HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-17 - Orange Coast Pilot7 • _....,. .. • • " , Neighhorbood COp: He's Back on Beat By JOHN ~LI.ER -Of 'tt. o.ur Plltt lt•ll The neighboil&od cop Is bock on Ille beat in tlu<e Orange Coast cltles. He's not patrolling on foot, as he dJd ln the days when cities were more compact. But-in ·Huntington Beach, Cqsta M~a. and Irvine, every pa- trol officer has an WIChang!ng llEigh- problems. Thls method is In sharp -with previou! policy in these cities. Patrolmeq used to be rotated Ulroog!t every part ol the city on a regular basis. The thoory behind the switch Is .. old as police work itself: ..... , .. ,, ........ , .. "And by the next day the original ol· ficer Is in a differmt part of the city where he has forgotten all about Clay that a return to Ule neighborhood cop concept will mean a reduction in eerioua crime. Avenue. ... "But with the neighborhood assign- ment., we've got a man who is going to be covering all beets in a city, it "'as hard going back to Clay Avenue day after day. to get good followup on these kinds of J-{elll keep checking for that drag racer nei2hbQrhJod problems," says Capt. until he gets him. He doesn't want that MiCbacl B~enfield of Hwitingtoo Beach same complaint to come in again,'' police. Burkenfield explains. .. Say there's a report of occasional If the neighborhood plan pennits for ;an individual officer by D.a:me/' says Capt. Robert Green of the Costa Mesa police. ''That ran-ly ~p;:;..."'DEd befCJ"e because police tended to be an abstract idea and peopl e didn't feel comfortable calling them " ~ \Vhen citiz;'.i' do call in, Green say! il serves two purpose!. First, it helps break down the aJiena· tion that sometimes exist• between . pol.ice and community. And sea>nd1 it means the police are b:Jr hood assignment . where be is expected • t ~ to get to know the • A 'man thoroughly !amlllar with hls beat . ts more effective than one who needs a street map to find his way. In addition, a beat cop can be held ac- count.able ror crime in his neighborhood : an offi~er just visitipg there once or twtce a week cannot. But even if it doesn't, they believe it will result in more police attention to such nonserious but i:rTJtaUng offenses as drag racing, feisty teenager gr91.1PS, and noisy stereos. d}'ag ra,cing m Clay Avenue. We'll ask an~ to know their territory better, officet to chedk it out when the report it also gives~ citizens a belle!' chance to getting more infonnatlon about aiminaJ 1 activity, and more inlonnat.ioo usually people . and their ZALL•• For the~ re.asons, authorities hope colnes 1 in, but. rn05t cl the time, one get acquainted With the patrolman. check isn't enough. "We have citizens calling in and asking "When all police men took ttll'M In (see COP, Page A5t \ ' • SIJ.NDAY VOL. 66, NO, I 68, 8 SECTIONS, 120 PAGES ORANG E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SUNDAY,.JUNE 17, 1973 TWENlY-~IVE CENTS Brezhnev Arrives • Ill U.S. --·For Talks; .Security Tight \\IASHJNGTON 1UPl 1 -With a ''goo:I omen·' rain falling but security very tight, Soviet leader Leonid .I." Brezhnev arrived Saturday to talk disannarlltllt and trade With ·President Nixon in a week·long summit meeting. lt was the Russian Communist party chief's first visit lo the United States and he was accompanied by several top Soviet government officials for bis second fzu;e-to-face meeting with lbc President, who "'·as in Florida preparing for the start or their negotiations Mon- day. -Asile-a!i2hted·from -itile-gtant-ll)'U!hin~ 62 jet tmt fiew him from ,.1osc0w, a rain squall wetted <krA'll Andrews Air Force Bale ou tside the capital and the small cro\\'d of American officials and Soviet citizens gathered to \\'elcomc the 66-year· old Russian. Secretary of State \Villiam P. Rogers, leading the U.S. greeters: recalled to Brezhnev that it baa also rained when Nixon arrived in Moscow last year for !heir nrst sununit, and that the Russians had called it a "mushroom rain" -an · omen of peace. • "This is -a wheat rain, \\'hich is also a very good omen," Rogers told the Soviet leader. Next \\·eek's negotiations are expected lo culminate in a 'string of second-level ac:c:ords for scientific-and 'cultural-ex· chanies besides progress'·toward further arms control and expanded trade. Porn{> and circumstance was at a minitnUllL About 4QO 'RussiaJts! iricluding UP'I T ........ WIFE.KNEELS BY FATAt LY WOUNDED GUNMAN ErnH I M. Si!H Cut Down by Volley of Bullett In Borkol oy Berke'ley Gunman Felled Atter Officer, ·Gir-l Slain BERKELEY (UPI ) -An ex-convict .killed a politte sergeant who tried to handcUff him as a suspected prowler Saturday, then fatally shot ooe of three bostag"" -a 4-year-old girl -before walking into a volley of bullets from a waiting police eharpsbooter. The gunman died several hours later in • boop!tal. Dozens of police olficers surrounded a tW!>stoey frame house while the •uspect, ldi.nlllled .. Ernest M.,Silas, 34, held his captives. He. emerged ,abortly a!Jer ~ single obol,wu f\l:td ,Inside, .ly kllUng tbO l1tlle girl, 'ancf WM' . • i,, lht bead 81kf\J1i00ld«. . . . \Vltnesses gave conflicting ~C'COl.lltS or whether Silas was trying to e3Cape or S)llTerlder. A neighbor who l<new Silas --.,· oald tho whole epi90de "should never have happened ." The ~ustna chain of C\.'orttJ in the quiel, resldrotfal neighborhood a mile from the Uhl,..rsity ol caiilornla caplPJ! began aboot I a.m. when poll« received a report of a prowler. Sgt. Jimmy H,, Rutledge, ,.9, a 22·fear veteran of the _, • I Berkeley force, stopped Silas for qucs. lioning. During an ensuing scuffie. while Rutledge tried lo handcuff him, Silas got hold ol Rutledge's gun ond shot him fatally. He also woonded ·a neighbor, St.ephesl Levine, who tried to aid the of. fleer by hitting Silas with an ax handle. Police said Silas was wearing black clothes, gloves and a black cap. Bul Imp. Earl Bergfeld also said !he department was proceeding oo I.he basis of. in· ::n-.ai::= wit~i,~ ~ _o11: kn\'w<Sllti.ll t.fct,!ilfd 't=~ .. ~ coming to visit. PrtcidY said Silas, ~'ho has conviclion!f !or burglary; robbery a11jf narcotics violaUons in the Midwest, told him Inter be had CO!l)C lo his door. Findlng it lock· ed, Priddy quoted Silas as seying, he left ~and was confronted by RuUedge on the sidewalk, and the scuffle ahd shooting 'followed. . Priddy said that ali.r the shooting. IS.. SHOOTING, Page Atl children, from the Soviet Washington col· ony ari'd about 100 Americans, mostly v.•ives of Air Force persmnel stationed al Andrev.·s, were at the landing site. When official introductions were over, 10 small Russian children carryq: red carnation bouquets were led ~ meet Brezhnev. 1be Soviet leader then walked SO yanls to greet his countrymen, telling lhem he had 'Spent three days before leaving Moscow finding out "bow your relatives are, and they told me to tell )'OU that they are in goOd health and spirits." For security reasons,· the base, which nonnally allows free access by the public, was· closed to· all except .SOviet diplomats, their wives ·and children and a pool of three news reporters. All com- mercial photographic and television coverage was barrea. Dean ·Qui711.ed. -( By .Senite , Investigators \\IASHlNGTON (UPI) -Senate in· vestigators questioned ousted White House Counsel John W. Dean privately for 51h hours Saturday, focusing almost certainly on reports that he flt!Jted more than 35 timeS with President Nlxm about a Watergate· cover·up. Dean. fired by Nii:on April 30 and the first scheduled witness when the Senal< Watergate .hearings resume TUesday, · refused to answer reporters' questions before or after the interrogation. Lawyers for the Senate· Watergate Committee also refused to elaborate on what Dean had said,, in'cluding whether he could offer documentary evidence of his meetings with Nii:on . Sam Dash, cruet counsel for the com· rnit tee, said Dean refused to answer one question early during the ·session .on grounds that it was incriminating. But deputy counsel Rufus L. Edmisten said Dean answered that questiOn and all others after Sen. Howard H. Bak.er Jr., (R-Tenn.), the committee vice chairman, read a judge's order granting Dean im- munity for what he told the illv~tigators. "His testimony was quite diffe rent from any other public testimOny given so far," F.dtnisten said wit bout elaborating. On the eve of the first -anniversary of the Watergate arrests, the New York Daily News said Dean was prepared lo swea r that Nixon had "no prior knowledge" of the May.June 1972 break- ins at the Democratic National Com- mittee in the Watergate complex but that the President wu "knee deep" in the cover.up plot. • Quotlng-tmidentified sources, the Daily News said Dean would testify he had 35 to 40 discussions with Nixon between last January and April 30, when Nixon dismissed tilm. It said Dean would claim that "virtually'' all of the conversations dealt with White House effects to cover up involvement of high oUiciats in the administration and the Committee for ' the Re·election or the President. . GmmonRun Ag ai~ Tonig~t ··· • ' ' '' ' ~ ' ' : 1 ' " I TerrqSera~e.:i1 dn \be lbw·70s and two- to-fout surf 'along the Otange Coast should attract many beachgoers today. Water tem1»eratures 1w..ill reach 13 dcgr.eest Nafional Weather S e r v i c e forecasters said Saturday. Low night and morning clOU<b will be the.only break In ~Ul'.fl\Y and warming weather through Thursday, Ibey predicted. Orangt CounlY Harllo< Patrol olllclals repor!ed the next echedul<d gn111lon run will be ·tonight from 11:29 p.m. lo 1:30 a.m. Monda y morning. -· •• • •', MEMBIRS, OF WASHINGTON'~ RUSSllj" COMMUNITY GREET SOVIET LEADER Communllt Party Chief 'Leonid I. Brezh nov ArriVH ot Andrews A,B, Maryland JFK:-'s 1Jeath---itetaliation? r . Johnson 'Never Believed Os-wald A<;ted Alo11e' NEW YORK (UPI) -The late Presi· dent Lyndon Johnson believed that Presi· dent Kenne<ly waS slain in retalialiOn !Or a thWat1.ed assassih8tion· attemPt 'by a ClA.f>aCked teatn in Havana, accor:iing to a fonner Johnson aide. once described the advice· he gave his outgo~ cabinet members.: . "Each of you had better leave this towh clean as Eisenhower's hound's tooth. The first thing Democrats do when they take power is find where the control lev.ers are. But the first t b in g Republicans do is investigate Democrats. 1 don't know why they do it -but 3'J'.I can count on· it." Janos said that the ·reason Johnson ·it¥ not nm for re-electjOn in 1968 was that 'tre believed he would not live ·through !ill term, and in 1967 had launched ~ ~ - (S.. JOHNSON, Page Al) In an article published today in the Atlantic Monthly, Leo' ,Janos, now a 'Time Magazine ~sponde'nt, said t h a t Johnson told him 'in a conversation at the LBJ ranch a few months before he died, "I ~ver believed Oswald · acted alone, although I can accept that 1le pulled the · trigger." Sail Show~ased • Janos quoted Johmon as saying that when he took office after the as.sassina· tion be !Olmd """°" bad been operating a damned MUrde< loc. in Ille Carribbean." Beacli goers See Glamor Y aclit Race Janos did not quote the late, President as to the specifics of :the alleged CIA assassmation pk>t in Havana, nor the target ol such a plot. Janos added, however, "A year before Ke~'s death a .CI4-l!acl<¢ 89S\15'ina· lion .team had been picked upJn i,avana." "Johnson speculaled that Dallas had been a ' retaliation for thl.!· thwarted atte'mRt: ·although ~ could not Pll?Ve it," Janos said.. · He said Johnson tokl him, 0 Mter·the Wairen cOmmiSsson l'eJX)l'ted in, I asked tben attorn"l'. general Ramsey Clark to qwetly look Into the whole thing. Only two weeks late'r he rep!X'ted bP.ck that he couldn't find anything new." . J~nos 'said, "Disgust tiitged Johnson's voice as the conversation came to an end. 'I thought I bad appointe<! Tom Oark's soo -I '4'as wrong.' " lo his reminiscence of Johnson In retirement, Janos said the late President By ALMON LOCKABEY 01 JM n.llt Piiat SI.ti Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Hun- ·tington Tidelands race is traditionally one of lhe most colorful yachting events of the season, taking the yachts along the shpreline in full yiew d . shores'ide spec· ta tors. . B\lt Saturda]''s lIT race provided a boJlys. for Jhe beach .,sitters as it showcas- cd 'Sofue ol lhe .-glamorous yachts in the world engaged !n;he wnll"UP of the Pacific Ocean Racing Conference. Overall handicap winner o! the race was desi~r B~ King's ~ Ericson· 37 Darilelioiiliemg sailed by Dick Deaver ,ol Balboa Y'acht Club. It was the second consecutive PORC victory fbr Dandelion . Overall winner of the PORC series was Al Qwel's 51).foot sloop Wmior v.1lich already had three consecutive wins to her credit and coold have sat this one out and still won: The glamof watchers were treated to «•~ 'fHI·: INSll•t: ,®!Jillt ~.a .-ON-~ ~.., ,· :. ''A,~Jll"!:TY,..,. _Inside color page " -' .~ ~ "·~.~~,l~ \·~bf ·~4Wie}t's,1\r, .. ~ P.feviews triple ~hi ',.iia~1,,~aJtetS. P!•Y nutoile ~.~*1of' .... ~tie oowisno\l<!'~t6Q~1~~:il>erg~ CooJ>!ir and E\ldle·Alliert inthree com. hero, says Barry GOidwater a~ he ex· • pletely different stories about fatherhood. pres&ies concem over .the naUon 1 future • security In his cofu111!1""' Page A7. · .PATii 1:0 WATEll,GATE -There has TERROR: AT .SEA ·-· Bill St JQhn. ls lJ!len a shar~ basic de!lnltlon ol the bock at ill• desk"'al Qrange•Counly Clerk Amoriello preaidency since 1960 and ll after I harrowing experienco as a prepared the way for Watergate as mµch passengar. along . with. hls wife on the a11 any di!honesty now be\ng ascribed to crulst 'Whip ls!Ond Princess. targOI ol a Its p,...nt occupant. Editorial . Page li\an wlii planted -~boord and dlett ColullUl!st Van,.Hollman tells how the demanded rnnaom money. Their story lo pathway to Watergate was paved 1>¥·Jf"K told on P<tge AIO. forct5. Pa_ge A7. -I ' __ ,_ ·' the sight ol Mark John.son 's 73-foot ketch Windward Passage outdistancing the other goldPlaters for a dedsive elapeed time win. Starting well back in the Class A pack, WP relentlessly overhauled; her Class A rivals and went on to pass the Class 8. C. and D boats which had started 5, 10 and 15 minutes ahead of her. At the v.'eather mark off Hwitingtoo Beach, Passage led Bob Grant 's 61.foot Robon by pvcr .two minutes and Jack Baillie's 12 meter Newsboy by nearly 5 minutes. .Nearly-100-boat• participated in lhe race ,,,.hich w-as a combination of the PORC, NHYC's Ahmanson Series, and Balboall Yacht Club's 66 Series. To add to the glamor or the """"'·. some 50 yachts (:rom Los Angeles Harbor sailed through the HT fleet oo a. race from Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club to Bahia ririnthian Yracht Club ln the annUll Bahia de C.'lbrillo Reverse Argosy. h i;lde Saaday .• &l~Y"!' --. ., ~--. ,.,... .,..Pl:f~ •· :"1" ~ ...... ) . L, M, .... al .A""~. Hel a .... i. .A, Orlllff CMH!tv CleHlllM 01•1' C1'11rtn McC. .. Clllt.fftle IJ MeYIB N-CwsfM , __ l•l~l•I """ lllttf1tlllMel'lt flhUOOIC.t OoM DtM ~---.. rr, 0 ....... ,... SJ •• tWf .. .... ·"' ...... , ... •• l.u .... M. ,,, $~•" Nor TMIPln c;J "l'rlwtl If Vt11 M ....... "' ••tftlt• ........... OAILY PILOT llCTIOMI .. .. I " . .. .. .. r c .. ,. .. <I• .... ~ .. ... -~-fVW .... I • .2 DAJL V PILOT · Coast Round ·Up • NO OREDGING: NEWPOR'I' BEACH-City Marine Safety Director Hobert Heed stopped all dredging in Newport Harbor and U1iper New· port Ba y last week on orders lrom lhe U.S. Anny Corps ol En gineers. Reed 1inmediately called It an emergency and said many boats could be grounded in unnavigable waters this summer unless C>peratJons continued. The Corps "'ant.s \he city to go through stricter tiermit procedures lor dred.lllng, but !teed replied he would ask lor a blanket ....,. approval for all wOrk. TEACHERS' "SICK·IN": CAPISTRANO -More then half lhe \eachers in the hiih schools of the Unified &hocl District ce lled In sick Thursday in an unprecedented show·· of di ssatisfaction wilh the progress or wage-benefit bargaining. District staff and some volunteers lock up the slack tbrou gh the day and the teachers were back al their desk.I on Friday. Report.s are of another walkout taking place lhls week if negotiations do not progress. A 14,·point package is the n1ain issue In lhe dispute. ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT: COSTA MESA -That's not where it is, but Costa Mesa city officials want lo put il there by drawing their boundaries around it. They have filed a petition with the J ... ocal Agency Formation Commission to bring the jetport under the city's ''sphere of influence." U they succeed, they'll try to annex it next .. TOURISM DECLINING: SAN CLEMENTE ~ The president of lb• Chamber of Commerce and other community leaders declared that tour- il!Tl in the city is declining. They blamed a false public impression of crowds ot tourists lured by t.he Western White House as the reason for tbe decline. The city's bed tax reven1,1e from tou?ists tenting motel and other resort rooms' has been steadily declining des pite cbamber at- tempts to boost business thrcu1gh advertising. Earthquake Hits Hokkaido, Japan; Sets Tidal Wave TOKYO (AP). -The Cenlral Met<roiastcal >:gency said today a stroog earthquake rocked Hokkaido, Japan's n«themmOSt fNlior iilland, and warned of possible tidal waves striking . the Pacific side of the island. However the ti dal waves, which al.50 "'ere pos.si1 ble along the main . isla~ oC Hclishu, were nql expected to nse higher thal) ttbout six feet.,ithe agency added . lt said the quake began today at 12:55 p.JI\., or 11:,. p.m. EDT Saturday. !Is center was loca ted undersea southeast of Hokkaido's.:Nemw:o_ Bay. . . Polite said they had no immediate BUDGET DESCRIBED: MISSION YIF.JO -The Saddloback Com· munity College Board of Trustees saw the first figures on the \ent.Uve 1973·74 budget Jut -k, callins for $11.9 million in the general tund, _ up close Ill $4 million from last year. The Increase, mosUy to be uaed In the \hll'd year of the. school's ten·year canstrilcUan pro1ram, will ,.. quJre a 22 percent'tu hlke. This would add an add!Uonal $20 per year to the owner of a ~o.ooo home In the di1trict -·up from a rnte of 65 cenu on $100 valW1llan to 84 cenu. PLACIS TO PAltK: LAGUNA BEACH -A Mii-apace, lri·lavel parltlng l\nlc\ure Wlll given the go-ahud last WHk by .the Lllfll!ll Beach City CouncD. Th• •970,000 project will be partly financed by ~ourly lees up to 15 cents per hour. Economic consultants on the pro-- Ject, to be built on an existing parking lot on Glenneyre St. between Legion Ave. and Laauna Ave .. sai<I it could Jose $25,000 in city funds per year. But raising the rates and leasing out commercial spaces on lhe ground level wlll help even the budge t they said. . NOT BANN!D : HUNTINGTON BEACH -Following the review of a p0etry anthology which a district resident had claimed was ob- scene, high school district trustees decided to keep the book In the li braries of Edison, Marina and Westminster high schools after a staff review fo und fhe book to be "educationally so und."· The book, "The Young American Poeta,'' was praised by two dlstrtct residents, one of whom told board members, "A germ free Ubrary does not make a germ free world." ~ DECLINING MORALE : FOUNTAIN VALLEY -A survey of mem· bers of the Fount.In Valley Education . Association sh owed last week that 97 percent· of the 274 respondents believe "morale is .on the de- cline" in the ' district. The FYEA also charged that the schocl district is .rplagued with many serious problems" and that the adminjstration leadership is 0 seri6usly questioned" by a majority of jts members. The 'Board of Education said it would study the problem. TIRE DUST AND IVILS THIRIOF: LAGUNA BEACH -Armed with a ~mple of.. "Ur~ dust" collected along South. Coast Hi ghway, La· • .. repc<t of damage or ca.sualties from the qualce, although the meterological agency said it was strong enough to damage con- crete walls. Railway authorities in Hok· kaldo said they-ordered.-operaUons on several lines hatted lo check for possible damage to facilities, · . :J1le agency said the quake registered an.intensity of 5.on a Japanese scale of 7 in Kusbito. and Nemuro and between 4 anit J in other parts of Hokkaido. GAS SHORTAGE HAS BEEN ASSET .TO BLOCKED.OFF GAS STATION IN HUNTINGTON BEACH Dave Watkins Smiles ai He Services One of Cars That H11 Made it In Past Roadblocks 1be quake also was felt in northern and central Hoosbu. Gas Station· Sealed Off From P.ege I SHOOTING ..• But Ma1iy Drivers Make It Tlirougli Barricades . Silas J1Ul to his house, broke a 'Xindow. and went in. Five . adults and 4-year-Old Magic Wolff, Priddy's daughter, w~ in- side. Nelson Inman and Ruth Gill, who were upstairs in the t"•o-story frame house, managed to escape to the roof and Silas di d not know they were there. Another man, J.ohn Hill, ran out of the hoose after Silas hit him with a gun butt. Priddy said Silas repeatedl y-said, "You're tryillg to set me up," during the time he held -Priddy, his daughter, and Diane Llnkus hostage. About 8:30 a.m .. Silas's wife. ~artha. "'ho works as a private nurse in nearby Piedmoot, wa.s_bmught to the house. She talked to Silas through a window, then \\:enl inside. Jl.1oments later, one shot was fired, and Pridd y and Miss Linkus ran out, the "·oman screaming, '·He shot Lhe little girl!" By JOHN ZALLER Of tll• Dallr f'llot SI•!! On the northwest corner of \Varner Avenue and Newland Street in HWl· tington Beach is a Shell gas station where dealer Dave \llatltins believes he offers good service. Ii.is self-serve prices are arhong the lowest in \Vest Orange Counly. But don't try to get there becaUse you probably can't. ' For the past two n1ooths . a seY:er con· struction project has blocked most en· trances to the staUon. AM since May 8, it bas blocked all of them . All the legal en· trances, an}"'•ay. The resu1t ts that his business has been . decimated. The only. thing that keeps him going, in fact. is the current ·gasoline shortage. "Most of the other stations that used to offer self-service.·• he says, •·have been put on rationing and can't get Southern California Focus enough gasoline to keep it up." station. Because \Vatkins' station is so difficult Thus there are brief periods when to reach, ·however, he doesn't ha\'e that \Vatkins has all the business he can han- problem. People who want full-service C le because all the cars on Newland lend to go elsewhere. ~ everyone else Street arc coming right through his sta· in the area who want lower prices and tion. self·service come to him. "I'd be wiUing to put up 'o\ith that," he "You'd be surprised all the trou~ says, ''but lhe peopte who are responsible they're willing to go through ." he sa for safety on the sewer project get "l'm not sure there's any way at all o nervous and re-adjust the barricades so get here without breaking the law." drivers can't get through." One cross-street, Newland Sleet, is But the barricades still are oc- closed completely. casionally shifted back to accomodate "But people run right throogh the tra~fi.c and Walk.ins gets a brieC flurry oif detour signs." he says. "They can see activity. there's a "A'otn path, so they all just The other way to get irto the station is come." via Warner Avenue. h-iotorists coming There's only one problem with that. from the east must drive 200 yards past \Vhen one car comes through the dead· the station and then make a U-tum end barrier, many more will follow, and across oncootlng traffic and double back. they ~on't all want gas. They're looking Since there is only one lane and no left- for a way to get down to Warner. and the tum pocket , that maneuver is dangerous o').l y \\(ay is through the middle of the gas as well as illegal. Newport Case Tests Ctiast Agency By THOMAS D. ELIAS A TRIO OF PROPOSED duplexes a few hundrccl feel rront the ocean in Ne\\'port Beach is providing the setting for lhe first major dispute California has ever seen between regional and local governments. And when the statewide Coastal Zone Conservation Commission rules on the case, it may well become a landmark establishing for the nrst lim e that locaUy elected oCficials are not supreme in tlieir 0"11 bai!i\vick. The rucku s rose last month when the Sooth Coast Reg· Iona! CoffiifiiSsion set Up this ytrar by Proposition 20 re· fused to go along with Newport Beach city officials and allow developer Dana SmHh to proceed with his project. The commissions have permit·issuing powers over all de· velopments ~·ithin 1,000 yards of lbe ocean. THE DUPLEXES, \i:hich already had the okay of al~ necessary locaJ agencies. were nir:ed by the regional commission because Smit h plans to provide one parking !'..iilllNI .space per Wlit, nOl two. MCtHN 1s "Ai I understand it," commented Joseph Bodovilz, e1(ecutl vc director of tht statewide commJssion which will hear Smith's appeal of lhe South Coast c."Ommiss.lon's rullng, "on·steet parking in that area ls already so tight that bulJdJng these unlts as planned would effecllve Jy exclude people from -inland areas from the beaches." • Sine!! most beach cities along the Southern Califorflia coastline ha ve a one -parking space per unit rule similar to Newport Beach's , the dispute there may be a harbinger of future collisions. "THIS IS CERTAINLY a fortrunner oC parking and beach access prob- Jenis," Bodovitz said in an interview. "The Issue hasn't yet been presented to 1he atatcwlde commission. but il's clear the South Coost commission has now taken an ags:resslvc Stand on beach access." And while Bodovitz wouldn't say so1 the stale"'idc commission has re- peatedly shown jtself lo be more conservatlonilt thnrf the Soutlt Coast body. So chnnces 11re good tho statewido group will back the regional agency, setting a precedent for similar cases. "1eanwhJle, the: irked, mayor of Newport Beach has reacted to the dispute by 3sking "\Vho"s going to run this rJ_ty? "IN OUR CJTY CllARTER." said Don1jld A ~1clnnis In n separa te inter· • "iew, "Newport Beach has certain po1vers handed ove r to it by the stale Legi· slature. Zoning is one such power. Now we've got an appointed commissi on that says it can overrule us. We've got a conflict theiie\" Added Newport Beach City Attorney Dennis O'Neil, "We thought the coast· line commissioners were concerned with large developments~·lf they're going to plan for all zoning on the coast, we might as well forget our own zoning and general plan." And Mclrui.is opined that "Those commissions will never have time to make an. ovcraU statewide. plan if they keep diddling around \Vlth individual housing llfl'its. Thi s seems wrong ·to me." To which Bodowitz responds that "My understanding is the commissions may lake actions like this as long as they 're in accord with Proposition 20. If we were to be bound by 16Ca l zoning, there would be no po.int to the whole thing. "But the commissions can only take actions like this If they relate directly to the purposes of the initiative -protecting the coastline.'' IN OTHER WORDS, Bodovitz said. if a potentia l development might over- crowd a city's schools, the coostline commissions could do nothing. But If It will prevent access to a city's beaches, the development can be S\opped. While the zoning regulaUons In the numerous coastal cities may seem to be aiming the commlsslons Into myriad similar disputes Bodovll.1. dotSn't be- lieve they'll happen ol~n. . "\Ve're not out to pick a fight," he said. 0 There'11 nobody sitting around saying, 'What local ordinance can we go after today'!' But in the lew case~ where there's a.conOict, there simply will be a conflict." SO FAR, AT LEAST, there have been no similar cases anywhere else in the state, Boclovitz noted ... Newport ls as congested an area 8.! there Is adjac- ent to a desirable beach. Most other cities have more opportunities for people to park and walk to the ocean." · ·. Since the Newport Booch dlsputc marks the first time elected local off!· cials have seriously que1troncd the authority of the coastal commissions, It may provide a~good field for resolving the regional vs. local authority Issue. If the question isn't resol ved there, it may crop up again and again, both a!Oflg the coast and Inland If land'·use commlssioris are set up In those areas, as bas been propooed. 1"'We don't anticipate many more such conruct1+'' Bodovitz said, "But ln the few Instances where the local and regional agencies disagree, something has lo give." . ' ... , - gunan Bruce Hopping warned planning commissioners tile ,worri . off · ru bber poses a serious pollution threat. Al the end of Hopping s presen- t.lion commissloners agreed to support studies of lhe llre dust prob- lems b; the Air R01ources .Board and the 'Environmental Protection Ag1111cy .. "Wow , . '. Jt 1ounds lntrlguJng," commented Com~lssfqner· Silly Bellerue. Hopping now intend! to get additional baclting from the city council for lhe studies. .. DELAYED AGAIN : HUNTINGTON BEACH -Even the seventh time wasn't a charm as flanning com1nissioner1 declined to take act~on on the seventh draft o a prop0sed high rise ordlnence for the city. Commisslqners Ntumed the proposed law to planning staffers for fur· \her revwon to include an elemen\ called speclfic planrung. . I BAY CLUJ! LOSES: COASTAL COMMISSION -The Balboa Bay Club can continue to grade and build sewer, water and electric~! lines for its Santa Cat.Una Island development. But if It wanu to build the 41~ condominium unlls ll has planned for Hsmlilon Beach. it wlU have -to get permits, the South Coast Regional Zone Conservation Comm1ss1on decided last week. The commission voted to exempt only so1ne on·site work and three model homes from the new control of Prop. 20. "FANTASTIC" NEGOTIATIONS: IRVINE -Teachers and trus· toes in the Irvine Unified School District were pleased with thernselv~s ti.st week. After only' a few weeks of negotiations. they agreed on a cOmplex salary and fringe benefit paclca ge for 1973-74. The average raise was about .eight percent, but figures were coinplicated by the fact tea~hers are coming fron1 two districts, San Joaquin and Tustin Union High, with separate schedules. Irvine doesn't-take over until July 1, but officials are already acting in what one call ed a clin1ate of "mutual trust." NUDE WOMEN : COSTA MESA -Dancers al Papa Joe's removed their clothes this week despite a city ordinance prohibiting nude per- 'formances. Police are restrained from making arrests at Papa Joe's and the Other Costa Mesa pe"ek-a -boo cfub, the Ftre House, through June 25 while a Superior Court injunction is in effect . People Rock singer Alice Cooper's pet boa co!lMrk.lor,_which vanished_from his_ motel room in Nashville, Tenn .. last Year has been found. Cooper reported leavihg the snake in the bathroom of his room while he performed at a con- cert. It was found dead in a drain pipe in the motel bar last week. "Back in December we had a problem with the drains." motel . manager Joe E"ing said. "and we just couldn"t figure it out." · Describing how his co n1pan y \\'ill dea l with the 6(}.day general price -freeze ordered by President Nixon last week, '·Frank rttontgomery, genera1 manager of a major Boston lood pnr cessing business, said. "We are going to tak e a long look at the situtation, and ·if we find we can't make 1;ny money on our products, then we are oot going to prcxluce." ,,,,. . Defining-the circumstances in which fonner Nixm ca mpilign aide Herbert L. Poner of Laguna Niguel fOlllld himself after the Watergate burglary, Sen. Sam J. Ervin, chairman of the Senate Watergate investigati ng com· mittee. noted that Porte.r w a s persuaded to lie lo inv~stigators oul of loyalty to the President. Then -·Ervin quoted war& written by Shakespeare to deacrlle Cardinal Wobey'• pllgbt on boinl caat oul In his old Ole by Kl!!c Heery ·vm. "Had 1 but 1ervoc1 my God wtth haU the zeal I aerved my Kllg, He woold not In mine old age 'hive left me naked to mine enemies." Quotes through the desert in order lo bring u.s to the one spot in the A-1iddle East that bas no oil." T~llowing an~iljwiction w h I ch prevented Costa Mesa Wlice from making any more arrcstS of nude dancers, the girls at Papa-Joe's went naked ag:tin last \\'CCk. But this onlv angered Chuck KauJman. doorman St the rival establishment. !he Fire fiouse, because it cost the Fire House 29 arrests to .win the injWlClion, from which the .._uum is profttlng. "PJpa Joe'e11aiedOUr ume, our e!foru and oar stnaggle to continue their bwdneSI." he fumed. "They're living off our arrests. They've taken OUr cake after we baked it" ,,,, ,,,, - In a speech last week at a state ban- quet for visiting German OJance1lor Willy Brandt, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir quipped, "Let me Jell you something that we Israelis have agaimt Moses. He took ua 40 years ReadlinecognJzed-wl!enhe stopped' to make a phone call in a cafe in Johnson City, Tefin.. actor Georre Scott, wearing a beard, long bush coat and a baseball cap, said, "I'd better never comm.it a SeriOM crrime as I'd never get away with it. , General Motors Claims Pollution Breakthrough ' DETROIT (UP I) -General Motors Corp. says It has designed a catalytic converter for pollution control which will last the life of the car, the Detroit News reported in its Sunday editions. .. The News said the claim was revealed in an interview with GM President Edward N. Cole, who said his firm has ,.,....i a breaktlrough in designing its pollutloo control system. Other automakers have contended the converters, which will be required on all 1975 cars sold in California, have serious dura~ility problems. Cole himself said last year the converters GM was plan· ning for 1975 can had a lifespan of about ~.!XX> miles. The News quoted Cole as saylng GM has designed a new system which in- cludes converters which use platinum and palladium catalysts to change engine exhau..t~rbons and carbon monox, ide into carbon dioxide and water. The giant automaker is considering using the converters on aJJ its 1975 cars in a system which includes an electronic ig- nition and a new type of carburetor, the paper said. Cole saJd the proposed converters are designed to be used with unleaded gasoline because lead can adversely af- fect the converter system, although an occasional lankful of leaded gas could be From Page 1 · JOHNSON .... actuarial study o( his life expectancy. "The men in .the Johnson fa mily have a hlslory Ii dying yowig,' " Johnson Iola Janos In 197L. " 'My daddy was only 62 when he died, and 1 llgured that wllh my Mstory ol heart trouble l'd never live through • another.' four years. T h e American people hid enough o r Presidents dying bl office.' " Added Janoe : "The prediction handed to Johnson wa s that he would dle at the age ol M. lie did." ' tolerated. "We see no ·reason why the catalyst should be chariged," Cold sai d In the In- terview. "We don't think we will have trouble with the sulphur and pho5porou,s . in a ga.. and If we can get the lead out ·We see no rea.wn why il cala.lyst should ever disappear." SUNDAY DAILY PILOT TM 0!"1"99 CNll PAIL'f PILOT, •ltll _,di I• <OfM''* fllt N-·Pr1tt, l• 11Vb11"'1ft 11y ttl• CW.nu• c ... 1 P\lllllthlnu (Ol'lllMftY, kilt• r•tt editions •rt pvOUtlled, M&ftdJy tl'tP'1V9h Friday, for Cost• MtM, Ntwl)llrl kKh, HVftllrlflon 91•chlfount1l11 V8!ity, L1oun1 1uch, ,,..,..,.,lff<lletMrt and s111 ci-..111 S.n JU911 C11plllr1110o A-11"'19 "'liooltl tllltbft " pvbllthM Sth.o,dan •nd Svrio111n. 'Tht pr11KIPll pub!lsh!llQ pt111! ll 11 J30 Weit 8ny !ol11ct, Cosl1 Mttt, C1!1farnln, f'l6''· lPb1rl N. W11d Prttldtl'll •1111 P1,1btl\lltr J•ck It. C11r1 1v Viet PtHldtl'll 111\d o.ntr1t Ml11tOtr Thol'llt• l<••vil IClllor Thom1t A . M11rpfti"t M•11•01,,g £Clltor Cft1rl11 H. loot ltfch ••tl P. Na lf AHltllftl MIM9lfl0 lfltor1 Al•11 J . Dirki" S1111d1y EClhor. OHk., Co1t1 MIMI: "° Wttl •• ., Sir••• NtwPOl'f lt#c.h: U» N~rt twt..,•nl LlfVllll lffCll; n1 l"ornt Avww HWllllfttfWo •He.II: 17171 lllth IOUl.,_M S.ft Cltr\'ltfttt: lOS Norfl'I £1 C'tfl'llt!o Riii , ........ l7141 MMl2'f C'-lfWA~-~m ,tlftt Ct"ttl Ar'fft S..tll .. • Stlle\ 492""421 ''"" Htttfl Or•1111 CMMIJ (_.._... 140-1220 C.'t'f'lohl, 1t'3. Or1~1 C:tttl Mlllfllnt Comitt"Y· No ".,., 11orl1t, llfllltrtl~'• tdltotl•I fNlltr Of' MVl<tlt~lt llfrt [,. m•r .. "'ll"IClllCW' Wl1'\0llt tllfC\tl ptro lflfttltft of '°"''lflll •WMr. • l9C'lflld Cl9Q •tl•M lllld •I Cotti Mnf, tllllwtli.. SlolbKrl!ltlot<t bY ttrrlff t1 .. "*"'"''' iw m1H ,, 11 l'Nlllthlw1 rn1111err ... llfl•llfltl U .6S ,..,.,.,,,,.,. •• - ., .. ,. Joy of Fatherhood , Fathers }\ave often taken the back seat in parent- hoo~ while mothers have been eulogized in song and revered along with apple pie and the Flag. ~ut today is theirs. · Father's Day began In 1910 when a Spokane , Washington. woman so ught a way. to salute her father, \Villiam S!1lart, a Civil War veteran wb~ - reared six n1otherless children. Mrs. John Dodd got the third Sunday in June set -aside in Spokane for sermons to be delivered in honor of fathers. J p resident Calvin Coolidge recommended national observance of the day in 1924 , but it didn't become official until only last year wl}en President Nixon signed a resolution. . American society has changed since those fi rst observances in 1910. Many men and women today are taking on equal responsibility for child-rearing. Divorc~d fathers are taising their chi ldren; un- wed fa thers are adopting theirs. Hospital delivery rooms .lire no longer for "mothers only," witness these pictures taken last week at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach. Howard. Lyon of Fountain Valley, above, feeds his son, Gregory Scott, whQ weighed in at eight pounds, eiJiht ounces. Gregory's mother, Sherry Lyon, rests elsewhere. David Whiting, of Fountain Valley, shown at .. right holding bis daughter Rebecca Marilyn, is ob- viously already a proud father. The photo wa s taken moments after the birth by his wife, Cheryl, who also wants to touch the child. · · Father Peter 'fhomas of Irvine doeSn't seem I quite as confident as he prepares to_ gi_ve his neW daughter, Shelby Lee. a hath , at left; below. But he and Larry Bradbury of Huntington Beach, shown below right frying to put a diaper on day-old daughter ·Kara i~arie, are at least into the spirit of things. .• If some research recently reported by Plan0:ed Parenthood officials succeeds, men will be able to do more than just hold their babies. Scientists · are seeking ways t o transfe.r the fer- tilized egg from the female to the male: That would result in the l1Vlll becoming "pregnant" and giving birth. · The_y don't see it happening until the year 2000. Daily Pilot Photos by Richard Koehler Vietnam. Fighting Goes On • 119 Die' in First .24 Hours of Ne'W Truce SAIGON (UPI ) -Fighting i:ootinued across much of South Vietnam Saturday despite the newly declared cease-fire. n.e South Vietnamese and the Viet Cong accused each other of wholesale viola- tions In the first 2< hoors of tho new true<. '!'he &ligon command reported tt9 per"9Cl'LS oo both sides were killed in the first 24 hours or the renewed truce, in· eluding 74 communl.ot b'oofl6r 37 govern- ment soldiers and eight civHians, South Vlelllam accused the Viet Cong ol 108 vlolaUonS from noon Friday, .whcfl the ,_ Pnris agreement to shore up tho 4'f.i -month-old cease-fire wmt into cUect, to noon Saturday. A government spokesman SAid 180 v1olaUon, were reported IM' the 24 hour! ..,.. t:ndlng at 6 a.m. Saturday -R time porlod that Included lhe last •Ix boors before the truoo renewat: ·rt was the Tn06t • • breaches of UlC truce since 200 were reported Feb. 20. The Viet Cong's Liberation Press Agency. quoted by Hanoi's Vietnam New! Agency, cited no figures but ac- cused Saigon of using heavy artillery and - infantry near Cu Chi, 25 miles northwest or Sa.igoo, "causing heavy losses to tbe population." "l!owever," a Viet Cong spokesman on the twe>-party truce team told a news t'Ollference Saturday 1 "the period of tin'e ls still too sh<rt to appraise tho sltua- Uoo." In the lw?aviest lnstahce of fighting. military sour~ told UPI Corre!lpoodent Tracy Wood at Hue that 28 communist . troops and five infantry,nen were killed Friday in a nine.hour battle near· Da Trach, 350 mlles north ol Saigon. The fighting began hall an boor before the new cease-fire, ~ll.!IS Wood reported, • and ended at sundown. Seventeen in- fantry men ~'ere wounded . she said. Mjss Wood reported all was quiet in Quang Tri Provinoe, the most northerly of South Vietnam's 44 provinces and the scene of u_ie heaviest fighting over the p.-:ist year, Air France Jetliner J(as Narrow Escape BUENOS· ATRES (UPI\ -An Air France' Boeing 7(f/ arriving from Paris • scraped a runway with its ""Ing Sa tur- day. resulting in a fire in an engine, an airline spokesman said . . Six per~i;>ns wete sllghUy Injured, none or .the1n hospitalized, according to the spokesman. . as the 70 po.sscngc:rs scrambled out of emergency ex:il.'!. .. Patio settings are ·Biggar than ever:! . ·. I " s_ c::, Reg. Special" Arm Choir ..................... 47.00 38.00 42" Round Glo11 Top Toble ... 105.00 87.00 Tobi• ond Fou r Cho ir S.t .. 293.00 239.00 Serving Cort .................. 106.00 85.00 Loung• Choir ................... 59.00 48.00 Matching Ottoman ............. 41 .00 33,00 Adj . Chaise with Arms ....... 130.00 104.00 for '73 With the changing 1ea1on1, the day gets longer and the living gets better ... cind IO it i1 _wlth Brown Jordan outdoor /indoor furniture -in the Biggar quality to outlast your expectations. When it's Brown Jordan, it'• worth entertaining about -from spring into summer, and even into the winter ... made to just . keep living along! Availabl~ in your choice of jonquil with whit• lacing, palm with honey lacing or honey with honey lacing. -----NEW DISPLAYS NOW at ALL 3 STORES----- • ./ • SANTA ANA 'STORE 1110 N. MAIN STREET Phone 17l41 547-1621 .1,0 'ASADENA •nd POMONA llOOAl'SOWN IUDOIT ACCOUNTS-IANKAMlllCAIIO-MASTll OIAllOI { . - .. ! I I ' - ' • . .. .. • • OAJL Y PI LOT Sundq, June i1. 1CJ73 ' Out , of 'Gas~~:-Then ~i;Trage_,)y_~ ' ·- • Youth Killed, 4 Injured in Freeway·Accident -- l JCI Honors 1,469 Plus- ,1 ·sB~fo~:f!:o~d Ot "'• O.lr r111t lt•ff A 0001 e.anromia sun illuminated the eenvnenccment· pageant.ry_oL~~s saturday momirig in Ii-vine as--tfie lJniversity of Californ ia c o n f e r r e d degrees on 1,470. Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. noted the eighth ammencement '18.S again the largest, 'as It has been every year since 1he1irst 14 UCJ degrees were awarded in 1966. Carrying best wishes from UC Presi· .. dent Cl'larlee Hitch, Vice President Joseph W. f\.tcGuire .Jr. reminded an au· dience of 7.CiOO that wtiile "Irvine i.• atn(llg the younge$t cl. our campuses Its ·graduates here today share in the 100- )'ear tradition o£ tllil university. · "This campus and you graduates are indeed a part of the Universi ty or Callfomia," McGuir~ said, in his brief remarks to the clasS of 1973. University Marshall, Pro(essor Alexei -One man was killed' and !our per- so111 were Injured Saturday evening when ·a van slammed Into a puked truck that had run out or gas on the San Diego.Freeway In Irvine. Charl11 Brady, of 2449 CoJlege Drive, Costa 14eaa, had yarked bis truck well oll the side o the ro1d, left hls !~y there and gone for gas, only to return to a tragi c aeei· don~ Callfornia Highway Patrol of- ficers said. A van -had veered out of the souihbound lanes just south of Cul· ver Drive and hit Brady's truck. The impact threw a passenger tn the van, Steven Zamora , also 19, ot Duarte, out of the vehicle. But It took CHI' officers, Cosla • "Mesa poli.ce and county fire rescue teams 46 miDutes to remove the driver-Dwight Orael Muller, 19, of Monrovia-from the crushed vehic- le. The nscuers are s~own left pul1· ing the front end of the van back after cutting it loose with a saw. Righ~ Muller is giOen oxygen and heart massage. but the effort was in ....¥..ain. Mulle.r died three hours after ·the accident at Tustin Commugity Hospi tal. Also taken to Tustin Communlty Hospital with . moderate to major injuries were Z,amora and Brady's wife, Rebecca, 40, and two children, Laura, 13, and Rex, 15. > Hospital officials listed Zamora, Mrs. Brady and Rex Brady in sat· isfactory condition late Saturday. Laura Brady was treated and re- DllllY "' ... St•H ,.... .... , Rldlanl KNM91' leased. Schools Study Ways f,o Satie Electricity Officials of the H u n t i n g t on Beadi UniOn High School District are looking 1l No Wire, No Trees Talks 011 Beautifying r Reservoh· Stalemated 'Plans to conserve power at the llli!Jict's By JAN WC)RTH After a meeting with Martin Ru&!o, five 8Chools. 01 1t11 D1111 .. u .. •t•ff ?iitission Viejo Company representaUve, f---Gl•-Il)'9lnger';-, -<HHl-i-s+a-11-Ho--t-h·e --Uri.\Ij hUY liU6edW!ie,-an eight-foot -Cooper~said-t~-distr-ict-would~ wpenct su perintendent, said the study ~ focm cyclone ·fe nce, no trespassing Bigns, • money to beaut.i~y the slopes le~d~ down primarily on Edison, Marina and Foun-"'eed-infested s)ope, and a reservoir that to the i:eservolf or to mamtaln any tain Valley high schools because those looked like "a ™"pen." landscapmg. three schools are built without windows r -o • and need more power to run the air con-Three months 3,go, residents ol. a new ' After n eg o t I ~ t _i o n ~ . wi'ih the ditioning and lights. . section of Barcelona Homes in Missioo OOmeowners, the MISSIOl'l V1e10 C»mpany The study was ordered by !ll'!hool Viejo took it upon themselv.es to do agreed to Wtall sprinklers and trwtees-irecently after Bob Burbank, something about these OOOOitions, which landscape the sl~, where sev~~ Spokes!J'lan for the Southern Californ ia began at their backyard property lines weeds now grow. U lhe w3ler di.strict. EdiJO Company, to14 _board ~ and coostitul<d their view. would pay ,for the water and mainlaill lbe that power alMrl.,.. mq stilt nezt year 'llley heid mMtlnp, aot pel1tiooa olin-greenery. . if the com-b not .n.w.d to expand ed, negotiatod with the J.lillloo Viejo One hltd! b that Ibo BMlllona -ts H "·~-n-~ -,;.. Company, and made cal11 and visit> to ruklenta are oerved by and pay llDI to ~tau.:.-.. ~ .. ~· power ,..,.,_,. the El Toro Water Diltrtct, which °""' the Moulton-NJruel Water Dillrlci, not Burbank said the company Is C'Ul'l'eltly the reten'Oir. the El Toro. conducting a campaign IA> get Ila major To dlte only ..,. llOltd achlevemeot "We .,.,,•t ~ tupoyen' montY to usen to try to con 1 er v • pow• r , hu been Ptned· The barbed win bu beautify the view !or reeldenta o1 another particularly between tfie hours of 1 · p:m. been taken cknm: d15!1'kt," Cooper aaJd. "There'• no way and 4. p.m. during wann Weather. And Jt now ippean that la as far a.s we re going .to make a park out fl that Dysinger said later that efforts at things will go. reservoir!' po-conoervation will he devi!ed by In earl ... ....,; J t-Resldentl complained they wero IOld mainlellanco penonnel 1'1lo will prepare y a~ .. .., 1 l'UIP ·w "" s, their loU wiffiout being told tblt Ibo a seritll ol -"·•ency plans lol" each led by Mn. Shirley Pea;:r,..: Cllle r.,.,-voir would be dralnod. ~~.. Alcala, complained to tho Viejo - A. Maradudin led ~parade of bachelor, master, doctor of philo.90phy. doctor of medicine candidates e.nd faculty into the Campus Park setting for the exercises. All but one participant in the ceremonies wore the colorful graduation garb. 'SUPERGRAD' CELEBRATES END OF 6 YEARS AT UCI Rich•rd N•wton Dons Tights; Ch1nctllor Aldrich 'Spe•chless' campus, O:wnpany that their "view lots," for CooPer aa.id the realdents or the He noted that the district prepared an whld! they paid 8 '2,!00 pnmlwn, ...,.. Missfbn Viejo Company 1111y pilllt pine e[liciency study of the power Ulle at ead! sold to them whm the water-lltorqo trees on the •1-. but no prov!JdGa will Master of fine arts candidate Richard Newton of Oakland -i!arning the title "'s upergrad"-was the exception. When master's deg?"et candidates were asked to rise, he danced up to the speakers' platform. garbed in whi te tights and a blue sa tin swimsuit. He harla'ed Chan cellor Aldrich a small slip of paper which read "I am planning a trip to outer space.'' Newton then pranc- ed up through the crowd passing · out similar slips of papt{. Dr. Aldrich merely s<tid, "I am speechl ess,'' as the audience laughed. But for the artist's prank, the ceremony was replete with all the pomp and pageantry expected ot a university COIMlencement. Student speaker J uani ta Hall drew rocal response from the assembly when she IOlcd ma ny will "ra p a lot or rhetori c about existing social ills" without really making con tribulioos to solutions. Miss Hall noted each "person's con- tribuUons are important to the struggle against social injustices. A person need on ly 10 do the best that he or she can do. and to share the spiritual awareness of our past leaders and. hopefully, in the words of the late Dr. J\fartin Luther Ki ng, we y.iJJ 'tum dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows'.'' Speaking on bdWf ot the graduate and medical degree recipienlS was Dr. Stuart Tumaru>ky of Irvine. He is ooe of the first UCI-Califomia College of Medicine grads who spent all four years on the campus. The medical school mov- ed to Irvine rive yea rs ago from Los CBIJlPU' aboul a year ago with the help ol pond was lull and p1eum, "' .... be 111Jlde by the district lor watermc. Angeles. the EdiJOO Company. "We'll be ~ing By late im, only a few moothl after A 1uigestion for eucalyptua trees wu The medical eraduate who intends a that as 1 starting~·" he said. the feaidents had moved in. the reMrVUr nixed by the Board of Trustees of the ca reer in family practice. suggested the was draJned, part of a necessary yearly water dJstrict because it wu feared experience ol a university education is Father·" ~n Reunion proceos IA> clean out Wiiie and odor caus-leaves would .blow Into the reeervolr, the preparation necessary to "face a VO inl bacteria. ... , cau.sing cleadn.i•~ problems. modem world full of complelities." nie ~es.s took four months, leaving Rtmo 111 ~-= resident.I may remove Bachelor's degree recipient Dian B-Conducted in P1·ison resldent.1 with a view ot a muddy, empty the "No Trelpa111n&" llCN from the Emerson p.--ited the class gilt, the bole Jn the ground. lenceo at their property lines, ncept 1t traditional brorue plate IA> be imbedded A'!TICA. N.Y. (AP ) _ About 50 boys But the M1111on Viejo Company ad-cul-dHICI' in the tiles or Gateway Plaza and a work enjoyed a brief reunion with their fa thers mitted it had no control over the view. ·He aald he was dJICOUl'aged at the Cltlt• of student art. Saturday -inside the maximum-security The land opposite. the homes 11 owned by come of last week 's talks, which ended An acrylic on canvas painting by junior walls of Attica prison . the El Toro Water Dislrlct. three months of negotlation1 with the arts major Jim Horkan, 23, of Costa 1be "Father and Son Day" marked the "We've go1ie u far 11 we can 10," dis trict. 1'-fesa was selected for purchase by a stu· first time children ha ve been allowed to Pete Cooper, aup«lntendent cl. the "We had a landscaping plan and dent corrunittee. It will hang in the vi§U inmates inside the prison. district, saJd today. sprinkler all ready to sa.' 'Ruuo ,.sd. library, Dr. Aldrich said, Instructing the 1,;;;;i~ii;i~ii;ii;:;.;ii;;ii;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;i;i;;;ii;;i,iii;;~~-------;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii;;;;;;;ii;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;i~ campus librarian it will be appropriate to ~ 1.um the square, untitled modern work H H HOlBR<DI( "from time to time to provide a variety • • of interest." ... -DlrlNDAll.8 SllY'tcl ltNCI lta Comfort • Convenience • Charm ARE YOURS TO SEE & APPRECIATE , 4 Die • Ill Summer Storms Tornado W ar11i11gs Br ocidcast Across Plai1is Sr<1r• suml'l\4lrti,.._ "ormt wiln Winds UP lo 105 m.p.11. tori •crwt lro. Pl1lns end thr0119h 1111 Mid-• S1lvr· d•V• c1111!ng llN~v Pf'OPlf'IV d1m•!I•· Torn1dots, ll•ll ll'ld hMYV '11n wtre r1porttd In m1nv 1r .. 1. I.I l111t four fNll'll -'• ll!•mld ori ll'llt 11orms. Tht' "orms, IP!'MCllllO ncwll\ •nd "II trom 1119 Gulf CD9tl, prompl•d lornado w•rnln1n 1nd witch•• for O~l•llom•, 1(1n .. 1, Mi11-i, 1-1, llllnoh Incl w11eon1ln. ~l•M flood w1rnlng1 Wllf'I lswed For centr1l 1111r.o1~ TPl9 f11'V '°""' of 0¥ ... orooli. toulll ol TOP9kl, K1n,, WI S "ard hit b'f 111~11 winds 11111 wtllPPfd I CfOSI ""''" K11u•1 1no WM'-Mlulovrl. Mrs. Je11'1 lngtl'MJll, INIVOI' ol ft•• <ommun/IY of 5100. c1U..:l Tgpek1 rl-dlo ~t11lon1 lo d.:t1r1 • 11111 of 1m1rgtl'I· cv Ind IPPNI lor aid from e11!erl'I K•l'ls11 re1ider!l1. Roou ..._,. 1111911 otl m•l'IV l'lclrM1 111d offlc• bulldfngs, lhe M·-1, Wll'ld g1wr• I I PlffY lt-volr. tlll ol fOP911,, •Kord..:l 'flllnos of IOS , ?0 m,o,n.. ind winds •IMwtlttl Ll'I th• •'•"' IHI! r1MON from S5 to fO rn.p.h, Hltll wlndi 1tf11Ck •n •11111tflfl'lll'll•I 1/rc•11t _,.. 11'1 11.M'llngton, Wit .• 11'1• J.,..lne ••"'''' .,.,_, ~ it!IMJ _, ftlooe<! on10 c•r• 11'1 ft1'f ""'kln11 •01. Se"'"'"" pi,..,.., lnch=HI rwo •n· flow "41nn. .,...,. d•m• blyOl'ld •tNlr •nll "° Oll'l9r1 wtr• •mttH to • ln5tr ••flnl. ~-· u~ ..._,, "°"""" In l!'llfl'I' l<H I , All "tlmtttCI lo,GOO "'°"'" 11'1 "O(fllltl'l'I l!l!rools. ""'"" llM'lltl 11'1 IM mefrOPOll l•l'I tCtN•t City l fM , tw. 1t1lirv1 ot L .. VltflWOf'tt>, k -. ltftll more lh•ft l'lltf OI ll'I01P•~• MG., wtr• "•tl'lou1 -.Ctrk lty, ::L••~•nll'IO cl1I"*" tl'lt Ir"'' of M fn llllnolt, • ..,,... '' Wkllll•• ' .,,,. '"' ..,.,,,,... ·of • llulldO.tft' 11t_;or Cl\ktl••M• C*l1. • • Ul'I w1 ... 1 .. 110 10( ... ,t. California ' . ..:._:_.., - Te1nperatnres HI L• P'rw, 61 ,, lS j ] " .. ,. ...... .. 1.20 11 ,, .OI 11 6f .•1 " .. " JO ,, " . " _ .. !! 11 .ll • n tt ·~J I> ,v .1 , 11 ,, l." ff il ts 77 I~ Jt 11 ~i ~ ,, '~ 5S u n u ;: u n •6 16 96 16 · ll •1 '' ,, 12 65 .. " ,, 51 ~ .. U ~I " " n ~i· ·!' -' -" .H :ll -1· -' -' • .e1 ., $1 ... i1 ,, ·~ 11 IS 71 IN OUR l'UNCTIONAL-OPERATING OISPLAYS OF : • Jacuzzi 'Nhirlpool Baths • Jenn-Air Built-in Rangof and Ov1ns • Ki!chtnAid Dishwoshers and Compactors • Thormador Ovens and Ranges • American Standard Toilets, Bidets and Baths WE WILL GLADLY COME TO YOUR HOME-.AT NO OBLIGATION OF COURSE, TO ASSIST OR AOVISE IN YOUR PLANS & IDEAS • Come in--or call for our Meutifully fllu1trated home fmprovtment brochure. .H.H. KITCHENS and BATHS ; p J .--.__ ~ -....._ -./ 1680 TUSTIN . AYE •• • • AT -~:AST 17th ST. -COSTA MESA 646-4922 548-0149 mer1c:an -. -. -·--. • l -I _. • .Sure, You Kn0w ~ad, Do_n't You? · TIDS IS THE DAY DEl".I". -Just the other day lh1I preu release floated across my desk -recounting a rousing speech gtveo back in 1957 by one Margaret Chue Smith, the lonnldabte fonner.enator from Maine. In it, she stood before her fellow congressional typea and declared that for ~ years, Congress had been guilty of "the worst possible oversight perpetrated ~t tl\e.gallant fathers, )'Ollllg and old, of our land." "As a daughter, as a woman, and a.s. a United States senator, I must say as strongly as I know how that the conduct o( Congress in this regard shouJd cause u3 to bide oor faces ln shame! " SOME SPEECH all right. You would figure Mrs. Smith was talking about Watergate 'Of an earlier dec-- ade, Or new increasee-proposed in federal spenctin(. Noteo. • Truckload Of Bombs Overtm·ns BAKE11$FIELD (AP) -A tractor·traJler Tig loaded with 1pbosphorus bombs was ram. med bead-oo by a car near here and overturned into a grape vineyard, the higlnwly patrol said Saturday. Kern County firemen were standing by, but no explosions were reported. Investigators said the truck, driven by Bent L. Vaught, 39, of Inola, Okla., was eJV'OUte from Oklahoma City to Port Chicago, near Oakland, when the accident occurred. The car, driven by Eliseo Ii. Lopez, 39, of Wasco, collided with @. car waiting to make a turn on state route 46 west of highway 99, then bounc<d across the road and into the path of the onoomlng bomlY laden truck, officers said. The Sund.,, Junt 17, 1973 DAJLY PILOT Mass Transit Federal Aid Urged SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - several big-city mayora said Saturday that the way to clean up urban air 1s to provide J ederal support for .• mass transit rather . than propose bans oc reducUons on auto use. At a news co nt ere n c e , Mayor llenry Maler o f Milwaukee, a Democrat , claimed that Tran.sportatioo Secretary Claude Brinegar had failed to speak out for mass transit . "When is 2 secretary of transportation gQizlg to really speak out?" Maier asked. "When is be going to declare a moratorillm on bu i Id ln g freew ays and whm ~ he going to muster enough clout in the oil industry to go to Congress and get Chis highway trust fund broken up to allow wing highway trust funds for operafulg mass tramit?" .... The Nixon admWstrallon _. using the highway trust flmd, primarily general· ed by the thnl&<ent·per·g.Uoo federal p!Oline tax to open~ mass tramit. It has, h:rwever, ,..-allowing some of the m<liiey to be used to buy mass transit eqWpmeot rather than restricting its use to building highways, ,as is the ca,se now. The Senate hos passed the Nixon proposal, but the House defeated tt and the two bodies ol Congress are oow trying to work out their differences. "Unless the"6 melropolilan areas can get cperating fUnds we have no viable alternative to t he automoblle," Maier said. "You have a national emergency with an acute fuel shortage staring us tn the face and oot a damn thing is being ' said by t 'h i s ad· ministration. On Friday, the Envltmmon. lal Protectioo Agency proposed t·rafflc <.'Olltrols for 18 urban areas. The controls would ban or restrict auto use so that cities could mret 1975 federal air quality standards on slx pollutants that come primarily from cars. The agency said lt felt many of these plans were unrealistic and had hoped to get Congress to give the cities an extension of the deadline. Mayor Richard J . Daley, ()erbcicrat of Chicago, said his city could meet the standarris without an extension, but he noted that the EPA ' had granted auto makers a one-- year extension on t h e i r deadline to reduce polluting emission. "Now we see the customary stight-of-hand business of trying to put on the cities the Dave Chasen, Dead at 7 4 e nv iro nmental conLrob,'' Daley sald. Mayor Ken Gibson, al Newark, N.J., a Is o a Oemocral, said he could oot commerit on the details of EPA's plan to limit gasoline sales in Northern New 3- as 3 means of reducina v.W.Cle mU.. by 18 peroenL Bui ho said. i. I question 1f we oou.1d go this Im~ of thing unless we come up With adequate mass transit systems." -':. •• Child Beaters -, Seek Assistance • SAl\'TA MONlCA CAP! Federal funding shluld be pro- vided for volunteer groups 1,1,:hJch are \\'Orking to end child abuse, Sen. Alan 0-.aruiton. (0- 'C.alif.) told a Senate sut>- committee public hearing here Saturday. Hospital in Los Angeles, told the Children and Youth Sub-• committee that more thin 2.000 cases of child abuse aN reported amually in IA< Angeles Coonty alone. A member of "Parent. Anonymous" said "the main objective of. the organization ii ~ to,.stop the abusive behavioi: in our homes. Second, the group· works with the ealde of this behavior.'' Senator Smith was talking about Fa ther's Day. She was deploring the fact that whHe we've cele-• brated Dad's Day all these decades, nobody bad taken the trouble to mate the occasion an olficiaUy-recognl.z-- ed day. . · impact tore the front off _the LOS car and. jacknifed the trailer ANGELES (AP) -Charles Lindbergh, Eleanor Hoover reportedly once caJled The hearing, conducted by Cranston and Sen. \Valter F. f.-1ondale, (D-MiM), also heard testimony from members of ''Parents Anonymous ," a group of admitted ch i I d . beaters v;ho say they are at- tempting to qvercome their problem. "l don't·wan.t to get rid of niy kid. t want to get rid er , my problem," she said. "Either we. honor both our parents or Jet Us deaist from honoring eitber1one," ·ahe admonished. Well, Senator Smith didn't get very far with all that fiery oratory back there in 1957. But Father's Day ~Uy made the grade. In 19Tl, President Nixon signed a Coogressi~ Resolution permanently e~tablishing Father's Day on the United States calendar. FOR AU I KNOW, that might have been the last l1me ll(r, Nixon ever agreed with anything Congress did. \. Anyway, yoU may be SU?prlsed to team that long- ettabUshed Father's Day is really only one year 9ld today as an official U.S. observance. Happy Birthday; Fathel"s Day. , . So you ought to listen up. now kids. If you haven't gotten the word, today is Father's Day. Today you're supposed to be.out-there honoring your old man by the sea. . Oh, come on now. You remember whJch one he Is around your house. HE'S THE ONE you call Old Cranksville when he's just oot of earshot HF's the one that does all the yell- .ing and ordering arouhd that nobody payS' any attention to. But jL1st remeinher all the fun times. How old dad reacted when be got stuck to lhe bubblegum in t.be bottom of his favorite chair. His coolne!s when the surgeon told him you'd broken your second arm whi le skateboarding. How he didn't mind It au when you took his favorite sweatshirt· to Gi!I Scout camp. His love for all the records you · play quJe'lly on the stereo-at 11 p,m. The day you gave the into the muddy vineyeard. Dave Chasen, who ~d Roosevelt and actor Jimmy Chasefl's chili "th·e best in the LA>pez received major head through the vaud~ville c~ts Stewart was generally un-world.'' injwies, investigators said, to Broadway to become owner known to the thous~ of -The restauranteur called his but Vaught was not injured. of one ~ Hollywood's most tourists who came to the res-concoct.ion a. "blasted chili." Authorities said a marine famoys restaurants, died Sat· taurant in recent years-hof)-Its recipe reportedly was kept ordinance specialist was on urday iat his home here of ing to catch a glimpse of the secret, given ooly to a few the way from San •Pedro to cancer. He was 74. exclusive show business and ct 0 s e assoCiates, includinn take charge of the truck and --n .. -ian-bor 1 · ernrnent clienU -~ its explosive contents, which : "" ~ n en ,ertain· gov . e. Stewart and Mrs. Roosevelt: are consigned to the Anny · er s .restaurant, Ola.sens, was :-Ehzabeth Taylor a decade Oiasen ·was brought to _the · most appreciated by afficiooa-ago ordered gallons of the chili Police Hot dos for a dish that never ap-fl<>Wn to Rome where She was United States by his parents peared on the menu. His chili, on location for a picture. 'Ibe from Odessa, Russia, at the ladled out to such notab1es as late FBI director J. · Edgar age of 8 .. Cranston said he would ex- plore the possibility of WO- viding federal funds for such groups as ''Pare nts Anonymous." Child beating is ' ' a behavioral problem ~ilich like alcoholism can be overcome by self-sustaining. self Support from other parents who have the same problem," he said., Dr~ Ja1nes Ke n l. a psychiatrist at Chi Id ~ e n s ~-- "Apparently parents - their phildren ·for reason. stemming from their own prob- lems rather than from prob- lems that basically WIWl1y stem Crom the behavior of ~ children," Qr""61jln said. "They just take out thejr frustralloos , by whacking tllO kids aroun~:hr' he said. : '!be hearjng at City Hall here is one lb a series the s• committee has held in variodt · cities. To Locate 'Cool Cash' SANTA BARBARA (AP) - Police Saturday were still in· veStigatinl the theft of Margie Olofson's $25,000 ~in "cool I Sears I Cartridge T~levision " cash." 11le money was stolen from ·its hiding place in the freezer compa r tinent of ~s. Olofsoo's refrigerator,' Police lets ~ou ·wAteh the All·$tar Game J da~s ••• ·or J months ••• later! • . ---famil)Hlog--llie-wholeJ>ox of Ex·Lax because be just . loves little chocolate goodies. The day you left grea·se oo the steering wheel and he took 1.fother to the fancy party that night 11.e time you encouraged brother to stick all the gravel up his nose. The afternoon you took Cat over for a visit to Mrs. Smith's fishpond. When you bought ttu·ee new swimming suits and a hairdryer on his credit card: The night you brought that niC. girl hOme and said even if you didn't have.a job, you bad 1 _ big-surprise for him ... said. · · · __.,, ------------~--":""""?;:;..---M.,.,_4,,.....reporte<Hhe --Priceo Effective -~ mooey, wnPi>ed in two plastic thru Sat., June 23 I I - "- AH, FATHERS. Always the calm; steady hand in the time of crisis. Always the even-tempered pillar of strength. Jtemember? So do something nice lor him today. ·Maybe Father's Day will survive to be two years old. bags placed into a cloth bank bag, \V3S still there when she checked Thursday morning, but was missing when she returned home that night. Also taken wp.s a silver coin collection valued b e·t w e e n $8,000-$10,000, police said. Mrs. Olofson. reported she had plan· ned to place the money and the coins in a bank safe deposit Friday. as a hedge against inflation, according to polict. COP GOES BACK ON BEAT • • • (Freme Page A II mearw more crimes are IOlved. "'!be patrolmen should d .. velop a regular series of friends, 10 that if anything is happeclng, they'll tell him soon mough to do llOQtetb!ni about U." G. says. 'Ibe neighborhood p I a n stai:ted in Irvine in Sel>" tember, when • Costa _ 1'-1esa polioe began patrolling there on a contraet basis. It worked so well that rtlle system was installed throughout C o s t a Mesa beginning in January. Hmtington Beach, 'without knowledge of Costa Mesa's move, started its own version of neighborllood policing last FellNary. Officials in both cities say it is still too early to make a meaningful evaluation ol. the programs oo the basis of crime reduction staUstlcs. In theory, however, there are severaf reasons why they ezpect at least some crime reduction in the future . Olle . reason is t h a t patrol.men will be in a better poaltioo to f o 11 o w up personal ly on crimes that are oammitted -because they will be in the iaffie area day alter day -and another is that they ohould have more in· Centive to prevent them in the first !Place been.use they may be held accountable. What th!& comes down to in the field Is a !PJbtly different atcJtude toward crimes that are being Investigated. .. Under the old system," says Capt Greeri. "a man who had a burglary• occur on bis heat inlght just take the crime report and think no more ot. it. ••Arter all, he knew lhe next night he would probably be in another part of the city. 'EXTRA CARE' But under the system of ter- ritorial re~bility, Capt. Green says, the officer knows !hat he'll be corning back and he knows that if be can hetp solve the crime, he won't have to deal with that thief again. "So he'll tend to take extra care in get ting all the in- formation he can. and then in remembering it the next time he sees a suspicious person," Green says. In addition, he says. "the patrobnan is better able to prevent the Crime in the first place. He knows who Ule milkman is and what kind of car the janitor at the bank has, and so he can tell when something isn't right. You never know TWbet1 this kind of knowledge is going to pay off." Both Green and Burkellfield also say that the new system is good for morale on the force . "Some or our best men felt frustrated 1bccause they could never follow up on anything, and they couldn't get credit for It always if they did folk>w up. "Th.is system allows our bet- ter men to be rewarded, and it gives w: an idea who the slouches are, too." There is at least one possi· ble disadvantage to the plan, however. Michael O'Neill, a police specialist in the Socia I Ecology Department at UC Jrvine, point$ Out that the neWiborhood cop co n c e p t coold open the door for polfe comiptioo. FRIENOSll lJ'S J '" "f don't really believe it will be a probleril, especially with the kind of cops you have in Orange County," he says. "But the standard argument against this idea is that if you leave a policeman in one place too long, he can make friendships that get in the way of enforcement of the Jaw." On the whole, however . O'Neill" s upport s the neig.hborhoOO cop idea. He says it gives the individual patrolman mtre responsibility and more of a stake in bis job. "The individual beat is still so big that the patrolman is never going to know every person he serves," O'Neill says. "But the roore fixed the assignment, the be tter he can do." With all the theoretical ad- vantage to the neighborhood cop concept, one wonders why it was ever abandoned. ·•11 goes back to 'when they invented t b e automobile," says Capt. Burkenfield of Hun- tin gton Beach . ''Th e patrolman wasn't walking bis beat anymore, so it was thought that he could patrol allywhere. "Every patrolman was sup-po.oo ., know eY"1' part ol evecy city," Burkenfield says. "But in reality, that was im- poss.ible.'' Written ·Test SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - The written test for San Fran- ci3co • firemen has nunked again. For the third year in a row. federal judges ruled the exam was not reasonably related to the job and violated the U.S. Civil RI g h ts Act by d lscrim lna t-i nl against minorities_,:,_ New!.Bome Videotape Recorder ••• -- New!Bome TV Studio ••• \ Record your favorite shows "off the air',. Record programs up to 100 minutes long and play them back as many timee aa you like. Evm iC you're away from home, the timer can be set to tum on Ind · record up to 8 houni later. •Reoorcll•I for ..,l••W-••••ll'llllW _,, Shoot your own videotapes • Simply slip a blank cartridge into the recording unit and shoot any subject with the black-and-white TV camera .. :it records iound as-you tape?· You can erue the tapes· and re-use the cartridges, too. Blank tapes are available from Seers. 1 ~~==---·~ New!Bome Movie Theater ••• r~~~~~~~J2·~··~·~ftlV1 •ICIN I -t.' -~ ~~.;s ;• M!llQiol Play pre-recorded tapes from Sears library • Del wee Giant•Screen Color TV ••• TV Camera •250 ~ - Cartridge TV . Console •1,350 Vae Seara Easy Payment Plan ~~~\ll\llWA\\\•\\\\\~\l\i GUARANTEE I ~ Fl'ff home .ervioo on &ny &fir• t:11 rtridJll TV iC ~ 1:1ny part pro'¥e11 doft.-ctlve within one y"r orule. ~ ff\1 ~pl11~menl plcturl' tubli f11rnbiMd If pie• ~ tun' tulM! ,provee dcf....,tivc within two yt·O.tl. ~ i:,:;. Jn.u . .11 ll11tlon e111tr11 •ftc•t onto yt'11 r. ~ ~\I\ I\~ I Ii 1\\1)\l ~I \1\\l\l)\\\1~\)\\\1)\1\)\\~\i\\W~ • l . ' • ' .. .,.,.,.;;:: Seara will sell and rent pre- recorded movies, sport.a event.a, educational and instructional progra~. Cartridges play up to 112 minutes for your viewing pleasure. 25-in. diagonal- measure picture It's a fine color television receiver, too, with the IB1'gest screen Seara off era. Your family will enjoy t he reception on the' Chromix black.matrix picture tube for it.s beautiful color and sharp coiitrast. TWELVE TO FIVE We Mrvice wh•t we sell. anywhere in &he U.S.A. C.-In •M'" It Ulllorutr•W ••• FRu OUR SUNDAY HOURS .....,. ......... ----- • rc:;::=i AU<AMUA • ~ IUENA,ARIC _ 11•iu."'""'1.~"--c'""" CANOGA 'ARK CllllTOS COMP'TC)N.. LYNWOOD' COVINA ILMONTI GU:NOALf .. INGllWOOO LAGUNA HllLS LONG lfACH ,.NORTHllDGE OlYMPIC & 501'0 ORANGE • • ,ASADINA SAti't!o fE S,.INGS ~~ND OAKS' ~ PICO SANTA,MONKA lORIANCE -G_.,, ..... HlMONA SOUTH COA.S T 'LAtA o,,_ VAllEY --.,-.t ... - T ' • . ' ' Al , i DAiL Y PILOT EDITORIAL P AGE Gas Shortage Trick? Is the gasoLine shortage conttived! r.1ore and more evidence seems to point In that di- rection . Studies have been launched at both state and national levels to determine whether major oil c.om- panies are tigglng the market to boost their profits and drive out competing lndependent gasoline retaLlers. It 's no secret to the Southern Callfornla motoris\ that gasoline prtces are up -up about six cents a gal· Ion in the. pa st year. It's apparent, too, that very few stations are open at nigllt andithat many ha ve simply folded up as the wholesale supp y diminishes. ltlajor oil producers and retailers are fuzz'y in ex· plairtj.ng how the supposed shortage came about and Whf the prices are goi ng up, but they see m to han g theU' key argument on the ecology movement, contend· ing that environmental interests bave·somehow cut down the petroleum fuel supply. A California state senator, Ralph Richardson of Ar- cadia, is patronizing enough to claim that we're running out of gas because of the moratorium on coastline oil drilling that followed the 1969, Santa Barbara oil spill. That isn't the way the eviqence points. · Only last sum mer the Nixon Administration, follow· ing strong advice from the oil industry, refused to loos· en oil import restrtctions. At that time such producers as Texac9 and Exxon (the nation's lai-gest) were .cOn· tending they could supply the nation With the gasoline it needed. While the at-the-pump pric~ of gasoline was ris- ing about 15 percent, what do you suppose was happen· ing to the profits of the majors? Well, during the first quarter of 1973, the earnings of Exxon went up an amaz- ing 43 percent over the first quarter of 1972. Overall, u:s. oil company earnings went up an average of 28.2 percent for that same period. • · - Assembly Speaker Bob Moretti has said after re·· viewing testimony from several hearings On oil industry practices: "I remain unconvinced that the ~fuel price hikes ... are justified. In fac~ my skepticism about many oil industry practices has been hel~htened Jn r .. cent weeks." Competition is at the heart of the' issue. If ind .. pendents are forced out1 of business, the majors will be left free to control the . market -and also to use the supply·and-demand lever to stave off the environmental· ists. The independent dealer, says Sen. Adlai E. Steven· son Ill of Illinois, "keeps the majors honest." But, he says, 1,500 independent stations have gone out of busi· ness since the shortage became apparent in the fall of 1972 and "each week another 175 independent stations close their doors :" The public certainly has every right to be skeptical. The tremendous financial resources of the major oil companies and the lnfluential lobbying they wield at state and national levels are powers to be reckoned with . Here in California, Atty. Gen.'Vounger should waste no time or effort in determining whether the public is being victimized~. At the national Jevel Sen. Henry M. Jackson's bill ordering a detailed study of the petroleum industry by the Federal Trade Commission should be ~urned into law speedily. U no~ that gas pump is likely to read $1 a gallon before you know. it. · ~ , A S~:und Suggestion . State Sen. James Whetmore of Orange County has introduced the Electric Guitar Protection Act of 1973. It i. aimed at protectin~ bulky instruments-lnusicians m'ust leave on tlie premises where they perform. Fine. New if someone will only follow up with a Protection to the Public From Electric Guitars Act of 1973. -----"T .. ' Responsibility ·Of Security Dear Gloo1n y Gus Wester:1i Whit~ouse Deal ' • 'Mle security or the United States is the highelit responsibility of the President. When die Preoldent 111,YS,. therefoce, that Ilia actloas -0 dlctalod by Ilia conc<m for the national secyrlty, It must be recognir.ed thaNhis inmat he ~ paid to do. It ls iffiPortant, however, fa.r the American pedple to be certain that "na· tional security" does not become a COO· W!lient disguise f<r a grab at personal _. Power of the type associated with dic- tatcrial regimes. Nothing ts more cbatacteristic o( to- talitarian rulers than the way they have eoneocted. "threats" to the national se- curity as the pretext for strengthening their personal control of governl)'lent. THAT IS WRY few things are more disturbin« atx>ut Watergate than the nvelatlons that the Vlhite House actually arranged for the President toA be booed and heckled at a public meeting in New York. \\' e also now learn tbat this was not an isolated incident. Some demon.strations and riots were deliberately fomented. thus creating the impression that ractical elements were a grave danger to the na- tional security. Who does not remember tho President's reyeatetl and dramatic dernmciations of radica!J and students, , -potira~hlrr;;<lf OS the target of their reckless abuse? To what' e x t e n t "''ere those -derrmstration..s part oC a staged attempt to rally popular support to the side of the President? To what extent was the gmlndwork being laid for the later at· tempt to set up a secret police establish· ment tnside the White House -a secret .(. NORMAN COUSINS ) police establishment thcit, according to .the initial plan. would break into the homes of hundreds of American citizem, rifling ~ir mail, bugging the Ir telephones, keeping them u n d er surveillance. 1be pi'eliminary facts that have come to tight about thls illegal program in- dieat~ that t.hi5 secret operation was directed more against the political enemies of Richard Nixon th.an against any enemies of :the United States. What an incredible irony it is that the man whose political c;areer was so ld(m· tified with combating 111-American ac· ' Wicks -.....__ ~~'fS 'Take this g11s tanker to any Cadillac.' • When all the can: in Orange Coun· ty are' laid end to .end . . • w'e know the Sunday weekend Is here and our freeways have become the world's largest parking tot. c.s. CINmY Gvs com-i. •l't -...ltltd W ,....,.s •11111 do "" IM(ftUtlly Nfl.a-tll• vltw1 ., "" ,,.__._. Sllltl rvur "' HWt .. Oltomy G~i. D•llY l"li.t. tivities should DO\\' figure in sertous charges concerned with the illegal use of presidential power against the con· !lltutlooal tights of the American people. rin: U.S. GOVERNMENT w a s painstaldngty designed to pot basic human rights beyond the reach of men who.believed in political shortcuts or who believed that their positions of authority put them above the law. That design is now being tested as never before. It Ls now being determined whether the American system · can sustain and "'survive terrible strains that can be put upon It by men who, acting in the name . )f the President, are no respecters of the constitutional government that their cilief had sworn himseU to preserve and protect. It is completely lrrelevant to contend that the President had no knowledge or Illegal and criminal acts that originated in the White house. The fact that so many of these acts -acts that are di>figuring the political Ille ol the coun· try and debasing the moral tone of the society -were carried out right llllder the President's nooe say9 little about his ability to preside-over his oWn Office. f\.1oreover, how can the American peo- ple have confidence in the ability of a President .to perceive the true threats to _the national security that may originate thousands of miles ·away when he is oblivious 10 assault s on the fights of the American people ori ginating in the White House Itself? .Presid.ent Soaks the Rich .Our President ls coostanlly aecused of being overfiiendly to the wealth v. Non.sense. ~Take The Grea1t san Clemenie \\'hite House Deal. After t\l.'0-and-a-halr years, hl r. Ni xon's aides ha ve finally figured out and made · pµbli c how he bought the San Clement.e White House with the help of New York tycoon Robert Abplanalp, What they haven't yet made public is how Mr. Nixon sold Mr. Abplanalp on the dea l. Actually, Mr. Ab- planalp answered one of those ads : "Be our guest to In· spect San Clemente Sunny Acrt9. Free transportation on Air Force One. fue glus of champagne. Inw down! E-Z !fenns?" He was met at the gate by Mr. Nixoo, who was "'·earing-dark g~es, a sharkskin suit and blue suede shoes. ··welcome to San Cleme-~-sUnny Acres , Ate. Applenap," said Mr. Nixon heartily. "And here is OW' glass of free · champagne at no cost or obUgation." " . .\.bplana:lp," said Mr. Abp~analp. "But v,.hat I'm interested in is the low down payment and easy t.enns." · · "I'm glad yro asked that quest.k>ll, ~fr. Aplanapla," saJd Mr. Nixon. "Pleue in- spect um beautiful 38-room mansion which can be had fc.-ab.solutely nothing down." "Gosh," said Mr . Abplanalp, "it must be "'"orth more than half a million easy. You mean I can get it for no money do~·n at all?" ~ "No. ~fr. Planalpba," said \I.fr. Nixon. "I can." ''Haven't yoo got that backv;ards?" said Abplanalp. "Not at all," said Mr. Nixon. "You see, what we're primarily lnteremed in as subdividers is good neighbors. And as my good neighbor, I'm Soirc to allow you to ( ART HOPPE ) waU around all 26 acres. erecting three gaiebo.1 and Installing electric heating in the house." "That's national security?" "Isn't everything these days? Who loan me $626,000 to C.'O\·er the $420.00Q wants a cold President? Nor can we af· do"'ll payment on these 26 sunny acres ." ford a red President. So, for national "But we're not even neighbors." . security, l '\'e included a sha~providing ~ "We v;ill be, ~fr. Napafuiap: Because if • cabana on the beach, which you can visit you qualify, I'm. going to seU yoo 77 per any time.'' Cent of these 26 acres for only 82 .per cent "Holy moley, what a great deal! 111 of the St.5 mill ion they cost." sign." "'Va.it a minute, I "'oo't pay a nickel "A:ny time you can get over the eight- over 77 per cent for Tl per cent ol the -fo6t. wall. But let me sa,y, Bob, you're just land." •• 1he kind of good neighbor we were Joolr.. "Goll)', >W sure drivel hard bargain. ing for." Mr. Lapana~e. But you win. Si&n Well, you can't help onjoying ,... here." ~ident's fleecing 'a smart tycoon like "Which 77 per 'cent of the mansi«I is that. But poor Mr. Abplanalp. Imagine mine'?" him going home and trying to explain to "As tuck would have li, ~tr. Panalnab, his wife how come he was llllOOkered out the mansion happens to be on my 23 per of tl ,249,000 for 20. l baJTen acrM. And he cent. But, don 't worry, to increase prop-didn't even ask about achools ~ bm erty values I'm spending' more than stops. $100.000 in pubUc funds for national Jn fact, all he got oot of Jt was the 6eCll!"it-y-such-a.. buiJdin&-an-eigbt,fool,_~den< '!"'_calls him Bob. --- • Red Tape Prot,ect,s Deal For· 'Fortunte in Gold' WASHINGTON - A desert stash of old Mex ican gold ingots \VOrth tens 0£ millions has been reported to skeptical authorities who fear it may be a hoax. The king's ransom ln ancient bullion and Aztec-era artifacts was descMbed to lawyer F. Lee Bailey by a mys terious middleman three: months rago. He told Bailey the gold had been carted north perhaps ·hundreds of years ago and hid- (JACK ANDERSON) is possible with modem refining. But some ancient ingo~ had this low gold content. The bar, at least, was no hoax. But the talks have bogged down . Why Police· Are Needed On Campus den in a cave on what is now the Whiu. Sands proving grounds in New Mexico. Now the gold has been rediscovered, claimed the middle- man . He wa s authorized by a con· sortium, he said, to Treasury officials reasoned tha t If there were gold on White Sands, then it already belonged to the governmen t. Under present international agreements, the gold could not be used in world trade or sold by the Treasury for hard cash. . Aa one olficlal told us, "There WM all thls aec.recy and tedium about the deal. Besld~. It's an unbelievable story." On May 17, the Treasury Department returned the ingot and told Balley tn a brusque private let ter that "the Treuury has no interest 1n proceeding further with this matter." On April 23, 1969, m.ilitant black and Puerto Rican students seized the Sou01 Campus of the City Cnllege of New York. An emergency faculty meeting wa.s call- ed. Members of a well-organized tacully group rose in tum to argue that all stu· dmt demands be met and that police not be called. 'The ract that the rights of thousands ol students wer.e being tramp1ed in the interests of pub- liciiing the demands ot ooly 40 or so stll· dents di<1..not weigh heavily l1f the reck- oning," writes L. C. Hener, prolessol' of classlcal languages and Hebrew at C.C.N.Y., in ''The Death of tbe American University" ( Arllnl!too l. ''1'1.ls reject.ton Of JegiHmate al d frun a pubUc la"• enforcement group -a hojdover from a medieval stnJgglc b«\W!ell wliversity and s e c u I a r authoritk!s -was to be the single mOlll disaltrous )"'!JCl' followed." ' 11IE RESULT WAS that the entire ""1· lege .,...., closed. whll e press and TV made heroes ol the militants. dtplctlng ,thfm 85-righters f9" jUS1 ict and eq ualit y 91alnst an oppressive.. nnd i;;icist • in· ·>lltutkn "The absurdity ol calling City College taclst.." contlnues fleller, "is 1>1uent to •rt>-•!lo -the hlotory ~r the Ill'" stHutlon, wblch WU too.-OlpllclUy IO tbat the cl!IJ<ftn ot lbe rich Ind the poor ~'Ould sit together in lhe same classroo1n. \\'it.h no distinctions of race, color, reLigion or creed." Dr. Buell Gallagher, then president, in· stead of using his authc:rity to keep lhe college open, follo"'·ed the advice of faculty and closed it. He consented to the interrupt ion or suspension of the educa- tion of some 20.000 students to cater to the "''hims of 50 to 100 activists. MANY STUDENT demands were fic- tional -merely pfetcxts for trnuble- n1aking. For example. faced with Jn. ere~ enrollments, City Q>llege decid- ed to put up temporary huts to serve as classrooms unUI permanent buildings CX>Uld bo complelod. A group ol radical students, discover· Ing that tine lrtGI would have lo bo cut down to make room for the hu~. were ouddenly passionately coocemed with the desecration of nature. They held rallies to p~ect the trees. They prostrated themselves in the path or bulldows, OC• cupied excJvaUons 30 that concrete could not be poured, and acreamed olloctnltles at Pr61dent GaUa&her when he tried to "'"""" with them. Ftnany the president called the pollc., who arrested the obstructlont.lS and dragged them orr campus. ll'Ofnedlatel}' there \l'.1!1 an uproor O\'fr vior'ating the sacrDd taboo agaiMt calling Police 0'1 cn1n1ws. A grou p at a faculty meeting moved thnt the president be otrl pped of hLs rig!>! to call the police - which was of eoune Iecally impoollble. A compromhe m'asure was of f·e red • t S. I. HAYAKAWA students screamed obscenities from the platform ~e couples openly copulated in the aisles. Numerous fires "'-ere set, and Aronow Auditorium was burned down. What :was going on was the outright rape of the academic en- vironment -authorizing the president to call the police only alter oonsu.ltin~ with a joint NEVERTHELESS. Dr. Rober .t student-faculty conunittee. ~1arshak, one. ol Dr. Gallagher's sue- . --cessors. ,..fused to· protect-the !n1egtity DR. GALLAGHER, a I w a Y s the ot the classroom, saying that 11bulldlng (,'hrlstl an gentlem~n. aUO\\'ed the motion bridges 1n the academic communlty" to be put to a_ voice vote. Al though the y,·as more important than any pro£esMr's vote appeared to many to be about even. unimpeded right to teach So much for says Heller. "Bending backward .in a academic Sreecbrn. And~ \Vere many gallant but ~bsµrd gesture, Dr .• ~allagher otJ)Crs like "1arshak, at many other ~ ruled that The. ayes ha~c It: He wa s stitutioos, unwUJlng to take a stand to slJow1ni how.emmently fair he was. Jn so protect tbose who want to teadl study or do!ng fle set the stage f~ the future contlooe t.helr J"Mearch _ ln shOrt. thoee destrucUon o.f the college. . for whom the universlty exists. What continues to be Mlonlshing in Why doell the "ailmt majority" get Prof'. Heller s account of events at PlWled •round 90 badly'? Basically, I C.C.N:Y. Ls lhe .helpl....,... ol the COii· he!Jcve. the reason ls ibal they are sclent1oos lnaJority ~ atudents and civilized people _ and civilia.n.o;. We no faculty . In the face of 1Tll9ohfef "llnd longer live in a front.ler 90Ciety. Cltlr.ens destruction on the ~ of • minority of _ prolesoor or -_ cannot be robelllous student3 and lrr.,ponslble organized lnto vigilante forcu, boc:ause facul ty. they· have long ago, Jn on organized An academic communlty ~ ~ frail society, delegated the handling of structure, dependent· on tacit un · lawlessness to a professional police force. , der.1~1ndings among clvlli1ed people to Adminlstrators who 1811 to call the maintain an atmoophere of reason. police when needed and professors who . scholarly discourse and ciyjllty. At protest their )rtSen<:e on cam pus are C.C.N,Y. gangstemm was rifnpent on equally oblivious of the condltlons that ca mpus (as at San Franc~co State In the keep a ctvllJzed IOClety civilized. When sa me period). Goon squad! or mlllta nts terrorism break1 OtJt on campus there Invaded claMrooms to sus~ in· ~ nolhlng to do but to call ht the pro- llructlon or ro -up ~-• • lw-11 who ore tralned to handlo the At · one antl·war rally anarchLstlc problem. . -----' c- try through Bailey to gaht legal pos,... slon of the treasure. The middleman, a business executive, said the tOOSOrtlum would deliver the gold to the government. The C<NOrtium promised lo pay taxes on the tons of gold, which might come to 50 percent of its value, and sell the rest for their own profit.---. - TF TIUS "treasure of the Sierra • ~ladre.:• turned out to be otolen ·and \he ri ghtful owners established a valid claim, then the coosortium would agree to give up the entire trove. Skeptical, Bailey new secretly in his Lear Jet to El Paso, Tex., SURJX>ScdlY near where th~ cache IJ: locat~. -But once he met with hls new .clients. they thwarted his efforts to visit the treasure cave. Th ey feared Bailey·~ entry· to the White SandJ tovemment re5ervaUori might be hn illegal act which, because he \vas their lawyer, would jeopardize their case. · Bailey took his story to Tod Jlullln. a White House aide, who wanted tome prqor or the tale. Obligingly, Bailey's clients LWtt him a gleaming eold-«>lored bar about 311 inches long. and promlS<d him hundr'eds more to prove to the government their .ofrar WAS 110 honx . \Vlth ttlis in hand,, Balley "''as referred to the Treasury Department •. TREA~URY EXl'JtRTS assayed the bar at 611 percen) pu rt, much less than Balley, meanwhile, argues that the government has nothing to lose by m1'l· Ing a deal . And, he pohtts ou~ the only way lo find oot whether the gold treuure is a hoax Is for someone to snip through the red tape. OIAN•I COAST DAILY PILOT /lobrrl N. W<fd, PubU.htr Thomos Kc<VlL Editor Barbara Kreibich Edltotial Page Ediwr 'l'tle ~torial 1J>&l'I! of ffMr DtllJ' Pilot ittQ to lnfonn and rtlmul&te readtts by ~ttna on tht. ,... divertefCO'!'mentary' on topS21cs Of t,.,. term by .yndlcattd ~umnllfa cartooniftt, by prov-ktifta a . for readers' v~• and by prHerrttni this ncwtpaper'1 opilrioM and fdtlil OD current ........ Tiit tdl~ opllilona ot the Dilly Pl~t appear onl~" the f'dltortal column 1t the top the po.ge. Opinkmt ex~ by t col· umrU1t1 and earcoontlta and Uft' wrltn"B are their own and rio e- mvit of their views 1)y 'lh• Dally Piiot ..... Id ... - Sanday, June 17, 1973 . ' ) .. ' ••• .,,_ Synday, Junt' 17, 197) DAILY ,!LOT • . . Watergate Paved .. By JFK -F·orces Boeky Road-to Soeialis1n , By YORICK BW MENFELD nlan) ond at leaat elgh1 1luble ethnic Edltorial Research Report.I group&. Even today lhe otnchtl census retur111 show that fewer than 2 pt•r-LONOON -YUjOS).av CT'OWdJ still cent of the 20 nullion people cla-l$ify YUGOSLAVIA sing the famous song from the time ol them&eives as "YugOll8VS." their country's break '!Vitb Russia 25 Joslp Broz -he would later add the years ago this month : "Cornrade T1to, name 1'to -wu a ··vlliloolav" we swear that we shall never swerve through birth, the son of a SlovrnC!: SLOVENIA: WASHINGTON -'lb6 current idle or !"Im Monday, tho'.ofnclaJ OCJan ot lht Republlcan Nall0<11.l Qmunlllee, bas an lnlerestlnc artlcle about scRndals In lht mor!J>und Office or Economic Op- porttlnJt.y. There's no mention of Watergate, but lhen a Republican can't open his mooth or put pen to paper the~ d•ys wi thout an inadvertent plunge lnto [ VON HOFFMAN J f th " I 1 .... 1 mother and a Croatian father. lie rom rour pa · · · nctt&S • .,..y, bll' all Ila · grew up mgu y in a vi ge 1n however, Yugoelava have begun to Croetla near the border of Slovenia . IOSNIA·HWIGOVINA: " -of the overpowerful Prfsidency goes much farther back than 1960, but the White House of pro.tORSUlar Pretldentlal assistants, imbued with the notion of obe· dle11~. to the bou, not the law, saw its Cini full bloom In the Kennedy year" wonder v.·here that pltb leads. The Croats have never considered 'J'ito Mo-~40%; S1r~1, 37%; (tooh, 21 % Jrony. , In the light of what 's been going on, the magazine readers may have ahaken (1--~ii ... their hea<ls upon see-._)\ Inc thb quote culled from tho wrJtlna-.of the Uberal WaTtei- Llppmann : "Only the President, be- cause he ls the Chief Executive, is in a position to know all the facts. Only the President and his ad· vlser1 are In a poBition to weigh all the facta:. Therefore, the President alone can Jead the country." Th.la citation is pU:blished as a jibe at thoae liberals who are now crying to the 1kl~s that the Presidency ha s acquired so much power it threatens national securi · ty, The point they 're making is that · liberals bitch about a strong Presidency when they're out of Power and vaunt the · idea when-their man is in. They nail the idea borne with a telling 1961 quote from Sen. J. William Fulbright, a mart' who has no1v come to ho~d. an almo.st diametricall y oppcsite opuuon to -th e one he had in the early daya of the Kennedy Administration : "THE PRESIDENT is hobbled In hi• ta sk of leading the American people to consensus and concerted action by the restrictions of PC>"'cr lmposed upon hhn by a COf!stilutional S)'!lem designed for an 18th-centu ry ag rarlb'n society far re- moved from the centers of world..po"K'Cr. It is im~t"tive.lhat we break 001 of the intellectual confiiles of cherished ind- tra(Utlonal beliefs .'' Thtse quotes put Presld~nt Nixon's Came lot was populated by a bunch of cock.sure power mechanics wbo were as proud ol. being called "lough-noaed" as the Nixon gang Is. 'lbelr motto wa.s jll!t as much "get the job done and don't tell me how" as Ntxon's Huns motto Is now. Is the W-etergate ~gging any more of an affront to civil llbertles than the Martin Luther King bugging? That was done under John Kennedy, and ordered by his brother, the ..Attorney General wh.o was as savage in his own way as John Mitchell was in his. C.an the Kemiedy use of the FBf lo lnllmldate the U.S. Steel Corporation lnto a price rollback be de- fended by anyone with a respect.for our 'basiC laws? Once again extensive purges have. "oo• of ours" anct the Slovenes never swept Yugoslavia . Top pollUcal flgurts have ~anled him as a "son of in Servia , Slovenia, Macedonia and Slovenia. ' The Serbs, on the-o10cr Croatia have been OU!ted from their hand, have usually insisttd that Tito is jobs for being too "liberal," for ad· a Qoat vocaUng Serbian or Croetian na· Through ideology as \\'ell as birth tlonallsm, or reportedly even for fall. 'nto has been able to rise above J.ng to show proper deference to the 81-parochial interests. He becanie a year-old President nto. After more Commwtlst when captured by the than a decade of preparations for his Russians in World War J. Back "in Qis eventual exit from power, there is homeland, he·was jailed as a political more uncertainty than ever about his agitator ~ drew M05COw 's notice. succes.sion. Paradoxically, the more Somehow he survived Stalin's purgr.s he has tried to arrange his departure, In the 1930s and emerged from \Vorld the more he has placed himBelf in a War 11 as the resistance hero or central role. Yugoslavia -and its lca<W. In the past decades it has becune Whether from · a clash o t fashionable to call Tito "the first persooallties or Tito's fierce brand or communist king. 1• The description is nationalism, he balked at carlj'ing out apt partly because of the marshal's Stalin's orders after the war. When love of pomp and ceremony, his the break came -Moscow denounced SUCJ.1 ACl'S then· and now are .defe11d· resplendent uniforms and palatial him and expe lled the Yugoslav party eQ f_n the same way. National security, mansions, but mostly because of the Crom international cominunism on (roelt, 79% Adrluti1: Sea MONTENEGRO: Mon11n1grin1 , 67% .Albonions, 73% • domestic security, the national intesst, way the simple people look up to him. Ji.iiW28, 1948 -Tito remained defiant we've ·heard the language before. Th He is regarded throughout the country and declared he would qioose his own of the justification for the large-seal as a sort of HapE!burg m o narch, "road to socialism.~• picture. \Vhat Yugoslavs like to boast. surveillance of civilians by the military presiding over the motley nationalities From this time forwartt, his ol as self-management often seems to under Lyndon Joh.n:irul._ and fairness 11nd somehow mysteriously binding popularity at home has been beyond bear a closer resemblanCi! to anarchy. compels-you-lo say that Nlxon-has been them toge.Ulertlirough ~v.11 person. challenge. However, the Yu,g0&lav Aher a furious s'pate of dceen- expanding on a received aefinition of the Yugoslavia has the ~test ethriic "road to sOciaUsm" tias been r:ockY tralizatlon bet1\•cen 1966 and 1971 . Tito Presidency, and not creating a new one. and religious diversity in Eastern and tortuous. Through the yea rs. the obyiously felt matters had gooe too far Tu-o of the outstanding men Iri the E_ur~, an area not~ for _such ~t.ry's economic and politi~I in-an~ tried to reassert more control. Ile Nixon A<!miftfslF~m."Cftom_~ -divers:ity-;-The--countcy~s...an_unlikely._stitutions_hay:e_been....decentr:al12ecLto_managed to purge the p a_r t Y ' s nedy 's, where they play~d far smaller anfilgam Of 6its ahd pieces of-~ differentiate them-from Soviet com· leadership and jail a nwnber cf parts. John corlnally was Kennedy1s Hapsburg and Ottoman empires put munlsm. These measures unwitt ingly un1versity professors and students. Secretary of the Navy, whlle Henry Kiss· together when the map of Europe was led to the resumption of intense But even his most ardent supporters Inger 5JH!nt two years in a kind of half· redrawn after 'Vorld-War I. rivalrlel among the traditionally an-do not believe that the COl,!nlry is in a life' as a Kennedy forei &n policy con-In this nation the size of \Vyoming tagnostlc ethnic groups with Yugcr 1nood for a Tito-style "cultural revolu- suUant in a dungeon over in -the Ex-can befoundtwoalphabets (Latin and slavta. _. tion ,'' ' . ecutive Orfice Building. Cyrillic,). three major re Ii g ions · To Rl06t observers. the ebb and flow Can Titoism exist in YugoslaVia 'tn a fa~hion, Kissinger may embody 1Roman-€atholic ,"Greek Orthodox and of social exp er i rn.e n tat ion in without Tit.o? To th!: average Yugoslav the similarities and the differences. The lslam J. four pMnclpal languages Yugo.slavia over tile past 25 years it seems that while Tito may have man made his fi rst reputation in the (Serb, Croat, Slovenian and...Macedo-presents a·puzzli.ng and kaJeidoscopic provided a most inconsi st<.11t type of 1950s. as a persistent PtWQnen.t o1 the use .. · of tactical nuclear weapons. The hard Nation's Security Endangered _:..,.--VOJVODINA: SERBIA: Strb,, 89,., -· S1rb1, 56%; Hvngorio111, 21% M1c14oftio111, 69% leadership over the past few yeat:s. the muddle wi ll even be greater alter his departure. ~tilovan Ojila.s. the writer who was the heir·apparent until his fall fro m Tito's grace, ha11; v.•Mttcn that today in Yugoslavia "there does not st'<!m to be any organized , politie<il unifying ·rorces." . Tito. hin1self, has summed up the situation better than anyone else. "I have not much time left," he said in an interview \vilh the Zag re b ne\vs paper Vjesnik. last fall . "That is why I mu st do everything I can." He intends to lea~e a united, Marx ist Yug06lavia behind him. But in the current state of flux, ~e prospect of. achieving !he aim is no longer clear. -<:!aim that the-government was in the burglary business up until 1966 ln something more than a self-serving light. He's telling us that we have switched the rules on hlm, that we approved of almost . any act, legal or not , in the name of na- tional aecurity until quite recently. He can point to Fulbright's practically saying that the Con.stituUon is an obaolete impediment to the President's doing hi! job. Mxon has more than that going for hl.ril. Who uttered these comforting worda? "I don't believe that the govern· meot, as a political group ol men, has 1 rilhf. to Ue, but when a nation's life is at state, that takes precedence over everything." It wasn't Ron Ziegler, the White House . Pinocchio, but Arthur Sylvester, Assistant Secretary of Defense - for Public Affairs under. John •F. Ken- nedy. nose aga~. "Too Gennao .• too ponderou,, and heavyl.flanded to be part of Camelot," as David Landau puts it ln his excellent Kissinger study. This doughy, refugee Bavarian dumpling was squeezed out of the While House by' special Presidential assistant McGeorge Bundy, the man who had origlnally brought him in from Harvard, because he su.pected that Dr. K was trying lO end-run around him tnto JFK's office. Now Henry ls jilst as particular as to who gets in to see the boss. No Time to _ ~ake Ellsherg Hero ,wrrffOlJT EXCULPATING Nixon or hil Crlenda, backers and ooUaborators, indicted , unind.lcted or fugitives from jUJtlce, it remains: true that Watergate w11 prepared. so to speak, by the Ken- nedy Admlnistntioo . Tnle, the buUdlng The kraut professor whose pants were • too baggy and face too grave for the Keonedys Is the style 11ar and peM1011alilv kid of the Nli:on era. But these arenrt matters of substance; they only confirm the suspicion that Pat Nixon put.s plasUC · cOvera · over the .chl.U:a-In the Green Room. They al5o confirm that the.re has been a shared· basic definition of the American Presidency since 1960 at least, and that It prepared the way for Watergate a~ much as any dishonesty now being ascribed to its present oc- cupant. Occupational Hazards Of Sword Swallowers Am asked how a proles&onal sword swallower knows how long a sword to IW&Bow. Nothing to it. Start• With a real kltg-bl8de Ind i~rts-same until the tip touches the pit of the stomach. The senaat!oo is a little like railing in love, I'm tokl. Anyhow, he marks the sword at bi teeth, withdraws it. cuts lhe blade down 10 the refastened handle fronts ex- actly on the mark, and that's ii. a meal ~ metal customized to preci!e specs. • • • True. the rainbow trout can tolerate water anywhere from 48 lo 68 degrees F .• but It gels hungriest for the bait when the water Is just f. about 61 degrees F. (..__L._M_._B_o_n> _ __,) sho\li'S something about his personality. Such is the claim of a pair of University l)f Illinois psychologists. That man who Jlkefl Jong.Jei;ged girls, they say tends to be an easy-going character v.·ho doesn't usually drink much. But the mM who choose! ·short·legged girls, they aver, is apt to be quite a social lioo. a joiner, a rrequenter of numerous parties. <Air l.4lve and War man declines to confirm these findings, please note. • • • Were you aware. about 98 percent of the world's l.Onl.adoes occur in the U.S.? Regardless or what one thinks of the Watergate affair and related maUers, now is no time to make Daniel Ellsberg a hero. Nor is it time to accept him as an 'authority on the quallfications for penoos named lo the Cabinet. . lt should not be fOCJollen, especiBlly in the present climate of oplnion. that Ellsberg is the self- adm.itted thief o! classified govern- ment ifllormauan, which he unlawfully distributed. to news- papers for publica- tion. Perhaps It is too easy to elevate Ellsberg from the status of a defendant to t b a t of an · authority on questionable government activity because gOVemment rni!cooduct brought about a dismiaul of. the· charges against him In federal court. President Nii:on, in an obvious referen- ce lo Ellsberg, ncenlly told a gathering of American prisoners of war that C911- fidential communications are absolutely essential to the national security, adding:. "I think it is Ume in this country to quit making national heroes of thoee who steal secrets and publish tbem in ne"K'Spapers." IN nns I AM in full aireeme.nt with the President. After all, Ellsberg and his acrompli_ce1 Anthony Russo Jr., were • charged with one of the most serious crimes. And nothing which they said or did in court brought about the dismissal or the charges against them. The case was dismissed solely bee.a.use a former White House-aide authorized t·h e burglarizing bf Ellsberg's psychiatrists's • office and other questionable actions. Quite understandably, Ellsberg was immediately -hailed by Uberal seg.inents of the news media and those well- -. -. - organized forces 1,1:hich for so long op- posed the U.S. participation in the war in Vie.tnani. Thus, .we find that only days afte his case was dismissed, Ellsberg used his new-found fame to try to block Senate confirmation ol Elliot Richardson' as at- torney general tA the United States. After lengthy hearings, the Senate Judiciary Committee was-all set to approve the nomination when Ellsberg c a 11 e d memben of the committee and com- plained that Richardson had been "less than candid" in previous testimony. 