HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-08 - Orange Coast Pilot\ -· I • • I I er1 an -·• OU ~ '"·: ~ avaja Artiia~ts . \ . .. ~~~o~~" .~ppeals I .. • • • ' • • . • • • •• • • • ID 580~000 Taken " • For New Trial; Mesa Bnr·glary . . Perjury Cited , " \ " FRIDAY AFTER NOO N, JUNE 8, 1973 \IOL, .. , NO, l)t, 4 SECTIONS, 4' "A.!ilE5 • 'Not Solv ed Yet'· ' .. " "·- .. . -. Skylab Cooling I • '. • System· }\epair·ed • • . ....... -... • Minister • t, 1'.1ADRJD (UPI ) Genera\issirO~ Francisco Franco, Spain's unchalleogf:~ ruler since 1939, took the first concr~e HOUSTON 1 UPI l Sk y I a b · s it· no:-ma\ly planned to change film packs step lo\vard transfcring power today 'by astronauts saved thei r space station fro1n, · iq· the .• ship's solar ., observat-011' and ciJ)pciinti~ a conser vattve and "trnditional another crisis today with emergency C;Qnrad suggested that a separate navy man to suctced hhn as prime repairs on a too-cold cooling system and iialk be conducted the same day if minister·. controllers on the groµnd, tried to {4g4~,e· n~ i~.js .Pec~~rx..tsi;rjg,.~~·· ._ • .., ..... _ .--.·-·. ernmenf-j.J"arma•ion .·.m .. iru.·.·-~ ocn. ·a way ·to kl!ep the problem from d sunShade ov~r -~1lh!S:·--· ··•· · · l"l.K: &"·~ •H 1 ~J allllOUnced that Vice President Adm . Luis recurring. _ fThe first results of ·~ repaired solar carrero Blanco will be swom in as prime. T\vo hours after ~aking the earl)'• 1 (See SKYLAB, Page Z) _ · minister Saturday . Princess Anne. greets her fiance, Lt. Mark Phillips, at lhe airpo~l i.n Hanover, Germany, with the first kiss between the engaged pair in morning repairs, Charles "Pete" Conrad.. , Franco. now ·so, will retain the three Joseph P. Kerwin and Paul J. Weitz~lr -other top posts in Spain: head of .state: an American si:>ace endurance record o~ 'l cCo· ... ..J "s"J....... commander Jn chief of the .C\rmed forces public . ____ ---·-----------~------1-rdays-and~baning-further--troub _: ----~-f.l___.L:I... fi.:§ . . ..... 1 •• ' .... , ; ,., ...... and,head of thc ~~our~try's .,onl,y pQlitical headed toWai'd a world mark twice that! • ·· . ·. · ul"l T•lffflll1~. ·paity, the '"NdliOnal ~"lovement:·• ., Countia ns Urged to Cut Drivin:g ; ·snwg ·Level Up ; long. . ' New T-,.;al -G:IVE~S 1lP PR'EMIER'SA!P~ e1 Caudillo l"the l.cader"l already ~·~· The pilots acted qui ckly to keep tli«:j 11 Spain's Dictator Frarico" designated Prince Juan Carlos to be the water cooling pipes from freezing an<lj next king of Spain on Franco's death. · ;• byrsting equipment But temperatu~ 1 A 30-word announcement by th!: ill'" 1 later today were still colde r than dest F p • formalion nlinistry today said Ca rrero and engineers y,•orked on methods : .• -Or e1·1_-u1·)' Blanco \Viii be S\\'Orn . .ilJ at Franco's p 1 heat the system and llX is pennanently'.j -Bu r g· 'Lars T1ike Prado "Palace. ·His 'Official title· will be "We really haven't solved it," said s j -pr~sldent or the Spanish -governme'rit. A, Liebergot. NAS.<\ environmental con .l\V ASHING T 0 N (U PJ ) -~ames Unde1· the <.-onsti tutiOn. his first task will McCord appealed 1oday for a ne"' trial or N • A "f · be to form a new'cabinct. ~ trol ~alist. • riversal or hi s \Vatetgate ~victim on UpClJO Ttt ·acts The appointment of 1he 7{}-)•ear'(fltl Citizens of Orange County, along with those in Las Angeles, San B;ernardino and Rive~skle ciiunlies: were asked Thursday to reduce driving to "an absolute minimum" and to stop in cinerator burn· ing and vpen agri~ltul'al bumi_ng. as sjllQ& lc.vels i11 Southern California con- tinUea to' exceed nom1a1 levels. . Ttiis request made by the Orange 1 d:iuoty Air·' Pollution District follows sln1.ilar requests made ·Thursday by GovetTlor Ronald Reagan an4 the Ei;ivironmcntal Protection Agency . L.-Flight d1recctor Charles Lel'i11S .sa1. ~ d these two counties · for the past l••-t:e controllers were •·in a holding action-~ ounds that perjury \\"RS committed ~r· Garrero-Blanco--;--Franco·s No. 2 mai days. Authorities predict ~high smog while engineers here and in Huntsville January's trial. (Related stones, pie· Wort/·t $80 00 0 since he \\'as made vice premier in 1967~ levels through the end -of the •.w.eek. Ala ., searched for the source or the pesk ~ e, page 4_. I . • . • • ' • mea nt th~t Franco has t_aken a firS t s~ "We've had two of three' d3yi bigher overcooUng problem and rein&tieS ..... · 1 , ~1~rrl .... H1 a .• tJ1.CW.0Dt .!iJcd.,..Jf\,, U.S., -· t •• ·---.. ~-·· ""' -·• ••• , ... ·~· ..... 1 t~.w.<1r? .. .his •. i;vcntual .~t11c.l!'enl. sour<iel! than nonnal but there h:asn't been a ma· The bold , four·hour spacewalk ihat;, Q1str1c1 Court. asked Chief.Judge John J. A skilled l}urglary job at a Navajo In-'See FRANCO. -Page %) . ...., , jor increase jn smog in Orange County." d Sirica lo act 10 the race of information said ·Ora Wells, inv.estlgator for the ended Skylab's pe\ver shortage Thurs a)1 ~hich ·came to light ~fter the trial. dian je~elry and artifact. studio that Orange County Air ·Pollu\ton District. also vastly improved chances that si~ ·fjM~Ofd slsq_ c!t~ .~X~t.,e". ce ~.f Pres.i: could reach an.$80,000 Joss figure-is being . ! ·1 1-iOwev~r. wens warned that wblte ·Jocal more astronauts ,y,•\ll be able 10· !ltftll l ,P,1 . •probod' today by.Costa Mesa poli ce detec· O r,ange ..... ~ citizenS" heed root be too a·\armcd,. their For two 56-day mi ssions later this yef.(. tJ •• WHY DJ_O .f:.X!N,XON '"AI DE -tiyes. . -'" ............ l coope· ration· With .. the rnnulfsts to red\Jce ror the first time, engineers · had~· f ,1·1COMMIT PP.E .. R.JlU2R'sY·1·'· -.• ,An,.aly•I.•,• ' ·• •urplus of power a·• were lookin" ii -• J, essc. h"ish. O\\;ller of NavaJ·o Tradinn l ' driving ~nd eliminate burnings would im· "°v.·ays \o make the ~~ use of it. 0 Ir ! .i,' ~ _ a!~~ orv, 24.32 Newport Blvd .. discove red ~he · ~ prove the smog situation in neighboring , . f :r;. f counties 'and throyghout inland areas of Conrad already was looking orwar ~ ~nl NixOn's .speciai investiga ting .unit -break·ln about mid-mornin~ Thursday Weathe r j' Orang!} County. another spacewalk planned June ..!.9· , • the so-called plumbers--=--and said when he &!'rived to open the shop. . i Cities along the Orailge Coast &re still ~--·----·------+1 revic\ence about the unit's operations In vestigato rs sa id lhe intruder bypas~· Th"e (og l'i"ill win out over the s relatively free fron1 smog, Wells main· ,.~hould have ~n introduced at tpe tiia!-ed the burglar alarm system by picking along Orange Coast sands Satu~ · 'Smog conditions in Orange County are the leaaf scrkius of any of the four ad· j~ OOuntlcs but residents are being asked to cooperate in an attempt to alleviate the dangerous conditions in l--'-11Rm10,.~><l'S1de'and-sil~ino-<oUnti .... smog lei1 leyeJs were xceeded-111 1ained. G S ~1cCord also argued that ''on his O\Vll day . but inland temperatures wi1 U: On Tuesday and \Vedncsclay, ·health Ullle et • • ,. ; t ·Mno\vledge" he bClieVes·· pei·jurY ·was its lock to shut it off and left no reach the upper 70s With hazy sun-t warJJbq;• neie lssur;ct-aHhe-nokt\em·end!-+-'"'-'==:..o:.>-"'-:::..:::__:::__:c..: _ __;:;_]-4001n~niUcd-aL-lhe .trial by Jeb Stu11rt fingerprints . shine. Highs at tilt beaches in thd ~the coonl'y fn t.a Habra, on<&, also-in · , l ·, Magrude~ .• forrn~ty ~cputy mapag~r of Fish~'"o"'pc"n="ne llrm .orreosta-=--·t-mtd,_ Anaheim, v.1iere readings climbed slight· A11.cl M atcli . . (h~ Pres ident Nixon s re~lecllon cam· 1'.lesa's Antique JWw. a stretch of old 'I ' Mail Al·ways . , Gets · Tli ro ugli NEW PLYMOUTH, ldehO (UPll -Glenn lllllon of New Plyn101.1th Jy over the .20 level needed to l~ue " · r<•1•1g0 ;._, 1 , P 1 C .... 1. furniture atld other specialty shops, a health worning. On Thursday, however, l-cruer i... or er, ormer SC11aJU 1ng . . . h. 1 these 4rc1U1 were just under the health A Balboa Bay Clu~ ~enant was, i~tor at the cOmmittfe for the Re.• ye&r ago is still 1nventory 1~g LS oss ...• w.irning matk. · -1" ··arretlel(,oo,'!f'~Ji~'., '""'.lllllho!liihitiit · ljljiij>"!ltu!!!<->llS~·~..i,.c3~·t\!l.:8•f~~\/k , The NotlonDI Weather Service ex-Thursday night"":~C'rfie··~t3:1ki 0 ... \-Oay before lhe-5enate1s:Watefgat'e cofn· ·~~*'Hi~¥. 'a111flf ~1ami·tim'e Of.' plained that the heavy smog conditions ot J .C. P~ney s Fashion l slan , J niittcc 1hat he perjured~ hitnselt {11 fering a $5.000 reward for r~vei-y of the throughout SoutMrn~ California are due to store wearing a. new pair of $10 tclf·t ' • before the federal grand jury and (2) al ood • I di 1 600 f 'I r temperature invC'rsion ~nd stagnant nls shorts with~ security guard Sic ' ithe trial and that ·Magruder told him g s, inc u . ng ' ounces 0 SI ve · Wcathfr systems. ra Reynaldo in hot ~ursuit. , ii '~'ngruder lied 12 times in connection .The loss in raw in:1terlal~ -used ~y Tbe smog is trapped at ground lever by . The 44-year-old• l'lfilln~lbl!f ·~ . -~.tcft~~ ~J.\·-., t t11 ~.,,.,, \·-.~..t tt,._. Mf.R1~~~~avAI~ ,~~~.1'l ... l i\SIDt: 'l'ODA \' r . Gerald Scliroetler is 1n1.1siJ ~;!.'Mlllt P,O P'l'<l.oJl.Jlir>< Col!e* -u 11tU!fC teacller 011 1J1c rr1ovt See t()(foy'1 \Vrrktftd~r fu ~ staff writer Torn Gorrlf11rr'.• Jrn~ 011 Scltroedtr'~ sn111111c·r 1ob, 't ! . . I Al T ... r Sltlrl<• l M1>1•1_ J1o• \ 'l.M,'41i11H'•" ... ,II ,ww-r""""' J I MllM t2 fl•ll911.tl ""'' 4, 11 • l ·-ir-1-·h••.ruoi.•od • high S<hool.j!t•du•·- Uon nnnounccm nt rro-m 'his cousin , who nlallcd It from his hOmatown warmer-air-hanging <1verheedr end=wlll _ri.ght.s nd-.teadJly_conf.cssed Whtt ~ ~ : ~lagruder~& slimon~td-C()O, . , o .ake the merchaocf1se m· remain there-until there is enough wind turned over to Newporl 8 ac.h •• tended, "wns central to the whole theory eludes 100 poUnds or lurquoise and a · ...,._, __ _,_~.,.~11..u.~-1---I c1n.ifttf u... 1t1,1wr111tt tr- Of E)nunct , ld~ho. 20 nllles away. Ulllon said Thur>doy thai lhe let· ter ~·a~unarked May ·11, 1941 , an<rcarrlCd o nHC~l poitl1)i\~ 1t1mp. ,, to blow the 11nog away. police for booking on Reynaldo s I 1, of pros~ution" and It appears that such . · · \Velis said llmt the Orange County Air pclly theft aJlegntlon. 1 1alnled testimony "'as ··knowingly nnd In· quantity .or jade, police soid. PoUullon District has received a number He said he S\vipcd the shorts :i l "· l~ntlonally used by the prosecution" at Hundreds or individual pieces of ol_complainis ~~rnl~ the hlgh.__smog be<:auM? be v.·as late for a match l"l ll\e trial. Jewelry among U1em brace1etl pend-- level, patUCUiarly on Wi<fnt&<IUy. an~ could. not get 4 saltspenon to_.'!· 1 ' 1'.lcCord pleaded innocent to the ' ' The Orange County Health Department ~·rut on him. .~"charges ftgalnst him arls ng QUl of the _ant!, squash bkmoms and 10 trays of .... ,.. IS.. SMOG, Page II -(Seo. McCORD;J'qe.ll. tinas were lnclud<d In tho haul ol loo< • ' r .. • 1 ~; ., . • I Cl>Mlc• l1 Swtvl• JIM"l1• If C,_ .. N JI S-1• It·., 0..111 l'lliC~\ It fl9t~ MMllMI 1 .. 1) 111!...-lal ,II• • Tt."t'tllfl 1111( ,lfl_ l)o!I Tll1<1let't • "1! ......... llK9' .. II. h Wtl-f "-'...... 11 ·-•'1 .,,,. ~All!fl ......... 1' .... ~ "Crt • ..-... ' w-.......-..,r • Soviet J et To Hijack? ~tOSCO\Y (UPI ) -A Soviet passenger -crashed in....JOUthenLSibtti.a near !he Chinese border two weeks ago, killing all aboard, as a result of an attempted hi· jacking involvi ng a gunfight while in flight, Communist sources said today. 1be exact death to11 was not known, although the plane involved was a TUI04 Aeroflot airliner \\'hich carries about 100 passengers, the sources said. It was the first reported cash of a Soviet airliner as the result or a hi· jacking attempt, the second known Soviet one in a month. · The Soviet press has made no mention or the incident. The story was confirmed inde~OO.ently by Soviet and other Com· murust sources . who _ gav'e s imilar vei-Sions. .· €ampus Speech Fr1un Page 1 FRANCO ... ... President Hints ' Inflation Steps close to 1he go,·emmcnt said. But they stressed that Franco wilt con. tinue in his other three posts which he <iSSUmed in 1939 after his (orct.'S defeated the Spanish Republic durinG the Spanish Civil War. The sources said that while Currero Blanco will run the day-to-day urralrs or goVl!mment. Franco will rt1naln the man who makes Spain's vital ddcisions . Government sources said Carrero Blan- will have to die with them,'' the Presi· co's appoin tment had been in the making ro Wire-Services dent said. to r a Jong tinle nnd \Vas part of a care- ORLANDO, Fla. -Skirting \Vatergate Nixon spoke for half an-hour to4lll au· fully -planned trMsllion-of power .. -~--• dlence estimated at about 9,000, seated in They said the appointment in no way and striking a "y.•hat's right with open bleachers behind the !'lon·da T-h ..... affected the position of Prince Juan Americ.3" theme President Nixon hinted administration building. '!be audience, Carlos de Borllon -y.•hon1 Franco chose broadly today that he would act soon to mostly-in shirt sleeves-and 90tne in cut-rour years ago as his eventual successor deal with inflation. off jearui, appi&uded v.·annly but there as chief of state and Spain's future king. I of hi bl . were no prolonged cheers. Car RI · t t . n one s rare pu 1c appearances 'Ibc President selected Florida Tech. 3 rero anco 1s a s cm ra.· since Watergate surged back into the 6.500-studenl University which a White ditionalist y,•hose re<.-ent speeches have headlines this sP.!'ing. Nlxon_spoke_to ~ouse_alde__ said boasts• "a solid middle stressed his loyalty to Franco and his graduating class at Florida Technological America studi nt-body" !or his first strong beliefs in Jaw and order. University. • cornnfencemeot address' since 1969. He rose to his present position mainly Nixon said the nation is faced with Nlxon stopped off at the Orlando school on the strength of Franco's total trust challenges at home and abroad but, en route to his Florida retreat on Key and Y.'ilhout stirring the in1aginati on of gesturing with an outstretched inde:ic Biscayne, where he -intends to spend the the Spanish people. Associates have finger, ~ said: "\Vhen America has a weeken~appling with the political and describt>d him as an excellenl organizer problem we will solve it because we have economic problems besetting his secQlld and coordinator v.•ho prefers to work in the· genius that built America· and·made ~rln. · \ the background. us the great.nation that we are today." . Gen. Alexander Haig. Jr., named this Ca1Tero Bl.-i nc:o's appointn1ent came The plane waS on a scheduled 3,10!)- mile domestic fllght from Moscow to the city of Chlta, east of ~ke Baikal. It was not known where it crashed, but it aJ>-l-'---.;~-ntlTwas~near-~ oWts journey._. the sources said. lie did not spell out any details of his \\'eek as permanent successor to former after v.•ceks of intense political activitv u,1 T111.iio10 economic plan, but Administration of· White HouSe chief of staff H. R. sparked by leftist May l)ay incidents iii PRESIDENT NIXON...ADDRESSES E.LO_RIDA_ GRADUATION ticials said the President is working on Haldeman, accompanied the President to l\1adrid and a strong right-wing backlash Shares La ugh With FTO Preslclent 'liar es Mi 1rr11c-Ca"'n'--'-'=.o...--,__an....anti~inflation~program..which:cou1 F&orida. He was the ooly member ol the to the slaying of a policeman by left·wiug announced next week. White-House-inner-cirde-to-mak~__...demorwtr:ators,~,____,..~~,__-',-.,__~_Jb I Scheduled flights from Moscow to Chila make one stop ln either Irkutsk or ·Novosibirsk. F r .om Page 1 SKYLAB ... Details or the incident were not known, but the sources said they believed the plane went down after a' gunfight broke out on board between the hijacker and an armed guard. power Y<'ing \\'Cre that Skylab now had All Soviet planes flying near border enough ele_ctricity for all its experiments, """ions carry anned guards, the sou rces d ~~id. an enough to meet all housekeeping The incident occurred about Pi.tay 25. demands. The astronauts were told, for The sources said Soviet officials were example, they y,·ould leave their water particularly sensitive about the hijack at-heater on for sho\vers planned later to. tempt because of its proximity to the day. · ·borderof-China. ---:'.H.9o/fil'•" salQ_thi: pij_Qts in.unison. Chila is about 200 miles northwest of . \Ve .ve go~ all tbe power we need," where the Soviet, Chinese and Mongolian said flight d1~or Neil Hutchinson. borders meet. \Vhen the cre\v awakened about 6 a.m. Jn late April, Soviet sources said a PDT_, Conr~d asked .ground com· Soviet man killed himself and an airline municator Richard Truly how long the pilot after an unsuccessful attempt to hi-crew would have to leave the coolant jack a TU104 from Leningrad to system in its jury-rigged state. Stockholm. The plane landed safely. "Pete, I wish v.•e right no\v could give CRP Treasurer Sloan Joins Auto you a smart answer on tha t, but w~ just honestly don't knov.·.'' Truly said. •·We've got' the situation stable right now and \•le'd like to just leave it that \Vay witil l\'e really understand \vhat y,·e're doing." · A mission control spokesman said the temperatures in !he loop \\'ere between 36 _..c.'I 11 and 38 degrees. cooler than desired. a-. ~-tompa-~'ryte~astronauts sajdi hcy felrgood after their interrupted night's sleep to fi:ic th\! TROY, Mich. (UPI) -llugh W. Sloan coolant system. Jr., a ronner treas~cr of the ~!flmittee "Glad to do it (get up ) to save our hap- to Re-elect the President, has }Otned the PY home," Weitz reported. management team of the Budd Com· pany, a maker of auto parts. Sloan, 33, testified before the Senate Watergate Committee Wednesday and Thursday on bow he handed $2 million to several suspects in the bugging scandal without knowing where it was going. Faculty Clubs To Get Liquor? Paul Sichert, an assistant to the presi· dent of Budd , said Sloan was hired ''v.•ell SACRAMENTO (AP\ -Faculty clubs before" the Watergate incident but hi s as U~ campuses would be permited liq. Senate testimClly did not change hi s uor licenses under legislation advanced status in the company. to the Senate floor. Siebert said Sloan's speeific position The measure. by Sen. Robert Stevens would be decided after he finished an (R·.U>s Angfles ), "·ould modify the Jaw orientation program which included tour-"'.h1ch keeps liquor licenses certain ing Budd'~ nl.ajor plants. distances from some campuses. He said the company was impressed by The measure won 7-2 approval Thurs· Sloan's a~demlc qualifi~ations as a day of the Senate Conunittee 1ln graduate of Princeton University and h1;-s -ilovemmental--6rganization'c. ---'---= expertise. Budd's major concern is the manufac- ture of auto parts and other auto-related device,.s distributed to the car companles. F rom Page l SMOG .... offers lhree reconunenda1ions r or' citizens "·hen the Health \Varning is in effect. "Reduee your physical effort to a min~wn. including no outdoor spor~ stay _indoors and stop or reduce your smoktng, and avoid driving " said Dr Thomas Robinson, dir~tor' of health services in Orange County. OlAN•I COAST ST DAILY PILOT Tiit 0!'1n~ Call OAILY PILOT, wlfll wnldl II ~lntd Ill• Hen.Prn1, II pttblllhed by .,... 0••11111 j:0111I PuDU1nl"9 '°"""'""· lt!M· •• ,. ICll!IO>lt ••• pUDllalltd, Mond•Y rn~ Frld1y, tor Cotti Mttl. H-porl Biie.fi, HUnlll!llffln BtlC:h/FOlll'ltlln V1ll1y, L1g111">1 a .. cto, lrYIM/$Hdttbtdr. tnd S.n C"""'"lt/ 1111 J11t1n C1platr1no. .r. 1l1"1111t r~lontt tclltlon t1 Pllllll111td s.ru•d•Y• Ind Sundl'fl , T~ prlM!lloll 11Ublltlll1111 pllnl !I ti lJt Weil a1y ltr .. I, (Ol!I M1t1, C.llfO"llt, '261t. Rtb1rt N. Wt td ''"1111111 11'111 ..... 11111 .... Jtck R. CMrlt y Vim l"'rbldlfll t nd GtMr1I ~ ·Circus Sliowgirl Marries Micl ge t H.ERSHEY, Pa. (U PI) '_ Standing upright there \Vas a tv.'o-foot difference but the v.·edding went on all the same. San~ra Ronda. a 5-foot, 8-inch sh~\vg1rl. married 3·foot, 8-inch Jaines Brisco 111ursday as their co lleagues from the_ Ring~ing Brothers and Barnun1 and Bailey Circus looked on . The .midget clo~'Jl met the 20-year--Old sho"·~1rl last December v.·hen she joined the circus. Both arc from the San Diego area. !-----~----Tt..om.•1 K1t11ll Editat.. I Tho..,.., A.. Murplii11t M-1lft9 f.+lt< Chell" H. lto1 lltht'11 'P. N1tt M tllllM ¥•1111lfll fl•lt<t ...... Ul"'I Ttltllflolt 'A1lnlne' Nobel Priie.wlnnlng chemlsl Dr_ Linus-Pauling escribed u 'a.linlne' the Food and Drug d,mtl\lsttotloh ·s plan to re· qwre prescriptions for high po. tency vitamin s~pplemont s. ; Seven l11dicted 111 l\farijuana S1n uggling Case . SAi\'. DIEGO 'AP) -Seven pcrs6ns, mcludmg men frem Seattle and Aspen Colo., f.ace arraignment next week 01~ ~harges of sml!ggling 4!~ Jons of mari· }~ana by bo<H fro1n ·1\1exico and Coloin· b1a. The s_evcn "·ere-indicted by a federal grand JUry 'Vednesday. Thev were 'ac- cused o~_try,ing to smuggle 7°.250 pounds of manJuana from ~lexico and 590 p~unds from Colombia and \1·ith smug· ghng I .~ pounds Qf marijuana J\lay 7 in a ~t being unloaded at Piedras Blancas point near Morro Bay, Calif: .... ~ey were identified as \Villiam Dec Gen, 28. Huntington Beach. ~homas Lron_§..hary.-1-.~· Aspen. Colo: Scott Thomas-~N1CROl£.. 2.1'"" Seattle: James l\1" ~·tcCulloch, 25, \\'illiam R. Reis. 21 . Llnd3 Keogh and Tina Royal, all· y,•ithout listed addresses. Jn his address, the President struck the trip. Political sources said Ca rrero Blanco "what's right with ~merica" theme, ap-NIIO!l told .the graduating class that could be expected to shake up the cabinet.- parently as a cowiterpoint to the there 1S no lime that he Wttlld rather considerably giving it a slightly stronger \Vatergate scandal. However, he did not graduate than in the year 1973. right-wing and law·and-ord<lr trend. make any mention of tbe scan<l.al. "We can be thankful that this is the fir!t graduating cla.s.1 in 12 years that Looking tov.•ard hi s meetings beginning will graduate from college or university June 18 with Soviet Commwrist Party in a year :ln which the United States is leader Leonid Brezhnev. Nixon predicted not engaged in the war in Vietnam," the progress during the summit talks toward President told 795 graduates. a 11~w tte~tY to limit offensive nuclear "This is the first graduating class in 32 weapons. years where the young men of the class "Nations with different systems must "''ill not be subject to the draft," he said learn to live y.·ith their differences or we to applause. Bra dley, Yo rty Mee t WS ANGELES (AP ) -~1ayor-elect Tom Bradley says he had a "very cor· dial" meeting Thursdriy \Vith outgoing 1\-fayor San1 Yorty to discuss the transi- tion between adn1inis1r-:itions. ··it \Vas a very inforrnal 1nceling,'' Bradley said. In addition. Geri and Sharp face trial July~IO-on--unrelated clmrge of conspiracy __ to smuggle four tons of marij uana from Colombia. FrotnPage I McCORD ... June 17 break-in and bugging of Dc111ocratic national headquarters in the \Valergate complex. He "''as convicted with G. Gordon Lid- dy, fur mer chief counsel lo the Ni:icon re- , elect~on c?'-'11scl lo the Nixon re-election election fmance committee. Five other defendants pleaded guilty at the outset or the trial. • Porno Picture Seizures Barred SAN FRANCISCO (APJ -A federal judge Thursday barred police from seiz· ing any more copies· of the pomographic movie "Behind the Green Door" trom a liay\vard theater pending a court hear- ing. · U.S. District Court Judge \Villiam T. S\veigert issuCd a temporary restraining order pe nding a hearing June 14 on a mer tion for a preliminary injwiction to bar further seizures. San Garlos Cinema Inc., y.•hich runs the Hayward Theater, filed suit \Vednesday, contending Hayy,•ard police have raided the theater and confiscated prints seven times. Massage Parlor Tables Bugged MARTINEZ (UPI ) -Bugs have been round under the rubbing tables at the California Girls ~lassagc Parlor in Dan- . ville, but nobody will s~y just how or why the recording devices got there. An undercover agent for the Alameda County sheriff's department found the devices after arresting fl.1iss J\flmi Ch.in 22, on a charge of soliciting a lewd act. ' ag n 1fner-t11e anager nor the owner would comment on the lape recorders. PR OCLAMATIO NS COME OUT EA RS POCATELI,(), ldJlho (UPI) -Mayor Ulll Ros\"eifey has proclalmea nexl week "non-proclamation \leek" ln the city. lloskell y ,.Id th!J year he has Issued 2,328 proclamations, taking up • lo! of his lime_. "I do he rt by proclafm· tlie )V•ek of- .June 11 as no7rproclamation week so r can gel something dooe," Roskelley 11ld. .. ·' ,Rdem.e_mber all the beauciful furniture, lamps and accessories you 'vt.' been a n_iir1~B ~II year long? ... Well, the}'0re now on sale ac tremendous •Sav1nss .. oc only our floor m~els, b.ut .you· may special order man p1ecC4 to your own caste, size or color AT SALE PRICES' y Such well·known names .as: Drexel, Heritage, Henredon, W~mark. ? Marge Carson, ~oyal (qad!, ":1as1er Crafc ind Sherrill! • SOFAS • CHAIRS • BEBROOM SETS • DI NING ROOM SETS • COCKTAIL TABLES • EN D TABLES •LAMPS• ACCESSORIES • BOOKCASES • PAINTINGS • DES KS AND SO MUCH MORE! Special Savings on Selected Item s fro m •DREXEL •HERITAG E •HENR EDON, INTERIORS WRKDAYS lo SATUADATS 9:00 ,. 1:30 fllDA T 'TIL 9:00 .. • • •r ' I • • ' AtYo ··r Service A Sunday, \Vcdnesdoy 11nd Friday f'eulure Of lhe 0-.tity 1•uo1 Got a vroblcni? 1'1!~n write Pat Dun11. Pat 1oiit cue red lape, (let the answers and action· !J o u ne e d to -l-iOLve inett."~'c-·._1 __ 1es 1n go• errunent and business. A1ail your ques· t·ions to Pai D ttnn /At Yo11r Service, Orange t'oast Daily Pilot, 1).0 . Box 1560 , Costa 6I eta. C:a., 9262~/11cludl! your 1c1epl!o11e number. Hom 1J1111s A11e '' DEAR PAT : Our dog is expecting Jn "une xpected" litrcr of puppies. J hriQ in· tended to get her sp;1ycd, but put it off . ' -. - ' f rldJJ, Jun, a. 1~73 , DAILY "1 LOT ~ . _County Trustees Balk Refuse Support for State, National Boards Trustees of the Orange County Board various stale laws and directives and participating members in good stand- of Education have ignored another effort when strong leadership in all facets of ing." Ruth prodded , "rather than to ap- to get their support [or the state and na. our public school system is urgen'tly pear to condemn all facets from the I ti · -? school board associations'. needed." ootside by total abstention." ~ They "received and filed " suc:h a re-The associations offer CU1Tent educa-f~ducators in the Orange County quest Thursday from Ralph Ruth, presi-tional news to their members and at Association are concerned about Uie 1 dent of Orange County School Board! tiJnes act as lobbying groups. situation , said Ruth, in urging the board 1 1 -~Associ'K: 'ation. Membt;rshi_e_ doesn't have to mean "full to reconsider. 1 ,~ un y rusreesn8ve ref'Uie(l~!Ojifu-enaorsemenl O!----e"Very aspea··-u the I btUeve-We should--all-be=..willing t the two organizations, claiming they are associations, Ruth assured the trustees in share the burden of support of organiza- too liberal. " his letter. lions that are devoted to improving @r Trustee Donald Jordan or Garden Changes in such organizations can bet-education system," he concluded. Grove tried but failed to convince the ter be made "from the lnside as 1'he board didn 't discuss his letter. bQard to support at least the national ------------------------------ association, which ha~ its annual con- vention recently in Anaheim. The county board is only one or three in the state that doesn't belong to the California School Boards Association. The other two districts are in sn1all, mountainous areas. Ruth, writing for the board of directors .or the · county association, called the county trustees' stand "regrettable." until it \V\ls 100 l<Jtc . .1 \\~II get her spayed GARBENSTANGELERS -Chosen by popular vote o( their class- . ,~·hen t h~ pups arc \'leaned; but 1 have n1ates, here a:re three or Lincoln Junior High School's top garben· · stangelers with the works ~ome might call "junk art." Artists (left to Ruth said the ·county board should be "more supportive •.. at a time when the roles of ·county boards and county departments of education are being one \i·orry ahout 'th(s. ls lherc any truth right) are Steve Torres, 11 , 2037 Port Bristol, Newport Beach; 'fony to the story th11 t. ren1a le do gs J~ichard, 12, of 325 Apolena, Balboa Island; and Brent McCorkell, 11, nutornaticnlly gnin \\'eig ht <ind bf-come of 1824 Port Westbourne Place, Newport Beach. modified in many ways by Changes in a :lZ}' I l<'.V <Ire spa c.w---------------------------~-----M-n :'I' children nl so have nskcd me lo request ac ona u s info,mMion on whether or not one humnn Pr1· nele !liOl !liOl Junk year criuals seven dog years. ._, ~ ~ 11.C., Capistrano BeaC'h SpayinA you r dOA \\'On't make her fat • .nd 1:17.)', hut not t<>king into con- ,.."!dcrati1in lhr chan ~e in her melubolis1n cl reedin;i: :ind 1u•gll'clini.: proper cxcfcisc 1a1. lle1no\'in_g a dng·s or curs rcpruduc- li\'e organs docs ln,vcr her energy re- quiren1cnt s. Ir ~·ou continue to feed her as n1uch afl cr surgery as you did before. she \t'ill put o~ e:tlra pounds. As to the question of do)? :r!!tn:;l:. a dog's liretime may he nppro~imalely one seventh thal or a J>erson·s. bu! ht• n1ulu res )L an en· tircly different r11te. Since a year-old dog is sexually n1 ature. he may be equated "·!lb a human adol esce-nt. age 15. By the ti me a dog is l\\'O ~·cars old, he is 11111t11re; roui;:hly the eq ui,•alent or a 2·1- yc ar...,Jd bun1an bt•i ng. Fr11111 this J>tilnt , the uging 11roccss ll•\·r_ls off al about u 1.4 ratio: so at three yt·ar~ 1he dog· might be compared to n ?8-year-old person, at rour yea~, 11 32-year old, etc. Kids Creati1ig Garbe1istan.gels f 'lag Coric. Brol,e11? DE:ttR ·PA"'f:-Whilr driving through Laguna Beach (In Coasl Highway, I noticed a camper van \\'ilh a United States f11tg used as a "·indO\\' t.11rtain. Isn't thclllt n flag code in ·this \.'ountry that prohibits~ i::uch sct'mingly disrespectful use ot the fln g"? T.H., Corona del !'llar The original rlag code ~·as adopted by 1hc Nationlll Fla~ Conference held In \\'asbington. IJ.C. in 1923, but it has been revised and upch1tt·d SC\'etal limes since then. The latest re\•lsion ·took pince in 195~. The t•ode states thal the United Slates Flag is not to be used as a drapery of any sort . but nlv.·ays should be 11llowed to rttll free. C#1eckin9 f}fd Stock. DEAR PAT : I have read that a person should not discard old c.c.rtificalcs or stock in cases '''here these coo1pani es may have declared bankru ptc)•. \\'ithout first trying . to find out if suid cert ifi cates 1nighl be of value. So. I'd like to know where I wou ld find information regarding "\Vestem Na tural Resource Corporation." issued in Jan .. 1932. in Nevada and "TI1e Dailies Oil Com1>any," issuCd in July and Sept., .J!M9, in Ne"' ri1cxico. E.1'\I., Costa ~1esa Contact the lransfer agency . which ' handled the i;ale of tbe stock, or write to the Commissioner of Corporations of the state in \vhich th ese stocks were originally incorporated, probably the state of issue. 1'his advice bolds true for all old slock holdings. So1nc who saw the work of Jacqu eline T(osctt 's ~udents <it Li ncoln Junior High School in Ne\v port Beach. perhaps rather unfeelingly, called it '·junk art." \\'hat is really was that the 'teacher's home roo1n kidoi; had created was, ob- viously r a contemporary colleciion qi modern ga rbenstange\s. Offic:ials front the Daily Pilot <ind front S1u1day Pilot's Offe1i11gs Range From Sk y to Sea Jesus communes, shellfish. sky divers, and our Stone Age ancestors. These are some of the diverse topics that will ap- pear in this week's Sunalay Daily Pilot. TUG-OF-WAR -Some pSrents~ anQthe Church of Goel Jesus communes are engaging in a struggle over the minds of youog people. Parents claim thi;r .com- munes don1inate the children and 'have tried to get them back by force : And this has resulted in court actions. This illustrated · Associated Press feature appears in the A section. SKY DIVP.H. -lf you \\'ant to catch Huntington Beach school teacher Nancy Grultman y,·eekends you'll have to be a . ( Sunday's Bes_t) high flier. Her sport is sky diving and why she does it is captured in "'ords and photos by Slaff \Vriter Laurie Kasper and POOtogrllpher Patrick O'Donnell in an- other "YOU" section feature. SHELLFISll -T\110 species of U1e seago ing snail are faring differently in Orange Coast waters. The clam is thriv- ing, but the abalone has nearly been eliminated. The story is pursued by Staff \Vrlter J ohn Zaller in this v.·eek's "YOU .. lead feature. DISCRir-.1INATION -lloratio Alger was neither a black nor a woman and many Americans. who are having di!· ficult y [inding a job, are wondering \•.'hether the ability to rise to success lhrough hard \\'ork is a reatity or myth. Thus feature also appears in the '1YOU" section. EINSTEIN. BC -Scientists in· vestignling ur Slone Age ancestors are find ing thiH there may well hav.e 1>1:en some Ei nsteins among them 1udg1ng DEAR P1\T: 1'1n confused about lhe from some or the mathematical formulas c1uaJity aud <:unt cnt of the AmerJc<in hot they opparently worked out. This Chris· dog ! I've heard stories and ru1nq1·s thut tlaii Science Monitor article will be in the some hot dogs ha\'e <1s mUch as 40 per-A seCtion. the South Collst Plaza shopping center, which ha ve collaborated for the past cou- ple or years in an effort to preserve garbenstangeling as an art form, have invited the garbenstangelers from . Lin· coin to help them this year. __ .Th.e }'.QU!lg~ple 1his week became the first to be officiall y invited to enter this year's Bliild n Better Garbenstangel Contest and International Rallye. The event will be staged after the Fourth of July J~oliday and again will take over a large portion of the enclosed mall at South Coast Plaz.a.'in Costa Mesa. Details of the ral"e and contest will be announced later. f\teanwilile. Lincoln ~Junior High 's garMnst~ngel-creators can take pride in the recogni tion of .their jlfnk for \Yhat it really is - great junk, junk of com- pttilive quality when vie"·ed by those wbo truly appreciate garbenstangels. J\iino_rity P.iiority LOS ANGELES (UPIJ -Forty per· cent of all new firemen hired~ by [.(Is Angeles County must be blacks and Chicaoos, a federal judge ordered Thu rs-- day. " . ' PETE PELUSES Farm Lawsuit Given Delay Testimony will resume ~londay in the $9.7 million Orange Coonly Superior Court trial sparked by allegations jhat Knott.'s Berry Fann continued to use the Old MacDonald's Fann trademark or Fulton and Kay Shaw long after the Shaws ~moved their animal exhibit to- Mission Viejo. Judge Raymond Thompson ordered the three-day break in a trial that has just under $10 million at stake after lawyers for both sides completed the jury picking pl'OC'eSS and completed o p e n i n g statements. Among the defcqdants named by the Shaws are berry Tarm pioneer Walter Knott and hi s w\fe, Cordelia; Knott's brother, Russell : and his wife, Virginja; and Jack ShaY.', Fulton Shaw's brother. It is alleged that the Knott concern continued to use the Old A1acDonald 's Farm name and unique animal presen- tations loog after the Sbay,·s moved their concession from Buena Park to Atission Viej~ _ ~ __ ----- . Knott and his C<H!elendants were cited Th,:...;,.,es, Steer· 11fear for contempt on two occasions before the ~a.; '1 trial for allegedly violating a court order that forbade their use or the Old A1a c0onald's name or any type of ad- vertising creating the impression that the facility was still at Buena Park. A would-be bicycle thief probably would shy away from this one, handcuffed to a railing during final exam Week at Central Washing- ton State College in Ellensburg, 'Vash. It's kell known that several part-time, students at the college._are police officers! . . :· ''Oiir sa'lesmen are ' your kind of people'' PETE "The Greek" PELUSES Sales Manager ' ; have on our sales staff the type of men y ou'd like neighho1·s. Some of them are. You'll pl·obably rec- '-6nize Hugh, Charlie or H.B. These 1nen are part of the difference you'll find at Johnson & Sou. Come in and let us offer you a fine Lincoln or J\fercu1·y to suit you1· n eeds at always a fllir price. - (°t'nl cereal in tht!nl, <ind the meat C..'On-WHAT'S COOKl NG _ Family Weekly tent makes one shudder, especially in-ivriters and editors seem·lo be hung up HUGH MYNATT CHARLIE THOMAS H. B. PRICE clusion of ingrcdil111ts like hog knuckles~ on cooking. Cover story f e a tu res So, I'd-like to kOO\V wha t it men1Js \\"hen Roast mnster General Joey Adams telling a pack<lAe is ta~!cd "all me:1t." If the hO\V to "barbecue" famous people; inside . label soys "all bl-cf." docs th;it incan all stories feature family coo kout recipes the 1ncut is OCcf. but I here is stlll son1c fronl Food Editor Marilyn Hansen and an ¥crcul in it, or i!:i It acutally all beef? afticle on actress Jill SL John, the O.G., Corona del r-.tar "recipe freak." SPECIAL Continental MARK IV's llot dogs :ind other meat!! must be _prepared und l<1be led under federal or \VATERG ATE CLTAtAX -Few people state inspection. All lngredlenl8 used In \Vashingtoo believe that eoough nlt1!il be listed In 11 descendin g order-of evidence has been produced in the prcdo nlinancc 0 11 tho htlH?I. Current \Vatergale hearings thus fa~ to justify USUA sc:1ndnrds for ,.hot dogi1, bolojfna lm~achn1cn.t of the Pr_es1dent. And 1--,.-llllll....Jllb('r cooked iHiusage are that they Pr~s1d~nt Nixon h,ns certnmly given . no may conlnln meol, n1ent hy·productS. no-in<f!cell~-that-~-twen~templatUlg 1nore than 1$ perccnl poultry tunless J'CS•gnallon. But Reps: John Mo~ ~d ffcnry Reuss propose similar solutions tn renccted In product name), swcctcne:rll an lntervlew with \Valter $haplro on the and curing 1111b!llDnccs. Jlot dogs ore SS editorial c entitled " w at c r gal c percent meat. Contrary to popular opin· Clim1.uc''pag Ion , meot Is com prised or fat, lean and · '''ntcr. Th(' Cookr.d product cn n co11lnl11 NE\V SUM~1ER SERlES -Stars of no more than 30 percent fnt, 19 perctnt "[.(Ive Thy Neighbor-.!' new TV series added waler, no ntore than 3.S percent premised on what happens when black e.ic~cndcrs, liuCh as £!real and nonfat dry couple moves lnto a lily w h i t e n1llk, or twn percent lsolnte,d soy protein neighborhood. get the cover story treat· wllh the product nt1111e showing what ex· met1t in TV WEEK. IC'nder was u:ted. "'All Bttfll Of 1•-All-Has ConRttSS created a powcrlul !'.\gen· J\te11t" hol dOJ{ lubcls lllf~Hn no by.pro-c' In Ille Office or Technological A..~SS• 1lucu or t!X ltndcrs nre used. The product mcnt (OTA ) that could be used to further d:an1e m u~t slate whal utt.ndcr ts used, a presidential bid by Sen. Ed\\'atd Ken- 1uch as ~Frankl wllh non.Cul dry Jt'lllk cdY. an~ provide ammUllltlon for the an· uddt.d." Whtn by·prodnrl! ere used, they tideren5e lo~)' in tliis country? Sen. Bar- mu t bi trnm•.'l. In th !i!.t:r..t!l!mt lllll _QJ>ldwoter cx&min lbese question!. mtnffbecl hea rts nnd toni;uts. ttr.). ln lhls wcek"a column. ' • Outstanding Selection. Now in Stock • Bes t Time of the Year to Buy ! __,,,.,_,,,....__'_,'GbZ:o!,!;l~d~e!!'n Touched" & Read to Go " Jfome ·Of Thi New Ci1i' , , • "Goldea T~' " • "Oran"Qt C01trit~'' lomily o} Fine Car.s" ohnson&son l r'\.('(l! N 2GI HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA •. 5401130 • Home or Tht' New Car • t • "Goldea Touc:W' . " .. l I ' .l-' • \ ia DAILY PILOf Watergate Judge Sets • l Rule on TV _ . . . frliiJy, Junf 8:1973 New Jer·sey l(iDCd, Family ·Shot ' I \VASHlNGTON (:\P f -A rcder::il judge said today he will rule Tuesday "nether his court has the p<nver to c--~~-,r'~estficrTefev1s10n .ind r.id10 coverage o t'he Senate \Vatergate committee hear- ings. CHERRY HILL, N.J. (UPI) -Major B. Co1son, a namboyant ex-convict of ar~ fluent but mysterious 'means, friend of boler Muhammiid Ali and unsuccessrul andldate-tor~mayo ot-eamd , ~ found shot to death today inside his , $200,000 home here, authorities said. 'lhree other members of the 43-year-old Conori's family v.'ere also bound, gag- ged, and shot through the ,h<ad, bul survived. COXSON WAS found clad in a dressing could run for mayor in ~ that city. He goY..11, his bands M d feet tied together paioted the ~d home hite and dut>-· behind him 1Yith neckties and his mouth bed il the··ramdcn Whl House." He ~· gagged. His head \\'as restin~ on _th<osiJbli<.e '°d-~had ..w,antcd lO be the first black mayor 0(1 and~he had been-in-a-kneeling-• -\\·hen shot. ie city. One hospital spokesman said the Coxson served more than a year lni assailants "knew where to shoot." federal prison for consp1racy to transport, Coison had no visible means or suppOrt stolen motor vehicles ·across state lines U.S. District Court Judge John J. Sirlka heard arguments on a request by the special Watergate prosecutors to order the committee to ·hear witnesses facing criminal indictment in sessions from which television and radio coverage financially. He rented lhe home here and and had several other arrests on hfs.. another house in Camden last year so he record. is barred. . A search was launched for four ·black males, described as in their 30s, who were soon driving from the plush home in a black Cadillac. Philip B. Heymann, associate special THOSE ADMrn'ED to Cherry Hill prosecutor, argued that with radio and l\1edical' Center were Coxson 's son:Toro. television coverage "the possibility _ or 14, and wife, Lois, and daughter, Lita. in her earl y teens. Lita was listed in critical fair Watergate trials at art early dale is condition . . threatened seriously -not hopelessly -(The Associated Press said the wpman New Charges Pondered Over POW Mfflconduct but ~riously." was not Coxson's wife but hild livelf with u~1 T11ephott him several -years and she and the chil· \VASHINGTON ·(AP / -The si!nior ship for a cruise. SIRICA iNTERRUPTED at ooe Point ••• tlte A tidience dren adopted his last name). U.S. naval officer h<ld prisooer by the in this arguinent to com'ment, "here we Dr. David Silverman, chairnlan of the North Vietnamese is pondering whelher .. . hospital's surgery department, said thC l=~-"'=''"""-"'>.:.d.t.feodants. We are dealing-®J!L-..2l!L!fil~!§!J'ru;p~£H!.QI~...!.lll!!Ei!JL;µ>~ewa!!lJU.V.Varul!l!•J:rg;a!!tce.e..th!.!!•c!!arg1ru:ngs...w.a.s______,,;fe-l8~T-0TO---'-<may-~have~60ffer.ed IQ-file misg>nduct charges:M"~OO · in suppcwsitioos. If-there are any in· resume Tuesday. permanent damage to their sight. n1llitary men who shared his captivity. MEANWIOLE, SOURCES said a~ nine or ten Air Force officers are unde'i- ~ru iny. ·sur-1ne~ ~:rdi.SCOlmtat the likelihood they would be charged. However, son1e of them might be eased: out of the service eventually, l dictments returned in the future ... we .r '4-ccording to Thomas J. O'~ourke. · Jhey could be the first for1ner PO\V of- have jurisdiction then because there 'is director of-publi~-salety in Cherry Hill,·· ficefs charged.' Eight Army ai1d l\1a;lne something before us." I{ • • T II w • h Th the four men drove up to Coxson 's home I enlisted men were formally accu~ last Isslllger a rs It 0 about 4 a.m., sounded the horn and \Vere . . . Samuel Dash, chief counsel for the "-admitted by Coxson. After some con-\reek of aiding the enemy 'vbile PO\Vs. Senate oommittee, opposed the pros-versation. O"Rourke said. the men The Navy has acknowledged that Rear ecution's request on grounds that the ordered the four victims and Coxson's Ad.In. J ames B. S~ockd~Je of Coronado publicity generated by a legislative Coin-' other son Lex, 13, bound and gagged. sought l_egal a?v1ce . ITT late r-.tarch C I d N E I t • ' .. concerning possible misconduct charges mittee hearing "has never been held by ance e -0 xp ana· 1011 COXSON \\'AS found shot in the main against other PO\Vs." A Navy la\\'yer any coort ., preventing prosecutioo."· · ~ · · · · -. bedroom· along-with his wife. Police said was then assigned to give Stockdale that Sirica asked HaYmann, "Do you expect the woman tried to cra,YI to a bathroom guidance, it said. indictments? If so, when?" . . \\'here a telephone \\'as located to notify As early as the first plane flights home' from the PO\V reeeption center in the, Philippines in February, returning war~ prisooers told fr iends in strOO.g tenns., that they \\'anted to bring as many as 25. fellow PO\\!s before courts-martial as collaborators. r.. t<.1uch of this determination appeared fo ;'wane as time passed. "We certa.inly ·expect indictments," he PARIS (UPI > -Presidential adviser Thieu ':"'ould not sign any new agreem~nt. authorities. IN LINE WITH its practice of· r.e· replied and referred to a prediction from tlenry A. Kissinger and ttanoi's Le Due Following a d~y of. U.S.·Sou.th Viet· Lita was shot in her bedroom and Toro maining closed-mouthed about possii>lc BUT RESENT~1ENTS simmered, and . the u.s: attorney's-Office th~ they might Tho canceled their Scheduled meeting on ~amese -tal.ks ~in Sai~n.-Thieu-was-~ in a dmvrf.S[iirsSitting·room. Police-said --f"(:)\V charges;--the---Navy-dfd-not·indicate-on ~lay~29--~Air Force Col._,__!Jtleodore W~ be oot by the end of the summer. · ihe Vietnam.~ase-fire agreement today reported to have eased his stand. Lex was bound. but escaped through a tne·nature of the offenses that may ha.Ve Guy , \1•ho comanded PO\\'s at a Hanoi" without explanation. glass window on the first floor and ran to been conunitted. compound, formall y filed court-martial HE SAID special prosecutor Archibald It was the second consecutive day that s v· T llt"ighbors who notified police. . fentagon sources said they believe charges against five soldiers. and · three Cox would not go beyond that prediction l e t T00pS Police said parts of the horile \\'ere Stockdale has been considering forma l ~·larincs. ' at this time. the talks \\'ere disrupted. • ransack~ and O'Rourke indicated rob-action against l\\'O officerS. one a Navy The r-..1arine Corps indicated it would The Watergate corrunittee, headed by Instead, U.S. officials said deputy bery· was a possJble motive. It \1·as not n1an and.the other a .l\larine. deJ('gate local commanders to investigate Sen. Sam J, Ervin (D-N.C.), earlier assistant Secretary of State William H. E ig lit Off New determined if anything had been stolen. There \\'as no indication \\'hether he li::is lhe' Charges and decide whether tbei(' refused a request by Cox to postpone its Sullivan .:.vould meet North Vietnamese Toro told authorities the suspects rang-nu1de up h.is mind. three accused PO\Vs should be brougtlt ~ hearings. Cox then asked Sirica to 'force deputy Foreign r-..1inister Nguyen co ed in age from 31 to 38, O'Rourke said. Stockdale, on convalesctnt leave from trial. the committee to take testimony behind Thach at a Communist villa in suburban ·At.tack Near Hue adding t1ro 1Yere armed 1v i t h a Navy hospital in San Diego. was The Army has not yel sald ho w it in· closed doors trOn;i anyone who races in-Gif Sur Yvette'ror a technical seession. ''chromeplated revolvers." reported to have gone to Ha\\'aii IG board tends to move. dictment, or at least to bar radio· and television coverage of such testimony. Those r eportedly facing indiebnent in- elude former White House aide H. R. Haldeman, Jolm D. Ehrliclunan and J ohn W. Dean ID and former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, former Corrunerce Secretary _Maurice H. Stans and former Nixon .re.. election officials Jeb S. Magruder, Frederick C. LaRue and Robert C. Mar- dian. ·* * * Federal Judge Clea1·s Way for Stans Testimony • NEW YORK (UPI) -A federal judge said \oday that his order barring public discussion of the indictment against former Commerce ~cretary Maurice Stans would not be violated by Stans' scheduled appearance before the Senate \Vatergate committee next week. J udge Lee Gagliardi said he saw no conflict between his order and the courts' free-press, fair-trial rule. "I find nothing in the rule to prohibl! such testimony before a legislative co1n- mittee," the judge said. SfANS HAS been subpoenaed to testify next Tuesday before the select Senate Committee on Presidential • Campaign Activities. liis lawyers, \Valter J. Bonner and Robert W. Barker, asked for today's hearing for guidance. Bonner said he felt the "tremendous amount of publicity our client has been receiving will render impossible a fair and impartial trial of. this case." ~ '"fo. bring Stans befo~the_comrni_ttee I at this time woiilOicldi.Mult to injury." t· Bonner said. "He would be so massively prejudiced by publicity that the com-! mittee should not call him while the in· l dictment is pending." It's 114 THE SCHEDULE announced Thursday called for a meeting between Kissinger and Tho for. 3 p.m. today. Officials said there would be a plenary session, ap- parently involving Kissinger a nd Tho, Gn Saturday. No time was announced. -Earlier--today---Kissinger--met -with French· Foreign Minister Micllel Jobert for Freflch·U.S. concerns. Officials gave no ·indication of Kissin~er's plans for "the rest or the day. The North Vietnamese had no com- ment on the cancellation of today's meeting. · ON THURSDAY a scheduled morning meeting bet\Ycen Kissi nger and Tho was clelayed four hours and Kissinger was reported as saying he wanted to prepare something. ( Arter the U.S.-French talks, Kissinger said he invited Jobert to Washington to continue conversation.s. Kissinger then returned to the U.S. embassy residence, ostensibly to prepare for a n1eeting with 1'ho. But the meeting was cancelled. Thursday's peace talks, aimed at shor- ing up the shaky Vietnam cease-fire agreen1ent. was delayed for five hours 1Yithout explanation. There was still no official explanation of the delay, but it \\'as believed it centered on a statement in Saigon that President Nguyen Van KISSINGE R GE TS ME DAL AT HO ME FUERTH. Germany (AP) -H'ei'lry A. Kissinger returned to his birthplace and \Yas honored with Fuerth's Golden Citizen n1edal. Kissinger, President Nixon's foreign policy adviser, received the medal from the \Vest German city on Thursday. The citation saiO ~'tfie worldwide policy of detente represented by Kissinger also has its direct and indirect results for the benefit of the City or Fuerth. • Ill Palm From lVire Services SAIGON -Government troops fought off new attacks southeast or Hue today and were reported on full alert in the battle-tor~ekong Delta. Fighting thFoughtfu fie~ COOnt1·y was reported at its highest · in nearly two months. The Saigon mand said the Com· munists conunitted 133 cease-fire viola- tions in the 24 hours ending at 6 a.m. to- day, the most since 141 were reported April 15. Some of the fighting .. reported today took place only 10 miles from Saigon. A CO~lt\IAND spokesman said Com- munist troops shelled and attacked government po~itions 15 and 24 miles southeast of Hue, the old imperial capital 400 miles nor th of Saigon, at sundown Thursday and dawn today. He reported seven Communists kill ed at a cost of four , South Vietnamese soldiers dead and five wounded. A small explosion rocked a U.S. Cl30 transport today while it \Vas over North Vietnam returning from a liaison mission to Hanio, U.S. sources said. Seven persons were injured, U.S. and Viet Cong spokesman announced. DAILY PILOT DE LIVER'{ SERVICE Otllvery of the Daily Piio t Is guaranteed Monll1'f·l'rld1Y: II """ llo ·no! h1vt vour ,_all'ft ,., S:lO ,.m., ·r111 1nd your copy wm ff brought tt yow, C1ll1 •re liikt n until J:lO p,m. Sarvr1hy Ind Sund•Y• II you do not rtct l¥t 'f•U• copy b'f ' 1.m. S11urd1y, or I t .m. Sunday, call and 1 copy wm be brtug~I It Y•U. C1H1 Ire ra~en 11nlll 10 1.m. Telephones Mott Or1n9~ Coun1y .l.rt•t Nor111we1t Hunt11141M1t lttc~ •n• W1t1mln1ler .... 1-.1nt 1111 Cltmtnle, C1 pl11flM 8c1ch, San Ju1n C1pit1r1 ... , Dina Ptlnl, Sluth l19un1, L11un1 Ni9utl •..• ffl:•lttt Springs PATIO SPECIALS · Brown Jordan TA Mt AM• ARM-CHAI A-- ADJUST AILE CHAISE LOU~l)E CHAIR SPRING-BASE CHAIR r99.-$47 .00 reg. $130.00 rag. $59.00 _ _,._ reg .. $66.00 Tropitone LEILANI IRUNCH CHAIR TROPl·KAI STACK CHAIR reg. $64.DO r.,. $42.00 NURS_ERY SPECIALS DAHLIAS Pl•ltt a Mtl1t•et for Mctwtthl ...... ., colOf'. reg. 69c 'I'· 29¢ TOMATO PLUS Ho,,..o .. hr Mttl"9 a111d f!"ClllCI .. larger fnlt, ret• 98c 7.9¢ SPHAGNUM MO·SS N•w s111,_.1 , ..• ldeol fo:,,. 7'9¢ Jia"fill9 bosll-"5. IT --- FANTASTIC! ! ! ! ORTHO SUMMER SPECIALS WEED'N FEED r-,. 2 for SJ.60 CITRUS FOOD r ... 2 for SI.ti ALL PURPOS~ r11. 2 far $1.t l now 2 lo• 11 OO now 2,., 89¢ now 2 1., 89¢ WAX LEAF PRIVET 4te l fellt tall.-d ertra Hilly. A ffne or111ome11ral MU ,_ _,. 1..-_,.. ..,... ~ 1 t•I. 53800 · , -. --110400 54800 15400 ' ,_ SILVER SPADE· Mosi of U.S. S un1iy~ Sorne Rai1i See n 01t .. , East Coas t "" • (C°"'tol "''""'"'11 and tidal'data •J>P<•r lodav on PQflt 22F #IQQQ REDWOOD SOIL IMPROVER Loosens compact- ed soil. Counter· acts al kalinity. Ni· rogen fOrfi 1e • l•rp 4 c11. ft. beg .,,., $s.~' ••ch N·ow .- 2123 NEWPORT ' I ' - OPEN 7 DAYS D•lly 7:30 to 6 Sund11 I to 5:30 .. ' .' . I Patio 642-41U • NurMry ~. •• ,, • • Senate 01\.s Big Budget After Cuts SACR~MENTO IAPI -On a 31H; vote, the sJa(e...,Senatc has approved a $9.2 billion version of the 1973-74 state budget, $80 million less than lhe amount re- .__,,oested by ~ov. R.onald Rea.san "o::--9"~ The-smiJn en-sena te Ouage mea!ure now goes to the Assembly, which Is ex· pected to reject it. That will set up a two- ( . NEWS 'BRIEFS . ) Muse conference committee that will have the job of hammering out a final spending program for Reagan's ap- proval. • • • . . • • " ' Senate budget writers made their chief cut -$64,J million -in the state's Medi· Cal program because or an expected drop in caseloads. There were also cuts in the categorical aide scciion of the welfare program rJrade because of expee:ted ln·"' Mangled Wreckage . creases in federal funds. , This is' all that was left of a light airplane flown by student pilot :Guilermo Arias, of Los. Angeles: at{er ·crashing into {he ocean near fog-shrouded San.ta Monica Airport. Divers found the body of the pilot when th e plane was Pulled to shore Thursday. · e OUProhe --AGRAMENTO-(AP) Assembly Speaker Bob Moretti called for a state investigation Thursday of the oH seepage in the Santa Barbara Channel. esources "Residents of-the Santa Barbara area and l are not absolutely convinced of the conclusion reached by oil industry divers that the slick has resulted from natural ~ge caused by gas pressure." ~foret­ tf said in a letter to G. Ray Arnell, state ~irector of fish and game. .Panel .Delays Smog, Bid e Cyclists Collide 'STANFORD /AP) -1\i.'o bicycles. neither \I.1th lights, collided in the dark qn the Stanford University campus, and a LOS ANGELES (AP) -The state Air Resources Board v.oted Thursday to delay until October a progran1 of fitting 1966-70 cars with antisi:nog devices. harmftll effects or one type or antismog device. ' -day Jater. one..oLlhe-ridcrs_died.oL.bead injuries. .Officers identified the victim as Robert Sieele, 18, of Frcdoni'a·, N .Y. He· h.ad Undergone seven hours of} surgery at Stanford University Hospital, authorities said Thursday. The action came at the urging of state Sen. John Holmdahl, (0 -Alameda Coun- ty). THE BOARD EARLIER had scheduled the antismog device installation program to get Under way-July I. Holmdahl said the EPA had announced Tuesday that the nitrogen oxide level was not harmful in any part or California ex- cept the Los Angeles ani:a. Installation of the antismog devices, said Holrnda}\l, -Woma-on1y reduce tllt-nftrogen level· by 15 per~t and the level in the Los Angeles ar~ would remain excessive. e Media Vote SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Assembly has asked the state Senate to consent to giving television newsmen free access to all meetings of the legislature. i Under a resolution sent to the Senate _. a 66-0 Assembly vote Thursday, the ,lssembly proposed identical rules for the lritire legislature as those it voted for I.self on Monday. The -Senate still t?erat.es under niles which allow a single tenator--tcr-banis;h all cameras and tape (ecorders from a floor session or com- ftittee hearing. • JI 28 Wilt Sult '· ; LOS ANGELES (AP) -A total ol '267,000 is to be shan<i by 28 rom- f lainants in settlement of damage suits tley filed following the Sept. 13, 1970, fire ~the. Ponet Square Hotel in down~n Angeles in which 19 persons were ed. • The last of the civil suits stemming bn the fire was settled Thursday after hr days of litigation before superior Court Judge Charles A. Loring , who . ~imated it \\"Ollld have taken. some 40 ys of court hearings to settle all the ·1s if they had gone to trial. • • Holrndahl asked the board to delay im- plementation until Jan. I, 1974, so the legislature. will have more time to con- sider a federal Envirorunental Protection · Agency announcement -0n smog and also to c;onsider new evidence on possible Actress Sues · Over Article WS A"N6EhES-:(AP) -Actress · Linda Christian, widow of actor Tyrone Power, has sued National Insider Inc.. Sunset Publications · Inc. and writer Van Trenwick for $3.l million. claiming she was held up to ridicule in an artide that made it impossible for her to find work. The suit filed Thursday seeks $100,000 in special damages for lost salary, SI million general and $2 million punitive damages. The story, published in a weekly paper Jast Feb. 4, involved ?.liss ~ian's alleged relationships with Aristotle Onassis and HO'Nard Hughes. j Mental Autopsy ' • • • • • • • • Psychological Test Due on Getty .: LOS ANGELES (UPI) A a factor in the death, saying they v.--ere ~psycholOgical autopsy" like the one less than an inch deep. The bruises were terfonned on Marilyn Monroe is try~ . hypodeqnic needle marks, Noguchi said. £: determine whether --1he mysterloul'--- th from drugs and alcohol of George THE FAMILY physician, Dr. Kendrick Getty lI, son oC one fl the world's Smith, said he registered Getty under the chest men, was suicide or an accident. false name at Queen of Angels Hospital ; Getty, 48, a wealthy oil executive in his to avoid publicity. ~ right, died Wednesday in a hospital .. here he was registered under a false iame. The cause was originally reported (o be a cerebral hemorrbage. ' • ; TIIE BODY OF "George S. Davis" was Di.ter revealed to be thatlof Getty, son of ~illionaire J. Paul Getty. Police entered fie case \\'hen knlre wounds were found · ii Getty's . chest and • Baseball Player Priddy Fires Criminal Lawyer • ~ leg. There were l)ruises on his left ig and OJ111. j The senior Getty, ec>. who tias often ~ e e n referred to as the ri c h es t liuslnessman in the LOS ANGELES (UP() -Jem Prid· dy, the Conner major lea~ baseball · player accused in a $250,000 ~extortim plot against a steamship line, Thursday fired·tus attorney who said "all bets were off" oonceming his fohner client taking a voice print test. ~rid, was at his PRIDDY, Sl, who was a.m!Sted Tues- etate in England, ••TTY day night near the ransom "drop" site, leoorte<uy deeply shocked by the death. replaced attorney Karl Ransom with · ~ br. Thomas Noguchi, COWlty coroner· Paul Caruso a well-known criminal d>edical examiner, took personal charge: lnwyer. 1 <f the autopsy and dcclAred Thursday had · · p ·ddy tJ>at Getty died d "an overdose com~ , Ransom . tnaLntatned r1 was ,_..__,ipnatiM-ot-alcohol d-barblturatcr,-moocenl:""'1 ollered..to.have hlm,take.a 1hether accidental or otherwise." ::J"O: ~~toe~:=~~ FBI ! GETl'Y HA.D A. blood alcoltol coolent After be was fired, Ransmn said "all ~ .06 percent and had apparently taken bel5 were off" concerning the wiceprint lllo to 15 capoules" ol phellobal'bital type ,pledge .for Priddy, who ha.!!· yet to eo!llr a · •eeping pills, Noguchi said. Alcohol and plea. the sedatives lnterreact to fatally 11IE BOARD HEARD testimony from its technical staff that a recent statistical study tends to show that the VSAD (Vacuum Spark Advance Disconnect) type of antismog device causes exliaust va1ve wear through overheating. Such wear increases hydrocarbon emissions and necessitates expensive repair jobs. Four of the six antismog devices previously approved by the board are the VSAD type. • . Spokesmen for the companies that make t he approved VSAD antismog devices criticized the technical stafrs conclusion that the VSAD devices cause exhaust valve wear. · The chief criticism was that the ears involved in the staffs study were not equipped with overheating pro(ective devices. Such protective devices are in· eluded in the antismog unit k..its, the com- pany spokesmen said. "I DON'T KNOW row many times we have to tell yoo about our protection devices," one spokesman said. Wendell McCullough. spokesman for one of. the two companies that make the . non-VSAD type antismog device, said , "The only salvation of this program is that the accreditation of these four 1 systems (The VSAD systems) be remov- ed." Re-registration Drive Funding Still in Doubt LOS ANGELES (AP) -Political worker Robert J . Walters says he con- ducted a drive to keep the American Independ~t Party off _the California ballot in 1972. But he denies reports that the effort was finanO?d with Republican campaign fWlds . WALTERS SAID Thursday he had received $8,400 from about 30 persons to conduct a re-registration drive aimed at getting members of the American Independent Party to switch their af· filiations to either the Democratic or Republican parties. He said the drive had the approval of Alabama Gov. George. C. Wallace. Lyn Nofziger, a former Nixon cam- paign worker, confinned he had received $10,000 in GOP funds from Hugh W. Sloan Jr. when Sloan was treasurer of · the Committee to Re-Elect ·-tbe Presidenf. Nofziger said he gave the money to a friend, who gave it to Walters. Sloan told the Senate Watergate com· mittee on Wednesday that he had given t.he money to Nofziger with the un- tterstanding it would be used to keep Wallace off the California ballot in 1972. NOFZIGER DID not identify his friend. The Los Angeles Times said it was-J ack B. Lindsey, a biisinessrilan who once was a legislative aide to California , Gov. RonaJcl'Jieagan. ----- Police Discover ~ Water in, Tanks depress the cenlra1 nervous sYatem. A ONE-TIME major leegue player for The case "ha> been referred to our llie lletroif Tilfers .and Now York RIVERSIDE-(AP) --l'ollce in this ~havkral sc.lentists tor further etalua· Yank~,. Prtddy, was arrested by FB1 SOI.It.hem Celifornla city have had lhelr ," Noguchi said, referring to a panel • agents ,Tuesday night near his sales pro-fir st taste ol the gasoline crisis. ~loilsts who will allempt to motion buitineos l)llice in Burbanl:. The engines of throe aquad ttll'1I an() coiiS!iiiiilGaly s iiiOodarllietlin• o ts-.ald he-nillde ... -·ol''1'h .... -t ... ·motorcycles qu1e11y apu1ten<1..-i th to determine whether he waa calls to Princess Ct'uises, demanding died Thursday soon after the start of the cldal. $250,000 ln exchange for infonnation on afternoon shift. ~·11bc "psychollglcaJ autopsy'' technique the whereabouts.of bon\b8 aboard ooe of Mechanics checking lhe "l'.ehicles round ... !Int uaed in the deelll or Min ito linen, tho Island l'rince$s, which was that the 8,000 gallons or gis the depart· lllonroe, Who died of an overdooe of ptlls on a cruise to Puerto Vallarta, Muko. menl had r<eenUy received from Us SUP:" If 1183; ~· • Two ..,..,;dous .... u pacilages were Plier ha<f'bctn diluted wllhwater. • l-·l-=~!l(Ud>l.rule<l:J>\11 the knife woonds u found ori tfie.!!"P and !hmm overl>oanl. An lnvestlgalkllt was Order>d. • Friday, June 8, 1q73 I 1. ' u .. 1L( t'ILUI a I Give Dad .executive comfort. Famous executive chair from Pier 1. It's a rise of steel and vinyl leather that lets Dactease ba ck to ,·1ew the V.'Orld. Deep foarn-iilled cushions, S\vivel·action rocker, nlar-proot base. Prop up your feet on an , ~==~~~-; i!mele ottoman -ifs included in 1-our-p·rfce! Reg. Price 11900 Sale Pri ce HIBACHI STEAK S AND CHOPS. Sizzle son1e burgers. Charcoal grill some steaks . Use our hibachi, a \ve/1-cast iron BBQ stove. t-tardvvood handles Jnd base. Choose a 10N x 10'' si ngle grill, or a 10" ~ 20" double, You 'll sizzle fun .:it Pier 1 . Double grill, $9.99. 311 Single grill, reg. $4.99. Now .... ---< UNCORK WINE BOTILES WITH EASE. Per- fected corkscrew stops bottle·opening pro- blems. No more torn o r broken corks! 6~ brass from Italy. Works with 179 finesse. Ends cork-y wine., .•. o ••• STR ING-UP A DECORATIVE FISH NET. Cast colorful Sou1h· Seas fish ·nellin~ into sum· merdccor! yellow. red, black, natural 11 Cotto n nets slretch 6' x 15' ... 2710 llAUOl KVD., lllOf llOMAT 11118SA'IVllAT11•9,PJtl. SUllMY1t..,.,.6P.M. , ____ , . -·' Prices good for one week only. STOW HI S POCKETFU LS IN STYLE. Wooden valet from Ta iwa n for his dresser top. Dark, richl y grained. Ke ep his things neatly, over4 night. 12.Y."' x 6%ff. Special 1 '' Fathe r's Day price ........... , SHOULDER THE GOATSKIN. Bota skin bags from Spain, Give one to Dad for picnic wines. They're lined with latex. Encircled :~!~ :o r~:i:. s.~ .'.~~t .. '~:~~~. • • • 3'' CORK-U P A BARE WALL. Bleached virgin cork decorating panels from Spain. Add an unusual accent or bullelin board to empty wall sp~ce. ~ p~~el s in a pack~ 149 2" • age. 12 x 12 x Y4 ••••••• , ••••• ,. .. '•· C<o• ~ -. DANGLE THE BURNING ASH . Novel ceramiC ashtrays with a sculptured look. Hang them by a chair, o r on a porch, or in a nook. You'll find a selection at Pier 1. I , . f".:• '" •· .a l · ... I • 1" 3" COSTA •A 140-7337 I I \ -• ' DAILY PROT EDITORIAL PAGE Public Data ,\n ay,•akened public interest iu go vernment, an~ sion, bas called_ for a s~11ft application by the city so e~pctially land use planning, places an added responst· that the beach near Shorec:Jlffs could be purchased and b1lily for providing infor111ation to the citizenry on coun-developed for perpetual public use. 1y·;:int1 cl1y planning de partments. Often, it s_eems, O'l\_ceie:s su'ggc slions to fellow city !'luhUt· hf~1ri ngi; ~re legal requiremen~s . The;:'re councilmen fall by the wayside. great itl<::1 ~. bul if the public isn't privy to what's going In this case, there ought to be no lethargy. nn . the hc:irings-are-nea-rly-worthles! .. -----·-------Xhe...beach indeed has .uloud.y....iuture because lar . ..__ Sac.Jly. this has been the case in some instances .as are /rivate property which eventually co uld be evel· l h ~ county and rnunlcipalities h u i' r Y to co.m8ly with ope ;fhe city should heed the councilman's suggestions :-,taic-orclcrcd ge neral plan elements,, especia 'I _open for a quick survey of the rules coveri ng the co unty :-.pac:e clen1cnt s. Even one county planning commissioner grants and then prepare an application im mediately. Co lnplalllc(I "i1oul a 1·ush·read he had · lo give a yolu· u Beachfront is a vanishing comn1odity. and San Cle- ininous staff study. mente should seize the chance to obtain some at a rea· Jn Laguna Beach. Saddleback, Irvine. San Clemente, sonable expenditure of funds. J..aguna Niguel, San Jua n Capistrano -the whole sou~h countv area -a la rge number of people watch their l'Ounr"ils an d ro1nnllssions. They bring a new perspecti\'e to n1attcrs under dist'ussion. Procedures s hould be set up to guarantee public ac- t'ess ro reports well ahead of time, perhaps in city halls or county li braries, or. community association club- hou ses. as is Qq ne in the new city of Irvine under terms or a spCcial ordinance. .. The-public's r ight to kn.ow goes. beyond notif.ication of meetings where staff-decided actions fly past unchal- lenged. High School Shuf fJe As predicted, parents and students alike besieged trustees o( the Capistrano Unified School District this wee k to fight plans to shuffle large groups of Dana Hills1iigh School pupils bac:k to San Clen1ente: ~ Lfterally .tearful appeals by some students and an· gry parent demand s niar ked the s"ession J\ilonday ai1d apparently succeeded. The board took the least severe of its proposals to -"~--=~=~=~=~=~==~==~~-.-·ut-down-1-he'"<!rowding-on-the-new-Dana Hi-lls-ca n1pus,c..~-cl t Save Beacll It ruled that new pupils in a small seg1nent of ~·Ii s-1311CC 0 sion Viejo would have Jo allend San Clemente Hi gh School next fa ll , and a gree(! that the capacity crowd· ing at Dana Hills could persist for another year. · San Clemente·s Poche Beach. at the center of own- ership and easement problems, is the last se~ment of beachfront in the city to face the loss of public access. But a solution may be in sight from ·a new county program calling for matching-fund grants parceled out from a $10-million revenue-sharing account. City Councilman Thomas O'Keefe, a member of the <'ounty's harbors, beaches and parks advi~ry commis- Poor planning in light of projected gro\vth trends was the root cause of the entire pro blem. This \Veek's decision wil l do little to ease it. It seems the district will have to live \Vith the ef- fects of the initial poor d ecisions for some time to .come. True relief will arrive only \V h e n a third high school is built in l\1ission \'iejo. ~"'-~ ....... s ''WH01S YOUR . RUSTLER?" -Marital Truth ls Revealed Dear Gloo111y Gus E':_r,flfl Ma_ti'!g c_t!lls~ ,-o_iato C:hip . Machitaes & Gernaat& Cockroaches ~ ..._ • • <r . -• --. -- Fantastic Ways to Spend Tax Money 111 Silences fhoughl s al Large: \\lhen lovers talk incessantly to each other. th ey arc engaging in t\\·o monologs •1nder the illusion it is a dialog; it is only 111 the long silences of marriage that the y begin to recognize lhe truth. • !\lost people wrong· Jy imagine th al ··faith" means '·be· lleving in Ciocl." "'hen it really means acting out all the persona l and socia l :onscquenres of such belief; nothing is easier. or niore con- :h~ive to apathy, smugness and self- righteousness. than "believing in God ~' as a dim abstractio n. • • • The most fool is h and futile argument is between !hose \\'ho proclaim that man is •·naturally good" and those who insist that man is "naturally bad"; man is only naturally free to be one or the other, or each alternatelv -and lhis freedom of choice is both ihe glory and the tragedy of the human condition. • • • The so-called ''Golden i'o1ean .. is in- cffectu;:1l :1s a practical rule of life, because nea rly everyone can point to his position as mld\\'ay bet\\·cen (\\"O ex- 1rt:"nies he fias Selec1ed. • • \\'e arl' :ill son1e\\•hal superstitious. in- Aller reading all that stuff 18tely on the National Organization for \Vomen i NOW). I fee l like saying. not NOW, maybe later. D.A. Gloomy Gus <-"*"' -IUll!ftllttof IW r••d-.,,, •• Ml llKMUrllY ro!Md "'° YI-• If rllt IMW-. SIMI .,.., "' ~· le Gltorr11' 0111, D•llY ,llef, asmuch as \\'e tend to move a little bit away from someone who is deemed to be "unlucky," as if it might be catching. • • • It is only the thinnest hair's-breadth that divides the master of words from their slave -and sometimes in the same speech. • • • 'Listening the other night to the lilting cadences of Dylan Thomas reciting his O\\'n poetry on a recording. I could understand and appreciale why, in old Welsh law. the harp was the one possession that could not be taken away (rom a debtor. • • • A lhousand passably attractive people are dissatisfied with their looks, but not one in the thousand complains of his Jack of sense. • • • The n1ost ut ilitarian reasor1 for con- tinuing to learn as we age is that an ig- norant man gets more fooli sh as he gets older . • • • If ci vilization is, as Ruskin had it, "the making of civil pers.ons," we took a wrong tui-n somewhere. .. -.. .--. To grab something is the surest way to lose it. almost always \\' ASHI NGTON -lnfor1nat1011 is as hard to come by a~. ever here, Neither ' Ron Ziegler's dEiClaration that the last four years are ''inoperative," no r Vice President Agnew's concession that the media may not be quite so vile as he thought, has made much difference. Every morning television crC\\"S arc staked out aroW'ld the houses of im· mediate past and present officials who won't grant inter- views. Sometimes they · sneak out th e back and sometimes they come out tllE' front and say they can't talk because they might jeopardize the Judicial process. Then th ey slam· thei r limousine doors on c ve r y body 's microphones and drive off to spend the day trying to bribe judges and destroy evidence. TO LEARN what's going on in th e government you have to adopt methods that foreign intellige nce agents use. 'fhey study the Congressional Record, other government publications. the ne\\•spaJ)crs and the magazines, cl ipping and filing bits of information until a pattern makt>s itself vi sible. This bas been the modus operandi of 7!'>-year~ld 1\1rs. Smith ·Ety J elliffe. a member of Lhe National Taxpayers Unio n from Bronxville, N.''· She has been reading and snipping for four years and has now come up with a document she calls, "Fantastic Use of l'\ly Taxes." She's found that among the thin~s ihc r.{ixon Administration· may be hiding is an expenditure oL $20.324 lo study the 1nating calls of Central American frogs. Five grand has gone into an investigation of the diving behavior of seals, \\·hilc Why Kalmbach Bowed Out Roused Newport Attor1iey's Suspicion \\'ASl·Jlt\GTO N -Cy J•rc~idcnt Nix- on ·s account, <11t.ll' .John Ehrlichman \1 3sn't supposed lo in1pcdl' !hl' \\latergate invcstig:1 tion bu1 rn •·rt·!y 10 1nakc sure it. dido'! in1pin~f' up(>n national SL'<'llrlty. Vrl F:hr lichman spolH· only about polili ral security \\'hl'n he <iskc<I Herbert Kalrnbach to partic·i· pale in the \\later· ~::ite cover-up. (JAcK ANDERSON) JIE Ql.JOTED Ehrlichman as l'eassur- ing him that the payo ffs \\'ere entirely proper but that the secrecy was necessary for political reasons. The last approach to Kalmbach for payoff money was made as late as January 18, 1973, at a meeting in ex-At· tive named Anthony. Ulasc\vicz. The undercoverman "'as kno\Yn to l\almbach \\'ho, in 1009, had sel up a spe<:ial brink accoW)t to pay him $22,00011 year, plus expenses. for in\'cstiguti \'C ,.,, or k • Ulusc\\'icz's main <1ssign ment. thou _gh Kalmbach \Vas never told this: was to dig up dirt on Sen. Ted·Kcrmedy (0 -Mass.). Kalm bach told investlgalors he col· Jected bcl\\'ecn $210,000 and $'230,000. "'hich '''as diStributcd to the \V11tergatc defenda nts. (VON HOFFMAN J another S20.000 has been invested in research on th e blood groups of Polish Zlotnika pi.gs. That makes more sense than the $70,000 spent to learn about the smell of perspiration given off by the Australian aborigines. But that is as comprehensible as the S20.000 for lhe study of Gennan cockroaches, a project_ more puzzling than the $17,000 spent on a dry-cleaning plant so that the Bedouins can have dean djellabas. The $32,459 given to the 1nasochislic officials of Kenya for tile purchase of extra wives is defensible, if peculiar. but \vhy $37,314 for sending a potate>-chip machine to ~1orocco, a nation !ha~ is not kno\\11 lo gro\\· potatoes? SO GIV E the University of GaHfomia 71 grand to study the history of comic books ... bi.it $42.000 to the Ui'tiversity of l\Ussissippi for not planting cotton. and $22,000 to !he University of Arkansas for not planting ri ce, and $19,000 to Libby 1\tcNeil for not planting cotton. and $14.000 to the Ford ~totor Company ior not planting \\'heat? On the other band, the $200,979 to Travelers Aid to help migrants I o s t on the Los Angeles rree\vf!ys is certainly justifiable. 1bat's hardly enough lo do the job. No cultivated person can object to the S5.000 for an experimental analysis of violin varnish. Nor the $50,000 for the documentation of the \Yeltanschauung of the Guajlro Indians of Colombia. It might have been money better spent to hire the Guajiros to study our world view. They 1night have been able to explain to us \\'hy \\·e ga\'c a $5,000 award to a poe'm entitled "\ighght," BUT SURELY the 50 G's that went Into the study of lhe Canadian and U.S. fur . trade between 1770 and 1820 ~·as worth it. as \\'as the $2 million given to l.tarshal Tito to buy himself a yacht, aceording to l\lrs. Je.lllffe. HO\.\'e\·er; the odor-measur- ing machine (flS.361) for Turkey may have proved to be more beneficia l. AH the above costs <:bout one-tenth or an I.cu:'~ Wmb1ng in Cambodia, but since there's no way to stop that, !\1rs . ..:. JeUiffe is understand.Dbly biller about · this other use of her tax money. '.'I've ~'orked all my life and the government. doesn't even ask me to put the money up. l don 't give a damn for those other coun- tries. I don't care if they're all dead," she says. -- Mrs. Jelliffe is also very dubious about publishing this k i n d of secret in- formation, but \\'llh admirable pluck for one of such advanced years, she prom- ises that, "If you get put in jail for it, I'll send you jnms and jellies." Noi$e Polluters Shou"ldBe Fined Says Resident With Battered Ears To the Editor: \Vhat good news it is to read that the Assembly Ms passed a bilJ to make it a mi sdemeanor to "do things" to your auto to rn:ike it noisier. I live on a short street 1hat \\'as very qu iet for years. Now the ex plosions of such tampered autos, plus various motorcycles, choppers, etc. is a disgrac~. If everyone contributing to such noise pollution would have to pay a fine, lhere'd be funds to authorize policemen to patrol these areas more often. J'd rather have 100 ordinary vehicles pass n1y residence an hour than six of these violators. Get behind your legislators until this is co rrected ! · CHARLES JOHNSON l'ti o S 11n1pot1111 1·0 the Editor: I'm \Wiling in response to the article about the "hard times" of the Richard Carlson fa mily (Pilot, June 3). I have no syn1pathy for someone who apparently finds it perfectly acceptable-to-allow his thlldren to go hungry, his debts to go W'l- p.'.l!d, and to have his wife steal when the only reason he can't work is fear of "blackballing by his union. AS A STRIKER, he is out of work voluntarily, and he has a damn lot of MAILBOX Lett~rs from reade'rs are welcome. ·Normally writers·· should convey· their· niessages in 300 words or less. The right to condense letters to fit spcu:e or eliminate libel is reserved. All ltters mu.st include signature and nwiling address, but names may be withheld on. request if sufficie1it reason is apparent. Poetry will not be published. nerve expecting to be taken care of by the taxpayers, and he bas· no right \\'halever to be angry at not receiving welfare or unemployment. The fact lhat 1he only benefits 1hey can e.xpe_ct-tO receive consist of $35 a week from the Teamsteni Union lhouJd be C0118ldettd by tht Union members behlre taking a strike vote. If they-still vote to strike, lt'S their problem. The taxpayer's burden is big enough trying to help-those who really can't work. They shouldn't )?e •e:rpected to help those who vote not to work. EILEEN BAUER I hey can. get such time \\'hen oo one is around-to call time 6n the hogs? JOHN A. WOODWARD 1tledl1atlo11 To the Editor; _ I was v~ry interested to read your May: 29 article on Transcendental Meditation;: The article by Jack Chappell was well .. written. It was very brief, yet brought out many of the mosl salient points about Transcendental Meditation. I PERSONAJLY \vouid like to see more of such arlicles which are in- formative. Also, I know that a lot of my friends and neighbors were interested in this article. Transcendental ~1editation is very wide-spread today. There are over 200,000 meditators in the U. S. today and more than 1,500 medltators in Orange ·c.ounty. Each year the. number o( medltators has doubled, sometimes tripl- ed. So articles on Transcendental Medita- tion are of great interest to meditators and of even greater valuo to those who are not familiar wltb Transcendental Medllallon. Thank you. -"·· • SHARON KNuwLTON OUM .. _COAST As Kah:nbi"u;h has rt.'COUntcd the con- versation to invcs!i- r,ators. Ehrllchman \\arnt.>d that th£' tomey General John 1.litchell 's office. llE PICKED U~ $75 .~ from ti.~auricc Kalmbach recalled that John Dean , then Stans, the ~epubhcan finanl'C chairman; ~~~'- Court Bogs To the Effitor: DAILY PILOT 1----"n=tigaliJlll_COOJ "jcopardi7-" t h t' !he White House counsel. had sc· ano~r $7:>.~ from ~homas Jones. -\,) ~ ~ - companied--him ·to Jhe--mcotinirBut by-PIDi!l<nl ~o.LJ(oi:lhrop C.~~~-~h~·'---t---------::o- this time .. Kalmbach had decided . ..he balance from camp:ugn bag m:.in I• red Why doesn't some official enforce the -.ntle8 oLJennis coom •I the--Muiner ' park? llobirrt N. Wud-1'.wloller _ Thoma:! Ktevil, Editor Barbara Krtibich .l:dilorllll Page EdltoT I f\l'etion t·s11n1>al1:""h. , l n a reference to the Democrat~, he snort· rd ; "Tlioy'JJ haIO our beads Jn their laps." KAt.'IBACll had agrt."C!d to raise 1noncy to pay the living and leg::il ex· penscs of the \Vfttergate def~danl!. He "''l.t never i.olcl the mQOey wouJd be of· fl'rl°d RS 11 bribe to buy their silence. but the James Bond intrigue 'mnde him suspicious. _ J·le !ought rcassU rRnccs fr 9 m EhrllchmnnJ whom he .confrontc9 in the \\'bite llouse in Jette July. Kalmbach told Jnvestlgaton th:1t he put the question on n pesonaJ ba.,ls. "John," he sa id , "we've been friends for 10 ycnrs, You know my 1amlly and I knou· your fiuni(y, T want l'--1---1'0ll ro l\•U int• ~IJS!.hc_r J.h.is .a'ssignrne;ntJs pT'O'Pef" ;ind 1n~1 br c:irr"lcd nut." , • \Yanted nothing more to do woth the pro-LaRue. . .• ject, 50 he quictJy excused himself after . 1J'he arrangements \\~re handled "1th 10 minutes elaborat secr-ecy. Kalmbach a n d · Ulasewtcz placed calls to one another AS THE President's penonaf attorney, tllrough pay phones and used verbal Kalmbach has been ooe of the most shorthand to Jdentlfy the people involved silent men in the Watergate m)'Jtery. He ln their conversa tion. has told his story fo lnvcstl(a rs, ·watcrg3tC rfrfgleadcr'"E.t"ffoWa rd-ITITill. however, with quiet candor. • for examplt , was referred to 'as "the A few days after the Waterbuggers writer:"' and hls wife Dorothy as "!ht were caught, he was irummQllf!d to wrllcr 's wife." UJa9ewlcz US<·d· sevcrnl ashtngton-by Jotm Dean, Who mTimged • aliases, his favorite being nA.·1r. n l\tcrs .• ,. to meet him on the street In front or the Jlay-Adams Hotel. Dean carefully stress· ed lhe necessity for secrecy and then asked him to underwrite the Watergate d~fendants' expenses. SOME OF the moooy wits dircclt.'d to Dorothy Hunt who used lhe t.'Ode nAm!! "Chris" In her own pay-phone calls to the other Watergate defendants. It was this Jftmcs Bond business, sugi;esled lhal ·lh• hush money, Kalmi.ich told lnvesilgators, thot finally· · ' ler used. alwld..bo channeliO-per&Uadod-him-to~l.\f)d ... hl& role-In the. through a burly New York prtvate detec--\vatergp~e.-conspiracy, ' • """' 'Don't drop it; you might hirsomt10n ' PLEAS of eleven-year-1>1d elrls waiting for over an hour for a tum to play ire doily reje<:ted by adu!L> hogging the courts for hours at a time with no ap- parent feeling for the regulations nor tbt young ladies' feelings. The girls an1 taught to respect others and to channel their actlVltlts toward things healthy for bolh lhe mind and body on!)' lo dally experience this greed and hosllllty1rom adu!L> .oo·react-1'o1he rules only when ~ enforcer 11 prMent. ·1 am sure that government is not only Jn. terested ln providing protection for thoee sad little lost ones who prtfer pot lo playing. THE ADULTS have the courts 1fi day -urely Uie..klds are entitled lo lhclt..lO ml}Tutes sometime. 11 there.., JOtne way The editorW ,Jlq9 of the Daily 'PDot ~ to tntonn and .Umulale reedtn. by prnenting on this pqe dlvtne lc.'DfJlmentuy ·on topic. Ol tn- tft'elt by IYndlcatl!d colun1nl111 and cartoon.18ta, by provkttnc 11. rorum for rndttl' vft• and by piumtlng this newtPIPft''• oplnklM and ideat On .......,, -Tb tdtt°"'ol..OPID!ooa o( the Daib' Pilot *IJl)Car only in the edib:dlll a:ihunri· at the top o( the Jl&lt. Opinions txpre$8Cd by tht! l'OI~ Uft'ldlbl Ind canoc.ust1 and le1ter . wrttf'rt are thtlr oiwn and m nctonie.- mc:nt of their vtew1 by the DAiiy I Pilot-Id be lnltmd. Friday, June 8, 19[3_ • Friday, June 8, 1973 OAI L Y PILOT '7 . NEWPO'RT ·CENTER Sixty Fine Stores Including 4 Department Stores, Broadway, Buffum ' s\Penney' s, and Robinson 's. Pacific Coast Hwy., Newport Beach u' ·/ ,, ... , , .· r -· ==---=From Yl kin91 F~Ur. Re~~m-ber-+ a+ great·-quy-in-yourlf ·e-;-Oad, with a~ basket of fine liquors, wines, and gourmet foods on Father's Da y. · · I I Number 2& - . ·FOa: t~~ l ,~ ;'"' . ;,ltlO' •• i,... . ... , .... From The Look by Arlan Flaum: That up-dated fiftys look for hi fas honed guys and gals. • " ' ',;,.-·. . . At the Red Balloon, Ltd.: Stick togethers by Ruth Sh a rf. 2 Piece Backless Top Pantsuit. Ind ian._ . like prin t , Number 23 At the Place:--..Grea+ selection of Pantana Pa nts and Wayne --~:.Jl'o<fe-tr-swe·at.er-:lops • .:P.ants_·_ --~ wore S26 to $28, now $18. Swetttecs were $20 to $30 - now 1/3 off. Sizes 5 to 13 . · Number 7 GREEN LEAVES OF $UM MER "There's a time to be planting A time to be reaping A time to be living A life of your own." From Slaviek's Jewelers: Number II ' From Lanz Shoe Deportment: Bernardo's mos+ popular trio. Just $1 7 in our new sho• department. Come see us for Fttshion Is land's most compl~.fe __ B~rn•rd8 collection. Number. 15 Gals, Nutr.ber ))' Guys Gear, Number bS At Ease , ~ . , And Father's Da'f. Cooper.,+ io n ... Just one of our specialti•i. - · Number '4'4 At Russo's : Dad can choose hi1 own in our "love room." He is sure +o fin d a perfect fQ:mp aMon for +hose fishing trips, walks in th,e park, and-nights b.y the fire. Russo's Wonderful World of Pets, opposite ll---th.-8'10edwey•~--~ Numb~r 58 -LOVE . ROOM --• • At Ann Fotqer: W,Omen who wish to learn how to win the war aga inst .igin9 s~in will want to d is cov er Dr, Erno .Las1o's meth.ods and preparations, " • Numbot If - , ·At HemPhill's: Get in ~tep. Get in style. Florsheim Shoes for Men' ha't'e the look of quality only the finest 9r1~e l1eth1rs provid•. Se1 the wide, wide range of, superb styles -in your si1e -· 6'(1 t o 14 AA to E:EE. Numb•r S~ • -. ' • • I • \ l 'I.' " • • • . ' 8 )1 \I~ Y PILOT Friday, June 8, 1973 WHITE FRONT - Cl.EMAN· DRUXE 9 PIECE f AMILY CAMPING OUTFIT ~~179~~ -• rnx13' TENT • 4-sLtEPINGllAGS ·-2 GAL JuG-·-56 QT. COOLER • CAMP LANTERN • CAMP STOVE "Everything you need to enjoy natu1e! 4 way venti!allon to.keep you coot. 4 bags with 3 lb. fill. Dependable gas lantern with a ~owerful beam. Gas stove for delicious, piping ~ot meals, Insulated cooler chest. 2 gal. jug with spout. llrllE·BURNER-STOVE Campers, 1isbermen & hunters --this ~ for you! Up to 10,000 BTU's of controlled flame. Standard cylinder. Bumer plate. · -~!!. I ~rit• • .BO QT. COLEMAN~OLER Ide~ cooler for big families or 2 I 99 long lfips. CoJassal . cooler holds · 21 lb. bloc~ I gal. bottle. Be OUR HG. prepared. • • 29.97 ' . - .- 7 PC. ·cOMPLm CAMPING OUTFIT • •• ••• ••• •: .. t~ .. :. ~ •• .. •s .. z-:~ W_HITE FRONT'S LOW DISCOUNT PRICE IS ONLY,., t:;-: ...... ggt . '• .OUR REG. E:: 104.99 ;•~ .. : .. ... •. . . . -! • hB' TENT• 2 SLEEPING BAGS • I GAL JUG • :3 32 QT, COOLER • CAMP LANTERN • CAMP STOVE ::;-_. · • Perfec t camp set for the two of you. Umbrella tent,::: full size sleeping bags, with 3 lb. polyester till & nylon 3 · covers. "32 qt. chest & I gal. jug with spigot. Single::;; mantle lantern & double burner: stove. Your choice ot i::2 gas or propane. Limited to stock on hand. ,;'i ~ •• ... ii"= ---~ .•. . ---- . DUAL PROPANE UNTERN -PROPANE GASOl.lrl ITOV'-: Matchless ignitio1 feature giYes Don't fumble """" in lie dar~ 15--9 9 you light when you want it. Ad· . OUI IEG justable flame coMrol. 17•47 • No matches neede<I! Botlt-in elec· 3 I ' tric ignitiD!I for fast, ,reliable - _ • starts. ConYf!nient Up·front con-G. trols, two burners. · 39.t7 FACTORY AUTHORIZED GUARANTEES and.SERVICE .Plus -OUR -OWN 2 YR. ·PARTS I lABDR WARRANTY -~~~-APPL •. i · OUR REGULAR LOW PRICE $229.97 -Made to handle 18 lbs. of any kirnl of clothes -including permanent press. Choose from 5 water temperatures for best results. 5 IXIS.ition watersaver control.Also 2 speeds. And the doullle wash agita\Gr Jets you get clotlles really clean. -SAVE $30 ·18 LB. AUTOMATIC GAS DRYER REG. 219.97.. ........... NOW $189 . . .. •" t.W ..... , ...... _...., .......... ........ • _,,_,. ................................. . --......:·_·11 ........ , .... WRTINGHOUSE 2 •EEO DoilLE ACTION WOTING•USE DRUXE FAMILY Slif:~ AUTOMATIC WASHBI WITEMP. CONTROL WASHBI WICONTROLS for all FABRI~ ' ~ .. OUR REGULAlj LOW PRICE $219.97 • -2 speed automatic washer wilh 4 w3ter temps: Lets you· choose the right combination for each fabric. 5 P._Osition water saver meters the cOrrect amount for each load. Double action washing gets tlolhes clean. 18 lbs. -• • . . ' . . . SAVE $20'· AUTOMATIC GAS DRYER REG. 199.97. ..... -·--·---HOW $179 OUR RIGU~ ~QW PRICE $}99.97 -s- . Clothes ~o·me clean in this family size washer. 5 water tel'll- peratures, including permanent 'Press. 2 spef!ds. Double wash- ing acUori Jet clotlles uniformly clean. Water sa~er controt assur~s correct amount for each load: 14 lbs.- SAVE $20 ·· AUTOMATIC GAS DR,ER REG.189.97 .. ---..... .-.NOW $T6. l . . . I COSTA ·MESA -3088 BRISTOL ST •. . --. S.n Diego FrHw1y -1t lrlstol -. . STORE MOUIS1. ' " MON.-Fll.' _ lOAMtotPM • '"'· •su .. :lt .AM.te7PM \ I • _. •• ·-. \ .. • • \ I • •• Wake to the pleasant sound of music insteatl ass of a jangling alarm. Has solid state insDint play chassis, easy to read clock face. And a handsome low profile cabinet that ~~~~~E. complements all decors. r DRUXE AMtfM CLOCK RADIO All the features • now in a deC(lrative wood finished cabinet. Has lighted clock. face, alarm repeat feature. n~.@~-ili~n~s- 4·SPD. STEREO OR G.E. STEREO PHONO · yliurcholce .-=-g~!! ~ AT54.97 · l tet full rich sound from thin:ompact stereo phomi .. Has 4-speed automatic mini-thanger with · ' • '· . . • • riday, June 8, 1'973 DAILY ,..ILU 1 9 • ,, WHITE \ FRONT . I h·~)© I PET MART SPECIAL BUYS I FILTER GLASS WOOL, BIRD SEm or HAMSTER CAGE LITTER yourchOlce . 3 for REG. T069c , · stereo cartridge & base; plastic dust cover in· eluded. Pair of full range speakers. 8. Quality G.E. phono de livelS luff .bodied sound. Small enough to-take to parties, get·togethers, etc. Solid.· staie dual channel amplifier. Automatic recoid changer. Pair of 5\4''-speakers. ~-~ lllER .. l:USS..WOOL-is.$li..spunJ1J4USUhe.!~hLlillft.in,g.._.. __ --I consistency. AMtfM •ERTS AC/DC RADIO. · , Attrat;tive trim line portable receives distance signals,. delivers True-to· life sound. Paddol ~ggage style r.ase. Batteries and earphone included.- Picks up AM/FM, marine, s-ave & police broadta~s. Plus, yoo can push · • button & hear a weatiier forecast instantly. Slide rule tu~~r. 12~!, ZENITH 1e··~~~~! COLOR PORT •. SPECIAL LOW PRICE s J Here's a top quality Chromacolorcolorportable -ideal as a second set for den, patio, caml}-- er, etc. Exclusive handcrafted chassis for re- liabilty. Solid State chromatic brain assures 4 trvest colors. Built-in antennas. BUSY GYM, STORE I KOO KOO A. Just pull the handle & the merry-go-round turns. Attaches to au c1ibs & playpens. I. [ach store con· tains a different toy to stimulate your child. C. Fas· ciRating rnusicaLtoy, 6 mi>. old babes can wind & pull ring. 2~.~I SAVE 25% ••• GYM DAllY GYM SH· WHITE FRONT'S REGULAR LOW 'Ria 19.971499 lncludes~twti swing sets;ra·rKt a two passenger r ~ - glide ride. Made of sturdy, 2" diameter steel. IEG. Weather·resistant finish. · 19.97 ·HAMSTER CAGE LITTER deodorizes for white mice and guinea pigs, too. Derived from chlorophyll to last longer. BIRO SEED ·is tasty and nutritious. So give your feathered friends a treat. BAND DANGLE ASSORTMENT · Choose dreSS·UP, sportset, bride set. [ach bride 4 s1 set. for example, contains two styles of headbands, llG two sets of matching earrings with lour rnagic 49c 1A. ear hooks & lipstick. · • FOR SAVE 19% SUPER-DRUXf GYM •1 WHITE flOllT'S IESULAR LOW PRICE 42.97 load:t o( f~ with this .,. two passenger lawn 33· 99 swillg, glide rider, two swings, a sturdy slide. Made of galvanized steel to assure dependabil· 1tG. ity and safety. ·. 42.tT MOTOROtA-12''~!~~:) PORTABLE TV, • SPECIAL PRIC~ s COMPARE AT 79.97 Nifty "pick-up-and go" portable -it de- • livers crisp, clear pictures & full -bodied -~sbUIRl:-Sliile-our drawer for faster, easier service. Built-in antennas. VHF/UHF reeep· ti on. 8 TRACK 4 CHMNB. STEREo CllN18LE -RCA 25" ~~~i~ ACCUCOLOR CONSOLE . ' ' Fantastic quadraphonic . sound fro111 Packard Bell. This full feature model must be seen to be apprec[ated. Come -in today for a fre demon- stration. · • ....... 82.49 • 269.97 Get true-to-life color from the biggest screen made. Automatic fine tuning & col· or.controls. Solid state' design for depend· ability. All-c hann el reception. · ' -' .. COMPAi( AT 499.97 8449 -WHD'E"FRDl\IT 6UARAl\ITEE!i ·COMPLETE !iATl!iFACTIDl\I DR \'OUR MDl\IEY BACK TV & APPLIANCE MARTS HI EVISION •MAJOR APPLIANCES• STEREO• RADIO flOOR CARE and SMALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES . ' I· ·. . -- COSTA ' . ' • MESA TV & APPLIANCE MART HOURS: ~ -3088 ·.BRIS:fOL S..T., --~ i.JIGNA RI. NOONJ (WEUCKESTU l U 11·1) , SITUIDAY uj SUNDAY lDAM tt 1PM • San_ Diego Fr11w1y 1t Bristol . CONVENIENT .CREDIT TERMS . • , ' . 1 DAJLY PILOT Benedict • Ar11old Backed ll'AS!llNGTON (AP) -Al 1 1east par1 of Benedict Arnold's soi led record may be cleansed. ( An Anny board has agreed lo look into the case. 193 years after the Revolutionary \Var •----g~e~nc·ral"'"·\,·as COiWICte<t-1> a court-1nartial of n1isconcluct. THE BOARD for Correction of ~1ilit.arv Records, hov.·ever, 11101i't be investigating the ac~ cusation of treason that ha.s 1nade Benedict Arnold's name synonomous with trai tor . : Actually, Arnold never was tried for that. \Vhat the Armv will review, if tl'K! court-m.irtial records can be found , is Aroold's 1780 coTiviction of two charges of misconduct, for "using a prublic wa gon to transport.- private property.'' _ The review ""as prompted by ·Vincent A. Lindner. ;i history buff from Scotch Plains. N.J .-Lindner said in 8 .. -frldly, Junt 8, 1973 1-~'""-1elcphone-mtervlew-thaHh 1nisconduct charges wer e trumped up by Joseph Reed. j}n;:sident · Qf the Philadelphia_ city council, and an enemy of Arnold. who was then a mili· Mass Surgery tary governor there. . The {our Costello children of Santa Itosa -Richard, 15: Kevin, 13; Karen, 4 ACCO~DING TO Lindner. ~Slavid 18, all will undergo open heart surgery this month for leaky heart A1:'fl01d first was cleared of the e. Heart specialists say operatJon could add 15 to 20 years to their lives. misconduct charges by a con-· ------------------------------- gressional committee and then convicted of the same charges by a Contjnental Anny court- mattial. This means Arnold s u ff-ere d from double jeopardy,' says ,Lindner. Quasar Disco very Reported r----:~"'~~~,~~!-~?~~~=--=-=~B"e-ciieved M osi Distant -Ob je~t-Seen He had to locate a direct descendant of Arnold before the-lOOrd would. take the case. 11e found one, Mary P. Carroll of Ridgev."OOd. N.J., a sophomore at Skidmore College. · SANTA CRUZ (AP ) -The discovery of a quasar believed to be the most distant record- ed object in the universe has been reported by t\\'O UC astronomers. equipment linked wiih the UC Lick Ob.servatory's 120-inch telescope. radio astrooomers at the Royal Radar Establishment at Malvern, Eng\aM.. They started an -optical search for the map-lndlcateft source in space of p<l\\·erful radio signals. Nixon's Clwice for FBI '• - Recognized as Innovator . KANSAS CITY (AP) - Cla re n ce M. Kelley, nominated by President Nixon to be FBI director, is known as a \tough administrator who is no~ afraid to innovate. After he was named police chief of Kansa s City in 1961, he -.up..the deP!ll'lmMt. There were resignations from within the old power structure. ..You've just got to An address by an FBI 1na11 recognize the fact you not only at his Kansas City Law School have to be responsive , but you graduation tn 1940 coovlnced have to look responsive." Kelley he. wanted to be a G- A 51-year~ld grandfather man. 11e wa s with the service whose only hobby i.~ occasional bee jogging a nd weight-lifting, until 1961 _when h.e ame Kelley has had only one Ka~as City chief. H .1 s riotls roblertr-dnftng tili12-assignme~ts ~-r--~~B~lt - vc ars as chief. There ha ve elude? stints in K;1ns . y, heen persistent accusations he Washington, D.C... Hou~ton, . . Seattle San Francisco, B1m1-had handled re.lat1ons \Vllh the 1 ~ Ala and Memphis black commuruty badly. ng • · • . . 1-;T~e;nn;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;,;;~~~ KANSAS CITY was hit by.I rioting after the assassination . ff. ONOx.rEc-Kvr1" ONIOl'IS G Kelley, who came equipped of Dr. !.tartin Luther King in with more than 20 years' ex-1968. Six persons \Vere killed. perience with the FBI, visited 1 ... ,. ... Chicago and observed the new There were charges from the Curo• T•llM• P•rm•nent ,. _,_ police techniques being used black communit y that there ....._, •• ......,, SAVE UP TO 511% there. He started bringlng had been police brutality dur-DOUtLl.citn ,145 them to Kansas City. Among ing the riots. Some said the 2 1un1 these were ·day and night ri?ts . w.ere sparked by in-s,,11,, l•lt .... •• helicopter patrols, computers d1scn'!.1:1nate use of tear gas 09~111• 11:.u •• no 7• Oft C•ll•111 M•de lutt1, ,,...., ... ,, ll•ck!• lhlrtt. •WI 1JT ANY Siii • rl•I AlTta~TIONI for disNlot.ching patrolmen . by po.hce. -s11k Moh•lr .. :115 12 •• ~ere ,,. h 0 S~•·~•lll• " ... 110 7:1 ~ ~. SAT ... , and for Storing.crimina l .111. s-ncver.a 1ya-. 111kw091 .... 10J 11 iiim ~ DAILY•·• records and a new procedure ·m1ss1on of ~lice misconduct, ~~7'.'~.:·.:::1 lf 1: "'"" for oordoning crime sites. but Kelley did say there may 111~• _,.,., ,.,,, I Ftf ,,,,.1R11111•t ""'" have been some errors of 1000 111.-i'st IMPOttlt 11ss2 M•cArthur 11vc1. • 4HI n-• ~AN HE HELPED -~t up a metro jy_d~i:m!'=~~D~~~b~po~ti~ce~. ~dur:in~g~th~•t·!;~·~,..~· ~·~"~'~"~'n;;~l~·~'~·~•·E··~"~''j~~·~'~""~·~'~"'§'~~·~··;·~·;·'~· •;"~-:;;;:;!! ___ 1 squad oV'er1n·~tir-, county 10· _ --- - - --t•••··~ 1; •• "'" ~-·1t•4e .. Collf,....,. 6 .. "' . Y.tA:Y CttllJIE,'fT .4 .wttsr•11,1i·c1: are~ in Missouri and Kansas. There hnve been complaints He rncreased the department that there are not enough from 880 to over l,300 men to-blacks in the department. da~~lley is known to believe Dr. Girard Bryant,-a retired strongl y in good public rela-educator who was . the only d bse black on the pohce com-tlo~s, 3i:i m~st 0 :vers say mission fronl 1964 to 1968 said ~!Js t2~e skillful at it. He has that during the fir.;it 10 fears The citY police department's of Kelley's term ,.as chier no purse strings are controlled by Negro was promoted above the state legislature. The the rank of sergean~. governor appoints the BRYANT CALLED Kelley members of the police com-"pretty unpopular in the black nlission. Kelley was able to cominunity." convin~ t~e pr~o~n@tlY Last year. Kelley trans£er-rura!:-0r1~ted ~. leJl:tSlai_ure_ ·to_ -red-10--~lacks--otF full4ime -. - provide th~ mo~ey ~~r Ule recruitment in the black con1-deparl~ent s ne\v eqwpment munily. There are now about and expanded manpower. 90 blacks among the city's KElJ..EV HAS ahvays been l,300 police, slightly less than concerned about \\'hat the 10 percent of the force. public thinks of his actions. John Wells, a doctor who "You know,. you cat:L... go I succeeded Bryant as the only along in police circles and black board member, :>aid think you're very responsive Kelley "has learned to be to the public," he said once. cognizant of and begin 10 "But that's entirely sub-understand the black situa- jective. ti on ... " G•ANADA MlllS 18()(1 C~J1l«Or!h St. l!ORlANCI Stpul;·~v~ t'~ HJ~1r.orr,e WOODLAND HILLS 2!500 Viclor1 8 ~~ LAKIWOOO C~r501 '1 .1od P~rd~unt B!V\I. RIVEaStDr J520 Tyltt St IUOIA PAIK1!ea ~ 11id Or.vtg!tt.otpe 'ANT A ANA 3SOO South Bristal SL ORA NCI CJr~tn Grn1e B1~d. and Mariche11ts Opt11 •ttkcfoy1 9:30 to '1:30 -Svndoyi 10 to 7. ·, Histot.ians always have labe.led Arnold a traitor for conniving to arrange the sur- render of West Point to the British. When the plot was un- covered, he fled to England, served on the British side and died in England. The quasi-stellar. o b j e c_ t identified as OQ l'n may be 10 billion light years froffi earth, the dis<Overm said. Dr. Burbidge is professor of astronomy at UC San Diego and director of the· R-Oyal Observatory in S u s s e x , England. W amp I er is associate profes s or of astronomy at UC Santa Cruz ard associate astronomer at Lick, atop l\1t. Hamilton near San Jose. TIIEY FOU?\rtl one of the brightest and most po"'erful l ----------------~-------------------------• • • "\VltAT lIEl>ID at \Vest Point 'vas out of .a spirit of patriotism,'' Lindner said. "The _country was in terrible straits. Geor ge Washington e.1>pected the country to lose. ~1ost or the people were tired of the "'ar and v:anted it set- tled." = , BY THAT cornp.itaUon· OQ 172 started sending out its light-and --Yadio ·waves· long before the sun, the earth, or the moon existed -even as stellar dust, sald Dr. E. Joseph \Vampler. Wampler and Dr. E. Margaret Burbidge teamed in identifying the quasar with highly advanced electronic ·LIGIIT'S SPEED is 186,000 .miles a second. A light year expresses the distance light speeds in a yeai. Burbidge and W am pl er , W<X"king with a consortium of U.S. and British scientists, started tracking down OQ 172 by using maps prepared by SURPRISE, ·DAD! QUasfil11 ever seen. "It is intrinsically one of the bright.est objects k no w n 1 ' ' \Vamp!er said. -·•ae-c-ail se: of -ttrat, astronomers will be able to make detailed studies of its spectrum. liopefully, they will find ne\v clues to such mysteries as how thi.>.se bright objects generate energy and how the uni verse is struc- tured." i---.a----41-Glf R-:-V-E-R-Y-:0WN-;:WINE-:€EtbtR!--=----" • CRUSE DEMI-WINE CELL.AR COMES STO.CKEO W ITH AN ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH WI NES: CABERNET SA~VIGNON, GAMAY, SAUVIGNON BLANC, PINOT CHARDONNAY, GRENACH&:: ROSE' AND MERLOT. COMPL E:TE DEMI-WINE CELLAR. $19 .99. SEPARAT E sorrLES OF CRUSE WINES: CABERNET" SAUVIGNON. $3.89, PINOT CHAAOONNAY , $3.89. GRENACH£ Rose.'. $2.95. FINE WINES. --it--..... NEWPORT ·-FASHION ISLAND • · ~HOP t0:00-9:30 644-2300 • TiurJerylond ... nature1 Partner. for every bl oorr.1 11 thing t!l> JUNIPER SALE GOlO PFITlfl AlMST -'Ot>IG St ... Glf~N VALUES TO 1.97 87t.. TWISTING JUNIPER or TAM JUNIPER VALUES !"--.o-ns· 3~l I Col, (Ml•i~t" RETURN YOUR PLASTIC CONTAINERS FOR CREDIT Wt iit1.1e 6c credit for' eoch ' reusable plo1tlc n1.1r1try con- toiner re11.1rned . , : 1 gal, or lorg•r •.• no depo'it necel· sory. , BLOOMING PETUNIAS These are large and perky free blooming petunias in an array of bright colors to glorify beds and borders. In 4" poti. 60c VALUE 29~. 1/2 ·PRICE .-SALE.I CAMELLIAS Yo1.1r choice of ¥ari•tl•1 and colors in one gollon contoiners. · 3.00 VALUE 149 NOW ONLY ........ ••· MARGUERITE Sr!llionl yellow bloomi. ROSES Triple Action , l!EOS RIJ'i! S : kUs INS~C·iS toiitt0tS WE!OI Your choice of mony non. pot. var ieties in l gallon contointiJ. Values to 2.50 1~9 S~Vf 1.00 GERMAIN 'S ROSE GUARD "Ti-iplt Attit11" f!!OS ROSf$ Kl llS INStCTS CONTROLS Wll0$ Sll. 2•9 r 4NISTER GLOSSY PRIVET HAR ,., fVflGlffN SH•ua 1.S7 YALU! NURSERYLAND'S GREEN THUMB GUARANTEE I full yeor's guarantee on oll 1 gal. ond lorg er rtl.lrtery stock . Only 1 Oc coil per 1.00 purchase. FR66 Planting Calendar Helpful monthly hlnh an how to becom e a home gordtn expert, MASTll CHAlOI A.HD IAHICAMllKA•D • IA.LI INDI 'u~r }Jiii OPIN 7 OA't'I A Wlltf l 1JO te .,JO ANAHEIM 1123 N. lucltd ot Lo Palma 63~5-1111 I , • -' ., TUSTIN 1050 I. ldlnger at Ntwport Frwr_. 131-9000 I , ·1 . e . Helping Hands Mrs.. Milton Bren Oeft) and Mrs. Richard Fuller, both of Newport Beach, have been honored for their ef-forts on behalf of the Arthritis Foundation of Orange County. Mrs. Bren was chairman of this Year's record-setting fund drive. Mrs. Fitller has chaired the fou11dation's volunteer committee for the past three years. Supervisors Civic Center Bid .· SANTA ANA -Orange adviSory ,group oo develop- County Supervisors ha v e ment and management of the blW1ted two requests by the Santa Ana-Orange County county Civic Center Authority complex, said more parking -one to increase th.e pl;lnned space should be allocated to parking spaces in the new the new building because of ®1llllY admi.nis!r.ation_buildlng_ •he d111ii:idMAQ; numbel:--oll--4._f- and the other to · update the spaces available in the area. masWr plan of. the-center. But supervisors countered Uµit inc.reased bus serv.ice THE CENTER authority, au pfanncd by the county Transit District should serve to cut Acquisitio1i Of 38-acre Site Delayed SANTA ANA -Action on a request by the Orange Counly Greenbelt commission that --. -county supervison attempt to acquire a 33-acre parcel ot land at the mouth of the Santa ' Ana ruver has been delayed ' pending consultation w 1 t h legislator.i· in Sacramento. The greenbelt group said th~ land had been acquired by the state as right-of-\\•ay for the now defunct Pacific coast Freeway. The commission wants 1he property to add to the Sant.a Ana River greenbelt project Tusth1 Asks New . Jetport SANTA AN A -Tustin has joined Newport Beach and othe r communlties in urging tlle Orange County Board cl SupervisorS to develoP a new airport for jet aircraft. In a resolution sent to the county board, the Tustin City Council requested ''immediate and positive action leading lo the relocation of jet aircraft facilities." Telephone Aide Quits SANTA ANA -J . K. "Ken" Briggs, chief of the Telephone and SOtmd Division of the Orange County Com· munications Department has resigned effective June 27. Briggs, a 10-year .county employe has accepted a post with the State or California as southern California coordina· tor of the ••911" emergency calling system planned for 1 statewide implementation by I · 1982. down the number of peroons driving their .own cars: ON UPDATING the center's 1naster plan, Robert Thomas, county administrative officer, said such action \\'as un- necessary because the Current plan is constantly revised to meet changing conditions. "The only major changes in civic center plannina: have been increases in size or the ne'v federal a n d stat<' bu:Udiifgs." Thomas s1i1 d . "These increases \\-'ould not justifv creating a new master plan.'' Healtl1 Unit Gets Funds From Board SANTA ANA -The Orange County Comprehensive Health Planning CounCil will be fwtd- ed to the tune of $70,000 by th e county after a 3-2 vote of the board of supervisors. The council, represented by Pa u I Carpenter, associate director. asked the county board for the funds to develop a health delivery and facilities plan for the oo~t~·-- SUPERVISOR DAVID L. Baker ·reminded Carpenter that $68,000 \vas voted for the same purpose last y e a r .. Carpenter rebutted that the entire plan woold c o s t $225,000. Tuesday t carpenter quoted figures to show that Orange County's health p I an n i n g group had been given much less than a similar group in San Diego County. He recited a list of figures to back his argument. Baker replied that the figures were incorrect. THE SHOWDOWN vote on the controversial health plan· ning request found Baker and Supervisor Ronald W. Caspers of Newpo!t Beach opposing. Voting to appropriate the $70,000 w e r e supervisors Ralph Clark. Ralph Diedrich and Robert Battin. Board Seeks State's . I ' Okay for New Ju.dges ·-~ SANTA ANA -Admitting to pay up to $1 million a ye4r that two additional judges pro-in costs to support these posi· bably could be justified in the lions." Baker argued. "If we should object to the •!>' West 0 range Count Y polntments and the state Municipal Court, co u n t Y names them anyway, the state Supervisor David 1~. Boker got must ~y 'the cos,,t:::•:..·"----1 his fellow supflrvisOrs to take no pos)tion on the subject. BAKER REFERRED to the 1972 tax. reform 1neasure, SB BA.KER'S-REASONING was-· .. 9(1."Whlch, as now-written Te-·'--.. that, if. the county board ap-quires the state to pay for any proved the BUggestion of the position or project it requires State Judicial Council that two a county to Jtctlvate. new judges should be Added to • The state judicial group " I, .. • • r ANAHEIM' the eight now M!rrvingJ.hcre, it. recommended ins:reaslng. the ___ would amount to a request to number of Westminster court the statC for lhe appointments. judges to 10 because case fil - "lf we request the stale to lngs have increased 9.7 per· na1nti the judge~ we y.rill hnve cent In the past'yenr. -44'4 N. Euclid !11'4 1 5]5-1121 I ' .. ( ~ ' ' I \·' ~ I I \. • • ' • \\. ·• • \ • 1,· \ : OAl<Y PILOT 11 · tl1e 11eeessities fi-0111 swatJJk . Useful gilts ... iust a li ttle differe nt. Adju st-o-ligh t sunglasses with self-~ adius ting tint, handsome fra mes, 5.C'Owb.00. S· .... ank door alarm , the persona l .!.ecurity system fits under a door, inc ludes batterie5, 6.50. Electrowmati c tie r~c k turn5 to sh ow up to 72 ties wi th pushb utton o-ction, 10.95. . Men's Furnis.hi ngs, 7 • I ,.access ori es fro1n da.l1te Pick a winner for Da d. The pic·pocket wallet, richl y t or.re-cl ale.·~:. \:l'l lner, 8.50. Ir! coloy _i:wel boxes, wplrut Y·o-. 4 Wi fh vr1'ri~·-.!"'.:"obie top, 17.50-30.00. Q,,,_,;,,.: Don!<· .. ,,iu. n and --af ter shave, in that bri5k and brac;1,y ~ ~a grance. Colog ne 3.50, after shave 3.00. Micro.light, th e key chai n wit h its own light . needs no batter:,,, 3.00. Men's .Fti rnishinqs , 7 NEWPORT. HUNTINGTON ·BE°ACH ORANGE, MALI. OF' ORANGE .47 F•1llion i1ltnd !714) .6;44.11 12 111 Edln9t r Avtnut 1714) 191 -l l )l 2100 N. Turli1t Stret t 17141 998·1]11 ' SHOP 10 A.M. to 9130 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRI O"'Y. SATURDAY tO A.M, to 6 P.M. SUNOA'Y 12 NOON '" S p M' . ' ' • I " ,_ , . ' J z~ OA!l Y PllOT' PUB~L::.~TICE ,;;~~~ ... ~;:~;, \---.-:-~-,:-~-.~--:u-~-.. -~-:---;I Testimony Admitting. Lie l'ICTltlOUS lUllNISS 1.,llt',F . DEL TA<O M~ t'l. •S. HJ.Ml $TATIM.INT NAMI STilt.T5M I NT W•rf!Jtf, H1,1nllngf0n~C11, ~ Trit kilk>wlllll W-la doillll Millffl ,.,.. f6llOWl119 ... r Hl<'I 11 ()Ojf1$ INlfMH Lv1• \fh•clfll fllnl• :n..o ... 01. 202 ••: # ••: ,.,~· NtW(IOl'I, Nl'W •••ell-Oi~tEL eN'rEltllRtSES, ~1 ... COOK DRYWALL, tnJ II Oi;r•llOO TN• Wa!M6• b (Otld<Kltll llV ti\ 11'1• llll{l"il Or!we, Dent Point, Ctlllwnlt Clrtlt, 1'ount1ln Ytllt v. C1~t. d!vlclu•I ~ COQlt.•Ltlll'llt, l11c.. A C•ntornl• Lyle V. Flnlty Ol•ttl•S•rr, Inc .. " Cl lltotnla COi'• Most Dramatic So Far • • I CorPQrlllO!I. 971$ El O~r1ngo Clr,I•, Tlll1 1h1t-n1 w11 tlllcl with ti. C0\111· PQr•llon, 26" O•w1on Avenue. Lont •j----..fF,011nlaln VOl!:llY, (.1111. IY CUI•-of Or•ng1 County 1111 /My ll, &Mell, (lll!ornll ~ 11a-bUslMll II titlng ~~.,., ' --flll• •tM.11111 .. 1 II eonc1uc1eof DY • COf'• ~ ~orPQ(l!lon l"·UJ7t pot'IUOl'I. I LAA:RY L. COOK PubllShtd O'lf!Dt Co.st 0111Y Pilot M4y OIETEL·BAR R, IN(. Pre-ilcl.,,, It. U Ind J-l,.t.-J~7J 1.sol·Ja .Sltn.ecl bl: Gu11 B•rr Thll 1i.1emtnl fl l&O wl!h. !ht Coun1y ~ T11l1 111l1mt n was filed wllh !ht Covn· Clerk of or1"9e Cou111y on: M•Y 211. ltn . PlJBL.IC NOTICE ly Cl•rk ot Or•no~ COUn!y on M•y 18, WILLIAM E. ST JOHN, coyNTY CLl.111(, Jt73. lly TllttlSI M. Wlrd( Otpuly '"'" NOTICE TO ClltiOITORS ~~ ~:.':!"1111' Alty, lj'ASlllNCTON (AP ) - What made Herbert Pont-r lie? And why, as an official of the Committee for the Re· P<,1o4l1hed Or~no· Co.11 Cl.illy Piiot. SUl"lllOR COURT 01' THIE \lOO AV-4'!Uf ,, 11\o SI••• J I 8 IS n. 1'173 1675·1) STATE o,•CALIFOlll:HIA FOR Sulit MO election of tJle president did un~ • • ' THI COUNTY OF OllANGI' LOI .. ,.. .... , CalHOf'11l1 '°°'' he di M•-funds "( 'dirt Ho. A 11m 1tn-oc SIN&~ or y .......... --.... PUBLIC 10T!CE Ellato of FREDEIUCK M. HOOGOON, Publl1llod Ora!lQo c.:iao Oouy Piiot, tricks and ~·~r 5rv>ri .. 1 n"''' -=::_ ___ __::-===c=:==::'.:-.oc_co-·~it-.--"-Mayo2!.-•l'ld'"J11i;e-1, 1, K1-191J--.1n,s.n ~ 1-1-<e r,....,.~Jtl! NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN lo ,... a-us' event ough he-rel t t y SUPIElltOR COUIT OF THE crtdl!Otl of Ille 11bovf n•med de<;.lldent a. d I · th · , STATE OF cALU=oRN•A FOil ,,,., 111porson1111v1119 clo!m' •g•lnst lhe PURI.JC NOTICE ua no p ace in e campaign . THE COU NTY OF OCIANOE s•lcl d.ctdent are r..:io;lrtd lo lite 11\em, CASE NUMIECI wl!h 11'\e 11ecoi11rv VMll•r1, Ill Ill• offict -ORDINANCE NO ,,.,. .J'ltUt2 ot 1tie clerk ol the 1Dov1 tntlll..:1 (OUrt, 0< • • f\JMM0 N5 10 pre1ent them. with tho no.:eu1ry AN OAOINANCE OF TH E CITY COUN· Ti-1EOOORE MANTHEI. ERNE!.T F, vovc:hers, to 11\!t 11ncler1lgn..:I •I the olllce1 CU. OF THI!• CITY OF COSTA Ml!SA MANTHEI. PRl!NTISS M. BROWN. JA: .. of Ll~ld, Hel\Otrson end Ol111moor, A1· EITAILISHIHG l"OATIONS OF CITY and JAM ES J . BROWN, oach t t111rrltd IO<ney$ .JI L1w, )SOE. 1711'1 St., Svlle Ill, STRl!l'TS, AS llCYCLE U.Nl!S, '"'"' Pltlnrifb, / Coll• Mou, C1lllornl•, t2621, Which !1 Ille REGULATING Vl!HICULAR TAAFFIC -v--pt1c1 of bv1lnts1 or lhe undtrilgntd ln 111 ON SAID 1..ANl!S, l!STAILISHING ON KELLEY 1nd FLORENCE T.m11t1ers porliln!r19 to the tll•lt of Mid ltULIES OF THE ROAO FOR Kf lLEY· PLU.O.W.ER WILlS; HETTIE aK.aent, within ' monlh1 1fler Ille llr!t l lCYCLl!S AND llCYCLI!' LANlil, CLOU D· 'oscAR E JOHNSON; the heirs DUblk11Uon g/ lhl1 nollet.. At.ID MAIUHG PA:OVl510 NS FOR Al"· ;sod c1eVIS*91 ot OSCAR e. JOWN SON. 01ltd f/\1y 15, 1973. PIOPRIATE 51GNI l'OA: ltCYCl.E dKOl se<:i ' J H PARKEfl, also know"•~ VIOLET M. HOOGOON llJDl!RS .. TlfE ANSWERS lO such questions obviously d i d n ' t come eas ily for Porter, a JOHN H PARKER 11r>d JAN E COE E~tCUlrht of the Estott of THE CIT Y COU NCIL OF THE CITY PARKER i HELENA' E. PtERCE ~ncl 1ne 1bov1 n11med Oectaenl OF COSTA MESA DOES HER EBY OA· pulfy---ked ROY ( PIEACE1 FIA. JOHNSON, JA NE L!PDOtd, HllltllfSOll •IHI Dln•-r OAI N AS FOLLOWS; • young, "(;llet: ex . OOE J,OHNSON "!"\d CATHA A: I N E Attor11e11 11 LIW SEtTION I. The City Council ot tilt Cl· 1\farine 0 f f i Ce r W~ JOHNSON · the nt!r1 and (ltvl...es ol F.A, 3Jll E•U 11th SI,. Sllltl 111 ty ol (Olll Mt'U ""tby lllld1 Ind JOHNSON' decusedi ANDREW M. RED· COlll MW!, C1lllor11i1 '2W dl(;Jaros lll;i! the resurgon<:e of POl>Ufllrlty testimony Thursday to the PATH a~ JANE OOE REDPATH ; Ttltploone; (11 4)'541-nU of bleycle riding necestlllltl ,... Se t w ter te he ' CLARA LARSON · ELISE ANDA:ESEN AllDrMJI for ElKlllrlX ef Ille Ellllt est.-bllsllmtnl ol bfcydt ltnes on certain nae a ga anngs af!d ANOREW o. it..NORESEN; CHARLE S of the 1bovo 1111mecl d..:9Mnt~ slreofl ,within lht Clly. The Clly Council Wa5 perhaps the m 0 St W' WHITE and MAY Wt·llTE; 11\t heirs Publl1h1d Dr•l>Ot Co1st 0111)< Pilot, lurlhv tlnd1 i>lld dKl•rn Illa!· lht dr , •n·cl Oevl!lres ot CHARLES w. WHITE,,i MIY 18, 25. '"" J\;l'lt 1, ·~ lt1l 1531).73 C•lllornla Vol'llcle Cod• 'autt\orltos "'' amat1c yet. dece•sed i the heir~ end de•lltts al MA est11bllthment ot bicycle l•MS 11rpar111 It' all~-'th his . WHITE, deceased; MARGARET F. PUBLIC NOTJGE lrom v11'1Jcul1r lines upoo1 any C!ly slre<et. U<>!icu• Wl surprise ' •oGETT· BERT ' A MC KERN anu 71i4o Clly Coun<:ll hJrlher finds Ind confessl()ll' that al tlie _ .. ~ body to tell tbo truth." And yet, he said, ca mpaign atiOmey Paul O'Brien told him that C01Tecting the record ~wld be "a stupid thing" and Magruder's personal lawyer exploded at the iproposition by declaring: "M y God, you're an aii . You're'11<1t!ilng;' YET, JUST es intriguing as thc5e disclosures w e r e , Porter's somewhat-convoluted attempt io explain his original motivations was perhaps even more revealing. The answer, it seemed, lay in an .emotional mix that in- cluded "the fear of not being ronsidered a team pltyer" aod a deep, consuming <lever lion rto Richard Nixon. "My loyalty to this man," said Por1er, "probably goes back longer than <!DY person who wilt sit at this' table ••• "I · FIRST m e t Mr. Nixon Lice L' MC KERN· 11\e heirs and lleclar .. thal'lhe Callfor1111 Vehlcle Codi ' ·~,u=~ :evisees ~1 BERT A. M'c KERN, oetea'-FICTITIOU5 I USIN•S5 11u1nor11t11 tlle reoutatlon of 1ne oper111on of.senior' campaign official Jeb when l was 8 years old, in ed ARR.ETHA JEN~N aho krMJWn 115 NAMIE STATEMEHT llnd Ult of bleyclos ind Vl'li!Cles Will! St •• Ma-"' he · red !'" -L he an ~, Con \\'Ore Nixon buttons when I was 8, when I was 10) when I was 12, when I was 16. M y family worked for him. My father worked for him 1n cam- paigns. My mother worked for tum in campaigns. "I fe lt I had knowli him all y-itterm£4> e-rtt-n-&<l-1-y.,-' perhaps, but in spirit." ... And so, he said, it was a h igh personal honor for him to have joined the Nixon team for which he lied and perform· ed services which he a>Uld not reconcile with the democratic process. FOR AU. his trou~le. he ad- d ed at the end, "My life· has been devastated." And. of <;00rse, "I would not do it again." Sen. Howard H .. Baker Jr. (~Tenn:), '"'as.buying none of it. . 0 1 really believe,'' he said, "that the. greatest disservice a man could do to the president Of the United States would be ' " • • ;: " ) , , ' , ' ~ ' , ' ' • ' : • • , ' < A~RETHA J ENSEN MORRISON; 11\e •he lollowlno peri.am •rt doing respect To such bkycl11 l11nos. The-Clly u...,,. !>' ..... er, per]U nv, wuen r iv · p.~-he!• > a1>11-cM.,.___ot.-A&.Re.t1:111. !!li!!i~~~.11N-r··1lCTE'R-Eill'fe:A· p t""'7~11Jy_r11l«..tlndundAoWfn.ttia!:ltle -.himeelf--bef0l'e~a.;..grand-1u.r'y-gresr-in-m)t-home-district. JENSEN 11150 known as ARRETHA , al h, wfiiYli .. nif weU1,.. of The motOrlng nd feder ( h ~abdicateµUs . .coosc · ·" JENSEN. MORR'lSON. a, c e 11 s e d 1 SOO Newparl Citn!er Drive, svll 400, public ol tho cnv of cos11 Mesa wlU be.SI a a a court over t e ~'"W~ · ~ .GUEA:ITE GI RARO · F ORAGOIE. Newporl Be11ch, Ca '26611 be ser~ bY Ille est1bU1nmeo1 ol bicycle pu~ J -y funneled •~ · " *---MA s FA:ANCEs' oRAGOlE, llnd P•ul Merritt Chr!st!anun. 41(,LllVfl-i lanes UPQll cer1111n Pllbllc tlreets and Ille .,...,.,... VI .......... • w "&~Nkn~O'Ell ORAGOIE; !ht ht!" and Strffl, S11n Fr•nclr.ca, Cl '. ·... regulalloli of blcydt Ind ~nlcu!•r traffic Watergate compirator G . For the Reco.rd ' J I FRANCES DRAGOIE, deceas· Wiiiiam Merrill Christians~, 4~-Ola· on wlcl s1r11ell. "--L.-L.dd de~l~:.eo heirs llnd devlsees gt mood Slrtet, Laoune Be1ch, Ca. t26S1 SECTION 2. There 11 hereby esltl)llslle(I uu.uvu } Y· ~ td.i.RGUEAITE GIRAD, clecea•e<J ; EDMA Tlll1 business Is De1119 conducTed by .i Division XVII of Cl'lilplef' Ill, tntllled And there v,.•tre 0th er .. ;{' MC CRACKEN and BART J. MC· General Parlnershlp, Public Salety, Arlldt IV entl!l«I Vehkl~ • , cRACKEN· lhe hitlrs •nd devisees of EO· Paul M. Christiansen and Tr.Jiik which u lcl Olvlslon sh1UJeed disclosures. • A E MC,CRACKEN oece••ed• HENRV This s1a1emen1 Iliad w11n the County <Js follows: • It ·was less than tv.·o months "'"'"""""""""""°"...,-~~''<""'i>Ul"',.~ N .. LOIS, WAVE PYLE; !he Clerk <>I Oti nge Count\' on May 2~. 1973 "DIVISION J(VU · i;;. '' ~~e.~1:;v~;eer. Gt LOIS WAVE PYLE. bY Tnert$11 M. W<trd, Oepuly Co1mty S&etlon ,.18.0 l lcycl• o.fh•Od. • ago, he said, when M agruder D" I • MaDnU•. Lvle E. •ncl Collell• Ann ed MARVIL M.A. SARNES ; !ht Clark. A b!cycre It f device upor'l whlCh anv t Id him· "It's all -•e ~. ISSO ••t,10 ... • V•n Ossenbruggen, W .. H. •nCI Jullu$ V. d.c;eas • evlsees ot MAR\l lL M.A. I . F-2SSU P*rsOfl may rlc11, prOPeltad bJ t1um1n 0 • v• r. !UC .. ••-7 helr:N:~ ddKeased ; ind LlLHAN Publlshfd Orenoe Coast Oa!ly P/lgl June powers lhrough I bell, c1'111Tn or QNrs, President has directed every· CD!llns, H•rolll E. llnd M1trgarwl E. ~ffS. Jack Rich j5 OVerwheJmed 35 She h o Jd S daugh• M•~ •• ,.· WARNER,· CARL L. RIM· 1. i, 15. 22, l97J 1676-7J and hevlng eltn1r twa or thrff wt.eels In -----------Of JW • Gonzale:t, Marie E. ancl A'ur~lo A. f · .. ... , d a--age Groa,on. Jack •nd M1cneue M. ter S u si,e . The Ric h barn was destroyed -in ire 111 MEI.:£; MARYE. WHITE; MABLE PITT· in em or tricycle 1rr1ng11men1. • • Sr · BrOOlls, Anlhony Jamei ind Marl.vie MAN· THOMAS REID and JANE ooe PUBLIC NOTICE sect1gn!'l.il!.1 111cyc1e L•11• DeflnH. WITNESSES WANTED I M. V a n couver, \Vas h ., and S u s ie was n1issing and REIO; ADOIE L. ATHOE; THOMAS A . A blc\151, lane sll•ll bt th11t partroo of a , FINAL DIECRllEl'S McElrath, Stephen Ltroy ond PaJrlcl• f d . . H h h d ff I ] HAYE!.· !tie heirs and devlsees of -public .treel dlstlncllvely llfld clearl\I Enltl'ld Maw tt Jo,ann eare 3 VJCtlffi. OWCVer, S e 3 g one 0 0 pay • d' !Me ll~lrs FICTITIOUS llUSINESS mar~ed an Ille pavement, and having ap. Mveri, aarDar• E. •nd Ray Kubic, Caroivn Sus•nnt ano P•ul th I I II' th d I f and devlr.ees 111 C.lo'•· HA d E~ANE ooE T~e IQllgwlng per1on 11 doing bu&!ness separatlno thet PQt'llOfl o1 lh4.lJ>llbllc slrHi PoUce If • man 11 Co11v11111etnl l'l'ry, Jiii G .. and Ou1ne A. L.J Vigne, Kll\l Incl Donald J•me1 -----------------~----------- :rears of Joy THOMAS A, HAVES, aece:s~ 'de-ceased · HAME STATEMENT proprlate lllenlllylng and lraftlc signs Ally Wllt11•1 h l"lrlClt,11 Arreil by ~oblrt50!I M1rlenn1 s. and J;imes B.. Anllvr · WI OU e Jilg ffiO er a n WaS_ qUI e 53 C. EDWI N 0. BART an OAIS as:/ to b~ tra~rsed bY bicycle• ffom Ille ?Or Ha1pll1I ii MO Vk:t.rio SI., C1111a arner, Llavd Lyle and M•rgle M~r(e W•~ntr, Carore M. •!11.' Alvin F BAA:TON1 ll'OBERT V. llAll:TgN~ cl OOME ME TAL FABRICATOR, 2221 O lion to be traversed by m.;'l<>r vellkles. . Mtu 111 Aprll 1f1 1t7t.. Ml:lrel11nd, Corvi Beth llhd Gregory Johnwn, Victoria L:te •ncl K.ennt!h '::----'"n;,;·~lHi-M-E-· CUNN lf't .. ~... a~ w.~211'1. Santa An1,.cai11~ 92703 _ - -$0Gtlon·lol1ll .. Z=S~-IENlllllMM. -De ~., .... _,;_='*114-2•7,2_ 1f~-w::B;-alld=-T1le~-t1~M~:~n',_ un1ce:..-M11r.le~nc1 --oavl<I ___ • ==---~ L ~OE-etlff+HNG*AM,-c N -Wtnlreu-Haro1d "Bower; 10201-s:-w. llio "follOwlrlg 6!tyC:fe ~are ...... ~"' ...... --··---ner, Maureen Sllerld•n •nd J11mes .... rocke!I R d Co -. -CO NNINGHAM 1nd c:IOHN O ~0,!' SO~ : 'lllreh, Sanla An• Heights, C1tllf. 91101 nt1tbH!.htd "" 1~ lollowino pubHc streets1:~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~-~M~~~~~--------r-~ Giidbo!s. P11uUrie l111Dellit end Roy - ----·-----• NI NGHAM ; ELEA NOR e' MARVEL Tnls buslne~1 Is conducted by ;in In· 1n tho City ot Ga•la M~a . Wiiiiam eco1· n1pany CHARLES P. MC KENZI •nd N· lllvldt11tl, 1. On the ·north side of ArUr19"n Beltall, J.Jnef K. 11nd Gene 0 . • B. MC KENZIE; EM~ L,_ AH}.O ,j ·W. H. B_OWI( _ _ -• Drive, between tlie curb l•ce and eliaht f W11gner, Gayles Roseno i ncl LH At•n • .. DOROTHY L .. AMOYN,L T~':.t.a~elrJec::s This sr11lemen1 Will filed with the COlln• feel (8') 10\llll of tne curb from a l1 ew s-tore 0-r ~~g,~, ~~~rn:~~d·~n!~~n C. clf'<'lH<!S of OQROTH · ,..., JOHN ooE Ty Clerk of Orange C011nty on May 11, F'•lrvlew Roiid to the e11st prooerty un., .sotelg, Fr•ncisca •nd M•urilllo ed'; CARRIE RE~~l~S~ 8AEESE · ANN l9'/'l, ct Ille Mauot B. D•vis School at Dll T11mark ln, Miiton ancl Helen McCl~rit AOB IN!.ON; · ' F F•2S211 limes. Romeh, Ge.ir;e M, ancl s1111y ELIZA TAYLOR: MAdRG~R ~:e oi Pub1ishl<I Or11n9e Coa~t Dally Pilot, 1. o n In'! ea:;t side al California Sire•• Moumblow. T~s Ernest •!'tel Carol RIVERS: !he llelrs,1.,:;RS e~& e:sed· May 18, 25;·11nc1 Jl.lne I, II, 1973 ldl-73 belwten Ille curb Mee and eight 1~tf h f h '" MARGARET F. ' ec ' (8'1 we.i of tMe (Vrb from Gisler t t Camobell, Steven 00>JOli$ .ind WILLIAM H. BON,01 ~~DR•O,.~,o.·,~ PUBLIC NPTICE Avenue 10 MlcMJga" Avenue •I all e man 0 e area. Stepll11nle Marylin Actio11s Scored ,, QUIGLEY; MAR.Y • "" ~" • times. Ma1ssan. Lambertus G-aflcl Corn1lli1 WADE 11. HORTON and JANE DOE .. 3. On !ht i.outh side-' ... ,.,,,-".,,._, -P. --' T GILES DOE I thraugh "' ..., ""'" .., UP<19!1r1!1, P1111t A. 1nd Pou1a M. HORTON; J. ; SUPIERIOlll: COUR.T o~ THE bltween the curb face 1n11 elgMl Trevino, Thoma• Jr .. and Kathleen R .. o,,&:..~~ ~~~W~\~:1 .~': rl~~1.0\';i1~.~~f:1':': STATE OF CAl..l,OllNIA FOR feet (8') north of the curb trom Wallacr Curc ia, Ron~ld Frond s and Beveriv I' "" , '''''' In !he real prop1rfy THIE CO UNTY OF ORAHOE Avtnvit lo Mfytr Pla,ce at all times. Slialfer, B•rbar• Stitt I nd Stevrn en or in CASe NUMIER ~. On Ille east s•de of !.anta An• TO!ld described In the camolalnt adverse-ta ll1if3 Avenue beTWffn lhe cvrb and eight feel F'rk k, Oorls A~o and Jem1s D. plilnlllf's ownership, or any doucl upon SUMMONS (~'> west al lllt! curb lace from 1i;tll SeF~:~~0•ri1 Martinez Lope1 ai'id Jesu$ ptalntlfls 1111• tnere10, Oel~cla~ti. THEODORE MANTHEI, ERNEST F. Stree1 lo 23rcl SlrC<el at all !Imes swa,.son, Joi! Lynn 1rn1 Mkh•el oennls To The aDOve named Oete .an ., the MANT11Et, PRENTISS M. BROWN, JR.. S .. On bO!li sides o1 Estancl .. Orlve FHM Ml'/ :ao ' •1 •,1•1111 com,1•,',',",',,'','0 -, .. ,,,,1:11~, :~ IM'e ancl JAM,ES J, BROWN, eacn a married 1~1Wffn tne,1curb and lour IC<el (•') to Elwell[ Dlant and Miiford P II II . s ag ¥ , man, Pl••nllll.1, 1ve fee l {S out on The street ltom l o Be lo, Carol Lynne and Peter lollowlng dtKrlbt'd re:il proper!v. 1 -vs-Adams Aven11e !o a paint 's!w hundr'ed G'rlacfl, Biiiy. J. Ind Hein• F, Loli 1 through l r.l inclu~lve !n 8 OCk1 • MAGGIE WILSON and JOH N DOE •lohty lt:ill (68ll') north of Joann S!rH! ~~~~~~; JJ:,1:?:,11~. "~?01~81~dL.A:olarnl 11nd lots l lhrOll!ll'I ls.I lncluslj~ ~WI LSON; CORNELIUS THOMPSON and al all times. Cavitt Block 8 of Tract h NO(: 1711 \n 1~ O~a~~ MARTHA MA.RY THOMPSON hu iband 6 .. On !he t11~f side al Mendola Drl·1e Proctor, Tro;dy Sue and Mi( ha ti Hunllngton Beac • aun V 0 ,j ano wife· rhe he!is and d~vlsees 1 be1ween the curb and eight f(let (8'J Dew•vne !.tale ot C•lllorn!a, •s per 6m•P.