & growlb. P IHM Apply in. Parson Mondoy· Thru Frld•i, 1:30 A.M. -4 P .M. To Tho Personnel Dept. ,Or Contoct: B. KRAFKA CocRta.11 W~tresle'I JERI WHITTEMORE I -r opportur1Jty to grow with a Banque• W••tors 488 E. nu. st <at !rv!nel CM MACHINISTS • Secretaries lcadlna Orang. eo. co ... l'008"'~~· Suito 224 642-1470 VOLT ~ Pl<'AR Apply In Person Sou111 O\C':l V_... ...,_... 1fliii-~ Needed for the tollowina:: Instant Personnel Or C.ontact B. Krafka Saucier • ll}'drote:I Temporary Servi~ VDM f'ry Cook JANITOR pvt <.'Ountry club, • Profile ~ Campus Dr., SuHe JOO Broiler f.t nn near bch. Work \lo"t!ek \Ved e Mill ing f.fo cttlnes Newport Beach 546-4741 Salad Man thru Sun. $2.25 hr 10 11tan. Small Shop, Vt"ork SO hn Equa1 Oppo,r. Employer Kitchen He1pe:rs For appt, 545-ll61. \lo"H:k. Good benefits & NO PlIONE CALL.<\. JANITOR waaes. Aeromil Engineering NEEDED APPLY JN PERSON Co., 1409 E. SL Cerlnlde THE BEsr HUion-Laguna Hills Expercrub. in indRustry. Waxb & Pl., S.A. HOUSEKEEPER 25202 La Paz Road 5 Ooor. un sct\I bfr, 5"-8262 IN CALIF. (liv~in to help 10-4 drive forklift & lift 75 !be. non -w 0 r k in g mother 2n2 Mlchol1on Dr. Irvine, Callforni1 IJJ.ZAOO, ut. 336 Equal Oppor. Employer HOUSEKEEPER Apply betwn 8 & U , !. M. wllarge boppy tam 11 y. Cox Manufacturing Co., Inc .. MACHINISTS · Beautiful qew home ln REAL•ESrATE SALES English speaking. Uve-in, 5 1505 E, Warner, S.A. Equal Ne~rt Beach. Also light $JCCESS CAREER 'day:" Gen'! hs<work. 2 schl oppor. employ.,. DAVENPORT cooking, laundry, ; ronlng. New or cxperlenc:od. Joli\ the age children. Own rm, ha, J A NITORlAL Supervisor, Set·Up Men Excelll'nt ref!!, req'd .. Rept,y World's largest and ta1test The Irvine Company Hos Optninv• • e For Secretaries w/mln. 2 yrs. related experiellCt"; Escrow Secretary \Vlth exper. w/a bank, title co. or independent escrow co. Typing 60 w.p.m. Rilaf!Ce Secretary Jiu an lmmedla~ ~nlng for an nper.-·WJtiratlon tcchnlclan. Cortt~ · o r tcchnlcal ICbool. preferred. \'ou n1ust have exper. In calibr11Uon of osdJ)qscopt>s, VT\1~1. Pttp-Anlps, dif. fcrential volt metmi, digital equipment &: other elec- tronic test equipment. ll you meet thew QUallflca· llorui & are looking tor an opportunlt,y to crow with a leadlng Oranae Co. co ••• Please A.pPJy Jn Penoti •~ . Or Contact: B. Kratka tv, pd vac. $70 per wk. E:xp'd in floor care & carpet to Classified ad no. 634 c/o growiDg resale organlzaUon ~ &'IS..3550. cleaning. Call bet 5 & 1pm, BROWN Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, with a network of over 300 llOUSEKEEPEft to live In. 846-602l' Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626. oftJce11 and become a VDM With background In finance. Empl:iasis on acrountlng oriented sche.d ul e~· & reports. Ex.per. \11 budget preparaUon & ft nan c l a I statements hclp!ul. Typing 60 w.p.m., 10 key by touch. VDM 2722 M ichelson Dr., Irvine 833-2400, Extension 336 Own room, bath, private en-& SHARPE NEED responsible manaaer ~~~be~~l~:.lloM::""don•1110"r lranre & color TV. Xlnt JOB Set-Up Men I single) retired fireman or ad cond. No ironing. No J)('ls. policeman pref'd. 17 units. vertising _program. Free ·~ k I & r-• Xl ·: ~-Big Corona. 2 bl"-to •-ach. guaranteed licensing school. 2722 Mlch1fton Dr. +JU a \\'«' Pus room SHOPPERS! vuuu Wllges . n co . .....,ne. Call &l.5-1624. ~ ut: Excellent sales training. board. 6T~3627 fits. Perm. steady employ. Please call Vlrilnla Jones S Irvine. C•lifornl• l!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!l!~!!!!!!!J.!!~!!l!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!l! I IIOUSEKEEPER -care of men!. 2nd shift openings. ~D ~anenl mature 835411. ecretary 833-2400, ·~t. "' Holp Wonted, MI F 710 Help Wantod, M & F 710 lv>me & 3 c h lid re n · REXNORD INC. ~ ter, :ughts, wkdays/ends. RED CARPET Wllh background In manage-Equal Oppor. E!Df!loyor Moo-Frl. Turtle Rock area. • ·Eng1'neers ' child. CdM area. ~ Rultor1 ment training progmm~ 1 I ~~!!!!!'~ ... --...... 1 An Equal Opportunity Employer DENTAL Ant. Experiroced 1--------- only. NtWpOrt ottlce. Good EXPERIENCED lle4-fTIStre.ss opportunity. 64&-5411 to work in factory or will !..:iiiiiOiiiiii ... ii;iiiiiOiiiiii• I 'rain qualified home &e\lo'l'!r, O.portmalt Store THE BROADWAY Now Hiring tn SALES Ptrm .• full " p/time Da.Y1 & evenln11s Experience prefcn·ed Apply Penionnel Dept. 10 Ml·12 & 2·4 pm No. 47 Fru;.hlon Island Newport Beach Apply in penon SunOowe.r Swim Wear. 148 Los Molino!, San Clemente EXPERIENCED NOTE TELLER . Apply In Penon SECURITY PACIFIC BANK 3475 Via Lido Newport Beach Equal Oppor. Employer Own tram. 979-3942 or aft 6, SPf'(:laU\,,Fastener Div. NURSf..1lYhiAN wanted -r -~.--"""-=:.::.___ Girl offiCt", Req's pleasing TEOlNICIAN for slen· 833-31193 • 3130 . Harvard min. 2 yrs. exp. tor Uoyd'1 RE:\L ESTATE SALES penonah1y. Type 11>, sh 80. Wizlng won. ~-.time, HOUSEKEEPER ' Prac-e Draftsmen Santa An• N=ry. CM c..n '"' app1. FREE LICENSE omega a1n1c. &ff-~. tlcal Nurse. Uve-in or 8 hr. ntfS46.S100 7ll/58s..21&1 646-7441 . TRAINING Xl.n't benefits &: v.wking TELEPHONE Trtt¢4twus shift for guest home .• S B F.aual oppor. employer m/f NURSERY sc~tstandint Famout Real Estate lJcens-~ wanted, no se~ work ~!e;;.nce1 I required. Qill r. uyers parent oooperabYO n=ry q ColJne now available C from your hcJn>e, Jloun ~~ MACltJNrSTS school. seeks qua! dU....lor. thru Tarboll Realtors. f).., all Mn. Smoot Oulble. Wrtte auallled Ad LATHE OPR 54&-2405. ~~"'~· ~ 644·3389 or ~mo.~~;.&~ H 0 USEKEEPER. Hve-in. • Some English. Own rm & Elec. Inspectors 1v. 2 chlldrn. Sl'/'5 mo . s'2-stri e El T hn' . HOUSEKEEPER, uve-;n, et. et IClanS .English JJpeaking, 5 day \vrck. St.art at $45. 640-0017 ur1 7PM HOUSEKEEPING • LITE Afternoons l\1on th.ru :t"ri. J\f ust hn ~ car. 644-569-J. REGISTER NO\IJ! TSI OFFICE whll• you learn. Call AI 644°3317 Must do own set.up & have Sloan 1n4) 832·5440, on Betwn 9am & 12 noon only Telephon. Solicitors own tool!I. Good oppor. for Weekends (71') 832-7000. Part-time \VO r k . Hourly advanccmrnt. XJn't working e S t • ~-. SECRETARY, adminillO'ative waa:e. Good worldfli envir· conds. Pcrn1. r>05ltion. Good ecre anes REAL E~TATE SALES to assume responilhiltties ot onment. E xcert«ftl•IWIUller bcneflht. -.. Typi.Sts New & resale. Newport A: J girl office of manutactur· 1 ;;;;Jo;;bc,. ;;53&:259'71'"'"1}.::5:.,. :--:-- REXNORD INC llunUnglon Beach. . ;~ rom:em In Anaheim re-TRAINEE Jo' rubber hose e Dictilphone HARBOR VIEW porting d;n:cuy 10 general pl'Oduc<s .,..mbly. Good 0 HOMES ~~· Good S!H & typ-oppty tor advancement. Call ~En&tnecr Oenta.I l'""mt Ofc lnvenlory Clerk Sl2K EXPERIENCED brMkfa.st HOUSEKEEPER for small, to SfiOO cook, apply Mon 1hru FTI exclusive moll'L Specialt y Faslenw Div. 3130 W. Harvard Serita Ana TI4/546-5100 ZlJ/585-2184 equal oppor. nnployer ml t prs. 182'J Port Sheffield Place mg skilb required plus 540-7639 • Keypunch Oprs N"'"°" Beach m-Ol80 koowlcdge ot:, bookk .. plng Equal opportunlly employer • • wk-days only pref. J\.~n 3 yn exp. TQUPD Im $450 Denny's, 3170 Harbor Blvd · *** 4!K-8S2l *** 3303 Harbor, Ste. S.2 $520 C.M. ., H Costa Meta General Office .. admm-ve ......my 1111'111" * Real Estate Sales * ttqUired. H°"9 7 : 3 O • 4 . Lo 2 Of.fices -I n~-A DnAA~ Salary open. Call 956-3)90 J\tActlINIST R & o, exp'd, ng tenn temporary jobs, PLACE REALTY~. for appotntmt.nt for Jn-- to f700 FACTORY Trafnees Debur-ouHkHper, f/tlm• (S. Diego Frwy Harbor Exit) $S25 ring call for appt. l iiiiiiiiiiCaliiiilii549'!0610iiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiJ Girl Friday Girl Friday S...C'y (Slk Bkrg) Ex. Sec'y Buena Pk: ~!Office Recept Hostess s...cr.tuy lo S750 557-4381 INSPECTION $520 FEMALE over 18. NEAT, $~ ambitious & steady to fi'Cl up • days only. BW>--Dynamlca Top rates -Never-A Fee. ._._...,," te.rview A o;v. of Courtesy Ind., Jbl2 Arcm1rong Ave., REGISTER NOW! RECEPTIO!jlST I .Secret,;=..=.,,.,'-.---151JO.--$-l<n!- 979-3660 • Rettpt. Typist $500 tables. serve food & cleanup. Some e x p e r . = helpful. ?lfust apply In F IC jlookkceper l\fed l'"mt olc Prod. Control G. i\fgr P.X('('. Secretary SoJt'S En~. Dl"grtt ESGTO\v Offj("('r , person, Huntington Beach S~ Con".alescent Hospital. lSSU $IR;\ Florida, H.B. $700 FISHING Tackle Sales & Service. Boy ~·anted for part lime & sun1mer \vork. Good mechanical abillly & kncnvledge or salt \\-'al£'r fishing req. Send resume to NEWPORT Personnel Agency UJ Devor Dr., N.B. 642-3870 Box no 657 c/o Dally Pilot, DTSJIWASHER, Malnt('_nance PO Box 1560, 0>8ta Mesa, Man &: Daytime Cook. Ap. ~C"a"'li'°'r.::926=:"-26'-~-- ply in per50n, The Ru.sty fl.OltlST. apply Peck Fam!· PeUean. 273.") \V, Coast Hwy, ly Shop, 7801 Dolsa Ave. N.B. Westminster. DffiECTOR OF NURSES "'F"'R°"Y~co'"'o~K-. _E_X_P_E_R_. Progrrssive . a>nvalet. hogp. P/li me. J\1ust be clean & Xhrt bmcftts, no wk-enrls. nenl. I-lours 9 am·l pm Ce,11 642·2410. J\1r. Snyder. Apply , Surf & Sirloin 5930 DISHWASHER w. Coast Hwy .. N.s : Mus1 be neat & clean. Over 21. Apply in pc.non. Surf & Sirloin. 5930 \V. Coast Hv.'Y .. N.8 . OOMES11C llelp George Allen Byland Agency, l~B E. 16tll St .. S.A. 547--0395 ORESSf.fAKER f'X p. for loo busy shop. \Viii consJdcr anyone qua.I. PleaS8nl writ oondt. Flex hrs. b}-1905 EMPLOYER PAYS FEE TOOL & DIE $5.85 Per Hour ~ENERAL LABOR lli.B., C.l\1., S.A. Orange & Irvine No Fees, \\leek.Jy Paycheck Day Wifls, 2nd shifts &: graveyard. • P.P.S. 500 Newport Center Dr. Soi!e 900, N.B. 640-1970 2·1 Central Tov.'er. Orange 547·6446 Equal Oppor. Employer INSPECTOR Va rian Data Machines llas immediate openings in thelr inspection dept. due to rapid groy,·th. Temp. SeMce Inc. Santa Ana. Great PR 1pot w/plusb club. Ck'l'k Typists $G1 !~~~;,,..~~~~!!!!! J\tAN lo \lo'OJ'k full time in ~tu.st have 30me typing, WW Girl Fri . FIC Bkpr $1~ JUNIOR SALESMAN: rental y..,J. Neal In appear. TSI "" doing a lot of variety l 00°A FREE w/neat handwriting. \Vill \loork. Some bookkeepUJg O Earn $2().$40 per week rraln. Apply n10ms, 1930 helpful Start $450. Ca 11 Lit Reinder's Agency working after school and Ne\vport Blvd. Cr.t Sally llart. ~. Coastal 4500 Campus Dr. on Saturdays grtling ?IC\\' ;;iii;iiiiii;ii;iii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio I Pcnonnel A2ft1CY 11'90 Har. 5'16--ZU8 Newport Beach customers for the Daily MAID 3303 Harbor, Ste 8-2 bor Blvd., C}.f. · SF.cRETARY _Girl Frida• Pilot. This is not a paper C t M ' route and does not Include 01 • I Si REX:'EPrlONIST I typLst. for Interior Designer, Ute deliveries or collect.ini::. f /time. Exper prefd. (S. Diego F'rn'Y Harbor Ex.ill 11ccounting back g ro u ocl shorthand, act'Urate typing, e Electro f.1 cch. lnsl)eelor h e I p f u I . \Vork y,·eek call 9 am to 6 pm, Laura (2nd Shtlll \Ve have openings In South· Apply Peraonncl Ofrice 979•3660 Wed-Sun. 9-5 .... Mesa Verde Merlo & Assoc. ( 714) Required lO Inspect comput er \vest Costa M~ and South lD am-12 & 24 pm Country Club, 519--0377, Mi'!!, i64;-iiio;i;8706iiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.., 11yslems & lower level tluntington Beach only. THE BROADWAY Myer. bu E 'd Apply no\V! 968-9641. N 47 F -·1 ra1 d A o ·,, or c U't 1 -"'=~==~=~-assem cs. >epcr. f't<l • 1-.iiiii&iiiiiiiioiiiiiiiii._, o. a.<w.on an i . ot esy RECEPT. SEC'Y SECRE 1• Newport Beach Temp. Service Inc. TARY • In """'"" '"""""'°' K II G. I ·~~~~~~~ .... -"'!:''!!!~'!l'!!~~~!!!!!IM.D.'o omce part lime. c..n ll•t ShUO e y 1r MAIDS WANTED -l OFFICE GIRLS 54<>023! alter 6 PM. A min. of 3 yrs in process Mature. 1t1ust be exper. Full NEED.ED R EC E P TIONIST/SECRE· An opening currently ex- exJX'r. time. See ~nonnel Mana· Radio telephone dispatch TARY Ai' ll>-40. Apply ln lsts in the Irvine lndus- e Jtecoelving Inspector flst Shift~ Lite Industrial ger. MU&t be 25. able to drive penon. 395 2nd St. Lag. B. trial Complex tor an ex· Ba lboa Boy Club Apply II\ Penon RENTAL AGENT perienced Marketing/ 1221 w. Coast Hwy., N.B. Y·ELLOW CAB CO. TRAINEE Secn:lary. Duties 1nvo1 ... lifAID _ P/TlME 186 E. 16th, Costa Meu customer commwlicatlon, llousewifc pre.I'd. CaJI In -OFFICE HELP-l\lulti-M\llion Dollar Real filing and typing for one Solderers per!IOn, llunUngton Shores Part Time F.s1ate Dev e Io pm en t tTgional and tv.'O arN. U )"Ou. m.ee:t all)' of these Need knowledge or N.;\.S.A. !'1-totel. 21002 Ocean. HB BEAL'S FURNITIJRE O>rporation has an opening :1~ ni:,~~= A min of 3 ~TS t>.J(pcr. preter- rably in a rece.iving In· spc-ctlon actlvl1y. TURRET LAT"E OPERAT'ORS • TOP $$$ NO FftS! SOUD COtdP,\N'i e P. P. S. . 500 N"""'°" °'"1« Or. Sutte 900, "N.B. 640-im 14 Central Tower. Oranie :>47'6416 . Equal Oppor. Employer qualifications and are look· requirements certtfied or MAID WORK in exchanlle' STORE In Costa Mesa for a Two Ing for. an op~rtunity to comparable, for a.pl. 4 hrs day. 2376 Cali &12--0262 versatile woman or man are: yea.n a.le!. grow with a t .. dmg Orange Newiion Blvd. CM. 543-9755 e OPENING e wllh a mll\lmal or W•• and :;;;..~ si:"'.'e, * TYPISTS County Con\l'any' . ' Elec. Assemblers MAINTENANCE NEW RESTAURANT .;'Ht~""1;; ~ck~ti.m:NT F"" Consideratlon Rerlsler <or * Plea" Apply In""""" Able 10 •~rk undcc mkro· MECHANIC _COMPLETE STAFF POSmON CConENTb:ctU:RY • '""poJ'a!Y Job Or Contact B. Kra!ka scope. Needed In1mcd. ELECTRICIAN. APPLICATIONS between U with an opportunity to todaj • 3"11 Mitt. Must ,.ad ""1e-am k 3 pm; -· May r.celve personal ,.oornl· bATA SYSTEMS lnleivws: 9-12 2061 Business Ctr. Dr. •-Com IL 7· Tu!'5day May 8 Uon. . We N~ AU Irvine 83J.9107 IB.u~·, 2-4 .• b: ~ apply • THE CANNERY srARTINC SALARY Ortic. 9t!Ua Aero" from o.c . Alrpo" CALI FOAM CORP. 3010 Wayette ISlOO l7IO No. Kraemer Blvd. Equal Oppor. llhloloYer r- 1166 ""'....rMrt Beach Send Rctrume, In e I u d Ing Anaheim Male A: Fcma1e · 1 .............,===== J t 1 Vonf<Annan. Safl1:a Ana \'::..J..!:: IQ.lacy history: !Off Riverside Frwy.) W11t1rn Glrl lnc. Equal Oppty. Employer . PAINTER Write, ClaaslMed ad No, 648 PHONE: 632-7000 "667 MacArthur JNvd: VDM MOLD MAKERS $5.IG Per llour AAA ASMClatC!I Agency 666 E. 17lh SI .. Suite 217 2722 Mlclt1l1on Dr. KEYPUNCH MAINTENANCE Eb<per. E..mel Painter only. Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Equal' -... mpl~ ml! Newport 8e¥h GENERAL OFFICE lrvlno, Collfornla Swing Shift MECHANIC • F IUme. s.e Penonnol CoRla M"~'"· cam . 92626 ·•~ .,.. 540-0.12S Good ti~ aptitude /, &0nlt 833--2400, txt. 336 Gi.>ncnt pl1111t malnrenance Marlagf'r. RN"S & LVN'S S!'X:RETARY RECEP'I' Equlll Oppor. f:fl1h1nver typing \\ill llU'ld UU1 potil· 6 J\lo'!I aC'tual v.·ork ,,x~r. :'!rd Rhift. Como in &: applf Balb;oa Bey Club Part time. all shltts, apply in For OrthOdontic Ofc. ~ 3(). TYPIST t1~~ \VCfgreo 11 • Lnrm. Start EAiual Oppor. Employer on keypunch. krytapco or JD..12 &. 2-4, 12n W. O>ast Jfwy., N.B. person. 546--1966 45. Newport area. (TI41 t~me flnn kx:atfiL in hvine ,..~~,.... ac mdrt lt11Y. kry di!iC tl,..vif't'. Hour1" CALIFOAM CORP. S1lt1 M1no-mont 547..Q019. Complex. Gre:ac hrAil'I &; F.()&loyml'nl '""""'X>, oa~tal Personnel -4 pm-I'. mid•11'tc. ' • .,., PARKING CONTROL •· ~ •-rl St ·~ •~mw SH ,_ 2790 II " lli661 VonKannan, Santa Ana Tro•---s.v-r"'""""" m•ards full or .,......., .,.-ne ts. art #"'"· n~ 0 UTI'ERS c"!',,',n<JI. """' Q.lwl., INSTAUMENT ' W('Ok . nFFICER ...... ~u~u •• Call Undo n •• -tm Pla~nllR, C.M. ,~ Equal Oppty, Empk>yer 1 Jot' We 11,1111 tnLln 2 young mt n part Ume In Costa 1'1csa • ......,.. · * Eatimalora nt't'ded for J~f Genera l Offic• G lrl LOAN i\ppl)· Jn 11w fl1AINTENANCE Enetnee.r, I St1rting Sal1ri for carter poGtioos "1th one area.~ (213} 381.Qol07 ~~~~1 ~· ComPfl,ny Pa.rt tinu~. "''"'in... ,,_ llt• CLERK Pcrsortnt'I Dcpartmt>nt da.ya. F/Ume. P(!_f'90f1Jlcl UM p Mont of Amcr1ca'a ltadlne Life SERVICE Station Salffmen " · SC010-{ 11"NT Sun pro-bookk~·g. 'APPLY, SUit~ ~1onday • Fri. 9 am-12 Noon dept. l.fo.'\& llosp, NB .,_. tr lnfl.ll'UCe O>mpanln. Sotm Mmt be exptt. &:. have 18Jet UN.;r:RGROUND ~ in· b!Cllve .,.lndow fllm. Jlours 402 g.. 12 AM ONLY 3333 W u.1.u ,._in for window tint· Min. age 2t H:"* 9Cbool ....... Sal" t' x pt' r I(! n c e ad· ability. t to 7 P.M. 5 ~i • en, aper. nres ~~· O>m-Coe.st H~-y. N~ Beat'b: PACIFIC MUTUAL .. ~, ~aller. Sin S2 ht. or C.E.D .. A°~y ~ C:~t;:~r:rc~~y ~:. ~~pe~nced cnveyaro W~O::t ~::,::9'· ::. 1-;iiii;ioiiiii;;;iii;;iii;i;;;;;iiiiOiio I GENERAL Help, p/llme -UNITED-700 Newport Cl."tlte.r Dr. RtiM>.I monthly to S4& hr Beach Police Dept., ~ RaSdent. 5 ... -..... --•--· "P ~tan ,..~-.,. Teleprompttr li'.mtal Oprww 1• eve. rrom 5pm on. Ori"'" CALIFORNIA BANK Newpon Beach wllhln~. Ov<t 25. Tall, F.,...t ""°" t.&g. 8-1:. 10 ~ .1u.i'.;:.;;"~ -.,. • ~ m... Empioytt ',.:-; ~· IIE ~~~.',,.~ldECll~•E t~~~yal· & !{;""1<JJ. Over 21. Appl! -v~=M ""at. !M. . 494-lln. . Final tlllng date on pomr,oanc:e Phone ror SERVICE Station Sal .. man. VERSA TI v!: o 1 <I c • , •• ·-• ·~ '" ;n per:!On, Men Eds, 410 E. 7,., Edlnsor Aw ~·~~· HELP -Part MANAGE Aplo-Older Cpl. Mq 911J, 11\tetvlew!'~ E:qJ'd, "'°1 appeartna. Tull strl/"""PI. tor 1 f1!!1 olfk:<, lenae of U1c arl bu.!11ntsa I 17th St, Costa MeM Hun t lru.ton Beach time. Apply ln penon Sam'• H.anc:ty, bondable, Newport 1 &S£11 ; ".1.' C"a GIRL or ~ time-:_~ Don, 100 1 _ ••p ~" •-app< have theR qua11flcatJont, GIRLSI I 14•7•2511 Italian 1'18rket, 1900 flarbor HJhtt R«cume lo Dt.71' 1._. '11~ West 19th,~~ Me1a 1 •• "" • TWNl -• l-5,,':r it.':'.;. WAITTEO to toke Jl61'l ~ rol· Equal Oppor, Dnrloyer a1vc1.l~~AL SEC'Y t~°i\~~,~~rors':if ggi CON:to~K:ri.i1CER ExPlFmABBORll'tf.CS•'f"" ~~ A=,<}, P ~P Sll-~AITRlsS • Accuracy IC"ltt' psycholol(lcal 6Xrwrrl· F p ld B I I I m-1600 ot .m-9813. . pay. S~dY. ~~ 890 W· Ex'ptt. MUil ~~ ~1 21. Ap nlmt. Must ~ &t lca11 5·5·;. ce 8 · (>aut tu pml 8· Summer Employ"1ent 2610 E. O»ft llwy., Cdlit. 18tll St., Cogta MtM. ~tn~n , Su'rt._Sb1ob\ • Sha rp Looks I Up 10 $21). pet cvenln ... • INSTALLER • pngt: ious ore. Al!omey need,, 1n· MANAf.fER. • $ ,1 p H . ~--I' It ND. e lnlt iatlve Mi-9172 bel, 6·1 PM. • dOllr OJlCrn 10111, lnt~rt01n divirlual w/hU$lnt>::1 llkc ttt· Mi n~ who'• 1'144 ' EX-s..~ tr our SALJo.:sGIRI. It !t!l'lfNll office SHARP, at1ractive pl need· · .......... W?°1 • "Y11!em. t' x p c r I e n c cd . tllude. Gr"nl bt!-neflts In· h ~ERIENCJ.) In a l In e \l'Ork. apply Klrir Jeweleni ed 10· manaae NtiwPort WAITRESS. • 'Gl)&veyard 83J..1670 GTRL 1-"'rid!IJ• for nuto f\8CnC)' G42--.1t~ rlud"tng proflt Marini:'. St11rt creatl~ 116'<:!11.llty etf.lp. Ph Min. age 21. l·flr:h KIJOOl trsd 37 llunllngton Center. HB Beaeh OUJoe. Nt•f "-P'" rxp'd onl,y. Thi' ¢ot'Lage Q)f• '"!'!'!'!'!!!l!!!I!!'!'!.-'!'!!!!!! body shop. R.t'Hr«'X> ex. t;. [NTERJOR DECORATING S&=.o. AlsO Ff'<" J obs. CAll 5-17-7733 ~~..E.~11 App~ ~You don't ~ * CW' to pearanct. shartMnd I: lYP-fee ShOp, 562 Weft 191.h $1. lffOUSE Hunll_, WAJch the Ulc:e to Trar!e'!' Our Trader'• STUOTO \.IOria. Gray, f)40-0055. t'os•AI· .. ~ It 6 Reap." J.'ore A ce Laa ptika *'Draw Fut 1 whl'n you tnc Htentlal. Jloun 10:30 to 0 1 • OPEN I ,,., ?and.lit rolumn ls fOr )'OUl Nttd3 combination f'\'!Ctpl ~I Ptrtonnt>I Ajt('l\C)', m!I From tttt.lilftt to trQh at Vt!.. ' ch. Dlace ad J the Oa1J1 l :J:> Mon thnJ Fri. S&}ary Don't wtve u the ahtlJ IOUSE column. S Una. ~days f<7r ~. Cali lx>okkeept!r &: Wt:• penon'. •larbot Blvd,. C~1. I TUTn lhrm lnm cub :.-~l~ Ftnal fUlna dato ):>tit)t. :1ant ~l Call now s.1.50'hr. S4Ml44. "Lllt'"i~ l'l C IDl!d. sii1 Owlnfd Adll • ••••• 641-fiim: today , • $U-6678 645-6686. aaamfiect Ads .•• -6«2.sG78 CALL DtJ1f Pilat ' .., ' -f06S7t. ----!..-. CIJ.SSITIED •••••• fQ.61'11 \o !hre IO-Sfl. Sanlo Ana 541·53.12 Al'° Frie Job! I L..J Cit "" be "' N VI 8' D d• y , St we Cl ;n .. .. E WI LI w • [ • Ao I Ill .. " 10 d< 1 a B "' Et A B L OJ Pi ~ • Ei F E o\l • & - • ' j • ' c ' r ! J ,, l ---.---------.. -......... ~ -.. #' • ' • • •• ' - .. • Q a . ~l~h =··~·~~~l:l::-m:~. ~ .__[ _ ...... _ ... _lll~11..-·-~-~\"'--~.1~iiiiiiiiiii ... ·~· GeMo 110 2 L11..., 2 T1-. '2-MI-• I Biltn MS ...-w-,Mal'n1 ~•!! •: -.• c.-• & Mh 1•••-111s h. .._.. 906 ·~ ' m ---------1 [{]I ·~=-sc1•uLETS Equl....... IOI KUSl'MC-IJOJJ_U .... 1ADORA.8Ll'!'bladt:M..... IERftAM , ______ LET111•ll)'Cl<IJ'd<on...-I , •• rt...... """' =·~=i=.: :=·::.:sr •·Allo ~pd-· Oall Quld<Del1Y9ryl i: .. ,~~1~"~ =.ri.c:='...:r- llil!«· ;IMO lo< dlniol rm" Afl .. WEIS NIKON 1'4 IOOY ---....._ .... all.~.--fllEE -bowoel U IWMl-31 A --doclc !lo dftll&. --CamPc< S&leo, JOI Harllor, 1J:1 la IL SN PWwmd ., . '3Clll m.sTn blrdwue. and mMr otbB' ~ trmmtmai L rmn. 1..oYe. ehlldrelL· Call dleR1 erWlln. K .. ttabers, Never bftn In tbll!' d1l't. 'tti.ls Ooltll. Mel& 1• m2 ""=~~Ba Cl .. L Dltum-j-Oftc-Buit-FumltvN I 110 _ ... __ ,,...,.. ~ -121G.~i~t) fG.CIO& lloaal'oiol-.M-blM Is botttt tlllft .....,. U' Tnftl ..... Awolnr . IY -Olalot SNl'El\ -.. All _,. __ .... 513-D • !II' STAMAS F b r b I lo Saw _...u $250 "' ~ SU..,. --Air con- 1221 W. 11..,,., N.B. -*5 W. 5lh SL Soni& AnL • CNltot ' )'rt Old nne all -. ....,.._Ooly SlllO-di-. Color TV wiAL Wbi'RESSES WANTED A .a~~ ....._ ~VER dbl~ '~ .S:io IO I PM. l -all TV, bdle, Hlfl, [ ~ cood. Xln't 11t1>1na bci.i. 250 e ~ e Nl!I tql!)pt. !MM1SS OIJT.~. parl/IUll u.,. ~ w !2S. N1'is -J; ladlft --. S-136 _..,._.. I~ hp 1/0 <ftl· Aakq i-. JOhft't Rocfng •Cycift 23' K!:NSKJU.tnv<l miller, N4iW)lilrt'Beadl 51$-7943 ..... ~.... wv• dtt,..r $Ulll. Mlrri>r $40. ourrAR 1ll, -l*.:>O, . " !2131 ~-. * BULT.A.to * llilly ""''-Twin bod>. lm- \W\NTEO •• '<l<pori<ncod Mt•'• -. lll5-1'" "' clnlmt $1:>0, dloe11le 4 1"' RCA• Z.nllll ,.levtJloo Z2' CARAVEL w IM er c HEAbQUARTERS. FOR mac. Call •~Ul89 ~lull ttni>. CAil ~ ::~,1J~od'j_ MllJll obr m. Bid ....... ~~~ ~ ~.:ii-~:i.-1n"':.:ta All catt 152 CJ'.llllu ~bis whl trall•r. DESERT, r.tOTO X. Tr '7l C'OMFORT 1r, fully ,.11 ~ J A 11 Palnla. · • m • swq lamp $25. (2) IOld ibll, bb. •bunk A otJttt dllptiy p~ Jus than = cablll. , radio, Jlke nu. Accei*>rlei CO<rllairw.d. Like MWI Ex· ~: Weldu * 839-UOl * vb\yl d\l'I tl0.1fz *ti dttk bids b~ tv• &: mfsC. All di.couniet1 with s ~°' PLEASE HELPI $5860. 661«>1 M&-nn Harbor at Wllaon: C.M. tnu! $2295. 84&-5TJO. SltORT Arc, 1 yr exp~ So FREICH'I' Dl.mage Sale 00 to~ ea. Cu '1ndlii USED USABLE8. ture tube, 1 yr ~ 6. .~ound tn my IU"lp • Veey (Don F) M6-6G55 ar 646-2t2S 1973 TRAVEL Trall«!r, 20\1'. Btoadway,SantaAna new 1Hf'jlnt !her,~~ 'l'uel-S&t. 2'!AONewporl aer11icL Frff utfFMlF .trtl'htentdA:nenoousbNut.mt FT. Outbo&td, tO •l.P.Moblle Homes 935 &t"U contd, •tr. •wnin&· Wlfo WANTS TO WORKT r e r & wa .... ,,~r1 BE'.Atrr. ma.hopny dlntna Bl~. CY.. cob' anteana 'W/lff¥ oor> mothtr cal (IJ'l.Y, wh~, Evtnrude1 bl& wbttl till 494-3!:!M . . ORIVE A CABI -· room aet. 3 leaves. t MISC. l'OR SALE tolo Plltthuo (oiler _, Sold -I and her my trall.r. 13 ~ $5.lO or HEMET '°'1sc-· ~Fl..AM1N""'="co.,,.--,1-r-,-.-. I OJl)OSI'! 10<" hours, work K ENMORJ!: wuher/deyor --dn, llill pod. _.--!Qc.Zc thnl '1 Aorlll ABC Cb!« 11111 kitten. I can llO! keep best on... 171 . 10 x 45 I BR w/.,....00 tralltr aood c:ondlllon $7l0 for )'Otnllt, be JOUr own S1I ... ~ ~~ =.i!Y ~~ clu: S.S._; ol ~ k TV, 190t8 8roothar1t ~ ~HO~no-~ 19f7 rr CRUISER, i.o..ded! patio on xtn.·lra loc.. Adlt ~1 ' "'°" ll<n or"'°"""' Can -·-~ -• Call~ ti ........ 5c. l8' -.ml " ton Allula · ,_ •-,_<Uh" Talce.,..... ~ pari<. No pe<s. $3.500 WW A 5-nl p 949 ht '11Jab.Uy handica.pped, StS-01$0. rocker~ mllc. toe~ .1/3' k Golt t!.: 9C4Yi$ HUMiftl'IOI'\ &ta.ch bet 7 pm a 9 pm. 548-7881. $2100 loan, pymnta $107 mo. (.'Oll.S1d r tradi! for equity in uto ce, lrh N t..~ t-Offn Appearance. $1k> 1 YR. pam, dei A .iDIWL lffve b •fl!!· d~ OU:·. $1100. AJ.J.: STER.IX>: 1973, D Watt t SEAL Point Siamese ldl* 146-aM 111mt ~e or t'Ondo. Carl PARTS ONL V Vll1.1~ Aae n to 70. 1.&temod.Kenmorewubtr. DE.anu.TOR Movln&I DAY SAroRDAY A: after Quadruonlc, Garrard te:ns,3weeboM$10apiece, z· CABIN <..'rv.lsn'. SUltaNe Ne~. FOR SALE CHEAP ~t your income. 6.Yr.2N>: 13.9-11'8. Red e co r lltlol, CUilom f ~ »II 11mrta model l)'li~rnind au t o Ml-Un tor holdlnr a moorLna $500 g.i&.1300 DM)reacab§bnormorea RECONO. APPUANCES ~tamlt...ataoat.2 _sm_. ..,.1-tta'ftta'ble AM /nt/MPX EXOTICo .. oc-675-7153. ' ' From lti SEDAN de Wlc day. APP4' in person, • 1.ove ... 1a. G~J· i, "'1· ~ ~. N • R.ecet -4 ~-~ ~., " ~ Motor Hom•11 CAD!ll.AC Yellow Cab c.., 186 E. 16th O.ll...00 -..... Dunlap•, 1 .. tab!<. u dinlrc * AUCTION * Ve<, ·-.,,........ HIMALAYAll KrrrEll u· So O>ut LaiAU•. 100 Solo/Roni Ml TnNmlsllon St.. Costa Mesa. 181S Newport, CM 548-Tm nn sel. Many a.nUquet. E't--FUmit•-~dec:k.•tlllW~ l :W~ $50. 51l-Cl95 hp, gray, r1u top, cushions. Radio WQP.1AN lile houstk--BRAND new CE 14.1 Cl.I ft, 644-46f>8 or 979-<r156 ~.~ ... p"--~" in box .,.,d teed. Ori Dogt 854 $1995, &l&-0910 e~. ,\h· Conditioning Unit • bed ...... ,.... · tmit free Retrig. while. • ~ l.IOUl."Ta guan.n i: Boa S II 909 1212 Soulh Rou St $6895. f,:re..-OC: A bo~~~u:;_j. $2$ UHnlO ~~GCH:1~f 14s.;.L,t WA~dns' FrldayA ,ti7:30 ~·m. ~:»p.~~~ PUPPY WORLD, 100 Mtxed ts, I Santa~~ " ary. Must be friendly in REPAIRMAN bu washer, ab!oJutely trotUeu ttfr1&. U'I Y S UC on Barn ncl&imed ~1>9. also ll1lh Setter $50. CATAMARAN S-.Uon, all 542-3120 &ood bealtl\ and q)eu electric dryer & disbwaaber a• gold aofa dftuen twin 2075% Newport CM &j6...l£il6 S'l'EREO: U 19'1'3 Buaet $40. Afghan $50. alum A fbrab. 21' long, 32' • Call 968-1931. $"5 ea. 646-5848. bed111 &: ml£C. Xl38 winace Behind Ton'/'•' mdg Mat'l. Ganvd model, tul1 ilte Kttlhound $50. Bull Terrier, malt. SlllS tlrm. Complete. --.-0 Keele "E'' CM 6&-6548 turDtabJe, AM/FM Stereo T...0.Zp Poodle, Chthuahua, Xlnt cond 645--'1091 eves w Motel Maki work, BRAND new ' Wbl & Mer· PLl!ASE HELPI receiver, tul1 ranee atr Lab., Boxer, Shepherd, LIDO 14 . ~-I / '.1 ~Beach Relort. 6 day rill dillhwaaher. te. $150. GOLD 8' sota, SIOO. 2 tretn Found in my rarage. Very apeaken, tape deck and Cocbpoo. Open Evet. Stud fflCJ\ d ~~A wa:~•.dr ~j.JM..1196 830-9110. match club chn, all vlfl)ll, friltitened and nervoua headphone plus ln Jacks. Serv. 531-Sldr _.,, e .-~ .-,,11 e ... e DJSKWASHERS. wubera, MO each. 2 Gokl u,phol wina: beauL mocher cat (gray, Brand new in b ox, MOVING torcea Ale beaut.' = or c l ( 714 l ·-·· I~ dryttg, reblt, guarn & chrl, $3S ea. Brown club ""11te &old patches:> and her cuan.nteed. Or1a ~ $190, aotdert German Shepherd ::=.==-------1 delv'd. 839-'1620: ,546-621J. chr. $.30. both I ab r l c. very 'sn11 kitten. I can not rt:1W S95. CUb or amall male, 1 Yl'· papen. x!rtt ''12 HOBIE Cat, 1$' auptr AP?'. sltt Coppmoae gu 96&-0748 keep them and MUS'P FIND ~nb. 89J..0501 w/chlldren Make offer . condiUon. Good buy at ....,... Like new $SO. Call PAIR ol annleu orange THEM A HOMEI Plse ell *SPRING SPECIAL* 641>-1596, 52 Royal s 1. $1325.. Call Jim, dll)'S ~79 upholat.tttd o cc a 1 Ion al bet l pm A 9 pm. StS-7881. Rebullt·Pfcture Tube George, N.B. 496-6117, evei .f.96...3256. Antlquet 800 * K&.rl'1 Appliance~* .. ~".-. w:;:n .... ~J:!);; 2 TWIN bedl with frames. $15--21'' or 25" Co&or FEMALE Great Dane 1 NT ERNA TI ONAL l2 <--~------aervlna: srow1ne Co1ta ....., _. Cll.lnll1teed for l more * 2 YE.AR WARRANTY Brindle. 7 yrs. old. AKC Sall~t w/traJln. 1tfust Mri'IQUE OAK CLOCKS Meu. only. 646-4980 alt 5PM yeva. Good qua l l ty tmtallatk>n Available rq". 1'"'ree. to a GOOD sel~. Mk $349. ltfake any ol-~ we have a ftne COLDSPOT 14 cu tt . NEEDY FAMILY orthopedicmattreuel. Rlce'aTelevl.slon Service HOME! wtth large 'fenced ,:1.:.;"c.·~m-;'"""7lfl=. ___ _ tliDle man~!1 't'\l..:ii:-~ trostleu refrig-trttzer, 2 Wanta 8llf bomeboW tum. & Make offer. 548--01n aft 5 lonnerly ~tesa Nonh Center yard. ~7Zi8 after 6:00 FLYINC Jr. No. UM l suits to match YoW' antique. 08.k ar. Xlnl $11i0. 645-7421 repairable tum. Pl~ue C.U week d a Y s, an Y t Im e 1 Blck S. ot Baku~ SAVE A HOMD-ESS PET ..U.S. ~ otter over $850. deJk. Others on diaplay. FRIGlDAJRE, &ide by aide. tot PU. 963-4062. w-ttkends. open H (6 d-.ra) Coclu.pool. hiah Sett!r, 6T3-3903 ~ 'N Chi me AntlQUt"& Rebignator Ir: Freezer, 6 BEDROOM i;et, bk cut RAILROAD TIES Da.chahund, Beagle, Ter--CAV-X> with mooring. ~ 425 30th SI., 11...-Beoch ,..,. old. Call 64>-3116 beadboatd, rnd """"· lg. 21 RR des. 8' loog. Belt RENT TO OWN rien & poodl•• 5M-3228; equip, 6hp OB molor. I • Be.ach cbesl, dbl. bed. Sota, Ooral offt.'f', Yoo haul SA Hgta. 494-t853 -5'.::!l-:.:2526='-~~---0ptn Da!lY U-5 67>4Z!T KEllMORE •loctlro deyer. 110ld & brown.1132-1021 9'19-1418. TV'S ·a. STEREO AIREDALE Pups, AKC, 7 Lido 14, Xlnt, 2 taib. lraller, EUROPEAN Ant l q u e 1 , 963'-406.2 <X>N9>LE Table, 3 les'ftN.. TWELVE -.pla.o! •et tin I wka, pet It show .. ....,.. aome term111 to rnpona.lble FOR A 1?73 PACE ARROW OR A IQ73 TIOGA ORDER N OW & SAVE CREVIER MOTORS BMW --~-~ ~o -~ Arln<>ltt•. Stained Glau, * :J>CU FT Admiral retng, Drop Leaf TaNe, Tlu Ch.lna never uaied. Restmed champ stock 644·1763"": party. $995, 675-6349 Bentwood, De111kB, acceu. cowertont, 3 years $195. T~. all IOlld wood, PQd 1939 OeY)' .20R Rdan No Cl'ed:ll Oeck 5.'>7-1283 r I6' HOBJD:AT 1972 :r.todelii===;;;;=:;::ii:::;::;== Lee ijW'll!d Minor. 644-4658 646-*8 cotld. ~ ~1368 Fr'H Dfttveey . Froee Repair GREAT Dane Pups, AKC, w(traller, $1450. or 9'19'4156 ldl M • I06 * L1KE new! I HERCULON KENMORE Elec Range, Month)y Rent.als·Avalllb:le Ch, fawns & brindles, 144-$19 eves PA1NTlllGS, c\od<s. hons, ~ul "II ahlrtols ,.,. & lovesoat, &ho vlnyl $150. 3 Pe living nn ,., Opon EvH. 543 4444 Grand ~·s131ire8 "Cannibal". 14' HOBIE CAT 20' Pllll>E & JOYS pewt,.er,brau,copper.18.171 e SURPLUSBUILDING tobt. Mlllt 1acrltlce! $275. B&W 'I'V/lterto $25. Reu.~. wtt.htra\lt'I'. 663467 VAN.CON .. 1·:11.S.I:lNS Pattlr'900 .W-~ l1B No.....2 MATERIAL...-lOOO's of NEW 6°15'-0869 54&-5846 AMIFM ERE() .with 8 S~ P\lppies • (7 wka) Boits s--.a & Ski 911 . Ii~ e Se1vlce e Renta.lt 842'lm pnv. ITEMS! noon, lumbrr, p1y. * * * SOFA & Lov.,.,,, USED BICYCLES !rack, 2 1peaken, c:omplote. Intea """'· ~ groom, no • ,,_ * Danmar Inc * ~U~ Antique Crand wood, alum sheeting, mold-never Wied, both tor $155. All Types * 642-1272 Pay au be.lance '$129.88. $6. shed, no odor. 5ST-282l 14' RUNABOUT c I a 1 1 l ;;.';O' 11 00 RI ·G· c Plano. Must See to Ap-ing, windows, etc. 968-7910, wuaJJylbori'le. MltceOIMOVI monUily. U.S.A. STER.m, OLD English Sheep Dog pup-o/wood, 'M~ ~ trp ftll & ai~l~vd., · ' pteclalel 675-0042 BUILDERS SURPLUS COFFEE table, chair, am Winted l20 3121 S. Brlatol, S.A. pies, AKbyC, mlt ~ood7AA}ine, trailer. Runs good. Can be Nl'xt to C.G. Datsun ~\JE Brus It Iron dbl 2G So. Main St., S.A. din set, ova1, cherry wood, 5 119 E. = C.M. ahown appt. ~ ....... seen 223 Merine, B.t. bed. Good ~ $1 5 O MOO llirii s.no.s Chn. leal/p81[1. 67>-T<lll ~2442 -AQORABLE le. Beagle J>•P· FISHING Ski boa<, I<'. 40hp MOTOR HOMES 640-1029 or 497·1Tn nc: M&.10.32 DESK Beautiful, executive WANTED • Shirley Temple 12 wka, AKC, lhots, $75. Johnaon. Must sell. Apollo Pacesetll'r Bar 0 n ®uble pedestal, aolld bua:Y. cereal bowl • rel. SONY reel to rtt1 tape 962--0111 ~ Jamboree, Robi~ood • , walnut $1$.. 9(;2..2964 art. Old Southern Paclftc 'f'eC'CX'de'r. speabrs, SOS, CR.EAT Dant, Male. Fawn, We've got 'em at CUSTOM sola. 2 tWiw1 chn, = ~\"""."' ..:'. ~ SllS or oU.r. ~reg, 8 DMXllllA, $75. [ Jf:&:l KEN DON _ ..... 1§1 Antique1/CIH1lu '" 1931 FORD rttodel A Cou~ v.•/'55 l.1erc cn&intt, new radiator, needs aome body "'Ork. Musi t1ell. $950. or best offer, 847--0593 after g & wknd1. '30 ltlODEL A t~ord. 2 dr. Chassla resion.-d 10 orig., ne\v rim, all new parb, many extras, runnln& cand. Sl ,400/ofler. 962·1Sl. Recrutlon1f ~V:.:;;oh~l~cl~o~1-~--':.::::i- FACTORY Built sired ~ Dun< BUUY '\'flop " :lde airtalns, xlnt cond. Low mlles. $1200. ~.or~. Truck• 962 ·n DATSUN pickup wlalr cond., tar&e .wheell'I, .tep bumper &: Six·P11.c cabovtt Camper. Sleepa rour adulta. lceboJC, slave, bool, roof rack. $2.150. or oUer. Will M?parate. 496-4123. OLEVY pick up 1971 % toa., s· bod, w, • IJ)d, heavy duty rqu!pl, nu!lo. powr dilC brt.kea, l'ffr -tp ~ "" 25,475 ml. Xlnt eond th-4 $%115. ...... 49'U51B. ~~~~"~.:,'"m-~ ~ Pleue "'* -Germon ShepMnl Pupa . T-.• MOTOR HOMES DANISH walnut drop 1eat WANTED DAN 1 5 H I('! $10. s wem. 6.f.5..llS8 707 N. Harbor, S.A. '62 STUDEBAKER i.i Toa tah&e. 4 cbain $125. 646-0lll bookcase. belt maw.goer, ,,_ '-"-I AKC Reglatered Pekingese C•mpen, Sele/Rent 920 5,;4.0011 ~~ ~~ 3w11~w~· C 6-r• Sale 112 child's ldtcben .,ppl••ncea. pupple111. Show •tock. 1 wka , n pa runa £OOC) .. For 1n N Jn Woman•s World Call M1ry Both 642-5671, ut. 330 • Soltty Scarfed! Flatters All Sizes 7205 l ~ ftttA<l.& a ... i. 96&-5491 3 Linet, 2 T1rnn, $2.M old. SC.l128 2-4~,1HO~abut ~~ .. cam1 1plng ~=-=:t..22rooi~ ~.!n·~out $WI.~ M09JERr-21" Kin& O'L&wn ORIENTAL RUGS. Private AKC Aflban pups, 8 wks., ~ .,.... u...,, 6 $900: cng. air cond, roof d('Ck or 642--8S93 Best $96.50, Toro with elec-party will pay cub for all BEAtrr but atrald mother shots & wormed, reas. to w/laddcr, new crpts drps · c56:,:..;FO~R°"D~l~Y.-to_n_ft~1-t_bed.,..., Irie 1tarter, one month old, siµs. 644-5326 cat & 0kltten. found In my good homes.~ '12 VW Adventure cPrl:. & upholstery. 8 track 1 stcreo reblt V8, good W"OCidlW ~ ~.ps, pl'.ice $UO, 6" WANTED • LUC GAGE gar. Can't keep _ Help! MIN Schnauzers 12 wks old, ~~t ~:Sooo ml, ce<I Ir many extras. Priced to tru.ck. $550. or oiler. Cd plantr jolner with Nnd. 'and RACK tor VW bur· Call 543-7881 AKC, 3 males. I · ~II. 646-8402 John alt .C, ~ • motor $150, Kodak 704 6'75-6196 EASTER Puppies tree, part Call 637-4578 Cycie1, 80<n '68 % TON h'ord Ranpr, InstamaUc with KO tripod MuaUl lnstrvments m collie, 2 mo old. l58n Hones 856 Scooters 925 1973 Discoverer and Sundin! can\per Spec. Jtvy duty $59.50, trundle bed $45, Will 11 Ln Hunt In t 0 Motor IIomcs for rent, make equip, good -··I. ·~• 0 '-0R ~'" '~"-table ........... e ' I n 73 CZ'S o~ . ,. I S .... ~·-':'::;", __ ::__•G-at• 1_ -,.b-I• SPEAKERS. 8·12" Altecr tn Beach SALE or lease, x Int ' 1~ SALE NOW rc1ervPhoa ions "1 .. or Beun\mer, art 5. _,, ...,,..,......., ~., 2 boxes. New. Call Bob Gymkhana & Trail bone, 6 l'ftl e~'-"\ & now, ne " lSS ~et a ::::.:..;:;--~----,k $79, 545--0151, 2452 Zeni.th w-t810 DARLING little pupple1, yr gelding, exp'd rider W .• .,..-V W Bob Longpre Pontia c, '69 Chev. 'i ton true Ave. Santa Ana He.Jitii.. HOHNET Accordlan. ll) beagle/poodle, 6 weeks old, S92·l69'l 892-6651 or 636·2500. w/reblt eng. '68 Dodge Van. VELVET chr; lab! ... "°"' -· Good condl-$SI. ~pmfor homes, 567-4071 73 CZ 125MX 400MX "121'. ->J' ESCAPADE 49!>-3838 "' 49!1-3788. leat, coffee/end; bar; I Call 963-40&2 73 CZ 250 ENDURO Cu.tom, air, all extras. By '61 FORD PU. Iii Ion, Iona mm camera/ljll'Oj; port FEMALE l"hlle ~· 61 _.., ll•Jf)Financ.avall~dn24mo. owner, aale or trade . bed,l'l!algoodcond.$1095: washer; 'Wf'lht iron rack, OffJce fumltvre/ ~.~ ~~· ....,.S.ifmMl 1' Join Pete's RacU. Team 494-2742. 761 Temple Hill• o°':l::.l..;6'1>-=-'-71"'02"-----I g1a wlWI. 9l9-858T Equip. 124 ~ -,.~ . . 2334 Nrwport, CM 645-8008 Dr., lag B. Vons f63 4 P•rty G•r ... Sale EXEC IWYl dirs SI>25 Sec,. MOS old female FOR SAL.E -1968 Honda FOR rent 22' Winnebago. 1.;..;..;..;_ _______ , Dlsbts, furn, old trunks. You ctn ~/32 Dealm $20/9!5 Ott .J "'-ll'-/•Jt•r " n 6 .._,__ Boats, General 900 CL 350, 8,000 mt. Good oon-Sleepa: 6 air, telf..contalned '12 FORD V-8. p/1, l>lb, nam It' Thun: -aold ""' .. ~-....., • _., n.o::irn:vu-ditlon. Nf!W l'tator _ ..... S25 d.a.y 10c mile. Phone a/cond, ater"l'O multtplex, lS VM e...., u:S. 10,.: Supl 861w19 CM 642-~ mix. Noodt ..,00 horn•. -BROWNllll' BOAT lor, battery. Juat .u.;;J';;;. ~846-<=""llll"'.3:'-.,3 ~~~~-1 tul1y self cont'd. $!ili00. ner ot Slaler). MUST aac:rifioe ottice desk It ~ na Electric 111Arter $425 or best Rent A Mptor Home c"'7""--'822'="°"'-=-c,.,.--.,.,...---,,.--matdrlbl: Cl'f!dema. can IRISH aetter l.lale about .C oller. 1994 Maple Av«!., ,_ y I "'"'0 Jo'ORD Van -New Ure1 KNICK-knacks. 90fa, bedrm 644--0635 MOLDS FOR SAL£ rvr your •c•t on ...,,. RI, TV, chain, tabtfa, old TYPEWRlT. ER 0 __ , s•·--Yl'· needs ~~e. l.Dvea Apt. 3, C'..olrta MeM.. * 531"'800 * Ru:m aood· $1850. or belt Of· tnUn set, children'• ttdnp, _ .... ,,_ ...... everyone. _,.._ 2 ITALIAN Bianchi radii& 10 fer. ?tfuat 11!11. ~3493 etc. l.fay 5 I. 6, &.-tPM, 1907 dard $45. 510 De La OLD Eicllsh Sheep Dogs 7 Ava.Rahl t Costa M spdJ Ce.mpe.anolo parta RENT my new 19 l 3 '61 FORD Van Camper 289 Tahuna Terr., Cd.M Eltrella. San Oeme~. wks. Very nuooable. 9¥IW Molds e,; man ea. light~. rack.I. Opaque "11: EIDorado Mini 1'1' ob 11 e V-8. l<:e bx. stove, alnk. A:NTIQUEAllOUC 1 a1 e, Pl1no1/0rpn1 . 126 qualley. 839-3939. thfl lollow:lng types w:r= wi red letters. 25 ml. 1 tor Home. Sleepa 4. All power, $1400. &4>2291. goodies turn, keen DARLING bl~ t\&Jf gta.M boats· $XIO or $375 fQr both. Phone tape deck. 956-2764 ·n OIEVY VAN Fri, 25611 Dana M~SJ~ ORGAN HOBBY Auatn.llan Sheep Dog pup, 3 e S ModelB i 10 Power bot.ts 61.J.5771. Rent or buy 24' Pace Arrow. V-8, 350, clean, alkinc o!I Del ObbpoJ. monlhl old. 536--3507 from 15'-lB' BICYCLE SALE Very reasonable. Loaded w/ $26!!0. * 963-4~ FR.EE C 11 n I c n.EA Oon'I buy any c:pn until 7 Week old Kittens e 4 Models af outboard NEW 10 SPEED ITALIAN xtras. n.C:586-4Ul. MARKET, 4fiO Ocean Aw., you can play! Non-playen Long black hair, box trained. JlOWtT boats ~ lS'·lT BICYci..Es $59.95. Beach RRrntlon1I RecrHtion11 Laguna B<odl, SaL, 111ay 5, ...icome tn att<nd --963-411i!l • 5 Models o! -*"from Blcycl... 806 E. BAiboa Vohlclot 956 Vohlclo1 956 t()..f pm. ahope. For int'onnltlon BABY bunnie.1 It kltten1, all ll'-19' Blvd., Balbo& 67!).7282, _:_.;...;.;.;;.;._ ___ .:..:;.;;..:. ____ '.""'.: __ _,_I MOVING Al"' '66 Pom &, Contact' Tom Dloterlch eolon, tome calico & nd. ~ ~ !!1°.;,_':;, ~ '7l HOllOA 500, Four. .... WAllHOUSI SALi WAllHOUSI SALE women'• clolhlng 1t l.C-16, lft..2151 645-3573' Ave.!able anytime tor 6 . new, 2100 mL 69 Kawuakl 196? Harbor CM. ~. CH&t Music Servi.:. e 2 Ol'l.llat', 6 week old kil· amtnatioa 113 to mndltion 500 Mach m -Ntw Ure, ~94. Newport Blvd. at Rl.rbcd' ten1, both malei. Call John Rau 548-TI'M • cha.in, battery. Xlnt cond. nntNITURE Din nn/Bd c.otta M~ &e-1132 · Beat oilen. 979-1278 f Rm • "'··. ~ " •·l ·~ al -• al 9' HIGH Jllpeed" inriatable MOVINC -mll!ll Rll 1970 > • in,..; /t 1"1 ..._ .wJ. Kl'JTY yna: te:n:u m e. boat, Ooorboard• & oars. ond CB350 ' • Poinsettia Av, CdM. BABY GRANDS White part Fenian indoor OnlY used 3 time1'I UXl 11 a , Xlnt cond. nu "' [RVINE ,, ... ~.1 SD -l ,'_,_ aduli.. ~ .,. -alt-5 pm.' · <rans, W.O. or brst olltt. :Z: e• "uu-.... • · · Now save up to t1IXXJ on cu. -LAA'"'• ~· '" ~ 602~ lrU, Corona del lttar O Frwy to C&&lvtr &: follow lhe ta.in Ooar modell. Other e To IMe to eood home1: 2 WANTED: Good uRd Awn KAWASAKJ 3:.0 •70 dirt C signs. Sal, May 5. 10-4. Crand Planoil trom $729. fiuffy oranp ldtt.ma. l RedcttsL · · ' • ' . "" FURNITURE A Mlle. Starts These allll many more at: v."t'eks. 64.l-98t6 Call su-7650 bike. Complete.Ir, cherr1ed. "' JUST ARRIVED FROM ITALY SOLD ONLY IN THE ClATI Emy To AtHmblo • s.,.... Llthtwoltld 9217 Relax happily In the cozy Fri 11 N ..,. ~.~.. W II' h " • City 160 miles on rob I eng. MIUt ., C SIZf.$ JOY,..JBlL comfon of this zreat cape. · oon. ..... .......,. • IC S mUSIC 6 ADORABLE healthy kit-8o1t1/Marlne sell $650. ph days 540-3561 r;;> ..,....~ n. Smart collar adds extra 3ll Meta Or., 0.f. South Cout P1a.ra 5f0..2830 ~111 kd:inC fOC' bomea to Equip. 904 '70 MAVERICK Mini-bike, '-· 411" • '1'fl" _ _, touch! Crochet shell-stitch HouMhokl GMda 114 11"9 love 6: a.r:rec. 96U185. . , off road. Ex. c ond. 10 SPEED BICYCU , , Ill"''"" 111 ... 1-cape wtlh fringe to ""' pant-LACE It! EXQUISITE Antique Grand LABRAIJOR puppies mixed. !10.. Spinnaker, hoist 40-w/bumper canier. $1Z . .., 1 • sulla sklrtl, <treaes. U11e U P Se ~· ham Plano Must See to A~ 8 wk.8, W:I')' cute:. To a sood Walker l.Dc, like new. 646-4329 aft .C i'" s.i;ioE A SCARF thru illtl knitting wonted. Pattun ~ ~~t e ~1 prec~tel 675-(JOG home. 495-5692. ~USl HONDA a... loo 30 ort1 for loft, vibrant Oattery 7205: Mluea Sizes 11)..20 in-$90, 494--7109 pea • • -• mlleL $400. « beat cuh of: cio.e to yoor face. Long eluded. ... t o•-·~1~• ~· i v<l!Jcal line• are ao slim· 8EVl:l<TY·FIVE CEllTS Ml-111_.,. Ill S.., ""R G.A:"''E-..~j<¥.. _er. ~· -•~. •vo• •w 0 I mi· • tor each pattern -add 25 -.& .r-, .atl ~ .... 9U-0587 C I ~~ Pattern 9211: llalf cent.a tor each pattem for SECJ;\EfARIAL dtlk lllce CLAY J. '73 HONDA 500. follf. Lo mt. = 1 18~.S4Jt1.Ct,9 (bull 31) tak!!I tna; othe'Wtte thlrck:lul Fonnlca top. Cott $3~U :A>IM.2 -r .Att.rJl•f,. ,,.. ,,.,.. "V" ocf ~&Q) 1..ance 49U250i ALL COLOlS • AU SIDS hautlfully paint.ii a atrl,.. with ch,..mt forka ONLY Sltel :10~. 12'ii, 1f~. 16~. AtrMallandSpecia.l ffandl.. new Metal wtwhlte .At:"'* K y.,o.11y,..,,.,cw.i. M lll'f~rtl 1ake over pymts or $1300., ~ : t.5.!9 Yvds (fiO.lnch: % yard delivery wm take tbl'ff $100 ~ .... ,, To dMlop ,. Ill 004' for Thur'ldoy, 13.:i: IJ 1972 HtJSQVARNA 4Sl>-C'R JS..~conuut r•brlc. A.J(kB ~morethe Seo~~ HOBIE IUl'fbd, ea m' r a 7-'J.1 nod-*c:an•1po11dlngton..imbn " good cond. Sl<m. or beat of: $98.88 ' 8EVZMT)'·nvE OENTS p~ 105. NeedJecn.ft h1-pod, KE bldn' transit, ofycUZodlacblrth•lg\. fer, ~m8 ~ ~ : Jar e.,ch ll&lltrn -add 25 Dtpl., Box 163, Old aie~ Bum>ugbl addLng mach. • ~~" ~=:::-~ ~ 9,\S convened mlrU blk,, >,.~., g ' cen1i' tor each p&Utrn for Stat~. New Yft. N.Y. -49+-8894. JA-..IM 3JA &l lrlrlf $75. A1r MID and Special Handl· 100U. Prtnt Name.~ MJCJCEIJ, Items lot ale Inc •T" :W'"""'911t 6A~I'( Clran 53MUt-&4STn SW.! ~g ~ ~ otherwlto thl..s-dul "!ti P•""'" limn-.. 21" colol' TV coo.:ile • 5To »A.r1 ca '5"""4l ~~~~~ - W •-'-.... __ ._ ,~ J6Wo.t. U'tau * '6.'i BSA 650 T\vtn, * 1-'-de "">' w ...... e w:a~ EEDLECRAFT '12! a.ukl. wuher. &IS-6984 7T.w 37,_ 61A~ -..---kt or mott. Se.,j to crochet. lm!L etc. Fl>!e TENT tralltt l8lO atetto ,....,.. ,......... ..,_ $.t'>O * 6'5..m5 ., $140.00 I Martaft' M.art1n. the DAll.Y dlred:tonl. 50c $.30, ooklt TV m_ wood tf~ 3'No "°"' '12 HONDA :'L'IO SL. Xlnl 111 V.. ' • Ptu::l!J 4Cl. Paltltn Dt-pt., ...... ~ .... Clarinet -~ l?:::i,..... ~~ ~::ii Y' ~ 232· west Utb St., New Bu1c. ta.nc:y kDOta, pat· 12,._.. 4zi.c:..,.• n........ cond. Mklne S&SO. Call Je.U > y~ N.Y. 11XJ11. Print kml. Sl.00. YACUt.JM cleaner. Hoowr 1,.........,.. 4Jot I'°' 6tlHMS9 ; • Clmpanola Derailer e Aluminum Chain Protec-!f.UU:. A.DD&FM wtth lllltut a..-c 8oall ... Dlal-A-Ml:Uc, $20. 510 Dt i.4To AA~ ,..,... CUSl'OM motoreycle tra.Uer. ton • Atwnfuum Center Pull Brake • Aluminum ZIP, Ill& and ~ t.eun bY ptdUZ'ftl Pat• 1 lA. Ea1ftll&, San Otmtntt. ~:=., -:T... l:. n• hOlds 2 blkiea, '73 lie., IJllU'9 <tt. GH.r Protector • Aluminum Klck Stand • Safet,y i llUftlllD> k tmw. $1.tA>. !MEDITERRANEAN t'Oftde 17 A ..o~ NI ttre SlOO. SJT-370 ...,Retleetor Side A Rear e Aluminum lland1t Bir& i SEE MOllE Q u I c Qowupl•e W Otft ..,_ ~ TY. Pknk: Table A llMcftlf 4t-llW ' > e High Grade Cum 11l"f'l e Alwnlnum Wide YIMae J'aahlonl and d)DOlle Ont • mort tbln too sttta -~aforale.m.eT'lS ltlM'lk .,,,.. ........ '1tS. .. 10 360 MX Yamaha •Hubl e Quick Releau Hubl • Factory Wr1ppl!'d i tnn ttte rrom our noo 20o.r 50Yoilw toe. strttt legal, Jdnt cond., !&: Plugged Handle Ban ...,.,.., Catalos. All o..;..... Aflbao --roR .. -219 x !/I" ll~ t:er, G=...o $415. .. 646-!ISS 0 . OnlY ooc. n.oo. dear ptne moktirw. •Un. l)Of M I Al....... Motorcycle tr•Jl•r c "' "1tt St:WtNG BOOK It 11"1 &ar ._..Mc. ft. lSc s:itr fl. G3-51S8 aft 6. 241,.-)'a-lo!IM M"""91d l rail M2-M98 Ii; NEWPORT IMPORTS "' 84!W'tcaa,v, wtar tomorrOW. Book Qf ll Priae ............ DIN. Ml, lc1f, 6 chalrl. $25, ~~ :~our =~ 'l2Low'fmAMl'IAl.llG-0!<!81A :toocc DT·L ~ '1· _ 50o. ())leman itovci.18 tce ·chttt 21sm.. 51Mor 17,.,,.,..,.. mm E INSTANT F ASlllON Qollt -• -!6 ·111ttem1. $ti. AIL 9,:JOpm ~ •-,.......... 11c:.011""' ,.._,,~ 3100 W. Coott Hwy •• N-po<t -~ BOOlC -Hundreds of 5Q(o ,. -,, • 2f'TlW ~M "Sota.tWIM • 1 Ja&b,.llDn lact.L SJ. M~ QllW ~ t • MAke Room For DNd1 30fcw. .0"""91 f0"."'!1.!lriM . Jt 1-IONDA flO..Trall Bike VU)' 6 2 9405 Like to Trad<? Our ~<r's \50c. • ' • ~ 111af1.!"1o ca::: iQic;..a ®,,_ ()~ :I-.,.,_., oood '°""' fill> 837-9586 4 • l'lndlie <Dlwnn II tor ,..1 q.ut4 for Te4at;,._ u.t.c · ' ' ' Da~ ~ ~ n.. "Yrllow _.. ol 5 5 lar5buokt. Ubttuttlul !II<. :_111~1 clualllod •... eo-<m. WAltHOUSI SAU WAllHOUSI SALi • r ' J ' I • L • ' , tt9t ~ ••M ¥•1M!Ab'W t321T~JVOA·TOJl1 ' J ' ...... '"" .. .., E-'(91, • • - • The TIT AN The New! Qm:Alr lalt! . . "' . IA$I NICI $7995 The Titan ... Order Yours Today DANMAR MOTOR HOMES Low<od! ·Motor Home ly e CHAMPION fh1•llv. • 111•hr tr.CHM fOf t\e ln14f ... ,..1 .. .i..i """••hlr•r. OH tfl1t h1t1orpot1tti -~...i.1t1.t C9'111tflilCll•• wltfl .n., f.lfltff0fl1I lll"lf•• l1i1Jlf 011 1 r.l11fetc.M ck.1111 I OM .. , C~ ... or h111r· 11tlolMll Ha,....tt.t) • .,_. c111 c.h ... 1 ft-oM 1 1paci1u1 floor ,i1N I• 20 or 24 or 21 fo.t l1119th1. Md 1 •• ~ ........ , ..... ,.,; \ e A11tomotlc tr111tml11lo11, powor lir••••• pow· ,, 1t.11l119, Y·I oftflli• 1tallil•H. • D1o11I '''' wh .. 11, h•v· 4wtv 1hoclc tb1or• b.n oft fr111t olMll '''' of all MiMltb. e All 1t11I ca91 co111h11ctlo11 with 11o1p•r q11l.tt high •1111lty poly 1.1r1ih1111 foe"' i11111l1tlqt1. e Alu"'l11111t1 1ICh19 ac.~111.d wUfi 1't blil1° wcod-gral11 a l11l'lll1111m pt111h. e larga galley f1 1t11rl119 four.b11r11or 111191, r.tfrl91r1 tor 1..d do1i1bla 1tainl111 11••1 •inli:, e l•lh with h1i:I •nd O'ffrh••d thow•r. e Sl••p• up to 11 .. WE PAY TOP DOIJ.AR ' FOR TOP USED CAICS U >'O'lf car ls exln. ckan. 1H u. Ont. BAUER BUICK --Blvd. ea.ta Meu. · tn-2:!00 IJdPORTS WANTED °"""" °"'"I>'• TOP I Buttll Bn.L MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blv ;, II. Bn<h Pb. SIT-85 We pay Hij'.her caah prh:e1 for clean late model can & lrUCkl HOWARD Chevrolet Newport lle•ch MacArthur Blvd A Jamboree 133-0SSS 1310l HARBOR BL VD. 714/531-4&00 GARDEN GR OV E s,, And Dri•• TM•Y· Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980Autos, New 980 Aut .. , New ' I , ----. BUY OR LEASE TODAY <flw sveelal oorid 0 ' Wide Selection of Models & Co lors availab le for Im1 nediate Delivery · fULLY I QUIPPID WITH Cll-tt ctt1lr•I. 1lr c.ndltltnl119-'"II .-W•r IN:t ' Wl'f ,..,, AMffM •""-· WSW tlrn t. 1 Mil If m1ny Otllua1 f1c10ry conwtnl11K1 1a1r;u .. llCM11lJQUU92J 1973 Coupe De Ville FUU PRICE LEASE ~~y $168'° Mo. 24 Month Open End Lease on Approved Credit I Stock 1569) NABERS LEASING • • LEASE A 1973 ' COUPE DE VILLE Lease for ONI,Y $161 2! .. 24 Month Ot"n Encl LNtll on •PPro•ld Crlflt. ttJll"YWI E•quisite Oyna1-ty R•d with whit• winyl top, fuU r•d l•1th•r int•rior. F11H powar incl. 0 way 111,t, door lockt, rernot• control tr11nk lotk, power ant•nna, f1clory 1ir cond ition· in9, AM/FM sl1r•O t•p• p l1y•r. l int1d g l1l1, right tid• mirror, tilt & l•l•tcopic 1l1•rin9, twilight 11nlin11I, lamp monitort, •le. (9]1· FYWl LOW MILEAGE. Lease for ONLY $141 2! .. ~ Mellftl Opt111 eM LHll 611 apprtvM C .... 11, 02111YW) lnuucdialc Deliver y -Excellent Selection- FREE Pickup and Delivery -FREE Loan Car \Vhile Lease Car Serviced. 1973 Sedan De Ville FULLY I QUlrPfD WITH ~6888 ClhNlt tenlrol •Ir <1Mlllenl119, winy! lo'J, ~ Ml pawer Intl, .... 11(1111, ' w•y P:ll, AMI l'M 111,..., WiW 11Ftl & I hfJI If llM!lf 1T111r l1cl9ry nrt¥"11fMI l•lf'll, !'O<ftlllJQ2"4llJ FULL PRICE LE"SE ~~~y $173'0 Mo. 24 Month Open End lease on Appro¥ed Credit !Stock 36091 LARGEST SELECTION OF CADILLACS IN ORANGE COVNT ¥ 1968 COUPE DE VILLE S!Nrtl:llnt P.i1r Wllll• U llf"illi w+n. Mack Wiiiyt 1111 ..W In .... mtk ll""' IHlhtr !nl1rlor, Full POWfT, f1ctory 1lr condltlonlno, 1111 Wl'lwl, AM/FM flcll•. ov1111114llln1 'fl lWI. ttlK llG) 1969 COUPE DE VILLE Cau 8l1nc1 'ftllow wllh bl1ct lnlhtr loltrlor, Full pOWlf' 111d f1tlory ' "' cordlllonill';l. IUI t~lng Wl'lttl, powtr door loc:ks, AM/FM rl>dlo, LUlllJr'f pl!,i1 bHUlf. (lMOOJI) 1969 EL DORADO 1970 COUPE DE VILLE 1970 EL DORADO l"ull t .. ttMr upl'IOl11..-y, Ml POW•r, t1ctory •Ir condltionln;, tilt 1tefflnO Wl'lft't. AM/FM 1l1reo multlPllll, ~ dOOr loc~1. Hird to llnd ltll1 cleen. M11•I M•. t 1'597•) '1971 COUPE DE VILLE VlnVI I~, 11111 IHllltr ln .. rlor, IYU POWtl'" 111!1! plu1 ltetory 1lr condllklfl. Jn;. TUI $1t!!!ll'l9 wh1el. AM/FM tl•rto mulTJP1111, pCwt1' ~ lock .. lm- pec:c•Dle 1111omotill1. (356JXI) 1972 COUPE DE VILLE AlllVl'l'lfl gold n l•rlor wllh winy! top, MOdlt "'lht!' lni.tlor. fu9-'.....,, fKlory 1lr COfldlllonlno, Ult wl'lftl, AM/FM 1tweo, ·power dOOr loa.I. ~ TrYL'f 611 iwt111ndl119 ~1lw. IS1tECTl 1971 EL DORADO C011i).,tllbl1, Sperklfn; Acrylic l1CQ111r flnl.tl wllh wllltt 1'llP i nd nMktlifil NII lttllltr lfllerlor. A.Dsohtl .. f loNtd with Ml poonr', IKIO'Y llr CllO• dlllonl119, 1!11 llff!'ll\lll wtiel, AM/FM 1ltteo m11U!plfx, pwttr CIOOr lock&. (UKZNl 1969 PONTIAC ~ON NEVILLE W AGON t Pl•t. wun •• vinyl fop, 11111111111 rick, vlnvl lnl1rlor, t11et, t lr, a~10., P.S., P.8., Eltct. w!ndllws, r1cllo, n1111or, W/S/W, II~. (ZOV1'"4 ) 1970 V.W. "S UNDIAL" CAM PER FUll'f cllT!Plf IQU!PClld lncll,ldl119 c11tlom 1W!'lh101. lllad!ci ltnd l\Mltr, r.cilal "'"· Exlr1m1lv low m/1110•. YIN rt1Uy ll'lllSI 1e-a th!1 OM. (~1AQNI 1970 MERCURY MARQUIS 8 r01,1Qlllm, Vln~I lop, l1pt1lry lntlf'lor, dlltl comfort '"Is, lull powtr, 11c1ory 1lr cond!llool1>9, 1111 t~lno whffl, AMffM sltreo "lllillpl.ic. powtr dOor locks.. Cll2aSWl. L"'9 IMln 15.000 mll11. 1970 CONT INENTAL SKl•M. P•Wdtr Dhll with wn111 vln'(I too 11'111 blllt l11H INl'het' lnltrlor. Dulll comforl '"'•· h.10 peiWll', t~lorf 1!r c0ndlllonl119, 1111 wheel, AM/FM 1tlf10 """'llpttx, PO'#lr doOI' lockl, ll'IOll ..,..,., ootlon ••11/1D4e. ttUAJDI 1971 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE·WAGON Aut11mn ll'Old 11Cttrlor with told 1ni.rlor. Full OOWlf l'QU!ornMI plut fK-'9'"'f 11~ cO!'llllll1111ino. roof C.~ rl<k, pDWlf 111/ 11111 •tnclow, wl'llN 1101 Wfll 1lrfl, (7'fCl('I') 1970 FORD LTD 4 DR. H.T. ~~~::1'i:!~111rlo<", f1c1. 11J, r1dlo, ""'''· W/S/W/ llrH, 1tc •• o u11t1ndln9 $19 .99 . $3666 $3666 $5666 •• s5777 FEATURE of the WEEK 1971 MERCEDES 300 SEL SUNROOF S•t•, Tllll lol'llllCCIMI lnwrt llllff-'tllf II l<11ll'f *1111'"" U ytil ...... llM'! l11c\lllllllll J.J ...-"'ll!Mllc: lr•llSll'I•-. NH ,...., lldffY fir Clflftttfftl!lf, A.M/llM ,..._ !Miii,..._ IMIMM filllll Mill ftll ie.1t1.r lnltntr. ltNf'f 1w 'f""W 111'"°'""' 11111 ,._, tlrl"' JM1y. U41SUI .NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd.,. Costa Mesa 540-9100 SALES DEPARTMINT OPIN 8.30 NA lo 9 PM Mon. 1'1N Frl~9.00 AM to 6 PM Sat. ond S_,oy , l~ .. IMW LEASE A· 1973 BAVARIA Xl'l11p1111 D.1h1111 : • -~. •'• c ... 1~ • ~ ... ,..' ·~ . ' ' .... '71 D,\TSUN pickup w/air C.'Ond., lnrge "-'heels, step bun1per & Six-Pac cnbover Can1per. Sleeps four adults. ll'ebox. stove, boot, 1'00r rack. $2350. or offer. Will separate, 496-4123. '72 DATSUN 240 Z. Perlecl cond. Below blue book. Ph: &l()....0879 eves. * * '69 Datsun 510,_ 2 dr., r/h, xlnt run.ning cond. $795 or best offer 557..,2568 JAGUAR 1972 JAGUAR E TYPE 2 + 2 Total Factory Equipped, NE\\1 CAR I a 37().1J. $8844.22 ~llbrq 111,; lllutm~; il"JI, .... ,_.; ~-· • ,,,, . . . KARMANN GHIA '69 KARMANN GlllA. new paint, engine, brakes, Orts. See to apprec. Best oftr. 49'-1346 MAZDA * Mazda '73 Rot•ry * $66 MONTH 36 MONTHS O?EN LEASE \\1ill aceept trade-ins CALL ~tR. FRY 842-6666 Hunt. Beach MAZDA 17331 Beach Bl. '71 tttAZDA RX2. air need11 body ..-.'Ork. Drivable, $1000. .>11-1.131 ' MERCEDES BlNZ 50 USED .,,Ptu. ltwi&. • TOYOU, ' 1966 Harbor, •C.M. 6'16-9JOJ '72 NEW MAR~'if WAGON '· Beige with Black latertor, Aulo Trans., 6 cyL, :J door. (•0368t $3131 ~ll\.1rq 111 ,. lll11i11J'• 19'\)'I' ..au.ui ,.., ' ~· • . ' . '70 TOYOTA Corolla, r/h. vleyl lop, Fastback S'print<"r, clean. S 95 0. -·~ CORONA·l!klO. Radio, au!o, Beautiful cond. f7SQ. 64~ . '69 St•. W•g $1009 MJ.3496 • : TRIUMPH TRJUMPH TR<A •sf. cond, Extns, mag WM::.' Ask for Phil, 675-mJ : ' '67 TR-4, IRS, y,·lre v.·l\ttlS, 1 J o..-.•ner car. good cond. $92S. ' !\9&-WS9 1 VOLKSWAGEN ! VW's ·. I .. NEW & USED 2 Big Locatiqn.s 5 MINUTES FROM COSTA MESA ( 11111111on11\"1lth \f .. r'"' (.111 ' . (4 Miles Np.'Ot .. :' So. Coast Phu.ar ' 15 MINUTES f ROM MISSION VIEJO AREA ' ' ' (S.A. Frwy. Ed on 1st Sf. 1A ml.) • COMMONWEALlH MOTORS LTD. ' ' MERCEDES • ON DISPLAY SANTA A.N·A Sharp New Car '68 VW 7 Pa11 Bui Trade--ins \Vhiie y,·ittJ red Interior, AM/ Coming In Every Day :r~I Radio. low miles , Hlfles. Ask About Our Unique r.-Bed and Tab I e •' dlr, 49-1-1075, Used Mp~-:.·· LH•• Laguna lmpj).11s House of Imports 49<1-1075 --· 6862 ... __ '67 VW Rus w/beds &: or l•.u•uchester, Buena Parle !eats. Ice box. New tires. on the Santa Ana Frwy New battery. Full '.n ek. 523-1250 Low miles. Perfect' ·p;md. '72 MERCEDES 11450. Ph: 646-5fil2 aft 6". 350 SL Metallic red. CaU * * 'TI V\V SQ13CI(. fttod .' 640-1004 See to Appreciate! r.1)q: '64 ~m. ZlJ SE. Xlnt rond. new $1125. Perfect mecha.n. amlfm, PH : 645-m) Mlehelins, 557-1900, 64UMS. e 'JO VW BUS • '67 MB~ s. tun pwr. sum1. * $1100 * xlnt co<>d. $3850. 673-5620; e 644-27~ a • Eves. tTJ--0728 --c.===--~""..o...;'-[ ·~ V\V Bug, as kl MG "69 MGC. Must see and drive special perfect rond. $2500. Cub call 646-8198 Now! MGI Call after PM 640-1399 '66 V\V Campe.r Bus, good cond. sum or bat otftt; 900-1470 '12 VW Par<l, "JOO mllol, Must Sell! • , • ·\ '69 MGB GT, AMI™, R&.H, 6T.">-1182 al'L 4. , ·, • new ra.dial11. $1600. Daya '00 vw F AS'I'BACK 644-3185 eves ~8-5668 WEU.. CARED ·FOR ; · MGB '70, rehlt cng, nu top&: $675 ** ~ , tire11, lo mileage, Lug rack, '72 vw Campmob11e'; io n1u11t sell. $7.000. 493.0695 mneage, Xlnt, warn:rit)\ •• PORSCHE 642·8129 art 1:30.,. .,.end&. _ '66 V\V, 11unroof, 1tialr tbttt. 1961 PORSCHE Super 90 ~1inl c.'O nd. 11-tusl wJl leavinr Roadster. Sil\'er, Must well. coun1ry. 613-9567 all S, ~ Only $1400. Call v.