'I'he oommtttee thereupon delayed its action on the Richardson nomination, gave Ellaberg a chance lo bock up his claim and then Wiled unanimousl y to recom- mend conflnnaticn of the attorney general-designate. Subsequently, t h e Senate showed what it thought ol Ellsberg's infonnation by approving Richardson's nomination by a vote·of a2 lo 3. PERHAPS IT rs a sign pf the times that a man who admitted taking and distributing classified government papers could suddenly be elevated t6 a place where his \Vord was sufficiently ac- ceptable to delay the confinnation of a man choson to be the chief law-en· forcement officer oC the United States. This is not an attempt to justify the burglarizing of a doctor's office as in the Ellsberg case. but rather an expression of concern over this country's future security. . It is also an atten1pt to refute claims by m a rr y left-wing writers and spokesmen that there is absolutely no need for cl~ifying any government documents or activities. It is a fine dream to hold that in a democracy all the people have a right to knQW all that goes on in t.ha1r govenunent all the Ume. But experience has taught us· that this is only a dream and that it is not only an ' BARRY ' GOLDWATER impractical one but an extremely dangerous one. lT UNOOU BTEDLY was a similar concern which led ·President Nixon dur- ing his talk to the POWs lo challenge the federal bureaucracy to adopt a "'new sense of responsibility and dedication" in protecting national secrets . " ''\Ve must have confl<Wltiality," Prei;i. deni Nixon declared. "We must have secre t communication, and I am roing .to me-¢ my responsibility to protect the °'1- tional s!!Crets of America." In support of his preinl.se, the PTesi- dent traced the government's role in maintaining secrecy throughout the sensitive' stages of the Vletnameie war and.in pi-'elimlnarftatks wlth Red China ' aild the Soviet Union. He added a personal note for the POWs when he said, "'Had we not had that kind of secrecy ... ya.a men would still be in Hanoi." No Matter What the W9rd, It Still Means 'Poverty' The Good Book of Matthew assures us that the poor will always be with us, Not so. says_the Nixon Administration. Right now. there is a White House committee working on ·the proposition that the word "poverty" be dropped from the Cederal lex icon. A source close to this £1ant project ex- plained to a reporter: ''Poverty is a value-laden, highly politicized word and that's not the kind or word we like. '\le would like a les!; value -laden concept like income distMbu- tion ac mean ac me- dia.n or some other word devoid of emo- t i on a I complica- tions." ·(CHARLES MCCA,B~ can in fact fool all or the people all of the time. But the good book ot Matlilew is sill! right, and the Nixon Adminlstratlon la just playing lhose word games at which it has become so a(iept. sun as true as ever is something Dr. Johnson tot~ James 'Boswell back in 1763 : "All the arguments which are brought to represent poverty as oo evil, show it tilt be evklently a great evil. You never flad people laboring lo convince you that yOU may live very happily upon a plentlful fortune." Or so lhe ex:perts now repart. Jf you want to pick water to produce fish, sir, take Its temper8· ture. • • • IL was customary in the Engl.and of 200 years ago for a weddln& announcement to stale In plain rlgurt1 the size of the bride's fortune, Memory Is Healing Agen~ - M it is. poverty is not a \\'Ord you. hear very much in and abou t Washington. The Census Bureau recently took a big step toward abolishing poverty when it eUmlnated the word from its reports . Substitu.ted -was the phrase "low level in· come.'' Once berore, in 1971, the Nixon Administration tried to abolish poverty with the stroke of the executive pen; but various evil critics, including yours truly, took a frivolous view of the project. TO PRETENO that the problem of poverty does not eltist, ~tilch Is the thrust of this Uttlecampaign, Is to try to tal k yaur way out of a problem which,·~ the present moment, and by the pr<Oelll accepted definition Of poverty, troubles some 25.6 millton American.\. You are· poor in this rountry today if you are part of a nortfann family of four whose annual cash income is $4,l37. If any. • • • ·rousrERS:· Q. "How many people do'thoee surveytakers have to poll on an}' givoo question t0;iget a fair sampling?" A. About l.SOO. At least, that's what the Gallup pollsteri say they reqllire to meet the laws of probability. • • • Do youngsters under age 8 ever com· mtt suicide? Certainly not The U.S. Cens~ Bu~nu won't permit IL. Its . statlstlciam are under order t o categorize the denth of any chi ld younger than thnt age to be. due to "unknown and unspecified causes." So say1 a public health specialist Why f doo'I koow. Because ol legal wrinkles, probably. ti's a sad fact, nowevc~. numerous little children do t.ake their own lives. • • • SOLDIER'S CHOICE' Thal ~ 'food said to be preferred fl:tr mo1.·e th•n &ny other by· men In the U.S. Anny Is milk. Or do you want to , cnll It a bevcruge? 1>omn1t mntfer. • • • ;;ort of girl• a yollng fellow prefers Memory is like a bandage. It covers up the hurts and wounds of lodlly. But memory, or course, plays a greater rofe in the allmeni we call life than that of a mere bandaa:e. It is a medicine in itself, a.swell. It is a great healing agent. Memory Is the balm that reconciles us to today's pains and .. the premised em~ tiness and lonellneu of tomorrow. Mem- ory, by romlndlng us of food Umea we had In the past and the bad times we survived. can. also by those examples give us hope that our future may stlU .hold great times, loo. Your own •tore of memc.iee b large •nourh lo fill many an Idle h6ur If you can looR hick and remember when - Most of the thlnp you boiighlOiot you only about what the tax on them Is now. MANY BOYS ""'' li\lngry Saturday• bocau•o If they didn't mook out ol u.i ll<lust berono breakfast their mothers [...__H_AL __ B_o_n._E __ ) would tell thtln they'd have lo· spend moot of the day beallng dust out ol rugs hwig up on a wire in the backyard. You didn't have lo worry about getting air--coodltloners-or television s e t s repaired, but SO!Mhow something always seemed to go \vron.g with the coal furna~ ot the hot water heater. Doctors dldn't charge much, nnd they were usually the lost to get pa!~-The first thing a fan1ily ~Id every week was ils grocery bill. A young fellow who could strum a prct· ty foir mandolin usually didn 't have much trouble getting dates. Many 'a strict mother wouldn't let her daughter go out with a boy who drove a car thut had a rumble scat. WHILE UFE had problems we doil'l race now, nO man Md to spend hair lhe day in an office washroom because of a stuck zipper. That handy Uttle gadiil hadn't come alona. • People "\\'ho lived in apartmeflts felt I.hey had taken a big step up in the v.·or ld when they could afford to move into a building that had an elevator. When parents of a large family made a Sunday visit to 1he zoo, they always counted the children before and after going by the hea rpll, A juvenile delinquent was a kid who sat in the front row of the balcony at tbe movies, and threw beans at the audience below as soon as the lights ..-.·ere turned off. A GUY COULD normally expect to go through Ure wllhout ever meeting an In- come tax collector except socially. A lot ol folk.! thought you were Uu"01V· ing 11way your money if you sent your daughler •way lo college. 'lbe male the- .Dry wu that a girl didn't need lo go to collee:e to learn how to raise children , and too much education served only to un· 00.lanC"e !he fem ale mind more than nolute hOd done It already. People gave less money to formal charity, but were more wUllng to pil<:h ln and help an l!J!llvtdunl who wu In ltou· ble. , Those .,.,. llie days -remember! • YOU WOULD be fustilied It a this reminded you of the part of Allee In Won· dc:rland where the king keeps muttering the 'A'Qrds impart.an\ and unimportant to himself "as.if he v.•ere trying "\\itlch v.·ord sounded best ." Neither the v.wd nor the idea ol pi)\'C:r- ty is what }'OU oould call welcome news to the Preoldenl and l)...,e Madison Avenue 1ypes who appea r 'to be his closest advisers in matters of thls sort. These folk V.'OUld wave a wand and ex· orci9e lhe y,•hole wretched bu.~inM.t. It Is more than likely that they will, through the magic of the medla . As the cover of lhe Atlantic Mmthly reminded us the other daY,, the lime has come 'A'heo ~ Quotes Gov. Ronlld Reagaa, quOted on energy crisis -"If, the ao•emment had be<n given Leon!Jlict ZOO yenrs ago J9.,P.l'O(\uce the elcctrie light, that company today would .UU be called General Cnndle.'' ' Th.is problem and its sibling.-a risinl crime rate, ls not going to be exorcised by nifty little sermons •about self·reliap and how you should lift yourself off Ute "K'elfare rolls by your bootstraps, if yoU happen to possess a pair. ~ I happen to. be one of those folks who flrtf\ly believe that dishonesty never setJl ties anything. The dishonesty implicit in· an effort to wipe the word "poverty" out ol the dictionary ot government Is really gaddenJni lo think about EVEN SADDER is the fact that Ibo \\lblte •rouse is speaking for a grt:al many people. The subllrb! llke nothlnt. better than to see the poor nnd their : problems creep slowly and obediently, lnto the sea. lt is pa.rt of lhe malaise of our time lhat we think \\'e can thint probl.tm1 out ol en,terw. Or~ out ot eight people in 1his coun-- lry Is poor Rnd Is (rytna lo rope with the. terrible prob\fllu Ot. the poor ootslde.r.' The least we could do Is I t them kee~ the Mme of their affliction. As !Ong 11 the ·word poverty """ stab htto oar ·pampered souls It sliOiifftie lillowe<l Wilt ''" • I • . - A I DAILY PILOT 5'11tday, June 17, 1973 • • . ,. ··~i -• .. Bren McKorkell, 11 , of Newport Be-a ch with• 1973 garbenst.ngel entry Inventors, Note: 5 Weeks _Left to Garbenstangel -· ' .. By TO:\I Ml-CANN ...... 0•11~ ,Ila! Siii! Officials of the Build a Bel· ter Garbenstangel Contest and International Railye today an· nounced dates for the 1973 edi- ti·on of the world event. It will be held July 18 through 21 at. South Coast Plaza. As in lhe Past. the Daily Pilot . will ro.sponso.r t h.e world's only event in which garbenstangels are displayed, demonstrai.d and judgl!d f0< prizes. Inevitabl y. wbe·n. garbenstangelers get tog~ber. as they will at this y(!ar's July· event. someone .. vill remember some o f the g r eat garbenstangels of the past. There will be \Vayne. the 'wondrous creation of the Orange Coast College team which won 1the first com- petition ever held in the Collegiate Division -back in passing through a series or 1971 . wheels, gears, conveyor belts, That was the entry del:icrib-light displays and such, the ed by a Daily Pilot writer as raw material would emerge on having "five washing·machine-the other side as a neat little tub-sized flowers with rotating bale like a n1iniature bale o! pisLils -all in warm brown, cotton. orange, yellow and red col-Then there was the entry in ors." . last year's contest which its lts entry mate; Phosphate owner -bu i I der , Carl ' Plus. "'as called a "rebuilt Van Co u v er i n g, called washing machine with a Unfinished S,tm.pathy.. - message." It was the first \•>heeled Then there \\•as the beUy garbenstangel many rallye at- button lint. processor which tenders had ever seen. ·WQn an award in 1971 for fu: recurrently opening_ and Laurence ~Wright. He wore bis slamming door and i t s steam-pqwEired wrist watch -monstrous gearboxes grinding anQiher prodltct of hls own away in concert wi~ the gafbenslang~ shop -wjlen he fliWrlng tall light. Ill!!' 8 s~-eff-the proce680!"' to handsaw cuuirig thro~h a the press cameras. . two-by-fou r were highlights of A dehghtfull_y c9mpllcated its actions. piece of machinery, the l::if;lly . t lld 00 boJA ~ hutton linter featured a gaudJ· . ·' · .,. ~·~wt r"W .. ~; Iv paint.ed hopper at one side g raUon o gar os ange , Where the raw lint could be perhaps to be led .by the ~:ks d pet! A r 1 er apparently of--a class from Lincoln Junior om · HJgh School where student& -- • unwittingly have c r e a t e d • g5rbenstangels. --- They will be displayed at the shopping center along with garbenstangels dreamed up. built and entered on the spur of the moment by true garbenstangel fans inspired by publicit y stories in the _Daily Pilot. such as this one. M e r chandise certificates from South Coast Plaza and trophy plaques are offered to the Y>'inners Of this year's competition. Each participant w i I I receive a keepsake of the 1973 .edition of the g re a t garbenstangel event. To get complete in- formation, p o t e n t i a I con· testants should contact the promotion manager of the Slailv Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. Ca. 92626. All . competition garben. stangels must be c om · pleted and on display at South Coast Plaza by early on the mornin'( of Saturday. July 21. (only n ... e weeks from now). Early <irrivals will go on display beginning on Wed- nesday of that week -July 18. 'Wayne' winner of Collegiate Division in 1971 Names of judges and other details of the contest will be included in future Delly Pilot stories abou t the g r ea t garbenstangel event of 1973. SUCCESS MIND CYBERNmcs INSTITUTE PRESENTS ' . PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS ••• SELF-HYPNOSIS • Become the person you want to be NOW I Mo1t dy11t mlc n•w combin1tion for 111cc•tl trwf h•ppin•11. Gi ... 11 yo11 th• power to ll'lcr1t11 11lf-confidenc1. lmla IARNING ftOTINTIAL. lmprov1 c:onc111ft1tion. Q,.,.,lop your ISP. Jncr1t11 your 1n1r9y. FANTASTIC SALES MOTIVATION. Ptr1nh , 9uld1 yo1i1r children to tucc:111, BETTER CONTROL OVER HABITS S,.M ........ • Pr.crattHtl .. • Wfitltt • W°"J • SIMI! ... • Dntis • M...,., • JIMp ·,CREATIVE LIVING WORKSHOP A• ....... tW ..., c..;.. THJ W.l MON Y, JUHi 11 -7:3 0 ,,..,, TUISDAY, JUNI It -·71lt , .... HOLIDAY INN GRAND HOTEL s.. ..... ....._.,. -4 Mml I Het.f w., c....111... ·~· TUITION $6.00 (Includes workbook, goal selling COUPLES $8.00 guides and handout material) SPICIAL: At '110 1•fr1 ch1rg1 • 011e.litour Self-Hvpno1i1 Rel1x1tion Co1uUtlonl119 T•P•; whicH will •n1bl1 you t'O I.er••••· thro119h tht 1119 of • tymbol, Rtl•••tJ011, Co111lclence, Pott• •ncf Self~Re1pecf, it#Yt/191•1 ·i-..,_.here, Thote f•p•t ,..,wl1rly 1ell f01 t •.tSelclt. TEAR THIS OUT SO YOU WON'T FORGET 11 .. ·--------·------I ' , . 'I, . ' • Fr.ee Lung T ests Given • The Luni Assoclolioo ol Orange COtmly 11 &lyq rr.. lung examinations every Mon- day arternoon from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. nt 1717 N. Broadway, Santa Ana. The "PulmOnat'Y' Function Tesling" Is designed lo deiect ·early signs o1 brmchltla·llld 'cmphyiema, twq· of ti,. moot serious lung threats. Appoi ntments can be made \ by calling 835-3a3'1. To .Step Down SACRAMENTO. CAP), Robert Pafford, 63, nclonal director ot the U.S. Bunml of Reclamation here, will ftllign June 29 after 10 years at the post. . Lii urence Wright with hi s 1971 Award Wi i:.tning Belly Button Lint Processor Phase .II Grand Open~n g This Weekend! Marina Living Just ''A Hail" From Huntington Harbour CONSTRUCTION l!i . Untington n . .oeach lt1te flf C111r. Corit~1 Lkente Ho, 2'4t29, • .. '· ' Ear for Money Blind Boy's a 1i A uctioneer By MARCI DODSON 'Holst, who ..will be a junior °' ._ Dlltf Pu" ''"' •at Edison High School, Huri- .. 'Jbe first time Alan Holst tifigton--Siach. next year, says ste~ ~ on an auctioneer's he has done three bike auc- block, he w:is ncrvoU!I and lions.for.. the police, He called uncertain...Now, al mly-17 and.. 'the police d_~tments to a cerUfted auctioneer, he voluilteer aftErlrarris advised hopes to own bis own auction. him to get as much experience mart one day. as possible. 'I.'he fact that he is blind The first bike auction Holst won't stop him , either. performed was a difficult one. ''My philosophy is, 'When 1 lis · spotter> ~he person who you'.,ve: 1ot something you have tells tho .mcciooeer when a to do, You'll do It, " bidder has motioned for a ",i think anybody can do price, forgot to come. Not anything they want , as long as being able to see the bidders th«?y-$Ct their mind to it." · himself, Holst asked members Holst, who lives at 21611 of the audience td call out .Bahama I.Ail..e llun · their "bids. " Beach. set his mind to auc-really helpful, and I got along tioneering, ·and he has ,auc~ pretty well." 'tioneered at Newport Beach Holst practices vocal speed and Santa Ana police depart-by coimtlng tn multiples of .ment bicycle audions, in ad· 12\:Z as rapidly as he can in dition to where he teamed his • the shower. "But speed really trade, Jake's Antiques in San-1sn't tht' trick to good auc- ta Ana. tlooeeting. The trick i s An active member o £ estimatinf'dle bid. being witty· Services for the Blind, Holst and -picking_ up on what'i going receive\! bi> first Ie!Sm tit on. ,. :• • • • au.Ctiooeerlng a little over.· a "Every aucUoneer has his ye• :ago when Jake _Harris; · -own styl~. Sometimes if Y°? owe-of the antique shop; go too fast, the people can l ho8\id an auction for the blind understand . you, ·and that's group to" r&se· money for a bad. Y6u have to (lnd ~ ltyle tilp ~ Europe. lhat people ~ understand.'; ffllrtb gav·e Holst a quick Auct1oneenng is not Holst s le~ iD:1 put him up on the only talent. He also plays the auctl~r'1 block. Nervous. piano at the ·Villa Sweden Hollt maaned the post foe ten restauraol, Huntington Beach, miDUta. 11t really enjoyed it, every Tuesday and Thursday tlloalll. 8nd later'*' that night from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. I coald do tt again." . Hoisl reads his music In He ~nUced under Harris' Braille, then memorizes each and ftceived a diploma frorri piece by .,ections. He says be the Well Best School of Aue-isn1 as good a piano player as t-1DC Since then he bas many he bu beard, "but once been pinlng experience and 1·,·e memorized a piece. I've pedectin1 bis skills at police, got it. I'm not dependent on .. cbatltj-1nd Harris auctions. my (written) music." • ·Waldie By PlllL-HANNA Capllol N.,,. Service SACRAMENTO -How d ... a man run for governor ot Callfomla after he's told two- lhlrds of the stale that he'd Uke to cut ol! their water? It iSn't easy, and supPOrters or Congressman J e r o m e Waldie are finding that out. .... Waldie, known' as a liberal Democrat, represents Contra Costa Cowity~s 14th con- r::~~r::::~.He if a Most ipi>liticians will admit that the Democrats haven't yet jelled on a c$Jldidate for • governor In 1974, but most will agree that Waldie isn't the man. He has too many strikes against him. However, \Valdle Is still in there pitching because the tber fouf' ost ofteri en t ioned mes have t to strike a wiMing ord. They ~• e San ran cisco ayor Jose- ph 1.. Alioto, WALDI• Sen. Gecrge Moscone , also ~unday, Junt 17, 197) DAILY '1LDT • • . • Ill Go vernor's Race? • from San Francisco, Assembly strong. move. He's vlrtually Speaker Bob Moretti from Van ·unlcnown south of the Nuys, and Secretary of State Tehachapi Mountains where Edmund G. Brown. ~ · better than IO percent of the It is said that Alioto is the vote is to be found . mo&t polished but t bat Moretti, although we 11 Democrats are wary of him known in the Southland, ha!! for his involvement in fee had his hands full with ,the 11ptltting in Washington and State Legislature. He hasn't the Look Magazine stories had time yet to get out and which attempted to link the around. · mayor to Mafia interests. Brown is playing his car~s Politiciana ha ve a tough time close to his vest. He's opj)Osed recovering from c h a r g e s to professional politicians, and · hether true or false. Voters says so often. This hasn't remembef' the charge but .endeared him to members of forget the acq uittal. the legislature or to lobbyists Moscone has yet to make a who control some pf the r ' • . . political largess Jt takes to wln elections. So, why not Waldie?. The congressman was first In the race. Obviously he has Htlle to lose. He has spent his years in Washington fightin g t he establishment .. unsuc· cessfully, and thi' is why he haSn't gained stature in. the nation's ~apltol. Most of Waldie's remarks to date have been aimed at developing the liberal vote : .. but the congressman has anything but a liberal voting record. At the Democratic Con: I I I I I ventlon In Atlantic City bact In 1964, Waldie opposed seatlng of the t.1i11issippl Freedom Delegation which ~ldn'l endear him to the black vote. He also oppoeed reapportionment of the state Legislature m a "one man, one vote" basis. Politica lly-motivated women ... prominent lit the news to- day . . . may not support Waldie because he voted against passage of the Eqilal Rights Amendment in 1970. This reluctance could affect his chances seriously. • ' Health care bills can be a financial catastrophe . • • • ___,N_fUJ~e-st.-V-.S-. _B_o_y_c-ot-t-1---Af'("=ct=-=n=ow.=-.-ng ue ross Perfomtance-Ptas-is-a-nongro 11p-pla n------------1 that protects individuals and families. ~ To Hit Soft Drinks By WCIA MOUAT ~ SCMlta MM!ltw ''"k' WASHI NG TO N Organizers of the nationwide U.S. meat boycott are redirec- ting their collective non- purchasing power against the 80(\.drink industry. To U¥>9C inclined to pick up a fe'tf cases or soft drinks when sultry "'-eather sets in, the National Consumers Con- gress (NCC ) Is advising a "stop and think" approach. NCC ls spearheading a na· tlonwide boycott beginning next week against Coca- Oola and Pepsi, the two giants ol lhe oofl-drlnk lndusley. COnlentlon Is that con- stifuers are payi ng an average ot 3 cebts more t h a n necesaary6n each small bottle. an overcharge adding up to $250 rnlllioe a year. Although the price factor is •xpected to be t h e rallying point for much of the shopper participation, the NCC Is quite clearly after much bigger game in Its' new boycott effort. The COMJmer group decided at Its May 12 meeting In Otlcago that opposition to monopolies and vigorous sup- port ot antitrust measures was to be ~ of the group's foremoot goals. . Slnco Congress CUJTenlly Is COWlter-iobbying effort. They reason that if the soft-drink in- dustry wins special privileges, so will others. "The grocers , the bakers, and the brewers," says NCC president, Ellen Zawel, "are waiting in the wings.'' "The average con s um e r can't afford today's prices." aSserts the NCC president, ad· ding that success for the soft. drink exe mption will determine "whether we will pay more and more and more for mllk and bread and vegetables as well ." Well over two years ago the Federal Trade CcxliJplsslon (FTC) issued co mpl a int s against seven major soft-drink sy rupma.kers (later ;iddiJ:tg ooe·or two more to the list) on grounds that these were keep- ing prices artificially high by assigning specific sales ter· ritories to their local botUing companies and th"' violating U.S. antitrust laws. So far, all FTC action on the subject ls still pending. Open to~ Cartfomians under age 64. If you don't have health coverage-or yours is inadequate- Performance Plus is designed for you. Performance Plus is a nongroup health care· plan which provides hospital and doctor benefits for indivlduals and families. . . Performance Plus protects people who are going it alone. Perhaps you're one of them. Are you self~mployed? In a professional partnership? A woman afone with family responsibilities? Employed by a small business? A studenf! Is your present group or lncflVidual colierage inadequate? Does it leave yourwife and children unprotected? If you are under 64, a resident of Southern California, and not presently enrolled.in a Blue Cross plan,1J'OU can apply now. Perfonnance Plus offers two fonns of coverage. Choose from two plans: A high option plan which gives broad hospital coverage with extensive medical benefits. Or a low option plan which costs less but offers less coverage. Performance Plus gives both hospital and doctor benefits. Both plans include hospital and doctor benefits. Both pay a fixed percentage of your hospital bill-not a flat, daily dollar amount. Even if costs go up, Blue Cross coverage pays the same percenta8e of your bill.(This way your Blue Cross benefits keep pace with rising hospital costsl Both plans~ you choose your own doctor and hospital. And both cut red tape. No long forms at the hospital . No clalm forms for you to fill out later. ' And everyone pays the same rate, rega rdless of his age. ' Average hospital stay laSts six days. Today the average Southern California hospital stay lasts six da}'S and costs $832 for hospital charges alone. It can be financial disaster to anyone with lna<Jequate health care coverage. So find out why more Southern.Californians choose Blue Cross coverage tha n any other health care plan. Today, mail the coupon for full details on Performanee Plus. We've tried to make the booklet e/JSf to understand. !i's free of charge and without obligation, of course. · Act now. Send for your Performance Plus booklet .. ' . • · conaldertng an uemptlon for the soil-drink lfldu•try from c.rtaln anlllrust regulations, NCC ha.• a Ing led. out the syrup manufacturers and bottlen for a cunblnaUon boycott llnd Many or I.he industry respooded to the complaints by chall<ngtng them in court and by launching a major lob- bying effort in COngress to secure aft exemption. nus leglslaUve effort which would allow territorial franchise ar- rangements to continue ls ex• peeled to be considered on the Senate floor within the next !eW days. Houoe hearings are slaledinSe~ember. I-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~- • • ----·-• . . ,_ ' • . ... • • t , ~ t • . . •• .. • . . ;;. -; :: .. • • D"1LY PI LOT Lifeboat Jlrill Tip To Scare 011 Line1-- I By TOM BARLEY Ot th1 D1l1Y Pl111 Stitt Sunday, June 17, l f73 Bill St John the loudspeaker in t h e Norv.>egian captain's Mltlng Bill St John didn't need English until someone heard much convincing two weeks the word 'bomb.' ago that an ocean cruise was "That did it," St Jolm said . the very thing for men -and "Capt. Eric Bjurstedt got our women -who v.·anted to get undivided atrenticn while he • 8\\'BY from ll. all tor a few ,told us that two bombs ·ha.d dro's. been fo und; they had been The 1rav~ler afloat, he hurled overboard into the sea reasoned, is in the best possi-and "''e were row to r esume ble position to cut himself of( oUr voysge to Puerto Vallerta . from the likes of \Vatergate. "And that was when [so ad- the latest hijacking or any mired my fellow passen&ers," •-I · · · .... l Sl Jo•---'d. ."My own otn~r exp os1ve sJtuallon tu~ 1u1 =-- m.ay crop up. pe rsonal concern was to play · Besides, Orange ·County's down the incident for my wife, genial county clerk decided, a . Libby, but it was good to see bout on the briny wouJd put how more than 500 passengers the finishing touches f 0 accepted the situation witmut displaying the s Ii g h te s t recuperation from the major panic." surgery he underwent last St John said officers told )'ear. him that the two bombs found "We'll do it," said Bill ai1d by search crews were taped, Libby St John. ''And we 'll do it without the four kids thi s tlnle." They did it. ThJy booked on the Island Princess. NOw they are back ln Orange-County, loving the feet of terra finna and the sight of familiar 'faces and ooly j~st beginning to wonder what they ~ ."It was goQd tq see ho~ more than 500 passen· gers accepted the situe· tion without displaying tneslightest panic ... " and 528 other passengers . 1---~· would have d.orll!'-tt tl'fe"'botnbs-cylindrical -oojects tfuil were. · that were found on board had flung overboard without being explOO.ed -if they w6uld have given any minute examination. had a chance to do anything. "That suited us " he said. "Oddly·enough. I d0n 't ttilnk "Gradually. we ~ttled down of it as a frightening ex-and we didn't have the in- perience," St John sajd. "I on-cident revived in our minds Jy remember the magnificent until we reached Mexico and way in which people behaved spotted guards anned with in a situation that could have machine guns waiting for-the been much more tragic than 'Island Princess' as she moved many people have reaHzed." into the docks. The bombs found on board "lt was comforting' to see , ton. erma 1 t th at kind of protection and liner were located in the concern," he said. • ' We bridge and the engine room, spotted a Coast Guard C-130 the county clerk recalla -over 11.! at the time of the "ideaUy planted by -crisis and a helicopter come · who may have intended to along late!'--they were visual destroy the ship's steering reassurances that we were ability wh ile set.ting the vessel being cared for." on fire," he said. St John is now back at h1s Authorities have arrested office desk and the "very Gerald Edward Priddy, 53. a lovely" vessel~ and his wife fonner major league baseball enjoyed so much is on her way player who currently runs an to Alaska on another Princess advertLc;ing agency in Los Lines cruise -with one big Angeles, and charged him \.\'ilh difference. planting the bombs and then "Security is much more demanding ransom money stringent now," St J ohn said. from the ope rators of the ''I'm told this incident has Princess Lines. meant the end -0f hon voyage St John said he and many parties and the presence of other passengers knew when visitors on board -as we had they were less than a day out -but I can't help thinking of Long Beach on their way to that that's a good thing." Puerto Vallarta in 1'fexico that It was the first taste ()f ter- ":;omething was afoot." ror at sea for ~vast ma- " We were given intensive jority of St Jo 's fellow lifeboat drill -102 persons to passengers but vividly a boat -by some gri m·faced reminded hlm of a near en- officers." he said. "And \.\'e counter that could have cost also knew fro m the captain's him his life nearly 30 years preoccupation when we at-ago,. tended his reception that ·evi?· St John, an Air For~ ()fficer ' ' --'-'-' .. • • Sewi~g ~ials to help you pn down a · great wardrobe. • Brighten up your-gloomywa-- our sunny prints of co.tton percale qulllty broadcloth. Moc:hlne wuhabte. ar. \ -¢ 68,11. Oleck ~ <>Ur yom cll'llCI glngi.m ......., A great look for spring m'K1 iumrner. · Polyester/cotton moc/llne ~· PeM-Prest. 44/~'" · ~cial -2~ Sew with aollds this summer, In texturized doubkt knit potyeeter cnpe, Jacquard and plain olllcMs, 80" ~ Beautiful~buys for the bath. Sale '110 .... 12. • Beautffy your bath and - with eale towels from PenneYs. AU ehelfed. cotton terry. 'Terri Suede' Is solid color with a dobby border. 'Rose Mist', a deUcete •flowery print "Upsy Daisy' has a bright daisy prinl 'Pansy Parade' II 1 bordw print. 'Spanish Tiies' is a woven J.oqmrd pattern. Htnd to w1I r19. 1.15 ••••••••••• S. Hf Wtsh Cloth r19. 75, •. • •• ••• •• • .... U f Sale212 1-----nitl' g httt,...something-of-a-seri-a 1h·e1tme:-was-orra-fu1ly-l---- ous nature was troubling him.'' loaded a~un.ition ship that Rtg. 2.50, Weddi ng Rings' -...cl Jacquard towel ensemble comes Jn mt array .oJ..de:e.ocato.r oolora....:Eloral Fantasy" towel ensemble features a trlac<>Jor looped" Jacquard design. Both have fringed edgetl. Hand towel reg. 1.50 ••••••••••• Sale 1.27 St John, 52,' recalled that the picked up a German U-boa t on climax came later ·that eve· its radar as it chugged ning when the ship suddenly through Hampton Roads in heeled ()Ver to starboard, pjck· Virginia. ed up speed and headed for "From then on it was full the Mexi can coastline leaving speed ahead whil~ we tried to white water behind her. outnm the sub and zig-z:ag out "We al l laughed and tried to of her course," St John said. cancentrate on the concert." "That was a Jong, long time he said. "And we didn't pay ago but I couldn't help think- ·wo much attention to an an-ing about it during ithe scare nooncemcnt being made over on the 'Island Princess'." Suni1rier Tours Begin To A lcatraz Prison SAN FRANCISCO -II the \.\'ind jg rist voices can be heard drift across. th1? chop- py mile an one quarter of ~·ater between San Fr1ncl1CG and infamous Alcatraz 1s\And. once the concrete home of Al Capone. ti.1achine-Oun Kelly, and Robert F. Stroud, better kno\\'n as the "Blrdman of Alcalraz." To those men who 1t one lime or another were Jocked tightly inside Alcatra1 pria9Jl, the occasional volces ·lhcy said thry he;ird coming acro.sa the "'<lier could only seem a fan- tasy. Doubly so If the fog clea red <ind from the qulet cellblock at night the dnzzllng city of S.1n Francisco sparkled as if just out of arm's reach. • Soon Alc1'trai wlll be open 10 the gC!neral public for the first lime since 1848 ~·hen the 22-acre island '11.'81 ccd«t IA> the Unitrd State• trom Mc1ico and became a prison. An Jraurancc flgcnt from -- Duluth. l\1inn., or a housewife from Chicago, will be able to visit Al CaJX>nc's ti ght litUe cell or stand j·n the musty darkness or a "solitary con· fl nel"ent'' cell. Perhap1,.lf the win<i 11 right, thfl voices from the mainland will drlft. ac~s the wa ter and all the legends rind myths of Alcatraz wi ll seem less mythic81 for those \vho think clanging pris'ons are creations of the movies. Alcat raz now is ,part or lhe Ooldt."11 Gate recreation area, a 36,000·acrc park alone the northern C.ill!omla c o a s t uta bli5hcd in October or 1972 by Congress and the President. For the next five ye&rs, In groupo or 25, the public will be allowtd to take a ferry to Alca lra• and experience a tour or the bland' as it stands to- doy . And today Jt stand11i In disar- ray prompted considerably by tlmt and the Indian oocupollon between November of 1969 and Jtine or · 1911. I . Wash cloth reg. 75$ ............. -IM Sale339 Reg. 3.H. Oblong 2!lx36• Sale194 Reg. z.2L·Standard lid cover Sale424 Reg. 4.99. 2 pc. tank set 'Bouquet' bath ma1 ensemble of polyester/modacrylic wf1h 1atex back. Coordinating colors. Contour 22x2'4" reg. 3.99 ....... S.le J.Jt Jumbo lid reg. 2.69 ••...••• Stte 2.21 Seat ring reg . 4.39 .•..•••• , Sile 3.73 Waite basket reg. 3.99 .•••• Sile 3.39 Tluu• box oover reg . 1.79 ...... Sile 1.52 2 pc. bath set reg. 4.99 ..... Sale 4.24 -,,_ ... _ tlvough Stturclty, JCPenney We know what you're lookln9 for. Shop Sunday -n to 5 p.m. at the following shim: Sale 339 Reg. 3.H. Fringed CM! 24x38• 5a1e424 Reg. 4.11. 2 pc;. tank IOI Sale 22a 11og;:z;nos1anoo:rd 11<1 .... , - 'SU pre me' bath mat ensembltol moohlne wu hablo 1DOll DuPont nylon with latex Coated ~yprQPelent brick. In 1 tremendoua 1110rtment of coordlnatlna corora. Oblon9 mi x ~411J6" r19. J.tt , , s.let l ,Jt Co11to111r 21•24" r•t · J.99 •••• S... l .Jt Oblon9 27x4$" ,.,. 7.10 •••••• S.S. 6.JJ Jr.1mbo lid r•t · 2.tt •••••••••• Sele 1.14 ' • FASHION ISLAND, Na:Nport Beach 1714) 6«-2313. HU NTI NG~ON CENTER, Huntington -B11ch {714) 892-7771. HARBOR .CENTER, Costa Mesa .(? 14) 1>46-5021 . · r r I. . ' • • -· 4.6 Billion Years Old -Allende Meteor , 'I ~ I Oldest Specimen t1 ~ CtwflHH SdtllCf MtnlllH' ''"'let 0 A Panonoot . T th 1 : J ·/t. I 1 ~··~ \ ··ADEN . . !"" ..... &SSIOU. gge er ';-. -i:1Wt P{W A -It isn't a they operate the worftl's most , ...,· ·· r·~~~ 1. "' /. .-., date that rings any bells for precise mass spectrometer. '· _;,.·:}· 1 1,;,1.·Ji{~ J~t .r•il 1 most of us. ~ut to earth and This device measures the .,. •· ....... i. ... ,~i~r"" _,1, ,-J planet~ry. scientists Feb. 8. compos.ltlon of extreme J y ~,. ·~ ·· 1969, ts IDlportant. On that small samples with extremely · · • ~ate, they now are dlsc:over-high accuracy. This same · . ·, , ....... mg, pieces of the most inter-laboratory .ha,s been deeply UJ· · ' estlng -and oldest -stones volved in analysi~ of the rocks ever to fall from the sky came returned from the moon. booming aftd rattling to the The key to determining the ground in northern Mexi~. age of the meteorite and the In fact, it may be some or advanced age of the tiny in- the earliest material ro CQn-clusions found inside it, Dr. dense out or the nebula from Wasserburg says, lie$ in ·;. Y.'hlch e!l'th-and other planeis-measuring-the-relatlve-a fonned. -· dances of two "isotopes of the Th.is meteorite, estimated element. strontium. Isotopes originally to weigh""lllore than are various forms of an ele· four tons, produced one Of ·the ment which have slightly dif· --. - most spectacular mete 0 r ferent weights but which have WOODCUT OF showers in recent history the same chemical nature. • wtie'n it entered the earth's These globs of "calcium, Allende meteorite materlftls to decipher the scientific valUe atmosphere . broke up and aluminum, and magnesium-may have "spent 90me time of this particular meteorite,.be rained pebbles; stones'. ind rich -silicates . contain ex· buzzing aro.und the sun {in a replies that "this came up boulders on. tiny . Mexican tremely pr8!1it!ve strontium, comet) iJettitfg warmed up a right about the time of Apollo farms and villages. far more prim1~ve than any little." 11, so we just couldn't get to ,, Now, more than four years we've ever seen before," Dr. R8calling the hectic events it."· , later, it's being reported that Wasserburg says. that followed the fall of the "I ci'awled aver every ' ,. ... .... . -Sunday, Junt 17, 1~73 DAIL v PILOT A 11 'Administt·ative Aidts' to Conlhal Sex Discrimination ROCKVILLE, Md. (AP) - 'Ib!>re will be no more secretaries lo Ptfontgomery County government, County ExecutJve James P. Gle8,50n bas rulod. 'n>ey'JI be ca 1 I e d "ad· ministralive aides" from now on -in wha,t Gl e ason describes as a mo\'e to combat sex di9crlmlnatlon and Ille channeling of women into traditionally sterotyped duties. Mootgomery County has 250 secretaries, whose current pay scale ronges from ~.6,13 Ill $10,810 a y~. Gleason said the new admJnistraUve aides w 111 h&0 v e added responsibilities -and a pay inc:~ease that will advance their scale r a n g e from $7.625 to ltZ,253 a year. ~~~~~~~~~~ the AJ!ende meteorite _ nam-He a~ds that other e~lden:ce Allende rh et e o r i t e , Dr. square inch ol. one field, get- ed ror the village called found in the meteonte 10-Wa~burg says that, OJle oc· ting all cut·up by, brambles," Pueblito de Allende -con. dicales. that ita ~terials also casion found him and his Dr. Wasserburg qys, but talns small , distinct ch unks, were involved much more fellow scientists inside a· one--without finding much of like raisins in_! .pudding,_that recently in some cosmic room store, illuminated by a anything. are t~ ofclest m f n e r a I event. single-1ight!IDlb~ The same--":sut-1ater-1 came across a 1.::======::=====::::::::ss~--"'===---=--=-=------------------ speclmetis ever fou nd . "We don't really know room was full of fanners and family, women and children, Dr. G. J. \Yasserburg, pro-'~1here meteorites come from," peasants, waQ to wall. Ther~. sitting in a wagon. They fessor_ o!-geophy&ics at-the-~r. \YJl_ss.er.b!!rg ~ x p_!.tlJ:u_._ he_adds,..was..wllmLbargain~g wouldn1help._at~all.J!ult.hm!l California-I n s ti t-u t e of Some people "thmk they-eome-to buy-pi~s-of the meteorite talked. to their faiber-wbct had Technology, explains that the from the asteroid beJt, while began. been out .gathering wood. tiny mineral globu1es em-others say they're from com-Dr. Wasserburg exttlains "I asked if he'd seen any bedded in the A 11 e n d e els. -But OOth ideas have ~ that these people, "who are -unusual rocks. He said 'No.• I me'teorite are probably from 5 le ms. · . very , very ·poor, ·were of told bim I w8s interested 1n million to. 10 mil@!l years "In this case. if our work is greatest ·help -in recovering the rocks. He still said 'No.' older than 'the earth and correct, and if nothing COri· pieces of the meteorite." · Then-I told him how much I f-Jll"!",__wbich_arft-lhemselv.es-t..1mina ted_mu:_samples,:_then Indeed n r . Wasserburg_________.wa,sw.illing_ic<Ull!)'....l!l!ll..l!!!!!cJILJ--____ __j. esUmated lo be 4.6 billion something had to tinker with adds, most Of the biggest wanted a big one. ~ff-oP-en-w . )'e.-ra old_ The-A-U..-n-d-e-thcse-materials-ver.y recently. specimens -were ~found...by-the . At-that-he,,wJed-badf··a-1-----~ ~eteorite, 1.00. is thought lo be .SO how. do you do that?" local inhabitants, ma 1 n l y cloth, wet bis fingers and slap- ·in the neighborhood of 4.6 Looking for ''a way to -becauS~rthey·gathered wood in pCd·-a big -piece of the billion years old. change it chemically before it the area and were very meteorite he was sitting on. Aslociated in this work wlth hit the earth's atmosphere,!' familiar with the ground. He was also able to shoW me him are-Ors. C. M. Gray and Dr. Wasserburg says fhe Aslted why it took four years the hole it made when it fell." Trailer· Sales · Increasing By ·TllO~tAS 1). ELIAS ,.--..,,,.,,,,;;,;;;...,...,,......._ -dealers make about 350 to 450 But the rapid growth oJ With the prices of luo1ber. ,,...SRVFOTHRENRNIA sales per month, but there are the trailers' popularity has l a nd and labor all '-'.lUA r 1 sky r 0 ck e t i n g , Southern DOCUS only lQO current vacancies oi ed the county planners' Californians in ever-increasing .I' ' among the county's 10,000-odd good intentims. Why the heavy numbers 'o!lre .turning to a 'parking spaces. growth? previ®sly Unthinkable housing predicts sales will reach 50 000 The pad shortage is equally. "The trailer is really the alternative -trailers. in' 1975 and 75.000 by 1900. ' severe in northern San Diego ml to the problem f •. Betweeri 1965 and 1971, the Tlie increased s-a1e-1 have County,· says Clark Powell, J~~ma," said Po=-- t r a 11 e r park irldustry in resUJted in a new kind of ~ chlef of acqtW;ition for Los --& Southern California grew slow-ing shortage -a dearth ol Angeles-based C a i I s b e r g ell, whc:llf firm operates 9o ly. averaging a one pe rce'nt trailer parking pads, even Fipancial Corp .• the wor~d's Wks with 30,000 spac~. "As per year Increase in U1e thQUgh there are 250,000 of the la~gest developer of trailer prices go up -and the aver- number of spaces a\'ailable. spaces in the region. parks. age price per: acre in Southern But in the last two years. the The problem i_t_most serious 1.''The real reason for the -California ls more than double growth rate -hu been -scv~ in Orange County. and the -ahortage there is that in that times .. that northern San Diego_ . .,.Co.unty area and some others in ·what It ls in the Midwest =- Traller sales have increased al'ea just south or Ca mp Rlvenide and San Bemardlno mCre and more people-will even more rapidly, with 30.000 ·Pendleton. industry spokes-counties, the parks were tum to trailen. sold In 1972 in the to-county men report.· , overbullt two years ago." he "That'a why !JS percent of area between San Luis Obispo Michael Costa. executi ve said. "So the cowities put in , new' housing in the tmde~ and the Mexican border in director or the California a two-year moratorium on $20,000 bracket ln Southern 1972, compared to only 20.000 ~tobile Hotne Dealers Associa-"building them to help the ex-California is in mobile in 1970. A Union Bank study tloo, says orange County's 46 !sting ories fi ll up." homes." r,iiiCiii~~~·7i""iii;:io;o;n.~.~~:>::-ii: .. ~~.::a;;; f ~~. ~ ~ ~JiZ'l~ .. -~~Oiiii!iiii:iiiiii;iiiii~iiiil i , -DA~l Y-PILOT CAR.R~ERS , ·J The DAJLY PILOT is proud of its corps of young salesnlen who de liver the 11ewspaper to your door. '!11.ese •". young men are ihe cream of 01e cotnmunity. Each month, the best of them wilt be selected for listing on th-e f Honor roil, Each carrier liated here has obtained at Least four 'l'lew customers during the past month, had no more than ont customer complai'll.t for the month and must have paid his bill for the 11.ewspaper he bought "wholesalt" on time. Nun1eral in front of star ( • J preceding his name indicates nUmber of cunsecutive mo 11th" tliat carrier has bee11 on t114f Honor Rolt. . ~ St'"' Boren Mike H••tiir Ron Hebbertion 2' 1111 Schwerter )' Mike B1hcock Eric Reeior . 2' Tom Holtend 1• Rhee Babcock Brue• Yeltlyuich • 2• l ee Peer1on )'Neil Friedkoff Roh•rt Gino • 2' Tim l.tmh 4' l(e .. !n Minnich Jon Hile 2" 8ri111 A1rron 4' Greg Green ~I ••i•r K1nchel Mark Meinyk Co• 6 odhev 8ruee Rom1n11gno Byron Stalont Merk Ch1nc1 llor 1 Ro91r Ch•dderdon P1t.r E¥tllt Chrittl•n Deelinger l' Bill Leke 4' Jeff Gree" Oennli He9yi 2' Le ndon Tinder 4' Jerry Munyer " Peul Smith Riv Pri ce f' Cl1y lobo Rod11ey Fo1t1r -1 Cl•v A11der1on Ce11r M•111pu,1I l~ Eddy Co110 .. 1r Mtrty Gr1e11 Rey Penfie ld 2' Creig Fletcher 4• Jon Berllr1 Tony Br11tfielill 2' Peter ZeMtreno 5' 6 1orie G1 rei1 Joe Cl1vton l" Bill D1ni1l1 5' U1e Clerlr. St'"' H1rrel1on 2• Robert Perrin•• s• Tim Hooker l Peft;r H••d Johft Brtdy I Jerry loptl J•v Jo1111 ~~ 511• Fike Jim Ro11 Gr19 St•v•ftt l ri1n Cl1ri Chrii Bender )' Greg White 6' Scott McGuire Doug Ad1m1 )' Normen Tucker 7' Tim Clew1011 fl. Jeff Sttv•n1 Kevi11 lo"d 2' Ke .. in Menefee )'Ted Wellece 8' Kenny. Roherlt 1 l' Milte MeM•nu1 3• Todd Show ,. Brien Walker l!-Gret-Simeklt•---~ • Wed•--Fffie•~-~~ l-'l~rlt-loult.r~--- 2' Merlr. Krieger )' Biiiy Hu1ton 16' De11ni1 Stelont l' Vineent Berthhofer )0 Erle Oehlin9er 24' Fred S111chet: l' Eddie He•g•r l' Jerry Donehue 24' Tony S•nchet: 2' Rtelt Allen )' Gery Wltliem1 JO' Gregory Deymon 2° Jeff L.ee Mttt Gordon S•th Brown Devi-cf-l:-.-MO-...ta9n••--~ ohn-Spniiht•~-- Rob Wilh• Do11 L•"91to11 Ty le•c.11 Tom lyftcll. o,.,;d lei11 John Htlt1r Tim Mlddl1b1u h 01.,ld E"'"''' S•m Thomt1 • K1vin Hobeci CARRIERS OF THE MONTH John Lynch, Huntington Harbour Jerri Donahue, San Juan Capistrano H-r Corrion of the Month •ro John Lynch •nd Jorry Donahue. John 11 tho 14-yur.old son of M~. and Mn. John T. Lynch,.17093 W11tpod Drive, Huntl"8ton. Hubou" Ho wu o student •I M1rhw1 High ~chool •ncf Mlongs to 'S~out Troop .ft~· His profit.• ire used for 11Ylng1, and he has purch11td hit own Citizen B•nd R1dio, Jfrry is the son of Mr. and Mr1. Morrie Donahue, 32742 Alipaz #n, San Ju•n C•pl1tr1no. H, 11 12 and 1tt1ndod. Copi1fr1no,School lost tchool y11r. Ho 1pond1 his profits on s1vlng1 and h11 bought - hf1 own pool cuo. Ho enjoys pl1yl"8 pool and b1Mbal1. •nil swlmml"8 and surfl"8. • . . • • • • custom· draperies. The inodern, ___ _ . casual look at plain, .Old-ioned -savings~ ; .. • , .. our casemeni tabrics tor draportes come In small, 1 textured weaves; eome light° and alry-looklng, some with the homespun look. All at a·cozy 15'9 off. There are tradlttonat-colOr combinations-and aollda and u~­ expected combimitions for a brand new look. Ju1tcaU our At.+tome Oecoratlng-5e_rvice and one of our profes!Monal decoratorswillgotoyourhome-atnocosttoyou-wlth a large collection of fabric samples. You can see, right on the spot. which patterns go best with your furniture ancflUgS:-And our decorator can help you with dectliona about room arrangements, accessories. picwres. Youi1 know in advance that &Yorythlng wlll go together-beautifully: · C•ll. Penneyt Custom DKor•tlnt Service M1 everything. Dr•peri.., 1llpcovin, ~holstery. Cerpetfng, furniture, acc-.or• -~-............. -,. • . . • • ~,, . .': ' . • JCPennev · We know what you're icding for. • • • Shop Sunday noon to 5 p.m. at tlie · followin9 stores: ' FASH ION ISLAND , New port Beach (714) 644-231 3. -HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beoch (714) 892·777 1. • - --.. ' • • Supervisors Lauded, Then · B~asted ·by C_DFC Newsman Wins :Award SAl\"TA AJ\A -"'bile con· graUllating the Board of ·Supervlson for pu s h i o g forward new policies and pro- · =.i ~lll~g ~~= found faull with the "Wl- derfundlng ol the planning function ln the coupty." CDFC Chairman Michael :J(eyes or Orang~ la~ week charged that the supervisors "have apparently decided to pigeonhole" H consultant's report calling for a major in- crease in the county plaruling staff. Keyes said the commission has failed to impress the supervisors v.i th the need for better planning in t he 1-----SootlieasteDLparLoLthe...coun· t~·-He singled out the at- tempts to adopt a plan for the • Completion ol the Orange l't60lB'Cel. "The comrniision Departmeot ol convntre<. II tho sune to ~ 1 number department in its traditional FULLERTON -Dally Piiot Alillo Creek watershed whjdl Ccunty PCJ9Ulation Grow1lt endor9ed the interim open is hoped lhal this is just the ol elements lo their general underfunded position," h e stafh"ller Torn Gormen bu he said had failed . Polley. ''CDFC devoted most speice and con 1 er vat Ion flm step in a new recognitiOO plans," he eiplained. "Many charged. been awarded the President's The corumiMion cbalrroan fl. its energies to an~tensive elementa prepared for in· by local government that it jurisdicticn have not com-In critlcizJng the tack of Award at Cal State. Fullerton hailed as "landmarks" ~ critique of preliminary drafts clusion in the General Plan-does have a role to .play in in-plied wilb the9e mandltes or energy in planning for growth ror schoiarship and service to following major development.s ol the study and many ot the n&ng" Program and the new suring that the c ount Y '•a have done ao'in a pe:rfunctcry in the southeast.em part or the the unlverslty. in 1972: comm i sskln's suggestioos county General Plan." economy will atlain better way , largely because ol lack county, !Keyes said "the com· The award was presented to • The crealloo of the. were incorporated in the final e 'l1le completion of phase balance and become less ol. adequate staff." ml.SSWO was not persuasive in Gorman, a Ju ne gr11duate, by Intergovernmental Coordin-version. Bolh cities and the 00e d the Ecooomlc Develop-reliant on single.industries." ,The CDFC was uked to sit any of its efforts to this end. President L. Donald-Shields ating Council. "It is an county have sponsored public ment Plan for the county. Keyes, in ptesenting the on the adv190I')' oouunittee to As a result the PlaMing during the university's 14th organJzation in .whk:h all local bearings on the growth study. ''The commission had been COl9flliss1on's s~ aMUBI the management study ol the Department is now engaged in annual commencement Jaat governments can . pur s u e CDFC applauds this reoogni-critical ol. government's lack reJ)or1. -it has, 19 members Planning Department, Keyes what i9 a ~lated exercise week . cooperative approaches \o pro-tion of the overriding im-of involvement in efforts and was. (~ in 1970 -said. "We noted with approval whidi involves t h r o~w i n g \ ('r0rman, 2-1, a t969 graduate blems requiring oounfywide portance or the gnxvth issue.'' ~d~~ toward 'encouraging then called atteotion to tome the strong arruments: on togetlMr' a group, of outdated of Laguna Beach lligh School, solutions. 11 .1 • e Emphasis on the need for economiC develoi#nent. 1be of the failures ot. the past behalf of a ma,Jw inereale. in area plans ~ a single was director Cl f com.. e The increasing use al. en· preserving open space and the completed plan represents the year. planning staff and are con· pacltage which.is to be labeled munications for the Associated vironmentaJ impact reports conservation or rap i d I y first coontywide effort to "Both the cities and the cemcd that the supervisors the Orang~ Cowlty -General Students for three and a halt Jor proposed j>.rojects, private d I minis h i n g physic cooperate with the U . S . county have been ordered by did nothing tms keeping the Plan.." · · ·. years. or public. "The CUFC wi~s , ______ .::__:__:__:__ __ _:__ __________ _:_ _______ _:__ ___ _:: ___ _:__.::_ ___ _!...' ________ .:..::_::;..:c _______ _ to compliment the county and some Cities for their rapid and _ef!ecU.\'8---implementaHon -of E lR guidelines." -- Airport M.ay Ban Outside Business I I ., -SANTA ANA -. Private pilots no longer will be allowed to bring outside commercial mechanics onto Orange Coun- ty Airport under a tough new set of regulations now before the county Airport Com- mission . -NEWI The new regulations are designed to put legal teeth into a four-year-old law t h a t already forbids an y business l 4 on airport grounds unless that business is operated through an ofrice leased from the ______ county_air:porl_deparlmen.L_ "For years, we've had RAllGE-COUNTY- .I , mechanics who, while Vl'orking out Qf their homes, would drive their trucks onto #the airport and illegally conduct their business," said Robert Dresriahan, county Director of Aviation. "If these new rules arc ap- proved, we'll ha .._,e a tool for enfor cing this law." Bresnahan sa id. The new regulations are th e result of four months oJ study by the Airi><>rt Commission . They were sent to the Orange ·eounty· Counsel' eatlier ttlis "'eek followlng Tue s d a y night_'s Airpo'1 Commission meeting. • If the cou nty counsel find s them lega l. they are expected to be passed routinely at th e next commission meeting J une 26. .. ~ -'l'he new proposals describe the business operations sub- ject to the lease requirement as "th e teaching or flight and flight instruction ; the rental and charter of ilircraft : the furnishing ot gasoline. oil and grease: the provid ing on in· 'strurnent, radio and other component sales and service ; the r ep a i r . maintainance. o.verhaul, and exchange of aircraft en gines ::and other aircraft parts, and all other mechanical services for hire, compensation. or reward per· taining to an aircraft." Bresnahan estimated that about 25 percent of all business now conducted at the airport is done so illegall y by opcrato~ that do nQt lease of- fice space o,n the airport. He listed two main reasons why it was necessary lo re- quire lhe leasing or office space: -"You have to have some . \Vay of limiting the number of businesses. otherwise there can be too many and no one makes any money." -It is-not fai r to those businessmen who do pay high rents and buy expensive in- surance to meet airpQrl re- quiremel)ts if they are com· peling ag a i n s t other businesses who rlaunt the la\\' and do not have to meel those expenses. Bresnahan said that one group not affected would be the non-profit flying club. "If a group of people get together to. get lower rates, it is not necessary to rent office space," be said. "But if some- 6fie ·is ffialt:ffiraprofit, it is necessary." Bresnahan said he was con- fident that the new rules were within the legal rights of the county and would withstand any court challenge b y businessmen who feel they shouldn't be regulated . If the new rules are a'p- proved by the commission, they must still be approved by the county B o a r d of Su pe rvisors. Gro ve Man Sente11ced On Manslaughter Rap SANTA ANA -One of three men arrested on murdei charges after a Los Angeles matj died from a beating he received outside the Anaheim Convention Center has been had earlier dra\vn a six·month jail term and three years pro- bation fo r his role in the death last June 23 of roller skating derby -patron 1'tarvin E. Gruber. 34 . sentenced to one year in All charges against a third Orange County Jail and placed man allegedly involved in the on three :years probation. kicking and beating of Gruber Superior Court Judge James were earlier dismissed in Turner suspended the s tate Superior Court. ·. prison term he prescribed for•-.:...:-P-UB-'L-fC_N_O_T-IC-E---1 Terry Leroy Allen, 21 , of1 ___________ _ Garden Grove, a nd imposed P:ICT1T1ous 11us1to1Ess •-. ·1 f \II NAME STATEMl!HT tni: Jal term a ter / en was Tiit 1o11ow1119 perM>n 11 dolnv t>onln.ss loundl guhilty of involuntary is: isco. 361 East 11111 sr .. cos" MeM, ma ns aug ler. ce111. 9'1627 · [ Robe•! 'IJ TrougMon. 731 Lugonf1, Co-d fendant T1mothv .t.'C N~p0r1 aNch. canf. t2M0. Fuller 23 or Gard en Gmve ~lf""hll51mou-h-ttlftdvc:l.0 bV lfl-1.,..(--• ' • dlvldual. Robert W. TTOU!Jhtorl This statement was flied with IM r:oon. ] tv Clerk vi Orani;,e County on Jun. 6 • .J udcrc H.011 o r c1 . '"'· •. ,...., 0 Published Orange Cot1t 011ly Pl1ol, Junt 10, 11, 2• and July 1, ''7:1 1736-73. ANAHEll\1 -Orange Cottn··l -------~,,,.--- ty Superior Court J u d g e PUBLIC NOTICE \Vill iam L. Murray has been FICTITIOUS •USINESS l a\vardcdd an llonof rary d1ocv to1r of tiw io1i!f::"'~.::~~=~ riusln.•• aws egree rom es em as' State University· College or H & H SUll:GEJl:S. 544 w. 11th $1., Cvs!a M'''• 91621 Law here. 1 Ravmond L. emenon, SS3 Ctnlel" St .. C<n11 MeM. Calif. '2621 Tllll MlnHI II condlld.0 IW an ,.,.. PUBLIC NOTICE e11v1e1u11 ----~------[ R•rll'>Ol'tCI O. Ema"°" NOTICI OP' NON·•ES•ONSlllL.IT'I' T11!1 1t1ttmtt1t w,11 llled with ttlt Covn- 1 I ' ..... IY Otrlt of Orange C:d\lntv on Junt 6, tt1l tlOllCI I M•lbV tlven fhl ,.,. un• ....... Ml"1'111Md wUI 1'ot oe •M'10"llbl1 for 1nv Putilished Oraroge Cotll Ditll'f Piiot, owah or ll•blll!IM contrRclld llV l/\VDfll! J-10, 17. '• t l\d July 1, 1rn l~7l olM<" lh"n mr)tlf, 6n or '"&!' 11111 Ollt. 0111fll 11111 '~'" 01v 1)1 Ju~. 1111 l'UBLIC NOTICE Twilit M F. Yoonv 101'9 'lr>vrln No. ? Cost1 M.,,a, Cal tt,26 FICTITIOUS IUSINl"SS PUblf\PleO Or•"'ll• Coast 01IJy Pilot. NAME STATIMeNT J!IP!f 1~ 11, n. 1tn 1lJt.Jl TM fol!Owi"9 --Is dOl1tt IMIJI MSS Sunday is Fl1D&AY' -··~ TWA.!TE EMGtNEEll:ING, 1 50 4 I Mur11n SI., Wt"mll'li!1r, Ct llfornll 9'11113 E.M. Twt l!e, 19041 Mor•n St., W"tmlns"•· C11!fornl1 ~ Thi• t>1.isln111 Ii cOl!ducttd by .,,, 111- dlVllf!ll l. t'.M. Tw•!le · " Ttirs ''''"~"' w11 llltd wttn tna Count'jl Cltrlr. of Or•~• COunly on Mt ' J1. 1t71 in the l •bll'Jijlltll r ublls!Md or1n111 Cots• O.Uv P11~-YJ:! '· 10. 11. 2~. 1973 16'1·'3 _ __,_ - NIWI Uff.S& INlllAQOTH W"N ... IRLI JUST • ..,,, IOI SUMMll IUIUMeTON ll:Nll-Mt SOCKS h• 1,_.ui, • c1•I• k.UI 1114 1rnl1 ttylu. Yt· rleu1 cekn: tM tM ti11 flh 111. $125 to $2.50 -.. Sizes 6-14 IO S' NO TIN SWIM TRUNKS M1nY At1ortN Ceton si. .. n.u PlA TJOIM SOU, TOI LOOI' SANDALS-.,.,.._ c .... u 111-....... A•t"riut Leather. Si111 M, ML, L 516" --.......... llCINNY Ria IHlltTI -s-. _...,... ........ c .... o. •LllllD SHIRTS . Allllnt -Ctlon MT AlllY• unu ... u TOPS ... d -•onoMS: ,,... StN!t .... kJ,li ••l•t.4 4'11i• '''"' wftta cuffs. llUI 7·14. 100% uttt .. . _CUFFEO NUV01 S Tllty'rt so.,ttfilng to !Ing aboUtl ONLY '~ BAGGIES GALORE IN OUR FANCY DUDS SHOP '""' $7"--i6 Boys' Levi's• ". BUSH PANTS tn Soft lrush Dtn· iml Slz11 6 • 12. Asst. colors. $750 \ I t---\ ., Shirts, Jackets, H-s and Sportcoats • Select a Pendleton - Always in Sfyle CHAMHAY WORK SHIRTS ' ''"' 100% CtltNI Silff 14-17 ·SJ49 Ladies' Famous Mafu . OIT IF TOOITHIA VAN HEUSEN" , (You Know Who!J PANT SALE --WlfH OAaLV<Df MloWArlTID CUnlD IHORTI VCnkili L ........ flMOUSMAIEI TWILL DOUIU KNIT lul'lunly, y1lttw, -.vf, Sbu a.11. Ctlen: Whitt, Lt. llu1 JIM N1.y \±:::::1~\ $9" TODAY1S LUXURY DOUILEKNIT "HG, $16.00 GRANT'S SAU PRICE DRESS SHIRT $,.1,_ ____ .. flMOUSMAIEI GLENN PUID KNIT PAIRS ••1•, MVJ, "'""""• t•"l'rhtt. Sb:n 1-11, STING Ill CHAMllUY JEANS REG. $11.00 $997 .,,. olHtk .,,.,., GRANT'S SAU PRICE i..4, ... Mt "'" ·1M c1tfft. Slrtt . 7• At Just fAllOUS MAIER · "· .,.., .. , s;m. fOXCIOn CHICK KNIT PAllT $ 3 ' Sttisuous V1nh11 T • SI .... 1 49 11 in. f11hlon1blt lll,.9rty, Aw. IH , 1 \ ---H G;-$11,00,--$997 .-r. _, solid doublt knlt ·~ I ,_ _______ -.,. ... drtst shirt. lnjoy -· · GRANT'S SALi PRICE lht comfort of fl ~~~ G NG MOUS MAIER IUMMU IANDALS .untXctlltd wrinkle-' >'< I HAii CHKI KNIT PAllT ., ..,N,., Im flt. Mo4tr1f1- Ptwdtr lhn, Y•lltw, l1i1rtultly, Sia•• 1·16. MAH teel11f lteHp i.,.;_,, wfth 4" 1prtH lrookt lEG. $11.00 $997 ltetlt, " '"'°" ,_ .,...._ colltr style, with GRANT'S SAU PRICI IMottorfty, " •1~• -" ,.,. '"""' smort 2 .... ton · ....-. SbH XS.X L cuff•. Machine fAMOUS MAIER 1 "· • --"'•• -"' ~;!'~~~ fWINIL CUff PAllT ~ ttXtwiztd ... ,,, ... y,whl ... lls"S.1$. 97 ~~ $16" poly"'"' GRANT'S SALE PllCI 6 , r ~--z ~~.- ,A, ~ HAllOR llVD. _.._ ________ -J '· • . '1 --~----~--------:·· .. ,' " • - Primitive ArtHacts Discovered TALLAHAs.<>EE. Fla, (UP() -An ardlaoologlll who recovered the bones · of Florida's flrat restdentJ from 'iln undernter cave taid iast week the relk:s are proof that primitive man llved with w:- and probably hunted - mastodon a n d saber-tooth tigers in North America. Dr. Wilburn S. Cockrell, the bearded )'Olm( ldenU1t who · recovered the bone• Feb. 5 hTJm the warm m in e r a l springs of NorthPort Charlot- te, said the bones are about 10,260 yea" old -cive or take a conlW'y. Tbat woold JM1t the early Florida Jndilna in the late archaic or early palee>-In- dian period on the archaeoloKica.l_timetable. Such "megarau na" as the sabei'-.looth tiger,· mastodon. . mammolh,. cave bear. and grolU1d sloth \\'ere bowing out between 10,CKX> B.C. and &,000 B.C. -and. the wann mineral springs bones date right to the middle of that period, Coc krell said. "'Maere'1 no question about that now." he said. "We knew the megafauna were around 10,000 years ago, but \\'C didn't know the people. were around -we suspected they were around 10,000 years ago, but we dktn't know then. "Now," hi added, ''it would be tntriguin& to demo(lltrate that these people were bunting the megafauna." Some "projective points" found· at the same strata - but ftot in the same buri al cave -indicate the early man \\'II'' huacer. C.OCkrtll sa id the bow and 'IJTOW was not In- vented 10~000 years ago but pjecea ol hand-held epears and a "dart thrower" w«e found in the area where the Indians lived. The dart thrower, he said, wa1 an arm extension which could trtple the ·hunter ' 1 leverage, theretly boolting the velocity ·of his throw. CocU.11 llld the Indians looked lust Ute modem man . He llid the human race has not cllall(led physically in 20,000 yeara. Violen.ce On Rise Irt Engla1id WNDON (APl -Van· daliml, mugg l n 11 and "mindless aggreuion toward property and pertona'' roae 1ublllntl1lly In England and Wales durln& 1172, the Home Offtce Ill.id tut wtek. A repor1 By John M. Hill, chief lnepector of the con- stabulary, nld the violence emerged in 111111)' fomu which included "bltlered bablu, hooUpnbm, a I I I u 1 t I van-. dallam and mupir>g.'.' Hill' diaooUnted poverty as a -lot tho violence and uld lbe blomo . may Ile In movleo, toltvtllon and the 11119 medil. -'-"nlo-moro-linpreulonable ..in -to Imitate lq ,..11110 what they Ond llO a-bing on the ........ HUI Aid. "ThoM who control -potent D111M of oonwnllllct4:1on bear • ...,,....1bllty to eiisure they do noc pftsent excessive vtolenoe or utel' It• vlrtun.11 103-Held · For Pot DUNi>EE South Africa (AP) -A I03·y01r-old man c ha rge d ·with -Ion of marljulnl told the court ht roly ml•· ~ the drug with com 11 rned(clne for his hor ... nit defendant ao1 a ._.sec! on1·monlli J~ll lerm. ·" ' PllCIS lfflCTIVI THIU l!llOllDAY, JUNl 1 1 ".SAVE 870 •• ',..., DRUXE 25'' ':i~~~i 1 v COLOR CONSOLE .. COMPARE AT •529 RIH MlllllllANfAN • DAiia WAlflT • ..J. Junf 17, 1973 a YfAll PICTURE TUBE WARRANTY ....... W't "* tld:l!I. •· ... Ill .. , ..... lAe* ,... ............ ...i1 at al~-- " DAILY"PILOT A 13 12'' ri~~~· COLOR PORTABLE Exquisite styling in two distinctive motifs makes these consoles "must sees". Automatic 1ine tuning locks in pertect picture. Al so, it's partially solid-state 1or top dependability. Black matrix pixture tube provides the viewer with extra-sharp, detailed pictures. You'll be proud to have· Qlle of these fine, luxurious con sole s in your home. oe.m PllTABlf TV lhis ideal second set gives ·razor-~ sharp clarity •n4 luH-bodiol sound. Smart-looking jet blatk cabinet comp- lements 111 decors. Includes built-in corrying hardle & telescoping antenna. s REG. 69.97 ADMIRAL 15.5 CU. FT. FROST FREE 2 DOOR !fii!79 OUI REGULAR DISCOUNT PllCI 329.'7 • l wo tier freezer holds 152 lbs. • Adiustable cantilever shelves let you make the space you need • Twin crispers and deep door shelves. -ADMIRAL-18.tCU:-R. FROST .FREE DUPLEX •3gg · out l l OULAI DISCOUNT PllCI 449.97 • fasl lrem end regular freezers hold 192 lbs.• GlidMut sket tor bulk item shlra11 • Fresh load sotlion with 2 crispers, de ep door shelves. SAVE 181.84 ••• PION&R· COMPlETE STBIO-IYSTEM . . OUR REG. Ill::: ii! .324.84 =-- . ' 3 l!C!IYEl-This st1reo roteiver will real(i turn you on. Md you savi $81.84 on this SX424 component package. SX424 is equippol with a 50w 1mplifier & m'"y other grnovy leatures. like main or remote speaker selection, signal strength tu~ing meter, incredibly sensi tive tllnina: 'section and loudness contour. Plus, you get a tape monitor & facilities for headphones Of mike. BSR 31AX CHANCEi -The ideal complement to lie system~hanger comes packaged with Shure magnetic cartridges 1lready mounted. Just plug in the balancol lone 1rm. Base & dust cover included. ACOUSTIC DESIGN SPEAKER S II-Plus, ya.. get these speakers featuring a 6" high com- pliance woofer and 3" cone twffi:er. They ""! • 5 yr. parts & labor w1•1nty & I yr. · trade-up pnvilege. WITH THI PUICHASI OF ANY ADl!lllaAL ICI llADY RIFRIGIRATOt Prices lff1ctiv1 thrv Monday, Juni 11 ADMIRAL 17.5 CU. n. FROST FREE 2 D•R •i!gg out HGULAI DISCOUNT PllCI :149.97 • Huge zero degree freem holds 181 lbs. • Adius!Jble cantilevtr shelves • Twin crispers and meat drawer • ,r Deep door shelves 1nd dairy bar. ADMIRAl -24 CU. FT. FROST FREE DUPLEX •54g out llOULAI DISCOUNT PllCI Sff.97 • • Top of the line model with ch111ed water dispenslf u heezer door • Both freezers hold lotal of 3-02 lbs. • T""' ered glass cantilever she!ves. ... MON. tllrv-SAT.10 to 9 (Lon l1och Noon to 9 Sa t. 10-7 • SUN. 10 to '7 Ma rt hours: Da il 1tch11ter.& L.A. 11 -'9) Sat. & Sun. 1 _.,OSTA MESA 3088 BRISTOL ST. n Dlq• f rH w1y at Brlttol ---- • ALIO AY4]\Alll 4T OUI TY . ,,,ua•<• •••'' • ilUtDAll 111 llt lt HllltltTt ltll!I., ........ • lfUt lO(lf f 111111'1•1111 ti .. 11 '1111! tt"'• l lot • TIM,ll (ITT U lt IG1llllt ti 11 ti II lOlll:O!• 111 • WIJltllllTll ...,,, 11'91~11•'1.Tt ltfl It tt H lllUf • WMtTtll l .... 1""'"lt"· t M1 .. n11n•1 •I.ts Altl\11 l lH ftlMltUI. .. .. ", ..... , \ I i '· --. -. , ·• -· . .. -• ' ~----,.--.'l<;r ---· . ' ' -- \ . • . • tl 1 <f OAILV PILO! 'SunditJ, J1,1nt J I, l"f1.J PllBUC NO'l1CB POBUC. NO'l1CE PUBLIC NOO'ICE ,l(fJTIOUI IUSIHlll ll'ICTITIOUI lll11Hlll Qllp 1111'..01"'9 -dlln• -.fOr f ,ff NI.Ml STATIMINT NI.Ml lTATIMINT COl!'lblMllOll mll1er •nf compr._. T1'lll '°''"""""' .......,..,, ••• 9041'111 'fllll tvllowl1111 l*'Wlfl Is dof"lll blnl111"1 ~r•tor touri11e OWOO'l l "°tlnt'U e11 tt· C0tnpre1--r•tllll" ll GAJIAGL 116 Jbt Jt • ,_....._., Ml5TER Kt Dllllll!CT MAil & COIKr.tt INl!dl pltnf _,..,,.,. It.II ••• 1•• l l'Kll ~ EMVElOPC PltlNTIMG, ... , l•ltrt'Nt C...U-1lt loln1 !IW<l'lhtf °'"""'""' LOflf•lM I , Pollo\111'. 11U1 Ntwtllfl, D•., 11unl!l'Qlon 1(1'1 .. C• nt.17 t-1 Hid 1Jmll11r IYN) 10 ... ''"'' olr.M t11'0S Glen ICtllOI, tMl L•l•rtlll Dr., H1111· (;Ofl(rt!1 ml•.,. Of>f\'ttor, llklp 'VOit t .J, Marlly11 ~101,1rn, .1n1 l•r ""~', 11~110<0 "'"·'Ca. '26~7 c-,..i. "'"" -.r11_,...,lftl II .It NtWllOt l ltK ll VlMO T 11/1 b-.11l11t" h <ondlilUH Ir' d lo· C~•tf• !Ill,..,-OClillf•hlt 10.• 1i.11 ..,.i,.., 11 cQndlKlfd D1 ' 011••<l l Olwldlltl Cor!c•••.l'U~ -•tw (trnlll ptrt.,.rtl'llP. Git" l(.fllGi Wl•~•l .... Lor•t ff\I e. Pollciul" 1111• "'''""'"' Wfl 111"' wl11'1 ,,.,.. Cou""' Coner.it P\lf'l'lO ootrtlOr !trlildl: Tith 'llltf'l'!t"I Wtl flt.a wllll llM CO\lfll~ ty Clt•k ot Ot•"ll• COU'fll)' Oii Mt'( 22, ~•M l 10.lt Cl111>. ol Orl!IV' Covoty on M•I' 71, 11'3 1173. Conw•Y'Of OPt••IOf' I.Joi ' l'·U«J •·u.J Cttne ootrtl(lr (up to .i•ICI lftehldl111 !'uDllll!ofd O•f"°°' Co.at! l>tllY Piiot, Pul>lb FI.., 0•.f"fl' Cotti Otll't' P1Lol. 2J Ion Coll)Klt't') lD.11 M.~ 11. •rid ,h1M l. lD, "· '''' 1'°1·7~ M•r n. •fld J-l. 10. 17, 1tn ''°"73 Cr•ne Of*t!Of' '°""'is lflfll uei t• .,.,. lncl\ICll"O 100 Ion} 10,21 PUBLIC I\iOTICE PUBLIC N~CE e r-"*''°" tovH 100 IOtll 10.,0 ----::<:::::::=:::--:-;c;;-::;,-;----11----.C.=.,-,-cv~ "-==---I Cn.osFling pl.,11 oor110r _ 10,11 Otc:k 91lgll'I' QOtf'Olor 10.(11 PiCTITIOUJ IU11MEJJ lt PtCTITIGUJ IUSH~•ss °"''lck btfOt 00.•ttor ID.?t Nor.ME ST.tr.Tli:MIENT "IAM& STATeMIEMT Oerlckm111 (O/IU.io trpe) 10.1)1 'Slit IOll'7#11!Q PffOOllS ''' Oolt>g Ti.. foUow ltlQ w-are •o1rt0 ~y loc.omo!lwt optrl!or or ~,.. bu ~:1\1TTE"S O" CALIFOll NIA iw~·· t s: _ __, ~" lUP lo And\Mllllllno 10 '-' .... M I • I <~L·WELLS 17US Sk't' l"•rti Clrcl•, Dr•U dOc•or to 1• 171'7 Wiid AM t L-. Hunt "OIOl'I lrvl , CtLllornl• fU6..I Drillh>t m•dl1tW optrttw (lncl\Od lno . i a11e11, C•llt. 92UI I oltld M. Koll 60t VI• LldO SOI.Id w,,1 .... wellt) 10.H' L 9,.,.~ cu1~:,i:~ H~==~ 1r~,w~i:,:os• Ntw ri 8t1cr1, coiuornl• nw.o ' Dual drum mlxw ""''1"" 10.U ~·'·.,.:' L onHfflt'l'll~I 1io1t Hoyt ). lllchord C. Elliott, ,. Lllld• bit, Eltv•llno grader OP1•1•or 10.11 .$ •e L k ':1...,. Tirr•e•' C•ll! '134.. Ntwpo!'! 8•.Ch, (j~tf!Or'nlt 9?660 Eltvtlor pper1t0r (lfllldt) t .71 ••tt'l, a 1 'bV •. II l. LN C. S.mmh, I~ Lindt hi•, Eng!nH!' oiler I.JO "rt' :r'M1>1 1• COllOucifd 9Mel' "llfWPO'I 8"t ch, Ct li lornill '16l4 EQUIP""'"" llf"Hr 111rt•S• lrlildl:J '·" .. ~. "'' e,!;,1 c Hold... •. DtYld '"· Mlddltm• ... 11 HDll ~ Equ!Pf"*\I O•M ..... (••di) '·" 1'hl, 1t•lf'IY',.;! w~• 111~ wltn 1110 C<>vn Drlv•. Coror" u.1 iv-.r. C•!llornl• '212' ,,,,.,...,. r .S. TY Cltrk 01 OrtllOf CouMy on Junt '· '· Ev.,,11 Dtvl•, llOf S.ndVn• Ltn., "o•d ,,,,,,,_, operttor (wlltl dreg. ltTl CO•Of•8 lltl Mtr, C•lllornlt 92625 IVI>' tlllcntnllfl!SI t .7. ' P·UW 6. Tlmottiy L SI r Id tr , 1no ...,,., FO.:klltt oo.<•tor lov•r S IO!lt) 10.11 Pllblllhed O.tnot Co.SI Oilily Pllol. AID9n1, N•wPOl'1 8...al. C•lllOMlt '2660 Forkllfl OC*'llor (unclw S fGrlt • I ' "n U.0-7J 1. w.11, F1r110 MCl'IO~ ln'ffllOI'&, Uj)Klty June ll, l7, U.. •nd ~u r • p""' OUke Box :ioon, Termlnel A~~. G.fnff11or optl'ltor LOlo ~flH, C1lllornl1 ~ G-r•tor, pVfnp Of" COl'l'!l>f~W PUBLIC NOTICE Tiiis ll<lslnt$• 1, ~1n11 ~Onc:11X:t1d b'f' 1 oper1ror 12 to·s 1nc1u1lvtJ ----1Gent r1t P1rtne•lFllp, Gr~Oall Ol*"f!Or ,.1CTIT IOUS llUSINESS KOLL•WELLS G11di! t FIKkef" NAME STATEMENT By Don•kl M. Koll GrouUn.g """"!not -••tor T.,. to110lfl'i"9 11e•0011 11 dolr19 ll</1lness TFlls st11retne111 w11 fl!ed with tlle COVf'-Hffd\1111 shlrld OPC!f"llOI' I J ' ty Cltrk ot Or•11111 Counl'f', C1U+onil1 °" HHV'f' dUl'f' rrp.&ir""n ' "0YAL PllOPE"TIES 1\10, I, 217 Junt '" 1973. Htew'I' Out.,. rtQ8!rm•n Plell)lr' .Sot1tFI E1pl1n1oe. 0.tflll<t, c11. '2&67. '·u.47 HHvv duty AP11!rm1,.._w .. der J Grt90 L•wlor ml ~VllsMrt Puhl(shed Or1n11e Coatl 01lly Piiot, t0ffllll111t1on ,. • ' . 0 ~'I' 11 206 ' S•n!i Monie• Ju,.,. 10, 17, 1• .I nd July I. l97l IJn..13 l;iltllt;opt.,. hoist oCl"l'llW ov ev1r , u • • • Hi!'l!cPpl•r pilot C1lltornl1 «M03. Helle.opt ... rldloman torouncl) Tnls IWS!nen Is condutled llr •" 111· PUBLIC NOTICE Hlllhllne U.bitWl 'I' optrlfor civldutl HiQJlllne cabol..,o'I' Mnttrn.n J, GA90'Y LlwlOI" 11 HUS Holsr aperotor (ChlCtc>o boom tnd Tiiis ~11!....,rnt w11 fli ed wlltl !hi Coun· NOTICE TO CllEOITO"I slmllir type) l'f' Cltrk on May 21, 1913. SUP'I RIO" COUllT OF TH• Holsl operalDf" (Iliff leg1. l'·lU.tt JTATE OF CALIFORNIA fO" llllY derrltkJ Of" tlmi11r f'f'pea KAllNS & l(ARAll1AN, Afllll'Ml't THli COUNTY OF ORANGE U11'bl1 of hl1\lll"'ll 100 ta'1' ,.. WllU!l,. •"""•vi~. Sulle "' No. A·7'4'4 or mo..,) 11.• •.JO .... 10.ll 10.1• 10.11 10.11 10.11 .... 10.21 .... 10.n '·" l0.5J .... 10.11 L .. Aftl .. ..._ C1Utornla to0\7 Esl1le of J>.. DEWEY CALLAHAN, Ill.Cl H'fdr•·"am..._, Ofl«llor, IJ04.0C known ts AARON DEWEY CALLAHAN, A"o Stomper t ,., Putlllshed Ortnge Coau Oally l>llot, Otceased, Hv<1ro0roptifc: ...s.... m.1chlM opwitw M1y 27 1fld Junt l. 10, 17, 1913 161t·73 NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVE N 10 lFle (1111w, l)Ull) or llMd) 10.0I ---------------1credll°':'s of the aboYt 111f!'Ml'd dtcedent Hyoro1T•lft ovmp -r•lor t ."6 PUBLIC NOTIC.E !Fla! 111 persons h•wh19 cl11lms 191lnst tFlt lnstrvm1ntnwn )0.61 - --------------lwld decedent art ~equlred to flit them. l(olmtn betr lofdH oper11or""" will\ !he noceu.try ~l\efs. In lhl oll!a 1lrnll1r f'f'PI ll.11 I UPER IO" COUltT OF THE of !Ile cle<lr. of lt>e l boVe entfrl~ court. or LtTOUrl'INU blob c.omP9Cl'Or opll'lhlr STATE_ OF CALIFO"N1A FO" 10 pre,.... Them, witn Tiit nKIS•Brt Of" 1Jmll•r type 10.11 TM• COUNTY 01' ORANGE vouchers. lo the undff1lg ned 11 Int off!ee Liff mobll1 oporalor 10.11 No • .\-J,742 of aUorntYt GETZ. AIKENS & MAN· Lift &lab m;>cFlint oi>er1tor NOTIC• OF NIA"INO OF PETITION NING, S900 Wllshlrt 81,,d .. Suite 711l, L05 CV1otl>ll•O Ind 1lmll1r typet) fO" P'IOllATE OF WILL ANO FOii Angeles. Calllorll!• t0036. Wl'llC I> Is !hi Load"' ~llOr (AIFltY, E11ellcl, LETTIEIS TESTAMENTA"Y pllCt of bu1iMS1 of the ulldtfllllned In 111 Slerr1 and MmJl1r 1ype) Ettele of WALTER H. SHAAKE, m111er~ ~alnlng lo Ille tsl1l1 d s1ld MKhlnt tool OOWlftlf Dece111d. <Mced..,I, wlltlln !Our monrris '"*' the Meginnis lnltrnel fun 1111~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IFl•I lint publlcatron ot 111!1 notice. . vlllrl!OI" OOWllOt DONALD RA Y SHRAl(E his !!ltd her.in Oiled June 7, 1973 Matt t•c1v11o'r OllS'llOI' 1 11ttltoro tor Probatt of Witt and l~t HELEN H. CALLAHAN, Mel .. lll ll!lltl Ol*'•IOr lttu.nct of Leller1 Tnt1m111111.fry lo tht E•kutrl11 of !Fl• wl!I Mtch1nlcll berm, curt. or 9\11111' 10.11 10.11 1•00 16.0I 10.a 10.lt tllt pe!lllontr A'lerenct lo whltFI 1s made o1 the 1bow n•med deude11t m11cnlne oeier1tor l••P'llll DI' for further P1rtleul1"'-ll'ld !hit •Ill II,..,. Ot:TI, AIKENS & M.tr.a!NING concr.teJ lO.• ~ pl1Ct of hH•lllf tM-~"ne II-. bl-en S'f': ,,_,. I!. ~ Mtchanlal flnlsl'ler 9"'111.0r· conuet• 1.i for July 3, 19Tl, at 9:00 1.m .• 1" tht SfOO w11m1,. 111v11., Suitt m ~Clary, JOlv\san, 11 1c1w•1 Of cot1r!room of Oil!l"rtmfnl No. J of seld Los All!felts C1Utornl1 ~ slmlllrl court, 11 JOO Civic Ce"ter Ori'!• Weit, In Tel: c:i1u fJ7 ... 7M Mecn&nlal flnlflllhllie optri!Of' tl>t City of San!n A'la. C11tlorn••· Atr'""r' fO<' t:•Kutrf• MO!llla kirm lt.1welor optrt!W 0.led J\lf'le lS, 1'73 I ~ D I ·1 ••--11 •-·I WILLl'V>'l E St JOHN Pulll •hed v•a~ COis! I I V Pool, ....,...,.1 .........,,,.1 "'' OPllOIOI' Countv Clll<k ' Jun• 10, 17l 2• and Jvly I, 1913 llOJ-73 (,llnel, 0'' OI' tlK!rlc) • 10.!ll 1'G IQ,d ,, ... HARllT AIDES Molor 1111~~ llCIOI"_,.. 1""91e "' s.vtt1 °''"'' s1""" PUBLIC NOTICE ltfllill"'> 11.n LOI Ant9M1, C11tloml• toe11• • Motor pttrol CIP«•lllr. {rmrtflpl• Ttl: (JUI •2•·1UI engine) ID.G AllMftf'I' tor PtllU-r SUPIE"IOll ·COURT OF THI: Muck!~ ll'lll(hine optrttor (\lo y1rd, PUl>llJhed Orar19e COffl O•ll'f' Piiot. STATE 01' CALl,.OllNIA PO" rlltll>ef" llrtd r•ll or !fad! f'f'PI) 10.11 June 14 17 n 1'7l ll?J·'3 THE COUNTY GP OllAHOI! Mulllplt lllOint lr1c:IOI' ..,_IOI' ' ' • NO. A..JJ7.. IEIKlkl and lllmfl•r f'f'Pl •ctfll NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL. Owd t C..I) -~"OPERTY AT ~IUVAT• SAL• 01111", cru!hw (Nphllt or <:Ofter ... PllBLlC NOTICE -----c-c-,c-c.,-------1 Es!~te ot M, M. MCCALLEN, Otce11ed. pl1nn SLP-ll:U NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lllal $11~ P•rty chill - SUP'E"IOll CO URT 01' THE le.:1 lo conllrmallon by !Fie aboYI' irnllU~ P•~em.>I brffll« ocitntor (trlldl STATE Ofl CALIFORNIA FO" Court, on July :H, 1913, •I 9:00 1.m., ot" movo1ed l THE COUNTY OF ORJI.NOE lhere1fltr Wlltlln tl'HI llmt •llOWtd by l1w. Pipe mot1ll1 mlCl'llnt CIPW'llOr fto. A·"7J7 rh~ ~naer1l.flned• 11 co-tutcutors of !he Pl101 09''''°'· o-r•l<lr, oum, 10.21 1&.4 10.21 10.Cll 10.a · PUBUC NOTICE ,.,, ILi» 1l.llS 1 ... 1J.9'J 11.us 14.lal 1 .... 1L>• 14.1" 11.111 l•.1» 1ol.21J ..... l '-l.lS ll.,.I '"" lt."5 ll.1'11 141lJ 1J."S ll,1IS 14.IU 1U3' -11.llS 13.70 1J.m l:LU5 lJ.SlS 1,.1.U 11.9'1 U.IU 13.17' 1.a.11S ll.IJS 1.a.us 1•.llS 14.ll!i 1Ll1J 14,!lJ 1).70 11.•4!1 1un , ..... l•>t 14.I_, 14.#S 1•" 1 .... ll.115 1•tu 141)f 141• \41.U 1.a.1:u 14111 11tu ,.. .. 14.4"J 14135 11 ... 11NJ 1.c.•5 1«H l<W u.m 14. 13;1 1 ..... 1 ..... 1• .. ,, .. 1 .... 1•>t 14.111 12.115 "·"' ,..., IS.Its ~::; ,.,, 14,laf 1a.111 ILISS 1 .... 1•"' l4,l1S 1).N S 14.HS 1).tU 13.1' • l•.llll ,. ... l4,21J 14.IH 1Ul> 1t.11S 1J.70 11.m 1).1,S 13,m 1 ... 1u lJ.NS 12.l lS 13.17S 14. IU 14.13$ 141» l•.1:16 14.l1S 12.l lS ,.,.. lJ.70 ""' u.m 1'-"' l•H 14.ll!J"' 1<0• ,.,, 11' .. 13. IJ5 13.fU 14131 14131$ 14.13.i 1413' 14.1.U 13.tti ,. ... 1L"5 141lll 1 .... 1!,tU 1'-•S 1<"' 1<95 1•as ""' 14.125 1<"5 1La5 11tu 14ftJ 11.11 1 ... .. ~ 11.lt " ... It.ti "" 17.lt "" ti .Of 16.11 1t.Of 11.Jt 11.JT II.Oii 17,19 ''·" 17." 17.51 r•" l.f.lt 11.2' 11.09 11.J'f 14.33 17,JI 17,29 16.ll 17.29 11.0t 11.8' ,,,,,, 16.11 11.0t 11.0t 11.Ct II.Of 11.ot 11.U 11.2' 17.JI 11.77 17.:zt 11.Tf 17.51 11.0t ll.S7 17.SI 11 ... lt.ll 17.lt II.Of 11.ot 1<" 11.ot 11.0t 17.lt OM , .. , ,.,. 17 ... 11.lt ll.S7 1U7 1< .. ,.,, 11.57 11.ot "'" lt.2'~ 17.# 11.57 11.11 11.ot ,..., 17.lt 11.ff 16.11 ..... 0 .19 • PUBLIC NOTICE ~ for •vth kltdlnf ..... llllC!nt •11010't'ffl04lll1 mtn 1,IOJ ,,., C11'1'!"11 •umw !Ort 1 Ytrcl .,. """ ,,,1 ..... ....:f l\tncllltltf lWlk C"l'ltl'll) J.JU C .... C>OOI dlggw Md lnellllw J,7U ~..,..... ,, .. j Cletll« Inf flltldl.,. tf lllMI totnu 1.J.U Cent::,,.lf COft CUii•, ~ ff-.Undtt --~ t ,IJj Concr.tt CUf• • lmplrvlou( mlmbnon. form ellr 7 ,t)S 17.U COl'l(ttt1 ... 1n1r1, nntlflo, wtrq old •nd MW QllllC~· J,tU COOllC•tlt ICr...otr 1'1:W" r"911 llrlkl eff J.MS COncrtte c:"'"' 1w11w cllf"lng) JJS..S 11.0t 11.,. l l J7 .... 17.lt ll.2t 17.19 11.n 11.Dt lf ... 11,29 U.Ot 11.29 16.U 17.51 17.2t 16.11 17.2' 11.0I 17 . ., .... 16.11 II.Of 11.ot 11.ot 11.ot 11.ot l•.:n 11.2' 11.SI 11.77 11.2' 11.77 17.'1 Critlblr. tllor.,, i.ttfr, tM111r~•flCI 1~..ic11 b11ur, u1tr" of l'lll'ld ouldtd llOCl!nQ nefllnWr I.OU Cu!tfflo IOl'Cll °""'''°' (dMlollllor!) J.JtS Dttrio1l11on 1100rtr, Ille dotiinlng Of llrkk I nd hlt'l'lilr 1.J.4$ Drfll .... 1 AU POWll' d""'1. neludl"O l•~khlmfrMI', whtthtr cort, dl11"0n0S, ••llOl'l• !tack, mvltllll• uflll, •nd tn'I' •l'ld •II Olhtr ''"" or fl'llClllnlc•I drlll1 wftl!Gvt •IVll'll fl 1111 form Of mollv• llO'Wr f.ltS QfiUtr, J.f<:kFlll'M'oH Wiii\ 11-t foclt Clrlll ,,,.. or lonQft" 7.tl5 Dry P'lci'IH Of CO!¥"'''· lllU110lll8 and fltl lng 1!f she+tlclll hole6 1.s..s Fll'll Ofl !tr", FllOhWIY •nd' •lrfft Pt!Vlng, 1lrPOri .• runWl'ft, 1nd 1lmU11r l'f'l>I llhl')' CDl'llltvclJOn 7.6(1 Flrt wet~. hmbtr, llr111h IOldlr, I'll• lriel dP1i hlnOI.,. l'llOmll" G11 Md oll plpetl.,. laborer G11 1nd oil plptll,.,. wr•wtr • 4 Incl'! pipe Ind 0>/111' ' Go1 Ind oll pipeline wr1pper • pat '·"' l•nd•r •rid IOl'l'l'I m1n 1,755 GulnN dl1Hr 7.72S H1ta rock lll""IW 1.06.S lm1>1C1 wr1nc11 OPf'llor, mvlll!111t• 7.155 K1111ttnlln, p0tm1n •n<I man •l)pl'f'lflO 1sl)llelt, l1rkold, (r-'!I•. 111'11 Clllillt Incl 1lmlll1r fVPI! n1o111erl1l1 7.U5 bbor•r, 11trltret or eoni1<uctlon 1.541 u.eor.r, ••mPOl'lf'f' w11er 1nd 1lr Un11 7,Sof.S l..lbortr pecklllO rod $ttotl Ind PIM 7,17 LM'ld.a111 111rdtn« .Jllld nur,trymen J.W Mltwlel '-tmln 1wlll1, i111bl, _ fiOOl'I Ind lkdc.I) 7.545 MIXll'•lrvck dwll min (Wllll, 111111, Cle.:Q 11oorJ, !Oundtillons •nd fOollno;' ·-curb and outl•r 1nd 110tw1lks) 7.145 11.oe 0111t11or of Pneumtllc, ~·· 1!1etrlc: tools, wlbr1llnt1 m1chll'l'I 1nd &lmlltr m..:hanlcel TOOis nol Hptr1!1ly • tlllu!lled Mr .. n 7,ISJ 11.57 Pl~t'l•'f'•• perlormlng •II •e•vlces I" lht ll'f'l"'ll •nd !nstall111ot1 Of pipe 11.n from "" poln1 of rtc: .. vlno pll)I lft 111, dllCh until cotnplellon of OPlrltlOI\ 0Vtr1l11 ~oncrl'lt vlbr1lor oper1tor, 10 POVndl I nd °""' .._ 11room 1p1r11or !*">1111 11.Dt Prtf1brk1tm menholt ln•l•lltr Rlootr •nd sll)l'l'lmll'I 11.ot 11.(lf Rfpnp ''-Plvll', pl1el1111 t!Oflt or wet 11ded (one,.•• llock eUnot r 11.ot Raio ICflll'f I nd lllltr •r•lor SlnObl1&llf Cnoullfn1n) Slr.dbo11sler (POI l.Wtr") 11.0t 11.lt "'1• k9tlc: l•nll din• 1nd lnst1Uw 171f (!Md """' ' 11'57 Slip form r•IMr lt:a.-llMt htod.,llOlrd rMl'I Ind · 11uid.itne Hlltr Tlmptt" optr1tor, ..,.., Wfldt9' .. 1,g15 7.t15 1.155 '·"' ..... 1.1:U ..... 7.715 7.'95 '·"' , .... ..... ,_.., '·"' 17,., 1lml1'r type 1.ui; Tint 1Co1l11t 1n ddtl'*' 1.V ,, ... 11.57 11.J'.1 T1nn111 1!!d l!lOtlfr!Mn 7.j0!5 TrM climber, ltlltr, c~11,.,.w operelor, Plhbu191> cMpper 11'1d 11m1titr l'f'pt ..tirush 'hrldd.,.. optr•IOI' 1.1u Treoncn11111 m1dlln1 OPenltor, /\Inell II.It Pl'OllllfH , "'7.755 Undll'Oround t1bor'tf, Inch.C l"' 1 celsson btllo-r 1·29 Welcitr Wlndo.... CIMMr ll.J7 Goo!t1 OvnlTlln Gunit• noulern111 Jl.OI Gunl!e reboundrNn Gunll• rvdrnan 7.67S l.05S 1.54$ .... •.n .... '·" P\JBUC NO'nCE '11.111 10.111.7 ""' 1 ..... 11-117 10.m '°·'~ 10.177 ID.JS1 "·"' 1t.m 11.2'7 10.117 1'2n 10.'4 10.m 10.m 10.ffi ''"' 10.j,07 10.5'2 11.072 10.157 10.751 10.:m 10.m 1•• 10 . ..u ..... 10,:m 1D.7Ji7 11.057 10.907 10.601 ll.051 10.m 10.m 10.MJJ 10.607 10.967 10.m' 1•"' IO.J11 10.m 10.1S7 10.61 ,.,,, 10.607 10.'°7 10.•7 11.057 10.192 11.655 11.~ 10.3'5 12 • .0Ji 11.ua 10.W 1 ... , 11.561 I0.111 ...... 1L"' 10,1S1 10.292 10.:m ll.Q:S1 10.au ..... 11.2'7 16.117 10.ttJ 10.44 10.m 10.m IO.at2 10.l(a 10.'°7 10.ui 11 .012 10.751 10,1S7 10.m 10.m 10.4 10.442 "·"' 10.757 11.051 10.907 10.'°7 11.057 10.m 10.517 10.612 10.11(17 10.967 10.sn """ 10.517 1•"2 10."1 10.1S'I' 10.• "·"' 10.'°7 ID.601 lO ... , 11.0$7 10.m 11.W 1J . .(15 10,)65 ..... '"" JS.4' 1J •• 1•• ,..,. 1• .. 114 11 .. 13.0ol 110< l<U 13,., ll.!1.1 1).04 13.0ol ll.04 1),72 l)."6 .. ~ 1<00 ll.6' lJ.6' ll.O• lS.O• ll.29 ll.2l . ... 13.0• 13.U 14.H 13.U ,.~ ·'"'°' ll.l)ol I].~ 1].S6 13."4 11.9, ll . .a l!t.14 "" 1l.1)4 1S.t4 11.6' 11~ IS.14 11» 1< .. lJ.1)1 1 .... 15.19 lJ.17 .... ..... 1 • .-1• .. 1 ... ..... ll.N 110< , ... 13-0• ll.0• 11 .. ll.71 ,.~ ll.«1" 14.0I ll.61 u ... lJ.u• 1).0ol lJ.19 lJ.2• 1< .. 1•0< lJ.6' 1 ... li:1 , ... ll.04 13.•2 "" ll."6 13.9, 1),4 IS.14 13.U 1 ... P\JBUC NOT1CE TIMI "91nnlno 1'1111111' .. 10 NeiPll" .. nclb1•1lw, W!IM'l 1!09 1,..1111.- tncl pr0!1Cllv1 Clllnl tppllcllOr J.)O Htll*" tlrlpt, $JO JeurNY?Mn "•Hie d.tllnttlll'll Ol'llct •P4'11ktl0r ..... Jou~m.111 .,.. ... 110P ln1l•H.,., tr1f'llc lollrlaii .. 1111111111w-.n11 "'rl!tr •·" • hrvlctm1n S.01 rr•._ filll' lr•tflc dlillnMflllll o ... Jte IDOl!t.ftlon 5.61 fr•ff1< Wfl1c1 proltetiv• coet1111 tppllc:l!Of" UI --.. - PUBUC NOTICE ·-~ ,_,. • •• ... I.Its . .... '" .,, '" •• .... . .. UI .,, SUNl>AY •.H "' uo .... .. ,. .. , ).t l .... '·" .... .... It I• ,, ... ... 10 • .io ..... 0 ....... 1 IPl'l•llllllll C01;nrv: CLAS51,ICATION """' r11 .. tor Ftne• c-1ructor e11•S1fi(.cltlon1 I" Or•no• G«"l•"AL ""•VAILINCf HOUllLY WAO• RATl ITllAIOHT JATU"OAY HOLIOAY TIME OVEllTIM• SUMl>AY C1mtt1t mlxw L1Dortr Pn•um1tlc tool 0"9•1lor ~OCll lloJt di'""' (Ill mtlhod1 U Ctf)I ,,,.m.MI) Po.! holt dlfftl' (1n1n1111l H•r411Ukled &1111111111 lllmmw OOt•'llOr llousc:mover Y•rd m11n1-nct rMn 1.'25 10.•» IO.t:S1 ll.90 1..w lO.m 10.m u.c• 7.W 10.7)1 10.751 n ... 10.751 I0.111 ,!_1.IM1 IO.IS7 10.797 1l.OS7 l l ... , l.Ool I •.flt ll ... 1 ... ''·" t3.W ll.04 .... ll.'6 1J.S6 G"1irr•I pr..,11Urio1wt0t '''"tor Elevator Coou rructor cl•ul1l~~UOt11 In O•e1111r Covnly: CLASSlflCATION OIENEllAL P'AEVAILINO HOU"LY WAO• 111.t.ff .STIAIGHO' SATURDAY HOLIOAT • TIMI OVE"-TIME SUNOAY Helotr 1,11)1 1),551 13.lll ll ,JSI ll .SJll MICl'l1111C t .•1' 19.ltl 19.181 1' 111 19.111 Protiatlonlry htllllf s.11• t.n• '·"' t.1t• 9.'9• ' . G-•I P•..,1IU110 WIOI n t ... fo• 110U1ro1nlr.1< clnHlllc•tlon1 In Ore,;ge COVlllY . CLAlllFICATtON Gl!NERAL PAEVAIL INO HOUALY WAGIE "ATI ST"AIOHT SATUROAY HOLLOA'I' Bllltkt mUFI Bollt1ma!ler TIME OVERTIME SU"IOAY t .S7 11.01 11.02 lT,02 t .5/ 11,111 11.0:Z 17.02 17.02: 11.01 Ci""tt•I. p<r11!Un.g w•o1 rll• for O•edge< iOPl!rlrlOO !nglne.r) da11lllcellon1 In 0f1r1oe County; CLAS~IFICATION OliNERAL IT"AIOHI' TIME .... ,,37 P'llEVAIL INO HOURLY WAGl/l llATI! S.\TU"DAY HOLIOAY Btroeman ••ro• rn11e (cla111$hell dredgtl Ot!c" c•p!lln (hrd••ullc 1uctlon dredoa> Deckh.ff\d fean OPfltlll an(hO• ICOW 10.17 under dlr1ell1111 of m1t11 &.16 D1<11m.r, • • t .31 Fl•t""'...011.,. I.Sit Lorvtetl•nd (lll'dr•ullc svctlon drtOCltl 8.116 L•~ctrmon 10.77 Wiich englnHr 9.18 Welder t 18 W!ncllmtn Cll•n winch on drtO!lt) 'l2 OVERTIME SUNDAY 11.Jl n.n 12.JJ IJ.G1 JJ.02 IJ;ln l•.«5 11.)J IJ.11 11.J) U.lJ 14.H.S n.11 U.71 lJ.02 11.JJ 111 1 12.JJ n . .t1 1•.«5 l].71 n.11 IJ.~ 12.ll IJ,ll ...... 12.ll .• ,, U1•6 IJ,11 1),11 ll.01 12.J3 1.a.01 14.'-4!1 12.ll ll.11 12.3.l n .ll I• ... IJ,71 13.JI 13.0:Z Gen.ral prtwalllno CLASSIFICATION .... r111es tor Oryw•ll l"lllllH 111 Ot1not CounlV! GE"IERAL ,-RIEVAILl"IG HOU"LT WAOI' "ATE STR.\IGHT SAlURO.\Y HOLIDAY TIME OVEllflMIE SUNOAY Drywall lntllll• 1.~s 16.'10 16.:>0 16.10 16.10 Gtflff•I l>f"'•lllf!ll -o• '''"tor Sir~ 1•n~ nnd MKl!ln~ry Erecuon (0Ptr•t!ne l!.oolnHrsJ dtsslfl<•llons 111 Or1ng1 COUl\Ty : CLAlJl,ICATIOM O'l!:Nl!i"AL P"IEV.\ILING HOU"LY WAGe RATI! ST"AIGKf SATUAOAY HOLIOAY TIME OVEATIM E SUHOAY 4·1••...,. or winch !rude opertlot" l).f( CertlUed -Ott 9.71 17.29 17,2' 11.2' 10.11 ll.:19 11.79 11.29 11.29 1t.J9 16.lJ 1 ... lJ.19 13.14 COfT\l>tHSOI" OPt"IJOr Cr•n• oper•lor (UP fo .-Id fncllllll"'ll ZS.Ion capacll'f) Cr~•-IK!!"•IO< • ow• 15-IOl'I to t nd lnc!Udli;g U)(I 1°'11 Cr1111 Ol)Olfl for • OVll' 100 Kini 13.-16 Englnetr.o!IH Flr""'n lS . .-Forklllt Ofllf•tor Ir.wider S·lon C)flptc)l'f') 13.:WI ,.,. ,. .. "" IJ,ff ForklUt optralor (ovtr J..lon ClptClty) G1n.,.11of', pvmp or t;OmP<IUOt' optrtlOr (2-J lncl111lwt ) HMV'f' dutv rtptlrmlln HNV'f' dUIV ftplltfnlll • wtlldw 0,JO 16.3.l 16.33 11.3> 10.11 10.7' 10.42 ..,,, t.$~ 10.0I 10. ti 9.S• 10,\l 11.l)f 18:2t 11 S1 16.}J l•.11 11 It U.11 11.09 II.Of 11.,. 18 S7 !6 .. U I• II II If II Of 16.81 11.09 "" .. ~ ''·~' 16.JJ !6'11 II.It 11.tll' 16.ll II.Of 11. 11 IS ... comblnltlon 10.21 11.7' 11.2• 11.0. , •. ~ ll .P 16.Jl I•.•• 17.tt 11.ot 160 • 11.ot 11.2t 1L" 1'51 11.2' G_.11 P'"'•ll!"O · Hol&t 'Plr•tor, 11111 r-os. 011'1' d .. r1c1, wt'9 r1111 fol' Tunnel L1bOI'« dla.slfletlloN In °""" or 1lmlll1r type, 1111 to and !fl(tlllllf!ll lJ.lt 1'-" ~~at.1c.t.TION lltlch pltnl l1bor"' ' lltll.,., dfltlt r Hid plWlftffNln O•N•"AL P"t:VAILIMG MOURLY WAOI •AT• H~= =•IOr illtl 1,., ,,,·dfirlck) IO,JI .STRAIGHT . SATU•OAY MOLIOAY · ' ' l ' TIM• OV•ltTIM• .SUNDAY or 11m!ltr lypts ((tPltllt ot no Ulno 100 "°"" Or ,_,I! 10.0 1.M l:l.W 12.6.tS 1J.•I 15.'1 Shov.il, blckhot, or11111,.,., d1m1hell t .n 1:l.4 12.G ·1s.t1 1s.91 llCIOl"•lor over~ 'fd. lfld uri tp s cu. 161 12.04$ 12.Cd lJ.~1 IS.•1 ~ .. fNlnvlKll.lttr't t.c:ommended 11.29 11.7' U.2t II,,. 11.Y .. il II.SJ 11.)1 • t-----"'!.•JKS-OS-HaAltlMG FOi 1!.lllQtAl:!. McCALLEN, cleee1Md, wlll or coml!C_~ t.M OF WILL ANO 'OR LETTE"S 0,. AO· a !I et·pnv1te so fl IOl!iTh~l"l~t'J'Muriiill("'cOnir_,. pltelng 1Nehl11t MINISTRATIOM WITH·THl!·WILL·AN· ntl !llddtor on the terms end Condlllon1 ,operator (Hackll 'f'l'r11well or ... J-__ •n•'w ••_1auu ~"'II mvck.,.., ll'ICkf'l'!oln Cl\inQitiOUitfNlll . CMmJc.el grout ['1m11" 1~61 2.w -12:0 15:• 1s:.n-a·~'tlT'i'I . II l .tJ 12 . .a 12,Q IJ.'1 15.tl Sllovtl, beCkhoit, drt0llne, d•~ .. I "' _,. ..... -"~------! NliXl!D hei'elnef!er men!loned 111 rlQFll, tl!le end 'ftmlt1r l't'pt) 10.11 E1t11t of EARL K. Mc:NUTT. Dtc:e•sed. In!""' of M. M. Mc:CALLE N, dtCllHd, Prltum.111( ~orno Jhllld DPltltor 14.13' 14.llS 115lS '"" 11.5:n 13.10 14125 12.llS l4.13' IL 13! 13.$35 11'lS 11.0t 11.0t 11.0t 11.0I 17.2' 17.2t ChtrryplctH m1n Ch1Kkltridtr Ind c.ebltlf!'lder Concrete er""'"'"· lnclud!no roddtr 1.n 12 . .a 12 • .a 1s." 1s.t1 oper•IOr !OV•• s cu. "'(II., 1.7' 12.195 U.l9J 1J.61 IJ.61 m1nlrf•C1lll'•r'1 rK001m..Cfd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tnat Bl !Fie time of Fiii Ot•lh and au rloht, !Ille (hnm•ll JOHN P. KING, JR. ht s 111.C herein t 1nd lnle<ttl thll Ille estate hl1 1cqulred Power COflCr•lt curing rnac:hln. petition tor proOll• of will 11'd lor letll!'l'J 111 .tdOlllon to lh•I of dKedlfll 11 IF\1 time 09tritor Clf tdmlnlslr11lon wlth-1!\t•Wlll·•nni.>Xe<l of hi• d11rh, In the reiil (H'OP<!flY loco!ed Power concr.t• MW optnlor reference lo wlllt h !1 made tor further 11'1 !he Cot1nrv ot Or•n11t, Sl•I• of C1Uf0<'· POWH ClrlVln lumbo form llttttr P11rlkvf1rt, Ind that the time •nd pla« nl1, dnc:rllltd IJ tollowt: • oper11or nl he1r1no Ille wme Fla' t>een 111 lor Julv Lon 2' end 11, Block 318 °' HuntllllJ-Poww tWMCl'r "*"'"" l, 1913, 11 9100 1.m .. In lhl courtroom ol tun aNcti, 17'1h Sir"' $K1'IOl'I. •• Pt<" Pumpcr* QiUt'I 9"'1110r D~11rmerit No. l of Niki tour!, '' 700 map ro.cordad lfl Book "' P'9e 10, of Pump optrltor 10.11 t .71 t.11 t .71 .... 10.11 .... Civic c..,1., Orfvt Wfl'I!, In 1hl City ol Ml.c:.ile-M&Pfo. A~e O)!'llroll911 Nrtfln'IOll'fl'IO S•ol• An1. C1llfor11l1. Thi wole It sul:iitcl lo l1xn •nd mochlnt 01Wr1tor 10~S2 Oat.., June 14. 1t7J ege.s.1rnents not dollnqutrnl, ~1ntJ, ltOild 011 mlxlne macf'lll'll OC>ff•IW 10.oe WILLI AM E. ST J OHN, c o 11 dltlon5, res1rlcl\on1. r_,,.1t1ons. Rodm11n. 9.19 COl.ill!V Clt•k r\91>11. t\oFll• of Wl 'f •nd .... ITMllll Of Roll• ojiira1ol-(l l(ll\atl .. tlnl'"} 10.Cll HA.Oil, "t:OAN .. D.\VIOSON rtcord, ll •ny. Roll1r oper1tor fcomP1cllne) t .lt 1611 No. Miii! SI. No. 111 TM prOOl'rt'f 11 II> be told "11 h" Aou ClrTltr OOlrl tor lfobsll•l t .7' J1nt1 An1, C1IU. w11hout w1rr1111y ot" rtf><tsMl•tlon •s to Rol•ry drill hi!'l~r collrteldl t .M Tel: (114) M7-MH ti.. condition or 1ultebllll"I' of ,.,. 50!1 or Rotor'f' drlll operator (acludlno "'"°"'''' '°"' Ptlll!-r of OllY lmprovemeo11 th..-em for CO!'I· Cd!Mon type) 10.11 PuDll1Fled Oranve Cl>dsl Dillly Pilol. structlon or OCCVPllfon and without Rubll&r !Ired tll"lllmovlno 1qulpmtnl J vne 16, 17, 11, ltll ,lll!0-13 ierml!e clearance. termite wort or ot!Mr Ol)ll'l10I' (ilngle envlne vp to I nd -repair work lo bf 1Mrlormed W HHtr. Including :U '!'ln:ll •lr!JCkJ 10.0I PUBl:JC NOTICE TFlt Pf'Oj)ll'l'f wlll lie lold on !Flt lollow· Rullbtr llrtd earttirmvlog ICIUlpmtnl ---------------llng terms: C111'1 or par• cao11 and part tsingle enoil'll> c..1trpllla1, Euclid, 11 51.'St .... cre<llt, the le<ms of such credll to bt IC· Atht'I' wigon, and ilmllir IVll" NOTICI! TO C"EGITO"S (tpl1lll• lo tti. und1rsl11ned Ind lo ttM w!rFI lllV Ind I ll llll<:hll'llnl! °"af' SUPl!IUOll COU"T OF THI: SuPtl'!or Courl, len• Plfct-nr fl°'") of Ille 25 y&rd1 up to 1fld lnducUng $TATE OF C.\LIFORNIA FOR amount bid to l<:t001P1nY fhe oflH by 50 cUOJc y1rds ilrudt) 10.11 THI COUNTY OF OIANOll ctrtltled check l!nd !he tllll•nce to lie peld Rulllltr !Ired prtllmovlno tqU/Pf'l'!tlll Ne. A·l•IU on conHrm1tlotl ol 1111 b't' Superior Courl. OOl!'tlor (Jingle .iglM , "'" E I I • '"Ill' S"o.' ...... ...... T1xes, lnsurtfl(e Ind rl'nl, lf 1ny, ••• to 50 M•rd• 11.,-tl I I t ' ~et"°"'' bt Pf'Ol'lfed 10 tlOM of ~rPW EK'-r• .,.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ro The charoes ire lo be divided t<IU.fll.; l>elwHn Rublltr tired earthmoving "'JlllOf'l'!lnl crtdltorl of the 1bov1 111mctd dtcedent l>uytr and ~lier •~Clllf Th•r 1111 1tlltr" operaror lmultlple 11111rne, up 10 that 111 per!.Ons Flavlno cla!ms 1111lnS1 t~ w11l ll'r lor docv~enltr.,. ilamris <1nd the afld lnclllellng ll v1rd1 sTTUck) 10.11 ,.,. 1u .. 1•9" ,.,,, ,. ... ,.,, 1'-"' 13.17J 14.llS 1•"' ll.ISS 1•"' 1'-"5 11" 14.llS 12.llS , ..... 13.fts ll.70 ,..., 1111 "·"' 1l.11J ,,,uo: 11'15 14.11' 1< ... 14 l.!!1 17.tt • 17.:zt 11.2' 17.SI 1 .... 16.U "·" l J ... 11.S1 17.lt 17.Sl 17.Jt 16.11 II.Of 17.lt ..... 1•• 11.ot 17.'lt 11.Sl 1•" ,. ... "·" 17 ... 17.51 17.lt 17.Jl 17.2t """. 1< .. 17.# lt.ot 1L" ..... Ind ..,.....dfl' l,M Di1mond dflUtr t .11 Dumpm1n '·" DlllT'IPITlln, DU!llclt I ... Grout gunmtn l .f:l Grout ml11trm1n t .tl Grouf pumpmen &.n Mtl0tr fO<' 1tft4 1W111 r11W t l'ICS tll!W' &.7' J1ct1tot mi,.,... 1.n Jurntoio m1n t .n IC.Imper Ind oltilr ~fie COIK:rWff pllCOf Qt>ltllOr • l .H Laldtr l!ld UflloMler ol 10ll11tr Cl,_ t .71 Mir.er. tvnfltl 111.w or ll'IKNnt) 1.n Ni"'111' &.71 Hor.thm111, Optnfilll' of "-'fl"' tf'td/ .. - lll'OVll'IO nMtflfM l .9J 'CIWdtrm.n, prlmtr llousl' 1.n PM ·'""'"'"'· inlf1oll mc1•lk or otll• ""twlel, ~,.. .. tic. Prl'"" !'1'\111 J.lndbl•&ftr 5hltt •l'ld flltt ,,,. Sllol~rtt. rrwR .. Steel form r11Mr •nd' Mfl.,. s ..... mPll' lbr•klmll'I Ind swltdlrTWn on ... . ., ..• , t .11 ... .... l\ll'll'lfl wCH1:) ..... Tlmblrmttl. r1tlmbem1111 (wood or • 11911) --••• J Tool men I.ti Tt.rnnt! conc:rft flnlsher t.tl Tunnel mttwtll1 hlncttlnt mtn 1M 'Vlbtllormln, l•CkFl1rri,.._ Incl ..,_. f'l'!lflc tool D(lll'llor (..CCll!f llli!llllr) 1.1• 12.0...S 12.115 11"' 11.04$ 114 11.4 12.G 12.1'5 ,. .. 12 • .0 12.4 11.1'5 '14 12.1'5 11 .. 1•0 ll.l•J 12.CJ 11'' 11 m 1LG 11G 11 ... 1LG 11"5 114 11 ... 12.ltS 11.NS 12.115 11.04$. 12.0'5 12.CJ 11.42 12.4 12.lt5 12.CJ 11."2 12.d 12.lts ,. .. lLlts ,, ... 12.G. 12.lfS 114 11 . .0 ..... 11 4 n . .o 12.0d 12.a ,, .... 110 116d 11.1t5 1SA1 ,,,., 1$.•I lJi.tl 1Lft 1Ji.tl 1J.t1 15.61 15.tl 11ft 15.tl 1S.'1 11.tl -15.tl IS.ti IS.ti 15.61 II.ti 11fl 16.41 lJ.tl IS.'1 lS.•1 IS.ti · 11.•1 IS.ti 1J.tl ' IJ.'1 U.41 1•.•1 11.41 IS,41 ,.~ U.tl lS.tl 15161 If.ti lS.91 15.fl 15 ... 1 "" lS,'1 IS.tl 11.tl IS.'1 IS.fl IS.ti• "·" IS.ti IS.'I lS.•I lJ.t l 15.41 IS.ti IS.d a111ci1y1 Slli\o.tr cr•ne -•tor (A"'lln· Wesl1r11 or 1Jmlll1r type) Tow., o;t•nc OPll'ltor Tr1ctor CIOfr'llor . bulldortr. 11..,i>er. 16.7' 10.0I 10,11· Kii,.... ($1f1olll• ... 111ne UP lo 100 Fl.p., llvwtlltl 11\d 1lr'n!l•r lyl)IS, 1111 fo •n<I i..c:J11111nO 0-.S tnd 1lmll1r types) 10,0I Tr1ctor optr•tor C•nv 1'1111 l1ro., 1111~ 0..5 • 100 """""' .. h.p., •nd °""''Of" llmlll1r Dulldottr, l•f'l'!Plrf· KreP« Ind PIJ'Sh lrtctol', 11"01• englM) 10.JI Trtctllf' oowetor -llooln •llKh!TMlll' Trude o;r..,,. oll"' TUll'lltf holtt ~tor ll dru..,l Wfllllr "' oener1L 1¢.71 ·-~ 10.Cll 10.1)1 II'° 11.11 11.29 It.II 11,19 u.n lf,?t "·" 11.09 11.19 11.09 11.~ It.II 17," 11.lt 11.19 n." 1•.1i• 11 ... l•-ot ll.29 1'.11 11 .• , 11,19 "·"' "" It.ct ,, ... II.Of "·" 16.11 17.lrt .... 6-11 prev1fllnq Wllfl ri tes for lhe cr•ll ol Brk kleytr In O••~ Counl'f 1111'1d below. I"~ lddll~•I cle•tlllC•llont of rht Drickl.fy!ng crall ..e toolnot~ tollowl11q 1111• llslln.g, COUNTY OENli RAL P'"l:VAILING HOU"LY WAOe 11.t.T• l.TRAIOHT ALL OTH•" TIM• TIM• Orl'lllt 1'1 9,1' 11.IJ" Ill Tiit ,.,..,., prev11uno w•o• rart U11ed 1110 1llC)llft to !loe d1s.l11c.111-" SIOl'ltm1.ion, Tucll;polnlltf, CIUlke,, Cltene" Corkl1yw end 61ocklaYtr". C2J Thi IJl"'fll P"Ytlllnu w•ge lllltd •ISO ODPllM to IFI• d1i$Ule1rlon1 ol Sl°""'1'Wil0fl, Otlflff', C1ul-e" Polnltt' lf'ld C•mlfl! 8tod•lovor. 11) Thi ..-11 Pt'"'tlllng w1g1 r111 111tect'1l.so •U>lltt 10 ll'>t c1eulfl(1Uon. 0( SlootmiJOr'I, C..-1 Blockl1VH, Tw•uo Wort1r, Poinltr, C•ulktl, a .. neil Md ~ •• , .... •• c.-11 P<tv•Uino ••11• COUNTY r1t11 for Int cr1ll of Brk~lefldtr In Or8ngt Counl'f'' OEft•RAL P"EVAtLINO HOU"LY WAOli "ATI STRAlOHT ALL GTMI.• wld decedent 1•• required lo Ill• lnef'l'I, l)Oflc'f' ot 11111 llliuraM;t: ,,,. buv•r win Rubber tlr.C 1erlh1n11v1ng tc1u lpm«1t wlr k t~• ne.;enary voucilt rs. In 1tie olllce Pol't' UllOfl rec:ordltlll the fee OPIH'•lor (multfpl• engine, Euclid, of Ille <II•-of !he tboYI entllltd cot1rl, or llldi must bt In wrlllng. ll'ICI wrn be C•!erpltttr end 1Jmll1r •. -2S to P<htnl llMm, with Ille MCISH•y rectlveci •I ft1t oUlcu of HAllWOOO &. '!'•<di and UP 10 SO (ubOC: Gtn.,..tl .,......111119-wege~n!ft-for-Ttafl'lfltr-cl1Mlfketton. "'Jit-Orlt\81 County: CU.SllP:ICATION 911N•RAL ,..VAILIN8 lfOURLY WAG• •AT• Orltlllt ST"AHHIT SATu•OAY NOLIOAY TIMI" TIMS J,to IJ.11.S VOii("-lo the UnderllOned ,, '"' olfke AOl(l"ISON. lllDl'MYI tor Mid CH~· vords $!fut~) Of ..,,. elfOrnev-. MINDLIN, LEVY, kUlj)t'S. II S50 NIWl>Orl Cenl ... O•IYt, Rulltler llrld Nr111~hl0 equl~ SKLUTE & BERNSTEIN, lNl C1n111ry Sul" .,., NJ!WllOrl Stick, Catlfornli, 11 OPlfllor (mu1tlplt •tne, luclld, ~~= « Sw•llll 1<" TIM• OVt:•TIM• SUNDAY G"""'e1 IW'tvtlllflil UIM drl.,.. t .75 U. IS 12. 15 15.SS IS." Orl fl!I• COlltlly: 11,2' 1'2U 1"" P•rk East, Los Anut1t1, Ca1Uorn1a 90C67, any time itter 11.,1 publk•llon o1 tkls C1t1rplll1r •nd 1lmlL1r IVOt I.ti 11.37 11.%7 !l.SI I.a.JI COUHTY ••N•IJAL P'"l:VAILIHG HOU"LY WAO• R.&Te ....We~ 11 ti-. pt1ct ot bllslnes1 of IM notlct. ind lltfore m•k1ng Slld'I 111,. O"ltf 50 cubic vard1 1lruckl 10.<Cil 14 • .,S 14.-41'5 11.Jf ·11.11 C1ment dltlrlbvtor truc:ll ••Iver t .2) 11.l7 11.J1 14.Sl 14.SI STRAIGHT SATURDAY MOLIOAY undtr1loned In tll m•1ter, ~1<1,.1alnln11 lo The under1lgnec1 rttarve "" rlghl IO re-Rubber tired scr•per oper11or (self· Drive!!' ot vtfllci1 or c:orr.D1111t10n ti fh9 ts!•ltt of •aid d~tdtnl, wltllln lour IKI •n.,. ind Ill DldJ l)'IDI' to ..,lry ol i n lold!ng, Plddl• wh"4 tVpe.-john vtfllclea ot i ••let monlll1 1ner rhe llr11 publlc1tlon ol 11\is order c011llnnlno this salt, Otere 10..0 1nd 1lmll11 unlll 10.11 141U 14115 11M 11.0f 0.-1,,... of wtfllU. DI' cornMMtlofl et 11.11 .. ... .,. 11. 10 .... 11.m l t------""Oi'D;tl(e,. DATED: Jun• u, 197J. Rullller flrtd tell·IOldlng krlPfl" ;e ..... lclet ol J ••I• ll!d•Ml!>y-il r MAll.CU$..M..McCALUH. J.R ~J:l!:Q[JRJckJl~UQef_fype~~~--~=~ -~--Cr1v1 r ot •II off.lli;!!W_I}' _"""""""' AUTH SHORE WILLIAM H. H, McCALLEN --$1lr 10tid!ng, 2 or mor• unlh) 10.41 14.4" 1L4f5 ,...., 1tJY"' OilflilifTNmifiriilrliifi(fkoft 1;00-~: E•tculrtx o1 the Wiii HARWOOD .. ,A.Ol(INSON Rubbt1' llred ICr•Ptr OC*llOt Ori..,. ol wtflk lt or combln1t1oft of of tl>e •tlo"" n1med dirc:tdont ly: Don•ld o.~inoieocl 00Mno -'"°''*' pulh C11, whkln of 4 or more 1111• MlftDLIN, Lt:VY, SKLUTE Atlon>tr1 A! L•w PVlfl.PVll) 10..4 14."9 14.IM 1t..f7 11.57 Driver of rold OH IPl"eed« tnQ. & ll!"NSTEIN HO NIWPOl't C•nlH Drift . Suitt 4)4 Streed i»tr1tor {11phtU Or CA)llCt.it) t... 13.711 11.70 17.51 17.51 Ori¥« ot lrtmfl.fTllx lrvck vncMr 1111 Century Plrtl E1S1, Sllilt 900 Posl GHltt Sox 1907 Setf·pr-lled tar pipellllill!I J yirds "'' Lot A•ltl, C1Ut, fOMJ NtwllOrt 11•1(11, C1tlloml1 nUJ r'f\IChlM operator 10,0I ll."5 13,,., 17.51 17.Jl Drlv.,. of lrl ntll·ml• truck, S Ytrdt 1 11; UUI t n·J1" TeltPMone 17U) "''·IJ\l Shol'1f, beckhoe, dr1g1l111 or cl•-OI' 1n11r1 .... .,. .... .... A1tor111yf tor Ex1cutrl• AtlorMY1 tor C•ExeculflrJ s.,.11 OPtr•IOr <over 'll Y•nl 1n• v,· Dll'"ll(rtle truck drlwr, leu lhln 6Y,, Publlsl\ed Ora"9t Co1s! Daily PH01, Pub1!1!\fld Or.,~e C~st Dlll'l'.J>llot June to J cubic .,.aros. mtnuft cfuflf'1 v1rd1, w1!1r lewll -t .2t M•.,. 27, al'ld June 3, 10, 11, 1973 l•l5·73 16, 11. 22, 1973 111.).73 rec:omrntndtd Clptcll'l'I 10.11 14.1)5 14.1• 1.,ot 11.0t Dlln'IPt:r•I• lfuck drlvCll', l 'h rtrds ------------------------------ISllO\ltl, blckhoe, dn~r ... or dtm-WBltr I.viii Ind OVll' Shell ~tor fOV« J cvllfc 'f'ln:lll, Fort Utt drlvll' PUBlJC ~OTICE rUBLlC NOTICE men11fecturer'1 ,.,.11m111dlllil Fllll trvct1 dttv"' (ll)ICll'f') ID.» 14.JIJ t•.m 11.19 11.:tt P!l)ell ..... lfld wllllly -'lll'IO tnick .... t .1S 1.21 llESOLUTION NO. IU Slgl'llllTlln t .:llO t1.llS 12.11$ 16.U 16."3 drlvll". lncludll'l9 wlncl1 lr11Ck, bul A "EJOLUTION OF THE CITY COUMC IL OF TKE CITY Skil)laeder Oj)ll'llOI' !wheel tvs11 UP llmlflld lo lrvcks epcillc1ble le plptllnt OP 111\llNE DETl!iRMININO .\NO OECLA RINO THIE ~"l:V&ILINO IO "" v1rd wltllovl etl'C:hmenh} t ."6 ll.17f ll.115 ti.II 16.11 I nd ut!llty wor1(, whtrt I c:ompotl!t WAOE RAT•S WITHll'I THE CITY OF 1"\llft E , SklplOlder OPfll'ltor (crtwler.... ,,._ I& lltld 1.:11 WHE"EAS, Sfcilon 11l'D ol the Latior Codt ot ltie Sl•ll of CeUtomle r"'Ju1tft wllWI type trHK <\oli y1rd ll'ld u~ "°'1 e1rrl., •rlWf' • ltighw9'f' I.JS • CHy !o dl!'lormlne !tit oen1roi P••vailing w• r11es tor Ille Cll'f'; 11\d lo 1nd lncludl/'IQI II; ylr!hJ 10.• ti.• 1S.tU 11.!f 11.# Tr1tflc:<0nll'OI llllot cir driver, WHERE_AS, tFle Clf'f' CourKll ol Ille Clly ol Irvine h11 lfelermJ~e<l !"e I)~ SklplOld., OPef"•lor (cr1w1.,. Mid txciUCllng moving ll"VV ICIUIP!T'llllf, u1111og wage rllts of Ille C::lly lo be !hose u:I forth lo thll certain clo<:I"''""' t!rled: wll ... typt, -l'h v•t" ltP to permit told• I.OJ "STATE Of CALIFORNll., BUSINESS ANO TRANSPORTAT ION AGENCY, OE· tfld lnch,ldl"'ll 6\.11 'f'lrdO II.It 14.1*5 IL13' II.Cf 1 .. 0t Ttuck llrHllll" 11\d flt.min I .JI PAATMENT 01' PUBLIC WORKS, DIVISION 0" HIGHWAYS, EQUIPMENT Slip '°'"' oump °""''tor (power Tn.ick moul'\ltd "°""""' broom •P'l'•tor l.11 RENTAL RATES AND GENERAL PREVAILING WAGE RATES," 1 ~of whkll drlYtn hydr1ullc llfllnQ 6ftk1 filll' TrlKk rtp1lrmtn t .00 1, on Iii• 1n rnt Otli(t of The cu., Clerk •na It OPen 10 pUblk lnH••cilOn. toncrtl• !Orm.I 10.!ll 11"5 11.tu 11.lt 17." Truck rt111!tm1n helper 1.30 NOW, THERE,,OAE BE 1T RESOLVED D'f' l!'lt cu., Covnc:U of the cit., of SOllJ 11.id lectlrllc:lll'I l.W ll.11S ll.175 16.11 16.tl Tnicll ttQ81rmtn. welder t.10 lrtlne mel !host 11ener•I prwvaltlng w1111e rites !Or Oreng.e County 1s ~ forlll In Sl•ll-ry plPt ..-•pPlnt •l'ld W1rl!!l'louffmen tnd lf•ITilltr 1.97 l!'lt etxw•ri.>leren'ed oocumc111 •re d'1fl'f'l'!lfltd to Ill 1ht gener11 l)rt.,olllno we111 clNnl"'ll m1c.hlnt ootr1tllf' t .71 IS.SIS ll • .s:d 11,19 17,2' W1 r~n -dtrk t .11 rtlls lol' !tie Clty of fr~lnt, Cllllornl1. Slll'lqtr crtM ow11« (A111!1,,. W•fer lf:uo::k drlVOf -t ••It• 1.20 BE IT FURtHEA RESOLVED by lf\t City Council ot !lit Cltv of trtlnt to Wfl!Hn Of"• 11,,,!ler l'f'Jltl 10.0I 1).915 1,,"5 17," tf," W1ter lr1Kk drlwtr • 1 « mllrl l klll I.JO d ir k! lhe OHIC• 01 Ille CU'!' Clerli to publish !hos• Pl'C"ielllng weoe tales 11 .-t Surl•tt hHltfll ind pll""' Optl'llw ID.II 1.a.121 14,135 11.0f II.Qt Wfldtr l.7t 11.70 "-" 11.41 11.67 11."6 11.•7 l:l.15 ,,.., 11.10 11.StJ 11.lt 12.J2J ll.'75 12.•7S 10.91 ll.1t 11 • .ru 11,415 12,15 11.10 ll.l7 11 .• ~, 11."4 11.11 11.15 11.w 11.m 12.lS 11.10 11.jtS 11.19 12.$25 11.'15 12.'15 10,91 11. It 11.m l1."7S 12,lJ• 1•.tS 14.SI 14.U 1'-91 14.t3 1•.tl 15,JJi 1.4J1 14 II ... 1•.IJ 10.11 1'-27 16.05 1~.'5 16,2$ ,." 1421 l• . .s lol.6$ IS.SI torlFI In lh• 1bov•r.t-ncf!d dOCumenr, •Ion!! wlrll tills Rnolutlon, In !ht 0<111g1 Swllcll,...,.n t.m 12.llS 11.111 16.» 16,l) Cot1r Dttllr Piiot on Ille 14tFI dlll' OI June, 1911. Tlndrrn rqulPf'\tnl tPW•lof ~11 prev•lllno ""''Ill ti"-'°" '""'_,.," N111t1u11on1 thr'llUlll'r ot C1Ufomt1: 14.U 1• .. 1 ... 1451 , .... "" 14.SI l•.11 1US 14.1S 14.tl .. ~ 16.0J 1l.'5 ,.,, JJ.tt 1•.21 U • .&S l•.11.S ..... TIME OVl'"TIMI! SUHOAY ,,tlS 11 . .US II.Cl$ 11 . .US 11.os a-11 P'Tl•ltl"'O -oe rtlft for Ettt1rk!a" ct•i1!fle•llofl lfl °"1191 Counl"I': 'c°"~"'~'~'c'""~c'c"cKc'cc.•TclOc•:_ 81iME"AL '""EVAtLtNG HOU"LY'WAGS ""'TIE ----------'·TUlGMl'-ALL O:r.tta Ortlitt Clbl• ll)llcer Cerl!lllld -'lier Eltdtk; 1tor9"Ptr , ... _ Lineman OJIHlllno Tldlnlc:l111 Wlrem10 TIME TIMI 11.017 :r:l.lU 10 . ..0 11.2" "''" t .tsl 10,J.Q 71 .216 10.M) 11.m 10.'"'3 21 .211 lt."4 21.:111 G-•l Pf'tv~Ut111 Onnoe COlmrv: waoe r1te1 for the cr1ll ot Gle1!« 11\dloo-Gl•K-rkH ill COUNTY Or1nge C.-11 IM'"'llllno Wflll COUNTY 8ENl!"AL STlllAIGHT TIME 9.41 P"liVAILING HOU"LY WAOI' "ATI SATU ltOAY HOLIOAY OVl"TIMI! $UNOAY u.w 13.J.45 17 ... 17.M r•tes for '"• crefl Of Lllhtf In Or•"91 covnrv: OENIRAL '"EVAILINO MOURLY WAD• "ATE STRAIGHT ALL OTM•lll TIME TIM• l ."9 15,$1 Ot11•rtl prtvalllflCI wao• r1lft for Pelnl•f Cl8ulfkallont 1n Oranoe Countv: COUNTY CLAlllP'ICATION GENl"AL ft"l!VAtLtNG HOU"LY WAO• "AT« ST"AIGHT SATU"OAY HOLIDAT' •nn~ ptlnltr en 1wtng lltot, ipl'I)' TIMti OVIRTIMIE SUNOAY 1.7• 12.705 11.J'K 16.61 G1n•tl Pft'llHll'lll WJlff COUHTY r11., too-lh• tr~fl of Pl•tltrl!'r In Ol•"Ot COllflh:: GEN I RAL P'"l:VAILtNG HOURLY WAG• "ATif ST"AIOHT ALL DTH•R ltlft St1fl Orange TIMI TIM• 10.m · 11.Jt PASSED AND ADOPTED b'I' 11\9 City Ctwncll of Ille Cl!y ot lrl'lnt. ~t I reoullr (2 unll• onl'I') JI.a 1-un 14.M 11.Jf mftllf1olil F1ele1 on me n1n aoy of J-, irll. ToOOtm 1qulpmt1"1! llPl'l'•!Or 1'-" 11.S1 16.11 1•.11 11.0I ,.~ CLAJSIPICATIOH ••N•"AL ... ll\IAILINO NOURLY WAG• flAT• G1nen1 pr1V1Ulng Wiii' r•tl!I for Ille Utfl of PlumbH, Foo1not11 1pplletble lT"AIOMf SATURDAY HOLICW.Y to, .... lortrvOfno u1nno ., ••• follow1: /I/ Jllhll H. a urton (QVld 9 or tlf'tlll•r l'l'Plfl lD.41 14.4" 14."9 11.17 MAY OR 0" THE Cl1Y OF l"VINE Tt r POI llrlfNn t .5, 11.175 ll.175 1•.11 ATTEST: Tff'l'!OQf"ery hNrlflCI p.11111 pPer1tor t.w ll.17$ ll.115 16.11 /t i Cttol J. Ftrnn Tower crlM Optrttor 10.11 14,ll!i 14.1.35 11.0f 1t.intorclnt lronwort., Otn1t'l'lml1I lronworti.tr Jtruo::lvr•I lnin-rtltr Fttl« lf'Ktor TIMI! ov••t•M• IUNOA'I" COUNT"Y Glift.ltAL ""·•V.tr.ILINO HOU"LY WA•• •ATI 16.125 lt,l7S lt.l7S lt.175 1t.J75 IT"AIOHT ALL OTHllll 10,ISS It.GS lt . .OS lt.GJ lt . .OS TIMli TIMe 10.W lt.'3.S lt.45 1'.05 lt."25 Op!'ISll (J) 11 SS1 21.11• • DEPUTY"'CITY CLERK OF'IK£"CITY"'OF IR\llHI!! t~~ C~l\l)t'~~ri CCll'tlblM!ten tt.211 142U l'.llS 11.2' STATE OF CAL tFOll:NI A ) Ofltrllor ll.ll l41)f 14Ud 11,0f COUNTY OF Oll:ANGE I trector loldet'-olM lcr1WIH 11'1d CITY OF liit'flNE I .. '· CAROL J. il'LYNN, OtPU!'t' City Clerk of Ille cu., of lrvh'lt, DO HEREBY WFI~ lype °"'' '"' y1rdl) 10.JI I.a.US 14.115 11.n 11.ot 1•" Gtl\er•t P<'"'tll!ne wig• CLA$lll'ICATIDN 10.ns 1t.UJ 1t.1u lt.115 19,115 •ti.. ~·' prev1111no weoe ••I• 11"" 11so •PPlln to m4 ci.uiHc•tlont or . H11lfllft Mid af( aindlllonlna Jovrlll)'me_n, lndJntrlel pllltfllltr 1oo,w,...,_n, Ctrtllltcl-' tlf'Vl<t 11'111 ,..,..Ir tournevm11n. TFlt o..,••11 pr.,alllt19 wig• lol' strvlct •l'ld rlOllr IO\lrM'f'mln °" &l!urd1v !1 17.:W. rt i.t !Of' 'tltdrlw" cl•!lllflc115-In Oft"'ll• County: G•NllR.AL PltliVAILIHO HOUflLY WAG• •.t.T• ST•AIOMT IATUltOAY HOLIDAY CERTIFY !!'WI! lf\t fo•l'OOl"Q llnolu!IO!> waJ PllHeoii... •l'ld tdooltd by t~I C::li'I' Traclor OPl<~IO<-(>ulldoltr, Counc:lt of 1111 City ol 1,v1 .. e, II • fe!IUlef mMtl!lg f'l.ild on !tit 1:tlh d•'I' °' Junt, l1mptl', K•IOI!' !sin.al• tfl(ll ... IJIJ, tly ri.. 10llow1no roll e•ll vot•: "'° to 100 hortfflOWlf' ll'(WllMI Ind AYES; ~ COUNCILMEN: Flstll~Cfl, '°'Vot'· Quloll'f' IE. R1.,.J. Quigley )lmU1 r !\'pet, UP IO Ind lnclUOlllno (HeorYJ ind Burton 0-5 "1d 1lmll.1r f'f'Plt) IO.U COUNCILMENi None Tr1clor Optrllot" (any IVllf l•l'Otr NOES! 0 ABSENT: 0 COUNCILMEN: N;:.ie l~tn 0-S-100 llywhtotl llorffpoww /1/ C1rol J . Fly nn • • •nd ovtr. or 1lmllar) (bulldolw, OEPllTY CITY CL£1tl( 01' THE CITY OF IRVINE l•mpeor, icrew Ind PVSll lrlCIOI', •lnOlt e.111l11e) 10.11 Puo11t111d: Or•no• Co•nl !>Illy P1101 Tra<lor 0per1!0f' (boom •lt1<Mnt!'lh) 10.11 JIU\t 11 1973 ' T ::.r.: G-•• PJ'IV•lii""' Wlff ra111 IOt 0Ptl'•tlng ""''-d11slllctllortt In Or•"ll• r•w'1lfl0 pt Wll~flll. CIMnlng '"' Ind Ing m.cFllnt ootrltor Govnlr: Trenching nwdllnt Olollll' CL.1111,.ICATION GENERAL PRIVAlLINO NOUltLY WAO I It.tr.TE Trmclllng ~t ... OPfl'llOI' {utl STAA IGKf SATUllOAY HOLIDAY IO 6 !Mtl TIME OVE"TIME SUNDAY I A.fr•'"' or wti'ICft t•U<• -•tw t.7' 1i SlS ll.m 11,2' ll.Jt Trtnehlnt mlc:h ne O!M•••or fover I foot dlPlll ctPKlfy, mtN-At.llhll1 or (On(rflt i.prt&aing opertto• . fKIUAr'• r1tf"'I !l•"'Plflll or 11111,111~1 10.11 1413.I 1.a.135 11.ot 11.ot Trvc.k cr•ne oll•r Atpl\tU 1>1vlng ""'cFllnt Oflt".••or IB1rlltf• Twgtr flo!s t optr•IOt o orvmJ 10. It .... '·" 10.11 .... .... Of""" or 1lmUer t~1>1) 1011• 1•,IM If 1l!I .11,0t II.Of T1t11!1tl locomo11vt Optrltor (0¥« It Au•t'l&tt p1•111 ""'""' 10.oe ll.ttJ n .,.s 11.8' 17.tt ll'ld 1111 '°.,'Id lrKludln; • "'"'' 1o.09 ""'"'" "'""' nrrmen tat 1i.111 n 10 17.51 11 • .JI Tvrw>tt lc<omollvt CIPWlllOI' {nw Aviv OrKtr 09'•110r 10.4 lt.ftS 14,.fff ll.57 11.J7 )0 lb) 10.1 •a11tomt11< 1Up """' optr1tor 10 . .a 14 l'I~ 1 .... .,~ 11.v 11.st TUMtl ITllll• llorlnll ll'ltelllnt oPIC'I• 10,:, ICk,_ °"'''ti)' 1ur" 1r1<1 11.,. w.ro.r-ctrunto 10.~• Jr<l,,.,11ng .!._• •• J •rd ~ ID.Oii I~ tti IJ.9'5 11,ft We!dtr-Otnlrl'.11 lfl.1)1 IRL L mt'""" Pfcl.,. oot••lor, Wlleel tRc1v1tor O?trt1or (OYtr Yl'111ner PIC:!OI" or 11mlltr IG It If lU 1•.tll II.Ct 11.0t 1JO Cu. Vos. per hfvr) 111 )ll•tl*ltr • 10 OI IJ.tU ll ... 5 11,., 11,., Wooch ml•cr otttrttor 1f1c1 19t"'O -t'ITlll OQerttor t.lt l).l'O 'J.ltl 17.51 11.SI ., II ltt I r llP""'~ or rnhit1m•r1 l•sPholll or .,m •r llUO"' "t1J ""*' '°"''"ti .. t.ff . llr.iit'fNn 9,JO B•~ u-ootr11or 10.11 lrllt9f tvot 1,111lotdlr ind tl,,nl,b'• _ ... lullf•no COtlttro<Oen IMptc:tor c-• r111rr°""'1"" CtMf !rlml'ltf OPl"ti-" C..11.1 ... 1111<1 pls>elt'!'lne nlld'llne -·"' crwi.....,. .. .... .... "" ,, ... '" • • 'I "" l?.llS l~.llS ll.70 l).Ui 1<"5 '"" ll.10 "tlJ l'·'" ll.70 U.17J l•.w l•.64 ,.,, 11.l>l 11.51 "» '"' 11.SI 16.11 11.n 11,71 1'.SI 16.11 11.11 11.n ll j l 11.'9 16.5': 1i.tts 14.13:5 1.a.1as l'-llJ 13.115 1111 141• 1).175 1•tu ""' 141lS 14.f'IS H,21J u .ns l,,MS 1U&I 1l.N5 l.a.1'5 1•.1" l•,IU 1J.1JS "" 14.tlS l.1.17J ll.tM 13."5 , ... ,, 1<"5 lt.21S 1).NS 1 ..... ,..., ''·" 11.or 1< .. , ... 16.11 11.Sl 11.0t 1 .. 11 17,., 11 ... "·" 11.57 11.:it "·" 11.n 17 ... 11.0t 1•" ,. ... 16.11 1/.11 11.0t 11.l l 17,lf .. ... 1t.Ot 1LP 11.it 11.lt 11.11 Hud nlC-fllno« TIM• OV•ltTIM• ' SUMOAY GtnCll"ll prey11nno WfOt rtlfl For ltooter cleuUlc1t~ 111 Or1not: Clluntr· f,13 16.11 16.11 16.11 16.11 couNrr CLAJllPICATIOM GENl'"AL ~ll&VAILINO t\OU"LY WAG•""'• Plltdrlw1r ""'n, llrldOI •!'ICI Gott c1rpen1., or c•blc 1Pllc:1r PHtdrlv• mtn, dffrlCk blrotm1n ltodt btro•m.1" or KO-fl RPC!ullnttr t .03 '·" •.. , t .01 u.n 15.tl u.•1 IS.17 "" 15.tl 1J.•7 IJ.IJ lJ.t l lJ.tl IJ.61 IS.17 lJ.tl IS.ti 1$.67 IS.17 STRAIGMT SATU"OAY NOLIOAY • TIM.Ii OVI RTIMll JUMDAY 0!'1!'1\11 Joumtvm1n "'°'"' t . .WS 11.tt 11.tt lSSJJ 15$)$ Liii AflOllll . , Vlfltl#t "-" County: ,.,....tllll'lf WIOI rtlH for Clft'llC'll Mfllml CllNH'lctttons 111 Or1nt1 0-•I County: ~fl•\IAILIHO MOU•LY WAOI RATI COUNTY CLAlllPICATION Gt:MlltAL ITIAIOHT TIM• c-1 ""''°" noettflCI •nllll ._.,1,.. GliMlllt&L P'"IVAILIMO HOU"LY WAGI flATt: ITllChlrM oper1!0< t,ft't Cef'l'!flf'lt """'"' IOUr'!ll)'mln .. 