~Kf;0e 1 CORNELIUS THOMPSON dK~~sed iie wesTerly-lrom Ba-er -slffft to El Simon, Frances Corr;ne and Julll.ts In Book 12 Pages 1S, l a.... <1 ' ' Camino Orlve be!wee<i 1·oq pm ancl Wlllllos, J1c<1!H!lln• E .. and 8vton J~cob MIKe!tanaous m1p1 In Ille oftke of lhr httl" •ml dcvlsHs ot MAil:THA MARV •·OO pm wee kdays exce i h rd · Rabertson, Marlene M1rie and William Coun1~ Rtcordar of s111d county. THOMPSON, dt<&l$ed ! MA\JD M. MES· ·, o'n ihe wesl side ol ~ ~' av~tl Allen , ll you wish to detencl 1h;s lowsull. '/Oii KEL and JOHN DOE MESKEL; the tet~n th~ (Urb and eloehl 01~~t {B~~ Jerll11n!c1, Eliz•be!h Ann tnd M11rln,ko must tile In 1Ms court ii written plead!ng helts incl devlsees ol .1.\AUO M. MESKEL. 111uerly trom S•ker Str HI 10 El H~~,1~arv e. ano Ervin R. In response 10 1111 compliiln! (gr~ wrlllRn •ho known 11 MAUDE MESi<EL, d•· C~mlno Orfve oer .... ttn 1·00 e.m and Crisp. Anorew w. ancl ~ry E .. or oral pltadlng, II• Ju•llct C011rl) within ceased; EFFIE STEPHEllS and JOHN 9,00 a .. m. weekdavs, exeepi holldaVs OH•,,',',',".·R'·,',',",",'•".',!~cll",-•,•,ol~. Euoene ;o clays alltr !Ms summons Is served on OOE STEPHENS; MYAOrJ E. HUTCH· SKllon ,.lt . .t l lcyclo Ll--.Modlflc•· ,.,. " ~ yau. Otherwlle. your dtlault wl!I. be INSON •nd LODEMA L. HU fCHI NSO N, tJ,,.., OlloUon or AddUiOll Bffdv. SMlrlev Ro11ne1T1 i!nd DllY ill enteffil on 1P911catlon by llle ~itnt•llts: husband •nd wife: CAROLINA HAGER· Trte Olcycle ran.es fst.ib!lshed by this 7a~~"://~:.,en Ann •nd Arnold E•rl - and lhe courl moy enrer • udomen LUND and JOHN DOE HAGERLUND; Orlllnon<:e mily be mod/lied, dele!ed, or Bo~er, Ev1ttvn 8. and Sheldon ag~lnst you tor tllit money gr other relief ARTHUR A. OIETZ, JR. and JANE OOE added to from lime lo time bY Resalutlon Brown, IC11rolvn SI/fl and J•me5 Htnrv requesled !n the cDmDl&lnl. 1, DIETZ: GEORGE T. MOSHER iltld JANE ll'I lh~ City Council. A ma1ltr pl11I of Marshall, Aremenler 0 . 11nd Pllill ip If you wish tg seek the ecivlce 01 an ~ DOE MOSHER; J.A. LE SUEUR ond blcyc.e lanes Throv11hou! the City of Co•ta Ca rl 1orney In lhls m11t1er. you shau!d11clo JANE DOE LE SUEUlh MA.RY L LEW M~~" shall be maln!alnad •nd ltepl cur. Henderson, Jglln S!e?llen 11nd Mar:111a promp!ly SQ lhal yOllr pleadlrlQ, •ny, IS· DARLENE YOUNGSTR'JM · i:LIZA.. renl by t"'-Tra!fk Engineer, llnd e•cll R~;,.11, Russell Mllrk and A!loo may t>f !lied on lime. ' ' ' modlf1C1tflon, clelellon or • d d r 11 0 n van-ette Dal.O April 19, 1911 BETH YOUNGSTR UM, 1150 krMJWll 11 esl(lhllshed by Rit.solutlon shall be ap THE Corde•. Harry O, •nd Ooil P. W, E. ST. JOHN, Cler~ BETTY YOUNGJTRUM; MARY ROBIN-pro~rfately lndlcaled on S•lcl plat Said Pridmore, Oean Lamarr Dnd Judl!h By HeleP M, O'Sh1i;gnnlS$'/1 ETTE WILLIAMS and JOHN OOE WIL· Dia! •hall be •ctesslbte lo members.of Ille Lvnn Oepul) LIAMS; tn. heirs and cltYlsttt ot MARV public durlno nt1tmal bullness hours of ihe C' A.SUAL c1r1•r, Oavi<f R. 11nd P•lrlda E .. (SEAL) ROBINETTE WILLI.AMS, cl 11 c ea ~ e cl; C1!r of Cos111 Mes•. ~ Huntington, James A. and Mel;ilna A. GEORGE 5H11ATJI ANGELIA .I/. FRAZIER Ind MELOIN S. Sccllon ~11.l Rules of 1111 Ro.cl. Porter, Terrell Benton and Lvnn M•rio Altomey 111 LIW FRAZIER, hu1b11nd and wfle; MAR TH A 1. II shall he unlawful lar .JMV motor CAPT.'A WN Felmet. 81akt Lam•r and Fr1nctl C. 17tS5 ae1cll 1oulev1r1 L. CAR7ER llnd J OHN OOE CARTER; VO'hicle to drive 111, ovM' or upon any blcy-· l"'\.I Vanderllp, Kenneth Rlchorcl ii n d HVl'lllfl9l111 l e•ch, ca. tU-47 lhe llelrs 1nc1 dev!sees ol MARTHA L .. cit line n111bllshed by this Ordinance or R~,~~~1~~T. ~:~~"",enuHwrinam Albert, Telepl!Olll: t42·SU5 CARTE R, dKeased; JOHN E. STEIN· tSl•bllshad by anr Reso1u1lon 15 herein "A Man's Store" 111 NE\\'ARK, NJ . (UPI 1 Four m e n testified Thursday before a fede ral gra nd jury that so1ne r ecord companies provided \\'Omen and drugs to d isc jockeys to play t heir record~ a nd used mobsters t o deal \11ith recording s tars. ''\Ve believe that ·almost every major record company in the country is involved," a federal official has said . Sources said the four men who appeared before the grand jury Thursday we re questioned about record com· panles t hat reportedJy chan· neled funds into phony firms, which in tum s uppli e d fraudulent i n v o i c e s so payments used in the "p1ay for pay" scheme would look legitimate. e J ,000 Years AllorntY for Pl1inllff1 MAN Incl, ELIZABETH M. STEINMAN; prov;ded tor, e~cepl for the DYr1><1s-e or 1~. Falrchlld, Cheste...-M. ind L<>Nrtla PubHr.hed Huntingtoo Beach Dally Piiot, CECILIA A. 81RKEN •ml JOHN OOE D•e•s o• t<Qrfss to ~dlecent properly 1tni:I Pvle, Ran50m Leooerd •nd Ann DALLAS (UPI) -Willia m Mar 25, •ml June \, 1, 15, 1973 lW-73 BtRKEN; MAAGARE"T F.. RIVERS; excepl for cros1lng 11t !nttrsec!lno •l•Hts. 201 MARINE IALIOA ISLE Wells, Yvonne onll Jame• Randalph C urtis Griffin, 38, paroled less ::::::c::..='-'----------,fLEWI!. H. ll;EIO, 111 lrus!ee o;nder trust 2. II shall be unl•wl11I for any bkvcle 111 673-2434 Tosh, J11nt I. 11ncl Tgbert W. agreemMI recorded June 20, 190 In bOOk herein cleffntd lo drl~ In, over or upon !l,,1., N,.ncv 11nd Rich11rd 'than a year ago from seven ltOI p1oe 61, ofl!clal record1' GEORGIA !hit! portion ot tile oublle sfrfft outside °'l'.~;;;;;~~~~~;;;;;~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~B;•'~'~"~· ~·~-~";•;•~';';'~~~~W~'~"~"~•~·~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~:~~I PUBLIC NOTICE --------------fA. REIO, 11 widow, JOHN RE IO, HARA:Y a blcvcle l.Jne 111 esl11bllslltd by tllls B SMtt T. REIO, SAMUEL W. A:E!D, SALLY Orclina11ce or 11ny Resolution llere!n•ller NOTICE TO CREOITORS REIO PIERCE, OORIS REIO, EVELYN PIHtd by !Ile City Council, it•cep! for I~ STIPHIN SUPlflTUft nc IHS SYKIS llQUOYAH SUPERIOR COURT OF TH E A:EIO, HENRY CLAY REID, ancl LEWIS purl>C>Stt of !ngres1 •nd evresi lo rhe • • e • • • STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOil H. REIO. ell as be-nellclirles under salcl blcy(IO lane, ond excep! ror street cross· THE COUNTY OF ORANGE trust 11greemenl recorded ii'! boOk 1101 lngs 111 Intersections. NO. A·JIJ70 page 61, offlclal rtcords, referred ta l. Exc1pt 115 herein provided the Rules Estele a' MVRTLE ELLEN SM ITH, llbo~; MARY G ... OREW end JOHN DOE of the Roecl estahllslled by fhe •Vetllcli 111.o known ii MYRTLE E. SMI TH , 1111-0 DREW; CHARLIE C. TIPPIE ANO JANE Codt and Arllcle 4 of Cllaplar l Dlvlilon ~nown •s MYRTLE SMI TH, Oece•std. COE TIPPIE; EARL R. TIPPIE and II, Stcllon 21200 'through oi'id '1n.:lu<1lr19 NOT ICE IS HEREBV GIVE N 10 the JANE ooe TIPPIE; J OHN E. TIPPIE 21207 C1 lifornl11 Vehlde Coat 111811 be In creditors bf Ille •~e n~med d~tl!'llenl •nd JANE DOE TIPPIE; the heirs and fvlf force 11!11 tllect on Ille c11y street• ol ! !ti.I an pet,onl having cla.ms ago1ns! lht aevl1eot ol CORNELIUS THOMPSON, the City Of Co.i11 Mes.a 11 thOUOh fullr said deced•nl are requirect-10-111e lhem, deceastcll tht h1lrs aM dev!sees ol set forth In this or~lnanC.e. with tile necessary vouchers. In lhe oince MAR;THA MARY THOMPSO~, 11ece'e1tdi (. Exceor In eslabllshed blcycte l•nt-s n ot tne clerk of the 11bove enU!lea tour!, or me tielrs ancl devlstts of MAUO M. shill be un11wful for &h\I person to rid~, ,,,=· lei present Them. wl!h the necessary MESKEL, also known 111 MAUDE okyclc on any l)Ubllc street, roadway Of' vouchen;, 1c tlie under11gneu 111 tlie otflte MESKEL, dtcoasedi .. the heirs •Piii nlghway anywhere exc•Pt 11 ne.tr lht of her allornevs 11-.RNES, SCHAG, uevlsfft of MARY R O B I NETTE rlg~1.1111ncl curb or edge ol llit roadwa 111 JOHNSON & KENNEDY, •5~S MacArthur WILLIAMS, dKe•Sedl HAZEL DASCE NZI pr"tllc11I or In !ht c11se of strltts Boulevard, P.0 ll o-.: 17M, Newport lleacn. Jnd JOHN OOE OASCENZI; the heirs 11nd ro11Jw1y1 gr hlghwav1 c11rrylr.o tr1tfllc 1~ C11llornl• 92603. which ll-Tiie DI.Jee of devise~ ol ANGELINA V. FRAZIER, O<!i! direction ont~. as near 11 procllcBl lo I business ol tfle u"dtrSlgned In ell manero decellffd; Ille heirs end dtv!see-s of Ille !er lell·h•nd or lar rlQl'll·hand cvrb or pert1tlnlng le !he eslii!e ct se~d de.:e<i~nt, MELOIN S. FRAZIER, dece•sed; tile 0<!9e of 1111c1 ro.dway, and In each In· witllfn !O-Ut mll!'rlis aher me hrs• pubhca-"91rs and deV!lffll of MARTHA L. stlinc~ exercising d~ care whe~ pasting 11 !Ion ol lllls no1oce CARTEi:, daeHMd; CHARL ES P .. MC sland•ll9 vehltlt or ~ proceedlr.o In rhe Dated Ma~ 30, 1913 KENZIE and MARVEL 8 MC 1<.ENZI E wmo cllr1ction .. LORRAINE'. M MET.Z hU$b.lnd ind wile; KATHERINE L'. Secl!Ofl 3411.S Sl11n1. E-.:et u1rli ol Tfit WI~ GI LICISON and J OHN OOE GI LKISON; The Tr11fll c Engineer 1halt design end of the 111X1ve narnt'd det&dent. MAAY G. DREW end JOHN DOE DAEW; Install appreprl11te 1fgns lclen!lfylng blcy· l~RNES. SCHAG. MARGAA:ET F. RIVERS, also known as ell! fann and regulillrlQ bicycle triHlc i .IOHNSON & 1<.ENNEOY MARGARET FRANCES Ml:, PHEA:SON; therein, He 1111111 a lso Install appropriate l y: EltNEST J. SCHAG. J I:, 1ne lt!!lrs and devlte$1 !l'I MARGARET F. t•llfl1c reg11l11!1ng llgns tor molor venJclos 1 4525 MecAr1h11r llvd. RIVE RS, d0<:e•1td; JAME s !.. on I~ $lrffts hiving bkycla lanes. The f'.0• In 17Mo BE NEDICT and JANE" OOE BENEDICT; lrlllfoc reoula!ion slons lt!!reln provldtcl Ntwlllrl a e1ci.. C1111r.t2Ul tn~ heirs and dtvl11t1 of JAMES" s. lor i harl'be dlstln.:llvely designed •nd col· Teh 1714) t1,·HllC BENEDICT, dectoHCI: COAA JONES, ora:t 10 •s not to tl<e tcinfuslng lo lhe AttomtYI IDr E~Kutrlx ll lS<l ~hQWO a~ COA:A JONES FARA; the oper11tors of •lther motor vehicles or Publlihed Or•nge coal! Dally Plla1, heirs •ncl deul1e11 of COA:A JONES, 1tso blcy(les. Tile sign$ ldtnlltvlng blcycie JU'lle I, a, lS, 22. 1913 1693·13 known .JI CORA JONES FARR, dtcHHd: lann allcl rf!iulallno lr1tl!c iheroon ~~all ------,,-c----cccc-----fJ .J. PERRY; lhit heir• ano oovl-al bo designed •ml colored .o .JS 10 be re1J/. PUB!JC NOTICE J .. J. PERRY, deceased; MINNIE L. IV ~ndeYllood bJ children ol sc11oo1 19·,, AREIA 111\d EOOIE AREIA; MARGARE T Section 3418.6 ...... 11111. ----~====ccccc----1ALL !CE GREENWELL ""° JOHN OOE Vlol•tlont of fhli Ordln1nc1 unless l"ICTtTIOUS BUSINESS GREENWELLi the heirs and clov1Jff$ of cllltrw/se punlsheb!~ ll~cler seclJons ot the NAME, 5TATeMENT MARGAR ET ALICE GR E E N w E LL . Cllli•ornl• Vehicle Cod• shill be deemed. ,.lit lol lowlno persons 11re doln9 dece1sed t THOMAS H •. WRIGHT •nd ml~deme11n0< and sltoll bl punishable as twtlMtl 8$! -JANE OOE WAtGHT1· !ht htlr1 oncl provided tor In SKtion 1115 of !ht Costa ORANGE COAST CIRCUIT, 2720 So. devl1e1s of THOMAS H:-·wR-IGHT, Mtt• M11n!cip11 Cr.de." Ol"•l'IOI· S1nt11 Ana, C111lf, dtceeledi EMMA L. HENDERSON ltnd !.ECTtON 3. Olvlslon XV II enlllltcl JOMf)tl 0. TrCll>Cale, 1130 PQrt JOHN OOE 11ENOEAS0Hi tile l'lelrl 11nd li"1rned1es Wl'ilch Woll hef'llO!ore 8llOPtcd $tenhope Pl., Newport Beach, devl~s ot EMMA L. HENDfRSON, by lh• City C"unclt "' !ho Clly DI ~~Oilla Kell!Feen N, TrDncalf, !8'.IO Port oece..sed· 11AA:LEY M SWARTHOUT "" Mesa 11 here-by rtnumbtred lo bl S'-!lhope Pl., Newporl Btach • JANE D0E SWAATH0UT1 Ille 1!1lrs :ncl de$i!1naled as S&--llOfl XVIII · Remedies. Thk-OWln .. s 11 condt!Cl9d ~y a"' ln· devl$Hi ot HARLEY M. SWARTHOUT, ~ECTION ~. Thl1 Ordln111<:e shell t•ko cfl,..ldfHI, llKeosea; DOE 1 fhrOll'Gll DOE D, 1ft1ef Ind tit 1n full lorco 1'1d el/Kt thlr· l(elhleen N. l'ronc•I• lnc!11slve i end 1n~Ofh~·pt'l'IO!Tl unknOWn IY !301 d1y1 from ~nd •llar lh paswci~ Tiil• stet&menl w11s tiled with tn• Coun· clalmlng inv rlg~t ttlle ul•I• llon or and Dtft1tt lhe expir11t1on of tlftffn osi fy Clerk ef O••nue County on MllV n. !Merest In the ital' p~rly da(rlbed In clav1 alter 111 paswge, 1h11U tit pvbtlll'lld 1'73. •~e como111n1 advao'st to Dl11lnt/ff'1 once In the Or1n111 Coast Oolly Piiot, • P., .. ,111\ed Ota"'e Coail O•!ly F~t':11 ownfrs~!p, 0< anv cloud upon pl11ln!lfts II· newip•per of g1ner11r clrcvl•l!on prl11teof "'"' ' tla lherfto, Defendants. • 11111 1>11bU'hed In !hit City of Ct11I• Mesi i I I I CALIFORNIA . MILLS CARPET CARPET OUTLET ·' LIQUIDATION ' 8 HOUR-SALE FRIDAY 10 · 6 P.M. SATURDAY.-10 · 6 P.M. SUNDAY 12-5 P.M. SOo Room Size Remnants-Sold at 1/3 Original Price DESCRIPTION REG. $$$ DESCRIPTION t2120 ......_ lt"I l.Md'-t •211 12115 Nylen Tutured-lrtnn "•-,....,, • YOUR 12113.4 Wllttt loop 12120 Nylon Twtt4 C.nly S!rlpt 209 12i11 Ntfoo Twlot.C-r 12x20 Nylon Scul,turt .. Gretn 215 CHOICE 12i11 Nylon TwHd·C.ndy Strl;t 12112.5 Wllllt Plush 16' s43 1111110.7 Gold HI.low 1h14 Nylon Mukltont-Ollvt 117 , 12i12 Nylen Sh1t·lnwn/Grt1n · 12120 Nylon Ltvtl Ltt,.Grff• 196 12i11.1 Grttn HI-low 12115 Nrlon C.m .. Gold 149 ·,• .,.ft Th16 'lluo lfl·lpw ,; 12111.4 lmm 51111 16' •,·,'•{ .,,,,.._ 17 N I l 11 I d 12115 Nylt• Ytf,.t·l•d 176 •: "" 12i Yon ••• 00P· ' 1h1S Polyo11tr Shot·Ptoch 191 12i15 Nylon Ctrvo .. A"code Jh14.1 Gold Shot lff 12112.S llut Sh11 ThTS. Nylon Ttlllurt .. IOINn Gold 139 12115 Nylon Sh11·Ytlltw Gold 1·~ llur••'/ 149 12110 Nyltn Shq-Avocodo "" "' IMA PADDING IHA 12110 Nylt• Sht1·Gold 1h12,10 Soll Ttot1 lit 12it lurnt Orontt Sh11 · lhTS Nyltn Corvtd .. urot 0.ront• 176 W'"""' 12i11l lust Shtt REG . $139 119 ·167 169 149 169 169 TH 213 1}9 • • c • • I J u,,. 1, •• 15, :12, 19n 16Sl·]3 To t~ 1txive named oefend1n11: together wlln the nomes of rtit mem11erl I A t!vl! compl1!nt nas been file<! by 111e ll'I Ille City C<l"'ncll voting for •nd 1g•l11t1 PUBLIC NOTICE plalnllft(Sl •!l•lnst you 111 ·11ul81 tille on Iha same. I I 12x10 Pelytottr Shot·Ptrtll Pero 159 "'""" '"'"'!' 12i13.S "''C'' Shq ltlt: ::ir S:::r• IC 25c ... ·••, 12111 Aery! c ,_ .. ,.,~.,;,. lhTS Nylott T_ .. C.ndy Slfl,. 127 W1t• ••;.",.'/!:1 "'"' l~~6 ":.~t.1.":':'' -169 131 119 161 149 169 119 16' 176 149 14'" TS9 149 15' ! h ti,. lollow!ng described real Drooerty: PASSED ANO ADOPTED lhlJ (lh day I ~·J Ldts l 1hrou9h ltt 1n~1u1l~1 In &Jock 5 ol Jt1•lfl, 1973. NOTfCl"TbC JtE.blTOttS °'tfd-U1trl'!t!~ll--'1SO~tu\l'le-1h-Afcl<. H~~1'METT -1 UP•RtOR COURT OF' THE Bloc~ I of Tract No-171 In !hit City of Mayor ol tt)I Cl!V al Co.1alMe11 aTa Ofl CALIFORMIA FO!t Huntington 811c1'1, County-of Of•l'l!ll, ATTEST ; Na COUNTY DF OllANGE St11l1 Of Colllof'!.11, os per map recorded EILEEN P. PHINNEY NI A·71WO 1n Book 11 P11ge1 JS, 16 and 11 ol City Cl1rk of 1111 CJty of '°511 M•so .... 19 of JONAlHAN BILL PEAltCE Mlr.cell•ntciu' map5 In thf ot!lce ot !ht STATE OF f;ll LIFOA:H!A J I •Ito II-15 J. 8. PEARCE, t110 Mnow~ County R1C:on:lor of u ld COUfl!ry, COUNTY OF OA:ANGE ) SS ' I j1 llU: P EAllCf:, Dece1sl!d. 11 YW Wllh to dtloM 1nr1 l11w1ul!, you C:tTY OF COSTA MESA ) NOTICE 1$ HEREBY OIVEN tG Int mu\I flit lfl 11111 caurl a "'rllltll 11leldlng I, EILEEN P. PH INNEY, City Cler~ 1 ~ CredlklB of thf obOve n1mecl dtcod•nt Ill rtSPOnlt to Ille tomp11!nl {or • wrHt1n IM ox-ofllclo Cl~rk ol !ht CllY Council o'. fllll •It f)trlOrl• llavlflll cl•!m~ agaln11 lilt ~ 0<•1plt•dl111t.11 • J11t11(1 Court} within tllt Cflr ol Cos11 Me11, llertfly cerl!ly lll<I dlemHnl Ir• tte1<,1lffil fo fllr them. "" doys Iller this 1ummon1 11 lll'Vtd Of"I 11111 ll'lt l bove •nd lor09olnQ Orclll'llllC" With IM fll(OJUl(Y voucl'llfs, In tile Of!lcl WOii. Otllorw1M, YOur clflotUll wlll bf ll·20 W•• lll'lroauc.a end conslc:ltrtd ~.c-: Ol lllt clork of tl'lf tbOve •nl!Hlld court, or •nl•rtcl on •PPllclllon by ttlt pl1lnllff(I) 111'1'1 bv i«lton 11 ~ r~11ul~· <nffflno ct' ID Dl"Menl tlltm. with lne n1c1111ry Ind tno (OUrt m•v 111!1• • lu<l!imtnl Nici Clly Counclt holcl on lhf 2111 d•Y of \'Ol.lellei'.s, 10 1111 11ndtrslQntd ot tllt olllc• eui!nil you 1or lt\t f!\Of'llY °' o!i'lor relltl Moy, lt73, •nd 1n1re1111r °"'''td ,.n1 of hor 1tto!'My, WILLIAM .V. SCHMIOT, roquelltd In the cem~elnt. ~C!OP'lfd .tl lwflole at a regu11r mfflll'IO 366 $.n Mlgliltl Dr'lvt, St11lt »:!, Ni\llPOl'I II vou Wh h to Mtk Ille aclvlu of on 11· of tt!CI Clfy Cavncll /\old on lilt •t11 dll of &Neb. coutornla '1UG. Which Is,,.. !)lace tornov11 1n lhJ1 maller, rou 'hould do Ml JVM, lt7t, bY th• follow!no roll e•ll-.Jtt: ~ .,...,~ .. ot ff'il lll'ldtr•ftnedJf"I 111· mil• ~-will w,1~ lll~r.YOllf Pltldlng, II any. AYES:_ COUNC ILMEN: Htl'l'lmell '91'1 POrl~llllnO IO lhl "1111 Of t.ald dKil· rn 0 1: A 11 ~'1 ;t'· Jordt fl, Plnkloy, Wiison, Recltl ' · 'dent, wllliln twr !l"IOllllll el1tt 1111 llrr;t 1 wr st' ~\ NOllS1 COUNCIL MEN : NOMI Plfblk'•llon of IN1 f'l()ll(f. · • . · JO.,N, Cltrk ~BSENT' COllNC1LMEN· NOnf • -11x1J-s.u-1-~--'·---11t '-'==ir--....-;=~-121t:r1ed slli1 . - 12111 Nylon Shit-A...... 1SS -12115 Nylon ltvtl lffp·Grttn 1h11.t lhitt-• Ml-ltw lff Plus Hundreds Mote 12110.3 1tli1 Plush T2i12.S lt4 r-• Ltt' · 111!_ Avellable · 12116 Nylon Sculpturt4'Purplt ThU Nylto Twtd-MIMllOT • ' -(All $11bjtcl te Prior Sol•) C-i END•ROLLS WALL TO WALL ... CllU · i2e5.0 ai1111er Thon ~·••n•ont• Sftort1r th~n full tolls f110111h To Do .... •!t· $UO.S7.lt 14, ,.. . . I d I , , Li•lng" loolft,_D1n1n9 oom on 1 l p SHAGS-l'IUSHIS-Hl·lOWS-OUPONT SOI NTION Hollwoy t~ Th• S••• soyto ood Calcw ;r2 . r C9 Mellir llfffetMf ,,,. ... & Cllfen Mllltr Ch1rg1 530-2901 FLOYW''S-772-6920-WI. IHSTALt I o.1..:1MIY12. 1f73. ~y Htltf"I M. O'ii>fiugh11t.lty. JN WITNeis WHEREOF, t .htvo f'itr•h-< oonno MU P•o~ee •PulY •fl my "'1ind and afflxlld t11f Sffl cf JM Admfnl1trtlrh1 of !hi ell•!• tS!:.tiL) C~ty of COU• M111 th11 't~ Cloy of J1,1111 of thl fllOVI noll"lfll cll'Cedl!nl OEO ll.GE IHllATA 197l. . • Wll..LIAM V, SCHMIDT Allornw II L•W (SEAL) kftkAmfl'lcar,d "'l--to~D:.:1rs"-'s""1m:.::1~1 .-.----517 E. lrA'FELLA, ANAHEIM1--~--.,,r---t-- IHSTANT CREDIT --y; Block East Santo Ano' Fwy. DfUVflt -"91 ~ ~ .. S4"11 )00 lrtJj lllt_h a1u1tv11'f l!:tLEEN ,, .. IHNNEY ........,..-allll'dl, Cafff • .,... """11n1t011 IMcll, C'I n MJ CllY Cito'• .,.,,cl n>Offlclo T .. l t"I) ....a. T .. WfMM1 '4t4fSJ C!t rk DI lht Clly («inc.II of • ....., ,., M ........ nratrt• AflorllfY• fw f'lillllllffl "'' City of CO.fl MIN .. 11blflt!M Of•,.. Cot1I Delly PllOI. Publllllld Ht1nllt'lflOll ltarll 011tw PllOI, Ptllllllhld"-onno• Cw•• oeny ''""· M•r ti.~ Jin.. '· .. 1J. ,.,, ''"·1 M•v "· •nd ·JllM 1 ••• 1$, ,1t7J 1Ml·13 Ju~ •• 191) ,, ... ,, •' . ·~ _:..,., ... -CllTlllA • WUTIAN • ' . Hie sentences. ~·as sentenced Thursday to J,000 years in t prison for the theft of !"'o c r edit cards and a penny. The jury deliberated 15 : minutes 1befGre finding GrifCin : guilty and another 45 minut's , before annou ncing the sen-'. tenet!. e Bill Opposed \\1ASHINGTON (UPI) -A \\'a shingtOn news executive ,,..~~~~~~-;""" IN SHORT ... said today an Admii\is tr a • backed bill to 0\1erhaul federal c riminal codes block future Wate r gate ~ poses and reduce t b!I Was hington press corps~ operat i n g as "ha .. repor1ers." · Testifying before a Se +- judiciary subcommittee, G Dillman, UPI vice president and \Vashing ton manager, urged Congress to r eject the' measure's national security provisions, H e .said the times call for more, mt less in· fo rmation on government a c- tivities. e Drug Death WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) -Returned prisoner of wa r Ca~. Edward A. Brudno end- ed his life by ta king a n overdose of drugs, a medical examiner reports. Brudno, who had been under psychiatric treatment since his return from Vietnam, w as found dead Sunday a t the home of his wife's par ents in Harrison, N.Y. He would Mve been 33 the next day. A plastic bag CCtvered his head. e Suspert Held ASUNCION (UPI) -Polico rewrted today the capture of Francisco Jose Solano l.oPeJ: 31, a Paraguayan, w h ~ allegedly confessed to being one or th~ two men who hi- jacked a Colombian airliner to Buenos Aries last week ln a r ecord-breaking hijack. The hijacked air liner touch- ed down briefly ID Asuncion e~ route to Buenos Aries but _police did not specify whether Lopez escaped the plane hert or in Resistencla, an Argen- tine -border tOWn. eMelrl'lslt JERUSALEM (AP ) ~ Chancellor Willy Brandt ended his talks with Premier Golda Meir today 1 and aMOunced that she ag/eed ta mak• the first visit to Ger many by a top Is.raell leader. Brandt mado the surprise statement at a news con-. ference._afler a two-1t0ur_-i.. in'g session wiih Mrs. Meir,. The prospect of a premier lmm-the.JowlohomteVisltm-.---1 Germany Is bound to ""'" heated debate in Israel, whe~e the wartime •louflhter-ol 'Ill milJion 'JC!WS remains a vlv nl&htmatt • ----+---. ' •• li. M. Boyd J)erinatologists k Mo st1 Humble • • No muni_clpality In Africa can claim as many residents ,. o[ Afri can descent as can f'.iew York City. \Vith about l.5 .million. Closest wou ld be Greater Lagos, capital of Nigeria. \Vith maybe l.l million. t}. ''\Yho's your authority for that clai m the happiest wives are those who marry men four to 10 years younger than themselves?" A. 1'he late Dr. Lewis M. Terman ~;: ;.-· of Stanford University. His study of •AOO couples showed the lowest divorce rale 10· be among tt'arrieges in which the. wife was the old!!r. F'rlday, J11nt 8, 197-1 DAIL V PILOT J-:J OVER THE COUNTER NASO Ll1tln91 for Thursd.ty, Juno 7, 19" OTC STOC)(S Gtlllrlfl n l~a-c. l~ IH"' Ttmoti fllfM QllOl•llons G1rflflk Im .,., •• rnr CD ·~ l~ UJ n• •llP!llltd bV ,,.. NI• Gtl• LrJ • .... lt•vc:m T•r.lw W1 4llo'll " lhllNll At.IOCllllOl'I ol Omo Co f '4 , ,., IM t 1 ec:m 1\'t 1 S.-curltltt Dfflff•, Aulft• 2&\'J '9lo'll ll1'1'rnd 11"' I'" lltf•"'I' '~~ 1,,_ 1r1 bkU Ind ott1n 11 Awto1 20 21 AllM Pac \1 1\\ ~ 0C 1\11 f .. lll.IOltd by ov..-·tMo r, Cr\I09 25~ 24¥1 illKOI E11 4\._ 4"' hen l~ 1•• cou11t1r de1ler1 to Id Ind I~ 1\11 llq "!:I~ 17" 11-., Towl• Mt l\ii ft;. •r,c11 other _., .,1 ~ "" ~ llell U/llv 14 I(\.\ Tr1n Cll !" \" c -™ 1£:=z ~~ 't: , 1; 1 ,~ "'•· Pl•• 6\o't ,i~ '" c;.,, jl'. .~ By SYLVIA PORTER surers scrambled to get out of :1:;·1 clo Ml l11Ctuof ,.~ AriY , :rJ:i "~ n~ ;ir T~~~ Vt 11 A year ago, Penfl.'!y,lvania's the "most exp ens Ive ' I :s~ 111.£11.t;~~~~~I "~inn i!t. n\4 n: ==· ~~ ~ lJ"" ~~I°" '1~ 1 ~ 1:~· i n s u r a n c e commissioner, category and into the "less ex· r~r ... n1 1c11;1 11m11 er » ~~ :::,:;~ c~ Jfi; ll~ ~nA~k T,l'1 ~ ~ d pensive" list tran11ctton1. rlvn ~ itt fv; ltow1 f'nr 10\\ 11 \lt U$ Trk L 1, ll~'I Herbert Denenbe.r~. ma e · ,.i:8't'lit\9tls H:~.: Fl n. !:\I 1111c11.r Pn 11 11v. unt" Fii• 14V. ','l! headlines , across the country This SCr&n1ble has been 8 Th11r5d111;. arl!nll C ~'o !'t lt.1111 $lo" 21\l 2'1\li unv tMollol s,,. m" l"'l'~-iii elllll __ Mf 1\lt _t 1:111 Ads S ,! VlllM Ho .,... rth111r-•-shbppertJ""(;o1d~ the-t...f'Wi> or-uretn-llM>-1. ~111 • Qtm-1,.,.~ '-"-C. · v..o sn.." . .s . :-----' • ' hi h he ' .,...r.., Ac .nnt 22\li •ctl C 1~ lS\.'J S1mt11tt 6 v1n-ovr'IN-t Life Insurance ' -m w c surance -not on ly by setting Ar:~ ,.111 f~ 1~ =wd 1 a scll.-r•r ll 3 v~11e~ ' compared life insurance costs Of( a price-cutt ing spree but ~~ °&~ j~ 11~ ~1111t 1~foo f~ rm t~U I~~ 1r: ~ =:ii 'fa l:~ from one company to the next also by giving the lUe in· ~l!:,;d 1•1 1 "'1n; .J:,i;, cc ll.,.,, ~I'! t~~ ~ 1.,.. 1mvo1 . 141A \'" througl;lout the state. • surance bUyer real dollars-~,:;~,r~ 1~ 1~ l:=: :::1 4ttt ~t? tr•pto 1 J~ ,JYI :r. ~ 11:"' 1r : and-cents oomparions between AmEJ Lb 2 2\.'.i 1n1or1• ~a~ s:• M~~~t i2Y1 13..., ••mn t 0'4 1MO THE YEARLY premium one company and another. A•mm '.!!'1 ~•• U\\ lnlM cv.; ~ sYI Svm••1r ll.. U\'Jl,.,.,,~11• l"' I~ ff.., ljl\ 11"' 1~1:f ?,~ H 1~,,. StWll Up ~--..-;rat; I cost of an Identical straight :: ~11::. ,.~ ~ "' Al11m :~ ~ ~::::.'!w Cp I~t :?: w:'l.!. w~ ;J-1~ life insurance policy for a 2(1.. BUT WHAT 1F you live in ~'f 1~~ 41~ i'"'t~ l~.~-~wci 1~~ 1MI i~'=:'~"ot. ii~ H"' :Z::U~ut' 1Y2'. 1;v. year-old man, Dene n berg one of the other 49 states., Am ~&id 11~ i1 ~~~::!. 91Jo \Ii s1nfi PiP i.u 1s14 weur Fri 201\ 2010 . · Anhl uir ''~ .ia Jet Alrf r ,.,. 5\~ 5ri.cl•i 17111 ll'Ji W:!'tl1rnt I 11\11 ll"l. stated, ranged all the way \Vhat 1f no "Shopper's Guide" Anten In 1~h 1~~ JO$lvn M U'h 11v. s11ria<lY 1 1s'h 1•w. w ~n H J 12 121• is easily available to you? ~~cto1~~ 13,. ,. .... K11wr s1 10 1M1o Stri 1tr<111 14\4 15l4 nt l"kT 3)'11 XI'• r r 0 m $2.24 Arrin MYI 2+~ 2'1' 1(11lvar C •ft S SI~ N Ale 7'\o\ 'D\o't bl; Pl.I lf'll 1t1o GOVER NME NT RESEARCHERS STUDY ANALYZER per $1.000 in· How can you shop for the Arro Au1 •,·,~, ,",·~, ~:tt~00T1t 1~! 1~ ~\~~k ~r'S 1:'i? 1 ruw~ l.;~ 1:i? l~'· 1 d I be U dB E d I Y best deal in life inSurance? !~T:a Hr 1~ 9 ICitn CllNI 11 13 Stroe Tee u 11.u wr111n1 w 5 s• .. ,ODO Mo e s to se y n O ear coverage tc ... 1,0 Co>I• 11u 19~ Kev 0..11 ti1 1 su~r El • ""' xomx c11 1 • $ 6 . 1 O nPr -Buy your coverage {rom a AU c;1 LI 1••• 14v, Kev,, Ft> l~ l•"Ko sv111r co 1cw. n"' veny Fri ..:11,1, .01• '"\. h At;loJ Trn !Cl" 11 \'o KtY Ct;SI 1~7 I Stlbo Fri 6 1 lllfl r Co I 1>4 $1,000 -an. low-cost company -.. W ether 811lrd Ato s,,.. .s:-;, K1v11 1n1 12'.4 1Jv. T1nv Cr11 JU 4\.\ lon1 Uth 'II 21~1 . ' -'-. t ho] 811lrd Wr 17\oo !fY• KMS Ind s S'~ astonishing you re ..,uy1ng cnn or . w e B•r,er Fe 31\<o t;'"' Kriili>e vi 13•:, 1s•,.. ------------ spread of 170 life. "That's low-cost -not K:,r:11Mh !~,,. .~u ~=,r· .1,~: 1:~· 10 /tff}St A·ctllle percent. simply .low-premium," oau-i~k8~~ ~1~: ~;~ t~d~mp~11 i~; ~~!-------~---~ Finder!} Following tiora; J?enen.bcrg. You have" to B:~"'r." 1 i1~ rt~ t:~:11 12 l 1\i NEW YO"K CUl"ll -Tll• 10 mMI 1(- ._ GREEK CITIES-Mister, say your family was ancient . • publication take mto account not only £111Yt'' 11 I .., L1wl1r c n ~~ !Ive llOCk~ 1r1d~ OI'! TM OTC m1rke1 ) Greek. You came out or that city caUedtLaconia. You r ale est-s MeatY'antent of the com· .. premiums but also such tac-~=lnntct ~~ 1ll t~~er8°tr ~ 1t.,., Tllllrllll" I I IUll'Olr~ N.1J~1trH C11t. l~-f--w r ~.""._i-c. ... ..-h ~~ ·'--'""-'"""""''-'"-""'""'<>!.~""'-"'"""'"'-~L,,_,,'-""-""='~~---oa ·· •"al di 'd eenriv L• 21J10 ,iii., ''' •• Ra11k or11n _ 111,lCO 101A. 1Cl'.1J '• was 11\Hu ~p'l:lrta. rru-yool uang t r-wa:s uu1u .n-1 risoos-"and-lhe have-to.cs;.a.s.casu...w. ues.... _v.1 ends &nL.P.n1-~\.'i..l6 ::r,;,"L" ,,. , F1;nk se..i~"-toO-l5 1m 1 S ba Wh t h t · · Id h h \ . Btti "'L11b ~.Olii .. ·~ ...-Ccmti1n,-Am--•.toet-'ll -11~~:$:ol.!c~-~-;ii ra~. a c arac er1slics wou t e I ree of ·you ex-NEW YORK 1 UPI> _ A new ··IT f\-1EASURES 1 i g ht regula~ly been µpd,ated and and 'v~n they are paid.. BJ:b or~ 1 ~U 1~1~ ti:. ~?;! ~"~ !~i ~~ni:~r~ ~::l .s~"· s~~~+ H1 bit. typically? All right, sir, you'd rarely say much, be-'de"i·ce , .. ,., s dcnionstraled fl th 1 th ,1 republished ever since), in· Even if you're conSHlenng a elrri sons ?l~ i••.1 ~oct111 , •,~,.~ ~v. Am Gre111n11 s1,10D llU 39\11+ 1 ••• laconic Your wi'fc w0tild w k ha d li lit ti and • • .. re ectance a e eye can -· 81111 Evns i6.,. 1v. .. otws 0 ,.. "" AnhtlK 8u~h '3 900 1""' • + 1 -,. . or r , ve on e, teml pohcy that pays Booth N1> 17\~ a M1ri G•• 141\ 14t'. KlottGlri Min .a'.100 4\ti Ullo-1 •ve money, being spartan. And the yotinger lady would \Vednesday \Yhich measures see," Norris said. J-le said the dividends (8nd, of course, has a~r~~ I~ iA!? nt; ~:l1c~!Uy ""3:!'o ~\ti ~:~".'m',",M 3'·!22 .~ .... : ,•,,.-'• lie ol pt d h I ed t d'll d II ' I be f be ash I ) 't t II Brown Ar 1~-, , .\\arlt Fri 140:11 IS~\ . -"-'-""" -• • .. -a v u uous spcn er w 0 ov 0 I y a y In UX· the fat content of nleat on but-color of ground e can UFW Nix' ecl no c va ue ' you can c Buckbe 12t:o 11\lo Miry Ky 18\li 191/. NASO Votuma TOfilY ... ,, 3CIO ftMous pleasures, being a sybarite. Some family. Never· chers' shcli•es. confusm· g. "'hich is the lowest cost by auck•v 6i• 1~1 Mc cmck 421/J 4-IV. Mv1ric•1 ' ' · 67D ml d th f · ' I · !hod . ll1;rrip 51 24\a 24~, cQu1v Oacllnii 433 n , e orego1ng IS mere y our Language man's me A t. d 1 000 d 1 "Some cuts are redder than ------------looking at premiums alone. As i1;t11r M 3S\'l 3''h x16 14'>o uoch•t111l'll 1011 of reporting .how these Greek cities' names got lo be Eng· n es ima tc · rpo es B • • term premiums typically in-:~ .,l:.,0' ',:,~ ','l~ ~~':'.:. llil ~iv. Tolll 3''° lish adject1"•es. are expected to be in use in others. High rat content in arga1n1n..-w-. ., " . .., . Merk:! In , ... ,,,,, __________ _ • ,_. crease any cost comparlSOn •n v1Ps 16\i 171! "'!er Fr :l!1 2,.,,,,- supcrmarkets in widely scat· very red meat won't look as -ust · I d t · t th f' t tornp Pl 12'-~ '31 Mn POI' ••\~ 4S• -......, m inc u e no JUS e irs • h1::f1 A :ioi: 20~ Mpls G•~ ~4\~ 2,,~ G .. i•ers & Losers True, the dog is colorblind . But that doesn't mean it tered sections of the Un ited fatty as a sample with low fat · R • • year . premiwn, but renewal ~~r ~~ ~~ J!~ ~1n':,, Ft: 1:v. ,~i~,1 __ -__ .,. ______ _ can't tell differences between reds and greens. Both may States by the end of the year. co ntent and l~ght-colored ecoamtion premiums over !Orl\e extended hrl1 SK M:l'ex In 3S 36 New Vort. (U,.I) -Tiii folllJWlllll llu eye l's excced1'ngly sens1'+;.,e to "ar1'au·ons of gray "'ven • E b ·er t · h the t' J1V1!>k In \ 11" MDlor c1 1'!4 t'h mo, 11 •t111 1051 •M "'°'' INll'CI OI'! 11trcenr .... • ' ?-" Tl.IE A~ALYZ R. w as Un1tl now, there's been no SALINAS (AP) -A demand . n ' you mus weig -un-~.,cr11, I'" 11•,• ~.',' ,0,~J.11 ,•• ,•,~ ~•rk\';'::'4w:C. bvlherne 2".:!ci'.""'ountir appear to be so me sort or gray to the ca_nine eye. But that meat ," he said. ~ . period -say, 20 years. In ~1111 u A 16;~,1 ~~ =Tins' r,"4 ~·•how• ttie 1tock1 111.11 11ave e111nt0 1he moreso than mine eye and thine, it's said. d ed b ult 1 mg of your pre m 1 um -.. 1'11 .. ·~ Na1 t1C1 1 111 the cv1s Y agr1c. ura easy way or measurmg the fat by Cesar Chavez' United ents 11 he ~ ~~ J1~ U~ ~:' M~11~~ ;Vi . fl ri!N•rer!:• .:"'~?:. ~=• ~;:, bkl __ ___ -, - --• _ _:_ _ ___ -· _enginecr~Karl II. .Norris and ... content of-ground-meat as F ·"'~·_ke . , paym as we as t con uTn p 13,, f~ Nt Patent 6 ,~t orlce 1t111 ,,,. curr..,, 1111 otd 11ftc1. smr-s CO~trt1AND -In none but--1,vo--insfiiiiccs does--e1CC!ronic technician -George-............ u-~ I ' ed... arm.~. IU,ll. r~ruon. -I -amounts.._. ~---~ C:o1111n, l!U. n N_Hdllrn I\.\ f\~ I USF ln'ffl w:••N&'ii!;~ 'K ·u l2 ' -the commanding office r of a U.S. "Navv ship relinquish F. Button Jr. Both work for 11 "1"1 -a i:onsumer--earn -m.tgammg recognitio1r-wa:s-r &.~1 fft..J_n,·!• Nll'ill'R--:-Cr-1 _ nt 1rhttMg-_~ ~-, -.,. P ,3:3: ~===~ I l I l T "J when a lean·Jooking batch ren · ed Th sd uic11 ~fi ~NEl!Q GE T 6'11 tl""-3 v1n SNltlf 26-· --, :\i.OJp-21:1- his authority over. said. vessel. No, npt to any harbor pilot, the Agricultural It Cs ear c h · • Ject ur ay by B111ce -TO FJNb ,TIIE lowest cost 5~':1 ~~1,11 ~ill ~~ ~t,~:: f 1~:1 1~1~ 4' 'olbl.lron vi"' ''~i 1~ Up .23:3 0 I t t A fr. · I 1 th · l d · g dered· out large amounts of fat Church Inc one of the 1. k , t to . Dani" M ••·• ••• n : IM!I• A111n1 J'hi '' u11 20.a ever. n y o: . n o 1c1a s rnus nav1ga or ur1n Service of the U.S. Depart· h • ·• po tty, as your agen give nert o,.. 6,,, ,.;, t'!l1•1sen A ~.1f' 363 '~ 'c111~:.0R.H~ "'' ..i, 1, uo 15,, Pas througll th P n C I 2 A d k. olfi'ccr in t e frylng pan. ~ Salinas Valley's b1"ggesl let hat · lled th ... 01111 DI• ,,, l'~ .. e ,en e '• 5~. 7 c1nern1r lon 1n 3\.0 v. u11 1s • sage e a ama ana . . • oc mg incnt of Agriculture at The 1 t · · you W 1S ca e in· Dala Gan 31 •• 3 • Norri1lr 2~~ 21~., 8 Dow~ comm 111 v. Up \j:4 at the moment the ship 's bo\Y 1>asses the sill of a dry dock. Bells"·ille, l\1<I. aw now pu s a 30 per-tuce growing firms. terest ad1·usted cost index'' of 01cl1 D• 9:u, 1et•t. Nws Nio 91 .. 9v. 9 Foci1to1u Grc1;11 3~ 1 /1 up u.4 • cent ceiljng on the amount of Cl ch I th" . Dee~• In 4~0 s Nox~I• <:p ~VI 46 '~ ContH•lr Procl 17-" ~ u11 14.6 Got that , sailor~ The niachi"nc, which looks \W' ear Y 1s year any pohcy you are con-~klb AR 4:11 4t Nuclr Ra 1 ~t 2111 11 Mo•t•k cor11 w '\4 2"° u11 1•.s fa t ground beef can contain, d T amste u · . 1th! 1rili 6 ~l!J O..kwd H 6'.'t 71!. 12 T11s1w1" Ill( 1 + ,., u11 i;" like conlnlercial incat scales, renewe a e rs n1on templatmg. This is a single 1l1;1te c 39 39"4 Octen or ss•t. 511.\ u Se1110rm111 El Mil+ .-u11 1 .2 lloth 'lark T .. ,81·11 and \Vi'll Rogers used th at nocicha· and some supermarkets use' a contract for r·ield worker .. -•~ that tak . to 11m Cr' ll'il n~i 0c:~1n e.. ~'-• N 14 H't'Clrorn11 Flt 6~1-~ u11 i2.s 11 " was developed and made by h r nuull.OCr es m ac-011m Hd 10~'1 n Ocnor Ml • '\" 1.s s1ar•11e T.cnn u + 1r1 u11 12.et I rfth ff d - 1 . • th · lk S l ·t c emical ·test to guide but· repre.,entation 1 · h 1 01,kA 11211v.21 n11•h Lo' 1 7•1 l6A111c Tr11n CP io~o+ 11. uo 11.1 ant o • e-cu c 1very 1n e1 r la ·s. pon aneous wi s. Ncotcc Corp.. also of chers. € :/" • coun premiums, cas va ues 0111r1 sc1 13 14 0<:illw M 1~ J•v, 11 oanker wol'l11e 311+ ~. u11 11.s .both All lh I ' N th we ren't Twa1· re 'II N 'd R ln a telegram, Chavei told d di 'd d Th I th Ooc111e1 31n 1211o nn F'•r"n ?\\ 11~ 1a wru111u1 In .16 1.w.+ n; u11 11.J !i . oge cr •casua, yes. o, ey . n • Beltsv1 e. eotec pres1 ent . . an · v1 ens. e ower e 1r Gari ,i., 1'110ptt coat 1s ,, 1t s111m1 -tri11 .10 1Jv1+ P.<.· up 10.2 ,peatedly admitted it took him about siX \Yeeks lo prepare o. Rosenthal said the first the Oiurch firm that UFW cost index number the lower onitris 1,.4~ ~.~ l"lrmMt .~~• 7t• 20 AfWooclOcn wt 41'1+ :n u11 10.0 ' ALmOUGll THE machines ts · ·t f ,' ... ""'''°"'"'"" 6~• 7..,.21 Grai>lllc sc11n s11+ v. u11 let.et an extemporaneous speech. And you can get some notion v 0 1 u me de 1 iv e r y l o represen a ma1or1 Y o the cost of the policy. 1~1 'J~ riv•., NA 1t\ ,,,... n N••Mrtt11n sv 2:w.+ '• u11 1a.o " f ho . h II r hi t ' . I d the intended primarily for test· Church workers "U you doubt I I 01fle Cro S"< ~··" 81rto ol C•IU 7\•1 ~, Up 9.6 o w muc care ogers took rom s est1morua a • supermarket s \\•ill be made .in beef · Note· the index is designed ~"' ffv. P~b11 Br ~~·~ ~~ 14 Gr•vAd.,,. .Seti ' ~ u .. '·' dress to honor comedian Eddie Ca ntor. Old \Viii spoke for September. ing gfOWld 'Rosenthal said our majority status, we are -12\i IJi'o Pace~· :\l'• )II\ 2S Sllrilllt 011 L•t •~i •• UIJ t.1 «25 minutes In Yiddish Don't believe any of the great I . . they also can be calibrated to willin~to have an election," to compare costs of two ntt11v c ~'~ ~¥: :::. r~~ ;~ ~~~: I MlcrO<lall CP os••2t -... Off 11.S •· · · '·It's not revo ullonary .1n th f 1 · th the "ez message sa". similar policies· it cannot be ~11 s&L 12 •• " '''°'""•So 11·.. 4 ,~ 2 com111K com 2~r-~. ott l•-' ':•lalkers -and ir Tu•11in and Rogers \\'eren't great, "''ho f I h I " .d measure e a m o er • iu , lh1n A n ,, "~" f'<"OI ,,,. ,, 3 CP Produc1c11 1'4-\\ o11 11.1 tern1s o ·ec no ogy, sa1 varieties of <n"f\lmd meat, but It asked •, i mm e d i ate used to compare a term and Ex«11 in •'• s•'o P,.u, R•" 1":; ,.,. 'ar1s1o>1 proc1"" J~-v. Ott 11.1 ...... ere? -ever just lucked into Lheir lines. Ro senthal. I-le said the meat "'~-· h l rr r Al the. ez Pllnt 1 1\; P>1t1l•v p 'It• .,. i &~tkln Oonlll 1~~ 'rt. ~ ll.S I k .. 1 notsausagesorsolid cuts. recognition as the sole col· wo e 1epo 1cy. so. 1n·F1lr l.ne 61• 7\,Pvto•r-.. ,.,,,,. .. , 1111 ~.~~=~ 6 -l? Off ~l:l anayzer wor son a pr1ne1pe 1 . bar . . terest adi'usted cost index i's F•rlOI'! e1 ''"'2s\~"~"~' ... 1 1~•1 • e wnl 1115h111<1 c J = r 0 11 11 1 Address 111ail lo : L. 1"1 . Bo"d. r.o. Bo;:r. 181.S. "''eu·· ~ echve gammg re.presen· . Firm er 12 12~ ... -;,• '" ·~~ ·--. Al 1' - port Beach. Calif. 92660. " ~l~;~\~rm!~s~rc:r~l~ist~~=I~~~ tative" tor Church ernployes coAsmk puted for a tspe~lfied timthee. ~f~t~~4 i~~ 1!\~ ::; • .,H~~ 1;1, 1~ ll ~~:lc:~i it;= i: 8:: 1!1 ...,,,,, Dividencl ToJ.d and an "immediate meeting to your agent o g-.ve you 1:r' 1~?1~ ~f,' ~fh PlcN s,... ••-• ·~'> 11 A.1ril1ron T«" 11._ \~ °'' 10.0 lii~~~~~~iii~·---~-i~~~~~~ tent . negotiate'' an a gre·e men t inte.rest. adjusted cost index of ~~~:''I~ ~~ 1i~;:~~"w 1:~ 1!r.:~~ ~·k~~~~1 ~~ ·~~= 1~ &;i ;~ covering wages, hours and a{ly policy he offer~ you on a ~lfckT~l•P t~~ lro :;i;~ '.~~ ;~ ~~~ 11 ~~~~!.f~~~ i;c t 8" :·.: Fl'nanr,e B1·1'efs At Beckman ·-king -~iti~· Ill-and 211-year baSls. ·~ .. 1 01 "" '"' •••• , ''" '" ·~" "'m"• "" ,.,_ ~ I "' •-•---Do "! k the · Frink El f~li ~'o "o!I r.. l~t~ 1' II Travel Ellll 4k ~ \lo 1.J • UFW spokesmen s aid 12 -no ma e mistake Frr,nr11 ij""' 2c•t. 0·~· "-olf "" ••• it v1n11111 .OSd 4\lo-'rt. t 1.J <. f dro ' f Fr •nll le 23\0 P•Nlr,.. •~ "' • 2G Mon~rcll 11'11111 l'ril-~ ff 7.1 Directors of Be c Kman ~wkers under Teamster con· o pp1ng your presen Frisen A. 3 14 °~·· --~r 1·•:,1•L•21 s111r1!M1111 c: 1~ ,,. tt 1.1 LEASE A NEW MERCEDES from $144.08 Mo. OR 50 USED MERCEDES ON DISPLAY "~'' "" ~,,, HOUSE Of IMPORTS ••· ,, ' ~ ""' • '<<1•' ;•• ol~· , ... : ..... ft.~ ..... n~--,.,,. •h• \<,n•G ;.no ''"• · ,Jl-71S0 e llole l Plo1u1ed LOS ANGELES (AP) - Hilton l!otels Corp. says con· struction y,•ill begin soon on a 30-slory. 1.200-room hotel in New Orleans. The hotel v.ill be part of a nC\Y $200 mil lion development cal 1 ed Int ernational Rivcrcenter on the city's <kl\vnto\\·n r ivcrfront , a spokesn1an said \Vedncsday. llilton \\•ill participate with a -,_--· - 25 percent equity in the $97 mi llion first phase or lhe joint \'cnture dcvclop1nenl. e J etslnr S9ld ATLl\NTA (AP) -Lock- heed-Georgia Co. has: an- nounced a contract has been signed for sale 01· the first Jctstar II. a long·rangc, quiet. smoke-free corporate jet transport. that the company plans to put into production in 1974 poll'cy and sw'tching t 3 Frnt FriE R~li 9~11 p,.,_,,.,. I•.• 1·~ 22 Soe1slarn lnl'I 31i-'" Off 6.f In s t rum c n ts Inc. have tract reportedly were fired 1 O Fu!l•r H 121, 1~11 ..... H c·" '" ~"· 2J 0o111r Gen c:o ~---v. g11 •·• declared a di .. ,·dend of 12 ". Tuesday at King Ci'ty, •• nu·les lower-cost insurer jus t Funt stt u 1 • r.i ... ~~· r... •ntt 1"·· 24 crnD1rv1111 c11 101 ,,._ ,.. tt 6.1 • --.;1 -.. ~.... ., ha I -<flll)IY c 61~ 71':1 Qu1~r en '° ,, 25 M1rk lvHorne Ji7-\~ Off ,,7 cents per share, payable Aug. south of Salinas. The King Ci-~use 1 s a ower cost m- 27 to shareholders of record ty workers came to the UFW dex. Use the index to help you Aug. 6. hiring hall in Salinas aild ask· make your initial purchasedt=..,,.=•_lll'>:llllll.,.•<:=..,,.-.. r--· ~~ B eckman manufactures ed grievance help. decision, not as a basis for MUTUAL FUNDS analytical instruments, elec--switching policies. Unless you have studied all the relevant trO{lic components and chemi· angles -which go beyondj"1•0illll.,.,..lllll,...,,..,...,, ·.T.O ·~ cal products and supplies for 5 California, comparing the interest ad-N•w York -Fol-Sp locm 7.55 l.!!7 J p Gwlll 1,61 t.J6 Rtver• F SCienUfiC, m~icaJ, industrial J"Usted cost index Of each IQWll'lll 11 1 111! of 3rd Cent 9.J61G.26 J•nlll Fri 16,9• 16.9• Rlnlrt 11':~ 7 · 52 d ' tal Th . . bkl find llklt<I prl-El.E Mu 3.21 311 JH•n 11111 7.62 I :ia S111Jtt1r 2.)7 217 an env1ronmen uses. e policy -it may not pay you to ~·· on Mu11;1r E•i!• Gr 6 61 1,24 JHen s111 I.JI 9,11 scn u1 Fri ..01 ,·., Fullerton-based comruiny has B k' J 't ·h F11llll1J' 4llOIH bv l!ATON & John1n1 wlM 2l 41 SChu1 Sp a.55 9.34 ~ an s z•mp SWI c -,,,. N 0 lllC. HOWA•O: KEVSTONI!· SCUDDEJl FDS: approximately 3.6 mi 11 i o n "---e11n Fa '·" 10.3-1 c1111 111 11.n 19.IO lnlr Inv 16.JO 16.7CI . T-Tf Gwltl F 13.U 14.4.'I ~1;,t &2 20.11 27.04 81l1oc 11.09 16.09 common shares outstanding. ALSO DO NOT assume all Jllfll 7, 1 1ocme 6.10 6.67 11st a4 1.2s t.D5 Corn 1 ,J6 Jet.u • Ask SP«ll F 6.1111 7.Jll 111r Kl J.10 7.11 Sri.eel lt.'7 2',.17 P • R t life insurance companies are ADMl•.U.TY: stck Fd 12.s113.67 ,1111 ic:2 5_,, 6.ZI Sbfi Liv 4,41 4•91 _____ .... " .. . ,, DA~lY P~lO T C A~~~ER S r·me a es f:rwll'I 43' 4.7' &blrllll t .50 10.31 !us! Sl 22 30 ?• 44 SECU•ITY FDS· .., financially sound! Surely the nc:pm l.73 •.09 EDIE Sp 1t.u lt.16 ust s2 1c· . .,. 11".a1 E11u1tv 2.11 ·3.47 . n1W11 7,fl t.67 lllC M9MT 9•,.l Uil Sl 1.37 I.Ill lnv111 6.M;I 7.7:1 Eqwty Funding scandal has AriVIMI' <I.II 4.57 Eqty Gr 7.51 -·· 1111 5, 3.11 4.2! Utlta F 6.37 6.ftl . All,._ Fii 1.14 l .'6 Eqty Pr 2.'9 ··· Ac-otlo 4 41 r 13 SlLICTl!D l"OS• SAN FRANCISCO (AP ) - Five major California banks announced hikes in the ir prime len<!!_ng rate Thursday lo 71,2 percent, following the lead of eastern banks. Inst d shcp the '--AOIE Fd t·7S 4~ ortt Gt 11.18 12.'1 l(nlckr 5 t1 6 (0 OPP Fii f~ t.2!1 ea , among . ~t AJ~•te d lr°' 12. 111111 Trt 1s.f0 Kn-r Gtti ,:,, 1: s111 shr• 12.441 12.4-1 been a warrung to you on that. Atutu,... 1.t0 1.t0 ~fld Arn 1.n .. Polirs i a 3'.ao Am snr 7.9' ;.96 L . " I t" " -~- r .. Tiie D.4.ILY PILO'f is proucl of its corps of young salestnc11 u;/10 deliver tlti! newspaper t01your door. These "'voung 1ne11 ore the creant of the comn11111tty. Eac/i. 1no11t/J, tl1e be st of then1 will be selecteil for listing on the ''I ·-Honor roll. Each CGrrier listed here has ohtah1ed at least four 11e1v customers during the past month, had no 1'1 •more tl1a11 01te cust-otnc r comp/ai'1tt for tile 111011rli ancl n111st ha ve pa id liis bill for tlie newspaper he bought ~'"'wholesale" on tin1e. NutneraL f11 front of star ( •) prececli11g his 11a111e i1Wicates nuntber of cunsecutive months J._. that carrier llas bee1t on tlie llonor Roll. J1 !t Hollv Dre.,. HPll t F11ncis Ch1 rbonn1•u 1' Andy PPpa ~~ Ro91r ll1ltiarr11 Tofft R111h " ~Phll McCoy > Miki Mc Man1;, • Gr•9 Si111•ki1 .Sc•tt Lindsay : Merk Kr1i91r 7 Vine• llarlhhof1r ,. Ericlt Ch11hire -K11'ln M1n1f1e ' ·1u,h1rd Dorfne r Chuck Sp•ltrn an Eric H•••• ,Mik, H11191r Rick Allin ,Kt•l11 Nor!Pn '' R•ndy P1 11lin 1 ' ' Pet• Jer•is J1H L1• Bill Schw1rter Tom Holl•nd l prn B1rnh1d Kir• S1mpspn l11 P11rsori Ktn K111ouf John e .. 1111 Tifft limb Brit!\ A1 1ron Bill l••• BPb R1n" Bu'k Hiit Ric• -Mon1Pn Britt Tol loy Pit H1rrpw Eric Framllin Cr19 F1!1 · Jim H1nk1I Greg Wlll 1rd IC1vin IC11n1 01,.id Gibbs Chrh Doflig iri Bri 11" )-l,,,h l1t1dPt1 Tinder Mi•• McC1rthv Rolafld loeliger Cr11i9 Fl1tch1r Mark Prt11h n1 P1tor Z1fftlrtiiP Ha nv 801lt• Riche1d B1nk1on Rich1rd Stoc•d•I• Ma rctli"o Qvased1 s•v Stoc•d1l1 Chri1 8Pulter Bill D1ni1l1 Denny Burrol• Robert P11rru11i Sh•rrit R1111w l' Mlk• S1ia z• Giag Wklt• 1• lr1n Ch1iir1 2' Norman T11,~1r 2· led W•llac• 2" Rich leon trd 2· D1ri Sald190 1' Paul Htiulul 1" Greg Show 2' Todd Show 2• W1d1 Fr•i• 2' Billy Hu,ton 2• Scott Strogl 2' Jon M 11~11tt 2· Dale Rcbi1011 2" John Sch1H 1· 001;9 Potter 2" Anni Pollar ,.: Christi111 Oahlingar 2' Jorry D0Me hu4 2· G•ry WiUi1rn1 2' Mika B1bcocl.: 2" Rk1• B•btotk J'.M1r• N1 ubr,ck 2' Neil Fri1dk oH 1· D1vid Kl'I01t CARRIERS OF T.HE MONJH Francis Charbonneau, Costa Mesa Mike Babcock, San Juan Capistrano l ' K1vin Muflich l' Gr•q Gr11" ] ' Jiff Gr1on ]' Jarry Mu~y•r 1• Ale" Tr1cy )' John 81rlin l ' Frid Bowar• l ' Oo1tvid Floral '4' GIPrit G11rc ia 4' lisrClarlr '4' Tim Hook1r s• Scott McGuira s• Tom Hi9gl ay 6' Tifft ClawtPn 6' Mike Cowlfl 1' K•l'"Y RPbarh 8' Bllln w,1.,, tS ' Oe11nlt St•loflt 21• Frid S1nche1 21 • Tony S1nch11 18' Bryon St1lo"' 29' Gr1gory D1ymon The one-quarter percent in· crease · was announced by Bank of America , We 11 s Fargo, Crocker, Bank of California and S e c u r i t y Pacific. Bank of America's bOost was effective today. The other banks made their increase ef· fective immediately. Earlier in the day Chase Manha ttan Bank and Chemical Bank No. 6, both New York, announced im· medlate increases. Their ac· tioo followed prime rate hikes Wednesday by a number of smaller banks. ' The new increase was the latest-in-a series -mostly in quarter percent steps, since the prime rate to major bor· rowers stood at 5 percent in June 1972. ' 20 percent of the companies ~mc:~F F 1i 95 12'1 \:"'11J' lff, 1l~ ln!lmrk 6.1• 6-12 i""llntl t.11 10.S.S .$0 • · -l.enK Fd 5.05 5.CI! lfltrv P: lJ.2214.37 available to you Am vri '·65 lll.SS (It; F kl.IJ ' LI)( $Jl0U,.: HA•IHLD o.,. : . Arn qty •.32 4.n 1lrflll 7,to 1.s2 col.Hr 151l16'' Comst ,,, J.ts -To find a financially AM lC!"a•sS Fm Bure 9·'9 t .49 Grwlh i:oo 6 ~~ Entror s·4 ~ l"UN • FH A.Rs t.04 • A.t1rcll 12 H 1115 Flit Fd 3 10 I 04 strong company, co n s u 1 t f= ,.U l.1' ~ro•ihl!'Y LlblV Fd s'.53 6 04 Harb[ 'i'! 1:01 "Best's Insurance Guide" or nv.im 1.n :ff ~11 ofb 9.01 t.15 Liia 1nrv 113 a 4S ~-01 l 5, t." '"" ·~ 'n •ot•I 111112 33 l.lnc C111 '" 1.64 IC• Fri 7.19 .a, "Best's Insurance Reports" tock 1: . on1r1 .:47 ·. Ut111 Fl'ld S24 -IH•A•soi. jllOS: ' A.m Grllt 5 l O v SSk 7 13 7 (5 LOOMIS Ao11rc 17.12 j• p Best 's is the most Am 1111111 , ... :1 1 s'.11 ·_ IAYLl!s1 lllCorn 11.211 11 • • • ' ""' nvW 4.51 4 Sf JMX 9 t7 CIP ov 11.7'7 17 721 nvt!I 1111 '"° autbor1tatiVe Jnsurance rating .t.n1 Miii ! !l t:oc ver1I 1o:n 11.n M111\11l 14.S.t 14.J.f rri 1}'111 9.41 ,_ .. . ") bl nd AmNj_Gr 2 cs t,tnd IS..35 1! 7a LO•D Al•: 14"" II 6.t5 7.62 servifind tcehesavai abl' et~ )'.OU ea~ '1'6~~ . . ~~.~~ , lJJ I~-~ ~~1~u1 '1:~~ 1':~ C1p 1nr '~~f'i.n epu 1ca 1ora;mrnos~ c111t11· l.l7 4.1t T= iz'.tsis:111 enc1 .,,., ••1 .75 t"v l0,2011.1s public libraries Fnd Inv 'It 1.241"1N4 Cl.l.l. l.111~1 ",!','••'" .. ' v'/!,,, >0.u2 1.st • Grwlh 7. 1·1' P~H AMI: Lum" n • " ,4 t 70 Best's has four -..... ... lnc:om 7, 1 Fri ov" 401 4.01 MASN4 fUNOS• l~llti 8 t·" '" ,.......,.... Vlftlllf' 7 11 '.56 c n lllll 4 n •'.2f C1pt1I 3.5t ] f:I "§! l&Gr 1 0711 07 mended ratings for life in-w1 N•ll n:fl12.n 1n lllC j"' l·"' •n,~, •,.~,, •,·" ,Wll10.111F 111 ... 1i03 · ·~~ J ' 3.to ent .u .14 P 11rm . .n nv .11 I.A surancecompan1es: (l)''mostAx'lK F 21..nlSAf g.v1 1.t111.4o1 M1nh1n ,,, 421 w'"'YG l.lt 6.42 Substantial," (2) ' 'V ery ~UOMTON1 rJvilTOCI: ~rssG~: x.tl 1''1 P9Clr; l :Ji 1J~ SUbstant'ial " (a) "su~ .... A -Flll'lll A •.st '·" ~:IC Fii 5.1• 5.65 FrHm 7 IO 1.u ,,,•,,1110 6.to e . .o , ~1.;:1.u· F111ld 8 j·" 1. Fd j ·ll 1.SI lfld11 F 7.'3 1.14 IND •• ,: tial " (4) "considerable" In Stock .10 '· ' hx;k F M 1.39 M•s• ,, 11321141 S.f:.f,d 4.U '-" im the latest editi~ of ltxc• !'1~ it~ l~jlt i:i r:rt! l~J tM "',t,V FHCti.1, 1Lll ~. rwJ ~~ i:M • •blon lf'"f ,oauM ••oUP: MIG ''·t:i 14'111 Fr Gr 4.U 4.u Best's 126 comparu·es were 1vr11C .1• 1C1D Fncl 106310.63 MD 11.st14.ts t Fr 111t •.u '·j' • •vrk 1r S.63 s.~ 101 Frid I.GI ••• MFI) 12.~ '""'' fate Srf 45.$0 ($, ;s ..rated "most subetantial .. 54 Im"" HI t.12 ,.I (clt;m I.CM 1.IM MCD 13.tt 15.l! T'IAOMAN f'D I companies were rated ;,very •~IC H:~J1: 4.9~ t!! t~t:lt!:'.'" 1iJ~1IJO ~:01'11d f:~ i·~ substantial," 110 companies ~Mk";' ~:~ '1:1 '83~~u ~~Y AF'i: ~Al\. 1l~ ,!;mf •o•'·l'oJ;:u were rated "substantial " an·d 1 Fdn t.501.ll Grwll'I f-24 s.nMtt ena t.471111 t•••nc c11 iii ' l"llWft ~.-Sil fncom 1 .t t 13.0ll MIF Fd 1.• ' ""' 9'5 '" 169 comparu'es g·ot a Ul.l.OCIC F Mlvlll 1.11 !~MI F Gn> 4-'° <1.5' Ioele 14..511•51 UNDS: F SCI.ell 11.ot I , MUOrn llf 4.'3 5.a IS .. OU,, ' ••considetable'' rating More eun Fii 12£'1'.• "9Uf'JCl _F t.42 ' MUOm '" t fl! t.t.4 'Wit! I'' 07 _ · Crin Fd 21 1 "-" ,.ANKLIM Mt;f Shr1 l•.7S 14.15 /\COIT! 07 f 14 than 1,300 OUt of the 1,8()0 in-Olv Sllr l . 4,0lt H9J!': Mt;ll Trs I ti 1.•1 ·11'1~ t.1 .. f M suriince oornpanies received ~~w~'" 'i'o.~~ ~Y:tt f;~ttic sr ~:~ J::t ~lt, ''1~ ,t;~ '.u ..,:I'll r: J·1,J jJ~ . llrnllm I"' tlf r lncm 1.to 2.0ll 8a111'1C I fl t 71 "Mii A* ·~ tD1 no rating at aU. ic; Fufld .671,.4$ s G" s '·" 10 ts eonct sr .:16 ~'.Ji arnp1 ~:SI t'll :g ~~ 1:~· :~ "r"EQ,: tii 14:~ r~'k . ~:~ 1·:!i,q ~:~~: izt1J·u BP11mr !"' ·I' w11u11· $Al s,94 Dlvldl\ l i '.., -s fO • 45 lr-------------------------1 ·~, s~r l :i l .1, "a1M~l~ct 1i:a; 1 ~ 1'tock Sr .: : I Urior N 10.'SI 1o:S. ~A~NIN• lM E~z~_,.c, .il;"'•it• t-• ~f :-n J:~ Program En' d !~Mt. '!:ftlj:H ii:'~m· !:'Ill j!I 2.r~ !1'j ll:!lHzfa'$i .. hiJll lllii:1 CPm Stk .21 A I 1;1 Ir lG. l .14 N!A Ml ', o•ou"r ' 03' G~>" .lO ·~ ' ~ t. 7.11 "" C~I i :M "" I• IM .,UO ~neor 1:ll ' ll;'rl" ~.211.u N9Ullfth 1.3 !31 ~111 '"" ,_,, '·~ =trr '62 }· Ste ,j) .,,, Nwe!On 11.U 1 J.+ ,,,G,. cir •. u ··~ WASHINGTON CUP!) ln-J945 the Agriculture Depart- . ment started a plentiful foods promotion program to point out on a monthly basis that foods were in heavy supply ln supcnnarkets and good bargains. CHASE DU, s•c1 -'::.... ~ \I'll tffi UNl;;D 12,~~i·~ tOITON: Apek F S.Sil • Nktol•J 1s'fi 15~ An:IHI" 1~o1 1 ~· ~f.!!il.oo .1• Bal Ffld '·'~ .t N"r 1v1r 1s'.•11s:11 r>d Fd i.fM 1:.1 11 .09 .56 Corn ill 11.IJ.!a: atlll~-1.20 ol'lf -,_., 19.:tt __ __, PKI 'ss . 'f1n:l l!'111f'..si I 1.U .t.4 iSl!f,f\C"TOll'n1,ll4 Chfm Fd 1:'911 ... if'I 4122.41 Nl lfo:l ll ,~11.a ~~ 1317 14.7~ COl.O MIAL " IL.TOM •af"t Wiit IS. J.N v"'""' •.71 1" ,UNDS! 11f1fi '-n 4 ll "'""M I" I lflOMf ,_., .21 C:cnyer 1·!"!41 ~ •· iJ:, 2!! AIM r.of 1':" ~JAt:~ ;i-~ l~·t! ~llv ·a :;& ncom S.t • ~ r,;::: I 11 ~ ll vl~•ua LIM• ,Of ~" '. 11:. n&ly 1tA 1 · TC !': t'.n 1 :u ~· \"' s.in s.!i ~ 1 .II ti . 4f 1r1rnl Ta .OS I nc 4.1'1 1.71 Vlf!IUr :i:21 !'js KedQI ' ' PIUI A.tY 1· s 7.:1111 leY Cltll A,,,, •• ,~ Co>lum G 10.1 1. 1 ~tN i 1.64 PQIWJ, • II ..,~·~,.~tie iO:S l.:M WEDNESDAY, nIE department aMOUnced it · had ii{1~~HWl.TH l"'i:.''cP 1l:st lg·!I ~:..n Ms~ 6·!: '°fl •:"ot:ci•i ,tte " cancelled the program. A spokesman sald-the actlon...was ~ & a -m·~ l:ll 1~'~'" it.rs 1~:~ =.srd ~tl: ~J. ~'; f°Ol'll '·U I"' taken becawe so few food bargains were eligible for pro-omo 91: 3; 1·,. "'" ri•1 1·" 1·!! :\'CNJ'\ Id' . ...=, 1 ... motion actlvlty In recent monffis. =: h~ '1· ·il g?IOOllA.m '" 'jl ioten !n •·1' •~ ""'"'""' i:r. 1:'1 The last ""J>\t!ntltul fOOds list ls!lucd -effective for :i'trriFd · 't:il 1~1...J~vt~ lf:ft 3;·U ~I:, '11 'i:J 13: ~!~i'..l°'t tr. •·'' ~ The thl U I •·• ~. tl' -•lie • I onM t In 1~ 1:1' nv 1 c , . ,..\c1 lo 1 1ih Mu~ ... 11.•7 July -included only grits, com meal, dry beans and roUed r.711 ~':!' 1.:1"1 1.s:tt 1~: ca~ 'i"!ittJI'.~ ;~r~.a 1m!l·R 11. vi:1~:. ~ J:'R 1~ 0;'1l!: mon y 5 $ 1-.i ~n ge ""Su1e1 r..an .. &ma. on1r1!1 1·· 7.u flY l . n.n C'Otw!llt 1.'I. 011.a ·,11111 ttl .. 10 .. Francis Cha rbonneau a nd M ike Babcock have been nam.ed C~Honor Carriers of th• Month. F rancis lcr with supplies o? many foods tight and retail prices at ::Z r'f..,f1 1 :h 11•: '111i~L ,,..••1°~'" ~= tr0~ 1~ 1, 1 :\~ :,k~~~· 111 1--•'"'a.Jb...son..of Mr. ..... an.d Mrs. Ar thur J . ~harbonnea , 826 Joann, Cost~-~·••· H_!t IS l.LY.-'•r1 old and a ttends record levels. wn1 Div s.st · 'IS o .42 i." ,,o r.ri ~.1J 1.1:i "•oYQf" 20.11 ri,1, 'r S h I SI I I hi ,-r.-' b'-d h ' I b b II HI L't1'"-... ••'·'' '·'' M1;i~:, ::u" 1'1:1 ;=•<;, !·~ :::: L.~~" ·~l:tJ 11:1: ,t' RH Intermediate c oo .' ot car rac ng s s 'avor1te no 1gy, a n e enjoy• p ay ng an a • 1 lioUP'1 tPCk 1,_ ....... ~1,. 1 ,,.11 _u ,.chtllv "·'I • profits oro usod for clothes and 11vings. Mike Is the 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ki r k Ba bcock, OFFICIALS SAID 35 jobs would be eliminated as a r.I" I·~ 11·'3 s.11e1 •-1. ,.ur11~M T""I n.~ \'"' l YI " .41 .n Ver Pay •. 4.l ' t ""'""OSI w.i, y 11111 t:" , 2-11 Via De1 Cerro, San J uan Capistrano. A stydent •t Ca_pistrano School, he enjoys ba11ba_ II, surf Inn,. rcsul or abandonment of the program. Some of Lhe af· , "•' •l"' ~·'° 1nv "'" 4.N s. ron,,., 10.~ 11.n w<0111n ~·""' ·'' -, • f •• I "'U sf h d lW c i .M I s II F<WllV --'·" Wll!df' ·" ·" i ftd' sav ing poaters of all types. Ht has purch1sed a 10 1peod bike,· wet suit~ t nd surf board, and CCtt:U ·emp 4yes ""1 tran er to ot er posts •n. some s.-; l : 11:i? ?~I"' }ti !:: g~,to l!: It!' '"~ ~ · j::; · the r.ut_of_hl• profit• hav_!_9029 into !.•Yll!I•· will take retirement. V'.i'::!s .... n l~ :,!3u1 it:l u:ff l::S •!..1 · t ri:::' "' .:~ ~ ' r ~-.r ._.., __ "IL __________ _;.:_ _____ _: ____ ll t:J [ .. 1 11 Ill.a F '°.ot :io. v1 .. 1 /I:. 9,n K....-41 .. ", .,. ti 4, • If'( F 1.71 •: S VIWM f.•5 1 . t-un1v1 I ,;- J I • 1 bAll V PILOT Plans fo1· Power Art is t's drawing shows how th e \\'ashington Public Power Su pply Syst'e1n's 1300·1negawatt nuclear pow- er pla nt wi ll look upon complet1on , planned for 'Horrendous' • • I Complete New York Stock Lis t .. ..." Ntt NEW YORK IUPll -ll'OllOWl"O ere prlu1 ot1 Ille N1w York Sloe.It e.xt!Mlflllt, -• -• H---~-p·E I"''" 111!111 LOW L•ll Cho ~·E lhdtl HIOll Low L•'1 Cnu -J 1,1.. l)'-<' lil!J+ I_. I~ '!'' . F•lt titnr 51 I 1" 161\ 1•1.0 J'"t \to Jeoi:~ 1•61J 14 lt'• 511.. U-'-Selh Ntt i••ro ,IO ! .~ 1•1.,, ~:I I•+ ,,_FS!Cl\f( l'2 U '' 51~• )l'lo l In vt ltl!Pp~1f.U II l!Oi'llO~lff~+ 1 Pe fMi)Hi11llLOWLt•I C110 ,,•rln·l<I '° .. 1 ~ »!. ~-~I Fl!lllkcs 1411 .)4411'141 ;tlW \l,;JCn ~1 • .. 11 \3S~4 1"i., *"' • _,,A-->;'~ntl~n ''°°u : 1•: lt; 1-. +'·Fil Ml 1 OStl • ., 11l~ 11~~ ~{~+ ~ 11::v!o.11 ... 1 4 21 201. \o t.. Al>bol1l 1.2 22 l:lj 17 6S\:o 66 + ~ ~~.!01" t 16 21' .. 1J'fo::_ (~ ~::i~i~v l ft ,; 4:1 r,\li li~ 56'.~t lo) JI m~•,;•of 60 l l\~ ~t: ~h: »;,:+1l: ACFlflQ 2.411 12 1• " .. U I• "'"T,,.. h"r'1rPi 1 ~ ll'A 19\lo 19111 F.tN1t Slf'I ., 1 17 u •M.1_1 "· J ~.n. '1~. 31 i-1" j•I• 4'1-'• AcrntClv 11(1 ¥ J 12'n 12\1 12.., 11111 _pl 5\ol 120 ~ 10 .~,, -. ~ FtP•CO I 20 13 32 40'~ )9V, ---.. jorlnMY • SI\ n" 214 1.0 t '' Acme Mk! I i. lt 0 1"1. 1' -t-ti 11m1>SP .44 1) 343 J4l'o lj'·• •• ,,. FtPMt 1.060 t 21 19"' 191~ I~ \I ol\n&Jn )2 326111~• 114 '• I 14-f2 l Ad Exo 9Stl JI 12'h 12\:o 12~\+ it 1'11r1Co .lO 10 lff lS\.l I 1, Ui,~it:F••UIUE .n is1 10 H:W. 11\.'J J'~ John Svc 1 11 :10.-. '°"" ~1'' , Ad M11U5 20 9 ~' •I• o • -\.11 t'11rlr NY ~ f ~ lfl11': '\'Olio+ \~ FilV•Bk 44 12 31 1 1\~ 11\'i 1\/1 •· 11111.DOn .80 10 ~ ~'.! ~\o ll,, [ ,: ACldrC'U 60 1 Uf4 17\0 12 12\t-\~ ll•1F11d 1f , li)lh 1 .tlV.+ ti l'iWl5B 112 t I 3' '6 3' Jone1 L l 35 I j ~ lltl !Ji, "' Aam1r,,• t-1> s ::u ,1, ~ v~.f i.. "'Ml~n,2 1f j61 fl~ ;2 •. ,, ,1""_11 ,1,c11&M 14 15 .,, 41111 ~1~ 41v. Jo111en 1.:JOa 1 , 1511 1514 is«-•+ Atln•Lf J,16 f x.1 12 '2~• 61\IJ 62'M l~ n,t.M.o ~ s 14 n.. 1i., ,.. ~.FllhrF ,lOQ 1 26 12 II~ 12 + l'Jo)feov; .76 ,,' 30 -.... 211 h 2Y\wt •, Mlntl! l>I 2 )II •1• 411\ri ... .,,, \1 el!lel ' •2 ''Ii ,, .. ''''! ,, FfsllerSC .1~ 9 IJ ,~ 1 1:it+ \1 JOVMfll IAO ,T .. Ag~lrr• Co 20 2 f~ 9~ f~ \.o l::',:e!n ilO 1 ' "" 4 1-t "° FIHIEnl .12 7 127 t I'• lh +'it -K K- Anmsn H)b 1 ,, l' 1, 1'1-t+ \.1 mNY J.JB lO ~ S :3v. "3'" "FlemlnQ .SO 1 s 914 9"4 f~ 1,:, !'I'°'"' .SO 1~ "' U%\ H'• 1:\'t :: AllHn ltl(g 13 n 4\oli ' 111+ ~' c~:!~o 1 18~ :it 1 .... 7)\, 72\1 n 01 ~ ~· Fllnlkof 1,(lf • '6 16:111 15"11 lt'h+ ?o o iorCt .51) I 1t Ji+. :Ji14 SOIO+ '• ',,tr Pr,o0 82 21 11 )1~ 37:ii, l7~1+ ~.Cl\! Mllw Ci> 1 10 6"9 6\o $t,+ \.o Fl1 E Co-st 1 1 7.111 21V• %l\\...-lo oll.Ctpf 1l'r ''' 16•, i6''< rui nc 0 ' , 12 l l'lo< 11"" • lllMUC1> "' \ 12V. 1m 11\•-~.Ft• G11 4.5 1 11 14 13~ ll~+ •• KC! pr•I I~ ) • 1\ .... 1i t .• A J lndUlri o 11 21,(, 21'1 2>11 en Pn.um , 11 1s 3' 33\:i nt:. FloPwr 110 11 195 39\olo 39 :19l'I+"' KoneM!I .10 5 f65 ll~ '\ :it• 1 :r:-w:r-:Jg ll 2:..._~:.-f:~n~ ua~~ c ffi!H I . ~h+~ HhJj~ ~ ~~ ~~J.'cii'~20 ~ ti~ 50 i. n" . AAlaP Pf I 28 20 14110 104 lo.3''-' 103\? j CDockF 1()1 11 7 5 4\4 5 v, Fl'-'or Co Sk 69 166 311'4 j11't 311.li KC So lnll 2 07 ! ~:• ;; + J-= 1l INkO lnl1t Ill lQ .... 211 301;,+ 14 Cftrl5 C°rflt '6 711 •10 114 ~Vi \, FIYTlgr .20e 10 90 23¥1 ]\, 23\40+11/o !'n GE 1 52 I 1)\: 151o l>lo-•, AlbtlnoC 3$ •'o )8 lilt. I~~ )Ol,0+ It Chr~ 60 t 7l 1?V1 1Ho 11~ V. FMC Cll 8S 7 166 16 l~ lj'~ ~, anNeb 1 12 11 JJ 2~ {o !•'• 11~•, ·~ Alt>ert5 ,Jl;g 12 1441 l~h 14'1 Chromt 1)1 5 , I 611\o't 61\oi 611\1:1 FMC pt 21~ • 3 321-1 32 3 v;+ V. 1t1PLI l,l8 10 ll ~1, 5l, ~1 '• Alc1n Al llO 15 191 28~1 21¥. 28,,_+ .. ChrY$lr 1 Ml } t ll 21 26~'6 11 + •l FOQl!Fr lOll 24 7\2 7~t 1l1 l(jjTY lndt,o't 10 \ 11..., Ja'lro •, AA.lc~s, .. , ~ ••.•• 6 19 ,.. "" ,.. . ChrYtler WI 69 f \i 9... 9¥•+ ~-Foo1' M)nrl . 15 1\l ·~ 1l-v~ 1(1IY pl 1 •• ,,2, ~~: 19'• 20 't •• ""' 47 :Uh 34 l.i\1 CIMto 1 !Ob I 100 It 18\~ II~-~ Ford M l IO t .S.SO 58\t J1~ 57ti+ ,,, K•utlLBr .11 IS O B 1 a + " Alex1n lOD 5J 11 3~\ 3% 3\1 Cln Bell 130 9 1 19 111/1 19 ~ \1 FD( Mc.I( St 1 3S II l3!o U + ~i l(awe<:k 211 11 ll'o +'• AlflOn 1 22D 9 55 ""' 24~ n v.+ ~· c1n Gil l ~ 10 l3 21i. 2114 211'+ ~ .. FrM pf I IO 8 2$..., 2SVI 2.S'h ' • 1(1ys11rR 1111 5 1, !,?,~ Yz1' 711• r 1. AflAmlt 2' 1 ,_..~.I\~ 8'11+\.CnGpffJO 1101l1!/,\170£1 17'4 -~~ForrHPll.ll24 j 2 26 25\?26 Keetller 1010 •• +' AllegCo .lOtl I 41 114 1:n l~f V. ClnG pf 7.U xSO 10''h 104'11 1114\.\1'1\.'i FotlerWo 80 16 0 •36~1 35 .... U~li+l'• Kttnl'CP .10 II ,', ,•,:•. ,•,~• S\~ " AllllL'-'d 1.20 7 3' 21;, 21 '• 21i. Cln GE pf ~ .dO SS'/• 55\.i S5\lo FosterWpl 1 1' l~' 21 25 .,_ Ktlllr In I() & lll<1-'• Alli;i LI.Idol J S J9h Jl>h 39~ V. ClnMllll I ID 16' 9 l i>lo 79'11 ~ ~ Fo~Doro Ml 30 3ol AO 11 21\\+\ .. l(ellOllll SA 19 ~ 111\o IS~. 16 t 1 • Al11 Pw lAA 9 262 21h ll 21\/o + V.CITFln 220 9t 38~.38\'o llV.-l'•FranklM .20 14 31 12ft 12 UV. , Kehv•H 130 7 2 Zl-tli XI\-) 2'l:'• 1 A!ltnOrp Sk 9 19 11 10\1 11 Cot lesSY 121111 94 Uh '3'"''"'+1'1Frl nk1Sr .Ml 20 llt 3HO l Hi 32"io+li,ol(enmeU 84 1 S :llV. %l\'o lll• • Allld Cll 1 32 13 20ll 3.l'lo J1\4 :1:11,(,+ YI CITl1So l 15D 12 i 20 T.'~ 37 3lVJ+1V. Frl!P!Mn I 20 61 l J 21\'o ""' 1' l(encc!I 11() 8 111 lS 24 ... 2l~• AllOM11n ll Jl 29 321'1 :1M4 30\'o-1% City lnV St A 669 ~ lOV.. 10\'o -V. Frueh'-'! I 70 8 Ml 78 l7~J 28'"t 1 l(y Ulll l 14 9 ,•,, '•'>>o ~:~: ~~~= ~: AUOMl!I$ .75 11 \H U\.'a 11 U + 1:, Clh Inv Wtl 11 2 H• 2 + ""FUQUllfld 41 6 92(.11 10'• 10 • l(frr MC It() 1'i' < ''' ,,,,. ,2, _, AUOPrOd 61 6 I 15y, 15 f5 •.~+loCl!v lnvol 2 4-S 7510 241~ ?••'o-Y• -GG-KerrMpf 4;, • AlllfdSt 1 -IO 1 1'15 26\{o 25\'I 26•1o+H1o Cotv Stor" ii 1 5','o 51'1 51'1 Gael• lndll 1 1'13 171fo 161'1 11 + \li Key1rn J<lb 6 • 13'• 1)'1 13'i "11<1 S1111mkl 9 17 J~ l \1 31'1 . Clar'l;EO 11/ti ll li .4\!t '3\li '' t'°l'GAC Coro (\ J\, 3\• Jlf+ lt K!ddeW .60 l 36 11'11 16'° !7•0-'-'• "lllsCh .110 10 '3 8'\'o 8 81• ClorkOll .(I 11 45' 19 llto 11'111 ~•GAC Co of 1 10\i 10\t 10\.'2 Kim Cl 1 20 lb lBJ Ill< 42'• 4l••t l • 1980 The$600mill!o nuni twillove r lo oktheColun1· AJ1r11h1A so 9 l5 9>• 9'" 9l-·~cLc c1Am 1 ~J "~ ~ '-\"GAF co .t11 ' 106 12 H 'h 11,,.,_~Klnuios :io 1 111 1~. ~. ,,.,_ ... r l d l d Alph1 Pt 18 7 2 12\.:1 121'> 12'~ Cl wCllll l,9111 250 )9 5~'• 58~+~GAFO! 110 l 18V. lit• lM•+'A IC,r•chC .11 I l9 11 !~ 17~• 111• b1aRiver30m1les n o r t h o Ric h and an 1sexpe c e Alce• 19~ 12 ,,, s9~. st-h 59 _·..,c1.ve12:12:10 "~1v.~'l1 ·1 23 -1~G1msk 1JO ' 11 2••• 261• 2611-'•KLM A1r1 :11 37"9 3111' 3\1-'• Ama1s._. 160 a 2 2A 74 2• -t.CleVEOf 1.0 Y5tJ 11Jl 101 101 -~~Gamblol1:\0 2 26~• 26•• 7t:\loo Knlglt!N :Ill \9 96 39"' 38'• 39'~-t ·~ to be.begun in the s u n1m er o f '74. Amb•c so 1 5 91) 9'~ 9VJ + i. ctoro~ s1 7' 1~5 15 23•11 2••~..-l'• Gams11f 1 60 2 2ev. 2s>o 26~1 "" KOC'hrii 20b 1 2' 1J•1 "to ii...,., " ----------------:Amcor lOD 10 6' s~ S'lro 5~ Cluett P 90 9 ~I iv, '\"" 1Ho"-'• Gonnett 25 :If 2119 36\~ J(h 35\ii IV• Kooi>tr 1 12 1 12 1 32\lo JP~ 32 -t " Amerac 1.20 1 9 19'4 19 19'-•+ t~ Clue1!P Of 1 B '\"' • '" lJ\1+ '"' GoroOe" .10 11 50 17\.'i 11 11•,0 ~• l(eracorp In 5 ~ S'1 5 S Am Hess lD 23 58~ Joli~· 11 3o1Vt+114 CMI Inv CD 16 'S 3 •• ~,{ .. 3H•+2 Gorlock 14 a 19 17 ''"" 161,/, l(roll<O 1 n 1l 10• 471, 16.lo:o A7 W-I AHs~pl JJ:o 12 75"1 11 1s•11+2~0 CNAFln S4 6 395 17•, ll'!J l1'\(,t'AG1s~vc l ll a •2 14'1'1 ll 1•~• Kre111e 020'"'6 2042 Jt.lo 36 J6ll! t;;:A~frlin:~ 15 ~ l~~ l~~ 11~ ~ ~t:c~ro1 ~ \0o "3 1~i 1~l1 ; 11~~~ 1!r~+2~ g~~·'co:; 11 2~ ~11 :"' '''"+ Vt ~~~~~er 1 ~ ,~ ,i ::;: \t;: 1!~\+ '• Am8•k . 20 s 6-.:0 11~1 6.....,___,\.11 CoxaBoll .~ 23 62 11'~ 11·,. 19\1.,-~Gemini C-1P l l~i IOV. 1,0~1 }~ Kvs• In 60 1 1 11 \.0 11~. l ll~ A.Brand l.Ja 9 65 Ji.\li 3f'• 391Jl:+ ~1 COldwBk 211 1 "• l?"o 13 lJ -'"•Gem In 561 2 loll 11 '"" " L AmBrcst .64 12 S79 26"4 2514 20 co1ece1n 06 20 J '' ll'« U + '~Oen Am lnY 6 13 12:\0 13 \1 -L -Am Bl<ka 29 8 19 11 11 11 +\I COl!klle H '171 21"' ~·~• 25'it+1 Gn AO I ,t.OQ 16 27 3514 :MV. 3$V. l l 1cl1de 11"' I ' 10'!1. 20,,•~ ;o,'•: : A111Can 220 10 87 33'" 3n 1 331,-1 Col<iPof l '• 11JO ;.1 52~1 "'•-'•Gt.nATr 1 611 13 11 "3 42\'r 13 +\~L•msnsn I 9 9 13'" '''''''•-.I•, ACanpf 1'4 3 u~-. 2l 24 -"IColl&A•k S6 1 1• 11·~ 11 t.r1 11'•+ '·"OnC•ble ~ 8 318 f'h I t l!J+ V.Lanenr 6Sg 10 11 20~• •. + ACnM 1.lltl 9 JI 11!1 18\IJ_l&l:li+\-:,.Collll'IS FOO<l_JO 41 n_1,1 .? 91'\1+ 'l GnCor IJO 1 IV l5Vt 15'1• l~~lorMI 1.38b 9 11 23'• Zl .,'*"•'i.;.''~---ll-A Cl\Oln-l 20 1 Z-l!OVJ.-i>QJ.li-~ €011 ....... Rllld+o ~7 11._..;;i,, 6"-0e .. h:>cl • U-~14t-&lll--N tS!eii-21-l...._"'-t !.!t__Y,l-AmCvan l'o 1~ 468 2•1• 231,. 23'•+'!1.ColPenn 20 76 14'< 121, .i.i tl'•Gen Dvnem 6 (4 11'.l 11~1 16'no-"leorSpf 21.o . -·a 21 "2N ' Am Ol!llU I IS l 19"'-1914 19"' '' Colonsr r 04 8 3 17\• 11 111\ ,, Gn Elec 1 •0 20 XS6.I 61 59\-,, ~+1~. l.61i(OC •0 • a.; 9\~ 8~. 9'• -1 '• Lea. San Pedro WiJJ-l::;o-se-· AOlstre1 'l 16 21 '•I-• "' " Colt Ind .10 1 S& 15.,,. 15'1 11•.-lo GnFood l o40 11 19• 25 24V. 2S + h l e1Je1>f 210 Sii 2J\1 2'~ 2$'h I • AmOual V•I 2 6h 6'/t l'h--b CcllplA I 60 l 19'• 19 '• 191,1-'h GenG•c .41b 13 56 lS'li 15 15'4 lea1wy 50!! 13 181 lJ' > J1 '• JJ(•-• AOulpf 8411 12 ll\• ll\'113\'o +\•COIHnpf('• I 19\> 19': •9•/lf\liGnHonl Cp 9 6 10\-\ 10\ .. 1011-\'o LteCl!&N .SO 9 94 IC"'° 10 l~1t '• AmEJec I ao 10 253 26'• 241'• 26'!o+ 1. c 8 s i 46 10 6J3 34 30'oll JO:i1-3:n Gen 1n1tr 2~ ll ts u l''li 14'•+ lo l ee1cn11 ..a 9 19 1211 11(, 111, 1 Am EKPCrl 124 1''1 '• l+l·l6C 8 Sprett 3223 2(1\220•:>-2'h GenMed 1219 6 22'1•21\1 2!'t-'hl11'1 PtC l>O 7 2511'1 11\l lll' AAm,,!,~pr, o0f to20 3~, 3'11 3\.'i Col Gi15 1 90 9 32 :191'1 'Will 29't•+ tf Gen Mllls 1 23 59 601/J 59'• l>D'•-'lo Leh Yel Ind 3l '" •~• l'lt Wltolesnle Price l11dex Up 2.1% • May lll Many Jobs \VASH I NGTON (AP1 -T he products v,·h ich w ere up 6 I wholesale price index. a pet cent over Apr il Th e m easure or 1nflat1on 1n the general increase in fa rm economy. took a n o 1 h e r pnccs followed a decline of 2 enormou~ Jump 1n t.1av. r1s1ng percent 1n April. 2 I percent over April the The report \li as 1nore bad Labor D<'partrnent 1 eporlcd economic nc"'s for the N ixon Thursdav adm1n 1str ation s ulCe it showed The index shO\\ed wholesale pi ices 1\·ere not making the prices increasing at an annual nud-ycar d e c I 1 n e that rate of 25 2 percent. • economis ts ha d pre dicted -::=:::::::::=-AF'L·CIO President George -THE=--B-taG-EsT-fiiCfe-:tse! MFany .:'.::1ssueil-a--6tatemeJ1t • I ·were in the pnces of fo.rnl s aying 1he index report was *' * ~ * * * Nixon Mulli11g Major Action 011 lnflatio11 -\VAS HINGTON-tA·P1 -The -e cono n11e 1n1l1ah\e could-co1ne \\'bite House Thursday r uled next 'veek . out any 01 a j o r policy 'an· A D l\1 INISTRATION O F ·. nouncemep.ts on tbe c~onomy dur ing the "ee kend, b ut said, "the President will be takin ~ actions as the y a r c r equired." \VASHlNGTOi'J (UPI l President Nixon 1s cons1der u1g a new attack on inflation . hop. 1ng to find a single act that would conlrol costs a t ho1ne. d efend the dollar abroad and divert public a tte ntion fron1 t he Water gate scandal Announcc1nenl of a nc\V NY Banks Hike Lo au Rate: l\1E\V YORK (APJ -Some 1najor Ne"' Yot k banks Thurs· day announced boo!o1 s in their pnme lendin g rates to 7 1 ~ per+ cent 1n a sign that the higher lending char ge "'a s becoming indus1ry"•1de Chase l\-fanh"attan Bank. the n a tion's tlurd l<ugcst. Chemical Bank. No. 6. and both announced 1n1 rned1atc 1 '1 per· cent hikes in their 1n1111mu1n le ndin g charge to large cor· porate borrowers This follo\\'S pt ime rate hikes by a number of ~maller banks Wednesday. A pr ime rate hike 111cans .... :_.y tha t big busineSs "'111 l1n1·c to pay more to oblain s ho1 t-lc1 n1 loans FICfA tS said a number o r ·possible moves a r e being d iscussed Although t h e of+ fic1als decllned to pr ovide de1a1ls, 1l sec1ns certa in the President is looking for a dramatic gesture ltke the wage--p nce freeze he o rdered 22 n1011ths ago. F orm er Treasur y Secretary John B Conna lly, now an un- paid adviser to Nixon , 1s understood to be the leader of the activist fa ction w hich ap- pears to have wo n t he Prest· dent over t o Jts point of view. Tre a s ury Secretary George P Shultz a nd ller bert Stein. chairman of the C:Ounc 1l of Economic Advisers. are con· s1dered the leaders of a fac· t 1on counseling restraint. IF THE P R ES ID EN T decides to act -as a ppears likely -he proba b ly w ill gu n'luch further tha n the ceiling on the prices of beef. por k a nd veal which he orde1 ed J\.fa rc h 29 C1111cs o f t he m eat price ac+ t1on contend that it ha d little nollceable e ffect on l he cost of groceries, --whic h are still clim bin g The action a lso ap- pears to have done htlle to re+ ne\v pub!Jc confidence 1n the admin1stration"s capacity to deal with the economy \VhHe t louse sources in· dicated tha t Connally was the central figure 10 the behind - the-scenes drama The former Texas governor h as avoided any pu blic comm ent on h is new role as a presidential ad· v1scr. T e lephone calls from re]X>J ter s have generally gone unons\vered. " • 11 9 .20 16'/1 16\'o 101._. Vt Cal Pk!ure• 94 SY• 5 s GnMor 2.CSD 9 ~ 611'' 6n1 t.a~o+l '" t.ehm 1 •2D •9 15\o I~'• l•i..-" -I 'd f A Fln o1ii) z16019 1ev,1a•t•-'l>co1son1 H 9 5626V>26'4 2~+'4 GotnMotpl 5 1072'ton 12>,•-~•t.ennar Cp 5 1101,101,10'•-r '• "a nothe r cear 1n icalion o • AGnBo .96o ~~ ~h, ~s,t• l5,~+~•comc E 1sr 1e 118 6V'• M o9 l\..oc;et1Porr so 1 '' 11 10'• 11 t.eno•ln so 16 'zs•, 21110 211, the tt I I dd t of AGCvS l6b • ,) .... +~•ComSolv "40 11 2012<\11''1 12 GPuflU l.60 9 Jll6 1 9V.19~~\9~··1.eyFd Cap 1 9\o 9 9\\1.j-t, u e r Y ops1 C na ure SAN P EDRO (AP) -An A Gn ns S2 ~f iliJ ~.! JZ...,, -11> CmwEd 1 lO 10 75 32•. ll 32 \l i l" GenPuDU n 1190 1-. 7"'4 l'l+I"'-' t.eY inc rsa 9 ll 114, IJ -t • . th" a dmin1strahon 's econon'liC · d 400 · b d ',o,n1;1f11800 7 11 1,,. ,, .. ,,,~ • ComEoor 2 1 261• 26h 26'• "Gen Refract 11 l5 s"" s S'• L•vlS!rs j$ Jl '6 :io•1 JO \, JO•~ ... P,.;;gr .::m . ,, estimate I, JO s an a nA;:::Hg~ :O 37 ~8~1:!;~1~!:1:!~t\:€~~g~' {:Z Jr ?;~z i1'' ~1!~-\~g~sJ?::C1 ,~~ 11 1~ 3~ 3\l'.l 3~"+1 v..t~~'2t,~~~ 11 11) ~~: ;l< ~U.!: .• annual $7 m1lhon payroll a rc !,.:;'~~~ ot J 31 1~ 5 J91 .. 38~ 39 i-comwEd w1 21 10•, iot' 1011 G 1 e 1 60 11 223 29,,,_ 211't 1s• 1+ '• Llbbvo 2 10 n JJ'. J1'" 321'. t • He said only workers' \1•ages peeled to be w•ped o ut whe n A 1 1 50 1 23 9'• 9 91._·,, comEd flw1 -1 101> 10 , lO'> Gen Tire iii s ~ lil• 1a 1s••+ •o t.OF pr ~4 ? 11 11 11 ex A%!'.i1~1 l2 II 4S 16'1• 15411 16 _ 1: ::omwOll 111. 16 91 9 ·~· ,1'1'<-+ i• Genesc 31D 73 S'i• U1• ·~->1 llDtly McNt II A'• j11 ~It a r e under control, "while the Va n Camp Sea Food Co, A Mt'dlccrp s 19 4~ ,,,7 1'4+ '• cwouor 1 72 1 70 2 o , ,. 1 GinylnP .ti> 31 88 JSI• 3s1, 3Sl•""' ~. LltirhCo XI 9 11 1i•· h '' 10• .-• prices, profits a nd interest implements 1 t s a nnounced ~,X.t1~~ ~·':: 10 -t~ ~~· ~,,.. Jr"+1 'J ~E~;~. ~ 1 : ~ J'[; J~ ~!~+ ~; g:::~, ~ 14 111~ 1~:~ l~I• 1~;~~!1 ;~ tJE~v~C ~~ 1 ~ 2f ~~.:; ~;: ~'.;~ ;; r ates a re roartng " pla n to ntove its t una cannery •,mm!f0,"',1~~ 6 192 7'• J\iio 1"' coneMr l OB 6 1 1&~ 1611> 16~-1. GePwpt 7 n i i so 10134 lO'l 101w-r '• LloQMv ct / iJ•O H>9 10~"1 108'• ~ '• ,. ..,, ¥ 6-1 36'• 36~ 30•,.-V.. "onnMI tab 13 u 22-. 21'o 11 -"1 Gerber l JS 10 14 11~0 l rlio in•+ 1' Lillv Ell 76 42 >5 IS Q.:llo 11•1 1 •1 MUCJI O F TllE Increase in fro1n T e rmin a l Island to San~~ ~~~t ll 18 :: l2i' 1!:? ,:~ +~! C(>nracc ,6(1 f 13 1s~. lS'll IS~i ~' Ge!Ty 121b 30 243 127 121 111 +2'i t.lntNtl 1 OK ~ 11 1 30\'J 29•, ,.,,,_.1 D.ego ',msm,•,~,1 ~ ~, 2~! 1,•,;'-1,',~ ]1, +\~f:.'fo~c't8i 11 111 ~'a jJi~ j~t! l,:gi11J~! .\~IQ ~ ~ 1~·~ 22 +1 •t\~111 ~~,! 10 1~ 6~•, 6~~! 6~;,>t '• wholesale p rices late r s hows k f V C .. , ~ i ssi', SB' .. 58,L :::on•Eo pt 5 1 "''• 64 6•1• \l v1an1Pc so 1 31 12~• 12 1241"?" '• 1.1rion 2111 a 119 s•. 8•, e~. u p in retail p rices to con· A s po esm a n or an amp, ~~~!~~11 "U 15 14, 11i 1 11 '' 11~·+~-,consFd 130 i 2 121 """ 31~. 12\\ \:OG1cr F1n1 Sk s 39 16h 15~ l61:.+"'1.111n~vor 2 J 11~, 17•· 'pt·• •"mers . lnfl~i·on a lt"· •etaiL a subsi"'ary ofllal"''"n n uri·na AmT&l 2.eo 11 ,,9 51~ s1 s1v!+ ,, conFocr 4l~ i; 89V> e1112 11•,,_lh Gldd Lewis . 112 s~. si"' s••-vi L•t1Qn1n ofA 1 101. 10•1 10 o<t '• """ il'L 11'::-.._ W ~~ _ :AmT&T of • 102+60b"'59ti $91,l.-\. C~1F"!ll .52 6 161 111~ ll'.IJ U l'l-V. GJ®ll/_J._11>-1 .:;: 1 161.>< 16"< l•V.___,o;. lflC-MeCI -5 ..... 11\.0 6 - level -a lre-ady bas heen in· Co. of St Louis. said con· ATTPIA J'4 20 s2~.-s21 ... sz'l'w+ •,.ConJNG 203 9 91 21y, 11 -:-71 =--•· c:;:ub1 F 1• snri:u-:i6t~-1 s•,,,~15h-"°1'LU\Y'c-1·10 7----.:1 AmT&T wo '82 Slo 5'1i 5"'+ >1 C:onsm PW 2 10 4" 17 16~• 26'• Glllff!ll 1.SO 21 21Q 56 S5 S6 T l Lom;uPI J? 9" •I 10 9 • 10 'o >rcas mg at B.n a nn•-1 rate of struction of a $20 nulbon p lant Amwa1r 64 ·, 21 iPt. 11 11•.+ '•can Pot 4.,, 1110 i.o ;9 60 +1 Glmt1t1 er 1 9 191 11•. 1s 151'1 t.on•M 13110 11 9 4.J'• '3'• 4J'• c v• . I d AW!r pr p,, zlOO 16 JS~ 15\lo-•n C:onP pf 7 •!i 1 97 ,, 97 Gmos lnccr JS 2l 11 • 11 111•+ ~. Lon<lon Mlw ' ~ 11 '• 11 11 •' 8 4 percent .. 1 San D iego IS ex pee e to Ameren 6S 6 J 14 13)• 1( ccnP ct 1 n z:ieo 10ll1 101 101~0 1-"'' GLtnon ..1• 16 1 1i;o 201,1 :ll >o l-'• LIV>e s Ind 1 7 111 1s•1 15'.o..,J•,. ..... Ames St lOc s lS )'• S''" sr1-', Conll Air Ln 12 12B 9'• I'• 9 + '" Glcbal Mar 10 11¥ 13 11 121'o-\; l one S1>1 ' 1 1 6t 68 b8 4' I The seaseMlly a d)tt!ited in+ Ametek 60 9 31 lJ\, 11'• 131'1+ "~ Cn C1n 1 M 9 123 2~~. 20~1 26..,-'• Gtooeun 60 1 • 16'~ 10 1~1 .+ ~· Lon srG 1 •o 9 39J 25'• 13,. 1~ -1 + ( J AMF In l ()8 B 216 25 2J'• 23•,.......1c, Con Ccooer 57 4,,_ 1~\i 1'1.-'• G ldW•I Fcl 9 t U'• 1 4 141,+ ~: LO<'>alLI l ·~ 10 1~ 2111 .11 Jl•o + -. crease in the v.·holesale pr1~c 't~KJJVr; o1.,miac 64 1 1211s 14~• ll'i1t '•Con!JCp 216 1 a• 36 JS'n 3S'/i-'•~,1c11 1 6 ~112'1122 22~•+"1Lo1J 111 r100 1os io1 los A.MP Inc 69 00 66119'')116 119 ..,.J~Cn!ICo Pl2'• 10 40 .0 IO +"'•GCOCI T 92 9 Ill 26 2S'i11S'o O..Cl'>ODQ 56 jl :~ 65'o IM'o e>l,fl ' index in May w as 2 percent. AMPlnc wl 61 40\~ 40 olll'.l.+~•CtlllRI 15tl 10 :It 11.\\ 17'0 11•:.+1.G oyrJ '24 9 I l?\fo 12\o 12'•-+-lol.oral C~ri> 6 9 2'• 2'4 2h~ .. A Cp 21' 5'• •'• 51/o+"'o Con!nv•I 21 1 26 S 4!o 411-l'o or on 1 1 31 23~ 23 2J\i-•~LaLandE~ l 71 JI) J6•, 3;l, l6lo1l o which means wholesale prices STOCK A:;:~; Corp 3 l3 SV> s~. Sft+ '·• ConMro S•tl f 73 10 '" 9•r--'• GoulO Inc 60 ~ 13 20•' 19'" 20'.o+I'• La P•colk 9 •I u ~. 1&'• ?ll,.,. • Were 'n creasUlg at•24 percent Amitar 110 1 13 23'• JJ\~ 21 '•+ •4 con11011 l'h 9 25• 33"'9 3?¥. J?~-1'•gr•n~yu 80 , 10 12" nio 11 +••LouGa• llO 11 ll l0~1 19:• 30, 1" '----=:..::...::_.,;::;;:;:;. __ _. ""s!a•PI l IS ' 3i'n lt 38 1 Con! Oii pf 2 3t '6 4}\lt •6 -ran 10 S 11 11~ 2p,• 21,_.,. Low•n11 90 • ID le • l6 • h •-'• an~•aJ ra te a fter Se3'"na J , ,llmstr pf 68 1 @It B~l 8v.=. ~Cont T•I U 11 89 27~ Z2''.o 72') Granlv I ...,.. U> 11 lr"o L.TV Cori> ) b9 8•1 11• & ~ • "" ~ be J fl la 2 '° I '' .,., 40 40 Con!•! Oa!a 9 291 36'• J51o 36~•+1 Gran! W l\1 ' """ 1 C.TV CP S Of I 30'1 30'1 30·h 't -=o I h d b k . gU1 In il n Ua ry a e r p flS .:i.msleO °1,.' j>:o '' ' onwd l 90 9 ? ?6','> 26'~ 26"• 1 I Gr•vOr I 20 I 19 16l'o 16\'I 16'•+ '• LvtlrliCI .tJ 21 o!a. '.161, JS 3(1 't I c tangc s a een ta en into a• c appro•ed by the Sout h ~~~,;_,in 252g 19 ~ 11, • 11,, 18, :+ v. ~00~ un ~2 6 ,3 s 111 11-\'I GrAM1 1.51t1 10 •l »I• lO JO,,~·+ 'I:. Lu(1tv sr s. 11 '' 11'• 11• 1 11• ... •. C int a , 21.: 21•• 21 : , Cooo lr>d so 10 u 27'4 21 2.,,,_ .... GI A&P lea 19 111• 11'• • L\ICllO~ 108 9 ~ !4h 1'•• I•'>• • ac Ol Coast Reg 10 n a J Zon e !ri~~~~•v\~ 1 '4 11,, 11~ 17,':j: 1'coolll'r LeD u 115 101• a>, 9 -'• 01L1tD 110a :n 10 23'• 23,.. ?J '•-·~ LV~tns n 10 9 l5 n•. 21•, 1:'1't 1 Indus tria l commod1tJcs in 6 12 10.,,, 10,! 10~ • coocTr !lo 1 6 l''• ,,,, Jj'•+ '-• G1 N 1r 1100 u 1 10-11 10•, 10•, L v o CorP 11 11 •'• • • the ind ex inc r eased I 2 per·cent Conser vation Con1m 1Ss1on . ' :,~:~t~ao 71~11 Ii ~ a:• 1r· ~~y.-\t f~~ln~~..J~ 17 1~ i~~~ lf·! 1~~;--•. g:~~~~n I :g 1~ 11~ ~t~ tf" ~:;;·t :: ~~:e ~I V3ot;~ 16 ~~ ,f·• 2i .. ?~~: 1 ! .2 ll~· u'· 13 ._' CODWld 1 ?I 5 19 23'1 21" 2J•o+ '•Gt WPS! Un lO 411 ... •1·~ ... L~nchSv ~o 11 ll ii!, • I -•• on a seasona lly a dJUSted basis, • Ct111trnf!t OK'd .',~~+R,11 1, 6 , ' • + 1• cordur• CP A 102 • s:. 5~• 51~+ l• G1 ws1un 01 s 14 1:n. 'I• -M M--~--"'" 1' 11~, ',1' ,•, .. ~1 1 'Co•nGI• 111 29 111 9''• 91'1 94'•+71" Grn Glen! l 10 6 22•1 :n , 1Ptr+-'•Mac.AF 07C 6 1 10'~ la'• IO'•-ShOWlng that 1ndustr1a l costs NEW YORK lAP) _ TY.'0 ~,',k-~ C'AA,p s ,i " " Coo•in 1121;1 11 n ''"" 1•,,.. 2l1'1+ 1-.. G nGpl 116 1 3G"' )Ol.'.o J~-'• Macoon10 .. Al .1•1 l '· JI,• • al I th "" ~ 1' 1:12:1 •1~;,,~.,. 1 ccwles Com 1' 1o ~s"• S~ ~·-'•G~eyhO \Doi '9 116 l•'• l''• l17•+'1 Mnc~e 10 7 1 1•1 7'• ,,.,..._ •• SO a re con 1nu1n g e 1r unions. representing 110,000 A,•,,',,~N 1 ?. 25 ~1 6 • 9 S\ -, cox erd 1s 1J 15 ll~· :n•. ,,,,__ ~. Gr eylllld wt .s... 1"• 211. !\·-1, M1cM!I ,O~D 1 :u 6\. &'1 "" Unusually h'oh r ate of •n ' '30 0-'CPClnll 1 77 10 61 JO :lf'J '9'• GroU•r 90 6 Sl i o•o 10 1 Macv ll: H 1 I 19 1-261• 161-'• o · \Vorkers 1n mo1e than 100 ",',',",,"o,.,~," 3012 ~~.~ ~~ ,~'l cranec a0cr • 111s•\ 1Sl• ,,,"+'!Grumman 32 9'• ti'>,•,; , M10Fd ~co ls1 l~·· 9 , "' c r ease " 6 JJ 2,1 J1 ' 2l '-\ CrlldilF• 40 8 •S I I• I G1,jarC111n In 16 30 Uh 1&\o ·•-•M11<15a~r wl I ;6''' 6'°1 6'• O Gene1 a l Electric plants have l'lrlz PS 1 16 9 • • ~..-• crocker 1 66 a· 4 16 10 26 + ~ Gt.oMt<i 2 09D ' it 38 l"• J1~.-'• M101cth J? • Al u. • 't • One governm e nt economJs t ' Ark Bes! -IO o 9 12 . 11"4 11 c ramp K 10 1 J2 llV. 11 ll''o-l' Gu1i Llfe 90 s 15 tt 27 21 •-t1 Me!lnev tO 12 111 11'• 11 • 11 1--• tentaUVely accepted a Oe\\'Arlen Rl10v ff 221 ~·,, <1~• ::-'i+' Cro<J\eH so 13 11 lilt 17'-11'o+11ovl!Oll 1 ~'>10 103'11 V. 'll'o 7.l~'>T .... M1l1otv 9.1 lQ. lJ 19\o l1'1 I~'•+'• te rined the increase in the ' . hi fArm11de CP 45 l l 5, • " •ccpwn cc•k 14 116 'lll-'> 21'• 22"1+~,G._.11 Re&Cn 9 11 1w ''• 1~-'•Me1oneH J? 20 6 11•, ls, 11•~ contr act, the COJTipanys Ce Armcc5 120 9 Y~ 21'/) 21'o 2:1'•~ \'CrwnZI 120 12 11( 29 11''> 711 f t1gl!ROll \Oc 2 11 11 11 +'•Mannino 56 6 0 11 '' 11 11-• M ay 1nd c11. ··horrendous" 1'he Arm pf 210 . • 21n. ZS¥o 2:11:i..-'"crwn pl '-'° 110 65\• 6S1.o ..s~. URplD ox s ll'') l l'• 13'•-'1 MOnPOw 12 a 11 1~·l 16 10 -, negotiator says. 11,..,, c:1o. .&O u 66 21•. 20•-. 2•' • _,,, c T s corp 6 38 13,,, ll'l• 131,,,_ '• v11sru 1 11 IJ 70 21'1 211\o 21 v.+ '• M~n Hn 1 56 lo 106 n '1 tt·~ ?1'1 • , a dministr ation h as been <>A b t h e.rm•tR.l l>D 6 J27 26••21 +~•cutl1<1•n 30 11 311P,11 11•1 ~3•1suo1 1 .(J i.(161''1 6\\161'.7+'n MAPCO .S11s u11'••1l'•2J',,...'' Predict'"" s mce the hrst of .x-parate agreen1ents Y e Ar~•nlnd s2 10 ,", 1 1~, ,",~ ~~;i-... ,;•Gumlns ea• 1• 4" 30''> JO 30'"7 •, ~UPI sOI 11!2 ~~" 6,•,,, •,•2,-.1,, 1.111111~on M 1 JI 10•. 19•, 1.,,, -~ AF' "10 l nterna t-nal Un•·on ASALtd ~ • Ml "..,,,_ •cunn Or1JU 1 s 9.1 s $\•..-'• ult&W• .64 s .. ' • "M~rOll 16010 106 Xll'J: 29~ JO\)t '• h h t ~ Jd tr\.> rv AshlOll f XI 9 308 27'~ 52v,1 i~ +•<c._.rtlss Wrl 2' 231 17\o 'lft 10'°-"' ul&Ws w~ 11'f 1.,\'• 1f • 7~ ._., Ma•for 90 6 S3J 19'• Ht \l 1u t e year ta prices~,wou of E lect•·•cal \Vorkcrs and the e.shlOPI 2 .0 s SAY> J l'•+'icurfl••Wr A 12 2 1.s 2s 25 1rw1 PI 1~ ,, ,2, •• Mert or pr 2 11 19.., 38 ""38~-~. be t I I ff ft th b A$DrvG IJO 10 266 36 35 JS -lco cutle<H 128 8 'l2 11 15'i11 t '~ ll'W$PI 3Vt '02\.'a 9'l• ,• • M11rem ·u1b 11 ll>O :u 32', :i.;i_.,,.i.1•1 g m 0 eve 0 a er e ig inde pendent Un ited E lectrical ""s Ser 1 20Q • l 24'h 24'4 2'\•-\, c vclopsCP 1 s n '"" 21·~ 21'11. ._. 11ws o• 111 l 1H• ~1!• ~!.· M1rMld 1 ao 1 100 20'• 20•1 26"' t , UlCleases of the first fo ur • As~oc TronJ 1 s;,. s;,, 5"'• cvpru,Ms 1 a 6 281., 2~• :ni. hGltW!Pf s•. 5 , :•• A:i! 41' .,...~fl""L 11 "' 14 in. 19'4 31\•tl '• \Yorke rs 111ere reached late 111n1C1ne .•o 5 -1 '11'1 101. JP,,+·~ _0 0--Gt.oUon 111011 l •• • • Maritn 111 l l 11 JS :u" :is + • m ontltS. • . AtocMI I Olb 1 22 17~• 17\1 l1~1T.,,.,08mon Co 30 ,9 Jl!•• ll'h )1'r\+ l o -1-4 H-MarlevC 40 11 to l5 3••• 34'4 -• \Vednesday night after n1ne At1ove 147 10 28 22'h 221• :n•n+~•ganRlvr IO, 53 B\l 7''1 1 -••HackW 2.36 10 1 311~ J7l.• 3!~7+U M•rcn Ccm 2 1'\ 1'• 1"'-"'• Bur m E MA y 1ncr e'Se In <11 Roc11!1d 2 24 505 11 83'• 11 +3112 an•C 1·16 1 21 301,, 3014 Xl'"'t \-,, Ha11r,r1 80• r 2 16~ ll>l'i 1..--Mario!! ]'1~ n l<S 26 , ll', ~11"7 tl , '-' weeks Of bargaining. ARch Df 3:0.. 170 ~l\.li ~~:~ ~·t.+ 1\z Dar! I~ ,30Q 13 95 3' 33 33~> 1,o Hall bin I )l 3~ r-1 :~, 1 ~, ... 1ftv. +S>o M•r.shF I 11 11 I 15'• lS','J 21!•-f-• • the "'holesale index o r 2 1 per+ . l'<IRC p! 2 ~0 •9 ""I I Dertlnd pf 2 16 J7 ll J7 11> H11mPaP "" I ••• • sl: 811+ 11 Marl<llAI llJ ~1 11 ~' 6. 6'•-" d b • Kal·ser Pfall" •,,',',',,c11 P_!:',.', '"" s 146'21'3~21'6'1> 6:\lo O•vco 11, 6 ~ 11t. JS\, 16'o-t ~. Hem<1co .Ml 1 1~ 81> 1~ 8 + ~M11r1Mr 1 15 1 •1 16•, 16 •• 16,,+ '• cent on an unad1us te as1s .. .... · '" '} 2 1'1 2 l•oav11n1n ' 2• s Jl! *'" 11. 1"+ 1-.H11nd1em 611 • '• 20,~ 20 20, .;.11 Macuc 50 10 1 11 11 11 -'• S 11 h D 'I P'f I ATO lnc .16 1 35 -~~ 6'• 6~ '•oavtonH ~ lO 'l ljl' 1~• 16'\ HandvH n 13 12, 1211. 121'"+,~M•'ICoCD 20 32 1U ')'• 4-11, '~'•t-·· a nd 2 percent on a n adjus ted pee a to t e a1 Y I o A'-'lilm Daia •O 10~ s1~. 5•'• 57>.+J~. oiwP1.1 166 11 21 l :n•t 73 +, H•nesco1 i.o 1; 4% "',._, ~,: u1?+1~. Ma.so<011r-f.•l I) ~1 2~•. 2•'• JP.~ " " -l'I. '""-' • Avui Cori> I '3 101t 9'M 101.11+ ~1 Oe~re 1 OB 9 522 ...,... :>9\~ IQ °"' Har(Ol.lr 12~ 12 ..... -1-t, MessCI 69b ll If~, 18\o 11,1 -', bas'' "'aS the b•ggesl monthly Q,\KLAND '"a•••r Chem• A'll'fcml ln<ls 7 51 '~' ~\'I (''I-'• OeanW•I 10 4 40 1!11 1'• 7't'ti '• Hanni ,,", ' 2l ,.\', '• JO~ '4 Ml nef !SD I 250 19'• lt\'t 1~ +, t r c I Th da announced AvcoCp WIS 1 1 2 1 Dl!IP&l 111 9 ,5 16 ... 16'o I~ '• Herd~S .16 16 •J 1 .... 1r• 21-;.,+ •.Mau..v. ... r lo I! •) ]1'· 20'-o 21 t 1-. incre ase JO years e XCep Or a S Ul'S y AveryPr 2.5 19 16 39'1 3i'h 29'l•f ~.Del Mnl 110 ,1 l~ lB\.O 11~1 11\'J \'• H1rn1lo 1 :IO 16 ll '}~ l 6'1o 171•+ "t MMsvE U O 9 11 28•1 2i • 1i1\.o an increase of 2 3 percenl 10 plans for a n $1 1 m illion proJ· Avis inc Ill 10 nl 2lo 111, 11.,;.-1~. 0e11.Aor 1>0 n '2• All\• ,,,, 01¥>-1. ~·•rr~1 10 2i 1r 137 26"' 25 26•,.+l"• Man111 0211 s1 s 4\o 4\~-1. ba il . Avne!lnc ,JO S 66 1-111 1.• Po+ 1• Del!ec ln!n • 15 6-\• 6"' 6••-\o arr 1 n 1 1 4 16V. 11•1, 16'~ +'l Mav OS I !oil 10 111 :u•, lJ 0 3410 •I • ~1arch this year ect t t \\' I increase its pro-AvonP• 1 •O 60 2'513J!-' 130•, 1l2W"-+-2'• oeitonl! co s 231 "" 10~1 11 -=i. ~:~r~~. :1 v 11 16 1s~• 1s>1o + 111 Mav .. os 065 '' 10 2s u " t , ductton of caustic soda a nd Ai1eco11 6k 51 5 11 ... 11 1& -~eenn • .., BO , "21 ~, 70'4 1114 t 1'1-iarieH 100 , ,1 91-'> 9 , M6v1Jw ;o 1 16 ,,, ,,, ,,,_,, Dollar Up In Europe~ Gold Dips -0 0-Oen~bn pl l S 19 19 19 i l ,, 1-\ow•EI l 56 11 19 21h l"°' ~I~+ \'o M1yle<r 1 lO IJ 151 11 261, l' + • chlorine by nearly 30 percent s11o&w11 eo 13 ea 2•~ 2•t• 2•'•+ v. oennv• o' 1• '8 11'!1 10':• ]',"1 + ~· 1-1eves Alti 1 1 is n-. 13"" 13'-'>--'•MCA '"c 64 B 21 21"' ,, l\ .... • . Bache l SD 14 42 S'lo. l':o 5 DenlSDIV 68 14 18 18•• lJ>;. • • H8Ullln1 12 )6 5•• s 5 ~ .... I MeCoro II , • 16'.-IS\11 1n -.t •• The project includes e x+ Baker In· 16 1J 26 23~, 23~• 23•._ 1• D•Sc101n ,.(I s 6 10 ._ 2010 ),!!_,.. H11:A MerHn 13 l 11'• 111~ l7''r+ ;• McCrcv 110 s 4 19'-.. 1910 19~1 ,, f h • BakerOll ) 1 "l1 61 2fu 2'!1 2~+ "4 De!Edls 1.45 10 140 20'1 \{o 'v;""' " Ht<:k Inc 11 H 50 14-\~ 14'~ l l'\o-'Mc0e•mol l 26 96 l>OV• 59~ 0014 +, pans100 o t e company s eanGa• 1 96 10 191 211•. 2r.11 1,,,,_ \o DetE "' 9 n 110 111•11 111 ~J i,)J,'!++1 • Hecl1Mn 2k 31 20 16'1> 11:• 161\:--\• Mc Dc~!d co 65 4}(1 118 66'• ~1•, I', G ,_ hJ Jkl BllG>Pf l ..... 1lll062 61 61 14 Oe!l:pl 768 1101011i 10li>v•u Hli!emn •4 8 10\t l fl , McC>onO IQ 1 4523••13'•1)•, '• ramercy, lAI. c or-a a I aencai 1,34 10 3 2311 D \I 23v.+ "·De•" Cp ,25 15 ?9 1s~. u lS'l•t '1• Helnr H 108 1• 7• 411'1 11 \, 41, t ~ •.1cGrEd 1•, 11 )9 ?9•, ?\J '' 29'•t '• Pla nt set for 1974 Th e com-011'da11 Inc: 41 26 28~ 171• 21,,.,+l>o Dial Fin ,S4 ll ,.l ',',, Jl~W ~; _ ~ HelfnaR 16 41 11,02 3~.• ~; l\~ ,, McGr HI 'II 9 Sil 8'• I'' l'o · Banoor p" • 28 7~ 7'• 7~ Ola Intl 1.80 8 .., " • • t;elene Curl ~· .,.. : •~cG•ePr D 9 1o J•, 3•, 3\o-1, Pany said it p Ja nS to nlarket 8&1\QrP pl 2 3 21 24 24 -'• Ol•m Shm 1 9 10 1.1t!. •11;! ,",,!++ !' Hellerlnl 14 15 l'lOI 2,1 ~, 3,•,:J ,,,.~.:.!: i' McKff 350 1• l6 23~. 1J\l 1Jlo ~ 4, BnkofNY 2 6 JS»~• 3l~!i oo••+ ll,Dl1SJ\mpt 2 1 " ,, ., ,1 HelmePr 61110 9 a'lo ,. ~ ••-, ''Ac l~n 60 11 s l6'-o a~ l~ .. the a dditional pl'oduct1on to BankTrust 3 10 36 S5V• 55\l ss'"'+~D1~$1>or 120 J7 !S'I: 1~• 1 s,~+··'Ht1me P :IO ll )\ 24\~ 23 ·'2 , t•10 McL01.11 n su 1 10 i s·~ 15" is·~;,, BarwrOI 2~ 96 211.1i 21 11'1• i:.1claPh!'I JO 10 :n 8\• I " 71 HemnP C•o 6 1\li 2 '1 McNeil 7S 1 10 11 '• 1111 11'•1; •, externa l customers. e11rd CR n 35 10"2 20 2s11 26 + '• O•tt>Olo OOQ 10 1 •1,~~ ·~~· ~i~ ~ ~rc ... ies 61 70 ao1, ",,1. 1s1v. ~t~•; )"> 11.eau CP 60 10 bl 111.-, 1J•. 1fll-, , Barne! 1 291> I :io 13'• 23 23'•+ '.I O•OIMQO .60 1 " ... • ' -, • Hersnv 1 10 11 l 'h I ~· , • ' • l"eeptB 2 8 5 l6 l5\• 35 , _ " • Att '" • Basic In T10 1' 1 6h 6'11 6~o Olq1ta1 E<m• 41 113 t'1t 81 l l.o+l 'He'-'Dl eln 9] 21 318 12'':> .il\'I ~I 1+ ''M E I Carp I 18 1\', 2 o 1 ~ Or11e11s Ill 6alesMf 2019 ll Hl l0\1 101'1 .°gllUnOll 411 14 16 1:• 1:• t:•+l'IHtw!ll P 20 '7 m l1'471'1i82'•+5 MelShoe .,J l'O 11 ?3'o13 23':>-'+ S AN FRANcfsco 'APJ B~uKhL ,2 15 127 :IO'h 19~ 19}_.. \'I 111\f!!ihOI 2 1 73 ,. 23' ?J • H101>Vclt En 2S 22 S llo 5 Memoct • 10 IJS ~!~ 41'o ,,_ -BB~Terl 15 61 259 ,9 47"• 19 +2• .. DllloriC .10Q is -a 29''• "2e">• 29'1i+2~'H•l!tnDr 4131 17 21 20'h :IO~·~Mena•co II. 11 9~. O'"'f 9•~;.~ LONl)QN (UPI) _ R eports T\VO <:tttorneys \\'hO won $3 1 eavukCg }() 9 1 lH• 11\'t H lllo ' 015rtevw ... 1~ ~ )620 1 fn' '~ yy,A:;: ~Hilton Htl 1 10 JB'' "•'•'' 231~ 2i'~+ :-"Mere sr l !oil u ; na•. 110•~ 1'B ~t 1 ' Bt11rlr>11s 60 13 13 3111/J 3il't 38\1:1 Ol1Slon ....,... • HMW Indus 1& ' ~· ' ,•Merck 118 :U 215 91'• i9;l 91•~ ~' 0 that P rcs'denl N'·xon m ight be million damages 10 an an· Be11 Fd' 62 11 :io1 u 2.:1w 2• + ~ 011rnsea 10 19 • 11:w 312~ 1,,,.,,.. , Hotior!M 6• 1s 4 28 '18, n + • Mere<:11111 Ta 1 1 ll'-1J\, 13,., , BeaFo 1)1 4 1 119 \19 llf + .,.,o.verslld In 11 2'• ~ ·~ Hoerner t7 a 3S 'BV. 24~ 1.f!.-~~ MerrllL 1lb 1 211 14 13\1 l' , Prepa rUlg a new Ame r•c an a n· tttrus t suit a gainst two Beckmn 50 1s n 25 ~ 13\ii-lV. DlvMr l 11b a 61 23., »21 ,n,~-. ~Hell Electn 7 n no 1'1-11 1i ,+ \'t MesePel ta 11 61 60 ~ ~. 60 t BecronO JS u 95 J5 34 34 -~o DrPeoor .22 Sl 109 23... .,.. ... Hol lnn• lO lt 13' 19\IJ 19 1°11>..-1"Mes5of 220 1 1 11'1l 1il':U2'1 ~ '• ti-inflation package pushed t he gypsu m 'vallboard manufac· BeechAr :10 ,7. ao 131'1' 13 13 . -oomeMn le 28 121 9!,, ",~ 9~~+1 ;? 1-1o11vs'u ,501;1 1 «1 131'1 111"1 I?'.-.,.., Mesabo soo 11 3'5 ~"' 9 • 9., ded BelcoPet lk 1 11 ID\', 9r,, 10'4! .,. DornFd ,ll'lb 2( ,_ ~· ,... YI Homestk 6G 26 24 46~ U'l'o ·~i'o~.,. Me•la M•cn 13 11... l I • 1111-I~ d olla r higher Thursday in turers have been a war Belden 1 20 , 6 20v. 20 201Jo ...., oon1.u1J n •I ' e>1.io 1•~ 20011." ,._ Honvw1 i .io n 2A5101'1o 99v. 101•<+1 MGM inc 9 is i.t, ll'ro 130..1 '• I f b US BelOciH .JOG 1' 5 9 9 f V. Donnellv . .u 1• 4 20 9--.. .,... ., Hoover 1 21 I 2l l8 4 21\• 1P.•-I'• Mt1ro Yl<I I 21 1~11 15"' la '• E uropcandAs1aand sent gold $625.000inlega ees Y ··BellHcw.658 ,2 1b""2~16-Voor1c cp J1 1 1~1s•:H~l5.~~ 1~Hcrlron ca 1 •:io 1flo '" '"• MetE1>re.12 1&0 101 1a1 101 =•·, d d D Co J d Alf Btml•CO 80 1 J 11v, 111, 11•~ Derr Oliver 1 2 8''< I• ... + HO'loltal Af! 1 1S 9'; 9 91•-._Meteer 3 i'll 1\0 49 1? # prices down 1n the secon ay 1str1ct url u ge onso Bend•x 1 60 9 319 lS\4 3"1'\4 lS 1 1-. Dorsevc w 6 21 1 6•• 1, -t h HosoCP .12b 12 m i:v1o 13"' 1)\li_., '~MGIC 1n 10 'a an 60', 6s•. 69•, ,., Of the doll.r's r-"ery from J zir po!J Ben co 11s 6 1n 23-h 22~ 23'!1.+ ~~ Oov•rCi> B• 10 1 Ji ..,, Af;:" :1"4'' ~ ~1' Hot! tnll 36 10 :.J 11~, 11 I I'~+ v. MfchGs l 01 11 11 11" 11 . 11•,,. '• ... --..v• BenC1>!•30 363 63 63 Oowcneml2,1&1 51''""'" ,• "Houd~iie6ll6 2112 11~~1~+Y•M1chSTuDl 1 •l• 1• Jj Tuesday's r-rd low . (J.ate The lead attor ney F r ederick ae~Y•t inc lo 78 J\lo 3'-to 310 o PF 1ncr , s' 6.._ .~'" 2•,r~+ ~ HOl.ldl 111 2'." 5 :l't :it 29 -\~ Mlcroe101 4• & 11 1P , 11''11 11'~ ... "''-v • Berkey PllO 7 n 1°"' 9~10 i v.Dravo 11.• IS 25--. ~ f":".,"HOUOllM" 9 10 llVJ 12'4 \1tio-Y.I MIOCTI 96 II 24 JI 161.. 11 -1-1 1 reports s how the dollar Jost P Furth was e:ranted $5 19 000 ee111s1 1 ..011 9 144 2"" ~v. ml 1. oreuer i •o 13 " 3314 3r'• ~{~t ~.House F1bn 11 191 6\\ 6>• 6.-to M111sou 1 io 11 114 7311 13"" 23'1>-, · · J ' Bl<iJtlld5211 6531~•38 38'11 '•Ore•Pf 270 n11.,.~1 • .j..,HouseFnlli 9 13''l'2 ~'4 21"tl/•MldMro &ao9 111s lt l'o ll -'• m omentum la te r in t h e day a nd R obert L Weir of San Bl•ck&Ok l 11 211 110 1oeVt 1091/• J'!t C'•tserpf 2 a ~~1• 3,,', ',.'\'" }'House Ill"'' 32 so •9 ~ ' MfOAM1 so e 16 17 111.< 111, h h J d U d Blo!r Jn ~· 5 8 '1'1• 7 7 Or~~el l '.!Ou 9 .,,,~ ' 1 f "'Hou~LP 1 Ml IS 11 ... \'I O lli '31"-\It MlltiLD 1.28 15 6 '''• "~• A• •-, a nd closed only slightly 1g • ose $106.000 un e r te or er sn$sLoni 10 1 4 1"-" 1~ 1~t v. or.,,.tu!CP l ,•, 1>< ,,9i'" 201~ 209/~ ~ HouNtGs .:M 11 2s ~.,., 25'• 2~ M111onar 36 11 61 lll• 14'• u -1, h Tu d ) f'I \Ved s<f Th f B!ockHR 24 11 311 1\'l 6-\~ 1111..-1 ~1 0'-'ke P llQ 4 ' " "r-1 HcNGl!f 2\1:1 l 12V. S211t S2•i-2~MnnM&M I r7 231 94, 11\, l~'•+I • er t an on es ay. on L e ne ay e ees BlueBell 65 6 17 161,. lS'I• 1s~•+ \ .. Ouk• pl 1 ao zJO 1oor,-. 100..,, 1~ ~., Howar dJ 16 11 ,,, 16 15•~ 1s• • MlnnPL 1 "' a 1s 20 19"" 19-'4-1, m I be re d by the t\\'O COO} BcDble Brl<:s s 2) 4~1 I '• 'i• o._.naro 1.69 28 111 75'1> 1S , 7 ,-,r. Howmff 70 9 :If ll'lt 11 •,. JP,-V.M.l,•nEa ll l! 4f !~\, 1s1, 15'•-1 A SURGE OF e a rly buy ing us r-a l • Boell'llC •O 12 126 18\• IT'• 18'o---\,Ot.onBrad wf I 37>.l. 311'i 3l'lli+ 'HutlDd \lSb ll 1 it;. 19•• lt\. M!1•A1v .90 10 11 u•. l''' I•'•-1, boosted t he dollar's value by panies in a ddition to the 3:~'J ~~~~ 8 1~~ :i: ;:: ;;~ :: 8~~1::, 2~~ l~ ~ 16~\: 16~~ u1~ +1 ~ ~~~~:." T1~ lt 111 ll'~ ?1\'o ~~~1:i ~:Ot'.~ ~ J ~ I ~~~ ~:~ ~:~·+ • 1 , percent •n a 5,·ngle day in da m ages aookMo 111 1 1o '°'"' 20 1n _ ,,, ouPn pl 1'1~ 10 3~ ~~ ~" ~.~ ""Hun1 Ch 16 20 49 14 n""' '' +-•1 Mo P,•0tis '' 10 1 1s·1 15..._ 15" ~ t~ 1 Boroen 1 20 10 109 17 21,._ 21'•+ ~-OU<1nel. · l ?J\.o 21,~-Hutton E ID S 18 81/o l',t IL.+ \•MOD I l 2.80 U-----lU~• ~ 4'1-a+ ~ \V••st Germany a nd to a lesser • Wyn11s T1c1"n1 Bor11 w 135 • 64 2sv~ 2s 2s•.-"' o ... <1t.h1, ".202 9 14 iit! 16•• 16•,-v. Huvnci> 2• 11 i1 25v. is 151•+ ·~ ~~sco 1020 ' s1 19;-18'• 11!;.ot... • "" • Bormllnl In 15 n 3\1> Ji• l ll> Ovrrni n E E Hydromt .16 I 15 l'M 1:\0 1i...-* , .. , ... ,1w~, r ~ • , 4'1< • <r , d ti n e Y h D II Pit 3 - -_,,_ .. ohwk o 1 5 1 lS(o IS-'• 1~'• egree 1n o 1e r m o Special to t e a y ot em1 Ed '4• 11 ~• 32~ J2,, 2'1+ ~. E11<>1• Pl •1 • • 15\li """ 2Y.\-v. icN Pnarm is 1• '""' ,.... li·'t Motve Cori> 10 :ri 14\• u~ 13•1+ , , k • E nd A Id of Bos!Epl 8 H z90 113'h Ill • 113'"' fa$CoC 211tl 7 ~16 l2V. 12 12V11T ¥1 ld~llo p 1 16 10 11 11'• 28" 2ij\11 l.'o Molvpl 1 81c 1 JO\'/ J0•,1 Jtl' , n1ar·ets 1n u rope a s 1a. AZU SA -S hareho crs Br>urns Inc 1 5 1ov. 10~• 10"' E•''t rn Aor 4067 9'• !~ 91-+fl 1dfflB~• .ao 8 ,1 124; 12'M 12-...::~Monoar•m s 1• s.., s'I-.. 5.;j:, •··t there was little solace for W 0 1 C 1 !he anni•al er1nJ1Arr JI 11 269 lO'i 91/J ,,,_ lfo E111G111F 31 lJ .54 22 2 \1 2114 , 1~4iB_pt 4,,., 1 6911:o 69,,, .,\o-lv. MOnoroA 4• n 29 l7<• 11., 17~ • IJIJ ynll I 0. a Briggs 12Da 1' 20 5311. s:l"'< 53\/o+ 'it. Et s!U!ll 11"1 11 4 lf'A 11~ ltl":t1(i 111e11 TOY +I I 32 (Y, ll' 4fli Monsnt 1 80 17 194 511-l SHo 51~.+ '• Amen cans hv1ng jn E urope; m eet mg \Vedn esday appr oved Brls My l ll 22 143 60 )9~ l>D + ""' Est 1((1 1 0811 ~I 4f! l3J,:-1~t 1 30»," ~ IDS RI I. l!o ll .ti> 23'" 23 2:Pit.+ :;.:. Mons pl lV. 2 M\'t 04 ~\·r ._ , , BrlsMypl 2 a 43 •l '• 42flo E111onCp l\.'J I -jj• ti ... -lllC•nln 122 6 11 If,_ 18'1• 11'•+1<.MonlDk 1 94 10 19 Jllfl J2l~ l'li-•t the series of monetary crises the plan and agr eem ent of BrHPei 11D 11 109 lS'~ '~'• is + v. EchllnM .~2. 20 21,•, 32}1 Jl ~ ll!';:~I:;, n1c1n PIA 6 " 92•11 '°"' 91 \/l+lh MontPr 1 ao 11 lo 32>1i J1•. 32~-1, BrodHal 70 17 2~ 31'l J'l"• :J?~'t"\IEckOJk ,20 :I& ''" 20 • ~!• lllCenltfJ'n 21.~~ '3\<. "3'Ai MonvM .Sltl 11 J6 jl Jl~ 'j • \ }r.1ve seen the value of th eU' wholly owned subsid iary o f a BdwyH1r1 l J 561• ss,,., ss•~-'" Eckd NC1 ~ 2,00 :1, 22"A 29~ ~~ ;;:. 111 Pwr 220 12 112s :hi~ 21..,, 27'1:.i -i; Moor• N.cc 6 ·s J 1 ' BrockG 7S 6 2111 11"1117'0-'lo EdlnBr"" fJ 1 1 ' t111Pwol2.l5 110031 31 31 -1 Morotn JPl5 139S0•,'/49'11!>0'~+~, \\'ages plumm et 32,pcrcent in New Dela v.'a re corpora tion, BrunG' 1 n 10 10 n~ 22111 1214+ 11, EG & G 10 J~ ~ ~~ 1~~ ~r::: i,. 111roo1w .36 19 31 2•\o'J 23 24\o\+lh Morrsk 101:1 s 1' 15 >.:. U'• 1J•,, ta h W , I I I Brown com • 18 l'lo ,,., ™·t-'Ii Elect AS$°' 9 3s{ JS:V. lR'I lmoerlu C.p i 161 9llo YI~ 9\o ~ Morie El Pr I 9 14 lllio I• n1ont s . ynn s n tern a llona , nc. srG•ovP 1111 • 2 2Sllo 2~ 25'\•+.,. ~ps1 Mcor: ~ :5 3~! i 3' 1N" co 1"'1 1 1u 3l\• 37'4 31\'J +-•n Mcrs~sn .1s 6 lJ 1•11 11• 1"-'• Bankers attributed the gain Under th e p lan t h c Brn snrp .20 16 l 91&. th 9~\ "'I~ 1 ·~ 1 8 • 8 ... -;,.. INAlnS .•11:1 . 21 22;\-Ji 21 1,., 21,._ 1"i MtgTr 1 05D 1 2' *"' l&'• 1o•i +-~. ' BrFetrl1 ~ 11 17' 14!~ 14•,. 141'1'+" 1/.1 '" ~ 1 wl •· Jj l\lo 1 8V.+1llt 1ncam• C•P l t \11 61'-6'l•+ lit MonNor .11 • ll'I 1s• 1 1•'1< u"' ~ • to press r eports f r om shareholders of Wynn Oil Co Br._.n~wk ·,~ • Ul 1~ 15~ IS!• I-'A ~1fi11 1 ll>!I ~ 1 !i,;• 6'4 ,,.._ v. 1ncc1nc .sit! ·• 1 1ov. •oi., 101• Mo1ora11 .so 22 ••1 Ar.Iii 45111 411""+-H• Brvsh W ~O I 10 2JV. 1l 23 -"'I ~ r NG l 1 111 1 , 15\'a ISV.-1' lnC1H11d .&O 5 1' 16h 161• 1~-'"' Ml Fuel I IO 11 1'9 ~~ M''t ~' 1 \Vashington that Nixon w os will become s ha reholder s of eucy E 1 20 12 s2 211111 n10 2910 +~ ~lf..~0 118 1 6 u 11\lo 21v.+ ~ 1no G11 "'4 • J 1Mh ,,.21• ,,.2,..+2111 M1s1T11 1 :16 ' s 701,~ 2cw. 20'•-'· t I T h Blleld Co .•0 S "J5 11 ..... 11!/o 111• Emer El l'I• 30 93 8tllo M'lo I~ '" ln<IM Pl !• ! r -MSL l11dvll 6 11 lfV. 19 19 • 1" '• preparing a new program 0 \Vynn 'S lnten'iatJOR8 , C BllCldCo Of S 1110 61\lo 6' ._. 'i emEI ol .90 I 58~ J8,._ 58'1'1i 1l'1 l,f\dP.Y,"L,, 9•0 •' •'o' wa 220)~ 220~+ ~ Munlord .19 1 ll I 7\lo I + '• · •·· h d II h f El'-'d!Jel Ind • 121 6 j~ 3f-"E vAlr j4 19 31 59 S7 SB~~ ... l'ICIU1•I u.... .. ...--'" Muntn11 1 08 7 1 1 J 1J ,J 1tm1t price rises , "'-'t t ey sat restructuring WI a ve no e • B ... acpp! 60 . 1200 6~ ~ ~ E:;:~rvtn '.31 11 1» 9V. 9 9\'I "11'11 Roo 2 •i 13 1u S7Yi ~"" s7'4+ ~ Murl>Co 1 20 t 4 11,,. 1ra 11~ ti b It ed d II Id I'll f l th I 1· equ1'ly •n BUf"Fr!J 110 10 x2_ 19"" 19"' '''It+ y, Emh1rt l 20 7 12 19\.'a 19"" 19'-1'1 lnaR cl 1..3 2 3"'° 39"° 394' ,, M'-'rl!llOI '' ?1 141 » 5e'ti ff _, le a er o a r cou s 1 ec -on e re a 1v_e • 8._.101v 1 51b 10 .,. 26-llo 2"" '.!~-"" EMI L• lillD 16 11 ''" •14 •:-' tnl con! 1 60 11 • )11\'J 38\lo lfi,'lt "'Murr o 6('q 10 ,.1 Jl'lli Jl\'i 1,~ 1' :; suffer further reverses. terests or \Vy nn O il Co. Bulcv~w l>O , lU 11 '~ 101. 11 't ,, imoD 18811 11 d~ 2~ .... 22~ 22:;:;::-~ :~~. $!:,~ : , 3}t: 3}~ 3~~+ ~ Mu!Om ,11b 19 16io .. ,_ ••• +-'• llP;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•lliiiiiiiiiiiiii aunkrR 1~ 6 x.1:11 9•\I 91-2 9~+ \\ mDpffl .SO 1 II,(, 1 l'l4 + \.4 1"'l!co c' 10 1 1, lO'M" th 10 My1r1 L so 12 4 12V• 11'A 12\, I' It -BunR pf l' > X' 1~1 19 19 + ~1 mo Fin 5k S , 10\-:. J O 10 -(,\ lnl l<vol IV• I lS'lro lS'\li IS""-i4 -N N-B'-'rt In 1,40 ll 61 lOV. 30\o't 30''>+ V. Empire G:l l~ 19 l T r6v, l•"t-V. Into COOP 2 10 )• lllr. 4(1 f1V. +ll't N•tlltco 210 15 1$.S •S~ l )'A 43 l'l' • Burl~IV. I 1083"1 3:l\t3ll't-Y.Ellllt,'"B' f lO 4 SV.-i!'h J'h-t-IA l1Ul lnv 7tDI 612Ylo 11\.\ 1'h N•lcoCh •3,1 3529\'IUI~ 21ii +, • HUGH MYN~TT NOW - REPRESENTING Johnson &~S"Qn LINCOLN-MERCURY ''~lome 'Of th e ne~v car "Golden 1'ouch" 540--5630 - INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 11 Hol• Golf Co111'M S 1,650,000 + oti..rs. Shop!'lnt c-. with • b•ll ttt -jor titMllf. N.N.N! Stl 0,000 OtW -for So. Collfer11lo fffflopnwllfi o•ollobl•. Up to Sl,000.0GO. hu111l11ft ! HAYASHI REALTY ,ti. •31·3650 BUrl ,,s---1-7 ......... ~Sro"'-~I'll'' US -If~ U.-30\•cic-J\lnll<IOA-2• 9-U __J_\S--&J./o s1;,..,,.M1 N1rroS( 60 12 t _\,'41 14'!< 1 1~~ -B ... m11v .10 11 11 11>,.1. 11"' 11~-'"" nvp,;oteCh-------?f 4 151.'& v. llY. . 1n11rco (21 9 21 35'1• 3414 3s + ~r. 1Uhl.Ja:C --;n-,o-r-41~'6 •6'• lo '. B ... rrgM .so 46 lll?2•~)21t 21•V.+SV•equf,m~k 2 :8 1 4 lJ" j l'i Jl'Ml't v.1nirteke 180 1 tu ''~ u~ Nlll Alrl .10 e 131 141.\ n v.11 -'" -< ,_ OU • 1 i<lb 10 ,, \II 2i11 :n'-v.1 B M(grp :16 4063221/J 311Vi312 i7 Nt!Av 1.0SD . 12 IS~ ISi'• 5->\-'• Ce.bl...T \,\21) 10 123\.'t ,,~ n:v.-'"EcL !• I • 'l ,''"' %1"' 2• +V.tnFlovr .J2e 7) 31 91 J 2'h ,, 1y,N•I C1n .~s 6 10 10':" 1~ 10\6 C1tiol.Cp .14 1' 13 26~ ii 2~''+" IHI ~:~~7k ·~~ • I 24~ 21V. 2,1,(.f V. lntH1rv 1 4(1 f 251 28V. 1!to 1'V. %0 NtlC•tll 40 221 l4V. 3J'ti :U\IJ + C11clfncl Ind 4 11 •'h •:ti 4'h i Q Inc '.31 I 1 6* t ''4 6llt+ 'I• nHOl<I I 3ltl 1 12\li ljVI 12\\ • NI Cl\tm ,)I S2 3" 14 l)V.. $( '+" t, C11ewr1 Wd S 51 3.. 3\o't 3'h+ \Ill :~Int 6( I 23 16\o\... ISto l6)"t+ 'II tnlerrtet Ind JS x~ " 1-\t ... N! CllYl 90 I • ll 12!} 11(\ C•llf Flnanc 5 3' • 31, 4 +"' I ~In '.10 12 9 ) 4{f O'I-\11 tMI lnCIU$ pl ' ~" 4Vt 4Vi ' NIO.trt 2 36 7 5 41'1/. •l'h •H-i .. Clltlthan Jk 2S •• 1~\11 ,.. 9t.-\.'II Eth~)cero' l ' 3'! 71 26VI> 26" "~ lnMIMCh .10 II 57 21'h Xln 21v.+ \Ii N11011111 tO 10 " 14 13\lll l~b ' ~lfll a 1.)lb ' 21 r. !!:""' uu+ .. ElllVIPI 'llJ 4(1\,\ '910 "411,,"i ~ 1"11 Mlnlnq JI 11\/o I~ 11\11+ v.. NP!•' pl 414 . 1110 76 76 1• ' amRL SO. IS 1'9 61 -2 Ev•n,P .IQQ I 114 13\'J U \'J llJ n!Mulll 1\lo 9 34 26 26 16 -'• NOii f' 214 S 3W. lS~\ U••t" •moS l llj' '' IA 'I 31f'~J excino 90 12 "311l~16!:"! 16~ ~1nr1Nlckel 111 lo:J 291'• i80 79V•i '~Nl1Ft.o• 1.IO 1 ll 23 {1 ~ "'~ •, an erew'r I • t\4 414 4V.-'i>o E~tno:1c11rt 1 11 7~, 7.,. 1.-. -.,.. !nr Pao IV.• '' 137 341'1 Uh ~ \.'J J'oil!I Gtfl .50 5 14l n l't 11 ,.~ ~ .\-'!' R 1·,~' ij'' ~ ~' .. ! i'•• j ... ,_-,L E~xon 1.Wll JJ ,,,,,,'Iii 9$ f614 l-1• 1n1 Pe~oo,•, • ,2 ',ro, 031, "1 63., 1~· NII Gyp l,Qj 1 111 1419 l• '1dl-1o is 1111!1! ti ·' ..--.. J ~..-,,. -~ -Inf R ·! '' S • 5'AI s,.. 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'ow•llG 1 •4 7 • ltV, ltlfo 19111+ 1 .. ~~~'f ~·H li 'fl l:~ ,,.,,, ~j • PLACER GOLD $125 PER OUNCE ·~~ n . 90 1t• ~ i ~ .. -v. ~:C.8s1 1.0I 15 100 "° '" 39U'+I i::~~r 1·:: ,r 2f.~v. ~" n '"' Nw~~. ,.N 12 123 ?JMi fi"" ~~~ ~ :~~ 11 ' ll lt1 d~ ~t-I F•rro Co ,Tl 10 711 JS.,. ;.tti )("+ ~ 1.ev H090 21 24 12l • 3~ 1~1-~\• Nwm11pt J~ t u i;; ~""' t$l'J 87&-5642 ' FREE.BROCHURE • 97M343 :;1 1~ 1• j'f ti w~ ~" ~f"t a ~i:rl:r~ 1fg i J ~~-,111~.· ~ •• + ,.-1,·,t 1For0~ 1~ 1~1 ;1tz ~i1, ~!~t1(: M~t~~ ,~ 10 Jt = ft1? ~;t: ', 3'00 I Al/INE {Nur Ar,j)Ofll sui;re 115, Nfl'T !IACH 92660 enL:i I J ) •• FldUnB J.20 ' 6 .ca -..,_,.,_ u 11111 ,75 12 ?24 }4 ,,.,.. 2~ + " NIBCIMO J, 14 ' 60 ,, r~ 16 "MPw . 10 lj-.... ... 6 FltklMI 1,«I ' ~ Ul'i '\II 171'1 . IC 111'1 0 A " lt SI SI .51 +11'1 N IMot' 340 ·-1to ..,~ 1$16 if.' UNIVERS-•-t TRAD-E. ..Cl'!W." .. -ti!'""<•'-"-"-1'-l!M "" ,.. _,,_ , NoM~ ...... ""l"" ....... ,., ,.. rn~r:r· ;& '•3 ,J, ;i "~ , -r;;; ~rr~r~ ~ 1 .r, ~·~ ir -tm 1!i::w.n,-:-~ \~ \~1r\~\t+·"'=~1::::;:, '~ ·+ 6! lli: 1l:: ,,~ ~ • " ' '' • • • Thursday's Closing Prices-Coinplete New York Stock Ex~liange List Marl{et Reh unds 111 Light Trading NEW YORK (A P) -Stock prices closed strong- Iv on the upside Thursda after u can back f--l r----an'a--rorf111nllglit rac 1ng ind1cat1ng no real chan ges 111 the over all gloom pervading the stock picture J he mark el rose sha rply in t11e mornin g on the basis or reports fro1n \Vash1n gton 1nd1cat1ng there ''ould be so1ne ac l1on to li ghten anti 1nflat1on con t10Js Prices fell back after a \Vh1te House an- noun cen1cnt that President Nixon had not made a de<:1s1on \ • • s DAil Y PILOT , BRASILIA (AP) -BnlZll soon may buy up to nine Hercules C130 t r a n s to r t planes from the Lockheed Cor p ot the United States Air Force Ministry sources said Wednesday • Six Hawke,..SlddeJey Avros, made m Britain also rrught be purchased the sources said 8razll 1s trying to modernize its air force and strengthen its .'.llr defense system . . ·, . J6 OAllV PILOT Otlier Dea ti is hi SAN ANI'ONIO , Tex. (AP) -Jim Cu11um Sr., the "Happy Jazz Band" founder ~'ho loved music more than ·his grocery business, died Thursday of lung cancer. Callum, 59, got his semipro jazz g r o u p together a decade ago and: -~-~,singing-sweet.I. U1rough his ) I clarinet, made it one of the best in Qie country . HOBBS, N. 1''1. tAPJ.-Ray· mood \\'atus, 60. editor of the H'obbs Ne ws-SUn·, died 'I'.burs- day of an apparent heart at· tack. He \\'as editor and founder of Llano Estacado Heritage ~lagazine. Death Notices ARBUCKLE & SON WESTCLIFF MORTUARY 4!7 E. 17th St., Costa l\1esa 646-4888 •• BALTZ-BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corona._del Mar 6"73.-94_.5.0 Costa Mesa 646-2424 .... BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa l\lesa LI 8-3133 • DILDAY BROTHERS MORTU,\l\IES 17911 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 84Z-7771 %« Redondo A\•e. Long Beach 213-438-1145 • -McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1706 Laguna Canyon Rd. 491-9415 •• PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach, California 644-2700 • PEEK F AI\UL Y COLONIAL FUNERAL HOl\tE 7801 Bo Isa Ave. Westminster 893-3525 • SMITHS' MORTUARY • 627 l\fain St lluntington Beach • 536-<i539 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person I• dOlllV bu~ines! ••: L.V.I'. DEL JACO NO. 10, lJIOO Beach 81vcl., sran1"", Calif, 90680 Lyle Vl!\cen! Finley, 22~ Apt. 202 P•rk N~por1. NewpOrt Stach, Cell!. Thi• ~ness Iii conductOO by an II'!· dlVlduet. Lyle v. Finley This 11atement was filed with the Coun· tv C!frk of Orenoe Cwnty on Mey 11. lf7l. F2.12n Putlll$hed Orl!lng>e Coe1! OtllY P!lol May 18, 25 8nd June 1, I, 1973 1491·13 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS MAMIE STATEMENT The fpllowing per40fl Is do!ng bu1lntss t s: SMITH BROS CO.. lt.lO Suwlor Av.nu.. cos1.i MHa, cant. n.127 PRES-KEE, INC., 16'0 Superior Avenue, cosle Mew, C11Uf, 92627 Thia business Is Wing condlJC:led by • Cl)l'portt1Q<1 1Calllorn!11l. PRES·KEE, INC. Jotu1 P..-11• fPrn.I Thi• at atement filed with, !he Coonly Clerk of Or.,1ge Coun1y on: Aprll fa. 197J. er Tller"•W ~ Ward, D9'1>11lY • CO<IOIY Clerk. _ _ F24702 Putlllshed Or•noe Goe1l D•Hr PllOT, Mf'/ 25 end J111~ 1, I, 15, 1913 111 ... 73 PUBLIC NOTICE; f'ICTITIOUS BUSIMESS NAME STATl!M•NT The following ptr.$0fls lrt doing bl.lllnnl 11: PACIFIC COAST CHART ER CDM· PANY, 3101 W. CGUI Hlghwey, Nwwport Stech, Calif, 92660 Rldw1rd A. H•nnlflOtl', 136N lwo J!ma Dr •• Sent• Anl, C•UI, '7709 Larry W. Cook, 2521 W, Sunllowfl' (M· 7), S1nl• Ana, C1llf. n704 Thll bU1lneos1 11 conch.1ct-<1 tly • ttfle'•I l-___ _,,,r1Mr1hlp. ~ ,..-y{lctiera JI:. Hefln1n.ger Thl1 ttat~I Wll flied wl!h TM COl,ltl• 1v -Ci.rk of Or•llD' County M•r 11. 1973, -1'2!17f Putillshed ()1'1ng1 C<NISI Diii'/ Piiot, M•Y 11. 15 •nd June 1, •· 1973 l.ml·73 PUBLIC NOTICE -Kids · [,ike To .. Ask .,4.1u1y t.:t== Friday, Junl! 8, lt173 Countia·n Named by Nixon. 1''ULLERTON -Malcoln1 directing scientific teams in R. Currie, of B _e ck man the develoP1nent of medical, lnstrumerns Inc. of Fullerton. scienti!lc. environmental &nd has been tapped by President Nixon ·as 1he new director of ind ustrial instrumentatio'n. research and engineering in Currie is also involved in the Defense Department.. directing 'the initiation of new Dr. Currie, 46, is presently · businesses in the fields of vice president for research e 11 z y mo Io g y and pro. and development at the teinsynthesis. ' l'ice president and nu1nager in charge or research a n d developm·ent, there. Currie, who live..s in MJ1,rina del Rey, will begin his new post as soon as the ap- pointment is confirn1ed by the Hine associate and supporter ol President Nixon. He has received a number o f governmental p.ppointments himself. including one from President Nixon in 1970 to the Air Quality Advisor!i Board. .... --.-~ ~-======"--'- h i'b · Phone 8 · or 645-2460 hobbgcreft rrm ~ 1926 HARIOR IL,VO., COSTA MESA CRAFT CLASSES FORMING 9rt'I• OOVSJh Ar1, M1crem1, DKGl.IPlllt, PIP:"' LOlt 011,Jllfnt •l•rl1 ntxl monlh. All clllt.el •rt ti JHl.ll 51,1pp1l11 (titttPI m1cr•mt lll. C•ll now tor Inform• llon. Don'I mlH tut! DAY 111d EVE 'CRA"T CLASSES CONTINUOUS SALE o" clotint-out it•rnt . 20'1• TO 4D'I• OFP. Alt ldndt of klh, ORANGE COUNJ.Y~ _Fullerton firm. wbich...mak.o•~•--,"""P~r~w·or ~ning to..Beckman precision instrument equip-lnstrun1ents in 1969, Currie ment. Cur rie's duties at was ·e,!hployed at ~lughes Beckman l.nstruments include Aircraft for 14 years. He \Vas U.S. Senate. He replaces John Ki • s. Fost.er . Jr .•. who resigned . ds Like To -ecentJY,'-------------------Th~ found.? nd chairnu1n ""tiydre·Cll gr11ting-c-1rdt, er11-•M-1•m•-I--!·---! .. m•cr•m• cording1. . OPEN SUNDAY 11 to 5 TRIPLE PLANTER ' $2900 or n c c k m a n Instruments, Arnold Q. Beckman, is a long· tar To tl1ose of yo11 wlto 111i ssefl 0111 011 tl1ese fabi.11011~ buys, fluri11g 011r Cinco de 1\layo ~eleL.ratio11 we are .r epeati11g 1l1e offer for ONE WEEK ONLY. All are beu111iful. handcraft ed irou 111 brushed gold finish.· 42 Inch SPECIALLY PRICED ONE WEEK ONLY! Round Curio s2.900 GLA8S '-TOP TABLE AS SHOWN 4 PC. SET GLASS WINE SHELF CART $48 00 $g900- . Baker's Rack s2900 PLANTER sgoo ' ' Telephone Stand •900 SERVING ORANGE COUNTY FOR IO .YEARS 64" .... ·Corner Etagere Staircase s2900 Arcl1 Curio '4800 f r~· Pyramid Curio _, " 1 / j Creative lnterwr Planning At No Charge I FULURTON . ' ~225 N. Horborllvdo(dow.-.)-t7t4) 971·5720·---I HUNTINGTON llACH -, • · 11512,a.oc~ llvd, (714) 962-447·7 OUNGI 1131 N, Tuotln Avo, (714) 6:1M420 (Vt milt So. of Orongt Malll STORE HOURS: Open 9 to 9 p.111. every week nite Sat, 9 -to 5 :30 OPEN SUN D A y. 11 lo '5 J),lu, . ----· . ' . ,. .. ' '. ' . i .\. • l 1 ' ·- .~ . ' •• ' • • Sc 00 Nurse Exten,.. 1ng Stories by AWSON DEt:RR Of "'9 Dally Plltt Stiff -=--The ~ nurse can be a vital link in~ insuring depverY of health care services lo the school ~g .. child : '111:is is the premise on ~·hich a pilot program to train school nurse specialist! is based. • The jdea came as a challenge to , the physician, parents and school faculty, agencies regarding the project. she .. id. AddJnc their su~ ..-ana PTA. NlJMBERS councll1, county ..oooiS a n d ad· Acconling lo the 1'70 cen!UI, she ad· mlnistra tors, health depsr1men~ nurses ded, 80 pereonl of Orange Coonly's assoclatloos, ·the Orange County Medical population Is 19 .,.. under. Assoclali-On UC! Regional Medical ~this nwnber, an estimated 7 percent Programs ' 0rani e County Medical will have birth defects that may lmpsir ' . , physical or mental developmeot. Cen!er, ChUdren s Hoopltal of Orange the Anaheim Uaion High School District. Three speciall.stl were trained last sum- m<r and three more will complete the course this summer. Statewide, Mrs. Arnold estimates 35 nurse specialists are trained and woi kin g in their school districts. Training locally was given at ()Ch.1C and CHOC. Other centers include USC , UCLA and a cooperative effort between UC San Diego • . ,, -. Her Sk il s children who never receive a health assessment, increase the number who benefit from adequate handling of health problems and insure <:00tlnuing health i_!!Pervislon for the school j ge_ctuld. "Our goal." she said.· "ilJ to reach nurses already ~ ... orking in the schools \\ith this program . \Vork ing from the other end, this kind of training-will be in· 1 cluded_,1 hopefully, as part of the creden· tial for school nurses. · "\Ve 'hope that the school diStricts and 1 other agencies will see the value of lhe progran1. and help to continue it." l--tr--<1ehleg"'31.besben·~t1he'1989-state......nt!..-. "~tely _80 P."""111 ol this · County and I_'!" nursing board ol e<- gi'ollp~'"1!i"lielpl!ii-tlfmigll-early rden--•~· . and San Diego State l!_niversit)I. _ ''To-worlr"effectiW:lY,"'-sbe-adlde<t:,~~--~==.F=~ '· 1 -.. Ille ca!ilmlia School Nurses Organiza. tim. In &In l>iego, said Freda Arnold, Re8ource Nurse, Garden Grove School District. "We were challenged to extend the role of the. scbcxll nurse. Nurses in other areas, pediatrics and obstetrics for ·ex- ample, were taking on some duties once R8ef"Yed for the phys~cian." A school nurse specialist, essentially, ll."OU.ld have increased diagnostic (but not treatment). skill$; would \vork with pbysici~ to design health care plam for each child, and would follow up the child's progress working "'ith the child, Uficatlon," she aid. School nurse specialists aN trained at "For many IChool age children, aged 5 a medical >d>ool during the summer to 18, tile idJool tiurae Is the primary months. lloqulred··ls'an intensive eight· health contact. Health ls basic. week course, five days per week ·and.._ "Too on.n in Orange County, health eight houra a day-in cilnic situations, plus care for children is i n a d e q u a t e , homework. . fragmented and incooslstent. This ap-Three quartes pf parl-tim< clinic plies to all socio-«onmlic levels. work, amounting to 60 hours, are re- "By improving delivery of health care quired during the folio~ school year. services to the school age child, we lm-Requirements for the tra.inin& include prove health care overall for the coun-holding RN and baccalaureate degrees ty." , . and a school n,urse credential: SUN'ORT I STUDE1''TS An ad hoc committ.ee Of the CSNO, of First student ift the .program in the whiCh she is. chairman, c«isulted related summer of '71 was Sally l\Villiams, with . , "tchool districts !Nist be wtlilng to pro- vide the necessary equipment - stethoscopes etc. -and cut down the nurs&)Xlpil ratio.:rub.l .. t:..she has time to use her·ezpanded skills." TRAINING Costs fQt such a training program are "out of sight for the average school nurse" so funding is being sought. Na- tional Foundatioo, March of Dimes and the CSNO have ~pplied for a grant from the Irvine Foundatioo to fund training for 10 school nurse specialists. "Utilization of nurs;e specialist skills should greatly reduce the number or Family Medical Record FAMILY HEALTH -HISTORY PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS .. ~ ll<lt>! I U>OO 0.,1 rn ( I "" OC,Uo.,_ -· --- BEA AND ERSON , Editor Frict1r . Jurtt •· 1t11 l"•t• 1, Operation Heritage • Aids Good Health \V as little Johnny immunized · against rx>lio? treatl~ent, medication, X~rays· and diet should be kept. _..,___.:___~ ·--ooAre::ther-e-any:·a,llergi!'!S"~t.he ~y_? ..!'_]'his -can-be-important espeeia11~''--~ you 1no\le. cOmplete medical records • • ! . I "" ""'1""* ,.,_ . . i ' ! l • CHlLDREN'S BIRTH -RE_C_O_R_D--MMEDICA-TIONSr At LERGIE_S -· . ~ .. •• •. --· ""Cl'l!AI,.. --.. ~ -·· -= . - INCOMPLETE PREGNANCIES • IMMUNIZATION RECORD -·~ -· -· DIP-..-.. .... ---·---1 · -c--1 ----- March of Dimes asks: Could you answer these questions? . , -· ~ .. C~,tD "°'"'" .. . \ ,., .... ---VEC..a.~Oll-T- • - • . FAMILY lllNE·SS R£G9RD ·-~ .. NATWlll Clf UllfU, INN""Olll<lllGl""' . . - -~ OfflCf, CU!<>C, -· . -™~ . Illu st rati on By Staff Arti st Tim Peterse n . When was Dad's last checkup? "It there a history of arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart defects or obesity on either ~ide of the fam ily? These questions fl~C asked upon school enrollment, for insurance purposes and bY tmysicians when you move t6 a ne\v area or·change doctors. But many families do no.t keep good , accurate records or the family's medical history, according to Dorothy Sutherland , executive director of Orange County Chapter, National Foundation-March of Dimes. So the NF-MOD, in cooperation with the California Hospital Association, launched Operation Heritage last month lo malre a family ll)edical record fOf!!l available free upon request. • REPRINTED First printed in the December issue of Woman's·. Day magazine, the form· was reprinted by the March of Dimes, na- linnally, last January. Mothers March participants left in- formation about the. records form during the fund-raiSing march. Several county hospitals (South' Cioast C o m mu n i t y Hospital in tltis area) are dispensing !he forms to volunteers, staffers and new mothen. Soon, It is planned, the project will ex- tend to pediatricians' and obstetricians' offices, wtlon and military health care centers and other groups. uwe feel giving the packet to a ne\V mother is perfect timing," Mrs . Sutherland explained . "It is then that she is motivated to do whatever necessary for her child's· gOOd health. Along with the form , we have to impress upon her that prevenUve medicine and keeping good records is im- portant." RECORDS SCATTERED Often, she said, medical care for a family is piecemeal. The father goes to one doctor, the mother to perhaps t\\'O others and the chi ldren to a pediatrician. The family should keep its own record of immunizations, physical examinations, individual problems, . allergies, medica~ tions. A complete record of family ac- cidents, surgery. and illnesses including • artfu't always sent for. You should kno\v about medications used in the past, espeeially if there \Vas an adverse reac: tion or you are allergic to specific medication ." Many fanlilies . especia!\y-lhose in the middle-income bracket, she asserted, go to the physician only when they arc i·ll . They wait until a child js ready to start school before get!ing ne e d e Q im· muni;ations . OLDER Mrs. Sutherland also feels it is a good idea for older members of the family to record their medical history. "Especially with genetic counseling,'' she said, "the record must be as complete as possible. -Olten. people don't know liQ,v many children their grandmother had . how many were stillborn, or any medical problems. "Often, there is an attempt to hide a known genetic problem and the descend- ants don't find out tmtil they 3re adults "ith families of their own." The ideal time to fill out a famiJy medical history, she:o-added, is before marriage, or preferably before children. "We have to mobilize every force available .Jo make people aware of the need for preventive me<Jicine." RESPONSE . Response to the Ope.rati~ Her!!!ge idea has been favorable. There were 21,00> requests the first week. The fonn itself asks for the family health history or the couple, their fathers, mothers, siblings. Children'S birth ~rds, incomplete piegnancieS, immunizations. physical examinations. and individual problems and medications are recorded. There is space oo the four-page record for a chronological listing o! the family's major illnesses from whooping cough to mononucleosis, accidents, surgeries, the physician, where treated and the treat· ment. "All of the information is in one place. accessible quickly when needed," Mrs. Sutherland noted. 'Ihose interested can contact the Na- tional Foundation-March of Dimes. 111 W. Dyer Road, Santa An a, Sui te G. or call 9~2270 for further infonnation . I •(, ' I She's Eating Hubby-Out of HoUse I n Ho'me DEAR ANN LANDERS : Las( Valen-wl!e's credl\, w~ have good kids and 11ne'il)iif I camevery~ to-uldng-she' better-tlion .. verage .coot. 'Jlhe my wile for a cllyor"'· W!JY,! Becauae she house.looks OK and I have no other com- has been '"""'Y oyerwe!ght· for the past plaints exQept her weight. eight years and I am sick of it. A woman who would rather give in to She goes for every diet tlial comes her taste buds than please her husband olong, takes ptlis and Insists she is leis the world know be is not ve,Y im- "leylng." She is "trying" all right ,.. por1Jlnl to her: This hurta. Do I have a everythlna and anything hut culling down right or not? -LEAVING IT UP TO on her oat!ng.-She·has somejlllng Iii ~YOU mouth all. day long. _ . DEAR i.EAV~ A 111~1 to ftll? ·--We _are botti in our ntldclle 308, ~· uoaad ~-of dloee although ahe looks older. l still have.all cute clll<u lir lk ollko? Soaad1 like Wt my lla~and can get-into my wedding It wbal yoa•re aflor. / t troulert. 1n cue you are wondering. J am not mathaa ei:catet fer yoar wife, • Allhollgh I'm no Burt Reynolds I keep • but plulJ of •buds lo¥e ·111~ !al @tllng "com .. hither" lool<s. from oome wives llld jlloftly more clleal on tllln very cu to. chlclts in the of floe. To my -··so doo'I delade yoaneH. ! •• I ' ' -- ~ ,1##,t~ ·-.. . , •• I •ope,·lor bo< sake, Iba! l~ wile will 1e1 IOme .... tellnJ .... Ibid eat Uy tlle •u to IJove ........._ i. .. r -111 all do)' lolls. II -be lk beJlnolal 'el I .,beller lffe !or -ti • DEAR ANN, LANDERS: Recently aomeone aakecl whal to do 1bolll a former neighbor who drinks, calls ~ "" the phone, and talks Ind talks and talks. Well, I thlnk I'm 1he· neighbor who drinks, oo p!eate liear me out. ~ ... • .. I bto\V l make a pest ot nzysclf but sometimes t • get so lonesome I can 't stand It. Bui I do have my pride -, drunk or mober •. __ Yciir-au~ that '• Formtr ~111>.unlisted..npmberja.ml practical. COlebr1ties may find -it coo- venient-to be lncomnnmicado, but the- avera,e person wants to be reached. · How much better to tell the drunk (when ahe Is 80ber) exaclly how you feel ailooi the-alls. I can .almost guarantee I • .. -·-: that the embarrassment "'ill be so great .thol oven.:l!.sbe.ls.lhoroughiy_sloohed. sh wiJl remember and there will be no more calls. Sign me -BEEN THERE AND TRYING TO GET BACK DEA)\ IJ. 'f. >\ND Tl\Vl~G' Sot all drukt beba\·e tbe same ~·a)\ So me become lolally .. lnbiblled -couldn't care lets ff tltey bother people. Others doli't NIHmber uytJalng, ud so on. But I'm 1ve ,...,. taggetl'°n would worlt for -· (P.S. lliag to there, boney. Ollitts Mve mlde lt back end you can, too.) DEAR ANN LANDERS : You have stated repeatedly ihat you are against the legalization of marijuana. WJiy'? Alcohol Is more damaging than pot - and It's legal. This is ridiculous. Please clarify. -LINCOLN , NEB. - . DEAR UNC: 1). No one knows for (qre_bow d11nagi.iig pot ls over the long · baul. Bui ii appear!! from the studies now emerging lbal pot Is a Jot more deslruc· tlve tbao was originally thought. Many authorities are reversing lhi'lr p&sitkias. (2). Boote is h'Cre io slay. rrohibkiO~ "'as a failure. \\'e no w have t,000,000 alcobollcs In the U.S. and l would not care to add another 6.000,000 pot beads who are spaetd oul nn gras~ _ •. Drugs. How nluch is-too. muCh? U pol OK? la LSD too J.l.lUCh? II yoo're ~n dope or considering it, get Ann Landers new booklet. "Straight Dope on Drugs." For eaCh booklet ordered seOd a dollar bill plus a .tong, self-addressed, stamped en· velope (ti cents postage ) fo AM Ln nd Pr>, Box 3346, Chicago, 111. soo;1. I • I • 18 DAIL• Pfl Ol Fr!dQ, Jiint 8 19l3 • Your Horoscope Aries: Lie Low, Avoid Ju,mping to Conclusions \ SATURDAY JUNE 9 nel. 'i'ou need not hang on to You may be trying to obtain past con cepts. Leo , Aquarius the wrong 1hings. ~leans give persons are pro n1 i n en t I y fan1Uy . meinber ampfe op-- . ' ~ gj,.1;%/ J~11b1tal'il<e ~ JUNE 1S -8:00 P.M. COSTA Ml:IA HtOH SCHOOL UM FAIRVIEW ltOAO A,l'fARINCi AT THI LYClUM OOHATIONI: ll ... AOULTS 11.it STUOENTS & CHILORI N BALDWIN PIANO SALE ORGAN By SYDNEY O~IARR featured. ~.rtunity to express Vie\\'! . ._;._.~--"--"l-enjoy-yow'-daily.-eolumrr~GEMINl-.=+-M~.June:-20)'~' ~Q>s~LL.are..a..consider.ailon. bl.It - and read and appn!Ciate your ''oung per:wns 1Jl3Y appear there are others, too. Tauru1 books. But about ~lark Spitz rebell ious . Ride with the tide . individual has something COO\ leaving you <.'Old ... I fee l he Your in tuitive intellect \\'ill stroctive to con(ribute. ' East to Meet West The Mmes. l~o bert ~·J urray, Paul floge rs and Richard Cr awford (left to rig ht) reflect the International 1-'esti val t he111e for !he grand opening of South Coast Village. Satu rday, J une 16. fron1 5 to 8 p .n1 . Music. foods a nd decorations will be carrie d out in tl'l e t hen1e. Five i\ational Assistance League chapters will co-sponsor the e vent with proce eds aiding chapter philanthrop ies. SPECIAL: l1liwin Pi1no-W11nut Console Priced New $1 150 ......... Rt nl re1urn lik t nc>N is camera shy and only needs serve as reliable guide. Gi ve SCORPIO (Oct . 23-Nov. 21 ): some time. }.faybe ·he ls just imagination equal time with You get \1:hat you need by a fish out of water?"-Wanda drive for security. Rise above probing behind the scenes. Spice, Phoenix, Ari z. Com-!be peUy. You are on right Private conference pro v e s n1ent : The great Olympic path. beneficial. Discretion now is a S\vimming champion. who is CANCE R (June 21-July 22·): necessity. Keep something in an Aquarian, leaves m e Obtain hint rrom Gemini mes-reserve. Play cards close to\,~~~~ ''co)d" ~use of his ap-.sage. Be more f 1 e x i b I e . chest. One who talks much is parent attitude lo\.\·ard sub-Keynole now is expansion. not actually saying much. jects about ,,iJ.ich he knows Forces tend to bf scattered. SAGITIARIUS (Nov. 22- nothing. The fact ~hat heap-Be versatile ,,.ilhout falling in-Dec. 21): Emotions tend to pears ill at ease and stupid to vortex or confusion. Sagit-dominate. A!fai..I' of heart is before a camera has nothmg t.arlan i~ in picture. Review spotlighted. Nothing oceurs to do "'ith my "cold'~ feelings values. ha lf\.\'ay. You a re rePaid for I 11011•' WOODWORTH MM. 1-rw fu., 10 It• ,Lf,110 411 0 OICAN S•Ll \ Sotw•••1 'lil S l ..... ,. ~ •• ,,. ....... 515 NORTH MAIN, SAHTA ANA e 547-SISI ------ OVERWEIGHT? 56 LB, LOSS IN 40 DAYS Under Medical Supervision at the tO\.\'artf !him. As 'he matures, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Hold past efforts. Keep y o u r the ,positive Aquarian qualities off on definite plan.s1 trips. balance. Avoid insult ing older om·e m!G """: ... :,. shouJd come to the fore and Some relatives may be cause individual who does ha ve your ::ill ...,~il rilllliii\!a perhaps I V>'ill \.\'arm up to or altered itinerary. Be a"·are best interests at heart . . 1. Per ia~. . L delails . ..:;rbomughness-11ow CAP..RICORN-(Dec-22-...Jan .. \I---. OURS: 9:00 -7:00 ' ARIES (March 21 -April !9!: is your all y. Accent is on 19): Vou maybefinishingproj· I~ CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT ·-- Lie low. Pennil mate. partner ideas. changes. t-ontacts with eel. You also are in midst of ~ iiiii to take initiative. Tendency is those who share your ·m. di9COvering how a relationship to alienate those l\\'ho mean terests. ""orks. or othe"'-ise. Art et is COSTA MESA ANAHEIM SANT• ANA ,s!'u~•r~:~~:,~·~1:c1. m06t to you. If patient. you VffiGO (Aug . 2.3-Sept. 22): • likely to be involved. Accent bi 1"' N .. i-t ,.,, w. lllwy. utnTuHln•~• ( 714) 870-9347 gel full story. Avoid jumping Conserve assets. Someo ne on prestige, standing in com-646-1633 nl-4841 547-6329 (213 ) 697-1791 to conclusions. Admit you n1ay be trying to g et mun it y , pro£essional en-l~~iiii:~~~,~~iiii:~~iiii:~::;;~;;;;;;;;;~-ii'ii--;;"'ii..-:-ii"~ have,... something to learn. Then something £or nothing -from deavors. I ------- you attract-allies. }OU. Take special care \\itlle AQUARIUS (J an. 2().F'eb. I • SPECIAL I • TAURUS (Apri12().~1ay 20 l : in transit Possibility ex ists JBI : So m e o f y ou r You get aid in areas of work that you could m i s p 1 a c e phil060phice.l concepts may be and health. One vl"ho performs valuables. Know it and take shaken. Views change. Travel A N T I Q U E special services may balk. proper precautions. Id · · Look for new.methods, person-UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ): plans coo be exciting but are not necessarily stable. Do what fit• yooi needs. lmpr"'"' .A U C T I 0 N .. yot.Jr!elf-;-not others. YOO will -------oor1pre11e,nd.----.---I-\-~·----~~~a "" I f h · I d PISCES (Feb. HI-March 2010 Total 'quiuCifion· G • t ' s t . Circumstances coul~ dictate 1 r s-o -e-y ear_-· e ec e · ~!~t~r~+;~;~1;£~ sA~~R;1~;·~IGHT. JUNE ;~·7~~;·;.m. Zonta Harbor Area hi gh school seniors. \.\'ho have bee n selected as Zonta Girls-of·the- Month, in tum have ch06en from their own ranks Zonta Gi rls-of-the-year. Each rece.i\•ed a $f>O Savings Bond. NH IUGH Debra Dunn. daughter of ~-tr. and Mrs. Robert J . Dunn ·r of Costa Mesa, plans to major in political science at either California State Unive rsity. Fullerton or the University of California. Riverside. She also plans to co ntinue on in a la w school. She holds a grade point average of 3.7. and the Newporl Harbor Migh School senior has been active in GAA · for four years and now is Its corresponding secretary. She also is treasurer of the Girls' L eagu e. is a Pep Com· missioner and is on the ex· ecutive council . CdM HIGH Editor·in-cltier of the Trident at Corona del J\1ar High School. Catharine Grier also is a member of the California Scholarship Federation and was a member of t he American Field Service. The daughter or J\'lr. and -euFFELL'S- UPHOLSTERY Wiien Y•u Wot ....... 1922 Harbor ll•d. Cestti M ... -5~1-0259 1 cmon's SPORTS\VE1\R ~tstcliff' Pl11za, 17th and ln1ine, Newport Ilc11ch,Cnlifor nia926b0 NH HIGH ·o e-bra ·ounl1 ~irs. f\lilton S. Grier Jr. of Costa tiilesa has been honored by the Ne"·port Beach Junio r Ebel! Club and the Orange County Council or \Vomen in Chambers of Com merce. Althous-h her future-l>lans are indefinite, she hopes to at· CdM HIGH Catharine Grier tend a four-year co!Jege. ESTANCIA liberal arts ESTANCIA Lois Leenerts ' daughter of Mrs. N a n c y Leenerts of Costa ~1esa and the late J\1r. Elmer Leenerts. She is the recipient of the DAR Good Citizens Award and speaker-of·the-year award in 1972. She plans to continue her educatiun at UCL CM HIGH Adele Oliva has been active in Girls League. Education Develop- ment Council and GAA. She received the DAR Good Cit izens Award and plans to major in social sc ienc~ al UC!. She is the daughter of Mrs. Rose Oli va o f Costa f\Icsa and the late ~·tr. Vi ncent tive. If patient. you "'Ork way out of dilemma, Know it and _ act accord ingly. Aquartu!I, Leo persons may be invol\'ed . (#Jblu C01Uu~1 SpecialiZing in Blondes 644· 1 70 lpcwtlal llstiftt Fol\owsl C•t 91.u e11d lric-o-broc -10 P*• M•rble Top Coned Din· nl•t loor11 Set. '1oyer piano -Speclol ledroof!I Groups - H111tters Ceblnets -Loh •f 1.fl•hltff Ook -loll T•I' Dffks -Chi .. CablHf'I -Hookft Cabilleh. Holl T,.n -Secretory• -St.U. ·hole--Cllolts, etc. !Complete lh•e of fl,.. Spfthtl, G9d l..U.11 reprod.ctl•11s. Curio Coblneh, CoftlmoHs., Dnll L•'!'.~· ., .... ,.u.. Marbi. Top Tobin, etc.I SPICl.l.L Anl.1.CTION: 1t25 DODGE ROADSTll INYINTOIY MO'llD fOI COf\l'flNIENCl OF SALE TO JAKES '--AUCTION CO. 2722 N. MAIN STREEr~ANTA ANA, CALIF. (in Fashion Lant:', nl'Xl t <1 llu!l0<·k~J h11,.c:tlo11 botl• WedllMcloy at 10:00 •·"'· u11tll •:GOP·"'· J .... ,., ••• , For A Career .•. NOT JUST A JOB BE A ''WOMAN IN WHITE't Beco~ o Medical or Deneal AJ1i.stom in 4 or 7 month.s. NtW CI.ASSIS STARTING JUNE 25 JULY 9 Lifetime Pl•cement A11i1t1nce 623 W. 17th, SANTA ANA 541-4461 f'o r three years Lo i s Leenerts served as chairman of the ~1ini-course and Career Day at EstJncia High School. She also has been class secretary and treasurer ; secretary and vice president of the Speech Club and secrelary of the Student Faculty Advisory commil.tee. Cll J. Oliva. 1 HIGH VETERAN '$ I ENEftT$ AVA ILAllE Alcohol Info Adele Oliva was the girls :==\ip:!:~~~:=::;jy:::~:;::'j tennis captain during her j:~~i&;;;;\T.~;;;;;~VV!;;;;;;:3="'=============~ jun ior year at Costa l\1esa .r ~~~:.p;~~lf~s ~:~f~:~~ ~~~! ~~~rle~~~~is ~~~~ )~~a:!i~~ !< '·"--"""'·;:·~::-~1~~ ... , ... ,f'P1::;~T;:;:~ $75 ,000 mill ion Americans -1na~' soon be diminished through•----------------------- Miss . Lcenerts is t h e the use of computer science ..................... ,............... INVENTORY CLEARANCE and info rmal ion services. Adttl ltltitr •irrlttl Eti ..... IM!tl ..,..._ ,.,.1 r111-.1111111. These are expected to hel p £ac1L1lltllwtMllttut•tsrtCllM1.._.,.._...,....,...tftitfilhm ,· bridge the information gap on lfMltnct....,CIM4lltl. alcoholisni. It .,..·ill all be done as part of the ne\.\'ly-created National Clearinghouse for A I c oh o 1 Information c NC.-\LI l. Th is is part of the Na tional Institute on AlcOhol Abu se a n d Alcoholi.S m. Inquiries should be directed lo National Clea ringhouse for ,\Jcohol Jnfor1n3tion Annex, T).O. Box 1156 . Rockville, l\1d .. • • I' /I ' FOR MANY YEARS MAGGI COBB • ~~~~~-~~~~--20_8_5,_. ___ _ HAS CONDUCTED A VERY SUCCESSFUL DECORATING CONSUL- TATION WORKSHOP. IN ORDER TO DEVOTE MORE TIME TO HER CUENTELE ON ·A ! A Gift of So•J nd and Beduty ... for Fathe-r's -Day ! -. 1 Exquisite Music Boxes NEW SHIPMENTS'J w. lltvt sl'lef>PMI tllt 1rtl1l1n1 tf ,.,,. .. ffl' lllt llflt ll 111 t lll1 of Mlllld , •• C .. l rflll Mwmmtl 1Mtx11 ••• 9l1""'r1111 lt1U1n lnt~ry IN111, .... , .. , , ...... , ..lt111wrt111 rtcll ..... 1111•~· .... ...,."''"'" .._..,,,.., • S1v1r1l "'"' JMl!ltt ~~;~~~~~~~~~ """"' 1114 """111-tvM """"""'• 11.tl'Ml-u"M ,.,.,,in.. ''"'"" .... ,., .. 