<kday11 on-1i9 V\V, new uret1 nett ly, !133-3362, ask for Stt'v<'. btn.ke11, good cone$. .,nm. '64 Porsche Sup 90 Call 543-0&lJ • • !MOO '66 vw a.... 548-1487 alter 6pm $150, needs eng ~ 196"1 pORSOIE 9U. 5 •pd, :Ill -43HJ«I>' ' AM-n.t stereo tape, 'TI. Sup€r Bettle VW, xtoi perfect. !,.ow mn ... ~ or '°""· $1100. all the -best ouer. Oayt 557-1021 ; 83&-1005 or 21!: ~ """' ~-'61 vw a.... -" needo '10 PORSCHE 9UT Tarp. 4 IOO'\e t.nsine work. JISO, or Sod. 44.COJ mi's. BRG . t:nM:ff. 49&-™8 •f"';, • ~lap. !aiinac. cond. $54SO. '67 VW C:AUDElt 491-'8962. ~·" '60 roRSOit Carre r1 , S825 ·-97'9·1~ $2300. Mtm aee 10 ap-'li8 VW FNtbB"~i 1j;1i\lri preclftte. Aft 6, 613-0800. engine & body, nt\\' nldi&i& PORSCHE 'lt,-.014·4.. IWVJ Must 11ell. 11!'14-6782 C'Vf!, !" ~ oond.. 13100. VOLVO ", . , lffl PORSCHE 912 '72 VOLVO ' -••• lmmae. 000<!. AM/FM/'$<'1 4 dT ""1an. Socdllce ilJij. $3100. r.16-1127. t.o.p. Pvt pty 9!0-tOTI Ill S. .. M'e J l:ii ' AiJ (51 ·Di BUI •• Br. ·~ ~ :< • 0. Ul 66 A' g .... -~ Bo !1"7l w. llrl Tr ·-r59 ··~ "" .&&! n ~ wl :12 " "' .. Pl ·-,ll9 ~ dli 64. 68 Fl ·~ 67 ·72 ... ~ wl >) G!I & lo -' ~ 'Sil cl It r • b j ( • J I ~ '9 ·' ' -.. I ' ·8 ' ~ ·~ ,) ~ 1 ' ~j -•' ' ' ' 1 ' • ' • 'I ' l .. _.., j'j PllOT·•~muR·----".'.'.w;;~ Ma; 2, 1m · .. · · · · · I ' -----~~-~~,~--~~~"°~: ....... u.i. ...... u... •• m~u... FORD VoLYO · tONllNINtAL ~ FlllElllD ~1 l - volJo u' LE! 1!!5~' ... ~:~"""""'·.:.!! 1!/S~~·· ,.'~: ·~In~~.~. >:,: '!.i.MA.~C.~IH~ ~.. ~· .-..... _ .... _.. _, ii!..., •• 11 p/b. db: lftL. rad to .......... _ ..... ,,_,.;71_ · t'I ;, '1 l n aft ;;am.~ .u,-nu, _,.....,,, ~t oner. S.-.91e. .. -... -rn • ....,.... ""'· ~qe Salings <• c()uGAi =·~~· :.:.~ ~ FabU~lm MEacuJtv . . -OVER .. '89 XRT, --good -. act .• mn ... I owner. iiii. . ·n MERCURY , ' '19 ~ ~-·~ FORD 536-33>l •ft •5 pm . Morquls B-..... •m -. . . • I --I~ tb ' > I • 990 MUCURY 'Tl MARQUIS Blootlbam. loaded, xlnt cond. \o nil. Ti.Ice owr ~ or ~· ~ust Sell ! 6"6-"66 • MUSTANG . .. , ~,v.te party, ..,..,,,.., -e '62 FORD G&l11~. new V • A••IO ~.,.·7~ 11~ '12 & '73 ST3.S 4!ftl tl3-1W ' --v -o, '"'" ' ..,,-• .. 'Tl MUSTANG VI, aulo, air, • · " ' . 1930 MODEL A 10rd 2 dr. 42'1. Will -11 or trade. !a:' f'ull Power. t.Mdau Top. 111 rnl, Br-Mw tires. Pri. 1 ~; ., • DODGE aeda.n needs aome wtd', ex-pldtup, 66-«200 $3999 Aft. 6. & all day weekend . VAIV .,.,_tra pada. Make. o..Lte: r. '61 ronn Sta Wgn. -'-•uv ....... ,, .. .,, 1· -VI. QS 196'1 oART;ftf;JloP,"V-8, 536-tm pis, il/b, •ir, A·I ';h;i'. .;;7usrANC, perleet p/1, auto, afC, ,aqod run-lJl10 T -Bird . Blue/while $895. 548--52t7 • i'Ond •• 11111{1, ;iir, \'inyl lop. ;-'"ICED AT n1n& cood. $150. 8'fS..fi007 yirzyl .top, full pwr, air, '68 FORD GaJaxk!, Sharp & f.1Al\Y ·11·:i~. 1!11-2179 ' PRE DOLLAR '68 DODGE Qiarser, ,.,,.., per1eet. 1 owner. 66-3301 Cl•an. p/s, p/b, fae/alr, lo ~ .. ~~-~PARK=~"-·~E~l~d--OLDSMOBILE m .. 1 air ~-"I top n~ be!~-mu..,. -~ .. .,_ ~ ·~· , r, P'I''· °""v,ALUATION ··-• •~·a.av • •--· ...,.._.,. '....,..,_,,,.,...,eves. air. radla\J, clean, lo --------PRICES I * 61>-'ro58 '12 ~try Sodon GREMLIN mll• .... noo. 968-:616 Pd• '>N• mslc'"""'""I' de!Jveri., FALCON ~1W8fir1P400 <>< beot offer. , pMY. l Seelf .. You 'll&tlylt \:-1..' •• GR EAtLIN ,.x , 1971, "WCf'dl!&R~ap" '62 FALCXJN Wagon. Runa 1969 FO _4 dr, .f29 eng. Air/oond, au10 tr an', From uusurn to ll'Mh 1\9•,. l•1.:1 good, JQftl traospcrtation Xlnt cood.r$SJO or make of· yellow, .$1650125.CXXI miles. Turn thcn1 Into ('ash 'T'l GOLD Toronado, all pwr, cn1i~ ('(l nlrol, n1n I I 1n llil'l"l'O . .I.· hHJt•h n10~. Under 1·1.00lJ r:u. $4900. Da.vs G 17 :i~i: t'\'t'S / \\'knits, i;i:.:11;; -' . -. . Wedntwlay, ~h1y 2 }qi)) [ Avtoa forW. J~I OLDSMOllLE '70 OLDSMOBILE • DELTA .. NI Po\ver, Auto TrJU, V'l.l\YI Top. $24'1 -_ ..... 1§1 BUY OR LEASE •n PClN'l'lACS DAVE ROSS P.ONTIAC DAILY PILOT 7;; [ _ ..... l'ONTIAC 'n Gr•nd Prix ~-er Slffrial, Po w • r Br&kH, lllt whed. Air Cond, Budtt't ac&bl, AMtrM. tT,00) mlkl, ~ whfcla 2-i&> llarbor Blvd., at h1r 1138FW0). llr!ye, Qlola M .. a 546-tlOIT $4695 ~lll .11 "'"'• ll111 ltlf'· • 1""' '""'J .. ' •• Salos l S.tvlco ''!,iSAFARJ~ w:fc:_n. = DAVID J. PHILLIPS OLDSMOBILE J.' <M """"'· R.H. BUICKJ'ONl'Ji'COPEL. lne. OMC TRUC.K$ 14200. 64H.'l2!I aft" .$46.1'75 HONDA CARS '"" PONTIAC Ca!alinn. 3811. T ·BIRD UNIYER5nY OLDS "''""· •ut•. ,..., paint & olr &hocks, good cond. Muse I ---'------I 2950 HAtbor Blvd. sell ! S50(l, 89-1-9116. Costa Mna. S40-!IG40 .::C~==.==--'65 PONTIAC Tempeat, 6 eyl, '6'1 OLDS Cutlass. V jl . stand trans, xlnt runnlm: 1968 2 DR. Landau. Fully equipped. X1nt cond. BeJow blot book. 6'M)....M'l'9 eves. VEGA A u t orna.tlc trsnsnlission, L'QllCI. s \SJ. 6-1.2-00TT aft 6. radio. po\\'Cr sttt"rinJ: and * 1973 PONTIAC Crand AM, brakes, '"'o ™'"' tires. Rum ---------1 \\C'l1. NM.ls s<'at l'OYt'r&. &RVt' ~:1'1 all ut.ras. tiOOOml, SHARP Vri.:a GT 1912, aJr. SUO. 67J-S.t40 bct""ffn 9MI 548..ooo.> chromt' "'heels, likf' new. and 6PM. A.,k IOI" John CLASSIFIED \\·Ill st>ll it ~ * !J6S..9770 '* • -UIA ~W $115. 536--'40) ~r: !i57""3tt pri ply. 89-1-2276 CAU. Daily Pilol . • YOLYO Autos, N!"! 9IO Auloo. Ntw 980 Autos, New 980 Autos, Ntw 980 \ Autos,N•w 980 Autos, N,tw 980 Auto,, New 910 Autos, Ntw 910 Har.bOr, C.lit. 646-9303 utos, Used 990 JIUICK A JOHNSON & SON '70 Buick Rlvlor• er Sleerlng, P o w er Brakes. Tilt wheel, only 39,Witl hJJea; Mag wheels, . Alr <l.tti~ Very Vtty clean, \5T51111Ti . . ·.·· $3695 'DAVIP J, PHILLIPS BUICK PONTIAC OP.EL, Inc. . ' ,,546.1975 . ''9· Skylork Custom Poweor Steering, Po w eo r , Brakes, Air Conditioning, .W.~ ..... ~. Super dean car ~~~· ~~~i1195 DAVID J . PHILLIPS u~eK ~;z.'1A9~~PEL, inc. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL • • • • 66 SKYLARK. 62,cm Ml. AT{YS/PW. Ne-w 'Caiff.." btry, &hocks, Tuned. Good tlres/brakc6. $89:>. ~l BUICK ''Golden Touch" ~kes ihe difference at Johnson & Son . (. . . . di, V'l. Auto. Re-al cleoan • Bodr &. Tnt~ Runs gooa-. $250. -•• 54.1-3691 • @7\ .'Bl.TICK 8 pass Estate • Wagon. 19,cm miles.· new Ure•.\fM stereo, All power. , Tm!u PKG $3995. 548---3123 i59 'fiUJCK. Traruiportation , !~z._:_,.GQod motor. New ~ lllUmlJIUion l.r. brakes. $115. .642-4.lll (5-9 pm l • • ROAD TESTED IIAND POLISHED ' RIVJER.A sharp one brlr' 645-4392 • • TUNED TO PERFECTION CADILLAC TROUBLE FREE DRIVI NG' '72 ELDORADO Cnbrolet &. sunroof & leather top, arolbi.! sttreo. tpe deck, ai~1l.Unt l{l'een & wtifte. Prt. pty. Ma.-34-16. SEE ONE • • . TRY ONE ... BUY ONE ... TODAY! rte Q.~VIUe Landeau,..full liosll" '"''™ ...... .,.pe ' dk ~a"'er inl smJ, Prl pty. 642-0l.21 'e.tt 6Pli.t 68 CAD. Sedan DeVllle. ~;rglpd. SI•"°· •inyl ~~· W.-1133 - '72 ~ DE'!' •Vlll.E, 5llJll'OO • A I factory options. . ~~e lo~ best of· CPE de V. llll xtras, Yt'holeMk-, buying car in . ~~f91,l tell. M6-9518 69 51!1'4 de VtUe, Cruli;e & cllmaJ!' conlrol, lo mi .. loa~tts;J195. &48-Jll9. , . ~ ' SEE THE DIFFERENCE IN Johnson & Son . CAMARO '71 MERCURY WAGON • _, • CMtARO cyl,;';gotd cond. $1290. Call ~1., Colony Park 10 passenger. FW.I power, factory a_ir con· ditlorung. Immaculate condltioo. (532CXW) '68 ¢.AMARO, reblt eng, new clutch; headers, am/lm. $1500. 963--2627 anytime. ··-CHEVROLET $3775 'T3 ~-6,<XM> miles. Air COl1d: 4.~whl. drive, auto, 30 ga1 ,; .. ,1ank, ~-AI1 ... '72 Cougar trU. Days -~5-5893; eve11 ~!JjU , VS, auto., radio, heater, pwr. steer- JroTlFUL sli ve r grey '68 Ing and brakea, landau, (3390ZFI !mpi>)a. Xlnl rond. NC. $3 775 Very 'lmv mileage. $1250 or b@st offer. 552--9517. 1----------- TAq. ever paym'ts. '69 '70 Pont·a Chev<llef SS. Clean , ,;nyf l C top.~ 4 on Ooor · Ex· Crand Prix. VB;-a uto. trans., radio, fn;f~ h eo a le r , pow-tt 1teering, power 1966 MAWBU, 4 dr, 6 cyl .. brakes, fact air cond., landau roof. auto, ii/c, w/1/w, 81.cm (513AEY ) '~ ~~ Tl4 847-5144 &IL $2 7 7 5 '61 :iMP'ALA, PIS, P/B, air '69 Contitiental coupe, full power, air co nd., Jeath· er Inter., vinyl root, (614FYV ) $2675 '69 Cadillac Coupe de Ville, full power, fact a.it, 6 way &eat, landau roo[, CKSS- 182) $3175 ' o;>Od .• .-n<Uo w/rear 1pkr, . m~..u. 162-3)12 aft 1 pm. 't;!~ .•• pd. ~ct \e•t•. mags, reblt eng S86Qi. 613-7564 '68 <fiVy Nova, air, P/S, _r.§41sl.: '1QW mileage, $899. ,fv! pon>o. 54&-Jm9 '70 IMPERIAL LE BARON 'al 7'DR.; Nova, $~ below 'B11*ABb6k, v..a. auto, air, 111&1;sa1>-15<6. . '.J:I Ch'lslor TOWll & ountry -~Powtt Stea. int. . "· cru"' t'Ofttt;:ll, mlln, 6 Wi:1 • 2 Door Hardtop. One Owner. Immaculate. Full power, factory air. AM/FM radio, till wheel , 6 way power seals, l'!Ddau roo!. (884BEV) $3675 __ .. ...... (909EZK). ·: '.; i: '$3B95 DAVID J. PHILLIPS BU!ClrJqN'l'lAC OPEL. Ille. • • -• .W.1'75 ,k,""".,.· ~~· Home Of The New Car • , • "Goldl!ll roum" •• • - NOW . 1973 LANDAU CONTINENTAL MOTOR HOMES ' . l • ''Ho1ne of Previously Driven Prestige Automobiles'' '72 CONT. MARK IV 12.000 actual n1iles, full po\ver. 6 \\1ay power seat. auto-- temp air, A;\1 /FM stereo. tilt \~heel. power door locks, ·cruise control, La nd au roof. See and drive to appreci· ate. ( 2Y89A876309 I $ALE . PRICED • MARK ffi's An Excellent Selection of MARK Ill's & IV's 1969-1972 All At Appreciable $avings . "Ora•p< COUlllN'• Fam;ly of Fint Cal\': I ' . I l . i\I C:f\PHI '72 CONTINENTAL 4 dr. sedan. luxury equipped lhru-out, !ult power, cti- ma~e control. air cond., Landau roor, tilt steering whetil, cruise control, pwr. door locks, indiv. adjusting front seats, 4 brand new radial tires. (!66EAF) $5975 '71 Cougar PO\\"~r stt>(>ring, p111\·er brakes. 1ur fond., nutn. tl'ans., vinyl roof, f :l·l·ICIU 1 $2675 '(19 Marquis Cou1JC'. Au1 fJ. Iran§., radio, heater, ll('I\\ <'r stf'rrlng, po"·er brakes, fa c· lory air cond., landau rpof, (32J.. DFBI $2175 '69 Bonneville 2 dr. hardtoz>. VS, aulo. tran.11., ra· dlo, hc>atl'r, fK:t~·tr atl?C!l'lng, 1)()wer IJrakcs, fAct . 11ir cond., l.!1.ndau roof, 1417AGHI $1575 '67 Volvo 144S 4 dr., aulo. lran11., air cond., aean, t626BSX) $1275 '70 OLDS CUTLASS • Convertible. Automatic transmission. radio, heater, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning. Ex- ceplionally clean. (398ETY) ·$2475 ~ome Of The Ne• Car • • • "Goldl!n l'•uc,... ' NOW .• 1973 LANDAU CONTINENT AL 262' HARBOR BLVD. OF CARS. COSTA MESA• ~5630 • MOTOR HOMES ... • • I l • • . • • • • • " . ' , NlW--1-973- PINTO 2 Dr., I bOOcc, 4 speed, 600.x I 3 BSW Tires, Rear Bum p. Gu.srds, Bucket Seats, Heater, Calif. Emission, •3RIOWl7726S. Grand slam savings on every car In · our tremendous Inventory. You NEW 1973 GRAN TORINO . can't beat our dollar for dollar values anywhere. NEW 1973 f.PRD GALAllE 500 2 DOOR HARDTOP Y-8, select shift Cruis-o-motic, AIR COND., pwr. strg. & brks., whi!es ide wall tires, front & rear bumper guards, tinted gloss, wheel covers, AM/FM stereo radio, visib'L grp,, power windows & viny roof! l"JA3SH 179960J • 2 DOOR HARDTOP -400 C.l.D. eng., v.e, factory oir, A/T, power d iscs and steering, AM radio, tinted gloss, wheel coYers, wsw tires, deluxe ·bumpers, cruis-o-motic, & more. f #l J56S I 026641 SEE us FO~: OUR VOLUME PRICE ONLY $3998 77 NEW 1973 · MUSTANG OUR VOLUME PRICE ONLY • .$3875 65 • .. SU~ER VANS • CRUISAIRE VANS •MINI HOMES •CAMPERS 2 DOOR SPORTS ROOF ' . 302 C.l.D. eng., sele<t shift cruls-o-motic Irons., pwr. stel!ring, dl!l uxe bumpers, AIR: CONO., AM radio, linted glos,, sports wheel c.o'Vers:·speciol slripn & mo1e! 1=JfOlf 1707071 LEASE A 1-973 FORD LTD 2-DR. H.T. s99z9 36 MONTHS O.E.i.. LEASE DIRECT JROM A FORD DEALER & SAVE THE MIDDLE MAN EXPENSE O&,IR VOLUME PRICE ONLY m OVER 4 ACRES OF ROBINS-READY $3841 51 RENT A CAMPER! TRADE IN SPECIALS '66 GALAXIE 500 :.f door, H.T., radio, h11ler, 111 lom1tic, pow1r 1te1ri11g, \/8, good milet. fRRY- 3] 2) '67 MUSTANG 5679 V.B. ,.,;o • , ...... ,o ...... .,;.,. s1 0 5 5 Good mile,, (\ICJ862J '68 FALCON 4 DR. VI. ,.d;o. '"'"·'"lo .. pow" •lm·$1088 ing, good mi111. !WXGtltJ ' '72 FORD 10 PASS. WAGON Ool, tb.000 milH. VB, ,.d;o. hool"·S3291 ~~~~mefic, P.S., 1ir conditioning. (838- '69 MUSTANG GRANDE VB. FM/,od ;o, h .. tu . .,10 .• po•u $1669 1t1e ring, .iir to11d., ,,.;11yl roof, good mil11. (255851 ) '70 MUSTANG H.T. R•d;o. hut"· '''"''" ,h;ft, good •1 aa ~ mil11. l077FYW I u '71 GALAXIE 500 7 doo• h"dlop. ,.d;o, hulo<. "''··SI 995 1ir, power 1tee1ing, ... i11vl roof. Good mil11 . ! 996CQLl ' '66 PLYMOUTH 2 DR. H.T. R.sdio, h ~.sler, 111fo., power ,1e111i11g, \1-8, air co11d., good mile1. fFCJ80SI '67 CK!:VELLE V/a9on Co11cou1~e. V-8, redio, he.sie•, 11u!o .. poWer ,1~ering, good mOle1. (TNWIO BI 58 97 5989 '63 CHRYSLER New Yorker ' Ooo• H"dlop, f,tl po•"· ,;, <oo· $1143 ditioning, good m:le$, I YCN5 It l !68 0 Lil5-Gutlass Supreme 2 doo• H"d>op .. ,.d;o. hut.,, ·~lo .. s13 76 pow1• lle1r1ng, "'"~I roof, good m1le1, ~;,, !YXN8591 '72 VEGA C OUPE R!!d. 4 1petd, r1d io, heater, mll e1 . 16421) '67 CHEV. IMPALA WAGON VB , 1.idio. he.tier, .iulom1tic, pow<1r 1teering, red with bl.sc~ interior. low mile,, ( \llT025) 5888 '72 r>ONTIAC GRAND PRIX ,,,; .. , ...... '"'o .. po•O<. ''."';''·54094 powi;r w111dowi, "'11vl roof, ""· low m1le1 . (4)2EAEI CHECK OUR LOW RENTAL RATES ON R/V'1I MISC/IMP'TS '72 YAMAHA· Motorcycle 250cc. Only 2600 mi les, 11ddle b.sgs. wind1hield. !UOV075l '66 VVI FAST!lACK R1d io, heifer, 4 1pe1d, good mileh ITBZ4891 '68 MG MIDGET Yellow with bl1Jck top, good mil11. lXNGfll l 5583 •143 5871 HARD TO FIND USED! '71 R111chero 500 Pic kup. \18, autom1lic, r1dlo, he1t1r, 1ir co11di, tioni119. l36376Hl '72 Courier Pic~up. Only 12,000 mile1. 1427EY'( '69 CHt:VrtCLET 1/2 TON P;.k,p. V.B. '"tom•H<, powu ''"'·$16 58 i11g, h11ter, new p11 i11t. Good miles. 128460CI • '70 Ct-:EVROLET 3/4 TON • Pickup. R1dio, he•fer, •utom1tic, V-1, s189 2 power 1fe1r ing, good mile1. ~!llllHI , __ ---~-1_'.91_.F250 FORD 3/4 TON P.U. FM ,.d;o. "tom•H<, '"'"· low •1291 C•mpu 'P";,1. V.B, ,.d;o. '"'"·•1866•;-'69 VW SQUAREBACK milei, like new. l094AGBJ 1ulom1!ic. 16276301 T ·&llRD TRADE·INS! 7 TO CHOOSE FROM! '67 TO '73 MODELS Fine low milea9e -~ome local owner cars, buy today •nd ... $AVE Example '69 T-BIRD LANDAU ,,It pow .. , ,;, <oodH;o,;,,, ,, .... 1788 window1 & 11•h. !969CPAI . '71 FO!?D Fl 00 PICl<UP • \I.I, r•diO, he•fer, 1t111d11d shift, s2399· • epp•oximetely I 5,000 m~Je1. ( 284. 17H l '72 FORD 112 TON P.U. V.B. ,.d ;o '"' '"'"· '"lom•k ~4687 Good mil1,. ( 19302LI i/I 6 '71 FORD F250 3/4 TON :,11~~,/~.A~:mf~~r. V-8, 111110., R&H, '464l 1ir, 1plit rimt, 9d . mi. (3 8'474HI Nu '70 9 'Ii ' Hu11t1r C.O. ._ •• -• THIODORI: lOllNS SR. ••ns Dirt. ONLY I a111 I PM Sot, PART$ SERVICI HOURI 1 am f ,,. MeR. 7 -' ,. fltet.~fri. SALES DE)J, HQUlS I em t ,... Mait.~ffl. I Gift 6 pM s.t. I 0 °"' 6 IH'I S... All ••I• prit11 •ffective ffit11 Su,, .. M.y 6-, 197). . • . . ' . . . • . ' • .._ ....... :; ·--... =•== -·--· .......... ~ . . -•• • ; :JJ PILOT·ADVERTISER DAILY PILOT • • ' • . • • . • MOST - ALL TRADE IN' THIS WEEK THAT RUN ARE WORTH s AND UP ON NEW OR USED CARS AT Th·e Economy Champ! PLYMOUTH DUSTER NOT STRIPPED FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED $ 00 PER . MONTH . Fully factory equipped. Economy & styfe ! Stk. J 005 • Se•. 8006 For°"'' • tl'IO'>. wnt1 sm & ~l ~. oetlfTl!d llY""'· plfCO 11nJ..«1 APR 10.12 ... b .A.C. S21U + 11• & L•c. C1\h Prk 1. NOT STRIPPED BUT LOAD ED WITH EQUIPMENT ! ··LAKEWOOD • ·SHOPPING CENTER • STK 1411 SEA 22'1" PER MONTH lo<tded with the following items of equipment. Power Front Disc Brakes, Torqueflite · Tr ansmission, Power Steering, 400'C.LD. 2 BBL . Eng ine, Air Cond itioning, Tinted Gla ss, AM Radio, Standard Sito WSW Tires, l eft Remote Control Mirror, l ight Package, Vinyl Roof. Demo For only 4l monrn1 wlm 5300 + Tl.I. down Ocft!trM ll<'IY•rl#I prlc• 11.lJ.l.Sll, Ar>R 9 J1• •. C••h prke '4250. +-T&L. NOT A FACTORY ORDER! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! NOT A FACTORY ORDER! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! PERSON.ALIZED LEASE PLAN TREMENDOUS SELECTION Of STATION WAGONS TO FIT THE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS!! .NEW 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY STATION WAGON CASH BACK ON PRESENT CAR *NO DOWN PAYMENT* NEW '73 CHRYSLER NEW '73 FURY NEW '73 SATELLITE Hardtop • Air Cot1dlttot1h1t • Looded! Hordtop • Air e-dlriotil .. • 1.oodMI Alt Coftdh:&Nli.t $ 00 PER MONTH $99 PEk MO. $89 PER MO. $79 PER MO. NOT New Fury Suburban. Loaded with power STRIPPED ~fco rin g, automdtic transmission, front di5C f LEEV SALES DISCOUNTS BUT LOADED brakes, power tail gate windows. Big WITH '°'only '*'I montn~ with S:JOO down .f. I•• & Uc. 400 C.1.0. engine. St~. #4029 . E C II EQUIPMENT! 04.'l~rred s:avmenr price I• l.i816.ol0. APR 11.16'11. 58 ,, 249425 . Credit & Labor Union Members, Federal, State & City Employees, tc. a o.•.c. "" "'""""' "" "' • "'· Lorne Fealy our Fleet Manager And Qualify For Reet Sales Discounts! NOT A FACTORY. ORDER! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! '!l973 CHEV. CAPRICE YOUR CHOICE 1973 PINTO V'"74t.G©N IMMEDIATE> DELIVERY LEASE OR BUY . •·-•-'"· r.-.,,.... ••• '70 PLYMOUTH '70 FORD '70 CHEV • CONDITIONING, AM/FM STEREO , SOil ADM 4J3 IEW ,11164 ~:r.~:.7=:.'~:.w~' $88 FULL DOWN$J5 :;g~TH $83 . ~e:. $888 CASH + t•l! & lk -tr Sii I• '(llUr fvll down p.1yrnen1 pllH 11.c & lie. S» ,.,. "*'"' tor ,. f!ltnlltt. Deferr• pric• 11 nu•. APR u.n~ o,A.c. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY O.A.C. Radio, tkcrt.,, AlftOIJMltlc TroM., etc. royJnefltl bCIMd Oft 16 11to11th ope• ettd .. OM. S63Per Mo. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY a.EAS!C OR B~Y 1969 DODGE POLARA 1972 FORD 1971 CHEY. VEGA HATCHBACK 2-0oor, VS, auto. t rans., fact ory a ir conditioning, power steerin g, radio, l oaded with aut o. tra ns ., VS,. factory air conditioning , power steering, Hatchback. l oaded with 4 speed, high bucket seats, ch rome side mold- heeter, whitewall t ires, full wheel covers, du al brake system. I056EPM l radio, heater, full vinyl seats. (563HRPI ings, radio, heater, radials. IDOX954 1 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1967 FORD PICKUP Radio, Heater, 2 tone paint, d eluxe side mouldin9s, side mirrors, CAMPER SH ELL. l513 18KI IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1971 CHRYS LER Cvstom rower Wl1do'N'I., Radio, Heat· er, White Woll TINS, Tope Dec.II, Spllt Johtt Seat, Focto" Air, rower Stew· Ing, !••H l rcdiH. Fw MIY M -· .. s49 wlltl .., clqw.I + lia & lie. Delerttd PER MONTH ~· Ult) .•• Al'll IT.*'° O.A.C. C•.ii prk:e b 11111 !lln 1111 t. Oc.n11. OVER 3.00 IN STOCK NEW & USED CAR·S & ARRIVING DAILY! , 1968 ROAD RUNNER 3Sl VS, radio, heater, whitewall t ires, wh eel covers. IYVR3 291 $ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • - • , I • I . '1 I ~ I - I 1f DAILY PlUIT Spring Has Sprung, '!l'he Grass Has Riz, At lGs Is Where The Sl!llvilllll!S Os! NEW 1973 DUSTER COUPE Off SUCJ9esfed Retail Price -IJ . . 1973 CHRYSLER SAYINGS!.· · ~ 1973 CHRYSLER TOWN AND COUNTRY WAGON LUXURIOUSLY EQUIPPED INCLUDING AIR cqNDITIONING $1400 lDISCOUNT I Off S"9'1ntod Retall Price NEW YORKtR 4 DOOR SEDAN Wit\ All Tlw Most Woflted Em111 lacllldl9f Air .... Ultl..te L11sury $1 .400 I DISCOUNT I No. CH4J.flC·l4Jl50 PLENTY OF EXTRAS INCLU DING AIR CONDITIONING Si r. No. PP4l ·M)D.t6991 8 $12DD {DISCOUNT)_ Off S.99ested RetaD Price SPRING-TI ME USED CAR VALUES! '72 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4 DR. H.T. VI, 1111omallc, r•dlo, t.11ter. PG-1tMt1n1- Dr••ti.-5eilll, WSW, vinyl lop. l>UESO) $3295 '67 COUGAR XR7 2 DOOR HARDTOP VI, •utom•lic, rtdlo, ltt•Ttr power $1Hrint:1 ' bratH, 1lr col'CI,. buc.~el J.tah, cOllSO!e, lt•llltr ln!tr., vinyl lop, (WJl.Mltll $1 295 '68 DODGE coure \II, 111111m.lic, radio, n.a .. r, powtor 1l11rl"9, powM llra.1191, WSW, vl11yl top, llr cOllCll· flonl1111. (WPK422l $1095 '71 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill 4 DR. H.T. VI, •11tom111(, rfflo, llHltr, p11wer steenn1. powtr br•ke1, WSW, •lr tondlUon!n~. vlnyl top. \'410lltl $~895 '70 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE WAGON Vt, 1111omtl1C, rl>dlo, htilltl", pciwf'I" Uetfln~, wnilt 11111 W•U tint, teot r1ct. (WASJJ $1395 '67 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPRIMI 2Dr. H,T, YI, 1vtom.llc, r .. flo, Mitt!', pow· er 1tHrt~r1k-..wlndlwt. 1Jr ~ .. vl11yl rool, wlr1 wt1M11, WSW, !YGUl7') $895 '69 CONTINENTAL 4 DOOR SIDAN VI, •t.rlomaoc, r•lllo. ;1,..tw • .,..... 1t•rlllt- lll~k1i,..-wuld~11, vinyl '-P, l•lher 1nltr,, 111"1 d.clr, IHI wfl .... lttSFVZJ $2295 '66 FORD LTD 4 t*>Ol HARDTOP' YI, 1vlom.11lc, r1111o, ltNltt. pow1r 1IHrin1, PG•lr t>r1kin, WSW, llr cM!Cilllonl1111, vlnrl lop. fltR~1JI $695 '68 CADILLAC SIDAN DI YILLI YI, 1111t1n111c, r..iro. 1tt1t1r, powtl'" sllltl'"lnt- Ot'1k-wlnaow .. Mil, vlnrl IOjl, •Ir co11- fllftnlnt. WSW. CZVCl5') $1595 Pricin Ar1 ,.IVI TU lllCI l k1t1111 Intl .f.rt \lllfld 'Tll 10 ,..M, S-"Y• Mlly .. 1 All C11i Sllllltcl To P!Wr s1i.. PJLOT·AOVERTISER 32 !MEW o/2 TON PICK·UP Ser. No. JHICOCHB1i8114 'NEW 1973 TRAVELALL 1£AUTIFULLY EQUll'l'ED Sar. No. lHOHOCHl~2ll 1 NEW 1973 3M TON PICK-UP "CAMPER SPECIAL" Str. No. JH2COCHBl 7S9 S • • In ·an 4tla '. · tlonaf r r • Intern. .... ~.-or Scout l'.Jlctc .. ~J!OYelci11. ~ •cry to • A truly lreot { . It 11· get_a•ay frona ~ • Outst .... •Pring t• a '=••t!Cll"J .. 11110 .-.:1 ., no_, on the _.,. n1s of lnternat• •ntlre fine Pe,.,, R •onal's Su h• I ecreational ..... 1c es. •e .. Plus Tax And l ic:1ns1 OFF SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE Off Suggested Retall Pri ce •Pritt Dots Not lnch1d1 Camper. ''GET EM UP SCOUT'' I DISCOUNTED I HEAD FOR THE HILLS ... THE DESERT .•. OR THE BEACH IN A RUGGED, GO · ANY~HERE SCOUT. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~~:~:~;~ $1·000 OFF SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE l d~PEn .,,~ v.,., IO P.tn' •ttct11d,,.,. 111no11y J • ""' ~. . • . • . .. --...• -~-------. ·-I • PILOT-ADVEllTISER WfCitfsdlJ, May 2, 1,73 '68 DART GT 2.ooot HAIDTOP. Y-1, _.... tronL, pewtr ,,_,.. ..... vinyl ·top, il1.1cket ~ts (TIIU6) • BRAND NEW 2DOOIC()uP( '73 DODGE 1100 VAN FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED . OlDilt TOUIS NOW TOUI CHOI(( OF COlOIS DAILY PILOT f9 '73 DODGE COLT ' $58 BRAND NEW LUXURY COUPE ULLY FACTORY EQlllPPE Low miles. used. ll09HFRI IMMIDIATI DlllVllY •73 DODGE PO LARA V-1. IWto. lrmK. Millf, iMliO\lt!\ """""I *"'' 'ln(lf\~ ""'*"'' ~· FULLY FACTORY EQUIPPED OIDll YOUIS NOW • '0UI CMOKt Of tOlOI $93· DOWN $93 A MONTH .... 53"-169 S9] i1 kll•I GI. pyrn!' S9] I~ IOl•I mo oyn11, inc:L , ••• httl'M' 111 ci1r1y1119 dwge, on 1ppr. trtd•t for 41 floloi 0tltor1rcr ll'Jmf, price SJm Incl. I•• 1 htftl~ ANNUAL PERCE N· TACE RATf9.6T°oJ. • '69 DART 165 FORD --VAH6cyl .......... ,!wle. tr9M., rWtlio, htat•r, 1$ -· (512TH614721) •666 -- 0 . '71 PINTO '72 PINTO S466 A.;;..;..;k transmission.'""'io cmd ...,,..-. (445CIC) ~·II 1 .. 1ory "'l•if .. ., ,ius ...i1o ...i heater. ' · ' (:ITIOW212620) fULL PRICI "71 FURY Ill , ... -· .. ···-·s1 1t•trin9, fact. air. j41SllN) FUU:NllCI "70 MONIE C•lo :!...7' -~~11 ·~t~: $1466 ..,._ ..,_ (197CTH) 'ii :'67 FORD ' S'°IT VAN. Auto. tnttiL, radio and heater. Pl1.11 ...... (UIWU3) ·fULL-PltlCI-" •666 RILL PRICE '67 AIRY Ill . , . •566 2 DI. M.T., v.a, _... ' tr•ns., ,awer s...n..., -· ...... ,. CTSN7HI. fULL PlllCI 70MAYERICK -· -· ,i .. full .,.....,. .,..1,,... (ZKl'79) ' .,,, . fULL PIHCI · · J . . '71 c·OLT lodio ond hMtv, full fo<10<y ..,;ppoo1. (S36W) ''71 VEGA 4 .,...i, .odlo ond -· ('1DDJQ) '71 HORJ4ET Automatic transmission, air conditioning, power steering (664AKQ). ~··· fULL PlllCE . . $31.50 DOWN $31.50 A MONTH . Sll .SO is total dn. pymt. Sll..SO is tOtal mo. pymt. Ind. tax & license and all carrying charges on appr. credit for 36 mos. Deferred payment price S1176.66 incl. tax & Ii~. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 17.91%. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -·• ' • '72 co·LT 4 .peed t1111t1111iuitNI, radio, Moler, full foctory v.a, ...._ .,...s., ,..., stwrint, foctory air, c-. 1ole, b'itcket s•ofs, wt.itww.11 tires, landcn1 . ....,fppod. (366fWI) A (VSW300) ' , '72 -YOLKS 4.,... -· ........ -.... -· (J6411WV) '681,,1111 4 IJriMf' H.T., ,'t-1, Me. s trons., po..,. 1...,i,._ power. bfoeke" ro4io, heo· . t«. fXTH151 / '72 VEGA '>--'67~.CH~iY ............ SUR Hotshback, deL exterior, auto.•-•· .odlo, healer. 1 .,,6 (S9511l) TOWN & COUNT-RY WAGON. full power, foe· tory a ir, looded. (UQf677) s1211 FULL P81CI $43 DOWN I $43 A MONTH 543 is total dn. pymt. SAJ is totdl mo. pymt. incl. tax, license & all carrying charges on appr. credit for 36 mos. Delerred'.paym enl price Sl591 incl. lax & license. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE 11.08%. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY , '67 YOLKS lug. 4 1peed tran1.. $466' radio and heater, much ntoN. (TTF5001 , '70 DUSTER ..... ...,.,., .u vinyl ··-,i .. hll i..""Y •966· ..,..1,. (VUfCOl.117367) fULL PltlCI ( .: t • • • . • . . • ' : r .. • • • • • ' . .. .. . • oL • I l • -· . ··: :1: -· . • • -· • • • • ~ , . •• '· :.r: • . . • • • • . . I ... • ' ' • '· :. ,_ -~ ... ,. : .. ... • j . r . -~ • • :~" . < .. . . . ·: • -:· .•: :- ' -· -,.. -~ • . . -· . ... ::: -···-• • ••• '.:·~·'"' ...... __ ' ' ' • 1973 PINTO IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 4 Speed, rear bumper guards. vinyl interior, OOcket wa:ts. forced air heafer, etc. 3RIDW179J64. . . '73 FORD Club Wagon . ' -~ . ..... "" I IMMEDIATE DELIVERY V-81 power steering, radlO, heater. tinted glass. wheel.c.ov· •rs. O/S mirrors. Serial· No. El1GHRS3371 '68 MUSTAftG ------.-· '65 .FORD ~~:.. .......... u.iT• .nLDS 2 DOOR HARDTOP ' '1 oa·a "\I ::::: frans4 factory ilr cCll'llftliming, ridio. ~. Llc:ttMI "' ' . ' '70 MAYERlCI =-=-....... -'"''11'89 '69 GAtAXIE :r:.r:..:~=-.....s121& ' NIW IMMIDIAR DIL~ , -. ~~ND ?3 .. MUSTANG . 2.DOOR v.a, auto. rrans.~tactory air CXlf'd. tlonirig, ,power steering, ndio. heater. whitewall tires. ftnted glas5. whee l c ov trs. 13FDIF179340 '69 TOYOTA~.=.~·~ ""'""1294 .. . . '69 IMPALA ~ .. °!'.· ..... ,_, .... dno .... --..J1385 rdl. Mfll!lr. ~II lim. tinted !Jim. Uc. Ml. .,,,,.,, '70 OATS.UN r~~ ... ----K '68 TORINO :.~=~~,.--.-Jl488 '70 DODGE ::~ $1589 '69 CHRYLSER :..~~";'J.;~=.S -··-""'"""' ..... _ ' lnleriar. IUIAU8 • • '71 FORD :c..~~ ......... IX. ... ""' ' ... '72 . MUSTANG ~-~=--$261 .--. - $2"78 : '72 DODGE ~=-!!!=.... ....... Uc. No. iWM '71 FORD~-·-··~... $1211 '69 ECONOLINE ~=···"'"""' $1886 '72 M_ERC. ~~.c:."Z":'..=$3186 . --~~--·~~~~~~~~~~--'""""'---it--~~~~~-.~~~~~~~~~~-f-~~-.:~ .................... -- $138.8 '68 CAD ~~-...:::=:=.=.~1982 " '69 CONT,NENTftl ~~~ S3B81~ ' ' • '· I ' • .. ' . '67 CHEV PICKUP. CAMPER SHILL ''1 .JG8 • ~·~ ~m..fodty Ill' ainditlclllng, rdai ~ )tQU il984 . '71 TORO~~D] ~~~~378'.! .. • ' ·~ND '72 ELDORADO $138 8' "COMMANCHE" CAB OVER CAMPER Slefps •· 4 burner stovt, Ice i:.ix. fUIJy ~ elCilPf llltdl. """"' C01'1191d!ly • Ni). 'l'lm1 . 1 . TRUCK $PICIAL I ~:.ND 1973 FOID •·iJ•: .. 3A TON PICK UP , ... IDEAL TRUCK FOR YOUR CAMPER ( F~BRR43112) IMMEDIATE DELIVERY · .. < 1913 KEY WEST MOTOR HOME ·~ ~ ~ . ' COMt~ETEl Y· SElF CONTAINm V8 engiflt, IUfO. •!fans.. p0wer brakis,.poiwer steenng, lully self contal ileel!i'4. 1offtt, lhower, range ' ~~ <>os{tfec. re-frlger~t;r°· · lng'.(~507) , \' . ' . <-·' • •• •• • • • •• '· .... • . - . . . '=' ~. : r • • r· 7 .,,.... -.. . , .. -~I , • I • • • • • • . • . • ' . .. ' .. ,,.. ............... ~ ...... ~~~~ ... -"""-~ ,.---: 'yo~ .. ~· .~~.,7;,_SE9J~~·;1~.~~~ey "-·~ ;.. ORAN&E COUNTY, CALIFO"'llllA WEDNESDAY, w.v·2, 19n TEN cmrs-: l ... ... .. __._ -""" t' : O~·f~ A-veQ Eases C_apo Junior High Pi-ohlem _. . ' ' .. = • .. -. • • A~4~~ '«.1 ~·Jo,.( · ~1Drl'!"· ii",Llcuai NiaileJ. dilpule. ·~·-• ;,... bas been ·mo!Y. the dilplte. -' Joooph Wimer, the dlatrict'o director of The site Is a Ii-acre pan::el which can by OOo.mti' com,tniaal9oen e8* . Tii" meetlJig ¥<!WY Of the com-ed. , ' · Hunl doclared 11 that limo that the adm!i>lolnUn Rrvic:u, oald that -C bold a ICbool plant serVil1a t,000 pupU.. . tlie, Pti>bleo,I, .d •housln& ell. junior fiigh 1filsilm P.! allended by CUSP 'lnlstee · l\'hlleo:lbe • dey~ r battled over isaue' -..,..,,,., crlticll l!alt IA plan-bu ~ .., the -d eldstiDc jlul lllterlm problems ol pupil _, scboOI jJupilk .8a Ille Capistrano ·u.lfled Plesidml Bob Hoint .wllo 8lked !or a allllnment, neither tract could be •P. nin& !or the CIQDlllllClion ell 1 i\IDlOr bigh dra-'·-!or . . "•' and U-will 31111 pi...,. tbe district even ~: School".l>lstrict. ' · • swtf!i~.by,-llle """'lty officials ·~ ~al the ·CdU!lty level: '1'1111 placed campus b\ 1-Nlguel. ·-· 1 Jlllllor ....., the work seems certain to 11art in . 'l'lll ,~~ elli Ille lracl subqlitted by molve a dispale be~ Avco lllld a !!;' diitritt ~Jor a jwUor,bigh alte In 'Ibo boolli!lc ell intermediate papilJ ii J1lllll IDlcbl be !Udy !or the board ·.in NJguel. • Av.O.Comm11•1'1Y Devel0.Pf!$ ·...., ine!Jlll •. Sa!! Dieg0 .deve~\ lJiiP.. '. liljliio-· · . the -IOrioas )-. f-g the district time !or -•Y'• sessloo. At Marco Forster Junior High School.'. that the dfs~ri 1wlll begin planning \or a The San Diego iiMIOiiir·ba<I Jlialls ·lo n>a;~ ac•· Hurst ·had W<ll . con· at 11<•HDI . / ' • · Tiit aMllty approval olao allows Avco ~ seMiooi and the lddltloo ot; new~· a ha1f""1)lloD'\lollilr site bulld•neit<li>OftoAvco'h1rojecl,butlhe ~'ffl!m Jellow lroste<s .for ·• ~,,,_.,.will fonnall,y bear to be«ID grading the alte -a !unction moreportableclassroomswlllbebrou1hl · doilattd.'J " ,Jl'~r by tllo devel-nl 8llpnent ell a•.majoi' county· highway to : r'efolff lilli!ii' i iiliing. that ·fifth ;(llotricl the-.-ol the 'bnllen ·deei:llnct ovei: the which coulol not take place durin& the Into play next 11Chool yeu In an ef!ort to · finn' a1fuig t"' ~dW!ed ali~t '.ol, serve,· · both 'tracll was the · •!">Jecl of .s · · , ,,'. ·~~-.caipe.~.1ntervene .. 1n mad,allpment. rood 8llp'"""t dispute. stave oil double sessioru, • ' • •• " . 'I~: ' " ~ L...J' ........ D .. ~·n: · "·-:·a·~:· :,..( ,, I ~I' o I .f" I .. , . . .I ..-' •• . ' . -~~ ..... :z, .. • ·' UPI,......._ r 'T!>. 1mF.Y-)fartb1 Mltcllell """ been j IUllilnolMicl to tell ~1119lJ!cm ll>out the Wa- tergate 1;DCldenl • Watergatie ' Cover· Tale ' ·unveiled? , NEW YORK (AP) -Government iJl. vestigaton say they have evidence tank- log White House aides and olflClals of President Nixon's reelection committee conSPind to devise an elahotale cover , •tort 'follQwllic the WatMate blolk·hl, Ibo Ne1! York'Tlmes ~:tPf. Tlioi·~Jl!t·i•WNd'Jn. t I · •• , ~· Pl'Mett (jftl1iNG ,.. Tb witm·1fiOU .. >· Plt1 U . To ·Testify in Watergat~ V-Jnrelltnrkel WASlllNGTON -M'artba Mitchell, wile of lonner Altomey •Gtneral John N. Mltcbell, 'llu beell aubpoeoaed to give 1WOrD t..il-:tftiuraday abont what she b,l\IWI -<lbe W~te case, It WU 1'larnOd,. • The ...._. WU 'luue/I by I federal court ln ·llow•YGdr'.in -to I re-qll:,.=r., ·11v-for convicted W ........ J-W. McCord Jr. ~ • lll~~th.~ ~lbs~ 'l'Nldool NllOO'• re-et-eompolsn lut')dr and clllCl(ed lier apeT!lftmt f« ' polflble ·~·bup. AD ~ !or McCMI. oald Ml'o. Mllchell'• leltlmony WOUid be taken In New Yoct u I depooltlon by "'""'" In a '8.4 m1UJon civil damlp ..it the DemocnUc perty la proillog .. -McCord ind· olhor prtoclpllll In Ibo W1tarptaCUL , Mllchell, on< or lllOlo belna 1n- vesUgated by tbe Watergate grand Jiii'!', resigned as Nbon's. campaign manager two weeks after the June 17 Watergate raid after bis wife lbrtalened publicly to leave blm unless be got out ol the "dirty buslneso" ol polltka, "Mra. Mitchell Is I vtry bright ,and veq lrllculate ~.': lleQry B. Rolhblatt. 111 lltorttey fOr McCoid llld todq. "We're 11n lhe will bo Ible 1\1 gjv& UI l lot Of lilformallon lhot will belp UJ." ..... She .... quoted by .. ltleod ~· u uyln& "I'm lUst 10ina to tall the trulb." Mn. Mltclioll ls ii:ltedlded le ~ behind cloeod -.. Prlnted-triMcripll of wliar ilhe •IYI lltl upeeled' tO le avallable a few dlya i.1er._ _ _ _ Ml'I. Mllclltll bu """" oullpobn In the poll In cle<larllfi tbal abo l!al ·no m. tentloo of letting her 1mlMlnd become 1 ... pqool ln the W1ifrpla-blmtlc•tion. Thil•wUI tie the 11nt time, 11 11r u 11 known, that Mra. MlldlolllWlll be i!vb1c 1W«n llllimoa1 -lhe Watergate cue. , Represents Americans,_ Texan Says ,_ ·• . ' •. -. DAI (~ PILOt St EConomic Controls ~ightening' ' WASlllNGTON (lfPI) -President Nixon bu decided lo toughen !Omt upecll ol bl& wqe-price stabilization P'Oll1lllll. Administration ofOclals said today. Ill a f\lrlhq. move lo cop1bol lhe woral lnflatioa in a ~atlon, olficlals said Nlsm p<obobly would again r.quin! big companies to get prior approval for price increases of more than 1.5 pereent and raise the posstblllty of orders lo roll back price rises exceeding ine:reases in Costs. Details of Nixon's revised economic j>ollcy ..... lo be llllllOUllced this al· temoco afrer be conferred with top ad- vlsera u well as business and union leaden. It appeared that the President's meuur,. would be less peeping than th< general freeze or rollback propoaals <ll'ged by some mombora of CongreS!. ;~dminls!ration officials suggested that ~ Intended In his statement lo try to bdosl confidence In the largely voluntary ~.m •ac• and price controia that liGe pnvllliOd for most of tbls ,..,.. liJi'in ~by meeting for~ mlnut.. ~ 1111 n.,.~ economic atrategis\8 -;:,Tre18U17 Secretary George P. Shultz. Budget Director Roy h. Ash. Federal Reserve cbalrman Arthur F. Burm. Chainnan Herbert Stein of the council of Economic Advisers and Director John T. Dunlop of the Coot of Living Council. Joining the session were Vice President Spiro T. Agnew and KeMetb 'Cole, who has been terviag temporarily as Nixon's to)> domestic aflain adviser since the res ignaUOn . Monday of John D . Ehrlichman. Abo summoned to the ·White Hou.le was the Jo-member Lai:Jor..Maoage.ment Advisory Committee established lo Id· vise the President on the operation of the ~...!~ !1!£0n.trol system. 5 Hell's Angels Plead Guilty ln '72 Abduction • OAKLAND (AP) -Five Hell's Angels motorcycll!ta:, lncluding fonner president .Ralph. 11Sormy" Barger, have pleaded auilty to felon y charges in connection with a 1972 abduction. ·The five were anested by Oakland police after a chase through the Oakland . bills. An abducted man was found beaten. .and bound jn one of two cars involved. Barger, 34, already serving a JO year.s- t.a-life sentence on a narcotics convJeUon. ~ded gullty Tuesday to unlawful lm- J>r:lsorunenl and being an erconvlct In ~ssion of a gun. Narcotics charges against Barger'! girl friend, Sharon Gn.ib.ike, 23, were di~ ml8'ed. . ,Superlor Court Judge Harold Hove im· ~ a l-to-10 year sentence on the .uolawful impr~e:nt charge, and 1-t~ 15 on the gun charge, the senlt!nces to run concurrently with Barger's present lmn. , Bert Stefanson , 28, entered guilty pleas to ~he same charges levied against , Barger , and received identicll con- «:llttenl senlenc<s.- ~ .Three others pleade d guilty to unlawful imprisonment. Russell Beyea, 30, drew a 1·~10 term. Gary Popkin, 27, and Bobby England, 29, will be sentenced later. .. . .. .. • • . • Italian CluJJ Plans Dance in Clemente The San Clemente Italian Club's spring .dance featuring music by the Royal Knights will be held ?i.1ay 19 al the Moose Lodge. The annual act ivity will offer prizes and a midnight buffet ss weJI as dancing. 'Fickets at $3.50 per person are on sale at Sam's Shoe Store and Daisy's New Yarn Shop in downtown San Clemente. OU.M•I COAST •c DAILY PILOT 'Tiit Or .. C-t DAILY PILOT, wlM wlut/I Is ~ llM ,.._Pr9t,. .. llAJ!l\llld ~ "'' er.,,.. (.61.t l'ubllltllrl9 ~.,. k>t rtt• t11111anr. •f'I _, ..... , ""'"'~ mf"OllOll Fr~•Y, IW QlsM MN, tltwp0r1 8udl. HU!tlln~IOll Ill~~ Va1hly, ~ ~ lntlM/&111111.....-........ '""""t., 5'n J-°"ltlll~ A •111811 "8ionfl ..,Ilion " ~.,. .........,. .,., ~ .... T"9 Pl"IMIM4 ........ """9 .. 11 JJI ~1 111~ Strtt!, C.lt ~ CIH,,..,,lt, nut. •• ,. K. w .... """ ..... •1111 ..... ..,,... J •• ~ .. c.,,.., Vice ~ ..... c.n.r.i Mt,.... fllOll'll• "••'fil l.d!IOf Tlri•"''' A. M11rphlfl1 MfflltllnO (d!lllN' Clta1l11 H. L..ot Rl.har4 '· Nill AMl.i11111 ~-1:11-. S. Cir• ••Is OMM JOI N•rill ll C.P11i"9 Reil, f2612 --CO.It~; Ja ~,l::J S"°'"' .i......, IMdl: baS .... llWl!I ... .... a.di: 17Wj..,. ~ .......... 9-dl! 111 ,.,_ A"""" Tll!Jt I fn4)-MJ.4Jlt Cl ...... 't:e: ', 5 "4,1.Nfl '-C. ,, Al • .,., rw ldffl ffl<441t C0!1Yrilllt, 1f11t or.,.,..-C.... ~ =:'117' -"t-~ .. ~.,.:: .... , ....................... .. ."I ...... ~.._.. ~.~ ,...... ,. .... C:.11 .... ----......,.,,... .... ,.,.,... lllM ~I W IMP U.11 '""'4JilJ'J iftlltfWY llfldl ..................... , = I w ... ..,.,., .... , t 197, FBI G Sa1id ClfiCAGO (AP) -,,,. Ollcago 'l'rlbune-rtp0<1ed ~y tbal Pruldeol Nlnn uprttled 1•anger and ou.J,ragt." Tuuday wh<n ht learned that PB! lll"'ll l!m posted oulllde the o!lke• of his top aidd 11. R. llaldtman llld Jolin Ehrlicllmln, wbo millled MU>day. -The Tribune also reported~ from Washington tiwt Nixon tol d u,. C.blnet In a closed meeting thllt Sen. Charles C. Percy (R·!U.) will never be president "as long as 1 have anything to say about it." :;1 ~·N,,-~~1w.ar Job for Them ........ ~. ~ COMPLAINTS •. t . -- F~eewtiy Tree Project Gets Big Pledges Balloon Girl • In Marcil, about 1,900 Hanlington.lleach youngsters launched helium· filled balloons from ~estmonl School in the city's annual "Balloons to the Moon" contest . Debbie Schmidt, 7, has won the contest because her balloon traveled the farthest. The postcard attached to her bal· loon was returned recently from Creston, Iowa, about 1,374 miles from Huntington Beach. Her balloon traveled about 400 miles farther than any other recorded in the three years or the contest. Her prize includes $5 and some new balloons. P-0Iice Killing Suspect Shot; Dragnet in NJ EAST BRUNSWICK. N.J. (AP) -A woman identified as a member or the Black Llberation Army wanted in con· nection with the killing last year or two New York City patrolmen was wounded today in a shooting incident that left a stale trooper and anolher man dead, po- lice said. Police later tftrew a dragnet around the small community of Milltown for another man who fled on foot following the shoot- ings. Police Director Hugo Stockburger of Milltown, just west of here, said state and local police would conduct a "house· ~house" search of the community or 6,800. "The search will begin as soon as they get organized," Stockburger·said. He added authorities did not know if lhe escapee was armed. Police said the shootings, \\'hich left a second trooper wounded, appare ntly OC'- curred in the early mroning after a car was stopped on the New Jersey Turnpike for a mlnor traffic violritlon . The body of Trooper Werner Foerster, 35 of Old Bridge, N.J., '~as round a fe\Y hUndred yards south of the Turnpike Ad, ministration buildi ng he.re, police said. He Was pronounced dead of multi ple gunshot wounds at J\1iddlcsex General Hospital. Police said the car conta ined two men and a woman. One l'fl'ltn -not immedl· ately identified -,,,as fuund fatally shot and the woman v,iounded when the ~r v.•as located several miles a.way trom where Foerster's body '''as discovered , police said. The man travuling 1,•ith the pair cs· caped. The woma n was identified as Joanne Deborah Cbestmard . 25. She was ta~en to Middlese-.: Gent'r&l Hospital. where she was Jn serious condition with gunshot "rounds over her upper bod y, police said. Capo Churc~1 G1·oup Plans Garage Sale Youth ltl'OllP members of th e Ca)>lslrlilo Valley Baptist Church wlil spomor a 11g1ant ga.rage tale" FTido.y and Saturday In an effort to raise Clish to pay for ~nd equipment for the youth choir. The rvent will be beld from lO a.m. to t p.m, both days Iii the garage area of the Easlin,ller Medical Clinic ln San Juan Capistrano. Saturday's sale also will feature baked goods, opokOJm<n said. . ' ' ' Talks Still ' On-Kissi1iger WA S HI NGTON (UPt l - PresidenliaJ adviser Henry A. Kiss- inger said today he still e~s to meet with Hanoi's Le Due tho to discuss ways of shoring up the Vietnam cease-nre despite Com .. munist suggestions that the session might never take place. "There is an agreement to ~l." Kissinger told newsmen at the White House. , But he canceeded that there had been no similar agree ment on the precise date. Front Pagel WATERGATE •• the President's former appointments se<:retary; Gortlon Strachan, a Haldeman assistant; ~lerbert L. Porter, who worked for Herbert Klein 's information offi ce, and Washington·based attorney Kenneth W. Parkinson, hired by the rH lectlon co mmittee shor~ly after the June 17 break-in. The additional funds needed f o r the asserted payoffs, the newspaper said, were collected by Herbert W. Kalmbach of Newport Beach, Nixon's personal lawyer who also served as a chief cam· pa ign money raiser. The newspaper said Hugh W. Sloan Jr., treasurer of the r~lectlon cammittee, who gave the cash to G. Gordon Llddy, one of those convicted in the bugging, was the only key official who apparently c.Pose not to participate in the cover-up, causing bis su periors to alter some details of the agr~-upon story. "Sloan made incredlble efforts to get wo rd to the President or son1ebocly about wh:lt he knew was wrong,'' a source was quoted as saying. "They all told him to go back to the committee." Mexican Lunch Set By Dana Students Dana Hills High School's new drill team wUI sponsor a special Mexican- •lYI• lunch Sunday In an effort to ral>e fonds for uniforms, The event will bo held from noon '4 6 p.m, ln the San Ju11n Element1ry School Auditorium in San Juan caPIBtraD!J and • will otter cndillad... chlle rellenoe, beans. rice and beverages for •t.50. Tickets wlil be available al the door or can·be purchased at the Dana llJl!s cam· pus from any drill team member. L Burglars made It all Ille way Into the Hallway House cafe in San Clemente, it wu dlJCO•ered Tutt-- day. The breakin apparently oO<urred belore dawn, say police, and' U net· ted •110 in cash. Officers said entry to the business at 21& S. El Camino Real was pined by prying open lhe back door. The burglar rifled a cash register to obtain his loot. I.a Christianita l,eaders Off er IJ:argain Tickets t.eaders of the annual Fiesta La Chris- tianita celebration this week placed a ne·w book of '1argaln tickets m sale of, fering a majOr discomt to tbe kickoff banquet and the annual Kl w a n t s bn!Bkfast. - 1rb< tickel!, selling at all Soolb Coast an~a 'bmW u well as at the offices of the sponsoring chamber of commerce In San Cl1!mente, are worth ''9.75 each, but will sell for $5, said fiesta kickoff chairman Bernard Allen. 1!'be annual kickoff banquet, combtnlng food, entertainment, dancing and a qu1een coronation, will be held July 7 at thE~ Elks Lodge. l..ater 1n the fiesla season, the br4~kfast spoDJOred by Kiwanians will ofCer pancakes on July 14 and 15. 11'icket holders also will be eligible for th" drawing of 25 prizes at the klckolf bamquet. Fro111P-.eJ C:ONNALLY • • • ' Mr. Omnal.ly aboard." (mly lhree -.... oxmatl7 llid nn natiooal televllioo that 11 be \lid si<itcb from the llemocrallc lo Ille, Re. pulMican party, Ille challp would not me"'1 be would aeet the White House in 1976. '"II I do switch, It's not going lo be on the· basis of aeeklng tbe prestdeotial nomJ. nal:ion," Connally said Feb. 2. 0 1t is bal~d on which party I can be most cornfortable in." C::Onnally served 18 months as Nixon's Tr1easury secretary and was one of the Pr1esident's closest advben during that tin1e. When CoruW!y resigned from the cabi· nell -just one month before the Water· galte break·in at DelllOCMtic headquarters in Washington -he did so in a warm ex· ch:ange or praise wttb Nlxoo. O,IN '"' Tennis Dresses implement the open space and, eoo- servaUon ~opo.sals wu estimated at between •tat and $156. Tbe report said lhia upendlture would be less than the family would spend for recreation and developing lhelr own open space arCM if the COWJIY did DOI do it. Ill acldltion, that per capita figure could be reduced by federal and state aid, the report said. Acqllisitlon of 51,000 acres, an addition to the existing 88100> acres ln preservable opeii space, hai been cilled for In tho open space plans. This would bring 28 percent of the county'& land surface in ~rvable ~n space, either owned or regulated by the county, cmnpared lo 18.5 percent pr<> jected now. Based on a projected population ol 3.9 mJUloo by the year 2020, open space or park areas, ei ther owned by the county or subject to some kind of county open space regulation, would amount to 35 """'" per 1,000 popullltion. Ill acluat park land, a standard of three acres per I,000 population was endorsed by the report. Anything above thal would find.cmts ootstrlpping benefits. Of the 28 cities in Orange County. an average standard of. J.8 acres in parks per 1000 population DOW exists, l'IUlging from one acre to seven· acres. Five priority areas were designated most urgent for preservation in the open space report reloased fast week. , Of these, ooly one is in a non-rural area -and II was siogled out In the cost· benefit analysl.s as the most crucial. The urban area, In the northwestern end of the county, was designated urgent because very little open space is ttc- ces&ble to the citizens of. this almost fully urbanized area, Coonty planning officials proposed developing open space nodes and cor· ridors around existing railroad tracks1 flood control channels, and natural Capo Bay Park Action Del,y~ The Capistrano Bay Park and Recrea- tion District, subject of many actiOM by the Board of Supervisor!, was up for hearing again Tuesday. The Harbors, Beaches and Parks Department, which has the duty of veri· fying compliance with the provisions of the locaJ park code complained that it had no authority within the Capislrano District. The board was asked to malce the department responsible (or t h e Capistrano area as it is in all other unin· coi:porated areas. A delay of one week waa granted as re- quested by tlie Capistrano District. They wanted time to discuss the subject in meeting. A silent art auction and 11gourmet dessert" geared lo raising funds for the Save Our San Onofre Shoreline .. C.Orn· millee will be held Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the San Clemente Communit y Clutihouse. ' Arts and crafts donated bY. South Coast professlonals will be feature<! in the auc- tion , Including a large wooden sculpture by Mabel Hutchinson of Capistrano Beach as well as paintings, ceramics and other cra)ts dooate<I by toclji artisans. The group is an aUJ:lliary organization to olh<rs leading the oppogents to the San Onofre Nuclear·Reactoi project. Adml!sion to the auction can be through ltie donation of a salable art or craft item or by 'a $1 .5()..~person dona- tion. Early reservations are requested to the event and are obtained by c'alling 492~1 or 492--5697. .. San J nan ·Tllee Donation Effort .. Already Success Leaders in a montb-loog effort lo ob- tain donated trees and ahntbs for freeway areas in San Juan :£api.strano have termed the project a "tremendous success" this week with $1,SOO worth of plants already pledged. Mary Jane Forster, a leader in the ef- fort surrounding the observanCe· of Arbor Day, said this week that several service groups and individuals in the community have donated the plants. . The major donors, she said. are tho San Juan Lions Club, Dana Point Nursery, Rotary Club, San · Juan Woman's Club and San Diego -Ou and El"""'4oCompany. Ma}·smaller printecdooallom ~ ..,..pl!d as well, ""'Did. • The plants ""' beln& ' blmdad .Jnlo iandscopillg . paid for tbrougb. the Stale DMalon of Highways. • • - < Ballet School Sets ' I • Concert in Cleqaente Pupils of the Georgina Geer School of Ballet will perform May II iJ!l a free an- nual concert at the San Clemente Com· munity Clubhouse. 1 Besides the dozens of danr:e pupil•, young musicians studying '1'jth Austin BuICum also will perfonn ilf a Ugment or tbe program. The 8:30 p.m. concert will feature performers between Ute agts of 4 and 13, all young residents of the South Coast. • 646-1919 Backboards Cl0$10 SUNDAY ladies Temis Shoes B~sketballs · Goals • 7.95. 9.50 • 14.95 • 16.95 TenniS Rackets 4.95 to ·58.08 Dunlop· WUsan • Peiin Tennis Balls Telllis Wann Ups T emiis .Striltinf Tennis Hatf & risors ~· IS Dack Feet Fins Masks • $latlls • Kkk Beards lapta SWiD TIUnks Pa~' Swil Trllks & Salts Sbtl,1 .. -1t1.li & Tncks OPOl 9 TO 6-CUISEll SIMDAYS \ . Baseball Shoes,-Bal$ Mitts • Groves • Onderslllrts YoUeyballs • Rubber & Leather SoftbaUs YolleybaR Nets Racquet Bau Racquets Paddle T ermls Paddles Handball Gloves & Bans · Pill Pong Paddles & Sets Raleigh Bikes • 1 O Speeds • 5 Speeds 3 Speeds • 1 Speed Parts· fires· Tulies Repairing : 538 &OOER-646-1 ~19 I • l I . l I \ !i J\ !i I h • u g ti b; d ~ ir ti ... ~ b ., e< Pl 0 il po d1 Pl n1 cl g1 bl Pl "' WI 0\ lo '" l . • . • • ' ' ' ! I I ' f l I I ti , ,sa· llAJL Y PILOT SC Wt<netdoy, M'1 2, 1'173 I • Fuel .. Crisis 'raking • Turn for , the Worse .. mobile phone ---·--place fl recelYe :telephone caJJs · la JOUrcar --·--_,_ .---·--- • ...,o Capital l11vt1tmtnt M•ntlt to Montfi Rentel 11th Q l?~\Gf CUU~Tr a .\LJIOTELEPHO~l SIOVICE I~[ 401 s. s.ta Fe, ... Alla :835·3305 --· .. PRIVATE TRUST FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR "f.AL EITATE LOAMI lll' 2rtd TRUST OEEOS $1.500 To '250.000 UP TO 80"4 LOAMS OH must OF;EO COLlATERA&,. M!lPOl'IT EQUITY PUut NfW901t C.nlH ~ IW'll'pOrt C.nl•r DIM .........,.. IMdl, c.Jlf. (tl4J ....... ·x· EROX COPYING AND 4, ... ; DUPLICATING NO Sl2IS UP TO Z4"Xl6" MIN. VOLUME DISCOUNT e PICKUP I< DE1IVERYw1~':'i: DOUBLEQUICK 1400 '"'• ..... "-- 1111 N, Miii! 5s~!~:!~! Alll hi-em SPECPAC .. A Different Way to Speculate •• We believe now is the time to buy I.ow priced speculative stocks. Call or write for our report on an unique way to invest your risk dollars. Leason & Co., Inc. I b 17 Westclilf Drive Newport Beach, Co. 92660 (714) 642-9112 or (213) 689-4474 !'..:IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . ., • PANTERA b)' ~Tomuo ..• Imported for Uncoln·Mercucy. Italian (o&chwOTk ereftted' by UK-brUUant Ghia StudSOI of Turtn. Ford dell,ened the 351 CD 4V V-8 engine. Fo\lr Whct.l I,,.. d$ptnelent 1uspemlon and mld-thlp cQl1ne_ plaCf'ment. Flv& 1pe<d nor bo., fully synchronized ••• ''Pantera ••• ltllllen for Panthtt •.. • 0 VOU MUST remember that we are not operating under or· dinary circumstances," be told several hundred stockholders assembled in a Lockheed hangar here. "We are car. rying a heavy load of debt Last year our interest C06ls alone came to $47.S million." In tis !VIZ linsnclal state- ment, Lockbeed reported it bad loog4erm debts of $760.6 mlllicn Operatiog profits, ex- cept for the LIOU TriStar commercial aircralt, were $155. 7 million, up from 1137 millim in 1971. Btrr THE TriStar program and Interest costs cut deeply into those profits. Tbe LIOl l production was disnipl<d in 1971 when Rolls- Royce, builder of the planes' engines declared bankruptcy. Only a federal government Joan guarantee of $250 million kept Lockheed from the same fate. Teamsters Sign Up 17 Growers BAKERSFIELD (AP) The Teamsters Union says it has scored another victory in Its batUe against Ce s a r Chavez' farmworkers' union by signing contracts with 17 more table grape growers. William Bradley, a TeJIJ!llters public relaUons of. licial from Las Vegas, said Tuesday Ille •lgninp In the southeastern San J o a q u i n Valley involved some 10.000 workers and brought more than 25 percent of the slate's table grape growers under four~year Teamster contracts • THE LATl!ST srowers to sign previously bad contracts wllb \be United Fmn Workers Unloo, Af'L.CIO, which ez. p(!od April 14, Bradley said. They Included Hollla Roberts Farms1 one Of the valley's largest growers wlCb more than 100,000 acrtt from Kmi to Madera coonttes. The coolracts -similar to !hose signed two ,. .. u ago In lhe Coecllclla Valley -wl for • starting field wortcer to be paid $2.30 an hour, Bradley said, wttll flve puceol ral>M the ae<ood and third ,..,, and U perceol the IAsl )'tar. M 0 It B BXPERJEWCBI> ... rtcen would gel DD lm· mediate IS peret11t poy raise, and a pemmt hikes Ille lltXI three years. Bndley said Ille Teomsttr! got lbe COlllradl because a major1ty ol lbe " or k e rs wanlcd ID be ttpn!Rnled by 1 diUerenl unloo. The UFW ba1 malnlalned Ille Tesmstm do not rejll'Oltl1t lhe fannworkcrs and are signing "rwetthart" contract$ with the growers . , Wine Saks Skyrocket • • . · Complete New York Stock Lisi ..l'J." ~~'I.,!:'~-..... ""I:':.: ... 'II::: .... ._ ..... r:. ... Id:! ... ,_ "'""I': .... = ... , .. l .. 1 cl't::, ' • " ' ~Heavier' Twiggy ~··Returns .. • ~y Vf>RNON SOO'M' HOLLYWOOD (UPI) ..:.Twiggy, .Jhe ,English roo<le , who became a symbol for Lon-- •" don's swinging 1960s, has 'I come to Hollywood to star in her second motion picture apallingly overweight. Tbe splinter thin cover girl has Increased her avoirdupois , by almost to percent. .. ' Her t>ituf s lutl- 1. I .st cs are some- where between 1. Don Knotts and RfUJuel Welch. ;1, I.~ ' ., She has shamelessly allowed herself to burgeon from her rmal 91 pounds to a 'huge 99. added weight, however, failed to alter her vital Ustics which remain 32-22- 32, leaving her somewhere between Don Knotts and Ra- quel Welch. Twiggy cannot understand ber sudden added poundage, •,;t,.Jt she ordered vichyssoise 'and French fried potatoes !or 'lunch. • • Ul'I Ttltt*Oto TWIGGY GROWING UP, ALMOST 100 POUNOS But Hir Measurements Rema in 32-22-32 • ! "' "I'M ACCUSTOMED to being slim~" she said. "I was teased about it as a child. And I: bated it. Now J don't think good at it is Mia Farrow.'' "THING S HAVE changed." about my weight" she said. "My first picture i "It's a good thing," said her DE VILLENEUVE groaned. 'The Boyf riend' got good I lQver-manager of six years, "We were sittin g in a theater ·reviews, but it didn't make a l :~ustin de Villeneuve. "She watching Mia in a play ," he -eats sweets. potato.es , recalled. ;,She was. _sQ good great deal of money. , ~ -c:bocolate and soft drinks all "For tht! past eight months 1 1 the time. As it turns out, I'm Twiggy asked me in a loud Justin and I have been work· the one who's dieting." voice if Mi~ was English. ing on a ·picture of ou; own - "Twirib1e guessing game," Everyone. in~ theater heard . 'Criltta Sing, Gotta Dance' - I the . .aaid.