1.7'2 c-1 mtlOl'I (rnt0M11le, lt'llOl'llllt• ltrr•to •nd masllt ~lllon, IOOll'f, 0.11.0-Ttxl Cllf'b Ind OU!ttf INChlM 09tfllor/ Cl1ry Ind slmlltr IVPI 1cr1ed 0ptr1tori grlndltlil mlchllll OWfllOI' 1111 typtf)I J1ckton vlbr•IOf'J 1t1e1 1/..,H1r f'f'Ot tcrttd oper1tor1 tcor1rio ..... Mtehlnt fJlltfllOr ., &.74 IATU"DAY MOLIOAY OVt lt'TIMI 8UMDAY 12. lt'l' 11..., 12,oot 11.m IS • .o2 1U02 IJ.14 l<IOt 15.«12 14.tOa 15.lG 1uo• t5.CQ , .... JS.14 rttts for C11111n11r c1111lfletfl«.t rn Dr•nu• cou"f'f': STllAIOHT Al.I, OTKE .. TIM ll TIM• 12.03 2'.1J Or111111 G-rtl l)f'ev1l~lng WIO• r•tt lor 1111 Ctl~ of THMtllfi' 1n or.no. Counl · COUNTY OI HS".AL ~ltl\IAILIMG KOURLY W&G• .I;. IT•AIGMT l AT..,.DAY HOl.IDAT TIMI OV•ITIMll JUHOAY C>Mlt'llll (1) l.2'S 12,ot IS.t1S 1$,flJ lS tlS Tf'll Oll'lll'll prtVtlll"ll ""'111' reffl tor «I llour1 work 1111 ttrneldll wort dUr1no '")' Ol'll WMll 11 fCWfWlllnl 10 !lit •lr•lollt t!m1 we11t tilt. r1!" filll' Tllftetltr't Htlper In 01'111111 County· O•Nl'ltAL '"•V.tr.ILIM8 NOU"LY WAG• "AT• IT"AIGMT IA TU" DAY HOLIDAY Oeiotr•I l)f'tvlllll'll w191 CLAS51P:ICAT IOM "' OINllAl l"••VAILINO ltOUltLY W.t.8• "Afl Ortl'llll STflAIOMT SATUJIDA.Y HOLIDAY TIM• OV•ltTIMI SUNOAY 6.IU t~1'5 •.7•J 11,7"1 TIM• O\l•ITIMll{ tUNDAY G'°""ll prw1lllno I.to lt.ns IJ.U U.6f lJ.U CDUlilTY t .10 l:l.575 16.0f "·°" , •. Cl$ t.10 12.515 16.M 16.0S 16.0j t.lS 12.6' 16.IS 11.IJ 16.IS 1.11 IO.n 119' "l,.tt 12.tt l .n li,)Jf IS.11 lS.11 IS.II t.Ol 12.'1 )I.ti 1J.t1 lJ,tl. •.OO It.CJ 11.U IW lJ.lJ ....... o._,,.., Ot'l'l1Hfllt Olrunl)'I CLAlllllllCATION Wlff rtln IOI' Pl••tfil.-ld1r In Orlf!Ot COunt11 OIMl"AL P"•VAILINO HOURLY w•o• •• ,, STRAIOMT UTU"OAY HOLIDAY • T Mli O\ll"'TIM• .SUHOAY 1.4» 1.a.11 14.11 l•.11 1.a.17 w101 "'"'' tor Afbflltt Worker thu1U!cellont ln Or•11g• OllNllltA\. ~ltl\IAILIHO MOUltt..Y WAOI I.AT'• ITRAIOHT IATU"DAY ! Mdl.JGAY o.tnil ll'Wtffil'IO .... fl'-fl:lr AlllO. M1rfM 1111111 IJ«Mtf1 Ptlft19r di•"° • TIM• DVllllTIMI SUNDAY .,.. nc111ons \"•Ilk dttlnnlll'lll dtvlct pla(:tfl'lttlf) In Or•~ COunf'f': "'"""" -'!tr mtchlnlc 10.m lt.'91 lt.ttJ 1,,.fff lt.ltf CL.tr.Il l, CAflOH OIMlltAL ~fll\IAILINO MDUflLY WAG• RAT • • ITltAIGNT 1ATUlll OAY KOLIDAY l"tlhlltlltd Ortnot COiii! Diii'!' !'llOl J\lnt 17, ltn .. • _ _._ ----------"·'----·---I . I ---· ' ~--·-~--~~-----~-~·~----~~~.-.1~-'11-1 . ' --·- . Win(l8 of ~an - occ Grad Airliries Steward '1 ~o,;"9\,1~ hav~ a man 111V1 !hem, ho . When a man Invades what ::~pl~ ~~I tr~:.~~ ~ 1 w11 lormar\)' an axot~alvaly ffe rl<lall• ..,, l~ld•t with wotntin'' proflflk>n. bu1lnu1 a womat\ to w~ he bad · can olttll l!tooma pl11J11ra, . aervod a coupta ot·drirt11 . Boll Pineda un te1tlfy to "She '"a f11lln1 ~°""· and that. she called me over.' -8he kept A fonner Orange Coast urging the steward to come College student, Pineda now closer, and thinking s h e flies the friendly skies as a wanted to whisper something 1tevtard for Hughe, Alr Wtst. In hls ear, he leaned over. "I love thls w01k. I've work· Instead, she planted a big kiss ed at other jobs, like at stores , on.hit cheek. and they were ao clull and Working in what is usually tedJOus. Here , the time • goes considered tQ be a woman'• fast . And I meet 89 man _peo--job does have its prablems, pie. interest!Ag people. though. A1ore than once the "But I v.·ouldn't be honest if captain of the airplane his t said 1 don't enjoy having all overlooked Pineda and said to the stewardesses around .'' the passengers "I'm glad to The stewardesses d o n 't have the girls on board." mind having hlm around , The passengers sometimes either, he aays, but mo~·m-make jokes about him , but prirtant to hls employ r the Pineda says he has learned to • paasengers seem to enjo v-laugh slong o.r ignore them. ing a man seive them . He had a few similar Jnl> '1The passengers r e a 11 y terns in his studies in t h e seem 'to like It. They:re reallY. Airline Flight Service Training interested a'nd keep asking me program at Orange Coast questions about what it's like." College. As the first male in . The men feel mOre com-the program, he found alt the fortable with him on board, forms and brochures referred Pineda says, and they ask him only to stewardesses. He did question• they might be em-·not have to take a groomln1 barrassed ·to ask a stewardess, colfrse, as did his fern alt such.-' where the bathroom classmates. but hi did havt to is. find an outfit whlch . would Th• women eapeclally like match the women's unlfo.rm1. Just look at our 1uper ltrryclot~ robe iale 6.99-8.99 Rt1. 12 .OOJJ.00 Wh•I a find I Four •uPt r 11yl11_ In Ions. 3 • • • . ' OCC 'LIGHT. SERVICI GRADUATES lob Pineda First AlrllJ19t s .. w•rd ' . ' \\ I • barblzon11 bll buy ' . In baby d.0111 S.99 more sho" length1 all 111uch .,~ii:¢iiii~~ eisy-to-take 11vlngs. Bunon p lpper or ·wrap front in assorted colo11, prints. S.M-t. .. Suncta,y, June 17, 1CJ73 DAILY Pl_LDT A 15 Black B11&iness . C.Ommunity G~o~g By Leaps, Bounds NIW YOllK (UP!l -One """4rect -owned by bll<!is .,......i .. r .. o1 from t 10 M million doUarl 1n lt721 in- dtcallng thlt tilt b t • c k bualrle• ~ly la -- il1i by leapo and bounds, the mqaline Black f!nte.rprlse laid Tue.Uy. "Bl1ck1 bave now rtached a point ln h!.tOry whtrt we can ld<llUfy thouund.t ol black· owntd and black-<ontrolled bullntl&el, many of them em· br)'Ollle and itlll lllnlggllna for ourvlval. acrosa the country." 1ald !arl Or1ve1, publlsber of the ma11i1ne .,. C'raves announced 1 Ult of . the top 100 black ._.iaa •• whos< arOll 11111 l'UllOd lnlli a hlah of l40 m!Ulon lo ovtt II million 1 year. Restor permanent wive Sale! Regulirly 24,00. Now 17 .50 complete f'Molsture Maslc" by Restor 11 a dual treatment perma- nent wave, deslsned to help the quality within the ha ir and the surface of the hair 11 it waves. For ;i limited time, complete price include s cut, permanent, shampoo,'set. ..,utv S.1.ol\ Ollr full ltrvlce Sllon1 ha .. thote f11ture1: •Complete f1tlal and m~keup • LlSh, brow 1lntln9, 1rthln1 •face and body w1x ln1 • lndividu•I eyelash •ppllcatlon •Manicures; pedicu·res • Electrolysl 1 ' NEWPORT •. #I FASHION fSLANO e NEWPORT ClNTEl -. 644·2100 -e MON. I FRI. I 0:00.9:10 e SUN. NOON to .1:00 . ' • Otfitr D•y, I 0:00·5110 ....___.. ' . l----t---f---,SllOtt,.6.99-Long..8.H •. _______ , Re1ultrly e.OCI Hert comn th• m~•t bt•utlful 11vlnp of th1 1t•1ont Your favorites, Barbl{OO'I ~II 01lt.-Trl•ll and -cindy.-l'lclc-cotton·candy colors of pink, maize, white, or blue In lovely- Blendai"'· S.tiste POiyester/ cotton/nylo.n. P.S-M-L .. -· ·-. -- palazzos.S.99! bodyshirts 4.991 Beverly Vogue's jazzy acetate 1ersey palazzos. Royal, red, purple, pink, li'.11'·. gold or lilac. S-M·L Add Van Raalle s fre sh little nylon bodyshi", 32-38 •t 4.99 and the party's on\ Your house or theirs! O•ywe•1 Llns,rit, .. ' . ., Ellfuns _ ... _. ___ ·---1 -=----• • • s-.-.. . •..:. - . . Mon. & Fri. 10:00-9:30 • Sun. Noon to 5:00 • Other Days 10!00-5:30 Newport • •l Fashion Island 19 Newport Center • 644-2200 1 . -- •• ------·-· • • . .. SH<.)f' SlJ f'~DAY NOON T~) 5 (I( . . • ------ • . ' . .. I ' -- ' . I .. ,NEW '73 PAGE-ARROW MOTORHOME Selec:t from m11n y model ' with the eq'uipment lh;it ,uih you, BIG Model with 11utomatic tran,mit,ion, power stee6nq, power br11ke1 , 1p11ciou1 wardrobe. Be11fli'lfu~11 ppointed ~itchen wi th l burner 1lovc, forced unit he;it, deluxe bath•oom, 90 11mp. battery, sc reen door end 1 other lui1,1rit1. i S-391 l I IMMEDIATE .DELIVERY · PAY ONLY 5108 I YeJ, !tit t1r;in11 new !97J Pact-Art'ilw 101 only MHI; only S6ft down plus I~~ & lk1n1e ellner ~ulty for your Ir.felt. c1$h or • 'com•1n1ti01t of ball!, 8' monlnty pay1nents o! SIDI 11nd 1pprovll of you r pod cr1111!f, Dlltrred D.1ym~1 price ln<ludinm II•, r.cense & 111 c1rrvi111 ch11rttt 11 1102114,0t. TC!<11 t.nh p1ict including lill & LICENSE ii 17422._,. ANNUAL PER· CENTAGE RATE 11.0lt'• ......... . - ALL NEW 4 STAR MOTORHOME Fe11uring l.ltt1 picture 111911 i ii-wl11-· dow1 w/r1mov•bl1 tcNtnl, t"' lnltrlor h1aoroom,' 10 gallon bulal'lt !W wlti'I sight 9~1191, 2 nuge Hf•tr ""''" '"'' tire & rim w/r•<ll lncludlrlt 1!MI bumpo-, luH S" t•lr•·firm cu$h*-& rntttrnwt, 52 9111. 91 •••nll, air "'9cll1, 10 pllon hot water hNler. S TO CHOOSE FIOM ON SA~E ./\T BIG OISCOUNTS I • '73 Viva 20' MINI MOTOR HOME II slttper, l burner rante, lul· ty 1111! coruained, "'1ower, spa. ciou1 lnleriar, llu1I wtlc•l1, 1ao/elecrrlc relrlgeraror, (Ser. l-HIU $6988 25' MOtor Home IH!urlng 91n1r.flor, roof 11lr. llfftll 6, loHtcl wllll luxury fellturff. (R·S1NJ $11,488 22' MOTOIHOMl Fvlly stir con111ntd, t lr Cllfl· .tilltl'll!lt. 4 bl.ll'nll! ''°"•· loutll• 'Ink, Ml b1M9f'Y •Y• _,, .. _,....._ ... 111.~ • .._v• IUltlNllc h"IMmllllln, lt1· IHI<) • Fully self cintalnecl, 6' re- lrlgtr•tor, double 1lnk, tilrg1 ti;ilh, v•, 1utc1m;itlc rran1mis- 1ion, power steerlnsi & br1kt1, radio. (Ser. llOI) $6988 ..t.7-2-Pride-N..Joy 20' MINI MOTOR HOME 4 'l&el>fll1 lot<1d llr 11111!, d1111I wltMls, fully 1eff cont•in«t, l:Nof11 & "'9wtl, 4 !MH"llfl llOUf, ull1u11 fi n, Sir. ;·1·1154 '73 MELMAR 25' MOTOR HOME Fully ''" • cerit1hMd. "' en• gin•, $1"" 6, 6 It. l'lllrl9., -lt!Cl__..,.....illliti IUXUlf llonl. (M4'CHUMfJ11) . I NEW '73 VAN CONVERSION P11r111l i119, c11rpel1, r.eer d inette, ••d ie, fully factory equipptd. !Ser. Bl IABl- X10406JI. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . NEW '73 MEL·MAR MOTORHOME · Mini-I.om•, fully 10/f-conl•ined. be1111li. ~fut home on°"'lit•h. 6 cu. It. 1 11lri9~r­ •lor, '4 bu1n•r 1lovt , 360 tngine, disc brek111, 11ulorn11tic lr~n1m i11ion, power 1t11ring. IS11. l16S9l IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NEW TIOGA MOTORliOME I Ton .Dodge Ch111i1 with l60 VI •ngine, 11 ulom11tic tren1lt'li11ion, pow•r br.li:e1, t•lf. cont1in•d. crui1e control, 'O imp b1ttery, ' c1,1, ft . refti9er11tor, 1500 ITU ~ .... ,, !Ser. l2·1691 ) · NOW SAVE $1-000- 0FF FACTORY. LIST PRf CI .. ,N' Beach · City ·----~--·------+- . .. ·-· ,._ .. .. . .. ' ....... " ... ~.~-...~-· • . i.· . ... 1 1( -~ .......-.:._ Randoifrlines in red On map, a~ve, repr~Dt compute~ Compilation of citizen ~ews of utlimate city of Irvine.foreseen. by th'ose serving on general plan,st11d)Qcom~~ .... !l,avy_)ines on ~P below outline present boundatie~ ~!;!ql!_are mile.J!1fY.'Ll8J[ter lines enclose the 53 000-acre "sphere of· influence;' fcirmally reservea.:gMg1'8pby·wh1ch -·~ • • .L....1.' may s0me day be a"nnexed· by the city. Uneven" red lines indicate . . bariiers• to "Social mobility" as seen by citizens. Th~y include free· Citizens of Irvine who live in developments such as Uni versity ways, Navy Department facilities,' flood plain, and areas ·of the San Park, lower right, meet to tackle stacks of general. plan documents. Joaquin Hills, notably the Laguna Beach watershed ridgeline. Ob-The city hopes citizens' views will imprpve on lan41uses begun b~ the •• ments, such as the eucalyptus windrows, lower left,. which provid~ a shaded, meanderin g footpath in a development bwlt on no n-Irvine Company land. ' "1--tJ--;viously, some working on general plan feel the new. city should press Irvine Company. in its developments· and help pre~r:ve ~atural environ· "' urthertnlancrthan-tbe-preoen~here-of..lnflllilnC<>-SUggests1;..and.. __ ~.:::::.:::::::::.__:. ___ ~._ ___ __._o__~-~~---~---------------------------j further seaward to include the coastal sector.· . .. City of Irvine Being Planned BY the People Who Live There By GEORGE LEIJ)AL city's general planhing study area, even Of ""' a.1tr """ s11tt more might; live in this "model urban en- Nearly . 100 square miles of Irvine viromnent" being charted by a relative handful of piooee<s. Ranch land stretches from a Sparkling Irvine is a new town. and more. It is 3.5-mlle wxfevelop¢ strand ol Pacific l)le Jargeot piece ol real estate in the Ocean beach inlBDd"' the 1-s de.San-World being.~ ill ad-to ..,. llagv'-·ond a --· commodate man, bis hOmes, bis leisure YOU DAllY PILOT ·· SECTION 8 Sunday, """' 17, 1'13 ' ·' In 26,4001 of tOOse 65,000 acres lies a ci-time pursw°ts, his jobs . . , __ Jy...A...W....ilY....l!:a-~O!l~-and it~i,! !he only self-governed new fonnally has reserved chances to occupy town en ... ..s......... --· -- ' • da d , 3 "..,.,"' urban p1-n .... ftnns and "buy" a <fll!>ner· 53,000 of those acres some y, an And, that city government, now nearly -:--e . . ~~~ maybe more. 19 mooths old is me of few i,, laun ch a, al pion. Irvine CQllllldered Ibis )lOSSlbillty Nearly :i0,000 peoi)Je call Irvine home. g;;,...al plan·' effort b3sed on a com-aod rejected it. They live in homes sprinkled amid the preheosive p!am>iog document .pre~ Councilrneo deci®d to buy the services summer-browned San Jooquin Hills, lhe by a single landowner. The Irvine Com· of Wilsey and Ham for whom 111orr1sm greeiJbelted Univer.rity Park where cattle pany general plan. valued conservatively wori<s. The South Pasadena urban dealgn , roomed just nine years ago, o< in· the at $1 millm, is now being .SUlijected to cOOsul~-fiftfi · 18 relatively unknown central•Oatlands where towering eucalyp. the scrutiny of citizen pi.,men. More. compared to ~ lbat competed fur tus milrk, the edges of citrus groves, lhaa 60 have vol1mteered to contribute to the project. The otbe<s included William some already cleared, some still bearing the ci!Y genenl plan which an elected ci-· Pereira, who. deoigned for the Irvine fruit but facing extinction. ty COOncii' and the 8J:tPOinted seven· Company ia "communiv~" plan, f~ Many of the 30.000 moved to Irvine member pl'anning commission. must ap-acreage arO!.lnd: UC Irvine. ·P~ s knowing ful l well •it will be a large city prove by next December. Perplana Inc. bid $250,000 for the Irvine some ~. The major landowner predicts Irvine COIBICilmen chose to rely oa the plan. Wilsey and Ham bid $50,000 to the ss;oi:lo-aae city it has plarmed will citizenry for the "vi.mo o( whet kind of $70,000. . aCcominodate 430;000 poople by the tum city Irvine wants to be. A gel)l!ral plan l'l!rerla and anodJer tompetito<, G"""1 of-the century or shorily thereafter. spells out that visioo," consUltant Larry and•A88ociates of .Loo ""8eles, )llomiood If the 10,()(1().aa-e "coastal sector" of Morrison said. t01prov~ "visiQb" for'. tfae ne\t'city. ~ the I~e Ranch .~ f.~~.;~.'. ~to the ~;. '~~ !".': ;'~ natiooally !cnown c~ioo $i;i\~oytoJ'-'~ .,. _______________________________________ t_,._,_._,._ ... _., _____ !'!!-,\,\ ~re ,, ' ;.l>Y W~·'Md . Ham. -·-' ~ ·~-· ' n . ' , ' . . . Got a: problm7 Thn wril<·P•I Dllml. Pol will l'Ut red tape, get iM answer• and actfoft· 11011 ml'd to aolvt inequitie1 fn gooernment and bulinn1. Mail 11our questions to Pat Dunn/ At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Bo:i: 1560, Com Mtsa, Ca. 92626. ,,.. elude your. telephone number. The coh1mn appeOT's 011 Sundays, W edliescl<!yt end P'rldap. . quired, accoi'dlng to the scbool spekesman wllM> contacted the state official. U the boy II ..,pllalbed, Ille debt will be cancelled ~Y Ille acboOI. If tt· 11 de- cidedt tat lie caa band.le penoaal resPoDlibllities at this time, the state of- ;-udal. will work with blm ud the tcltool to rttolve the tuition problem. • ' No · ,,_11-<:aHfonda Ticket DEAR PAT: If Gov, Reagan Is chosen as the ~publican presidential.can· didale in 1976, could President Nixon nm on the same ticli:et as the candidate for Vice president, even though be would have served two terms in the presi· dency? . K. E., Newport Beach Ronald Reagin ud Rl•bat=-could not he l'Ulllllng matee In 1971 ulett ue of tbeia· moves to · . 1 te prior to the election •. ~rtlcle II, Sectlea I, ef t1te United States 1tates, 0 Tbe electors tball meet in ,Q!I .~ay, ,cltizej\'I, who hiv,e con- tributed·their idea!f to the environmental, housiDg, ·populatiOO, economics, circula· tion, public facilities and urban design elements of the total plan package will tum their talents to phase two of the plaming effort. The trying, lengthy meetings by separate citizen advi~ry committees r .har.e ended. The groups will now merge · their talents and push ahead to fonn planning policies. They'll develop and select alternative courses of action. Afte·r mulling alternatives, a gc.it<lrn.l plan will emerge. Then the tools to bring it about will be de_yeJoped -the Jaws, the guidelines, th,e pOlicies. • Six months from now a general plan is due to be presented in public hearings, discussed fw'lller, and · adopted by· Dec. 28, 1973 -just two years following the birth of ~ new city.. + • ~ .. Irvine's planning pbilosophy Is built around three basic needs -people, place and lile<upporl systems. The people involved in the effort range £rom councilmen to planning corri- missioners, to citizen advisory com- mittees, community a S so c i a t i o n representatives to high school students. "They have put forth their knowledge of ~the. commurlity, their values and develoPr,ilent of,.pJ8nnin,g ideas," Mor- rison ~'Js. · , lbtpy(Ve ~draWn 'maps of what they M;ca~~tfie city to be; located areas ol S{;eaal ~; pinpointed barriers to sQcial ~obility, such as freeways . ':!llhey'.ve·· ''filled out lengthy and ~ quetliorwtires," MorrWI sajd. -"And, they've talked in series of! discussions )Vhere they review our work · and add their own ideas and concepts." Tbe place conlribution ·to the general plan is approaclled two w a y s . Environmmtal factors and immovable elements such as freeways, power rights- of·way and railroads are each rµa:pped . The enviroomental factocs logged by the planners include soils, vegetation. wildlife, slopes an~ geologic and seismic conditions. -·--(See IRVINE, Page 82) , , <:ount11 Popul•tio• Ru~· , . . ' . DEAR PAT : Someone told me Orange County'• population la growing at a faster rate than anywhere eJse in the United .Stales. Is there lllY truth to this? I'd also be ~ted ill seeing aome comp&.raUve populaUon figur es 1--1--t.--·coverini:tbO.la.!n~u .'· · •··---.----. their nspectlve States, and wle by ballot fer two penoas, of -..:bom one at least 1bll Jiot be an inhabitant ef Ute 1am,· State with themselves." la other words, the president and tlle vice preskleat cannot be official resldeata of the same-ltlle at the dme the Electoral C.OUege casts Its vole! following the cen· eral eleetioa. --. · Hbtort1 of' Glaas Factort1 Open Space or Fences? .. ' · -' .,_T:;'l'&mtabrValley · Ill Ille deCade !iOl\rM 1't_ ud 1'10, ~· °""'11'• populotloa led lhe naUon Jn rate of growtll ud tt.~tlll does. ID UM, lite c.aM)''• popalatloa was 111,HI. By 19'11 II bad )amped to 1,Ml,M to beeeme ... ut1oa•1 17111 1D01t .popaloal orea.' ·Projeclloa 1to4iel, plaee Ille llpre et f,111,M by ... Iara ol the ceetarJ>. 1)ie mmae· la _,,.-"""*-·II -~ mttstic. Tbe eonslnlction lndnstry buut 4tll,MI -_.., --UM ud 19'11, an lncre11e oi 700 percent over '""llH eD!N -Ilg na-. Tuition Mb:up DEAR PAT: I'll) having • seemingly Insoluble 'problem with U.S. lnJor>. national Univei-sity in San Diego. I have written and called many times in- forming the sobool that a youog man placed in our home temporarily as a foster child is not our son, and that we never acce~ fbaanclal responsiblli· ty for his expenees: at the sobool. I'm enclooing • 1""' ....,... draft ol my last letter to the school exp)alnlng the enUre, complicated situation and requesting that no further bills be sent to us about supposedly owed tUiUon. We are leaving tO'!"D for the summer shortly, and doo't 'wiSh: our renters to be bar~. assed about-this-matter. can you help us out? , . S. S., Irvine Your JJltuatlon was 10 compHe1&ed that-~ toek H,Vtt•I pbou callt to •Dd lrom lhe San DleJO scbool 1nd"111e better part of ... day to utao1le lhh> mlxUJI: All !•tare bUll w1ll he mlllled to ~ 1tata ~ 191 -tlo!'•d •• having custody of your former foster cbUdi An e~ et ... boy's praen& meelal eondltloa now II belq made to -II al;l•dod ..,.llloi eare II r .. -·i----·-... --~---, -. . . . DEAR PAT: I understand theie was a glass factory located at What is now the intersectioo ol Newport Avenue and Coast Highwa:y_. During recent sewer line -coostruction-at-thts-inteneet!Ol'i, eVideilc'e 0£ tllls fac ory Was un· coveted.' l would like to la;low,~when the glass factory ~as built, its owner 's ·name and how long it> was in operation. ' ,. ' J. P., Costa Meta Request the 1931 book, 11Hjltory of Newport Beacll," by H. L Sherman from Ille relereilee Ubrorlu at Ille Coron del Mar branch library. According to the beok, J. D. Bnmqan ~rid la Newport Beach In llU and annoonoed bll lateallon· to baDd a' glul factory, U the 1lte was donated. Negotiatioe1 began Ud a JZ0,18t bHd ftl depoe:l&td ta escrow· OD March zz, 191!. er. Feb., 1113, cemtructtoa on tbe · ,11,lllt baUdtag began at a 11te below· the b aff1 to the west of tbe Southern Paclflc Railroad tracks. The builder, Townsend Vane. water Company, lald tbe main water line on Sept. 2, lt13, ud beat Its 18- montll cemtractlon eompletlon,1elted1le witJt a Jan. 11, lilt opening date for the factory. Bete& tiy buahses1 problems and aa&aral dj1asten,i the glat1 wwkl noaodered ud wae 10ld to the Finl National Bank ol Newport Beocb lo 1111. Alter llelng clooed dowe Hd reopening eeee, the 1las1 fil<tory <looed ·Hs doors for goo4 on Sept. Zl, 1917. OOP C.ampalgtter DEAR PAT: Woold you please let m_e know whom I sboold contact regard·. Ing <;lmpaig. w6rk r..-Jbe Republican Party n ihe upcoming 19'14 elections? I am interested in both congressional and gubernatorial campaigns. · ' C.,.., W ., Costa ~fesa General Information can be obtained by writing to Repallllcu Hudqaar- te111, 150t s. Grand Ave., Santa Ana 9%70$, or caJHng 547 ...... ; U Yoarwould like to become tnvolv~ la the precinct orgaaluUOll 's work, dired your t.... qalry to Da•• G1t!let'a~RepabUcan Headqaarten. • • --·--~·~..._ • Here is an excerpt from a transcript of -li -tit!Zen advisory committee meeting on charting the future of Irvine. It's an ex· ample of the many viewpoints that are being offered on planning issues. * * * "1 am from the east. Back ·there we have an outdoor s·eason that -is maybe three months Jong. But here we use our outside facilities all year long; fron\ this concept you want a little privacy. I think the trick is to do it architecturally. That you don't have a feeling when you look at it of bemg doled in," S3id citizen one. * * * u'l'bere are wayA or arranging houses along llltttls and bow they r<lal6 to lhe 1trtet1, whtre you tan create the privacy that a lo( of people feel they need and at tbe'same l!me llllll allow ior Ille - the streeta give," said citlztn two. . * * * "l t.hinlt lhat the fenced-in area has net been by choice but by demand. You put a fence tn to protect yourself, your dog , your tamily,.your home. I ·think that1s what we'v• '°"""' OW'90lves Into, the ..ame as our own. habi!s and lifestyles. Our lamllles don't walk oa the st-tn . I ·- the night anymore. You don't walk down to the store after dark. Ldon'lthink even removing the fen ced-i n area is g~ng to make a difference. I would like to see at least Irvine become a city where you can walk to the store at night or send your kid three blpcks away to a friend after it becomes dark, regardless of the lmces, but l 1bink Ille ..,.. speoe would help It. If you stail walling in, U you start Diak· ing canyom, you are making SOO>etlJing to attract the people we doo't want com- ing lnll> the city; not moving in, bul. o!Om• ing through," said citizen three. ' * * fl 1 111 think lot 11J1e dictates tt compltttty. We lived In an optll space ta M.1-.o&a. on nearly an *ere on a pEll"k. 'But 1tert t woald Wiii! lhe 1'ftll, --the netgbbl)rs are so cklle," coaclllded dttRa four. , "Bacli -,_ -I put ~ lldl' blcyclee out al nlgbl becaaee ti "'"'' ralbs or whatever. except. tn the swn!Df.r time. You have chain lint lenceo back ... , !<> keep your dog J.o: llere we put walls "JI to btp Ille tlop la. If yoa put i. a 1wtmm~ pool )'.K cu•1 have ID epeo baek yard by law. S. I l1l1Ak -.IH..,,. dldates OW' feoct1'and oar walls." • • I • " • ' B : DAil y Pll01 Good Deed Peep le Teamwuric bttw,.. wluntoen can produce beautlful ...Wis, espec!ally when the pr0]ect9 .,. hand-knit and crocheted objeot.s 10 be IOld lo a fund raising ellort. Mml!1ors of the R•tlred Senior Volunt .. r Program (RSVP) who reoide at Th e Huntingtoo Rellre- ment Home in HuntinglOo - are making the Items lo< the Big &mrs' boolh at the Orang• Qulty Fair, -of Bjg Sisters' major mone)"making effort& Available at the boOth in the New Product. Pavilion July 6-H wilf be sweatet., sllppen, coat )langi;rs. caps, blankets anil lap robes as well as needlepoint and macrame donated by lndivlduafs. SundilJ, Jun• 17, l~7J . . . ' . U.S ~ Compares Costs With Other Nations By FLORENCE MOOCKLEY CIWtlftMta.. ............. BOSTON -II yo11're on American you pn>bably think your family budget can't be 1tretched much further. But compared with what people spend In other lndustrla!Ued countries, the c:o&t cl UvJnc In America ls not elhorbltant. "Food for five people 11 unbelievable," complains a •Pot welder on auto bodies at Geneno1 MolOrs' plant In Farmlngham, • Mass. • 1 To •pend $45 a wm Is nothing ... With a '235 weekly paycheck tb1s 35-year-<>ld aaembly line worker who ii married &Dd haa three cblldm>, apendl aboot 25 percent of hi• $1J,tl)t)- a-year Income on food. 0tnn&111 spend about 30 per-might ut wt In a restaurant C<llt cl their income on hous· for about 80 rr...,. ($18.40), Ina· Like moot Frmcft dtlzeno CanadlllU spend ahout 25 wwlcing !or 1otp oorpor •Ilona percent, but mortgage rate11 or for the pe.mment, the on houses are 9 to 9\~ percent Frere. have no heallh-eare II compared w i th iJ>-money wom... Ninety-five J)l'OXlmately 7!1 percent in the per«nt . cl tlu! -0 r IJnited 'Stat.,, medlcln<I 11 borne by IOdal • A Britloh au worker counts oocwity. Fer hoe!lltallzatiui out only ab<iut 12 percent or BOClal oecurlty pay1 IO -t hi! earninp Ir he lives in Ill¥! the .._ cooperattve J)li)>lic housing. And a peys the remaining 20 -· Ja\>lntie auto llne man The Frerel epend their a mlnuscule 7 percent vacatims with their .,,.._.. I Income on shelter ,_........, and in-I-In tile Voeg ... becaUll h11 comptny 1lves Frere flgurw their expen!IM wbopplpg houaina allowances. r ... llU CUlll to 300 to 400 HOUSING AID lranOI a year. Taljl Katauyama, who worka ()11IE1\ cosrs tor Nbw! Motor Company, owns a house built four yeani In Britain. the average 'lb the be! t 1 I MSetnbly line man earns man ago WJ p_ o a ow n· than the averece male worker Membership in both organiza· tions is open to intere&ed people. ~ary LaNier, direct.or of the RSVP ' program , may be called at the South Orange County Voluntary Ac- tion Center, Costa Mesa, &U--0963, and Sally Carlsoo, Big S~ representative, may be reached at 847~1962. . WORKING ON BIG SISTER PROJECTS: HELEN ORGILL; MARY BIONDI, FLORENCE CAVENEE II\ C'Ollt(&St, Rene Frwe, • tall, boarded mechanic CNI the lleoault Assembly Uno II Boulogn .. ~ JUI! outside Paria, with juat one child apeods more than 40 per- cent of his and his wife'A com- bined earnings on food. Mr. Frere earns M,968 a year; his wile $3,884. toml 1.5 million yen ($5,71111) (:16 poundB) w..kly but man"' loon from Nlllan and odd!· plead economic ~ • ..w.... ~' Uonal bank loans. He paj's ·---.. You Can.Help Help for You · 12,555 yen ($48) a month 00 worker, after 28 Y'!8ftl at the house and M extra 15.000 Ford's 20,()00-employe auto yen when he receives bonuses factory canplex at· Dagenham which are counted as part of in East Londoo, brlnp borne bis base pay. just 26 pounds (l&Sf oiler · The Freres' apartment in deductions from his gross Antony, a Paris suburb, costs weekly pay packet of S4 !00.francs ($190.90) per month pounds. If you've always wanted to do volunteer work, but didn't know where to go or what kind of services are required, just call the Voluntary Action Center. Personnel will help place you In the position that la right for you. Your talents will be matched to the job. Every minute of the day lives are saved _thanks to seat belts. Yet every minute of the day lives also are lost because many people still n!fuse to use them. Why? Because of myths, good food ls importan t to the French way 00 life and many French people ·~ will-Jng to spend even more than 40 percent ol tbe1r income on tb1s Item. for three rooms plus kitchen In addition to the 12 percen: and bath. 'Il!ls cost eats up rir homing and 29 peromt for about 26 percent of their in· food, clothing takes I percent, rorne. transportatioo 12 p e r c e n t . according to the U.S. Departinent of Transportation. . U you feel safe without a seat belt, then you should fuid out why you need to change your mind. In \heir booklet "Safety Belt Myths," the Transportation Department explodes these misconceptions and tells you why you should get Into the habit. of fastening your belt. For example, here are two common reasons for not using seat belts: The center, located at 207 Avocado SL, Costa Mesa, Is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Phone number is 642-0963. BUDGE'.1' FOR FOUR Gu and electricity charges Health care is p r o v t d e d come to · about 250 francs through the National Health According to the United .every six months. Service, Taxes take another States Department ol Labor _ ~n-N !H percent. Here are some of the fields where volunteers are needed The Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center, Orange, is recruit· ing aides in outdoor activities for the summer day camp prog· ram which runs from July 2 through Aug. 27. Day camp experience is provided for Children, ages 3 to 6, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays and for children, 7-12, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekda-ys. MYTH: "I don't need a safety belt when I'm traveling at a low speed or going on a short trip." the annual budget for a four-·~~·~O NOW "For a majority cl the person family in the U.S. <-in Madame Frere saya she la&," saya a union ottlciaJ the 110,m range for autumn, probably spends about 1,200 repreientlng -0 f tm -the lateat YMr for francs ($27&) a year on clothes assembly line wu-kerl at· which figures are available -for heraelf, her husband and their wt .Instructors of .decoupage, macrame, crqcheting and knit- ting are asked to help at La Casa Delhi, which served the Mexi can-American community in Santa Ana. Volunteers willing to share craft skills, drivers who could give an occasional hour or so, and experienced seamstresses are needed at the F1orence Crittendon Home. ""ACT: Wrong. More than hall of all accidents occur at &peeas less t6an fOffy miles an hour, and within twenty-five miles of home. " • MYTH: "I might be· saved if I'm thrown clear of the car." FACT: Wrong. The probability of death is five times greater far the motorist who "is thrown from his car. was: --~biby~ She .._...-nerig'.hbor Dagenham, " -ves glUlt ~, • go 10 -k to IUl'Plmneat Jbeir e Food-23 pereent. who 'has six children 15 francs e.amings . ., • e Homing-24 percent. a day to look after her baby The most commoo acri.fk.'e: e Transportation -9 per-while she works. vacations. "They need only oent. Before their baby was born, e Clothing and personal the Freres went to the movies lose half a wecJt's pay a couple Orange County Literacy Council. i~ s~kirig he~p in co- ordinating the county centers and organizations. Clencal skills would be helpful, but not necessary. To find out all of the good reasons to buckle up, order ''Safety Belt Myths" fo r 10 cents from Consumer Product In· formation, Pueblo, Colo., 81009. You may learn enough to save ·your life. care -11 percent frequently or dined out. No\v cif limes," says a union mah, e Taxes-16 percent. they s~y at home and Wl'llch "to curtail plans for their holi- e Medical care_ & percent television. On Sundays they go day trip to Cornwall ." e Other f a m 11 y con-on picnics with friends who But automakers have one sumption _ 6 percent have cars -they sold their enviable advantage over other Students Lay Plans for Perfect City By TOM GORlltAN Of flit o.11., l"Ool Sl•ll City planner Stuari Dautrich figured he had oome up with the perfect city of the future. It would be laid oot in a circular rashion. All the homes and epar!ln«lts would be outside the circle. Within it, divided into quadrants, would he sections fa< public services, ollopping, l1ght in- dustry and heavy industry (where an atomic generator for electricity wuu1d be tucked 3¥1'8y }. Elad! quadrant would be under one gigantic roof. The downtown section v.•ould be about 100 city block! in diameter. There would be n o automobiles. ln.5tead subways a n d elevated trams wuuld serve the transportation needs of the 10,000 in- habitants. ---. There would be no pollution but plenty of apen green space. Stuari hopes that l>y the time he grows up, there will b< such a city. He Is 12 years old, a aeventh grader at Randlo View· School in Huntington Beach. His was one ol 60 ''cities d. the future11 designed by students in the social acience classes taught by Rod Collier and Sharon Cole, wOO decided to give the children a fr~ band in designing the perfect city. So impressive were the results that Steve Kellogg, a Huntingtm Beach city planner, asked that the projects be displayed at city hall. In most plans automobiles were eliminated, giving wctY to monontils, subways and other modes of transporta- ljon. Centralized shopping and Jndustrial area.! ware conunon, and parks were plentifuL '\,. One plan called for a city's industrial 11rea to be buried underground, leaving the surface fur more pleasant views. The Ol'lly criteriOl'I Jn planning the cities was the use of present technology, Collier -said. • '\Ve didn 't want them to get into·scien· ce fiction things," he said. "But we gave them Wilimlted funds, so there weren't too many obstacles in their way." '!be Idea to plan the cities wa.. sparked by a fi eld trip 10 Yosemite, where the students were Impressed with the ban or autoolOblJes in the park's valley. "1bey liked all the open space," Colli er said. '"And in thetr dUes, they planned recycling centers, sewage disintegr.Ito<s and new Power sources." !lowing was one area of disagreement. 'be saJd. "Some of the students wanted to provkle the same kind ol houses ror everyone, regardless ol incoole, while others "'anted to offer variety. There •~re • . lot or phllooophlcal qtl<Sllons about that. ' In . tile .00, the students learned one tllin8. he said. "Alter building their own cilles, 'will] 11! the inlrlc•te layouts ond <;entralli<d llvlog and shopping a1'ea1, they reallt.ed tnat oor present dlJes aren't u bad as they thouilL N • j .I ' • DelfY l"llet Steff '""-le CITY PLANNER STUART DAUTRICH AND HIS PERFECT CITY 12-Yea...Old Mlku Circuli1r City Wit~ No C1r1 IRVINE PLANNED BY PEOPLE ••• (Frvm Page Bl) It's at th.is point computers etep in. They are used to store information on the en vinmnent and will be helpful as plans are "tested " for impact and alternative plans are formed. The result is expected to· be a plan which guides development in ways Vlhich do the least possible dam- age to the environment. The people and place factcn ol Irvine weigh oo the third planolng emphasis - life support systems. "The people o( Irvine want allematives to the automobile," Morrison said. This isn't easy, he suggests, "because· of the uncettainty of public t r a n s p o r t technologies and the long lead times re-- quired for planning and Installation of systems. '"Our basic concern is to help the city identify tramit corridors to meet both regimal 3l')d Irvine transponation re- quirements," he said. Among problems to which lrv1ne Is seeking planning solutions are two wti1ch deal directly with the social fabric cl the convnunity, "A key issue Is how 10 unify the northern and southern sectioos of the ci- ty." Factors obstructing the feeling that Jrvino i~ all one city include freeway bar- ri ers, the loading " 90Uth Irvine with public facllltlC3 Including lhe UC! cam· pus, the city's first llbnlry, the ooly hlgl>- schoof, city hall, a permanent fire st .. Uon, pilot bllte !Tulis and the only county regional park under construction in the city -University Regional Park. Ecmomlai obVlously , l)l.ake it im· pos.otble to duplloate all listoo·arnenltl" In all oreaa ol tile city. rt Isn't likely another university will bt bull! north of the San Diego F,...way 0< the Santa Ana Freeway, for <X41!1ple. On the other • hand, the majestic trees of north Irvine are not. likely to be moved south of the freeway either. Overooming the baniers which par! residents froni the assets each section of the city provides then is a major con- cern . "Open space connections, public l(ansit systems and the choice of location for "Ci· ty hall or a city hall system," Morri!oo said will be key ele ments in unifying the city. The Wilsey and Ham planning team is tackling yet another social issue. "What role is lrvine going to play in shoWing otbeT-cities new approaches to providing opporttmities fcr lower Income groups to achieve upward economic m!J- bility?" The general plan for Irvine may or may not avoid cnrlrontations such as the Village of Valley View zoning sporlced. In this case neighbors cl the propooed densely peopled de v e l o p me n t !!UC· cesslully fought tile density, forcing ho<\SlI>(! prices upward out ol the moderat.e inoome range. Critics wonder whelJ>e< all of Irvine will b< developed to meet housing needs or only the atl.lu.nt. Ways cl making tho dty Polley on housing • reality have yet to b< found . The ,IX)licy is to "provide housing in Irvine for all who work in Irvine'' yet the rtallty Is only JO 110mmt of t/1ooc who work in the lrvfllc Industrial Complex can afford hawing cWTently on-the mark~ in the new dty. · "New towns can assume an, fmportan~ role in meeting IOClety's ·larger 'pr<>!> lema.. The ciUv.enry of Irvine.seem unccr- lnln about ibJs role. It's a basic decision they have yet to mAke and It will set a Jot or the tone !or what kind or city lrvin~ls going to b<," Morrison C<lltClud~ • e Other iteim--5 percent car 16 IJ!OOths ago in ~er to Britons. They can clciitn a dis- Whlle American assembly buy f~m1ture on a cr~t plan. count of some 100 pound! F-h line worker RogerjG~agn~e~sa~y~s:f;;;;;;Tw;;;;;;1ce;;;;;;li~m;;;;on~th~the~;;;;F;;;;re;;;;r;;;;es~;;;;t$250~~) ~oo~bu~ym~· ~g;;;;a~new~~car~~· '1-+-~ -at . er-s,~--,that.-wilh his food bills rorning lo $45 to $50 a week, "we really cut on eating meat," Made l\1r. and Mrs. Frere enjoy roast beef on Sundays and a meat course twice a day To Lm'e By ERMA BOMBECK '\\7hi!h the good Lord was creating Fathers he ·Started with a tall frame . • And a female angel nearby said, "What kind or Father is despite rising meat prices. This is made possible, partially. because of the in- expensive lunches available to the Freres at their c:ompany canteens. For example for six francs ($1.38), Fre re has a choice or five or six main dishes, plus a first course, a beverage, and a portion of cheese or dessert. that? U you're going to make HOW BRITONS FARE children so close to the In Britain, the average ground, why have you put automobile assembly-11 n e Fathers_ up so high? He woo't worker with a nonworking be able to shoot martles wife and two chil4ren spends without kneeling, tuck a child 29 percent of his weekly earn. in · bed without bending, or ings of 38-39 pounds ($'95 to even kiss a child without a lot $97) on food. of stooping." In \Vest Germl'lny the figure Am God smiled QDd &aid is about 30 percent. In Japait. "Yes, but if I make him dlild: a two-child family !pends 33 size, vmo would children have percent. Canadian a u t o ,to look up to ?" workers spend 18 percent .-.'!.... While a GM line worker in And when \.l(X1 made 8 the U.S. grumbles that his Father's hands, they were house rent is too high at $260 a larg~-and-.sinewy.-month which~takes about a· RO.DERICK S. SPENCER, D.P.M. A1111eu11c.11 The Ope11int Of Hi1 Office At 3301Plecenti1, Newport B11ch Suite 205 FOR THE PRACTICE OF PODIATRY AND FOOT SURGERY By Appointm•nt: 6 .. 5.3800 OVERWEIGHT? 56 LB. LOSS IN 40 DAYS Under M.dlc•I Supervision •I tM Omeg~ .Clinic HOURS: 9:00 -7:00 • CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT Ill COSTA MESA ANAHEIM SANTA ANA ~•llfl"torl·L•H•"'• 1169 Ne..,.n IM4 W. IHw'f, 1.Jl'HTVlllllA¥1 (714) 170.9347 ·646 1·633 77f1.4141 .547-6329 (213) 697-1791 • JJI W. L1H11M'..-.Ni And the angel shook her quarter of h.is wage!, West head sadly and said, "Do you l.,.i;;i;;;;;;i;;;;;ii;;iiii;,;iii~ii;,~~iiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;::;:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~:iiiiiiii-:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ know what yoo're doing? II Large hands are clumsy. 'Ibey can't manage· diaper pins, small buttms, rubber bands on .pony tails or even remove splinteI> .caused by baselJell bats." Am God smiled and said, "-I know, but they1re I a r g e enough to hold everything a small boy empties from his pockets at the md of a day . • . yet small enough to cup a child's face in his bands." And then Gold molded loog, slim leg.< and broad ~· And tl>e angel nearly had a h<\art attack. "Boy, thJs is tl>e end of the week, ell right," she clucked. "Do you realize you just made a Father without a lap? How iB he going to pull a child claee to him witl\out tl>e kid fallillg betw..n his legs?" And God smiled and said, "A Mother needs a lap. A Father ._is strong shoolders 10 pull a o.led, balance a boy on a bicycle, <x hold a sleepy head nn the way home from the circus .• , God ,... in the middle ol crealjng two cl the largest feet anyme had ever aeen whm the angel could contain herself no longer. "'Ihat's not fair. Do you honestly think those large boata are 1olng to dig rut of bed early in the momlng when the baby cries? Or walk through a small birth- day party wi!hoot-crusblng at least three or the IJU'SlS?" And God smiled and said, ~'They'U work. You'll ~· ~'hey'll support a small child who wants to 't1de a hof'9e to Banbury °""8.' or acaro oil mice at tM summer cabin, and display shoos that will 'b< ·a cMllenge 10 fill." CONTINUING PERFORMANCE Ill - S.ALONS ACT I: MIC ... IHAM HAii ANALYlll ACT II: ACT Ill· SCllHTIPIC CONCm OP HAii CONDfnONI• llN• MASna '' THI ••• TOP BENZ, ALVAREZ & ESPINOZA U,,11 LIYIL HAii HUNTlll 70 MINION Ill.AND e NIWPOIT CINTll e ,., '"·1111 -OPEN 7 DAYS - •• • .. t • . -· . . . . . .~ - Energy Crisis . .Answer .. May Be C11ri1tia1~ Science Monitor Service <X>RVALLIS, Ore -Natural scien- tisl.!J, in addition to exploring solar engery Md geothermal power, ~e looking into the possibilities of windpower. Research in the ~a is nothing n . 'Ibe Bfltish cooduc studies on wi d power as an ener source prior to and following World War II. Tests were started in this country in Ver- mont, around the same time. But with incroased popu]arity in hydro and nuclear piowers, interest in wind power u n ti I 1971, when Dr. \\leodelJ HeW:!On, .c..irairman or the atrnospheric- science:S department at Oregoo State University 'here, bega11 studying its possible use. in the NorthWest as an alternative method of generating elec-tricity. Dr, HC\\'SOR conducts hi s re,search on selected sites along the Oregon coast where \vinds are thought to be ~spcCially 'high. Ty,·o such points are Oape Foulweather and nearby Yaquina Head. "These locntions show great potential lx.>cause they are high cliffs, localOO right at shore line. With the in· • Ill the Wind -•.w.- z 0 " land stations, wind is dellected by the coastal mountains," says Or. Hewson. The meteorologist selected Oregon because its rocky coast.al terrain is si milar to the coastal areas of western \\!ales and Scotland, where British wind power research was conducted. Results of ·~ritish tests showed a specd-up1 factcr of 20 to ts percertt ~­ cUJTed when winds hit the Welsh and Scottish Coasts . Such a speed-up fac- tor is bnportant for locating high wind sites, explained Dr. Hewson , ·because you get eight times as much power from a 30-mile-a.n-hour wind as you would get frmi a 1$-mile·an-Mur 1vind. ~ During, the fir!! phase ol the study, Dr. Hewson• and his assistants from the university's School ot Ocean- ography, tbe depal'lmentl ol physics, mech.1nical, and ooclear engineering. Installed wind-measuring equipment on cable-TV towers and 30-foot poles to determine just where the wind fields are. The next part of the study wiU use a \Vind tunnel on'the Oregoo State cam- pus. The tunnel will attempt to simulate the coastal wind fields being .. ' Sunday, June 17, llf7l DAILY PILOT 8 :J WINDMILL IN DOUGLAS COUNTY, COLD. MAY SOME DAY HARNESS WIND FOR POWER studied. Plans call for making actual models of the areas "''here wind- measuring equipment is located. "This uill enable v.•ind conditions to be checked out much more rapidly with much less cost, and u-e u·ould know which areas on the Coast u'OUld J>e best for possible wind power gen- eration." says Dr. Hewson .. The Canadian-born scientist is quick to emphasize that wind power would be only a supplement to, not a replacement for, existing power sources. But at· certain places and at Certain,times ol the year, 'it oould sup- ply ID to 15 percent of our national ~·er needs. And "if hydrogen techoolgoy develops, it is conceivable that uind might then provide an even higher percentage of poy,·er," he adds. [n additioh. to the study of coastal use of vlind pov.·er, Dr. Hewson sees a possibility of using \V i n d n1 i 11 s (aerogenerators ) in the often windy Columbia River Valley, where a "river of air" flO\\'S along the Orcgnn- \Vashington border. lie secs windmills, y,•hicll could ·produce fron1 2,000 tu 5,000 kilowatts of pou-cr, pumpina v.·ater back up and over the dams and back up ri\·er, thus. keeping the \\"ater level high. In this v.·ay. _the C'~1pacity of the hydro-generators \\'ould be increased at times "'h<'n it is difficult for them to work at fii.11 capacity. . ."l~igh \\·ater -supplies the dam·s hydre>-generators. 1\·hich in turn supply cJectricHy. And this is a recycling of \Valer for po1\•er generation purposes 11•hich 1\·ouldn'l increase the tern· peraturc of the v.·a\cr." • -· Frona Siberia~-With Oil New Clinics Now Open . can see on the ground just how These west Siberian gas ~~~~:iji;~~~§~~==~~~~ LONG-YUGAN, on Nadym-busily the Russians are with fields would supply the U:S. punga pipeline, Siberia -the initial. pipeline network East Coast via Murmansk. A The United States. moves that v.·ould take the Datural consortium of Tenneco, Texas closer to d.e:pendenc.c on tbe gas_fro.mJhuast undeveloped East.em Transmis.sion Compa-,,_,..,,.~ Soviet Union for at least part Eurasian Iarxtmass to the ny, and BroYlll and Root has ol lt.s energy supplies. ~ terminals for shipment submitted a 12-Volume study Annand Hammer, chairman of Occidental Petroleum, and . to either the Atlantic or Pacif· for a possible Munnansk gas Howard Boyd, chainnan of El ic seaboards of the . United deal.. Puo Natural Gas, have just States. East Siberian fi elds, involl'· aigned a ,preliminar¥ -agree-TI1e builders are setting ed in the Oceidental-El Paso ment In Moscow to supply the speed records by a . very deal.-would supply the U.S. U.S. West Coast with Siberian simple method : they are pre-West Coast via the Vladivostok natural gas_ Soviet officials fabricating everything possi· area. meanwhile are studying an ble before moving it north by Both projects present for- 90YIET UNION -'· ~-- ~ J~,,;-d -Niil Amttlcan prOJ>Osal to tap rail, Arctic convoy, barge. mid.able difficulties. "'1==--~.,,,.....,.'"" otbfr S lb er i an natural-gas plane, helicopter. and ice In eastern Siberia the \7ilyu-'· ==~--"---------" =...:...UIJ~ COSTA MESA-HUNTINGTON BEACH llndoro's uniqueprog-rorTI is a safe and practical method for the entire family to lose weight and learn how to maintain proper weight ••• under the strict ~upervisi-on of Medico I Docto rs. medical weight reduction Coll lor ;ntormot1on • Monday thru Friday 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. · UNDO~:r MEDICAL CLINIC ~::~:..~~~.IACH 557-1893 ' fields for the U.S. East Coast. roads. Then th~y assen:ib.le the ysk fields are only supplying 1-1---'""'---ll--iB-l>.,.,_.._.i.....~rlal>-1>!otts,.l<ill\-JL..IniJnimum.--t!.as-1ee~~ .... i~';;!':,__-;;:~;;::;:~~~;:-;--~;::;::,;:;;~;;;:;::--:;;:t1t--1EW1iOliTllEAiiiGlliiiiiiiCitvfl[OIR111EJ~1! . Siberian subarctic, that one or labor in lhe subartic. developed, along wilh a nel· The American side will have of 20 cyrogenic tankers will be NEWPORT BEACH GARDEN GROVE Al'ADINA--OIAllGf-·1-----1 This system of reducing the \\"Ork of pipelines. In addition. to invest $2 billion in the needed. 645·3740 534.2051 426-6549 796-2614 · SJl-239S • .... UFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY W... Te• W..t ...... 1922 H-'-IW. c.t. M ... -S41..02Jt northern work to the easiest a 2,IKX)..m.He line must be h..lilt tanker"fleet, the Soviet side an Each of the two projects , ... ,,.........., "9.. Klhofew....i c • .u..; = ·possible job of assembling to take the gas out to the Vlad-equal sum in .ptanls and equip-u·ould provide America with ..,.,_ '"'".--i t ldf. • aw,. ..ft .. •wt-""'- ready-made modules and lhe ivostok r<gion. ment. The Soviet side will also abou1 1wo billion cubic feet o1 WOODLAND HILLS SHERMAN OAllS WEST COVINA FULLERTON LA HADA youthfulness of the builders The v.·orld's I a r g est Ii-have to bear the cost of ·gas per day, a combined total J47.S647 789-71 OJ 962-3431 870-9501 694-1029 were highlights of a visit to quefaction plant, port in-deveJoping the gas fields and of approximately 4 percent of w.,_..,.,.,., GrilM!t-\1.,.~ Me._ ~-~ M~.i':':" ..... the Nadym -Punga pipeline. the slallalioos, and a fieet of 20 building the pipeline. present U.S. g a~ con-MMC.1.W,. .,...._~ tldf. • .w,. first to the territory by a cryoge:nic tankers must be The . west Siberian fields, smnptlon. At present prices, foreign corresponde~t . built. which this corTespondent the Pacific project would yieldl------------------------------ visited, are much further ad-the Soviet Union earnings of NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE COAST CITIES, THE LAGUNA COLLECTION " . I A VAST COLLECTION OF SPECIA LITY GIF T ITEMS AND HOME ACCESSORIES SELECTED FROM THE FINEST MARKETPLACES TN THE WORI,.D . ' ·, PORCELA IN , CH~, SILVER, CRYSTAL, OBJECTS FOR THE HOME, ONE OF A KIND CREATIONS FROM TI~E MOST RESPECTED ARTISANS OF 11-!E CREATIVE CENTERS OF THE GLOBE . VISIT THE LAGUNA COLLECTION IN THE ALL NEW l'OREST AVENUE MALL, PRESENTING ELEGANCE IN ACCESSORIES AND DESiGN. .. The LagunaColl~ction THE LAGUNA COLLECTION /FOREST AVEN UE MALL 332 FOREST A VENUE/ LAGUNA BEACH, CALIFORNIA . (714) 497-2834 vanced. They ·already are pro-about $10 billion over ts years. ducing on a fast-growing scale The money would be -used to for lira ls Industries a n d buy U.S. goods and services. 11lready a re strung with hun-Both projects require ap- dreds of miles of 48-inch proval by both governments. · pipeline. But to -extend the Despite all the difficulties pipeline to· Murmansk: would and possible delays, those con· require crossing forbidding cemed with! . both projects territory, and at ~1urmansk a speak of 1979 as the-likely date liquefaction plant, port in· for deliveries of · gas to . stallations, and a similar fleet America. ' Helene Curtis 'Balsam Plus' perm -·with 'tieanof ba sam' for lustrous hair. A balsam perm with conditioning treatment makes hair more manageable. In cl udes style cut, shampoo, set. 12.50 Tint or color retouch, special 6.66 JC Penney beauty salon No~-_..., Sony, ~ Solons ... -SUndeyo . ' FASHION ISLAND, Newport s .. ch 171~~64~·2313 ""---------------------------· HUNTl':/GTON CENTER, Hu,+i,gton BHch (71~1 892.7171 • ( Grand Opening Days SATURDAY & SUNDAY June 16 and 17 1 O a.m. to 7 p.m. a s \ ON BRISTOL BETWEEN NEWPORT 1 AND SAN DIEGO FREEWAYS 2925 Bristol Street Your Ho1t1 Bob and Liz Wright Cali/'or11ia IVi 111's o(E11cluri11.11 (j11alif,1;, 'i 11('P 18' 2 • • '• , • ··-., ~-------~--·--.---· --- - .. SuM11, Junr 17, 1~73 • B 4 DAILY PILOf -Church 3;Ild thC Cominunity Are Her Ministry ' 1'Hc ue doers of t l1t word, 11ot htar· l'lrS 011ly."1 Jnrt1t1 l :22 Uy ALLlSON DEERR Of ,,.. oeuw 'lltt s11tt Lfl Oci:!ne Jacotwi iit a "preacher's kid.•; a minister's wife and 1n ocdaioed minister. She is a mother of 'f o u r school-a ge children . · A "na1ural musician," she plays ac· cordion, piano and organ and gave ac- cordion lessons at 15. . . J<~ivcA da}'S a week she supervises the ~!ope A:aven school for retarded children wcratcd by the Orange County ~sS<)('ia­ lioo for Retardeci Children. knew they needed us. '"You must stop 500\ttlme and raise your own chlldren, But I don't think my children surrered from the expcriellei!. They seem much more Wlderstai\dl.ng .of people \\1th problcrus. '' Dan, 15, and the II -year-old twins, Deanna and Dianna h3ve volunteered their time to Hope. Haven. Dean, alnw.t 6, is the youngest. LaDeane attended ~~ ~hurch's Life College in Los Angeles and took ad- ditional education C{lUrseg at Ca\ State Los Angeles. She taught regular school and later the neurorogically handicapped. BE'ITER MOTHEJt "I fell in love with the \\"Ork. I really £eel it made me a better n'IOther," she' adi!ed. \Vatching her v.·ork at Hope Ha ven, her devotion to the.children is Ob\'ious. · "You can bllime it on an overabun- dance or love," she says, in explanation of her many activities. She does not devote all of her linie directly to church \\"Ork because "the pastor and his \Yife $hollldn't do everything. Everyone in tbc ''It's very creative Yt'ork. You ha\'e to church should be involved.'I be creative with these children. l'hcy Ifs much like the mentally retarded -need ~ much stimu_latic_>n . The most preschoolers v.•ith v.·hom she works dur· rC\\'~1ng part of the Job is the progress Ing the \\'eek. ·tile ch1,ldren make. ·''Our job is to ·help them to help "And I have~ loving, Joral st~ff. I've themselves, ~ independent. D 0 in g never worked with people I ve enJ_oyed s~ everything for them would not be help-much. They are devoted to the children . ibg," she said. Churchwork, she emphasized, does not · get a backseat to other actiVlt1cs. 11..'"INJSTR\' 1u She plays the organ for every service. Throughout her husband's 16-ycar led the choir for a while , preaches and minist141. the couple has '"orked actively teaches a Sunday School.class she organ- wilh youth. \\rtlile in the Chino area. they ized for ·handicapped children. \\·ere· deeply involved with juvenile delin- quents, many of then1 drug users. A rhTUDES "Kids on drugs need you 100 percent. ''I think the class has been good for the 18 hours a day. \Ve often took I.hem into children and for the church. Attitudes our home. They had to be the most im-change ,men you get to know people. portant th111g 1n the household:"° But ,,.c l'o1any \\'Omen from our church have sioce volunteered at the school.." She atttnd.1 meetings atveral Jri&hla a "'tek ttt the church, &S well as Wed- nesday night services. "I crochet ~ meetings," ~ added, "because that'a the way I am. I al"•ays have to be doing something. I don ·1 want to wute a 1ninute.'' l.aOeane feeb that .. ,_wk-saving devices have given ,_"Cmen a lot more time to be creatlve, to do "'Wk that is satisfying, aa well aa the role ol wlfe and mother." She doesn't preach as dten as she once did, but feels "my \\Wk is my ministry . Preaching Is getting )'O.ll' ldeaa and beliefs across. I do that throuch my work with the church and the children.'' SPEAKER And she sometimes does public speak- ing for the Orange Cowrty Association for Retarded Otildren. '"Love is supposed to be the blisis of Christianity and you sboul~ live it all the ti1ne," she said. Time for the Jacobses together as a family is precious. "We try to save Fri- day nights just for us." But a minister is ahvays on call. "We"ve had n1ore time for ourselves at this church than at any other. Our work \rlth juveniles at Chino meant having them with us a lot of the time. , "Now t have Hope Haven.·'Iltis work is .apart of me." ' LaDeane does not fit the mold many n1igbt choose for a minister's wife. But she believes in action. "Something should happen in a church, in oa com· n1unity. If nothing is ha p pen ing , something is wrong." \Vhere LaDeane Jacobs i.51 something is happeriing. LaDeane Jacobs . . uses music 1n church ministry and work .with retarded drilclrirn-. - At rig~t, she coaxes preschooler to try a new taste. The Jacobses check over their busy church schedule (above). At right, family practices a hymn before an evening service. Warm 'Regards Won't Leave Them Out • Ill DEAR ANN LANDERS : You called . yourself a "moth-eaten square" when you responded to ··snubbed i n Galifomia." Well , if you 're one, then so am l. 1 'll refresh your me1nory. The v.1)rllan who wrote "·as hurt because she and her husband had not been Invited to a big party given by her next-door heighbors. She said she nearly cried ,_.hen she saw cars lined up for a block. \Vhen she nsked her neighbor v.'t1y she and her husband had been left '"out. she v.111s told. "\\1e weren't sure you enjoyed the previous t\VO parlie! because \\'C never heard Crom y(lu." The left-out lady thought y(IU \\Crc cral)' when you suggested that she !hould hMVO· """rittcn a thank-you note or ;it least telephoned U1e next day. .\I)' husb11nd Is a Slllc.srnan f_(lr a • packaged-food product. I"rom time lo time he has to pick up damaged cartons which we share v.ith our neighbors and friends. 10ur son is their free "delivery boy.") r.1ost people never even say "thank you.'' My husband says, "Forget it. Son1e folks aren 't articulate.·• I saY ifs bad 1nanners. \Vc'd both like to know, ho\\/ import.ant is a "thank you'"? -OLD SCHOOL DEAR O.S.: A ''lhonk you" ~ mo re lmpqrtnnt to the one who SAYS It than the one to w h o m ft Is said. It dlsllnaulshea him from tbe graceless clud v.·bo doesn't think amenities are v.·orth the trouble. One. needn't be "articul ate" ."to e•1,re1s appretltttlon. J111t well·mua· oered. DEAn ANN LANDERS: J'\'C rend your - ~ '4•.t~ •• colwnn faithfully for years, and now 1 guess it's my turn to ask for advice. Sooner or later everybody runs into a problem they can "t handle. l am 17 yeacs old :ind have been going steady for two years. Several months ago my OOy!rlcnd told r:ne he had VD Bnd begsed me to get tested right nwoy. Well. I did , and sure enough I had It. too. Both of us were treated free by the C~y·-He•lth Department doctor and he didn't tell oor parents. (Thank C;od •• >• fHAT law was changed last year in our slale.) We are completely cured. allho~h wc have to go back every six months for t\\·o years to make sure the cure is pennanent. The question I need an answe r to is this: 1 baby-slt wilh un adorable litt le boy. J live in fear lhat 1 1night have given him the infeclion. 1 would never be able to Jlve with n)yseU if anything happ<ned to that child and Ii was my faul t. • Should 1 suggest to his parents that- thcy have the boy tested and trust lhcm not to tell my folks? - G. C. N.Y. DEAR G.C.: Y~. The cbattets nrc ''ctY slim tbat the child eoat.racted the dlsea~, but lrs a chance you sho uld N01' take. DEAR ANN LANDERS: This letter is Crom Caracas, venez.ueJa, where your column appears in the Caracas Daily Joun1nl. Since you arc syndicated in many foreign countries and read so wide- ly, v.·111 you please let yOl,lr readers kno\v that Al cohollcs ,\~on)•mou~ and Al-Anon arc nvai lnblc In 80 countries Olltslde of lhc United States. Anyone who wan!s to know how rff. where to get help with a drlnklng prob- • Cold !cm should write to, AA Servicee Incorporated, nOx 459. Grand Central Station. New York, N.Y. 10017. Thank you, Ann, We appreciate your support - ANONY MOUS IN CARACAS DEAR ANON INC.: llere's your leUer and my best wishes to 1111 who work with A_A. They pe rform a llfe-savlng service (or counlle11s ptople \\'ho , bave tried everythlng else and failed . Curry on! Don 't SCt bUmCd by II "line" lhnt'J loo hot to hundlc. Pluy It cool with Ann Landers' guide Jo "Necking and Pctlillg -What Arc the J .. i1nits?" Send your re- quest to Ann l..anders in care of the 031ly Pilot, enclosing 50 cenl! In toin and a long, strunped, sel f-addressed envelope. - l I ly a ' \ PIJIUC NOnCll Catalina Cruise . . -. Tb~ Island J:lollday launc~ed its summe~time schedule Saturday as she began daily operations to. Catalina Island from the Balboa Pavilion. Departing daily at 9 a.m., she cames 144 passengers on this scenic cruise through Newport ,.2J4M ~a.rbor apd across the channel to Avalon Bay. The ship returns to Balboa Pa- 'Vbllahed or ... 11, C011t 111v Piiot, v1llon at 7 p .m . cM='~'="=·='""c:c,=~~·=·~"=·-"~·~':cr.___:'="'=·.:.:n1I --/-,---~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PUBLIC NOTICE ) . PICTITIOUS •UllHUI MAMa ITATllMIJrfT TM foll.wing pwlOn II dolnt 111111""'11 ••: THI! l l!A DR.I.GOH, 21! OcN11 Av... ~-1..eti; C•lll. "'51 -- Gl...i. ~ CrytMt. ,.,0 . •o. .0., o.n.. hlrit, '•"'· '1162' Tllll 111111'*' II COfldwtMI by .,. 11'1· .ilvldwl. GlloncD ~· CrylMt Tllll 1111-1 Wll flied wltl'I fM COlll'I• ty Cltf'll of Or•1191 ~ly on MIY 31, ..... • •·ll114 People Are Liping Slow . ' --' In Underground -A-tlantn .. Sunday, Junr 17, 1~73 DAILY PILOT 8 S MoreFaniiliesCampingOut All e1tinu11es lite that more foolishly buy r ec re at ion should include 1leeplng bags , be bought near any Americans than ever will vehicles and find at the end of and oott, flashlights and campground, will last much cll0066 eamplng vacallons this the seuoo that they reaUy Janiems , a propane stove, pot.s longer than cubes or crushed year. It has become a hoUday don't like camping after all. and pans, paper plates, a ice. way of life for more and more Recreation vehicles a re hibachi and charcoal, insect A crunper shollld be able to Americans of all ages. ideal for big families who plan rcpellants 11nd first aid kits. tell at the end ol his first trip 'Ibere:'s no doubt about it , to spend every vacation on the Tents should be pitched on \i;hethe,. he enjoys this kind ol. camping can be fun. And it road. The more expensive fairly level gronud. A slight U\·ing. And Lt he ls thinking ol. can save money at the same models have toilets, showers slope is preferable because camping permanently then he time. But the wise would-be and bathtubs built in and the y rain-will drain away from the can put his money in a recrea- camper p]am anead. Not 10 do pay for themselves in fi ve tent. tion vehicle that has alm~1 all so may spoil a grand vacaUon . ·years or less depending on Jt is oot necessary to buy a or the c..-onvenlences of home - Nothing cen be m 0 r e how often they are used. refrigerator because plastic althoogh many an avid out· frustrating, for imt.ance, than The beginnlng ca mp er lee chests will serve the same doorsman will wy thst takes to pull into a campgrOUnd at should bold off on a recreation purpose. Block ice, which C;&D the fWl out ot camping! twilight and be told that It is vehicle and start with a tent, 1-;;;;;;;::;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=::;;;;;;;;;;;, "filled up." Uusually another which will pay for itse lf in c~ is not within easy savings in one summer. Fancy SEE EUROPE BY CAR AND SEE IT BEST driving distance so the family tents are expensive but' sturdy has to put up al a mQ_tel and and roomy ones can be W e Co"Ord er AnyE.uropean CorforYou hope for better luck the next purchased for less lhan $100. We KnowYour~oy Around Europe day. Before going on the first • l~ us plan your driving itinerary. Eadl year, as the number of ca~ping trn>, the father of the •Doy by day mi leage and driving time. campers has multiplied. more family shoU1d set up the tent campgrounds have been con· in hiJ· backyard, if the yard is •Mile Dy mile destriptive guidl' and n1o ps. structed. But there still are large enQ!.lgh, or plan an after-·•Places ta see, things ta do. not .. enough to take care of the noon outing in a place where •Hotels & Restaurants rec ommended. peak vacation.f.ime load. the tent can be erected. The F . h h I E I I beginner should never wait Wl-ree w11 pure ase a any uropeon car or pr a ee. Campers should always plan ·t he he · DRIVE WITH FORESIGHT ! YOU'LL SEE MORE! ahead by mapping their trip ti gets to I campsite to and making rcserv,lions for h'\"P a tent for the first 2075 SonJooquiii H;lls Rd .(7 !4)644_2462 overnight stops, especially in ~~ origlnal-.outlay also Travel Mart, Newj.)orl Beach mid-summer. Jt is wi~r to go -~~i;--~..i~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~ camping before the Fourth of 1ri July and . after Labor Day when campgrounds are much less crowded. Outdoor camping has many things to recommend it. lt is much more economical for a faffiil y OffOiiiOrlive -to spe.Nf a vacation camping Uran at a resort. M o s t campgrounds charge less than $4.a night, in,, eluding electric hookups. Some camps offer free movies or • NEWPORT CENTER TRAVEL BUREAU prouclly llll ILOl/.llCeS INSTANT HOTEL RESERVATIONS Puliillllltd Of•• Cont Dilly ,.llot Jul'll '· 10, 11. 24. im 1mn ATLAJ.\'TA (UPI ) -In an forget about life up above.•· organized activities such as era of topless dancer! and ris· UndergrouOO Atlanta is the hayrides and square dancing alin:ost anyivhere-in the ivorld que comedians. Jfnderground original downtown section of or hiking expeditions. · f'ICTITIOUI s1n1t1111 Atlanta remains a living the city which thrived in the There. are ~ks. Rain PUBLIC NOO'ICE Via the SPACE BANK SYSTEM ' MA.Ml ITATIMINT , ~~Jl1e~-'i'o'!~=~o~f=~w~h~a,_._t _~en-"'-~~"' 19th Century. A series of can spoil a day m a .camp. So -.~~1*:.tltkMtfte-.--...Jt_...,_tMtNui--rtamment to be. •£"~11--;; ilroa.d-passes-built-in-t·h-e--can._bees....an_d..Jno.sgwtoes. But 11~L~.~,.:~,1'fot"nr.~s~~~~;: Lounges and restaurants early part of the century veteran campers. get used to we-invite_y__orL tDJttt:p by-for-a-de1nonstration __ ,1--=1 c11u. mm ' book only clean, family-style '"formed a canopy over the old bad weather and insects: c1=. ~=-~:-J:t:;. 1~,~= ad$ and -most waitresses are area; and by 1929 it was scaled M31:1y ne~comers. Wlll go T1111 'Ml_. 11 <onduc:ltd by •n 1.... conservatively d r e 8 s e d . over. - -camping this year 1£ for no cUYklwilJohn o. s.._..rd Tourists bring their children The sub-<:ity came to life 0~ reason th~ to fight in- Tiil• 111t.1Mnt W11 fUed Wllft tti• c-. into the tnteit.ainment spots, again in. 1967 when ty.•o f!a~ton and the higher cost ?' ty Cl•rll of Ot•• C_,1\1 on Jun. 14. !iv g So f the ll 1,n even on busy weekends. bachelor grad u ates or-::;~'°~·~~m~e~o~~~m~~w~·~1 ,ubthllld Ot1np C011I 01lly ·= While-the .-CFime rate in Georgia Tech estal)lished the r J-11, u •nd July 1. •· 1tn 11JO.n center city Atlanta is among Underground Atlanta Corp., the highest in the nation, and began restoring the old Underground has rel<llvcly TRAVEL buildings. 'The Underground •1CT1T1ous •usu1•1s .~':little crime. Streets are tidy now is strictly big ,business, ,,HI.Ml ITATIMINT J Tiw n~ne PtfSOll' ••• ~"' and sboPkeepers are friendl y. with annua gross receipts 111111 ... u 11: Th · and_,,, r th · from all the establishments JAHIS .. WHALl!Y, 1710 G•llftlt or.. e notse 11.QJ• 0 e Cl· c.1• w .. t2ll2t ty above are lost in the wide topping $15 million. --c:::=..~·c~i, 211• Ci-..t or.. streets and cobblestone walk· said Epworth Smith, a 40-year A visitor can take_ his choice Ml~ o. J,,..... i90 1<11~ c1rci., ways which connect the shops. ''eteran of the shoeshine of 20 restaurants with food Cotl• M .... C11. '162' d d bus' • p J • ' ' f ' ks Tllli 11w1-• 1, cond11Cttc1 by 1 Otntf'•I area es, re5',aurants a n 1ness. ' eop e aren t Just rangmg rom prime stea to PUBLIC N<mCE For Weekender Advertising Phone 6424321 11•rt~p. JNon•es ~·alk.ing slow, they're living ~fexican dishes to old fashion- TPll• 1111......,1 ..,.., t11tc1 w1111 1n1 co~ "Llfe is slow down here," slow. They come here to eel chicken and biscuits. T~• •. Wh•t.'f -~~::!~~~·.'.:.~".:~~"__~~:__~~~~~~~~~~::!~_'.'.~~~~~i'.~~:::=:~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ty Cl...t ef ~ Cwnty on JI.NII 14, '"" ....... '-vlltl...-Orll!P CDllt Delly ,.l!ol. Jllftl 17, '14 Ind July 1, I, ltT.I 1&51·1l PUBLIC NOTrCE Ptc:TITtOUS •UllNan N..,_. ITATIMINT TIM '-"kl'llllnD pw1on1 ••• doing bual.,.n '" IOM>.JtC, LTD., 100 NtwPOrl C1nttf' or1 ..... Suitt ::II'. N.wport •H<ll, c1n1. -· JloWI .I.. H-•rd. 19015 E. Sl. Al!d""'°' Dr1.,., Hiii.Hi!, tl'lorld•, ))OU Tllll t>usln111 11 btll!O condutl" by 1 llrfllltd ~rtn...-ll!!p. Aobllrl A. Mow•rd Thi• .,.,_. llled with IM c-..nty C!.,lt of Or•n;• CD1,1nty on: Ju.,. 14. "'" WILLIAM •· IT IOffM, COUNTY CLlll(, l y 'TlltnM M. W1rd, O.p1.1!y. ··-lluOlltlltd Or'lrive Cold D•llY llllot, June 11, ''· ind Jiiiy 1. 1, 1m l13t·13 PUBLIC NOO'ICE PICTITIOUI IUllN•fS NI.Ma ITATIMINT Tr.e lollowl"' Pl,.._. ••• dolnD b11•l""1 11: • T.P'.S. INC., 2"° Col1-AYI., Conlt M .... C1tl!. rH2' Tll•fl l"r1 v111tl•11 SY •l •<ns lneorPOl'•l.0. • C•lllotTllt corpor11tlon. 2'JO Coll~ Av• .. COllll IA111, C1lllOI'· nl• n'24 Tl'lll bulllWU II conducted b'( I COt· l>Oflll(lll THl!'irT l"ltl!'VENTION· SYSTEMS INCOJl:l"Oll:ATED l•wntlC• Oden.I, l"r.1idl-nl Tllt1 1t1ttm~t w11 flltd wllh !lit CCM,111--h"' Cl1rll ef Dr•• C0\1111\1 on Ju,,. 14, •m p.ff14, 1"1.1bll11wd Dr•nG• COlll DlllV l"llot, June 11. 24 11'1d Julv 1. 1. 1973 1Uf·73 PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITtOUI •UtlNQI HAM• ST.l.TIMINT TIM foO~ng ...,_ •re doiftl but!· net$ ••: f'RANIC'I ,LCWEltl, AIS E. 11tl'I St., Cotll M111. C1Ulornl1 fJt.27 JQMPtl Ollvlr' IEdY, M7 S. COii! M1Qllw1y. L"l.IM lle•cll. C1Ufrornl1 ""' ll•h'ld• AM •cty. 6'7 S. COISI Hwy., L .. l.IM 8HCll, C•H!amll ""1 Tiii• bullnnl 11 conducted bV 1n tn- 61vklvtl. 1"1trlcl1 A. Edy J.O. Edy Tiii• .,,,_, ...... ntltl wltll IN Coun- ty Clert crf Clt•nt• County Ol'I IM'I' 31, 1tn •·"* llllblllhed 0t111111• COllf D•HV ,llol JUN s, 10, 11. u. 1tn 1•t1-n PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUI •UllNll• NAM• ITATIMINT TM1-fillOW111111-P1r--_ta_oefftl_bU1ln_t_l! -... • INDUITltlAL DltVWALL COM,ANY, an Gr•nld• Drlv,,; Yorbt Lind•, Ctlllorril• n"i. llD•l!ltT Ci, L YLI!. 4111 Gr•Mllt Dr!.,.. Yorti. Lll'ldt. c1111. • llll• bu1lnn1 11 cond11Cled b't' 1n tn· dlvldwil. Robtrl C. LYI• Tiii• 1t1lerntnt w•• flltcl with 1111 COUl'I< ty c11rtr. of 0t•nt1• coun•v on Mt'/ n, lf1'. WILU.ID M. 1t•1tt. Att_,. ''" ""· If .... ,,_ ... ,. 111 '-......... CtNfwlllt ,_, ·-l"l.ltll lllltd <>nllltl COHI D•llY l"!lof, #My 11 Ind J-2ro 10. 17, 1'7J 16»73 PUBLIC NOTICE PJCTl1'10US •USINlll MA.Ml ITATIMINT Tiit follow1119 ptrtol'll ''' dc.1119 0¥111'1111 •• : . OL!N DOUGLAS ,_ AISOCIA'TIS, 3'01 WMltrlY lllK •• N~ l tKh; CtllhV~t '™°· OOWl•t A. M•cl<•y, 154 1!•11 »Ill. Senti -'""• C1l1fornl1 '2101 Olton A. YOfll, 111'1 Ol1m1n, lrwl111, C1llf0n'll1 '2"4 lllll bUllMll II bllnt Hl\dutlld ltV I H ltnll'tlllp, • Oltn . .I.. YOfk Tti11 tl•ltmilll flltd Wiii\ IM Countv Cllrk ef °"'"" tovnty, on Jutte 7., 1973, .... Tl!lrtM M. Wini, Dtltll'Y Counly Cl.,k •·tlt05 W.-AlATllCIC O'telllll1 .IR. A,Tft1tN•T AT LAW ... N_,.. Mlll'I It., 11111~ 719 111'111 AM, Ctttl'Wtll•.'2111 ft\lbtl OOntt C011t Dtllf 1'11QI, JUM 10, 17, •nd JUI~ 1, 1'13 lto2•1J • Get'thl1 valuable FREE booklet from Northw•t. -Before you take off to sunny Hawaii, read "How to get more for Your Hawaii Dollar"! This h andy booklet front Northwest con· tains 36 pages of valuable tips and in~ formation-to help you squeeze every '?unce of fun fro m eyery precious vaca· t1on dollar you spend. tbv t t It's free, too. Pick up your copy fro m --" D ge . a tra-vel agent, your nearest Northwest ticket office, or send us the coupon. for "How to get more f0< your Hawaii Dollar" more Y9Ur is loaded with money·stretching ideas. Eighteen free or nearly-:tree things to do ~ in and around Honolulu. Like how to see Hawai. .. 1 DOiiar ~ historic Pearl Harbor and the Arizona Memorial .•. Free. How to save a buck on a rental car. ~nd more. ii Of course, reading our booklet ;s just , one way Northwest has of helping you get ~.more for your Hawaii Dollar. "Do your own thing" HIW8ff TCMn. Unique-because they combine flexible tour packages with exciting options and low group fares! From $238' (plus $23.80 tax and service) for a 7 nighV8 day vacation. . . 747 Comfort. Wide, wide cabins and twin aisles that offer roomy, stretch-out comfort ... on every Northwest flight. Convenient 1:35 pm Dep•rture. Leis you avoid the hectic hurry of a morning take·off, gives you plenty of time to get to the airport. Roy1I Aloh• Service. We'll spoil you thoroughly with superb things to eat and drink including free champagne for First Class and Coach passengers. Movies and stereo ere also avellable. So get more for your Hawaii Dollar •.• and come along on Northwest. For reser~ vations, say "Aloha" to any travel agent- or call Northwest. Los Angeles 380·1511 Glendale, Orange Burbllllk 247--3323 Coonly 530-6333 BakOISlleld (Joll ... ) Van Nuys 886·3733 EnterprM 144-42 OxM"d, Pomona, Riverside, Sen Bemerdlno, Santa Barbara, caH Zenilh 3233 (toll free). In Palm Spnngs and San Lula Obispo, c&l a travel agent •Prtctt ~ on doobla ~ 1n tdlb ww:I Group lndl91'4 Tour "'-from Lo.,,....... SllcUd uroup Id to rnell he r9qllintd _.........,,..Jlll9110119·.-i·be-~-el-lliSINl'f-~- ln!. Nomln11 tu klr Mpon~ 11111n11. • NORTiiWEST ORIENT ~ • ,---------------, NorlhwMt Orient AlrtlnM Olslrlct SalM Office 3400 West Sixth Street Loe Angeles, Ce.lllomla 90020 I I I I I I Please und me my free copy DI -!How to gel JT10f91or your Hawaii Dollar" and lnlonnatlon abOut Northwnt'a "Do your own,lhing"tours. J Name , ....... I ""' OC.Hl-0617 ! MyOM-· ~ I NORTHWEST ORIENT I I I I I I I I I I I I I l L--------------' .. ' 600 Newport Center Drive 61f4.1412 Validated- -Newport Beach 833-1135 Parking Value-Travel . . ~ . is what our tou-rs • are all about eflrtt ct.11 ••1111 ~ ..... h•tel• eco..,e.....,.• Mlectie11 ef ••fl fitlitt •11 tclled"Wd olfllM• •t••raltf9e4 ....-f't•llCY ret•r11 fllthb ero•tl w1, airfare l1tel•H4 ro•n. 11.,, • .,;.4 ltl•er•rl" et.ff ......,..i..,. .. , WM•h ebUl .. 11crl "~.,.. •"d city lll••ts .,.rtor ... , t1JN1fen. ti,. ...... , slthtsNl!!t .,tiOCll 911,...WIY .... ..._, Htr• C11Mft1 c.11v911Moic•, Minimum uilh ltfMJil '""'lrH. "''~nc1 cl11'1"bl• le rw •••1<1w1y A~covnt Europe !'.:. i.-$533 West Coast round trip (from Los Angeles) vi• Brllish Caledonian Air· ways scheduled service /eteWorld re-- nowned hotels such as Hilton, Sheraton, Grand-Bret•gne, PLM St. Jacques, Holi· day lnneVlslt such c ountries' •S AustrlaeBelgiumeBritaineltaly•Germ• nyeGreecee G reek ls/andseHollande Francee MoroccoeNor way• Portuga 1 e Russia• Romani ae Spain •Sweden•Switzerlande Yugoslevi1 Choice of 15 to 29 day tours• Departures JUne through December IMdH n Mubl1 11ecuponcy Orient ,,_s775 lletM .,. 4-t.I• .ccu,.ncy •Round trip I from Los Angeles) via Japiln Airlines 747e Choice of 4 fabulous tours: K•bu kl Kaper (Japan Dnly )e South Pacific Ad venture9Circle P"a c If ic eOr ie nt Ad ventu reeV lslt TokyD•Taiwane Singa pore eBall •M1laysia 19New Zealand •Australia •Prices reflect devaluatlon and air fare adiuslment•Prices plus5%f&K and service. Departures July tllrougl) December Hawaii 1-•239 • MtN" Mltle Mcw,...cy •Round trip (from Los Angeles) vla Continent al Alrllnese lei greetlngeFirst class and/or deluxe hotels such as Walak•• VIiiage, Kona Seaside, Kaua i Island, kaan•p•ll Beach, Waikiki Resort•Cholce tf l tours .vlslt lnq W1ltlkltKt111• Cotst•Kau ale Maul e Hllo e Lahalne•Pe•rl HarbOreC>ptlonal side trips to Kauai •nd Kulllm1 Resort Hotel, O•hue Prices plus 10o/e 1111: 11\d seryl<;et Dtparl ures every Slturday Cruises '"9411Nt••••• ,,... '435 ,,... 'I 044 llesed .,. ckvW. 9CCUfMMY •Choice of I, 1' or 22 d•Y tourseAll meals on shipeFlrst class hotels with some mealseChoice of three fabulous Caribbean crulses•NDrth Afr ic•n CruiseeHoly Lands Cruisee Greek lslandseBlack Sea.eT'NO Scandinavian cruisese Departures through December, 1973 - Mexico deluxe 1r ... '245 based ... Mubt. .ccupancy •Round trip . (from Los Angeles) .via Me11:icana AirllneseAccommodations in deluxe hotels such as Regency Plaza International, Acapulco; De La Bord•, Taxco; Con tinental Hilton, Mexico CityeWelcome cockt•ll at your hotel•Choice of 7 deluxe tours visiting such cities •s M•z•tl1neMexlco CI t y eGuada I 1 j ar• eP.1Jerto Val I artll eAcapulcoe T axcoe Patzcuaroe GuanajuatoeDepartures ttvery Frid•Y and Sunday , _ cTip and mai''-~~~~~~-----1-­The Broadway Adventur1r1 Club P.O. Bt'X 31911, Los Anvel•s. C•-~]I Wt 1nvlle tQmP¥lto('1. let \II """' VOi.i 1 bf«mJre ol tht foU-lne klut: ''" ...................... ; ................................. .. Name ............................................... . Addre11 .......................... , ................ _ Clty ............................................... - 1 ..................................... 1 .......... .. ,..,.... ............ , ....................... 6·11°0CDI • Mamber sh l' fRclwd11 : mo"thly newsltftersequarterly tr1v11pgu•sebonu1 ldl,scounts on repeat hol ldl(1e Fr" tllght bag ~lor t• depertureedl1eounts tin film and processing ~h;p:~~~i~·~··;;;·t;;;-~~·;i~iiHiion: Dues S.S.00 per year lncllvldu.t rTMmbsrlhlp, Sl.00 per year t•ch addltlonal member of Immediate family llvlng In M!'M hOt.lsthOld. Prices JhQwn as "from" lncreas. acc:ordfr'll to seasonal r~t• dlflertnct, price shc>Wn II lowest •vatl1ble, the broadway adventurers club tho u~lquo world-wide tour ,.,.;ICI of th1.lroadW11y Dopartmoot St.n1 AN.t.HEIM HUNflNGTON I EACH NHW~ll:f 4'4 N. E11tUf 111') "5·1121 171'f!dlnoitr A'ltfl\lf(71•1 n2·JUI~ _47...f•~lon 111.nd 1714) 644·1112 Ot.1 4.NGE MALL OF ORANGE C6FtFtl1'0S ~ ·N,T .. •Hr1S1r;--:-lno"'·IJll »XI Lo• CH"r!IOI Miii (11J) IMQ.(M\I - ' , . B fl DAILY PILOT "TtlE LlffiE CIGARS" ''SISTERS" ... DleM l .. "LADY SINGS THE BLUES " (R I LI ,.tA4• (.1 .. I ~A LOAPDAllrlOJll 0 fOUNIAIN VAlllY ·~·"~l ~.;, ,;:,;:;:-.-:,. ;-, o.~c.1a " ~ "llNGAL TISll .. fGI "llUI WATll, WHITE DUTH" IGI TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZL 1 ACRO:>b 69 ''"dsllck 70 Leaf aperruf.e 1 R.:inif~S 71 Wntlng11be 6 Soa1n• ot p11111 72 Disgrace 1 I Momccan city 73 Conce1n1 121 A11Uered •n1maJs 18 Ch•mitll en11111g '83 f..1e111 terra"'4!1n 122 Mild cigar 19 Ha,.ngu1 l~/ana 124 Safeoty i one 20 D1r1y 84 Short jacket 127 Bread spre11d 34 Mountiitn 85 G1'udtness 128 Conjul\t!ion l1urtl 96 S1mula1e• 16 Conoe •• 1s 74 M11teu•I 129 Thr1111-10~ •loth 35 Sco111 87 Fklilt ,, lreeni.1 handler 130 Chine~e p1god1 36 P10111ded 88 l1a\i1n lam~y ')'} Amph1lheater 7!i Lode ln•d 131 Coppe1 symbol 38 Sc1leno1e 89 Garden pnl 23 fragr~nce 76 Ni.ance. 132 Travel ..0 Whi111ey 91 Gros5 24 Sull: cOll•l'l lorm 77 Happiness 133 Continent invention 92 Sumat11n ta11t 2!1 Calcium $YmtJol 78 Forei>hldow 134 Ear:con•b. form 42 Rldicul11 93 Simple 76 Assamese 111l111 79 f'each pit ')1 Sca\e r•ote 80 Nonpoetry 135 Wire service 45 Hodgepodg~ 95 M1de1ccur1te 136 Gathers • 47 NeglPCl 96 P;ud6flc11' 78 Sra111 o! b'ing 81 Sar:udity 138 Downy duck !iO Baby!o ni1n god 97 Communion dlsh 7:9 ltal•an river R2 Get ready 140 Comicality 51 Support 99 M•1ione11e maker 30 Approve 85 Sl1Hier 142 Wliimsicj!I 52 Cheap setoon1 100 Wand11r 31 Rom~n tour 86 Olliee reco1d1 144 Dogm1 S4 Ill 101 Furious 32 Ji!Pllt11!S8 87 Not many 145 Clolhe 65 Bord1r 103 Persevere measllrt 90 Revolve 33 Redact 9 1 Familygroupa 3!. w 11hdr11w 92 Domestica1es 146 lnc\in' 56 Charitable gilts 104 E11s 147 Compact 67 Landed p1ope11y 105 New Z111!11nd fort • 58 Aenov&t• 100 RBtOUl811 . 37 Money pnze 93 Comtort DOWN S9 Always '107 Dinner cour1e 39 Llcll 94 Revere 41 Me•ic•n painter 95 Davit 1 60 Cl1mp 108 A11i1111 1 Olympic 61 Balter 110 Coerce .AJ Concerning 96 Hindu 1sce1ic runners 62 An athema 111 E11cu1e 44 Elected 97 Adhesive 2 Ev1n'ilelii1e'1 64 Secret symbol 112-Sutt.er 46 CT&l>h 98 Colliery home 65 Sign ~ 113 Purloins 48 Speak 99 Swoops upwa1d 49 E~uamdmary 100 Laswed 3 Suffice 66 Ho1pi111I 114 Homo sapiens 4 W1e1hlul , section 116 Open mouthed ~rJon 101 End ufed !'ii Su1der11 noise 102 Meager 5 Atham11'1wil11 68 M1cbeth'1title 117 D!a1onic note 6 EspreS!IDhouse 69 Elevat1 11B°'l::fevated !12 Cup<:1t1 104 Ac1re11 D1y 7 Speaker .70 Cll11ifi111 raitw1y 53 little Edward l O!i Commisere\e 8 f1ench 1nitle 72 Coest 120 Your: French ~ Norse 1tory 106 Turmeric 9 hish g11men1 73 E1r1h lumps 123 Den ~5 Rime 109 Mi1calcuLate1 10 Appro1ched;2wd1. 74 Miapl1ce1 125 Caustic 56 Sep11•1e 110 Tempe.rail/Te 11 H~rmony 76 Condition 126 Spikenard !>8 Ch1nge l l 1 R1n1 12 Stimulate 77 Sat11olutio11 134 Unusual 61 Rubbish 112 Nilen1pent 13 Buddhist monk 78 Mote 1shen 137 Indefinite fi2 EnrY 115 AmDljfv 14 Hebrew prophet 79 Auto "e~1ra1" ertk:le , . • ' . ' • Mixed Reactions To London Season · LONDON -The !ummer tourist boom ls on in full b:Wing, aOO London's theaters are ready for the onslaught. New plays are blossoming 1n the West End like sunflowers in a Kansas , field. ti.tax Von Sydow is enjoying a huge personal triumph in lng1nar Bergman's production of Ibsen 's "The \Vild Duck," "laggie Smith Is still bolding court in "Private Li ves" and lhe long·running "~ty Fat Friend, '1 t he funniest and In the raw l..ee. Socnetimes crushed by defeat, she breaks tJle au· dience's heart with wit and unc ritical sympathy, showing the vulnerability that lies beneath the SW'face of that raucous granite'. exterior. At other tiqles1 she literally stops the show cold with the kind. of singing and dancing that makes show-business history. This is a flawless, classical and thoroughly overwhelming event in tbe London theater and 11 you are anywhere in the Rex Reed ·- most endearing play. I've seen in years, is still delighting Londoners and tourists alike. So there's sothelhing for everyone. But if you're plan- ning a su mmer trip, here's a che<:k·list of a few of the new productions I saw last week on my way home from the Can- nes Film Festival. The undeniable smash hit of the new hot-weather season is Angela Lansbury in •·Gypsy." In the role created years ago by Ethel A1erman, t.1 i s s Lansbury soars to heights or undreamed greatness as Madame Ro.se, the vulgar. stupid. brassy stage mother of June Havoc and Gypsy Rose vicinity this su,nuner, hasten to it wiU~t delay. It is an ex- perience you will not soon forget , and Miss Lansbury deserves her standing ovation. Glenda Jackson's name in movies is the: thing that keeps her new play, ''Collaborators," going. If 1jt were not for the American tourists. this grim and predictable trifle about a war between.husband and wife would have closed ages ago. Goiog to it ls almQst as bad as re~ding about it. I ffiust con- tain my anger, lest I lose con· trol of my critical evalaution of lhe play itself. which is depj.orably low at best. "Collaborators" tbrned out to be the m~t appall ing piece of trash It has been my mislortWle to sit through .. One day a movie producer asks the husband to col- laborate . on a film about modem marriage and Glenda goes ·berserk ln her silent. (' ~pentine way. "Aren't you beUlg unfair to Henry'!'', asked the producer. hl'm married to him -what's fairness got to do with it?" • At the lloyal Court, that tiny candy box of invention and ex· periment from which the John Osborne plays originated and the place that produced such talents as Lindsay Anderson, Albert Finney, Rach e I Roberts, Tom Courtney and Tony ruchardson, there's a riveting new production of Edward Bond 's new play "The Sea" that I heartily recom- mend. Bond is England's strangest nnd most interesting young playwright and this is hls best play. The curtain rises on a HUSBAND, ANO WIFE IN ''COLLABORATORS" · John Wood and Glenda Jackson Draw Crowds small seaside town at the turn dri'ac son who thinks he's oC the century not unlike the British timing it wastes away ~one in Dylan Thomas'·"Under in the re-telling. . dyil}g ol a n1ysterlous disease, l\1ilk Wood." ... It is total nonsense involving his Spi nster sister Who Is a 3.'l· For total ftirce, Alec Guin. Guinness as a coun try ·doc-tor yeaN>Jd Girl Scout "ithout. a ness is indeslructible as ever in his middle yea rs \\'ho leches hosotn. and his n1on.ster wife in •.1.Habeas Corpus." the new a_fte_r_ his young fe1nale pa· v"ho spouts cracks like "l\1y comedy by one of the original lients, his sappy hypochron-bixlv lying there nigh t after "Beyond the Fringe" lunatics, night in the v.•asted tnoonlight Alan Bennett. This play is im--I kno\\' how the Taj ~fahal )"1SS;b!e to describe. because liOil Comih·y _m_us_t_rec_I.'_' -----i14 merriment( depends on , sight gags. asid~s. puns, punch lines. mono lo g ue s, and•s f • H il linieiicks, and b e c a u s e a ar1 a s wi thout that "'onderful fruga l *********** D•lvt-IN 13 Clumsy boat 117 Dot111on 67 B1nish 118 College degree 15 Hide;2wd1, -BCJ-SCtteme.--"--lJ9_f[Om:.l~•~tin~---ll--------~----~ 16 Froien 81 Shy 141 Pronoun --•~Ja:p a-nese Ill,.. SWAP M11J11 • PUNll'IOflf\IAIOMtR Uil\110.t.Y & IUNDAf A&1 Mn &·AM TO-•P•-- AT llAllOl 11.'ll . 68 Ve11ige 119 Encourage 11' IZI '" •• '" 2ND AT CINEMA WEST !~) ~tot ''TRADER HORN" t N l:l-l~Wf ~l ... IN!ml• H f.l N ff,A {('f:.;t•2 W IEl!M ll•H!Olt.N '" C.<" n • N Wt <;I I ETWI IN :::::n,,• ;",.'.'.".'~:: •. ~~Il l tt')J • H E AT .. IE '•• • •••• s•G-:1102 "•.,• "A••O" •'r •O•"'S, COST4 ... l.5 0. .. -.... I ..... \0 II< \00 ...... <•• .tr111lll <huu .l'•u.!iliu1ullo PAT GARRET '.!'. AND BILLY THE KID JAMIS COIUAN H LUS RICHARD 'THOMA "tlD S•T IN l'MI MOINlt<Hi" 17 Smoolh 82 B1byc1rri1ge 143 forward !is.>! 1ll ~~ •• See Answer in Classified l ND AT HA•ao• "FUZZ" aun tfl'HOlDS IN HARllOJI SHO .... ING ClNT(JI • r.:. EDWARD S ~ HA RB OR c1'..~1.:~ ' ... " ·m ... ~·-91·1 • • • • t • •• • • • • • • • ( 1\1 II\( f\lfl( ·I • HA~b011 Al A[JA'-4) (Q\lA O.,!f ~A • 979 4141 ~ ~ • • Q3r..: ~ ; ... ,,~-~~~,,,,(?' . ~J I"-~. . / "'fiddler on tho RoOF" {O) • ' ENDS SOON "PAPER MOON" STAITS Flt, JUNl 27 f "SHION ISlillNO • lllWPOIH (!"1!111 . . .. . .. . .... E DWARDS HARBOR c,'.."i".:.2 ><••eo• fl~O t f WlllOll SI, COl l O "' S• 6ft otfJ • . ' . ' ,.-~~~~~~~~~~--. RODDY MCDOWALL. JOHN HUSTON CLAUDE AKINS 2ND AT BOTH ERIC PORTER IN "THE LOST CONTIN ENT" -o 2NO AT HUNTINGTON ·.dlln V.'3: IOTLER: ''°' ,_L.uTTDIUYI .. BATTLE POI Tll l'U•TOPTHI APIS" :c·"" COi.Oii! Japan. old and now. •Nill be saluted in a special lhird an- niversary cele br alion at Lion Country Safari today. The Japanese festival. coin· ciding \•.'ith the June birthday of the 1\lrican \Vildlife preserve in Irvine. will feature dancers. koto players. tea ceremonies. karate and or igan1i demonstrations in a g a i I y decorated entertainment area . Th~ _koto players \Vi l·I perform on their musical in· strument "'hich is seven feet \on·g "·ith 26 strings and played \vith ivory picks . The karate demonstrations \\'ill be perforn1ed by Chuck Norris. who holds a black belt. Origami is the art of Japane~ paper foldjng in v.'hich colorful pieces o( paper are made into birds and other anirnals. Modern industrial Japan vo'i\\ be reflected when Yamaha holds a Leam To Rid e Safety Program in the prcservc's parking Jot today bcl\vecn 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. The program is designed to teach beginning motorcycle riders the correct. and safe wtiy to ride. PhoJgr:iphs taken by vi sitors during the festival ma y be entered in a "special Lion Country SaCari contest for amateur lensmen. Included in the prizes <\li'ill be gifts from Nikon and Japan Air Lines . ~ . . j . ' SUlFINfl IY HAL .tlPStH "A SEA FOR YOURSELF" lft ,t.11 Complste Now I lh All Tenifie ! Rated !Gl 7:)0 & 9:30 lee• E'lffl ... NOW PLAYING RES!IVEO SEATS On Sale Oaily 11 'Iii ! MARLON BRANDO • itL tparzs .(~IKIOlilUllllUI A ) llA1•n1~11 Unlltldi1M11t~ llO NJ H_R_U THU.RS. 8 1.M,_ fRIDll 1 & 9,45 SAlURDIY 2·1 & "45 SUNOIY 1-5 I 8 AlL $lA1'$ $4.00 I ''"' ........ ·-...... .._ ..... ,..,, j 'Nl(OAYS l:•S SAT. & SUN. 1·StJl).t.•s "t.&nll fOI P1ANIT Of .&PIS'' 7·lO:U P.G. MT,• )l.IJrj J:~ · 7·1011 S "llG JAl(f'' ~OY 111 l!l~\T 'LAI• 1t ....... _,1 ..... r., .. 11<.,....,.~, & OIANGt •1 t 11 !PMK '111 AKAMHM if,_ WtfflAf OfUf • OUNGf •1 I •1) DOUILI »IOCJ AOUl.T JHOWI llTTU CIGAI S i"' · SISTERS \11 Lln"•lrl ·~· "'''' •I lllWll IZJ-4070 (UM lAlnwoot HtGH 'LAINS DllREI ~ NI/SI tlOIAIO 1MOMI YOU'LL llKl MY MOTHll S•nO•~ao'Fwy. al l•uG~~ufOI l!ict) 'l62·2tl l Wlll. ON[Y! If.MILT AOVIH'fUlll ' BENGAL TIGER 1ct1 .j_ tlUI WArl•. WHm D(ATN 181 Hul>ct•llh d. I u<~:~·iltw ~Jl-1 271 •••t h l l•d. , .S•. a! Gorelt<I G•a•• fr••••• Sl4-6212 ()HlY DtM~N SllOWlilG! lllUSKAI. 'lllMON! TOM SAWYll IOI .;. GEOIG( THE DOG Pl l"'IH•••lll•l•'n l••t h ..... I. HlfbOf l lvlll. 171·1 2 100 TAHOI TRADll HORN \.Ol t-lncol" Av•. .... ,ct! 111~•11 ~'7·22iJ IMOll UA rMlllUl! llflilll~ NIPTUNI FACTOI tG) (Ul ,l PPll c.t.nl l (0. fNl Soni• illn• , ...... , """' ChUt1tu" Ave . ,~ .. 102~ Nowp.s•t ,, ..... , GI It~•' SI, !U!l· llJ (MR.U • rHIMlit VllKIMT Ml(f TH!ATltf OF BLOOD 1•1 DAUGHTllS OP SATAN NfW tOW "9'11:1 e •1 M fJfl f'lllON --------1-----------)-- -. ··- ' ·. a • y r t I 1 f f ~· I • . t ! • • • • . • • • • • " Twenry aailllon people around -*· -14have-ooosnu. Oft doc acace,now GODSPELL la • llllradC Of a naovlc 1111u1•ca11 •Two Years In the Makll!!iJ·- One ol lh• o ... •••I WDd Anlmal Adventu-Pllma ol Our Tlme1• A~'JnlMATK>NAl FILM Produc1d #Id Olroct.d'by md!M~ lo. MAJESTIC INTE~NATIONAL. RELEASE. STARTS TODAY CITY WIDE SPECIAL SHOWING -ONE WEEK ONLY 2N D FEATURE AT MOS( THEAT.ERS PLUS ''BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH" Search tor the Great White Shark • •• OltAHOI -UA Clly Cln1m. :t -JJ2·•1ll ORAHGE -Sl1d\um Drlv• tn :> -i2'·1ht C05TA MESA -UA Ct1le MtM r l -S4MSt• '0UNTAIN VALL.EY -1'111nt•ln V•ti.r ;:t -llt·1Slt ,OUNTAIN VAL.L.IY -l'CM1t1l1i11 Dtl~• 1n -tiJ·tq1 ''" Dl<tvll !'rwy., lroOl!h11nt (lowlh) ~ LA MABRA -•4 ,lllllon Sq1111rt -i tl.ftlt 1 $TAHTOM -Sl111""' -lt+Ull t·~-~--~--~------------1 . . .--~~~~~---'-~~~~~~~ ' • ' ~ ' • ! I ' t ( ( • ' '- r l [ ~ • G/!iNE HACKMAN ~Pl'CINO 5C/WECROW 1he prolP9CIM OWMn.d ' _,.. --..~""' W111W1 lit' GARR'!' MOWl WllTt • l'r!W::ed tlf' RCW:T M Sll"Rt.IMI Dr«1«1trrll!RVSO'Al/BOO rAHA'.OOl• TEOMUDR-o(Bl::i.:.:.¥;-t= I Cdt«*'I W11re ~os~"'™'wt O,.wimc ~UI'!.~ OPEN AT THESE THEATRES WEDNESDAY 28 • ' .~ St.I~, Junr 17, 1973 DAJLY PILOT Capricorn: Sha~e Off L ethargy MONDAY By,SVDNE.V OMARR ARIES (March 21-Aprtl 19!0 Accent is on bow to achieve, how to get meuage to more persons. You receive aid. rriends you helped i.n past now are ready to return favors. If you <lid your hQmework, there could be significant gains. TAURUS (April llhMay 20)o Direct approach g~ results. One at top will admire orjginall_ty, creativeness, No time to be s hy or ultramodest -say what you mean. Leo could be in picture. Accent is on special honor, civic duty. GEMINI (May 21-June lO)o Good lunar aspect oow ooin- cides with jou~y. education, crystallization of p e r s o n a I philosophy. Your intuitive in- tellect Is sharply honed. You sense what should be done. You can be at right place at proper time . CANCER (June 21-Jul y ZZ ): Reach beyond what appears to be a limit. You have hidden • resources. Be awa re ol them. Jolnt effort with mate or panner Is due to Mitceed. Consolidate. Review special ~lation&hlp. Don't 1 c a t t e r forces . LEO (fJuly ~Aug. 22 )o Lie low. Play waiting game. Let "others show their hands. U.a· ique legal matters commands attention. VIRGO (Aug. ~Sept . 22)o Stick to what you know: Belng close .... to home base now is dermlte advantage. Tho s fl \l.'ho aefvocate otherwise may. be sincere but misinformed. Property probably Is wort~ more than you imagine. !,!BRA (Sept. 23-0<;,t. 22)' Don't pennJt self-doubt to block progress. -you can ex- pand, Your timing is sharp. Popul~rity rises. P e r s on a I magnetism is strongly in evidence. Strive for the new. Be aware o( the here and now. Get going! S<JORPIO (Oct. ~Nov. ll)o What was an obstacle boomerangs in your favor. . You may ftnd "aaes of diamonds': in )'OUr own backyard. 1'1eans start liklng yoorstlf. Give self-esteem a cbance to IW'!ace. You wlll be handling more responslblllty. Reward potential wtll be greater, too. SAGITl'ARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 ): Benefits Indicated from writing, short journey, special contacts with neighbors, relatives. Get around -ask questions. Give full rein to intellectual curiosi- ty. Reach more persons. Complete project. CAPRIOORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): fl.foney comes from unorthodox or surprise source. Shake of! lethargy. Accept the new. You have right to be rewarded (or efforts. Don't hide Light under proverbial ' 18)·: You may be traveling, publishing. I e a r n i n g a language. You are sensitive to moods. trt.nds. You really know what you should do. But what you do depends on degree of maturity. Patch up family differences. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20 )o What seems to be hidden is really available. Don'.! be afraid to ask. You ~re likely to get what you want -but you must make first move. ~1ake ... -•i SIAD/UM I . .. ,., '"I l •L -• _,,. ··-'·~· S !AO/UM l ::· ..... '·"" ... ' "' ' . _,,. .. -., $140/UM •3 ·::: 0. A =..••t.C.lU.".' • .. .., Jock" tl'Gl ... "A Fistful of D ..... " ''Tlleatre of lloocl" ... •• D0utht..-s of Sotan" .. ...... ,..., .. ,., + "l lM WeM, wtitt. DMttf" tal clear tht fact that yoo are not httt• hr Ttte "--' Of ne ,..,_ .. ••1 ' . 1ilfrald of rattling skeletons. "T'9 Lott C•tltillHt .. bthers respond in positive>!~~~====:::;=::::::;::;~~~~=;::;::::~~~ manner. /. U. A. CITY AHO SOUTH COA ST CIHll!MAS-TUISDAV He IF TODAY IS y 0 u R U.ADllS AHD SIHIO• CITllll!HS J--0,IH TIL. 1:00 ,.M. BIB.THDAY you are dynamic, active, creati ve, attracti ve to opposite se r . You could write, paint, act. You are restless, fond of travel. bushel. See and be seen. Leo,,~=~======~'il Aquarius persons are in pie-II '• :ii ture. AQ UARIUS (Jan. 21l-Feb. Htld Ovitt Cllnl l il•IWood "'HIGH PU.IHI DRIFTElt" "EXTREME CLOSE·UP" •oltl Ill c11or1, IR I ~f ~t !!!P.1~·.·rlo:::; Ma l$. ·.;.:.:· D•il1 .,;.;.: Kubrick Doing Tliackeray Htw 011!doer Ad v..,111r1t "The 81119•1 Tilllr"'' t -PIU- "81111 W111r White Dt.al~" Both Colotl IG ) Geno H•ckm•n E. a o,..nlftt ''Thi Po11id0n •.. "A~;~:=· Ann• ••ncr"fltt ~m: Dusttft Hoffm•,. ·.·.·, l(othtrlftt 1'011 ·~; • "l"rlo (PQ) ~.::.,.'.::.:~, Director Stanley Kubrick's next film for Warner Bros. will be "Barry Lyndon" bas- ed on the novel by William Make~ace Thackeray. It will star Ryan O'Neal and Marisa Be.renson. lRD llCi WE IK! Lit• Minnelli "CABARET" ond Dian• Ross "V1nll.lllft9 Point" Boltl Colorl IPGI RW..rt Blek1 "CORI('!'" Sotll In Ct lof"I l'GI Gr&d~Ht" , _,,..,_ ... .::~!~~r~l ~\~\~ A1199t TompldftS The story is set in the eigh- teenth century, and its action takes place in Eng l and , Ireland and the continent. It will be filmed entirely on lo-- cation. and liar who regards gambling as the highest occupation to which a man can devote himself, and fraud is always justified by success: a man po&Se5'ed by all meanness ex• cept cowardi~. To dress well. to wear a sword with grace, to ca.rry away his plunder with effective indifference, and to appear to'l be equally easy when he loses his latest ducat, to be agreeable to women, and to look like a gentleman - these are bis main concerns. "LADY SINGS THE BLUES" Vincenl Ptlt1 ''THEATltE 01' SLOOD" "ME,HISTO WALTZ" A "LITTL.E (IOAll:S MO.a" " "SIST.-aS" ' 81ftl In Color! tRI Barry L y n d on is a cardsharper, seducer, bully Both 1:50 Call 1'ltNNor .for S•ltdoy Sclted11I • ·- THE MAIN STREET ELECTRiCAL PARADE Every Night at 9:00 & 11:ao New nighttime pageantry featuring a dazzling procession of fun and fantasy THE GREAT AMERICAN MUSIC MACHINE CORNELIUS BROS. & SISTER ROSE ..lJHE 11 niRU 22. ~!E.~,!i!AY • CL!~!,'19.,'!:'ES THE SPINNERS • EDWARD BEAR • JUU' I THAU 13 JULY 15 THAU 20 FLASH r.ADILLACAllJTIIE CONTINENTAL KIDS .U...Y 22 ntAU 27 DOBIE GRAY • DAWN~ 1 1tt TONY ORLANDO .U..Y 2' THAU AUG. 3 NJGUST 6 THRU 10. BILL MEDLEY • THE GRASS ROOTS AIJGUST 12 THAU11 AUGUS~ 1t nmu 2• THESTAPLESINBERS_ • ~~.~~R,!~7-" AUGUIT 21 TtWI 11' 1nnu brought to life by nearly a quarter of a million brilliant lights. · FANTASY IN THE SKY Disneyland's colorful, aerial fireY/orks spectacutar·every night following the 9:00 PM "Main Street Electrical l'arade~ BIG BANDS TEX BENEKE & THE MODERNAIRES JUNE 16 THRU 30 . HARRY JAMES AND HIS11G BAND JU.Y 1 THAU 14 DICK JURGENS AND HIS ORCHESTRA .AM.Y 15 lHRU 28 BOB CROSBY AND HIS BIG DANCE BAND featuring THE BOBCATS . JULY 29THAUAUGUST11 WOODY HERMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA NJGVST 12 nRJ 21 BUDDY RICH AND HIS ORCHESTRA MJGUSr" 28 nllJ SEPTEMBER 8 • Enjoy more than 50 of your favorite ad'l9ntlne and.attractions, Including_ ~·~ ,... NEW MICKEY MOUSE Cl UB SHOW Coma along and ' AlhlOl,.,,,N&-.-. #Ofl ~.,..,....,,RU. ~..>--s.. mutu-medlll ~or IN llfl 6nd asicomP'I~· 9" Wiii CMeney, t•turlng rw• r1tm footaoe Wld ptiotogqphl from tlrnlf1 ' ~ .ictl Wlllt.hlmHll na1r•tlng1M many mitntones In Di.,,.,-~ Thll dlsttng"""'9d MlllMtt~lon 11 lree to •II guestt. join the Jun with a whole new gang of ' Mouseketaers In special daytime shows1 beginning July 2. \ Beth In (Olllr CR). :.:.; , ) I • . ~ I • . ' -· • 8 DAILY PILOT Sunda,, Junt 17, 1973 ' . ______,_ ~UTO NEEDS AT BLANK CASSETTES WITH Storage Box _ AMPEX -Tape sur- face js ultra.smooth for o'ptimum fidelity. Durable stDrage box. Rer. 1.oi 60 Min. Rei. 9lc 40 Min . 88~. with 6 compart- . men ls in Thermo· plastic with 1ook of " hand ca(\:'.ed wood. Ref. 3.21 l . 99 INFANTS' Tennis Outfits 22 oz. GIANT SIZE lEMON FRESH , 1 " JOY ~ LIQUID .DISHWASHING /U DETERGENT 39c • • • •• Melitta COFFEEMAKER 1t:3 .4~ ·2 88 -lOW PIK! • PAK OF 40 FILTERS 59c 11t1. lie , 13 OZ. SIZ' LEMON FRESH · · Jergens . I Hall & Body Lotion ,. Auto Lube TABLETS Hours of reliel ! 1 49 Reg. 1.93100·1 • DRUG STORES O"N9AMte10'M 7 DAYS A WllK Nl!Wl"O•T llA(H -107'0 1,,;lfle, Wt51Cllff Pltll HUHT1HOTOH •EA(H -AllalTll .. Broriilhurst HUHTIHOTOH tEA(H -Sorl'lfd•I• .. Edlnoer EL. TO•O -2.U72 •ockfleld •Old • Dristan · -DECONGESTANJ · i::=~,i::::;Q TAILm 32GALlON • SIZE PLASTIC Trash CONTAINER Buill·in twin canying handles • and snap-locking heavy cover. Instant NON FAT DRY MILK fortified with Vitamins A&O . " 9 OZ. S!ZI Wizard AIR FRESHENOS Elimi11ates Undesirable Household Odors .• , Ass't. Fragraoces. Six: ribs with assorted alternating· • 8-88 colors. in vin~I. Metal pole. . 1•1· 1 D.95 • Back Rest YOUTH'S Swim Masks. by CORAL "Minnow" Top quality rub ber with contoured facial 1 89 skirt for perfect seal. , • IDEAL -RM•- ant ly fOlorlul 6 88 steel wall pool. 6 ft. x 15" size. • · 2 Ring POOL IDEAL -"Colormetric" •.. in a cr is p, smar t design. A;p"ximately 2 29 50x9" .size. • Protedion from harm1u1 · 27c sun rays. Swim Ring and BALL IDEAL -Brilliantly cOlored swirl beach ball ,and ring in mod designs. .. IDEAL - "Bali"·,.· 1 09 colorful vinyl mattress. .• . ASTRO Surfrider 29x48" Siie I .2~:29· . • ' • ' . . . . . . . • .. • ... .ioa.ay, June l./, 1<173 DAILY PILOT C ·J Palmer, Boros, Two Others Tied for Open Lead OAKMONT, I'll. (AP) -It was the Julle and Amie !hiw. And the people loved It. II was a great day foe \be paunchy and mldd!Hged and -fO< Amie's Army. Where did those blokes oome fl'<llll, anyway! We thought they'Were dead. "Go, Amie, go!" they yelled as Arnold Palmer slammed-down the atrelcll with a thre&-und""i>lr 68 to get Into a tie for the third-round lead In \be U.S. Open at 210. "Eat 'em up, JuUe,'; cried Jy.lius Boros' supporters . . . and the old' man of \be links obliged with a simllal"68, also ror a 210. There 1hey were, tied '11th tall John Schlee end darl<-llaired Jerry Heard, with Jack Nicklaus, Gary/Player and Lee Trevino now ~ to catdl up with ooJy today's 11 holes left to go. II "" drama at Its blgbest ~ In Palmer'• own bac!Mlrd .. '!11e 43-year-dd Palmer and the Q. year-old Jloroo played Saturday's round tog~ under oa1anon1•1 leaden, beevy skies. The crowd ivent mad. Ott '.l'V Tedct1 C"--1 7 •t J2:30 win \be ()pen. A ouboequmt oheell slJOw. ed that 8ril81n't big, mustachioed Ted Ray, wtmer In 1111, had cho booot by about two moo\hl. Hn.t man ls made '1 steel," ooe spec.. tat0< caiunented-.. Boros rolled In long pressure putts en U,. closing bol .. to keep his drive all • . "Nothing but-ice, 'Cold ice in that man's veins.'' said a oofnpallioo. II Boros should win this championship They 11re two men from dlllerenl cul> a t!lird time, he woold .. t back playing of cloth. Whereas Pahner beats a course habits on tbe pro tour a OOndred years. ~ to ~death with sledigehammer blows, ~ ~ He doesn't labor over a shot. He Boros liills It to sleep as U he were a hyp-· doesn't walk back and forth, study and notist. analyze it as if it were a dx>re of delicate . When old Julius woo his secmd U.S. surgery. He. just walks up and'hlts it. Open at Brookline In 1963 -he cut Ben Sometimes it appears he hits it oo the Hogan's string for No. 1 in 1952 ...:.. they run. said at 43 be was tbe oldest man ever to His wings is like molasses falling over • . UPI TlllePfltlo WESTMINSTER'S ED BANE. RELAXES AFTER SIGNING PRO BASEBALL PACT. ho( btaeult>. -ti loots .. u he might lalJ asl'l"P M \be baclcJw!ng. ~ He is a middle-stud man who you can tell likes to eat. !c"better than adequate bread ba!lket bangs over h1s belt buckle. H~ shlrt hanp out. He wears a ~te cloth hat pulled over his tanned Indian-like face. He Is a veritable sphinx on the course, moving gracelully, seldom showing emotion. When he sank a long putt oo \be 17th to save hls par, he broke into ooe ot hLs rare smiles. Heard, an · easy-going 26-year-old, scored 111! eagle three en route to his brilliant '!I've-under-par 66. SchJes had a 67 to move int~ a tie at three unde r par for 54 boles over"the .wet-and-soggy Oak· (See PALMER, Page CZ) Scheinhlum Belts HR, Angels Win Richie Scheinblum. appearing for the fi rst time In a California uniform, hit a home run, Mike EpsteJn slammed a two- run triple and Bob Oliver added a run· scoring double Saturday night, leading Nolan Rya:n and the Angels past the New York Yankees, 5-2, at-Anaheim St3flium. Scheinblum, acquired from the Cin- Angels Slate •• O._ ... ICM~ mt1 Ju~ 17 N...., York •I C•lltoml• (2) Jun• 11 C•tlfornl• •I Chlc"VO J~ lt C•llfOl'"nl• •' Chic"" 'l'" p,m. :s.5 l).j'n. :S.S p.m. cinnati Reds_.,on Eriday_, -shattered a scoreless pitching duel betweerl Ryan, ft.. 7, and loser Pat Dobson with a solo homer in the fifth inning. Ryan, t~ major league strikeout leader, fanned 10 alld walked five while defeating the Yankees for the first ti me in his two-year American League career. Dobson, making his f1rst start with New York, was victimized by .. two errors -one or them his own -which led to three W1earned runs. u,-I T..._ ARNOLD PALMER GRIMACES AFTER MISSING BIRDIE BY INCHES. Gillis Says No Picking All-star T ean:i • ~Illogical at . This Time . -I -I ~Bane-Signs · With_T_wJns_ Two of them tame in the eighth when Epstein hit I"' opposite-field triple to left after Sa'ndy Alo1ll4':r's single a n d Dobsonls-·en=--'---' The Angels 3lso $Cored twice in he seventh on Vada Pinson's bloop doubile, a walk, aA error by first baseman Ron Blomberg and Oliver's double. Earlier this week r sat through the meeting' for selection of all.CJF baseball players, class of '73. And while that'Jlro- cess surely displayed faults and iJl.. equities. atJeast the choices were.made AFTER the season had been concluded. HO\.\'tver, this is not al\.\'3)'5 the pro- cedure for picking some of the all-star ~ which you see in print from time to time. ing to tab the best collegians in the na- tioo before they ever, got a chance to play"! That would be like a teacher passiD,g · out grades before his class ever began. - By the way, c:oodotances to Orona de! ~1ar High's Bob Palmer, who came so clooe to making All,CIF. 1booe who declined to vote ror him ignoced an ~2 pitching record, 0.98 earned nm awi'lile, .31~-batting average when they were picking tile CIF's leading ulillty playen. _Palmer played !bird base, pitdled and caught. But became -..,. player from CdM had already made A 11 • C I F , Ex-W estmi1ister Star In.ks Lucrative Contract By HOWARD L. HANDY When he graduated from Westminster Games team during the swnmer of 1971 . ot .. Dinr p111t Sl•H High School, Bane was ignored in tbe At Westminster High under coach BLOOMINGTON, Minn.· -Edward free agent draft but this time around~ F:rank Munoz, he was named athlete or Norman Bane capped the most important was pic)(ed No. 1 by the Twins. the year as a senior. He won four }etters nionth of his Ulellme by signing a bonus "I was disappointed "when 1 graduated in baseball, three in football and one in contrlCt with the Minnesota Twins for ~rom high school," Bane admitted. 'basketball. the larg~ sum ever paid, to a pitcher by ."~t now ~t looks like a blessing. in When be graduated, he narrowed the that te8m, the young Jeft·hander revealed disguise. I nugbt have signed out of high .,gchoice of Wliversities to two -Arizona to the Dally Pilot Saturday night. ~I and it would have ~ ~ bad State and UC IrvIDe -t>efore picking the '"lllere have been quite a few thrills in dec1sm. I learned a lot at Arizona State Sun De'vils institution. the last few weeks and this is one or the and then tills happened." · bigger ~." a pleased Bane said while 'When he chose .Arizona St.ale, Bobby bls wife of two weeks, the fonner Pam Wmkles the current manager of the Munyer of Westminster, needled him in California Angels, was the coach and the lhe I>ackground. . man largely responsible foc his choosing Eddie and Pam v.·ere married on June tbe Sun Devils institulim. l fol!Owina Arizona State's winning of the Bane turned 21 on M8l<Jl 22 to become region&l baseball playoffs to become eligible for baseball's free agent draft as eligible for the university division NCAA a junior in college. H~ played i,rl three wcrki aeries in Omaha. NCAA worrd series but Arizona State was "I'm satisfied with the amount I victimized by the USC Trojans on all Eddie's older brother Dan was in Min· nesota for the signing while his parents were en route home by aUtomobile frorTI the college 'A-'orld series in Omaha. "We are thrilled. that he has signed a contract wjth f\.finnesota," Eddie's mother said when informed or the sign.. ing after her arrival home Saturday night. The fic;t run off Ryan came in the · seventh when Blomberg walked, toOk tbi.r4 m Craig Nettles' single and scored on Jim Ray Hart's sacrifice Oy. lll&W 'l'O•K CAllPO•HlA r Hr ll M 1111 r 1111111 Perhaps the most absurd all-star· voting I have ever been asl!:ed to participate in also come lo light this past week. 11\at is, I was sent a ballot for voting oo cof.legia.te All-Americans In football. Cl•111•, 2b J o l o A1omer, 2b 4 1 1 I White, 11 .s o .1 o PlnMWI. ct 4 2 1 o It came from Family Weekly Magazine :~::;, '~, ; ~ : g ~=~·1 :" ! : ~ ! in Ne\v York and the ballot showed a e1cmbef'9. 1b 2 1 2 o 11:ouver, rt 1> 0o ,' 01 number of printed names-•• nominees for GNettlel. 