1.., "' ""''' tvn ..... Ill 'tritll' 1"111 IH'Mltlon --· ... t- • ( .... _.,,, ..... _ 1-i-·--· ,,_ ALEC DUINNESS SHOWING NOW! :,.., . -lilMllN I ' WARD HITLER: THE LAST TEN DAYs . --f oi1NT Al~ VAL I l y I ~ OlllVllN S•n Dftto frwy, It 8,ookhurtt Fount1ln Vlllr; • 962·2411 CO-HIT CLINT EASTWOOD "KILLY'S HllOH'" cpt.> @ r D\'1'Annr; , HLJNTINGIOrJ CINIMAI CO-HIT GE NE HACKMAN "'llMI CUT" Ill MORE PERSONAL BASIS; MAGGI !S DISPOSING OF HER ENTIRE INVENTOBY OF Bedroom, Dlnln9 Room, Lamps, Plcturtl, Chairs..-Occasional Tablts, Sl•tpers, Mln:prs, Nautical Furnishings, Bars 'n' servers, etc., • • I at SAYINGS up to 20%, .30%, 40°/o, 50°/o MAGGI COBB FURNITURE4 20 31st 5t., "673-l722· i NIWf'OIT llACH 1:,;;1 ' • IOIMI lfll,_ lr•m ~llr 1411111 .'·I ' = Fri., Sert., Sun. 10 a,m, to 9 p.r;: .• lrlnt Your Truck or Trallc:r .\ .. ,.,1 .... \' Mottl U1table to Dcll¥cr '.; '• ,.;1 '' •s 111-rr1c11. •• . ' ' . . . -' . • • ·-' UC ·I Broad ells Goal-s, May Play Angels in '7 4 NCAA Qualify i n.g ···' 'I 13:19 Just). Start Barber Shocks . - Field~ Him self , As Golf Leader . PIDLADELPHIA (AP) -Jim Barber, who is sponsored on the pro golf tour by h1s 7~yeBr-old grandmother and uses a ·a guoJine stat.loo operator's discarded putter, was the surprise leader today as the field started lhe second round of lhe $150,000 Philadelphia Goll Classic. The 24-year..old Barber shot a seven. under par 34-31~ 'Ilwrsday over the 6,7IJl.yoni Whil<marsll Valley Country Club course to lead fellow rabbit, Mike Rea90l", by one stroke. Reasor fashioned a 3214--66 on the tight little layout. which Is dotted with oandtra1?5 and treacherous out-of-bounds stakes.. ~ .. Another stroke back in the 72-hole test for a $30,000 first prize were red·hOt Tom Webkopf, tW'ice a winne r in the last four weeks ; Hale Irwin, John Adams and Lar- ry Ziegler, each with five-under-par S7s. Dave Hill, the Memphis winner, headed a group of Tom Jenkin!., Miller Barber, , Russ Randall Snd Forest Fezler at four. under 68. UPI Ttl"9!01• Swinging Gals Kristie Kemmer-(top) and Virginia Wade show their tennis form in the 30th international tennis championships of Italy Thursday at Rome. Miss Kemmer notched a 6·4, 1·6, 7-5 win over Mrs. Wade. . -. :. FrJday, J11nt S, 1971. -OAtl V PILOT UPI T•I...,..._ WILLIE DAVIS RECEIVES CONGRATULATIONS FROM BILL BUCKNER AFTE R BELTING HOMER. Davis Nearin g Says Lock.man Dodgers Slate An G11t1t1 111 Kiii fMO) Jun<! I LOI A114111e$ If Ntw Ywk •June ' tos Ana<'IH ilt New York J11n1 ID. os Angelft ill ,_ VOl'"k 5 p.m. 11 :10 il.m. 11 1.m, ble, as the Dodger$ WQund up 2· 1 in their Wrigley Field series. That was the first series lost by the National League East leading Olbs since May 17 against St. Louis. "I hit some pre_tty good pitches off the CUbs," laughed ~bavis. "They were all lucky in a way. On1y thing is, I make my own luck.". About his homer off loser Rick ReUschel, Davis said: "He's a real good pitcher, keeps the ball away from you pretty good. He just made a mistake, 'a waist high pitch and I clouted it. I think it got away from him. "I sure do like to play against the Olbs. But baseb.all is fun for me, even when I do bad." It was a notable victory for Messersmith, now 6-5, in his first Na- tiooal League season. "Considering all the factors -the wind blowing out in Wrigley Fi,eld and the Cubs a liot team -this vtas my best game of the season," said Messermnitb, obtained in a· major multiple trade with the Cali!omia Angels last November. "Until the last three games, I wasn't throwing my curve and slider good in this league. But my stuff was good against the CUbs. "No, I didn ·~ worry about the wind blowing out in Wrigley Field. I'Ve pitched in some pretty funny ball parks like Fenway in Boston and Tiger Stadium. Lal Afteel• (4) ClllCllO (0) •ll rllrtll illl rftrtll Loe-, 2b 5 o 2 ,1 Monday, cf ' 0 1 0 lhKk""'' lb 5 1 2 10 k.esslngf'!", '' ' o 1 O w.Oavls, cl ' I 2 2 e .Wllllilfl\f, Jf 2 o o o W.Crilwl'on:l, rl l 1 2 0 Bourque, lb ' 0 0 0 Cey, lb J O I 1 S1nfo, lb ' o o o Joshuil, II 3 O o O CJrdenill, r1 2 O I O R1,15fftl, ll ' 0 I O Hundley, c ' O O 0 Yeag1r, c ' O 1 o Popovich, a. J o o o ~lll"lmlth, p ' I I O Aeuchel, p 2 o O 0 Locker. p o o o o Becker!, pl1 1 0 O 0 L1Rodl1, p 0 0 0 0 Tol81$ lS ~ 12 4 Totals 30 O 3 O U.,, Angeltt 000 IQO Ir.II -' Chlc1go 000 000 000 -o E -cev. OP -Lm Angeles I, ChlC•OO 1. LOB -Los Ano•l•s 1t Chlt•oo 7. 28 -M"ser1mlth, W. Cr1wlord, Cill'd1n1h 38 -Lope,, HR -W, Qevl• (I). SB -C•rdeN1 2, lit M It Ill II SO MttS<!,,mllh (W,,•5) 19 J 0 0 4 $ Rwtcftel (L.6·') 7•l/l IO J J 2 ' Cocker Ill O O O 1 l L1Rocht 121100 B•!k -Rt\lschfl, Tim• -2:1~. "'nl!ld1nn; - 12,0U. Tosses Shutout Rya~ ll,as the Solution For Ralos ~1}Jt,ie_~·nais _ ' . . Someone had ..a word of advice for California's Nolan Ryan before he pitched against the Detroit Tigers. Since his teammates scored only two runs for Ryan in his previous three starts -all of them losses, not surprisingly - the observer suggested that Ryan .thro.w a shutout at the Tigers. Ryan obliged. He blanked the Detroit team on rive Angels Slate AH G•-.., IKMPC {710) JUrll! t Mllwlukee al (11/fornla June 9 Mllweuke<! ill Callfornla Jun<! 10 Mllwaukte ill Celllornl• 7:$S o.m. 6:55 o.m. 1:S5 p.m. hits and the Angels scored three times in the sixth for a 3-0 triwnph, Ryan's seventh against six losses. "I can't worry about runs," R.yan said with a smile. "That's out of my control since they took the bat out ol my 'hands . "I worry ~··about the way I pitch," he said. "If I !eel I do a good job then I'm happy. Otherwise, I'm not." He was semi-happy about his second shutout of the season and seventh by the Angels staff. "I thought my control was good end I threw only 114 pitches. That's not many for me. In fact, that's the least I've thrown this year." The win was the second straight for the Angels over the East Division leading Detroit (0) C1llfoml1 (Jl •b r hrbl eb rll rbl Northrop, ct ' o O o Alomar, 2b 5 o 2 o Freel'l.m, c ' D 2 O Meoll, u 4 O O O G.8rOWl'I, dh 4 0 0 O Ll"11f, II 3 O I O W.Horton. II 2 0 l 0 Pinson, If • I O I O Sims. rl ' 0 0 o F.Rob!n:IOn. dh 2 o I o Ci1$h. lb 4 0 2 o 0.Venon, pr O O 0 o Mc,.,ulltta. 2b 2 O O o 11:.0llvw, rt J I l o E.Brlnkman, i1 3 o o 0 S11nton, rf 1 o o O A.ll:odrloll'ti, 3b 3 ~to o EPSteln, lb 3 1 o o F ryman, p O 0 0 0 8frry, cf ' l I O Tlmmarma1>, po o o o G1111onw, 3b J o 2 I ScherTN", p 0 0 0 0 Torborg, c ' 0 2 2 N.Ryan, p O o O O Totals JO o 5 O Tol1l1 ll J 11 3 Detrol! 000 ooo· ooo -o Cllllfomle 000 D0J OOK -3 OP -Detroit 1, Cellfornla 1. LOB -t>etrolt 6, C•llfornla 10. 2B -Cl5h, Pinson. I~ H It Sit BB· IO Fryman (L,2~) S-213 'I 3 · 3 3 6 Timmerman 1·1/l I o a 1 o Schermon 1 2 o o o 1 N.Ryan (W,7-6) 9 S O O 2 1 HOP -by N. Ryiln CW. Hwtonl. Time -1;2S. Artl!ldance -ll,I07. USC, SUN DEV ILS T ABBED IN SERIES OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -Instant repfay. that's the \Vay the 26th College World Series could very well tum out. ToJ>ranked Arizona State's Sun Devils and defending thrte.time champion Southern Cali!omia loom as the teams to beat as the double-elimination, eight team tournament opened today. Big Eight Confererice ch~ m_p i. o n . Oklahoma, 47-10, tangled with Mihnesota. .29-14·2, !n. the selies opener today and Penn StaJe, 19·5, met Arizona State, 56-6, in the other first round game. Southern California, 4&-10, opens Its bid for an unprecedented fourth straight title Saturday against }larvard, 36-3. Tex:as, 4&-5, battles Goorgia Southern, 41·1D, in the final first round game. . Tigers \.\'ho remained one-hall game ahead of the New York Yankees, who !ell to 'Texas. Ryan. completing his seventh straight game and his loth in 15 starts, was lock- ed in a scoreless duel with Detroit's Woody Fryman, 2-&, before the Angels broke through for their three runs in the sixth. Winston Llenas, getting a rare start in left field, and Frank Robinson opened the California sixth W'ith singles. After_ Bob Oliver forced Robinson at second, Mike Epstein walked to load the bases. Fryman got Ken BerrY to groun4 into a force play at the plate.for the second out but then walked Al Gallagher to force over a run. 5 Area Stars Get Drafted; PCAA Changes· Kansas City and Minnesota each· tap- ped a pair of' Orange Coast area basebaU products in the major. league draft. Huntington Beach's Brian Slagle and former Marina High and Golden West ruJege pitcher Dave Klungreseter were S<lected by Kansas City on the 33nl and 44th rounds. Golden West's Mike Dodd and San Clemente High's Rich Douglass were picked by Mlnnesota on the 16th and 20tli rounds while M.isSion Viejo resi.4ent Jim Beal (La.Verne College) was sele.cted by St. Louis on the 24th round. P CAA Replace1nents STOCKTON -The Univmily of Idaho and Cal State {Fullerton) have been ad- miUed to the· Pactfic Coe.st Athletic Association as new cooference members, effective· July 1, 1974, the GUderence an· nounced. · The seven schooi ~ llllllOlmced that Los Angeles State and the uru.versi - ty of O.aJifornia-Santa Barbara are scheduled to leave the PCAA one year · !rom now; Ille addition ol Idaho and Fullerton keeping the group at seven members. Utah's athletic director, La De 11 Ande?'Dl, also asked the , conlerence about possible future membershJp for his school, the PCAA announced. Na stase Co-favored , ROME -ltomania's Ilie Nastase, defeated by an ou~st IOf his volatile temper~ has joined Stan ~th as a ro- favorite to win ·the singles crown of the $135,000 Italian Open i.nnis cham- pionship« , Jack Nicklaus, the tour's leading money winner and a four-time victor this year, PQSt.ed a one-over '13, commenti~, "It waan'I a very good round of golf." Nicklaus came here to get rea4y for next week's y.s. Open _at_ Oa~moot. near Jones-Flips; hut Still Bags Baja·,Race Nastase stalked df the court during a doubles match Thursday arter arguing most d. the time with the crowd, which npplau(!ed every mistake made by the Rorrianlan and -his teamrna1e,._ Jimmy _ Qinnors ol Los Angeles, · Patrice-Dominguez and W an 1 r N'Godrella or Frabce were leading f..6 1· 2 when Nastase stormed off the court. Nastaoe, seeded oecond, scored ao e • fortless 6-0. 6·3 victory over Ezio Di Matteo or Italy In a third·roond match. Plltaburgh, the-first time golf's No. I ENSENADk (AP) -Former In· player ha.s ever competed the week . dianapolls 500 wiMer Pametll Jones of preceding an Open. ~ ea1·r ff ed l · 'roll ••it's ®vklus 1 need work," said •vrrance, 1 ., su er wo overs ~Nicklaus after his first round or the )'.ear and an end-over Olp but still managed to on nOHhem type .sra9S. "! got is:shots-drlY• Ills lilt~re<i"·mg•oJy" Bronc<no-. worth of practice," said Nlcklatis1 who first-place finish in the perilous Baja 500 cautioned not to coliill him 001 o! this offroad race. tournament. Jones, 39, with Bill Stroppe or Long Lee Trevino, another favorite for the Beach as his navigator, fini shed the race pre&wre'-packed Open, Joiucd Nicklaus at early today ln an elApsed time of 12 7S, and was 80 disgu~ted with his game hours and 18 -miJlutes and an unofHclal thal ht dt<lined lo visit the preM tent. average speed of 49.8 miles nn hour. Thrff.time winner Bruce 'Crampton, the Coming in 43 minute.• behind JOll<!S for tour's ltCOn.d·ltadlng money winner, an overall aecond·place finish was the pooled a 71, alx strokes off l1le poce. lliverside warn of WaUtor Jones, 34, and ' ·-' his · 32-year.otd naviga or, Sh e 1 by Mongeon, in a Ford pickup t.rUck. Their time was 13:00. 1~alf<w'>'ay leader Johnny Johnson, 27, of -1 . .emon Grove. cam.. flnl!hcd .. third overall, bringing h.is sin g I e • s.e ate r Sa.ndmaster dunbuggy home 1n 13:21. .. Among motorcyclists, l·loward Upsey, · 37, of Encino u1th co-rider Mickey Qundo. 27. or Escondido, finished first astride n Husqvurna 450. Upsey and Quade notched a Ume of 13:54, which govc )hem mth place in the ()Vtrall standlngs, 23 minutes behind foort!WUMing Mike Pair! k, 31, of ~ corona and Phil Bowers, 33~ or flfira Loma. Patrick and Bowers, who sl).ared the driving. rovered the distance in 13:31 ir\ t.ltt!lr slngl&seater Fun¢o SS dune~g· gy .• Jones said he had a Oat tire and t"'·o rollovers on 'the. 12S-mile F..nSt:nada· Cam•lu Jog d the !""'· whose new coun;e measures ~ actual distance ot 610 mlles. He said some Mexican spec· tators helped !() ~Jght his !peclally·buill vehicle Ille first Ume, but he and Stroppe coulrl tind only one other person to help tllertl after the aecood rollover. · Then, oo the la s t 30-mlle !ltrelch .... bct\\-een Ojos Neiros and Ensenada, Panielli braked sharpl y as a newly con· structed roadway came to a sudden end and his vehicle did a oru>and-a·half Oip1 cndWUeM. -·- "l ate so much dus1. you won·t believe .II," said J0016,-111\0 started 283rd among the 333 cars entered In the nice. His Bronco rolled •cross tM finish li~e an olmosl tdal wreck , with )11.!l the left rear area undamaged; Since the course this year is new, no comparison of Jones' Ume with previous winners is valid, but expe.rt.s said that any finishing average spetd d more than 45 m.p.h. would be note~. Smith faces Harold Solomon or Silver Spring. Md., who u)l6e~ Englan<l'S Mark Cox 6-1 . 6-4 In the third round, today. Cage r Guil ty LUMBERTON , .N .C. Fonner U.S. Olymptc-basketball player Kevin Jo~c-e of South Carolina pleaded guilly Thu!)r 'day lo possessing marljuano. a mJsde. meanor. He was fined $500 and assessed an ad· dlllooal $100 In cools ol court. with tho later to go to the Robeson County Sher> lff'• Departmenl drug (,'Olllrol . aectlon. I " . • " \ • ' ( -. ' ' .' I .. ' > • • . • • ! !' . .. %0 DAILY PILOT Golfei· Gu111m1g . Fo1· Title .. RIVERSIDE -JJC Irvine" golf team will embark on a ques o 1CAA_...colleQ• division chan1pionshi p at Quail Lake Country Club here 1'ul'S- day with the Anteaters among the dark-horse favorites for. the learn tille. The lllh annual event is hosted by UC Riverside, lhird place finisher a year ago in lhe nationals with action c0n- linuing through Friday over 72 holes of competition. Louisiana Slate of New Orleans is the defending charn· pion apd is rated a strong con- lender'lo repeat again this year. . .Coach Jerry Hulbert at UCI · will be sending a team into the competition for the·.first "lime · and is undecided about the· " ftldly, June 8, 1973 • -• Soderberg Returns, 'Sets Sights on Pros By CRAIG SllEFF 01 th• OlltY l'llOI Slit! fl.lark Soderberg's college basketOOll c a r ee r was ....JinLIW.tiJlg,_;to say thc.Jeast. But the 6-10 ex-l\1arina Hi gh standout is hopeful that -·Will all he forgotten this sum- mer when he tries for a berth with lhe Phoenix Suns of the National Basketball Associa· tion. And he's optimistic he can mafre it. Soderberg will be playing for Phoenix's entry in the Cal Slate (LA) summer league wlth other pro and collegiate oulI~. lf he does well he cou be offered a contract. "I eally believe I can play with the pros. 1~vei>laycd"With and against many of the guys who have signed big contracts and I know I can make it. tt's a great opportllility," says Soderberg. a n All-Orange County first team choice in 1967. Now 23 years old, Soderberg feels he's really blossomed in the last year. thanks to eight months or playing basJ;:etbaU Golf Standout ... in Frn.nce and other 'European countries. 1 • 1 It was an en1oyable and rewarding experience f of""" Soderberg -something he aUy-can't sa·n mut-hls-co - lege career. Highly-recruited out oJ high schooJ, Soderberg chose the University of Kentucky • An.er a year of frestunan ball, he spent most of his sophomore season on the bench, playing behind Ken- tucky's All-Anlerican center Dan Issel. He figured to be the starting center at Kentucky in hi s jllllior !ea son,. but broke his hand the third day of practi<?e. \Vhen he did get back in ac- tion, he saw very little play - finaUy quilting the team and the school near the Christmas break. j five players he will use. UC Irvine's R ya":: Jfe transferred to the- University of Utah, sat out a full year an<l-then played the~­ final nine games of the 1971·72 season. : Gary Singer and Steve , !--Robertson are-set to play--but-'...:i;.;.-. t the other three spots are up , -rw' A World Traveler j ; for grabs between four players including Joe Gerard, Steve Ryan, John Brizendine and .. Soderberg feels he never rea~hed his potential at Utah that I transferred to UC! this and because he w a s n ' t year." particularly impressive, ' - Dennis Foster. No decision will be made of the personnel until t h i s weekend. Along wi!h the host scbool and LSU (New Orleans), lwo other Florida schools are also among the favorites for the learn litle. The University of Southern Florida of Tampa and Rollins College both have By HOWARD HANDY 01 Ille D1Uy Piiot Sllff Thlngs will be different this The four courses UCI uses '\\'asn't drafted high b y summer for UC J.rvine golfer in the course of play are Santa Phoenix. Steve Ryan. Ana Country Club. Irvine ;'Phoenix had a lot of It isn't that he plans an· ex· Coast Country Cluh,, !\1esa changes in the front office that tended golfing excursion on \1erde Country. Cluh and year so it was kind of hectic. the \VTGA or pro golf tour. fl.Iission 'Viejo Go lf Club. . And T "·asn't drafted very These. thoughts are the Ryan began his golfing high. so 1 didn't try out," he· farthest from his mind. career at Mesa Verde cc says. But 1he former Estancia when he was 13. His father. fnstead he joined a team of strong teams. -~--L CL-ancl.--Cal-S-~ a-i.--o-___ .._r;;,, High~ and Golden West Coll~ge _ Charles Ryan, is a member of Americans touring Europe for golfer v.·ho played as a IHCCIU.b alU:iough-the-family --iwo-weeks"ihat-played against (Northridgc) are given outside t ... shots at the Utle. Northridge won the CCAA cha1npionship sophomore for coach Jerry pl~ns a . move to \Vashington a European All·slar club. EX·MARINA STAR MARK SODERBERG ~lulbert'! Anteaters this thi s summer. Thal, says Soderberg. \\'as ______ _:_ _____ _:_:_::__::_:_::_::__::_:_::_::__ this year. Golfers will tee off al 8 and 12:30 fro1n the first and JOth tees at Quail L.1ke on Tues- day. Adn1ission is free throughou! lhe· tournament. Sl'.EVE RYAN WATCHES PUTT. FALL > Corona del Mar Grid Hopes Bolstered by -. Two Trru1sf ers spring has other thoughts in Steve and· a younger sister, one or the better decisions he's mind. f N-.tncy, will live jn a made. Follo\~g participation in coodominium near the Golden H~ developed sorne contacts the NCAA college div ision \Vest College can1pu:; next and decided to play for a tournament at Quail Lake year and it will be ll simple French team-in the city of Country Club· in Riverside next matter or getlin~ to the Roanne. week, Steve ·plans lo do some airport lq-take a -plane north Soderberg stayed e i g h t _ traveling. to v,islt other members of ·the months, pr a ct i c i n g and Last s~mcr he worked full far<uly wher.ever lhe desire plaving in ~ance's amateur time al Big Canyon OJuntrv strlkes. lcaiue. Club in Newport Beach and ~ter he• journeys to IsraE'I He was given a scholarship still haDdles a job at the this summer, St"!v~ has tw.J to lhe University· of Lyon course on weekends during the other goa,ls before 1 settling (where he took some French school year. down.. courses) and his room ex- But travef is his goal for the "I've been ;i;dt . a b o u t penses were taken care of. summer and a trip to Israel is everywhere! in the world ex-"Two Americans are limited on the akenda. cept ~a and So u t h to each of the 16 teams in the Steve Js the son of 'a ma1or America.f!:i" league and some of the teams airlines pilot and as such has . Dori . .against ~m mak-ii1 France are prett)' good. I By ROGER CARL.SON slot-I formation lo help holster and Rich Burris and' junior access lo reduced rates !n mg thejli ,, countries in the wi>uld say that five of lhe 16 ot n. 0111-f!Uo1 s1•11 .the Sea Kings' running game. flying ~ anyplace in tbe _tniinedlolecr future. would be good college teams Steve Marowitz shared the Corona del Mar High 's 1973 "We had a great attitude world. r a yolUlg man ot 2Q while Iii! rest would be,quite a hr h duties. h be football team appears to have t . oug out the workouts," to ave en to virtually every HuJ t s t bit. below that," So.derberg gained two potential starters says Holland, "and v.·e put in ''It's very much in the air." country ~in the world, travel S e says .. through the transfer route as our basic offense, which has surmises Holland. The 001 would s~m to lose i!s appeal. Soderberg got to know most the sea Kings recently put the been changed somewhat \\'ilh · nientor is especially happy "I love to travel and when I of the Americans playing in wraps to their spn·ng drills.. the slol·I. It gives us a better ·"'h h graduate fi-om UCI, I hope to F 3 miJ Franc:;e. many of whom had \vn is runnin0" backs -in-I f f u •-or e pl' ed In cami. were Anahc·1m running attack." trave or a u year be1ure • ay pro ball in the U.S. eluding Bob Wilson, Steve High trans er Kim Nill.son and The Jack of a 'soli·d runru·ng B h B settling"'down ." -"They told me J was big . e rens, rent Ogden and The hro 1 · h h Long BeaCh transfer Tom attack killed Corona de! !\tar's Br.uce Carpenter. ant po ogy m n Jo r R enpug and quick enoug to Foster. chances last year, although Ca says this field of endeavor in-ecord Tr""' play pro ball in the U.S. and I Nillson was an alternate the Sea Kings came on strong brot~n~~ f~~~; It~~~~ trigues him and his main goal 1 think I can. It was a good life s t..arter as a defensive linen1an in the second half of the cam-Ken Carpenter. at the moment is to complete ., in France and I'd like to go for the Colonists in 1972 and pai·gn to win three of the'· 0 d his education while playing Laguna Beach freshman back. but I really think 1 can "' gen appeared full y JI r · t I h " Foster is a 6-0, !!JO.pound final four games 11nost1y w·•th red go or en1oymen · distance runner Eric Hulst Pay ere. rcrove from a knee injurv H does h J k t th UCI Spri11g Grid D~ills Finished for Eagles Estancia High's f oot b a 11 team got its first taste of the multiple offense and defense und~ new coach Jim Hemsley Wedne5day night in t h e. Eagles' spring touch football game. · Hemsley indicated he was pleased wiY,, ~ $Cnlm, which was captured by the Red te11m Wldet quarterback S t e v e Morton, &.&;-completing Estan· ci8's spring-drilli.. Mortoo tossed a six·yard scoring pass to Dave Gibbs for the touchdown and t h e quarterback ran for the even- tual winning two-point con- version. The. White team, under the. direction of Art Cavin, scored on an 11-yard pass to Steve Bi5aio!f. "I felt we accomplished our goals for the spring," says l~cmsley. "und J'n1 extremely happy "'ith the scrappincss and tpe altitude of the kids. ··But because of size and nun1bers J really bcliCvc this is going to be an uphill bat· tie ... ~!(.mslcy had 43 candidates. for the · varsity and junior varsity and they range in the '165-tiS J>!lund category. A transfer with obvioos starting potential is Jin1 Glancey. <:i 6-3, 185-poundcr from Victor Valley High. Only ciehL l etterma n , ho"'e\•er. are nm()flg the sn1all turnout and only two (tailback Roy Bulleling a':ld tight end Gibbsl started for the Eagles varsity in 1972. Kevin Langsdale \Vas the on- ly casualty or the scrin1magc, getting a cleat in his leg. tackle. juniors) to salvage a 4-4-1 sustained prior to the opening· ow e 00 a e will compete in the AAU Coach Dave Holland put his season. test of 1972. golf program after being in it district track and field meet 68 candidates through their Three losses v;·ere by seven, for a year? tonight (BY at LA Yalley "He's as strong as ever," "I do 't th· k Jhe · paces and seemed pleased six and one point. n m re 1s any College in Los Angeles. wit h v;·hat he and his staff Ho 11 and had r 0 u , says HoUand . school in Southern California Hulst will be rwming in the Included in Holland 's spring v.·ith a better p " he v.·ere able lo accomplish in the qua.rterbacks gom· g through h !fl . rogram, three mile, and shooting to · s u e has been the inSertion ''W I f I th workouts. the1r paces and it's 11Ild,.,.,1·ded says. e Pay on our o · c break his own national 15-year ...... of Rhett Tucker and all-J .. ::iaue 11·nest coorses around' • d Holland has moved one of \vho is the No. 1 candidate. '-'"t> an we old age group record of 14:46.1 returnee Mike Frost a t have pla ed · be r his wide receivers in to form 'l Seniors Joe Porto. Jon Terry linebacker. -Y in a num r o set earlier this year. Hulst ---------------------_:_~-==::=.'..:... _______ _"to"'u":m'.'.a'.'m'.'.en~t:s._iI'.''m'.'..'.re:a!IJl~ly'.:h~a'.!p~p~y also has a shot at the world Anteaters Plnyers . to Scatter For Distan_t__l!_arts . of-U.S. Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit New York Baltimore Boston J\1ilwaukee Cleveland East 01,•islon W L 28 24 28 25 24 23 24 25 2-1 27 20 32 West Division Pct. .5.18 .528 .511 GB .490 21,2 .471 3'\ 8 .385 NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago Pittsburgh St. Louis ~1ontreal New York Philadelphia East Division W L· 32 22 23 24 24 26 22 25 22 26 20 32 West Division Pel. .593 .489 A8tl .468 ,4;8 .385 GB Chicago Minnesota Angels Kansas City Oakland Texas 28 20 .58.1 San Francisco 38 20 .655 28 21 .571 1h. Dodgers 33 22 .liOO 31h .566 S'h .5'44 · s•,1 . 377 15\1 27 2:J .540 2 Cincinnati 30 23 30 26, .531.i 2 Houston 31 26 27 27 .500 4 Atlanta 20 33 17 32 .347 -r1~~-·sannieio 20~ -35 > .357 17 T1111rsd•V'1 O•mtl Chk1190 !, B11lllmore 2 Tex•1 7. New York J .1...,e11 3, Detroit o Onlv ''""' sdlfdultd. Ttc11v'1 01m11 Mln11ei.ol• (8!vttvil'l'I ~6) 11 8•111mOO't (Mt- NtllV HJ ChiCllllO (Wood !).SJ ti Cll!'f'ttll'ld IWl!COll ).Jl Bostoo (C11rtl1 l-Sl •r Te1111 (8robfr11 l...S ) N .... Yortl IMl'dlctl .f.2) 11 1(1n"'1 Cl!V CG•I• ~ s.n Th11r'$111v•1 O•mt1 Dotlt11rs 4, Chl1;11110 O A!11nt1 3. Montreel 2 S•n 01990 "-St. Louis 3 Onlv 111mt1 1dlecru1ed. TocltV'I G~ Cl11eln11all CC1rroll 2-.<1) ti Cl!iClllO CPIPPll ,.., Sitll oino (Arlin 2-21 ,, Phllade!Ph11 CC•rl- l'lln $.1) St, Loo!s (Wise 7-2) 11 All1nta (Reed ~71 San Fr1ncl1co (Barr 4-$1 11 Molrtrtll (Renko J•U age group record, set in 1959 by Bruce Kldd of.Cal)ada. Kidd's mark of 14:26.0, is t~e oldest ase 'group record in the three-mile. · Three weeks ago, Hulst set a national freshman record in the two-mile with a time of 9:04.4 at the CIF master's meet. _, Other track action over the weekend will feature an MU sanctiooed meet at l!untington Beacll High School sponsored by the Huntington Beach Boys Club. The meet will begin at g' a.m. Over 200 competitors are ex- pected to compete in the age- group competitiom for 9 and under, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, and 16-17 . Girls Win Volleyball 'Mley'U soon be splitting up that Cha_!n· pionship UC Irvine baseball team with ·at least seven members of the squad slated to play summer baseball 1n 'areas from Alaska to South Dakota. Others will be facing the future looking for employment in the outside world with their basebaU catters behind them. Tom Dodd, the: starter 'ln two important NCAA playoff games after very limited action during the regular season, will face surgery soon. Dodd pitched six important ~ in a game against Cal State (Northrldge) in the HOWARD HANDY play in Pierre, So. Dakota in the same circuit. * * * Jeff Mallnoff, his plam changed again. "·ill remain in Southern Callfomla this summer unless he signs a pro contrBICl. Askt'd about the draft that foand hh:a taken OD the 11th round by PbJlodelphla, be replies: "Tbat doesn't make me too happy being !ake.n that late. Plalladelphia trk!d to contact me la Sprblgfield hue I was out when the can came. They said they would call back." Jeff bad planned to play tn Ancborqe, Alaska this summer but an opportunity to play OD a U.S. all·star tum ogalnst a slml11r group of Japanese playen at Dodfer and Anaheim stadiums ba1 cbuged his mind. "I think I'll stay here and play la tbO!ie · games ror Rod-Dtdeaa.x and.....belp Gary (Adams) with the cllnlc," he 11ay1. J\fallnoff bas bad a long year lnctadlng participation In a winter serlel in Nkar1gu1 and feels a rest wUI help. * * * Ray, Humphries wUI leave on Monday for Anchorage while J erry Maras will go to Fairbanks. "I wanted to pitch In that game Tuesday," regional tournament and duplicated the feat Humphries says. He was ticketed .to start the ln the national event against Ithaca, NY. final game if necessary, however. ''My arm is sore and it comes out of place Maras said he hnd a cortbone shot just O~lroll IL.Ollcl• ~ 11 0.kl•no l lUut '·21 MUWll\lll:H r!Stll S-61 11 • ....,. !Wright J..'I S1tvnltr'1 GlmH Otitrolt 11 Qakllnd Dlfttn (John ~·21 11 N .... York IS..YN '"' PObburth (£Hfto J..Sl If Hovston (Forldl j.JI Stl\lnltV'I 0.mft Cl11ei""'ll ti ChlcAQo The Marina High girls volleyball team won t h e Western Unite<! States High School championship 1 n a tournament last weekend in Huntington Beach. when I throw," he says. _ before the team left for Springfield and that The operation will be done to re-tie a his arm-was feeltng flne. ~----1 tendon to ·a bone in his shoulder an<f to ''It was wtat the doctors call a rotary I Cll!t•vo •I Cltv.l•nd Mlnl\8'011 11 81rtlmor1 &otlon 111 Tt1r11 NIW YOfll •I 1(111111 Chy Mllw11ul!" 11 .1..,.11 Dolt9en 11 New YO(ll; SI. Louis ,, Alllnlt S.n 019110 ti Pl!ll.0-lllhlt $an F,.nd.ai 11 M«tlr•t Plrtsbllrth II Houlton Marina won all but three of 18 matches over the three-day tournament beating BaMing ls.fl, 15-13 In the flnals. The winners had Upped Mlra Costa 1~14, l>-3 in lha quarterfinals And Marlborough 15-8, 16-11 in the semifinals __ Members -or the Marina tei:un were C y Clark, Ann Coldenson., Tool Picard, Clndy Cooper, Anna llooker, Peula Dittmer, Betty Millar, and Beverly _Mlllor. _. _ - Miss Clark, Miss Goldeit90n and Miss Dittmer were all named ~ the 11l·stM team, with Miss Clark named the top player In the tournament. ' remove some deposits. Doctors tell him he strain that is normal for all ,pitchers and he will be as good M new aDct can pitch again aS&ured me there would be no elt.eMftects," but Tom says he isn1t thlrudng of continuing a happy Maras says. He loaves June 16. in the sport Rod Spepce and Terry Stupy wlll play for Gary Wheelock, winner of the second game Chapman College coach Bob 1Pcmeroy 1n in Springfield lhllt was delayed in ihe third in. Boolder, Colo. this summer. 'l'hey will leave nlng for 211 hours , says: Immediately following the annual team picnic "l W11sn 't feeling too good when the game-Saturday. ttAJ.:ted.bOt ofter :ff.C. -had J.Q_ waltl it seemed -Two ayers who completed their bueball to siU:rcnie down." He was 6e61nd 2-0 a e careers , wiWl'he CAA. tournament are rain delay but UCI scored six runs In the sixth 1 seniors Jack Cleveland ·o.nct ·Chuck Spanski. to Win . ----.--"I'm going to be married In a coople bl H• also finished th< [lnal game bul said his weeks Md settle down to working," Clevei.~ .-· wu a little ~ff. Gary and K•lth say Bridges will play In J\iJpld Clly, So. Dakota Spanski, a reserve out!Jclder durl1111 h~ tlils. summer ;lillhough Adamo wlll remabn1t'--.1'.'"' at UC!, was asked U he wu -cllsap- UCI to conduct I a summer camp for pointed ln his role. • - youngsters after spending the pa.st three sum· _ ••No, I citn't lay I'm disappointed now," he mers ln.lhe Basin League, says. "But I did have my doubts 10YeMl1 Dave L)'OM, tbe Up .thin! 1>4Seman wUI tlm!s this year." Alamitos Racing Entries Let AllMllM 111tliM for l'rlcley, ll't lll•llf " 1f.ttl1ht tlllltmlf' '""""'· (lt1r .-.. 11-;-l'lrtl ,... 1tU P'.M, ti •••ell • fl"t r1c1. ts 1•..ct11 .,. '"'• ttll IM '"' r1c11. "lillST, illAC• -S~t v1rcl5. 3 ye1r olds .I. up. Allow1nc1. Pur$e 11,900. • Ol1mltsH1 (J, Wlrdl Tlonlng eart IM. e lctlel -- ---' . Fish Report DAILY PILOT % I Y ellowtail Spree Paramount Sports Going Strong r Five, 5 7-52 · G11e,.';flhing • tit \VlLMJ NGTON - A balanc-FEATURING ALL TOP IRANDS -of :Jenni:J Yello"•lail fishing clong the Orange Coast continues to pro- duce fish daily, although reports from aren lnndinvs vary in numbers1 of fish .l>o ed l rlng attack sparked brought to gaff. "\Ye have 11 people on our Orang 1 Coa~t College to a 57· all-day boat, the sea Horse, 52 -vlcfory over Los Angeles E9UIPMENT & CLOTHING and they have 00 Ci.Sh on board t!Brbo~ COiiege Thu r S d ay EXPERT STRINGING f----.....o -eJl~c...&lnltll•l----­Go ArOIHld ID, Morrlsl today," landing manager D~n night m the opening game or1111_:=='1RiiiO~Mii=P~T~R:;;::;eP:;A~IR;=;S::;~;;R;=;V;:IC=E==1~­--------=· -·--"H~annsaSO[nwaut-1.Dli•~naia..~\Vh1WaurlL.tuold...-.the-Harl>or....wmmer-basketbaU · th D 'ly Pilot Thursday HOURS: MOH , & FR1, ' TO 1 e al . league TUliS., WED •• THtJll:S .. & SAT. 'TIL' • • TOP illlllllf" (R. Adair) Ftnt;y WlllGW (J. 1illch1rd1) Ory Cot1y IR. S.lem) l!_!J?!(I!~ lo Fly J J,vWIUOn) Spiliilsh-Lllv• (IC. H~rll Saturday Hero (S. Tr111ur1) No1·th Team -' "'They went to Catalina . . SUN DAY ,. TO 1 Island this morning but came .Bruce Miller .led the way 333 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa back to fish for -yellows-!'}thJ6 PQt~hJ.WOg JnQSLQ(_ locally:-. -his-seven -field~ goals from -(Behind The lnternati0;nal l louse of :eancakesL AIM l!llg-lble Go Flosst1 Go (J. Rtc han;h) ••COHO RACI! -3SO vardt. 2 reilr oldl. Allowance. Pur5'1 $1 ,800. Tht park 11 J1cqul11. Lltlle Tiny Go (J. Drav~rl Min Deerlorids (H.,Pagel G'llrl Baldi (R. S1l1ml Hlck1rv Smok11 {J. Rlct11rd1) Ktftllup IS. Treasure) ROstei·-~l A pair of All-Cl~ AAA fi rst team selections jhead the North roster as !fleeted by Katella High cdach Tom Danley in anticip~ion of the eighth annual Norlfl-South All- star basketball I game a t Orange Coast Colltge June 23. "It's.. just like the old days.. around .the peri meter. Dean PHON E 641.6886 The fish are here again," B:<>gd_an ~nd Tom Crunk. e~hl~~~"'.'~~ .... ~~"'.'~~"'.'~~"'.'~~~~~~~ Hanson said. hit .11 and played well 1ns~de 11·_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j "We are fishlng only for while ex-Corona del Mar H1gh \I yellowtail right now," a stl!r Mark Attlesay had 10 Last Card CR. Adair) A119et's Tr11d CR. flanks ) P.•lquln (L. Mvlasl V-.Ot CautWI (0: MOl'rlS) Light Lime (I(. Hartl Al" ll!llflbk I A1" t S•ld (L. Wright) Rebel Kay IE. (;arUJ) Tile Mt. CK. Harl) ' .N1111WUl1 C~ {R. Ad11lrJ THlllD ltACI!: -o6()(l y•rd1. 3 year ofds lo up. Clalmlna .• J>ur$6' u ,100. Cl•lmlno price n,ooo. The C•rmo1t O'Oro. Leading the Nor1h dozen are Katella's Mike OuM (6-5) and El Modena's Tim 7ivenan (5- 11 ). t Others are ..:t..oa;a 's Steve spokesinan for Davey's Locker poi?ts. . at the Balboa Pavilion said. Jtm Worthy. had, nm.e for "The fishing is real good coach Herb L1v~y s Pirates. still for yellows and it should Orange Coast. zipped to a 26-. continue fo r awhile." 22 lead and mamta1ned the ad- TURN ON TO iENNIS During the Summer Program at the COSTA MESA TENNIS CLUB 10 LE~SONS 510 . UNDER THE DIRECTION OF TIMMIS raps e RUSTY MOORE and MIKE DUNN e 8111'5 Request tD. Knlglltl St l'llannoh (J. Ward) -~Midway D•,,d'("!e-wtfglltl> __ _ PIUQae..t In (J. Rlcl\tlrdsl ' ~J Peterson (5-10) and K1rk "' ..,___..ear:ge (6".4)r:;Ormge'.s_.MitclL ~ Mezzulo (5-10), E Dorado's Art 's Landing or Newport vantage the rest of t~e way Beach report s a slowing in the ~Ith !he defen~ stan<hng out. yellowtail fishing. "It has been ~ the s~n.d half. . . foggy and ,ve have had-frouble· . · A running clock· 1~ used m finding the kelp' patties where the Harbor league with games the fi sh like to feed " a played each hour. And only s~kesman says. ' two timeouts ~ permitted b)'. -ana=wfiaif'iiiid Art's<1re--each-team ,-------•-REGISTRAJIONS:-JUNE~kthncl 6_ = ~ also bringing in rockfish, bass, . Orange Coast return~ to a.c:- sculpin barracuda and bonito t1on next Thursday night m in the half-day boats. · the HarOOr loop, meeting the Dlal Br1Mv (R. eanka) Cll•nc1 Al (L. MVllfl lltttltr (S. Tr11u1re) "DUllTHaAc.-=-351f v•rd&. S year old1 lo up. All0Vi•nc1. Pl.ll'MI M,000. Tllo ~·er Athletic Founfll!ori. King Bird (L. M'f'le1) · Jeff Vanwinkle 1 (6-5), La QUITE A·HAUL -Costa Mesa's Bill Iida (left) and --Habra's Steve Cadston (6-3), Monlerf!:)'.1-Park1s-Tony-S.tearhs-show-off limits ?f Troy's Dana Hrsch, E I yellowtaJl while fishing out of Art's Landing in Modena's Scott ?dseman, (6- Newport Beach .. The Vellowtail run has been des-t), Katella's St~e· Pacho (S- Seahawks' No. 2 team. NEWPORT (Art's Llndll!I} -17 Or11191 CNS! 157) a11111ers: 43 blrretude, 41 bonito, 15 I'll tt Ip !Com• eerlv for es,u.r•~ enrollnt!ntl e Morning e Afternoon e Evening Classes e Beginning -Intermediate-Advanced -JU!';IORS and ADULTS bass, 21 y_e!lowlell, 7S rock cod, 1 6Q!lden 5 1 11 heJlb11!,__ .lDevew•s Lock.,) -78 Mlllm: 1, '> \6 fOr lnform.11tlon tell -COSTA Mll!SA TENNIS CLUB -SS7.0t11 He'1 Bound To (0. Knlohll Plund., Bav (R.. Meir! COPV Witch (k.. Hirt) SlrOft!I •!Id Bold tJ. Richards) NOOl'I Chtrge (Jt. Be11k1J cribed as the best in 10 years. II), Magnolla'sf 1 1Bob-Holgate (6-4), and Lowe! 's Brad \Vood (6-5). ::~ers: 19 t>aTs-;-orveuowran;-oroc·~~~~~v s , 1f :&BO JUNIPERO DR., COSTA.MESA DANA WHARF -192 en11lers: 11l Atllesrv 4 2 .~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ veuowlell, 36 bonflo, \:16 blss, 72 bit· Totels l5 1 S7 r11cud1, S halibut, 1 white s11 blss. H"llime: OCC 26-22 --- "ln'N •ACE -170 verd•. l year old .a. up. Purw $6,00CI. Tiit Wer Chic. ' 1Flt5t Dlvl11on) Un Ch111111 .(J . Wll!JOl'I) CllttY Rock•t CR. Stltm) Bu,cs Dealt 3-2 Loss JteQreu IR. Allelrl · Ml Pie CL. Y,:r10110 Ward 's Pirates fell victims Aret• CJ. Richerds! Llllle LedY Ro1r 1c. limlthl of the Fullerton Titans, 3-2, SIXTH ltAC• -o6()(l v•rds. l year in a shortened game due to a old' & up. Flllln &. mer•l. Cl1imlng. • Purw sr,a:-crlilmlrig prltt-M;«IO:"Tl'lt---heavy--influx---Qf -fog-!fhursday Shirley F1slllons. · • ·ht · • · · he Moor• Peer11 1s. TrNwr•I n1g m openmg actlon 1n t r~~lt'%'o,~·<~.r%:~~S) ?\fetropolitan baseball league vein Jl.l!llbuo IL. wnghtl , of Orange County at Santa ~~~~~i:eG~,<~~'w~~;!!,l Ana's Memorial Park. a rtek 10 Win 111:. Adelrl The game was called in the Sl:VDTN •AC• --410 yard$.] Yelr top half O( the ninth inning old' a. 119. Purse u.ooo. Thi w1r ctitc. with the Titans at bat. CSleor>O Division) eer Fem• CL. wr111h1J Umpires ruled the fog too -01de SmOothle cs. Trnwr•l heavy for safe play and called HY Dlvv IR. eankaJ Gabby's Boy CK . H11rtl a halt after one out.· t:,~c~:., \'H.~":;!l Coach John Vaught of the c11111 e1r IR.-Ac1e1r1 Pirates used six pitchers dur- Barnett serving as designated hitter. The Pirates scored single runs in the fifth and seventh "iiiiilngs. . - Wi1rd '1 Pirlltt (2) • Gran!, ss ScllruPQ, II Ku1>esk1, rl P~lrner. c. SWftllSOf\, lb Atftl'ler, lb FOl)Om, Cl ·Aull, ~b Barnell, (101'\ Kell~. o I ~on.•'rd. :> "" PoSl&I, o Albll, p Wlll!e, ~ M~llOrll, p To!a!s .. ' . . ' . " . ' . " • • • • . ' 'I •I ~ & ' . . ' ' . 3~ ~ Seo,.. _., lrinlnQI " "' ' ' " " ' • " " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' • ' • • • ' • • • ' ' • " • ' 1!:.IOHTN 11AC11 -.:w> verc1i. J .,.,,, ing the action with Joe olds. Allowe n<:e. Pvrse 12,ftlO. The'-.,------,---------'-=-"'--'=--"'-'-'--"-'--Llons Ol1lrlct Governor. llN Dltkle 9 •r (T. McClll'llockl C>tsHI lkl (J. Wardl Ol' Dall CJ. R1therd1) Guud Gr1v11 cs; Tre1wr1) --;tumrs1nc1v !·J:-Peget·~---~ 'GO Offr Go (C. Smith) Chic Pet Go (J. WU1ori) I.Ike Grencime (R, Ad1lr l Lllch Th• Door (0. Knl1nt1 Twlsler Breeze CL. Myles) A1$1 1:111i.11 Top Bon1n11 Ber (K. Herl) 01t11n (J. Welson) --,.11oebf•1 L:lmll (J. Mlf1ud1I HINTH AACI!: -170 v1rds. ) "'"' oldi & 119. Clelmll'IQ. Punt Sl.900. Clelmlng price 11,600. TM Syndl(el1 tJ. Richards) • Gl"V'r Sim Ul. ltl'lkll Petco11. (K, Htrll Er Arel!! IS. Tre•wr•) 1 To Go (L. Myles) fllffnClef" (R. Ad1lrJ ''1MlW Kiiiian (J. W•fd) P~w B1r1 (L. Wrlghll ' AIM IEUfllHI Eden's Fotlv (S. Treiu.ur•I Don Kser (E. GlrJ•I ~rmed Cesll (J. Wll$0!'t) Tr11 Flrt CK. H1rll " Alamitos .Results "or Tllllncll~ Hill\' & "Isl ..... ST •AC5 -351l v1rds. 3 vHr olds & up. Clelmlfl!I. Purs1 '1100. Trlplt C Truly (Myl1sl 2•.00 f.00 f.40 Fev's ·J !loy IAd1lr; t .20 6.00 I'm Berle (W&rd l S.40 Time -18.30 · Al.lo r1n -D"'ld¥'1 Jrt, T111.11 V•ae. 111tie P•rr, Aird., A:IXAlfl, v11111v Mis ,J'IHtl Omll W1!cl'I. Hank's Vll'l\)ul rd. st •••ct• &-TMltl• c Tnilw & f.l"ey•s ,1-...,, "" m1 .• --------.-.-cow11.-4-c·~ 150 yard$. ' Y"' !>Ids. Clelmlng. PurH SltoO. '8t1l1'e $~ (Wrlgllt)I0.20 S.60 3.20 Trlplt Rt111rn (WtrdJ :tl.40 IJ.00 10 Grandstand Admission Tickets $15 (Regular Price $20.00 · Save $5.00 Each.Book) Order-Now -Available through June 12, 1973 Wl1l'lf\Jl'OOlll (Myles! 4."° Tlme~19.19 •!,~~~~~~·~·~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also ,.., -O,,nnw Out, Darling Etta, M\lluel Fl.Ind, l1n'1 Su11 DKk. 81rt 8oy, Prlcte;1 R-lnf, MINmt. THlltD •ACIE -"" verd1. 3 Yllr olds & up. Clllmi!'Kl. Purse S2'200. Jetf1r• (Knl11htJ 21.60 f.20 S.00 Mr. Kin<IV Cherge (W1tsonl 1.00 4.60 8;111TO'I lld (!llnk1) ),20 Tlm9 -lt.26 Alw r1n -Megnamlnous. Htt11ul1n, Atllarver. Rotkel Diii Jr. POU•TN •AC• -lSO y1rdt. 2 Y"t olds. Clllmlno. Purse $1900. Go Note Go (Knlahll· 36.40 10.20 6.00 C1ndv Moon Jet (Orey.,) e.60 s.'° l tt!erfl.,-(Smflh) 7.20 • Time -lt.&t . AIM ren -Splttfvl, Sl'lllnne, Sev1riah ~.••'I' DHton 81r, SuperlOtl. -. Pln'H •Ac• -170 v1rds. l YMt olds .a. u\. Cl1lmlng. Purse S2000. Hot To rot (StortY) 11 • .0 6.20 J.20 Rull•ll Wll't (Smith) 6.40 4.20 ,rl,,cen'lllr (Btnkl) J,4o0 Time -46.ICI AltoO ren --L1nov1n Sir, SUl'll'I Jtotk, S1nou1111•1 Jet, Go H.,culu, PIPPI W!n1. llXTH ltACll -«JO v1rd•. l v11r oldJ. Cle1mlng. Pul"M llfOO, •\o•v• R ov•I 'IR cherda) .u.to 24.N 1),20 O..:k•blr IDr.verl lf,20 !·"' To1"'J 8er UlS•lem) I .llO Time --20.90----AllO ren -Oink, O.br1 Zen, P1I'• Cuto Ba~ Lii Amloo. Fe~• Jov, P1lleo Du1t.r, r11•ln, Bubble• LEASE • •• p Continental LEASE ••• Mercury. ·---- ' ' C ck the Red Tags fo great values at 11 participating S 11 dealers. Gfd ~on Belted Mad to the rigid perfor- m an 'e specifications of Shel 's engineers. Two fulJ bias lies of resilient poly- este cord reinforced with two f.trong belts of rayon (thftime-proven tire fiber) for ·eater strength and ext a protection against roa 'h azards. Th'ey give .a goo , comfortable rid -good road stability an traction. White)ValJ · Name: ShelJ Belted Se nty-Eight-designed as fine replacement for all 8 series original .Better , .;;._.;;..;;..;;..;;._ Steel Belted Co stli er materi!lls and more of them are what upgrade the quality· of these. Made with two fulJ belts of steel cord-super strong,' yetflexible. These steel belts are laid over four bias plies of polyester. This com- bination give~ you a com- fortable ride and excep- tional resistance to road hazards. And t hisconsti'U C· tio.n also reduces "tread squirm," which is what makes non-belted tires wear out sooner. Whitewall· Our Best '. Steel Belted Radial ShelJ's performance specifications.for this one are particularly high. It's ou·r best tire ever. Two belts of strong, pliant steel cord-l'einforcing two radial plies of polyester cord. You can feel tile difference driving on.these. Gomfc,,.(abl'e~­ not hard. ExcelJent response to.braking, acce leration, cornering. Mileage depends on how and where you drive.· We drove our test tires for_over 40,000' miles on a demanding city-and· surburban test course. BONUS: Compared to conventional tires, radiais can reduce your gasoline consumption. The reason: radials have l\ lower rolling resistance to the road than oth!)r tires do. · WhitewalJ · i i e-----~.......-1.cte-1H~-~ •er111-a-.. · Detk1Nr, Mid m1•• eq 'ipmen~ tir~s. Name: Super Shell" Steel .Belted Tire. Name: Super §h~IJ" Steel Radial Tire. • ' S•\lllNTH •AC• -''° yards, 3 veer okh & 110. cr11llfltd alldWln<:e, Purse ~ Mucll1ch1 IAdtlrJ2,IO 2.60 2.«1 Rllby l1rrtc11n (Slol't V) 6.00 3 ... 1Ptlrlcl1 Lin (ff fllUA) '·'° -::f11n9 -It.OT _,AIM rtn -Ml n Poldt CMp. 1.-,ov 81r letw, Trlllw Pauun1, Slrod, .. •IONTM •• ,.-=-AGO v•l"ll•· !I vHr ddt. Cl1lml1'1f. PUrM t1'00, , J ohl'lnlt •r:• {lltlf!Mlr6')21.00 ••:oo •·• IEChO TOO Mvl•' 1.40 S.20 Coli D111 W1rd) •.20 T!•m .... __20,9' ' ~ 1------'A.llO rt11 . ..., Roy1I Jt1l'a·11~1 Mlrt.tt; "\°"'! Kllo~1. H1dd1 Bl YOU~ .Unclt F V, flktlr I OON I U ludl .. .ltfl11nlt l tll I t·•clle T .. , f'llf IQ.S.N . NINTH ~~· -3gi Ylrfit· S VIit m~ ~.~~"°' 111 ;i'=I Pur1•:.J ~;o 3.1(1 Pftler I /ftllhl 6.20 1.00 -Flfli!!" flll -1.0ll Ai;:,-lrM >;:I\ ..;. Fll!htt,, Chief Go M!1tv J°', ttld9 11v..:e1r, lloer 1111 Rotket, 1'1tr, lilr, ltr Tl(llff, llltk Mood. -- Full Maintenance Leasing ••• Your 'Choice, Nowl 540-5630 Ort1"1' C111•11'1 "f•Mil1 •/ Fi11t C•"• ohnson&son .1~==11-11 I MO•M30 al ~ICttiJ:l'• "lrrlt I 11•1i'etlff'i1.-----------------------.1''---+----------------l,-----,-,,.----.!..--------,-r,-----,-------------"---- I' ' I , J , \ \ ' f • • ,,. • ,, •• -, - 22 DAJL V PILOT . Frldar, ~ne 8, 197-!. Weekend Ya chting Ca le...,. Ocean Racers Hoist Sails Device Tells Heat Paciftc Oceim R a c.I n g Conference (PORC) racers will have a double bill thls pionship !aturday·and Sunday. BC'i'C will stage the fourth race. bf its Aogelman Series for PlillF yachts. we-eke.ad. Newport Harbor Yacht Club HUlmNGTON llARBOUn YACHT CLUB -Summer Sun ll<ptta. !OR, MORF, PllRF, Salurday, Sl,ulda_y. CATALINA YACfn' CLUB -Long Beach to Long Point face, Saturday . Lido-t• Chlllllplon!hlp. s.... -3 Ways day. . N !';W P QR T HARBOR WH YACHT CLUB -Elimination EN JT's }lot, It's hot. races, PC. Luders·l6, Star, You can tell jwt how hot It is Soling, Stuelds, Saturday. Sun-In three places on your ~at day. with a new e l ec tr ic I ' .. ELECTRONIC BOAT THERMOMETER Th.lrd nee ol the1 series wilt sponsor the first two e1imina- be a II).~ out or Mkina del lion races for national ch8m-- Rey to Point Dume and return pionJlilps of the Star, PC, •"-----isponaore'!J>jl Callforl(a..Y-i..i.n,IGJ hlelda , ll)<j Solhl& ClUH. 15 ncewill 5lia on ' claae9. \ Suta,.... Bly ! 1 C.A-1.1.F O.IUUA..Y.AC!l CLUB -Pt. Dume Raee (PORC), sixth race Overton Series; pt . Dume Traosbay race, Matt Walsh series, Saturday. Saa Dlego BOATING thel'Ulorneter by Chris Craft. SAHDIEGO,JllhVERGAT:t;...~-=~..;...:.· -"-''-"--~'f--""tallt4_aUhc.belm..ol.yoor. _______________ _,__,,.... __ SOlmfWESTERN Y A C H T boat you ge t temperature or halyard winches. They are thei r ships to explore the " Saturday, and on Sunday Del So Olego, Silvergale and Rey Yacht Club oC Marina del Southwestern yacht clubs will Rey will start tile Deet on a combine their efforts in sfag- race aound Santa Barbara ing an Ofympic Cl.a.,,ses Regat- 1.sland, finishing at ·Newport ta for the six Olympic !ype where Bahia Corintmm Yacht boats -Soling, FI yin g Club will take oa. the hut Dutchman, 478, T empe 1 t, duties. Tornado and Finn classet !Jut for hla third -ond s.""1ay ond Sullday. poaibly faurlll -....-.. handicap win in the series will be Al Cassel or BCYC in his 50-foot O!ance-designed sloop Warrior. f , _IN 019R local activity: Balboa Yacht Club wi ll host the Lldo-14 C I a s s cha.ffi- r.w '®* ! 7 71 llllRI: II the Southern California Yachting Assocl>- lion calendar: IM "-'ties -1-g a..e• CABRfLU!l BEACH YACfn' CLUB -L.A. Harbor Cal·IO Fleet Championahip, Saturd~y. ~ay. • ,..,. We come Aboard By ALMON LOCKAllEY · It'll sink like a block of cement. The coiner of that _cliche apparenUy didn't know that a block of cement wouldn't sink if it v.·as shaped like a boat. . J . He should have, for the art of building boats out of cement and steel is as· old or older than the..c;liclie._ -·------=-~ NO\IAMYS' 'Im arrWct IEi "'*""'Ct is fmrcemest -meantnc 'tbat it 11 a c .. 0 .-flf cemat aad steel. plua.a Bttle-win __ _. · Wbateftl' Irs ca1fedt .. W 1 hzs ... 9ftr tbe werid are buying Ii. It m.'t ---.. tlle --~ are flmo.cemmt ballt beiliets •:i:ac:Ac If 8111 ewr, al- thoulb: a trw '* 'si ne& 1n aga£'!<(_iil tbe dimiP mt bulldillg al * craft. ~; mneot l>ools ore beilll built front !bit-your. self mes « are <'.U&tom madt. Mmt ~ • boats beiJ1I built ti Ws matlrial are Jarp cruisers er sail.boats 30 , .............. Ailftrf ""5 II. fe:XCH" 7 mtl ~WW+ ar- cordilig tit ta .. WDJia. "die pr I t Oae js ~­ A -11111 11111 _.._ 1o looi en,.... Cement gets oi.._ u tk ,_. p "7 -It "cure" wben wel Race of 7S-5-Mi1£s I • A round Hawaii Set "Leave the ltltt' ol. Hawaii to port." That's the iubiCaing ...... of Waikiki Yadlt Cub's Royal Hawaiian Cup yldi: race, tbe second edition <:J. which will be sailed starting Aug. 11. The ,intri ing pmrt al ~ 755-mile r ace that-the state or Hawaii cons1 ot eight islands. The race s rts off Waikiki on· the island of Oahu, gO:eS around Ll!nai, Molokai, Kahoolav•e, 1\faui. H a w a i i , Kauai and Niihau is lands, fmishing back at Waikiki. This yea r's race ls ezpeded to attract some of the 'I'raar pac fleet "·hich will ftrrive at Waikik i within tn weeks aft,r the JuJy 4 start from Loi Angeles. The first Roy.11 Hirwaihm Cup race was held starting Aug . 5 1972. First to finish was the A!«gan-54 Silversword F11lr todf,y., u.it · vMiltU winds . nl~ tnd "*""'"" ,.,.,,... NtOml"llO w~ 1o 9!Ml'lwn!wt¥ I tD i.i llMh I" t tffrnoonl 1odty .... S:e""'*'Y· HI~ 1od1~ \IOPef" '°"-C1M1tel 1tm~1lurft r111oe from 60 lo 6'. lnl.nll '--'urfl ••noe tram u lb 1-. w.nr ._..,..tur. "'· -.. da(IRll limo al lift days. II baun, 29 m-wt 21 W'Clllds. Nall! m, • caJ.,13, ....... ...__, __ .. ft. a.-I time ol I 'days. I haan, S minutes, 53 sectllds :sad a .bandicap time of ~:»::51. Unlike many ocea·n races, the Royal Hawaiia n Cup is not a downhill spinnaker run. All points ol sail are featured on warm waters with Hawan_,. world fanDa tradewiads. The race ii farther enhlne- ed by the fact that Hawaii's islami -nearly always in sigl!C of the racing fleet. form a background of beauty for the a ..... Fifth Race To ~az Announced tong Beach Yacht Club, in emiunctkn wilh tht-Olmlte de Regata lnltrn.aciooal de La Paz, has sent out bids foe tOO flflh lllenoial Lone Beach to La Pu race, ICheckiJed NON. II. Inquiries regarding the ract should be sent to Robert A. ll'lllDo\Y Sl'tWld lllGb ........... · J;:rt p ..... Sft:\lnd lorw ....... " -. 12:17 t.m. Basbam, l!'noral ebainnan, t: &201 Appian Way, Loog Bncb.. SATUllDAY ,,-1,., Moll .............. S:'1•.m. ,-r,.. low ............. 11 :1••.m. ~ "'9fl -·-··--· &:Ol-St<Ol'ld lcrw •. • .• , . ' ... SUNDAY' LBYC Commodore Larry ~:~ lllcDowe.11 Jr. said it may be 1.1~ to limit the rmmber of entries and asked for an ear1y expression of interest In the race. Flril 1119'1 •.. , , , .• , • , •• , 7:CD •.m. J,) Flril 1-............. 1i01•.m. o.~ ~ 111911 ,, .. ,. ..... 6i•l p.m. S.J lKOnd lcrw ............ ~p . ..,. t.,i '!ht race wtll be divided into f..,. •--. will be cwideitd W'I act01dance with lbo~cril<ria: $1,/11 -'~ .. -..... .,. ....... MOO'I ..... t:a,.-. .. 1:'1MIL For Weekender Advertising Phone . 6424321 • I. ParlidPitioa la prtvious ,._., ' :r. Ill~ IUB.1'.C. 3~ "7 Moxlcllll ,_..,.,,, .. '-Prior oemt ntC!ng ac- -uvlty of owner, skipper Md crew. 5. Geograp~lcal origin of entry. - The Ll Pat race is rated at 1,000 n!\I" with lhe las! 100 mlles uoually a beat to weather. KING HARBOR YACHT O.UB -Cal-20 lnvitatiooal, Saturday, Sunday; Iotraclub regatta, Sundily. DEL REY YACIIT CLUB - PORC race around Santa Barbara Island to Newport, Sunday. Newpen.Balboa • BAHIA CORIN T HIA N YACHT CLUB -Co-llolJt San· ta Ba,hara -island to Newport race (PORC ). Suoday, Mon· day; Jndlan Rock R a Ce (AngelmaD Serie's) Saturday. BALBOA YACIIT CLUB 7' ----~--~sTtnr OIL TRE AT- MENT ..._ ... Te .... t Or Eac11d Tlw !n'Kn- CLUBS -Olympic classes readings orf tbe y,•ater, your ideally suited for quick !f!-world. United States Contlnen; • regatta , Saturdey,_Sunday . lease or temporary ·stopping ial Laboratories, lnc. has dobe CLUB -Pase I Sertes (Sklm-T h U • t .o 'T~S N when changing winches or developmen t called Minute - Ml~JON BA y· Y A C l l T c ' ) something about it with a new mer ) Saturd~y. Sunday. a oe mWHn. EW halyards. Barlow sheet stop-Mildew Remover. Without "'"' - C.ORONAOO YACHT CLUB _ ~ pers are cast of high strength bing, scrubbing or scouring . -Spring Outside Series, Sun· Ope aluminwn, hard anodized iDr' solutloo, the prod uct reported·,' day rating engine room and your bait ma ximum corrosion resistance. ly kills mlldew and removes . North ad Iadland well. Standard "D" cells give They are available for right or stains In a matter ot minutes. SAN LUIS YACl-IT CLUB _ long life wit h continuous left hhnd. The price is S2.95. The product can be used on • Commodor • Re tta s t TAHOE CITY, Calif. (AP) operaUon. It comes in two vinyl, canvas, boat tops, flber- da e 3 ga ' 8 ur· -The V .S. Coast Guard has temperature ranges _ minus hfiLDEW HAS BEEN the glass, overheads, decking, life lNACAPA YACHT CLUB--reactivale<t Its "mile hlgh" 22 to 122 or 32 to 212 degrees. scourge of boat owners since preservers -ialmost.anywher.e Scripps Trophy R eg at ta , station at Lake Tahoe for the The instrument is listed in _::th::e..:P.::hoen::::::lc::ians=..f:::ir:::•t::.:l:::•un=ch::.:ed::_..:m:::il:.:dc:.ew__,,gro:._w_s. ____ _ Saturday, Sunday. eleventh straight season. Chris Q-aft's gear ~atalogue. N l E WESTLAKE YACIIT CLUB The b eility will ·operale ea. r y vervone ...: Ladies Regatta, Sunday. • BARLOWSllEET STOPP-. .I SANTA BARBARA SAIL-with 8 !0 me mber ere"' and ERS, new.from Barlow winch- ING CLUB -Spring Series, two pa~ol boats until mid: es are ideal for use in plaee Listens lo Landers Sund,ay:... Septem . of or in conjuction with sheet -SUPE R X c ·AR BUR ETOR ' TRE ATMENT SA VE 30% • 50% THE WEST'S MOST COMPLETE 00.IT .. l'OlJR SEl..F AUTO CENTER --· ' 1 ·u10 PARTS OPEN SUNDAY. - 9 • 6 ·PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU JUNE 12, 1973 ~ ~ ·- •• " . Oil TreotmMt ·• Cleo"' Corliu11I« While YoV . Qriv1 14" LUG 4 AMP BATTE RY CHA RGE R 49~ .. OIL F ILTER GIANT WilE-N€11-3·o"x 50" 7 /1 • OR OIL ,,,, OIL DRIP s ~8E ¥ ~!.~-!/•-.. -· Gorog•J. /; CorJ.•I fl_., · ·c1..,n y- 0.oic• R•t· 1.al 29c 1!?. CHAMPION AUTOLITE OR A.C. SPARK PLUGS A EG. 1.19 DUPONT RALLY CREAM WAX T11i11 Onlr !'i Hour C l101u, '#1011.es And Prot1cl1 CAR MI RR OR MODEL •1 85 R•sislOC" Plugs 79; w.1h Lockin11 Vol~• CID"'? ln1ur•I ... Ti;hl f jt CA R . SPOT LIGH T Pl1191 ln10 y- Cito<t ll• Ligli1 ... WRENCH -Fi11 Mo1t Lug Sire• 99~ .. FREE! FREE! MOTORCRAFT TUNE-UP KIT 1·1TI1 PURCHASE OF CHECK POINT -'l'UNE.:UP TEAM ~-- POWER PUMP AIR PUMP 1!?,, Eliminoll1 The U1• -OI Jocks 0.. H°'"'' An;lt d 8111 ln1urt Po1ltiv1 Troctitn PRECISION ALTI METER From Q.15000 [t i)' To Alt~h 1!9 CAR WA SH ~;,~~~~ .. , 99 c 99c Gordtn Ho1e1 {''' Abovo Seo t Yt l. • , 2 J/8'' Eo1y Rtod Bloclt Foe• 499~ COOLANT SAVER KIT E1u y To Auach Sove On Coolanr Wa11e ••. ........ _ w- • RF.GULll R ,,, FRE ON 12 Oo·ll•Ve111111f And Sovt 69' FULL AC ROSS KOOL CUSHIONS G11ot For U1• In SumnMf Htol 599 ONE GALLO N GAS. Q\l.s ..... , With 99 :::-:. c - ---== - - --------- - ----:o-. .-:::= -~--~ -- 1 7"x1 7·" UTILITY MATS lorp Stlei;lion Of Color1 - -Ci.r,1111r • Pioducte Hi11h11 12!?. LACE-ON STEE RI NG WHEE L COVE RS Block, 81ow., Rid. Wh itt & Blue BUMPER J ACK MOO EL T-372 RM Type Har,.:111 Welded Ribbed Tub111or 5111! Rick Bot 99c Guoronltt~ For The L lf11im1 Of Your Cor 7 ?.?. HE RCULES HEAVY DUTY LIFETIME GUARANTEE SHOCK ABSORBERS Guo1onrttd For Tht Lift Of ·-Prtstnf c .. S?.! GENERA'rOltS c;,,,. 10?.9 CHECKE R LIFETIME ~!J:!ERY 1999 For Thi L1ft1 vn• £it. Of Yo .. r Prettnl c .. B ATTERY BRUSH & T E R ~ll N AL POST • • CLEANER 12 f'O OT TOW CABI.F. • 1 .... ff f lt ••hlt STee l 199 OELIJXF: MECHANICS TOOL CHE ST 6 o.o ...... & U11li1y Tray 3999 Htovy G11<1gt Con1lruct1on CREEPER WITH PADOEO HEAORE5T Antltd Co1tt r1 For Eo1y Mobilily 6?.! ALTERNATORS . WITK liXCHA.NGll' A•ntlf!Con co .. 16!~ ....... ' .... ' .. · .. ~. :"'•" ,. .. ... . '" ' •,. •' .. ... • Phone 1.11 6-15-8624 East 19th_ STREET,_ COST .A M~SA -:: 0!1:;-_;,~1z ' I; .. J ., BANKAMERICARD '; ' JU ST OFF NEWPORT BLVD.-....... M-Tlltator -OPlll SUN. ,,, ... .. _ • 1,.1'., I ' j ' ··········. , .. -' . ' , • • • ' • .·,-,_ • • .. ,. ..... , .. '·· •• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11,,.+n 1.0>+IO ..... 7.IH-:io .... ..... .... .... ••• .... ...... ••• .... ..... ..... ..... .... .... .,,,., ..... ••• t.a1 .... .... "' ::: "' "' .. ... ... "'+" ...... «+o• G<+OI "' ... "' 11.20 '" .... .... '·" ·1.20 ..... .... .... ... .... "' "' "' "" . .. "' Gl\+2J '2\.'J+25 CH\+U GV.+U •1.10 1.1 • 1.10 "' "' "" "" "' "' "" "' "' ... ... ... "' "' '" "' "' ... .. ... be 1.10 n S$c I.JO ·:ID!: * 1.11 * _,. ·-=~·-------"' ... "' . "' "' "' "' . .. 1.11 1.10 1;10 1.10 I.lo I.II 1.10 1.10 "' * "' ""' "' tl: . •• l7 •. , . ...... ... 't.~ '·" '·" "" .... _ t: '·" ,.., ...... ,,,,; ..... •n ... .... .... i.:K .... ••• ••• .. ""' ""' "" "" "" "" ~!~····-~ "" "' ... ... "' ... "' ... ... ... . .. .. ... ·"' .... .... .... ,. .. .. .... '·" .... •• .. .. • • ... "' "' ... ,, .. ... ... 1>'!1. (!roc:I. In W•;e) ~ ... .. "' .. .. ,,,. ,,,., ,... -_,,,._____._ ,,.. ,,,., 11• , ... ,,,. '°" "" 11.• tl.J.t • •• = "' tl.OS "" 11.• ... ... "' "' .. "" Ctl'ld. 11'1 1"0• •• '"':ll . ... •• .. ... •• -· (to t Y"· ... (l}'l':l w more "' "' "' "' ... ·" ·" ·" .Ol ·" .., ... -~ ·" .,,.,, ----· • . • . ~ • DMLY PILOT Friday, Juq 8, 197.S • . . Singe.r Hit in Ali Ma~Graw S.p~its Sf~ -Remeita Two .Women Quit Flight P1·ogram En ergy ·-A ttaci : ended v!.sltatlon rlgbt&. Support The singer 's fom1er wile, i m garet J ones, complained that tho oing.,. was 112,000 behind in ,the payments. The payineriU Olllered by Thomas are h1gher than those in the divorce settlement. * . Senate Republicllll Leader Jfugll Scott11 estate. is v.•orth $99,000, less some $12,000 in debts, he rei:or;,d. ' Scott g3ve the figures dur- gidle11ite"Rules'CO"f'ittee '-'--• hearing on legislation t o tighten qmpaign f i n a n c e Jaws. · He said his net v.·oMh was substantially-down from a year ~o v;hen his assets' amounted to some $150,000. * ~fovie star Omar Sharif is "·orld master bridge champion after a gruelling three-day toumament in London. Sharif, wOO was filming by day and playing bridge at night, narrowly d e f e a t e d r~v.'.orld champion Jkrjs. Schapiro. Durini the contest. Sharif said he had so li tle confidence in himself that he backed Schapiro. He received his $3,· 750 pri1.e from Anella Flyun da~ter of the late actor Errol Flynn. * -Actress Julie :Andrews. '"·ho has Uved in the Uni ted States ·10 'years, has moved her fami- ly lo England pennanenlly. "My husband (film pro- ducer Blake Edwards) ga\·e 1ne a taste uf Ametican life, and now it is up to me to s!rou• him what England has to of· fer." the British-born actress said. * . ln a different era and a dif- ferent town, R.ola Parb has bee!! h<lnored by having a $1 million junior high school ad- dition in Detro_!t named after her. . Mrs. Parks' arrest Dec. 1, 1955 for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger led to the Montgomery, Ala . bus boycott and the rise to na- tional prominence in the ch•il rights movement ·of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Mrs Parks and her hus- band, Raymond, moved to Detroit in 1957. She is a recep- liohist for Rep. John ConyfjrS Jr. (J).~fich.). · * Henry Landt., M, says he will seek re-elect1on to the San Diego City Cruncil on which he has ,served since 1968. The voters now will have a chOice of ''aie-and ex- .t> . ' ., • perience!-' he-told-.a-""'"'-'Cllll'f--·t----';...,--=:. ference. •4:. ~r * r ' Or. -n.njiiliilil Spock will ~· "- appear at the University of '.;. Ptfichigan, but not to speak at the medical school's oom- mencement ceremonies tonight as the students wa nted. Imtead, he \\iU address a special ' 'co u·n t er com· mencement" arranged by students opposing the decision by school officials to invite ac· tor Robert Young. who stars in t.be "Dr. Welby" television series. * Carole RJchardsoa, an elec· tion official rcr the opposition British Labor party, stole the show when she appeared at a parade in Ea s tbourne sponsored by the Conservati\•e party. f\fus Richard.bl climbed onto the roof of. a car in the n1otorcade and stripped to a bikini covered by ' ' Vo t e l.abor" slogans. • Bands Quit Pl.aying AUCKLAND . Nt\\' Zealand (AP) -Volunteer bands have given \\'8Y to recorded music at cftlise .shl!!deoorture1 ~ ol ~Pueengers. . --Ooe-bandsman w a • 1tniclc oo the ..head by a milk.Wike thrown from a liner. <>then were spat on, stnick by ompty beer cons and bit with air rifle pellels.' " ·O 't ,., . JUllE-1-1£ ·FLUCltw They aU woilr pntlf muds ti.. -· illllp *'--It 1or11;.-.,.. . . • . "47~ • Param:runt Pictures vict pr i<J,ent , v.•as not present in the COW1l'oom during the default hearing. • FRESNO I A P ) - P.-..ldential coosumer af. fairs tdviser Virgin t a Knauer's commencemeht address al Cal Me FreslO began with 1 a clarion call r or ~ servali-0n of energy. ' Scmeone took h e r serious ly, and dimmed ~e Jighls and shut off the air conditioning in the ar~a 'Vednes6ay,, night. . .! • Wt'1 fac• it (lh•y cdways ICl'f that wMn th.,. want to .. ~you aom•thinq), pool atulf do..n't com• too cMap "if you can llGY• haU on r•;War. why not. Brush ... •kimm•rs. tnt•ra, lin"' Ooata, and mort. ' -_ _IQ.DA ~ POOL LIGHTS You liqbl th• candJ•. l•t th•rn Ooat around and add 1om• mystiqu• to th• parly. (You do and you1l q•t bual•d). Multi-cotora. Upon cloa• inll)«tion I not• that lh•r• ii a: hol• at •ither •nd. P•rhe1p9 that ii why th• price i. so low? (an Ak.n.zn). 9''' .. • .. \tr<" . ,, .1 : ... ' •• .. .. ·,,, ~ ' •' 0~1 0 . • • -~---- • . . ,, ' .. 0 . . POOi. _ _CBLOBIIE ~ . I wish I could r•m.mb.r what th•y call th• 1lr-.n1th taetor ..• PH ••. TSP ••. LQX? Anyhow UU. ia UM 1mn• aa th• •tu.If :;:...~,,_.---"i...-,.:at: lie. 99c, and ••.n l.29. POOL ACID • Ct..e.AN -T -.,TAIM VANe: • CLEO BOAT COVEi • '· No, it won't lat "for.,... .. U9H ' Pool ownera know thia ia ct must for 1laina, but th•y alao read the direrlions and UH. if "9ht. riqht? outlid.:U.yOu g•t a coUP. '• r•an it'• •till ~rlh protKtiao .1.. lho &m.h and 1-Pnv the • • ·(() d~t.oll il 2 97 . .; • WI.IOU ... H•~r 1oabup wat•r pr•tty good, but this ia ridicuJoU&. .. . ' ..• ' • t.. ,~ , ~ • • f I : ·~+:-~!.! lllGl flCED ' · , , PDTIC~ _HID· ·. • Fino 1ftCltOrlal for -~t Giid hmllturo. llrditralDloob~ .., .......... dloault. ..._,. • 0 0 ) .• • • ' r • I roe .· By TO:'\t GORMAN "So llO\V I'm doing the t\VO things l or "" o.i1w l"llot 5t111 love most," he s.aid. There Y.'8S a thne. back in North JOINED UNION Dakota, u•hen Jerry Schroeder v.·as con· sidered a music freak. Schroeder began piano lessons ·"'hen he It h was five years old. He lived through the was more t an 20 years ago and death of hi s jai!.z"band in high school, and Schroeder, a junior in high school, a's a junior in college jOincd the 111usi-. started bis own jazz baud. cians union lo play professionally. He' admits the venture "'as a total flop. He attended coll g · Ch' d a e e in 1cago an "There just "''asn't a lot of jazz then," earned hi s masters degree In music six he reealls. years ago from Cal Stale, Fullerton. But Schroeder stood' firm by hts piano His teaching career· in cludes fi ve years• .. and waited it out.Piie is no\v -39 years old, at Costa ~1esa High School bcrore mov- and his musical career has .blossomed on . ·ing·to Golden \Vest five yars ago .. three fronts. Music students are among the easiest __ _,T,,od.,a,,_..,the"'-'""''"a'-""l<>'a"-"'"'""'"'----.-:to:. teach, he claims. -e 'Thergo-into-music-'because-they-lov Directs the Colden \Vest College it. They'.d rather play than.anything else, l\Iadrigal Singers and college choir in ad-even though making a living from it is dition to teaching a jazz apPreciation tough. class. "The music program at Golden \\'est is • Performs in the Orange County among the most-: Qemanding of llhyth1n l\1achine jazz band. disciplines, since the students have to put e ls packing his suitcases to go to in so many hours. It takes five years to Orlando, Fla.. '"here he has been graduate from a music program. I '"am --,,se"ected to d1rec ~'Kids or-the them \\'hen they start. Most of the ones Kingdom '< all-American college choir th.is who decide to go into it stick v.i th summer at Disney \Vorld . iL · Looking back on his high school yea rs. •·r..ty 1nost cha1lenging job is to ope'n up Schroeder now feels the time for jazz has their minds to other kinds of inusic. I come . And he plays "'henever possible -love all kinds or music. It's not a new at school during the weekdays, Friday ._._and. SatJAtd oigQts ~t private party~ engagements. and at home \\'ilh hi s wife (See MUSICIAN, Page !6) • and three gi rls \\'ho are all musically in· clincd. Right 1101\". thoui;h. hc·s looking forward to Disney \Vorld . "'here he \Viii direct 20 young rric n and \romen \\'ho '''ill perform on stage fi\'C days a \Vt.'Ck. %S MINUTE snow "\Ve open June 23 "ith "·ha t 11·c all hope "ill be a 2.l-minute sho\\'1'' he chuckled. ··t·m· going do\\11 Su turday to set things up. \Ve'll open up rehearsals June 16. That gi\'es us a v.·eck to get our show 1ogcther -not much ti1ne since nooe of us knows one anol~r. is it?" The group, \\'hicb \1·iJI perform rOotine-s si1nilar to those or the ··Young An1c ricans." \Vas sclt.>eled-by-SCJ1roeder·--- ""d a choreogr8pher after each member submitted a Vi<.~10 tape of hhnself performing. Accompanying the group will be a -smaU rhythm section. of which one mem- ber will be Greg Turner of \Vestmlnster, a guitarist who studies at Golden West. Schroeder is . not sure why he wa s chosen in the nationwide search, but thinks it is because he is strong both in vocal and iostrumental music. "~1any college instructors specialize in, either voice or ins1ru1ncn1s." he says. ··1 try to be a perfeclioniSt in both areas." Schroeder says he is 110\\1 doing the l\\'O thin gs he loves n1ost , teaching )'OWlg peo1>lc and performing jazz. "~1y parents were a great influence on me." he says '·Like most parents, they wan~ me to make something of myself. They thought a lot of teaching. "~ly heroes are all instructors who taughl choir In college. I wanted to ernu.Jate them. I knc~ in high school I \\'Hilted to be a choir di rCctor. "And I've loved music all my life. But musicians lead a \'ery transitory life. It's \'cry difficult to 'Stay in one place. A job n1ay last oi:ie \l.'CCk or two months . • • • Arts/Dining Out Entertainment --...., "li.t Staff ........ Music tea cher Jerry Shroeder packsnis station w·a gorl' on his wa y from GWC campu s to conc ert wi t h his O range C ounty Rhythm Machine band. Below, Carol Wynn sings as Schroeder . plays organ. DAILY PILOT Iii Friday, June 8. 1913 , • • .. '. ~ .. • • • .... ' Rod Stewart and Faces Keep It Together UCI Pianist, Orchestra By P.1ARY CA~IPDELL (AP ) Rod StC\.\'arl, \Vho make s · records on his 0\111, definitely is part of Faces. I L---"" 0-we..peoW.e...a(!'i.:wr~ntJy don't realize that, or 90me think he has left, and there always are rumors that he and the group are going to split because of jealousy O\;e,. individual fame being greater than grour fame. Not true, . ' . say the folks ooncemed. Vocalist Stewart, in New York at the end of a lS-clty tour-in May, said, "Faces lead guitarist Ron Wood phon- ed up George Harrison lut night. George said, 'ls Rod on this tour with you?'. It just goes to show. "It is surprising· the amount of peo- ple whO don 't know I'm with the band. Jt will always be the five of us. I'm with them for lilo. I've pledged m.y life to the Faces." A couple or nlghts;~arlier, Stewart had jammed with ~lick Jagger, In the same .hotel ,...,,, In which Ile la talk- ing and tn v.•hich a few moments before, Stewnr• and keyboard player Ian 1'.fcLagan have been tossing a soc- cer ball back and forth; bouncing It from knee to lop of ankle to head and then across to the other player. They're getting exercise in a small space. . ''Yes, Mick was here..-Il \Vas on lo· credible jam, both ol us singi ng 'Love in "Valn.' It was wortl1 a milllon dollars ( I if anybody had taped it. That is the n1orning \l'c \\'ent to bed at 8 a.m. Rush hour \\'US going on. "We'll sing together one day. \Ve're seeing a lot of each other. He's going to probably write a song for Faces. It's got to be good ,-though. We ain't going to record it just because it's there-and )tick Jagger wrote~tt. ... We don't \vrite bad songs ourselves. ''I write about;70 percent of the songs on my own alubms: on the group's albums I write with Ronnie Lane" bass guitarist. Lane has an. nounced that he will !Cave t~ group during lhe summer. "l don't perform 'SS a sing le._ l\.1aking albums ou my own was a prior con· tract before I joined Faces. I had already started my flnt albwn. Tile albums usually are miles apart. "l even sound different singing with the group than I do i11'>11l'. OV(!I albums. I don't knOw why that llt)Nobody can put a foot on It really. "People ak why Faces doesn't \vOrk \ more. ·'rt'a som~hing we ask ourselves. We have a five or six-week tour ne1t September. We have a lot ol recordltlg commitments. We like bomu llfe as \Yell. And Ir we stay on the road _too long we start to get on each other's nerves. • "Thls WaJ a Wng tour for us, three T \\'eeks. Some bands come over here for months. "But performing on stage is more exciting than ariything in the world. All you 're there to do is play and make people happy . When we play 'I'd Rather Go Blind' we ~n hear a pin drop. That's the mark of ·a good au- dience. Thal'a'What ffre all about.'' l<""aces came from Small Faces, for1ned in 1965. In 1968' Steve Marriott Jerl S1nall Faces to fonn llumble Pie,. \\'\th Peter Frampton. Faces got together, Lane1 ~lc~an and ~- 1ner Kenny Jones from Small Faces, plus \Vood and Stewart, who had been t.11gether ,jn Jeff Beck ha,nds. in 1969. Foces LPs. on Warner Brothers, are "First Step," "Lotik: Player," ''A Nod's .. Good as a Wink" and "Ooh La La." Rod Stewart I..Ps, on l\'lercuey, "Ir~ "An Old Raincoat \Von't Ever Let You Down," "Gasoline Alley ," "Every Pie· lure Tells a Story" and .. Never a Dull "Moment." The latter two LPs m-e gold and so is Stewan11 aingle, "Maggie l\f ny." lt Is usually soid .th..1t" l<""nces has a full ·bodied, driving rock 'n' roll· sound Md U:tat Stewart's albums are more 1nellow nnd folky. ''Ooh La. La," however, has so1nc mellow 11umbers J on it. \Vhen Ste\\'art £eels talked oul, Ken- ny Jones begins to chat. Asked about !lie i:itatus of popularity of Faces as an English band, he says, "People picked up on us in America first, then England liked us better when we went fact it is really big in England rmv . Faces aA4 \\Tho a.re the top bands : whatever people prefer to be second they can say is second. I think ~"C play 1 more like the Stones. ";\Vho is a unique band. 'Ibey've been together over 10 years wiihout changing.lineup. I love bands that stay lo@;ether for a long time. "\Ve've been together now three and a half years. We started · completely from scratch. People aaid, 'FO<get It. •You 'll never get anywhei:e .without Steve Marriott. Roa Stewart's no good.' The bond was determined. We just plodded oo. , •i\.Ye kept our atmc of unity going rutd that got us over tho,,e-fiPSt hard tlm.S. We played llMI p1ay«1 aod got better and better and people liked us. "IL doesn 't feel like we've been together a long time. Ii. roels like were still • new band, which Is really goqd, \V e sti ll haven't reoched any kind or peak of playing yet. We're constantly !ooklng to~hnpro~e as musichtns. "\Vith the Small Faces, you could feel it aging. \Ve listened to 'Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake' and figured. the.re was not mucil more \l'e could do. \Ve \\'ere au looking for other things any\\•ay. That's why it came to an end. "Small Faces was together four years.jThe first year and half it was ljke-the biggest band--in •·Englandc Thei-e was a big teenybopper thing 1 and those \Vere the screaming days. The birds used to scream. lt used to drive you nuts. "None or us had any money because we didn't see our money. il yru know wnat I mean. "I came straight out of school into tbat band. I was just: 16 \vhen \\"e started getting big. Somebody said, 'II .... is 20 pouoc1.s • -carounc1 $50). I'll 'look a!ler the -of the money for you.' It was like what my father \\'as earning. l figured I'd jump 1 at It. "ACtcr we broke up, il made: me sit do"11 and think what I'd been through. ( thought \\ilnl 1. could achieve .If t \\'anted to and l realized all the mistakes l'd made as far as money goes. "I Teamed the hard \\'ay. I consider 1nyse\f lucky to h~ve a second go at It -and to be bigger U-.an ever, you know. I can't complain." ' To Perform The University Orchestra a n d pianist Arnold Juda wlll perform in concert in UC Irvine's Flne Arts Village Theatre at 8 p.m. tonight and Saturday. Juda, lecturer in music oo the cam~ pus, will be featured in "Conaerto for Piano and Winds" by Igor stravinsky. The ~am also will include "Symphooy In F Major" by >,ntonin Dvorak. Newell Jenkins, visit~ lecturer in mu.sic, will conduct the orchestra. Jenkins, who is oomplelln& bis third viait to the UCI campus, lJ music dlrector or Clarion Concerts in New York:. . . I ~udJ bas taught piano at UCirvlne the past seven years sod .Jso has tauahl at Orange Coast Otllege and Cal State Fullertoo. Prior to comi111f to the United State. he WU .,.,.,_.. and tulductor foe the Stage Society-ol Amsterdam Municipal Theatre and director of music for the Netherland Government's FoundaUm for CUltlral Exdlanje. _ Hi! composilions include a sym- phi)ey, a concerto and a quilta In acl- ditloo to nwncrous ~tlg)ll..IQr tile theater and ballet. Ope ct his <alb· position w a s c00r-eosraphed ~ Jam.S Penrod ol the UCI - faculty for a danco-p al UC!- earller thls )'ear:--- Concert ticket. ore avallablo 1t liie door le< 11. • -, • ' \ ! . ' ·-,. · Mu.sic R eview -- Chorale Works . as Unit By JO OLSON 01 t1!t O•ltf Pli.t S .. 11 Dunbar, tenor, and Jonah Presbyterian Church. 'NewPorl pleted by Bloch, a Swiss-born · Jew, in 1933, dr3\Jing together K.Jiewer, bass, during the Beach. and staff lecturer in the Orthodox and Refornt Tf last ~·eek's <.'Oncert at Coronatiol} Mass an Klew(:r the Music Department at \JCI , formats of worship . It is Chapman COiiege is an in-in the role'. of the cantor during "'as excellent in his role of the acknowledged as ''the lir11t dicalion of what the Irvine the Bloch work. cantor, the element of unifica-large scale choral and Ma ster Chqrale is capable of The choice of these two lion in the work. He was orchestral \VOrk v.•rilten fol' doing, next year's concert \Vorks for one program af-thoroughly famlUar wi~h lhe Jewish worship by a con1poser season should be son1ething to forded the listener an op. role and blended well with the of stature." atch--out-!Oh.~---~--ixrtunily to compare the-chorale..,y;hile-letting-bis.o>wn~-T'l>heHOW,.orrlk<-is ·scored in the A greatly improved chorale Roman Catholic service with expertise be revealed. s e p haradlc transliteration, gave a sensitive and moving its Jewish antecedent. The Coronation Mass, one or which ·the chorale painstak· performance of two con-1'he six-movement Mozart 17 masses written by Mozart, ingly learned from Alexander. trasting works. proving that it composition is melodic yet not \Vas composed during March v.·ho \Vas being tutOfed in the can achieve ·balance and unity heavy and -m0urnful as some -of 1779. It was named to priiiiuii'Ciationbimself. within itself and with the masses and religious works celebrate the cro~'Tling or the With the intense work on the orchestra.. tend to be, and the Sacred statue of St. l\lary of the Sacred Service. perhaps. canle Under--the ·baton of John Service, which was performed Plain. a_yearly ritual con1-the magic that welded John Alexander, the ch 0 r a I e with we 11 ·stud ied prcr memoraling the sufferings OC· Alexander and the Irvine beau (i f u 11 y performed nunciation, was rich in themes casioned •by the Ylar of 1744. It Master Chorale into al Mozart's C.oronation Ma ss and and melodies which called to follows the ·six liturgical · beautifully functioning unit, a Ernest Bloch's Jewish Sacred 1nind Jewish history and tradi· moven1ents and interweaves unit that achieved the coveted Service, spotlighting a quartet tion. the solo quartet with the full s 0 u n d of a so Io voice including Vina W i 11 i am s, . Kliewer, director of'\. music chorus. for perhaps the first tin1e this soprano, AM J\.1orris, alto, Roy ministry at St. Andre\v's Sacred Service \vas conl· season. ,, Marina High • arm-er . ' Take Award Member s of the ''Mariners," a singing group from Marina High School. Huntington Be8ch, won a fi rst place award at the annual Tulip Tim e International Music Festival at Katwijk, Holland. · Stadium Offers Fireworks A massive fi reworks display with animated sce1,1es from American · h i s t o r y will highligh~ "The Glorious Old Fashioned Fireworks Spec· tacular:' at Anaheim Stadium Wednesday, July 4. The event will include a col- orful pageant headlined by the Racine Wisconsin Drum and Bugle C.Orps featuring 104 members. Other pageant at- tractions are the Grand.land Singers, Elks ·M o to re y c I e Dare-Devils of Huntington Patl..a donkey baseb_al! ~Qlf,_ drill teams and a special ex-. hibition of daylight fii:eworks. among the largest presented on Independence Day in the country. Alpha Beta Markets are distributing discount tickets for advance mail orders, pric· ed at $2.50; $3.50 and $4.50. Orders should be payable to Tomn1y \Valker Productions, P .O. Box 1776, Anaheiln. 92803. Box office sale \\'ill begin Thursday, June 14. Children under 3 will be ad· 1nitted free. MUS ICI AN MOVES • • • (Continued From Page 25) saying. but I· say there are Muddy Waters and Hawlin' only two kinds of music -Wolf. 'Mley 're blues artists. ·good·anct-bad/L --and you-can·itear traces of But Schroeder al"•ays finds their music in most jazz and ' ---~ 1-: • ~.I ... .... (/) 6 g IO C'I .q-• u:f Clin9i1a9 to Jtle111011ie s Donald Moffat drifts back into d istant pa st as he reads faded letter as John ~1cMartin listens in in Peter Nichol~' con1ic ode to the '40s "}i"'orget-Me-Not- , Lane" in .the West Coast premiere.now at the "1ark 1'aper Forum, through July r l5. It is directed by ArviJ1 Brown. The songsters won out over all other high school groups competing, in.!he international song-fest and late'F, in. '?pen competition, took second place honors Jn coinpetition vdth <;ol- lege-Jcvel choirs and vocal groups. Last year the i\Iariners !raveled to l-lawaii for a similar competilion where they also won top honors. An1ong the evening's fire\./Ork's hlghlights will be sets depicting the British fuing on Fort McHenry1 Independen· ce Hall and the U.S. Capitol building, 'The $60,000 pro. ductioo is :-expected to be a \vay to fit jazz into his lesson rock performances. plan. "What bothers me is that "And in every good jazz per· kids these. days play their formanc~ there is a trace of s~ds. ~t don't know it. TJ:lc~ the blues" he points out. think Eric Clapton or Jun1 "Look at Mississippi Fred t.1c~ Hendrix i:liscovered the blues Dowell, Ligb!Alning Hopkins , guiJar!' uu Cl <( .~ <( ~-~~~------·----~-~ 1 Outside the classroom . Schroeder concentrates on the piano and organ \1'hen pcr- rorming with the Orange Coun· .. What to _do, Where to Go t :;· !~Dana Point Mixes Art With Sea Air < i; J UNE 9 • 10 Corsair Field, Santa Monica. United Scottish Societies' cele- ART IN THE AIR -An open air art fair takes place this bration. Adm. $2 adults. Children under 12, free. Hours: Weekend 'at the Dana Wharf, Dana Point Harbor. Artists . 8:30a.m.·4:30p.m. \rill display work in the courtyard and on the waterfront. THROUGH JULY 15 . :£'airs are planned for the second weekend of each monUl. "FORGET J\.fE NOT LANE" -Mark Taper FOrum, Music l)ifonnation available by calling Ms. Darla Muraski at Center, Los Angeles. Nostalgic look at the 40's. Tickets: 892-8798 or 968-1148. _ $4.50-8. Performances Tuesd~y-Friday 8:00 p.m., Saturday " JUNE 7 • 10 8:30 p.rh., Sunday 7:30 p.m., Matinees Saturday and Sun· AN'nQUE SHOW -Orange County Antique Show and Sale day 2:30 p.m. Tickets available at all Ticketron offices. . will take place today througli Swiday at the Anaheim Con-THROUGH JUNE 10 'ventioo. Center. Collections and exhibits include rare and LI!\.fITED ENGAGEMENT _ Marcel Ma rceau, acknowledg· , l.Qlusual dolls, cut glass, art glass, clocks. gold and silver ed as the world's greatest in terpreter of pantomime, will jewelry, American Indian jewelry and f!Jrniture. Hours: return to the Shubert Theatre, Century City. Perfonnances ~-10 p.m. and Sunday noon· 6 p.m. are Tuesday through Sunday with· matinees on Saturday and JUNE S · 9 Sunday. For ticket information call (213) 53~9000. ORIGINAL PLAY -"Zapper," original play by Luther JUNE 12 Whitsett, graduate student, sponsored by School of Fine Arts. ART DISCOVERY _ Last of UC Irvine· extension lecture· Fine Arts Village Studio Thea tre, UCI Campus, 8 p.m. Thurs-fi lm series, "Encounter With Art" from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in day-5aturday, June 7-9. Admission 50 cents. the Little Theatre, Corona del Mar High School, 2101 East- ' J UNE 8 bluff Drive. Newport Beach. Judith Hall, MA , will speak on INFORMAL RAP GROUP - A social gathering, with open "Personal Discoveries." Admission, $2.75. toplc, will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Orange Coast Unitar· J UNIE a . 9 ian Church, Victoria St., Costa Mesa. This will be preceded PIANIST PERFORMS -UCI lecturer and pianist Arnold by a pot luck supper at" 6:30 p.m. The public is cordially Juda will -be~ presented-hi-conoert--in Fine Arts Village iiivited to attend. Theatre UCI at 8 p.m. 'Friday and Saturday. The program JUNE 9 will include "Concerto for Piano and Winds" by Igor Stra- BUS TOUR -Spoosored by the Huntington Beach Junior vinSky, and "Symphony in F Major" by Antonin Dvorak. THROUGH SEPT. EURIEKA -Burton's Tropical Gold Mine, Rosamond, offers public tours of gold mine and museum, Thursday thro~gh .l\1onday and legal holidays, 10 a.m .• 4 p.m. North or Litn· caster, Hwy. 14 to Rosamond. , JUNE I &LIDE SHOW -OCC Crew Coach, Dave Grant, will show slides of the OCC crew's travels through the English country~ side when rompeting in the 1971 Royal Henley Regatta. 1'.1ain floor OCC Library -8 p.m., free admission. JUNE 10 CHORALE CONCERT -A free public performance of 1'1cr zart's "Requiem" and Schubert's "Mass in G" wi ll be pre- sented Sunday in the final concert of the season by the Golden West College Community Chorale. Warren H. Peter· kin will direct at 3 ~.m. in th e sanctuary of St. Bonaven· ture catholic Church, Springdale and Heil, Huntington Beach. JUNE I 1\.10DERN DRAl\1A -A potpourri of scenes will be pre- .l'~nted by Golden West College's advanced acting cl~s in ~ community theater, tonight at 8 o'clock. The public !s· invited and there is no admission charge. The class will play scenes from '!Prisoner of Second Avenue," "Man on the Moon Marigolds," "Barefoot in the Park," "Taste of Honey,'' and~ Killing-of.Sister.George.'' THROUGH SEPT. J6 SHAKESP EARE -24th annual Shakespeare-Festival has altemating performances of "The Merchant of Venice,": Two Gentlemen of Verona" and "King Lear" in Old Globe ty Rhythm Machine. He is one of 18 area musi· cians in the three-year-old jazz band, a group which absorbed Schroeder's O'IVR five-piece Rhythm Machinc.-\\'hich he formed six years ago. The groop performs at local Jl,ight spots, including the Bnl- boa Bay Club. Newporter IM and Disneyland. I I .. ~. . -~ . ' ' ... 0 ; .. > ~ ~ '. .,., -B c b f ~ ' He is pleised with the prog- ress he's made. both as a teacher and professional mu~ >-·-r~i r:JrJ sician. Audiences along the Or- ange C.oast appreciate good ____ _ jazz, he $8ys . KLONDIKE • PVtllC SIC.O.TING • ICf HOC~[Y e 11GU~l $!;.0,11'1(; • $P!lll S<ATl!<l; • ,1111/Af(. c;•ou, •t.Sl~UC1'0f<S • llf.At(5 -S•lfS -ll!>il•lS -lll,AlllJ e SflfCl•l A•!lS 10 G"OU'I ~. • ~fSTAUll•>iT _J''~ ~ NOW OPEN :J 7, ICE ARENA <-' z -a.. a.. 0 . I (/) .a I ' •\ ~ Women's Club in cooperation with the Huntington Beach Concert tickets at $1 are available at the Fin Arts Box Historical Society, a guided bus trip through Huntington Office. Beach is scheduled for IO a.m. Saturday. Cost is $1 per per-JUNE 10 son, with an optional luncheon at Villa Sweden for S2 fo!Joy.·. GRAND FIESTA -The 202nd birthday of historic Old Mis· Theatre, Balboa Park, San ~~~e~go~,::,J~un~e,;5~-~~2-~~~t.:;,....~16~:_;;;;:,.;;;=.:.;i:r;~:;i:~oiii~ .. i,.~ .. ~i::~·=..,.,.~i.':i,-~:=; .. ~_;=,;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :· ing the tour. For information call S3&-0383 or 962"2956• sion San Antonio de Padua, near the town of Jolon , will be JUNE 9 , 10 celebrated Sunday beginning at II a.m. A chicken barbecue ART IN THE PARK -17th Annual "Arts Unlimited'' event and a variety of Mexican food s \Viii be served· from noon in Furman Park, Downey, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free admis-unUl 2:30 p.m. Free entertainment will be provided through- slon. Two-day fcstivitles include exhibits of entries as y.·e\l out the day. Take Highway IOI South to the Jolon Road as a variety of food and entertainment. The park is located exit just above King City, and follow the historic markers. at 10419 S. Rives Ave., one block west of Para1nount Blvd .. 1-="--'=-"'='-'='-'='-'==-'---'--""'-"'-'"'-"-'---''-------------1 between Firestone and Florence. THROUGH JUNE JO ART EXHIBIT ....:. Prints, photographs, drawings and scul p- ture by UCI art majors in the Art GaJJery, Fine Arts Village, UC Irvine, from noon to 5 p.m. daily. JUNE JO l\fASTER WORKS CONCERT -Golden West College 's com- munity chorale ""ill perfonn SChubert's "Mass in G" and Mozart's "Requiem'' at 3 p.m. 3t St. Bonaventure Church. Springdale and Heil. Huntington Beach. The public is in- _J:i ted. These is no admiSsion charge .• ~ JUNE J5 WHAT'S NEW JN SEX THERAPY·-A lecture by Emerson Symonds at 7:30 p.m. in Orange · C.oast Unitarian Church, Victoria St., Costa Mesa. This will be preceded by pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend. JUNE 22 • 24 ART FIESTA -20th annual Old San Diego Art F'iesta: Old Town Plaza, San Diego. Over 200 .,.,.ell-known artists exhiOit mediums or oil , water colors. pastels. marquclry, ceran1ics. sand-easting and sculpturing 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. - JUNE 3-0 SCOTTISH FLING -Annual Highland Gathering and Garn.rs. . . T SOUTH SEAS TROPICAL FISH VALUABLE COUPO N "TROPICA L ,ISH OF THE WEEK" Silver ANGEL F-ISH LI MIT •• WITH COUPON 17¢ =~·::c J!.~1• ~~'. •1.~~~ •••••• r .. · ••· ICfOl.ORI" Mun JI ,-.CCOM~AHtEO •v AN AOIJl,T ) 211 W. WI'-. Coste MHG 9025 Allaote, H,.1. leach I r ., 548°7961 968.0125 I ~r No Mo1gl" IM frror ••• Coit proftulonol dropery clton;"g pr0<•11 do.111'1 tlohn ptrl1ction, lhey g1111ranlt• Ill YO\lr dreptry In•••'"''"' 11 pror.(ltd, of!tr Coll occ1pt1 )'O\lf dropetl•1 lor cl.onlng. Yo11 con bt 0111111d ol no 1hrinka9t, ptdttl •~•n h1m1 ond d•coralor pl.oil er •ip•d lOO"t. r•pfa<em en1. Al Coil ''Your Co111plet. , tmipery Care C1"ter'' ya11 can •~P•(I nothl11t lt u rtiot1 q11ali1y 11"d p1rfeclian. 20% DISCOUNT ort co1h ond corry. fret loon drap•ri11, frtt &111ma1t l • • • wl!hout obtlgolfon. Te•ml , , • of co1111e. ' • N•"" C111lo"' l>rope1i•1 • Allttallon• • Uttn11cl flom• ~oollng • !111uro11(t Cloh•u. "World's largest exclusive guaranteed dra pery service" C·DIT drapery clean~rs end service 540-1366 642-0270 fSorvlnf a// Oron9• Count1J ---Al 17\h S\, 1702 Newpor t Blvd. Costa Mos-. •' Congratulations to Hqcig Hospital's 552 Club! Your-fund te1s1n 9 lua u at t he Balboa Bay Club wes"f antestic! The committee deserves all the pr.ise we ca n 9 ive them for doing such a great job! We ere proud to have been a part of this socia l f unction of the year! Tho drinks were good too. Out hats off to Weste rn Ai rl ines for the hundreds of orchid leis they so graciously donated, I they made the party) - Sincerely, .Mr. end Mrs..-Ernes·f C·amp ~···········i···~r·••••••••••• • For Chopping, Sllc:lng ; CAL~~. "v'A~E~CIA • FRESH CUT • • , or Stufflnt -• ORANGE JUICE• SHORT S'l'EM a • BEIJ, PEPPERS • ','IN It M•d•I.. • ROSES • 1 5C Lb. • 49' Quart : 99C DoL • : • Limit 5 Lb1. • In H•lf G•llon1 Only • Limit 2 Doz. • • With ThlJ Coupon • Limit 2 Yi·G•I. With 'Thia Coupon _ _ With Thlt Coupon W • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • JI ............ Iii ................. ~ a LARG E SIZ E SWEET a ORGANIC GROWN a CALI FORNIA S MALL a • BERMUDA • JUICY VALENCIA • SALAD SIZI • ONIONS • ORANGES • TO~ATOES • • • • 10C Lb. • 12 Lbs. 1°0 : 1oc Lb. : .. W Limit S Lb1. • Limit 12 Lbs. • Limit $ Lba. a •• • • .With Thi• Coupon · • With Th'ta CDUpon • Wl,th Thia CoupcNW a . ......... -................... . COUl'ONS IXPIRE J UNI U, 1973 ·~orange Countt1's Most Popular Produce and F'tower ffouse1' r NEWPORT PRODUCE- FLoWERs IY DllRA Or.•• 7· Daya a Wu k I a.m. to I p.m. 26 6 Newport loulnard on tho ''"'"'""' Ph&n• 673-1711 67J-1711 •7H2'1 "35 Years of Produce Know How,, BONDED FRUIT St.tlPPER FOR l5 YEARS "\Vhere Qunlity U tfi1· Ordt.r u/ the lloui1" . . . .. --, , I I ~ ., ' . t' ' . \ I ,. .. F.tld ' , Junt 8, 11173 DAltV PILGT r1 . Tonilo's:· Italian Food With Amerjc,.a n Ac.cent • Out 'n abouters dining out in Venice or Naples would have it easier when it cotn-es to selecting a restaurant. fetling for outdoor garden dining. and spaghetti), $2.35: gri\ltld. half-pound SWlt.z.erland, he was former.lY with t1'a In keeping with the Italo-American hamburger 1teak, $1.95; aked lasagna, l·'i\'e Cro\\'ns restaurant in COronai d~' concept, both the lunch and dinner bill or $2.25. ~\lar for nearly ftve years . . Italian restaurants are clearly divided· roto. several classifications and marked so the public can read them easily: Out 'N About fare cater to Italian and Yankee tastes. Between the four mCmbt l"ll ot our par- Diners may choose from a small but ty we managed to samplt most or the t 'J'he Five Crowns, of course; is tht: select variety of ftalian di shes, while major offer!ngs. E§pec· llly rec.om-bright: South Coast jewel among llawry'!I. -Ristocantc is the best ty~ of restaurant and serves good meals. -TraHori is impkr,JcssJancy au><e-1_ re reasona ly priced. ~=N=or~1 =a,n Sta le youngsters can opt for their favorite mended on the basis of our saw:rr.y and famil}'I of flnll' restaurantlf. 11he N"ewport n U hamburgers and milkshakes. well-prepared entrees are ti ie spa~elti, Center Toniofs,. filth iru tlie D..nwry'i ..._ ~.___ __Aboy.e....._all. Tonio's. h.as ami.lyJ_ I. cannello'!.i a9d lasagna .. " _ _ . · lhirdlin tfu;.Tbnin'cha:ih. The top n1enu item is $2.50, for t 1e variety of red, while an l1 role-wt~~~ 80, opera sinw· aa €OltD -Rostocceria specializes in a few simple preparations and is low itl cost. -Ostcria is a tiny little establishment, bu~ very hal!dY-When you waiil just a quick snack. .The·new Tonio's restaurant in Newport Center combines elements of all of these. \Vith lhe net result that out 'n' uboutcrs can experience so1nething distlnctlv dir- f.-rent in 1talian dining on the a·range O:>ast. Size-wise Tonio's is neither grandiose or diminutive. The ambience and food are as good as you 'JI find in a top-rated , .. ristorante and, although it would be un-· loJj.Unate to have to do so, you c.ould ·probably eat in a hurry if necessary.· Both the luncheon and dinner menus are relatively brief,. with a limited number of house specialit~es constituting the principal offerings. The reasonable prices suggest U1e best featu re of a trat- toria or rostlcceria. It should be noted, too, that Tonio's is an Italian restaurant with an American accent. A round, brightly-colored kiosk in the cov.rtyard sets the Ltalo-American t)leme with its proclam1_Hion of offerings from antipasto to hamburger. Tonio's early American southv.•est archifecturc has a-casual reeling, with tiled roof and exposed; beam ends pro- jecting beyond plastered adobe walls. An Italian "cucina" (kitchen) atmosphere is accentuated by shelves of huge spice jars overlooking the spacious entry. To the left, beyond a giant simulated y,.·ine vat, is the cozy lounge. G<> r ight and you'll find you rself in a delightfu1 room that, although totally enclosed, gives a Christopher Columbo salad, heaped with are served at the table. along \\'Ith ' . shrimp, crab, eggs, olives and to1nato . sangria, beer and margariltas by the moved ~rom New !'0rk to Europe "".Ith Other featured en trees on the luncben decanter. his Cam1!~ after h1~ l'ICh~I. F~ll~wmg menu, aU served wjth Italian bread, in-For dessert there's col ti, W'eamy atm~t f?Ur yeaf'S,ofi ~tensive tralllln~ elude spaghetti and meat sauce, $1.45; coffee-flavored cappuccino (a house ttle Swiss state scfio?I, he atta1 the fritata (an Italian omelette made specialty), spumoni ice ere am or the dfp~hmas, as-3 che_f. wine ·stev.•ard and with ground n1eat. onions and spinach), tort~nioL.!__!ich _pas_try _ _l!h~ll, ice cream. mailre d 'and \Ya~ an expert pastry ch~ $1.65; spaghetti-meat balls, $1 .75; oak.ea--w@pped cream, chopped nuts and butch~. and. sauce make11. lasagna special, $1.85. chocolale sauce creation. ~on1o·_s, located ~t 210 .Newgo:t Center The dinner menu leads orf with A1 Da Costa, n1anager or thi! Newport Drive (1n Ille Ses1gn ~laza adrucmit to spaghetti and meat balls, $1.95. Other Center Tonio's, is a young but old 9'.'orld-Ed\vard'.s Ne\vpoi:t cinema), Newport evening features include cannelloni, trained restauranteur. The· first. Beach, 1~ open da1l_~ from U:30,a.m. t1> $2.45; spaghetti with meat sauce, $1.75; American to attend the ret10\•, l\1ed s~ate ll p.m. ~xcept _Friday. ~net.. Sa_turd&s.: mezzo.mezzo (combination of cannelloni school of restaurant science "ct Zunich, whtm Set:v1c!J°nt1nues untJJ . rrudn1ght. 1·<1 I Live Theat er • ,~ .. , I . . -n--~ur-pl.!1se: at-r vine- Full Seas on · KOCE-TV H~osts At the_G1:.eek_C · __ ~.4-;"a·J:-__ The box office at the Greek ounty ft. Ui11\\0rs Diana RosS:, · ~~In~ ·Veg~a~s -'-"'~~ "Surprise" through Su n da ys Opening Saturday for a four-"Clown s" \Vednesdays weekend run is this Irvine Thursdays. Curtain is 8 p.m. Community Theater comedy, at the Third Step Theater, oo stage F r i d a y s anti: 1827 Newport Blvd., Costa Me- i Saturdays through June 30 at sa. Reservation s 646-1363. the H u m a n i t i e s Hall "Exit the Body" Playhouse on the UC Irvine Continuing tonight campus at 8:30 p.m. Reserva-Saturday and closing next lions 646-3 178. \Veekend is this mystery-com· "ButterO ies Art Free" edy at the 'Huntington Beach Fina1 performances of this Playhouse, 2110 Main St.,.Hun- -~ender comedy will ,be-gi:ven--Hngton......Beach,_at 8:30· p.m,- tonight and Saturday at s:so~ lleservations 536-4446. ~ .p.m. at the Laguna 1'.1oulton "Las&-Ot"ibe· Red HOt LoVers•·- Community Playhouse, 606 The Costa Mesa Ci v i c Laguna Canyoo Road, Laguria Playhouse opens its final Beach. Reservations 494-0743. duction of th.is season next "In the J\fidst of Ufe" f'riday for three weekends. ''The aowns'' The Neil Simon comedy will South Coast Repertory has play Fridays and SaturdaY.s at extended this tandem world 8:30 p.m. in the Community premier of two original prir Center auditbrium on the ductions through June with Orange County Fairgrounds. ''Life" p I a y i n g Fridays lleservations 834-5300. ~ TACO-DOG : Best In Tacos and Hot D09s I ' I TRY ONE ON US I Fiesta Qtreen Conchita Aguilar portrays the role in "Serenata Ranctieta" at Padua Hills Theatre. Curtain time is 8:30 P.rn., V/ednesdays throu gh Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. for \Vednesdays. Saturday and Sunday mat· inees. F or' reservations call 626-1288. - BASHFUL BAGEL DELICATESSEN e RESTAURANT e CATERING Proudly Announces A New Edi tion Of G a rden Grove's Renowned PRICIUA'S CAKEBOX BAKERY Quality PastrlK, Breads, Cakes Open 7 Days-7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Breaklost Served At All Hours (With This Coupo") I 2340 HARBOR BLVD. Theatre, 2700 N. Vermont . ( Ave., Los Angeles, with tickets Six winners of this year's available for all attractioos of annual Book and Author the 21st Summer season. Awards of the UC Irvine "No, No, Nanette," starring Friends oC the Library will discuss their award-winning Dorr Amech.e, Evelyn Keyes, books on the KOCE-TV. Chan- and Ann B. Davis, opens a nel 50 Focus Orange County special limited engagement broadcast next week. Tuesday through Sunday, June The program will be broad- 24. cnst Monday at 6:30 p.m. and The summer schedule in-Thursday at 8 p.m. · eludes such programs as: the The winners were selected · San ~Francisco-~Ballet's -new.~ from.-35-authors-.Jn Orange- ... prydt!_c!~_q:_,Qf_. "~igde~rella," C_owty \!00 pu!>!iShed ltQQ,.ks in JUiy9-J4; smgel°'-Composer Al 1972 . Green. Jilly 17-22: Vikki Carr,. The authors appearing with July 23-29 ; and the rock-host Jim Cooper for the musical "Godspell," July 31-"Spotlight on Local Authors" Aug. 5. program wµI be : This year's Oscar winners Fullerton author V. i c k Laguna Bea nh for "King's X-. Con11non La \v and ttie Death. of Sir Harry Oakes"; 1hc Rev. Thomas E . ~ [ai!S of El' 'Jloro, author of "M~ talic Warrior:t of the Plains;" J'ane and Haul Annixter, bus band and wife co-authors of '"The Sea t!Jt- ter"; Dr. Jon . R. Jacob&0n1fot hi s book, ''Lo cann.o. Diplomacy: Ge1 ~many and1 the' \Vest, 192.5-1929.'ci -bl-~ Jolin ~D1gglrl'S"")Ya1J Unable fQ be p1-.,~sent ror "tfle show. but ·hi s account of "Mussolini and Ji'asci911l: The View From An I enica~" will also be discussed .. CAESARS PALA CE Diana B.o6s F'olU~. and The r~-., • OE~ JNN, -Milton amt: Fh:renc.." llmdenmtJ. ··~;; .. "'' FUMIAGO' -9 e·•·g ~ .. Franchi. J~ Jones air4! ~tyr,on Cohen. start June ·],\: Fats Domino iLt Caino. ~~ • FRON:llIElR. -l/alll. Pi ·and1 Jack Olrtlt!I. ... -t:n,-S-'<E&Ml-HILIOO~-- -Liberace::.._ W:llsan. ~Hick!_tt*"---- Casino TI'leater. Louis PrinUJ~ starti June, 131 .. ~ RIVIERA -Vikki Garr" ends. June'. 12. Bt n,g;lte be r l Bumperdiook:starts-June 131 ' ' ,SNH1A:R1<~--Rowen and !\.1artin ends June 15 .. Johnny Gatt'iOJl andl P.hyllis McGuire start June' 16.· Liza Minne11i and J oel Grey Knight, award¢ fo~ bis three- wiJ1 headline shows of their volume ecology series adopted oMt. Miss Minneni · w i 11 as ~a tex t-in California schools, perfonn Aug. 27--Sept. 2, "It's Our World," "It's Our followed by J oel Grey Sept. l~ Future," and "It's · 0 u r 16. Choice"; Marshal Houts of KOCE-TV will, present a. special program .centered on Jaw and justice in Orange County on "Omnit-1us 50''-to be· broadcast over 1:hanncl . 5,0 Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.. and! Thursday at 7:30 g.m ~ '------------- Real Cantonese Food eat here or ta ke home STAG CHINESE CASINO 111 21st Pl ,, Newpor t Beach , ORJolo 3-9560 o,.. Y.or Aro111"1 Dolly 12· 1 l -Fri ..... s.t. 'ti l .... ~! o MEXICAN FOOD • • I I I I I OR HOT DOG TACO COSTA MESA 54.6-3596 29th St. and Newport Blvd. :11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newport Beach I ~ , •• FOR THE FINEST IN ·b •STEAK & LOBSTER I---+-HENRY'S AERDPUERTO · J} " CELEBRATING OUR SECOND SUMMER Phone Orders -673-2910 L---------.1 496-5773 BRANDIE BRANDON DUO, Tues.-S et. , ROYAL "RIGHNESS'" HOUR 4 to 7 p.m., Mon. thru Fri. Sund•V Royal Ch•m,.gn• lrUnch Felllot1 Sltow by M11rlel'1, 12:11, n11rsdoJ. o,.n s.... Deys. 32802 COAST HWY. 1•1 (r11WT! V•llfY fl•rtlWly) LAGU_NA NIGU EL FATHER'S. 0-AY~ SUNDAY, JUN E 17 OinneL S.f.lLodJ',1Q'1! 4 P .M, N£!1PORT,q NTER · lktWM• •ufhlm• & aroadw1, A,._. '•rkl111 ,_...,..,1.11 •• •••• 2030• ,. The NEW SOUNDS OF THI; ''EVERYDAY PEOPLE'' the New Elegance of the Maitre D's Dinner Menu A New and Glowing Experience Dinne r, Entarta.inment1 Dancing Nightly 1170 NIWPOI T ILVD., COSTA MESA 442°1191 ~-WINERY f••turin~ GOURMET SANDWICHES EXQUISITE CHEESES A"d IMPORTED '& DOMESTIC WINES Ntw Op111in9 l11trod11ctory Of{•r COMPLlll!ENTARY 5 OZ. GLASS OF HOUSE WINE with· 1•ch coupon •n«I pyrch•'• of ••ndwlch or hot pl1t1 ord•r OP" 11 ·' Dotty e ll0 41JO S111tdll"f frelt Old • .., Perlltt 1500 NEWPORT I LVD. COSTA MESA ~4S·8940 ., . '. . . .....__ __ _ -·-- '. SPECIAL (11 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS) MON .-THURS. 6 PM • 10 PM SUNDAY 2 PM -9 PM ~LL YOU CAN EAT $2 25 MEXICAN • BUFFET Tacos, 1·osl adas, Tamales, Enchi ladas,· Chile Verde, Chi le ColoraJo, R il"l". Berns. ·rorlillit~ '"'·ith Burter and Salad BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND SHANNA THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FOR DANCING • ENTERTAINMENT 2122 PALISADES (Bristol) SANTA ANA NEAR ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT-54S·SS 79 SHOP BUFFUMS NEWPORT SUNDAY 12 TO 5 DI NNER SPECIAL _.,... hw4oy 12 ro J, Memloy 4 t. I Complete frl,,,. Rib Dinner, 3.75 lnclitdet .. , ... W-4 poteto, hot rolh ... IJ.tt..,. 'Enlqv vour favorite cocklAil . .... -Cl(mPltte menu selection · ail$0 a!Vllllbfe. . ---·--· 3901 E. Coast ~liiflway/Corona del Mat Phor, 11!::~900 NOWO,j'£11.-Y I~~.~.~~ ~ iSCDE Ill ~ For \' Y..-D "' _ .... sure ~.• Prim•\~•-•loh1l 1 Tu•sd•y th1 . .,. Seise.., , 2201 E. h t SI~. -- lhtwffll S.... Mo \•_. R $ I ...... ' Steak • Lobster • C l'iicken RAOUL & MICH~EL • WH ......., tin Set.de t · (JJ:':!. ~:.::;:."::::~;.::~.OR .... 11"4~ WAYNE OiABRIEL . TR_hO_ -T9'1t141oy ..,_[ k1H4"'f Jolly.Ox Misloton Viejo (Le , ..... oM ... Is." DMt• ·~.) MARK h• D~'lDSON f....tey ''"' "" .. "'°" Jolly Ox An•M- ... 111111111111111111Soolil'"ll·--fwy. el I IA -... 11111,. .. . ' \ ., .. . , .. .. , .. .. ~. • I o • • . . ~ Now Me· 'n Ed's mobile ovens speed delil !Slous piping-hot pizzas to your door in m]nutes, , NOW .OPEN SUNDAY -CH~ .MPAGNE BRUNCH 10 to 3 e DINNER 2 FOR 1 PR )ME RIB THRU JUNE ~ #_A"JfPW<}/f}{f 'tDnmlllW . tw~{l]}(G m 1817 WESTCLIFF DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. ., . ---' ~· ~ .. ~ ~! ~.-<;:<: . \ • ~. f "' 'i!': , · , , .... , ..... , .. · ·:, .. · Closed Sundays ·--. . . . .• f .. FOR RESERVATIONS CALI,, (714) 1454ft5 - -. .. • • • • I VP \WABLE COUPON• ••• Iii I TAKE THE WHOLE I I I I . . Featuring Orange County's Firiiit AmerM:an 6 Kolher Style Foods 1 CATIRING & IAICllY LUNCH I DINNlal COCKTAIL$ "From u 5ondwKlt too Mtal., SUNDAY BRUNCH -BUFFET 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. HOURS Tuesday-Sunday I 0 A.M .• 9 P.M . Closed Monday '45 -1900 '21 E111 I 7tlt SI. Cos11 MN, Ca. I I I I I FAMILY TO I '"th--!'!ll! ...... ' I I I I I I I , .. I I -~:·I . . . ' I .. I *~.· I I ARBY'S : Ari>y's ROAST IEEF SANDWICH ............ Reg. FRENCH FRIES ........ R19. Arby's SPECIAL SHAKE .... R19. I .89 I .29 I I .29 I THIS cor a PON ' , totol 1.47 ~ GOOD FCJR UP TO 8 OftDERS SALE PRrcE Only ~Arby;-s- • .. 7942 EDINGER AVE. ~ (Edln .. r ond Bta·c.hl HUNTING'fON llEACH ' -I C1 I I . ' •·• • • •'c :Oupon Golld 'Iii June 15, Midnight ...... . , I . --· 'T1te P...t.ct lletldl h lk e Sltow T•.., l'op • L'tlrtt l•clr. Ceemy Teo- NIGHTL YI -.......... •Seit. Ne c..., Ne "''"'"'""' --. • TEMPLE . GARDENS QH$S6Resfa11r1111t RICKSHA COCKTAIL Featuring Exotic Tro1)ical Drinks 1500 ADAMS fat H_.,.,J COSTA MESA.. 540-1937 540·192J A11d, 111 G•rde• Gtove 12201 llOOIHUIST (At Ch.,_..J 6la.7021 NOW OPEN 7 DAYS L111tek FroW. 11 :30 MOll,..,,I. Di1111ff Nlthrly Fre• 5 P.M. GOURMET DINING ENTERTAINMENT DANCING Mo11day ttir11 ScJf'•tcloy Fto111 5 P.M . 600-D. Newporf Cenler Drive Fashion Island NEWPORT BEACH 1>44:5000 W,Hll DoYt: 11:3G A.M. te 12:30 Fri._. s.t. 11:3¥' A.M. to I :JO 5111141.,s: 4:00-12 MIDNIGHT Ope11 7 Duys BAN9llET FACILITIES Up to 60-11:30 • 4 pm Saturday Only 9093 E. ~ADAMS, HUNTINGTON BEACH. 962-7911 mIJJ!Lf.I M exica1i ]les'taurant PROUDLY PRESENTS THE ·CHAPTER II For Your Dining And Dancing Pl~SlO"e l'layl•t Nkjhtly Wed. Ilona Suo. ~ I ' .· NOW APPEARING WALT & PAUL Wed. thru Sun. SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. IANQUET FACILITIES 117 PACIFIC COAST HWY. HUNTINGTON IU.CH 536-2555 ~~ SPECIALS S:~ed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday RED SNAPPER .::............... 1.95 GRILLED SEA BASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 MAHI MAHI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 TOP SIRLOIN ................... 2.45 NEW YORK ST EA K .............. 2.95 LOBSTER TAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.95 STEAK AND LOBSTER . . . . . . . . . . . 4.95 llioMn include salad, garlic chnst r011Sr. fhoiu of baked potato or rice H-Wi• '4271 hciiJic t:o.I Hioti-Y, H\Hlt'"9t0fl Beach 12131 592·132 T luncheon • dinner • banquets jinre 19.38 . T8i ~ AIRPORT ' :~; R~'W RESTAURANT .llo-oj (J~ t: 1JU41. e+ •STEAKS• PRIME ~IB •ITALIAN FOOD Nft' .,,..,.. .. -T•esday *• khr4-y TEQ'UILA SUNRISE DANCING 12b2 S.E. IRISTOL fl"Oll:Me ll:LY PALISAOESJ COSTA MESA 54b·8390 _,;. 0••1 CL ~ &llll'Gn EJ MEADOWLARK COUNTRY CLUB Lark Room DINNER SPECIALs CholC• of Soup or S•l14 l1kff Pot1to or Ritt Pll1f e 61rll• lreed •• WIDNUDAY -Top S.irloin S!H k ··--·········· $2.tl .THURSDAY -Prime R;b ······························-· JJ.40 RIDAY -Shr;mp ..Stufl1d with C.Ob .. .. • ••• .$1.lO - SATUIDAY -Tournedo• of Beef ...................... $3.15 SUNDAY -Louisi.tna Pr.twn s •........•... : •.....• -.•.•. $3.61 .ar.-.e Count11'• Top Entertain"""'t ' THI TWIN GUITARS --••llllY -.He!• WIDNISD~Y THRU SUNDAY l111qu1t F1e.ilttl11 11p to 450 Peopl• , 1'711 •IAHAM lVINUI !At -I tlUNTINtTON HACH. ll141 -1116 llUI ltloltl4 -.• • . ·' ·- I I • • • • • • a • " • Friday, June 8, 1973 UAU.f r"H .. \11 ~ti j, •• :King C~imson At Long Bea ch Joanne Wolcott: She Likes Building Character TV DAILY LOG 'King Crimson will appear in concert &mday, June 17 at 8 p.m. at the Long Beach Auditorium. One of the most valuable personnel commodltiet i n conununity theater Is the ac- complished character actor or actress, that flex i b-1-e personality who can regale an audience with the s ubtlefil King Crim.son re at u res David Cross, nute, violin and melloton; Robert F rt p p , guitar; John Welton \ bass gu.itar, viola and voca'.J and Bill Bruford, drums. - \ nuance by employing what seems like a sixth sense o( stage comedy. The "character" is the one 1--..J', -;~;;;;;ii;ii~~~~~~"'iJ-tb6-a..u--d-Le.n.u members. RM:EftA . ftt&TAU!.ANT Contlnent1I Cuisine Cockt1i11 Snving Ltm:ch~on and Dinner MOnday th.rough Saturdot/. Closed Sunda s - We are located ne xt to the May Co. in South Coast Plat.a . lJJJ S. lrkt•I c..t. w... 140-3140 often aft~r the leading playe'rs or the ingenue have been forgotten, and there aren'L that many such specialists ' around t he amateur scene. One of the foremost prac- titioners of the art is Corona del Mar's Joanne Wolcott. "I've always done character roles," says Joanne, who has appeared in a baker's do1.en productions on the Orange Coast over the past five years, mostly at the Costa Mesa C.ivic Playhouse and Irvine Community nieater. "ln fact, ,-J.?.ye-been-playing the· same age range -from 40 to 1JIO - ever since rwas 16." OCCASIONALLY, howeveP, a p lay will come along where tne-jU!cy-charac'fci'"'" pa rr··is also the leading role. This eventuality crops up tomorrow night when the Irvine Com- munity Theater opens 1ts season finale, "Surprise," with Miss Wolcott in the central role of an elderly innkeeper • • • • • • • • • --============~11 • • • •• ·~ 'S BRINGSA ..... .i...\\e) FUN FAMILY \V!~~ RESTAURANT TO . ~ -NEWPORT CENTER ____...~ 210 NF#POlllT CENTEL,Dllll_'l_E. NEWf'OlllT M:olCH IN THE DESIGN l'UU. • TELEPHONE. 111() &M·2601 11.lCi ol.M. TO ll:OO 1110DNIGHT CHARACTER ROLES Joanne Wolcott TOM TITUS Intermission opportunity ror anyone to participate if they really are interested,'' Joanne g~s on. "Backstage work is fun I~ and rewarding, beeause you really are needed." Eriday Evening Although JQ&nne-enjoys all phases or theater, she'"is the first to udn1ll that comedy is clearly her forte. Her gift for lightening the most serious JUNE I Saturday Morning luNEt has done, among o t be r mother in "Middle o( the1 ,,... Night:.. situation probably was most •·M .. ,,. .... mm mm" WI 7:00 P1tcllwori , •• 11, things, the m 1iier in "BarC-vtd~llrtn he-RanchtrComm~~ ~~ ' . r«ar1D1M0 """'""',._ ___ _;J foot int~ Park," t~e nurse in Shuttling back and forth unity Players' p~uction of ~ .. ,..::: \ 0 00 00 (D H.lt. ,,_..., "The 111an Who Came to Din· between Costa Mesa and .. The Death and Life of Larry 00 Cffrtlllip If E'fe'• fit!Mr ({J TY I ClatM'M• ner," the amateur novelist in lrvine, JQanne has appeared in Benson" when. as t he 0 W1ntd Dud" Allvt m l r.thtr Im . -IO sbows m' ••• past •'--A busybody neighbor, her en· mTMflimtontt 7:J0 6DudJ'•TtMMllM "You Can't Take It \Vith You" UI UlllC'I:: trances at the peak or m SI.tr TrK 0 m It••• Holldlyt. and one of the two lethal ladies years and picked up two more dramatic 1.ension elicited audl-f» QilireMI' Dmltll 0 A 1et'11r World in "Arsenic and Old Lace." acting awards in the pro-ble groans from the audience. tm 1Wpf44tt Llfce 0 WOO JtcbM r.,, Qrigtnally from Oakland, cess.She's also found time to t' f · EB T)I'" Stlops 09) Jvst fw f1111 ~• "That's just SS 83 IS y1ng as m ... ts: "Elu" frl"' Jc4 Joanne came to lhe Orange work. backstage on two :.ilOWS 1 h -ed d " ' IQ II)"'" • H h aug s in a com y any ay. : • 1 ef'Oll , .. ~ 1.,,, '58-B1ia11 Oonle-. Coast on a Cl-rcu1'tous route for eac group. Id a. --1 --u • .. -., she sa . tw1t: ,_ ,.,. n n 11 "Or. Satlft'1 lobotS" ati·fi) '66- which included 10 years in "I really enjoy comniunitY ,----::;;;;;;::;;;::----Min" (dra) '51-Walter Pid&eon. Eduaido Cianel!i. · r New York where she was ' theater," she declares. "Not I 00 CIS News Watttr Cronklt• l :00 .0 00 l urs t unny member or a stock. compaily only being in pl ayS, but going 0 KIVI Sun '#IU Trattl 0 a;, Tiit J1tson1 in the Pr o v i n C e t o w n to the different playhouses and @l MeR lriffln Slttw o Jolin wa,ne THttrl Playhouse. "We performed seeing other.;' perfonnances. I I m AildJ Cirlffitlt a ~ II) TM 01M111d• Ce ~ JOlllM ClfSlll Shtw \AJ several original dramas," she think thi s area really has u:i 110J Visit1 Dn recalls,· "none of which were many f\ne group.s, ,and we're ni> Nowtla m Co11ntrr Malic ever performed again.... fortunate ~ to have such a k I m The Fr•~ People l;JO II ({) Sabfln·· Who many years ago had choice o! playhouses. s at ng {E uttll RIKlli , 0 9 Ii' Plnli: Pantlltf featured billing in a . silent UPON MOVING back ' to 7:00 6 {1),0 Ill Nfwi · 0 {]) 00 ABC s.a,.mar Movla movie -and never lets -California , Joanne "THERE'S AN unlimited Olowli1111trDoll1n OJ.,t!S.Mn1 · anyoiie ~forget..it. " e<iiwv.ete.d.'.' tb.c theater•_ ·:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~J ~ (!llritlt .,'Cenecl...., ':oo II 00 A111a1in1 Cllla11 "Lt's really a dream role for after an absence or several!-8'J1Bf (JJ MMll·-...._.. a ~m U.den1t1 -an actress," says Joanne, who years when sh€ took a bit part ~ ft.f e 0 Wll1t's Mr Unt! 0 Mtvlt : ."I'll Citt You,. (my1) "Sl in the Newport H a r b o r m I LOWI luqi ---Otor1e Rall, Salty Gray. FOR ADVERTISING IN OUT 'N' ABOUT PHONE NORM STANLEY -6'4Z:--43 2·1 ·~ The Best of Fields ! Players' pr<Xiuction of "The m I Dn1111 DI h111nlt (iJ Movie: "Shoot first" (adv} 'SJ Rose TattOQ" (a show in which tB Si•plelntntl M1ril -»el McCrea, Evelyn Keyti. ftl 1'11 l.iwllr Arts II) Mtwie: (C) "Cavalry ~ her d a u ghter , Robin, di MUMCa (111·u) '63 -John A11r. also, recently appeared). It a!) lttller Dan, •:3011 ScoDbr·Deo \Yasn't until 1968, however, m.Uan' CIJllll_ 0 llj m The llrt:ltys that her amateur career EE s,.ecl ltacer 00 T1111111: Window to tll• Stvl' began to blossom in ''The Ir-7:lOllWll'W If 5"rwivll .lohn Forsyth• O {])Tht lr~Klcb regular Verb To Love," ~ MISA YElDE 1 .. , ..... ~ .... 0 ~ (j)CartMfl Canl1W1I narra es ""1'"""'' reim .•• 10:00 0 ~ m St•l•b 2020 first of three Costa ~1esa a~ SHOPPINGo CINTll how 1 ·yo11n1 min s la1m •8'. Q ~ m 1_ ..... ~ pearances. She y,·on a best ac· 2701 Hi rbor 81.,.d .it °Ad11111 turned into 1 wildlife p1rk In Swazi· nt ~ .. ~,•, ,.-;:',. I d t Co t M sa th Prk11: ...... s.sa, A.SI, :I.SO Cost• M111, Calif. 92626 lllW... ... ress awar a s a e e Tlck.t1:Mu11cc ..... ra.-...,.c1ee TL 1714) 979 8880 land. lO·JD-IT'I Jali1 •ndt!M ..... .-.... following year as the girJ'S e • 0 ttottywMd 511!UNI ' U 1..."IJ . r-.r-• DIM:U. SU,ll SWA, MffTSI ' Pl#I PIOfm IUOiUHll SARllDl.Y 4 SUND.IT AU NY! I .LM. fO 4 , ... AT llADOI M.'t'D. I 01ANCM 11 l ,2 l._fllltllT·OUf9ll.l l'Pil"ijRk fREE Al AN.+.HElM STADIUM) 0 Mewil· (C) (Zin) "Shtsts If 0 Q'.j ID 1t1narHllll .. · . A 1to11tt6•••• hMI . (com) 6t-M1rcello Mas· O (I) OO lld Ptwer I Muttiplic> , trol1n~1, Vi~orlo Gawn1n. 1111 ltec:k · CI) lt ltfl bit Truhl · . , g MM: "Ret11r11 ·11-T1USU11 h- [_!JO ~I~-$ M .. (Zll) "TM \tM" (1dv) '54-T•b Hunter . )Oii .. "'"·, r llJ liospel Sinti'IJ Jublltt Malt M~~I (com) 42 -Henry ll:OOfJ (J)Tho Flintstones Fonda,. Olivia d~ H1vllland. 0 [j m Major LN1111 11MblH @ TIM Ntw r.tk• 11 R111it . C · c m Tlllt Ch1 C1~lnn~tl Reds vs. h1c110 ubs. IE Draintt 00 Tr1ckdowt1 ft) DEIUT Cookillt tht Chll·Ese = ~: f1111kJ 1'111nto• "" (R) ll:JO Ci} Mtrit: ''Tiit ltM low! StotJ" tt'I U•tlllecl Worhl '42 M h 11 ~-_,, Slflri ti Mvtlt (rom) -1rs 1 ,, ... mpson. ~ u. ur1 o m m tXbvi11e ~ \ ft) Tiit .. l••nt Stella Hl1hll&hts II Mr favorite Miftilll l of past Belmont St1ku. dt Merit: "Slttll Shock" (dtl) '64 . .. ""' .. ,,. ......... , .................... , ........ .. -------------------11 "FATAL GLASS OF IEER '! ,_ ; r • ·' '· " .. .. -'f- '.$ , (: ' -- • • DINNER SPECIALS NIGHTLY WEtf1kWHALE ~MAIN, BALBOA PENINSU LA • 673-4633 del Fi11c ltnllnn Cuisine Coektnilr ~325. E. COAST HIGHWAY 673-8267 Reserv1tions Open Daily -S p.m. to 2 CLOSED MONDAY 1.m. SEE Kung Fu- K1rat1 It Its daadll11t. ftlNnl• F1wy. at Ltmon -A•lh9im • 521·3521 CO·HIT ~UNJW...- "HANG 'EM HIGH" SNOW nun • SEE ••• the Deadliest Woman '" the world take on 1 dozen skilled fighters bare-handed. H1rbor At AdarN ~1 M .. •t11<4141 CO.HIT JAMES CANN "SLITHER" "THE BARBERSHOP" "THE PHARMACIST" -PLUS- 6 "letty loop" CanOOM 7:30 aintl t :H Nch nenln1 * •HAlOl.0 llOYDt * W.C. FIELDS, LITTll RASCALS, BETTY IOOP,_!H09GES, lAUltfL AND HAlDY, OlD MOYIE THEATRE I 714) tS6·40.70 "DlltTT HAllT" I It) ''KLUTE'" lltl , NOW PLAYING R!SIAVID S!ATS On Sale OailJ 12 'Iii 9 MARLON BRlNOO ]!\t: .ltL ... ® .::IOM ll!IDt~ 111-l!llO Un11td ~~htl• llON. lHRU THURS. 8 P.M. FRIBIY 1 l 9,45 SITUROIY 2-l l 9,45 SUNOAY 2-5 I 8 All HATS $4.00 WINYS 11)0, W.f~ IUt{, 1, J:IJ 1:)0 "THIS IS A HIJACK" ,.G. I WltOAYI 1i00, 11111, I U.T .. "'"' J;U, 7:to. ... , •• I ---J l ACTION? YES! LAUGHS?· YES! FAR-OUT? A WEE BIT! DIRTY?. NO! A great program with a grearcast, geared for great holiday weekend enterta in- ment 1 ENDS TUESDAY EXCLUSIYI ~~.!!!.t\.i IS '.'A .deligh.tfully w~cky comedy. Rich i_n zany, -1nsp1red bits and pieces, it is·pure enterta·inmen't that actually asks nothing of the vieWer but to sit back and enjoy himself. James Caan emerges as a first-rate comedian." ·Kevin Thomas, L.A. TIMes ''SLITHER tickles the fancy. It breeds a continuous murmur of giggles, snickers and chuckles which contribute to the have-a-happy day mood of the movie." ·Bridgtt Bryne, L.A. HERALO.EXAMl.NER ''SLITHER is extremely funny ... a· combina- tion of physical and visual madness, overlaid with sa tir!cal throwaway sophi sticaticin. Caan is superb. Kellerman j s sensational. Boyle is among the-finest character performers in films today." ·Art Murphy, DAILY VARIETY' "SLITHER" is KITTY KOPETZKY DICK KANIPSIA . TOGETHER 'AT LAS1! - t$ ALSO TiUI Of BUR'\ REYNOLDS - and , YUL BRY~E.R __ ALSO RA9UEL WILCH IN CONTINUOUS SUNDAY FROM 2 I ''PUZ:Z:''- :j,(/o •' ,. s1 .. 1. ,1.,.. r 1etw•f M .. C.h••m•" A••· Sst.l'I!! 1:00 IJ Cl) CIS fridq MR: (t) (lllf) ~rt Crow, Beach DickerlDft. ; "SllMt" tt. ~slrllnl•n• (dr•> '68 Afternoon -Anthon)' Quinn, Oskar Werner, lZ:tO B CIJ.Mllll' 1Y f_.. Olvld Janmn, Vittorio DeSlc1. • B Will ..,.! TMltn o ®J ms.111tn1 •• s.n (R) a:wone ~ · -; : ~@ G) TM lr1dr l11lldl G MIN: ""Owtailb 11 PMtr , en. Utt11c••11s n.ts• (wes) '5Z-Oalt RtlblrtsOR. I IB ....,.._ Ctrlil ID L111nr. . Ill .... ,, ........ to -111--· ........ • Chtlpirlllf 12:JO. ())flt Mbtrt : m .... ...., ,_ a oo m .. .-,_,. &J hfi .... ll1111111 PJllll• 1:00 G CJ) CIS Clllldrl1'1 fll• f• 1' M "Sldmiy and fltty .. (R) _ l 'IO D @I u;l 1'llt Uttlt '""' (R) 11 _, """ ,...., htSI" l<oml 0 I])@ 0) Thi hrtridll f... '59--fl1t11ti1 BNdln, Biii Travers.. HJ (R) Tht ·llorst Oa1111J wins In (j) TIM Uflntum" a riffle develops insomnia before O Movie: "C1pt1ill ClfeJ; USA .. its llrst race. (dr•f''58•·•·Aftrl~lldd . ID Mm-Crlffll sao. m s.u1 t ra11 '\ m attw•tdlel'•--_ ~MM!a ~MMlt t:OO B a m Clrdt If Ft•r (R) l:lO II) "'.OV:~~.·. lisll." ,.,.-l .~ .... a IIllil m-"' <•> ~ CD Dnptt l'tter Cushina. Tony Britton. es NiM o Mowie: 1c> "TlM o..-. fE Mlsterfi1e1 Tlllllrt h•,i.ttr" (wes) ·54~elly Ry111, t.E) D ... M l0et V•Wti lb Championsllip ltwli•& E!J llJ1111eSt lHfNI' ,._,,."' Im Cine •11 II T1rdt ''°' t :JO 0 Ltt Tmi111'1 Call II final Leg of Racine's U <Il C!l Ell""°"'""" <Al * Fabled Triple Crown! o-m oot '"'" THE BELMONT STAKES e .. ....,. ..... e rn n. .... n ..._ &) PrtMr Ml 40 . ·B tr.it ltollls If A•ria Ill ™"" 1o;oo·u1?J"llli' ....... ,RJ m ...... omm,.... IDTrlftlun 0 @ Ci) Q) Lnt M11ica11 Strll 2:JO Q Elpr11sion: Elll/Wnt G Slltrlod Hit••• Tlltalrl 0 Mme: "Y•tltf " ~"' Dr•ttM" ®}Aln1rlai11 Skltcll'9ok • (SCl·li) '61-Cmrt DlllCNI. EE LI Molintni Q) fishltl' Kole tJl) nrift& liM f1i' Hu1111n DiMtn1ion 10:30 8 Talk lict 2:45 t() Socctr C1111e1 Q) FIWll Encirtht ... ,. HI At> J:OO II rt111b An LI•• Ptoplil tiM 0 Afrlwltur1 USA • IE CuitarYIS IJ Mtwit: "'10111bltelt" (wes) ''2 -Rich•rd Dir, Frances Gillord. u'°'aaammm-iil ""'"" <Il(l)®J -. (l)l0<o.tA<b e o...., ..,.... o .... : "Sim ,, Trlil" t ... ·es) (I) lltrsNI D11111 '4G-£nol Flynn, m tNtll • c..... .... a .... = "Tlla • trt•hn•· -..... :_.,....... .... _. .. , .. , -(scl·fi) '56-M1111 En1llsh. (sci·li) '~Jobn ~. CD Merit: ~ (dra) '.CS-- fB FlllW-Soc.cat Dick Pow111. W11ttr Slezak. fII Paul Wtbl: Plli"""" la 111'11 Yirri•lin P,..1RJ g,c.udM~ 11:15 8) CINMf 34 3:30 8 l'llt Sintl II 0wtr 1uo Ill CIS Loto _, (t) -· D °' "-' Mt" (adv) 'Til-Rod Taylor, (f)MM: ""Pl Cma" (dra) '51 8 9 er;) Jlflany C.IWll -Olck Powll~ JLllMI Altyson. D .,..Ill' Pmtllb I ., fflW.SICar· D Cil (1) m '11 c..rt Jo11n111 di Aariallhr• USA Nish 1nd th• Sons of tht Jun1l1 4:00 B Dr. lr1n1 llaslerl• 111 sch1dultd 1uests. D Mlat"a .. , Oil ({1 "i&MMlft B Sporb Ac6ell ,...flli lndiant O W1p11 Tral11 Unlvttslty swlmmln1 coach Doc Gt Tl Ttll Hie Truth Count11mah Is pmflltd. 12:00 m Aff'"1 Httdlcila: ,._..fib fD Aral AdMatlNI In IM,..vililll 12:JO m ..... : """ -· c..11 m .... , ••••1 (B ,..,., .. lillH l11rd" (d11) '51-lriln Oonlevy, ED Vtlet If ApicultvN m llM..... D INQUIRY: CHILDLESS 1'°' i1j a 115 ::, ... -Cur-* MAl!RIAGES l AMERICAN "' Moyfi•W ""1s, "' ""'" 1,. FREE-FORM LIFESTLYES _ dud• Jost Feliciano, Canned H11t. 4:• IJ Jiit Ntt..i B-RM Sll1nklr, Lt10, Hutson, and O lflN: "ltilM tf tlll lllM Tht Spinlllfl.. D Mtrie: ...., Wltll I Sil. ••If' (hot) '5'-Mlcl\atl bllfltlt. a.......,_, ScMf" (lllS9) '67-&!MnM Ullin. ,..," 1 lrea• tf JIMllll a---.. "' l :U •MM: "I Mirrilf 1 ....... ®)I IBC!AC I OM Him f1Mifr -"'~ " C ... ht loone 1nd llis ltm~i, ttar. {com) on1 -11to111 obtl. 11 lft s...t KOCE CHANNEL 50 l \ • • , •. ' r , • 30 OAILV PI LOT Frld11, June 8; 1973 ' M(ME RATINOB FOR """ENTS AND '1JUNO PEOPl£ TN eb/te~,,."' '"'-11r1ttgir II 1oil!I°"" ,.,..,,, •OO<it .,,. .,,,,_, ol ....... f""'"" If/ ... ......, 0, I/IN ""'4fM. ~------------------- 'Foto W es t' In Anal1ein1 Fo1• 3 Days A · three-day mnjor photographic ex position. ''l"oto \.Vest '7S" will be at the A.naheim COnvention Center, Saturday through 1'.Ionday. _.., . 'S oul' XP RS' Launchi ng Promofi:on ·Effort Turning on Scott Ma~er I Its 50,000-"'at t I s i g a I fron1 booth announcer to di sc bounces off il.!I tra~smitter in jockey to n1anagement. · Roiar:ita.-B..e·a "C.h Ba · He..go.t his starlinJ,1Wlot California, pauses to pick .up N.C. lie took tim<? out fron1 enough listeners in San Diego broadcasting only on ce, in to make it the third most 1002, to serve as an adminis· listened to station in thal area, trative assistant for a con- whooshe§ on tbrough , the gressm11n (he majored in poli- greater Los Angeles sector, tical scil?flce at the University of North Carolina), then rt"" roster of o n · t h e · a I r turned to what he enjoys most personalities such as E . -radio. Rodney Jones, Tom Reed . to be announced . Sweeney Is laying back for another couple of months before. launching an a l 1-o u t , t'<>ncentrated pro- motional effort to trumpet the ·station's soul dominance. Locally, he served as gene ral Buddy Lowe. Ri ck Ward (lhe sales manager for KGBS; gen-only white DJ) and Cecil Hale, eraJ manager fer KBBS (now w.llb a.new.mo.ming man SQOn KROQ ) and sa les for KEZY ' -~-----.-.-... -.-,-TY-.-,.-.-,-.-.-0-.-,,-.-,-.,-.. -.-,_-,.-,-,-0.-,-,..- before 'taking over XPRS in CALL LADllS . GOLDIM AGl ll:S-Of'EMtHG T IL t 1M "·""·' February or this y e a r . Sweeney admits XPRS suf- (ered..fo 8\\'hile.Jromj ts past record of fast _ _management turnover, but now he feels it "has become stabilized, an in- dication of that stabilization is ,the caliber of people \Vho are now applying fo r jobs plus its "HIGH f'LAINS DR ll'TElt,. (tit) Ctlor; AHl"llll Hllth(Otk'I "l'Rl!N?Y" OllMY C1rlD001 f'HllYll where it enjoys a heavy 18-34-0-----------------------1 111. & l11n. 1.1 111m & 11a,m ·······················~···· -Rrnfessional-groupsdro throughout the U.S. will present progra"'i of interest to port rait, conlmercial. in· dustrial and n1otion picture photographers. Hundreds of exhibits, featuring the nc"•est lines of both domestic and foreign products and proc- esses, v.•ill also be on display. year-old listenership, and tbe.n poun ces on San Francisco "'here reco rd promoters claim it influences sales as much as co1npetiturs KDIA and KSOL. NEW MUSICAL VERS ION "Tom Sowy«" IGI w 1111 Johnlly w111t1k1r . ""' Ill ~ -C!l ... ~ ... ~ ... .......... 0 ... ... -"""""•'Q"'·"'"'l'·••Wo.l- Exhibit and trade show hours \vi ii be 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday and 10 3.m. to 3 p.m. Monday. Not s atisifie d with Califoruin. it also picks up lis teners in 16 \Ve.stern states, all vying to be aboar d the ':Soul XPRS.'' XPR.S" h_as. only· been in the business of picking up "soul" listeners for over t\vo years, but its new general NO RIS£R¥10 Sl!AT'S "CAMELOT" P*111 "On A Clear 01y" manager Dave S\veeney, ex· · -..·pects that vtty soon it will by- pass veteran KGFJ in total lis- -' ... _ ..... S !AO/UM•? ,o,z '-.A"ill.f"P.l:.LLI II' 1VCY "Scorpio" tRI ... "Bluibeard" IRI mild .. :; 5::~7·~.::~:Rl Colurnbi.t Pkturu prucnu. ROSS HUNTER'S . Mu•ic1.I Produc:ciOn of Mus.>c i..,. L.,.n...~ .. BURT 8.ACH.ARAC H HAL DAV10 !GI a CENTURY 21 712 S90l ~ .... 810"' IU{li0 AVI ...... ~ EXCLUSIV E ENGAGEMENT DA ILY 2:00--':45·7:30-10:00 . . ·Class ·of.l14 Stco11d hoturo "The Gang Collftitoovs· Situ""i'iliY Md 51111day h ... 2 That Couldn't Shoot 1 t tlt & NEWPORT 541-1552 I PC'il Straight" •• ,.1. lil"iltlllff Wed~oy 1 , ..... . Jenership. And Dave fhvee11ey is in a good position for m:Jkin;.' such fore~asts for he·s been in ra· dio since he \Vas 16. having -aone c\•erything there is to dO, -•J• "-u.rc, SrADIUM ·I ,"::;, "--~\.ll«U.U.l\C'll'.• ·-"lilly Jock" I PG I '"' "A Flstful of Dollars" IMPORTANT! MAJOR STUDIO SNEAK-PREVIEW ' FRIDAY • 8:45 . "Hmll" Will le Shown At 7 I. 10:45 "SHAMUS" Will Not le Shown PreYiew Hite. ,. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .... ) • • •t AC,. ••YO A? I LLI. • •• ••• <;OOI • ""' .. 0 I A• O••<IO •W¥ 9.A.LJl.6.0 • • HU .. Tl .. O TO .. •l.•C,. ' As P.T. B.mum put it, "TI.etc\• w<ku bom .,.,., minutt~ TI. O.-tctoi1 (Ol"IO¥l"l'P<t:W'f'I• f;!.,.dn..O'Nt"d0 "' A P~itr 3o~vi~fi P1od.:ct>on ?APER M()()f'; C~M«kW>.-.1<.i-.. . .John H~.!'"""' ·And ... ~ TaM> ON.:al "' Addit-lftl So .. ~i.v bv/\b-. s~. S'"td OI"\ l ..... no~cl .Addic Pr~v.· Cy Jot" o~v.d P..awn :" , 'ii I J'Ol~~."'r-,0.cc!td .,.-id Diodt..:to t~ Peter ~vich -A P$1<1!!.'QU"1Rt~aK 1-· ·, [ s,,,,,...;.,". l\)b.,,. .~ •t;lol:I• 0.. p,.,~eJ"I ~t::l)t<f, I . ; • J ... " ·1 . JAM ~S COBURN <RI S KR ISTOFFERSON BOB DYLA N JA SO N ROBARDS ,remier ln .. 11ment . ' . . ' . -- IN MISSt'ON VllE.JO -NOW AT IOTH CINIMAS 2nd AT VlllO '1·F..-·~·. ·~·-,;·1 • I • I i• • • ' • • • •• 1, .i Cl\f II\ <J.'i I t R ,, ·I • • r, J Ho\~~OR Al A DA~') • ( Q')TA M[~A • 979414 1 I ! .. . T Ma MO•T. ••A \.ITIP V .. Jl\.l•IC:•I. J.OY• .-TO•Y •Yll:"I ' 17\CLUDll\G C• rol 811rr11tll W11!or Ml!thl!f Mlcllatl Pollard "f'llTt: 'n' "LEGEND Of' I TILLIE" FRENCHY 0•'"9• C. Scott • KING" • "Hospll1l"(PQ) -pl111-LOOlllY T11n11 "EXTREME ,Jim F11llYll CLOSEi>UP"' Sit, & Swn. 1JC (RI 11& 2115 f'.M. !~( C•TYSllOPPI~ Li11 Minelli "CABARET" and Dh1n1 Ross -"LADY SINGS THE BLUES" 8[~l PICl~R[ ---. J\ Ut .ANDREWS . fJlkt-T<J:•llJI PW~1~1tR ll96S) • •. ,~:.~-::·I ~~i;'i(i ll!'f. l.Ri'1t\RD iro:;tRS L ~~R ll.\.'dMfJ!.'"TD\U _., •...•. .,,, .. 11t\L•ru:J!\IA~ 01ai .. o.11 .. IOI• ••••••••••••• EXCLUSIVE r-: I . lt..Os ..... ,c~,..·- ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT STARTS muat•W4L ... . l'UUllM'U9'1C11i P1111m1•" · "IVY \;\;>, WEDNESDAY 1 ~llM" •. ~·. JUNE I... llil • APm'"''''"~: 'l7 TOPOL STAlllNG IN ~~I , ~'IJ)f~J-(G) ~~ti ~ --f!\! ,"fiddler on the TIE "SOUND OF MUSIC" ENDS TUES. JUNE 26 ·v.•.'&f (R) ·· l THEY'D NIVER FORGET THE DAY HE DRIFTED 1mo TOWN. ll-~~11.1. .. TUMBLEWEEDS Mun & JEFF 11 g: Q j' .. i;..;;.--..:..::-----i ~ WEAIN'T KIDDING·· WE'RE GONNA GET MAARIEP! . - by Doug Wildey by Tom K. Ryan sc;RdLE 5Cl'l\!.IBL.E &CR1&6LE by Al Smith .. DOOLEY'S WORLD I 1""1'r ~INK DOOU:Y"S FA~'R WANTS US IN Htb PFZ'liSSER, NORMAN ! CAA'(-BUT LOOK Aj lj.US: Fl~-r !! SALLY BANANAS . GORDO •·• FIGMENTS \ . by Dale Hal• MOON MULLINS 1-!