-her -Er-i.tiSb -accent the question. bul we couldn't raise the -·reminiscent of Eliza Doolittle. Twiggy has changed her '8p-'nioney in England . So we had , ,~She is relieved to know tl}at pearance somewhat. She's to shelve it.'' ·~e 1~n't playing an AmeriCan allowed her blonde hair to "Too bad," said Justin. "We Jairl. H'I'here's nothing woi-se grow long. She ~earS almost no put a great deal of time into !1itan a British actress at· mak~up, allowin~ her freckl es the project and it \\'Ould have ~mpling to play an American to shine throogh, 1n sharp corr given Twiggy ~ chance to sing ~ unJess it's an American girl trast to the heavy eye make-and dance again." ~ing an English accent ' L!J.?.. and lashes she wore as a And no! too soon either. At ~.! ·"The only one who's ~ally mciclel. the rate she is gaining weight +,.;...------''---------'--'-------------1 her days as a musical star are numbered. ADVENTURE AND BEAUTY • 'Streetcar' Rolls On By WlUJAM GWVER ' NEW YORK (AP) -For tis last burrah the Lincoln Center Repeotory C.Ompany d o e • itseU proud with oovel, 11>- trigulng dash, In "A Streetcar Named Desire." The intense internal drama has been surrolillded in the production which o p e n e d last week with an agitative accompaniment of sound aod external action that spills over into the usually hid· den wing~ and backstage ex- panses or the Beaumont Theater. ' It is as though the troupe had determined to s a y farewell with defiant, swee~ ing totality. After eight years of finan- cial struggle, announcement came weeks ago, the resident enterprise is to be replaced next season with a branch of Joseph Papp's multi-purpose Shakespeare 1organiiation. Featival doom ol BllllCbe DuBois.. IN CREATING this offbeat" concept, Director Ellis Rabb Orsi risks distortion of tho emotional nuances of the famous opus that Tennessee Williams wrote 25 years ago. It begins like an excerpt from ''Porgy and Bess," as a con· geries of vendors a n d passersby rotates about a romantically skeletized cen- tral setting. Then, with almost cinematic illusion, events focus down in- to this New Orleans dead end for the familiar metaphor of brutality's triumph over romantic vulnerability:. Like a symphonic coun- terpoint, Rabb iterates more improvisational interludes to separate and stress t h e dramatic development. The device attains its eerie acme in the ultimate scene as a sta· tue-stiff chorus wilnesses the .'FOft THAT oll·plYOtal role, the produotlon happily bu Rooemary Harris, a dellani wral\b al ~ !>o.,O. ·Jamee ~mw:dy S.l.a.n.l'e.1 .KoWillski Is 1 ... · convinCIDJ though sufficient to t b e rhythm ol the lnterprelallon. Phlllp Bosco l'OW!ds off bis long slinf With tho company with one more fine perfor!n- ance as the bo<belor buday who almost salvages Blanche and Patricia CmoJly is: a wile Stella of more cerebral than earthy appeal. Douglas W. Schmidt -earns cheers for that cotnposite set· ting which even lncludes a magical atmospheric mist, and high commendation goes too to C.thy MacDooald and Gary Harris for the melange of music and telling sound ef.. rects. "A Streetcar Desire" is on a entrancing trip. Na med theatrically 'Su1·prise' Cast for Irvine The Irvine Community Theater has announcOO the cast for its closing production of the 1972-73 season, Fred Ca r michael's freewheeling farce "Surprise," open i n g June 9 for a three-weekend_ engagement. The play centers around an elderly onetime silent movie Bill Cosby Set For Chapman · Comedian Bill Cosby Will give.two performances Thur:;- day at 7:30 and 9:~ ~.m. 1n ~1emorial Hall Aud1tor1um at Chapman College in Orange .. Appearing with Cosby will be folk singer Tim Morgan . actress who opens a resort hotel in Vermont and the com- plications which arise when her magazine writer fri end unfolds one of her plots at lhe innkeeper's ''opening night.'' Joanne Wolcott takes her fifrh ICT role as the hotel pro- prietress, while 0 . D. Calhoun will be seen as the in1aginative \Vriter. John Loughman plays a chiropractor suffering from amnesia who becomes a cen- tral figure in the_comic pro-· ceediiigs, and Lois Farah is '.cast as his suspicious wife. John Phillips and Sorrell Wayne will portray·the laconic ·New England couple who help run the inn. Others in the Irvine cast include Debbie Ensign, Pat Schneider, David Perlman. }·larry Lauter and Larry Eldon. Directing "Surprise" will be IC't resident director Tom Titus, who will be assisted by Sharon Davidson. Chuck Ben· ton will double as stage manag£:r and technical direc- tor. with Barbara Boeze in charge of properties. Performances of "Surprise" 1Yill be given June 9, 15-16. 22· 23 and 29-30 in·the Humanities Hall Playhouse on the UC Irvine campus. Reservations may be obtained by calling 646-3178. C~ogan Film HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Jackie Coogan left his Palm Springs home to play a role in "Wednesday Morning" on location in ?\.fexico in John Wayne's new adventure film . All seats are reserved with tickets at $4 each available by11;;m;:;;,;;;;;;,;;;r;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1r;;;;r;;~;;;;~r~?rw~i phone through the ASB Office, 633-8821 , Ext. 309. U.A, CITY & SOUTH COAST CIN&MAS-T\lESDAY 5k (ALL LADIES & GOLOEN AOEltS OPENING 'TIL 2:1111 ~ • 0 fECHNOJl.~!IPf11.14.VtSIONt1 ~ .i. U~/Marpai;o ComP!l~V f'foe!..r.l ~ " ' ~ '• -· •, .. .. ~- ,. ' , , -; ··. . --: .. ' ' •' -· " • , . ' " . Ji(/o 3459 Via Lido Newport Bench Phone: 673-8350 Eve. Show Start• 7 p.m. Continuous Show Sunday from 2 ""~"""~"-""· ........... l .. 111' JTal10) :zef'Jll'eUJ Hl~!IRSl fllM 'i.INCl "~0 A AAl(T" "BrOTHer sun SISTer Moon· EXCLUSIVE RUN ......... ,.~---" llXO'JIS ... KAIOIDISTEI~ ...,.,. J-·: ~~~J$i ' OJJ11.,111..,,.. go -" fW£H1'E'tl cnt!IMl'--J U LIE ANDREWS CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER • l'llFOllMANCI SCHEDULI e MONDAY thru FRIDAY • 7:00 & ld:oo P.M. SATURDAY -SUNDAY · HOLIDAYS 1-4-7-10 PECW. WEDNESDAY MATINEE -2:00 P.M. 2 F1mn., Tre.11,1 "8ROTH1!!1t OF TH1!! WINO" "VANISHING WILDERNESS" ••th \n·Co)Orl !PO) j M1ttlltll-C. 8um1tl PETE 'N' TILLIE" Clint e1,rwooe1 "JOE K'.100" oth In COior (PG) ' ' ... ···' "STARTS TONIGHT", IN BLAZING COLOR t ON THE 810 SCREEN I SOOTH COAST PLAZA THEATRE S1n Dlf90 F"wy, 11 8rhtol SI., Cosll MtM, Ph. 546-27'11 SEAL BEACH BAY THEATRE M1ln SI., 11 P1clflc CO!ll Hwy., Pit. 431-'SSl Si»e:. E1191gtment -Admls.ion Sl.so -7:JO 1nc1 t:lO p.rn. EDWARDS INEMA VIEJO \All OllGO JWV Al LA Pt.I 1'\INllOn 6 lO ,,f,~90 ... ,. 5 H,s>Ji~~G EDWARDS THEATRES 2nd OP C 5SIC Style, Class, Grace. MACGtf_ SMITH 'Travels With my Aunt' !!!!•----.... _ - \ • ~·····~ EDWARDS 1 l\f\I\! f\TfR HA~llOR Al A DA~S • 0\TA '-~E 5A • 919.&1 41 LASr Wiik • INDS tulS, t~, ~~ ,.,.u,.~lt'\,. • ., ... : .......... ., '·"' "Pete'n'Tillie" ·-...... ,,.....,&.....-~ ...... . A\!Olotllll,...'-'i •htao.t•"'-· l!21 PIUS · RY~ O'HEAL JM:QUEllHE BISSET "THI THIEF WHO CAMI TO DINNER" (M) ... ~· ..... EDWARDS (.!\f\I\< f\ffR 1-111.11eo~ /!, 1 t.or.'-A'. 0 TA M['A • 919 "1 1.t l HELD QVER_. --DAI LY PILOT jf ' P.w>llAll l'ICIVlllll LmlL'ATID."1. p-. . LAURENCE. MICHAEL · OLMER CAIN · Also This Suspence Thriller CLINT EASTWOOD (R) "PLAY MISTY FOR ME" CONT. SAT. .... ' 1 'M llltd NEWl'ORT 541·1552 WID., 1 p.m. lludwig. He 10\'led v.oo1el1. He 10\'led men. He lived as controversrany as he ruled. But he did not care what the world thoughL He was the world. From Luchino V'1Sconti,the director of "The Damned" and"Death In Venic~ OnCe again your eyes will be opened. EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT SHOWING NOW! Nearly Everyone Listens to Landers ! ~ ~ ' PA.NAV'lSIC'Nt ! 1ni'i1 CHARLTON HESTON l ~ EOWARD G. R08lN60N STAISt Gary Grimes Jercy Houser Oliver Conant e 2nd TOP ATIRACTION e Clas ofl14 • I I • 11 I I ,, " I ' I I . I '1 I l l I I i • • • • . . - Wednesday's Oosing Prices:.complete New York Stock Exchange List Dow Jones Jumps As Action Expected NEW YORK (AP) -Anticlpatio~ positive ac- tion by President Nixon to stem ~g inllation1 st0<k market prices rockelOd li!lller WOOnesilay. ' But analysts warned of a quick retreat if a pre!iidential announcement did not meet expecta. Lions. • ' • • • , SC DAI.LY Pit.OT . ~ ~ • .., " .. a:i:r-....... J . • • • --• DAILY PILOT ~~ ...... ~~~~~~-~· ' Wo!n..d11, Moy ?, 1'173 BRAND N·EW 1973 . MUSTANG . 2 DR. SPORTSROOF $ • • • • e PINTOS eMAYERICKS BRAND NEW 1:-973 GRAND TORINO 2 DR. HARDTOP '$ ,. 302CIO 2 Y V-1, Crvi ... ,..t9r ,..,r, I '*'il!lf & frt. elite btakti, WW. •val WSW tirtt, ra101, •tr. j3f0lf114l14) 1376 PER MONTH Cn1i .. , WSW tirts, poWIM' .,..,;..,. & frt. dbc bN1ka1,. ntdia.-tintN 9lau, a ir, cofld., vi1IWllty """ whMI '"""''-{U30f19t1S2) tt2 $99 TOTAL DOWN IAYMlNJ, O.A.C. S" 1, ht•I M ,y ... St5.07 i1 tttol ""' ,,...., i11el, '-•• 7l lk-..i .a '"-<• cMrpt • ~· o•oilt "'q ..._ DrflnM ,.,...,., ,..;., MM2.l6 ;.,.1, 911 fiN-ci..,... lit.ut, 7l lic9iiM w 11 JW,,.,., M ,.y -ti, fvll celoil ,..a It; ms .. os iML Miu tao, ·111tt-. AHNUAl PUCtHTAGt un 12.~ HARDTOP I THAT'S Rl~HT FOLKS ••• $99 . OVER FACTORY INVOICE•PLUS . $90 D£AUI PREPARAJION, FACTORY IETENTION·fEE, SAUS TAX AND LICENSE. THE fOLLOWING CARS APPLY ONLY: e PINTOS $99 TOTAL DOWN PAYMIHT O.A.C. SH i1 totol M. ,.,.,.,, 1104.tl isW_,,_, ilwl te-. 'n ._&~ .................. tNll! lw41 .... Deh1re4 rY""· price S~IU.M IMI • .an-n.r,., u.s, 7l 1'-w w If )W '"4w .. ,_,..ii, Ml-" prlc. k SJ•1•.1• incl.,..,,'-•· '7J 1k .. 1e.~ POCDffiGI un 11JK. 1.. • COUNTRY .SQUIRE -.-- 351 CID 2 V V-1, oit co.d., f'lllfi9, c~itrM• 9ro1o1p, WSW tlr.1, th1t1d gla11, whe1I cov•r1. (3J62KIS406S) '99 TOTAL DOWN PER MONTH . ·e M 4 YERICKS 400 CID 2V Y·I, hwty cfuty ws- pen1iol'I, air cond., litht f">llfl• ,on.,•ni1nc1 group, .,.dial WSW tir11, lllflClte rock, tlntM 9lau, ~. (3J765169122) 1019 $99 TOTAL ~WN PER ONT tAYMIHT O.A.C. 1968 CADILLAC CPE. Df VILLE 2 Dr. H1rdtop. Auto. tr1nt., ftc· tory eir, fuU power, pow1r ••••r· ln9, pow1r disc br1k11, power win.clow1, pow1r 111t1, redio, h11ter, wt.it• wall tires, vinyl roof, tint.d 9111, wh11I coven, ll1ck with While 'liny l roof. l11th1r, int1rior, c!11n. IVCJ. 791 ) 1969 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL % Or. H•rdfop. Au t o,m t t-·i c tr•n1 .. f•clory t ir, full power, power 1tterin9, p ow t r diic -bf1lre1, power windoWt, pow•• 1t•f1, reOio, ht,ltr, whilt wall tires, vinyl roof, tinttd 9!e11, , whee.I cover1, low 1'11il11, e:o:tr t ~leen . Be1utiful dttk 9r•tn. I YES I Oi l $ 1969 CHEV. CUSTOM Carryall $ VI, •ufo. tr•n1., f1 ctory •ir, power 1!etrin9, rtdio, he1t1r, Good mil•1! Cl11n! IYEPtlOI 1970 CHEV. EL CAMINO Deluxe VI, auto. frt111., powtr 1ftt ring, power disc brtkt1, rtdio, htotttr, ¥inv l roof, tint1d glan, wheel . 111254El • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1967 T·BIRD LAMDAU Auto tr•nJ,. f•ctory •ir, fu ll powtr, pow•r 1tt•r· in9, powtr di1c b,..••1, powtr window1, power tt•h, r•dlo, he4ter, whift w•lls, vinyl toof, tinted 9l•1•, wh•el covers. loo•• 1htrp, run• 9ood. S•vt. fZVK -4701 $999 1971 P~NTO -4 1pttd, '~":Ho, h•eler. 9,,. lo Basic1. ~I ''onomv ctr .. (8488Zll 1968 CAMARO DELUXE ·' Cp:. VI, -4 1pttd, power 1f11rin9, radio, httltr,'$,1 l 9" •9 whitt wall tir11, tinltd gl•n, whtel covtrt, A'' ' • retl cream puff. (VZT129 ) • 1970 MAVERICK Cpe. 6 cvL. •utom•tic lr•n1 .. pow•r 1te•ring;·$1 redio, hetftr, -whittwt.'I tir•1, tinted 91111, whttl cover1, met•lic grttn w/dtluwt trierior, cle•n.' l961BQNJ 599 1969 MUSTANG MACH I Sporh roof. V8, 4 1petO, pow•r 1t;1rin9, ttdio, $18 ·9 9 he•f1r, whitawall t ir11, Regal Red, wi~ yellow -'POrh stripe. Extra clt•n. l l5%Al _ • I ,AYMINT O.A.C. '"° b ....i .. ,,_,. i 1i2.21 ii *-,,..... i.:L ta.. '7l lir-& 1111 ,._. ...... ,. • ..i. crMit 1w &1,..,, ! Dille,..,,,,.,~ iloU. 9'I ~c"-fH,. 1u-. '1i !K.M.• lly. Pl*" "1 .... f;ltllllll ~ 11$#1W ii111. •' ~-. nlk-.ANNIW.'-"*'Mtl•n 117"" Reet1id1, " 1petd, power 1teer· ing, r1dio, fieeter, k11vy d11ty fir11, 8' bed, IJlfft good cond. l6~1t7JI 1972· LTD . <t DOOR .HARDTOP. VI, tulo. m.itic trans., 'f•ctory tlr, power 1fttrin9, 'power di~c br1•1H, powtr ~i.,ndO"tt, r.•dio,"'l h••ler, 'w)it't w•ll tirt1, rinyf r~f. fin•· ed ql•11, whter cOver1, t ccl!nf 1tript, light 9old w!Hi w~itt vinvl roOf. Good 'milts.. 1009: EIC I ' . . . ,,, .. . • •-. ·. ' ' .. J• . ·1970 TORINO .· SPORTS lo0F1 2 Or. Herdto~. VI, ·,ufo . fr1n1., f1ctory ,;,, powar ritering. rt · dio, httl~r. while wall1, tinted 91•11. low milt1, 1h•rpl 1800- IQE I . : .J· $1 1970 FORD GALAXY 500 VI, automtfic tr1ns,, power 1t.trln9, power di1e brtke1, r•'dio, hett.r, white walh, vinyl roof, tinted 9la11, whtel co"''''· 22,919 miles.' l•ltnc:e of f•c:• tory warr•nty. Sh1r~6lC~I ' .... FORD , I I ' • ' • I . l \ i j ' l • I -I -' 1) '1 . ' I I. I I , I 7 .. ' \ \ . . ' j \ • 1 I . 7 ' I I '· _ ....... ., ........... -• ;<t.. • • -• • • • ·-· N.Y. Steeb . .. ' . ' ' lim:yi-e parking Study Cites Likely Loss · ,.,.. '" I ' ' • ·nna Y~'•G~-J ·Data · Proces·sing Systeln to .~ Stay -. fees, and consultant..• charges wm peg. ged at $ltl,000 with cost of metering the spaces another $19,000. Grou revenue was placed at about $190 per space per year for an annual iocome of 1611,310. Costs meanwbll• woro peaed at .-$12,!00 with annual DIOl1gqe payments of abOut $'18,llOO.- Tbe consultant.. reoommended that if the $25,000 lllllllll klOS -it im-~blt for the city IO undertake the pniject, I,aguna <OUld consider cutting .... _ TO "'TIF't-¥artba .Mltcbell has been summoned to tell ·wtm she knows .about the w .. tergate ind.dent. Subpoenaed Over (-. -W ~r:gg.~ Role - 33 spaces olf t,11e· ground level porting area and creaillll a -1 area that could be - "1-payments would -likely make a llilnJAcant contribuUoo IO proj- ect cash dOwa. Salet taxes on· the proj- ect mllbl allO be aJlocolecl to -.ring dobl ..mce," tbe nport uld. "F\nally1 a comJllirdaJ uae IUCb u a movie dlealer « -.nt would generate nlaht lime demand for pelting and ~ impri>vf the CHh now Candidate For -School Board rnemben discuued the new devel~ in esecutl.. ( 1 e c re t) .. ss1on followliog the )>oord meeting, but took no aclloo in nsming the new ~I. Thomu toJd . reportero that a flJl\11 declBiOn would be filrtbcomlnl no later lban..May IS, ~ au-led a_ apeclal meetlilg-mlght be caDecf IOle11 !Or 'Ille hiring .. --said the candidate asked." blJ name 'be· witbdr;awn fl)iln furtbe< ..0. slderollon during a t<lepbane oon- veriatloo Monday night Tbe move cancelled a planned trip by the board IO Monterey IO revlew·perooo•1 ,wlth whom the candldat< 6ad -In the put. That trip bad been acbeduled !or !Oday. Following tbe meeting, 1' r u's tee Nonnan Browne said be agreed with Themas that ~ candidat< may become theC!iStrict'1 Mii superin- tendent. Both Thomas and Browne noted that both .top finalists ranked well above the other 10 candldatea interviewed by the board from a field' of llli educatora who applied !or the·poalllon. '!he job _.tng waa ldftrtlled tilrough- out the wmem UDited Statea by t h e aehool dlslrlct. ·'!he lilvertlaemmt Ualed the mlnimam ..._,, u •ae,Oillt per year and required &llPtoO!s7iO bold an ad- mlnlstraUn credealtal, aper!ence in both ~ Ind, &lance and = In -ma with -~~ ceotnl dllU1Ct llafl. Jordanian Heir V aeationing; Other VIPs Present? ' ' • •• ' • ' I Jlfled·~·qent aald W. mo .. UW· • Be-~-operating from a groUlld floor room wltlr a pldUro - view .,.,.. !lie law11Je1ding to the 11!11af. Empioyeo of the botel aaJd Haaaan and blJ falnly ban been ,... about the grouadl !or IOVeral days -· Ooe emplqye, wi.i aaktd not IO be ld<n- tlflld "becaUll tbe)i iOld ua It win be our Jobi U ·We ioy a~." uld he, too; bad belrd lhot talbuve Mulha Mll<:h-11, wife ol tom>er ottnmey _., John Mltcbell who 114• been llMod directly< to tmolve-1 In the Waletgat< -· .. also ........ "Bui DObodJ'• aeen bor," be aald. Llkewllt, u.i la no b!ICatlOn cl any (Sea IWJ8AN, Pap I) • • I -. l • • • signlficanUy," ii concluded. Tbe roporta suggested that ill<ll'OUe8 in the clty revenue IO JllY the $15,000 operatll>J loos also coold come from hikes in hotel room tu.. and special bullneu license tuee. Tbe ll>amber of Omun!!rce and other buslneu orpnhallollll h .. e -very vocal In demandin( park l n g lm-provemmt.. Thie n~rt. by Puting RelearCh ~lei, also asseued the manner in Laguna Banker . . . Jack Stanirland I " Q :.._.! .8,1...:tell . . ~v..ices: -m u ~ , ' . . . ~-rvices flrJ-*'Slauland of ~·.Bo.ch. ~ of• Fvlt.h La8l!ft0cam a Bellflower _.r,wm:be beld at'% p:m. Thunday' at• Wblto Funeral Home in Bellflower, ' Mr. stanaland died :-y ·at· South Coast Community llaopkal •aflrs'-an ill· ness. A resident of Laiuna Bead! !or five years, Mr. ~land-was a member of the execuUve boards of the Boy Scout. or America and the YMCA. He WU a member of both the Elb.and Rotary . Eulogy will be delivered by James A. Hayes, Los Angeles Couoty supervlaor. The Bev. Irvin R. Moline of the Bellfiower Lutheran· <lNrch will of- ficiate. Burial will be in Role Hilla Cemetery. SUrvJvors 'are Ills wile, ~: daughter, Mi,. Gl,!lria' I-· -. Jack, John and ll'!IQmu; ·:¥4' •etc!>\ grandchildren. Mr. si-Lmct de\'e!Clped reoia..tial and commerdal \1ropertJea In llOUllowtr. Downey, Joobua u well u tn Lquna BMch. He wu ._,.,.. o(,the Equitable Savlnp le Loon In lltllllolNr. Whit< Funeral Home It loclto\I at 990:! Flower st. in Bellflower. Developer Cited For 'Complying' With Coast Unit ' Tbe ~-a a!J-unlt 1p1rtm<nt buildll>J In -"lhould be memor!Obted" or hlo efforts IO '001711>1Y with Prop. :IO, a deputy atale allomey ,.......i ... aald. Jel!N!y Freedman, ttomey ,...ra1·1 repreoenttUve to the South Coast Regiooal ZOiio Coo,.rv1tlon Commlaololl, made tbe Clll!U'MDI In I light IODe tlJlJ ..eet.- l!Ut lhe commtplon created liY Prq>. 20 Jut Novemb<r lndlcated It ep- ·proetated actloos by Pe!<r lleBaim, a lla!bo& lalaod resident who la Wldlnc a U.-....JorY·apa::tment pro,Xct a\'llo am Drive In !Jqima BeaCb: • DeBOUn applled "" • -rfabl ... tmjlllon from coul8I pmntt ~ (Ste DEVELOPlll, Pip I) ' ' which the cify might set ~P le&al and financial machinery to acquire the park· ing facility .• Allhough not reoommending a specific path for the city to lab, the N!pcll't pointed to a 1949 state Jaw allowing cities to establlsh a parking a9thority, an in- dependent agency of lhe city. wlllell : would become the legal owner ol the slMJcturt. • • The city would lf\en fea&e tM stlucture 1 from lhe authority on a break even basis. Represents Americans-, • Texan ·Says- HOUSTON (UPI) -John B. Clamlal~. 66, the cooservaUve former Ttxu aov· emor and Treawry !eCN!laiy and a llfe- loag Democrat, !Oday awttched IO the Republican ~Y "IO help It meet Ille needa and upirallmle ol all Amtrlcans.'' OOnnally, wbo ~ a JOar qo after I& mootha aa lhe Cll\IY l>elllllCral' In Nix· .... clbintt, did llJll 'Ill • ~ 1'111\ '"!l~ee4tlfJ'& ;;;'W'.fJk!# ti:; '~..-]'":=.-..... Ill. #l .... : ... BMtlle .... il!ICo. "I ~·It eaa lllit Ii:W!fl!t Ille czi\ d:i ~~~"C·:;:. ' ' OndaU,11111.:.r;,~ aop; .. 1 t1ew It beat· 1esre12 1ts 1111 own Pl!flOll&f CGOricdon. AccordJncly, I am .. ... mdnr JJJ1 cledaloo io alflllate with the &puhllcan party and make any coo- tributloa toJ~p It -the need& and upiratln <II all Amerlcana;" Coanally 18id. Q>nnally'a mmouncement came at the helgllt of lbe Waterpte caae and follow- ed by just two days Mioo•1 &llDOlince- IMll that be accepted Ibo resljplatlolli'o! aeveral lnllted While !!Ouse·aldos. • Today, ColiiiaJly aald he ..,lleves every "-lean.Jiu aii;obll,pt!iJll IO-take pl!'!, __ in the pollll<al l)'llem and ~ be. will llnUe Iii plo:f a role la lhlt ~ ~~·be .=~~-, .. Ilia own ·. · plinl~· · • ,.. Qmal i ·a1a1emm1..,.. in""-ol a,...,. .,.,.,.,..,. ·at wbfch he ,,...._ fonnally -Ills polJUcal awlldl;. \ll<e i'rea!denl Spiro T. Agnew, ..... may be ii\ t'Dllleblion wlth c.maDr tor the 11'111 Republican preoldenllal -· lion, aald ln WUhlngton: . , "II la with great pleasure· that J will- come Jolm Connally to the RellUblld'la party. He is 1 talented and PEiM #1 man. an eflecttv• and arllculate .,.._ man for tradltlonal Amerlcln - "Mr. Connally'• adion ~ that the Republican Party la tbe·•JIPiuptl- ate ~llllcal "hicle f<r moll ~ the one tbal lies! actOllllllOdMai' llf.I! · hopoa and asplrallona. I -a.t \till Republicans will·· Join me tn · -(See ~ALLY, ,._I) • ' .. ' ~~~·'· ' • ~ . I .. • .. .. ' • • . -. .. :1 i' .. • Break-in . Cove~ l Q . ' • NEW YORK (AP) -Government In- vestigators say they have evidence rank· In'-~ Hooie aid., and oifldalJ ol Prtsldent Nbton' 1 re-<Iection commJttee ~plred to_ devise aa elaborate cover FI NCH WILLING TO RETURN TCLWHIT.E HOUSE_-Pt90 16 story following the Watergate break-in. the New York Times reported today. The ne·Nspaper quoted the unDBrntd In· vestigatora u saying the scheme in- cluded payments to those arrested during Economic Controls • 'Tightening' ::wASmNGTON (UPI) -President fluOll baa decided to toughen rom• »iPocts ol hls wag .. price stablllatlon ~ Administration orficials said today. : .In a further move to combat the worst inOation In a generation, offlciab said Nixon probably would again require big companies to get prior approval for prict!: increases or more than 1.5 percent and raise the possibility of orders to roll back price rises exceedipg Increases in costs. • · Detalli of Ntion•s revtsed economic policy were to 'he 8JUIOWl<ed this af. temoon after be conlerTed wlth top ad- visers Is well as business and uniOn leaders. It appe>red that the President's · meaaures would be les.! nieeping than ' the general freeze or rollback proposals urged by some members or CoogreS!. AdmlniJ!tratlon officlaiB suggested that N1.1on intended in his statement to try to boost confidence in the largely volwitary. Phase rn wage and price controls that have prevalJed for most of t.b.is year. ' Nixon began by meeting for fO minutes with his five ranking economic strategists -Treasury Secretary George P. Shull?, Budget Director Boy L. Ash, Federal Reserve chainnan Arthur F. Bums, Chairman Herbert Stein of the Council of Economic Advlsera and Director John T. •Dunlop of the Coot of Living Council. · Joining the session were Vice President Spiro T. Agnew and Kenneth Cole, who .has been serving temporarily u N~on's , top domestic affairs adviser ttnce the resignation Monday of John D . Ehrflchman. r Also summoned to tbe White Hou.se was the 10.member Labor-Management Advisory Olmmltlee establlsfted to ad- vise the President on the ope.ration of the Phase Ill control syatem. FromP .. e l MARTHA ... resigned as Nixon's campaign manager lWQ. weeks after the June 17 Watergate raid After his wife threatened publicly to leave hlm unless he got out ot the "dirty business" of politics. "Mrs. Mitchell is a very bright and \.'ery articulate woman," Henry B. Rothblatt. an attorney for McCord said today. "We're sure she will be able to give us a lot of information that will help us ." She was quoted by a friend today as saying "I'm just going to tell the truth." Mrs. Mitchell is scheduled to testify behind closed doors . Printed transcripts of v.•hat she says are expected to be available a few days later. ~lrs. h-1itcheU has been outspoken in the pasl in detlaring that she has no in - tention of letting her husband become a scapegoat in the Watergate investigation . •This will be the first time, as far as is known , that Mrs. Mitchell will be giving sworn testimony about the Watergate case. OIANM CO.AST u DAILY PILOT • • I ' • -, .. • '-' ·~ .~ I '..:~ :\ tlll lodlltDt, -8 ol ueculht )lllf<lal ....... , J~b Stuart Magnider Wa!frgat.e a!lall'. ~ ~ ~···Bllderaln -\I)< ne~ 'd _.1t, 8'>18 Jr., . cl._ aad • -of J>Ub,llc ~ ..... ftflle'ldi Cl i.Rue. .litv4!1l&aton. haft bldbled :. ~t: Htir~ L. ~ "9lP!I t>:e~ ol Ute rHlecUoo cominlttee, ,.:-..:=,, t"' ~····~:= "/I. ,....., ...,..nnc In today'• New t._.e Involved In. Iba ttiiiti1D4l'i .•71f'ii illlit, 1'bo pvt ..,.._..,. io G. Gardoa U114t, II . R. Blldeman Uld Jolio D. )' ... 1liioi ~ thll t oofpN _.tedly Bed lo federal In-\Va~-y'Keuneth Olle of 111* COJivlcltd Ill !be bogg10g, £hrlldmlan, M>o "4l&nMJ .....,, lllld • ll. II, H-n. Jolla -~ -••• proNCUton, Olher White W. Pir~ ~ 'liy u.! ~ w.,.p.e only key official wtK> 1ppt11tntly former-Ally. Gen • .Jolla-II. ·Mlldldl • •Jollo.DemLllllL._.., lo obatntd -.offldala aad flnolly to Nixon cd...l.tttee t<bortl7 ~ \ht JWJO 17 chose not to portlclpa~tbe cover-up, headed the CommlUee r .. the ~ Ju111eo ia Ille Wateraate case b ab;Qlufi. litiiiidl;'tbe Tljn<! !!Ory-reported. bcw·in. causing his '"ptriors ilter aome ol lhe Pres1denr-11Hho'11mt;fllr'l'lma~~1hoot f..,...I "°'' ~ <llbu...P.mQP.11 Jl~_ill' The addlti...t d•ta"I OC Ute'agreed-u atory. • said. Mltcboll aald In a statement today. =· ed lb the <»vtNIP· and tro under In-lii9erted payolli, neWSPoP°',....""·-''Si~ "lllade ·1t1credl efforts-to get Also involved, the newspaper said Ii 'Illa 'llfues said that according ·to ve gadon-1>y the grand jUry, lb• Tim.. were collectecl bY erllert W. l<almbach worg lo the PrtSldent or ebody about Jearhed from federal investigators. wert IOltf't'el cloSft lo the case, all sl" w-e eJ· ·q ted llOW'ces 1a.s aaytng. Of · Newport IJtad!, Nlxon's personal wb&L-be knew was wrong,£ • source was John w_ Dean, the Jlf"'ldentlal CMllUd ~ lo ~ indl<1ed by tbe ' federal • n-named w•re Dwight L. chapln, lawyer wllo al,!o-..,..ed 1.1 a chief cam-quote<! a1 saying. "They aU•l"'d him to fired this week, and former White House criDd joJy beorina tesumnny on the Ille Pr..Jdent•s fllrmer . a~\J palgn money go beck to Ute~ 1• 'I' Balloon Girl , In March, about I ,900 Huntington Beach youngsters launched helium- filled balloons from Westmont School in the city's annual "Balloons to the Moon'' contest. Debbie Schmidt, 7, has won the contest because her balloon traveled the farthest. The postcard attached to her bal· loon was \returned recently from Creston, Iowa, about 1,374 miles from Huntington Beach. Her balloon traveled about 400 miles farther than any other reCorded in the three years of the contest. Her prize includes $5,aqd some new balloons. ·Builders Bring Further Grip es On Open Space By JAN WORTf. Of "'• Deity PUtt llltf The Sectlnd of three public hearings before the county planning commission Tuesday on the proposed open space and conservation elements or the general plan brought further cumplaints from builders and property owners that their rights were being overlooked. Environmentalisls , who have praised the open space pro))O.!als from the begin- ning of the hearings, made few com- ments other than expressing continuing support. James Dilley, president of the Laguna Greenbelt group, said he wished builders would "try to think In terms of the public 8~esentalives or landowners in the Chino Hills area, spokesmen for the Bullding Industry Association, and several private citizens spoke. They echoed earlier statements that lhe proposals aro illegal, vague, in con- flict with the existing zoning code, burdensome. and conceived with an in· adequate analys is of the costs involved. Most groups involved were reserving comments on the total plan until they could peruse the voluminous cost~benefit analysis or the open space proposals which was released in ,preliminary fonn Tuesday . The 335-page documenl, prepared by Williams. Kuebel~k ~ Associates of Newport Beach. will be dissected Jn a hearing before the commlssion Tuesday and in al least one evening study session open 10 the public. The rep()rt concluded that the costs or implementing tile open space -proposals over lhe ne:<t 50 years would be "very positively" of(set by the benefits. A tot.al of $9~1 million was estimated as the w.it of acquiring and implementing open space through the year 20'ZO. Mexican Lunch Set' By Dana Students Dana Hills High School 's new drill team will SpC>nSOr s special Mexh::an-- scyle lunch Sunday In an errort to raise funds for unlfonns . The event will he held from noon to 5 p.m. In the San JUBn Elementary School auditorium in San Juan CApistrano and wtll ol1er enebllndas, clllle N!lleno!, bean!, rice and bemares for '1~. Tltlteta will ~ available at the door or ~ be purdlased at tile Dana Hills cam· po1 trom any dnll !Mm member. From Page l CONSUMER. •• left tum lanes at Thalia and Cress streets. -Conside ration or the plarming com· mission recommendations for realign- ment of Glcnneyre near Calliope Street. -A status report on progress or federal grants for purchase of the Jahraus lumber yard annex adjacent to city hall as the site of a parking struc· lure. -Requests for specific regulations on cat control to include licensing. -Complaints from Arch Beach Heights regarding contractor actions in con- struction o( the se~·er lines ordered in assessment district 69-J, Frona Page J DEVELOPER • • 10 lhe commission but he didn't even have to do that. He received a building permlt from Laguna Beach April 19, 1972 and com- pleted his building Oct 1s, 197'!. Both those dates are De.Io re the Nov. 8 effective dale of the oew law. Originally, the law read that the ef- fective date could be April 1, 1972 , but that was since changed. Freedman told the commissioners Monday they could refuse to hear DeBaun's case because it wasn't in their jurisdiction any longer. They removed it from the agenda, but Commi~loner Carmen Warschaw said she wanted to ''compliment the applicant for trying lo comply "'ith the law -I wish all other 1dcvelopers) would." , She asked that !he recognition of his compliance be Included in the motlon to remove It from the agenda so DeBaun "can rrame It." Laguna Schools Will Seek Funds A request for 11 .900 in fed.rat grant funds to upgrade school library resources at six Laguna Beach schools wns ap. proved Tuesday night by the Bonrd or Education . The appllcat ion Is broken down Into l960 for Aliso Elementary School, El Morro Elementary School, Top of the World Element~ry School and Thurston lntermedlalo School; 1744 for LaguM Beach Rlgh School ~and 1111,! for St. ~,lh<rlne of Siena a n d St. Nlcholas ocnools. tn requesting the lllnding, IChool of· ficlals noted t!lat the numbtr o! .......,..,, vary trom school to 3ChooJ1 and that equalWltion ls need•d. ' Jl'ro• P.,.e J HASSAN ... Po\ver n·~te lJp Japanese delegation withln the hotel. A man who sources said ls attached to the Jordanian embassy working security for Hassan claimed biJ omnlpreseoce in the parking fol above the villas bad nothing to do with any prfn<e or princess. Ediso n Hik e OK'd; Oil Cited . "I'm a Lebanese, you want to see my passport?" ls the only tblng he would say to newsmen. Iios ANGELES (AP) -The California Public Utilities Commis- sion :said today it authotizj!d Southern C?lilornia Edison to Increase rates $61.2 million a year, effective May !', to offset the higher cost <i_f fuel. Bills for the average residential usage of 300 kilowatt-hours a month will go up 35.7 rents, the commssion ~aid. The main cause of the increase is a 17-cent rise in the cost of oil. Tbls account.. for $35 million of the boost, the PUC said. However, other sources said the prince and princess have been seen in 30 areas of the hotel just like any other tourist. ''The princess and the children are around quite a bit but they've always got two Secret Service men and -a Secret Service woman with them,'' one employe said. Other factors are a reduction in the availability of gas, which necessitates use of bigber price fuels, and environmental controls .for air quality, which require the company to use more fuel, the PUC said. The vote for the rate increase was 4-1, with commissioner J. P. Vukaslo Jr. opposing. " Th.is would be the second stay at the Newporter for Hassan, who vacationed here last year. The 1972 trip was highlighted by the prince's catch of a huge marlin. 4 .Students Held ' Avco Okay Eases Capo's Junior. High Prob'lems In School Theft Approv~ this week of a housing tract by county planning commissioners eased · Four Thurston Intermediate Schoo)-~ the problei:n ~f housing .of JUDior ~gh students were arrested Tuesday by school p~pil~ 1n the C~p1stra~o Unified Laguna Beach police invesUgatlng -the School D1stnct. _ burglary of the school cafeteria in which The okay of the tract submitted by about $30 worth or snacks, candy, and Avco Community Developers now means food was 'taken. that the district will begin plarming for a Two of the students also have been new school on a half-million-dollar site linked by Orange County Shetiff's donated last year by the development deputies to a burglary of Aliso School, finn along the '11dopted alignment of and two commercial burglaries in South Cllaparosa Drive in Laguna Nigt¥1. Laguna, Al~ Jimenez, Laguna Beach The meeting Monday of the com- detective, said. mission was attended by CUSD T~tee Jimenez said he had talked with President Bob Hurst who asked f! a parents of two of the 14-ye&Mld youths swift action by the county officia · to involved only in lbe 'I'hurltM burglary resolve a disputel between Avco .an a and did not )>eliete formal charges would San Diego development flrm. be filed. Further action may be taken by The San Diego developer had plans lo the Sheriff's . Department on the other build next door to Avco'a project, but the youths, he sa1d. allgmnent of a major county highway to Quints Improve; Tiniest Breathes PORTLAND, Ore. (UPl) -Qulnluplets born to a woman who took fertility drugs are improving in their hospital en- vironment. • Pediatricians said that D t a n e Anderson, the smallest and frailest child, was able to breathe on her own after having been placed in a re~pirator during the weekend . ......._ The other four children born Thursday to Mrs. Erle Anderson, 28, Brush Prairie, Wash., were ready to be taken off ln- trave~us feeding and placed on fonnula, a hospital spokesman said. serve boll\. tracts was the subJ tq of dispute. Tbe roule now bas beeo '""'1•· ed "" \¥bile Ute 'developers ballle<f o~er alignment, neltbe"r tract coWd be ap- proved at the county level. That placed the district plans for a junior-tugh slle in limbo. Two weeks ago Hurst bad won con- currence from fellow trustees for a resolutiOn asking that Fifth District Supervisor Ronald Caspers intervene in the dl:ipute. • Hurst declared at that time that the issue was causing a critical h~lt in plan· ning for the ooostruction of a junior high campus in Laguna Niguel. 'The housing or intermediate pupils is the most serious issue facing the district at present. Trustl!ls Monday will formally bear the news of the broken deadlock' over the road alignment. Joseph Wimer, the district's" director of adminJstrative services. said that work has begun on the revision of existing drawings for a junior high and tbose - plans might be ready ror the board in time for Monday's lJeSSion. The county approval also allows Avco to ~gin grading the site -a function which could not take place during the road alignment dispute. The site is o 26-acre parcel which can hold a S<hool plant serv!Jlg 1,000 pupils. But interim problems of pupil housing will still plague the distrlc\ even ~h the work seems certain to start m Niguel. At Marco Forster JlD'.li.or Hlgb School, staggered session.! and the addition of more portable cla.srooina will be brought into play next school year in'an effort to stave off double sessions. J 11 . :h. j .1! •• · t\'l:OM P ... e l .CONN°ALLY ..• 'Mr. Connally aboard." Only three months ago, Connally,aaid oo national television that if be did switch from the Democratic to the Re- puliilcan party, Ute change would not mean be would seek the White House in l!rnl . "H I do switch, it's not going to be on the beais of seeking the presldenltal nomi- nation,'' Connally said Feb. 2. "It is based on which party I can be most comfortable in." Connally served 18 mon ths as Nixon's Treasury secretary and Wall one of the President's closest ad.virers during that time. \ • 538 CENTER STREET-COS A MESA.-oitio-CIMO SUNDAY Tennis Dresses ladies Temis Shoes 7.95. 9.50 · 14.95. 16.95 Tennis Rackets 4.95 to 58.00 Dunlop • Wilson • Penn Tennis Balls Tennis Warm Ups Tennis Strlngil!l Tennis Hats & Visors >..., .......... u,, ........................ .. Duck Feet Fins Masks • Snartles • Kik Boards Laguna Swill Trunks seio Swim Trunks & Suits Skateboards · Wbeels & T~s Frisbees & Boameran&s 5"'e Sbtas . Cllillhns Sklewall Back Packs , Slee;nr Bags Darts & , Dirt Boards OPEN 9 TO ~ SllllAYS Backboards BaSketballs • Goals Baseball Shoes • Bats ' Mitts • Gloves • Undershirts Volleyballs · Rubber & Leather -Softballs YolleybaH Nets Racquet Ball Racquets Pa~le T ennls Paddles 1 HandbaQ Gloves & BaHs . . ' Ping Pong Paddles & Sets · Raleigh Bikes • 10 Speeds -5 Speeds 3Speeds ·1 Speed Parts • rns · Tulles .- 538 COOf.R-s4&-1919 '1 · ' - • , II I ' ' I , I I I ) J \ \ I i I I ' • • voc 66, f'IO, : 7 SIOTIONS, I 0( PA6£5 - -• .,,,. • --... 1 'WEDNESDAY, MAY l2, 9n -= ~ 1 , ..; I . -I Today's. ftiil --N.Y. Stee -• • .. " TEN C&(T..S ' Jet CircUlar Takeoff Pan May Be Shot Down ' . . . B1 JOHN z.ui.ER ' pmduce any dramatlc nolae uvlnp. Newport B<ach. °' ., . ..., -'"" "It bas a lot of l\ilnjl goljlg' against It," Tho turn would 8"° divert jela In tbe '!be ~ cireular takeoll pattern 'be said, "althoogl/ wo·hevei't yet Jlnlsb. • cllreclloo of Irvine, but GriUin 81181Uted r ... jela leaving Drane• County Airport ed our lludlet." that u jets COOlinued tuminl sbarply to ' probobq will be rejected by the airport 'l'be Idea !0< the circular takeoff pl~ the lell, Ibey could make a lull circle 1141!, county Director of AviaUoo Robert tern was advanced flve weeks ago by that would keep them away !run lllOlt Brsiahart 111d Tuosday. Charles Grilfui, a Newport ll<ach populous sectilms of lrviDe. Bnmahan aald the novel takeoff p1t'. bomoowuer. :. Althol\lb Griffin's proposal met wide ~ li•ot>Ji9aed bylhe Federal Avlllljlm -llf'llllil<sted that )4!il1eavlng Drill&• Initial criticism, Bmn•h• remalned I Admlliltt1atlolt(YM) for ulety HOSOlll, -OJunty·Ajrport '"""" aftard left tum in>-oeutra~ saying be needed a complek .oil Ill! ~ ~ notae 1111iylis\ID-' tely alter lifloll whlcll would aim stµey be!0<0 be would COlllDl<llt on the I . --~.~ "'ttenr pnmbly "WOJ•ldn' .;:t~awaY,fromnotse·~e>"'BS or plan. . . . . i • _, . . " -- Bu't 'l\lesday Bretn1ban said in an In- terview that hll lnvestlgation was turning up Utile merit lo. the plan. "It mlil!t help oome. peqole down on Balboa Jil\oad lo hive tlie 'jets By over Irvine,'' Bresnahan said. "But it sure WGUldn't help the people or Irvine.'' Bmnahln said lhat a preliminary notae lluct, llldicated-lile ·~ potteni "inlr!it ..... mCl'e total noise flJI' mono people'." Bui be stmsed thal thb ..... clusloo Wa& only prelimlllary, ''Our i.oiee 1tudy ts contlnulnf ao that we CID be sure there really WOll'I be any overall 8'_VU\gs," he said. .. BfMneban aakl hie invfJIUfation into safety upocts of Ibo plan )ll'Oduced more deflDlte conclusions. "Tho FM reoctlon bas aD been ad- vene," be !Wd. "They say that Oying a cin:ullr pilltern -conflict with too man,y fillbl p1tt~ In the ares." Bresnaban said establl.!hed patterns as rar away as .Los An&elea International Airport could be dhropkd. Cloaer to home, Mar ine jets· and heUcopter filght~ "couJd come pretty close to commercial jets," and light airplane trarrJc around the alrpori could be je)lOl'dlud, be tdded . "In gf'ntral, there are just • lot or con- flict.a," he said. Bresnahan said lhal if there ~·ere a large noise reduction from the proposed circular pattern, 0 we might try to sit down and reaUy look ror a solution to tSee TAKEOFF, PT ZI Connally •• .. • ... ...; ~ #~ RepubliCall'~ a Siwnt on ~rospect,s for 1976 .................. MJS$10N VIEJO HIGH PREPARES FOR CINCO DE r.\A YO From~oft Carol Shulmlstr11, Shorry:Gr1hlm, Ma rah1 Mann I HOUSTON (UPI) -John B. Coonally, Sfi, the cmservative fornier Texas eov- emcr ODii Treasury secretary and a life- long llemocra~ today awltebed lo the ll<publlean perty ''to belp It meet the needs and aspirations ot. all Americans." Connally, who resigned a year ago •fter 18 months-.. lltfi-only Democrlh·brllix- on's cabinet, did oot say be would nm for Pmident to !!IJCCeed Nixon In~ 1976. "I believe that in our time, the Republi- can party best represents the broad views Court . Issues Subpoena to Mrs. Mitchell . ' ,,_wi..eaem- WASlllNGTO!j -Martha Mttcbell, ptte k-.~ Gtneral J6 If, ~tcbolt. haa J-t 11tbpoenMd In lfv• ....... .......,.. 'n!dnday about what ilhe aiowl .-the Wotergak caae, it Was 1eamed. Tho snlipoena was Issued by a federal court In New York In respcme to a re- quest by lawyers for co 11 v t ct e d Wakrgak conspirator James W. McCord Jr. McCord provided bodyguards !or Mn . Mitchell during the early mooth> of President Nixon's rwlectton campaign la.st year and checked ber apartment for possible~• bup. An attorney for McCord said Mrs. Mitchell'• U!lt.lmol!y wnuld be taken In )'{~York II a~llon l!Y lawyers In a liU millloll civil damage lull the Democratic perty It pmslng agalnsl McQ>rd and -.. priocipal5 in the w.teri!ak ..... Mlkhell. one of those being in- vesllpted by the Watergak grand jury, ~ as ·Nixon's ·campaign nianager bV~J. ,...U aJW the Jwie 17 Watergak ram •after his wile lhreakned publicly to leave btm unless he got out of the ''dirty bloslness" qi politics. "Mrs. Mitchell ts a very bright ~nd very articulate woman.'' Henry B. llolhblatt, ID attorney for McCord said today. "We're suni she will be able to give us a lol of information that will belp UI." Sbe was quoted by a friend today as saying "I'm just.going lo kll the truth." Mrs. Mitchell ts scheduled to testily behind clooed doors. Prlnkd transcripts or what she says are expected lo be available a few days later. Mrs. Milcllell bu been nutspoken in the pest In decleriJJ& that she bu DO in- IODUon Qf letl!nc ber bulbond become a scape(Olt In the Watergate lnvestiaailon. ' ·'·-:. ..A. ..A. ..... ~nee Hassan in N"e~ort r ~Qtdal'Ji;q11. .H,eir V acaiioning; Otli er VIPs Present? ~ ,. . ~ . . . ' By fo. PETER ltllJIXl "lhe place It crawling with 'Secret groiind Door room with a picture window . .,, ere,w ,., ... , · · _:u;i aod there is an armored view 8CRl6S the lawn Jeading to the villas. Ctowil Prldce llassan o! Jordall. his . llmaWne outside. Empio)'es of the hotel said H8.'511l and wile and IWO· !mall children aro vaco. "Allybpdy can~ thit," Nigro said. hio famlJf have bem aeeo about the tJalllnti at tlie Newpor1er llm Jn Newport Nigro flatly refUaed lo reveal tbO Iden-llNUods fer several ~· now. Betdl,....,,.. al the botel llld today. tlty or either ol the calelnkd gue.u be One e.mlJloYe, who aaktd not to be ioo... 'Newporlel' all1clalt ~ ~ said were sto)'lnc al the Inn. Be docllned UfW • ._ ... !boy told us It will be our and -W, Dlllhec '*"lnD oor 4lay a•m-1 • .., I ...,..i ~ lbal Job< If ,.. 111 =·" said he, loo, the -oce ol'tbe b ...... of Jonllnlao J~ Elllperor Hnldlo and 'Illa wile 11111 -that llYe Mal1ha Mltd>-KIJW lluliela. are omcJlll tho cueN at tho sprawllnc eDL •Iii.· ol filrmer attomey general 'J'llOY eloll dOclloed com1D01!1"1> roporll hOlel "°"'pies oo tho lboreo ol U-J-1llldJell who 1111 been linked tjiil Mirtha 'Mllc!Jell, rJ'9"e Cl)ll-l.ii!!!Jlqrt U.y, dlnctly to )nvolVement In the Walergak ~eraW •i.J at tlie l'fe~ lut. · J!~of the u.s, lletret Serllce men ~ Is aJao,a gu..i. yetr lflnoild the lltrt ol Ibo Woterpte.. cloatered around tbO Jwr exclusive '1111$1 "Bu! nollodJ::!. seen ber," be .. 1d . aft11t,.6'd (elurned lo the Newportor !or tucked at tho bottom of a knoll at the ~. Is no Indication or any a bi'l<f stoy, !root of the Inn would l4llc to repor1en1. J~ deleptlcl> within the bqtel. •we hive two VIPs hen! and that's all "You 1'11111a .. the pique, you tnow. A min who -said It attlched lo I CID iell JOU," &d Nl&tO. ...,....i I Clll~ say lllY!lllna lo you," 000 -tho J«dlnlan-..ibeily wctklng aecurily .......,. of Ibo Ne"Plll'ti!r, aJd lhil up.d sport..iilrted qeot said thlt _,,. for llaaun cb-bis omntin-hi '""'*" Ing the pmlng lo( -tho tllln bad lit .iid """ acoouokd '!or the fad a. and othen ... ..,....on. !rem I '~ II . . • • l • • ol moot Alnerie1111, whateftl' 1hOir for· mat polll(cai alllllatleo," Coonall7 said in a otatemml at bit ~low office. "I believe It cao. ~ J)IO'{lde the strength and stability aod · W!ile o u r people lo deal ef!ecilvdy with our Ji<Ol>- Iems," Connally said of the GOP. know i.l beat "'ttpt:eseuts my Own personal conviction. Accordingly, I am lllllOUllClni my decision lo afflliale with the Republlcm party and mal<e aey ...,. trlbutlom lo help It meel the nel!dl and .,..,,,, TO•'AlstlFY-Martlllr~n . hair be.en ,amunoded lo tell , · Wla.t slie nows· abenl the W• • llql>.l,e lneidenl " . Sacramento S~ts 'Seed' Hospitai Ap~ Hearing Western World •Medical F-tloo's pl'IJl>OOed 113-bed "seed" ~itaf will be llUbjecl lo a final a~ belrlnl set for May 21 In Sacramento. Tho hearing ts an ajlpea1 sought by membera of the <>rans~ ()oun_ty Health Planning Council who ollilnaJly denied Ille applicatRln by Uie ~ medical !ounditlon whlcll IOeb lo 1iWlil a bospiial lllld health eare eompla!hl;Jrvlne m 150 acreo ol land reoerv..il bJ Ibo l"lne ~":"'°M.~ =.;, :;ei:tr.. = be bull\'a(.prtnte ajledle Olllland It the -of ,Mao.\rllm .BouleYard and Univel'llty DrlVe. FoundatlOlt olliciala have indicakd their holpltal ..... providing community hospital ......,..,. lo meet the IJ'lwlni Jrvlne area.-wlD be built regardless ol tho flt6 ol the pr_..i u c lrvin&Callfornl "College ol Medicine'• teaching hoipllll and medical school . ..... uptrallont or all Amerlaml," OMal\y said. OJnnatly's announcement carn.e at the height of the Watergak caae and follow· ed by just two days l'UJon'a llllDOW1C .. ment that be accepted the realgnlltlons of . se,...I trusted \\blk HOUlt aides. 'l'odaf, Conoilly said be bellevea every American bas an obllgation lo lake part (Soe CONNALLY, Pqe I) Irvine Plan For Freeway l)esign Told I Unanln-WP!'l'I *"'I city of- ~ deslp al.flle QUWrol)rtwe and »:,.: ~=r::,e,e~~ Ill~ stole Dh'l11on el·lflillnn:vo boorfnt. 1t. F. •0Bob'' Bkdw, •DJ"*" diltrlct .,.,,111111mo_,.. 1or 11-~,•,'f...':t: lii"Oranc• County, chaired ... •ltended bY allOUt Ill per....., primarily c i t y res!-.. Blocker said losllmoey wtll continue lo be taken for 10 d.111 and thlt the maps sbowtnc tbe three venlom ol tho In- terchange -p...-, apprvyed and pro- pCioed (the clt;y's ....ton) -will remain on dllplay In lnlne city ball, 4201 Com· pus Drive. a.tel points madf .bY IJll'alim ...... tered .., • DOlae 1balmlent,, ~ pro. ·-o1 1'""""'• ....,.,.a.; o1 the dl)"s.wldor rl~-lerOllYor Drive and Jlftl¥ltion of _.1e bicycle trails ;wflhln ~1_1'.!&bt~o! !RY ~ be_~ by the llale;uniler Ibo freeway ov_.,. orange OJunty Road Department spoil-an Wlllla m Zalm said tl\e city proposed design wa1 ••acCeptable" to county engineers ao Jong u a way to ex:... tend Trabuco Road across CUiver Drive In the future Is maintained. Such an ex· leloSlon ts In the county Maskr Plan of Arterial Hlgbw1ys, Zahn noted, allllougb tbe routing mlabt be changed by a&ree- ment of city aod county, APJIW'lng on behalf ol the city of Irvine were Councllman Henry Quigley, Public Worka Dltector Brent Mllcllow; Cart Morrison, chairman of the city's bike trails advisory COlllllllll<e, wid Tom Glenn, a Racquet Club ruldenl who beaded sn ad hoc de1lg11 commltke charged with finding the desJgn being urged by the city. Glenn'• gr<>UP' met with city, county and stak olllclats to .,.... up wtth a deallll wbld! -~ three things: -Prwlde.I for tho oonllnuatlon of the land buf!eibetween lllcqual Cub Homes and Trabuoo Road wbldl wu lo have been moved northward al city --· -Prelerve1 acceu ·to a W , MVlce station alanl Trabuoo whl<;b IUJ)ayers (Soe PllEEWAY, l'lp I) CLASSIFIED . ..4 DS I MEAN BUSINESS Dally P!IOt classified ads realty mean business -especially when you use them In your bualneu. Chtck this: Funding !or d!e UC facilities -.. me 138 million ol voteNpprl>ved bood !unda -is pelidJlfll i<alSJltlveleclsloos or com- mit-lluctYing the UC budget and a joint comml~ weighing ._,.iilllrel of CllfiOM PAINTING the bQltd bidl. . II o..,~tr ·te.cbina,bolpilal 11 _,_, Ullflun. intu. bultt oa umua -.11'""11doocupy :,r.;.~ ~ ~ ~ I pcll'tieo ol I IJt.lcre Ilk reserved by -· ..... -1111'"-iill iii dfteloponent ol the UCI Wm'! bo -Id; (P!w) m.,u..J doC\I ,,,_ __ •boill tho - land me!!'d !!!" uie lt$e company for • -Newport Beiell WOllllll who placed the .W.flfm WOrtil Feoiildatlon' develop-thll ad uya·abe be!PI her lmlblnd with I Ill·• •· _... be IJ tha In deoorailn1 · Pal'I of the :;:n w --u ,..,....... to 11 ...,. liU&lne11 "the hone Just rillp off the ~IY 21 heartilg hi Sectamflllo Is hook." -'" C: Job< booked oolldly not expect«! to .Uect WHtern World's !or ahead. If 1ou'l'tloollng-l1r developnenl piano. Should tho atate , look be... A DIUj1 • PUol ad-' panel ,._ the Bay Area Health Pl8"'. ' vltor will help you iel llar1ed. Dill th• nln1 Council's ..., of the hmplta1 r dlnd line: - llot!llSAlllNGS, l!ap II / ---------- ; . Watergate. Case Coverup Blamed On Nixon Aides · NEW YORK CAP) -Gove:111<11t U.:1 · vetllaalol'll ~ tJioy haye evidence rank·' '"' 'lil>lte Hoyle aides and ofllclals o( Pttt14ent Njx"'1'• ~ coopm!lfel' consptrod lo devillt!..an--.labonrle orrlit!- ~INCH WILtlNG: TO ltl'rtlltN'~" -:i;cr~ITI f«iUSi-P-r,,·~.r-... stoi¥ ollowlng the WateflQ break~ tha fl'ew Yot'I< Times re~· ~:t :, Ttt~ newspaper quoted the unn• -..: vestlgators a1 l{U'log the · 1e= eluded payments to those arreated u.. 'lncidenl, ~ ol clemency and a aeries of public denla~- Tbe evidence shews· the coveMIP elfal.l- wu coordlnsted by presidential advlaerC H. R. Haldeman llld John D ; Eltrllchnwt, who resigned Maqlay,.ia,a former Atty. Gen. John N. M~ wlio headed the Commlltee !or Ibo Re4«tlon of tho Preoldent at tbe ·llmo, ·~ 'l'llnel said. .._, Al~ involved, the newspaper said ll learned from federal lnvestltl!tora, ,..,_ (See W~GA'IE, ,.. I) •1_ C91M ' • . } Talks · Still 011~Kissinger WASHINOTON (UPI) - l'l'Wdentlal adl'ber Henry A. ~ '-said todof be lllll eJllOdl lo -t'wltb HMOl'I Le Due 'Ibo It di&oJs.s -wayl of shoring up the ! Vietnam cea.wi-fin despite Com· munist suggestions that the seaslon might never take place. ''There is i1n ngreement to moet1" IGu lnger told newsmen at the White House. But he conctcded tha1 there had been oo sunilar agreement on the. precise date. f'ro11t Page 1 CONNALLY. • • in the political system and said he will cootlnue to play a role lo that aystem. But he made no particular reference. to ru~ own political plans. Conn.illy'• statement~came in edvance of a news ccderence at wblch he wu to Connally announce bil pollllcal switch. Vice l'r8ldent Spiro T. Agnew. who lti8Y be. in contention with Connally for 'llie 11m Republloan presidential nomina· llto. said in Wuhlogton: . "!)'It ii with great pleasure that I wel-come Joho CoooallY 10 the Repul>Ucao llRf(y. He Is a talented 11111 per900able qion, ID elfectlvt and articDlate !l(JOk ... Illlln for traditional American values. ''Mr. Connally 's action demolllltrates that the Republican Party is the appropri· ale political vehicle for most Americans, the one that bt31 accommodales their hopes !Dd aspirations. I know that all Republicans wlll Join me In welcomlog Mr Coooally aboard." cinry three monlhl ago , Connally said on national television that if he did mlob from the Democratic to the Re- publlcad party, !be change woul~ not mean be would seek the White Hoo.!e in 11'78. "If I do awliob, It's not going to be on the balls of seeking the prt!Sldentia1 nomi- nation," Connally laid Feb. 2. "It Is based on wh1ch party I can be most comfortable in." Connally served 18 months as Nixon's Treasury aecretary and wu one of the President's closest advisers during that ~e. f',....Pqel FREEWAY ... would have had to purchase since state-- ~proved plan called for removal of •la· tloo. -Lengthens the distances aloog CUlver Drive between the three seta of traffic signal llghta stale dealgn englneen said Tuesday will be lnatalled with completion of the freeway relocation. The project aUect.s a one;.mlle portion ol the Santa Ana Freeway in the CUiver Drive area. The project straightens a present curve in the freeway which in 1972 wu blamed for a fatality aceldeot r11:te 40 percent above the statewide rate. The project also removes the squi,gly alignment of CUiver Drive which causes north-south turface trafllc to thread its way through the present interchange. Pttayor John Burton observed today a stop sign on the southbound offramp would enhance safety or motorists mak· ing these north-south maneuvers. Burton fonnal.l)' will add his request for such a ,Sign to the htarlng record, he said today. Coru:truclion of the $2.89 million In· terchange Is not expected to begln until mld-1974 , Blocker said. Final design information will be available in from 30 to 45 days, Blocker said, in respcnse to Racquet Club resi- dent Dan Lortl's inquiry. Lorli ia heading an elfort to create a park north of the ln· terchange. Underpass in El Toro An underpass on Canada Road In El Toro at ttle Santa Fe Railway tracks wlll be constructed at an estimated cost of $139,121 . The county will advertise for bids on the project wilh funds avaUable for construction ln the current Roed Department budget. DAILY PILOT "'" O.•...,. c .. 11 DAIL 'f PILOT. •1111 ""'ldl 11 ~ "'-11.w..l"req, It Mii.,,. 1W 1M Ol'tll09 CNtl "ftlt1Mn• CtmN"~· ...... r•hl •:Ullon• •.-. NII•'*'• Mon1111y lllrou,11 Frldoy, 1111' c;&t.lo MIM, Ht""l>Qtl lttcll. Hvf!llnvtlHI l'..Chlii-i.111 Vetley, L .. UM 19tdl. t,,.lovl~!Mdl '*" S..n '"-"' ''" J11tn C••l1"1.... A 111111'1• 1'9elollel to:lllloto 11 ,.,.. ..................... """'""'· r ... PfW.CWI "'"ltllllll ,..,., II •• llO w .. 1 •• , Jttwl, C.11 MfM, tellflrM, ,,.,., ll•••rt N. W.9' l"rttlHnt •M ,. • ..,... J1t~ I . Cvrley Vl<t """'"""' ..... ~If M•11~ Tli•M•• JCee•IJ IE1119< Tlrl•111111 A. M w1,lrll111 ~ ....... ,""' cti.11,, 1-1 LM, IU,li.nl '°· Nill All!tt1~1 .,_-."'9 Ell"°" '"!# Mftt• )ll Wtt! •.y 111'MI HIWD'rt tM01 ~ H""'"" huitwl'f L..-t_,,1 m 111.,..1 ,,..._ ~lflltleJI ltKt11 lJVJ IM(tl 11111..,111 J.tll ('-""'! .. frtlr1lt II °'""'-llMI ,.,.,._ 1nc1 Mt,..111 Cl••.,._. A««t1•1 Ml•lt71 s-c ........ Al .... 11 UJIJ Tt ...... 