3b s t I t si.ntoof. rl Mar1. dh 3 o o 1 S<:hnb1m. ti 2 1 1 1 each position as well as a blank 60 the Munson. c. ' o o o B•rl"l'~(I .._• 0o ,' 0o voter could include write-ins. Mich~. 15 3 0 0 0 Gf11Hher,_3b Dob$On, " 0 0 0 0 Torbori. c ,' ,' •' ,o I was flabbergasted that anyme wOOld Meolf,1 II NR:v111, P o o o o be serious about tcying to come up with 1~1• Yort. 22 z 1 2 lot•I 000 O: 1~o,.!2 • an All·American squad nearly three ~~~. Dobloll. DP-C•ntor= 1~'t~~ ·. mor:iths be.fore the season was even to Yol'tt t, C•UfonH 7. lB--M.Aklll. G.Nettlas. Pin..,.,, begtn. R. Ollvw. 311-£pslelrt, HR--Schelrib!rn''tl). S&-=Aio---Yet further study of the ballot in· ll'lllf. SF-lilor1. IP H It: 1'111 •• so dicated that this was indeed the idea. ~.,.1~:.!i~n ; : ~ · ; ~ 1: Voting deadline was next W~y. l-.J:u .t.-1s,1:w. Who, pray tell, would ew:n COllSlder try. received for signing," the left~ three occasions. '""° will join the Twinl Mooday night In lie set a career record of ~­ Metropolilan stadium ap!nst .lhe Teus ·strikeouts in three years and was l!>I Rangers added. dirlng lhe past season. This brought his . Ba!ie Will go directly on the major-four-year W<ll>lost total to 40-4. Johnson --Fastest Ever? league team's roster and says he didn't The· 5--10112, l~er sported a 0.99 di~ pitching 1n t he minor leagues e.r.a. as a sophomote at Arizona state with either of the men who signed him -and was a Utlrd team All-American. He vice president George Brophy or scout won NCAA district honors along with Marv 01900. Western Athletic Conference first·team He will become the third left-hander on laurels. the Twins pitching roster, joining Jim During the sununer of 1972 he played Kaat and Jim Strlcklaod in this category, baseball In l,loulde<, Coto. after touring u the second·place Minnesota team blds Japan with a U.S. all.Qar team. He .was for a division championship. also a member of the Pan Amer!C3D (:ey's Three-run Homer Sparks ~ to 6-3 Victory , MONTREAL (AP) -· Claude Osteen upset a pitcher. I made up my mind ft.nc1 Ron Cey, the two heroes " Los 1 before the game to try and get the _ball •Mgeles..D!>dl!l<rs'...k~ovei:..Jol.~1'!1.a in.· . _ treal Saturday, agreed on one thinSi -. "I was pretty happy with my-- the field at Jarry Park was ln bad shape. performance under those conditions ." "It wasn't too bad at the ·start of the The homer, Cey's eighth of the season, game • Wei Cey whose threM'W1 homer came oft losing pitcher Bill Stoneman, hlghlJitited a fo;...run rally In the third 1-3, Willie Devb led oil \be Inning with • · a single, stole second and went to third On TV Today when Stoneman threw the ball into ""1· l'L-I JJ •JI ter field trying to plclt him off. Then the ..__..-•• Dodger runner 8COr"ed on a single by Joe innlfl8. But u the game wore on, the Ferguson. mud•got deeper and deeper. LOS ANO~·~ It Ill 'MONT1t•!~ r ~Ill "I'm aurprliSed there weren't more et· •t.d~. 1t1 • o • o Munt, 2b , 1 , 1 ron than there were. ll was dlfficuJl lo :'~. c; ,• 11 i 11 ,::.;'" 13 01 01 11 field the ball. The fielders couldn't turn W<:""1n:I, rf 2 I 0 • Mlt'..otn. Ill 2 1 1 ' U w ingll ..... _ c.., .• ( 2 11:11.11~.:JtJ 1000 and the ba was ar..itter a over "'"' Jotl'M.lt. 1 :1 • 1 • s1,,.i.ion, "' :1 1 , • place." RUMell, M , o I I llocc•btl•, c 2 0 2 0 051..,,,111 :1010Foll,u 1101 Osteen uid the condltlona were the Frl•a. ,, , • 1 o wont he haa ever pitched in. · ~"· " ; : : : "The only •1.1 ... 1 you could fhrow was MUll'lllhrv • .,.. • o • o w ... '6 Sl~yr, p 0 0 0 0 faatba!Js," he said. ..There's no use ,,.1, .... , .,.. 1 1 o o lbfowine breaking Stuff l{ yOU can't get L!°'.:.!.tttt U f I • lotll fl4 2~ good traction because lt wouJdn't be any T-:'~n. stcintrn111. o1'-Loe Al'lllttn'O: ~ good· anyway, Los~ .. MOii!,_. 1. ~utMll, Wood•. Hit-" Even ll I cleaned my cleal3 o!f, f:~Jt· ,,....... t•1. sa-4..IHI. w. 0 .... 1 •• ,,_ between lnnlnp , by Lhe time I got back •• H 111 •• •• 10 . ld the mound, thcf were caked with mud f:~W'i~11_,, ; -~ : : ; · ! _, aaaio. · · se.t1· 2 , o o o 1 0 A Jot of times, conditions like that wiH. ''~:."' .-,_,0,11,. 1 1 0 0 ' \ 1 • ·---·-.-- .. -· Cigar Salesman Discovered W ashingtori Star 0 The great thing about \Valter Johnson was that even ,though you knew a fastball was <XJining, it didn't help," Ty c.obb, the greatest hitter of aU. ·recalled many years after both had retired. "Yoo never had to worry about a curve or any change or pace. Just speed, raw speed, blinding speed, too much speed ." Al\ that speed and, fur the most part, a poor team behind him. In Johnson's 21 seasons (1907-19271, the \Yashington Se.Jiators managed to play .500 ball ooly 10 times. Twice they finished last in the l\:inerican League. five times seventh, twice sixth, once filth . In such circumstances, the raw.oon. ed, &-foot 1-ihch, 200.pound fannboy from flumboldt, Kansas, had to be gr~t to establish the records he did - he pitclled 113 s u ouls,lie SiriiCK out 3,50:8 batters, he pitched 5,924 innings, he started 666 games, he hurled 531 complete games'. He led the league in complete games seven years in a row. He struck out more than 200 batters seven years in succession. He pitched 56 oonsecutlve scoreless innings in 1913, still the American League record end the ma· jor league mark until 1968. Blinding speed made Johnson live with the fear of maiming a hitter. J~e f~ed a knockdown pitch only once in his tile. Egged on ·by hls teammates, he took dead aim at Frank "Home .Run" Baker, whO dttlppCd out ()f the way just In Ume. Johnson turned pale. "I'm not ashamed to admJt that I u..ed to blink my eyes wllen I first saw Johnson's speed,'' said ,fonncr wnplrc Billy Evans. ''He was unbelievably fast:---on dark days, players used lo ho:pe the game woul'd be over be.lore they bad to faoo 'hlm agnin ." 'I'!itann that whistled Its way to n record 416 American ~gue triumphs barded manager Joe Cantillon with sotries about his discovery. Cantillon finally dispatched Cliff Blankenship, an injUred catcher, to take a Peek at Johnson. Blankenship saw John.son lose a 1.() game on a twelfth-inning er- ror, bu.t he knew that the cigar -salesman was right. Blankenship whipped out a $100 bill as a bonus and offered Johnson $350 a nlOflth to join the Senators for the rest ·or U..e 1907 seasoo. In August of 1907, Walter Pen')' Johnson, thcee months shy of his 20th birthday. made his major league debut against the pennant-bound Detroit Tigers. He left for a pinch hit· ter in the eighth inning after allowing six hits, three of them bunts. WALTER JOHNSON Johnson, later a Yorba Linda resi- dent, had only a 5-9 record that ,;:.;,1--season;iottowed·by-14-14-in-1906-and· believe it or not -13-2.5 with the last· was discovered by a_ traveling cigar salesman, whose name has been lost to history, tn Weiser, Idaho,. where Johnson was working for the local telephone company for $75 a month and pitching semi -pro ball. The salesman flooded the Detroit Tigers with letters about the 19-year-old phenomenon, prompting the following conversation 'between owner Bill Yawkey and Frank Navin, h.ls partner. Navin: "Wbo ~this guy?" Yawkey : "A friend of mine. He's a cigar salesman and he gets around the country a lot. He kMWs baseball. too." Navin: 'jlf ht. knows so moch about boseball, what's he doing peddling cigars~" -~ The letter was stuffed away in Nnvin's d~k and forgotten . Meanwhile. the cigar salesn1nn turned his attention to the &."t\Stors and botn· --------- place Senators in 1909.' Then things' started to pick up, and for the next ten seasons Johnson went 25-17, 25-13, 32-12, 36-7, 23-18, 27·13, 25- 20. 23-16, 23-13 and 2().11 . In that fabulous campaign or 1913, Lhe first of his ,two Most Valuable Player seasons, Johnnt hurled 12 shutouts and 5 one-- hitters, had winning streaks ol IO, 11 aOO 14 games, and tossed his 56 con· secutlve scoreless ~s. Johnson was an easy, rapid worker, and his sweeping sideann motion dkln't put much strain oo his rubber ann. • In 1908, he pitdled '" Incredible three shutouts In four doyo against New York. On Friday, &p. 6, he blanked the lllghlanders -they weren·~ the Yank ees yet -J.-0. On Soturday he did it agaln, IHI. Sunday was an off-<tay .il«:awe of the blue laws ln New York. The Highlanders couldn't believe it (See JOHNSON, Page C2) · GIL.I NN WHITI WHITE WASH . Palmer's chances were greatly diJninish. ed. Board feeling was that a team with a 13-9 record shouldn't have two on All· CIF. llklgical? F)lr sure. But lt nowhett maldies 1he ahillrdlty ol trying to ..iect an All-American footbaU team Une months before the serum gets under way. * * * Tandy Gillis h as apparently re. jected an opporbmtty lo swxeed Bill Bloom as El Camino College basketball coach. Gillis, the Corooa del Mar High Qige chief. just purchased a home in Laguna Beach and -the drive to Torrance, where El Camino is located, figured to be too lJUlcb for Tandy to handle, Incidenlally, a guy hil!hJY Instrumental fn Bloom's decisioo to take an assistan£'5 .coaclting job at Pepperdine Univonlly was Gillis' coach .at CaJ-Pete Newell, now general: manager of. the Lakers. Following In her modier's loolatepa II Teri DeButk, a third grader wbo llu ru th~ 75-yard dath In 11.1 .......is. Her moCher Dee wu once one el America's top female sprlnten. H« fatber Je<ry coached fresbma buketball al Colta A-1esa mgb last year. A Joshua Tree man WM recently fined 131; for having 33 varl«Jeo of - tortoises and turtles in his possessioo. --'J'li'ere•s 1 ~nrtor-oe-11tt1e-mu·----1 In sports. Two of tbe foar mmlnea foi' Southern Ca!H°"'ln blgh ..-odllete GI the Y"" had Ille followlq dim.-: Bobby Mlt.cbell, Olaftwtrtb (5-1, 151), Mike Draper, -Maria (M, 1111). Acldtllooally, Jim Splllw al P11ao Venles Wat DO ,..I 11 I-It, 14$. Tllo other candldata Wll -8lql Ill Sia Bernardino, 1-3, as. . .,. Word has it that MitoheU b lnleno1ed In furtberi<)g hla ba3el>all car.-It UC Irvine. , ' - Aaron Hits No. 691 ATLANTA -Hank Aaron hit the &lht hoine run of his major league baseball cN'eer Saturday night, moving to within 23 of Babe Ruth't all-time record of 714. The At)Jlrrta slugger connected in \be sixth lMing against. Chicago's IUck Reuschel for his '18th home run of the season. The hon\er tll'd Aaron 1fttll Hon111 Wall"er for fourth pla« on the au. time base hit list with 3,430. ' • Sports Clipped Slwrt Orioles' Palmer 'Almost Perfect BAL111ttORE -Jim Palmer "·ho bad 28 hot.In of aleep since midnight Thursday "'bile batUing the nu. came to We· Saturday night and came within t"'o outs ol a perfect game. · A iharp Uouncler through the middle by Texas' Ken Suarez with one out in I.he ninth ruined the Baltlmore rlght-han- der's bid for his ~ career no.bitter. n.. Rangers added a walk and aoother lingle for their only run befono Palmer cio9ed out a 9-1 triumph. -Shortstop Mark Belanger second-guess- ed himoelf obout. the hit because just before the Ml pitch to Suarei be moved '."about a quarter-~" toward third bate. "I nonnally play him up the middle because I doo't think he can pull Pahner,'' Belan&er said. "But with a 2-0 rount, I thought Jimmy M>Uld just try to get the ball over and I didn't "A-"alll a d>eap hit in the hole. ' '11 don't kmw i( r wouJd have gotten the ball or not," Belanger said, "but' 1 · wasn't far rfrom it a.sit was." Belanger dove headlong in an attempt lo stop the ball and hi,, momentum car- early service problems, invJ in the first set, ~fc~tillan, wing his t"·o-handed drives to good ef!ect, appeared to be the sounder player. ~ But rrom the start of the se<Uld set, van Dillen scored with some swi ft service returns and the South African's confidence qukkly crumbled. McGriff Triu1nphs RIVERSIDE -Hershel McGriff of Bridal Veil, Ore., leading all but rUne laps won the California 100 NASCAR late model stoclc. car road race at Riverside International Raceway, Saturtiay with an . average speed of 91.9662 mph. · Driving a 1969 Cbevelle, McGr iff took over the lead in the fourth lap (rom Orep Prosser. He lost the lead on the 222nd lap to Ed· dli! Bradshaw in a-1968 Chevelle: Second was Ron Hornaday driving a 1963 Thunderbird and third was Roy Bleckert in a 1964 Pontiac. Asher Second • Ctintereuce Chanapions Golden \Vest College's gy mnastics team finished " first in the Southern California Conference this year and was third in the· st a t e for the second straight season . Standing (from left) are: coach ' George Be£kstead, assistant coach Jirll AfcFaul , Steve Rumph, Mike Grimm, Paul Parent, Dale Sey· rnour, Jerry Johnson and Gordon Everett. Kneeling. are Art Camarillo and Gene Johnson. PALMER ••• (Cooll...i V-.Ptce Cll monl c;oontry Chll> coww. Weiskopf, winner of three ol hU laat four starts, w•s Just one -boct going into the final round , ol tbiA moot prestigious of all the world I Coif cham· pionshlps. Tall Tom roml)Cd over the 8,ftl-yard layoui with a 67 for 211 . The 26-year<ild Heard, from Vlsall1, a touring pro since t969i had four blrdlo and an eagle In his exceptional round. He revealed that aft er a first-round 74, ht bought a new driver and bad h11 irons '\\·eighted. Weren't they drastic moves to rna.ke In the middle ol a U.S. Open? ··Yes they \\'ere drastic, but I WM playing so poorly I had lo do something ," he said. ''My driving was terrible. ~ Trevino suggested that my irons were too light and my driving shalt too heavy." The graduate ot Fresno State College admitted that he played defensive goH. ··1 think I can win that way," be said, observing that the rain had left usually tough Oakmont in ~ easiest condition we'll ever find it." 'Ille &-foot, 100.poond Heard Aid pl~ing with the easy going Schlee wu anOther plus for him . . "l like to play with a guy who talks, enjoys himself," he said. "We talked about horses, fishing, g_irls • • • everything. I don't like to play with IOIDe· one who is serious. I even stopped and talked with a policeman and his h>rle." •---~ him up on his left shoulder at the --AKRON,-Ohio _ Don Mce'ime 91 end of the skid. ?ttunster, Ind., increased his lead in the Prefontaine in Sizzling Run Heard ex.plalned that when he came on the tour in 1969, he played horrible for a year or so. Then his father, a Callfomia rancher, told him, "You gotthe game, go OOt and relax ana liave tun. Then if YoU doo 't do good, just come ~001e: 'I'bere ~ oo sens& going through bfe m~ble. Title to King ·-~-NO'ITINGHAM, England -Americans Billie Jean King and Erik van Dillen won the men's and women's alngles tiUet in the $75,000 John Playtt temi> cham- ~ pionships Saturday. Mrs. King, twtil'lg up for defense her Wimbledon title, played hard and often brllllaJ)tly in beating her old British rival, · Virginia Wade, 8-6, M . Van Dillen, U.S. Davis Cup double!! player, did a workmanlike job in defeating South African Free McMillan 3- 6, S.1 , S.1 and collected $9,375 -his big- gest tennis prize ever. The 22-year.old American had some JOHNSON ... (Colllbm<d From Page Cl) official money standings of th e ProCessiooal Bowlers As90Ciation with a -2rsrp1acerlftiSh-unhe '47;500 Home ,Box· Office Open at Portland. He won $575 to increase bis total for the year to $46,540. Barry Asher ol Costa Mesa did not cash in at Portland but is comfortably in second place in the stand· ings with 139,866. Sandy Blue Wins lNJ-LEWOOD -Jo c 1t e y Donald Pier~ whipped Sandy Blue to the wire a head in front of Cellist in a furious stretch drive Saturday in the $84,300 Hollywood Oaks at HollyVw'ood Parle. The chestnut Californ ia-bred filly returned a $20 payoff in winning the richest race for 3-year1)!d fillies on the West Coast . She paid $9.80 to show and $5.60 to place, carrying 121 pounds over the fast 1 'ill mile track in 1: 48. Hilton. Wins AAU Mile in. 3:55.9 Third-ratln.d-1Hdt'f1 In rtle l1nl Uftltld s11111 OfN!n golf cMmplon1hlp: Amold P1l,,,_r -11·71..-.....ill Julh.rJ 110.-01 ~· John ScnlM 7>-7M7-211 J1•rv Hurd 74--~ Tom W1llkOPI 7Wf-*-2tl LM Trevlr.o 71).7>~1 BAKERSFIELD (AP) -Steve Preron-record. His time was 59.4. Buerkle, who become the nwnber foor leaper in . 11ob cruortn n•D-f11 taine came within a hair ol the America"n runs with a shaved-heed, was second in hist Jim-COi'*'--'1w.l,7s,,,,i13 third ory. G.rY e.llYK '7·1'>-77-«14 thfee..mile record and Len Hilton stunned ·12 :59.8 to become-mly the--The lanky 6-foot-4 !:itooes achieved the -Jiek N!ckllvs • 1i.•14-41• the stars m· the mile as the t'o\'O distance American under 13 minutes. ' . hi f' I Rocky ThomPtOn 7).71-11-tlJ aces 'o\'Ofl titles at the 85th .National Texas Soot.hem's '!Unmy Fulton was Jump 00 s ma attempt, Hopping G1nt1 Lttt11r n-1•70--411 mil bu Li · . backwafds over lhe bar and .....,, ... 1.; .. ,,. it Al Geloerg1r n.11.n-21• Amateur Athletic Union track cham· the early leader in the e t quor1 ............ <& Lirrv·ZllQIH" ,,.,~" pionships. grabbed the lead with 300 yards left and with his jersey -but the bar stayed up. JotiMY MIU•• 11*1~21• Prefontaine was clocked -in 12:53.4 to held a seven-ysrd """• going into the He.fa'iled three times at 7-6=t4, ooe--half Mlll1r 111rtier 7•71·71--216 ""6 inch bo ••-d ll lnnl1 G!111 74*-74-417 barely miss the American mark of final tum before the &-foot-2 Hilton made a ve uiic "'Ori mark. Frtnk ,_. 1...,,......., 12:53.0 by Gerry Lindgren. his move. ..A. Jt... A ttr1 Y1nc•v J3.l'IJ.1S-211 Moments earlia-the s1n'""m'ic::ing Steve Williams became only the second • H W" w L1nnv W1dlr.lrn, 1'~7'-7,_!!1 -,.. ~ Riv Flovo 10.,... ..1 Hilton used an unknown late sprint to \\'in sprinter in 13 years to win both 'the 100 ..0.-1. M111r1c1 P-1••· oc srrioer1, 1l.2. i. K1r1 Tom snew n.n.1-211 the mile 'in a lifetime best 3:55.9. and 220 yard dashes. Williams won the ri:i~~~~1:i1~~11,1 ~~··n:~1::::~·1.46p'i.t,11r.r·1n~~~~.j~ Rod Fun•llh 1)..7,·JG-219 Hilton, running for the Pacific Coast 220 Saturdav n;""' in 20 4 coming from .u.t. Bud Allin 7w7•1-11• • '6'"'" • ' ..0-1. IUtk Wohlni;ttr, UCTC, 1:41.,.._AAU meet Jolln M11111t1v 74"7'.1·1'-220 Club, is known as a fine three miler with five yards back in the last 15 to nip l\tark rK!Wll, o10 marl(, J;•.1. w.o. 8'41, .,,,,_ 2. 01v1 llobllv Nl(noi. 1s.11.1 .... uo little late ~. But bis last 220 was Lutz by one tenth. WG111e, Air Fort•. ,, ... 1. J. s1r.10 Kt'Pt, WIKOt11ln, R11p11 Jl>hn11on 71.n.16-:no "~ 1:'6 ). '·Ric k Brown, C11., 1: .. .1. C 7 ,,...._221 when thef--;w Johnsm Wanniri up for the ftrst game ol a Monday doobleheader. Final scor°' 4-0. Baseball lore has it that JOO.--_.,t when Cantillon was looking for a second· game hurler. Cellist a winner ol her last three starts, fmished 4y, .lengths_in lmX ol Jungle Princess and retumed $7.60 and $3.80. Cellist abo carried 121, including rider John Rotz. Jungle Princess, 112 with John Ramirez, returned$.'! lo sbow. quick "'rv'nab to overhaul pace setter Ile had captured the 100 in 9.4 Friday m -1. wmr1m1. 20.4. 2. Lvii1 20 . .s. 1 0111. 20.&. 4. Ch1r111 oodv ,. ·....--·--e Orodl.11t, 20.l. 1. GUORl!h, lOJ ... O.Ck1rd, ll.O. Oennv Lvon1 7l--1'·7s.-2'21 _Marty Uql.lO(i,_wbo~J"@ Se.cond in 3:56.8 night . Mii• -1. L.tn Hiiton, PCC, l :ll.,, 2 M1r1I ~uorl, Tommy A1ron 7J.11.n-n1 for his best mark in two years. The last man to win both-dashes was ::,~"~U1?cin~·},~-.f~~'n~:151~~c. l :st.o. "' °"'" 01v1c1 G1111n1 1•1'""n-221 ~• k '-»--t . .,._ ' ' · he · 960 kin he 1~ el J1v9lln -I. C•l"I F9lom111n, Club NorlhWHI, ~. Ari Will 7).17.71-ttl \AruC ~. 00 Wluu In)unes t Ray Norton Ill I , ta g t ....,.m er 2. F•t'd L11-•. CluD Nor111we11 263"'4. ). Roblr1 cn1 Chi Rodrloi11i 7)-71·7~221 .,. t startled the rts J d h · JO 5 d he 200 · 20 I l(ouvolo, Brue• TC, :HiJ--3. '· Boa W1111" Army, 2Ss.1. ,,_., WO years, expe 3 !O 3S Jn · an t lll • • Tllree-mllt wat~ -1. JOl\n Knltton, NVAC, 21 :36.' RODI' Gln•b\/f'Q 7'·7.S.73-m by ninn:llJ8: 3:58.0 f-or third. l\·facWilkins then stuMed an excellent 2. Ron L1lrc1, NYAC, 21:~·'· J. em R1nn1v, un•t· Sim .s .... d 1s.1'""n-m Prefontairie and Dick Buerkle of the: field by taking the discus at 211-11 . World 'i::'i;.~1.!'S:· ~ ~-~H=~f~~~~·~~·.1. M•c Hunllr n-n.7'.1-m J. B•rrv Brown, Floria.a TC, 1:27 1. l. Jim Jl)llMon, Gin• Borek 71.4.MO--m New York Athletic Club shared the lead lea der John Powell o( the TCC threw 209· c111D Norrnw•"· t :JJ.5. '· Antonio \li111n,,..v1, M••· Bob Ml.lrpl'.y 11.10-1~m Ex-swinuner Dies fOr the first two miles, with the Oregon 5 for S('Cond. lc~ri~1!1·f.:,,..P _ 1. John cr111; u. Chlc1po Tc • .ss. H•I• lrwln 11•1•·7s-.m • Jolvtson finally made it to a World, Series in 1924. The New York Giants beat the veteran flamethrower , 4-3, in the 1%- inning opener, In his secood start,-,in game five, the·Giants beat him again, 6- 2. W-as itlle great Johnson to pitch bis heart out all those ~ears and never know the taste of a Series triumph? n h . •k-t • t 8 "5 he I 90 . r the tk-"--..I 1"4. AAU ..... , re<e0f"d1 old m1rk J.4..7, Crill. lt7'.I. J. Oe1111 ll1m1 n 1).,J.7~J2] ST. THOMAS, V.l -1be body of a as ~g w1<:1 porn at :...,. . T ast nunutes o 111~ay B•rrv Mtetu••· Micki • T...,__, ~"'· 1. Mllen 0on B!H n-JJ..n-m former Indiana University· 'I......,,_,_;..., Prefontain_ e then broke aWay "'itli meet \\·aS packed wit h most of the ex· Tiff, c 11 tn11rn111on.i. s,i.11~. '· J•mn llutts. SH Georo-Ar(lllr 1'""1J..1'-m ..... ._........,., SlrlOer•, Sl·f \., s~ was foond. at the bottcm of a three taps to go and with ohe left was cilemenl. uo.v1rc1 1n11rmtc11111 hurc11 .. -1. J fm 11o1d1nu. ;~,:._J~~~n ,, •• ~,,....,. !!! '(hi · ht of the Cl Pacl!I<: Coal! Cluo, lt .2. M U mHI rKord, qld mtrk .., .... ,... •r--.. guliy,.and U.S. Virgin Islands police In-WI ~ s1g American mark , Dwight Stones, a Pacific Coast ub ~.3. R•I~ Minn, lf70 2. R•!f.h M1ni6 &H .s1rio.n, Bob Erl<:k.on n.i•7.......:U dieated Saturday lhat the death was ac-,oneeding;;;;;;;ii;;;;;59;;;;;;;secoods;;;;;;;;;;;;n;;;a;;;t;;;;lo;;;;eq;i;;;ua;;;l.;;;Jh;;;e;;;;;;;a~t~hl~e;;ite~, ~c~lesrii;;;ed;o;;;;;;7-;;;5;;;in;;;;tbe;;;;;;;high~· i;;;;~jum;;;;pi;;;;;lo;;;;;i;;iiroii·ti"ii1"ii~·;i;,i;;~1°;i'!::.i;i";;;••;;;J;,;';;;~;il:...;;i"ii'ii";;ilo;;;~:.~·-··"·· .··_·~-·-;;;;;;;';;;';;;'";;;;";;;"';;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;";;;"";;;;,,_...iii"i cidMtal. R Lady l.J.Jck ha.! written the rig'ht script, thoogh. I nthe seventh and final game, the Senators rallied for two runs in the eighth inning to tie the game 3-3. Out ol the bullpen, before a h o m et o w n \Vashington crowd, came the great Johnson. He struck out five in four in· nings and, "'hen Earl M c N e e 1 y ' s grounder took a bad hop over the head of third baseman 'f'red ~trom, Jolmson was tihe winning pitcher. The dead man, identified as J ames Councilman Jr., 23, waa found Friday in a hilly area nea r Charlotte Amalle. The police said be a.P.PQf.E!n.tly fell from a trajl above the gully. He had been missing sin- ce Wednesday. Counsilman arrived in the Virgin Islands less than two weeks ago to coach children ol the S\,, John's Swimming Association, according to the president of the group, Jerry Nectern. 'N eidl1art Breaks State Shot Put Mark ( 69-3 34) SACRAMENTO (AP ) -Tv.·o California strong boys stole the show Saturday ntght as cold gusty winds hampered most perfonnances at the 14th annuar Golden West JnviUttional track ind field meet in Hughes Stadium befe. The meet, for hlgh school seniors, is their final tuneup (or next week 's Junior AAU meet at Gainesville, Fla. First, Jim Neidhart of Newport Harbor High put the 12,pound shot 611-3% lo crack lhe old California prep record and move into sixth on the all-time U.S. lilt. The old state mark was 87-9~~ set by Jciut Hubbell of Long Beach in 1966. Then Dave Voorhees from tiny Tulelake, threw the discus l9M for a I onq llimri -I. Rav. Gal•tllcn. Te• .• 13-1\'lo. 1. Hardeman, Fresno, 2•.J'1. ~' S1ebDln1, Ol1v ll11!11y, Pf ., 23-.!1Ao. Pol• vavH -1. Scol!. M1d!1on, w 11 .• lS·l. '· GonHOIVll, CM1nOJ1r ,Arl1 .• u..o. l . 8111, Jof\nl)Clro. Ari<., 15--4 Mill -1. Ce11rrowll1, N1w Vor~. ':09.,. 2, HO<"lon, RochH l1r, N.Y., •:09.0. l. S1nO•ldot. R!v1ro111, Mo .• •:09.). ll'J n!on ~urdlt1 -1. Fiorini, P1lo Allo, 11.6. 1. Jonn.on. P1H1d-. ll.1. l. Mv111. Pl1lnlltld, N.J .. ll.1. 180 -I. MaSDl(k, Wnlll PJ1ln,, N.Y .• l:Jl.1. 2. O&bntv, Br00ttlyn, Ny . 1;5•.S. l . K1n1, Ntwporr, R.I., l:}f.6. Sllol PUI -1. Ntldlwir1, NIWPtr1 l11ch, 4t4" 2. Oou1>1, l1>11J1WOOC1, M·Jl,. l . Rlngw1ll, C1t1r1I. N.J., 63-SV.. lC0-1, Forties, T1ll1~11Me, Fl1., '·'· 1. EdWlf"dl, S1n11 ,l,11<11, f.6. l . Hoaglund, 5ummtrvlllf , N,J ., f.t. uo-1. To1111n, H~,.....,,, 111., 41.6. ~. c11vDorn, Fort Wortll, Ttll., 41.1. J. Ll kf, llroolllyn, N.Y., It.I. llO low h11rdl11 -I. P1rmw, L1,,_.1, 1•.6. 2. ••r.11!, P111d1n1 II.I. J. Bl1cktht1r, MtMhtn, N .. , 11.f . :la -1 EOw1ro1, .S1nt1 An1 70.1. 1. Fr1nco, H1rtlord, conn., 21.0. J. McF1rl11'111, Cnic~, 11.1. 0 1Klil -I. lloortiHS, Tu!tll-1, C1UI., 1,..... 2, E•rl, M.,.!<11111, W11h., lf2·1. J, wn111, 'l'r•no10r. COfll'I., 111·~. Triple 1umri -1. Llv1r1, Norrl1Town. P1 .. 50-4'A . 2. Na1111n!e , Ffu1hlno, N.Y , -tt..i\~. 3. LeGr1nd1, meet record, battering the 1969 mark o( cemp11eu. ,,.1v.. High lump -1. Brown, Smvrnl , G1., 6·10. 1. Allin, ,_ __ u l:.3-K't by Gm:ge Amundson or Aber-c..... Gr1"d• Arl1., 6-IO. l. llr11ch, o.. Molntl, ---Wflll";;-6+.-------------11 deen, S.D. Twii mil• -1. llr111n, S11ttl1, 1:53.1. 2. McCl'IHlllY, E-.. Ori ., l :Sl.2. l . ,l,llfL Hlthll!ld Voorhees was awarded the Governor's F•!!•. N.Y., ''"· , Troph h din rl llO lnt1rm1<1l1t1 hurdln -1, ll1•fl' filt ln.1 Till .. Y 8S t e OU\stan g pe Ormer 37.1. 2. G1ln1v, Monell1ns, Tell .• l7.6. J. llKk1r, N1 wport Ntw•, 111 , ]7.1. among 122 athletes rrom 26 states. He outpolll'<i Matl Centrowitz of New York City, who won the mile in 4:08.4 and cs.n1e back to place fourth in the t..ro- milc, runrllng 8:56.2. Gordy BraWl of Seattle won the twcr mile with a meet record 8:53.2, by inches: O\'tr Tom McChesney of Eugene~ Ore., who was 1l vtr1 the same lime. '!be old Golden Wt".Sl record was 8:M.O set in 1970 by Mike Keogh of Newuk, N. J. Eastern runners swept lhe mlle and Jhe 880:tCllris Horton ol Roche.ier, N.Y., and Dave Sandridge of Riverdale, Md., folio~ Cenlrowitz in the mile. In the 8IO. 0-alg Masback of Whlit Plain.>, N. Y., won In 1:54.J, followed by Diil Dabruly, Broo klyn, N.Y., and Phil Kane, Newport, R.J. ,- 1 • Today's Sports On Television 11 :10 (Ill DODGE R S BASEBALL Dodgen versus Morr treal Expos live from Jan')' Park in Montroal. .. Nooo (!) CBS SPORTS SPEC. TACULAR. M U Trllclt And n•ld champions from Bakersfiejd. Taped Salurday. U:38 (7 ) U.S. OPEN GOLF. Final rowid Jive coverage o! U.S. Open toumamoot frOTn Oekmont Coontry Club, Oakmont, Pa. 1:38 (!) CBS TENNIS CLASSIC. First round match between Marty m ..... n •nd Clilf Richey . ' • Johnson 4 Son 20th Anniversary Clyde l\1ARK IV . • • • • • LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MERCURY l\1ARQUIS . • MERCURY MONTEGO • • MERCURY COUGAR . • • MERCURY COMET • • • Big 'Savings! Big Savings! Big Savings! B. s . ' 1g avmgs. Big Savings! Big Savings! --±¥1ER€l:J RY-€A:PRI-. -. . -Big . Savings-! • Dick NOTE SH Our Big Ad In Tho Pilot's Cl111lfied Section Tomorrow With Anniversary _Specl1l1 On -"Alr OurUiiGClrlAIW,n-. - EVERY CAR IN STOCK • • • BIG SAVINGS!! • • Rome Of The N<W Car • , , "Golden '.l'nchl~. • ENTIRE MONTH OF JUNE "Oran#' Ca11nlw'• Fcmdl)I of Fine Cari" • • • Home ,Of The New C1ir , • • "Golde• l'e1tck'' 2121 HARBOR BLVD~ COSTA MESA • MO-ll30 { • -··t • . ' • • TIM TIVENAN North Standout Tivenan North's Sparkplug ' . Sunday, Ju~ 17, 1CJ73 DAIL V PILOT (; :J North Coach .Danley Women's Westminster Nine, Spikefest Strict Disciplinarian At uc1 San Clemente Win By ROGER CARLSON Of .ttit "D!l~y P'lllt Stiff North coach Tom Danley ot Katella Jflgh 1is a fellow wilh slrong convictions and it car- ri~-over into-the-eighth an· oual North-South 0 r a n g e Counly A 11 ·sta r baskelball ilame. 'Ilie Yankt=es men tor is cur- rently-putting his charges through their paces in an- ticipation of the. clash at Orange Coast College Satur- day ll)gltl And although the style ol at- tack is changed somewhat from what he used in guiding Katella to the CIF AAA finals, his methods remain the same, "I refuse to budge on cer- tain issues." says Danley. "I think in the last couple of years there's been a major breakdown in some areas TOM OANLEY North Coach Youngsters nre expected to his quintets bolve m;ide the attract ll'IOC>1 of the att~ntlon It \\'3:; family feud day at CIF UnaJs. in the sm11 AAU women's S.1n Clemente where the A Two other occasions they track and fle ld championships team defeat~ the s squad, ~ were in the semis and twice whidr starts today at UC . . . K at e J I a was in the Irvine. 2, m A1nen c<an Leg100 baseball uarterf.inals before b e t n. More~n l f)(X) v.wien will al·tlon Saturday afternoon In eliminat . ,._lie vymg ~ ITT1 es an ~th<Htl'ST"gamc-otinterlcncu Can this group of all-starg._ berths Of! Ule '!"ati~I tea~ as play. forn.1 a web of t~a mwork to competit~ is divided into lrt other games Saturdny. nullify the. ~th s? apparent three baste areas. F'owltain Valley dropped an a~~antag.e m height. . . S':'rting at 9 a.in. toda y, the l l-5 decision to Placent ia on °'f kids know.our p>Slti~, Na~_pentathlon (5 _evenls l the losers' field in the af -~e s no question Ill thew compebhon Clp('ns with the ternoon Jn a night ganie minds of w~t I expect. lD champioos to be deten_nined \Vestnililster dov.'!lcd host Snn· terms of atutude and ti me the following day. Ol_l T~sday, ta Ana, 5-2. spent. the ~'0-0.ay AAU girls (14-17-. '"I'be ones we've got out are championships begin at 9 in p lln aootpherk1u~1'· g~me avt· '-:3 the on.es: who want to pla>: an~ the mcrning and Friday, the a ma ar .' 1~ 1ss10~ 1eJo are "illmg to pay the.price, women'.s competition {!4-0ver. re.II to Anaheim, l-0, when the says Danley. is scheduled to swt at 8:30 wmn.ers s~red ~n .llllcamed ''As for tactics we'U be run 1n the eighth ummg. trying to run, to put pressure a.~ top t¥:o finishers in the At San Clerncnte ~Iigh. t!i e B oo the South defensively with wonlen's division ,.,.ill be in-t~ain. from the ~ternat1on:il man-to-man and we'll use a vited to compete 011 the AAU c1rcu1t :SCOrt;d ~ pair of run s 111 pas.sink game." team this summef Ylhich has the third 1nn1ng '!''hen Don Greg 1'hom11soo·s s i1t1 g le brought hl'O n1ore across. single and Bob I-tale's run .scoring double did the damage in the big lhlrd inning tor \Vest minster. W11lmln11er U I F'Clr the A squad, Keith l\1arr doubl ed in the fourlh, \Vent to third on •V v.'lld pitch ond stoic home-f()r onc-nur.-Jn·the-ntnthc. -,.~,~,~=-.~,.,~,-<.,.~---'~'-'' ; ~ --~~ ti.like Stavro wos safe on nn ''"t, 211 ~ 1 ; ; G. Rungo, ( 1~rror and Jerry Ne I son wn1t~1,1, '' ' ,' •, •1 Ri<n ... o~. 3D ' brought him in with a single. 1w•~~. l ti 1 o0 •, •' I C. Aurioo. ID • Fountain Va ley \\·as vict i1n ~oci•tw•, 1b 1 o o • or its 0\\1\ fielding n1USC'Ues lrl ~~~· ... r'u ~ : : 1 losing to P\aC'clllia, 'rhe .. ~v ft r•dllY, cl 3 0 I • ·ed lllltllc.11 31 11 squl!!f CQJllnut t seven errors lr 1J011c•t. ,, 1 o o 1 during the net ion. E>P•no•~. P l 11 ,•, ! fol<1ls 37 .. Jo"'ountain Valley kept pace s,_ •v tnnf"111 with che visitors until the si:<th inning \\·hen Pla<'entia broke a f>.5 deadlock :ind the IK>sts ""ere shutout for the h .. 1lancc of the gam(', \Vestn1inster scored all of Its runs in the third inni ng and n1ade thcn1 stand up behind the pitching or right-hander Wf.lmln•I•• Sanl1 An• • "' .. ...., 000 000 020-2 .. ' ' ' ' ' . ' ~.: ' . ' ' 3 ' • • ' ' •• " . " 1 , ... ' ' g : ' ' ' ' • • 1 t lf conditioning has, ariything regarding discipline, lack of to do with it perha i)S the ea rly r es pe c t and ge n era I nod to the South in the eighth permissiveness. annual Orange County All-star ''You can't say you want a ba:sketball game at Orange disciplined team for two hours Coast C.Ollege isn't totally on on game night. It's ia matter th e mark. of getting into it from the ting them teady for life, a lthough I want to. win·-as much as enyone. The North tutor. allows his meets in Canada. \Ve s 1 F'o\\•lcr s ingled and l\1Hch team will try to take ad· Germany, Italy, p 0 1 a nd ~tcComb \)elted a hon1e run .. vantage of Mike·Dunn;s ability R · Th~e more were added 111 tG score 'from inside, but }\e ;· "youth movemunt is t~ sixth ~hen Matt Keou~h adds: "We'll basically be typified by tile 880 where a s1ngled. Rich Douglass \\':JS _ staying out.side. We don't have pair of. l4-year-olds, "iary sa fe.on a~ error and Terry the ind.ivichlals . to u~ a post Decker of the Blue Angels !'l'eilsen doubled for one run . l'at Espinoza. Espinoza stt·uck oul nine and 11•11!kt..'Ct thrl'e in ~oiug the distance for the 1vinners. Srtlmllll, ?D HaHl""-'"· IS Rtl!ll'r, JO·( Zlmmt r, •l·JO Maul .. ,, p P11!lron, I> P1101.i1one. <:f H&tllelCI, lf·rl Sr,i;n~rd. C·lb J orm1n, lb F°D(, It ' . ~ ' Tot1>ls sccni Dy 1nnlng1 • • ' ' ' . ' ' ' .. P!acfntl11 J 301 on 311-11 10 r Foun1;iln vauov 201 ~10 OOG--5 7 1 A t1vo-n1n doublf' b,v Gnry Rungo, Tiin l{ichards' t\rcrrun Miis!~" Vf•io !Cl lbfhtbl 3 • l) 0 a o o o 4 D l 0 The North, under coach Tom start. danlcy. has been prepping for "Buskctball isn't the end ... "But grades. voca bulary, responsibility to your parents, community and your ap- pearance are important. "If you want a class game ~·ou have to have a disciplined game. You can't separate the two.'' offense. We want to use Dunn Track Club in Huntington with his power inside, but that Beach and Robin Campbell. 'i''OO't be the focal point or our who beat the Russians indoor s attack." last winter,_vie. Miss _Decker Warren. Gartell Wi11 Alct>a•dscn. ss Wt.II~. 7tJ SandUe-d!, Ir. Remm~ll." l-lan("OC~. lb 0 •11 .. no•~. t Taylor, II • 0 1 0 J a 1 o 3 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 • a o _,i o l 0 0 0 Sarunta·y•s event and one of .it's a means L-o w a r d s- the Yankees' b e s t _ E l so~thin~ good. A lot .of. kids i1odena lligh's Tlm Tivenan aren t gorng to be pl~y1ng col- -=-explainL\i'.h.at's_ be.CD gojng~e ball ~-p~fess1on~I ball on in the Katclla lligh gvm. -rowb;t ~rt or-fllnctlon do .. Th 1· I f d. · •t "'e have. Danley's tean\S have chalk· -e<1-up-a~half <krzen-league championsiiips in his seVcn· year stint at Katclla and twice OUM, El Modena1s Tim is the American record holder Tivenan and sJeepers Steve at 2:03.6:while :l\1iss Campbell Carlston of La Habra and has run 2:04.7. , ' 0£IR Drag Crow11s I nlsr1otm. r! Robinson. cl Totols 1l 0 ~ 0 Sc-lrt lt111l111t MIHlon Vlefo An•llelm ' ' . 000 000 000..-0 ' ' 000 000 Ol Jl-1 s 0 Scott Wiseman of El ~1odena Other t.op-name \11)1l'len in have shined in early practices action will be "A me r i ca n for the North. record holders l\-lartha \Vatson James \Varren and Roger the lo\1' e.t. 11~n to \\'all 5111 Cl•mat11• • UJ e 1r.st coupe°. .a~~ 1 "I feel it's a matter of get-seemed· like an ehm1na11on •• r 11 rM in the long ju111p and sprints. Garten shared top honors at HhOOes or PlayJ. dcl H.ey ,.,,,0111. ,, , o a o type of thing -to find out "'ho could stand it ," says Tivennn. "It ~s like a joke "'ilh so me 'r us-at-ITrsl. -b11r l1 wasn't o funny lalt'r." c1utp!-- the El f\.1odcna star. Ti venan is ticketed for UC Irvine in the !<1 11 and th.e move coines after fou r years of fame at El l\fodena \1•here he started as a freslunan' on coach Bill E r vi n 's jug- gernauts. The slick rr1 1 guard is a supe rior playmakcr , and does virtuall y everything re<1uired or a guard. lie fi gures lo see plenty of the South's Casey Jooes and he remarks. "I've played with Case)• in summer clinics and franklv I don'! knov.• "'hether its· j!ood or bad that· I'll be seeing some of him." As for the South 's so--called favoritism Ti\'ena n say s : "We've heard that the South is fa vored and it does seem like they have the height nd - vanta.ge. \\'e've j!ot t o counteract that \\'ith discipline and not too 1nany n1istakes." Danlev call s Ti\'cn:in a clutch ·player nnd a d ds. "Tim's obvlouslv one or tre most respet·ted J!uards in Orange County. lie ju s t doesn't know when to quit. He's the kin d vou want in the game "'hen );ou're do1Yn by fou r Clr six points and you need the clutch ball plavers. Jle's aJ\va ys under tonlrol " Ti\'enan's most memorable moments as a player at El '-1odena was the Vanguards' ability to succeed in the playoff~ -gaining a finals berth in the AAA eli minations as n junior. 1-- Alamitos Results fl'lllST RACE. 3'i0 ya•d•. l vear nl1h a. up. c1111mlno. Pll'S~ Sl.900. Sle'"1Y C:r1arc;e, Rlctw"I~ ~.60 J.~O J.o&O Pttl~r Bot., Myles ~.00 J.10 Un&!'~c~rd,.Smlth 6.olO Tlme-18.2L Flll'TH RACE. 350 y1rd1. J ve~· olPs. ,,Ur>wonce. 111.1r se \2,JOO. Pnn1be 's L imi t , 1'·11$"'"' 2J.ol0 &.•~ 4.1\0 F'r<!e 8ar1, H11rl J.&O J.00 John's Nole, Orever 4.00 Time -It.OJ. Gauchos Drop Loop Game, 10-6 Kathy Schmidt, Olympic Sa ~ · h ' L. l I I !6.32 l. ~.~~i."c 1 D ! ~ g 3 bronze medalist in the javelin lui uay rug ts ions op ue In the funn v cnr class. !r;!~~; :. ! ~ g g and 16-yenr~!d Ci ndy Gi lbert and fun ny ca r championships Garten defeatfd Mert Lit-.. ,,_,, 2b ' o 2 :r to Cl l l G;i1es.U 3010 of Oceanside "'ho ,vas an a range oun Y n ema-tleficld of Long Beach. Shinkle. •~' ' o o o H~~Pen. 31> ' o a o Olympian· last ye::ir in the high tional Raceway. Ga rlen. driving a l\lu.c;tang, Tor111s " 2 ' 1 jurnp. \Varren won the top ful'I had a Jo\1• e .l. of 6.R-1 and S•n Cl•m1tt19 A ~' , 11 "" The girl!: \\'ho will be ccm-class. defeating Don Moody of clocked 223.32 tnph \\'hile Lit-in:~'ii'::;;.~"'?~:s ! ~ ~ ~ peting for the Long-Beach Westchester. Warren. of tlcfi<'ld. in a Chevy \1ega. -had ~~"l':;,,"·~~ ! ~ ~ g Comets i n c [ u de A1n.v Bakersfield, had a low elapsed a lo1v E'.I of 7.07 and \l'ent r,~!~nM1~\'i;~'. cl ~ ~ J ~ 'M1ompson in the 1ni!e ·:ind time of 6.33 and clocked 220.58 !._96.0:-l mph. Tt.om~~""· c 1 o 1 1 W•I O•~•', ' I 0 t 0 tnedley rclny. Suzanne Lac key \vhi\e Nloody had a low e.t. or GHrtcn h[ld bo1h the lo1v e.I. ,.~ .... 1~• 11 o • 1 1 o 111'0 ran -Bu•lt• Cul~ B~• Ro~•lnq Roe-~. Mr. L11y.r, s.,otted "-"· F!<1A!tn (Alt, Go M!•tv Joe, ()(lg!•Ce l ov. AI J<J r1n -Ev•rel!'l Whli, tlolllV Vin B11r, C'1rnlv•I Girl, Smokl Roc:ll.et. Color Me Pini!. No scr1tellu. in the 440 and n1Cdley relay-6.46 and \Vent 21 2.76 mph. t6.61 l :ui:I lhc top speed f:~~~~:~:~;rs· rt ~ g g g Chapman College scored and Janice Lester, one of the Gary Cochran or Fountain !227.64 ) in fhc fuJJny car class. Tot~11~ score by 1111111111 :.s· 5 1 5 five times in the fifth inn ing fine JOO meter hui:-dlers in the: Valley rec..'-Orded the top speed A .crowd of 4.ll..12 viewed !'he ~•n c iementi 11 000 100 ro _; ,"; Ne> 'cral,hff. '1 E1<1cl• 4·Stetv( Cl'l•r11t L ._Pteltr 8Clb, l>'lld Sl'9.10. SIXTM llACE . .._ y1rd1. Jypr otd1 & up. cl1lmlnv. pur11 Sl,900 Ultr1~vs1em, Wrlglll 12.90 6.00 •.20 CH--SCpgper Sport. l(nlollt 9.60 11.ICI DH-Kerr McGee, MOrrls 6.90 1 . .0 TIME-:11.61. on just· one hit to wipe out a s-1_~Sou'---t~h_la_n~d~·-________ ;n_w_;th_a_22_7_._84_cr_ea_d_;_n~g-'_'hi_·_1e __ n~;g~h-1_'s_ra_c_;_ng~··---------•~·-·~c~·~•:___•'•~•-"-'-"-'-""---'-' -'- 3 deficit and then went on to hani:I Saddieback Ccllege a 10-6 defeat Saturday night in- 1'-tetropolitan League baseball action at El Modena Park. SSECONO llACIE . .J50 ya tds.. 1 .,,..r old•. t l1lml1>11. puroe tl.&00 Wl•l>eWood. Myl~ 11 • .0 •. 60 • . .-) Moon Mi•Sl0<1, Ad.fl• ~.00 l.60 Slacked Deck \, flank S.00 l lme-18.St. Al~ ••n -C1ndY Moon Jet, Deana'• Q~uest, Hume J!Jltt, llKllwo•l'1 C•t. KPICl'\Up, THl-llD llACE. lSO y1rd1. l year oldl. claimJf"l'jl. t'Uru S"?.000. C~rtil"'it Clown, Ad11k •·OO l .60 l .00 ~,, •• Dl~rnol\O M()Ofl, Pall• '·'° l .tO Lucky Mui. W11rd 4.• At~ ••n -Moon e ank. 91aZOfl Da11- dy, Jol'lnnle lltll, Selig. No 1tr1tche1. FOUllTH ltACE_. )SO Yl rdl. l yt~r ~d~. c11lmlng. PUfM ..._ Plu~1ure Isle, P611• 12.20 6.!!0 6.00 EcTio Too, Myles 6 . .0 J.IO wu11ra Return. 811nk• 1.¥0 Time -11.16. A!\o ran -Rapid Oanle1Ua, Moore Poorll, Fleet Rulleh, Aun 81(tbbof Run. kr1tct.ed W1k h Mluy Go. Brother Acts CHICAGO -liofajor league baseball-football brother acts include Pat Kelly of the Chicago \Vhite Sox and brother Leroy, a Cleveland Browns running back. Llkewise.J Ne\f York Giants runn ing star Ron J ohnson is a brother of Alex, Clf the Texas Rangers. AIMI ••n -C•blno. C•pl•ln l(iw. V•lley Mh Fl·'<!!, T~rrll!c C~. On IM Btllm, Patteo's Bl!'• Spanish Love. kni•c--Spe;x!la Nl9h1-ss E11KI• :).Ultr1system & OM-1- ScOOPer Spor1. paid Sll!.!O. U E •acl1 :).Ultrai;Y~1~m & DH -10· K..-r McG.e. paid Ul6.00. S•Yl!NTM lltACIE. W yards. l ye;ir okJ1. 1llowance. pun1 S2.l00. Ll91\I Siie Wit. Wiiton 70.40 1.00 '-20 J111Uke Pa, Carcloia l .00 1.tn ftk kl Ceck, MYIM 5.611 Time -II.Cf. AllP r1n -Bank of Or.gpn, LJ~o Grandma, H1nk'1 Note, Chk Pat Go. No Kr1t<:;hK. llGMTH RACE. 3,, yards. J year o1e1s. 111ow1nce. purse Sl.X!O Trlcl11 TrllCklt. C1rdOZ• 9.:IO 3.20 J.00 OH--<arlef''I Dandy, MVIH 2.70 2.80 OH-c e .. rt Ike, Ward 1.20 J.00 Tlm.-11.'22. Alto ran -Gr1nnv Bee. El Toro Park..-, 1•m RCPl'll. Ima Olcll.la B11r, Stretcn.r 8ar1. No tcrakhn. SS Ewacta 1-Trlcll Truckle .. DH-'· C1rter"1 C1!ld'I', pald WO.JO. U E•11ct1 l·Trlcl1 Trlkklf .. CH-7- Cesert lk1, paid sn.oo NINTH llACI!. lSO y1rd1. J yffr olds " up. clalml!ICI. hit nlllM al'ld marn. puru 11.000 Aunnln!I f,\!lslc. Wtrd Truly Marve. PfOI! War Prlncesw. W1l10n Tim-ll.S6. •• 10 J.20 2 . .0 ·2.&0 1.20 '"' AllO r•n -Sleell: Bir. \.IM't Bar L.tc1v: Mr11 ovn•1Pl!ed. Nl11ht9t191I•. Scr1ICIMd -MIU Aoc~tnlner. V•ln JUfMl)UIJ. IS E111ct1 t ·llUIWll!ICI Mu1k .. 2·Truly Maroe. paid s11.oo. Ernie Av:ilos \\1as the hitting star for Saddleback with four hits in five trips ~o the plate. t-.1ark King had a two-run·doo· ble and a single for the 1Cllina: Gauchos. The loss was Saddleback's third straight in Metro action a11d the Gauchos return to play today against Cal State 1Ful1f'ri i•n ) on the Titans dia- mond. !l's a l o'clock game . In anol ht·~· tilt today, Senik's Rustlers ( G:..11c1cn West l host \Vard 's Pirates 1 Orange Coast) in a 1 o'clock till. S1tcllt b1tk UJ Abrllr1tl 5 1 ' 1 , • 2 2 ~ I 1 0 J 0 , 1 ' 0 0 0 • 0 t t Av&\11$, lb Kini), u JO<>H. lD·ll WHlllm$, c "''~'· 2t> Lak. rt Per1111ud. P Douglass. P M11r1ln. ph MOPn. 11 Mor$e, lb F'isMr. cl Springman. cl Totals 2 , 1 0 2 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 2 2 I 0 0 0 0 0 » 6 10 s sc-by tnnt11111 ' ' . 10! 151 100-10 10 1 QO.I 100 OIG-6 10 J Baseball Stnndi~gs AMERICAN LEAGUE East Divhlon 1.-lilwaukee Baltimore New York Detroit Boston Cleveland W L Pct. 3% Tl . .542 29 26 .527 3'l 29 .525 30 29 .509 27 30 .474 22 38 .367 We1t Dlvl1ion Chicago Minnesota Oakland Kansas City Angels Texas 3'l 24 .571 3'l 25 .561 3S 29 .532 34 30 .53 1 30 28 .517 19 37 .339 ht~r4eY'I ll•un1 MIMttOla J, o.tr11ll o -oolinitT.~ , - KanS111 Cltv 5, Clev11and 2 (1 1 lnnlnoll 811Hmo!'I I, TIKll 1 Allffb $, New Yor11 I Mllw1Ukff '• ClllCIQO 1 Cl lnnlr1111I " TohY't 01""" • GB l 1 2 4 10\1 '" % 2 3 13 1(11\MI City ICrno '-S e...O Wrl9h! l·l> 11 Cl.....iand (Ktkltll 1·1 and Strom 14). Mlnnesoll (BIYl•~n 7·1) II Ot lrolt (1.9iltll .. ). Mllw11ukee (llell .. , al Clllt•110 C81hnM11 1·51. T1111s IMef'rlll •n at ll1ll!mGfl (MCNlllV Hl. N.,.,.. York IMtOOW.11 0.0 a....t P11enon 6-fi) 11 AMlh lWrlvll'I U tnd &lrbtf ~ or H.nd •SJ. &oston (Tl1n1 7-41 II Oa•l•nd !Holltm•n 11-'l, NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Chicago Montreal St. Louis New York Pittsburgh Philadelphia W L 37 25 29 25 29 30 27 29 25 30 25 35 West Dlvbioa San Francisco Dodgers Houston Cincinnati Atlanta San Diego 40 26 38 25 35 30 32 29 27 3~ 20 44 Satul'HY'I Ra11111!1 Daelttn 6, Monlre&I J, (6 1nnl1191) ~llh""rth -5, Clnc.!nn.tli II Clllce90 4, All,nta 3 PllllldelPhll '· Sin F'renclKo 4 N....., York 10. S•n 01-2 St, Loul1 5, H111.1ston 2 TDCl1V'1 011'1\11 Pct. .597 .527 .492 .482 .455 . 417 .606 • 603 .538 .525 .435 .313 GB Plll~Dur~ll tWalktr ,., Ind OllNIHI 0.(1) Al Clnclnnall (GrlmllttY 5·5 Ind 811\!flUh•m 1-31. ClllcA90 (P•i»&' 3·S end Hooton 6·3) •t Alf1n!1 !Mor!0<1 Ii-' and Frtem~n 0-0). Sin Fr1ncl5eo {8radlev S-'l 11 Pllll1dltpMa (Carll0<1 '"1). _ S1n CIPCIO (GreU 4-4) 11 Nl!W York (Slone 1·1 or P~rk1r S.0). • Oodtlll'I !Svtton •-'I el Mi>nlrea1 rt orrtl ].j). 51. Loull IC .... t land 6..oll ti Houston tWlll<lll S'41, 4ply polyester special. 4fors79 plus 1.81 fed. taJC eaeh t11e 078-131650-tJ) blackwaJI ~ubel11ss. Ground Gainer• 4 plies ol polye.stet cord. In lhe wide·prolile 78 series. No trade-in required. 4 '°' $85 on these olher sizes: F78-14, G78-15 plus 2.37 lo 2.60 led. la11:. each lire. Whitew alls only 2.50 more per tire. Add itional whil ewall sizes available_ Heavy Duty shock absorbers. Installation Reg . 2.43 Now 1.45 Tune·up service 1844 4 cyl. 2244 6 cy1 . 2644 8 cyl. We install. new spar1': plugs. poinls. condenser. set timing, adjust carburetor and more . Clean air Special 599 With tuneup includes new tilter PVC valve and laOOr. Sale398 Reg. 4.98. Rubber tront ove rall car 1na1. Rubber rP:tr overall m111 . Reg. 3 98, Sale 3.18 Rubber front twin car mats. Reg! 3 98, Sale 3.18 Rubber reat tw111 Cllf mats. Reg. 2.98. Sale 2.38 2410 plus 193 led. tax. A70·13. Scat-Trac 70 series competillcn prOlile lire. 4-ply nylon. Raised wh ite letters. No trade·in required . Tubeless Tire Plus size Price fed. lax E70-14 28.45 F70 -14 30.55 G70-14 32.80 H70-14 ll.75 2353 plus 2.40 led. lax. 670·1 5.'6 tube type Cargomaster Highway nylon cord truck Ure. Ideal for plck·up1 , panels and vans. No trade-in required: Tubt Type Tire Plus 2.49 2.S7 2.79 2.99 size Price led. la• 700·1516 30.52 2.80 650-1516 27.48 2.58 -700-16/6 30.51 2.95 750-1618 34'.58 3.69 Sale prices etlectlve lhru Saturday, JC Penney We know what you're looking for. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M. at the following-Auto Centers: FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beach j7 l+) b44-B 13. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beach (714) 892-7771 . --.. , • •4 uAIL. Y PILOT s~. June 17, lq13 Signs Wida KC • Hansen B ecomes -Third UCI Pro By HOWARD L: HAND\. -·ould like to sign a pro con- Of "'• 'l-11' '"11'' 5''" tracl," Adams said. Checking Area Goll Courses • f'o'fary ~lucciacc6o a n d l---~~1~><~n'-'D"'a"'n l!ansen signed a "Aft.er J told him I y.•ould professional baseball contract see what I could do, Rosie with the Kansas City Royals' called me and said he would fann club at Ki ngsport, TeM. like to sign him before J had n ' in the Appalachian rOOkie chance to make a move." i 1artha Ciampa of El Toro finjshed one-tw0: in the 14th 1tnnua l Green Rivu lnvlUl· tional tournament this "eek. In night B.., Midge Hall or Anahe im Was low gross win- ner \l'ilh 92 while Jane Quinn or El Toro won the net award with 71. Irene Thomas of Rancho San Joaquin also had a 71. •1ansen, a graduate of league Friday, he became the Western High School, was third ex-UC Irvine player to drafted tour years 21.go but was -.Wm to fhe pro ranks. by-passed this June in the free Hansen and former center agent draft. fielder Rocky Craig both ·s~ -Gilhousen, remembering his potential in high school and ed '"ri.th Rosie Gilhousen, followlng him <luring his western regional sc out l n g career at UCI, feel s ·he can director of the Kansas City play professional ,baseball. club. Elizabeth Hodges of San Clemente v.•as the C flight win· ner v.·ith 74 while ~fargie That- cher of Rancho San Joaquin was the runnerup. 19tla Hole Hansen leaves h-1onday for The Inland Einpire pro- Klng. nd ·u be · I T B fessional golfers tour will open 00 ~~a:. WI gm Pay WO UCS play nt Apple Valley CC Mon- Craig is playing in the day. Southern Association r 0 r An entry fee for the com- Jacksonville this season. Honored petition o! $2.175 must be paid "He (Hansen) m.ight'have to in advance of the competj.tion play _third. base in professional that runs ror seven weeks. baseball," Gilhousen tol d the Orange Coast c 0 l I e g e Total purse, based on 100 Daily Pilot. . ath1etes Sieve Monahan and players, will be $160,000 with "We are going to give hi m Mike Beal were accorded .six $20,000 events and one at every opportunity to play honors today as South Coast,_1_40_,ooo_. ______ _ shortstop but he may be a lit4 Conference coaches named ___ tie too slow afoot . As you athlete! of the year for each know, he has a strong arm sport. and we like the way he swings Monahan, a· wide receiver, a bat." was named the top football In four years at UCl.-player in the circuit-and Beal Hansen batted .305, .301, .226 was selected the water polo and .253 during the last cam-athlete of the year. paign in which the Anteaters Monahan is now attending won the NCAA college division UCLA. championship. Other athletes o( the year In addition to Craig and included: Hansen with Kansas City, the Basketball -Jim Keyes mty other former UCI player (Santa Ana). ClllT'efltly playing professional Baseball -Jerry Maddox tlueball is infielder Dan (Ce rritos ) and Randy Braxton corooado who signed with the (San Diego Mesa ). 11-iinnesota Twins last year. Track ani1 field -BruCi! "Hansen came into my of-Ad ams (San Diego l\iesa ) and flee the other day and said he Sam Jenkins (Mt. San Antonio). Schermerhorn New Coach Golf -Roger Calvin (Santa Ana ). Swimming -Tim Harvey (Fullerton). Tennis -Ken Malle y (Fullerton). HERBERT L. MILLER TIRE CO. INC. SINCE 192 0 B o b · Schermerhorn, a Cross country -Randy 1----cr,..~mer 'assistant bas et Dall tts(5antrAna-. · _coach at Orange c 0 as t Wrestling -Don Wakefield ' I I ' I ' . ' • (Cerritos). College, has been named the -=========:::;! new head cage menU>r at ean-1r yon High School in . t h c Orange Unified District. CALYPSO t~\'::. SPHtlflf' Tl h lltf' 511 ""~ (714J 641-7010 Schermerhorn was an assis- lant under OCC coach Herb Livsey two seasons ago and spent the last season as the junior varsity coach at Santa iy,_ S1Ulltf AuklltlMI ,,,...,.. C11 :U't ' Ana Valley High. Of'IN DAlLY 10.10; SUNDAY 10-7 AJS-Ot I. l•i"ec:• tr.nt ~lie ...... 2. le11o1,fece totert 3. In•~ c.11"'' ~. l l•M hytl,.vtk ,,,. .. ~ Si1.e1 To Flt 5. l 1podt Inner, • .,.,., .. .. ,;"'' 6. ln1p1ct '"' llt1ln91 7, lood tt1t Front Only-Most Am•rlcon Chrs All WDf'lt ·non• By :rr1in1d M1ch1nic1 • ,...,. ..... /111/f .. ... twPOrt .. ...... • MMtM Del ltl'f' (114) '4$-1\01 Ir 1113) nM.lJI • 4-FULL-PLY POL JESTER CORD "78 " SERIES BLACKWALLS lt•g. 21.BB-6.50x13 - 14!.!.r. 1.73 Ea. WHITEWALLS 2.44 MORE EACH ALL TIRES PLUS F.E.T. NO TRADE·INS REQUIRED MUFFLER OR SHOCKS l•g. 17.88 to 20.88-4 Days 13.88,.,,.u.d Choice of heavy-duty double- wrap1>9d muffl•r or 'cl pair of d•luxe H.D. 1hocks. ___ ..,,_ .... ,,oo _ ........ "' .. -· "'"<· ""'· ....... -.... "" -.... u .... .. '" ... _..., ... ,_ '°"""'tOl' .. "_OI_ -· .. "°°"""_. ... 11 .... _,.,,,,._Ol •--'l"ltOO'•H,.._OI _ _ ..... •-•om BIMRJ Reg. to 22.94 1488 4 Days Quelity engineer.d for lasting aervlce. OependoblepO"Ner • Sizts la Fit Most U.S. Cors 1i111 MASHIOIAlif, roo ... •I 11 Former Rustlers LEASE ~ •• a Continental Playing in Minors By CRAIG SHEFF Of tfle O.lly ~"' tt•ff When Mike Dodd signed a baseball contract wkh the a.Unnesota Twilu last week, he became the l%tn Golden West College player in the past six years to tum pro. Eleven cl the 12 are still playing in the minors, says Rustlers head baseball coach Fred Hoover. 1. Jim Harris. Played at Golden West one season (1967) and had three years at Chap- man. Signed with Detroit as a catcher. 2. Dan Loomer. Was Golden West's shortstop for two seasons (1967-68 ). Signed with the St. LouiJ Cardinals. Batted .268 -In 117 games with Modesto (California League ) last year. Playing for Little Rock In AA Texas League. 3. Don Neugebauer. Fifst ~ for Rustlers in 1967· 68. Played at Cal State (Fullerton) for one season before signing with Angels. Not playing any more. 4. Art Spencer. A pitcher for GoldlSI West in 19 6 7 -68 , Spencer later played for Oiap- man. Was signed by llere is the list or Rustler pros and a brief run.down. \Vashington and had a 6-12 record (3.72 e.r.a.) last season with Winston-Sa.Jem of the Carolina League. 5. Gary Mark>. Signed by St. Louis after playing two year!I for Golden West (I~). Had a 13-10 recOrd with Modesto of the California League (A) last season and a 3.44 e.r.a. Playing r ... Little Rock in '73. 6. 1t1yron Pines. An out- fielder, Pines competed for Golden West during the '68 and '69 seasons. Signed by Kansas City. Batted .255 in 92 games for San Jose of California League tn '72 aOO had a :m fielding average. 7. Dave Pa.ynter. Was GWC's top pitcher in 1968-69 and later-starred for Chap- man: Signed ·bf Chicago White Sox in '71. Played for Walla Walla in Northwest League (A) and San Jose In California loop (A) last season. 8. Noel Paulson. A second baseman for GWC in 1969-70, Paulson was signed by Kansas City. 9. Steve Griffith -A pitcher for Golden West in 1969-70, Griffith signed a contract with Atlanta lut week. He wu at Mississippi State for two yeara. 10. Jim Hogan. Signed with Hawaii after playing for lhe RUJtlers in 1970-71. Now a m~ber ol tha Angels' El Puo club in Texaa League. Played !or Quad Cities In Midwest League ( .227 in 63 games) and Stockton of Calllomla loop (.237 In 17 games). He's an outfielder. 11. Mark O'eS3e -A calcher with the Rusllen in 1970-71, ere... signed with the Cardlnals and is l'Oportedly playing for Modesto (California) this spring. He played in the Gull Coast League last year. 12. Mike Dodd -Signed with fl!lnnesota after tv.·o seasons at Golden 'Ves t as a second baseman-catcher. He'i playing for Geneva, ~ in the New York· PeMsylvania League. LEASE ••• Mercury Full Mlint•n1nc• L•11fng ;, . Yo\lr Choice, Nowl 540-5630 . 212' HARBOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA • •5130 That list could go eVe n lµgher next season with Mark Barr (USC), Bud Bulling (Call~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ State, LA) and Pat Curran 1: (Chapman) all expected to sign after their senior col· lcgiate campaigns. Try Saturday's News Quiz -:- " June 6 -Sep_t. 5 Mon. thru Sat. 7 :45 4 Exactas! Some Of-Their lifetime Records thru May 10, 1973 TRUE~T TO FORM s w p s $$Won MR. JET MOORE 28 21 3 2 $341,404 KAWEAH BAR 55 30 6 4 $4133,771 BYOU BIRD 22 13 4 3 $276,817 CHARGER BAR 23 14 3 2 $220,672 . OSAGE ROCKET 27 13 6 1 $199,373 COME SIX 27 12 7 2 $189,665 ALAMITOS ANGEL 24 ' 12 6 2 $156,173 SAVANNAH SWINGER 26 12 3 6 $109,896 JNKY'S ANGEL 19 11 4 0 $ 78,445 GO CHICKIE GO 14 8 4 0 ' $ 66,354 ' SHAM ROCKET 47 21 6 4 $ 52,049- NATIVE EMPRESS 37 13 8 3 $ 49,288 ROCKY DENUEDO 11 7 1 0 $ 40,402 Popular EXACTAS on. the ' 1st, 6th, 8th and 9th races. Great Turf Terrace dining. For reservations (213) 431-0922 or (714) 527-4471. Tickets & information (213)431-1361 or (714)995·1234. Have T.tie Nightime .of Your Life at •• I On Katella Near 605 FWY -... _.,...r-,.----o;~;=--;:~,.,, ......... ,"'. :;,,,,,'!!l:s.iz.:;"_;;:·-=·__.:,....,. ,--...;=-..... .;i.;.=:..:.;;;;: ___ _;;;:::_:..===::_:::-1:_:-:._ ..:! ·'--=----~ -=o_ ___ -~~- ' ! 1 ~ . ' • D~ILV PILOT f: IS ·-The Week's Market Highlights· VOLUME, BEA VY TRADERS ''" ""' """'"' ""·* r.. , .. 2!'\ -l"o ,,. •-£11 Air Liit "'·"' •• lO'l ...... ... 1"' G,-.nt WI ...... l•h " 11 .... , .. J l'(• t"'1o ltvn1wlclt """'" " "" I"" -1\1 • ,,,_. &fttl Sii "'·"' "" "" '"' _,,, ,,. B4'o HI Cll lit (•) Ill"" ,,., ... "'" ..... .,. ~\.\ lfl!KO ·"' ,, ... ,.~-a ... 12\'o I~ E~::, Ind """' ' ~. •'~ -'• 103~ 3'1AOO 100 '".,. ,,.., -21'o ... 2l~i S.tb Ctt..riln )15,00G ,, . " " +• NASD Quob:ttions on Mutual Funds The Review HFN YO•K -,,.. ~ I• ,.._.... 1e:rr:.1!°': ,ii'j"~ ~i:::h ::n 12:~ ~Trv.1 1l:~ 1::ff ~".rv ttil tl:I :r:ri• " 'ffl", "",, ~arwtn t:n 1,:r.,., tor Hie w.11 ....... '"' .. 1 'n1 ~Ill • 1.it.cl pri· lrw::om J;t .n 10.12 4 r>«U 10.9711.99 LO•r. AllJ ittlr . 5 2.. m I 1· . Do~ Joae11 Stoeks ... on MuiUll Vftltur ,.U 3,43 OUfM F t .37 t ,115 Alli 11 11! ltG u~ f"~ .16 *j n .0 1·11 - Jiund1 11 qllOle<I ti'/ olum G I ,15 10.7.\ fl•ANICLIN a~ = :n ~ Dotf'a =: t tlfiro A" l·ft 'f ~ MIP '--C... Chi 1119 NA~nc. OMMONWLTM )ROUP1 UJl!em I '.211 : Ln r h'l'I 16.11 1•.1j 1mpl '-1·~ f ltlllMt t11.11m.••.SS•.u.-a1~ "rlMV f~JJ.: l·°' 1.11 ~~C:Sr ~~ 1'-ff uhn .In •111 ~:Mnc; 13:J1ll;ll ~'cl~ ~ ~~ Jtt~ri• \iWlllJ:~llt?:ftltJ:ft:!:111 Jul'lt IS, lt73 C ,II 1.S2 r lncm 1,9' .15 CJN~ l'Ur.~·· ~II ~.'62166 Tr1vl Eq IOU 6SS~ iJt:;fm.MiJi:fil14.7~Ul --11, A•k 1~• I' 6.37 6.ff s Gv s 10,a110.t1 1p11 ., j·!! I L~.G ,;.,.. ~l.ldor H 1 :Sl 'I" om11 11 1.81 5.35 u111111t s.37 s.N ncom ~-·"" u~ T os· 11 CG .'O ..ff B d f.OMl•ALT'I': omP d '·" lt7 Ret C•P 4.411 '·" Pll1r,m ·!..1~ ciul 3.lt 0 J.:l8 ~" j·64 .99 Dow J'one8 OD s Grwtll •. ,. 4,,, om11 fd (·~ It!"' R.1 £gty •.•• 4.S<I "" n .... IWtl '·"' 1. n tid .3t .17 lncom ,.74 4 10 oncn1 1 F•I LfECI 11,,, 12.65 M I Gwt .'2 · Uttr111 F 6~ U6 =!Ind t.?t f.61 °""" Mith UW (19M Clltl lnwrn .II 1.-.. °"'' Inv I , 1 .SO Fd Mt dp t.la t.IO ~II COi 1 '' I 50 ll!LICTID flDS1 NION llltVICI .. 1 n >•W 74.tl 74ftt'M Advl .. r •.If 4.$1 111ln gw 4.12 S.V' UNOS IN<:f" r:::ir f •7 ,.,, Am Sr.r 7.t7 ••. I': 1:, .ltAI S::11 54:71 ,..;,,-J4. i·" A.1tr.1 Fd 7.73 l .•S onMI In 7,,. 7.SI t:OUf"> P l :.Ml · Opp Fd f .09 .• , BrdS 1¥ 13.lSlt.57 2"d ltt: 47 1Hi~... t Al'tTll In 13.11 ''·" ontr1U 6.t1 J.lt C.Ol'l'lm J.51 f-'D ,f:1': ,.';,ct..! .u SJH snrs 12.AJ . N•ll In¥ 1.22 1.91 tlh 1 ,,... 16 -,, '1.16:+-If Alvtwe 1.73 1.73 onfrv ~ I/I (Jl lmpac .OI 7.74 Mjl 11 °' l2.0f ~tlnel t..st 10.12 U11 C•i>t 1.4' !~ u1...., btt' · a:U 1' :ff~.:d 1f::J 1'1:: ~ ~~ s:ll tlit ~'n'~ tr l@\,n 1}:~ ~I~ lj:1' JLrnlt i::'i'il1rH"t..DU~~~ u":s:lb 1l.1Jt;t;1 M:. ltt:I llAI 11 I Al llAt+ l'.U ,tjn Fd 12.tOI ·" Ykicl 1.70 1.70 ':ti .Ot 1M MFO. 1.116 Corntl ,.Tl j.415 Aca.itn 1.00 7.ff Tllh ...... sNodl: 'lliMIN ....... MUll Al'nCillO " Ill ... •.fl 11.AWAltlE e S· p 34.71 •• MCC ' IS° EntrPI' .d ·" Bnd Fd 7.6! I. va1-..................... "'61SMI ~: i:r: :·t 1::1: o!:~t : ,~72 10.61 G=~ 1·c~ .. S.!1 M:ttt;tv--1~· 1i: ~~rbffd :1 l:;l s::~ = ;~l&:~ ~N&f1'"~•s• 8:1: ~ !i'tJ: ~::nfs'\t: ,r:M,,:ti~.;-"Fd il:t11f:I1 ~:~Fla 1::: tfl ~ it:51~ Dally Volames f:i~ 1i~l:~~'f11c11 ~:,4~::ff !-'it.Ft~ 1t~1::fi=f11 1~8 1t.~li:sir:s=~"*1(.~'t ... u'"SM e. 1t.!11':i ~·'='•'t ........ '",~~ ~;:,~ lllYltm '·" l .17'D DodciCk 14.74 14.74 u.rd 22.73 n.23 MIF Fd 7'11J I lflCotn 1 -al 11-!J. uv 'Lu••"'L••"··",1w. ......... ,J..as.nJ 14 .. 1,111 t:i' 7.De 7.74 Crit•PI IE 10.lf 10.lf HAMii.TOM Oa,1 MIF Gni i lt , In~ l;ft f.-A S~j WICIMIM.-1 .... ~1'Mj'.I IJ~ N'l' Ups aad DoWllll Over tbe t::onnter Am ~ f':l '1·11: D~~,Y~~s 1~.;'11.61 ~~ 11'1 ~:~ :::8: P,1 :~· t· l l\d. Fei n ::'6 J::l ~:I ~::: 2:3: ,i. ~w .......... lP.~ .. ·l:~, :lll .. m ll\VSI •.• 4.511 SP ·-7.Jol 1.21 H•~I 10.4.t I~ ... Mull T,., f Clfl Siii' I '..321 17 VA•MCipc s.Sl Am lml11 4.n : 5 Crvf .L¥ ~T•.S2 lS.91 IMOm ~ f 6M Mui $1'1~ 1t· li55 ilGMA ,U,NDlr• 00 v"I G" ! ... 1S 6-'3 T.tM1 .......... 6U66.51S "'6 ._.. !::::Nr°Sr 'Jl tlll..'l:c%fJ ;~1g1:ll,.~~blol.Y ~:~i a:~ :1.i::u •1;:, ;·~ ~.~' 1,:ll,, '.!', •8•• .. ,!.s' ,-;.~ Weeky SBles . 1J1tOu,, EATO,. a Hitrl!oe •• I.~ Yldn J ml!h II f..5.l ..5.l VS Com 6.'9 .6' ,MtWIL. Yr. AIO ANCHo• EillOI• Gr 6.72 . HWQ1 !·" sr ~ I ltfltvr • ~ O' ,... ""' ,- Ctfllll '·" 'Ill OW.tJtD: Horace 11.45 19.'5 ,.., Stk •. .: B l&Gr 10.'7 10.'7 Specl 7.11 7.IS • y.. ...... "1!!J n.mimt j!:nlf 1ny 1 n , :r1 s11n Fd •. .-.10 :t1111mpr1 '" •.si 10.1113 flCCllTI , .... j e.nF 11 ... 12.t1 vr.c1rbl1 ... "° .s.36 N:: vortt .;... ''i.' ;u 11tsH Grwtll 7'.54 1:ll6 Gwltl F 13.111'.3'1 Imp Gr 6.92 7.56 Stoc~Sr 63' ' 7 W!lt Inv 1.12 1.1' V•ncird lJ• I.to m1f1 Stotb 1• 1 1f ,lU lncom 7.31 1.01 lncme 6.11 6.~ Inc fdAin 1l.1' 14.1112 Grwt 6... :01Sw 1nv1 G 6.12 6m v"",',.""• t·o.s ,.:1 ~1~"s10cb 4! ·' :... V11'11ur 7.12 14' SPKH (ll !·" '1'.W lr1e Bost .I• 6.13 ~W N• L•11 5oYr n er 'ff J •w,11 Nin 11.1112.n Sick Fd I .•,, ',',·tt frid, FA.'71 ·'°r. t·•s llllllY 1··11 !7.11 SlllClfl •1l:~·1lll ~!.'ili ~~ ~;,f J·l. Yearly .. omparlson Iron 3.53 l .16 Ebl"td 9. . n -• .ts ·rwlll 0. 1.n S&P I D ''.37 637 w WI Mii 10.IO 11:.0 " Aud•x F 7.67 1.39 F.01£ S11 19.7',','·7' 1,n ln\lelt0 33. 1 Jf.19 ldt.,. 6. 1.16 l~AtE" •MD o•I'· w:1ni1 ea 10 i11S 10.45 AXI! • IFC MGMT G l nYern 1.54 I.St NEA Mt t .«'.l 9.M' Fd 4 51 111 b Wl!LLJNGT'ON W11 .,... HOUGHTON! Ecrtv • .Gr 7,61 ... lnY Co A 12.'6 l:l.t:J Ntu Cent •.Sil 111.5' ~ .. 11 I s·06 s'S3 E•Plor 20 4J 22..:H • Fund A 4.59 4.'9 J.ci'"' '·"° ··· '""' G1,1ld ·6.111 6.11 N11.1Wtll 1.27 !·27 r011r• ~·60 5·; l...esl to1 t .91 J11111 ts. 1m Sl<>Ck .n 6. ci.-.t GI II.as 12.118 lnY B... io.at II.to Nw Ptn ·13.28 14.SI I Fr Inc t'.39 ,. TClll'llY fas . JllM 1,, 1m Hi.ti l.ew Aft Dec Uwdl !7 .. JM "' 1ff 17 -"' 744 ,., M »2 16' I» 2'15 16 DI at4 IJll IJI Fund 8 t" "ft ndAPI 7.29 "ln.,.lndlc ~3.31 Newton l'!."81 .63!1 f r Gr 111:604· Monin 10'67 11°66 J-1.1m A.II.I Sci 3 97 4. E.111111 Tri 15.75 INVllT COUNSI· N!Wi Wld 11.22 ll.36 1,,,. Sir lllS 50 4S 75 Tru,1 111.2 12 70 J\IM 11, 1'71 8LC Giii 111111 12.1 fl'll'V l.!2 3.IS Cepem 7.39 t.lONlclll•• 'l"'l'.18 • OMAN . , .• w·•J 120lll." 811:19Dn 1o:n10.nErH!r1IV ll llll.ll Clflll IY 1..SO 2.7C Nttt lvtr I .111215.•2 lm .. lnd 2.IS 1.11~ w:ir1ri 10'.t:1:1 :n Standard and •-r 81vrot 7.06 1.SI EQ!lltv I' 1.14 C1111'1lt Sh 5.37 J.. ..fl9 6.11 6.11 Ano fd 'Ill 20 20 Wfndllr 7 22 1J//f 81Yrk or i ·!S 6.01 F1lrfld 1.t2 I.SS Inv RH •.tl 5.37 1111111 7.45 1S7 In t 1·.32 1'.:rz Wttt Ind f:1s 3.$6 8Hcn HI • 1 f.01 Fin llU,.. f . ..0 f • .a' I S I; • ~IOI fd 11 .Sl 11.lJ TE7f •0• llOS: Wsfld Gr I.ii ,., 811con 10.ft 10.92 Ftd AA:! f.OI •· · Gl'Wlh X4.0f 6.•7 W II IS.IS 15. 8llllJ' 20.17 20.11 Wlscon• S. j ,(N lllr"lllf" IC 11.2'11.221'101LITY tncom x40S 4.'3 '°l!NHM "Dl C•ol l 9U fUlltGIH" I f65 BH"klh, -111.Cll '·" ltOUP1 • Trsl M: l .$4 Op ~Im f .l)(J 10.71 Stock 14:n 1,:13 ••1t.odlv1d-.'MI.' . 42'1 ...... 1111• IS lt111ll ..... 61 UtHnlM •lloc:k• Hl9ft Uw C'"9 Chi 121.1111111 111.Jt-1·• ~i! 11.n t:·"• .n 1a 1t1.•• 111Jt: tn Ntw Vort (U,U -Tht folloW!ft9 11•1 ahowto the ~u thillt naw galMd tht ~I •nd loll the mort bPed 11r1 _.-cent ot chino. c11,,..~:e:nc1tiJ:::"m, ~~ ·~ -orlce •Od tlll1 ......,, cloalna IN"lc.. OAINl•I 1 Glmbtl !Ir t 30~ ~~=.~s 13 v. ~ "II 4 BVOgll Ir.cl J•.'t 11~ 1i~1~nJ~ r .. 1 Z:P&'• pl ~l 'kt. :B~ ~· 10111 1~ 10 ctRlilldg 2 pt l V. Iv.~ 11 Sun1tr;,.d .ID lf 12 Mi11c1 Sciuere ,"'., 13 WitlbUI Cp llo .. l' Am E.11111' pl 4\'t l ICN Pllerm 10 1\.t IYI 1 Chert Co .30 ~ 17 C C I .. C!l'l> • ',.. . ":; 11 AllX&n .IOD 11 MlcOOnld ~ Col Pictures ~j v.,. GAINlllS OAINlltl Uu'o ~·11 I 11-A:llv wt 1 I -~ Ufl '°·a 1 Tel1e1'11dlt inc J•,,+ ~ -'1•111Cp wt) 1\IJ 'h Up 50.D 2 D•1& Cfl!'1Mfl l '•i '> Ufl 21 • ) cl! 11..-/Piii 3\'I 1 Up •7.l l COwnlown Cfl P o •·:. Up t Ill IC1IY•11 Ill' 2'14 ,. Up 37.J 4 Sfmer111 Cfl!ll 1'• ~· Uo ,D S llrown(o wt :)I,~ i.. Ufl 36.1 5 AT!IOl"itK 01!1 l''I V• Ufl .I 6 Grv«C .:J2!1 9 nil Up :SS.I 6 Wnlcqa1I 1'1! ~ 4 .. Ufl 0 1 W11sco .OSe ·sv,~ l"io Ufl ll.l 7 IC1>i11P11VOOI .70 16 + IV. Ufl ti., I SVllllTI Eng 3\" i·, Up ,",·,· I .PIH>itnx C111ndv ~ + ~ Ufl· 211., f L11ndmK Ld m ~ Ull 9 T"11 AneJtrk 1~0+ V• Ufl 30. lO"Sflfldr BdcU IO'h 1V. Ufl 31.l 10 Burris l!'ldu1tr 6 + \2 Uo 11,1,.•, 11 Drlv.r Harr 101n 214 UP 21.l 11 Comtax Com l + •:. Uo 0 • 11 C1111llol 11\d 12 21'1 Up 16.3 11 A&dl111ton T11eh I'. .. + V. U 'J·' ~ 13 Ar1111s Inc 1\!o \'• UP 25.0 13 Coml)UllX Svc '~•+ "" Ufl 1 .t ,. MillcrodV Ch 1\!a 11• UP 7S.0 1~ ~II G11s1 Ind 3'..'.+ V. Ufl 17.2 5 P1lflMlll WI '\' ~ Ufl 25.0 lS Kev Pl>•rmeu! 3\ot • Up \6,1 l' P111iwy Dis s 1 U11 l.?·2 16 Fii Cvoressln 3'/i I'• Ufl 16-7 7 Bl'IKOIA: 411; 1~+ V. Up •~-> 17 fndu11 FuelCp 3Y1 V. Up 11.l II lnvf nd .!Sh 514+ 1 Uo 23,S 18 M&PlePrss .I) 3•:.+ •;. Ult 1J.• 19 LIMWod ~I 6 + l\lo Up 'l3,I 19 Sothrn A!rwvs S~•+ \9 rn8°"f'~ ::~t,S:~ _i~1.1~,T~-ti:~ 1!Y!'~-.!1J1~:t' ~~ T~ _,_t'.~ ~:"tt 111 o_•ouP: • 1.un1Y1ll111b11. rown 3.25 :J SS C11nlr111 l .'5 . ll!llf. Fnd :l).dtl .~• ~W(: SK f .IS 10". LLOCIC cv ss.e 7.17 1 ... JP Gwth ~53 t •rim• 7.36 •· NDS1 0.SI 5.69 ... J&nu1 Fd ) (j 111 A:IY 6.7S 7.311 11u11 Fd 12.ss 13.1s Esux 9.n ·JM.an attt .'Q 1. 1>G1w1 F 1.01 s.so What's New in Stoeks :JI Amrep Cfll'P \ ••• ---~-~o.!tflC~ '5\li:a-::.: 2' Allloml Ir.di 5111 ~ 1S Lllllcl.a.N .5D 1~ Ufl lJ.O 21 Slmpl11t Ind 6ll•1 1•,. Ufl 22.7 20 M«1n111 Gr0ufl 2 + '" Up ., .... 21 Alttc Cp wl ll·lt \\___ UI! 711_ 21 Qre Frffl·Crv 2 + \.., Up 4.6 -22 floolhe<: lOI l'io \~ UP 22 2 2' C A Clotllf~s 4'~+ •At Uo ','·I 73 GuUM!g WIS I~•+ ... Up' 22.2 'll HomWOlld .D:tl 11~+ V:r Up' 3. 2' ITI Corl)Ort P .+ V. Up 2'.2 24 Am BIOl'l'ledld :Nit+ \'o UPI> 13..6 2S SIMlfl'lll In ._ '"-+ "' UP 22.2 2S Co mS/\lr1lnc 4¥o+ V• Cdn Fd 21.4 Z),.<17 Ew"t 10.66 11.65 JH111 SICI 1.32 f,04 Pl Mui .:JO 2.20 Oh• Shr l .61 l." FUlld 15.:!11 16,11 Johnstn 23.16 23.\6Pertn Sq l ,51 6.51 N11wd fflSlOIO ,urttn t .3'10.20 l(l!YSTONI: Pllllill Fd 6.1$ 1.7 NY """ 10'.'9 11:11 ;111em 11 l •7 -L3' Cull · &1 11.M tt.n Pjne St t .n •.n Br11Nn ·tl6 t3' r9flCI 2'.711',f.2 ~ust 112 :io.1J22.oel'n T~ 1.f:I: 2.92 ~G Fund 1°5910:.V l'INA.NC.IAl. ust 84 8.lD '°' lllfl en 6.51 7.19 :S.1p Tri" 10°3' 11.lG "lt0GltAMS; ust IC! 7.0ll i76 Pion Fd 11.31 12.36 Ce!>t Shs lill ll.1111 Fir. Dvll l .91 J.91 Cull 1(1 S.67 6:21 Plonr II 1,10 t.SI CH.INNING Fin Ind 4.21 ~.2'1 C•Jlt Sl 22.Mf•·u •,·-~·11 ,•,n., ,•,.u,, "UNOI· Fiii Inc 5.61'i S.6.~ Cust S2 10 ... 1, ~\ " • 81lncd0 10'911 !11 Vent . 3.12 3.8' Cu1t M 7.31 I . P C OW•• !Ind Fd tu 10:10 hlFd ·"• 10.S211.SO (LISI s. l .11 4,l rwtne ",,'·"n'•'·"ii Com Slk l 71 1 .a l't•~T ~lo ~.33 4.75 Nw r• • 0. Grwth 5"10 J's1 l,.VESTI)ltS: 111r1 3.0 3.7 Hw Hiii' f.ot f . tncom 1:1s 1:311 Dhe Fd 5.19 5.61 K11ckr 5.93 j·!O Pro fd • !",.2 ~·~ SJHCI I U 1 '9 Grtl! Fd ~ 6.ll 7.• Knkr Glh 7.03 .JU 'niYldl · • Ventur 1:11 1:n St<>Ck F 1.s1 ,_JO l..ndinrl< 6.~ '·"' PP~sfJ 1~.2S 1T·\'i CHAS!!" 1st Multl l .!t B.,,, L""ll Fd S.O! 5.ot '""' .23 -• tOSTON· h i 01err (ll iz) LElC OllOUP: • Ptn;tsAM ~~ B~ ~-cg ~·~:~or: :"nc1G~f~/'1~" a~edr 115:31::: "~«1ver1 ShTr 81 1:t1 1:5s 101 Fnd 1.1:i 1:11 L'• "'"'• 1 .n 14.0700 :g11v SDitCI 5 S1 601 rQlum 7.9'1 7,<111 bty d S.'9 6. !ti Chitm I'd 10:,S, li°5S 2S Fvnd 5.73 S.13 Lli. Inly 7.117 , ... '~ t OLONIAI. . !"tin G' •.5' 4.96 Line C10 6.9'1 .'3 t~ l"UHDS· ~OU,.Dl!ltS LIM .Fnd 3.13 .• v1"t F rOl"Yer' ~· 'J 10.37 GG~~: S 73 tf$~~1. vo\.!o Eciullv 3.1~ 3.4' S.2' . · 10.7711.n 1.n 1.98 "·" lt·ij 10.61 .6 I.IS l.t .6S ID.SS '·" .... t.75 10.6' FOR THE WEEIC June 11.J-,,, 1m APPLICATIONS FOlt LISTING ON THE N. Y, S. E. Flclelltv fln1nct1I Cp. AP,ltC>VED FO~~~TING ON TH• OUPiltll ,.rod. Inc. STOCKS TO BE ACMtTTIEO TO THE AMEX khldt Inc.June 2' Fort De&rbor"n Income Seell!'1ttn .. Inc. Hvnon Company, Inc. The fOUlhwfll ffll'esl Ind., Inc. ACQUISITIONS'/ MERGERS ANO t:.i'f!°C"C::.~ Corp. PRELIMINAA: Nl!GOT1ATIONI Amer. Sltl'llller-Rehlb Cfll'l'I. APPROVED'~· \~S~~NG ON 'tHE Fr1nklln N.V, Cp.·Tllcott Net. Corp. TENTATIVE CATS CORPORATE NAME CHANGES •• ··•• D H Co ''''I Cl11'11. («11. Ir.cl. frwn Cl1rk C•blit 1-.. ,.. --'-• .... Trl111mt1 Pee. l:fl., tr11 m TtflflOI• PK. STOCKS TO BE ¢OMITTED TO THE Fllt"ftl Prod. C11e111de NII. G~S.Jtin!'1i' !MCA.EASED DIVIDENDS Us A.ittltv lnYttl.,,..,t.JLlflll 11 Bird C R.'3\ltc from 3'4c: : · Clly tnv.-lSc from 13\'Jc APPLICATIONS FOA: LISTING ON THE DI SOio lnc.·15c from 10c •• ~!r0:~~~11"c~19~~"~1Grill ~y UNITEg0:;:~~~T1~7lNAT10NAL I W11 Mlrt Sf 2 Mllt11nBr .36 3 QuakSOI A 4 TroplC&nl J FlltrlCf. UO I lntrsll Sir l f"" ~ut·'? f\l~p ..... 10 Ampex (p 11 LeYI Stn •• 12 EU1tlr Ind 13 Pondenlla S 14 Felrcll Cem lJ A CnM l .16b l~ l~t~~-:~ 11 GI Well Un 19 Mohillwtl: Dt 20 Tl'IKlll' .2'b 21 Ken' /oN; .60 22 A:CK>trbllc CP 2l CuU19en· ,30 24 Ketv Ir.dust 2S Lv k• Yostn LOSl•S lJ -· 1 121'1-' !IV. -614 tlt-1! I IA<-~ l6'h-' ...... ..... " :ZS.st r-....... .,. ,,,._"' '-=~ m--:: ......... 'm:: 'II 1~1~ §ii ' -.. n'l-' 1111 is ' e~1nN1t wt •. ! S II Indus .I L blrlV L~ A 4 SIKIUYI Ind :J 7 J Elect Comfl .0:. j Rlktl'M pf .. :;1 Aber Petrol l6.S I A Cr.Mtg WI 16.3 f A:~M Lid 16.1 l~ k~Jft l>~ 1s.1 1:r s.1111 · Al$llC IJ.• 1J New ldr Mn S.1 14 US L111A: wt 1"4 IS Vltw11K Inc 1'-3 16 Wklllt111 ll'ld 14.l 11 Crv1t1I Oii ll.f 11 Woodmoor · 13.6 It NUC\ffr 0•1 Ii·' » ~lrc 1 I( .1l! ll'.jJ l! L:.~1':/ .. ~s 13. ~ Kuhns IC .1 13.0 U Gouldlnc WI 13.0 • 25 N MS lndu$ LOSlltJ LOSl!llS 1·16-1·16 Off .... 1 S~low IMO " -16\t ..... .. '"' .... 1 M' >w " ,. .... .. l\~ .. OH ,,., l WellsFlfQfl WI ·-,,, 1·1~6 Off "·' 4 R111vn1 lndull ' .. 1\.'--t;, OH "·' 5 l\I PilMICI WIS ~ -\• 9·1~16 Off ll.O 6 Calblocllem • 11\4-2 ,,._ .. Off "·' 7 MKksSlr .~o 6'4o-1 ' ~ • Off "·' • OcnQrph Mad m -~ 6 ~-1 ~!1 OH .. .. 9 Planned Mk~ 111. -1~. 111,i-m gr. lt.7 10 OMfoMitd I ' _,, IV.-,~ 11.1 11 M!Ql n...Wlh WI , -~ 3 ..:. "' OH 17.2 11 TOA Indus Irle ' -15-16-J..ll• OU 16,7 13 8 r1dtn Ir.cl ·" 6':.0-• I\~ -· Off 16.7 14 011 Sllillle COl"ll ,..._ ~ ,,._ .. Off 16.7 lS TrlSoMIW wt ...... ~ ,., -· Off 16.7 16 oenw... ohlk ,. .... .. n<o -I V. Off 16.4 11 GCL Gr1Dh ut 1'1-• ' _, .. 8~ 16.4 18 ()gl!yy Miii .60 " _, ...... •• 1S.f 19 Arcl'l<ltl P Pd!s ::::: v. " _, Off 15.111 20 C•mln 1rcusrr., • , ..... "' OH 15.0 21 0 1111nost c 0111 f~l>-I " -·· Off ,,, 2' Beitr Mfl9 .Olb '"-• I V.-1'111 OU 14.S 2l Swst Le111i1nci ··-., ~ ... .. OU l•.3 U Bevlt lndS!rl• ,,._ v. ..... " OU 14.3 25 l.1no;lal CedHm s -h ,_ Up Uo uo Uo Uo Uo Uo Uo Uo Uo Uo Uo Uo Uo Uo Uo u. Uo Uo Uo Uo Uo Up Uo uo, ... OH OH gr. 811 gr. OH OH OH 8!! 811 8u " 8'J OH OU 8u u 'l.J 16.7 'l·' ' .. '!·' ' .. 10,3 10.3 10.0 '·' ••• '·' .. .., ., .., '-' '·' "' ... ••• ••• ., ••• ••• "·' :J:J.7 ,,., IS.I ,., ·~·· ... 12.S 11.J 11.1 11.1 11 ,l 10.7 ,., 10.l lD.O 10.0 10.0 ••• '·' ••• '·' ••• '·' ••• Bank F orecast,s Commodity Frauds ~alted lnflntioi:i Drop By GEORGE LEIDAL 01 1119 Dell., ,Hot SI-" ample, a carload of col fee pieces or paper," Quigley vestment by a customer might beans, Coffee is an i:n· recalled. amount to $20, while the com- Doubtless no one i n temational commodity and "It was Iatfr learned the ntodities options s a 1 e s m J. n The pattern or consumer spending over the next six to nine mont ns will largely detennine the overall pattern or economic activity in the United States ovl'r the nex t t \VO years, says a Bank or America economic forecast. According· to the reIX1rt, the longer the current boom in eonsumer durables continues, the more severe will be the -cofreciion in" 1974. The big questioo facing the economy is whether the rapid expanskln during lhe Jin! half of 1973 can be slowed to more sustainable rates w i t h o u t causing an actual downturn in ecommic activity. 1be rate ol Wlation is ex- pected ID be higher In both 1973 and 1974 than tn 1972, but it .smu!d decrease f r o m. present levels later this year and earlY. ne!_i_. ~ factors affecting inflation mo s t recently were a ~ de- mand for a restricted supply of food products, especially meat. and a booming demmd fOt' lndUSlrial malerials and other goods just when Phase ti economic controls were removed. _,, Business investment in new ,/y plants and eqyipment will con---' tinue to iJlcrease at a rate of ·near!y 15 percent a year dur· ing 1973 and 1974. Complying >' with n e w environmental '· regulatiOns and increasing production c~pacity will keep business capital investment CO'l'Te<:tion in 1974. Corporate profits sh o u I d continue to increase through 1974, but at rates below the in· crease dwing the first quarter ot 1973. There will be con· tinued pressure on lbusineM to increase efficiency and pro-- ductivity while coping with social an d environemntal responsibilities. Govenunent .spending at the federal level iis expected to in- ;" an:i:ithefi~~.:r'1~:i-cenier mring-11 p level at about 12 percent a year. 'Ibis assumes , the report Pre-cast walls are set in place for the first building ~uded, ~t federal spend· at the site of the new Orange County Industrial Cen· mg, es~y for defense, ter, a 221-acre development in northern Costa Mesa will be stringently held down. and southern Santa Ana. Watching the operation California would pay money thus not subject to the federal firm had never made ar-would get $500. for a piece of ,paper alleged to laws ·against sales of options rangements to purchase ·a "I know there were a iot of be the deed to the Golden Gate or a>mmodities traded -only .single carload of any com-'18,000 a year s e c u r i t Le s Bridge. within the U.S. -for example, modity." Neither had the finn dealers who overnight began Yet thousands ot Califor· wheat. bought any contracts calling selling commodity optiooa and nians have been duped by F.or his $1,000 the customer for purchase -and felated in-earned $80,000 or more ttJ,eir commodity options scheme.s· in gets the paper and a three or creased margin deposits in the first year," QuJgley noted. which thousands of dollars are six·montb time limit in which event of falling prices -A spokesman for the Los spe!nt for a piece of paper as to cash it in for the desired through a legitimate com· Angeles office of the COi'• worthless as a deed to a product. Of course, most modities brokerage house. PoraUons department suggests publicly owned bridge. buyers newr except carload The same finn paid as much few \lDICt"U])Ulou.1 opt lo n s Those thousands are the of coffee to be delivered to as 50 percent conunissions to salesmen will continue to re 8 s 0 rf California's Com-tbeir.homerQWgley IX1ints out. its salesmeh, suggesting it make such large amowX.s. -. rrusSioner 0 f CocporatiOl'll ''They are banking on the was in fact marketing a com-Quigley maintains that untU Brian Van Camp recently future tncreases in the price of modity -"the commodity California moved in t • -~' colfee and expect lo sell lhe was paper," Quigll'y suggests. regulaU! the field, sales -moved ID ~I ~·~..Wty optlon_'paper' at a highel' C061, Commissions pa i d to virtually uncontrolled by oPtions sales operatiom. later on. And, they might do securities brokers -represen· acting on a loophole in ~the Now, just as the COi'· that, providing the options tatives registered with the 19303 law banning sales o(op. P or a t i o n s -<1 e P artment sales firm actually has con· Securities and Exchange Com-lions on American-traifed regulates stock sales in the tracts for the commodities it mission -on a $1,000 in-commodities. state, investigators see to it is lelling options on. '•---------------------ii conunoditie8 options · "coo-"Just a week and a haU11 sumers" aren't fleeced by after the C a I i f o r n i a cor- un,,crupulous firms. porations commissioner mov- $250,000 COMPUTER VENTURE T11 utd•• ....... PetMllel Irvine economist H en r Y ed. in to regulate options sales, Quigley, publisher of_ Systems the largest Cum w e nt HltMT 9wNflM ...._.. Approach.financial newsletter, bankrupt leaving thoulands of ~·...,'-'-..,._ ..,.._ SJJ,DOl_MW•• said he has "long warned investors holding worthless .... '''· Daily Piiot, P.O. loi 15'0, C........., c.nt. tBU readers about falling fer the ,_::.::::~_:~~~~~'.::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fast buck appeal of the com- modity QPtions game." The scheme involves • a "naked sale" and Quigley ex- plained ho1f it works. ___ *"TA EN SVENSK ___ ,,. Newport Firm Reports First Quarter Revenues (from left) are Santa Ana Mayor Jerry Patterson, developer Charles Kendall and center marketing director John J , McPbillips, (See story in today's real estate section.) Ka·wasaki Expandi1ig The salesman offers bu,yers a piece of paper said to be "'Orth a percentage of the present market cost of, for ex- ·MED PA EN AKTUR11 The Presley Qimpanies ol Newport Beach has reported revenues of $21 ,735,548 and alU!r·lax eamlngs o1 1755,857, unaudited, for the first quarter -ended April 30, 19'1l. Seminar Set For Newport "flow ID Decide About Slaying In Ibo Stock Markel" will be the topic ol an in- V1!Slmenl seminar Mot\day at 7 p.m. In lhe Catalina Room al Park Newport In Newport Beach. Open ID lhe public, lhe discussion will center on a new "prudent man 'thoory" which says an lnvestor should look at the market environment to delennloo whether he should etay In stocks or mnvert to cash. Revenues and earnings for the comparable period o! last year were '13,~l.926 and '818,527 • respectively· Kawasaki Motors Co r P · , Earnings per share for the U.S.A. has leased office and ciuarter were· 26 cents, fully warehouse space at 1681 diluted, based on 2,929,573 Langley in Irvine pending con· shares outstanding. This com-struction of new facilities, an· 1 nowleed Darrel Kraus, vice pares with 28 cents, ful Y president of the firm's -ac- diluted, based 00 2,900,160 cessories division. shateS outstanding, for the At ,fhe same time, Kawasaki Iirst quarter of last }'ar. has also leased of lice space at Randall E . Presley, preSi-two .additiOnal locations - dent of the homebtfildlng firm, 3848 and 3920 Campus Drive In said the reduced pro f t t Newport Beach -in order to margins were due to severe expand motorcycle s a l e s weather nationwide and an operations, said Marketing operating Joss of $217,StO in. _o_i_rec1_or_0a_1._s_1e_v_enson __ · --II the oompany's Cllicago opera·• tiOC't. "This Chicago loss," said .--...,.=':"':::-=:=:::--, PIBley, ''was caused by high BEAT THE warranty costs on ooe ~ DICE T'·BLES crcment o! houses and the fact · A that advance sales prices on Double·Your·Money· homes .o<lolivered during the "--k Qu•rantee I quarter coold not be adjusted """ - to compensate for rising con-M1kaDough ... Llk•a "PAO" structlon costs." 1n .. a1µ.egali1ed Casinos HUGH MYNATT NOW REPRESENTING Johnson & So11 LINCOLN-MERCURY "11omc or the ne\v car "Golden Touch" THIS SAAB WILLCFT YOU, SIX YEARS TO LIFE. kKh lmpo111 in coopentlon with C.crol oil, now orrm 1n unbelinable New Cer-O'tlliter l'tol«tkln P1111~. Vou &ti the nOTIMI SAAB oqt-ynr, unlill'lited milup rac1ory w1m11lee 1..t 1n tddillorwl n~yHr W1rnntf't1'1Ut, 11 no Cxlr• l'Oil. '.'.011 tin "''" In•'" th1 nnsntltl lo lht new owner if you •U. ntn1y or reMOn lo buy 1 SAAB from kith lmp<tfll -8111 lhttt'1 moR-- 1.~+ mllt:l'IO R 10/Jon l o'l't'1" pollutlon furl i11~tt'd t't'lilft ,_ <'rwftt'd by o tlrrH mon tnm fro m 1tor1.10 finish • Flont kllH!tl Drlw • ./.1111/tttl powrr mlsrtd dis<' bn1Ar1 • Stondord Lux11ry A«OUtf!mKnt1 ptece only 5 btl•. All nu!Tlbtrs ate In your .A !!~Yv!~!s~M~A~~ ~Ns 540-5630 2626 Harbor Blvd, Costa MeH To buy I SAAi h lo p•I )'OQ '" th• dmrn •• , ot one of "'' lllfC1t. "'°~ tcCHIOlllk.r, ftnittl kill l11x11ry c1n Ill th wortd. TtU drht 1 SAAi 99 -Litt 1 ~ llllr.t yo. fOr 1 rw.. PLACER GOLD $125 PER OUNCE 17M642 • FREE BROCHURE • 97M343 3400 IAVIN! IN•r Alrpottl SUIT£ 1 I I , N°PT BliAC:H 1288 0 UNIVERSAL TRADE - 11 ... 0 1 •.. Including 7. 2. 3,6,5~8, 7,8. 9. 10, 11 & 12 .•• VOt.1 win every roll! send s 1 For Det•il• 111. c. CCNllU• CO. 0.01. CCM0•17 •.0 .901 Mt llldio C11y 111110,.., "a• 'l'o•-1001t •• Nearly Everyo1ie Listen,s to Landers . . -·-.... --·· ---- S1111dur. Jiint 11. 197J Real Estate Questions/Comment By Realtor Randall Mccardle We •r• •t the stege now where we hive more or ltsl outgrown our preMnt home end ere serious· ly con1lderlng buying another ont. But .•. with the w1y thing1 ire going we wonder • gre1t dul about miking this 1ttp. Is it wlae to mike 1 move et this time, or should we wait 1 little longtr perheps in the hope thet price1, interest rates, etc. might 10 down? Whit do you think? W. M: E., Co1t1 Me11 In spite of increasing intereSt rates for home financing. 1nost real estate and financing specialists contend U1at Southern Californ~a real estate is a top investment today. \Vhile interests rates have been on the increase due to continuing inflationa ry trends in the Amer· ican economy, the average home buyer is still more conc;erned about the amount of the monthly pay· n1ent an d his own ability to n1eet that obligation. 1'hc points that must be stressed lo potential buyers concerni ng whether they buy a home or property at thi s ti n1e is thal land is becoming scare~ and that ,population is increasing. A s an added point to that, a real estate investment with its ability lo appreciate in value iS one of the best · means of off.setting the inflationary trends that arejnherent in our economy. Outing a 10 year average in Southern Califor- nia the price of land in most areas ha s doubled. In many cases land prices have skyrocketed even higher than double. ?\1ore conservative fin an<"ial 1ninds ask the ~uestion , "\Viii the se la nd price increases con- tinue?" Lo rise with de1nand . Other factors thal support a "buy now deci- t. sion " include the foll owing: Interest rates tnay pas· sibly go higher. In recent years the trend ha s been up not dO\\'D. Your choice and selection of a home or property is greater today than it will be in the futu re, if the scarcity factor continues. I-lousing costs are increasing as well as land , the longer a buyer waits, the hJgher the prices wiU go. I •m ,. young man (18 Y••rs old ). I an\ just sterting college. Would you rtcommend th•t I study re•l 11t1te? If so, why? ' B. B., Coron• del M.lr Without exception it is inevitable thal yo u will become a· user, a buyer or a seller of real estate. During the average person's lifetime approxiDJately 20 perce nt of his income wi11 be spent on real es· tate either as rental or purchase for his own occu· pancy. This does no t inclu de an even larger in- vestment Jn real estate for income purposes .. Real esta te is something_ ·which is tangib,Le j_'nd meaningful to everyone. It underlies nearlv all phases of 11un1an endeavor and grow th. /\ stu(ly of real estate automallcally branches out into the closely allied and interacting fields of economics. law, accounting and fin ance. It also imposes a res- ponsibility on the ind ividual to share in making community decisions regarding the use of land. Cities can no . Jon g er grow without some sort o·r guidance. In taking an active· part in city planning, ind zonin g a citizen gets in return greater bene- fits of individual ownership. Since real estate is destined to. play such a tremendous role in the future lives of all citizens, it is most fitti ng thattyou obtain an understanding of the terminology and o·ver·all concept of the part Teal esta te plays in the American economy. and how supply and demand facfors affect its va lu e. After completing real estate courses, you 'll be in a better position to decide what path to follow . f;DITOR'S NOTE: Ra·ndall R. NlcCardtr is a1t in· vcstme11t a1wlyst. µresident of the Real Estater.<;. u colltye /et;ltt""er. a director uj t/1e Catifornia Associa· tion of Reat E!tate Teachers n11d uutltor of ·'Real Es- tate in California.'' --~··,......._~-"*'~""~' ~4.;.0.,. '""" • """~----· -ltloking Wcaves r.t1nana Townhotises' in Orange are now ofrerfng U1eropeu\fc whirlp<>ol bathtubs with mo•I home•. Nol Included, however. is the young la dy demon· sl rating this one, ' ~ REAL ESTATE Course Set In Safety~ Training Construction safety a n d liealth Train ing \Vilt be offered by the Huntington Beach Aduh School on 1i1ur:«lay eveni n~s at Fountain \'alll'y 1-figh Schoo l begi nn ing June 21_. Developed b.V the U . S . I>epartment ol Labor. the tcn - •hou r course p r e p a re s members of indust ry and business to meet the standard s of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Those who successfull y complete t he course \viii' receive an QC'· cupational Safety and Health Administration certificate. Instructor Donald Burke is certified to teac h the class by the U.S. Department of Labor. As well · as teaching wit h the Adult School, Burke is Senior Los! Control Consultant with the Kemper lnsur~n1ce Group. 0 • • Low Down Pciyment Mortgages Home Buying Easier· for Young f"or the middle-class young, mortgage money for a firat house is"'getting easter to ir· range. The main reason : a bOorn th is year in privately lrl$u'ed, low-down.payment """'fiagea. 1'he boom was triggered by an August, 1971, ~eclsion of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. It allows federally in- sured savings and loan in· stitutions to write mortgages rtquiring only a five percent. down payment. The previous minimum down payment was 10 percent. percent of Investors' business now comt9 fro undeNTiting five percent down-payment mortgages. Young coi,aples with good in· cornea ·!Jut amaU savings are the most GOmmon beneficiaries cJ the boom in privately insured low-down- payment mcrtgages indimry sources Teport. Both banks ~ imurance companles wMt to avoid hav~ ing home buyers defaulting on !heir mortgages. So they are requµing that those applying for these-smaU down payment loans be able to meet the mont hly mortgage payn1ent with ease. INVESTORS M or t g a G. Jnsurance Con1pany reports that an average family getting a 95 percent mortgage has an annual .income of bet"·een $13.000 and $15,000. The tight screening of mortgage candidates seems to be paying off. So far no one has defaulted on a five--percent down·papnent mo T t g a g e underwntten by Investors, Pasternak reports. , A major selling point for privately insured mortgage$ is , the Jae~ or govemment red tape that accompanies such transactions, industry 1JiOurces say. Delays in receiving FHA ap- proval for die ternu <1f a horT-w. ~urttnce fro111 lnve:olors and murtgage often stretch on for niosl other firn1s is one. several weeks, Son1e bunks r1u11rter of oue percent. In ad· report lhat custcmers have dltiOJ1 , the insurance does not had to wait eight weeks fc.· necessa rily have to l"Ontinue: in FHA .approval. Some of UleSfl force for the life or the delays are assumed to i;tem mortgage. Invei:.1ors reports rrom a reorganization or the that at the discret i<>n of lender f!~HA earlier this yer. and borro,vcr the insurance n1ay be discontinued \4'hcn th" BY CONTRAST. private in· hnmeo\vner's equity position in surers are often able to give the home is \veil established, their verdict on a request for loan insurance within a 24· HO~tE SELLERS AS well at" hour period, pas.tern a k buyers "benefit from privately rePorls. i n s u red Jow.clo.wn·paymenl. U1~til recently the Federal H o u s i n g A d ministration l rHA) was the most popular insurer of low~yment mortgage money. While sav- ings and loans were still re· quiring a 10 pcrcent"doWTI pay· n1cnt. the FHA would back $15.000 mortgages if the-bor· ro"'·er put up 3 percent. The agency r~uired an 8.2 percent down payn1cnt on houses ~ tlng $30,000. Setback .£01· Housing? In addition to greater speed, mortgages. Sellers share ~omc first-time hon1e buyers can or the technical costs or home sometimes get a I a r g e r purchases underwritten by the amount rA money on a FHA. In a privately insured mortgage not backed by the sale the buyer ~ s u a 11 Y FHA. The FHA underwrites no assumes all or the cost~. loans in excess of $33.000. The There is a nation\\·ide dr- Fedcral Home Loan Bank n1and for low-dov.'n -pa,vmenl Board permits savings and n1ortaµ:cs, Pasternak report!i. DETROIT !APl -The nri - tion may lose as many as 50,000 housing construct ion starts this year because of strOnger local environmental regu1alions, accord.ing to the THE l\IOR E competitive Advance Mortgage Corp. savings and loan down-pay· znent requirements have had In its semiannual survey, U.S. Housing Markets, the an immediate impact. Detroit-based firm says se\\•er Busine.ss ---has--tripled al ~tap bans, water tap-bans-and- lnvestors .ti.Iortgage lnsw·ance flood plan controls \Vill have a Company in Boston . repo11s major· impact on cons truction u n der\~'fiting vicc·president · starts in subur ban areas. J QCl Pasternak. The ·Boston ' "Environmental factors had firm-is the third largest oI only a limited effect on hous- about eight naliomvide cont· ing production last year - panies that provide p1ivatc mostly in Washington, D.C .. n1ortgage insurance. Soi:ne 40 n1arkets," sai d co 01pa11 y ----·---·---·------!('-.,.. President lrvi.11g 'Hose. loan institutions to lend up tu Ho\\•cver, the dc1nand i ~ "But they'll bite deeper this $36,000 on honies costing st.rongcst in rlorjda and other ')'ear -in \Va shi n g t on , $37.895. · areas \.\.'hcrr ;1 significant Florida, SoUtheTn California . Finally,. ho.n1eowners \vhOli..e amount or ne1v housing iii in New York suburbs and in 8 mortgages are illStlred private· being built. U · A 1 Iy may get a better long-Tange \Vhile a five percent iiown sma way in t anta and deal on insurance costs. 'rhe pn~·1nent mny SJX'ecl a couplr Chicago," he added. FHA charges one-ha'lf of one tO\\'ard home ownership. it "rill In the Washington .suburbs pe rcent a yea r on the value or tend to cost them son1ewhat of Montgomory and Prince the loan that is outstanding. n1orc than if th~~' n1ade a Georges counties, l\1d., some Th .. 1• 1 t r p · 1 · niore sizable dO\Yn pav. 1nent . large builders·are being forced~r -.;;;;;;-ii•ii1i;n;i'-;;'"-co;is~o;i;;;;;";;;'";;,;c;;;u;;;'.;;.. __ ...;·:_;;..-.;-;.;;;;;;;;;·...;;;;;;;; to install their own sewage II treatJnent ~"YSll'1ns to stay a.:U INT A Id WE WILL SELL \\'it.hin th e la\\.'. \he report sa id. ""'"'l,..~, $inc• YOUR HOME ~cJJ' "" Se\YCr bans also h i t Dow"Mwn c1911 Miu •1111Martoer11v11. especially hard in central Multiple L111ln11 Florida, Miami Beach and Compltlt St rvlce l"llent 1nywt11re In 0r8r>gt COUf'lt 642•2991 nor th Dade County, the rePQrt c~AJtLIS ou1MTA1to sald. 11 .. 11or 4°/o COMl\USSION You are invite ..... A '-""i ~-t Gran 0 ............. • orman man appyyear • I - • r You learn by doing. and we at Ponderosa Homes feel that we now have built the ultimate community. Park Place/Fountain \Lalley is near Mile Square Regional Park, because we 've learned that families prefer liv· ing by a real natural environment. There's a three acre lake jumping with fish that's surrounded by bicycle trails and picnic areas, and Mile Square Country Club with its excellent golf course. The.homes are very spacious, very different from each other, very family-designed by Paul Thoryk. Natural wood, shake and stucco exteriors with marvelous detailing. Grand foyers, vaulted cei lings, family rooms as large as the big living rooms, up to 4 big bed- rooms, 3 baths, fireplaces, super Hotpoinl kitchens, longlife plumbing. You get the idea ... the good things you've seen at those other Grand Openings. All together at Park Place. From $45.990 to $58,490. ~Vf\-1)1=4(;~-· FOUN1AIN VALLEY DrMrlg lr!etructions : S•n Diego Freew1y to BroOkhur~1. North on BrookhUtl:il to Edinger • • ,_ I eDINQlft IAN Dll!GO '1WY ~ WAANtll .(714)-531 -1885 . .. • ' • . . We've brought back the village 9 ... en. • ' ~ ' . ~ ' -• • • • • w For tossing a football. And flying kites. And meeting neighbors on an afternoon stroll. " We've brought back the whole concept of village living and planned a new urban environment around it. Here, on 83,000 acres of Orange County. . e'uy a home. Get.a village. • Half the fun of deciding which horn~ you want is deciding which village to live in. . Choose one on a hillside, or in the valley. One with a view of mountains. Or ocean or night lights. Choose a full-grown . village or one that's just getting started. You'll find a feeling of villageness in all of them. Bey'ond your village. The beaches-of Newport and Coron a del Mar. Golf. Tennis. Bicycle trails. Restaurants and shopping malls and the University of California, Irvine. Irvine Lake and Lion Country Safari. . The best of all the good things Southern California has to offer. Take a village tour. Start at the Vill age Home Show, just off the Santa Ana Freeway at Myford Road. See a multi-screen, stereo-sound show. And ask the hostess for your free brbchures and tour map. Then go out and .visit the villages. Talk to the people who live there. You'll begio to discover what villageness is all about. THE IRVINE ·CDMRWf I/. .. ,------------------------Cutthisoutandbrlng it withyou. ------------------------, I YOUR GUIDE TO OUR IN THE CITY OF IRVINE 10. Spyglass Hill. By John D. Luak I HOMES AND VILLAGES. & Son. From $81,600. I We take particular care in Walnut VIiiage - 4. College Park Homes . Bys & s Big C...ron I selecting the developers who build d i..~- our village homes. Each is judged on Construction Company. l 1. Broa moor Homes. By R...,,.rd I • his past success. Each mu st have From $37,990. B. Smith, Inc. Developer. , From $98,500. I ; a reputation for quality homes of 5. Colony Homes. By Kend all 12. Deane Homes. By Deane u exceptional value. Development Company. I .. "' From $36,990. Development Cornl)lny. I Of several hundred developers From $84 950 who have applied to build village Walnut Vlll•g• E••I • · I ~7-----------l;~om~es;,-;o;,:n;::.i;;'.';ew·have been .....Greentr~ DonRld The Vlll•a• of IMlblu-lllolfftl '""·'· selected. Their homes are !isled L. Bren Company. 1~. lliilll!Uffs. By HOlit'"'ii"'in:--- below, by village location . From $32,995. · Industries. From SSll.000. Vlll8ge Home Show 1. Santa Ana Freeway at the Myford Rd. exit. IN TUSTIN OrHnwoOcl vm ... 2. Peppertree Homes. By Ayres . From $35.990. 3. Laurelwood. By U.S. Development Corporation. Townhouses. Patio Homes. From $33.500. The Village of Unlve,.lly Park 7. Park II. By National Community Builders. • From $44 ,990. The Vlll•ll• of Turtle Rock 8. Broedmoor Ho"1es. By Richard B. Smith, Inc. Developer. New un it opening soon. IN NEWPORT BEACH _ Th• Vlll•o• of Herbor View 9. Harbor View Homes.By Dona ld L. Bren Company: From $60,190 . Boye Ide 14. Custom Waterfront Homes. By The Bucoola Compmny. Look for thta tymbol in U. by our vtneoe homtbulkMft. ~11.sabr--­[ 'HIMNlm....,,I Equal~ IPllrtunllll e ~--~--------------------------------------------~----------~ We're doing Southern Callfomla the ••Y It shoJ1ld be. Just 40 mlles south of L.A • • .. ----. • '· . - , (; B DAILY PILOT : J11ne Apartment Tips ' Save by Moving Goods Yourself Saving Energy ' Realtors Quit at Noon HONOLULU (AP) -When Dan Lawrence announced that he planned to close his real estate business every day at noon, persons -told him it was no way to make money. "I laugh all the way to the bank," the 59-year.Qld real estate executive says. Lawrence shoos his employes off to the beach every afternoon after putting them through a rigorous .111oming of work. The com- pany, Hawaiian Properties, Ltd., turned $1 million in sales during the first three months of this year. The top salesman stands to earn $75,0QO this year, Lawrence said. "It's strange," Lawrence reflected , "but brokers and salesmen seem to think they can make more money work- ing a full day. Spending eight hours in the office· gets boring. lt doesn't make for good salesmanship." An employe who works hard for six hours, Lawrence figures, has burned up all his energy. "If our people put In six hours of honest work, that's a lot better than a whole day of goof-off \\'Ork," he says. To keep employes honest, Lawrence allows no coffee breaks and doesn't even have a coffee machine in the office. The morning workda y. Lawrence added, is well suited to Honolulu. "People take long lunches in this town,'' he saiil. "They don't want to talk to you in the afternoon. Tlley don 't like to admit that they're goofing off." Ten11s Often Confusi119 RANGiING IN price from $25,500 to $32,500, the homes of New Baicelona are offered in four one-and two-story models with 14 distinctive elevations. AJI designs are patio-oriented . wi th deep rear yards designed for outdoor living. 1\vo, three and four-bedroom models are available. Di s hwa s her , fireplace and c o n c r e t e driveway are included in every -home -at no addi~iofl<it cost. The Buena, a th ree - bedroom, single story home features a dramatically sloped living room cei\ing and a walk· Jn closet.off the master suite. Tpe second bedroom can be converted ,into a parent's retreat The _ two-story D o r a d o model. Plan "D," offers either four bedrooms, or three bedrooms and a den. An at- tractive oval-shaped Spanish fireplace is the focal poi~t in the living room. and the downstairs bedroom converts easily into a den. FEATURES or Ne w Barcelona home s include high vaulted Jiving room ceilings in se veral models, and spacious walk-in closets in a number of master suites. · New Barcelona features in- cluded in the purchase price are built-in range and oven, dishwasher and disposa l. cop- per icemaker line, outlet for Mesa Center Starts Cou1ity lndustria l Co1nplex Begu1i G d Graceful, sweeping lines blend beautifully info the natural terrains n-n of rolling hills and gentle valleys. Village San.J.!Jan pfesents r~xuriOus, U maintenance-free, Townhomes, and Country Court Homes, ln a park· like setting around i private, 3Y2·acre lake. Private, fenced patios and courtyards, General Electric appliances, • and landscaped luxury are just part of the story, ~s Village San Juan enl1nn--~~l~!~~i~f!::~.~:: a1i~~::::p 0:n:0:~,~~:nt::111:~ri:n::p:~~. ~ ~ in this most uniqt1e, refreshingly different, "good life" community. ofUmt 4 fro~26,50·0 • Translating Real Estatese Townhouses Take Saft Dleeo Fwy. south to.Junipero Serra exit. Take Frontage Road to Village San Juan enby. Furnished Models on Display Phone: (714) 831·1381 By VIVIAN BROWN ~ • AP Newsfe1tur1i wrnt r Buying a house this spring? If you an afford it you are likely to face few problems at !he closing.' But there might be a little embarrassmet con- necied With the transaction. a first-house owner explained. And there a r e m!lny firsthouse owners these days, apartment dwellers who are buying vacation homes. Left to negotiate a house transaction while her husband was out of town. she still is reviewing her "dumb ques- tions" and jugglin.e; such temlS as optionee and amortization. "Suddenly my suffixes went blank. J couldn't even llhink whether 'l•:e were to · be mortgagor or mortgagee ... " she remarked. WllD'HER OR not one wor- ries about appearing dum b, it is a good protection to know some terms used: in real estate transaotionS. This applies to a vacation home in anothe r state even more so. \Vhere property and money are in- vol\•ed, one of the most im· portant tentl.9 , may be caveat emptor (let the b u ye r beware). • Starting r rom there a poten. tial home owner miBht review these terms keeping in mind that laws djfer from state ttt state but many tcsms remain tile same. 11 Binder -An agrt!'trncnt lbat covers a down payment . on a piece ot property, S01ne J owners wltl return a down r payment 1! far some rea!JOJl a \ .I potential buyer changes hi s mind. but if a real estate broker has initiated the sale, the O'A'ller may not retum the money. providing payment to the broker for 'his efforts in organizing the agreement. GRANTEE IS the buyer and· grantor is the seller who con- veys the real estate by deed. Mortgagee is the person who receives property as security for a loan made by a creditor. 1'.1ortgagor the debtor is an O\vner who cooveys his prop- erty as security for a loan. Title -your evidence of ownership -the delivers of a warranty-deed-Usu~11y passes title. Inquiry should be made about title search to make sure the title is clear. Some states have special laws in thts respect governing title in· surance and so on. If not, i t is particularly important to 1have a title search done if the area is undeveloped land and the deed would read ambiguously. Escrow -a third party who may hold funds or Qocuments until the fulfillment Of the COO· ditions necessa ry to title tranSier. AGREEMENT OF Sale -a written agreement that binds both sc11er and buyer. Because the document Is u s u a 11 y prepared by the respresen- tatlve of the owner, the buyer should read the language very carefully aS It is the same wording J hat will be in- corporaled lntA> the deed. It will describe the property, the amount to be pa~d and !he terms of the sale. Right of \Vay -an ease· ment permitting a person to use another person 's property and it is often the source of many backyard arguments in rural areas. Many peOple 15uy p r op$?rl.Y withou t · un- derstanding what the term meal\5 and they are aghast to learn that people will use their property to get to a street. beach. rive r or railroad. It is an important point t o straighten out. Real Propert y and Personalty -These phrases are important because real property is t he land and anl'!.hjng built on it or affixed to the soil. Persona ty (pe rsona l property) are chat- tels. For example, a tree is part of the real property, but when it is cut into Jogs, it is personalty. Bui It -i n ap- pliances, ovens or whatever, are considered part of tile house, but agreement would be needed to retain stove, refrigerator, chandeliers and other movable fi xtu re s (personalty). 1- JOINT Survivorship -the ownershi p or property by hus- band and wife jointly. Amortization -the in-· st.aliment payments m a de ove r a specified time to pay orr a financia l obligation . A lakeside Co11in1 • by the sea! n f51,., CommunltybyU. S. Oe'W!lopment Cotpondon ~A Sub~ldlary of Fttst Builders Bancorp VIL ~"EQUAL HOUSING ~ OPPORTUNITIES'' Jn buying a house in a state \vhose laws are unfamiliar to you, it is a good Idea to vls1t the town hall and acquaint yoorself wi.th the terminology and logo! aspects in which you are lnt-Orcsted. ln all sllualions where there is doubt, a lawyer -should be consulted. !--------------~-----~~-------------------------- I i ' • OPEN BEAM CATHEDRAL CEILINGS FEATURED AT BROADMOOR HOMES IN BIG CANYON Students Get Job Course Big Canyon: In Real Estate Training Good Living For Family College students are being Realtor's office. offered an on-the-job real estate training program this 1'1ANY OF the colleges summer by the Real Est.ale cooperating give academic Certiftcate lnslitute, a division credit to students completing of the California Real Estate Association, it was announced the program satisfactorily. by George R. Santy or Whit-''It gives students an o~ tier, division chairman. portunity to perform many Conceived by the state real functions not requiring a real estate commissioner f o u·r estate license," Kesler said. years ago as a joint project by "They can do m a r k e t government and industry 1 it is analysis, work with lenders, now sponsored exclusively by help prepare -.-ds, eontact title CREA and is offered through companies, escrow companies, its 171 member boards or and many other tasks. They Realtors t.hroughout the state. earn a wage during the Santy expalined that the pro-period." Broadmoor Homes at Big ''WE HAV~ sent each Canyon have particular appeal · board 6f R I kit of -to executive f a m i Ii es , ea tors a -especially those·with children, materials so they have formal according to Richard E. Winn, guidelines available for vice president of Richard B. participating ~rokers and Smith, Inc., developers· or the students in that area to refer ex-elusive 61 ·home Newport to," he explained. "Students Beach community. who want mo re information "Our buyers a r e un- can contact the local board questionably among the most serving their community." affluent and community<00- ''Approximately 6 O O in· scious 1X>rtion of society," Qllir.ies caroe from students Winn stated. "As such, they last ~ar." he added, "and we desire convenience, style, anticipate an equal or greater seeurity and prestigious liVing response this year: The prir for their families." gram is scbeduJed to begin-Br.oadmoor Homes at the July 2." . Big Canyon community offer .Santy explained that the these f<pnlJics "top of the RECI Divisioo oC CREA works line" livfng in Orange Coun\y, toward increasing the number WiM added. S11l'lday, June 17, 1973 OAILV PILOT C 9 Fair BOWJitag ls1111e • Court Grants Rights Plea WASHJNGTON 1AP 1 "but when the judges of fact U..'Other alleging the y refu~-d The Leolhers' anorney. :iUV- portlng the circuit court. said ~·lrs. Rogers sought actual damages, not just punUiv~ damages, and this reinforced the appllcation of the 7th Ame.ndmtnl. Civil · rights I a w ye r s ex· are drawn fron1 the excluding ll'.l rent to J\·frs . Rogers I ..1~• bou h. co1umunity the e[fort wlll bc<:ause she '''as black. pres,, ng uvw.rt 1 t t e ablli· seem impossible to many." A federal district court ty of juries lo fairly judge The case grew from 11 suite judge awarded ~1rs. Rogers racial discriminatinn In hous-filed in 1989 by Julia Rogers $2MI in punitive da1nages. but ing have won their bid for a against Leroy and "fary no actual damages. hearing before the Supre-r-~~---------- Court. At stake, the lawers main- tained, is-'the future ef- fectiveness of fair housing en- forcement under the 1968 Civil Right.. Act. The high court agreed to hear their appe~I ol a decision by the U.S. Circuit Coort at Chicago that reversed a judg· menl against a Milwaukee landlord 'because a request for a jury trial was denied. UNDER mE act, courts may issue injunctions against discriminatory practkes in renting or selling housing and aasess actual and punitive damages in \private suits charging bias. At issue in the appeal was whether the act or the 7th Amendment calling for juries in "9'Ults at· conunon law" re- quire a jury . when suit under the act was tried. The circuit court found juries require<I, but lawyers for the NAACP Legal Defense F'wld, Milwaukee Le g a I Service and a group called Freedom Through Equality, Inc., caJled it a misreading or congressional intent a n d powers. J ury trials take longer and introduce a n unavoidable possibility ol. prejudie-ces, they argued. Minorities are apt to have a little faith in the law if it is governed by "juries rather than judges, they continued. "!TIEMPl'ING to buy a house when it m eans. buying a lawsuit as well is difficult enough," said the petition, ~Stamp out ......_ __ .. '--:--...l---1. .. -'I , __ ':--. J r ........ ·-,. You get lhe lu x ury of large rooms here at Manana Townhouses in Ori!nge. Bed - room·s are ki ng-size. Ward- robes are full-wall length . Large living rooms have plenly of wall space for furni- ture arrangement. Even your double attached garage is oversize! There's more lo this luxury, too. Refrigerated air for com- lort. Therapeutic whirlpool bathlubs. Nylon shag carpet and cuslom-quality drapes. Palio s11lall -rooms. Medall ion kitchens With con- t inuous-c l ean ovens. Wine cellars . Ce r amic kilchen _counl e rs and marble bath pullmans. Gas fireplaces in living rooms . Walled enlry patios and large rear balco- nies. Electronic garage door openers. And so much more, all in the base price• A complete recreation com- plex awaits your unlimited use. Professionals take care of exterior chores while you travel ... or loaf ... with - out a care. See lhese delightful adu l t (mi n imum age 16) tio m es today! gram puts college students in-Kesler; said allied lndusti::ies to brokerage offices during an have become interested in elght·week work experience CREA's. program and are period. beginning to participate on a Robert L. Kesler of Lan-limited scale this year, of- caster, chairman of the com-fering students training in mittee within RECI worki ng their specialties. Among them on the program. said the is the Building Industries students must be enrolled in a AsSOCiation of C a l t f o r n i a, two or four year college and some_savingL and _I Q._8 must agree to complete a 60-associations, banks, and title day stint in a participating companies. and content of courses offered Pri~ from $99,500 to in real estate. practice by col-$130,000, the exclusive homes lege.s and universities in are available in four and five- C4lifornia. lt encourages more bedroom models with such !ocmal. edu~ation by licensees custom extras as three-car 111 .t~1s field and . ~w~rds gar.ages,_Slmken fireplace coo-cei:tifu;_a._t_ll_J)j_r~1t1on f~v.eiiation.:pits,_o.p.e-n~b e a..m_ e:ducat1onal achievemenr,Iie cathedra.1 ceilings and at least !Mid. two fireplaces in each home. Sales Firm - !.