~ If • ... NANCY WHY DID-YOLJ-.. L.AUGH AT MY NEW SHIRT ?- IS IT TOO LOUD ? by Ernie Bushmiller ·------------;;=::--~-~~·-~-~ NO, IT'S NOT I ~ , .. IT'S TOO TOO L.OUD··· -.. ·,-~ LONG ,...B • PEANUTS by Charles M. Schulz TODAY'S CIDSSIDID PUZZLB l)e!ir contn'butor, Vol! are returrilng )tllll' stupid story. You are a terrible writei: Why do }QI bother us? We lll:lllldn't buy one of )Wt stories if )Ql paid us. r-:---....,..-,,,.-_, Leave US oJone.])rop ='(A RlRAI dead. Get .lost. ~ SUI'- ACROSS D2 P•rent 53 L•tter 1 Word of 54·Tea mou1h: L1w 67 G1len1 6 Prattle• 59 Kind of 10 Bridge w1tereoune section 61 Cud·chewing 14 Growing m1min1I _outward_ 64 Cltyo 15 Height: Europe Comb. form 67 Elect. units 16 Mixture 68.Motel 17 Big nflWI· owner'• con· piper job cern: 2 words 19 Young ch1p1 70 Shed outer 20 Greek moon covering goddess 71 Direction 21 Hired h&nd 72 Act up 1 23 S.tigmati1e s3orm 25 Hudson Bay, 73 Republic title: e.g. Abbr. 28 Classified ·-74 Ceremonial 21 Numerical "' p1eli11: 75 Common or 29 C1e1cent's horse ··- rel1tive DOWf\I 31 Point 33 Comparative 1 Qs' relatives 1utfi11: 2 S. American 34 c;.n1dlan mount1in ·coin1 3 Avid horse- 38 Flr1t·r1te: players Slang 4 Kind of fur '4() Shane 5 Man's name porH.ay•r 6 Petfoleum 42 Splits product 44 Source of poi 7 Feel sore 45 ··--· Downs 8 Hat features or si lts 9 Soaked 47 Ling.era 10 Composition '49 free 11 Bottom of a llO R1ceiv1d datert besin Y nterd1y'1 Puzzle Sol\ffll: • 12 Lent a hand 13 Facial features 18 French 1rti1t 22 Asi1n n1tion 24 Femmes 27 Piece of flooring 28 Herve1t1 crop 30 Depreue1 32 Egyptian VIP of old: .lntormel 35 Not outgoing 37 Alhens building 38 American Indian . 39 Didn't walk '4 I Irish aetter '43 Asian 46 NASA's. conque1t 48 Situates 51 Kind of bultt 5i4 Restrict 56 Mood 56 More thin enough 158 Big n1me In the 01ient eo BeU·strikln; epperatus 62 Endifig with capital ind social 63 Means of tri!M 65 Openwork fabrics 66 Dirk 69 Greok. godden ~ COME ON, eET5Y ... f FEEL UKE OANC!NG! MISS PEACH I j I ! • F'U'l'URE:. ~l""AIN $Jia;~s Of AMERICA A)ffi' 11--. __ ... • 'DICK TRACY _ MEANWHl\.'f YOU'RE ft16HT, LIL.A ••• I 'VE .AL.WAYS &EEN IN LOVE WITH 8ET5Y ! I GUE5S NEUROTICS ATTRACT NEUROTICS! euT IF I KEEP HER FROM MARRYING SAM ORNER, I WON'T SCOfltE POINTS .,,......,f'. WITM MISS LOVA&\..£! .. ..._ ----..... -. by Harold Le Doux RICK, TH IS MAY COME AS A SURPRISE ... euT eETsv·s. 1N LOVE WITH YOU ! by Mell llliCAU!>E rr SOUN05 MO((E JNTE.ll:ESTNG THM./ GJtAPE -SWMPJNG, oit weeo-PICKING, Oil: ANY OF' TH!i OfJ.'filC THINGS ;l:'M, QUALIFIED FOIC-.. \ ,,/ "" ...... . ~ ME'S A ·WMOU CAii Of! WORMS ALLlN MIMSELF! • Friday, Junt! 8, 1173 DAll V Pl LOT • :J.J t I l·IAD NO ID£A Hli WA<;; SO WGU.Of~ ! by Roger Brodfield ,, l l I ! J j j ! . . . • • > ~ ' 1 ... . . .. : .. .;:: -by G11s Arriola :::; -------....... ~ •• • ' • ~ Q 1AJ<.eS AL1-·• 3 -f'JIG#'T'-1'0----...;~-­ J-ICK A-iE eACt<. IN .s!IAPJ:c f • l . -. • . • •· ' ·, ·. .. .-•• •• ~· '). • • -• .. ~-l :-. . ·-::: l .~. " .;, :.: : .·. • l. . .. ~-·. ''Oh de1r, our hotel In P1ri1 his 'old world 1tmotphere' -th1t iu•t mean• if we hed to u·ve that way at home, we'd be m1d.'' -- '.JUsr SPILL;. LITTLE R'.X)T &ER ON 'THE SOF;. All' '(a(LL flND C1JT ttlW J'Wfff SHE: IS.' ' • • I ' l •• '69 fOllD L1D 4 DOOR H.T. Vk. 111M·• r1d\O , neater, '°"''' steer· i"o " br•klt• w/l/'fl l\AI• ;iJr, y;ny1 !OP. {lCBlOS) $1395 '68 BUICK iLICTlA 225 $'1295 OFF SUGGESTED RET AI L PRICE •... $ CMU.T)i:.14l1Jt OFF SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE '69 PLYMOU1H fURY Ill FORMAL l DR. H.t , VI• •Vllll'l'ltk. r1d\o, he1t1r, power ,111!1'ill9 t. br•ll••· wsW, elr cond., ylnYI !OP· -t:Z:R&UJl $1095 '67 BUICK lll'llEll" \II, 1uto .. r1dl0· 11e11 ... , ,.,.,., 1111tr· 1"9 lo br•k.S. wit!• ti,_. 1lr, \'\11VI MP• cn1i..-<&<1t•tl. rf'f· ....-11, ,.,. 'frind"'1o Oii 'fltlttl• chrOml wttttlJ. ITl'Mll) ..•. $1'295 '71 fOllD \.1D '68 PON11AC_ FlftlllRD VI, 11110~1\c. redlo, h9'lttr, power 11eer111g. While Sill• w111 Tlret. \VHA~l $1295 '69 fOllD GALAXll. .500 fORM.A.L 2 Dll. H.T. \II. 1uto~ll<• r-4\e• )lealtt'• """"'' 11eerlnf & Drlkts. W5'#• .,.;nyl f911'• 1lr c~it;Mllllf· (XTJO'll $1395 '69 ooOGE I otiln doil'I Ufttil .•oP.m. 1ncludin9 SUftDAT '70 cHEVllO\.E1 MALllU 4 d001 H1rdlOll• \II, lutO·; radtG• h .. "'' pcr#lf 1111rlnt• w/WW tlrtt• alr, ylnY I IOf• tf)6AUt0 1 oooa H.T. \II, 111'9" r1d10. Mii ... • ~r i1'"'°· lllf • br1kff• ¥f/l/W \IAI• l~f, yjllyl t.O• (SSSC/rlll<l ·VI, ••"'""'Ile, rtdll• 1tt111••• llO"'er alW"'9 I. Dr•kff• WSW• paWtf" ,..1, till w!*I· 1nt£1i1Yl $129 5 $1595 $1995 Wtd~sclay, Jun~ 6, 1973 §a'V• no"' 1or th• tun filled do~ oheCld . wit". th•· p11rc:llOW of on Atlas lnte.,;otiol\01 pic:ll Up .1ruc:ll. Sc:ollt or tro'Veloll .,,ac:otion "e"ic:le • • • i111111ediote deli'Verf • · · UNIEUE~Al\.E 01scouN1S ~ NEW 1;2 TON PICK-UP S•r. No. · JHICOC HBI0312 -- ''GET_ 'EM . UP SCOUT" ...... ,_ ...... Dnert .,. IHc• I • . . . ttt. .. ,... . ........ ,. Sc••'· , •. Ser. No. JSIS bCGOl0482 ' .· --~- -' ---- ' RETAIL PRICE NEW 973 TRAVELALL .... tihilly 1.;.1,,..i Ser., No. JHOHOCHBll)ll -- ' .. 1 . . . • ' . . Friday, Junt 8, 1973 • . ·''The .ca.r With fhe -Rotary . Engine'! '' Test Drive -A-Mazda-This-. Weekend And Get That Rotary Engine Experience. You Have Never Experienced Anything Like It. T'' PLEASE VISIT OUR MODERN . -FULLY EQUIP.PED SERVICE DEP-ARTMENT - --:..1 • • ''WE SPECI ALIZ.E · IN COU RTESY'' ' MEET OUR STAFF ·o F MAZDA PROFESSIONALS LEASE A NEW ROTARY INGINE MAZDA FOR LESS THAN $7500 PER M ONTH , . WE NEED CLEAN USED . CARS ' ..IOHN .IUIHINCl Senlce M....W .. MEET · KWIZ RADIO PERSONALITY BUDDY CLYDE IN PERSON 2·4 PM SATURDAY . . ---·--· SALIS D.EPT. OPEN 9A.M.·10 P.M. DAILY SIRYICl,IPT. 7:30 A.M .• ' r.M. MO~DAY 7:30 A.M. TO ' r.M. TUES •• Fill. _Wo rERFORM ALL . MAZDA WARtANTY WORK t_.i1 ... ol .Wll•o YM Orlt"""'Y r., ......... YO.r Cor . .========;;;;;;;;;;;~ 2001. E. First St., Santa An o (Santa Ana Fwy. at First St.) (714), 558-7871 l 'I . • "!· . ) . -• -----~~ -- \ ' . DAI LY PILOT 33 • I .. ' • \ ' ,,,. ___ __ • . . • -.. • ,'J4 DAILY PILOT Friday, Junt 8, 1973 An1.0-.emer1h • , • • • • .500 • 524 AutonlObiln • • • • • • • , 9SO • 990 lonO & Mo1inr (qu1po·11.•11t 900 -914 lmpk)yn1t.'t'!f . • • • • • • ' 700 • 71/9 The Biggest Marketplace on the· Oranp Coast ....... -lo< So.!' • • • 12.!1 .... r.ttonak. • • . • . • . • • SlS • S49 r.n ond ~~ • • • • • • aso -m aeo1 bkltt' o.n.ral. . ••• lSO • 199 DAl·LY PILOT CLASSJBID_A Finoncial • • , , , , • • . 200 • 299 ~ for Soil! • • , I , , 100 • J24 Lost & found , • • • , • ~ • 574 Merchcu~jje. , ••.. , . 800 • 849 You Can Sell It, Find It , Trade It With a Want Ad r 64. 2 •56•8. ij \one Cal I ServiCe ·• ' Fast Credit Approval letltol • • . . . . • . • • • JOO • 499 $ct.ok ond Arnrrv<tion • , • S7S • 599 -and .......... 600 ·699 Tl'CIMpOftotion. • • • • • • • 9lS • Mt General General SUPERB VIEW OLDER BeautHul vie· of bay \\'i!h BUT so NICE over Z-,00 sq. fL nr living. \\lhy not ln>11T ~ourself lo 2200 sq. rt., 3 br. home -1101 this lovely 3 lid1· .. :t halh just a tiouse -,1·ith full din- hqine (or only Sl \5,000. Ca!/ ing roon1'on quiet tree-lint'd Red Carpet. Re al t o r s s1re('t. owner says "sell" at 546-8640 For your ap-S30.0UO polntment. (OJ)('tl evt•ningsJ \VALKER & LEE Realtors Classifled A·111 ·. , . ,fi42-00111'· ___ -M...::..:6-<lm::..::::::_ ___ 1 General General * Open fiou6e6 * _Sunday 1-Sp.m. 1532 Keel Drive ....... ·" ....... $ 88,800 1812 Port Taggart .............. $ 81,900 1724 Galaxy Drive ... ·'· ......... 51391500 A"4tiN-s./d ~ AllDASSOCW£S REALTORS 282B·EAST COllST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. 644·7270 •••••••••• " SWIM IN YOUR 0~ POOL in this 18'x36' heated POOL. Great E ASTSIDE location! Close-to'Wl!stcliff shoJJ" ping. 3 Bedroom , convertible den, 2 baths, fireplace, plus ROOM TO ADD ON. 10% dO\\'n -O\vner \Vil! carry 10% -2nd T.D. $39 ,500. Call !or appointment. ••••••••• READY FOR SECOND UNIT ROOM TO BUILD second UNIT on this large corner lot. 2·bedroon1 house, carpets, drapes. fenced yard in Newport J-lei ghts. .. . . . . . . .................. $33,500. •••••••••• TRADER·'S CORNER lmprove your tax shelter and cash flow! Exchange your home, duplex, triplex or similar rental property! Choose from our large selection of investment buys -here are just a few: e MONEY GRINDER. Modern Garden Grove 4-Plex, all 2 hr, 2 ba! Lo\v maint. No yacancies! Rents can be improved! . Priced for quil'k sate at $49,950!! e CLASSY FOUH PLEX: Near new, luxury units -\va\k to South Coast-Plaza! Crpts, drps, b.ltns, encl9sed patios! Fantastic 3 BR, 2 BA O\vners un its + roomy 2 br, -2 ba rental. Askin g $82,000! e SURFSIDE DUPLEX. Pride o! ownership and \VO\V \Vhat rents! Every luxury · - steps to Ne\vport surf! Just listed at Sl 15,900. Sub1n it yo ur terms or trade-! Ask for 1\-lr. l\'fc~1ullen please. > e FIVE UN IT FIXER. Paint, ·polish and raise rent! S1nall equity or low down OK. Can't last at $5 1.000 -make money here!! Gi\•e our exchange specialists your require- n1ents and equity information and they \Vill cln thC rest~! Gener11I VACANT & READY 0....'Jler anxi0t111! Redecorated 3 bednn & fa1nily rm home on huge comer lot -room for boat or trailer, Klng-size covered patio & private yru'll. Quick poss. Low dn. $27,250 HORSES, HORSES ... allowed on this ~ii acre . 1·anch with -largu custorn honie, fenced co1i:al PLUS a 3 bedroo1n rental at $200./ 1110. Custom hon1e is va- cant • quick poueuion.-\Vill exchange for N.B. duplex. $65,000. I CALL&l2-177l " s=r21 i OCEAN VIEW 3 +Guest $25,950 Private circular ~I of tine ~. Paint and sa\>e _V-E-HOWARILLC.O. ---1.'h~••.••ds. sw .. ping Real Estate Brokerage grounds with room for OOut. 3 bedrooms in c luding 881 Dover Drive, N.B. 645-8400 hide-a-way n1aster suite, ~eparntc guest facility: den '"ith sliding glass door 1o 25' General Gener11I CAMEO HIGHLANDS -VIEW Beautifully decorated 3 bedroom home with ~den convertible to 4th bedroom. Fantastic garden with lovely lawn, lots of trees, com· plete privacy ·& colorful fl owers. Acce:ss to private community beach. An excellent value at $72,000 HAVE WE GOT A VIEW FOR YOU! Perched on the hill overlooking the harbor . entrance.· A n1agniftcent Olde English home •· \Vith 4.500 square feet: 3 big bedrooms1 den, formal dining area, super view kitchen, Iilrge private sundeck & a fabulous family game rqom~ Com~lete \vith fireJ?lace, \vet bar, step- down wine cellar & beautiful decor. Definite- ly a one of a kind home. $296,500 COTTAGE PLUS INCOME Gre~t opportunity to start your real estate inve~sting \vith this \\'ell located cottage on a large, R·2 lot. Full price $201950. Low down. .COMPANY. . REALTORS #19 Tiburon Bay .............. $124,500 24912 Cavanaugh ............... S 55,000 j ,;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I t>llter tainers patio. Breath-taking view of canYort and blue Pacific. 1-IURRY! Call --General General 2841 E·. Coast Hwy., Corona del M11r "Selling Re11I E1t11te in Newport H11rbor Since 1944" · 673-4400 #61 Emerald Bay . . . . . . . . . . . $135,000 1507 Keel Drive . . . ... . . . . . . . . S 87,950 28.16 Alta Vista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s 67,500 608 Via Lido Nord . ·" . . . . . . . . S275,000 17942 Hopkins ................... S 49.900 OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 545 Via Lido Nord .............. $129,000 1724 Galaxy Drive .............. $139,500 * * * * * * BEACHY 3 BR. BACHELOR PAD OPEN SUN. 1-5. 61 EMERALD BAY. Few steps to private beach, tennis courts, pools & parks, or have brunch in your priv .. sun· ny patio. Only $135,000 . La Vera Burns. NEW LISTING HARBOR VIEW HILLS OPEN SUN. 1-5. 1507 KEEL. Delightful de- cor in 3 BR .. 2 ba, Lusk home \Vith large, cozy family rm. Corner lot w/prof. landscpg. $87 ,950. Harriett Davies. IDEAL EASTBLUFF OP EN SUN. 1-4. 2836 ALTA VISTA. $67.500. Does your family need schools, shop s, beach, tennis, parks? This has it all + 5 BR., 3 bathso Paul Quick. OPEN SIJN 1-5-SPYGLASS HILL 19 TIBURON BAY DRIVE. Beautiful new Lusk bit. home. 4 BR., fam. r_m., wet ba r, 21h baths. Spectacular ocean view. $124,500. Cathryn Tennille. LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE SUN. AFTERNOON. 608 VIA LIDO NORD. 50'. On the bay-superb location. Recently remodeled. large 3 bdrm. \V /lge, patio. $2 75,000. Mary Harvey. 545 VIA LIDO NORD-OPEN SAT. 1-5 3 BR .. 2 ba .. living rm., din. rm. & Cam. rm. flow together for gracious living. Superior locatio n. 3 Little \Vords-lovely, luxurious & lasting! $129,500. Muriel Barr. UNIVERSITY PARK OPEN SUN. 1-5. 17942 HOPKIN S. 5 Bdrm. Chane. home. Convenient to all facilities. Of· lered for $49,900. Com e SEE-come'BUY. Toni Escobar. CLASSIC VIEW-PRIVACY-POOL F'or that spec. fa mily \v ho needs studio. 3 BR. (~ enjo_ys nature. dramatic home 'v/in· comparable day & night vie\v of Laguna coastline & city. Sl:l0,500. Bob Yorke. WM. PEREIRA ORIGINAL Rare opportunity to acquire a \Vm. Pereira design family home in Emerald Bay; equip- ped for ultin1atc in Ji ving. 5 BR .. den & Cam· ii)' .. ~IC $350.000. Pat Hug. LARGE LIDO ISLE HOME Exciting hon1c: designed for family Jiving. Cl1ildren's are<1 separate \V ith own family , rm.1 Jiving & cti n. rn1 s., ,1·ith pa rquet floors. Six bdrms, ·r110 In!:".. $179,500. Charlene Whyte. PENINSULA PE RFECTION E njoy bayfronl vie11 fr o1n this t'''o star)'· 6 BR., 4 bath nautically oriented home \Vitb pier & slip. Co1np. re n1od . $375,000. Gary Knox . OUTSTANDING VIEW Dover Shores for1ner 1nodCl hon1e . 4 Bil. plus family rm. plus pool. Large formal din- ing rm. Living rm. with b~!lllled ceiling. $189,500. Eileen Hudson . · · • NEWPORT HARBOR'S NEWEST LUXURY HOME Arch. designed custom bit:; 11ew Bal. Pen. Point bayfront home. 'rake large boat. 4 · ., $'"baths. Bt:oehure-l•pon-<e<1uesb $795,000. Kathryn Raullton. -- ---Coldwell,Banker 644-200 ~ SSO N1wpoi-t Center Dr., N.8\ t33-G700 DELUXE DUPLEX Beautiful ... tree-lined street in Old Corona del Mar. BOTH DELUXE UNITS HA VE 3 bedrooms den, fireplace. 2 baths,_ builtin kitchen, PATI OS. 2 blocks to shopping and sc hools. Choice location. . . . . . . . . $98,500 ••••••••• WE CAN HELP YOU BUY, SELL, OR TRADE A HOME ANYPLA.CE IN THE NATION AUST IN·SMJTH, GORMAN & ASSOCIATES 1-~EAL TORS 644·7270 I General General ****** OUR 24th YEAR Offering 1erviCe only experience ~an provide OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1·5 LUXURY IN DOVER' SHORES One of the most elegant homes overlooking the upper bay. 4 Lge. bdrn1s. (su_~er master s uite): huge fan1 ily rm ., formal dining, & a beauti[ul 1>001. $195.000 1380 GALAXY DRIVE OPE.N SATURDAY 1·5 Beautiful Laguna view home with charm personified. J-larn1onious color scheme tbru· otlt thi s bright airy 3 bdr1 11. & convert. den, 211.? bath ho n1e, \Vith its \Vhite ,,..-ater view 2076 TEMPLE HILLS DRIVE 66-0303. IOlll.\I t 01\0\ R[AJ.T Q I.' Gener11I G•neral DOVER SHORES -VIEW 5 BR. -pool -Bay \'ie\V $159,000 CUSTOM TOWNHOUSE-SORRY-SOLD EASTSIDE BEAUTY in 2 days! Lei us sell yours! Beautlf'ul l\\"'O story custom builders home located in East Costa friesa. linagillE' 4 bdr., 3 battis hua:e raised HARBOR VIEW HILLS 3 BR-famity rm.-oceaD ''iC\\', pool $99,000. hearth fireplace, built in gas We have listings of many other homes harbl'Cue, large corner lot \\"ith bo:it yw-d tor S4J.OOO. j Call us for your needs ~1al~~~, 0r:'r-p ~~1'.! C·ORBl,N-MARTIN • -----1 \i;~:~~~~r.l!I~~rl.r E~·~. 1~! REALTO~~-C a l~~.yt~m:~-~44-766~ units\ \\?kl ll'ht!n~. 1~roµ. i11 General General good !"()n\I.: located in ---------$17,000- NO MORE Desert Hqt Springs. Jnuned. possess. $57,CKX). Call: 673-3663 548-1630 Eves. WATERFRONT DUPLEX-$170,000 * TAYLOR co. * i=TR:.;_Y_A _G-.1. -I :..:.:;SU=N -AN-D S-W-IM associated BROK ERS.-REAL TORS 1025 W Bolboo 67J-l66J hu·huJrs ty,·o l>No.t docks RIKI n<ljarenl vacant lol for 11d- ditionnl building or for just plain privacy. Just listed. a w~Ll<fR & LEl Very clt•an 3 ~·/t.len & l\'Ol'k shop ln 1"•:a'. L..As of prlvary \\ i!h j•l111in-J111k 1fen· l'l' ar .. und IJ 1i.~ charn1\ng h•Jme: r•ri1'{' is fi11n -bu! easy finanl'1nu. DOVER SHORES-$225,000 Go rgeous custom·built 5 bedroom 11ome on lge street.to-street Jot. Paneled family rm, huge dining rm, 41h baths & 3-car garage. Fully air cond , luxury cptng & drapes. Minia· ture pool \V/jacuzzj & sufl rtn Off mstr bath. BIG CANYON-$104,900 Best buy in the a rea! Lovely plan by Broad· 1noor and surrounded by more expensive custom homes. !vlost terrific kitchen, 4 la rge Qdrooms, famil y roorn & for1nal dining rm. 2 Fireplaces & 3-car garage. Quiet street. Landscaping 110\v being installed. · ''Our 28th Year" WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 San Joaquin Hills Road "Ov erlooking Big Canyon Country Club'' NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4910 General Gene ral * CANNERY VILLAGE * 'J\vo adjoining properties, C-2 zoning. ldeal locati on for sµccialty shops. $451500 And $51.000 * BUS INESS OPPORTUNITY * In Cannery Villag~ $8500. Call for info. SPACIOUS HOME 20 STEPS On a '"'"' lot wHh a huge TO THE BEACH p.'1111) for family enjoyment. r ou1· hc(lroonl~. 21 .. bnths; Bar-B-Que Sleu.k11 rukl "''.al.ch Fonn~I Dining Room Ai\'D lhe surf fry.rn the pnvate 11; r nmll v Room for on ly df'Ck of yo ur luxury DU- $41.000. Crt l! 586·0222. PLEX. 2 !'!1-ge Units in like lll'W 1.:ond111on. Uve In one '""::SPARKUNG- NEW 4-PLEX I unit and enjoy income lron1 the othet . $90,000. Call NO\\'!! 646-7171 •. OPEN Tll. i • fiS Fl.IN TO 8E MCll NEW TRIPLEXES JN COSTA MESA 3 ijdrm., 1~Btt01 2 Bdnn., l~ l30U1 1 Bdrm ., "Balh lOtl> 00\VN Orang• C9unty Apartment ~ N 0 No Sell your surfboard and en- • joy your summer (and all \\AJ.h'.£H & LF:E Rc1lllors !"J.IG--OOZ2 Thot " NO liown poyment • Y"•r) around this lovely STOP LOOKING R""°'' -= NO closing costs. The owner sv.imming pool. Lots of NO 2043 \\"estclitt Drive Sell 1tw old must ·J4?8.\'C and he just might decking in lov.• maintenance W ! ! ! Open ti! 9 P~1 t ff take it for his pretty 3-bcd_. •-' A 'bedroo 2 bath Let r -"':c.:,;:_.;~::....----new 5 u ··----- !';IOU. Buy the y .... u. ..-ni. -1 a pro e1siona.1,aerve yOU G-= I -room bon.1e locat1!d on a home goes along ,,·ith it. j Our service Is free 10 you. _ ~--.•:.:•.:.••::.;._ ______ .,:G:.:•::•:::•.:.••::I:._ ____ _ lovely Shady Slt'CCt close to CaJl US today 586-02°1'2. si111pty tell us \l,'hAt you are ' ,·- everything. F'uH price is looking tor and we go 1o just $31,500. 847-6010. 1\'0rk. \Ve promise to gtve i~ TIL O • ""'"" ro BE N~I ~ *6-LJNITS * ~TW=o~Fo~R~oN':!_E '!\\o hnu~i; for the pl'icc of 01u•. Unbelievable cuslo1n 2 hrlr .• hon1e \\"ith cutl' Oll<! bdr., cottage in rear. PrinH! Eastside location. are you ready for U1is -only $4-0.000. Call Red Carpet. Realtors Right Now! 546-.'if:i.IO (open evenings I hvo triplcxrs flrl 1 l•)f , All 2 BR. uni1s 1\·1 n1od. bltin kitchens. lncome $920/mo. Room for 2 or possibly ~ n101·c uniis. Out-of-toy,·n- 01vner needs in1n1ed. s.1lt'- $9'.?,500. Call 5 4 5 -8 4 2 4 SoUthCo Realtors. ' Gen·e·ral General you no h!f h pressure sales techniques. Call a pi'O- fessionl\I -5'16-8640 Red Carpet, Realtors ( op c n evenings) YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT till you see It. 3 bedrooms . lal"Kest kitchen In Costa l\Iesa. R-2 lol $2.l,950. Call 646-nn tor proof. ~~~=~~ro~"~"~ Gener11I VIEW HOMES • MONTEOO MODEL 4 bedrooms, family room, formal dining; carpets drapes, super landscaping, covered patio, wood deck'. $76,450 PALERMO MODEL 4 bedrooms, family room, 2 fireplaces, wet bar, well cared for. Lush Iandscaplilg, wooil deck .. Lots..oLdeta added by owner. · $76,000 HARBOR . VIEW HOMES • REALTY MACNAB IRVINE RNER HOMES HARBOR VIEW 5BR-NEWLY LISTED Only available Somerset rnodel fe atures extensive use of \\.'Oven wood, premium floor coverings + exciting landscaping ideas. Carl Butler 642-8235. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 p.m. 2027 Port Wey bridge. (U ll) CHARMING CAMEO HIGHLANDS View of Ocean & Canyon. Enchanting 3BR & den (or 4BR) home. Fabulous FR,...kltch- en combination. $71.500. Charlene Reich- mann 642-8235. (Ul 2) LIVE LIKE A PRESIDENT In a gla1norous Bi g Canyon· hom e. 2 large master BR's, den a djoining kitchen. triple ·garage, pool slzed ya rd-lu~h londseaping. $98,500. Joyce Edlund 642-8235. (UJ3) . , SUNBEAMS & LOLLIPOPS The happy atmosphere of this really sharp & immaculate 4BR home will delight the whole. family -especially DAD at only $33,000. Lois Miller 642·8235. (Ul4) A PERFECT HOME I Turtlerock! View ! 4BR, DR, FR-overlook~ ing park & pools! Laszlo Sharka ny 644-6200. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 p.m . 10001 Glen- mont Terrace. (U l5) BROADMOOR BEAUTY In highly desirabk! Harbor View Hills. Out.- standing decor-greal location fo r chifdrtn -close to communily pool·. 48RtFR. Master BR offers prlvacy. Churm thruout! $92,500. Joel SmiU1 642-8235. (UlO) . . ---~--· ( lrvlOB 1-••b·lmne 11e.u, .... , • ., I tOI Donf' Drive ••2-1211 IM4 lhoAnhur M•· 1201 ,... I nd S00 ~ IMch, C.lltornl• t2ttS lor1 11~111 tem1 • .!!.,,.',r · • ti')' q_~uy 1PUot -~~8nt ~. ha~~ ... u ..... >t ...... _...,_... 833-0780 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J Just completed artd ready f<•r your tlr•t owner tttx Ad· vanin~e. Suprr 11hArp, good n>n tal 11_rett 11nd only $80,000. Df,n't y,·aJt on lhla Ont', Call MG-fliliJO ltC1J C a rp <' t , R~:all•11-.. lopen e\ltf'lh11iCll RH ltors 547-6791 ~ ~nnx -.. ~ . ~·~°"''"~·~·~·~·~~::::.:r•~·:-----"~.-~-..~~~~.,.~~~~~~~~~--~ ... ~~~~~~.:.1. " \ . ..._,. • .. l~I l~I 1~1 --.... , ----... - Gtner•I General LUSK HOMES ** ** ** ~-------j--'-'--'-'--.:....:...._.:_c-=-::--_;_.:__.:.....~-1-Exciting lone hedm<>m home wiUt bcautifu Heritage Collection ~~~ping and tremendous view. Only 4 Ul'ollVUf t<Qt tr: ~ CIKF'WAL1<INuOP'<A-C[0WD·-'--- ''ou should take off your shoes and run your toes th.ru the plush whjte shag of this l:lprbor View l·lomes 2 bedroo1n plus den . It feels .sooo good ~ So does the value in the 10,000 sq ft corner lot, f~e land . The covered patio, openness, and the con1n1unity atmosphere. 'J'his adult ho1ne is clean! A neat investment al ~67 ,000. UNIQUE HOM ES OF NEWPORT IEA.CH, 645·6500 A llsrlng of R11th Half!' Lw11d Like new 5 bedroom available for sale or ON THE WATER leas&-large backyard wilh great pool and WITH BOAT SLIP -New 2 bedroom & 2'h patio potential. Good quality carpets and bath luxury, carefree condo1ninium. Custom drapes. it""'ee land and only $110,000. _dee.or, ready for occupancy. Full price Big beautiful six bedroom in Spyglass. A $87,000. tremendous view and very lovely landscap. CALL 540-1151 ing. Fee-only $135,000. FIVE UNIT FIXER UPPER Sharp four bedroom, two story with breath- FIVE INDIVIDUAL 3 BEDROOM HOMES on taking view and sparkling pool. Wonderful large 300 fl Eastside Costa· Mesa lot. Paint location-Fee. Only $129,000. and clean up to be worth more $$$$. Owner Call 675-7225 a sking 01tly $72,500. Just li sted. CALL US NOW. 546-5880 JUST LISTED QUALITY BUILT Eastside Costa Mesa, fresh- ly redecorated 3 bedroom home. Hardwood floor s, cozy fireplace. new carpets, near shopping. $30,750. CALL 540-1151 REALTORS l_!!!!l!l!!! ___ !!!!l!l!!!_!'il!!! __ ~WOODLAND • • l:<AISER ··HARBOR Ge"eral General if you like these schools;· we have th·e home J..~nJa !}6/e "*__B OYO_REALIORS PRESENTS "* BEAUTIFUL DREAMER A\vaiting a li vely, active fan1ily. Harbor View ll ills fJort.ofino n1odel ; sharp country kit· chen, sunn v fa tnil y rn1.; 3 txlr1n s., 21f.!. baths 1950 PORT WEYBRIDGE OPEN SUN. 1-5 HAVE YOUR CAKE Anti enjoy your st11n1ner in th is desirable Irvine ·rerrace home; 2 tx lrms., 2 baths, con- vert. den; in a park-like setting. Pool, too! 1537 SERENADE OPEN SAT/SUN. l·S General * 675-5930 * 3629 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del M a r .r for you -large 4 bedroom, 2 bath, family room ho1ne with beautiful front kitchen, drive·Lhru garage_, bo?l or camper storage. 1800 sq ft. in excellent condition. Price only $:18,900 . First tirne ad\'ertised -\Von't last -CALL FOR DETAILS S46-5880 NEED A CORNER LOT? THIS IT IT! - 3 Bedroom and oversized family room, well decorated and cared for. Close to schools and shopping. Only $29,500. CALL 540-1151 "A HOME FOR ALL REASONS" Excellent Mesa Verde cul-de-sac with room for boat or trailer. Bright and cheerful with dream kitchen, large family room, 3 bi g bed· rooms, 2 baths and covered patio. Don't \von·y about the gas shortage here -walk to .shopping-, schools, bus,-etc: Ready-for your. inspection. CALL 546-5880 PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN -BY APPOINTMENT LINDA ISLE WATERFRONT Custom 4 bdrn1., 5 bath ho1ne with view of ~ain channel. Soft colors, r ich wood panel- mg & 3 frplcs., give a warm intimate feel- ing. Waterfront n1s tr. suite has dbl. bath, sitting area, view decks ........... $295 ,000 Linda Isle W•terfront Custom 4 bdrm., 41h bath home on 18.goon. Fully equipped island kitchen, waterfront famiJy roon1, billiard roo1n ...... $24~,000 For Complete Information On All Homes & Lots, Ple1se Call: BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR -J.41 S.yside-D•.,.-Suite 1, N.B~ 675-6161 1"General i.==;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;; I ;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I NEW PENINSULA DUPLEX General General • MESA VERDE * NEWS * Newport Heights Area Meep thl1 hot1dy directory with yo• tt.11 weeket1d • you 90 ho11te-h11t1tl1t9 . .t.11 the loccrtlons liftd below ore dftc.rlbed , 111 9reoter cl.tall by ad~I .. efM.. where 111 todo.,'1 Dolly Piiot W.t.NT ADS. Patroin lhowl'") opeft ho111H for sale or to retit ore 11r9ff ta llsr 1uch l11formotlot1 I• this col11m11 eoch Frldoy, Sat- wrdoy & S11t1day. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOMS 1 LOO \\'hitc Sails \Vay, Corona del l\1ar 640-1 165 $75.000 (Sat 9-5; Sun 1-5) 3 BEDROOMS 608 Via Lido Nord (Lido Jslc) NB 644-2430 $275.000 !Sun :61 E1nerald Bay. Laguna Beach .. 644·2430 135.000 (Sun 3 BR & FAMILY ROOM OR DEN 2062 1 Goshawk , 1-luntington Beach 536-8887; 536-8868 (Sal 1-4:30) 19202 !lierra Isabella, Turtle Rock 833-0545 (Sat & Sun 10-5) 1532 Keel Dr .. Corona del Mar 644-2430 $88,800 (Sun 1-5) 181~ Port Taggart (llVuHomes) NB 644-2430 $81,900 (Sun 1-5) 1507 Keel Dr., Corona det Mar 644 -2430 $87,950 (Sun 1-5) 545 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB 644-2430 $129,000 (Sat 1-5) 4 BEDROOMS 15 Point Sur (Spyglass HUI) NB 494-1177 $117.000 (Sat & Suu 1-5) 4'BR & FM * 1724 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 644-2430 $139,500 (Sun 1-5) # 19 Tiburon Bay (Spyglass) NB 644-2430 $124,500 (Sun 1-5) 24912 Cavanaugh (Lake Forest) El Toro 644 -2430 $55,000 (Sun 1-5) *1 7.24 Ga laxy Or. (Dover Shores) NB 644·2430 $139,500 _(Sat 1·5) 5 BR & FAMILY ROOM OR DEN *24451 Corta Cresta (Lake Frst) El Toro 837-9400 $56,900 (Sun 1-5) 2836 Alta Vista (Eo stbluff) NB 644-2430 $67,500 (Sun 5 BEDROOM 17942 Hopkins (Univ !'ark) Irvine 644-4230 $49,900 · (Sun l-5) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2642 VI " 833·8' *'Pool • ~F.f'Pl'll'll\I * 1t Wet9ftro11t *** Woteffr•!9 Ir Peel • • "•Ifs) NB 1t & Sun 1·5) BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED -carefully built 2 & 3 bedroo1n studio type \\'ith balconies and pitChed beam· ceilings. Fully Jandscap- ecl, carpeted & draped. Offered at $96;500. CALL 540-11 SI • MESA VERDE • REPUBLIC HOt.lE _, $59,950. , 5 Bedrooms upstairs \\ith 3 large . baths, and a real choice neighborhood. Call · for further clctails. Newport ot F•irview 646-8811 ,tony.limo).. VERY SHAAP OLDER. HOME $27,500 DO AS THE ROMANS DO Enjoy the seclusion ot this ~1aster Bedroom Suite \\•ith its sunken bath ;uid sliding doors to the garden. A ter- razzo entry leads to this 4 bedroom Dean~ Garden Kitchen home. Play croquet badminton and voUeyba11 i~ your 011"TJ. back yard, plus your OV.'Tl private Swim and Racquet Club. All schools and shoppmg close by. 5'%-0222. s..autitu11y remooe1ed home HIGH ON A HILL has the uJtimate in modern oonwnien""" And the yaro OCEAN VIEW REALTORS is a drean1-come-true: huge lot, luxuriously landscaped with majestic trees and a -big Cov ered -p-al io . DEFINITELY WON 'T LAST, so call right now? 847-0010. 1-_____ ...;.; ____________ J I OPENTIL iJ . (T'S FUN TO BE NICE/ General ~ ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~ THE REAL ESTATERS "* "* SACRIFICE "* "* -P-RO-BLE_M_S_ LA CUESTA VERDE HOMES in Laguna Hills has 2 homes back on the 1narket because of credit rejections. Both have cozy kitchens and family rooms plus 3 BR's. & 2 BA. One has a fireplace. Quick possession. Excellent conventio nal financing available .. $31,000 andl $3'7500 MAKE US AN OFFER!! Call Jerry Hardin or Joe Wilhite 714 : .544-8012 Ge neral SELLING YOUR HOME - TRY "EQUITY PURCHASE PLAN" By \Valker &: Lee Real estate, Inc. 2231 South Bristol A\'enue 546-0022 (72 Hour Evaluation SE'ivices) • Friday~ June 8, llflJ .. -.,.· t.. .1L 'f PILOT 35 I I --· Gen•r•I Coren• d t l Mzr Coron• del Mir HOME AND INCOME ~Moo\eflr~ side Costa ~tt'"A, \\."alk to shoppi~. 11eated and fil - tel~J pool, lol1l of ln.'t$ iuid slu'Ubti. $51a.oo p.._'I' mo. In· 1..'0tnc. $59,500. CnU 646-~. OCEAN • • CATALINA ... & HARBOR VIEWS ••. • 2 BRs, 2 bath, Open Bea Ceilings, Spacious. J>leas ing J>ool \i:ith Natural Stone Wall. Close- In Ori ginal 1-Iarbor View 1-li!J s. Bicycle to BUYING 3 UNITS? Reach. serore you do '""'" n,. .,,. ONE TIME OFFERING THRU OWNER vantagl'!> or this in\'estn1cnt O n House Sit & Sun tn compari~n 10 rt "triplex ~1165 in term~ of rcduc('(I main-1100 Wf\ite S1ils Way tenw1ce and do"·n. \\'e hlt.W' '!!" __ !"" ______ "!!' __ '!" ___ .., __ Z C!llldo:,; in w1 lldult .area, General Gener•I .:aeh priC'ed "·ell llclo\1' y,·hat ---------- lh<.-n10t'l.:Js sell for. Each al\' 2 l~l1<lroon1. 1 1 ~ Balius, /<'If('\ II/I Khrhl'n. Ca rpeted, Private PRl ios. Ov.,nf'r n1ay l"1u·11· :l11d T.D. or to•·;, fl- nancinf! <IVRilahle. Q\\•ncr n1uolt St:!ll. $11!,UOO each. Cull all~ I iJUt', 6·16-()555. ON THE FRIENDLY STREET 543,500 T\\"O-Slory hon1c fl·aturini:: bedroo1ns, fn1nily room '''it h fireplace, forn1a\ dining and 3 Uat:hs. Manicured yards, \'ery shaJ1) 11nd ne11 1 through- out. Situated on quiet street Mini Canyon Estate Fixer. View. $25,950 SPECl,\L 1\TTE:'lTION <.·ould inak" a drea1n f'OtllC ti·uE". N1·~tlr1I AT{) I' T H F: B 1. U f-' F S. l':\NORA MIC ~'I E\V :FOHEVER, 1\\•t•rlnok· 111.r:: l"ilnyon & l?flOPOSED ~!,\HIN.\ ,!(, GOLF C.'OUHSE. Thf' SE1\ is at ynur rini:,:l'I" lips. Features 3 bt-.:h~l01u~. dinin~ n"!Om, hu~i· i;1uunds, 111•1\' ,financini;: 01· 11.ssun1l' SI l'i' pt•r n1ontl1 tolal pay- llll'lllS. \Von"l li1$\ -("!Ill. !Kt\\'! 962·5585. HlRl\T E 01.SO\ N £A L.'"'ro/ilS A RARE FIND "" i th friendly ncighlx>rs. Bui 11·e itid it. TI1 ls 11·oiulerfitl 1 Ideal for fa milies and child-4 bedroon1 hon1e. in Corona ren, V!'ry close to schools, dPI i 1ar hill) great view of park and tennis courts. Catalina an'd !he blue beach, paved bike trail and Pacific. Heavy shakr roof. shoppin.,i;:. Existent 6'f.. VA lots of 1vood and glass to loan n1ay be assumed. enjoy the view . fl-om deck, Please phone 546-ZJl3 fClr ad-living room, dining tll"ell and ditional in(o. kitchen. Room for pool table OPENTILO , rr.s -FUN TOE£ NICEI and storngc for boat or trail· ~ ~ er. Unbcl.iet.able al $107,500. C1tll .·right now to see. ~ 673-Sa50. - ,1, .:..:c:.W_H_Y_S_IT_&_ ~. ' WATCH ~ prices, interest increase. Get off that couch and come see this beautiful model home. That's right, with all the ex· tras Included. Converted garage, air-conditioned. 3 patios, professiona ll y decorated in/out, \\.'et-liar. ,1 huge bedrooms and just Z years old. Priced to sell at $38,IXXl. Let's go! C:: WALKER & LEE HOME & BUSINESS 4 Bcrlroom. 2 baU1!!. double garage. $30,000. . Best of tCl'nUL LARGE FAMILY? 5 Bcdroon1, 2 baths. Close to shopping. S31.500. NEED SECURITY?. TREE SHADED ROOM TO ROAM CQzy, ideal, J bedroonl hon1e on quiet, S<.>c\udcd lree-lincd cul-de-snc st1·~et for boaLS or camJ)E"l'S. Quality copper plun1bini;. stainless steel di\•ided sink v.•ith nc1\' disp1lS11.l. Neat clean, rnove in ready. $26.950. Call today, 1lon't delay. 5'16-2313. oPf.N nL II • rrs FUN ro EE NfCEI l ' THE REAL Balboa Jsl1na *BRAND NEW* Drive ·by this beautiful, n~· dupll'x : 3 bdr1ns., 2 ba. up & l -bdn11 ., 1 hath down plus 2 lxlrm.. l h.:1th rear unit . Patio, sundeck, f'.A. beat. trplc., ~arp. & drapes. A pt.'ach of a duplex & ready for your pos.-.ession! ' MORGAN REAL TY 673-6642 675-4495 81lbo1 Penlnsut1 BY Ov.•ner, Pen in Point beauty, 2 BR, 2 BA, imma<;. Must see to appreciate. aft ~ pm, 673-45'i5. Corona del Mar 18 Bedrooms Plus Ocean View Actually it's 3 bedrooms 3 baths, 'family room and a 2W) sq. ft. finished r ccrc- alion room rhat 1\1ould di- vide easily into fi n10re 10 x 13 bedrooms or -any- thing else your heart de- sires that taJces up 2000 sq. ft. . S20.000 bclo\v repla~n1ent cost at only $99,500. C a 11 675-fJ679. Realtors 545-9-191 3 Bedroom hon1e full y crtr- peted, recently pRln1ecl. l .• ar~c enrlos!'CI sunporch, fent:L'CI front & hack yrt rd. roon1 (01:..Uoat._ Quic.t street.. ~NIGEL EIAILEY & ASSOCIATES s"·""°· r Roy Mccardle R••ltor --------- -FANTASTIC-1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548-mt OCEAN VIEW """'""""""""""""""'"""""" Magnificent custom built GOV'T REPO • home located in the upoer $30,250 level or Corona del Mar. OCEAN VIEW Top Quality Construction by 1vell k no\~·n bujJder Sweeping ocean view from For this 11.ln1os! nf'\Y 3 Palofi Vcl'dC.!!I to Laguna bcdrooni, 2 batl1 bcouly in Beach. This tv.·o . lcvt!I the beautiful ne\v city of , establ ished hon1e has 2300 Irvine. Only $1,2aQ do\\11 - -sq ft on the ·upper leve l and should-sell in1n1eclialely.- 700 sq ft on the lo\\·er,level. 0\\'11er will ClllTy financing. can for details. chrumtng, Conlna del Mar 3 HR Y.'i!h forn1al dining, n111ny unique features - \'!'ry fUlll'lional lloor plan - llumcdialt?. <x."CUP@J.-'Y.-418 Hozol Dr., C.d.M. OPEN FRIDAY J.6 • co:Ts WALLACE REALTORS 962-4454 Realtors 646-7711 200 \Vestcliff Drive Open til 9 pJ\.1 "PARK LIKE ESTATE" Home done in auth('ntic Early American. Beautiful pool s6l.ting \vilh the l'enta ls well placed for privacy. Area in rear for additional w1its. East:side Costa !lesa. One ol a kind! Seeing is believ- ing! Reduced to $129,950. Call 646-nn. • NEWPORT HTS • 3BR 2BA, J1igh 'beam ceilings in huge living room with firepl. Large kitchen , oversized dbl garage, rooni tn baek yard for boat & camper. \Valk to a 11 Newport schools. $44,500. ~21 c ··~-··-. lm \Vestcliff Dr., N.B. '~HERLDCK HOLMES" DOG KENNEL 28 nins + cat boxes . largl' lot. Good buildings. Bal'k Bay. 0 w n e r niotivated. Good financing. e CALL ANYTIME e 646-3928 or Eve. 646-4543 Lachenmyer Realtor Salisbury Really EXCLUSIVE CARNATION COVE duplex; lot over 250 ft. deep, 3rd interest in pier. Extra parl(ing. Fee land tyou_ own ill. The very best quiet & private bcn1.:h lot•. $210,000. OPEN SAT/SUN. 1-5 111 Bayside Place SALISBURY REAL TY 315 Marine, Balboa Island 673-6900. 675-4437 E VO. OPENSAT/SUN. 1-5 606 MARIGOLD D.lfe 2 BH. house Yl'ith 3 BR. 2 Oa .. a1>L Close to stortt I.: beach. $84,500. ~ 4-, I *SO. OF HWY.* Jn11J!ed. Possess. on this shafll duplex: corner lot for privacy. 2 Bdrms. each; frplcs., c1-p. & drapes in one. Nc-1\·ly painted. Olfe~ tot: $7-1 .500. MORGAN REAL TV 673-6642 675-6459 SUMMER IN OL' CORONA Collect N'nt for the v.·lnter. low prlt<C, $<14,500. CaJI IX>nison Asl40C. 673-T.lll, VACATION AT HOME €xeiUng 3 Bil, 2 Bt\ hon1<.>, full 0t-cnn vle\v, 3 pVt. bc?ac;hes,. by· O'A.'lll'I:', fmt.500. Prine. only. 673-3177'for aPP(. Cost• Mesa ASSUME 7'h% LOAN llnn1edintc pil!ISC!t!k.n on thl1 l1C\I" ll~-. lllOlllhs )'oi.lllg) Gt't.'Cnbruok -4 Bedroom, 2 halh. lal"ll fumlly room, flrepla...'\"', oe.~· tront yarJ. Ov.11er now In Rentll('lcy due to 1run~fer. Owner's ram • PlUl.)' amdous • don',t~d~cl~•~i---"1 ~illl }!:l M\\'. larwin realty inc. 968-oj405 (24 hrs) ~'OR sale by ownerri, Gl loan at S~t . v.·lll lake 2nd. ~IH.a del l\tnr corn<'r lot. 3 RR & 2 BA. beautifully lDdlcp'd at m.~~ Aftrr 6 Pl\t, 557"'4071 , • • DAILY J'lLOT f r!dl Y, Junt 8, 1973 ._.__ I~! Howt;1fotSalt El Toro El Toro Elegant 2 story . home with gorg.Ou1 deep sh19 carpeting, custom draperits, 1unny kitchen and pool table 1l1e family room overlook sparkling heated and filtered pool. This is a stunning decorator home. S.e to appreciate. $56,900. -&l<r •• -~~~~~~- SWIM NOW 0 v£'rsized pool, lg playroorn, 3 Br, :l Ba, qulf•t cul·dc-sac, I.Irick bbq. $:1500. dn. S3S.500. NEWELL ASSOC BKRS 481 North Coast Highv,ray LagunarBeach (TI41 4!).i-6594 * JUST LISTED-* WORK ANYWHERE but liYe in Greenbrook /f; II GOODWIN '7 LLlMPt>."'V ~hunt St. Fountoin Valley Ca. 92708 n4 963·56tl REPO 5750 DOWN 2 or :: BR Tov.·nJ1ouse, hge run·1pus room 'Hile l{<ir, S\\'lm pool, ft'\\·.lcft. !-furry~ 557-914-l or ~42-4421 First Pionffr Realty 5 BR. 2400 sq. f.L. 2l) ha, bllns, 0\\1, crpts, drps, fplc, 2 .story, $i2.!MJO. 9138-6216 SAVE-by 0\\'0('1', sh1u·p 4 hr, 2 ba, 1 story Slratford home. $37,500. ~ Huntington Be1ch . . 831-9400 . . " • • _._Sole _ .... l~ I (7MI fi73·9'210 TIL 9 ., ' ' , 151 ' \\'ANT 3 or 4 bdrm home Ne\\'PQrt ilgts Area. Prln. only. Write Classified Ad No. GS6, Daily Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, C.Osta Mesa, 926:J&. -]~ Busi nest Opportunity 200 1st TD Loans UP TO 95% 2nd TD Loans lowest rates Or1nge Co .. Sottltr Mt9. Co. 642-2171 545-0611 Serving Harbor area 21. ·)'I'S. , CA$1'l lN A HURRY! Borrow ()n your home, paid for or not. Use funds to coK-- !IOlidate bills, improve Yo\U'o home. buy ntw property, or lnr any good purpo11e. Con· ticlential, tnst service in ric~A'L"Moc;[td!t'a~m~: (714) 556-0100 . ' -· ------. .... ... - I('---"""'-"' __,![i]f~[ ~-~ .. -~~~'-;;--;;-'"-~;:;1~;;1 ~[ -~ .. -;;I;;~ I~-.. -ll!J [ A>N~·"'"'-" ]ft] [ " frlday, June a. 19ZJ Ul\IVI PILOT 37 · a z 400 ~•lg•ges, Houh• Unfu<•· 305 Houte1 Unfvrn. 305 Townhoul• IJftfurn. W Apts. Furn. 3'0 Apt. Uiilurn. l65 Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unlurn.' l· Trust o..ds 260 Corona det M.r Irvine SPACIOUS 2 Br, rehig & CCKt• Melli Cotta Me.. Huntington a..ch San Juan C•pistrano ROOJ\IS 118 'II.Ii: up w/ktt Pl PUT YOUR MONEY clean It neat. Ktu'. 4 RR, 2 BA, nr. Culver & patio. $190. 962--8781. LOW WEE Kl Y RATES WAITING ARAND Ile"-' 2 BR 11pt, pool, ~1·1 ivn. 2376 N~ Blvd., to WORK FOR YOU! $.1011. Nice 2 BR, bltn•, frJ>.lc Wu.lnut, f.rplc, 6ltn11, cpl# & NewP-,!rt Beach Executive Suites LJST j'l\'nty parokii~. !tent $210 .. l ,Cc'l-'=-l.=:;.18-"' 79755~'7'o' ~-7-='~·.....,,.. -. l $200. Smell 2 BR rri:>nt how;c, aw, crpt/dl'pd, (rplc, 1ncd1 \\k up avis. ChHdren A pet -i'lmrln,..-,-1n1crrkr t..n "'C 1'11-gM"., d~t , cbttct/-4!'P~·-:;:~on-4-i>e-l& ok.. -· · . --2DIO""NiWipo·rt~etwt;-OPEN----Mruit• SZ!·t Crill f' a 1 l.ARG\~_,Curnl"herf room,_ den !1;t'<!u1·e<1 2n11 TMt D<!<>da o~ pet. J.. $300. ,_,...wi.1-.-AOUL TS-LEASE . Costa Mesa for "'· privl, neur lranf!p;, 3hop'g,•~----< 10n1 ~~ f'oun!y re-11 c~ntc. $400 -Lrg. 3 BR ocea11f1'0nt 'J'\VO BR, Neru· SD & SA 2 Br. 2 ha., carport .• $2"'.iO 642 2611 1, 2 or 3 BR Apt South Laguna OCC. Exira~! 549-IOOJ. ' •SIGNAi. i\IORTGACE CO. l.'01100. Balboa, yriy. frwys, frplc. dls hwlU!her, 3 Br 2 bl gar pool $300 • at the 2 ROO~IS w/bath, furnished, ' • _ t714t '556-0106 NU·VIEW RENTALS •wvo. "51-~ alt. s 'nEAL, ~n· ..... ;;· STUDIOS & I BR'S VILLA YORBA OCEAN vie ... Wolk to och. t .. ·i· Older •v -BR IS' II und --~· C.l\1. $100 111C ut1 s. t 4500 Campus Dr., N.B. -6n-40:W ru· <IM-32-18 Lagu!'a a.11ch D 1 F ..... • FREE Unena • "· rm .. s '-""'· 1ti11n111. 645-2020~ -:7'c-""'--~'-"-~~===1 -~~'-"-;--;:-;;-:;;:::::;:--;;::l::."::!P!::;:•:;:•:::•:.•~u::r:.:n:;· __ .:-::: e FREE Utilities PINECREEK Huntington Beach ut ils .. a:1v .. r~lria .• S:-'Z lse. -NR. <kcan 3 BR, 3 Ba, den, $l90 • l BR Victoria Bch C' e Full Kitchen (714 ) &42·9622 499--1170, Q\1.'!lf'r 7-IOPf\1 NICr:LY tun1. rooni. Prt, I l~ ~i~~$.i.J'1JU.:J.1!h"m cell., house, zoned business. yrly. ostll Mesa • Heated Pool LIVES UP # Furn. or Unfurn. 370 ~~~;1_&0~~~:c~7t1$~1oyed t -r-11-· -'""-•••·*a.&--6 t-BR;--J-Bl\;--frpl, pvt tl'lrden, $250 • ~tf!~ y 1 ~ BA nr. hl dhc. =--~~[~~\."l.i J'~ :.~ • ' · Metll Verde Apts., Gu•st. H._om• 415 IJmmmmmmm~;;~ p11tlo. dbl gar, 4 blks bench. $350 ·_. 1 -.' 4 ·BR, 21,. BA. enc · gnr., nr. e Phone SeMce and 10 streams with Dtx---2-&-S-Br;;-a-Hfl. Ehcl=·~-i:c-il·<;1;:· :-;.,;::=-:;::~=:""t:=:::i:.j~~~:!!!~:....--...::!!I I! $300 lse. 494-5689 trplc h;;'~e. l..aRUna Niguel $210. £7f>-UH9. waterfalls create a gur. $16.5 up. RcntRI Of(_',, os 1 men CO~lto,OHGABLl: rest homr f.touse s Furnished 300 -'osta Mew NU.VIEW RENTALS N•wport Beech -~-Huntington Bellch relaxing setting for 30!)5r.l~\~.5-16-103-1. ijjjiiiijiiijjjjiii;jiiiij;jjiiij .. lj tn Fullerton for elderly tie • L-S £73·4030 or 494-3248 BAY VIEW $145-$165 ~~~ .. ~_:lous new 1-or8 an' Newport Be11ch ~;\~l .b ~1~~ ~int"",:":~~: -I BH cottage, \\'lilk to EA E OR LEASE op.. OCEANFRONT BACHEWR & 1 BR., llCW'IAHll apartment. m New lll'nlion. Plea!lt' call 52S-5816 1 1vu11•r, gar. $12;1, t1ISt1 (.'QI-TION. $450, per me. in--4 br, 2 ha, upper-; Compl. ~-patios, trplc's prlv. prages petJok •• From $170.Furnihire ''Rent A Plecti fl• fll.gt's S35 mo, S75 n10. & $110 lud' I luge, IWilury, frplc, su~tcr. furn, Re-dee, 2 blk11 to ocean. ·-Divided balh &. k>ta of aYailable, ~iodels open 9:00 of 11 P11l11c•'' l.o :'=:=::::-n:::::oc:o::---:iOftl n10. U1H pd, on all. Agt. fee cB d tng poo2 bl ••hrvlMce. 3 rru1ean prkg ,elevator. 3 · • 4-lth St. Yrs lse. AYail. closets. Rec. hall, pool i: to 6:00. 2300 Fairview Rd., Newport Vi'llage i:.":.mc.c.mc.•:c•.....:R.c•:.• ... •_•_l•;..._4_20..; 97'.l-8430. • • rm., et , •s11 AYallable, $300 <to $450 f\10. 6-25. days 54J.58'l(), eveit. ·Pool tables, sauna baths. Costa J\tesa. Phone: 5-15-2300. CEAN d r..1 ~1ATC.: \\'anh•CI 2 Br. 2 del Mar. Poof & rum-Yrl,y. 832-9478. See for }'Ourself. 17301 DELUXE 0 an LAGUNA Beach. Unique, y 1 1 1 s17-pus rm Call 546-4141 Open house 496 Cliff Dr. Sat D I U f · 350 Keelson Ln (l blk w ol HARBOR VIEW • Choiee of IO<'ntion fully furnished 2 BR house cui3y rcn u => ca. • • & Sun 12-4 PM 49·1-06lf> & up exes n urn. Beach, t blk N. of Slate~). APARTMENTS a Tennis, \'oll£'yball, Pool 'v/ht:e patio & play area, • AJ'\t. li+l-:~. tiil-8666 J>J\t ! 2 BEDROOM & den or 3 49'1·212-1. Balboo lslond 842-7848 Air Cond _ Frplc's • 3 Swim· Elegant apaitmenls designed e Aris & Crafts f•!oJ=;e to beach. June 21 -·~ i•;krnl. bedroon1 home with fenced ming: Pools • Health Spa "'Ith a ~laster's louch, su· a BiJJiard:i. Aug. 2.1, SlOOO. 4!H--6449. alboa Island ynrd. Enstside Costa J\1esa L11guna Niguel $140 -ULTRA NICE Apt. 6 Tennis Courts • Game and perb house security, exclu- t locat1011. 1-lai. dishwasher, NE\V Sea Terrnce Twnhse • .:;:~:-fro!t. b$42a~ 21~· G~~~d ~~~~-4 ~~~:ns.p :::~':: Billiard Room. siVe V~rsaJtles Club and • ~~!f'p1::r ~ii:,: \i•hh a BEDROOM _. CJJts, drapes, $265 pr rnonlh. Ocean viC!w, 2 br, 1~'2 ba, Canel Bl. 673-3838. Ad I Ph 846-0259 l Bednn. Froni $165 pool w!Ui unique Aquabnr, • Athle tic p1'0~1·nu1 ' nex fogoor ' Phonl' IMG-'il'il dra, crpls, 2 car attch. C ' · u ts. : ' 2 Bedrm. From $205 fountains and .formal gar-e Bachelor & I .~ 2 Bcdroon1 ,D bayfront. $400. yearly ~ 3.2 BR honies avail., $140, garage, patio, Prl. Beach. Orona del Mair MEDITERRANEAN dens. All part of the South lease. BA R R E T T J $145, $150 Also, 1 BR house, pool, tennis ~urt, privacy, LARGE 3 Br. near ~ing L119un11. Beech Coast's finest · apart.men! 'f'EAL TY. 642·52b0 ·1 HB $125, w-dlk to water. ~rlty. $335. L e a ,s e. Adutts onJy. $ 3 2 ~-. / mo LAGUNA ESTATE UVING VILLAGE ic:d=~~t\.ldlo~ from·$19S " 9l<f9d~:13""0 ts on a:LJ. Agt. lee. 644 1757 640-0020/644,-4817 eye's. On acres of gardens, wide 2400 Harbor Blvd., C.l\f. 2 Bedroont it'Om $280 Jo,ui:n or Unf11t.,'l1 avftll A(iults, no pets Ne-.vpo11 ~ at 8 11ker St. aalb::>a Peninsula · ·i,' • BEAUTIFULLY decoraled ocean vie\vs. Close to beach · (nt) 557..-, 3 __lJR, .. 2 BA._dl~. r and landsca~, 4 Br, fa1ni· Costa MeSll & shopping. Heated pool RENTAL OFFICE !\-fodels open 9 A.f\f. til dusk 714-SS7·007S ..BAl~BOA-Pl!:NIN Hayh"Ont...-\Vestcllff1-frplc .. 2 encl. -=iyrm, 3 car_gw:aa;e..Jer.u~2BR-1~-B --~ ~·-Cu'!.,t_o n;a: -QJ>EN'"l0_tp6_J)AIL _ ~-, -~~~111!!~~111!!~ • 5 Bl~. ·t HA. Pier, floar. gar ., .1tardener, I m 111 n c , courts, pool, beach, assoc. ' A~s. drps, <lecorator apt. 2 BR, 2 &i. r::-.,;;=·:;.:=.::..:====1 • Avail :\ltd Junc·July 28. ;:no. 675-18-19. dues paid. Lense $650. per bltlna'. gar,~patio. $l70l?ilo. Dishwasher sell. cleaning 3 BR. 2 ?a\· carp I drps, TI IE -EXGITlNG AJso &:1J!. \Vkly. 673-2009. * Sl-IARP 2 BR, 1 BA month. 493-6G55 CALL. 546-5580 OYen, ref. '&-freezer. $450 bit-in~. Like nev.•, sharp ·& PALM MESA APTS. L• D1n1 Po;nt Mo ~·-1 or un•·-Jn•! clean. Adults •'Kl dogs. $200. ON THE BLUFFS "llNUTES o NPT '' Bi t n1•11ly furn house on Townhouse. Pool • Garage . 1do Isle . · r w• · ~~"" .. · 2T1 _Apt 7, 16th p). Agt " T 1 • BCH. Bull>0<1 PC'nin. Pt. Se<! u t, Dish\\•nsher. $225 MO util. & --garage. -Mature 646-2414 AT NEWPORT F'UP..N. OR UN'FURN. 20'25 Miran1;1r Dr or call 833 8974 CHARl'\11NG, lge. 1-bdrm.; LRG 3 B_r. bltn kit, 2 bn. adults. · Unbelievably lari::e apts , 552-lli!:I~. -· lrplc., dbl. garage, pntio. Panor amic ocean v I e w · <IM-4653 Or your broker Prime location, 4 BR, 2 BA, From Ne\\-'JlOrt Blvd., tur(l at huge pool, Jacuz-i elf'Ct bH- f"'-c-cc:-------14 br, 2 ba, Lux. shag crpt, Steps to pri\•ate beach. Close to bch & harbor. Bldg NICE Studio, ne~ town, bltns, walk to schools & Hospital Road (1 block ins, shag l'rpts, tlrps, sauna osta Mesa Nr. School, !irplc. closed yd. l~Yearly: .,2 """'" ~~2895than, 1 yr old. S300 mo. 1 kl al shopping S290 mo can '--p I" ~-st H ) t etc. Adults, no """· $250. 6"6-4871 246 E. \Vilson. .,.. -vJUU -.;:o:r-ma ure wor ng m e, no S5l-JUB 'att 5_30 An·,.;--auuYe acuc...ua wy o :i;'JCC !BR, clo!;C' to stoi·es & CC''-"'=~~~----I cooking. Includes utll. $140 · · ,,.....,.,.., entrance, ~1 Cagney Lane, SINGLES From $1:icl ,lJu~. SJ:Ki. li-IG-:-i:i:i7 0 I' LRG 2 Br hon-ie, cpl, stove, Newport Baach Newport Be11ch 494-2921 weekends. Newport Beach, Ca. 92660. 1 BEDRi\1. From $16.'l '96~-ti·l:r,. l!.16.1 Hal·hor. h·ig, yrd, gar. Adults. $175. NR •·h y · Red I BR OCEAN Breeze Apls -Telephone: -(Tiol) 645-6242 2 BEDRl\I. F'ron1 SIB'S c'-~~7-c------1 675-1827, 548-1288 cusr built hon1e, overlook~ Open House "" . Jew, ec. • Spacious 3 Br, sep lndry PARK NEWPORT Unfu111 Apts .1\·~ail l-l'OJU SIO Laguna Beach 2 BR, 1989 "A" Charle ing Baek Bay In older sec-Sal-Sun, 1-4 fi"~· 1S:,til~~~~. =:: rm, $180. No pets. '.f\1ax. 2 to $15 LESS. $155fmo. No dogs. lion or Bluffs. Beaut dee -'1<11 Colton, 4 Bdryns. 7_10 ·Pit children to 6 yrs. 2286 Can-APARTMENTS You're right, they're under-18.':i -Ulil~ pd., 1 BR a1it. iv/ 642-2259 or 64&-7017. miM"Orcd "·alls -Cl)'Stal $375 ~10. Lois Vogel ym Dr, 642·2222. priced! 1561 f\1esa Dr. ·gar. 1i·;i!k lo h<'Rch. -chande liars -lge terr Reallor 548-9.146 OCEANl""RONT apt, avail .L. ba (5 blks from Newport Blvd.) 25:1 -2 HH, nr, IJcai.:h, ocean M_ESA V£'rdt! Vllla-2 br, 1 wtgas lites, canncl & Q-iaf-immed. Winter rates until 2 BR, quiet, landscpd, nr Oft -..ne J 546-9S60 f\<ie1v 1·rlv. bn, yd, 11\r cond, $225. n10. fin draperies. etc., etc., SGOO July. 494-7302 park&: shopping, crpts, dra, l.uxury apartment Living $l lS & UP IOU ~ ·2 °l:iR. 2 BA house, 557-3841 nio..'.. Yee,r_ lease. 642-4096, 1 -".cgl New-rt •-·ch stove, $140. No Pet s·· overlooking the waler. En- ON'an \·i~w. su rt1nwr only. Da na Point &14-4652 ---~-ApartrntntsfOl"Rent 1-ti '( --~ D-. ~1573 bkr. joy $7i'l0,000 health spa, 7 GIGANTIC 1 & 2 BR. NU-VIEW RENTALS *THE BLUFiJ.f.S * $35 &: up. "t BR, 2 BR di: 3 BR. 2 BA,-)jg., cptS& swimming -pools, 7 lighted '\~u lkt it's underprice.-I! 73-•IOJO or .J:H.J24SI F"ABULOUSocean ha rb vu.4 ;\\'Al l.A.BL Bachelors. Color TV, maid drps, adults, no pets. Quiet tennis courts, plus miles of 'niat'swhy.theseapts ..... ·on't . 1 Br.; :t ha , ran1 rn1, frp lc, 3 Bil 2 b 1 385 A F 3,0 •erv pool 'nie r.iesa ,,. N area. $200 mo., &16-4939 & bicycle trails, putting, sbur-last long. ~Pl•, d-· .• 10·;. ... · · /d $41" 67' 7411 · a. -sty • · · .. · S pts. urn. vu ' · • 'UJ •· """' lL-on, "eboard, ·-uet. 'Juru'or l's .__,. ·· '"" " .. H_~.u.s .• e._s __ Unfurn •••••• 30 __ 5_ crpl rps. '=> ino. a-' 3 BR 2" b 2 $385 Nev•port Bl NB 646-9681 voo-"°" ._. ~..... & refrig. 'Lots of gn,cn •. -----··-·-··-··--· _ • ill a. ·sty · • • · ' " · · fl'om $189.50 monlhly: also 1 General East Bluft "5 BR 3 ba :nocr ...••. $575 General BEACON Bay 2 Bdrm, 2 BA, sr.tAU. 1 BR, Ea!ltside, .i and Z.bedroom plans and 1a .... •n. Covered ga rages . 3 BR. 2"' ba dlx, \"U •• , $575 pvt beach, tennis, yrly $395. pd. 1 adult, no pet, Yrly 2 story town house El Adults. no pets. 2020 F"uller- RENTALS Apartments Duplexes 1i-~~-;;:;;;:;;;.........,.., 1 -r.,.~ \\'. 19th SL. Cost a i\1esa i851 :-i, Cc..11ll"J lh1·y .• Lusuna Th fil1L-st Bluffs location: 3 BLUFFS REALTY BEAUT DECORATED Summer S250. "-k-Adults. ::t~4.5~ ~al, 3.36 E . tz1c kitchens, prlva~ pa~ ton Av('. (1 blk E. of Ne"'· ~R. 2 IJ,\. den,2 formal! din· HAR BOR• &H-V 111133 • ALL NE. W THRUOUT STE6T>-P1S748 or 642-1329. <mo u'nrurnn :::,, •-s o':" ~eoniSuebs, carpeting, darkra-:~. ~l_v;i:-i :i2~~~· So. of HI~ 1w111, fircp aces. u on1es, 3 br, . , to beach, Jrg 2BR, "D-1... • -·.-• ..... l' • penes. _. terranean p -rlcluXL", thruout. \\1ill be ran1, 2 ba. Xln't hon1e, loc ::I BR, 2 BA, 2 closed gars. beam ceilings, frplc, vac ~· oven, retrig, no pets, Ing witl'I eleYators. Optional * CASA VICTORIA * t'f"ln1 pll·ted about n1id-July. & y:u·d ""-"'alcr pd. No Adulls. $425/mo. RLTR. system, gar door opener, S 96S-1455 maid service. Just :i.orlh of 1 & 2 BR. Fun1 & Un!un1, Eicter\01 g r o u n d main-pets. $460;-mo. w-depos. 642-053. Yrly, $300. Mils, 642..3490. $140 up. 2 Br., 3 Br., 2 Ba. Fashion lsland at Jamboree Carpets, drapes, D!Vi', TV l(•nan<->e included. Will lea.~ 2 l 3 -8 6 7 -3 5 O 5 \\'kdays. OCEANFRONT _ Open June Pool, blt-ins, play yard. and San Joaquin Hills Road. ant. Pool, etc. Come by in- to responsible executi\:'e 64~188 v.·knd. B1lboll lsll~ & July. Fonner owners 1996 f\!lple. 6fl..3Sl3 Telephone (TI4) 644-1900 'quire about our l\1oYe-in ' 'th 0 1· t P"-1'""" f al ,_, tio Allo1vance, 525 Victoria St. \\' P ion ° _" "''" ... ""'' AVAIL J une 15U1. Custom , Unit. $200 &/$225 "idy. * 2BR, IBA, r.tesa Verde or rent uuOnna n at Harbor, C.M. 64i-8-970· $~50 ~10 .. s.TI--O;i.ID days: 4BR & fain_ r1n, o11 lrg \'"EARLY 2 Br .. rum. or un-675-8531. upstairs, lrg closets, $150, THE NEW SAVE in June. $175/week, .'\ug. $300, sip 8, 3 BR., 2 ba, pool prlY. 2 blks to heh. Pv1 pkg., J\'ls. F e n t o n , 6·12-~1933 I 673-21.10. BA YF"RONT Balboa Penin. 5 Br. pier & slip Kleep 14. \\'1-ekly Junt: $3)), July S·IOO. Aug: $.'iOO. 673-6055 or (Jl ~a--0~ LOV£LY -3,:-15r, -i3ay Shof'ff ho1nc, walk 10 priv. beach, 2515 Crestview. July -sm. wk; A!l&. $275. \l'k; Sep1. $275 1\-'k. 552--9635 * SUMMER RENTALS * In cool clear San Clemente Alff\fA Re ntal Bureau 492-8600 131-i N. EI Cami110 Real 2BR, 2 BA. _furn.-Ni:~~& ocean, across (ro1n prk. Ne"'PI Bch $200 'Vt'kly. 673--0473 LIDO Isle, comp!. fu rn, 2 BR; 2_BA, frplc,·patlo, all elect kitch, dsh/wah. Avail Jwie, July, Aug. 675-1365. BAI.BOA Penin. 2 BR hse, ~2 blk bay&: ocean. Prime wks avail. ,July & Aug. 646-ti140 nfl 6 LIDO Isle \\'alerlront 3 BR/2 BA. June/July $1250 mo. Aug. $1500. 673-8886. LIDO Isle, 4 BR, 3BA, home July $1200, Aug, $1,l(XJ, days 962--1356, eves 61>87fi6 CORONA de! ~lar, 2 br, fant rn1, 1 blk Jron\ ocean, $300. \\'eek. 67>3308. J UNE, July, Aug, f u rn bachelor quarters, u t i I s incld . $150 mo, 675-0182. 8-12-C~1 e\·~-ll o \Var d_ ·cul-tl~sac lo!, rm for boat furn. ~teps _to bay. Fen1. on-00 pet.s _833::8974 __ BAYWOO APARTMENTS * ? Jlr, cpts, drps, stv, d/1v, Cur.•1tz l 1 Gard d ly. $250/mo. 675-0066 Newport -Heights • · D · --utds pd;-sep;-gar. $250 nio. C'OST.\ :-11-:S,\ orr·1cf: . or_ r r. __ ncr P · • Ibo p -• $165 -3 BR, 2 ba, clean. in Newport Beach are No children. 642--6453 afl 6 Vacatio'n Rentals 425 ~·I'\ 1111.;-Cvo;!;\ '.\IL·~ll. J'l:Cl\IJ)Orl I Fountain Valley ~~~ lsc. 556-8868 01' .>ii I en1nsur11 -CLEAN 1 or~ BR. rAdults, !'° 811\ns, crpts, dras, no pets, ready, The sales office is •~--------- Bt>tteh. llun11nKlou ll(>at h. 4 BR 2 Bi\ finL<:hefl bonus • .. .. $lS WE-EK & Op--ts. l.ge kit. $_135 -$1.j(l. 962-3894. open dally from 10 AM to Huntington Beaq:. 51:~·1 . 1 BR, gar. :1pc. 11·atL·r l'Ol'111; blt-tns rncd yard. I BLK from beach. ,\ . 2421E.16th St NB 646-1801 LRG 3 br, 2 ba, crpl/drps, 6:30 PM. MacArthur Blvd. LA QUINTA HERMOSA & P!c1· pd. ehild & snq:ls ok. N , ' d, & · t frame 3 br, 2 ha, tn..sd yd, • Sleeping ~ms Apt. Unfurn. 365 bltns, encl pat, nr OCX:. $185 &: San Joaquin llill.1 Road. REST ·&: Recreation. Wknd.'1 or wkly rentals, Big Bear Lake -Baldw l nLodge. Reserv. n~: 585o-4709 . •• ·2 Bl 1 • I t 11 crpts, rps pain · pcol prlY Yrly lease $375 • llousekeep1ng Rooms s · h ~ I E lat Ll Sl ·lll-$1.>.i -:C. 1011);1'~ 11• 1 .. ·u l{e riunily iv e I co nl e. l 1. 200 • . • Oc v · '""A ts mo. 557--0350. ~ pan1s .__._.un ry s e v· ~&,~·· ~ rd·rifiwi:;1~P~~.r;j:~: $~1fmo. 213: S!J'l-5743. . ~n~~ silz_~\l . sec. After B;LB~A fNN Gener11I UNF. 2 BR. 1~ BA. Adults YEARLY, ~ 2BR apt, 7/1. ~~ 8~j'.0~u!C!~· ~~ ~~!:S'8.i$il~~ !!:ku: house. ttll util pd., c<1 rpo11, FOR LE1\SE, f .V., 2 & 3 HARBOR Vu hnts. 4BR, 105 ~!a.in Streel ALL NEW only, $150/mo, 610-C Joann Spac. balc;:oay, bUc from BBQ. Unbelievable Living. 962-8680 t•n1,:I. yd. Bf R, encl 2P".,c,:"pagtario' C20x22om 2BA, fam rm, din rm. nr 6T:J-8740 Crui>ets, drapes &: paint. St, 548-951'3. mi009A: bay, only $2'15 -11BBRR. UNFURNFURN $1$85~65 co=,~IP=LE:J'=~E~L~Y-!um~-.~4~B~R~2. [120 -!~ch, furn, all util pd. ani . im. • . • -pool & brardener pd, $485. PEll.'"'N Point_ 1 br partially Lovely large 2 BR 2 BA, $150 2 BR, crpt/drps, bltns · · · ' ·i:>sid" nlunJty pool, tennis, sauna, (i.1;1-5-177. ful'n. Sl90. utll pd, yearly bltin kitchl 2 closed gar's. w/reflig. Adult cpl. Nr DUPLEX brand new deluxe 2 BR FURN $215 TA, ~zammo~ 1fke:n.~OO· a CALL 64:.-0111 child play area, South Bay LIDO ISLE NEAR BAY 673-7219 aft. 6pm Adults p ease. $25Cl/mo. Orange & 1'.fth, CM. ~988 3Br, 2% Ba, $395. per mo ALL trfrLTTIES PA TD -uly' Aug. e's. 1 · • Realty, 962-3001, Owner yrly 822 W Balboa Open Adults, No Pets R•nt11l1 to Share 430 t A"ent $60'.l/mo. yearly, 3 or 4 B Coron11 d•I M11r RLTR. 642-435.1. * 2 BR Townhouse, 1% BA. , . . (4 blk S f Sano· F :LAG U;..'A HE,\Cll OFFICE "' 3 BA. kar gar. Carpets util rm., encl. gar., patio, Sun. (213) 476-€183. !I • o tego 'rwy $L'i0 -<:.>~~· 1 llll Cotlag£' In Huntinnton Buch 1hruout. 646-2634 t BR. Furn. Qw'et . •-tud-LONNG ae,ach -1 Br;_ dupl_ex. adults only, $175. 54$-6342. 1700 WESTCLIFF DR. on Beach, 1 blk w_ on Holt _-1 ,..,. f · 1 • ~ ev.· w w erpt "" paJnt. to 16211 Parkside Lane.) ~111111• siY, l'l' ng. gar( en, FOR-lease-July 15; hard ,0 ed~ En~l gM. Nr. sl19p'g. Stoy~ refrig. Adults, no 2 BR $155-3tove, re~, l & 2 BR, Bltn appliances. (TI4) 847-S.141 JW! ok . J 2 BEDROOM 1 B th find bluUs, 4 br, 3 ba, Jar $175/ino. 602 Heliotrope. petr.$125:-846--0945. ...... .. ,-.~. htd poo-1. Adiilfi-, Pool. 642-q74. ~ij -;-.;,,~· 2 BF:, nr. ucean, a • 831 1300 "i''"' .... .,.. WINTER. Summer, Yrly, I b II'' $2 1 0 r custoin prl. "icw patio, $500. · -. BolL--lslend no pets. 645-8965 RfCHARD'S IJDO AREA Anita's Rent·'-, Bkr, 200,-ar. v\ll~. c r~. !tt~L u ins. • P • 6-14-4319 -"-Ui szr, . !"h·p:u1 I'll'\\,. 2 BR. month. Children & pets mo. · Costa Mull 2 BR. cpta, drps & bltns. Pvt 3 BR, 2 BA, frplc., D/\\1, w. Balboa Blvd, 673-2058. bl111s, 1•p[s, drps, l'hlld, sn1. OK. CALL DALE IRVINE Terr. 3 br, 2 ba, 1 NU 2BR, crpts, drps , petio, gar, cpl prer. epts,&drps,gar.,yrly. $325 lK't blk rro1n bay. No pets. refs Casa de Oro wsh/dry, dah/wsh., frplc, 548-SID. mo. lnc._utils. 673--0.%1 Newport Buch SJ."iO .. Jilt: ·l BR, 2': l~A. frplc, 962-4471 req. GTa--3.154. ALL UTILrIU:S PAID pier, yrly, 206 Grand Canal, NEW 1 &: 2 Br, 2 ba, drps, NEW Bayfront-priv Beh & 1$HI'. fn1·tl for kids, pets. NE\\'PORT si:iores, 3 br, 2 Compare before you rent 673-3328 crptg, pool, bbq, gar. Adults, Pier 3BR, 2BA, $fliO mo yr- ALSO S~Tl\J,\111'.'.P. RB:'\11'A.LS l\tDll'ING Nor!h: For rent 4 bu, pool, tcruns, ocean t blk, Cµs lom designed, featurinr, ELEGANT 2 Br w/gar, nr. no pets. 376 W. Bay, ly. 979--0631or644-4510. C1\l.L 494 -!ll~ll Br, 2~, ha, fan1 rm, bar. $360. 1no. Wa ler pd. 645--0666 4-Spacious kitchen with In-shopsfbch, Yrly. 83>3437, 2 BR, 1 ba, crpts, gar, yd, SUB-LEASE Park Newi:iort * LANDLORDS * T>-,.1anciscSeian 96F02~~~~ins ."r't 3 BR. din. rm .. Jrg. kit. & direct lighting eve/wknds 548--7398. yrly lease. $150. mo. Call Apt, 2 Br, xlnt location, Fltr:r. Hl'.:N1',\J._. SEHVICE 51:,lmds a. -...vu !iv. rm .. lovely area w/pool e Separate din'g area Coron• clel Mar 673-5134 Avail July 7th 6#-6838. BEAUTIFUL 2 br, deluxe apt, over looking harOOr & ocean. Furn or Unfum . Will lease for 6 mos or longer. 646-4987 or 548-1742. NTCE pvt rm w/TV in ·pvt home of cpl. Prer. lady or clean-cut gent. S80 mo. i\-feals & laundry could be nrranged for $175 n10. 645-2349 STRAIGHT male 22 lo 30 yrs to share 2 br, 2 ba apt in 1-luntington Beach. Pool, rt'C. room, jacuzzi. $110. lncld utilities. 675-8874 Days only. APr to share, 2 BR. pvt BA, big \Iv. rm., terrace ocean vu, $135 mo. Incl. utlls. Call aft. 6 Pl\! 494--8841 RENTALS Apart.-ta Doi~ Houses priv. $390. tm-3894 e Home·like storage FOR rent 2 Br. garage, S , \VINTER, Summer, Yrly. • 3BR, 2BA, fam rm, crpts, 5 BR/J Ba lg F/R DIR nu e PriYate patios Adults. $195. month. Call _•_n_l_•~An-•_____ Anita's Renta1s, Bkr, 200 \V drps nrea for toot or tlrer. crpt + Jrps, coffim. Poo1. o Closed garage· w/storage after 4 pm. 645-3685 1 iBioil!Joaiii Bilivdi 'i6i73--ii-ii'iiii MALE Room mate to share 3 Sparkling cleR11. $275. $575 incl .. gardener 83.'\-31194 •• ~~.arble pullman a -~ 1 BR APT I I BR house, nr 17th & Tustin, Red Carpet Realty. . e J.:ing-sz Bdnns ~ 2BR, S155mo, 112 Shalimar, • • CM. Age 2()..35. College lttl- Arlene -839-1351 N•wport Heights e Pool _ Barbecues • sur-_•!VU Apt A, 642-2623 or 642-2890 Cozy 1 BR. apt, wall to y,•aJI I_ II &I dent OK. 548-0072 aft 6 \VAL.K to bch, 3-BR, 2 BA. --rounded with plush_ Ian&. ·;,; ---ask tor Betty carpets, drapes, stove, gar-. Rentals ,_, GfRL 28-45 to share 2 Br. 2 d/w. cpls, cl.rps. patio, $275 3 BR, 2 ba, boat are3• $300. scaping. ON TEN ACRES JBRChll,dl \iokba,n'!.!!"''°""mo a,e.t7: ~~:rt.c8$1~~1 ~----iiiiiiiiiiiiiilllli Bu Oa~ Garden Apt . .;.,. lse. 8'12-1418 Bkr, 962-6365 mo. C 11 673-8457 Adults. No Pets. Apts. furn./.wtfunf. Lease , ,.., . •-1 th Ask 1 J\.l Labbee II N.B. 968-9167 Ends a ([ 6:30 ~:;~ \\. HHh St. Costlt J\tesa EYes. n LARGE 1 BR ~ Fireplace I priv. patios. Sl)alimar. 645-0973 mon . or rs. Rooms 400 Share APT or HOUSE is5I S Coast H"'°"· Lagwu'i LEASE w/opt to purchase. San Julln Capl1tr11no 365 W. Wilson 642-1971 Pools Tennis Contnt'I Bk1st. ~.~--------\ f'301~:~~~ve~· ~:1 ---------Call 'HOJ\IE-PARTNER' COSl,\ ?.U·::SA OFF"ICE Cust bit mobile honie . Must 4 BR ~ 2-BA w/cptg & drps Unbelievllbly Beautiful 900 Sea Lan, CdJil W-2611 _C_e~p_lst_re_no __ le_e_ch ___ 1 den Grove. (ott \Vestmin-COSTA !\-tesa pleasant tum 836-1194 or 548-1479 .... see to apprec. Call for appt, f-j yd. No' pets. Prlv take' \rAL D'ISERE Garden Apts. (MacArthur nr Coast Hwy) ster. 17th St. bet. Harbor room, bath, mature \VANTED: .,....,.ht male :5-40, ._ $12:: · l.rg ~lrh It.st', stv.. 962-7306 ,.,_-,., 1 Fl 3 BR uppel' duplex. Ocean &: Falrvi employed ~'Oman, w/or "'~~ '\•trig terpls, drps. Y.'On1an & pool. Refs. AYail July 1st. Adu ts • l1b pets. ower& vu. $250 mo., Open Wknds,•-~-~ew_i_·~~---w/out kit. priv., non-4 BR house. HB, $80/mo. + "Only. LRG 2'A. BR, din Rm, 3 blks S.100., "95-1029. everywhere. Sirearn & FOR LEA.SE. 2-bedroom 1~2-34443 Via Espinoza, Need a "Pad"? Place an ad! smolter, refs, 6 4 6-19 7 9 utlls. 962-8668, 979-2997 SJ!!; • NB 1ux. /urn. hnch, from beach, fnced yrd, NU 3 Br._ l lh Ba. _view_ wa1erlall, "5' poo!. Rec. apartment in Corona del Capistrano Bch. 871-0666 Call 642-5678. 645-8765. 1 Classified Ads ... 642-5678 . hranrl n1•11 , stepi. 10 \l'atrr. detnched gar. L-ease $300. C 1 d l3"" Rm. Sauna. Sgls 1-2 Bdrm., Mar. 10 minutes walking eyes. "~!........, a.rpe ' rapes, ~ I mo, Fu U !um Iron Sf'° , :..:=~~-----a-s Apt1 Apts $100. J DR apl parlutlly furn , ....,.,.... uo •.. Aft 5, 536-002!J m· 11 • 1 -u. dtstanee from beach . fi•na Point .,... •• , '' JI u rils pd, Consirl(!r child 3 BEDROOf\1 -LEASE $250 SEE; IT: aXJ0 Parsons, Garage inc. New paint In----::-'.::::-":°::77°-:--l-.CF..:u;:r.:;n::.·..:•::.'..:U::n;:l:.;uo;m.:;;:_• ....:3:.70:.::......:F..:u::r:.:•::·_•:;r....:;U:;n.::f:.:u:;r.::n::.·..:3::7.:0:__:F_:u:;r.::n::.·.:.•::r_:U::nf::.u:;:.:rn:::·~37ll:_:I & pee. erp111, drps. Nr schls. HouMS Furn. or 642-867D. side, out. New carpeting. 2 BR, 2 BA kw.-er ·10·$19(" -2 BR houl!e!( w/ KATElLA 847..fiOOl Unfurn. 310 $30 WEEK & UP $200 a month year round. duplex, enclosed garage Cost11 MeSll Cust11 Mesa nr. St yd~ J!Ollle in JIB. JBR house for rent, drps, • Studio & l BR Apts C:i.ll 6-14-858l. Prefel' young 496-9356 Costa MeM CALL 645-0111 block v.·flll fence, children & Huntington Harbour •TV & r.1aid Service Avail. ni arTied couple. pet ok. 847-9854. e Phone Service-Hid. Pool 2 BR garage apt, new stove, G11rden Grove 1 LA(;l'NA BEACI-1 OFFICE $l2.i t BR hou11e, gar .. also 2 3 BR. 2 BA, family rm. Ap. e Olildren & Pet Section dble door retrig, crp£, drps, I JSO • N,icc 2 Bil, l)ltns. encl. pd Id pll11.~ct'S for sale. Call for 23~6 Neninnrt Blvd 01 adults no pets S19S. ;u·., kids, pet. BR boSltl65, uAtill. f ., k,_,si.pe30ts details: 846-4332. iSU-s75for 645-3967 67~ aft 6 PM. , ~ f'-~I I 1 BR on 1· g • ce. ,,,....,... · L1•un1 •-·ch "'' -<l.J' Y u111· • lrvt'ne • -1 'BR. Thm. 2 lrg el-ts, 3 BR So. or hwy, frplc, gar., "view, child OK """' nd k di'· s~• 673 1"8 S22!:. Lrg ~ BH, 2 BA, nr.1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; RENT Now -Sept. al queen size bed, Pl:iv, dress-:es~l''!iu:ds -., -...... L~!1, kidH fine, I 1 $900/mo. Furn: ing rm, extra lrg. rooms, . . p:1::: _ N~· 3 BR , 2 BA, frplc. 23 BBRR. 22 B1 ~tthhs · ·• .. •· •• • S~ Unfum; o c 1 . _ o e c . encl. gar w/storaae. Adults NEW 2 BDRl\t. fanitly rm, Jamily or sn~:ts · m s • · • •· ••• • · .,,-1 $400/nio. Unrtrn: S500 "\.."iY.:.no pets. crpts, drps, bltns. $350. mo. Ai.so SUMi\t Eri. Rl'.:i't'TALS 3 811., 2~ hn. Bonus rm $425 Furn. Con.sider Jense oi)Uon. ~ Fullerton, C.M. AYail Sept. 675-3.'AJS ', CALL 4!!4-n.191 3 BR. 2~ bn. ••• •• ·• •• • $350 3 BR. 2 BA. Laguna SJ\tAU~ bachflor apt. util. Cost• Melll ·t * LANDLORDS * 5 BH .. 2~S ba. ·•·••••••• $l 75 Charnier nr bch. pd, ·older adult. H.ent S75. ----'------- FJlEE R£NTAL SJo:RVJCE \Ve Jfa\•e • Su~mer Rentals Owner/Agt. 494--0451 $2.j. security, 1640 Newport More Room-Le11 Money 1 BR. APT. Qny l Br. Apt, wall to" wall carpets, dnipes, stove, gar· bage disposal, Can. rent re· trig only $5. Carport. $100. per month. Ask for Mrs. Labbee oc Thelma 5.Y·3886 att. 7 or ,t330l Sun5"-ept Ave., Garden Gl'O\'e. (otl Westminster, 17th St. be· tween Harbor-and Fairview.) Hunt!"""" -h V1s1on-I BR house, Furn. $1~. un· Blvd., manager. COME ... a real garden furn $160. 3 Blocka from * SUS CASITAS apt! Like ltv\ng In a home NEW 8-UhJt, 2 blkB from We ~)X.'Cl:1Jlz(! in Nc1vport i eel h 11 beach. 979-0721. Furn "·ehelor .. 1 BR'S. for $162.50/MO. 2 BR. 1'1' ocean,,...mR. 1 BA, bltns, LANDLORDS! 'llooch e Corono dcl Mt.r e ·" , r •1 Cond I I ~ ~ BA. 2 prk'g pl.,,.., -ah "' d D/W '&. l.nl(Ulln. Our Ren!nt Ser-Uomfun uml Models Open Dally. patios & re<: areas. Wilson ~r 'u· rpsS.,~$210 I 'REE y n rn. 320 ji!llO Newport 8 1\ld., CM G""don., on l•llson St., w. ca ce lJlgs, IN""" -vlco ~ Jo to 011! Trv cu. n>0nthly •-301 191.h St HB Nu-View! ·J LAR. 1 br fum. apt. 5 ntin to of !{arbor. No chlld./pet. · ._. · · · • NU· VIEW RENTALS REALTY Huntington Beach beach, -gill', "'t1lk-ln cloget, 2283 Fountain w~ East ~· 6 P?.f &: wknds, !l3.4113U or ®<-~ts A Compony ll'llh Vision *VERY NICE* bltbu,$t~Llhwr.223adul", no "*2846 *MOVI IN TODAY* Univ. Park Center, Irvine .pets. 4=>. 5<14--4 FRESl-ILY palnied • crptd, 4 & 5 HR. sharp, exec. Cali Anytlnte, !'"152-7500 2 BR .\ den, 'I~ BA, 2 ear LG. 1 BR, 1ernce. S/pool, 2BR apt w/bltlns, retrtg SJ)I. 2 A 3 BR. $149 A $199. ~~~tm~~ x;~~;: R(~! Ortice hour11 g A~1 to 8 Pl\t ~fmcf.'t~•ca~1·s~~ Idhc11adl ror bachel!:l'· 1•1'¥~s1, 993'h0 and .!.!enty 110.r roomN tor fi1dbuc okW~1• ~~~1~: I 82S--56n or ooo .. 200 01 I M 1· •-AdA• ·, c ren, no pe...,,_, "" s:paCM.1!1 ving. o "' ~u SI ) ~· -~ 1 eeae, ~ 14 "" ,.,.u Church St. ~ v a can t -I m m e d poss. Uu ate?' • ~ or f oller; P11rk 5 Or 6 Bdrm&. •••••••• 1375 filtarA~l'~-~.~~: 5'-l~LL Apt, w/pvt oo kit. !15.51 11\to. call 646-4118 evts, '4Wl·T786.ALK TO BEACH I dr 3 Bl:C., !nS bf\, ram rm. •• $300 ~===.:;;c.::"-"==.::1 privll. Ju J!\1 home. }100. 1• gr. ~i!,~i:~~· N~\\·P~;~.11/AY~~i 3 SR. honus room ...... $400 M ission Vltlo 6'2-783R, 8Am-T2noon -~s1"ss-"'2""'s"R"."'i"1>""'B-:A.-::St"udl°""o-on-INCw-2BR,-~t/drps, J 7/10. 81101\-11 hy Rppt only~ ~ Baro,, mo2.~1"1 '11" •••• " ••• SJ!$4~ 3 BR, 2 BA, enc. gar., pool, * * STUNNING 1 n R eul-dfl·U.C. Prt,, pttl1o. pool, dsh\\'S~l', frpl. 15th. -29 per mo. 1st, lruit + _. .. " " 711 )(I 13 ••·" •• • w e/d "le ove ti v ~rden {I.pl. pool, rec area, crpts, drps, blUns. Nr. 847--3957. 'def)O!f; IH&-{,830 Aft Spm.'"''" :.I-SR:-, 2% bath ••• " ... • $43S ctult S250 ~npe 0• -a· 710 w. 18th St. $1&;, shop'it. .Children ok, No ~•°"B"'RAN""°'o=--....,--.,-2-,B=n, rorona del Mir C do F * • I BR trailer SllO rno pets. 717 Joann St. C\I 11.vallable now! All b1t.n5. ,.. on • urn. or Incl ,.,~ • · 646-l~ pool ! P.2~~ 11 ... .., 2 •l•l'Y: 1 bdrm, fum. a.u ~fi~~ ..... G4G-l80a poll, "'1. HA RBOR IJREENS ' ' 847-31&1 $2T.i. Poncl<'d & c;rpld. 43.'i M V d 3 ROO~f •Pt 1'111: rurn. & Untum. Fr $110. LRG 2 Br. Studio, 1~) Ba. Ca111atlon 5~3--0'"113. ' ••• er • Serrtor 'cltize~. ";; :t. B11C"J1, 1, 2 & 3 lJR'11. ~1ocklls S157.50/mo. Afarrlcd cple, l ~ 111 2 BR. 2 BA, 1 blk tor ''SlNCE 1-946" COUNTilY Club Villa. 3· br, Inquire 2-IO SleI1cs SI., Q f, ~pen 10 ~ul J...1pm. :00 child ok. No pets. 8'2-4549. f ~ COronn, •lt(flt!'I, only lr1tl\Vcl!it(!111 Uonk Bldg. 2·'i-OOL pool, j&o.1u1, ad· Fal Profit ls a1tained when hoMTid ~-Y'Ad", nr, ar-LARGE 2 BR, unf, $140 ~to. I .$.tlO/mo. firn.3.1 lj Un vcrsllv Park, J T'\~ne jacent l\fesa· Verde Country You tell through rr:IUlt>;att r v · • am,1. Clean! Near llortt ~ Esc.1pewith us to the mag1cJI waterl11nd of Vista d11I 1 L11'1(), whefe the enipha111 11 on the nautical, and tl'Tt witv of life is as trenquil or lrlCC!linp as vou tlltft 10 milke i1. L,keside living ffii!k.WS the di llertnct tor those enjoying boating, c;,,s~ing lountl\1nt a!ld 1whnmlng a1 close as your patio'(t11ck. L::u1d !overt w11f 11ppreclate re~ acres of e11Qu~11telv lllndscaped 9round1 and walkways, Each aoar1ment-home includes e¥e1v conceivable lu x· urv appointmep1. llke alt~ond+1ionfng and 1pecial sound proofing 10 insur11 your comlOrt and crivacv. __ Thi Yacht Club olfers,handb.ill, gvm 1rld saunas, game tnd.JOciO:Lroorm.--· L1¥illg •11.vwhtu! •h• Is ou1 of th• ~uu1io11 al111 teeing Vl1111 ll11l Lago, Efliclencle1, 1, -2, 2 plus dtn, lrorn $190. Fur rushed and unfu rnhhed modet1 open dtuly nln• 'tll dlr1t, From the San Dlego Freawev 1ak.e H1rb0t BlYd. 10 Adolm1oind Mesa Vetde Orl'lfl. 5-t!0-1800. ·5-UJJC.st;!) dll}'S !ati.bucls,j. Days 552·7000 NI·~·· Club. A(l111t1. SIXi863 ting Qa_lly.!~i19f., Cla11ltt~ 546-0370 Realonomict, mer. 675--6700 1;..:"::::•·c;C::;'•::;•lc..;6:..012..:...:;00"11!."-----.................................... 1 £::N~ocd!!!.,!•C:'.!'"'.!'•~d' ... '? ... P~IO!><:!":.!'!!":.!'!!!!d! Ad!ll. &12-5618 Sell Idle ttem1 ....... 643-6$7&-ClaulUed Ada •••.••• 6G-6671,1===========================::!. • I . .. - la ·OAlt Y PILOT Frld1y, Yune ~:1'73. ,_ '~~~~~ ~~~,~~~l ~~~r.~~= •• ........... -. Rtnt11a ~[ --~ti ~~~ Rentals to Share 430 Announctment1 500 Los.I 555 Girdenln9~- ~...;.;,..;:...;..:c.,.:c;;:;.,;._..;..:,;; -----' .. ~-·--• \ Pro~iv al, UAUornlod \\'ORKIN<:O n1olfn'r & 2 yr ,,\ti LAL:IL\.'S ..,,111u1·es Jun l' 1\l<'Cl!A:\' l-IOU!\D. 1:~1\Utlc-g11.rdenln1e teu.rn. ~tv\ng IJQll "'ould like lu :.ll1,11'f' 1ie\1 ioiJ11•t'. $."1 '~tr frosting: 01 Rlu.ndc .,.·1111 red ,;addle. \Ile. only lg ~statc.11, apt & ~1ng/ Alteratl1n.• Alterotlon ....... 642-5845 Neat~ate._~rt't'll'S exp ielp Wonted, l<I & F 710 IAl:;\'srrTING In Ill)' l10me, lull or 11nrt thne, Lngunll Nig:ucl, Classified IN. DE-X Advertising .. . . -----! 3 BR 2 B1\ ho1111· nr. ~. Ct'J. ii (·rn11;-l111ir~·11t~ ,i1h:1nipoo r or i\li11.._.r &. ~·ict<iriu, ~'.1\1. IndWI con1plcxes. free est. 111i:i:i'i· 1~----n-la Ul't'.' 1\·01nan. tnifl"$l~:t •. 1tnr.ton..-,. -Nc~~'!t:-t· ·c .ilt011 1 Uihilis~~ra\11! 1 ~ rent & t;.;a111 .~ sm. Auto T(ansportatf0i:l52 5 ~~!!1·2s1!3tewa1·cl. 5/iS...$971 01' {n4)~53t-7280 <-,,..,,, 11·1·J~1 ·1A~·s~R -C.'!. Owot sahu')' In c•xchUH)l;C for 11 ! ~ .. A f'i·o.uk M. NelJ'OU Co" I ,...., u i '' '"' 1 ' child ca1'\'. I'•·!.~ & s111. chllti TRANSPORTATION l'L''\S" 1 1 1 G '-------...J u·a1u;, S::~5:30. ~Ion-Fri. "'' .:.. re urn os erruun GARDENER of "•' y•ars e• .• -H/18 "1 °14' ft ' '" ok. f\lust haVl' 011·11 ttans11. NE'° E O SI orUr POl tel' I 1 r & "' " " ••••••••••al ' ;.I()_., .. N-' .,1:.>1• 557""'83ll E c.O 0 N W I 11 ' 1 ,.u· 11 • ve perlence see?t.. .J.-5 atl· B"S ,. , vcs. l'•-m <.A. College •-• to "'hitc. \·ic. Jl,B. ne ... ·urtl dltlonnl n1ao'nte•'"'''-J'o'--. J b W ed F I 70" 1A :i. l'ITC:R, exper., "'llh \l'O'I N II I " ~ '" ~"' '9'0 "'" ""'3 .... ..... "" o ant , •m• • "' TLC>. n11• hon>e D.ls la •tt•~0 • " Ai "'I s iurc hnnie llu11tinl{t•Jll Bea<:h's Sunset ;i,,.,...:. -• ...,......,\l"O Geol'ge l-lan1pton 1 -2 C'hilrl1·~'n. 5't~700t E~:es:" wf 111aturl' enipl~y~d p..·rson ,\11u:1tic: P ark. 12:00 noon, GREY, hlk & why \\'/v.'ht • 549-2015 * NI<.:i::u help at 101n~" we1,;cc:ccc=c=cc"-='--''-'C"'-c 01 student. Call a--1;,.....i44,(f , ~lbn-Fl'i. \Vllllncr:o pt(y falr pnv.·11 lon).(hatr. cat. Vic. EXPERIENCED .Japa.nei;e. ha\·ti ai<les, 11 u 1. ~es BABYSITI'El~ to cal'e tor 6 . I l).(k;c..lor. rkll'. Ct.ll,illtcr. 6. ShoN>elitf!i i\.lob11Lf1·k~ 116 Gardene coniplet . yud. J o s eli rs CO!J!tmn!Qns'. yr boy. \V. 18th St area C.1\1. All 11M:11r c11•.tl1<111011 .. t• arages or Rent-435 fi,11-3.AAG · 53&-9.1G911':ys. niaintenance, Schrubbery, or.icina!:rn; up 3 0 [in .i-~•~<><l89~~5~n~tr-~6p~m~. _.:::=:;jt·--:cs-•ho-1,.._....,_......_1~--- SNGL 1::ll'. Fernt1odu l . $50 l{E\\'ARD: Lost, grey tree!I. Free es I i n1a t es. 547-(i(>SI. BABYSITTER. live hi 1 :::r~•,., f:(h1c\\'t1ter 8.'llboa Pen. $2' 1 1 ~ tabby kitten 1·2 n1onths old &l5-U347 H 1 W 1 d M&F 710 child, 6 yrs. Roon1, bonrd & ~ Co'\ St DP . h I • p an • '· &.inl sa.lai.·"· 64~ 11111M C•v• per 1110. 67;H}l7S nit. 6. • Perionals on '' o\·9 i. · · rng to EXPER . J apaneEe Gardener . ., ••lflN ••~1141 · Off' R t I 440 I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-~~ June 5th. 4~j609 Kno"' how. Tr i mm in g, A NS \\' E It I NG service Balboa Bey Club 111t111 ,..,,1ru1111 ice en a PEKINGESE, light 1a.n, :\lay Clean-up,, Small landscap.. operator Exp p1·et. but will CLERK TYPIST ••'>' 1111nc1 I 31. \rill ~-ive re\\·ard for ing-!Ji68:.34Sf>. • train. 155 Rochester, Costa l\taru rt>, t/tinte. Type tnin. l1'o'cr1ii PRESTIGE ~~~~l~s 530 1·ehu11, \·ic Collegl.! Pk. C 01\1 p L E T E land8Cape l\Iesa 60 v.'.p.m. Sh he!Pful but ••w111eros OF-FICES \.179-00JIJ. nialnt. serv. Con1m'I, Ind, APPRENTICE n1eehanlc, not n~ss. See Personnel •••co11 ••'>' t~ountain \1alley, Beauti· SHORT ON GAS? LOST black kitten, fe n1ale, 7 refild. Spr inklrs, cl~.:. al,>le to "'Ork pa11s count er, ~Ianagel'. C1ol11r1no l t•tlt "~-,ro1 ~[ Houm_f_orSale__,l~ All uncllf c11nlf1utltfl ......... '" _..__ ISPKI li'ft k16W) Acttc11ttln• Ade·A•Room AllSWtrlnt loNkl/ --E11ulp.IMlllll1 l"lton11 AP•U•llCI llt•P•lr a '''" l•Wsllllrtt1 B1tlllllb ,.,11r & tollnltll~ 81111111•• Strv\u Blllldon c111rnatm1llt111 ful ncl\' huilding, groun(I Spor s, .si"">C ial & !r.unily fun ~\·ks. r:-etu1·1~ lo Cinen1n \'ie· 645-6987 v.Tite ln\·oices & R.nll'>\'Cr 12'Jl \\'.Coast lh\'y., N.B. C•ll•M '''Ii (1001', 3.0IXJ s<1uare feet, I iin<lt'r one roof'. Stay in i Jn fo1. l~\~ard ot theater E XP ER. ,\inei·ican phone. Pd benefits, 5 days, Balboa Bay Club c ... .,,, 091 Mer \\'ill divi(le inlo sinaller l"Ji;ln :'1-oes.·,\ 11,,·"·''''''m"<'•'l -pass.C'\l\~37-988Saft6pn1 Gardeote". 7:30'"to5:30.S2.50 hr.Apply L d ' S All d C••"-M"' C1t.r1111 ff 50 "" ~ ' l\laintenance, in person 1747 Anaheiril a leS pa en Int DIM '•Int C9111891 "r ir.:C's. c [K'I' square I 1·ujoy llalt.'Cl'1~s1 l'1.u·k • 5~~ LOST ~rin Schnauzer, just Cleanup & Landscaping. A\·e., Cost~ ~'""· P/!inu~. Sat & Sun 9 fU11·7 Dover Slltrn c 1,,,.nt, c111trtr1 001, iJ1\"luder. carpets, I HlTt':., :! elubhou,;cs & 3 gim1ne1l, ans to "San1," Call &i-;-19. '·'". ''' , IJ 1·1·1· · · I ~ • AITRACTIVE l'oU<tg· re-"p-·PJll{ P_£i." '-'.P'.'" _in \\'hi 0 rl. 11!1.i 1 1vtt c1tuc arti a1K's,. a u J J Jt>~. Jani. u .... 11, fot· venr 1v11nrJ enjoy. l'e\\·ar<l. 00-l~S EXl~ER. J apaiiese Gat•tlener. '"" .~ t, i\ b · tor sel'vic<>. Call lllarilyn ment._ Call da.vs 5-16·2052 or LO"r Bia"\< &· "'i<lte Coll'•• Complete i·a1·1J s1-v. R•lla. & , tionist & typlsi. Part tln1e 2'""1 eo' sa~Hlp . .l 1.ust 1' ?,\er Et ·T-c1ntr1c1ot St II (71 ~ 832·110 ~ ... .. " fJ,)nl 1 .~ "'lon-F't·i XI t . ntact e1'SOIU1t:' 1• gr. FM1nlll1t v111tw Dr•fltni · nva I ·:Y· • ~·\'cs ;)4\i-W!rJ. puppy. Sunday, Heisel P ark, neat. r~ree est. &12-4389. granima:· & spelli;ig" r~ 12Zl \\'.Coast lh\')'., N.B. G•rd•n Gttv1 o,., .. ,., __ Laguna·. Rev1ruxl., .675-24·16 Gr..rtlen!m.:: & i:leatl·Ups quired. Apply f\l o ti d ay , Balboa !lay Club ~un_t1n11.011 Jt,lCll D1.lv1w1v1 O"RANGE CO. C~UPLES 18-35 +, LOST {'t'.nu:i.le Great Dane, . 554:0657 \Vednesclay or }'r id a y, Mens Spa Attet.dant Hunlln•l)ll H•rtiwt ='~~m!lll Al RPORT Pnruc:s, or 11\l'el t'pl to cpl f:l\rn. Any in(orn1aUon call H 1. . 832-4346 N--• uoun" nian 01,,,, ZI. Pl Horllor Hllhl•n• EJoctl'lfllcs 3 . (';1!1 "Leuh" :.!·S p. 111. 6~!i-7909 Cosla ~fesa I.ti 1n9 "'"'-'" ,, • INl1i1 lllillL l<t1ll .. fu·n1~ /lw;_..spa\·e.,..-Cl,'i~5ll.-.-. ·-_,,___ -'--"--------1 ASSEMBLERS titn e only, 11 an1·7:30 pm lrvlM T...,•c• lirtr•vlnt 1~=----<l-avail-.1 lit 1cv.:.,.<1.ttramiv~1 • ·sTA1\~"Pl~:..OliI GET.'..RIO::OF-UNSIGHTLY. ·v~iiliii...;.ilata ·111Tuhiile&-n ~_§i: Swi. ~<!£."~..!!.~ u...,.. awa Fenci119 suite for c:t'Onon1y . niinde<l I"L'LL\' WCl,':\'SEn female. l.ost 6~C. o -TnAm-&--nEBm s-n o· Ieilde:r iu lhefilitli roinputer e--f .. tTSOnn('l~fi8g&;= = -~Nm."====~--~----",.~'~ .. ~"~"!!!l"C,.-------- young altorney.. Funi/U~l· 1 '* SPJRlTUAl ·i~·r' lr<ine Te1T, Cdl\I, 67'3-93?.6. LOAD C 0 L L EGE STO· industry .has several izn. 12'.n \V. Coast J·h\'y., N.B. · t~:: .~:"' ::~uri furn, a!l sc•rviccs <1\·tul •. · • * !\IIXED silver toy Poodle. ? DENT 548-6428. n1e<liate openings in our L11t11• 1111 S:{~·3G22. . Spiritual !'eadlngs lO aiu·lO coll ars. '7le. Costa ~fesa, 32' FURNITURE r procluctlon area. You 1nust BANK POSITIONS Lttun'll Hl1ut1 G•n!•nln• ~;~·N~'~11c~a~:J1!1\'t~~j~1S~~; NB. 5-1~:& I 54S-2695 local fur n hauls 's;°\l\:e~~ ~ve a tnin1. uf 6 n1o's exper. AVAILABLE ~::.s:r',.•.ir :~:::•' Sirvlcts C I l' n1 en t r.:. 4 9 2 -913G, I.OST Prescr iption glasses in hauHng. 548-1862. 111 an e eclro-nicchanical FOR EXPE R. Meuo Ver.. K1u:1n1 492-9031. gold case. VI<:. Fish 1',ry. SKIPLOADER & dump truck asse.n1bly function. J( xou're M1ew1w Cltv OFFICE SPAC.E H11\11'1 C1Ubl Ne\\'IX)rt Bea~· building overlooks Bu )()a Bay. Prin1e arC'a. arious size suitl"S , rent 01· lease. 3700 Ne\l'j)(H'\ Hl-.:,d., NB. l<.lgr. 675·1220. ..... Cull aft "'' rn """' k C t h 1 lookin.g for a pos.lUon \\'/a Full & P /t" Ml•ll•n \111!1 PROBLEi\. I p,~,oian"y,_Con· ' " • ~ v.'Or . . oncre e , asp a t Ch C 1n1c ""'"°" auc~ .... _ '"" wi b al<" 846-lliO ~"OV.'Ulg _·a~g~ 0· runt· -"':ELLERS N•-rt H•l•hts f id en t , s y 111 pa th e t I c sa ng, re mg. · · puter ro. & meet U1ese ·•· Newoort l•t•MI pregnancy counseling. Allor· W CAL lllO\'in:;:: & hauling by 911alifications, please apply -PROOF OPERATOR Newport Stror•s lion & adoptions ref. If l•] student. Large truck. Reas. 1n person !l ion thru Fri, -SECRETARY OcH"illl• APCARE 6-12-+136 Instruction 5." .. 1-1846 or 534-2164. 8: 30,\i:II-IP],I to th<-Person-~:!"~:.,,,111re OF!··10r,; s1irtr·1· -'"."' 01,1 t 0 -,.. · r ,. 11 PHEX.:NAX1'? T hi n k i 11 :r YARD, garage cleanups. ne ...,;:pt. or contact B. or in ormn ion ca San Juon C•ol•1T•111 Nrwpoi1. l~lvd. :-; blk.<1 No. o[ a\Jortinn·:· N 101v all Lhc facts Ren1ove ti-ees, dirt i\'\,'. Krafk:t, 2722. ?ltlchelson Dr.. Security Pacific ''11" An• Co.1st Hv.y l. 3 drafting nns I · .. ,,, "IOO ,,q,, S111r• """' H1i111rs & 1 rcccpt. rni. All for first! .Call LIFE LINE -24 Schools & Or h·ev.'Ys, grading. S.17-2G6G. rv1sie. ~.,.,,...M. . ext. ....,,,. National Bank seo1 811cn S:»:./rno. !Jtil in"l. 2nrl fl~ hr.s 5-11-5322 H I I Equal OpJX>r. En1ployer. Springdale & Edin_ger Branch Soutll L;i11111• \\·/occcin vie\\'. 5 4 8 -s 3 o 0 D r\roncE ~UN SELI NG instructions 575 ousec ••n ng ,\SS I ST ANT 1nanager 846-3321 ~~!~~!• CVf'S. 1'.'l"~n-Proiit ~OU!ldntlo~. . REGISTER NOWI c.r~t CJeaning lrah1ee, cow1 ter :;iris, fry \i:;',~~~ •••en FULL SEltVJCE G3&-5060. 01 5'18-•. ,~~3 1Classes Start-i\-10f\.""; June·-ll Floor Care & Windows -~~ge~.-~~:kvi~--~~li~~ Equa l Oppor-.Einployer univ."'"' l"•rll Westcliff Building f~l\1IL\ _COl}NSEL!NG S\.\·hnn1 lng {all agesl Dutch l\taint Serv. 537·1500 385 E.17tli st., Costa ilJesa.\iiiiliiii~ii::izz=~iiilL ::::~\:"•• COJ'l1Pr \\'cstr.liff Drive &. Non-profit ~ounrll'ltion \l/onierui Self ~fense \·ogn DAY \V k Th h 0 ASST . _.. · BA NI'\ING MNut••ll",..8•111 Ho"'" .-.... no I . Bl 1 N 6.36--:'1060· ' or 5.\8-36·13 I ''\\'aterp -oof Your Child' or · oroug ean-· l\lgr, rellr.:u cpl for TELLERS Mctbllo Homn For s111 , ...... 1n rv111c \'(., Cl\'p0rt --1 s ing. \\lith llefs. ~ren<lable. ad~lt IU."\:Ury apts. Lite . Beach. i\.Ir. JI o 111 a rd r\LCOHOJ.ICS Anonyn1ous. I Life" -Call aft 2pm. 836-4672 dut ies. ;-\pt + sal. 64&-5.'>t!. Con1n1l.!t'Cial Banking t;.ff1-6JOJ. Phone 5-12-7217 or l\Titi! B::tl ls'!e S\vin1 & I-Iealth Ctr E · I P.O. Box 12'£~. Cost11 ~les11. 400 Park Ave, Balboa Isl SUPER efficient Cal student ARTIST, textile exp req. CE~~J:;rE:i'l~'~\.:."\'K C-1 Zone. officP S: ivork CH.ISIS COUNSELING-l Blk fron1 r~erry· seeri"s K.B., C<!i\I J.w use. good rolorist, full or p/tin1e, arl'a, 1200 sq.fl. hldng, plaJ)· Nooo-P<~Io't Fooondato'ooi (1l <I ) 673.2750 cleaning $3. ph·. 5~~5677 e\'es tu· QC Airport, ph \\'nit Nev.·port 'Beh Regional Qfc ly of prkng, $200 n10. 380 \V. v Ced' ted Cl . H ff i\1rs. Rios Real Estate, General '\l/ilson. Costa M e.s n. 63f;...5()6() Ol' 548-36·1:': OR ANGE COUI\IY IC• ean1n9 ° man, 54(1.3236. (TI.fl 646-7121 642-2020 SWINGING SINGLES VOCATIONAL * \\"E 00 E VERYTHING* ,\UTO E qua l Oppor. En1ployer Aere111 hr.111• TRAININ G SCHOOL n.e1s . Free est. &16-2839 SALESM'AN Ap1rtm1nt1 tor 11i. "TH.E :Factory" shopping Call "Leah" 2--8 pn1 530-12.)0. L A 1 T nillll, consislini; 01 22 uin<iue S , I CJ 535 earn u o un•up Lendsc•ping BAR illaids 12). Over 23.1 11u1111e11 1"1'11••'"' .. S\Ol'eS, has shops avail. OCll ubs ~·· ~ CL.\SS~S NO\\!_ FOR~IING TOP s· s p ;111 tirne for college bcf'1· Ctmtl•l'Y Lll1/Crrpt1 . ' . ! s-·•al I f CUST 1 d · s I • s bar rest. !'hone S..'\3-.~191 c1m"'1•d11 ,.,....,IY .. •.uni IIO~n1~. In CannC'I"'\,· 'P ,\RTN=rt· INTP.OD. _, .. _ ... !>1nog c ::ss or , an scnptng. pr th\, . II · · I ·~ ' I ' I · d alter j pm , ask for 0\\1ltlr. Condom!nlu.m• for 111 V1 agr-, ·12;1 ::0th St., N.B. l)Cl'!!OHal Service Lo\V F ee 1iec1an(8 e1011::e o1 ga r , prune, · 67::~. 543-1 479 or 83&-1')71 1 :!J~ !"lal.'Cllt!a A\·e., C.:\L patios, \\·alks. Free est. Dii.c Expanding nci\' -car dealei·. EE.-\lff Y Op_eratG1', client<'lC Du•••~•ilOnll• ••lo --''-"'-""-"-"'-"O'.C:'.":::.'. __ C:i.IJ Nov.-714/"'·.u· '"'''~ pri ~' F •• , .. • 00--""t I " ' 11 Hou"' to bt movN •. ,., _uo '" t~ ..15' .>H . t~ •. U2 ... H• IU •M 3 Rill deluxe suill'. ndj. r' ' . .,...,."""" t: ' r"" grr u nsw < silip n~e<ls 6 llH!ll to round prl' · .. ~e Ll'\JTI. ,-,: > O\\:cr. 111eomt P'ropir1~ "Ail'f10rlcr llotC! ~~ o:c~ pel' order. Call 89.t-9951 or oul-their_.pi-otess.iona.1.-Wes F.niployee b<:nt'_!1ls. ;c.l°'"'--'-'-'-"-'-'c· f•-~ air port. Full s er v ice 8 , [ I~ PRIVATE Si,imniing & DI\" -s~tla ·--- -staff. Experience helps ... res e1:"1.«(l}la-a:::/D. """stn•t·...,,,,_,., · ·· ,. 5-tc/ft .. 00 lease req. 2172 Lost Md fotnl ing lessons tAught at your Painting & btit \\'e .v.·itl thoroughly. train Boat Mech·R'tgger ~·::u~'H=::,;.~._.1-..,_ ·;~rt·1 ··:~ Dupo t R 8 83'322" 1 ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.~~~I honie. 644 ·1976 p h ' 01e11 11· ti ood t I al Jf Mou11111n, D111rt, lttHrt .... 11• n , 1n. , ...... " .aper 1n91ng i l g po en 1 . . . ' -,·ou sold rlirect or door lo NrC'ri_ \\."Ork•nl!' -knn.1\·I~<' of Or•1tM-C. •. l"1'11HrtY. ··-·--··u' DESK spacl' ll\•allable $50 I I N Oii! If Sl•I• """•rlY Ut 1110. \Vil! provide furniture Found (fru ads) 550 11 1~1 No \\'astin,ii_ door anrl are ambitious and ou "( 11~1\'l.'S & 1'11..:111gs.. 1 l'\\'-R1nc1111, '•rm1, Grovei ::.. ::n o a! S5 mo. Ans\\·ering sei-vi'cc _c __ _cc.;,:__c:.;,; _ _c:_:. Senlces and._.:- 1 . * WALLPAPcR * \\"<i.nt to earn top dollars. port each. G·I.'>-:~~~ ·---R .. 1 IEtt•tt l!'•cll•nH in ""~" t' · \' · 0 "" BOOKKEEPER <1e.11 IE~l•te W;int1a 1a.i :t\'llilnhle. ·1787a l:Wach Blvd, BLACK n1n!e Labrador. Jn. 1 , \\'hen you call "J\Jac" nerc is no 1n1n. ur .,.,ne· Hllllnt .. Air Condl!i.tllrtt HM111c••nlnt 1n111r•1K• lr.,.1n1 J1nll•rl1I L1nll1u•ln!I Malt! Slf'vlco M1lnten•nc1 MltGllr"I' M1vln1 ... 11111111 .. , ... 11t111tilll '•lnlh'tl, Slt'll ~Pl1i..-­ ,,_tot,_llY P1111o!", P'llcll, Rtf'1; P'tumbh19 '"' S1rvlc1 ,. tnlllllallon Rf'mft11i • ltll'IH Roolln1 S1wln11 Atter1llfn) S1!1r111nln1 511111 $!t r• R111•lr TitHOr1fll T1laVltl011 ReNlr Tllo T"'._11 , Tr11 s""1ce Tul..n119 IJPl\1111.0- Wlflll-CIHnlllt Employment I [JI) Job W1n1td, Milo 11:1 W111tlod, F1m1l1 ' J;;tis"' W1nlH, M-& fJ .. 0111 W•r1tec, M & ,. '" • ,101 .. 10• .. Jll Huntington l3<'1\<:h.,G42~l321 juries on i:Jo<l~r !~:-.~ 11ecd I I :HS-1414 e\'es. firs. include free <len10, va· P ·11111e fur l'Olll'!l'Ul'tiOn finn ll50', li\f~1ED. oc~upancy, L'1:n. Vic. of Del l\lar & • Geor'"'e Palntin..,. & Decor'n C'~t 10.ns .. bonus_ P.~ans, h06· in ~.B. Hou.rs nexll)lt•. ,1.111 consid·~l' dividing for 2 ~rang~ 1\ve. in Costu l\Iesa . .;,r1o1ys itl1n9 interior &"Extei'ior g Plllllizatl?ll· & insurance. Pl!·ai<e i<t>nd ba('k:,,rround. or 1nore l!'nants. Coast H1vv a-ls-5003 Guaranteed Top Quality, ~am v.·fnl e you leai·ii. Apply r.:01...;. l<J Cla.,;.•lflNl ad no. S77, at Nev.·port Blvd.' rree l\!INIATURE 1111lle \\"hitc TLC MY HOME \\"Orkmanshlp & 1\fate1·lal>l I Jtl_ person l0 ~·11t'S lllitll:lgcr (' I) ll;dlv l'i!(.JI, P.O. Box p r kng. 642-4644. poodle, bo btailed, 1ruine<l, Wilson Ave Area l''ree estima tes Ll<:. & Ins. 9-;) P·111·., Gustu.f,;on Lin(" i:ian. Cos.la 1\lt>.-xt, Ca 92626. '---Financ~ial __,]~! ~ _Mercha-ndise~l~ 1"6~1~7~W~E~Sc.T=c"L-l_F_F __ -'-N-B-' found in L.A. n1onth ago. Costa Mesa l..S7t>-S574 )rerc. lhi:;Ou Beu(:lr H!vd .. 1-'='--"=B'-0-CCY~Sc-'-'-'= Huntington 13Pach, 1980, 1294, 7r.6 & 540 sq. ft. 5-18-7io7• Experienced Mother 1-' . .\INTING & repair , ::;5 yr,; 1 ·c_ __ _ A 1n p J !"" ,P r k g. u Ii 1 .. f'El\'IALE poodle -T-S )TS 544-3317 \l"Ork1nanship i;.'\IJU'. Ta';;r· AUTO Baun1gardner, 54J .5(l:~2. 1Jld. Charcoal or black -8 B \'Sl ac.l\·autai;e ur n1y ..,:;p. SALESMAN BRAND IJCI\' Sllll'CS, offices, lndh·. :iii' .~ heat. elevat0rs. 17301 Beach Bh,d. H.B. 8'12-2831. Vic: C()sla l\'fcsa. Flea col· A TTING a6ny age. 5:~&-70j6. Jar. 6·16-71184 Lots of TLC, to 6. ,;c.,-'c,Ecolc=:cc.._______ Xce j 1 ~a I e •; 111 .. JJ • C!-;· ~lon.-Fri. Sonic 11 it e i>. Ji\ f 1· Exler .. \i·cl'. s~n-;le t.rerie~n:ed . ~~11 r~:'l[C. Fe<'-PUI)PY, pi1rt &!ttcr, found 548-3917 or 646-5&.';4. stor~· -t·:-.:J'('r. r ·\29. ,\1\ "·•irk on Coasl J-fv.}'· & Dian1011d, B 'Id fllHll'~nll(~. Lie ~.: in.s. 1·u1·L l.~r;:,~ i11y:.1tory ui used l.:tguna Beach. Fr iendly. UI erl 1':47-1351 or r21::;) 3'10-9789 I cnr.-;, F·ree 1!er,1n, e<tt·el1e·11 l·IUNTINGl'ON Bch, imn1ac. F lt>a collar. Call 49-1-324J. -I l\'orkini::: l.'On<litiuns, $'.:+' Bud 2 J'OOtn, cpc'd, pvt bnU1, Business Service PAINTING T!.yder 01· Tv111 .~ikin nt prkg. u!il f)(!. 350'. S90. l\fr. IRISH Setler , -1 yr. old, It p:1ys to call profession:i.l.s. NEWPORT Lang j..J{}-1301 v.·kdays feniale, Back Bay 111:'C3• ~all GRAPHIC T 11 u s tr a I i ,. e t~or free es1. 646-5178. ='C"'-=~CC::.:..,.::=e: · betwn 3 & 5 to 1dentofy. D · I c I d j IMPORTS FllRNISHED & Unfurnlsh· 5·1.",....!)6~:o or 979-9~11 e ~ ~ g n onip ete 11 • I~u1· \\'.P./hangln~ contract 1 •,d ~n c. oas_! _1-I_"l'· Cor"n,• I \ll·II'rl··o 1 ... ,,,,1, t>•rt poodle_ vertisiug_ se1'." 17821 ~ky l by honll' appt. JOOO's sn1pls. ~100 v.· Cofl.st J-I\'"-' .. , .. G " , _ " " _ ~ -Park C"'1., ll'\l tne, Ca 92107. The Jian''1llen 54i-584G "' · · ''" '~· · lei 1 lac. !>4.r-.,l!i5. 7 m1.>-l vr. Vic: llar bor l'il<ll :i5i-~G36. I , 642-9405 or·FtCE space available in1 Shopping Cen!er. . ~ . l'nOF. pain'2r, hone.st \\'Ol'k, A S d0\1nto\1'1J lluntin g lo!l ft45'-516:>· i\IAl Ul,f.: l\"OT!lan v>lll. Cl:ll't" re~·;;. lnt/1.:"'t, h:t<t! l'St.L UtO aleSman ,,,, h 0~"-fl)r . your honie & clnldrl'lll l:l'i'1. :its-::!'i."ll. 't' <o\t " . B 'l\···. '"' d ~a(' · OJ0'""70t6. ~ Sl\IALL 11:ittens -2 blk -1 11·h1\e you \'ttcation. :\111'! --. ---.-1 1 ~-: ,,e\i; . 1~ ' "'· I)() Business Rental 445 brov.n. Vic: Estancia and refs. Drives. 6·15-05i·l an. fi.1 EX!">. Pau1tt-1·s v.·orking \\'ay 1 1~ork111g: . con<l1t1ons. S t:' e , S\va.n or. -p--1 fh11i '"Jll" '"· Call Char.I, l":>ob_Crev1er ut _ SJORES ~15-36ot . . T'f_ l~G-. · I ""'':. ~H"''·-"':'' 64>-41s.t CREVIER BMW l\fain" Srrec, ot1rtyafd<1nct ""FOUND: Gnrge"fe.male-pup•' .Libia Ofc. ::>et'V IC<',,. G4.1-S:(i(J l.':TF;J~!Oi ! painting a n ll ~O· \'.'. 1 •• s: .. Sllnta Ana Oceanfront Stores available py, black 1\·ith bru"'ll legs Carpet Service +.c;;1:pel cleaning. Free1 835-3171 at niodest rents. and feet. \Vearin!!:" oollfH'. --~-~-l'l'lllll<!le•<. Phone Gt:!-7059 ----- 12 • 16 \\'anted in th<' Huntington Bcat:h area for pa.rt time j('\)s !11i~ s11n111lt'l'. I n\'ed '.!~ Ms.~ 11 ho arc \\"illin; to \\l.lt'k 4 h1·s 1)(:1' day this sun1n1r:r. & \IOU!t.! like 10 !Hake $20. to S30. per \\"k, Also enjoy trips, ;.:o-carting:, 111iniature golf, eic. If this sounds . like )"\1tl, ea![ l\'lr. Don. 979-814!) l11•fore 4 pn1. I RUILDF.l~ d1·1·1•!()pcl' needs ~O<'inl /r<•(Tl'ntinii direc1 or fr._r u"w de\·cJ .. rruent i~ San I l)1n11u; area. ~o e.-.;per1e11C'e net'l'!'.-;arv. Fnr further in· frn·111;i1ioi1 ('all J ea 11 n e Ethl':>rds nt 968-8~44 or ,\p- ply in person, Fri, Sut, or sun. 12-3 p. n17Grecn15rook hon1e-s OJJ i\ia!!:'.nolla behvn 'Elli<.: & Talbert, Fou11t11in \'t11le.y. -eus'CB~O-Y~W~A~N~T~E-0-BALBOA INN Yic. 17th & Nev.'1:oort, 611. J01-1,~·s Cu.rµet & Upholster.· I ~i · , p t R I AVON SAYS •• .. --011· Dri·Sha1npoo free Scotl·:i-j ·1 ·••r, a ch, ot}~~-~. ''B y 0 Ill~ ~1aln SL ~1 a -• our wn Boss'' ~\ppl:v In Person 675·S7·lG YOUN'G CtCrinan Shepherd guard (Soil ftetar<lantsl.( * p,\TCl-I PL,\STERING * Earn an income of your Ol\'ll, ALLEY WEST I.lj E lilt!-SL C.ili suna.ble I fc1nale dog_, bla~~ ~ bro"11., D~greascrs &. all co\nr }JI lrPf.'~. f"t'P...! estin1a tes right In your own neighbor· 2100 \r . Oceanfront, N.B. I C'hOkl'r chain VlClnity Santa brigh!ell"rS & lO nlinu!e Call 5-l(}-6825 hood. Be "'' AVON Repre-'•""ii.iii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. ....... for stor1'.'r 01 ofc's. (;1/ 63-1 • · blen.1•h for \\·hlte c·nrpe!s.l ~~-~.c:::c..:::::...=::..--I' s/I, Sl!l0/1110 011 3G2 s/f, ~it oft \Val'lle!'. 549--0783 s~\\'I' ~·our n1oncy 1),1· Sl'l\·in:g Plumbing ~~l~ve. ,Call now:540.70.;1 Career Secretaries $100/ulo 11·1 1069 s/f, 11-iLACI.-~'ll~ LabrAdor -'"!1~ f'Xlra trip~ .. \\'ill c-!et1n L.R. OTIS P LU'IBJ"' or S:lW/rno. C.J,S. R c n I 11·1iit~ on neck -niale -Vic: ln·1n:;; rn;., <lnun;; n il. S: : 1• "~ BABYSITTEn -t'> '"'atch 2 _ __ Estate, :H.S-llGS ..£~~1on !.~land. 675-3262. I hnll $15. An~r rm. s7.50. Rcn1odels ~. R~palrs. \\ater boys ages 5 & 7 yrs, niy .\\'er~gc r~ng_~ ~~·SjilO. Top COMMERCIAL APT. 1··1 JUN[), o;-ray f e 111 a 1 e l.'<nieh .SlO. Chair $5. 15 yr s. heat~rs, d.isric:sals .. !urnaces, home e\·cs .~ ronie \\!kcndi;. .S. NO ''EE... N.B., C.l\t., ON COAST HWY. \'.'1:i1nnra11e.r. \1ic of l3eac-h I exp. 1s "'hat count.~. not cfsh\\ashts. Gcl2-G26.,~ M/C_ & CIO!'ic to beac:h. Aft 4 prn h'vine, Orang.: & S.A. Call Blvd. ,i:: Talbeit , IIB. Call n1ethod. I do \\"Ork ntyse!C. ~/A .. Complete l llnnbing 536-4834 lr.1.•ncdi;1;ely. CdM.__673-3345 i"l:!-92.il Good ref. f~l-0101. sei-..·ice. BABYSITIER, pern1., my • P.P.S. Of'~r1c1-·:· .. •ii Con1111t·1·~·i·d ;.·;.''.\! _ German Shepher d _I C1rpenter TOT,\L S£RVICES CO. home, Coii:ta ;\Jr-s a. hus1111·~-Ht•;i~. l"l'l"ul, !i•isy \·;,._ Snn Diego Free\\·ay & i\Iinor P lun1bing & Repairs Tues/Thur.s noon til V. Sat. Pa cific Personnel sho1•ri1n~, l"tl11•'1. c·111 fo111 1 ~unr:1 Alla & Jeffel'y Rd _ :-.l"E\r, re.n1odel, frame & 646--09TI or 6.JG-1309 [ all day. 0\\1\ trans nee. .. \11d1·,.11~ :11/l-~J:;."•. •1Jt-5z::4 finish, stores, offices & PLU~tBI!\G r:EPA.Il~ 0>10'-06-c;;l33='=5c·_______ Services, Inc. J)()UBl.F, slYlJ;-:~n' ::-:-11 . :'\i·. '.'.'J·ITTE Shepherd _ ni ale J1omes etc. Custom v.'Ork. No job t•:>O r.n1al1 Fast results ari.• ..iust J. phunt:' ;~JO Nt>1•;port Centl'r Dr. J"'p1 r •11,1 llfl, \( •rini•i·;o; k·a:li~i· ~J\llr Licensed. 9132-1961 ~;;;;;;;*;;;*::;£:4':·:3:1'3::~*=*;;:;;;;~;;'2'~1~1 ~a~w~a~y;;;64:2:·::m::s:. ;;;;;;;:;: \ 3ui!e 9011. N.B. .\Ji. S~'~.', :'\!". :1"' ,;\li·211 !. 9G2-37S.l \\'000\\'0Rf-\, cabinets, f..IO·Hl70 ----+"'f----1. . ~i. C1•n:rul To1ver, Orange OR offiro• ;·11:; ('. !• i ~1. 1(¥)(1 ('~!lfil" COUNSF:J ,JNG J"IHlll' n1g, gen repairs, Duke 547.G ltJ l tl'llnH• OHOrllllllfY Bullrtetl W1n!N .. lnvt1tm1nt 011111rtvnll'o' lnvutment W1n11c Mo11ey lo Loan "'1onev W.1ntte Mnrtg1tel, T1Utl Olfll• "' "' no "' '" .. JS.O ... ...__Hous_._._'°'_R_ent _ _,J I •e I l HOllSH 1urnl1nM 3• HOUSti UlllUrn. m H1uit1 lunt. or unlllrn, , . 110 condominiums furn. . . 31S Condominium, unturn. no Condo. fur". or unlur11. :ru Tow11111)UM turn. . ... l!O TownllouH untur11. __ :,, ...........m Town1>o11w. furn. tr u11111r11, .. l'O DuOl••H furn. .3'S DUP1•~·· unfurn. lSO Dlllllt(tt, turn . ., unfurl\. , , 2;S Apartments for Rent I• I APll. furn, . . JH AP!. unNrn. HS Apt1 .. lurn, or unturn. , 310 Rentals I~ Room1 , Room & lwrc H1!1t1, Mottll Oun ! Home summor Rtn1111 Vautlt" Rtnt•l1 Rtnt111 11 S~1r1 .. G1r1111 lot Rent , .... Office R111111 lutllllll .'"''' .. 1nc1u1trl•I Rent1r .. Stor•n .. .. fteftt•l1 W1nltd Ml•c1ll1neC1!11 Rtftll lt ... ... ..,. "' "' .•2s . .. ~o . , "3S •• •40 .. ... 44S ... .... 4SS ~· .. , .. Anllltiet ., A"1ll1n<1• .. 1wuc1n1 """'••l•lt C•mtr•~ & IE1ul•m1nl Fu"'U\11"1 O•r•n 5111 "eus.ertoll Oood5 Jewolry . . .. ...... . M1Clt11M1Y , Ml..:1111-UI Wofttttl Mus.le.I tnilrumtnh .. ... .... ... ... ... "' ... "' "' .. Ill ... "' •• 01nc1 '11rnltur1/1!1ulp. 1124 l"l11111/0r11n1 l IU S ..... lllt M1diln., .... 121 Sportl111 0-1 ao Sttr1, Rn t1u .. n1, Bir 1J1 SWIPI 04 TV, ltod!O, Hf,I, Sltrte 13' Pets and ~pplies_ l I~ I !"ell, Otner.11 , , ISO c111 &U ti••• U4 P'lslt UI HDrlfJ W LIVUIOCk , ... ISi Boats~ 1 .~ I Marine Equipment le. 01111r11 ... . too 1 .. 11, M11111.1Serv1C1 . t01 lftll/Mlrln• •11ulp. , , 904 11111, ,._, " 'N l••h, 1t1nt/Cll1rttr .. • • , ,.. IM!I, Si ll .. .. . , M 8111 .. S11Ptf0.ck$ .... tit 11111, IPIH a Ski ....... tll ao1t1, Slor••• , , tl2 ., ,.:q ft. S~lil(.1. 11111 !:k r f,.\2 -:ii;:,\: \'ort-Profit f'oundu!ion Da Durl:a, 6.i&--7:'">9S, 846-~193 lA!ual Oppo1·. En1ploye1· "" £16-i171. c= .. ~0 01' ,,,,_00·1' Cement, Concrete Trader's Paradise . lndustr.ial Rental-4 50 Ir o u-N·l) J-Iusky-Shl'pherd l CAH.PET clenner h l' Ip c r 1nix. Vic:inily Irvine. Call BRICK veneers. Slumpstone \\·1.1.ntcd. ,'\ca!, energetic. S:-C-.~866 .~ t.'Oncrete, bloc k fences 1 • \\·ages open. Steani MB'liier NO~ LEASING I r~Nl) -Pet Cro"" ~TOught iron, store front. l.neS carpet Ch!:i.niers. 174 0 , I , __ A_n_no_u_n_c_•_me_n_t• _ __,J[' '¥~ l ~[ ___ rr_•n_•_por_t•-tl_•• _ _,Jlfl•l Huntington Beach Vic: E astbluff Cus. v.'Or!<. 963-185.J Superior 1\vc, Cl\1 1 NEW MMl 64.J--0356 PATIOS. 1·;ull:.~.'d1i\'es. ~:1\.\', t• c-ASHIER !l-10 !'i.J. ~·1. ~· UP II ~JAi.i:: Sianiese t,Vl>C t f bi·ea!t, l't!!nove .~~ replace I mes Lndlc,1 re:t.dy to wenr SJlC'(~.ia.J. l!anilhon ,'i:. .\<'i\!Fln•l 1 . ca· <~)nc1·ete . j.~!\61,i~ for est. h I ->45-072.4 646--0697 or 833·0519 Sl'U pninl. Vic. l'irh & I Contractor :Y "~ 101 '· : 1 · · Ne\\'JX>rl, 64!'i-:!5:r.!. ·--------dol lav~ CHILD earl' & lit(' hskpng :oih:1r1· Al'T or l!OC'SL i BI~t.:E Po:nt SirHnes-.:o , \'U'. j';cr: Taulane -Repair I., : f~r l :ys 4,..,~ ~3.~:31)-5:30. I Tr·1~ . llor:,.n,·~·-~1111 Jvuh, I 1.4,1,1,,11 .. addit, 20 )'!.'"1 t'Xp. ~1 t : pn1, .,.,,,.... , . Ca.!~~~?:;~1 ;;;1;1~~T.i~!f-R' _Irlenttfy. 4~~·'', l ___ 1 '-'''":. :"lty \\'ay co. !io!:'-UU:~O Ct.EANUP & Delivery boy, -Fnt ·~rl: F"c n11I•· \'6rk<>hi~ 0-ft' !.J\l\:E 1\l"l'O~'htttd; neat• H \VE 24,•Jt> :\IARLETTE }<'/time. Apply ln J>Cl'SOO, Rentals Wanted 46Q T• !Tl<>r, \'le . .r.lisslnn Viejo, r a ,. ~ · 3 l~ 2 ba •• • " • M fltttcheron, 140 lndustrlnl ;.;;.;.;...;c;_;.;;.;.;..:.;;, __ = FJ ·r•tn>. 6/7. 8:~18 E r '/d ::?~~· Jut! ii. , ~-'." I . A; :\fo11lle IIonie $16,::-.00 value. \Vay, Costa l\fesa. \"F1tY resp, in:'l.IW'e couple D S GN raft. pl11ns l101ne "',<U•1f'l IQUlh''· ,.,d~r rx:. « 'tti.tde for uc·l'Oage duplex,~ • ' . v::111t tn Jcallt' 2 ui· 3 Jlr. l·'\'I 1 Yriuna fml h·bh Setter & romml. adc11 t I 011 s, 0"1e1Y, $1t51JO equ11y for Or· inc. prop. or ?? AnitriCati CLERK Typttt, I ra 1l1ee1 Jlousc ,.,.ith 2 13th. in 1~_1gun(i \\1., H.I.>. Jligh School. gara~~t'!! any size job. nngc Cnty. prop. 548-86t2. Travel Tl'allers 839-9911 f/thne. ~lust have some .ex· ,,r C.D.ilf. AJ'i•a. for IX:c up, fi~'-.~triil 84~-::'100 fO\'OTA l .• A~D CRUISER $10,(((1 Eq ~Bi •older l1~e :;c:c. z:~~~~n~w~ 11llOl.lt Jul,v 13111. 19~1901 1 f ()l '~l) Saluld. vie. Santa El,ctrical · 1311. 2.;,000 n11lc!I, \\'ill + guest house In San Jo.· \\'Ai TED. DtJulilc car i 1\nn /\\'~. ,r;., Brisl<JI r,.16-4.166 lra<le for· \o·olkK\;·age.1is or c1n10. Tra.de for R·1lot6r -TIME FOR 1ttu·w:c In (;\\ ,;"\B {lrP11. 'p \\111Tf. Gf't-fnan ShC'ptferd, l~ f, r:C..'TRJC1Ai~. llc::e~sc<l, ??';'7 'f LlM E. I ~, CJ\t Eq. ln wn. home nr bch. tu S·IU nlu. . fru:ndly, vie Alont'Qvia & bon(led. ~mall'lj~bs. 1110.111t ~ 518-C~~~, l·ASS-1810. • 67;)....'.!lili:l • Placentia, c.~1. -(,"1'1 11 n .. n. rtp:ilrs, :;.;~_o:.. $8100. li.:t T .D. T'ri% SS2 -S-_U~n-;i,-,-1"11,.-.-,,-,,-'00d-.-6---2-B-~-t UICK CASH n\11 \\"a.Iker 548~7~ t Xt 3521 FIOors -.±... mo-.-now;-1131':-mo-tn-4-yrs: .t=f-r'l-Br,cunfurnr torbo!lt.--9UICK 'C-ASH & after 5 l»J. ~""· J,>u.-9'),,.. or -er.-(:uum. Sloop;-cth!>r horse rMC!t , - \\'lllTJ<: du.Ir?, f~rnal('. POO· D&S f''l~1r n111l11. fnst, r~s. For '73 El Dorado. Call ... r' S40<Xl0 ('Q"Ulty + u.d THROUGH A THROUGH A 01.J::. \'ic: shopping ~nter re.I .. Ask 31J.-111t liflt'C r akl8. 673·7311. · O'i·ncr 675-6259 .c 1 · DAI~' ILOT 1 ;'Ol/~~1,tlnl(to11 ~I<tll. l.e1U1h & ~t.J.A. c.an 5'1l-9.\SD ~.m:E"'-'0:::'-"-,-.1.-.-,·-con-u-n-cl-al J..ike tO trade? Our Trader' a DAI LY Pl LOT . G!.rden1n9 . Inc propertl~ next to S<-81's i>rutuJh1e co51~'21~ 11 !or ¥OU! CLAS IFIED ADS 84<i<ilt;2 • COVWrfor unita Commer<. ~ CALL 642 5678 I The '"to<t tlrn~ .. -ill the \\'er!. Gerden ln9/L•ndfc1plrig (It' lndu&t. smoo eqty. + 5 d">• WANT AD • . ~ .. a Dally PUot Class.lned Experl, r4!:1lllblt, local, fret callh. ()-,1,'Jier G'Tt;.6259. tor, 5 bucks. • ------·-'d. 612-5078. • " . 'i'iknl!t :iurS11I')' 5'1S.3SiiJ ~ .. .I Ar111ounc1m1nl• . . .. , ... soo C•1d If Thlllllt/ln M1morlum .. SCIS Ltt"' Notlce1 .. .· ... Sll .__I _Perso-nals __JI~ AUii tf'l llSllOrt•lltll ... ,., n\ P'1"1111l1 ., , , SM SOCF.. Chi~ .. .. US Trl v11 .. , ...... .,., .......... 14f .__L•_s_t _111_d_Fo_unc1 _ __,] ~ '01i1nll tlrtt ldll LHI r "'"' ... "' ... ,... Instruction I 1•] L....:.....--- •(••• a 11111rvett9M , ....... m ·11tt•r•<•• .. .. • ••• r .. • Alrcr•ll tlJ C•mHrl, S•l•l lt•nl no (Yelin, ··~··· SCffllrt ...... ns lliettrlc car• .. .. ... ,,,. Mobll• Him.. ftJ Motor Hon111 S•l•l•ll'lt ........ '4f fr•U•r•, Tr1v11 ... hS "' Aull ~trvlco & l"t rt1 , . , . , . t4t '--A-ut_•_• '_•_r s._1• _ __,l[ ~ I 0111tr.. .. .. "' Aftlllllltt/Cltt,lc• .. ,., R1erH.!!"11ll V1~leM ....... ,,. tS6 Sftlfll, ftlCI> .... • tit "'""' Y1111 . ,,,.,,, •. : ................ H) A"'9 L•llllt ... , •. " , .N4 All'llt W'"IM • , .. ., ... , ffl Amt, '"'"''" .. ..m Autos, Ntw , .. ... .• .. ,_ .. u .... UMf "' .. . ........ M l I ;- I' 1-- ' ' 11 . .. _ .. ____ ...,..., ...... - ' .. lo;pfo711w1t l[Il] I L•s;11• l[fll.(u.__ I -'"":~·" .... _l[HJI I~·~~~-~~·~~-=·~·~~­[ -...... !ri11 I ~ '"' ·-· fill I .:........ I~ ;;;I ;;en.io;;, ... _. =~l[Il]~I J I ljlelp Wonted, M & F 710 Help Wonted, M & F 710Holp W•ntod, M j. F 710 H;lp W;nted, M & F 7lO .Help \Y•~~ F 710Holp W•nted, ~..!:}_!! COUii ----.J. C: PENNEY CO. 24 F•1hlon l1l•nd Newport Beach . CARRIERS NEEDED ~OR_DAIL LPJLOT MALE OR FEMALE --------- HOSPITAL New GENERAL LABOR GENERAL-MACHINISTS Has opening tor Full & P /time Coffee Ho111e MUST BE 10 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER HAVE A DEPENOABLE BIKE GOOD PROFITS! Newport S.och Costa M esa Santa Ana Orange & Irvine No Fees . \\'eekly Paycheck 6 Afl1 shift, Day shif1s, 2nd shifts and graveyard. To set up & operato mills & engine lathes on short run production. Require 2 years ex- perience on all comrnQn sbo11 machinery. ~Mercy General Hospital MwACHiN£il'vt•.ASSEMB 1 LERS --Cook1----<r-wc•w,•rt .._. Nilliiiili;lto111 2ttli st. ;e-nt111. CALL 642-4321, Ext. 211, Ask for Gory Jerrett Help W•nted, M & F 710 Help Wonted, M & F 710 >..1n't v.·orldng conds, Out.standing Benefits Apply in penon • 10 AM-4 PM ~-.. -~-~-· ·-·--~ • P~P~S • Pacific Per1onnel Services, Inc • Now ·Open _ DAILY e1LOT. 311 . ~·--. l[IlJ Equal Oppor. Employer m/I t'OOK & waitresses full ---------• time. Over 40 yr old for · EI Ir • Porkhu•SI R e ti' em'" t ec ODICS 500 Newport Center Dr. Suite 900 Newport Bch 2701 So. Bristol, Santa Ana Phone 1714) 979-3500 Resid e nce, 9925 La CXX>K • \Ve have perm. ~ Alameda, F .V. Printer Circuit sltlona: open tor an exper COOK, exp'd in lnstltut1onal Board Openings 640-1910 cook & dlelat) a.Ide. Im.med cooking. Beverly Manor employment. Park Lido convalescent Jf o s p I ta 1 ' Dana Laboratories located in 24 Central Tower, Orange 541-6446 Full Time & Rollo! Appllcotlon1 Accepted 9AM • 4PM To inspect machine parts, assemblies, sheet metal, hardware1 castings & raw stock. Re- q,uire miriimtim 5 years mechanical inspec· t1on experience including working mechan- isms. Own hand tools. RN'S 1 A~ Hill 831 °""" Irvine near the O.C. Airport Flagship Conv, Center, 466 .._una 11• -ovvu has imn1ediate openings fOl' F1agshlp, N.B. C q 0 K -Ra I e i g h Hllls the 1oll0\'.•ing positions in ;is Equal Oppor. Emplo)ter ICU/CCU & LVN 3-11 & 11-7 Hospital, 1501 E. 16th St, printed circuit board facn. GIRL FRIDAY Newport Beach, 645-5707. ity IR ST -See Dottle. • • Plater A Must be good typist, book COO keeping, handle phone & K-p/time. Coac h e ' s Al least 2 yrs general exper. front receptionist. Interest· WELDER A REAL ESTATE SALES Corner Restaurant, So . in PCB plating & must k!lO\\' · ... ·Go_ LPI 1ng wor..,. with good {»ten. ~. 181' m;:r-~ . a11 aza, .CM _5:46::7955._ copper, .101lead & 11ickle/ tlal. Salary co1nmensurate OB DE·PA'R·T-MENT • • CUSTOMER SERVICE gold processes. , , \vith. experier)Ce. Call tor MEN 20 & UP Sr. Process Inspector a1>p't bet\veeti 10 am & 12 F.~~iji:·-·--HELP-WAN-TED -.AP.P.ti,.,,l, .sb.Q.<\ld. __ IJ;>.v .. •l noon. §45.filJ.l. ~for Mrs. LABOR & DB.IVERY-Part flRle & Relief To (?.bri~a~piachi.ne parts & a~s~Jllblies for construction of medium heavy machine tools. Work from blueprints. Require minimum 3 years combination \\'elding experience . O\vn Resales ju Nl'\\'port Beac:h area. ·' ' HARBOR VIEW HOMES '.~ ~ Ohr. of-large ..mamlf.--...hall least2 yrs-ex~._m-ID.!Jpecl· Clark. -' . ~ o""nings in alarm instaua. fo g"l'c-ooaro, " iilill•ly to ~ --· N. U-RSE-RY -11 -7 15aiM tlon /c"st. "'"'· dept. Earn. read bluepnnls. GIRL FRIDAY • • ... ~ ing& to • • . • · Fabricators Great PR spot. This variety $4 PER HOUR Requirements include al position will glve you a hand_tooJs. _ _ _ _ DAY & EVENING INTERVIEWS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 1.829 Port Shellleta P l\lcC Newport Bench 833;078(! wk-days only REAL ESTATE SALES i· ' 1. '!. l I ! . ! l • ' • . : • I I I t f e • • ' c L A 5 5 I F I I D 6 4 2 • 8 ,/ Fast raises & advance. least 1 yr expet'. ln routing, chance to work p/time in I Neatly groomed drilling, slotting A shearing the office & half time as CALL u7 -13 of PC boards. Openings exist rental agent. Start $500. Call '" -u7 for 'both A & B fabricators. Fri/Set/& Monday Touch•Up Proces1or ~ly llart, 54().{,(155, Coastal S d C II rersonnel-Agency;-2790 "Har· u9n37a! ... a This position requires t lT bor Blvd .. CM. ._..1 ol ofillk screen touch-up on PC boao·ds. GUARDS Silk Scrunei' Full & P/time Positions EMERGENCY Full Time & Relief 1r-1- ER TECH 11·7 Top comn1. s plit: all the ad· vantages. of a sn1all o(c. X\nt leads lfu111. in1mcd. No £'xpcnses at alt 10 sales· -pCople. BALBOA BAY PROP. 6.\2-7491 548-2971 Eves. CALL 714: 894-4711 MACHINE TOOL DIVISION . Delivery of DAILY PILOT, SUNDAY ON L Y, to newspaper O'lrrlers In' SAN CLEMEN.TE area. Requlres use of Station Wagon or Van. Contact fl.Ir. Harry Seeley, 330 West Bay St ., ...COSta Ml'M 642:::4321 Applicants must be skilled open in Long Beach, La· ~ in all phaM'S of PCB .t>Uk guna Niguel in Laguna & screening \V/a min. of 2·3 Compton Meas for quall!ied yrs exper. Knowledge of appl\cru1ts v.•ho desire photograph ic film & related steady employment. 18 Yrs processes .desirable. of ag~ or older. App(y in person, -326 So. LeniDn .SL, Anahein1. betwn 9 am & MED SORG RN 11-7 Conrac Corporation 9200 Bolsa Ave. Westminster An Equal Opportunity Emplpyer REAL ESTATE -SAL.ES - \Vhy not work in the hottest are a lluntington Beaeh/Founlaln Valley Call Phil McNa.mee, VILLAGE REAL ESTATE; 003-4567 DELIVERY Man, p/ti1ne. Early morning h o n1 e delivery of newspa~rs. no collections. Over 23, must have dependable car, H.B. area. 894-Ul.5. DELIVERY men, p e r m . p/tin1e for early mom newspaper dellv. to homes Excellent Wages PJC'ase Apply DANA LABORATORIES 2ID1 Campus Dr., Irvine Equal Oppor. Employer in N .J3. PX! + per mo. Elec. T.cch to S15K 642-4800. SC'crctaries $650 DEPENDABLE cl r Iv e r s Keypunch to $600 must know N.B. & C.M. Acclng Clerk $500 area. Apply Pizza l\fan afl. Receptionist $550 4. Girl Friday $!Ul ._.,stc·Bkkpr $500 DESIGNERS & Draftsmen, Desi~ Draftsman $850 + exper. in memory systen1, RN 30 hr Vlk to 5600 P,_C_._, & mechanical design R~ptirypist to $600 Qf ~lectronlc ·s y J._t em.s. St t Ty . t 1500 -Teduw:llogy1.lark etln g , a pts · !mJ:.UOO. Sales Seeretary $600 Design Drafts1nan . Electonlc . -mALAiOe! COiifrol~~;ORT fo $800 Personnel Agency 833 Dover Dr., N.B. 642-3870 Liz Reinde-rs Agency 4j(K) Camp!Js Dr., N.ll. 557.3401- -------~~--ELECTRONICS Assembler ~-;t:aJ exper. or trainees. Fem'. kitchen helper, top v.-ages. Pal Electronics, 6 3 91 Ben Bro\i:n's, 3ll06 Coast Westminster Ave, \Vestm. Hwy, South Laguna. --=~330='-· ------ENGINE INSTALLER 1 pm . • ArYr Sterling Security service An Equal Opprir: Employer Hospital MISSION Community . HOSPITAL 27802 Puerta Real fifi sslon Viejo I East-of San Diego Fr.vy- Crown Valley Parkway) (714) 495-4400 (714) 831-2300 RN's e MED. SURG. DISH\VASHER, exp. only. J\.1ust have neat appear. Cot· tage.. Coffee Shop, 562 W. 19th St., C.M. MustJ1a\·elyrrecentexpcr. -3 to 11,.11to7 in boats. hlondor Yachts e MED. SURG. AIDES m \V. 17th St., C.fiI. 3 to 11, 11 to 7 Dr's Assistant ENGINE ER TEqI. wo•k Young lady (tS.28) to assist p/time nt ho me ton misc • ICU~CCU in health spa. Will train, no tasks. ~me design, assem, 3 to 11, 11 to 7 exp. nee. Apply !n person so me test. Bric( resume. any aft or eve. 2930 w. Box 1556. Coiita 1.fesa, Ca. e ER Coast Hwy., N.B. ""'=·~26:::·==~==~-11 to 7 ESCROW SEC'Y DRIVER Io r pre-s~l. Join expanding tirm in or-e PEDIATRICS Clean driving record. Pa-ange Co. Great chance for 11 to 7 SURGERY RN 3·11 & 11-7 PEDIATRICS RN -11·7 DIETAR·Y Cook, Hospitill exper. preferred. 5:30AM • 1 PM. Dessert maker &/or pastry maker Excellent benefits & Worklngc Conditions Equal Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONIST Help Wanted, M & F 710 I Help Wanted, M & F 710 Day or night, .no exp. nee, MANAGER TRAINEE ORDER DESI< -enercrntic ens,Y. fun job. Mil train, no ·' . .,.-. typing or shorthand, etc. Outstanding opportunity to young woman good with Apply in person any aft or advance to managei'ial poSI· figures and telephone to eve. at 2930 West Cst Hwy., tion in 30-@ days. Our cur· handle sales order desk for N B rent in a n age r s earn fasl growing boat manufac· 1 !!!!!!. ,.·!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"" J $1000-$15C0 mo. Must have lurer. Fast pace . and I ~ direct sales experience. pressure hut excellent work· RECEPTIONIST Call ?.tr. Newman 979-5222 ing conditions and good Rapidly gl'O\\'ing fi rm needs MASSEUR For Private Gym Excellent Benefits __ Telephone 557-8154 _ Betwffn 9:30 & 4 P.M. Equal Oppor. Employer con1pany benefits. Ca 11 indiv. w/outgoing personai· 979-2880 for appt. ity to handle front desk '9.•/ Pacific Mutual Life ~ase. Mus.t be accurate tYl!" Newport Beach Home Offiee tst · Call Lmda Ray• 541).6Q55. A g en c y s e eks m en Coo.stat Personnel Agency, w/col\ege exper. for finan· 2790 Harbor Blvd., cM:" cial planning sales. Salary Receptionist, part-time, to to $700 + b o n u s · work in· orthodontie office Pro,essional v.•ay training mornings. Mus·t have pleU: progran1. Call Ralph Brown ant phone voice, neat~d G.L.U.-or \V. Gerald .Ten· attractl\te. Past secretanal MECH/ELECTRICAL Hela Wanted. M & F 710 Help Wanted, M&F 710 Background. Must have 1 yr ner, Mo-3225 exp. desirable. 546-5170. PACKAGERS RECEPTION!ST/Cleri< I }IEAL.TII food store desires experienced mature woman for full time work. 548-9537 recent exper. LADIES lsl•ndor Yachts P/time work Costa Mesa 777 W. 17th St. CM publication's house ope"nlting ' HI-Fl aJ1.fPONENT SALES Salary. Costa Mesa area. Call I\>1r. Jlann, 12 to 2 pm only, (213) 685-8543. 24 hrs a day. Needs ladies to help at ad.I hours on rush jobs. Can we -call you to \vork p/time at hours we can arrange? We will train you. It you are lnterested HOUSEKEEPER, live in, 1 all °''9772 • f N k p easec.-.;.,.j, .... exp d & res nee. o smo · LEGA SEC ing, 3 Childron, prl rm & ba L • & TV, 5 day wk, Io v e I y Fee pd. Job dreamed o1 get- waterffunt Newport Bch ting? Train into para legal, home, salary open, 673-5666 Xlnt skills . 70-typ.shrthnd Housekeeper, f/tlme $550/mo. Also fee positions. 549 3061 cau EUy Ellis 556--85()15, • Contro( Ca.reer Empy Agcy, H 0 US EKEEPER/compan· 3400 Irvine Blvd., NB. ion live-in fOl' elderly lady. L--EGAL SEC Non-smoker. ~5599 HOUSEKEEPER Exp., good skills. 1 girl office, -ex· Santa Ana. ~ary com· perienced, references ff!· mensurate w / ab 111 t y. quired. Call 646-1243 Call 714: 547.filSl. Medical Transcriber ·aam ... :30pm Tues & Sat Excelle~t benoflt1 & Workln1 Condltionl · MISSION COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 27802 Puerta Real MlsslorrViejo Experienced iq vi ta m In Typist, including lite book· • ta blet paekaging-&-opera· keeping. · tion or filling & labeling Peacock Insurance n1aehines. Full & Part time. 494-1087, Mrs. Bradley 64(i.;3931 RESTAURANT POSITIONS OPEN Cook, Counter girls Asst. . Manager Trnes. Must be 18 FOR NEW BRANCHES or older. Apply in pel"90n, Full & Part··Time Jaek in the Box, 2235 SAVINGS DEPT. Hatoo• BIW. CM. - Savings & Loan Exper. RETAJL Salesperson, exper. Pref'd. Apply In Person. only. F/Un1e. Newport Sta- Mariner's Savings & tioners, Apply in person, Loen Alsocietion 42'29 Birch St, NB ~ 1515 Westclitt Dr., N.B. -Saleswomeri - 642-40CO -Manager -Asst Manager POSITION avail. for )'Oung Fashion womens clothing wol"!'an to learn stationery chaln. Women must have busuiess. Perm. job. Must sales background. Ideal po. be neat appearing. Beach .,. f tl · · -ti-Statloners, 18l'.l7 Newport s1 ion .or en 1us1as c. ca. Blvd, C.M. r.e:er minded. Full ~· bene- PRESS OPERATOR tits. Please apply in per. tient &: mature. D a Y s advancement. Salary to $550. (East of San Diego Frwy Crown Valley Parkway) ~~· Eves/wk n d's Call Kay Wing, 54{).6(155, & OB, RN & LVN. LEGAL secreta.ry min. 2 )TS . Coaslal Pel>Onnel Agency, 11 to 7 INSURAHCE SALES exp. Ca!U. law. Salacy Ol>"n. ((771144)) 41395-44001-2300 ron. \Vomen to work for plastic Ba'ckstrHt molding plant. $46-3370. 301 No. HarlX>r, Fullerton DOMESTIC Help George 2190 llarbor Blvd .. Crtl Position avail imm~. Phone Allen Byland Agency. 106-B 'EXP -~-.D-0-tt-ice--G-ir~l.~t-o-•-~-rk MEDICAL t612-~i"""~·!b~~mti~~~"·~:~:;..:::~~ PRESSMAN; OFFSET 91 Town & °'"""'" o,.. Exp'd on A & Mor A.B. Dick 25 Fashion Island, N.B. equip., will train on auto 56 -Fashlon Sq., La Habra presses. 2nd & 3rd Shift SALESGIRL, top sa les openlflis. Oppty for advance-person, exp only, for better ment. !\tr. He\vltt 540-9IT2. specialty s1ore, salary open. E. 16th St., S.A. 547--0395. -cardex system tn electrical TRANSCRIBER No exp nee., eun while Y9\I LIVE-IN Companion to es.re Equal Oppor. Emptoyu • nERLY I d • • 30 T & S learn, part time, eves & E....... a y needs clean-"'"holesale hOuse. Full or -: Hs et wkn~s. full time when quali· for elderly lady in Leisure MEN & \VOMEN wanted for ing \\'On1an-gen'I helper 2 part time as pert Uberal · :.J tied. World. Mun cook, drive warehouse work & machine morn& a week. 5.16-4852 lx-f benefits, etc. 5,;7-6801. DIETARY COOK Farmers Insurance Group car, light hou&ework. Call operations. 540-7864 call 6 pni EXPERIENCED mechanic, Hospital exper. Spllt Ed Lani * 540-1834 548-5447. between 8 & 5. Production Control send infor!l1al 1 ~ t t e r w/general 1n!orm11uon & ELECI'RONICS TECHNICIAN B 5% 1~:~· A&:1~ in~~: lhr:·.5..:,~0•J:: :.:m .. ¥-• y..-c -v-KEYPUNCH ~~~i;, i:~a B:~~ 1747 Anaheim Ave, Costa ret<>rt, 6 day week. 494-l196. To ~~e manufacture exp. \Ve 1vill t.'Ontact-you. & shipping of sailboats. Send Jetter to Box no. 8R2, l\lesa L b t OPERATOR Dana Labon>torlos. localed in CG~EN~E~RAL--o-lli-'ce_m_'• -1.-co-n· a ora ory FtllNE PERSONNEL NURSES Afde -Ol'd•"Y· exp Irvine ~ar the.O.C. Airport, •-• not nee o.-nin'"' on day• struetion bkkpg exp essen· SERYICES•.trc.._lr"\/ · r-·-"b-ha.'f tmm~iate openings for tial. Prepare pe.yroll,~union e MEDICAL TECH ~...._I We are seeking ' e.'tper. key· 7-3: . mldnlte ll-7. Good MacGregor Yacht Corp % Dally Pilot, PO Box l5ti0, 1631 Placentia, C.M. Costa Mesa. Culi l 92'i26 * PRODUCE SALESLA DY ncedccl. p-.f electronlc1 technicians. reports, A/P, an 8 we r 3 to 11 :lO O::mun'l Artist/Adv to $12K punch operator for swing· benefi~s. Make applieatlon Applicants &hould have 1.3 phone. some typing, no F/C Bkkpr (retail) to $850 Shift. 4 pm·12:30 am on the at 144:> Su~rlor Ave., N.B. exp, mature \\'Oman. \Vallnh Clru·ke's, ~'6 Fashion Island. ._...... college t!lectronics or sn10Jdng. :r.fo~Frl. 8 hrs e WAITRESS Indus/Con1m'l L....Emc $850 Univac 1701-lnO. We are or call S42-~·llO CLERKS :r;1i1tary training in an"1"'" day, 842-1412 Exec Sec·y Mktng to $700 willing to train on the tab OFFICE MGR SALESLAOY-21 ~rB """er ff r1 · 1 • ~ Country Club Ins. Rate/write $700 punch verifier. Location of FULL. CHARGE _ OFFICE 54~r~5!.:., sh. op, · · a & dlgita circuitry. Xln't GENERAL He1p, ·p/tlme experience Acctng Clerk/EDP to $700 k -·~ d 1n th c ~·~ 644-0022 oppor. rfor advancement. ~es from 5pm on. Driveni .. ~25 the ey .,..... ..... , ept. . e MGR for New a r Experienced, I m me d i a t e Kitchen. Over 21. Apply Excellent Benefits Secretary/CPA to "" near future will .be Fashion Dealership. You know lhe Openings in ntfw Co.<ita Mesa SAL.ES . • Pleue Apply ~ Me n Eds 110 E Asst Bookkeeper to $600 Island, Newport Beach. experience you must have. sl-e FULL and PART Bus1ness·m1nded c rea t 1 v.e DANA l?lh""' S-l 'eos" t M ' · & Working Conditions Sec'y& (no sh) to $570 Please apply in person, or TIME,,. · person v.:ho·s O\v1.1ed their LABORATORIES:\. • a esa Sec'ys Trainee to $550 Please eall Mrs. Rose phone 645-7770. Harbo r · ·ALSO CASHIERS O\vn retail shOp, interested GENERAL h o u s e w or k . 4n equal Opportunity Clerk Typists to $540 for an appolnbnent American Motors. * in fashic:in & cre~tive selling 2401 Campus Dr., Irvine Cleaning only. Tuesday «· Employer ~ Payroll -Clerk $498 (TI4) 547-75U OFFICE CLEANING for a fine spc~1allty shop. Equal Oppor. Employer Fr i d a y . Must have f !!!!!!!!!!!!!!...,,.,,;.,;!!!!!!,,,,!!!!!!!!!!! Trainees: (lite type) $375 u 1''uJ\ or parl tune. Salfll')' refenmces k own• traM-Fast "''"'" are Just a phone Maintenance Man to l6SO GREAT WESTER" O>Jple, cm!ln I wife .. ,,.,. * ALSO BOXBOYS OI>""· Ph: 541-1133. ' II ldln lh·••ls .•. G .. " ·,u1H portation. 644-8148 call nway 642--5678. Design . Draftsman $866 ienced only. Approximately Corp Legal Sec'y $100 SAVINGS 3 h" evenings, N.B. O• C.M. s.1 .. Rep $100+ comm . --- . -. AC(:tng Clerk/EDP 10 $700 areas, $350 month. Call Call for ApPointment Degree • No exp. nL'cCSs Rccept?l'ypist $500 1418, N. Main St., Santa Ana (213) 927-0115. 1 (213) ~7213 ~'Vestcliff PayroJ.l/Constr Open An Equal Oppty Employer 2 OFFICE GIRLS PROOF OPR 1~;E;Ed~n~!:,11~A. ~~I~ITI'1::':o~~S MAID for Laguna Reef NE.EDED l l\'lark II I C{·nteN 488 E . 17111 St. (at Irvine ) Ot Motel, 3Cl!lli S. Coast Hwy., ·Radio telephone dispatch ExperiC'nced 542.8836 Suite 224 642~1470 Laguna. Beach. 499-2005. Must be 25, li.bte to drive . ~~ply Jn Person SALES girl. w o m e n 's MAINTENANCE Man tor Apply. ln Peraon SECURITY PACIFIC fllshions. E:iip'd selling & f,a 'ff; rt ¥:» • "' exclusive, own your own 12 YELLOW CAB CO. BANK n1 er chandisc. Full/part. JANITOR, p/tlme. No ex· ~l~=~S:~ie MAUI~ 186 E. lSth, Coata M€sa -3fi5 Via Lido 847-5169 bef 10 AM & aft per. neceu . Mr. Scane, or Ing to do a a:ood job wi{hout OFFICE help-part ~I m e . Newport Beaeh l -'1":30::.,:P..:'::'-~-~-- Mr. Wl\llams, SUverwoods, supervision. MUil 11.ve on lrui':ll'a1_1ce e x Per I en c e e SALES~lEN, full o t: 45 Ffl8hion Island, Nv.'PI premlaes in beaut. apt pro. desirable Phone 645--«170 "Equal Oppor. Employer p/tlme, mens \\'Cl\r•eXpt.or". Center. vlded free w/util. Perm. OFFICE "·ork, full or part pref"d. Co 11 tac l I\>1r. JUNIOR SALESMAN: future. eood salary, xln't time, typing e1sent1a1, no REAL EST~TE SALES_. FlelschC'r. llOELSCHER's - --Enn'i S20-$40 per "'ee'k wo~g cood1. Pho?e SH. neefled· 549-0068. r FREE LICENSE South Coost Plata. \\•orking Alter schOol And WM8711 or 675--3366 til OPERATORS, exper. only. TRAINING SALES L~DY on Saturdays a:ettlng new . · single needle & overloc k. Famoui;i Real Estate Lieens· F.xpcric.nC\.>d. Med1u.n1 to bet· eus1omers for the Dally MALE&. female hell> wanted Top rates. Rolfs Manuf., ing 0-.urse f\O\V ovo.llable tc~ ftcady To \Vc8J' Sbop. Pilot,_ This 11 not a paper $l.85 to start. Don'• Car 865 Ptoduetlon PJ, NB. thru T11 rbeU Realtorti. FrCC''l "'54-"~:.:ll'l'l:::;.4::,· ===---. rou re and doC!J not Include Wash, 510 A've. Ertrella.,1_,&;:ol&--0:::::::308::::::·~~=~~-Plaoenv•nt SarvicC. t-~ret> SEAMSTRESSES v.•anted, deliveries or t.'Olle<:tln(I:. San Clemente. OPTOMETRIST Tralnlni:: •Program. Earn must be expcr. & ftist. P\ece We ha.Ve opcnlnais In South· ~IAN to work full time In while yrou learn. Call Al work. Sv.'1m wear & spor11 \\'Cit Costa Mesa and South rental yard. Ne11.t In appear, SloM <n4l 8,12-SWO. wear. 613-7569. J.luntington Beach only, ••/neat handwrltlne. Will Mus{ be mature. Thia ls 11 =R'=E"A'"'L'""E;;S~T;,A~T~E=".s~A'°'L"E=s''s'"E:Cll°'.~ET:;AR";;n':i..~."-;:--. ~ill;:.,_-_;;:_::;;_ Apl'lr nowl 968--9641. train. Apply morns, 1930 ready made practice. No In· k t d a.Un ~ewport Blvd, CM. vestment required. Real lOO'ft. Pro!I, old tlme pros1 ~per, enerce ie, e R M. ANAGER money maker for !ltcady pnrt·tln1c pt'OS. Call In con· 11.irti the ~ii~ public. A1>- ri.tanager who's had t X· mOJ\ on a n1onth lo month tldenc::e llO\V about our ply '2'1 Tu'tin i\\<e,!!.B_. __ lmmOO. A.Wgnn1ent1 PEltlENCE In a t In e lel\.!IC. Phone (TJ4 ) 642-9511 unique p1"Qj(l'<\n1 o! dbl. SECRETARY Top$$$. · • • crefttive speeinlty &hOp, Ph, alter 1 pni wkda,ys, all dill' 1.'0mm. v.•hclhcr .Y(Jll wr1te 2 5-10 years exprr. Sh, b'Pin(i. lrvlne 540--<14$0 547_7733. i ..::S":::"::·--~~====-l_o_r 20 contrncts (Wr )'ear. hookkt'C'plng. ffl6.31'00, J2)'.oo. -N~7r~~~.j.r~MP0 ~ 1\!l)'-day ts the BF.8T11A-Y lo J. ~REY, Realtors Sl!CRETARY, p/time .flit LABORERS Tempo Tem...,_..., Help" A good want ad ti a IOOd ln-nin 11.n 11.dt Don"t del»", • 300 N. N pt .. N.B. ~7414 law office In F'Mhkin tsll\00, ---------...,-, _____________ :.,.~---.l!!!!!!!!!! ...... 9~!!!!!!-.. ',..,;,,,,f.-!!!!!!!!•!!?•t~.------1 ·Call todt1$.&t2wS678. You'll find It in CIAM:ifled N.B. Cal\ 644-.'iMO. ' ·I . ' ' - . --- l - '\'. \• .. ·: ""---:--c ·· --~ --I . . . . . . . - . -.. 4 f l. I+. PILOT Friday, J1fr!l' 8, 1q73 '~~~~·-~~-~~~ [t. ~..... l[Il) [~_ ...... ,_ .... ,~J[Il] I ~-.... ILHJ l.__~~'"."'-"""'_,J[I] ~! _ ..... _··~1~~1~1 ;;--·;;;.,-;;;"''-;;;~;;;~~I ............ ;;;. ;;1~;;1 ~!;;;--~J~~~ [ -d-llH H olp W a nted, M & F 710 1 ~Ip Wanted, M & F 71 0 He lp Wonted, M&F 710 Hole Wanted, M&P 710 Fur niture 110 MfscellanffVI 811 Miscella neous 818 O ffice f u rnit ure/ Pets, Gener al 150 ... ·-·-· -·----SF.CRET.\R\'. ;.:-P1l£'1·11.I t•I• -E~R~¥AR Sta te Mutua l Savings uoo. '"l'••u !-'(IUJ ~ Cai "-'1'' , "'' ~ 'i;;-r y \\Ill relooulc 10 l\£-\.\·1io1t YOUNG n1an to le1U'll lltu· ;onen • lluslness, pe11n. Jo b. Pleu.anl 11·oi·k. 1\tust be neat appeti ring, Beach Sta· llonert>, 1801 Newport Blvd, CUl>"l'OM 3 p;ece ,.,,•Jonul 2 •••••••••••••••••• Equip. _!!_4 "FUN FOR PETS" yn;. old. P<ttd $ l 7 0 0 . 0 t. d f 1 I Vlidt nzy Jillie backyar11 01ind<'d -"I r! "'"'''·'''''••~ •·• .x·.•·kJui.: r\.'b'.Jlonlilbk, 1·ct'S:l• B• I "-1 1,-, I • ' • • ( .. ac 1 .-..:p . 1... nuneu. shor1hand skilts + 1.;t.•n'I aJi. 1r t'. ~nl lor bully n1t!louil l llpi,;riinic~ for , , , lilUdl" Jor J~:.:un·s. 'fhis ii; a 1·on11ia11y hdQ l 'd in Xe1\J>0rt Cr. lnterviewt r Sacrific.~ $j()O. 979-6900 aft-s• REWARD 5500·0 PROFESSI NA 11~· 1 ;g bN1rdlns:: kcnucl. o i;v11cr 6. -L -~;1·~·:1:1t<~r, ·~1~~ .. t' Ill:; r·";~ Vl><'l'UIOr, k•nder l 0 v i n ~ 5 PC l.tcdlt Bedroom Set, -Copier, 2 10 key a(lrHng _C'urc. CJO!>(:d ll un1·2 11111. S>Cnll6ni!lll po!(jri11n 1vfn Bt·11ch. \a1'.M1hJ,. o f ~..-·1r lJJ. \Ved. lhru Su11 11 t)rk 11'C'l·k. 1'•'t'fio11 & Ot)::1l.nizut1on. Sh Bookkuper Clerk )'QUNG ronn _ Local resid. Slartinc :lal:11)' or 1q 1µrox. .-.:11+, t,11_..· GO+ 11.11.111 , Comm'l lndu1 Loa n Design & install Y.ind01,. sacrifice! 1'1ake oiler, Good F h of II intichhies. Call anyHn11\ P€1' coud. Bel\\'11 5 &: 1 pm only, o r t e r ecovery a &12-256.l VACATIONLAND C.J.f. $120. 11·k. \\'ith .'i ltlt g 1'01• 1J1 J"11011·11~lt::P ot ~11ll•S & ad· • Proc !>hades. }<,/time .• C<ir tul'n, 642-7489 54G-1366 INDlAN JEWELRY EXEC A\\'1'[ Cl'll'l! Sl5·<l:i Se!L' p()lcnti!!.l f•'r th<" rl({lit \'••r1is!n~ hcJ11Jul. S:"dary Escrow Custom Shudc & Drapery person. ln1~•1·v\t.,1 .~ 11·ill lt1• Sa!'iO ro :l\11rt. C l C 1 Shop, 3535 F' Co.a.st Jlwy, ~Id ·~1-:iiu,. u1k.-.. all For App . ~;~1~1~~·.1~E~!~,~~1~~~~'J' ::·~~~!.~~~~~;;; ~~-~~·~~~~hi;s~~ ~~~~Cn1g'd,en~~~ablN~poto~n .. ~~:--.NC~~la 3th & 11/h. l'lr•;iict• •·all Na omi, 642~9410 . 213!62;)..i.Jll ex t 264. Cl 1 1 be 673-7730 1>1.·111·•·1•11 1.1 u 111 ,. -osing l's u e on a aut. Mesa Al l 1'nformat1'on str 1'clly confiden-. · · ' '"' ·' I Equ11J 0 1>po1'. En1J.okiy1n· bayfront I Majo I · !~p"'pt prior ro J une 13th 101·, Seec retar.y.'Recept. J If~) . . )(>1ue. r app !!, tial Cal l 642-7251 ORGAN SALE .. r ']' r. L f:PJIONE Aru;\\·ering I MwchandlM ·. lovely hv. 11111, din. & hr. · · • . . · --· -I ln1n1!•rl. 1i1~nin;::. Tu:ltin ni·ea. Service, Beach al'ea. Prefer . furn. Patio tum & p.lltC!d •••••••••••••• \\lurlitz1·r l''Rr.tory Aullt0riii.-d •. s.c retari'es• , I frl!' .~har·1> yo ung typist. Sh over :w yi·s. ot age. Vnrled ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;m;:;~ plant!'i. lten1s pl'iced to •••• Sit!e on n1ru1) u1o:J('ls. O!h~·1• I' I <'2 6~., I IV k I 61' 1166 n10ve. Fri. June 8 th G 5 112 Ml II 818 hrand.~ nl so on i;:1 l1.., 1in eed • Typl'sts 11n· t • , " • """"· lOtJt~. ec enc s; ... - . 1r190 110 &Ce onoout I .~ A 1· 800 10an1-3pn1; & Sat. J une 9th 1'1.l111 ·1•<M. Garage Sal• 812 chi·11 $8121 Desks $20/00 Olr Snnl 8G7 \V 19 C!\1 fM2-:l'JO.'I Pianos/Organs 820 A'l''l'i:::NTHJN PE'rs~ Honie :l.1\'UY rrotn honic, -tmH tJ&"t fo1· yott!---=-- l>.oartlillJ,:/C1'00n1ln,~ 54S--2848 Cat!._ 852 SEA l.POIN'r Sian1('~f". cuie, II 11·f't•k:<1, uiall' & fl'n1nle $10. 1.•rich. ~i1~1:1,·1 e Unskille d Asem blcs s1::nVIC'E ~1 :Hion :ll•ll'!Hl111n. TF.LEPJIONE Sales. \\'ork n iques 9 1 21 Bea Bay W //' h M · C't Full lin1I' C'\•es i\1ln 2 , rs. f1'0n1 yonr 011·11 bon1c. am-pnt. con • ROUND oak table \\'f4 cht's, COUCl·I, T avoc1vto, loose a IC S USIC 1 Y Dogs 854 • Gen'I L a borers 1·x1)('r\f'n<"<'. LllP n1e{·han'i('HI Highest romniissions. Ex-3 MILLION DOLLAR N.B. Bow front chilla cah, roll cushions, good condilion S&i South Cons1 Plaza 5-111·:!..~:~o -~--------·I VOLT knn\1-lc·rlrc. N t•:11 np-pcricnC'c not ncl'essary. ANTIQUE 4 FMill~\-J.":"al'llge sale. top desk, oak s t aclt Twi11bt.'<lroomsetlO<lru\1"Cr e PUPPY WORLD e In sta n t P ersonne,I 1><·:1 1·:uH~" 1\pp!y n1orns, 2:il0 R92-.ilS.1 Show & Sile 1\·IL~c,. houscholcl itc111s, clec bookcase, old mantle clock, chest, nightiitand 1v it h · STEINWAY -!00 1\JIXEJ:i JlUJ~$. Open Tcn1 /l<ll'Ul'y ·.s1·,.\u·1~ ~'''l'._!lt!!~i\·I TELl'T!JONt-; J11tervie11·ers, J 7 8 9 10 app.hances, ~ble be.cl, n1att, hall h~'.n1arble conun-Ode, dra\\'e~/2 head anr\ f~lOt ~~or"piano 1·on11ols~t'.u1·.1\lodtl ~\'1·ic. Jdsl1 S.•tlt·I', Doher- :;s4,-: Can1pus 1)1·., Suii t• 1Qfi Sl-:H\'ICI·: .~1n tion snlt'sn1an 1v()1'k frorn your honte, flex. Anahein!'nce01;ven' (10·,, C•••t•r 5l'11ngs & hanie, like ruiii·, bedrm \\fniarble. top, f'r. boards $l6S. 2 laniµs $:ll. "R" c·r1u1·1 7 ft 11~11oll' 111an (.'<)lilt's S50 l-luskie ~ 1 1 1 I ,_ " luggage; . records, books, ~v table, 10' \Val!1ut Drapes nnd dc<.'01'11.live rods, . ,'. , 1 • • : ' ••. • 1 ~ ii!' 1, ·i·ri ,, T·Cu' . · Ne1v1)Qr! B1a,·h G46·~i 11 "· U)(' inon. ·on 11a,1· & ibl._o ho urs, no selling. call 800 \V. Katelin, aet"Us~ tr.pie items, ladies clothhig ·cyhnder desk/con1bo china baby furnilure. Unui;ual 1'11·.i,1,"'".an),tl·''.u111 l d·1".'."'kJ .~,',,,,,,.,',,,,.,o,;t, '·111.p PBo~!e, ' ,,,,, .. , I Oil'••·. ,.,,,,,,,,.,.,.,. frin~c· brnefl ls. E:\Jl('J', ))l:+n I s.t(;-7411 --,. ,o,·s-y(a"d b B d I ho , .. , .... , 0 '' .. , .. ,I '' ,, .... ' • .... .... .,r -" ,~ · ••v "" size 6 to 16, man's sport ca. ~aut ecorator tents. e . ny '\'OOCI oriental clock .. ""-"·~ ·. "" ,.. · .. ' ' ~ · · pr•'f'rl. r--u u "1' pf!linC. I THE SHOW OFF Thurs/FrifSat 1-10 p111 r·lothh1a size 42 ,,...,., 1 ,,..1 1,., Lots rnore! 1205 ·s. Birch, \l'ith brass 11un1el'als $7:i. s.,,Ol~,·. By apr)ointnicnt oudy. C~kt~,I~, · S\YAP Sheph~ni~ SECRETARY E x, E I ~h,..11. 17t h .~ lrvln", Nfl. · , S l"G "' ·-~ -'-' ,_. t '' ~,.,,,. , tnt S1ud ~"rv mo"I • C. 1 · . .-.--.--, 1 Ju~I 1novf.•I 10 Cosla i\Iesa. -un "'" P111 & n1cn's shoes Sat & c-..., S.A. R35-6!!76;-Very-old cn1!!'1ni\l-ri.o·tnll"•• N..,·...,.,.u. -,_. • • -.-~ -"'-'' Il l IC! < I . .:JU • ,, .,.. •>;,. ~ hrc eds :.i.'il-'.i027 To markc1in~ \·.1•. A Chai· · " . ·, · tation. J\t,f'tv <ill l ~ced : OAI< tredl& se1ving rnachine 9th.& 10!~1 10.10 4 J?.ni. l h~ar LADJES Clothing, 1 0-12, $fiCl. Golr clubs . 1vtth bl\g: !(1.i\IBALL Consoll', lOl'('ly -· ' · l<'nging" : llll~it ion r(•q\1i1·i11g 1 /I i~l\t': ·;prl,y ~n , pi·r~on.' I MOSE ASS EM BL E RS retioishe<l. $75. Vnivsual patio of :il2 Begonia, Cd~f Janips marble· coffee tri.\Jle L'Olnple-lti ti(•t n'111s and p1u110 ~\·/L)l:a ut tooc_ SA VF. A · l-101\1El,.&SS J:'>ET I ., U I -- ton skills ,\. orl.(uni~111ion .. j.11'.11•1'I01• I .nu ~h\"1; ~:.OJ 1 & H'ANGERS double iron bed. Rea~y to l\fOV I NG, SatfS un , antiql\~s: King :c;ize hdbi'd:, "")(')(li::..$35. C1;11 ~e,:, n11~ttre~ .\\'Olldt'l'f11l b.uy for ~nl•.-'o.11t'j o~,c·:ru:1iu11d .. · 1X~lmarancr, ~la rkcting i•\fX'I'. JWPf'rl., ,J L1r.l'lfii Hl\'rl '. C.,\1. .~ <' J, ut.j ror inajoi· distribution center antique $50. 5-ID-2679 9:31>-4:00. 4 , poi;ter bed c e cl a r ches t , t 0 y li:, $1:2-H1~h chalr $3. S\\'lllJ; $5. 1ntci'<'.~lc1l 111 :1 r11u· ui. t •. o,;1n:,111 sl.M11 t hrur, pood~e. ~ut not n11u1da to1')'.. ,\11 r:u··1' S<>r1·_u·P !!1~1: _n!!ll!!.