491"441t • Cfflf'lflil, lf7a. er.,.. C-....1 ,,.llfltt'lt ""-""· "" ,,.... ...,.... """'"= 9'1WIM _...,., .....,,....,_. ...... ,.... ............... Ill .... ., ..,,. -· ..... dliM .... •ill -4 '-'• -· ~ , ... , ..... W fMf'-\' SM .......,.,-.. !Nit' .,, • .,.,,.~. "'""'" .. ..,..""" aa "*""'tt. • Wet ..,,, Mir 2. lt7J I Judge B res Coli tac 'Bj;-ne Aiientl£d Party With Kissirige!, · • LOI ANGEl.18: (AP) -1'-J..i,. Ill """f~"'F Wu! ftrilltd lbet Mid. ''Tiit polltloo • WU diocu.d tho Pirt-P1por1 11111;' ....... .:l\'f be ..~f 11 wlilcb ho with me WU -~ the Federal def.,.. loqulrla about bis contact w1 "'-'-" 1lurt111 "'· -l(•tla Tbe_Whlte Wblte llouae olft.W. during Iha trial, ' • WU aboOl*ifJ1q~loo or 11 ..... cilscJ-~ that Byrne bad disclosed today that be attended 1 party tbls c88t wilh Mr. ~;· aatd .~ out tbolll 1he FBI Job. at which Henry Klaalnaer was a guest Byrne. By,me sald he met wJ,th..Ehrllc~an at last month. lie offered further clarlrlcation of an the Western White House m San He also gave more details about a talk offer made to him April s by John D. Clemente •!'Id waa contacted by him be had with aootbtr presldenlial adviser EhrlJcbman, juat-reaigoed adviser to April 7. about btcomlnJ FBI director. Preoldent Niaon. "t confinneJ my Wllal roaetloo that l U.S. District Court Judge Matt Byrne, Byme, who previously said only that be would not ""°"Ider tt nor ~ t tn 1DJ r<Spandlng to an Inquiry by dtftllJI II• WIS QI/trod I government alllliJUnenl, way discuss the poaltlon of dlm:lor. <( * * * Blasts Sen. Percy the FBI while thiJ case was peodlog," Byrne said. Meanwhile, the judge or<le;td at· tomeys for both sides to gift him legal citations concemlng groun<h foe a dismissal ol tbe lndictmeot or a mistrial ln the case. Nixon Angered at FBl's In his continuing investigation of Watergate and White House links to the prosecution of Daniel Ellsberg, Byrne scolded the government prosecutor again today for moving too slowly in providing more data. White House Assignment He has demanded to know everything CHlCAOO CAP) -The Chicago Tribune reported today that President Nixon expressed "anger and outrage" Tuesday when he learned that FBI agents llere posted outside the offices of hi> top aldea IL R. Haldeman and John Ehrllcbrnan, wbo reslgotd Monday. The Tribune also reported from \Vashington that NlxOn told the Cabinet in a closed meeting that Sen. Charles C. Percy (R-Dl) will never be president "11s long as I have anything to say about ii." 1be paper sajd the President's comment was repcrted by "persons who were al the meeting." The President reportedly told the Cabinet that he did not object to the History Lecture ' Begins ·Tonight The first in a six-week series or lee· tures on the history and ecology of the Saddleback Valley will be presented at 7 o'clock tonight at La Paz Junior High School, 25151 Pradera Drive, Atlaalon Vie- jo. Ron Yeo, a county planning com- missioner, architect and coordinator for lhe program, will introduce the aeries with "The Saddleback Valley Now." Future topics will include discussions o[ history, natural and archeotog.lcal features, vegetation and w 1 l d 1 i f e. watershed and a.1rshed factors, and the citizen's role in the environment. The Hrle1, organized by the UC Irvine exleaalon . office, la froe or charxe and opep to the public. Dog Vaccination Clinic Scheduled An anli-rabiea vaccination clinic tor dogs will be held from 1to8:30 p.m. May 15 at Village Shopping Center In Lake Forest. Spcnsored by the Rancho Viejo Junior \Vomen 's Club, the cllnlc will cost U per dog. Members of the Southern Galifomla Veterinary l>.1edlcal Asaoclatlon will con-- tribute lime to lhe project as a public service. The vaccine will provide immunity against rabies for 30 months. State and local ordinances require the vaccination of all dogs four months or older against rabies. f'romP•geJ HASSAN ... nothing 10 do 11,·Hh any prince or princes s. the government can find out about the White !·louse files being secured, but did alleged burglary of E I I s be r g' s object to having J-laldcman an cl psychiatrist's office by Watergate con· Ehrlichman treated like criminals with spi rators E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon guards outsi~ their doors. Liddy. Commenting on the guards, Press "We are told that Mr. Hunt and Mr. Secretary Ronald" L. Ziegler said Tues-Liddy were told to perform some in· day that the action was taken to "make vestlgatloo about this case with regard to sure access and removal of any files the Pentagon Papers leak," Byrne said . were supervised with very strict pro-·•1 have yet received nothing about what cedure." they did other than this alleged Elliot Richardson, the a t torn e y burglary." general-designate who has been put in Byrne added, "I am becoming con· charge of the Watergate probe, said that cerned . . . as to whether the in- the assignment of FBI agent!! was hand!· vestigatlon of pcdSible tainted evidence ed badly, according to the Tribune. and Improper acts is being restricted Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst " reportedly told the President that he was Asst. U.S. Alty. David Nissen told him not aware ot the a.ssienment of agents lo other grand jury investigations are im· the White House untll he arrived for the peding infonnation transmission here · Cabinet meeting. ~ and told the judge to be aware that "it's The aa:ents were apparently ordered in· not a matter o! just snapping your to the Whlte HOWie' by William D. fingers and getting the information ... Ruckelshaus, acting ~I dlreclor, the the Justice Deparunent and FBI do not paper reported. have these materials asaembled." The Tribune said that Nlxon told the Alter the judge had spoken to Nissen, Cablnet and senior aides that he did not defense attorney Leonard Boudin arose want any more of "lbls cosmetic stuff11 and said, uThis is a parody of an in- in the Watergate probe. vestlgation. This Is a joke." The ~.bun~. reported that Nixon said He said the material turned over today some critics, su~ as Sen. ~ercy, ha~e1_ included an FBI report on a newspaper the 1976 Presidential campaign aa their \ article in which Ellsberg declined to target .. · 'd t'f hl' bl trist "N k>og as 1 have anything to aay ' ~.n '.Y . s psyc • . . about It, he won't reach that target," the • This 1s not t~ type. of ~atenal your Tribune quoted Nilon as saying. honor as ked for, Boudin said. Percy bas described the Watergate if: if: if: matter u more serious than the Teapot Dome 1candli tmder the Hardlng ad- ministration. He haa repeatedly called on the Prtsl· dent to appoint an Independent p"'8- ecutor In Investigate the Watergate al· fair and TUesday won a Senate resolution calling for such an appointment. . From Pflfle J TAKEOFF •.. these conflicting traffic patterns. But ii doesn't look like there would be much point doing that II our prtllminary noise studies bold up." Another aspect of Grlffin's pro~I called for relocating the jet takeoff runway. Bresnahan said no studies had yet begun on the cost of this, "except we know it would be very expensive." Bresnahan said he didn't know of any separate parts of Griffin's plan that might be salvageable from the overaU plan. ''All the reaction we have so far is adverse," he sa id. John G. Bell Rites Thursday From Page 1 WATERGATE • • John W. Dean, the presidential counsel fired this week, and Conner White House special aaslstanls Jeh Sluart Magluder and Frederick C. LaRue. "A story appearing in today's New York Times allegtng that I coosplred with H. R. Haldeman, John Eh.rlichman and John Dean and others to obstruct justice in the Watergate case is absolute· ly false and without factual foundation," Milobell said in a •latemellt today. The Times said that according to sources close to the case, all six are ex- pected to be indicted by the federal grand jury bearing testimony on t h e Watergate affair. Investigators have indicated that ever>·one involved in the cover-up scheme repeatedly Ued to federal In- vestigators, prosecutors, otber White House officials and finally to Nixon himself, the Times story reported. - Balloon Girl I lo March, about 1,900 Huntington Beach youngsters launched helium· filled balloons from Westmoot School in the city's annual "Balloons n to the Moon" conies!. Debbie Schmidt, 7, bas woo tbe contest because her balloon traveled the !arth .. t. The posti:ard attached to her bal· . loon was returned recently from Creston, Iowa, about 1,374 miles from Huntington Beach . Her balloon traveled about 400 miles farther than any other recorded in the three years of the coctest. Her prize includes $5 and some new balloons. Supervisors Oust (:aspers In Upper Bay Panel Role Supervisor Ronald Caspers of Newport Beach was dwnped Tuesda,y from his seat on a federal committee working to bring Upper Newport Bay lnlO public ownership as a wildlife preserve. The action came on a 3 to 2 vote of bis £ellow Orange .County supervisors, a ma· jorlty of whom said caspers had too many other responsibilities to handle the important committee assignment. Tbt majority -.incluiling Supervisors Ralph Diedricb, Robert Battin, and Ralph Clark .;. cited ,C&apers' heavy From Pllfl!? 1 HEARINGS. • • posal, the Western World Hospital would not be able to accept Med!Cal patients and expect reimbursement by the state. The Bay Area body is the appeals panel which considered the Western World "seed" hospital aft.er the Orange CoWll)' plaM ing council denied the al>" plicalion in Se ptember or 1972. ~!embers or the county health planni ng unit are seeking re\.'ersal of the Bay Area appellate okay. Those membera are ex· pected to atgue there are already too many hospital beds in Orange County. workload as chairman of the Board of Supervisors and member of the South Coast Regional Coastline Commission to explain their vote to OU!l him. But the removal was viewed as a rebuff to ca.pm, who bad served on tho committee since Its formation and who said he would "quit the Coast Com· mission in two seconds" to remain work- ing on the Upper Bay committee . '11le question of se.atlng on the Upper litJ"r Committee w a• ralatd bY Caapeif~;iv!>o uked !Mt Supervl3or David Bak~'.bio named lo' Joi~ hlm on the committee. , That moilon failed .on a 3 to 2 vote. Theo, on a motion by Diedrich, the ma. jority named BatUn of Santa Ana and Clart of Anabelm to the commlltey. Together with Count~ A<!JplnlstraUve Officer Robert 'fbomu, 1thef1'(,,<IU now sit on the F1.e1d Committee, a panel fonned by the U.S. Interior Department to study ways of bringing Upper Newpart Bay in· to public use. Areas aurrounding the public tidelands are no\f' owned by the ln'lne Co. Caspers made several other sug· gestions to the board which he said would speed up the process or achievina public o'wnershlp of the Upper Bay. They were all 1dopted unanimou11ly by other supervisors and included : • "I'm a Lebanese, you want to see my passpart?" is the only thing he would say to newsmen. Services for former Laguna Leisure World resident John G. Bell will be. held at l p.m. Thursday at Paclrtc View Chapel in Newport Beach. h1r. Bell died Afonday in Fallbrook. He was 71. htr. Bell was a fonner member of the California Adult Authority, appointed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown ln 1959. He serv· ed two tenns on the auUiority before Ol'fN ' ... 538 CENTER STREET-COSTA MESA 646-1919 CLOIU SUNDAY However, other sourtts said the prince and princess have been seen in ~II areas or the hotel just lil<e any other tourist. "The princess and the children are around quite a bit but they've always got two Secret Service men and a Secret Service woman with them," one employe said. This would be the aecond stay at the Newporte r for Hassan, whO vacationed here last year. The 1912 trip was hlghlighlod by the prince's calch of a huge marlin. retiring. · Prior to appointment, Mr. Bell was a busine~ manager of the Los Ans eles local of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Surv!Vors are his wife, Rosann: daughter Dorothy Olio and s<lns. Robert and William Finn. Vi!ltatlon will be held from 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock tonight at Pacific Vltw Mortuary, Corona de! Mar. • Power Raie Up Edison. Hike 0 K' d; Oil Cired LOS ANGELES (AP) -The CallJomlA Public Utilities Commis· sion said today it authorized Southern CallJornia Edison to increl!e rates $81 .2 mllllon a year, e!!cctive May l, to otfset the higher cost of fuel. Billi for the average reqdential usa11e of 300 kllowatl·hours a month will go up 35. 7 cent!, the commsalon said. Tbe maui. cauee or the Increase is a 17..,.nt rise In the cost of oU. This account! for $3G million or the boOl!t, the PUC said. Other factors are a reduction In the availability of ga., which necessitates uee of higher price fuels, and environmental control! for ,,,air quality, which require the company to use more fuel, lbe PU" sa!« . The •ote for the rate Increase was 4-1, with comml!sioner J, P. VU!casln Jr. opposing. • • Tennis Dresses Ladies Temis Shoes 7.95. 9.50·14.95. 16.95 Tennis Rackets 4.95 to 58.00 Dunlop • Wilson • Penn Tennis Balls Tennis Wann Ups Tennis Stringing Tennis Hats & V'ts0rs Duck Feet Fins Masks • Slatles · Kick Boards IJg1Rll SWin Trunks see• SWin Trunks & Suits Skateboards ·Ms & Trucks Frisllees & a.erangs SflOI Sbtls. CIMlllS ~ Baek Packs Sleepq BaJs Darts & oat Boanls OP£ll 9 TD ~ SUNDAYS Backboards Basketballs • Goals Baseball Shoes • Bats M'rtts • Gloves· -Undershirts Volleyballs · Rubber & leather ~oltballs Volleyball Nets Racquet Ball Racquets Pa~ Tennis Paddles Hamn G!fles & Balls Ping Po111 Paddles & Sets RaleQ Bikes • , 10 Speeds · 5 Speeds 3 Speads • 1 Speed • Parts· Tires· Tubes Repairing 538 CENTER~4S.1919 • ~ • • . •• . . .. ,• I • J • DA.D.Y PILOT EDITORIA.L PAGE Esthetic·s ~Or Safety U.,..Wnc -that oot, lllcl ~111111y homes Ip lnlne'• Ulil.enily Park Deiiblll> have natural gu meters 111bject to 1eabCe G>e lo corTOlion came at the """"' ol lut -r. ' Southern California Gu Compuly opotesmen main· taln the problem in the Ulldergmwld nult.s l.s not wlde- 1pread. llomeownen uoodatloo oft!dals disagree. The two vliowpolnts will be u•mloed at.1-fUtunlmeeting and resolution of the dlflerences is expect<>d. Meanwhile, the possible laxity of COllllty building de~ment Inspectors at the time the development wu built !Ive or six years ago, l.s a point made by$a John Burton and Councilman Henry Quigley. Qui · ey feela furthur study may suggest revised building es for the new dty. Burton agNOS, but not .. <06tB ol revisin' the county statutes borrowed by the dty could mean 1t would be some time before codes were rewritten. In the meantime it is to be hoped the gas company, University Park residmlts and t.htl city can develop at least an interim solution, balancing the esthetics of under· ground utility meters with safety, and equitably dis- tributing the cost of making Improvements. Unless tech- nolo~ shoivs how meters can be installed In soil which doesn t drain we.ll w,ithout damaoug gas pipea. the dty may .be well advised In approvals of future tracts to fol· low gas company ad.ice and have meters plaoed above groUlld. ' Tree Protection? Judging by the numbers of trees which. with clty- lsmled permits, have been removed legally from the Irvine skyline, one wonder> if the dty's tre&<utting ban is as et'fective as it might be. A homeowner who fails to get a pennlt and chops down a sapling more than 3.5 Inches in diameter, a hOll!eOwner who cannot tell a lie and doesn't cart the eYldenoo ot tili~ on-aw the niebt. a-looml!OWW with hon iilaO bifonn cilJt of11!:1 lo l.s ...J~ 1 , !)all, ewictlQo, a $500 tii!JtMilor six months in l . But large ~downers merely send an eml!loye to c;lJ.y mu for a' permit Seven cuts resultecl in the ellinlnatioll of 28,000 or more by one landowner hLtbe dly, not long ego. One bundred more fell last week. Peril.aps ii is time to review the validity of this Jaw. Voice for the People Onnge County Board of SUpervison Juat sent a report on the proposed Saddleback area Kunlcipal Ad· v;sory Connctl (MAC) back to the county administrative office for further study. It's due before the board again in 30 days. The board's delay In acting on the proposal, whether out of timidity, indecisiveness or actual concern for more input, is interesting, in the face of the strong re- quest for a MAC in the Saddleback Valley. The Saddleback Area Co!>rdinating Council (SACC), after a lengthy study by its governance committee, said MAC 'l'OO!a l>e a good method ~ obtaining more Iota! control in the unincorporated area. A MAC is an advisory body, almilar to a· city coun- cil, but with no legislative powers. It would have, h<>w- ever, an official voice in advising board actiom In the Unlncorporated ·valley. Although having no mWJtle under the law, the MAC would berome a political entity -a reality which may be making the board ~ to think. But some kind of incorporation seems mevitable for the huge npidly developing Saddlebacl< area. If a MAC would facilitate orderly growth and aid an orderly transition , Into a future government in Ille Saddleback Valley, the board of supeivisors &l!oulil adopt the proposal. Bill to lnap~nt l' ote Stalled \ ·' " • • ' Negative Voting Has Little Value Dear Gloomy Gus Death Peµalty ·Decision· Thwarted . . (SYDNEY J.HARRI~ 'llloagllt1 11 Luge In nine elections out of ten, most ~ ple are voting agalmt someone or something, rather than ror; thus, thole who win office on a "nega,tive mandate." as it w~, feel no compulsion to do bmCh e1cept reaffirm their antagcnism to what bas been repudiated at the polls. • • • The vulgarian doesn't enjoy a alorl' uolm tt bas a hap-I. PY "1Cllng; the es- tbete doeso'I enjoy one unless it bas a bttter eildlng : both are equally' false to the patd!worlt quilt of reality, wbich is 1 commingled fabric ol both. • • • II may be true that lbe ...U will always be driven to the wall ; bOt it is the task of a just society to see that the wall 13 climbable. • • • There are many things tbal defy even the mightiest intelligence; but there is no limit to tbe depths of stupidity. • • • Pain that is imposed by ~the.rs is only a drop in the bucket (and far more • I wooder If all the "fat cats" sup- porting the Cmunitlee to R ... led the President with that big New- port Harbor boat perade last year knew their oootriOOtions were going from water to water· gate, that is! . -S.1.N.K. toierabie) comt"J"d to tho plll> tltll·l3 self.tnflicled. · • • • Tt.cltlng Is a noblar _prc>fossl• tban bealiq, for bt,alinc il!il>s"•rith :tbe 1n- dl'*81 ......... llliiyt~pld, "A -a11eets·elend1y;,,. c:aa.liver Wl·..-..·IN talhlen<e stops.''. • • • It iJ fai-t to demand • tu system tbl!I will operata with "equality"; all we have a •rfllil to ult ls tbaf the ln- equalltl'" opring from the Imprecise nature o1 the aystem, and DOI from the calculated lmpositlon of t he ad- ministrators . • • • It is one of the ironies ot promotion that those who do their jobs too well are often deemed indispensable, while others rise post them because of their very di!penaablllty. • • • lf sexual experienCe were as available as water, promiscuity would become u rare as death from over-quaffio& at a drinldng-lounlaln •• What's a W ate.rgare? Teapot Dome. Watergate. Both names are oynonymous with polltical scandals, the greatest yet to surface in this century. Yel bow IDBllY people know that Teapot Dome was a U.S. Navy oil reserve near ca.per, Wyo.? Or that Watergate ls a cluster of five residential and commer- cial buildings buddied oo ttie northern shore of the Potomac? One suspects that the !3 percent of of Americans who have heanl of the Watergate "'8ndal, accon!- ing to Gallup, lmaw next to nolhlng about the city-wllhin-a<:lty that gave the "'8D- dal its name. So now lt can be told 11 anyooe cam to listen. 'nie fint unit ol the Watergate comple1, which eventually WU to cost $78 million, opened in the IUlumn ol 1118$. Watergate East and Watergate West con- sist almolt exclusively of cooperative apartmenis. The Watergate Hotel and Ollice Building are entirely commercial. Watergate South contalq,o both office> and apartments. · A3 for the architecture, il'1. • .dif. 1....,1. Lots of curves, and bllcony rail- ings thal have been llkmed to shark'• tooth nedlaces. Les a.amps, desaibed by one obeerVer as "a '11&'1 cluater of 30 lnlemat-1 shops," cipelled ln lbe Watergate lasl !all DlloctlY to lbe --and who can blila II! -atands the Koonedy Caller. ~ <rilkil like II about •• much u lbe1 do tho Watergate. When tho cenler Oll'JIM!d, local wap IMtsttd It w a a "the bmt t b e Watergate came ln.11 . DESPITE these puldowna, I he Wa~ato ls coosldered an "Jn" place to live. 'Uodcr Kenn<dy, Georgetown waa lhe rllht addr<•." oboerv<d Life _.in. In llltlll, "Under Nixon, It Is ••. the Watergate, which baa a view of Ibo Potomac, teveral swimmlng pools, spec- tacular arcblt<etll~ With a nautical navor. and a prollmilJ (elgllt blocks) to 1600 Pennsylvania .Avenue...11 Toda)r. many Ropublle1111 !eel t bat the proz- L- I I EDITORIAL RESEARCH lJnlty II a little too cJoee !or comfort. Waterg~ resldenls, Republicana as well as Democrals. were oomplsinlng about · bup laog before the break-In at Democratic NaUooal Committee beod- quarters last June 17. A groop ol Watergate West aparlment-d...Uen had previously sued the developers, alleging defective appliances, inadequate air con· dlUllllng, faulty plumbillg; and roof and -leeks. -pnblem ls nolse. The complex ls situated In tho fliabt poth of planes beaded fer neorbjr ilallOnal Airport. Since June 17, Watergate bas acquired an entirely new aura. Visitors to the Ken- nedy Center ppe al It In posalng. Tour- bus guides have added it to their Usl of allractloos. A New York 'llmes Magazine oootributnr ....,t 80 far as to say thal ''lbere does seem to be a Marienbad, 'La Dohie Vita' quality about the place, a feeling that ls belgblelled by the labyrinthine deslln: by the sunken walkways, tiered fountalm:, striated arcs and captive gardeno; a Vllla d'Este tined, to .-, tho -Doria's suptntructure cut ln concrete.'' 8EClllUTY PIU!:CAIJ'l'ION8 are lttln- gent at the Water1ate, altbouab Democrats may feel Inclined to argue tr.. point. .Doormen. aecwity guards, and cloeed-circult TV ctmem .are ever on the alert for lntruden. Neverthtless. a number ol bur&larles have occumd. One victim wu Role Mary Wooda, ilqollmo aide to President J~lIOO. ' The Dmnocrall will coollnue to belabor tbe Wal<Qtate scandal, fiul fn1111 afar. The naU!)lll) committee tt<eltty moved wt ol the complex. l\fJnd yool II wu nothln1 .vmoatL It's Juot ~ ""' P111Y !om! a~ llllt renlld !or 1-1 . r " Whal in heaven's name is going on? I thought this was reproseni.Uve government here in Babylon; of and by and for the people . I deluded myself. One man -just ooe legislator -is thw~rting the will of millions. It's Assemblyman Robert Moretti I'm stewing abou~ The Democratic speaker of the hoole. He's lousing thlncs up. Last llovember, 5. 4 million calJ!o .... nians voted t • ( ~7.2 percent) to -capital pt•niabmmt. · l mean, restore it !or the criminal: it WJ.S nfver abolbDed ror u. ~ 11. Tbat41·~for Prop.17 wu a .,,.ur"' clear cut decWon. RJgbl! RJgbl! • SOME legl.!i!i>tDrs thought so, too. 'Ibey moved to Implement the will of the peo- ple. Senator George Deulanejlan (It-Long Beach) was one. He introduced SB qt) to ,,.----------.....,]· MORETrl is against the death penalty RUS WALTON But, he admits tha t if SB 450 did get to ( -and that's his privllege. the Door of the Assembly, so that all the "-------'-·---....J Assemblymen could vote on it, it would mandate capital punishment for certain crimes: plane bi jacking and tr a i n wrecking involving fatalities: arson that caused grave bodllj hann or death; kld- napinc:, rape, ses. crtmel. armed. rob- bers and &!llult resulting In grave bodily harm or dealh,- 1""6enale Judlf!a'J·Oamlllte ~ the btD, N -·· Gwp ,,_ (NF) and bOvid Roberta (~) voted "no." Senltor Nicholas Pep:ls (0- 0akland) "" --· Alan &bblni lD-LA) -ai-t. • There ls lltUe doubl !Mt the blD ;will be passed by the state Seutt. That .,. il will go to the Alleilibly -to tho Assembly Criminal JU.Uce Committee. II will go tbere and die. Because that's where Mor<ttl enU.1 th• act. and pullJ the nritch. probably pass. He doubts that il will ever get out of committee. And, be sh o u 1 d know. Mofetti appointed the members of that seven-man Criminal Justice C.Ommittee, including the four~Democrat majority that Is opposed to capital punishment 'Ihat's one of the reasons thoee four are on tbal committee. tt adds up to one thing : the will and actions or one man, elected by 49,713 voters, can tell 5.4 million californians to goto~ And, ll means 0lhal lour asaemblymen, · who al&ogether polled ~1000 votes, can do the same. Here are the lour Democrats ·v.ilo can he exjlected to kill SB 450 -or any other death penal!y bill that comes before them! • Bob Crown (Oakland). John Miller (Oakland). Alan Sleroly (lleYerly Hllls) and Henry Waxman (LA~ IN 11111EE OF thotM! lour dlolrlcls (Crown, Sleroty ind.WumanJ Iha Prop. 1 17 vote wu overW'helminelY "yet." Only 1 in John Miller's district did lbe death penalty fail : only John Miller can aay I that he represents the wlll of the ma-; jority or his constituentl. Bui, repr....,tatlve ..,......ment goes I cheap In Babylon these days. MorelU told a newa coalero!M:e lhatlleglslaton have 1 a duty to lead public opinion, not just 1 represent it. He said nolhlnc about legislators following the will of the peo- ple, once an IS1Ue bu been thoroughly debated and de0ded. There II oomethlng "'"'°' with a system when It pmnlts one man from one of the llato'o 1111 a.-.bly dlstrlcto to thwart the will of 1,4 million voters. Cl>ecks and bllsnces are fine. Md Im- portant. But willull dlmgard of a publlc mandate ts something else. !' Starr Land Gift a County Milestone ; To the Editor: Gin of 4,000 acres to the wildll!e and county open apace by the Starr Foun- dation.. must rank as the outstanding 10- tion In Orqe County in the last decade. AfOUl\-COUDty dcteriDratos at an ao. celtrallng rafe inlo a Ingle Los A age 11 z at lo n of over-development, perhapo tbe demoostraUon of their farsighted leadership in -!zing that we have a rdpollSibility to the land and tbe wild elements lnhabi!ini . ii can Jar others into slmllar steps before the whole remainder is paved under. For certainly the present policies of local and county poUlical units are not meeling their obltgaliom to stop the m2doess of subsidlzlng developers at residents' expense. They use zooing and tupayers' money to tum one of the en- vironmentally richest areas in the world into a rat's nest of gu stations, overhead ulllltles, -.perlluous.lreeways "1ld roads, parking loll, rabbll-bufdl blgb density housing, bU-. lutterlud river cbaMels and power plants. WllA T IS in all this for !be people who llve here, lo be lljbjecled to more ol these tbingsf Nothing but misery, a future of tleoolutlon. Thole !acton people long for In urbonlzed aoclety are un- developed natural plsc.. that Ibey can !eel, see and walk upon. Where a kid can stand alone In an open field and -4lnow tbat tho natural world holds sometblng other than TV channel numbers, frteway llltlles and too many people. Maybe. the Starr step can tum others to tbe aame path. Lei Jnolne Company save and pass on all of Newport Bay open land, not to the governrilent but to the wild lh1ngs on the land, with the county's role limited to stewardship. Lei the Newport·Mesa school dlstricl tum over theLr Intrusive psrcel.s of land In tbe Fatrvte,r ~* Part to tho county rather than · for land opeculatlon pin. Lei coonty stop sublltllling destructive, degrading development with Dood CODtrol, sewers, water and planning JUVloea and twn that money over to ~t of land , not ror overdeveloped porks but lor open wUd places. ZONING, Propooltlon 20s, lmpacl atatemento ond reyrlad Utile rulet ·~ a demoastra!Cd tsllure ahd perhaps do wlously jeopardize the rights of ln- dlVlclUaj ownen. The county and cities lllould take a broader. almpler view, buying masalve proportions ol the re- • I I 8 7 • • MAILBOX ' ____ ..,_ Letter1 from rtader1 art welcome. Nonnanv wnten •ho•fd c07iTlelJ lhdr meuagea in SOO toon:b or l.es.t. TM f'ight to cond<nse letteri to fit space or eliminate libel U reserved. AU letter.t mu.st include .signature and mailing addre.tt, but Mmet may be withheld on reqmst ii sufficient reason is apparent. Poetr11 toill not be publi&hed. malolng land aod simply set II aside and leave it alone, IT WOULD be. a mir1culou1 turnaround U Individuals and govemmen- tal qencies would ...,.. the lfgnlllcance and potential o1 the Starr 1111 and an do oome like tlllng wllblii our own copabtUU ... VERLYN G. MARTH F•lrBOllri ... To the Editor: I am writing In respome to your editorial cbutlslng the Orange Oounty Fair HOUlln( Council for DOI checking with the Irvine Company rqardlng their alleg<d dlacrtminatoey attfertillng before ' ) 'rid Al. a • . I •• . . IUinl sult. i\ltllo!lgb I <lid .. u a con- cerned cwun· rather tbau .. a rtpresen- taUve of the J;louslng CoQncll I did have occasion al IU) year'• ltvlae Company Barbecue and Round-up to dlacusa this very subj~ wltli then Vice Pl'elldeol Gilbert F~ A3 I ncall, be ln- dlcated al lhi tlDie that the Irvine Com- pany wu aware of the problem and in- tended to di> amnelhlng aboul It In the near future. N!NAE. WEST (Mn. Robert J .) Like• l.etters To the Editor: 'lllank you for publishing the lettm from Bucldey O'Neill and Bernice Baker (Mailbox. April JS). II was a dellgbl to hear from people who do their owu tbinlt· Ing. 'lllank you again !or a breath of lrellh air! VIRGINIA SF.COil Fonda'• M•"'- To the Editor: Alter bearing some of thooe wild statements by Jane Fonda on tele.vtsloo, 1 decided to see II they were true. J was not disappointed. Listening to her al Cal State, FuJlerton a few weeb ago found her foaming at the mouth ewrytime oho mentioned President Nlx:oo or 'lbleu. However, this did not bot.her me. What bothered me was that she tried to convince us abou t freedom of the pttM and speech in North VietNm. In a amall group or students after Fooda's main si-h, f was able lo ask h.,. q...Uons about her guided tour of Ho'• Magic Kingdom, North Vietnam. "OJI, YES, lbere Is a free press in North Vietnam." she answered. '"Mlere is a communist paper, a socialtSt paper and even a Catholic papa.r,'' Fonda contlnued. I asked, "Jfow about a pro-American . capilalistie or anU-Norlb Vietnamese Quotes "!l's absolu tely ln8ulllng to say to a man making $15,000~ a year: 'You can't buy our Jen.st expensive house.' •• - Peter Taylor, head of operaUoos tor 1 firm thal plonoered in bu II d 1 n g ec:ooomical housing, comm•nUng on the rising COS\ of singfe.famlly homes. . =· .}!. govemment new>paper. Freedom ol the pr• meca llll1IJol!Y CUI puhllsb their own newspaper/' Fooda re/used to answer that quettlon .. ying that we musl "get hick to the war lasue." 1 I foUnd Jane Fonda to be ponmold, perpetrating •Joe Radical' for a nm· 1 radical, but extremist ond emotional cawoe. She ooly oppoeed "the p..-it 1 government because of !IA bandllnc ol the war. She thoughl no more of limited govemmentiJm or questiooing the right of one person to rule over another than her meaning!-statement (alOll( with Tom Hayden) that the returning POW'• are "llan, hypocrites and pawn1.'1 In fact , II seema to me thal her deacriptlon I or the POW1 are moro appropriate of Fooda 's own manta. ANYWAY, Jane Fonda Is no .,.,.. revolutionary than IDUer, for which I suggest ahe be 1lven the "Flcltle Fata Finger Fuc:lsl Award.'' I believe I penon who Is progmslve b an ~ dlvidual who advocatea a voluntary or llbOrtartan aoclety where men a,.. free to do what they dealre ., long u they do not infring• upon the rights, !Ue and pro. perty ol anocher. Fonda Is somelh1ng out ol !be past. I am looklng tow~ tbe fllture. I LARRY SAMUELS CSUF·YAF, I DAI LY Pl l'lT t; - Robert N. Wrtd, NU.W Thonuu Ktml, l:dilor) &rboNK,.lbie1' Editorial POfle BdilOI' The Odltorial ...... :i -':o,.ny Pllot aetta to m.tlfta\ a1t1t_ ctbDl4ate .. aden by -... ... tllll -dlverw commutuy en 1oPcl of tn. ....... by -ed col_ Md c...--i.a.byl'l....aiea-b' ttadera' vMiwt .ad by ~ ttdl: .......,, • ._and_ ... cu ..... -,,,. -"""""' ol Ibo D.l\y Piiot_ .......... edltorla) column It ~ toP d. flleo pop, Opb.._ .,.,..._by U. col· umrdltl ...a eanoonllts ud lilttfr .. .ritft't a..c;oe tbtlr own l.l'ld no eidor• """t OI -views by 'l!>O IJolb' --.... -. Wednesday, M•y 2, 1973 { • I • • I • d Innocent T-0 fraud RIVERSIDE (AP) -Two llMll have PleAded lnlloceni to cllarlo• thot they made Mlldulent cla1n1I to ffttlce people Into buyina limit.a partnerships lo a Utah-baaed film Company. A ,.....aitDr Hid the pair told prospocllve buym that the co1npany o b t a I n e d permission from the Monl)()n Cbun:h to ute the name and music ol the Mormon Tabernacle Cl>olr In a movie (CONSUMER) to be Cllled "The Boy Wbo Could Sing Llke the Monnon Tabernacle Choir." Jay Ptf. Wheeler, 43, of €edar Clt)I, Utah, end Verland Whipple; 43, of N o r t h Holfywood. were each released oo 15,~ baU. A jury trial is sdleduled Joly 13. "!'he pair were Indicted by the coonty grand jury April 10 on charges or grand theft and selling securltle1 without a permit in connection wilh the firm they operated, Canyon Oouotry Production•. e Sr11r -Teens? SACRAMENTO fAP J Lq!slatioo to end the re- •qutrement for an additional profile photo on drivers' licenses ror minors has been introduced by a lawma{er y,·ho calls the tw~photo law 'a slur on the matw-ity of California teenagers." Preseilt law says a full race and profile photo must appear on drivers' licenses Issued to minors to distinguish them from licenses Issued to.adults. Bill s.!h. Joseph KeMlck (D· Long Beach), said that JSlh and 21st birthdays d o n ' t necessarily coincide w Ith license renewal dates and the youthful profile photos are "no positive lndicatlQO whether a driver was a minor or an adult!' esettre .. er1t SM"l"A BARBARA (AP) - The local brallch ol the Goodyear nre and .Rubber Co. bas setUed by a stipulated jud,gmeJJl a crimina.1 conswner fraud action against t b e branch and three employes. Disrtict Attorney D a v l d Mlnler .aaid that the compaoy agr~ to pay a civil penalty and cosla of the legal acti on . The amount of the penalty would not be disclosed, he said. The company was charged with making false represen- tations to sell ball joints to customers who responded to an advertisement for a $9.95 ln111t end aUgnmeot for tbelr cars. e Gripe Phone SACRAMENTO (AP) Anyone annoyed becao.., the vending machine he was using was broken would have a phone nwnber to call under a bill introduced in t h e Assembly. Assemblyman Eugene Chap- pie CR-Cool), introduced the measure which , if enacted, would go into effect Jul)' 1, 1974. e No Ooorthne:> SAN FRANCfSCO tAPl - A califomia law requiring women be paid overtime after eight hours o( work a day is unconstitut io nal sex discrimination , a federal judge bu ruled. U.S. District Judge Charl es B. ftcn(rew made the ruling on a suit filed by Homemakers Inc., a l.os Angeles firm that provides hOU!ekeepe.rs and nurses to customers' homes. The finn was protesting a state investigation of charges that women workJng 12-hour shifts were receiving n o overtime pay. Phil Gregory. atl.orney ror Homemakers Inc., argued that the 11161 feder al Civil Rights Act tnvaUdated the state law granUng "'-omen s p e c i a I overtime privileges. e 12 Vfolatfo• .. LOS ANGELES (APl - Although 82 o{ 99 reta il meat ouUets checked in the Los Angeles area by the' rntemaJ Revenue Service: were found to be in violation of celling price regulations, only ti or th<s< hod not COllfonned on a sec· ond chock, the IRS says. .. ' U'IT ..... lti Pulling Out Financier John D. Mac· Art.bur has announced that he is pulling his substantial stake out of Florida because ''fan· atic" ecologists an d Politicians are making tl a "difficult place." Docwr 'Foresees' Killers ANN ARBOR; Mich I AP I - A University of l\lichigan psychiatrist says he can predict on the basis of clinical examinations that c e r l a I n teen-agers with no criminal record will eventually become murderers. Dr. Derek Miller, associate chairtnan of the psychiatry department at University Hospital. said he ha s predicted murder efforts by 1 0 adolescents in the past decade. Eight of them eventually tried to murder someone, he said. Three succeeded. DR. l\ULLER said the key characteristic of the t-ro- spective murd ers is dehumanization brought on by parental mistreatment.. ''Dehun1anization means an individual loses the capacity for human empathy,'' he ex· plained. "He is simply not capable of recognizing how others feel." IN ONE CASE reported by the psychiatrist, a 13-year-old girl revealed in a clinical i& terview that she neither en- joyed nor dlstiked hurting people. Two years later, she killed a woman who refused to part with her purse. All the likeJy murderers had violent fathers who often showed a dramatic loss of con- trol. Dr. Miller said. AS CHD.J>REN, he ex- plained, these individuals were the subject of attacks simply because they came t o represent a n unacceptable part or their fath er 's personality. The murderous types also had mothers who were deceit. ful or mothers unable to shield their childrpl from their father, he sa'id. State PTA To Endorse VD Plan? SAN DfEGO (AP) -The Calilorn ia Parent • Teacher Association is expected to en- dorse this "'eek a "strong p~ gram in venereal disease edu- cation in every school in call· fonlia.'' says a spoll:est'nan. Such classes \tould begin by the seventh grad< and "°"'ibly as low as the fifth. A resoluUon to that effect was prepared for the 74lh an- nual state convention opening today. tbe spokesman said. About 3,000 delegates are ex· pected lo attend. The meetings l'ill end Fri· day. •"Jbe 12 at.Ill ln violation ...,.. cited wlllt a notice of ap- pe!tlll liability," Kenneth Sot· 1"l'o an IRS 1pokt1mon, saJd. "a dldl1 ltno ol $2,SOO can be ·-lot continued non· complianee.t~ He aid the 12 martelJ, -or lltem mall and -ltod by '-°""!':' ""° did not und<ntllid plclt1loea Im· ,...,, "" Prolldmt Nlson, -piled 14 ltaun Jli.t-the <llallona. Official Se.t SACRAMENTO (AP) -An Orinda newspaper publisher has been named by Gov. Rooald Reagan to the board ol tru:iitee1 ·of the state unlver11ly and college system. He Is Dean S. Lesher, 70, publisher of the Orinda SUn and 23 'Callfomla ni!wlpepers, lo· cltldlog ....... 1 In COl!tr• Cotto County and tho Sao JOI• qllln Vall•y. • • • • • ,,~~;-!'11) DAILY P!lOT S Cities Don't Have to Be·ar: the ~Bareness· • • SAN FRANCJSOO (AP) -!let and the dty el Slcram.,. -LOcaJ ordtninc.. b a r t I n·1 to rqulai.d ciondool ;aU.... to"'~· llld b I :-tbiif won!s or spe«h lliil thtls elevatad Into constltuUonally breacbes ol the peue ......,i prolodod ellftll(oo merely a bor'1 larstlY malt tllemtle, be<aule lhe waiter ..... .Ji.... Tawdry emblishmenll latw- -· ~but~ re-bev.._ and le1t•rt1>li qtdre i-. -iwner lo~ ~wal-and ~ -.-.-.-~ "" ..-0 1 t 0 ~ e 1 1 did not violate the Ill Amtod-waltrellel or entertainen at meoL ls unclothed. S.Cb ........... lni owllty u a commerdal """"""' -not J>ecomoym. eshibitloll and sa1 .. promolloo bollc and thUJ comm.m.alive may be delrlmental to tltO In Ute oonailtutlonal aenae general weUare ol the ""' T1te ftlllorllY opliiioti or n Sacramooto Cow11y iud c11J p11111. -wljllolJ by Justice .-Involved ta v • r • 1 11-.1 L. 6itllMo aod con-etJ!ptoYDll ~ wallNlljll eurttd la bJ: ,,..., •Jm~ danced ..,._ and boe- 1Donald ll'Mllil<'~ JUillCei ~- ralllltllJll and ban are ax> It saJd such ordlnancn •UttJllaoal, the C a t t r o r n I• could be oonalct,ered lealUmate S.pRme Court bat ruled ltg!ilatlon nMI•ired to protoc:t 1 Local bins on topless "' "°"' pObllc morals and welfare. tomlola peraons laking part In "The service or food and Jive acta or exhibitions in any beverage is a commerclal ac- publlc place except theaters ttvity," said the COltrl. "II en· allo are COOltltutional, the 4-2 tall! nothing of a com· deei1klfl 11.kl TUesday. muntcatlve nature in the con- -·""'"• eommwti"'." because It occura ln toj>leBa or • -........ " 1 bottomless fashion." TJIE ORDINANCES · a• e The ruJJnc continued : "direCtecl at oonducl-topJou" i.such nude activity i s Md bottomless exposure - nothing more • tBan a c:om· \and not 4t speech or condUct merc.ial exhlbtion designed to which ls 'ln essence' speech or stimulate the customer and 'closely akln to speech,' " the promote sales. , .Topless court sakl. Manball. ~. and LDllla ln htl .U.Ot, ,,_r ..... Btu:Uf. ~ ~e 'l!!jliii\ exlen_dlnc ratrtcttona ,. wu wrtttin by Justice eoterialrieri mates the laWI Mathew O,' Tobriner and coo-over broad • n d u n- CIJl'l'ed In by Justice Stanley consUtllllooal. Mook, ~· • THE DECISION held I.hat stitutional sense. -THE ORANGE Oouoty case challenged ordinances In "TlllS ORDINARY busl..., Orange and Sacramento eoun-activity ls not transrormed nor waitresses, wbo mingle with 1be decision said that the NJtomen, may stimulate local Jaws do not preven t such Involved ' n establishment serving food and alcohotic THE DISSENT Hid, "con>' muntcaUve entertalnment ls a protected modt of eJpre$1Jloo under lbe ut Amendmml'' " ../ -, Here's the kind~of. ttelp:Mo.thers love to get. And they're all on sale. . . • '• SaleS178 Reg . 199.95. Penncresl"' gas range haY 'k~ warm' oven con!rQI. lighted coo1<1op and lifl uplhfl of! oven door. While, copper, avocado or gold . Color costs no more. Gas. range with "'Look Clean .. oven . Reg. 229.95. S.le S20I. Save on a range or • microwave· oven. Sale $288 Reg. 319.95 Our JCPenney Microwa ve oven defrosts tood or bakes a cak e tn rn1 nu1es! Great tor casseroles. Features it slainless steel cavity. 1nlenor light, easy lo read minute hmer. This oven al ways slays cool. so you can even cook on paper plales or plastic Sa ves so much ctean-up rinle Mother's Day savings on _a trash compactor. Sale $168 Reg. 199.15. Free-standing or undercounter !rash compactor compacls all !rash 10 just 1'• its oug1nal volume Heavy duty bag holds trash neatly and securely. Automalic deodorant spray conlrols odOf , Changeable lronl panel 1n your color choice. And a dishwasher. Sale $178 Reg. 119.95 This <;onvert1ble dish· washef features removable side panels lor pe1manen1 lnstallatton. Dual level wash, 2 cycle selacllons Sa1es2oa Reg. $234. Convertible dishwasher has 3 cycle selec11ons. sohd m"ple culling b08rd top and sovnd dead- ening cab1ne1 and tub pads Sale $168 Alig. 1•• Buill·1n dishwasher has sound deadening hbe1 glass 1n1ullrlion and dual level w11sh ·. ' JC Penney We know ~~t you're '9<>1<ing for. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M. at the following stores: FASHION ISLAND, Newport Boach (71 4) 64+23 13. HUNTINGTON CE.NlfR, Huntinglon e;,ch (714j 892-n71. ' I l • .. • • • t I , I i I ' • ~ t ' " I • --,.. . -..... ... • -' . I 1 VOi.. 66, N6:-122, 7'SECTIONS, 104 PAGES ' ' • WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1973 TEN CENTS .I • . Break-in Cover .S~ry ~oints to Ni~an Aide s MYOllJ[ (AP)~· ;_ ~tnl! to those lll'1'Sted during fJrid lhil riot, ad""-Wb!te lliiase Wate;gale allalr. secr.etary; Gordon~. a Haldeman veJIJgalorl 111 lhey have eridence rank· Ibo indden1. Jl<'lllllaes el •ecuUve spodal '1111stants Job Slliart•lllpuder IDvesUgaton hive Indicated that assistant; HerOO,L. Potier. who worked The newspaper uid lfU&b W. Sloan Jr., treasurer of lhe r~ectloo commit1'e. who gave the cash to G. Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in t~ bugging, W&S the onJy key o[ficial who apparmtly chose not to participate in the cover-up. causing bis superiors to alter JOmt details of the agreed<1pon story. I ioC 'Tlblla ·-aldos ad ofllclals of clemeJC)'.ud a lllries "pebllc denial& and Frederick C. La-. . everyooe involved In the c:ovu-up for Herbert 1'1eln's Information o!fice, PL-<> t N'~--· ---·~--••-The tvldeooe ihowa tlie-Cb't "A ·~ ._Inc In todl.J'•' Nr-be tedl lied to f~ 1 . ~"' -• ~~-~-waa ~led by p-till actV~ Yori< Tlmu alltglng !hot I ClOlllPlttd IC me repea Y =er• ... and Wasl)j'llton.hlsed attorney Kenneth · coospiiod to devlae an elobonte ..,.er H. R. Haldeman • U>d John D 1 wltb Jt, R. llaldeman, John Ellrlicbman vestigators. proaecutors, other While w. Parkinson. n~ed by tbe ,...lection 'f~H WILLING TO llETUltH Ebrl\dlmln, who resiped Mfuda;, and and John Dean and ~ to Obotru<:t House olficlall al\d finally to Nil<on committee •i>ortly alter tbe June 17 -..... ·irE HOU~-· • 16 fonDer Atty. c.n. Jolin N. ll\tcbell, who JU>tlce tn Ibo wawrp1e caae la~ himself, tbe Times story reported. brUk·in. "'"•"" ~"' beaded the Committee !~ theJIH!ection ly false and without faclual fuuoclatlon," At least lour other persons were In-/'The additlooal f\Jnds needed r or the story fCiUololng the Watergate bftak.llJ, el .liie Pjooldeot at tbe tlllle, tbe Times Mitchell aald la a •temillt today. wived ID the cover-up and are under ill" a ... rted payoffs, the ne~spaper said, "Sloan made Inc:redlble error11 to 1<1 word to the Pres.ident or somebody about what he knew was wrong,'' a source w11~ quoted as '!lYing. "They all told him to go back to the committee." I th& New York 'nmes repbrted today. said. · '"1e nmes slid that according to vesUgation by the grand jury, the TitM,s were collected bf Herbert \Y. Kalmbach (Rila1ed stories, Page 3)· ,.. Also involved, the newspaper-said-it ~ces close to the caae, all six arc ex-quoted sources as saylng. · _/ ot Newport BeaJ:Jl. f'lixon's personal 'The1>e·Napaper quoted the unnamed in· learned from federal lnvelt!gstors, ~~ pected to. be indicted by the .federal Those named were Dwight L.,,chapin. lawyer who also served as a chief cam- vtStigaton: u aayrng the scheme m. John W. Dean, the preaideJ;tUal coun!el grand jury bearing testimony on the the President's former a~po1ntments paign money raiser. . . -- Jn March, about 1,900 Huntington Beacll youngsters launched belium- filled blllooils from Westmoot School in the city's 11111u~Balloonr to' lhe Jl'Ojlll" contect. Debbie Schmidt, 7, bu won.the-con becaU!tl' her balloon traveled lht (arlhe6t. Tbe posturd attacbed lo her bal· •loon ias returned recently from Creston, Iowa, about 1.,374 miles fJ'om Hunting!Dn Beach, Her balloon'traveled about l&Oo<milet farther Uw)lany otjier reeordea in lhe three years of ·the contest. Her prize includes $5 fnd some new ·balloons. Authprities l'Clj.eckjng Out . ' ~. ;Leads on Slayings ! : '"":' ByJOlNICB~ . .----.. 'Ille .... aiiluous ...... "' ""'"*'"' out a deluge of leads in the recent orange and Los Angeles counties mutila- Uol\l murders grlnda .... tod8Y [or !he dete'ct.tves from five agencies who are asslll"'I· to the bl!arre case. ( Relafed 1tgey, Page 2) . 'C ~bing new bas been turned up ~ -ln tho !our murders wllidl may be nked when the bead of a dilzljem- -corpoe was found i~ a -pope< plant i~ '"°'111'-I.Os Allgeloe.,..,; . !.QI Anll&s pollcelrelllseci 1 i!ra'f!lng ' of ,t!ie""'1litenl(lled.'"'1Clml u the latest ~ kil~ :'!>· 1be • bopel" tliat 111 ~ -Jd 0 Jeod ·to the )'Jllllg "';ft~~Y his been!Ound 'llJ parts,.wiimlly· wra~ 1a;ren,plastlc . ci.1sSIFitD 'A.QS - MEA.N BUSINESS . ' Tbe,NeW(ioll Beach wom1111 who pll<l!d tb1t ad 11y1 she Helpo her-hlllbal1d wllh the Interior dec:oraUn1 port of the bulineaa and "the phone jtlst rllJp off lho hook." The CQUple Ma jobo booUd IOlldl1 rer ...a ahead. U you're looi!fll fer ~. 1c>ol 1--A Diiiy Pilot ld- v1'ar will help )'OU sot llerled-Dial Ibo dlndllni: ..... ' ' • • • -b fu Ille l.aig Beach-Terminal Island .... and llJ -Beach. !let. Brad Phelan sald the murdered man's hand.a and genitab are still mi.ss- llJg. Police In I.Os Angeles, Long Beach, Seal Beach and Huntington Beach and In· vestigators for the Orange Coonty Sberlff .. y there are aimllar!Ues belweeo the butcher killiog and three 'other sesual mutllatliJn~~-..m;;s,J• Ibo aame &~ llln<e ~ • ·~ m "-tdi.ll'lrl\.Jt. ~ dilSfmllarlties," iaid Hlinttllllon Meli Sgt. Mcinty McKennon,.'lllllc>· la la chirp! of the ·lnvestlga!(on, ·of the chiath1 of a:nottler un!clentllled )'llUl1g man• whose tortured and sexually mutllated body w•• foilnd 1i1 bis clly Aprifll. -. QI flee. :16, the bocl1 el' AWOL Comp Pendleton MarllJe Edward Daniel M...,, was !ow>d in Seal Beach. lie had been garroted. Police .. Id be had been • sexually attacked and bis killer bad SO>Ullly mutllaled the bodf of the zo. year<1ld Marine. Another victim of a garroting was loariOFeb. e 111 the Terminal Island l'l'eeway. The dead llllh'I nude body had alJo -·-.. -·· bid, police uot8!. ... .. In • joint 8*tJoc llol4 lat ....... tbe 1Dvestlptor1 -to boadle tllelt .......... tndl-.I -· lul to ...... lalD a clla.Uallon IO ~.~ ... r-'loa lheJ 1lllY ..... up """" • ~ ..w tllo.lnftlllplle la roe.. llJg. m the ldentltlff of the lhree John Doll. "We -need to ftncl a com-,iloiiilnJnoter 11 U-..... are linked and l!rorder to do thal we're'goinl to hive to la!ow who !hue people '!"" and whit the1r ltlOC!atiml ...,...,, be explained. , lie aaJd there hive boto ...........,. leads i>rovlded lnvesUpton bf area ..-. on o1 1'lllcll are be1lJc 1'ollowed up. .. ' / , , .r.' -Teacher · Tieup Possible Armbands to 'Mourn .Education' in Huntington ' . By TERRY 'coVILLE Of 11111 OllW •IMI Sf9ff M6re than 600 teachers in the Hun- tington Beach Union High School Oisttict will be asked to wear black ann barids to claaa Friday ID protest of stalled salary talks. • ' TeadJera are· askllJg the district !or a nine percent wage increase and lhe district's negotiating team bas refused to go for more than five percent. The black arm bands, to be worn ln Switch Made By Con~ally, ·A Republ~an. Ho~ (UPI) -John B. Comally,I sa)'lnll lhe Democratic party bad become too libenil for-bbn, today became a Republican at the height of the GOP's Watergate lmmtes. COrlDa.Uy, 56, former T re a s u r y Secretary and TUll governor and a metong Democrat, said be bad not di-bis switch to the Republican camp previously Wilh Nixon, nor bad be dlSCU!led Watergate Wilh the President. There bas blen _,.taUon Nixon mlgbl aak Connally to become a chi<! White House aide tU replace membera o! his star! who "resigned bkluoe of the scandal. COl1nalJy his heel widely reported to be ammg the possible GOP candidates to succeed Nixon in 1976. But ~ ~ not say loda)' whether be would be a candidate !or President ln 19'76. "I think ·111e Democratic Party bas moved farther to the left now than at any time in my lifetime, 11 said Connally, who learned pOUUcs from President Lyndon B. Johnson. "It's len. It'• left the malnstream of the people. "The Republican party bas moved lnJID Ibo rlgllt and oow zept'l!"'11! the broad opectrum ol acUvlUes in the paUll<al arena," t be allvu-balred, a:entJeman rancber·lawyer said at a news conference in his Houatoo o!fice. connection with a "day ot inouming for education." will symbolize' the first in a series or plarmtd 'prob!$-authOriled Tuesday night by the exetutive board o! the District Educator's Association (DEA). . The DEA nlpresenla 565 oL the.nearly 700 high school teachers. The local organization is alfillallld with lhe Californla Teadlers Association (CTA). -A !ull teacben' strike is considered a possibility if salary demands are DOI met. but before a. stri ke a·ction is called, tia clerical and administraUve volu,nteer . the DEA has establish<d-tb.-folicnring--belp·by teachers. --. calendar of protests : If, by May 15 !urtber procrm baa not -Wear black arm bands, to 1tart Fri-been made on salary negotlaUon.s, the q~ day but continue through next week. ecutive commlttee wUI .call for a general -Boycott all adminlstrallvely called meetli1g of teacbers .to·detennine 11 they meetings. want to cal! for a mlDlmmn class clay -Picket and attend en m..,. next (leave school early) or a fllll strike. Tuesday night's sessioo ol the boord of Teachen did bold mlnlmum day pro- lrustees, al 7:30 p.m. at Hunllnctoo tests llJ 1919.durtna wblcb about al per· Beach High School. ceot ol them wolkocl flit c:ampu1 alter tbt ~11 for a general slowdown of all ex-(Sea rul:acu, .... ) ~,_. P"91 Stiff l'IMitt " lldllrll ......,. Huntingron Police Chief SeeksYla1'e . ' I ·J Police ado! EaHO taille l!.1 _.,. adotblr pitch for 1 eis,ooo alrplane to ' sujiplement tlfO j)OIJce ¥!coptera lo lluntllJgton Beach. He told city l'Ollllcllmen durtnf an ln- !Onnal brtelln1 .. the lm.74 badcel Mooday that the filed Win& piano ta one of bla department'• "top p 1 t r o 1 priorities." , Robitaille'• commentl w ~n L UD-' challenged. Councllmen toot DO vole DO< • d1d they "'"' -._a1 er diolp-'. prlll'al ol the proflOled lirplw pur<bw. I "We'd like to 1ee DD more t&an three I ~.._..umetoany~ ey," Robltallle uid. '"""' bel••ipieri l .... -••Ir --'lmlt Cll lhO ..... cilllirft-maJarity o1 ..... eo111. • '"lboae ohlpo -lar more aerv!ce than any other beltaiplon In tile -'f. In eVery cue they are a far more tffectlv1 tool thin IJClr normal patrol units." Police olllctala bollfve Ille fl•ed wing plane will be a .IDOre ecooomlcal method I of patrolling the dty by air. i The proposed Maule 110 would coot , 135,000, compared to $50,000 fDI, a new , police ~. By ua1ng the pi-at . times -the bellcoptera ..... ~needed,· I Robttallle iaid, the helicopters wtU 18' c:onsklerably longer. • The 1111lnlelance COClt .. tho plane also 1· ...Wd be c<llllkterably c:heoper, ,.,. cording to the chlef. • "l bad a choice - I could either retire from political life or I could join the Republican party/' he said. "I don't feel like I'm ready to retire." SPECTATORS GA,THER AT HUNTINGTON BEACH FI RE SCE NE On Golden Well SlrNI, a·a urnod Out Car. Garago;Aport"*11 Mayor Jerry Matney did ask the chl<f \ If bis department was looking at the best possible plane, conslderllJg that Cessna also makes a police patrol plane. -' In a statement issued in advance or his news oonference, Connally said be wu switchlng to the Republican party "to help It meet lhe needs and aaplralions or all Americans." Cigar~tte Left in Auto 111 seek no; office -political or ap-- potntlve," Connally said in answer to qu,.Uons abont bla presidential asptra. tloo• and tile Urning of bla •witch ill vtew Caus·es $10,000 Damage of Watergate. . He said be announced bla political midi DOW beciuse be wanted to eod (See CONNALLY, Po1e I) A cigarette smolderllJg ln a parked car was blamed today for a fire that caused more than 110,000 llJ damage to a Huo- Power Rate IJp Edison Hike OK'd; Oil Cited LOS ANGBLIS {AP) -The Calllornla Publlt Vtllltl• C<>mm!