(!.(!OIDt~ _ . • - . Bedroom 'Bt1ntit19to1a La1Hlnaarb . • According to Winri, riearly half of the last unit of Broad- moor Homes to be made availible ill BiJ Conyon hove Security Big-Selling ·.r.~irit already -lllld. Ha noctd, h>wwet, · that Jl'lany ,choke IOCJjlomr-.;'wlth all tour moi!1)s lllV·_.ollable. -• · . · lits ~l'!r> Ill located" oft Complete security is one of the major attractions of Hun· tington Landmark. S i g n a I Landmark Properties' a 11 - a d u It condominium com- munity In Hun tington Beach. Cliff Pahlman, sales direc- tor for the community. said, "Our security features Include a block wall which entirely surrounds the community and an entrance which is manned 24 hours a day by security guards." The acti\•e ad u I t com- munity abo features a com- plete range of recreational facilities. The large recreation center has a beautiful clubhouse with facilities for numerous social and group ac- tivities. There are dining and card rooms, a billiard room. classrooms, art studio. photo Jab, pottery and wood shops and all purpose rooms. Outdoor recreation includes a putting green. large swim- ming pool, a hot water whirlpool bath and twn leMis courts. P AHLMAN SAID that the first phase of 176 units is now more than one-third sold. Homes in the $4.7 million first phase are priced from $20,990 lo $34 ,790, with excellent con- ventional financing t e r m s available. Six floor plans are offered in the first phase of the project. They feature one, two or three bedrooms and one or two baths. Each unit is allocated an enclosed garage with built in storage, as well a! an addi- tional parking space. There are one and two story buildings, with all plans available on either a first or second fioor. Special features i n c I u d e wall-to-wall carpeting in the living room, bedrooms and hallways, and electric cable ceiling heat to insure silent , efficient and clean heating. Other features are walk-in closets in most models, all- _ _ . . · San .. Joaqfiln fill• Roads elcctr1c kitchens, and ut1hty between MacArthur and JaJn.. rooms that in"clude an installed bOree Roads, just across from washer-d.ryer. Newport C.enter. Deo:rated models and a sales otflce for All home.s al.So have either a the Broafunoor Homts portion private patio or a view of the community are open balcony overlooking the ex-daily from 10 a .m. until dusk. pansive greenbelt' areas. THE CONDOMINI UM concept of carefree living is provided, with e x t er i or maintenance, landscaping and . care of the greenbelts and recreational facilities provided by a professional firm re- tained by the homeowner's association. The all-adult nature of the community will be preserved by the requirement that all residents ,qe at least 40 years o(_~ge, exCept that one spouse or a married couple may be under 40 jf the other is over 40. Complete details of the age requirements are contained in the Declaration or Covenants. Conditions' and Restrictions for the community. • Sales Meet Announced Harold Sharp, vice president of the Sales and Marketing Council of the Building Industry A ssoci ation of California, will ·headline the June 20 program. Sharp, who is president of Personnel Profiles, has a prcr vocative title: "My God , Did I Say That?" . Open to the public. the meeting wiU !be at the Grand Hotel. l Hotel Way i n Anaheim, witti a social hou r at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7:30 p.m . The best things In life aren'rlree. . I , They start at SJJ.,99S .at Greentree! • r • For Estates Huntington ·Harbour Realty h11 t.eri appcintC exclusive sales agtntl ffl' Huntington t stat11, 1 new development of 21 ·amgie~ fiCnll1! traterfront ~ tn fl~ Harbour. DoYllilllad .~ilt Spiegel, lhi hoines will be located on Sunset lsland facing Remora ,phannel, just off Pacific Coast Highway. Three and four bedroon\, 2\~ bathroom homes , are offered in three different floor plans. and the elevational treatments wlll be both of contemporary and SpaniSh design. Areas of the homes range Crom 2.000 square feet to 2,200 square £eet , anti mooring spaces are provided in lront of each home. Convenience features include oven and range, with choice of either gas or elec- tricity, dispcul unit, forced air heating and wall·to-wall carpeting. · Living .Room 16'6"x17'8 "' ' : : .. '; . "" r::J .LJ = 0 KHchen Dinr. =:a '-, []][;:+J -0 I ~ Patio r--.. .---... ,, ' -.. ' L. JI_. manana 10MCAUN'S LffSTYLE TaW Two and Three Bedrooms Up to 2 1/2 Baths 527,995 to s35,995 Hall -I 12'-1"x18 '-·- Bedroom 2 15'6"x15'6" ~~ ~\ ~~ It is anticipated that these homes will be completed by July and prices will start at $112,000. 400 -s . Flower St., Orange Phone (714) 532-6547 '!!"DIN "9:~ .. ~a:o:ov~a·•,~wv!!'•~··...," Five minutes from freeways. Fashion .Square and' The ~ City. Take southbound Santa Ana Fwy: to Chapman ...,..,. Huntington Harbour· Realty is located at the comer of Warner Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway. and is a subsidiary or the Oiristiana Companies, Inc;., developers of Huntington Harbour. Ave. East offramp, then east to Flower, 'So uth 3 ? ~ blocks. From Garden Grove Fwy. or no rthbound ~ Santa Ana Fwy. take Mai n St. offramp, north to Pal - myra;1:hen west 4 blocks. -~ Some of the best things are our 6 models of sma shing patio homes 1hat make the most of indoor/outdoor living! Each is definitely different. One or lwo stories high with 2, 3, 4, or 5 bedrooms. Bonus extras galore like big "farm kitchens" filled wiln Tappan appllan·ces, f ireplaces and carpeting, and co mplete fencing all around your property! Another best thing is the Gree ntree neighborhood with its own priva1e recre- ation center, swimming pool , pedestrian paseos, 5-acre park and 10-acre sc hool site. And you're close to all the best things in the Irvine Company's planned ''village environment'' -recreation, good schools, the UCI campus, Newport Center, an d the ocean fun of Newport Beach ! From $33,995 to only $45,995 and you can move in today! . .. \ We're midway between 1he Santa Ana & San Diego Freeways. T~ke the Culver Rd. exit to Wal nut a nd you'll find 1he best things in life a l Greentree in Irvine! --· ---..... ~ [ v.11.,.. by 1HEIR'IWE<D/6WH I . Greentree Homes DoNlld L lhn C~ ~ • C: J fj l>All Y PIL01' Sunday, Junt 17. 1973 Sea Terrace ~ew Apartment Comp lex Open ing Sea Temice Apartmeflls, a l}eW $2.l mllllon recreationally oriented residential apartment complex, will orficially unveil lts model complex and first unit of 90 prpduction holl)eS \ today a' Us ')Xlnoramic site overlooking the Pa~irlc Oce<i n ln the master--planned com- munity of Lal{Ulla Niguel in southwestern Oran!<• County. Acoonling to llobert F. Buie, marketing mariager, multi-famil y ltfOUP for Avco Community Developers, lne. (ACD), developers of Laguna Niguel, the new 208-unit apart- ment complex will offer three models, ranging in price from $205 to S325 a month. Bule commented : "Sea Ter- race ·Apartments, like our three housing developmerts ln the Sea Terrace neighborhood. was designed for people who desite luxurious residential living in an ocean environment with q u a I i t y recreational outlets." The development's Sea Ter- J'3Ce Apartment Recreation Buf1ding will a f f o r d the residents a spacious fireside lounge fot-socializing and.their_ choice Of a number of recrea- tional facil ities, including: a swimming pool. Jacuzzi pool, men's _and women's saunas. two recreatiQnal rooms for canls, bill.lards and ping pong or table games and a fully equipped party kitchen. IN ADl'.>mON to t h e neighborhood's own recrea- tional facilities, Buie noted Ui3 the ocean is just a short walk by way of a · private access roti.e for all Sea Terrace residents. For sailing en- thusiasts, Dana Point Harbor, "home port" for Laguna Niguel Is nearby with space for 2,200 boat slips. Fina Uy, Buie said, Laguna Nlguel has other excellent facilities for leisure time ac- tivities, 'including: the cham- pionship El Niguel Country Club and golf course, a · Tenni s Park and 14 miles ol nlflSter-- planned bicycle trails will bo avajlable to resSdent.s . "ln short," Buie em- phasited, "those wbo choose to live al Sea Terra ce Apartments will have access to a myriad of recreational facilities that cover a broad spectrum -of leisure time outlets for the entire family." Buie hastened to add also that the Daniel Salemo-design· ed apartments will ali;o appeal to those people who wish the comfort and styling of a spacious apartment in whlch they can enjoy qui ete r moments to relax or be with guests. INTERIORS OF Sea Ter- race Apartments, the creation of California Designer of San Diego, were de~igned with privacy in mind, Buie noted. Two examples are the dinipg rooms which are separate<! from the living rooms .to in- SW'e privacy for formal or casual dining and a tiled entry hall where guests enter the apartent as opposed to a direct entrance 1nto the living room. 'lbe exteriors, comJ)OSed of roogh-sawn wood designed to blend with the surroundings and reflect ·the • took of a residential manor, also offer privacy throogh their recessed entrances and the fact ·that no more than four units have en- bies in the same area. Sea Terrace Apartments of- fer three distinct· Door-plans: on bedroom, one bath; two bedrooms, 1 1/3 baths or two bedroom.!, two baths -all , with co Io r-s·c heme com- biriations. Spacious I i v t n g rooms. featu r ing shag carpeting in three · c o I o r choices. is a standaril feature in all models. All model apartments will 'have all electric, U-shaped kit- chens, with se.lf~leaning oven and range, garbage disposal and dishwasher plus large pantry; acoustical and heat in- • · Land Ow·Jj e rship 0 By ~ & OOt..E halls ' u far away a , melntand. As , prJCtk<d 1n Croeial REAL ESTATE 4 Seasons Lease Held By Coldwe ll <,,_ ...,_ --· Talteb•-. Flqrlda1 It 11 Juo1 another giln- ''I r.Tusocr t~ boy 1 number At public bearine• beloro mlck wnereoy a developer can or places belore r bought my the Fl o t l d • Coadomlnlum nlulmiu hla takeout ln>m a condominium. Commission some time ap, project! evm lbough It has the "Why? B«ause they were bWldreds ol aqry ap&rtmeaj paralle effect ol IOwerln& the on !wed land." bo,..,. showed up to plnpolnt ov•rall ntO!'thly payment II s Chari H K !ls d •--their gr~ and demand bo)'!!I' llnances his purchase es · • tea t ~Nws that the state do aometh)ll( thrOush a !ending lnsUtuUon. • lot about.such thlnp. Alter about It. ' , ' It II lllll cbuper to lease Ille all, he's d>tllrman ol O......al Developmeni;corwatfun, one Stale orndail now ntlmato land than to boy 11 outtjgl>t. united States, Including atald old New England -bell\!'nt at lint but oow taking to the Jdea like a hammer to a natl. Even Cape Cod la repc>rted to have numel'QUs plans In the works which could lead lo an overbuilding problem If too many ol them get , oil the groond. according to real eslale brokers 911 the_J.Pot· of the major land" developers tbat PIOrlda has ·more ... tlia:ri --' and bome boll~ers In Florida. 2 I O ' O O 0 c o n d 'o m lniwo I "OF COURSE, they pay a -AS FOR Florida, the high· He's also a. former chairman flyJng boom Involves no.t only of Sears, Roebutk and Com-condominiums but single-fami· pany. Delpfte .ii t lte f .. s e l>er letul .. , ly houses as well. Some volcts Kellsladt now has his con-tlae __._1111•• Is I• "'" ·Ille•• ....r are raised to try to stem the dom!nium: and he owns the tllere ..... e .... -tlllaetr "••-die tNelc lnfiux bot few people expect land on whlcb It sits, as do all te .l.r•U l• any !UbstnUal effort to keep the other occupants of his me .. people odt. • building. 1be incredible success of But a' Jot of people in Disney World near Offihdo ts Florida, especially in the Fort apartments,. most ot them higher nte for bank flanclng," feeding the boom as masses of Lauderdale. area, are not so built in the last few y~ars. explains Kellstadt, "because visitors dlscover F l o r i d a fortunate. The developer re-there 11 • degree of un-through a visit to the amuse-Four Seasons Village in tains ownership, not on1y of A BILL has been working its certainty when you have an ment complei:. Some of them Costa Mesa, an entirely new the land, but the recreational way through the Florida improvement u .Jarge as a 'are returning to live. The concept in prov iding adult amenities as well, which pro-Ugidature to change all this, multifamily condominium on jobless rate is 3.5 percent, recreation , c onvention vi<le a residual income to the thus providing more protection leased land ~rather than fee-almost half the n at i o D a I facilities and a shopping owner of the land forever. for the buyers and exercising owned land." 1be issue is figure. lncli>del lllaml, w o u I d bo wru>R, mony -le '"1· There ..,, mony dtllcl!tllll .,..a, In 'Florkla !hit are qiiote unPopul•ted bot not very wen known. "l think tllll II one of F1orid11s bl I problem1," Mackle adds. The llOUtheut COlll -or the Gold 0..st, to ·sf~ It another name -has been ,aJlllJlOtUed and populariJl!l. J!ut ·there'• more to the·~ -Jo.ts more. The con~tratlon of popula· tlon Jn a fe~ ara1 ot the state, notably Dade County, forced the adopUon ol a .....,. moratorlwn 'that ti&> halted construction, o.r del1yed it, in· some towns. "I think it will work ·Itself out.'' Mackle dee Jar e 1. "because there had to be a halt until somethlfig was done. to improve the conditions." In some areas, untreated raw se wage was being pumped into the sea . center apprach to business t• ht h d the •· I · t head 1g er an on ·~ve opers conung · o a . . Too, the .state's attraction to and ·commercial activities, hat they d t 'fEANWlllLE almost TOO, ACCORDING TO the over w can an "Canno Despite all the tuss over the ne~ly retired is unending '~ • no will be leased by Coldwell, fine print in some of the lease do. An end to the land-leasing leasing the· condominium is in as leglo,hl of them head over one expects the bloom to go Banker and Company's New-agreements, the builders have practice is part ol il full bloom andt here appears the border each year. off the state, at least not for a po,;ie~~~ ~f~;:·project. the a right to attach a lien to a '~owever, passage of the nothing down the track to "We've got to be wise long time. - project if th e 'condominium controversial legislation this derail it. . enooah to se that this i .. nux in Builders and developers first of more than 20 planned · · " "' · "''" ·1 "It' I boo buyers fail lo meet the rising year appears d!)ubUul, ae-1be condominium con.._.., """"•latlon is distributed sm1 e: s no onger a m; developments extending from ""'P"' .,..,,... · , boo " Southern California to the rental charges for the recrea-cording, to Bi:own L. Whatley, tn which you own your own sensibly so that it is n't all in 1t s a super m, East Coast, will provide a tional facilities, thus putting a chairman of ·the Florida c.on-apartment with all the at-one part of Florida," says And they're right. By 1980, It planned rec re 8 ti 0 n en-Jot of owners in a bind. dominium Commisson I S well tendant financial advantages, Frank E. Mackle Jr., presi-is projected that the state may vi ronment and will include a Some people don't like it Bnd as of lbe Arvida ·CorP-Qratien, began In Florida I])~ than a dent of the Deltona Corpora-.,_ b_ave j!._populalion of well over 500-room hotel, 2 o o _ r 0 0 m these rumblings of discontent . a majl)r land-deveToiier 800-decade ago even though Jt had tion. ' .JO million. When Kellsteadt mot.Cl, 38-laoe bowling alley, are echoing, not .only .up and , home-buildet. been used in other parts of the fi"'t came to Florida in 1931, four-tpble billiard parlor, ice down the corridors ()f the La'nd~leasing is common lo world before that Now it has AN0111ER TWO million he says, !here were no more skating rink, 900 seat live buildings, but in the legislative Hawaii but not on the spread .to many parts ·of the . people in Dade County. which than a million. theater, 18-hole miniature goll --------------------------------'-"'------------------- course, three movie theaters with a total seating of 1,400, five restaurants with 1,000 seats, a health, swim and ten· nis club and a variety of specialty shops to ~mplement the recreation facilities. A number of office suites also will be available at Four Seasms Village according to Coldwell Banker I e a s i n g personnel. Construction on the multi- faceted project will start In late summer with completion due late ner.t year. Planned and designed by William L. Pereira & Associates of . Los Angeles, Four Seasons Village will be built by Ernest W. Han, Inc. ,_ Your Sea Terrace ·Home is only 3/4 of a mile from · the ocean. • Club and Beach Club - a private facil1tles with roembenhips available. A 167- acre Laguna Niguel Regional a watts, fl001s-and-ce:ill~-::;--.---;--:;;:-;:---;;:l~--=-----~:::;:=-=:--~~::;:z:~~---::;;~:::;::;;:;:::;r;;.""':::;:;::--::::;; ings and two laundry facilltie_s :' eonvenient, covered park-Second Unit Reagan to Keynot,e Real Estate Parley Gov. Ronald Reagan will deliver the keynote address at the 69th annual convention of tbe California Real Estate Association, to be held Sept. 19-22 at the Town and Coun- try Hotel Convention Center in San Diego, Donald A. Wied- mann of La Jolla, convention cOmmittee chairman, has an- nounced. WiedmaM said the governor wUI speak during the general session on Friday, Sept. 21. The 1973 convention will focus on education and Idea exchange, Wiedmann said, and is expected to attract some panding areas of real estate - synd icaUon, financing, prop- erly managemen.t, conver- sion of apartment buildings to condominiums, and others. "This is the first year since 1950 a CREA convent.ion has been held outside of Los Angeles or San Francisco" said Wiedmann. "This l! a recognition that other ciUes in the sta te are increasing their facilities and attractions and developing their hotel capacities to handJe a con- vention as large as this one." Of Shores Homes .Set Marlborough Development Corporation's co-owners Ron and Jerry Lushing have an- nounced that grading aDd site preparation are underway for a second unit .of 55 houses 1at the Shores at Lake Forest. Open since January, the. Shores has re.ported over $2- million in sales and , acrording to the lushings, is more than 50 percent sold out in the first unit of 61 houses. l ---;;5';..000;;,of the association's 69,000 bers-Md-the!r-famllies from throughout the state. Escrow Group Se ts l\'.leeting The Shores is located on two lakes, with most of the homesites on the waterfront. Residents also become members of the Beach and Tennis Club with a year-round staff and program of recrea- tion. "It 's four days of real estate ideas -a chance for Realtors to meet others in their busines s, swap sug- gestions, and enjoy their com· panionship," he commented. He said a wide variety or events will include general sessions and I u niche on s highlighted by p r om i n e n t speakers, meetings of CREA 's 50 sta te committeE"s, infonnal discussions centering on com· moo business problems , and special conferences on the ex- Members of the Orange County Escrow Association will hear a "Financial Fore- cast" at a djnner meeting Wednesday in the lfoliday lnn, ~ Mesa, With a social hour at 6:30 preceding the 7:30 p.m. dinner. The speaker will be f{erl:iert B. Tasker, vice president of 1i1ason-McDuffie Company of Southern California, mortgage banking firm . Dana D'Oro Project The environment and the archilecfurally ·de.s igned homes themselves seem to be the main selling points for buyers . Three of the homes are t\\·o-story plans with a dramatic use or windows, 2().. foot ceiling areas, and open balconies. Varying levels in· the living rooms with se parate conversation Clreas planned around large firepl aces and steIHJp dining rooms create additional architectural in· terest. W aterfrontH omes Popular fi nd Dana D'Oro the ideal en· vironment in which to live. es pecially \\'ith the temperate year-round clin1ate. and clo!le proximity to tbe sea, Doheny Beach State Park, and to the \'Crsatile Dana Point Marina." If sales at the nc"' Dana D' Oro residential commu nil,v in Dana Point are any indication, the demdnd ~or \\'alcr-oriented homes tn Orange County Is In- creasing. Just six weeks after the grand opening, a tolal or '3 million in sales have been TIDS NEWLY completed recorded. marina is a center for specialty shops, go u r m e t Joh!1 Martin, pres~de,nt ol restaurants, boal owner slips American Housing Gwl~ s Los and seryices, with sailing, Angeles,ditisloo and builder of · fishing, swimming and beach Dana D Oro, feels that buyers camping as additional related are now, mah than ever . environmental benfeits. before, becoming •ware of the The innovatlWl d e s I g n value and benefits or Jiving In reatur~s. quality construction a year-round resktential resort and excellent floor plans of the comm~nlty, with the op-homes are ot her factors coo-Portu~ty for rapid property tributing to the strong sales. nppre1catlon. Designed by Red Moltz and \'crsalile completed b on u s roo1n. JNCI.UT>ED JN the purch ase price of the ho1l)cs_arLJuilt-in kitchen appliances -w it h separate range top, a sel f. clean oven, shag carpeting, wood shingle roofs, brick fireplaces, vaulted ceilings, spa,clous master b e d r o o m suites. formal dining rooms. and many• other d e s i r c d features. The model home and sale!i complex Is open daUy from JO a .m. to e~3o p.m., and f!atures furni shings b y Saddlebsck Interlof!I and landscaping by Fronk Radmacher and Associates. Dano D'Oro, mav be reacher by taking Pac ific Co as t Highwa-~ to Street of the {'.olden Lantern In Dana Point and P'°""""lng north to 33082 AcapuJOO Drive end the new • Sparkling sunny days. Cool, breeze-swept eve- nings. Laguna Niguel baa brought a wholly fresh, new look and zest to Cali- fornia ooastline living-tbe superbly-styled, new Sea Terrace Homes. Sailboate dot the blue Pacific. Gulls wing over the surf. Catalina is in tho distance. And the white sands at water's edge are but a % mile stroll away! The inside of your home is equally inspiring. Elegant 1 & 2 story·models offer a choice of 3 & 4 bedrooms with up -to 3 liiths. Sciftly car:-r:--. peted interiors, in major living areas, blend ~ with the warmth of wooded exteriors. Fire-' places are flanked by cozy conversation·areas-~ in sunken living rooms. Sumptuous all~ectric kitchens have GE double oven, range, .dish .. washer and disposer. , Use of your own Sea 'Thrrace Recreation Center with pool and lounge is availabla to you tbrougbjllelXlberahlpill tbeHomeciwnemJ.mo. ciation-for a monthly fee. 'Thnnis is ideal on the beauti· ful cour ts of the Laguna Niguel Tennis Club (mem- berships are available). And Dana Point Harbor, "home port'' for Laguna Niguel, with its fleet moorage for 2,000 craft, is jUBt 212 mileo to the oouth. If you'd like to eensa the new surge of living by the sea, and enjoy the fteshn .. of this ocean-cool climate, come to· -California'• neweat Coast ToWJ1-T)le Sea r.:r.:. 'Thrrace. Drive through the privat,;;gu.lrd p.te rt_=---t anil come and bi'OWae tbrouih the mooel S.. S Terrac:e Homes ... •inviting as im ~-cruise. -From $55,600 to $86,&qQ: Directiona: From Los Angeles, go t!OUth on the San Diego/Santa Ana Free"'ay to Crown Valley Parkway exit, Right (appros. 6 mileo)' to Pacific Coaat Highway. Left II ~to NJsuel Road. Left OD Nfluel Road lbmo.w., G:t• --- Put a Ii 'irt your life ... today,c::ome to Lag~na Niguel • the 'choice community , . ~ . . J!anchoBemudo&l!'IVillalePadc.-~-'ililim"7A-<'.'-wllly~IDo.0 (714) .. 'ltNO ~ "Now with the ·decreased Associates or Santa Ana, the hours in <>ur wock· week -<>ne and two-story homes in· most people have more free dude luxury architectural ap- t.lme to relax and engage in a potriunents 1ucb as a spiral \'Rriety of ., actlvµ1es," ha .stalreue, dramattc archways. no ted. Water 1*J>Ort enthusiasts mulU-level living areas, and a community. ~~--------~---~--L------.--~--------.,.------"'-'-',' --..,.---~---- • I • I ' 1 ., • ~ ~ ' 1 '67 FORQ UNCH WAGON VI. 1u10. trlnt., f.ctory lir cotlditionUlg, power Sle-Hi!l!I. r.Oio. hNlrr, Lict!!W No. UZW"31 $ '69 CHRYSLER NlW YORKER New Yorktl'. V-1, outo tron1., fOdorv •Ir ~!lllltlol'l-111111, POwtr 1!nr1no, _.,r brokH, _, lflllndowl, radio, hl'OI.,., Whll.wall ttr111, vlnYI roof IMAUI . '69 FORD LTO. - VI, auto. !rans .. tactory air conditioning, power ~letrillg, rad io, heater, License No. ·$m '68 CHEV. Vt TON PICKUP '68 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM SUIUllAN WAGON VS, auto. trans., factory alr condi· tioning, power steering , radio, healer, tinted glass, License Number YCM7'8 $888 '69 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY WAGON Auto, !rans .• factory air conditioni ng,. power steer ing, power brakes, power windows, radio, healer, whllewall !ires, Lugg'age rack. License Number '""$ SEDAN V·8, auto. trans .. fa ctory air conditioning, 11..r!I power, radio, heater, wh itewall tires, lilt ~$V{~~" '68 PLYM '69 PONTIAC. '69 IMPALA · IONNEYILLl . V8, auto. trans., factory air condition· Hottl'lo9, Auto. t111111., flldorv t1r COl'ldltl011ln1. ing, po~r steering , power brakes, -~. radlt, hlaf1r, wt'llrlWoil 1'1,..., lint.cl ..... U-lt N-?MZI09. radio, heater, tinted glass, wheel cov· ers. Litens~ Nuf!!ber ZLH4S1 :..-$1088 $ll_88 '71 FORD '67 BUICK WILDCAT Fac!ory air conditioning, radio. healer, Licen~ No. 9•4678 V·8, auto. Ir.ans., r!'dio, heater, No. BZR83S V.f, olr torc1111o1111111, 1 rt. !ltd. V-8, factory air conditioning, power sleering, powo?r brakes, ra dio, heater, w~itewall 1ires, VOX3~ . '5·0 TRIUMPH ~~ ........ ;:;i: s~· 49· · · ~, Sporty oar ·for the summer Yilcaflon days. • • 1 .. •. (JOX900) ._ • ..... ~ •.• --. ~.-• . ·-. . ' . '67 vw BllTU •speed, AM radio, heater, (UVH809) '70 '69 DATSUN 510 1nACWXI PEUGEOT am7fm st~l!!O, new radial tires, looks lo runs...like.new. (AMOOX-1---·= 1972 EL DORADO 20' St. 'ntomas Motor Home Completely Self.contained . . • v.1, aut.. tran,1 powtr •t••r· in11 l '\r1k11, lunri•us in· terior, lftclr.td.1 1h~9. carp1t, t••·•~c. r1frl9eratot; 1how· er, vanity, toilet, king-siz• bed, 1l1ep• • in comfort, lo1d1 of .•t•r•g •·A r11I kouty .. IElO EHN 69772 1. I , .. IRAND NEW $ v.e, auto. trans., factory •ir cendttlonlnl~ S19M!r stttrlng, poMr !disc) brakes, power windows, JIOW9!" setts. am/fm stef'eo radio. heater, whitew1ll 1iru, vinyl roof, tlnt.d g\ln. wt!MI C'OYW1. #3J"N162017. SAVE ~MMEDIATE DELIVERY CAM,&11, ~llll~OUTS AT SPECTACULAR PRICES! EL DORADO B. DORADO MOHAWK fl/2' PAWNEE WI HAVE I TO CHOOSE FROM ••• . • -.. 1• CAIOftl B. DORADO COMANCHE 11/1' CAIOYll . . Gala• i• 500 VI, llllo. tr&ns .• tactory 1ir Condil•orung. l»ft"tf Sletril'li;. fill!Oo htltfr, Seri.ti No. 11189'6 $ •n DODGE '9ClUP I hot bed, .,tomollc trontmlulo", ~ lfMrl111. l kfll•• NIHTlllM' '44191(, '66 CAD V-8, aulo. !rans .. fac1ory air conditioning, full power, radio, heater. whitewall tires. tinled ''"$~0~ TOYOTA • DAILY PILOT D I DELTA II v.9, auto. trans., factory air conditioning, Power steering, radio, healer, 60SAK:J $77·9 '72 MERCURY WA•ON IO '1:1tMnl'W Merit. v..i, .. 111. tn1n1., IOciotV olr con· d1!lo11l111 ~-11-1,,., pO<iWr brllkt!, radio, 11ea1 ... ,·1'111t.d 1i.1. LI<** NumlMI' moor. '71 IMPALA .:..~10. lrdo~., fdtrory •1r cona1i.00•1"9, J)0'1,er >IPf•rg r•aio, ne_ater, i,_!_ifll~' No. 48' CHV Mark II '70 ~oldio, l'lf~rrr, .QNI nicf OM licen1e No. m-aEG ~1477 '65 '67 '71 II.I.ND NIW MUSTANG vf; •~10. !rans , powtr steerillg, radio, lleattr, lictnse ~lo. ZI R•j10 TOYOTA 1u10: ITIM., ridio, ht1ter, Lictnst No. UE0-310 MAZDA •01GrJ1otr.ou.z " IPfMI, rocllo, "'°""' 'lllllrtn.11 tt .... ttnW ...... vltM 1rnr1or. c_,. till• ye!u.. unn.,. No. 2:11cu. ~579 S6fi6 1973 FORD F-250 >/4 TON PICKUP TRUCK IDEAL TRUCK FOR YOUR CAMPER $2888 (F25BR~43112l . IMMEDIATE 1--·-·.;;D V ~~~No 171.. FORD CAMPER VAN V4, crui1• .. ·m•tlc1 power t+eerlnt l brakes, 'hf.beck 11a+., radio, heat1r, tinted gl111, 70 arnp b1ttery, Rr. dinette, ov1rh1ad Did, stove, ice box, pr11111ri11d w1ter. E24GHP26811 SAVE SI JOO NOM IUMUTll llTAIL NICI· . . p I DAILY PILOT Sl/Mo1. -17, lffl ~""""" ·';" • • , • , SOO • Sl4 ~ 1'l1J •••••••• 950-990 The Biggest Marketplace on the O.ranp Coast __ ... ,. •.. 125·"9 Pl•Oi CLASS·IFIED ADS DAILY lni"6ar,...". , ....•. 100 • 799 ............. :m ...... "" .... ~ ..... ,..,. "' .... ,_ °""""·' ... !90 ·199 rinonciaf • • • • • • • • • 200. 299 "°"91111 for .. • , • • , , 100 • m Lmt&~ ••••••• SJO ·SH Me.ct.. ••••••••• • •• aio • .., ~:!t~":'t! !'~~~ ~ ( 642-5678) One Cal I Service Fast Credit Approval ................. J00 -499 ""°'" ..,; lno!Mtioo ••• sn · "' s.,.,w. ..........• #: .600· ... ERRORS. Ad .. rtlotra ahould chodc their eds dally & roport orrora lmmodloi.ly. The _ ..... DAILY P!LOl "'""'" llablllty for Ille first I G -1 Gonoral -. Incorrect l n-Mrtlon only. 1_Gono __ ,_,_I _____ G_•n_•_••_I ______ OeMr•I Oener•I General ... •nera 1===;;.1==;;;;;i;1;;;;;;. ==== ---------Ml o. .. ,., EASTBLUFF BEST VIEW 3 BR· PLUS DEN On beautiful 11Buckeye St.", with 1weeping 180 degree panoramic day/night view. Chumlng 22M sq. ft. one-level ranch style home with lge. priv. brick encl. patio off kit.ch. & another on the view side. Owner trans . & priced this lovely home below market value at $71,500, making this ~t buy in Newport Beach! For app't. to aee this new exclusive Usttng , pleue call - ****** * TAYLOR CO. * IRVINE TERRACE Magntfloent view of bay, ocean &: Catalina! Custom quality thruout this fine home with 3 large bedrooms, formal dining, paneled family rm. & 3 baths. Terrific new sauna off master bath, 3 fireplaces. Beautiful pool t.n privat.I front courtyard. •1~5,000 1935 SABRINA TERR. OPEN SUN. 1·5:30 DOV!R SHORES -$225,000 This elegant 5 BR., 41> bath home of top quaL construction bas amenities seldom found. Luxury cptng. & drapes, marble frpl., marble halls, huge 1llltr. suite w/jacuz:zi pool & steam shwr. Storage galore. On FEE land. 1337 GALAXY DR. OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5:30 -HELEN-I. DOWD ---llG .CANYON -$1~24,500 REAL TOR 644-41134 See this exciting home today! Impressive open beam ceilings give a feeling of space. 5 large bdrms., lge. family rm. & formal dining r oom. Many fine features in kitchen, 3-car garage, fine carpeting & draperies. Gen1r1I G1n1r1I = ''Spec-u-lation'' ecutive flanked by cool Chann loaded. 2 BR on enor- junlpers, featuring ctrcular moua R·2 lot! Fantutic tin t driveway ill front A: Lot home or rental! Cptl, drpt, M ROYAL ST. GEORGE SAT/SUN 1·5:30 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY -TIGER - BEIN LOOKING FOR A HOME 1 Bf,;/~ f<ea/tg Pete /Jarrell f<eaft'I PRESENTS p~tJen/6 * OPEN HOUSE TOUR * .This Sunday-All Day STOP JN AT THE BLUFFS "MAIN RESALE OfFICE" FOR TOUR DIRECTIONS 2414 Vista Del Oro (Admin. Bldg.) A SELECTED l'l!W THE BIG "E" PLAN-2500 sq. It. 3 BR. 3 be. plus family rm. 1st Offering! Barely used. Scrupulously clean', tastefully decorat- ed. Priced for immed. sale, thousands under closesJ comparables. $67,900. -(an outatand· liig value!) -. GORGEOUS GUADALUPE-"stylized" CUI· tom conversion of original 4 SR to 3 BR. (huge Jack & Jill rm.) 3 ba., oversized idtch· en, formal dining. Backs to pool, end unit; deluxe features: shutters, wallpaper, dec- orator flooring, deep pile carpel, accented by mirrored entry & crowned by lofty beam· ad ceil's, Magnificent! Worth $74,500. BARRm'S BEST BUYS . BAYCREST/HIGHLANDS AREA * 5 Bedrms, family rm. new crpts & paint -neat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,SOO. * 4 Bedrms, !amlly rm, pool, paddle tennis -prime .............. 41 $98,500. * 3 Bedrms, 2 bath, pool w/walerfall ......... , ....... $57,000. BAYFRONTS * 3 Bedrma, pier & ollp, sandy beach ............... $175,000. * 4 Bedrm charmer, top Peninsula- Locale, 2 lots . . . . . . . . . . . $300,000. * 4 Bedrms, dining rm, Peninsula Point, pier & slip . .. . . . . . . ... $219,000. * 4 Bedrms, beaut malnt., choice area .... , ........... $250,000. VIEWS * South Laguna -Lovely. home + guest house . . . . . ...... $325,000. • Coyolea fairway ln back, bltn1 • room tor ttereational fully equipped sparkling vehlcll!! Pl'l.c~ rtght at pool, 3 BR, 1·e par ate $28,960 • aubmit )'Ollr otter 1----1-master, 2-BA,-1r:-att-of the today-Add-unitaJ&ter! ! Call interior convenieDCH for 645-8400. EXCLUSIVE LINDA IS~i -$195,000 BeauWul near·new bayfront home. High ceilings, open spacious feeling for taking 1dv111tage of water view. PrQf, decorated in warm s mart colon. 4 Bdr ms., library, -play rm. & SI> baths. Pier & dock. Security Gate. 8 LINDA ISLE OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5:30 A.PAIR.OF "W·l'LANS"~,500 & $53,900. What's a "W" plan? It's our biggest, little home! 4 BR., 21> ba., 2-sty. Walled patio. Both In low monthly maint. communities - both with lo)\' Jeaaeholds. J~st plain easy uv'. ing at an_ ''affordable" price. Near to priv. pool , close by park. schools & shopping. * Emerald Bay -\.<, Acre . panoramic-view -.-·-·._.·-·, -'117,~. * Newport Beach, Ranch. 5 BR, pool , stables, corrals .... · ......... $345,000. - graciowl living, Immaculate z QfflCES 1!fn11bG 'IQUf (!e{lf Tfl. p & priced Ft.100. R. d I• v. E. Howard a: Co., Carpet Rltn. 8lW380 .............. ~ .;=::::::;:::=========1 Generel Gent.ral LINDA ISLE -$245,000 Luxurious custom-built 4 bedroom home on lagoon. Huge family rm. w/wet bar, formal dinln11 rm., game rm. & 41> baths. Protected patio, pier & slip for up to-65' boat. Built·ln vacuum, island kitchen. Spac. 2 Story entry. * Open .JJou:Je:J .$unJa'I 1-Sp.m. * 19 Tiburon · Bay ................ $124,500 2641 Waverly Dr. . ............. $ 72,500 210.Vla Lido Nord .............. $195,000 545 Via Lido Notd .............. $129,500 1532 Keel ...................... $ 88,800 · 17942 Hopkins .................. s 49,900 4533 . Tremont ................... $123,500 1724 Galaxy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. $139,500 608 Via Lido Nord .............. $275,000 OPIN SATURDAY ·& SUNDAY 1-5 1645 Baylide Dr ................. $245,000 * * * * * * * * CAMEO SHORES-OPEN SUN. 1-5 4533 TREMONT. Ocean view. Very large liv. rm. & maat. bdrm. w/parquet floors. Beamed ceilings. 4 Bdrms., 3 baths. $123,000. Carol Tatum. BRAND NEW 50' llAYFRONT OPEN SAT/SUN. 2-0. 1645 BAYSIDE DR., C.D. Mar. 3 to 5 Bdrms., 41> baths, huge fun room. New slip & side ties. Tax shelter· ad finance. $2'15,000. Geo. Grupe. 545 VIA LIDO NORD-OPEN SUN 1-5 Dramatic "one of a kind". Superior comer location. Spacious rooms. Xlnt floor plan. - 3 BR & lam/dining nn., 2 frplcs. 3 car gar. See & buy. $129,500. Muriel Barr.' LIDO ISLE-OP.EN SUN. 1-5 608 VIA LIDO NORD. 50 Ft. on the bay. Superb loc. Recently remodeled. Lge. 3 BR., with lge. patio. $375,ooe. Cathryn Tennille. l'AMILY PARADISE 3 BR., 2 ba'a family nn. Shows like a dec- orator's studio. Harbor View Hills retreat, OPEN SU N. 1-5. 1532 KEEL. $88,800. Run Flynn. OPEN SUN. 1·5 210 VIA LIDO NORD Prime Lido Nord location. Pier & slip. 4 B<!rms., din. rm. 4 Baths. Expan. plans avail. Immed. occupancy. $195,000. Kathryn Raulston. NEW EMERALD BAY LISTING JLYe!l!:s pew ! Sp.11_cioJ1.s.Ji%ani1h home w 4 BR;s., sauna, den & wet ar. Beau .' v ew of ocean & moun.tains. A great home for $295,000. Call Pal Hu(. • HARBOR VllW HILLS Lusk LaJolla model. 3 BR, family rm. w/ frplc. 3 Car garage, Ocean view. Pool. New listing! '91,500. Cathryn Tennille. PRICE REDUCID Harbor View Porto!lno model with com- pleted bonu1 room ; 3 bdrms., lam. rm., 8¥1 baths. Very clean. Land included at i19,900. Howard W.U.. LARGE LIDO LOT Room to &arden or expand or for your fav- orit.I pet. Three bdrm•. & den & charming! Full price $94,500. Gene Vreeland. -- WATIRPRONT • BEACON IAY Hurry for this one! Juat right for amall family. Quality built 3 BR., 3 bath ·home on aandy beach. Air-conditioned. $105,0J)O. BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB Perlectlon throughout! Beautiful landscaJ>' ing on estat~like site makes an attractive setting for this 3 bc!rm. (incl. 2 mstr. stes.} home. Fam. rm. & f,onnal DR. Lavish furnish· lngs inc1: Pool & jacuzzi. lllG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB Exclusive C. C. area. Popular plan in this 4 BR. home by Broadm09r. Lge. lam.-rm ., for- mal dining room & 3. batha. View of patios from all rooms . 3-Car garage. Surrounded by more expensive homes. $104,900 BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB Beautiful near-neW 5 ·bedroom home in this new area surrounded by the exclusive B. C. Country Club. Lge. family room with wet bar & formal dining room. LUxurious cptng. & drapes. Some vi ew of golf course. $114,950 THE "BLUFFS'" CONDO · FOR LEASE "Linda" 3 BR. 2 ba. end unit. 1 or 2 Yr. Jse. Children & pets acceptable. LICENSED BROKERS & SALESMEN We have an opening in our Residential Div· lston for an experienced man or lady posses- sing enthusiasm and Integrity. Finest loca· tion & beautiful office. Call for appointment. Offlco Open Salurdoy & Sunday ''Our 28th Veer'' WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 2111 Son Joaquin Hilla Rood ''Overlooking Big C•nyon Country Club'' NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. '44-4t10 Daily Pilot Classified Ads for llction ••• Call 642-5678 General NEED SOME .HELP 1 GIVE US A CALL We'll go to work for you right away. CALL 962·2456 I' ill.1!(8 Re,11 E ,iJte 884.1 Adams, H.B. 3 SEPARATE UNITS GREAT EAST SIDE LOCATION JUST LISTED Room to acid 3 addltloMJ unlt1 on this ~· kit. Two 1paclou!I two bedroom wtlts and 1 large 3 bedroom house first time offered. Will con1lder exchange up to 8 units. Prlced to sell fut at Ul,ooo. M&-nn. Ol'EN TIL I • rr1 fUN 10 BE NICI/ I·~ THC REAL 1 ~EST~ 24' x 22' Family room. 3 bednnl. cute and clean. $25 ,500. C ALL KATELLA. 847-1 Generel HARBOR VIEW HOMES MONTEGO MODEL 4 bedrooms, family room, formal dining; carpets, drapes, super landscaping, covered patio, wood deck. $76,450 . PO!tTOFINO MODEL 3 Br. bonu• room/sleeping loft, formal dlnlnlf, Juab carpeling, lots of Spanish tile, charmin( Brick patio w/overhang. Adjacent to park. $19,500. • HARB0R VIEW HOMES REALTY 833·07BO ' !UNITS · Come on young families-these are for you! ADULT HOM E-the rare & exciting "Ysid· ro" plan. Soaring 2-sty, living rm., Ige. formal dining rm.; spactoua kitchen & ad· join. brkfst. rm .. plus 'h bath. Upstairs to 3 generous BR's., 2 ba. Soft colors custom quality improvements; frorits to freenbelt. ~ted at -$63,900-11open to-ouers •. SPACE LIMITS FULL INVENTORY PLEASE STOP ·IN & AVAIL YOURSELF OF OUR PERSONALIZED OPEN HOUSE PROGRAM Bluffa RNlty-Adm!nlatrotlOn Bldf. -644-1133 General General VIEW! VIEW! VIEW! Perched on the hill overlooking the harbor entranc~. Large & fabulous Olde English home with framed beams, leaded glass, wine ·cell~, lots of. paneling & a warm, yet elegant feeling .. 3 Big bedroo.ms .plus large family room With wet bar. View sundeck spacious kitchen. One of a ki nd! OPEN HOUSE SUN- DAY 1-5. SEE 2501 OCEAN BLVD., IN CORONA DEL MAR. $296,!500. AND • • • • • MORE VIEW! • In exclusive Irvine Terrace on Bayadere Terrace. Theurkauf dmgned home with 4 bedroOms, view aide family room & sunny, private atrium with cooling water fountain. Professional bar, gourmet kttchen & 2 fire- places. Shown by App't. ~238,800 LIDO DOU HOUSE On 55 ft. corner Jot. 2 Bedroom• large back yard for a dog run or even· a pool. Sunny Medlternnean patio, open beam celling•. Not too big -just right! $100,000 HARBOR COMPANY REALTORS 2141 E. Coo at Hwy., Coron• dol Mor Ms.tllng RHI Eatoto In Newport Horbor Since 1944,. 673-4400 lhnorel COROffA DEL-ID LUSK HOMES Practically new, ,..five bedroom Hillsb(>ro model in Spyglasa No. 1. Available on a Jeaae, lease-0pUon, or sale basis. Open houae Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p ,m. 3840 Ocean Birch. I $110,000. 67&-7225 Breathtaking view from a choice cul de sac Jocatioo. Four bedroom Monterey model, Wtth a sparkling pool. Needs a ilttle dec<>- raUng, but what an Investment! Open house Sat. & Sun. 1·5 p .m . 3615 Sausalito -$129,500. 67&-7225 Beautifully landscaped four bedroom home ·with a great view never to bo obsti:ucted. Very attractive kitchen and family room ar- rangement, Open houso Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p.m. 1033 Tiller -$89,500. 675-7225 * Newport Beach duplex.-2 & I, 1;, block to ba y .............. $52,500. * Triplex · Custom 3·2·1, builtins; lop condition ................ $92,750. MACNAB l'RVINE _ RNER HOMES HARBOR VIEW-5 BR-NEWLY LISTED Most attractive Somerset model features extensive u'"se of woven wood, premium fl oor coverings + exciting landscaping ideas. Carl Butler 642-8235. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1·5 p.m . 2027 Port Weybridge. (V27) _ "A LOVELY" FOR LEASE New 2 BR Big Canyon condominium. BR'a master sized. $700/mo. Lois Egan 644-6200. (V28) ON THE BAYFRONT Private community beach -tennis (61i.rts -community boat slips. 3 BR year-round home or vacation cottage. Beacon Bay's very finest buy -Only $105,000. Low an- nual leasehold $386 . (V29) HARBOR VIEW HOMES -CARMEL Just listed. Beautiful, adUlt occupied 3 BR home w/FR. Gorgeous decor. On quiet cul· de-sac. $67,900 fee. To m Queen 644-6200. (Vl41 FRESH AS A SEABREEZE Lots of wannth <& charm + beautiful landscaping accentuate Olis 3 BR + F'R In HVH. Pool size yard. Qu ick possession. $76,900. Helen Hartley 642-8235. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-li p.m. 3414 Seabreeze. (VIS ) TURTLEROCK BROADMOOR View! Location! 4 BR's, FR, DR! Superb park location. $119,500. Lazio Sharkany 644-6200. (Vil) lllG CANYON CONDOMINIUM New 11Deauville" 4 BR, 3 bath -garden kitchen. Pool size lot. $130,000. Billie Matt- son 644-6200. (Vl2) H.V. -HILLS-DRASTICALLY REDUCID Choice Broadmoor -4 BR's & FR. Cam· pletely fenced, close to pool -attractlvely ¢ecor-at1!<1:-optn·beam =-h!glt-ee!Ung-LR, Many extraa. NOW -'88,000. Joel Smith 642-8235. (Vl9) . DOVER SHORES VllW LOT Prime lot w/gor1eou1 ·views ot Bay & lights of Fashion fsland. Plans for custom home included. $52,500. Harriet Perry 842-8235. (VIS) .. SO. LAGUNA ACRIAGI· · 18.96 acres above So. Coast Community Hospital. zoned E-1 & R-1. Sale or trade. $175,000. Amy Gaston 6f2-32ll5. (V80) BIG CANYON BUILDING SITI Approx. 100' on the fairway. Ideally 1<>- cated at the end of a quiet cul-d&-aac. $62,500. Tom Queen 644-6200. (V31) [Irvine I M-•--Noonr-, ... 1 101 OovtrDrlv• 441•12U 1144 M1oArt '·I.IOI . ------' . -,-..--·-.. .~~-~--... --";-'==~===·=---+ -• -I . -.. -::--·~~_,....,..... -----'--'-----~.-.,.:;.:::o..o.----f--1 ' . -\..... DIRECTORY .... tWI...., • .....,, wftll f'M tWe •••••• • fH t• .._.. .... tt ... All tlMt tM.ti ... lht.4 Mlew ..,. ;.. terli....1 I•,,..._ ..... 1toy ................. , a. '940'('• DAILY PILOT WANT ADS.,_..... .ai.wl111 epee H11'" ,., Mle er ,. ,.., .,. .,... ,. .., ~ ........... a.*' eel• .. Hdi frW.,, S.•"'-Md s.aMy-, HOUSES FOR SALE *6202 Christy Drive, Huntington Beach 842-2535 $45,000 (Sun 1-5) 2 BEDROOM 530 San Bernardino (Npt Heights) NB - 675-3331 · (Sat & Sun..1·5) \ 2851 Bayshore Dr., Newport Beach 675-7225 $56,600 . (Sat 1·5) 3300 Clay, Newport Heights 644-7.270 $33,500 (Sat 1-5) 432 Westminster (Np!. Heights) N.B. 675-8800 (Sun 11-4) 2 BEDROOM lo FAMILY RM OR DEN *1106 Somerset (Westcliff) N.il. 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *624 Ramona. Irvine Terrace 644-6200 $74,950 (Sun 1·5) 543 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Beach 646-0555 $48,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 3 BEDROOM 1979 Pl. Nelson (H. V. Homes) NB 673«2222 $64,950 . (S un 1-5) 682 Victoria, Costa Mesa 642-1771 $27,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 608 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle). NB 644-2430 $275,000 (Sun 1-5) 16126..Shasta_St., Fountain Valley 839-5226 $35,500 (Sat & SUill-5) **2233 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach 642-4353, 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 25032 Adelanto, Laguna Niguel 497-1761 (Sun 1·5) • 464 Serra (Corona Hlds.) CdM 673-6642, 675-6459 (Sat & Sun 1-5) #14 Rue Cannes (Big Canyon) NB 642-8235 (Sat &.Sun 1·5) 1 2407-No\tia.(Tbe Blulb).?@ _ ,.. 675-3535 (Sat & Sun i·o) lsS12 Thomas-Circle, Huntington Beach 846-1305 $31,950 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2641 Waverly (Bayshores) N.B. 644-2430 $72,500 (Sun 1-5) 444 Lenwood, Costa Mesa 642-8235 (Sun 1-5) 2500 Lake Park Ln (Cherry Lake) N.B. 675-6000 $81,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2001 Port Chelsea (Harbor View Hms) N.B. 645-6500 $67,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 3671 Fenn (Culverdale) Irvine · 645-6500 $41,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 277 Cecil Place; Costa Mesa 673-8550 $3~,500 (Sat & Sun 1:30-5:30) 4459 ·w. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach 675-7225 $89,000 (Sun 1-5) 17122 Nev.'quist Lane, Huntington Beach 836-6671 $45,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 418 Hazel Dr,, Corona del Mar 675-6900 (Sat & Sun 1·5) **1645 Bayside Dr., Corona de! Mar 644-2430 $245,000 (Sat & Sun 2-6) 1957 Port Trinity (Harbor View Homes) NB 644-2498 (Sun 12-5) * 1935 Highland (Harbor Highlands) N.B. 642-5200 $57,000 (Sun 1-5) 3 BEDROOM lo FAMILY OR DEN 4621 Roxbury Rd. (Cameo Shorefil. CdM 675-1097 $115,000 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 3611 Hamilton St .. Irvine 552-8269 $34,950· (Sat & Sun 11-5) 1820 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach 646-2725 $59,000 (Ope_n Dally) 1991 Por.1 Nelson (H.V. Homes) NB 644-50!5 $68,500 (Sat & Sun 1·6) **41 Balboa Coves, NewportBeach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3414 Seabreeze Ln. (HVH) Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 1101 Highland, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sun 11·3) 1626 Tustin, Costa ltlesa • 646-3255 $42,950 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1993 Meyer Place. Costa Mesa 540·1151 $29,500 (Sun 1-5) * 1935 Sabrina Terr. (Irvine Terrace) CdM 644-4910 $185,000 (Sun 1-5:30) *1507 Seacrest Dr. (H.V. Hills) CdM 644-011 5 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *1120 G-Oldenrod, (Old Harbor Vu Hills) CdM, 675-6000 $79,500 (Sun 1·5) * 1363 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Sliores) N.B. 675-6000 $134,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2076 Temple Hills Dr., Laguna Beach 675-3000 (Sun 1-5) 505 Playa (North Bluffs) N.B. 644-1133 $67.900 (Su n 1-5) 277 Hanover (College Park) C.M. 645-0303 (Sat & ·sun 1-5) 192 Masters Circle, Costa Mesa 645-0303 (Sun 1·5) 2508 Vassar (College Park) Costa Mesa . 645-0303 (Sun 1-5) 1855 Porl Manleigh. Newport !}each -546-2313-,..$68,950 (Sat 1-~) 545 Via Liao Nord (Lido Isle) NB 644-2430 $129,500 (Sun 1-5) 1532 Keel, Corona del Mar 644-2430 $88,800 (Sun 1·5) 151 Monte Vista, Costa Mesa 646-0555 $32.950 (Sun 1:30-5:30) 2240 Golden Circle, Newport Beach 546-2313 $36,000 (Sun 1·5) 9281 Greenwich, Huntington Beech 546-2313 $36,500 (Sun 1-5) 361 Monte Vista. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $31.500 (Sun 1-5) 238 Rose Lane. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $30,500 4 BEDROOM (Sun 1-5) 15282 Saverno Ci rcle, (The Ranch) Irvine 551·3607 $40,900 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 4533 Tremont (Ca meo Shores) CdM 644-2430 $123,500 (S un 1-5) 210 Via Udo Nord (Lido Isle) NB 644-2430 $195,000 (Sun 1·5) 15 Point Sur (S pyglass Hlll) NB 494-1177 $117,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *2895 Clubhouse Rd., (Mesa Verde) C.M. 546-~772 (Sun 1-5) -· -- 4 BEDROOM lo FAMILY RM. OR DEN 1718 Port Abbey Pl., Newport Beach 644-5569 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 2015 Santiago Drive (Baycresl) NB 646-3406 $64 ,000 (Sat 2-5, Sun '1·5) *2870 Clubhouse Rd., Costa Mesa :;45-0915 $60,500 . (Sun 1·5) *426 E. Flower St., Costa Me sa 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5) * 1817 Glenwood (Baycrest) N.B. 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1621 Castle Cove (Spyglass. Ridge) NB 642-8235 $96,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 19001 Glenmont Terr. (Turtlerock) Irvine 644-6200 $99,000 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 1633 Cjistle Cove (Spyglass Hill) N:B. 644-6200 $102,000 (Sun 1·5) **8 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) N.B. '644-4910 $195,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5:30) *947 Presidio (Mesa del Mar) C.M. , 979-1559 (Sun 1-5) 3607 Catamaran, (Harb Vu Hi.lls) CdM 644-7362 $87,750 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2912 Alta Vista (Eastbluff) Nil. 675-3000 , (Sun 1-5) 2107 Sanitago (Baycrest) N.B. 546-5990 $74,900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 512 DeAnza, Corona del Mar 673-5809 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *3615 Sausalito (Lusk Harbor View Hills) 67_5-7225 $129,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1580 Skyline Dr., Laguna Beach 675-7225 $69,990 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1033 Tiller (Lusk Harbor View Hills) 675-7225 $89,500 , (Sal & Sun 1·5) 409 Catalina Drive, Newport Beach 645-4426 $79,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) * 1724 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB 644-2430 $139,500 (Sun 1-5) 2113 Miramar, Balboa Peninsula Pt. 675-4060, 642-5200 (Sun 12-4) 1865 Tahitl, (Mesa Venle) C.M. 642-5200 $59,950 (Sun 1·5) *1412 Lincoln Ln . (Baycrest) N.B. 642·5200 $69,500 (Sun 1-5) 1992 Port Claridge Pl. (Harb. Vu Hms) NB 644-2127 (Sun 12-6) 19 Tiburon Bay·(Spyglass Hill) NB - 644-2430 $124,500 (Sun 1-5) 16192 Ballantine Lane, Huntington Beach 842-2535 $48,500 (Sun 1-5) 1742 Port Manleigh Circle, N.B. 546-2313 $71 ,000 · (Sat & Sun 1-5) 11211 Hunting Horn, (Cowen Hgts) Tustin _ 546-2313 $125,000 (Sun 1·5) 1706 Tradewinds Ln., Newport Beach 645-2493 (Sun 1-5) 1627 Port Abbey Bl., Newport Be?Ch 644·7344 (Sun. 1-6) 5 BEDROOM lo FAMILY RM OR DEN * 1337 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) N.B. 644-4910 $225,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5:30). 55 Royal St. George (Big Canyon) N.B. 644-4910 $124,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5:30) 2027 Port Weybridge (HVHl N.B. '642-8 235 (Sat & Sun 1·5) **#54 Linda Isle (Li nda Isle) N.B. 642·8235 (Sat & Sun 1 ·5) #2 Royal St. George (Big Canyon) N.B. 642-8235 $190,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) **#3 Linda Isle (Linda Isle) N.B. • 642-8 235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) * 1842 Galaxy (Dover Shores) N.B. 640-0020 $137,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 3728 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 673-8550 $197,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3840 Ocean Birch (Spyglass #I) 675-7225 $110.000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *4061 Davenport, Huntington Harbour 842-2535 $115.000 . (Sat 1-5) 17942 Hopkins. Irvi ne 644-2430 $49.900 (Sun 1-5) 1741 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach 642-5200 $69 ,500 (Sun 1·5) 10132 Edye Dr .. Huntington Beach 962-5116 $57,900 <Sun) 28 Royal St. George (Big Canyon) NB 675-6900 (Sun 1·5) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM 2412 University Dr., Newport Beach 645-0234 $46,000 (Sun 1-5) *401 Feliz (The Bluffs) Newport Beach 640-1397 (Open Daily) DUPLEXES FOR SALE I BR lo 2 BR **Ill Bayside Pl (Carnation Cove) CdM 673-6900, 675-4437 Eves (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2 B~ EACH l,INIT 521 Acacia, Co rona del Mar 673-6642, 675-6459 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2 lo 3 BEDROOM 820 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Penin. 540-1151 $96,500 (Sun· 1-5) 3 BR lo I BR 117 E. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach 675-1642 $56,000 (Sun 1-5) 609 Acacia, Old Corona de! liar 675-6000 $91 ,500 (Sal '& Sun 1·5) 3BRl.3.8Rl.DEN 609 lri•. Corona de! Mar 644-7270 $98,500 3BRl.3BR 412 !rt•. Corona del Mar (Sun 1-5) 675-7225 $119,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) _ 4 BR/2 BR lo FAM. RM . 211 Agate. Balboa Island • 673·6642, 675-6459 (Sat & Sun 1·5) * , ... ** W•••"• **~ WeNtfNld I .... ' . S"""'1, .., .. 11. im OAIL'r l'ILOT f 3 I[~[ _._ .. I~ General L-1· UniJs • Units ~_.!; 3 BEDROOM+ APT. Located near Costa l\teaa Cl· C.F.Colesworthy&Co.·Realtors ·~ pru-k with income or $300,. n10. •'uu pnce ~.950. DISTINCTIVE HOMES IAYCREST -NEW LISTING Just tbe home you've been looking for, lo- cate\1 on one of _ the nicest streets in Bay. crest. This 3200 sq. ft. home, with four large bedrooms, three baths, po'vder room, formal dining room & huge living room has all that is needed to please the most discrimin~ting family. And, to help you entertain your many friends, an olympic size pool, wet bar & gas BBQ . The best buy in Baycrest at $93,500, & you own the land. BLUFFS CONDO ., LEASE OR PURCHASE Here is your chance to try the j?OOd life of the Bluffs Condos withou t havfng to pur· chase for a year. Vacant and ready for your inspection and immediate occupancy. Three large bedrooms, featuring a large m&ster suite, formal dining area plus breakfast area in the all built-in kitchen. \Vater view from the private patio and master bedroom. $550 per month on· a lease \vith the purchase price of $69,950. CORONA DEL MAR ·CUPLEX Each of these-units has-S-spacious bed!'ooms, 1 o/.a baths and built· in s. Just 9 years new and showing a solid rental record -just right for the most discriminating investor. Shown by appointment A good buy at $82,500. DOVER SHORES VIEW HOME B_ay view and spectacular night lights in this prestige neighborhood. Designed and built by Ivan Wells for executive entertaining and comfortable family living. Five bedrooms or four and a convertibleGen, 3 baths, fofinal dining room, and warm family room with wet bar adjoining the gourmet kitchen. We. will gladly show )'OU comparable homes but you will surely a£ree that this is a bargain at $137,500. HARBOR . HIGHLANDS FIVE BEDROOMS -POOL Walking distance to Mariners School and Westcliff shopping. New paint in and out, new floor coverings in the built-in electric kitchen and dining area. Three baths. Price reduced to $57,500. .. TRIPLEX Thttt -2 Bedrm. modom ren!als wtth owner'• apt. Pretent income on 2 units b S290 mo. Call tor details. 152.000. * 10 UNITS . EASTSIDE all separate one story hon1es on acre C1f land. lncome $1664. n10. Full p r I ce .s145,cm .. 11 ·UNITS Bread & butler bungnlows 'Aith higher inco1ne poten- tial, 'Ai li trade up, or sell outright at $145,cm. Newport ~ 11 Falrvitw 64l>llll (onytimo) SUPERLATIVE CHARM JUST REDUCED in this really beautiful Carnler model home on the choice greenbelt in desirable Harbor View, It's complete 'A'ith upgraded ex· tras, tastefully decorated, lovely, professional landscaping, h\'O patios, very private comer lot on ree land and it is immacu- late thru-OUt, Three bed- rooms, tv.io full baths, tamJ. ly room and forms! dining room. ~ced to $68,950. Cali 673-8550 tor~vievling a~ pointmen\. 2500 LAKE PARK LANE , Newport Beach! Wow! Whatta address! And whalta location! A shake roof chaleau nestled on a hill over· looking legendary Cherry Lake in Newport Beach. .Surrounded with pine trees and quacking malla~s .• this Uiz:ee ~m home is super and deflllltely Unique! O"M TODAY, 2HO LAii PAil. CHRIY LAil. N.I . UNl9UI HOMD Of NIWPOIT llACH, '4MJOO ·1 A ....... •f hy fi..,_ .. ---o ENGLISH TUDOR. Unique four b.edroom in Newport's Baycrest area: complimenting landscape,. excelle.nt .carpet~ ~orrnal dir:iing and nice size family room. ·1·n1s home gives an impressive welcome and is an e.xcellent value at $74,900. OPIN TODAY. 2107 SANTIAGO, IAYCIUT, N.L UNl9UI HOMES OP NIWPOn llACH, '41.&IOI A I~ .t J9cll .. Hall.._ OLD HARBOR VIEW HILLS-4 Bedroom, view and pool. Just what everyone is looking for .. Lovely open feeling accented by new carpets. Large pool has new heater and filter. " OPIN TODAY, 1120 GOLHNIOD, c010NA DIL MAI UN19u1 HOMU OP coaONA DI\. MAI, ,, ....... A lldl .. .t '"-'ti• HMley IRON' GATES to South Sea Island paradise Y.ith Y.'OOd deck patio, swaying pabns and volcanic rock garden.~. 3 C. F. COLESWORTHY bedroom !nd"ding •Pill level master suite, separate gu~ facility 'Ai th private .LIKE WALKING ON A CLOUD. You shout~ take off your shoes and run your toes thril the plush wl1ite shag Of this Harbor ·View~ Homes 2 bedroom plus den. It feels sooo , good! So does the value in the 10,000 sq. ft. corner lot, fee land. The covered patio, open· ness. and the community atmosphere. This ·adult home is clean! A neat investment at ,67,000. 640 0020 entrance oil pool, oozy den, • · o...t brick fireplace, ru....,i ENTALS beam ceilings. Go!.mnet 1"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!W!!!!!E!!!!!H!!!A!!!V!!!E!!!!!R!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J kitchen "'ith built-ins. Ban-i'! quet_ krmal dining, Step Gener•r down rumpus room over OPIN TODAY. lW1 POIT CHIUIA, N.L UN19UI HOMU 'Of NIWPOIT HACH, 641 .. IH A ........ efllltlltw.LAIM iim-mmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I looking giant rock waterfall, dllDCe pavlllion and spark- ling pool. ()y,'tler desperate. TAKE ADVANTAGE. Call PRIVATE LUXURY 32301 B•ltic S.1 Mon•rch Bey Terrace Spectacular white water view of Dana Pt. stretching to Catalina from all RA!dwood & glass, 4 Br.1 3Ih Ba home on lh acre of pri- vate knoll in ·Monarch llay Terrace. Spa· cious rooms, baths w/gardens. POQl w/ja· cuzzi in sheltered patio. Prof. Uidscping. Choose your cpt., tile, etc. Perfect for gra- cious Living and entertaining. $310,000. NEWPORT BEACH VIEW, PRIVACY & INCOME. Lovely beam ceiling home w /2 frplcs, 4 Bdrms, 3 Ba, & Fam. Rm. Charming apl w/frplc, 2 Br., 1 Ba & priv patio. $95,000. Open HouM Sat lo Sun 12-4. 211t11 Cliff Drive. PROMONTORY ~AY Primo-lot on opposite lloach and l•clng north. $133,750. GRUBB & ELLIS CO. Rultor1 2863 E. Coost Hwy. CMono dol Mu 645--0303. I ORI \I I. Ol \0\ P I ~ 1 r 0 lo me6a UrJe 5 BEDRM Fantaslle home in sparkling condition. Deep g h a g carpeting, double fireplace, modern buUtins. and quiet tree-lined locaUon. One-of-a· kind, come tn see • $42,500. Call 545-8424, s 0 u t h c 0 Realtors. Macnab·lrwine Realty Cnmpa!')' DOVER SHORES- VIEW Yoo won't belteve it unlil you visit this dramatic -ex- citing -a.ir conditioned home-w/gla.~ en c r osed ''lagoon '' pool and "'aterf.811. 4BR's -study - rn w/,.,-et bar -formal DR -spacious center island kitchen. Priced to sell $149.00J, Incl. land. Watter King_~. (V33) M2-lll5 "4-4211tl PEACEFUL RETREAT. A beautiful pool and picturesque gardens make this a serene and secluded three bedroom home, yet per· feet for entertaining. High ceilings, garden atrtums and dramatic skylights add to the effect. Definitely roomy. Prestigious Dover Shores location. Now presented at $134,500. . OPIN TODAY, 1JIJ •ALAIY, DOYll IHOUS. N.I. UNl9UI J:IOMU OP NIWPOIT AA.CH, '4WJ0t .... efhrtJ..-. ' CUTE CULVERDALE .._,, 3 Bedroom cutio for the young at heart in Jlopu!ar Culvenlale, with pool and tennis and assorted recreation- al facilities. Fun living offered at $41,500. OPIN TODAY, J671 NNN, CULYllDALI. llYINI UNl9UI HOMU OP NIWPOn llACH. '41 .. l ot Lhtt .. ef M•rfMe Ill_... THE UL Tl MATE DUPLEX-South of the Highway in old Corona del Mar there1s a fine 3 bedroom hoine that is sturdy, well ap- pointed, in;imaculate and ready to move in without-lifting ·a~broom. Carpete<! through- out, complete kitchen built-ins and the one bedroom over the garage apartment pro- vides steady income and will be delivered completely furnished. · OPIN TODAY, 60t ACACIA, COIONA DIL MAI UNl9UI HOMn Ofl COIONA Dn MAI. 67Moot A"""" of PWI ..... 675-7080 Convenience !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!!""!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!~ !Private L'Ourf.yard. tennis, GeMral park. \Valk to schools, shop. BESnN-BlUFFS FABULOUS "E" • IA YFRONT OPEN SAT. lo SUN. 1-5 316 OTERO (Vl1t• Doi Oro to Ornodo) Nothing to compare with this absolutely gorgeous 2 yr. old END UNIT E ·PLAN. Situated on point or bluffs, overlooking bay, & encl. with 2 priv. garden patios w/foun- tains. 3 BR, 2i,<, ba., huge family rm. w/bar, formal dln. rm. & brkfst. area. 2400 Sq. ft. luxuriously decorated & upgraded thruout. Tremendous value for $69,500. SPLIT LEVEL • IA Y VIEW 1950 Sq: ft., 3 BR., 21'2 baths: lge. brkfst. area. Custom decor. & upgraded thruout. On beaut., wide greenbelt with bay yiew. Va- cant. lmmed. occuponcy. On1y,$6~,500! ping and bicycle to the -be.achl-.-4 Bedroom! \\1tb 2 full baths for only $25,360. U-~·IGUI: t1()i\,IZS- Or assume FltA loan "•Ith REAL TORS payments of $209, lncludes1'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l "''asher/d r yer Al'!!! refrigerator. lmtnaculale Go ~:;.n:;;•:;;r:;.•I;_ _____ General home inside k outl PhOne --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J -'°' more ,.,.11.. A RARe FIND " C W,\11\IH f, Ill But y,•e did it. 'Thia wonderful 4 bedroom home ln Corona ~=~===-==· 1 del r.Jar has great \iew of IMMACULATE POOL CaWlna and the bl"" NEWPORT HEIGHTS HOME Pacific. Heavy shake roof, 4 BR I: Fam A Dtnlrc Lovely decorated 4 Bdr.. lots or \\'OOd and glass to en-OVer 2650 IQ ft -Newly rumpus rm, 2% baths, pool joy the vie•• trom de-ck, II\'· ttdecorated INSIDE ANO h9me. Locat~ In one of tilt lng room. dlnin,a llrea and Otrr! New wall-to-wall fiu.;tcst ()evelopment nttM kitchen. Room for pool table shag carpet!~ lh r u o u t , In Qmngc County. Thi! and storage for botl.t or ronnnl dlnln1 room PLUS home Is beth.'l' than ne-\\'1 trailer. Unbelievable at fantlly room, covered paOo ::tnd IO clOS<l to South Co.'Lirt Sl07,SOO. Call right now to surrounded by 1u1 c Io u a PllU.4 Shopplnsi:. Priced to see. 6n-.8550. lnndscapina. \\' ALK T 0 8ttll fut 11.r $49. 700. Bc8l to OPEN nl 1 • tts FVN ro l!IE Mtfl OCEAN OR BAY. Jmt ace thb one rlrtt Call Red 11 listed at $59~950. HELEN B. DOWD REALTOR . f=';~~'~!s; ~~ ~~ ll~ailJlll • co:TS , For the rtght ho1ne for }'OU. WALLACE Compltite selection of homes SUPER. J740 aq. ft , REAL TORS BLUFFS SPECIALISl' for Action ••• Call 642-5678 In the be11.ch. A~. townhouse-ocean v\e\I.~ HARBOR VIEW HOMES are•·l~OOO. Car<ll!f. C•. l44 4141- REALTY GUNTHER REALTY l~n E-lnf•I UU7IO 714-~ or Tl4-156-ll51 .!!!!!""""'""""""""'" _ _.. . ' ( • • DAIL I PILOT Svnd•r. June 17, 1913 SUMMERTIME Just in time !or hot weather -lge. 4 bdrm., 2 bath home, all newly carpeted & draped. Walk to all sdiools. This outstandin1 Mesa Del Mar home ls offered at e44,950. LAKEFRONT LODGE Boating, fishlng, goU, skiing, all from this 8 lxlrm,. central boll lodi•· Complete with 4 JIUest cottages. Sitlrated on 5 acres of lake- front land. ThJJ ts a former corporation president's ~--offered at esOO,!JOO. VIEW OF HARIOR LIGHTS "HARBOR VIEW HILLS" LDcated high on the hill, offering full enjoy- ment of the-view of Newport Bay-& Pacific Ocean. Lusk bit. 3 bdnn,. family rm .. dining rm., with a bid. & !ilt'd. pool & jacuzzi: on a profess. lndscpd. lot. Offered in fee at.$99,000 GOLF COURSE VIEW • . . NEW LISTING Lge, exec. horn'}. with 5 baths, game room, family room, aauna bath, dining nn. & lge. country kitchen w/all modern conveniences . :l800 SQUARE FEET. Offered at e139,000. ESCONDIDO INVESTMENT 2.1 Acres of gentle rolling Jt.1, "approx. 240' X 380'," to build your own country estate. Owner will finance, consider subordination. Only $24,950. Call today for the details! ELBOW ROOM · Beautiful residential building site overlook· ing mlley & the Mts. in Rancho California. ExecutiveJiome• alr.eady built in area. 6 Acre lite. Only es&,900, Owner will consider terms. CORBIN -MARTIN Herrel, McKenna & Co. -x Realtors PRESTIGt-WATERFR04T Hav~ . ou \\•ant~{ to live . docksi e? \Vell,. here s yo ur chance ! · Tl1is is truly a prestige home in exciting Huntington Harbour, with 4 bedrooms, for- mal dining room, family room, ARTIST'S RETREAT & a 30' DOCK . The beautiful be am ceiling living room ha s a spacious 8xl2 sunken conversation pit with a brick fireplace for added warmth. Step outside to a huge BACK YARD & gaze upon the peace- ful w a t e rs. 'l'ruly a showplace, &. only $121,900. CORONA DEL MAR Homeowners Assoc. next meeting \Vednes· day, June 20th, 1973. 7 pm. Place: Corona de! ~far Grainmar Schoo l, 610 Carnation, CdM. llCWll'f llM*t --AlllM& • 2646 E. PACIFIC COAST HWY. CORONA OEL MAR, CA 12825 (71'1 ........ ••••••••• X YOU CAN SEA FOREVER Watch the boats by day and harbor lights by night from your livin~ room. The ULTI- MATE in FEE ownership, luxury on·the- \Vater living. 2 Bedrooms, 2 batb condo ln, prestigious Cl{ANNEL REEF. Pool, securi- ty guard, boat slip available.· CALL FOR appointment, e95,000. •••••••••• X WELCOME SURPRISE in U1is l\\'O story, custom built, with many deluxe extra features. Open beam _ceilings, fireplace, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, GOURMET KITCHEN, built-in sewing center and study. Two decks plus 2 landscaped terraees. It's a real value at .................. $79,500. REALTORS • •••••••• ,,_...:=-::::===-----------X BE OCEANFRONT-DUPLEX 644•7662 Genorol Gcnerol Swim on your own private beach, a step from Coll Anytime your front door. Two large bedrooms and 2 l~""""""l' ............... ~G"one""r~•l:"" ............ .,.I EASTSIDE 4 BDRM, 2 BATHS enjoyable fireplaces in each iln.it. A deluxe l;G;;-~;;r•;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J OCEAN VIEW PRICE REDUCED. Owner duplex proa':rty like this only comes along says, "Sell thls house im· 1n;xliately.'' close 10 i hop-once--in·a·l· etime. Call now for appointment. NEED A CORNER LOT? ping & Estancia lI.S. Needs .......•... -.................... $140,000. THIS IS !Tl -3 Bedroom and oversized '> + G $25 950 "'me TLC S259;;JJ family room, well decorated and cared for. " uest • · · · • • • • llJ, • • • • Close to schools and shopping. Only $29,500. ON THE WATER . WITH BOAT SLIP - New 2 bedroom & 2'h bath _luxury,, carefree condominium. Custom decor, ready for occupancy. Full price $87,000. NEW PENINSULA DUPLEX BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED -carefully built 2 & 3 bedroom studio type with balconies and P-itch ed beam ceilings. Fully landscap- e d;c.rpetecr-&-draped:-Ofrered--,,t-196;500.- . -. ~ . ., HERITAGE 540-ilSl Open EY11. REALTORS Gonorol PRESTIGIOUS CORNER -CORONA DEL MAR 3 Smart retailers as tenants & 81f.z % interest oq your loan, makes this the best commer- cial inve~tment 'in this area! Join the lead- ers-move downtown_· $115,000 University Realty 573:5510 Private circular sl.reet of SUPER SHARP fine hon1ea. Paint and save 3BR 2BA homEt v.· j th I ho u a a n cl s . S1vee plng J-IARD\\'000 FLOORS, '2 grounds y;lth J"?Om for ~at. oar gnragc, lush landi;1:ap- 3 d btodr:n1s l n c '· ud 1 !lg ing and niuch niore. C,\LL hi e--a-ay n1aste1 s~~te, NO\\' for appointn1ent to separate lll:'est f11..c1hty, see. Priced v.•ay below den .,"',Ith slldin~ glass d~1· inarket. SZ7,5ru. to ~5 e!1terta1ne1·s patio. CALL 642-17TI Breathtak1n:; vle1v of ca n- )'on and blue Pacific. Bet- T ER l-IURR Y! Ca ll 64>--03<13. Professionally d e s I g n c d v.TOUght iron frencirt&" pro- vides pool safety for the kids. \Ve have ZlOO aq. ft. 3 big bedrooms, s e p a r a t e family room, 2 baths, and a oomcr l!)f. Bicycle to park. to the beach & }1-'alk to all school• & ahoppih1 & con- venient to free w a ys. Assume.Jhls 6<;ii 'VA loaii. Asking $39,900. Move In Condition! P leue phone 545--9-191 for showing. C WMl<ill I\ Ill BEACH HOME 2 BR. 2 ba.; 1 yr. old. 1 Wk . to ocean. 337,950: OCEANFRONT 9 Units. Prime lioc. ~.000 . IRVINE TERRACE Beaut. 4 BR. plt11 family nn. Ne\\' carpcting. Fee simple. $86,500. JONES REALTY INC. ESC1"6 • •••••••• • OPEN HOUSES • DUPLEX; COM-2-3 BR & den, 609 Iris. $98,500. Open Sunday 1-4. . 2 BEDRM,' Newport Height.. 3300 Clay. $33,500. Open Saturday 1-5. AUSTIN-SMITH. GORMAN & ASSOCIA'l'.ES REAL TORS 644-7270 I :!'""'~300=1:.!E~-~c;oa::,:•~t~H!w;Y~·~·~c;•:r:on~•:.:d~e~l~M:•~r~..,.l;~~~~~~~:fs;; 200 wa.lbo.i ''WHERE CAN I I~ HOME & BUSINESS ••• .,, • .:..;..""'.::";,.;, Generol Gonerol -. ' Bedroom, 2 balh•, double -u=v:-::E"""""O""N~T=H=E,-1 PUT MY BOAT?" I 1714) 673-6210 I Ultimate In California UYlnCJ We h il\'e 400) 5e1. ft . of custom preftia:e and quality on 1, 1,1 acre. Offering total rrlvacy with pro.teuional an d 1caplng . 6 bi&" bedrooms, 3% baths, 2 love· ly fireplaeet>, b1ple car prage and a view of everything. You've got to see thi s home~ $73.900. Phone 5.t:H»GS Jor showing. :: ,VALl(lK & l l l ---------1 garage. $30,000. -Best of STREET TO STREET. Doll INVESTMENT teem,, WATER Imagine a 4 Bd•m., 3 bath. 2 -houae. ~bdrm., 2 baths, din· QUIET STREET stOl"" custoni built hoine on i11r1 area, firepla~. FIA • n-• hom full f II pre1ti~ous Huntin..t"n .1 heati '" d •·• .:. uo.."'Uroon1 e , y car· 5o.v 8 oomtt lot ,,,,ilh boat c11.te ng, ney,·.., ecora...-.. peted, recl'nl.ly p;i.intt{f. Harbour. l\laxJmunt luxury and lhei.e extras: seU clean-copper plumbfnl:: near , --1 ~ h ls yours with 3200 square . _, b il private beach -PRICED at \Ve -have many n~v & oldel' ...._.ge l'nc os~ , sunporc ' feet of llving area decorated !nr oven \\'/rottsse1·1e, u l· ONLY $69 500 apartments for sale. Sonie fenced front & b~ck yard, to appeal to the fussiest' 1n barOecue, top of the Une • · have never been advertb,ed. room for boat. Quiet .1treeL Thi! -~rireous hQme ~ dl5h11.·asher and dlspoaal, ..,i. BLUFFS CONDO* Give us a call e.nd we will $27,rax>· features 92 feet on the v.•ater -'!1aulve co~r . b r_J_c_k_ _,~ let you ~ through OW' Roy McC•rdle Re•ltor \\"ith huge overkloklne patio f.ireplace. Built Just 10 -nRST TIME OFTERED inventories. Red Carpet. 1810 Nev.·port Blvd., C.~I. and hont dock. You. must Ea"'°"11'1!ds ~;1 1~::i ~ Beautiful upgraded u plan: Realtors. 5-\6-8640 topen 548-7729 experience this beauty so 5 1 e ........, a · 3 bd 2 ba'c. di evenina:s). ~I ,, 847-00l O ' th l1 and n1ore -prlced to nn.1., lllll, n area, ...,.,,-=c.,...-~~--1 •-'!"'!~J!!!..,"l'l~'l""~" I c llO\\ • • ~ll fast. o~>Mr \Vlll con. lumlnol;IS cellin&: in kltch~n. Victorian Manor * Newport He ights * sider trade. Call RED dee~ pile shag carpet, nice ORIENTED?? tory 1 Frplc -around tree shaded l 6-6-8080. · $49,MO. 2 S $21 000 Juot ll•ted. 2 BR. -2 bath" ii11·,,·I .. •i CARPET REALTORS at pat area. near pool · patio. 3 ,., •"'"· + boa "WE HAVE "C" THOMAS l\Iusive 2 1tory Victorian. S parltinr & berry patt-h.. CUSTOM 2 IDR bedroom•, -A mu~o °""" leaving ""'" ~~~>~:J~::;;:1 Realtor EASTSIDE room. Forn1al dlninr. Wind-Call tor App't. APARTMEKTS" -· w. ~~--H-..... _ Ing ttalrca.se. P~-'·-Jlke ,...,. ......,.., _,, ~-• 18 ROOM MANSION IOlll\I I f'l'O\ , ' HIUTOP HAVEN . if you like these achool1, we have thc!o-home -for-yoU - larJe 4 bedroom, 2 bath, tamilY room home ~ilh beaudtul front k 1 t c h e n , drl\·~thru garaee, boat or camper 1torage. 1800 sq ft, ln excellent condition. Prtce only $38,900. Flnt Ume advertised -won't hut 54' 5llO Open EvH. · HERITAGE ~· r -•-sTSIDE-2 BR ·Ne•-rt Beadl-Ev• MH143 Are you ready for thb1 one? grounda. Agent 645-0303. P.AREL ~ tn Costa 1-fcsa. Brand new wpu --------- Custom bard ... >•d cabinets, SALESMEN $26 350 <X>Ntructlon lor depreda· TWO ON A LOT RU\LfORS beautttul hardwood pegpd .... . 1 • lion, older unlt.s for income. ''SUCH A DEAL" tocrs forced air furnace, \\re need professional nien WW'ALKEB Large lot \\'llh all~y enn:ai:ice We offt r pr 0 ft s 8 i 0 n a J t(X)% occupancy -tnveston built in vacumn system, in-and V."O'lnen \\"ho are ~illing ('n4) 646•7414 lB located on. I~ hned LtU1an counielinz to get you the in· If you've been looklnc for an opportUnhy I: pride of own· ter corn !:)'stem, buil t ln to cope \\'Ith the deniands or Place. Price Iii right • the vestment U\at's beat for Investment tba.t needs &0me ershlp .. to boot" -$41,51'.Xl, blender, all electric kitchen. a succc8.!ful life In real rts. &.42•2668 u .. uc1· ter111s are xlnt, -Call now! you. fixing-up. v.·e ju.t listed it. but owner says sell r ii:Jit kxtirect liehting system, all eatate .!ill.left, \rork in n 300 N. Nt.'\\·port Blvd., N.B . CALL RED CARPE T T\\'O housn on a lot, Front now! thia plua a snULll rotta.ge in crea.Uvc, 1.."()n1palibleen\'iron-l-="-'-""',="'=c===c=..c Newport REALTORS AT 6G-8(ll(I or is a 3 Bnn, 1 bath, fireplace rear to help pay )"Ollt ~nts. ment under proven Jeadcl'· 3 BR: Charmer It stbp by our new office at 277 1n sood condition. Rear t. 2 Only $40,001 Call Red ship, Yoo provide the lX>-On hUlt!! Jot • count}' E. 17th St., Costa Mesa, Bnn., 2 bath and ~I Carpet, Realtors 546-8640 lentiul, v.·e'll provide the F11rylew comer Santa Ana Ave. work. Located in pr:lme <•n evenings) i tin1ulous. Personallied Ontu eutslde Costa ?.tesa and hu '-WE training available. "' 646-1111 Ea.stside f..P1ex bffn rezoned R~l. Priced to Call Nigel at·644·'i211 "'21 TWO _ 2 BR, TWO -1 BR. tell at N0,000. Brlng all Of· .Al'OLQGIZE" ~ J:uy upkeep. nW vacancy ~· ~~ ~~r·uE 1· I• the -111.lex "'''"" U ,.u tried to call RED ~ I I -factor. $32,SOO. IPCXll"IM $.\.10. REALTORS for complete bath e1ch, .;!~~e~~s= CAllPET REALTORS, 277 Burr Whit• RHltor SHARP! NEW per"'°' lntnrmotlon at 6'5-8MO. ed ,....,., now paint, new ~s.:o.i°.fi~,~,:~·:;, -==;;:~~==::::=::'='--,fs>~~o'°~;~re': •. CUSTOM HOME f:_ll7~·.tM RAINY DAYS f='.· l~~e:i ::v~~:::.~ !:"or;..d:. ..l\':':':w ;::;: POOL TIME Huge corner lot J..,.ted in ........ AND MONDAYS Call RED CA R PET thll dllftCSted and do offer And v.·e'.re l\Qt Ju11 apJnshing. EASTSIDE prin1e Eastalde O>sta Mesa. Still have a \Vay of being jll8t REALTORS at 64rr8080. ;ii Thia pool lJ 17 feet v.'kle and Picture thlJ builde1' d~ irreat when )"OU are inside COSTA MESA N.,....EW• ATHEIGHTS-a tull 39 feet long. The home ·I BR, ""nl)y, pool. 426 E. "°!lie. 4Bdr,. 3. belh, OOao HAPPINESS IS this rozy dollhouae ~~-3 BR, l!l BA, hnrdwood has" h..A---.ii. batba ~'ef CM raised hearth fll'epl&ee, -...,....u,. .a 1-1 bltn kl h -VllW HOME tamily""""'=• •r~ 't ! ' ' * · ot line kitchen wlth ~A great tamlly home. 4 Bd· out. Shag carpetina:, rich 1,10l>n, 11-ep ace, tc en ..._ • ..,,,..l vieW ot bay \\'ith b eaut I f u I I y ~ 3 BR, family rm. 16~ Tustin, barbecue. This home t1 only nn1., larK• pool w/auper ~!line and'° much mort ~9 ~ced~:..~BQsh~ __..... ~-.... c M 10 months new and ~ to ~ttttainment area. O n 1 y ~ II haw to mee It. Just ,.. -\.11 v v ... O\W ZiOD 1q. ft. or li ving. 3 t, .. V\qlihotJt. Call and • • 1 1 .,, ~ . . 9501 Call now 8'7-I010 looldnc nm pond l11d water-Bdnn... s mih home far only bring )'our be.thine IUJt F ot· appt to aee, call "'I ta.st at $45,00J. Red --· ' • · • fall. 2 Car detached &araie C WALl<lH /I, ll E "STOP" ~[ ..... ,., .. " -~ w.-·-....... , ... J General General HUNTINGTON aEACH FOR SALE BY OWNER Lovely ''New OrlHns'' l'ranciscen I'~ talns model aplr•I at•lrc.M-rt'l•ster tufte with parent retrut-lar,. ct.n--flre"•..,_ form•I dlnl"tltl:cor•tor. dr.,.s, w/P4-1"r, corpot"'9 -•I• ~onl ....,,.. c..,: ' tr•f loc•tlon, Orut Investment. Nur mutfl.. - mllllon (>Ark ond llltruy-ci... •II 1cltool1, coll ... , fr .. way1, thopplftl, etc. V.cant July. $5',500. Coll fer oppl, PRINCIPALS ONLY.142-73A. Gener•I PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT - Lindo Isle Wo,.rfront Custom 4 Iidrm., 4\io bath home on la1oon. ~U!IY. equipped Island kitchen, waterfront family room, _!>llllard room ...... ,245,000. f=or Complete lnformatlon On All HolllOt & Lot1, l't-Coll: BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 loysldt Dr., Sulit 1, N.I. 675-6161 Generel Gener•I • * * SACRIFICE ** LA CUISTA VIRDI HOMIS in Laguna Hilla has 2 homes back on the marlltl because of credit rejectlono. Both have cozy kilcbeno and family rooms plus 3 BR'•. & 2 BA. One hao a fireplace. Quick possession. Excellent coaventlonal financing available. ISl.000 ond ~1.IGI MAKI US AN OPl'llll 1 I Call J•rry Herdln or JH Wlllllto 714: 544-1112 ------~ Goner.I 0-rol. nwporl J.l.ig~u OPEN HQUSE SAT/S1', 1·5 • SUS.000. CaU 1ted Carpet, 8U-z.;JS. . I Carpet, ~alton: ~ '*** GINNY' Ol'fN1lL••n'$FIM1DS.NICEI wUh RPQ'&te \\"Or'k llhop. ;;1::!t~ (by •P-"';"""'"''''"0•111C11 f:.l17:.dibri.f0 1£\ :;REAT~AKING :., • .,;,.,. MORlll.ISON .~ . ··~~1!!11 = b-":"O:~t~~ 530 SA,._IERNARDINO -::---$17,000• aJ -~ VIEW" *l:.::: REAs'J~~~ ~ 1 =!!~.~~"' =~·-wu;,1:n~:~~ P.~~g!~itfo~!d~ic~.~.!'1!:~·P~~:.n~;~ NO MOU ~j NEWPORT BA y *s 34 500 * PROBLEMS 131,500 owner. 894-84.IT. ~e3ar9 ,J!rd & doµble car 1arage. Ottered ot V«Y ~ ! br/den a •""' , . * CHARMER * TI>l• homo h•• evorythJnr . 3 * MESA VERDE • "'"" -In....,., Lola ot p<tvscy HOUSE , N Pl. Heigh"'-Lruite rorner Bdrm. 3 B•th, 2500 .,, tt. I Selling YoUt hotne llAUTY ..,...,_ WI R I •-. "Ith dlaloH!nll ,....,. ·.....,,<J I°'• P"'J>M1y. f"J<oxlblo .Jem,. JlC""llul patio •1tl• toun· Try BeaulilUI "'~ a10iy oorner n 111iam fthlft ea tAtafe Jhis charming home' Pr!"' JJ:.AUTIFUL 4J2 WESTMINSTER lain. View ot South O..y Out-6!·town ...,... -*Ing "CA<lt PURCHASE PLA N" home locftt«I on one or lhe 229 MARINI, IALIOA ISLAND [ 67~1 t. firm • but HIY OMndnc. From the manicured 'i.wr11 OPEN SUN. 11-4 fronl every room, extra immediate: sale on ~· EAST· (12 llour evti.luation ld'Vict) 'rdctft atreetl ln 1t1ca -----.. lllll-!l!!!llm!l!!!'!!!l'!!"~jlll!llJ!!l!!"'!ll•I to the taste)y decorated 1,,. Pyromld Exchongos large mMttt oulte, huge SIDE 3 bt<l!O>Xu, 2 balh By Verde. Thb home 1 s O"" a MQI CO a •T'S ••--\ terlnr thl.1 3 br 2 b4t hoMe 6 1: ••-fireplace, larre ta. m 11 y borne wtth all the convV\· tve'1')1hlnc you .ver wanted. lllLAn ... .... · •l*-fklta. tt'a' n~ In • * 1~ * · 'kitche n, aaragc door !meet. SpaciouJ yant w/ 4 Bdr ., 3 bllttil, tlu8e lot ready! Only $JS,000. Open HANI>''t.tAN . C~ntr)' ·' open<?r. elc. Don)t hf1ftate &lmolt 10,000 Ill· h. Arixlou• "'Ith swhnmlnf JIOOl. Only IALISM.AN •• -' ~· . I ' k1I a.. ~ l1UIL .., the '-~ HOUM Sat 1: Sun, at 161'6 PalntinA: • · Small ~lt'I. thit1 'l\'On't la!l:t. CaJI RED • come and let • submit REAL ESTATE $60,51)'.l Call ~ CaJi>et , -SL. Fount&Jn va11e1• can Chulle a AM·lOAM, CAR.PET REALTOftll at tmna. CALL 5 u -1 UI 2231 S<a11h Brl""'1 Ave. R<alton, 511 lllO Copen Dally Piiot Clanlfletl Call -· o.mer/brlt. ~.. . -SoulllCo 11oa1-. ----=-==---'-'-=="'='-----• • ·-,- , . --__ __:.__1 __ • ' , " ... _J _, L 4 \ I. • I -..... l~ [ -"'.. I~ [ -"''"' l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;;;;;;;;;=;;;.1 l;o.n:;;;:":;':":;I :;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;G;:•;:•;:,.;:';";;' :;;:;;::;::;::;::;f G-ono_r_•_t _____ _ 4 BEDROOM· OUR 14TH YEAR .Offorlnt S.rvlco Only Exporlonco Con Provide $34,000 Terrific location 011 -quiet trw shaded street 1.r You have 80n1e cash, toke ad· va.i1W.ie of the low interest GI loon that can be usum· ed by Myone. Or try 5+ do11•n. (..10je to illopping and rrecv.•uys, and only :z n1iles IUY A NEW BALBOA DUPLEX For $109,(0) or mon:, or bu,y lhl1 one, 6 yra. old, tor 194.!IOO. Sold -&.. completely leased, It will produce a better, steadier income than the new ones. Call me for details. Arthur \Vblte. Suad<J, Ju., 17, 1973 DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar Cotta M.M Co1ta Miu El Toro El Toro -----..O::"=.:=-:;;:--:::--:;-:=;;::::-=:-=;;-IZ:;;:;;:;;:;====;;;;;;===l ·-0PE~s~~\t5~· 1·5 MESA VERDE Oulitandine 3 Bdrm. in beautif\.11 CoroM li41hlanda. New, plush •bal tarp., pancletl Uv. rm. w/rock frp.lc.; near-ne.w d11bv.•11hr.: beauurully decorated & landscapt.'d, Pr I cl e of <M•nershlp home. )'ou °'''n lhe land offered for 162.500. 211 AGATE $61,000 OPEN SAT., SUN. 1·5 DRIVE BY AND CHECK OUT 2942 BOA VISTA DRIVE Elegant 2 story home with gorgeou1 deep shag carpeting, custom dr1pertM, 1unny kitchen o1nd pool t1ble size f1m,ly room overlook sparkling heo1ted 1nd filtered pool .. This Is 1 stunning decorator home. See to OPEN 1-5 WHm W ~TER The picture windows piovlde a lovely-view of Laguna's white water, & the entire decor of this beautifully maintained 3 BR. & den home is superb! Seeing will be belie·ving. $89,500 lo the beach. - aJO ~~~~~ '"'"' t=r21 64G-71U 10i>en eves. Bl'and new beautiful duplex JlJ\ ijalboa Island. SpnclOU$ 4 BR. & 2 BR., family rn1. 1 w/\\'E!t bar, frplc .• sundc-ck & patio. Take a look -this is nice property! I An a.II t ncom}Sassi..og executive hon1e \vlth superb, luxurious, modern design. A 1naster· ful blending of new carpeting, custom deM signed drapes, distinctive and colorful 'vall decor in 4 upstairs bedrooms . _ . 2112 lavish· ly designed baths, paneled office or den on 1st fl oor .. -Separate formal dining room and eleganUy draped living room with cusJ- tom designed fireplace sitting . . . A dist tinctive separate colorful "dine-in" kitchen. . . . Finished double garage . , . The land- scaped approximate 1.4 acre corner plot !ea· lures the ultimate in privacy in the incon1- parable Mesa Verde area. opproclato. $56,900. Bkr Costa Mesa THIS OLDE HOUSE 137.9400 Fount•in Valley 2076 TEMPLE HILLS DRIVE (Off -Tholio St.) I I GOLF COURSE COUNTRY This splendid, lge. 4 BR & family rm. home is a prized li sting of ours. Just completely \ redecorated. with expensive wallpaper, lux· 'urious new carpeting, & ready to offer you years of most comfortable living. An d,. only $64,500 WANT A BARGAIN CHEAPIE? Try to beat this. Only $211.900 for a 3 BR., 2 ba. home, with an additlo'tlal l·BR-separate unit now rented eLinJa .!JJfe PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Linda Isle Waterfront Beautifully redecorated"5 BR., 4· ba. home with downstairs waterfront rnstr. BR. suite, lge. game rm. or study. Kitchen w/eating area Mexican tile firs., bea\n cell's., lge. dock & boat slip. $175,000 • For Comphto lnformotlon . On All Homos & Lots, PloaM Call: BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Lachenmyer Realtor " " . .., " .,__ u • WATERFRONT DUPLEX· $170,000 includes tv.'O boat ~ks and adjacent var.ant lot for ad- ditionaJ building -or for just plain pri'1ii'cy. Just ·listed. C vVALl<EH & lll Bayside Or., Suite 1,,N.B. 675-6161 l'l'-"'",.,;.,. _____ ~--~ ... ----""IRealtors 646-771-1 G.ner•) Gen.r•I 21}ti. \Vestcliff Drive Open til 9 P~I IT'S GOOD TO BE HOME This attracti\'e little ho111e has been \Vithout love for too long! On Bayshores Drive, near private beaches and surrounded by all the charm of Ne"'J>Ol't Beach. Open house • Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p.m. 2851 Ba)'Shore Drive • $56.500. 675-722.i 521 ACACIA So. of 1-Jwy., comer lot: sharp duple:i<, 2 BR . each. 1'l'J>IC!li., cari:iets & drapes. Nc"1ly painted outside. \Valk to the beach from your O\\'Tl home. MORGAN REAL TY 673-6642 675-6459 Salisbury R<·dl !v EXCLUSIVE A RARE FIND! BELONGS TO .\ BYC.ONE ERA. Detailed l'Xh·rior of cJapbonrd sidiu~. lgc. pic- ture \\•itldo\\"S, i ong, flov•ln;,. \'eran<la porch l'llll')'\\·ay. Localed In oldt·r .<;('l'lion of Cos!a i\Jesa, ON O\'El{- SIZE LOT OF APPfi0:\:1 • 9000 SQ. f.l. Very Exclus ive A re a Unique 2 BDR.i\f. FLOOR TI1is home has ~"eT')'lhing, PL.AN, reatures O LO E e\·en a llbrru'Y 11tlth parquet t'ASlllONED P ,\It L 0 It floors. dl>le BBQ. overhead TYPE LIV. IJi\l., npprux. Xi hrrs in patio, hcat~Jfiltered $51,500 ASSUME. 7°/o GI LOAN DRIVE BY AND CHECK OUT 2800 SHANTAR DRIVE CORNER ADAMS AVE. rt. Jong,• 1vith COZY LOG self cleaning pool and. ja- BURNINC FIREPL.ACJ::. cu..:zi. 2 i\laster bednus, ·I Spacious farmstyle "kltchen. bal/uooms, You rriust see it Thls olde house hM "Al..L 10 believe it~! AU of th is CARNATION COVE du11lex: lot over 2SO ft. deep. 3rd interest in pier. Extra parking. Fee land (y<>u own ~--1 ii l. Tiic ve1'Y bci.1. quiet & private bc1:1.ch Joe. $210.000. OPEN SA'l'/SUN. 1-5 Spra\vliug two story home. Four or five bed· rooms, 21h: bath, fo rmal dining room \vith warm and friendly fireplace overlooking rear yard , with J;!'as fed Brick Barbeqtte firepit in the center of a large patio. Call for appointment. KINDS OF POS.SIBJLI· is offered for only TIES." It \\'OUld n1nke an $67 000 excellent FIRST l·IOi\.lt: fot· . . 1 · 1 nc1\·ly\\'L'<is. or HE'flRE-Tins palace LS shO\vn by~ ap· t i\IJ::N''f lIOl\IE ro r ~nior polnt1ncnl only, call 963-561J. ., citi1.e11s. \\"e doubt that you ·.i L,ONESOME c.LJTIE This attractive little home h:1s been \\'ithout love for too Jong! On Bayshorcs Drive, near privute beaches and surrounded by all the charm of Newport Beach. Open house -Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p.rn. 2851 Baysborc Drive • s;xi,500. 67;)..7225. College Parle 4 BR. 2 ba, dbl garage, bltns, VA.appraised $33,00). Prine. Only. 5-tQ--0374 . Corona del Mar 111 Bayside Place SALISBURY REAL TY 315 Marine, Balboa Island 673-6900 675-4437 Eve. IMMACULATE I Po1M.dar MonaL'O n1odcl \3 Bil. I ·on one of largest lo s in Harbor Vie11• Hornes. Up- graded carpet, self-cleaning ov<:n. Fee si~le. Call to see! .... 'I CORONA del MAR BLOCK TO OCEAN 239 HELIOTROPE AVE. 1,·111 find anything like it, !or or1:1y $22,500 FULL PRICE J-!., ll GOllD\\'I ;..r / J ~ • ~ '• v ~SI. OVJo"F.R i 'OUH. O\\'N Fountain Valley Co. 92708. ON. P\'i\IT. n4 963-5611 CALL )IQ\\' FOR ADDRJ-:ss: I ====-===c==I MISSION REAL TY I• 9SS So. Coost H"O". L>o:una REPOSSESSED Phone (714) 494-0731 ' ' • • • " $69,500 .,i OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN 1-5 OCEAN VU HOME loco·edible buy! 2-3 BR _;; Dano Point $750 DOWN B"eautiful one-story 2 bedroom 2 bath with f\fodern 4 BR, 2 BA. patio Townhouses with huge rum· :l fireplace in exclusive R-1 area. Stucco ex· 11•1r11cc1 yd, lgc liv -1,n rus rooms, all b I tn s .. · teri~r, smartly landscaped with large patio · \\'/frplc. ·riuly lil'eable. dish11·a~her, entirely crptd, . leading to large separate double garage \"J.th i\fa.n\· ex'U-as. $39.900. 2 c:i.r gar .. 2 swim pools, 11 · r 497.)711 Laguna Be•ch kills p!Ay at'CA, n1uch more, electric door opener. llurry! Only a fe\·1 left. : CAMEO SHORES PRINCIP ALS ONLY 01'" loc irulpection 10 lo 5 · 1 Lol'ely four bedroon1 home P·111· • w;th bolh • whil• """ """ ~ First Pione~r Realty 'j canyiln view, designed for Sole Agent ~ ~o~;Yi~ ul:at~· i;! c~ COSTA MESA REALTY t~ThfED 'poss, 10 percent dn, S57M9144 or l42.t421 I sauna, massive sunken !iv-3 BR, 2 BA. comp! re ing l'oom \\•ilh k i ant · ~ lndscpd. Buy no11• .~ choose Huntington Beach ~ fireplace. Gracious Indoor ~~ t'Vlors for int painting . Close •''""""'See lh;, line homo Since 1958 _ 548-7711 to State lkh & "'"""°'· by appo intment o n I y . S.19,500. 33;,g2 Brcme11on ~ -ESPEe IAliliY-WHEN-it11-e...-lovely--as--thi Mesa Ve rde 5 BR 3 BA pool home. New ankle deep crpts thruout, large formal liv· ing & dining rQOms -opening onto beaut: oversized pool. All bltin kitchen w/separate dinette. Truly a magnificent family home and priced only $59,950, Ready for your U.. spection -CALL us for complete detai ls. • SUMMER PLACE J'iiit recctv a· Price uc- tion on this vc1'Y lovely 4 blll'nl. hoine in ~lis:;ion Vie- jo. A cool. blue pool for your family to enjoy. Don•t 1niss 1his \'ery good buy. Phone today. 5S6-02Zl NEW---OUPlE-X- Outs tan din.::; nc\I' t.-un- struction, all i;hingle c:x- terior with quality fct1.hn-cs sueh WI stained glass \l'in- do1\'S, extra storage area, private patios, ex Jl o s l' d beam ~·ood ceilings. 11itee bt.'(l mon1 units. Open house - 1~72Z'i~iii~~~t=~~~~f~~=r~~~~~~~~~~D~a~na~~p~·-~"~·I-~-~·,...~-~-~~'°~'-r , Costa Men Cost•-M ,,,,._ OUR BEST BUY QCE,\N \·iew & patio. 2 br. 2 ba, 1valk to bchs & l\larina. Light & airy 3 BR. 2 ba. cust. Bv oivner. $33.500. 34081 bit. L'Ontemp. hon1c w/cu"'--•r' Dr ·~2119 .,-:• azo , ''""" . ., boards & cloS(.•ts galore. 5 2 BR, tit BA, 2 story, close RANCHO LA ClJEgf'A. Just :1: --~~-. in 2 patios & parklike yard. to marina, cpt/drps, lg sun .• sLx months old, . fully land· !;lo Choice r:asts:ide area. deck, $37 ,500. 49.l-5029. scaped grounds, 5 bedrooms "f Only $39.500 El Toro and lots ilf living spae@ • Sat. & Sun. 1·5 p.m. 412 Iris I .. ~:::::iiiiiiiiiiii~~~- .. B_lG POTENTIAL BALBOA BAY PROP. Mesa Verde Special ~~!is.t~ ~and ' And r it starts l\1lh a new * 642M7491 * 4 BR & fam rm for only U 546.SllO -. , _,, HERITAGE • Opon Evn. . Sl 19,fiOO. ~ir72'25. Ii =eth~i~e~. i:r:;y \~t~~ TRIMLEYEL, $44,000 $33,950 ~.~; : .,~., 1:1~ mm ~Gffi~~ H6Ml~0:~P.j ~ Gener•I Ing rm, log size frplc. pvt C II ~.5611 _ _ 111.th & plaster constructiOn, •; REALTORS ga.rage. Room (or additional • 7-beauti.fulJy decorated, big 1,., NEWPORT HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVE WALK TO g acd'"-pat;o , double 4 Bd, 3 Ba, 3 car•"'" Den ' LAKE FOREST . I prl t ~--20 garage. ROOm for additional 1v/1vct bar. 6% assumable Sparkling Deane Bros. 4 Bd-pa137n500o, nCALLew ~0 .~,;: 0 c~tom 4j' x ' POOL. EXOTIC SHOPPING loao. $251 j)e< mo, o"~" I ., I ,. lot ' . ~~-' "01·1 only $56 900 Pl-~" ITn ., run1 y im.; 11 0e , •-.... et )'O\lr bikini in Utis " • • · .__,._, ·11 ~· C U "'·· hild r I I ' 3'BR hon1e on one of HEATED' POOL Choice location ncnr \Vest VACATION AT HOME one call at anytime. Agent, ~~H~ .. ,.... a .,,,.., on c ro c cu lC sac. POOL 1-IOl\fE -\\1th gas "' ho,_ l · N rt Cl"tt ' -•ly " B• 2 673-73U. ~ S55,000. P. Hallock. "B-Q, lol• ol d-klng, _,_ C .... ...,M stree s 111 '"'PD 1 area . .....,v. " '" Exciting 3 BR, 2 BA home, EE E REAL TORS 644-2430 o-" =-....... Beach. Bulltins, fircpl. pl~ $35,500 bath hon1c. Ready for you 10 rull ocean vie"" 3 P\1. -------* N D D * St. cm! patio, 3 bPdrooms, ... tree house add to the n1ovc in, no \\'Ork on this beaches. by oWliei-. $7S,500. DRAMATIC SALESl\1EN Fovnklin Valley C.a. 92708 \~-... ~~'!l'---"' \ pa.ne1cd ·living area, on a 1 charm· }af;,500· CAL L Probably the best vnhK' in one. $33.500 C-ill Re 11 Prine. only. 673-3177 for Nl'\\' Ouplcx on l~'i! lilts. So. For ilUt NEW ottlce n.c 963-561t Fountain Valley 968hi_llsJ~. for $34,000. CALL "i··· 6-5-7221 the area, and'only nvaltable Carpet, Realtors. a46-S&IO nppt. of 1-lwy. Separate bldg~. for BALBOA BAY PROP. .........., RANCH STYLE al Tiflo.; REAL ESTATERS. topc n evenings). SUMMER IN OL' con1p!:cte privacy. l Blk to 1505 lticsa Verde Dr. F.ast FOR lHE PRICE REDUCED lBn. living roon1 w/fin>pl to ~~tu~~o~s ~~ ~~~~ Fantastic fixer!! CORONA ;j:!~ Sat/Sun. 12:30-6 * 5561800 * -SWINGING Fantastic b~}~this 4, 5 or , a be-a1ned cathedral ceiling, No sh'eets to crMs to reach Bring your hamn1er! Pei1ect Collect rent for the lvinter, 313 HELIOTROPE E SIDE DOLLHOUS( 6 BR, Century Park pool formnl dining rooni . quiet, the 'gran1mar school, and rpntnl eottage on huge-3 uni! lo1v price, $44.500. Call . HAL P-INCHIN M SINGLE home. Jo~eatures bonus room J::~· ~EiJ~i~~c~~: walkhooing1· anddista,!?' lo ..... ~~-hl ~':-~tilCI osta 1ifemosa ... !~'!!.i ,,o°':c=n'O'i'°=n'--"A"sroc=.~"~·13~.~"~l.,,1.=0 REAL TOR -67M392 O\\•J'lC'r moving out Of state Squeaky clean . so clean you (can be converted to 2 more sc vaange ..._._,., vw•no-• '" cany ·~-~ COZY corner collage, 3 RR, take your shoes off to enter. bedrms.l plus fainily tm., CAl..J..., OC~72'll Q>llcgc 0\'er sized 2 car at $23,500. l.olv dn 01.:! ! 2 BA + nu 1100 sq ft unil. 2 e e DUPLEX e e must sacrifice 3 Br, 2 ba, U~gradcd thiooghout & gas dining rm .. 21~ baths ant: NEWPORT HEIGHTS I gara~e with roon1 for lk,'lter hurry!! Call &ta-S·IOO. BR, 1 BA & frplc. Top 1\1'0 l-BR. Walk 10 beach bllns, [rplc, rain rm, shake BBQ in f'ountain Vall••'• he a" y sh a k e roof. -.:l:l:ll:l:ll:l:ll:l:ll:l:ll:l:l:Zl:l:l:j ; 'k -• 'l 1 roof, 1600 sq rt . Only $1650 ....,. rtl I all d · d I ii ' '"R 2BA, tuinily roon1 \'>01 · IOP ...,,... you name 1 · 1 F N ll 9 quality. s 116, 7 5 O. 500 $59,500 Age111 673-R.500 finest area. Pools avru'lau e, A st c Y e111gne poo · NT t ~ Pl ho I tkiv.'11. Call Bkr. f'45-6646. UI BBQ . & ,. l ELE·GA w/fi l'('pl, nC\r ca rpet s' en.SC p ne no1v ot• an ap. \' r 1•---rd & Co Poinsettia, &l4-73ll or CW.ner says sell • Nov.•!. --pit -pa io are grea b I · Cool nnintment to_v_iew this ex· · l:.. ...,..'8 • .. A~.........,, Costa Mesa NEWLY DECORATED 101· •-n1ily fw1 and en-MEREDm4 drape&, t 111 R • c~lu••'•·e property. ••• ~1•. ~ f..rtiolO~ ll"lll"""1'"'" ·· ~ ..,. I --• ~ · t J'fll"'~.J. ·~....,.... "BR 1\' ba ~soo te 1·tai ning. Pritle-0f-' _ n1an curt..'u yan.1 Oil QUIC HQl\lE or BUILDER BY 3 BR ? BA " • 11 ' """'' . . " cul-de-s3c. \\'a.lk to nU· CIPEN'~O · "'S FUNTOBEWCE1 .#\LDER BUT 2 BR, fpl c, cpts, room for bllin~~17~1c. quiel ;1, 4.:x) BALBOA BAY PROP. Reali,...., :J!:~rshi~ n:~~~c h ':;1: GARDENS Nev.-port SC'hools. bike to llie ~ ~ ~ "" -2nd unil. See at 618 Esther $32.500, 837~17, No, ~=~*='7~5_56~ll~IOO='°*,_,._ ••• I .. "'~"'"i:mi. $-17,500. C 1\ LL ''SO NICE'' Goldenrod, do not disturb. b'-1: aJG-0562 Bo at/ tr a i I er access. Hugi!: corner lot close to , ,, iu». BEAUT J\lesa del J\la.r home, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio\ Assume 717;, VA loon. Now I ocean, 4BR 3BA, laundry · 1'73.1 W£>StcliU t)r., N.B. 2200 sq. It., 3 br. "l10me., G'5-JJOO. J\IESA VERDE -3 br. 2 ba, Lge 3 BR, 2 Ba, new carp, .JI THIS 11 only $49,900. room, huge lam rm + not just a hoi.tse • \\'Ith full ANXIOUS Q\vncr, Harb Vu clean, MedalJion h o me. trplc, lge covered patio & .,....-• • larwin realty Inc. form! din rm. Adult OC· 0 ~ -===---------1 dining room on qU fet tree-Rills. 4 Br. 2~' Ba. Shag crpts. frplc, vacant. yard, loafed near 9Chs & 4 Bdrm. Eastslde 96& 4405 (24 hrs} l."Upied and JOOCk;l cand. -~~-) U"'21 , BEACH ESTATE !!~ .. 'a',"i",!;,ooo°". "" ,.,.. Sandpipec. lge lot, Fee, $31.7511. Wrl848 •hf>. 135.9511. Coov only. By I ~ Baths True exoc home. $53,000. _51 'Tl OK...., -$87,150. &U-7362. BYbwner -Fully upgraded 3 OY.'ner. 5.57-5717 C t & D Lot his pool If CAMEO SHORES BR hqn1e. surrounded by E·AsrsIDE Costa Mesa 3 F=~~.J yard rapes House has bonus rm. , GRAND HOME Formol Dining Roon1 and also a Fa.mily Roon1. This bon;i.e ill f01· the ln~e farni· ly. '+.bdnns and 2~11 baths. .Lots of brick_ ncro!ls the b'ont. Sec It "'tlh us today. 586-0'122 EJ.egatit hon1c for t he By Owner, 3 bl:·, 2~ ba, fam I lush g1-eenery. Hur r Y ! BR, 2 BA, fr/pl largt!" lot, Bike to beech Bonus rm hes poolteble · MW "pert......... hostess! Q\•er rm, pool. $115,ooo-67;>-1097. $33,!00. 546--4648 $29.950. Agent, 645-5557. E . Cl . nd th t6J..4471 C :) 10J J "' Re"to1--'i;=::=:"":'-"-===-.:.-=-===-==-c====~=-===""'==== I c-•1 H Gold . 'llJOY 111stn1as Ql'OU e I $10.000. in landscaping and .... " ... ..., any snuU1 Interior design. ~taster suite '-~=='"'6-002'1"--:~~=-=---* KASABIANo * ?rick flrepla~e in.your fa m· PARK HUNTINGTON ' ,-. tr R I E 1ly ronn1 Ui1s \V1nter! And , .: hM study room, dressing ''SPLASH IN sfill-0~"'\.. ' D...:::: a. ti ea state 962-4644 Sumnter all ycar in your A Spanish beauty • Gtml c room anc1 private sundeck .. ~ I.' a ~).. -'!:J µ v ..,-"':~~!OJ!!~--~ I sunshine.· cheerrut 4 bedrm ti:ome tor the ~ execu-plus M EXC I TING THE SUN'' ARTISflC: Centwy Park honie \vith 2% t1ve \\'ho ent ertains a. ~t. VERANDA. 4 Bedroon1~· 3 You cun do just tha t '"ith T/raf /nlriguing Word Game with a Chuckle OldE>r honie on 50' x 150· ho.th and family kitch. lrg faro rm. a forrnal d1ntng baths. very ~orma.1 dlrui~, this sparkling 1•, .. )T. old -I ------·1diNi i.., CLAY 1. POUAN C0:'.11\IERCIAL zoned Jot. which l:i\·erlooks pool. Don't rm. _Only $46.950. CALL • separate .11:1nuly room Y.~th Br, 2~· bath P>o1 ho1ne. o• "' • bl·.J Suitable for ;\n!ique Shop, hcsi!ale rhea-e's 2 pools for 846-1351 or 847..a531 I bean\ reil•na and roanng f!Clrrange e ICtom .-g • • -.... Priced right at $49,700. words below 10 moke 6 r a.ti gallCl'}'. plant palace. tl1E> p1ice of on<?. Call NO\V - fireplace. Right 01~! of CAU. RED C A R PET simple words. Print le11ers of ett·. T1'0 bcdroo111s. Used larwin reelty inc. ~~~~'6 bl~s ~~,:;~h. ~ REALTORS AT &15-8080. el)Ch in 111 line of squares. ' l.irick frplc., lnrge dining f68.4405 (24 hrs) ~ • 1 . ec. transfer l11 your gain! * WATERFRONT * roon1 \Vi!h huilt-iu buffet andliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ Only $56.900. Hurry, Call us Channel Duplex I G I N K T H I beanietl ~eiling. Obie garage!•-:::::-=:=::~~~~"""":_I at 96l-55L1 BKR. Ba1boa Cove:oi home --1 1• I I I I' and ex•ra \\'Orkshop. Sho\\'11 -TREES-$32 950 ~~--.. ..... * OCEANFRONT * _ W =·~k Lois Voegl, FOR CALIFOP.NIA 1 RANCH Just 1 --:.----~•--•-Jfomes & un111: e · T-RliEHOUSES two years -o1d and-still ) I ·-~~~~~--I -LARGE -BALBOA BAY PROP. I F I R A A S I SOUTH COAST •meU. brand neW! GLASS Iii . Well locnted 3 bedm1 .. 2 bath GARDEN KITCl!EN wilh , PROMISE -HER * 673-7420 * I I I I I' 'PLAZA hou<e fully crptll"& n•wly patio pa.,Khru and colo< I ANIMAL HOSPITAL ''MESA VERDE . !Nlinted. \Valk to sl'hl & 1 1 '"' _, .... & '""'SE GARDEN OR KENNEL . : Exquisl~e "Sandpolnte" home sh0p11. L001'd na ed tures, .,.,_,,' .. R.V ESTATE'' on . quiet street. 4 br 'fm ., OPE.i'1 SUN. 1_5 carpets &. drapes, roarlna ) All adult lbigle •l«Y 2 Big house, p>d fadlltJes, 28 • I G U N T A 0 I spht le\·el. Very plush decor. 1'183G Oak ,st .. }>",V. rlreplacc, 2 vanJty baths.' bcd-n• Huntington Bay runs and cat boxes. Back "i:n 500 . 4 Brm 3 bath . Only S39 500 1 N r T 1,.~ surrounded by exec bomta ·-lm Bay arta. Good financing, ~· · . · s, · ' · · E. of MRgno iu/ • 0 9 '-""rt just blocks to beach. Inspect condo. ThlJ• alnl08t • and now only $44,SOO. formal d ining, 2300 sq. fl, I I' I I I e KASABIAN e lorla.yl BKR 9fi2..5Sll -• ,jlOUltie-to-llnd model in-e CALL .a.·uYTIME e huge comer lot, 2 filtory. _ _ . . . R I E t t 962"'644 eluded wa.•hcr. d 'ye'. ~ • nc'" schOOls. " 1 • • Children Needed! ,.fria, cavered pat Io. 646-29211 or Evo. 641 U4:I CALL · RED c ARP ET I R E' A T y R "I just received I gaf. llealto" Wonderful Jocollon light REALTORS AT ·~ . d t I d "t I Jly f>l6<l022 next dooc lo Banks Mt! all B IL--I I ~· 1--,1-.-1-rl-"l'-rl--t en ca • og on ' s rea lhopplng. New llsllng, ooly 1_0 ~"""-'-"-~---fa sci nating. Did you know BRAND NEW HOMES $2'J,500. DECORATORS hon1e 1 n ..__,__._..__.__.__. they have elephant ferfi .. THE To enjoy delightful a or 4 BR FRIENDLY STREET home , '""'h '""" .. .uec1 ' rt'&r , yard on ~ reatures this 4 Bft fanlllv street. Short. safe walk to hon1e \\'\lh e11t-ln kitch. school. Circle. l Block E. or • . COATS Home Magtu;nc, French I F 0 G R E L lizer, if yo u wanno grow & • M ""'' • .,._ Country, aplral 11tatrcase. ? , .. ax -.• .. ·• Lon beams. patio, rrplc, 1 I I I I I trees with --' ,.11 WALLACE w-..r F'Torlt Home bllns, xlnt con<l. 3 Br. '"' REAL TORS ,.,. bn. 195.000. Open Slln 1-4. ' '62 .... 54 • PIER. SLIP 61'-4371. I • "'T" like new holnc rlttd on the S.:cil""boo=c.,p.-0-n-:ln-1-U!"'lo___ 1 -----woter, 3 bed, 2 baths. large:1;;;.;;...o'-'-----'---- GO DIRECT """""' bedroom, 2 enclosed BALBOA PENINSULA H U B L E S 8 Complete th• chuckle quoted i.-~-;,..;..,;;;....;;,-~-1 by filllno In th• mlUln~ words I I' I I I yell de~elop.'!..o:!:!:'.! below. No ntoc<J to call, ~need oOr patios, double tar• g e · ~PLEX protNllonal 1er;v1cc. We can 1..otldi of partd.n&". land ln. saw yOu houn of fnuitra· duded. t<eep your yacht tn 2 BR., 2 BA, 8tudlo!I) oon, 1..et us (ind )'Our home front or )'()\Ir houac whllt wbl/k~co.ba u(pri ~d 40 1:!., at no cost to )'OU. Come to llllnbclthlng ot1 yoor own •v Y· ~ o · .,. 2629 Hf\~ Blvd., Costa Priytle beocti. $125,00) ~· ~Pl:JJ IQ rt. Slli.oo.'.l M.,. °' iJyt ua a c.U ~ •-Ifie 8 tal ibtafe u~•,P"RT PIER REALTY ..,"I! "~11 come lC! ~· rwu· _...._,,.. ~ --"'. '"'"'"PO Carpet, Rcll.ltors. 5'16-$10. 6-1~ 673-3)38 -_, -~- 9 j:+r"i.rµM SERED I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' r . I _e .... -rw .... ~:t._• ..... I _.l~I-• l .I I I I I SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 900 -t • . - Groat Eastsldc l.ncation Mom & DArl will enjOy the Beach, ju!Jt North-or ·5 t'a2, ~2. 27.f . 2'211<1 St., ~f prlvacy of thr ktngslu PoJntiJ Sho~pg Cntr., Open La rge 3 Wt, 2 BA, tan\ n11 , f\ffl!Jiler bedrm w/a private Sat/Sun l·a. Nelson Real fplr. .Approx 1800 sq . tt. bath. There's another bath F..Jtattt 846-130.l Crp11, drps, lud~. tncd. centrally located . to the I =c~""-"-"~'7....,,=-,.... All Included. 90':" financ-other' bed.mu: 11nd t1> t~ lrx BY O\\'l!et -ti\ G/18, lft\Te Ina:!! Drive by r ! ! fa n11ly rn1. 111ere la roo111 to $3-IOO fee. 4 RR. batement &46-9-132 o1• 645·6 117 gut'llOn cin this largti lot. K8Jtl.C rnl. ~ xlra.1, SOOO eq. $35 !lOO ti. KO\V $~.900. 1 9 211 _ OPEN HOUSE For . PERFORMANCE Worcester Ln. 002-----..: .,7. Plu.mtr. Costa l\1esa.. Sat 003-5621 7LOV~~y0"~"-'~ho~=-~1 &r Sun. 10-4. Young 01~11 buy 5 BR. ••~ n 2,, 1•• . EL 3"·"-8 • me "'BAN; " big ya.rd ror :your cnlldrel"I ........, sq. " ·I "'"' <>ee«in. · '"' -Al or pets. Oldtr ~noni . buy bltns, D\\', ctpts. drps, fplc, ~all n~ .,r;A16~. Tor ~ a short ..,'alk + a 2 hr, 2 lilOry, $42,900. 968-S216 . " 53G--.>0 llrplc, R-2. Call 3 Br, 2\i Ba, fa.m, lrplC, BY ~v.114"\' Pre1~ home.. 1 CJS REAL ESTATE n1any many m:ras, $11.900 br, 1~ ba, Ca.11 l1G-&'i12 • ~l168 or ~ Ov.'IM!r 5.11-aria ~-8U3. 1 ' I " • • t;'"' , • J' • .,, OAtL't PlL.01 ---I~.__[ --~ .. _]~ I ---]~[ ]~ ( __ .. Picture yourwlf llvlng in this Meredith Mansion ONLY $49,950 L SIZE YARD THE VILLA .. "UP AT A VlLl.A, DOWN BY THE SEA," t. the theme for thl• ln1poslng Spanlah 11t)'le home. lAc11.ted high up on Laguna'• ftuned Riviera coastline. DETAIL- COUNTRV KITCHIN ED MEDITERRANEAN ARCHITECTURE Y..' I T If 1',amUy problems • priced OiALK \\'HITE PLASI'EJl.. L19une llelch This out1ta11din& I o u r bed1"00n1 femUy home hu been dnnc in ;a SpAnlah n1a.nnt'r v.'llh lot• of authcn· tic deWl.1. The \'\ew ot the roft1t hi: tantuUc, the sur- roundlni ar«n hlllll are quiet ancl peaceful. Open house -Sat. ~ Sun. 1-5 p.m. 1580 Skyline. Dri\'C ~.990. ~Tn5. under marke1. '1 Be<inn1, 2 EXTERIOR Ol-, ROUGl-1 l)attls, PV ttone fireplace, Vaulted L'llilipg in Uvlng t"OQOl CH1\LK \VHITE Pt.ASTJ-.:R. ~"'°'.:O. fom1nl dining, block fence. bl,-nded \vlth fireplace and i\1oorli!h 1tyled verandn with heavy 1:1hake root. Prime lo. ovcrlooking nienanlne. 2 a view Ol the ocean tar· cation near Douilas, frtt-BR up & :l BR ~'Tl, farm be low. "'&)' & shopping. CAU. •lze kilch ,~·/tam nn, Jo. Tri level noor plan features 2 3 DR, 21; BA , laundry roon1, 893 8533 I f n'T1 brktst 1'Xlfn -• 1·n1ed In fine reoddi;ontlal BDM1S. & OE.~ + GUEST f~~n:f' dinu\a, entry hall, &Na. $37,950. CALL 962-2456. R~f.,' OR STUDY. ?tlu1h•e -~:::::;:::::;:::::;::;::;;:::::~ I -·•-nd r.u· $30 000 l"'e really mean it) llv. rm. CURRENTLY mn1ai.: ....... te grou -s. '"-" Lovely bedrn1s' 2 baths I' W I 0 C E A N V t E \Y ' • • • • 963-;iiill. tone-On·tone shai. Jack A. TThIBERED CEIL I NG ... under construction. J Jiii mode! Stardust. Jfard· TIED BY CRISS CROSS Bdrm. home 1 eat u r In i ' v.·ood floors bltlns block 8843 Adams, HB BEA?.fS, IN Al!I'HE"-'TIC elegant lonnal dining roon1, . u f au' "-1' li 1· SPAN ISH STYLIN G · '"nkcn Ron1an tub In •a •nee: '~ •ma HOUSE of GLASS CE~TER FIREPLACE. at this pnce. °"'mr tran•· \\i'l\\i' carpets tlu'UOut . n1aster bath, \\-ood burning rerred. CALL 893·8533. Spanish house-of-glass. High Central kitchen has r&11£'e Jireplace In living room I: 4 ;,.!., I/ GOODWIN j ' ,~ .... ' " ,, ' ~SI. -Val~ Ca. 92708 714 -··"'! $30,950. ---=== POOL -POOL ~alhedral . ceilings, roaring OVEN. DISH\VASHER, i decks! Beautifully arranged lobe f t 11· n1odcr11 kitchen \Yi l h ~<. • .1;ep ace. · u !; e opens to DINING AREA. Ir skylight above. Unbeatat>le .~ II::STA . room, pat 1 o you have a flair tor the olde! iii 3 Bedrnu, 2 baths, ronnal JUST LISTED dining room, "'' of ..... 11\i. Priced for quick sale. CALL 842-9Jn. 01en f\1ar g BR. 2 BA. flrepl, fam rm, blt!n range , dbl oven, d&hv.'Sht', plenty of cupboards, new v.•/w crpt~ I: drps, covered patio, ldscpg. Xlnt cond. $30,900. FP. S1 5.'i0 total dn ·pay1111 . Paymts less than rent. Xlnt location. 5% DOWN Paymenis lest than rent! Sharp 3 BR, 1% BA. \.l'ith tJrepl, z, oovered pat1oi, quiet street. HutTy, this ~oo't last! $29,9"'.:Xl. CALL k1tclicn "'~'.h soda fount~in World design, then you 1nust \•Jews! $59,500. bar and v1e14• or riunbllng see this chroming bit of old ~/.a,~ groW'lds. l..arE'e ma.~ter suite Spa.in. otfered tor, \\'ith private bath. ~Ian-size $53 500 den v;•w• flow•y •arde"' BE THE lsT TO SEE IT! REAL ESTATE and courtyard, Right out ol CALL NOW FOR APP'T. !JOO Gl•nn•-St. "l-IOUSE & GARDE.:~S" .1a- n1aga.zln'e. 6 Blocks to MISSION REAL TY 494-9473 549-0316 beach, on quiet cul·de-sac 98.l SO. COAST H\YY LAGUNA VIEW LOT Rmong exclusive e x e c . LAGUNA J;;MERALO BA y LDT hon1e.s. Unbelievable price Phone (714) 494-0731 U21 Emeral'1. Bay $87,500 or $32,500. HURRY! Inspect * CHOICE * For lots&. homes caJI : today. BKR 962·5511. Bill Grundy, Reeltor I J Legun• Home1lte1 125 Baysidl". Npt Beach COUNTRY LIVING EXEC. TRANSFER. STREET to ,....,t lot ;n >Int 675.6161 f6J.4471 ( :=.J 54M10J lluge lot ,\itti. tall trees Shov.·s like a model. 4 BR., 4 nt>ighborho?d, all under----~-~--­,.,.~~"'!"~~'!!-~~!'!!''I ru&tling in the ocetl1I breeze bii.: (ormal dining rm. & ground util.; house pl.ans Lei:run• N'guel 842-4451. I' surround a gorgeous con-family nn. Up grad e tl incl., S9500. BEACH LOVERS temt>Ol'tl'Y < BR • 3 BA <"l''" & drapes. E><oellenl IN on• of Laguna's helter LEASE WITH OPTION · $36 500 horne. Country Club living 1-1.8. location. $49.950 areas: lge. lot, close in, \v/ 4 Bdrms .• 2 baths. Funrl!ih· f.tammoth tv11~ st~ry Calif. with communlly pool. CAL.L Call: 673-3663 61~ Eves. unobstructa~le ocean & ( ed. Extremely lge. Lot Ranch with &lus carden TODAY to see t:hia one.of-a -<-_'Ollstllne views. An excep. ?t1onth. li:itchen; walnut cablnet11, kind 842-4451. oonal buy at ~.ooo. '. VALLEY VIEW big pantry and patio pu..~-RARE homeslte in. private Shail> 4 bdrm., 3 yrg. old. thnt. Hua:e ranch-size !aml-LOTS.O.LAND ocean!r!)n~ community. fan. Only $43,450. An xlnt buy! · Newport I MCb, $34.00 A MONTH Thia t. the low, low, monthly ml.lntcnance t ij,'UJ"e for thiJ bftiutifully det.'Orated t.htft b1..'drooit1 ."condo". On the canal \vilh lt'a own 38' dock and fee land. Open house • Sunday 1·5 p.m. 4459 \V, Coast HiJh"''tlY· C • 11 ~ms. BIG CANYON 21 Royel St. 0-,o Newport leech l...ar&e cu1t0tn home on 5th FaiN·11y, 5 luxur i ous bedtm1 wltfi out1t11ndin&: huii:e den &.other attractive features. 'Open Sundaf 1·.). STEPS TO OCEAN .. , TENNIS, POOLS, CLUB Very clce.n 3 Bit, 2~ batht. Jo'amUy nn.. frplc., bltns, carp., drapes. $47,500. CAYWOOD REAL TY One of the nicest, cleanest 4 * 548-1290 * bcdroo111 bome5 you * \lt'ill "E-N~J-'o::.Y~Y'°o'"u~R~VE;,.,,R-Y;:>..,,O~W-N 11l-e. Dining room anrl 3 bath.'!. You own the land. PARK; pools, p..-u t ting r·or further information or greenit, etc. Spacious all 10 8Ce call 646-7In. . electric, 3 Br, 2 ba condo IMMACULATE BAYCREST $68,900 home .in excl. adult com· Ol'ENTILIJ• IT'S FUN TO !EN/CEI munity. Lll. x u r lo u I ap- 1, polntment.s. Call Denleon ' •1 ll~lilfll -:~~~~2':~;-:-:-;-:-•R_1oo_C_IA_1a_L"'_· .FACINATING NEWPORT CHARM VACANT LOI', nr. Pavillion on Balboa Penln. Owner will tra.d@ for ? iJS,500 lull price. NEWPORT PlER REALTY 613-2058 BAYCREST 2400 aq. ft. of charm in New· port Heights not far (but not too claeJ to HGa& Hospital 4 BR, 2~~ BA, Fam. Rm. A on Catalina Drive. 