~~~t:ndant -fer Soulbcro Calif. leadin VERY old 5 dra\ver .lresser comp. $-15. Bkcase tldbrd, b!·ic-;a-brac, luggage. 1206 20.24 Beryl La.ne {!!arbor .!~'!.1.;_!.-ll){)'.___:1-l~_!_JOO -~·ul~(.~:~r. ~· n1nn,y cu~~nux- t l';':'._Sala:,-y & t>cincr111!:.. i'q>pl~· I 2 or 5 ~IJ:::llt_!'; -~~· ~pply nt drcss..shop. g W/<!__111~~ JlJU:fpr, -Needs bed comp. $50. 3 cushion Nottu~ghan1 Rd._, ll~ B, J.ligh1'Ulds) N:.B· Saturday & At'lTIOUE Bird~ye maple ~ a.'ii_.l22'1 or 4~1-@i'! ~ffi person;-4w•t,"ll R ·nrn-& t•) r ,C:h4>ll;::;1 .ih &c--llv uw>. NR ---,;,, E · N _.:__ reflnbihing:--'f";i0:-'963-2-nl:-nora1~11ih--;-"$J':iO:-Kltcli. sef, 4"Westcliff-) Sat-9:·30-4:00-&tndAy ... 9 •till~ jln\.-1 -p11n1For~ttn ·rm., Ctil'll~-1'"R EE-10 wk-fe~Utle-1mps.1--~ .. _ noon. L.l\L c,,,,. 1\l11nufa1·tur· • ' 0: .xper . ~~es~. 6 chrs, 2 leaves, $50. Baby MO\'ING to Eul"Ope. Box i\liithis TV 1.i>nillo 3:12.i. !1:1n1,. ~KC Lah Hc1r-Si1't.' -· ··~· . • ing C~ .. lnc. lOCf.1 £. \i'111·nl't'. i SH EET MET AL 1 ln!~rv1e11'1ng . dall )'. Jr~ Co~1a Appliances 802 furnishings, 2 • set~ en· spring, mattress, boards, SCRAM LETS ;,,JQ-5.)89 <:c1· ::;h1·p. ·1!l-l-9822 Lag ~ch. S.A. Equa l Clpntir. E111plu1·,.,. , , -1\i~sa: Nen i~st uitc1scct1011 cv. cJo~~ias •:; set. Pich''' bn'cks, lold•'n'g t,J,J•, cl1.·1•·,.,, • .-"-.·IL-1)11'1"· -.• ,. ,, o' ''' ,. ,., <,d L'tl1t1p111.1.v ,i;,I P'."Otecuon, · 1 ~1\.!1 .J .. /f1 .\· ~l.·:\l f ~·..:11.T .ED j nt'dh1[1 & Bnsto!. llOTPOINT 110-fl'ost refri1. l='-' ~ " •l "", With E x p in following . per!. L'Ol:Jd . .$50. 9776 Argyle print~ on canvas $3 ea, tent. Colenian sto1·e. i\len's ANSWERS ir:\lnut f<ni~h. SGOO or IJ<·~t ~!.~1 pol r1~ul h1!11l111~ 2-~· SECR:CTARY · THE: 811011' Ofi, HI ,nicrchan-Pl ., Huntington Continental Toy.~~ clothes & l\fisc, 2i09 clothing, vacuutn clea1K'r, orfcr. O-l2-G!.i.'t 1-::::\U'I'. CvcJ;.,r puppies, • Sllh''IH·iiR.\J..;!: di~c as s e in b I tt r s and H 8 It n ookh & Cardinal Ci\I stereo, etc. June 9-16. 713~~ ~ ------1\l\C, 1vfpapers, $70 fh1n. To Store Ma nager 1 • PUKC'l! PRJ.;<:::-; hangers, in1rrl'l.:<1vin;,: d<1ily Ad·a,·ns.o 1 urst . J · CdM &10-0874 GULBRANSEN Spinet Piuno , I l I 8 l · I e f•Rll I PttE .. 1 10 rl 3 3"" Cll t A!..L 111.ust l'.!l'.l-Special lOc ~~ ---' · Gibbon -Prank -Fra>ne -,,_ .... , .. ,,. •t"". C:il! it lcr lf.·1, ni&: ·· usy i;:1r offit't'. l11!1'l't•srln!!, . ;<-•• :;:-i JClwn an ... ,., n on ~ DA• '" '-"., >T""" ~X ~29~ & excirh1•.;. · 1 • \r ALF'.S l\C Pl'N('! I A1•e, Cosra 1\'li-s11.. Rent Washers/Dryers li1 t';{ain h,Lb. -~rrni~hings AQUARJUl.1 40 gal, .all gl:iss t-allf'f . iKlN'G ._~i7J :.__.._ ' 1-i ~· ;,=~-~· ____ 1 J W R b , ~ l AYClllT TOOi i ''(' 1, \\'k ull f1"0n1 4BR n100e1 home, full equip Incl fish, val, Ne1v u1ventlon for cat-s: , ~ .. -~ on1:-:01r.:NCE cl11Ji~ lo star! • • o 1nsons l •. . .. • · · ·, TIP.I:: .~aleli: & service, Brake · · · f, n111i111. nla_ny de,cm.·ators items, in· SZ-;iO. Sell SlOO. u~ 'J'V's. "It's a ,11ndshi<>ld ,1,1""' 11,81 ~NSOLF; P1.u10, 11·:"1 1.~\ut Juuc :/O, \\led 1::'" P•••· \pp'' •o· 1it \\!-,L[1l·.R<;; • .<.•1,·"'''''c'''''''''''ce Fullo1· •639-1202 * l " ,,.,1(1 !1·1(0 le SJOO .,,, •N ' ~ 11i pt·l'.~•Jn. · "' 1• ( "" c.d1ng 3x3 ~destal chop-10 Llonel elec trains, reas. \1·0n't hold PARh'.J NG . '11~1 ~~·-· ,. 1 N~·11'Jl0l'l Bcach/lrviuc area No. 2 F;1 ~!1 :1111 1,.-L, ;\".B. a :!:\'D:2?". S· ..... ,., JJ111·1 tin1e. Salury plus cotn· FRIGIDAffiE "'asher & ping block, king s.z bed, 2 1\tUCtl l\IORE!! G.$--080.) tlek<.'ts.". t\)nd1tlon, ;i-10--IS4.1 -I ,-,16-l!IZI.; E<1uul 0111·00·. !·:rTJ:>l")"l' O TOOL r ._i i . 11 1 ' 1pb-:~inn. Call !)44-80'.!2, Coast d~•e1· custom dclu-.··, Xl>•l sofa l g Id I I -· CM S t ' Good 830 ----7"'-cc-cc--. • XI 't & b f't ' ·• .• s, o vc vc , • .11n . . SUPER 0 ,1 '! . por 1ng s * -. ,~-n I 2 p -n w a ges en e 1 S • 1\u1nScr\'il-e Ccn1er. t'Oncl $I69.50. aft 5vni, bed .. f.:nianyolherhouli:ehcild ,.~ . . ."h i•~Vll"._ca;ucra .&, I ::-: .~e. oodle SECP..E'l'ARY f('l' f'" s f-:-'\ K. C. H a lloway, Inc 5'lS-3635. iten1s. lOarn-::>pm, Fri-Sat. ROBBIN ~ deco1 ato1 cor case, hl..-e nc11, ~a. I olaro1d SUHFI~OARDS. 2-6'2" Pin· p~1pp1.~.s. black, J>UJ-ebrt~. no ~lc~A C.I'.:\, finn. E\'«rllf•111 16680 Armst rong ~ve. I TOO~ & _DIE MAKER 1''REIGllT Damage Sa le 011 154-12 l.011"!lin~ \Vny, Irvine C?uch $SO •. Conn trunipet lalld canie~ \\·.1th n~sh at; tail ~ hrunrl nu. S70 l':l. 7'1 " !''.t!X'l.,!;;. 1111·ks &Id. $..t) ea. typis~. -. S1t•n•1r,.11c· -Santa Ana I N~11 Gn.1\\·~ng.Co.---nc1v llotpoint & \Vhirlpool (The Ranchi 5;31-1411 !:'· 1\ten suits 4-i L $7.., i'ollsc. h1.~l11.11ent hke ll~\\' St>. ,\M+ Roundtnil $-10. 7'1.i" Dian111ud . .lcti!>-~l~.Cc"-~-~~---1 Qu~hrt.-d 111 -, ... ·nr-1"1 1.cll!l't' 17141 557,...4040 Top \\_ug~-Co ,Bene.fits: r e tr.i g-/y,ashenitdr:yers GP,,OUP G 552..st99 00\l'hng hall \\'ilh (old out $UO. 7'JO" Pinlnil nu SiO. BLi\Cl\ nialc Poodle. 1 1 ~ du!ics -111us1 l'll· f1 l"':1l1IC' .~· __ _ _ _ -1 Ovet•!l111c. A. L. fndustra~s. :>15--0780, 1\1: . d ·f .1arage Sof Sa 1 ~-KNIC""Knack sale. Sat/Sun cont.Ing ca.<:(!, L'Otnplele-ln-· _ -. ·557-'..'i\9:1 * · yrs, Alo.:C-reg, -Xlnt-wicb pe...,"nablc• 11 ,·1 Cl ·1· I SHIPPING CLERK 16'1 ··SIG o d SA · yria 0 ie~s .. a.roe-10-4. Odds & ends galore? c.luding. shoes (\\"Orn 'I • 'l·hil\h'C11."'-J1 """"~,31 '°" · r '' ;os~i 11'( • ., ''" • • ci· ·u e, · · 1ng chair Ohvelh adding t ) I k 'I TV Rad H'F' ~· ~ ad oo. 6,9;1, Dnfh.· P ilot. P.O. ".ll 11,. ••·k. ",.''·"I ,,, ... \·k for * 979-5940 * • DISHWASHERS, \\·ashers, • . 311 Alvarado (in :rear) 11"!1~s I e ne.11-. "en's sizc • 10, I 1, Box l 56(1, Cos!:;i_ l\I P~:J , C:dH. _ _ -' ,.,. _ ,. dl'}ers, reblt, guani & n1ach., Curtains .nrly nu. Balboa. 91~r.1 Phone G41-WS7 Stereo 836 ADORABLE 1ni-.cd J}Ups, 6 .'~".' .. .!1• n. 642·3~i2 C '.I.I, TYPJST lor l'\~11 port Ce11tc1· . <lclv'd. 839-. 7620·, 546-SZ18. Clothes, po r t a p o t ti , 1re€ks. ~~1. ·ro guod ho1nc, ""'"'v _S.NACK BA R GI RL L'PA offit'C, pt'\nr finan· clish11'8.sheT, ldtchen sun-PLANTS -Fuchsias, Ferns, BDRrit set, $75: rline t1c set 111t! Jot ~ o( lo1·e. 8Ji .. 15"8. SEC R E 1' AH Y~ t·~ l'ial/sta tisli·.:a l tyµing ex-12 CU. Ft. F'rlgidaire 1~-2 YI' dries .'/.: other household Baskets, un11<runl. V er v $$3: 2 uphol <:hairs S)~i. ea: RENT TO OWN N·ewi··•·t '"<·I>. L''''''''" 'Pl''·" 1\lusl L>t• 11c:o1 in ;oppc:u'(l tH'(' . 1 . ( Sal old Coppertone rcfrig. Xlnt ,·ien>S, 1, •, 0.,t, Sun, '''"' -'sonable, 29! E. ?~ St. desk $15:· 5 hp ClUtl xxi r.I .\KC Old En~li~h Sht>Ppdllg ,.., i:. •· • ., 1 rl k J){'l'll'tl<:e · i esu·cc. ru·y ...--. ..,. '""a ~'" '''°'°, •oo All S s~ TV'S & ·STEREO 1ou 1is. SlOO, & u11. S:~4·176 or for self stal'te1'. Hl·ply in ' li'.lvc i::oo 11 "1'. i·e.'flrtl. .open. ti4+-6:15G cond. $150. 842--0141 aft 5 9th & 10th, 18052 Gillman, C.1\f. 1 .,..,.,; 0 11.x .,,,: S!/:{-019'.t r.on!. to rc1·~on neJ. Suilr Avn ilabllity Ji,.111 n 8 uni & °"~~-""-'='------I \VASliER &·<lryer. Like 1x-1v Irvine Eastbluff Blockbuster Ki rby Vacuun1 $33; !\it. SlO I . -""=='7.=== 300, 2360 ltunting-ton Dr, San 7 pm. Call G-~1·2060. A\"OCado, both $l80. Cal! made dislnvshr $00; Spinet . \\'J:::ll\'IARANF;n PUPPIES l\1arino, r a. 911 0~ ___ 1SP.\G.HE'l"J'[ Bf'ntlcr hns WAITRESS 642-0045 -GAR.o\GE Sale, bargains 10 FA?ollLY Ga.rage Sale. piano p!}S; 6Ta--0367 or Ll.P!!. $50 opctnngs for ho s les s . galore! dbl bed & nite 900 Block, Bellir., N.B. sr.,...J:.OO. -No Credit Ch('Ck •N.o l)cposlt . -• 5;{6-0056 • SEC TO VP I w;•i tre~li:. pn 1·1-l ir1" t'l)nli. RECOND, APPLIANCES stand, sgl bed, old niahog. Sat/Sun 9 A.mtoSpm STEREO: Quadrasonic 200 F'rceDl•livt>ry -FreeHcn:11 1' L;(J],J)l~N Rl•lJ·ir vrr Pu 10 yrs i:>>:p., SH. 1.1/J". 1_,.J'.1k· C;ill 6 1.i-C~>:il o1· 2 1 :: : , .. . . . Deli\'ered -guar, Dunlap's, end tbls china rerorrl GARAGE I Fti-S t S . G 'd i \f hi Al µ!t, kccl'.,,,0, ,,,.,.,,,, '''' ,.,, .. ,.,,., ,·, ....... ·,•.i·.•-·_-.,.,0,, 1 COU.\ rr.\ CLt.:B EXPER. 1S15 r\eirport, Ci\! 548--77SO pl•yers irain sei stuffed sa e a -un. y,•att receiver. a r ra i on1 y HP1,1!als ,\v:ii!:ih!,, I ehan11J sh'C'1I, .:c: O.F,,\, ~ ~ ,, "· , ' • . 8 to 5. Funriture, glass"·are, n1 ode I . Sys t e 111 i z cd Open Eves. 543-4444 11:;:.-:,11;7 n1· Ne\1·pc.:r! frl'11') Ul ~\ r E 1 E -11 --8---1. & Alt fO;'ILATIC \11l!J/1er, elec-cln s, niens ~ \loniaiis lots-or~·nilst-:-15301 Co\um-turnta ble, tape deck, ·1 * ~-~l.l'E \'I' D . 556-8700 ' 1 TEL .PHOi'-~ ~11s1r e 1·h1 ({1 xce e nt ene1ts -tl'ic dryer. Excellent con· clothes,TV cab1nets.~ks, bia Huntington Beach. speake r s .. Neiv s.:--_ • 1 ··, .• ·,··~1 ane p11rpk·~ • 1 ~1"'1·ri ·e. l· ;.i~!1in ;1 J, lc:n<I. Wor king Conditions ditiou. S90. 646-5848. glass1\'flre, toys & puppies. ' gut1.·ant,..,rl 1 , 1 ,· "1, , 1,. * Summer Special * I ·~'.'( ~;1,h.t: '~ & tinl'ns, $.JO to ·\Vant ad n'S'll!~ --1,·1·.• .. ~.,~,s v·,i rie1l ,.,,,·11° ·.•v•·•·I. 6 '0·°"",.",I -----------1907 T I T "" • R b 'I $ < "~o '" " ., "" 1 n 1una, e rr ace I ~cratchOOj. \\la~ 1399. l\"o"' e u1 t-Pictur~ Tube __!_:'._·_ ,,,,,.,_,,~· ·-MISSION Cornna de( ""'" Fri. 8th, 5-ewelry 815 ~---·I Building Material• 806 $190. Terms. 893--0501. $87.50-21" or 25 " Color LAI;-", 6 11·1.'('ks. i; h o t ~, ---_ --.----=--::::£ -!l, St1t, 9th,-S·5. WlfITE l et Gem -dianwnd, -O-R-1-ENTA-G -R ·UGS, * 2 \!F~Al.t \..J.AH H7'l\"l'Y -I ~pc1-s: .. $j(]. G1·i~•.h1<11.~on 01· . fl'EMS! Doors-, -111rnber, ply-n1umc, t~ls, TV, -f~turc. OTA. Sol. approx I ct. -$430. AkliaVi Ori"enlal Rugi; forn1Prly ~IC!''\ Nr.i11h C"lllC'I' null Trt'Ficr. !'h61 s ·rairl. ~ 11.'00d, alun1 sheeting, n1old-trunk, s1l\-.er, riI 111Io11 Earrings I ct. $325. 638-2313 81.J No. La Cicneg11 Bl \'d. IJJ.'< 1 Clck ~. oir C1•':e1· J-U)-{;{\0~ I S200. Sf.II $100. 6 1 ~-7011 '\.. i COMMUN. ITY HOSPITAL -e Surplus. Building PRO Llne Coll clubs, Anti· $1300. Ruby l.05ct, $18:>. HANDi\fADE, 11\"IPOlt TED, !n~t:i !lfi UOn Availuhlr ~ .trhri ;_~ f)ay. ~.J(;:.-10:1 .. ~.l.~,·· ~~· · , _q;&~ .. " .. ~';; '.;·.·· 2780~ _Puert•.·~eal l.t..\TERIAL. lOOO's Of NE\V que fr11n1es, pictures. art, After 6 Pl\f -5-IS.-i%3 NE\V II OLD. Ri(1''-< ,.,.revision Servic"<' j R!·:crs. :l 100 old l ent. 1-.,it ! 1'< M V ing , 1vi11d0\vs, etc. Carlt.on china, a pp l i ., ll·l pm. Ange.Jes. 213-~_g....i.;so. \\'e opcn!J-:l 16days1 1*•-;-\\IH.ITE G ,.,.0,,,, 1-.... c---t-''lo<c---;~ 11 CQNVlNIENT SHOPP>NC 'ND -··~~. · · ission 1e 1o BUl•DERS SURPLUS •Joth•••" moc• '"5 "at • I bu 1 1 ,. • ~ ._ "' ..... ., "• • ..: M' II 818 a so y USC< onentn n1!;"_s, AlJ DIO --, __ ,~·,.· ,,f 1, .. ,,.1.... <. l•ei•I•"•·" P"I'·"· 8 ,,., •. , s~ ~ ~ ~'-....::J" sr w1Nc cu1D£ t-Clri THE -· · ; 1 1;11~1 r.L S.·.u1 Die-,:(o r·rwy Sun. 19542 Surruuer 8J'C('ze 1sce 1neous1 "' " "" ., •· " ·• ~ -.J , " ---<_.; C •... GAL ON nie co. ~ ror , _ I. c,roii'll Valley Parkl\·ay) 2400 So. l\lain St., S.t\. !l.B. SeaC'liff CLOSING shop, tools , an· P'.l .~ XL co 11 n . -:i O 1\• ca. c.;;,IJ S40-5!Jl8 E.;·cnings. ''?"• 11flw..t.; _ i\.lon tluu S3.t lD-5 * AUCTION * tiques, misc. l.nts o r an1pl.-s11krs. & t u b 1• s , l'l·"\UTl>~UL Al'C ,_-1 ~ 4 (7141 49.r AA"" 71~ 5"6-1032 REMODELING good' h··""' · · ·~-, E · 11 · '~· \ 1.><·a g c r. F • W Id . _.,_ ·: -tes, ...u..,,.a1n pn<.-cs. o:.. \t'I'f , 11rr.-:: must g o~ Puppy, 10 1,·ks, ni11.le. fj(). "'I' o r an ad in oman's Wor (714) 831-2300 -8 Garage Doors 6: hardware 1\fust sell coppertone bltin Fine Furniture Ranchero w I ca m Per . ;-.1&-J:lti l • 8:13-1526 • Z ~ Ca ll Ma ry Be th 6 42-5 678, ext. 330 for sale. You remove! $20 i.1ove top, oven, & dis1nvash-. & Appli<inces 642--5488. 237'2 N ew 'port SACRIFICE SALE? 1 9 i 3 ~~~-'~' '-"C::.-"---- . e r , • • 1 f:qual Oppo1·. Eniployer each. 20'3 Palm, Balboa er. $200. 21" Color Admiral Au~tiOns, Friday, ,7:30 p.m. Blvd., C.ll.f . Hnrm1,1.n Kardon rl'Ceivl'r, ,\KC Springer Spanil'l puf>. You'll Ra te Raves Biki ni Beauty! 1 ... ~---..--...... ~1 -'P-''~"·c,6~7"-5-5-'·'-11-'4.'---~~ TV S85. Blond stereo cabinet W indy s Auction Barn ll.10VING'!' r ha1•e cardboard f2l 15" ~-wily speakers, py.,; 1>it•s. Ch;un. stk. hun1. pet. -WAITRESSES F-urniture • 110 p~:;~~er $30, All in good cond. 2075~~ Newport, O f 646-86S6 containers: niatt, ,1·ardrobc, ldunll 1u111lable, llriginall.v B . .\la~' lOth, 67.1·2-l·i.-i. ~ ; :\-Ex pPr. only need applv, Sec ---------;J;H·-165. Beiund Tony's Bldg ?itat'I. dishp;1ck. Xlnt co n d l . S668. N0\1· $389. Ne\·er used . H ~,<' ~ ,..?·~· Pl"J"l.;IJnnel iVli:.n"""'r. ' s,\LE! \Vareho"""' Paeked 4 FAJ\l lLY G s 1 Sa Cheap. Pr t11· lxls $36. Terms: 89.1-0..-i()L ' orses 856 • ..,..... ..._, arage ae t SAVE me fron1 the chain ·---------' • I I --Balboa -Bay Club 1\ith furniture! 100's of June 9, 8 am to 3 pin. Anti· saiv! Braziliali Pepper tree 557-52:19, . ~ . HT-F'I GRUNOTG . S I 11 rl i n l\t()HC;,\N l\Jnre, 10 yrs,, 15 l rf<;<:~ -..' .. :.v. II ~iJk ~ , ·1t~1 \i'. Co1~1 H\1·y, N,B, Styles to choo~ fron1. ~1es. rattan furnltu~e. toys, 10x15 root tall must go. PICA~')() 1::1lho $_(.J., 1?al1 2000, Quadra.<;Onle, hmnrl l hnH,lli:, P.n~llsh .or \Vm;t. 'lt;=-f'l-~':-...rV /ll'f1 ' .-'\, \\'<\ITF:ESS-ood C Unbeatable low price! Cash du:;hes, books, Corn1n~, .. re, \\'ould enhance someone Etclung $•5., 11111'0 L1thn ne\1". less th.-'U1 11·hok'!iale, Spirited. Coril.I 20 !\fission -I .; ·0·· ~ F0: l\ .• i;, ocktail or fu1nncing available. trikes, hl-ehairs, potty seat, else's yard. You· dig. Call $150., Rembrandt Etching nltl.ke· offer. 962-3·133 Vir>fri Stnbler.$42.i.' 83'f:.773T.' ~ ,,_"" " 619 E. 4th St .. Santa Ana ll.1uch mor 642-450.J 535--5595 oor T_V. NICI'. 7 yr. R"l'lding ridinc Daily 9 to 7 * Sunday 11_5 e. · REAL.<;;JLK, lnc. Nmv in the Ini:::tant pL'ly f'On)<()le , t x-horAf'. 17 hruids, G('ntlc but GARAGE Sale, Sat f Sun Harbor Area. !\I en' s , BR~IER lace maker, ·585. eellent huy S200. G73-5278. JOpil'itM. Call: 536-8.'i.'ll -T '~ ~,~ \. ii ~J \ ' .;_ .~, \' Ii ,.SoW',,'_·,'~.·~l,.T •. '.R',', .. E'251":· '·';'t~e,·~.~o·E'( R's'.P.EP.· REPOSSESSION CENTER etc., clothes bab.v & up. 540--2279 after 5 pm. $600 Others. Pvt pt y 2.1'' ADl\TIRAL C I ='c.---~-~~= PLUSH \'f)lvel sofa and June 9th & 10th. Children \Vomen's and Children's Ap-kn1ttmg mach and knit TE \C T I .-~~~~~~~~~~'.I ~~~-, -~-I fl j ~' ' J•11Jl & p/tin1e. l\tust be o\·er 1 o v es e-;;1. t ' QUEEN l'un1 & toys, dinette set, pare! brought to your home. leader. Xlnt cond. $150. ~ nperer'Q1'1ft•r, i-crl I(') , -' • -\ :!J. Xln't hours. Surf & Sir-HideaBed, Herculon sofa & misc turn, tables, misc Since 1920. Tele~ h 0 n e Gennie knitting m ti ch N;'f'.1· S200. '> 8xci:!ll('.nt con-I 1 ~ llli~kll \ci1 "-" I ·~~ .. ~, )J 1 lv111, 5930 \V. C.oast J.i1vy, NB. loveseat, lamps. Less than 4 household items & clothing. 979-0067 to see our line. \l'fpntrern master & ribix'r, thlion. s.12-3.RJ anytinle. ,._:-c..,.~, ., JR _ ,. ,, • :· . , . ' !~ .,,.. • ' '-' ~ 1;~·, ~ \ · '-:/ WEED & PEST n1os old, also avocado GE ]6745 Silktree St, F.V, STER E 0 : Unclaimed Sl50, 673--2166. • * RCA sfel'{>O console, _ . 1' 1,"' '"> ~ !(~·~~~'\\ _j % , -. ~~~l!r/:;e~.e ~~~~ x e l\10VING~ Garage s a I e ! layaway, Garrard model, HEsomAe0thl~...:ifot everyone ivfS~i~~r G-l2-J:l7R ,. , ~)\, . ~ ""' " \Vhlte Prov chest, $25. systemized changer, stereo .....,......, man, \\'ring I Boats, Geno cal 900 -/ .) '': '"" " ·. '" ,.-' CONTROL COLLECTOR'S item• ch\n", •t I d d k $20 7 . Ir k w"'' bar ti . ;,,·''·' .I r ~.,'.~'t..,..~'\.:,-¥;? I n eta rop es, . P c receiver, a spea ers, tape , s s, PY,T/m\1'rs. _ -· -·-.. ~''';· glass, lamps plus 9 ft. dinette set $50. 9562 Rode deck jacks. Still in box, Chev mag!. ll.luch mm·e • [ ~ l'.'o'f'LATABl.E BOAT SALF.', ·-1\ 1 .'~<. \""', 1 . . Thomasville ~II, chairs, Poin~ Dr. H.B. So. of originally $189., balance $85. TU \V. 2'.>th, C.i\1. Frte to You I= nc\i·/ust-i l. Dinghys, niotOI'$, ,.;.,;;._, -, n ----~r n11n. ex p er14!n c e queen siled Spanish bdnn Ilanultoo, 96S-8397 Or terms. 893--0501. l\IOVIKG, my loss vour "ain _ 1;1lt'cdbo."J.1s, canoe. Bargain ,1 "f lS', I fl'~ absolutel,v 11ecessary. salary set. 411 Crest Ave. Hunt. KINGSlZE bed • Cha • . 510-" . \. ..-;,,, 1 ,. , • , ~~\ open. Laguna Hills Area. Beach. ROOJ\f dividers chairs cof-1 & linens, r -. rter Me n1 be rs hi p ru'1<.>e1i. ,,.,oo ;~ --r I a ~ I I Ca ll 58&-1580 for appt. fee tbl, "'ashc0r , dra~ries. Oriental hand Canled liqUOr \\'estern Outdoor c I Ith. 2 Lines:~ Time~s, $2.00 ,\LUi\'flNU~M,.-7boo--c1--c1~2~ .. ~.~n 1 1 --j BARRELL furn. b I k. silver, paintings, 1\1 u ch cabilJ!.t, _braid~ 9x~~ng, Ur@E!!zt Huntj11g, (ishing,_ 111il:rocralt-Pc.rfect .con. ~.J , ' -. '-:..~~rre: 1 WHA'T DO YOU :~'..gaJ1~~ ~~rs~~J~j more! J une 8, 9: 10., 9--5, eliirta_bles & antique desk. can1p1ng CT:-55r-276l. r I clition, \\'/oars, S 2 5 0 , j ,~~.·~.,.1"';~..,, . .-.""" t WANT? 11.•/\anip. 8' couch, hassock. ~~ri;~e ~"1 ll1lls. 1132 t97>--031!'IN' 13 AFilJTOtGarab geddoor opener -4 .... S\dVbolNG ·t"hynt set, .4:.G ~'~·:17::-~9=""~'~~~----,.;;;'""-~ $-50 firm Al 6 p • : · · . mattrtiss & springs, nes r an reg $200 ..... n x "'i covl'.'1., ru~-CAN'T Sell? HeJii youN>elf ,t: f \= ;~ ,-:,-"-,. -" · ~ ;i · • t. ~l GARAGE &<tie, 10-3, Sat 9th. $20.00; hand Jay,,'ll edger, Special $129. Installed Y.o:itl1 pong table. All usenblc ns other!:. l:ionatl". Sea Ex- ;.:,,,"' ~-·· ,, :\Jarketing progrnins 1 h a 1 S93"-l700 Bedspreads, \\'Omens & $6.00: pink girl's lamp, 5 yr. guarantee. (213) is. 962-700.J. p!orinq, BSA, 546-1990, . o;;.:; en11Ule proft'Ssionals ·to DINING room set. Incld childrens clothing , paper S3.00. 646-1287 430-7953 * ~· AOOll1\BLE kill,'11.~. ,-.-"'""'-. Fibc1-la•• D-,.,,ghy \ ' e . table ,v/2 leafs, 6 chairs, backs Elect st Ml G G G 2 bllf: & I> " " ~ n1a.ximizc l'llrlling;;? Con· niatching tea cart. Xlnt. .,. _ · ove. sc. ..\RA E Sale, antiques, UYS & Gals factory close ; · '\' l .~ 1-c<1lic.'O. 11·/oar locks. VJ;,, 1int'ous 1rai11 i11g"l' Life ,tr ... 245 Broad, NB furn, ne'v clothing, military out. 500 pcs. clothing, Need hon1ci; dcsµer11u~1y r..12-4!41 hcnlrJ1 i11su1·ance? I-fear ~~3-1 8;t~-:. bet. 6 ; GAR.\GE Sale, Irvine Ter-items,' Sat. June 9, 14613 Shirths, eok veki~-up, .,0~resiies, No1v! 557-5467 T .c~R-A-IL-F.R-bllf.;r~,,~. ~boo-,-.~., n1u1"~ aliout .'<nles & manage-race. Sa t only, Sporting Kazan, Irvine, 5.'il-1087 pate wor s r ts, °"" to SS. 1:': \VEEI<S short hair blnck · 1 COUCH & cli•;• $?;. "' t good "'o ,..,..,,~ lbit, surhc brakes, used 20 ' 72 54 '""" n1t•111 potcnt111 R throu~h The · ...... ""' "n . s, unusual ~by furn, PECAN Buffe t, gd. storage .... o-u.:M). kittens, shot'!, \111rl, hs bkn, nti. •73 plnte:l. 5.'li-76~!( Vi-iilln Sysk•n1. Bob Sinilli, rond. Extra Jar. picnic din . 1111 set, 1n1sc. 2[101 :;pace, .$35. 2 ink-well school \l:Al.il:ED-US!'..D 612-7761!~-~--+-'==~===~~--.j fn1 A& B--u. 5·17·64.l.J. ~~~~ ~·h~n:Uee$l~leLaJ; Chubasro, Cl111l desks, attac. seats, $7 ea. ORIENTAL RUGS f'REE cute:-plnyful Boa ts, M a int./ misc. Call a ft. a:30, 8-12-3SlG PATIO sale, lum. lamps dog . • 646-2280 * \Vill pay cash. f'lease ca 11 kittens Serv ice 902 VIS- . . Realty, Inc. F[ts like a r111•.1 n1, cost~!!!-\Vl!O \\I \NTS TO \\TORK? tk'. eas.v 111 1r1uk1·. ofilVE A CAB' · B1· f1'IPI, hare ryl ~ · i1_'.(1,tif ·I!;· i11 tr111• ,;1rin1. I.ii~' -IOO~E .. :.:our lt0u1'S,, 1~·ork •sun1nlt•r! S1rlpc-h11 ppy b1k1 ni •)r ~oui sc U, be }'OUl 01vn Ii~ 11111inll' c!111ihh• ('1nt.'.hP1 111 bos.<;. ~Jpn or wuni~n. Can RA·r1:: l~.\\"l '.S f••r lh"li'flllnn Iii 1110 llvc l)I 11,i.}rs. hC' sh}!hll.~· hand1c11pped. crisp, fi·<·.~h 11;1y ~nu l•111k 1 J•atH.'l'll 12,;t :-;ize G-JG in · Ne a !~lean Ap~arance. 1vhen yuu •urr1I'~' in t hi~ cludl'd. \Its, l'('llrcd. Age 25 lo 70.· coul<Jtaridinu s1tu·1 l'tJ:oldt'l'~.~~ ~t-:\'t::..·T\'.f<'IVI~ r;f:~T~ Su1~plen1cnt your lncoi11e. Choo!;C pash'-1 linl'n, kni L~. for etiC"h ~lA llern _ tHld 2.i Drive fl_ cab G hi:s or n10re a poplin, 1·1·nls ror ('fl <'h p:11lern lol' •lay. A11ply in person, Prin1e1l f'1111er11 !l I I \l. Ai r lltnil u1M:I SJM,!cla! lla ndl· Yel\:>ll' Cab Co .. 186 E. 16th 1'llssc1;' Sizes 8, 10. 12, l t lli. ill'" orher"''i!IC thirrl·<'l11si; St., Costa Mesa, 18, Size 1? 1 !101~1 ::11 iu.l<c~ rlrli\·f'ry 11•ill la ke th~.' \VIG Stylil)ls -Jo::xper. $2 - 2i;:; ynrdi; GO-in<'h fnlli'lc. 'rt'C'kli or niOl'•'. Sf'nd '" S2.50 hr. S'.11 + &nus. 7800 s•;Vt;N-1 \ l•I\ ,.; l't:N·l'S Alic"<' Brook1', the 01\JLV Edinger, Hunt Bcb. for ca1•h pn11e1·n -ndd 2~1 Pll,<)•r, 10;1, Nc•f'tl1ec·rofl -• c;e111s fC11' l'<1c 1 Jl!1J ll'l'11 [111· Dept .. Box t63, Old Chel~ea Air l.fnll nnrl Sticrinl -llnndl· Slation, Nc1\' )'(Jrk, N.V. lng: Oll1C'1·11·l.~c lhl t'tl·Clns.~ lOOlJ. Print N11r111~. Addre.,i;, delivery \\'ill t.o kc three Z\11, PrHIC>rn S11111lw>r, \1•~ks <it' mnl't',I Sen"ArltLtYa N E·r. 0 J. r.ctur1' '72? Marian .l\1r1r1in, I )r. Crochet, knit, etc. Free PtLOT. 4'12. P11tt<'l'n J:>ept., dh-cctlon11, :-ilk: . 232 \\'('Il l 18th St.. Nev~ ln~·tnnt ~ln1•r1t1111• Bt..-.k, York, N., •. Hlfll l. l'rlnt &~-' f k " 1 N-i\M£, AOIUtt:ss 1\·l1h ,p\l:UC, ancy /)01-.<i:, pa . Sl".t' -·' ST\'L.,.. l('rrtl!. ~1.00. ' ZU'. 1• _, ll.iKJ r; (lltd •nl Cl'O('het Hook - NVMBEH. Learn by plctur1:>s! Pat· UNSKILLED ASSEMBLERS F e m a le No FHs-Top $$ '!OV! 'G 1 hse. la"'n "w:-"'er movie EXEX'.'U'I'IVE size d<$k, 110 (213) 874-zg,.a2 collect. G~5-79ri:l. ----'"-----....:.~/ " N comp lurn apt incl cainera &: t 19292 ' qual 4 chr dlnet' (\\-Tl iron) . proJec or mar \\-ood grain ttJp $85 FJELDl.IASTER ~ Ch n I CUTF.: black Cocke1·fPUi.M!le i\'iAftTNE ~IECHANIC cust 5pc f.!NG BR set, Iv J.hm:ling Lane H.B., Thurs. aurfboard bolsa 8 ' 6 '' ' C/B radio $90. Surbnl 1'6" ntixed puppies:. G(l{'ool \1·nl'k. !<~air prices. Savt> rni tun1, Jamp,r; 847-0141 1-m thru Sun. 5.:Jl-7117 ' ' Rus. Rndtl , S75. 54s-.9731 893-4091 you rnoney. Call Burr's CUSTO~f Spanish ch 1 n a GARAGE Sele-June 9th ]Q-4 26 GAL Pemco \V/all l\c· Miscell1neous 2 BLAC!< & Silver Gernin.n 1\iiirinr. 67a-AA77. closet. 3 r,helveS \l•ith liiht pm, 1816 1\faraJ:?'lla, Cl~f. cessoties tncl hu8h 111 pump Wanted 820 Shepherd Pups, 6 1l'ks uld. Bol'lls/1':,arlne .1 d il' k 1. . t(l~!e & 8 chairs, 4 bar -;; show fish. Med si1c, Call .646-1662 E • 904 SJ ver ra\\'er, ar 1n1sh. stool;:, ,~11.'.'Ct. n10v.·er., 16xl9 make offec, •," ___ OLJ) ORlEN'T ·\l. --.=-.,,,.-~-.-. C:\ll.O. 6'x4'x17" $295. MS-1160 gree t & I · ;H\r.:;,-.u • RUGS. !21 Bl.ACI. l;1ttcns .S 1vks. I ~-... ---------- ·--~r~ sc. REFRJGERATOP .. S \VHI pay 5-10~~ 1nore cash flf, l f", \\'caner! ,t. h"1•h1·'•n. 1972 Mercury Outboard KNEEJ-IOLE <leak. so I iii GARAG~ SlU.E--0/9 & 10, \Vork goocj, $:».-$Zi thnn top $ pu~ers. Eves. , ~;fothc.1· Rusic B\11 &12-771.),q, 20 HP. Good Condt't 'oon mahog., 8 dra\\'ers. J\'iir,t Univers ity Park. l 7 ~ O 2 133 E. l 8th, C)f, 548-44.§ rl'15-5070 ('(lndiUon. Redv.-ood Tree Ln, II'Vlne. ' SILVEit lip R11s.<:iu11 cn t F'm. $300.00 Call 645-4927 a ft $165 Call: 675-6278 Bent"''Ood chairs patio set DRESSER, \V h l t e , 9 A~lOUNT NO OBJECT AIRO F&i\J .kittf'n:'I. Cun cull 5 p M SOFA Bed $75. Amana & misc. ' Drawers. \Vlth mirror, s-15, OLD ORIENTAL RUGS cnllcct 1-7'72-Sl!f.l -~==~·~·~-- fi?l'tilJ/free1.er combo $100. 'lust VACATE PRE'IJSES -l3S E. 18th C.M. 548-4485 u11:cnlly l'leed•'fl' "'".v si?.e, 10 \\I I{ fcn1al•• l,,..'lhrador ' Al\1F:RJC.\N tniller. Db I " " SL ("14) 6 .. 1825 r. !\Xie ,r\\'"· brl.lkol!. Jilr~ nr. Both very good con d • }fOlt~t:!hold, garde n , ap-* * BRUNSWICK, ATE / ....-Sncp pups. Pl'ltc111ls1l hutttcrs llf!\V. Xlnt cond. fl.TnJ(e otfer. G46-l4G3. pllances, son1e antiqueR & POOL TABLl;. $3 O 0 · \VANTED: buil t-in ovf'n & ·t!M-:Jfl22 L.'lgunn Brnr.h. l::\4~11:. 21 3 _ 498-1281 * SOFA k LO~ESEAT * misc. ife1ns. ~ Coast 962-0492 · C'OOlttop, git.'! only, inu."1. be PAnT G1•r ·'"n ~hflP""'''I. +·; :(; 1l rTM,.rcury elcf'!rtc :<itarl nevf!r 11$00, both for SlGO. J!wy .. Jl.B. ELECT range, 1elec~ dr~er in 1!()0(1 shtlpe & rea11. 1nos old, ;:ro-1 \\'hh children. on lboard \v/remolfl conrrobi 96&-7910, Usually home. ALL misc. items. Turs, Frt. s14e drum 1~1 sta~ ~11 548-.1607 C·1ll S.16-~17 532,). Cood t.'Ond. :)JS-l2:l5. 4 noor.rs ot turnitu.re, JI\' S~f. l-"u111lt111-e. Sa.le : stove, COil( • r easooa e, -~ · ORIENTAL RUGS FREF. blAck n111le kil h~n G Bi-P 906 mi ... dining n.!izA 2 bdnl1s. rug, chair & hassock. Tues, lfOT point electric 11tove $00. \VANTED Pay top cni<h \\~, needs ho1uc. JJELP! ..!~ ~~~-. _ C'..on1plete. 847~1 \Ver!, Thun;. 231 1-tagnoUa, 4 rriendly poodle/lab pilps 8 G«-2800 'ext. 37i. · ' 645-4.439 l•I' F'TSll. !!kl, O\ n.umbout. j 4 EARLY American 1Ylap1e C.l.·f. \\'ks, free, 5,iG-(J~. wANTED to buy, like nev.• ffiEE 6 1vk ol•I '1 Ap-401111 Ev!nn.1tl~ ~lec1, comp! bar stools, GOOCI condition GARAGE SALE CUSI'Ol\l l\tuu !l.fuus & Cl;i.f· tumll\lre & ltunps, nice & J) a 1-1 crs O/cockRJlOO pup. _e<"1.ulp, $685. ~. $10. ea.,.962-~. Jlouschold Items ts ns designed by Bobbie. ren.'°nilble &14-4687 i\lale. tMH lD' ,JQl-INSON Tr\-hull, ! ESPA.i.'1,\ Sota 9', Span. gold S47-()80l 642-$.'1'.i4. BUYlNC gold '" .llflver u~ 64~~ O~tC. V-S P.nginc. Bx· • crushed .velvet •• Never U8l'tl BARGAtNS Gtilore! Fri-Sat COO-o gllt ltO\'t. $2.;. Addtnr coins. Call for nppralsttl & Fl~E <:'lddly k1ltcns, Ion~ IX'li''nl. S.%00 G7J....1.826 1 S275. 540-~.. 9 to S, 10720 El Silbklo: n1ac:h. $20. 138 E. 18th St. pick up. S73-0207. pr! pty. han', \\'~lie & gray, blnck & NiCF; 14' \Vootl~n boot SlOO. I \VANTEO to buy llke-ne\V G~~IA>(Gll.~ VSaolltey"~ Sun' C,P.I. ~5. WANTED. Blue 1._,und .~1.st. \\'hl'l~. E''I! 494--8881 or best offer. ,, • ' I. SEE l\tOFtE Qui c k 1100 Fashions nnd cl~ one t('rni1:. · ' p11t1e1i 1 rroe rrom o11r C0tnptett; lnflt1u~t OIH &!Olr Sprlng.Sun1111('1' Ctitulo,2. All .. more than 100 gifts - '"Call Immediately _ Wet"kcWh; locloOO"~ e P.P.S --ntmlture & IR;ffi_~. nice & """' i;:. f! ·-t. & • POOL table treezer and edltion Nancy Drew book!t. }"R1' .. E ti') vou ndurablc 9 · G4G-6St8 reaaonable. &4~1 Arts, A _Craft, ltems It much l\tISC. _ Gd--t.'Oria-G4~75.16 evenlnfl'll week old klttens. -S!\1NAOK-26,-1"7"-1P•-•-'~~·· more. ~18~ l.tarigold, Cdl\f ~n-389-L -' ··~-646-9273. ·. ,••lf'i ""'• $lzesl OnlY ~ fl .OO. fNSTA.N1' SF.\l/lNC B()()t\ ('fl•n1>lcte Afrit"h•n nook - I-· $1.00. !'!~"' ...... ay, wear lornorrow. Jll Jlfly r.ug ll•H)°'5 • ;,Ge, f{NSTANT F A S HION nook of It JJriM> ,\,ghans. BO()J< ! lfundreJs o t ~~Tit U.)(lk 1 -16 patlcms. taslUo!:t1acLLS1-' ~ r.ko -----~ ... , ~· .l\LWL'E hutch, very gOO(f M I 1 1 t t 822 nc\\'. many extras, trnJlerr eond. $15. Pllonc 1lnyr., Btn.1PEn pool, Juke box, air r..'E\V king dze pAtch \\-'Orit u s Cl n s rum•n 1 * FRE.'F. l\J'I'TENS • J/O ~tt'.'t"c. 6~l03\ 847--0193'., eW f!6Ml34 <'OtKI, -other I t C 111 !! , ffllilt multi oolor 4 lnrih QUILTER Duck 212 llttlf'I. e 842-242.5 e • ;;?"'SJTRJS rif>hei'Ttlul\, Im• P e cif ic Personnel \\iJ\LNUT Dinette set, !,'\bl~ llea!Ollflblf", Ci\11 548--8422 patch. $80. Phone 557-6706. Slightly U:«!d. $1'l5. nc1v. Tinnc. wltb JJUp, moo. Services, Inc; & 4 Chrs, ~ml chrome table. ** EVERY'MITNG fr o ni l SET (6)' Supcrl:ielt 11lngle oow .$300. Eiectr11. base & 2 1 ... 0 NG haired •vhile lilt1t• 96~775. N -~c.~-..,0~-1-~rd player~&G-0.,19 --&N1p~to NutJll! 920 Ktnrs &tripe H .. 78x:l4 Tfta: "ilOO, ctltte.-~;o 673-1583--·--eyed m1lle:ot. g~y feltllll i;,+tt=~=a: __ .AKSST~<'c":X,·i'iroifii'n 'Cf.;,,;:,;;,-;:f.-H--~- 51Xl f!\Vf)Ort •ntcr r. },Ul.J.., din. i:m & br Jl:Ulle, P.ood, N.8 . S;)t 10 Al\1. f11G..-0726 TH 0 MAS organ full bas shots. 642-41:96, delsc\, Dy br., r11ntni • Suite 900, N.B. , ,._ 2 ... ~1970 _ ,_washer ·A dr)'.tt. __._ tt_v~ral F '"!.llLY Gru·sge Sale..tmn1 * _ * ME MB E.R S It 1 P, ~keyboard. like 11t1w, and _ :__el.EASE .SAVE ~US! ~i. _J8()00, .968-45J7_cve.__ JJlLIQUtt. 968--6112 Ul_to 5, Sat &. Sun-2014 Balboa-8a)L..0ub, private .J'8re shetLmusic~•U-Crest pl•ylllL Jdttcns opkl11g ror ""1hlte E\(lphante" (M?J'o Equnl Oppor . Emplo,,-er ••• clo~ o,at lhe r•rw 1'1arlon \Vay, ~ta h1esa party, 613-74n. Ave,'Hunt. Bch. hon1e. lltter i rnd. 968·8165. -nuinlns: yuur houae? Tur" ; •• turn thJt Jl,lllk Into 01u1h CARAOE ·sale Sl\I, & Sun. CEM ahell for El Camino Al1PLU"IER "Acoustic 150'' F.R-EE 1,o good bonie 1 yr o'd Ulctn Into "Cagh'' ••• Jtell voi th a Dally Pilot OassUied ~urncthlng for e "~ r yo n e Fttt '68-'72 *-$1SO 2 cabinets, 8 speakers. Xlnt. part Ctrmnn S ll e p h c rd • lhe:m thru n Dally Pilot ad. Cti.11 64~. 2001J Reef !..ant, ~29S3 • E1•e1. fl.U..174.1 cotul. S-la-7021 ihof!t., h~·hrkn,. 6·Wi:..r&l. r l!lfl!!lrlc.J ntll • ----~~ • - ' ' • ··~ ......... .. • . -• 1 leatt, Power 906 Bo.ts, Stlp1/Docks 910 Cycles, BikH, Motor f1om•t Auto S.r~lce, Parts 949 Autos Wanted 968 Autos, Imported i--------~ Scooters 925 Sale/Rent 940 ---·-· ·--....:.C • 18' CLASPAR CI L'l ti on 34• 801\T SLIP ·r,9 V\\1 Van bdy w/tran $50. INSTANT CASHI w/canvaa oo><r. '""'PY $60. n mo. Hunt. Harbour. 1972 HONDA CB 350 SAVE I 'G'J \OV "" ·IOHP wk• ro·t , • 8$111 Met'(', Co lll J> le le l ~ 84t'i·3Z72. ~ 1 1 Cus 1 '""' nu clch $120 968-1579 overhaul~. Till Lrl'r · ----cy, ton1 1ea<11.:rs. J,1,llN ----------WE ARE IN , "''/001ly '>''hi, n1uch mol'e. Bo.i ts, Speed & Ski 911 n11. Excellcut · cond. SS®. ·;·,OLDS engine . \tS , i'Q111p. DESPERATE NEED $2195. M5l Nautuckett Dr, ·--64:"r2342 aft. 5;30 or 5~0<BS $1000 I l't'built $7~. CaU _6.U-1$9. OF-GOO Ji.a 963-1921..aft 5 Pl1l-_ l\tARJ< 'MVAlN .18' necp v bh\'n 12·3 John. 0 , CLEAN hull, J/O l\1er(' en1?l11e, 16:) -, -FOREIGN C'ARS • t 196(1 20' }~JSllINC BOAT • h.p. Tandenl lrlr, vel"\1 !?OOd l\f~NI Bike 7'~. hp, 2 c\·clc TOP D · Glastron w I 'l'rniler. 150 oond. S2800. 5'16-3165 8rte1:c1 \\es1.~nd c~1g1ne excellcn1 2·0' Pace Arrow I _,.,. I( V.) OLLAR _:.Paid hp Chevy n101or l\tcr·cruisei'. pm 6!4-8828 1· ' cond1hnn $7a. Ca.II 11ller 3 . For Or Not! LOW MILEAGE CREAM PUFFS ' DAILY PILOT 4J-r Autos fllf" Sal• 1 ~r -" Auto' fot Sal• l§J' "J1 A utos, imported 970 Autos, lmport..t. 970 -- T!-iE BEST at AUSTIN HEALEY BEACH 'j(j 100-4· wi1h spa1'C 1111g\tM>, --nt'<ld.~ body \\'Ork. S:iOO. Ph. POl~SCI ll·: -s -Tn1-g:i, '70, G1?r331S Ri1·arros, A ~l-i'"l\l Stcrc.'O, BMW 1:~nnJ. $6795, --LEASE A 1973 PORSC llE I•:, '7!, 1\ C, ' Ht'l'kl'I' "~lexi1-o,'' :n:JEDZ, BAVARIA $6i V5. --Oeep-V hull. Depth flndcl', -p1n 5;)7-8Ufl Bill Loi Oen10 Call or conu• i11 10 sec us. 72 MARK IV Hve bait tank. $3.500. Cn ll ... HORIZON. .rel ~ J; 1 1co'.li~IUTE1l. ~I ,..11 • -·r.' !Ser •3.012iwo::'-l0~1 c,w'n"'.D ---'°"-........ -,,.;=r4';tt"...-""n·-:;+.Jooru...-All-engu~ p r·~ -,,.-_.,) :~1 i &·.1·a·1..rv-rXTR·r5 ~ "" -<:.W.A•"-,---+-------...:__-' ~.lf.lU, l\lU~)-ti l:li (IJ.1-92& beat offCI' ' HO»r[.'.I, ·~ F illrlng, Ju~-, ... ~ ..... ' ~ l"I. Antique1/C_I•_ SSICS 9-53 -- 54" DcFEVER ptlSlillli:Clll-ak: J.63!4;.tTI I ~fl·.!{' 1·i11·k, ~~ n111.-~. hn-ARM RESTS IMPORTS• IS lllOJI $6995 --GOOD' .. -Jjf"';\"'--ReME'R('f . --SE1:E'CTION 0 ... :·. 1, ' . '. '" ... er yad1t. Denier detno. No\v 'iO. 18• GL\SSPAR c1~1;;g: ~a~~,l~e.:_!~;1:._ ~73-S~~·--AUX BATT.ERV '47 FORD PU. Body 1-sted 3100 \\'.Coast th\')'., N.B. Zl ,SJt Mil" available in Ne1''poi't 'Beach. 115 JIP E\riniii<le fid , .1 . 2 RONDA.1.:-.i s (hr! eq111pnelJ 61 RE FRIG eng nds 'vk--Funky wood ·~~ .. 642-9405 VJ:LOCE, 1.:-indau, ,\,\[.f'j\•I, USED BMW's O:~\,\!\Y, !2995. l9TJ B.\\l,\RfA --1972 13.\V:\RIA Xlnt pri1..-e. Call l\1r. Lan-all xh·a~. ~!2!'l00 67_, 0.:,1~ s u, 1u1()e1· 1000 nt!: on e111·1l. Bo...•f:t Tl NTED •GLASS lethr camper, $250 FIRJ\t cuter, 645-°'11>1 01· ~S-5676. =°""~~;-, ~--cirer. 611--c.>lO aftt>l' 6 ~:..1579 \VE PAY TOI-• DOLL/\R lS' TilOJAN l S.i h'l, in ln·1! ..i,; 11.nytime Sat. · 8 PLY Ti RES . ·r11 COUPE de V•"lle ro••v. on-FOR 'COP U_ SF:D €A~:s 17' CABIN Crul~t'r, ne\l'ly ho t B I f I C 413 N "" If I bu,·11, ~-·ner n•u•. t ""• •• ,.,.,,.,·, a· eau 1 u · all '71 .nt{'.V 100 -! t E hrl ENGi E ly 59,000 ml-reason11ble otter your ~:11' IS exi.ra ~can, V\\ .~ ~"~ 5~0 """'"'. "1°'3"" · .,_.. cc :\S · ~ng UNI O ~·ee us fn·st due to inJUl')'-!{est off"r. -~-"' ~~ "---1 bv E.C. Btl·t, ""rnutts L UNGE 846-8570 ' 2002 S Gr1•e11\'illc, Santa 1970 60 hr, J"ll\I SG'..'3. 11' <ikronts. $·JOO. 6-12-4701 FLIP SEAT R --tr ·-,----·,._ ..JM.l}._EG BtjlC& Ana w.,..1484 ~la."s .~ki !'.vnt ,,._ 1 .. 1 ... ·r:,::' -, -----, -·.. , ecrea ona ~25 Jlarllor Cl\•(1. · rr neiv cond ~.io-·i ioo 1,.\TE ~todel 72 l\f X SEAT BELTS Vehicles 956 Cos!a!1tes.'.I. ')i~2j()(} 21·-~~TI_t-l _C:Jl!i'l _Cn'.i.'>!!I~ ~ --·"~~I '"'"'1:1li~ 2~h':-"'~cycle. S7399 ---Jl\1POH.TS \YAN1 F.D 90 h.p. Chrysler t/B, head, .. (i(l(l. nft 6, ~}-18-.)()62 . * '72 lnl'I l 'ruvelnll 1.-.;4, Orange County's be.it · tank: x1rit fish boat. 1 l'TI·-llUSI\Y 400 r ross Vt't)' radio, air, auto, 10" spec. TOP$ BU)"t:R Nale.di •5 1,eint. $600. 6-\G-ll!OO [ T ,__ 11•1 rlt>nn orig-. tires, lO\V 1nilcs, CREVIER BMW tireTs &"'~'~1~,.,,400(! ini., und. BlLl. l\1A."Xf:Y TO\"OTA er : .>U. l'lftlPO'lat-. . , $8T:i. 84G-9060. Se 1va1 " .,...,-u.,. l""ol .... ,,.,1, "Iv . · · Snles . l'\'.ic:e . Leasin~ oc-o u " n 15' CARA\1ELL,;; 1970 '"i· l ~------t 'il HONDA Cl ::3j) 21.).S W, 1st :=:t .. ,i.:::,.111a Ana i\rEYERS l\.Janx n1ctnl flake, H. B:'H·h Pi1. 8-J':-.S:=i:;.·. hull, -50 h.p. f\te1·c.:. Top. 1 t-:1'"'t1 f'Qnclillon. Sl9J'. Cnll 835-.3171 reblt 1600 eng. l\fags, air A t J t d--970 covers & 11·\r , .. .,11· Hu· 1 A' ft 915 -1,, u:"-shocks. $995. 548-3625. u os, mpor • . ' /'. -' ' . 1rera ~· w·u·N•. • SALES • "'.!fl~WS. Sl-19,). 002-8484_. -. . -.. l~A\VASAKI 175i.:c. r..t.tte-'7i, . -'&I Dune Buggy, Frh-J!s • THE FlllrifEST· IN 17 FIBERGLASS over \\"OOd, . 69 CESSNA IJO. . tj(J(} n1ile11. f\lust i:;ee to ap-• SERVICE • body .. Runs good. ~take"of-USED IMPORTS' e 50 ~o.rse evh.irude, 20 gl. Equioned. Reasonable price. preciate! 5.il-5327 •JIENJALS • fer. Call 548-8269. e THE FINEST IN ga,s tilnk b~ut tank con-979-1262. · ...... ffi)Is, e c. }15(1-:-64S:l: 1, e WANTED· . used-·· 241'--• -• -· <:_,rt :o;, Rac~.-t<ods -959 IMPORT··SE·RVICE e _ · CamJMr.l,S•l•l Rent'20 wheel.J.O.~-.-b1k ~~ ----Do ' -If "f· -d ~IC Run-a-bout. OOTro-962~789 EXPLORER Vw f\1\ni T, hi e;h yourse .a avor an come jon, 17', f\lall(Y.!ar1y tlc,:k. CAl\·I PER-~lu.n1i11um··.s1 ~i n , llONDA 35014 1972. Jinnv.lc. OF performance eng, lthr int, ~:i ~bu!~~t. Open Tues. Very good cond. SJ7j(). Pfilfil~ J!!~ldt', _c.1'.J1nets, ,9,,. f\"f Lu .. 540-l30l HUNTINGTON BEACH slotted disc \\•his, nu Gates ti! 5 tr. 9. Sat-Sun 633-48.'.G. st~\-I', 1~ box. sink, L'9n--1 • .Q. .~· n,., tires. $1515. 541-228;1 Terry __ . -------raniecl \\·a tl•r, ri1s 4' \\"lde -~r-ekda~s 18801 Beach Blvd. 842-8803 r. :'\ \VIZZARD l.'l ft. 3; hi). l)("d s1::11uls 5"-4". 616-13.i'.?. SUZUKI 200 Saval'.!:e 1\·/Git 1-IUNTINGTON BEAOI Trucks 962 \EUROPEAN AUTOJ Johnson en.l!ine, Dnnl fuel --s... rwi!A<s'\ tanks, lraifer xtns \\Te ii:----n:LE::SCOPING ~ full !{it. Strong & lust. $Jj(). MO-TOR HOMES '68 CHEV i;, Ton 1 i1h1 \' 'I ·.s-.rc. 5'18-7942 -" '• V 2lllOl1al'f>Ol"a..l.c..ta""-" 8•~·M40 -·many xtras 1%(1. 4&1-$71. 1:!-'ac.!!w1n -lcebo1x, sr1,V•:, Apollo, Pacesctier, s.a r 0 ~, camper shell. V-8, stick shifl,r---------- -lkMlt1,-Rent/Ch1rt'r 908 sink,_ \\'ale::' .~ pro .• t·~n!;,_ Jamboree, ---rulbinhood radio. Camper shell• fully . ALFA. ROMEO ~ady to :..amp. $ 3 :i 0 , Motor Homea paneled & insulated. Ver" , -1° '5111 S I / R I 940 \\'e've got ,'ein at "' CHARTER 57' KETCH "'"""""' a e en KENDON good condition, has only "TIOGA'' * CAl\IPJ;":r:. Shells fol' :m?c ,!2.001 n1ilcs otig:. O\\'ner. '69. Alfa ROmt!O NO\V booking for spring & OJ' renl. All iuakt>.~ & "71 EXPLORER, ~. a ir . .;elf MOTOR HOMES 5•!4-8874· -li50 Bet;lina Cpe. fi51Bft•JU I slimn~l' ci·u ises 111odels. 2911 Grace Lune, cont'd + a.mple stora~. 707 N. Hat•bor, S.A. '72 FORD .... ~~ ton ranger XLT $2199 Chet Sa.lish..::1• 11 Bld_g G, C.l\I. $195 \\'k + 6c 111i. AvHil. 5:t4·0033 C:unper special r/h _ split 675-8344 or Ti~a. Box 316, t>.IAJOR\\IA Y & I-lair Pint June only-selling so o II. '>''indo 390_ VS, auto trans BILL MAXEY Balboa Island !12662. Campers & Sht'lls at f.'.lc-:"i~S-2886. li' 11',.\/l "t) p/s, p/d1sc/b, 2 tanks, I IOl'Y prices. 858 \V. 18th. SACRIFICE, Luxurious 35• ~'l·.~~: iC·0··,·,·r,•11N'~E:rN',.8TRALS 11111st sell $2QO, lake over TOYOTA Bolts;-~11 909 --C-~1. --~ ·ens1on1 -1-nl9tor.hon"le.------,.,,,.--.-.~rn· .,,. payments. 846-2676 aft. 4. 188Sil--BF4-CH BL........---.&1'Z.8555 CAMPER f 'L'~-'67 El St t . . t I I ·t e .;u 1 1·' '"&:JO\.~ '72 FORD '' PU lov . IIUNT!NrTON BE C ' •----------. , or ..,;.,--• ae ui.c;pcc cc, o n1_1eag, v·~ t~ON ,-1 ..... 1'.)i'JS. ·' , ' m1, ..., A 'H $ SPECIAL S.ALE $ Camino Honie ma_d~. in-I air,. i:cir ront.. nu tires & , :. 0 · ~L'.v~~ 9' R~ntalc; like new, PS, PB. nuto, nir, AH S d .69 sul~IC!"_I & 0 f);1ncllcd._ S(ia. bc.;t 1, moto1, 71i....s9Zi . * D I * dual tanks shell camper a PY er ff -•• o ·~oo a~m-r nc h•rv duty s4ooo. 675-47~5. ' Local, 1 ,011·ner, ~ n1ech. car. o er . .......-'""""'. 25' TRAILEP.. acro~s r=1. •1 ""' •' _•J • • Body lX'!a11t., mcchonlca!ly \TACATION Special A/c ·ss front Bay. N.B. 11•/B,\. l r;'J' JI;-o ~·1·"r f{'v•I.. G.G. 1971 FORD 3/4.ton pick .up, meritorious. top terrible, V\V pop Top cainper, sleep;; Rr. $100/tuo +util"s. Tim -:>.'.1-'.i.;(i() auto trans, air, lo nules. tires tcriflic, $ 25 5 2. 2 5, 4. xlnt cond. & value. &15-6335 ~ext lo CG, Dc>.tsun $2895., 492-6893. 548-7777 S.17-6106. NE\V, Explorer. 24'.. full 1973 DisCO\·erer and Sundial '65 FORD ;~ ton PU. Good•-,~,-AL-P_H_A_G_S_, -,-d-r-. -""'-'-"· .l}'E rent cabo\'ers campers equip Sips 8, alrfgen, l\fotor Hoines for rent. n1ak e tires & brakes, auto, re~dy White,. needs en_l{i.ne \\'Ork. for impo11 &·8' trnckr.Mesa lO\\'el't -Tates;-no n1ileage, re-i;eivalion11 'for -summer --n) work-: StaJO. saa-:9305 Clean $775. Orig.· private Cantper Sales, 2£J?.6 Harbor, ;,:;2-8292 n01v. Phone Mi!ii. Bennet at ·n IH Trk, 4x4, plus camper , party. 962-7981 FANTAS'fIC S,\\11:"\GS ON C.i\t 646-4002. 17" LAZ"'l' Daze. niotor hoine. Bob Longpl>e Pon~ i a c. plus 18' trvl tlr, all toge:ther . CLASSITTED ...... 642-56;8 SKIPJACJ<S. BAYLINERS, 91~ F"T Cu~to1n Ollxn·er '73 Dodge chn~sis, a/c. 892-665l o~· S:lfi.2}()(). 557-9509 aft 6. At I 970 C:l.lll""l', eleclricfp ....... "Tle fully s/c + extras. $8,000. Ne\V LIL"'<UIJ' Llf"ETIJ\IE· 'TI BLAZER. PIS. P /B, -u O$, mporl:,;ed;.:;.__..cc_: NO VAS & FOR).IULAS . , . ..,... ·-...-" ,,..,., -re!rig &<.l\:en, stove ST:iO. of-7t:t-5:"i...-7v.:>.1.. l'l'noonable, irnmHc. sips 6. new tires, extr as, sharp! Exantplc: NE\\' 23' DELUXE fer. 548-8182. R"'!nt A Motor Home Pyt 011'ner. 838--0900 64~ ""'~'"=~~--~ OVERSTOCKED 72 PORSCHE 914 """" $3995 1 J,6t1 Mii" · 71 MARK Ill fl701Zll $5995 J6,444 Miles I /'J.t•.\ ROi\l'EO '69 SPIDER, l":\1Htl..;lc1·, Al\l·Fi\l, i.i!XJll1''R, s::o::;;. --,\t..:5Tl'.': HEAL\' 3000 '67, _\\'i.t;c._\\"illli.:.ls,.-J!11d.io,. ZO\\' • 925, $2395. --Tf'tTU:\IPll (;TG+ '69, Radio, Sharp, YRXUi:~. S1695. -- B;\I\\' 'IH, t.~OO S!'tlan, Radio, 1971 BAVAHI:\ ' 1!169 l"iOO 1970 2(XJ1 1\169 ltiOO . C.REYIER BM w___ 5a les . Service . Lc_.asinc: 20~ \V. b1 SI., Santa Ana 835-3171 ORANGE COUNTY 'S OLDEST 1 ~1 ;\·l ite.~. O\\'R:J"i-t. . --71 COUGAR XR-7 j MB7. GS. ,,, -._,1,.... A ·c-.1 0 . XYl $3250 !'.~ ... \uto. Tl'iln.~ .. Blau· , ' 1071 C · Plllll'I, \\'XL03:?, SJJ95. · 26,tJS· Miln · ! · --I SA LES-SERVt'tE-LEASINC 70 COUGAR XR· 7 69 CPE DE VILLE fYOUl811 $3450 32,416 Mll•s 71 COROLLA WGN f97'CTN1 $1395 )5,417 Mlln JIM SLEMONS IMPORTS 833-9300 1301 Quail, NewPort Bch ""' McArthur & Jo1t1bor~ ;\JBZ 'V,230-SL, ,\ C. BoH1 OVERSEAS J)El.IVEHY Tops. )3('cker ".\lcxico," ROY CA. RYER I Ne"· Radials, UJD5f>O. .1 nc~ • --..------~231.-:E. _l'it,•1 St. -1 ;\lCB "67 ROADSTER, \\'ires, Cos!a l\lesa 5'!S-4ll 1 Chron1e Lu~ag:c Rack, ZYD732, $11 ~. J .\GUAR 'iO Xl\E. A C. P.S .. Atl'l-~,i\l·S\\', ·l06BNN.1 s::!1.J:1. ALF.-\ ROi\lEO '72-Bli:Jl LIN,\, lkrnos, N<'\'l'I' ll('J . .:istcred, C1n>0s e fron1 ~-$:~793. illrarlr 1J111µurt!i t •j,; 12()0 W Co;"!I ~ ,._ , 11<1WP.--"' !lead'i 645 6406 '7U Bl\f\V 2SOO CSA, fully recond .. F~I st('1'('0 1ape, tan l1hr int. 673-ji71 CAPRI ~ NOW OWN THE FABULOUS 1973 CAPRI AUDI \Vi!h 2,000 4 c.y!it1<lel· en· V-61 1------1------engine, \\•Ith or wlthouq Ct E·A-de_(_;o1· g1:oun _l?(>Jne \\"!!!'_. Sl!_!l_. •. _~~ ---MN--,.o~-AuDt roof or--l~iau lop, j)O\\"Cl:l- Xl/lt {'011,J. l..o\\' S229J. 1\f1cr 4, 979-0-110 disc brakes, style sttocl'I• 11,heet· radial tires buck<•! . se11ts.' QRDER 'YOURS) DAILY PILOT NOGUSTAFSON. I WAN T •g Lincoln-Mercury 1 • i~ 16800 Beach at \Varner l:lunlingto1i Be<i~h 't "~take RoonlFOr -r,-H{-ldy·· 642 -:-5678 842·8844 * (213) 592.5544 Classified ·A(I~ ••.•• G--12· -.Gi~. ''Home of the Viking'' + Autos-, Imported 970 Autos, Imported 970 Aotos, Imported 9701 ~--'--'-------~_;,,._.:..._ ___ ~-· romtUL\ 225 OftfC, $9345. CA.1\IPE..1l & 1railei' repairs & for your Vac11tlon 94s· 1 ·11 TOYOTA PU, new steel ' . 1 Trailer.s, Travel dial · 1 Steal 81 57345. supp 1es a so_v!\n con-* 531-6800 * ra tires, x nt cond,, version.~. 8~ \V. 1Sth, C.~I. -$1800. 962-4995 aft 5. ·~ \VINNEBAGO 24' sips 6 2"1' ·STREAl\'ILINE, 1961, self . ,,.. , . 81 ~' llOLffi1\Y cab O\'er fully ~lpped, a'sk-l n i ronta.ined, 12,000 BTU air 63 CORvAI~ P. Uy. xlnt r..'EW 1rr.lUTIN"Y 120-0111c. G~ntper--Jacks:-boot. }c. -;i00-sra:71IJS---wticrmonom1\flC ton~·t 12 v -eond.-New-~ires. $49a or be-st · N1c.-c & clenn, $700. 8-i7-7~i5 • · a-· compressor, 22 ply tires. + offer,..646-1-58711.f . '70 F.QRrJ 'fn1ck \\'fcan1pe1· F'OR rent: '73 t>.Iini-hom_e. many exlras. 317 ,V. \Vil.i;on ·ss CI-IEVY ~ii ton truck, 1vith & jack-.'!. Sleeps 4. , fi illy cont. sleeps? 6• P"T au·~ inqq~ SJlflct; No. 45, CM. -'gem "sliell & cabiriet. $1~. Usl!i $469'5. Sells SJ.100. $3100 * 6-16-7387 _S170 wk + ml. 833'--0467 TENT trail('r -like n~"·· 673-8-157 BARNACLE BILLS '69 CHEVY Loug-ho111 \v/10~:.r' FO:rt rt'nt '73 Pace Arro~~· Apache ~lcsa TT.· Slps 6. 'v~a'-n'-,~------,-63- Forced air. Very 'clean. ~' spls S, S.C. Free nn, Crank up Mrdtop. Bltin (Ne'>''JlOrt Pacific1 *· s.18-27ai * au-, gen, stereo, S.U..25S8. !able .'1. butane heater. $T":r0. '&i t'I-IEVY Van, .$30(! C Sh 11 I ' 6' '73 PACE ArTow -27 FT. 968-7056. Panelled, crptd, mags •mptir e x ~ ~77961548-4037. Loaded ~:c-'='====~~71 * MG-Z1 74 ":. $100 * 673-29a7 \\·/xtras. Free Ins. 196;l INTERNATIONAL 4x4, 1---~~~~~-­Travelall, 1nan~· 111'11· parts, '72 OODGE \ran 31.S ''-S. • ON to neconomyca 645-3880 Cycles, B ikes, Z5' EXEC1JTI\1E n1 o tor 3 gas tanks, $2000. &16-7022 Auto, air oond. Asking Scooter1 · 925 home for rent. Fully ,self after 4:30.·' $3450. 846-0038 after noon. ,~-,-.,--­SAILBO.~T. 2:-i' ~Io op, "Misty" full sail. l\!any I\('· cessories. SZ"-,00. Tern1<;, Slio G14, Oceanside Open house, J une 9 & 10, or eall 213: m..-. ----------ront. &12-2150 -l=-9=,.,....::,_ .::N::o_mn_d ___ Se_l_f_• ro-n-'57 CHEVY Step VAN $1500.' John's Racing Cycles 1972 PACE A11,l\\" 21' tuined. Sleeps f>. ::\1nt cond. or best offer 140 Cabrillo St. * BUL TACO * Loaded. Priced for quick 545--1713 642-4616 Eves.1 -'Nc:o::·,clc;4,c,C=--ccMoo-___ ~~ HEADQUARTERS FOR'1---=o""'=c-'cc0.o_'-'"i.'"i.''-· '-SSG-"c-l-'-1'-ll-'Tl KO~tFORT T'rniler. 19~~ '67 FORD van cnmper V-8, DESERT, r.JOTO X IT Deluxe Winneb•go ft. Fully self-('(lnt. $2700. SlOCO or best offer. Stv, sink Acce~~ories. Ren!. 27·. 640.(1.1~2 NH Call 67a-8.i86 or &t>-084S. & ice box. 645--2::.>97 24' SHARP Sioop, nu sails, lnbd eng, ga lt>y, bcorths, ':'': tras. $3900. J:I Dan;i Pt. 640-2221 11\1-:-·1, <l:l'i -b,';~!J nt.,. -H~~-~~H~2fJ'.:_ LOOK ~~~~o ~~~~~ 25~n~lon. • • • ~lnkP oNcr. Can he seen at BJ:~,;';,~~~,~~.!\"l~~ g:;";;;c,f°'~!,.o~:ty ~~~~IT'S GARBENSTANGEL TIMEI ·p etformance. Extcnsi\.'ely Mesa. Ask for r.1r-s. Gt>ecn· cruised. n1nn 642-4321. ext, 277, · • .--,=~1'1="c-:"'::-'--2035='==c:-i CALTF. State championship LAPWORTI-1 24. Fiberi?lass, 11\ce, many bikes. n1any inboard. Gold plater. $3950. cycles, & op 10 l 2 5 Long Beach ~farina, Ganjt-n1ol0rcvcles -Sad,1lebaek \\'BY 18, slip 651, call park. l nfo. 714-5,,')2-7643. 714-839-5925. HAVE 2·1 ~2" RALE!Cl-1 INT. * J..0.-5-sm. \•nl11e.-Sell-or trnde-11p Trniler. nu sails. hri:h,·are. or do\\"" for 11101orcycle. Ready to ra(-e, 213-596-2210 tra\'el trailf'" or "·hat's your days, 213-;;96-:m62 evt•f;. · deal. J im ~_21. ___ _ 13' FIBERGLASS l\fetcalf BICYCLE SALE aass 811.ilboal \\1ith s11.nd NE\V 10 SPEED l'rALIA~ dolly, fine cond., $475. BrCYCLES $59.95. Beach 548-5168 Bh.~ycles, 800 F:. Balboa 9' l\fON'TGOr.tERY Lap-Blvd., B{llboa 615-7'182. strake Oin<!hy, leak Int., '71 l-IONDA. SL 125, i;!Old, 2 sails, like llC\V $375. I $;hape, 1500 n1 l . 616-502:?. ....._ Q\'ers.zrl t'C·11· tire, xtras! 1973 26' CLIPPER l\1arir!C, -$3:10. &16=2807 alps 6. Outbrd, s t 0 v e . '73 KA w ASAK1 fJO or Sho\V retrig., 3 1nos old. $5000. Chopper, see 10 apprec? 675-'1041 Al!KI Van. SeU or trade. * SEAQUEST 26' * 05"1~-50~27~-~-----Slps 5, galley, head, motor '70 LAVERDA T":iO, 5 spd, CUShions. hin~ed mast1 Xlnl. \\'{bags & \\'indshiclcl. Days $3500. 8~2439. 5 3 9 -4877/eves. 510-12."A, LIDO 14/trlr. Boat. snHi;, Snn1 in H.D.L. USED GARBENSTANGEL ]l'lust have rlght-handtd. zoenstift with power di~ poleck. Would accept ea~ ly model with battery o~ er a t e d piddlebottom. Write: Oasstned ad No. 174, DAILY P!LOT. P.O. ox 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA trlr, xlnt cond. Sall No,. 'Tl BULTACO Six Day, $79:l . . ::~:;: ,:·:~::::: :1:·:~.~~01·~-~,,~:~-r If you truly understand garbenstangels McKibblns SDJI."' Gd cond. ITALVf:!GA record rac\ug • I • b .~~:~· ~~;:\~: -,~.;~L~c_~~-g;nrg: 1t s time to gar en ... A motor, xlnt condition. ..-.-.i;n,.., ~ ~-:;r;; ~~"'g; ·?~{,~;~~~·:::~ ~~ If you don't understand it may already :o:,~u~~; ~~"'· 2-"" ~~-=~:i~-~:-be too late but, what the heck,· send -, l~~~'"~k~nrd~•·-,,_~J'_,,''="="·=u =w=h==colo.I _e_M_l_N'"!I BIKE $40 e . K.!Tt.~0ro~;,2 ~ ~~ SUZUKI :~~~~~~ST in .the coupon anyway d,"1 s~= ~ A~~" S1\CRU"tCE! . uon. ihN• .,,.....,-NJ, * 5.'lti-3000 * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -'• 8 • 14' HOBt'E Cat, race equip.. • other xtrns. o>el. tdr w/utli ·wo~\''k~n;;~M_,11 '~~1::: Yes, I will build a g3rbenstangel-or launch a search for one I box~ ':'°m: ~~31a• ~&1_2--0.~':,,'~0H-'04~N920-sl09~A ,~.;,,-5L-' can put in .. shape for exhibition at the DAILY PILOT-South Coast Boat coVt'r. Cood con1.L ia G C d I I -"'Nee<IN'ft• PJA:.1=ii"'·t:'400Fi<.;e.:&l:e;2-';;;776n:k,..,,..,,~"'~~ ~w,i'<ll~~-.,,. ,,,.,,,,.cPlaza Build a Better arbens!_angel ontest an nternationa SANTANA-n, .-. "" ·&1 Kl(1v-ASA1rr1 :x:esr1>. -°"allu Please te·11 --m""'e ~--~~-""'"'"': $350fl. 1,, • ' "a 1 • 11 r• vr • , -_ ..---552-si1sz NAME CAL 2Q, rricini .~alls. - Mnny x1r11s. Sleeps ~. l.J:ONDAS for &'tie. 50cc, 70cc ADDRESS Xlnt cond. 492.243), 160cc. 12.i ea. • LIDO 14, sec •• 307 Gt,..,d, MOTOR~~:":.ucr, 2 -c1ry·-.. -... -.. ---.. ------.-~--c_--.. -.... -.. -.. -.-.-----.......... ~ -. ZIP ............ -.. ~---· -=19 aai_bo3 Iidnnd, $Ot-(I. .rau,_ he..ayy t1uJ:r. like ne'~· PHO~E ..... -.............. ,,_ ................. ..,.,. ... ~ . .-, .. -... -.. --.. -,. .. -.. ,,_ ....... · AGE -.. --.. --... -$ •:::lb0::::•_,:~:;oil6-:.;:U'°'4Q".'----1 'I II lo HOBIT CAT 14 -llONDA i= .. 68 'a ' · · • C ti 61" ~60 ., l'nimollon Man••~, llil lLY PILOTjj I'. O. Box 15!0, ~la M°''• CA. !Im a eves. \r'\I• i.i New ct1glnc, new ~.'tin!. ~-, • • • • 8 • • • • • • \V!ln\ ;~(!.-~ . ~:; _ f.l21..l:!_NW>. • • • ••. e ••• • • • • • • • • • • ................. ; • \ I I • • 1. See how it holds the road. 2. Test its steering response. 3. See how it corners. 4. Try the brakes. S.Drive itoo a windy day. 6. Notice if it's fun to drive. •"''"" __ ..... _.., Introducing the New Honda Civic·: 30 MIL·ES_pER GALLON! BIG SELECTION -IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE \I FACTORY AUTHORIZED HONDA CAR SALES & SERVICE 2850 HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA 540-9649 "WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS" - iz _D°'llY PIL:T f rld1y, Junt 8, 1973 ,l~~~~~~~~~l ~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~:~ll ~~~~~~~~· 1 1! ..... '"'"'' I§] I ., ... ,,. ... l§l I ............ ]§] [ ..... ,,, ..... -,§],~-~-~ ... -~I~~ .. ,. ·----J§J-1 _ ..... 1§1 1 _ ..... -1§1 [ ~ .. ,,, .. I~ 1 ~~~~~~1 ~;;;;;;~~~~,~~~/~;;;;;;;;;;~:1~,~~1 ~;;;;;~1 1,~_u_lo-'•,_l_rnpo..;.._rf.;.od:.:c__.;.97;.;0 Auto•, lmporled 970 Auto•, Imported 97Q Auto•, Imported 970 Autos, lmporfo<I 970 Autos, Imported 970 Autos, lmporloo 970 Autos, Imported 970 ,<Iulo•, Imported 970 CAPRI DATSUN DATSUN RAT JAGUAR MGB TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO l9Tl YEu.0\V Capri, vinyl 1 top, extru, ~ cc eng, '71 Datsun 1973 DATSUNS siioo. "°"'"" tm CAPRI, deeor., nlr, 1tuto, 2000 ec, xlnt co1Mi., $2700. 673-1067. Pickup ALL MODELS w/Porri1 Valley Camper IN STOCK 1995C'XI' DATSUN $2699 BARWICK IMPORTS 33315 Camino Cuplstr ano BILL MAXEY San Juau C.piatrano 493-3..175 or 831-1375 1--1X>l'..OJA -·1-===::::::=C'-'-:=.j. 18&.lt'l BEACH BL. 8-17·8555 lfUNTJNGTON BEACJ~ HURRY . You can still get• new Oet1un 510, 610 or Pickup At the old price :Xrwp1111 D,11~·.1n1 ... ,., ,. ' "''""" > 'p• L• • l;r < ' \ •,;. < FIAT '68 Fiat 850 Cpe Low 1'!ile1, A Real Nice Car. (XDA224l. $B99 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 BEACH BL. R47-8555 HUNTINGTON BEAOI The "Yelki\V Pages" of l.!ffi F1AT, 124 Sport, 3 r;pd . COO<I roncl. 2.t,000 mi. am-fm. air. Aft 6 pm ~- u'll find It in ~•lied cl11ssifted .••. 642-5678. · coot•r• 925 Cycles, Biket ~c:les, ~lkes Scooters ~ WAREHOUSE S~LE WAREHOUSE SALE •· JUST ARRIVED -FROM ITALY SOLD ONLY IN THE CRATE 642-9405 WAREHOUSE SALE WAREHOUSE SALE Auto. Trans., AM Radio, Bucket Seats 1969 FIAT 850, new lit-es, brakes, uphol. $1000. Runs perfect 67!>-5307 or nltes - 675-0900. Hurry! '69 FIAT SPIDER '7i Fiat Wagon 124. 4 cyl. 'Economy wonder, auto trans, raltio, heater, lug· g1tge rack, low-tniles, ll32!>Ul $1599 ..JJ480 "H.-. Blvd. - C01Sta :fifesa At Fair Drive ~17 . 4 Spd., AM Radio, Air Cond. lie. # XCL715 . • . . • $29900 CASH DOWN $1095.00 1 36 P•yroitnl1 Of $73 .16. A.P.R. 11.0I Y •• 01ff. P•y $2916.)6. ·...,,.......---------------~ .~1969~ .--. • . • 2 DR. H~T. Auto. Trans., Air Cond., AM Radio, Vinyl Top. Lie. •XTE623 KELLEY BLUE BOOK SPECIAL LOW BOOK HIGH IOOK 1450°0 1985" • 8ARWICK SPECIAL SAVE GAS -for VACATION • 1971 CHEVROLET 4 DR. FAMILY CAR Auto. Trans., Air Cond., Radio, Power Steering, 28,000 Miles. Lie. #9l~HGB. KELLEY BLUE BOOK SPECIAL LOW BOOK HIGH IOOK 1675" 2280" BARWICK SPECIAL : ONLY 51385°0 ONLY $149SOO '. • ~1973 DATSUN 1200 • .. • . • ; LOTS OF WARRANTY LEFT 4 SPD., AM RADIO $2210.00 + T•x & lie. S•r. a Lii 10979'455 TOYOTA SQUt"J\h.l' Q.EAN ·n SupPr '7:.! VOLVO l&fL Dk Ct'CC!n, BeaUe, 30.000 n1i. ~tust iwll Saddle lf~aU1r1· inl. lllr., 1 this week. ft\o\•ing to M1/1'1\1, fuel lnj .. 2900 mi. 17th Anni¥•"""' Hawaii. $1500. 64()-1684 -In tor> oond. ~500. SALE · ·-1 111 VW Square ·back llll!I">. G•t;.8288. I New heud.<i & valve job. Jus.I Autos, Ur;ed 990 I picked up from s h o p . I Prfoea Start Al 497-1037 BUICK I 2399 '6!1 V\V Bus, ant/fn1, bltin --------1 _J.:="'---l-"bo~>d,,_& middle "'nl. Rebll '6.9. BUICK__ _ eng. 44;000-m , efy-"t(J()i1 -• '73 COROLLA (KE!IJOTI2'54l rond. P'i ply. 83\.]!0!I. ':tlVIERA l) . l • 710 V\V Bus. Ru1is xlnt. No v~. auio trans. fnct. air ('Ond, ~ Ull'W Must sell. 540-2608. \'invl roof, 1he cleanest - 61111 llltl.I do~'.11, take ow~ paynwnIB, full i>0\\'1'T, rndio, heater, TOYOTA VOLVO f<h;ieo·a In 1own. (ZWTll6). $2577 199; Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 VOLVO S<o.• It _ You 'll Buy ii a,VmltAN · W TOYOTA ~lll,1np11,. 111"1111'' 11!11111 ~ J.l( • .>P ,...,! , Jr. lll<tn11w, lll11l111 '' (Mill 4 ~ <ill ~ ~l'l'l .. ... "' . .. 15 MINUTES FROM . MISSION VIEJO AREA 14-12 &L.BRISTOL.-S.A-- S46.Q220 {S.A. 1')-wy. Ea.st on 1st St. % mi.) '68 vw Bug. J\UIO trans, low mileage, & lots of economy. -(il72- AFJ<J $1599 Z-l80 Harbor Blvd. C~a ~tesa --At-Fntr=Jmve - 546-8017 '71 V\V Sta. Wgn. Radio, air cond. Very clean. LefJ6 than '70 TOYOTA :oi,ooo rn;, $2500. 67>-3445 Mark II Wagon De-TOP line ·n VW Bus SZlOO. luxe, auto t r ~ n s , RealJy clean cond & Xtras. radio, heater. etc. See Call 493-9723. to appreciate. (993-'67 V\V Camper orig. own. HEU) Pop lop, stl bit b"!I, nu eng., brks $1500. 548-5151 . $1499 2-iso Harbor Blvd • ·Costa Mesa At Fair Drive &46-8017 '71 TOYOTA MAJtK II WAGON Auto Trans. {903CQQ) ·$1999 '10 Toyota Land Cruller * '70 VW Bus, red I: whlle, Jo ml. X1nt cond., $7150 . Prlv. pty. ~ '71 VW Bus. New heads & valves. New tires. $1900. 6-12-7930 • '66 VW Bug, rebtt eng. Radio/heater, good cond. 1725. 833-28'l5. '66~ VW. l\.1oving, tnust sell, best offer. &l>-1643 '70 VW Squareback, nm/fm . radial ply tireS, xl nt rond . Make oUer. 493-9529. '64 VW BUS. $600. · CaB 963--1337 '68 VW Van, rcblt eng., panelled, stereo, new hatt & n1uUJer. $1175. MS-3123 Hardtop, Warn Hubs (ZJ2. '(;:'( VW Squarebo.ck, rect?nt CIF). haul -·'" $2999 motor over , good ~·l ~ body $460. 4!»-7301 - BILL MAXEY * '65 VW Squarebeck * a.... Extras. l600 o' TOYOTA Best otter. C>dl'963-7287 18881 BEACH BL. 847-8555 ·m vw. Futbk. Must l'l(')l, HlJN1'H'fGTON BEACH Xlnt cond. $1350. Bel'll offer. •m TOYOTA Corolla. 4 spd, 557-9804 nltes. radi~ heater, k> ml, ~ '68 VW. Good condition. New cona. ~Y propane. exh-a"'llft, brakes, Ca 11 !)86.-0584. 846-1349 or ~1965. Matar HOtn•t Motor HorM1 Sala/Rant 940 . Salt/Rent e ROBINHOOD e "WORLD'S FINEST MINI" e 4 BEAUTIFUL EXTERIOR COLORS e OUTSIDE STORAGE w/S EXCESS DOORS e DUAL BATTERIES YOUR CHOICE FROM . 58995 + TAX I LIC. e PACESETTER 21 e "BUILT l'OR THE FAMILY" e LARGE WARDROBES 17th Anniversary SALE Full P"''" •;, co11., l•n _th•~ l 7,000 "';,, !>•I. of 5 yr., 50,000 ''''" pol. ..... ;1, IOl2ETY I _$3~95_ 4 Wh11I Drive, H•td· top, V,ry Low Mil•· •91. (12lCHNJ $3395 '7Z MAZDA l t11-tk111 15,000 mT11t~ I04•GRT J $1495 'H TOYOTA LAND C•UISElt 4 w1'-11I dri~•. l11i th•fl lJ,000 ,,.;11 1, HT. IYl'l172 1 Special 'H CH"VY IMl"ALA 2 Or, H•tdlop, full pow•r, •lt co11d . IX IS· t.t6) l ik• 11•w, 111!0 lrtn1., pow1r 1l••ri119, 1co11• oll'ly V.I . ITEY521 1 $1095 1!'166 HH.rOOr. C.l\t. &16-9ll3 1 'G.'l ll fVJ'EfV\. Lo 1ni, full 1x11•:1•r , uir, IJflnk financing. fl7:h1700. CADILLAC HATCHBACK low ,,.;i ,.9., ••po11•1 · 1io11, t&•1FLY I WAGON V.t , Auto. Tr•111., 11.S., R•dio, Htr. Gd. F•roiily ' W•9011. !UR l~15t $895 Auto. lrt1U., 1111 tli111 11.000 P11 il11. 1)2)· I EP I $1695 '69 AlillASS. WAGON Full pow•r, Air Cond, I s•1CUN J sio95 --'H 1'Ml~""S"S: SIDAN <t Or., full powtr, •ir cond. !YCNl•SI $1295 '6S RAMILIR SIDAN E•t•ll•nl lt1n1potl•· ti1111. ISIPl•SI $595 . 'H AMIASS . , I SV50111 $795 ''7 ·FORD 'ALCON • cyl., low "'il••t•• ,;, co11d. G·••I "'"'' nl119 I COllt'ltlY Cit, I Ullt&• I $795 V•ry Few Air Conditioned Special$ Remainln9. 1973 . Gremlins-Hornet ad ors. I e 81G OUTSIDE STORAGE e e e 6 FORWARD FACING SEATS WardS.Lee,ln c I All1H01111l0 'I AMERICAN MOTORS DEALER 'I -DAllUM _.. -DATSVll _.. e FIBERGLASS FRONT & REAR 9 UP TO EIGHT SLEEPERS POI ----------l'Ol---------.lj-W&....ALSO-EEA!UR~P..Ql.LQ_e JAMBQR~~ -·-c:--.............. ._.............. ' Now•-c:.-.............. -·-lco·,_ l.A.W HOUU -SllYICI HOUIS SALIS HOUIS ~ SllYICI HOUQ KENDON MOTOR HOMES M-.•ht. t ..... ,. t ,..... MM.•M, 7:Jt •·•· t. S p.M. M .... s.t, t .-: .... ,. t P••· -...... ,,.. J:Jt •·•· '9 I p.M. · _ 1 10•• t ...... ._. ,... s...., J:JO t. Hiff 1••deyi t •·•· " ' p.-. -..,.,_, J sJO ,. ""• 707 N. HARBQR BL., SANTA ANA CALL 493.3375 or B31·1375 CALL ,493-3375 or 831°1375 · 554-40:15 •1l• <;1"•1IU M~•N ~I \ANIA ANll \•ll '"II \ ) f I . _ _... _ _... ·-· _ .... ,... __ .. -------~ -. • Friday, Junt 8,.1973 DAILY PILOT <f:J ,;;; ... ; ... ; .. ;-; ... ;~--~lf~.-.~-,~1 1,;;I _ .. ; .. ;''"; ..... .:.:11;.-.;;I t Mt ......... Autos. Used 990 Autos, UMd 990 l§J ! I~ _I ---·--l~ .. i._1 _ ..... _ ...... _. ~l§J~: I ., ....... ~ -1§1 990 Autos, UMd 990 Autos, Used 990 Autos, UMd 990 990 Autos, UHd Autos, U-990 Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used CADILLAC CHEVROLET CHEVROLET COUGAR, DODGE DODGE FORD FORD EL DORADOS 14 TO CHOOSE COUPES·CONVERTIBLES • '69 CHEV. '68 CAMARO, P/ii, au10., '70 COlJGAl'., \\'ht v.·/blk ·G!rl40 DART. Very i:;d. ·n DUSTER Sport, auto, '5 1 FA LC ON, go o d 'G9 COUNTRY Squire sta CA.MARO H.T. vinyl top, lcr.v mileage. Ex-vinyl top & int. Air, new cond. Xt:ras. $1400. Bill nt P/S, vin. top, llltck..:ls, transportation , nl&.ke offer. wag; 10 psngr, a ir, amJfm l'ell. running-t'()fidlHon. New tlre11 f!tc. Sacrifice $2595. !>S0-5353 economical 225 6 cyl.. irn-~2501. stt't'llo, n.or rack. t'l<'&n VS, auro trans, factory air. tires. \\Iii! sacrifice tor GTr-7629. 1964 DODGE V-S, auto, air, n1:1c. l'Ond .• onl)' 16,Wl n:.i. fan1 Uy car. }.Just sell. SlG~ . JXl"'·er ste~ring, rndlo, heat-$1500. Call ivk days bet\\·een . ~10-,~CO~u-G-AR-~XR~-7~.-.-•. -... ' run. good S300 ~. 646-7371 . '66 FAl RLANE Squire wgn. 494-m.,. ::'----,,.-- er, vleyl root tinted glass 3-.S p.nl. 897-2472 ,.~":1 . . e.~: An•salr. $525 or offer. -t561A08 ). 'A n E A L loaded. Orig. O\l'net . ~Ult 979-29116 ORD 0-....-. '71 FORD LTD Country FOllD '67 t'ORD Cvnvertible. Xt. 500. Po\\"er, a uto. Top <.~ ditlon. 8-M}-1323. LINCOLN DE VILLES 38 TO CHOOSE COUP~:s Sl':l)ANS BEAUTY '67 Cl!EVY BELAIRE BB + $100. 536-24M. Like to Trade? Our Trader'• F t>-·lre. 1'~act. 1th'. P/s, µ\\·r · I Good nc1 •i::::n C t I • ---------'63 FORD Fairlane :iOO ~" $2197 00 -_...... a It's a breeze. _ • sell your Paradise oolun111 is for you! 1 · 6 d 1 . .........i r!lsi' brks. l\lust sell, $2900. '72 CON1'1'NENTAL. 4 dr 83l-8Talt items with ease, use Dally 5 lines, LlJiys for $5. Cul l ~ "r~5o~tru999 · 4fr,~rond. Be~t ofier. 5-18--0472 gold, 13,000 1ni., Goh\k CONVEJl1'113LES ·~ Owi<'e of inlrriors &•e It -You·n Buy It •n NOVA 6 nulo, PIS, vinyl Pilot Clusltled. 642--5678. Jo.lay ... 642-5678 CLASSIFIED will 11ell ii! overr.cns. 1 ov.•1)(>r. 4_99-4181 . ·~~---n~ofv-er'~. -·~::·._S .... LEILR=..J·A-D, lmpoMMOT D70.AutT..,..s'"""'"u""N 1 JJs~:~ ~utos~N· .~;· N;ERR;,;· .. Now 9IO IClotlt & leathcrJ t~actot')' air r"nditivning 1-"'ull power -a10ic(' (.If; Stereo AJ\l IJ< .. M radio Cruise con11'ol 'l'runk Op('ncr & n1ore All in in1111ac·u lal c t"Otidiliou Lar~:est s..•lt'C!ion in Orange County 196G "'";:ir, ;~~VR:·~~ . '69 Chrl.,',:,!~a. Wag. ~~';;;"·V·S~;~u10:;;~~\~;!~~;: BUICK OftEL APOLLO ~:u;~:~.e~s·s,::. ·-CcoONT~T~NoEr~~: of~':t.!wsG:ic=:tl::...., ~·;_ c~\~r.,;fJ p ower -r - Ing, R&ll, lonoeau 0 • c m $3689 Nab_ers CadiJlac AlITl·lORJ7.ED DF:ALER X00 llAH.BOH BL., COSf A J\1E8A cove., m.•g wheel•. Puff." I.ow ml .. mech. xlnl. G' USTAFSON "Pampered." AH service res tored hke new con- tlitlon. (H.15517), ~...;; avail, $ 13 5 0 . Lincoln -Mercury 5-ll).9100 OpC'n SundAy $1399 ~ '70 CADILLAC , 4 QOOR ~~~~~ V-8.__au101na.lic transmi&sion, ----.. -I ~ . ...,..-.---~~---:amo-& heu1er. pr>'-\'(>r steer-'67 Q I.EV Impala Sta \Vagon, * '61 CORVAm * 1ng & brakeli, :ur <.'Onclilion-xlril cond. inside & out. Does not run! ~100. ing, vinyl lop. am fn1 s!creo, Ra<.·k, pwr, air rond., lo\\• 54~1520 after 3:00 P?-1. ·po\1·er 11•indo1\!'l & scats. n1i. $1150. 496--0708 '62 CORVAlR l009:\EX,. 'GS l'HEV. Inipala 4-D, R uns good! * $135 $3689 hardtop, a ir, n1 aroon & * 642--0758 * GUSTAFSON ~~iaz 1100· Good '~"•· CORVmE Uncoln-Mercury ·12 VEGA hakhoaok, s.ooo 16800 Bf'aeh :H \\'nrni'r n1i, und er warran, ~rf. llunling1on lkllrh tond. Auto ~rans, S:al90. 842~ * (213) 592-5544 1-.--.-8263~-.---­''Home·of the Viking'' 72 KINGS\\000 , 9 pass sta \\'Ug. Loaded, }O\I" ml, 50,000 '68 CADILLAC n1i 11.·urr. Cull an '1: 400--lMO Coupt.! De Ville '.iiGCl!EVELLE SS 396 auto .Fncl uir, full fXli\·er, PIS_ p/b air !o n1i. Clean an11 fr1J sterl'O, vinyl S'i!E. Call 557-5086. .top,,...lulLlea · .'.6Q. .. .L'l lEV •.. S.S &au-lp lerior, lilt \\'he e I mileage, 1 011'!ler, good (\\'XSJ:111 rond. $675 Pvt pty 846-Q22. $1998 CH E\7Y . '66 Van Auto. robuilt eng & trans. Needs '68 CORVETTE fsbk., pwr. sir., auto .• $300 dam. lft. ~:t;,.,:'''00 •' • • " " • "SERVICE" COUGAR COUGAR Xrt-7: Look at v.·ltat it's J'.."OI: Delux in- terior, console and cockpit dasb OOard • \\' /overtiead con- trols; factory air, radio, awlng-a\\·ay· 'stee.nng wtfeet, - lGSOO Beach 111 \Van ier Jluntington Bea<"h 842·8844 * (213) 592-5544 "Home of the Viking" * Station \V~<POn • 1970 Ford LTD 8 pass. coun- try squire. Full p1\T. fac air, very clean. priced foi: (fUick 118.le: ~HIOO. CRll- 673-5194 ..or S.i&-:4li;; 196~ FALCON Ranche1'0, \'-S. lt&lf, air very clean. Sec at 1'riangle Shopping Center, Ralboa Blvd ,'k Cst I-hi·)'. N.B. Fri & Sat. '66 L'l'D 2 dr. ht. radio, heater, P/s, P/b. nu paint. Runs good. 548-179-1 '66 F'ORD stat "''agon, p/s. Auto trans. nu eng & paint , good brks .~ tif'es, 5-1~1058 '00 FALCON 6 eyl, auto, radK>, air rond. Very clean $325. 962-1898. '66 FORD l'.'agon. 9 pass. VS, air, Al t, p/s . Call EH2-27fi6 '66 Country Squire Wag ..oaC:te<t:~ ~ '64 F'ORD Fairlane 2 dr ltt. 289, 4 spd., Sl'/'S. Call 64&-8137 aft 5pm. \ See Us for the Lowest Prices to be found anywhere ' -BUY DIRECn Y F'ROM OWNER OR MANAGER - -NO SALES COMMISSION TO PAY - -NC! GIMMICKS OR TRICK --J•st tt.e Lowest Prices ad tlte lest After Sale Senlce ~f-TERRY BUICK~ .. 2-180 llnrhor Blvd. M>n1e \votk. $40C>. 842-:ni7. Cos!a 1\te~:i ·71 CHEVY Impala, 50,000 excellent !!Jliine and body t.'OndiUon. It's a '68, but only ltas 26,000 miles! The low price \\ill 1o1hock you, and a personal inspection w 11 1 sway you. l\lust sell. Call original owner, 524-5655 '69 LTD Focd "" wag, 9 5th & Walnut, Huntington Beach 536-65BB At Fair Drive ntlles, make offer . 962-6775. must sell, $1850. 64&-2633 ~"!'l~>J&.Slll'l'~ll~r•IAutos, UHCI 990. Autos, Used 990 Autos, UMd pass . Xlnt cond., low miles, [I~!"'!"!"!'"!!"!"!'!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'![!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!'!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!'! Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used 990Autos, UMd 990Autos, UMd 990 ~ '69 CADILLAC EL DORADO \rs, au!o lram:., fact. air c.-ond., full poy,·er. p;x1·er steering. vinyl root. Soft yellow exterior B e i e ea er....111 er.10r. )_ $3477 19Pto1. Lewi& W TOYOTA 1966 Har~r. C.1\1. 646-9303 * '69 Sedan de VIiie * Gray \\'ilh vin)•l top Bln<'k Interior F ull llo11·f'r }'a'C'rory Ali' Tilt & Tt•l1>s1-up11· SIN'ring Door locks I Stt•rt'Q Original 01vnpr S2~(1. 644-7756 SUPERB COHO. 1970 Cad Sedan de Ville 4-dr., turquoise body. 1\·hite vinyl top, 37.~ mi. All extras. priced unrlf'r u .... lk fur f11sl sale. S-16-'5659. li021 \\'est- port Dr., ll unt. llaJ"lx:iur. 068 CAD.-(;oov, white -w/Red· leather intl'riot. E :( c. Cond. 979-1907 ltfUSi sell '69 Cpe de Ville, best efter over $2300 gets it. 531-5364. CAMARO ... /TI CA~f,\l~O Z'.?S. 1\~l-Fl\l. low n1ileage, llkc !K'11-. Jlr. ply. Call lll'lllC<'n 6 1tnd 7Pl\l 963--.'1,,.~:W '69-Z28, RAU..Y spt., ~ trak, mags, spoilers, aii-shocks, Cherry. J\-Just see. G7."i--62:17 '68 RALLY F; Sport, 5.11,000 mi, R/l-1, uir, vinyl top. xlnt conn. S1.i75, 8.11-2877. '67 CAl\IAftO V-11, 327, fac. air. Ne\\-<'rw:.. p.1in t, & tit-e11. $1400/offer. j.Ji--8.128 Autos, New 980 ' ) Johnson & Son • ON EACH & EVERY USED CAR WE . SELL. BUY WITH CONFI- i DENCE FROM US! DICK JOHN SON We pletely -for satisfied any when you purchase your within .. a GLADLY void the tra.,saction. It's simple - you're not .. reason says: used 48 hour want you from com· us. If{ we win l: car period, IF YOU'RE NOT HAPPY. WE DON'T WANT THE SALE. '72 Mark IV •, Low mitts. Ilk• new, Arctic wlll!e linl!h, w~i!I le•ftler lnttrior, whit• l•ndllu ra11, 1iii1Y 1u11.ur~ e<i\iliiPtd. li!CI. TUrr-iiower, 1111i.-11m11 1rr Cl:lnd., lndtvldw l pewer stats, AJA/FM •ltrto, tllt Whlfl, C<uli' cantrol,'11wr. door loclo , tit. SOlcl Ind $1!fVlced 11 JotmlOlli. Sff lo drive II lodoy. 015EYl ) -~ ... . - ·$ALE PRICED! '69 Lincoln 2 Door Seid new by us, 1erviced by us. l ight 9old exterior with d•rker gold vinyl top. F•ctory •i.r c~nditioning, .pewer windows end seet. Ne•r new R•d 1•l tires. low mileage. lb4 1FYV I '70 Mark Ill Burgundy finish with metching. leether interior, black vinyl top. Full power, f•ctory •ir condition ing , AM -FM stereo r•dio , locking greup, tilt wheel, low miles. I 546- AGH ) '71 Plym. Regent Wagon Fully equipped with 1ir cond., & full pewer, driven only 20,000 mJIOI . l908DSZ) . $2975 . llome 01 The New Car • , • "GoJclea 7'C>Mclo'' ol ~ • I .. • SOMl • -MONE-Y -BAC1< CiUARANTEE BUYS '71 CHEV. MONTE CARLO 52975 SI.ow-room cOlld, Ea:c11lent tllr11-out. Pow1r 1te•rln9 & br•k•1, m•t•llic ru1t ftni1h w/b1i9• vinyl t op. l998EY DJ '70 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 52775 VI, Automatic Tro1n1mi11lon, R1cl io, H•1t•r, Power St.1rin9, Pow1r Br1k11, F•ct. Air Cond., l•ncl111 Roof. IS 1lEAY ) '70 IMPERIAL LE BARON 53475 2 Dr. H .T. One Ow111r. lmrn1cul•te, Full Pow1r, F•clory Air. AM/FM R1clio, Tii t Whe1t, 6 Wey Pow•r S11t, le"cl1u Roof. !6841EVl '71 MERC. MONTEGO MX 2 DR. 52375 Sold bv Jolln1on1, S•r~ictd by Jollnton1. Air cond., eufo, tr1n1., pow1r 1t••rin9 l brek11. '71 COUGAR 5267.5 Pow•r 1t••ri119, pow1r br•k•1, 1utom1tic fr1111rni11io~. •ir condltlonin9, vinyl roof. I 544¢UG ) "Orangt County'1 Tam il»t of Tint Cofl~ '70 Mercury Marquis 4 Doer sedan. Ivory finish with black vi nyl top·and si1q_u- l•ted leather interior. Power windews & 6 way power seat, factory air, AM.FM stereo, tilt wheel, loc•I one ewner c•r serviced by us. I 494AFY 1 J $2675 Cougar XR7 28,000 mil es. Sold new by J oh nson & Son. Servi ced here •lso. F•ctory 1ir, power steerin g & brakes, Metallic. blue finish with blue C•lico interior & white vinyl top. New tires. ·(S64CXVJ '69 Pontiac Bonneville 2 Oeor hardtop. Factory •ir conditionin g, fu ll power · equipment. AM -FM radio, vinyl top. l417AGH I $1475 Sed•n OeVille. 65,000 miles. Factory air, full power, Grecian gold wit h bla ck leather interior and vfnr.I top. A very nice one owner ca r driven only 12,000 mi ., per y•u. IXTAlS4 1 '$1875 Hornt Of The New Car ••• "Golden Tolic:Jt" l :f~(lll N 2626 HARBOR B~VD. OF CARS, COSTA MESA e 540-5'30 I .. I • ' . • ' . •• • •' ·: ( I i ' ) ' -, . .. . . ' 44 DAIL V Plj.OT TOO MANY CLEAN NEW CAR TRADE-INS e • MUST CLEAR 'EM OUT THI WEEKEND! '68 ~OLDS 88- 2 DOOR HARDTOP VS , •11lom•lic lr•n1m i11ion~ pow· •r 1t••ring & br•k•1, 1ir c:ondi. t ionj,.g, r•dio. ·ht•ltr. !WXL· 424 ) '66 MERCjl,RY 2 DOOR HARDTOP l o•ded inc:l11di"g f•ctory •ir c:o,.di+ioning. !W~B04 1 l '67 _,o..,,LDS-98-. LOADED Thi1 c:•r i1 lo1d•d il'c:l11ding full powtir •nd f•c:lory •ir condition- ing. ITCK-40'1 '68 ' 0 PONTIAC COUPE VS engin•, r1dio, h••ler, power 1l•eri,.g. IZL1741 I TAKE YOUR --~- CHOICE . I 66 OLDS WAGON VS engine, automatic tran smission, plus full fac fory equipment. (398~ BSX) '67 PONT. FIREBIRD · VS e~gine, automatic transmission., radio and_Jieater._(UNF561) '68 -CHEV. CAeRICE VS 'engine, automatic transmission, power Steering, power brakes. (VCC812] fULL . PRICE WILDCAT FUiiy f•c:tory •quipped il'c:ludin9 eit c:o,.ditio"i"g. !V RYOSl l -'68 -~ PONTIAC. BONNEVILLE VI, eutorn•tic: lr•n1mi11ion, pow- er 1te•ring ind br•k•1. •ir c:on- ditioning. IYPS346 1 '69 _f_Q GALAXIE SOD '4 Door h•rdtop. V8 •ngin•, power 1leeril'g. !ZRK078 1 .!68 " ELDORADO COUP E pow1r, f•c:lory •ir c:ondi. tion il'g, compl•+ely f e c: I o r y •quipp•d. IZXX292 ) A11tos for Sil le ) [ .~.11 Autos for Sate LINCOLN Auto5 for Sale Autos for Sale Autos for Siie Autos to.~e I ~ I A•to• to.SR I§] Autos, New 980 Autos,_Ne.w 980 REGISTER FOR A . . - TO BE GIVEN AWAY DRAWING TO BE HELD JULY 21; 1973 A $699.00 VALUE JUST $300 JUST $71 11 DOWN PER MONTH BRAND NEW 1973 NOVA SEDAN ·- Wit h tinted glass, body side mo ld ing, air con· ditioning , remote rear view mirror, power d isc brakes, VB engine, hydramatic, power steer· ing, full wheel covers, w/s/w, radio, h. duty radiator. #I X69Flt2 I 5799 JS jNlyme!lt$ II 171.)1 Ollt llnal plymHI .. Ul.7J. Tol•I p1ymt11l1 ... 4.U. Olll..-rM INIV-1 MIM.U. l..P'.A.. 11.H TOMMY A.YRES CHEVROLET 350 Broallway, Laguna jleach Dai•y Pilot Classified Ads ' . I ' A..;".;o'oo·""'·''"-'-'U-•ed=·'°----°"""'29.0=., 1,A..;u..;t..;os_,,_U"'s'-•-"d __ __:.• _990..; . ...: -Autos,...New--980Autos,_New _ 980Autos, New '70 LINCOLN MARK Ill V-8, RtlloinatiC transmission, radio & ht>RIC'r, pn-.ver steer- ing .~ brakes, \\'hite side- \\"all tirC'S. vinyl top, leathC't interior, pc>\\"er \\inrlO\\"S & seais, air conditioning. \ZSN40SJ. $4889 GUSTAFSON Lincoln·Mercury 1~ BeaC'h at \Vanier llunti11gton Beach 842-8844 • (213) 592-5544 ''Home of the Viking" MERCURY OLDSMOBILE · Sales & Service OLDSMOBILE GMC TRUCKS HONDA CARS UNIVERSITY OLDS 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa !l.fesa 54()...9640 '65 OLDS Vista Cruiser , \\"R.gon, "\O\V mileage, ne1v tires, air, clean. Best offer. Call Frank 673-6200 or &I0-8174 I '69 Plymouth Fury lII 4 door. fac. 1ory air, J>O\\'Cr s!eer· ing & brakes, auio lrans, radio, hcatC'r. llJSI\" tirC's, exception- ally clean! infl,.\KUI $1699 2-ISO Harbor Blvd. Cosra !l.1csa Al Fair Drive 5·16-l\017 ' .. '66 OLDS~108fLE V i !Ii t a Cruiser \vagOn, great transportation, $950. Pri '73 Plymouth Du t r pty. 675-8214 I 8 , _ Black Y"ith black vinyl roof 69 ~LDS-98 Lux, 4 dr. sedan.. and b!aC"k interior, 6 i.:yl, ~ac, P/B, PIS: P/\V, ne" Aulo Trans. J>O\VCr steering, hres. By _pri\•ate party radio, heater, air cond!tion-,70 MERCURY S2200. Eves, :>-10-0028 ing, still under factory war- '68 OLDS Cullass, a/c, auto, ranty, only 1.500 miles. MAR"'UIS WGN. p/S, p/b, deoo. 70,000 mi. $2995 T S\300 646-0513 I S.l8-8."i10 9 pass, VR, auto trans, fact. aft 5;30_ PRICED ·ro SELL air L'Ond., po11·cr steering, ril(lio, hPatrr, only ~.OOIJ 1968 Olds. 011lass, auto, a ·~· miles, t466COYl pi s. P b, m gd. shape $995. ~lltan1111!; 11\ilt t11~; $2977 -°'96"-"-2073"-'"-' ---- !lnll ~ l.laJlll I.Alli ' 111\D ~·' ... , .. ~ .,.,, .... , ' Sec It · You'll Buy It ~w.Laoi& W YOlYO PINTO POtfTl~C- '72 Pll\":Ji'O. Lo miles, xlnt LEASE OR BUY cond. 1st $1650. takes it. '71 thru '73 Ponliacs -DAVE ROSS '71 Pfilll'O 4 spd. R .~ lf. PONTIAC 1966 Harbor, C.iVI. 646-9303 good condition. private par· 1962 C0~1ET. Ne\v clutch, ty. $1200. 646-4128 eves. 2480 Ilarbor Blvd., at Fair trans, halt. 15,000 mi. on '72 PINTO \Vagon, auto, Drive, Cosla i\tcsa 546-8017 rrblt eng. Good cond . $275 dt>luxe int., roof rack, 6800 'li6 LEJ\1ANS 2-dr. hrdtp., or bt.>st o(fcr. 67rr1485. ml. 846--5710 auto, p/11 & b, air, ne\v hrks, '68 COLONY Park Sta PLYMOUTH battery, & mile. $•125 >"lrm \Vagon. J~w miles, air, 10 ~.""7·==-~-77 1 pass. many xtras? $1499. '67 FIREBIRO, auto, xln't 673-2066. '69 ROADRUNNER, good cond. $13.50 or best offer. cond., 36,500 orig. mile11. Call 548-fi65tl. 1965 MERCURY Cyclone V-8 $UOO nr best oiler 645-1309 PIS auto radio IO\V miles, afl 6. · '59 PONT. C-nlallna, 2 dr 'l"t .~,~ uk•'•g ·~ -=''""=-==,.--,.-~,----hrdlp. !tuns •ood. Looks 847-7636~ ""· " _,,,,. '72 DUSTER -low miles. good. $125. 536-{175<1. ' MUSTANG Full equipt. Air .t: Po\\'Cr. '64 PONTIAC Bonn e v 111 e ~~·t'C!ally clean. $2900. conv. Creal buy al $250'or offer. 673-1494 eves. ( Jlrmm® ~ @rm~~JJJJiJfE' wrm~ &J.flfl @ W@Lf'o o o So are Bauer Buie ks! We'r• leeded wJH.1fN ....,.,, MwtlMrt ..... hkb hi"' W1tory, Dhco•llfl ..-. .. No. 1 I• l972, -4 we .. lfolllf It 09•1• 111 1971. DllYE YOUR CHOICE HOMI TODAY I ~upe r Savings on Ove r-20l.Cars in Steck! I 980 ' ' • The · Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast • , ---... .. -, ..... -... DAILY PILOT ' J ---' Friday, J11nt 8, 1973 CLASSIFIED ADS - , . . DAILY PILOT .fS 'i Dial 642-5678 for Fast Results - l'--Autu~lor----'1~,[ ~ _'_"'"-'"-~-' ~11 ~11._ ___ ... _ .. __.11~1 ,, -lorS. l§J .__I ..... _ ... _-__,!§) l ___ ·_·"·1_"s.i.~I ~ .___ .. _ .... _ ..... _._.I~!.__ .. ~ .... "'_, -~1§11 ~_ •. _ .... _ .. -~I§] Autos, Mew , 980 Autos, N•w 980 Autos, New 980 Autos, New 1~~~~~"-~~..:.....;;.c.--,.~..:..:;.:..:..:;.:.:=....;_;;,;._~~ 980 Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 Auto•, New 980Autos, New 980 I CADILLAC. . " • ..NINETEEN SEVENTY-THBEE ' r 1 ' ;j Iii ~ P: " t<s " i! :_<-• .>, t l ; . 1973 COUPE DE VILLE LEASE .FOR ·1~918!_ . OM.Y ~ _110. 24 111onlh optp-1nd I.cit• on approvtd crtdil {$lot-452} Vinyl lop. Full ltather int erior. Full po~·er incl. 6 1ray :ieat, doo r locks, rernute contr11I trunk, power antenna, factory air conditionin;.:. A!\J/F)l stt·reo wi ll1 la]>e player, tinted glass, right !!ide mirror. tilt & telescopic :;leering, t\~·ilight sentinel, etc. (6ll·l7ll3Q I0:1.i."liJ . Low Jniles. BIJY OB LEASE --·------ Lease a '73 Coupe De Ville LEASE FOR ONLY ~159?.i. 24 .... ,~ ....... d ...... •• ... Jpr ... d ..... ;, FULL r EQUIPPED W~ Oimate c-0nlrol, air co nditioning. Full power inc. 6 way ~al, AMIFM ~lereo, U'SW tirtt, poWer door loci.1 • 1 ho~t of many deluxe faciory con· 1·tnience el'tra-. (60473Q247394) STOCK #452 LEASE FOR ONLY ··14444 MO. ~· .... 1 •• ,. •••• d ........ ..,, ...... .,..,;, ON DISP1A'f-READ'f ro GO ) • 1973 COUPE DE VILLE ---=~---LEA7SE J3~1 166ttr. =--= FULJ ... Y EQUIPPED \\TITH vi riyl roof, cli1nate control, nir condil ion~ ing. Full po\\·er incl. 6 11 .. ay seat, Alvf/F~1 stereo, po1~er door loch, tilt & telesc opic stee ring, simply loaded with all the cleluxe extrU. I So<. 6D4iR3Q22266il '6666 FULL_ PRIC~ BIJY OB LEASE Nabers leasing; .. Lease Direct ... Immediate Delivery EXCELLENT SELECTION . FREE PICKUP Ari'D DELIVERY ~ l'REE WAN CAR WHILE LEASE CAR SF.RVICEO. WE WILL BUY ·YOUR PRE.SENT CAR FOR I!ll~IEDIATE CASH. Four ind }ne-htlf_~ of t.otaJ authoriud Cadillac facili ties designed to bener 11ell ind lleftice_. Cad • ill1c iiltomobi!e,. (80 wurk 1i.lla and 4.'l f1ctory trained technicWu). ' ; ; . ·r-~-- ' . LARGEST SELECTION OF CADILLACS IN ORANGE ·COUNTY 1972 COUPE DE VILLE . •onta1ti< Shcilimcir Oolil with •iilyt top. llewliful leother &. tope11ry in!t1ior. f11JI power. fodory oir canil., 1!1r110, lilt &. Ml ... 1copic 1t•1rin9, do_a• lo<k1. 5olil & ttrvi<1il h•r•. {1$2!0J) 1970 COUGAR XR7 Yi11y1 bucket ••at intefia" •iny! roof, ladary a ir u1nd i1io11in9 , ou!omolic, pow•• 1!~etinq... powu bro~••, AM/fM ot•••• lfl vlli· pie•. Ab1o!ute!y immocula!•. (~26ESDJ 1971 EL DORADO Sousolit• IJ•ten lire .,i1! fini1 h wil~ black •in)"1 lap and beoutif.,I molching int••<a•. f.,11 pciwt• and l,oclory oir rondilioning, AM / fM t1ereo rnu ltiple•, pow~• door l0<k1 , plu1 111ort. 951C"J 1970 ELDORADO Gorg1ou1 palll!tlto 9••tn wilh block vinyl lap, rnatchin9 full leolht• intuior,"fadO')' air. lull power, 1lt 1it0, door l0<k1, tan· tin•! !ha! lurn1 your lighlt off & on. A pamp1r.d 33,000 111il• bit0uly. !613!0EI 1969 EL DORADO Vinyl roof, full leather interio" lull pow1" factory oir condi· lianing, 1111 tletring whtel, pow11 doo• lock1. leavtif.,I Topal aald lir emi1t fini1h, Truly oull!andin9, (t61EYCI 1970 Fleetwood Broug. s5444 s5333 • 1969 SEDAN DE VILLE ::.~·:i1:0~·~11.:·:~.~:::;:'!0~11~!.~(i:.·G~'2~; 1966 TDRDNADO CUSTOM ••••• O•O•I• fioi1h. MOl<~l•t .!oyl lo,.ria•. fa<!O'f oir, 1.11 """'" lilt ... ~otl. Allo/fllo. S11P9• cl•o•. (1 ~1 1011 1968 BUICK CALIF. HARDTOP CPE. s-rlo•k. la•!ory oir. ,._ ""'!"' & b"'I"" •1.000 Mllo1. vinyl ffp, ovtt,.ofl<, fod,o, ~eoffr, w/•/w, (WY01 14) 1969 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Ju1t 55,000 mll01, fa<!, olr •••d., f•ll .,.,.. er, vinyl lop, t..11 vioyl ,,,,.,1.,. An """P• !io•al >oluo. (l•IAOl) 1970 SEDAN DE VILLE O•IY ••,O:iO ,.a.,. vlnyl top, •lo1h & \ooT~e< inlor;o•. !vii Power, kl<tory alt. AJ;./f/#.. 1:;n oco.i1 •. 1972 SEDAN DE VILLE 1967 CONTINENTAL SEDAN 0.ly 57,000 Mil••. fo<I..,. al• cond1tloni•1, •i•¥1 ••~. 11111 l•o•~•• Interior, •1110.,otic l•on• •. all •••••• & Jn Mfnt .. ndltifn. (TYC763) 1969 COUPE DE VILLE (lo!h l loo!h•• io ltrlot, fvll 11•11•or. ft><toty oir, •••<••, till "'hool, lo,.. oritu, UStl4'! (u1uhl11 t yaontlnt 9old , blo<k •lnyl top and blatk looth•1 cfl!GI s4 4 44 comfort 1tati, 1v11 power, to<tory oir, t11t wh•11, AM/fM 1t1r•• 1971 CONTINENTAL MARK Ill rn111tiplf•. power ilaor loc•1, C•uitf control, only 45,000 rnil•1 011 O•lY JJ.000 oril••, •l•rl top, l.atht• 10. lhh IJ<•plionol cor. {J67AKW) 1.,1,., full "'"'"" r0 c1..,. olr, •uo! ..,.,. J.. __ .,;_ _________________________ ._ __ -1 Iott ,.c!o, otc 1116DIZJ 1969 CHRYSLER 300 Ha•dlop coup•. Mini trt•n ••l•rio<, •inyl IOI' ond fllotd1in9 topt1try lnterior,-foc'6ry olr condilianing, aulamoll< t1an1., paw•• 1ttrtrin9, brol11, 6 war pow•• ital, roilio,,htol•r, WSW, low 111111<19•, ••<•plianally cl•o11, (116Glll 1970 T·BIRD LANDAU Liu thon 32,000 mll11. AilrioHt t~rt1Wlt1 wllh whli. kl"dow roof lftd tr11t whii. winyl h•l•rior, rvll power, ffttory •Ir condllion· i119, 1111 wh11I. pow•r door 1oc•1, f'Odlol WSW ti11.,J111p1ccobl1 ovto111obll1. • (4711ZOI s2999 1969 EL DORADO ~a,.o• .-.I, ltlo<O !OP, lllot~ l•ath0<, l•ll ,.,...,, +ouo,., el•. Hit & lolo,.opi< ... heo!, do-t l0<h, •IO-. (ltS0'3) 1971!.JEOAN DE VILLE ()ftly <1$,000 Mii ... YIRYI IOJ" lull 1..,thor, lu l! pow1r, ffflo,., air,. 1!11 o1-l•1. olOtoo. (l93AOY) 1971 TOYOTA CRN. CUST. WGN. Ooly 1$0 1ald, loclo,., o!t, ••""'•lit lton t,. ~-·· otMrl"t .. btokOf, AM /fl#., , Mat•. bit'' 111., topoot•y & brocodt lniotitr, h ot )hon 30,000 Mllet, {313111/ 1969 SEDAN DI VILLE 0 .. 1, 41,000 .,;101, •1011 t••. i....ut..1 S..,ol1h 101,j wit~ leatl>er loM•l.,, f11 ll PoW9f, faci•rJ olt, Allof~llo (411001 1971 CHRYSLER NPT. CUST. CPE. fono•y air. power 11oorlo9 &. ll"'ko" Yioyl lap, avlomati•. radio. """'"'• w/1/w. lou ·•ha• 11,000 ,.11 ... 1471[1(lf 1971 EL DORADO CONVERTIBLE 011!1 19.000 mll•1, Yinvl top, 1..,1h•r. 1.11 Power, f1><to" al<, "~"00, 1;11 wh••I, '1~1• <••l•ol. (•31Llt) '1972 SEDAN DE VILLE •ayol bluo, whi,. Ylnyl ttp, bl•• lto!her 111· !odo•, laC!o•y oir, htll PoW••, duol co..,/ort ooa1, •l•rea, doo• lo<Oo, cr•h• <••l•ol, till whoo!. low .. nu, fl•IEA2) 1970 COUPE DE VILLE Modo<io pl•rn wl!~ MOl<~int brocoH J~ltrlt<, lo<lory oit cond., 1.11 "°"'••, ote•oo. 0••• loc01 , •ill •••e•. whool, \o,. .. 1100. [703AGC) 1969 CONVERTIBLE 1ottory ol< •~•d .. lull """"'r, oil !oo•loo• load.di VOfy l•w .. 1101. 1971. ELDORADO (••<11!1 .. blGtk. llack Ylnyl tap, block !tol~· , ••. f•<t••Y oi•, 1.,11 ""'''· ""'•·do-• tocb, 1111 wheel. tow ,.11.r, "'•· !Sor. l~66e6J 1968 CADILLAC CONVERTl8LE Gr.<ia• 9old boi..,. rop, l•ll lea!""'· lac,.ry oi•. l•ll Po••r. Iii! 11Hrlo1 whoel, AM/111o radio. (000000! 1971 SEDAN DE VILLE Aul"'"" t•ld, w~lt• •l•rl top, 9old 1.arhor. 1.11 po-, lt<tory air, olo<•o. deo• !0<ho ... 1 .. < .. 1,.1, tilt "'""'· lOW '"lf.ot. 13100'1') 1971 EL DORADO CA8RIOLET foci. t !r, 'full ...... <l•th & loo•M• Jo t.,. Tilt & 1el.,<0PI< 1100<1ftt, ot.ew'°'"' fNOh .&. low ... 1100, f01~0Stl 1967 CONTINENTAL SEDAN 0•11 ~l,000 .. u .... fo•!O<Y oj• <•nditloni•t , •i•rl !Op, fwll leather lo1er!ot, ovtoMoti< '"'"'"'IHI .. , 11J ••"OI &. IR Ml"I .... o1111 .... !TY065 1969 COUPE DI VILLE 0..17 4!,000 '"""· fo<'*'T •Ir. rwn -· ..1.,1 '"'· AM/PM redle, !Ill • i-1 .... ,rc ""rln1. (11.JS671) 1968 COUPE DE VILLE 5Po•~ll•1 IW••d• ~Iott wit~ ~lttk ylftYI Ml &. b1:u1lf11I lllo<~ ,..,,,,., l~let!•, Itel, olr •••d ., fw!I •• dMr locb, AM/fllo, ~!I· !t1ticoplc " ••• &. Jut! ltloo.~llf~!.JltlV3741 J>ricos in offoet 48 houri after Dato of Publication ... . . ' L 197l OLDS TORONADO fa(!ory oi•. lull pawe" 24,000 111ilt 1, lilt wh••I, tlereo, ilaer l0<;k1, lop•llry interior, 1p!ll 1..:.1. t#723.5<10) 1969 Corvette Sting Ray <&27 A ip11d with only 37,000 mil••. f.ocrory air canil. 'ull pow••· AM/fM rodlo, beoulil11I Ebony blot k with block Yin11I inl1rior, black top, wld• oval tir11 & alnoh.i!•IY concaur1e. (72tfll) 1971 EL DORADO Conv•rlible. Sporkling Acrylic lacqv1r flni1h ·wi!h whit• top and matching full l•alh•r interlor. Al11olul•IY laed•d with full pow1r, IO<lary air condilionin9,·111rnttdng wh~el, AM1 fM. l li"rio 111v1li:" pie~. powtr door 10<~1. (653CZMJ 1971 MERCEDES 300 SL 0111111 ••clan wilh tvftl'OOf. $il11er b1v1, 3.S 1n1. 'ull ~. loclory air, AM/fM •l•r•O Multlp!11. full 1 .. 1her, t ic. (2<11.S4SI 1969 COUPE DE VILLE 3 IO choo1e Int"'. foctjjry air conilillanin9. 1~11 pow1r till & teltuopic tle•ring, full loothor inl•rior, doar lack1, •inyl lop. An ••<epllonol 11alut. {ZLY163J, (JtTVl02), (YYt79<11. Your choi<•• 1968 EL DORADO f ull power. !oc!Ory olr conil ., 11inf1 top, plu1h full l•o!h•r lnl1•io•, door 10<;•1, 1t1r110, rodlol lire•, lilt & ttrl1•copic 11t1rht;, •I< • iltWY2<18) 1967 COUPE DE VILLE faclciry air tond .. lul loolh1r int11ior, lull pow1r, wlny1 lop, AM / FM, tilt &. tel11eoplc 11ffrl119. Many oth1• dlr, ••lra1. (NOS66n 1968 SEDAN DE VILLE fetCtory air, full iio-r, "'"YI lop, teolh•t inl1rior, 1111 I. 1.i.. tropic it111in9, AM/PM 1lrff. fWIK06$), Show1 vnv1wl tllfl , ~-~ • ~· .. -1:- i PACI' ' .I I I s3999 1.1 $3666 ! s9333 _ s1999 ~ ~ .. ' -~- • ' - • • • • ' • -- • • :.ff DAILY PILOT Friday, Junt 8, 167' ' • ' '; • ~ IYIRY NEW ·& USED CA• & TRUCK NOW AT ANNIVEUARY SALE PRICES! 2 DOOi HARDTOP', 302 CID ·2v I cyliftdtr tft9i111, Calif..,"io 0111 i11ioft1 lt1li"'' 11l1c1. 1liift u11i10.o • ..,otic, ltelted luw ti•11, ,..w•r ''''''"9· powff ''°"' di1< brokt1 air conlll· ticuttr -SILICTAlll, AM/fM oteroo, •..dio ... ;1;11;i;1y I''"''' tift .. d 9lou, ... ~, ... co¥1r1 • ll.4JOF1n1l1). ANNIVERSARY $369003 SA1E PRICE ONLY WIN A FREE PINTO REGISTER TODA YI F.ORD GALAXIE .. -soo - 4 DOOi HAIDTO,, Cr11i1·0·11101ic tra111111!11i011, ,....,,, '''"'·"i•c ltro\11, power 1t11r;119, 11'11di11111 ltrown llltlaUic/.SH/'00 ClO 2V I <ylinllt r 1119in•. ¥iftyl t•ol 1ri111, Colifo•ftio •111i11ioftl Ntliftf, "•lltcl WJW Ii•••· COft¥•11i•ftc• 11011p, .i.r ........... ,.. '"'°'"· Atl CON· DITIONEI -S.l•cl•I<•, ¥i11y1 i"i•rl ltMy tidt 111oltli"I· tifttell 9lot-0111pl1N, /41#\ •od io ' ,;11 1trr,.,~ l:i:=lSS6Sl0166 •I ANNIVERSARY $389865 SALE PRICE ONLY llOFHlllG ro IUf HOrliiNG ro DO All you need Is a valid drlver!s 'Ucenso . to . fill out the simple prize drawing ticket that ..makeo;;oyov ollglbleJ o win a new 1973 Pinto or ono of 51 ·other val· uable prizes. It's Theo· dore Robins' way of saying "Thank You" for 52 wonderful years of serving Orange County under tho samo ownership and man· agemontl 301-VI 1n9in1, b11111p1r 9t111rch, ll'IC•I wlltel cOV.<1, while to,t 11ri,,_, bo• "i!ich, bright 1wi119 lok ll'li•ror1, P"''· 11•., outo. troru .• 01111111!1• & oil p11uur1 gouge, CoHI. '"'1111011 1y1 .. tool 1to•oge IMI•, -..,M~,.,,.;,, 1Hd !119 11•• wi11eilow, N4w1ll tou•ull 11~11 111!ou1t, 1Jlt9 coolit19 «odiolo<, tigor 1igh19r, 70 '""' ltothlty, '"'"' & '"' 1lt.ocl1, .S G7l1IJ ' !'fr tir11 ' lllOft l (f10Gtl4019.S). ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE ONLY '65 CHEVELLE WAGON '64 FORD FAIRLANE 500 '72 YAHAMA MOTORCYCLE ! T '67 T·BIRD H.T. •Loaded, a;, cond., lo m;I,., $115 2 •Int cond. I FBF584 I ONLY VS , radio, heater, automatic $75 2 transmission, power steering. I NFZ526 I ................................ . Hardtop. Ve, rod;o, heal9', au-$5 5 2 tomatic, b.uc ket seats, 9ood miles. I 102719) ···-----···-···--······ 250cc. Only 2b00 miles , saddle bags, windshield. IUOV075l .... $452 '68 T-BIRD 2 DOOR I Landau, e•cellent cond. $115 2 IWTX5971 ........... ONLY _ . '69 T-BIRD LANDAU R Loaded, like now, good $1852 miles . l969CPA I .. ONLY '70 T-BIRD LANDAU D F :II power,. fa~tory a;-, $2·7-5-2- conditioning, qood miles. . I 547BEVI .............. ONLY . 5 '71 T-BIRD LANDAU Loaded, I~ m;los·, , many $3 &s··2 edru. l9l40CH I ONLY • '66 PLYMOUTH 2 DR. H.T. Radio, heater, auto., power steering, V8, air conditioning, good miles. I FC8.0S J .............. .. '67 CAMARO ' $752 Hudtop, b cyHnder. rad;o, $1 0 5 2 heater, .good miles. I BHK2-49 ) '68 BUICK SPEC. WAGON Radi o, heater, eutomatic, pow- er steering, air, roof rack, good miles. (380EXX) •...•...........•.....• '69 PONTIAC $1252 '65 MUSTANG HARDTOP Radio and heater, automatic t ransmission, "qood miles. / I NGA8 I 4 I .............................. .. '67 MUSTANG H.T. $8 52 Radio, heater, auto., power $1 0 5 2 steering, ¥inyl roof, VB, good mHes. I VHC992 I ...................... . '71 FORDS L 2 to choose from. Cust. 500 4 drs., VB, auto., P.S. Lease re- turns, good miles. ! Ser. 3389- 33901 ....................................... . '71 MAVERICK 4 dr. H.f-:-radio, heater, auto., vinyl '+op, air conditioning, lo miles. IZOV872 I ..................... . $15 5 ,,_ ~ 6 cyHndM, rad;o and heateY, $1·5 5 2 L low mil eage. I 6250U I ....... ,. '70 CAMARO H.T. ., VB, radio, heater, excellent thru-out, good mile1-;-..f-O l·lGKX I $-1952 . ' ' 115) '71 LTD's & GALAXIES E.ampl., '7 1 Ford Gala,;e 500 $2' 052 2 Dr. R&H, auto., P.S., air cond., · 9ood miles. 11 8786-1 l .............. . All ••~"'$" •f.f.CffT. th;u Sun., Jun• ID, 1'7J, I r '68 vw Fastback, radio, heater, 4 speed, good miles. fVTH7401 ........... . •• '69 vw Radio, heater, eutomatic tran1- miss ion, good miles. IY9Bl751 '69 TOYOTA CROWN 4 door, radio, heater, automatic, vinyl top, good miles, (ZOX- 08l l ......................................... . '70 TOYOTA RT83 4 Door. Automatic shift, only 27,000 m;1.,, l240 BSYI ......... . '72 TOYOTA MK II Wagon, radio, heater, automatic transmission, good mHa5. l71lEOJI ····-·-·---· ~ --..-----rt --~. -iiiiii I I • f , . ) • J.4 DAILY PILOT SC Bestline Charge•I In 'Suii SAN FRANCISCO (AP\ -A suit seeking more than fl 1nilllon Jn damages for alleged violation <1f a Federal 1'rade Commission order Involving pyramid dist~butorships was • Friday, June 8, 1913 • ·c • Con1plete New Yo1·k Stock List IN'~~:v91'1v~"Nt~U~ik-;!C:r'%~1._0.,:;• fl'·~ 1~~\ Hiol'I Low L•lttr:. P•£ r~~ HJol! Ltl''I L•ll '~~'. P.f" f~'sl H1ql'I LOlltl L•ll C~ \•1~ Nt1 ~n.i11orn lrlt J j"' n. 11-1. ~~!"fd ~II: f t{ ·i~ It'' lllo -+h J•ft';~ 1.68~ 'i 11•. 1) ... 13\or '· P•E lr.dt Mkll'I LOw L••• (llQ, c~n1·~71 1 ~ • ;; :r~ :~ ll~! ~· F1~~\!.~1r ·tt I l,H" llh,, i"1ii~ 1"~'· t~ j•,r .. ,1~1 e'n •• t?o I~ ,~-1U .... ~ -· ,,_ 'EEIOJP ,.U ,, •1 14<• \( 14 \0 FllC~"' 'J! I \(,, .. JM c LDI .. ''° Sl \'I .)0\ I A.l>ConL 1.20 21 11 6 '" 65\~ uiz--\t rt co .:JO 11 7l 11\lt I>~ 11•11 20,,, ft111 kt \ . I ~ • •+,. '~ '""'"-' C 1.'6 11 JS fi"' • ~" ""'"'"" '"" 11 11 " u 1,1 <16 f l.\t "'''' "I Y 2 9 ,!,132 XI• .. 30l1 lO\'I F•I r • •1 7'10i l '• 11\'t-''I Jfmwan ~ 1 91 11 t~ -.,. •c"""'•" 80 ' II 13 12 n~+ \.i !""''"I'd .12 10'.'I 10'• 10\•-\-., F•N~ l.02 • lO la'' !1t "j mW!I '~ u , .... 21\• , ••••• A'-· M•• 1 ,, ,, ,,.. '"' 11·~+ ... h•••M•,'~' ,•, 12~ 12"' 12~+ ~ Fst CllV .72 ~ "~, ' ! '• , .... 1111' 1.11 ~ ..... z.~. 1" • """ n ~ "+ "' lllMQ ,,D l•l 52~ ll~ 52 -"Ff! ·11 Sl•l ri~-\1 Jolln~ v 1.. I 111 11'-'1'-'i ~ttt.:.-1 ~.of,;E1'1'1,".'l8' '• ~ ·.·~. '•' "i'° ~ "'«kr MOI 19 1 """ 6~t 1•1• FtP•C:P Iii! ;.1 -~· John6Jn .SO S1 1Ll 111* llS\IJ 111 ~ • .. 11 '" hsl~ JO S 7 t J:t. 711 F1PMI ), b 1~ fll 1~'+ V. John S~i; iiO ~ 11 ~ 9~1 ltit-1~ Ad ''" . 1 632 \lit 11~• 1 ~, l "' ht 1 ··o 7 10 11'1 11•1 lll..-l• F1IUAIE IS ll" '!~ t. JOtlLOQn "° 10 IJ lS~~ 3S )$11)-• Admlr•I (;p S » fk t'lt '~' \4 men • .,. 1311. ll~ii lo F1IV•8k ,« lj 2 )' I ~. 11'> J-•L 1.JS I 11 l01'1 r:• ,.._ • Ae•ntl.11.16 t 193 M:io •iv. ~~·~illm.NY 2U 10 1n " 31~ l2 1 FtWls& l.71 3 ~ )\\-. 3S'•-i1 Jon1s1.11IA s JID S9\J ~1, w-11--1 At1n1Ltpt 2 lj )I If 5U '2 ht$Cll l.60 lO 64 u 4)',0 41 \4 Fbc:h4M .Bl IS 23 1\tlt I "1 11•1 Jot'"" .It • 36 11 Y.. II ..,_...., A.Q11lrr1 Co 20 9"11 f\O 9 !.1''0 1·,150 .! llO IS,, 32,, lS'" 3 'l"'r F .20G 9 , ' 1 \; 1 ~. 12)• +to ovM!a I .O 1A 11 29>_., 29 1t>~ Ahmwi .100 T 29 1$1~ U~~ 15 + ~l ne1Pd ,l? .., s 10,;' 1~ io:U F •!IMS<: .16 la 2 1l t ,,,. 1'19+\, -1( K- Allten ln;io ll 2• ""• tlo 1•r,+ It Chf E ill 26 1 >l 4'i ''' ••++ I> •1ee1Ent ·» '' 0111 1\4 9jl+ ~1 K•IMlAI SO 15 11 1s•11 1j .. 1~101 AlrProd . 13 69 l1'1\3J\•3)'tol \o(hMllw Co J 12~1 12;0 12-.-10 F ~1nA • 6 9'o t,o t{'f+l•KAl66\ll l •• 1 5~ ~ S) 11+ Alrcolnc . 9 16 U\~ llhc lll1t •• lhlMllCll' II• 2 ll\t lJl:• :w~.t ~ Flln1kor I 6 .t9 164.. 16lo '\~ '• Kehe1c;:1 ~ t 26 !" • f AJ indu1!rt 6 21 2\..o 2 2 -1•0~.,'~,',muP2 1l ",,,1,1 ,,,~ •L ~11,•~.,C01fs' 11 111 1,1-.ll'll ?''-'l l("lsC t111711 •j'•3l'1 3'.••• AktOlll 1.10 11 5 21\oJ 21 2,i.:.+ I• "' ' " "'., ,,. .., ol.5 Uh l o 1''"'+ I( neMll 10 25 1~ 12 12'> ~ •, +---1111~ against;Bestlinc-Proudcti Corp. of San .Jose Thursday. Alo Ge5 1.10 1 • 16{~1 .... 1611+ "'"Ch Rid NW • 11~' 13"' 1'\I) I\. Fl .. P~AO 11 11 39\t ~ ~ -K"CPl..1 2 N $· 11.S 291..! 29 2'1~. '• . ·~~,_, '" "-'"-" ' • ""'-"""' , .. " " ·"· _, ' .. ·~· ...... ,,._~,... . .. .~ ... ·'--'-:iiH'~~#!"...,; __ ...,. '"'1 All)erloC n.3S--9---,ao-n ,. 111.~:t-~Chrlr-""tian-4 1 Flo SI 1oa s I 19~ " t--• l((.Solndpl I iiOO ••I• AJ!loetrl .J6<1 10 22S IS 11 11 -~~ Cl\tom1 ,60 4 1113 12'i< 11 ... 12~+ \It Fluor CD '-I< 71 322 .~.\o 3'1• lj...._ tl:,• Kan GE 112 I I> ,,,,, ~~:nst1t :fi 1: 1~ 19fi! ~~ 79~ ~ ~~~~~ Pl..J 3 41, ~'II ;:,,_ ~~ +1\, ~l~fl'~~ 10 1J j4t~ tll! t1;1: ~1 '• K•nNeo 1.12 11 ,1 11> •-': • f I •icon l.b .10 so 27 35 a4l• :i..~+ 4i c11rv11•r WI SS 10 ~ 10 +""FMC Cll .IS } 111 si~ ft•. fj ·-'"' ~anPLi' ,r•t 1& " ~. Alli.In 10b il n :VA 3~ 31\+ 1,c;:1Mto 1.IOb '9 132 19~ 18\lr lt14+1 FMC pl 2•· l l?lt 11 ~. '2'• ., ... n,u•I l '!''' '• Alison 2.2lb 9 Jo; 2s•i 2•.., 2S -!11Cln8ell 1.JO t 33 19'1'1 19 l'l•+'•FoodFr ?Oa 9 ,,., I'• J·• ~=L~,.,0J, ·1 17 $.55 1 ~-.12:•, AllAl'l)LI .21 1 l l'lo I\?• 8\..o-It Cln Gas 11>1 10 69 24~ 21\.li 'l•V..-" Foo!1 Mlnrl 11 •~~ •'• ''• Kawec~ 21) 12 1l ~ A ltgo;.j .lllO I 10 Y\·o I~ i V.+ \'I C•nG pl 9 30 lSO 11•11t 118 118\~+I'• FootaMln 1)1 I 12'• 111• 11 • l(ovi.erR .60 S !l<"'ll•• 12 -,-I AllQLud L.:!ll 7 20 21~ 21'4 2l'h-t-~o ClnGpt 7 ..-t2«!103 IOl 103 -l""Fotd M 2,to 6 ~-Sil SI'•~ I '"Keebltr .10 10 /'J 12.... 2~'' The U.S. District Court suit claims Bestline !ailed to obey an FTC cease and desist order lo which it had agreed Nov . 3, 1971. Bestline wa s desc ribed as tt fir m which offers, sells and distributes industrial and com- AllQ l udPI 3 •• I I 39"" 0 + ~1 ClnGEpf ol4 l5Ci '6 U 66 +I For Mell, ,I I I U 10\'o 13' • II Ko,.neC~IO 23 11 • )' t S' .-'• •Uo Pw 1 « t S6 21'4 20~1 201\-'h ClnM/111 I U> 11 3 19'• 29t9 29111 + l'1 FtM DI _1..10._ .~ \t 25\,i. 2S,'q-j \ .K.cUu..I /-, < 1/1) 01j',' 1jU.:Lr-~--~ -A11CnGr11 $k 9 21 -i 1-1o~l\ . CITFll'l',:10-f 51 '"39Vr3W.l-3Ri"'F~1 F!Oi'IH~rn-501.sto 1,. • kellQQQ <,' ~ ~ f=.:; ( l"' AUICICll l.)2 13 349 331'1: 33 3J'4 .. CITCVl>f 51'1 I ,. '18 91 -3 FosterW .&O 16 "'31 l6'·• ~, +t1 l(el$Y;H 130 7 18 "'• 2l 13 Alla~n .IS 21 II 30<1 ~1 :Nfl-'I\ ClllnSv 2 20 11 2'9 IS''• 11•'• •S + ~ F0$1orWpf 1 Ill ll'r' 15' • 15~ • .,. ~. Ktnme!I .llt 7 M 13 11''• 13 1 AUaMUI• .JS 11 ll 19 l~tt l~ +1 Cltll.50 115b 12 23 34\~ 33''t l4 -I 'h Fo~DQro .'1,1 31 SS :ra~. 21\l ~~~ ... 1" K~OCOll I •0 I 255 15'4 1•'• " ' UP'I T•l•IV!olo AlluProa .6'1 6 12 15% h ''' IS\'J't' '.~ C•IY Inv 50 o 20I JO'h l(ll) 10'!\ +11 Fr~nklM .70 1• •109 12''" 11'• 111• !• !'II KV Utll \,JI 9 9 20'o 70't 214 AllledSI 1.o!O 1 :n 2614 2H I 2s:o-h c111111v wll 19 2 I~ , FrenklSI .40 10 IOJ Jl~• lJ ll,..A "• K;crrMc .60 21 300 6~'' 61 '> Ollo-AUd Supmkl 9 II 114 31!• 31••+ \lo CU1 Inv pl 1 :JO JS\\ 21~1 21~'t+ 1\ FreplMrl .SO 10 /I 21~1 22'. V'f+-1o Koy1ln 30b 6 1 I• 13~• I• ' [ , AUl•C..11 .llb·IO Bl 8~ 8\lo 8\>o+ \'I Cl11tkEq l\'J 13 S «~• ••14 14~'t+ '' Fruehul \JO I 31 211\i ~1V11 ~-1 , K1doe W 60 5 26 II~. II'• 11~1 1 ~ KI ) A11r111\IA .SO 9 2 9't't 9-tt ~W. • Clark Oll .W 11 162 lB'Jo 11\la 1114f >•Fuqu•lnd 01 6 s; 11\~ lot; 1~'•1 'o lClmCJ 120 16 17~ 1;•., •1"• 11'•-• .. JV A•Dfll Pl ·"' 1 1 121/t 12V. 11\la . Cl.C ot Am 5 33 6~1 6 ' -G G-Kono~os lO 1 •1 I'• 6''o 70.. i '1 «' .!"-,... Professor \Vil liam Bowman of Stanford has a new approach to recreational "'coa 1 1.~• 13 JJ7 (>II,,. 5~·· w10+1v1 c1Yc u11 ~n n 9 59 ~· s9 +"•GAc cor11 60,.....,,,. 3'1 l'•. KJr,tnc 11 • '111• 11'• 1111 .-. ). ~ Am111Su 1.60 8 • 23'14 2ll! ,2J\•-"" CltV El 2'.J1 11 60 33~'o 3J lJ .. + ~o GAF Cp U) 7 ti \1'• 1•1• 12'1 r ._..!CL M Alrl . 11 JI\• Jl J1 - STOCK Vehl.cle des1· •n 1'he 'Caravan' n1odel vehicle here has expa11d1'ng p a c k a g e Amo•c 50 8 15 9\1> v • vv. · c1orol s2 2J 1w 21 i.,, 26\1-+1•, GAF 11t 1 20 l• 19•1 1s~1 19' •-• Kn1q11• N n 19 11 l'I" 39'' l9'•' c • ;>.m(<or .1Ub 10 32 s:i.o S'Yo I"" · · Clue!! p · 90 9 J9 n~• 11•:. 12 + v1 G•m SI< 1 lCl./6 6 16'i'o 2t', 16'' .-•, Koenro 20b T 6 JJ:~ lJ~1 13' ,_ (rl.ght) for outdoor !1'v 1'n g whi'ch can b e folded up t o !1" a 'o p the r ear Of car A,,,.,rac 1 10 1 :i1 1~·~ lsi.:. 1 -'" c1ur11P '1f. 1 u. u 12~• 12~ "'t.•mSn• 1 60 2 16 16 16 -"' Ko~~· 1.n 1 is J1 ) 32 '.l1"> t " \ ~ ~ -A.mrr1>!2.6U 2 36~•36'12 36'h--l";cMllnvCp U aa:i.V.32 l4"1+2!'oGanniiit 2~30 ;a&37V.l4 11 ,.1•,KO()p.crot I J105•;•~,,..~·• New Ca1nper Con~ept (left). The detached car ca n be u sed for everyday dr1v1ng while the tr a vel unit I."~.~':~' .. ,~ 25 "'ll (3"" ?l ·~flh CNA F;n .58 6 151 11,. u 1• 1J,, .. + .., u,r.roen .10 12 1J i1\. 11 11 -(. K,"•1,'0'P1 ,", ,', ,l .h~ .~" .~J-t. " mcrcial cleaners and waxes as A.;;.,.i:'Fi "~', 15 1~ 1~ 15.,.. 16,.+ ~\ CNA pt 1.10 16 1ai. 1s 11111+ ""Garlock 8, s J 11 1&'1 i1 -... 1. '" co .10 35 368 J6~ 36 36~-~. well as distributor!ihips or ca n be u sed as an extra roo1n in the g arage. Am Aldlnos . 169 13,.. 13 13h+ ·~ coc1co1 110 « •1\9 1.0~ 1•1 1021Jo+J"'i ..,,, :.~c 1:12 1 11 1 •~• l• '"• , ~'~~Te 80 6 1 16,~ 16.,., lol't+-., ------------------------~-----------------~--I AmBak .20 .. l6 6~" 6'>\ · 6<1,:.+ v. Coc1Boll 3' 2• •1'5 20~ 19\'J 19~+ ~. G1rew111 In ~ 6 ••· ~ II'• r '. K~oqer r 1'10 I' 115 in. ltr''ll 11i,,+ •--. franchises in a multi level -ABt"nd 2:18 t 63 10\.li 39"4 401 .. + 'h co111wBk .21 1 1 JJ~ ll!~ __ ,.JJ~\t l•G1.A corp 1:r 20 ,,,. 7 1'•+ '• K.vsor Jn 60 6 , lHl 11 %. 111-'• An181c~! l>I 12 19 26 :!SV. 25,,.-v. Coreeo1n Oil ll !9 11•\4 13,:. 1•~ •.:.Gemini Cap 5 11 '• !1 11'•' ... • LL ''pyra mid'' -m arketing pro-· Am Bldq ·28 a 359 1 l 10 101-:o.. Corqaic 12 7,;9 2711 ,26•,o 21 •n ''• ven '"'m 1nv 2s 13\, 11;1 1J~\ ~ •• i..~clede 11-. 1-9 W. '.M'li l'C'<t t-'.' J.\tn <..lln 2.~0 10 ~5 3Ji\ :gv. 33tll+ '• Coll&.Allc 56 ,9 ' 56 12 ,.. IP:< 12 + ~~ Gn AOI .60tl 16 •JO 3o ,l; • J,l• ~ ., Llom!n Sn ) 9 1 l] 13 IJ gr a m , s • G A ~ A C1111111 111, 4 24'\ 21•1 .. u 1 • .,. ''• Collins Food 10 l~ 9:..-. ~~. O~~+ '• venATr 1.611 lJ 31> •l~:. •1. OJh+ .i. l..1>ne8r $5'11 10 n 19:tr, 19,, 191~f-, t I A CnM 1 J6b t 27 19\t Ii¥. t911·r Vo. Coll In Rad•o '1 18 '1• 17 ~-18~1+ ~ 1,,nA T pl 2~• 6 >t"' ~· ~I -1 L11rMI 1 Jiii> ~ 15 23' • 231, 13'f t-• 1 -.. Ill B 6¥~e as eeol! ACl1aln 120 a 14 2P• 21 21\,4+1'4 Col Penn to JV na 19/1 ...... 1$\.'1+1•1)(,<!nSanc .lo 7 21 ll'• ll'• d\..-\•Latrobe :>n 16 a 6'• 6~• ~ -Y-1"• er eer _... ::: ;:. -~ _..: ~-= --------: ---= = ---tffii1¥e1..!~-~l~ ... ~~-n~il~f'.~~~l'?i~1d~ • i~ln;l~l;; .. ln4· ~~~1;g : 1~:1U.:1:~:1 ~~t::~·t?£!.9 -Y~1~~~~ 6 .. +-"~ LOS ANGELES (AP) AOul ot $la ~2 13 13 IJ cor11i:i.pt' 4\~ 2 19'r< l'l'h •9>1•+ ''° ~n l)evelop ~ a; bl• ~·? ~ ,_ '« Leasco C '° • JO 9~. 9'lt 1~rr7! M'fJ J o\1nElec 180 10 U2 26\1 26'• 26l•+\t (ll':> 1•610 402 l2 ll\lt ll~-+~uen 01n11m ~ ~ 11•,~ 16'' ll'·•+~•1,.e;uc11I 2?0 ~4 25'o 1S', 1N~·'• I er Brewing Co. faciilies Am E~P0(1 .• 31 I 15·16 I C B:>prcl l 6 22 2Hlt 22 +l ~•unE lec \IG71 61• 61•1 Oil'" 6\1'•! '•1.e1 ... v SOii 13 ~l 34•,. 33~• l<l\.li+•~ .t Ml'lwaukee, For! l"orth. A F•nSv 110 20 16'1• 16'" 16'"+,,...,, Cor Ga•·' tO •4 19~ 29\1 29•,11 . ..,nFood 1 40 12 279 i6-h 2S'• :iil\1 r l\' 1.~ecrs&N .so 10 ~1 i1 10r, 11 , 1-~. ' A Fin pl 11, zSl.O lffi 18\f• 18•,. Col Poe111re• 109 S I"" 5 •• uenUro Ob 23 '' •>~• I>'• •>'"''"I> Ll!l!iOn~ «I 9 16 12'• 121, l2lt + •• Tex and AU ·11 d •Oa AGnBd .96b 102flo2S';\25h+li•COl50h1'12 9 .. U .... 26'4 26V.+\'o H 1 Cp " olO'.,lO'•l~'•+'•Lel\P!C 60 7 11 1<1'.14 '•11""+'• ·• Z sa WI un er~ . o id -l' H T ll p • Pla A oc.v;; 16b 19 11!, 17fl. 11~1-'• Comb E 1 SI l9 "O 1~~~ 68'1<. 10~1+1•, ~~n 1':i5str 1,. lJ · oJ I>•• I> b••T ·~ Len 11~1 1n<1 JO 11• l'I,. 1~~+ •, $25 ml'fJ 1'on modern1'zal>On and cc " enta " ltm1ner e s ro1ect ,. AGnlns .SJ 108 lS ''.o 1'~ l4"1-''1 Com5olv .11.115 16 12flt l2 l2ft-'-~• > • •~">If•))\/) :u•,1 .• Lehi/pf H'l 2 15 .... 131, 1S' .. 1, ,..; _, " A Gn pl 1 BO 10 26'" 26V. 16'/oo---~. LOm~I i;I ~~ I 13\~ )J~• !J ,.-1':"'1!. ~n·~~:ll' 12 19 1( 'il·~ ll\1 u •+ "• Lenm 1.12b 76 is•. l•\• 1~1::+ ', expansion program, S a Y S AmHolsl .10 8 I ll.\11 ll~ 111~+ V.. LmwEo 2.:.U 10 125 3•'\'o J1 3~1• t'fl Mllls • l 2l i5 6011 &0'• W'• ! U Lennar Cp S I 10''< 10 10 -l" G An1Hom 6038 .s69 •l 11'nol l2"'°+1 Lon:!lo0 11r l 5 lo'1< l61'> 16'»-1ro uen_Ml ll l' llllJ•n ll/10,>1~4 1 Lerni.ln .50 16 3 2li'« 2bl, 28 '1-'• 'eorge \Yeissman. president A Home"' 2 .. • 1191v. 116 911'1+7 1..wE01>1 1 ~2 5 21 ..,.. 211'1 21 \1) .. " i:!• ". S2-09"'· 11&V. OI! .. r-1..t 1.ev fd-Cap__ _ a .9 aa a•, __ ,, AmHoso .28 38 160 39t'• J3'h :JB'/1-V• -.w~pr l.'AI ~ •5'• •)'I< l)'• • unMof 20Sb 9 6 1 36 36••+ "• 1.1~ Inc 7~a • 11 ll 12'• 171,_ '• or Philip Morris, Inc. ~10SCO\V (UPI) The trade deals, accordin:? to Vl<id1vostok F rom there 1t Amlnvl! .so 1 16 9\~ 9 9'4+ •,1 .... omwEd ... 1 .. •1 l0\1 lQ~• IP'1lr+ 'It <...aPCl~eJ3¥1 16 31 ~\.'J ~ ~~'1'2+ ~ .. l.e~I S!r~ •8 lJ \lb :):)'11 JO'·• lOI-'• Speakm. g at , funcbCQn ~ • A Me<:iicl 12 11 SS 16\• 16 16'4+ '.~ l,.omc" 8w1 OO • lY!o• IU'n lY-ho \1unMol f S l ll 71lM 73 ·t ;, Levitt Furn 11 lS9 1·• ]\• 1\o " Soviet Union and two diplom atic sources in London Id , b •-k I lh u S A Medocoro 1 119 s ''1-i •'~'fl LomwOll 111 143 9•,. 9 ~ .,. "• u,."""0' P .ss ll\'o 11 11 I.FE Coron 9 ~ 3"-J'1 ... ~. meel'·ng of the Los Angeles · wou go Y wn er o e . A MttCx H'> 10 211 :io 19:i,i, 29~ . , ._wu.ipr 1 12 • 201. 11.111 2UV•T "• uon l'orr .80 7 19~, 19~ 19.,+ ... LlbbYO 2 211 1 15 Ji't< 31., 3;1.-t 1 Ame rican companies said to-Implementation of the proJ-Ami!• Motor 6 16• 1v. 1i• 11f. 1.omi111 » 1a 21 's"' ..i.\'o •s -'I• u l'unu 1.6'1 ' 439 • 1 , 1.oF "' '"-1 n 72 12 _,, 1 Society of Financial Analys ts west coast, J{am mer said AmNGs 2 111 9 11 36·~ 36\'o 36\.1--v. Lompurr ~c• :>1> '" 1..... '~ • uent'uou rt iv DOft: '-~ J~! )' • t 1,. L•oov M<N! H ,, , •'l'I ~11.,.-, • day they intend to develop a ect will r equire the a pproval _,.. -Am sear 12 18 3 9~• 9~ 9:i,:, . <...ona11r .uo 1 l '''"' 1•v. 11v.1· v. ... en Helract t~· 1'1'\ 41• • ,..11, L1u,.vt.P a.. 9 :.. ,. , 1~-· \~·• t-, Thursday Weissman said the ,. h 7c "At current market prices Am sn111 611 1 J l6V. 11~ 16~• i..oorMI 1u;r 6 lb 16.,.. IM•• lo••.,-"·unSlonai .os 1s '° ',• 3 , 11• .. L•orovLn ·o0 1 it ,'4 ~. v-, $10 billion projec~ to bring ofbothgovcmments, l e... . 'Asmen 120 9 M111~1 >,118•/.+\~1.oonM1 ~~Dh 1 12•,,22~.n1,,-.,.~1 un:111et /"d lY J ,. ,,..2 ,.,.~l.l!!o Mv 21,,12 111 39•,~~,"l~.1,, Program will increase Miller's year-0ld Hammer sai'd . such gas over the25-year term Am stnd .so 1 tt 1n• 11 11 Loorocc .w 9 11 i,"" I}'» i,,., . Ii T E .60 n 331 ~,'II ~ 3; + ,,. Lu•v 1::11 .11t .ol 11, ·~. ">'• 111. , I' Siberian natura l gas into AmS1d1>1 '"" 1 59'• 59 59 + '11 c..oo Ed 111C 11 20.o 2lY:i 23•,. 2.llt-\.Ii GTE of 21/J 1 3 .., LlncNo 1 o~ ~ 110 :li.l\'o 19·~ 301)1 brewing capflc1ty by about 35 If 1·1 maleri·aliz"". Hamnler of the agreement would ex-11ms1e .. 1 26 16 ,, Jlh 1\\1) 11~+ i;; Lonoed 111 6 • 11<n 11n 11112+ '"u"" Tire 111 s 150 11\.li 1&,,.. 1:,h+ ,1: -.1ncN11 111 J 11 .,,, .,., •> ,. 1. An1eri('an k.itchensbyl979. ""' . • , Aml&T2ton 1s1 52 S1'451~+'hCon,t:dol5 '"' 6.t 1>1 -~1ueiwsi: .:uo •2""' d~·, ' .. 1on..1 Lor11 11 1~ '" ~~. J\.•t''• percent to nine million barrels The sign>·"< of an agr-ment said, the p roi'ect \Ylll require cecd $10 ·b1lhon lO the USSR ' e.mt&T "' , .us 60'4 59"4 60V•+ ~•,,.one 1>! • 65 i10 ,y,,. 5~,,.. )Y'4-;o uenulnP ."D 31 31 l~• ~ ~~,l+ t: 1.11100 ~"'' v 211 y, ~·, ~~ • ., .• "& "' h d ' A TTotA J 64 20 52V. 52~f. S2V.+ \'1 ConsFd 1 JO 12 116 32~4 Jl~ J1',:0-\'• G1 f'llc liOcl 15 713 ;u•,lt 0331\.1 I''"' '1" V ._um cv l>f 1 oU 1~•• 11•,. Jo-.i·l a year. f be h F . "about SIX ye· rs of work e Sal . AmT&T wt ~ R<• s;o S"lo+ \<ILOOl-dP! 1\1\l. l ~Y~I ¥111'2 IY'1>+2 i,aP wot 7.dO iilOOlDl'i•l ...... .,. '1.oc~lleeu s •) 6~• ~·· O'•~ '• l ~ ~r~~~en~1ini~~:ey n a~de 1~;e1~~ .before Russian il natw·al gas !ro~~b'i i~ J '1~ ll~ ll:t llth: ~~ t::{N~1 2~ !-1!o ~~Y! ~)'I• ~}'h-""~=~~r 1!1~~ ~ 1~ 1~ 1~~~ 1~; _;11" t~wa~'i=1 1 ~~ ' t~ ~~.~ 2~ : ~ .-'' •iJIART Disp1tfe llA'l"!ER S AID II "Wtr ot 1 . .a 1600 19'4 19\/ir ,,IT Conim Pw ,t-10 ·!ii.I ~1 ™• ~, ,-+·lio GellYJrt 120 .J 21.11111 ..10,-211 ----'-J -.on1M '~" n--H •~··· ,,.1 ,.,_.,. Paso Natural Gas €ompany \VOuld be cooking American 1•" le Ameron &5 6 • 1311 JJ%• 13-~.Loo P Ill '·' · · ~v'4 ~y.,i. )Y••-"• uF 11us .1uo <I() 11 6 ~,, 6 Lonoon MIA ~ 1a ,.,,. 12•• 11\.z..-•, 0 AK LA N D (AP) a n d Occidental Petroleum steaks •' Russians 'told him they plan-:::;:ti~ 1·~ ; ·~ 1~i~ 1~:1! 1t:;:+. ~ ~~r, ~\r 1~~ 11 s ~..., ,.,.~1 ·~ e\g~1f~1 ·~ ! ,a t'~ l!i: ]1;1!.;11'1 ~::;:!~di"°.~ 1 ~\ ~t~ ~~ ~,:~+ : : f..1a 1ntenance and c J e r i ca I ned to use the revenues from AMF 1n 1 oa • 193 23l• 21 23'"-~en la11 1 60 9 2s 21 • M• 26'11' 1• uldd. 1._." · 2J ~1 ~'h '" • Lon so1.. 1 00 10 210 2.1:i., ~J .... !l•l•-,..1 • CorJ)Orat1on · iA•as announced at . Amfac .&.i 1 51 u w 1114 100,,-1, on LOPPl!r ·.. 1 ''" •~ '"' · u un-1111 .211:r s 10 16 16 16 -+ 1"' Lo11o1L1 1" 1o 911 :iH'll 211 :in11 e mployes of the Bay Area ' HAM"IER SAID the a~ee-the gas sale to buy g oods and AMP tnc .69 '° 1s i201• n11n 111''>--1' c Coo pt I\'• 12~ 12,._. 12~ 12,,.+·"· uo1n1F1t• 51< 10 110 1v.. 1)'°4 l..+o l'i Lunu~ )0 39 221 61''-.,,; e1 +h • a news conference by Oc· 1' b ' AMP .,.ewl ~J~39\l:z 39'>--:i>.Lon11co2 16 111 J6 3~1•3~"1 .... c.u1c11e1so 11 160.S6VJ S6V.~"•+""Lora1 c0 p l6 io 3 2;-211 llap1d Transit District have men! of inlenL. i's "a first ste p services from the United AmpeoP ..u s 26 111o e 8'•t .,. Cnl1CD i>l2Y2 14 40'111 39l'1 oaVa Y' Gimbel er 1 9 263 1~· 15'11 !:>'>\+ 1~ Li:iLandEx r 1 21 269 31ir. 36~: J1••t-'i. c1dent.al Chairman Armand Am!)tJI. Cp 221 $'!\ .Sl.'o S'!t ·.~ L (p11!8 2 ~ I .... , .... '°, T "i.;lr>Os lncor 111 18 18\rol 11\J 180,..,.\ I.a P.1cUlc 9 9$ 27 .... 26loo 271>1-1· ., voted to a uthor ize a strike Hammer . that will be supple m ented States. Am'"' CMP 2 138 ffi, s11 s;1-v. E~\\'1~~5;852~ 1~ ~ 1fe! 1 ~,.. 1~1·+·,,.u,ea"'n y 16 Y H14 ~~~ ~v.~i~ -.ouG"s 1.10 12 11 m. JU Jl>l'I.,.. ,, unless a \\'age d ispute is set-eventually by a general agree-Hamme r said non· r ub I e ~~~\:'pt1·~ 1 31/ ~~ 2l'~ ~~-i. conM~11 .s.ob 1S ~16 .J~ ~"' ~+1i: ~::=Ln ""'J 1~ ~J 16'1-ii 16'i. 1~'1+ ""'t~enstcorS: ~ 8~ 1!t: 1!'-~ 1:~+ ·1~ tied. IT WAS NOTEWORTHY men!. But this 1·s enough•• get financing of the project ex· Am$ted 2:w i 31 11 •~ 111v. o ~"T'l(! ~g;;/1011 pf1 2{ 11'i ~"" ,,'" -t-1 yo.aws1 Fcl 1~ ll h": ~~~ ~~+ ~! 1.Tv corp A 2 9•..., 9'< .. ~~+ ... w ' Amlalln .20 19 20 1:0,:, 4'» ,.,.+ Loni Tel &8 lA 1111 2'J~1 2~Vt U\lr.-t 14 ..,CIO(lrlch 1 lit.-. 25l 'h.1.TYLO 5PI 5 .)0$1 301'> ""'" "' Local 390 of the United tliat lhe ag-ment was an-the proj'ect started and to eluding the 20 tankers en-Anacon ·"" 9 13.S 19~:. 11•1•1 ',',. •+ ~! contr1 oii11 9 <16S 31\lo 36'111 31 + ~. uoooyrT ·,~ ; ~ 'ft~ 11 ... 12.~:; ,1• Lubrli~t, ·!~ ,u •3 36''• JS 3S -• P bl E I t d 140 I '" . ed I . AnchHc 1 OB 1 11 21.,. 1 "" "cooO!of 1..., t:io 56'1'J :iO'h S6'h-rl\ll ..,oro001. · , 22y 22; 1 ~CKV S .,.. 2 17 ll 1•'• 12 i · "-• u IC mp oyes voe o noonced less than 1.,0 weeks enable us 10 proceed w ith the Vision , wood require about Amierc1 .60 6 23 1e•1o 1Pt.o 18'4+ "'conwci 1 911 9 1 u.1t11 u :i.. 26'h+ v. ... oi.nd inc 1 ,•, ~~1 E ·~ 21.,: 21.' + ~ 1..110"low LOB 9 l'll u v1 i'~' 14y, 29 Th sd · hi t k " M b !ti El p Ch · An,ul co •I 9 1 13'4 13\':l ll'h--11' c;:oa1t un Sl 8 a 1.0,:, '""' 1~+ ~. ur1ee W l'h "" 20 • 'lo l.u~enStl .llO '9 19 "r• rJ' • 231•+ ~. Ur ay n1g 0 See , before Sovi'ct r,._~munist Par· v.·ork necessary IO get ready "'" I On . aso airman Apacno 32g 7 17 U :o,r, J2'!'1 12'"-+ '• Cooo Ind .eo 1 20 V '>ll 21 ~T\~-\'lo urcr.nbv .6Q Y0 _J ~ rf:~ 11 {~~ ~-I. Y 0 Corp lJ 37 4 , • • • l 'k I' from the .......,,.. H d Bo d d lh n t f AOCO 011 •le 6 Jl J)l/• 13 lJ . c-.-l.ao l6 3:.0 lll'h 9\'o 10'!\+H• l.rlnO u .ikl • 2} + ~ l.vl<e YQS!n 17 1J &•1 ~ ... 8'•• ,. s r1 e sane ion 1 G neral Secretarv Leonid l for the next ste p." owar Y sa1 e ee q ApecoCp 16 1, .56 ,,,. • 1v. .. coooTr .54b 1 s lsv. 1~'11 1sv.+ ~• uranlv 121.l 5 2 2H: ~}.~ 1 ~ • Lvk cf 3.12c J2 2s"" ;~ 2~i;,+ ~ Alll1nedaCountvLaborCoun· ye • . 20 specialtankers wouldcostAPI.. cor11 5 9 9i;. 9'h '~+·~cooe100 .ll l~· 191Y .1•'111 1Y ,.+V1 uranbw11~ ~ 3t~l<l-\'O l6••161•+t•i..vncnsv .•Qlt e;, •'• • 11•,.,..1. · Brezhnev ·gOcs to Washington The pro1ect envisages m O\'C• APL.pie 1 00 • ll-l:< 13\4 13v.+1i,. cooi> Ra.flll, 67 19'• 111.i. 1s'c1.,.2 G•aY r · 1 :W' J<.o' 11 -M M-eil because of a two-le vel wage ment of lwo bi'lli'on cubic feel about another S2 billion The Apollecr Msr lJ s1 1\11 ,,,. ,,,._ "'• .... oow1a 1 ~~ s ~· 2J:Y. 21 .. 2:1 -~ Gt,.,,Mi 1 s111 10 f~ ~:h 11r• 11~1'. .~11cAF 01b 6 1 100..:. 111l!o ·1G~+ 1, I fortalks w1thPres identNixon · ARA S 1 21 25 o9121 v.120 120~.->~cordura '" • 68 o '"" 6 +t Gt,..&P Tea • u~ .!ti MecOonld 6• l• ,,,. J'• J'fii schedule that al ows some In addition iO improVl!lg of natural gas per da y.throug h tankers would be cr yogenic, Arca11"N :14 I 11» ~. ~· ~;·+ 'o ~ornp1s l ~i~ ~~ ;g n~~ ~:~ nv.~J~~ a:~kl~ :·ro: ~ I~ 1~ ~~;: 1Y.:.~; 'fl ~:~~I ~ ~ ~? ~>,· .. ~~ !~:.:!-:; v.·orkers 1-0 ('i.J rll $2. an hour 2,000 m1'Jes o r p1·pc1 1ne from that JS equipped to keep the !'~~~Oe-;.~ 1! ~ ~~ I : .:~ • L~~o~ Com l~ l i} j•: sv. S~•·t Vo VTN t<ek 1 60 13 u fti" 11•. t;\• 1-:"' Macv R H I 9 179 ~ 26 16~1+ \~ 1 th th f ti relations with t he we s t . • r' :n 21~. 211 iL'+~i C01<Brd JS 13 10 22~1 r'"• 22'>'>-l•GIMF-ln .o / ·~ l&h •• r·'"·{t MaoFo ."°'> 39 10,,. 9~'< 10\i.-t-"" n ore a n 0 crs or te san1e Brezhnev also hopes to COlll· \'a kutsk. j n northeastern gas in liquid form al very low ~~~l:e;, 1 l8 : JS 12i: 11•,: 12•:.;t> \.-.P~I ~ I~ ~ fl~~ nt: flri':.t ~! ;;::x~~in v;. ~ 1tl'! 1}·: l~J,:: v. ~=~~~ii '3"2 6 ~ :"' ~~ :i.-. ... work. I S1ber'1a,101!1ePac1hcportof te mper atures. Arlen,RllOv ,~ 1~, rt; z~: ~;=~~:ii11Fl .lll ll l'lll5 i• .• II '+•,o ur1 wa~n10 ,',',r.•J,,,,',",•+'•'l,M1p111v .601] 101 12 11 v.11~· .. plete a nun1bcr of spectacu ar N th h bl Armo • LP ~ ~ 21 22 ~ Lr0<:ker 1 66 , 18 26 2si1 211 . urn G•.11n1 1 iii 1 r• ~· ,,_ ~ Mal•orv .96 ~ 168 19 111r1 1s:i.o-~ . e1 er c a1rn1an was a e Armi:os 1 ;(I) 9 iv 21 1 ,, " 28;'"~ ~' cr.omii K ·!Iii 1 3• 13t'i 12'11 12~-,,.. urnGPI 1 10 2 ~'l'• :111r1 ~~ \ MaloneH .31 20 5 2sot. 1s1-. 2.S\41 , -• Jtlenwrex Special to tbt! Daily Pllol SAN T A C LARA Memorex Co11>. Thursday reported that it has sold a nonexclusive license to Sperry· Univac to ma nufA ct ure Men1orex's model 651 and 652 flexible disc riles for use in Sperry Univac's products. The flexible disc file 1s a compact. direct access device !hat r eads and writes dala on flexible disc car tridges. San Diecro~s ~ Utility Asks Rate Hike S,\N DIEGO tAP f San Diego Gas & Electric Co. has applied to the slate Public UU!ities Commission for a $1.96-inillion rate increase, the company says. The utility said Thursday the increase would raise the average customer's monthly gas bill about 17 cents. The increase will be needed if the PUC grants a rate hike request by SDG&E's supplier, Southern California Gas Co., the San Diego Conlpany said . Southern California Gas has asked the commission Jor a n increase this November to offset higher prices cha rg ed by its own supplier. El Easo Natur al Gas Co. The Pressure's On- Nixon Decision Due \VASHINGTON fUP!t President Nixon is studying a broad ra nge of opllons to meet growing pressure for quick ac- t ion to curb runaway inflation. White House sources said tcr-- day. A decision ts ex~ted next week. · The President. aides said , is taking a look at a specti-um of possible moves, including a price freeze and a gasoline tax increase. HIS ADVISERS are divided on how to proceed. Treasury Secretary George P . Shultz, Chairma n Herbert Stein or the Reserve Boar d and proba bly 1\1elvin R. Laird. I he President's new chief d omestic ad viser. a rgued in favor of r eimposing s trict con· trols like Phase II. \Vhile the White House said there wou ld be no weekend an· nounce m ent ol new antl·ln- flation action, the expectation is that the P resident wiU disclose shortly -possibly b y ~1onday - the new steps he has decided on . OFFICIALS AT the cost of Council of Economic Advisers, Living Council say ihey are a nd John T . Dunlop. director of "in the dark" about Nixon's the Cost of Living Council, a ll--n ext move. "\Ve 11aven't been .reruse to coocede that Phase 1 III. primar ily a voluntary con· ~sked to r~aft a ny r egu a· trols program . has failed. !Jons yet, s a 1 cl one Shultz, a strong a dvocate of spokesman. a free economy, is o pposed to Following issuance of a new wage-price controls, an report Thursday showing that aid e said. S~ultz beli~ves the "''holesale prices _ a har- economv "wtll work its way . . out of ihe rising price dilem· b 1 n g e r of f u t u r e price m e.'' movements at the re tn il level ON THE OTHER hand, other: top advisers, such as former Treasury Secretary John B. Connally, Chairman Arthur Burns of the Federal -rose 2.1 percent in 1\l3y. there were renewed demands from CongreSs and elsewhere for re1mposillon o r wage-price controls. Sen. Henry J\.f, Jne kson (I). Wash.). said he would try next week to attach a freeze pr~ vision lO another bill in absence of administration a c· lion. lu tiJn f Arm1>1 21D •. llTf' ~· 1• 1 "crouseH '5 1U 25 19h19 l'Wl+I urevhcl l..o.t 9 1101.,..ltl':>.l.;t;..._-'f M<in~lnd.56 6 1-1l~~1111:1 .11 1o:1~Jt&. to Ven re an es ate 0 Armurpl •'• . z60 60'/o o0\11 60'1+ ~ C.rown Ct:irk U :J8 23\~ 22112 2J + 'h Greynnd wt .0 1d 21/1 2~< 201•+ YI M•nPOW .n I 10 16 15¥< 16 ,, So . td I I t Arms(..k SO l• >i 2•'1:. 21h 2•i.<+ 'crwnll 120 11 lit} 2tV.19 19\la+V>Groller ?O n 10 911 1 . M1n tfn 15610 66 ltl :1'9\11 791.'l>i!~• VIC eve opmen COSS. Armc pf 314 l20 !3'"" 55\!• S}Yo · c..rwn pf i :iu . zJO ,s:i;. 6514 6514 _,,. urumrMn· . ~ 10 tt. 9~1t,\ll MAPCO .So 16 215 21 21 1J~' to '·• ArmstR 1.60 lo t ~7 27 27 c T :; CurD • 13 13\/:i 1314 13\IJ .. G111rdl1n In 11 21 10 .... ll~• l'~ M1ra!l'IOll M 1 10 19~f. 1'1112 19'•-\1 Arvinlnd .52 ll 18 ~~ ~·, .. \IJ ~:.~t~Cu1Llg11n .30 \I l! l~b 1IY2 11"°t !!GuM111,1'990o s'>u~1:'l'2~IV..Jni++tt M•r0111.6010 151 31~ 31>\io 30!~+~1 ASA 1.10 .5'l 203 ~·.,. • ,.. • cumlni 111 11 6 ~i 30"'2 30,_ .,.., Gull l.1 • · ~ 13\l:i 2J"1<+ .,. Mtrcor .tO • 20'l itv.. 11~• l~!<o+ \, ... Ill Otl l.20 9 Jtl 211'11 2Ri> pl +I k Cvnn Or11t1 1 1 S'h SI,{, S'h+ ~ Gu!t 011 l'h 10 112 2}~ l\'I 1,.._ >,\ M1rcor pf 2 . 9 31"'1 la~ 3~"" AsDryG 1 :JO 10 ).4, "", '-~\! ~M ~ .. C11rll» wrt 21 253 1714 ,"," 16l'•+ ~ 3Wkr,-r.·a.cr0c 9 2T 101'1 ID"' 10"1-\Iii M1rom .10b . l1 126 34 32\~ 3lM ~. As ~pr 120g I 4,. 1.ut11rl1 121 I :n 21'f.i ~+ · 13 111 21 1'> 2H 21'k-\Ii MarMld 1.llCI I l7 26~ 26\IJ ~l o .. ss0<: Tr1ns . a 6 6 6 +\'I Cvcl~O l S 17 22'IO> 114\ tt'li.+ '-00111 SIU 1.12 22,: 2t'h:): 11 MarlonL .21 30 71 331-. 31\lo 32,....IVo AlhlOfll 10 5 • ll'ilo 1114 ll~+ \'& LVP•U• Ms I 9 5& 29'1/o 21'4 :19"11o+l:i. 1..u11,&~i .6.t s 1gg ~~ 5''1 514> \,Marlen 1.11 18 229 35"' 35>.ll 3S\.'o+ ~. Al!cM! 1 OJb 7 36 17'9 l11f1 ,,..._ 1• -D 0--UUI & s ws 52' 52 + ' MarleyC '° 18 •l 37 34'!<'· ~2 A!K:IVE i ,, 9 xS9 ~l'i l~:o,:, l~~:;2~ Damon 58 ~J ~ Ji: 3~U 'lt!t'l;? &U:Z! ~ ll: l j~"-7•~i 7•''1+ v: Marott cetn 12 ,,,. 1\'1 111 A• R!chtlCI 2 2, 8~! ,, •. 51 .52 -\lo 2~nR,1vr l J.l. 8 ll 30~ :JOVO 30\1,o -14 Uullon lndSt lS 19 '"'" I Y,. 1"14 + h Mlrlott 2V:k 31 129 21\4 2&:i.io. 2""'+ '' ARcn pt J:O,:, l"" ,.. ''"+>\II ....,n1 II > •• ..... ~ + \IJ -H ,_ M&r5hF \,It 11 S1 16 26 26 + \' A1~c pf 2 BO 3:12 02"4 6l\'9 61» , Oar! In .:JOit 13 'l6 -~ H kW 2 l6 10 . 9 lTYI 31}'1 :1P.1t :i,to Merlli!AI .10 SS 23 6\-o 61.4 6-..+ 41 11_1,Rcflprt J IUIS2'12 15f~15J '4~·S l<00atllndP11 1! 6 l~: ~!tt ft"'° {~,1<-'i-\.H:f1Prt .IOI ) 18 17 16\·o 16'-1 '/I MarlMr I.IS 1 ~J I~ 16\• l..+.+1, AlllJ Lorp 102 111 2 • 'li'i .IVCO •2 20 'It 8\.li ll\'o-V.Hllllbln l.12 39 211 152llol'6 ISO~• S~•Md Cup .$0 II I 17\.o 11 1?'4+" l<TU inc 16 b x11 .~1'h e'.o ,,0_:-u0:•,\~~~ ·S:, 1~ 25 l~V. 1671 11v,+ 'I\ 11amP111 . .SO 13 S9 12Yt 11\tJ 12V.+ •,~ M1scoCp .211 32 Sl ~YI IS ~s -1. Au1om 01111 •u llO ..., '> 5J\> ~ j 66 1I 20 2 22'19 2J HamOCp . .0 1 JI 11'"-• i -• Ml ionhe ,1,3 16 lO 211/t 26 ~7>'t+P, Au111ml lnd.1 8 7i ,.t.~ """ 1t"! \It 8:!~~!t ·"-, IOS 1;o 1'11 m-·v. Handlem .68 i .28 I 13>~ 1>3:!-+ ~~ Mautv ,1511 7 1~ 19"' 19\11 1911> ... '• AVCO cor~ 4 •O ...... 10 Deer• l Od 9 270 ~ "° IO'llo+ II; HaneSCP .60 1 17 lJ.\11 '" ~ M.ISSCI .690 . .SS , ... 18~1 111~11 Inflation News Makes Dollar Dip AvcoC11 wts .. 23 .~,. ,~~ :i!il~DelPl.l. 1·16 9 5116'h 16'4 161'•-V.Hann• 1.JS 20 a:1 ol.5 «10~ ",1 +.M41isMul lb 11 19 21'.:0 20>:. 2H'••J.•_, Avco pt 3 20 > ... ,1 ,,. 'It; Del M I 1·10 9 •2 JB'h 18~ li\la H11rcour1B l 9 1l 21 ,. MalluE 1.ab 10 ?65 28illi 28~' 21*+ :0. LONOON IAPI -The dollar :~~s"'i~~ :11 rr ~ ~~\Ir..!~ 2'I< Delta..:'ir so 14 1$.1 .. ,,. 11\.'2 ..... +, .... ~=~~:: 1:~ 1: ~ ~~ M"" ~~t:+:: M11tel :o:in 10J •l1 •)Ir I ..... \\'eakened throughout Europe ~~~µ~1 ·~ J ~ 1ri~ 1J:::: 1J v. ¥: 8:l:~ 1'::~ ~ !1 1f~• 1~ 1f" ·: H1~r11~11 ·lf Jf l~ ~'v. ~r~ ~'"'t t! ~: ~r~ :::8 iO 3ag ~·,~ ~ r::w+ ;": today, apparently 1n res p6nse A•tecolL 6k ~ 21 11~ 11 i~:t~g:nnlsn ·:! 1~ fi ~\\'! m,: ~l~t ~;~:,~~n"111 1 122 1tv. 1s11 16 -\•:t:::i1f' ti 1: .U 2f .... 2:;:·~·~ to delays in Was hington by the eab&Wll Ml 1l-,\'o 'll! ~ ~+ .... 0egr,""'r. :~ .. " •"• •,!.~ l&t! lu:+ t ~:~~~.i~ 1i 3~ I~ 1il! 1~·,..+ ~ M'llYllll 1·30 1J 51 21"4 ~#1 u '+l N. d · · t 1. I Bacne l5b 11 111 /4 ~ ~ • Oe~olP n · 9 .,... H.1waEI 1 so 11 6 2m 2111'1 27!tll M A ln.c .6' 9 1 221'1 ?l 21\'tj-~ 1xon a m1n1s ra ton o a n-~·~•r tn · .16 n s m . 2:1.\'o 2J~ + 0e1Cdl$ 1 .s 10 10 :mi.-. 20v. 1~ 1...; Hayes Alb. 1 1 11 J3:\ro ll'n 'mt v. McCOfd aa 1 l 16>• 16 16 -'• nounce ne.,. mea to rb e1~ero11 J1 2l 25 1b ~ :.6 rn o.11E "' tJ2 .. 1200 111i.-. 111 1 -Hat•lU""' 13 36 s:ir. svi · ~ Mc£.r0'/ 120 s 10 19'h 191' 19\':r.-1. . \ sures cu B111G1• 1.u 10 Ji 2aYt 11111 2ra 0e1E pt 7.•~ .. l.lO '19.~ 991 w, +~HCA Martin 1, 1, 17~. ,1,.1. iv,, "'McO.rmor 1 26 •1 62''• l>Q).4 62 +1·. inflation ~•oc.11 1 ~ 10 ,.1.0 ~ !!"" ~~ +l• 011 E Jrt !'•" .,, ,' n,,,, n,,.~ ',~++ ·~ Heck Inc .12 10 6 ll'b lftt i•~ ~• McOonl<I Cp 6J l\Ja 67l~ 65'1.t 65'1)'-2'• · B.1nd111 Inc 42 291\ •• ,,...,. De11lr -.11 · 5 .,. "" .,_ ""' Hecl•Mo 2k 38 2• 16'i\I 161\ 16'1<-V. McOooO .Alf 8 205 2'1f• ~J'"' a. + ~. The price of gold edged B•llllDf Pn ' 221 ,,,. ,!""' 1~ · 0111 Fln1 .~, 11 .~ ',', •• ,1,~ !~:--+ t! Hiuemn u a 11 12'ft 11:0,:. 111-.+ \to McGrEd I'll 1' 1G n 28'Jo 2i -'• h he . BanorP "' 2 .. +~DI• n!I l.i 9 ... VO ~-Heinl ... 1 OI 11 71 12'4 l lh •2V.+ '4 McGr HI ... I ~ 135 9\'o ... '" t '• 1g r at the openmg o f 1>1111Qrp1 1'-" 6 ~ lf,~ ~ ~i>':t +w 01.1m Sl\m 1 t 12 1,., ln! I~+ "'H•lenaR .16 n m 33112 :n J3•:.+1v. Mo111p1 1 20 6 19 19 19 -', E , · b \J 11 · Bn~ ot NY 2 ""\to 291,. 11o 01•Sh11t 1.20 ' 1...,. ,_ Helene Curl 11 n. 3~ 3~ . McGregr o 10 J J~o l \• 3Wf '• Urope S main I 0 n Bank YI 86 13 1~ 2?('.; 15 ~S = 'l'a Okt11>11n .30 l1 «I 8"-8'1< 1'4+ ;:: Heller Int .II 1~ Jl.311 fl~~ Jl~t 31"4+ .... Mcln!yre p 1UO 56 55 SS -1 markets in London and Zurich. c:~~(ijf'2~ 111 31 ~J\ ~re nl!t lt 8J~~~·":I ~ ~~ ~ •m ~+I• ~:l::Prp.6020l~ l1 1~~ ll'" ll~+ .h ~~t::n 3~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~:.: Jl;!: ~ g:~~e~R1 24~ ~ M ~s 21 2s +1"' g1~it;:.r'eci~~ " J ~ M:U 1~U::1~ Hem1111 caP .. 3 ~11' ?'i\ ~~ ·· McLou111 Su a •1 16'~ 1~ 111\!o;;. ,,IE DOLL . Basic 1n 'O 1' :. 6•) M~ ~~-I,) 1 11 .0 13 33 1,"' 6,,. 6~ -\':>Him In .JOb 1 3.S 36 + •to McNeil .1S 1 o 12 llloir. 12 ..,. 11 AR had Im-B1111 Ind. .30 1 24 2Ha 21'h ~~+ti;; oJll~ IOU 16 16 JO'/• :1°9~• 30 + ! .. Herculr1 1 ·~ f? ~ ~ IS~ 15:\-i Vt Mead Cp .llO 10 19 lJ:i,to IJ.'4 l ~l•. • proved markedly Wednesday ~:~~~t :1~ M xl~t ~ !:~ 111~ ·.~ u01snrvw·d~ tS 3;~ Ti .. ~f~~ ~ +1"" ~:::,~:1n .i2 21 126 •l~ 11,.., .ottt1v. ~:!~~ 2i~ ·a 31 H+.1< ~U tl'" ... * d Th d . BevukCG ..5G 9 5 11'f• 11'1< llV·~~ 1son .2 lll'h 311 311,.., ._11.1wlt1 P 10•1 llS 83 liO>~ 811'2--~M E I corp II' 10 1•11 2+• J• an urs ay morning on sear.nos ~ 13 13 4QV. ~ ~ ~ ~l"u~~~ ·r0 20 ~' 1~ 2'h 2111.,. 111Rhvo11 En 21 2• 5V. 1i1o s • , Mei ~oo.. .43 19 210 2J%1 11 ~i· .. -" r eports that President Nixon g::~~d$"' 6! 11 2~ i~";';; no 1i{_;+ 1v. 01~~1 1.11~ 'i 1G6 ~ I~t! 'gfh+ ~ ~\1't:ib~11 ·'1 j~ .~ ~ .... mi ~ + ,,.. ~!ti":'~~" •I 1~ 1~ lt! :·' Ji! t ·; "'as preparing to announce ~~~::; fs ~~ s~ ~~,.., H~ M>l+~~ e~~~ ·R ~ :! ¥}~· 9J~ yn;+ 1: ~=rtkn0.~ l~ -1~ 2fr.1 2~ ~~ t: ~:~~(' \:tt ~ 3~ 1~>.:. 1~ 192,.:t 1·· strong ct'o to b k &ee-c:Mr .10 1 11 llVt 12'\0. 13 · 1>ornFd .19b · 15 '1 • Ho-rn.r 9, a 15 2•~ 21~ 21~ 111 Morectllh 1o 1 11 I•{• 1~~ \J.i. • ..,,,~ a I n f.a e 6elcoP1t 2k 7 35 I~ 111!• 111\lt--1/o UOnLulJ ll I 21.1 1 @..:< ~t-M.Holl Ellcin 1 11 7¥. 1\.\ 1.,.,_\•Merrlll. iab 9 ~60 15\• 14 15'1tl• America's accele rating in· ee11~ ~ ,•, 's ""• "',v. 2r-+v• u°'"",,~.i,v ·~ lS 2: ~ ~~ l>to Hol 1nn1 .30 u 13' 19"' 1914 19\0+ '"' M!'SllPe1 .10 1a I• 61 ~• 60 oll•Tl '• I Bedlln.-6lll'>2S3ioU'.4f'.V. Of "o l .... 1 5 lfl l \lo 1,,, v.HcUvSllSOll I 513 13 ll+V.Mls$ol 2,10 . 31'1>11111l 12•Wlf-I-. fa!JOn. Bell~ ·kl I SI~ 17 ll~+ ~\)or~VLtvr~ r ll 1 6.,.. 6.,.=~,Hcmtt.tk'Hl 1'6 15'l •S+f. ..... IS~\lt MctSllOI .).lb 11 !• 9,. '1'1 9\:i-'• But instead came the an· RE!: u b\tg ~ '! il~ ~ ~~-+;~ =t'~m · 't ~ )1 ~'! ~!..., ~1~ -r! ~:~1 ·l·~ 'I 1~ 1~Jll 1~~1 .. 1~ .! ~~ S:~1aMM~~~ i ~i Ji;: \!!; li!t ~ nouncemeot Thursday Of 8 big grnc~~f 1;~ 1 !'ro lfv! ~1~ ~t:~.:i:l~ e~1~0 lnff. B 31 ~~1 1~t? ~f ~ ~:~r~I ,ffi : r: ~~ ~tt l~t+ i! ~<.i1:!~~n;~ :r 5ff ff 1 tt tr~?,, Jump in the US wholesale eencol •JO 3 61 62 61 +1 ore1wr 1.c> 13 311 31'4 31\• lA<+~HQiUCP .12b 12 161 1411• 1• 1•11• V.M chSTub 1 1 2 10 11 u · Benouct lni: 10 92 3'4 J\'o 3V. "'illeiPI l:IO >J "~~ •llf.. 41'h-'• HO$l lnll 36 10 21 11'1 H~ 11:\lo I-> Mcrod<rt 11 6 61 I«.-11 11 121•+ 'T price index for April and the eerkrr Ptio 1 31 111'1:1 10'4 l.~++•i. 1Jrdi1er p1 2 1• JS\IJ ll'lo:I 3S'ta+ -'!'I Ho11111111 60 6 :111$ 12 11:i1o 11.\l:i · Mid c Tl :u n 10 ir. 1~'· 111. "f '• ' eetl!S 1.«ia 9 259 ~ 29..,.. ~7'" l,)•t•el '200 ·, ¥ .WI.. ~ 'iV Houdl 11_!_12'1< l'I] 19 29 'l9 + 41> M\OSoU I IG 11 111 n •. 2J•• "'' -• dollars recovery ended. 0111 1 Ind .s2 17 31 1= 1~ 1M -t: orevtu5cP 1 i1 t\11 9 911• Houol\""' .« 10 11 13 12v. 12~~ v. M dMt<1 ,88b 9 11 is u•~ 1,1.- N d . ssed th · 8lack&Ok I 11 6 ,, 7,,,_ 11,,.-+1 vuAe p 1 «1 n 611 211~• 1'.!Y, 2~·1+ ~ Ho~1e F•brl 12 18 6"11 6V. ,,..\ MlaRoss BO •'s •,1 !!;,• ,•,1~•.,',t'•..!. ,• lXOn ISCU e price Bl•lr Jn .I& 6 n 1f'" 11,_~ 17 +~guile pf 1 70 i20 109 109 109 + 'h HouscFn .86 9 :ls.I 23'4 211'1 23'1•+1'• Mlleslb 1.111 ._ spiral with his cabinet Thurs-:i':!~i.~~1 .~ 1~ • ~,! 1~~7. ,~v. 1:\,t l': 0:~:: :: ~:fo · · ~ 1~~ 1~..., 1~'h-I~ ~~:ig: I~ l ~llt ~ .. ~l~"t'~ ~1~~'tM~ !l 1~ ~~~ ~~ .. ':µt 1': day but the meeting ended Blue8ell .6S : 39 ~ .... I'll+ \• UUnklrU 1.611 21 1•6 l~-1'• 1S 15 to+ ""HOUSL Pl"° 15 77 ... ~ .., •• ··~+ ~ M nnPL 1 f l 8 .~ ,",'.•, •,•,:·. "M' " BOtlboe Brki 1104 17,, I IJunBrld w! 71 37~ 31,J 31:0,:, HllUNIGS 34 11 8~ 2fl1 251• 2H'll-~IM Hnto .~O H ... \Yifh n() dCCtSiOn OD IlCW curbs Boelflll C .«I l~ ff~ I~ 94• 9.\';t: ''o uu111an (..p 12 19 6~• 11•c1 6~1 -'• HcNGpt 21/t 6 S2'4 52''t S2'1•+ lo MIU ~,v .90 10 2B l ~l' 11i1 IS 1• . Boise C•;;td 11 114 3"' ni.+ -'i'I puPonl 2'htl 11 lSl 168'12 166 lb1V.+ \!4 HowardJ .16 If 311 1$V. l•'I lS -"1 ;:iil•c 1 J l 1 7l~, 1~ il\'J-:.; on 1nflat1on. :::Molnl ~ B I 20 . 20 20 ' g~~ri ~i ~~ 1 nt.! ~·I. ~\'!+·~ ~~~e•,,lrg 1; tt ii~! I~ :m+ u Mo ~~ :11 lQ t ~J·: 1Jz l)l>o-'. 'Bor~W l.3~ 10 I!{ ~": ~l~ ir.:t ~ uucmel. lJ i 10 lO ~~;. ~J·• ~J' .... ~. 11ut1Sey 120 '' • 23'h 23 7J••+Y> =~~ ~·~ 1 ~ Jt ,;.: ~t~ ~r,;_~1 :~ MOST CE.~ERS d 'bed oro B 13 3~~ )¥;. )\', Ouql.pt 2.10 llil JI 31 31 ... HugMIH .'1.1 1 } 6'11t ~ "" +'llt Mon k '01 5$ S\ ,;, S\~ ,... Pill escTI BprmE'o"ll'~ lS l> -·~ J'l'/o 32Jio Uymo In .Al 9 J. !6'1\ 111"1 •IM\+ II. HUQl\eS ool 22 l !S 19'f• -1611. .ut~•+2'ft MOii:~ Rb 1 '5 l 1~! !Y• 1Yt I d tod . BOit -11 ~·-ll\lo 1 · -6 E-Hutton e IO s lt 8"1 1'4 8\-\+ "• io S'i 1~ 1 \ \ ~ • ear Y tra 1~g ay as acttve g""'rif...1 ·~ ,f 1ll l~~ 1f~ 1~ .t""' E1111e Pl 9.1 ' "' 1s1• ••"4 ,s,,._.,. Huvc•Ci> .1• n 12 1S\lo 25v~ 25'•+ v, ~::abr(ll1.~6S 6a 5 isw 1~ 1:~ • \Vlth a decided weakening of B•rn { 2Ga 11 9 S3'ill 53 ""'+ i,;. Ea\coC 21b 1 11 121r• 12v. 1~ 1. Hydromt .16 1 6 71'1 11,4 I:\& .. MonOQra,m 6 u 611 w.; S'•+ °"' r lllti · l2 22 l2~ 601' stli 60 i:111tern Air 1302 9'1-o 9\t 9111+ .., -11-MonrlH!'A "' 11 17 171/J 17--1 1~>-'' the dollar i<!'pMf \·1b 35 is•7. 15V. 15\to+·v. e.1,IG•1F JI 11 124 22 21\.'J 22 +I,. ICN Pnarm ll 2•5 • i i,. 7\lo--I• Mon1nl 1'10 12 ?36 Sl'11 Sa\1, .)3 + '• · rr e 10 n l l :A!o. 33'4 ll"'+l t:11!U11I 1Vl II 4 1,~ .. 1~!• 1111'1-o, ld~llOP 1.76 10 22 21\li 28,_., 21\1.+ \ .. Mon~llf n. « 6S 64\2 tS 'I'• The British pound opened at adod ~,tDI 2 2 Si>~. 55""' 56\<o+ ..... Est Ko I.Oii 31 AlS 13•"' 132 1)1\.Ji HI td .. 11811 ao • 17 12\i 12111 12+\o +"'I Mon!Ok 1.9• lG 10 33~ 32'1 tt~" +1 • -, w,. 1 6 1 l7'lt 17~ 11.\\r E11onCo IV. I S6 31 V1 Jo.I"' JO\o • 1ueal TO'/ II • 13 s •V• s + "'Mon1Pr 1 80 12 16 33\o 32~ I\+ '• '2 5750, UI> slightly from R'ffkGGI 11t 111 ~ •121.. W • 22~\~ EchllnM .32 20 111 u 21•,\ 1lh+ ~• 10s RJ 1.1s1> l• S9 n v. 11 2sv.+1Y1 MonYM .s11> 11 3911 1n1 ",,'~ ,'~~ Th 0, , I r n 5 0 1 •94 8, ,.... ~+ ~ Eckd ~k .20 J7 151 l-4V. 33 l•'IJ-t 1.,. lllCenln r.:n ' S1 181'1 J8li 11*+'4 Moor• McC 6 "" •·-.,, ur....,ay s cosin g $2.5730, G'iwn 0 ~~ 16 ?SI!"'" ?%1+ . .,.,EckoNC .21 21 23 2l'h 22~• 211.+1 1uconp1 3'h 13 15'4 .c.µ. •5"•t 11o1.Mor11JP 1.4615 na s1 v. S0''2 s1~1 '• d ti 't d I ' SO>J 20 1f s 10''4 10 •ov +111 EG & G .10 17 SO ll'h I~• ll~ot l'• 111 Pwr 2.10 12 107 28 211• ~ r~ MOrrsk .200 61 j' 16 15"-15\ • .,. 1• nn 1en 1 move up o R'~ ~~~ ·08 213 15,,.. 1,,h !5._;..._ \,Elect Assoc u 24 ,,,. •~· •'-<+\lo IHPwpf 2.35 11JO n 31\'I J2 +l Morj•EI Pr 6 •'~ ll"' 1•'• -1• lfEAVV PRESSURE for ac• $2 "78' I r er . 18 111 ltV: 1 t l\it EOS Cati> 19 3olJ 36 30 l-4""-I ~, l llPw~f 3.Ja l50 S2 Sl S1 MIG , 1.0Sb ' so 17 16'o 16'•-+ '• ·" ,,, Brunswll .2• • Zl8 1 '¥1 Elect Memo 9 90 ],,.. 3 3\1:+-v. IUToo w .l6 19 21 1S'\ 2•1.1.t 2•~+ v:i Mor3eSI\ .7S 6 11 ,.,, ,,,. 1"-\, 11·011 a ga1'nsl r1'sm· • prices 1s The dollar dropped Jo 2 63 ',',~11,w ,·",, ,,• ~ ~: ~ :lJt ., .. e• M 111 ..soc ·· 1 "'• 1 ·~ ,.,,_ 1"' tmper •• c11 6 ~1 111•0 •~· loh+ ~· M~•NPI', ·ti 8 100 1 ~1• 15'' 151--1• 'i' · ~· · 1•' ll ll \\ El11in NII wl 5 9 IV. .9 -... '1;,, INA C1> 1\la I ,3 37"11 32,_., 321-> ••••roOl'O I ·"' 2319 jlO oijj\-•1t., Ill ,.. '"' comina from the public, based marks from 2 6425 j n :v:ero 1~ i ~~ f ' )1~ ~l<-\'II Ell-Ir Ind 6' 15 6•1 6'• 6:li! 1-INA!nS .•lb 19 21 :i;. 21"• 21\'•-4, MM:S;Tu•: ,1 f9 01 el'• 6.t~> 65 ... •-. .. 't> ' u 20 IO 1 ltV. 19'' 19'"2 EIP1wNG I I 113 16 IS~r lS"'i ~Income Cap 10 t•1 6t1 ~, I . .., 9 e 1! 11 11 t '• on latest Gallup and Ha rris Frankfurt from 4 3325 francs curd~~o 1 \211 10 36 27'11 "',,; 27"'+ ~Emir El n. )(I M l.S.\'o @S IS 'ii lncC lnc .Sib 111 10 10 10 -lf1 ~si., 1;c1u~1 ~ ~~ ''"' 1;!,:: 1;'" '. polJs that show inflation tops to 4 2950 ~n Paris, and from G~~aRw ·1gg : 117 1A1.• 1i~ 11t= it ~~:'~...'!~·.~ ;;o )l 1;'(: 1i~~ ~~+; l~37.~ 1~ 5 1 : ;ri ;~"" ~tt•++i': ~~g,~101 1'.a • j\4 '"" o~+ '• thew ndl h 3"'"S ' f ,.30 . B R"'.lV. '""-ltvo lt'M+v.Em1rv ln l111 319"" 9"• 911.+~1ndPwLl.62i 10~1'6 26\11+~ 11n1na .: lrf 1•1~..,_ij~t' ater gate sea a as t e vw;.o w1ss rancs w . 7 m 8~~11;; 110 13 12 30'.'. Xl'lt llWt Em111rt 1.:io 1 20 1,.:i, l•'" 19'. ... 11><1uN.111 .96 ' • 26'111 2iv. 16'4-"'• ~~~oc,hg, ·~ 21 "" • ~· , .. ,. N I f '(' z · h l 9 216 !' J3 'l ~ EM I LI .Deb lf 12 •'"' 1"4 111• •• 11111 Rnd 2.16 lJ U2 Sr.14 57 SW.-\'lo '" · :18 ti,,, r 'h !1 1 2 o. concern o c t 1zens. ur1c • e,",i•N'!. tt 8 t\lt •1.,,= ,,.. Empo 1 8llD 11 • 26\.li ,,1,. 26Y..-1 11aR pf 1.15 ., l '° :r1?1i '° + ~. Mufo' o .60011, 10 1•0 ,,. ,', 11 .• -... :,· ;;m-mmmmmmmmmmmil'liiiiiiiiiim :=========\ u "' .N I 19 • Yt EmOl>fB .50 , 1SD l~J 6tt f\'0-l'I Inland Sii 1 2S ll"o 31\'J 31~ Mu "' · "' BurndvC .JO 10 11 18 J.iU 21411•+" Emo Fin ~II. 5 21 llOo tt:O !"'+ \'• Mmonr .l2b 1 so 1•0 1\~ 1'-+ ·~ Myeri I. .Ill 12 H 11\f• llr. 12 -'• INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 11 Holi"Gilf Ce•no St ,610,000 + Oft!M.. Fl E·BU llGLAR• ALARM SYSTEMS RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • ln•l~n•d r. s".;'~d 111 V••" r·~•'''"'r 8urr<il'll so 16 now .,.. " Emlllr• G•l ' n I~ llll\ I O,j, t ~ lnsllco c 10 • 10 10\'o 10 10\.'ll+ \--· ·-~•bl T 11'b 10~3 c2ltt n 23~, .. ~ .. Eno1111c1 .13 12 2tfi 11 1&..-.10!~+,1-1 1ns11cvp1 io.i. ' 15~ 1~1 11··+ 11 ~:fJ~211 2.r, ~!s f. 3 ~') ~1• AS'•" '• C ' 7 I "ti. 26'1; v't El'llll• pf ·~ . . $ 105 lO'l -lns1> CO!lll 2 10 lS Ill.lo IOl/o • v, 191•+ '• abot 11 « 2 1 "" -EnnliBul F t I' 5\11 S\o\I s~-..-•• lnil Inv .14b 1 3 li:h UV. 1 ~·+·'"-N'rcoSC 60 1 1~'-l•Vt 1•'•-'• C1d8nc• Ind • 11 4"' A ., Alh •· Envirotech 21 1 31..,. )(I" l\\.:."fl\1 lnll!Clon .20 10 ll t t'h 11";1+ •• Nlll\VIC S'l 10 16 '6 16 •6 -• 111n r' Wd S 7J 3~ )l't !~ ~olllm• to I 3 IS'h 15\1 ~+ \• •nterco L21 10 l!l' 3$+o 304 3St'tf H N•tl '"'1•1 .20 6 185 l•t1 1~'\ 1~•" lllf Fk'w!nc: 5 39 I 3;-. ,_ V. EQuGll 2 10 I 20 32\.'J 321\ 321~-\\ lnjrlake 1 80 I I 2$ U~ ?S • N.iAv I OSI> I U\, 1}1• 1~' •-• '•mll•h," 03'1 '•' l', .Jl', ~?ta 1',.