&- slon Aid ~ oolhorlr.ed Soutberu Call1ornla ~ (o Increase ni. tfl.2 ~ a year, effective Mly I, to offltll the 1!llber cost oHuel. SW. 'or tlfAI ,average residential usage of 300 . kllowalt.Jiours a moolh..wW .. op 15. 7 cents; the commlltllo11 said. • The miill ,cause ol Ille Increase is a 17~~t rllle in the cosl of oU.-'!'hk accounts for .. 35 mllllon of tbe boost; lhe l'UC 'said; Other factors are a reduction in the aval!ab!Uty of gu, which netealtatet uae or higher prl"' fuela, and envirOnmenW controb cor air quality, which require !be companytto uae more fuel, Ille PUC salcC ' • ' · The vote for Ille nle lncruse wu 4-1, with commtaloner J. P: Vubain JI'. oppoolof. I ,. • tington Beach apartment building Tues-- day afternoon. F~men listed the car, plus the garage and apartmeot occupied by Philip Ell at 16612 Golden West Street 11 total k>sses In the 4:30 p.m. blau. Six fire lighting units were cal1ed to the !oor<lllit apartmeot complu to batUe the fire. It took the 17 firemen 15 minutes to contain the names wblch hid spread from Ell'• car to Ille garage, and then to Ell's apartment over the garage. Firemen surmised Ult fire was well un- der wa; when It was spotted by an un!de.Ofied aeU!bhor who called the nre departmenL All tho occupant! ol the small comp!er were ev1CW1ted ""8• !iremen quenched the names and poJJce .. .... called In to du.ct ruah-hour tra.l!lc. which 1111 beginnln& to back up Oil Golden West Street. , Plane Propo al Made WASHINGTON (AP) -The !ederel llfency lnvesU1aUna the flee. 29 LIOU alrllMt crub at llllaml that killed 101 today -cha-, In the plane's crew.warning llahllnc 111tem. "We've taken I baril look 11 all o! tf"I hardware ovallable. TIJ1a la the bell, I (Seo .llllPLANB, ""91-I) ..... :~&--~ ...... .. c ,. c ... c ... ==-'": -. ·::.~n:. 'I .., ...... -.. _ ..... _ • .... • . .. .._. . ' .. ' • I .. • ,_ DAii. Y PILOT " l't•• P,..e J TEAQIUJlS . • • lunch hour. A c--1 -tlog WU )ltld ~ .al-1t 1110 MunlY P1rlr CommuoUy °"1ter. ~ Coopot, ooe of the saluy n11olf~ lit 61 'ln+m. !old .,... than 100 tucbm lllal tho talu are otymled. 1be teaeher1 then authorized the ex· ccutlve councU to set up the list or pr" \eStl bu4ld on written sun'fY9 filled out previously by teachers . ' Acconlinll to Dr. Joy SetUe, assistant district superintendent , a five percent in· c:rtase would cost the district an ad- dltioool 1774,UOO. while a nine pert<nt iJl. creue repretenll an additional $1.2 million. . Settle said the district has refused to budge becauie It !eels district \eJld\ers ·:ore the blgbelt paid In the COUDty." : "We have the btst salary schedule in Orange CGUDty and· a five pettent in- Crt!llO Is moro lban tho cost of living," SeWe .said. "We think five percent ii a fair and reasonable increase." Cooper told teachen that tho district Ila• the seoond blglieal aci\edjlle (bel>ind Fullertob) In thl. c:ounty. but that Oran~• eounty ""' "typlully ninked In the lower third .1 ... par In the state ... He also said tha five percent Is higher than last year's cost o( llvlng lncreue. but be said that wu under natlonll Wlge and ~ controls. But five percent this year would not keep pace with ~t montbly cost ol living increases , be ad- ded. Police Seeking'. Identification • • On Man's Body· Police are aeeldng an1one who may know the Identity ol the man whooe ' dlsmanbered body has beOn fDllnd In several location& In Ora.nae and Los Angele1 Counlles. Oel. llrad Phelan ol tho 'Lo& Angeles police department described the man as a Caucasian between the ages of 17 and 1S. He was about five-four or five-tlx and probably weighed 120 or 125 pounds. The dead m1n , listed as John Doe No. $2, had brown hair. and eyes and a dark mole on his Jtft cheek 1boot t"°·o inches from his mouth. Anyme with lnformalioo sbruld con-... tact their local police department or Phelan at (213) 831-tl'lll, Exl. 321. Crash of Planes ' Blamed on Tower MOUNTAIN VIEW (AP)• -otnJ.I. have blamed the April ~ collision ol a Navy plane and -qmcy jet ao a fight COl!lroUer who told both piloU It> land on the aame Mollett Field ramny. Sixteen persons were kill"ll v.·ben lbe National AerOllOUtics and Space Admin- lstrati.oo Conva1r ll90 and Navy P3C cruhed piggyback on a golf eoune green 100 yard! from busy U.S. 101 and about ~ mlleo oouth or San Franctsoo. lt-waa-tbe..Ulw~'!__intention to land the Convalr 990 . ~ righl, but he mlltakenly called the wroog runway,'' a statement by the jolot Navy· r;ASA Investigative bolrd said Tueoday . FromPqeJ 'AIRPLANE ... even though it's cheaper, and it's the only one thal can land on a STOL (short takeoff and landing ) field ," RobitaiUe replied. The chief said the city's heliport might be converted to a STOL field. He also told councilmen the city might sign con- tracts with surroun~ cities for use of the helicopters and pohce plane. . • : . OIAN•I COAIT 14• DAILY PILOT lllt Or11191 C:-1 DAIL'I' "ILOl •lltl ""'Id> 11 <:O"""I_, ltlt H-..Pt .. t, It llUOllt""' b~ "'• Or111119 CWfl Pvbll~lllf Co-IPlfl'I'. StM- '•ll .in1o111 ••• ,..,11~tc1. ,....,..., tllroueti ~rldfty, lot Co1t1 Mtll, H1""""'I ll!Nc;h, Hu11llrllfl0n 81.cll/P-!llrl Vtlltt, L11un. 81.cll, tr~lflt/l-lclfllllKk W S.11 C:lfl'>tl'!ltl S111 J ... n C1N1I-. A tlf'IV"I t'9'-1 fdfl!Ofl lt tllfblltl!flll .. .....,. .... ~ya. Tiit ptln(lo.tl .. n ......... "' II 11 JJO Wftl a_, i••"'· C..•• ,...,., c.m..,.i., ..,.,.. Aolitrl H. W1..t Pr•1"11f 1ftll Pi.*!ltMI' J1ck I, C111rlf\o YOC:• "'"'"'°'' .... ~II MllllMf ""-·· ••• ..n ElilW Tho.,.11 A. Mwrphi111 Mt<>t1lll; Mii• 01rl" M. laot llth1r~ P. Hill AwltJMt M1111oi. f:~ r,,,.., C.'"11• Wftl Or .... C-11 Eth• " ............ OMc. I 1171 l11th loYl1•1«< M1lll11i M4f1111 P.O. 111 7to, t2•41 --L..-•11Cf11m,.,...A....- c:.i. M-.1: 2lt W:Tf '""' NIWDWf ktc211 ml ~ "" ti-t.1 lh Mlrfll I Ctf!llM •Ml T ........ tfl4t '4.1-4111 c.....w • ..,., ... , '42·1611 ....... °' .... t..-y Ctlll ...... -•ut co.y,lfll!I, Im Or._ ~ ~kftll!I '*"""""'· ... -..... llll11tr11-. ...... ......, flt .......,.._."' --_., .. • .. •:illtM Wl!llwl ..C:ltl ,,,,,. ....... ~ ..... . . -·~ ..... --y--~ _ ..... tUt ~J .. ..:1:-:••:::•;;:..;~"..:..,.~..:·:!:~:I:;. .. _"_"_··-· _ .. _ .... _"_J --• - P -!' _ e••11y~ 8 She' s2ndCasualtyof Mishap . ' ..,.. 87 AJITllUR R. YlNSEL Waid 40 with Olber boyL • ' .... ___ """'~~ ............. Pf!11!~:1 sptclal cllly Is ~ ond -llQopjlll ilMI, llJIUIY_ be \filllCUlt lo ~ hopetUUy -II. will be ooe ol thf, "'"" 11' fltat, bUl 1111 ~. ~ ones of summer, when evciryone feels And P8my doubttesS"'CMi'l' u&starid special and is happy lO ~ going some why -because of what happened' to pla"Ce 11ew and speclal. Me!Ue a month ago -in thelr Ward 25 The July sky wUJ be clear enough of corridor. smog. perhaps , that she can pe;er out of Nobody knows just what occurrtd or the sedan with the Stale of CaHforn1a how but Mellie was found dead on lhe license plates at silver jeLllncrs landing floor and Penny bad blood smeared OP at Los Angeles lntematlonal Airport. her hands and feel,. pe.rbaps (fOO'I And then again It may he a gay, rainy childishly trying to help her awoken and da,y when a11..the varied colors of a oom-get up. p!icated worJa around her "'ill assume a Neither had a history of intentional cokl tone that makes ooe anxious to get violence and one theory is that ii was a where be or she is going. sad, unwitnessed accident caused when Sometimes the process of movine from Penny just bumped into Mellie while one borne to another-can take day upon dancing .arOund. day, until the mootb.s pile on top uf each ~1el1i.e, M, was the oldest among nearl y other and you forget rnovb:ig day Is com-1,700 patients and it may be that she was ing. just shuffling along, lost in vague, Penny, you see, is a mentally retarded primitive thoughts of her final years. patient at Costa Mesa's Fa irview State Orange County authorities, however. Hospital. initiated protective custody proceedings She is r16 years old , with an IQ of 20.~ declari~g ,Penny a minor child who may the inteUect of a toddler. ·~onstitute a danger to othe~ J.nd must She likes bright colors, good tastes. be moVed to the Camarillo facllity for wann sunshine and attention ' from care. Fairview's Foster Grandparents, or her Her grandmother was ln the courtroom own 78-year-<:lld grandmother who co mes Tuesday as Orange County Juvenile to Ward 25 occasionally. Court Judge Samuel Dreizen ruled that a She doesn't have many other visitors. public guardian be appointed so Penny Penny's parents were both killed ln :1 can be transferred. traffic accident a long time ago and her Betause of whatever happened to two grownup sisters live clear out in the Mellie, another special person, Penny is San Fernando Valley . now a very special person oo . Ward 25, She does have a brother. however, but her home for the past two years . be is also mentally retarded and lives on And that means she has to leave. Wage, Price Curbs? Nixon Move to Tighten_ . Top Y otlng Citf%ens ·ren high school students -chosen from 30 young- sters nominated by their schools -were honored by the Orange County Bar Association Tuesday dur- ing the Law Day observance in Santa Ana. The stu· dents received good cifuenshlp'achievemenl awardll . • • .· • DllllY Plltt St1N ....... l From lefl lo right are Michael Lloyd Davies, Ma- rina High School; Terry Wall, Corona dcl Mar High School; Debra Young , San Clemente High Schoo~ and Judge Warren Ferguion. U.S. District Court. Byrne Discloses Meeting Kissinger During Party No Charges · May be Filed In Dragging LOS ANGELES (AP) -The judge In Bl'l'l1e. who prevlowly aaid only that he Strong ihdicailons emerged today that the Pentagon Papers trial, answering was offw;d a government assignment, defense inquiries 'about his contact with said, 1'Tbe position that was dl.acuMecl • prosecuters will free aiid refuse · to White }louse offi~iall!I durlng the trial,,. with me was director of the Federal charge two per90DS linked to the grisly disclosed today that he attended a-party Bureau o! InvesUgation." _The.. Wblte, .. WASHINGTON (UPI) _ President resignation Monday of John o . dealh last Friday or a Tustin boy drag· at which Henry Kissinger was a guest House disclosed Monday that Byrne had Economy Controls Seen Nixon has decided to toughen some Ehrlichman. ged behind a pickup truck on a desert last month., been souDded 90t about the FBI job. I U Also summoned to the White House highway. He also gave more details about a talk Byrne said he met with Ehrllchmar\ at aspects of his wage-price stabi lza on he bod wi·th another presidential advi"'"" the Western White House In San Ad . 1 1 1 rr· · 1 'd was the !().member Labor-Management A p:tir of youths who surrendered to ""' program. min s rat on o 1c1a s sa1 Advisory Committee established 10 ad-ijbout becoming FBI director. Clemente and was contacted by him today. vise the President on the operation ot the Tustin police about 24 hours later in the U.S. Di.strict Court Judge ?tfatt Byrne, April 7~ In a further move to combat the worst Phase nJ contfol system. case must be released today if in· responding to an inquiry by defense at· "I confinneJ my initial reaction that J inflation in a generation, officials said sufficient evidence exists to prosecute torney Leontrd Weinglaa, verified that would not ~Ider it oor would f ln any Ni.Ion probably would again require big them . ::~~u!s~~~e:. at which be :y F~~hll~ or= !~sd~:i:~ • companies to get prior approval tor price Two Teens Hurt A second pair sought in Las Vegas "There was absolutely no discussion of Byrne said. . increases of mort than 1.5 percent and since shortly after the death of Jimmie this case with Mr. Kissinger," said Meanwhile, the judge ordered at- ralse the possibility of orders to roll back I H • I~. '-1anning, 17, of 12942 Woodlawn St., Byrne. tomeys for both sides to give him legal · · ceedln · · •· ll tmtingtOD Tuslln, were picked up, questioned and He ,otrered rurther clarification or an citations concerning goWlds for a price nses ex g increases in cos.... offer made to hlm April 5 by John o. dismls.sal of the indictment or a mistrial Details or Nlxon's revl8ed economic cleared Tuesday. · m' ••· case. Les L P k 9 r 82 2 Ka••· · Ebrllch\Dan. ju1t-resigned odVJSer to = policy were to be announced this al-Head-on Crash ter · ar er, I · • 4 ~ruie Presidenl N'•.~. In bis <:ontlnulng lnvestiHtion or temoon alter be cmlerred with top ad-Drive, Hunllngtop Beacb and Melvin 0. .,,.... 2*•and White Hotlle llnb tO'the vltera as well as buaineas and union Deem. 19, of North Las Vegu, were lni· 11 1 • ' • •• ·Ot DanJel1 ~rg, ~e leaders. d Twfollo leenager1 •.~~din lnl~IYe :."'!.~ tially booked on suspicion of murder and Bu. ..:I ,g'e" ,t .'n.flfered', , . ldil! the govmnne11l til'i!secutor afta~ Il 1 1ppe8rt!d that the Pre1ldent'1 ay ow ng 8 '""' -on oar era-•~II-remained In custody at Orange County ~ U fl tllila) Mt mot!nlt toil stol.lt In prov! day evening In Huntington Beach. Jail. more' dlitli. ' measures would be less sweeping than Shor! Walker. 16, is Urted In guanjed all ' ' He.'lw demorided lb, know everytb'"" ·~ ---• •----llbo k ··• dill •-Voll unll San Bernardino Counly Sheriff's Ll. T V Co i} ... UC ge1.~cu ll..:t:'.6C or ro c propo31US con on at Founta1.11 ey Comm y Ron Forbush said the two unidenti(ied 0 ey UDC the government 'can And out about the urged by 90lllt members of Congres!. Hospital and Cecil Kirby, 19, ls COO· youths interrogated Tuesday could not be alleged • burglalY of E 11 s be r I's Admlniltration officials sugested that sldered in stable condition at Hunllngton implicated by results of a polygraph test. A M.47 million budget for 1973-74, psychiatrist's office "by Watergate con· ~--~~ ,_ his ~atemenl to try to Intercommunity Hospital. Both list their One or them w•• drivui· g t•-pi'clrup t' 21 . spirators E. Howard Jlunt aJld G. Gordon ''u.uu uilCUUQI u1 •u home addre3Se5 as 4752 Minue\ Drive. ..., 1ic represen 1ng a perceDt mcrease over Liddy. . boost cmflden<:e in the largely voluntary 'Ibey were injured when tbe small car ~~~~~:i=~i:~r:~ f~~ j= ~:;t;inw~~1r:;~i~!ed~~~.nigbt to ··we are told that Mr. Hunt and Mr. Pba.9e m wage and price controls that driven by Miss Walker collided with an around his legs. Liddy, were told to perform some io· have prevailed for most of thla year. auto driven by William Williams in the Deem rode up Cront along with the Las a~~it~ai':u~t~orof r!~~ii~a~~: vesligation about lhis case with regard to Nixon began by meeting for 40 minutes intenectlon of Edinger Avenue and v th and lhe '"rd · ,.,; ...... 1 -~iden'· wi·11 re-·•· ••-same ., l.972-the Pent:ia-oo Paoers leak," B\IM"M> .,,.;d. 'th bis fiv -·"•• ----• GoldeD West Sireet at 7 p.m. egas you = pnnWf"" as ·~ ~ .,_, ~ .., ,-, .. _ -"' e ·~~.we strategists Williams, 72, ol l?UI Keel.son L.ane lost Manning was dragged. bouncing, scrap--73, despite the higher budgtt, city of· "I have yet received nothing about what -Treasury Secretary George P. Sbultz, control of his car following impact and Ing and flopping on his back, nearly one liciab said. ~e{glarydl.~, other than this alleged Budget Director Roy L. Ash, Federal crubed into a third auto driven by mile down HJghway 15 north of Barstow. City councllmen will conduct a public Reserv cb · Arth F Bu St b Nell 17 r 6912 Rio v· la Ori Parker was riding in the pickup trud< hearing on the proposed budget at 8 p.m.. Byrne added, "l am becomlllg con-e airman ur · ms, ep en • • 0 •s ve, bed wilh M~, btkedcniesfrii~led&! M_!IY 22. _ cerned . . . as to whether the in· ChilriDIJi Hettret·Stetnl>f'Ule""COUncJior-fluntington Beach, a.s-Neil-was~topped of-What appeo to vlct Was One of the key proposals in the budget veslij;alion of pOSSlb?e talbted evidence F.conomlc Advisers and Dl~tor John T. for a ~ed light. . 1 found -clothing in tattered shreds -by submitted by City Manager James Neal and improper acts ls being restricted Dunl?P of the C.ost of Llvlng C'.ouncll. ~~~~c1a:1;;d~ t~w~~~~ 23~ r1•rm;;ot;or;l;;st;. ~;:~~·::::::·:··=a~n~e:w~·~·=·i~st:a~nl:cl=ty:m::an~a=g=er~pos~=iU=on~.~=="====~~~~~--11 Joining tbe sessio11 were Vice President of 1927 Capital Circle, Huntington Beach. Spiro T. Agnew and KeMeth Cole, who Police said none of the other drivers has been serving temporarily as Nixon's reported injuries in the crash. top domestic afialrs adviser since the TV Dealer Freed Of Fraud Charge A man accused of selling several television sets in his Fountain Valley store after earlier reporting them stolen has ~n cleared of grand theft and fraud charges in Orange County Superior Court. James It. lfolsopple. 36. of Cypress. \l.'a~leared of all allegations by a jury in Judge· Everett Dickey's courtroom. Holsopple , \vho operated the Airway TV store on Mount Baldy Circle in Foun· la in Valley together vi'ith outlets in Long Beach and WhitUcr at the time or his ar- rest, testified there was confusion in his st ore record s and that he hAd never in· tended to defraud the insurance com· pany. Police sa id •lolsopple ch1:l med in· surance on several TV set! listed as stolen from all three stores. Canada Pipefu1e Plan Denounced WASHINGTON (APl -Propone"'""'°r the trans-Ala.ska oil pipeline hav6 de-- I!OUDced a proposed alternate route through Canada as "fabulous hum· buggism" and "fantasy." Rep. Craig Hosmer (R-Cnllr.) joined oil Industry spokesmen 1\J.esday In urging a l{ou~ Interior subcommittee to approve legislation to pcr1nil the construction of an 800-nii/e Alycska Co. pipeline which would carry oil from the North slope to tho Gulf or Alo•k• ship ping port or Valdez . He called A proposed tr1ns-Can11tln pipeline "that r1buloUB humtx1gglsm Wblch hu been del)Ollled on the doorstep of tho u .s. Clpltt>l" Shower Singers Get iri Cliaracter RUTLAND , Vt. (AP) -Five naked men, some of them lalhered1 won the five divisions of the first nallonal solo singing-in-the shower contest Tuesday night, in the shower room at Rutland High School. The event was staged by the Rutland chapter of the Society fot the Preserva· tion and Encouragement or Battier Sbop Quartet Singing in America. Inc .. and drew 22 entries. The three judges, led by D?. Roberl English, professor of music at Green Mountain Ctilege in Poultney, were clothed. FromPqeJ CONNALLY. • • speculation abou t his political future . "Frankly, I was gelling tired of II," be said . "II so happens that it comes during the midst or Watergate, bot I view that as no reason for acting or failing to act ln doing somethlng such as I have dooe. "Tbere's no question that Watergate is a sordid mess. It was a silly, stupid, and Illegal act perrormed 'by individuals. The Republican party didn't do ll." Connally sold be coiled Nixon during the mornintl and "told him wbat 1 wai going to do. I have not dlscullSed my political future with him. , .1' "I om entering Into a oompletcly new field as you well know," Connally said, "and ll may be !hat my 1ervl.., may not be too much sought. '1 "I believe that In our time, the Republl · con party best repr...,nl5 tbe broad views or moitl Ameicans, whatever their for- maf political alfillatlon ," Connolly said in the statement at his Houston law ornce. I f Or IN ' .. ' Tenris Dresses Ladies Temis Shoes 7.95-9.50 · 14.95 -16.95 Tennis Rackets 4.95 to 58.00 Dunlop· Wilson· Penn Tennis Balls Tennis Wann Ups Tenris Stringing Tennis Hats & Visors ~, ...... .-;;;;;:;;..;;.;;.;;..; ... -.. ...... Duell f lllf Fins Masks·~· K£k Boards Lapia Swin Trunks Spe!do SWlm Truits & SUits . Sbtlllaards · Minis & TlllCkS Frisbees & BlmltillllS Shoe Sates • Chlldrans Sidewalk Back Packs SleeplJI Bags Darts & Dart Boards OPEJI 9 TO ~LOSED SUNDAYS , • Bacl!boanls Basketballs -Goals BasebaO Shoes • Bats . . ' M"rtts • Gloves :Undersllirts Volleyballs • Ru~ber & Leather Softballs -YolleybaU Nets Racquet Ban Racquets Paddle T ennls Paddles Handball Gloves & Balls Ping Pong Paddles & sets Raleigh Bl'kes • 10 Speeds· 5 Speeds -~ 3 Speeds • 1 S1111ed Parts • Tires • Tllbas Repalrlnl 538 C~1919 CLOSID SUNDAY • • I' I t • • • I ' 1 l I I ·1 I r I • I j l : ' ClllCAGO .(AP) -The Cll!CAlflO was reported by "persons who were at • Tribcsie n!pOrted !Oday that Presld!nt the meeting." l'lison upnUod "anaer and outrage" The President reportedly told the Tuesday when he learned that rBI Cabinet that be did not object to the or lbe Dolly Pilot lgOll!-5 were posted outside the offiCOli of White House files being ...,.red, but did Got • prob11!1111 Th"' wrlU biJ !91' Bide• II. I\. Haldeman and Johll. objeel to bavln& Haldeman a n d Pol Dumi. !'ct tDlll . cut •ed e, T'°"~ ~r ~ ·Ebrllchman treated Uke crimipals with ~ tape, vft IM ( ~Ston tbat Nixon r . f'"-~ouWde--. --- an....,, °"" in a closed meeting that See. ·Cllarles C. Commenting "'" , the guards. p...,. • act19" r o • Percy (R·Ill.) will never bi WUldenl •u Secretary Rooalll;t. ~ said Tues- n e e d & ~ long as I have anything 10---M •bout It.... daY that the ~'was taken 10 umake 't !:'!" ,_m.qu,. The paper said the PreslaeOfs comment sure access and removal ot any files wcl m goo-• , ~ ' ,,,....,.1 otld were sUJ)en"Jsed with . very strict pro- cedure." Elliet Richardson, the a t t o r n e y generaJ-deslgnate wbo has been put in charge o! the Watergate probe, said' that the a~erit of FBl agents was handl- ed ba<llY. according to the Tribune. Atty. Geo. Richard Kleindienst reportedly told the President that he was not aware ol. the assignment of agents to lhe White House until he arrived for the Cabinet meeting. w"''""'l· ,..., t 197) H DAILY PILOT I The aaenl.s ,..,. apparently ordettd fn. to tile WQlto House by William D. Ruckelshaus, &cling FBI direcWr. the paper reported. The Tribune said that Nixon told the C.blnet and senior aide! that be did not want any more oC "this cosmetlc stuff" In lhe Wattrgat• probe. The Tribone reported that Nixon said some crlUcs., "such as Sen. Percy, hav~ the 1976 Preoidentlal campai&n as tbeit target ••• "Al IOll8 as I have anythinc to ,.Y about It, he wan't reach that target/' tbe Tribune quoted Nlxoo as saying. Percy has described the W1te1a1e matter as more sttlous than the Teapot Oome scandal Wider the Harding ad- minlstrHtlon. llo bas repeatedly called on the Pml- dent to aJ>l'Olnt an Independent iv- l'CUtor in investigate the Watergate II~ fol r nnd 'l\lesdar won a senate re.solution calling for such an appointment . 11 0 U f' qtUI• ffOns lo Pat •DUftfl I Al Space Plan Testimo1iy Due Thursday """"'"'Moll , fOUf'. Scn1ice Orcfto•· poast Doll~ Pllo~.P.Q. 80% 1$00, COlta M~io: Ca., 9'626. lncludl va•r ic i.tPhori• .ttumbe,.. 1 Cla1sic Car Partl DEAR PAT: l.n your April 8 column, you advised M.J., Costa Mesa where to locate a part for his IIM8 cbevrotet. One ot· the best sources of antique and classic vehicles aod parts that I know about is Hennings Motor News P.O. Box 380, Hun- tington, VT. 052-01. Published monthly, the cost is 60 cents per issue or $3.50 for an annual subscription. Each month 150 pages or classified advertisements for cars and parts are printed. R. R. D., Balboa Thanks for writing. In addition to giv- ing !\f.J. another source of information, other readers interested in antique cars ~111 appreciate learalng about Hennings Motor News. Widotc's Beneflts DEAR PAT: My husband passed away ·in 1971. I am not old enough to draw his Social Security at this time. If I do not remarry. will 1 still be able lo draw it \Vhen I elm G2? Assailed, Defended By JAN WORTH Of .. a.1; ''* ... ,, The second of three public hearings before the county planning commission Tuesday on the proposed open space and conservation elements of the general plan brought further complaints from builders and property owners that their rights were being overlooked. Environmentalists, who have praised the open space proposa~ from the begin- ning of the ~earings, made few com- ments other than expressing continuing support. James Dilley, president of the Laguna Greenbelt group, said be wished builders would "try to think in terms of the public good." • ! UPIT ........ ORDERED TO GERMANY. Former N11i Mrs. Ryan Court (}~ders Martha TO Speak on Bugging From Wirt Services WAS!llNGTON -Martha Mitchell, wife of former Attorney General John N. Mitchell, bas been subpoenaed to give sworn testimony Thursday about what she knows about the Watergate case, it was learned. The subpoena was issued by a federal court in New York in response to a re· quest by lawyers for c o n v i c t e d Wat~rgate conspirator James \V. McCord Jr. McCord provided bodyguards for Mrs. Mitchell during the early months of President Nixon's re-election campaign last year and checked ~ apartment for possible electronic bugs. An attorney for McCord said Mrs. resigned as Nixon's campaign manager · two weeks after the June 17 \Vatergatc raid after his 'vife threatened publicly to leave him unless he got out of U1e "dirty business" of politics. "Mrs. Mitchell is a very bright and very articulate v.'o man," ltenry B. Rothblatt, an attorney for McCord said today. "We're sure she will be able ti> give us a Jot of inforn1ation that "'ill help us:' She was quot ed by a friend today as saying "I'm just going to tell the truth." Mrs. Mitchell is scheduled to testify behind closed doors. Printed transcripts of what she says are expected to be available a few da)'s later. -·'.· -\. . I . !,~ H. B., Huntington Beach _ U you remarry before age_to, yoa wW not be entitled to any widow's benefits on your deceased husband's account ac- cording to Social Security regulations. U you remain unmarried, or remarry ·after age 60, you wUi be eligible to claim widow's benefits at age 6%. Representatives of landowners in the Chin~ Hills >rea, spokesme.n £or tbe 'Qu;et Housew:fe' Buddmg lndust.rY AsS0CU1t1on, a n d ., ., several priv~te Citizens Spoke.· .··-····-+ • • Mitchell's testimony would be taken in New York as a deposition by lawyers in a $6.4 million civil damage suit the Democratic party is pressing against McCord and other principals in the Watergate case. Mrs. Mitchell has· been outspoken in the past in declaring that she has no in· tention of letting her husband become a . scapegoat in the Walergate investigation . They echoed earlier statements that F . Ch the proposals are illegal, vague, in con-aci1ig arges This will be the first time, as far as is known, that Mt:s. Mitahell will be giving sworn testimony aboul the Watergate case. flict with the · existing zoning code, • h1ltche11, ·one of those being in· vestigated by the ·watergale grand jury. .,. /tloney Returtied burdensome, and conceived with an in-J N • D J DEAR PAT' I ordered a hook, "My adequate analysis 0£ the costs involved. Jl UZl eat 18 Secret," that advertised a formula for ef-Most groups involved were reserving fective weight loss. The tonic is supposed comments on the total plan until tl:iey t be d r · · ed' ail bl could peruse the voluminous cost-benefit o . ma e rom mgr ients av a e "analysis · of the open space proposals "fr~ any grocer." I sent $5.95 to the Sherman Qaks address for Sharon Wood-which was released in preliminary form man Associates on March 10. I did not Tuesday· actually ex~t to obtain anything very The 335-page document, prepared by significant in return for my check, but 1 Williams, Kuebelbeck & Associates of did expect to receive something. It's too Newport Beach, will be dissected in a late to stop payment on my check and hearing before the commission Tuesday my two letters to the company have and in at least one evening study session brought no response. open to the public. W. R. s .. Costa Mesa The report concluded that the costs of Vour fi.95 11 being returned lo you implementing the open space proposals becau&e or your note at the bottom ol over the next SO years would be "very your order form wbich stated, 0 Sklce I positively" offset, by tbe benefits. have some ele\'lted blood preuure, your A total,of ff41 inillion'fas estimated as acceptance of my order will assure me the cost of acquiring and implementing ~that your presctlpdon will kave no 1U ef-open space through the year 2020. lects upon me." A company spote1maa But Williams Kueibelbeck said benefits said you'd "probably send the book back in return would be $1.54 for each dollar anyway" becaase It warns persoo1 widt spent, a total of over $1.5 billion. diabetes, heart or other ~th problems The costs for each family per year to not to use the form.ala. Before your order implement the open space and con- form•s quaJliytng note wu pointed oat to sen-ation proposals was estimated at the firm, an u:~1e of ,"aum.eroos back between $131 and $156. The report said orders" was given for delayed delivery. this expenditure would be les9 than the Tbat same reuoo for non-delivery was family would spend for recreation and given to another reader In tbe Feb. 4 col-developing their own open space areas if umn when 1~y Secret" was being the county did not do it. advertised by Lydia Fel~an. In addition, that per capita figure could Wanting on Bonds be reduced by federal and state aid, the Jesse L. AClams, acting national direc· report said. tor:. U.S-Sav.i.ngs Bond Oi'illi9n.J!fil>@rt-Acquisition of 51,000 acres, an addition ment of the Treasury, cautions Calif or-to the-existing 88,000..acres in -preservable nians about becoming involved in chaln· open sp8ce, has been called for in the I h open space plans. etter or similar "get ric quick" This would bring 28 percel'it of the schemes with Savings Bonds. Adams said _ . ..1:..· bl experience indi,cates chain. s ch e m e county's .land i;w-l~ce in preserva e o~ participant!-lost their ;-n ../ e 1 t m e 0 t space, either owned or regulated by the because Ille SUpply of in~ pen00!. . counlf., oom~ to 16.5 per«nt pro< soon is extiaUsleci The 'l'feuury i has Jected now. . . ' authorlted banks and olber issuing Ba>ed on a projeeled populatiOn ti! 3.9 agenicies to refuse applications for bonds nulhon by ~ year ~· open space or if chain schemes are sus~ted. 1be park areas_, either o~ed. by the county Postal servfce r.points out ol\ai.Q-letter or ,subje¢-~.-kiod of ~ty open schemes which use the mails are con-space mguJation, woold amount to 35 sidered in violation of postal lottery and acres per 1,000 papulation. fraud laws. Individuals · who purchase In actual park land, a standard of three Savings Bonds for chain-letter schemes, acres per 1,000 population was endorsed and then discover partlcipatiOll may by the report. Anything above that would violate certain laws and regulations, may find costs outstripping benefits. request a ;·cfund, using Treasury Fo.rm Of the 26 cities in Orange county, an PD-2966. This form is available at many average standard of 1.6 acres in parks banks, or from the Bureau or 'the Public. per 1000 population now exists, ranging Debt. 536 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. 60605. from one acre to seven acres. Finally~ a Bo111e I Coastal Board Acquires Office The South Coast Regional Zone Conservation Commission will have a pennanent headquarters beginning Fri· day. 11Je commission created by Prop, 20 has been using borrowed space in the Long Beach RarbOr Department head- quarters. New offices will be in the lotematlcrial Towers at 666 E. O<tllll Blvd., SUlte 3107, Long Beach. The commission has Jurisdiction over d•velopment within 1,000 yards ot meaa high tide line in Orange and Los Angeles CXlQlltles. Commission executive director Melvin carpenter said the new. lalgor olfiCAI will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p:m. Walk·ln re- quests for services can now .be ~ conunodated during lunclrh>urs, be ad· ded, because of Increased stofl. Requests for permit •PPlications and other informatioo should be inallllll to P.O. Bos 1460, Long Beach, iOllllL iAls A!>gelea area pllone l1Ull)bers irtll be (lU) -I and 4lMlll. The Orange County line Is -· Allotbor I ) Orange County number "'.fll be added In tht next week, Catpenter said. Commission hearings will continue to take place at the harbor district head· quarters at 925 Harbor Plaza Drive. The move Friday&ineides with the btring of three permanent conservation analysts this wee1', carpenter said. Two m°" planners bave been autborlt- ed by Ille stsle coastal commiQion, although Carpenter lndl= 11 =ay he may ask South Cout aup- port for a request to the state for four or five more planners In lhe coming monlbo . Tbe ·last 11'0 o! ID clerlcal atoll mombett will be hired aoon. he added. The commlaslon bael<log and pennll application requests slill exceed tllat of any other ...,,_i commtssion. Of the 834 permit appllcatlons received ~ to Monday's meeting, 220 have been !u1ly processed. The backlog usueUy remains arotttJd 400, be said, ailding tbat the five cur- rei.Uy-audtorbed pl""*8 <OU!dn'I ball> die perillll -k and coastal land ·u,. plaMlng aloo. NEW YORK (UPI) -For several years , Mrs. Hermine Braunsteiner Ryan has been leading the life or a quiet hopsewife in the borough of Queens. On Tuesday, a federal judge approved her extradition to West Germany.to face charges of killing and torturing Jews in a Nazi concentration camp. _ Final Appeals Hearing Set for 'Seed' Hospital J • " Ul'I T• ...... TO TESTIFY-Martha Mitchell has been summoned to lell what she knows about the Wa· tergate incident. The decision by Judge Jacob Mishler resulted from a request by the West German government that Mrs. Ryan, a former Nazi prison guard , be deported to stand trial oh the basis1of evidence given by death camp survJvors. · 1I'he Judge at.ayed ' the surrender order until Friday to permit Mrs. Ryan's lawyer, John Barry, to file a writ of habeas corpus. Extradition proceedings are not directly open to appeal. Mrs. Ryan, 53, was a guard at Maj danek. a Nazi . death camp near Lubin, Poland, On March ·&, West Germany sub- mitted documents citing nine cases in which Mrs. Ryan was accused of playing a part in the torture of camp inmates. One charge said Mrs. Rayn provided a stool on which· a girl stood and was hang- ed on a make-shift gallows. Witnesses, Mish1er said, testified that "Mrs. Ryan actively assisted in the macabre 'selections' that consigned women, children, elderly and others to the .gas_cbamber~ _ She became a ·u.s. citizen in 1963 after rnauying Russel Ryan, a construction engineer and American citizen in Austria. She lived the life of a housewife · Wltil her presence in the United States was discovered by Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal. Mrs. Ryan is being held without b'ail. If convicted in West Germany, she could be jailed for life. Prisoners' Unit Attacks ·Parole Hearing Policy ' SACRAMENTO (AP ) - A prisoner's rights organization told the Adult Authority chaired by a Newport Beach maQ Tuesday that prisoners are being denied their civil rights in the setting of parole hearing dates. , The eight-member authority heard the charge at a meeUng in which members or the public also criticized prison policy. Western World Medical Foundatimi's proposed 162-bed "seed" hospital will be subject to a final appeals hearing set for May 21 in Sacramento. The hearing is an appeal sought by members of lhe Orange County }lealth Planning Council who originally denied the application by the non-profit, medical ' fouhdation which seeks to build a hospital and health care complex in Irvine on 150 acres of land reserved by the-Irvine Company. The center, ultimately hoped to be a "Mayo Clinic of the West", would be built at private expense on land at the intersection of MacArthur .BoWevard and Univenity Drive. Foundation officials have indicated their hospital -providing community hospithl services to meet the growing Irvine area' -will be built regardless of the rate of the proposed u c lrvine-Calilornia College of Medicine's Reagan Nixes Debate SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Ronald Reagan declined a challenge by Assembly Speaker Bob Moretti Tuesday to debate Reagan's tax control initiative plan. "I don't see any reason to debate hlm," Reagan told newsmen when he ar- rived here from Los Angeles. J. C. HUMPHRIES WHAT IS WATERPROOF? There is a vast difference be- tween waterprof watches and watches termed ';water resistant.'' A "water resistant" watch worn on a warm wrist at cold tempera- ture will allow moisture entrance, condensation on crystar, and prob-- able damage to the watch. The Adult Authority is the parole gran- ting body for the 12-institution penaJ system, in which there are UOUt 20,000 inmates. There are nearly another 20',ooo pel'S<lhs on parole. But the authority plays no )'Ole in setting prison policy . Henry w. Kerr of Newport Beach, A truly waterproof watch has an chaitman of tbe Adult Authority, said lhe extra thick crystal, wilh retainiag criticism on paro~e hearing_ date pro-· ring or a bezel forming a tight cedures would be d1SCUssed w1tb the legal seal. The crown is heavy and Ulick , advl.ser of the Department or COr-with an o ring ~asket plus a ton< rect1om. . . . post. The back is a ''screwbackft The cr!Uclom came from . the Prison type, threads and seats boldin~ the Law Collect1ve of Sah Franc1Sco and its seal being well machined !ln-bAcktrs. . ed an The organization's ~kesmnn, Bob lSh · 51!lro, said the policies on parole date A typlca "water resistant" case reelsslon do not con!orm to the re-has a small her.el holding a not too quirements expressed by the u._s. Ulick expanding i:ryslal which al· Supreme CMut's Morrissey vs. Brewer lows moisture to condense in and case, and last December's Robin Lin t •• h Tb h Prewitt ·dectslon. of the Calirornia ou Luroug pores. e crown ·as teaching hospital and medical school. Funding for the UC facilities -some $38 million of voter-approved bond funds -is pending legislative decisions of com- mittees studying the UC budget and a joint commlttee weighing expenditures of lhe bond funds. U the university teaching hospital is built on the UCJ campus, it would occupy a portion of a 150-acre site reserved by the Regents for development of the UCI medical school. That acreage abuts the land reserved by the Irvine Company for the Western World Foundation develop- ment which is proposed to be self-en- do\fing. The May 21 hearing in Sacramento is not expected to affect Western World's development plans. Should the state panel reverse the Bay Area Health Plan- ning Council's okay of the hospital pro- posal, the Western World Hospital would not be able to accept MediCal patients and expect reimbursement by the state. The Bay Area-body is the appe als panel which considered the Western World "seed" hospital after the Orange County planning council denled lhe a~ plication in September of 1972. Members of the county health planning unit are seeking reversal of the Bay Area appellate okay. Those members are ex· pected to argue there are already too many hospital beds in Orange County. 21 Arrested 11~ j D~g, ~.~~SI 11 Las "Vegas LAS VE<li\S IAPJ -Twenty-one . persons, including six athletes, a student~ body officer and a campus policeman, were arrested Tuesday in narcotics raids at the Univers'ity of Nevada, Las Vegas, and in Las Vegas. 'Ibey were boolted for lnm!tlgatloa or a variety of charges, including possess.ion and sale of marijuana, LSD. heroin and other dangerous drugs, said Patrick Stevens, head or the Las Vegas office ot the state Division of Narcotics. Stevens said the arrest.a followel:I a three-month undercover investigation by one Of his-agents who had been enrolled at Ule university. The arrests came about midnight. Eight persons were taken into custody at a campus donnitory, Stevens said, ad~ ding , "As soon as we waJked into the dorm we could smell the marijuana. I've never seen anytlµng like it. Tbe thing that impressed me was the opermess of it. The stuff was just lying around in jars ' and bags, with little vials of cocaine. '1 I Omogo •••• theperfectglf!. Yellow or white 14k gold brocc!et watch. Rounded rectangular bezel oi:centuoted by ?8 diomol'lds ·-···· .. --..$650. J.C. flumphrieJ Je1veferJ SUpreale Court. a smaJI gasket, and Ille post is , One criticism wa, that In eases in thin and s,hort. You can see the ...._ which a parole date 1s rescinded from a size of the gaskets and bo'1 the ptl9oner whom a psychiatrist . has backs fit. determined to be unfit for life on the These dillertnces c a n , and ~~g ~.~erot .bl!is· ~I-tor~. sboud be, demonstrated to,you by 1821 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVENIENT TERMS 17 YEA•S IN THE SAM E LOCATION • l•11kAm•ri111•td -M11fer Ch1rtt PHONE Ml·l401 •' . • uN -. your local jeweler. hea ng for questioning by lhe Inmate. :::::_ _______ !::::=========================' I , /I ' .. DAILV.PIUlf j CQuntv's Own • • Tammany Hall RICKY TICKY POLmx, The Orange Coonty Boan! or Supervi>on majori ty, In its lnflnite wisdom, yesterday appointed two co mmittemen to work with the Federals on solving what lo do about U~ per New Port Bay. Th is is nice. ·Everybody wanll• 10 know what to do with it. You will recall that the Back Bay body or water is within the municipal confines of Newport Beach. And Newport Beach ts within the Filth Supervisorial Dlslrict. And Ronald Caspers, counly board chairman and Newport n:sident, repre- senl:l lhe Filth District. Thettfore, ydti would say all logic sug· gests that Caspe rs would be a natlD'll for tht Back Bay committee, right? Abo. there is Second D j s t r Jct Supervisor David L. Baker, who, in the past, bas had comiderable to say about the future of Upper Bay. IN FACT, WHEN Caspers has been fli tting off to coastal zone meetings and other activities in recent times, it bas been Baker who sat In for hlm in Back Bay negotiations with the U.S. Interior Department types. So yoo say all logic also suggests that Baker would be a member of I.he coun- 1y1s ·two-man Back Bay team. As a matter of fact , that ts the precise combination Chairman Caspers himself suggested. So Cas pers and Baker got appointed to the Jo~. rigl>l? Wrong. ABRUPTLY AFTER Chairman Ron made the pitch, Third District SUpervisor Ralph Diedrich of ~'ullenon said he didn't Uke ii. He thought Caspers and Baker were already too busy. So Diedr ich then moved that the chore go to First District Supervisor Bobby Battin of Sant.a Ana and Fourth District. Supervisor Ralph Clark o{ Anahei m. This was duly adopted on a 3 to 2 ballot, Caspers and Baker dissenting. • So there you have it, lo\ks. 'nle fate of Orange County-U.S. negotiations oo Up- per Newport Bay shall fall to a couple of supervisors who, with luck and a good map, might be able to actually locate ~ bodv of water. After all, it is clear that the supervisors from Sanla Ana a o d Anahelrn are really well oriented toward oceans and bays. There's a swan Jake In Disneyland, you know. And Santa Ana boasts several drinking fountains. PLAIN FACT IS lhal our good Orange Counly Board of Supervisors is supposed to be a non-partisan form of government. That's what all us Purists always thought, anyway. \Vell. county elective office may be non-partisan, but there is a hell or a lot of partisan yakking from our various supe rvisors these days. Fullerton's freshman Super v i sor Diedric h, ror ex.ample, onl y 1' .. riday was speaki ng before a group known as the Democratic Rostru m when he warned . "The Republicans better look out." Then he boasted of the good works or the coun- ty board's three-member Democratic 1najority. l ie meant himself and the aforemen· tioned Clark of Anahei m and Battin of Santa Ana. In C'lSe you haven't figured it out, that leaves Da ve Baker and Ron Caspers as the Republicans' on our non-partisan board . AND ''OU \\'lLL NOTE it was the Dtedrich-Clark-Battin trio who gave Caspers and Baker the heave-ho on the Upprr Bt.1y negotiating team . Sort of makes you wonder. ~1aybe v.•e\·e got a Little Tammany Hall going up there in our C.Ounty Seat. '· • Torna.do Smashes · Town in ·-Mis·souri· I • - 2 Perish; Heavy Rains lncreas.e Floo.d Danger ~ KAHOKA, .Mo. (UPI) -A tornado has slrUCk th!J llOrtheulem Mlasourl town, killing two persons and Injuring ,.veral other pel'IOOS, stale police reporlod. "We have •t least t1'0 peroons killed, a lS.monll>old boy and • SO.year.old Wo- man. Several were hurt, b\11 we don't know how many yet," said lllgbway Pa· lrOlman Donald Alvord. He said the lwisler hit about 9 p.m. Tuesday tn the small town jusl south ol the Iowa borde< and wm ol the llltnois border. Lorea Waide, tbe sherlil'a wife, said al leasl ro persons w... lnjur;ed, includ· jng nine who v.-ere ~ The in- jured were takeo eitber'tO Memphis, ¥0., ' or Keokuk, lowa. · -~- "'lbe people were In a·~raue&.t .. t was the hardest hit plaCe,',... ~ Waf4,e said. "Thal'• where lhO fa\alm"'-)e11'. There were 24 trallers·l>efon lbe Qjttla\IO, and only 12 were lef l ~Ing. It was really a mess." ' ings qi Its way toward town, and after lesvinl lhe mobile homes, It demollabed ooe boose and damaged oeveral othen In Kahoka. Meanwhile, helvy rains and acatlered tlxmderslDnlll In porll ol !Ulnola and Missouri ha'" raised lhe threat thal the Missis!ippt !Uver, wi.,.. 1 roconl Oood crest bo:i Wl5ed " lllilllons of dollars In damages mJgbl rl:le 1g1tn. 1be record nood crest ol 45.! feel, 13.6 feet over flood stage, wu reached TU"'!iay at Cape Girardeolu, Mo., bul flood control officials lo the norlb today feared renewed flooding In the Sl. Louis area 1 beca~ d heavy ralnlall in the upper Mississippi Valley. Flood fighlen qnoed lhaL ground soaJr. ed by earlier rains could nol talce up much new precipitation, and the runoff would go straight into the swollen rtven and streams. · PRESIDENT NIXON SHRUGS DFF WATERGATE PRESSURES AT DINNER With Mrs. Nixon •nd Him.,.. Chanc<1llo r Wiily Brandt, ti.. Cor~nters She sal4 before lhe lwtsla' struck the Lrallen, It flattened several farm build· At Jonesville, La., strong whldJ pu..hed rising backwaters over the top of a lS.. mile-long levee Tueoday, burying another 15,000 acres of soybean fields under water and forcing the evacuation of 150 families living in the area. Nixon Genial At Banquet . .For Brandt WASHINGTON (AP ) -President Nix· on appeared to ' have cast of£ his Watergate worries at a White J.Iouse din- ner party for \fest Germnn Chancellor Willy Brandt. Nixon cracked jokes nnd held down his usual role of master or ce remonies at Lhe 'Puesday night party, lhc firsl White House social event since lhe President accepted the resignatiOns or some or his top aides. But it seemed obvious lo some observers tha t Watergate still was on the minds of many of the 11 0 guests, in· eluding Brandl. DURING THE champagne loasls , Brandt. said Nixon's hospitality was more than routine becaUR he was aware the Presideol had "problems of a domestic natu re, as we all have to deal with from time to time." Among . the guests was Dc(ense Secretary Elliot Richardson. President Nixon has n o m i o a t e d Richardson as attorney general and plac- ed him.Jn cbargo of the Watergate probe. He appeared al the dinner party only hours alter the Senate volod to call for an independent prosecutor in Watergate. Asked wbal he lhoughL ahoul il, Richardson said "I'm certainly going to take it into account." SEN. HOWARD H. BAKER J r. (R· Tenn.), a top-ranking Re p u b 1 i can member or the Senate Watergate com· miUee. fell the Watergate perm,.led the party ... I (eel better," said Baker. "I think we turned the comer." Nixon introduced the after-dinner entertainers, the youthful soft-rock musical group known as the carpenters. * * * 'KISSINGER'S DE VASTATING ' WASHINGTON (AP) -Henry Klss in· ger, 1he swinging member of the Nixon Adm inistration. has turned again to Hol- lyv;ood fo r a \Vhite House dinner partner. He escorted actress Mamie Van Doren to a dinner Tuesday nigh t for West German Chancellor Willy Brandt. Asked wtial she though! or Presidenl Nixon's national security adviser. Miss Van Doren replied: "Devastating." Kissinger 1umed to reponers and laughed, "\Vrite that down, for God's sake.'' , Two Copters Unscathed By.Gunfire l UPI Te"""419 Apolog!J T.~dered White Hou .. Press Secreta~onald Zieg!Br bas apO ogized. tot>Vash· ington Post and reporters Bob Woodward (L) and Carl Berstein who teamed to uncover many or alleged instances of political espionage, sabofa~· and cover-ups ia Watergate case. Circus Acrobat Lives After 55-foot Plunge NEW YORK (U PI) - A circus acrobat billed as "The Great Atlas" fell ·~ proximately 55 !eel from nw-~ceiling " Madl!on Square Ganl<n Tueoday nlghl when a rope used in his act m31func· • lioned. 'I'he pe'l'former with the Ringling Brothers, BamUm and Bailey Circus was not seriously injured. Atlas' act called for him to fall from a platform bllt to stop short of hitting the ground by a rope tied to his wrist. The act apparently worked well enough to break the fall' and keep Atlas from being seriously injured. The next act came on and the acrobat was carried off in a stretcher. e Voters Defeat Relie f e 1Hexica11 Riot Erupts PUEBLA, Mexico (UP I) -BeavUy anned students took three pgllceiQen hostage Tuesday, touching o(f a five:bour gunba ttle that left three students dead and 20 other persons wounded. Pollce said six of the wounded were policemen, while others included uinocent bystanders. e Netll8 Blackout Set PI NE RIDGE. S.D. (UPI) - Federal negotiator Richard Hellstem has an· (..__I_N_S_H_ORT_ .. _. __,) nounced a blackout of all news pertaining to negotiating sessions in lhe 64-day-old impasse at Wounded Knee. He declined 10 ans\\·er newsmen's questions con· cerning the reason for it. SAIGON (AP) -Two peacek .. ping helicopt ers were fired on t¢ay as they flew over Vi et Cong-controlled territory in South Vietnam carrying four members of the international cease-fire com- miss ion. The helicopters were not hit. They returned to their base at Da Nang without damage or injury to the possengers or the crews, which included civilian Americans flying oo contract for the commission. The Vi et Cong nllssloo ln Saigon acknowledged its forces fired on an aircralt In the same northern area as the helicopter incident. But they charged the one the y stx>t at was an American recon- naissance craft. Representatives of the lnte1'118timal Commission of Control and Supervisioo. and ne wsmen on the scene who witnessed the firings made no mention of seeing any American aircraft. A COMMUN!Quti from the Viel eol,g Foreign Ministry, broadcast over the Communist radio, claimed tb.at the American reconnaissance aircraft flew through the safety cbrridor that had been established for the two cominission helicopters. The Uniled States has been flying unanned reconnaiMance missioos over South Vietnam. American sources said. But there was no official comment on the helicopter incidCfll. Ambassador Michel Gauvin, head of the Canadian peacekeeping delegation , called the firing "deplorable." "These guys must be lousy shots," said Carl Fox of Kansas City, an American civilian copilot who talked with a Cana· dian Press reporter ln Da Nang after the helicopters returned. "But we were lucky, damn lucky." The helicopters were en route from Quang Tr i, 19 miles below the DMZ, to Gio Llnh to pick up a team from the lnternatinnal Commission of Cootro1. and Superv ision that investigated the April 7 downing of two other peacekeeping helicopters. Nine persons were killed aboard one or those helicopters, and the group today was to bring the other one back to Quang Tri. As the two helicopters were about halt a mile north of the Thach Ban river, observers or the International Com- mission on the south bank of the river said they heard ground fire. They ra dioed the helicopters to tum back. A farm leader at Mayersville, Miss., said cotton and soybean farmen were helplessly watching tbe remainder of the planting season pass wilh 9Q percent of their land covered by nnoding. "It's very definitely getting serious," I said Jack Va{ICe, Issaquena County ei:· ecutive for tbe Agriculture Stabilliation and O:ioservatioo Service. '~e's nm- niog out lo get anything lite a nonnat crop planted." He said 100,000 acres of rann land was under water ln Issaquena County alooe, with ·about 181000 acres usually being planlod In colloq and 70,Wl to 75,Wl · acres being used for soybeans. Elsewhere, the director or the Ma.ine Civil Defense said Tuesday that nood damage aloog lhe St. Jorn and Penobocot rivers should qualify the region as a disaster area. Lebanon Troops Battle Rebels Outside Beirut I BEIRUT (UPl i -Lebanese lrOOPS clJshed with Palestllllan guerrill., In the • suburbs of Beirut today when the lrOOPS took action to llberale twO soldiers kid- naped by armed men. 1be thump ol ex· plosions and the raltle of macbineguns sounded throughout Iha d11 In lhe Mini lighting since an ootbreak In 1969. Firsl ieports !laid 10 soldiers were killed and 35 wounded. At leasl seven civilians suffered gunshot wourld>, staff members at the American University o1 Beinil's Hospilal reported. Guerrilla casUalties were not known. Figbling took place In a lwr>Square mile area of southern Beirut around lhe Shattila, Sabra and Bir 11.assan Pal .. stlnlan refugee Cjllllps. Sucll fighting in the past brooght Lebanon clo!e to civil war and threalened a conlrvotatlon with Syria; which lully aupportl the Palestin- ians against Israel. Near the Sabra camPi a building near the headquarters of the Pop u 1 a r Democrstic Front for the Uberatloo. of Palestine (PDFLP) had two holes in il, apparenlly caused by tank or ba2oolca fire. About a mile away plnewoods near the Bir Hassan refugee camp caught fire. A one-hour exchange of gw'lfire in various areas in the morning was loUow· ed by a lull. In lhe al-~ started again on the road from Beirut to the capilol's airport as well as al Te~AI· Zaatar, a refugee camp on the eastern outskirts ol the capital. Ancy troops and guerrillas exchanged 1 rockel f~ at Tel·Al·Zaafar. , PORTLAND, Ore. f AP) -Voters re- jected on Tu esday Gov. Tom McCall's plan to provide residential property tax relief by having the state pay 9S pe rcent of the school costs. With 99.7 percent of the ballots counted, the vote was 356,639 to 2.55,711. The plan lost in 33 ol the 36 counUes. Dnly th ree of the state's 1,301 precincts ha d not reported Wednesday morning. However, it was understood Lhat American Indian i1ovement (AB1) leaden al Wounded Knee have proteslod the form er govenunent policy pf holding news conferences ' exptt.ssfQg t h e government's vfcw of n'e go ti a Ii n g sessions. S~hool Dra1na Gu1ime1t Hold 44 Pupils Hosmge It'll Be Fair, Warmer e 4 Raiders Sapeadell , WASHINGTON (AP ) -Fout ledeMll narroUC9 agents: were suspen~ Tues- day for mistaken-identity raids last week on the homes of two Illinois families. PEORIA, Ill. (AP) -"We didn't know if we were golng to seei the fight of day again. Those were a mean bunch of devils!" lhe boy broke away ond Burch ohot several Umes at police. Other reports in. dlcallld that Burch fired Into the air. I T e1nperatures Expected to R eacli l1ito 70s Temperature• • V.S. Summar" Tiit ll!ohft! ~tyn reoorf'lld 19 t1M Nttbllol WNttllf' StNk• l i119MYj •~d\ldll"D i'l•~a ....0 H-•11, w•1 ti e l.Jltwd(!, 1 , .. Tod•v'' i.. wt1 1, .,..,.,... •I J! ...... ,,,.. wvo. Coastal Weather WIONESOAY, MW 1 Sun '1111 6:11 ''"'·• ~ 7~-•. m. ~ rllln S:llf ''""' .. 