4 br., tor-lovely home. A beautiful n1al dining & huge recrea· area. The \'ery "best or lion room. · OceM & bay 8Chools. By _owner, 64.'i-2493 · ·~ 500 Prlnclpals only. VJ(."I\· • ..><><, • • -'-'===-="------ C::: Wl\l l([H & Lll Realtors >IG-002'1 $34.00 A MONTH HARBOR Viev.r Palermo 4 br, 2~~ ba. 28' mast suite. Upgraded ahag, v.-et bar, ex· elusive slump block fence ti courtyard, landJcpd. Im· med. poueukxl. 6'4-5569. ly room with roa r Ing 1/3 acre on qulet s1reet, tutlc vi~. Hear t~e PLACE REALTY ti.replace. \Vlndlng 1talrcn.se spacious 4 BR, 2 B,\ home l ~""'""""""""""""""""""""""'I ~':c~:. cr;!bi~ 101:~~ 494-97™ 494-9729 Thlshthelow, low, monthly 401 FELIZ, N.B., the Blulb, leads to master suite with v.·ith 2 patiOl!I. Lota of room Irvine p\11Jt8 Iner.' $5.5,000. EAST NINE VILLA maintenance tigUre fOl' this Condo, 3 BR, wet bar, beaut vanity bath. 4 Big bedrooms to ramble. Price just re· \\'OODSY I: prlvale: on dead-D'-ESS SALE ..... beautifully decoTated throe decor, -oor unit on Ii 21,s baths. Heavy plush duce<I, hurry cin over. CALL 2 l.;)l n. lx.·droom ''condo''. On the greenbelt. ()pen· H o us e carpeU and decor a Io r ~1 SMALL WONDER e~ street.. Lge. ocell11-1\Jmost new upper 2 BR. 2 canal v.i th it'a own 38' dock every day 11-6. Owner, drapes. Stlll smells brand · . view lots with lols .of .treet1 BA condo· overlooking Et land 640--1397 new. BKR 9G2-55ll Cozy carefree . living fo1· the & plenty ot privacy. Both N' 1 C "try Culb S37 OOJ and ke . ·Open houae -.;::·:....:=--~~---busy couple. 2 BR, 2 ba, for $42.500. igu~ ~ 49~2687• r ·Sundax l-5 p;rn. 4459 "r· HARBOR View Honte6 GARDEN condo in attractive \ll11lnut FANTASTIC, large oceRn-~~-wner 0 Coo~ l-llghway. c&n ~1on&."""O -upgraded thru- SHOWPLACE &1uare. Includes pool and fl'ont lot one or the finest · 6~1'225 out, 3 BR. Prof. lndscp'd Park Huntington S & S, 3 BR, tam rnt w/!plc, beaut upgraded &: maintained. Shag cpts, u·ater softener. rccrc!l-ti~n facilities. Let the propcrl i~s in the Laguna WEST NINE VILLA *OCEANFRONT* front yard. Easy main- l1Ssoc1ation do your garden-are11., on a bcau1iful (.'OVe & 3 br, 2 ba. condo. beA.ut. view PARADISE tenance. both bnck &: .front lng, Just $24.000. sundy beach. 11ust sl'C! to overlooking El Niguel Golt yards. By O~'her 644-2498. V• • c M .L..-to 7.000 Sq. ft. of \lt'OOd & cha.nn elect gar door opener. 1 :z:=:=:==:=:=:=:=:=z:::;z culdeu.c. S48.!ri0 Ask for 11 V•m •, 962-5566, 968-40!1 FAIRMONT PLACE BKR. EXECUTIVE HOME LOVE ITll 4 BEDRM & POOL and~ ..,,•il! v.·hen t"OU see_ Hm~s UMt..llnmac....poolhome 1s1on-npp•oc. $115,00), °"'""· any =v•• '"' 'red h·.11 ~,,if!,. ~zi i1: ~:~~°";~~93~~'. ::LJ;~r!~:~Ti:-.h 1Eo/§?2~ open beam ceili,, v.-et bar, * 673-i300 * c t 1 D S • -••l r es v.ew r ., open at "' un ~ 1-tAGNlFJCENT ocean vie...,,_ 71~1&W-9079J&H-7JU. 494-567 1 49t.1t00 \\'a~spray Circle. 58&-7433 Home tor sale by ownr. :m.R •----1lhls neat.as-a.pin 3 BR. 2 you're looking for! Hl:F BA + 11"1 . bonwi. Lovt>ly I Pool, fonnal tlin 1·n1, lrg covered patio wiU1 firepll. tam rm, neW paint in and Bonus I: patio wired -tor out. Xlnt ldscpg. Owner stereo, dishv."Shr, sprlnkl~rli 11sklng SSB,950. CALL for and a well-kept low macnt · 11.ppl. --REALT A Company \Yith Vision Univ, Park Center, Irvine Call Anytime, ~7500 O!Uce how-s 8 A~1 to 8 Pl\f L'd ·11 2 BA, -ptg--•~-d·r·-CONOO. Vacant, t1'ffd pI'· .. FA?t11LY EXPANDING•, * I 0 s e -... ... -. .~, pool , BR 2 BA slove/o\·en. Used b r ck ""' ' • -.. ' This spaciou1> home, .hnvlng 4 EXCLUSIVE ffl>lc. S p a~. breeze-v.·ay S-13,000., Lo-.v down, or will BR., 3 00. & family nn., could be enclosed tor tam rent 'v1opL to buy. 673-5221, new carpeting & very clean! LIDO ISLE rm. $49,500 .. ID.'i Ania. SC .. c6'"2-'-'645=c.·-------F'1tbulous l\lt. viev..·s. $62,500, 2 BR home v.•/raU!ed hearth 4924444. • W•terfront/pltr "IRYINES'' 1 * R·3 'J 1\CRE"'* rrplc. Spanish tile roof, front & rear yard. $36,950. 1• for PERFORJ.L\NCE y, illage Real Estilte El Cari80 ViJiage; sur· block wall fenced f o r FOR SALE BY OWNER Tight $ mkt. My kiss your ORANGE rounded by Cleveland Nat'I. prlvncy. Beamed ceiling in TOP LOCATION gain. RedUced sro.CIOO..s89.500 Fo-1 bea tilul Oak -...... li ving room, $62,000 full Har bor highlands 3 br, 2 ba, 3 BR. family n'IJ . 644-0997. ORCHARDS ·-; u •=•· XLNT FINANCING 847-3584 * OPEN SUN. 14 * 531·5111 .< :;;;) 531·5!00 Rural environment. ~ft. price. NEW CUltom bit, )' I& BR. j !! ... !!!!!!!!O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' j "The Ranch" otters f br.. Vi(>\1•s. \\'ill take 3 bld~s. NEWP0Rt613~~ REALT.( $6.cm dov.'Jl, 7% lOM, low view, prime area, $58.500. 20151 Mldlend Ln. Meredith Gerden1 UPl'l'aded split level. 3 BR. 3 ba., v.•/fa.m . rm. + din. mt. 1"/o .Msunl. VA loan. Sharp! WIFE SAVER! ! ! tn1niaL"ulate l~J year old SS,500. closing, Prin. only. 645--QSS 130 Lobol Afarinoa. ~ home. Oriental gardens on 'It R.ANCl l STYLE HOr.tE • RARE CHARM CHANNEL Reet -On the Sat/Sun 1-5. 4.Cn-1998 Pin sharp 4 BR, 2 BA, on a quiet cul-de-sac adjoining On ·large lot with hills & English Country f a mt 1 y \Yater. pwn your own 2 Br, ~ landsraped corner lot! Plush ll giwn belt. $42.500. ocean views. ?.1ove--in cond. home. 60 Ft. lot. 4 ba. Condo. J.1arble, mlrronl, crpLs, bltns, formal dinina: 3 Bdrms., 2 ba's.: \varm Bdrms./haths. Huge liv. lux. Pool. boat slipa, IM!C. • --GEM·~--· ne1\'\y decorated. No main-puneled family im., bean1 rn1., rec.' rm. & din. rm. guard. Owner S 13 5,00 0 . ·-.-tenance problems here! An.~-ceil., rock f.rplc. Room for a $152,500 6T.>-35.15. 1610 w. Coast Hwy., N.B. ious owner asking SJ4,SOO · Realtors JXIOL Reduced to $48,900. LIDO REAL TY ~N'°'EW::,::::BL::;-,U~>~J~'S~C~O~N~D~O-. RE ALTORS 6-12-4623 Sub your dov.·n. Trade OK!! 546-00ZJ ENGLUND 3377 Via Lido. N'pt. Beach Former Model. 3 Br. 21\: Exocullvo Home Call 645-SIOt!. IRVINE TOWNHOUSE * 673-7300 * Ba. OPEN HOUSE sat/Sun 7Qff!a,$SERV!MilQJl 9'fNU'I * UNDER $30,000 * REAL ESTATE 1-5. 2407 Novla. Lo\'ely Shern'Ood Estates 4 .... .,,,.....Olr.I' Lllrge11t available lot on $5.1,500 . GET A Jr •. Exec. Price ,.V. .. E. ,_IIo.md....,.& Co.I Like new 3 beds, 1.150 Rl'I, 318 TilALlA ...... o""3 * Best Lot On Lido * O\VN. 6fa-3.Ui BR, 2 BA.home by Bucrola. feet, a!r con.d. shag cptg, CHARMING BRICK Lido! Offers greatest poten· lIARBOR Vu Homes. 4 BR. Lrg fam rm. covettd patio. ::,~~~~;:;::~~=-::-".':'='I red"'OOd paho, near pool tial for custom home on 1\.1 1 sty. {#. Vu lot. Fll11· ._ 2 ·trpJc, recently painted & THE FRANCISCAN and park. Ov.11er selling this COURTYARD • lots. tastically upgraded. Priced paneled. Close to oceM. A ~p thru Ute drnpc1ies uniqu1.>, A Ip in e • s t y I e Old ~na chann with S61.500 below mkt·-Open Sat/Sun Asrwnable 6%.% VA loan. reveals a Champagne i.1yle to1vnhouse in \\'a In u r ocean view, spotless new LAWSON REALTY -"'~::.·c.":c,:4--''1344~,,.· -~~-- By owner. 968-2435. pdol. AttachNI to th I.' Square, an1idst the Orange e!~trlc kitchen, ~eparatt' * 67r. _.r.62 * \\'.ATERFRON'f draperies is a 2600 sq.ft. Grov<' in North Irvine. dunng area, cozy t1replace, .,.._ TO\VNHOUSE S A RA.R'E FIND home w/green shag carpet, $2'9.900 firm. P!eaSt', no in this 3 Br. 2 Ba home LUXURIOUS & charmiJ'IK 4 Live on th«t v.·ater. Pri\'8-te Prime, older 3 Bdrm home forn1l din. a huge Ja m rn1. agents. 551-5151. \\'13-car i:arage. Asking BR, fam rm. ofc. $128,500. I boat docks. GrE.'at Inve!I· on comer Jot across i;treet RMuced to $55,900. 169.500. John Care)' RJtn;. 646-7414 nient. Agent. Call 645-0303 ;,md11:~~~k t~d ~~~~: For p~~J\tAt-;CE > , •. ! ' Red Carpet ReaHors 4BR, 31!:BA. Beamed ceil·' H,\flBOR \"u H•lJll('!<.-4 BR. 2 ; wd. floors, ctj>ts, drps, LA cu~~A El ca~ -~el C~.,._ 11nUg~.500B<aput!ful Ppooty 16. -~~It. jl BP,\, sglCllev~dl t.lonlpPi'(lo, 1992 big mod kltch and family ·~• • ivu .......... • h ... , .. N .. C"f 1 ' I t ' 4971 ... . nv. 1'(-v""· l'rl an gr a c e, rm' o --downt--location. Assume lov.• interests F1{A --.. 761 M V d 641-?127 uc•• v.... loan, This beautltul home, OPEN SUN. laS ••• er e . -'------S39.500. Century 21 R.E. ha.s -I Br, Plus bonus nn tor ·-i * PRICE + location +view 536--8887 & 536--8868. 5th Br or den, 3 full Ba, sep 17942 HOPKINS luew summer hrs 8:J0..8:30l PRIVATE party v.·ants house I 1..-quals Prime 3 BR Bluffs HONEYMOON fan1 nn. '41th {rplc & \\'t't UNIV. PARK BIG VIE\V, next to Emerald or l\1e1a Verde, 2400 sq. ft . condo. See & save. Ov.:ner. COTTAGE bar, fonnnl din nn, 3 ear 5 BR .. f1u11 .. 211: ba. 2-story Bay; 2 BR., 2 ba.., tplc., or +. 4 i°r mo1} l?'Jrms. ~o c'::"'=3535='·c_~----- 3 B R, t ~BA , ne w 1 y gar, n1any xtra, S49.9j(), seo. home offP..red f()r ,~9.900 beams: secluded big lot. A agnts P case. rmc. on y. HAJt BOR vu l-10~1ES _ 5 br, decora ted, gold shJJg carpet, Call ov.•ner at 968--{X)5."i, REAL TORS 644-2430 good buy, S62,500. 54o..&l99 3 ba. Somerset. Unique nagstone paUo, b!t'in S.B·Q. Prine only. 4 BR. 2. BA, newly decor. cul-de-sac, Nr. pool J. park. At this price $27,500, it OLD WORLD CHARM J{\' O\VNER UNIV .PARK. \\'OODS\' old 1...1.gunn srea; 2 pool & patio by Sir Pools. $82,0CKI owner. 644-4157. uun•t last! Call today, Near the beach, cedar v.·ocxl 3 BR. 2 BA, rn..i!led dining Bil.. 2 bll., fplc .. beama; ~Tn leaving area. llARBOR View Somerset 5 REAL ESTATE FAIR panelling in kitchlfan1ily 1wn1, Open beams, Y.'Ct her, very clean. Only $4:1,500. BR. Fee. View. Prine. only. ~2551 im . Spani<1h ceramic tile frplc, auto garage opener, OCEAN SIDE N h nd 3 Newpor t S..ch. $86,500. * You HAVE tloors SPI the tont> for th!~ lov.• n1ain1. yard, sprtnlders, · · ort e 644-54-11 6#-6807 unique 3BR 2 BA home. brick patio ""ishing well BR., 3 ba.., fplc. & family WESTCLIFF NEW Bluffs condo. 3 br, din A DA TE * Priced for quick s a I e surrounded 'by pine trees: "!1-: 2-sty. Asking $89.000. Exceptional home, 3 BR, 2 $35.500. Don 't delay. Call Walking dist. schools, shops. 1:1~ ~~k ~~;LI~r1 BA, frplc. din nn. Front & p~~amJ~·· fs~. bas62<:'°s:;;: .... to see this roomy 4 RR, 2 BA home. RUlf:lc tnlHID- ed street. great yard tor chtltlN"n. Call Betty Hanna, 545-8424 SouthCo Realtors. 536-2551 REAL ESTATE (R-ll Asking $41,500. · wy . .,.....,....., back p;itio, comp l e te ~l-l48Sor54>l526 FA IR. 552-8696. Top Of the World privacy .... ·/slump s t o n~ -0!:~~'"'-""~~--- PACI"'TC Sand•, h o u '' MUST SELL! High above the Pacific. 5 v.·all, v.TOught iron gates* 4BR, Irvine Terr. ' , __ , 3 b f I d 'd W Jk to *BALBOA income $67.j mo benutiful, Spanish Iii(', 11p1I! By 01vner, save on this beauti-"""'rooms, aths. Large pro · n SC'P • a · H d l t levrl 3 BR. 3 BA, o\·er UXI ful model hon1e, 1 yr. old, Jandsc~~I grounds. Faml.ty \\'estclif! Plaza J. schoolt;. ~~Ag~snt up cx, '67~524 3,000 sq ft of posh po!lh IQ. fl. Iron gflte. decorAtor 4 BH. 1 BA bonus rm fam rn1., fireplace. Dream kit· Wiii show by app't. Prin- decoratlng! Huge rerreaUon i;hu1tcrs. mirrored "·all, v.•et mr., · ~ag ' <'Pt. air · cond: c!1~n. Lois of privacy! r.lpals only. Wknd.t or Aft. 6 IJ.V. 3 Br., FR. Li yd. room, fireside conversation b:l.r. garden. kitchen. Oill sprinklers. cov 'd pat i 0 . $56,000. brk. 49~-8003. v.1cdys. 646-4219. Fee $68,500. 1991 Port pit. walnut garden kitchen. ov.-ner S.16-1832 tor sho .... ·lng $57,000. See to appreciate. TARBELL ORIGINAL ,.. Nt>lllOTI. Open Sat/Sun 1-6. J.fa1111lve master sui1e. 11i s t-6PM .,. ~" o ~64~4-:;""35~'==~-~--1 1 un .,.....,.......,. pen Sat & Sun I-5, 4M1 BE,\UTIFUL •-tlon Old Balboa Beach hou8e pllllll Years old. Owner packing ~· BAYCREST Ext Cl WINNER'S CIRCLE Escudero Dr., 838-2616. SOUTil LAGUNA. 1 "-k income! Only steps to beach • ra ean and ready lo sell . BKR u-....; ~:-.a""" 4 Bdrm.a 3 Bath family 962-55U This on1.> is No!,_ !t at. $37.500. Open nil day today -2 Bdrm. to beach. Newly remodeled & nev.·ly decor . .,.:...,........,. • s, l "'~°"SH"""O"R"E"'C"R=E"'S-.;T,--1 Tiils large sinile story-3 BR 2 bath. 1400 sq. tt. 4282 2 Bdrm .• family...nn,_large. _OPEtil SUN. 1·5 BRmchfonnals&:i~rig&~~ is extl'emely sharp. w,·ely Brookside AND 5 Bdrm, 3 deck v.·JOCilan \•iew. Gues:t 117 E. BALBOA BLVD. Y vner. • - BEAUTY ldscpg front & back. If bath & -40 It awlm pool at apt. $62,500 firm. By owner. NEWPORT BEACH $.'l9,000 3 BR. fam. rm, din. I you 're fu ssy, c all 14672 Belah"e. Both Green-C"ll 499-J.20.1. \\i'ould con-REALTY 67S.1642 rm., hobby rm. & pool. Custon1ized 2 story, 3 BH. flERFORANCE on this cine tree }lomea. Come on ovt'r 11lder summer n:!ntals alllO. Comer lot. JS20 Irvine Ave. 21,9 Bt\. Cul-de-sac· Pool !lze 84i-3584 today move in tomoi·row. Magnificent Lagunl ~ Ne\\'porf Blvd., ?i.B. Ov.·ncr, 646-2725 JOI: • Professionally Lllnd· -.~A~L~L~EY ENTRY Quintard Realty, 642-2991 Specl.1.cula r Ottan vlev.'!1, cu~. OPEN SAT /SUN 1-S I A I LY 8Caped. Lo-.o.· malnt. yard. BY Ow 7 15 POINT $UR Ul.500. °"''Jlt'T. 962-7633. Ila ~ big parkfng, pad for I s~· assume 1"""""'1 2 y' ,••ms qua.iiltydedtJm1out, 3 BR, SPYGLASS HILL extra \•ehiclct • Fresh & oon a.J'.• mo pBys a . r A, 8ec u patio. decks, REPOSSESSIONS clean~ 4 BR. 2 BA home. old 4 Br, 2 Ba, Sri fa.m rm, trl-level, v.·ifh many excep-New Spyglus Hill hon1e with 'CHARGE' out of your DAILY WANT AD NOW HONORING Master Charge and BankAmerlcanl For tnrormallon and location of lh~ nt>. &: VA homes, cor:tact • KASABIAN 962.:u+I CIO&e to beach tchls &: pert cond, pool tbt. At Ilona! featw·es. Owner In view ot Newport llarbor I.:. T •hops, l<e'1 buy ·81 $'8,9'0. barplnir« prie< ot $37,800. Laguna untU SUn. 4"'8566, Catalina 1'!and. 4 BR, 2\1 p ILO • RED CARPET, REALTORS, Call 551-4495. Ext. 305. bAths. Mahy upgrade<! ex· 536-8830. f'OR sate By °"'"" Lovely OCEANFRONT LOT tru. SU7,00l. BY owner must sell. 3 bdrm. landaeaped 3 br, tam rm, 2 Dramntic viewa. Lcvtl Turner Assoc. Rul Eatolo PARK HUNTINGTON SACRIFiCE SALE nx 1r prottt. Large 4 + Family + Dlnin&'. Agt>nt. Call 645--0303. CLOSE TO BEACH ~ BR, 3 ba. 2·at)'. bOme. Blg fam . rm. Ui.950.· BALBOA IAY PROP. *"'-* SUBURBIAH 'l'ri-lcvel, 5 BR, dfn nn, .fam rm, 2~i BA, comer 1ol, 45' pool. Owner 1 57,900 . 96).4116 ,,_ __ ._' ·=u--.... 2 ba. crpt. drpa. hnn:fv.'OOd ba, comm pool, nlicyground. North ~Ide of tO\\'Tl 1105 N. Const Hwy., Laguna noora, ft-pie. tg. yd.&: patio. $34.950 Fir1n. Ca 5.52-8269. St89.000 494-lln Anytime Clean S.'"'J.~ urum~ 8% L1gun1 8Nch Tumer Auoc. BY 0v.'f1er, beaut baytront, 5 ~'Ul. R4Z-n41 ~ Brush U05 N. Col\8t 1-lwy., l.n.l'\IM BR. 5 BA, p I e r,, I l p' Dr., Hunt. Sch. Old LAfuM chf.rm w1th 494.11n Anytime S215.000. g41-11s1. 675-4242 3 BR., nr. beach., tireplc., ot"t9-<I~:_ vlewktt'_..,!°t1=..,~teWt DUPLEX BY 0\'~""" SAVE -BY OWNER pntlO, w/w shag, crpt. .,,.u.,.. '-"'"'' -.,....a e .. , -Y,,,._,,, Condo Cabana Club privlle~ c.aJI dtntnst &rel\. roi).. f.il't'J)lact, Close In. Atin to beach, shop.. Prlme-Prlme Slulli . 3 Z1317'94-lO'l7 or n4/$36-0198. In this 3 .BR 2 BA homr ping schOOls. JUlt Uf>i?'e.ded .Br + den, 2~ Ba. 6T;)'-3535. 8341 !\tw1ster, PacUlc Sands. wf3-car iaiage. Asking lnrgc gar. $49,500. or v.•111 Duplexe1 ~ar the ocean S69.!IOO. t.'Ol1slder ex hange In LB. ?.tiles Lll.r!!Ofl, Realtor "i:1:'W: .. 1:.1·. mt"'l Red Carpet Realtors c.u ·a1•er ' pm.,494-1!641. • 673-8563 • mile to be11ch. $37,500.. 714: COOD family hom..e, Top of NE\\'PORT SHORES 96&-3.563. the World, 4 BR, 2 BA, lge BY owner, sharp 3 br 2 ba, Any.,.d•u 11 the BEST DAY to 49J .. 1J61 1'~~d· rm., f~An vtew, v.•.ell S38.800. Prine. only, ~3718. vv (U out or entertaining. OCEANFRONT ni. an adl Don't del&y. • $52,000. Oii! alt 6 pm A .call todAY 642-M78. <New aummor hrl 8:30-9:301 wkenck 49'-3943. Duplex, owner/fti(.l'nl 67S-9'166 . ' • •, .11-~---- ORANGE COAST'S leading Marketplace DIAL 642-5678 . . . • • Buy a Border to_- B·Order Bargain Every classified want od in the DAILY PH.OT appeors in ••rry edition every dey. That meena your od win be Men in popen delivorod to homes end sold from n1wsr1cb from border to border all along tho Orengo Coost. . . . .n-tlfo .way from Seal ·Beach to San Clemente You Get It All Huntington Beach Fountain Valley Costa Mesa Newport Beach Laguna Beach Irvine Saddleback San Clemente Capistrano (Plus the dally newsrack edition) For One Price 'With A Classified Ad Phone 642-5678 YOU CAN CHARGE IT, TOO • ' • '/ • r,. • ·' Sunday, Ju~ 17, 197) DAILY "LOT 8 • Apt.UnNm. MSApt. Unfu.n" 305 -. Unfurl\. ll...,~~~·~-~~~---1~1Moln:::::::.::•:.;P:.-~~ .... 2I-.!1~'6 Bual-· Hou-U•hmt. I· -q,:u lndu111'la1 P._rty 161 ~;;rtunlty 200 0.-1 Condominium• 20IO INCOME NEW roR UlASE, new tndum!oJ ra Laguna Boacll 1-....;U.;.n_lvo..'-"-· ___ .:;32::.:° Coal• - . POSSllLE? HUNT1NCiT0N bulldlna Weat lldlo Cocl4 * ANTIQUE SHOP * UNIVERSITY PARK ~~-·----NEW T•MJ. Club Villa. 3 bt, ~ 2 Br, Oome. Goraeoua "-. 10.S'IO sq, h. on a SU.500 Incl. lnv«ltory i«droo 1190.-1 BR ....... Victoria din tan 2\1 ha ocean vu. • B1ocQ booch. IEACH 4 PUC 30,000 aq, n. WU! divide Xlnt name ~ loc:ltlon! A~ctllli, 00 ('rid':" llch. Zoned hullncu, Yrty. ~~i.d· J.~·bt, S'35 Cotta - COME SEE WHAT A REAL GARDEN "APARTMENT LOOKS LIKE ---- llko llvl1>11 I• a homo for $162.50/mo. Qll build 6 unll1, $6&,000. Reatty 71 ED RIDDLE ~ 494-9729 nee r me P va' ~2 BR ocean view apt, mo. 5.51-1488 ar 56-WG $10,000. handles. O w n er 10,. down 1 -one bedroom REALTY·, 64&-au. PLACE REALTY d_welllna) 2 baths, double deck, ~aut cond., 2 blkl ""'=-===:..:::;..=.::...==..-1 673-1947 or 492-003\ 2 -two bedroom 1 tru-ee 4M-97tK 494--9729 ~· Dinlna ar e 8 • bch. Huntington t.Ki:t S•nt• Anl bedroom. 2 i.tti: Id;al tor ~r Sile lJO CANOY & Gll'T SHOP ~;u~~ h:lce :Ve~ ~Spacious 4 br, tlrptc We offer Peace It: Quiet, 2 BR., !°"' ba., 2 parking spaces, priv. patios, rec. areas. BY Owner -3 BR, 2 BA, cpta, drpa, ornament a I fence, , .. ut lrnt en· trance, very at tra c. 1 Re-dee., encld p11tlo, 2 C lint owntt depredotlon. on-VIEW ACREAGE New sOopplng mart, ~ patio ".,....' lhed !rult Oom•. Nr. GOii c r ••. , 3 Capo Hu•lld"tllon 1y $68,000. There lsn't Beach. flllly eqWpped &: tree•' Front yard hn8 coni · LaJwut N!~l. DR, 2~ BA. lbf att.r,, 1 another new 4-pbc: ln H.B. Al)prox. 31,000 aq. ft. can be operating. Owner will trade. plete. privacy Po o t Md NU-VIEW RENTALS ~~263'":,i;?!!li~~~· Reas. at this price. HURRY! Call dlvkled into 4 ~gal lota. RED CARPET REALTORS tennis court privUeges. O OBe 673-4030 or 494-12-18 I ~ Mr. Mlsclooc. 63$-1501 Prime north-Tustln area • • '* 497-1761 * * '* to shoppJ.ng: center. $310 per L•gun. Niguel S•n Clemente w/vlew to Cafa.Una. lnvestmeni ' month. Call evening 11 ·• No children or peui. FOLLOW THE MAP TO • gar. $29,900. 979-51ti7 (Msg, ~..-:;. M:N003) I ONLY $48,000 Opportunity 220 6:n--or i;<>.-0200 any NEW Sea Terraoe TwnhSI. 2 BR, 2 BA new. Pru• ~ > -::':':':7.;':=-:::7::;;;1d'!!!une~~,-.,..-,----Ocean view, 2 br, 11-i ba, Heights, 331 -Adobe.>. 1.M" 14 Wilson Gardens Aero ... for ••lo . 150 BUILDER'S ATI'ENTION Ootce location, Tustin. Ap. ptOVtd for 45 untlL Get Off Your Dead 'Equity Call Mr., ~llclone ~1501 ' dra, crpts, 2 car attach. SZTS. tl\O. ~ays,, 21 3 : -.• ,. . REALIZE -4000/o Balboa 111.111<1 ,.,...., .,,.tJo, Pr!. Beacl,. ... 863-5727, 213, ~1--'""'· ..:--.. t on your investment with ELEGANT 2 Br w/pr, nr. pool, tennis court, privacy, 1..0213=' .;:;69:..:1..:·5'46=-----We give you more room for less moneyl fa.st growing co. 673-666.1 shops/bch, Yrly. 835--3437, security, $335. Le a 1 e · Condo. Furn. or s B c II N u•2u• knds o:Aa_...-644-1757 top y or 1 ow .......... V"IV"' -l :Mo:;;;;n•~y~to;;;L;oa;:•:;;;;:;;;;;240:;:1 ~·~v~o/~w!!'.~~~~·~~:::::== ~c-"~==~~~~~ Unfurn. 315 1'1!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!""!!!!1!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!1 Coron• del Mir $330 • 4 BR. 2 BA, bit-Ins, l -_;:,;.;,;.;:.;.;;.;_ ___ ="A F 360 A U I 365 paUo, super deluxe crpt Mes• Verde .-"'-pt;.;•.:.· .;..oY.;.'::"·;___,_-'-'-"-' pt. n urn. . 1st TD loans 2 BR.1 BA, frpl, pvt garden. ~~t.1~. R:.~a~~: mu;-.'TRY c1ub v111a. J br, Huntington &Heh Cost• Mesa patio, dbl gar, 4 bl.ks beach. 25482 Vla "-•-·", , ·-·•• 2 , ha $300 lac 494-8566 ext 300 •.n:.1•.u.-.._ ... -. ~11 , pool , Jacuzzi, ad· S143-$16S DANA POINT UP TO 95% · · · Niguel . Ph: 831-1.W!J. Jacent r.1esa Vertie Country BActfEWR &. 1 BR 2283 Fo,untaln Way 1111 • 2 d TD L Cost• Mell TERRACE Garde11 Home, 4 Club. Adults. 54!>-5868 patios, frplc's prlv. garclgel .., 0 08 ns $250 Br. tennia & pool, $495. Townhouse Unfurn. 335 -Divided bath & lots of ?.3x's gross -good open· OPPORTUNITIES RENT TILL YOURS '°6"'?~-"n~33;,-----ci...ts. R..,. hall. pool ~ dable. 5 on & lot Bread &. lo~est r•tes Or.,n9• Co. 3 + Guest + Pool 3 Bed-Lido Isle N•wport Beech . pool tables, sauna baths. B I p butter units in Eutatde S•ttler Mt9. Co. rooms including Guest ---------·--'--------1 See for yourself. 17301 DANIA REALTY CO. ·-· UI Mta roperty 154 Costa Mesa, each with e C-1 Coast Hwy, 40x135. 642-2171 545-0611 faclllt).. Blg Den 2 PaUos BAYFRONT LIDO SOUD ADULTS -LEASE Keel!l0!1 Ln. 11 blk \\'. or ,.. TWO LOTS TOTAL l()t'x209' sma..11 prlv&f.e.._)'al'ds. Seller Unbellevl!..bly low price, as Serving ll&rbor area 21 yra. Sparklin&: Pool. Ag u 1 t 2 BR; den, 2 bath.I. Lease 2 BR, 2 ba; pcol $250 Beach, 1 blk N. of Slater). OfOICE LOCATION, Hun-willing to trade down for a owner says sell, 110me CA$H IN A HURRY! , 64&-0303 only, $450 month. Also • REALTOR &iZ.533.'I 842-7848 PINECREEK ttnrton Beach, ZONED residence. CAIJ.. ROY terms. $27,500. • Bo ho Id Aug. only, I.JOO rental, 2 S OCEANFRONT dk LIVES UP • BU 8 1 NESS. PR(). WARD • e R-1 ocean view comer lot, rrow on you ur1 dme, pa 3-2 BR homes avail., $140, BR. 2 ba. $1,200. · 11nta An• .. _ h 2 BsRu nEI 't' TO ITS N•ue ••• * KASABIAN * 70x135 Will take large boat for nr not. se un s to con-$145 $150 Also, 1 BR house, NELSON ROBlNSON ucac . newer, . egn , ~ ~~~ ~~~1~e Rul Est•t. . 962-*f , tn trade. \~idati;_ bills, improvertyyour H~' $125, walkalltoA wat1er, REALTOR 67>8~ •BRADFORD Pl.ACE. Lrg furn. nu. cpti;, Jndry, t>atlo, Over 500 tall trees ~"'PAK ·~ 1 Dana Harbor Realty . ...,me, "uy ntw prope • ()f' Kids, petl on . gt. ee. 1 new 3 Br. l 'Ai Ba, fam rm, BBQ, gar. nr shops&: pier. and 10 streams with -~ , .wJ>.J K hel Rd., I!!~!!!!'!'!''!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!• I for any good purpose. Con· 979-8430. M 11ion Viejo all elec. Pvt. patio, dbl gar, $245. J\.farrd adlts baby ok. walerfalls create a KJhel, Maui, J;lawall. .16 Units Super tidentla\. fast service· in PRIME location 4BR 2 BA 2 BR, den, air oondltion, crpts, drp1, blt·ins, pool. 536-2131 relax.Ina: setting for F P $160 000 24671 LA PLAZA your home or our ottlce. bltns walk tO echOols & te 'd vi bad m1 ~$Z1~5~/mo~.~&44-m55.~~~~~~l1,;L~l~•~u~n~a~Bo~~·~c~h~~~;~~; your spacious new l· or • • • 4~90 831~ SIGNAL MORTGAGE CO. shopping. $290 mo. Call ~a ~"to' bc~~·Avaii 711: • 2-bedroom apartn1ent. Small Commercl•I P!'!!'!rty 151 52 UNIT MOTEL Wl':ll known Harbor Blvd. motel. Rest & bar priced at lea than 3x gross. Owner will carry 1nd T.D. $110,<m down or long term motel leue. Mr. Stine 639-1501 ' D.P. $24,000 AmNTION (714) 556-0lOG. 551-3ll8 aft 5:30. Anytime 495"-0740 or 837-1430 after LAGUNA ESTATE UVING peta<>k. From $170. Furniture ou~an<!!!tg _location near lo"w.:,ee:,ok:::••::;da;:;''-=--=~--7:30 pn1. Ap.rtmentsforRent ll9l On acres of gardens, wide fv~ila00.ble2300. Mod~,I~ open 9:00 Disneyland basedUponmo. BUILDERS 2ND lrust DHcls 3 BR. 2 Ba, blt·in, near 'N'"o~w~po=rt"""Bo~oc""h~--. ~~;~'. c~~be~ ~:a Mesa.~~~~~. 1 BR, sho\\'S $4681. Sched Easl$icl.e Costa Mesa. One schools fenced yd, 2 patios, ...o-:.--==---~ 1 net spend + 14:10% equity parcel l80x300: :wiled for •a PRIVATE FUNDS AVAIL. fplc, Ava. 7/1. ~. mon. CUST built home, overlook-••r :a.tor aPl. 2 BR.,5 2 °i:i. $16.S-2 BR, 1% BA. Studio on build up, fantastic tax 1 tal 118 . .,oo;, NV\ Any Amount 644-6607 lng Back Bay in older sec-Duplexes Furn. ~ · h ell cl In cul-de-sac. Prl•. patio, poot. shelter. 48.Slo/ct eJI this + 0 0 units."""'""" · um 2BA Fri 1; stove lion of Bluffs. Beaut dee .1-..:..-..;......;...;..; __ .;;.:;0·1 Dli washer, s • ea.n g drp ltiJ fanlASt lc low \'Reaney. Call CAl.L '="' 646· l' I' * c.11 675-44M BKR. Kid"• OK .. ]""" &:Arbor, CM: mirrored walls -crystal Balbo1 Peninsul• oven, ref. le: freezer. U-50 ~~g. a!idre~ tln~k. ~~ I ed. t I "'" ,_ . "W' -chand t· I t Mo. Furn. or unlum.. incl. mm 1a e y. ~. • ,. _. U30 mo. lJt & last plus $75 e 1ars -ge en' util. & garage. Mature ·pets, 735 Joann St. CM ',!!<f!'W<!!l>~!!!IL~"!C'!!I' .!,'ff .C. NO points, no penalties, free dtp, And over, Ud. 556-81Sl w/gas lites, C&Mel & 0.af. 2 .l J BR summer &: v•lnter adults. 64&-1450 r' RIAL TY appraisal, low rates, fast. REALLY ·•·-~--•"de ,, tin draperies, etc., etc., $600 114 E. Balboa Blvd. 49M6S3 Or._,,. broker 1~A-02""'B=R.-apt-. ~Sl~35~&-S1-65·.I v. E. "--rd & Co. N••r N••••rl P•1t Office aua.•t-t .c..o.a,., • ,. mo Year lease "'" •~ 673.-0526 ,--• •~ _.:c.,,cc.~'.'-':..:..;~::,.:.:=:. _ Invtseors Thrilt 63!M;411. BR, l_ba. horrie. Shag crpt, 6444ss2 • ~. Carp, drap, built-in range ----.,.,_ . ...,.. -EXCHANGE Mortgages, gar, patio, yd. $225 mo. $225 • 2 BR, channel frnt, Oupl•xes Unfurn. 350 5;~0UJ1~~':"°B e lac~ and oven. Covered carport, $21 ,300 Income. 2 Yrs old. ~!any cxtrAs incl. A/C & dfv.·, no vacancies. 10% R..2 Lot zoned for 6 Units, Trust Deeds 260 646-li&fJti. gar boat tie Avail yrly Gen•r•l $55/wk, ~ mo. 49'-2959 ~=re~ o~~ ~ter ~; HWJt1tiKton-Beach.-~~· J00,_3 b.r. 1.%. ha.. $215.:_ 2-Bn.:..hoo11e, 2 b1ks P~Ll':t;;;:;;:!b;h~$jj~l!l.~i~do!Jl~s~l•C::::::::::::::::::::::: C.M. ~7900 FOR: 10 to 15 Units In ....-"" crpt/-~IS ~ t 1y PRTLY. furn. 1 •~ ~••, ~"""=""'"='~~--1 PUT YOUR MONEY "~~ 'n"• • '' ooean uun , gar. yr ~"' •--Orftnge County. okay. ( 4( 968-2656. $350 -3 BR, 2 BA, trplc, garage, sm. back yd. &: WATERFRONT ** lBR., 1~ BA ** Sp11rling Investment TO WORK FOR YOUI LRG 2 Br home, cpl, stove, gar., deck. 4-doors ocean. patio, trpic. 1 blk from t.rg. 3 BR, 2 BA, $550 per 1:'ft:• newly decor. encl. Corp. Earn lO'fo interest tm well-frig, yrd, gar, Adults. Peta NU-VIEW RENTALS beach. SJG..9796 month._Leue. ~. ~~ :~ryt~i!r "if5 Leased gross 1nc0 n1 e 357.9930 638-5662 sPCured 2nd Tnl.11. Deeds on ok. $175. 675-1827, 673-6267. 671-40.10 or 494-3248 B11lbo11 Penln1ul11 Neweor:t ~h mo. 868 No. 1 .Center St. $3150/mo. for eljht stores BEAt.rrI.FUL ocean view Orange County real estate. 1 BR. fum. on large fenced· HARBOR VIEW NEWLY DECORA and Ta~ty Freeze In AlphA LAGUNA R-l lot, close to SIGNAL ~10~TGAGE CO. lot, north aide. uOMES-2 BR, 1 BA, upptt, cpta, 1 BR, Parle Newport. Bau-2 BR I TED Cap rate. 12~ Net Spend, Beta SIK>pplng Ce n I er . ! cl 6 """ ITI4l 556-01Q6 * ~7 '* --n drps, bltns, garage Avail ti.ful bay & ocee11 vl.ew. Spa w gar · fncd yd. Seller will carry -back 1st ly. 4t,_~ce. 4~2218· 4500 Campus pr., N.B. 3 BR 2 BA 1 lg Palermo Model, 4 Bed-Now. Yearly. 675-0196 7 pools 7 tennis crt:s 9X'ial w/patlo -water pd, Call T D at 8 ~, for 20 -·-' ' poo • e. rm family rm "'25 c .. _ " ·u'-·\"eek! .:-..i..: dur bet. 1 A S, 636-4!20. ' . .;i-,t "'~'"'"· C 2 I playroom. Pets & children ., ' .,., • Olt• mo.Ill acuVlu=. '' Y J:.1.1.1 • 2228 "A" Placentia $14" Price $316,750.00. Please 4-PLEXES -LOT, xlnt oc., approx. OK. $300 494-6364, MS-344& per mo. lease. Agent ing sunlmer or 6 moe. sub-· · • a call Bkr. 675-7225 t or SOxUIO on Hlll'bor Blvd., ~ .,,7~0 LRG. secluded 1 BR, lease S400 mo. Avail. now. OCEAN Breeze Apts - det&il1. C.~1 . must sell, oY.'fler. I ....._ D•rui Point UTr "' • Eastslde, pvt. fncd yd, utlls 54.f.5680fMO.l596 Spa.clou! 3 Br, sep lndry C 1 Lot $17 500 Let "' •Oow you Oow to begin 1213) '19i-102ll ---. TlCI NEARlNG COMPIE1'10N. pd. $180. Avall 1/1 ~;j; rm, Sl•v. No -. Max. 2 • • your Investment program Mount1iln, 0.Hrt OCEAN Vu, 2BR, trplc, Ju x u r i o u s ex e cuttve D P . 1 BR. Parle llewpxt. Beau-chllcftn to 6 Yf'!. ~ ~ 50'x140' Near 19th & Pomona with one of these deluxe 74 crptl, reh1v/range, 2 car townhouse, 3 Bedrooms, an• 01nt tiful bay & ocean view. Sp&, yon Dr. 642-2222, Ave., C.M. priced low at 4-plex~ All_ ammenlties Resort 1 HouUI Furnished 300 garage, $250 mo. 49&-0!l76 electric Kitch, seH-clean 2 BR, 2 BA. 25• JI 1 pew;>~, 7 tennis crts, IOC'la.l UPPER 2 b Elect bltlns $2:50l:: M.ft. plus ex~\lent location. Only LARGE •ab;n 2,, a•-•. Fountlln V•tley oven, ti.replace, patios and la .• ..:.1 .......... .;:_,rJ!lmo, ..... no& act:ivtties.-Weeldy-$3>0 1r1~g.,." ~40· -, ' W T I C 109: down $64 500 .. ni ....... G I I 'onall •-led w~ -~..... •WJ >n" IUJ1U1ler or 6 mos. sub-•• ' ' •• · · O •• Y • •Y or o, S 0 r · 1 • ·t nt View. Orchard, pat I o, enera ~!,!651 ~ ~~.,..::· pets, 1 child. 494-52'15 le~ $400 mo. Avail. now. res}>On.alble adu1t. No pet.I. REALTORS par 1ng nves me Sundeck. Box 35, Pinon 3 BR, 2 BA, gigantic rumpus ...... .._,.. ...,_, wkends .,AA CL!Ollf l>UI. •..,... Re1ere1ces. ~ . .2111 San Joaquin Hlll1 Rd. . Corp. 631-5662 Hiiis, Qi 92372 ( 714 ) E~IER over water, pines, rm all bltns OW swim64& ·c;;.,=.;,;;;:.,' 'iAgt~·====-.,.,.~n_,.........., Nn"POrt Center 644-4910 NEW TR,IPLEXES 249-3647 fountains, htd pool, privacy. po0'1, kklsOK, 1 only$2ssmo. -NEW BAVFRONT Huntlntfon Beach BACHELOR,funl; s1P14,$S5 3u:-·.!!"M~~UJ~~ * M-1 * _IN COSTA P.tESA Lake Gregory Ota.let -Lake ~I'!_~ !fa.Ss~~r!~Gr:!d :t ~ee. Agent 842-4421 3 BDRM. 2 BA. fabulous $145-2 BR blblS cpll, drpe week, Avail June 16 -July dop. $200. m No. T, 18th 1zr x 150'. Ololce LocaUon 3 Bdrm., 1%. Bath view 2 BR 1~ BA fr/pl piano, trplc, Owner/Europe oro vie"" patio, frplc. $425 MO. paUo, hi>1c, 'carport, £. !;J ~~~ ti;;.a. al:;: Place. Aat M6-X14 * C-1 * 2 Bdrm., l 'iJ: Bath furnished $26,500 821-4142. 6 mos., $450 mo. lease or NEARLY 3 B 2 Ba YRLY. Dave '494-0615 A lndry fa.cil. Coup!@ A 1 in-Pier ' LARGE 2 BR, 1% BA studio, 2 Bedroom houae ptus 1 Bdnn., ~·-Bath Out of St te Prop 178 belt oHer Olstom unusual new r, ' 675-1i12 fa.nt OK. No pets. Call ' · utilljies DI.kt $175. Pool 24 x 34· ft. shop HI'~ DOWN • • 962-0iss •. ' ' elect bltln, cpta/drps, 2 car HARBOR Vu Home1, 3 br, 8C:-t664 STtJOlO, 1 nn. IUrldect,· 1978 M1,pfe. ~7 RIVI ERA REAL TY Or•nee .County NE\V Oialet on 1 acre 1 BR ~ HB $1.00 util pd. ~· 189 $295. mo. tam. 2 ba. Xln't home, loca Newport leach ocean vu, % blk to beach, 1 -"°'...-"--:C::-~~=~ 149 BroadwB)', C.M. Ap•rtment orchard. 100 ft river fron-Also walk to water 1 BR & yard w-water pd. No Refs, 1lrl/woman k~·viEw~.,~~ '42-7007 MS-5609 Eves Realtors 547-6791 tage, Roseburg, Oregon. I gar. $l25. Also, 1 BR ho~ Huntln9ton Belch pets. $460--mo. w--Oepoe. 21S:-"BR.AND new, beaul 4 BR, 2 S'r.).3962 673-9239~--$29,000. 493--0478 in Costa Mesa, CdM & Lag. 867~3505 wkdays. 644-6188 BA, frplc, DfW, crpta $35 A up. 1 BR, 2 BR A =::-::--:::=-.,-,,""=.,..-~~ lSTI TIME offettd -N'pt. 20 NEW UNITS R1inches f'•rms Sch. Agt. fee 979-8430. LEASE 2 year old, 4 Br. 2 \\'~· drps. 1 llLK-to bch. ·yrty. Bachelors. Color TV, maid UNF. 2 BR, I'i BA. Adulta Blvd. 9.2% Rl!lum spend-Costa ~fesa. Accelerated ',' ' ' Ba,frplc,dlshwaahel', AVAn.. June 15th. Custom 675-4921 terV,pool.TheMesa,41.5N. only, $150/mo. 610-C Joann able Income. Realtor 675-6700 depreciation opportunity, Groves llO IMlbo• Piinlnsul• carpt, drps, $300. mon. 4BR & tam rm, or> lrg YEARLY, 3 BR, 2 BA, etv & Newport Bl., NB. 646-9681. "S"'t."""8~·='95_13,, . .,....-,---- Condomlnlums Scheduled gro~s Income BEAt.rrlFUL 10.acre Valen· 531-2998 cul-de-sac lot, rm for boat D/W, trp.lc, only 1 yr. old. Newport HelgMI NEW 2 Br, 2 ba, drpa, crptg, for ••le 160 $M,OOO, Price $385,0IXI. Call cla grove'. Lovely home site BALBOA PENIN Bayfront • BR Glen Mar home. Crpts, or trlr. Gardner Pd· Quiet. Fret adlts. 673-2512 pool, bbq, ear. Adults, no 1--"'....;.;=-·---'"'-for details & retirement in c 0 me . 5 BR, 4 r· Pl.er, O~. dru, blt1ns, immac. Avail $425./mo Ise. 58868 or A F CLEAN 1 or 2 BR. Multi, no pets. 376 W. Bay. NEWPORTBAYFRONT CJS REAL ESTATE Sacrifice at $25,000 . AvallMi June-July , JuJy 2nd. Leue $275 . 6t2-4387 ptl. urn. 360 peq. Lee kit. $135 -$150. 2 BR $J..56.4tove, re.fl'I&, u n e b a trocted waterfront ~ll68 or 833-<IiM 494-7508, 896-2218. Also Sept. \Vkly. 673-2039. · 536-2375. HARBOR Vu home ' br, Bllboli ldMCI !M21 E. 16th St NB 641-l*n cpbi/drps, htd pool. Adulta, vir#, 5th Door. t>etuxe 2 bri CLOSE to ocean. 3 BR. 2 ha. RMI Est•t• W1inted lM BAYFRONT Balboa Pe.nin. 5 4 BR Glenmar, dell run & fonnal din nn. tam nn, 2% ~pt. Unfvm. 365 no peta. 645-8965 ~~~~~fa :n.~.B~y ~. 'l:~i I WILL w~eJ~S: !~~~ ~f ~~· ~~i:~ ~chen nook. $530. mo. SUMMEBR. plusR a"~nw, Jdelux!_,2 S.lbol lslend ALLchlldeokloc.S12_BR. 1 BA ... 2 Rl e A·-N ··-n-··• --673-(1) ,:,., •«< ~ -' ' ' • """ ·~• • '" per, mo. -lnc:eme Property 166 ~. ~;:. Js:m ws. GUARANTEE TO SELL ........... or . _.-v.....,, _.,.,,..., AVAILABLE'~stom • BR $150.. per w p b 0 n e BAYFRONT new 2 Br. Albert, CM 646-5596 CDSTA Me 10 unita, • YOUR HOME . 3 BR, 2~ ba, swnmer or NR. ~an, 3 BR, 2 ~. ~!am rm, on lrg cul-de;:,c fil5...3Cli3, Beamed cellinp, built·ln&, $1«1 up. 2 Br., 3 Br., 2 Bi. SIX UNIT ~ apertrnents with ot"N.11 ~U'S, Sp&ckiua 3 BR, 1% BA, b!Uno, a'J><'d. . drp'd. ~· x 300', close to -IChoof, $1050. In· come. Aikin& $115,<m. but make fJl otter. KINGAARD R.E. 60--2222 $130.00J. $~ tnc~me. JN30DAYS. ~t~ .. ~Mon~. Call DIW1~Uo. $275_1Be. $4001~1':.r::::mor -. B1lbH P•nlraaul yuri.)',-1nquirf «D S. Pool, blt-inl •. play yard. Prine. Oll!l', Re al t 0 r Cuh· advanced. 6~ Agt. Baytront No. 5. 1996 Maple. 64J..3813 61s-5'oo -· -.............. 847-6612 Huntington Beach . Sll5 1 BR ....... pr .. abo 2 HAR. Vu Palenno, 4 BR. .$35 WEEK & UP NU 2 BR. -...... drpo. NEW, qulot 2 Br, opt. dri>< • · BR $165, uW. pd ., kids, pets FR, 2% BA, wet bar, i e Steeplna: Room1 wsh/dry dlh/Wlh. trplc, private patio, pr. 204&-C o~:.~~ ~t. co~ 4 BR. 2 Ba. Singles, Olildren on both. A&t. fee. 979-3430. frplcs, rent w/gardner ~ e...Houaekeepln&: R.oc>tQ · pier, yr!)., 216 G~ Canal: Garden Ln. 548--3763 area, C.M. ,500. 64$-4213. I ,._.. 1~ ~z..J,;~cup, $285. ~;~ ~i.~J•!, ;;i:n~~rr~~· 2 ha, 1 •. OceBA~~fNN l613-3328BR. ,_ tum -.i ~ U:·-crpts ... d_rpa, NE\\'PORT Belch" duplex ~ .~ L 8M h KATELLA, 847-6061 blk trom bay. No pets. refs 100 Main Street on ~:Wit!1'1tor i6-.. k!i', i)J.~Ms-1'55 ' Owner . anx:iou!ll $53,000. •gun• c FOR leue. cleanest 4 req. &75-3354. ,675-8740 •--/mo., •--<. Pmperty House 642.-38!iO Buao'nou HARBOR v H Cann 1 ......... .,...._,. C.-.llfreM ... ch $150 -Utils. pd., attrac1 1 bedroom in C.OS.st attL u nu, e • 3BR + o:>nvutlble den, tmt • ::.C.: Excellent starter OI' retire-4-PLEX, Huntington Beach, Opportunity 200 BR, nr. bch, Avail now, 962-5176 Sharp. 3 BR. fam, nr pool, & rear porche11, nr 10th St C•el1treno Buch 3 BR upper duplex. Ocean ment unlts, 1 block from Good cond, $66,000, $12,000 $155 -Utils. pd., ocean front FOR mit H.B. nr Hell &:. inc gardener, $475. 644-1791. beaeh:.,~~. on)y, $425 mo. 3 BR., 2 BA. Blt-U.. Ocean Vu. $250 mo. Open Wknds, 7 UlllTS-$75,000 Cout Hwy. w a I k Ing down, by owner, 962-0!lil. Distribu~ip bach, beaut. loc. BolJa Chica 3 BR l~ ha 3 BR, 2% Ba, carpets & yrly. V'IV"O<O.u. view 1250 mo. Call· 642-ll!l5 10-2. 34443 Via Esplnou, dlat.ance le all schls & Industrial Property 168· A CAND"f=~ ROlTl'E $325 -Oiarming 2 BR, 2 BA bltln1. $250 ino. ~ ' drape1, only $400. a. month. Corona del Mir or 493..Gm. ' Caplstrano Bch. 8'11-0066 lhop'g CERTS PRODUCT house, view! Avail 5-6 mos. j BR, 2% BA Prestige home Agent 673-'800 ;:.•.:;v•::•:.· ~~-----l Sperllnt Investment 4• ACRES fNO SElJ..ING INVOLko) NU-VIEW R_ENTALS on cul-de-sac atreet, many 3 BR. 1~ BA, LR/den, walk FURNISHED Apt_ $195 Utll Coron• del Miir Dana Point Corp. '31--5"? Male or fema]e age no bar-673-4030 or 494-3248 extras. 846-7S23 achOols, fireplate, yard, one ~d. "iii blk to ocean. NO DELUXE ---------1 DELUXE dupJn: C2J 3 Br-rier, can be vio~ full Gr Houses Unfvrn. 305 •rvlne '\°"" pet OK, $300 leue 6"-8494. c"'oa"t·a 2500-Seaview, 00.t APARTMENTS N:!,dyl-'fi! =r:fi':te u~ J800 IP ft., 2 b&thl ea. All Weti'tocated corner. Present part time:. Qualifted penon .., 3 BR, din. rm., lrg. kit. & Air Co d _, , 3 ~· amenttie1 included, near Income $1400. per nlO. Great will become distributor for Generel llv. rm., lovely area w/pool n • "• i"'c 1 • ..... ,gi. cupancy. sbops. 514 Clubhou!JC Ave. potential . will divide. Ap. this nal'lmally advertlled • BR. CUlverdale •••••. $375 priv, $390, m-3894 LOW WEEKLY RATES Tmeinnlsng Pooeo1.~ .... : Htfl&}Gometh 5P_:I_.. Dana Harbor Realty $90.IXMl. Nelaon s . RobiMon, prox s1.:i5' ... It. product. You may keep L:ANDLORDS! 3 BR .• :Ill he ....... Slro/4'1!1 5 BR lam rm. w/wet ""' .. Executive Sultu Billiard a::;~ . - Broker. ~ Roy McCanlle Reeltor your p!'ftlent position. All We Speciauze in Newport 2 BR., den, 2 be. ••••••• $275 frplc. Newly dee. Enjoy pool 20IO Newport Blvd. 1 Bedrm.m.From $165 EASTSIDE <XISTA MESA 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. locations are completely Beach • Corona del ?>.tht e 3 BR. 2 Ba. •" •••• • $115/375 prlv. $525. 833-3894. Coste MeN 2 Bednn. From $~ &+2 BR Wiiia. mt Inc mo. 541-1729 lurnlmed by our company. A Laguna. Our llontal Se~ 3 BR. :Ill Bo, • · · · · ··" • 1385 3 BR. at 31£ c.dar St. 642-2611 MEDITERRANEAN °"""· $81.!IX). -· ~·ry"ldgh ha~ .pot. ential. vioe ,, FREE to You! Try 3 BR. :Ill bo, hon ... rm. $425 Ne.,.... s0o.... 1 3' 5' STUDIOS & 1 BR'S VILLAGE OCEAN view., wlk to och. 2 r l ~ w:.cm:r,. 'tirn-;." c:;, ~ Nu-View! 5 2w~RHa!e ~~~-~t~ ~1onthly. 493-0761 •FREE Llnenm ~ mo:Bkr: 4~ni , woriced ctaysor eves. "If she NU-VIEW RENTAL v• • San Juen C•plstreno e FREE UWities 2.oo Harbor Blvd., C.M. NEW '·-e 2 &: 3 BR, 2 BA M b·1e H l:m:I -,... """"· will .... 673-<030 or 494-3218 1s1on-• Full Klt<hen mo 557-8020 -· 0 I omes f""'ll" -,... ...... Ile c.rtaln ' .. 5 BR, .ttarp, ..... NU 3 Br. -11> a. .• view •• Heated Pool RE~'TAL OFFICE Duf;i8.;'"· view, lrpk, $251), _ . wilh$g,~~UIRED ~JN':r x::: Rcr: 8 red ••• ,, Carpets, = : ~un&:~:i:c~:!iesavall. OPEN 10 to 6 DAILY ~unt'~::~ach Mobile "°"'" Mobll• Homes lnYell'IInent 9CCUttd, inte?Wt 828--5671 or 828-5200 ·S•nt• An• • Phone Service - l'or Salo 125 For Solo 125 !ree financing ovallable for $30 WEEK & UP a ~ * DOG RUNS * ~. REALTY OPEN Houae June 15; 16 & e Stuctio & l BR Apts. ~ Spa. 2 A: 3 BR. $1'19 &. $199. _....._ H•-RentalS *NT TO SILL? For more ~ation write: A Compa11y With Vision 17th, 3 br, nr achla .t shop-• TV' & Maid Service Avail. -l ? ~!-Kids ok. Pool. Keelson Ln. lllUUH We ave proSP«ts~t -E>hftributor-DiV!akln-93, p,o -Unlv.-Park~~tet";-ll'Yine-ing,~fncd....ycl._.crpt&, -Phone Servk:e-Htd:-Pool --~ -~ (l r b1k 1firl~ ~~~ - al:tes ln bes.ch area Pftrks. BoX' 5512, San Mateo, Ca. Aparfmenta Call Anytime, 552-7500 7-8793. 709 Shawnee. e Otlkin':n & Pet Section ON TEN ACRES 847-7786. SALES & Ll!ASINO We hano.ie everything. 9"02. Office hours 8 AJ\.I to 8 PM Houus Furn. or 2376 Ne"Nport Blvd., CM Apt11. fum./unfurn. 1.eaN ~~7'"°":-,..-,.,,.--::.,-1 1'111 ""'°9 C.CUtb' Pll':ase call. anftime. Pleue include phone number. ~ . Unfum. 310 548-9755 or 645-3B67 Flreplace I prlv. patios. NEW 8 Unit, 2 blks trom r COAST RESALES ~ Hot.w (Ad Good for $S on rent) Pools Tennis Contnt'l Bkfst. oceM. Leaae. 2 Br, l ha. n...;.... Matot Homes 531 72S2 A RARE ONE 5 Or 6 Bdma. "" ...... ll'lll H ti I H bou 900 Se La CdM w 2611 bltns, shag, crpt, drps, uel•llGI • Profitable gift mop ln fl\ltest 433 W. 19th St ., Costa Mesa 3 BR., OOnua room •••• $400 un ng on •r r HOLIDAY PLAZA a n, • DJW, cathedral ceilings. N'E.WPORT BAY growing beach area. Ter• 1854 S. Coast Hwy., Laguna 4 BR., 21,i be.thll ••····•• $4.25 3 BR. 2 BA. lamib' nn. Ap-DELUXE Spacious 1 BR. (MacArthur nr Cout Hwyl $200-$210 nlOnthly. 310 19th 531 ·6·00 • Cl,iatom built "'-ulic1 rifle location. $10.000 lo han· -pliances for sate Call tor turn. apt $140. Heated pool. St, H.B. Ca.II Aft 6pm .l 2 BR, 1 Blh, ·$16.500 dle. J'ull det1dl1 available. cosrA MESA OFFICE details: 84&-032.. Ample parkln&. Adult•, no HARBOR GREENS wkndl, 53&-0828. "'-RIENLIAF 2 BR. 2 Bth, suncleclt $26,500. Dana H...luo· Realty $130 • I BR. stv, c:pls. drpa. N ......... ._.. ...... Furn. 4 Unlum. Fr $1.lD. 2 IEDROOM, I bath w A,duJt park, 540-3612, , GIU encl. p&tlo1 infa.nt OK. ~ 1965 Pomona AYI':., C.M. Bach, l, 2 t-. 3 BR's. Model s bulltlns, fully urpeted.. A -5 -adult com· •13 BUDDY Ux<O. 1 bdrm SW • Bacn, all utils. pd.. '. * RENTALS * l BR Ira. ...._, S/pool, Open 10 "tu 7 pm. 2100 OK, $ muntty. l?M W b t t t It r turn. Costa Mesa Adult 24671 LA PLAZA tum, pool. ldW for b&chelon. Adutta, Petenon Wey, CM. nr. Har-Chlldren • 145. per Avo., C.M. Brand new 2 bed· Pork. SISOO. 4"-2790 Ul-G044 $135 . G.,., .... util• ,pd.. "SINCE llMll" YEARLY no children. $1~. 1993 bor Blvd. & M •m•. month Ca 11 DALE, nn. 2 b&":,~ !'.\,th : 9 Amerioan !161-9.190 -----~~ 81.f":..~.u. !urn bt Wmtml' Bank Bid&. From $650 Month C!oun:h, 548-S633. 54M310 961-4471. • ot ocean. ~.oN. _,...,_, '69 SKYLINE Jlx52 bdrm, 2 lJSED t.tariM llardware ~......... . · t'"U " ' ' Unlvenlty Parle: Irvine SUMMIR * * ST\JNNINC .l BR LUXURY spilt level garden WALK TO BEACH am to I pm. / bath, Costa Mesa Adult Store, In heart or Newport. \\'/gw'cJi.~~$-Olll , Deys 552-7000° Nfthtl from $1200 Month ftarden ipt, pool , rec Ul"Cll, apt., priv. p1'tk like ~ttlng. New t BR, Crpt/drpa, gar. BY owntt-24 x 60 Shenton Park. Catch summer n.Wl & --BILL GRUNDY OW. lSth St. $!65. 2 Br. partlally tum .. lnchtd 205 tflth. 847-3967. Manor 2 br, 2 ha, mobile American 557.-9390 ~fill. Nettirc approx. LACUNA BEAC!t OFFICE 4 BR, 2 BA, nr. CUlver A R ltor 675-6l•l NICE Studk> $140. or 1 br. -stove, ref, d'l!hwsr, lndry 2 R nl home w/wet bar A tam rm, J.Ox47 MOBJU: Home UMO monthly. Brok e r $1~. Furn Bach"'On bch, utlls Walnut, ~le, bltns~. cpts A M S1'1S cJOIC to bu.I k stores. blocks to bch. or bay av1lil. LAR'i_,~~18 N~~ i.:1re~ l\to. tormal dtn. area I: llv. rm, w/1°"20 cabana, xlnt cond. 645-1800 pd. J)et/km&ti'r OK. clt'pt;, tnc'd yrd. Olltdren A Condominiums Ya rd • Inc 1 d . u t 11 7.~ $3915. 673-7829 . Realooom\et, Bkr. 675-6700 .it cond, all upgraded, ti.lily 1741 Pomona, Space 41, GOLD _ Pmspector rK'ads $115 .-Li;t. 1 "BR., w/gar, stv, pets ok, $295. !116-1071. Furn: --315 642-549-& I 962·005. Cost• Mesa- l&ndtc:Dd. comer 1pace, In C.M. $2,500. Imm e d 1 ale I y -refrig, yd 'for child/pct , 4BR, 2BA, bltlni, crpls, drpt, Huntington BMch DUPLEX, 2 br, ~3• dru, beautiful trvtne P1ea11 call SAN JuM Capo, Aduft Pk. Kno"'' where it ts? \Yrtte $200 -2 BR, 2 BA, bltn!, Chlldrcnlsmt pell ok, ph !"untlnttotrH•r'bour . SMALL 1 BR, Ea1tslde . utll no pets or •In.a eir. Call i:1~m \'lllagl . Newport. ~ .:00,.;;.,B~,:i~.'',!ll ~ll~~juntlngton Beach, $;),': 3''~· + K,':{':'m~· 1rpk . ~~~~~ o~429 STUDIO condo, Mu" ""'· Ile nr:,-;. ut~~CE ~~n.6 tio.i1~~u1~tl3&y,~ D= 2 Br. draH, Carp~ ~ 2 bl' f b& Choice ftpplhmces. Owner 493-4107. MUST &lcrtflcel Laundry· {tar. klcts/pet~/sngl:oi. l!lt tenant, rent from own(!t, TeMls. Prt~ at Io . 20th St. Open hou.se encl gar. $1SO. 531J.:.4'i61 or katioh. oWner, e?&-1069 MOBILE I-Jome . "Vlldn;,1." Fluff & 1'"cld. $llkl0 1'y Alm SUMMER RENTALS ~HARMING 3 BR. 2 Ba. nr. $225. M7-M44 ·aft 5, AdUU•. Ph: . . 3 BR + patio, Irr, quiet, nr Bll~ at ~ ON Be&ch ~. 2 ba, 24x55, xlnt con<!. Movlna out of owner. Minimum d o w n C"..ALt. 49-'i·fl491 bch. I • e I op t , $51X'.>./mo. 1be rut est dr11.w In the Wttt. &t!helor apt Baker A .Brll!OI. Immed oc-1SR', bltinl, d'wuhr, ne"' lo flB, inuhedlate ooop. '1Ate. A·l Pork In Nwpt w/term " Call !-577-5388 * LANDLORDS ~ Now-Dec. Owner ~ 11 . • •• a ~Pilot Cla .. lllod 1100 mo. cuf.' ""'-· .104ll A Vo!oncla. ci>ts. dr!>o. $1311 mo. 1n31 11',!IOO or best otter. 536-0321 Bch, 890 W. 00 St., No. 14. ._ti. 4:30 PM. FREE Rl~NTAL SERVI E ~1~1 Ad. 64. Call 646-2887 M .. 1196 OU: Ln. 893-lm 24671 LA PLAZA 4"-2790 Ul-GCl44 ' -----• - • . /. " - Af't· Unfvm. :165 A U I 1--~.....,~-----pt. n urn. Huntf ........ BN<h US Apt. Unfum. 3'5 Apt. UnluM. 4451tnl.... Ront•I "R:;•n;;.l;;:•.:.:l•:....;,;lo'-'SIM=.:..,.::__;4~30 BuslnHI lentil Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Summer R1nt1l1 420 Apia., PANORAMIC VIEW , 445 WAITING LIST OPEN lor 1, 2or 3 BR Apt at the VILLA YORBA HurHlniton Bee.ch· (7141 141-9622 CHOICE OCEANFRONT Mes• Verde M1M Verde MOVE Into hon10 wtth 1pe& 01..x 2 8' 3 Br., 2 Ba. Encl tacular view of l!ihlJI at rar. SlSS up. Rental Ole., night... From thil second 3005 ?!face A\•e. rHG-1034, 1tO•'Y 2 BR apt, you can see u---rt Beach the twinkle of Santa Ana by ,_. .... .,... 2 BR, 2 llA. apt, 1 yr lse. nl&ht and the mouni.Jns by PARK NEWPORT ?llature adults, no petll. dt1iy, 2 batlu;, I au n dry , U>guna Lido, 311"'6 Coost !Ocil\Li,., prlvote location APARTMENTS Hwy., South Laguna. ?>1esa Verde area $155. OCE@ff'llON'I' luxury 1000 5'0-22'19 alt SPM. On the bay sq. ft ., frple, $300 ~10. YR· Stll Idle ttems , ..... 642-5678 Luxury apartlnent living LY. Dave 49f--0615 & "Make Room For Daddy" ~verlooldng lhe \Va.lei'. En; Newf!rt S..ch Of all Newport Hubor, &: ocean. Completely fu.rnh.h.. ed. 3 81·, 2 Ba home, large pa.Uo. Owner leaving 8000 tor 5ummer. Any reasonable ofler accepted . ..645-4162 or 642-2JTI ADD IT ALL UP o swimmin1 pools • httlth clubs o saunas • • tennis courts \ • pro & pro shop • bllli1rds * SUMl\1ER REl\'TAl.S t 1n cool clear San Clemente AHMA Rema! Bureau 492-8600 Share APr or HOUSE Call 'llOME-PARTNER' ~119t or ~1479 2 BR apt, funt, on Sta.shore Dr. NB 21~1160 or aft 6, 640-GUl Ask ror t.anoe. 38R houae, NB .near High School. 2427 E. 16th St. eves. $WI mo + ~ utll. WANTED: s!fght 111 a I e 2!MO, 4 Bfi · house, ll'B, $80/mo. + utils. 96Hl668. O~ENING , N'w Vllage Shopping Center . Interested In fint quaRty tenants apply Surf & Sand Hotel 1555 So. C~t ~lghway, La911n•9ch. 714: 494-6574 $140, 28R., in 4·plex, ~ 11.y, crpta, drps, RIO, enclad irarage, 962-4522 Apt. Unfurn. 365 675-1972 Clafslfled Adlf""; ..... &12-16]8. .}O~ ~~.000 health !I~. 1 swunm1ng pools, 7 Jlghterl Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unfurn. 365 tenni1 court.s, plus n1iles of 1 .,. tree Svnd1y brunch o aolf drivinr r1n1e i' party room 1314 N. El Camino Real BALBOA PENINSULA Several choice l'Ummer ren- lals avail,· now- NELSON ROBINSON H.EALTOR 675--SU> 2BR. 2 BA, furn, Nr. Ba,y &. ocean, aCl"08S from prk. Newpt Bcb $200 v.·kly, FEMALE OVt'.r 21 shr. 2 BR. Corta Me1a. $75 per mo. No pefs. 6'1~22 aft 7 Pn1. • 1 ~ WANT lady to shr nice Hun· ~.Sf • I L•guno Nlll'!•I • · bicycle trails, pulling, shuJ. L•I™ Niguel ,_ L•gu"" Nifuel neooard. croquet. Junior l's from $189.50 monrhly; nlso 1 and 2·bed1oon1 ptuns and • 1ctiYities director +' be1utiful sinales, tington Beach home -Prl Office Rent1I "" Office Rental ba, ISO, 536-l25Tl5.16-ll96. * WATERFRONT * G•rae-s for Rent 435 -Prime location, Newport Beach. l.w.""ge suite. Good parkllv. $350 n1onth, PRESTIO,I OFFICES i.~ountal.11 Villey, BMufl· tul new buildi,., i't'O'JDd floor, ),000 aquare feet, 1\'ill divide Into smaller . : . Grand Opening! The Sea Terrace Apartments- luxu rious, new adult living in California's newest coast town • -'\n ideal locale, beach nearby, oceau climate, and areat r ecrea· tion brinsr you ·Laguna Niiruel's choice residtntial apartment living. Available v•ith ocean or l'&rk vie"·s. Completely car· pete_d "'ith beam ceilings in upstairs unit.s or paneled li ving rooms in dO\\'nstai rs units. Enclosed patios or balconies. New General Electric kitchen wit h ~IC-cleaning oven and dish~ washer. And a Recreation Building'with fireside lounge, pool, Jacuzzi & game rooms. Choice of 1 & 2 bedrooms v.•ith l, 173 , 2 baths. Come make your choice. From 1205 10 1325 _per month. Directions: From Los Angele a, go aonth on the San Diego Fwy. to Crown Valley Pk\\·y. exit.1 Turn right (approx. 6 mi.) to Pacific Cout Hwy. Left l mile t o Niruel Rd. Left. on Niguel Rd. to The Sea Terrace L\partments. Put a r in yoi.r liie ... today come to · Laguna Niguel·• the choice community ~ JUn~bo Beruardo and Vllla•e Park, oth•r fine New TowM 1:1 e bJ' A.,CG 0-.11ni17 De'dopin. lite-(Tl•l •aMiOl '== 2-story 10\.\TI hOUSf'S. F.IPC· tric kitchens, piivate patios or balconies, carpclini;, dra· perles. SUb1erranean paril· ing "'ith eleva1ors. Oplional maid service. Just ~rth oJ Fashion Island at Jan1horee and San Joaquin i"li lls Road. Telephone {TI41 6'14-1~ . !or rental infom1ation ~EAS;rBLUFF-=- 2300 SQ. FT. OF LUXURY LIVING 2-story \l'/3 Bdrn1s., 3 BA, lrg. den/all purpose room, radlant heat, fll>lc, patio, central vacuwn , dbl gar. "'/door opener, lnch11 n n., 1.:omm pool. $495 1110. to responsible adhs. 644-6405 11.pp't.. l & 2 bedrooms $155 The price is right •t Oak- wood. Furnished & unfurn· ished, Sorry no children or pets. Models open 10 to 7 . 673--0473 . Garage for rent 19.)9 Apt 5 Maple Ave. Costa Mesa UOO ISLE, delwc 481\, 3BA, 2 sty, ~·/garden & patio. Avail July 14-Sept. 3, eves 6-14-4895 or 548-~70 SINGLE car garage, gQOd LIDO Isle, compL furn, 2 ~~age,.$~ 010oth. call BR, 2 BA, frplc, patio, all 1 ~-=~-----­elect kitch, dsh/wsh. Avail GARAGE for Rent S30 per 010 June, July, Aug. G.~1365. 3100 'V Coast llv•y NPI' Vac1tion Rent1ls 425 Bctl Newpo11 In1ports WANTED: double gnrage. HE~J & Recreation. \Vknds Lower C.h-1 or N.B. ru-ca .. or wkly renta}Jl, Big Bear * 6~7415 * Lake -B-a Id w In Lodge. Office Rent ii 440 . Reserv. TI4: 585'-4709 .;.c.;.:.:.:_:.:;;:;.:.:;;__._,..i..:; Oakwood DELUXE Tahoe re.nl a l , CdM • 2700 E. Cst 1-lwy, 4000 Gard•n Apartm•ntt Incline Village. Close to sq. ft . 01· Ind. suites from 111.t;e, tennis. g<ilf, sleeps 2-6. 500-900 sq. ft. F1'0m 37c Air N.wport h•ch-NOrih f2 13l 697-7492. concl. cpl,, elms, pvt prag lr~lne & 16th ·,. 645-0550 LIKE Jlilotmtains? S150 per lot. security, 6 7 3-4 1 2 O Newport Be.ch-South 1veek rents a Jrg Lake Ar-~harles \V. Maste1-s, 011,•rtcr/ THE NEW 16th 11 1rYi"' rowhead A-frame. w/38R, ~·-'~· --------BAY\VOOD -AP.ARTA1ENTS 642·81}0_ (r_plc_,J.rg desks. 546-191ft,_ .f>Fl,"ICE S[l!let! -~44 Old in Newport Bea?t ~ready. BIG BEAR LAKE_ Love! 3 f'\\'J>Orf'BTVa. 3 blJCS No.,of The sales office is open BEAUTIFUL 2 br. deluxe B 2 ,., Mtn ho ~ Coast H\\'Y 1. 3 drafting 1111s daiJy from 10 Aa.1 to 6:30 apt, o\'er looking harbol' f.· r , s.., ·,. me. Y & 1 recept. rm. All for P .?lf. 1.-fB.cArthur Blvd.• '& ocean. i.~w-o or Un furn. \\'ill Day or \\''k. TI4/~2979. S3CX>/mo. Ulil incl. 2nd or San Joaquin Hills Road. lea&e for 6 mos or longer. BALBOA Peninsula house or \\'/ncean vle11,•. 5 4 8 -5 3 O O 644-5555 (646--1987 Iii fr!) or 548-1742. apt, sleeps 8. $UO. 11,•eek up. evrs. DUPLEX-Brand new dlx, 1 SlTh1MER, \Vinter, Yrly, ~46SO-NE\V"--bl-d-g.-.-.-.-.-,-t-t-r-,-,-,-, blk ocean or bay, 3 br., 2¥.i Anita's Rentals: Bkr, 2(M)13 BDfilf, 2 SU)'. + base-decorated. Lge. office, hct11:1 ba. S395 mo. 2 Story 11,•/lill Balboa Blvd, 673-2058. ment playnn. Cabin $115 of Laguna Beach. For in- mts up, beams, frplc, patio. per wk. 962-7972 aft. 4 p.m. formation contact See at 822 W. Balboa Bt R t I t Sh 430 RIVIERA REAL n· 213/476-6783. .. [ "'"bk [{,a) en 1 5 0 ire 49-1-5678 499-2800 \VES'J'CLI1'~F. 2 BR. . \\'ANT together girl to shr BRAND llC\\P stores, offices, bll·in range, frplc., gar. No lux apt/or Jind funky old ludil·. air & heal. elcvatorii. pets. Senior citizens only. hse. No strings. Bob , 17301 Beflch Blvd. 11.B. S200 ?.1o. 673-Hl64. Rooms 400 213430-2635 collect ~t. c•-ti-~· ~""=·~··~----- 2 BR., l ba. Frplc. Steps to Apt. Unfurn.._ 365 Apt. Unfurn. 365 Biii· Grundy, Realtor 341 Bayside, N'pt, Beacp * 675.4161 * • offi1..-es. 50c per .equa.re foot, Includes carpet1, dt·apcs, all uUllUet, jani- tor service. Call MarlJ)'ll StO\'all (Il4l ~. NEWPORT Center 2 lu.x· urious offices Ot'erloolctng Big Canyon. Now uvailnble In full service la\Y fio11, library & rec<!ption in-l"'""'""'"'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I d "de<I. xerox nv•llnblo. EXEC OFFIC! Call 714 : 644-4610 OFFICE'-'s='=p=Ac=E~. OCEAN VIEW I In ttM! Unlorl Bank bldJ". Ne"·port Beach, building Newpo11 Center. Com plete overlooks Balboa Bay. ,,;upPOi·I·~.. t y p In i'· Prime a1-ea. \'arious size •.Xeiux. etc, i\I\·, McFarland, suites, rent 01· lease. 3700 '557-4024 or 64&-0083. Nc1vport Blvd., NB. t.fgr. --ruu.=;-;--,S;;;E;;;R"h'-'lCE=--1 615-1220. " ll.'JO' .. IMi,tED. occupancy, WastcUff Bu11dtng will consider dlvkliljg fOi· 2 Corner \Vestcliff Drive Ii: Or iiiOtttiilants. Coasflf\o.'Y Irvine Blvd., -Newport at Nev.'POl1 Blvd. F.ree Beach. !\fr. Howard 645-6101. prkng. 642-4644. 1617 wE=sT=c=L~1=F=F-~N=B 1980, ~. 756 & 540 sq. fl. An1ple prkg. U tt!. Baumgardner, S.U-5032. 1-fUNTINGTON Sch, imn1ac. 2 roont, ept'd, P''I ba!h, prkg, u,til pd. 350'. $90. ritr. Lang 540-130l \\'kdays. CORONA del 1'1ar. Coast H11')·-store or offiCl' for rent. Strf'el le\'cl. $150 1nonth. tiT:>-0.;62 ~7-,~---= Apt. U01furn. 365 "11-fE Factory" Moppin& n1all, co1L~isti1ig of %2 unique storefi, has NK!ps avail. f'ron1 S.U0/1110. ln .Cannery Village, 425 :nh St., N..B. 673-9606. CUS'r. DESIGN llOO aq.ft. corner. SuJtnbJe 1tore/of- fk.-e11. Front$ on WntcUfl Dr. NB, Alr .Cond. ~ pkg. un:; \VestellU 543-$86 AIRPORT CENTER ocean. Yrly. $325 mo. PLEASANT {Urn. room, Ba. , Ask for Alike n1atui;e 1\·on1an, \\' I o r Newport Beach Newport Be1ch Newport . Beach JONES REALTY 673-6210 1\•/0ut kit. pt•iv. non --'--'--...O."-'-C.:...--.,.--==.;...;:c::.;;c.;_ ___ ;.:;:;;:!::;:;~:;::.:;::.._. __ De!m.c 1, 2 .~.3 roon1 oftiots 4djacent AJiporter flotel. LO\.\·est rates, full seivlcu. 8.'J.3.~ (S-12 "'eekdays} 1700 WESTCLIFF DR. sntoker, ref entpl'd C.l\t l.JG~~~~~~~~~~~ss~~~~:=~======:::;:l. I 646-1979 01· 645--8765. 1 & 2 BR, Bltn appliances. ROO~lS $lS wk up \\!/kit $30 Pool. 642-6274. _ wk up apts. Children & pet SUB-LEASE Park Nev.•port section. 2376 Newport Blvd., Apt, 2 BR, XLNT LOC'A· .,. Ot 548-975.5, 64>-3967. Apt. Unfurn. 365Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unfurh. 365 jlO~il July 7th-Dec. J..AGUNA BEAOI. Furn. Newport luch NeWport Buch Newport Beach ' · room, pvt en!r -pvt porch, NEW Ba~-p1iv Bch & O\\'O ba.th. $lll'i 1110. 494-82S8 One ledroom/Studlo from $H5 Two lledroom from $280 SMALL l"IT1 Wt!LCOME e tlECOlllATOll COHSULTIHO AND "UllHISHIHGS AVAILAILE Apts 370 Furn. Or" Unfurn. Apts., 370 Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Cost• Mesa Cost1 Mesi Cost• MtN VVhere else can 1- ~ ~ a fab.Jbus ~ J-.1 Bedrocm fcr ... Pier 3BR, 2 · $550 nlO )T-ROO?ll for rent, private or ly. m-0631 or 644-1510. sent.i-private bath. In O>Sta San Juan Capistrano l\lesa. 979-9656. BRAND ne"' 2 BR apt, pool, plenty parking. Rent $240., lease $2'>.A. call P a t 493-4739. Apt1 F11rn. Or" Unfvrn. 370 Cost• Mesa $135 & UP GIGANTIC 1 & 2 BR. You Bet it's underpriced! That's 1t'hy these ap1s. 11,·on't last long. Crpts, drps, slo\•e & refrig. Lots of green lawn. Covered garages . AduHs, no pets. 20'20 Fuller- ton A\'e. {1 blk E. of Ne\\·- port Blvd., & 1 blk. So. of Bay, c.~t.> 642-8690. 11-IE EXCITING PALM MESA APTS. ~tlNUTES TO NPT. BCJf. Bach, 1 & 2 BR. from $150 Adults. No Pets. 1561 ?llesa Dr. (5 blks lrom ·NeiA'J)Ort Blvd.) 54&-""" * CASA VICTORIA * I & 2 BR . Furn & Unfurn, Carpt'!ls, drapes, O/W, TV ant. Pool, etc. Conu; by in- Summer" Rent1Js 420 LIDO Srull:h 3 bdrm., 2 ba., sleeps 8, 2 blks. to ocean/ pool privileges, patio. June $175 ~·k. Aug. tl75 \.\'k. 642-9933 CO?llFORTABLE rest home in Fulle11on for elderl)l "·/beaut. · sWTOundigs. Pvt. r rn. Xlnt food & attention. Call ( 1 l 525-5816. LIDO ISLE BA \'FRONT 4 Bil. Pier & Slip. June $2500: July $300), Aug. $3500. 'Realtor, 644-6111. LIDO Isle, spacious 4 BR 3~S BA home, 300 ft. Bay: t(>J\f\is, fii>lc, piano, utils. furn. July-Aug. 6T~'lfi6. EAS'TBLUFF, N.B. luxurious furn home, ~ BR, 3 BA, lge pool, all util pd. July/Aug. $800. O\\ner 6#-0688. LIDO ISLE. 3 BR. 2 ba. A 11 a i I .. July/Aug/Sept $2.0Xl/$~/Sla:x! !{. La"·son Rltr Sl~2 SAN CLE?lfENTE lUX\U'Y. n10dern, \•ie"' hon1e, "·alk to beach, by month or "'eek. 492--0177 quire about our l\·[ove-in Al-BEACON Hay, Ne \V p o rt Jo11·ance, 525 \'ictoria St. at Bench. 3BR. patio, tennis, Harbor, C.?-.1. 642-8970 $275 \1·ook. 714.0TJ-~ / 213- Dani "Point :-"'=~C-3420'·n7.-c~~=~-- ---LIDO Isle, 4 BR. 3BA, home T\VO large 2 BRS, oceaW July $1200. Aug, $1400, days vie11,•, J:mcl & $225 mo., 962-1356, eves 675-8766 25081-C & 25091-B La Cresta. Inquire 1030 S. Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach. Ph. 4~48. SUB-LEASE Ne11,110rt apt. 2 BR. 2 BA, tennis, pool, rec. facil. 640-08.11. Huntington S..ch NR ocean, & channel, 3BR. 28A , $250-$275 wkly. Days LA 1:1UINTA HERMOSA '7'".r5366, a lt 5• >l!hlm Spanish Cow1trv Estate Liv-LIDO Isle Waterfront 3 ing & Spacious Apts. Ter-BR/2 BA. June/July $1250 raced pool, sunken gas mo. Aug. $1500. 673-8886. BBQ. Unbelievable Living. • * BAY SHORES 4 br, 3 1 BR. UNFURN $165 ba, July & Aug. $ZDl. CaU 1 BR. FURN $185 642-52ll 2 BR. FUR.i~ S2I5 OCEANFRONT apts. ALL UTILITIES PAJD N Adults, No Pets r. Balboa Pier $85 &. up. weekly. 673-4928 f4 blks S.·of San Diego Frwy -"'===:..::=~---on Beach, 1 blk \\1• on Holt 2BR SUM?.tER RENTAL to 16211 Parkside Lane.) Comna de\ Mar (TI4) 847·$441 833-1691 or 673-3121 ""'hite Elephants" over-NE\V 3 BR. duplex, Frpl., 'running your:. hou.tte? Tum gar. l Bl k. to ocean & bay. Lbeu1 IDJo "Cash" , •. sell $300 Wttk. 675-0020 them 1J11~a------.DiilrPiJOf SclrtH Old s 1utt Buy me·new classified ad! stufl. ,~~~------~ Apt• ~PT• •• Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Furn. or Unfurn. J70 Costa Mn1 Cost1 Mesa • BAYWOOD APARTMENTS IN NEWPORT BEACH WON'T DISAPPOINT YOU. ~~ Whoever you are, a family group or adult. Baywood apartments and 'townhouses will please you. You11 see. Whatever your lifestyle, it probably includes celebra(ion. At Baywood. it's sure to. The recreation center was made for fun. Superbly. Huge fireplace. Pillowed conversation pit. Billiard and card rooms. Dance area. Lounges. ·c omplete kitchen fadlities. Wet bar. A neat Player piano. table for two here and there. Even more cha rming than tts picture is the bridge. Same with the sunny patios and balconies. Two pools-one a junior olympic size-the other Jacuzzi· equipped for adults. The randomly pl aced barbeque pits are handy. Convenient mini-laundry centers sided by fenced tot lots. Yes. Be practical. Check into the schools, shopping conveniences, Newport Centw within walking distance, freeway accessibility, bay and beach adjacency. All the features thoughttul apartment-hunters think through . Closets, bulk storage, carports, room sizes, calibre of appliances. You'll also make the discovery that these are affordable apartments and townhouses. SANTA ANA FRY. 00\VN stnirs office location, 1200 Sil .fl, choice 1r u1 St. IOCfl!IOn. Air cone!, crpt, a bundant parking. Xlnt sign ~ation. &1 2-9600 EXECUTIVF: office v.·llh int- Pl't'!!iiive ocean vu Ir. n!Ct'J>' tiOh fll'eu, F'ashion Island; Nil i\1ust s u b • I e t' ln1- 1nedlatoly., 644-0035. Dl-_;si.-space 1t\'allable $50 1110. \\'ill pro\·kl~ furniture at $.i nio. Ansv."ering M"rvlce n~·nllable. 17815 Beach Blvd. . 1-f!mtington Beach. 6U-432l Sl\lALL Q[fl1..-e. Alr ain- dilione<I. ns "'·20th St. 01. 6-16-4693, 646-9696 F1JRNISHED & Unfumi.sh· cd on Coast Hwy, CprOna de\ Pilar. 545-3165. · 1 8usineM Rentll--44$ I STORES h-lain Street, Courtyard and Oceanfront Stores available al modest rents. BALBOA INN 105 Main St. 67>8740 RETAIL stor@s or ottices, S:ilO West Coell H•'Y, Nv.<pt Bch, $200-$250 . nxm- thly/lease. 673-3706 or 2l.l'I- 145 E. 18th St., CM. Suilable for stores or ok . 362 8'1· ft. SlOO. 'mo. &: 1069 sq. ft. $280/ mo. C.J.S. Real Estate, 548-UGS. COMMERCIAL Al'T. ON COAST HWY. CdM, 673-3345 OOUBLE shop 36X38 ft. Nr. N'pt Potit Of~. & filarlners ?111. S225 l\.1o. agt 646-2414. lndu1tri1I Rent1I 450 NOW LEASING Huntington BeRh NEW M-1 . 9411 Sq. I~. '& UP Ham ilton .l Newland _,, or 13U51t 2·1800 sq, rf. M-1 •Jll.oet:, "'Ith fl'ont offices, large rear door. Ideal f or laboratory $2.a ea. 1775 Whlltlt:!r St., C.i\f, DB.#'• 4&i-SOlJ or &46--0681 evet. WAREHOUSE Y.'ilh dock, northern O>sta Mesa, 5000 sq rt. including smal office space\. $400./ mon. Contact Mr. 'John90h. { 642.J1'1l!. • • 4001 BIRCH, NB 2000, ~. 3600 llCf.tt. or C0"1- bo thereof. Avail. 911/73 Mr. BNJrnganlnier, 5h-oo32 Share APT..,..ot,_HQUB.E _____:_ Coll 'HOME'PARTNER' SJ6..ll!W or $13.-1479 Sfof1110' • ,. 455 I StoRAGE building ~tor houtehold & o 0 d •-. $30 monthly 275 Fk1•'e.r C.M:. 64G-5136 1---~---. --_, I • • ' ' . . . I DAILY PILOT D I j\ l~l ~-_....im.iiiiii~,~~[._. .......... _"loft ..:;l~.;.1 1 _ ... R~ I~, ....... Rt,ih l~l '-::1-iiii· ~-... i;,-;;;· ~l~~,~~-""';;;;"'-'";;;;;-~ml;••~l·iiii11iii'""'@-~f[IlJ~+! :;;[ •. -;;:;"~-· ~~,~~-~ .... ~. ~mi~· s.-1. & Schools & B•by1ittl-Gu d•n l-I'!'" '.<' . Help_ W onlJ. MI F 910 1~~tru~tt0n1 575 Instr uctions 575 ·-·~ >•wing/Alter•tl1<11 _ Help Wonted, M & F 710Holp Wont..,, M & F 71'0 Holp.Wont.J, M.&.f 710 ~ [ ORANGE COUNTY VOCATIONAL · TRAl.NING SCHOOL -LEARN ; '. ·--~OTO TUNE-UP . ,, * I .Wiii ' INTINllft COUISI * tumoN FINANCING AYAll.Alll -: • * :=:~~~·N & rilNINe CWSIS * Pl,PAl AJION '01 CLASS ''A" SMO• LICINSI INCLUDIQ_ t Job Pl.1.c:errient Asslstance •Avail8ble * Classes Forming Now * Speclal Courses fo~ Mechanics who ne.t Class "A" License •---FOR INFORMA110N ---1 : C~LL ?14/646·5065 I 2120 rLA~ENTfA AVE.-COSTA MESA i VACATIONING! Matu re. *GARDENER* Altorotlons-642..5145 CARRIED$ NEEDED lovlnst1.; dcl)4!'.ndable baby5it· ~low, ectge & c~n·t g1U'dr11· Neat. aceuratt!. 20 years exp. · "" ter " your 1<1me. O.ys. Ina c11re .. Expert & depend· FOR DAILY PILOT nlithls &. ·wkend.s. Rc1u;on· ahl(', Mcmt a.N'f'l.s, Tre~ Service abl!l'. Referellces. 1'ra111;1ior· Prompt-Fr" Est tution needed. 642-4895 Pete 534-7187 TREE trin1n1lng, t'\11\lO\'ll.l, sprayini;:, stunips -Call PROF. teacher will care tor your child full tln1e, days, nighl$, wknds. 645-1057 General Servic•s Dave 6T:r543.5 I NC0h1E Proper\y W.i~ow Cleaning MALE OR FEMALE MUST B,E 10 YEARS OF AGE DR OLDER HAive i>. QEPENDABLE BIKE . ' DJSl-1\V t\SHER t u 11 It. <;ocKT All. v.•nlt~~· & p / I I m e . I n t e r v1e~1 COOk.'l, lntl'r\'iu1v 111\u·Mlay, 8arn-4pm, l\Ton..1''11. Mesa at 1100 Placentia, Cb1, Vci'l'ic Con,... •IOfS'P, £i61 Lucky Uon. Cl!rtlc1· St. Cld. Cocktall Waitru1 DISHWASHER 1'»11c1'. only , 642-8274 Jo'ull or 111thnl'. NiteJ only. COLLEGE ~irl to live-In np. Cnll 673·7f2'l 11.ftemoons. ~1y borne. So. CooBt Plaz..'l area . .Mon·El'i. M.ln. .Ag ,2.54<)4003. Builders lmprovemenls & Millltt. WINDOWS 1\'ashed -low Colen1an VaUey Sewlces. -ratCtS. \VIII clean scroons & s.I0-2270. Reas. large mirror f1'ee, riepcn- M IC HAE L'S HOM E dable646--0SG-I pro.~ July 25 lhru n1id·St-11t. DOC Ciwntcrs e x I \\'alk lo beat.'h. lloo1n & ·r • P e r boo.rd +· $70. per mo. 1n f!X· u'?lnl.ng. l~g }1111~. Son1c hnnge 101\ 1laytin1e child · cx:pe.i. pref d; SCnd resu.mc , .l t·o1-e tor ~rlrl 14 nnd bby 12. or c!kll, 6'1~07. P.O. Box, ' Newport .._ .. ...-.. .... fro•. Jtrti St. to '·Ott! St, 0 1,.11 rMni, \Veekend & eves. t.100, Costa !\lean. 92626. GOOD PROFl'fS-!1- )VILL. build~ or rep a i r nrlything your borne needs. Call Gene, 547-1838 Carpet Service REP~IRS ''LfITLE JOBER'' 642--1403 Ha uling CALL 642-4321 , Ext. ·211, A~ for Gary Jarrett fn:e. ~1ust hnvf' cnr. nou-00).IESTJC Help George l ][Ill• Help W~t~. M.&. F 710 HelP'Wai rited, M & f! 710 smokt'l'. 714: 6~.?55 alt 6 Allen Byland Agcncy.-106-B (mplo~merrt.· • I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;1-:-;;;:;::;-;::.:=:::-°.;.:; gn1. E. 16th ~1.. S .. \. a47-0395 T 11 Boat Repairman COLLEGE Students, flg"ht DON UT ~hop, nite shift, GET RID OF UNSIGHTLY I ~------~:;;~[ASSEMBLY \\' Ct pollution. Hib1l earnings remalc, 2:H5. .<\pply in TRASH & DEBRIS $10 II '!~t'l' 'Ulll 'C'Xper. fni.·ra . \\'i th Shaklee Pl-odocls. Full rJerSon, ~11'. Donut 135 E . JO~N'S Carpet & Uphol~ery LOAD. COtl.EGE . STU· Job Wanted, Male 700 Expen"mental Full & I?· !inie. ~10$1 havt: or part tbM. Apply Z14 E. 17th SL, Costa l\ll'sa. Dr1 Shampoo free Scotch· DENT 54&-6428 ·-----shoi1 . h;'lLr & clefln rt'<"()rd. 17111, 8.<1nta Ana or cnll guard (Soil Retardants). 32, FURNITURE Van for RETIRED Navy C\VO \\'ants Blac!~ic s Boat Yul'tl, Nev.-. 5-12--7077. DP..A F'T'SiiltAN D~itizer Degreasers &. all color 1 ( I 1 couple hrs Work daily or A'ss'e·mblers iJOl't Bench. -COLUMBIA YACHTS Of)(!J'lllOI'. Oppol'ttu1i1y for a hrightcners & 10 minute Joca urn hau s & gen' couple hrs a week. "Buck" BOOKKEEPER · Pl'l'Still \V/oon1c dra fting blench for white carpets. hauling._ 548-1862. 551-3505 l . . 275 McCor,;,.Ick, C.M. ;1hil1t;.· to lean1 lt) operate Save your mooey by saving LOCAL moving & hauling by Exr>-•ndu1g Los Angeles & I r.c. digitizing et1ui1>n1cnt & me .exh·a trips. Wlll clean student. Large truck. Reas. QUA'IJFIED -Dry cln. mgr. Wiii perform as-Orange Counties. CPA firm e Mast Builder- 1 hanrllP Ji!c drnfting v:ork. Jiving rni., dining rm. & 534-1846 or 534-2164. Expertise rlom. S£'l'. bach. stmbly W o r k of .has CUI'C('r opening ·for full ' M I F b • TI4/979-1100 hall $15. Anv rm. $7.50, qtrs., oflices.~ boats. 548-7197 h1nhly skilled n• <'ha1:ge bookk1.~per. !\1ultiple . •t.a a ricator ---------. .., YARD, garage cleanups. J ·11 • ledgCI· ex.,.,,rience des,·o·able .• :-ieharc Welder DR,~PERY ~·ork l'OClnl oe@ds couch $10. Chair $5. 15 yrs. Remove ~s. dirt ·ivy. ob Wanted, Female 702 ture of exnariment-··~ 1 "" '· k · h t ,.-&l lar\.',.COtnmensurate ~·,·11• e Touch.Up exper l'ri..-...... ,_.ar Hie ·e1·. exp. is .. w a counts. not Drive\vys, grading. 847-2666. al prototyna sheet · ' I 5? .. '1-7161 or 9S2-J':l.19. lnelhocl. I do work myself. HIGH school busiiless shJ. ~ . expe1·1C'nce._. Call for appt e Clerk Typist .. . Good ref. S3l-OlOl. ; GEN Hauling. Tree I Shrub dent seeks 5 u 111 ni e r metal com~nents 7111: &.\1-0i;il. Purchasing .O.pt t ,, • STEAJi.f cleanln<> c ,_;;;_ Pet trim. Gar & Yd • cleanup. secretarial position as and close tolerance NOT BORING . • Marine Stock 1-·LECTRON·ICS 20 " Est. 531-6.n7, 557~904. typ;•t •te~ap'"" o • e bly 1 tr u c •pee. % tlll' wk. Re). -• ._.. ·~· • all m , . . P t M WE ARE GROWING Free esti. West. ·bef 6 pm, SKIPLOADER & dump truck re<:eptionist. Experienced in t.ures. High school BOOKh.-'EEP.ER--Exp., t;-.1,C • ar. s an • 494-7018 work. Concrele, asphalt calculating and .posting. eduCation required 6().. iO \v l p n1in, A1nt. opp. Expcr. only 11eed apply ]~ [ Cabinetmaking sawing, breaking. ~7110. ~~~t-ences available. 5'15· I f " foi· person who \\•a,n!s 10 l\londay th11i·Thursclny I .,A ~iiiiiiiLottiiii.,.iiiiiii"""'iiiiiiiiiii~iiiii~ 1 Housecleaning P Ut IYe years ex· take an active parl in our Equal Oppor .. Employer Ill f Due to our l'Hpid ~IXl\Vlh . · CABINETS & Furniture NEED ticl,p at hon1e? \Ve perlence. · Co. Start Y'..00 rwr 1110. I \."al'ian Data ~tach1nes ho .. ~ Reinodeling-& Boatwork. CALL Crosby International have aides, 11 u rs es, G73-66S3 COMMERCIAL ii11niediatc opcnin;zs for the .I.LI\ Found (frH ads) 550 &16-5219 Gingham Girls tor your h 0 us ekpn;, companlons. Pre·c1's1"on BOOl{((f.EPER. cxn'rl for follo1v\ngo; R .. on;;;.;.t:.:•c.l•;_;W"-"a"n"tod;.;c _ _;_;:: honie apartment or office H5.~7•-IJ68nem1a_ k_ers. Up j o h ll, retail gift slOl't'!. P/Time. , TELLER CLERK TYPISTS -FOUND \'"" ., 1 Carpenter clearu·ng. Bond·" & i--·-". .. B \VANT so M E o NE TO .... :'r\C"'"'ay, ~rge 645-6010, .,... . '""w= M·e·c·h"'Rl·c·a I ugg:s rn1erua1iona1. 21l-4:: -TAKE--,.ENDEJrl:()VfNC-.-n1ale. pan-;Lab-pe.rt Dane ·NE\v, remodel, frame & .:::=='--~'----~-DAY work. General cleaning. . U. .. 'Vestclitf-Dr .. N c \1· Port CARE OF YOUR HOME? 14th and Ornnge H.B. linish, stores, offices & EXPERIENCED hobseclean-Full/part. tin1c. Reliable. Beach RESPONSIBLE · COUPLE, 5.'l6-57n homes etc. Custon1 work. ing; Fast, thorough & de--Trans. 5<11-9330 54,'1-1006. A · bl BOOKKEEPER l{irl flic:h1.y, no children desil-e to lease 2 IRISH setter Im pup. -Licensed. 962-1961 pendable. Corona del Mar ~H;'e~lp""W,;;a'-n"ted~.::M~&~F.~7-1-0 I ssem e rs n1ust have e x c e I fl! n t or 3 bedraml, 2 bath un-stitches on top of head. Vic MINOR h . Pl a1-ea. 6754952 iclephone personalit)•, "OO<I M sa La •A 1100 on1e repairs. um-Carpet Clean'"ng • turnillhed home in Lagumi e ncs con1e .... bi 11 g "··-ntry-Pam· ting-11 W'll f I salary and benefits, 557--0312 I ' su~"r CM -.... ... ,,~ ' "·t T 1 n11r orm · c ose Corona de Mar, or Newpo11 ,,... .... ' · Tile. Call 540-5560 FloOr Care & Windows r uc ter cnip. Position ,.-BOOKKEEPER . Outstand- UNI-TED CALIFDRNiA BANK 3141 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 673-9140 Beac;h. ·Need Immediately, .VIC. of Orange Coast collt>ge •c""'"""t"-Cc""'""~t ---In ·~ ··~ s tolerance assembly ing, experienced r11n cha""e Ir• July 15th is a mu$f.. Phone handball court. Keys-house emen , oncre 8 Dutch. l\1a t Serv. .,,., • .woo um me.r work on missile r8-bookkeeper for inve~tm~~t Equal Oppor. ·Ernploy~r 494-4901 ~ & General Motors car. PATIOS, ~·alks, drives. Sn~'. Dedicated Cleaning lated hardware, firm. Salary open. 547-&i21. \'!:" ... '"'i::-"~~ ... ~~~ HELP! Responsible father Brown Key ring. 540-3811 break, remove & replace * WE DO EVERYTHING * sheJt metal ' c~ BROILER Man, p/ttme: ex· (on~roller CPA to $25K w/2 aons need 8 furn. 2 br FOUND, pa'.:rt Doxie dog. All concretc ... 5'l8-8668 for est. Refs. Free est. 646-2839 E I t ponents. Must be pericnced. N!•\\'J)Ort Bea:ch Xlil't opportunity for quietly house or apt immed. \\'l<;hes beige, collar. Vicinity,......of CUSTO:r.t CEMENT \VORK HOUSECLEANING m p 0 y-m en ·able to, work from Tennis Club, 2tj()l Eastbluff aggressive financial 1nan to to pay Up to ·$250 w/util or Billa Fox Circle. Huntington Drives, \VALKS, Patios, REP~ERENCES bl • k h NB ' join a young n1g111l teain. nego. Nice are11. please. Beach. Call 847-7056. Pool deck.~. Don, 64.2-8514 e 979-6845 e male & feniale uepr1nts, s etc • ..,,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,...1 Prefe1· livt> Orange Co. J1ig Contact La11)', 549-0326 A gray/bl.ack kitten nr es and specifica· CHECK HER' E 8 CPA !.'Xpe.1'. & l-ec!.'nl «•n-beh\'II 8 It: 5 or 6-15--80.)8 ~lark!.'! Basket, N.B. on Child Care LADY wants housecleaning Looking for s u 111 mer tions. . ' lroller e.-.:oPr. ~u111es only i\rin. •!5" 1".p.111. SOfne ofrtce CX()C'l1• pref'd. SECRETARIES • Typing 60, sh 80, n1in ol 3 yrs exper. DRAFTSMAN l Yr expei'. \vhlch· should in- clude some logic dra1vings & an interest In learning PC work. PRODUCTION e\'es. June 15. !>45-281J \\'ork. Exper. Own trans. I c ., ' . ·Aam'os. E. "ec. Searc' h QUALIFIED pursery sch. '* 847·3637 * en1p oyment? ome r!"!giste1• 1 . " RSl'IRED v.'Of'l1M needs apt Lost 555 leachcr/dir. retw'Jtitig ffom -Laildscaping w/us for__g~ pa~ing Lem-Apply ln_~erson N R--·•-t ~t•·· ~F--_C\00.'..I!{o. L•h.:lld,.Anaheim __ _ ~11ment ne1tr stores & v.ac. July 2 avail. as ----'--''-----porary assignmenls in a I O eg1s ra '°!" ee Cal-Fed Bid~ • · 776-8120 bus. I mmed . occupancy HELP substitute or perm. dire. of LANDSCAPE, Garden ~~g;ari~~n~;.in~~~~~ 3333 H,rbor Bvd_. "No_Dt!lpos1t ·GOOK CONTROL -SCHEDULER possible. 833-201'. )>re-school. Write classified n1aint., clean-up·, sprinklrs. tr t · \\' Costa Mesa, Calif. \V h o "1 F II ' Ad. No:S9J Daily Pilot P.O. Lie. l33790. 646-6852 acs to sign. e Need a re seman, rugs .. ,,.. ir u or p1l1n1e. No Joog hair. tilgh school gi·ud ,,·/sonie Box 1560 Costa :r.lesa, Ca. You! Ask about our bonus Df'iver, Shop Trne S2.25 lir Carl's Jr Rest college prcf'd. 1-2 yrs pro· ' 92626 Masonry plan. • .• l\IufOer Insttillcr to $800 mo No Exper. 'Necess ducLion <.."()ntrol Sl'hedultng -I ~~ ~ssn1blrs & Trnes to $2.84 hr Apply in person. bet\.vn 3 & 5 exper & the ability to deal CHLLD care my home. Hot Brick-Block-StorM nterim . ".Facto~. Cleanup ... $~.00 hr l\"kdys a:t Carl's, 3101 NC\V· w/all levels of personnel in lunches. big yan:J: Crafts Personnel Servt'ce 11 ,EJ".'ch1c1an ....... Sa.no hr port Blvd N 8 other depts. games, complete 645-'8a'i6 Painters, 2yrscXptoS'5.00hr ·· · · E'RO TY I~ [ , •' Announcements 500 CLASSES In oil painting, starting: Junt' 28th at: -REWARD - BLK. MALE CAT NEEDS ~E.DICATION DAILY supeivision. 549-1805. Painting & 17581 Irvine Blvd:, 115 .,_: .~Iachine Op1'S • to $2.25 hr COOKS R P PIST Contractor P1p·erhanglng•----+Tusti · l38;546t'[:Eq=•=1a=l Co:p=po=t=. =E=o=1p;lo;•=•=c=m~L r·Ogr~I~'''~''."' ~P•~-od~uce ... ~2.50 h1· ~11 1st Class broiler n1an "&""'~~~-~---~_,_---< a_ • st;_, ~fvery ti.SU fu; inner i;oc:i w exper 1n Typ ng 80 \>:/ yrs expe.1· in a I.ml 6/6 vie. Beach . & JACJ.;: Taulane _ Repair No \Vasti ng Saddleback Pla?.a Bldg ~, Drtver. Slup Clrk $2.25 hr heavy food preparation. CaJJ t"()niputer as.~isted t ex t Slatrr. Very shy, 847-8618 rcn1ocl .. addit. 20 yrs exp. * WALLPAPER * Equal Oppor. _Eniployer ASSEMBLERS ' Chef F'red, &l+-1700. · editing system such , as ' ' ARTISAN'S BENCH. For info f75-8550 or 675-2668 LADIES ne,.ible bracelet, Lic'll. ~ty \\·ay C9. 547-00:~G \Vhen you call "Mat" · • . Genernl .Office · · to $5.10 nlo COO~. exp'd in institutional MTST, ATS or: ITEL Dura. ~~~~~~~~~~!vie. Fashion Isle or El 548·1444cves. -ACCOUNTANT Seci:etaries ....... toS575mo cooking. Bev£'rly Manor . ;. Ne1\'J)Orter. Extreme sen-__ •c_1_r_ic_a_1 ____ _,;_ PAINTING & repair, 35 yrs * MANAGER Eleclt"()tt!cs firn1 njeds 1x· Typists .. : •.• : " to $600 mo conyalescent Hosp i ta l • If_ )'OU meet these qualitlca.· I~ timental varuc. Gift from EL ECTJUCIAN. licensed, workma nship ..,,,.,... 'l'ake pcrienc~d assemb ~ls . Ot' f(eceptJon1st ••. , • to $525 mo 1.ai:unn Hills, 837-Sooo ' t1on.s & are k:rokipg ftrr a departed husband Generous bo S II b d b~. Gen1 Accounting" producl1on dept. Fu time Seamstress ...•. , , •.. $2.00 hr . positlon with a growing t i · · nded. n1a jo s, n1aint & a vantage 4lf my exp. employn1ent & excellent Fa t ry Ttn s t 12·25 hi Orang "Count Co th t of reward. 114: 493-2518. · repairs, 548-'5203. _536-~~'006~--------to $15M benefits. Just i;; min. from c 0 •. e · ·• 0 · • Cr~•-country ters Jn•t paf' .t bcrdta, · 1 - P!t!""''' , 530 N<mCE is hereby giv('n that the unde1-signed \I.ill not be responsible for any debta. or liabilities con- tracted by anyone other thM rnyseU. on or after this date of June 14th, ]973. Tuil\a 1'-1.F. Young. 2019 Thorin, Apt No. 2. Costa Mesa, CaliL LOST: Boxer Brindle "'ith Gardening PROF .. painter, honest work, EMPWYER PAYS FEE Santa Ana. · &gEX Drivers Please ApDly In Person "'hite, male, name Blitz. reas. Int/ext, tree est. Deg~ A ~1UST. Orange. Co. · . · , ~· · e Foremen Or Contect Vie, Llnbrook, Brookhurst. EXPERIENCED Japanese Refs. 548-2759., . Mfr. div. of nat'I finn req's ln~:S~i~frR1f:i\~ns , (: '[. .-: ' -· Man10tr1 8 .. Kreffce. ~1aybe still holding chain Gardener. coniplete yard Efficient Painting Co. gen'! acet~ bckgrnd "·/a • . ' EMPLO.NT AGEN'CY • A ' bl i, collar, lie No. 10'280. Reward maintenance, -Schrubbery, Low Cost _ Pro _ Honest min. of 2 yrs supervisory ) MOI , ssem ers plaese call 847-2464 trees. Free estimates . 673-7307 * 548-4065 exp. (714 4~ . ; ., · , • Molders ORG. shoctrn!aired <l;lte~ ~I 645-0347 PA I NT ING·Reas, .dean, FE.f ~o~~ ALSO TELONtC 181().t NewPort Blvd. • Inspectors r~~· pat on hind T · * Creative Gard•nlng reliable, Llcld, Ins, w/Refs. Associat~!'i· A~ee~y,' Inc, Costa.Mesa:· ~5-4320 e Gel R•p.lrmen VDM Vic. Sanla Ana A\-e./l;,th Cleanup, ~1aint, Landscaping, Free Est. 675-5740. 1885 Newport. CM 642--U720 INDUSTRIES · · All 3 Shifts St. Newport Bch. Reward. Sprinklers .instal!ecl/rcpair PAINTING L B h Ct.ERK TYPIST We Will Train Varian D•t• M•chiMI ' 6421938 ACCOUNT senior c I e rk. aguna e_ac M G y ht C -Commercial/Res.id. 646-1072 , ac r990r, 81; orp. 2722 Michelson Dr lrVlne - 133-2400, ... , 336 s100. REWARD, Black Cocker c OM P L ET E l.andscape I~rr~ ~ ~si?'.:~als. =~ ~$7;4 ;: 0 :x~ Equal Oppor. Empll>Yfr , Sale~ .order dept. Ac~!e 1631 ~l~ce.mt~ ... c.~ Spaniel Male, wearing Dea: malnt. serv. Comin'l, ind, . . bl' 1 typmg, 60 ~'.p.m, electr1c'\~~!!!!'i""~!!!~ii)"" COUPLES 1'-35 + ~. or meet cpl to cpl Call" "Leah" 2.S p . m. 638-15ll. oollar. Vic: Mta St & Coast . resld . Sprinklrs, cleanup. Patios ~'IT:' lOrn k!v~ ~~c~~. AS .S.l S T AN 'l ~anage~ typev.Titer. Sales order pro-CU'I"J'ER-e«perlenced I 0 r Hwy . Lo st 6 J 13, 645-69S7 :..;:c.;;;;_ _____ ,-adding machine, electric trainee, counter girls, fry cessing, invoicing & other dra~ ... ~'Ol"k room. ·eau "494-4779~2880. . PATIO covers, srced lat-fypewriter, Deadline June cooks, 18 or over. Apply to ndm'lrristralive functioi;is. • 53)-7).61 or-96t3349. , Euual Op~r. Employer PARROT,·...a1-..head,·~n ~X PER . ATl_lerican lice. Unique we planned. 7 r JaklnTheBox · Deh·""'rr;f){O"~ .. nv PU.Cr bod H '~': ... h ··~~ Ga rd en er. Ma1ntena~ce. · 11asonry, Cone.,' etc. Only 1 th, send written..resume to m~nge · c ' Call .For Appl. ~"'. •. ~,,, . •, y, unt. · °""c area. Cleanup & Landscapmg. quality. St, Llc -No. ,0~•. Mr. Shinkle. SaddlebacK 385 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. lndustrihl Relatlorui + S"Uzl:i~. A Y ·;-0,ffL Y !,' t o F1JLLY . LICENSED Rew11.rd. 5.11~700 days or Call 6.\~19lJ ~ Valley Unified Schoo l ATIRACTIVE Girl: Steady " ~ .,. "heW11)8.per cartiers ln SAN * SPtRtruALlST * . 963-3210 e1;-e, ~ . . . Res &tZ-1770, Ken. District, 2461B Chrisanta, wor\( hi pay, sho11 hours. (7l4) ·494.9401 ·to ~, CIEMEN'f.E liiea. Requires Spiritual · readings 10 a1n·lO LOST 2 wtil ;n_._,::__1M -YARD Clean-up, 111. a int .• 'Pia• ler P•tch R-.afr ~lisSion Viejo, Calif. 926i5 Gen·i' cleaning, no heavy · • -=-11 . ~· of '_Sta,tiOn'~,~'agon or ENGINEER pm. Advice on all mauers. . te ·.riu·~IJ>C. Comm. -Res. Openmg new • • ' .. ,.._ TELONIC Vl\rl Contact Mr Harry 312 N. El Camino Real. San wv'.',· 1 , 1 ?!. ~.. 642-8220A •, L , route. Exp. Japan c 1 e * p•TCH P"-ERING * AMBm ous yaung n1a to work. ~lust drive. Apply '""'-:..1' ·~.,,. w' ·Ba St ~ _, A ~· n. ll I 569 w 19th St c M IND·u· STRIES .. """ey,"--C ... y .. Fl C 1 em en t e. 4 9 2 -9136, · G~ener. 534-1622 All lypes. Free estimates help specialty flooring con--· · · · . · Coli;ta Mesa •• 64:2-4321 · _ve years exper· ~2-ln'W. 2* YR_o~O~Josl ~JAPANESE Hou-se<!leantng; -can ~--rhaector,_bQuRs!!!!,.-.. ~~ty_t~_le_arna.,,,-Auto ME. CHANIC l.aguna 8••dl -'1.l D~µtJ,' 'Man, p/tin1e lence with electrl- PROUL'EM Pregn&r1cy.._ Con-SaturdayRnEWight 34.th.~~7911pt. experienced in doing good Plumbing ""---& u '.<. .: , • · ror 1urniture store ~work. cal/mechenic•I de. fidtnt, s y m p a t h e t I c Beach. ARD. ~·.,,,.. . job . Phone 645.:-0347. 1 ----'~-----vancement 835-4864 Experienced Jag. or Toyota li'nual Qpp§r/:.Ji!rn,J)l.Oyef. • , OVe~-·&r-~rotfSt .tte· n~•t ·&.-1-.::•;ii "" •.nd softw•re P-1· Abo R IMLE SS -rtnHnn ANSW ERING 0·-,-,--mc~hanic -needed-in-Lag. ~ =I ~ •1·~ ~-~·-. ~ .. nancy counse :mg, r· ,,.......... p ..vo• EXP ER. Japanese Gardener. L.R. OTIS PLUMBING """' • ..... 541}-00 A k f I :"C~ . ' " o.1 U "U~IUU .. "'· •n. alystl "'"' a. tion & adoptiorll ref. eyeglasses In blue case, In Complete yard sxv. Relia. & Remoclels & Repairs. Water operator, eves & wknds. Bch. 714-~ . s or , -~ :....-. , . . ' , 1885 :. RarOOr ·· l3tvd, C~f sire to advance into APCARE 642-4436 . Laguna Beach. 493-7997 n<'al. Free est. 642-4389. heaters, disposals, furnaces, Costa MeS& area. Exper. Bob Thompson. , Cl_, ur .• , J ,548-5131. • To· Joe E.lllott! The Greatest Gardening-& clean·ups dsh\\'ashrs. 642-6263 MIC & pref'd. 01' will train · Auto 'Mechcinic NEW~) BEAQf.~ o'ELIVERY, PqY want~. ap· projHf, I program Dad in the World! Happy ~ . 554-0657 BI A. Complete Plumbing •5'1f-iiiooi17J7il;i·i;;;;,..iiliiiii,..,..iiJTo \\'Ork on Bl\lW's & •· ·-~m, t:~lj· 1. pl'Y· -ti" petson,' J.t-1oyd11 m•nagemtnt. Will Fathera Day! ·Love, Sue, ntn.cflon I ~ Service. ., Foreign car:1. Good. conl· : C K I Nursery, aJ38 New po r l have r•sponsibility John, Debby & Katie. . GEN'L gardening, n1 o 1v . PLUJ\IBING REPAIR ARE YOU 100K. l'N61 pany benefits. · Blvd, C1f for the d irection, re-· A10M: Mtet me for baJ'beque edge & trim. Resid or No job too small . • CREVIER BMW · Sa~-$419-$582 per mo. DELIVERY, 5 days, mom· view and analysis dinner at lhe \\lhite J{on;e comm'! Pl'ee est. G4>-5.%5. ** 642-3128 ** EH~tl"O".! :filly 7, 1973 ' 'ing paper route. N.B. of both space and Inn N-·-Beac' .. 1 Schools & Gardon1'ng/Landscap1'ng TOT\L SERVICEs ·co FDR 208 \V. 1.st St., Santa· Ana · :.·""7-~ am Sl'O ~r n•o Love, &,-;:;y~· ·~ : Instruction• 575 ExPl'rt, reliable, local, tree l'\tino: Plumbing & R,epau'.s 83>,3171 . . . -~os~on...require~ 40 ~.p.m •. -~~"':t, 'a r'r 1.; d r-n1a'.n: missile syst•ms. •~ ALCOHOLICS Anonyn10us. est. Takata Nursery 548-3878 646--0977 or 646-1809 SUMMER. WORK AUTOMOTIVE electrician, ~..:..,ng .,&, -d~y.10bul• hAbraryl. \l'/Datsun, Toyoti. V\V, etc. terfacing responsi· ----... -1 or write 1 · x,,...r, esrra e. PP Y 97!}-7516 bility with electri-ruune .,,._,"'... ORANGE COUNTY . must have com'p ete· by J une 27th, 1973. For ap-1-""'--=-------I/ h • I P.O. Box 122.3, Costa Mesa. VOCATIONAL ~ · ' kllO\vled~ of auto circuitry, pliCatian & information con-· Dental Assistant ca mec anica de- DADDYI RAPPY FIRST TRAINING SCl'.!OOL HJgh.'idlool grads. college stu'· may negotiate wage depen-tact:.Personnel Office. ,3300 \\:anted: Best ch~irslde as· sign g roups, manu-F A T T d I Pa d• dents & teach~·earn ~ ding on experience, N f I . nd fl Id ATIIER'S DAY! I LOVE Learn uto un.-up ra . er S ra 1se money during vacation 979'-lT:xl. .• . 1?WJ.>9rt J?lvd., NewpoJ'1: sistarit available. \Villing to ec ur1ng a e YOU! BABY JlLL. CLAs.5ES NOW .FOR111NG months. We offer an xln't . BeaCh, 67~. · \\'Ork hard for good pay for s-rsonnel. Prior FAMILY COUNSELING Special smog class for earning oppor. for this sun,. BABYSITTER, 3 days. wee'i, ' )'Ollng doetors in very busy military custom•r Non.profit f'oundation mechanics 11· nes nter. occ \ ... kehd Grand°1etller ·c·· rRK· TYPIST practice. i\>l u11t have expt'r· liasiOn exposure is 636-5060 , or 548-3643 2120 Plati?ntia Ave., C.M. type, refs: H:B .. are~ U:. iei11 .. -e (2 yrsl, take F~1X, , od S d Call NO\.,. 7141646-SCES Call 'Monday 91am-5 pm 91i2-3280 have extensive koo"·l~ or des1r • •n resu· SWINGING SINGLES • B.<\BYSl'M'ER for ·8 yr old . expanded duties. i\>Iust· oo m t with salary h is· Call "Leilh" z.s pm 53fJ...12";,0, * PIANO LE-SSONS * ti mes 979~546' boy. Must live near Corona. CLA·VA ,CO neat: dependable. enthUS· tory to SOci1I c'ubs ,535 54S·5.l'l6.'l. de! Mar & enjoy going. to faslic, hcallhy & 20-35 yrs. -----··· -~· 979-5222 ~ the beach. Call 015-ti21S. Xi2-&t19. Professional EmP,loyment , ~~ dollars ll:::l!!:=!C!!:::z:i!llisj;AB\B'Yf:Sf!rITTIINtNc(\f//JH:i<. ou~. ~se~k<eeeyeji, ~~~~'g~,1~nin~ D·E NT AL receptlonli:t. * INTRADATA '1i ASSEMBLERS nly hC1me, 11011-Fri. $30 Excellent Co. Benefits ~fission Viejo/Laguna Hill e~tve'-QUAUTY. com:. . _ _ ":eek,__Cos.ta M.e~01L area. Experience required. patlble matches from 1.000's • BABYSI'ITER my ·home 1 • Ap1ity-~pin l~C.~llJ!1'~31l-S1'!3~%:.,_,-====;-I · 1 1 \ Apply In Person 'I ! tn )'OUr , area. Ea.ch v.•ith BORED . . . liAVE lot at Canyon Lake 8 Units !nglewocxt. 6. 2 Br. • • child. Tr u 8 t w 0 rt h y~ & 1701 Plac.ntla tr!ENTAL lll!Sistant wanted LAR~E PHOTO + Prolilc with 1 d•ed·end lob! Cell "'i.ll trade fot• same at Lake & 2. 1 Br. wtfurn. for boat. Varian Data Mach1~_1. relli\ble. 96.1-2128 eves. Costa Mesa for spt'C1al1sts office; ex· ·"" t>ACIF1 C TRAVEL SCHOOL A I d • · j · ·' ' f T.e(j 6#-0083 e G u a r n n 1 e e d + Con· tOdillw 10 se• If you au11;11 Havasu City, Mail to P.O. 0 S 1 1.>op 7 ;,'/:',ooontereq, uh 1 _o 1 ;;e_tra'd'encuph.. ea ~r in the min com· Bl\BYSinER . ........ time (714) 541--2201 per1ence pre e1 . . · ft•· la! lor 1n e~citln1 i:1reer h1 thti Box 187, Costa l\1esa, C&liL of= o1 puter industry has several ,_ ~' ' al 0 E "'" /f o E f'l" T \ L A t t t ""'nt ~ AIR TRAVEL INOUSTRY, •·r o~. . --~ I -•' I • • ' ntusl hnve referem.-es l\fy Equ p!)Or 111.,....yer m I 8 s s a II ' ~ ~CAIJ... NO\\' foll rREE or 1v1n1n1 C11111s 1v1!. "'"' OWncr 6i;xi""" mml.'Ula e ~penings tn our ho 548--0984 • ' chairside ·exp pref, call bet. sample profile OD l Jll'O· 11>11. Tuarori 11n.1ncln1. '71 TOYOTA 'LAND CRUJS. llAVE 20 ft. Santa Fe travel produ ct 1 o fl area for me. , ' " CLERKS . 10ru11 & ?.pn1 54S-5.588 I •• ~ 1 Assemblers at nil IP.Vels on BANK ' '· . 1pect ve ~tch. ""' 111'1 • P'aolfto Traffl aohool ER 25,000 miles. Let's trailer $3495. value. Trade 1st &~ 2ml shKts · Expei-lcnceCI Teller for the DENTAL R e c e Pt 1. o 11 s t . (714) 541-3738 (213) 658--628· 610 E11t 171h sir.et 1rad1?: ????. 138 E. 18th St., for car, duplex, income Sank of Cal,ifornia. Ne\vport • mature, e,-.:~r. F/llmc. 3333 ttarbor Blv d. • ! Cotl•·Mosa, Calif. 91616 · . • ! rci-4'> : • 3'· ··~In Cali~... S1n1eAn1 Costa ~fesa, or call; propcrt}t or ?'! American A min. of 3 mO''S 'e.\'per in .. J3eaci\ OfClce . Excellent Material ,Control C".nll ;);18-8844 ~' , • .L..., 11•3·88118 5e4485 Travel Trailen;, 839-99U. solder'lng. clr\."Ult, boa.(1:1 . ~ ~l,acy;{c: benefits. Pre\!lous ex:per!ence essen· DENTAL As~nt., 1 Y<'nr e.x· F,qua.\ Oppor. Entployer m/( ~~ 1.pp,oved for v1t1r1n•· r~REE Ii. clear 10 acrt.'S Jo"'REE & clear commereial sembly & cab!~ prefCtred. ContaCt'. 'MH. Strecker tial & typing ability an per.. lull Ume, Fountain I •-==~==::::z:=:z=\ •• • •• • Trilnlna p1•odu ciilg orange grove. on Inc: propertJes ne)l.1 to ~rs , . "'I . . •11547.:.:'fllll asset ' Valley. Call 8.'-1~9600 1 1 [SJ of.f.ran1p f« unl~ts comn1er-Covina, for unit~ commerc. If Yo0 ':e looklng ,for a 1"°81• An ·Equal Op port u n i·t y ' \ D'IS' N. EYLAND ENGINEER, Cl··• or ' $79 • Equ]ru >r lndusl •"'ooo ~• .. + tlon with a growing Orange Emplove.. , . . D ' A • ta t SR MECHANICAL I I~ "' · ' · ~· ' ....,, '"1""' C.oun!y co mputer 'comf)tu1'l".: ~ " ... ( • Call Mo'n·Sat '10 A~t·4 PM f S SStS n . ....._.,..~~ !;:~~~lb:.:~~;!~~~ :a~L~~· :~~ ~~:~, ,I( nH.-et these <11tttJIOcr.1jon1. (2;~~~~ ~per,atorsN n4: S.13'44.16 ext-678 Youn1t IAdy <t8-128V'lll to !lsaifit t:i~~lhlli~nfJ>~,cc~ . --·-' l'w' / 1 Pl A 1 1 ;...... · o o w1n6 nccess. e:,i An Equal Qpp0r. En1p\oyer In health spo , 1 tr11u1, no <.""niputc-. tern•lnalo. con. found (frW .. ) 550 ., orgnn l~ n1auwu.) new '"'.as 1n \V a r, for T.O., sniall ease, .PP Y n r (lrson, ,UC. ok. Bdgy. shop. 645-1050 _ exp. uec. ,\pply tn pta-&on ... ... • -.,.. .. 11. ... ..v lttl $1495 will IJWllP tor office ::nr , or?? Xlnt (."()ll(!. Valtic Mon~1'r1 8:·3Qfl11~pnl ·11.ton thl"\i Sut. CLF,nK. Purch/Accts P~y uny alt 01, e\·c. m o \V, ,110k'.:t & ottwr ?-'l80Clattd FND, dartc, ~' Bunne,M ~:J..• !'9 1 (Umltu:re or almost new hoth $:'j$00. or scpo.1111ely. To t he Pcr.wnncl Dept BEA'."""" _ . 11usl have strong pul'chas1ng Coo.st ltwv N n, equipment. ,PoslUOn req'a (!11 -..i ~ .... _ .................. -..i • cycl 839-29.19 192-3164 ~·z opcr, exp~r (.xp~11'1 ls,;:ui11$t PO to ' . ···' · . _y_1:1naa~¥_cnt nblUtyforpro-.. _e .. .,.owuuu..r.:n. ,.,.,., OtRISTlAN mother will Jov. · e. · Qr Contact . Stylists for new ~n open· pa.ynll'lll., \ncldg rec 0 rd _ .-.-. ---.,.,... per' aUpervfstQn -ut-ta:iif: Its. Gretrl eyes. -Vic. Mesa bigly care tor children dn.1-It AVE active 'l.Ol'lfl Beach BRUNS\\'lCJ( gold cro1\·n B. Kt•fka -ing In $1\ft C 1 e m e n t c , kt>eplnp:. · Wixlor 1 i a 1 8 n n , ~~~ · ~ysten\s. Vmte, C.M. 979-7336. iy, weekly, my honle. 2 yrs cymcr locotlon well lcuod 4"'x9 pool tble $895. S:nookt•r , ,492-4$81. evea. . price shOpfil""~ be able t9 DIAL A JOBI TtelloOWKY Markctlng, Inc. St MO. ota • m. b1'0Wh1black ... &: up. ~3769; ~ 1t. $7•\5 mo. /\!iklng $63,000 5x~O $995. Arcade. gu111e11 2722 Michelson Dr. BEAUTY Ot,!Cra~_J shanl· hl\tldle Al~ coding far com· ' 171·1) 919-1100 pup, Fllfdon la!. pkg. Jot MATURE wonliU'I will care clear & want Orange Cl:;v fr6t'i'i"'l90:-Tradc all (jl' P.'U't Irvine poo girl, 1 assistant for busy putcr. \\llll hllndle a 11 · Liz Rein 1,_ A•<•t.>' ESrRow SEC'Y by RbbtJUIOfll -6-16 p.m. tOr your borne & chJldren Comm . Bkr. 61!).72Z), ror 17·~ rt boat or r 548-8J:.!4 AAlon. ~1Uliit be 11 c • l1 . purchn.<Jing-Alf In n gn)Wlh · Co 'r. ;J • N. B ~ · S13.(i629 ~'hlle you vAcation. x1n·1 HAVE 37 unit Belclwln llllla WlU. Trade 833.2400, ext 336 Wed-Sat. 1Gl0 \y, Coast ~ill<>n, for an. establish~! •l!'ilO mnull V\", ' · Join ' Uf'l'ni:UJ1g' firm in Qr. I FOUND" Peatbck, vie Ward · rots. Drives. IJ45...«'i74 aft. 6. aM $150,000 equity. \\'A.nt 1969 G{1'lud Prix Pontiac ~wy N.B. 642-3910 • y rirden G r'o v e Nrn\ture 557-3401 &.ngc C'>. Cttat chance for 1 1:SlattJ',, .'• BABYSmING any qc. 65'·15' long rt\~.~'Ulslng for Sid Boat. • Equal Oppor. E~Pl~yer BEAUTY Opr cxper w/or rn an,.Ufa c turer. C'.n.11 ~ Mv11.llcl'n'lcnt.SA1ru:yiaSS5Q. • 982-0646 Lois ol TU:. 6' to 6. sailboe.t or '!' Bki'. Call .,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.;,;:!"'.,..,,;~!!!\ Y.1th0ut tonoWtng. xii-i•t op-714:968-?005 for 11.ppt. Cann iffs H\\IASHER. Carmel's Ca" Kay Wing, ~. • MALE Ool:cten .Rct.rlevtr Moh.~fri. Some nil c 1. 615-1225 552-7552 A good want ad ts a Kood ln· po'r. 1n Cdr.t. Call 6~ & Itclfrich, Inc. . Dining & Pit' ~1.011. 628 N. Cotl.\tl\I "Pe.rtonn~ ~ f 11~182 Ml•lon Vle}o. 54~7 or 646--5534. . ••••••••••••••••••-\•estment. lift 6pn\. · • '.Clnsis~rfcit'Acls":' ..•••. 64iJii7$ •Coa~ H\vy .. u.runa Beach. Zi90 llarbor Blvd., CM. , · . - ' ... ' " ,. " .. '• . . . . lJ JI# OAILV PILOT . I ~( ~.~!' .~~mJ~I -·-IIll I •+•;::al . l[ll]I '-_• 4_11 _,ITTJ ._I -" '-"' -•+loi 2 l[Il] I 1 ' '.i 1 •:i mJ I -"""'"al ][Ill H I w Pod M & F 710 Help Wonted, M & F 710 Holp Wontod, M & F 710 JANITORIAL -Put I : ... =.1p~w:.:n .... ~.~MIJl=~.~7~1o:l!!~~~~~~!!I Holp•w•.•m..i.iiiiiiMiiii&~:iiiii,.71;0 I ~.1; w.ntU. @@ 91? Help w ...... M & , 710 • 0 an • HOUSEKEEPER Udo 1~1 .... time. Irvtne Relle&l'Ch com· UICfflNISfS RE'L ES E S'LIS GENERAL.OFC hlill days. Local ror;"""isQ pan,y, will hln a tHm of 2 LADY for """""' wor!r in Ill(' ~ ~ TAT ~. SECRETARY IXEC. 'SEC'Y $600 CLERK wk. 6T.J.91B9. • JMI""' to "'°rl<"" to 15 Ml '""cl~ plant Mlllt be NOTICE FREE LICENSE Admlnl1trollY9 .Asl't Fee Paid. SH 80, ~ lr11n1cd. opml~ tor pcll'dUon IMME IA E per wk to Af'O\!ide cle1;1.nlna neat Ir tritndly. Atk for TRAINING C~r 0ppcy 1ot inttllla~. telephone manner. \\'ol'k for wlvarled duties r("$Jlbnslbll· D T opening~ for a & maintenance aerv:iOM. Pa1, S 9 2 • 9 314. 5910 Top r•t• of pay F&mOU• R-1 Esttte Uctnt-modvalcia;-orranlzed indi· district mgr. itlea. Must <',nJOY dealing w/ ~~utlfi~ :m. ~· Hub&nd &: wile tea.in pref. Wt:11tmlnster Bl, Weltm. ina: Course !)OW available vidu&l with proven record Other f 'ee I: Free Jobs public. Typmg rcq'd. Pre. Bal~ ls!And &73-; · on Send letter de• c r lb I a I LEGAL TRA1NEE thru Ta.rbell Realtors. Free ot suecess. Require 00.inetl RUTH RYAN AGENCY viou.a AIR exper. helpful. · backiround wtrefe~nces to Com~sun.te w/~. Not JUlt a job, but an op-Placem,.nt Service. Free writl.n& and typing skill.a 1193 NewpoM, CM 646-4854 Xl.n't benefi\Jj growth po-PO Box C296 I r v In e, Fee Paid. Fentu:ttc oppor. to Previous 'M'>rk llOOeUIU"Y in portunlty to secure poattionl Training Program. Earn plus ability to meet dead· 17931 Beach. HB 847-9617 tential. Pl~ M·l'' 9'-4 tor I nspecton CalUornia 92664 F..qual Op-start a 1egal career. Beautl-mllUng machines, lathes, now open wtlh la. r c e while you learn .• Call· Al llnes. Excellent compena· Appl. portunU;y.E:mployer tul ofe. Good 111rills will etc. Mu.st do own aet·UJ>!I & dlsttlbuting company. Eam· Sloan rn•> 832-~. tlon, benetlb, and challenae IXPIR CLE•••ING PCl\1, Inc. 837-3550, ext 231 JANITOR, p/time. Semi ~ YoU on a real c8J'l'er, have own tools. Pol!iUoi1 ·inga per week 1ar 11.bove RE'L ESTATE In an tiXceptional environ-""' 1 · w Id , •• H'"-,, _ _. ..,. "'"" to ~ ~·-F-ruv.n to ma.le <>r tamale. average. Audio v I 1 u a I "' Pl b · 1 Woman. Fer med1cal <>ttice .eisure or ._. ""Var-ian Dat• M h' tel.U-ni.--, .. o exper. necesa. Jot;.1 can,,.....,Sa.uy .tUaV Hart~ --i-tralning aJdea will heir. SALES MANAGER meni. ease su nut )'O\a _ • .,. N'~ts 40 •-wk'" GENEn " i oft1ce interesting ac IMI Mr. Scibe, or"'Mr. W111lams, "'--... _, Call F<>r Anpt tr111'n lor -sponsible -. •·-·•e Olfice ~ m•••-r resume and history of ee.rn-IJW • '6" • nni v· • 1o'--C • 1 Hi H 4--Sllverwoods 45 Fashion 54().6(M, ......,.:q;uu Penonnel 1......... · ... ~-.. r-""~ .,.,.._ __... Inga 11 }'OU qua.11.ty. Y()W' Be1'1eftta, Reference• re-J:1:n~uf~~o ~ as 11nu1ed openlnea on bland, NwPt Center. Agency, 2790 Harbor Blvd., uuustrial Relations tlons. with 2 years of RH! Estate letter of transrnlttal abould ~ h~~1:.' ~~~ located ln 1'-0untain Valley 1st & 2nd Shtfh JANITOR, Ute malntenance, Ci'1. (714) 494-9401 Eastern manufacturer ot ~=~~~~=· list and describe how >"OUl' EXP MekdayaERIEN,6<+-0606.CEO people ~r:i;~~tp~~~~~~tbe~F~ recetvttv I: tn proceu ~=-=~:P~g~ LEGAL TRAINEE. TELONIC ~ui:ni:~~~." Excfelli:ntnalopJ)Ol"ttmltyA•~~ :,:.i;~~!lfueski.!i~o~ typing, shorthand, & excel inspectors. A min. of 2 yrs Convalescent HQfPital, l88ll Atty will train w/good typing Weal distributor 1a offm.ng pro essio growth. l'Pv a dynamic organiudon. Re. needed to advance with fut phone penona.llly. Salary exper is prefen'ed. In pro-Florida St., H.B 8.47-3515. & lhrthnd skills. Salary to INDUSTRIES lncome trom $150 per week & ~ ~=f~~i.d 8::" ~! ply ln oonf'idence to: dust. ~lll au~ ::h18st~: open. Call ~7454 ce• exper. ahould include J ANITORIAL. mal 18 S!lOO. Call Elly Ellis 556-8500 Lagun• Beech up to tuU Umo pel'IOMel &: fled ad #676, Dally PUot. ·~ _, GEN'L OFC TRNE cables, circuit board or ol'·r .-.... ftl....! .._ >Tlbr Q:lntrol Caree1' Empl. oollege stuclenta & nicent R~l18Y PM!lot, PCallf. 0 . Bo9!,l,560· P.O. Box 1560, O:llta Mesa, ,.,.~..,...,~ .................. , I usemblles, chass!a & power ""'" • ................ , ... • Agency, :WOO Irvine Blvd., ttlghschoo'l grads who have """" ea&, • -· Ca. 92626. I' A bright cheery pel'90nality supplies. Receiving in-wk. Ken Ward s.tz..2129. "NBiiii.0ii0ii0iiOii0ii0ii0iiil!!!Equ~al~O~p!!por"'!!1.!!E!!m""!'pl!!oy!!e""'r the desire to advance ~idly REAL ESTATE SALES I ;;ii;i;;iii;ii;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I FACTORY NOW ·HIRING & good typing, skills can be apeeti<>n expet". should in-JUNIOR SALESMAN: • M h" "-· to management positions. SUCCESS CAREER (2) S ' ~ •-your first step up the ladder c~ude sheet metal parts, Earn $20-$40 per week MACl-llNISTS •c IM -....-rator1 New or experienced. Join the K YI "' ..,_ of a great caJ'ttr w/fast circuit board11, components 1 · d Pl8.S'lics Openings on 2nd & Apply For Appointment World's 18.fiest and fastest Construction exper. prefer- "" t'I Stft-•AN\ etc. w/knowled .. tn the UE work ng al'ter school an E • t I 3--" ~ .. ,.,, f T M I · 1 ··•·-tlon red In beaeh area. Fee groCallw,Gnglonnaa c'°ra·y·, ;::~ =·. of dra""-, v e nd 0 r on Saturdays &e~•·-new. xper1men a ~"' """'-s or ex p er . 0 a n growing resa e Of'ltiiau.a p Id Xl 't ben fl ,,.,...__ nu.,.. • .... ,.Dail operators & trainees. Oean, Distribution Center with a network or over ·SOO a · n e ll Coastal Personnel Agency, cacalltalogs, micrometers & ~1f'~ r:r nJb~ pape~ M h. . t Ute work ln modern new offices and become a Other Clerl®-1 2190 Harbor Bl,d., C.M. pen. route .... doea not Include ac IRIS s bldg. Shilt bonU. premium MONDAY M m•mber of o::r Millionaire Positions Open for nlte work. Oppor. for 979 5469 Club. Multi-million doUar Also Fee Positions GENERAL Office, assistant If you meet these quallflca· dellvenes or collecting. advMcement & xln't .frlnge .. advertising program. Free NIGUIL Job op;enlngs immediately to Girl Friday, typing, fil-dons & are looldng for a \Ve have openings in South· benefits. Apply in person . guaranteed llcelllllnr school. Personnel Aaency available for the follow~ ing, etc. Apply in penon. JX)Sition with a growing 'vest Costa Mesa and SQuth Eight yurt· 9ener.. 9-ll am & 2-4 pm Excellent sales trainlnr. 27635 Forbel Rd. ~itions on all lhUtl. Heirwood. 1977 Pl&centia ~ County co. that of. Huntington Beach only. al machine shop ex-Calif. Injection Molding ~ What ls yOUr license ·v•orth Laguna Niguel e Trail'leff · Avenue .. Costa l\fesa. fers Xln't ]l8.)' & benefits -· Apply now! 968-9641. perlence in manv-Irvine Indus. Complex Nlll'Sell to you? Checlr: our tnOJlthly IJJ .. 1477 e ~terl•I Handlers GLRL Friday, Realty/Constr P leue Apply In Person JR ~ECRETARY f•cturlng precision 200 Briggs Ave., CM RN-LYN-AIDE bonus program which meftlls "::::::::::iiiii:I e Machine Operator.s CO. Related exper in bklql(i! Or ~taF~A ~am all phases ot business, r (prototype appllca'-MACHINE Shop Help, drill ll·7 & other shifts, Top pvt $$$ to you! Please call • e Maintenance phones. Salary open 6'75-6900 B. K then will be promoted to tion) parts and tool· press & lathe ~ duty pay. Inuned. pay for Virginia Jones 835-4811. • -Secretaries Mech.nlc H'TE YOUR JOB? 2722 Michelson Dr private secretary. Avg. sh. . eel M person ,v/ntachine shop floor duty. C(t'tintywtde RED CARPET e Typists ,.., S:l.lary to $S15. Call Sally ing requir • Ult training in school. Usual Intrvws: J\1on·Fri ~. 5. Realtors e Unaklll·~ •am"I e Grinders GE? Irvin. Hart, 540-Sre5, Coa st a I be able to oper•t• company benefit.s. 8 5 8 Lescoulie. Nurses Registry, REAL ESTATE SALES -"' 1111 re Preference g\ven to ap-NEED .A CHAN 13).2400, ext 336 Personnel Agency, 2 7 9 0 DeVll .. Jig & no. 4 Production Place, CM. 351 Hospital Rd., NB (Lob-Call Bob Smith to hear about • Gen'I Laborer1 plicanta wttti experience in NOW JS THE TIME Equal Oppor. Employer Harbor Blvd., ·C.M. Cincinnati horizon· Make Ends JI.feet-Get Off by Park Ll~do B 1 d g) career opportunities, ,Ad· VOLT production or factory! type TO CHECK IT OUT tal · milllnn ma.. Yours! Come To 642·~. 540-9954.. vanced trainin& begins Mon-Instant Penonnel ~~~.P~~~~~ EhTPLOYERS ARE -KELLY QJ-Rl chlne:'Wni"P.norm \VestclifJ Personnel NURSES day. Career nite. 7:30 p.m. Tempora.r3,,Servtce haw""' and own drl%rs LOOKING INSURANCE SALES the layout •nd ma-A,.ncy & be• LYN Tuooay. 1850 E. 17th, S.A. 3848.CampusDr .. Sultell18. license. APPLICANTS ARE $ SUMMER MONEY $ chlnl1>9 of compll· Rio Solosmon $150 wk Charge . full time, part time $17.&l>I. Newport Beach 5'8-4741 Interviews 9 am-4 pm SCARCE. " ted f di 1651 E. Edinger, S.A. au shifts, Se.lary negotiable: Equal Oppor, Employer (n4) 83"J-0020 !\fAKE 'J'1-fE CHANGE NOW, No exp nee., earn while you Join th• Kelly Corp ca perts rom .. (!\iark 111 Center) Parle Lido F1agshlp Conva-VIS•N AUDIO \VlV!lALECATITllEONERS leam, part time, evn a: Jobs In menslonal prints or 542-8836 lesceot Center, 466 Flagship Realty, Inc. ---==-=- wkndl, f\ill time when quali· sketches. MAN with sales ability to Rd., NB. MAGNmcs AREPC~LL 557~27A1TIN1 G. fted. . .Packaging, Labeling, make&instal!shad ... Good N-"-'=------I REAL ESTATE I SALES-... Farmers Insurance Group Assembly-Trainee & Exper. Apply In Person opportunity for enthusiastic, Urse Why pot work ln the hottest CORPORATION HELEN SCHAFFER Ed Lani * 540-1834 PC Assembly -Soldering & dependable person. CUstom RN Supervisor are a Hunt Ing ton SECRETARY We are ~ ti' a top notch secretary te> tNrn the ·ad biz. It you t a k e shorthand, type fut a: llO- curately & would Wre • challenge, send us your resume today. P.O. a. 1691, Newport Beach, C:allL. 92663. a MATI'EL company PERSONNEL AGENCY Harnessing, Mach In e 3333 Harbor Blvd. Shade & Drapery Shop, 3535 11·7 shift, part time & tull Beach/Fountain, Valley Call 2i02 Michel#Oll Dr., Irvine 4262 Campus Or., 8-4, N.B. INSURANCE, penonal llne-s Operators le Many more. Costa Mese, C<1llf. E. Coast Hw)', C d·M , time, Park Lido Flagship Phil McNamee, Vlu.AGE Near O.C. Airport underwriteT, N.B. agency, 673-7830 Convalescent Center, -466 REAL ESTATE. 963-4.561 Equal Oppor. Employer HELP * 548-1189 * lst. 2nd & 3rd shifts open. ~'IAN or girl Friday. Ac· Flagship Rd., NB. REAL Estate Salesper90n' --N--•-• lmmedi·ate'" ~ ··-t-JNTERE~'G op-··•:r. Wkly earnings. Apply at ; ~ t & h H f ll -~ Um ·~ • ~ v ,.,..-.... .,,..,.., _,_.. Irvine I cura e · s arp. . eavy NURSES Aides &: Orderl,y u or _.. e. w.:i .nve FEMALE. run errand9, drive suit manufacturer. in health care field, for f\l l ' C feBCOJ phone. Lite . bookkeep~ng & am & pm shirt. Will tl'ain. Victoria. San Clemente. automatic van. full time, * GLUERS -wil.l train. charge bookkeeper, thru 2061 Business Ctr. Dr. ----~ • payroll, Typing, $41JO..S550. a Interviews s a tn _ 4 pm SALES -==--=----- l permanent. no . students. *EXPERIENCED~ INDUS-trial -balance and P&L. Irvine 83J..9107 C month. 642-3490 l\lon-Frl, Mesa Verde Conv'. RED CARPET non-smoker. 5 daye, $1.75 TRIAL SEWING MA· Delma Corp, l88ll Florida MANAGER TRAINEE Hosp, llG1 Center st, c.M. 1 SECR_ETARY. per hr. Jnterview'~/18, 6/19 CHINE OPERATORS, line St, H.B. 847~ =j8 ~~?·i;= Equal Oppor. ~ployer m/f Start at $650 1+ romm w/a NURSES AIDES REALTORS Dictaphone, accurate typist, & 6/3). 2-5 pm. Window aitich. ~ all d Tele-Import • -ex St G CLERK re y ynam. ic young co. Exper, -td, xlnt .. -~-OFFER YOU '" • ..... ..,... . Designs, 3737 Btrch , N.B. * SHJPPIN , ex· ,..~ ......... 15 per helpful Fee Rehn periencOO or will train \\'ho 1s looking for a career conditions all shifts. Beverly b • d 0 ••• • F -nn.L time bandyman cap-· n.-..re l>CD~r\t.. .. ta KEYPUNCH oriented aggressive indiv. to hfanor coiiv. Hosp Laguna MORE! Pii~fto~ ul':r -~ I: ~ · ·tl'ble of replacing rtlc:l«iing & SEAAppstr:ITS "'"""" '""""""'"~ L s· I ... fill key entry level position. Hills " --.. In San Juan u ttD\N"'C~ ..... ,.., .. V'V DAY SHIFT ear 1eg er, Xln'l benefits i0>clude profit . 2 ofllces oetV!ng ... Harbor RIJl'H RYAN AGENcY Caplrtrano.493-1128. S'Z>W.18thSt.,Costa Mesa . .,;JU\J~-~"f\-1 sharing & fantastic NURSE A I D~.s & aree.. 367 offices ln 3 1793Newport,CM &IM8M HICKORY FARMS Mlrco Biologist to $12K I employee discounts. Call ORDE~S Elq)enenced-Wester States. 4 sep81'8te 17931 Beach, HB 147-9617 GAL Friday needed now, . Cmnm'l Artist/Adv to$12K 6 1-fo's actual work exper. nc., Gloria Gray, 5 40_6055 , all shi(ts. Park Lido training p!!oeran1s . !!!!!l!~~!!J!!~!!!'l"" ... I assume fUll duty, heavy Des:ltn Dra.ttsman $866 ~~s~eJtvi~;~· keytape or key Coastal Personnel Agency, FI .a gs hip Convalescent Television ad v1e rt is i ft g SECRETARY cun relations, Phon e~, Ind/O:Jmm Loan :eJJ>C 279(fHarbor Blvd., CM Center 466 Flagship Rd. NB on channcls 2 4 4. Massive Fee Paid. Sales dept, of bkgrnd helpful. Call Carol avail. Bored w/houseworil:? F,/C Bookkeeper to $800 Apply In The ----Trml'PO!"~Dyn•mlcs-MANAGE R & Asst Mgr NIJ-RSERY MAN & lull ~ newspaper act-manu . fl~lon ---1 1 557-3843 Try selling at Hickory Payroll Cl:mstr to $750 Personnel Department D1v11lon trainee. Apply at Kentucky WEED PEST vertising. Extenlll'{A _local oriented indlv. to llblp A Fii.rms, See Mr. 'I'OOm(JllOll, Ins Rate/Write $700 M.onday·Fri. 9 am-12 Noon F 'ed Ch. k 700 s El advertising. Unp~ented manage office. G~t varle--* GARDENER ~ s. eoa:.1 Plaza lower mall. Acctng aerk/EDP to $700 3131 W. S.S.er1trom ri ic en, · CONTROL company Image, You 'll eam ty spot, Start $600. A.llO Fee a. your own Boss .ii;;iiiiiii;..,iiiiiiiiiioiiiii;;;.!Lega.l/Cbrp Sec'y to $700 PACIFIC MUTUAL 5 t An Ca ni 1n° Re a 1 ' S s. n Ylholesale nut'9Cry in Lag. more, taster at 'RED ,Jobs. Call SAiiy Hart, Fu.II or p/time in your Hospital F/C Bkkpr/Constr to $700 700 Newport Center Dr. •n • a Clemente. Hills has need of exper. CARPET. REALTORS, 2629 540-6055, CoMW Personnel High tncom Sec'y/Stat Typist $675 • Newport Beach A well known J<>eal manufac· !\l AR I~ E Mech · & \\leed & Pest Control Man. Harbor Blvd. 217 E. 17th Agency, 2190 Harbor Blvd., G=r~ Custom:·,, MISSION Secretary/CPA to $6Zi turer with stable employ-mechanically or I en t e d 1 Yr prey. nursery exper. St., Costa Mesa, Olli Steve CM • No C •• h Down Secretaries 10 $625 . ment n~. Personnel;,.A~ a b!iol.utely neceu. Xln't Grannis at 546-8640 for ln-~ Penni LJnes_Undwr to $600 KEYPUNCH OPRS * U'l.r3861 * llalary & benefits. ca 11 terivew. Eam Now, Pay Later Secretaries/Tmet to $550 Immediately Needed _rGRJNDERS MATURE \Voman -OrurC SS&-1580 ~ton-Fri tor appf .. S~A"1".rn=:.peop--le_w_a-nt-ed-..,-i =l~~YI := AL 534-7117 c · • Recept!Typlng · to S550 Ex_cel'lent positions available ACME Nu.rs er Y atterdant. nil OFFICE MGR · telephone .:>Bcltin&. Salary Clerk. Typists S400 Ommunlty Inventory Clerk $450 for operations w/6 mo's ex· -' " i:i:menced. Own transporta.i FULL CHARGE OFFICE + commluioal 60-3200 100-/i. FRIE Recept!Penonnel $450 per. Days. GRIDLEY OPRS tlon. Referenoea requ1re4. ?.fGR for New Car Tf'leprornpter Cable TV. lJz Rrinden Agtncy Geq. Ofc/Typlst $450 ~O FEE EVER Call between 3-8 PM. Dealership, You kmw the Sales -Keypunch/6 mo'& exp $450 E ll frin c. f. I &16-6474 experience you must have. NEW BUSINESS Dial A Job ••· ....... 557-3401 HOSPITAL File Clerk $360 1( xce ent ge uo::n~ its n· l\fEDICAL transcrlber & Please apply in perso OUice · ........... " ... 546-2111 CALL TRISH HOPKINS r ...:J eluding company pa1d group lfi ph ""mO H nb, or F\lll or part tlme, good in-~ JERRI WHITTEMORE .';JW 2Wa........ insurance front o ce ~ ~-one in.J"" • ar or come, Co. training. Call tor 488E. 17th SL (at Irvine) CM 'LJ ed for radiology office American Motors. tntervl~ Mr. Sn Yd er. S ECREI'ARY, Investment Sulto 224 642•1470 .Ir . ..... ...... PHONE 546-3131 located In NB. Ex P · 2 OFFICE GIRLS ~833-83SO=='---'---~;';i, ~~~ Z7802 Puerta Real Mission Viejo (East o1 San Dlegu Frwy Crown Valley Parkway) l;;:~:=~==::J;~J"'11l~~iii=~i,;;~;~;~=tl~w~/:MT~/~ST=~pre~f.,~rr~ed~ .... C~al1~1 NEEDED SALES rep tor floral rental study securitiea hum-. ~ Equal Oppor. Employer 642-&l64 for app't. Radio telephone dispatch . aervice, no investment. Full =;l"'-T-11621,::::::o·------I Men/Women Must be 25, able to drive <>r Part time. s E CRETARY, E>tocutlva, Apply In Penon nlE TWO OF US YELLOW CAB CO. l\*-2612 or 64:1-'516 Shrthnd A lyplrc a m- Gen'I' Acctng Mgr to $15K Elec. Technician to S15K Cmtrol En&r to $l3K Enc. Sec'y, mgmt $700 Secretaries to $650 Audit Sec'y, S.A. to $625 Prop Mgmt Sec'y $600 Gen'l Ofc, MJrtng $450 Recept. Gen'l Ole $450 Clerk Typist $400 1 RN, 30 hr wk to t600 t We Have Many Xln"t 1 Opportunitiff-For I SocrotarlH We are here, Where • Are You .... NEWPORT Poraonnel Agency U3 Dov,r Dr., N.B. 642-3170 (714) 831-2300 (714) 495-4400 RN's e SURG. SUPERVISOR e MEO. SURO. 3 to 11, 11 to 7 e ICU-CCU 3 to 11, 11 to 7 e PEDIATRICS 11 to 7 l~=:i=:i=:i=:i=:ii:/& OB, RN & LYN 11 to 7 GENERAL LABOR Newport !leech Cost• Mesa Santa AA• Orange & Irvine No Fee • Week1y Paycheck 6 AM &hlft, Day shifts, 2nd sh.Uta and graveyard. • P. P.S . Laboratory e MEDICAL TECH . -· 3 to 11 :30 Excollont &.nellt1 & Workl09 Conditions An equal Opportunity Employer I ~= f.!OSPITAL Pacific Personnel NEW Services, Inc. !IOO-N...-Center Dr. ~ Mmy GoDll Hospital Suite 900 Nev.