~ "'• EttL!fe 1 2'b 11 21 J11M ;2;o 2JV."f ~ 1 M Coro 36 3» l2S''-121 31•\:. 2~ •"', ·~~',', 1·f) a 331 10 '• 1<>'• 10·•+ '• 1, 11> 4~• .._ "' ESBlrte l 2t 9 1 4'i\o 1•'• 2('h"t ! lnFl1vr J2e JJ 67 9SV. ,~,,., 94'1) I ,. ' ?l\• ll • t.!•• ~=~:1 ·~ n u !~ ttm ~ ~ !;:1m1t~ )s t •• 2SI.. 21i, l S\•'1-~,· lnlHltV ···"° • ,_, ?fl1f n'• l•l'J+ ,: ~t ~A 1: )l MX lS~ ~ l!l11 • HUGH MYNATT "°"'' .. c .. m with • boitk .. 111ejor ...,..,.,. N.N.N. $910,000 OtMI IMJor So, Collf'oml• d .... t lepl!Mlltt'I a¥eile .. le. 11 >'tJ" '·' Tt"· HOf!>o>• "''• Col.!._ ~~~!_~_q _f~'!l.Mol~ j SfA COAST ALAR M Sl'STEMS 6 · 11 0 a; "'l ~ iwtu tnc .:n s 14 6'!11 6V. '~ ..... rn11o10" 1.i10 • » 12" 1214 ,2.._+ 1 f411 •m 12 -. ' lll! ... ISlr .,, 2.14 J 11\lo 12 r ' In! lndllS pf .• 9 ll.!t ,.. a4' ,__ l-. li)fl -•' ' , t •Pl1Qld .'Ui 211 1 , \Ii I ' 11• Eu•rlln .30 12 10 , .... 5 ~\It . \1 JnM1nCn ICI 11 0 2111 21 ... )ll •'' ,..,,0}111 ,90 0 IJ 14 11~ ',I ' c:~.a!IJWllb 11 !!" 't ,• l1..,, "· Ut~lnl .6• I 62 16~ 16V. '!"! W 1n1•rn~t lnd 26 H. 1:14 H~ ·~: '1'itt.2!? 6 •1 11.t ~P-41:,:-.. : l tbCo 1,80 10 ! ' 4 '• 1,~-1 tthvlCDfP 1 6 18 2r.i.. 26'" 27 + "i 1n11 Mlni°llQ .. 5€' 10\t I 1 1 ND1'1 p! 1'• tlO 10IVo !lll !l ,, , .1rtJsle .62 I ' 111 111A + \1 E!Tt!vlol 2 Ml • 10 ~· 40,,. llY\+ ~. Intl Nl(:lre/ I 17 JOA ~ !,..V· ' N!l,illtl ! &O i' " l! .. t, I NOW REPRESENTING Up to Sl,000.000. l•t111kJft I HAYASHI REALTY ph, 6ll·l6SO O·•'""" 0 1 ~·• (O.O,! 11•~•~ '.ujOply 1651 P\a(l;'nllo-Co1to Mo~a 64l 1490 11r Cl&Oh 5 llOO 611Ao ''A ... ~.+ w Evtn•P olOo • 5$6 I " I' '"ffi._ \1 Int Pap H,a 11 MS c" -• l'l&!I ~n so ., ~ .11olFr! ,)6 1 \1 9\~ ~-9'' ,, E•C•ll 0 . ·'° 12 a ~-I + \• lnl Atcllfler 13 18 ~"" ~t '~· ~JI (hll LOS t6 .. ~ '"" ,.~. '• =~~1 • .r: .J 1! 1:~.~I.\ 1.4ot1(, t:~~°" 1.t0ti 13 1~·~ ,,.,,, "'""+'"' 1 r&r ~,H., 1 •s 6~a •1"'-l..., '-!::We 1~ 1i • 1 i• 1 "' 11• •• ::1,~; .• ,~ ~= 2li lll? lllf~ ,i1~ ~!m'C~~~ ,1: !5 In; .::: ·!~t ·~ I! tf!#~; 1:,,1; r,1\• ff~ ff\4'=1''• Ef·,fi~11(l ~91' ~ ~?: ~: ~r: :: ' ltOP}. k51 I 110 2f,, ~-~ E1lndCar• 1 10 t'1 1\li }\I , 1111 T&T 124 I 1275 ' 32111 ~~2\a N Home Q'JO lO ~' 1'~ 1J~ r :: 11ttr~r ~1 le 429 }6\:1 \'I +2V. l'thlalf BJ' lj-f" 3!-1 T&T ~ • " f I \) ft~ 39"4-2~ Nt~l•r~t\ 1~ 2 j01 .H is U, ·~;Oii(.~: -~ l! Jlt ~-,, . =:~w~~ ·~ ~ f. 'f 1 'i 1~~ .. +~ 11n:·~~·. t ·; 1; tL~ 1tt., tt~.:-t~ ~:,t'1i~ )8 : 1• 311~ ;r~_-i:?1 eco cc:p f: '1 111~ 1•= 1 ' 1•n,u~11· l 1f 1 ~ 1~+ ~1:111cr;" ·'° ., n f.~ lt ~.! ~:: ~,,! ·~s "l~r. ~· ~.i-:,~---~ l ldntMI 2 t 9~ Jll.lo 31~ ll\/o+llolo :tthl 41 11 NP,! ~' +t~ ll'>'•"•" ','"",. >'o 37 1.\i 11• t1,.,_ ~ NtD~M :IO ! I 1J.L; 1!•-Ji ; --Ctl•ni(lf-4t-, 1 S6Vt S.~ ~ !1!"' s.i 17it l l .-. n w • ~ 1~ It~ 1fl, Ntv P,,t L60 n•o 10~. '°'' ,.,.,_ ' Cenco In 10 t 170 'I~ \Ii.. IV.-~ e3rrc! 1 1 I ; j " J +• 1n1r111re S!r .1 129 3 '~ 3 +"' NE1111EI 1 ... to n 1A , '"' ,.. .1 Ctl\te,)( ,l)llb ll J. 1 ~l 1 ~ lll, Ffd ~ 1 to ' • l1l 2t\-\lo nlr•ltlt Un ., ~\V. ,~. • \II NEol T 2.116 IJ 13 341~ ;u Johnson & Son "H~INC~~~-~;.~o~~~~:h" ~t!!~Y!~~s~~9oA~~ts ·1---"""'-'"-e -"o'-"'"'-"=-=-"==-==--11--l--•1L~CEl\GOl:0-$12S-PER-Ol:INCE- 540-563Q 2626 Htrbor Blvd. Co1t1 M111 97S.s8'2 • FREE BROCHURE ' 979-6343 , 13400 IRVINE (N .. , Atfl'()r1) SVITI! I 1'5, NllT BEACH 92860 UNIVERSAL TRADE c1nHye 1 60 1 11 /1tt ~""' 1111•-"'i'"i'iMt 'so 1 21 ' illi.+ .. ow• lie•• P t ;;1 ii 2 "' i1 i.. NewN111 .:io 1•1 t ' , , -+ _ ~:,111~~~.~-~ ~ 2~ :1i ~· l 'i~.-.lnrl ·~. +1 ig::,fJ-~-l-~l,.-\' ~::r;~~. '•"' n i.s 2>11 )lo 1 inll PS 1.lO 11 •6 TJr. 1 14 lJTt+ \'1 td ' 9 \ , 7'• •! '4 lawoPL. 1.H f I l2';, ~~ 1+ ,, NYSEG 216 10 ~, n· 1!l' n enL.fE 1(11 13 113 n"" 2) +U.P:tdO~l · lS I~ M)• .. )6 )6\4+\.1,-·•.$ ... ' s 'l'O~ r. \1+hN!11Mo l!J 9 'ft u . J. '• nMPW \"-f 10 1' Ill~ 11 11 -~ F.IO• o 21 Jlt ~-Po +I.lo IKO OIP :1 1• 3J A !1 o NII ,..r. Ill' 15 ""' 1•"1 \~ t "I sow~' '' " nh .n•·ni~t '"~r. ; . ~ 10 :w"' jN ,.11+ '• jrE ''"· '°" ' 31 '' ll'~ 1 ~ 11 NL nc.rus1 , l ~ ~. J \1 , .. , "''"r• I ' !01 2$U. u ,,,, ..... , tfflt ~ 1 1 ... ,. "' 14"t ~. teM COf'PtlJ! 1J 111 jS\'t •\11! 1 " NLTCrb .l6 1 "fi" it ' '" " .K " "' "" ll !"' ~ " Mo fi ' fil' n1, '" " u "" "' " .. '" •'• ... '• NMW.\W• ft .. l' ' tt' •rro .to s ll I'" I '• "• ""\t.:J~ , • I fi" 1~-~\ U 1"'t1Dl l" 1 ~\• I... ... + •• ~o-1 nCo I j , • >-(..,-fll,ld ..SO~ 11 6011'a U$o \•F •fl . f I f 'J '" • -!J-NQ<HI I 1T'o2~1 C•Wlll IOq I SJ 21 l'O'-'lO\J,-• f: ltrl 11 . 1, 6-'-t ·~'I t\.1-1.1 J'fl!lel'I .60 I l It:"' II•~ l)\t NA (Ni IO II t >OI\ 111'' 1 I 1 • • • • L. ltl. Boyd llerlllatologists Most Humble It has been claimed that dennatologi!;ts :irl' ihe besl- natul'ed o( all medical practitioners. And clt1i111ed fuel.her. whimsicall~hat's ~use th!r're.rcquired to treat warts. Sucfi prachcc ·eeps t em umbre;-1 h0 revents"""'POm posity, and so preserves the sense o! humor . ~1a)lbe so. ~all}'. 1 think \'.'bat contributes as much as anything to their' P\easant pefsonali!ics iS their o£fice h·ours·, the J1!0S1 regular in medicine. . . .. ' ' .-F!ldOy, Ju .. 8, 1973 • DAll V PILOT, l jl ltlmaey's lf·ortla Sl1op for Bette~· NASO L11tlntt llH' Thurtday, June 7, 1973 OVER THE COUNTER ' • OTC ITOCICl llt>rlh • ff"i-s• 10t~ 1~~1 T•mot• 11.S 11• Ml~~.. br..:11::.! ;!int,J 1~ ll:~~ " •;y, '" T•~ w "ffi .. ~ i ti-110C':fill011 'Of co co \• H ,,, 1• T 1 1 SK~;r:: •Itri. n Alltt'fl \\ \\ ll•ymd lt\tl lt\t. I ""'Y,..,. 1. 1fl' • •r• · Offt;rs Au' fllllM P.i: 11 11\\ mt .,.. '9 11• ~ .rMf' __., °' lttll Univ J •• Jr"' Cit j• I" CT0M l1:11'9NI 1A 1 • Jtp Pi.1 VI 61~ rn C..~ 4 Ot Insurance Deal s wo -."i:r.:"'r; r er,.,. ~ l :w-E~ 1;t: l~tt ~l:.:f. Mt ~t .~ 11"'9·1 T~ QUOta-r.oll Vi • lttvn aJt le 41 '4 l'rn Oc'" 11 'f' By SYLVIA PORTER suren scrambled to get out of i~, ~ncup~~"":" ~ ,. 1 l'i It.Iv•! Ml , n ~notic:" 11"' ' ;, A yur ago, PennsylvAnia.:s lhe "most ex pens l v e ! • =~ .~ r~ ~· 1:. lfi.. 1t-:= Br, t\i ~l:-' Hn1on ~ 17~ 11, insurance commission, er, category and into the "less ex-I"""'"•'•' ,,,u.I ·~· tr,, "lJ! j~ :=:~ c~ J,~ l'!~ !is""•~ Ji ~ ~1: h.. . " ti t . rWllK -.. ,,im ·~ ~ ltowtr F'nt 1jl1' I 14 US lrlr. I. 1, 1311 Herbert Denenberg, mad •'> ""nstve 5 · ••gl(M•lnl, 11 ;\l .~ ""'' " ' II""''• "' """ 11:: ... -l ... dli.oei cmss~Jhe a>witry · _le halJ .a ~~if~~~ -Me-~!: tJtutl stov 2ii-.:~~~ l~ !I~ with his "Shopper's Guide to boon to -the buyer of life .m· ' •1c1 A'k ioMX' c Ila I ~ s!msnll P , 1'411 v.,. Dvk '°" 1•1• from one company to the next al!iO by giving the life In-~I~~~ ', .. ~1ffiHierc~ \.'t t? ~ ~ l~ li~ o1u.lt!! 1!~ 1!t 1-----·f---'NO-municipalit-y in Africa can claim as n1any residents of African descent as can New York City. \Vith about 1.5 million. Closest 1,rould be Grea ter Lagos, capital "Of Nigeria. \\'ith maybe 1.1 million. Life Insurance" -in which he surance -not only by setting ~f'1Mnl1• l~ flrii =..:' khlr.r " 32 ~P.!tJhc5' 1:.,. n~ l'OOlpared life insurance costs off a price-euttlng spree but ~I~~ 1j~ 'i~~=it~" ~ \.'t =1 1~~ f= ft:2Vldff's..,. ~ 4" throughout the state. surance buyer real dollars-~mA~I 1~ '~ •1~::C. \.'t 14. rlpt;r1J ri~ ,w.l w:::'. 'la ~l lJ • THE YEARL'' . Am ...,. 54~• In t:ni 2\11 1tr '' Ulili WfOb R• s~ J\.'t ' • and-cents cornparions between Amf.f"' > im n IL \Ii Mfrcll 12\.'t 1 \.'t ti~mn I 10!4 1~ -•--prenuum-.one-company...and-another.-Am-111C1-1m-111~t.~ Up »14 2•i~w~'Wt I •~) cost-o{ an identical straight ~~ G~ JU ~J l~I Alu'l '" J ':w Cp :lt ri: ::if~ M 1!!} 1~ life insurance policy for a 2&-BUT WHAT IF you live in ~:1'f,1~~ ~!~ l:~ t~1~iwcg 1i\' 1~ °'' ~r B" ~:;ea;u:r 1~ ,f,. year-old man, Denenberg one or the other 49 states? ~~~;Id ll~ ~~· ~r= t~ i P•O l'" 15~ =~~r r•. nu m: stated, ranged all the v.•ay '\'hat if no "Shopper's Guide " AAnktn '•' ,,•(t 1•~~ j:1~1r~ 1!l~ 11}1 ~~~~ 1 1~t~ l!" wl11:~ J 12 12~1 . "I "I bl J ., ~clll • ~ K1lser St Ml 10\i Sid Rt0ls l'"' lS~ Wini Pkl S2\.'/ 331• r r 0 m $".2.t 1s cas1 y ava1 a e o you . A s l!ICD •i;~ 111 .• Kilv•r c ,,1 5 s1k N Al• 26~~ 111'1 wise PLt 1t•,.. u 1. I~. "\Vho's your authority for that claim !he happiest 1,vives are those \\'ho marry ·men four 10 10 years younger than them.5elves?" GOVERNMENT RESEARCHERS STUDY ANALYZER 1,000 Mode ls to bt Used By End of Year ' H ho he Ardn Mvf m :Ni l("rn lk 5"~ 61/.1 SlkN Drw 141/t 15\.'tWood Lth 16U 11\'t per $I10001in-ow can you s p !or t :~~:WA~: l5V' liv. ICiUwod . 1oi 1sl1 s11•k N s 9\41 9'1.1 World sv t\~ 10 coverage ta best deal in life insurance" Arvlda 1U 9,_t 1C1tn Cohn 11 ll Stro• T•' u 11:wi Wrl1h1 w s 5\'1 " A>ro CCIII 11~ U~ ICl'I Diii '\\ 1 Super El t t\.'/ )(omx Co 7 I $ 6. l 0 per -Buy your coverage from a At G• Lt '\i 1.cvi XIYft Fb 1~ 1'"' sv"er co 101,\ 11'"' Yell! '" 'j\lo 43'~ A. 1'hc late Dr. Lewis ~I.. Terman ' "lo Trn ID411 11\/lo Kr/ CUii 7"1 I Sz•bD fd I< 1 Zito r Co 11 ... $1,000 -an low-cost company -whether e. rd Ato JV. ~ K~t Int 12~ uvt T•llY Crp 3\li 41\ z1on1 ut11 1' uw ~ or Stanford UniversitY ... His study of 4,000 couples showed the lowest divorce rate Jo be among marriages in which the wffe v•as the older. astonishing you're buying term or whole B:r,1, 7' lr,,: M~ ~ 1C'l 1_~..., 1i:•"~------------ spread of 170 life. "That's low-cost -not l:,~nMh .d"" im ~=1rr 1~~ 4:v. J.O Most Active 'percent ~. Simply IOW·premium " ctlU· nk 9Rtd0 1•}~ l'\t ICuslm El 4"• 1 . ~· • •nk l1I 2,.,... 21 L•dd ,.,, 71'1 m"--------~~--Finder!' GREEK Cl'{IES-~1}stcr,· say your family v.•as ancient -Greek. You came-oot-of tha t city called Laconia. Your v.•ife was from Sparta. And your daughter was born in Sybaras. What characteristics \Vould the three of you ex· hibit, typically? All right, sir. you'd rarely say muc h. be- ing 1aconic. Your wife would \\'Ork hard., live on little. and save money, being spartan. And the younger lady \voutd be a voluptuous spender who loved to dilly dall y in lux· Sc<ile-T ests Meat Coiitent Following ~ . lions Denenberg. YOU have to t:r'*f1 ':: ~l>A n~ L1nca1' 12 12.,_ NEW YORK (UPIJ -Th•~·· most 1,. publication . \" take into 8CC01Jnt JlOt Only l:JVr:H 11 111/J t:~:rl C n ~ 11VD llOCkl lrlCIDd On lhl C m1rkll -i. · b fa IM F ·''A '~i Lill' lov lj 2~ Thur1dlY 11-1up11Utd by_NAS , or the com-. -. premiums ut also slich c-a n co 1~' m ~ Pl 13 uv. v.i.,._ 914 A.-.cN. t -3Sli I di ·a d-81f1Hy U-~21~ t lbertv tt-2\'i ffl ~tnlL~ 1u,• l0\.11 IO'.'it r~ parisons (and they have ord:. ~ thcva ues Yd1 en S ::; t:: ~~~"LU Chmo n. 1.w.i;:~~ln• Am 11;:·1~ •• 1m +"~ -urious pleasures._being a syb.arite:._SmruLl<!_milY. Ne ve_[- mind, the foregoing is merely ou r Language man's method of reporting how these Greek cilics' names got to be Eng- lish adjectives. ·True, the dog is cO\orblind. But that doesn't mean it can't tell differences between reds and greens. Both may appear to be some sort or gray to the canine eye. But lh<tt · eye is .exceedingly sensitive !o va riations of gray. \S\'en moreso than mine eye and thine, it's said. · SlilP'S ·CQ~1i\1AN'o -ln-nooe '001 tl\-0 inst.:uu:cs does ~ commanding officer of a U.S. Navy ship relinqu ish his authoi-ity over said vessel. No. not to any harbor pilot. ever. Only to : t. An official Jsthmus'na vigator during passage through the Panama Canal. 2. A docking officer at the moment the ship's bo\v passes the silt of a dry dock . Got that, sailor ? Both f\.1ark Twain and \ViU Rogers used that noncha- lant of!-the-cuff delivery ·in their talks. Spontaneous wits, . both. Altogether casual. yes? No, they v.•ercn'I. Tv.•ain re· ' peatedly admitted it took him about six weeks to prepare an extemporaneous speech. 1\nd you can get some notion of ho\v much care Rogers look from hi_s testimonial ad- dress lo honor comedian Eddie Cantor. Old \Viii spoke for 25 minu tes. In Yiddish. Don 't believe any of the great talkers -anti if Tu•ain and llogers \\'en!n't great. \vho \\;ere ? -ever just lucked into their lines. Addre!s 'n<1il to: L. fd. Boye/, P.O. Box J.87.5, Nctu- port Beac/1, C.'alif. 92660. NE\\' YORK \UPI ) - A ne\\' de\ ice \I' as dl'monst raled \Vednesday \\'hich nieasures the f:1t content of n1eal on but· chers' shelves. An estimated 1,000 models are expected to be in use in supermarkets in \\'idely sc at · tered sections or the United St<i!es by the end of the year. TllE A.\'A.L \"ZER \Va s d('viscd by agricuHural \'l]J;Jncc .. Karl H. Norris and -~le<·1 rooie 1echnician George F fluttQn Jr. Bo1h \\·ork ror the Agricultural R es ea r ch Service of the U.S. oC pa rt- n1cnt of Agriculture a t Beltsville . l\ld. The n1achine. which looks like commercial meat scales, was de~el d and m.ade l;>y Neotec Corp.. also of Beltsvi e. Neotec president R. I). Rosenthal said the first volun1e pelive r y to ~upern1nrket.B \\"ill be 1nade in Septen1ber . "It's nol revolutionary in tt'r1ns of technology ,'' said Rosenthal. He said the meat analyzer works on a principle similar· to a: grain' analy7.er \1·hich measures moisture con- tent . REFRESHES NATURALLY LEASE A NEW Finan ~e Briefs MERCEDES ~rom $144.08 Mo. c;': . OR 50 USED MERCEDES ON DISPLAY ti~~! 0~ llUY HOUSE OF IMPORTS A~'""''''d M«•odoi D<<>I•• 6861 Mo~,h~''••. Su.-P<1tk o~ •h~ ~onto lo<>o 'w~. • Sll-7250 e llole l. Pl111111e1I LOS ANGELES I AP ) - Hilton Hotels Corp. says con- struction \\"ill begin soon on a 30-story. 1.200-rooin ho tel in Ne'A· Orleans. 25 percent equity in the $97 rnilllon first phase of the joint venture development. e Jelsla1· Sold ATLANTA (1\P) -Lock· heed-Georgia Co. has an- nounced a cq_ntract has been signed for sale of the first Jctstar JI. a long-range, quiet. smoke-free corporate jet transpart that the company plans to put into production in 19i.t . ··JT f'.IEASURES I i g h I renectance that the eye can't see," Norris said. He said the color of ground beef can be confusing. regularly been updated an d an \1·11\:n Y are pru . Bibo co 1:i:. !"' ~!~ ",'t'' !ii. !1-'1 Am Exp '4.100 1Ml1 ~+ 1'• . . . E ·r , . . e 111 Orm 12\'I 1 .,_, 1 .. 1 PeM L11t1 ~.IOO 3 3~ . republished CV<'r since ) 111-ven 1 you re cons1denng a Bird Soni 13~ 2•ll. Loctlt• c !"', ... ~u Am GrHtlna 51,100 )1\.1 ~1,+ l ' 1. BOii Evn' l!U V 'IJ Loews 0 .. "' .,. Anheu' ll UICh 'l tcO •71'1 4 t 1 lenn po ICY that pays 8oqth No ..,. 18 M1a-G11 1'1i 1•!'1 KlotfGld Min .a'100 14\1' 141~ I di ·tl d ( d of has Branco t J:l'lol 21!iMll Rttv .ii 51-'fAonco EaliM 3~500 ru 5 _ '• "Some'~c-u71s-a-re-redder th an others. }Ugh fat content in very red meat \von't look as fatty as a sample with Jo,.,, fat content and light-colored meat," he said. UFWNixed Bargainina . 0 Recognitio11 Unitl nov.', there's ~n no SALINAS (AP ) -A demand easy \\"3Y or 1neasµr1ngltt~ fat by Cesar Chavez' United content or ground m~at; as Farm \\lorkel's union for many ·a cons~er learned -bargaining recogl)iUon V.·as re-- ~·hen a .lean·lookrng batcl) ren· jected Thursday by Bruce ~ered out large amoutlts of fat , .Church, Inc., one of the 1n the frying pan. Salinas Valley's biggest let- Thc l~w now puts a 30 per-tuce growing firms. cent celling on the amount .or Church early this year fat ground beef can contarn, renewed a Teamsters Union and some supermarkets use a contract for field v.-·oi'ker chemical test to guide but-representation. chers. In a telegram, Chavez told AL TIIOUGH TllE machines the intended primarily ror test· ing ground bee.f, Rosenthal said they also can be calibrated to measure the fat in other . varieties of ground meat. but not sausages or solid cuts. Dividend Told At Beckman Directors or B e c k m a n In struments Ine. have , declared a dividend of 12lf.: cents per share, payable Aug. 27 to shareholders or record Aug. 6. Ute Church firm that UF\V represents a majority of Church y:orkers. "If you doub~ our majority status. we are willing lo have an election.·· the Chavez message said. It asked ' ' i mm e di a i e recognition as the sole rol· Iective bargaining represcn- taUVe" for Church-employes and an "immediate meeting lo negotiate " an agreement covering \\'ages, hours and 'A·orking conditions. .UFW spokesmen s aid 12 \\'Orkers und er Teamster con- tract reportedly \vere fired Tuesday a t King City, 50 miles south of Salina s. The King Ci- ty workers came to the UF\V hiring hall in Salinas and ask- ed grievance help. 5 California Ban.ks Jztmp VI ell S nn , course, Brlnk1 Jn IMO 11\.1 M1llckl 3' :19 &Ink Amir l.1.300 "314 Q \i no cash value). you can't tell =~~Ar '*t? 1~"' ~:~~ '1 ;~t~ ~~NASO vo1um1 1oc1"'1"Y'"(8,,JOD .... 'vhich is the lowest cost by ftuc~•Y '' ,~t~ ,r,•, Mc Cmi;k •Jl't """ Ad~ .. 1c11 ' · · 610 urno • McQu1y 0.Cllnes '3l -looking-at-pre1niums .alone~As !~~~~-~~r~ . . al~ 16~ !:!_nch•llP~ 2011 I · I "call . DI 5 4-. 5 Mldcm n q-17 nm1r 120-erm premiums yp1 y in-:1 N ~' 111.\ lH' Mldltrn 4'111 47\/il crease any cost companso· n in VIPS U"" in: M1rld tn '"" 1'\,, ___________ _ Juno Pt 1 1;i 13'11 M1Ytr Fr 21 211/iol must include not 1·ust the first-h•l'I(• A ·~ m.r. Mllll!OI" ",,., ~'""' Gain-r• •-w -•-• ri.m Co. .JW J\lr N1pl1 Gn 2'"-2•'14 .r &S &.IV .r• year premium but renewal ~rwm co 2'14 ~ Minn F•b s S'h · ' hi llr Ir ITV. 71\\ Mollul Cp 11\.'I 19\.'1,1------------premiwns over some extended hrfs 59( • MoT1w In lS :1o1 Ntw York '"''' , .. _ ..... 1-1 '" "!'<I 166 11& Moor1 $1 "'" 1J how tM -,,,.. ,.. .. ~ 1'141 I pert -say, 20 years. In ClllI u A ... ,, !!'' Mor•isn 1t 20 1 s 1 •l11C:k1 1n11 h1w 1•ln..t 1111 • , . ""·, • C , most 11111 latt 1111 mo.I O.wd un P1rc1n1 brief YOU nlUSt Weigh the tLIO· C:l• ... ak 1 1}~ 4 Motor I llil ti~ 01 ttwll'IGI on tM Over·fl1e-Co~nler . • . Elow C~' 'JU I•" MSI 0••~ S\i l \.lo m1rke1 11 QUOl9d b'I' in.-NASO. 1ng of your pr e m l u m c'::ic Shr ~'\~ ll"~ ~11 lib~ :"" 1:!i Nel •rid e>trctnt•;• Ullll(IK 1r1 Ille payments as lVCll as the Cmwtl p· ,l,,., \'I Nt MdlCr 1 , dll1tfl<M<• betWDM l IM Prevto111 1111 b<o tontllll P 13.., 14 NI Pilint ,, 61. arc• •!Id the curren l 1111 bid prier. arriounts. -• c;!.,.ce Jt;; l:v.; ~=m<"o ,~"' ;?U 'U5£1n¥n w:AIN•,~+ ._ U• ,2.t · ~rulctl R j'• '""'NE"'" GE 161• 11 2, 8•rf'!JMO W.. l \1! !1 UD lJ.J ' Uri Noll l :u 13... .... V•n ;ohlotk .:u. • lU Up 2•.1 -ro FIND TllE lowest cost •nl lnll 2S ... 2~ ~t :·: p 1:~ ',',, • Tiburon Vin! '" ''" Up lJ.J I. k JJ · 01nly M t\~ 1'111 t '•n . 50m"ll• AIPhlo . J.4-~Up 20.1 Po icy, as your agen ogive 01r1 or, ,,, ,,,~ N.•,•1•M •1 ,"", ... :111. I c1111:.0Rlh wi\ •~+ ·!'• Up b ,t h t · lled the ,.. 0111 De• Jh l!'"' • 1'" "" lS"'-Clntm•llon In l~+ \i Uo j" YOU W a lS Ca ·m· Oa!i Gin ~111. p.ll)!'d1tr 20'\ 2l~k 8 Oownl Comm Hki \l. Up s:. terest ad1"usted cost index" of O.cl• D• '"' !"" Nwo NtG t\4 t\.\ ' Footh 11 Group ~ v. Up u., Oe(.Of' In •\I NO>ltll Co 4-11-\ U JO ContH1lr Prod . S\-~ Uo U 6 any nnlicy you are con-Oeklb AR 41 '' Nuc:lr 1111 1" ~ n Moti••k Corp w1 :o.i. Jlll uo u:s t"';" , • , Ditti.I lnll 6 6\.'/ 01ll;v.od H 6\.'t 7\1 lt l•lllWIY 111< I i' \1 Up U.l tempJatmg. This 1S & 51nrrJe ~luxt C 3' "'" Ocl•n Dr SS\4 5'1' ll ~•II El P11+ ~ UP ll.l ·--~ that talc . •--""' l•m Cr• 111\ 11'-0c•en £~ 1\1 71.$1• HWl•om•t Flt ''\:of '< Up n.s nw1wta es lnw ac-1m Hd lD,,., 11 Ot:1111r Ml 4 '"" l.S SIO!'QI 19'!\n 14 1\.-t UO 12.1 t · h J ck A I 21\lr 27 !'lthh Lai 7 ~ 16 Auto lt1ln Cp IO't II• Uo n I coun prem1ums; cas va ues §':;,... kl 11~1•-11,,... M 11 1•~~ 11 o.n1r;1r WDl'llk "•+ h u1 11:.S and dividends The lower the ~ul•J.. 3 i,'I :nv. rn. F•rrn 7\~ •1~ u Wr1nno11n ,1, ''"'i 11/J uo 11.J • r ""'" '• IV. Ootl Ctt1I 1s 16 '' 5~m• inti .10 n•, n. Uo 10.1 cost index num ber the lo~'er ••d,• ,.2•u "~ nrmnnt · ~'' rH 20 AlwooctOcn wt •I\ ~. ua 1G.o the cost of the policy. ~~:.i11 08 1~,. 3n nv•r1 NA •v. •'· n,, N1rMrc111n sv 2.,. 1..;, UP lO.o ' aw CHIS ~,, Ovrmyr 611 71~ 21 Gr1111'11C Sclen 1'1! 11 UP 10.0 · •. ·• tl•ll@ (•D ••; £'\ ll1rto3t C11lll 7'1 · '• UD 9 .• Note: the index is designed ~~~ Lr!: ~i.o ~fv. "-"'' Br ~"~ ·~ 2• GravA vr .so. ' %1 uo ':' El PIM! 12~1J'·i P11cc~• •1•;111·,2S 5vnlll•Oll Lid •Vt+~, uo t.I to compare costs or two e,1 Nuc1,1 ',-i·~ :~c· ;-•'" !!~ ;;:~ 1 fAicr~11 C1>Losi ~~-., mJ u;.s · "I I" ' "t I 1..~ n1rov S • h •• ~""' ~· 2 Coml1x Com 211-• ff 16 r SlOll ar po ICleS: I CMOO uc Equ S&L l7':o 12'4 °•<;o 11 "' • in ) CP Proeluo;fCp 1:a.;. 1.' 1 i d E1Nn A 21 2'I •a" ~I••~··" l}I p -• 1 .1 use to compare a tenn and E•9(u 1n .r. s'\ ""'r RI-·· , .. , ,.,. ; .,;.;~r,. c:;.~ ~~-~ 011 11.1 h I l"f 1· Al t'--. EZ P1lnl l l~I Pat!le<t p "• ,,. t GAi C u •-I °'1 \\·l v,· 0 C I e po ICy. SO, 11e In· F1tr Lne 6t~ 7\\ ""'" <"•• ,,, , 111 I T 1 .1.r"°"'' 1 -1• Oil · terest ad1·usted """'I '•de• Is F•r•on El 2'~ l'v~ "1v'1 s" 11'~ "· • Wiri~.sl'll:i'3~ ~ = ~· ~l H·: '-V" ... ... Farm Dr 12 2~. ·~r,·• "' .. ,, , ..• 'Jl.IOOf D I 11 11 . computed for a ·spe~ified time. ~r~rfl~ra ,;~: 1~:{ :::.~H~~~. 1;.1 1: ·:~-g~:·c-? 11~~!! m: li:! Ask your agent to give you the f.'i' .P~o:r~ ~~}k ~lsv, .,1,~ S•" "· ~'' 12 R.:1~:.:nrac~ ·~ .1: ~J11 10:0 interest ad1"ustcd cost index of,,, wnF 1~ •• "'"-""' 1°·~ ,,, ·" C•nironk:1 01 16\·-'l• t.1 F11<o lne ti.\ 1 ''-P!CH1tr W ·~• •t' 1' MICrotm01 sv •••-\ '·' any policv he offers you on a F" T-"" 1M 11>"o "'""r '"" •· 1•··: B PllOen• t•lldv r--'' 1.1 · . Flfc~ar 12\0 1 ~ "'11"'1 '·'~ l ' 11'• 16 Soortctt1ch Co 3'-"° I.I !().. and 2()..year basis. For1,1 01 11·., l~t D"'"'' ,..~ ••• ''"' " Prlm•rv MelJ l~-, • 011 1.1 ~ not k he · ak Fr•/\11 El I\ , .. "°'' I"• 1"'~ " 11 Trawl Eau •k 2>..-10 Off l .l -uu ma e t mtst e Fr1<u11 nu '"'• • ..,., r.o11 ·1~ ...... '' Vh'ICl•I• .o~ •·-'• ~ .., r dro " t Frltnd le 11 'll~ "•....,r•• '' •~'' 20 Mon1rt::fl 1/ldu 1•1-1, 7.1 o ppmg your presen Frllld\ lt 1 1• ·~., r,.., , .. , 11''-21 S1>L111 Mtt11 c ,..,_ 11 1 1.1 policy and switching to a frn1 FdE '' ~\ .,,,,1,,.. I'• 1•, 12 Sot1sl•rn Inn ~-''. If 6.t Futltr H 12\\ U°' .,,.,. C•"' 1·~ «~ 21 Oo111r Gero CD ~'"t-'1 &*•' •. ~ lo\ver-cost insure!' just Funk se~ is 1 5..1~~·~· '" '"'1'~~.11 cm111r~1,,. C1> 10• ..... i , ~-' he "t ha I t . G1l1wv C ,.,. 1VJ Q111~r th 20 21 2J M4rk, lvHomt )\)-•.o &.I cause 1 s a, ower cos in-· • dex. Use the index to help you make . your initial purchase ~~'-'"'""!II&"""""' •~'<::s::...~­ decision. not as a ~is _rar S'A'ilching policies. Unless you have studied all the relevant MUTUAL FUNDS angles -which go beyond ~ ·• -··-c. I comparing th,c:_.a~nterest ad-M•w York -Fol· Sp "~'" 1.11 1.11 JP c w1t'I a.61 t.:w Ravert F I'" t.SJ l, Usted cost i.uueX Of each 1owl1111 Is • list of 3rd. Cini t )6 I0.16 J•~u1 Fd 1' '' II t' 11.lntrt 1 '' • . bid •!Id 11~111 Drl· E&E Mu 3.21 3 21 JH1n olh 7 61 I 11 St; Mir II 2.17 pohcy -It may not pay you to (II on Mu•u•I E•t.1• Gr '·" 7.7, JHlln $IQ I J& • 11 S<ii~ l'"d ~I I·" · h '"'"' !' aUO!ed bv IEATOlil & Jot1mn1 wl.4 21.11 Schus Sp i.Js .J.C switc . thl NA 0 Inc. HOWAlll01 KEYSTONI . Sf.UODEI l'DS ' --91ln F~ '·" 10 J.t 5uit Bl 11.'119.10 nlr Inv 16.10 11.10 Tlie hotel v.·ill be part of <i new $200 million developm ent ca 11 e d I n t e r n at io n al Rivercenter on the city's do,vntov.'n r i\~er front. a spokesman said \Vednesday. 11ilton \\•ill participate w.ith a -------- Beck m an manufactures analytical instruments, elec- tronic components and chemi- cal products and supplies for scie ntific, medical, industrial and environmental uses. The Fullerton-based company has approximately 3.6 m i 11 i o n common. shares outstanding. • ----'--Pri1ne R<ttes ALSO DO NOT ..... ,,me all J.!..~Jn f,:',::, 1l:i~ ':::i ~~~ i~ "::\11 21:&; 2::.,-= lt1: l&:g: • Jife insurance con1panies are AOMllllAl.TY' !Ck Fd 1 .$113.67 u1I 1<2 S.69 ,,,., ibd LIV ··" •.ti .__. •I• AU jDKll F , ... I.XI iu~I Kl 7.1 t.71 Sot1;1I 21.•1 ,..,,-. --~""1 Grw1h •.:II 4.71 EllDr.Jtd t..50 10.38 sl Sl n lit 2• •• ECU•ITY FOS· financially sound' Surely the incom 3.13 '·°'EDIE so lt ... 1t.u ~'' st 10··!' 1!'.11 Equi!v 111 ·3.•1 P~lO T CA .. ~~~ER S, •, .. ., HONOR ROLL j , I The D.4.ILY PILO'f is proud of its corps of yo1t11g sales1ne11 who deliver the newspaper to your door. These young 111e1i arc tlie creani of the con1111111iity. Each rno1tll1. llle best of them 1vill be selected for listing on the 1~. Honor roll. Each carrier lisred l1crc lias obtained at /ea.~c jour new c11ston1ers duriµg the past morztll, had no '-l ~ore tltfln one c.ustonier conip!ai11t for the ?no11th a111I 11~ust /!ave pa1c~ l1~s bill for the newspaper _ILe bouglit 11,. wholesale" on trn1e. Nunieral 111 ftont of strir r•) prcccc/1110 lus nan1e indicates nun1ber oJ ca11secutive months 111 that carrier ltas bee1L an tl1e Ilo11or Roll. i•-J.ff Holly ' Ori.,.. Holly Fr•nc i1 Ch1 rbonne"11 1• Andy Popi Re9•t 81lti1rra Tom R111h John M'Coy Miki McM1nu' Gr19 Sim•k i1 Scott Lind~ay M1 rk Kr1i9•r Vinet l1rtl1 hofer Erick Ch11hir1 K1 vin Miin1f11 Rich1 td Dorfnar Chuck Sp1llm111 Eri' H1111 Miki H••91r Ri'k Allin I K1¥in Norton R1ncly P1uli" Pit• J•t•i1 Jeff l11 Bill s,hwerter Tom Holland To.,; B1rnh•rl kir k S1mp 1on l•1 Ptar1on Krn K<011ouf John E .. 1n1 Tim l•mb Bri•n Aairon Bill L•kt Bob Rinn Buc k Hill Rick Mon 1on Breit Tolloy P•t H1rrow Eric Ft-1milin Cr19 F.11 Jim Henka!-- Gr19 Wlllfrd K1~in k•1nt o ... :c1 Gibbs Chri1 Oonigin , Ted w,111t1 Br;•n He rch 2· R:ch l1on •rd l1ndqn Tindet 1 Din S•ld190 Mike McC ar!hv ?' Peul H•twluk Rold11d l oelige• 2' Greg Sho w Cr11i9 F le tch~r , 2' Todd Show M<0rk Priathne 2· Wt.di Fr•I., P.tor Z•mlr•no 1· Bill y Hu1ton H11rry B111l•r 1 Stott Stri9I Rich•rd 811nk1on 2· Jon Mur1 lt Richard Sto,kd1 I• 2' 0111 Robi1on Mar,tlino Qv11•dft 2· John Sch •fl Skv Stocltdal• 2' Dou g Potter Chri1 Boulter 2· Ann• Pott1r 8111 D1nl1l1 2· Chri1ti1n 01hlingar O•nny Burrola 2' J•rry Don1hue Robert Parru11i 2' G•ry Willi 1m1 Sharri• R•n1w 2· Mik i 81bcock 2' Mike 5,1, 2' Rht• lebcock 2• Gr•9 Whit1 2' M1rt N1ubr1ck 2' lr•n Ch11ire 2' Nill Fri1dkoll 2' Norm•n Tu,k1r J' 01vid K1101 i ·s lk CARRIERS OF THE MONTH Francis Charbonneau, Costa Mesa Mike Babcock, SanJuan Capistrano )' Kew in Muni cl> J' Gr19 Gr1111 ) ' J•ff Gr1•n J ' Jarry Muny1r ]' Al1n Tr•cy l " John B1rl in l ' F>r•d Bowetl )' 01,.id Floris 4' Gl ori• G•rti1 .ir · l i1 1 Cl1rk ~·Tim Hooker 5' Sto tt McG11ir• s· Tom Hig9l•v· 6' Tim Cl•w1on b • Miki Cow•n 7° Kinny Rob•rlt I ' Bri•n W•lk1r 15' 01nni1 Stelont 21' Fr•d S1n(h•1 ).J' To11y S1nch•• 21' Bryon Stalon1 29' Gr1gory Oaymon ' i ' ·-' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Five major Calirornia banks announced hikes in their prime lending rate Thursday to 7~~ percent, following the lead of eastern banks. The one-quarter percent in- crease was an nounced by Bank of America, We 11 s Fargo, Crocker, Bank of California and Security Pacific. Bank of America's boost v.·as effective today. The other banks-made-their-increase ef· fective immediately. " Earlier in the day Chase t.f a n·h at tan Bank and Chemical Bank No. 6, both New York, announced im- rpediate increases. Their ac- tion follo1oved prime rate hikes \\1ednesday by a number or smaller banks. The new increase was the latest in a series -mostly in quarter percent steps, since the prime rate to major bor· rowers stood at 5 percent in June 1972. , . · · ll)Wrn 1.tl 1.67 IFC MGMT O•P : u~t Sl j > I'* ~vttlt 6 10 I 7J Equity Funding scandal has Ad~IMr '·j• •.57 !"'v Gr 7.Sl .. . u•I t;4 :t1 4'.26 llr• F (31 1:'1 be . A91'n• Fd 7. ' I·" 111¥ Pr j·•t 11.acno 4 Al r t3 S L•CTID FDS1 en a warrung to you on that. APu11.1r• '·'° .tO nd Am .2'1 Pol•rs i:,1 l'.1e Am Shr 7.t6 1~ts I I d ho th best AGE Fd 4.1' 4.IS IQrll GI 11 .. 1 U.tl l(nlclr.r ! ~1 ~It ODii Fd ':16 t :ts ns ea , s p among e Atlst•I• 12.0.. u .ts llim Tri u.tO kn1r.r Gth ,:t~ '·'° SOI Shr• 1':"' 11:,. 20 t f th · .-.ipt11 Fd 12.tS fc.IJ n"lll"CI !-" l·'° LMmrk 6 2• 1 12 Strlllnel f 71 10 JS percen o e comparues Ain(111 F , '·~ •.n n1n:iy 1 .i• 1 ·" Lenx Fd Soi s:os s.n1,., ,. ,,:n 1.:3, available to you. :::: Mt; I.1i 'tg :r~t;:. F .. i~ 1:51 Ll.• 0111oul"· • s~A•IENLO 01~ , -To fmd a financially AM'"' •~••ss F,m., •~,• t.,, '·" d:w~r 1!.'~1 1:.~ e~~ j:~ ~ I R 1 t.c.& • • Rnrch 11 l• IJ Flt! I'd 7'0 'c.& stroiig company, cons u 1 t f.:"~ 'M t:ll ~\f'o•Jr.Y t.1b1V Fd 1· 1 6'.1)1 H•rtw 1"• 1:01 ""·st's I·~·-nce Gui"de" or lnv11m 1.# 1.n nd ab '·!J ':ll Lll• lnlv n t" L,eG•I L J.tt ',, ~ ,..,..... .. pa<;t 7 JI In 1p11I 1' 12 Linc (ID ~"' 1 '4 ''1 Fd 7 lt 1.&6 "Best's Irururance Re)X>rts " tock 7'8 '11 ontr• ,., t~ Fnd l .1, .. IHI llON io'o1 1 B t , . th "t Am Grlh s:SI 1·10 Y SSle .117.4; IAY::'i\. ~~~~ \~·~? 1:1{ es ' s . I~ e m~ ~~ I~~ ti .:a IH.l t; . CIP oY 12.711172 Invest 1:60 fol() authoritative insurance rating Am Mut t. t .1)1 Ytnt 10.n 11 n Mutu1I ll . .W 1• .w fh Dea" '·" t.•1 · ailabJ nd A'"NI Gr 2. 2.4.S u~ 15jt 1(.a LORO All· fl<M Fd '·tl.s1.U servfl dlthcsece av bl" et~ ~cant a~~i~ rtr.: ~ ;:u1f1 ::1·~ut tg ti? ~::'~,,,."~~J i n n pu 1ca ions m m05 ciot•1 · •.Jt •.n Trll'ld 22:,5u.• a nd d•b t.M lo.i~ ~nvt 10.te n:1s public libraries. ~~~,..., ~jf 'i:i: :~~l1A\1 ~:"1n 1H~ li:.! v~ntur j:! i:U Best's has four recotn-~':n~r f.11 :sl =1~ I; tg !~~:.~~ l'"Ur.W1 1n •11&G~ 11:011t:tt mend~ ratin~ !or life in-A":t~~·rt '1:~91ill c~f nc i:fl !•13 ~'if~ ~.\\ ;:~ ~f "1't.. 1~: ... 11 'i:~ surance companies· (1) "most Aud•• ,. •2 i.i3 IPF V• 1~ •' 1 ... M1nhlt1 1.tt •.f7 w lnw1 G •-~ ''M . ' AXIi flll T Mkl Gwt x.tl l.tl n II. 12. substanhal," (2) 1 1 very "ouo"xo1i11 111v•1101s: MAss co1 Wi:f''j' 0 4. .s •• "substantial," (3) "substan-== • :.~ ~:U 2~ ~: ,5·a J·U r=~ 1:!! ::n TAT n.,., oa~:O tl'a) " (4) "-nsiderable u Jn Stock S.10 •.23 r'io'.tk fl .U 1if Min I< 1132 12.41 gom 11'd 4..Jf l .t1 , '-V • Ax• ~I '.00 4.J.S hi ~Wirf J.31 lji MAJ/ ,NCL. ~f..,.:11 .S.f: J n 1972, the latest edition of G~~ rh l~:ll li·!t ~au.Ure11ot:,.~· :::IG l~:~ lt.l 1 '~'1;, :: .. ffi Best's 126 companies were a1vroc 1.1• Y:iil 11111 Fnd 11,~ 10.s Mio 1J.!t' 1•. f ,.r '"' t.Js '" rated '"most substantiaJ" 54 11::~ r:i :.tt 15·n tOJu~"" : l:il ~t& ll:i:•· lt'.r.~.~5·so:~{~ . ' IKl!n 11.00 I .00 2S FllM S. $.70 Miies Iv 1.14 i-Am hid l t0 l" comparues Were rated "Very Bir~:;: I( 11.n JI n Fdn G r 4.Q •.M Mul'lfr 10.7016: Alto Fd l:ll :,, substantial," 110 companies 81~~1& :.0S ; « ''~~J~"' ~onv ~7 ~kl~ '!·1•~"."tU110• ·,...Jill Were rated "su~··Ual ., and Mt Pdn ' 10.J& Grwrh s.u s~Mtt enG ,.471 . ~'"II' h l !il UDWU1 , l rDWl'1 s. l .5' fncorn 11:il I,. Mii'" Fd •ff . •Pl t'j5 t 6~ 1!9 companies g o t a •H~~~K ~F =f 1T:l! 1 : =~F ,:r; j: •1. s ~~~~. 11.:s1 "considerable" rating More Jf! 'Id 'J""·I! i)' s.ll M '' '· : • """' h t .,,, • Dfv' 1'"4 , :C2'2;; LIM Miii hr' 1l.IJ1•7s !"'°'" 1"07 l.M than 1,300 out of the 1,800 in-N•y ~"' l(ftl 11' ~!'l! • !I I .. ~11 Tn i·•1 ,:,, Tll'I~ • 1• i:t~ sunutce COmpMieS received N;rwVln 10.1• .n fr'h Sr : :: NA~ m ,:;r, f .5' ~:'iro F :·~ i·n no rating at au. -tB f:F~ f ~ ·rn·~ ~ufu?t~"''i 1:4 1li: i ~~, i:U lU 1= A~ i:U ,:!' •D T~v1 i:ll :fl " :!!! ~· 4. r.rtf,Stle I.« ,:,. r•n ~o i.IJ 1:J ri.-----------------------.,1 ::, ~rn ltJI :1' ,.=' ;11& 1i: 1j· i~Ts, tff i.·r ~ ~ ,::~ljii u~1ir•• :xiD!•cil .. &\ ... f:ii . J D':Sti~ ~:u :" Proriram EndlEl tl!:.1.t 'j111j -=~ ·l:n,11~.t~. !J:illl~ :lrlt1 ... t~tll e -~ r~~ :n t. ~ :n ~ ~-::tt Ht tt'~: 'ii: 'tfi ~·, .11 I: •.. ~B .... ~..... j'j ll. .. 11/1.~'P' 1:~ t: CHAS ou • I =-:.. ~ l ' j~ UN•Tib 1w 1 • IOST Nt §:!' p ·r: 1·1 Nlchl•• . I Accum 1 H I t "" ~ I'" l'H • '"" . • ' """"'' : .. :. g" " ill ... Fron p .ot , om lk 1 . !'l· " \" "'I •• · !"' ShTr I .97 ·! i h ,A/YI "-' · IOI "51 "64 Oft Ille ,,~~ l .~· <~1 '1 I :Jl 1f:a ~Y:-.l" '"' l!J1 ll: N•I(.,~ 11:8 J,:.O I';'~ 1 .~ jlJi WASHINGTON (UPI ) ln 1945 lbe Agriculture Oepatt· coL~11 L "r.;;;ILTON ••" INHM fii .N v1110C1 '·71 J·,( mc:nt started a p1enLlful foo({s promoUon program 10 point "(~r.;' t.42 ,I'll .:-:::,, ,., I~ ~~ t"ef1't.lt 8f~~ 13:tt 1t:~~ ' out on a monthly basi! that foods were in heavy supply· ~=;Y ~:JI 1 : ~!':Ci 1 • 1f:l! TrnD .'11 I:'' vi~U1 ·L1~n•"'.:O:: ' k ••and ood ba al Grwth I·" ,.4 Hirt Lw J. C0 S1K 7'/ l .6-1 v_, L1nt s.ltl I.~' ~nSUpcrmar e~, 8 rg n!. v,rn:-=r .Hl .ljH-.0 ~· l..lt~:~I, 1 .. i :~ r: n~ ~·ff tn -i-'1':1111'1 s:~~"' iw1~JJ 10.11 r:~ 1j: 1~:t• ~:·"'A:. :~ :~ \l~~t:il'IC S'.o.J ,:,. WEDNESDAY, TllE department announced it had ~ivM mo~ co j 'I'!! Ptnn Set ,,SI 1·51 •11Ho11111 cancelled the program . A !pokesman said the action was ~·11 l :~ 1:11 1:0),•Am J .. 1:~~;•ud l:if :P. CS'l~ ~,; 'i:; taken because so !ew food bargains were eUglble ror pr~ om• f "" !·" jn' °'' · f! ~lOMil\ 10"1 ... Ji~' ;:;, '" The last plentllul foods list Issued -ertective for oncrd ! lli "'m I Plotlr II ··~ ~ V•rltd I 1· ',, N, o Food Bargains Left motion activity tn recent months. ~ =:: ,; ;~~;t ~::fer,:U~m l":jil ~= '~ 1t:1t 1'{:J; ~~". f:11n :u -JW~lncludiCi-OAly.,grtts,...cam_meal, dey beans . oiled :i'" ~11 '. 1 ~ ~; ~t: 1 ; ·1~~~l 1 fl "''!r.:, ~~ :Jl fll oatl. The monthly Usts had been getting smaller and sma -ontr!u" !:' :U ~rf;ll: 12.02 o,,,..,..-l., & 11.1ft =--=:-?!:# U!:l Francis Charbonneau and Mike Babcock have bMn nomed Co---Honor Carrier• of the Month, F.ranc r. wllh supplies otmany foods light.and refiJLprlces at '1> ~ .. t . 1j<ff 1 .-p 1 ~·fr• 1i;n 1i·n••k1J~Noto'N · is th• ion of Mr. and Mr1. Arthur J . Charbonneau, 826 Joann, Costa Mesa. H1 is 11 yaar1 old and attend• record Jevels. ·-Si1~c~ '.H :U. l"r'B J:J:' ''!:~:~~'er tt:U 'fJ!0~\Cl''f.gltr"' t----T-!t-Rn-lnt1rmedla1e-Schoof.;--Stot-car racln9-irhls-fe-vdtite-hobb , aM-he-enioy1-~yi,,,.....s.Mall-Ml11_iill'--====-..cr. l]o ~el!A•• _ . utu•• : ~: ~fJ..JIJLllt ~'~I., 1o:r1 :C profit1 are used for clothes and savings. Mike is the 12 year old i on of Mr • .ancl Mr1. Kirk Babcock, "1 OFFlClA · S D 35 Joli Wou·"""be~e"l"1m=na"1~-.-,-.-ll C:f-fJTll1· ,:(P•v . l1 :1uo10:?" • ~":i'1v V:~t'~. ~- "' 28051 Via Dal Cerro, San Joan Capistrano. A student at Capistrano School, h1 en1'oys b11aball, surfing; I!• I .result of abandonment of the program. Some of the af· '' ~ J,,. .J· Inv ~" •· SJ t:tnvtr 10·?! 1~-n W•ti"' il·ft ~1·li • rd nd fected employes will transfer lO other posls arid son1e "~v~hci 5 t s: ~ •.n •,-~ iF~iv 11·-~ 'f··'! ww,""", ,'., j:~ :i,,> and ·11vlng posters of all types. H• has purchased a 10 •Pffd bike, wet su it, and turf bN ., a 1~"I!, r-J" _ 1 ~ '' • L L will take rt lire.men!. • l!I 1 ·~ : j~I Ut JI '.1 ~ n : 1 : wr~ G,' 't• :11 tne rest of his pr·ofits 11av1 gone into savings. ,_ t.tt.9""'s '' .. ~ 1 ;zi u, 2 v .'4! ZJ111tr ~ . "'""'"·-~ __ ...._ • --·--.. ...... ,_ ~.,.,,. ......... ________________________ ,1 is~ c: 1 .. ll:U /~""~ .:n'L7 \lw:o ,. ,::r . ::::~ri~.:·" '·" • < . , J -· i • ' • Frldq, 4 ,,_. I, 1'7' Friday's Closin~ Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List Stock Prices Up, -ilut Volu~e Light ..... ..., f' I. CllClll 141111 L• L11t C:M (;01nplete ~Glosing Prices-American Stock Exchange List Sales Ntl .. E {llllt) Hl1h Low Lisi Cng Sales Nil ,. E (1\(15) Hloh Low Li ii (1!9 DAILY PILOT J5 s,,11, Net I' e: tlldU Hlah Low l11t Chg • J§ DAIL~ Pl•OT • Friday, June -s, 1973 -- '· . - Oilier Deatlis Countian Named by Nixon • FULLERTON Malcolm R. Currie, or 'Beckman SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) Instru ments Inc. of Fu llerton, -Jlln CuJtum Sr .. the ''Happy bas been tapped by President Jazz Band" founder who ktved Nixon as the new director of rou$ic more than his grocery research aild engineering in business, died Thursday ot the Defense Department. -hmg ~cancer .. Callum, -59, got-----Dr. Currie, 46, is presently directing scientific teams in vice president and manager in the development of medical. charge oJ research a n d scientific, environmental and development , there. j n d ustrial instrumentation. c.urrie, who lives in r.tarina Currie is also involved in del Jtey, will beg in hi s ne\\' dirccling the initiation of new p<isl as soon as the ap- businesses In the fields of point1nent is conrirtned by the lime associate and suppol'ter 1 of President Nixon. He has l received a number o I governmental appointn1ents· himself, including one from I President Nixon in 1970 to the Air Quality Advisory Board. . ~ . . .. h rb Phone B OP 645"2460 hobbgcreft m • ' ·1t26 HAll Olt ILVD., COSTA MESA CRAFT CLASSES FORMING llrffCI °'11911 Art, M•cr•m., l>ttoUJMlf', ,ep.r Lolt Oullllllfl Slilrtt ntxl mou111, All cla11" ar1 ST Jlho t upplltl ft•<•pt macr•m• ~21. C•ll llOW lor lnform1· 11&11, DOn'I ml11 oull DAY 11114 IVE ClllAJ:T Cl.ASSIS his semipro jazz g r o u p vice president for research together a decade ago and, and-development at t h e teinsynthesis. S. Foster Jr., who resigned .I.~ 8 ·J C 0 20% TO 40°/e OFF. All kind1 of kih, ~ . . . • . 1. I singing sweetly through hi s · ORANGE COUNTY Fullerton fi rm, wpich makes clarinet, made it one of the precision instrument equlir t-----'best-fn~~counttrye.,----.,-"'""="°'=====--,,_-:~:nt. Currie's-dutie 84 Beckman Instruments include en z y mo Logy and pr1r U.S. Senate. He replaces John U !d ·['k T CONTINUOUS SALi o n ,10,;ng 011t it•mi. ( Prior to coming to Beckman recently. . , hvdrecal gree ting c:erd1, yer,. end 1om• , Instruments in 1969, Currie The founder and chairman _.l I~ .l ..]__, _.::..jll!.JLJ!:::!!J.iL.Lm::"~-'~'m~-~·-~·:•:"~i"i'~'~· ~~----===J-=Jl~"--lH~~ as mj)loyed--~Hughes-of>.--&e-e·~Et-n--lnstruments.-nS.K-rt.."'D'U-1' .. HOBBS, N. r-.t. IAP ) -Ray· moa.d Waters, 60, editor of the Hobbs News-Sun, died Thurs- day or an apparent heart at- tack. tie was editor and founder of Llano Estacado 1-/el'itage Magazine. Death Notices BUCK Wllour Buck. R••h:J&nt ot Newp0rt. Be.,cn: e1111e of delllh June ~. !9/l. ;,urv1ved by !WO soni, JoM A. Buck, Fountain Valley; Richard L Bi;ck Ml chlqan; d11Ll!lh1er. Cynltll• s. 'Buck, laoWnll &e11ch1 mother. Mfi, Coil ThOrnton Simta Ana1 s!sier. Mr1. Norma Marel, Santa An11. Gr1ves!de services.. S11turo11v, J1me 9, l_O,;~ AMR , Fafmav1n Memorl1I P1rk, W1fll 1v. Pavey offldall~. ~e9clill C ha De I Morlu1rv, M6--IM!· 8lf~c1ors .• I zon11 M. McGee. Resider!! of Din~ Pol<1I. Call! o! de11!h, June /, 19/l. Survived Dy t1u1D1ne1, Jamn C. McGH; two dao.1o;1111ers. Fredd.s Van SChmus, Van __ _,.'";,;Vi5i W. K"l!!leeen 5coH, San Fra~lsco: -1'et"_,,-Cqrence-E. Or.ake. Dnaon; ~r ~r11ndchlldr.,.,, G-eor!!' K. Reid lV; Mra. Susan Wallln, WUU11m Scott al'!d Mra. Krls1in11 Quinley; tour gre11l-i1•11ndsons, snawn A. Reid, Devon J. Reid, Darin A. Reid and Alol'lll W. ScoH; one !<feat· 11r11ndda110llf.r, Kristina K. Sc o ! I . Memorl.il ~rvlces, Monday, J une 18, 10 AM, L1111un1 B•11ch ,u,.uea Methodl~t Church, w!th ReY. Thomas Warmer o!-flci11tlng. lnf.rme>nt, Edn1 Cemet~. Edna. Ka,.sas. Fam11y suooests !hose wlshlnQ to mllk• memorl11 I ~ontrlbutlQ<ls, please contrlDUte lo Leukem11 Research, 1-----•(:encet'--f'ufld-L~UOll-Beacb-Unl!ed Melhodltl Chur<:ll Of" Soum COil! Com. munlty Ho~1:illal Fourul1111o1. Shetter Lacuna Beach ~e,.'(!~'.lvt>lrec: ors. - An,.• Se;>Qr.,ue. 1101 W. Bav Ave., New1111rt Beach. Oate of death, J i.me ;J, 197l. Survived by dauohlers, Marv Jan• seaareve, and Irene McCluna ' two orandchlldren: two shiers. Service" 10-daY, Friday, l PM, Balli'9er<:1eron Cosle MHll Cha~I. Prlva1e 1,.1ermen1. 8al!l· Ber11•ron Funeral Home, Coile Me1e. Olr&<:lors. ARBIJtKLE & SON WESTCUFF MORTUARY '27 E. 17lh 814, Costa l\1esa 64'"'1888 • -BALTZ-BERGE RON FUNERAL HOME Corona del Mar 673-94 50 Costa Mesa 646-24Z4 •• BELL BROADWAY l\10 RTUARY 110 Broadway; Cosia l\lesa LI 8-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS MORTUARIES 17911 Reach Blvd. Huntington Beach 84%-7771 z.&4 Redondo A\'e. Lng Beach 213-43~1145 • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH l\10RTUARY 1706 Laguna Canyon Rd. IH-1415 • PACIFIC VIE\\1 MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery l\1ortuarj Cha pel 3500 Pacific 'View Urive Newport Beach. Calllornia 6«-%700 • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME · 7801 Bolsa Ave. Westminster 893-3525 • Sl\UTHS' MORTUARY 627 l\tain St llu.ntingion Beach 536-'$39 ·--PUBLIC-N0TICE FICTITIOUS llUSINESS NAME STATEMENT- Tiie fonowll'IQ perso,. Is dplng Dusi""' es: L.V.F. OEL TACO NO. 10, 12«KI Be1c11 Blvd., S11nton, Calif. '°'680 Lyle Vil'\Cent Flnlev. 22~0 Atit. 202 Pitrk Newport, NewPOrl Bea,h, Callf, Tiils buslntts Is cl)(ldi;cted by •"· l,.- dlvldual. Lylf V. Fll'!!ey This 1t11ement w1s flied with ll'H! Coun· ty Clerk of Or11nee C°"nly "" May 11. ""' Ft U77 Publlsh«L Qrenge Coest 01Uv Piiot May 18, 25 111d June 1. &, 1913 1•'2·73 PUBLIC NOT ICE FICTITIOUS •USINESS NAME STATIMENT 'T~ following per!.Ol'1s ere doing 1111',nns es; PACIFIC COAST CHA RTER COM- PANY, 3101 W. Coa1! Hlgnway, Newpor1 Bea<h, (Ill!. 92660 Richard A. H.,.nJnger, 13686 lwo Jlmt Or .. S1nt1 A,.1, (1111. 92109 L1rrv w. Cook, 7521 w. Sunflower (M· 7), S•nl• An1, C1llt. 9271M Thl1 butlness !~ u11ld1H:led by a 11ener11 ~rtr.erthlp, !tllirO A. "l-t~lilntat Till& 1i.!•mt"I w111 Jlled Wilh lhe COUit< ty Clerk 111 Orafl{l1 County May 11, 1913. F2S11t .. ubllshld Ot-11"9e Coatl Dally Piiot, Mey 11, 25 1nd J 11,.. 1, I, 1913 1•98·1l PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICI Of NON·tl:ESPONSllULITY . Mofle• 11 hertb'o' glv.!,. met llMI 11rt- c1&n111r>e0 wfll not llf rnpont!bll IOI' 11ny Clebl1 Of' ll•l>llll1ft Con!r11c!ld by llhYGl'le ollllf m.n mv.i.elf, on or olltr thl-. dat•· Diiied 1t>l1 6"' Olly ol J11n~tlT RICHARD C. MEANS 16HI V!l'Wf)O{M Ln,, Alll. Mo. 11 Huntington B•~ti. c..111, tU-17 Publlthld Orang1 Co.st Oajh• PHO!, J11n1 7~ •• IJ, 1'73 1713·13 Kids Like To OPEN SUNDAY II to 5 TRIPLE PLANTER Aircraft for 14 years. He was Arnold 0. Beckman , is a long -•. tor Or~IA ~ -~~ To those of )'Ou wl1 0 111isse<I 0111 0 11 these fabulott1' buys rluri11g o.til-Cinco fie ~layo Cclebratio11 "'e a rc repeating the offe r for ONE WEE K ONLY . .-\II arc beautiful lrnndcrafte1I iron in . ·brushed gold fini•h. ' 42 Inch SPECIALLY PRICED ONE WEEK ONLY! Round Curio s2900 -~ GLASS TOP TABLE AS SHO WN 4 PC. SET -G LASS--1---";! WINE SHELF CART s4soo $99°0 Baker'; I Rack s2900 ----1-Telephon---.11.--1· Stand s900 INDEPENDENTLY ·OWNED SERVING ORANGE COUNT Y FO R 10 YEARS ~ ~; Corner Etagere 64" Staircase s2900 Arcl1 Curio 84800 Pyramid Curi Q __ <I-~~ Cre~tive Inter ior !'Lanning At No Charge FULURTON 225 N. Narbor llvd. (downtown) (714) 171 -5720 HUNTINGTON UACH lll l2 lo!ICh l lvd. (714) 962-4477 ORANGI ~ . 1131 N. Tustin Av•. (714) 637-1420 I '/1 mile ~o. of Ora~OllJ . ' . '. I , I • __ 4.sk A1uly STORE HOURS: 9 pen 9 io 9 _11.111. evert w"eek nite Sat. 9 to 5 :30 Ol'EN SUNDAY 11 ·to 5 p.111. _::!_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , ' . : / . ' ' ' b 1 l 1 '· I .. I f I • l j ' • • ' - Laguna · Beaeh Today's Final N.Y •. Stoeks EDITION VOL. 66, NO. 159, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, JUNE a; 1973 TEN CENTS • • reat Neff)s lor Husbands-No epairs By FREDERICK SCijOEMEHL Of t111 O•lty l"llor lt•tl Laguna Beach husbands have the perfect excuse when wives start nagging about those little weekend repairs around !"'. th;b~~!::· illegal. 17 I I Section 7.25.050 of t.he Laguna Beach · Municipal Code forbids construction or repair of any building on wecktnds. The. distraught n1an of tht house can take heart _in ·lhe fa ct the or4inancC also ew Ganie, Set ... A1id Match, ~--A-eatboa-Bay!·€tub ·tenant was-- arrested on a -sh6plifting charge,. Thu rsday night after he stalked out of J .C. Penney's Fashion Jsl and store \Y earing a ne\\' pai r of $10 ten- nis shorts with sec urity guard Sier· ra Reynaldo in.hot pursuit. Th e 44-year-old man u1aived his rights and readily confessed \\'hen turned over to Ne\vport Beacb police for OOoking on Reynaldo's petty theft allegation. He said he_ Swiped the shorts because he "'as late for a ma tch and could not get a salesperson to wait on hin1. McCord Asks ·~, Convictio1i Be Reversed \VASHINGTON fAPI -Altorneys for convicted \\'atergate c<lnspirator James \V. ltfcCord Jr. asked today that his con· viction be reversed because or in- formation br6ught to light in subsequent investigations of the \Vatergate scandal. Atty. Bernard Fenstcrwald said his mot ion asked U.S. Dist. Court Judge John J . Sirica either lo issue a directed verdict of acquitt al for f\1cCord or to schedule a new trial. (Related stories, picture. Page 4). lt1cCord and six others were convicted WHY DID EX-NIXON AIDE COMMIT PERJURY?-Analysis, Pago 12 in January t111 charges stemming from the June 17. 1972 break-in at the Democratic Nati0!1<'ll Committee head- quarters. Fensterwald said his n1otion was based on su~uent diSclosures that the governnient withheld knowledge of the existenc~ of a special \VhitC House in- vestigative unit and that several wit- nesses during the trial p e r j u r e d themselves. E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy , tvro Watergate-trial defendants convicted (See l\.icCORD, Page !) forbids such work after 6 pJn.' on weekdays. The 196~ ordinance. entitled "cons truc- tion or repair of buildings" states: "The erection (including excavation), demoli- tion. alteration or repair of any building other th an between the hours or 7 a.in. and 6 p.nl. on weekdays, shall be pr!r hibiled .. '" No one paid 1nuch attention to the ordinance. untif recent ,weekends \Vhen New Mi1aiste1· the sounds of pounding hammers and '''hin·ing saws rattled a few residents in Arch Beach Height s. City building officials, \\'Orried about th e impact of hard coi:_e devel(!epient in the hilltop district, started using the ordinance to slow down development. Jim Winter, senior buildi.ng inspector, said the statute was passed to preserve \Veeken~. peace and quiet and that it \Vasn't meant to >Slop. homeo\vners from -. . . paneling faniily roo1ns or fix ing leaky· '''ater pipes. "The ordinarice is a li!tle ambiguous." conunented \Vinter. "\Ve don 't use it unl ess a neighbor gets mad." "\Ve've tried to use con1mo sense '' he added. Whi le building and police departnient officials have ~d the ord inance to stop new home or other large project con- st1·uction, no actual citations have been issued. "\Ve just expla in that the <:1 rdinance ex- ists and as k the contr~ctors to comply." said \Vintcr. \\'inter, however, said the statute needs to be reviseQ to n1ake clear the distinc- . 1011 betWeen ''hard _ core'' construction and simple' home rep.a irs or aUerations. \Vayn'e li-1ocdy. director of planning and develop1nen t. also \Yants the ordinance cle.aned ux. He has r,equested planning co1n1nissionc.rs make ~ suggestions on . . F-l!an~o Gives ·U-p - Piece of Power i\IADRID (UPI) Generalissimo dition<tli st whose recent speeches ha ve Francisco Franco. Spain's unchallenged stressed his loyalty to F'ranco and his niler since 1939. too k the first c<lncr-ete sirong beliefs in law and order. step IO\\'ard transfering po~Yer tod:iy by He rose to his present position mainly appo inting a c<lnservative and traditional orl!he strength of Franco's total trust navy man to succeed him as pri me and '"ithout sti rring the imagination of minister. the Spanish pe<iple. Associates have The go\crnment information ministry described .hi1n as an excellent organiz~r announced that \'ice President Adm. Luis and COQrChnator wllo prefers to work 111 . Carr:cr.n Blanco \YUi be S.\\'Orn in as prime, -tbe...background. minister Saturday. Carrero Bianco's appoiptment ca1ne Prance. no"' no. \\'ill re lain the three after weeks o(-. ifttc~ politi~al. activi~y otl1er top posts iri Spain: -head of state, spark~d by leftist Ma~ Day .1nc1dents in con1maoder in chief of the armed forces tirladr1d an~ a strong !tght-w1ng backl~sh and he;id of the country 's ooly political to the slaying or a policeman by left-wing pa.ti)'. the .. National ~IO\'ement." demonstrators. El Caudillo ("the Leader"\ already has Political so urces said Carrero Bla~co designated Prince Juan Carlos to be the coul~ be ex~~ to.shake up the cabmet next ·king of Spain on f'ranco 's death . ~s1de~ably g1vmg 1t a slightly stronger A 30-word announcement by the in-r1ght-w1ng and law·and-order trend. for1nation ministry loday said Carrero Blanco will be S\t·om in at Franco's El Prado Palace. His-official title will -be president of the Spanish govern1nent. Ul1Clet lhe t'Onstiru lion. lu's. first ta sk \Vill be to fo rm a ne'" cabinet. · The appoi ntmen t of the 70-year-old · Carrero Blanco. Franco's No. 2 man since he \\'3S made vice premier in 1967. incant thru f'ruuco has taken a first step toward his e\·entual retirement, sources close to the goYernment said. But they stressed that F ranco will con- tinue in his other three posts which be assumed in 1939 after.his forces defeated the .Spanish Republic dW'ing the Spanish · Civil \Var. The sources said that while Carrero Blanco will run the day-t<Hiay affairs of gove m1n,ent. Franco will remain the man "'hn makes· Spain's vital decisions. Govemnicnt sources said Carrero Blan· co's appointment had been in the making for a Jong time and \Vas part of a care- fully pl anned transition of po\\·er. 1'hey. said the appointment in no \\'ay affected the positioo. of Prince Juan Ca rlos de Borbon 'vhom Franco chose four years ago as his eventual successor as chief of state and Spain's future king. Carrero Blanco is a stern tra· -June22-.~it For Hearing Over Grading Legal papers seeking a halt to Rossmoor Ccirporation's grading opera- tions on a Laguna watershed subdi vision \\'ere filed Tfiursday in Orange County Superior Court. Judge Raymond Vincent set a court date of 9 a.m. June 22 .for arguments in ~he suit filed by-the cil.y of Laguna Beach and Laguna Greenbelt. Inc. The judge's action does not stop Rossmoor from sradlilg bet\Yeen now and the court appearance. • The city of Laguna Beach and the Grei!:nbelt alleg e in their petition to the court that an appeal to issuance of the grading permit \vns improperly denied; that ·the environ1nental impact report fil- ed by Rossmoo r is inadequate and the grading pennit was i1nproperly issued . ' MAGNETICALLY.COUPLED PNEUMATIC VEHIC~E SYSTEM Chris'top~r ·Bradl~! Inspects Devi(e Nicknamed "The· "f~~~· "" DFea1n~-.o-f-E-n-gineerilig . - Students on Display , Bl' HILARY KAYE Ca!ifornia 1nass-tran!iit -\Vith a 01 "'• 01111 Piiot S••ll rall1er unique approach. NO\V that Engineering 105, is. dra'"ing to Chris C. Bradley. one 1nember ·of the a close, the Engineering . Building at UC terun \vho \YO!'kcd on the project. ex-Ir vine. is piled high with the \vild. and not-so-w ild, dieams of Irvine's student plnined that ·air pressu re is the pro- engiOeers. ~ pcllanl. phshing the vef1ic le through a Laguna High Seniors Plan For Finals and Graduation -=~~----------.. ····----··-·-·····-· -- 'Ihe action see ks to stop the grading, to order an appeal for th e issuance of the grading permit and to ord er the depart· ment of planning to set asside it s decision approving the environmental im· pact report an~ grading permit. "If mass grading pursuant to the pernlit ... is aUO\YCd to continue, peli· . lioners_will be icrey__ara_b__lyjnjuce:din.Jha.l the grading project will be co mpleted or substantially completed before an ade- quate study and review or the en- vi ron mental impact ot said project can be conlpleted , which petitioners believe ·The 49 st1.1denls .enroll~d. iri-f!'ro fessor tu bc.Jilr;c-stn1ctare. The-p:assen·gers do Paul Arthur·s class. n10st1y junior:'\, col-not rid e inside or the vehicle within the labOrated on 17 separ<:lle projects ranging from a neiy toim of mass 'transportation tube, however .. Bradley's gro1,1p designed called "The Tube'' .\0 a device which a second vehi cle to house 'passenge rs at· measures the speed ot the shutter on tached fo the. first one through your ca mera, to a desk calculator .for the magnetism. It rjdes along the top of the blind 'vhich utilizes Braille. tube. ... Pgrha s the strangest looking ap--_ ___::.r.._assengcrs .eally ~ivouldn 't enjoy The Laguna Beach 1-iigh School class or 1973 will take final cxa1ninations next "'eek and prepare to say goodbye to their alma mater. EventS scheduled over the next tWo "'eeks for the 258 classmen include tradi· tional baccalaureate and graduation ceremonies, an honors convocation. an all day outing and the annual "all night party." "Coping with the IT.OOn's shadows" ls the title of the baccalaureate address to · be delivered the evening of June 17 at the trvlne BolYI by the Rev. Thomas P. \Vanntt of Laguna United Methodist Church. The following Monday, scores of members of lhC class \Ylll receive scholarships and achieve,m~nt awards from state and Jocalorgan1zations at the annual hOnors convocation. On Wednesclay1 June 20, tbe·class will 1r1vel for a day of sv.·lmmlng, horseback .riding' and 6iki11g at Coto de sa, a private re<:roation park in Trabuco Can· yon. •--~trai oL.:..'.E:o1up..-anLCil:cumstanc " will be heard at tile Irvine Bowl the night oCJunC 21 whcri the claM ls .graduated. Directly following the c e r e m o n y , paratus e>".hibitcd aL the stucrenis' riding insicie a tube, so \Ye decided that demonstration on Thursday \Yas the n1agnets \\'OUld hold the inside and students \viii return to the high school ca mi;us for a \l'este rn theme all·night parly. organized by parents of the graduates . "~1agn~to-P11eu n1alic Veh icle System_.'' outside vehi~les together. \Vhi le the air af~tionately call ed "The Tube" by its prc~!.lurc pushes along the inner vehicle (See ROSSMOOR. Page !) rour i11vcntors. It atten1pts to solve one ;it rnccds up to 55 m.p.h .. " Br adlev said . o1 'the gravest problems i)l Southern ln the group's m~dcL the source of air is a vacu um cleaner. "' Gi'6u1'5' assisting~ with the-preparation include the. Excha nge Club. Rotar.v Club , the Ma sters, Chamber of Comn1erce and Joycees. Jack Schirm , chair1nan of the party committee, sai d donati ons of gifts to be awarded seniors arc welco111e. ·Deal Ba~kfires -. ' . $1 Teapot Sold-Witli Re11t ltlo11ey Mail Al·ways Gretchen Kerr of Cnpistrano Beach is anything to sell . hoping and praying today that the "She asked about the tea set and l told _ Gets Tl•rougl• middle-aged couple who bought a SI her to go ahead and sell it" 11 11 teapot at a garage sate thjs mornins A · sh9rt tlnte later Mrs. 'have an honest streak. remembered the money and ran Kerr to the NEW PLYMOUTH. Idaho (U PI) The teapot was accidentally' sold with gorage to get it back. -Qlenn Hilton of New Plymouth $l75 in rent money stuffed inside. She was too late.· ' has received a high ~hool gradua~ Thc-bereft_worfJan •said that the .cash A co'Uple..who appeared to be in th~ir tfon announcement from his cousin stored in the pot ".is all t hive to pay the 50s ;had just bought the set and had \Vho maUeOi rom his hometown rent:.w.itb this month.." driven away In a late-model blue sedan. of Emmet, Idaho, 20 miles away. "1 don't kno'v what we'll do If thB poo-"! just hope and pray thrit they're Hilton said Thursday that the let· pie don't bring it back," she added . honest·pcople and bring the motley back. er .• P1>$1marke<LM~,-l...,.-i--M Kerr. , explained-1he-foulmr--1r IMJ!rnt<ffie •'l'rl<lrlin and carried a 11Ai-Ccnt pOstoge · which l!!d .to the unintended "bargain." v•orld right noW,." Because there is a stationary po\vcr !'lourcc instead of having a source travel - ing 11·ith each vehicle. as an engine does. 1he system is relatively free or pollution from bolh noise and fun1es. l'he project took only· four mont hs lo complete, and in the \\'Ords of--Bradley, ··ft iSn't a fin ished prod uct. But \\·e 1r:.int cd to show people that miiybe a lit- tle more thought should be given to this t}'f>C of mass transit." . Other mem~r$ of the Rroup 1 lntlude Brian I. Donal d. •lurry M .. Craves :1r. and Rod 0. Grossmtni~. ~- .,1\n11thcr project ' \'.'HS initiated by E<l\va rd-D:--tJber .-a_ ca mera.. ('xpCfr wffi> 0\111s his (n1·0 can1era shop. Older than n1os1 of the students. Uber decided to bulld a device to tesrthe stiutterspecd or a cnn1ertt He was aided by classmntes Dudley C. l:hunphte.ys and ' 03vid A, Na1fruetl . st~mp. "~1y sister Is having this gar1ge sale The buyers can contact ' Mrs. and asked me this momlnt 11 I had colling 496-5466. The device l1.$elf is not on original idea . Kern by 1 but the fC\Y alre3dy on the market are (S<e ·ENGINEERS. P•&• 2) 1· 1va}:s of improving the ordinance. \Vint er noted that•both the buildirtg and poli ce departments have beefed up 11•eekend patrols in the city to look for contractors working illegally. But he added that homeowners shouldn't reel forced rto go underground to get weekend repatrs accomplished. But work quietly. Another Jaw , ordinance 7.25.040 says ,you 're illegal if any power tools can be heard ISO ¥ awa y. · ' Curtailed Activities · Requested Citizens of Orange CoUJ1ty, along with ' ·' those in L..•s Ang~les, San Bernardino-and.. • Riverside counties, were asked Thursday to red uce. driving to "an absolute minimum " and to stop incinerator bum· ing and open agricu ltural burning, as smog leve!s in Southern California con- tinued to exceed nonnal levels. Thi s request. !iiade .• by the Orange Cvunty Air Pollutiolh District follow s silnilar requests made ''rhursday by .c;overnor--'RQ:riRlir~Reagan '-and --the Environmental Protection Agency. Smog condi tions in Orange County are the least serious of any of the foor ad· joiping counties but resjdents are being ~ske;d. to COQJ>etate--in an 1ttempt---to- alleviate the dangerous conditions in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Smog alert levels were exceeded in these two counlies for the past three days. Authorities predict high SlllQg levels throogh the end of the week. ~"We've had two or three day.s...higber __ t an nonna but there hasn't been a ma· jor in crease in smog in Orange €ou~" sa id Ora Wells, investigator 'roF the Orange County Air PoU\1tiop District. However, Wells warned that while local citizens need not be too alarmed, their coope'ration with the requests to reduce dl'iving and eliminate burnings would jfu- prove the smog situation in neighboring counties and throughout inland areas of Orange County. Cities along the Orange Coast are still reU..tively free from · smog, Wells main. tained. On Tuesday ·and \Vcdnesday, health warnings were issued at the northern end of the county in_ La Habra. aod also in - ~na hl!im. "'.here readings cliinbed. slight· 1y over lhe .20 level needed to issue a health \\1arning. 011 Thursday, however, these areas 1Yere just under the health \Ya rning mark. The 1\Jalional \Veather Service ex· pla ined !hat the heavy smog conditions throughout Southern California are due io !cmperature in version and stagnant 1\·eather system s. The s1nOg is trapped at ground level by \'larn1cr air hanging overhead, and will rema in there until here_js_enough.-wind-- to blow ::1e smog a\vay. Wells said that the Orange County Air Pollu!ion District has received a number of complaints concerning the high smog " IS<e SMOG, Page !) • · Weathe~ i The fog will win out over the sun along Orange Coast sands Satur- day, but Inland temperatures will reach the upper 70s \11ith h<lzy sua.. shine, •Ughs at the beaches in the n1id-60s. • " -INSWE-TOD/iY'- cera!d Schroeder is mu.sic teacher at Colden \Ve.st College. -a nucsic teacher 01~ tlJt move. See today's 1'Veeke,11de-r /or staff tvriter Tont Gormon's scorv 01r Schroeder'i iUin'mer J . Al Yitur--.SarYkll!.. --.-~-.,;w-t- L.M, 80't'C lJ ~I fl•s 14 •••11119 l2 ....... ....... -4, ,, C•Mloml• -t Or ..... C...•,. ti, t• CIMllllH ))... fll"t•ll"Hh 114' Clft'llC• U l1lwM hrl" 11 c,......... J1 ,..,,. lM'I 0..-. N•llC•J 1i llocll Mantell 1 .. 11 •1llt.rl•I l"•tl 6 T ..... lt!M Jt 'IJIMH ·· U·U TIIMI!-_!! --'---1 f' .. tiffl'.-m ,_ ·r ... ,__ " ._. ...... '"'" """ LI,..,. I, W•rlil ,._ " It M•llllt• • Wftli...._,c....._.. .. ------;---- • ' .. t · J§ DAILY PI LOT Ot1wr Deatlis • HOBBS, I\. ~1. !AP) -Ray· mood Waters, 60, editor or the Hobbs News-Sun. died Thurs· day or an apparent heart at· tack. He was editor and rounder or Llano Estacado i lerita~e 1'1agazine. D eath Notices au CK Wllbu< Butk. A1Mdefll ol N~I . BHClll date ol 0.111'1, June ,, 1'1J. ~"rvtvtd bv ,_ i.on•. Jonn A. Bu<ll, Fountain va111v: Akhard L Budt, Mlcn.11.,n; ditUl,lh1or. cvnthla $. ll11ek, La.Quo• aeach; mc;1t.e•. M••· 0011 Thol'nlon< S1nu~ Ana; s.111•, Mr1. Norma Marat, :.anla An.1. Grawsi<HI servlcn, Sa1urQ1y, Jun.1 I, 10:30 AM, a.F1lrll1v•n .1"1morl..i Park, with A1v. Pevey otHlallnq. Wls•cUU C n ii p e I ~J!I••~. M<>-4=~ 8ir 1or1. . . Zona M. McGn . Afslden t ol Dena Polnr. O•lf ol <1111111, J une 1, 197J. Survive<! l>Y hU l b lnCI , Jamff C. MCGiii two O•UQMltl, Fredda Ven Schmvs. Van Friday, June 8, iq73· .. . .. , . . . . • Conntian Named by Nixon 6'\uarti!fs tar ~~.~~'."~ 1.: '"' h rb Phon·e 8 or 645-2460 hobbycreft m 1'26 HAAIOA ILVO., C0$TA MUA CRAFT CLASSES FORMING llrtH Dtu<Jll Art, MK <l llll, Dl<t\IP'!ll, Piper Liit Ovlllk>g lll <fl llf•I mtot~. AH rlllMI ••• II ''"' ~VPPlltl (t•CIPI ma(rlllll ~tl. Ctll "'w t1f'11>flrA\I• UOll. DGll'f ltdll oult DAV <1nd l!YI! CltA,T CLASSES . . . . Nuvs; w. K•lhleeen Scott1 Sen Fr1nclsco1 brolher, Ct1r.nc1 E. Or1111, Ol°"jon; lour ,-----orandchll<lr&n, Gl!'Qt!ll K. Reid \lj Mrscr Susan W1tU1>, WllU1m Scoll and Mrs. Krlsrln.t Qu(nlevb· lour 11r11t.t;irancll0f'll. Shewn A. Reid, IYOll J. Reid. Oerln A. Rt1CI I nd AIJ>h• W. Scoll; one oretl· 11r1ndd1uo1rter, Krl5lln• K. Scot I . Memorl1I M1rvlc15, Morid•v, Jun• II, 10 AM, LaQunl ll11ch Unfl9d Mt lllodl1r Church. wllh Rt v. Thorn11 W•rmer Dl· nc11t1ng. tntennent, Ednt CtmtltrY, Edo•. IClflWI. F•mlly !""°'''' ll'IO'll wish/no to m•k• memorl• j°"'"ll!.lllon•. oJu se ccinf!lbul1 to Levk1m_1_ R111•rch, cine... F uTiif""""L:i§Vn•-Bl•Ch Unned M1thodttt Church °' SOI/th Coe11 Cam. munl1v Hos11U1I Foundation. SM!!•• Ll<lu,.. B11ch Mortu1rv,. Olreclors. SEAOltA•E Anna Sebe!r1ve. 1107 W. lllV Ave .. Newpgrt Beech. 0 1te ol dl!•lh. June 1, 1913. SurvlYld by Clll/Clllll ft, M1rv Jlnt Seacir1ve 111<1 Ir-McClung: two or1nckhlldren; lwo 1l11tr1. Sorvlcet. to- dlY. Frkl1v, ·J PM, B1llt·!l•ra1ron Cott• Mna Chi flll. Prlv11e lnt1rm1nl. 81lu-ll1l'Qlron F11n11r1I Homt, COlll Me11, Olrector1. . ARBUCKLE & SON wl!Sftl;IP'F11ioRTU ARY - 427 E. 17th St., Costa f\1esa . 616-4888 • -BALTZ-BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corona del Mar 673-9450 Costa ~1esa 646-24!4 • BELL BROAD\\r A Y MORTUARY 110 Broadway. Costa J\lesa LI ~133 • Oil.DAY BROTHERS MORTUARIES 17911 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach m 7771 %44 Redoado A\·e. Long Beach Zll-llS-11~5 • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1706 Laguna Canyon Rd. 194·9415 • PACIFIC VIEW f\lEJ\10RIAL PARK Cemetery J\1ortuarf Chapel • 3500 Pacific View Drive Ne wport Beach, Calllomia W.%700 • PEEK FAMll.Y COLON IAL FUNERAL HOME 7801 Bolsa Ave. Westminster 893-35%5 • SJ\11THS' MORTUARY 6!7 l\,ain St llWltlngton Beach ~· PUBLIC .NOTICE FICTITIOUS •USIN-.. -.--- NAMI! STATEMENT Th• toUowlng perlOfl 11 dcln11 bVJlnet1 ... 'L.V.F. OEL TACO NO. 10, 12!00 11e1c~ Blvd., St1n1on, C1UI. 90680 Lyle Vlntlfll Finley, :n.o Apt, '202 P1rk Newport, NI WllO'I ll••ch. Calif, This 11\11lne11 11 cond11tttd by •n In· · dlvldual. Lyle V. Finley Th!J 1l1tement w11 llled wllh lhe Coun· ty Cieri!; of or1ng9 County on M1y \1 , ""' 1'25171 Publlsn.ct Or1noe Coeit 0 1Hv Piiot May 1., ll Ind Junt 1, I, 1f1J Uv:l-13 PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS •USINESS NAM& STATEMENT TM !oHow1ng perlO!I IJ dolr.g bvlllltiS 1$: 2A!IH 91l0 S CO., IMO .. SuperlM AvenlHI, Cmt1 Miii, C1lll."'"'fa7T- PRES-1CEE, INC.. lt.IO S1,1perlor Av~. Cost• Mtw. Ctllf, '2611 This bln!llKI II btlflll COlldi.Kltd by 1 corpgr1llon fC1llfMnl1). PRES-K EE, INC. Jolln Prftll (Pr".) Tiii• 1tartmtnl flied wllh tht County Cler~ ol Or1n111 County on: April 18, 1tn. 111 Thtr...-M. W1rd, Dlpu11 Covntv C.lerk. 1'24711 l'Yblllhed Orl f>Ve C.Olll 01111 Piiot. M1y 25 Ind .111 ... 1, &. 1~ 1t7J 1176-73 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aU"Nl!SS NAME STATliMl!NT Tiie IOOOWlflll .,.,Miii, ••• dol1111 bu1one$I 11: PACIFIC COAST CH ... RTER COM· P ... NY, 3101 W. COis! Hlllhwly, Newport !ltKll, Ctlll. J'26'0 Rlth•rd A. H.onl""'. 1)616 IWO Jim• Or., S1nt1 An1 , C1lll. 92709 L1rry w. Cook. 2521 W. Sunll~ !M- 7), S1ot1 A111, C11il, 92704 Thll busln11s 11 cOflduclrcl tty 1 lleMrll .,.,,,_.hip, Rlctllrd A. H"""lnftlr This Jlt tfmtnl w11 fll9d with IM Coun- ty Clerk ol 0r .... ,. County M•Y II, lt7J .• F2SJ7' l"r.ltll1shi!od Or11111e Ca'1t 0,11., Pllol, Mey 11. :t5 Ind Jllfll \, I, 1fl1 1~91-7 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Of' NON-11.l!l'ONllBILtTf Notice II lltrl"IW 111-H" fhll 1111 vn- MflllJ'llCI wlll !IOI bl r"l»fttlbll for 1ny CllOb or ll1blt11i. c1111trKttd •r ,,.,,_ OIW lllAn m1Mlf, 11n or 111 ... ttlli 111111. Dlttcl this Sltl 1111 of JI/NI, 1f1) RICHARD • Ml!AN 1'6'1 YllWllOlrtl Lil-. Apt. NO. 11 H\lllllt>Qtorl lllKll. C1Uf, tul1 1----,P\lllll&llld Ot~-CNM Otolly PU~. .IUl'lt 1, •• 13, ,,,~ 11'3-73 Kids Like To Ask A1·idy • _, ·~· ~/ . ' OPEN .SUNDAY ll Jo 5 TRIPLE PLANTER To tl1ose of yri11 who 111i~scfl ~ut 01r tl1es~ fal>11l o11 !<i buys~uri11g 011r Ci11co fi e l\layo Cclebrati o·n \\o'e arc -re1>t:ati11 g tl~t· offt>r for ONE WEEK ONLY. All arc heautiful hasulcrnfle1I iron. in l>r~sl1ell golfl fi11isl1 . SPECIALLY PRICED ONE WEEK ONLY! Ro11nd- Curio s2900 . .. t 72'' • 42 Inch ! GLASS TOP TABLE AS SHOWN 4-pc. SET GLASS WINE SHELF CART s4soo $99°0 Baker's Rack s2900 • l PLANTER s900 I . - \ . ' \ Telephone Stand s900 ' INDEPENDENtLY OWNED SER¥1NG ORANGE COUNTY FOR 10 YEARS 64" Corner Etagere Staircase Creative Interior Planning At No Charge FULURTON • ) ... • . . ' -221-N. -• lt¥ll-(downl-•)-(714) 171 ·1720 HUNTINGTON llACH 11512· hac~ lllvd. (714) 962~477 ORANGl,--'-- ll3a N.·Tu•~• A••· '(714) 637·1420 l l/1 mile .So. of Oronge Molt) STORE ~OURS : Ql'en 9 to 911.111. every wee k uite a t. 9 10 5 :30 OPEN SUN DAY 11lo5 p.111 • .. . ' 6 • • • • I I } \ 7 .. ' , . • • Laguna Bea~h Today's Final N.Y. Stoeks EDITION ' VOL 66, NO. 159, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, JUNE 8," 1973 TEN CENTS Great ews IOr Hnifianils--No .Bepairs - By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Laguna Beach husba nds have the perfect excuse when wives start nagging .about those little wee kend repairs around the house. · They're Illegal. Section 7.25.050 of the Laguna Beach Muriicip'ai Code forbids constructi on er repair of any building on .wccktn~s. The distraught n1a n.of the house can take heart in the fa.ct lhc ordinance also Gcime, Set ... A1id Matcli A-BaiiXia Bay Club lenant \\.;:., arrested on a shoplifting charge Thursday night afl('r he st alked out of J.C. Pe1liley's Fashion Island store \Ven.ring a new pair of SIO ten- nis ~orts with security guard Sier- ra Reynaldo in hot pursuil. The 44-vear-old man waived his rights and readily confessed. "·hen turn ed over to Ne\\•port Beach police for booking on · Reynaldo's petty theft allegalion. He said he S\ripcd the shorls because he was late fo r a match and could not get a salesperson to wai t on him. McCord Asks forbids such work after 6 p.1n. on weekdays. The 196~ ordinance-. entitled "construc- tion or repair of buildings" states: "The erection (includ ing excavation\, demoli- tion. alteration or repair of any building ot her than between the hour s of 7 a.in. and 6 p.m. on "'eekdays, shall be pro- hibited . , :: No one paid much attention to the ordinancC until recent w"Cekends when New. Mi11ister the 'sou nd s of pounding hammers and \vhirring saws rattled a few residents in Arch Be;1ch Heights. City building offici als. "·9rried about the impact of hard core develop1nenl in lhe •hilltop district, started· using the ordinance to slow down development. Jim Winter, senior building jnspector. ·said the statute was passed to preserve "·eekend" peaCe -and qlliet and that it 11i·a~sn'l-meant to isfop hon1eowner:s from Piece of Power i\"IADRID (UPI) -Genel'alissfmo Francisco F'ranco. Spai n's unchallenged ruler since 1939, took the first con,relc step to"'ard lransfering Po\\'er today by appointing a conservative and traditional na\'Y man lo succeed him as prime minister. The go\'crnment information ministry announced thnl Vil..-e President Adm. Luis Carrero Blanco \Viii be s\rorn in as prime minisl cr Sa1urday. dilion11!ist "'hose recent speeches ha\'e stressed his. loyalty to Franco and his strong beliefs in law and order. He rose lo his present position mainly on lhe strength of Franco's total trust and "'ithout stirring the imagination of the. Spanish people. Associates have described him a,s an excellent organizer and coordinator who prefers to WO(k in the background. paneling ran1ily rooms or fixing leaky l\'aler pipes. "The ordinarice is a little ambiguous," e-0n1mented \Vinter. "We don't use it unless a neighbor gets mad.'' "\Ve've tried to use common sense." he added. \Vhile buiWin_g and pclice departn1ent officials have used the ordinance to stop ·new ho ine or other large prOjecl con- strucllon, no actual citations have-been issued. "\\re just expla in that the ordinance ex· ists aad ask the contractors to comply," said Winter. \\'inter, hov.•ever, said the statute needs 10 be revised to n1ake clear the distinc· lion between "hard core" construction and si mple home rew.i irs or alterations. \Va ync A1 oody, director of planning and development, also \~ants the ordinance cltUJned up. He hns requested planning commissioners 1nake · suggestions on ' 1vays of improving the ordinance. \Vinter noted that both the building and police departments ha ve beefed up weekend patrols in the city to look for contractors worki ng illegally. But he added that homeo~rs shouldn't feeJ forced 10 go underground to get weekend repatrs accomplished. But work q u i et I y, AMther I aw , ordinance 7.25.040 says you're illegal if a~y pcwcr tools can be heard 150 fee't • away . er1 Curtailed -. .:.. -·. Requeste~ . . . Citizens of Orange County, along with those in Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside c9unties, were asked Thursday to. reduce driving to "an absolute minimum'' and to stop incinerator burn· ing-and open agricultural burning, as smog levels in Southern California coo· tinucd to exceed normal levels. This request . ulade. by the Orange Cc.unty Air Pollutio~ Dis1ricl follows s4nilar requests made. Thuraday by Governor RonaLd Reagan and the EnVi ronmental Prptection Agency, 1 1 ) C6nviction Be Reversed Franco. nO\\' RO: \\ill retain the three olher top posls in Spa in : head of state, e-0m mander ih chief of the armed forces and bead of the country's only political part)'. the "National i\1ovement.'' El Caudillo ("the Leader") already has designated Prince Jilan Carlos to be the next king of Spain on f<'ranco's death. Carrero Bianco's appojotment came after "'eeks of iritcnse political activity sparked by leftist ftr1ay Day incidents in f\1adrid and a .i;.trong rijbt-wing backlash to the slaying of a policeman by left.wing demonstrators. PoliticaLsources said_Carrer.o--Blanco coUJd be expected to shake up the cabinet considerably giving it a slightly stronger right-wing and law·and~~der trend. Smog conditions in Orange County are rhe leas t serious of any of the four ad· joining counties but residenta: are being asked lo cooperate in _an attempt to alleviate the dangerous conditions in Riverside and San Berna rdino e-0unlies. Smog alcr,t levels were exceeded in these two counties for the past three days. Authorities predict high smog levels through the end of the week. \\1AStllNGTON iAP1 -Allorneys for convicted \\ratergate conspirator James \V. ~icCord Jr. asked today that his COO· viction be reversed because or in· formation brought to liglif-in S\iliSCQuent in \'esligations of the \Vatergate scandal. Atty. Bernard Fcnstern·ald said his mot ion asked U.S. Dist. Court Judge John J. Sirica either to issue a directed verdict or acquittal for 1i1cCor.d or to schedule a new trial. (Related stories. picture. Page 4). A1cCord and six others were convicted A 3G-\vord announcernent by the in· for1nation n1inislry today said Carrero Blanco v.·iU be S\\'Om in at Franco's El Prado Palace. His official title will be president of the Spanish go\·emment. Under the constitution. ·his first task \l'ill be 10 form a nC\V Cabinet. The appoi ntment of the 70.year.old · Carrero Blanco. Franco's No. 2 man since he \1·as made \'ice premier in 1967. incant that 1''ranco ha:; taken a firsl step to"·ard his eventual r!tirement, sources close to the go•emment said. But they stressed that Franco 'tViLI con· WHY DID EX.NIXON AIDE tinue in his other t1!toe posts which he Cow.\IT PERJURY?-Ano_lf!is assumed in 1939 alter.his forces defealed P•go 1-:l-~-lhe Spaniih Republic during the -sj)iiiiish --------------Ci \'il \Var. in January (jfl charges stemming from The sources said that Ythile Carrero the June 17. 1972 break-in at the Blanco will nm the day·lo-day affairs of Democratic National Committee head-government. Franco wJll remain the man quarters. . "'ho 1n~kes Spain's vital decisions. Fensterwald said his n1otion was based Govemn1cnt sources said Carrero Blan- on subsequent disclosures that the co's appointment had been in the making gove rnm ent withheld knowledge of the for a long time and \Vas part of a eare- existenci! of a special White-House-~ !ully_plan1_1ed transiti?n of ~"·er. - vestigalive unit and that several wit· They said the appointment 1n no "'ay nesses during the trial p e r j u r e d affected the position or Prince Juan themselves. Carlos de Borbon \Vhon1 Franco chose E. Howard Hunt <1nd G. Gordon Liddy. four years ago as hi s eventual sue<:essor tv.'O Watergate trial defendants convicted as chief of state and Spain's future king. (See ·McCORD, Page %) Carrero Blanco is a stem tra· Laguna High Seniors Plan For Finals and Graduation The Laguna Beach tligh School class of students 'viii return to the high school 1973 will tuke final cxan1inations next cami:us for a '''cstern theme all-night '''ee k and prepare lo say good!:>ye to their party, organized by pnrent s of the ahna mater. graduates. Events scheduled over the next l\vo Groups assisting with the preparation \Vecks ror lhe 258 classn1en include tradi· include 'the JLschange Club. Rotary Club. tional baccalaureate and graduation the Masters. Chntnber or COmn1erce nnd ceremoni es, an honors convocation. an Jaycees. Jack Schirm , chairtnan or the all day outing and the annual~all ni@"'-"''\'"t comm.iUec,Jajd dQDatiQn.S or gifts party." . to be awarded seniors arc \vCIC'Onle. "Coping with the rr.oon's shadows" is the title of the baccalaureate address to be delivered the evening of June 17 at the lrvlne Bowl by the Rev. Thomas P. ; Mail Always \Vanner of Laguna United Metbodlst Church. The following 7'-1onday, scores of me mber!! or the Ci8SS \Ylll re<:E!ive ~iolarships and achievement awards Gets Tliroug li from state and local organiz.atloDs it the NEW PLYPlfOUTJI. Idaho (UPI ) annll"-l honors convocation. I -Glenn Hilton of New Plymouth On Wednesday. June 20, the-class will bas..rtttlved a high school gradua- tr~\'el for a dny or s"'•lmmlng, horseback lion aonoun ccment from his cousin !ding and hiking at Cota de casa, a _ who malled It lrom his hometowl!__ private rccrealion park in Trabuco Can.. of Emmet, ldnho, 20 miles away. yon. . • · Hilton said l'fhursday that the let· ---Strains of "1)on1p and Circumstance''---ler was poetmarked May 17, 1MJ . wUI be heard at tile Irvine Bowl the night and carried 11 1 ~l-cent Postage of.June 11 when the claM ts--graduat.ed . f---stamp. Directly-followin g the c e r c 11) o n y . • • _J_ __ --J . ' June 22 ·"et For Heari11 g Over· Gradi11g MAGNETICALLY. COUPLED PNEUMATIC VEHICLE SYSTEM Cl,ri5toph9r Br1ciley Inspects Device Nicknamed ''The"tu~" ' ' ' Legal papers seeking a halt to Rossmoor Corporation's grading opera· tions on a Laguna watershed subdivisi9n \\'ere filed Thursday in Orange Count y Superior Court. Jud(e Raymond Vincent set a court date of 9 a.m. June 22 for arguments in the suit filed by the city or Laguna Beach and Laguna Greenbelt. Inc. The judge's action docs not slop. Rossmoor from grading·betwcen now and Drea1n~ .of Engineering Students on Display too-oourt api)earance. • The city of Laguna Beach and the Greenbelt allege in their pet ition to the Bv HILARY KAY E 0t lllt 01Uy Pllol Stiff court that an appeal to issu::ince of the No\v that Engineering 105 is.dra\1·ing to grading permit \Vas improperly denied ; a close, the Engineering .Building at UC that the environ1nental impact repart JiJ . Irvine is piled high with the 1\·1ld . and ed by Rossmoor is inadequate and the not-so-wild, dreams of Irvine's ~ludent grading permit-was-improperly-imied. --engineers. · .. 'Ibe.action seeks to stop the grading, to The 49 students enrqll~ 1n Pr~ressor order an appeal for the issuance of the Paul Arthur's class. mo!):tly juniors, col- grading permit and to Order the depart· laborated on 17. sepatate projects rang!ng ment of plannlng to -set asside its rrom a ne\v form or mass lrau.sportat!on decision approving the enviftlnmental iln· call~ "The Tube" to a device which pact repcrt an~ grading permit. measures !he speed of the shuller on "If mass grad ing pursuant · to the your camera, to a desk calculator for the permit ... is allo\ved to continue. pell· blind \vhich utilizes Braille. . tioners will be irreparably injured in tha t Perhaps the strangest looking ap- the grading project will be con1pleted or para.tus e}Chibi tcd at the students ' subs tantially completed bcrore an adc-demonstration on Thtlrsday was the quate study and revle\v of the en-"Magneto-Pneumatic \1ehiclc System." vi ron1nental in1pact of said project can Affectionately c:illed "The Tube·• by its be completed, "'hich petitioners ~l icvc fnur invento1·s. It attcinpt s lo solve one (See ROSS~IOOR. Page %) of the graves t proble1ns in Southern \ . Ca!ifornia mass-transit 11·ith a rat:1er unique approach. Chris C. Bradley. one member-of !he reDm \rho \;·orked on the project. ex- pl::iincd that .ai r pressure is the pro- pellanl. pii!hing-th~ehicle--through:-a­ tubc-like structure. The passengers do not ride inside of the vehicle within the tube. however .. Bradley's grou p designed a second vehicle to house passengers at- tached lo the fi rst one through magnetism. ll rides along the top of the tube. .;Passengers really \\'Ouldn'l enjoy ridiilg insi<ie a lube. so \\'e dec ided that n1ngncls \\"Ould hold the inside and outside vc hi<;les toge ther. l\'hi le the air prc!'r.ure pus]lcs along the inner vehicle rit .:-occ<ls up to 55 m.p.h .. " Bradlev S3id. rn the group's rnodC"l. the source of air is ~ \•acuu1n cleaner. ' Because there is a stationt1ry ·po\ver source instead of hflvi ng a source-travel- "We've had two or three days higher than nonnal but there hasn't been a ma· jor increase in smog in Orange County," said Ora Wells, investigator for the Orange County Air Pollu tiop District. tlowever, Wells warned that while local citizens need not be too 81armed, their cooperation \Vith the requests to reduce dr:-iving and eliminate burnings would im- prove the smog sitUalion in neighboring counties and throughout inland areas of Orange Cowity. ~ Cities along the Orange Coast are still relatively free from smog, Wells main- ta ined. ( On Tuesday and \Vcdnesday, health ' · warn ings were issued at the northern end of the cou nty in La Habra. and also in Anaheim , where readings clim bed slight· ly over !he .21) level needed to issue a health \1·a'rning. On Thursday, however, lhese areas were just under the health 1varning mark. The Nationa l \Ve:ither Service ex- plain ed That the heavy smog conditions throughout Southern California are due io tcmperalurc inversion and stagnant 1\•eather systems. The s1nog is trapped nt groond level by \'/armer air hanging overhead. and will remain Uiere unUI there is enougfi"Wind - to bJO\V ::lC smog a\vay. Wells said thaf the Orange County AJ:r Pollu tion Dist rict has received a number of comp laints concerning the high llllDI (See Sf\tOG, Page %) J " Orange ·cout Weather I ., _eal i:1g 1\ilh eAch vehicle. as an engine does. --~he s;stem"1neln:11vtty-rrceo-risoi111t1o-n- from both noise and fumes. The fog will win out over the sun along Orange Coast sands Satur· day, but inland temperatures will reac h the upper 70s with hazy sun. shine. Highs at lhe beaches in tbe" n1id-®s. - $1 Teap:ot Sold-Witli R e1it ltlo 1iey The project took only four months to co mplete, and in the u•ords oC Bradley, '"It isn't a rinishcd product. But we 1\•anl~ lo sho\v people that maybe a lit· Gretchen Kerr of Capistrano Beach is hoping and praying toda y that the middle-aged couple "''ho bought a $1 teaµot at a garage sale this morning have an honest streak. The teapot was accidentally sold with $175 in rent money stuffed inside. The bereft woman said that the cash stored in the pol "is all I hive to pay the rent with this-mu~h." - "I don't kno\v what wc''ll do lf the pco· pie don't brint ll bock," she added . Mr . Re-. . •lllll41l\Cirt!Hi oump which led to the unintended "bargain." "f\1y ~istcr i~ having this gn f}ll gc sale and asked me ttlis morning It I had ) any thing to sell. Ile more thought should be given to this "She asked about the tea set and I told IYl'f of· mnss transit." her to,jt'.o ahead and seJI il.'' Other members of the group include A short lime later l.1rs. Kerr Brian I. Donald. llarry M. Graves .'Jr, ~~~~~~~r~t t~ ba~~~Y and ,ran to the an~11~1~~:-0. P~~j!~~1a~~as initintl'd by She was too late. £tl\1'nrd D. Uber. 11 camera expert who A couple wfiOappeare<I to be in lh~1r o\vn s His 'O\Vn camera ~op.. lcfcri hen GOs !lad just boug'ht the set and had niost of the student!:!. ·Uber decided to (lr·ivcn ~way In a late·mod~I bluc-scdt1n. build :rdcv1cc to test the-sl\utj4!r""fJ>tcd or ..,. just hope and pray that they're a cRmera . He W:lS aided by classmates honest people and bring the money back;<-. _,.D,;cu,dlcy C. ~JumM£eys and David A. 1'ft~-~dl tic-monerw-e·w n n-me afifitCdf. • "'orld right now ." the device itselr.ts-no1 an original Idea. The buyers can contact Mrs. Kern b.Y but the few already on the market are calling 4116-5<166. ' iSe• ENGINEERS, Pago II • • L~SWE TODAY Gerald Scliroeder is mu.ric 1cacl1er at Golde11 \Veit College. -a ,.,tusic teac/1~r on t/1e mow:. See todau'.s \Vtekender JM staff 1vri ter Tom Gormal1'.S .storr 011 Schroeder's 11tm111er job. At Ynr S1rvlr.1 .) L.M. 11'1'11 ll •••llllt 11 CllUOl'ftll s Cll•11flef llo.4' (91ftlC1 _...,, C"41W."8 )I CIMttl Ntl!Ce• 16 liflkM'lll P••• 6 ' l>-1 Pv tllt llocor.i 12. '' Mlf'tW.... II Allll LMlt" 11 MalllltX " 6 MWI" 1Nt 11111 ..... lll'llflllt '' "•'*'' ""'" 4,11 °' ..... C...n 11,1. lt"''"""t. ,,..,. ltlllll Pti1., 11 StWtl -J"'1 Sro<.• Mtrtltll 14"1J ~~·";;;o""";;::.-...,,4";....1----1 ... "*" .• w_., "'"" ,,.,. Wortf Mtwt 4, It w.-.... 1Ht % OllL V PILOT LB I Laguna Sets Discussion 011 Fu11ding . , Laguna Beach planning commissioners \li'ill tackle the question. of how the city should spend it $475,000 allotment of e--Je<ier•aL11,~, nre..,venue .sharing,.__a a 7:30 meetini; Monday night at city halt Contnlissioners have received a pro- posal from City Manager Lawrence D. Rose and have solicited citizens Input on how the money should be spent. ; The staff proposed th(' funds be used for a new recreation department building, environmental informations program, computer systems, mlnipark purchase and development, p o 1 i c e department and city hall expans ion. new -city nursery and maintanance yard and rescue vessel. The staff proposed sale of $187,000 in city land and use of $50,000 in develo~ ment tax money lo supplement the '475,000 in fedfral funds. Several citizens, however, objected to the proposal when ·it was presented to the Frlda,'t, June 8, 1973 commission last Monday: , _Other major topics coming before, the_ Eve..,.•thitin Gqes rommission include discussion of the • :I :I •' --'°"city's sphen!Or 1iillUence and reC'Offi-,~--L'"l-o_y_d-'M"'atls;,;,-Lagl~1;;Beach Police Department mendation-for solutions to traffic clrcu-property officer, includes this statue among his in-·lation problems in th e downtown area. 1 bl. 1· r ()om.missioners also will review a num-ventory for the semi-annua pu 1c auc ion o un - the police department. Other property includes 15 bicycles (includinf racing n1odels), auto stereo play· ers, radios, watches and cameras. ber of environmental impact statements claimed property. It begins at 10 a.in. June 16 at and be asked to add psychiatrY to the · list · of professionals allowed under home oc- cupalklns-pennil. ~ ~esa Hiker, Brother From Page 1 ,McCORD · ... Survive Wilderness -------. __ , __ _ Theft of 250 feet of garden hose valued at $65 "·as reported Thursday to Laguna Beach Police by Gerd Kum, 759 Kendall Drive. along with McCord , were members of the s~!_al, JYM~ !Jo~~gr~p fo.rm.e<l to _ trac.e:le&M of <;las~if1ed 1.n{orroation, · Fensterwald also filed a motion asking the' judge to order the gover:nment to seal'ch Jts records. to determine if McCotd's ·oome telephone had been ta~ ped after June 17, From -Wlre-Sel'Vices .. huddled .together for warmth in their wet . clothipg and sh3red their last meal of a I single raw egg shortly before being · rescued. In a third motion, Fenslerwald asked the jl)dge to postpone the June 15 sen- tencing of McCord to give the govem- merit a Chance to reply to his other mo- tions ... .Fensterwa1d said McC9rd, a n acknowledged expert in e I e c t r on i c SllfVeillance, is convinced his telephone · has been tapped since June 17. 1 Thursday, Sen. Lowell P. Weicker (R- Conn.), predicted that ltte convictions of McCord and Liddy likely would be reversed because of the testimony of Herbert L. Porter, former~ scheduling "':" director for Presklent Nixon's re-election' campaign, before the Senate Watergate committee. Porter told the commiUee Tht rsday that ,be committed perjury •t the Watergate· tffaJ at the request of Jeb Stuart Magruder, the deputy campaign manager. Porter said Magruder told him that he (Magruder) committed perjury 12 times in the course of the tri a l a nd the \\1atergate grand jury investigation. In his testimony, Porter said he and ~1agruder worked out a false story to ac- count for $100,000 in cash issued to Lid?y, \\·ho was the attorney for the campaign finance committee. Liddy has been portrayed in swom testimony as the organizer of "dirty tricks" against Democratic candidates. McCord and Liddy were the only two or the seven Watergate defendants con· victed at the trial. Fro111 Page 1 SMOG •.. level, particUlarly on Wednesday.- SPRINGDALE, Utah -A pa ir 61 'bikers who braved the ti'eacher_ou?, s.now· ·swollen river" passage deep in Zion Na· tional Park's Virgtn Narrows Gorge are safe today, after four days in a preh.is{oric wilderness. · They slept under a blanket. or tinfoil, Consumer Affairs Office to Opert In Laguna Niguel -A· branch office of.: the ·Orange County Office of Consumer Affairs will open Wednesday in Laguna Niguel Regional Civic Center. The office will be staffed from 8 a.m. io 5 R .. in .. W~esc:tays by~ Weintraub, a-Consumer affairs representative. - The,_cOnsumer office -investigates com- plaints, reports violations of consumer- oriented laws, arbitrates complaints and provides consumer information. Weintraub has been a consumers representative for 15 months and has handled more than 500 investigations of compl aints. His actions have saved Orange County consumers $ 4 5, 0 0 0 , reported the office of Ronald \V. Caspers, fifth district supervisor. "l am delighted that the residen ts of South Orange County will have the services of Stan \Veintraub at their disposal," Caspers said in making the announcement of the new office opening. Weintraub was previously dire<!tor of Community Relations in Laguna Niguel and worked with the Mi ssion Viejo Com- pany in addition to 17 years of employ- ment with the aerospace industry. The new branch will use Caspers' field office in the regional civic center, 30143 .Crown Vall~y Parkway. Tel e phone nutnber ls 830-2612. 'Harry Pattison, 22, who recently mov- ed to Costa Mesa, and his brother Robert, 15, or Las Vegas, were led out or the chasn1 Thursday by three park rangers. "They were a little cold -and mighty hungry. But their condition really surprised us," said Chief Ranger l\1alcolm . Nicholson. The Pattison brothers picked their way along the last traversible regions of the 1,200-foot-Oeep gorge swept. by wall-to- 'vall wattt of the North Fork of th e Virgin River. They made part of the ill-fated trip by rubber raft but finally reached a point of . ' . no return. Veteran rangers wearing rubber wet suits led the weary hikers out of the nar- row canyon at the spectacular Temple of Sinawava. wpere ;red aad white cliffs Joom above the rushing river. Searchers had s~tted them from an alrPJane earner a scattered JeilJetS down into the windsweg_t river gorge ad· vising them to stay put and await rescue. Chief Ranger"'Nicholson said even ex- perienced mountain and river men won't brave The Virgin Narrows at thls time of year when snow i'unoff from the Utah highlands makes-it treacherou s. Hiking permits are required and none had been issued, indicating to rangers the two tiny figures spotted from the air Wednesday must· be the Pattison brothers. They ha(! begun a hike downriver from outside the national park with.a party of sL-v.: and separated Sunday, parceling out food from a survival kit the size of a matchbox as they became stranded. The Pattison family lives in Las Vegas, but the elder brother currently n1aintains a Costa Mesa address while working in the Harbor Area. Fro111 Page l -I " ' Campus Spe.eeh resident Hints nflation Steps ' -. r J ,, ... 1 • . • • The Orange County Health Department offers three recommendations f o r _citiz.eos. 'vhen the lf_ealth W_arl}i!:lg is in Detectives Find Cache of Drugs In Sex Probe ENGINEERS. . ·-···-Remember all the beau1if1.1l furnirure, lamps and accessories you"ve been ~dmiring all year long?--. , • Well,-t-hey·re now on sale ar !remendous -saving5! Not only our floor models, b_ur you· may special order many __ ,.,._, __ effect. ~ "Reduce your physical effort to a minimum, including no outdoor sports, stay indoors and stop or reduce your smoking, and avoid driving," said Or. Thomes Robinson, director of health services in Orange County. .. DAILY PILOT Laguna Beach detectives investigating . an alleged sex crime arrested a 19-year- old Dana Point man and assertedly con- fiscated a quantity or · marijuana, n.. ~ eo.u DAtL'I' P1LOT, wnh Wflk:I! hashish, peyote, and n a T c o t ics • """"'*' ,,. N-..Preu , '' PV1>11s1ie11 11.,. paraphernalia Thursday. "" °'' .... C..st PW11$11ing ConiP1nr. S.1111-Carlos Prado Beltran or 34132 Amber ,.,. edltlo!d ••• Pllllllahed, M-• .,. ""'fluot\ Lantern St., v.•as booked on charges of Ftlcl1y, "" Cotti Mew, NtW1»rl 8tlfh, HVl'l11,,.1on· 1Me111Fo.in111n V•Hty, L•gun• unla"'iul intercourse, possession of mari-'''cn. lrvllNISMliclleNCJi; '"" sin Cllimeniei juana, possessi'on. of peyote a n d S.n Ju.A C'ajllatr-. A 1ln~1e rrv.an11 .]Q§Session of paraphernalia, e11111ot1 ·i. "'*'bfl9d utafd•v• 1"11 Sul'ld•\'1. He \\'as held in jail today. No ball had "" prl1>tlpel Pllbllllllf1111 p11111 11 11 1311 w1111 been set. ''' 5 ''"'· co.ii MtM, ~11'°'1111' '1'14· Det . Gene Brooks said he and Det. Robert N. W11d ,.,..'"'" al'ld P111>t1ihtr Tony Smith v.·ent to Beltran's residence J1cli: R, Curley during the investigation of unlawful in-l v1e1 ,.,._,, •1'1111 "-'"•t M•n•ger teroourse (formerly statutory rape) in-Thom::,,!••ril volving a !ft.year-old Laguna Beach girl. Th-•• A. Mvrphin• Brooks said that a plastic bag allegedly M•MOl11t e:1tltw contaihjng marijuana seeds was observed nlore complicated and more expensive to n1ake. Professor Arthuf calls the calculator for the blind "perhaps the most suc- cessful of all the projects," although he praised all the budding en gineers for their work. Five students collaborated to build a small calculator which disPlays the out- put in Braille. The group originally got the 1dea from Michael Hingson, a blind physics gradUate student, \Vho also serv- ed as a consultant during the six months Spent on the project. The group feels there is a definite need fo r a calculator of this type and are lookin g into securing a protective patent for their model . · .r.1embers of the grt7trp include Robert Dennis Brehin,. Ken neth L. Cummins,· l\tichael D. Dobroski. Csaba S. ?vfolnar and Kimberly L. \Vhitela'\'. FrornP09e l ROSSMOOR . • • Ch•rl" H. Loo• Rich•r<I r. N'.u by detectives "'ho then announced their wilJ result in serious damage to the en· ,...'"'"'~""Edi'-intention to cooduct a narcotics in-vironment which could otherwise be ';rz-F.~!:9 vestigatioo. avoided," the petition claims. Brooks said the investigfltion turned up The city of Laguna Beach joined in the l!'•ili"f Aclclr•••: r.o. ••• '''· t2652 a bag of nine peyote buttons {an organic legal action with the Greenbelt following 0..... OMs.. psychedelic ), 244 grams of marijuana City Council action Wednesday night. co.11 M"'; "° ••• ••Y•,,_ and 64 grams or hashish.. (Three grams Louis Heimrich, vice president, cor-•5MCt1: »» H~ .......,.roll ""'"' ""a..ui: ""* ehm .....,.,., eqlfal slightly more than one ounce.) porate cou ncil, said today the company '-11· i.i asf'rtfflr1e-ic.~11•r An . 'd ' 11 he I ...,_·,714 , ••Jo4Jll 1nc1 cnt 1nvo v ng t IS-year-0 d has ret~ined two outside Jegal firms to '" Laguna girl \\'as reported Sllturday to handle I.he case. ct alflM A••ll I 1 '4W6t1 police. "The in1medlate ellect of the litigation l4pM .._. Al •••• '*' Capt. David S. Bro\vn said the girl's is that a hearing has been set . , . on piecCi to your own rasce, size or color AT SALE PRI CES! Suc h well-known names .as:· Drexel, Heritage, Henredon, Woodmark, · Marge Carson, Royal Coach , Ma.seer Craft and Sherrill! • SOFAS • CHAIRS • BEDROOM Sfil'S • DINING ROOM SETS • COCKTAIL TABLES • END TABLES • LAMPS • ACCESSORIES • BOOKCASES • PAINTINGS • DESKS AND SO MUCH MORE! Special ~avings on Selected hems from •DREXEL •HERITAGE •HENREDON • • • OREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREOON-WOODMARK-KARASTAN ';,,,_ _______ _ I . • , I EfilO.P: BEACfl~•c_-1 1127 W£SICllfF D• ... 64 l·20M LAGUNA B~ACH e _J !S.NOR.TH.CO'A~ HWY~ '11••110 4"'"" mother told officers she discovered a whether or not the court should issue an ~":;': ;:i. ~"': .... :;" 111:.~~.,.1~ man'ldentified as Deir.ran irt bed with. her order at th.al time Mopping work. .,,_ ___ -----~~N-f.1-R I 0 R· S ::,W':. :.,:. ~":' .. /"~~ daughter one morning. ''IQ the inicrim, we arc at liberty to WRKDAYS & SATURDAYS t :OO ft 5:30 .. 494.6551 TORRANCE ,• --~ll~Uul~.lloo~o~NI ILVD•,_,_ __ • Jl ·127f ~ ., ewf'_. ......,, Brown ~id it a ared that the gkJI _ _m:~~.'' el.mrlch uld .. ______ ,._ __ ,,_________ FllD y i1 1---t~=-,·" ... "" .. ~,,..;,:,.~,.~.""' .. ~"~.,~.~ ... ~w-, -F-haaDCen a mffiiifg e man to l house-"We are not "oing to do anything ex· --* t !O C.ll...,., ..,.,.._,..,. IW t••rltt n . .s I the I le ' ht I he " • d ~' ..-_.. u .11 "*'""'' 1911111,,., n a rug or car Y morning urs, traordlnary . , . anything tnat we ha ... .._.... AM """"'''· and that he \\-'OU!d leave prior to her not plflnncd to do six months or a year mOther's a"'akcninjr jn the morning. ago.'' he addOO. ,. • ' , ( " • " ,,,, ·I ' " . •. ' " -~---" • . '· ,• " • ; r ' .-,, • ) Saddlehaek EDITION VOL. 66, NO. 159, 4-SECTIONS, 46 PAGES _Vcl -EPginee-rs ·~t Dreanis . -- By HILARY KA YE Of tll• CNll'f' Pl .. I Sltlt Now lhat Enginee~ing 105 is drawing to a close, the Engineering Building at UC lrvjne is piled high with the wild, and not-so-wild, dreams of Irvine's student engineers. The 4.9 stude nt s enrolled in Professor Paul Arthur's class, mostly juniors, col· \aborated on 17 separate projects ranging from a ne\v form of mass transportation called "The TubC" to a device which Mail Alivays : Gets Tlirougli , . • measures the speed .of the shutter on ·you.r camera, to a desk calculator for the blind which utilizes Braille. Perhaps the strangest looking ap· paratus l exhibited at Jhe students' detnonstr~tion on Thursday · was the "~1agneto-l>neumatic Vehicle SysLem.'' affectionately called "The Tube" by its four in ventors. It attenlpts to solve one ot the gravest problems in Southern California -mass-transit -\Vith a _rather un ique approach. Chris C. Bradley, one mcn1 bt:r of the te;!lll \\'ho ,,·orked on the project, ex- pl ained th 1t air pressu re is th~ pro- Jlc llant. pushing the vehicle throUgh a tubt-like structure. The passengers do not ride inside of the vehicle within the tube. ho\rcver. Bradley's group designed. a second vehicle to house passengers a1 - tachcd to th e fi rst one through magnetism. ll rides along the top of the tube. - ';Passengers reall;i -v.·ouldn it enjoy ri ding insicie H tube. so \Ve deciiled th~ll magnets· v.·ould hold the inside and outside vehicles together. \\'hilc the air pressure pushes along the inner vehicle at'~peeds up to 55 n1 .p.h .. " Bi·adley s:1id . In th e group's 1nodel, the source of air is a vacuum cleaner. Because th ere is a stationary 1l01vcr source instead of ~avin~ a snurce travel· ing 1Y-ith each vehicle. as an engine does. the system is rclalivcl y free of pollution (Sec ENGINEERS, Page -21 Tax Hilee-Glarified ,, .. , Today's Final • N.Y. Stoeks TEN CENTS on i-s-plafi~. . . i NEW PLYMOUTH. Idaho (UPI) -Glenn 1-lilton of New Plymout h has received a hi gh school gradua- -I-tion-nnnooneement-1,on1-his.«>usu1-1--T-l al·tey-S1eh· uul-~F-aee-20... _4fJ-€ent:/ "'ho mailed iL from his honletown ~ .J -.·..-,n,..--ra-- of Etnmet, Idaho, 20 n1iles awa y. Hilton said Thursdav that the lcl- .: ter ·was postnlarked ~18y ,1 7, 1941, ": and carried a 1 1,~-cent postage sta1np. McCo;•d A·sks ' The business manager of the Snd- dle~ack Valley l lnified School DiStrict explained Thursday ''"hY homeo1~·ners the-re face the probability of a 20 to 4.0. c.ent. property tax ~ike in t~e d~.strict's r1rst year of operatton. . ' '!'he bTgglSt-Singte -remoJJ0:11irRob· ~Jat1he1y. is that lhe nei,1•ly unified Sad- clleback. district is ri cher !hail the old Sn1r .Joaquin and Tustin districts· fron1 \1·hich it \1·as carved out. "This 1ne<111s that the state isn't \viUing , to help us out as n1uch,'' i\.lat1he11' said. To the 01r!ler of a S40.000 home, this ''And 1rhatevcr funds !he sta te take~ difference in tax rates \\'Oi..ld make a S40 a1..-ay. "·e've got. to mnke up from locnT · taxes." i\Iatthe1v's remarks came in an increas e· on the annual pr9perty tax bill. intervicv.· tol\0\1'ing: a Thur sday afternoon The reducti ?n in state aid is a direct. study session of Saddleback trLLStecs. result of carving up the old Tustin Union t;m;ryeirr-the-combined-·tmc rate frvm-1-ligh-,.5chool-f)istfieh-l\'1atl:he~d:---T-he San .Joaquin elt:m_cnta ry and Tustin l-tigi1 district tak~n ;is a \11ho!c qualified i'or school distticts '"as about ·~:5.55-per ~\UU :::2QJ pC'r sludcnt.in statc'aid . But Lhc SaU-aSsc~s<!tl valuation. 'fhis year the tax dleb;ick por tion cf the ciislrlc"t alone is ra t<.' could easily go as high as ~5.95, ;.:c· n1uc h ri<.hel' ~·1'.l c11:::ili1i~s for only nbout cordjn;; to i':lat!hew. ~See TAX JILK E. Pilge 21 --·----------- Co1ivictio1i Be Reve1~secl \\I ASHh\iGTON I AP) -Atton1eys [or t'Qnvicte<l Yt'atergate conspirator James m. i\IcCord Jr. asked today tha t his o;in· viction be reversed because of in· formation brought lo light in subsequent investigations of the \Vatergate scandal. Atty. Bernard Fenstrr1vald · said .. tiis Fra11co to -Give Up Offi·ce But Will l\.eep 3 Others~ ·ca1ne, Set ... A1id Matcli A Balboa Bay Club tenant \vas ar~ested on a _shoplifting cti8rgc Thursday night after he stalked out of J.C. Penney's Fashion Island .store \\I.earing a ne\v pair.. of SJO ten- nis shorts with security guard Sier· ·genr Plltt Sltlf Pll<li. . , I MAt:;NETICALLY COUPLED PNEUMATIC VEHICLE SYSTEM ' Christopher Bradley Ins pects Device Nicknamed "The Tube'' I Smog Dunge1· motion n~k.cd ~.S. Dis!. Court . Ju<lge ~l,\DlllD (UPI\ -GenertJlissin10 John J . S1r1ca e1th~r to issue a directed . . , , v·erdiCf of 3cquiltal ro1• .M~Cord-or·:-10 --F:ranc1soo-Rranco, Spa1n.s. ~challenged schedule a new trial. (Related atones.. ruler sJnce 1!139, took the first concrete picture. Page. '41. . • step to\\·ard translering po"·er today by i\'icCord and six others were convicted 'hppointing a conservative and traditional ---.---· navy man to succeed bini as prirpe WHY DID EX-NIXON AIDE nflnist~r. COMMlT_URJ~UB.Y. ~M~s, The govemmeot information ministry Page 12 . announced that Vice President Adm. Luis Carrero Blanco \viii be sworn in as pri1ne iri' January on cl1arges stemming from 1nin ister Saturday. the June 17, 1972 break·in al the Franco, now 80, \\'iii retain the three Democ ratic National Committee head-other top posts in Spain : head of stale. qwr.tfil's. comman.der in chief of the anned forces. · FCnsierv.·alcf sa id-liis rifOtioii \\las based and head of the ·eoontry's onl:f potitiC-al on subsequent~disclosures that the party, thf "National i\1ovementr • government withhel~ knoV.:lcdge or t.he El Caudillo ("the I~ader") already ,has existence of a special White House 1°" designated Prince Juan Carlos to be' th e vestigative unit and that seve~al wit· next king of Spain on Franco's death. nesses during the trial .Perl u red ,\ 30-\\·ord announcement by the in- themselves. forn1ntion ministry today said Carrero E. HO\\'ard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy, Blanco \\'ill be S\\•om in at r~ranco's El l\\'O Watergate trial defendants convicted Prado Palace. His official title \\'ill be along with McCord. were members of the P.resident of the Spanish government. special Whlt~ House group; formed to Under the constitution~ltli'firii'task will trace leaks of classified information. be to fonn a new cabinet. Fensterwald also-filed-a-motion asking ~· apj>oiiitffient-or1ne-7o;:year-:Ol<l the judge to order the govem~t 1:0 Carrero Blanco, Franco's No. 2 man search its records to detemune if since he was made vice premier in 1967, -~tcCord's home telephone bad been tap-meant that Franeo has taken a first step pe(I_ after-June 17. -toward his eventual retirement,-sources Jn a third motion. Fensterwald asked close to the government said. the judge to Postpone the June 15 sen· ·But they stressed that Franco will con· tencing of McCo~ to give the govern-tinue in his other three posts which he ment a chance to reply to his other mo-assumed in 1939 after his forces defeated tions. --·--· toosparush---"RepubliC difring the Spanish- Fensterwald sa id McCord, an Civil War. acknowledged expert in e I e c t r on i c The sources said that \Vhile Carrero surveillance, is convinced his telephone Blanco will run the day-to-day affairs of bas been tapped since June 17. government, Franco \\'ill remain the man Thursday, Sen. Lo\vell P . Wei.c\r.~r (R-who rriakes Spain's vital decisions. Conn .), predlcted. that t!1e conv1chons of Government sources said Carrero Blan· "1\.1cCord and Liddy hkely ~ould be co's appointment had been in the malting reversed because o~ testimo.!1)'. ,_o_f _for a.Joug_time .ami . .w.as pa{l __ oLa_care-- Herbert L. Porter, former SC e<lul~g fully planned transtftOn of power. director for President Nixon's re-election They said the appOintment in no way campaign, before the Senate Watergate affected the position of Prince Juan committee. Carl°" de Borbon who1n Franco chose Porter told the committee Thursday that he committed perjury at the Watergate trial at the request or Jeb Stuart 'Magruder, the deputy campaign manager. Fow· Admit Favors LOS ANGELES (AP) -Four veteran sheriff's officers have admitted ac· cepting favors from an employe or Ampex Corp., contractor for l he department's ORACLE video-tape file, Sheriff Peter Pitchess says. ra Rl!ynqkto in hot pursijit. . The 44-year-old man waived his righis and readily confessed when turned over to Newport Beach police ror bookinJ on Reynaldo's petty theft allegahon. , · I He said he swiped the shorts because he .was late for a ·match and could not get a salesperson to L ·ait on him. . .\ccord So119lat . :. 'Gut {J'8'ii at Vehicles, Area Drivers Asked Citizens of Orange -courity,· along \Vith those in L.1s Angeles. San .Bemardino and Ri\·erside counties. 1vere asked Thursday ~ to reduce driving fo "an absolute mi nimtH'(l" and to stop incinerator bum· ing and open agricultural burning, as rmog lcvels ·in SOuthern California con- tinued to exceed normal levels . Irvine Pa11el Goes Slow • This request made by the Orange Coun!y Air · Pollution District ·follows sin1ilzr requests made Thursday by Governor Ronald Reagan and the Environmental Protection Agency. Smog conditions in Orange County are the least serious of any of the four ad- joinin g co~tleS but residents are being ask~ to cooperf!te in an attempt to alleviate the dangerous conditions in. Jtiver:_side and San Bernardino counties. On County Growtl1 elan Sinog alert levels were exceeded in GIVES UP PREMIERSHIP. Spain's Dictator Franco By ,JOHN ZALLER Of !ht Dilly ,Ito! Stiff Irvine city plann ing-commissioners agreed cautiously Thur:sday to explore \1·ays of cooperating \\'ith a controversial population gro\vlh program proposed by our-year.s ago as his eventual succ~sjQL__ the Orange C~unty Planning Department_; as chief of state and Spain's future king. \Vhile some cities have been openly Carrero Blanco is a slem tra· hostile to the county planning effort, ditionalist whose recent speeches have Irvine comnlissioners expressed general stressed his loyalty to Franco and his support for the idea of regional coopera- strong beliefs in la\V and order. lion in deve loping a population gro"'lh He rose to his present position mainly policy for the 26 cities ot the county. on the strength or Franco's tota l trust But they appeared divided on the im- and withoul stirring the....imagination of _Jl:Or1~nt _!!e~ails. of \\'hether . the pla~ the Spanish people. Associates have should seek to hmflgrowth. SI0\1' gro1vtn. described hi1n as an c1<cellent organi?,er ·or s~1np\y _plan \Ve!J for v•hatever grO\\'lh and coordinator who prefers to work in conies their way. the background. ..1'1~ n~t sure th.al .lo\1·cr populatio1~ is Carrero Bianco's appoin101cn1 cainc g~~d, said Comm1s.s1one~ Robert Smith. after weeks of intens'e pqliti cal acti vity Not only are there serious legal prob· sparked by leftist !'\'fay Day incidents in Aladrid and a strong right-wing backlas h to the slaying of a policemao by left-wing demonstrators. Political sources said aarrero Blanco could be expected to shake up the cabinet considerably., givin g it a sligh tly stronger right.wing and la\vand-order trend. ' University Higl~ Baccalaureate. Services S1u1.flllY these two_ counties for the past three lems with having a citY. limit the days. Authorities predict high smog num ber ot . building permits_ it issues but levels through the end of the week. _there are moral problCf'.IS," Smith said , '.'\\'.~'ve .had,, two or three days hjgber than qormal but the re hasn 't been a ma-"T9 say that \Ve've got a nice shoreJine jo~ increase in sm"og in Orang~ County,''. and mountains but we're not letting said Ora 'Velis, investigator for the anyone else · live here seems mora lly Orange 90unty Air Pollution District. -\l'rong to me.· ----. J:!l o1v~ver, Wells \varned that-whllelocal "I th ink, it's very difficult for one area citizens need riot' be too alarmed their cooperation \Vith the requests to ~educe lo \vithdra\v into itself and say \Ve're drivihg and eliminate burnings \\"OUld im- here and no One else: can crime." prove the smog situation in neighboring The solution, Smith said. was to "plan counties and throu~hout inland areas of and to plan 'i,1•ell ." He said he supported Orange County. the county population growth Y>lan as an . Cities along the Orange Coast are still "ex-hortation to aood plannina.'' relatively free fron1 smog, Wells main-" " tained. Commissioner ~1a r.y Ann Gaido also On Tuesday and Wednesday. health supported the county program. but for a \varning s \\'ere issued at the northern end different reason. "What 've're talking about is cooper-(See S!\.100, Page %) ating on conl!'Olling growth,·· she said. ·'1 don't think it 's immoral to do that. It 's not necessarily selfish to keep the beaches and the nlountains \VOr~h co ming lo by restricting development." Forest Dickason , county director of planning. said the p~rpose of ~he gro\vth program wa s to !ind .out ho\\< much gro\vth each city wanted :ind then lo plan for it on a regional basi s. Orange Cout Weather Mission Viejo Baccalaureate Services Slate(l Deal Ba~kfires An1ong elements requiring count y\vide planning 1ve.rc transportatIDu, utilities. u ;1iversit.y •Hgh School seniors 1vill IO\V·inc11me housing tllld open space. take one of their first steps towards Qickaso n said. gradutition Sunday at baccalaureate "Whal \Y'f!-,.fc trvrng to do i!i lO fiffdOut Th~ fog. will win out ove" the sun· along Orange Coast sands Sat~ day. but inland 'temperatures will reach the upper 70s with hazy sun- shine. Highs al lhe beaches in the rni d-6&. The baccalaureate service for Mi ssion $l T ~ ld-W" J R M services on the Irvine canlpus. 'vherc the publil'.:.values arc aOd th en to Viejo High School'.• class-of 1973 will-be eapOt .;iO lt f, ell.t 011,ey The ceremonies-begin in lhe outdoor ll',V l0 >lonj or th<in,::.J >)cka soo said. at 8 p.m, Sunday at the high school mn~ic theatre at 4771 Campus Drive :u 5 The comniis-s ion vo lL>d 5 to I to as k cily stadiu.m. p.m. planning offi cials to study t h-c BiShop Patrick Brian or the Church of Gref.chen Kerr of Capistrano Beac h is anything to sell. Studenl speakers wiU be E"·e Tipton, prelimlnary Count)" gio wth plan to see · Jesus Christ or Later Day Sainls will hoplng ·and praying today that the .. She asked about the tea set and I told whose topic is "Standing Alone" and Jlm how it related to Jr,•hie. Co1n'missioners dell\ter the 'baccalaureate address. middle-aged couple who bought a $1 her to go ahead and sell it." Littrell, "'hose speech is en tit 1 e d indicil!ed that if they took a forinal posi-lf----~a::etlnas.--wilLOO 'giv_en Beth tea~'":;l"ljl:!;~~~·-~al!!<•W!IJl!.JOO!!O'lJt]IJ)H]nbr;~A~~·ho~{lrt:.n/tiJm~enoil~at~e~r wfM~r~•;.· ~Kr,err~._;;·'*-G~ra~n~dlJ!m'lla.l!o'lln,!L<'Jif~c.:;".)Bo~lh~a~r:£eJgi!'ra!ld!l!U)!'al!l!inl!g:_~tion On pa.rt$ of the,gro\\'th plan, it wyuld Schmidt. senior class preSfdent. have · tin honest streak. rememl>eredllie n\oney an run o [he seniors . me o:ttc·r"tifY;5tti:ff-mcmberrhad 1i'fh-d_ Also participating wlll be the school 's The teapot was accidenta11y sold with garage to get It back. . The main bae:calaureate address will their repbrt. · cancert band and choir. The band, • $175 In ttnt-money stuffed-tnstde. he-was-too-late;---be by the Rev. Harold J . Powers, a. · Dick!'lson said this position \\'as what he ~,'M;-:~~ 1~ == ,. ...... "'"~. directed by ·Terry N'ewman, wPI Play the The· bereft woman oid that the ,cash A couple who ap~red to be in their catholic priest from UC Irvine Jnter-wanled becaust "\\'C need your comn1ent 1 .. 11111 12 ,.., ..... ,,.... ., tt- prelude and recessional. :---stored.in-the·potJ.<.is-aU-1..have"to p{ly.t S&-ha~J~gll~ tile. seL ar,d .had faith . __ on this ~licy, not ~:t_,_our support.'" ~~"!iii: ii..! :-=:,:;:,.., ~i.~ Two gongs will be _presented by-1he r.ent--w.lth this month.!' -. _ .-driven away 1n ilate-modcl blue sedan. 11\Cocalion will be by Rev. Ron .Allison G.QmJTIJSsioncr franklin llurd_\\·•s the c~d(t n .,,., .. .......,. 11 '----thoir, directed by Barbara Arnold. "I don 't koow what we;ll do if the peo· "I j\ISl hope aod pray thnt theylre of the United ~1othddist Church In Irvine. lone di~Ui'ig VGle, ~~~tl(t~ :! :=:' ~'''' :tn . -1NSlDE ·rooA y The Re11.· E. W. Barbe<!: ot the First ple don't bring it back,'' she added . ho11est ~nle and bring the money back. Rabbi !{Obert Bergman or. the lsrlfel During diseusslon o( the report liurd 11•11•11•1 '''' ' Tt!t'WIJIHl " Hr-~---c:tt , . ... 'II ~ "'--" • ~In-• 1a-1• TMtl1tt ..... rlstian hurch-o M~Si()n tt:JO-W• -Mr eJ'r. explained-the-roulup "l~L-tho ... inono: · 'v ~ I "" cademy-of.11•vine-wiU-glve-U)i..bcnedik' >-..<rltlclud .the .cou ror .... as.sumlnt--that--~.._...__,. ••.-•!-~;;;;;i--::;...;;-.::;:;_l--~ deliver the benediction. which Jed to the unintcn<k!d "bargain." \VOrld rlghl now.'' tion. ' ' "the current county growth 'p0l\ty i$ bad . =~,. :~ ·::~;:..::•• ~:: . Some 550 students are expected to •1 ~ty lister Is having this garage 43lc The buyers can contact Mrs. Kern bv Uni High Madrigals and mixed and It seems to .me Ll\at It's not growth that M•llM• • ... .,..... .. graduate Wednesday. and. uked lne this morning ILi had coUing-49tl·l46tl. · · freshman chonises will perform . IS.. PLANNERS, Png• %1 • . •. ' " ' . . ! ' ; .1 I • • I ( OAILY PILOT 15 Fr1d,Y, June 8, l'V3, ' Firm Offers Scl1ool Land To District A deal between the !\fission Viejo Com· pany and the Capistrano Unified School DislTict may create an almost instant elementary school in a high-growth° area. ;.,.-!--'!';he compen,..has~offercd seven-lo ten acres or rough graded land north and west or the Trabuco Road-l\1arguerite Parkway intersection at $25,000 ~r acre. 'fhe going rate or the land is $50,ooo per acre. In addition, the company has offered to , lease the district up to 14 portable classrooms at $1 per year to tielp house 200 ne'f' grade school students expected by fall. Adjacent to the school site is an area earmarked for dedication to the cOf!nty as a public park. Truman Benedict. CUSD superin· tendent, told the board the district should hire ah architect to help determine how much or the possible IO acres should be purchased. Trustee George \Vhite said he did not feel the district could afford to tum down the offer, though the lot has some drainage and-slope complications. First Public Kiss If the details of the deal go through, the r..tission Viejo Company will release $130,000 to the district earlier than re- quired. This money is designated for use either on site acquisition or improvement on the di strict's site for a proposed third ' Princess Anne greets her fiance, Lt. ?.fark Phillips, at the airport in 1-lanover, Germany, with the first kiss between the engaged pair in public. high school. Mesa Hiker, Brother Both existing-high schools, in-Dana Point and San Clemente, will be operating beyond capacity within the next three years. Survi·ve Wilderness 100 Viejo Higl1 Students Lauded F'ro m Wire Serv ices SPRINGDALE , Uta h -A pa ir of hikers who braved the treacherous, snow. swollen river passage deep in Zion Na· tional Park's Virgin Narrows Gorge are safe today, after four days in a prehistoric wilderness. Irvine Plartrters Reject Desigri Review Boc1rd The Irvine City Planning Commission unanimously rejeoted a year-old proposal Thursday for a design rev ie\Y board lo oversee architectural des ign of new buJJdings in the cily. rnstead. commissioners urged that a ne\V member be added to the Planning .Department to work wit h developers to insure that new. buildings meet ~asic "esthetic standards'' of the city. Commissioners then ordered Planning Direc:1or Bruce \Varren to 1\•rite an ordinance that would give a legal basis for deciding these esthetic standards. Tl.ie v.•hole package will be reviewed by planning commissioners agai n next week and then forn•arded lo the City Counci l. The commission too k up the matter of design review at the request of the C<lUn· cil. \Vhich had asked for C<lmment on a proposal first drafted last June that sug. gested creation of a design review board. Planning Director \\larren opened discussion by arguing that a design review boord v.·ould be costly, time-<!on- suming and a dupl ication of Other city review processes. He said the proposed new board \vould delay every de vclopn1enl proposal at least 30 to 60 days. They slept qnder ... a blanket of tinfoil, hu ddled together for warmth in their wet clothing and shared their last meal of a single raw egg shortly before being rescued. • Harry Pattison. 22, who recently mov- ed to Costa Mesa , and his brotber Robe rt, 15, of Las Vegas, were led out of the chasm Thursday by three park rarigers. ''They were a little cold and mighty hungry. B~ their condition really SW'prised us," said Chief Ranger ~1alcolm Nicholson. The Pattison brothers picked their way along the· last traversible regions of the l,20l}foot-deep gorge swept by wall-to- v.•all water of the North Fork of the Virgin River. They made part or the ill-fated trip by rubber raft, but finaUy reached a point o! no return. Veteran rangers \\'earing rubber wet suits led the weary hikers out or the nar- row can.Y,OD at the spectacular Temple of Sinawava. where red and white cliffs loom aboVe the rushing river . Searchers had spotted them from an airpfane earlier and scattered leaflets down into the windswept river gorge ad· vising them to stay put and await rescue. Chief Ranger Nicholson said even ex- perienced mountain and river men won't bra ve The Virgin NarrO\YS at this time or yea r when snow runoff from the Utah highlands makes it treacherous. ' 11iking permits are required and none had been issued , indicating to rangers the two tiny figures spotted from the air \Vednesday must be the Pattison bro thers. They had begun a hike do\vnriver from out side the national pa rk with a party of . six and separated Sunday, parceling out food from a survival kit the size of a matchbox as they became stranded. The Pattison family lives in Las Vegas, but the elder brother currently maintains a Costa ?i.1esa address \Vhile \\'Orking in the Harbor Area . At Honors Night Some 100 Mission Viejo High School students were presented awards for high school achievements and c o 11 e g e scholarships at the annual honors and av.•ards reception Thursday night. Dr. Robert B. \Vallace, head counselor, presented . the awards. Music was pro- vided by the ?i.Ussion Viejo High School orchestra. Don Ames, h1VHS principal, delivered the greetings and acknowledged the school 's academic honorees. Honors include the following: UHl ... ERSITY AND COLLEGE HONORS AT ENTR ANCE WHlmonl CDH~, Liii Mosbllugfl; St1ntord, ktvln Co.n ; Unlvtrs!ty of So\111\etn C1lllon>l1, O•vt 0•&· mood; University of Ille P1dflc, J1n11 "'•n Oyte; Unlvenlty of K111U11. Costlle Rlttl; Unlv1 r1lty ot Southtrn Ct\flomla, Rob' FergLIMlfl; 1od Ctlllornl1 Start Unlvet1lty. Fullerton, Cynlhl1 Tl'IOmPIOO· COLLEGE SCHOLARSHll"5 use Mtrft Schol&nlllp, Rot> Ferguson; UnJverslly ot C•Ut., lrvfot Regentt, llartN•• Ambrosi; C1!11. Stitt Sch01trslllp.1 Mloro&r11 Wfbb• c1Uf. Sl•ft sc:rio11nr11p, Mike MurllPYI Call!. Statt k1>ol1rahlp, Ktvln CD1n; ce11r. s111• sc111111rshre· LM MufldV; c1111. s1111 Scllol1r1h/p, J1net an Dyke; C&lff. Stillt Scllol•nhtp, C1rol Sllulmlflr.u1 1nd Unlvtr•lty Of Te~111, Biii Hobtis. FINANCIAL AWAltD~ \'~es!mont Coll~•· List Mosllfl~n; Loyott UnlverSI· '"· Mlch11el& BU:Sllllm ; MU:SIC C1rHr Award, Voc•I: And•~ Ad11m1, lnslrument1I: Shelly Norr!1. Pre5f"1!'d by Jim Perry, PreslClenl, Minion "'l•lo Hl;h Sd>oo! Musk Boosters. 51. 0111·1 College, Kevin Blrkbeek; R.Olll>dl Unlve~lly, Lysbel Jtn klns; Alr Force ROTC lo Fullerton. George Lyle; Air F01ce ROTC lo Uolvtrsl· ty 111 w1sllh19ton, John League; Ml1slon CommunHv HosPll1I SCiol1r1hio Aw1rds. M&rk C1119(1no, 11"1d Nancy Kenworthy; Ml1o1lon Community Hosplltl Women's Au•lll1ry (SDecl&I Aw1rd1 ), Connlt Beckman, Rer\dy Ec kho\01, ilM Mtrsh& Wyll1. l'RESEHTAT ION OF AWAROS S•ddlebtck VllleY AOU&lla !tchol1,,hlp, JIY AubUrn: Gtr1rd1 Colltllt of Beauty, Sh...-ry Gr•IMm1 flelll' Ct0ekl• Homemtktr 111 !ht Fu1ure, Cindy K•nen; OenlOl"Th Foundalloo Award, Lil Engt!h1rd1 Ml1sloo .,.11111 AU«i1tlon of Artists tod Cretttmen Awtrd, Marti; Witte and Susan Greco; ScTpps Colleve Hum1nllles Book Prize Progrem. Lau ri Miies; ElllS Lod!le Youth LtaCler~lp Awardl. OGl'I Hebels. LISI Mos!l.lug h, Cynlhla Tl'IOmP"on, aod K1tlly Tinner. R1nch0 Vlelo women's Club SchOl~rslllPI, Diann• Otllel Ind Lynn Grels!Mum; Awards tor N11lon1I Achltvtmenl in Creative Wrl11111, Bab Koeh l1•; Mission Vielo Company Schol&rslllP1, Cyn!hlt Tt>omPson and Mike Sorum; women's All•llll"l"Y South Coast Communl!y Hospital Medical Aw1ra, Lvnn Grel1b1um. Gtmc:o CMrllable Scl\Olarshlp F11undallrm 'Award, Co:iette Rieb; NROTC Sch011rsh1P', Oave Ol1mond ,,nd Wilt.,. Lundin; S&Odlet)lek .,.alley News Jiwrnellsm Award. K11n.rlne Ktevll; C1!1fo rnl& \>lvlngs and Loan Leogue Award, Terry Huber; Na· t1111>al M1r!t Scl\Ol&r5nl11 Qu1lllyi"11 Lttfer ot Com· mend1llon. Marcia Wvllt, Cos~te Rieb; N1tlona! A1er\! S1ml·Flne11,1, 01 vld Leughon ; N.ilo1t Mtrlt Flnllllts, Slevt Bowen; Kent ClllldWICk, Kevin Co.n, "The same design review function can be per£ormed by the staff." \Va·rren said. "and in my opinion should be performed by the sta"'!f.~"--____ Eron& Page l Commissioner Franklin Hurd said that a study o( Tustin's Design lteview Board convinced him that Warren y,·as right. Hurd sa id the average project !here was deleyed six mooths and that it took 2S percent of the planning department's staff time to support the board's acti vity. · Lee Ml.l"dy. Seo!! Pe1r1on; N1!1on11 M1rn Scho!ar11>!p Aw1rd5, Kevin Coan, LH Murl<ly. L•") Heidie• Scl1nce Award, J•rrt Wallon1 Nt· ---~tlonl -yo\j!lf crm11rence M SC!encnni;t--tnt-ErMfflno-men!, Jamei T1>omPW11; P.T.O. Scholershfp Awtrd , llOf ye! announctd1 Calltornla Set-tool Employees Al!oOCllllon, Chepter 11S Award. Rlcll1rd Srr1ti.en. ORANGf COAST u DAILY PILOT fne Or•flllt COtl! OAtLY PIL01. with WhlCh iJ catnbl,...S lhe Ht.,.,,·Prn1. f• pVblltned by Ttot Or1119t CO<l•I Puo101nl"ll Com~ny. s-. ••It 9Cll!kwl1 ••• 1111t11>11>m, M01>111y 1t.rouoh Frkl•Y. for co.11 ......... NtWllO•! Bead!. li..,.,11"1110n Bea.c:h/Founttln "'•llt y, Leo11n1 Be«.h, lrvlM/S6<1dlftl c;Ji; lllCI St" Clt.....,lt/ SI" Juen C1plttrt110. A Sl"lllt "VI-I .Ollie<! 11 IM#bllahed S<itutdtyt &nd Sund•YI· rl11 prlnc:l"I Pllllllffll..., pltn t 11 11 JlO W~tl BtY SlrHI, COl!I MtM, C•H•or""· '1616. Robtrl N. W11d l"tnkltn! tnd Pu1111-r J1ck R. Cwrl,.., Vic• Prnldtnl t/ICI GtlH'•fl M•n19tt Tho11111 Kf1 .. il EOltor ll\011111 A. Mwrphin t M1~•"11 Echlor Ch1r(11 H. Looi Richttd P. Ni ll A!llhll"I ...-1n1gl119 Edl!Orl Offk• C01t1 Me••· :uo Wnt l1y Slrtt! N~ lltttll: U» N_,I lloulfv1nl l.99""1 llfftll: m FDtfl! AYfflw ~ .... tifiqtM •11<1!: 17'7S ltKll llOultVlrd S.n Cl-If .. ~ Nor111 El C.11111111111 1---1"-", ........ ,,, .. ~1"4111-~ C'-HIM AMftl .... '4J.1&71 s.. c.._... All De,.,....,.: ,, .. ,.._ "fJ-4 .. JO '""'""'· itrJ. -o,..no1 '°"'' "'vblli.111"" (Ot!'lp,t"Y· Ho """'' U•tlt1. Jl!11llttllO!>J. Hltwi<ol !Nit... or l'd...,i11-1t 11tr11" "'-~ U. rfll(CIO\l(ld ••lllOvt 1P1Clll ,..,. llllulon ti COO\ltltlll ._,_ --~1 ... ..._ ......... ,, Cwtt--Mtn, Ct!Tl9'11t1. lllBtO"{fllt<I .., ctrrlo1t U.61 "*'"''"' t.... 111111 •J.11 "*'llM'IJ 1111!1t1rr a111 ... IJC1M IJ.6' -11111'. PLANNERS. •• CALIFORN IA STATE SCHOLARSHIP FEOEllATION S.111111"1'1: is bad but Jack of planning grov.·th." B1rb1•• Amtlro1e. Steve Bo'Nfil, Ltslle 8rown, kHtv for that 8urgm1ou, Ktnl Chadwick, Hiii c=., Mtry Ann Ch1prT11n, Kevin Co.n, Ol vld Dlt . LH Dln11, A:ODerl FergulOfl, Chrl111 Friue, Wtnld Gtorgn. Jean Gooc1m1n, ChtrrY Gu!ledgt, Tirri Hutitr, L'flllll Jtt1klns, Kalle ICHvll. Dtvld Ltugllon, Willer Lun· Clln, ICtrtn Diane M1rt1n, LH Mundy, COHiii RleO, C1ro1 Sl'IUl111l1lr1s, Mike Sorum, Cynlhll Tl'lom11$011, J111tl ... an Oykt. llurd then pointed out that the county gro\\'lh plan as now written limits lr,·ine's population to a n1aximum or 370.000 in the year 2020. while lrvine's 01\n projections show a popu1ation Of <iboul 430,000. Hurd asked Dickason how this pro- jection sq uared with Dickason's promise that local policies would be respected. "There was no way we could be anything but arbitrary if we were going to try to set up projectiOM for limiting overall county growth,'' Dickason ad· milted. "Obviously we had to deal with lower density than some of "the proeerty O\\'ners wou ld like." · From Page l ENGI NEERS • • • from bolh noise and rumes. The project took only four montht to l'Omplete, and in the words of Bradl~y, "It im't a fin ished product. But we v.·anted to show people that maybe a lit· tie more thought should be given to this type of mass transit.'' Other members o( the group include Drla n I. Donald, Harry M. Griives ,Jr. and Rod...D. Grossman. Another project was initiated by ...Edward 0. Uber, a camera. exper.t who (11,\'llS his own camera shop. Older than _!ll9!t I th tud nls r decided to -bum ~ cv ce to test t e a uftec$iie<d"ol a camera. He was a ided by classmates • Dudley C. lfumphreys and David A. Nahrstedt: ClllllldllH: Lynn Cole, LISI U.o&tiauvh. Pete !tcMU, Ptul Schwtl?tr, Tint Rleh1rd,.;in, Jerry Wilton, C••ol Ziehm. Ollicers1 Pres1c1.,,1, Kent Chtdwlcti; (1111): vite-g.rn., LH Mundy 1111111 Cvnthla TllOmPlon !sprl"lll: ken Hoowtr (5prlng); secrefarv. Lil J1nk!ns1. trtesurer. Ltlgn Awbui.11. OOVERHOll'S SCHOU>llS' AWARO B1r~r• Amtlrose.. Sieve Bowen, Hell Ch11v. Marv Ann Cnapmen, Kevin Co.an. llobtrt Ferguson, Tll<l<HI Hut>tr, LySbtl Jtnkln1. Mark Witte, Dtvld Laugl\On Lff Muridy, COHl'll llltb, C1rol ShUI• m15tr11. From Pagel SMOG ..• ol the county in La Habra. and also in Anaheim. where readings climbed slight· ly ovet' lhe .20 level needed to issue a health warning. On Thursday, however, 1 hese areas \Ye re just under the healtl\ warning mark. The National Weather Service ex· plained that the heavy smog conditions throughout Southern California are due to temperature inversion and stagnant weather systems. The smog IS trapped at ground level by warmer air hanging overhead, and will remnin there unti' there is enough wlnd to blow the' smog away. \Veils said tha t the Orange County Air Pollution District has received a number or Complaints concerning the high smog Y<1 P!!ttlCU]!c1l'...wJ..!Y.