11 1;f1 "·"'· CNtlll WNIMr NIOl\f tnd ~Ill tow flMt •M i:o.f'111 foet, offlttwlw 111,. Wt!llh llellt e<>d v•r!•bl• tllrD\11111 """""ftO '*'"- '*:Ol'lllnQ ~ttrty a1 10 to 16 kl!OI• •lier-· '6f•••I temper•turt' .n " &S. 1,... lalld tMdl11<11 tel'IQI Iron'! iO to tJ. W4t., lt:l'lllHlf•lll!'t SI, Sun, Moon, '1'lde1 WIDNllOAV $«md 111011 • • 11 :U .. rn. •.• ~low .. ' l :Of •. m. 12 TNUUD&T 1"11'111\ltfl •• •.• .. •• l~)l e.m. .... f ll'lf low •• , '1• '''"" 1.t The naUon's cblet enforce< of drug Jaws, Myles J. Ambrose, also said be was seeking an Immediate grand jury probe ol lhe Incident. Ambrose. said that the four agents joined by 11 other agents from local police - stormed into two ColliNville, Ill., residences withooL approval ol ellher the courts or their superiors. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE °'ll""f of tht Dally Pllol ts go1r1t1tttd ~r·IJl'W•r1 ti "'I • .,.. "'"' "nllr ,..", l'f It\•·""" c11t •llOll \'ftt <'-Y •Ill ... ~ ,.., Ctltt .,. 1A:111 ""'ll 11• .. ""' l•i.NIY tlll f•lllll'I II \j9ll .. 11•1 'iKllV• r-,,,., "' f l ,lft, t1""1111. ~r t 1 ,m, l•M•1'· c•U .,,,. • ttiJY .tn H l1'Vtftl • ~ .... C.•UI l•t It~"' 1111111 lt t ,lft, Ttltphont\ MHI 0flllft tt1111t~ Artt' •·· U1.ull Ntntiwt•I W11111l11>1ff• ltldl .,,, WHlntl1nlff ... , ,. .,., .... Int I.at C*""'Ml't. (1Jtitr,._. 11•<"- Jtt ''" C1"'lr1111, DIM ........ .... ~ ~ ,...... • trMat 1JW Ntllontt WN'Mf' kl'¥1« l.t!CI ttlot w•rml"9 H'fnd Wlll<ll DtO<tn Tyn. Cl•W 111'111 WIN 1'--C-l"io '""' """ $f(cind fll9'I • lt:N IJJll. U Stc:oftd loW S1M p,m. 11 '-------------' That was llow Paul McAvoy, 85, custo- ctinn al St. Cectlla E1e1nentarY scbool, said it felt belilg held capt.l~e with 44 pupils and lhree olher adulll for almosl I WO hoUB Tuesday by three gunmen in the school basemenl. One of the gwlmen • was killed by police. '!'he other lwo were captured. The three were 5Ul1"ded of holdll>J( up a sporUng goods store minutes earlier, police said. NEARLY TWO HOURS aller the on!eal began, Melvin Burcll, 25, of Peoria, who wu lr)'ing to use Qtth grader John Ard is Bl a sblel~ wu shot to doalh by police out.<lde lhr! echooL Elovc .. yeaN>ld Arcila, the IOn ol a Peoria aldcnnan, said later that he volunteered to be the host.lg~. "The guy asked somebody to go out wlth him /' he anld. "Nobody else did sol Lhoughl I'd bolter &o or he ml&bl gtl ml\d . • "lie loolt me out with a l!IJll at my head," he uld. "I bclrd a sbrl~ uw bim ran •nd 11111 ran." • c.pt, s.r Plano, o1 the l'l!orta po!ioet said u the lwo emerged !run the ICllOOI • ( ' Bureh was shot to death as more than 5,000 persons looked on, Pisano said. McAYOY SAID HE Wa! "just gelling! ready to sweep up" when three anned men led the .school children and t.bt ir teacher, Sister Aline Delores, to lhe bue· mcnt cafeteria. '1 had Just told my fifth gradeno to1 start doing t.be.lr homework." u td thei nun. She was teaching an arlthmeUc class In • .... slnry 119me building near ~ main school. ''The place was u qulel u could he . and all or • sudden lhe door Dew open and a man w1lb two guns came tn and said, 'Get •ll•irull tho wall !' " lbe reported. The nun said he lold them, "I have enough explosives here to blow up four blocks." Two other men cnrrylng guns and 11Cks Died tn arter him , she said. Tb• 24 pupil& or the clus left lhelr books on their deslts and with their teacher joined 20 other chlldrtn who came lo from the playgn>und and flied Into lhe Kbool 'buern<nt •here lhey Joh> ed another leacller, a....,, .. parllhlnntt and McAvoy. • • • DAD.y PILOT EDITOBJA'L PAG~ • Stamp of App r()val We now have the first sampling ol. community r& actbi ~ all-year .ICIJooll in HunliDglon Beach, and the ouUoolt iJ quite favonl)Je. • Two elementary ICbools, W..imont and_Crest View In the Ocein View Qlstr!ct, have completed a. fUll year on the all·Y.ar cycle. Lui week, parental opinion ol. the program was sampled by sending a 13-<luestlon 111rVey to parent.. of cllildren at the tw.1> «hools. The cllstrlct received an 86 pen:ent (523 forms) response. lo no tnstanee did opposition or negative feelings about Ute all-year program exceed 34 percent. Generally It WM less than 20 portent. · Meanwhile, up to 72 pe~t support was registered on the survey and most questions received positive an- swers from 40 to 60 percent of tbe parents. Some an· swered with neutral feelings, \vhidl indicated they did not see a great deal or difference between all·year and traditional programs. The district iJ now asking parents if Ibey want to continue the all·year programs ~t Westmont and Crest View. lnd.ications are sufficient parents will say 1'yes/' and that seems a good answer to the critics. Obstacle Course . Shed a tear for the drivers of Fountain Valley. Battling freeway traffic five days a week to commute to their jobs, Ibey can't e<>en look forward to relaxed drlying on their hometown streets when they get back from work. For the Fountain Valley resident, there are only more snarls and delays at the end of the freeway oil-• ramps. llecause of two major public utility projects and a street improvement prognm as many as lour of the major arterial highways in the city have been torn up simultaneouslJ durillC the Jl9lt,)'NI'. No one ..., argue with-dli necessity cl the~ by the dty and'll!Q C<lllOly Slllilltioo and ....,. but th .. b.arrled drtven of foiintaln Vallet,. wbo aliD dally have been forced to oeek new routes UU"OUgb their city, mUll be given some ~t for putUng up with such, a Joog·nmnlng and major lnconveoieme. Ol\Y officials have vowed that all the wort. will be done and the streets repaved by August and it couldn't be too 9000 for the local residents. Educational Sampler Everything from the simple -nail manicure -to the subliine -0 is peace possible?" -will be offered next week In an experimental minicourse day at Hunting· ton Beach High School. About 150 different classes will be offered May 7. Some of them are just for (un, some to supplement reg- ular studies or hobbies and some to stimulate ln~rest in normal high school classes or Independent research. It's an ambitious undertaking, Involving subjects lik4 science, show business, arts and crafts, air pollu· tion,-dnlg al>Qse, urban problew, psych-Ology, vocations, organ_iC>~ and commumca!iOll.$. FacU!ty, atudenls and community members will be t:~rl.rover the podiums next Monday with obscure or f subjects they've secretly wanted lo ~ach or otbeis ba.., w,.nted to learn. . Two students -Jeffrey Schlichter and John Wood· lock -deserve special credit for coordinating the ex- periment, which <hey hope will make school exciting for more students. It should. T)ley, and high school officials, have offered enough of everything to mlie district board president .Demiis Mangers eay be saw "12 tblllgs I couldn't live without." . • • • H N_egat~ve De;lr Gloomy Gus Bill to Implement Vote Stalled . . . Voting Has Littw V alue (srnNEY J.HARRI~ 'l'hwghts at Larre In nine elections: out or ten, most peo- ple are voling agal.nlt someone or something, rather than for; thus, those who win office on a "negative mandate,~' as it were, feel no ootbpulsioo to do much e1cept reaffirm their antagooism to what bas been repudlal<d at the polls. • • • The vulgarian doesn't eejoy a story unless tt h& a hap- py endini; the es- thete doesn't enjoy one unless it has a Mier ending; both are equally i.i,. to the patdlwork quill of reality, whlch Is a commingled fabri c of both, I • • • It may be true that the weak will always be driven to the wall; but it is the 1 task of a just society 14 see lbal the wall , ls climbable. " I ' • • • I There are many things that defy even the mightiest intelligence ; but there is no I limit 14 the depths of stupidity. • • • Pain that is imposed by others is only a drop in the bucket (and far more I wonder if all the "fat cats" sup- porting the Commillee to RHlect the President with that big New- port Harbor boat parade last year knew their contributions were going from water to water · gate, that is! -S.1.N.K. G'-" 0.• -h ,,. .uMltt.f bY' ~ IN .. Mt ~rilY A'f*I ~ "'""' •• ... ,....,...,., . '"' -fft .....,. te Glltfn' Ov1t DllllY Pllef. IO!e,;,ble) .,;,,,,Pare.i 14 the pain 1hat ls self·infilcled. • • • ~-Is • noblei; profeaiCl!I ~ ~. for beallng ..,. "1111 the in- . d!Yldual, _.,as ~!Y Adam said, "A 'ttlcber ollecb'etenlilY; ~~never 'WI ,..,... blt· ll!ili/ence stopl.~• " ' • • • It ia ,fatuoua 14 demand a tax l)'llem lbat will °'*"le with "equality"; all we have a right 14 ask 1a that the in- equall~es spring from · the Imprecise nature of the system, land not from the calculated impoalilon of t h e ad- ministrators. • • • It is one of the ironies ot promotioo that those who do their job.! too well are often deemed indispensable, while others rue· past them ·beoause of their very dlipmlabWly. . . ~ . U sexual e1perience were as avallable as water, promiscuicy would become as rare as death from over-quaffing al a drinking·ldomliin. What's a Wawrgate? Teapot Dome. Watergate. &th names are B)'OODymous with political scandals, the great.est yet to surface in this century. Yet bow many people know that Teapot Dome was a U.S. Navy oil reserve near Casper, Wyo.? Or that Watergate Is a cluster of five. residential and commel'-' clal buildings buddied on tbe northern shore of the Potomac? One suspecls lbat the 83 percent of of Americans who have bean! of the W•lergale scandal, accord- ing 14 Gallup, know nnt 14 nolblng about the city·witbin-a-elly that gave the scan- dal Its name. . So DOW it C8ll be 14ld if 8llJ'1IM! cares 14 lbteo. The first unit of the W11er&ate complex, which eventually wu lo COii 1 fl8 million, opened 1n the autumn of 111111. Walergate East and Watergate West coo- sist almoot exchWvely of ocoperaUve aparlmJ'!lla. The Wa~ak !!otd and Office Building are entittly commerelal. Walergale South conlalns both offices · and apartmenls. As for the an:hitecture, it's. • .dil· ferent. Lois of curveJ, and balcoay rail· inp that have been llkeDed to .shark'• tooth necklaces. Leo Cbampe dacribed by one observer aa "a !'<111 cluster of 311 International 11-," aponed • m tho Watergale last fall.. Qlm:d.f lo lbe --and who can mllli ll! .:.. ai..11 Ibo Kennedy Center. "Ardlitecture at1k1 like It about as much as they do the , Walergate. Whee the cmter opened, local np insisl<d It w a s "tbe box t h e Weiergate came lo." DESPITE these puldowna, t h • Watergate Ir considered an "in". place to llvt. "Under K<!IU!edyl Georgetown WIS the rtgbt Address.' observed Ufe mapitne In 19119, "Under Nixon, It ls .•. the Walergale, which has a view of the Potomac, oeveraJ IWiJnnlln& pools. •pee> t&e:ular architecture with a nautical n ....... and a prulmlty (eight bloclu) 14 1900 P!Msylvenla Avenue.'' TodaJ, llllt11 Republicans fetl t b • t the -- • EDITORIAL RESEARCH !rnily ii a little too close for comfort. Waterpte res"'enta, Republicans as well aa Democriils. were cunplainlng about bugs loog before the break-In at Democratic NaUonal Committee head- quarters last June 17. A group of Watergate West apartmerit-dwellers had previously sued the developers, alleging defectlve appliances, inadequate air con· d!Uoolng. faulty phunbJn&, and'..ot and wlmlow Jeab. Ano111er problem 11 noiao. The complex ia sllual<d 1n the fllgbt path of planes bea~ fw ,_..,,. Natlooal Airport. ' Since June 17, Walergate has acquired an mtnb' new aura. Vlliton 14 the Ken- nedy Center ppe at II In passing. Tour- bus guides have added tt 14 their list of attraCl.ionl. A New York Times Magazine contributor wmt so tar as to say that "there does seem lo be .. Msrlenbad, 'La Dolce Vita' quality about lbe place, a feeling thal Is heightened by the labyrinthine deolln: by tbe sunken walkways. tiend liiuntaiiis. atrtaled arcs and captiv• ..-; a Villa d'Este luroed 14 -. the Andrea Doria's aupentructure cast In concrete." llECIJ1IJTY PRBCAIJ'l'IONS m llfrln. geet at the Watergate. altbOuah llemocr111 may feel Inclined 14 argue tlie point. Doonnen, security guards, and cl08ed-drcu.lt TV cameras are ever on the alert for lntruden. Nevertheless. a number, of burglart .. have occumd. One victim was Role Mary Woods, a fon1.t1me rude 14 President Nixon. The Dmiocrals wlll conUnue 14 bll&bqr the WalerJale ICll!dal, but horn ac. 11le naUonal comm11t .. ....,..uy moved out of the CQO\lllex. Mind yon, It WIS nothln1 ~I. It's JUll that the Ptr11 found 1 place lbat lflnled for !ell. . . ' Death Pena~ty c-Decision 'fhwatted- SOME Iegl!hltors thoueht "'· loo. They moved tO Jmplerilent the Will of the peo- ple. Senator George DeullmejiBn "(!I-Long Beach) was one. He introduced SB .SO to ( RUSWALTON J MORETfl is against the death penalty -and that's his privilege. But, he admils that if SB 450 did get to the noor of the Assembly, so that all the AssembJymen could vote on It, It would probably pass. He dDubts lhat It wllt ever get out « commiUee. And, he s b o u l d know. Moretti appointed the members of that severrman Criminal Justice C.Ommittee, including the four~Oemocrat majority that is opposed to capital punishment . That's one of the reasons I.hose four are on that committee. It adds up to one thing : the will and actions of one man, dected by 49,71! voten, can tell S.4 mlDlon Calilornlans 14 go to hell • Ana, It means that four assemblymen, who ahogether polled 258,000 votes, can do the same. Here are the four Democrat.!I who can be ezpecled lo kill SB 450 -or any other death penalty bill lbal comes before them: Bob crown (Dakland). Jolm Miller (Oelcland), AI:i!1foty (BeverfT HllJa) ill<Hlency w (LA Y. IN '1111\BE oF thoM four dlslrtcll (Crown. Sleroty oncJ Wuman) the Prop. 17 vote was over,,belm.lngly "yes." Only in John Miller's dlstrlcl did the death penalty fail; only Jolm Mlll•r can say that he represents the will of the ma· jority ol his consUUlr!lll. But, representative &OY9l'IUDll!llt goes cheap in Babylllll tbete days. M ... tU told a new1 con!~ Jlllslaton have a duty lo lead pub1lc aplnlon, not juat repttSenL It. He .. td nothing about legislators following the wlll ol the peo- ple, once an laue has 1>oeu tborau&flly debol<d and ~ I '• There ii eometh!Dg Jn'!lllC with a oyslem when It permlls ~ Jlllll from one of the state'• 80 allelllb'1 d.lllrlc:ta 14 thwart the will of 5.4 million voten. Olecks and balances an Cine. And lm- por1ant. But wlllull dlsre1ard of a puhllc mandate .Ls somethlnc e!Je. Starr Land Gift a County Milestone • To the Editor: • , • " MAIL"BOX • Gill of 4.1100 acres lo Ibo ..Udllft and county open space by the Starr Foun- dation· must rank aa lhe outstanding 1c- lion 'In Orange County th the last deCade. '1 ' ., AJ>.OIJll; oodnty deteriorates at an ac-....., __ ,.... ,.------~.~' celerating rate into a tragic Los Letter& /;om re•s are toel~. Ang e li z at ion of over-development, l(ormally writtr1 &hould convey thtir perhaM the demonstration of their tMssages in 300 words or less. The farsighied leadf:rsh1p in recpgnizing that right to cotUUmt letters to fit &pace vie have a responsibility to the land and or elimi'nate Zibel is reseroed. AU the wild elements inhabiting It can jar lettert must include lignaturt and othtrs into similar steps before the whole mailing oddre&s, but names may be remainder is Paved iptder. withheld on request if suf ficient For certainly the present policies of reason is apparent. Poetry will not be local and county political unils are not published. maining land and simply set it aside and leave It alone. rr woow be a miracu l ou s turnaround II Individual.I and governmen- tal agencies would ,..,. the llgnllloanoe and J>OU!ntial of' the Sim fill, and all do 800\e like ll11ng within our own c.pablllUes. v ftllng suit. All!lough I did IO IS a con- cerned cltlleri' retber than as a represen- taUve ol the Housing °""""II I did have occasion at last year'• Jrvme •Qimpany Barbecue and J141md-ap to dllcula tbia very subject wllll then Vice President Gilbert Ferguton. As I recall, be m.. dicaled at the ilme that the lrvlne CoJJ>. pany wu aware of the problem and in- tended lo do something about It in the near future. " NINAE. WEST (Mn. Robert J.) L ikes Letters government new>paper. Freedom of lbe -meaos •-""""'Y ..,i l'!ll!JJab ~ own newap1pel!•___ · · Fonda reluaed to tllll)\'er that qustlon saying that we must '"gel heel: 14 the war issue." I found Jane Fondo lo be poranol.d. pe11JelraUng •Joe Radical' !tr a nor>- radlcal, but extrem!JI and emollopal cause. She ooly opposed the preoent government beoause of Ila handling of the war. She thought 110 more of limited govemmentlsm or questioning the right ot one person &o rule over another than ber meaningless statement (aloo« with Tom Hayden) lbat the relumlnc Pow's To the F..dltor: -are "llan. hypocrites and peiwna." ln '!bank yoo for publishing the Jetten fact, It ,.. ... 14 me that ber delcrlpllon from Buckley O'Neill and Bernice Baker of the, POWa are more appropriate of (Mailbox , April 18). It was .a delight lo Fonda• own mania. bear from people who do their own think-ANYWAY Jane Fonda ia no more ' ' mg. rewlullnnary than Hitler, fot' which I Thank you again Cot' a breath of.fresh auggest •be be given the '"Fickle Fato air! ' B'l.nger Fuclst Award." I btlleve a VIRGINIA SECOR persoo who 11 p-lve b an il>- meeUng their obligatlona 14 sl4p the mtdness of subeidiiing develOl)ers at residents' expense. They use zoning end taxpayers' money to tum one of the en- vironmentally richest areas in the world into a rat's nest of gas ltatklns, overhead Utilities, euperfluous freeways and roads, :picking lots, rabbli-huteb blgh clenllty housing, billboards, gulleriUd river channels and power planta. WHAT IS in all thi> for the people who llve, here, lo be subjected lo more of VERLYN G. MAR'l'H. dlvldual who advocates a voitmtary or libertarian society wbere m<n are free 14 do what they desire as 10!\I u they do not inlringe upon the rights. life and pro. perty of another. Fonda Is -lbln& out of tbe put. I am looking towardl tbe Mure. tbe90 things! Nothing but misery, a future of d ... lulion. 'I'OOH facton people long for In urbanlud soclety are UD· developed natural places lbat they ean feel, see and walk upon. Where a kid can stand alone in an open field and know that the natural world holds aomethlng other than TV channel number.I, freeway roules and too many people. Maybe the Starr step can tum others lo the aame path. Let J.rvine Company save and pass on all of Newport Bay open land, not to lhe government but to the wUd things on 'the laod , with the counly's role limlled to stewardsltip. Let the Newport-Mesa school district turn o•tr tboir Intrusive parcel! of land in lbe FalrVlew Wild Area Park to the county rather 1han lraaJ>inC for land opeculatlon pin, Let the county itop 1ubaldlzlng cleslructlv•, degrading devoloproent with Oood control, sewers, water ind planning &ervlces and tum that money over to pf'O(:Urement of land, DOL to r overdeveloped par kJ but for opeq wild plac<i. 7.oNlNG, Proposition 20s, impact statcmt.nll and myriad little rules art A dmnonstraltd fa!luro and perhap! do serlOUJly jeopardlu the r!gbls of in- dlv!Wal • ....,.. Tbe county and clues lhould take a !rooder, almpler vMYf. buying rnanlve proportlolUI of the re- To the Editor: I am writing In reapanse to yoor edil<>rial chutWng the Orance Qiunly Fair llouaing CouDcll for not cbecldng with the'Irvlne Company reganllng their llleged diacrtmlnaloty advertiaing before To the Edil4r: Alter hearing ...,. of ti-wild statements by Jane Fonda on televtslon, l decided to see If they were true. I was not disappointed. Lislenlni 14 her at cal Stale. Fullerton a few 11ieb ago found her foaming at the mouth everytlmo abe mentioned President Nlxcn or Thieu. However, this did not bother me. Whal bothered me WRJ that she tried 14 convince us about freedom of tbe pr68 and speech 1n North Vietnam . ln a 'small group ol .students after Fooda's main speech, r was able to ask her questJOl\I about her guided taur of llo'a Magic Kingdom, North Vietnam. "OH, YES, there is a free preu in No rth Vietnam " she answered. '°M)ere ls a communist J;iper, a socialist paper and even a Catholic paper," Fonda continued. t asked, "How about a pro-American, capitaJisdc or antl·North Vietnamese Quotes "It's aboolulely Insulting lo ••Y lo a 11lan making $11,000 • year: 'You can~ buy our !east ei:pensJve house.' " - Ptt~ Taylor, head of operatlont for 1 !Inn that pioneered in bu 11 d I n g 1• economica l housing, commenting on the rising cost of aJn1le-famlly homes. I LMRY SAMUELS CSUF-YAF OIAJ!M~ i·Mitl~C.Ji Roberl N. W•C<I. ~ T"°""" Kt..nl, lfdftal' Bar~· Kr.tbf.i. Edilorlol l'Oflt lfdltor ,,,,, edlb1a("-"' 1ho 'Diiiy Pilot -.. 1niorii> a4 -..... .. ..,.,.. by ..-tJnr .. thlo - dlverw commentary °" ~ 0( ta- """ ""-.............. ond ,.,_,totio, by~ • -. ... -·· -ond by ... -thll -· ......... ond-... "'"""' -,,,. edt"""1 ·-ol , ... Dall> PUot -"""' to the editorial mlumn at tfle top ot '1he part. ()pl_nlons tllf""t'AC'd by tht col~ umnllt1 and ea.noonlltt ud .......... wrltera are thelt own and no Mlbw- m<•I ol U>oir ...... by 'IM ~ Pllot~bt- Wednesd>,y, Ml.!' 2, 1973 I , 1 • 2 P.lead Innocent -. To Fraud RIVERSIDE (AP) -Two men have pleaded tnnocent to cboratl tbit tbeJ m I d e fnudlllent ~--to enli.O people into bilylng limited partnerships in a Vlab-besed film company. A proscc11tor llld the pair !Ola pro11pective buyers that the company obla1ned pennlsslon l'rom the Mormon Church to use the name and music or the Mormoo Tabernacle O>olr in a movie to be called "The Boy Who Could Slog Uke the Mormon Tabernacle Choir." Jay M. Wheeler, 43, of Cedar City, Utah, and Vertand Whipple: -43, of N o r l h Hollywood, were e•ch released oo '5,00G bait. A Jury trial Is ICheduled July 13. The pair were tndlcted by the countf grand Jury April 10 on charges of grand theft and selling ICCID"itles withoot a pennlt In connection with the firm they aper11ted, Canyon C<untry Productlooe. e Siter on Tee1u1? SACRAMENTO (APl - LegislaUon to end the re- q·uirement ror an additional pronle photo on drivers' Ucenses for minors has been introduced by a lawmaker who calls the two-photo law "a slur Ufl'l~ PtcUlng Out Financier Jobn D. Mac- Arthur has announced that he Is pulling his substantial stake out of Florida because 11fan- atic" ecologists a n d paliticians are making 1t a "difficult place." Doctor .. ·-Oll:-ibe J!lalur!ty of California_ teenagers." Present law says a full face and profile photo must appear on drivers' licenses ls!ued to minors to distinguish them .. from licenses iJsued to adults. 'Fore sees' Killers ANN ARBOR, Mich !API - A University 0£ Michigan psychiatrist says he can predict on tbe basis of clinical examinations that c er l a i n teen-agers with no criminal record will eventually become But Sen. Joseph Keooick (0- Long Beach), said that 18th and 21st birthdays don 't neces.urily coincide w I t h license renewal dales and the youthful profile photos are "no po.sitive indication whether a driver ... as a min2r OT an adult." e SetCletctettt SANTA BARBARA (AP) - The local branch of the Goodyear Tire andllubber Co. has ,.ttled by a slipulated judgment a criminal consumer ftaud action against t b e. branch and three employes. Disrlict Attorney D a v i d Minier aald that the company agreed to pay a civil pena lty and costs of the legal action. The amount of the penalty would not be disclosed, he said. The company ~·as charged "'itb making raise represen- tations to sell ball joints to customers who responded to an advertisement for a $9.95 !root end alignment for their cars. e Gripe Pho11 e SACRAMENTO (APl Anyone aruioyed because the vending machine he Y.1as using was broken would have a ptione number to call under a bill introduced in t h e Assembly. 1 Assemblyman Eugene Chap- pie (R-Cool), introduced lhe measure which, if enacted, "-ould go into effect July l, 1974. e No Otlf!rtime ? SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A California law r e q u I r I n g women be paid overtime after eight hours of "'Ork a day is unconsti t utiona l sex discrimination, a federal judge has ruled. U.S. District Judge Charles B. Renfre~· made lhe ruling on a suit filed by Homemakers Inc .. a Lo.s Angeles firm that provides housekeepers and nurses to customers' homes. The finn was protesling a state investigation or charges that women \\'Orking 12-hour shifts were r eceiving n o overtlme pay. Ph.ii Gregory, attorney for Homemakers Inc., argued that the 1964 federal Civil Rights Act invalidated Ille state law granting "'-omen s p e c i a I overtime privileges. e 82 Vlolatlo11• LOS -"'GELES (AP) Although 82 of 99 relail meat outlets checked in the Los Angeles area b1t· the lnlemal Revenue 'Servict were found to be in violation of celling price regulaUons, only 12 of these bd not conformed on a sec- cnf cboc~. the 1115 says. '"lbe 12 still In violation -dted with a no!lce of •i> pond llablll\Y," Kenneth Sut- ton, M IRS l[10ke1man, sBld. "A dally fine.of 12,000 can ba aaoeiod lcw Clliltinuod non· <Ornpliance.". Jle aid 'the lJ marlteta. mo&t ol lbeln small and operated by peroons wbo did not underatand 1uldtllat1 Im- ~ by -Mron, coml!lled 14 houl'I Illar the dla!Tons. rn.tJ,rderers. ~ Or. Derek MiJler, associate chairman of the psychiatry department a t University Hospital, said he has predicted murder ellorta by I O adolescents in the past decade. Eightfof· them eventually tried to murder someone, he said. Three succeeded. DR. MILLER said the key characteristic of the pro- spective murder s is dehumanization brought on by parental mistreatment. "Dehumanization mean s an individual loses the capacity for human empathy," he ex- plained. "He is simply not capable of recognizing hoy.• others feel." -IN ONE CASE reported by the psychiatrist, a 13-year-old girl revealed in a clinical in- terview that she neither en- joyed nor disliked hurting people. Two years later. she killed a woman who refused to part with her purse. All the likely murderers had violent fathers who often shmved a dramatic loss or con- trol, Dr. Miller said. AS CIUlyDl\EN, he ex- plained , these individuals \\'ere the subject of attacks simply because they came t o represent a n unacceptable part of their father 's personality. 1be murderous types also had mothers who were deceit- ful or mothers Wlable to shield their children from their father. he said. State PTA To Endorse VD Plan? SAN DIEGO (API -The California Parent -Teacher Association is expected to en- dorse th.is "'-eek a ''strong pro- gram in venereal disease edu- cation in every school in caU- fornia.'' says a spokesman. Such classes Y.'Ould begin by the seventh grade and J>OS!lbly ·as low as the fiflh . A resoluHon to that effect was prepared for the 74th an- nual !late eonvention opening today, the spokesman said . About l,IX>O delegales are ex· peeled (O •llend. The meetings will end Fri· day, Official Set SACRAMENTO (APl -An Orinda newspaper publisher has been named by Gov. Ronald Reagan lo !he board ol trustees oC the 6llle unlvers.ity and college system. He ia Dean S. Lesher. 70. publisher of the Orinda SUo and 23 C.lllornla -pera. tn-cludlllr ,...,.,, in Cootra Costi County lllld tile San JDI• quln Valley. DAILY "1LOT $ Cities · Don't Have to Bear tile Bareness. SAN FRANCl&CO (AP) -tlel lad tbe-c!IY-""......,...,._ma to ~y Local ordtna..,.._b a r r I • 1 to regulated -rather protectid erpttSSloo merely topleu and b o t t o m I e t 1 than wordl or speech and thus becaWN!I the waller or wa.tt.resa Wll-... eoi.t1ainen II did not violate the 1st Amend-la Wldotbed. SUcb buslnea rtSlllll'lftta lad ban are COi> ~ oald oudt onlinanc<lt :~ ~ no1..=..,"f: 1Ututlonal, the Oa 11 Io r o I• . OlClld be cooaldel'ed Jecltlmale in the coortltullonal ...,. Supreme Court liu rul<!d. ~ ,.quired to proteCl b<nule 11 OCOlln in topleu ... Local bo111 on toplesa or bot• ~'OlOrals and welfare. bottom)ee1JJ1111ion." tomle11 peraooe taking !>Mt'ln '"nle servk>! of food lad The ruling continued: live acts or erhlbltions in UJ be.verage is a commercial ac· "Such nude icdvity i 1 public pl1ce except thealerl tivlty," said the court. "It en-mlhinl more than 1 com- alao are oonstttuUonal, the +2 tall• nothing of a com- dedsloo said Tuesday. municative nature in the con-~~:;m:u~ ~ THE DEICISION held that chaUeftled orlllrulnc<!s t n Orange and Sacramento ~ stituUOnal sewe. promote sales. . .Topless "THIS ORDINARY bu!ioell walim,.et, -mingle with activity is not transformed nor cuatomers, may stimulate .. breodlee of the peooe amonc!! a bar's 1"'1t!Y male CU..teli. Tawdry <1tabliahmenll feat""' log nudity u a commucial exbtbttial}' and 111 .. promotion 1111J1 be detrimental to Iba gener~ wellare of the our· roundhi& oonununlty." THE OBDINANCEI) a r e udirected at coodu~opless" and boltomleeo esposure - and nol at speech or conduct wtUcb la 'in essence' speech or 'clolely akin to Speech,' II the court aald. The decision aald that the local laws do not prevent sueb ••• ,; I ' beVft'llle. 1nd re a t u rt n1 toj>ldl walim-and tople'll aDd ..nude: enlUllJDior1, Tiil Sacramento Qllmly aod cit cues involved ta.,. er' 1 ""1(11oytna ~ wolt,_s .~~~ .... ~ Jn hb dlloenlrTollriaer uld extet11tlnl ' .ft8lrlcllooa to entertatnero makee the' laws overbroad and u~ consULiltiooal. • • THE DJSSENI' ali!. ""°"' munic1Uve enlerta.lrunent 1s a protected mode ol esp~ under the lit ~t." · • 's the 'kind · of .help. Mothers love to get. And they're all " on sale. " $aleS178 ' . Reg. 199.95. Penncrest"' gas range hu 'keep warm'-oven control, hghted cook top and lilt uptllft oil oven csoor. White, copper. avocado or· gold. Color costs no more. Gas range with "Look Clean" oven, Reg. 229.95. Sa .. $20I. - Save on a range or microwave oven. .. Sale -$288 Reg. 319.95 Our JCPenney Microwave oven dehosts food or bakes a cake 1n minutes! Great for casseroles. Features a slainless s1ee1 cavity, interior hght. easy to read m1nulF.! 11mer This oven al ways stays cool, so you can even c()()I( on peP6f plales or P'ashc Saves so much clean-up lime Mother's Day savings on .a trash compactor. Sale $168 ~ 199.95. Free-standing or undercounler !rash compactor compacts all !rash lo jusl · • Its origlnal volume. Heavy duly bag holds 1rash neatty and securely Aulomalic deodoranl spray con1rols odor. Changeable fron1 panel In your color choice. And a dishwasher. Sale $178 A9g. 1•.ts This converltble dish· washer lea1ures removable side panels lor permanent installal•on Dual l~vel wash. 2 cycle selections Sa1es2oa Reg. $234. Con11erhble 01shwashe1 has 3 cycle selechons, solid maptc culhog l)()ard lop and sound aead- en1ng C41b•nel and lub pads • Sale $168 Alig.. 1•.15 Buill·ln dishwasher has aound deadening l1be1 gt1ss tnsulatlon and dual level wssh. ...... , , • JC Penney We know what you're looking for. Shop Sunday noon,to..5 P.M. at the following stores: • FASHION ISLAND, No,,port Beach _1714} M-4-2313. HUNTI NGTON CENTER, HuntingtOll Beach (71'4j 892-TT.71 . • • , • 1 • ' • I • • • • i . I J ~ p iJl ,,, ., bi I 'Ill Pl ho le • al di " ol et m "' Ii• ol in th UI m "' g< rB n ts lo Wl gr .. pr .. • th le th ex \ ' • ·-. • • • ·--.. . • • • -. • ' -• .. r· . . f ,. ' . /. / :-. --,, .. To,day's Flnal . • N.v;s•· -._::' =* . I . ' VOL. 66, NO. 122, 1 S~ONS, IOi PAGES .... .... -ORAN&E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA :WEDNESPAY, AY 2, 1973· -N TEN COOS ---..-_., -_..,._ -. ~ -. -· . . -. -··-~~~-~-.Martha. Hi~hito in: NeuJportj> · ·" By L. "PE'l' .... fi .. ll llllBG • ._ .. ...,,..,-.... boWD Prince JWoin •of Jorillll bis . . . wife and two small children are vaca· tloDblg i tthe llewpooitt•lim In Newport ~·-at the hotit,sald today. Ni!Wporter offlclals dee)!J>ed "'"'ment and would neitlier :eonfinn -deey thO,preoe~ Oi the biotber of Jonlanian Klui"H...,ht. • ·: ~Y a)so declined comment m reports that Martha MitdJell, wbo8e coo- troverslal stay at the N~ 1aat year ·slgnalod thl! starf of ·the Watergate altiir .. ~·muroed to the Ntwporter for mmment on a aecond report that a brf.t stay. Ja~ E!ftperor llll<!hll!> .and.bis Ylfe "We have two VIPll hen and that's all are omong the guests at the -ung I can tell . ,...,.,, Eel N!fo• .-aJ tiotel compler on the sborea of Upper ~-of the Newport.et, ..id this · Newport !lay. "'!'!"Inf. .. l'lope of the U.S. Secret Ser:vlce 'men :Jle ~ they acooonled for the fact clustered aroond the lour erclusiYe villas ·~he plaoe ii emrU.W with Secret ~.at the bottom o( a knoll at the Service: men and t!lm>.1• an arn10ted frQIU of the Inn would talk to reporters. Pmidentlal llmc>,.Jne CJlllllde. "You guys have ·tlle plague, )'1111. know. "kQybody can iere that/' N~ said. I can't say anytbiog to you," one wfiden- Nlgr,O llaUy refused to reveal the Ide.. tifled sport-shirted, agent said this moro- tlty of el!her of the celebrated guests ho ing. ' saldwmstaym1r•t-tlilllin.Hedecllned--He iild others are operating Irom a ft -• _..onna~ • District Offers, ·Pay Hike of 5% By WILLIAM SCHREIBER Tlie budiet described to trustees was 9f .. _.., PH" ...., called by Nicoll the bare minimum neces-- Newpon·Mesa school Superintendent sary lo keep pace with rising e08ll and Jolm Njcoll Tuesday night offeied district still supper! muclHleeded dislrtct pro-. employee a five percent across-the-board grams, pay hike for next year plua paid dental "For the tblrd year in a row we will ground floor room with a picture windo1r • Llltewlse, there IJ oo Indication of any view acroas the lawn leading to the v!O"'-JaP:!l!!!O _ilelega!<Jn wllhlll the !!<>!el. Employer of the hotel sald Baasan and A man who IOUl'Cel said ii attacbed to bis family have ~ seen about the · tbe Jordanian en)>assy wortlng aecurlty grounds tor several daya now. for.H••nn cl81med bis omnipresence in One employe, who asked oot to be id... the perklng lot above the v!Ou had lilied "beco!Ljo they told ua It will be oor nolhli>c to dO with any prince or. princess. jobs if we say anything," said be, too, '-'I'm a-Lebaneae, you want .. to 1ee my had hoard that talkaUve Martha Mitch-pusportT" ts the only thing be would say ell, wile of former aUomey generol lo newamen. John Mitchell who has been linked However, other sources sald the prince dlrecUy lo involvement in the Watergate and prineeaa-have been aeen in .U areas brealdn, ii also a guest. ol the hotel )wit like any other tourist. "But oohodY'S seen her.''he sald. "The J!rincess.'and the cblldren are races Represents Ameriean8' · Texan S·ays HOUS'\'CJN (UPI) -John B. Coonally, saying the DemocraUc party had become too liberal for him, today became a Republican at the belght of the GOP's Waterkate boobies. an>and quile lblt but they've always gol two 5ecret Service· men and a Secret Service woman wtth them," one employ• said. This would be the second stay at the Newporter-for Hassan, who vacationed bere last year. The 11173 trip was highlighted by the prince's catdl' of a huge marlin. Newporter ofiiclals said t o d a y Secretary of C.Ommeree Frederick B. Dent will al"' be arriving at the hotel at about 2:30 p.m. He is due to speak at 1 6:!0 p.m. dinner .meeting of the Republican Asoociates of Or&Jl&• County. insurance. : ~ t.aJ:Men, a rate ~," Nicoll NIC(lll) Qffor,came dllrfu....,.,,. iold. ''Ol!ilt 'Oie..11it*11°~are 1>udp't·aillbinllw· i.r .-.~ r --. 'lllo·fn,mn."1'iltii i) and was coupled with a brief ouUhte on Oxm.ally, 58, former T r e a s u r y Secretary and Texu gov~r and a lilelonfl . Democrat, sald be had not !l(~r1t"'· '""'Wll1!9 .lhe -~~·i.rith Rimi. ;;,.')d~ . ~d Waterpte w111t tbe l'nlldenl. ~-. ~ 'bu ~-. ~tlao '"NJ... how the&if37.4 QljlJkn ~ . . waG1d lte -next year.~ r t ~ Ji f c. ~ ::·1~.:-. :.. . "i:'at'~ "''"' ~~ =i:.~~-=·.11..':·J:i ~a·1-,,;.A.f·1 · Pi«n a at.art.,,. · t J. t 'If,~ -' Tlie PIT ralle would -~ · · · · • about $1.S 'millloo and would )le in ad-v· ;J._ A k ~ -:i.r:.. WO: ~ nirer ttac oilier pel'IOllDel, ldlool offictall Mid. ·=-" ·-"· .ult °"'""b'' lo booiialt .• Chief . ~·-··t'~Jlioi "'" ... of bit ""' ·1'1io ~· hicam• et !lie acandil. · d>imally has beoo wtdeb'~ to be ~-lhe P*lhJa GOP c t.. to •uecOed Nw,n in 1m. But he clld JIOl say today \vl!etber be would be a candidate for l'relldent in It'll. lfJCOll told the board bis pnpaoed budg- et lncludea an ..-tbuted, ,_,.,.. ol more than •u million, of whtch $1.7 mJI. lioo would be ..ect immediately tor the five percent Jocreue, fringe beGoflls and By ~OHN ZAU:Ell Of .... Delt ...... ...., The proposed circular talreoff paitern for jeta leaving Orange County Allport probably will be rejected by the airport staff, coonty Director ol Avialloll Robert "I tlllnk the DemooraUc .Pll'!y baa moved farther lo the left ,_ tl>liJ at any · -time Jn my llietlmt;" aaid CoDnillf, who Je&rned ROlitics from Prasident Lyndon B. Johnson. "It's left. It's left the -of the people. '''Ille Republican party baa moved from ·111e rjgbt and aow .........,ta the broad spectrum of actlriUes ht lbe polllical arena," the sllv<l'halred, gentleman rancher·lawyer said at a news ctiiiference in his Houstoo office. othOr apecial --· ' The remaining $1.4 mlllioa.woold stay in reserve f0< emergoncy n<eds during the year and lo cover emJJ1o7e jllyrolls until funding •larto coming in -year. According to NlcoD, fll!0,000 of ·the f!,7 mi)lloo woaJil· go· for full enqJloye -.i coverage. . Part of;the $1.S -~ --1d go to subotitute teachers, slvlag then a ralle from 128per1lay lo $21 per"day. The OertlflcaledEmpiOYes Council (CEC) ii demandlng an lncreaae to $39 per day for short-tenil 'iulio. • • . Moretbao •• OOOoftbere..r.inmey would be spent on .me o!'Nlcoll'i pet lJl'l- gnms. He described It as an • effort to reduce elementarj school cl~!lb!e. im- prove teeCher e/fecU...,... -.)milrove ... ding lk!U. by d1strlct }'Ollllliim. "I am Of ~ belief and ·ejlmmltinent that any child not reading at bis proper level by mth grade ;,, being ......,,..r by the dtstrict.'' Nicoll said. "'!be time has come for us to take the·m;tiative:" · . ' • Weadler , - • \ ·- Bl:esnahan aald Tuesday: ' . Bresnahan said the ,novel takeoff pat- tern ll OPPQSed by· the Federal AvlaUon ~~~.,torsatetyreuoDB, and that a, . aaloe analyail IJl. = =~=-=~dn't D•t1 the Crane Came "Ii hasfa lot of Wnp. gotng aplmt it," ,,_ be Aki, "alllJoucb ·we havtin1 yet finish. The !().story, high rise apartment building going up; at the entrance ed our studltl.". · to Lido Isle was dwarfed Monday by the appearance of a massive ·'11ie · 1deii for )lie ckcular . takeoff pal· ground crane that came to Jilt off the equally lwge tower crane. that. lelll .. was adVanced five WeeU ago by ... been rising with the building since last year. A ~okesman for. Chart.. crllffn;'-a NewpOi't Beach the South Coast Construction Company said the buildmg is 70 per· homeowner. , cent completed and scaffolds are in place to begin stucro and piaste1' He . ..,._ that jell leaving Orange work on !he exterior. • Coun!1 Alrpcll1 malra a hard left· turn im- .. :QIOdlately after liftolf which .would aini lheiJI ilWll)' from ""* sensitive areas of Newport !!old>. • 'Ille tum would allo. divert jets in the dlrectlm of Irvine, but Griffin suggested that If jets continued luming aharply to the left, they could make a full circle tbat would keep tbeoi away from mi>st popWOUll sectloos •Of Irvine. ~ Griffin's proJJ!)Sal met wide JnitlaJ . Crtt4dmi, Bresnahan remained n«itral. iaytng be needed a CGl\IPlele lluCiy be!oro be would comment on the plan. Bui Toeoday Br...,ban said ht an in- terview thaf ,bis fnveitlgation was turning up Utile mel'lt In the plan. "It mlgbt ~ people down OD (S.T ,,..I) . .. . Top Nixon Aides Probed In Break-in Cover Story . I NEW. YORK '(AP) -Gofernmeril in- vestigators say they have' ev'idence rank- ing ·White House aides and officials of Pr~den\ Nixon's re-elecUon committee COD9pired to devise an elaborate cover story following the Watergate break-In , the New York Times reported today. (Related stories, Page S) · The ne'Nspep6 quoted the unnamed in- vestigators as ~ the scheme in- cluded payments lei thOse arrelted during tJie incident, pramlles of uec.#ive clemency and a.series of public denials. (See WA1'ERGA'l'E, h(e.I) "I had a cboioe -I oould either reUre from political life OI' I oould join the Republican. party," be said. "I don't Itel like I'm ready to retire," In a statement lssue!J ip advance of bis news conferepce, ConnalJ,y said be waa swltdllng to the Republican party "to help I\ meet the needa and aaplraUOlll of all Americans." "I seek no office -political or a~ pointive," C.Onnally sald in anewer to queotloos about his pcesldenllal upira· lions and the timing of his lwitdl in view of Watergate. He aalil be a•DQDllC$I hia political switd! """ beca111e be wanted to· llld speculation about bis poDUcal future. "Frankly, I was getting tired or lt,11 he said. · "It 80 happens that it comes duriD& the midat of Watergate, bu~ I ,view tbat is no rea'lOll for acting or falling to· act in doq something sucb aa I have dooe. '"l'lwe's no question that .Waterg,~·11 a aord1d meu. It '!II a lilly, stupid, af?d illegal act performed by indlyktllala. 'llie Republican petty didn't d9 it/' Connally sald be cojled. Nixon . dl!ring the morning and "told him what I was going to do. I Jtave. JIOI cll.scussed my political tu~ with him. • !' , . ,.. f;aspers Loses ~:..-y Job ,.J. -. . . . . rebulf to C&spm, who had.served GI) the committee since its formation and who iald he would "quit the Coast Com· miMioa in two tee0nds" to remain work- ing on the UPJIOl"Bax committee. Tbi ~Ion o( seating oa the Upper Baj ' Oonunlttee w a s railed b)' ea.,elJI, wbo asked that Supetvisor David Balter be named to join him' on lhe oommlttoe. lbat motlm Med oo a 3 to s vote. nie., on .i motjol\ by Diedrich, the n\a· jorlty n1med Battin of Santa Ana and Clalt of Anaheim to the commlltee. 'rogetber with .County. Administrative Ofllcor Robert !Onnas, they will now sit on the Field Committee, a panel formed _ b)> Ille U.Sc.l!!terlot Department lo study ' ways or ·bringing u,,.,ef Newpoi i-B.; in- to public Ille. •Areas surrounding the public ttdelandii are now owi\ed by the lrvine ca. . .. Oas!¥" made 10VerJJ-ojber sug· gesUons to the boon! wblai be~ would speed up the ..--ol ..ideving pulllic ownenblp of the Upper Bay. They were all. adopted llDllllmoall)j by other ~pervlson ind included; -Direction of the Departlnent of &al Property Services to ~ a com- mittee or OU~ appr ...... 11> delerlDDJe the value of 1J,Pper Bay lands. -An ,order to Coanl1 Cou1!1tJ Adrian Kuyper to establlllt JepJ pk\elloel !qr the •l'J'!!bol. • • . -An invitation to ' Webster Otis, cbalnnan of the Field ·Committee and Pacific Southwest Regional represtn- tatlve for In~r 8ecrelary R4gers Morton, to appear before the board nert week. • , 'The 1-lerles o! necoUaUooa ,.gardtnc Upper N<tiport Bay follow aa offer by the lrvlne Clo. laat month to tarn the land ....... tha publlc. 'lltat o!fer in !um followed I federal Appel!Jte Oour\ ruling that a proJ)Oeed land awap between the county and the oom~ permit ...,. Upper Bay de I WU W1<111111tutlonal The Co. -ur ... that poMlc.. ownenblp ol Iha land. be adlleved sa faat as Is practJW. • .. \. I ' -- W. TSP , ft ' ! :"" ,HI'S WIT.It. GOP NOW-• ,-c,,.,,,.,. D-rot Connolly ~ ·j PUC Won't Hear; , ,. Appeal on PSA, ·~ '. Air Cal Merger SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -'lbe Call- fomla Public Utilltlel Comm1as1on lo- daY denied IOqll-lo --ll.o dOclsloO' approving Pacllle SOuifi .... I A-' acqu!sltloo of <lrqo Oounil- bued ;-.it CaDfomla. • :; The·,YO\e·'WIS S to 2 Jn t~;do,.;, . the pelltionl filed by H~ Ai1'W08I. Western ·Air Lines and the Port.of Oak· land. Tlie PUC had •Jllln>Ved PSA'1. acqubl.- tion of 81 percent ol• the · ctiotn>lllng iil-: terest of . Air California on Feb, 23. A Justice Depaltmen( llllltru•t 11111 agaJi!si th! inerger ii pending in Lot Aliploo Federal Court. . Pmident Vernon Sturieon and """' mlsllmers Wllllam Symons Jr, and 'lbomas ~ lald jbey believed "a gOOd caUBe for ~ has JIOI been shown." Oommililollen J. I!. Vukasin and David ll9lmel , dl«n.lllled.. . • Plane Proposal 1'Jad,~ : W.\SlllN'<TON ~AP) •_: The;' fedora! • agency lnvesttca!ing . the Dec. •St L!Oll I airliner crash-ai 'Miami that· llllled 101 I today recommended cbqlj 'Iii the p~'n ci:ew·warii)Jla Jl&Nl"I l)'ljfm. I CLA.SSIFIEJi, :JDS MEAN .BUSINESS Daily Pilot .cJaaslfJect..ads -really mean business. -especially w~ yoo UIO them In your bualnettl.. Clieck tliis: CUSTOM PAINTING Iliter/Exter.. Unfum. inter. spoc. prl<e. F.ree color con- lill!fna " est. Lie. lnl. ll'o\li lie lllldell>ld. (Phone) l The ~port Buch woman who·placed that ail'~t sh• be\ps her btlSband with;. the Interior decoraUng pari of the busmeoa and "the f)bonO Just rings oil the hqok." '!')le couple h" jobs booked aolldb' IOI' ~ ahead. II yOU're looklag for buslntaa, look bere. A Dilly Pilot ad; v~r will help you get started. Dial the direct llne: 842..sf!!. • ( ' • -' • ' . • • ' • ' -: ' ---. -.-------..- • % DAILY "Liil iJ.s. ·Accuses cmfipmgn lJnit POf President -,Ji.-,,,,.·~ ~ --· .• WASlllNCTON (AP) -The Ju>Uoe 0.. -~ ICQlled lhe Finance Conunlltee lo RHleci lhe Pre!ldenl today wllh !all· -lllg 10-flle reports 8"d. malnlalA records ... • aoo,olio eonlrtbulk>n. •,. A thfee.coUnL crlmtnat information "flied In U.S. District Court alleged the committee """lved a $200,000 campaign cootri-April 10, 1m, but failed to report its receipt. or lbe name of the. dono<. Tbe Information charged lhal Finance Committee chairman Maurice Stans fail- ed loreporl receipt ol lhe """"'Y to COO>· mlllee tr-Hugh P. Sloan Jr . .,,._ .,ired by the lodefal Election Campa'll" ~ct ot1971. • .:·Tlie third aiunt accused' the eommlttee, ol falling lo keep records of the donatd and the name and occupation of the con- lributor. 'the third coun accused the committee, ')Cling through Sloan, o! !ailing lo report tfte c:onlr\Wtlon to the Of!lce ol Fede.ral ~ectiom ol the General Accounting O!!lce. Neither Stans nor Sloan was charged. 1'be maiimum penalty upon conviction on each count is $1,000. f',....P.,el PAY HIKE. •.. -• • final, ii COUid be even 18!1"' t~Ucl· pated al this time." - Costa Mesa taxpayers ca_n expect a rate Of $5.01 per $\00 uoessed Val!'"IJon. which i!i a reduction of about six:.cents. jn NeWPO<I Beach lhe rat. will 111> {1.62 per $100 or ~ reduc!loo ol aboot a D1Cke1. Flacal Plallnlng Mmln!Stntor Watrer mtau-akHbe.~ .....id be. more in Goit6 Mesa because.of lbe rate. of re· ductiori In bonded lndtbledneS! incurred prior to unifici!Uon ol Harbor Ar e a ocbools in 1965. • c:: A<oording lo Nicoll,.prnperly values In the dislr\CI are apoct.etl to..jump by II percent to $S57.2 m1J1lon next year and ~e increase couJd be at much a.s lj or 18 percent once final tabullltions are made. "Under Senate BllJ 90, thls money must be ref1ecied in tax rate decreases," Nicoll said. . .. Adrian said the anticipated valuation also doesn't Include more than $19 'mil· lii>n worth o! Upper Newport Bay land still In liftlbo due lo ownen1bip disputes. District teachers and other employes were lilready expecting regular stage and step pay lDcreases nett year and the ad· dltiooal five ~ was laken by IOfl!t! teacbers as tJle\nilllltnum'.ntoiled lo\l<eep pace with the cost of living. "lt's their first counter-oUer and -Re still Bave negotiating abea~," aald N~ )'.lOl't·Mesa Education Association Execu- tive Bart Hake. "flo!Je!Ully we'll end!p somewheftf~ be~.'~'; • ' Trwtee Thomas Casey of Corona I ~Mar. a banker, took some issue with. a ·proposed $400,000 increase in appropria- tions for school Rite maintenance. But He's Stillf - R'icher by $40 PJJIOllAMA C11Y (uPI! -A lltUe 111111 1'fth a big muatoche. lnllll ambitl«is and a lhlng !or !JO bills Yltfit 1n1o lhe ""'rd boou ct~ crlme'l'Uolday. ·Be lludod • llOle to • teller II •.• Crocler Bank branch bere that read: "1 have a gun. Give me all ·your twenties-bi this envelope. •1 The teller satd she had only two bUl!: of that denomination . "I'll take it," be said. "That's the smallest bank job th.ls year," a detective conunenled. From Pagel TAKEOFF ... Balboa Island to have the Jets fly over Irvine," Bresnahan sald. "But it sure wouldn't help the people of Irvine.'' Bresnahan said that a preliminary noise study indicated the circular p11ttern "might cause more total nol9e for more people.'' But he stressed that this con· clusion ttia:r'only preliminary. '10ur noise study is continuing so that we can be sure there really won't be any O\uall savings," he 'said. Bresnahan sald his investigation into si'ifety aspects or the plan produced m(1re definite conclusions. "The FAA reaction bas all been ad- verse," he said. 11They say that flying a circular pattern would conflict with too many flight patterns In the area." New CdM Group Sets Secorid Meet The fledgling Corona del Ma r 11omeowners Association will mctt for the second time Thursday night but its . officers a.re· worried interest Jn the group is falling off. Jerry Hill . who is acting <is chairman o( the group formed !() analyze city downzoning plans in Corona dcl A.far, safd only 34 of the 210 membership applica- tions have been returned. "This is by no means strong eoough to be a cross section of this community," Hill said. "We can't work well with ooly 34 people." 1 The association will meet at Corona del Mar Elementary School at 7 p.m. Thurs· day to contirrue gathering feedback from residents on how lhey want the com- munity to develop. The homeowners group was formed la st monlh in response to plaming com- mission recommendations. ~1 a j o r downzoning proposals for Corona del Mar were delayed lndefinitely to give the group time Co organize an~ "begin gathering conunent.s from the people. ~UJJ said ttie first meeting drew more than 150 people but lhe real weighty deliberations won't start untll Thursday night. PJ~Move . . ~~blmllet lid, N~ 'a llnl toil """ J Jul 1uillbef ford, lllll ....i rna1'e' war!or 'a new restaurant on Mariners AfJle, It, was teamed \00.iy . Tbe lumber yard, located al 3300 W, Coast Hlghway. went into operation in 1945 alter 1 merger with a smaller foclU· ty owned by the lit. Walter SplC<T. Sp!Ci!r lei\ the lumber partnerahlp In lhe 1950a ,but retained ownerahlp o! the property, which i! across the highway !rem County of Orange parking facilities and the Newport Arches Marina. Ward and Harrington sµokesman Robert Harvey said tOO.y Spicer'• com· pany canceled the lease on the land only a short lime ago so the.re are no definite plsrui yet for relocation of the jard. "We are sUll formulating. plans at this stage t;ut We ·are looking at two or tbrte locations;" he said. . Santa Ana Attorney S t e p h e n Schumacher, who represents Walter Spicer Jr., said the property is already under contract of saJe to an undisclosed b1..yer. The younger Spicer took over ad- ministering the lease following his father's death. Schumacher said. "This is a contingent sales agreement bssed on the requirements of Proposition 20,'' SdJ.wnacber said. "There ls still some processing left to be done." SChurnacher admitted, however, that the prospective buyer of lhe silo i.s plan· ning a new restaurant and "other related faeilitles." If Ward and Harrington's new site is outside of Newport Beach, the city will be left without any lumber yards. The firm has yards throughout Orange County and in Long Beach . Pair Sentenced On Heroin Raps· SAN DIEGO (AP) -Prison terms have been given a Los Angeles couple 'vho admitted trying to smuggle heroin ~nd cocaine from Mexico in the trousers ·or their l~year~ son and his brolber, who is 14. Santos Buenrostro-Gonzalez, 42, wa~ sentenced by a rederal judge to 10 years in prison. His wife, Berta, 42. was given a four- year term. They were arrested with their children Jan. 27 at a border checkpoint sou th of San Diego. lndian Faces Charges LOS ANGELES • (AP) -Russell hfeans. a Jeadet af the American Indian Mqvem09t, was returned to South Da~la T~y lo r&<lfi ,charges 'stemmJJifl'tolh !he Indian ~pation ,of Wounded l\ilee, S.D. A spokesman for lhe U.S. mara1'al's office here sal~ Means was quietly removed from county jail by U.S. deputy marshals. Tap Y ou:ng ~(ti:ens Ten 'high school students ...: cbosen irom 30 young· sters nominated by t.b.eir S<:hools -were honored by the Orange County Bar Association Tuesday dur· ing tHe Law Day observance in Santa Ana. The stu· dentS recertied good citizenship achievement awards. From left to right are Michael Lloyd Davies. Ma· rina High School; Terry Watt, Corona del Mar High School; Debra Young. San Clemente High School; and Judge Warren Ferguson, U.S. Dislrict C-Ourt. Tliree Arrested On Suspicion . Of PCP Sales A trio or suspected drug-dealers ac· . cused of selling a full pound of the ' hallucinogenic compound PCP to U_!l· dercover officers at a Balboa apartment have been arraigned following their ar- rests. • Michael S. Selby, 24, or An8.heim, DonaJd R. Conant Jr., 26, of Carson and Jack W. Cathers, 25, of Torrance, were booked on arrest warrants charging eon· spiracy to sell dangerous drugs. Newport Beach Detective Mike Hietala said the suspects named in warrants carrying $25,000 bail were taken into • cuslody without incident last Saturday following the alleged transaction . The con.spifacy charges were filed due to alleged discussion of the sale of a total of flve pounds or the potent, powdered hallucinogenic drug similar to LSD, but only one pound or material changed hands. A spokesman for the State Bureau of Narc6tlcs Enforcement in Santa Ana ~d a pound or PCP is worth $8,000 at wholesale rates and muc'h more in In- dividual dosages. FremPagel WATERGATE •• The evidence shows the cover-up effort was coordinated by presidential advisers H. R. Haldeman and John 0 . Ehrlichman, who resigned Monday, aod fonner Atty. Gen. John N. MitcheU, who FINCH WILLING TO RETURN TO WHITE HOUSE-Page 16 heade4 the O:lmmittee for the Re-election of the President at the Ume, the Times said. Also involved, the newspaper said it learned from federal investigators, were John W. Dean, the presidential counsel fired thi! week, and former White House special assista.rns Jeb Stuart Magruder and Frederick C. LaRue. Two Rings Stolen Ftom Gem Shop A pair of matched man's and woman's rings with oval Bunna jade stones set in gold, have been filched in a $1,700 grand the!t from a shop in Newport Beach's Fashion Island. 