-port Bch ~I ~1910 NOW OPEN 2.4 Central Tower, Orange 2701 So. Bristol LOOK ••• IT'S GARBENSTANGEL TIME! If you USED GARBENSTANGEL n Must hive richt·hande4· zoensWt with power dJP- poleck. Would acttpt ear- ly modd with battery OJI" to rated plddlebottom. Write: Oualfied ad No.. 174, DAILY PILOT, P.O. ox 1560. COit.a Mesa. CA truly understan~ garbenstangels it's time to garben • If you don't understand-it may already - be too late but, what the heck, send 547-6446 Soni• An• (714) 979-3500 1 ... Equ~al .. O.,;ppo,;,,.,r . .,E,,,.m.,;p .. loy;,,• .. r "I Apply BctRN~S & 4 pm in the coupon anyway GENERAL OFFICE fCU /t'CU & LYN ll·T ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I Ra pidly gt'O\ving firm in OB DEPT. • • lrvlne Complex. Tlfrs grent • Yes, I will build 11 g11rbens_t11p9el -or launch II • po~llkin tak:Ci; the ability to LABOR & J5ELJVERY, Relld h f h f h b talk 10 ..iesn"n & MED SURG • 1e11rc or one I can put in 1 ape or ex i ition at • cu~omers effectl,.ly. &omo h DAI LY Pl LOT s h c I B Id A B general ore e.orper. swct RN 11·7 • t e • out 011st P llZll ui etter • !450. Calf SaJi, Har t. SURGERY llN 3-11 • G11rbenst11ngel Contest end lntern11tion11I Rallye. • 54(H;()55, Coa.ial Personnel • PEDIATRICS • • lnterested In 186 E. !6th, Cost• Mesa SAILOR· ~~ =·~..-... S If OPERATORS, exper. only. 'SALESMAN SKECRETARY PR. ..,.,. e single needle & evttlock. skills, days, f / l I me • Top ratf'S. Rol1'a Manut., Required tor Unm~[ opettlng PeI'!CMel Dept, HOii ffollp, 865 Production Pl, NB. J Newport Bch Good l' N B Development'· 646--0308. ~~· ... ""' ~: -·-·~~~It~-· OUTBOARD Mechanic, o::m-~-Sl!CRETA Y ltcenbefrom mer or permanent, move to Call For Appt. ,645-1144 1 ~;h0~CSt.~ schooling, tr•inlng, ~um: ~%-,o~· SEAMSTRESS-<.-ustom tailor Santa Ana m..- or individual &hop. Xlnt working con-~~-----""-''-"' PART time sales clerk, for dllions, medical beneftta, SECRET~Y. p/ttrne ft improvement th.r~ough mall Health FOOd-SWte'7 -N~ Btadl:-ge;.1m--law otftce.Jn_FuhJ<>n Illand, on duty training •nd off mus[ have vitamin ani:l food N.B. can 644-mKJ, duty educotion. •upplement •a I e • ex· RECEPTIONIST SEMI or 1'tfred man for aoU It's available In perlence. Career with a range, inside or outside. Todoy's Volunt"r tuture, Call 2n-1569 collect Day or nl&ht, no exP,. nee, Also mechanically lncllned f~r ~nterview. ea&)', fun job, Will triyn, no for Go-Kart track, 1nqulre Army-IF you qualify-PART TIME E"""" m · typtn& or shorthand, etc. Fairgrounds Golf iw.. find I .. I I · · .... .., onung Apply In penon any aft or 100 F Ir Dr CM ou , 1 your oca route dell~, L.A. Time&. eve. at 2930 West Cst Hwy., 111 -., ' • U.S. Army Approx. 2~ hr. per morn-NB .. SERVICE Sta. Salesman tw1 Representatlv• ing. Call 536-4TI2 or · · time. Openlna lhlf't. Tm 111ted below. !lGS-8915 REX::EPTIOIST ( pay for rl&ht man -.;. PBX Opr. P/time. Pe!'9Q11· SECltEJ'ARY benefits. Mech. knowledtll. 542 W. 19th St., nel Dept, Hoag Hosp,tal, Young attractive &trl klr Chevron N.tlon comer' of Co1t1 Mesa Newport Beach. coMtruct.Son ofc. In lrvbte. Newport Bl &: Del Mllr, 645-1163 PEOPLE ARE NICE Must be f<OOl In baste math l :::oc,,,.M,,,.=,.,,,.,,.-~--1· 1718 N M • St Wb II .... _ & accurate tn typing skills. SERVICE Statlon Saletman · a1n ·• en you ca on """'m .aa $450 per month. Piea.M: call full or p/tlme. Owl' 11. S 2 An an AVON Repreeentative. an • a You 'll have fun & make 8J3..3lm ext. ~ ~n 9 Neat appear. Will tnJn. Ap- 542·2435 friends selling our famous le 11 only ply, 2580 Newport Blvd., N · • products. To I.earn how easy RECEPTIONIST needed for =C::,;·o;Mc,. =~,,--=-~-on prior service it is to tta.rt, call: computer sales ofc near SERVICE Sta. At..sant, apPlicants must be 17 .. 34 546-5341 or 540-7041 airport. Job req'~ p!easant ex~ .• neat, f/tlme. Apply male, 18-34, female. Pl phone personality & good In penon, 300 E. 17th St, ant man no expe nee. Wlll typU. skills Call 833-9648Cos ·='::•c,;M:o•::sa:::, ____ •1 Tod • A W IJ'aln, Sort Warer Co. in SJC · · .,,. · ay I rmy 1nt1 <193-453.5. RECEPTIONIST _ Typist, Service sta. nlsht attendant - To Join You Accurate &: fut, transcribe 2 or 5 nlibtJ wtc. A¥fJl at MEN & WOMEN 1a.21 * PRODUCE f:.i~~e:t:."';,,it':.':O sS:,':;,~~:=~.;.., Ee.rn to $342.30 salary per Complex:. 12:30-5 PM daily. heavy duty. Will tnln. mo. while we ,teach you n CLERKS .Call Mra..SUgar..546,,6170._ -CallfomJa....Kolio Matl,_Ctll job skill in ElcctronlC!,' ROCEPTIONIST -Secretary betwn &-6, -..zm. Mech a n, i cs or for law otflce. Good lkills. SHOE Illes, chtldr•n'1 Ad m I n l s trntlon. After Expert ctd 1 d 1 t 640-8010 · bootery Fuhka\ Jlland. training, earn S4!Hi0 per en • m me • e Part Or tutr time exp mo. for 2 days work .. Call ~t.""'rinl""~taP'ti~ RESTAURANT ..... ,.-. Excel ~ TSgt Yoong, Calif. Air Ne.· TIME plus profit ll'INtnl· Mr. :;,al ~u:.:-1~.;....r * ALSO CASHIERS MANAGEMENT ~~~O~~ St«e In 01M trainee's, & attendants Interested tn an opportunity need•" lftlealady f/Ume, & wanted ... ga,.,!lne sale• ALSO BOXBOYS fgr growth with a , ... mov-dll,1'11. Xlnt woddn& mnda. ~1\;lt~~al~~~~t~ f~ * ing restaurant chain. Good =ally , fine c= able to relocate. Experience call for Appointment ln.orurance. vt.c&tton, le profit for app00:~' not necessal')'. Send resume (213) 161)..1213 sharing pl.an. Send rnume S'J1L\W Hai PLua Palace t_g!;:Cro~.';:~-~~ 513• or •PPIY \n pcr!'lll'I at 17M2 now taldng •t>Pllattior9 for PROOP OPERATOR Glllctte !Mn<! Ml or pt emptoyment. MUI! Agency, :1111<J.1!arhor Bkd., RN JJ.1 • Ple11se tell me more. • lic;i;;.;iiM;i;;. -------1 IW~•. l'hy~Cl\I Tberapl1t MOLD SHOP GENERAL OFFICE For ;:;;:ue;;it =gr.cot : NAME ·---· .. ····· ... ' .. .. .. -.... • .. -· .. ---.. -··----.. ·--: Nood~7!~.ct'1ote1y No Ex-per. Necesiwy .\f>ply In penon To.~fn. Baker ' • be 18 .. oldtr· Now toe In San Juan Cai>o. Call Ron RN.-.LVN nftMd tor p/tlme. rritl.J&t!r tor dtt&Ua 49Wl15 1 '*'';!"' .f'~J>'lr~ Structural Dnltrw -~~:.~ 1t~P~t~~r r 1 ,~1~~~J' F~u~(l~~=r • ADDRESS _ .......................................................... .:.. ....... -............ -........ -.:._ ........ • Coaiitfll-Recreation Inc., dulil.'i>. Ntot. ..... ~u g'r(l()mecl. ~~~~~~;,;,;;,;;;, .. 11 • • 940 \V. 17th AVP., C.M. s1~"·~~\i"":(;~{i~· H~~l!- 2 ~~· • CITY _, _ __ .......... -..... __ ZIP -· --·-· • ll•!!!'*~"!64"""2.0!!!!!54"!2~*;;,, ... ~~1 N=i~~M = ~ t;cb ~u?~;9'~~ : PHONE -............. -.. '.-.. ~.... ... . ........ -... AGE ~ ......... ~ .... ·-· ...... : ~~~~i~ ~~~i &:~ General ho1.uieWOrk, ...... -... rt'SOrl, 6 day week. 494-1196. ---~ -. Security Pacific N1tlonol &.nk 30312 C..... Valley Plltwy La&una N lll'Jci Equal Oppor. EmplO)'tr Like 10 Trad.et Our Tradlr't cooking. Muict be mature, p 1 11 • .,. Ma D•tLY tfLOT p O .. lllO ~-.. M ~-t•••• MTST Open.tor, expet. 4:45-Paradlte COiumn ·is for you! dependable le e&Pll.blt of • 41 11 ~ .,.,, "' • • • 1 • -.... -• • • 9PM, Jrvine Complex area. PlIBUC Rel. Director, col· 5 liMS, 5 days for $5.. Call 1"ndJ1ng borne when 0\1llnen • • • • • • • • 8 • • • • • 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 Qill Cflarles o av t son , l('~e grad eX"ptr •. PeraoMd """" •.• fld..s671 ·-=·~W8Y""'·~494-J684.""'"""'--~ta.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~··-!>16-6~~1~m~----~l-=d~ep~f·~"~°""~Ho~~·D~~N~B=·--1 ' ,. call, 61:1-2.110 A uk tor Mr. f!tlpldty !!1'0""" oonoulflnl Snydtr, • sti'uctural cnrlnetl'Vll firm SECRETARY tor C <> 1 ta In Newport haa: limned. MCu. C:P:J\:1trm. Dcellent openil'lg for. q u • 1 I tl.t d typist Stenorette d~r. Oulltandi"I co. Qualified •in renere.1 offlca ~entt. Call Ruthl'Ott A duUe1 .. mull bl rtex:lble A Enalekirk, 5*-8581 tor &ppl. penonable. Write Cla~ T E L EPHONE Anrirerlrw M no. 695, Dally POot. P.O. Service, Bea.ch ,arta. Pt'eftr Box 1MO Colla Mesa, Ct.lit. Over 30 )Tl, ot aae .. Varied 9D,. ' . ' hOun. Wtebndl, 67W1l8. !-------~-----~--~ --~-..... --~··'·~ ' ,. • , -. I ][ll][ • OIS)eAW• ][l] I ••111aa l~I , STOP! ' GO! NO FURTHER Nationally known ell!c.1rlclll appliance co1n~a1iy is NOW 1-lirini Pf'Oplc lo learn nil aspects ot our business. No · · exper. neceu. as Wt' V.'111 train. Sl.SO per week as per written xuarnntee. Some Summer positions n I s o available. Call Monday 9.4 979-5222 TELLERS No Exl)f'l'lence Req'd Apply In Penton M•rtner'1 S1vlngt l Loan Association 1515 WC!Mcllft Dr., N.B • ......,,, TEMPO'S Dial-A-Job! for 1n •d In Woman•• World Coll Muy Beth 642-5,71, oitt. 330 \ Seamecl-To-Sllm! Crochet Two! 9059 8-18 r.., 11f ,,.; .... 11TMT'- tf1 our "SCanlt'd ·To · Slim" St)te ot the v.'«i.t Prtnce111 lines Oow 00..-n front a n d back no.rrow-inl ~'OU every inch of the way._ Zip this up now! Pffiite<!-------PflUern 9 0 5 9 : Millet' SIZH 8, 10, 12, 14. 16, 18. Sl:r.e 12 (hu!lt 34) take!' l" )llU'dl GO-inch fabric. UVE1'Tl·l'IVI': UiNT8 for each p11ttmi -add 25 cenll for eQCh po.ttll'tl for Air Ml'l.U IUld Special HBndl· tns; othtrwt• thLrd-claaa deUvery will • talM three week• " more. Send to Marlen Martin, the DAILY PILOT, 4G, Pat11m Dept., 232 Wttt 18th St., New York, N.Y. l0()1.1. Prln1 11.um ADD&ESI wllh ~ and ITYLll SEE 11\0RF. Q u I ck l"uhlonl and chooee one ttan b'M from our ""' Calalog. All Onlt 50c. INtrrAHT SEW!NC BOOK sew todu. Wfff tomo~. 11mrrANT FASH I 0 N BOOK ~ Kundrtd1 o t ,,_r.cta.n. /lfl.Y day l!I the DEST DA y to NI In ad! Don't delly ••• ,aaJI tod .. 114).:!6'Tt Call lmmedia~ly Weekend• Included • P.P.S Poclllc Personnel Services, Inc. '500 Ney.·port Centtt Dr. Suite 900, N.B. 64(}..1970 1',ull & p/1in1e. !\lust be O\rer 21. Xln't hours. Surt &: Sir· loin. 5630 ,V. Coast Hwy, NB. WANTl-~D. t-.1ature ma I ~ p/lime evenings. Apply aft i : 30 pm 'Varner Drive In 1'hcnt('r 7361 \Varner A\'c, Hunt Sch ,• . . .... I I~ I ....... \. Sund1y, Ju11t 17, 1973 DAILV PILOl D ·'I e ~ c IC: ~ .. "' No"CredJt Cllet.'k *~ Depo1h • .. ree Otllvery • Ftte RCIMllr l\fonthly ~ntah Avallable Open EvH. 543 4444 * Summtr s.,.clol * Robullt-Plcturo Tube $17,50-21'' or 25'' Color * *FREE Kittens, p a r r Sian1e.1e, 2 nlOI. Adorable!! 541-7331 ------I~ WAIEHOUSI SALE WAllHOUSI SALi JUST ARRIVED i FROM ITALY :ii SOLD ONLY IN THI CllATI I Easy To A...,.blo • S.per Utlltw•lfllt c 10 SPIED llCYCLI 31 ALL COLORS • ALL SIUS l· • ·---- • . . •• '<,r+ • , . •• ' D .I! OAILY PILOT S"""'1, Juna 17, Im l§J .;;;I ___ ..... ;;;;:!~§] I _. .... · 1\~I !;. _-... _--!~§) [ .......... ]§) 970 Autos Wanted 968 Autos, tmportOcl 970 Au!OI, Imported 970 Autos, lmportad /~1 ·'"'~·-~-~lrH~l~I ~-~~ ... ~·--·~!~~·! ! ~~ J~[ Cah 15211Boat1, Power 906 Bolts, S.11 909 Motor Hom•• ............ -;;;;.:.;;:...:;=----'-'--' RecrNtional =.::..:...=:;;:.:;.._...:.:; BEAUTIFlJL 9 v;U old,' -Salt/Rent MO S"'"-' ..,alpohn lduon. FATHER'S DAY MOVING must ,.11, &loockd-=-'-'-="----_..:.; Vehiclff 956 · ,1 .. i-"' ,. .,,.. --.-Sabot no 6282, Sttll~ cui;1 SAVE ---------cc TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDI- ATELY FOR ALL FOREIGN CARS BEST AT AUSTIN HEALEY DATSUN -· .1~ -~-SALE .,,. . .., ... doll•)', our.lkndlng • INTRODUc•w .. ?tfAJ...E !)'\an~ ktttf'n~. &hot& cond. Jn "-'ate.r Rpprox ti Illa pore·bred. 2 left. 00'.!·L·..:;1 We are over ttocktd times. 1-·1111 F'loatatlon $375. $1000 Dogs 854 ,\NO "'llJ. SF.LL ALL ~rER-6~.rl400. -"---------1Clf;\'.'\f)l;o\f: 1\1' DRASTICAl .. 'R°"A"c~t;cN.;;Gc.Sa.,,_bol_~fo~,-,-,,-.-00-m-. e PUPPY WORL D e l.'!.' RE])UCED 1' It 1 CE S · petltor, Cu..~totn Bit by CO ti IF: I~ & SEE 11 If.': Brlau n lOtnas. 3 43.ilJI. Spcl 20' •p Af 100 ~!lXEO PUPS. 0))1·n LARGF.~' L.-..:\'F:Nl'OltY OF': c.'bver. l\Inny xtnu•. Otig, ace row ~~lsh Colli~5e t ; ~ ~: Slcipjacks, Bayliner1, cost $1,000. priced to ~u. Lot Demo ltuskic sun TeiTicr T.Cup Novas, & Formul11 612--1127 or &i(Hi375 ISl!r •:ro12f'OOS302il1 Poodle: Chihuahua.' 1-'l.b., Drive down to Newport, l~' lNTERNATION,\L, MANY EXTRAS Boxer. Cockapoo. S\VAP DAD 3 lilnll11, trailer, ete., Good ARM RESTS Shephenb tor.?! Stud 5'~1v Sa · $$$ cond. WiO. 494--0$. :AUX BATTERY nlost breeds. 531-5027. Ye Boats, Slips/Docks 910 6' REFRIG OBEDlE.'lCE clnss 10 start BARNACLE BILL'S TINTED GLASS J~nc ~. \Vcd 7:_30 pin. NEWPORT PACIFIC L.B. JI.farina, slip tor 3 fl.lo. ~ Bcach/lrvnK' area 2200 \\1. COAST /l\rY., N.B. Sl.55/ft. Up t() zr. Avail. 8 PLY TIRES "":,,::=:c-=--~-,,.,.-I t-1.l:~v~o 7-1. 413 ENGINE PUREBRED papered 1\J11te. ., . • • .• • E 968-J;>~J UNI LOUNGE pit bull {tcn-ier) bll('h. 72 -l, .sJ.,,fPJA<.:h .. Tli t Jilip for 55' po1\•e.r boat, FLIP SEAT ?.Ion1n\8. and popp:t cham· Sl~E\\l'.'.:DER. -nrhrklge, (213 1 43•or6.6. SEAT BELTS pk>ns C.J\I. 642-39!1 22.~ hp. O:\fC, Ltl gal. .fu~I: ~ ~ THE EL CAPITAN 12 F't. Sell Contained Alt •f'ibcrgl4SM CEtmper \Vlth BeauUful Dark wood Interior, custoni exterior. 1'1!111 all the optional extr111. Truly the finest Ca1nper e\·cr built. &>c it Today & IM us tell you about !his Nt:\\' Outstanding Camper. 1$cl'. 101Jl. BILL BARR·Y GMC Molo<home Canter fist St. at S.A. Ftwy.I 2000 E. l.\t St., Santa Ana 5.lS-UXXI full can\·as l'OVers. B1m1n1 Sk $7399 SCOTI'lE Puppy, fe1na!i:-• 1011 & i·ui1ain.;;, e..;lra ba1 -Boats, Sp"d & ...!_!!_! ~C reg. a ll shote;. S•.>. tery, /tDf, A..\!, \'llF. CB, '60 :i, ton, Dodge, 4-\\•h drive. 54:>-7361 sPa leniii. sunl 1....,.. tlinl '63 CllRIS Craft Classic CREVIER BMW Po11·er \Vagon. To\\' n v.. speed boot, 327 \1S, \'aM1ish-\\'~'On, Needs \\"Ork. $1100. QUALITY l>obie.s. hlk, tan & tabs, broadbill chair, rod II •· "-rt 6~ "'" reds. AJS(I, \\Tirlcls fastest holdc1'S, oulriggen!, deck ed. mahogony tiu • ""nut. Sales -Scn"ice -Leasing or ocst o er. •..>-V"l'lll . upholstered in1cr., 11·ai1cr, 200 \V lsf !<:t Sruita '-a T k 962 bi-I do:zs. 5.K:-0089 Ji....l.ts, etc. Bristol cond. 1 300 1 · 8.~3 .. 171 -'""' rue s ., •• 15" skis & ful co\·ers, wuri.; ~ ---------AKC Irish &·lier Pup:;, 76 $l2,51Xl. 54~2'Tla or !>W--tl 79. since nu.,/\ renl sholli' pit.-ce.1---------- 0ian1pion Pccligret", Irotn GLASPAR Sunliner. 17~;·, $2500. or best offer. priv. e SALES e '72 l~ter Scout $75. 968-29il Shore niooring in 4 Bal. Is., ply. f>.14-7901 e SERVICE e A ful ~"-=='"="--,--,,..-="I 7. 1 . 0 1 1 d uto. trans. I factory We ·Are In ** s:r. Bernard pu11s, .<\KC :> ip, Just vcr 1au ~ ' nu Boats, Storage 912 RENTALS equip1nen1. Only l-1,UOO reg., shots, $75 or bes1. offer. li0'.l1 i·o,·cr,. ncii· t>ot.tont • • 1ni!es. Lie. #951GllC. Desperate Need 557-TI48 paint. lop, Ing \1'hl. trailer. l :h-:29 GARAGE tr,:: building $2495 · . ~ G1s--145:1 · "= ,,,, 11 Of Good Clea SHEPl-IERD nuxed pups, $a. SKIPJ\C1· '>O ·~z .. ·. . NB~IO, !i 13-3r:ist \~Y;. EXPLORER jj() SHARP "QUALITY" I a ~~~Oil{(' Vistu , C.l\L ski. I~ 110-:U·;, 0SJ~p~ 1.;:·r;a:l1, 213/8G9-"J9S;) OF . USED C.'ARS IN STOCJ\ ' . Forei9n Cars "· NC\\' ~!1500. NC1\\0-ST:iUIJ.; 8' HUNTINGTON BEACH Specializln~ In Quality T D Ila p 'd BEAUTrFUL 11.'nlale s I . \\'haler type, for kids or lSSOl Beach Blvd. 842-8803 • BAUER BUICK op 0 r-QI Bt'niard. 1 ycnr, shots .• tags. shore 1.ioa1, u hsp Evinrudf', I~ l!UNTINGTON BEACII For Or Not! d,Q&J1ou!ie. $50. 64G-73..'\5. steeling, oarlocks. $·1j(). l(llllpOl'l•tiofll .h _ IRISH Setter J>ups. 67~1.933. mil MOTOR~HOMES 2925 l·larbor Blvd. Call or rome in 10 see us. THE BEACH '67 AH 3000 Mhrk n. new PORSCllE-S-TARCA '7 0, palnl, Sen1peril radial ti~~. f\1\1 -t'l\1 Stcn.'O, Ricarro clutch. battery, n1ln1 Int. & St:lltli, SPl'J'kllng, 733 JlRJ, ext., !ltus1 tee lo t\Jiprec. $6795, BEAOI 1!11PORTS, Cllll 979-2520 da.yto,, 642-S3S4 1200 \\1• Cit. I.fwy., Npt., ;;;EC;•es;;°i;.=;;-'-" ---..,-,;c (7]4) 640-&!06. "64 SPRITE. ruruo ~· looks ;\LFA ROMEO '69 GT good, gre11l gt11 n11lenlite, VELOCE, Landuu 'J'op, A1'1· ~ood lnuu;1)()rt1ttion cnr. Jo'l\I. OOtAK'i $2995, BEACJI [~1~79-2520 days, 642..r~ ll\lPORTS, t.I()() \V. Cs1.1..:=7..,=--=---1lwy., ~vt . m <J 645-6406. AUSTIN HEALY '62 l\iiirk 11 :woo. 4!»-950a PORSCl-IE-E-'TI, A IC , aft 5 pm . Becker "l\fexico", 313 EDZ, .=.:...:.=c,B_M_W ___ _ $6795. BEACH IMPORTS, 1200 \\1. Cst. Hwy., Npt., ---------(7]4) Ol5-U406. LEASE A 1973 -B!\1\V '.&I Sedan, Radio, Lo l\-111es. 0\\1R974, S 1 2 9 5 , BEACH Jl\11>0RTS, 1200 \\'. Cst. ill\)'.. Npt ( 7 14 l -· AL~'A ROilEO "67 SPIDER, l<d:ilr.. 5-Spd, Bluupw1kt, NC!\\' Radials, 0 3 l A K U , S Iii$. BEA(l{ 11\lPORTS, 1200 \V. Cst. llv.'Y. Npt (714) 645-ti406. TR!Ul\IPH 072 GTti l\IK 3, AM-1"1\1. Clconest No. Bl59, S:.1695, BF:ACII lltf PORTS, 1200 \\I. Cst. H.\\'Y., Npl fTI <I) li-15-(jlj 00 . VEGA. '72 G'r \VAGON, AIC. 'i·Spd, Alloy Wheels, rtadio, 822DPB. $ 2 5 9 5 . BEACH IMPORTS, 1200 \\'. Cst. l~wy., Npt.-t 7 1-4-) 645-8406. BAVARIA GOOD SELECTION OF USED BMW's 19TJ BAVARIA 1972 BAVARf1\ 19TI BAV.'\Rl1\ 1969 2500 1!169 1600 CREVIER BMW Sales . Service • 1Ra1'inr. 20S \V. 1st ~\ .. S·1nta Ana 135-3171 ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST -o SALES.SERVICE:t;E:\SING OVERSEAS DE1.IVEl1Y 240Z 240Z 240Z · NOT DEMOS BUT POSITIVELY A 1 OWNER CAR LARGE S£LECTION Air Conditioning Mags AM/FM Automatic or 4 1pd and low mil•• NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 \V, C<wtst lh~y., N.B. 642-9405 '72 DAJSUN PICKUP Fully facto1'Y equip- ped. 4 speed. rear bumpe1". \VS\V tires, only 19.000 n1Ht>S. t966EBGt $2399 24SO Hatllor Bh•d. Costu .\'fei.:a At Fair Drl\'C 546-8017 3 n1ales. 8 "~old.· riIOVING, uiu.:;L s c I I , Apollo. PacCS('lter, Baro n . COSTA MESA 979-2500 I NEWPORT $15 each. &15-2264 BAyhoat, 18', Catan1arnn J amboree, Robinhood '70 F.L C1\MlNO Super Sperl. . IMPORTS ALl'J\ ROJl.IEO 'G9 SPIDER, Rd11tr., AM-F?.f, 690HFR. $am5. BE-\C1·1 Il\fPORTS, 1:.IOO \\'. Cst. Jlwy, Np1. tn4J ~. ROY CARVER, Inc.'. Pickup ' 2.14 E. 17rh SL 1 w/Pertt.11 Valley Camper LOVABLE Springer Spaniels hull, v~1)• stable. Ku crpting, Campers, Sale/Rent'2~ \Ve've got 'cm at Clcnn & cart!ful mileage, puppies. AKC. 6 wks. Hunt/ nu n10tor. & bollon1 ne1\-·ly SHARP Ca 01 p er ,70 KEN DON aulo, pis. p/clisC' bi-.lkes, 3100 \\1. Cmst H\\';i'., N.B. pet. Reas. 673-Ula painted. Xlnt cond. $28:il. _ 1\~l-l'ltl, v.·/s/1\·, t in 1 642-9405 Costa l\lesa ~S.4-141 i99at"Xl ) 67" 141i6 Eronolinf' (.'n.Js:\ire Con· MOTOR HOMES IRISH SETI'ER PUPS :>-. version, lo mi. Under S yr gins~. fact. air. For lni· IV!': PAY TOP OOLLAf{ PRI. pty \\'ants: Bi\1\\1 \\'ith sunroof. ""' $2699 AKC, shots 14' COl\TPLl:."TELY ('Quipped \\'arr, 963-5611 ~ays. eves: 707 N. Harbor, S.A. nlediate sale. $2200. Pvt pty FOR TOP USED C.\rts * 962·2'76.i * skis, fish, or '? 40 horse p\\·r. 96, __ .,.,,,n 554-0033 of<'. 213:9'26--4407 or home. 11 • · · •1 O'B El I · I·· & 1 .. ,,.,..,, 714: ~36-3. '>= your <;ar 1s extra c can, COLIJES AKC . ec nc s ll•• . s a1" 21' "fRA"C:O .... ....., see us f11'St. tilt trailex Si;iO. or offer \VE rent cabovers campers ~ f 62 ' Champion bloodlines ~ for hnport ,f.t 8' trucl'i.....l\1esa 2.1' l.)!.;t;OVl!;RER . ~t Ton Ford Pickup. Re-BAUER BU!Cl{ ** 493-IE07 ** Camper Sales, 2036 Harbor. 2'1'-22' COrtrL~ENT~ cent valv~ job, new fuel 29!5. llarbor Blvd. 18' GLASSPAR Se afar er CM &16-4002 21)' PHii >E & JOY --pLDnp & battery. Radio, Cosl:J: ~lcsa 979-2500 ST,., BERNARD, niale, AKC, sedan, 75 Jhsn. L.B. tank, ·1 • · ... V :\N CON 1 .... s heater, split rirns on rear. 1 ~yrs. Good.natun!l::l.·$150. D.F., wallstrong trlr, full * CAl\tPER Shells for 1!8le · ; '~r:r: . ..; ..,,. Needs oil punlp. Th1PORTS \VAf'~1ED or trade. sn-5039 canva.~, othel' xtra.!I $1600. or rc11t1 All makes & !. : • Service • Rental s * $475 * •or:i.nge County's PULi, Hungarian sheep dog, 493-9liO _ 1noJels. 2941 Grace Lane, * Danmar Inc. * C:lll Steve 642-1696 TOP S BUYER ;\KC .reg. top winning sh_?W 2'1' CABIN cruiser, \l'ith Bldg G. C.ltf. J:::'O ' lli:H 1.){>r H?vd., G.C. '62 CHEV. Pickup. Good BllJ.. Jl.tA~T.Y TOYOTA dogs in U.S. (714) 783-297;.i trailer, Jess engine. $750. REALLY clean '65 V\V _can1-.1::1-H,iOO tires Ji: body. -Ti.red 283 en. H. Bt;.~8;~1 Beach tn'."~47.g5ri5 * * BLACK LABS, 8 ...,·eeks, Vo I v o inooard/ootboa.rd, per vnn. New e n g 1 n e, Nf'xt to G.l.. Drttsun gine, but y,•ill include ne\V '..'.:.-"""-''-----'-"'-"":::::: 1\•lth papers, males & under 100 hr. $800. Bait tank G42-798j ot· 5.J2-l!S62 afte1· 5. ILLNESS causes sale of '72 sho11 hlock fyou installt CASH females. ~1000 $3.?. 84S-7116:J. DODGE Van camper $110. 20' Luxury Balboa n"Kltor SIJ50. 5-14-3417. GOLDE.~ Retrlever pupi!i, AS is 18' Deep V Classic. All per wk S/C.xlnt cond sleeps ·home. Pm:chascd 9 -Jnos. '52 FORD Pickup 1 ~ Ton, TRIUJ\1PH GT 6 + '69, Radio, Sharp. Y R X 6 7 3 . $1695. BEAOI IMPORTS, 1200 \\1. Coast ll\\'Y·· Npt. (714) &l5-G406. l\IUSTANG '67 GTA. Auto Trans., Radio, P .S., TRJ270. $1395. BEAC.1-J lMPOllTS, .1200 \V. Dtt. llwy., Npt. f71<1) &15-&106. ?.!GB '67 Rdslr., \\Ii r c \Vh<'t"'lS, Cln'O nle Ra(• k , ZYDTJ2, $1195. BEACll ll\I· PORTS, l:lOO \V. Cst. Hy,.•y., Npt. f71 4) 6-15--6400. * 673-6220 • CAPRI t3r NOW OWN THE FABULOUS 1973 CAPRI BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 BEAOt BL. 847-8555 IIUNTINCTON BEACH DATSUN sta. \1·gi1 1972, xlnt '' oond. lo n1ileage. 4 spJ. r:11!io, lu;;gage rnck. $2,370. .S.17--0316 '72 510 S'fA1'10l'\ \Vgn, orang<' 11·/,1·l1ite int. ·I spd, ~tick, $2100 fin11. 673-2563 FIAT '73 Fiat 8!i0 a 1a1np. sired. Ofo~A. Call mahog. T1vin 35's, ta11dc1n ·4, bubble lop 64~ ago. Chev, VS eng. pS, p/h, nc1v crank & bearings & 835-5167 trailer. ~ Larkport, HB, Cycles Bikes sho...,·er, t•lect. toilet. ('ir ,·alves. ALSO '70 Yainaha SAINT Bernard, fem. pup, 10 Sat-Sun 8am-8pm. ScOC::ters ' 925 ~:~~: fl~n::ir Ji.~C~a~~ X.s~1~ ll?~.<t"o'rr~ir'·l·1e~~:elS.J' xO\nt rond. For w1y clean used l"''d.l' or truck. MacArthur-&;-Jamboree Blvds NPv.opo11 Beadl, 833-0555 l\1GB '69 GT, Chronte \\'ires, Radio, BrlUiw1t, No. 8161, SIB!li, BE.\C11 IMPORTS, 1200 \\' C.st. Jfy,•y., Npt. l714) ~- \\'ith 2,!XXI ·I <·yllncler or V·6 enginC', \l'i1h or 11 i1ho11t dc~~1· g1v.u1:1,_ so1rtc 11·iU_ sun roof or landnu top, po11·c1· disc brakes, style i;tce l \\'~eel, radial tlres. buckl"t • Spider seats. ORDER YOURS , 11·hirt• 1rith hla..:k inlt!rior y,•ks. 1\KC, xlnt quality, 1,1' FJBERGL...\SS Runabout, ..,....,, >e ... Nu ... ·~18 r· 11 ki · h "" h , . C I llO\\' at Si.,.,..,. 162-' An11~\Ht -, -• . . Autos, Imported 970 NO\\'. 6500 llllit.'S, Slill in factorY GUSTAFSON ""'"'""''" beaut. marklngs, <HV"'VJ is 1 s • ,,·11 ...., P John 1 Racing ye es \Vay, Doi·er Shores, N.B. 60 _F'ORD. long bed, pickup, J'P.JSll-5'.lllc.r pup-pies. E'irui.1:tc .t, trlr, n1ust sell * BULTACO * &l'>-g9S0 1 1.w..:ioo 1n1., on rt'blt n1otor, Beautiful AKC regislered. 6-l6-0SS;i. HEADQUARTERS FOR __:: -. . . nu clu1d1, fuel pun1p &. $100. Call 962-281 1 1;,1~· CLAS1'!{0N bo\\·rider, . 1 ~1 .... D1srovC'rt>r <Ind Sunil1al i•arhurl.!101·, S-150. &16-ai>-IO I !,C"=:=Co=-"'7.'""--=I 50 I l\t DESERT, !\'TOTO X TI l\IO!or l-lon1es for rent, n11~ke f~&-1993 PAPERE.1> Collie 8 mos old. ip. · e~. E.~! Ne\v At:Cl'S"'Ol"iC's. n.•si.•rv<ilions for Sun1nu!1' -""'-"=-.-~---- Male; gpod with 01ildre.n. V~nson tratle!" bnslol rond. l·l11rbor nt \\'ilso11. C.i\1. 110\\·. PhOllr! .'.\1iss Bennet at l\fU:51' sell 59 (be"y *· ton $50. 5:18-8372 1..._1200. 5:JO.-nta or 5#-1319._ 646-4655 or 6-t&-2428 Bob Longpre Pon ~ i a c' Pt.:. completely r c bu.! t t . HorMS • 856 Boats. Rent/Chart'r 908 FOR Sal<.>: 1971\'aniaha 892-6651 or 6.1,6-2500. ~r~~a~:~r!',;~kends, •Zl--A ---E Enduro 175 CC e~ne !hat Rent A Motor Home 2 Gentle Geldings approx. S CH.ART R 57' KETCH 'has never been \rOrked on! f • '6.l, 2 \\'.D., Jeep truf'k. b'OOCI yn. old, $250 ea'. Qnc...reg_. ''TJOGA'' •I00:'.<18 rear knobby. Has or your Vacateon cunr1 . $5(XI. o1· best oner. Appy Gelding 3 yrs, 16ll, No\v booking for summer 11e,·e1· ~en raced or * 531·6800 * 6•\.HJ3.12, Ray. gocxl disposition. ,,. e 11 cruises. Xlnt rates! abused!! Call \1·eekdays 1973 h.,NGS Highy,·ay, :.'6· all * '5..i Cl!EV. }~ 1011 , xlnt started, good pleasure Chet Salisbw')' II after G:OO P;\I. 113().t'iQ)7. fil>9-rglass, JoadN.I ,vi\h air, cond .. ~2'1 enb-11~.· Best olfc1· horse, good JX)tcnlial sho\\' 61~ I 01· Tioga, Bo.x '.ll6, * BICYCLES * :-:tC"rro, 5-K i:::enerntor ,i:,; O\'Cr SS.'10. 5'15-t\26:~ hol"Se. SSOO. Also 8 yr old Balboa Island, 92002 R I . h & n. 11 t• \ncu1uu .. Sl4,950. No. PNZ Vans 963 Tho~bred J u1nper! good in Boats, Sail 909 a •19 ~u.o 139. Private party. 962-'5005. .;.;.. ________ _ the flat -xlnt Jr. lt01°Sf' NEWPORT \.. TCLERY NF:\\1 Ex I · 21', full •73 CHEVY SPORT 1?.l llands. T 1~ L LY l!O SAILBOAT HT. co1npletc 2116 'Ne\\ port Blvd.. eciuiP sr;rer$, air/gen, lo anns •. 17262 N e \V h Oj1 e • suih;, aux., trlr, $9':>0. 34403 On 'l'hc Pe11i11~lia 111 NB IO\\'el't rates, no mileage, Foonta1n Valley, 979-M 5. Cam. El 11-folino, Capo 675-1700 j52-..'1292 TALLY Ho Fanns, offers Beach. Also '60 CIIBVY • BICYCLE .SALE •R ,=:E"'.r-."T='"--0,-.,-. -, .. -,-,.~,-. .,-,-urv finest in hunter .~ jumper $250. NE\V 10 SPEED ITALIAN l:.lFETThfE! sips 6, air, ln-i- trtiining & lessons by E CAL 20 BICYCLES $39.9-j. B<>ach mac. P\1.. O\\'OCr . &1S--0900 ~fat('}' .< Appro\'ed AllSAI llalf....Q\\Tiership for SH!e. Bic.ycles. 806, E. Bal_ boa 25• EXECUTIVE m 0 f 0 1· JUcl~. \\·e 113,·e 1~.a~t. new Ne"·port Be a c h slip Bl\·d .• 675-728¥. Autho11zed }lt1111c for ren1. F'ullv self 12-.12 hox i-~all~. \'LSL1 us al S5?--848S NJSHih.'I dealer. L.nQI . ,,._2,= · 172&2 Ne"·h.opc So. o '·1~~-=-·~~~-~--~ ~ \Vat'llt!r. Fountain Valley or 3J' PC, rar.:ing Sloop. all good HONDA CL ~75 CC , ** 18' B.<\LBClA. 01;g. call 979-9)75. sail~ plu~ sp~nnaker. !1P-Scrnmbler. E ngine needs (hrner. 4.txXl n1i. ALL EX- REG. Arab-?\lorgan. 4 Yi:' praised · a!_ .$5000. asking \\'Ork $140. 'Vomans Roy_ce TR.AS! Saciifice. 61"'~3.'l.'\5. $3600 6-16-.nJS Union 3 speed bike $32, • · fillv. Bc:i.utifull dapple S.'l'CY, • &l&-2!169 t\POLLO, 25 For Rent; load· cla°ss A sl'IOI\' prospect. 21· CLIPPF.R Mar.ine, flush ~ ed. $200 per ~·k + ac per S.12-59-1:>. clerk 1\·/trlr. xlnt ~ Slip 19n HONDA CB 350 n1ile. 61:>-5985. SURFER YAN $4995 Lirnc grt!Cn 1\·il.h n1a1ching cnrpC'!c<I interior. Stereo i;penker • po11~·r sll't'ling, r.'.l.c1io, \lide m~. "·hc<"ls. &oautiful stripped pa i n t • {Ser. 139610). BILL BARR·Y 2 HOfl.'5F..~ both 10 yl'ars old, a'l1i!S-n $2ro:I. or h·e s-t · 4 c_yl. Custom headers. l,600 Trailers Travel 945 GMC Motorhome Center LOW MILEAGE CREAM PUFFS 12 PORSCHE 914 144'f!LI $3995 1J,6tl Miies 71 MARK Ill 11701%11 $5995 36,444 ,.,~ 71 COUGAR XR-7 !071 CXYI $3250 J6,t35 Mil• 69 CPE DE VILLE I YOUllll $3450 3Z,416 MU.S 71 COROLLA WGN FL\T '71 RACER, Lan<lau Top, Rat!io, Rad i RI s, :13.=>DJN, $1695. BEACH t~I· PORTS. 1200 \V. Cst. ll~')'., Npl. (714>~ SCOUT 6-Cyl, Pick-up, 'Tl, Radio, Jwnbo Tire s , . 77•1GXC, $249'5. BEACH 1~1· PORTS, 1200 \\'. C'st. ii"''}'. Npt ITI4) 645'-f.4.00. AUSTL'll · 11,E:ALY ,31ro '67.1 \\'ire \\beel<1, Chron1e Rack, ZD\\19'..!5, S23!*>. HEA(.ll 1~1- PORTS. im \\', Cs! Hw-y., N"11t t7l•ll 64f>..-Ol\OG. "· JAGUAR '70 XKE. AIC, P.S., Al\1-Fl\1, S\V, <IOGRNN, S::!l9:i. Bl:":ACH 1~1POHT~. 1200 \\'. Cst. Hy,·y. Np1. 171·11 ~~)(6. PINTO SQUn{f: \\"A.CON ·12, .\.C., .\ulo l'rans .. Roof Hnck. 'i8J F"\\'X. $ '.? 6 9 5. Bl::.\(.11 !~!POP.TS, l:.IIO \V. 0;1. H~')'., i'\Jll, 1 714 J 64<M406. ilh'arh ]lu1p1H1~; .L> " " .. , T" ·~ .... '· . w • -. one r <'nl:tl<'. on~ :'ilale. &I -111. m1. Excf'llent rond. $900 .. , ----' ·------1 , SA F T IAR I ""'""·''>-'! -30 "'"""'"" f st:St.at .. n\'y.• 962-8;,10 after 5 p.n1. 27' C.\ j\l\ .• AN . ii ps 4. O"IJ'~ "" • :>: or ""'u-"""""' TENT Trailer Ni m rod :!JOO E. 1st St .. San1a ,\na Ne.y,•port Lincoln·~•rcl!ry 16800 Beach at \Va11lCr lfuntington Beal'h 842-8844 * (2131592-5544 ''Home of fh. Viking'' l97'l YEU.0\V Capri, \i llyl top, extras, XOO cc t:n;:-. $2400. 552-9775 DATSUN $ SALE $ DATSuNS NEW DEMOS 1973 510's ' Pickup , 610's All i\lodcls & Coltl1-s 'to Choose 1'l'Of!l. :X1'111pn11 D-1h111 1 -. "" .. ' . , , -·~ '<J • v '' ' • '71 Datsun SJO 4 Dr 4 S(>d, only 76,0CO miles 1363- CDV /. $1399 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA, stvr. sink. head, 18 hp O/B. bh\•n 12-3 John. . ' sleeps 6, 5200.' , 5.'1$-1000 NC\\"fl011. mooring avail. 'fiG YAJl.fAHA 100 cc T\\'in, Ca.II 5-19-00S~ 1 ----~~~---ALFA ROMEO 1S881 BEAOI BL. S47-85.i5 I ..... ... l!tC I ''om 6~ "219 '71 DODGE "'J'rnd1!sn1an 100, HU'_N. GTON BEACH tt7'CYNI $1395 35,417 Miies · °'"'· 1"""' • new tires front and rear, ·70 AIRSTREMl Jnternatlon-•~' •; ' kine Equipment V-S rear 1nag-. '''heels, ALFA ROMEO l'·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiii: CQf:Oi'\tDO '.!?, ed'it,ll47<1, $200. 554--003l al 21', air, AU xtras, 642--05i4 panelc<i. ice box, fully 1973 DATSUN$ \I VP\')' c 1•a1J. pa111t om, · :o::C"-'~'co'-8209=co·c,,.~--~~ cpt'rl., fold do\\'n r('tll' scats. JIM SLEMONS ALL MODELS Boats, General 900 r,',",r ~~<;i_inpletnent of sails. '73 \VO~fBAT !\I a\' r ick Trailers Utility 947 $2995. 1--'------~~·· <hock' ,.,tom eh•mbcr ---'---''----• 5'18-'174 • '73 EXPO SPECIAL N SCRAM-LETS r Lt PP F:P.....8° fibergla.o;;.:-:. PP .. 's fast and reliable xlnt ENCLOSED steel. trailer, .63 FORD Van. S5.000 mi, IMPORTS I STOCK t ~'ully equir, clean. $2.)(1. cond., must sell 536--2TI9 hinged top, ,;7 cu tt, lights,'-: New rminl &. parts. Xlnt ·BARWICK IMPORTS Call 673-19~. '69 YAJl.lAflA 250 I DT-1 spare. 548-1626 or 552-9037 engine. Good gas nti, & 3.3375 CtU]lino Capistrano $2495 - NEWPORT IMPORTS ... 3100 \\1• O:>ast H"'Y·. N.B. 642-9405 '68 Fiat 850 Cpe 1.1)11· l\flles, A Real NiC"C Car. I <:<OA .. 'Ul. $899 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ! 18881 BEACl l BI.. 847--8355 llUNTINCTO:'i BEACH h-10V1NG, znust aeU. Fiat ·n . 1:'1 Sport C.Oupe, 2-1.IXX> l\fi, good 1.:0llll. AM/FM, air cond. 5..~-ti:ZOS. :\JUST . ~II. '69 F'l8t 124 Spy1t~r. Top shn,pc 1nany ex· iru s. Sl.650. or Bl'!st offer. '19+-&J 17 after 5. 19&! FIAT 8SO Sp6!'t Cpe. Gd. mlleage.-Lo mL Sa.c. • 846-~793 • FORD '70 Ford Cortina 1600 GT <203ASC\ $899 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA l&s81 BEACll B4. 847-8555 llUNTINCTON BEACH ANSWERS LIDO 1-1' ne\\' sails \·ery g-OOd Endtiro ModUied !or dll:t· Auto Service Parts 949 tires. Needs ;;ood ho111c. 833-9300 ALFA SUD San Juan Cnpistrano cone!. $680. Orig St legal equip avail, · _.!.....__.___ s-ioo. or best or.fc1·. j.16-2-140 493-3375 or $31-1375 I •. I S r . '•"" t 5...'lf>-681 :l Best offer, 968--4107, pri ply. '67 PONTJAC GTO wrecked. '71 l-'ORD VS Super Vun. 1301 Quail, Newport Bch CAIM·ANO 'Tl O,\TSUN .'i1.0, 2 dr,oo\i,500 ----------1 "nig 11 -3 iu, -· ...,,a 1 \" \llAl\'A I ' End d 400 i vill ~ • turho .. /I '-·-1 t IOND \ 600 S/-•• _ A•1.erv _ GoH<:r _Bushel. LIDO l.J, Fully equipped. , · ,, m n1 uro, g . cu .. n ... ' "''a:'· Auto trans, lonJt wheel base, ..._ McA""" a Jet11llerM mi s, r 1, auto. 1rans, wet ' 1 . car, ~ .... HONDA _ Bit; TRU~KS cover ,t trailei·. SJ(l(XI, or rond.. 11opped up, $199, hydro 400 trans, int black, nu belted tires, clean. !li1·. 'ln'1 NJn·I. S2l!l:>. 1'~1nn. 19.000. 111i. $fi00. Aft. 5 . .. 1 j\t.'>t ;,_'t:Pi\"ed a ~artlen best offer. 53-1--521~. a4S--3912. buckets, etc. t:>48-5684-SO.i070. Call ~~<.:6-1$.2.7 aft 5:30 pm. :l:%-W-i;>. ca1alog an1\ 1t ii'! rr-:1.lly fa.~i·in-Lehn1an-IO .• ~ trailer. $200. 'TI YA.,tAHA \\/ANTED: Chevy 283 com-'63 CliEVY, radio, nu 4 spd, e THE FIMES'r IN On Our Show-Floor * !\!UST Sell! '67 Datatn ·7o HONDA 600 a!dan, very 111.ing. Did you krW>11' 11Jey 547--4046 2j() rirx, desert prepared plcte engine in ~ con-niags, runs good, great RdstT. Nu clutch: Eng, ~ cond. Low miles. $600. ha\•e eleplK1n1 fert ilizer. if ~70 dlblln. Call 548--3122 transp, f';iOO/offer, 548--6538 ·USED IMPORTS e trnns. ~-cond. $500/hest.. Call alter 5 pm. 494-8949 you """""" "'~"' '"•' "''" __ * LIDO ,l4. * USED BICYCLES PONTIAC 4Zll!O cnghoe· w/3 ntt 5 e THE FINEST IN This WHk .. nd Only Gr,.;;·:'~"°;-,~~~--JAGUAR BIG TRUNKS?" $Si.>. 538·9562 2 •· 1 ~-· to '0 00'.I .coc...::=~-~~---IMPORT SERVICE e ·n 210 Z VC All Types * 642-1272 Uilrt"e ca1·uura rs, ....,, 'TI FORD. shorty, mags, ., / . ning~ $500 OR Tracie tor l')cle. 17'. • 1-11 ~ rt Dolphin * 'liG TRIU:\TPJi Bonne. Xlnll ~m~i.~'325~~·~-~~7582~~~~ chron1e side pipes, tape, VS, Do yoursell a favor and come Alt:l/Jo':\1, llme-green, 19,D '71 JAGUAR 6" Jaylyn, 2 ltlcL\'. 4::i·s. 11ith trailer. xln't cond Auto. $2800 8 31 .-O 5 5 4, see us first. Open Tues. mi. $4695. :>t&-1774. ~ "l·IS. Sj.j() call 5-H-Sl7S condition ST;iJ. ?.87 E. 18lh, <'At::""~". S v 2 JUa"""J No. D. Cof;;ta ltfeso. 1 l§l lMJ""""\l\1..1' and Thurs. t~ 9, Sat-on 'ii 2-IOZ. blue. auto. n1a1t • 1 J.IUDSON Bay Packet, 1·1i.;.:;ed HOBIE 16 \v/trailer, l"J.cing S SPEE-D BOYS ..,._,.... ~ "65 DODGE camper van. 6 til 5. wheels, (')\t.>ellenl condition. for sail, $5.'"JOO. equippffl. All xtras. Xlnt· ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~·;;;; cyl.. •love, cooler. rurut rJli IR':lPEAN A•~' 557-9f).,, pi:~":;;0:· .!:~· 1i,O:;', !n:: * &t2-ll109 • rond. 61:>--41).13.' hike nu. $48. 1 good. 518-3&&8. "-~ .._ '-; Don't gi\'e UP the ship! Boats, Maint./ <:A l. Ca1 14', gooU ("ond . • 646-&1S9 • A . /Cl • 953 * •72 FORD van. ao.ooo mi., ,..--... ~-~ ........... ft Daily Pilot Want Ads have "List" it In classiried, Ship $5695 S.11-:i. ·72 SUZUl\1 TS 00 nt1ques •UICI niags, paneled, $30X) finn. ...--"""" ba11:aina R:alore. to Shore Results! 642-567$. 60 Sl lARI-. "QUALITY" Service--902 ~1 --2.'"lO-milt!a..$.100 =.,1~ff.'fil~~~~i.if.=lli~~:~K~3t!-El9~12-~· ;oft-~. ]6P~M;:,::::-r=========,;_.:;;::;;;,~;,;;;;;..,="""".~=====""'.:,;,~::;:;: usF;o CARS--IN-8IOCK-L...._ ~ . • • Liltc Ney,•! S.18-1912 aft 6 '56 ,. BIRD, new paint, tires. Soecl. 'ellAzi.rlgUERln BQUluaJCK i\lAR rNF~ ~tl'~C!l.\.NIC · * *, K 10 Catan!aran §:. ')" Ur panels, carp, 'headliner, '67 1-"'0RD SUperVan. Mags. Good \\'Ork. Fair pnce$. Sa,•e trailer. Good cnndit100. $2'7.>. l-IONDA ... 10/4 1972. l,,mn1ac. PIS P/B P/seats, Cont Runs 1-.rreal! $12Xl. 673-4091 you nioney. Call Burr's Call e\'Cs: &IG-0085. $8'25. Mt. .Lani, 540-1301 J{il '$2495. '835-.s.144 duys, rilghts 496-1801 ' - i\larine. 675-8677. \1.'eekdays .CHEVY bod I \ ~-~~-----SABO'T!i. l made in factory, 1 1 17S 1938 coupe, y anc ·s..q F'ORD VS, E300 Super 292'5 ITnrbor Blvd. Boat s/Marine \\·ith no ha.nh\'IU'e. $50 each. T,,RAIL_ bike street ega frame 1.,'00d co n di t Ion , Van Camper. P/U trad('. COSTA MESA f7N500 Equip. 904 °1"-~ 51.6-2''9 6.li-2156 M!h1215 '11 JAGUAR XJlI ' -17' Sailboat. Xlnt cond, trlr, 10 SPD bike, very good cond, 1950 Chevy z.or Sedan, '73 OODGE Van, B~. 127" ,. 7 hp Eske "ne\\··· s.q;;, 10 hp 2 sets sails. $150 Dennis $85 or best offer. Pov.-crgiide, good cond. "'hi base, Xlnt cond . lo SABLE Ch E"lnrodc "tank" $95. 2) hp 213: 593-1693, r;.11-zi9s. 646-6760 U){I. 962-8732 mileage, call 5.57-9631, 9-5 · l«o.1 ~!l'. low;:nlleap,~ rys, "lank" S l 5 0. "* ntvf' 1._..oo & ,.,..,,_ --M ·72· KAWASAKI, 250cc. xlnt R Ii nal 1967 CllEV . •-ed, tBctory equipped. (str, &U-aDS. ~tion. $325 ... .,~ .. " 5""1U cond $600 ecrea o . van, II.res .. e 3154J. Boats, Powe• 906 675-0245 · 8JG.-Oi3o call art 5 Vehlclff 956 med> "t·;;~ * PRICED TO SILL FUN BOAT 16. "'"'"'""'tug GLEN L to", tun to• 2 peo-'ill!, ,!;;:-'!.t._CO, Punang, FAMILY WAGON "·63~Cl~t°'EVY'=","""'w'°'hi'-te-'-. -w71ndow..,.--$6789.,00 -•-1 ~r G pie New frbgls ....,......, on car ~ t""" Van, new batte.~. me! -~~ ., """' " "'>'· . ----, 646-5558 MINIHOME ,.. ., X1ra3-$000. 673-2'2-12 Thun· roof. Sf.00, 83i-31&1. $250. 645--<1767 alter 9 A~I. Sun. 1s· NEWPORT . Catamaran, '69 HONDA 115 CL good cund $7995 Autos Wanted 968 • 12' FIBERGLASS y,•/j!b & tra.1, ler, ~· street or dirt $350 67l-3457 F1SllING BOAT, 646-1401 or 548-6(i.4i, eve$ &73-7139 Quct>n aizc bec'b, U·shllpt.'<I \VF~ DUY Stti • ~ ~fARINER -32, like JH?1'', 46 'n 3SOSL HONDA 10.r'lte dlneftc, compl('1t! kit-IP.1PORTEO 1\t.rros •-'I••• ,,-rl 1 ,,,oc.0076 ltten, plu.cis.pa1.'0·5a\'l'.L' tolll'1, BEST PRICES PAIDI 21' otRJS 11·/l'\01111 -lny iu;,, ""':''J '"8' ~ p )', .,....-.» ~ nk b lo moorlnx. 6cyl fnbrd. $26.500 firm, 642--8002 • 'it JJONOA CB 175 * ~:N "W 5 00,S;1k 18~~· De•n Lewis .Imports ~193 el.'ea HOBIE l•I', xlnt cond, must Jteasonablc off~. 1 0· · · • · · &16-9.100 Ut' ~AT. \'olvo oultlrl\'e, ~~ $900. or ~best .offc.l'. Call :>l:>--0879 Ml. 6:30PM. BILL BARRY P __ n_f._P_l-.•-w'"a"'m"'"s'"'tro""-,-n-pn_'._p_ty cu&tOJn lnliler, ri0 gallon Privat~ party. 956-39T.i nft 5 ·oo '\'A~1AlfA 80, 1tr. leg., '71 cl(!An cnr 1v/11ir & lo~ lo mi. tanki, $1800. ~f.-·fHL~ •!OBIE Cat 14' w/traller, & YnnlJJhn J\fl nl End u r o. GMC Motorhome Center Up to $1300 cash, 675--0116. 15• SKI or ntnnbout, fibl.•rgls. extrns. must 8!11. Xlnt cond. l\ghl11, 61-4-8148 11$1: St. at S.A. f'r\\y,l l·favf? soniethlng Yo\I wo nt to 60hp, trlr. Prtr:cd for qui.ck JlOOQ, 21~1. 'GS llONDA 305 EXC. cone!. 2000 E. 1st SL, Slnta Ana sell ? CIA.Ulfk!d ads do IL sale. s:m. 499-3701 . ' SA.DOT Fibt.rgla.M, 1 yr old. 7,000 n1ile1, bell helmet 558-1® \l't'll -call NOW 642-5678. 16' 'J'AYLOR fl!J@orgla.s1 out-~Jnt cond, $22.). $325. 6'13-$1931 Don't Jdve up the ship! The faslest draw In lhe West. IXtOnf rutt11bout lesa 1notor. 847-2901 "12 os.s,, T·T stmet.to. Gd. "Ust" ll in Clll$1Sl fil'l.I. Ship •.. R Dally_ Pilot CIMsified s.a;, 6'f3..3598 CLASStrtED will sell it! c.'000. $700.:$6500Z to Sborl'." Rl!sulU! 642-$618. Ad. 64~. 11 ..-.-. • • • .. • I . . CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS ~ll\.11 q11!" llt1tllll'· "''" " -· ~ '71 . .lacJuar v-12 2 + 2.c,.. B. R.·Green. (Ser •oo:m S567B I lll.11 q111" lit. 11•," """ ' -" '70 XJ·6 Sedan. "P/S 1J,JT, disc brake•, ah•, A1t11T~I. Low ml. aood coild. $5600. 6-14-61U. • • Sullda1. Junt 17, 1~73 DAILY PILOT D J:S -~..... l§J I _..... l§l I _..... l§l ~'=~~~~~!~~~ ··-1-... Cl,.,... ti 970 A ...... 1-lell 970 A-. lm,.,tod 970 · MERCEDES IENZ MERCEDES IENZ Meil --.. A-Imported JEEP l@I I@ 1§1 _ ..... _ ..... _ ..... 1§1 1. _ ...... ( _ .... RENAULT A utoo, Imported 970 Autoo, lmponott '70 Autoo, U,MCI .----990 A-,UMll "° ROVER VOLKSWAeii N VOLV.O AMC I UICK 17th Amlv•rMry S.lo R '8i NISSEN Patrot, Comp. JIM SLEMONS '64 M«c9Cles '63 MGB, reblt<rc .. hardtop, eiAS ·SAVE '114 vw Sedan, .....,, aa b '71 Volvo P-1800 ~ ','!~· ~~-Extru. Xlnt IMPORTS ' oott lop 6 cover, wltt wlll>, '68 ROVER !ISO. ovmlrlvo AM/FM U 220 l,.vuu, -· f56..T969. Benz "-$Qi0. or offer. ~ '6T Cortina Sedan w/'68 ene. n1iles .bl~e 'Nilh bla~k lt~Ut· • M.6ZD & MERCE"ES BENZ ~ TV Tourtni sed. A $215. er ln!C~. ·"' '!!!' 4 Dr. 220 E OPEL """•nnin& 1001, ' ~· 'fO Vel!ant Sia. Wag .. as b ·~$3995 BOB l llllGPRE ~~O=CE 6 cy~ auto ....,. fact etr, radlat tlrea, (XDLll56). G ve 15fl, '70 AMERICAN 17th Annlvorury Salo '70 lulck Eatat. w CICJOft • "" Jim Slemons power ore.ring. ilc. GDMJll!S '70 OPEL away prls"'1· 288 1971 ~PER HORNET ; M.•ZDA llnports $137l 41=·equ~~ ~ , Pop-Top with rack At· Landau top, """"' st,.ring, 9 Pan. vs. •uto trans., fact &Ir, pow· er steerine, radio. heoater, ti nted 1lul. Lie. 701ESF. Itftnl&CU!ate Conctltion ' "-· 1301 Quall ~.~It low. Uc, •Dffi533. SANTA ANA TOYOTA tach&bw~~ .. ~ .. ~d ~-~t' ~er brake;tt. automatic -~ S99S . 417 w. Warner 5'0-2512 ::::r 40.ooo •E'2895. tran""'1'$i·~ff'UKJ . ' NOW ' ~PEN ~z~1111JR ~Ip ~s~'il:~ 'SP.RITE .. :-~ Bug w/'70 ht 3100 W.Coaat Hwy.,N.B. GUSTAFSON AR )ii.dell Ready 1970 MERCEDE:S Benz. 280 • YOl:t11 -. am" BQualUICityK '67 Sp_._ pemnnance englz>e, Emyt -642.'405 U I M -Jl'"'Ml!Dl"'TI SE, air, auto,·leaiher, .......,, ,_ H •«9303 ""'!' ' equ)pped, vws shifter, ,,_ Auto•. UMCI • 990 nco ft• ercury $2877 See It. You'll Buy lt 3lwtlfAN -'.YOLY8 1 ...,,, 'Tift " P/W, PIS, Stock Broker, """"' arbor, C·M· VIU" orange Jinlab with black in. tral. Must be drlven. $1150. 16800 Bench at \Varner ft-H I · mud sell Make otter 50 USED hnior, Jfardtop ~days, &t.>7675 ews. '72 VW 1-Juntlngtoo Br.ach ) . l • .,..yery: .. ~71'51 · · -29'2511arbor'Blvd. $62 vw BUS w1de tires. 7 pus bus 19000 mitts 142..Q44* (213)592-5~ . :mi t .. 1.ot *-1171SANTA ~A '11 280 s, white/btue Int. lull MERCEDES ' COSTA MESA 97"2!80 oh I' 0 m. rl m.' 't n t Rill radial' tir6 Thia .... "Homo of tho Viking "lti.;·0-·• ::::"'·,.".\f~1~~= ON DISPLAY '69 KADETl'E mechankal condition . has"'-"""' twO enal"'" BUICK 1966 Harbor, c.~f. ~ooru '72 SKYLARK * Mud• '73 Rot~ry * oondltlon. · Beft o th r · Sharp New Car 4~rin7 radio, beater, $750. .:;,':;,. """""· Gm MU Special At $3299 -------- .,,.. MONTH 113>2305, -111· 6. Trad&-ins TOYOTA Fk ~.. biish motoc '71 BUICK Auto tnuiL, po\\"tt steeri111:, power brakes, air condition- ing, vinyl. top. Lie. •M&- F.LG. "' MOwrHs OPEN lE.\.SE PR!. ply wants: c-1ng I" Evory Doy PORSCHE __ :..,;;;....;...;__...;_ __ I ~~·-. 714 ; '71 Datsun PlckUp Wlll a<cept tnd .. bla 280 5,!;.. ~ rumool ""250 Ask About Our Unique SALES & SERVICE TOYOTA ""2 ' Speed, -ttres, rad;. Sl<ylark.~ Fact .• ""& $2995 CUL JfR, FRY """'86 SL. ••~ UMCI ••-,--~--LHH '68 VW BUG, only 24,109 nil. $1999 !'WT· ••eenn H nt B h ME FOR --'65 P h 356C Like new, auto, unique 1-"llkes, auto., R&H , I ' eac n . Pl'"' one • 17th A • ..-... white interior. 11100 ' WSW, Vi"Yl !OJ), low 60 SllARP "QVAI..ITY" USEC> CARS lN S10CK Specl.allllng In Quality MAZ• A qUICK CASH House of Imports ~~..;.,;:,''!.!:b':km~ WY-·-:-' 64>-2132. '72 CAD ~~ & clean. !607· , D' '· THROUGH A ~ ~"!'~::r~"%!',.""' .,. to •opreciate. ~~.,...:::t· .,:8 ~ SEDAN DEVILLE $269' DAILY PILOT 52.1-7250 Prices start At ml /rl $800 aft Maroon w/"1>ite 1'"""" in· 24ll0 Harbor Btvd. 29'lS Hari/O< Blvd. e BAUER BUICK ' ' ' . . $2399 ~m: s-i-""' , tcrlor. 16,000 mil!" & all 1he Costa"""" COSTA MESA t7f.2JOI 17331 Beach Bt. 1112-W ~NT AD MG '72 vw Beetle. AM/FM Cad luxury. Sa"' here '•! At Fair D>'lve '63 BUICK Le Sabre, runo Dally Pilot Want Adl, haw 642 5678 S I ,73 COROLLA (l<E2007l1854J ''""°• Immaculate. 11700. $5795 546-8017 woll, Jalr body, mwd aell, ~,.. plon. i ., i~~--'-·~-_,=1 17th Annfver11ry • • ,69 9118 !L\NGERINE blk. firm. Baltz Bergeron .... """Pl"'~I $135 cash. 54()...(lj20 fl'l!du ' • , . 962 Truck• 962 '72 Mei Mldtet Jnler,. orl& .• ..,.,,, tmmac., 1\ . l o Funeral Rome, 67>-9450 '72 SAAB · Convertlble $;'.;~~""'· iow mi.. ~CAil fAN ':,..'70~ l'ir'!.~· nis7. SONNET . ·4 • WH' 'E"El D IVt 4 cyl. 4 ·~. 1:-lc· X\VM635. MUST sell '63 S, new tire9, cn4) 642-7831. · < · Six>rtt car, 3Cb:> actual nliles. ~ --~ -----Extn~low-milt1 --extra clutctr,-~t;--su-valve, vw Bus, •n. Xrifr cond;-l:n -4-llPNll, AM/FM-Ndto, fac- clean. gas kets &: more. 1986 Harbor; C.M. (146..9303 mileage, 7 seater, fUll si tory air condltionlna. I ~ I I ' " '61,, CH·....., 'lz TO. N PICKUP . $2677 ""90. -.-GAS SAVER bed.=· oos.""'· -$2999 ~ Y I '73 PORSHE 914 2.0. load-'69 BUG, tmmac rond, mags, New rebu ilt on9ino. Cleen. Automotic, rod;o, -1\l•11 l•1.:a ed, immaculate, "'°"""' '71 COROLLA '"''· $1125, Riso "" Bug, PORSCHES .10c ~int hubt. ( 921 OSG I · lU"""'° WID caU9!1 ule. 64.'S-3517 alt 6 2 dt. Beautiful blue, 1200 ec good cond, $975, 67>73'72 $2 TOYOTA ' pm. ..,.., will deliver 30 mpg, '69 VW BUG, MAGS, . '6 THRU 7I ' ~99 1964 po Rs c HE , red with 4 apeed. Air tor your GAUG,,,;, CUTE. 11295 ID TO CHOOSE PROM CASTAWAY 1tynnuu . -19G&Harbo CM M6-9303 w/brou&ham, nu ttre 1, awnmerdrl •. {630CXU) e 675-M35 • '72 BLAZER r, · · 644.l62l or IW4-0027. $1 ·n VW Sta. Wgn. Radio, air 445 .E. COAST HIGHWAY '"' MIDGE!' like nu.drr ';""' 1970 911 T Cpe. Spom. Mag -. cond. Very clean. Less than I•--' 21,]21 .. 1 ... VI , 4 •pHd, power broh1, till ~. ~·b~.a~7'; . .:: ~~ t;:79Fm10 Lo mi Xlnt SANTA ANA TOYOTA 20,000 nil. $2500. 6T.>-34CS o~N~. irr:oEACG" .• wht•I, n•w rubber. """" o...vnu 0 vo $3699 Meil '63 roRSOIE s, "'"""°'· ?1 w. Warner 5'0-2512 '! Lw ' new tlrea, xlnt cond.. ..... n CORONA MARK Ill VOLVO ·,t SALES & SERVICE ere. $23SO. '94-3193. < Dr Sedan, Auto Trant, Air ' '71 JEEI! WAeiONEER '69 Meil ~£NAULT °"1<!, <"0::;1• . _.. u+ometc, P.S., elr conditioning, lock ln9 ~u~s. · 17th Anniversary' " 2 to c-. from , $2899 cherry cond. 32,285 milo1 . I 664CPE I 1 rod -1 blue, bo1h wtt1o wttt 69 Renoult R· 10 SALE $3699 wheet1 and•""'?' dean, Ac· 4 Dr, 22,600 miles, a reRl @ tually you cant tell thne n1ileage getter. ''72 CHEV. SUBURBAN 1rom """· $695 Mulje Savings! · '72 Toyota . Prlc"' Start At Carry~ll Vi to•. 9,944 mil11. Ov erhH d factory .. Cellca $4260 LAGUNA IMPORTS elr, front I rear, 2 seats, redlo1 P.S., P.I ., Joc k .. ln1 reer1111le1. (4126FIJ 1 WILL TRADE - <J'JH r) COA)f ~iVJY l11gu11a l::l+'ach (;.;I ~~4 HJ!~ '67 MGB-GT "1ltite, SB,000 mJln, 4 speed, (UJC833). $1234 NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 64Z.M05 '6$ R-8. Runs IOod can&in.-. 111.111;1'1" 11 1111111" ' . . Need a "Pad"f Place an ad! Call64"66'11. Motor Home• Solo/Roni Motor Home• Solo/Ront nRED OF LOOKINei AT S11.IPPED UNm e TRY THIS e. $7995 l'OI THI NIW lt7l JAMBOREE e DUA&. l .t.n•t1IDI e AMII T,_ '"*-............... . ~ ..... e1 ..... ITll ...... .. ..,... ...... • 1"919 ""' e '''""" CM • .... c..,., . ...... ...... e t PtJ Tl,. e ,... •vw DMI• CM ... • INCLUDINe ~Air CllMHlt111"'9 Ca.ill "91 l 1rry Folk•.,, 1t ff11 1li1v1 "'"'''· w• will tr141 in y111r tr•'•·ln •* wh1lft1l1 l lt11 l 11k, 1111., ••• KEN DON MOTORHOME CENTER 707 N. HAllOI II.., SANTA ANA 114.00]] LARGI SI LECTION BUSE , FASTBACK & SQUARl lACK AND MANY OTHER' FINI CARS, " 1. . BUICK 4 Spd, .Factory Air Cond, ~fodei 144ES (1446344-385166) (153EKRJ. We make oveneu deliveries ·n RIVIERA •. xlnt cond .• tt· $2699 See It · You'll Buy It cent-overhaul, new tire1, BILL MAXEY iDWl I •• ..!.· M1 •wr ........ 61;600 mt. - LfAlnl $29fJO •. 675--319'7. TOYOTA , Vftlvn '66 BUU.K Wildcat, !"._•, lB88J. BEACH BL. &CT-8555 IUl.tV p/b, convertible, very PJUU HUNTINGTON BEACH cond. ~7087 '69 TOYOTA ·LILUX 1986 Horbor, C.M. tMG.!l103 White EloJ)hant lltme-A-Llne PICKUP Motor -Motor -<Zy>:5221 S.lo/Ront MO Solo/Rotit $1499 ~111.11 !Jiii'. lllt1t111', '•" I , • • t \ ''- GAS SAVER '70 COROLLA Wqon. llouoJe lharJ) 16w mlln.re, 4 Jpftd, Baby 1'lue finiah, ·CUIU'Mteed. (tlt16J, $1444 SANTA ANA TOYOTA 417 W. Warner ~ '71 TOYOTA MARK 11 WAGON : Auto Trilns. <903CQQJ $1999 ~111 ,u q111•, lll11l11l'. ' I "h' . • "• •n TOYOTA land., 4 wheel dr ., $2700, clean. l lw1t. Bch. 116H474 19n__'l'OYOTA Coni11a, aeedo clutCfi; make otter. ' ~7 '69 CORONA. 4-<lr.. xlnt. condition, new tire .. R A: H. MUltteHI ~ VOLKSWAeiEN '68 VW BUI. w/Safar l camper, radial•, rnq whlll, radio, $14&5. Call 830-3195 '61 VW 1(1. OJnd., l900. or belt offer *-* Ll6tl vw a.a wrn ........ Good oondltlon. l900, ** -mo Bur. am11m ra111at tlreo. xlnt eond. Jiloo firm. -1969 VW ._pe1111CW1 wqon, '8,000 mt., -oood. PIOO. Pvt pty. &rraWI ·19 vw c..._. ,,.. Tot>. Ex. cood. Nu brUoo; -. clutdt Ste . fJ't<fl .. ·~ e uo: <W,00'.I ml't, dean. Good mech. eohd. Nn Urea. $600. S3J.0893. 'I 1173 LANDAU CONTINENTAL • STl&·CONITMICTIONI • t WXU110U1 lrfTIRIOMI o -·io.-•--LM,..R-1 ...... ConllNotlon ,.... ... T .. -WIOAU - Johnson & Soil LINCOLN -MERCU RY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. 5411-56311 COSTA MESA I M'i. 1wtti r1 S.,. &!Mp fwy. DOT DATSUN H• A .hod SM"- el D•1111 .. C•a111 "- ''SERVICE" ·--.......... .~ . .: _____ ~ J STANDARD CAITAWAT l'IAT\IW · • M••'"'""' Wl• l•tofl A•I• • Elon•I• •-w~ .. 1 ... ._. :.. • 411 0.1. _ ... te~k, \lV d• .. •ftd ..... . • l •!•• Ifft• Mltlll119 '9111 with ,.,,..... ,,.,, ... • • Otil ••• .,~,.__.,Gel w • ..,"".., • 0../lleddc llefrl.--.,._ _,. _.......,. _... • ...... '2495 LOW· LOW~ LOW l!RICES! CLEAN CARS!!! '72 CHEVll ' I $2699-Malibu • D<. Seel. 19,0Bll rnn.. Reel nJce. P.S., auto., air eon4. (396EIB) '7Z IMPALA s2399 •Dr. H-T. Air contl., P.S. PJI, automatic, Reculii' p.s V8, clean . <3QllEIEJ '71 vr•A '1599 Ha.t.chbaek Cpe. 4 ·~ radio, a:ood miles, PriceO: --quJck lllle. (719DIMl " '71 IMPALA 52699 -CU.tom Cpe. ·VB. aJr cond., v11'!)'1 root, P .S., P .B:, 36,()(X) miles • ._ t798CXE) '70 MALllU 52099 Coupe. Auto., VB, air con4., P.S,. PJI .. (2068TRJ '70 IMPALA 51899 Coupe. P.S.. P.B., vinyl root, VS. auto., alr cond., sharp car. (465AKS) '6' IMPALA 5999 4 Door. V8, automatic, pD\\.'er ateerlng a: brakes, radio. (ZCD246J '61 Ct.MARO !1299_ Coup1.·. Uadio, 3 spttd, 6.~·liJJ.dcr.Jlic_e_c '(\ PC457) '70 FOID TORINO '1399 Cpc. 37,115 miles. Radio, auto., VS, vinyl roof, nice car. Low priC". 1818AS0) '6' FORD GALAXll 51199 ~ 4. Or. VS, automatic, air cond .. P.S .. P.B., clean. IXRT276\ '71 DODGI 51999 Polan. 4 Or. Z7.:w>6 miles. Air, vinyl roof, auto., P.S., P.B., r lean. (0090ZPJ· '70 PL YMOUTH 51199 Fury lll 4 Dr. Air, automatic, P.S .. P.B., extra good value. f2G1CBUJ CONNELL CHEVROLET 212t HAllOI I LYD .. COSTA MrSA ,~ 546·1203 -· • -..--·--··--• ' • .- •• •• .· ........ ' ' ·-• • n r 4 DAIL y PILOT Sunday, M!e 17, 1973 ---I~ ~I ~-~-iw.~l~~l ;I~-~-~ .. ;;· ~l~!I ~[;;· ·;;"'""";; .... ~.l~§J .:;;f __ ... _ .... ;;;1§1~~1 -~~ -~~ -~~ m-~ - FORD PLYM,OUTH PONTIAC I i b5 CAD ILLAC SEDAN DE VILL E, tan with cre1m cloth leather interior. Good condition. Full power, trunk opener, tole· sco1>ic wheel, sentinel lig hting, automatic door & wi ndow lock control s. Priced fo r quick sale. $650. CALL 979-82 10 alter b P.M. EL DORADOS '72 M t C rlo '71 COUGAR XR7..Jlke nu. 17th Annlvorsory Sole . on • a Stereo tape, ~1tln)' extras. '73 Ford Tor1'no 14 TO CHOOSE natural 17M. mi $32'0. 11 r n1 . COUPES-CONVEttTJBLES 'interior, Air itJonlni, ~ , Wa""'n • Po\1.'tr Steering, ~owe rl ·.7=-o=co=u-G-AR--4-,-.-. ~H-,...-t I .,,- DE VILLES Brakes, etc. low nulei.. trans. 351 V-8, w.4 bbl., V8, auto trans .. fact alr, $3495 power steering, radio, beet· _31 TO CHOOSE 47.000 mi. org. owner. er, tinted glass, \\'heel COV• _ 847-3344 • ers. Like new • low miles. ~g~~ '70 C'OUGAR low mi .. air, Lie. O'l7GNL. CONVERTIBLES alt, pl •. p/b, nu pa In t , ~3677 tires, shocks, battery, best ·• ~e:r~~ookn off., 963-5241. See lt --You 'llBuy It GROTH CHEVROLET SPECIALS OF THE WEEK . '71 PLYMOUTH DUSTER 6 cyl. , air cond., p o'-'' er stt.>ering, auto trans. A real gas saver! Uc. •372EAB. $2195 ro SHARP "QUALITY" USED CARS IN S1'0CK Specializing tn. Quality e BAUER BUICK . '72 Pontiac Grand Prix Power brakes, AM/FM radio, lilt wheel, po"'•er steering, vinyl top, a uto trans., a.ir cond., J)O\\'er wlnde1ws. Uc. 62'lEAF. $3995 BILL BARR·Y (Cloth & leather) 1969 COUGAR, fac air, auto 'f\ l • l"!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!'!!!!~'!'l''!'!!!!"!!"!!!!!!!'IFactory air conditioning 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. t1ra13"'75 • "'p'1•8Y1 tpopis' g~7~~· -eoJl fAllU I! AVAILABLE >UJlpowec.O>ok•of, 642-9405 · · • -~. YOLYO COSTA MESA 979·250C CADILLAC ·n 2 IXlOR. Stereo AM/Fl\f radio 1970 COUGAR, vinyl top, air, '72 Ply Duster $2650 1---·-------COUPE DE VIU..E · Cruise control '71 CHEVROLET auto, 45,500mi, \\1tlsale btuc Gold, v:S, autoniaU~. "°""'er Cl~~~R's Treas~-e: 2925 lla.rbor Blvd. GMC-PONTIAC°FIAT (1st St. at S.A. Frwy.) XKXI E; 1st St .. Santa Ana 558-l fXM) o;;:_.., • 1971 Eldorado, The best Blue w/blk top, p/b, p/s, l'nl.rlk_apener & more . . vs, 4 ctr., iunllght yello\v \V· book. 842-3715 · 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303'. steering (026~YZ). • tion w~~~~e ~~.Y h~nt Cadillac color combo ever, p/"'· p/6-way &eat, tilt All lll immaculate i:ondition b!tck interior . 400 c.j. eng. DODGE '70 FO_RD LTD •72 LoMoni Cpo $"99 for Border Pali . wxl. LEASE OR BUY •n thru '73 Pontiacs DAVE ROSS creO w/tan landau top, v.·heel a /c auto climate Largest selectiOn in I AT p S & F ·'" ~ lid d 29 rand I I _, ·-tro·I cru'i·• conlrol tint· Orange County pus , " , . act. Clll··1---------4 V 8 rtng . so ' o . . eng nc an ,OOOrnl, b nu st be to::u ....... ""' Steal th;, one ("'7HDEI · Dr. H.T. VS, facto"'' • • auto., pv.T. stee • all', --•m•'••o'on·. , Sio••• parts. PONTIAC ·' a11.'aroun<1 gt···. c' lock, NaL-rs Cadillac . ~ '67 MONACO, 2 dr, foost ., (""'A ....... , -.... tltts, tilt \\'hl, am/Im, a/c, •:u .....,. uw $1999 air, pwr. steering & ..-EJZJ. Needs exterlor work. Have p/w, only $5600. 545-9419 A?.t /FM stereo, v.•hite side-AUTHORIZED DEALER ~ck, A/C, P/W, PIS, brakes, auto., R&Ji, '7l M C I $"99 $900 invested. Will sa<'Jiticc. ~ Harbor Blvd., at Fair days 8:30--6.00. r v.•alls. $3800. !inn. West Inc. a300 HARBOR BL. · · /B, P. 53.cro a miles, vinyl top. ·An excep-ont• ar o · -See at 1929-B-Anaheim St., Dnve, Costa Mesa Sf6..8017 'TI COUPE de Ville. yello"' \V/white llhr. $5(00. All pwr, stereo, tilt whl, also '68 Cpe de Ville, turq. w/wht llhr, $2500, lo m i 1 es. 536-8874. '1'2 EIOORAOO, b'r o w n w/leather, xlnt., ~very op- tion, private party. $6895. - 3825 Birch St., N.B. 540-0040. COSTA f\.fESA ' SANTA ANA TOYOTA vinyl roof, real_ nice. $l095. lionill value. (662· V.fl, auto., pwr. steering, air Costa l\fesa, early eve1rlNts. • '59 PONTIAC 'Cat.alina, runs SACRlf'ICE ·$3795 540-9100 Opm SUnd.,, 417 W. Warn" 540-2512 ,Call 640-3016 pnvale P"'Y. BFK) $2099 1336ETXI. PONTIAC $goodll5.«~~1good. Sacriflco C Sed I f ll '69 Cl!EV lmpal 67 MONACO sta. wgn. 383, '71 I I C $2725 ~,, '71 ad. an deVi le, u Y CAMARO . · a custom disc. hrk:s, air, clean, xlnt mpa a P9 · · --------- equipt. Garage kept. Im-hardtop cpe. ~50 V8, power cond, $9'J5, 6#-5834 V-8; auto., po\\~ steering, '70 PONTIAC '72 Pontiac n1aculate., Bought boat, 'it ·n CAMARO Z2.8. Ml-FM steering! radio, automatic .63 DODGE 0 C USO Harbor Blvd. t441CKY). ,von't flt aboard! Mr. . . • trans 1n console, strato . art. onv. FNx. Costa l\Iesa CATA. UNA Grand lhllx Porter, Lido Shores Hotel, lpolwy mCal>l•1ag•be, twltkee'n"'6w.andPr bucket seats Vlnyt top B.F. co968-9521nd. Straight 6. R/H, $295. At Fair Drive '71 f.1,ustang , , , . $2899 , ~ ll auto ::.:~. p S. 617 Udo Pk. Or. NB. 7PM. ·557 ,..;,,. , Goodrich ra' "'al ti·, e •, · . $i6.8017 -V 8 · · 2 DR HT uuW ni es, ·~-..... · ' ~ UJ • , auto., pwr. steeruig, 8.U', • • • p B p \V air coOO radio 1969 CAD Sedan De ville · 644-4687. '72 Olallenger Ra 11 ye , ~'!"l"l'l~PW'W'~I (7'.llBZJ). · " · '• ·• • Low mi., xlnt. cond. priv: '70 CAMARO SS 396, Air, 4 '63 CHEVY W•~n. 9 pass, Loaded. Only 10,000 mi, best 400nlVB,37POOJ.S., P.ill~·· airv"'edond., Lie. 142FW$3z.695 owner 644-~4 spd, mags, radio, & heater. p/s· .... -nd--rlh ••95 offer. 642--8746 Ol' 548-1584 '!!~~~~~~~!!tr! '71 JMp Wagonr $3599 o Y ' n es. ra .., • after 5 pm 675-3930 • ...... .. • .., · -: 4 1 dri V 8 Green w/blk inter. Lie. '71 CPE de Ville Showroom '71 ~""RO, ..:~ chrm logg rack, hitch * 1966 DART convertible, it whee ve •.. 'al!'omatldc, 635ASD. BILL BARR·Y new al 000 mi ·Every Cad ~UI. , new ..... .,s, new 548-2.521 47,000 original mi I ea g e . po"·er steering, air con · $1995 '68 C ,,__ . opt.fun. $4soo. 6'is.-si32 brakes, 1;7_~es. '72 Capri 2000. Brown. 14M. 4 $700. 586-1639 • (3091-IGR). 60 SHARP "QUALITY'' GMC-PONTIAC-FIAT AD . ......, .. v. white w/Red '68 ELDORADO, all powr, _ _ _ ~ spd_; _ d~r 1'!'0'JP $2'n). 1966 ~DG~ Charger, nu '71 Chev Cit Cpei $2475 ~~:F .ilitei'ior. ~'1007 cruise control. 59,cro mi, CHEVROLET ~9 P15~s,Alsko "", leRoage. ~~ ~~7s, ,68 FORD V·8 auto., pv.-r. steering, air. ~~al~ J,~ :.: ~\;k~tis~1St~~&:n~~ '72 CAD Cpe de Ville Stereo, am/frn, silver w/landau ~lthr int, .xlnt. 494-2900, · 12650. 55l-2.'ltl5. 49'2-397l. · CONTINENTAL '"· 0' n • -· (72SCYXI. BA CK 558-IOOJ 1 '70 CAD Convt, J"rfoct cond, •73 Cpo DoVlllt WANTED' Qiovy 283 com· '64 DODGE V->0 auto, ah'. THUNDERBIRD • U£R BUI emerald green, $ 3 8 50 . • plete engine m good con-$300. Rlllls Good. '70 Torino Cp. ... $2125. T ·BIRD. '. 673-7848 atter 6. wk--ends. Call Aft S, 557-9271 dition. CalJ 548-3122 GAS SAVER C.all 979-2986 2 door. Fm radio, power V..S ..... pwr. steering, air. 29?-rlrarbor 0 B\\'tl. Autos, Now 990 Autos, Now 980 ·71 CllEV. Capri,,., a;,, '71 MK II FIREBIRD steering & brak.,, automatic (489BQKl. COSTA MESA 979-2500 'Tl T·BIRD. whll• landau, ._T.,._w .... Full power, 1ir' c:oncl., le11 tlt1n 21,000 mil11, balJ of 5 yr, 50,000 mile ••rvica poli cy av1il. J• 1950JI) COMMAND01 4· W1i•1I Dri••, Hit•· fop, V1ry low Mil•· •t•· 1'12JCHNI '69 AMI.US. - SST 2 Dr. h1rdtop, m i nt ~condition. IYZK6911 I •AU.XII 500 Full ,Ow1r, •ir co11d., 4 dr.,·Yinyl top. (950. CKYI $795 'H CH~Y IMPALA 2 Dr. H1rdlop, fu ll power, air cond. !XIS· f46) li~• "''"'· 1uto tr•"'" pow•• 1!1orln9 •• ,011• 'ivi.o95 .· • HATCHIACK l ow '"i11 19e rapol,fl• 1i o1. l697fLYI '67 REllL WAGON , v.1. Auto. l r•111., ,,S., Jt1dio, Htr: ~. f•'"ily W•9011, IURl .. 15) $895 '66 MARLIN COLLEC TORS I T E M. Full pow•r, 1ir co11d. ISV01901 $795 'H AMIASS. WAGON S I DAN 4 Dr., full pow1t, •ir co11d. IYCNl451 111,DAN E 1ceH111t tr 1n•port1· tio11 . ISIPl tSI $595 'H AMIASS. I SVSO 111 $795 flillf I C011"'"1 C•t, I UZTt~f l $795 Power,*~ s;a>. 4 Door. A nice cream finish. u·ansiuission599oDOM). '70 lmpal• Seel •. $2'99 '69 PONTIAC ~i~1t~s~nt.cf:r:;~c ~J.h~. ,63 CHEVY <»nv. $100. must 1 own" a.uto. with standard '69 FIREBIRD $ V.S, auto., P.S., air. (Se,. NO: FIREBl_R_D whl., pi•, pldlsc bralt.,, ,.n ·85,00J _,_ Call tran.m=""' (956DJD) Only PS, PB, vinyl lop, sport GUSTAFSON !586531. · Hnt g1..,, wlotw. fact. aJr. 645-5Ei68 after 2PM S1777 wheels, low miles. Lie. Uncoln-Mercury '70 Ch•v Cst Cpei $2190 ~~~ul:~: ~t~~ti1i. ~~~~ ~~ ":}~~ m~~ p;; '61 CHEVY Jmpala sports SANTA ANA TOYOTA #YCM543$.1795 16800 Beach.,at \Varner V..S, auto .. pwr, steering, air. n1aculate througllout. RWIS home 714: 5J&..8%J6 Jedan, $250. Jluntington Beach l438ADY). like a new one. (939ADG) 1,cc68=T:c·B"'rRO"'-.=r..=-=nda=._-Lo-n-,;·,I 554--0032 417 W. W"""' 54fl.25!2 00 SHARP "QUALn"Y" 842-8844 * (213) 592.5544 '69 Pont 4 Dr HT $1450 $1988 Lnadod ;nd '""'° & •pd * '53 CHEVY, xlnt cond. 1972 LINCOLN Continental. USED CARS IN SI'OCK ''Hnme of the Viking'' V--8 ___, . cntrl. $1950. Orig. own. · A steal for $250! Fu1ly equipped. Be a u t, Specializlng In Quality , · · auto., J1"T. lt~i-•TI:g, au'. 675-3535 .. 496-0379 aft" 4 • BAUER BUICK 17th ·Anniver1<1ry. Solo IYNG'.>98!. SANTA ANA TOYOTA ~~=-----. cond. Must 5ell. 642-9855, '61 T·BffiD for pe.rts or '68 CHEV. IMPALA. 064='Z-6115~=,7:c·,,-,=-~~~-'69 Ford 100 '69 Capr ice Seel , , $1750 ~1! \V. \\'arner 540-2512 whole. Body d a m·a ge d . AIR. COND. NEW TIRES '69 MARK Ill. Loaded incl ~ Harbor" Bl\•d. VS, stick shift, camper shell V-8, auto., pwr., steering, air. 65 POl\"TIAC Le !\I a n s 36,0CO mi's. 390 eng. Full & BRAKES $700. 67S-fil90 st~reo ~ spd. control. Lo COSTA MESA 979•2500 "w/boor, .Lie. l7'5ZlE, t326CTRJ. Convert, xlnt oond .. musl p\\T. 545-3466. '72 CHEV Capn' xJnt -' m o Orig own S 4 5 5 0 ---~~=~-="-'-' · '"'• sacrifice! Aft 6 P~!, """"""'=~~~---' • , l.'-'uu. • • • • S2177 '64 T B!RD V 8 auto plo All •x-·. 615-3535 FORD . . '69 Camoro_ Cpo . $1890 &15--0834 · ' · · ' • utiD p/b, air, good transporta-* 548-1315 * * '64 UNC. convertible, ___ ::_::.;.:.:____ · Ready for \Veekend Fun V-11, auto., JIO\\"er S'teering. '68 GTO, Xlnt cond Stereo, lion, needs !IOnte \\'Ork. Call '69 CHEVY Wagon, 9 good condition. $450 or best '67 FORD LTD, nulio, l l7000CY). tape, hydro1natic, Railey aft 5 pn1 & wknds. 536-1968. passenger, with rack. AC. offer. 646-6215 aft. 5PM heater, air, stereo tape, ava flW, ewU '68 Old s 4 Dr HT $1699 ~~xtras. !\take offer. T-BlRD ·~ Xlnt cond, Steel PS. PB. $1900. 552--0282 MARK Ill '69, all power. NOW. $750. 833-07 8 0 yo . ~~~=~-.---radial tires & new~- '64 IMPALA chnn rims 4 53,000 mile!I, black lthr int., week-days & 493-7946 eve, JQYOJA <l~i°).p.vr. steenng, air. '66 PONTIAC Station v.·agon, 842-8836. ~spd,...327,..ne..;.,._cust..upholsi.&. --~s. 613-4639 v.·k~nds $500 or offer. Good vacation ~.68=oT=·B"lRD"=-. ~1 .. ~do<l~-radla~~1,-.1 · t $650 831~= '68 G•• ·~· 500 2 --~ -..-.-.. -'--~-------1-car. Cal~ p1~vate mvner at in · · -v.><N CORVETIE ~1'.: . dr, 1966 Harbor, C:fil. ~93031 -·~;i;=~6:J:'~or~•~'!s·=::::;::=11kmlher-inter.,-$1800.-.>5""'._. ... 1132..,~1--~ '67 IMPALA Station Wagon. hardtop, P!S, P/B, only '69 FORD C t Squire GROTH _.;: eve/$8-6434 days. Best d Pwr De I $700. for quick sale due to oun ry , '6-1 PONTIAC Grand ' Prix . con · • uxe. '68 VET Fshk .. pwr. m . transfer 968-6)14 wag. Clean, 1 ov.'ner, all', Nu brakes, good tires, 1 '62 T-BffiD, landau top, Best offer. 496--0'lM auto, $2250., 'bst. ofr. ,65 FORD' LT 0 Good roof rack, stereo, 10 pass. O\\'OOr, $3ZJ, 8'1&-4J9l Needs head ga.'!.ket CLASSIFIED ••.•... 6t2-56'18 646-894l •daya. . . · ·.. con· Need fast saJe. $1 595 . * 53&-1965 * ;=:;:::.=.;,;:::..,.:..;==:..;:,: 1 ---=o:=oo.=~~=I dtt1on, good body S400 or 494-2217. CHEVROLET 1966 PONTIAC Tempest, A~•'°;;';• ;U;Hd;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;A;•;'°;';•;U;Md;;;,;;;;;;;;;;m~11~be~ot~o~ff~e~r.~D~oy~•~·6'>-:::::21134:: '°'lm=-'=c°'RAJ""'N~D~T~o-ri~no~"~'agon-, Good eng, air, auto, pis, nu , VEGA P' alter 5 p.m. 645-6764. ·loaded, rack I. gauges, 7100 bait, tires, $600. 962-5462. ·) '72 LTD 4 dr bhto/vinyt top, mil.,,. $3995. 841-1'27 . 68 LA MANS, RIH, PIS, '72 VEGA rib, air, pi s, ptb, 13 + JE 11211 BEACH BLVQ.. P/B, b<low blu• book, $925. HATCHBAC'K ·WAGG.NS 1973 VEGA GT WAGON '4 speed, radio, air condition!nlJ, aean. {703- GRGJ '2699 1971 CHEVROLET WAGON Kingswod 6 .pass. Air cond., V8, •utomatic, P.S .. P.B., sh..-p buy. ll 89DIS I '2399 197-1 CHEVROLET WAGON Bal Air 6 p•ss . Air cond., P.S., P .8, roof ra ck, auto., radio. Real good buy. (92 408ll 52663 1971 CHEV. TOWNSMAN 6 passenger w•gon. 38,147 miles. P.S., P.8., air cond., •uto., va , roof rack. 18040001 '2899 1970 CHEV. KINGSWOOD We9on. Air cond., P.S., P.B., eutom•tic, tires, roof reek. l57"432EI '2399 1-911-K>RD WAGON new Country Sq uire. Air cond., Auto., P.S., P.8., roof r•ck, ctreful miles. Nice 9 pa11. wagon. ( 77 2CTKJ $2999 1971 OLDS VISTA CRUISER 6 p•11. 31,000, milts, eir cond., roOf rack, new tires, P.S., P.B., nasty nice. 19040801 '3499 . CO_NNELL CHEVROLET 2121 HAllO.-ILVD. COSTA MESA 546·1203 • mpg ,... wlw tires, """'''., EP SU-8863 847-4839 61">--0120 8J3.8ii09 --------HUNTINGTON BEACH '64 GRANO "'"" load..,, 2300 """"· ak .,,.,.i;tilin;,,g, "10 FORD Galaxie. }' u 11 '66 JEEP PU. 4 whl drtw, $300. Oven;eas orders, m~t auto, tl1UIS, Lie. •t41f'WY. power and air. Xlnt coo-)':'!;,. 7' hod. Very cl•an, MU$TANG ,.u. 968-<896 aft s: -$1995 ' ~$1'1$ Ol' be9t otter. .µu.7J. 548--3'135, e.ft S '65 RED convert.ibJe, 2 plus 60 SHARP "QUALITY" '64GoodINT'L Scourt 4 whl dr. Ll'ITLE Old Lady's Cream 2, $256. ' USED CARS IN SI'QCK '70 FOR Country Sq, auto cond. Full cab. DuaJ Pull. 1965 "289" :!\Iustang. Ph:>ne 64S-2'&' SpeclaJizing In Qul.lijy transm, p/b, p/•, xln't lanks. eto. $850. 540-2156. Aulo. Air. PIS. P/B. '65 PONT. Grand Prix. Full • BAUER BUICK cond. $300 under BBk. LINCOLN Belted tires, less than 60,000 pwr, new tires, brks, batL 644-7278 mi $750. Call "L.O.L." $550 ~ "'°° ' . Runa gre4t. 1 ~ '69 fuUNTRY aedan, 10 '& 54S-2090. Uke to Trade? Our Trader's 2925 Ha.rbo?' Blvd. pass., PIS, P/B, air, rack. ~10l\1'S '69 MUSI'A.~G Soft Paradise c.olumn 1s tor you! COSTA MESA ' '79-2500 $1475. or make of I er . • yellow w/black int. F\tlly Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 846-76'i8. equipd. lnunac. care. $1695. ~;;;;;;;;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;tJ '68 MUSfAN~-8. auto. '66 LINCOLN Call 497-1260 1.ac air, pi s. plb, 77m n1i, 165 MUSTANG Xlnt cond. $1350. pri pty. 4 door. V·S. poo.ver v.'indo\\"8 $350 644-8945 & seats, radio ";th tape 1 ~,....:1::146::...::0>arl=c:""'=on::c,c.· <"oc'"!- '68 FORD Station \\'agon, system, tilt \\.11.ecl, pov.'E!r '67 l\fUSTANG Auto-6. Very Country Sedan, Air & S'teering & brakes, \\tlite low mileage. Orig. owner, Power. 552-8827 sidewall tires. (595EBE). 646-1849. · 'fi6 MUST. Conv., V-8, radio $889 '66 MU.STANG. VS, auto heater, Xlnt cond all over tra R/H P/ 642--0956 aft s GUSTAFSON ,,~· Cl•an s'tso . ..tm:"' .. ,., MAVERICK, 2d,, v..s. Lincoln·Merc_ury OLDSMOBILE aUto «ram, ·pis, deluxe int, - pri pty, $1995, 642-4124. 168(1() Beach at Warner 1963 GALAXJE 500, 2 dr Huntington Beach Sales &, Service hardtop. 390 < spc1, 1""""" 842-8844 * (213) 592.5544 OLOSMOBILE car. 1495. ~162t "Homo of the Viking" GMC TRUCKS '66 LTD 2 dr, 390, pslph, air, '00 LINCOLN Continontal 4 HONDA CARSf ..... rad;ai., S6tXI. '" ati J>Owet'. a1r. 1••th" UNIVERSITY OLDS * 5">1-5694 * int, $00). 492-2935 ~~M"'E°'R"'c"'u~R-=cY,_-r ~ ~..:!"bor "1vdsio.9640 '63 FORD Station Wagon. Air. Dependable transp. $:DO. -494-0052 '68 MONTEGO Wagon. Lookl!r 1973 GRAND Torino Wagon, good, runs good. Air. loaded, rack & gauges, 7700 nt75 645-1857 miles, $3995. 847-7627 '69 MERC. Montego MX '70 FORD LTD Brghrn, load-wag. X1nt. Silver blue, air, ed, vin top, air, lo mi. ~ good tires. $UOO? 962-0458 Owner. $~. eves. IH4-<.6Kl '66 Mercury Comet '73 OLDS CU TLASS SUPREME. power & ex- tras. $4600. 640--0702 9 to 6 pm Steve '67 VISTA Crusr. 9 pass Wgn, full pwr, air, radio, rack, Xlnt gas & mi, $1160, 548-1304 Fast results a re Jmt a phone Good cond. 00,000mi, nu •64 OLDS * $395 call a\vay 642-5678. tires, $_625. 642-8858 • or best offer Autos, New 980 Auto1, New 980 543-&ll7 c.osta Mesa -=='-"===-' 65 OLDS 442 new tires, batt. good tramp. $2511, 6'1>-5135 '70 Cutian IUpreme, £x. ceptionally clean, Stereo tape deck. $a>40. 644-5185. '61 OLDS 88, 49,500 mi., 4 dr, ---.Jr-cond;;-p/b;-p/s;-radio, · · heater, $950. 495--1808. PINTO * * '72 PINTO Wagon, 6900 mi. auto, del:< int., roor rack, $2350. 84fr.5nO. 'Tl PINTO 15,001 ml'•· New rear tirel & magi. Am/fm tp dk. $2395. Cash. 116:1-3567. PLYMOUTH FOR sale by owner, 'Tl Plymouth Fury ....,,.,, 9 ~. tully loaded, ex· eel cond. U,000 nilles. $3800. Contact Bob Sherman 645-4419 - '12 OUSTER Sport, auto, P/S, vtn. top, buckets, econ0rnlcnl 225 6 cyl., lm· mftc. cond .. only 16,000 ml. $2600. 64&-7:171. BARRACUD '71 V 8 automatic, a.Ir, p/s, vtnyf top, make off., e v e •, Jl36.9891 -•65 PLYMOUTH Banacuda. 6 cyl, -W\"1t et.r. ~. EVj!S.. 53&-039!. '65 PLYMOunl Shlnt Six, 3 rpd. Belvedc:re. $.150. or belt offer. 64S-<954 REGISTER FOR A FREE USED~-ClR TO BE GIVEN AWAY DRAWING TO BE' HELD JULY 27, 1973 A $699000 VALUE -JUST ~00 JUST ~$71 11 PER MONTH BRAND NEW 1973 NOYA SEDAN With tinted glass, ~body si d• mttldin9 , .tr -con- . dition ing , rem~t.e rear vie~ mirrO~'r power disc bralce1,. V8 1n91n•, hydrematler 1"'~er ,1te·er- in9, full wheel covers, w/1/w, r~o, h.i duty r1dl1to,. • IX 69Fll215799' ' ' -· • """*" " 111.n °"' n..1 .. ,._, " ,,,,n. '1W.r ,.,.,.... ....... Def.,.... peylf!lllf MtMM, A.l".ll. 11... • f TOMMY AYRES CHEVROLET 350 Broadway, Latuna leach 546-9967 494-1131 . . ,-. .. . '" . -.. ' .. .. . -· . ... . ... -·-. '.' ,, .. . -... . ... .' (-. -• ' I .. I ' • • I . . ' . '· • . ; ., . .... ·• ·-·. •, Sunday, June l7, 1qn WE APPREC ·IATE · .-you1· BUSI . . -. IJ!!!lllllll~.--~----------------!!!l!I! ·eRAND NEW 1 ·97~3 OMEGA ... With· Air Conditioning and B.ucket Seats. (U27DSl1fl 01) '13 CUSTOM CRUISER '73 OLDS NINETY WAGON EIGHT r(;if/{11 • 1177. RAND NEW 'OLDSMOBIL . 1973 Juli factory lquippod (IJS7K3l210061 r EVEN SAVIN LOWM EXECUTI 30 to ch G.M~C. TRUCK . '66 ~~~~-y ••••• , •• $4 :-· · Hond · · trans., pl .. fvll ...,.,,.. • DAJ LV PILOT D 15 CENTER . Brand New . '73 GMC PICKUP ...-=-=--roqulppod. (3~tll=SX)-~ '66~~il~"'~$s11 Countrr -,~ '6l =0r .. A=1 ::: $5"'Z COME DOWN AND SEE ---IMinerfVIP940I I -- -WHA-T-MAKES--lJS•------c-' OLDS 88 · -111+-1 '68 ::;:;·r:::.::i~ $577 . ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. 1 (~L42~1•· hoator. HONDA DEALER . OLDS 98 '67 :·i.'ri.'~::~ $677 NOW P.'!!11 !!!!"!!"!'!I~ '"'1 olr -: (ICIC40t) . -~...;;:6;....;;8~~c,~~~~.:: $777· HERE . 8 ------~----.... '68 =.,~· ~r. :::r, $977 BIG SELECTION! ~--=-.:=;:~;="' THE LIRLE GAS SAVER! '68 =~~~~·"~:-.. ~~: $11 77 THE BIGGER, ALL NEW '73 HONDA CIVIC -· $:·:r.:.:-. '--4 SPllD OR AUTOMATIC-. ..... __ Fully factory equ1pped~_Order yours now . '2577 ~~ , I •t11 , . ' . ' ' " • . ··-... . ---.. -•• •• . • 'I . \ . ' . . . . . ... .• . . , ,.. . . ... ... . . ... ~··. ....... . .. -. . . . . , . • ·~· > ~ 0 M ~. • , • ' • ' ,, .. :I • .. ' ' ' -I • ·: ' ' •• • .. • . . WAGON- •uLL fACTOIY !QUIPPED (Lie. No. 639HSU) $70AMONTJi ; I ,,,_,..,... 1-973 B· 1-00 SURFER PACKAG:~ INCLUDED • 1 t.t•I dn. "'"''· 170 1a ,.._, ..... 'Y""· Ind. 1•1< llc11t1M & •II :::::J,~~ chll,,.1 en •ppr. tw •2 ._.. ..... o.ten ..i 'Y'"'·''rlc• sicno 1 .. d . '-• a ·11-... l'llCINTACH IATt "By Wildwood" r full factory ~ipped pl111 ~ti _.., IMMIDIATE DELIVERY '64DOWN FIRDBIRD --. , uto. h•n1., power llMri"" ,.., hffttr, , t.cr.ry air. (03SCl''J o ·cHARGER OOR HA•DTOP llft. lrtlM., rwdit, ht.t9", wi11yl ...,, fticta•r . (•67.l5ZI RY 69 FORD ••nch W119on V-1, rWlit. hMM, ,.,_,. lfMrh19, auto. 1,..111 .. (tl U.CQl I j D -' . SPORT """"'""' FULL FACTORY EQUIPPED (lie. No. 640HSU) 988 - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY l.AIGI $lllCTIOH Of OTMll VANS lOCMOOtl FIOM. (Serial No. 111Al3X11529} $74 DOWN $74.48 A MONTH . ORDER YOURS NOW ~85 DOWN WAGON FULL fACTOllY 818 : •as A MONTH . ' 17• 11 total tin. $74.41 11tet.I-,.,...... Ind . 1••· I~ & all _..,,.1 ... ,._,... .. .,,.... ~..,. tts 1i-1 ... ,,_.Nllt-.l_,,...1ML-.,a...&11...,....,.. • .,,CM111twa_....., ----~-.... -.·.··.· ...... " .. ..,.., ......... _ .. _ .. _ .. _ •. _ .. _;·.··.~·.·."·.-.-.·--· .... ·Kt .... _-_._ .... _ ... _ .... _____ ............ _ ...... l ..... -.... ......... PllCWUM ....... ~ -•# - • FOR FREE . P.HONE CREDIT CHECK 557-9220 $666- .·$966. l'UU-1 SJ6 -..... -. $666 PULL ~a1ci . ,. GAS · SAVERS TAKE YOUR CHOICE '71 COLT 2 Or .• radio. heater, fo ctOry equipped. (6H21K1SOSl46) . '71 DAR T DEMON. Y·I, ,.dio, heater, outo. trans .. m119s. {LN29Hll1402JIJ '7 1 V E.GA GT Delu111.•interior I e111.terior. GT option, mo91. (304DKM). '71 DA RT SWINGll 6 tyl., rodio, Mooter, foct'!:ry .quipped (160CTO) '71 CA PRI . . O.l11J1.e ln .. rior I exterior, mag wheels {101011) $ $31.50 DOWN $31 -.50 A MONTH $31.SO i1 total dn. payment $31.SO i1 total mo. pymt. incl. tax & lke,.....ieH cerryint1 chlll"I" on opp. t~it fot"36 mos. O.ferred payment prite $1176.M Incl. ... 1 llcnM. UAL '.l .. CINTAO:f IATl' 17.91 %. • All CARS SOLD su111a TO ,llOI SALi AND AJPIOVID .clUIT •. ·---·" -. ~· -·· - (· . - '68 ·coUGAR -x•7 VI, eliltl, trwns., fMW•r )lnri"I, ...tie, ii..ttr, •iityl Np, t.ctwy •i• (Wfl"3) . 2-DOO• HA•DTOP Y-1, _.._ 1,."1., ,.di•, .... ,.,, wi"yl t•p, ,...,.,, ~ ... Nct.ry _.r (TCTM9) '69 DART ~-·-·· Y-1, ""'-tNM .. .-it, ~41MUI '68 :FORD ..... - ,, 't $566 '. -~ • I~ Pllli -··· I " . '70 CHALLENGER $ . ~.~~~!' .. ~!~·.!~~ .-;..:n... 966 buclt•t ...... fM,.,,. •ir (IS23HOl2 .. 146l . RILL Mitm $366 i....... ... ICI . .. • . '70 PLYM. VI, •ut.. ,,. .... , rwdle, hMt•r, ,._., ,,..,. ... , vinyl top, f•ct•ry •Ir (129CQl) I $~1066 I ·----· I . . ' • r . • ; ' -··--· COSTA MESA SADDLEBACK LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE SAN CLEMENTE SEE COVER STORY 'ROBE~!!fA FLACK ... THE FIRST TIME EVE.R' ... ABC! Associated Brokers Homes ·Income · lnvestmenh 2025 W . l•lbo• Blvd. Newpof-t h•ch 673·3663 Austin-Smith, Gorman •nd Auoci•te\, RHltou 2128 E. Co.st Hwy., Coron• del M•r ~·7270 Bo/boo Boy Prop. 4509 W. Co•st, N'pt. B .. ch 675·7060 2283 F•irview, C0tt• Mese 642-7491 • 2109 W. a..boe, N'pt. Beech 67).7420 Boy & Beach Realty "Since 1949" 2407 E. Co.st Hwy. Coron• del Mer 675.)000 Boyd Realtors 3629 E. Coest Hwy. Corone del ""i•r 675-5930 C J S Real Estate 1740 Orenge Ave. Coste Mese, Ce~f. s.41-1168 Buy -S.N -E1chenge Colesworthy & Co. Realtors "Distinctive Homes" Eestbluff Shoppin9 Center Newport 8Hch 640-0020 'co/well Proper)tes, Inc. Newport-Cost• MeH, 646·0555 Corone del M•r, 675-7225 s.ddleb.c:k. 586-0222 Corbin-Mortin Realtors For Property in Newport Be•ch Coste Mes• & Coron• del M•r 3016 E. Cst. Hwy. 644-7662 The Gallery of Homes 17187 Broolrhunt, F.V. 963-561 I ' Percy H. Goodwin .Co.) "A NICE WAY TO GO!" Morgon Realty Buy • home -build• future 341 I E. Co•st Hi9hw•y Cor~• del M•r 673-6642, 675-6459 Ginny Morrison,. Realty I SOS Mes• Verde Drive Eest ~ .CC!st• Mese, S57-4 130 Forest E. Olson Inc ., Realtors 2299 H•rbor Blvd., Cost• Meu 645.0303 Bob Pettit Realtor Speci•lizing in Irv ine , I st W~stern B•nk Bldg. University P•rk, Irvine 552-7000 The Real Estaters 5 Loe.I Offices M6-7J 71 -546-23 11-673-8550· 842-2535 -147-2535 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. JUNE 17. 1973 Red Carpet Realtors Cost• Mu•. 546-8640 ') Newport Be.ch, 645.tOIO Red Hill Realty A Comp•ny w,ith VISION Univ. P•rk Center, Irvine C•ll A~ytime 552-7500 Riviera Reolfy Speci•lizing in legun• Properties ' 30808 So. Co•st Hwy. South le9un• 499-2800 Shirley Realty 9080 Edinger, founteift. V ... y 142-2502 . . . Over 30 yMrs of person•lized service United Farm Agency, Inc. 1170"'•"9• Ave., Coste Mew, 645·73'44 Homes1 Income Unih , 8usin•nes, Cornmerci•I. L.nd, Ferm' Vision-Red Hill Realty University Perk Center, lrviM Cel Anytime · 552·7500 Gib Walker Realty · Relidenti•I & Income Propertlet 3355·6 Vie lido Newport Beech 675-5200 I . SUNDAY, JUNE'17 10:30AM m Dod1er Baseball Dodgers vs. the Expos at Montreal. 12:00 8 ~S ~rts Spectacular 12:30 CV (l) U.S. Open Golf Championship Coverage of the final round of play. 1:30 8 C1) CBS Tennis. Cluslc Marty Riessen vs. Cliff Richey. 2:30 R'FL Action '73 .. Highlight s of tne 1972 season ·and predic· t1ons for '73. 4:30 U Jim Thomas Outdoors 5:30 11 CBS Sports Illustrated MONDAY, JUNE 18 5:00PM (\OJ Major league Baseball Teams to be announced. 8:00 O lfator League Baseball Delayed broadcast, teams to be an· nounced. TUESDAY, JUNE 19 6:00PM O Angel Baseball Angels vs. Chicago Whit~Sox. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 5:00PM 0» Canadian Pro Football Saskatchewan Rough riders vs. the Hamllton Tiger-Cats. THURSDAY, JUNE 21 6:00PM &I Angel Baseball Angels vs. Minnesota Twins. 8:00 ID BOxing From the Olympic 10:30 G) Championship Fishing FRIDAY, JUNE 22 6:00PM O Angel Baseball Angels vs. Minnesota Twins. SATUROAY, JUNE 23 • 10:30AM ! Roller Games 11:00 I Major League Baseball Teams to be announced. 12:30 (I) American Golf Classic 1 :30 hamplonship Bowling 2:30 Sports Action F'ro-Fit. Basketball coach-Bill Van Breda Kolff is..profiled. 3:30 B Cl) ABC's Wide Wot1d of Sports 5:30 (1) Cl) Coaches All-America Football Game Top graduating seniors from the East meet the West seniors. 8:00 ID Championship Wrestling THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. JUNE 17. 1973 AUTOMOTIVE LEASING AT FLEET RATES ... FOR THE INDIVIDUAL SUMM LEASE SPECIAL NEV\/ 1.973 . MARK .IV '209~~ Eftec11ve thru JUNE 30 1973 fully Equipped With ~ir Conditioning, Full Power, All leofher intefior, Vinyl Roof, Power Door locks & Trunk Release, AM-FM Stereo, Tilt Steering, Tinted Gloss, Michelin Belted WSW Tires. etc. WE LEAH All POPULAR MAKES NOSTALGIA ON THE UPSWING ••• OR, THEY'RE PLAYING OUR SONG Perhaps this would be a col- wnn better written by a sociol- ogisLor by a..p$¥Chologist. How- ever, due to the fact that for over 20 years I have been earn- ing my livelihood observing and analyzing the nation's young peo- ple, I feel that via this column I can perhaps say something of value. Jn the two decades that American Bandstand has been on-the-air, we've seen some pret- ty extraordinary events occur. I often compare the program to a window on the world, with the sights outside that window changing daily; while outside, much is basically the same. Look about you-and you'll see many signs of the good old days-in men's and women's clothing, in the revival of interest in old tele- vision and radio programs, old Coke machines, almost anything t-hat relates back to the 50's. We seem to be hungering for-and enjoying-recollections of years gone by. and out youngsters ... even those who can't recall "the good old day " because they weren't even born then ... are fascinated and delighted by such bits of nostalgia. One of the prime areas of. interest in nostalgia is the 50's rock'n'roll live concerts that are currently in vogue. I recently viewed a video tape o( Chuck Berry performing in one of ABC's In Concert programs, and at the same time, out of the oth- er eye, I was watching Chuck on ; a 1957 k inescope of American Bandstand. The audience reac- tion . . . the spark . . . the rap- port between C huck and the two audiences were the same. The only discernible difference was that today's audience was dressed in a more ftamboyant fashion. Parenthetically, I should say how amused I was at the two audiences' reactions1 and at some of the aspects of the thirst for nostalgia. I recall that when rock and roll music first ~gan to as- sert itself more than 20 years ago there was a sarcastic joke going the round among the adults that went something like this: "Can you imagine 20 years from now, some of these kids will be list- ening to "Blue Suede Shoes'' on the radio, and the boy will tum to the girl saying, "Listen. Sue, they're playing our song." P<1ge .3 .. DOT DATSUN ASKS WAY PAY MORE . WHEN YOU CAN GET A NEW '73 DATSUN AT THE OLD PRICE The doll .tr has been devalued. But if you ac right now y_ou c an d ill uve big on a n,_,,e<..:.w:.-_ Datsun. For a timited t ime a ll the Dahun1 are at the o ld low price. There's never b9"en • better t im e to find out about Datsun's high performance ca rs. GOOD SELECTION OF DEMOS ' NOW IN STOCK ! '73 240Z CARS AVAILABLE , GOOD SELECTION OF USED CARS 5 min. S. of the San Diego flwy. 18835 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 842. 7781 540. 0442 Page 4 lHE DAILY PILOT, lV WEEK, JUNE 17, 1973 MORNING 6:00 I) "i1 Summer Semester m Univmity of the Air 6:25 0 Knowled2e o Tod1y on the farm 6:30 I) Education1I Futures '6l D1ybre1k f'i' Education1I futurei m New Zoo Review 6:45 Ei) Commodity Report 7:001)~ News Q .10' g;, Tod1y Show t'i') B1n1n1 Splits 0 Physle1I Geo2r1phy m Bucs ind His Buddies ID Bozo's Big Top Show Ei) Market Openine Eil Sesame Street 7:30 '6' Bozo's Bic Top Show ONews 0 Futures m cartoons ID Skip 'n Woofer Ei) Stoc'I Euhange J.:00..0....CI in Kan ar o O The Gallery '6"' luve It to Beaver 0 Ralph Story's ~M T Sunup Mel l<noepp 0 Gic1ntor Cartoons m Dennis the Men1ee fE Stock uch1nge ft) Natur11ists Mon : Zoom Tues Th111s T'ai Chi Ch'uan Wed · Cook· ing the Chan-Ese Way fr i 8:30 g fe1tures '6' Ouie and Harriet B l ivine Easy Or Joyce Brothers m Yogi and friends ID Gumby 8:50 (3) News CJ:OO I) rf' The ·Joke(s Wild 'Ji Sesame Street 0 lo' g;, Dinah's Place O Man in a Suitcase Mon . Wed . rri . The Prisoner Tues : The Fu&i· tive Thurs '6' Phil Donahue Show 0 Jack l• unne m I love Lucy I!) Tennessee Tu•edo Ei) MoneJ Dieest 9:30 I) (I' The $10,000 Pyramid 0 o g;, Biffle O Movie: See Daytime Movies ONews m The Mothers·ln-Law IE Romper Room m Sesame Street lC:OO I) Cf G1mbit ~ Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 Q; m Sale of the Ctntury 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies . Ben Clsey OTempo m Andy Griffith Show O!t City Kids 10:30 I) CIJ Love of lif1 0 ~ m Hollywood Squires Hazel m f11tur11 Eil Mister Ro1ers' Nei1hbortlood 11:00 I) (i)lhe Younf and tt11 Rtst· ltss 0 0 m Jeop1rdy The fu1ittve ID The flyin1 Nun ID W1nderfust Mon -Thurs : Bee Beyer rri. Eil The Uectric Company a'.) P1ndoram1 dtl Valle 11:30 0 Ci) Search tor Tomorrow 0 (}OJ g;, Who, What, Where Game 0 Gent Autry 0 (31 al Bewitched m Ho2an's Htrvts I!) News Eil Hodgepodee lodge AFTERNOON 12:00 I) Noontime 0 m Three on 1 Match O Movies: See Daytime Movies ('i) Hazel ~WO«l- 0 m News I!) Galloping Gourmet Eil Eduution1I Futures 12:30 I) As the World Tums 0 10' g;, D1ys of Our l ives Ci) Paul Dixon Show 0 (3) al Split Second 0 Youth and the Issues Wed m let's Rap m Diallnr tor Dollars 1 :00 I) rT1 The Guidin1 ll1ht 0 r10) m The Doctors f"i)' Anythin2 You Can Do 0 Tl a'.) All MJ Children ONews m Movie: See Oayttme Movies l :30 I) Ed1e of Ni2ht 0 ~ g;, Another World '6) Mille Dou&IH Show 0 ~al let's Mike 1 Deal 0 Mow--See Daytime Movies. ID Not for Women Only Ei) Commo41ity Report 2:00 I) (11 The New Price la ltipt 0 O g;, Return to Peyton P11e1 0 (3l a'.) The Newlywed Ci1me m"Pettlco1t Junction Eil feltures 2:30 I) (i) Hollywood's T1lkin1 0 llQl m Somerset 0 (3) al The D1tln1 Game I!) Rocket Robin Hood 3:00 I) The Secret Storm O The New Bt1t the C1octt 0 Hiehway P.1trol 00 Superm1n Cartoons 0 ~ a'.) Gener1I Hospit1I (j) Iii Movie: See Daytime ~ovies. I!) Uncle W1ldo Eil Sul Yuni Yin1 Yee mt1nem1 36 3:10 m Ben Hunter Interviews Young threw aw the chim raise him This is when yo Jane va number havfor. a woman -in the wick-0 Hugo va title, whi poverish star, and date, the sion's un rica", ge demand" Jane a by the c ly means him than children. says. "C children distress. PROGRAMS 1J 1r1 ,..,, tet D Mite Doufll1 now D Ozzie Incl H1n1tt (6) Dennis Ult M1111e1 u CD m one ure to live B Movie: Set Daytime Movin. m Quid Drew McCllW m r.tt1J rl1 Cutoons mrutum II Movie: See Daytime Movies. D n. 1t1flt11111 (6) Cit S.1rt u (]) m Uvt A1n•ricl11 StJt• m lup Ind His Buddies m Dicll Tracy Clrtoons fE) SISHll Stl'fft e> Ytlo dt NCW11 &) F1ll1 tltt Cit s m m ..... •n Acdoft CD Mowlt: Set D1ytime Movies. D fltfltr Knows lest CI> Tiit F1yin1 Nun D News Schubeck, Morris m Yost 111d Fri1ncl1 m Maitll• Cort111 Clrtoons fl) EJ Alwo m L" ro11voc11 · Clrtoons &) II 8' F1alllons In Sewtn1 DIJNIWI (I) I lt¥t Lucy Cl) Dra(lllt .0 ltwftr HllllNJlla . O> News; M•Jor l:uau• laleblll Mon. . m Fffnbhttet; Cln1dltn Pro feet. bell Wed. Alex Karras and Don Cherier co·host for this 1ame be· tween the Sasl.atchewan Rouahrld· ers and the Hamilton Tiger·Cats. Canadian football differs from Amer· ican football in that the team con· sists of 12 men, the field is ten yards loneer and ten yards wider and they are allowed only three downs. m Gllll1an'1 lsl1nd fl) N1tlclla ft) Mister Rotan' Nelpbot'tlood &!) El A1nor Tlent Cira cit Muter a;, Western Stir Tlltttrt Cl) Ftltures m htpourri m """ Stoo,., 5:30 D St1 Hullt 00 Ma,btny RfD U (l)Q}Ntws @) A11i1n11t11t Fri. on!y. m Dennis the Menace [J(Cept Wed. m ,......, H4 ttt• ,,..., m Tiit E1tctrtc Comr)lny g;, Doll Wilt011'1 Ton Talll f!) Speed l1eer 5:55 D An111 Wtnn·Up Tues., Thurs .. Fri. S.rvlna So. C•lifornl• Winner 1973 N1tlonal For Over 3 1 Years "Contractor Of th• Year" TIMBS t1AV1: CHRD6ED ..• IN EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING METHODS, TOO! aa11 witr PAC1F1cm 11 AND BREAK THE PAINT HABIT! PACIFICOTE MAKES PAINTING OLD-FASHIONED! Pacificote is sclentlf1cally sprayed from a aun. Choose from 24 deco· rator house colors. 15 YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE! If, within the 15 year guarantee period your Paciflcote materials should chip, flake or peel as a rnult of faulty materials or poar workmanship, we will re·dO those areas, ucludina trim. both materials and labor at no charge to ' the customer! FREE ESTIMATES/NO OILICATIOft ~ FINANCING fS AYAIWU, Of COURSE. ~ M~;. 629-2818 (24·Hrs. Dir.ct or Collect) ALL•&• av11.eua, coe~.-.., __ Tiu·--• ... ea111 .... 1a .... ,_ .,..,, -~R.UB,THE BUSH .BABY Young Hugo van Lawick's mother rew away• her Dr. Spock and turned to e chimpanzees for advice on how to ise him. This isn't quite as bizarre as it seems en you learn that Hugo's mother is ne van Lawick-OoodaJI, the world's mber one expert on Chimpanzee be- vfor. and an extraordinarily courageous man who has lived for years at a time the African wild. Baroness van La- . k:-Ooodall (her husband, photographer ugo van Lawick, is possessor of that le, which he .describes as 'old and im- verished') is also a surprise television r, and her most talked-about show to te, the Du Pont Cavalcade of Televi- o's unforgettable "Wild Dogs of Af- a", gets a repeat airing "by popular mand" Thursday at 9PM on ABC. Jane and Hugo's son was indeed raised the chimpanzee "book", which actual- means that Jane was more solicitous of m than most human mothen are of their ildreo. "We never ever let him cry," she ys. "Chimpanzee mothers go to their 'ldren the mo'ment they make a sign of stress. Everyone told us that we would ~=§g§§§-§;-§g;§§=§::.§;§§§-§§g-§-§=§E§;§-~§:::§=§:§§=§§: make Grub (young Hugo's nickname) de- =-;;;-= ----pendent on us by treating him this way, but actually it's worked the other way round. He's secure in our affection, and if we have to go away. he never worries for a second about whether we'll be com- ing back." Grub has lived most of his life in the bush. He always accompanies bis parents on their .expeditions (he ~n be seen in "The Wild Dogs") and he's as used to wild animals as most children are to other children. "I put him in. school during the months I teach at Stanford.'' Jane says, "and he gets along fine, except for one thing. At first, he couldn't understand recess. He came borne one day and said to me, 'playing with other children isn't learning.' " In "The Wild Dogs", which won two Emmy Awards in May, Grub befriends an outcast puppy. the "hero" of the show's savage and oft.co moving .. story''. As a scientist, Jane knew tpe puppy bad to be let free; behaviorists can't afford to make pets out of their subjects. Grub didn't make a munnur of nrotest. "After all," Jane says, "he's got a whole continent full of animals." Bauer Bu Costa M Nebe~ C 2600 Her 540-9100 Courtesy 2888 He ~7-9220 AMERICAN MOTORS Ward S. Lee Inc. 1234 S. Main St., Santa Ana 547-5826 Harbor American 1969 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~6-0261 Roy Carver Inc. 234 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa 546 ~444 Crevier Motors 208 W . 1st St., Santa Ana -835-3171 BUICK Bauer Buie~ -2925 Harbor Costa Mew 979-2500 CADILLAC Nabe~ Cadillac 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa 540-9100 CHEVROLET Connell Chevrolet 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mew 546-1200 DATSUN Dot Datsun 18835 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-7781 DODGE Courtesy Doclge 2888 Harbor Blvd., Coste Mse• 'i57-9220 FORD Dunton Ford 2240 So. Main St., Santa Ana 546-7070 heodore Robins Ford 2060 Harbor Blvd., Coda Mesa 6-42-0010 ilson Ford I 8255 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-6611 University Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9640 JAGUAR Bauer Buick -2925 Harbor Coste Mew 979-2500 LINCOLN -MERCURY Gustafson Line/Mere 16800 Beach Blvd., Huntington Be•ch 842-8844 Santa Ana Lincoln-Mercury 130 I No. Tustin, Santa Ana 547-0511 Connell Chevrolet 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mew 546-1200 OLDSMOBILE University Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 54().9640 OPEL Bauer Buid -2925 Hcirbor Costa Mesa 979-2500 PONTIAC Dave Ron Pontiac 2480 Harbor Blvd., Cost• Mesa 5'46-8017 • PORSCHE -AUDI Chick Iverson 'Porsche-Audi '445 E. Co.st Hwy. Newport 8each 673-0900 ROLLS-ROYCE Roy Carver Inc. ·234 _E. 17th St. CMta M'esa 546-4~4 TOYOTA Dean Lewis Imports 1966 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mes• 646-9303 ' VOLKSWAGEN Chick lver~V olkswagen 445~. Coast Hwy. NB 673 -0900 VOLVO De•n Lewis Imports 1966 Harl>or llvd .• Cost• MeM 646-9]0J ' Pase 7 SUNDAY JUNE17 MORN I NG pcs at Montreal. Q) Reverend Ike @!) Community Action m The Christophers 10:45 @!) Mujer 11 :00 B N~wsm1kers 6:15 m The Christophers/The Bible An- 0 m I SPICIA~ I Zt1te11 the Golt In a Poli~h village during the 1800's at the turn of the century, a 12-year-old boy named Aaron is faced with the task of delivering his best friend. Zlateh the Goat, to the local butcher shop where the animal is slated for impe11ding doom. swers 6:30 O Wake-Up 6:45 00 Christopher Close-Up 7:00 O The Archies O The Christophers 00 Oireciions Rex Humbud (ig) Rom1n Holidays m Unit One m Sacred Heart/The Christophers 7:30 O Pebbles ind B1mm Bamm 0 This Is tlle life IJ Mormon Tabernac'.e Choir 00 Curiosity Shop D Dr. Billy J. Hu&is ®) The Jebons m Alternatives m Social S~urlty in Action 8:00 O limp Unto My feet O The Me Too Show ft C1the'1ral of Tomorrow O It Is Written D Herald of Truth o Old Time Cospel Hour m Wonderama m Revival firws 1:30 O (i) look Up and l ive @ Real Estate Open House O C1mpus Profile D Day of Discovery 6) Kathryn Kuhlman 9:00 8 Camera Three O Serendipity IJ Day of Discovery 0 Rap With Rabbi Mike D @ Oral Roberts ~ Consu~tion 6) Meetlnc at C1lv1ry 9: 15 (3' Problem as 9:30 IJ Today's Reli&ion (3) Accion de la Comunidad 0 m Around the Wor1d in IO Oars IJ Oral Roberts Movie: "hbulous World of Jules Verne" (sc1-fi) '61-Paul Car penter. ODoml1110 (J) let There Be llrftt B Amazinc Prophecies @) Day of Discovery 6) Old Time Gospel Hour e> Muslca y Palabras 10:00 IJ Steps to learnlna 0 m Telkin( With a Glint IJ Hour of Power O CIJ Curios!~ Shop (])Movie: "Rhub.-rb" (com) '51- Ray Milland, Jan Sterling. D Movie: "Invasion Quartet" (com) '61-Bill Travers. @) San Dleao tAQpenlnf m Esta Es 1. Vld' 10:30 8 FKe the Nation O Chlllenp My Sermon ®) lnsl1flt m Dodier W1rm·Up/Bneb1ll The Los Angeles Dodgers meet the Ex· Pa1e I O Mov:e: (C) ''Enter Inspector Maigret" (mys) '67-Heinz Ruh· mann. 00 Movie: "The Crooked Sky" (dfa) '57-Wayne Morris. Karin Booth. 0 (j) a> Bullwinkle (ig) Movie: (C) "Bueuneer's Girl': tadv) 'SO-Yvonne OeCarlo. 6) Church in the Home @!) Panulla Dominiul 11 :30 O Sports Challenge 1J Old Time Gospel Hour 0 {j) m Make a Wish/Multipll- cition Rodi D Movie: "Bomber's Moon" (adv) '4~eorge Montgomery. AFTERNOON 12:00 IJ CBS Sports Spectacular (j) Insight O Wildlife Theatre "Della of the Orinoco" A look at wildlife in Venezuela. O Vision On "Eggs" Ci)Zoorama m Intelligent Parent m F1ith for Tod1y 12:30 O king Henry VIII "Anne of Cleves" At the urging of Thomas Cromwell, Henry marries Anne, a German princess, so that England may be allied with Germany agains1 France. 0 00@ U.S. Open Golf Ch1m- pion'1\Tp Coverage of the final round of play from the Oakmont (Pa.) Country Club.· (j) TV I looks at leamlna (lOJ Movie: "Step Down to Terror'' (susp) '58-Colleen Miller. m WinfS to Adventure 1:00 IJ K1thryn Kuhlmu 00 Face the N1t1on O Movie: ''Youn1 Mr. Lincoln" (dra) '39--Henry Fonda Q)News @!) Tribuna Publiu m This Is the Ute 1:30 IJ 00 CBS Tennis Classic Marty Riessen vs. Cliff Richey. 1J Gene Autry 6) Voice of Calvary m A Better World 2:IO II Medil 0 ®) m Meet the Press CI) The Parent G1me m Outer Limits II) Rev. Leroy Jen•ins m lnsi11tt 2:30 1J S..nflower Celebration Company THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JUNE 17, 1973 IJ DEBUT NFL Action '73 High· lights of the 1972 National Foot· ball League season and some pre· dictions for '73. Movie: (C) "Hercules, Samson and Ulysses" (adv) '65-Kirk Mor- •is, Richard Lloyd. Q) True Adventurt m festival filmico 3:00 IJ Movie: "Hide and Seek" (dra) '64 -Ian Carmichael. Kieron Moore, Curt Jurgens, O lmpacto IJ Movie: "Trail of the lonesome Pine" (dra) '36-Fred MacMurray. Ci) Movie: "Royal Scandal" (com) '45-Tallulah Bankhead. O Movie: "The Unsuspected" (mys) '47-Joan Caulfield, Claude Rains. Joan Bennett. o America ind Americans "The Civil War· A House Divided" m Chiller m Movie; (C) "The Brave One" Cdra) '56-Michel Ray. m Movie: . "Lydia" (dra) '41 - Merle Oberon, Joseph Cotten. 3:30 O Focus A visit to the Joshua Day Care Center, an industrial cen· ter owned and operated by the Joshua Tree Manufacturing Com· pany for the children of employees O Directions o I've Got a Secret fil) T11mln& Point.s 3:45 EE Greetinp From Germanr 4:00 O Jnsiaflt ''The Hate Syndrome" An elderly Hebrew teacher comes into conflict with a former pupil who now heads the American Nazi party, O (3) Issues and AnsweB 00 Star Trek 1 ~ National Geographic tE) Just Jau "Billy Eckstine·' m> Panorama Latino ffi Campus Profile 4:30 IJ Circus "Circus of the t ittle Strongryn" (R) Youth O Su11dar Ci) Fllpside 0 Jim Thomu Outdoors m Movie: "last of the Mohicans" (adv) '36-Randolpll Scott, Henry Wilcoxon. Bruce Cabot. mGet Smart EE Korean Variety Hour tE Humanist Altematlve "Moral Revolution" An e•ploration of the current rapid changes in values and attitudes. @l)Toros m Corona "ow 5:00 IJ lv1nhoe CI) Forum 0 GAS COMPANY HOUR * "RAMON AND THE KILLER WHALE" IJ Gas Company Hour "Ramon and the Killer Whale'' Ramon Bravo. one of Mexico's top divers, studies and photographs a killer whale off the coast of Baja Calif The Protectors O Movie: (C) (90) "The Siient tun" (wes) '69-lloyd Bridges. Pernell Roberts. Ed Begley (j) Dick Vin l)pe Show D Boris Karloff Presents ®)EE News m Here Come the lrfdes tE Consultation m Hour of Stars a> Liars' Club m llimba 5:30 O CBS Sports Illustrated CI) Great Roads of Amerft1 @)Combat News @)Movie; (2hr) ''The Bribt" (dra) '49-Robert Taylor, Ava Gardner EE Pleaunt Family tE World Preu @!) Fufarrla falcon Cl) Nashville Music ffi Speed Racer fVfNING 6:00 8 Cf) I l'mll ! The Water&.U · YHr-Crlsls for the President Re- porters examine the functioning of the Presidency and the aovemment in light of the Watergate case. m Movie: (C) (2hr) "Written on the Wind" (dra) '57-Rock Hudson. L"8uren Baeall, Dorolhy Melone, Robert Stack. QalmNews D Movle: (31/zhr) "The lat Years of Our lives" (dra) '46- rredric March. Myrna Loy, Dana Andrews. Teresa Wright D The Avencers m Then Came Bronson EE A .. o.Ch1n's Secret EI!) Washinaton Week in Review ~ Teatro del Domlnp a> Hee Hew ffi Three Stoo&es 6:30 O l1Ssie (R) First of a four-part program as Lassie races to save a wild snow goose that's nested near the site of a missile launch. World of Survival 0News m Movie: (2hr) "Our M11t In Hev· ana" (com) '60-Alec Guinness, Maureen O'Hara. Burl Ives. ft) Sumo Wrestlin& EE Storwfront (R) m Stlper Sh• m Holiday Pacific 6) llttfe R11c1ls 7:000Ntws O Wild llln&dom (R) Marlin visits the Ngorongoro Crater In Tangan- yika. Eas1 Africa . Movie: (2hr) ''The Real Glory" (dra) '39-Gary Cooper. 0 Reftecciones (() Family Deuia fJ This Is Your Ufe "David Hart- man" m Pa11port to Travel EE Dalllon No Hana fll)looml -m Wild. Kln1do11 Q) ~"'"" Walk Show 6) Italian Television Hour 7:30 IJ Dick Van DP• Show (R) Con· 73 ent es. a) er te e- of nt n n, e. a clusion of a two pail story, as the mother whose passion lor gam Prestons. having learned of their bllng affects the lives of tliose neighbor's involvement with a crime around her syndicate. concoct some outlandish 9:30 I) CU B1rnaby Jones (R) Eric schemes to outwit the mob. Braeden guests as an attorney .0 l'iOl a;, World of Disney "Chan who murders a colleague. then ro dar, the Black leopard oJ Ceyl9n" mances the victim's wife in order Concl. (R) Chandar, the black leop to recover some files that could • ard, comes lo the rescue of the ruin him. small boy and the Buddhist monk O One Step Beyond more than once in their travels fJ News .. across Ceylon. IE The Big Question 0 Family Classics "Around the Ef) Film future Worl~ in 80 Days" A cartoon ver· 10·00 sion ot lhe Jules Verne classic. D KNBC FAMILY MONTH m At Issue * SPECIAL "F ·1· -0 O Million $ Movie: (2hr) "Night-am1 1es n " mare Alley" (dra) '47-Tyrone Pow The Road to Somewhere er. Joan Blondell. 0 I SPECIAL I Families -On the ID Three Passports to Adventure Road to Somewhere An examination ff:) The French Chef of tfie lifestyles and attitudes ol ell Esteltr '73 a whole spectrum of American fam 1:001J m M•A•s•H (R) Hawkeye con· ilies, from urban . t_o rural . w~ite to tinues his correspandence with his black. and traditional to liberal. father relating more of the madcap Martin land~u and Barbara Bain incidents that make life a three narrate ~ ring circus 1n the unit. 0 Day of Discovery 0 (3) al The FBI "The Loner" 0 Community feed .. . . (R) After a series of one.man bank O a;, Night Gal ry Girl W1lh holdups. a criminal returns to his the Hungry Eyes" ) hometown where he is marked as m Ei) News the victim by a shrewd small time ED Charm of Dynamite A profile racketeer of the French filmmaker Abel 18 Safari-to Adventure Gan~e and fllm clips lrom many Ei) Nippon No Uta of t11s produclTons. ED American Odyssey "The Mid· m Lou Gordon Show night Special" Oscar Brand hosts 10:15 Ei) Golf a concert from Cass. West Virginia 10:30 I) The 'Protectors (R) A foreign ., with guests Leon Bibb. Bill Monroe agent, trained to impersonate and and the-. Blue Grass Boys, and kill a top Canadian agent, presenU Mike Seeger. a problem for his employers and CI:) Cine del Domingo the Protectors alike Ef) Movie: (90) "Cain and Mabel" 0 Garner Ted Armstron g (com) '36-Clark Gable. (i ) M Issue 8:30 O (8' Mannix {R) When the wife f'i01 San Diego Panorama of one of the world's richest men IE News IS accused of murdering an inter-10:45 m Japanese l1ngu1ge Program national playboy. Mannix is hued ll ·OO 1J O O N to find evidence proving her in • t"7f),...... News nocent 3 1.J ' O 8'WS 0 10 a;, NBC Sunday Mystery-0 Bro~en ~rr~w . .. • Columbo "A Stitch in Crime" (R) '6) Mov·~: Wicked Crb: . (dra) 51 Leonard Nimoy guests as a brilliant -lean-~1efre Aumonl, I 1lh .Palmer. . fJ Movie: (C) "When fnsh Eyes surgeon who 1s suspected of trying A S .11 .. ( ) .44 D' k to kill his colleague a world lam re mi ng mus -1c · · b Haymes. June Haver ous heart expert (Will Geer), Y m M · • (C) "H II F • . B ., using the wrong ktnd or sutures ~ie. e on nsco ay for a heart operation (dra) 55-Alan Ladd. Joanne Dru m creature f eatures IE KATHRYN KUHLMAN m I 5'lCIAl I The Kopycab Debbie * (IN COLOR) Reynolds and Shecky Greene 11ue~t ID Kathryrt" Kuhlman wrth regulars Rich Little, frank ED America '73 Gorshin. Marilyn Michaels. 11:30 I) Name of the Game ell Noche de Gali 0 O Tonight Show 9:00 0 (31 fi) al ABC Sunday Movie: 0 Oral Roberts (C) (2hr) "Fabulous Dr. Fable" O Movie: "Curse of the Voodoo" stars Jack Gtng as Lt DeLusso and (hor) '65-Bryant Halliday. W 8 Bryden in the title role of a (j) Telepulse master sleuth with amazing <!lag-ID Movie: ''The Strange Death of nost1c abilities in an unusual mur Adolf Hitler" (mys) '43-Ludwig de1 story. "D.H.O," stars frank Donath, Gale Sondergaard. Converse and Ruby Dee in a dra 12:00 0 Reverend Ike matic behind the-scenes look at the 12:30 00 Issues and Answers District Heallh Office in Philadel 1:00 I) 00 News phia's inner city. 0 Speaking freely Ei) Samurai Wolf 1:10 I) Movie: (C) "An Alligator Named ED Masterpiece Theatre "The Garn Daisy" (com) 'SS-Donald Sinden. bier" Conti Dame Edith Evans 1:30 ID Movie: "Three for Jlmie Dawn" stars as a wealthy gambling grand (mys) '56-laraine Day, THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 17, 1973 Serving So. C1tifornla Winner 1973 N1tlonal For Over 31 Years "Cont ractor Of the Veer" TIMES -HAVE CHH06ED ... IN EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING METHODS, TOO! Pac1ficote Is sc1en11r1cally sprayed from a gun. Choose from 24 deco· rator house colors. 15 YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE! If, within the 15 year guarantee perrod your Pacif1cote materials should chip, rlake or peel as a result or faulty materials or poor workmanship, we will re·do those areas. excluding trim, both materials and labor at no charge to the customer! FREE ESTIMATES/NO OBL~TION ~ FINMCING IS AVAILABLE, Of COURSE. ~ ~~r 530-6871 (24-Hrs. Direct or Collect) ALLtl:D 8UILDKal , CO•"·-· attoW'90Mt Tttreueh.ut Ao. Callfomi• '° h"'f' y011, with Allied Builders •.. Winner 1973 National "Contractor Of The Year Award"! Yes. ALLIED BUILDERS IS THE WINNER! In compet1t1on with entries rrom ecrou lhe nation. Allied Bu1lde~ has -n the 1973 Grend National Award es "Ntt1onal Contractor of the Year"I (PreH"led by the National Remodelert. Ass«•· ation at theor l h t Annual National Home Improvement & Remodellns Eapos1t1on In Miami Beach, florrda, •n January). YOU'RE A WINNER, TOO .• when you let Allied Builders show you how to set the most l rom remodell"S your..,,.,..,_ All Wtr\ karllltlff "' Dtlicw "' .... ltl '-""""' FREE ESTIMATES NO OBUGATION ANAllClllG tan "Mr. Elpert" llOW! There's A Place In Your Home For A Beautiful Bathroom! ( t .;. . r ... , ~ j~5°A:~]LWROOMS ro SERVE YOO! Page 9 MONDAY JUNE18 For morning '•nd afternoon listings, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, ue the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:30 0 (C) "Just for You" (mus) '52- Bing Crosby, Jane Wyman. Natalie Wood 10!00 @ "West Bound" (wes) '59 - Randolph Scott, Virgina Mayo 0 "Bushwadlers" (wes) 'S l-Johr Ireland, Dorothy Malone. 12:00 O ''Die-Tracy Meets Gruesome" (mys) '47-Ralph Byrd. "Siern hs· uee" (wes) '51 -Wayne Morris, ' Lola Albright 1 :00 m "Conquered City" (adv) '65-- David Niven. Ben Gauara, Martin Balsam 1:30 O "Road to Hone Kon(' (mus) '62 -Bob Hope, Bing Crosby. 3:00 (j) "The Bohemian Gir1'' (com) '36 -laurel and Hardy 'fQJ (C) "five Weeks in a Balloon" (com) '62-Red Bullons, Barbara £den, Peler Lorre 3:30 O "Battle Tui" (dra) '55--Ster· hng Hayden, Arthur Franz. 4:00 II "The letter" (dra) '40-Bette Davis. Herbert Marshall. 4:30 Same u lOAM listine EVENING 6:00 u o om mail m News @ News 0 Bonanza "Vengeance" When Hoss hits a neighbor in self-defense and the blow kills the man, he can't lorgive himself @ Courtship of Eddie's fattRr O Wanted Dead or Alive "£pitaph" Josh Randall (McQueen) is aske d lo hunt down a former sheriff who tias robbed a bank and who was once a close personal friend ol Randall's Ilg) Major Leaeue Baseball Cont'd from 5PM. m The Flintstones li)Sbr Trell &> Los Torres Ell) Hoc11epod1e Lodee m Three Stooaes 6:30 00 Hoaan's Heroes fHE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JUNE 17. 1973 aJ The frank ,eop cover a su1c1de prevention center EE little n iCals J that s more than II stems 7:00 II(}) 0 m News 19) M'OVie: (2hr) "Cape fur" (scsp) TUESDAY 0 Bowlint for Dollars '62~regory Peck. Robert Mitchum, Ci) Ttuth or Cons.equenc.n Polly Beraen. Wildlife TheatJe m Drapet JUNE 19 B What's My LIM? &) llinA For morning •nd afternoon llst1n1s. m I love Lucy Ell) fro111 CoMtption to Consump. please Sff DAYTIME PROGR~MS. mt D~am of Junnie tion A look at the r11s1ng of beef Below, for your convenience, are EE Simpltmente Maria cattle the day's movies. Ell) Wheels, Kilns ' Clay al La Criada Bien Crilda m Muneca 9:30 II (j) Dq_ri1 Day Sltow (R) Qoris is aJ liars' Club in danger o( losina her job and her m Speed Racer sweetheart, Or. Peter Lawrence, be· 7:30 II Johnny Mann's Stand Up and cause of an antique car. Cheer (R) Paul Williams guests. O Mancini Ceneratlon (1) Ho1an's Heroes 0 News 0 Tiie New f'rice b Ri&tll Ii) Get Smart 0 Movie: (2hr) "Cocoanuts" (com) g) Muchacha ltali1n1 DAYTIME MOVIES 9:30 0 "The Mountain Rold" (dra) '60 -James Stewart, ltsa Lu 10:00 (I) "Houat-of Wo1Mt1" (dra) '62- Shirley Knight, Andrew Dugaan. O "Two Cuns and 1 BICl,e" (wes) '54-Wayne Morris. '29-The Mm Brothers One of the ail la Lint de la Stmana early talkies and the first Marx 10:00 II @ Medal Cettter (R) Russ 12:00 0 "Everyda(s 1 Holiday" (mus) Brothers movie. with Groucho as Wiggins and footbalr •player Joe '37 -Mae West, Lloyd Nolan. the owner of a hotel who offers Kapp guest in the story of a star ''WlnfJ of .Dancer" (mys) '52 - crooked land dezls 1n Florida college fullback who 1s high on pep Zachary Scott. To Tell the Truth pills when his tw1fe is paralyzed In 1:00 m "A Woman's SKHf' (dra) '49 OC The Thrlltseekers a car smashup. -Maureen O'Hara. Melvyn Ooualas. 0 Million .$ Movie: (Zhr) "Casa· 0 mm News 1;30 0 (C) "Adventurt of Doft Juan" blanca" (dra) ·43 -Humphrey Bo· 0 Re1is Philbin Talks To • . • (adv) '49-[rrol Flynn. oart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid. m::\ Roller Games " a1 3:00 (fl ••s,brtna" Part I (com) '54 -m That Girl Ell) Verne "Man Isn't Dying of Ii) Orapet Thrist" A film exploring man's in· Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart ED Tai Chi Ch'uan securities and feelings of useless· ''llti"Sflrille" (dra) '55 -Jose m The Adventurer ness in the face of rampant tech· Ferrer, June Allyson. ail Musical nological growth 3:30 0 "Blclmen of Missouri" (wes) '41 m Water Wor1d EE Yariedaites -Denni~ Morgan, Jane Wyman. m The Add1ms family 10:30 0 Tall! lacll 4:00 IJ (C) "White feathtr .. (wes) '55 1:00 II Gunsmolle (R) Two outlaw m True Adventure ' -Robert Wagner, Jeffrey Hunter. brothers return lo Dodge City to g) TY Musical •:30 (31 Same as lOAM listift& visit their dying mother and threat-ail News/Sports en to take Kitty and Doc as host· 11:001100 elm al News ages. (lg) News 0 m Major Lurue B1seball De· • 0 One SWp lfyond layed broadcast. Teams to be an· Ci) Marshal Dillon nour1ced. O Mom: (C) "The Blob" (sci·li) 0 CV@ m I ,,l(tALl Jacques '65-Steve McQueen, Aneta Cor· Cousteiu "Hippo" (R) Capt. Jacques seaut. Co~teau and his crew make a rare m Truth or Consequences inland upedilton lo study Africa's m Movir. "The Overlanders" (adv) internal shorelines and attempt to '46--thips Rafferty, Daphne Camp lllm the hippopotamus, both above bell wat~r and below. 11:30 II (IJ CBS Ute MOYit: (C) .. FRfll- (ig) News enstein Created Woman" (hor) '67 m The Ghost 1Ad Mn. Muir -Peter Cushing, Susan Oenber&. Ii) The Untouchables CJ (ig} m J o It n n J Ca r S 0 n Joey EE La Senora Joven Bishop is substitute host. Ell) Rich at the Top Taped live at 0 Ben Casey A pretty tiospital Rochester, New York's "Top of the clerk intervenes when Dr Casey Plaza," drummer Buddy Rich and treats a forei11n exchanae intern his band perform a potpourri of to severely mus1tal styles from jau Cli1$SICS 0 (]) 00 m Wide World of En· to Beatles' tunes tertainment "The Color of Blood" g) Musicallsmo The story ol an attractive .young m Miguelito Valdes Show woman who mistakenly takes a EE Movie compulsive killer as her compan· 1:30 m Merv Griffin Show IOn on a long journey by train to EE Drama a h:>use in the lonely countryside EVENING 6:0011 o o mm ail m News 00 lf9) News 0 An1ef Baseball An11els ~. Chi· cago White Sox. @.)Courtship of Eddie's Fatller O Wanted Otld or Allw m The Flintstones Ii) Star Trell EE Los Torres ED Hocteepod11 Loct1e m Three Stooees 6:30 00 Hoean's Heroes 0 Movie: (C) (90) "M1111if1etnt Obsession" (dra) '54--Rock Hud· son. Jane Wyman, Barbara Rush A wealthy pl~yboy reels obsessfVely guilty for the death of a beautiful woman's husband and for her sub- sequent loss of sight, and he under· lakes a long pursuit of medical study to cure her 00 CBS News Waller Cronkite 0 Hne G11n Wiii Trayel ~ Merv Griffin Show O Movie: (C) (90) "Swamp Dia· monds" (adv) '55 -Michael Con· nors, Beverly Garland, Marie Wind· sor. Pretending lo be a gun moll, a policewoman joins three escap. ing women from prison in the hope of finding the diamonds they hid after a robbery. 