~9Jl~<!aY.,_,,. ~­The Ocange County Health O.par ment offers three recommendations f 0 r citizens when the llealth Warning is in effect. PROCLAMATIONS COME OUT EARS" POCA TELLO, ldaOO (UPll -Mayoc BUI Roskelley has proclaimed next week ··non-proclamation week" in the city. I Roskelley ,.Id lbl! year be hu illsued 2,328 proclamatloos, taking up a lot of his tlme. "I do hereby proclaim the week of June 11 as non-proclamation \\'eek so I can get something done," Roskelley said. • •• Catnpu1 Speeeh President Hints ' • • Inflation Steps. • • • I • i1 , I From \Vire Strvlces will have to die with lhem ." the Prest.. ORLANDO, Flu . -Skirting Watergate den~ said. ~ and striking a "whitt's rig ht v.•llh . Nixon S1_>0ke for half an hour to an a~· 1 . 1, • . . 1 d1ence estimated at ubout 9,000 seated 1~ America theme, Pres1den\.-N1x0ft-'h1Ated-ope~leac~er!-behtnd-1hevto'rtda~e:c~----jl--I broadly today that he would act soon to adm1n1s~rauon building. 1be audiencq:. Erot P..agel deal with infialfon. (Related stories, mostly in shirt sleeves and some in cut Page 14). off jeans, applauded wannJy but therf 1110 pe' Stu•-1 ·n state •'d 1 r hi bl. were no prolonPed cheers , ut:u 1 ..., . n one o s rare pu 1c appearances The President selected Fi · d T h ii With 3,600 high school students, that since \Vatergate S1:lfged back into the 6.500-student university, w;i:~ a,1 ~hi tt TAX HIKE. • • difference v.dll cost the district $324 ,000. headlines this spring, Nixon spoke to the liouse aide said boasts "a solid middlr To make up that reduction alone. a tax gr~duat~ class at Florida Technological America studen t body," for his fir$ rate of increase of 16 cents per ;100 Un1vers1ty. commence ment address since 1969. : v.·ould be needed. NiJ.on said the nation is faced with Nixon stopped off al the Orlando school Another area where unification \\'ill challenges at home and abroad but, e~ roo.te to his Flo~ida retreat on ~y cost local tax payers more money is in gesturing v.•Hb an outstretched index B1scay,e, v.•here he int.ends to spend the teacher salaries. In studying the salary finger, he said: ''\Vhen America has a \\"eekend grappling with the political and schedules of the· old San Joaquin and problem":'"v.•e will solve it because we have econ6mic problems bese tting: his second Tustin districts, officials discovered that the genius that built America and made term. ' , the high school teachers were . corn· . us the great nation that we are today.'. Gen. A!exander llaig. Jr., named "'lhis para lively better paid. .He did not spell oµt any details of. his \v~k as perma~e~t successor to fonner But state law requires that all teachers· economic plan, but Admini stration of. \Vh1t e House chi ef. of starr. _II. J::i· in a unified district get the same level of ficials said the President is \\'orking 011 Hald_eman. accompa111ed the Pres_1dent 1p pay, so the two schedules had to be com· an anti-inflation program which could be Florida. He \vas the only member of th.I? bined, said M~tUiew._ ll.U ·st a n t ·announced next w_e.ek. \V~ite llouse inner circle to mak e t]!c superintendent of business. In his address, the President struck the n : -he · . "We felt it wouldn't be fair to ask the "what's right with America" theme, ap· N1x0!1 told _I graduating class that high school teachers to take a pay cut." parently as a counternnint 1 th _there is no tu:ne that he would rather •r h I · • 1 ·r-~ e graduate than 1n the year l!l73. 1~ au ew exp a1ned, 'so we brought the \Vatergate scanda . However. he did not ''We can be thankful that this is th"e f~!~e;J~~ ~~:h~~c!f1:~~he~i." to the make ~y mention ~f the ~andal. . . first graduating class in 12 years that Looking t?ward ~s meetings ~g1nn1ng will graduate from college or university That decision cost the district $200,000 , June 18 w1~h Soviet Com_mun1st ~arty in a year in \Vhich the United States is Matthew said, whictrtranslaterinto-a-J leader-heoni~Bm:hnev,Ntxon piedicted---not engagoo1n-thl:War1n-Vtctnam:-"'lhe·---ll--~ cent per $100 assessed valuation hike in progress dunng th~ s_ummlt t~lks toward President told 795 graduates. local property taxes. a nev.• lrcaty to limit offensive nuclear "This is the first graduating class in '~2 In addition. teachers in the district \\·capons. yea rs v.·herc th e ·yo ung men or the class ~ave requested an overall 15 percene pay "Nations \vilh different sys tems must 1vi ll not be subj ect to the draft ," he said _m_cr_e_a_se_·----------~--~J~ea~m.::..~to:..::li~ve~•~·i~lh:_::th::eir differences or "\\'e to applause. iiii~~..---:-• ,Remember·all 1he beaudful fu rni1ure, lamps and accesiories \'ou"ve been admi ring all yea r long? ..• Well. 1hcy'fe now on sale at 1remendous ·Sa.,.ings! Nor only our floor mOdCls, b.ut you · may special order many piect» to your own raste, size or color AT SALE PRICES! Such well·know n names .a.s:· DreJ.el, Herirase, Henredon, Woodmirk, Marg~ Carson, Royal Coach, Ma..srer Craft and Sherrill! • • ' • SOFAS • CHAIRS • BEDROOM SETS , .. • DINING ROOM SETS • COCKTAIL TABLES • ENO TABLES • LAMPS • ACCESSORIES • BOOKCASES • PAINTI NGS • DESKS AND SO MUCH MORE! Special Savings-en Sclccccd Jcems from •DR!;XEL •HERITAGE •HENREDON • ' OREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREOON-WOODMARK-KARASTAN • ·le NEWPORT BEACH e 1127 WfSTCLIFI DI., 60 -2011 . LAGUNA BEACH • 141 NORTH COAST HWY. INTER I 0 RS 414.u11 • • WHKDAYS & SATURDAYS t :OO It 5:30 TORRANCE t -11-----·----P«IDA Y-'TIL-t :O,;..::;:..:.::...:;::..:... __ ,_._JJ.6.41..l:IAWJJ:IORllU LY.Jl. _ _ J11.121• I • ' • .. .. .. . ' .. .. " .. .. " ,• '" ' ' . ' -, - I I .. -• , ... -... --· 6 DAIJ,y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE \ Public Data ) An awakened public lnteres t in government. and sion and the Irvine Company in seeking realistic devetop- especially land use planning, places an added responsi· 1ne nt guidelines for 1rvlne's scenic hills. b'l't r · r · I u t I · Concerns, of course. rang~ from the dangers of _1 I y or prov1c 1ng 10 orma on o the c tizenry on coun· slides and earthquake faults to preservation of the ty and city planning departmenL'i. estheti c beauty of the hills. Public hearings are legal requirements. They're Consi dering hillsi des arc as pleasing to look at as 1-+-----.reat-tdeas:-but-if-'1-he-publiC°'isn't--privy-to-whatts--goin,,,,...---they-are--as--places-for homes-to-look-'from;--the-study .... on, the hearings are nearly worthless. committee would appear to be sufficiently challenged • Sadly, this has been the case in some instances as to·meet the demands of·developer and environmentalist the county and 1nunicipalities hurry to coinply with alike. state-ordered general plan elements, especially open A balance should be sought. 1'he present ban on 20 space elen1ents. Even one county planning commissioner percent or gre.._ate.r_slQpes is top inflexible a standard conlpl ained about a rush-read he had to give a volu-for a city which hopes to innovate, create and provide ininous staff study. a variety of housing and lifestyle opportunities. In l ... af:!una Beach. Saddleback, lrvine, San Clemente, Laguna Niguel. San Juan Capistrano -the whole south county area -a large number of people watch their co uncils and con1missions. They bring a new persP.ective lo matters under di scussion. Procedures s hould be set up to guarantee public ac- cess to reports well ahead of time, perhaps in city halls or county libraries, or cominunity associiltion clulr • houses, as is done in the new ci ty of lrvine under terms ol a special ordinance. Tlie ·public's n ght to koow goes beyond notification of meetings w_here staff-decided actions fly past unchal- lenged. ·- Hillside Development ·B11dgets on Ta1·get Just one year ago, Irvine city counciln1en studied a first-ever city budget prepared by a city staff con- sisting of a city manager and an assistant. _That.· crystal-ball. spending docu1nent charted ex· • pepses for the fledgling. city of just under $1 million. A year later, il appears ~ty spending will ha ve i;emained within the limits -· by so1ne $30,000. Now, counCilmen are reviewing line item data they requested to-make~rnore-elear-the alloeations ·charted'----1 in the $2 .4 million, 1973-74 budget draft. These fi gures have emanated from a city staff Which has grown to a total of 25 and is expected tQ grow by eight more in the corning year. · Irvine planning commissioners have indicated they'll The budget provides for improved servi ces in nearly every area o( city government: public safety, planning, H---~--'t~k._,a'-"c"lo"'s"'er'-'Io,,,o,..k,__,,a~t _...t,,he.,_,c"'it,,_y_...'s._,,no::_w::_:r::e::sl::n.::"<::t:.:ivc::ec...h:::i::ll:::s1::·d:z:. ___ park.s._and...recr.eation,....public_works-3.nd_administration. development policies. Now the hope is that the council can come up wi th A committee ol bu~lding1 developm~nt and geolo~ic a budget they will Hve within as well as was done in experts is to be established to work with the comm1s· t~ ci ty's fi rst year. SB "WHO'S YOUR RUSTLER?" I • . ·-t• • • • -'-Mai--italLuth . Dea1· Gloomy Gus Frog Mating Calls, Potato Chip. Ma.chines & German CO<!kronches -: ..,~~·---~--11 Is ·Revealed Fantastic Ways to Spend Tax Money' l1·i Silences ~YDNEY J.HARRJ~ Thou ghts a~ Lurgt: Afte r reading all that stuff lately on the National Organization for \Vomen (NOW ). I feel like saying. not NO\V. may be later. D. A. \VASHINGTON -Information is as hard to come by as ever here.' Neither Ron Ziegler's declaration that the last four years are "inoperative," nor Vice . President Agnew 's concession tha t the media may not be quite so vile as he thought. has made' much difference. Every n1orning television crews are GINm'f' a111 c.-11 ,,, ...,..1n.1 hi staked out around ruc1 .... Mii M '"'' -.arilY """*' IM the houses of im-\Vhcn lovers talk incessantly to each = ,:' 0 1:!...,.W::-:.ilY 1ri.!1 . ., ... , "1 mediate past and ot her , they are engaging in l"-"O monologs present ollic.ials_ who under the illusion it is a dia}og: it is only "'on't grant inter- in the long silences of marriage that they · So " 'asmuch as "'e tend to 1nove a little bit viev.'S. mewmes begin l-0 recognize away from someone who is deemed to be they sneak out. the SO GIVE the University of California BUT SURELY the 50 G's tha t went into 71 grand to study the history of comic the study. or the Canadian an~· U.S. fur books ... but $42.000 to the University or trade between 1770 and 1820 was worth it. as was the ~-million given to Marshal l\lississippi for not planting cotton, and Tito to buy himself a yacht, according to $'22.IXXI to the University· of Arkan.53s for Mrs. Jelliffe. Ho'A·ever, the odor·measur- no.t planting rice, and $19,00J to Libby ing machine !$28.36 1) for Turkey may· another $20,000 has been invested in ~., N ·1 r not I t" tton and 1' c e1 or P an 1ng co • have proved lo be more beneficial. research on the blood groups of Polish $14,000 to the Ford Motor Company for All the above costs about one-tenth af Zlotnika pigs. That makes more seose not planting wheat? On the other hand, an hour's bombing in Cambodia, but than the $70,000 spent to learn about the the $203,979 to Travelers Aid to help since there's no W!!l_ to sto~ that, J11iC smell or perspiration givea oil by the migrants Io st on the Los Angeles Jenitfe is _ ~derstanClafily 1tter a••.,.·,.,-----11 Australian abori gines. ~ lreeways is certainly justifiable. 'That's this other use of her lax money. "l'~ But tha t is as comprehetlsible as the hard1y enough to do the job. worked all my life and the gavenunent $20.00J for the study .of Gennan No cultivated person can object to the doesn't even ask me to put the rnoiey ilp~ ( VON HOFFMAN ) thc _ _t~I}_,_~-· -~··unla'city;' ... a:s·if·tt might be catching:---back--and.sometimes- 1 • • • they come out the cockroaches. a project more puzzling _ $5,000 for an experimental analysis of l don't give a damn for those other~ ·~than1he-fl7;000-spenh:lrra-dry-clea.ning----violin-vlll'llisho-;N()l'-the-'60;009-for-the-tries:--l--don1t-<.11re-1Hhey're-all deadt~---il pl ant so that the Bedooins can have clean documentation 'or the Weltanschauung of she says. • It is only the thinnest hair's-breadth front and say they that divides tbe master of words from can't talk because their slave -and someti mes in the same they might jeop3rdize the judicial speech. process. Then t hey slatn their • • • limousine doors an eve r y·b o d y 's Most people wrong· \y imagine t h a t ··faith" means "be- lieving in God." "'hen it really 1nea11s ncting out all lh'c personal and social eonsequencC's af such • Listening the other night to the lilting microphones and drive off to spend the ~ ca"tlence~ of Dylan Thomas reciting his day trying_ to bribe jµdg!!s and destioy ~lief; nothing is easier. or n1art COO· ducivC to apa thy. sn1 ugness and self- righteausness, lhan ''believing in God'' a~ a dim abstraction . • • • The most fool ish and futile argument is between those who proclaim that man is ··naturally good" and those who insist that man is .. naturally bad"; man is only naturally free to be one or the other, or c>ach alternately -and this freedom of -choice is both ttJe. glocy and the tragedy or the human cond ition. • • • 111e S<realled "Golden l\1ean·· is in· effectual as 11 practical rule of life. Uecause nearly eve ryone can point to hi s position as 1nidway between l\\'0 .ex- 1remes he has selected. • • • We are all somewhat Strper.Stitious,-1n- ov;·n poetry on a recording, J ·could ev idence. understand and appreciate why, in old TO J'..EARN what's going on in the \Velsh law. the harp was the one government you have to adopt methods possession that could not be taken away that foreign intelligence agents use. They frotn a debtor. · study the Congressional Record, other • • • govemme.ot publications. the newspaJ)ers A thousand passably littractive people and the magazines, clipping and filing are dissatisfied with their looks/ but not bits al infonnation until a pattern makes one in the thousand complains o his lack itself visible. or sense. This has been the modus Cl""randi of _.. • • • r-~ The most utilitarian reaso1. for con- tinuing "to !cam as we age is that an ig· norant man gets more fooli sh as he gets older. • • It civilization is, as Ruskin had it, "the mak ing of civil persons," we took a wrong turn son1e\vhere. • • • 75-year-old Mrs. Smi th ·Ely Jellifie, a member af the Natiooal Taxpayers Unioo lrom Btorl'xville,-'N7 . She -has been reading and snipping [or four years and has now come up with a document she calls, "Fantastic Use of My Taxes." She's found that among the things the Nixon Administration may be hid ing is an expenditure o( $'20.324 to ·stu<1y the mating calls of Central American frogs. To grab something is almost always Five grand has gone into an· investigation the surest way to lose it. _of the diving behavior----Of-seals.-while Why Kalmbach Bowed Out Intrigue Roused Ne ·wport Attor1iey's Suspicio1i \VASHi:NGTO~ -Ily President Nix· on's account, aide John Ehrlichman '''asn 't supposed to in1pede the \Yofcrgate investlgalion but merely lo make su ~ it ttidn 't impinge upon notional security. Yet Ehrlichm an spoke only about palitical security y,•hen he asked ~t~rbert Kalmbach to partici- pate in the \Vater- gate cover-up. As Kalmbach has recounte'.d the con· versation lo investi- gators, Ehrlichmftn \varned that the investigation couh1 ''jeopardize" t h c. election campaign. In a rererence to the Democrats. he snort- <'<!: "'Ibcy'll have our heads· in thelr laps.•' °KALMBACH bad agreed lo raise money to pay the living and legal ex· pcnscs ol the Watergate dclendants. Ile ,vas never told the rnmcy would be ol· !<red as a bribe to bUy their silence, but 11\c Jantes Ilond lntrlgue ..-roade him st.i5Plclot.U7 He sought reassurances ( r om EfifliChman, whotn lte confronted In the \Vhite I louse in late July. Kalmbach told i nvcstlpto1'1"thtlt-h&-put lho queaUon. a person&! btlsis. "John," he said, "we've been friends ror JO years. You know my lamilt and I know your famlly. I wnnt 1-'f't-• yo11 lo r.rr me wl\ClnITThiJliS!lj!Ml"C!!l IS 1 proper and mu st be carried oul" (JACK ANDERSON) tl\'e nan1ed Anthony Ulasc\vicz. TI1e lmdercovennan v.•as known to Kalmbach \Vho. in 1969. had set up a specia l bank account to pay him $22.000 a year, plus expenses. for investigative w or k . Ulascwicz's n1ain assignment. though llE QUOTED Ehrlichman as reassur-Kalmbach was never told this. \vas to dig ing him that thC payoffs v;•ere entirely up dirt on Sen. Ted Kennedy (0-Mass.). proper but that the secrecy was Kaln1bach told investigators he cot- necessary for political r~l!sons. lecied between $210.000 and S2JO.OOO. ,.he last approach to Kalmbat h tor which \\'11s distributed to the \Vatergatc p:iyoff money was made as late as defendants. January 18, 1973, at a meeting in ex-At-• tomey General John r.utchell's office. HE P.lCKE;R UP $75.000 frotn ~taurice Kalmbach recalled that John Dean, then Stans. the Republican finance chalrmtin : the \Vhlte Jlou.se counsel, had ac-another $75,000 from Thomas Jories, companll'd him to the meeting. But by president or Northrop Corp.; and the this time, Knlmba<:h had de:ci(led he balance fro1n ca mpaign bng man Fred wanted notblng more to do \\'tlth the pro· l.aRuc. ject1 so he quietly excused himself after The arrangemcn1s \rere handlL'<l 'Aith 10 minutes. elaborate secret.:y. Kulmbach a ad Ulaaewicz pla<lc<I call!i to one another AS 111£ President's persona.I ~ttomey, through pay phones and used verbal Kalmbach has been one ot the most shorthand to identify the people Involved &Utnt mfn In the Watergate mystery . He In their conversation. bas told~ hla story to lnvcstJgators, Watergate ringleader E. Howard ~llult. however, with quiet candor. for example, was referred to tis "the A lcw days after the \Vaterbl.iggcrs Writer," and his wife Dorolhy as "the were caught, lwl was summoned to write r's wife." Ulascwicz u,scd several Washington by Jolm Dean, who arranged nllases, his favorite being "Mr. Rivers:· to meet him on tho street In front of the trnyRAdams Hotel. Denn carefull y str~-SOME OF the money was .directed lo ed the necessity for secrecy and then ?°ro~hr, .Hunt who used the code nan1c nsked-him-to underwrl&&-lba-Watergate 'Chris in her own pay.phone calls to the defendants' eapenses. -Ol~f W~t~g~n:t1cfcndmi~ . -It w111s-this. Ja·rocs· Bond business. DEAN sugg,.te<l !hot the huib money, Kalmbnch lold investigators. tbnt finally os 1l was Jal.er used, 1hould"t>lrchannc1tct-~ d-trtm-ttrcnd bis 1 ole-tn the through a bu rly New York private detec-\\'atergate <.'011Splracy, • ~ djellabas. The $32.459 given to the the Guajiro lndilllS of Colombia. Jt ntight Mrs. Jell iffe is also very dubiou.s a;out masochistic offi cials of Kenya for the have been money better spellt to hire the publishing this kind af secret in· purchase af extra wives is defensible, if Guajlros tO study our world view. They rormalion, but with adrrtirable pluck for peculiar. but why $.17,314 for sending a might have been able to explain to us one of such advanced years, she prom· polalo-chip machine to Morocco, a nation why we gave a $5,000 award to a paem ises that, "If you get put in jail for it,• that is not known to grow potatoes? entitled "lighght." I'll send you jams ruid jellies." Noise Polluters Should Be Fined Says Resment With Battered Ears ' To the Editor: \Vhat good news it is to read that the Assembl y has passed a bill to make it a tnisdemeanor to "do things" to your auto to make it noisier. I live on a short street that \Vas very quiet foryears. Now the explosions of such tampered autos, plus various motorcycles, choppers, etc. is a disgrace. 1£ eve ryone contributing to such noise poll ution woald .'...have ~pay a fine, there'd be funds to aiiiOOrfze policemen to patrol these areas more often. I'd rathe r have 100 ordinary vehicles pass my residence an hour than six of these viola tors. Get behind your legisfators until this is corrected ! CllARLES JOHNSON No Syn1pathy [ MAILBOX J Letters from readers are welcome. Normally writers should convey "their messages in 300 words or less. The right to condense letters to fit space or eliminate--libel-i! reserved. All ltters must t1iclude signature and mailing address, but name s may be withheld on request if sufficient reason is apparent. Poetry will 1iot be publi!hed. nerve eapecting to be taken care of by the taxpayers, and he bas no right \\'hatever to be angry at not receiving welfare or unemployment. The fact that To the Editor : the only benefits they can expect to rm wriling in response to the article receive consist of $35 a week from the about the "hard times" of the Richard Teamsters Union should be considered by Carl son family (Pilot, June 3). I have no the Union members betore taking a sympathy £or someone who apparently strike vote . If they still vote to strike, it's finds it perfectly accept.able to allow his their problem. ch~ldren to go hung~y, ~1s debts to go un~ The taxpayer's burden is big enough prud, and to have his wife steal when the trying to help those who really can't only rea~ he ~an't. work is fear of --WAll!t. They shouldn't be eapected to help blackballing by his union. / ih-;;s""c who vate not to work. AS A STRIKER, he is out of viork EILEEN BAUER voluntarily, and he has a damn Jot ar Co11rt Hogs To the Editor: they can get such time 'vhen no one. ii, around to call time on the hogs? • .. :; JOHN A. WOODWARD iHedltatlon To the Editor: .._ . ._ I was very interested to read youtl. 29 article on Transcendental Meditat The article by Jack Chappell was written. It was very brief, yet b • out :manyor-tfie most salient points abfltt: Transcendental Meditation. J ..... I PERSONALLY would like to see more of such articles which are U.- forma tlve. Also, I know that a lot of Mf [riends and neighbors \\'ere interested .in this article. Transcendental l\1edilatio n is very wide-spread today. There are over 200,000 med itators in the U. S. today and more than 1,500 medita tors in Orange County. Each year the number of meditalors ha s doubled, sometimes tripl- ed. So articles on Transcendental t.1edita- lion are af great Inte res t to meditators and a! even greater value to those who are not familiar v;·lth Transcendental Meditation. Thank you. ;.. SHARON KN OWL TON OIAN•I COAST DAILY PILOT \Vhy doesn't some offici al enforce the rules or tennis courts at the Mariners' Robert N. \Vttd, PubLUhtr pnrk ? Thoma.s Keellil, Editor Barbara Kte'ibich Pl.EAS or eleven·year-old girls waiting Editorial Page Editor for over an hour for a turn to play are do:..ily rejected by adults hogging the The ~torlal :pag~ or 1hC' Daily courts for hours at a time with no ap. Pilot ~ks to infonn and 1tlmula1~ parent feellng·for the regulatlon1 nor ~he rnden by prnentin,-on thii!I Pl&e young ladies' feelings. dlver-.e •commcntu)'on topics ol in- The girls Are taught to rupect others tm>:st by l)'ndkatOO t.'Olumnl•I• and and to charmel their ncUvities toward caMoonisL•, by provldlni • forum tor thing· s healthy for both the mind and ~adtrs' views and by pl"t'mrtlng thl• nGWspaper's aplnlOM end· \d•u on body only to daily eaperlcnce this greed c:ut:J'ent topln, The edllorial opinions 11nd hostility from adults who react to the of 0ie Oa.11¥ Piiot a~ ln .fh0 rules anly when an enforcer Is prese nt I C<litot\&I column al theo top o< ~-·1---~-1 om sure that government is not only in-Pait. Opinions expt"l'lll!t'd by the ooi- l terested In providing protection for those u.mnlsts and cartronlstll &nd Jctter- sa d lltrle lost o&s who pre:.:f•o.r-<.po:.:t...;;to'-+·-;..,.;,;;;''mn ;r.,..'ihithelr (IWn and no enc1on~ oYlffg. .. .,.,. "Y""'llO 0.>ly Pt.rot lhoukl be lnft"9d. Tift: ADUL'1'S have the couru· all day -turely the-kkl& are entitled to their. 30 Frlday, June 81 1973 mlnules scmellmt. ts there !Orne way "'"" 'Don't drop It, you might -nit someone., ( Senate OKs Big Budget Mter Cuts '' SACRAME l\TTO (A P) -On a 30-6 vote. the state Senate has approved a $9.2 biUion version of the 1973--74 state budget. l~-S80'...mill .. io!L..ICILlhan1..Jl>L&:ll®ll~:....­ quested by c:ov. Ronald Reagan. ·The-shrunken Senate-budget measure now goes to the Assembly, Vl'hich is ex- pe.cted to reject it. Thal will set up a t~·o- ::::. ( . NEWS BRIEFS ) house cooterence committee that Ylill have the job of hamn1e ring out a final spending program for Reagan1s ap- proval. . · .. -· ... ft!i • .. \ Senate budget \\.'Tilers made their chief cut -'64.1 mHlion -in the state's l\.1edi- Cal progfam becau se of an expected drop in caseloads. There were also .cuts in the categorical _aJde section.. of the welfare program made because of expec ted in~ ~ases in federal funds. ·Mangled Wreckage -·· . .. This is all that was left of a light airplane flown by student pilot Guilenno Atias,~of ,.Los AngeleS, atfer .crashii1g~int,0 __ the_ocean' ne.ar. fog-shrouded Santa Monica Airport. Divers found the body of the pilot when the plane was pulled to shore Thursday. '-'---•·°'' l!·f'O•IH!----------- •. .l ~&ACRAM.ENTO (AP) -Assembly ~aker Bob Moretti called for a state irl'lesligation Thursday-of the oil seepage in the Saqta Barbara Channel. ~~Residents of the Santa Barbara area a!)d I are not absolutely convinced of the _Coilclusion reached by oil industry_!liver'§ tfdit the slick has resu1ted from natural sfepage caused by gas pressure," Moret- ti' said in a letter to G. Ray Arnelt, state d'tl-ector of fish and game. Stnte's Air Resources Panel-Delays-8·mog, B·id LOS ANGELES (AP ) -The state Air harmful effects of one type of antismog Resources Board· --voted· Thursdav to· device.· e Cyclists Collide delay until October a program of fitting Holmdahl said the EPA had annoWlced STANFORD (AP) _ Two bic~cles, 1966-70 cars with antis1nog devices. Tuesday that the nitrogen oxide level was !Pther with lights, collided in the 1dark The action C<!!'lle at the urgmg of -~tate not hannful in any part of Californ ia ex-oq,~ Stanford University campus, and ~ Sen. John Holmdahl, lD-Alameda Coun-cept U1e Los Angeles area. ~nStallatiOn or -•Y later----.--one-:Of:the-ridet'S--di~r'had---ty.)-;-~ --- -~-----the-&ftlismog-devices,said-;Holmdahl.- . ~juries. wou1d on1y reduce the nitrogen level by .i«Officers identified the victim as Robert . THE BOARD EARLIER had scheduled 15 percent and the level. in the Los S(eeJe, 18, of Fredonia, N.Y. He· had the antlsmog device 1 installation program AngeleS' area would remain excessive. ~ergone sevetl hours or surgery at to get under way Ju Y 1.. _ ~ord University Hospi tal , authoriUes Holmdahl asked the board to delay im-THE BOARD HEARD testimony from ~id Thursday. · . plementation until Jan. l, 1974, so the its technical staff that a recent statistical -legislature will have more time to con-study tends to show that the VSAD 'Media Vote •5 AQL\MENTO (AP) -The Assembly has asked the state Senate to consent to pilng television newsmen free access to tJI meetings of the legislature: ~-Under a resolution sent to the Senate 66-0 Assembly vote Thursday, the y proposed identical rules for the egislature as those itr voted for on Mooday. The Senate still ~at.es under rules which allow a single ator· to bartish all cameras and tape rders from a floor session or com- "ttee hearing. 2a·w1ns111rt - \ LOO ANGELES (AP) -A total of ~7 ,IXXt is to be shared by 28 com- inants in settlement of damage suits y filed following the Sept. 13. 1970, fire •t the Pooet Square Hotel in downtown Los Angeles in which l 9 persons were killed. ... The last -of the civil suits stemming the fire was settled Thursday alter days of' litigation before Superior Judge Charles A. Loring, who Etimated it would have taken some 40 ys of oourt hearings to settle all the its if they haa gone to trial. • ,. • sider a federal Environment.al Protection (Vacuum Spark Advance Disconnect) Agency .announcement o~ smog and also type of antismog device causes exhaust to consider new evidence on IX>SSible valve wear through overheating. Such Actress Sues Over Article LOS ANGELES (AP) ~Actress Linda Oiristian, widow of actor Tyrone Power, has sued National Insider Inc.. Sunset Publications Inc. and writer Van Trenwick for $3.1 million, claiming she wa s held up to ridi~e in an article t~! made it impossible for her to frnd work. The suit filed Thursday seeks $100.000 in special damages for lost salary, SI million general and ~2 million punitive damages. The story, published in a weekly paper last Feb. 4. involved Miss Christian's alleged relationships with Aristotle Onassis and Howard Hughes. wear increases hydrocarbon . emissions and necessitates expensive repair jobs. Four of the six antismog devices previously approved by the board are the VSAD type. Spokesmen for the companies that make the approved VSAD antismog devices criticized the technical staff's conclusion that the VSAD devices cause exhaust valve wear. The chief criticism was that the cars involved in the staff 's study were not equipped with overheating protective devices. Such protective devices are in- cluded in the antismog unit kits, the com- pany_spokesmen said. "I DON'T KNOW how many times we have to tell yoli about our protection devices," one spokesman said. Wendell Mo;ullough, spokesman for one of the two companies that make the non-VSAD type antismog device, said, "The OJl.ly salvation of this program is that tfle at'Ci'edilation of these four systems (The VSAD systems) be remov- ed." l ! • • • Mental Autopsy Re-regisb·ation Drive Funding Still in Doubt : ,: • • • • Psychological Test Due on Getty l LOO ANGELES I UP fl A !'psychological autopsy " like the one ~rfonned on Marilyn Monroe is. trying lo· determine \vhethet the mysterious f eath from drugs and alcohol of George f . Gett;'. ll._son of one ot the world's rchest men, ~as suicide or an accident. • Getty, 48, a wealthy oil executive in his ~wn right, died Wednesday in a hospital here he was registerea-under a false ame. The cause was originally Teported be a cerebral hemorrbage. ! THE BODY OF "George S. Davis" was la.fur revealed to be that of Getty, son of billiqnaire J. Paul Getty. Police entered Che &.se when knife v.·ounds \Vere found in Geny·s cl1est and Jeft leg. There were •ruises on hi s left (eg and arm. ! 11le senior Getty, So, who has often b een referred to ps the ri c he s t pusineSsman in the r~rld, was at his r-i.ate in England. ontY l"portedly deeply shocked by the death. • Dr. 'n.omas Noguchi, -count~ corOner· .,edical examiner, took personal charge 6r tile autopsy and declared Thursday that Getty died "of ''an overdose com- •lnation of alcohol and barbit urates,· t1bether accidental or otherwise." • : GE1TY HAD A blood alcohol content fC .06 percent and had apparently taken rio to 15 capsules" of phenobarbilal type a factor in the death. saying they were less than ·an inch deep. The bruises were J1ypodermic needle. marks,· Noguchi. said. THE FAMILY physician, Dr. Kendrick Smith,-said-he registered Getty under the false name at Queen of Angels Hospital to avoid publicity . Baseball Player Priddy Fires Criminal Lawyer LOO ANGELES (UPI ) -Je!T)' Prid· dy, the former ma jor league baseball player accused in a $250,IXXt extortion plot against a steamship line, Thursday fired his attorney who said "all bets were of£" concerning his funner client taking a voice print test. PRIDDY, 53, who v.•as arrested Tues- day night near the ransom "drop" site, replaced attorney Karl Ransom with Paul Caruso, a well-known criminal lawyer. Ransom had maintained Priddy \Vas innocent and offered to have him take a voice print test to be compared with FBI reco rdings of the extortionist's calls . After he was fired, Ranso1n said ''all bets were ofr'' (imCenling lhe voiccprint pledge for Priddy, wlio bas yet to enter a plea .• LOS ANGELES (AP) -Political Y.'Orker Robert J. Walters says he con- ducted a ·drive .to keep the American Independent Party off the CalifOmia ballot in 1972. But he denies reports that the effort was financed with Republican campaign funds. WALTERS SAID Thursday he had received $8,400 from about 30 persons to conduct a re-registration drive aimed at getting members of the American Independent Party to switch their af- filiations to either the Democratic or Republican parties. He said the drive had the approval of Alabama Gov . George C. Wall ace. Lyn Nofziger, a fortner Nixon cam- paign worker, confirmed he had received $10,000 in GOP funds from 'Hugh W. Sloan Jr. when Sloan was treasurer of the Committee to Re-Elecl the President . Nofziger said he gave the money to a friend, Who gave it to Walters. Sloan told the Senate Watergate com- mittee on Wednesday that he had given the._money to Nofziger with the un- derstanding it would be used to keep Wallace off the California ballot in 1972. NOl"ZIGER DID not identify his friend. The Los Angeles Times said it was Jack B. Li'ndsey, a bu.!linessman who once was a legislative aide to California ;o::?;iscover Water . i11 T(lnks ~eeping pills, Noguchi said. Alcohol and ~tives interrcact to fatally press the central nervous system. A ONE-TIME major league player for The case "haS been referred to our the Detroit Tigers and New York RIVERSIDE (AP) -Police In this lel\avl«'al scientists for rurthC:i-evalua -Yankees. Priddy wa·s arrested by FBI Southern Californfa city hffi ffiiCI tbelr Oon," N4;igUchi sald1 referring·to a panel agents Tuesday nJght near his sales pro-firSt taste of the gasoline cilaia. - · f psychologists \yho will attempt to motJon business o!fice tn Burbank. --' The en ines of three_ ~uad cars and '---t oonsffUCroeny'I moon St lh-etiffieOr--A}et'lt!Sai<Jlie_ maif~Ti~t wo mo rcyc es qu e ly$pijl.ter an eath to determlne whether he was ca lls to Princess Cruises, demanding dJed Thursday soon alter the start of the lc:idal. $250,000 in exchange for inlocrnauon on arternoon shift. 1-'·---+:~:,:":p.-~l!'J f~caj au . J'.'.' techn!l!u lh..t._ ·Ile ••il!!U.4• f bomJ?!..•il!!iiJ..lh~ of•--·oMe.ohanics_c~kio~~d first use<f-m alfi or Mlss it• liners. tile lslnnd Princess, which was that the 1.00l»gallons of gaa the depart· looroe, Y.ilo died ol an overdose of pills on a cruise to Puerto Vallarta, Meilco. n1ent bad recently received from Its IUP:' 1963. T"•o if susfilcious small packages were plier had been diluted with water. 1----t:.:oguclii rureoOUtffiek1iif€WOulias ~s roun on 605liip and""fhrown overboard . An Investigation was ordered . . . - T Friday, June a. 19iJ ---• 1';11.U+ i) Give Dad . executive comfort. Eamous,executiye,dlairfrom fier). '. Jt's ariseofst~vin I leather ' - tFi.iiTe15 Da0easiOac 1oviewthe ~-­ .....arid. Deep foam -filled cushions, swivel·adion rocker, mar-proof ..baseJrop..up....your feet on..an<---•i-'I an1ple olJoman -it's included in our price~ Reg. Price 11900 Sale Price HIBACHI STEAKS AND CHOPS. Sizzle some burgers. Cha rcoal grill some st eaks . Use our hibachi, a well-cast iron BBQ stove. Hardwood handle s and base. Choose a 10 .. x 10" singl e grill, or a 10" x 20 .. double. You'll sizz le fun at Pier 1 . Double grill , $9 .99. Single grill, reg. $4 .99. Now .... 388 UNCORK WINE BOTILES WITH EASE. Per- fected corkscrew stops bottle-opening pro· blems. No more torn or broken corks! 6" brass from Italy. Works with 179 finesse. Ends" cork·y wine .....•.•. STRIN~G.UP A DECORATIVE FISH NET. Cast colorful South Seas fish ·netlinR inlo sum - mer decor! yellow: red , black, natural ·211 Collon nets stretch 6' x 15' ... Prices good for one week only. STOW HIS POCKETFU LS IN STYLE. Wooden valet from Taiwan for his dresser top. Dark, richly grained. Keep-his things neatly, over· night. 12 Y. .. x 6¥. ... Special 1 '' Father'.s Day price ........... . SHOULDE R THE GOATSKIN. Bota skin bags from Spain. Give one to Dad for picnic wines. They're lined with latex. Encircled :~!~ .:o r~ti:. ~ .'.~~1. -1~:~~~ · • • • 3'' CORK-UP A BARE WALL, Bleached virgin cork decorating panels from Spain, Add an unusual accent or bulletin boa rd .to empty wall space. 4 panels in a pack~149 2" age. 12"x12~x Ye" ••....•••••• ·• DANGLE THE BURNING ASH. NO'lel ceramic ashlrays with a sculplured look. Hang them by a chair, or on a pore~, or in a nook. You'll find a selection a1Pier1. 1" 3" .! I J 1 I r '. Buntin1t.i0n " Beaeh Fountain ·Valle l ' VOL. 66, NO. 159, '4 SECTIONS, '46 PAGES I I .. • • -• • • , Today~::Flnal-- N.Y. Stoeks ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA FRIDAY. JUNE 8, 1973 TEN CENTS al ey eac e-man -=Ftring o -:Pnnc1pa Dy T0!\1 GOR1'1AN Of ,tttt O.Uy l"llel St11f I Nearly 300 teachers packed Founlain I Valley School District headquarters 11· Thursday night to compla in to trustees in a marathon meeting about low morale . p~ure on·teachers and a high turnover ol. principals. One or the key.iss ues or the night was a demand bv teachers at Nieblas School I that their · principal. .Jarnes Kcize~-be · fired. . • . . The meeting stretched from 7 p.m. Thursday to after 7 o'clock this morning .. l\lore than eight hours was spent behind ciMed doors discussing the districtwide complaints aod the Nleblas issue in particular. . No action ~'as taken on ei ther item \\'hen trustees finally emerged this morn· ing, and school Superintendent Michael Brick was not available for comment. Dqring the .~xeCutive session teachers at Nicblas ·filed in.one·by-00e lo confront. trustees with their grievances. \Yhat "'as said behind closed doors was not disclos- ed. Teachers waiting to go in co1nplained about being overworked and being given too much paperwork. Specific complaints were not revealed . Keizer said this rooming he wou ld. not comment on the· demands that he be ousted. Keizer,. 34 . was named principal ol NieblaS al the bcG;iniling of the schOOI -eoozi1ig Probleni year. coming Crom ·a similar post in She told trustees-the survey was mail· Garden Grove. ed to each of the association's, 3M The executive session was sparked at teaching members. and that more Lhan !he beginning of !he meeting by a request 280 have been returned. that .trustees review, in pri\'ate, the There are 4l5 teachers in tbe district. results of an attitude survey taken of A handful or admini strators also belong district teachers.· 10 the -fVEA, but did not receive the Actual results of the survey will not be sur\'ey: released to !he public until sometime Trustees told ~1rs. Lohman they could n.ext week, said Judy Lo\vntan, president not legally discuss the survey in private or the Fountain \'alley .Education unless allegat~ns \Vere made against io- Association (FVEA.). ----· --.-.-dividuals .. -· ... ·-· - Astronauts , Repair c HOUSTON fUP I) sky I ab 1 s astronauts saved their s.paee station from another crisis today with' emergeneY repairs on a too-cold cooling system and controllers on the ground tri~ to figw·e out a \\'BY to keep the problem fr6m recurring. T\\o"O hOurs after , making the early . morning repairs, Charles "Pete" Conrad. Joseph P. Kerwin and PauJ J . Weitz set an American space endurance record or 14 days and, barring further troubles. Ilearing OK'(I For Fired • .Again . headed lo\\'ard a world n1ark twice that ICJ1g. The pilots acted quick ly to keep the v.'ater cooling pipes from freezing and bursting equipment. But temperatures. later today were still colder than desired · and engineers lrorked on methods to heat the system and !ix it pennanently. "'\Ve really ha\'en'l solved it," said S. A. Liebergot, NASA environmental con· trot specialist. Flight direcctOr Charles Lewis said C<l ntroflcrs v.·cre "in a holding action" \\'hite engineers here and in Huntsv ille, Ala., searched for the source of the pesky overcooling problem and remedies. The bold, Cour·hour spa~walk that ended Skvlab's power shortage Thursday also vasily improved chances that six rnore astrOnauts will be able to stay up ror l\\'O 56-day missions later this year. for the first time. engineers had a surplus of power and were looking for tSee SKYLAB, Page !) Mc_Whi~ey Denies Any • She sa id that although lhe results or the sur\'ey \\'ooid not imply discontent "'ith an individual. specific teacher com - ments oo the questionna ire should be discussed only behind closed door~. It was not kno wn ir those conul\ent ~ were discussed during the executive session , since trustees are not obUged to reveal what specifics were discussed un · dcr "personnel" items. One thjng the survey ~evealed, it w.a~ (See ~IORALE, Page %) 1~'..- u~r T....,.IW Polieeman· Shakedow11s Princess r\nne greets her fi ance. LL °tl'lark Phillips, al th e airport in .Hanover. Gern1any. with the first kiss between the engaged pair in 8)' JOANNE REYNOLDS Of "'9 0.llY ~1191 Sl8ff Jfog~ Uh Boy Los Angeles police Sgt. James Boudreau and his wife. Dtane. are the proud parents or baby boy born Thursday. S-0 proud is dad. be hung this sign on I he garage door· of the couple's Huntington Beach home. Brian Allen -seven pounds, 11 ounces -is their first child. --In-an-Orange-County_ Superior __tourt __ ruling Thursday, the City of lluntinglon Beach was ordered to give fired police officer Gilbert Coerper another hearing. f:~ley Swimmers Out to Shatter Judge Mark Soden , in granting the writ of mandate sought by Coerper, said be believes the city's dismissal of the patrolman in 1970 for allegedly mishandl- ing merchand:R destined for the Police \\lives Guild was too severe. The judge ordered the city's Personnel Commission to rehear the case. A spokesman for the city attorney said , today the city is studying the legal ramifications of a new hearing and is also comideting the possibility of ap- pealing Jooge SOdeti's ruling. C'.oerper was pleased with the decision, describing it as "really fabulous." · Coerper said he sees the decision as a reinstateD,lent since ·ttie judge ruled that the di smissal penalty imposed.originally rfr ad• R d was too severe. :&;te ing eCOr However, the city spokesman said City ,. .. Attorney Don Bonfa believes, if a rehear~ SJJl.rnmers from Fountain Valley High ing is held, the commission hu: the ~I plan to assa ult the world water power to impose the same peoa..Jty. The treading mark this weekend. spbkesman acknowledged that such ac- -'""y members of the high school's tion "would probably send the case back .. .JM to court." .\Q,(latics Club were to take to the water aC.-J p.m. today in an effort to tread Coerper, 39, had been a motorcycle Wafer for 24 hOurs . patrolman for eight years with the lfun-·~ water tread record is 18 hours and = ~ch~~i·~ he was fired by 47 ~minutes. Club members decided to use · His firing was made final after the. ~ tfeadlng marathon as a means of rais-1 · · r·~ Jog money. ci~y's ~ comrn11S1on re u;:ieu 1:_0 The club backs swimm ing activities in reinstate him. . · . . the community as well as-on the high -Coerper-won a rehearing of lus case-in achool campus. December 1971 ~hen he _ produced a new "The public Is more than welcome to witne5.1 ~ te:st1fy that ¥ had an un- attend " a club spokes n1an said. "There derstand.ing with the stores management won't be much tG look at but we're hap-that not all the toys given to him were py to have any su pport that we can get." going to the guild. The marathon wil l be conducted at the The con'lmission, followlng that hear· Fountain Valley High School RQQI, 17816 ing. reaffirmed. its decision not to Bushard St. reimtate the officer. UPI Tl'l_,.Ole GIVES UP PREMIERS.HIP ~fNin's Dictator Franc:o Spai1i's Frcuico To E1id 34-year Post as Premier MADRID (UPl) -Gene ralissimo FrancisCo Franco, Spain's Wlchallenged ruler since 1939. took the first concrete step toward transfering power today by appointing a conservative and' traditional navy man ta succeed-him -as prime ministet. · The government information minis1ry announced that Vice President Adm. Luis Carrero Blanco wi ll be sworn in as prime minister Saturday. Franco, now 80, will re1ain the tbr~ other top posts in Spain: head or state, !See FRANCO, Page %1 By TOM BARLEY QI the Delly ~Uof Stiff • An Orange County Superior Courtjury ioday began a three-day break ln j he grand theft·bribery trial of \\1estminst.er civic oHicials Derek l\1cWhinney and Tad Fujita after listening through mucb of Thursday to a series ar denials from for=-ncr mayor Mc\\lhinney. The councibnan repeatedly denied under questioning from defense lawyers and a long grilling from prosecutor Michael Capizzi that the $10,000 demand- ed from Fountain Valley Mile Square Park farmer George· Murai was a sl!akedown or any form of extortion. McWhinney, 40, repeatedly pointed out . that he never at any time suggested to Murai or to Fujita that $5,000 of his fee shou ld be made out as a contribution to Santa Ana First District Supervisor Robert Battin's campaign fund. Strawberry grower Murai had earlier testified that Mc\Vhinney wanted exactly that. And he told the prosecution in testimony that led to the Orange County Grand Jury indicting both men that the second $5,000 was paid in cash and hand · ed to Fujita. 3-1, shortly before district ,attorney's investigators mo\'ed in to ar· rest the city planner . ~1c\Vhinney said Thursday he charged the fee because ~1urai faced eviction from the 215 acres he farmed in Fountain Valley. At be.St. 1\1cWhinney said, r.turaf faced a substantial reduction ot the acreage he devoted to gro"•ing strawberries under a county lease. McWhinney said county supervisors v.·ere moving to,vard subdi vision or the !\1ile Square acreage long 'before the time he allegedly devised a· plan to extract $10,000 from the farmer. And he repeatedly indicated that he runs a business operalion that 1nakes (See DENIAL, Page 21 • S111og Up: Travel Down?· Citiuns or Orange COWlty, along with asked lO cooperat.e ln an attempt to prove the smog situation in neighbori ng lhroughoot Southern California are due to those in 'Los Angeles, san Bernardino and alleviate the dangerous eonditions. in counties and throughout inland areas of temperature Inversion and stagnant Riversid. COUnl ... ,, were asked Thursday Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Orange County. •--\\'entuu systeJn S. public. 6 Higl1 Schools Schedule Baccalaureate Se1·vices · Baccalaureate services for more than 3.400 graduating seniors from six west Orange County high schools will be liclO Sunday on the schools' campuses. PartiCippting schoOls fnC!Ude L!:>S .Amigo.a.,_ Fountain VallCy. Hunti.ngton Bcl'lch. ~1a rina . \Vcstminster. a n d Edis.on. , -~· Servi& at Los Ap1igos High. School 'vii! 'begin at..2 p.m. in the.Little. Theater .. Rev. Kenneth Harrower -of the Garden Grove community ChurCh Wru-address the class o,f 400 on 1·vou Cao l~andle Life." Fountain Valley High Scbo:>I, \Vi!h a graduating class of 900. \viii hear Rev. Douglas Jeffrey of the First Baptist Church of Fountain Valley. \Yho will deliver a s~h entitled .. There Is a Time." Servjces \\'ill begin at 2 p.m. in th e anlphllh<::a.ter. The 546. seniors at Hllnlingfon Beach High School have selected psychology teacher Lowell Spangler. a former Bap- tist 1ninistcr, to spe~k at their services. Jr. Life~ua1·d Prouram Slate<l 0 Registration for boys and girls. re1urn- lng to the Huntington Beach Junior Li!eguard progran1 will be held Saturd8)' and June 16 at lifeguard headquarters at the Pier. Regislraiton cost $12 for the eight-week su1nmer session or training sponsored by the city's lifeguartl department. The program is open lo boys and girls nine to 16. Tryouls for youngsters enroll· ing ror the fi rst time will be held June 23 at the lluf!tlnj:lon Beach l.figh School pool. Spangler will speak at 4 p.m. in the auditorilirn,_preceded by a reception for the seniors and parents at 2:30 p.m. Vespers services as Marina High School \Vil.I fea ture Los Angeles Rams lineman Phil Olsen, president of the Fellowship of Christian .Athletes. wh o 1l'ill di scu ss s1>irifual n1otivation as it affects the liro'n school students. The services for the"6!t graduates 1vill begin at 3 JJ-'l1. in the amphithciitcr. Rev .. Charles B. Cunningh:tm of the Conference Baptist Church 1vill address the 745·n1en1bcr class at \\lest minster High School. l.fis topic 111ill be "The Quest of Youth.·· at the services beginning at J p.111. in the gym . E<lison High School services for 649 sen iors "''ill begin at %:30 p.m. in the an1phitheater. Tom Stipe r-of Calva ry Chapel in C-Osta 1\lesa will speak on "Daes Life Really Begin at Graduation?" Orange Coast .Weather The fog will wi n out over the sun along Or::inge Coast sands Satur-- da y. but inland temperatures will reach the upper 70s \Ylth hazy sun· shine. Highs at the beaches in the mid·60s. L~SIDE TODi\Y to reduce driving lo "an absolute Smog alert levels were ei:ceeded in Cities along the Orange <Mist are still The smog is trapped at ground level by minimum" and to stop Incinerator bum· these two counties for \he past three relatively lttt from smog, Wells main-1 Gerald Scliroeder 1s mU$1C teacher df Gotde-1i \Vest College -a nutsic teaclier 01i tht 1nov~. See toda11's \Vttke11der for staff writer To11t Gorma11's story 011 Scltroeder·,. .sun1nie r ;ob: Ing and· open agricultural burning, as days. Authorities predict high smog t&lned. warmer air hanging overhead, and \Ylll 1moc levels in SOuthem catifornia con-levels tbrouab.the end ol the week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, ,hc(llth remain there until there is_enou&h...ll·in.d_ Valley <..:a1•11ival Set -r,,:~ .... 1c· 1; -::iv': flwfllfl *~ Unued to exceed nonn:il levels. u'\ve1Yeliidtwo or three days higlier warnlngl wen lssue<I at lhtOOttt'ierri end to blow 1~e smog away. hat111t " N•t1t11t1 ""• ..... ha • r La H br d I . C1Nfonll1 s OrMM C.v111r 1'· .. • - . Thii rrequest made by the orange -than normal but there sn t been a ma· of the COUJltY n a a, an a so in Wells said that the Orange County Air· A carnival to he.Ip raise fUnds for the ci...ifftf ,,... ttttt~r•wh •·" llil---C°""'' y-Air-l'olluUoo District !ollows_jor~ Cowit~'." Anabelm • .wbeco..readlnp..climbod..ollg1,.._-1,.ollu•ioo-flislrlet-he.......iveO-a-number--Foontaln-¥•l~y-&y!L€lul>-wlll-4>e4le'kl--~~c~~-~· I t~"noc....m:,_,,. ____ _ aUiillir requests' made Thursday by said Ora Wells, investigator for the ly-over-lhe---.20 le.vel n~d e issue A of <:omplalnts concerning the high smog today througb Sundn y at the Oenl(O DNni """"' 11 si.tt "'"""" -, .. ,, *' GoVernor Ronald lleagan and the Orange County Atr Pollution District. health warning~ On Thursday. however, level. porticularly on Wedntsday. parking Iot t on Rrookhurst Street near -:=:~:•~Pi" ~.1~ ~:=::" ." ,,_:- Enyltorimental Protection Ag€!ncy. -However, Wells wamed that whfle local these areas were just under the health The Orange County Health Department Warner Avenue. • 11or.,.. "-' u , 11 WH1tltf • -Smog" condlttons-tn Orahge-county.:.are -c!tl!ens need not be too .. alarmed.-their -wwming1Mrk. ffcrs hree Tccmnm·cndatrmu-i-a-'Jbe-cnrnwa1 IU~OJ*t aU:p:m. -mJ·a-:=.11~::;; :t-::;:r~.:" ~:; the least· seriovs of any of the four ad· .cooperation with lbe requests to reduce The National Weather Se.rvlt.-c ex· cilizcns "'hen the Health Warning Is In will remain open all day· during the -M•lllM• ' w .... ~... twt ~ ·n counties bu~ rcslden!!2re being driving and eliminate burnings·would Im· fained t~ heavy smog condltioos effect. weekend . • I • - • •• l • . McCord -Cites Reve·lations-, Asks. New Trial ~ - \VA Slt lNGTON (APJ -Attorneys for 1n Janlltlry ou charges stemming from ex.istence of a special \Vhlte Houae in- ronviettd Watergate conspl r1'tor James !he June 17, 1972 break-in at the vestigative unit and that several wit- W. Mct::ord. Jr. asked today that his coo-nesses during the trial perju r ed vlction be reversed because of in· WHY DID EX·NIXON AIDE themselves. formation brought to light in subsequent COMMIT PERJURY?-Analyais, E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Llddy, Ul\•esUgation~ or the Watergate scanch1L Pina 12 two Watergate trial delendantl convicted Atty. Bernard Fensterwald said his •-along with McCord , were members of the motion asked U.S. Dist. Court Judge j .special--\Vhlte Hoose group formed to John J. SlricR either to issue a directed Ot1nocr111ic N;tional Comn1 it cc head-tr::ice leaks of classified information. verdict of :icquitta l for f\1cC.Ord or to quarters. Fensterwal d alsO filed a motion asking sc.hedulc a new trial. (Related stori__n:, Fenst~·ald said his 1nolion was based the judge to order the government to picture. Page 4), on subsequent disclosures that the search its records to determine If a--~---"M,,.c,,Co,,,r~ a@ six oth,e!!.rs!Ll"1l!'->llJ.1l""•"--go.vernment-wilhheld knowleds~ o~lhe--McCord's home...telepbone-had been tap...- From P99e 1 FRANCO ... commander in chief of the armed forces and head of the country's only political party, the "Natiooal 'fl.1ovement." El Caudillo ("the Leader") already has des.i,gnated Prince Juan Carlos to be the next king of Spain on Franco's death. A 30-word announcement by the in- formation ministry today said Carrero Blanco will be sworn in at Franco's El ·Prado .PaJlce. His official title will be · -president of the Sp'anish government. Under the constitution, his first task will be to·.fonTI. a new cabinet. . . ped alter June J.7. In a third motion, FensterwaJd asked the judge lo postpone ·tho Jlall IS - tenclng of McCord lo give Ille covem- ment a chance to reply to bis other mo- tions. Fensterwatd said ?\~rd, a n acknowledged expert in e I e c t r on I c surve illance, Is convinced his telephone ha s been tapped since June 17. Thursday, Sen. Lowell P. W~icker (R- Cnttn.), predicted that the convictions of A:lcCor and.-.Lldd~ely-would=be l'romPqel SKYLAB ... ways to make the best use of it. O>nrad already was looking forward to another spacewalk planned June 19. One is normally planned to change fllm packs in the ship's solar ~observatory and Conrad suggested that a separate spacewalk be conducted the same day if engineers decide it is ·necessary to rig a second sufishade over Skyl2.b. The first results of the repaired solar power wing were that Skylab now had reversed becauae o£ the testimony of Herberi L. l'Qrttr, lonner scheduling diredor far ProoldoDt Nlxoo's -lection campaign, before the Senate Watergate committee. Porter told the committee Thursday that he comrnilted ptrJury at the Waterga te trial at the request of Jeb Stuari--Magrudcr, the depu-ty can1paign manager. Porter said Magruder told him that he (l\1agruderl committl'd perjury 12 tlmes in the COlJ~of-thc-tTta1Ta-n d .... the I Watergate grand jury inYestlgatton. In hls te.9tlmony, Porter said he and Magruder worked out a fa lse story to a~ count foi $100,000 in cash Issued to LiddYt who was the attorney for the ca1npaigo fi nance oo\nmlttee. • Liddy has been portrayed Jn sworo testimony as the organizer of "dirty tricks" i1gain!>l Denux:r·ati c candidates. Mt:Cord and Liddy were the only two o( ~e seven \\'atl'rgate d~fcndants ..con: v1cted J( ttie l rial. Beach to . Study Limit On Parking of Campers ; Afayor Jerry Matney. like many other Huntington Beach residents, illegally parks ~ his camper in his private driv~way. City· law says no recreation vehicle over tJiree-quarters or a ton Cf!.n be park_. ed for mo:c than 1v.•o hours on a public slreet or <1 private driveway in rront of a horJ!e. ~1onday night, Don Robert.s, who owm; a large Winnebago. compluinesi about the !\VO-hour res triction and sugg{!sted the ci- 1)! adopt a 72-hour rule. •"'---._,..,The appointment of the _10-1ear-old rrero-Blanco, r'rancO's '"No. 2 man since he was made vice premier in 1967, me~t that Franco has taken a first step toward his eventual retirement, sources close lo the government said. But they stressed that Franco will con- tinue in his other three posts which be .MS.urned in 1939 after hiJ...!orces de[e~ted._ the Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War. -enough electricity for:a]l~tts experiments, - and en~gh to meet all housekeeping demands. The astronauts were told, for example, they. wooJd leave their water heater on for showers planned later to- day. Miller Resi <>'n.S b College Positio11 -..!!..'f.wo-hours-1.s-unreasonable • sald Mainey, after admitting he parks 'his own ca.mper in his driveway. "Sometimes it takes 24 hours just to pack and unpack one or those." "l have a $26,000 item I'll) going to have to stuff somewhere," complained Roberts. "Recreati~cie3_are a way of life now." · The sources said that while Carrero Blanco will run lhe <lay-to-day affairs of government, Franco will remain the man who makes Spain's vital decisions. Government sources said Carrero Bian- co's appointment had been in the making for a loog time and was part. oJ a care- flllly planned tranalti.on of ~~L-- TheySaid ~Ule°'appoinbne-nt in no way affected the posltiQn 'of Prince Juan Carlos de Borbon whom ·Franco chose four years ago as his eventual successor as chief of Jtate and Spain's future kil'Jg .. C&rrero Blanco is a stem tra- ditionalist whose recent speeches have stressed his loyalty to Franco and his strong belief.sin law and.order. He l'09e to his present po6ition•mainly on the strength of Franco's total trust and without stirring the imagination or the Spanish people. Associates have described him as an excellent organizer and coordinator who prefers to work in ·the background. . C&lTero Bianco's appointment came after weeks or inteme political activity sparked by leftist May Day incidents in Madrid and a strong right-wing backlash to t?>e slaying of a p,oliceman by left-wing demonstrators~ FromPnge"7. DENIAL ... $10,000 a very insignificant figure to him. 'fl.1c\Vhinney said he draws up to $100.000 a year from his major share in the Westminster ~1emorial Park organi· iatioo and draws other substantial sums from a variety of business enterprises in- clu ding a Colorado ski lodge and an oil \\·ell. He \\'BS asked by Ca pizzi : '·Didn't you once say you made rr.ore money under the counter lhan over it?" "No sir. I did not,'' the fl ushed McWhinney replied . Mc\Vhinney said he only agreed to help Murai in the farmer's baltlc to retain the Mile ~uare acreage because another dee! that would have brought him nearly $40.000 a year on the land fell through. Murai was paying $150 an ac re for the land at the time McWhinney and Fujita were arrested. McWhinney said Thursday he was at one point working on a deal that would have put a $325-per-acre price tag on the land with the provision that he keep the difference bet'A'Cell that $325 and Murai's $)50. Judge John Flynn Jr. said jury in- structioos will be given ~fonday after rinal arguments in the Mlle Square Park trial. OIAN•I COAST •• DAILY PILOT 1"-Orl"91 C.0.11 OAILY PILOT Wiltl whll;TI 11 t-lntd 1M Nl..,..·PrtH, 11 11Ubll1flerl bl' IM 0••"119 c ... 11 Publl1111"0 Come>eny. $1pe- rt1t •Ilion$ 1rr publl1"9CI, M-•l' lllrt>Ugh Frld1r. far Ca1•1 Mt11, N-rt 1111cll, 1-1 .... u ... ron llt•c~IFOIMlllll \'tllty, LIOU"* e .. c11, lrwlnt/$.t<ldltl>ICk MCI S111 Clernen!t / Sin J1>1n C1pl1tr1no. A 1!119141 r .. lont l ~11~ Is 11Ubll1htd 5'hi•d1ya· 1r>11 s-•l'I· TIM prPflCJptl i>ufllll fllng pi111I II ti U) Wn l l•Y S!rttr, Co111 Mt11, C•lfl1rnr1, '1'1'11. llob•rl N. W11d PrHleont Ind P1$ll1flit J1c;k I:, Cwrlty Yiu Pt .. ldlfll I nd Gt,,.rt l Ml l\f9ff ThPrn•t K11wil" EdltGr lho,..11 A, M~tphi11• M•Mtlrii Ed•tor Ch1rl1t H. Looi ~l ch1rd P. N1 U 4Hll!t "I M1na1rng Edli.t1 l •rry Co•illt Wtll O••ftVt C-•r Ee/tor H•irtt.,fN ..... <>Mc. 17171 l11ch l owt.,,,,.., Mallffti Aclclr•1t1 P.O. 111 1t0, tJMI ...... .,,.,., l9t'llM llN~I ttl For•t A-C:..11 M ... : UI '#ft! a1r lltMt N....,..,., INdl1 1W N"""" 11...,1,..,.,,_ a.11 C""'*tlt : •1 Norll'I l l Ct lYllM •..r ,.,,.,,, C714l '4Z-4)21 a..tflHI Aftr9rfltljf 141·1'71 ~.-'"'"' °''""' c...-, c"""""" ... 14 .. IJH UPI TtlrPhola PRESIDENT NIXON ADDRESSES FLORIDA GRADUATION Shares Laugh With FTU President Charles Millican Nixon Addresses Grcids On 'Genius of America' From Wire Ser.ices ORLANDO, Fla. -Skirting \Vatergate and striking a "what's right with America" theme, President Nixon hinted broadly today that he \vould act soon lo deal with inflation. (Related stories, Page 14 ). Jn one of his rare_ public. appearances since \Vatergate surged back into !he ht!adlines th is spring, Nixon spoke to the graduating class at F'lorida Technological ·University. Nixon si1 id the nation is faced with challenges at home and abroad but. gesturing ·with an outstrctchc~ index finger. he said: "\Vhen Ameri ca has a problem \•le v.·ill solve it because "'e have the genius that bu!lt America and made Arclritects Hired To Prepare Par].: Plans in Valley 1'he Fountain Vall ey city council has hired two architects to prepare plans lor the $1.25 million recreation center to be built at Mile Square Park. According to Wayne Osborne. Public \Vorks Director, tfie two finns were hired because one of them has more expertise in designjng Jetrcation.-0riented facilities and the other is more experienced in the design of communi ty c en t er -t y p e buildings. Recreation Systems, Inc. will prepare the ·designs of recreational part of the complex which will include courts for tennis. handball and basketball as well as night-lighted baseball diamonds. The con- tract calls for a $10,400 payment. The <.'On tract with \Veld on J. Fulton Associales for the plans for a multi· purpose building in the complex, calls tor a fee of seven and a half percent of !he construction costs. Th e city recently acquired the 55-acrc site from the federal government with the understanding that it would be turned over to the city only if it is developed as a recreational center. us the great nation that 'A'e are today.'' jfc did not spell out any det ails of his .(c~nomic plan, but Administration of- ficia ls said the President is working on an anti·innation program which could be announced riext week. ln his address. the President struck the 1'\vhat"s right with America" theme, ap- pi.lrently as a counterpoint to the \\latergate scandal. However, he did not make aP1y mention of the scandal. Frona Page 1 • MORALE ... learned , was that an estimated 97 per- cent of the responding teachers •believe morale is "on the decline" in the dimict. Also rated high on the list of com- plaints "'as that youth activities and con- tests, such as speech tournaments, take a "disproportionate amount of instructional lln1e and impose W'ldue burdens on teachers and students." A high _percenµige of teachers also complained !hat the rate of principal turnover has reached the point at ~·hich "it should be of major concern'' to district officials. Five princi pals have lefl ~he district duri ng the past year, said Bob Read, assistant superint.endent for 'personnel. Of those, four 1ook administrative posi- tions at a higher level elsewhere and one a~ccpt~ a princl.pal_ post. in the Oce~n View School District in Huntington Beach. During the previous year four prin- cipals resigned. One took a higher posi- t ion elsewhere. 'JlC v.·ent to private in- dustry. one moveli back to his hometown to become a principal and the fou rth was named principal at an Ocean View school. There are 17 schools in the Fountain Valley distric1. . ··People are moving to positions of more responsibility," Read said. "That's lrue of any district with a fine in- st ructional program . \Ve're one of those districts and our principals are \'ery 1narkelablc at higher salaries. lt's a fact of life.·· Neal to Europe Valley Manager Pla1is Tour Fountain VaUey City r..fanagir Jim be J>Jld by the city manager himself. Neal will be traveling to Europe on a 20-The move to use city funds for the lrip day tour at the invitation of the Intcrna· was opposed by councilman F..d Just who tional Union of Local Authorities. noted that the city helped send Neal to a Neal, who has been city manager for similar conference in Austria four year1 seven years, was a-ppointed an official ago. delegate to the United States' section of "ij.'s not that 1 don't believe he could the study tour wh ich lasts from .June 21 do I-good job," Just explained. "lt1s just tO Jttly-t·t. -that I don't believe that city funds should The lnterMtional City ti.1anagcment be used." "Hooray," said the pilots in unison. "We've got all the power we need," said flighl iliredo<Neutrute!tinson. Dr. Dale A. Miller, dean of coUege af. fairs at Golden We.s.LO:lllcge,__has reslgn- lrom bis job. \\'hen the crew awakened about 6 a.m. PDT, Conrad asked ground com- municator Richard Truly how long the crew "'OuJd have to leave the coolant syst~m in its jury-rigged state. The 46-year~ld administrator will vacate his position JWle 30 to become the superintendent and president of the Shasla Tehama Trinity Joint CommWlity College District. "We recogni ze your plight," repliOO Councilman Jack Green. "But they are 'a traffic hazard. Jf you've got that much money in it, maybe you shouJd get a house "'here you can park in back." .Remember all the beautiful furnirure, lamps and accessories you've been .. admiring: all year long:? ••. Well. (hey're now on sale ac rrcmendous ·savi ngs! Not orily oUrnOor models, bJJr .you · may special order many piece.: (O your own rasre, size Of color AT SALE PRlCES! Such well -krlown names .as:· Drexel,· Heritase, Henredon., .Woodmark Marg:~ Carson, Royal Coacli, Muter Craft 4nd Sherrill! ' • • SOFAS • CHAIRS • BEDROOM ms • DI NING ROOM sm • CO£KTAIL TABLES • END TABLES • LAMPS • ACCESSORIES • BOOKCASES • PAINTI NGS • DESKS AND SO MUC H MORE! • . • Special Savings on Selected Items from •DREXEL • ' . • •HERITAGE· •HEN REDON ........,._ • • " • • • ' OREXEl.-:HERITAGE-HENREOON-WOOOMARK-KA~ASTAN -------- • • • . Corfrltlfll. 1'1:l. Or...-Co10! Pullthhlflll r ---lr'!"!l'-!!'!0-:1 .... "<! ..... ·-""' """"1m11ij:; •ltorftf IM!tfr .,.......,frftl.,,,.,.l' ""111"11 .,., M r-tdunlf WllhOl.ll •MCl91 ...... mlMJOn ol eofl"f'•i.M •-· AssocisUon, "'hleh ts holding an Jn-Just's four colleagues on lhe council t r Lconierenca..Jn--Lausanne.: ... dlsag.reed-wffh-ttim, not-fng that lhe-trl';;...J--IP--- Swit1.erland, hat asked Neal to 1Jre'5Cnt a w111 1Jr1ng-tlbnor a·l'fd r·ooognitlon lo Foun·· $_.i Clflt _,.,. N it •T Cotle Mtu, C.llflOtolk. ~l11tltrl "" ~,.., ft.tl -l'loO!lffll"f', .,., IMll ll,U ll'IHlllllJI 1'1111! .. ty -..1iwt11M "·'' _rh,.,. paper on hJs innovative 10-ycar budget. taln Valley and that Neal will be going on At Tue!tday nlght'a CQUrtCJ\ meet.to&.._ h~Yecallon..Jime__ __ councilmen approved the cxpcndllurc or "I think the good points far outweigh $900 or city funds to partially pay for the the mlnlma l expense to the dty,'' sald tnp. Th• balanw or th.,_12.100 cost will Councilman Al Holllnd.en. / • • I • • j · DAll.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Miles of-Beach • lt now seems certain that all of the oceanfront land in Huntington Beach will remain safely In public hand s. \Vhile no formal agreement has been made, both the state and the Huntington Pacific Corp. have generally nearly $500,00~orth ol scholarships, but 19 of them have perfect astlc records, n1aking them 01e valedictorians of e five graduating classes. -agreed on an $18. l million price tag for the company's 2.5 miles of private beach. We congratulate the graduates with the hope that they will continue as adults to perform at the same high level that has marked their hi gh school careers. ~ . • This city has 8.7 miles of the finest recnation- oriented-sa nd y beaches iiilbe stale.Tbe upkeep and a .. '--- velopment of the city beach is a credit to the harbors and beaches department, and soon the state plans to follow the city's example at·Bolsa Chica and Huntington state beaches. - The slate purchase, urged by the city,· of the last private ocean front is a promise to the people of con· tinued concern for their ~rowing recreation needs. '\ The Huntington Pacific Corp., for its part, deserves recognition for not continuing ~ lor;ig ~egal battle over the price of the land, thus delaymg its improvement for public use. Tbe purchase shows what reasonable cooper- ation can.accomplisl\. Proud Record .for Youth School llllilget -n1 sh-of f It seems ~hat trustees of the Huntington Beach City (elementary) School .Dis trict are having so me problems getting together to di scuss how to spend $8.6 million for the 1973-74 fi scal year. · The preliminary budget wa s presented by the dis- trict staff last month, leaving enough time for trustees to review and make changes before submitting it to the county by the July 1 deadline. One budget-discussion-has-been·rheld so ~fat;. T·hree other attempts to review it have failed. The budget was to have been discussed during the trustees' May 22 meeting, but they said they were too tired to tackle it. A special meeting was call ed the .ni!xt week, but onlY two trustees showed up. And a third attempt to The image of. young people often has been sus-review the budget was made TueSday, but three trus- pect among the elder generations. tees decided instead to attend a dinner sponsored by the It's an image ready for ~angin__g_ as the H_!!nting!_on __ <;alifornia Teachers Association in theiL..honor as ·'-'~'--- each--Uii.ion-m gh--SChOOl1)1strtct prepares to gra<luate elect-ea trustees. anothe'r class. Only three weeks remain before the state-mandated On·June 14, more than 3,300 young men and won:i-deadline to file the preliminary budget. It is important en will receive diplomas ~rking the completion of their that trustees agree to meet, whether on Tuesday nights publ~· education. All of Uie people who have had a part or Saturday mornings. if -they are going to give the 10 p paring these youngsters for careers or college -budget the attention it deserves. their arenl'i teachers, school administrators and trus-In view of the fact $8.6 million is at stake, it 1night tees_ should be very proud of them. appear that trustees are not taking their fiscal responsi- Not only have these students earned for themselves bility as seriously as the public could expect. H ''WHO'S YOUR RUSTLER?" Marital Truth . -~1 I . ~ Frog Mating Calls, Potato Chip Machines & Geniwn Cockroaches ,., . ----- ls Revealed •.-........ In Silences ~YDNEY J.HARRI~ Thought s al Large: \\'hen lovcr.s talk inces,,antl y lo each other, they are.engaging in l"'O m~notogs under the illusion it is a dialog; it is only in the long silences or marriage that they begin lo rerognlze the ·truLh. Gus Alter reading all that stuff lately on the National Otganizat.lon for \\'omen (NOW), I feet like saying, not NOW, maybe later. D.A. •i.mw-9" a;; ::Ah .,. ........,.. In" ,...... .......... .--rttr ...... '" ... 1-1 .. ""' ........... ..... ,..., ,.. _. f9 a'-"!y ew. O.lty !"Met, ---·-----=------. ----~-,,,. I . - -", Fantastic ·w ~ys to Spend Tax Money :· ·- \VASl{JNGTON -Information is as hard to come by as ever here. Neither Ron Ziegler's declaration that the last four years are "inoperative ," nor Vice President Agnew 's concession that the media may not be quite so vile as he thought. has mad.e-much difference. . Every morning television crews are ( VON HOFFMAN ) anothe r $20,000 has been invested in research on the blood groups of J>olish Zlotnika pigs. Tha t makes more sense than the $70,000 spent to learn abouf the sme ll of perspiration given off by the Auslrali!i.n aOOri(::incs-. SO GIV~ the. University of California 71 grand to study the history of comic books ... but $42,000 to the University of t\lississ ippi fGr not planting cotton, and $22,~ to the University of Arka~s for not planti ng rice. and $19,000 to Libby McNeil for not planting cotton, and $14,000 to the Ford Motor Company £or nol planting wheat ? On the 'other hand, the $203,979 to 'l'ravelers Aid to help migrants I o s t on the Los Angeles freeways is certainly justifiabl e. That 's hardly enough to. do the job. • BUT SURELY the 50 G's that went into the study of the Canadian and U.S. fur trade between 1770 and 1820 was worth-it , as was the $2 million given to Marshal Tito to buy himself a yacht, acrording to Mrs. Jelliffe. However; the odor-measur· · ing machine ($2.8,361) for Turkey may · have proved to be more beneficial. • M.ost people wrong· ly imagine t h a t "faith" means "be- lie\o;ng in God :' "'hen it really means acting out all the personal and social ronsequences of such asmuch as we te nd to move a little bit away from someoQe whO is deemed to be "unlucky,'' as If it might be catching. . . ~ It-is Cltly the thinnest hair's-breadth that divides the master of wordJ from their slave -and sometimes in the same speech. staked out around the houses of im- mediate -past and. present officiaJ9-who wm't grant inter- vit?\\-'S. sometimes they sneak out the back and sometimes they come out tht> front and j say tlley can't talk because But that is as comprehensible. as lhe $20,000 for the study of German cockroaches. a project more puzzling than the $17,000 spent on a dry-cleaning plant so tha t the Bedouins can have dean djellabas. The $32,459 given to the masochistic officials of Kenya for !he purchase of extra wives is defensible, it peculiar, but why $37,314 for sending a potato-chip machine to Morpcco, a nation that is not kno~ to grow potatoes? No cultiva ted person can object to the $5,000 for an experimental analysis of violin varnish. Nor the $.50,000 for the , documentation of the We1tanschauung of the Guajiro Indiam of Colombia. It might have been money better spent to hire the Guajiros to study our world view. They might have been able to explain to us why we gave a $5,000 award to a poem entitled "lighght," All-the above costs about one-tenth o.(., an OOUr•s bombing in Cambodia, b®·~ since there's no way to stop that, Mrs.• Jetl lffe is understandably-bitter about I this other use of her tax money . "I've.\ worked all my life and· the government ! doesn't even ask me to put the money UP.-I I don't give a damn for those other cou:o- tries. I don 't care if they're all dead,"' she says. · -""" --'I Mrs. Jelliffe is also very dublous about · publishing thi s kind of secret in- formation, but with admirable pluck for one of such advanced years, sbe prom- ises that, "If4 you get put in ja.il for it, 1 1'11 send you jams and jellies." belief; nothing is easier, or more con- ducive to apathy, smugnes.s and self- righteousness, than "believing in God '' as a dim abstraction. • • • The most fool ish and futile argument ls bet~·een those who proclaim that man is "naturally good " and those who insist I hat man is "naturally bad"; man is only naturally free lo be one or the other, or each alternately -and this freedom of choice is both the glory and the tragedy or the human condition. • • • The so-called ''Golden h-1ean" is in· effectual as a practical rule of life, because nearly everyone can point to his position as mid"'•ay between two ex- 1 rem es he has selected. • • • We are all soinewhat superstit.loos, in- • • • Listening the other night to the lilting caden~s or Dylan Thomas reciting his own poetry on a recording, I could understand and appreciate why, in old \Ve I sh I.aw, the harp was the one possession that could not be taken away rrom a debtor. • • • A thou sand passably attractive people are dissaUsfled. with their looks, but not one in tbe thousand complains of his lack of sense. • • • The most utilitarian reason for con· tinuing to learn as we age is that an ig- norant man gets more foolish as he gets older. • • • Jr civilization is, ai: Ruskin had it, "the making of civil persons," we took a wrong turn somewhere. • • • To grab something is ahn9st the surest way to lose it. always they might jeopaidire tbe judicial procem. Then t h e y slam their limousine doors on everybody's microphones and driv e off lo spend the day trying to bribe judges and ~estroY evidence. TO LEARN \\'hat's going on in the government you have to adopt methods that foreign intelligence agents use. The y study the Congressional Record , other government. publications, the ne wspaPers and the magaiines, clipping and filing bits ol information until a pattern makes itself visible. nus has been the modus operandi or 75-year-old Mrs. Smith ·Ely Jelliffe, a member of the National Taxpayers Union from Bronxville, N. Y, She has been reading and snipping for four years and has now come up with a document she ... calls, "Fant.astl.c Use of My Taxes." She's found that among the things the Nixon Administration may be hiding is an expenditure of $20,324 to study the mating calls of Central American frogs. · Five grand has gone into an investigation o{ the diving behavior of seals, \\'bile • Noise Polluters ShouWBe Fined Says Resment With Battered Ears To the Editor : What good news it is to read th at the Assembly has passed a bill to make it a misdemeanor to "do things" to your auto lo make it noisier. I live on a short street that was very quiet for years. Now the MAILBOX e1plosions of such tampered autDS, plus various motorcycles, choppers, etc. is a Letters from readers are welcome. disgrace. Noima/.ly writers should convey their If everyone contributing to such noise messages in 300 word..f · or less. The pollutioo. woold have to pay a fine. right .to _con.defl:$e 1le~ters to fit tpaCe there'd be funds to authorize policemen or eliminate ,libel ts ~eserved. AU they can get such time 'vhen no one ·m·· around to call time on the hogs? JOHN A. WOODWARD , ,tJedltatio11 -.... \.. To the Editor: ;-,:i I was very interested to read your I\~ 29 article oo Transcendental Meditati The article by J.ack Chappell was· written. It was very brief, yet ~ out many of the most salient points about Transcendental-Meditatton. Why Kalmbach Bowed Out to pat rol tJJese ;ireas more often. rd ltte_r~ must rnclude ~i_gnature and rather ha ve 100 'ordinary vehicles pisS---~tling -w;tctress, but M~es 1M_Y. be my residence an hour than six of. these withhe~ on reqmst t/ ~ufficient violators. reas~n is apparent. Paltry tmll not be Get behind your legislators until th is is published. corrected! I PERSON AIL Y v.-ould like to see_ more ol such articles v.itich are in- fonnative. Also, I know that a lot of my friends and neighbors were interested in this article. CHARLES JOHNSON l1itrigue Roused Newport Attor11ey's Suspicio11 No Sympathy nerve expectlng11to be taken care-of by the taxpayers, and he hes no right \Yhatever to be angry at not receiving \Yelfare or wiemploymebt. The fact that the only benefit& they can expect to receive consist of $35 a weet from the Teamsters Union should be CUU1ldered by the Union members before taking a strike vote. If they •till vote to strike, It'• their problem. (JACK ANDERSON) \l/ASffiNGTON -By Prc~ident Nix· on's account. aide John Ehrlichman \\'asn 't supposed to impede the Watergate investigation bul merely lo 1nake sure It didn't impinge upon national security. Yet Ehrlichman spoke only about political security y,•hen he asked Herbert HE QUOTED Ehrlichman as reassur- Katmbach to partici-ing him that the payoffs were entirely he w proper but that the secrecy .... pate in t ater· necessary for po!itlcal reuons. gate cover-up. The last approach to Kalmbach for As Kalmbach has payoff money was made as late a.s ·~~~-~In A versatlon to lnvesti· January 18, 1'73, at a mee ex-t-tomey General John Mlldie 1'• office. gators, Ehrllchm•n Kalmbadl readied that John Doan, then warnro that tho the White trouae COIJllleJ, bad ac- inve!Ugalioo coulcl ccmpanied him to the meet.Ing. But by "jeopardize" th c thi s Ume, Kalmbach had decided he election campaign. wanted nothing more to do woth the pro-- In a reference to the Democrats, he snort-Ject, so he quietly excmed him.self alter ed: "They'll have our beads m their 10 mlnulel. laps." AS mE Pmldent'1 penonal atwmey, KALl\IBACH had agreed to ralae Kllmbldl .... -ODO ol the moot montY to pay the liVing and legal er-silmt 1Miin tho Watergate mystery. He -ol the Wotergale de!"1dantl. He hu told hll 1tory to lnvestigaton, was llOV'1' told the money would be ol-however, 1fllb quiet Cinder. r.rcd u 1 bribe to buy their stlenoe, but A few daya altoc the Wai.rtiuqers . ~ J11m<1 Booe! lntripe made b1m ~tllht, he wu-IUl11IOOl>ed t I SiiiPI~-w..,,._ by John Doan, wh> arranged He ght re11issurancos from to meefhlm m the street In frQJ'lt of the Elhrll n, whom he coolrmled In the Hay-Adams llotel. Dean carelul!L-. -Whlte-u-l!t-late-July,-l(almbacll lold--..i-tbe n«:eSS ty !or oecrecy iiicr Uitn lnv..tlgaton~that be put th& qUe1Uon on A!ked him to widenYl'ile tbe 'lfatergate ti\•e named Anthony Ulasewict.. The widcrcovennM was known to Kalmbach who. in 1969, had set up a Special bank account t.o pay him $22.000 a year. plus expenses. for investigative w o t k . Ulasewicz's main assignment, though Kalmbach was never told this, was to dig up dirt on Sen. Ted Kennedy CD-Mass.). Kalmbach told investigators he col- lected between $2t0,000 and $230.000, which was distributed to the Wa tergate defendants. HE PICKED UP $75,000 from Ma'urice Stans, the Republican finnnce chairman; another $75,000 from Thoma• JOl\ell , president of Northrop COJ1>.; and tho balance from campaign. bag man Fred LaRuc. The arrangements v.·ere handled v.1th elaborate secrecy. Kalmbach and UluewiC"l placed calls to one another through pay phones and used verbal shorthand to Identify the people involved in their conversation. Watergate ringleader E. •1oward llun l, ror exampJ t!, was referred to as ;,the writer," and his wife Dorothy ns ''the wr.lt~'s wife." Ulas.ewlci used several aUnse.,, hi! fQVOf!te being "Mr. lt\\IC!rS." /" . To the Editor: l'm writing in response to the article about the "hard times" o( the Richard Carlson family (Pilot. Jun e 3). I have no sympathy for someone who apparently . finds it perfectly acceptable to allow his children to go hungry, his debts to go un· paid, and to have his wile steal when the only reason be can't v.·ork is rear or blackballing by his union . AS A ~"TRIKER, fie. is out of work voluntarily, and he has a damn lot of The taxpayer's burden i.5 big ....,h trying to help those who really can't v.•ork. They shouldn't be expected to help those who vote not to work. EILEEN BAUER Court Hogs To the Editor : Why doesn't some o1nclal en/orce tbe rules ol. tennis courts at the Mariners' park? PLEAS of eleven-year-old girls walling for ovenn MUr~for a turn to play ire doily rejected by adult& hogging the courts for hours at a time with no ap- parent feeling for the regulations nor ht young ladles' fl.'l!llngs . SOME OF the money was directed to Dorothy-Hunt who-Used-the-code-name- "Chrls'' in her own pay-phone calls to th<' other \Vatergate defendnnts. The girls arc taught to respect others And to chnMtl their activities toward things hCalthy for both the mind ind body only to dally experience this greed and hostility from adults who react to the rules only when an enforctr Ls prestnt ( l'+--+-"ilL!W:o..thaLgovernmonW& not only In- terested In providing protection for those sad lltOe lost oocs who prefer pot to TraMCendental Meditation is very wide-spreed today. There are over 200,000 meditators in the U. S. today and more than 1,500 medHators in Orange County. Each year the nuinber of meditators has doubled, 9001etimes trip!· ' ed. So articles on Transcendental Medita· tion are of great interest to mediLators and of even greater value to ttJose who are not familiar with Transcendental->i Meditation. Thank you. . SHARON KNOWLTON-j ~--------~1 OIANM COAST DAILY PILOT .Robtrl N. Wttd, Pubwhtr Thomal Keevil, Editor Barbara Krtll>icr,. --Editorial Page lidiU>r '?be «Htorl&l ,pap or ihe-"Daily PUot -W:ks to lnfonn and stimulate retldei'3 by prestuti!llf on this P1ae dlwnteiCommcntazy'on topics Of tn- ·terett by sYncticated eolumnisl• and cartoonists, by providing a rorum for re.den' views and by Pl'@9tallnr thil: nn.'ljiaper'r oplinonl and 1deu on ~m topics. ~ editorial oplniontt 0( the Dally Pilot llPrttr only in the l'dilcxial .column al the top ot: the pace. Opinion& exprraed by the col- umntata and cartoonists ana lelltt" .wrttf'n are their own and no~ I a penOnal basis. "John," ho said, "we've defendantl' open1e1. ll was this James .Bond busin~~s. 0 playing. ' ---~--~ ----znent of: !Mlt vit'll>-. lhe Oal"'--1----PlJOrtfiiij}(ftiniifflmr ·~ -.. been .friends for 10 years. You know my ·-1--·famlly·and I kmW.,..,rlamlly.-1 want-Dl!:AN~ 111111 Ito-nme)', you to tell me wl\ethcr this assignment Is as It 'was later used, should be channeled Ki lmtiOch 101a In" estlga rs, hat ffiiiilly persuaded hhn lo end h.ls role in lhe Watergate coospiracy. 'Don't drop It you might hit 'someone.' THE ADULTS have Jhe courts Ill d1 y -l!lurely the kldM are entllle<rto their 30 n1inutcs sornelime. Is there l!IOlTte way Friday, June 8, 1973 Pl'OJJ'lf ond must be earned out." through a burly New York private doto<:· I •• ' • Senate 0 l{s Big .Budget Mter C11ts cSACRAMENTO lAP l -On a ~ vole. tl» state Senale has approved a $9.2 billion version of the 1,973-74 state budget, w ' million Jess than the amount re- qtl k ted by Gov. Ronald RC'agan. ----· . • • . . l ------.'l.llC.."'i;hllnu1nruk"·cnn.;Sc>Clloaate budget JPWl.l,"---1...i now goes to the Assembly. \1·hich is ex- ptet.ed to reject it. That will set up a two- '' (' NEWS BRIEFS ) holL'it! conference committee that will have the job of hammering out a final spending program for Reagan 's ap- proval. Senate budget writers made their chief cut -$64.l million -in the state's l\.1edi- Cal program because of an expected drop in case.loads. There '''ere also cutS in the categorical, aide section ol the welfare program made beCause of experted in- creases in federal ftmds-. ltlatagled ll'reekage This is all that was left of a light airplane fiown by ~tudent pilot Guilermo Arias, of Los Angeles, atfer crashing into the ocean near · fog.-shrouded Santa Moni~a Airport. Divers found the body of t~e pilot"' when the plane.was pulled to shore Thursday. · f:OliProbe ,l)ACRAMENTQ (AP) -As§<mbly ~aker Bob Moretti called for a state im"estigation Thursday of the oil seepage itnhe Santa Barbara Channel. State's Air Resources • "Residents of the Santa Barbara area ~I are not absolutely convinced of the ~lusion reached by oil industry ~vers mat the slick has resulted from natural ~ge caused by gas pressure," ?\1oret· tl'sa..i d in a letter to G. Ray Arnett, state c:fitect.or of fish and ga me. Panel De"LtJxs Srrwg, Bid 10 LOS ANGELES (AP) -The state Air harmful effects of one type of antismog Resources Board voted Thursday to device . • Cg~lists Collide delay until October a program of fitting Holmdahl said the EPA had announced l.,;STA NFORD <AP) _ T\\'O bicycles, 1966-70 cars with antismog devices. Tuesday that the nitrogen oxide level was neither with lights. collided in the dark The action came at the urging pf state not harmful in any part of Califomia ex- ~ the Stanford University campus. and a Sen. John HolmdahJ, (D·Alameda Coun-cept the Los Angeles area. Installation of d8.Y later one of the riders died 0t head ty). the antismog devices, said Holmdahl, ipiuries. · · -::----. --_ ...! ~ WQU.l<lonl_y Teauce .!!le nitrogen level by_. • .Offtcers identified the victim as Robeft TllE BOA~A~~lil!d =•IS~ -~e, 18, of Fredonia, N.t. He Dad ·the antismog device installation program AngeJeS area would ~alr.1 excessive. Widergone seven hours of surgery at to get under way July 1. ~"'"'ord University Hospital, authorities Holmdahl asked the board-to delay im-111E. BOARD HEARD testimony from ~.·.-'Thursday. · · plementation until' Jan. I, 1974, so the its technical staff that a recent statistical ~ legislature will have more time fu con-study tends to show that the VSAD j ff~dia Vote sider a federal EnviroMlental Protection (Vacuum Spark Advance Disconnect) Agency announcement on smog and also type of antismog device causes exhaust SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Assembly to consider new evidence on possible valve wear through overheating. Such has asked the state Senate to consent to wear inciea.ses hydrocarbon emissions giving television newsmen free access to and necessitates expensive repair jobs. a.meetings o{ the legislature. .,.,.,..,.,.--,1'"'==---ll--::~~f~~~sl~tismo11<..,.Jdl-<li!l. \l'>-4-1-t Unde!-a......Olution-..nH<rtt..-Senatt..--1--,1-...rcr.·ss ues previously approved by the board are the 4o a 6&-0 Assembly vote Thursday, the .t...'1 (;. vSAo· type. ~y proposed identical rules for the Spokesmen for the companies that .,tire legislature as those it voted for Over Art:cle make the approved VSAD antismog tself on Monday. The · Senate still " dev· s · criti.cized the technical staff's tperates under rules which allOw a single co lusion VSAD devices cause tenator to banlsh all cameras and tape -LOS ANGELES (AP) -Actress exh Ust valv ....____ rders from a floor session or com-Linda Ciiristian, w1do.w of actor , i criticism w~-tha1. cars tee tieaiing. • Tyrooe Power, has sued National involved in the staff's study re not Insider Inc., SunSet Publications equipped with overheating ective 28 Win Suit Inc. and writer Van Trenv.ick for devices. Such protectfve de~ are in-· : LQS_J\NGELES (AP) _ A ·total 6f S3.I million, claiming she was held eluded in the_antismog untrlilts, the com- 126?,00> is to be shared by 28 com-up to ridicule in an artiele-:lhat· pany spokesmen said. f lainants in setUement of damage suits made it impossible for her to find fley flied following the Sept. 13, 1970. fire "·~ suit filed Thursday seeks ~the Ponet Square Hotel in downtmvn Angeles in v.•hich 19 persons were $100,0(X) in special damages for lost ed. saJ 1 ary, $1 .~i!liodn general and $2 ._ The last of the civil suits stemming mi lion pun1t1ve amages. I-om the fire was settled Thursday after The story, published in a \\·eekJy hr days of litigation before Superior paper last Feb. 4, involved ifiss Court Judge Charles A. Loring, \vho tbristian's alleged relationships ted it ""OUld tiave taken some 40 witrr-Aristotle OnaS3is and Howard of court hearings to settle all the Hughes. if they had gone to trial. • i Mental Autopsy • • • • : • • • • Psycliological Test Due on Getty (LOS ANGELES (UP I) A Jpsychological autopsy" like the one prhnned 00 Marilyn Monroe ll trying [ determine whether the mysterious th from drugs and alcohol of ·ceorge Getty II, son of one of the world's chest men, \\.'3.S suicide or an accident. I Getly.,-48,..a_v.•ealthy oil executive.in.Jlis "-\n right, died \Vednesday in a hospital •here he ·was registered under a false l ame. The cause was originally reported 9> be a cerebral hemorrilage. . . ; THE BOD'V OF "George S. Davis" was titer revealed lo be that of Getty, son or 'illionaire 'J. PaUl Getty. Police entered the case when knife wounds were found 'ii Getty's cl'lest ·and ~ leg. There were tfuises on his left ~g and arm. : 'lbe ..senior Getty. !• "nO has often e e n referred to the riche s t $.Jsinessman in the a factor in the death, saying they \\·ere less than an inch deep. The bruises were hyJXKlermic needle marks, Noguchi said. THE· FAMILY physician, Dr. Kendrick Smith, said he registered Getty under the false name at Queen of Angels Hospital to avoid publicity. Baseball Player Priddy Fires Criminal Lawyer LOS ANGELES (UPI)·-Jerry Prid- dy, the Conner major league baseball player accused in a $250,000 extort.ion plot against a steamship line, Thursday fired his attomey who said "all bets were off" concerning his fonner client taking a voice print test. f orld, v:as at his . .ti_· -_t" PRIDDY, 53, who was an-ested Tues-~te in England, · OITTY • day night near the ranoom "drop" site, t2ortedly deeply s}locked by the death. replaced attorney Karl Ransom with ~ Dr. Thomas Noguchi. county coroner-Paul Caruso, a well-known criminal tiedical examiner, took personal charge lawyer. he autopsy and declared Thursday Ransom had maintained Priddy was Getty died of "an overdose com· t'i'On of alcohol and barbiturates, innocent and offered to have him take a ther accidental or otherni.se." voice pMnl test to be compared with FBI r . recordings of the extortionist's calls. --~!). GE'ITY RAD.!A blood-alcohol cont.ent--Afl6'-he'°-WM fired, R8.!\90l'll'"'saidJ 'aU i .06 percent and had apparently taken bets were ofr' concerning the voiceprint 15 c;apsules" or phe_nobarbital type pledge for PMddy, who has yet to enter a mg pfll s. Noguchi said. Alcohol and plea. sedatives interreact to fatally the central nervous system. A ONE-TmfE major league player for Ai 'l1le case ''has been referred to our the Detroit Tigers and New York havioral scientists for further cvalua-Yankees, Priddy was arrested by FBI , " Noguchi said, refen-iJli to a panel · agents Tuesday night near_ his oales J>rO- psydJ>logists '"'ho wlll aucmpt to motion Mlness office in Burbank. truct Getty's. mood at the time or Agents said he made a series of phone th to de~rmine whether he \\'3S catfi ·to Princess Cruises. demanding lcidal. $250,000 in exchange for information on. : ''The "psycholigical autopsy" technique the whereabouts or bombs aboard one of 111 fir>t used in !he death of Miss Its liners, the lslOlld Princess, which was ---'il<Woe~~llo>diod al-"' ovcrciOse.of pills on-a <Nilo w Puorto Vallarta. Mexico. 1963. 'J\1.'0 suspiciOU! small packaget were ~ NoguC:hi ruled out the knlfc \\'ounds as found on the ship and !!'ro"11 overboard. -c I "I DON'T KNOW Mw many times v.-e have to t.ell you about our protection devices," one spokesman said. Wendell McCullough, spokesman for one o£ the two companies that make the non-VSAD type antismog device, said, "The only salvation of this program is that the accreditation of these four systems (1be-vSAD systems) 5e -remov=-- ed." Re-registration "Drive Funding Still in Doubt- LOS ANGELES (AP) -Political worker Robert J. Walters says he con- dUcted a drive to keep the American Ind ependent Party off the California ballot in 1972. · But he denies reports that the effort was financed with Republican campaign fllfKis,-- WALTERS SAID Thursday he had received $8,400 from about 30 persons to conduct a re-registration drive aimed at getting members of the American Independent Party to switch their af· filial.ions to either the Democratic or Republican parties. He said the drive had the approval of Alabama Gov. Geo rge C. Wallace. Lyn Nofzjger, a former Nixon cam· paign worker, confinned he had received $10,000 in GOP funds from Hugh W. Sloan Jr. when Sloan was treasurer of the Committee to Re-Elect the President. Nofiiger said he gave the money to a friend, who gave it to Walters. Sloan told the Senate Watergate com- mittee on Wednesday that he had given the money to Nofziger with the un- derstanding it would be· used to keep Wallace off the California ballot in 1972. NOFZIGER DID not ldentily his friend. The Los Angeles Times said it was Jack B. Lindsey, a businessman who once was a legislative aide to California Gov. Ronald !Wigan. Police Discover Water in Tanks RIVERSIDE (AP) -Police in this Southern catlfornia city have had their fint taste of-the guollne crisis. The englnes of three squad cars and two motorcycles qulel!Y sputtered and died Thw:•dl!YJ90Jl. after lhe start of the afternoon shift. ~fechanics-cheeklng the vehJcles found U1al the 8,00> gallons of gas the depart· ment had recently received from jt.s suP,- plier had been diluted wlth water. An Investigation was ordered. • ,. ·-- l.IAIL I t'JLU I f;p • _, • Give Dad executive comfort~ Famousexecutive ·chairfrom Pier 1. ll°s a rise of steel and vinyl leather that ~ts D.ldeaseback lo view the \\IOrld .. Deep foam-filled cushi90s, swivel ·action rocker , mar-proof base. Prop up your fee! on an ample onoman -it's included in our price! Reg. Price 119" Sale Price HIBAC HI ANO CHO PS. Sizzle some burgers. Charcoa l gri ll some steaks. Use our hibachi, .a well-cas t iron BBQ stove. Hard\vood handles and base. Choose a 10~ x 10" single grill, or .i 10N x 20" double. You'll siz.tle fun at Pier 1 . Double grill , S9.99. JIB Single grill, reg. $4.99. Now .... UNCORK WINE BOTILES WITH EASE. Per- fected corkscrew stops bottle-opening pro- blems. No more torn or broken corks! 6~ brass from Italy. Works with 179 finesse. Ends cork-y wine .••..•.• , ' . lf( , .. "I.I, "' I I. STRlN G·UP A DECORATIVE FISH NET. Cast colorful South Seas fish1nettinR in lo sum- merdecor! yellow, red, black, natural .. 211 Cotton ne ts stre1ch 6' x 15'. .. .. j Prices good for one wttk only. STOW HI S POCKETFULS IN STYLE. Wooden -va·ier1rom Ta twarriorh is-dresser top:-Oark;- richly-g ra iried. Keep flls things neatly, over· night. 12 :y.-.11 fJY,~. Specia l 1 '' father's Day price ..... . SHOULDER THE GOATSKIN . Rota skin bags from Spain . Give one to Dad for picnic w~nes. They're lined with latex. Encircled ;~!~ :o'~ti:. s.~ .t.~~t. ~~~~~.... 3" CORK-UP A BARE WALL. Bleached virgin cork decorat ing panels from Spain. Add an unusual accent or bull etin board .to empty walj space. 4 panels in a pack-149 2" age. 12ux 12"xll•"··-·········· DANGLE TH BURNING ASH . Novel ceram ic. ashltays with a sculptured look. Hang them by a chair, or on a porch1 or in a nook. You'll find a selection at Pier 1. 1" 3" ' • ' ' ' • _, , .. ,_ • • - YOL. 66, NO. 159, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAG ES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA - FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1973 TO day's F inal N.Y. Stocks - J I I I N TEN CENTS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~-~-..:==:-=-:========~~~~~~~~ " reanis on I f-"-•----;·l!F~Engineers .Put By HILARY KA YE Of tH o.ur iJl6tt Steff NO\I' thit Engineering 105 is drawing to a close, the Engineering Building at UC Jrvine is piled high with the wild, and not-so-\vild, dreams or Irvine's swdent engineers. The 49 students enrolled in Pro£essor Paul Arthur's class, mostly juniors, col· Jaborated:on 17 separate projects ranging~· fr()m. a Dew fonn of mass. transp:irtation called "The Tube" to a device which measures the speed ot the shutter on your camera, o a desk calculator for the blind which utilizes Braille. Perhaps the strangest looking ""ap. paratus exhibited at the students' demonstration on Thursday was the "l\.fagneto.Pneumatic Vehicle Systen1,~· affectionately called "Tbe Tube" by its four inventors. It attempts to solve one or the gravest problems·-. in· S9uthern California -mass-transit ·-·with a i;ather unique approach. Chris C. Bradley, one nlcmbcr of the tca 1n \\•ho \rorked on the projec1, ex - plained that air pressure ls the pro- pellant, pushing the vehicle through a tube-like structure. The passengers do not ride inside of the vehicle "'ithin the tube. ho\vever. Bradley's group designed a second vehicle to Muse passengers at- 'tached to the first one through magnetism. It .rides along the top or the tUbe. . , ·-. "Passe·nge·rs· ~elilly \\'OU!dn"I enjoy· riding inside a tube. so ~·e decided th.'.lt 1nagncts "·ould hold the inside and outside vehicles together, while the air pressure pushes along the inner vehicle at speeds up to 55 m.p.h.," Bradley said. In the group's model , tile source of air is a vacuuni clea,ner. Because there is a .(>lationary po\\"Cr source instead of having a source travel- ing \Vith each vehicle. as an engine does . the systc1n·. is relatively free -0f pollution j See ENGINEERS, Page % I Countian.s -Tmo to Go • Easy~ Because mo~ ~. Acquitial , Requested By McCor a ·:\VASlll~GTON IAPI -Atlome)'S for convicted \\'ntcrga te conspirator James \\'. ~tC{;ord Jr. asked today 1hat his con· \'iction be r~veri;cd bel'ause of in- form:ltion brought to light in subsequent investigations of the \\'atcrgate scandal. Atty:--Bmra·rd Fensterwald-----said-his- motioo asked U.S. Diat, Court Judge-- JQhn J. Sirica either lo issue a dire<:ted vertlict of acquittal for ll.fcCOrd or to schedule a ne\V trial. (Related stories. plC1ure. Page 4). ~'fcCord and si~ others were convicted in January on charges stemming from the June 17, 1972 break-in at the WHY DID EX·NIXON :AIDE COMMIT PERJURY?.....AnolY.sis, • Pogo 12 Democratic National Committee head· qu3rters. f'ensteN·ald said his motion "'as based oil !'tlbscquenl disclosUres that the government withheld knowledge of the existence of a special White House in- vestigati\•e unit and tbal several wit- nesses during the trial p e r J u r e d themselves. ~. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy, two \\'atergate trial defendants convicted along with McCord, were members of the ~pecial White House group formed to trace leaka of classified infonnation. · Fensterwald also filtd a motion asking the judge to order the government to , search its records to determine if McCord's home telephone had been tair ped after June 17. 1n a third motion, Fensterwald asked the judge to postpane the June 1~ sen- tencing of McCord to give the govern- ment a chance to reply to his other mo- tions. Fensterwald . said McCord, an acknowledged expen in e I e et r o n i c 1urvelll ance, is convinced his telephone has been tapped since June 17. Thursday, Sen. Lowe.II P. Weicker (R- Conn .), pr.dieted that the cooVi~ of McCord and Liddy likely would be revened because of the testimony of Herben L. Porter, former scheduling director for President Nixon's re-election campaign, before the Senate Watergate committee. Porter told the committee Thursday 1 tl)at he committed perjury at the Watergate trial at the request or J eb Stuart J\.fagruder, the deputy campaign mianager. Ga1ne;Set ... And -Matc li A Balboa Bay Club tenant wu amsted on a ohopllftlng charge Thunday night 1ftor be stalked out of J.C. Penney'• Fuhlon Island at.ore wearing a new pair of flO ten.- .. nla shorts with aecurlty guard.Sier-.. r1 Roynaldo In hot pursulL- The 44-year~ld man waived his rights and re1dlly.amle5'ed when Jymed over IQ: ~Newport ~each -pouce lo~ booklni on ReynaldO s petty theft allegation. He said he swiped the shorts because he was late for a match and could not get a salespersori to •watt on him. ,-=:=-------=:...:::. ,._ Cui·tailed . ~-.... ,, ... .. -Activities Request ed C(lizens of Orange County. along \rith those in L.-,s Angeles. San· Bernardino <tnd Riverside counties. 1\·erc asked Thursd:iy to reduce driving to '"an absolut e minimum•· and to stop incinera1or burn- ing and Open agricultural burning. as MAGNETICALLY COUPLE D PN EU MATIC. VEHICLE SYSTE M Christopher Br ad ley In spects Device Nicknamed "The Tube" Nix on Addresse.s Grads '"""Af..I " sl'l'K>g levels in Southern CoHforhia con-... ··"",,/. {~ If • ' I ' tinued lo exceed nonnal levels. !l'hl!__ reg~~ ..mad~e by i~ OrangC County Air Pollution District follows similnr requests made Thursday by Governor Ronald Reagan and the Environmental Protection Agency . On~'Genius of A merica'· Smog conditions in Orange County are the least se rious of any of the four ad- joining counties but residents are being asked to cooperate in an attempt to alleviate the 'dangerous condilions in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Smog alert levels were exceeded in these two counties for lhe past thret" days. Authorities predict hig h sm-0g levels through the end of tire week . ''\\le've had two or three days h1gher lhan norn1al but there hasn't been a ma· jor inc rease in smog in Orange Count y." said Ora Wells, investigator for the Orange County Air Pollution District. However, Wells \\'amed that while loca l citizens need not be too alarmed. their cooperation with the requests to reduce driving and eliminate burnings \YOOld im - prove the smog situation in neighboring counties and throughout inland areas or Orange Coun.ty. Fron1 \\'ire Sol'vices ORLANDO. Fla . -Skirilng Watergate and striking a ··what's right with America" theme. President Nixon hinted broadly today that he \L/Ould acl soon to deal \\•ith inflation. (Related stories, Page 14). . In one of hiS rare pubnc appearances si nce Watergate surged back into the headlines this spring. Nixon spoke to the graduating class at Florida Techoologieal Uni\'ersity. Nixon said !he nation is [aced with challenges at home and abroad but, gesturing with an oulstretched index finger. he said: "\Vhen America has a problem \\'e__will soJYeJLhcta..use w~ ha ye !he genius that built America and made us the great nation that we arc today.1 He did not spell out any detail s of his economic plan, but Admi nistration of· ficia\s said the President is 'vo rking on an anti-inflation program ""hich could br announced next week. • In his address. the President struck the "what's right with Anierica" theme, ap- parently as j ! counterpoint to the \Vatergatc .scan<!al. However, he did not make any mention of the scandal. Looking toward his meetings beginning June 18 with Soviet Conimunist Party leader Leonid Brezhnev. Nixon predicted progress du\'lng the summit talks toward a new treaty to limit offensive nuclear \\'Capons. "Nations with different systems must learn to live with their differences or we \Yill have to die with them ," the Presi- dent sajd. _Nixon ~kc fo.r half '!_n hour to an '!!!: __ dience eshmatea at about 9,000, seated m open bleachers behind the Florida Tech adm inistration building. The audience. mostly in shirt sleeves and some in cut- off jeans. ·applauded wannly but there \Vere no prolonged cheers. Cities along·the Orange Coasl arc still relatively free from smog. Wells main-la~~d.Tuesday and Wednesday. health Ove r 1 000 Seniors Due warnings \\'ere issued at the northern end ' 01 the county in La Hab ra. and also in KAREN JENNINGS COVERED WITH GREEN, YUCKY S·TU FF Pain In the Neck, But Not H1rmful, Officia ls Say Anaheim , where readings climbed slight- ly over the .20 leveVfieeded to issue a health v.·arning. On Thursday. however, these areas were just under the health warning mark. At Baccalaureate Service The National \Vt:alher Service ex· plained that the heavy smog conditions !\'lore than 1,000 graduating seniors in throughout Southern California are due to the Harbor Area from Estancia, Newport temperctlure inversion and stagnant Harbor, Costa ?\1esa and Corona del Mar \Vea tber systems. high schools are expected to attend bac- Sli1ny . ~urprise The smog is trapped at ground level by calaureate services Sunday. y,•armer air hanging overhead, and \viii Unlike past years. the 1973 baccalaur- re1naln there until there is eno\lgh wind eate will not be a districtwide service at to blO\V the smog a\\•ay. Davidson Field at Newport Harbor High Green, Stuff Buggirig Beac lifrorit By L PETER KRIEG 01 1tM ~llY Pl19t St•!' The Orange County Harbor Oepartmenl calls it m6ss . The Orange county Health Depart· ment calls it an algae, Entcr-0nlorpha Newport Beach bayfront property 0\\'11· ers call it a lot of lhings as they scoop it from their beaches and scrape it orr lheir piers. Its not harmrul. health officials· S.'.lid. but it ii making swimming In many are- as d Newport Harbor Wlbearablc. But it Is not aQ that unusual, according lo a spokesman for the Harbor District. EspectaDy at thi! time of yea r, he said. But Harbormaster Al Oberg said the slimy marine grOwth is the JA'orst it's been in the Low..-Bay. "It's been in the Upper Bay for a long time, but lta spreading dO\Yn Into the Lower Bay," he eald. ' Newport Beach lileguard Clpt .. Dave Harshberger said It began appearing Ie.111 _year, but oatd tlim is llttle_!he _city ·or any agency can do 11bout it. The wor11e problem areas this ycnr are the south bay front or Rnlboa. ls~ land , waters around Newport Island and lhe water on the south side or Lido Isle. 1 \Veils said that the Orange County Air School. A new district policy allows each rake it up and put it in boxes for the Pollution District ha s received a number school to hold its own ceremony, trash man. A Harbor District spakcs· of complaints concerning th e-high smog All four school s plan contemporary. man said his men will dispose of it if level, parlicularly on \Vednes day. · non-denominational scrvlcc-s that-have residents collect it son1eho\v. The Orange Counly Health Departo1ent been put together 'prima rily by the stu- orfers three recommendations r 0 r dents ihemselves. "The stufr looks like a mess:· Obci·~ citizens u•hcn the ~lealth Warning is in Costa i\tesa High School's program will noted. "we'\-e had complaints fro1n pco -cffc.-c1. lake place at 3 p.m. in the evangelistic pie because they don't like it in front tent-chapel ·of Ca lvary Chapel on Slffi+ of their houses. It's a nuisance for S\1'in1· flower Avenue. ming." ' llig_hlightlng the ceremony wU\ be an "It is not indicative of a bact co11dlti-0n T J·iose Dri1 tkS address ~Y ~1arine ~1aj. Paul Monta,nre. at all,'' said ~like \VCh.ncr of the counl y y,·ho was freed thi s year after.more than Health Department ''It is indicative of five years in a North Vietnamese priscn nothingmoreth•• warm w•a•her." We ren't So Soft ••mp. • Both ~nd Oberg blamed it on heavy Montague, a Tustin resident. will be rains fostering increased runoffs Into the introduced by Jan Fisher. a SC(.'()nd Upper Bay. The sign on the back of Edward Borst's , grader from Costa J.1esa's Bear Street "\Vhen the' nutrients come into the Uir delivery truck says: Pepsi Beats the School ~·ho wore a POW bracelet wtth per Bay,,at this lim_ e ,o, r _year in warm ~!~'!. Cour~~.· ,b.ut It almost knocked him the ?\-1ajor's name on It for two years. he Obe d th vth I ~vu 111 '3U Processlon::il marches wUl be played ~eat r, rg sa~ • is BT0' oves Borst. of 24611 Coleford Road. El Toro, by Costa MM:a music ·teacher Ed:wara it. It grows \V~en Its _J~·arm but will dis· was making one of his first deliveries of A. Br;ihAms, who will abo lead a;presen- appear when .1ts cold.--the day ln"'Coron;i <fehlar when a stack talion by the school's concert choir. He said baYfront residents can probe-of cases somehow shifted, as he started The bcncdiclion. written by, clergyn1en Qty expect It to get worse PS n1ore de-to unload . from all o( Costn Mesa, will be delivered veloprncnt . ttik~!l___P!ace throughout tho. '.L'he"cascadc otsoCLdtinks...felt anything by crAtg' Ra:ynsford, student body"presf· county and feeds more nnd more run· but so rt as they crashed down on Borst, dl.1lt. · o!f Into the Back Bay. who had to be taken to Hoag Memorial A contcrnparnry .. bllcClllllureate cere· "As building occurs. more <ind more 1-fospltal for treatment or fractured ribs. mony will take p11ce In the Newport peopl(! are using rertlll iers on th():lr la\VflS Newport Beach Fire Department llarbor High School audltoi'ium for. ils t\nd shrubs.'' he said. "well. this washes pcraonneJ mopped up the mess from the gr11duales.,J1t 3 p.m. s1udents, teachers and parents. will fea· ture papular music by the local rock group "Story.'' The group will play inspirational. hit$ IS.. SERVICES, PqeZ) Weathe r The fog will win out ovCr lhe swt nlo:1g Orange Coast sanqs Satur- day. but inland temperatures 1A111 reach the upper 70s with hazy sun- shine . Highs at the beaches in the mid-605. l~S IDE TODi\Y Gerald Scllroeder ii 1nu11ic teaclitr at Golden We st College 1 - a 1nusic ceaclLer oia tJ1e mor>e. See todau'1 Weekend'' Jor staff writer Toni Gorniatl"& storu ou Schroeder's su·m111tr job. Al Vtur St1'¥k• J l..M •• ..,. 1J •••tlttt n C•lllorlll• 4 C 1t11Ultll U-41 Ctm!CI ll -c, .. ,_. ll l>tllll Nol!Ctl II Ellllltl•t p_,, 6 l'l11•nct U·U l'or Tiit lttC.,. It, 11 MlrtKtN 1• """ L•IMltt't 17 MtllMll I M"'ltt ,,_. Mllhl•I 111\IMI 14 Ntlt.IUll Ntwt 4. 11 or • ...-c .. '""' 11. 11 ....... , ... ,, 27·tf S)'_tVle POf'lft" 11 l'Htb .. :n· Sloe.It M•rtlttt 14-IS T ... vl11N 7t T~t-ltl'I tf•Jt Wt•lllto' • W-f!'I Nt.,. 11·11 Worhl Newt 4. It """''"'' .. 1--=;:::..::::::::::::::::::::::::j ·-· He sugpsted pi operty ownmi ust r and droin• lnlq-lhe·IJ<w. 3000 block-oH:asl Coos~oghway. -~-ThG-program,;>Npared.by a .pml~o~"'====---·-----,_-t ' ... ' • DAILY l'lLOT N -F.....,.P.,el ENG INEE RS • • • The project took only four months lo complete, and In the word! oC Bradley, .. It Un't a finished product. Bui \\I! wanted IO show people that maybe a lit· tie moni tho\Jl)lt should be atven to this type of ma111 transit." Other 1nembers of the group ~elude Brian J. Donald, 1-tarry 1.1. Graves Jr. and Rod D. Crossman. Friday, Junr 8, 1973 TaxMofley Hearings An~nced ' • 'Not Solv ed Yet' Skylab Cooling. . System Repaired \; :1 Newport Beach property O\VUers will HOUSTON (UPI ) -Sky I ab' s A. Liebergot, NASA environmental coni l Another project ~'as lnitiated1 by Edward D. Uber, a es mer a expert who ovms his own camera shop. Older than JnQiS;t of the students, Uber decided to '-----!~wICiaaevic'e to tesfth1--slffitterspCed-o a camera. He was aided by classmates Dudlejr C. Humphreys and David A. Nahntedt. gel two chances to talk. about the way astronauts saved their space station from trot specialist. : . _ their city government spends their tax. -.ADil!ll!~.Qiri~sis tnnav W!J!'tll emergency Fligbt_dire<:ctor Oiarles Lewis said. ~' ~~ -""'""'-moneY""lf publi hearings-Saturday-. -~:.i.._-__ ,. ··---· .,,_._ oontl'tlllerS"' we·re "l holding act1on·- The device itseU is not an original idea. but the few already on the market are more complicated and more expensive to make. Professor Arthur calls the calculator f<ll" the blind "perhaps lhe mQl'St suc- cessful of all the projects," although he pralled all the bUdding engineers for their work. morning and Monday night. repairs on a too-cold cooling system and while engin eers here and Jn Huntsville' i Councilmen will meet in special.session controllers on the ground tried to figure Ala., searched for t.be sour:OO of the peskX Sat urday at 8 am. primarily to review out a way to keep the problem from o,vercoollng problem and remedies. ~ 1 prop()(Sed federal revenue sharing and recurring. The bold, four-hour spacev.•alk thae capital improvement expenditures. Two hours after making the . early ended Skylab's powe r shortage Thursda}' A !onnal public hearing will take place also vastly improved chances U1at silo'. l\1onday at 7:30 p.m. during the council's morning repa irs, Charles "Pele" Conrad, n1ore ast ronauts will be able to slay up regular meeting. Both sessions will be in Joseph P. Kerwin and Paul J . 'Veitz set for two 56-day missions later this year: city hall. an American space endurance record of For the first time. engineers had ~ City h1anager Robert L. \\'ynn has 14 days and, barring further troubles, surplus or power and were looking for recommended that the city spend ~Sl6.3 headed toward a world mark twice that 'A'ays to make the best use of it. ;<t million during fiscal 1973:74, about $2 Conrad already was IOOking forward to )i million more than the current.year. long. another spacewalk plaMed June 19. One 1 He said he can hike spendiri.g and keep The pilols aCled quickly to keep the is normally planned to change film packs the $1.20 per $100 assessed valuation tax: water cOO~ing pipes fro~ free.zing and in the. ship's solar observatory and rate, ho\Yever. · bursting equipment. But iemperatures · Conrad suggested that ·a ~eparate Councilmen have · spent the past two later ioday were still colder than desir'i!~ spaceYl'alk be conducted ·thc same day if months reviewing \Vynn 's Pro Po s ed (and engineers worked on nlethod.s to engiMers decide it i~ necessary to rig a budg'et and so far fiaVe made only minor . . second sunshade over Skylab . Flw students collaborated to build a small calculator '"'hich displays the out- put in Braille. The group originally got the kltt from ~1ichael Kingson, a. blind physics ·graduate student, who also serv- ed as a consultant during the six months aPent oa the project. The group !eels . there ls a deflnite need for a calculator -" lhla u'Pe and are looltlng into securing •----"1"'-prQteCtlve patent -for their model. ch11nges inJ t. hc'~Wtthe sylsl temh an~ fix: ,1t ~~tm ,:U1~dtlys. The first re sults or the Tepaired solar ~~~~-He plans to..spend a_iO:tal..oULmilljJ e _rea Y -aven t _so_vJ<Y .b~-· =--power '\\i.ng-tvere that Skylab.._now-hadl---Jlf.I out of the budget to finance construction enough electricity for all its experiment!. Members of the group include Robert DenniJ Brehm, Kenneth L. Cummins, Michael D. Dobroski, Csaba S. Molnar 11\d Klmberly L. Whitelaw. from both noise and fumes. From Pqe l SERVICES ... of the new police station on Jamboree and enough to meet all housekeepiQg Rood. Plane C1·ash Kill s 4 demands. The astrooauts were told. l9r Neary half of the money tvill cotne example, they \\"OUld leave their water from revenue sharing runds '"'it h PARKER, Ariz. (AP) -Four Phoenix heater on for sho\vers planned later to· surpluses from the current year n1aking nlen on 8 trip to Las \'ega s. Nev. were day. up the remainder. killed when their single-engine plane •·Hooray.'' said the pilots in unison. --Councilmen are beping to be able to crashed Thursday about 20 miles "\\le've got a~l the po\\'er \Ye need ," Sean Hanna, 4, Newport Beach, couldn't \Vail to look al the book that adopl the budget \Vhen they meet l\1on· northeast of here. h1ohave County Sher-said flight director Neil Hutchinson. caught his fancy at the 14th annual l\'ewport Beach Friends of lhe day night. Although they have Wllil June iff's deputies said. Officers identified the \\!hen the cre1v awakened about 6 a.m. Library used book sale. The sale continues until B o'clock tonight 30 to act, Mayor Donald A. l\·lclnnis will victims as Clarence G. Crow, 41. of PDT. Conrad asked ground com. and from 10 a.nl. to noon Saturday at the lslflnd House at Fashion be out of town the rest or the month and h1esa : Foyal A. Wildon. 50. Goodyear: n1unicator Richa rd Truly bow long the Island. y,·ants to have the budget finished be!ore Ra y R. Ross, 44. ~onda\e : and Brad D. crew v.'ould have to leave the coolapt 0111v Piiot Slill Photo Bullish on Books sudl as "He Ain't Heavy, He's hfy Bro-he leaves Schuldt, 22, Buckeye. syste1n in its jury-rigged state. · . :\"'£ ... "Gel Together" and "Amazing _ ~ · -'Ibe address will be' given by· PastOr v n -. . ,.,I . '--= ·-. _ ~ ·BerJ o1_ N"'""'rt:H•rbo< Luthera•-=:J::J~~lf'~ffieS hlaPg . ~-__ a;u1ac iiiil .. wt1L~~r _Qll.::J!iCth~'!Jl', ___ · . -· -· -- -"Who Knows?'' . -. • -. ----:-: -. --< --• -:-:· -· • ' . . A ~ion. featu.ring a buffet meal, · · ~U:!T.~ by the Pr~ aOer the I Mil s ·e Briberv_ A ocnlemporary ceremony JS also n e quai: .;-r planned by Corona del Mar High School in the central quad area at 4:15 p.m. The -theme will· be, "Man Not Alone." --Graduating senior Julie Oiildress has am.nged the musical presentation which includes 90ngs like 11I Am, I Said," "No Man Is an Island," and "Amazing Grace." The main speaker for the musical cer- emony wilt be Student Body President Terry Watt, who is graduating with a perfect 4.0 grade average for four years. She will give brief interludes to tie the songs together. A student·written benediction \11ill be presented by graduating :senior Ruth Quick.· A "CelebrallOii of Life" Mct'alilUfeale will talte place at 4 p.m. tn the Orange Cbbt~Otl14'p aodttortean/tor the .-,fon of Estancla fflgh School. . Organ music. including a presentation of 'Mendelsohn 's "War March ot the Priests" by Loretta Henry and music by the school's Vocal Ensemble will high· light the service. · .Choir Director Gerald Olson has pre- pared an arrangement of songs ranging from "Salvation Is Created" by Tschgs- nokoff to Paul McCartney's "In My Life." Veterans Plan By TOM BARLEY Of !ht 011ti 1'1 .. 1 Slllf An Orange County Superior Court jur}'. tOOay began a lhree-day break in lhc grand theft-bribery trial or Westminster civic officials Derek l\-1cWhinney and Tad Fujita after listening through much of Thursday to a series of denials Crom former mayor l\1cWh inney. The councilman repeatedly denied under questioning from defense lawyers and a long grilling from prosecutor • Newport Aide- , To Be Honored For City Work Judy Kelsey, adm inistrative assistant to Ne\\'JX)rl &ach City Manager Rober! L. \Vynn. \Viii be honored tonight by the Los Angeles Metropolitan Chapter of the A mer i ca 'l Society of Public Admini strators. f\1ichael Capizzi that the SI0,000 demand. ed from Fountain \'all ey Mile Square Park fanner George Murai \\•as a sh akedown or any fom1 of extortion. l\Ic\\'hinney, 40. repeatedly pointed out that he never at any time suggested to Murai or to Fujita that $5.000 o! his fee should be made out as a contributiOn to Santa Ana First Dis trict Supervisor Robert Battin's campaign fund. Strawberry grower Muraj had eai'lier testified that l\1c\Vhinney wanted exactly th at. Afld he tol d the prosecution in .testimony that led to the Orange County Grand Jury indicting both men that the second $5,000 was paid in cash and hand· ed to Fujita, 34. shortly before dlstrict attorney's investigators moved in to ar· rest the city planner. - l\fcWhinney said Thursday he charged the fee because Murai faced eviction from the ~15 acres he farm~d in Fountain Valley. At best. McWhinney said, Murai faced a substantial reduction of the acreage he devoted to gro\\·ing stra\vberries under a coWlty lease. --Joint Installation r..1iss Kel sey, 29. 1\·iJI receive the Harry Scoville A\\'ard, an annual a\\'ard given to a young researcher. teacher or govern· ment employe who has earned a record of distinguished performance in some are@ _ of public administration. J\lcWhin'ney said county supervisors \\·ere moving to\\·ard subdivision of the l\lile Square acreage long before the time he allegedly devised a plan to extract $10.000 from the farmer. And he repeatedly indicated that he runs a business operation that makes $10,000 a very insignificant figu re to him. \ New officers Or the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and the American Legion Ladles Auxiliary will be jointly installed Saturday at 8 .p.m. at Estancia High School. The public is invited. Master of C.e remonies is Loi s C. Car· rido. organizer of the General Jonathan \Vain\vright Post VF\V and General Douglas MacArthur American Legion Post. During World War Two, Carrido served under both generals. Dr. John \\'. Nicoll, superintendent or the ~ewport·Mesa Unified Sc ho o I District, \\'ill give the principal address. It will be the first time the three groups of officers are installed together. OIAN&I COAST • DAILY PILOT ni1 .0r1,.._ COlll OAILT "ILOT, wilt! """ld'I Is <9mbl11ed It'll HIWl·Pr11t. II PtltlllShl!d bV IM Or11199 C011t P11btl\lll"9 corn111nl'. lefll· r1!1 lllltl0n1 arl "'*'lltlled, Mond1y ltlro..,g~ Frld1y, fol" Co1!1 Mai, Hewl)lrt lltKI\, Hll!ltlfllillOI! l1ldl/,_t1l11 V•llly, L•1111n1 llNcl'I. 1 .... ln1/5eddl•(JI •nd 51n Cle'"ente/ 5111 J11111 CIPlllrl-.-A 1111911 reglOMI IO'lllon " pUbllt .... llllWCllYI Ind Suno1v1. ll!I prln<IPlll p;jltlllhtflf )1~111 11 II lJD Wfll a.v St•"'· CO.II M .. , C.!Uor11i1, tM24. Jtoliorf N .. W 114 Pr111dllll Ind Publliht• J 1clf It. Curlt 'f Vic• Praldlftl 1nd G-•ll oY.ttligl<' Tho'"'' K11.,ll Ell!Or Tho'"'' A. Murph il'l1 M.llllllno Elltor L P1t 1r 1Cr!1t .,....,..., kid! City t;dlltt N ......... Offke J))) N1w,ort l o11l1Y1r4 M1lllnt A44rotu P'.O. 10111 1171, fl66l --C11•• MIMI Me WOii .. ., StrMI Llt\1111 1-.d'lt ttt l'••I A-H'l#llifltlllM llKlll 17111 llKfl 111111¥1 .. ,$.tll Clw'Nl'll1: Jllt~Nort~ ll Clll\llwt ll;Mi , ........ (714, '42-4J21 c ............. .,,..,., 642·1671 - r..liss Kelsey is the first Ne\\-port Beach employe to \\'in the award, according to \Vynn. She joined the city staff in January 1971 after .. serving four years \\·ith the Los Angeles Police Department. The Harry Scoville award, named after the former Los Angeles County director of the bureau of budget and efficiency. is one of five annual a1vards made by the Los Angeles ASPA chapter. ~1c\Vhinney said he drav.•s up to 5100,000 a year from his major share in the \Vestminster l\Iemorial Park organi· zation and draws other substantial sums from a variety of business enterprises in-- eluding a Colorado ski lodge and an oil \\'ell. He \\•as asked by Capizzi: "Didn't you once say :you inade n-.orc money under the counter than over it ?" Genuine Gentle11aa n • ~leM. l'7J,. o...,... c..w ..... ltMlll C"""""· NI Mwt 1W1rl11. IU~11r11!on1, ... llilrlll tnfllff O>r 1111.,.r1l1tfl'l1tt1t1 111r1111 _., -~.. wlllloilt ·~· ,..,. ,,.., • ., '"VHllll' _,., J \Villard G. Courtney of Newport Beach, OeCt), receives coveted Boys ~:."'~:'."':.,11<~,'!'~~ M:t; Club of Am~rica MedalUon from South Paci(.ic Regional Director "*'"'"' w -w 11.1• mon111,.,, ""'n'"' ltaymond E. Boaden, honoring his 15_~nJus years' service tO Boys Club *Hl!Mll<tM U ." lnOflll\IY. I) -.¥ U 1---;-f:=========::::::J--~Lthc.Jl:u:bot-Arca. The award wa• made at-$100-a·plate "Gen •· I man 's Dinner'' Thursda y .night at the Ncwporter Inn . • l • • • Remember all rhe beauriful furniture, lamps and accessories you've been 'admirinJ all ye1r long? .•. WelJ,.rhey 're now on sale at tremendous ·savings! Nor-only our floor models, b_ur you · may special order many piecu to your own raste, size or color AT SALE PRICES! Such well-known names .as:· Drexel ,' Herirase, Henredon, .Woodmark, Marge Carson, Royal Coa~h, Master Crafr and Sherrill! . ..... . • SOFAS • CHAIRS • BEDROOM SETS • DI NING ROOM SF:rS • COCKTAIL TABLES • END TABLES •LAMPS• ACC~ORIES • BOOKCASES • PAINTI NGS •'DESKS . , • • / AN D SO MUCH MORE! Special Savi ngs on Selec ted Items fro m •DREXEL 'I., . •HERITAG E •HENREDO N • ' ; • ., . l .. DREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREOON-WOOOMARK-KARASTAN . . fNTER IO .RS WRkDAYS & SATURDAYS 9:00 to 5;30 · fAIDAT 'TIL 9:00 . • NEWPORT BEACH e 1127 WESTCLIFI DI. 642,20111 lAGUNA BEACH e H S NORTH COAST HWY. 4f4.,151 TOR RANCE e Ill <! HAWTHOINE ILYD. J11:111• -. ; ' • ... .. • • .. " I .. I .. • .