'The elegant items WereTOUnd miss1n:g from an unlocked display ease al Arkraft Inc., according to manager Davis Cheung. Ht' said one setting was polished gold and the other \W! finished in a Florentine brushed gold . Atom Tests Opposed CANBERRA (U PI) -Prime Minister Gough Wbitlam aMounced today that Australia will take legal action against Fr.wee in the International Court of Justice to block further nuclear tests in the Pacific. Power Rate Up. ' Edison Hike OK'd;'Oil Cited ' '' ' I' •+,; ' ,, LOS ANGELES (AP) -The California Public Utilities C-Ommis- sion said today-it authorised Southern Califoi:nia Edison to increase rates $61.2 million a year, effective May 1, to offset the higher cost or fuel. Bills for the average residential usage of 300 kilowa tt·h ours a month will go up 35.7 cents, the commssion said. · But Nicoll said a number -0( district 'schools are badly in need of renovation and the money had 10 be appropriated and used before future predicted budget restrictions make such work impossible . ' The vast majority of the increase pro- 'posed over this year's budget is In salary and fringe benefit costs and Nicoll esti- mates that such expenses will amount to nearly 80 percent of the total budget next year. Newport Beach Bay Ouh Seel{s Island Exemption Tbe drug i.s most commonly distributed in capsule form and rarely turns up in quantities larger than a gram or frac- tions of grams. Conant. Cathers and Selby were ar- raigned in Harbor Judicial District C.Ourt on the warrants signed by Judge Evet,ett w. Dickey and their bail reduced. Bail for Selby is $15,000 and was lowered to $5,000 ror the other two defen· dants, who next face preJimlnary hear- ings to determine whether they should be prosecuted in Superior Court . The main cause of the increase is a 17-cent rise in the cost of oil. This aceouots for $35 million of the boQst, the PUC said. Other factors are a reduction in the availability of gas, which necessitates use of higher price fu~ls, and environmental con~ls for air quality, wbich reqwre the 'Company to use more fuel, the PUC said. The vote for the rate increase was 4-1, wiUl commissioner J. P. Vukasin Jr. opposing. . Yorty, Bradley ·~xcliange Blasts ·• LOS ANGELES !AP) -Mayor Sam Yorty and City C.Ouncilman Tom Bradley eicbanged views and insults for about 1 ~'.! boura in the first of four debates schedul· · ed berore the two meet in the May 29 : runoff election. nic. incumbent and his foe. clashed : Tuesday before the Southern California : chapter of the American Institute of Ar- • chitecls. Neither candidate claimed vie· ' tory. OIAH•I COAn N DAILY PILOT ~ O<tAff CoasJ 0.11.Y Pit.OT. Wll'll '""\di 11 ttrnblnto:I t~ N-.Pra., II Pl/Clll!N!O tlV lht or-.,. CO.II l'\lbllttl!M ~/IV. ""-· tltl tOlllo"' tn 11<11!1!1r.ed, MOl'lfff fllro119~ ~rl01r, ltlf eo.11 MtH, H~ •...ui. H1111ll1'19llW> 9~/Pllllf!!lln Vtli.-,r, l.t01,1M llffdl. lrvlnt/Seddl.OOCk .,..;! Sen ClnMnlt/ $t11 Juln Clplt.tr-A •Incl'-r90leMI "'lliorl 11 llUfll"'*" 5-turO.y1 tnd SIPICll..-... 1111 1><ln<l1»I P11lUh.lll1K1 Pllfll 19 ti JlO W .. I ••r 5rtfft, Call• .v.... C.lllo"''-· t1'8. RoO•rt N. W,d Ptflld«!I tllO P\lll!ltllfr J1c1' ll. Ct1rl.., Vitt ,., ....... , t/111 "-•-.! Mt1'tfW Th•111•1 K1t¥1l ...... Tho"''' A. Murp~lflt MIMf(l'lliJ Ed1111r L P1t1r Kri1g N...._I 81.,ai Cfly Elfilllf" H...,,_,. .._fl Offk• Jlll N1wporl loul1~1rd M•ilh11 Ad4r''" P.O. lo• 1175. t26lJ Ottt.r Offtcn CMll ,.,_I !» WHI llr JlrMI UillioN 1.-ct11 m .. _, A.- """'.,.._. ._,.1 IJVJ IMOr ~rt a.ti ci.r-tt: at frtor'lfl El ~'"' •HI , .. .,.... 17141 '41-4111 ca • .,... .......,. '•• MW&11 '-""lllM· 1'71. °""*' c...t l'\llllld!lr'!I C"MnMl!t, ,. """' .,.,... .. ... .,.,....., '"''"""" -ttw .. ~ Mrtlll "lfr .. ,..,.._., '"'"""' -i.1 ""' mi.tlofl l/f CODYlfll!I """'"'· ..... °"" ...._.. •1111 ... C.11' w., ~~ .. -~..., "'lf!ltll¥1 • 11'1111 N,11 "'9tJ1i.1 ""'*"' •llM1""" a,u -"""· International Bay Clubs, Jnc.., of New- port Beach will apply for an exemption rrom Proposition 20 coastal pennit re- quirements for its Santa Catalina Island development. it was .announced today . The development of 415' condominium units on flamilton Beach by the Bay Club \Vas strongly criticized earlier this week by a member of the South Coast Regional Zone Conservation Commission. The commission created by the passage of Prop. 20 last November has jurisdiction over development within 1.000 ya rds of mean high tide line in Orange and Los Angeles counties, in- cluding Catalina Jsland. lnLemational Bay Clubs has been doing massive grading on hillsides above Hamilton ·seach, preparing for con· st.ruction or the first increment of 157 homes. Commissioner Carmen Wnrschaw of Los Angeles Monday called tbe work ''a flagrant violation" of Prop. 20 and asked for immediate act.ion by the State At- torney General'~ office against the eon1- pany. The commission asked Executive Director Melvin Carpenter to invesligatc and report back next Monday. Willian1 D. Ray, president of lntcrna· tional Bay Clubs, said today the com~ pany's appJ(cation for vested rights ex- emption "now is substantially <:omplete. '' Ray said Bay Club allorneys requested appllcatlon filinR forms lest February but there "'as a delay before they were received . "We hnvc not yet rompleled the flling or our application ror exemption due 10 the size. comple1u1y and long history of the project wtlich has necessllnted com- plete review of our records back to 1966, the date of inception of the project," Ray said. Jntem&llonaJ Bay Clubs• other subsidiaries are the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach. llllboa Illy Desert Club In Indian Wolls~ Balboa Bay Racquet Club in Newport ueach and a tempornry Cllallna Island quari.rs al the DeS<anso Beach Club. The Hamilton Beach project a short distance from Avalon Includes clubhouse, tennis courts. dry boat storage. 5G .,.. ... ings, and the conQomlniums. The first 157 unlll wer. scbeduled lo be completed by next winter. '"I assume our appUcation for ex- emption will be approved at the proper lime when reviewed by the coastal com- mission." Ray said in a release today. He indicated the company hadn't come rorth sooner with any requests because "we are somewhat unti!rtain -as to the upplicable criteria for exemption." •• At lhe time of the election last November. when Prop. 20 became law. Ray said, "'appropriate ·permits had been • f se<:ured and substantial work had been •ta;.,...:i.. ...... .:..-m:mlMI_,.. ___ .., ...... :!l""'""'ao'""D ... _______ _, ______ "I completed which included boal moorings. i o.iN L 919 CLOHD grading, foundations and the backbone , to , 64r 1 SUHDAJ utility system." d•--_,...,.,_,.,.,_., ________ ,__.,. _____ ., ___________ ,..._ State Attorney General's Office has said to get a vest~ rights exemption from pennit rules a developer mu st have a local building perntit prior to Nov. 8 j and have done subs~t\al on-site con- struclioo work and 'liK:Lrred sllbitantiaJ llsbilities subsequent to a permit. Attorney General's representatives have said grading shouldn't be con- sidered substantial work. "We recognize that public :ittention is cu1Tently focuSfd upon the technical re-- quirements for_ exemption status before the CaJlfontia Coastal C!ommtssion." Ray acknowledged. He added that he felt the public intent of the proposition was more to "assure for the ruture a high level or en· vironmental control over developments affecting CaWornia's most valuable resource." lntemaUonal Bay Clubs o!flclals "are proud of the effort! We have made for the Catalina lsland Club project," he concluded . Ray said completion or the appUcation ror exemption is awaiting receipt of copies or documents from governmental agencJes. The company did come Jo the South COl:sl commission ror an administrative permit !or a latrine on lM beach. Commenllng oo lbe masstve grading Mrt. Warschaw wllnessed, Commissioner Loul.t Now•ll oald Monday that I! all that work WllS !or the lalrtne only, it "wUI be aa posh as the homes.'' Mrs. Worschaw said &be.SJw a nUmber or homes without coastal permits be1n( buUl on the Isl~. but alked for acllon only •salost the Bay Club project because tt was so Jara:e. - Tennis Dresses Ladies Temis Shoes 7.95. 9.50. 14.95 • 16.95 Tennis Rackets 4.95 to 58.00 Dunlop -Wilson· Penn Tennis Bans Tennis Wann Ups Tennis Stringing Tennis Hats & Visors Duck Feet Fins Masks • Snortles • Kick Boards Laguna Swh Trunks Speedo Swim Trunks.J ~its Skateboards· Wheels & Trucks Frisbees & Boomerangs Shoe Skates • Chlldrens Sidewal Back Packs Sleepillf Jes Darts & Dart Boanls OPEii 9 TO 6-tLOSED SllDAYS Backboards Basket!laJls • Goals Baseball Shoes -Bats Mitts • Gloves • UJldershirts • • ~ • J Volley6alls · Rubber & Leather Soft~lls: VolleybaR Nets • • Racquet Ball Racquets Paddle Tennis Paddles Uandball Gloves & Balls Ping Pong Paddles ·& sets Raleigh Bikes • 1 P Speeds • 5 Speeds 3 Speeds • 1 Speed Parfs rTlres· tubes . Repairilll 538 CENTEt-64&-1919 . . -I 1 · t ' . I ir • fl .J 1( I ,, ,pl' IO wl u .. ba Ull • Pl tb "" bl II ·~ • '<>! I . 1• b :ii lu ,~ • I, - •• ~--- . I DAD.Y PILOT EJ;tlDBIAL PAGE ' • • . Pl~tig ·. 'Dilemma ~ . ~ . A whole lot of ~le have apent. a whole lot fll Privately, ill~ are hollllll the Call(ornla Le81al> lime ~ Ne~ lle;adJ city olfldals Into updaUng tun will lZfW. manalo4s Ii>' lliiCh deadllw. (Tile dead- the dty'1 muter plan of d6'ekJiimellt. Hne !or tlie opeo-.P..,, 1114 -.Ilion elements 1lu Years went by, and to did ofuilleo lite CHART and utended from July 1, 1'972.) Newport 'l'olnom>w. Verr ti!tle happened. , If not, the coundhnen -bent on at least get· ·'Ffn-ally, as coundlmen began to recQildze the need tiiiR up ·the new Wid uae> element to show U...lr "good a couple ot Y1llr1 aco. the siate pused !egblallon telling , .tallli," leelinll the courts mlabt let them off the book. dtles they had to have genenl ~-· · Maybe tlie rourts would: But the people probably,... The state mandated that July 1 dtles must have won'l C<>undlmen would be ~ to not-s<>good faith open space. and ronsorvatlon ementa• of their general to lhe reoidenta of Newport II they nish to n~ planL The lltate alllO declared tJ>at !JB of July 1 all zoo· where to adopting a land use element lhat may have Ing mu.t t'OUlply with land 111& plans. Land use element.a to he toW!y rewritten when they get input from thU are regarded u the key elemenl$ of general plans. traffic study Kid to-depth environmental stlldy. Anyhqw, dty off!dah, while adm!Uing embarnsli-It may "'61lit in a building moratorium, but our 9ty ment over the fact that Newport Beach had a totally lathers have oeYer win~ very much at that before. antiquated general plan set about at least semi .. erious-That certainly would he better than an ill-conceived and Jytodrawupanewone. · superficial general plan. When that July 1 deadline starled looming, city Some rouncilmen and the city's planning staff planners dropped virtually everything else and !ever· ww to enact the land use plan before them. at least ishly put together a new land use element that was un· , on ·an interim basis, and then similarly implement ron· veiled about two months ago. firming zoning. Now city councilmen are working equally !renetl· . Tb.la is curious to light of City Attorney Dennis cally trying to get that land use element adopted so O'Nell's aihmancy Monday nigh~ that charter cities are they can npdate all the zoning to comply with the state-categ~ exempt from both state Jaws involved . imposed deadline. , Continued pressure for quick action on the land use But in doing so, they're leaving tliem>e!tes wide ek!ment ra!Rs the question ·of whether there are other open to serious queition about . the Credibility of that !'!Ian the' ltaled ~·!or ruablng it through. land QllO plan. · : · .. · Whether .one agrees or disagrees with current state II it is adopted in the next two months. if will be Jaw ~ttng an almost regimented regard for the en- without the input of eitb~r the transportation or environ· Yirolllllellt,-i! iB state law. mental elements of the plan, among otben. h will he at ... A lan4 ,._.. element adopted even "in the toterim" least six months before either of those will be ClllDl>lete. WOllld be terribly susceP.lible to slJJ>l)ing into perma· It is also highly conceivable that .b6tb will 1bave nency Wt'!llout the due romdderation'from the input of significant impact on the use of the undO'leloped land the environmental element of the plan. And, ioo. there to Newport Beach -and perhaps the future use of land must be sup.tantial interface with the traffic plan. to he redeveloped. Because of the ongolii~ heavy demand for devel- Officials are worried, however, thAt if they don't o,p~ebj.)ufd r~elopm<111i in Newl>ort l!Mch, ,Newport • . • be open to legal ch~ges that force them to hilt the A little more.lllblt. and , will get it -and it ! • meet the July 1 zoning compliance deadline' they .will -• Beach m..t have'• gomet,il~an of the highest Integrity. {· isswln<:e of allbuildtng permlts. Is l\Uth a~. wai ' •. N 1-----~-----~--------·---..... .,.... .... ~·,....,....~~~~ .... --.,....,....,....,....· ______ ,....~--~---------~~--------,....--~~,....-~,....~-o ~1 z ·-~ 1 lN egat-ive ~ . -.. . Bill to Implement Vote Stalled • f V pting' Has .Little Value Dear Gloomy Gus , Death ·Penalty De~ision Thwarted What in heaven's name is going on? 1 wonder il all the "fat cats" s~ I thought this was representaUve porting the Committee to Re-elect government here in Babylon ; or and by the President with that big New-and for the people . port Harbor boat parade last Y<ar I deluded myself. I (smNEY J.HARIU~ J J\IORETrl is again>t the death penalty RUS WALTON But, he admits that If SB 450 did get to ( -and that's bis privilege, the floor of the Assembly, so tbal all the .... ----------'"'-Assemblymen could vote oq It, It wou.t,d knew their contributions were going One nian -just one legislator -is from water to water -gate , that is! thwarting the will of millions. mandate capital punishment for certain -S.l.N.K. It's ASSehmlyman Robert Moretti I'm crimes : plane hijacking and train '11aoagM1 at Large o.....,.., ow ...-.... .,.. WINllHW ,., stewing abou,l The, Democratic speaker wrecking involving fatalities: arson that In nine elections out of ten, most """"'" ,....,.. .,.. • •1 __ ,..., "',..,"" .. ,.. i; ol the house. • He 8 • caused grave bodily bann or death·, kid- ,,_ ..... " .... ........... ~ c ! Ing •• ,._ ,pie are voting apl•t someone or ,...,. .. o.-., ...._ o.11y "'"'· .-ous ~ up. ~. naP,nc, rape, sex crimes, anned fOb.. something, rather than for; lbw, those ' ' ,Last . lj.ovei.nber, · beri"lfld "'"8Ult resulting In ll"ave bodily who win office on a "neptive n\andate/'. .., • ,,., · i :4 milJJoft . GaUf~ '1 hann or death. u It were, lee! nocompublm lodo niuth ·~lolenble) oompo;,.t to ~ oatn .. !Ml>_il ~ .. )vo~ted ',(6?.2 • 'l)lejlellat• Judiclaiy Ollnmllleepeseed except ,.amnn their antagoallnl to.NI aelf.IDfllcted. -• • r;-,...,... .. · ' · Ille blD,-N Senatorw Qearff, »- has been repudiated at Jhe polls. • • • capital (D-SF) iitd t>;:id Roberta (0-LA) voted · • • • Teaching ts a nobler profession_ than 1 mean, ~ ~/, "no." Senator NJcbolu Petris (0. I The vulgarian doesn't enjoy a Ito<)' bWlng, for heallnc :·~.tllii 1n-for lhe ,~.l.~ fi•klandl and non-Senator Alan Rollblns 1 __ 1 •••• ""· ha ........ 1 _..._ . ""• ..... ,, was nevei:.aUWJ,ll..,, , '----~ it u-. a p-• 1 , ~ ... ..,.... "'1mreu, as . 1J ~~~' for the~\ • ., [)..LA) we~ auecut. , PY ending; the !"' ..._. A ....._alf!l;\ll~~er That~ pfll.'Pro!> 17·,.... pro11y ,_•. J'ber! ls !We doubt tbal \be bill will be ~1111ci::"i:t! . ten--~~'i •Y ~~-.'.! clear6it~~gliit ·~. I . ~izf~:teA=r-llly~I~ bKter endlng; both It ii ,.._ lo ·domiQd, a til 'system so111irt~a/l>T,~.s: ioo:. 'l!wY A!sembly Criminal JusU~ cammlti.e. It are equally false to tba1 wlll !ll!!!l'lte wllli "~11,':;_ 8'1 we moved tO Jmpiemtot the will ol Jbe peo-·will go there and die. tbe patdlwori: quilt ~ve I i1,ibt -~IM ·11;..lhOI ·w II)-pie. SeaaJO'r GeorW DeulmejiaJI (!!'Long Because Jhat's where MoretU enlus of reality, which ill equalities lpdili ~,·5 ~ Beach) was one. He introdbced i!il.460 lo lh• act, and pulls Jhe swltd!. a commingled fabric nalure ol tho ~. and not lnlm !be • I probebly pass. He doubts that it wilt ever get ou t ot committee. And, he s b o u l d know. Moretti appointed the members of that seven-man Criminal Justice Committee, including the four-Democrat majority that ill opposed Jo capita! punishment. That1s one of the reasons thoee lour are on that committee. lt adds up lo one thing: the will and action! of one man, elected by 49,713 voters, can tell 5.4 million C&lifornlanl lo go Jo hell. And, lt means that four assemblymen, wbo lltogelher polled 256,000 votes, can do the same. Here are the four Democrats who can be expected lo kill SB 450 -or any other death penally blll that come• before them: .Bob Crown (Otkland), John Mlller CilulGI), Alan Sler«r (Beverly Hllll) ind Henry Waxman ((;,\). IN 1llREE OF u-lour district& (crown, SJeroty and Waxman) the Proo. 17 vote was ov~heJ.n\llcly "yes." Only in John Miller's dJslrict did the dealh penalty !all; only John Mlller can say that he represents the will of the ma- jority ol his coosU-. But. represeotaUvo pmunent aoaa cheap In Babylon -days. J\loretU Jold a news coofmnce that letillaton ha•• a duty to lead public opinion, not Juat represent It. He aald nothin& about legislators following Ille will or tbe peo- ple, once an issue has heel\ thorouihlY debated and decided. There I• t0methln1 wrong wllh a aystem when it permlta ..,. man lrorn one ol the silte's 80 ....,.bb' dlllrldl lo Jhwarl the will ol $.4 mllllon voten. Checu and ballncel are tine. And Im- portant. Bui wlllull disregard o! a pul>ifc mandate Is aomelhlo( e!Je. '-« both. calallated tmpooitlOn ol t be ad· I • • • miniltrators. It may be true that t~ weak will • • • 1 llwaya be driven to the wall; but it is the It is one ol tbe irllliaa o1 promol!on wk o( a just society to ... that the wall that those who do their jobs Joo well are . ii cllmhahle. often deemed indispensable, while others Starr ·Land Gift a . County Milestone · I • • • rile ptil lhem because of their very There .,. many Jbing1 that defy even ~blllty. ' the mightiest intelligence; but there ls DO • • • limil lo the deplhs ol stupidity. u oexual experience were .. available I • • • as water, promiscuity would become 11 I. Pain that la imp()Sed by others is only a rare as death from over-quaffmg at a 1 drop in the bucket (and far more drin1dng·fow:~• .l . '. To the Editor: ·~ • Gift' of 4,000~acres Jo ~:wlldl!Je and county open space by the starr Fowr. datiQn m'!'I rank as,the outslandin( ec-'tlon In',...,.,_ c;.uniy In th6 lut.ddde. ~·"P~"'!; _'(_ .~ .. l 1 What's a WtiMrgaleF : J Teapot Dome. Wat«gate. Both names are synonymous with polltical scandals, tbe greatest yet lo sutface In \hill century. Yet bow many people know that Teapot 1 Dome was a U.S. Navy oil reserve near ca.per, Wy0.? Or that Watergate la a cluster of five residenUal and cornmer-. c!al buildings huddled on the northern ahore ol Jhe Potomac? One suspects that the 83 pereent ol of Americans wbo have 'beard ol the Watergale scandal. ac<'Ord· EDlTQluAL RESEARCH . AS OJ1il """"11 del$__,,.. al ,an ac- celeratli)g i:Jle inJo a trag!C, Los "- 1A it g.e l.i-1 •t lo n of over.OevetoJ)ment, petbept the dtmonstt,aUon ol their larslg~!ed·Jeadershlp In~--tlil~J Vie ~ a l'elJionsiblllty ·1o. tlie'. llliil<and the wUct elements inhabiting' 11 can jar olbera Into slniilar steps before the whole remainder ts paved under. I log lo Glllup, know next lo nothing about tbe city-within-a-city Jhat gave the scan- dal tta name. -~-I So now It can be lold 11111,..,. cam lo lliten. The first unit ol the Watergate 1 complex. which evenlually -lo -• '78 mlllioo, ~ In the aillumD ol 11116. Wetergati! East and Watorgate WOii ooft. alst almost excl\lllftly of cooperaU•• 1 apartments: The Watergale Hotel and Office Building are entlrely commercial. 1 w11ergate South contalno both offices and apartmeni.. As for the mhltecture, 11'1. • .dif· 1 ferent. Lou of """"'· and balcony raiJ. l lnP Jhal have been, lllleMil to lbari<'• tooth necklaces. Lu llliay, 4-ibed I by one observer as "a Oost cl-ol :Ill Jotemationat shops.'' .Wad Jn • Ibo, Watergate tast fall. lllrt!idi' lo Ille oolt-- .1 _ and who can miil!Jt!,,,_ .ttandt·~ Kenne<IY Center. A!<bltedure cril1cl un It about as much u they do i Ille . Watergalo. When the ...U..Opened, oeal : wap lMisted tt W a I ''the box l h e • Watergate came in." • DESPI IE thete pitdotrnl, t he Watergate is considered~ "ln" place to Jive. "Ucder Kennedy, <ltorgtJoWll -' the right address," oboerved Lile mapzlno Jn 1981, "Under N!Jon, It is ... tbe Watergate, which has a .view of tho Pol«nac, aeveral JWimm!ng pools, ~ taclllar arcbllectur< with a nauUc81 flavor, and a pmlmilf (•lght h!Qcka) Jo 1600 hnnsylvan!o A¥eDue." 'l'oday, I IJl&n1 Republlc:ana feel t h at tbe pnjx· lmity i. • llttle Joo close for comfort. WaJergail ,;.skliJols, Repobl!CjlDS aa. ... u • Delllilaall, · m """P~ about liOci ~' lieforl;"-the break~ ·al • llemocriUe National Committee, head- qU&rtan !Isl Ju/1e 11. A group al Watergate West apartmeot.owellers had pmioosly sued lhe developers. lll<glng defective appliances, inadequate air con- dlU-g, laulty pluml!l•C. and "'°' and window leakl. Anotll!I: piobletl! Is oolae. • Tlli> complex ill s!taal.ed In the lll(lll polb Ill pi._ beadOcl foll . ~ Nallilnal AlrpOl't. . ' . Since June 11, we!Orga'te bu acquired an mttreJy new riura. Visitors lo the Ken- ne<ly• c.nter gape at it in passing. Tour· bus iuides have added it 1o 11\eir mt o1 a~c!lons. A New York Tlmea Magazine oonlrtbutor went 90 far as to aay Jhat "Jhere doea oeem Jo bo a Marlenbad, 'La Dolce Vita' quallly about the plac:o, a 1..un, that la heightened by Jbe laby)jnthlne cieoli!I: by the , sunken wallllra_y1, tiefed T"""41tis, · 1trlate4 arcs 11114 coptlvo ..,-, a Villa d'Este tumod to stone, •the Andrea Doria'• superstructure cut in cmcrele. II SECUR1fY PllECAUTl'ONS are 1tr!n- glnl 11 'lhe Wa\erf a'te, lfllioolh Democrai. may !cef !ncl(nod Jo •rglN! tlie poinl. Doormen. aecurity guards, and closed-circull TV C8iueru are e'e'tt on the llert tor Intruders. Noverihel..,, a number of burglarle& have occarred. one victim -Role J\lary WOO<ll, .-1ooc.ume· aide lo Prtlident Nixon. Tbe Democ;ral! will continue IO be~bor _lite Watergate scandal. but ,..,.. 'Olar. The iiit1""'1 aiiiiiiil~recenOy moved out o( the comi>ltx-"llM you, It was notbinC peruW. ll'a j~ tha~tbe potty found a place Ibo\ nmled !or i- I tor certainly tbe present policies ol loci! and oounly poliUcal unils are not meeting their obllgaUOll8 lo stop Jbe mdness ol subsidising develope:s at residents' expense. They use zoning and tupQers' money to tum one of the en- vtronmentally richest areas in the world tato •rat's nest of gas stations, overhead titilitfes, "'~ freeways and roadl, Ji8t1!ni Iota, rabblt.butdl blch deollty bou,oing, b!Ubom'da, gutterized river -and power plant.. ' WHAT IS In all Ibis for Jhe people who live here, lo be lllbJected to more ol lhese thiiip? Nolhlng but mlJery, a f'Ulure ol deoolutlon. TJQe f'ldoq people long !Or ID. urbimi!ed-soclety are un- developed natlrrll places that Jhty can feel, aee and walk upon. Where a kid can stand alone in an open field and know that the natural world bolds aomelhing other than TV channel numbers, freeway routes and too many people. Maybe tilt Starr ste.p can Jum others lo the same palh. Let Irvine Company save and pass on all ol Newport Bay open land, not to the government but to Jbe wua thins• 00 the land, wllh the county11-role Umiled to ateward.lhip. Let Jbe Newport·M.,. school dislrlct turn over their Intrusive parcei3 of land in tbe Falrvlew Wiid Area Park Jo the county rather ihlll lll"IPlni for land speculation gain, Let lhe Cclbiit' atop auboldlzlng destructive, degragjlng developmtnt with flood control, aewers, water and planning servk!e:1 ~and tum that mooe.y over to procuren)tnt or land, not f o r overdeveloped porks blit for open wild p!aca. f.ONING, l'nlpooltlOn 20s, Impact stalemenil and mynod little rules •re a d<monitfatid failure and 'per"-po do ietfdUSly Joo)>lrdJU lli<r "rllJht> ol In• dlvldual ...-nm. Tllo oounty and cillea -d lUt a broader, lilnplar •low, btly!ftl massl•e proportions ol the re- • MAILBOX Letttr1 ff'om f'eaders aTt wleomt. Normolly Writtr1 should convey their meuages in 300 worda. or less. Tht right to ccmd<nse lett<ri lo fit space or eliminatt libel it restrved. All letters mmt include 1igna1ure and mailing· address, but names may be withheld on request If suffid<nt reason is apparent. PoetT11 will not be published. maining land and simply set it aside and lea ve It aJone. IT WOULD be a miraculous turnaround if Indi viduals and govemme~ Jal agencies would .,.,.. the algnJncance ·anc1 potential of the Starr g!fl and all do ' IOIJle like thing wllhin our own c•pabllllles. VERLYN G. MAR'!11 Sip Equalit11 To tbe Editor: Thank God !or the people In tbe city government who are det.ennined to en- lor<:< the slgn onllnance as It may apply to t b o First BapUst Olurch on C!if! Drive. FlllSr o[ all, It appeara that tbe back side of tbe chur<b la being used u a bill· boanl. Are billboards legal In Jh!s zone! If a permit ii to be granl.ed. and I trust It will not be, why llboulll the cburch nol pay 111 leeo applicable? 11 the church Is going lo act like~ a business enterprise, extolling llJ wans to all ruen-by. let them pay the lees tha go wlih • bustnesa. 'Mio Daily Pilot, In IJ1 banal editorial (Apc:il 25) .UteJ that Ille churdl claims the sign can be teen only Iron\ Pacmc Coast ll!ghway. """ lar from th• 1ruth this la. All the people aall~ on th< bay at the west end can ... the stgji, plus all ,---B11 Geor,ge ---, ~ ConfidonUal to Ronald Ziegll!r: Pett"'1ally. l .th.lni>.YD1t should tell lhem lo mlnd lhelr own li\iiln<SSP. The noeey Jhin&al I I ~-~· .. the people vlliltng and llv!ng In !be apartments and businesse5 located on Via Lido and Via Oporto. IF THE churcfi is allowed to advert1M Itself and its concepts ol relJilon, then lei all properties on the bay lronl and Cliff Drive advert!• their wares and bellel1. Equal sign space for all, or none at all. C. P. AVERY Cono..,.11• To the Editor : I was delighl.ed wllh Councilman Carl Kymla's proposal to allow the Irvine Company to build ooe or more high Ne oondominiwns In Newport Center In ex· change for 10 to 15 acres of. blufr at Casi.aways. (Editorial April 16). Let us hope that thi• proposal is lu!1her ... plored. CASTAWAYS is tbe l8'l ol the bluff areas where the cliffs drop off to the bay. It is undeveloped wilh natural habitat The view from there l! superb ol. the harbor, tilt hills, Jhe islands end ocean. Perhaps my dreams o! l .. vlog Castaways with wildflowers and rabbi ts, polywogs and treelrogs, and 1Wallow1 and squirrels for children and peopi< Jo enjoy may come true. HARRIET BElllUS• Fair Housing To the 'Editor: I am writing in response to your editorial chastising the Orange fumty Fair Housing Council lor-t checking wilh the Irvine Coropany regarding their alleged discriminatory advertialng before ming suit. Alibough •I did ao u a oon· cemed citizen rather than as a repruen· tallve or the Housing Council I did have occasion at last year'1 lrvlne Company Barbecue and Round-up to diatUSS thts very subject "'ilb then Vice President Cllbert Ferguson. As I recall, M: in- dicated at the time that the Irvine Com· pany was aware or the problem and ln- Jended to do somclhing about II In Jh. near fu ture. NINAE. WEST (Mn. Robert J.) Netll port'• Tree To th< Editor: Daily Pilot did not follow up on the ullimate result of the aelect!on of an of. fidal tree !or Newport Bead>, wl1!dl wu referred to In -· ed!ilona ... Mardi rJ, alter tbe City OOllncil meettnc <m Man:b 2111. • SIGNIFICANTLY, the ,....t rel- oooceming the developmeqt in Promon- tory Bay Indicated that the city o ..... r, lhe bouga!nviltea, .... to be"""' 1n...,,. profta:lon, and that 30 coral trees were also to be planted . Natura.Uy, although that announcement preceded the City Council's adopUon ol the cont! tree (Erythrina) u it> oflldal Jree, the Newport Beach Garden Club believes that tbJs will b<. a major c:on- Jr!buUon lo the establishment or this beautiful and colorful tree in the - spaces and parb ol Newport Beach. J\IJIS. DAVID A. W. YOUNG, President Newport Beach Ganlen Club UJce• Lee~· To the Ed!Jor: '!bank you f..-publilhing the 1e11en from Buckley O'Neill and Bemlce Baker !Mailbox, April IS). It was a dellghi Jo bear lrom people wbo do their own Jh!nlc- log. Thank you again !or a breath ol fraah air! VD\GINlA SECOR _.,co.ur DAl lV PI LOT Robm N. w...i, NlU~ Thom., K...U, JL'dltor Bar-=oKrdblcll Editorlat d'GQe lditor ,,,. ... IDrlal -:.l ,,,.. Dail> 1'0ot seea. to tAlonn and" iill.ml.lla1• ~l:dHs by P"t9tl'ldl'C ca <ht.I PIP dive.rte oommentary on 10plcl ol t~ ,....,. by .....i1cofed -and cartoonltt:t, by providlne • f'Onlm lor l'ffcftrt' Yiewt and by ~ thia -·-.... -.. """""' -~ -Olli'""• ol the Dolly Pilot ,._.. oniJI In .... edttori&I coltunn at U.. top ot the Ptlt. ()pWons «peened by the col· umrdata and canoonl.ta and letter ... Mtten •rt lbflt OWll and llO tub• 111<111 .. ....... ...... by ,,,. .Doll> I noticed on Tuesday lho reporting ol. The mnttors brought belore-lhll i'ltwporl_ Beach City Council on lho prevtOlll eve- ning, but was a Uttle dllappolnl.ed that lhe ro.t -.id bs -· Wednesday, Ill~ 2, 1973 I • • -' I ' I i Plead • • Innocent To Ft"aud -.: . RIVERSIDE (AP) -Two mon have pleaded illQOC<lll to Charita il>it ~ \.JI!. I d O frl~ dlbns to ..,uce people Into bl\Ylng Umlted parinershlps In a Ulal>bas<d mm company. A _,toe uld the pelt told IJl"OSpeCtlVe ~ lJiat the company obtaliied permjsslon r,.... the Mormon Cbureh 10 use the name and Music of the Mormon Tabernade Qiolr In • movie to be called ''The Boy Who Could Sing Uke the A!onnlll Ta beroacle Cholr." Jay i!:-lVbeeler. 43, of Cedar City, Utah, and Verland Whipple, 43, oJ N or t h Hollywood, were each released on 15,00C ball. A jury lrial is ~uled July 13. The pair were lndlded by the coonty grand jury April JO on charges or grand theft and selling securltle1 without I! perm.it in connection with the firm they operated, Canyoo Country Procb:t!oos. • Siar 011 T-7 SACRAMENTO (AP) - LegtsJation to end the re-- quirement for an additional profile photo on drivers' licenses forJ mlnors has been Ul"ll ....... PuH'l Out Finan · John D. Mac· Arthur bas announced that he is pulling his substantial stake out of Florida because "fan· atic" ecologists a n d politicians are making it a "difficult place." introduced by a lawmaker who D to calls the lw<>-Photo law "a slur oc r -01,.lhe-matw'Uy-<>I ~ornia~~ _ _ _ teenagers.. 'F --==r- Present· 1.w says a full face OrCSCCS · and prorue photo must appear on drivers' licenses Issued to minors to distinguish tbtm from licenses Issued to adults. But Sen. Joseph Kennlck (0. Loog Beach), aald that 18th and 21st birthdays d o n ' t necessarily colncide w I I h license renewal dates and the youthlul profile photos are ''no positive Indication whether a driYer wu a minor or an adult." e sett~m-t SANTA BARBARA (AP) - The local, branch ol the Goodyear nre and Rubber Co. bas setUed by a stipulated judgment a criminal consumer fraud action against t b e brandl and three emptoyes. Dlsrtk:t Attorney D a v i d i11nler said that the company agreed lo pay a clvll penally and costs of the legal actkln. Tfle· amount of the penally would not be dlsclooed, he said. The company was charged with making raise represen- tations to sell ball joints to customers who responded to an advertisement for a $9.95 front end alignment for their cars. e Gripe Pl1011e SACRAMENTO (AP! Anyone annoyed because the vending machine he was using was broken would have a phone number to call under a bill introduced in l h e Assembly. Assemblyman Eugene Chap- pie (ft.Cool I, introduced the measure "''hich, if enacted, woUJd go into effect July I, 1974. e No Overtime? SAN FRANCISCO (AP\ -A califomia law requiring wOmen be paid overtime after eight hours or work a day is unconstitutional sex discriminalloo, a federal judge. bas ruled. U.S. District Judge Charles B, Renfrew made the ruling on a suit.flied by Homemakers Inc., a Los Angeles firm that provides housekeepers and nurses to customers ' homes . 'lbe finn was protesting • st.ate investigation of charges that women worklng 12·bour shifts were receiving no overtime pay. Phil Gregory. attorney for Homemakers Inc., argued that the 1964 federal Civil Rlghls Act lnvalldated the state law granting women s p e c I a I overtime prlvlleges. e 82 Vfolatl-• LOS ANGELES (AP) Allhough 81 o/ 99 retail meat outletJ checked in the Los Angeles area b~· the Internal Revenue Service were fowx:I to be in violation of ceiling price regulaUons, only 12 of these hid not coofonnOO on a sec- oad checl<, the ms says. Killers ANN ARBOR, Mich (AP\ - A University of MJchlgan psychiatrist says he can predjct ~ lhe basis of clinical examinations that c e r t a I n teen-agers wftb no criminal record will evenrually become murderers. Dr. Derek Afiller, associate chairman or the psychiatry department a t University Hospital, said be has predicted murder elforts by l o adolescents in the.past decade. Eight of them evenlually tried to murder someone, he said. Three succeeded. DR. MILLER spid the key characteristic of the v•·o- spectlve murders is dehumanization brought on by parent.al mistreatment. "Deh~tion means an individual loses the capacity for human empathy,'' he ex· plained. "He is simply not capable of recognizing how others feel." IN ONE CASE reported by lbc psychiatrist, a 13-yeBN>ld girl reveal!!(I ln a clinical in- terview that she neither en- joyed nor disliked hurting peQple. Two years later, she killed a "'·oman Who refused lo part with her purse. AJl the likely murderers had violent fathers who olten showed a dramatic loss of coo- trol, Dr. Miller said. AS CIDLDREN, he ex- plained, these ind1viduals were the subject of attacks slmply because they came t o represent an unacceptable part of their father 's personality. 'The murderous types also had mothers who were deceit- ful or mothers unab~ to shield their children from their father, he said. State PTA To Endorse VD Plan? SAN DIEGO (AP) -The California Parent · Teacher Association is expected to en- dorse this v.·eek a "strong pr~ gram in venereal d.isease edu· cation in every school in Clli· /omia." says a spokesmllll. Such classes v.ooJd begin by the seventh grade and passibly as low as the fifth. A resolution ID that effect \!.'RS prepared for the 74th M- nual state convenUon opening today, the spoloesman said. About 3,000 delegates are ex- pected ID attend. 'nle meetings will end Fri· day. Official Set ._The 12 still In vlolaUon ....,, dled .,Ith a ootlce or sp. J'Ol'ODI D•billty," Kennetb Slit· ..., tn-IRS.opokl!lmall, said. • "A tlllly tine ol IZ.500 can be •• w:d ror continued non· OJf'TIJJllaoce.,. lie .. Id Ibo U markets, -or them 1111\Rll and •••led by -who did not undonland guide! ... [m. pooool ~ Pl'1!lllleftt Mion , ""'!'piled 14 bouts alter the dltllOl\I. - SACRAMENTO (AP\ -An Orinda newspaper publisher bas been named by Gov. R<inald Rellgan to the board ol trustees of the state university and college system. He 11 Dean S. Lesher, jO, publisher ol th• Orinda SUn and 23 Cal~ocnla -pm. ln- cludlng several In Contra Colla Coot.ty and the 5aD Joa· quln'Vallcy. • • • • • DAILY PILOT j . Cities Don't Hav~.~i.o iiea:r th . ' -.. ' : SAN .YllANCISGI!. (AP) - Local .......,_ b arr l'n I toplea llld bottomless waltreuea « tntertainerJ at reslaw'antl and bars a.re coo- 1lltutlonal, the Oa I IJ or a ta Suprome Court bu ruled. • Local bani on topleaa or ~ tomleu penoos 1akJni port Ill live acts or ~Hlons In 11tf pubUc place -.pt tbea1en also '"' coastllutlooal, tbe~Z declaJon l8!d 'l'belday. !jet and tho citr ol Stcram• ID regulaled CooiduCf ralher than words or apeech and thUJ did not violate the lit Amend- ment. -: I uJd IUdl ordlnances \'Dulci be cionsldered legitimate ~tJon ""tuired to protect Jtlbllc morala and weUare. •leVI~ Into -ullpnalb' brtachel ol 1,bo ....... """""" tn~ but ii le-~v...... and fe • l D r I!.!,, prolected ' e.;....loo merely • bor'1,_. ~ ea.m.i.;-4ldii ..C..W-......., -lliplal waillasel ....i_.~ because the waiter or waUreas • Tawdrf eetabUlhmentJ fealur-tm:nc dotbes. • ·and nude enttrtaiDe:CI;: ! la unclothed. Such bu.sineN Ing 1111!9tY u a ""1!lllel'dll • !111e ~ of 47 )lacrameoto County ind conduct does nof-'1111-ezb11*ioa llld llieo ~ ~ -'IJll.: by <Jostlce CA¥' involved t &-Ve • boUc and !bus commWllcolNe ma, bt Mimental ID the ~ ... and co~ employing ~. •=!. 1n the conslltudonal --al. welfare. of the.'sur-corred Jft JIP..': Jaatloe .Jril<l.~~-and . boc:ause 11 occuri Jn toplea or ..-.ia C0111111Ut111y,", ~!'1\'rill!Cl!ld Jlllllces tomtoia, --• ~ . ., -fublon.~ -m1'· ,,.n~ Maiillad llC!Q9tl .... .lalla ID bis o!lsaeJI~ Tobrb>et 'l'hO ruUns continued: · "~ ".:'ll' j "~ Jjluke.' The ~· d1*nl .....atll(-" nllr1dlom 1a' 0 .. • ' and ~..::!~ , ea ~ wrlllen • .., J,u a Ile e entertaJners makes the WI Buch nude actMty I 1 -·-upoaure -MatMw o Tclliiier ind i:on 0 v e r b r o ad 1 n d u .. nothing more !ban a com-and not II speech or condllct -·~ ·1.:.., ··.,;,· " ••--• • const!t t•---' merclal exhlbtioo desiened ID whlcb la 'In esoence' l(leecb or ...... ~ r . V::,.".;.7"" '7'"'•¥ u • .-. , . l , stimulate the customer llld 'cloMly din to s-• ' "·the> MOil;. w.. ,. ·+' •./ -"" ----iilld: •OOIJI. THE DJIJCl8ION beld that challenged ocdJnances ln Orange and Socrtmento ....,. ''Tbe service of food and .hem'age is a commen:lal ac- tivity," said the courl. "ll "'· tails nothing al a com- munlc.aHve nature ln the con- sUlullonal ...,., , .,_,....,, '"> ,• ·a·nr,. UIDDDl"IJ." , promote sat... . • 'l'l>plesa COW'I said. TUB QaAH~ -County cos. -muntcatlve enterlaJruneOt Is a ''TlllB ORDINARY !Jusino. . wal-. wbo mingle with The decfolon uld that the !iMilio<f• ~~ablJsFtenl prot<c!ed mode cl ~ activity Is not traNformed IP' • cmtomen, may stimulale local •. do not prevent auch ~ • ' ,_:;pa alo!lj!>Uc ~ ll)e IJl-L" ! •· ' .. • ' • . . -· ' ~ • • . ' .:>~" • --.. ., • , . • ,. ... ~:r-..... -. , -. •• • • t ...... f 't . .. .. • Here's the kinctof ~helptAothers love to . get. And they're .. all on sale. .• :S' • ft." " • • ' 5aleS1.78 ~ e.g. 119.95. Penncres1"' gas range hu -·~~p ~~rm' oven.conlrol. lig~led cook top ani:t Iii! up1fifl orrovfffi"MOr.wntte~copper. avocado or gold. Color costs no more. Gas range with "look Clean" oven, Reg. 229.15. s.te $20t. Save on a ra.nge or • • • microwave -oven~· ,, Sale $288 Reg. 319.115 Our JCPenney Microwave oveo defrosts .food or bakes a cake in rn1nutes! Greaffor casseroles. Fealures a stainless sleet cavity, interior lighl , easy 10 read minute timer. This oven always stays cool, so you can even coo« otl pai>et' plates or plashc. Saves so much clean-up time. Mother's Day savings on a trash compactor. And ad· Sale $178 Fl9g. 1911.95 This con'IE!rltble dish· washer lealures remo11able sidf' panels for permanent installallon Dual level wash . .2 cycle selecllons Sa1es2oa Rev. S2.3A. Corwert•ble dishwasher has 3 cycle selections. sohd maple culling board lop and sound dead- enfflg cabinet and lub pads Sale $168 Alf. t•.IS 8u11!-1n dishwasher has sound deadening hber glass tnMJlalion ood du&I le11~ wash Sale $168 Reg. 199.95. Free-standing or undercounler trash compactor compactll au lrash 1to jusl \, 11s orlgin.1111 volume. Heavy duty bag holds 1rash neally and securely. Automatic deodorant spray controfs odOf. Changeable front panel in your <:<Mor chOice. sher. ! - , . .JCPen.nev . We know 'What y(>u're !Oq'king for. , • .. • • . -..._.., . , Shop Sunday noon to S P .M. lit the following stores: FASHION ISLAND, Newport e.,eh (714) 644-2313. HUNTINGfON CENTER, Hunt~gton Beeeh (714j 892-7nl. \ ' • - •, '' .. ,, '• • J •• -. .. 1 •• . " '. • • " • ' • r 7 • • ' • ................ ..,.....,....,.._.~. . . • -• • -. . -....... -• VOL 66, NO. 121, 8 SECTIONS, 108 'PAGES 'ORAN6E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . ' ' . • WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1973 -f • ,_ • • • . . • • . ; Ted•y's Flaal : ·c • . . • TEN CENTS ' Retarded-Child Leaving lor NetV Ho111e · BJ ..umrtJR II. VINSEL ., .. ..., ...... P""'l''& Spetlal day is comiDg and - bopellllly -k will be ooe of the warm ones of 1Ummer, when everyonei feels special and is lujppy to be going aome place new and spficlal. • 'Ille July lky will be clear enough of smog,, perhaps, lhllt she can peer out of the, sedan 11ill> the State ci California license· plates at silver jellinera landing at Los Angeles International Airport. And then agaln It may.be a gray, rainy day when all-the varied colors of • mm- plicated world around her will assnme a cold tone that makes one anxious to get where be or sbe Is going. Sometimes the process of moving from one borne to anotbe:r can take day upon day, until the roontbs pile on top of each other and you forget JDOYing day la COU> Ing. · PenD)', you see, is· a mentally retarded patient at COsta Mesa's Fairview State Hospital. She Is I! yeors old, with an IQ o! 20, ~ . the Intellect of a toddler. Ward tO with Oilier boys. She likes brigll! eolors, Rood wtes, PtMy will be lelv!ng ralrviow State warm mmsbine and atteotlon from H01pllal and it may be aH!lcult to adjust Fairview's Foster Grandparents, or her at fir3t,.but it's bece:sSary. own !&-year-old grand-who comes And Penny doubtless ean't und<nt&nd to Ward.2$ occ.asl<>nally. why -becauae of what happened to Sbe doesn't have many other visitors. Mellie a month ago -in their Ward 25 Penny's parents were both tilled Jn a conidor. traffic accldeit a long time ago and her . Nobody !mows just what oocumd or two grownup slst.n live clear out in the how but Mellie wss found dead on the San Fernando Valley. Door and Penny bad blood smwod. on She does have a brother, hofiever, but her hands and feet, perhaps from he is also mentally retarded and lives on childishly trying to help her awaken and get up. Nellber had a blstory ol inta>tloaal violence and one theory is tbaf ll wu •· sad, tinwltnwed accldeM ciUled when Pelll!Y just bumped into Mollie wlille ~.-:.:.the oldolt alDQlll ~early 1,700 patients and It may be tllllt she was just sbuflllng •loot, loll In vague, prlmlUve tboughta olber llnal years. Orange Coonty al!Jllorltlts, however. inlllated protecUve oustody proceedings declaring Penny a minor child wbo may constltule a danger to others and must be moved to the Clmarlllo ladllly !or care. Her grandmother wu in the courtroom Tuosday a s Orange County JUTenile Court Judge Samuel Drelsen ruled tho! a public guardian he ippolnted so Peony can be transferred. Becauae ol whatever happened ~ lo Mellie, another special -· Penny la now a very 1pecial penon on Ward 15; her home ror the past two years. And that means &he has to leave. . Tea.che.r Raise Offered I Fiv e Percent Hike, Dental Insurance Proposed_ . By W1lJ..UM SCHREIBER District teachers have demanded a ten • Of "" o.ltt' ,., ... s1at1 percent pay ~se In addition to fringe Newport-Mesa school Superintendent beneflt.s and • a spokesman for one John Nleoll Tllosday night offered ~istricl teachers group said Nlcoll's offer is "just emp oyes-ili'le percenl~_nre:lM)arct-a· ~rt."_ _ _ pay hike for next year plus paid dental The pay raise wouJd cost taxpayers insurance. • . ab0ut "$1.3 million -and would be In ad· Nicoli's offer Cllllll'...dwing preliminary dltloo to $900,000 worth of previously budget deliberations by school trustees scheduled increases for teachers and and was coopled with a brief outline.on other penonoel, school officials said. how the proposed $37.4 million budget Nicoll told the board his propooed budg· would be spent next year. et locludes an uodi!tr1buted reserve ol moro than •u million, ol which •1.1 mi~ go to subltitute leacben, &!•Inc them a lion would be uaed lmmedl1tely !or the ralae rrom $11 per d,.Y to $211 per .ia,. five per<ent Increue, fringe benellta and Tbe CertJll<ated EmplO)'l!I Council (CECJ ~ =~~~uua.. ~Is an.increW ..t_o.l3tJ""-da.Y __ _ In reaervo for emergency needi during for sbort·term subs. the ,year and·to cover-employe"l"yrolls . -Moco than 115<1,Q!lll o! the reserve !!IOlllY until i'undlng •tarts eomlng Jniiext year. would be llJl"l1t'"' -ci Nk:oll'a pet - Acconl!ng to Nicoll, 1150,000 of the 11.7 grams. He deocrlbed It al on effort to million would go !or full employe dental reduce elemenlary·ldlool cW1 sloe, ID» coverage. prove teechlr eUoctl-and lmjlC'1vo Put ci the •u million piy hike wOllld (Seo PAY BID!,, .... , S witch Made By Conn ally, A Republican Power Rate Up Edison !Jike OK' d; Oil _Cit-e~ Jet ·Circular Takeoff Plan Under Attack HOUS'.\'ON (UPI) -John B. ~. sa)'in& tlie De!noeratlc pariy bad become too u~ for -today J>ecame a ~~ At .llt belcbt ol the OOP't Wat ~ tro.Jbies. • · ' ~GEUIS (Aft'-'Die ~ Publi.c UllllllN C.Ommlf-/ &ion·Ni4 lo4ay i& aUlli'eriled So11thera Caliknla l'Alllall lo ~ ntes~'}lllllkil( • ftir; ~·· Xly 1, 1o off.tot tile ~ of~ . • ~1 for the~ naldentlal.UJID of. 300 tilowal~ a mon Th~ ?.::'ot~:it='?#f,~~i ttH '1aih. cell of ' oU. This ae<ouabl for '35 mllllon of the boost, ihe P,t!C laid. ' ' llY JOBN WLD ................. Dime Marclt Is On Connally, 56, fbrmer Tr c..a 1 u r y Secretary and Teua governor 1llld a lir.Jong Democnrt, said he bad not discussed his switch to the Republican camp~evtouslymthNfaoo,oorbadbe discussed Watergate with the President. Other factora are a reduction In the" avallabllll( of gu wlllch necesfiltates .use of higher price fuels, and envl(Onment~lontrols for IW'. quality, wblch require the company to lllO ~re fuel, the Tho propo,oecl dtcUfar tUooU l!"ltarn lot Jett ltl\?f cn.p Oluli1 .&l!1'0fl probably wnl· be roJocitd by Ille airport staff, eounly Dlre<lor ci AvlatlGn llollort Bretnaban said Tuoaday. · Blunahan said the novel tat.olf pat· tern Is oppoaed by the fj'ecferal Aviation AdmlnlatraUoo (FM) for safety reaaona. and that • prellm!nlry nolae analyals !j>. dlcated the pallenl probably _, irodt!C' any dramaUc noile savtnp. Sixth, seventh and eighth graders from Kaiser School in Costa Mesa collected $570 in coins for the March of Dimes. The eighth grade team ae<ounted for more than '300 of the total. The funds were pre· sented to Dom Raciti who is ea.ta Mesa clWnnan of the March. The school was presented a plaque of appreciation. From left to right are Van Oostendory, faculty adviser; Dale Roberts, student body presi· dent; and Raciti. There has been speculation Nb:on might ask Connally to become a chief White House aide to replace members ol his stall wbo resigned because ol the scandal . CoonalJy bas been wldezy reported to be smong the possible GOP candidates to Top Nixon Aides Probed In Break-in Cover Story succeed N~_QD in 1978. But he did not say !Oday whether he wOllld be a candidate for Presl&mt In im. "f think the ll<mocntic Party has moved farther to the left now than at any lime in my lifetime," said Connally, who le"1'lled politics from President Lyndon B. Jolmson. "It's , left. It's left the mainstream of the people. "The" Republican party bas moved from the right and llllW represenls fhe . ~· ~ NE)\' YORK <AP) -Government lo- ves 1ay Lhey have evidence rant- ing "•.Bdille aid ... and offlclals o! l'fi ~re-election~ co ' IO (!<ti" an llliborale ~., following the ~ate hnak'1n, the NeW Yarlt Tlum _...,i. todly. (Related -... Pon S) ,• • , Tlie newsj>aper qUOled lh~ unnamed In-· vestlgators at u,nig Ule scbeme in- f I NCH WILLING TO RETURN TO WHITE HOUSE-Page 16 eluded payments to those arrested during the incideftt promlaes of exeeuUve clemenc)•;;;d' a aeries of pobllc denial&. ~ eViclence •11\1,.. the a1'er-up eijQrl wu mordlnated bf ptesidmtla) ~ H: a. IJ•lilAm111 . • an4 . John D 1 Ehrllchm -.. ~ M.-Y H4 former Ji. G<in. Jobii> N. :Mi~, who bea~1jle Committee !or the·RHlectlon ci tbeo ..,_, al the time, ~ Times •aid. Also Involved, the newspaper ,aald Ir' broad lpeClrWD o1 activlti... In the learned from federal investigators, were polIUcaJ arena," th e ..sUVer--baired, .klhil. w. Dean, the presidential counsel geotleman rancher·fawyorsald at a news fired this 1leet, and former Wbtta House conference In bis llourfoo cillce. special ·-ts Jeb Stuart Macruder "I bad a choice -I could either retire and Fnlderlcr C LaBue. from poUJlcil life 0< I could join the "A story a...;._;_ in today's New RepubliCin party," he said. "I don't feel ·~-~e I'm ready to retire" · :York,, Times alleging that I conaplred ,.-In a statemeol issued 0in advance of his with l!. R. Haldeman, John Ehrflclltnµ ~ws Clllllerence, Connally said be was and . John Dean and others to o~ switching to the Republican party "to Justice Ill the 'Yatergate case is ab~luti;, help it meet the needs and aspirations or ly .false an~ ~thout factual round auon, all Ariiericans." · Mitchell ~d m a.ltatement t~. "I seek no office -political or ap- Tbe Times said that according to pointive" C.Onnally said in answer to ~ close to th~ case, all six are u-question's aboot his presidential asplra· peoted to be indictl!lf by the federil Ilona and the timing of bis nitcb in view .~JUIY ~ 1Mh1111ey Oil ·t·b • of Watergale. lf~ illalr. • . ' He said be lllllOllllCOd bil political ,Jp~atoro haw: lndlca~ :. tnritdl now becluia be Wiided to eod ~eeyone in'1>lved in ·the ~oP speculation abool his political Mure. acheine repeatedly. jJled to federal • Jn. vestigators, proaecaWrs. other While House officials and llnally to Nlson hlmsell, the Times story reported . AL least four other ptl"!OOS were in- vol..d In tile cover-up and are under in- Coast PUCsu~ / The vote for the rate increue wu 4-1, with. <ilmm!Mioner J. P. Vukasin Jr. opposing. , /, Superviso__ys Oust Caspers , In Upper · Bay Panel f{ole supervisor Ronald Caspers of Newport Beach was dupli:>ed Tuesday Jrom his seat on a fedei'ai committee working to bring Upper Newport Bay into public ownership u a wildllfe pruerve. The action came on a 3 to 2 vote of bis fellow Orange County aupervison, a ma· jority o! whom said Caspers bad too many other responolbllllies·IO baadle the important committee assignment. Tbe majority -Including Sumiper...,.vtaor~s Ralph Diedrich, Robert Battin, and Ralph Cfarl: -cited Caspers' heavy wOrtload as chairman of--ille Board of Supervisors and member of the South Coast Regional Coastline C6mmission to explain their vote to oust bim. But the removal was viewed aa a rebuff to CUpers, who bad aerved on the committee since Ii. formation and wbo aald be wwld "quit the Coll\ Cun- rnlsslon In two aecond!" to remain work· Ing OD tho Ueiier Bay eommJttea. 'Ibo ..-ol ... tlni ... the Ru111ors Upper Bay Commlltee w a • ral.oed by Caspers, who asked that Supervisor David Bater be named to join him on the committee. Thal motion failed OD a ! to J -· Then, on a motion by Diedrich, tho ma- jority named Battin ci Santa Ano and Clart of Anaheim to the committee. Together wllh County Admlnls\rallve Ol!lcer Robert 'lbomu, lllty will ..... 111 OD the Flald Committee, a -I formed by the U.S. Interior Deportment to study waya of brioglng Upper Nowport Bay Jn. to poblic uae. Meal lllmlUndln1 the plibll< Udelands are now owned by the lrvlne Co. Caspers made several other sug. gestlons to the board wblch hO said 1IOUld speed up the pn>ee11 ol IChlevlQI publlc ownership of the Upper Bay. 'Ibey were all adopted unantmoua\y by other supervlson and induded: -Dlrocllon of tho Deportment of Ru! (llel CABPERll, Pip IJ Flying· CLASSIFIED A.DS • • MEAN .BUSINESS vesttgation by the grand jury, the Times quoted llOW'Ces as saying. Those named were Dwight L. Chllpln, the President's former appoiDtmenU secretary: Gordoo Strachan, a Haldeman usil!ant; Herbert L. Potter, who worked fvr Herbert Klein's 'Information office, &lid Wasblngton-baaed attorney Keanelh '1. Parklnaoo, hired by the rHlection commltt.e lll>orUy iller the JUAe 17 lnat·ln. VIPs (Has san, Martha, Hiroh ito?) Vacationi ng ' Dally P1lol clulllled a rully mean bus~ -e!pecially IOben you use them In Y"!'f buslnw. Oieck this: CIJSl'OMP~ llller/Exler. UD!bm. lnler. Ill*-prlco. 