~ ~-.. , .. • 6 . DAII.Y P ILOT EDITORIAL PAGE ;=:...._----~===-------,\ The Newport Beach Charter Review Committee bas recommendecrtllanhe city ...., by a vote of the people - be allowed to sell valuable public waterfront land to whomever it chooses. When the charter was first adopted 18 y~ars ago, 1--~~~eity4alhers·lhoughl-itcbesMo1'rohlbil'all sales ·of water- front land except to the county and state government.&. The reasoning was that the land is a public trust and only governments should control it. Now. leases to the Balboa Bay Club and Beacon Ray on city-owned land are comins closer to expiration. Ci ty planners want to convert the sites to parks but there is a growing desire by some officials to sell ..the land and "get out of the real estate business." The charter con1n1ittee says any decision to sell should be left ur to the voters, arid they also· recom- mend that the state and county not be giveh special preference unless the voters decide they should have it. The charter committee's suggestion appears sound. Voters will get a chance to say what they think if councilmen agree and put it on the ballot this fall or next spring. Controls I uncovered for another 60 days -right into the hottest part of the summer. Hopefully the work will be done sooner than that. The builder owes il lo the people who will be the , neighbors' of bis development to go to extra lengths not to-become....--nuisance even before-the·building$:"go11p•-. --~1 Pl11g tl1e Loophole --. Newport Beach city planners have been confronted with an emerging problem that deserves close attention before it becomes too widespread . One condominiun1 tower in the cily already con- tains several units that are being used as commercial offices instead otapattments._ - City officials say the zoning in that particular case -the Towers on Mariners Mile -doesn't prohibit such combiiled uses. But it was learned this week that it may be contrary to the building's own covenants, codes and restriet.ions. . · -· •• • . • y. ' .. • • \Vhether or not the case of the Towers is one o.t illegal use is· not really the question. \Vhat is of para- mOunt importance 'is that the city apparently has no control over this commercial-residential mix . ' The Leadership Homes condominiums going up on the old Newport Beach garbage dump in \\.'est Newport have literally raised a big stink_in the resid~ntial areas that surround it. Initial excav-atibh work last week unearthed some of the thousands of tons of rotting garbage dumped on a portion of the 40-acre parcel from 1953 to 1965. When the hot sun went to work, the odor produced was termed by the principal of a nearby school as being "like a pig farm." Leadership officials say garbage probably will be -One~strch-possible area ..:Of"-Ditxedl.lse--is 1:he Irvine Company's Newport Center office towers. Although company officials say it will never happen, there's noth - ing 1n the books to prevent it sometime in the unfore· S eea61f ffiture. -- The caSe of the Towers should provide enough impetus to get city. planners going on revisions to the city building an_d. zoning codes placing specific controls_ on this type of mixed use. If planners ·think it is okay, perhaps a use pern1il procedure could be used. But no control at all is bad government. • N ''WHO'S YOU~ RUSTLER ?"' • . . , . ~ ~--_ _ -+--F~ofi-··Mfffi,.,,,..ealls;:Potato :-e.!!!J!::~Madai1aes-& German--·l:-oeh~~es~~.--~ · =:D.rar---·· Gloon1y Gus -------=--··----·-·--·---=-. . ls R ev ealed In S ilen ces Fa ntastic wa ys -to Spend Tai ·Money · ~YDNEY J.HARIU~ Thoughts at Large: --\\'hen lovers talk incessantly to each ot her. they are engagi ng in twO monologs under the illusion it is a dialog: it is only in the long silences of marriage that they bc:gin to recognize~ the truth. • •• 1' Most people \\Tong· l.v imagine th ~.t "faith" means '"be- lieving in c:od,'' \v hen it really nlcans a·cttng out all the personal and· social ~onsequences or such • belief; nothing is easier, or more con- ducive to apathy , smugness and self· righteousnes.i . than ''believing in God " as R dim abstracti~n. • • ~ The most Coolish and futile argu1nent .i! between those who proc laim that man is "naturally good" and those_....who insist that man is "naturally bad": man is only naturally free to be one or the other, or each alternately -and this freedom or choice is both the glory and the tragedy of the human condition. • • • The so-ealled "Golden Mean•· is in- effectual as a practical rule of life, because nearly everyone can poi nt to his position as midway between two ex- lremes he has selected. • • We arc all so mewhat superstitious, In- After reading all that stuff lately on the National Organiiation for Women (NOW), I feel like saying, not NOW, maybe later. D.A. (;IOOll'I' GllJ A"!-. ,,. IUllfllltftllll • ., tlH ........... Mt .. _,.ly rtflKt ll'le vi.... ti ""' __ ,_ '"'' '"' "' -• f9 GtMmy o-. Dlll'f .. 1111. asmuch as we tend to move a little bit away from -someone -who is deemed to be ·•unlucky.'' as if it might be catching. • • • . 11 js only · the thinnest hair's-breadth that divides the master of words from their slave -and sometimes in the same speech. • • • Listening the other night to the lilting cadences of pylan Thoinas reciting his own poetry on a recording, I . could understand and appreciate why •. in old \Velsh law, the harp was the one Possession that could not be taken away from a debtor. - • • • A thousand passably attracti\•e people are dissatisfied with their looks, but not one in the thousand complains of his lack of .sense. • • • The most utilitarian reaso1. for con- tinuing to l~an1 as we age is that an ig- no rant man gets1n1-0re foolish as he gets older. ' • • If civilization is, as Ruskin had it, "the making of civil persons," we took a wrong turn somewhere. • • • To grab something is almost the surest_way _to_loseJ L always \VAS~llNGTON -Information is as hard to come by as ever here. Neither Ron Ziegler's declaration that the last four years are "inoperative," nor Vice President Agnew's concession that the media may not be quite so vile as he thought, has made much differen~. :Every morning television crews are staked out around the . houses or im- medjate ~st and present officials who won't grant inter-- views. Sometimes they sneak-out-the back and sometimes they come out tlK> front and stJy-they can't talk because they might jeopardize the judicial process. Then t h e y slaln their limousine doors on everybody 's microphones and drive off to spend the -(lay trying to bribe judges and destroy evidence. TO LEARN what's going on in the government you have to adopt methods that foreign intelligence 'agents use. They study the Congressional Record, other government publications, the newspai}ers and the magazines, clipping and filing bits of information until a pattern makes itself visible. This has been the modus operandi of 75-year-old Mrs. Smith 'Ely Jelliffe, a member of the National Taxpayers Unlon from Bronxville, N.Y. She has been reading and snipping for four years and has now come up with a document she calls, "Fantastic Use of My Taxes." She's found that among ttie things the Nixon Administration may be hiding is an expenditure of $20,324 to study the n1ating calls of Central American frogs. Five grand has gone into an investigation of the diving behavior of seals, while Why Kalmbach Bowed Out • l1 itrig ue Rouse.d Ne ,wport A ttorney's S uspicio1i WASHINGTON -By President Nix· on's accoUnt, aide John Ehrlichman wasn't supposed lo impede lhe Watergat.e invesligotion but merely I? make sur~ 1t didn't impinge upon national security. -Yet Ehrlichmnn spoke only about politica l security when he asked Herbert Kalmbach to portlci· pate in the Wntef· gate cover·up. As Kalmbach has. recounted the con· versation to investi- gators, Ehrllchman -- \varned that lhc investigation · coul'd _,. ·"jeopardize" t h c election campaign. In a reference to the Democrats, he snort· ~d : ''They'll have our heads in their l~ps." (JACK ANDERSON) llE QUOTED Ehrlichman as reassur~ ing him that the payoffs \Vere entirely proper but that the secrecy was necessary for politica l reasons. The last approach to Kalmbach for payoff money was made as late as January 18, 1973, at a meeting in ex·At· torney General John Mitchell's office. Kalmbach recalled that John Dean, then the White House coonsel, had ac· Companied him to the meeting. But by this time, Kalmbach had decided he wanted nothing more to do woth the Pn:t ject, so he quieUy excused himself after IO minutes. · AS THE President's'peraonal attorney. KALMBACH .had agreed to raise Kalmbach has been ..,. of ll!o moot money to pay the living and legal ••· silent men in Ille Watergate mystery. He penscs of tho Watergate delendants. He has told his atory to Investigators. \vas never told the money "'°'1ld be ol· hoWever, •with quiet candor. rer«J .. a bribe to buy ,lhelt silence, but. A few days. after u..-Walcrbuggers the James llond-...tngue made him were . caught, ~ wu summoned to _§usplcious: _ _ Wuhlnillln by John.Dean, wbo arranged lie 'ooug!i rl'aSIUr...,.. f-r·o"m-tOii\Oet liliiiOifllie strecCmfrontor the Ehrlichman , whom he confronted in the Uoy-Adams lfotol. Ilcan carefully Slross· White House in late July. Kalmbach told cd the necesslly for secrecy · ·and then investigators that he put the qucstfon on asked him to underwrite the Watergate 3 personal basis. "John," be said, "w__e've defendants' expcnaes. "'-"'" lrfmds for 10 years. You know my . family and Ilrnow yourJamlly . .l--want DEAN suggested lhat t..._hnM .money, you to tell me whether this assignment is . as it was later used, shouldbe-Channclcd proper aod must be c:irrlcd oot." through a burly 'New ·York private datec· tive natTied Anthony Ulase wicz. The undercoverman wa s known to Kalmbach Who, in 1969, had set up a special bank accoWlt to pay him $22.000 a year, plus expenses, for investigative w o r k . Ulasewicz's main assignment, though Kalmbach was never told this, was to dig up dirt on Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.). Kalmba ch told investigators ·he col· Jected between $210.ooo • and $230,000. which was distributed to the Watergate defendants. lrE PICKED UP $75,000 from Maurice Stans, the Republican finan ce chairman ; another $75,000 from Thomas Jones. pttsid.cnt of Northrpp Corp.; and the balance from campaign bag man Fred Laijue. The arrangements \vc.rc bandied with elaborate secrecy. Kalmbach a n d Ulasewlcz _llaccd cafls to one another through pay phones and used verbol shorthand to identify the peopfe Involved in their conversation. Watergate ringleader .E. How?rd llunt, for example, was rru'ertecL to as ''the Y.'riter," And his wife Dorothy as ''the \\Titer's wtf~."...-Ulasewicz used severnl . aliases, his. avor.ite ~ing-"~lr. 1tivCrs.'' SOME OF tht money was directed to Dorothy Hunt who t1St.'d the eode na me "Chris" in her own pay.phone calls to the other \Valcrgatc defcndun ts. It \Vas this JRmes Bonq business, Kalmbach told investiga tors, lh3 l fi nri l\y persuaded him to end his role In thu · \V_atergatc conspiracy. (VON HOFFMAN ·]_ (I SO ·GIVE the University of California BUT SURELY the 50 G's that went into 71 g;and to study the history of comic lhe study of the Canadian and U.S. fur books ... but $42,000 to the University o{ trade between 1770 and 1820 was worth it. as was the $2 million given to Marshal Mississippi for n'ot planting cotton, and Tito to buy himself a yacht, according to fU,000 to the University of Arkansas for Mrs. Je!Uffe, However , the odor-measur- another $20,000 has been invested in research on the blood groups of Polish Zlotnika pigs. That makes more sense than the· $70,000 spent to learn about the smell-or perspiratl'on-given -off by the Australian aborigines. not planting rice, and $19,000 to Libby ing machine ($28,361 ) for Turkey niay · McNeil for not planting cotton. and have proved to be more beneficial. $14,000 to the Ford Motor Company for All the above costs about one-tenth or But that is as comprehensible as the ~0,000 for the study of Gennan cockroaches, a project more puz.zlmg- than the $17,000 spent on a dry-i:leaning plant so that the Bedouins can have clean djellabas. The $32,459 given to the maso<:histic officials of Kenya for the purchase of extra wives is defensible, ii peculiar:. but why $37,314 for sending a potato-chip machine to Morocco, a nation that i! not known to grow potatoes? not planting wheat? On the other hand. an hour's bombing jn CambOdia, DqC:· th~ $203,£r79 to Travelers Aid to. hep since the.re's no way to stop that1 Mn. migrants I o:s t on the Los Ang~les _Jellilfe_is._underst.andably_bitter_abou freeways is certaJnlflu~tifJatile. ·That's this other use or her tax .money. "I've hardly enough to do the Job. worked all my life and ~he government ·No cultivat~rson can object t~ the does!!'.! even ask ffie to put the money ~A-..... $S,000 for an experimental analyslSOf.--rdOii't give a damn'1for ~ ciffier cooo; Violin varnish. Nor the $50,000 for the tries. I don't care if they're all dead,'! documentation of the Weltanschauung of she says. the Guajiro Indians of Colombia. It might ~trs . Jellifre is also very dubious about have been money better spent to hire the publishing this k i n d of secret in- Guajiros to study our world view. They formation , but with admirable pluck for might hav~ been able to explain to us one of such advanced years, she prom- why we gave a $5,000 award to a poem ises that, "ll you get put in jail for it, entitled "lighgbt," I'll send you. jams and jellies." Noi,se Polluters Should Be Fined ... Says Restdent-With Battered Ears :;: - •• ' To the Editor: \Vhat good news it is to read that the Assembly has passed a bill to make it a misdemeanor to "do things" to your auto to make it noi sier. I live on a short street that w8s very quiet for years . Now the explosions of such tampered autos, plus various motorcycles, choppers, etc. is a disgrace. ; tr everyone contributing to such noise pollution would have to pay a fine, there'd be funds to authorize policemen to patrol these areas more often. I'd rather haVe 100 ordinary vehicles pass my residence an hour than six of these violators. Get behind your legislators Wltil this is corrected! CHARLES JOHNSON No S ympathy To the Editor: I'm writing in response. to the article about the "hard times" of the Richard Carlson family (Pilot, June 3), I have no sympathy for someone who apparently finds it perfectly acceptable to allow his children to go hungry, his debts to go un· paid, and to have his wile steal when the only reason he can't work is ferir of blackballing by his union. AS A STRIKER, he is out of work voluntarily, and he has a damn lot of """" . <O 'Don't drop it, you might hit ·someone.' MAILBOX Letters from rea.der1 are wel-come. Normally writers sliould convey their messages in 300 word.! or less. The right to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel is reserved. All l tters must i'11clude signature and mailing address, but names may be tvithhelcl on request if sufficient reaso1i is apparent. Poetry will 1lot be published. nerve expecting to be taken care of by the taxpayers, and he has no right \vhatever to be angry at not receivfug \velfare or unemployment. The fact that the only benefits they can expect to receive ronsist of $35 a w~k from the Teamsters Union !Jbould be considered by the Union members before taking a strike vote. Jf they still. vote to strike, it's their problem. The taxpayer's burden is big enough trying to help those woo really can't work. They shouldn't be expected ti> help those who vote not to work, EILEEN BAUER Court Bogs To the Editor : \Vhy doesn't some official enforce the ·rules of tennis courts "at-the ·Marlmirs' park? PLEAS of eleven-year-old girls waiting for over an hour for a tum to play are d&ily rejected . by adults hogging the courts for hours at a time with no ap- parent feeling for the+regulaU~ nor the young ladies' leelings. The girls are taught to respect others and to channel their. acUviU(!S toward . things ·healthy ·for bolll \he mind and body only to dally elpel'ience this greed and hostillly-lrom adu!IS -who !!'•ct to the rules only v.•ben an enforcer i'i pre$ent. 1 am sure-that government is not onty""n· teresled In providing protection for those sad JltOe Jost ones who pref~r poj lo playing. THE ADUL'l'S h••• the CjlUrts-nli dny -surely ll!o kids are entitled 10 their 30 minutes ~clime. 1$ there some way .. -. they can get such time \vhen oo one,,f91_ around to call time on the hogs? JOHN A. WOODWARD /tJedltatlon . ... To the ~ditor : 1• I was very interested to read your ~ 29 article on Transcendental A1edir3. The article by Jack Chappell was ~ "' written. It was very brief, yet b ._ out many or the most salient points about Transcendental Meditation. I PERSONAU.Y \VOUld like lo see more oI such articles which are in- fonnative. Also, I know that a lot of my friends and neighbors "'ere interested in this article. Transcendental Meditation is very lvide-spread today. There are ovefll 200,000 meditators in the U. S. today and more than 1.500 meditators in Orange County. Each year the nwnber of meditators has doubled, sometimes tripl· ed. So articles on Transcendental Medita· tion are of great interest to medita!ors and of even greater value to ~ who are not familiar ~-ith Transcendental> Meditation. Thank you. SHARON KNOWLTON OlANM . COASf DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Vt ed, Publisher Thomas Keevil, Editor Barbara Krelbich E<.Uioriat Page Editor The t'dtlorial ,:page of the' Daily Pilot ·'.sttks to inform tlJld stimulate retldrn-by prcsroti~ on thic pea-~ divcrse (commentary'on ~Jes Ot in- tettst by s).ndlc:l\led 'ro1Umnis1s and -<:AJ'toonls ts, by providing-a forum lot' readers' vJcw, and by p~entlng ihls nt\\'flpllper's oPi~s Md ideas on cu~nt loplr.1. 1'!)e e\'litoslal oet~ of the.Oal!Y-P-Oot.appear-only tn Ch• editorial column al the 1op_..nt thn paae. Opii:Moni1 tx~ by the cof. umnists and carloonbtt and lctter- , v.'l'l ters an their Ol.\'n and no endOra~ mcnt of 1hcir vti..-..,, ty 1Ml OaJJy, Pl.loLsb<Nkl. be: lnfund.. . F~iday, June 8, 1973 • ., . -• ~nateOKs Big Budget After Cuts t N ~CRAJ\1ENTO (AP) -On a 30-6 vote, state Senate has approved a $9.2 •• ,. ,____ Oil ve~ pl the, 1913-14 slate bu<lget,, --t~ ·-~riilffion less than tJie amount rt.~- quested by Gov. Ronald Reagan. ,8'>e shrunken Senate budget measure ntW;. goes to the Assembly. Yt'hich is ex· J**-d to reject it. That will_ set up a IY.'<r • JI' c NEWS BRIEFS J house cpn!erence committee that \\'ill have the job or hamn1ering out a final spending program· for Reagan's ap- proval. Senate budget \\'riters made their chief cut -$64.1 million -in the state's !'oledi - Cal program because or an expected drop in caseloads. There were•nlso cuts in the categorical aide scclion of the y.•elfare program made because of expected in· cm~ in federal fw1ds. 1-----~·~"c=~=-----e -011 Probe ~CRAMENTO 1 AP ) -Assembly ~ker Bob ri.1oretti called for a state linrestig8tion Thursday of-the-oil seepage in the Santa Barbara Channel. ,"Residents of the Santa Barbara area and I are not absolutely COO\'inced or the CbiiClus1on reached by oil induslry divers.. tJlal the slick has resulted from natural ~e caused by gas pressure." ~toret- 1f..'.&aid in a letter to G ~ Ray Arnett, stale dliector of fish and game. M_attgred Wreckage - This is all that was left of a light -airplane flown by student pilot Guilermo Arias, of Los Angeles, atfer crashing into the ocean· near fog-shrouded Santa Monica Airport. Divers found the body of the pilot when the plane was pulled to shore Thursday. State's Air Resources Panel Delays Smog, BUl LOS ANGELES (AP ) -The state Air • Resources Board voted Thursday to . C11cllsts Collide delay until October a program of fitting harmful effects of one type of antismog device. Holmdahl said the EPA had announced Tuesday that the-ttitl'Ogen oxide level was not harmful in any part of-California ex- cee_t the Los Angeles area. Installation of . -STANFORD (AP) -. Two bicycles. 1966-70 cars with ~ntismog devices. , r:P,ther with lights, collided in the dark The action came at the. urging of state -·~-oct:the Stanford.Jkililersity campns,..and...a __ Sen. John HolmdahJ D-_Al<!!!1~foun- ~ater..ooe..ol tbe .tidets,died ot.ltead · ne ~iiillsii1og vices, -sa1atrolffidah ' ~ !Offi:;; id~tified the ;~;;:;:;;;----THE-tiiARo EARi.IEifhad schedule~ ~.e, 18, of Fredonia, N.Y. He had the antismog device installation program ----, T -~ 15 perCent ana-tbe lev~fK!1~ Los .. A'rlg~Jes area Would remain excessive. ~_rgone seven hours of . surgery a~ .to get under way July I. . ~Ord University Hoopital authorities Holmdahl asked the board to delay 1m-11IE BoARD HEARD testimony from its technical staff that a recent statistical study tends to show that . the VSAD (Vacuum Spark Advance Disconnect) type of antismog device causes exhaust valve wear through .overheating. Such wear increases hydrocarbon emi.Mions and necessitates expensive repair jobs. @ Thursday. ' · plementation until J an. I, 1974·, so the ~ legislature will have mote time to con-(6 'Media ¥ate sider a federat Environmental Protection Agency announcement on smog and also to consider new evidence on possible ·'.SACRAMENTO JAP) -The Assembly has asked the state Senate to consent to siring television newsmen free access to IT mE!etings of the legislature. • Under a resolution sent to the Senate a 86-0 Assembly vote Thursday, the Js!enl?'y proposed identical rules Jor the tire legislature as those it voted for on MOl]day. The Senate still tel lmder rules which allow a single . . tor to banish all cameras and tape ~ from a floor session or com- flittee hearing. i.. 28 Win Salt r LOS ANGELES (AP) -A total of F. 7 ,00) is to be shared by 28 com- inants in settlement of damage suits y filed following the Sept. 13, 1970, fire the Ponet Square llotel in downtown &,os Angeles in which 19 persons were lined. : The last of the civil suits stemming • • · the fire was settled Thursday after days of litigation before Superior rt Judge Charles A. Loring, wbo 'mated it v.·ould have taken some 40 ys of court hearings to settle all !he its if they had gone to trial. Actress Sues Over Article LOS ANGELES (AP) -Actress Linda Christian, widow of actor Tyrone Power, has sued National Insider Inc., Stmset-Publications Inc. and writer Van Trenwick for $3.1 million, claiming she was held up to ridicule in an article that made it impossible for her to rind work. The suit filed Thursday seeks $100,000 in special damages for Jost salary, $1 million general and $2 million· punitive damages. The Story, published in a weekl y paper last Feb. 4, involved Miss Christian's alleged relationships with Aristotle Onassis arl'd Howard Hughes. Four or the •Six anti.smog devices previously approved by the board are the VSAD type. Spokesmen f9r the companies that make ~ approved VSAD antismog devices criticized the technichl staffs conclusion that the VSAD devices cause exhaust valve wear. The chief criticism was that the cars involved in the staff's study were not equipped with overheating protective devices. Such protective devices are in· cluded in the antismog unit kits, the com- pany spokesmen said. u1 DON'T KNOW how rriany times we have to tell you about our protection devices," one spokesman said. Wendell McCullough, spokesman for one of-the two companies that make the non-VSAD type antismog device, said, "The only salvation of this program is that the accreditation of these four systems (The VSAD systems) be remov- ed." i M:.ental Autopsy Re-registration Drive Funding Still in Doubt l l Psycliological Test Due 011-Getty ! LOS ANGELES · IUPI) -A fpsycbological .autopsy"" like the one jerfonned on Marilyn Monroe ·15 tr¥ing J> determine whether the mysterious feath from drugs and alcohol or George f'. Getty II, son of. one of the world's chest men, \\'as suicide Or an accident. ty, 48, a wealthy oil executive in his ight, died \\rednesday in a hospital he v.:as registered under a fal se The cause was originally~ ., be a cerebral hemorrba.ge. ~THE BODY OF "George S. Davis" was fat.er revealed to be that of Getty, son of '1liqnaire J. Paul Getty. Police entered tbe bse when knife wounds "'ere found • .. Getty's chest and tft leg. There were lruises on his left Wand ann. · ~ The senior Getty. e>. who has often Q e en referred to ~ the riche s t inessman in the kl, was at his te in England. 01m *''°"~ ly deeply shocked by the death. Dr. 1bomas Noguchi, county coroner- 'cal exa1niner,. took personal charge the autopsy and declared Thursda~· t Getty died of ''an overdose com- fion of alcohol and barbitufates. tbether accidental or _otherwise." GE'ITY HAD A blood alcohol content .06 percent and had appar~ntly taken o to IS capsules" of phenobarbital t)'lle ping pills, 'Noguchi said. AlcoOOI and sedatives interreact to fatall y 4el""ss tbe central nervous system. 'Mle case .. has been referred to our vkwal scientists for further evalua· /' Noguchi saJd , referring to a panel l~--'---i~psy::cho~ logtsts-who-\\1111 attempt to ct Getty's mood at the ttme of th to determine whether he wa.s ddal. '"l'tw: 11psychollgical autopsy" technique flrlt used in the death of Miss ~'!"'.'· .-ho died qi an overdoo< ol pilll "<963. uchl ruled out the knife wOUIKI! as • a f11ctor in the death. saying they \I/ere less .than an inch deep. The· bruises v.·ere hypodermic needle marks, Noguchi said. TIIE FAP.llLV physici'3.II. Dr. Kendrick Smith. saiCI he registered Getty under the false name at Queen of Angels Hospital to avoid publicity. Baseball Player Priddy Fires Criminal La,vyer . LOS . ANGELES (AP) -Political worker Robert J. Walters says he con- ducted a drive to keep the American Independent Party off the California ballot iri 1972. · But he denies reports that the effort was financed with Republican campaign funds . • WALTERS SAID Thursday he had reci!ived $8,400 from about 30 persons to conduct a re-registration drive aimed at getting members of the American Independent Party to switch their af- filiations to either the Democratic or Republican parties. He said the drive had the approval of Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace . Lyn Nofziger, a former '•Nixon cam- paign worker, confirmed he had received LOS ANGELES <UPI) -Jerry Prid· $10,000 in GOP lunds Crom Hugh W. Sloan dy , the former major league baseball Jr, when Sloan was treasurer of the player accused in a fl50.oo:> extortion Committee to Re-Elect the President. plot against a stea1nship line. Thursday Nofziger said he gave the money to a fired his attorney who said "all bets were friend, who gave it~to Walters. off" concerning his fonncr client taking Sloan told the Senate Watergate <;0m· a voice print test. mittee on Wednesday that he had given r-lhe money to Nofziger wiUt the un- PRlDDY, 53, v.•ho was arrested Tues--derstanding it would be used to keep day night near the ransom "drop" site, Wallace off the California balk>t in 1m. replaced attorney Karl Ransom. ~ith NOFZIGER Dm no\ identify his Paul Caruso, a v.•ell-known cnmmal friend . .The Loi-Angeles Times said it lawyer. . . . was Jack B. Lindsey, a businessman who Ransom bad maLnla1ned Priddy was once wu a legislative aide to California ~nt_ and offered to have him take a Gov. Ronald Reagan. voice pnnt t.est to be compared with FBI recordings of the extortionist's calls. After he was fired, Ran.scrn said "all bets were olf'' concerning the volceprint pledge lor Priddy, who ha.!! yet to enter a plea. A ONE-TIME major league player !or Police Discover Water in Tanks the Detroit Tigers and New York .RIVERSIDE (AP) -Police In this Yankees, Priddy ~s arrested by F'BI Southern C&lilorni~ city l\aye had their ttgenl! Tuesday night near his sales pro-first taste of the gasoline crisis. ..motion business of lice in Burbank. The engines . ol 1hrte squad· cars and Agent! said he rill"de aleries ol phone fwo motorcycles --quietly sputtena--ana calls to Princess Croises1 dcmand1ng died Thursday soon after the start of the 4:250,000 in exc~nge for infonnetlon on · artemoon shift. the whereabouts of bombs aboard one oC Mechanics checking the veh1cles round its lloonl. tho Island Prin-. which wrur .that the 8 000 gallons of gas the depart· on a c1'tise to Puorto Vallarta, ldexlco. ment bad r....uy redlived lrom Its '"R' 'l'v.·o suspicious smnll packages were plier had been dUuted with water. found on t~ ship and thrown overboard. An investlgat'ion was orde~d . _, . .,; .. • • Frida.J, June Cl, l~;~ Give Dad executive comfort. . . . . ~amousexecutive Chair from Pier 1. U's a rise of sleel and vinyl leather that lets Dad ease bac:k to view the \vorld. Deep fo·am·filled cushionst:--;-i swive l-actiQll rocXerLJ!ta.t:Rt®r-----+:_,,~~~~ base. Prop up your feet on an ample on om an -it's included in our pric:e! Reg. Price 119'° . Sale Price HIBACH I STEAkS ANO CHO PS. Sizzle m buige r . hd-rcodl grill some steaks. Use our hibac:hi, a well-c:ast iron BBQ stove. Hardwood hand les and base. Choose a 10" x 10" si ngle grill, or a 10" x 20 .. double. You'll sizzle fun at Pier 1. Dou ble grill, S9.99. 311 Single grill, reg . .$4.99. Now .... UNCORK WINE BOirLES WITH EASE. Per- fected corkscrew stops bottle-opening pro- blems. No more to rn or bioken cor-ks! 6" brass from Italy. Works with · 1" finesse. Ends cork·y wine ..•.••••• ' . STRING-UP A DECORATIVE FISH NET. Cast c:olprful South Seas fis h ·nettinJi! into sum- mer decor! yellow. red, b lack, natural, 211 Cotton nels st retch 6' x 15 '. . . ~ Prices good for one week onl y. STOW HIS POCKOF ULS IN STYLE. Wooden valet from Taiwan for his dresser lop. Dark, ri chly grained. Keep his lhings neatly, over- night. 12v." x 6JAH. Special 1" Father's Day price ........... . SHOULDER THE GOATSKIN. Bot_a skin bigs from Spain. Give one to Dad for picnic wines. They're lined wil h late)(. Encirded wil h a rope so that they're 3" easy to tote ..................• CORK·UP A ""BARE '!\'AtL. Bleac:hed virgin cork decorating panels from Spain. Add an unusual ac:c:ent or bulletin board to empty wall spac:e. 4 panels in a pack-14'. 2" age.12"x12Hx'I•"·•··········· DANGLE THE BURNING ASH. Novel ceramic ashtrays with a sculptured look. Hang them by a chair, or on a porch, or in a nook. You'll find a s~lectlon _ at Pier 1. ·-~· · . •' ... , . 1" 3" 11 I 2710 lltllGI ... , ~ lllOI' llOlllAT ,_ IAMIAT 1f • t .P.M. _, lf '11..f ..... --.. _, • -I . ( .. '' , ., • ' .. • " . Teday's Fl•al N.Y. Stoeks • VOL. oo, NO. 159, 4 SECTIONS, 41> PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1973 c TEN CENTS •1-~-----'--J oun 1ans S{eel lo Cu Dr1villg-mog eril Citizens· of Orange COunjy, along with those in Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside counties. -n•ere asked Thursday to reduce driving to "an absolute minimum" ~d to stop incinerator burn- ing and open agricultural burning. as smog levels in Southern California con- tinued to exceed normal levels. Thi&. request made by the Orange . C6unty Air Polfutiort District rollows similar requests made Thu•sday by no Trio Find M~ian,--~ Brother From \\'ire Services SPRINGDALE, Utah -A. patr of hikers who braved the treacherous, soow- S\vollen river passage deep in Zion Na· tional Park's Virgin Narrows Gorge are safe today. after four days in a prehistoric wilderness. They slept under a blanket of tinfoil , huddled together for warmth in their wet clqthing and shared their last meal of a lbigle raw egg shorU y before being rescued. Harry P:illison. 22. who recen lly mov· ~to-co!Of J\1es.:i, and his brother Robert. 15, of Las Vegas. were led out of the chasm Thursday by three park rangers. .. ''They "'ere a little cold and mighty hwtgry. But their condit ion really surprised us," said Chief Ranger Malcolm Nicholson. The Pattison brothers picked their way along the last traversible regions or the t,%00-loot.ctCCp gorge swept by wall-tO- wall y,•atcr of the North Fork o( l~e Virgin River. They made part of the ill-fated trip by rubber raft, but finally rea ched a point of no r~tum. Vctertln rangers wearing rubber wet suits led the weary hikers out of the nar· row canyon at the s-pectacular Temple of Sinawava, where red and white cliffs loom above the rushing river. Searchers had spotted them from an : airplane earlier and scattered leaflets down into the windswept river gorge ad- vising them to stay put and await rescue. Chief Ranger· Nicholson-uid even ell- perie~ mountain and river men won't bran: the Virgin Narrows at thls time of :year when SOO\Y runoff from the Utah highJands makes it treacherous. · Hiking Permits are required and none lu\.d been issued, indicating to rangers the two tiny figures spotted trom the air Wednesday must be the Pattison brothers. They had begun a hike downriver from mitside the national park with a party of six and separated Sunday, parceHng out 1 food trom a survival kit the size of a 1 matchbox as they became stranded. The Pattison family lives in Las Vegas, 1 but the elder brother currently maintains 1 a C.OSta Mesa address while wo rklpg in the Harbor Area. • Orange Coast Weather The fog will win out over the sun along Orange Coas~ sands Satur- day, but inland tepiperatures wi ll reach the upper 70's with hazy sun· shine. Highs at the beaches in lhe mld.00.. INSl,DE TODA\' Gerald Schroeder. ls music teacMr o' Goldf'n. Wt st Colleoe -a music teacher o'' the move. See today's 'Veekendcr for tta// toriter Tom Gorma·n11 1toru 01i Scltroeder'1 1ummer job.· ;· Governor Ronald Reagan and the Environn1ental Protection Agency. Sm3g cOndilions in Orange County are the least <Serious of any of the four ad- joining COWllies but residents are being asked to cooperate in an attempt to alleviate the dangerous conditions in Riverside and San Bernard ino counties. Smog alert levels were exceeded · in lhesc 1v•o counties for the past three dn ys. Authorities pre~ict high sm.og levels through lhe end of t:ie \\'Cek . • ( GIVES . UP PREMIERSHIP Spain'5 Dictator Franco Spai1i's Franco To Eiid 34.-year Post as Premier 1'1ADRID 1UPI ) -Generalissimo Francisco Frane-0. Spain's unchallenged ruler since 1939, took the first concrete step toward transfering power today by appointing-a-conservative and-traditional navy man to succeed him as prime· minister. . -The government information ministry announced that Vice President Adm. Luis Carrero Blanco will be sworn in as pMme minister Saturday. f'ranco, now 80, will rctaiD the three other top posts in Spain: bead ot state, commander in chief of the armed forces and head of the country's oniy political party, the ''National Movement." El Caudillo ("the Leader") already has designated Prince Juan Carlos to be the n<'xl king of Spain on Franco's death. A 3().word announcement by the In· formation ministry today sa id Carrero Blanco will ~be sworn in at Franco's El Prado Palace. His official tiUe will be president or the Spanish govenunent . Under the constitution, his first task will be to Corm a new cabinet. The appointment of the 70-year-old Carrero Blane-0, Franco's No. 2 man since he was made vice premie'r in 1967, meant that Franco has taken a first step toward his eventual retirement, sources close to the government said . Mayor's Daugl1ter Burglary Victim A high seas hijncker has mnde off \Vjth s bicycle and camera in a $380 burj:1\11ry of a slateroom occupied by CostR Mesa l\fayor Jack AammeH1s daughter aboard the S.S. Ryndham, Chepn1an College's Unl\•erslty Afloat. Deborah llamrilctl, 17. of 800 Presidio Drive, discovered tht loss \vhcn the vessel docked ot 'Berth.154 in Wilmington and she went, to retrieve hei' belongtpgs. 1'11ss llammctt !lcw home after mJu- ing the ship'• May 27 departure from · Hawall and the burglary apparently oc- curred at M?a bctWttn. that. date and the Ryndham's--Port or Los Angeles arrival. The burglary report was filed with Costa Mesa Police Ofricer Ila Dallas Thursday and forwarded II) tht: Los Angeles Police · Departnlenl's llarbor Olvltlon headquarters In San Pedro. • , I "\Ve've had two or three days higher than normal but there hasn't been a ma· jor increase in smog.in Orange County," said Ora Wells, investigator for the Orange County Air Pollution District. However , Wells warned that wtlile local citizens need not be too alarlned, their coope ration with the requests to· reduce driving and eliminate burnings would ·jm . prove the smog situation in neighboring e-0unties and throughout inland areas of Orarige County. . · · Mesa Police At Studio · "'A skilled burglary job at a Navajo ln· dian jewelry and artifact studio that e-0uld reach an $80,000 loss figure is being probed today by Costa 1'1esa poli& detec- tives. Jesse Fish, owner or Nayajo Trading. 2432 Ne~'port . Blvd.. discovered the break-in about mid-morning Thursday when he arrived to open the shop. lnvestigaWrs ~id the intruder bypalls· ed. the burglar ~lann system by picking its Jock to shut toff and left no fingerprints. Fi_!h, 'Vl'ho opened the firm on Costa J\tesa's Antique Row, a S tretch Of--_:old furniture and other specialty shops, a year ago is-still inventorying his loss. "Oh my God. I Can't begin to count it," he said Thursday, at the same time of- fering a $5,000 reward for recovery of the goods, including 1,600 ounces of silver. The loss in rav.· materials used by Fish's associate, Navajo Indian Martin r.tartinez, to make· the merchandise in- cludes 100 poonds of turquoise and a quantity of jade, police said. Hundreds of individual pieces of je'A·elry. among them bracelets. pend- ants, squash blossoms and IO trays of rings were included in the haul of loot. Denials Made By Mc Whinney On Shakedowns By TOM B~RLEY Of .... 0811.,. ,llaf Staff ~ An Orange County Superior Court jury today began a three-day break in the grand theft-bribery trial of \Vestminster civic officials Derek McWhinney and Tad Fujita after listening through much or Thursday to a series or denials from former mayor McWhinney. The councilman repeatedly denied under questioning from defense la,vycrs and a Jong grill ing Crom prosecutor Michael Capizzi that the $10.000 demand· ed from Fountain Valley Mile Square Park: tanner George 1ifurai \vas a s~akedown or any form of extortion. l\lcWh lnney, 40, repeatedly pointed oul that he never at any ti1ne suggested to 1'1urai or to Fujita that $5,000 of his ree should be made out as a contribuUon to Santa Ana First District Supervisor Robert Battin's campaign fund. Strawberry grower Murai had earller testified that McWhlnney wanted exactly <hat. And he lold the ·prosecution in testimony that led to the Orange County Grand Jury indicting both men that the. second $5,000 \\'ll.S poid in cash and hand- ed lo Fujita. J<I, shorily before district attorney's investigators 1noved In to ar· r~st the city planner. r.tc\\lhinneJ said Thursday he charged the fee because Murai faced eviction fro1n the 215 acres he farmed in Fountain Valley. At best, ~tc\\lhlnncy said. ~1urai faced a substantial reduction or the acreage he devoted to growing strawberries wider a COWlty Jease. . McWhinoey. said · ~ty supervisors were JQOving toward subd ivision of the 1ifllc Square acreage long before the Ume be allegedly devl9ed a plan to extract $10,000 from the !armer. And ~ ~cpca<edly ln~lcatcd Iha< he runs a -ba&:rness Operation that makes 110.000 a very inslgnlflcanl figure to him. ~1cWh)nney said he draws up to $100.000 a year lrcm. his major sha re in (See BRIBl!RV, Pa1e %1 Cities along the Orange Coast are still relatively free from smog, Wells main- tained. On Tuesday and \\'cdnesda~. ~alth "'arnings y,·ere issued at the northern end 01 the e-0unty in La Habra. and also in Anaheim. where readings ·cli mtied slight· ly o~er the .20 level needed to issue a health u1arning. On Thursday, however, tbcse areas \Vere jtiSt under the "health \1•arning mark. \_ · .:,.. The National Weather Service ex.- plained that the heavy smog conditions throughout Southern California are due to tef!1perature inversion and stagnant 1veathe r s~sten1s. 1 The sqiog is trapped at grolind level by warmer -air hanging overhead. and will remain there until there is enough. wind to blO\V 1:1e smog a\vay, Well s said that the Orange County ·Air Pollution District has received a number Ill~ Dalfy pj19t n.,. ,,;L .. "''"' KAREN JENNINGS COVERED WITH GREEll,' YUCKY STUFF Pain in the Neck, But Not Harmful, Officials Say, S!lmfi Surprise G~~'.~~'.: BUgg~g~~::~=o~ ~ 01 th• o•ll• ~;"' s1••' pie beca use they don't like it in fronl The Orange County Harbor Department or their houses. lt 's a nuisance for S\\im· calls it moss. ming." The Orange County Heahh Depart· "It is not indicative of a btld condition rnent calls it .:in algae, Enterotnotpha. at all," said Mike Wehner of the county Health Dtpartment. "It is indicative of Newport Beach bayfront property O\vn-nothing more than warm weather." ~rs call it ~ lot of things as they ~p Both he and Oberg blamed it on heavy It from their beaches and scrape it oif rains fos tering increased runoffs into the their piers. . . Up~ Bay. Its no harmful, hetlllhOffiCi81s55ia-. -"\V en the nutrieniSComTinto lfiettp:. but it is making swi1nming in many are-per Bay at this time or ye11r in \Vann as of Neu1port Harbor unbearable. "'ealher." Oberg said, "this gro\\1lh love3 But ii is hol nil thtlt unusual , according it. I( grcWs When it's warm but will dis- 10 n spokes1nnn for the Harbor District. appear \then its cold." Especially at I his time of yenr . he snid . He said b:Jy front residents can proba- But l·larbormastcr Al Ober~ s:iid the bly expect it to gel worse as more de-. slimy marine gro1vth is the "'·orsl it's been velopment takes place throughout the in the Lo1vCr Bay. county and feeds more and rnore run· "It's been ln lhe Upper Bay for a long v(f Into-the .Back: Ba)'. lime. bi,n · its spreading do'vn into the "As building occu.rs. nlore. and mor~ Lou·cr Bay," he said. people are usin{ fertilizers on their lawns Ne'''port Beach lifeguard Cap!. Dave !nd shru\)s," he said , "well , this ~·as~ J.larshbarger said it began appenrlng last off a·nd drlilns Into the bey." Ytllr, but said there is little the city, or \\'ehner said the warm nutritional wa- any agency can do about It. ters ar e:cpected to cause one tecurrtna: The worse problem area~ th is ~·ear proble~ Ud e1. .. arc the south boy front of Balboa Is· "Hy~tically, red titles will be bad l11nd, 1Yaters aroond Newport l!land and this year for the N1me reeorui1'' he said. of complaints concerning the high smog level, particularly on \Vednesday. The Orange County Health Department offers three recom1nendations f o r citizens when the Health Warning is in elreet. ''Reduce your physica l effort to a minimum, including no outdoor sport!. stay indoors and stop or "reduce your smoking, and avoid driving," said Dr. • -·Thomas Robinsoo, director or . health ... scrV!ces in Orange County. _a .ce · Endurance rkAlso HOUSTON (UPI ! -Sky lab 's J astronauts saved their space statioo..from ., another · crisis today with emes:geacy · repairs on a too-cold cooling system and e-0ntrol1ers on the ground tried to figure out a way to keep the problem frmt recurring. Two hours after malting the earJy moming repairs, Charles "Pete .. O>orad, Joseph P. Kerwin and P_aul J. Weltz: set an Atnerican spece· endurance reoord. of 1 14 days and, barring further troubles. headed toward -1 world mJrk twice-thet loo(, ,.. ,. I The pilots acted qU-lcJdy to keep the water cooling pipes trom freuinl and bu'8ting-equ)pment.--Bu<-t.mperUll'es later today were still colder than deain!d and ~ ~ ,on melhl>dl <o he,1111e 1ystem'iihd flll 11 isenn-tY. "We; really haven't solved It,'' iaid S. A. Llebergol, NASA environmeotal coi>- <rol speclallat. 1 Flight direcdor Oiarles Lewis aid controllers were "in a holding action" while engineers here and in Huntsville, Ala .• searched fqr the source of the pesky overcOOling problem and remedies. 1 The bold, tour-hour spacewalk that (See SKYLAB, Page ll Mesa Shooting Suspect at Large; Victini Better A criminal ~omptaint charging-•-1 Fullerton mari with an F\! Manchu m4stache in the near-fatal shooting of a · Costa i1esan was issued Thursday, as the victim began to show gradual im~ pro\'ement. So far. a manhunt has failed to tum up any leads to locate DeMis L. Marich, '8. \\'ho was named in a complaint charall>c him with assault with a deadly weapon. ~larich. is accused of blasting Gerry M. Noah, 24, of 525 Victoria St .. Apt. 122, tn the abdomen with a heavy-cali ber pistol during a dispute in the victim1s apart- n1ent \Vednesday. Noah. who still carries the lead slug 1n his spi ne. where it lodged a~r tearing through· his liver, spleen and intestines. rc1nained in critical conditk>n Thunday. Surgery was attempted at Costa Mesa 1'1emorial Hospital. but doctors cboH not • , to remove the bullet and nursing J>U'9JG' nel said today that Noah's condition bM 1 stabilized, Showing some improvement. , A second suspect originally taken iDtp custody at tlte three-stOry complex where ! the incident occurred and where be aim 1 lives wn1-not'-l>CCMrgeif int6eNOibl shooting. · I Floyd S. Thorn.as. 20. had orlginall7 1 been charged with assault with intent to com mit murder but the Orange County l)istrict Attorney's Office declioed to issue a complaint. Thon1as. who 1vas appa rently present \\'hen ~ .. JaMch Is alleged to have sh:>t Noah, will still face unrelated charges. Detective Lt. Jtarold Fischer said today. During his stay in Costa Mesa Cltf Jail, arrtst warrants charg"1g Tbomas "'ith failure to appear in court for hm- lngs on prior dNg ind ln<o.tlcaticlll charges wen! discovered. Police say they will al to aeek a com- plaint charging the wounded Noah 'lrilll possession or dangeious drugs, due · to discovory ol 39 alleged borblturote plllo the "''aler on the 80uth side ol Udo lsle. Red Ude! come from dtveli>pment of l·le suggeSted ' property owners ju plankton -·~· ·' _ _ rake It up-and put it in boxes for-tho He explalned that red tides create a in h1s·pan1.1. • A nur,. who told poli<le a1>e • ._.,.,.. tr8'h man. A Harbor District spok.,-diecoloratlon ol the nter. but the big man said his men '''ill dispose of it if concern ls the potential of paraoytic p:Q. resident! collect, it somehow. .. onina. trom eating mussels and elams "The stuff Jooks lik e a .... mess." O~rg that may have beea exposed to the tides. Slllplclous over the pa<lent's -lor the w11ett1bouls or hla 1rou .... -- his li fe' was ln danger -examined them after his • admission and found tbt mpected contraband drugs. ·- ! DAILY PILOT c Friday, Junt 8, 1973 McCord Cite·s \\'ASJllNGTON CAP) -Allorneys for convicted Wa1trgate ton!J)irator James Vl. McCord Jr. asked today that his coo- viction be re\•ersed be-cause or in· fonnat ion brought to light in subsequent in\·estlgations or the \\'atergate sca l)dal. , Atty. Bernard r~ensterwald said his .motion asked U.S. 'Dist. Court Judge John J. Sirlca either to issue a directed verdict of acquittal tor h-tcCord or to in January on cll4tgts sttnunlni from Ille JUJllt 17, 1972 btuk-ln at the WHY DID IX-NIXON AIOI COMMIT PlllJURYt-Analysl1, P1go l2 Democratic National Committee bead· quarters. . • -! - Revelations, Asks · New Trial]: vllllcaUve unit and that ......i wit- _, durlnc the trial perjured themlelves. E, Honn! Hunt and G. Gonion Liddy, two Waterpta trial defendants convicted along wllb McCord, .,.... members ~ the special White House group fonnect to trace leaks of classified informatiorl. pod afttr June 11. In a third motion, Femterwald asked the judge to postpone lbe June 1$ ...,_ ttoclng of McCord to ;ive ~ govern- ment a chance to~reply to bis other mo- tlooa. Fensterwald seld ·McCord. 3·n acknowledged expert in e I e c t r on l c surveillance, is canvlnced his telephone has been tapped sin<;e June 17. ·~· I mtnec1 becaU&e of the testimoriy of Watergate grand jury lnvesdgaUon . I Herbert L. Porter, former scheduling In his testimony, Porter said he anjl dlrector for ,Pnlldent Nlxon't ~lecUon Magruder worked olft a false story to a¢'-~::::'i~~-before' the Senate Watergate <.'Ounl for $100,000 in cash Issued to Liddlf, Porter told the committee Thursday who was the attorney for the cam paigii that he committed perjury at the Cina.nee commit tee. . 1 • : Watergate trial at the .request of Jeb Liddy has been portrayed 111 swoT Stuart Magruder, the_ de~uty campaign testimony as the oi:ganizer or "dirt)' manager. tricks" against Democratic candidates.' • schedlile a new trial. (Related stories, _ficture. Page 4) • 1---..o.M'cGord-and si:ic-ot~re·eonvict Fensterwald said his motion w1s bated on subsequent disclosures that the government withheld knowledge ot the e•istence-or a 11pecia.l While Hou1e in- Fen.sterwald al90 .filed a motion aSking the fudge to order the government to search its records to determine if McCord'•·home1elephonO-bad•beefr ta Thursday, Sen . LoweU P. Weicker (R- Conn.), predicted that the convictions of 1ceoro iffil!"-~lildy-11~ety woolct" be Porter said Magruder told him that he McCord and Liddy were the only two Of (Magruder) committed perjury 12 times the seven \Yatergate defendant~ cod-----iii..! fie course of tne-1 r-r"al a nl f 'lbe-otcted arihnrl3 . ;- ·•' -L&,t -' Nixon Cites Good Points ' Game, Set ... And Mat;cli 1,000 Seniors to Attend Graduation j ti! ~'I I .. Services Set , A Balboa Bay Club tenant wu ... ·ii I~ arrested on a shopllfUng charge • : 0 • Thursday night after he stalked out More than 1,000 graduatin' sen.ion, in introduced by Jan Fisher, a secood !her," "Get Together " and "Amazing -f America of J.C. Penney'• FB!blon !$land the -Area from .Eslan<:!a, Newport grader from Costa Mesa's Bear Street Grae.." .. tore · pa· f 110 te Harbor, Costa Mesa and Corona del Mar School ho POW b I The add""'ss will be aiven by Pastor 1' TONIGHT I weanng a new ll' o n-high achools are espected to attend bac-w '\\'Ore a race et with ·... " 0 CC ··c 0 r.o R Fl L A1 AND nia shorts with security guard Sler-al •• . S da the major's, name.on it for two. years. Roger Berg of Newport Harbor Lutheran • . -ra Reynaldo in·JK>t pursuit. . c _aureaw. senJces un y. 01urch and will center on the thefllf:, ~ 'fRA:VELOGUE -England a_nd .Ireland 1be 44-year~ld man waived his Unlike past years, t'.he 1973. ba'ccalaur-Processional marches wJll be played ''Who Knows?" . . . J with ~ Crc\Y, Library, Main Floor, 8 ' From Wife Senicn rights and readily confessed when 'eate will not be a districtwide service at b)t Gosta Mesa music teachfr Edward A reception. featuring a buffet meal. p.m. Free. ORLA~DO, Fla. :;-Skii;ting Waterg~te turned over t~ Newport Beach Davidson Field · at Newport Harbor High 'A. Brahams, vrho will also lead a prfsen-,viii be ~rved by the PTA after the DANCE FOR MENTALLY RETARI>-and .str!~ng a w~ats right .~~~ police for booking on Reynaldo 's School. A new district policy allows each tation by th e school's concert choir. baccalaureate. F-----..-----'t -~ -:CC t 77·9-Ame.nca:: .. Jbeme • ..fteaident..NiJon.hiotw.--petty..-theft...allegalion.-----1--'schoo,......,l • ...,,to hold its own ce~~~ The benediction, written by clergymeli A <.'Olltemporury -cere.mony ls -atso D -c:ommun1 Y Recreation · n er, -broadJy today that he \\'Ould act soon to He said he swiped the shorts All fou r schools plan contemporary, from all of Costa Mesa, will be delivered planned by Corona del Mar High School p.m. . deal with inflation. (Related. stories, because he was late for a match non-denominational services that have by Craig Rayns!ord, student body presi-in the central quad area at 4:15 p.m. The MOTORCYCLE SPEEDWAY RACING Page 14:). and could not get a sale!lperson to been put together primarily by the stu-dent. theme will be, "Man Not Alone." . - _ Fairgrosmds. !: 1~ p.m. · In one of his rare public appe~ wait on -· _ _ ~dent.1-themselv'•'------~--_,. ContempOrary baccalaureate cere-Graduating senior · Julie Childress has CYCLE SWAP-A-RAMA_ Motorcycle since. Watel'.fate surg~ back into the Costa Mesa High Schl:l91's program will_ mony will take-place In the Newpo-rt-arranged the.musical presentation wh{ch headlines this spring, NLDn spoke to the lake place at 3 p.m. in the evangelistic. includes songs like "I Am. r Said," "No Jral'ts and accessories swep meet. New graduatfna class at Fforlda Technotnalcal tent-chapel of Calvary ·Chapel on Sun-Harbor High School auditorium for its Man Is an Island ,·• and "AmazinP" ... ,. , " -~ ·• F-•-I fl A gradua_t~ al~Jl.m. G-ce." --~ -Eroduct.s.Fartlion,..Eairgro~p.m._ynivenity. ---•---c --u-ower-venue•c. --------•• Adm. $l . Nixon said the nalioo is faced with H!ghlighting the ceremony will be an The program, prepared by a panel of The main speaker for the musical cer· "IN THE 'llDST OF LIFE" -South challenges at borne and abroad but, SKYLAB address by Marine !\laj. Paul ?\1ontague, students, teachers and parents, wiU fea· emony will be Student Body President · 1• · • • • who was freed this year after more than ture popular music by the local rock Terry \Vatt, \\'ho is graduating with· a Coast Repertory Theater Fri. Sat. Sun. gesturing with an outstretched. index five years in a North Vietnamese prison grou p "Story." perfect 4.0 grade average for four yea rs. ' ' ' finger, he said: "When America has a The ·1 8 p.m. . • problem we will solve it because we have ended Skylab's power short.age Thursday camp. group w1 I play l:nspirntional hits She will give brief interludes lo tie the UCI CONCERT _ u 0 1 ver s 1 t y the genius that built America and made a!Jo vastly lmpro~ed chances that six h-fontague, a Tustin resident, will be such as "He Ain't Heavy! He's My Bro-soogs together. Orchestra and Arnold Juda, pianist, Fine us the great nation that we are today.' more utronauts ~be able to .S'8Y up --'-----'--·-------------~ • • . • • _'l. • for two 5&-day miss1om later this' year. Arts ':'rllage 'Jbeatre, Fri. and Sat., l!I He did ~ot spell out any deialla of his For the first . time, engineers had a· o--._----·--~dml~~ r. ~--. -:~~~'1"~~--~,. .... ~....:1Dj/,:1or .. - F-;;_-'·"--. · u· inllati bicb _.,, be wayi to ~the best use of it. • an an • 1aunn ·Pn}l?!ID w ll,;V\llU • -• , o.=·:---anOOunceil~*"L" .. -'--......,.-==~~~~ 20 CQntesfants In his ad<lresa, the President atrud< the is normally planned to change lllm'packs , . "what's right With America" theme, ap-in the ship's !Olar observatory and parenUy .. a counl6polnt to Ille Conrad suggested that a separate Will Seek Title Watergate l!CalldaL However, he did not spacewalk he conducted Ille same day if make any mentka of the ICIDdal · decide it is necessary to rig a Looking toward his .,..11np begfming :" llWlllhade ovtr Skylab. At County Fair ·· June 18 with Soviet Communi11 · Paey The-•-t suits f the repaired ~1ar leader Leonid Brezhnev Nlxcm predicted iua re o ..,-. progress during Ille ....Hnit 11JU toward power ~ were that Skylab now had a new treaty to llmJt clfenalve nuclear enough electriclty for all its exper1111~ts, 'lbe girl watching season, initiated last weekend with the Miss Mermaid pageant, continues in Costa Mesa June 23 with the selection of M.Ls.s Orange County Fair. Twenty con t e-s·t-a-n ta Item cities throughout Orailge County are erpected to enter the contest, sche<!u1ed for 2 p.m. in the South Coast Plaza Mall. ~didates will be judged on beauty, figure , poise and personillty and will ~p­ pear in both swim suits and everung gowns. 'Ibe winner and the two nmners-up v:ill ect as queen and princesses during the JG-day fai r, scheduled July 6-15. The queen will receive a $100 savings bond an dthe prin cesses each a $50 savings 'bood. Entry in the competition ls limited lo those girls whose candidacy is officially sponsored by an Orange County city. Veterans Plan Joint Installation and enough to meet all hot..ekeepmg w~~~· demands. The utrmauts were told , fo r Nat~ with different lywtama must ezample they would leave their water learn to llve with tbelr dlff.,.._ or we heater 00 for .tbowers planned later to- will have to die with them." the Pftsl· dly. dent said. "Hooray," said the pilots in uniJon. · oo-spoke-for-half:ia-boar1o~111 au---•·we·ve got,_au-the power we need," diff!ce estimated at about t ,000, 1e1ted in said flight director Neil Hutchimon. open bleacberl behind the Florida Tech When the crew awakened about 6 a.m. administratim building. 'lbe audience, PDT, Conrad asked ground com· mostly in shirt sleeves and IOIDe 1n cut.:. municator Richard Truly bow long the olf jearus, applauded wannly but there crew would have to leave the coolant \Ve re no J>!OIODged cheers. . l)'ateJ'n in 111: jury-rigged !tate. . The President aelect.ed Florida Tech, a HPete, I wiah we right now could give 61500-student university, which a Wh1te you a smart answer oo that, but we just House aide said boasts "a 10lld middle honestly don't know," Truly said. America student body," for hls nm 0 We've got the situation stable right commencement address since 1919. now and we'd like to just leave it that Nixon stopped off at the Orlando achool way 1D'ltil we really understand what en route to his Flortda.retl'fllt on Key we're doing." --... ·Biscayne, where he Int.end.I to spend the A miaalOo. control spokesman said tbe 'reekend grappling v.ith the pollUcal and temperatures in the loop were between 38 economic problems besetting b.la second and 31 degrees, cooler than desired. tenn. The attrooaut.s said they felt good after Gen. Alezander Haig. Jr., named this their Interrupted nlght's sleep to lix Ille v.•eek as permanent succeuor to former coolant system. White House chief of Ital! H. R. "Glad to do it (get up) to save our hap. Haldeman, accompanied the President to py borne" Weitz reported · Florida. He was the only member of the ' -· \Vhite House inner circle to m1ke the trip. Nixon told Ille graduaUnc cl• that there is no time that he would ntber graduate than in the year 1973. Mesa to .Observe 20th Birthday • New officers of the Veterans or Foreign Wars, the American Legion and the America n Legion Ladies Auxiliary will be jointly installed Saturday at 8 p.m. at Estancia High SchooL The public is invited. 11-omP .. el -. I C.OSta Afesa will celebrate its 28th birthday June 22 with a chamber of oom- merce. party at the Mesa Verde Country Master of Ceremonies is Luis C. Car- rido. organ1zer of the General Jonathan Wainwright Post VFW and General Douglas MacArthur American Legi<>l'.l- P06t. During \Vorld War Two, Carrido .served under both generals. . Dr. John W. Nicoll. superintendent of the Newport-Mesa Unified · S c h o o I District, will give the principal address. It will be the first time the three groups of officers are tmtelled together. OlANll COAST DAILY PILOT T,,. Or'lllM: COii! DAILY PILOT. '11'111'1 'll'll}cll L• cerMLMd ~ Nl'ft-Prn1, I• pUlllltl\llll ~ tlll 0!'11119 c.u11 Publl•lllnv c...,"""· s- r1t1 edlllot'I• .,.. ~IJhlld, MOl!ll1' tllrwth l'rld1y, tw C-11 MtM, H-..rl 9-cfl, H1111lll'lllM llKll/F-lloln \11!..,., LIJIJM llldl, lrwln1/kddJfbKk •NI 51n Cllmtnlt/ Sin Juen C1pt1tr1no. A 11111111 nll'-1 111flt"'" i. JllUfl ll1'ttd S.tllnllyr. ind l1111C11y1. --,,., prlnc,,,_1 llllblr.illne -111ntr. 11 lll Wttt ••r Stl'llt, eo.11 MIMI, c.tlf•1rn11. n.u. Rob1rt N, W1 1d ,., .. 1111 ... 1 Ind PuDllt111r J1~k R. Curl1y Viti Pr1tllllfll 1.W c.,..,,, M ... ...,.. Thom•~ K•1•il Editor Thoift1i A. Murphl110 Mllnlfin9 Edllor Ctio1l11 H. Looi Ri,h1nl '· N1U .... 11ll111I MIN1ilftt l!lllt111 JlO W11t 1,., Str11f Moili111.Ycltott:''·O·101 1160, 92626 --H"""' lhl<lli ml N......,t ....... rel L...-•Nd!: m ,._, ,._ BRIBERY ... the \Vestminster Memorial Park organi- za tion and draws other substantial sums from a variety or business enterprises in- cluding a Colorado ski lodge and an oil well. He \\'B.S asked by Capiui.: "Dktn't you once say you made rr.ore money under the counter than over it?" "No sir, I did not ," the flushed ~fc\\'hinney replied. McWhinney said he only qreed to help ~turai in the farmer's batUe to retain the J\tile Square acreage because another deal that would have brought him nearly $40,000 a yur on the land fell throUgh. Mw-ai was paying $150 an acre for tbt land at the time McWhlnney and f:ujlta l•ere arrested. McWhiM<y said Thursday he wu at one Point working on a deal that would have put a $32.5-per·acre price ta& OD tbe Jarid '"'iih the provision that be keep the difference between that $325 and Mural's 1150. Judge John Flynn Jr. 11id ju:y in· !lructions will be given Monday after fi nal arguments in the Mile Square Park trial. · Deahr Has Own Sliortage of Gas Hunllrl9Hrfl IN(ll; 1'911 IMCll ltvlofYlrcl .. 11 C*'*'!t: IDI Mortll II Clltllnll RMf Tlle,.111 17141 f4Jo4JJI · c•··~ µ,., ...... 1.u11 C"°"'W.1. 1t1l. Ori• C..11 PW!llhlllt CWJIM,"'I. Mt ,,... 1_,llt, fllwtrlt!Mt, edl,..111 ""'""" tr llN'"IN"""'1" lllAlll ftll' ,,.. ,....,llAf •llfllllf .-1111 ,..,.. "'""*' tf ao~lfllt ._.. Thi gaoollne lhortqe ia reolly bother- ~g Costa Mesa servioe lllUol\ owner ~oyd A. Smith today, and that Isn 't all. ttcW , .... -1 ..... 111 1t c .. 11 ..... CllH .. 1111, . ..,._.l.illn· .... CMl'ltr tt ... llWlll'lll'J W "'Ill P .U ,_1111'1'/ rnltrnirv ...,,,_., .... qM ..... ..,. • Smit.I!, operatot of iln outlet at 1900 Newport Blvd., told poUco '!'hurldAy that compariaon of pump receipt• and hil undergroond tank gallonage shoWI he ii short 1261 worth of futL He said ......,,. bu pllfertd $2!0 worth of medwilca toob; too. Club. , The commemoration ot. the city's in- corporation in 1953 is scheduled for 8 p.m. and will be preceded by a 7 p.m. dinner and a 6 p.m. social hour. Muter d. ceremonies will be Dick Lane, Newport Beach resident and wrestling and roller derby commentator. Tickets, priced at '5 per person, are available from the chamber Of com- merce, 583 W. 19th St. Reservations will be taken through noon June 20. Tax IJmitation Petition Short SACRAMENTO (AP ) -The petition campaign to collect signatures for Gov. Ronald Reagan's tax limitation initiative is about 150,000 signatures short with 10 days left before the filing deadllne, a spoke1man for the drive says. I In a statement Thursday, Dr. Norman Topplng, chairman of Californians £or l.Dwer Taxes, saJd that the next 10 days will involve an "all-out effort" by petition circulaton to collect the additional signatures . Over 500,000 signatures on petitions were filed Thursday w1th county clerks throughout the llata, Topping 11ld. Mesa City Manager '.Io Speak at Meet Fnd SonabaJ, city manager or Costa M ... , will be the ·~•k•r June 11 •t a meeting of the M,.. Ve rde Homeownors Assoclatloo. Sonabal will ·discuss. the '5.5 mllllon park bond election scheduled for this fall. 'Ibo meeting is set for 7:30 p.m. at Ille M-Verde Country Club. ' . . - J .Rerriember :ill the beauriful furn"inire,-llMps and accessories you've been adm iring all year IOng? . , _ Well, the y're now on sale at tremendous ·savings! Not onl y our fl oo r models, b.ut .you· may special order many piecu to your own taste, size or color AT SALE PRICES! Such well-known names .as:· Drexel,· Heritage, Henredon, .Woodmark. Mars~ Carson, Royal Coach, Master Craft •nd Sherrill! • SOFAS • CHAIRS • BEDROOM SE'l'S • OI NfNGROOM SE'l'S • COCKTAIL TAILES • END TABLES • LAMPS • AWE~ORIES • BOOKCASES • PAINTINGS • DESKS AND SO MUCH MORE! Special Savings on Selected Items from •DREXEL •HERITAGE •HENREDON DREXEL-HERITAGE-HENREDON-WOODMARK-KAµSTAN -------- . INTER I a ·R S - ·Wl~KDAYS • SATURDAYS 9:00 It S:lO FRIDAY 11L 9:00 NEWPORT IEACH e llZ7 WUTCLIFF Dlt.. 142-2011 'LAGUNA IEACH e Ill NOITH COAi! HWY. -414.1111 TORRANct e l!14t HAWTHOINl'ILVD. 111.'117t • • , ~. '· ., •" ~· '" " ·f, " ., .. ' " DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Mesa Stability Costa Mesa's stability as a municipal corporation is was tebned by lhe princi pal of a nearby school as being illustrated by a 1973-74 budget proposal which would "like a pig !arm." a<ld a significant amount of services to taxpayers with· Leadership officials say garba~e probably will be out raising their taxes. uncovered for another 60 days -right into the hottest This means that homeowners whose property value part of the summer. Jlopefully the work will be done has not been raised on tax rolls will pay about the same sooner than t hat. l-~l-----·-;'cl'iuc.inl<-!iirltie1r. cicyglivefnmen as they Clid1asi-year~-. ----Th..-bollder-owe•-i~ to the people who-will-IJ&..lh,~---1 As a general law city, Costa Mesa cannot exceed the neighbors of bis development to go to extra lengths not ; ' j state-mandated rate of $1 JM:f $100 of assessed valuation. to become a nuisance even before the buildings go up. Special taxes for street lighting and parks and recrea· tion, bring the actual total to $1.52. Of course, Costa Mesa could raise its taxes under extreme conditions by putting it to a vote of the people. But this has never been necessary, nor are such steps contemplated in the immediate future beciuse Cosla ~1esa city government has always been sound fiscally. One of the two major factors contributing to this stability is Costa . Mesa's healthy commercial cli~~te which next y~"'r ts expected to generate $3.8 nullton in sales tax· revenues. The other is a $747,000 federal revenue sharing payment. · Those .are some of the reasons why t he budget pro- posed for Costa Mesa can show a 1.3.3 percent increase Lo $13.4 milliori, while staying within the tax rate llmita·. lion. Ai·oma Not Neiglihorly Estancia Ecologists The enthusiasm or the Estancia High School Ecology Club to keep the earth green has been praised widely on a local level, but with the award of the Ecology Council of America last week, the club has won statewide ac- claim. ( It was catapulted into fame for its efforts last year in helping to wrest 257-acres of surplus property from the state and to turn it into a park. The park. to be known as FairvieW 'Regional Park, wiJJ be adjacent to the Estancia School groun~ts. For their part in helping to maintain the area in its essentially wild state, the 30 members of the club were ch95en Califorbia winner-s in-the Ecology Council's ~ationwide hunt for top youth environmental projects. Club advisor Michael Landino and a student repre- 'fhe Leadership Homes condominiums going up on sentative have been invited to participate in the c;ompe- -the old Newport. Beach lj::arb~g11_ ~ump in ~est ~ewport tition for the national title in Maryland later this sum- have literally raised a big stink m the res1dent1al areas mer. If they carry home t hat award also, the students that surround it . will be the envy of all others. -Initial excavatioil work tast weeK-unearttfe<i some"---'---To_m_o,si-Co-sta-Mesan-ni-wtll11ot-matter-whether·-::===I of the thousands of tons of rottfng garbage dumped on the students win the award. They will be enjoying the a portion of the 40.acre parcel from 1953 to 11165. park. And for the Estancia High School group, that will When the hot sun went to work, the odor produced be the greatest reward of all. c ''WHO'S YOUR RUSTLER ?" •t h~Ul:::..j===;a:.;;..-. ----:=-+-::;:;~.::;-~~::1!°~0.!!ocJ!!'~~"lls, Potato Chip M~~iaines & German C~ckroaches ~ · -Farila~ti~-:W ays,o ---·--. ~Ta·X'·.-MO n-;;y '. = - Is R evealed ---·--·n-·---~---- Gloomy Gus In Silences ~YDNEY J.HARRI~ Thoughts at Large : \Vhen lo,·crs lalk incessantly to each other. they are engaging in t.·.~•o monologs under the illu~ion it i., a dialog: it is only in the long si lences or marriage that they begin to recogni ic the truth. !\itost people \vrong- ty imagine th n t ··raith" means "be· li cving in \ood ,"' \\'hen it really mea ns acting out all thr personal and social .consequences or such belief; nothing is easier. or more con· duclvc la apathy, smugness and self· righteousness. than "believing in God" as a dim abstraction. • • The most foolish and futile argument i.5 between those who proclaim tbat man is "naturally good" and those who insist 1hat man is .. naturally bad "; man is only naturally free to be one or lhe other, or each alternately -and this freedom of choice is both the glory and the tragedy of the human condition. • • • The so-called "Golden ~lean'' is in· effectual as a practical rule or life. because nearly everyone can point to his _ position as midway between twu ex· I rem cs he has selected. • • • \Ve arc all so111e\\'hat superstitious. in· Alter reading all that stuff lately on the National Organization fOr \Vomen (NOW), I feel like saying, not NO\V, maybe later. D.A. a8mueh as \Ve tend to move a little bit away from so meone who is deemed to be ''unluclcyras-if-l~m.igbt.be.catching. • • • It is only the thinnest hair's-breadth that divides the muter of words from their slave -and sometimes in the same speech. • • • Listening the other night to the lilting cadences of Dylan Thomas reciting his 01.,.n poetry on a recording, · J could understand and appreciate why. 1n old \\'elsh !av.·, the harp was the one possession that. could not be taken away from a debtor. • • • A thousand. pawtbly 1tttractive people are dissatisUed with their looks, but oot one in the thousand complains of his lack of sense. • • • The most utilitarian reason for con· tinuing to learn as we age is that an lg· norant man getl more foolish as he gets older. · • • • If civilization is, as Ruskin had it. "the making of civil persons," we took a wrong turn somewhere. • • • To grab something is almost always the surest way to lose it. \VASHINGTON -Information is as hard to come by as. ever here. Neither Ron Ziegler 's declaration that the last four years are "inoperative," nor Vice President Agnew's concession that the media may not be quite so vile as he thought, has made much difference. Every morning television crews are stat ed out aroWld the houses of im- mediate past and present officials-who won't grant inter· views. Sometimes they sneak out the back anq sometimes ey come out the front and say they can't talk because they might jeopardize the judicial process. Then t h e y slBin their limousine doors on everybody's microphones and drive off to spend the day trying to bribe judges and destroy evidence. TO LEARN .what's going on in the government you have to adopt methods that foreign intelligence agents use. They study the Congressional Record . other government publications, the newspaPers and the magazines. clipping and filing bits ol infonnation until a pattern makes itself visible. This has been the modus operandi of \'5-year-old Mrs. Smith ·Ely Jelllffe, a member of the National Taxpayers Union fft!111 Bronxville, N.Y. She has been reading and snipping for four years and has now come up with a document she calls, "Fantastic Use of My Taxes.'' She's fo.und that among the things the Nixon Administration may be hiding is an expenditure of $20,324 to study the mating calls" of Central American frogs. 1'~ive grand has gone into an investigation of the diving behavior of seals, while Why Kalmbach Bowed Out .J1itrig ue Roused Newport Attorney's Sh spicioii \VAS HINGTON -Dy President Nix- on's account. aide John Ehrlichman \\'asn't supposed to impede the Watergate investigation bul merely to nu1ke sUre it didn'L impinge upon national security. Yel Ehrlichman spoke only about po\ltlcnl security when he asked Herbert Kalmbach to partlcl· pate in the Water· gate cover-up. As Kalmbach hos recounted the con· versaUon to lnvesti· gators, Ehrllchman \9arned that the investigation . could "jeopardize" th c election co.mpa.ign. . In a reference to the Democrats, he snort· ed: ''They'll have our heads in their laps.'' KALMBACH had agre«I to raise mooey to pay lhe living and legal ex· pcnsco of !he Watergate deleodan!J . He wQ never toJd the money would be of. rered u a bribe to buy their sUen~·._ but the .Jame& Bond intrigue made · hlm .suspicious. - He ' !IOU~l rea'ssurtlnces f r om Ehrllchftjliir,Wliortl he confronted-In the White House In late July. Kalmbach told investigators that he 1,>Ut' the question on a personal basis. "John," he said, 11we've been friends for 10 ycftrs. You know my family and I know your fnmily. l want you to tell me whether this assi1Jnment is proper and must be carried out." ' I (JACK ANDERSON) llJ: QUOTED Ehrlichman as reassur- ing. him lhat the payoffs were eotlrely proper but that the secrecy was necessary for polltlcal rea90llll. The last approach to Kalmbach for payoff money was made as late as January 18,.1973, at a meeting 1n ex-At· tomey General John Mitchell's ofrtce. Kalmbadi recalled that John Dean, then the White ,House counsel, had ac- companied him to the meeting. But by this time. Kalmbach had decided he wanted nothing more to do woth the pr.o- ject, so he quietly exeuled hlm11tlf after IO mlnuteo. AS THE Prelldmt'I pel'IONll attomey, Kalmbach has boon one ct the moot sllmt men tn Ibo WalerJate mysttry. He has told hlJ atory to tnvesllgators, however, with quiet candor. A few daya after lbe Weterbuiaer• · wert cau&ht, be w11 summoned to Wuhlncton by Jolll Dean, Who arranged · lo meet him on the street in !root ct the Jlay:Adams JlotCI. llean carefully atr.,.. ed the noccs~Uy !or secrecy and then askt.>d }lim to undttWrlle the Watergate defendants' expenses. DtAN suggested that the hush money.· ?S it was later used.' should be 't:hannelcd lhrough a burly New York prtvale deice· live named Anthony Ulasewic7.. The undercovennan Y.'aS known.to Kalmbach who, in 1969, had set up a special bank account lo pay him $22,000 a ,year, plus expenses. for investigative w o r k . Ulasewicz's main ass ignmen1 , thou gh Kalmbach was never told this , was to dig up dirt on Sen. Ted Kennedy (0-Mass.). Kalmbach told investigators he col· lected between $2 10,000 and $230,000, which was distribUted to the Watergate defendnnts. KE PICKED UP $7S,OOO from Maurice Stans, the Republican finance chalnnan; another $75,000 from Thomas Jones, president of Northrop Corp.; and the, balance from campaign bag man Fred La.Rue. The arrangements y.·ere handled y.·lth elaborate secrecy. Kalmbach and Ulasewicz placed calls to one another through pay phonts and used verbal shonhand to identify the people Involved in tbe"ir conversation'. Wateraate ringleader E. Hov,.ard Hunl. for example, was referred to as "tht! .,.,·ritcr," and hlJ wife Dorothy 11s "the writer's wife." UJuC"1iCZ usell several aliases,llls favorite OO!ng "Mr. Ri\'ets." SOME OF .uie money was dirtttcd_ to Dorothy Hunt who used the codB na ml? "Chris" in her own pay-phone calls to 1hu other Watergate defend ant s. tl ·was this James Bond businc~s. Kalmbach told investlgators, that finally pcrsuadro him to end his role in the Watergate conspiracy. · ... SO GIVE the University BUT SURELY the 50 G's that went into 71 grand to study the histo of comic the stud y of the Canadian and U.S. fur books ... but $42,0CM'l to the Uni sity of trade between 1770 ,nnd 18'l0 '"'as worth it, . as "'"as the $2 million given to Marshal , f.1ississippi for not planting cott , and Tito to buy himself a yacht, accorcHng to $22.000 to the l.!niversity of Arkansas for Mrs. Jelliffe. However, the odor·measur-: not planting rice, and $19,000 to Libby · hi (-• 36t ) f T k ay another $20,000 has been invested in mg mac ne "~' or ur ey m McNei l for not planting....,,cotton . and have proved to be more beneficial. research on the blood groups of Polish $14.000 to the Ford Motor Company tor All the above costs about one-tenth or ! Zlotnika pigs. That makes more sense not planting wheat? On the other band. an hour's bombing in Cambcxi.ia, but than the $70,000 spent to learn about !he the $203,979 to Travelers Aid to help since there's no way to stop that, Misl smell of perspiration given off by the migrants Io s t on the Los Angeles Jelllffe is understandably bitter aboui 1 Australian aborigines. lree"'ays i~rtalnly justifiable. 1bat's this other use of her tax money:-••t've-:t But that is as comprehensible as lhe harcUy enougli to do the job. v.·orked all my life and the government ~· $20,000 for the study of German · No cultivated person can object to the doesn't even ask me to put the money up.• ( VON HOFFMAN ) cockroaches, a project more J>UZ:Zling ~.000 for an experimental analysis of 1 don't give a damn for those other 001.&• than the $17,000 spent-ornrdry"'Cleaning--viotin-vamish.-Nor-the-$50,000 for the-tries. -l don't care if they!re all dea"'>'''""-~cJ plant so that the Bedouins can have clean docwnenlation cl the Weltanscbauung of she says. djellabas. The $32,459 given to the the Guajiro Indlans of Colombia. It might Mrs. Jelliffe is also very dubious about masochistic officials of Kenya for tl1e have been mooey better spent to hire the publishing this kin d of secret. in· purchase of extra wives is defensible, if Guajiros to study our world view. They rormati.on, but with admirable pluck for peculiar. but why $37,314 for_sendlng a might have been-able to explain.to_us one of such .advance<t years,_shc prom-1 Potato-chi p machine to Morocco, a nation why we gave a $5,000 award to a poem ises that, "If you get put in jail for it, , that is not known to grow Potatoes? entitled "lighght," I'll send you jams and jellies." Noise Polluters Should Be Fined Says Resident With ~attered Ears --.. To the Editor: What good news. it is to read that the Assembl y has passed a bill to make it a misdemeanor lo "do lbings" to your auto to make it noisier. I live on a short street that was very quiet for •years. Now the explosions of such tampered autos, plus various motorcycles, choppers, etc. is a disgrace. . If everyone contributing to such noise pollution · would have to pay a fme, there'd be funds to authorize policemen lo patrol these areas more often. I'd ra lher have 100 ordinary vehicles pass my residence an hour than six d. these violatoi;:s. Get behind your legislators until this is corrected ! CHARLES JOHNSON No S ympathy To the Editor: • l'm writing in response to tbe article about the "hard times" of the Richard Ca rlson family (Pilot, June 3). I have no sympathy for someone who apparently fi nds it perfectly acceptable to allow his children to go hungry, his debts to go un- pa id, and to have his wife steal when the only reason he can't work is fear or blackballing by his union. AS A STRIKER, he is out of work voluntarily, and he has a damn lot of ..... 'Don "t drop It you mTght - hit Som&0ne.' MAILBOX Letters from readers are wetcome. Na1'111{l!ll/ writers shotlld conue11 their messages 1.tf 300 wotds or le!$. Tht right to condense letters to fit space or elimi11.ate libel is reserved. All titers must include signature and rnailing address, but names may be withheld on request if sufficient reason is apparent. Poetru will tlot be published. nerve expecting to be taken care of by lhe taxpayers. and he bas no right \\·hatever to be angry at not receiving "·elfare or unemployment. The fact that the only benefits they can expect to receive consist of $S5 a week from the Teamsters Union llhould be coosldered by the Union members befoce taking a strike vote. If they still vote to strike, it's their problem. The taxpayer's burden is big enough trying to help thooe who really can't work . They ;hou]dn't be expected to help those who vote not to work. EILl!:EN BAUER Court Hog• To the Editor: Why doesn't some official enforce the rules ol tennis Ct'A1rts at the Mariners' park? PLEAS or eleven-year-old glrls waiUng ror over an hour lor a turn to play are dally rejected by adults houtnsr the co~ for hours at a time wftli no ap- parent reeling for the regulations not the young ladles' fee.lings·. The girls are taught to respect others and to channel their activities toward things healthy !or both the mind and body only to dally experitnee this greed • and hostility from aduJts 'tfho reacHo the rules only when an enforcer ls pre.sent. l am sure that government ts 'not only In~ tcrested In providing ·protection for thoge ft&d little lost ones who prefer pot to playing. Tiit ADULTS have the ceurts all day -surely the kids are entitled to their 30 minutes sometime. 11 there some way they can get such time 'vhen no one Is 4· around to call time on the hogs? -· JOHN A. WOODWARD I • 1'1edl tatlo11 r To the Edllor: .. ~ I was veey Inte rested to read your· Max_ 29 .art le.le .. on..Transc.endental Medltati~r The aiftcle by Jack Chappell" was wd:,. 1.,.rltten. It was very brief, yet brou# .• : out many or the most salient paints abOtlt· • Transcendental Meditation. .. I PERSONALLY would like to see more of such articles wh.ich are in· fonnativc. Also, 1 know that a lot or my fri ends and neighbors were interested in this article. Transcendental Meditation is very wide-spread today. There are over 200,000 meditators "in the U. S. today and more than 1,500 medltators in Orange COUnty. Each year the number o( medltators has doubled, somellmes tripl· ed. So articles on Transcendental Medit a· lion are of great intt!rest to medllators and of even greater value to those who are_ not familiar 11·il h Transcendent al hfedltation. Thank you. SHARON KNOWLTON OIAN .. COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Veed, PubUshtr Xhomas Keevil,,Editor Borbara krtibith Ed.itoriol Page Edit-Or " I 'I'br «ditorl-.1 ,pap or 1ht' Daily Pilot .ifflts 10 Inform and stimul&t~ indns by pm;cntine on this page dtvene··Corftmf'nruy·on fOJllcs 01 iri- tft"Ht by i)ondlcated columrti11 .. and cvtoonlats, by provJding a forum for nadttt' vi""' and b)' prriienting thia nn'IP"Ptr"'s ooplnk>na •nd 'cku on ~t t.oeica. The editorlll optnkltva OI ~ b.:lly PllOt appear onfy in thl!l editorill column at the top or ttll!l pace-. Opink:lrw-·.X~ by tho 1..'°0J• umn:tltl and cartoonilta and 1euorr ,'IVrlttn are their own and m tndont· mtnt of their vlewt by lhe Dall)' PUot WhCNkl be lnfttred. Fridax, June 8, 1973 I -. • Senate ~Ol(s _;Big Budget After Cuts • ttS°ACRM1ENTO (AP) -On a »ti \'Ole, f.he. state Senate has approved a S9.2 billion version of the 1973-74 state budget, 1----.:a;,,;""<;·';'u;;;iO!)f'. less than t a 9unt rc-ques y GOv:---rronalOReagan. 1lle shrunken Senate budget measure n°"' goes to the Assembly, which is ex-~ to reject it That wi ll set up a two-" _. ( 1 . NEWS BRIEFS ) house conference committee that will have the job of hammering ool a final spending program for Reagan's a(r pr9V81. Senate budget "'riters made their chief rut -$64.t million -in the state's h1edi- Cal program because of an expected drop in caseloads. There were also cuts in the categorical aide section of the \Velfare progr;nrl made because of ,expected in- creases in federal funds. :-._ou J!r.ebe---- NiACRAMENTO (AP J Assembly Speaker Bob Moretti called for a state iJ;l~estigation 'Thursday of the oil seepage iii UML~ta Barbara Ch<!tllleJ. "Residents of the Santa Barbara area and I are not absolutely convinced or the ~icn...reached by oil .industry divf rs ~ the slick has resulted from natural ~ge caused by gas pressure." Moret- ~;Said in a leUer to G. Ray Arnett, state difector of fish and game. .. . . -·-----------.. --·-:r-=':: it1~1igled ll'reckage · This is all that was · left of ·a light. airplane flown by student pilot Guil erm o Aria s. of Los Angeles,· atfer crashing into the ocean near fog-shrouded Santa }1onica Airport. Divers fou'nd the body of the pilot when the pl ane was pulled to shore Thursday. - State's Air Resources Panel~-Delays Smog, Bid LOS ANGELES (AP) -The stale Air harmful effects of one type ol antismog Resources Board voted Thursday to device. a Cgrlists -collide delay unHI October a program of filting Holmdahl said the E PA had announced STANFORD IAP) _ T"'o bicvcles 1966-70 cars with antismog devices. • Tuesday that the ni!J"Ogen oxide level was neither with lights, collided in the-dar; The action came at the urging of state not harmfUI in any part .of Califom!a ex-, in.the Stanford .University campus. and a Sen. J ohn Holmdahl, (D-Alan1eda Coun-cept the. Los Angel~s area. ~nstallahon or L-,...J~i:ii..i. :;'., .. _., • 1.it?~WJ:i @ert·~ tv14.~~ -..,,~ ~·--=i=-=.=·_th~an~~~:e'1~ -~ H=8!'.t=--~ ::.__· ~ffi~~ 1d~;,;1:i-~he-viaim as Ro~---~~~R fl~Osc~ i?.~~d==l~~:~n:;~---~ -·-: . Steele, l8, of Fredonia, 1'\,)'. He· had the antismog device 1nstallat1on.pregrant Angeles area would remam excessive. undergone seven hours of surgery at to get under way July 1. . Si.anford trruversity Hospital, authorities Holmda~l askec:t the board to Mtay im-liid Thursday plementat1on until Jan. l, 1974, so the -...: .. · legis.lature will have mo~ time to con- sider a federal E nvironment.al Protection Agency anJJouncement on smog and !llso to consider new ev!dence on Possible eMediuVote ,SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Assembly Ras asked the state Senate to ·consent to &i,ving television newsmen free access to lfhneetings of the legislature. ; Under a resolution sent lo the Senate t n a 66-0 Assembly vote rt1ursday, the f>sseml>IY proposed identical rules for the ' tire 'legislature as those it voted for . on Monday. The Senate still t.es under rules which allow a single --tor -to banish ·an~cameras and tape tecorders from a floor session or com- )njttee hearing. I ~~"'''----= LOS ANGELES (AP) - A total ol ,<XM> is to be shared by 28 com- ainants in settlement of damage suits y filed !Qlll>'Mng the Sept. 13. 1970, fire the -Ponet Square Hotel in downtown J,.os Angeles in which 19 persons were ~led. ~ The last of the civil suits stemming Eom the fire was settled Thursday after our days of litigation Before Su-periOi" -- .. urt Judge Charles A. Loring, \\ilo tstimated it woo.ld have taken some 40 lilays of court hearings to settle all the !Wits if they had gone to trial. ,, r. Actress Sues Over Article LOS ANGELES (AP) -Actress Linda-e'hristian;-widow-of-actor Tyrone Power, has sued National In.sider Inc., Swiset Publications Inc. and writer V·an Trenwick for $.1.l million, cla iming she was held up to ridicule in an article t~t made it impossible for her to fmd v;•ork. . Tue suit filed Thursday seeks $100.000 in special damages for lost salary, $1 milfion general and $2 million pWlitive damages. The story, published in a y,·eekly paper last Feb. 4, involved !\1iss Christian ·s alleged relationships \\ith Aristotle Onassis and Howard Hughes. ~ ~ ~ ·: Mental Autopsy " , Psychological Test Due on Getty ... :: LOS ANGELES (UPI) A ·~psychological autopsy" like the one -rfunned on Marilyn Monroe is trying detennine v;•lfetber the mysterious Jeath from drugs and alcohol of George F. Getty II, son of one of the \vorld's fichest men, was suicide or an accident. :: Getty, 48, a wealthy oil executive in his ~wn right, d ied Wednesday in a hospital '1here he was registered under a false Oa.me. The cause was origin!tllY reported r be a cerebral hemorrhage. i THE BODY OF "George S. Davis" was later revealed to be that or Getty, son of ·billionaire J . Paul Getty. Polit-e entered ,lhe case when knife v;ounds y,·ere found in Getty·s chest and 'M'fh{ ~ leg. There v;·ere ~~ .ruises on his left leg and arm. ! The senior Getty, .IO. \\1lo has often I e e n referred to is the r ichest fusinessman in the , rorld, was at his t ptate in England, GITTY l'e!><>rted!Y d<eply shocked by th e death. •' Dr. Thomas Noguchl, countY coroner- ical examiner, took personal charge the autopsy and declared Thursday Getty died of "an overdose com-~ati"un of alc-ohol and barbiturates, p.bether accidental or otheno.ise." ' ~ GETTY HAD A-blood alcohol conlcnl ' .06 percent and had apparently taken 10 IO 15 capsules" of pheoobarbital type illeepit· 111 pills. Noguthi said. Alcohol and eedatives interreact to fata1ly llin15 the central nervous system. ' The case "has been referred to our bavioral scientists for further evalua- ," ~uc~i said, relerrlni to a panel psycooloit&U who · wm aUempt to .... mstrucl Getty's mood at the time of to determine whet.her he was lctdal. ~ "The "psycholigical autop<y" tedmlque first used in the death of Afiss """"'· Who died ol an overdooe of pills - 1116:1. _)logucl1l ruled out the knile wounds u a factor in the death, saying they v.·ere less than an inch deep. The bruises were hypodermic needle marks, N~chi said. THE F AMil.. Y physician. Dr. Kendrick Smith, said he registered Getty under the fa lse name at Queen of Angels Hospital to a\·oid publicity. Baseball Player Priddy Fires Crimin~} Lawyer LOS ANG ELES (UP!J -Jerry Prid- dy, the fonner ~ major league baseball player accused in a $250.00> extortion plot against a stea mship line, Thursday fi red his attorney \\1ho said "al1 bets were off" concerning his funner client taking a voice print test. PRIDDY, 53, who was aITeSted Tues- day night near the ransom "drop" site, replaced attorney Karl-Ransom. with Paul C<iruso. a well-known criminal laY.')'er. Ransom had m aintained Priddy was innocent and offered to have him take a voice print test to be compared with FBI recordings ol the extortionist's calls. After he was fired, Ransom said "all bets were off" concerning the voicepririt pledge fo r Priddy, who has yet to enter a plea. • A ONE-TL\IE major lcogue player for the .. DelrOit TigeN and New York Yankees. Priddy was arrested by FBI · agents Tuesday night ooar his SAll'S pro- moti(!n bu£ine.ss office in Burbank . Agents said he made a ~eries of. phoiie calls to Princess-_Grufses, demanding $1.$0,000 in exchange fc>r information on lhe whereaboui. of bombs aboard one ol ill liners, the Island Prlnceos, which - on a cruise to Puerto V·allarta, Metico. T"'U suspicious sma ll packages were lound on tlie Ship and thrown overboard . THE BOARD HEARD testimony from its technical staff that a recent statistical study tends to show that the VSAD (Vacuum Spark Advance Disconnect) type of antismog device causes exhaust valve \'lelr. through overheating. Such \11Mr increases hydrocarbon emissions and necessitates expensive repair jobs. Four of the six antismog devices previously approved by the board are the VSAD type. Spokesmen for the companies ~that make the approved VSA1> antismog devices criticized the technical stafrs conclusion that the VSAD devices cause exhaiist valve-weat. The chief criticisrh was that the cars involved in the staff's study were not equipped with overheating protective 11evices:--Such protectivnevtces aretn;; eluded in the antismog unit kits,. the com- pany spokesmen said. "I DON'T KNOW-b:lw many times we have to tell you about our protection devices," one ~esrpan said. Wendell McCullough. sPQkesman !or one of the two companies that make tile non-VSAD type antismog device, said, "The only salvation of this program is that the accreditation of these four systems (The VSAD systems) be remov- ed." ,.Re-registration Drive Funding Still in Doubt LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Political worker Rober t J. Walters says he con- ducted· a drive to keep the American Independent Party off the California baJIOt in 1972. But he denies reports that the effort was financed with Republican campaign fun ds. .r WALTERS SAID Thursday he had received $8,400 from about 30 persons to conduct a re-registration drive aimed at getting members of the American Independent Party to switch their af- filiations to either the Democratic or Republican parties. He said the drive had the approval of Alabama Gov. Goorge C. \Vallace. Lyn Nofziger , a former Nixon cam- paign worker, confirmed he had received $10 000 in GOP funds from Hugh W. Sloan Jr.' when Sloan was treasurer of the Committee to Re-Elect the President. Nofziger said he gave the money to a friend, who gave it to Walters. Sloan told the Senate Watergate com- mittee on Wednesday that he had given the money to Nofziger with the un- derstanding it would be used to keep Wallace off the California ballot in 1972. NOFZIGER DID not identify his friend. The Los Angeles ~es said it was Jack B. Lindsey, a busi.Qessman who once was a legislative aide to callfornla Gov. Ronald Reagan. Police Discover Water iri T ariks RIVERSIDE (AP) -Police· In this Southern California city bav~ had their first taste ol the gasqline crisis. · The engines of-three-sQuad cars and · two motori:ycles quietly sputtere.d._ apd died Thursday soon after the start of the afternoon shift. · ~1oohanfcs checking the velll cles found that the 8,000 gallon.< of gas the depar~ ment had recenUy rec:elved from ilS S~'P.' plier had been diluted with waltr. An Investigation wu ordered. ·~~--~-~-~· • ' I . . -F.:rtday.,..June a • ..iq73 -ll!JL 1 t'lLU I l) Give Dad executive co-mfort - Famous executive chair from Pier 1. '11 •s a riseoi steel and vinyl leather that lets Dad e"ilse back to view Ifie world. Deep foam -fi lled cushions, S\'4.'ivel-adion rocker, mar-proof ·l-----~b~ase=;·~P=rop up_ r feet on an ample ottoman -it's inclu our price! · Reg. PriCe 11900 -sale Price HIBACHI STEAK S ANO CHOPS. Sizz le some burgers. Charcoal gri ll some steaks. Use our hibachi, a welt-cast iron BBQ stove. Hardwood handles and base. Choose a 10" x 10'" sin gle grill, o r a 10" x 20"" .-A2_uble. You'll sizzle fun at Pier 1. Double grill, $9 .99. 388. Single grill, reg. $4 .99. No\v .•.• fected corkscrew slops bottle-opening pro-- blems. No mo re torn or broken corks! 6~ brass from Italy. Works with 17' I finesse. Ends cork-y wine .......•• . STRING-UP A DECORATIVE FISH NET. Cast colorful South Seas fis h ·nellinjt into sum· me rdecor! ye llow, red, black, natural..211 Cotton ne ts s~retch 6' x 15' ••. 11 .1 . • 2710 lll~'IMl-ILVD., iHof llOIUTW M ...... T tt•t.;.11. IUIMYtt'll.·IPJI. , __ .,_, j- . Prices good for one week only. SlOW1ilS POCKETFULS IN·st'Yl f;-Wooden vit let from Taiwan for his dresser top. Dark, richly grained. ,Keep his things neatly, over .. nig ht . 12¥•" x 6~". Special 1 '' Falher's Day price .• _ .... , .... SHOULDER THE GOATSKIN. Rota skin bags from· Spain. Give· one to Dad for picnk: wines. They're lined with -latex.-f ncirded- :~!~ ~0r~~:. s.~ ·t-~~t. ~~~~:~ .. ~., 3'' CORK·UP A BARE WALL. Bleached virgin cork decorating panels from Spajn.. l\dd '!n unusual accent or bulletin board .to e mpty wall space. 4 panels in a pack-149 2" age. 1 2"x12#xv.~. •..........• . - DANGLE THE BURNING ASH . Novel ceramic ashtrays with a sculptured look . Hang them by a chair, or on a porch,· or in a nook._Jou'll find a selection at Pie r 1·~ 1" 3~' ' " ' ' I • ' --~--~~--~·; --·· -San-Cle1nente- f;apistrano ' - EDITION . . - ..-·-. - • Toilay's Final N.Y. Stoeks VOL 66, NO. 159, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PA_GES ORA NGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA · ·· FIUDA"!.' JUNE 8, 1973 TEN CENTS ut Drealffs-on 8)' IULARY KAYE _,. Of WI• D•lly Piiot S"lf No\V that Engineering 105 is dra\\'ing to a close, the Engineering Building at UC Irvine .is piled high with the wild , and not-so-lvild, dreams of Irvine's student engi neers. .. The ~49 ...student s enrolled in Professor Paul Arthur's class, mostly juniors, col- • laborated on 17 separate projects ranging from-a-nel\'.--form-of-mass-transp.ortation- called "The 1:ube" to a deviCe v.•hich n1easures the speed of the shutter on ycur camera, to a desk calculator for the blind v.-hich utilizes , Braille. Perhaps the strangest looking ap- paratus exliibited at the students' demonstration on Thursday was the "Magne'to-Pneumatic Vehicle System ," affectionalely called ''.The Tube" by it~ four inventors. It attempts to· solve one of the gravest problems in Southern California---mass-tl'ansit -"'ilh-a. r<itilcr uniqu e app roach. Chris C. Bradley. one member of the teanl \\'h!> \\'Orked on the project, ex- plained that air pressure is the pro-- pellant, pUshiiig the vehicle through a · tube-like structure. The passengers do not fide inside of the vehicle within the tube , however. Bradley's group des igned a second vehicle to house passengers at- tached to the first· one througt). magnetism. It rides along the" to p of t~c tube. -· .. -.. •(Pa~sengerS really \vouldn't eojoy riding inside a tube. so we decided 'that magnets l\'OUid hold the inside and outside vehicles· together, while· the air pressure pushes along the inner vehicle at speeds up to 55 m.p.h.," Bradley said. In the group's model, the source of air is a vacuum cleaner. Because there is a stationary pawer source instead of having a source travel- ing with each vehicle, as an engihe does. the system is relatively-free of polluticn ' (See .ENGINEl!RS, Plge %) to "Co Easy Because of Smog ~lll=::;t:={i~~~~~ --•.: .};''""-: . Curtailed . .•iaistcm-~0 ·--;"""~~~--"""-··g~§§:~--~-~ """-· ~====~~~==~~-~--~ Aiid Mate/,, A Balboa Bay Club tenant \ras arrested on a shoplifting charge Thursday night after he stalked out of J.C. Penney!s -Fashion Island store \\'earing a n'e\\' pair of $10 ten- nis shorts with security guard Sier- ra Reynalda in hot pursuit. The 44-year-old man waived his rights and readily confessed when ' turned over lo Newport Beach palice for booking on Reynaldo's petty -theft allegation. · He said he swiped the shorts t because he was late for a match ------and could not get a salesperson fo wait on him. ... l ' . Franco Gives Up .Piece ·of Power . i\IADRID, (UPI) Generalissimc Francisco Franco, Spain's unchallenged ruler s.ince 1!139, took the first concrete step toward trans[ering power today~ by- appainting a conservative and traditional navy man-lo succeed him as prime '--------------• ... minister. ~ c---------c:------------1·n.e-govern1nent informati«t:....iDinistry .. Democrats Plan Tent Meetin g~ . In Mission . Viejo " -' - Orange Counl y Democrats h a v e scheduled an "Old Fashioned Tent Revival" for June 23 at the t<.1ission Viejo Golf Club. Preaching "good old Democratic religion" will be the party's five can- didates for govem<'r, including Joseph Alioto. mayor of San FranciSco; Edmund I}. Brown. Jr., secretary of-state.; Robert Moretti , Assembly Speaker; George Moscooe,5enate-pttSident;-and-Jeny Waldie. U.S. congressman. The $~a-plate affair will include a steak barbeque, beer, and live bands, beginn ing at 6 p.m. Richard O'Neill . county Democratic chairman, armol.lflced the fund-raiser, which will be held on his land. The bash will top a weekend con- 1 ference or state Democratic executive committee leaders set for June 22 and 23 at the Airporter Inn in Newport Beach. Some 185 party members \Viii be rqeeting to begin planning campaign strategy for the 1974 elections. State Democratic Chairman John Burton, a ·state assemblyman, will be in charge of the weeken d meeting and is ex· pected to attend the Mission Viejo barf>e.. que. !Proceeds from the tent meeting are to be used in a statewide voter registrat.ion drive, a party spokesman sa id. Orange Coast Weather The fog will win oUt over the sun aloog orange Coast sands satur- day, but inland temperatures will reach the upper 70s wi th hazy sun- shine. Highs at the oeacbes in the _mitl~"--~ .INSIDE TODA Y Ge·rald Schroedtr is music teach er at Golden We st College -a music teaclier 01~ the move. See today's WeeketKie·r · fo r staff writer Tom Gorman'.t ttorfj 01i Schroeder's 1ummer ;ob. armounced that Vice President Adm. Luis Carrero Blanco wfll be S'A'Orn in as prime minister Saturday. Franco, now 80, \\'ill retain the three · other top pasts in-spain:beadOistate, commander-in chief of the armed forces and bead of the country's only political party. the ·•Nationaf'Movement." El Caudillo ("the Leader") already has designate<! Pi'iHCe Juab-ca·rIOS ·to ~be the - next king of Spain on Franco's death. A 3G-word announcement by the in· formation min istry today said Carrero Blttnco \viii be sworn in at Franco's El Prado Palace. His official title will be president of the Spanish government. Under the constitution, his first task will be to form a new cabinet. The appaintment of the 70-year-old Carrero Blanco, Franco's No. 2 man since.he...was~made--vice.-premier.ln-1967..,­ meant that Franco has taken a first step toward bis eventual retiremcnt,_..@'ll'Ces close to the gavemment said. • GIVES UP 'PREMIERSHIP Spain's Dictator Franco Btit "they stresSed that Franco will con- tinue in his other three posts which he assumed in 1939 after his forces defeated the Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War. The sources said that while Carrero Blanco \ViJI run the day-t~day affairs of government, Franco will remain the man who makes Spain's vital tlecisiOllS. Government sources said Carrero Bian- co's appojntment had been in the making for a Jong time and was part of a care- fu lly planned tramltlon ot power. They said the appointment in no way afrected the position of Prince Juan Carlos de Borbon Whom Franco chose four yearS ago as his eventual successor as chief of state and Spain's future king. Carrero Blanco is a stem tra- ditionalist whose recent speeches have stressed his loyalty to Franco and his strong beliefs in law and crder. He rose to his present position mainly . (See FRANCO, Page 'II Mesa Hiker, Brother Survive Wilderness From Wjre Services SPRINGDALE, Utah -A pair of hikers who braved the treacherous, snow- swotlen river passage deep in Zion Na· tionaJ Park's Virgin Narrows Gorge are safe today. afte·r four days In a prehistoric \Vildemess. They slept under a blanket of tinfoil,1 . huddled together for warmth in their wet clothirig-and shar~ their last-meal ·o~ a single raw egg shortly before being rescued. · Harry Pattison, 22, who recently mov - ed to Costa ~1esa, ·and his brother Robert, 15, of Las Vegas. were led out or the chasm Thursday by three park rangers. "They were a little cold and mighty Veteran rangers weariiig rubber wet sujts led the weary hikers out er the nar- row canyon at the spectacular Temple of Sinawava, where red and white cliffs loom above the rushing river. · ;;earchers had spotted them from an alflllane earlier and scattered leaflets . down into the windswept ri ver gorge ad- vising them to stay pUt and await rescue . Chief Ranger Nicholson said even ex- perienced mountain 3nd.river men won't brave The Virgin Narrows at this lime of year when snow runoff from the Utah highlands makes it treacherous. hungry. But their condition really = .,...,. tt·~ .aurpri5ed ~." said _Chief • RaJller Hiking permits are required and none had been Issued, indicating to rangers the two tiny figures spotted from tbe air Wedn~ay must be the Pattison .. brothers. .,.. They bad begun a hike downriver from outside the.naUonal park with a party of six and sepafatad Sunday, ·µ&reeling out food from a suryiv&l kit the si.ze of a matcllbox ... t~1 became stranded. Ma ...... 1 ,..... it, 12 Malcolm Nichol!IOn. . Ol°elll9CMlllY 11, Ii ' • »"41 """'.....,. ,,,,, ~ The Pattison brothers picked the.Jr way tMlk• _11__:srMr ~ is · -along-th&-last traversible..reglons--0£ the-e'""'°"' 11 SM(h lt•11 ~ "•tlctt 1' sfedl 'Mattcm 14.11 1,20().foot-deep gorge swept by wall-t~ :::' '•" 1,.1; ~=:::" ,..: , wall water· of the North Fork of the ._,., "'' 11tecor111t. 1• Wtlf!Mr • Virgin River. · """'"'11 · " w-11·• Ntws 11·1• '!'hey made nart of the 1'11-rat·"' trip by Allll .L•'"'tft ,, World ..... .. 11 "' vu M111wx • w ... .,..., 2S·n rubber raft, but. Un ally re3Ched a point or no return. ( .. "' ---' ; . The Pattison family lives in Las Vegas, but the elder brother .currt:nUy maintains a Costa Mesa address while wOrking in 1he l'larbor Ar&a. ' • • , Activities Requested Citizens of Orange Cowity, along wit h those in Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside counties, were asked Thursday to reduce driving 'to "an . absolute 'MAGNE.'TICAlLY "coUPLED PNEUMATIC VEHICLE SYSTEM ~·hristop'her Bradley ln.1pect1 Device Nicknamed "The Tube" .. rn~ni~n".r:;;d !~l~f1:.ir:'ing".'1':; ·. · .. u'. : . e·· ·.g· -1· ·t--ua~ki·· r ' ·es smog levels in Southern' California con-_ . . tip~ to .~ceed:~l'le~. ~ .v...-~ ., . , ... ~ ': · ~ · . Th is request made by the Orange · · ---c~:, ~~.:.~:1u•:~~;J~0~c::..; -$1' Teap·o·t S:ald-W.it lt--Re 1it M oney Governor Ronald · Reagan and the Envircnment~J Protection Agency. Smog conditions in Orange County are tbe...leasL _serious of any of the four ad- joining counties bui reswtents are being as~e<_! to cooperate in an , attempt to allevtate the dangerous conditions in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Smog alert levels wer~ . exceeded in these tw.o counties for-the past three days':" AuthOrities predict high srrtog levels through the end of the 'week. / "\Ve've had t\VO or three days higher than normal but there hasn't been a ma- jor increase' in smog in Orange Ccunty " said Ora \Veils. investigator for the Orange County Air Pollution District. However, Well s warned that \\'bile local Citizens need not be too alarined their cooperation with the ·requests to ~educe driving-and eliminate-bumings·wauld im· prove. the smog sJtuation in neighboring counties and throughout inland areas of Orange County. ' . Gretchen Kerr cf CapiStrano"·Beach is hoping and praying today that. the middle-agetl couple • who bought ~a $1 teapot a:t a garage sale this morning have an honest streak. 1 Jbe_teapot. was accidentally .sold With $175 in rent money stuffed inside. 1be bei'eft woman said that the cash stored in l he pot "is all I' have to pay the . rent w'ith this month.,,. '11 don't know what. w.e:u do ii the· peo- ple don't bring it back," she added. Mrs. Kerr, 22, explained the foulup whiCh led to the unir)tended'1'bargalq." "My siiter is having this garage sale an d asked me this morning ·if l had anyth ing •to sell . "She asked about the tea set and I told her to go ahead and sell it.·· A short time later Mrs. Kerr remembered the money and ran to the gaJ~ge to get it back . _ She was too late. - A couple who appeared to be in their ~Os had just bought the set and had driven away in a late-model blue sedan. "I jusl hope and · pray that they're honest people and bring the money back. "It's all the money we·ve got in the \Vorld right now." 'l'he buyers can conlact Mrs. Kern ·by calling 496-5466. Clemente Council Okays Cities along the Orange Coast are still ;:~:e=:: r:; :::~:.::·:::~~_Bids for Fi1·~ Substation . warnings were issued at the northern end of the county in La Habra. and also in Anaheim, where readings climbed slight- ly over the .20 level needed to iss ue a health warning. On Thursday, however, these areas were just under the health warning mark. The National \\1ea ther Service ex-plain~ that the heavy SntQg conditions throughout Southern California 8re due to temperatu're inversion and stagnant \reather systems. The smog is trapped at ground level by \\'ar~er "air hanging overhead, and will remain there until there is enough wind to blow the smog away. \Veils said that the Orange County Air (See SMOG, P11e 2) V t'.gen cy-Ui II Passes SACRAMENTO (AP) The Legislature Thursday approved a $7 .5 million urgency appropriation bill to pay for .overruns in the state budget, in· eluding the. cost of Reagan's private jet. ·The nleasure went to Gov. Ronald Reagan's desk after the Assembly voted 64--0 to cipprove it without de bate . Mail Always Gets Througli NE:W PLYMOUTH, Idaho (UP() -Glenn Hlltotl of l!•w Plymouth 'h'' received a-higK ochool grtdua- tion announcement from .bis cousin who mlliled ii trom-hil hometown or Emmef.'Tdalto~mUea away. Hilton said Thursday that the let· !er wf! postmarked May 17, lifl, and !!lrrled · a 11>-ctnl JIOl!•ge stamp.' San Clemente city councihnen this \\·eek agreed on bids for two portable buildings \\'hich will form lhe new north· area fire substation an d also agreed to a one-month delay in . coinplction of the lacility. Darro, Inc., ol Dana Point \vas the win· ning low bidder for both the metal ap- paratus room and a mobile hotnc which u•ill sei:ve as o'ffice arid living Quarters for the small tfeW whicti will man the station on a 24-h0ur4a·:tt~y bas"is. asse rting that he still believes the struc- tur't! to be tco large for the current city needs. Seliool District Sells $7.5 Million Bo1ids to Ba1ih The cost ·for the apparatus room was The Capis1rano Uni fied School District $9,244 and the bill £or ~he living qu11rters this· week sold nearly $7.5 million in $8,384. bo~s approved by vcters last Febru~y The station could have been built by and· the bulk of .the revenue \\ill go the JuliTdeadilne. Saicr -CitY Manager ·toward ·clea-ring the-old state school Kenneth Carr. but the bici process ate in· building .loans, thus cutting the district's to the lead iilue. He asked couriciln:icn 's tax rate. The sale, made to a Bank of America indulgence In allo\Ving, the facility to open underwriting group Tuesday, was the by Aug. I. -first-involving the $25 n1illipn worth or "We will need that sort of latitude;· bonds authorized by a 72-percent margin Carr said. at the polls. The station \\'ill occupy a "bargain" School district officials tllis morning site along cruninl).., de loS Mar~s on a ter med th!~se or _ lhe proc.eeds as patch or land leased from San Otego Gas somew~al unusual, b~L _emphasrzed~that and Electric Compa ny £or about $600 a by paY.11.1g o(f· $6.1 1n1lhon worth of old year. , building debts to the slate. the district The initial piece cf equip ment for the can now proceed on a major building racility will be a· "squad" pumper similar program with · fC\\'er stritigs. atyuched to the small rig used as a 'quick1respOf,1Se from Sacra1nento, vehicle in existence at fire headquarters. Jooeph \\'lnler. director or ad- Carr said that recruiting for the ad· 'ministrative services for the CUSD', said ditional five firemen is ....... pl-oceeding' on that tlm nevt fisc.1J year's tax rate levied schedule and the fieltt of scvttal-bundred for state loan paybac.k might dip by applicants for the jobs is being narrowed about 15 cents because of the decision. down by testing 8nd screening. Besid~s cutting th rate. for pa.)'back, n"kl north station ~s long ~ a top-the move also will result in a sllght &aV· priority item for the council and bas won ing on interest rates. \ unanimous approval by the panel. · · .. Tbe 5.1 percent intere.qt rate °'' this Only one reservation was expressed week's hood deal is son1rwhat lw•er than th.la week by a ,councilman. that cl\Argcd by the state for the loans lbomas 01Keefe cast a reluctant aye which were !&sued ror -prevWu s COG- '-----------~_, .. m Ult bid (or the apparatus room, I Sec BONDS, Paa:e t) ; . . '' ; .. F-irm-Oflers Scho_ol_Land ~ To District C-0x Receives Added Clwres 'WASHINGTON (Al>) --Alty-, C.n. E)llot Ricbar-. says he ask· eel Watergate prooecutor Arc~lbald Cox to take over the investigation ot the ITI'-Hartford Fire Wurance Co. merger. Richardson said he also asked I ' Campu S~la I-President ·Hints Inflation Steps A deal between the Mission Viejo Com-Cox to investigate to detennine " •-•-1 w1>e••-r ·~ witnesses at I.be From "'Ire Services pany and the Capistrano Uni.lied ~uw u.:: -.., will have to die with them:· the Presi- dent said. District may create an almost inst.ant Senate confirmation hearings of ORLANDO, Fla. - Skirting wa~rgate ...__""I~entarr-school-in-a-high-growtb~area1~. -t-fonner-Atty~ Gen.-Rieltard-K!eiin--1--,;an;;;ia stri mg a w s rig w1 · ixoo.spokc..lo.t..hal.l.anJw.iu"'ol•'J<..· _..,_...__; dience estimated at about 9,000, seated in i' ' First Ptiblic Kiss .Princess Anne greets her fiance, Lt. Mark Phillips, at the airpo~l ~n Hanover, Germany, with tQ~ first kiss between the engaged patr in public. Two San Clemente Panels -The company has offered seven to ten dienst committed perjury. America" theme, President Nixon hinted acres of rough graded land north and Richardlon, in a letter to west of the Trabuco Road-Marguerite ChainDan James 0 . Eastland (D-broadly today that he would act soon to Parkway intersection at $25,000 per acre. Miss.) of the Senate Judiciary deal with inf).atlon. (Related stories, The going rate of the land is $50,000 per Q>mmittee, said he turned over Page 14)1 acre. both the ITT and Kleindienst con· Jn ooe of his rare pubUc appearances In addition, the company bas offered to finnation hearing files to the since Watergate surged back into the lease the district up to 14 portable special Watergate p1'05eCUtor. headlines this spring, Nii:on spoke to the classrooms at $1 per year to help house graduating class at Florida Technological 200 new grade school students ei:pected University. by fall . .From Page 1 Nixon said the nation is faced with Adjacent to the school site is an area challenges at home and abroad but, earmarked for dedication to the ·coun.ty BONDS gesturing with an outstretched index as a public park. • • • finger, he· said: '1'\Vhen America -bas a Truman Benedict, CUSD superin-problem we will solve it because we have tendent, told the board the distri~ should , struction projects. the genius th!lt built America and made hire an architect to help deterrrune ~w Wilmer said the bulk of Ute Payoff is us the great nation that we are tod,a.y.' much .of the· possible· to acres should be for funds obtained for the constructioo of He did not spell out• any details of bis purchased. Dnna Hills High School. economic plan, but Administration · of- Trustee George White _said be did not He characterized the entire sale as an ficials said the President is working on feel the district could·afford to turn down effort to..:•start~with...aJresb. .. slate!!-in-a _an_anti~rQ&"ram which could be the rrer. hou"gh the lo has some building program which will initially in-announced next week. drainage and slope complications. 1 l ls and ••· p d k •· If the details of the deal go through, vo ve two e ementary schoo "R:: In his address, the resi ent struc t1R:: the Mission Viejo Company wilf'release new jwlior high campus in Laguna "what's right with America" theme, ap- $130 000 to the district earlier than re-Niguel. parently as a counterpoint to the quu:'ed. Tliis -riloney is designated for use \Vatergate· scandal. HO\\'ever. he did not make any mention of the scandal. either on site acquisition or improvement B di y M on the district's site for a proposed third ra ey' orty eet Looking toward his meetings heginning high school. June 18 with Soviet Communist-Party Both existing lUgh schools, in Dana LOS ANGELES (AP) -Mayor-elect leader Leonid Brezhlev, Nixon predicted Point and San Clemente, will be Tom Bradley says he had a "very cor-progress durii.ng the summit talks toward operating beyond capacity within the dial" meeting Thursday with outgoing a new treaty to limit effensive nuclear next three years. 1 Mayor Sam Yorty to discuss the transi-weapons. tion between administrations. "It was a "Nations with different systems must very informal meeting," Bradley said. learn to live ":ith their differences' or v•e open bleachers behind the Florlda Tech administration bullding. The audience, mostJy in shirt sleeves and some in cut· off jeans. applauded v.'annly but there were no prolonged cheers. The President selected Florida Tech, " 6,500-student university, which a White Hou.se aide said boasts "a solid middle America student body," for his first commencement address since 1969. Nixon stopped off at the Orlando school en route to his Florida retreat on· K~y Biscayne, where he intends to spend the weekend grappling v.·ith the political and economic problems besetting his second tenn .. • ' Gen. AleXarlder l-Iaig, Jr., named this week as permanent successor to fonner White House chief ·of staff H. R. Haldeman. act.'Ompanied the President to Florida. He was the only 1nernber of th;e hlte-Housc .... lnncr-c\tcle-10-make-thc ~­ triP. Nixon told the graduating class that there is no time that he \vould rather graduate_tban.in the year 1973. '•\Ve can be thankful that this is the first graduating class in 12 years that 'viii g'raduate fron1 college or universit)r in year in which-tlfe-Un.ited States is: not engaged in the )Ya r in Vietnam,'' the President told 795 graduates. "This is the first graduating class in 32 years where the young men of lhe clasll '"'ill not be subject to the draft.:'.hc said to applause. ·_, __ EndQrse_ farkiµ_g _Stu_dies --sMc:G:.P~geI ·~~---~ ~--....·--:...,.~___,, . ~ ~ .,,,______ ~ ---~ . ---- -~•A· ;;;;-s~~-'hJ~~""-~""µ;rkf~~--·-ih~·t,t"u1ting=""i~ue \Jut of rate have Pollution-Dis~ict has received a number sultation firm for a fee of about $'l3.0IXI to reached ur.animitY on the project which of c~mplaints concerning Ute high smog evalu.ate the proble~s ~nd needs of com-\vould yield propasals and financing level, P:articularly en Wednesday. merc1al -area parking in San Clemente schemes for downtown parking areas. The o· range Cotinty Health Department has \Von strong support from two . . •eparate panels studying the problein. Counc~lmen Wlll_ meet _on W~esday to offers three recommendations for . But the major commitment of funds cast a fmal vote on th..~ new .city budget citizens when the Health W3!f1ing is in Jms yet to come,from city cowicilmen. and plan to make a decision on the effect. At midweek the council heard urgent $23,000. k "Reduce your physical effort to a requests for the study· from traffic-par · The firm of VTN of Irvine is first in il)g commissioners a~ \Ve il as the line if the cowicil agrees to the job. minimwn, including no outdoor sports, c'i~izen's par~ng cornm.ittee set .up ea.rlY Proponents of the project have said stay indoors and stop or reduce your this year dufl!lg a maJor flap involvmg· that professional expertise is needed in smoking, and avoid driving," said Dr. downtown businessmen. the city now that the layman volunteers Thomas Robinson, director of health The two groups \\'ere once at odds over have reached their limit in the study. services in Qfange County. The prime issue facing the city's downtown area is the dearth of offstreet parking along El Camino Real and Avenida Del Mar. From Page I Previous city consultants have recom-l\..TV.ERS ·---mended-major-red-curbing-1lf El-Gammo--ENG }·1-~ ~ · -• • • so that traffic flow could be improved - Co1isumer Affairs -Office -io-8pe1i lit Laguna Niguel A branch ofrice of the Orange County Office of Consumer Affa ir,s will open \Vednesda y in Laguna Niguel RegiQ..nal Ci vic Center. The office will be staffed from 8 a.n1. lo 5 p:m. \Vednesda ys by Stan \\reinlraub. a consumer affairs representative. The consumer office investigates c6n1· plaints. reports violations of consumer- orientcd la\\'S. arbitrates complaints and ptovi dl·.~ <..'{)nsuincr information. I W~intraub has been a consumers rcprl·~e.n \ative for 15 months and has handlcc:I n1ore than 500 iflvestigations of corn plai nts. His actions have saved Orange County consumers $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 , reported the office of Ronald \V. Caspers, fi fth district supervisor. ··J ain delighted that lhe residents of South Orangt! County will have the serv ices of Stan Weintraub a~ their disposal." Caspers said in mak.iii.g the announcement of the new offiCe opening. \\'eint raub \\'as previously director of Community Relations in Lagu11a Niguel and v.·orked '"ith the i\1ission Viejo Com· pany in addition to 17 ye ars of employ- ment 'vith the aerospace industry. The new branch will use Caspers' field office in !he regional civic center. 30143 CrO\\"n Valley Parkway. Te I e p hon e numlX'r is 830-2612. DAILY PILOT ,.l>e On"!!• Cao~! lli"-ILY PILciT, will! w!l~ll II comOln<"d '"• New• P••H, 11 l>Ubli?.fltd bl' l'hr Ore1111• Clliist Publl1lllnt Co11111anr. $- r•te editions •rr l>U~ll•llllJ, A\~ay lhtOIJtl! Frl!le'f, tor CosTa Mtt•, Newpar1 llff("ll. HU11tl1111!on l!le1cll.'Foun!lln Vlllty, l&911M 6v(ll, ll'\llnr/S~.!Ol~bock •nd $tn Cle,,,.ntr/ Sen Jwn C.pl>"rfno, A ~!r19l1 111111-1 edUlon II py&Utl!eo Satur(l1y1 and kor>d•I'•· The pr1ne:1,.1 P11bll1nlng plent It ., :m WHI Ill'/ Slrert, COii• Me••, C1Hi.rn11, DUI. ll:ob•r~ N. W.1d Prnllftnt ttld P~Olllllltt" J1ck R, Cu rl•r \flu Pr .. k111ttt t lld Gtn•r•! Maneg.,- Thom1t lee1vil E<llt<tr Th1Mtt A. Murphin1 Mtnf91"9 e ouor Clierltt H. Looi RieJt1rd '· Nill .-.11!1ltnt MeMtlll'KI f.ono .. S.. C.._...Offlc1 )05 litorth El C1111h10 Riel, 92671 Ottwr· Offk .. co,11 Mfi1: SlO w111 r~r $tfn1 Htwporl ltaCl!l J))l NrWAoOr! BOV'tYt•O ttllf'lllAQ'!Of1 htCfl: 11115 tiN[I\ 80U1tVll'(I u.e11111 e11c111 m "o'''' •- Tel.,.._ 1714) '42-4J21 C,_lftff Adnrtltl"f ''1·5671 s. c..._11te Alt D1portM1ttt1: T•l.,ho111 4fZ·44ZO C.,...lff'lt, 1Pn , Orfn~t C<let1 PW!l•"l"f ~r. N_o ne .. 1 11o•r., tJ11111r1r.an,, ... ,..,... INittf" ,,,. oldvtrtlMll'ltfllt l\fftll'I _, ........... Uftllf "'''llOlll •Ptc:lfl ptf m1t.-i of ~"'"' ~. ....,,. <*" ....... 1111 ... kl 11 Ct1lt MtM C..llfllr11.!1, $UIMC:!rll>I~ ~ <tl'f"ltr tJ U "*"lfltYJ _, N U tJ,IJ mlrllnlY1 ll'lllltirr olt$tfOlllOnl t.t.'5 lnOl'lllltv. • much to the chagrin of businessmen . whose shops have little or no offstreet frO)ll both noise and fumes. . parking. The project took only four months to h. complete and in the words of BradJey, ~n .t 1s latest round . of work the com-"It isn't' a finished product. But we m1~1oners a.nd comm1tteem.en hope that wanted to show people that maybe 8 lit· a final solut~on can be devised -Pf?b-1 1h ....... ht should be mven to this ably a series of downtown parking t e mo1re '""""t' sit ,, b• districts. type o mass ran . Detectives Find .Cacl1e of Drugs In Sex Probe Laguna Beach detectives investigating an alleged sex: crime arrested a 19-year- old Dana Point man and assertedly con- fiscated a quanfity of marijuana, hashish. peyote. and narcotics paraphernalia Thursday. _ Carlos Prado Beltran of 34132 Amber Lantern St., \Vas booked on charges of unlawful intercourse, passession of mari· juana. posSession of peyote and possession of paraphemalia. He \\'as held in jail today. No bail had been set. Det. Gene Brooks said he and Det. Tony Smith went to Beltran·s residence du ring the investigation of unlawful in- tercourse (formerly statutory rape) in- volving a 15-year-old Laguna Beach girl. Brooks said that a plastic bag allegedly containing marijuana seeds was.observed by detectives who then announced their intention to conduct a narcotics in· \"eStigation. Brooks said the investigation turned up a bag of nine peyote buttons (an organic psychedelic), 244 grams of marijuana fl lld 64 grains of hashish. (Three grams equal slightly 1nore than one ounce.) An incident involving the 15-year-old Laguna girl was reported Saturday to police. Ca pt . David S. Brown said the girl's mother told officers she discovered a man identified as Beltran in bed with her daughter one morning. Bro"n said it appeared that the girl h::id be<:>n admitting the man to the house in the late night or early morning hours, and that he v."Ould leave prior to her mother's awakening in the morning. f'rom Page l ' FRANCO ... on the stl'ength of Franco's total trust and without stirring the imagination of th Spanish people. Associates have described hi.m as an excellcni organizer" and coordi,nator who prefers to work in the background. Carrero Blt1nco's appointment came after week~ of intense polllieal activity sparked by lefti!st May Day incidetlts in Madrid and a strong right-wing backlash to the slaying of a poli ceman by left-wing demonstrators. J _ Other members of the group include Brian T. Donald, Harry M. Graves Jr. and Rod D. Grossman. · Another project 'vas initiated by Edward D. Ube r, a camera expert who o\vns his own camera shop. Older than most of the students. Uber decided to build· a device to test the shutter speed of a camera. He was aided by classmates Dudley C. Humphreys and David A. Nahrstedt. Tt1e device itseU is not an original idea, but the few already en the market are more complicated and more expensive to make. Professor Arthur calls the calculator for the blind "perhaps the most suc- cessful of all the proj~," although he praised all the budding engineers for their work. Five students collaborated to build a small calculator which displays the out- put in Braille. The group originally got the idea from Michael Hingson, a blind physics gr8duate student, who also serv· ed as a consultant during the six months spent on the project. The group feels there is a definite need tor a calculator of this type and are looking into securing a protective patent for their model. Members of the group include Robert Denn.is Brelun, Kenneth L. CUmmins, ~1ichael D. Dobroski, Csaba S. Molnar and ·Kl.rrlberly L. \Vhitelaw. Jolm C. O'Brien Of Dana Point Dies in Vegas . John C. O'Brien, a retired com- munications technician and resident of Dana Point, died Tuesday during a vaca- lion in Las Vegas. He was 65. ~tr. O'Brien was a PBX ins.taller for 35 years, serving with Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. He was a resl· dent of Glendale for 40 years beCore retiring to Dana Point, where he Jived at 25332 Staysail Drive. •Te leaves his wldaw, Elizabeth; six children, John ~1. O'Brien ol Walnut Creek, Nancy O'Brien of Burbank and Janice, ,James, Denni s and J effrey O'Brien , all of Dana Point. . Other survivors ihclude a sister and brother who reside Jn Glendale and another brother of Ventura. Rosary will be recltod tonight at 8 o'clock In Woods Glendale Mortuary Chapel and Requiem Maas will be ~l~brated &l turday.at IO a.m. in Holy Family Catholic Church, Glcndalo. Burial wlJI folJow at Ascension Cemetery In El Toro. .{ _Remember all rhe beautiful furnirure, lamps and accessories you've been admiring all year Jong? . , • Well, they're now on sale at rremendous •Savings! Nor only our lloor models, but you · may special order many piecu 10 your own rasre, size or color AT SALE PRICES! Such well-known nam('S .as:· Drexel, Heritage, Henredon, .Woodmark,. Marge Carson, Royal Coach, Master C'raft and Sherrill ! • SOFAS • CHAIRS • BEDROOM SETS • DINING ROOM SE1S • COCKTAIL TABLES • END TABLES • LAMPS • ACCESSORIES • BOOKCASES • PAINTINGS •·DESKS AND SO MUCH MORE! Special Savings on Selected Items from •DREXEL •HERITAGE •HENREDON • NEWPORT BEACH e 1127 WESTCLIH DI., • 60.2011 INTERIORS ·WRKOAYS & SATURDAYS t:OO to S:lO FllDAY 'TIL 9:oo· I • LAGUNA BEACH e 141 NORTH CO.(SJ HWY, -•14·'511 TORRANCE e ll64t HAWTHORNE ILVD. lll d lit I { .. L • . 7