1'nlo ..... '<lOll-IUIU., f< a Lio. Ina. , ... , IN! underllld. (!'De) Tb<r Ne11pol'\ 'eeadl 110111811 who ~laced that ad sa)ll Iha htll"! lM!r b111band with the Interior demratlng pan or the bullneas. and "the phone jUJt rtnp ofl the hook." 'Ille cou~l• ha• Jolls bocbd aoffdlY f..; w..U a1iWI. U you're looilnc l<r i>.ta\ness, look bm. A Dolly Pllol ad- v)aor will htlp you 1111 .lllrted. Dial the ~llnl:l4Wm. 'Ibo addltlal !1111111 needed Io r the uwted pa.yolls, the newspaper said, ...... mlJected by -w. Ktllllbach of Newport lleacb, Nixoo'a pertonal lawyer wbo also semd u a chief ~•m· polgn mooey ralaer. 'Ille new;poper said Hugh W. Sloan Jr., tretsuttt of the rHlecUoo committee, 11bo gave the cash to G. Gordon Liddy, one of tboae convicted Jn the bug&lng, •• the only lley olfidal who apparently -not to ~=~ in the OOvtl"llP, callling hl1 to oiler aome det&lls ol the agnecktpon story. ,-- Jl7. L. .J'ETER KRIEG Of -.., .... """ Cn>wn Prince llaslan ci Jordan, his wUe and two small children are vaca- tioning al the Newportel' Inn Jn Newport Beach, -at tho hotel said today. Ne1'porler olllcill1 declined COllUllftlt and 1IOllld -confirm DOI' desU' tho prt!IOnu ol,the brother ol Jordanian Klnc.Jl...iit. 'lliey alao decllned comment on reports that llarlbl Mllchell. wholle con- troverslsl stay at the Newporter fast yeor 1llllaled the s12rt ot.tho Waterplt alfalr, 6ad retllmed to the Newporter !or a brief~-·•wellHe two VIP& here and that'• en I con ttll 'f'T>J," Ed Nigro, gmeral manapr ol the Ne11por1<r, said thla monlllJ8. He 11\d they aCC<)Ullted for the fact , • "the place .ii crawling with Secrtl Service men and there ii an armored Presidential Umous!ne outaide. "Anybody can ,.. Iha~" Nigro said. Nigro DaUy ...tused lo reveal the 1i1eJ,. tlly or either of tha co1ebrllld gue.u ho said were ..,.... at tha Inn. U. declined """111111111 OD a ......r t.,,.n that Japarao Emperor lllraldlo and bis wllo are omoog the .-U 11 tlie spraw!Jni• hotel eomplex on )he shores of Upper Newport Bay. NoM of· the U.S. Secret Servlot men clustered around the lour asclullve vlllu lucked at the bottom ol a ltnolJ at the front ol tho Inn would talk IO reportm. "You 1\111 llaVe tha placuo, Y"" mow. I can't say anJIJl!og to yO..," ooo 1"11dei>- tJfled 1port.4hlrted •1ent said lhll IDOl'l>- lng. He llld others art ....,..tin( lroo> a ,. I - ground Door room with a picture - view aCl'OSI the lawn leadin( lo the vlllu. Eniployes of the hotel said ua...n and his !1mlly have been seen about the grounda for ,.veral daya now. • One employe, wbo asked not to be ldeD> urJed "becluae they told 11111 will be our Jobi H 11e say ~." Mid be. loo, bad -lhllt talbllve Martbl llJtdl. ell. wlle ol ICll'lllll' a~ -al Jolm Mllcholl who har -llnbd directly to Involvement In tho Walerpte ~. la t!IO a pest. ' '"But nobody'• teen tw:r." be aakt. Likewise, thero la no lndkltlon ol oey Ja-delq•tlon within tho botel. A man who ......,.. aald.lt attacbed to the Jonlanlan 1!111bulJ 1forldnc aecurily for Hassan clalmod his ~ In the porting lot above tho vWai bad lllM HASSAN, Pip t) J \ "It baa a lol ci thlnp IOinl aplDll It," I he ,.id, "altltnu&li .. bavml yet fllllll>. ed our ttudlel." Tho Idea !or the ctrcular IU..,q pal· tern wu adtanced ftve -b 119 by Charles Grlllln, a Newport Beocb I homeowner. He IUlieated that jet. leavtnc 0r..,. Colmty Airpot1 -• bard lell lllm ID» I medlattly alter liftoff which would aim them away trom noise aenalUve areu ol , Newport B<acb. The turn wOllld abo divert jels in tile dlr.ctlon o! frvlno, but Grllfln sufplled that If jels continued tianinc llbanllY to the l•ft, they could make a fltll clr.to , that wOllld keep them away ll'on> moot I ~ -ol lrvlne. • Although Griffin'• ~ met wide , ln!tJaJ crttlclsm, Bremaban romall>oil j neutral, aaylng be DOOlled a comploi. ltudy bet-be 1IOUld -.neat OD Ille plan. , But Tllosday Bresnahan said In an Jn. tervtew that bla lnveollptlon na tuniin1 , up little merit in the plan. "It might hllp -JIOOPle doWll on Balboa Island to bave the jets [ly ·ovtr Irvine, '1 Bresnahan said. 11But ll sure (Soo T_,,.IJ ........ J ~ _ .... Ill 'l'lllnci.1. !al· lowing earl; DJOni1nc low clouds •loot the -' llllbl cf 111 at the beacbeo, rllillll le 71 Inland. Over· oliht 1o.... *"' • INSIDE TOD.t-'l' • A ~ <opltollll ct OlllV %1, pr ntllulc.llkallf a.plrlftg to thct goal, lllc:ll<u Ford of Coste ll•so. Ir plmmfftg th• biQgHI """"9 "'!' 1hoto in thr IDOTld -imd ,.... Cf11tjidnl aome lftt>crtor 1lliU 1 .. 1 Mm. s .. llqfJ °" ""'1t ll. MV.-...... I ~-~ -" - u . ,.... . !':~.~,, -,.,::: _ .. _ l•M ........... .. .. ._.. .. ' • ...-,: ...,, -. -. --" ~t• .. ............. --:::s-=-! --·-. ............... ---. I I \ DAILY PILOT c . . -' M•I Be Fr~ :Dragging Ueat ·.Charges Doubted St1UJ8Yialc&llons emerged loday llla1 p~torJ: will free and refuse to charge two perllOClS llnkA!d to lhe grjsly dealll last Friday ol a Tustin boy drag· ged behind 1 pickup truck on a dtoert highway. A pair or yooth> who surrendered IO Tustin police about 24 hours later in the case must be released today If \st sufficient evidence exists to pn:>ieOlle ll~m. ;!. ~ pair oo"8ht in !,.as Vegas ~ abortly afttt Ille death or Jimmie L. Manning, 17. ol 12912 Woodlawn SI.. 1\IJtln, were picked up, que..!iUooed and cleared Tuesday. ,Lester 1... Parker, 19, or 8242 Katherine Otive, :Jiiii~oo Beacll and Melvin 0 . 0eem,;'.'""1tror'.-.lio:d1i Las Veg~.s, were lni· l~ly bpoled on suspiClon ol murder and remaliied in custody al Oi'ange Counly Jail. · San ~o CowllY SberiU's LI. Ron F~ aald lhe IWO unid.njllled youths IDlorrogatcd Tuesday could nOt;Jle impUCl8d by results of a polygraph ~· One -fl thorn waa drlvJoi Ille pldlllp truck from which Mannliil· 411. Jumped or was pushed with a rope lied 1oosely around his legs. '"':" "" Deem rode up front along with the)'La.& Vegas youth and the third principal as titannlng was dragged, bouncing. -air» ing and OopPing on his back, neatf~ mile dowo H11hway 1~ notilcot~mo- Parller w., riding in Ille -plci<up tnic' bed with MaMing, but denles knowledge of what happened to the victim who was found -clothing in tattered shreds -by oi motorist. · -~~tennine-Wbat happened in Ille bed or ihe trucli.'' u . • Forbtll)l said today while preparing lO present l3Cli>-lo ihe .Sao Bernardino Cowity District Attoroey.'1 Office. { The lieutenant In .cbarae o the homicide detail predicted a decision one way or the other by n&oo and said he "·ould be willing to reveal much more detail later in the day. "There a re indicaliOl'.lS of heavy narcotics use,'' he said. The parties to the tragic !\1anning death had attended a near-riotous rock From Pagel .HASSAN ... concert In Laa Vegas that erupted In violence when the scheduled Deep Purple group falled to appear. Manning had been gone rrom his Tustin home, apparenUy just drifting, for about a mootb prior to his dragging death. U.S. Accuses Campaigi1 Unit Of President W ASilllff'TON'(APJ -The Jmlice De- partment .ccUied the Finance Committee IO Re-<!lect the President today wllll !ail· ing to flle reports and maintain rj?cords 00 a noo.ooo contribution. A three-count criminal information tiled in U.li. District c.ourt alleged Ille committee received a '200,000 campaign contribution April JO, 1m, bu t failed to report its receipt, or the name of the donor. The information charged lhat Finance Committee chairman Maurice Stans fail- ed to z:eport receipt or the money to com- mittee treasurer Hugh P. Sloan Jr. as re- quired by the federaJ Election Campaign Act of 1971. The lhird count accused lhe committee, of failing to keep records of the donalion aod tbe name and occupation of ihe con- tributor. -Tht UUrd CQW! accused the committee, ochng ffirlluglrStoan;'l>! faittng-f'rnport the contribution to the Office of Federal Efectionr-of the General Acoounling Office. ·-· Neither St.ans nor Sloan was charged. The maximum penally upon conviction on each count is $1 ,000. Police Arrest I 1idustrialist After Ra1npa.ge , A Newport Beach industrialist was ur- nothing to do wlib any prtit<:e or princess. rested. early today alter he allegedly in· "I'm a Lebanese, you want to see my vade<t a Costa Mesa home where hls wife p:Jssport '>" is the only thing he would say-had sought refuge and went on a ram· to news~en. page wHh fist!, feet and a wine bottle, in- However, other sources said the prince juring two persons. . and princess have beeC\,..seen in, au areas Fran_k Y. Oka~ura, S4, presiden~ of of the hotel.J~t l~elPJf otber .tourist .~ Franklin lndustr1es, Santa Ana, was "The prfncess ' and the -~hftdten arJ booked on suspicion of assault with a around quite a bit but they've •lways got deadly weapon ronowln~ the 2: 15 a.m. tWo Secret Service men and a Se<:ret fracas which wound up in a screaming Service woman with them," oDe employe baby's bedroom . sai~. Investigators said Mrs. Caro I y n .This would be the second stay at the Okamura was struck around the face and Newporter for llassan, who vacationed head, while Richard E. Jones suffered a here last year. The_ 1972 trip . was head cut. bruis~s and had a large patch highlighted by the prince's calch or a of his hair tom out. huge marlln. · Patrolmen Lance Heuer and Charles 'NeYlJ>()rter officials said to d a y Buddimeyer were di spn tche<: to the Secretary of Qimmerce Frederick B. Jones home at 2403 Na rbonne Ave., after Dent will,lso be arriving at the 'hotel at efrorts by t-1rs. Jones. her husband and a about 2:3(J p.m. He is due to speak at a second man reportedly failed to calm 6;30 p.m. dinner meeting of the Okamura. Republican Associates or Orange County . The businessman had reportedly quar- Cinco de Mayo <J1ie Day Early Kaiser ~1iddle School't annual Cinco de ~1ayo celebration will be held a da y early th,is year. Since school is out on Saturday tMay 5 '· the festi val will be held on f'riday in the lunch area. The school's Spanish classes are in charge of the event. Among the attractions are booths featuring crafts, a cake walk and refreshments. Guest are welcome to attend the festival . scheduled ror 1 :30 lo 3 p.m. OU.Mal 00.AIT CM DAILY PILOT 'tM °'""" C:O.n DAILY ,ILOT. wllh ..,Id\ 19 cornblllfllll 1t1t ..... l'rn.t. 11 fMllllMd .... ,.... Orefltl o." .... 11111 .... cw.-,, ...... •••• .OltlDM .,. ~ Mor*' "'""""' FrlClt~. ~ Olll1 --... N.wpar1 llNdl. Hlilflllr>Otor. II~ llt!lty, L~ 11 .. c11. 1n11Mt ... 11•r11 ... IM c..,,_1., .S111 JIHft C#lflr-. A •ktlilf 1191-111 .Oillon It ..... w.r-1tf1.w61Vt ... S...O.ri. nw JlfkKlp.iil llOAll~"'t ~"' It It llO W..1 a.~ ,,....,, c:.u. ""-· c.n,.,,. •• ,,.,., "•ktt.H. W1.4 ... .......,.. -~lf!Wf J •c.k "" c-1.., llou ,., .. ""'111 lltlll GeftlRt ~ ll111m11 IC11¥ll (111 .... T\1111 11 A. Mvr,111'11 ~lnfl!•I• C6t1rl11 H. L.." "i1h1r4 '· Nill ANIWlflf M.lirwtlnti h J""" c-. .... omc. JIO W11t l•T Sff111 i M1nl11t AU,,,,,.,,O. 111 1560, t2616 --~ ..... 1 smt1~ ......... ~,tMctu m l"ontl ""'°""' Hlilfll=1~: U'l1J hlcll 111111 .... rd .... I .. .....e fJ CM\lfll ltMf T.t.,a1• C1t41 '4J-4J11 a ...., .w. • .w., .,.,.,.,, S ' 1t7a,. °""'" 0.ol il"\4lli.fll!lt • "" -...... lllVllfl,,.,.. --., ~....,. _, ... ,. •• CPI wf"*' tlillClll ,_. ,......,..,.,._. -~· ......... Ctlf• .... . Qi .. ., ~ .. .... .......,., " .... .. ......j flllllfllwt> .-i • .... -""""· • reled with his 'vife in their home at 1061 GrandviUe Drive. Newport Beach, and rorced his way into their acquaintances' 1 es idence demanding to see her. lnvestigat.ors were told Okamura chas- ed his wife and t.-trs. Jones upstairs and rurther forced his way Into the Jones' baby's bedroom, threatening to kill everyone involved. The six·foot. one-inch, 2 O 5 ·po u n d suspec t left the Jones home in a shambles following the up-and-downstairs melee ending in his being booked on the relony cha rges. Frotn Page 1 CASPERS ... Property Services to appoint a com· mittee or outside appraiser to determnie the value of Upper Bay lands. -An order to County Counsel Adrian Kuyper to establish legal guidelines for the appraisal. -An invitaUon to Webeter Otis. ~halnnan of the 'Field Committee and Pacific Southwest Regional represen- tative for Interior Secretary Rogers Morton, to appear before the board next week . The latest 181'les ·of negotiations regarding Up1>er Newport Bay follow an offer by the Irvine Go. last month to turn the land over to the public . That offer in tum followed a federal Appell ote Court ruling that a pn>po"1d land S\\'ap belween the county and the company to permit some Upper Day de\·elopment was unconstitutional. The lr\•ine Co. oow urges that public ownerShip of the land be achieved as fast as Is practical. Mesa High Students Sell Cleaning Fluicl Studenls from COsta Mesa lligh School are going from door t.o door through Sun· day to earn student body funds through the sale or blo&111radable. non·pollutlng cleaning nu ld. Th< price per boltle I• $1.37 and"nnyone wilh qutt1tlon' about the ule should con- 1 lact Auocln~d Student Body otncers, S!~lt. • • p • readq aldllo .., dlltrlct yoqsltrl. ~:::; :.:-~~= levtl by alJlll snde.t. W!Ullid.~ tile dlllrl<I.~ lllclll •Id. ' time .... -lllr•:to•tio~··-.......... , -·· .......... -called.., ........... h .. - - 1111')' lo .... ,..., with .......... ""' sUU support mucl>needed dlairlct pro- grams. ' "For the ttiird year in a f'OW v..-e will give lalJ>OYert a rate ~uction." Nicoll said. "~ the property valuationJ are final, it cou1d be even larger than aJ1tlci- pated at this time." Costa Meaa tupayen can eJpect a rate of $5.01 per $lllll .-valuatioo, which is a reduction of about slz cents. ln Newport Beach the rate will be $4.62 per flOO or a reduction of about a nickel. Fiscal Planning AdminiJtrator Walter Adrian said tM dectt.ase would be more in Costa Mesa because of the rate of re- duction in bonded indebtedness incurred prior to unification of Harbor A r e a schools in 1965. According t.o Nicoll , property values in Ille dialtict are: expected 10 jump by II percent to.:'1157 .2 million next year and tbe lhcrUR could be as much as 15 or 18 percent once final tabulations are made. "Undir Senate Bill 90, this money must be reflected in taz rate decreases," Nicoll said. Adrian said the anticipated valuation also does:i\'t Include more than $19 mil· lion worth ol Upper Newport Bay land still in limbo due to ownenhJp disputes. Di!ltrlct teachers and other employes were already ezpecting regular stage and step pay increases next year and the ad- ditional five percent was taken by some teachers as the minimum needed to keep pace with the cost o( living. .. o.lh' 1111•1 '''" '"'It DAYS APPEAR NUMBERED FOR OLD WARD AND HARRINGTON LUMBER YARD IN NEWPORT Pro'ptrty on Coo1I Highway lffar Archot Over pan Slated for Now RHlauranl 0...lot>n*lt? lt'age, Price (;urbs? Coast's Last Lumber Yard Nixon . Move to Tighten Economy. Controls Seen The Ward and Harrington lumber'yard, BULLE'ftN WASHINGTON (API -President Nix- on oi"dered PJ\aSe 3 price conll<lla \iih1'D· ed 0lodiiy, requiring !he natiOn's )irg,.t . . companies to notify the government 111 advance 'l\'hen they intend to raise aver- age prices by more than 1.5 percent over Jan. 10 levels. Newport Beach's first and now ii. Jut Nla:on intended in his statement to try to lumber yard, wilt soon make way for a boost confidence in th~ largely voluntary new restaurant on Mariners Mlle, it was Phase m wage and price controls th.at learned today. J have prevaUed for most of this year. Nixon began by meeting for 40 minutes The lumber yard, located at 3300 W. with his five ranking economic strategists Coast Highway, went into operation in 1945 after a n1.erg~r with a smaller faeiU· -Treasury Secretary George P. Shultz, Budget Director Roy L. Ash. Federal ty owned by Ille hrte Walter Spicer. "It 's their first counter-offer and we still have negot.lating ahead," said New- port-Mesa Ed,µcation Association Execu· \VASHINGTON (UPI} -President Reserve cbainnan Arthur F. Burns, Spicer left the lumber partnenblp in Chairman Herhert Stein ol llle Council o! Ille 1950s but retained ownership of tl:e tive Bart Hake. "1-JopehJlly we'll end up Nixon has decided to toughen some somewhere in between." aspects of his wage-price stabilization • Trustee Thomas Casey or Corona de! program, Administration officials said Mar, a banket', took .ame. Issue with a proposed '400.000 1~31! bi appt1)J>ri,,_.....lll!In~a'l'.a~!ur;:,;;:::.,r;:-m=:ov;;;e;--to;;;--;co;:;;;m°"'n'e worst tipns for school site maintenance. u1 But NicoJI said a number af district inflation in a generation, officials said schools are badly in neep of renOvation Nixon probably wou1d &gain TeQUire big and the money had to be appropriated companies to get prior approval for price and used before future predicted budget increases of more than 1.5 percent and restrictions make such work impossible. raise the possibility of orders to roll back The vast majority of the increase pro- posed over this year's budget is in salary Price rises exceeding increases in costs. and fringe benefit costs and Nicoll esli-Detailt or Nixon's revised economic mates that such expenses will amount to policy were to be announced this af- nearly 80 percent or the total budget ternoon after he conferred with top ad- next year. visers as well as business and union leaders. Helen A. Meyer, Pioneer Mesan, Succumbs at 69 Funeral eervicea were s c h e d 11 l e d Wday for He~ A. Meyer, a pioneer Costa M e s a n born on a rarm on what is now Orange Coast COiiege· cam- pus. She died Sunday. She was 69 and had seen,much change as the rural area developed into a t.oWrr of 75,000 persoM. Rites for Miss Meyer were in Winbigler Family Mortuary Chapel, Santa Ana. Wit h Or. Ja1 Luman North officiating. Interment wu in Fairhaven Memorial Park. a.1iss Meyer was a veteran member of the Orange County Fann Bureau and the inter.county Garden. Club, ·remaining ac- tive in both. It appeared lhat tbe President's measures would be less sweeping than the general freeze or rollback proposals urged by some members of Congress. Administration officials suggested that Burglars Take $l~OQO in Loot Burglars who used a hefty rock in ooe case and a piece of scrap lumber in the other to shatter windows escaped with nearly SI,000 in loot from two COsta Mesa burglaries discovered Tuesday. Unique Used Furniture. 1661 Superior Ave ., lost $425 worth of merchandise in- cluding seven paintings, two antique weighing scales and tv.1> chairs. Owner William H. Philippi also told police the intruders ransacked a supply of antique jewelry and left with only a few items. Homeowner Edward G. MacKie, of 1336 Gibraltar Drive, told investigators someone broke his den window wlth a rock and stole a $405 color teleVisioo set. EcooomJc Advisers and Director John T. property, whic..'i b across the hlghway Dunlop of the Cost or Uving Council. fn:m County of Orange parking lacUities Joining the ...,Ion were Vice Prealdent -and tile Newport Arches M\lrl!Ul. -spiro"'l'..-"-9n<1 ·Kema~e;.who·-:.Jblll_ an<l_ H~ ~tuman hu been serving temporarily as Nlt:on's Robert Harvey sald today Splcer'a com· top domestic affaIJ:s ai!l'i3er filll<e _the JJa!!l'. canceled_llle le~ oo the land .only t .. lgrulllon Moodiiy · of John D . a sbGr1 time ago ll01hernrew·dellnlte Ehrlicbman. Aho SUIDlllOned to the White House plans yet for relocation of the yard. . was the l~mem,ber Labor-Management uwe are still fonnulatlng plaM !!l thi! Adviaory Conumttee established to a<J.. stage but we are looking at two or three vise the Presldent on the operation of the locations," he said. Phase m control system. Santa Ana Attorney s t e p h e 0 PUC Won't Hear Appeal on PSA, Air Cal · Merger SAN FRANCISCO {AP) -The can. !omla PublJc Ulilltiel Commission to- day denied ·requests IO reconsider ltll decl.oloo lwrOVing Pacific Soui!lwest Airilnes' acquisition of Orange c0UDtf· based Air GaJifornta. The vote was 3 to 2 in turning down lhe pelitioos !Ued by Hughes Airwest, \Vestem Air Lines and the Port of cfak· land. The i>UC bad apl'"'ved PSA's acquhi· tion of 81 percent of the controlling in· lerest of Air California on Feb. 23. A Justice Department antitrust suit against the merger Is pending in Los Angeles Feqeral Court. President Vernon Sturgeon and com~ missioners William Symons Jr. and Thomas Morap said they believed "a good cause for rehearing has not been shown." CommlssIOners J. P. Vukasin and David Holmes dissented. Schumacher, who represents Wallt.r Spicer Jr., said the property Is already under contract or s.ale to an undisclosed bt.yer. The younger Spicer took ovtr ad- mini.slerillj lhe lease following bis father's dealh. Schumacher s8id. ''This is a contingent sales agreement based.on.the requirements or Propoaltion 20," Scbwnacher said . "There IB still some processing left to be done." . Schumacher admitted, however, that the prospective buyer of the lite i! plan- niog "'""' "3tauranl and "other relatecl l1cUwo.;;" u ,Wan:l and HarringtOo's new sl~ Is out.side; ot;Newport Beach, !he city i'tJl be left without any lumber yards. ' The f1mi ruis yards througboiJt Orllllle CounJy aod in Long Beach. Applications ·Taken • For Aviation Panel Resumes are being accepted by C05ta t.lesa h1ayor Jack Hammett for mem· bership on the dty's aviation committee. Requirements include an extensive background in aviation and residence in Costa Mesa . She was born when the Meyer family Jived in lbe area that was to become a college. They had _. space !or mUes around. ·Mls.s Meyer lived at 2435 Orange Ave. with a brother, John. She also I ~SZ::iiiiiii~~~~mm,:::::::::::::: leaves brothers George W. Meyer, Carl I ~ C. ~1eyer. a sister, Mrs. Leona Talarsky ~ Interested penons may apply by re-- turning thelr resumes to the Mayor's Office, P.O. Box 1200, Costa Mesa, 9212:6. and a niece Daiana Tarlarsky, of Oregon. · l?"\.c:>r Postal Employe Stamp Available • A new set of ten a.cent post.age stamps ---••: •A;;o:-u;<;;;iiiiiiiiiMimid""'-••.a••:o._,..,,. • ..,,,,..~·~ honoring postal employ ... acroos the na· I ,0:-:·. 538 CENTER STREET-COST A MESA 646-1919 ~~=~ lion i.s now available from ~ Costa ·1 •---------------•'""'•"'" .. !""_,..,_ .. .,,,.,..., ___________ ... ~ l\.1esa Pcm Office. The stamps are beint offered in con- junction with Postal W~ which ends Tennis Dresses . Backboards Basketballs • Goals Baseball Shoes : Bats Thursday. • ... The Postal Peoples stamps are on;sale at the main Post Offfee, 1590 Adams Ave.; the Mesa Center Station , 1683 Ornge Ave., and Foster's Pharmacy, Contract Station No. 2, 519 W. 19th St. From Page 1 TAKEOFF ... wOuldn't help tht people of Irvine." Bresnahan said that a preliminary noise study indicated the circular p:1tlem "might cause more total noise for more people.,. But he slressed Iha! llllB con· cluslon was only preliminary. "Our nolte study is continuing '° that "·e can be we there really won't be any O\>EraU savlng.s," he said. Bresnahan said his lnv...ttptioo Into safety aspecll or Ille plan produced more definite coocluslom. "The FM reacllon h1;1 all been ad· vent," be sald. "They say that flying• circular pattern would confile! willl too many rugbt patterns In the .,..,. ... Aloin Tests Opposed CANllElfRA !UPI) -Prime Minister Gough Whitlam AnnoWlced today that Australia will take ie&al action agalnSI f'ranct In Ille • lntemallonal Cour1 or Juotrce to block further nucfeat telit.s In the Paclfic. Ladies TeMis Shoes 7.95. 9.50 -14.95 >..16.95 Tennis Rackets 4.95 to 58.00 Dunlop • WilSan · Penn Tennis Balls Tennis Wann Ups Tennis Stringing .. Tennis Hats & Visors rw~.,... ... .m;;;;;..;;.;-. ... ;;.;.o._. ........ Duck Feet Fins Masks • Snorkles • Kick Boanls Laguna Swinl Trunks SeeedJ' ~2 Trunks & Suits Skatebaards • Wlleels & Trucks Frisbees & Bmerangs Shoe Skates • Clllbls SidewaF« Back Pas Sletililf Bags Darts & Dart Boards OPEN 9 TO ~LOSED sRYS • ' Mitts · Gloves · Undershirts Volleyballs· Rubber & Leather Softballs Volleyball Nets Racquet Ball Racquets Paddle Tennis Paddles Halllball Gloves & Balls Ping Pong Paddles & Sets Ra!ei211 Bikes • 10 Speeds· 5 Speed$ 3 Speeds· 1 Sl18811 Parts.· Tires • Tubes Repairing 538 COOER--646-1919 I - I \ • • ' . DA Q .Y PILOT EDITOm..y. PA.GE . Consult the P eople '!11e prcope..-t 0( having $3.M m!Jlk>a Of ret"eDuo llwlng lunda !lowing Into Costa Mesa over the next four yean bu the dty council on1etUed aver the best way to lp<!lld tile money. Prior!~ developed by City Manager Fred So- bal and all !Ive coundl members Individually now point to atreet reooostrucUon and correction ot stonn clralo defldend01. While there !Jr considerable evlden<e to 1Uggest that tbese are Indeed two prime areas Of need, the people have o~ yet bad their aay. Are -er traffic flow and 1 ... nooded lllreets more Important than parks, an auditorium, tax reducllon, libraries or a .community center? How do Ille people ot Costa Mesa ml about spending the moneyr What are lhe!r priorities? Without underestimating street and storm drain" needs, the Daily Pilot believes that city ball should make a genuine effort to find out -If possible -wbat the people want before committing what !Jr really their money. Crime and Punishment ·A disagreem..,t between the pragmatists and Ille philosaphera is looming In the Newport-Mesa school d1J. trict as trustees re-appraise the need_ for corporal pun- t..hment In school. A1J laws have been passed govemlng aucll punish· ment -a touchy l=e at best -attitudet of teacbers, administrators and students toward discipline have beeo cllaolling aa well. ScliOol otflcials are resorting to the paddle only as a last resort. New means of innovative. non-physical pun- ishment""' •Ding to appear. Though big strides have been made in dealing with ' bebavlor problenia oa a ... aoplltstlcated lewl, the need for rare 11111 0( corporal punlllhmellt a~llJ' still ls there. • Uke parents, for whom lhe1. substitute, achoo! taacbers and admioUtraton proba!lllr need the opUon . of a variety Of d!Jelpllnary dons 10 that the one lll<lot elfectlve in a giYllo case can be ullllJted. Moel studenla can be reasoned with -but not all. Mlost can be shamed -but not all. And simply baol&bln g student. from achoo! often defeat3 the ~ ot 1cllool. So, l~any com g conb:ary evldenoe. and gl"ft!I the contro on corporal punishment al· ~Y in existence and the obvious n•striint In u.ling It In N~·M-ochoo!J, it probably Is JllJll u well to leave tills opdon available to the schools. ~n in Brevity There is one, and only one, set~on of the Costa l!esa City Council each year durln1r whlcll the most ~exiog city problems are solved in 0111e hour. Unfortunately there cannot be any more since Youth Civic Day IS held-at the &.tanc!a and Costa Mesa High Sc;bool campuses but once a ye1U", ' · Were students to sit on i.i' :uJar council It ls possible Ibey would breeze • such pondemus 1SSU2s as the sign o~ance and ~ general plan-as quickly u they coped with nude LI'S and a nuclear pqwer plant ·during this week's moc.k council session. It's. not that youth ignores hearing all sides or • a>mr>ler issue. They just make lhe•r minds up more quickly once they have beard the arguments, pro and con. . · COlmcilmen, wbo sometimes bec<>me entnoced by their <!Wll rhetoric, might take a polmter from the klds who .e-to know boW to curb the COLavenatlon and get on with the decibn. c N'}gative Bill to lnapleme11t Vote Stalled • i -' Voting Has Little Value Dear Gloomy · n -eafli _J>en3fty~Dec_ision _T-hwarted · ( (srnNEY J.HARRI~ 'nloug.bt1 at Lar1e In nine electlons out of ten, most peo- ple are voting agalnlt someone or somelhing, rather than for : thus, those who win office on a '"negaUvt mandate,'" as It we«, feel no compulsion to do much except reaffjrm their antagonism to wbat bu been ttpudiated at the polls. • • • I '!be vulgarian clotsn't e1jOy a story unless It has a hap- py endifl8: the ... thete doesn't enjoy one unless it ha.1 a bltler end/ni: both are equally laJse to the patchworl: quill of reality, which Is a commingled fabric of both. • • • It may he true that the weak will always he driveo to the wall: but It Is the task of a Jusl society to see that the wall is climbabl<. • • • Thett are many things that defy even the mightiest intelligence; but there b no limit to the depths o( stupidity. • • • Pain that Is imposed by others Is mly a drop In the bucket (and far more I wonder 1f all the "!at cats" su~ porting the Committee to Re-elect the President with that big New· port Harl>r boat parade last year knew their contributions were going from water to water · gate, that ts! -S.l.N.K. ... • • I tol<Table) compond to tho .-. llloll' is aelf.!nOldtd (' ' • • • ' Teaching l.s a nobler p<Ofesslon than w 1i.,, Jor beaJllrc ~ wllti tho ln- divldWU, whereas, as l!<nry Adlllll iBld, "A !9cber"llle<t1.,eternlly; •iola11tver telf"iibift.Wotllllueoco stops," • • • It b fallws to demand a tu: system that ill! ojlo?te wltb. "equality'!; all' we bave a rigbt to ask , l.t that !be In- equalities spring fnim tho Imprecise nature of tho syli<rn, and oot from lhe calculaled lmposltioo ol t be ad· ministtators . • • • n Is one of the llUlles ol promotion that those who do their jobs too well a.re often deemed indispensable, while others rise put them because of their very dispemabillty. • • • U sexual experience were as available as water, promiscuity 'i\.'ould become as rare as death from gver.qua[f10g at 1 drinlting·fOWJtaln. What's a Watergate? Teapot Dome. Watergate. Both names are S)'llOllYlllOWI with polJtical scandals, the greatest yet to llUT!ace in this century. Yet bow many peopie know that Teapot Dome was a U.S. Navy oil reserve near Casper, Wyo.? Or that Watergate is a cluster of five resldtnllal aod corr.mer-. cta1 buildings huddled m lhe nortberu shore of the Potomac? One suspects !bat the IS percent of of Americans who bave heard of the Wat..-gate scandal, acconl- ing to Gallup, know nm to notl!lng about the clty-withl.n-a-city that gave! the scan- dal lt.1 name. , so now It can he told If anyme cam to listen. The !lrst unJt of the Watergate complex, which eventually wu to cost '78 mllllon , ojiened ID tbe outumn of 1165. Watergate East and Watergate West cm- aist almos exclusively of cooperaUve apartment... The Wateria~Rot!l _and Office Building are en!JJJly commeri:lil. Watergate South· contolns bolh off!""' and apartments. I A!J for the arcbltecturo, It'•· • .dU· lerent. Loi.! of curves, di! bal<ony rail· lngs that have been likened to obark' .. tooth necklaces. Les aiamp., described by one ol>Oerver u "'a mrt clusta-of ,, International •'-·" opemd In tbe W1terpte last fail. lltlOCll,y to the-1 -and who can -nr -atmlill the Kennedy Center. ~ crlllco lib it about as much II Ibey do the Waterpte. Wbell lhe c<DWr opened, local wap lnslsted It w • a "the box t b e W aterpte came IA." • DESPITE theoe putdoWN, t h e Wawgato IA CONldered an "In" place to live. "Under Kennedy, Georgetown wu the right nddrw."' observed LUe magazine lo 1969, "Under Nl•on, It ts .•• tho Wattr11ate. wlllcl\ baa • vtew d the Potomac, 1Cveral swimming poolA, apec- t•cu!Ar architectu re with a nauUcal flavor, 1nd a pn»lllllty (eight blocU) to 1600 Penn!}'1vanla Avtnue," Toda~y, l1Wl)' llepubllcano fed t b I t tbe j¥'01· . EDITORIAL RESEARCH hoity Is a litfle too cloee for comfort. Watera:ate ruklNda, Republicans u ...n u Democrats, w.re complllnlng about bugs IOlw before the bttal<-ln at llemocnlie Niilonal Committee held- quarten 1ast June 17. A group of Watergate West apartment-dwdlers had previously sued the devel..,.n, alleging defective appliances, inadequate.air con· dltioolng, faulty plurublng, and roof Mjl window leaks. Anolber problein l.t notae. The compl~ t3 slbulted lo the lllibt poth of planes beaded ·for nearby N-al Ahport. Sinoe June 17, Watergate hos acquired ..-.-an entirely new aura. Visitors to the Ken· nedy Center gape at tt in poulng. TOUJ"- bus guides have added tt to their list o( attractions. A New York Tlmes Magazine cmlrlbutor went ao far u to aay that "there 00.. aetm to he a Marlenbad. 'La Dolce Vita' qualit,y about the place, a feeling that la heightened J>y the labyrinthine dettcn: by the IUlllen wattwaya, tiered fountalnl, striated arcs and coptive gardem: a Villa d'Este tnnJed to sl<Llle, tbe Andree Doria's superstnu:ture cut ln ~" SllCVIUTY PllECAUTION!I are strln- g.m at the W •tor 111 e, altbouab Oemocna may fed ln<Uned to argue tr.. point. Doormen, aecurlty guaNl.t, and closed-circult TV camera• •"' ever on the alert for lntruden, Neverihell!SI, a numbor di burglart<a have occumd. Ono victim was Rooe Mary Woodl, o long-tlme aide to President Nixon. 'l'be Democrab will cootlnue to belabor the Watergate ocandal, but (t'CJlll &fot. '!be naUooal commtttee rtce11tly movtd out ol !Ito comple.r. Mind you, tt was no~penooal. 11'1 JU!! that the porty l.....r a p11e9 !bat rented for ltss. What lD heaven's name i3 going on! r thought this was representative government here 1n Babylon ; of and by and for the people. I deluded myself. One man -just ooe legislator -is thwarting the will of millions. It's Assemblyman Robert Moretti I'm stewing about. The Democratic speaker ol the ~-He's lousing~ . , wt Novem'tr, •.4 millloo caJifot' nians voted (67.2 percent) . to -capital pwiliilun«iL I mean, restore lt for \be crimtnal; it was never abolished for the ofi:Um. • '' . 'Mia!'>'!'_ tor PrOp. ITYu a pnlfy dear cut ,d~ Right ? ~II SOM!t i.Atars "thought so, too. 'Ibey moved to lmplerilent the will of the peo- ple. Senator George Deuimlejlao (R·Long Beach) was one. He introduced SB 450 to MORETTI Is against the death penalfY ( J -and that's his privilege. RUS WALTON But, he adrnit3 that If SB 450 did get to the floor of the As .. mbty, so that all the Assemblymen could vote on it, It would probably pass. He doubU that It will ever mandate capital punishment for certain ·get out ol committee. And, hes ho u Id crimes: plane hijacking and train know. wrecking involving fatalities; arson that Pi1orettl appointed the members of lhat caused grave bodily harm or dealb ; kid--seven-man Criminal Justice C.onunlltee, naploc, rape, ... crimes, armed -Including the Cour•lle!nocrat majority i... and ... u1t raulllng in grave bodUy that a opposed to capital ptinishment. harm or death. 11:Lat'1 one or the reasons thole four are , lboSaialeJudldlry Omimlllee~ on that committee. l11rblll, ~I. Se!lalonc 0ecqe Mooow n adds up to one thing: the will and (J>.SI') and llovld Roberts CD-LA) voted actions ol ooe man elected by 41713 "no.'' Senator Nicbolaa Petris (0. voter1 can iell 5.t million~ to Oakland) Jllld. ~lor Alod Bobblna IO •-I -o (l>-LA) ~ .-t -w nen. . 'Ibero-Ji UU!e !loutit lbal tbe b1J will he And, It means that four assemblymen, p&lled ey the Stai. Senate. 'l'llat lllUlll wbo altogetker polled 2118,000 votes, can lt will go to the Aloembly -to the do \be same. Alsembly Criminal Juallce Commi ttee. It Here are the Cour Democ;rats who can wltl go there and die. -· be expected to kill SB 450 -or any other BecauSe that's Where Mon!UI enters death penalty bill . that comes before tho act, and ~ tbe switch. tbem : --. ~ Bob Crown [Oakland), Jbhri Miller (Oakland), Alan Sleroty (Beverly HUis) and Henry Waxman (I.A). IN m REE OF tho!e four districts (Crown. Sleroty and Waxman ) the Prop. 17 vote was overwhelmingly •1yes." Only in John Miller's district did the death penalty fall : only John ~filler can uy that he repl'Olellb the will o( the "111· , jorily o( hls COllllllllenb. But, represenllUve government 106 cheap lo Baby too tho.le~-MarttU told a ...,.. cont•""""' !hat i<gtllatcn have a duty to lead public optruon, not._just .-.present u. He utd nothing obaut lqlsl1tors !oltowlng the will of the peo- ple, once an lnue has been thorou1bly deboted and dedded. There Is somethlq wrong with a systetn when it pe.rmits one man from one of the &tale's 80 assembly districts to thwart the will of 5.4 million voters. Qi.eeks and balances are fine . And Im· portant. But wllfull disregard of a public mandate ls somelhing else. Starr La:nd .Gift a County Milestone To the Editor: Gilt of 4,000 acres to the wildUlo and county open space by the starr Foun- dation must rank as the ouUtandlng ac- tion ID Orange County lo tbe last decade. AB OUR coimty det..io111 .. at an ac- celerating rate into a lnlgte l<>s An g e l i z a t i.o n of over-development, perhapa the demonstraUon of their farsighted lealifrshlp lo ~g that we have a ~ibillty to lhe land and the wild et.ments Inhabiting It can jar others into siptilar steps before the whole remainder is paved under. For certainly the present policies of local and county political unltl are not meeting their obligations to 1top the DU!dness of suhsidizinc developers at resident..' expense. They use zoning end taxpayers' mooey to tum ooe ol the ..,. Yllmmentally richest areas in tbe world 1Dto a rat's nest of gas stations, overhead ut11111es, suPerfluous !mway1 and roadl, Parking lot., rabbit-butch blgh dellllty housing. billboord!, guttertzed r!V<r dlannell and -planb. WHAT IS ID all tbiJ for the people who live here, to be subjected to more or these things! Nothing but misery, a future of desolutlon. Those fa<torw people Jong tor Jn urbantzed aoctety are un· developed natural places that they can feel, see and walk upon. Wbtre a kid can stand alone .in au open .field and lmow that the natur~l world holds something other than TV channel numbers, freeway routes and too many people. Maybe the Start' step can tum others to the same path. Let Irvine Company save and pass on all oC Newport Bay open land, not lo the government but to the wild things oo the land, with the county's rote limited to stew•nl.shlp. Let tho Newport-Mesa school diJlrict wm ov.r their lolrusi•e paroels of land In the Fairview WUd Area Park to tbe county rather than grasplDfl fee land 1peculatlon Pin. Let tho county Ito!> ouhltdlslnc ile.ttructlve, degrading development with flood cootrQJ1 1ewm, water and planning strvtces and tum that money over to procurement of land, not f o r oven!eftloped perks but lot open wild pla .... 7.0NING, l_'l'oposltlon >ls, ht1ptct llatemtnll and mytfad UIUt Niel an a cf<mon>li'ated f1lllll'8 and perhaps do aenoualy Jeopardtu the r11ha of ln- dlvtdual .,.,,..,.. 'l1le county and dUes ahould tob • flroodtr. llmolar ...... llu1lng mw!ve proport]oos Ol lthe re- MAILBOX Litters from rtad.trs are wel.com.t. Normally writtr1 should convey their ~ssages in 800 word$ or less. The rlght to condtmt letters to fit space or elimi'nate libe l is reserved. All letters mwt include signature and malling address, but names ma11 be withheld on request if sufficient rea.Ton t.r apparent. Poet1J1 wHl not be publl.!h<d. malning land and simply set ti aside and leave It aJooe. . rr WOULD be a mlracu·loo s turnaround U indlvtdual.s and l\)Vemmen- tal qencfes woold ..,,.. the slgnlllcuc< and potential of the SUIT gtlt and all do -e llke thing within our own copabllltles. VERLYN G. MARTH Llfces Letters To the Editor: Thank you for publllhlng the letton from Buckley O'Neill and Bemlce Bahr (Mailbox. Apr1LIB). n WU a delliht to hear from people who do the1r own thlnl<· Ing. Thank you again for 1 -th of fruh air!· VlllGlNIA SECOR F•lr Bout119 To the Editor: I am wrtU.C lo response to your editorial cbutlalng the Orange County Fair liooJaln&. Council for not chec:klng with the lrflne Compony repnling their a!Jeced cllscrimJnotory advertlJing heCora filinl IUlt. Althoaih I did IO IS I C<Jl>o c:erned cltlaen rather tllan u a ...,,. ..... Quotes 11Jt'1 ab901utely insulting to 3ay to a man matlng $15,000 a year: 'You can'l buy our least e1peosive house.' 11 - Peter-Ta,klr, head <ii opm1Uor13 for a !Inn that pioneered In b u 11 d t n g eccnonilcal !lousing, commentlng on the rfslng -of alngl&family homes. tative ol the HOU!lng Counctl I did have occuJon at last year's Irvine C.Ompany Barbecue and 114und-<ip to -thll •ery subject with then Vice President Gilbert Ferguson. As I ttcall, ~In· dicated at UiLi time that the ln1nt Com- pany was aware of lhe problem and in- tended to do ..... thing about lt in the near future . MNAE.WEST (Mrs. Robert J.) Landscape Credit To the Editor: As an Orange C'.ounty ta11>1yer1 we were extremely distressed by the fact! given in an article oo the Costa Mes.a Civic Center Park. WE ARE constructing 1 IZS,000 park, bullt with !atpayen" ~y. doing the bulk of our busineD with local busi}lessmen, on two dlfrermt orcasloos hanck:an1ed all the necessary tn- fonnalion lo your ofOce, and after all lhl&, d1d not. even get a mention of who the contractor ls on the subject project. The most upsetting thing ol all, was lhe fact your paper stated, errmeously ol cotm1e. the work was being dooe by city workers. WE ASK that tills he corrected. Please accept our sl.ncere appreclalioo for doing so. LARRY L. HARMON !Je.Mar Landacape, Anaheim Fet11d11'• Mania To the Editor : After hearing some of those wild slalements by Jane Fonda oo television, I dedd<d to "'¥' II they wtre true. I was not dlsaPf>O!nted. Listrnlng to her al C.I State, Fullerton a few weekJ ago found be!' looming at the mooth •"'1}'tim• she menUontd President Nixoo or Thieu. llowe:ve:r, this did not bother me. What bothertd me wu that she trtJ!d to coovinc:t 111 about Creedom of the press and apeech In North Vietoom. Ill a small group of sllldent.. after Fooda's maln •t>«dl, I wu ablo to ul< her questions about h<r guided tour of Ho's Magic Klngdom, i'IOrth Vlelnam. "Oil, YES, there Is a 1 .... -press In North Vlcln&m .'' 11he answt~. 'There 13 a communist paper, •socialist poper and even A CathoUc peper, 11 Fonda contlnutd. I uked, "How about a pro-American, capitalbtlc or anlJ.N~ Vi<tnam ... ' g""'nvnent newspaper. Fttedom of the pres --~ can publlab tllelr own neWsp.per. ' I Fooda ttluaed to answer that question saying that we musl "get bad< to tho I war lsaue." I found Jane Fonda to he poraootd, perpetraltng 'Joe lladtcal' for a nan- radlcal, but e1tremJst and emotional cause. She mly oppol<d the F......,t ' government because of Its hclndllng of the war. She thought no rnore of limited govemmentlsm or queslloolng the right of one person to rule over another than her mu.nlnglesa stattmenl (along with Tom Hayden ) that the returning POW's I are "liars, lij'pocrttes and J)lwns." In fact , lt seems to me that her desa1ptJon of the POW• are more appropl1Llte of I Fonda's own marUa. ANYWAY, Jane Fonda Is no tnon!. revolutionary than Hitler, for which I IUggeSt she he gl•en tha "Fickle Fate Finger Fascist Award." I believe a person who ii progressive ls an in- dividual who advocates a volWltary or libertarian society where men art lrte to , do what they desire as long as they do not lnfrin&e upon the right., U/e and pro- perty of another. Fonda Is aomethina: out of the past. I am looking towanla the future. LARRY SAMUELS CSUF·YAF DAil Y PI LOT Rol>cr< N. Wied, l'>l>lu,..,. ThOlllOI ~. l:ditor &r:l'Wo Krcl?ric:J\ £dltona! 1'11111• Bdltor ,.... -,... :I ""' 1lall)r Pilot -14 llllonn ..,, •lllnUW. ~ tit pc cwnm. on this ,... --'"'-"'"'" , .... by -'4d ""' ......... ..,, .. .._ .... .,,....... .......... .... readftl' views and by prtteOttrw tbts ~·· optnlont and tdmll Gil o.trftftt loPb. 'nit tditori&l oPnlllm ot the D9Jb' PDot •Pflffr only Jn the 1 editorial column at the top ol tttt Pfl&t. Opln'°"' exp~IM!d by h COl- umnltt1 and C11.1"1oonllll and lfltt.r •. wrltttl are thtlr own and no~ mtnt ol fhtfr vteo by Uw Dlfl1' -anouJd be-· Wednesday, May 2, 1973 . ' I i ' ~ . r I . I \ • • - l -. --- Wed ..... ay, M'1 2, 1973 DAILY PILOT 5 1 2 Read ~-. . '. Innocent Cities .Don't Have -to B·ear the Bareness')· , -r . . SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - ~wfntid-i--"'""-o.,.rdlnanceo~...,, _ bar r Lil& .topless llld b q ti o m I • ss wal-or entortalners Bl ties and lbe city of Sacramen- to regu:ed conduct rat.bu than wo or speeCli'lmlf thll! did not violate the !st Amend- ment. elevated into constttutlonally breaches of the peace amoogst protected •lj>resslon merely a bar'1 largely male client.le. because the waJfer or waitress Tawarf tifiblfifiiitenis featul'- is unclothed. Suell busil)eSs Ing nudity u a commerclel conduct does not become 1)'.11>-exhlbltloo and ooles promoUon bollc and thta communlcailve , l""Y be detrimental to the In the constitutional sen.. general welfare of the sur- because tt occurun.w~ rounding oommunlly." eottrtalnment but merely re-bev~ and re"' t u r I n ~ quire the entertainer to wtar topless wait......,. and topleul 10mecctothff. -ijjil-n~ae entortalnen; ~ 'l11e majority opinion of 47 sacrameoto CounlY and cl\)', pegea wu Wri4ea 'by Justice call!$ invol'o'ed t .._, a-r n.t; Ramood L.-su!l!van and con-emplj>ylng wpless nllr~: RIVEl)SIDE: (AP) -Two moo have .~leaded lllooc:ent tot charges . ~I" ljle)' ~ m Ide 1rauc1u1er11 ~ • to •enuee R!!plL~nto IM&Ytng_Jlpilled partnerShips In a Utah-baaed mm company. A prosecutor said the pair told prospective buyers that the company obtalt..d permission from the Mor6>oo Church to use the name and music of lbe Mormon Tabernecle Choir in a movie (CONSUMER) to be called "The Boy Who Could Sing'. Uke the Mormon Tabernacle Choir." Jay M. Wheeler, 43, of Cedar City, Utah, and Verland Whipple, 43, of N o r t h Hollywood, were each released 0t1 $5,0llC bail. A jury trial ill scheduled July 13. ·The pair were indicted by the c!Juilly grand jury ~pril 10 on charges of grand theft and selling securities without a permit In connection with th< firm they operated, Canyon Country Productions. e Slur OK Teens? SACRAMENTO (API UP'I Te.....,. Pulling Out Financier John D. Mac- Arthur has announced that he is pulling his substantial stake out of Florida because ''fan- atic" -~ologists an d politicians are making 1t a 'idifficult place." tJoctor rettauranta and bars are ~ stltutloaal, the C a I If o r D'I ·• SUpreme Court hal ruled. • Local-bant-on-LOpti"ss or "':lt- tomless penons talclng part In live acts or exhibitions in any pubtlc place except !heat.rs also are constltutlonal. th• 4-2 dedJlon said Tuesday. TUE DECISIQN held that challenged ordinanc_es i n Orange and Sacramento coun- It oold suclt onllnancea l>M!ld· be considered legiUmato l""'latlott required lo protect pu'blfc morils and well • "The' service of food and beverage is a commercial ac-; tivlty," said the court. u11 en- \ails nothing or a com- municative nature in~the con- 1tltutional sense. · "THIS ORDINARY business activity is net transformed nor . . OOU.DilesS fashion ." TUE ORDINANCES a r e The ruling contlnUed : 0 dlreCted at condu~opless'' "Such nude activity i s and bottomless exposure - nothing more than a com· and not at speech or conduct mercial exhlbtion designed to which is 'in essence' speech or stimulate the customer and 'closely akin to speech,' " the promote sales. . .Topless col.lrt said. waitresses, who mingle with The decision said that the customers, may stimulate local laws do not prevent such C:wTed ·in by """"' i~"'° wliO daµc;ed wplt.ss .and ~ Donal rlgb. "¢'Ana stte'es tomJese 1 • ~, Mani!u!~'!'.tou,1~-brhl~ dioo<nt.-TobrioeNaia:_ Burke. The »page. dlolent <J<lendlng . restrtctloo1l' t ~ WU written by • ;J u s t j c e enter'tainel"S makeS the 1awa Mathew 0. Tobriner and con-overbroad and un- curred In by. Jusflce St~nley constituttooal. Mosk. '· THE 01\ANGll .COUOty case involved a nj ealablishment serving fl!!>d. ~ alcotio~c ' . ..._ __ _ ' .· • ... ·~ ... • THE DISSENT· said, J'com· j: municative entertainment 1:i a· protected mode of expression uDder the Lst Amendment." : ~. Here's the kind of help ·;Nlofbers love to get. And they're all on"sale. 5ale$178 Reg. 199.95. Penncl'es1~ gas range hes 'keep warm· oven control. tlghted cook top Legislation to end the re- quirement for an additional profile photo -ori drivers' licenses for minors has been introduced by a lawmaker who calls the twHhotO law "a slur on the maturity of California teenagers." ---=-Presentlaw says a-fulHace and profile pbotD must appear on drlveis' licenses issued to .nilnors to-<listingujslL them from U'censes issued to adults. 'F ' -oresees~ -'~----...___ anEl.ttf.t ~pllilt-011.ov.en door..White..copper, a.,.ocado or'gold. Color costs no more. GaS range with '"look Clean"' oven, fteg.-°229,95. $ale $281:. ---r-• --~- But Sen. Joseph Kennick (0- 1...,g BeaCb), said that 18th and . 21st birthdays d o n ' t lfecessarily coincide "' i t h license rene"·al dates and the youthful profile photos are "no positive indication y;hether a driver was a minor or an adult." e Settleme11t SANTA BARBARA (AP) - The local brand! of the Goodyear Tire and Rubh<r Co. has settled by a stipulated judgment a criminal consumer fraud action against t b e branch and three employes. DLsrtiCt1 Attorney D a v i d Mimer said that the company agreed to pay a civil penally and costs of the legal action. 'lbe amount of the penalty would not be disclosed. he said. The compaiiy was charged with making false represen- tatiom to sell ball joints to customers who responded to an advertisement for a $9.95 front end alignment for their cars. e Gripe Phone SACRAMENTO (AP) Anyone annoyed because the vending machine he was using was broken wouJd have a -phone number to ca11 under a bill introduced in t h e Asaembly. ASsemblyman Eugene Cha~ pie (R-Cool l, introduced the measure which. if enacted, Would go into effect July I, 1974. e No Overtlnae? SAN FRANCISCO (AP I -A california law re q u i r in g_ women be paid overtime after eight hours of work a day is uncon stit uti ona l sex discrimination, a federal judge has ruled . • U.S. District Judge Charles JJ. Renfrew made the ruling on a suit med by Homemakers Inc., a Los Angeles firm that provides housekeepers and nurses to customers' homes. The firm · was protesting a state investigation of charges that women working 12-hout shifts were receiving n o overtime pay. Phil Gregory, attorney ror Homemakers Inc., argued that the 1964 federal Civil Rights Act invalidated the state law granting women s p e c i a l overtime pitvileges.. e 3% Vl•fctfons LOS ANGELES (AP) Although 82 of 99 retail meat outlets checked in th< Los Aqetes area by the Internal Revenue Service were found to be In violation or celling price reaufaUons, only 12 or these hlld no! oonfonned on a sec· • oncl check, the IRS' says. '"lbe 12 ltill in violation -died with a notice or ap-jioreot liability," Kenneth SUI· .... an IRS opokesman, said. "A daily fine of $2,500 can be • s •eel for continued non- oorftpUance. II Se said the J2 markets, -.i or then\ sma II and _.aled by ~ who did not under$1Md guidelines im· ~ by Pretld<nt Ni100. .... Plied 14 liOilnl aMi' me tltaUOM. • Killers ·· -- ANN ARBOR, Mich (AP ) - A University of Michigan psychiatrist says he can predict on the basis of clinical examinations that c e r t a i n teen-agers with no crimina l record will eventually become murderers . Dr. Derek t.1iller. associate eh.airman of the psychiatry department a t University Hospital. said he has predicted murder efforts by I O adolescents in the past decade. Eight of them eventually tried to murder someone, he said. Three succeeded. DR. MILLER said the key characteristic of the pro- spective murders is dehumanization brought on by parental mistreatment. "Dehumanization means an individual loses the cap~cit.y tor human empathy," he ex- plained. "He is simply not capable of recognizing ho"· others feel." IN ONE CASE reported by the psychiatrist, a 13-year~ld girl revealed in a clinical in· terview that she neither en- joyed nor · disliked hurting people. Tu·o years later, she killed a woman who refused to part with her purse. All the like ly murderers had violent fathers who often showed a dramatic loss of con- trol, Dr. Miller said. AS CHILDREN, he ex· plained, these individua ls ~:ere the subject of attacks simply because they came t o represent a n unacceptable part or their father 's personality. The murderous types also had mothers "'ho were deceit- ful or mothers unable to shield their children from their father, he said. State PTA . To Endorse VD Plan? SAN DIEGO ( API -The California Parent -Teacher Association is expected to en- dorse this week a "strong pro- gram in venereal disease edu· cation in every school in Cali· fomia ," says a spokesman. Such classes woold begin by the-seventh grade and possibly as low as the fifth . A resolution to ihat effect was prepared for the 74th an- nual sMte convention opening tOOay, the spOkesman said. About 3,000 delegates are ex· peeled to llttend. The meetings will end F·ri· day. Official Set SACRAMENTO <AP) -An Orinda newspaper publisher has been named by Gov. Ronald Reagan to the board ol trustees of the state unillersity and college system. He is Dean S. Lesher, 70. publisher of the Oriild• sun and 23 California newspapers, in- cluding several tn Contra cort. Counly ond the San Joa· quln Valley. • I • Save on a rang.e or microwave oven. Sale s2aa Reg. 319.95 Our JCPenney Microwave o'ien defrosls tood or bakes a cake in minutes! Great lor casseroles. Features a stainless steel cavity, interior light. easy lo read minute timer This 011en . always Slays cool. so you ca n even cook on paper plates or plasllc • Saves so much clean-up Orne. Sale prices eflecli>H through S.lurdily. Mother's Day savings on a trash compactor. Sale ~168 Reg. 199.95. Free-standing or undercounter trash compactor compacts all trash to just '•its original volume. Heavy duty bag holds trash neally and'-securely, Automalic deodorant spray controls odor. Changeable front panel tn your color choice. And a dishwasher. Sale s17a Reg. 199.95 This converlible dish· washer features removable side panels for permanent 1nslallal1on. Dual level wash. 2 cycle selections. Sale$2Q8 R~. $234. Convertible dishwasher has 3 cycle se!ecuons. sohd maple cuthn9 bOard top and sound dead· ening cabinet and tub pads. Sale s1sa Rig. 189.95 Bu•ll-in dishwasher has sound deadening fiber glass inlulation and dual level wash . • JCPenney ' We know what you're looking for. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.1\1. at the following stores: • ISLAND, Newport ~each (714) 6+4-2313 . HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington ~ooh (714j 892-7771. ' , ' '