9:00 II (j) Here's Lucy (R) Ricardo m To Tell the Truth m Andy Griffith 00 CBS News Walter Cronkite O Have Gun Will Travel m Andy Griffith Ell) Sut Y11111 Yln1 Yet m To le Announced ail Beto GutltrTet Show Page 10 Montalban guests as a European 1~:00 m Attred Hltchcoc• .Presents prince who hire.s Lucy as his per· 12:30 O Hlehway Patrol sonal escort, then decides to make m Movie: "Abbott & Costello Go to her his new princess. Mars" (com) '53-8ud Abbott, Lou 0 (1) Ci) aJ ABC Monday Mevle; Costello. (C) (2hr) "Ro1ues Gallery" (dra) '68 Ii) B:tt Cosby -Roger Smith. Dennis Morgan, 1:00 (]) D O O News Edgar Bergen, Mala Powers, Brian 1:45 II Movie: "llutprint for Murder" Donlevy A private detective is (mys) '53 -Joseph Cotten, Jean hired to prevent a wealthy woman Peters. from comm1tlln1 suicide. He sue-3:10 II Movle: "Son of fur(' (dra) '42 ceeds in his mission only to un -Tyrone Power, Gene Tierney. Ell) Sut Yune Yln1 Yet m To Be Announced ail Novela aJ The frank People m little Rascals 1:0011 0 m News Truth or Cottuquences Safari to Adventure 0 What's My line! m I love Lucy Ii) I Dream of Jtann e EE Slmptemente M1ri1 Eli) Tiit fl'tftCh CIMf @EJ MUMU G) CMtnt Prize Sllow m U.rs' Club &) Speed Ricer 7:30 tJ hbby Goldsbofo Sllow (R) Jerry Reed auests. Cl) Ho11n's Heroes 0 .Police Suraeon "Shadows" (R) Cl) To Tell the Truth CJ) Tiiis Is Your Ufe fJ Mlllitft $ ,._.: (Ziff) "Hl&h Siem" (dra) '40 -Humphrey Bo· aart. Arthur Kennedy, Ida Lupino. ®)Hollywood Squam mThlt &irt m Dr1anet m Citywltchtrs "learnina to farm'' Chuck and Art visit Woodland Hills' Pierce Colleae, only local CQJJlmU· nity colleae offerina a dearee in aaricultural science. e Stlnd Up end Chtef a;)ComecJJ Q) It Is Wrft11n m Add1ms f1mily 1:00 B M1ude (R) 0 (1i 8' NBC Tuesd11 Movie: (C) (2hr) ''Crand Pril" Concl. (dra) '66 -James Garner, Eva Marie Saint, Yves Montand. A drama about ,auto racina that depicts the rivalry amonJ four drivers in competition for Hie world championship. D (]) (j) m I IHc!AL I Roberti fl1cl • • • The first Time Evtr- Roberta flack, 1972 Gramnw Award winner, is spotliahted In her first special. The sinaing star whose sty· listic range encompasses rock and . roll, jau and pop music performs in-concert. Cil News Conference-Mayor Pete Wilson · m Alfred Hitchcocl Presents G) The Untouchables m la Senora )oven m flrina line fl) 0 Edificio de Enfrente a;) Centro Ibero Al!tericano &)M9vie 1:30 B CIJ Hawaii tlve.O (R) Keenan Wynn guests as the trusted friend of a Chinese diplomat who Is the object of an assassination plan. U Bowlin& for DoU1ri 0 (})@ Q) ABC Tue.tay Movie: (C) (90) "Tiit Heist" (R) (dra) ·n · -Christopher George, Elizabeth Ashley, Ho.ward Duff. An armored car guard, pressuied into helping q rob his own truck, finds his carur and his life in the balance as he tries to prove his Innocence. m Merv Criffin Show a!) Novell 9:00 U Bon1nz1 "The Auld Sod" Ii) Draanet fl) Nino m lntlrnational p • , f 0 r m a n c • "Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto #1" The international musical team of Martha Argerich and conductor hus· band Charles Dutoit, combine tal· ents with the french National Tele· vision Orchestra. fl) Noches Tap1ti11 (Continued) THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JUNE 17, 1973 ·Order Yours -NOW ... f:Jt 1000 ·'~ Beautifu_I ~~,......;: Stick-on labels tr -11 • PERSONALIZED ~ •srYUSH •EASY TO USE •ORDER FOR YOURSELF OR A FRIEND SHAPE AND SIZE OF LABEL Mrs. John Doe 123 Mein StrH\ ~nytown, Anyst•t• 123.t5 Lebels Do Not H•ve A Printed Border. Styli~h Vogue type o.n Hne q.ualitY whiia 9ummeclp_1pe.i:. r---------------------, Fill in this coupon, clip •nd mall with $1 .25 to: Piiot Printing L11•1 Div., Post Office Box 1560 Cost• Mes•, California 92626 •• Sure to ., .. your Zip Code I 11''·1'1@11111--- L - - - --- ---- - -- - -- - -- --~ [Sears I Sears may be of help to you with ' the bearing help you need . Sears has a complete line of hearing aids · • Behind-the-ear • All-in-the-ear • Body-worn aids • Eyeglass aids Hearing Aids at a price you can afford -Backed by a company you can depend on Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plans HeariDI Aids Are Available at t\e follows Sun Stores Butna Parll Cerritos Comptoa E l Mo11tt Glendalt ln1tewood Lapna Hiils Pace 12 Lona Beach Nort•rldce Pasadeaa Pico at Rlmpaa Pomou Soat• Coast Plau Torrance VaJley . THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JUNE J7. 1973 TUESOAY (Continued) WEDNESDAY JUNE20 9:30 II 00 CIS Tutsdly Movie: (C) (90) "ltetp an Eye on Deniae," stars Jackie Cooper and Lynne Fred- erick. ''Bif Daddy," stars Rosey Grier as a football hero who turns gourmet dlel "Daddy's Gl!!:' stars for morning and afternoon llstfnp, Eddie Albert, Dawn Lyn and Della please see DAYTIME ""6GRAMS. Reese. Below, for your convenience, .,. B News the day's movifl. (DGet Smart DAYTIME MOVIES fl) Muchlcha ltaliani riI!) Festival Mealuno 10:00 0 ®J er;, NBC Reports "Sins of 9:30 fJ "Wild Is Ille Wind" (dra) '58- the Fathers" Producer Robert North· Anthony Quinn, Anna Magnani. shield Is the on·camera reporter for 10:00 (1) (C) "Sanely tile Sul" (com) '65 this special euminin& the plight of -Heinz Drache. thousands of racially miied orph~ns, 0 "Rincside" (dra) '49 -Don the legacy of 12 years of Amencan Barry involvement in Vietnam. 0 m I!) News 12:00 0 "Tillie & Cus" (com). '33-W.C. 0 Ci)@ al Marcus Welby ''The fields "luc•y Jordan" (mys) '42- Worklng Heart" (R) A top television Alan Ladd, Sheldon Leonard-. femcee turns to pills and alcohol 1:00 m CC) "l ost World of Sinbad" to keep her job and her husband. (adv) '65-Toshiro Mifune. B Mcwie: (C) (2hr) "Two Rode To- ptller" (wes) '61-James Stewart, Richard Widm ark, Shirley Jones. fl) P1p1 Corazon fI1) A P1Kt C.lltd Atdoy11e A speech by Bernadette Devlin opens this him study of the Catholic commu· nity in Belfast. Northern Ireland. 10:10 o T.i• hdl II) McHalt's Navy @!) Revista Musical riI!) News/Sports • 10:45 fI1) Blues for 1 Blatti film {R) 11:0011 o om mm "e'" (1) Ci) ®! News OOneStepleroftd 00 Marsllal Dillon m Truth or Coftsequenm II) Morie: "Uncll1inecf'' (dra) 'SS-- Elroy Hirsch. Barbara Hale. 11:30 II 00 Movie: (C) "They Ran fof Their lMs" (susp) '65 -John Payne, Luana Patten. D @).er;, Jottnny C.non Joey Bishop is $ubslftute host. O Ben Casey O DrclrCtark Hosts Music * Salute to 50's -70's fJ 00 00 al Wide World of En· tartainment "American Bandstand 20th Anniversary Show" Dick Clark ho:;ls for lhe celebration which con· tram the music and the perform· m of the 1950s. '60s Jnd '70s, with film clips of sf)fS such as Frankie Ava!on. Fabian, Paul Anka and Annette Funicello m To Tell Ille Trutfl 12:00 O Mme: "Murder by Two" (mys) '60-Mel Ferrer, Danielle Darrleux. m Alfred Hltchcoc.k Presents 12:30 IJ Hipwty P1tr.i m Movie: "Hi&h Sdtool Conficlen· tlal" (d1~) '58-Mamie Van Doren. m am Cosby 1:00 CV D 0 0 Nm 1;45 I) Mowie: ''Stttll" (rom) '50 - Ann Sheridan, Victor Mature. 2:00 m All·Ni&ht Sllow: "Panic In die Strtl'b," "Fuller lrvlh &Irr' 2:45 II Mevie: (C) "Sl111r" (adv) '61 1:30 B ''Action in the North Atlantic" (:idv) '43-Humphrey Bogart. 3:00 ''Sabrina" Concl. ''Tiie Desper· ate Hours" Part I (dra) '55 - Humphrey Bogart, Fredric Mardi. ®) .. Never Say Goodbye" (dra) '56 -Rock Hudson, Cornell Borchers. 3:30 B "War Hunt .. (dra) '62 -John Sa.on. Robert Redlord. 4:00 II (C) "Will Succesi Spoft Red Hunter?'' (com) '57-Tony Randall. 4:30 CI) Same as lOAM listina EVENING 5:00 m 1972 G~EY CUP * PRO FOOTBALL FROM CANADA 6:00 II 0 0 fI) m ml al Nns _ {})@ News 0 8on1n11 (I) Courtship of Eddie's f•tfler B W111ttd Dud or Alive m Canldian Pro Football Conlin· ues from SPM. First of eleven games to be carried llve on Wednes· days at 5PM. m star Tre• EE Los Torres tD Hocr1epodet Loctse m Tilree Stoops 6:30 00 Hopn's Heroes fJ Movie: (C) (90) ''Sword of Sher· wood Form" (adv) '6J-Rlchard Greent. Peter Cush1n1 (j) CIS News Walter Cronkite B Have Gun Will Truer l:Ql Merv Griffin Show fI1) s..f1un1 l ln1 YH a;, To S. Announeed riI!) No.ela Q) The Frank People m utUe lbsuls 1:00 11 (]) O m News IJ 8owlin1 for Doll1'1 (I) Trutll or Co11sequences Cf) Untlllltd World -George Montgomery • B Whit'• MJ Lint? m I Dream of Je1n11le EE Simplemente Maria fI1) Wheels, Kilns & Cl1y @!)MUftea ml Aficionados de la Comunldld m L11rs' Club m Speed Racer 7:30 II Wacky World of Jonithan Win· ters HOwarlf Cosett aoests. Ho1an's HeroH D Walt Till Yoi:r Fadttr Cets Home "Papa, the Patient" Harry Boyle enters an expensive hospital for routine tests and finds himself the subfecl of a gall bladder transplant D Movie: (2hr) "My Dream Is Yours" (mus) '49-Dorls Day. Jack Carson, Eve Arden. To Tell the Truth (jJ You Asked for It B Miiiion $ Movie: (2hr) ''Tiie Roarin& Twenties" (dra) '39 - James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart. QQ) Wild ~n&dom m That Cirt m Draenet fI1) Storefront "R'Wanda lewis Af· ro-Americin Dance Company" Com· binine the music of today's black artists with yesterday's heritap the company performs dances from Al· rlca and Haiti. a;, Younf Dr. Klld1,. aJ Tilis Is Your Ufe (E Addams Family ,. 1:00 II Sonnr 19't( Cher (R) Mike Connors guests . 0 ®)a;, Adam 12 "Suspended'' (R) Officer Reed is suspended when a dying man and a witness accuse him of the shootin&. D FALL COMEDY * IN THE SUMMER! THICKER THAN WATER 0 (]) (]) Q) Thlclltr lhH W1ter "In a Pickle" Nellie has regrets alter she entrusts handling the piglt payroll to Ernie. m T rutfl or Consequences m The Untoudlables EE LI Senora Joven fI1) Amerie1 '73 @!) Championship Wrestlin& m Japanese Ltn&Ul&e Proe"m 1:30 CiJ ~a;, NIC Wtdnetdly Mp· tery-Cool Million (R) When mil· lionaire recluse Bayard Barnes 1s kidnapped and $10.000.000 1s demanded. Jefferson l'eyes 1s called In lo tlnd the victim. 0 00 a> A I C Wednesday Movie: (C) (90) "The Croolltcl Hearts" (R) (dra) '72 -Rosalind,. Russell. Dou11la.s Fallbanks Jr. Thl story of a charming somewhat lcrcenous lady whose attempt to "catch" a rich bachelor through a lonely hearts club boomerangs into a dudly cal·and-mouse game m Merv Griffin Siio• r:I!)Novela 9:00 I) Cl) Dlft Auaust' Vk: Morrow guests as the leader Qf a labor union, who appears to be unques t1onably guilty of murder m0n1Mt fZ) Nino tii) June Wtyne May Natalie Tabak. novelist/essayist/critic, guests. 1 m J1P1n•se l1n1u11e Pfop1m 9:30 D American Adventure Gary Mer· 1 rill nanates as a 15-year-old boy takes his first flight in a &llder. ' THURSDA Y 0 News JUNE 21 ti) Gel Smart ED Turnlnf Points "Crossroads: For morning and afternoon listings, New Treatment for Alcoholtcs" please Me ~AYTIME-PROGRAMS. m a.uch1cha ltall1na Below, for your convenience, are CE El Cafe de Ml h rrlo the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 10:00 fJ Cannon (R) Cannon tries to prevent a crime when he aarees to tail a revenge-bent high school teacher whose daughter died al a 9:30 0 "The Ragin& Tide" (dra) '52- jet·set party. Richard Conte, Shelley Winters. 0 O m SEARCH (R) Probe Con· 10:00 (1) .. M1l1g1" (dra) '62 -Trevor trol Chief Cameron is abducted by Howard. Dorothy Dandridge. Ra 'ph Bryon (guest Patrick O'Neal). . O "Star of Tew•'' (wes) '53 - a revenge maddened former Army Wayne Morris. offi~er who. served under Cameron 1Z:OO 0 "FBI Girl'' (dra) '52-Audrey during wartime. Toner. "Jrs a Gift" (com) '34 -0 m ti) Newt W.C. Fields. 0 m Ci) 9) Owen M1nh1ll (R) A disc jockey with an electronic alibl arranges his wile's murder to incriminate a sportscaster 0 Movie: (C) (2hr) "The 4-D M~n" (sci·fi) '59-Robert Lansing, EE Soanish lan1u11e Pro1ram fD Homewood "The Barrelhouse" A recreation of a famous LA. rhythm and blues mecca, started by Johnny Otis in Watts in the late 40's. ail Variety 10:30 O Talk Back ti) Malone's H1ncout @I) Kippy Cosas Comedy series. m ""''Sports 11:00 IJ o om mm News (i) ®)News 0 One St.p Beyond (j) Marshal Dillon m Truth or Consequenus II) Movie: (C) "Tlle Mlpty Junale" (adv) '64-Marshall Thompson. 11:15 @!)Cinema 34 11:301J CJ) CBS late Movi.: (C) '1he Crut Bank Robbery" (wes) '6~ Zero Mostel. Kim Novak. a (Jj m Johnny Carson Joey BHhop is ~ubatitute host. , D hn C.say 0 (}) 9) Wide Wottd of En- tert1lnment "On location WHh Chad Everett at Texas Medical Center" Chad Everet! interviews noted heart specialtst Or. Michael De8akey in his operation center c:t Houston. Or Oe8akey 1s also seen perform- ina sur1ery. O Movie: "Mission lo Vtnict" (dr1) '63-Sean Flynn. QJ To Tell Ute Trulli 12:00 QJ Alfred Hltcttcoc• Presenb 12:30 O Hlpw1y P1trof m Movie: ''Desert Wu" (adv) '63 -Peter Baldwin, Chelo Alonso. m B111 eost>y 1:00 (1) 0 0 0 Cil NeW1 1:45 IJ Movie: '1he Sec,.t WIJI" (susp) '61-Richard Widmark. 2:00 m All-Niaht Show: "Under fire," "Tiie lows of C.rmen" 3:10 IJ Movie: ''Th• Thin& Th1t Couldn't Ole" (hor) '58-William Reynolds, Jeffrey Stone 1:00 m "De1dly CcmP1nions" (wes) '62 -Brian Keith. Maureen O'Hara. 1:30 O "Red Rivet" (wes) '48-John Wayne, Montgomery Clift. 3:00 (j) ''The De~erate Houn" Conel. (dra) 'SS-Humphrey Bogart. ~ "The Cavern" (adv) '65-John Saxon, Larry Hagman. 3:300 "Pressure Point" (dra) '62 - Sidney Poitier, Bobby Darin. 4:00 B "So Well Remembend" (dra) •'47-John Mills, Martha Scott ...... 4:30 Cl) S.me u 10AM listina EVENING &:oo a o om mail m Nm (1) (19) News D Anael Baseball California Ancels vs. the Minnesota Twins. @ Courtship of Eddie's Father O Wanted Dead or Alive m The Flintstones ti) Star Trek EE lo1 Tones fD Hodppodee Lodae m Titree Stooaes 6:30 (j) Hotin's Heroes 0 Movie: (90) ''SoldMrt Thrte" (adv) '51 -David Niven, Stewart Granger, Robert Newton. Cl) CBS """ Walter Cronkite 0 Hne Cun Will Travel ®) Merv Criffln SfloW m Andy Crlffltlt fil) Sut Yun1 Yin1 YH m To It Announced GI,i}Novel1 ll) Uttte Rascals 1:001J Cl) 0 m News 00 Trutll or Consequences 00 American Adventure 0 What's Mr Line? mt Love Lucy OJ I ON1m of J11nnle EE Slmplemente Marl• fl) r11 Chi Ch'uan m Muneca G:) T'lt·Revista Muslcat m U.n' Club '1} Speed Racer 7:30 IJ Youn& Dr. Kildare (R) Kildare learns that a white glrl. crih~lly THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 17, 1973 injured in an auto accident with @ri) El Show de Alejandro S&11tu her black boyf rlend, is pregnant. @ Hoean's Heroes B The Adventurer Gene Bradley arranges to have himself arrested f~ an illegal arms dealer in an ef· fort to flush out an illegal wa materials operation. (])To Tell the Truth Cl) Police surceon O Million $ Movie: (Zllr) "They Drive by Niclrt'' (dra) '41>-Humph· rey Bogart, George Raft, Ann Sheri· dan. (19) Let's Malle 1 Deal m That Cirl ti) Dr1cnet fD Aedon Chicano Chicano ,,oets Alurista and Ricardo Sanchez pre- ,sent their works accompanied by the Los Vatos Locos musical trio. m Rollin' 9) Police Sureeon m Addams Family 8:00 II (j) The Waltons (R) Grandpa Walton sees a shooting slar just as a pain hits his chest, convincing him he has received a si1n from heaven that he is going to die. 0 m Laugh-In (R) Alex Kar· ras. Martin Milner, Kent McCord, Vin Scully, and Howard Cosell guest. 0 CI> (i) a> Mod Squd "Sane· tuary" (R) Julie photographs the records of an international syndicate and is scheduled to testify liefore a Grand July, but a truck puts her in the hospital. m Ho11n'1 Heroes II) Boalng From the Olympic m la Senora Joven fD Actor's Choice: Anatomy of love Interpretive readings from the works of I 7th century poet/priest John Dunne, by Hal Holbrook, Lois Nettle- ton and Edward Mulhare. @I)Capulln1 ail El Show de Jot Flores mMovle 8:30 O 8on1nz1 "Lonely House" ID Me~ Griffin Show mNovela 9:001J (j) CBS Tbund1y Mme: (C) (2hr) "Pttulla" (dra) '68 -Julie Christie, George C. Scott, Richard Chamberlain, Shirley Knight, Arthur Hill, Pippa Scott. Joseph Cotten. A much-married and very wealthy woman sets her sights on a recent· ly divorced younc doctor. 0 @) m honslde "Shadow Sol· dier" (R) Chief Ironside visits an old friend at Scotland Yard and finds himself trying to solve a po· lice killing. 0 {])CI) Cl) i SPlCIAl t Jane Goodell and tht Wild Dop of Africa (R) Hal Holbrook narrates this inti- mate look a~ the social structure and living habits of the wild do& packs of Africa. The special is the result of almost two years of study by Jane Goodall, a world euthorlty on various forms of animal behav- ior. and her photographer hus- b1nd. Hu10 van Lawick. EB Nino 9:30 O ~ HappJ Wanderers Sllm and Henriella host some gh~tsl 0 News • fD Just Jan "Bobby Hackett and Quintet" aJ Much1ch1 ltali1n1 ail Comedy 10:00 0 (ij) m Dean Martin Show (R) Joey Bishop and Karen Black guest. ommNews 0 (}) Cl) 9) StrHtl of Sin Fran- cisco "The House on Hyde Street" (R) Lew Ayres guests as an elderly recluse charged with murderln1 a young boy who broke Into his home. After he's arrested, the old man reveals the presence of his brother Donald, who had Iona 110 been reported dead and whom the' old man has protected since he suf· fered a mental breakdown after Pearl Harbor. Q Movif: (C) (2Jlr) "Dtnouurus" (sci-fl) '60 -Ward Ramsey, Paul lukather. EE Futbol·Soccer Ell)Woc1d Press ail Musial 10:301J Talk lltk m Ch1mpionsltlp Fldinc ED TlllrtJ Minutes wtUt ••. m Acompanam• m11ns1Sp«ts 11:00aooemmN•ws (]) (I) @)News D On• Step Beyond 00 Marsllll Dillon m Truth or Consequences OJ Mowte: (C) "Tht Ult of tM Mohlcans" (classic) '36-Randolph Scott, Bruce Cabot, Binnie Barnes. 11:15 em Cinema 34 11:30 1J (j) C8S late Movie: (C) "In the Coot of die D1(' (dr1) '63 - Jane Fonda, Peter finch, Ancela lansbury. 0 (Jj m Johnny Cal'IOlt Joey Bishop guest hosts. D 1ett Casey 0 Cl)@ al WW. Wttid tf &- tertllnment "Crime Watch'' The conclusion ofl author Truman C.· pole's revealing interviews i nd round-table discussions with law enforcement experts. m To Teti die Trvtti 12:00 O Movie: "law of War" (dra) '61 Mel Ferrer, Peter Van Eyck. m Alfred H~llcodl Pmtnt1 12:30 0 Hlllt•tJ.?ttrol m Movie: (C) ''Ten Wint.cl llltn" (wes) '55 -Randolph Scott, Rich- ard Boone. O)Blll Cosby 1:00 CI) O D 0 ()) News 1:45 I) Mevte: .. DIJ of tM OutllW" (wes) '59-Robert Ryan, Burt Ives, Tina Louise. 2:00 m Al'·"'"" Show: "Whlrtpeol," "Slnu ef Babytoft" 3:10 ti Mwtt: "Man Afraid" (dra) '57 -Geor1e Nader, PhJllit Thaxter. , ••• 1l -,--~ The war and the laughs are real , only the officet is an ... IMITATION GENERAL BARWICK IMPORTS INC. 33375 Camino Capistrano , Son Juan Capistrano CALL 493 -3375 OR 831 -137) THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JUNE 17, 1973 FRIDAY JUNE 22 For morning and •fternoon llstinp, plea~e see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the d•y's movies. ---- DAYTIME MOVIES 9:30 O "September Affail'' (dra) '51 -Joan Fontaine, Joseph Cotten. 10:00 Cil "Marl! of the Hawk'' (adv) '58 -Sidney Poitier, Eartha Kitt. O "Run for the Hills" (com) '53 -Sunny Tufts, Barbara Payton. 12:00 D "l ie Deadlr 5ame" (mys) '54 -lloyd Brid . "~o West Youne Man" (com) '36-Mae West. 1:00 m ''Top f' (mus) '35 -Fred Astaire, Gi ger Rogers. 1:30 fJ "PalSI e to Marseilles" (dra) '44 -Hu phrey Bogart, Claude Rains. 3:00 ''Tlle Vaeabond Kin('' (mus) '56 -Oreste. Kathryn Grayson, Rita Moreno. 1g) (C) "Kiss of fire" (dra) ·5 Jack Palance, Barbara ffush. 3:30 B "Them" (sci-fi) '54 -James Whitmore, Joan Weldon. 4:00 II "Chain Uatitnin('' (adv) '50- Humphrey Bogart, . Eleanor Parker. 4:30 (]) Sime 11. lOAM llstinf .. EVE NING 6:00 IJ 0 0 @I) ma!> a> News Cil ®)News D A111el Baseblll The California Angels meet the Minnesota Twins. 00 Courtship of Eddie's F1ther O Wanted Deld or Alive m The Alntstones m Stir Trtll fl) Los Torres Ell) Hod1epod1e lodat EE Three Stooees 6:30 (j) Ho1an's Heroes fJ Movie: (90) "Imitation 5eneral" (com) '58-Glenn Ford. Red But· tons. Taina Elg, Dean Jones. A Master Seraeant becomes the Great Imposter of World War II when he assumes the role of a decused Brigadier General and rallies his forces to destroy a German tank group to win a decisive battle. (])CBS News O Hive 5un Will Tr1vel ltg) Merv Crlffln Slfow m Andy Cllriffittl fill S..t Yunc Yln1 Yee m To le Announced Em Novela Q) lite franll People m little R11e1ls 7:00ll (])OmNns · (j) Trutlt or Consequences Cl) Animal World 0 What's My linel m I loft Lucy m I Dream of Jt1nnlt fl) Simplemente M1ri1 Ell) Tiie Uvetr Arb "Chris Parken- ing" ai)Muneca m Rofler Dertty a> LllrS' Club m Speed R1etr 7:30 II World of Survfv1I (R) John For - sythe narrates "First Catch Your Unicorn" (}) Ho11n's Heroes O Hollywood Sqam @ To Tell tlle Truth Ci) Circus O Million $ Movie: (21tr) "The M11tese fllcon" (mys) '41-Mary Astor, Humphrey Bo11rt. ®} Tiie Price Is Rlpt • m Tltat 'Clrl m Dr1anet Ell) Coollln1 lite Cll1n·Ese W11 "Rainbow Soup" m Untlmed ·wotld m S.farl t. Adventure m Tltt Add1111 F1•lty 8:00 II (i) CIS Friday Movlt: (C) (90) "Senesls II" (sci-ti) '72--Alex Cord, Marlette H1rtley, Cord portrays a double 21gent confronted by two competing civlllutions. (C) (90) ''lite 5uru" (com) '69-Mlchael York. Rit1 Tushin&h•m. An Enelish pop singer and youna En1lish airl travel to India to seek wisdom from the master tucher. -o ®J m s ... r .... d ind s.. <R> Fred invites his f11ncff 1nd 1 door- to·door saleslady to dinner on the same evenln1. · fJ (]) Cl) a> Tit• Ir~ lulldl Bobby loses 111 his friends when he tries to become the best safety monitor al school. mHuel m lite Un•uchablts ~ lAi Stnor1 Jown fill Wnltlnctoe Wnll In Rtvlew m Chtsplrtto a!> C.1111unfty Evt11b m J.,.n .. Lanp•tt "°"'"' 8:30 0 ®) m lite Uttle Ptople (R) A malprtctice suit ind a weddin1 ere· ate problems for Dr. Jamison. D lowtl111 for Dltllrs fJ CJ) (j) Q) TIM Odd C.IPlt (R) Felix and Oscar hole up In 1 moun- tain cabin so th1t oic.r ~n finish a book he's .commissioned to write -.nd can't. m Merv 8rfffia 5""' fill Citywltdltrs (R) EmNovel1 9:00 0 9) m Circle of fear (R) YICtor Jory. Spella Luken ind David Soul star In the story of 1 youn1 woman who is perpleud and frl1htened over the events surroundlne her new frie nd until she meets the holder of his ''eternal contr1ct." D 1on1nza 0 (I) 00 a> Room U2 (R) An English transfer student enrolls at Wa lt Whitman Hllfl ind becomes a leader, much to the ch11rin of Jason. m Dr11net fl) Nino ,- l fil) M1Sterpiece Theatre "The -Gam- bler" Concl. (R) @!)El Sllow de Loco Valdez m Japanese Laneuaae Proera• THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JUNE 17. 197l 9:30000 @ mLove Thy Nelahbor E SQUARE' "four for Dinner" The 81uces and 'THE, CABBY & TH th e Wilsons get a cool reception at a swank restaurant but the reason In their moet famoue eketch, Jack. Burns is starred in their own revue on Broadway before is not what they thi~k the loud, pompous square, riding in the back going on a national tour of colleges and B News · seat of a taxi driven by Avery Schreiber as nightclubs. Then, in 1967, the team split up m Get smart the bemused, bone-tired cabby with dark when Schreiber landed a continuing role In @!) Muchacha ltallana My Mother the Car and Burns became a rag- a;) rremler del 40 ular on The Anify Griffith Show. Later, Jack lO:OO 0 CfO) m The Bold Ones (R) A decided to pursue an off-camera career as younl! hemophilia ,11ictlm's problem a writer on such shows as Hullabaloo, The Kraft Music Hall, Kopy Kats and The Flip extends beycnd the physical, with Wilson . Show. (It was Jack Burns who per- an overprotective mother and an sueded Flip to do his "Geraldine" character unresponsive father. "In drag"). Burns was also head writer on IJGJIDNews k d o BURNS & SCHREIBER Hee Haw during that show's networ run an , *COMEDY SPECIAL!! 0 (3) (i) t:D I IPl$1X\ I 8 urn s and Schreiber Comedy Hour Jack Burns and Avery Schreiber host this musical·variety special, a preludt ·to their summer series that will premiere on ABC Saturday (June 30). See Cover Close.Up stQfY. fJ Sltertodl Holmes Theatre fE Histnrias de Papa 10:30 0 Tall! Bid ID Nashville Music m~ .. 11:00 tJ 0 D mm m News @ @)News IJ One Step Beyond (]) M1r¥al DillOft m Trvtll or Consequtnc•.s ID Movie: ''The Rin(' (dra) '52- Gerald Mohr, Rita Moreno. fE Futbol·Soccer fil) llues for 1 lladl Film (R) 11:15 @!)Cinema 34 curly hair and a big mustaofle. The Cabby ll:JO e cas L•te Movie: (C) ''The 7 a~d _the Square were last seen a month ag? Fact of 0 Lao" (fantasv) .64_ k1c.king off .the .Emmy Awards Show In a hi- s '· ' lanous routine m whch Burns came on as a Tony Randall, Barbera Eden. totally incompetent network vice presldenr 0 @) er;, Johnny Clrsot1 Joey d' h' . rt h'I B' h · b litul host expoun mg on 1s own 1mpo ance w 1 e Dis ~ 15 su ~ ~ · Schreiber drove him to the Awards cere-"""''"°"' tMn monies. II . t;.iJ m In .Concert The They will next be seen on ABC. Friday at Edga~ Winier Group, Jim Croce. the 10PM in a prime-time special, The Burns and Doob1e Brothers and WAR star. Schr ieber Comedy Hour. Their guest stars Niptlftare will be 1973 Emmy-winners Jack Klugman 0 Waaon Train (The Odd . Couple) and Valerie Harper (The m To Tell~ Trutll Mary Tyler Moore Show). along with Richard fl> Esctn•~ Shaal and the l~e & T ina Turner Revue. 12:00 m Alfred HitdlcoU rresents Eight days later on Saturday. June 30 (9- 12:30 m M.~e:., (C). "Mas_ttr of ~ 10 PM) The Bur~s and Schreiber Comedy World (sc•·f l) 61-Vi~nt Pnee. Hour premieres on ABC as a weekly summer ID 1111 Colbf comedy series. Juliet Prowse and Martin 1:00 00 D Cl) News Landau will guest star. 0 @) er;, Mldnl&ht Special The Jack Bums and Avery Schreiber met nearly Bee Gees host. and Jpecial ru~sts ten years ago when they were members of are Wilson Pickett, the Steve Miller Chicago's famous Second City the lmprovlsa- Band, John Kay, Jimmie Spheerls. tional workshop that turned o'ut such talents and Maxine Weldon. , as Barbara Harris. Alan Arkin and Bob Dishy. IJ Movie: "I Love a Soldltl' (rom) It was at The Second City that Jack and '«-Paulette Goddard. Sonny Tufts. Avery created The Cabby and the Square (then 0 Movie: "Invisible Dr. MabllM" known as Cab Driver and Bigot), a routine on (sci·fl) '60-Lex Barker. which they have since devised dozens of var- 1:45 tJ Movie: (C) "Ride 1M Hip iations. In 1965. when The Second City com- Wmd" (wes) '66-0arren MeGavln, pany was appearing in New York, Jack Paar Marla Perschey. caught Burns and Schreiber's act and im- 2:00 OJ All·Nlfht Show: '°Stlpcoach te mediately booked them on his late night show. fury," "TIM W11o1t Trutll" Ed Sullivan was the next to sign them, fol· 3:10 tJ Mowte: ''four In a Jeep" (dra) lowed by Perry Como. 'SI-Ralph Meeker. Viveca Lindfors. The team became comedy favorltea and ( -J A VERY SCHREIBER more recently, wrote sketches for The Julie Andrews Show. While Jack was piling up writing credits, Avery continued as an actor, guest starring in hundreds of television shows and appear- ing on commercials, including one in which he makes a great noise with corn chips. Late laet year, Jack and Avery re-united for a benefit appearance at a school in Southern California. the audience reaction nearly over- whelmed them. Then and there, they decided to team up again . . . this time for keeps. When word got out that Burns and Schreiber were back in business, they were promptly signed for three appearances on The Flip Wilson Show and five shots on The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson. The incredible demand for the team In- spired the American Broadcasting Company to sign Burns and Schreiber to an exclusive contract which allows them to w~ and pro- duce their own shows. The Burns and Schreiber Comedy Hour Is being billed as a summer series, but there Is every possibility that they will still be on the air whert the air grows cool and the leaves begin to fall. --------________ eq, 15 SATURDAY JUNE23 MORNING 6:00 (fl TV 8 Classro9m 6:30 00 Summer Semester m Let's Rap 7:00 IJ Summer Semester 0 0 m The Houndcats 0 ~ ?U H.R. Pufnstuf (]) TV 8 Classroom m Brother Buu 7:30 IJ Dusty's Treehouse 0 m Roman Holidays 0 A Better World fJ (1) (6) Jlcllson Five o Just for Fun m Movies: "Clouds Over Europe" (dra) '48-Laurence Olivier. Valerie Hobson. "Casbah'' (mus) '48 Tony Martin, Marta Toren. 1:00 IJ (]) Buis Bunny 0 m The Jetsons O John Weyne Theatre 0 (1) (!) The Osmonds ~Vision On 0> Country Music 1:30 IJ 00 Sabrina 0 0 m Pink Panther 0 00 00 Superstar Movie 0 Joy of Sewin& 9:00 1J {j) Amazinr Chan 0 ®J m Underdo& 0 Movie: "The Flanaean Boy'' (mys) ·53 -Tony Wright, Barbara Payton. 0 Movie: "99 River Street" (mys) '53 -John ·Payne. Evelyn Keyes. ID Movie: (C) "Mutiny" (adv) '52 -Mark Stevens. Patric Knowles. Angela Lansbury. 9:30 8 Scooby·Doo 0 01 m The Barkleys 00 Tijuana: Window to the Soutll 0 Cil The Brady Kids 00 Cartoon Carnival lo:oo o <@ m Sealab 2020 0 CI) Bewitched " E1J Cine en Su Casa 10:30 IJ ({)Josie and the Pussycats 0 @) m Runaround U Roller Games 0 (J) '6' Kid Power I Multiplica· tlon Rock 7~ 9:-~· moving ------anywhere USA? Wolh hundrt>ds of offices 1n North Ame11co the Gollery of Homes oll1>rs the finest 1n locol ond no11onol home sellinq home buying services ol no odd1t1onol cqsl. Coll for com plere 1nformot1011 obout home prices ond 0•01lobil1toes 1n any oreo of North America 1nclud1n9 the Virgin lslonds ond .C::anodo No obligot1on, a l course -• " I iOOIJWI\ . . .... m.-D 187S ~age 16 17187 ....,,.,51 SI 1-1.-n VMlfy c;.. 92708 17141 96J -5611 0 Mov.e: (C) "Thunderbirds" (dra) '42-Preston Foster. Gene Tierney. IE Gospel Singing Jubilee 11:00 0 ({) The Flintstones 0 @' m Major Leaeue Baseball Ci) Movie: "Invisible Terror'' (hor) '63-Hans Hauser. 0 (3) Funky Phantom mM Lib 11 :30 0 (1) American Bandstand 20th Anniversary Show Through the use of lilm clips. host Dick Clark traces lhe trends of American teenagers from the 1950s through today Music stars of lhe 1950s are shown as emerging stars and as they ap· I pear today. . m My Favorite Martian 0> Movie: (C) "The Starfi(hters" (adv) '63-Robert Dornan Richard Jord.hal. · AFTE RNOON 12:00 IJ 00 Archie's TV Funnies 0 John Wayne Theatre 0 Movie: ''The Lone Gun" (wes) '54--George Montgomery, m Lancer 61) Championship Wrestline 12:301J ({) flt Albert 0 (J) (!) American Golf Clusic live. from the Firestone Country Club. Akron. Ohio 1:001J ({)CBS Children's Film Festival "Adventure in Goldtn Bay,.. a Czechoslovakian film, centers on a young orphan whose playmates at his grandfather's country home are mostly animals. • O Movie: "The Teuns" (wes) '38 -Randolph Scoll, Joan Bennett m Soul Train Ii) News (DMovie 1:30 O Movie: "Gun Belt" (wes) '53- George Montgomery, Tab Hunter. ID Championship Bowlin& m Cine en la Yarde Z;OO iJ Dusty's Treehouse CI) Sketchbook 0 Great Roads of America "His· toric Roads" Andy Griffith narrates this excursion through America's past, from the gold rush towns of California to the colonial roads of lhe Revolutionary War in Boston. Julie Christie plays the title role of an Impetuous, unpre· dlctable young married woman, in "Petulla" on The CBS Thursday Nieht Movie at 9PM. Duffy Daugherty, Michigan State's hlghly·successful foot· ball coach for 19 seasons, will make his debut as an expert analyst when the ABC Televi· sion Network presents the 13th annual "Coaches All-America Game" Saturday (June 23) at 5:30PM. Duffy, joining Chris Schenkel and Bud Wilkinson In the ABC booth, will bring his wit and knowledge of the col· lege game to ABC Sports' COV· erage of college football this year. @ The Adventurer 0 The Parent Came (j1 lnternation~I Hour THE OAll.,.Y PILOT. TV WEEK, JUNE 17, J97J EE film Feature o Thriller m Combat m Travelure 2;30 IJ Backyard Safari ~) Voice of Aericulture 0 Expression: East-West * explores the changing _Asian family. 0 Expression: East/West A discus· sion of Asian mixed rtJarriages. ct) Movie: "The Bo1er'' (dra) '60 -Stefan Kvietik, Manfred Krug. 0 Sports Action Pro·flle (!)Far Out Fllcka Ii) Fishin' Hole m Human Dimension 2:45 EE) Soccer Games 3:00 IJ Patchwork family @ Campus Profile 0 Agriculture USA: Wives * of farmers organize to promote_ farm products. O Arriculture USA H o s t J o h n Stearns looks al some of the new organizations formed by the wives of farmers to help promote farm products. U Movie: "Lonesome Trail" (wes) ·s~John Agar, Edgar Bucnanan. 0 Celebrity Bowlin& 0 Movie: "They Died With Their Boots On" (wes) '42 -Errol Flynn. Arthur Kenr.edy. ~Jenee Fiction IJ)utre m Movie: "Go for Broke" (dra) '51 -Van Johnson 0> Movie: "The Vampire" (hor)- Abel Salazar. m Canadian Adventure 3:30 IJ The Siest1 Is Over 0 "PARENTS ARE PEOPLE" *Author, Dr. Thomas Gordon reviews ideas ON CAMPUS 0 On Camt>us "Parents are Peo· pie" Chapman College students dis· cuss parent/child relationships. U IDm ABC's Wide World of Sports E1J Futbol-Soccer m Arricuhure USA 4:00 IJ Plants are Like People Jerry tells how to grow strawberries and how to care for tulips. 0 What's Golne On "Sex and the Black female" A d1scuss10~ of. lhe Black woman's role 111 society. . 6 Min In 1 Suitcase fD Los Aneeles -Where It's At Cameras capture Ange lenos at wol'k and at play, and touch on the social, economic and cultural as· peels ol our life m Roller Games m Panor1ma Latino EE Voice of Agriculture 4:30 IJ Just Natural 0 Inquiry Bill Banowsky talks with Or James Rue about the National Alllaru::e for Family Life 0 Movie: "Terror From the Year 5000'' (hor) '58 -Joyce ,..olden. I Dream of Jeannie O Youn& Dr. Kildare IE Get Smart EE Corona Now 4:45 EE) Roller Games 5:00 IJ Animal Wor1d Bill Burrud 11111· rates "The Protectors'' 0 Primus "Kiss of Lile" Primus helps save a Navy frogman who is cfYini In an underwater habitat 00 Film Feature 0 (3) al Reasoner Report (j) O News 0 Have Gun Will Tmel m Movie: "Ninokhkl'' (com) '39 -Greta Garbo, Melvyn Douglas. m land of the Giants m Co11ntry Place EE Kimba 5:30 1J I've Got a Secret O (l)News 0 rn 00 m I nlCIA\ I Coaches All-America Football Game The 13th annual Coaches All-Amtrica game. hve, from Jones Stadium on th e Texas Tech campus. Lubbock. Texas The contest matches 30 of the lop gr11duat1ng seniors from the East agal11st 30 from the West The series is tied 6-6. with the Easl w1nn1ng last year's contest 35 to 28 0 Untamed Wor1d "Storks" · O Movie: (C) (2hr) "Lisa" (dra) '62-Stephen Boyd, Dolores Hart. EID Accion Chicano (R) 61) Ritmos del Caribe m lee Trevino's Golf EE Speed Ricer EV ENING 6:00006J>mNews 0 Hee Haw Jeannie 5eeley an Buddy Alan euest.,... 00 Hilh Chaparrel 0 The Real Don Steele Show m The Untouchables EID lntemalionat Pe r f o r m a n c e "Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto # l " m Tutro del Sabado EE Three Stoops 6:30IJ Mews 0 KNBC News Conference fl)Tres P1tmn E1J Slbados Altcrts m Mancini Gener1tion EE little Rascals 7:001J (i) UFO 0 Tht Thrill5ttkers Gary Cabellch sets lhe land speed record of 622 mph io,, "The Blue flame " 0 Bowlin( for Dollafl 0 Death ValltJ D1J$ m Lawrence Wt lk Show m It TliU a Tlllef fl) le Turec1 EI1) Rich at the Top Buddy !heh and his band perform at New Yo1k's "Top ol the Plaza." 61> El Carru1je m Lassie (D Liars' Club EE Speed Racer 7:30 0 The Mouse Factory Nipsey Rus· sell hosts. 0 Movie: (C) (2V1hr) "Harper" (dra) '66 -Paul Newman, Lauren Bacall, Arthur Hill. Robert Wagner. Shelley Winters, lulie Harris. A pri· vate detective. htr~d to find the a: husband of a wealthy woman, dis· IMF must recover a cache of stolen covers the mis.sing man has been gold hidden by a brilliant but su· murdered. perslitious crlminal, played by Kim O Miiiion $ Movie: (2hr) "Dart Hunter. Passaee" (mys) '47 -Humphrey (I) Hooray for Hollywood Boeart, Lauren Bacall. O Superstars of Rock Badfinger, m Black Beauty Seals and Crofts, Manna, Alan Ef) The Ad4bnu family Clarke guest. 8:00 IJ All in the Family (R) Archie 00 film Future isn·t thrilled· about meeting Edith's 0 Teenaee Trials mNews old boyfriend at her high school ~ u Molinera reunion. U1 0 C) m Emercency! ''Syndrome" @I> Bex 4t Mexico Paramedic Gage diagnoses DeSoto's a'i> Chinese Varietr Hour throat condillon as tonsllilis-but m Lou Gordon Show Roy has already had his tonsils re· 10:30 U Movie: "Dracula's Dauehter" moved. (hor) '36 -Gloria Holden, Otto m Alfred Hitchcock Presents Kruger. ID Championship Wresttln& fJ Candid Camera EE ntanes en Acclon m EE News €ll) Ftom Conception to Consump· Ell) Session "John Hicks Quartet" tlon ( R) 10:45 &) Japlfnese Lancuace Prolfam ill Premier 11:001J CI) 0 (j) News a,;) Tutro del ~bldo Ci) Marshal Dillon W MCl'lie · fJ Boris Karloff Presents 8:30 IJ Brldcet loves Bernie (R) Brld· m Cerebral Palsy Telethon Dennis get and Bernie agree to both par· James is host of this special that enrs wishes that they be married will run to 6AM. in a second ceremony-a reli&ious Q) Good News one. but which reli&ion? tJ) Movie 0 @ Cl) Here We Go A&ain 11:15 CI) Movie: (C) "The Sundowners" (R) Under the influence of Jerry·s (dra) '60-Robert Mitchum, Debor· ne w girlfriend, Cindy's school grades ah Kerr. • lake a turn tor the worse 11 ·20 0 News (})~~en Seu "The A II a n t i c 1J ;30 f} Fabulous 52! ''Tit. &allant Otean . . Hours" (dra) '60 -James Cagney. ED Tu~yi& Points • @ Movie: "Belle starr's Daufhttf' 9:00 IJ Mary lyler Moore Show (R) (wes) '48 -Ruth Roman •. Georee Mary lakes Rhoda back to her Monlgomery, Rod Cameron. hometown for a high school re-O Movie: "All fall Down" (dra) union. '62 -Warren Beatty, Eva Marie (])Wild Kin&dom Saint, Karl Malden, Angela lans· 0 er;, NBC Saturday Movie: (2hr bury, Brandon DeWilde. A Midwest· 20min) (C) ''Viva Maria" (adv) '65 ern famlly faces problems whtn -Brigitte Bardo!. Jeanne Moreau, their restless, wandering son -a George Hamilton. Two dancers. trav-boy who can't stay out of trouble eling in Central America al the turn or the clutches of women-returns of the century, become involved in from one of his jaunts around the a revolution. country al the same time a woman Ci) S11a of Western Man arrives for a 'lisit. • 0 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Sunday in Movie: (C) "funny Face" (rom) -----New Yetll" (rom) '64-Jane fonda, '57-Audrey Hepburn, Fred Allaire. Rod Taylor. Cliff Robertson, Robert ·ID Movie: "Mapiricent Obsess.Ion'' Culp, Jo Morrow, Jim Backus. 1. (dra) '54-Jane Wyman, Rock Hud· youne Albany maiden arrives t i her son, Barbara Rush, Agnes Moore· brother's New York apartment after head. breaking her engagement. and m Cinema 34 promptly becomes involved with a 11:50 O 90 Tonipt straneer and the zany eoines and 12:00 fJ Mo"ie: "Magnetic Monsttr" comings of her pilot brother. (hor) '53-King Donovan, Richard Movie: (C) (3hr) "The Al'OllY Carlson. and the Ecstasy" (dra) '65-Charl· (iO) Jo1111 Warne Playbouse too Heston, R'~ Harrison, Diane 12:30 U MoYle: "Welcome Stranaer" Cilento. (com) '47-Blng Crosby, Joan Caul· m Black Omnibus Guests include field. Odetta, Little Dion, Patrice Rushen 1:00 00 00 News Trio, Dr. William F. Frier, Dr. Alvin ID Movie: ''Cauahr' (dra) '49 - F. Poussaint and The Spinoers. James Mason, Barbara Bel Geddes, El} Nino Robert Ryan. 9:30 IJ Bob Newhart Show (R) A 1:20 O Flipside Edgar Winter and the worrisome session with one of his Edgar Winter 'Group are featured . . therapy groups plus an inability to 1:30 IJ Movie: (C) "Four &lrts In Town" flnd the right aift for Emily, sets . (dra) '57 -Julie Adams, Elsa Mar· Bob up for a depressin& Christmas. tinelli, Georae Nader. Sports With ler1tla ®) Movie: (C) "Man Wltllout a fJ News Star" (wes) '55 -Kirk Douglas. ID Minority Community 3:001J Mowie: (C) "The Sa11 of Hemp 10:001J Mlssiop: Impossible (R) The Imm" (wes) '58 -Rory Calhoun. THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. JUNE 17. 1973 Need An Extra Room? Allied Will Make All Your Home Improvement Dr""" Come True Allied Is Tlte Award Winne~! QUALITY ROOM ADDITIONS. REMODEL YOUR HOME with Allied Builders .•. Winner 1973 National "Contractor Of The Year Award"! Yo . ALLIED BUILDERS IS THE WINNER! In com1MUl•on with e11trlu from acron the nation. Alhed Bullden ha& won the 1973 Gr•nd..Nat1onal Aw•rd as '"N•t•onal Contr•ctor of the Y•er"l (Presented by the Natlon•I Remcidelers Auocl et•on at their 3ht Annual National Home Improvement & Rtmodellns Exposition in Miami Beach, floroda. In Januaryl YOU'RE A WINNER. TOO ... when you let Alhed Bullden show you how to &et the most from remodehn& your home All Wtrt 5111rMtlH ... o..c. ft! l.W "' ;IWIMff It! FRU ESTIMATES NO OIUGATION FlNAllCING eau "Mr. Elpert" NOW! 530-6871 ( t ;. ,....1 ',·I .. . HOW! 5 ALLIED SHOWROOMS TO SERVE YOU! Pa&• 17 Maintain your watch at o minimal ro\I in money and time. OUR WATCH CLEANIN G INCLUDES . • Removal of dirt and dried up 011. • New oil • Sand ond caie poli\hed • Wotch timed electronically • All work done, Fully Guaranteed l year NOW 1960 • S.11 wi,,di"Q walchet. day & do1e.Chrot109raph1 o,,d flect10,,o< watch" 1lo9h1ly ho9her FREE ESTIMATES NEW WATCH CRYSTAL SPECIAL! s20o ""'offer 9ood only with obott cJ90m..q. ........ n ....... Fri. tH f • Eos~credit terms • student accounts ovoilq*>'• • up to 12 months to poy • lcm~Americord •Moster Charge• "THE STORES CONFIDENCE BUILT,. Established 45 Y ~! HUNTINGTON CINTH leocll & ldl .... r H1111tl .. tH .._. 192·5501 HAHOR SHOPPING CENTlll 2300 Harbor lfyd. Costa Mn« 545.9415 P•c• 18 . -o--- THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, JUNE 17. 1973 . ~ir Evening Movies ";:,:, . SUNDAY, JUNE 17 6:00 3 (C) "Written on the Wind" (dre) '57-Rock Hudson, Laure11 Bac•ll. Oorothy 11.blone. Robert Stack. 5 "The Best Years of Our Uvea" (dra) '46--fredrlc March, Myrna Loy, Dan• Andrews, Teresa Wright, 6:30 11 "Our Men In Havana" (com) '60--Alec Guinness, Mauree,, O'Hara. Burl Ives. 7:00 7:30 9:00 6 ''The RHI Glory" (dra) '39-Gery Cooper, David Niven. 9 "Nlchtmar• Alley" (dra) '47-Tr,rone Power, Joen Blondell. 7 3 6 (C) "The fabulous Dr. fab •," stars Jack Ging and W. B Bry den. "D.H.0." stars f rank Converse and Ruby Dee, 11:00 6 "Wlc k..S City" (dre) 'St-Jun-Pierre Aumont, lllli Palmer. 9 (C) "Wt,en lrlsh Eyes Are Smllln&" (mus) '44-Dlck Haymes, Ju'1e Haver. 11 (C) "Hell on frlsco Bey" (dra) '55--Alan Ledd, Joanne Dru. 11:30 7 "Curse of the Voodoo" (hor) '65-Bryant Halliday, Den,,ls Price. 13 "The Strange Death of Adolf Hitler" (mys) '43-Ludwlg Donath. G le Sondergaard. MONDAY, JUNE 11 6 "Swamp Diamonds" (adv) '55-Mlchael Connors, Beverly Gar-d, Merie Windsor. 7:30 5 "Cocoanuts" (com) '29-The Marx Brothers. 9 "Ceaablenca" (dra) '43-Humphrey Bogart. 1'1grld '8eram11n, Paul Henreld. 9:00 7 3 6 CC> "Rocue's G•lle,Y' (dra) '68-Roger Smith. 10 "Cape f Hr" (suspj '62-Gregory Peck, Rober1 Mitchum, Polly Berllen, Telly Sevalas. 11 :00 9 (C) ''Ttt• Blob" (scl·fi) '65--Steve McQueen. Aneta Corseaut 13 '':The Overlanders" (adv) '46--Chips Ratferty, Daphne Campbell 11:30 2 I (C) "frankensteln Created Woman" (hor) '67-Peter Cushing, Susen Denberg. 6:30 7:30 1:00 1:30 9 :30 10:00 11:00 11 :30 6:30 7:30 '1:30 10:00 11:00 11:30 6:30 7:30 9 :00 10:00 11:00 11:30 6 :30 7:30 1:00 9:30 11:00 11:30 7:30 9:00 10:30 11:15 11:30 7 9 4 7 2 9 13 2 7 5 9 7 9 13 2 9 1 9 2 9 13 2 TUESDAY, JUNE 19 (C) "Ma1nlflcent Obsession" (dra) '54-Rocli Hud son, Jane Wyma,,, Barbera Rush, Otto KruJter. "High Sierra" {dre) '40-Humphrey Bosart. Id• Lupino, Arthur Kennedy. 10 (C) "Grand P'rl11" Concl. (dral '66--James Garner, Eva Marie Seint. Yves Mo'1tand. 3 6 (C) ''TM Heist" (dral '72--Chnstopher Georee. Elizebeth Ashley. Howerd Duff. Norman rell. . I (C) "KHp en Eye on Denise," stars Jackie Cooper 8'1d Lynne Frederick. "81& Daddy," stars Rosey Grier "Daddy's Glrl," stars Eddie Albert, Dawn Lyn end Della Reese (C) "Two Rode Together.. .(wes) '61-James Stewart, Richard Widmark, Shirley Jones. "Unchained" (dre) '55-Elroy H irsch. Berbara Hale I (C) "They Ran for "Their Liv.a" (susp) '65--John Payne, Luana Patten. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 ' (C) "Sword of Sherwood forest" (edvl '6f--Rochard Greene, Peter Cushlna. Sarah Branch. "'My Dre1m Is Yours" (mus) '49-Do•IS Dey, Jack Carson. Eve Arden. ;'Th• Aoerln& Twenties" (dra) '39-James Caaney. Humphrey Bogart. 3 6 (C) "The Crooked HHrts" (dra) '72-Roullnd Russell. Douglas Felrbanks Jr., Ross Mertl,,, Maureen O'Sull1va'1 (C) "The 4·D Man" (sci-fi) '59-Robe'1 L1nslnl(. Lee MerlwHt her (C) "The Mlshty Jungle" (adv) '64-Marshell Thompson, 01111 De Lie. I (C) "The Great Bank Robbery" (wes) '69-Zero Mastel, Kim Novak. Cllnt Walker. · "Mission to Venice" (dra) '63-Sean Flynn, Medelelne Robinson THURSDAY, JUNE 21 "Soldiers Three" (adv) '51-David Niven, Stewar1 Gre,,aer, Rober1 Newton. ''Ttt.y Drive b y Night" (dre) '40--H umphrey Boaart. Oeor&e Raft, Ann Sheriden. I (C) ..... tulle" Cdra) '68--Julie Christie, George C Scott, Rlcherd Chamberlaln, Shirley l<nllfht. (C) "DlrtOSaunn" (scl·fl) '60--Ward Ramsey, Paul Lukather ''Th• last of the liloftlcens" (classic) '36--Rendolph Scott, Bruce C1bot. Binnie Bames. I (C) "In the Cool of the Dey" (dre) '63-Jane Fonde. Peter Flnch, Angela Lensbury . FRIDAY, JUNE 2:2 1 "lmlteUon General" (com) '5&-Gle,,n Ford, Red Button s, T1lne El&. Deen Jones, 9 "The M•ltH• falcon" (mys) ·• t -Mary Astor, Humphrey Boeart. 2 I (C) "GenHls II" Csci·fll '72-Alu Cord, Mariette Hartley. 2 I IC) "The eurv" (coml '69-Mlchul York. Rita Tushlnlfham. 13 ''The ftln1" (dre) '52--Gerald Mohr, Rite Moreno. 2 I (C) "Th• 7 facn of Dr. Lao" (fantasy> '64-Tony Randall. Berber• Eden. 5 S4TURDAY, JUNE 23 (C) "Harper" (dra) '66--P•ul Newman, Lauren B•call, Arthur Hiii, Robert Wa&ner. Shelley Win ters, Julie Herrls. 9 "Dull lilHHJ•" (mys) '47-Humphrey Boaert, Lauren Bacall. 4 (C) "Viva Merla" (adv) '65-Brlgllte Bardot, Jun'1e 'MorHu, Geor1ze Hemilton. 7 JO 5 3 2 6 7 (C) "Sund•y In N-York" Crom) '64-Ja,,e Fonda, Rod Taylor. Cliff Robertson. Robert Culp. (C> "The A&'on)' •nd the EcttHy" (d ra) '65-Charlto,, Heston, R81t H errlson, DT•n• Ciiento. "Dracula's Daupter" Chor) '36--Glorla Holden, Otto Kruirer. ic> ''Ttta Sundowners" (dra) '60--Robert Mitchum. Deborah Kerr. 'fhe Gallant ....,,.. .. (dra) '60-Jemes Ceaney, D1nnls WHver, Rich· ard JHckel. "8•11• Start"• Deupter" (wes) '48--Rod Cameron, Ruth Rom1n, Geora• Monteomery "All Fall •Down" (dra) '62-Warre,, Beatty, Eva Marie Saint, Karl M•fden, Ancel• Lansbury, Brandon DeWilde I (C) "funny ,. • .,. (com) '57-Audrey Hepburn, Fred Ast1lre J3 "Macnlflcent ObsHtlon" (dra) '5<1-Jane Wyma,,, Rock Hudson, Barbera Rush. Afnes Mooreheed THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, JUNE 17, 1973 . -~~. . .\~4l~~~~ $: ~;d#f :)> ~ ' ,.. .;c: ... , ..... ,~ ~~~ ... D .A Otl MA!astoGKlD Ll Vil Alll ~ AlltHOUSl. • DEAL WITH THE LARGEST 22 YEARS IN. ORANGE COUNTY STOP llY TODAY- SEUOIONS IRE BIG, SAVINGS IRE TREMENDOUS! ''Old Reliable" · I J,l l DOES IT IESTI ~- DOES IT RIGHTI : -:-- ... beceuse we mekt it RIGHT HERE in our . own factory! Ci>me in and Stt y,our own Pl· tio being m1dt. \M OUR OPEN 7 DAYS• SAT. & SUN. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. REDUCED PRICES c ON .THE WORLD1 S 'FINEST PATIOS • Come In and see It made • ~ .... estimates • Also SM our beautlful Madrid open patfo • 24 Hour ~nswerlng service • Open 7 days.a wMk 9 AM to 6 PM COMPANY INC. 7590 IAIDll GIOVE ILVD. WESTMINSTER 636-4420 (ACtOSS flOM WA#J HAUHiTClf lUMIR) Page 19 Atlantic Music's Quality /Service - Warehouse Prices! FREE AMPLIFIER CLINIC JUNE 18 12:30. 7:30 --·---~---~~-~-~~ s 0 NY~ STR6036 AM-FM STEREO SYSTEM "''~m .. Amazingly low-priced system with the Sony 6036, Garrard 308 and Lancer's new $/C I 's. Sony 6016 Ganarcl 30, Ben~ Lancer S/C 1 's l•CJ· Price 199.95 55.90 1~!::: SA YE s115°0 lrinCJ in your •mplifier/receiver I •ny m•ke I and ~-------------·---M•:•;~s • e:tneers will test .its performance •nd 0-N" -----r--..tv er+ f:or your-reeord~~·et-you-1......,;;;~--~ ST ... ~A • > z 0 (/J questions •nswered by quelified technicel people. ATLANTIC'S BARGAIN ROOM SPECIALS ! c ... SALE! Mcintosh C-22 Pr•·•mp •••. I trecle in I New $149 UH ~., 12 I I Cl-:•ng'er ••••••. ( cte--new 9u•r4nt•e I $170 $115 Fisher 700T , , •••••••••• S4H $149 I fr•cle in I Wolle11 .. 1t 6100 R·R Dec It •. SIN $69 I clemo -new gu•r•ntee I P•nesonic 106 I· Tr•ck , • , • lclemo -new tu•rentee) SI.IS $89 JVC 5106 4-W•y 12"~· UIO $125 c tr•cl• in I • 5,,,.,11 Zero 100 Chu9er. UM $129 lcfemo -new 9u•rentee) Excellent low cost Sony Rec•iver with FET T un .. r heving • s•nsitivity of 2.2uV. Also hes tape moni· to~ switch to •ccommdate recorder or 4-Channef Ad•pton. Reg. Price $109.95 $79,5 Close Out Special NEWLY FORMULATED! MEMOREX MRt-2 =Hlth FldeHty 215399 •••• $6.00 MEMOREX I ...... , ' II., I I ,J Special Introductory Offer ! ! . • ......................... i••··············· .. HOUIS: M., F. 12-9i T., W ••. TH. 1Z·6i SAT. 10-5; SUN. 12-5; -445 I. 17TH. COSTA MISA harman I kard<;>n ~NCO DIVltlOtl -.. . . .~-N~AMtN . rlUNaCD INC. D m c( a: ..c ~ a ...... c .... ~ e a N • =· I ! By Marg~et ~e;-d: The Real Meanillg_ ~Home" Has f~r Us . DAltY ·PILOT Quiz:.Are You The Kind of Person ·,::: . People Will Trust? ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA - By Dick Clark: Where Today~s Kids Are Headed Now . . \ k Them Yourself Went to u11 a laincxaa per90n a qi»atlon? Send the q""tlon on a pott~rd, lo "Aall," Fai;nlly w .. 111y, ... , Lnlnoton Al4 , New Yorti, N. Y. 10022. We'll prt $5 tor publlll'led que1tlon1. SOrry. -cant answer other• FOR SWAN WILSON, author of "The Mon in the Croy Flannel Suit," "'A Summer Place, .. and other novels Have you ever regretted your deciaion to become q "°"U.tP~K. O. D.,-Stookwn, Cali/. • Being a novelist is something like waDcing down Fifth Avenue naked while people throw flowers and bricks at FOR MRS. PAT NIXON Have you ever seen :my ghosts of the past Presidents and past First Ladies in the White House?-Mrs. Susan WiJ. li~, Santa Ana, Calif. • We haven't seen any ghosts of past members of First Families in the White House, but my daughters and I do tell visitors that those wh o have ~yed in the Lincoln Bed- room have heard strange sounds. W e laughingly perpetuate the theory that perhaps a ghost does haunt the room. FOR JOHN'f{Y BENCH of the Cincinnati Reds In 1971, you had a bad year. What was the biggest lesson you learned that yur?-Dave Wallace, Dayton, Ohio •My biggest lesson was that fans a.re really fickle. Most ball- players say let them boo. But it really does hurt. I FOR f;VNTllER GEBEL-WlLLlAMS, animal trainer Which animal is ·the most difficult to train?-Mrs. Ruth Steck, Dunedin? Fla .... • A horse. E1ephants and tigers are much ea~ier lo train. I lurscs hav_c a huge stubboni streak. They need tremendous ho.urs of rehearsal to perfect their tricks. FOBPETJlLA CLARK I understand that Geneva, Switzerland, where you live, bas become a lcind of teCOOd Hollywood. True?-D. Stevens, Menosha, Wis. • There are a lot of well-known people living in Geneva and nearby, like Charles Boyer, Audrey Hepburn, Charles Chaplin, Stewart Granger, David Niven--and right next door to me, Jean-Claude Killy. But except for Jean-Claude, who keeps coming over to use our sWimming pool, we don't associate much. W.e go to Switzerland to have pri.vacy. -... .... ... FAMILY WEEKLY, June 17, 1973 ., you. This is true even when you publish a successful boolc, ~us · high praise almost always brings with it an echo of bittt•r criticism. I love my profession and take the risks and bricks it involves gladly. A writer's business is stiel.:ing his neck out. The bricks occasionally hurt, but the flowers smell good. FOR JACQUELINE SUSANN, actress and autlwr Jusephfoe, your poodle; should be 19 by now. ls she still well?-N. Thoen, Vermilion, Ohio • Josepliine died in 1970, four days before her sixteenth birthday. She was in my anns. She kissed me, coughed sud- denly, an<l died. The next day, a £rieod arrived with a carry- ing case. He said,""1 spent aU night going to lcennels to 6nd one with Josephine's face. And so you wouldn't make com- parisons, I got you a boy." His name is Joseph Ian. He has not replaced Josephine, but I love him for himself. FOR MEADOWLARK LEMON of the Harlem Globetrotter& Did the Harlm> Globetrotters start in Harlem?-Niclc Hont· man, Cloverdale, Ohio • No, the team st.arted in Chicago and none of the first five players was from anywhere oear Harlem. Abe Saperstein, the founder of the club, thought the name '"Harlem" would get across the message that it was an all-black team. FOR JOHN DENVER Whose songs inSueoce you the most, and who.e IOngJ do you like ~ most?-A. N. Johnson. Ventura, Calif. • Tom Pa:<ton's more than anybody's. When I started get- ting ioto Colle musk, the songs that ~ot to me were "Can't Help But-Wonder Where I'm Bound and .. RambHn' Boy"- tbings like that. I also went for the Kingston 'trio, Peter, Pau) and Mary, the .Beatles, James Taylor and Kris Kris- tofferson-'aJI the people you would thin1c I'd be interested in. Judy Collins was also a big i~uence . .. FOR oorus DAY What is the most dif6cult thing about acting?-Anthooy Shelton, Fairforest, S.C. • The repetition can sometimes be trying. In the case of 61.ms, it's d oing the same soe~e several times for the camera. And l'm sure the actors in a long-running play can find it teclious to repeat their performances night after night. How- ever, I don't think I've heard any actor ever complain that acting, in the general ~ose, is a drag. Cover Photo By SMnnan W1l1bu1d p•••--•-•••-------------------------------••••••-----------------••••, : ~about buying anew car? : -This free book~ help you make the right dioice. -~..... ~ I :::::':~:::= --; Section I is about cars in general-models, of car you buy. Section 1 l deals wit ord · I :=: := : options, body styles, insurance, even Motor Company cars. It offers (ac , figures, I ::: ::.=:.::.-,: financing. It will help no matter what kind specifications-the things you need to know. : :~§:::-=---= . For your free copy, write: Ford Motor Company Listens, P.O. Box 1958, The Amaica• Road, 0n..-., Midliau 48121 I .:::=---: Mr. 0 Mn. 0 Miss 0 Ms. 0 Dr. 0 Dua to demand, please allow 3 to 4 weeu for delivery. ~ .._.__ . I .::·:;::=-=---i I E: §E_:-=-. Name Phone I :=:=--z Address A N L-abetter~ I =.:~--: pt. o. ......-~ I · --=--·-~ c s (we lileal betfn) tty tate Zip ~--------------------------------------------------------------------· GU King Sile.17 mg. "tar." 1 .2 mg. nicotine, long Size.18 mg. "tar.'' 1 .3 mg. nicotine av. pef cigarette. FTC Repon Feb. 73. B~ Crosby Talks to Fathers: iiAf\er Two Sets of .Chlldren-Here's How I Feel .About Strietiiess" • F athcr's Day is kiod of ao offshoot of Mother's Day. I've always thought it ran second. But around our house, it giv.es the youngsters a chance to lay something on old Dad. Mary Frances used to make things, little tloodads, thingamabobs, a clay model of an animal or a bird. Now, she generally gives me a necktie. The boys give me golf balls or a couple of golf tees, something athletic. Last year they gave me some trout flies they bought. (They aren't quite old enough to make them yet) ·Sometimes people ask how I've raised Harry, Nathaniel and Mary Frances compared to my first batch of children. Actually there's been very lit- tle basic difference. When we raised my first batch of children t·was a lot busier, had to travel much more, be on loca- tion for several months and didn't spend as much time with them as I do this group. Also, we sent the first group away to boarding school, whereas this group goes to a public high school down the street. But otherwise, the methods, the discipline and regime are the same. I think in this day, more so than when my first children were growing up, ifs especially important for par- ents to be as close as they can to their c;hildrcn and sec something of them every day. We ta~e all our meals to- gether except lunch, when they're at school. There's so much permissiveness today-all cbJldren have to do is spend five minutes with the wrong companion and aJ_J the good work you've done can' be undone. Today you haye these groups who believe they can break the Jaw and otherwise misbehave. If your kid gets into a group like that and doesn't participate, they call him "chicken." It's tough for a child to cope with that. So, if you can keep as close a relationship as possible with the chil- dren at this stage, I'm sure it's helpful. You need authority and discipline if you want any respect from your chil- dren for your beliefs, opinions and ideas. I try to be a strict father, but there are certain limits. Kathryn wants them to do a Jot of homework, and I do too; but sometimes if there's a good foot- ball, baseball or basketball game on- 4 • FAMILY WEEKLY, June 17, 11173 Bini Md Ktlthfyn er .. by .,. hllppMy IUf· rounded by Bing's ''MC· ond batch" -H•rrr, Mery Frances end Na- ....., _in ... photo- graph. .. Bing and hie llrat wife, Dixie Lee, ........... of ..,_., four eone, Denn9, Gary end PNllp. 11tf9 ... snapped bedl In 1931. By Bbag Crosby In conversation with Helen Dorsey say, the play-off games-and they're on at night, I'm for letting the boys watch it on lV. But rm strict in other things. Harry's 14 now. He's allowed one night a week, preferably on the weekend, when he can stay out on a date until 10: 30 or 11 p.m. Mary Prances is 13, and she's not allowed that privilege yet. I suppose that's kind of strict for these times, but they don't seem to mind. Our kids arc in so many activities. Harry plays the piano and guitar, stud- ies harmony and composition, plays golf and tennis and loves to shoot and -· go boating. The ~ys have even cooked up a little business with some other kids publishing a dining guide of San Francisco and Los Angeles. United Air Lines has agreed to take it if they're able to sell the restaurants on the idea. All three children have a wide, wide variety of interests and n~ver seem to be just sittfog around doing nothing. We find witbdrawiog privileges the most effective way to maintain disci- pline with our children-withdrawing recreation pleasures. trips they"vc been looking forward to. They're too old to lick! Mary Frances is 13-1 can·t ima.g- ine, myself bending her over my knee and paddling her. Harry is as tall as I am. I still lick Nathaniel-just bend him over-my-knee-and bit him on the fanny -but that's not too often. We've always believed in a little physical reminder on the oottom. At least that worked when they were little. We spanked them all. My own father was never very strict. He let us do anything in the world. My mother was very strict, and we all had to cooperate and conform. We were a large family and anyone who got out of line was really asking for trouble from Mom! But we never resented having that kind of discipline, and I've fol- lowed much the same thinking with my children. I also think children who have afflu- ent parents arc a special problem. They have to be taught bow to cope with this situation. I've explained to my kids that they have a special responsibility be- cause they have $00\e aftluence to en- joy a lot of things other kids can't co~ joy. The result, I believe, is that they are unusua.Uy generous and open. Then there are problems like the drug scene. Kathryn, being in the DU~ ins profeai~ bad all the literature on drup and has always seen to it that the kids are kept up to date on the whole thing -what drugs can do to your health, etc. Tbcre haven't been any in- stances in our neighborhood, or with people with whom we arc personally acquainted, but Mary Frances is very well posted and so is Harry. What will happen to them if they get with the wrong group, if they are dared and called "chicken"? I don't know-JJlll all I can do is pray. ~ DM't lerllf e. tlllielllUI' .. e.,_wten..;,1 .. ,.IMiclli,ter 1 ~---.._..-.-....a..111-.,. ~el c....-Vellly f-s. lllc. -------~----~--------------------------. f $C STORE COUPON . . I 1, ~Ii\~ ,._...tllaoouponlDJOl"~.Hlle......,ID~IO" ~ \J ~ le tow8fd the~ prlc:eof oneCMof Recipe Mlldng I [ffi O....Bllf& ..... ~lnBllfONwr ..... Oullla I 0 a.dllr'llnO*-'~~a..llllAlbsdV..&U. In ..... a-... wi.i .. --°' '* '*' ... been .... "' .. --... "'vau. .. ooupon ..... I a ~ "''°"' ~ YllW ,,_,__.....,Of. JNil 1w ooupon to: COUPON AEDEWTION IW>GfWiC. P.O. I ~ 80lC woo. ELM arv. NORTH CAAOLtM 21122. 1or 1c ~ ~' . ~Mt--.=::· cor.IMll llald.lnloicmpiw-1 oo~rmmnew ~~~~~a;i~~ I = ldd .. COUpOf9...,....1or....,,"*',..,, noptoof I pl'OduCil ~ .. .,__ Subjld.., ...... loml MOO unks ....-... Yaid 11 ..... ......, 01 btJiddlrl.,, -1--. . ~~"'T-~-=-=-~~ I Beef 6t Meat By-Products in Bfff Gr , 1cno1 o.t1-.1120d \f. ' • Chicken in Chicken Gnivy. ~ .... ~~ n:. c..,.. I or Ribs of Veal k LiveJ' in Brown Gravy. ....... · I . '$C I . . 787 \ -----------------------~ Introducing the best thirig that ever happened to .dty dog food. New Recipe ~ixing Chunks. As far as we know, it's the fint and only product made esptci11lly for mixing with dry dog food. In fact, we don't suggest that you serve it any other way. (Dogs do nttd more than meat.) When you or.e_n your first can you'll see why its so perfect for mixing! Each is chuck full of nutritious meat or chicken chunks, .. cooked in a spedal gravy. It's a great way to tum that dry do$ food your dog's been eating mto a mouth-watering dinner. Mixing Chunks varieties look and smell as appetizing as our completely balanced Recipe brand dinnen, too! How much you mix each day depends largely on how much dry dog food rour dog eats. (In some cases, we ve found that half a can or less will be plenty.) But no matter how much you serve, one thing's for sure-your . dog will be glad you did! I ORDER House of Wesley's • • • CREEPING , , , .. at Amazingly LOW PRICES 4 Plants s100 8 for $1.75 12 for $2.50 for · 24 tors4 7s 48 ''!s92s Plus Valuable Peony Bonus! -WHY PLANT . A GROUND COVER? . In many areas and situations. ground covers are more tipproprlate and more satisfactory than turf. They are able to grow and thrive In sun OR st..de, and In poor soil. On steep slopes where mowing Is difficult. ground cover Is much more effective and much less laborious to maintain than grass. Ground covers hold the soil as well as turf and the textures are far more interesting. . Small areas of grass are a continual chore to keep mown and trimmed but grouncl#covers require almost no care. They are excellent prot.ectlon and soil conditioners. They hold the fallen leaves from blowing away, ~us helping to add annually to the humus content. One of Sedum'• most vaau.ble ....... Its full time beauty. Lush foliage begins In earlr spring, and star~ wine ,.ct flo .. rs delight the viewer from late June through September. The llttracthe '""•"fl'"" foliage lasts .. 11 Into wtnter, maintaining Its rtc:tt green and bronie color neartr all rear round. 8"1des belng one of the lovet'"t of the ground covers, Sedum also rates high on ttw oth!IJ r.qul,,tMnta. n Is hardy, grows well In sun or partial shllde, In undJ soil, ctar soil, or good 80H. ,, ns thick foliage and root sptem hold the soil on slopes or banks. The neat M " cover forms a den9e perennial mat to bring green and wine red beauty to slopes, borders, rocq are-. anfwhere beautr and durability are needed. Each plant will ••llr and quicklJ ..,read to fill one sq. ft. Sedum spreads ewenly, maintains Its uniform unooth beaut, at all stages of growth. Unllke some RED SEDUM Now to.cover · those hard-to-fill bare spots with Blazing Color I Check these Special Features .of the Perfect Ground Cover! CR EEPING RED SEDUM V' Grows In Any Soll V' Thrives in Sun or Partial Shade ,,,,; No Speci•I Care Needed v Extremely Hardy V' Brilliant Color v Rich, long-lasting Foliage V' Neat, uniform Growth v-Quick, but Dlscl)>lined Spreading V' Guaranteed "" Inexpensive You will receive hardy northern nursery grown plants carefully packaged to arrive in prime con- dition. A n outstanding buy at less than 20t per plant m lots of two dozen! . All ..._ guaraMNd to be of "!119 •ucttr -adNt1IMd and to ........ good he81thJ condlllon or pure"-Pfloe • be refunded. RETURN SHlllPtNG LMl!L OILY -rou IMJ keep the pl...._ (OM,._ IMlll). other ground covers, Sedum. also called "Dragon'• Blood," stays where _.II\._.~~· you put It -does not st,....... out Into places where It doesn't belong. Se«fiimli a most lndfftruttlb .. , enduflng .,..,.,. • .,.-._atMr heny Cll~I~ an«S. '1U1fttk>nll oddJ, SEND this Speaial Off er Coupon TODAY to receive your Red Sedum Now is a GoodTime to Order REDSEDUM! Your young Sedum plants will estllbllsh themselves begin to spread a few days after planting. In • month or so they will already be~ Inches In diameter. They may lose their foliage as the first winter progresses but will leaf out again In urty spring. During a long growing season they may reach 12" In cflam. eter, always maintaining their neat regulated shape. and Peonies I r--------·"-" .... ,....., ________ ..., I llOUSI Of WHllY. llUISllY DMSloee I , •.•. #1 Dept .. ff.US I , ............. Ill. 61701 I I Please send the following: • i I I I I I I I I I I I ' 2 PEONIES 254 1,-.. ... "' "",_.... _. ......... I '"""°'' ,.. ..... ,..... ........... ... :N : HOME OFFICE Everyone's favorite. With Sedum orders of $2.50 or mote, IADDR f HOUSE OF WESLEY, Nursery Division, you can order 2 Red Peony bushn C• reg. sus value) for 11c1n : only 2S.. Ta .. advantage of these eJCtra uvlr19s on hllncf. R. R. 1, Bloomington. Illinois 61701 some peonies-special with this value·packed Seclurn offer. f ITA ZIP I ... ---------------------------------------~----------------~------) # - M&rgaret .M~ on llooK\ · C -and the Parting That May Be Forever "ln all my ye~rs of fieldwork, each place' I have lived has become home. Each small object I have brought with ·me, each arrangement on a shelf of tin cans holdir1g beads or salt for trade, or crayons for ~h~ children ·to draw with, becomes a mark of horne: When it is dismantled on the . . last morning ... I weep." _By Margaret Mead The world is full of homes in which J have lived for a day, a month, a year, or much longer. How much I care about a home is not measured by the length of time I have lived there. Qoe night in a room with a leaping fire may mean more to me than many months in a room without a fireplace, a room in which my life bas been paced less excit- in&ly. ln Hammonton, N.J., where we.lived when I was a cbH~; we had five whole acres, a good part of which was seoond-grOwth bush, stud- ded witb blueberries. However far away we moved and however ofte11, ·We al.ways came home again to Hammonton and ihe familiar and loved thinP. that were too fragile to ta ke with u.s.-a!tbough Mother was ver; permis- . sive about allowing US' to arry along all the objects each of us wanted. In Hammonton there was the same blue- berry thicket in which to wander along old paths and make new ones, the same surrey, wb..icb we hired from a livery stable, and the same door wruch was never opened-a second door on the front porch which.was used only on one occasion, on the night the neighbors pounded on it to tell us that our chimney had caught fire. There was the well with a pump that we used to prime with hot water, until ·one day my five-year-old brother and a desperado friend a year younger threw everyt mg de:: tachable down the well, aod then it was never used again. There was an 'old dinghy in which we gre~ ftowcrs until the bo~ lore it up. And once, when the barn had been reshingled and the old shingles had been piled in the barn for By pe~lulon of Wllllam Morrow & Company, Inc., frotn "Blackberry Winter," by Marg.,..t Mead. Copyright C> 1172 by Margaret Mead. the winter, the two little boys threw all of them out. Grandma said it just showed bow two children, each one quite good by him- self, could gee into mischief. You never could tell, when you put two children together, what the outcome would be. (Perhaps-but it certainly enlarged my picture of what boys were like!) It's strange how one always remembers certain objects-certain things ...., from cb¥- hood. There were treasures on Mother's dressing table, for"Cxample-a Wedgwood pin dish, a little porcelain Mary and her lamb, the pale green, flowered top of a rose bowl that had broken, 3;0d Mother's silver-back~ ~ comb and brush and mirror. All these things held meaning for me. Each was-and still is-- capable of evoking a rush of ·memories . Taken altogether, the things that mattered a great deal to me when I was a child are very few when I compare them to t.he overloaded tables and overcrowded shelves through -wnich chlldren today liave to thread their way. Only if they are very fortunate will they be able to weave together into memories the ill-assorted mass of gadgets, toys, and easily . forgotten objects, objects without a past or a future, and piles of snapshots that will be re- placed by new, brightly colored snapshQ~ next year. The difficulty, it seems to me, is not-as s0 many older people claim-that in 1he pasr-life , was simpler and there were fewer things, and· so people were somehow better, as well as more f~g~. It is, rather, that today's children have to find new ways of anchoring the changing moments of their lives, and they have to try to do this with yery little help from their ciders, who grew up in an extraor- dinarily different world. How many of the young people who are rebelling against the Thie plctuJe Of M81'98NI _... w• IMen In 1117, when lhe now-fllmOUe ...U.ropOloglel ·-11,..,. old. tyranny of things, who want to strip their lives down to the contents of a rucksack, can re- me mber and name the things that lay on their mothers' dressing tables or can describe every toy and book they had as a child? Tt has been found that when desperate, un- happy youngsters are preparing to break away from a disordered, drug-ridden com- mune in which tbey have been living for months, they first gather together in one spot their few possessions and introduce a sem- blance of order among them. The need tocie- fiae who you are by the place in which you live remains intact, even when that" place is · defined by a single-object, like the small blue vase that· used to mean home to one of my friends" the daughter of a widowed trained nurse who continually moved from one place to ano ther. I realized how few things are needed to make a .. home" when I took my seven-year- old daughter on her first sea voyage. The ship-the "Marine Jumper," ao unrenovated troopship with iron decks-was c rowded with C onti,,ued on page 9 June 17, 11173 liintf&Jtt,,,.., n.N ... ,....,........,. MORTON FRANK, '"lld1nt end PublllMr LEONARD S. DAYIDOW, CMl!w111n ADYERTISIH: PATRICK II. UNSKEY, V.P.-Ad Director EDITOftlA&.: MORT PERSKY, V.P.-Edllor-ln-Chlef Sid Lllref*J, Marketing Director; Gerald S. Wroe, Eastern Mgr.; Robert D. Glldt, Assoc. Re,nold9 ~ Managing Editor; IUchard Veldetl, Art Director; M ... llHd lod8y. Eaatem Mgr.; Joe Fral9r. Jr., Chicago Mgr.; RloMnl T. flJM. Detroit Mgr. Roaetrn AllreW11J8, Women•a Editor; MMtrn HanMn, Food EdltOI'; Helen H...anon, Aaat. Art Dir.; Robeft tt. MMtoa, Mgr.; Robert J. ~Pub. Servtoe1; ,,_.... G. Anmlroftg, Aaat. Audref AJllft. Jou Hen~ and tf•I Landon, Assoc. Editors; Glori• Brter, Pictures. ,., ........ ULATIONI: ROBERT D. CARNEY end lle u.ua, V.P.• and Co-Olrecto,.; Contributing Editors:,.., J. Oppenhel.....,, Hollywood; LerrJ Borta .. ln. Sparta. to Pub.; Rollert 8aMer, Promotion; Ceryt U., MerchandlSJng; ~...,..., Dlatrlbutlon. PftODUCTIOll: M.tbcKime Zlpprlch, Director; Rldterd Wendt, Mgr.; Robet1lt ColHna, Ad Makeup. " HHd......,.:"'1 LelllllgtonAwe .. N.Y.,N.Y.10022 C 1173FAMILY~KLY,INC.Allrlgttte,...r'Md. • FAMILY WEEKLY, June 17, 1973 • • 1 ' Use this coupon to get your own hip- huggin', flare-bottomed, all-season Winston funwear. Fancy PantsrM are only $2.99 a pair (p lus two Winston end flapsl. Matching Happy HatrMis just $1 .95 and two end flaps. Order yours today! Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ~ ------------------•................ , ............... " I ll hlll. --.,,.. • I PluH aefld me ti!• ltttftS illdlutod bttow. fOf •Kh 11111 of r""'r ,..,h'" Ofdtttd I I eft<lou $1 99 tlld 2 WlftSIO!' rnd IUps, fOf ucJI Koppy "-1'" ordttod I IMlose I SUS and 2 Winston end flAllS-I FAACY ,AfllTS ($2.99) HA/'PY HAI (11.1!1) I OuMIJly 0.-Uly I ..... --SINll ID-lO Wllst) --Smlll (llti~"'l I ----ll2.J4WllSI) __ ........ (1.7\41) I __ u r .. (36..31 waist) __ u r1• 1114·7"> I Ft!Nlt --Snlllt (5-7) --• W lf m,~.7~) I Ur. Sim ) ---1-~II) I __ u r .. tJ.J.ISl I I -'°" • lobl of --..... ft•PS frMt any sire Wlt1SIO!' Cfp nttts '°' "'' ilttO(S) I 11.tff ordt,.,, aflCI llte lfW total •-I of _, S (no SlllllP> •IUH~ I fwtalMTi 5e1141 dltck °' _, Older 'rntl flaps by h~t class tMlt fllloh .,.,. I ,.. .. ,., Wlnt"" hrtb /"-1 Offer. I I certify Ill.ti I am 21 ,.."of ap °'MM<. I> .(] I Miu I ~· I I f'PI••• ,.,, •• P'1•.tf'll)'I I MdAS Te .. pll°"t'--- 1 City Stlt. ,. __ -I •U.S. potbl resulltlOM rtq11lre UH Of tlr code. PIUM lnt llldt . Allow 6 weeks for I dtlivtry. This olltt 11pJru Oeumbtr J I, t7J end Is 11.,lled lo lht U.S.A. Nol valid I fOt thl-t Into stain wllatt prOlllllHed °' r .. •l•led. -----~-----------C U7 J II. J llUllOLDS fOIACCO CO 20 mg. "tar'", 1.3 mg. nicotine tN. per cignne. FTC Repon fEB.'-73 . ..; Margaret Mead Co111i1111ed /rom page 7 ' over a thousand students. They were .bunked below where the troops had slepl, while Cathy and I shared one cabin with six other mem- bers of the staff. Cathy climbed into her upper berth, opened the little packages that had been given to her as going-away present"8,-<-ind arra!1gcd them in a circle around her. Then Four-year-old Margaret poen with her mother Emlty In 1905. "The dlfftcullJ, It Mema . to me •.. la, rather, that today'• children have to find new wa19 of anchoring the changing motMnta of their llvea." ,. she leaned over the side of the berth and said. "Now I am ready to see the ship." Home, I learned, can be anywhere you .. make it. Home is also the place 10 wfiicn y~ come back again and again. The really poi- ..,. gnant parting is the parting that may be for- ever. It is this sense that every sailing may be a point ·Of no return that haunts the people of the Pacific islands. On the very day l ar- rived in Samoa, people began to ask, "When will you lcav,:'l" When I replied, "In a year," they sighed, "Alas, talofai"-our love to you- with the sadness of a thousand partings' in their voices. These people knew that even wl:ten a fishing canoe goes out there is a chance that it will upset on the dangerous reef and that someone will be drowned. Tl)e smallest journey may be forever. · I have seen somelhing similar on the sea- coast of Po rtugal, where every year for four hundred years fishermen set out in their frail boats for the fishing banks across the treach- erous Atlantic and no one could tell when-or whether-they would return. Portugal is still a widow's walk. The old women, dressed in tWack, still seem to be looking out to sea for the men who disappeared into the distance and an unknown fate. · Jn all my years of fieldwork, each place FAMILY WEEl<L Y, June 17, 1973 • I where I have lived has become home. Each small object I have brought with me, each arrangement on a shelf o( tin cans holding beads or salt for trade, or crayons for tbe children to draw with, becomes the mark of home. When it is dismantled on the Inst morn- ing-a morning that is marked by the greed of those who have little and hope for a share of whatever is le{t behind, as well as by the grief of feeling that someone is leaving for- ever-on that morning, I weep. I, too, know that t~ departure, unlike my forays from home as a child, is likely to be forever. One of the "little old ladies" who usgs.Silk&SiJvef. Eighth in a series: She's Betty King Barker, indus- trial designer who can list among her· credits 4 careers, 3 grandchildren, 2 sons, and 1 husband. She also manages to find time for teiinis, golf and looking after her good looks. To keep her silvery hair bright and beautiful, she uses Silk & Silver, Clairol's long lasting color lotion in Silvery Pearl* #14. "So easy," says Mrs. Barker, ••1 just · shampoo it in every few weeks -- -it colors away the yellow, adds lots of body and won- derfully rich deep color." And it has no peroxide. Mr. Barker approves. "Gray hair looks so young on Betty." Silk&Silver color lotion for enhancing gray hair. from Clairol. ........ ' .,._ .. - at's it all about, Col .b. ?'' UIIl ta .... It's about the fact that most of the time you get just one new record rqj or tape ~ to enjoy ... but getting ten~~ at once is dynamite. It's about shopping at home instead of waiting in l~ne ti~Jf l! in a ~rowded store. It's about getting some fun ~ interesting ·f~ magazine , ----..... ~ one of your favorite subjects: .music. Most of all it's about savings@ ... starting with 10 records or tapes if{ Q!:.~!:2Z~:::~:::,: (at regular C lub prices) during tl1c coming two years That's what it's all about. TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF RECORDS-CARTRIDGES-CASSETTES-REEL TAPES .. -220038.F.,,....& T.._ L.C PlllJTMHit n.n. HOW THE CLUB OPERATES: To ordet My 10 stereo NCOtds «lapel for S1.17 just mail the postpaid appllcaJfon form (be. sure to Indicate whether you want cartridges, cassettM, reel tapes or rec· ords). In exchange ... You Ill'" to buy ju91 eight more Hlecltw (at regul., Club pricea) In the coming two,..,. ... and you may cancel membership any time after doing so. Your own charge 8CCOUnt wrn be opened upon enroll· ment ... and the selections you order as a member will be malled and billed at the regular Club prices: car· trldges and cassettes, $6.98; reel tapes, $7.98; records, $4.98 or $5.98 ... plus a processing and postage charge. (Occaslonal special selections may be somewhat higher.) You may 8CCept or re)ect •l•clfone • tollowe: every four weeks yau will receive a new co~ of th• Club's music magazine, which describes the regular selection for each musical Interest ... plus hundreds of alternate · selections from every field of m"slc. (Since you'll receive 13 Informative magazines a year, you'll always be up-to- d!lte on the most current hits.) 222000 ... , .,., CE1 ., .... """ Y.-~9'1'9 ........ _ ...... ltlt•••--.......... ,.... ..... ••• H rou do not went MY .-1ect1on oftered, just mall the responM card Ph t:.d by the date specified (you'll haw at least '' • Jays In which to make your decision) ••• tf rou WMt only the,..,.., Mlecllon for your musi- cal Interest, you need r . 1ot~ -It will be shipped to yoo automatically (nd ur.-1ou may return the regular aelectlon at our expe1. and for full credit If you did not have at least ten days In which to decide) ••• It JOU ..,.. 8ftJ of IM other Mlectlone olfwed, Just order .them on the response card and mall It by the date specified ••• MCI ebout four ...._ • ,..,, we will also offer some special aelecUons (usually at a dlscount off regular Club prices), which you may reject by malllng the special dated form provided ... or accept by doing nothing. You'N be ellgtble for our bcM"'9 plM upon completing your enrollment agreement -a plan which enables you to save at least 33% on all your future purchases. Act nowt 223115• IUPER R. y = ~-_.CMIN .. ,,_. 223222 * CAT SftVDll II CATCM IUU AT'°"" Cut along dotted line -Mal (pee• Of tape) Md mall .. Bu•lnna R.ply EnW!tlope. No aaa.p needed. 1------------------------------------------~------------------------~--1 Cit ll1~aT ... Q9.TetN ..... ...._C1W . I · I / ....._ accept "'1 ~P ~lcatlon In the Col~• : Record & T-sie Ctub undar the .. ,_ outffned In ltlle a6-I : verti..tnent Send -the 10 •lectlone Haled below for 1,. 1 only St.t7, pl.. Pt'oceMlng and poet1199. I etlf" to buy Ill _ .!. I : a Mlectlone (at ,.gular Ctub prtcee) durlne.ttie coming two ~ /~,_-ii I r:: ~-n:.m:1~~~T~~ 8!1 :,;,"'{ ~ltff eo. u' J 0 a-T111Ck ~· (P4-W) UK. ! 1-E -0 T .... Ca1111t1e (P5-X) .- 0 llMMo-AMI T..-. (Pe-Y) 0 1r Stereo~ (P7-Z) a ~ if i ~ ~ ~ I llY llAIM llUllCAL INTEREST II (c:Mcli ... MJI OlltJ): i (But I am ahtt•ya lree to choo.a /rom any cat900tyJ 0 baJ U1a1a1R12 0 TMlt Hiia 7 0 Ctwical 1 0 eo..lly I . !I R:;. a ~p;.;~· .... •;;.;.·~-: •.....• i~i.W ......... ~ -~-.. ... ................................................................. Clfy ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .................................... 11,c.. ................... . le Tw tine A T1h•h••' la..cla ... , 0 TU ...•. 0 • Al'O. r1'0 ..,.,.,..,_:.nu /or 1,..a.1 OI• ,..._,,71 •• I I I I I I I I • I . I ____________________________ .,.. _____ _ ••••••••••••••u•-•••••••••••••••••el Make this your summer to remember Your laughs seem to linger on sea waves, roll out to deep blue water and echo in the calls of distant ships. Thats the way summer should always be: thats the . :.. , way you'll always remember it. . ·::.: .:=· •::= •. ;. Laughter, games,_fun. And you're .. , .. :' •:· .... ... always a part of 1t when you '=• ·::· ft~ ·-depend on the internal pro- tampons are a natural part of life. They make even ··· difficult days of summer a time to soak up.er golden tan · i n skinny bikinis, to romp and leap and splash with all your energy. Tampax tampons' internal protection gives you all this freedom and confidence as well. As the crowd grows and the laughter rises, your wor- ries are a million miles inland. Tampax tampons will protect you dependably. So you can really celebrate a summer to remember. \ •!. ~~~ ~ r.· tection of 'fa1T_1pax tampons. ' : ... ,,....,. ~~ To so many girls, Tampax ... '°....,.... ~~ ..,.... :;. ·:,~ .. ~;~~~, The internal protection more wom~n trust ~-..... TAMPAX . ~DE ONLY SY f,lmp>nJ TAMPAX INCORPQRATE:D, PALMER. MASS. his is a time when hairstyles are competely iodi· vidual, reflecting your hair's natural abilities, your personal- ity and your life-style. What- ever looks and works best for you. And, generally speaking, except for special occasions, that means a "no fuss'' look ac- complisbect with only n little effort. Especially for summer, you'll want a style that's easy to cope with, no matter what the hu- midity or the temperature or the situation. The answer is a ter- rific haircut, one that cuts the style right into YO!Jr hair, versa- tile enough to wear a few dif- ferent ways. Go to the best hair cutter you can tlnd a t least every four to six weeks to keep the shape and eliminate the broken ends. Hair that's basi- cally wash-and-wear will look good combed into place and dried, blown dry with a hafr <lryer, or turned into a line with the help of a couple of pincurls or rollers, heated or ,otherwise. Of course, there will still be times when you'll want to do more. But the quick no-fuss look is definitely today. • , " "The proper conditioner can replace ·thk oils and proteins your hair may need." And here's how to choose the proper conditioner! By .l'oaa Rattner Hell• .. n. ..... ,._ .. Mlrdo le IM OM to hne now and 1n1o--..-m a neturat one-proc .. pewt color Ilk• Flaxen Blonde, a Miu Clairol Hair Color Bath. Almost everyone today wants to be able to do her own hair between visits Jo the hairdress- er. To keep your hair (literally) in good shape means you must nurture it, pamper it, give it what it needs and avoid what ii dOC$D't. What it needs is scru- pulous shampooing and coD<li- tioning. Plus great natural-look- -ing coloring, your own or ac- quired. Wash it whenever it needs it, even if that's every day. CbooSe your shampoo care- fully, avoidjng the harsh ones that can dry it out and fade your ~Lor. Some shampoos are buffC!_red with conditioners or body-builders. And keep a spray-in dry shampoo handy for emergencies. The proper conditioner can replace the oils and proteins your hair may need. Corrective conditioners, used two or three times a month, will help oul damaged hair. Instant condi- tioners applied after each sham- poo will give shine and control. Decide whether your own bafr color does all it can for you. If it doesn't, change it a li~le or a lot and get the color you want. Treat your hair gently. Don't brush too strenuously. Don't handle it more than you must. Protect it from the sun, espe- cially if you color it. Use a non- lacquer spray and a non-stiff setting lotion. Continued FAMILY WEEKLY, June 17, 1973 • 11 • a y 3 0 e R ri i pl m w 5. th ~~ Co11tiniud Howto Color \Our Hair- Step by Step here's absolutely no reason today for aoyooe to feel stuck with dull, drab, oo-eolor ba.ir. Hair coloring bas become so simple and so varied that you can choose a new shade aod have it in an easy afternoon. You can ease into hair colo1 ing with a temporary shampoo-to-shampoo color refresher or a semipermanent tint that lasts through four or five shampoos. Or you can go all the way with a permanent color that stays with you till it's cut off. Here, in abbreviated form, are the ways to apply color to your hair. The itrst-rute-ot hatr--c-olo-rihg is alway8 fo read the directions all the way through and very carefully. The second is to follow them exactly as they're given. Temporary Q)lor or Rinse (This is applied after every shampoo. · It coata the hair shaft but does o<n . change the natural color pigment.) J. Waah your hair and towel-dry it. 2. Shake product well. 3. Starting at the front of the bead, work the rinse through the hair and comb through to distribute evenly. 4. You arc finished. Semipermanent Color (This lasts through a f cw shampoos, penetrates the hair slightly, but does not change the natural pigment.) U you me the lotion fonn: J. Apply the coloring to dry hair. Work in Jike 3 shampoo. 2. Pile your hair-on'\top of your head and put on the plastic cap. 3. Prepare the after-rinse. 4. After 30 or 4S minutes, remove cap and add enough water to hair for a lather. S. Rinse color from hair. 6. Apply after- rinse and leave it in the hair. U Y• -ClOlor fon1: J. Shampoo and towel-dry your hair. 2. Apply the foam and wort through. 3. Don the plastic cap and leave it on 1 S to 20 minutes. 4. Remove cap, add lukewarm water to hair and work into a lather. S. Rinse thoroughly. Permanent Q)lor (Permanent color actuaUy cbapges the color of your hair, aod it can't be ' washed away:' A one-process product will lighten or darken your hair~ add highlights or depth to your natural col- or. But a two-process product is needed if you want to lighten your hair dramat- ically. First the hair must be lightened· and then toned.) Oae-p~as pennaDall color: 1. Prepare the tint mixture. 2. Apply it to dry hair as directed. 3. After indicated .length of time add lukewarm water, work up a lather and rinse thorougbJy .. 4. Wash quickly and thoroughly with a ·color-fast shampoo. 5. Rinse tborough- ty'"WitlCwatef."' -· Two-process color: , , UgbteaJaa: 1. Prepare lightener. 2. Divide your hair into four sections. 3. Starting at the back, apply mixture to separate strands of hair every half inch. 4. Now continue parting the hair and ' applying mixture until the entire bead is completed. S. Work remaining mix- ture through the hair and pile hair on top of your bead. 6. Start your timing. 1. Test frequently for results. 8. When your hair bas reached the desired de- gree of lightness, riMe and shampoo it immediately. Now tt Is lady for tt.e tonmc pro- cess: I. Towel-dry. 2. Prepare toner. 3. Strand .... : AJw.,. be._.. to tett fOf color wt.en .... ng. ~ colorlnf. Apply to the hair and work. through. 4. Allow color to develop according to directions. S. Add warm water aod work into a lather. 6. Rinse thoroughly ·with warm water until the water runs clear. 7. Shampoo. Wortdng In the color: The coloring product ......... .,. be llJ.>roughly • wortced lf!IO your hair for complete CCMrllge. How do JOU put llfe.lnlo row hair When JOU don't ..... to cMnge .... bale color? ... epedal eh-.poo llHded fOt color·trNted hlllr? C1teck above. The lhade ehown la True Brunetle Light Golden Brown, bJ ctalroL Towel-drying: For most (but not all) ....... .,. of colortng, towel-dry rour halrafterahampooing. Continut>d FAAill Y WEEKLY. June 17, 1173 • 11 ~~ & rO'I{, Co11ti11ue1/ .· • . If I w•nt to keep my own basic hair color, but woold like to give It more Ufe, what should. I useY I've oevtr colored my hair and I admit I'm rather afraid of SU.rtiog no"". A. Try a semipermanent shampoo-in or • foam-in hair color in a shade that's close to your own. You'll get the ri~b­ ness and depth of color you're looking for. It will last th rough four or five shampoos. then fade away. Jf you like the results. do it again. Or you can for- get it or try another kind of coloring. Q. Are there special products to cover gray? A. Yes, there are, both in semiperma- nent and permanent coloring. The sim· Questions &Answers About lbur 11a1r· ·ves, It C11n Be More Beautlf11l. sure you're wi lling to retouch frequent- ly to keep the color looking good. Q. A~ there any known cures for dandruff yet'? A. Unfortunately, no, but a special dandruff-control sha mpoo can be a big help if you use it regularly. Keep your hair equipment clean and try to stay in good physical condition, Poor health, tiredness, stress, etc., tend to intensify the dandruff problem. Q. Is it safe to straighten your hair and tolor it at the same time? My hair '5 very turfy and .., uninteresting color. A. It's best to wait at least a week after the straightening-or a permanent-be- fore coloring. Use a product especially designed for colored hair. Q. What can be done about hair th•t's getting thinner'? . A. Handle it as little as possible, never setting it too tight or pulling it back too taut. If you're abusing it in any way, stop. Keep it clean to make it look as full as possible, using a body-building shampoo. And check with your doctor to be sure the situation isn't due to a reparable physical condition. Q. After I've Hquittd ~red hair, shonld I me a sPed8J shampoo'? A. There are shampoos containing con- ditioners that are made especially to pamper hair that's been tinted. They'll help keep your hair from fading and losing its depth of color. Q. How many hairs are there oa my head? / A. Between 90,000 and I 50,000. Red- heads have the fewest and natural blondes the most. Q. Is f rostinc the answer few me? I'd like • blonde look (my balr ii IJalat ' brown) without COiorina it 1111 over. plest solution is to use a semiperma~-~-------..------------------==-=;;;;...-----. nent coloring that will cover the gray A. You've got the perfect ha ir color for frost ing, tipping or highlighting. Any of these wiU give you a subtle blonde effect ~y_ lightening hair here and there pver your head and especially around the lace. It's pretty and easy to main· lain. You won't have to do it again for three or four months, as new growth is usually no l noticeable until then. and enrich the natural tones too. But if you've got a lot of gray or you prefer to c0hange your basic color, perhaps to a mot;e flattering shade, choose a per--~ mapent CQlor either close to your own natural shade, or lighter or darker. Q. What can I do for my very oily hair'? A. You·can't do much to make it less oily, but you can wash it.a lot. As soon as the oil becomes noticeable, shampoo your hair wi th a product made espe- cia lly for .. your problem. Hair coloring often helps to remove some of the ex- cess oiliness for a while. Don't brush or hand le your hair too much. as this will stimulate more oil production and. bring the oil down from the scalp. Don:t use extremely ,hot w.ater or sit under a very hot dryer because these, too, will stimulate the oil glands. ~e­ cause of the frequent washing. choose a hairstyle that's easy to cope with. Try to stay away from· fatty foods. Q. Ho" fut does hair pow! A. From \.ft -inch ro V..-inch a month. Q. If I want to Co from brunette to ash blonde, can I use• tempontry or semi- penaMeal color1 A. No, you'll need a permanent color- ing of the two-process variety. Make ; . . 11 • FAMILY WEEKLY. June t7, 1973 3 New Styles- Whlch One Is You? Curly yet controlled, this hairstyle conforms to the smaller silhouette · forecast for summer. Soft bangs and curls frame the face, and the smooth semi-shingled nape is a new feature for '73. .. ' ' ..- \J A touch of the Great Gatsby .•. The small head, wide waves, the shingled back add up to fashion pure and simple. This coif will be .the perfect "final touch" to the softer look in fashion. For those who prefer more length, the hair is still brushed smooth and close to the head, but curled at the ends to achieve a new wider look. This coif shows to perfect advantage hair that gleams with a lively sheen . Q. What are the Mlv•lafes of • blo"- dry ~·'? A. It's quite qui~k and it produces shape as well as a certain amount of volume. It does take some practice and it's tiring until you get the hang of it. Best thing to do is ask your hairdresser to give you a demonstration lesson . You'll need a lightweight hand dryer and a round or curved brush, or an air brush. which is a band dryer with ao attachable brush. The jdea is to blow your hair dry as you brush it into the shape you want. Q. And a ''plac:e 5et"1 A. Placing is the simplest way of sc;tting lhe· hair .. You comb your hair into place, using a setting lotion. clip it there " and let it dry. It works well if you want a.. close-to-the-head shape. For ·a bit more lift, place the hair over wads of cotton. Q. How !hoald I get rid of my tplff endi? A. CUt them off. Trim your hair at least every six or eight weeks. even if only a quarter of an inch. And use a conditioner regularly. Co11t11111c•d ... 0 Youre invited to smell it. -0--o to yo.ur favorite store. ~ Look for 9ur display. Experi- ence the fragrance of Clairol ~ herbal essence shampoo. Close your ~-·~" _ 2: and imagine you're in a Garden o · ::L hly Delights!" Almost immediately tJie ~ • beautiful sce,nts of herbs and wild flowers • surround you. Camomile. Juniper. Birch leaves. Melissa. Fragrances you won't be able ~ esist. 0 We e it easy for you to love it..· 0 e coupon below to µie check- " ter and get 10¢ off your purch of Clairol herbal essen~r.'.:\ sha~. When you use it, it's like v watihing your hair in a cool green mountain ra~n forest. Your hair becomes crystal cl~an and shiny with ii new kind of earthly 'ld excitement so it moves with :'I!· the grace of a wood nymph. 0 . f) It's a<l.et you can't lose. o · If by any_chance you don•t agree thaiO " it's tile m~t exciting shampoo on e~,. we'tr send you a 15¢ coupon good on · any@alnp.oo.Just send the front --\:fi · label of Clairol herbal ~nee sh~ poo to Clairol, Box 630, Yonk~, , · N. Y. 10701. We'll even send you an 8¢ refund to cover your O m~ilin~~t•. ~ · clairol9 herbal -essence shampoo .w ith natural protein ~---~---_. ......... limliiiiiili ........... ~ I~ 10¢ off Clairol' herbal essence shampori I . I It's a Garden of Earthly Delight§! Mr. Retailer: For each coupoa you lllC(.'C1JC from a oon- sumes ac Ii.mt' ol ~a.'ie ol Clairol ~rbal CSllCDCC shampoo. CWrol. toe. will pay the r~ value plus JC handlinrc allowance. provided you and your customer have rolnplicd wilh the 1enns ul the olrcr; any (i(hcr application C()Mlilules rniud. lnvok-n showi"I! your 1)1.111:hasc ol sufficicnc scock co ... '<1Vcr 111 coupons ~mtd IDWt be shown upon request; r1ilurc 10 comply may at Clairol Inell opcioo void all coupons wt.mined for~ionforwhich no proof ol products JIW'('lulscd is mown. Coupon net assiftnable « cnamfcnble; void if prohibited. taud. or n:51.rictcd by law. Your customer mllSt pay sales cu. Cash value t/nh ol I ocnc . Offer pxl oaly in oontinencal U.S.A .• Alaska. and Hawaii. Redeem only by mailin(I c~: EVANSVILJ..E COUPON REDEMPTION CENTER. P.O. Box ~17. Evansville. Indiana 47101. ()(fer limiccd co one 00\lpon per proJucc. •EXPIRES DECEMBER 31. 197~ . f' . _, - ' And Last but Not Leasl ••• . Some Professional Tips tbr ummer@al~ It has always seemed madness to me th"il women spend theiJ;" summers ne- glecting their hair or tormenting it with sun, wind, salt water and chlorine. Then after labor Day they rush out lo buy lotions, potions and magic elixirs they hope will bring it back to its glorious natural condition in one easy swoop. It just doesn't ~ork. You can help your hair once you've abused it, but it won't really recover until you've grown a whole new crop. Why not avoid all the problems and take care of it during the summer in- stead? Cover your hair in the sun, especially i1 it's been tinted, bleached, perma- nented or strajgbtened. The sun can Ugbteo natund hair, and completely change the color of. color-treated hair, turning it brassy ~r dull or red. The sun wiD also dry your hair out, c._ausing split ends and breakage as well as turning it into a reasonable facsimile of straw, . particularly if it's been chemically treated. We~r a scarf over it or a brimmed hat whenever you're outside. Don't leave salt water, chlorinated pool water or suntan lotions lo your hair. When you come in from the beach or the pool and rinse yourself off, rinse Y'1i.ar hair out too. A shampoo is even better, along with an instant condition- er which you leave on for a minute be- fore washing out. Conditioners are particularly i,plpor- tant in the summertime-I suggest using them· with every shampoo if your hair II ' is dry. And why not, if you lead a con- If you're an avid skier. you've prob- ably got a hair problem unless you wear JOU r hair in a wash-and-wear style - short and shaped so it will look present- able when there is no set at all. Or long, so you can hold it back in some way. Skiing is nry rough on the balr. Usu- ally you wear a cap or a hood which is guaranteed to destroy any coiffure in half an hour. Your hair either gets ti • FAMILY WEEKLY. June 17. 1973 More Beautilill Hair centrated beach life, put a conditioner ·on your hair before you ·go t& the beach? Your hair will get wet anyway. and under the head covering, it won't be seen. Cat your hair ~ularly in sa~er, at least once every four weeks-it grows futer in wann weather. Try to avoid excessive hair spray. Jn humid air it tends to get sticky. Obviously, the simplest, easiest hair- style is best for summer. Just about every client I see wants one that re- quires minimum care and won't look awful when 'it isn't set. To me, that means short wash-and-wear hair, or long wash-and-wear hair, perhaps with the help of a hairpiece. The ideal short drip-dry bair doesn't need setting at all, but can be combed into pl8ce •• Comb some setting Jotio~ stuck to your head or it turns dry and electric and stands on end when you take off your hat. If you can't just comb it, I suggest you carry a kerchief in your pocket to put on when you go in for lunch. Then wash your hair before you go to dinner. At night, when you want to look pretty, give yourself a quick hairdo with heated rollers, or a curling iron, or . . ByKenaeth Internationally Famous Hair Stylist through your hair after you've towel- dried it, just for body to bold it in line wbiJe it dries completely. Or blow it dry, using a brush and a hand dryer to create a bit 'of volume. Or put a f e~ rollers on the top if you want some" bounce. · Wash-and-wear styles have to be very simple · and you can't always ex- pect to get tbe most flattering look for yourself. But that's not too important when you think about the con.venience of hair that looks neat and is easy to cope wilh at the beach. You don't want to have to run for the hairdresser or your curlers every time you climb out of the water. l · u don't look good in a sh'ort style, why long one, just as easy to cope with'! Whe I talk about long hair, I don't mean way down to there. Hair longer than three or four inches below the shoulders is difficult to han- dle until you have the knack for it. The hair 1eJ111b I thlDk looks best raata from an iada below tbe · chin to four indaes below ,the shoulders. It should be essentially all one length, or a little longer in front, so you can contain it in some. way in the ba~k. You can wear this length free, in braids or pulled back in a ponytail.. Longer hair mates it easier to add sim- ple hairpieces, such as an extra braid or a wiglet done in curls. If you want a dressier look for evening, the classic French twist is quite elegant. _ And don•t forget wigs for summer. They can ~ your answ.e.r.. a wig, a wiglet or other hairpiece, if wash-and-~ear doesn't work for you. Even non-sportswomen have winter troubles. U you keep your bead under cover all the time. your hair may be- come too oily too soon-you'll have to wash it whenever it needs it. If your hair sden from stalk eledridty, a CttaJD rime qht be helpful •loaa witb • U&bt 11111 of Uir spray. Of himself, Kenneth writes: "I've been at this business of hairdressing for al- most 25 years. I've never been known for up-to-the-minute styles, but rather for up- to-the-mlnuie clients. By that I mean that real hair fashion comes from what women will wear on their heads-they are the final authorities. But there must be something I do that's right because I have a very large regular cllentele-some of them the m06t famous women In the world, some of them theC\ichest women In the world; the rest, career girts, sub- urban housewives, teenagers, society women. And I have many transient cli- ents, people who visit New York once a year and want to have a marvelous time. Part of their trip Is a trip to Kenneth's. I welcome them." E.xcerpt..:I from the book "Kenneth's Complete Book on Hair." Copyright ~ 1'72 by Kenneth Bettelfe end Joan Rattner Hellman. Publlahed by Ooubledey & Comptiny. Inc. •• It lets Die tie me:· Color that becomes part of you (not the other way around!)- that's what you get with Nice 'n Easy, from Clairol. Whether you want to color or conceal, to change a little or a lot, choose Nice 'n Easy, , · for beautiful coverage, healthy-looking hair and honest-to-you color. Nice '11 Easy haircolor It sells the 1nost. .. .. SmartCoolQng .. .. A New Steak Recipe For Father's Day This week, Food Editor Marilyn Hansen prepares a barbecue menu for Father's Day. "Dare I suggest a new way to cook steak for a , man?" she asks. "I dof This marinated steak is so delicious, even the most conservative male is almost certain to love it." MARILYN'S MENU Dad'• Favorl• Cold Beverege Crisp Yegeqble Sdcka Sllced Pepperoni Roundup Round Sleek* Bakect Polaloff F ....... Spinach Sllllld* Grtblche Drnelng * Ory Red Wine Beer hocOlale Mallow·Mlnt Parfatle* CotlH Tea Miik •Recipe given OUNDUPROUNDSTEAK .3 lbs. beef round ... ak, 1 ~ lncM8 lhlclt 1 cup dr/ red wine cup a.mon Juice cup veeetable oft 2teupoonsult 1 teaspoon oregano Maves ~ teaspoon coane-ground pepper 2 cloYH garlic, cruahed ace mea[ ill eavy-duly astic bag. : Combine remaining ingredj. nts. Pour over meal in bag, rcf ully press out air and lie urely. PICJce bag in pan and frigerale-6-8 hours or over- igbt. .· When ready to grill, drain arinade from meat. Reserve 1arinade. . Grill steak over hot charcoal -5 inches from source of heal bout ·15-25 minutes, until of csired doneness (rare or mcdi- m ). turning and basting with marinade occasionally. 5. To serve, slice thinly on the diagonal, across the grain. Makes 6-8 servings GRtBICHE SM.AD DRESSING 3 hard-coolced ena 1 tenpoon dFJ mu.tard 1 t•HpOOn•h Yl tenpoon coarM-Qround pepper 1 Yl cups veeelable oH or olive oll Yl cup tanagon vinegar 2 lablespoone lemon fulce Yl' cup finely chopped dlll pictllH, .... chined 1 tablespoon Capen 1 tablffpoon chopped parsle1 1 tablespoon chopped chlvn 1. Separate eggs. Chop egg whites finely, mash yolks with fork. 2. In medium bowl, combine Perhapa he doesn't need to know all the secnl lngndlents that give ..... ateak Ha delicloa ftavor-lncludlng red wine, lemon Juice, oregano anc1· garlic. r--t---""ViL:::-::: .. 7.lid Ii Of lhis •.. is the ~M moment r.------------~ Lall ltAClfllG SHIRT OFF£a I r.o. 1ox 4448;Chiago, Illinois 60677 I I Please send me the t:&M Racing Shirt. I am enclosing, for I each shirt, a S2.00 check or money order plus the bottoms I o~ 2 packs of l&M King, Super Kin~ox or Menthol • I Cigarettes. . 1 Note quanlity wanted in size.box: 1 1 ::~ .o Mo ,o "o 1 I~~ -I I City . . . tale Zip• ... .I I for persons 21 years or onr. Offer void where prohibited, taxed or re· I stricted by law. Offt'r expires Ot'C. 31, 1973. Allow4 lo6 Wffks for han- I dling. •u.s. Posral Rt"gularions rt"qulre u~ of Zip Codes. PINfe include. 1 ~------------- Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Ci9afene SmoUig Is Dangerous to Your Health. ; mashed yolks, dry mustard, salt and pepper. 3. Add 2 tablespoons of oil, a few drops at a time, beating vig- orously with electric mixer or wire whisk. 4. Add remaining oil in a thin stream, beating continually. When mixture begins to thic;k- en, gradually add vinegar and lemon juice while continuing Jo beat. 5. Stir in chopped egg wtJ,ites, chopped pickles, capers, parsley and chi ves. Makes about 3 cups . . FRESH SPINACH SALAD 3 qta. washed, chllled, torn spinach IHYH 1 pt. cherr, tCNHtoes and lomalon. 1 medium onion, lllced 1 V.. cups Grlblc:he Salad ,.. Drealng (about) 1. Toss together spinach, cherry tomatoes and onion slices in large salad ).owl. Cover, refrig- erate. 2. Just before serving, toss with Gribiche Salad Dressing, using just enough dr~ing to coat leaves well. Makes 8 $ervings CHOCOLATE ... MALLOW-MINT PARFAITS 1 qt. chocolate Ice cream • 1 J•r (7 on.) marshmallow c ....... ¥.. cup grHn or white er-.. de menlhe • l'l cup chopped w11lnuta Aerosol cont.Iner of whipped topping 8 Maraschino chenlff with ..... 1. In 8 parfait glasses, layer ice cream and marshmallow creme. 2. Spoon 2 teaspoons creme de mentbe over each parfait, and top each with 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts. Place in freezer. 3. Just before serving, make a rosette of whipped topping on each parfait and top with a Maraschino cherry. Makes 8 parfaits FAMILY WEEKLY, June 17, 1973 • 21 I I • .... I .. NAME ADDRESS·----------~ OTY------------~ STATE--------ZJP ___ _ GmGICOLC.0.-._.....MMft.I • llACIC HONfY •ONDE Off II.AOC UGHT •ONOE P'lAllNUM DA.l'K MOWN DAllk GftY ~DIUM MOWN MllCfD a.fl' UGHT MOWN UGHJ GftY UGHT ao DA111C NOSTH> UGHT AUIUllH IM'*IM N05TB> OAalC AUMMN UGHT ftlOSTE.O GOlOE'N lf.ONDf DEStWI•'" -··" ... Pm S.•E WC. llCIEWlllT 30"llAll ... ---· FlllDCl9 NfS -~ PUAl CAP . I I I I I I I I I I I I fnda.ds1.oo • .,.,_ .... _.,......,. I I fndooeof $4. 95 far eodl .....,._ plw Sl .CXI ....._ NOC.O.D.'s. Sub. Total ffldcwl $12.9.Sfar 3 lllliipl .. ,.. Sl.CXI......... I L fftdawf s 1.CXI for,,.._, .......... (Ssu ''"'6 'I ) ' I -~--------------------· Satisfaction Handling Guarar-4' Total From a liN~ Header, Out of Love tbr His Dad The euthor ................ Robert· Holland is 13. He mailed FAMILY WBEK.LY /his essay, which lie . co/ls "A Trucker's Son," from his home in Pomona, Calif. He sent it not for Father's Day, bu/ out of love for. /us father. Isn't that what Father's Day is all about? A Trucker's Son A trucker's son is a regular boy. Some are fa~ slim, tall and short. Some are happy and some are sad. But when hiS dad is leaving for a run he keeps a st u lip. There are some good things about being a trucker·s son, and there are some bad things about being a truckers son. First Jet me teU you the good things. The good things are that in summer you might be able to go on a run or two with him, and that you can clean bis truck up when be gets in. Why GAYLORD PERRY: Heyl-What's That Sinker Pitch Got on It? Gaylord Perry, the ~. 220-pound pitcher for the Cleveland f ndlans, is the first man to win the Cy Young Award as the outstandlng·pltcher In the American League In his first year after switching from the National League. He and his brother Jim, the Detroit pitcher, are also the on1J brother duo In baMball hl1tory to a2 • FAMILY WEEKLY. June 17, 1973 is it fun to clean up a truck'! It is the feeling I get pf being in a rig, it's a nice feeling. Also the feeling of being the man of the house .while Dad's away. Also pumping gas when Mom goes to · a self-service gas station. Now there are some bad things-about being a trucker's son .also. Like feeling left out with the Boy Scouts because of· the father-son events. Also .never being able to go fishing because he's never there to take you. But a trucker feels that driving a truck is the best occupation in the ' . whole world. Someday I will probably be a truck driver and my son will prob- ably be writing something about me- likc he wishes I would stay home more often. !\nd I will, because I know what it is like to have something planned and the office <?r the dispatcher call and say get your bags packed you'(e going to Chicago, or New York, or maytie Dal- las. And be has to say OK because he knows he:s got to make a living. I know what· it's like. It has happened to me before. Because my dad drives a truck coast to coast, in a 72 Pete with a 375 ~at and ca~ tum C hicago in six days. Sometimes I will guess what time he wiU be in and sometimes I am right and sometimes I am wrong. I am a trucker's son. And my dad is the best trucker in the whole world. ,. -By Robert Holland, 13 · Pomona, Cali/. cop Cy Young awarda-Gaylord Perry won 24 games In 1972 and had a brilliant earned-run average of 1.92. He •Ito earned the enmity of oppoalng battera, who cl•lmed he wa1 throwing a spitball. No.one'• beelt11bte to provi-that; however, •nd Arnttrlcan League president Joe Cronin exp&.ln1: "Perry's very •killed at throwing • sinker, which take• •n unusu•I downward dip Uke • spitball would do. But It 11 not • apltbatl." Gaylord, 34, and his brother, 36, are the sons of a poor tenant farmer from Williamston, N .C. They leamed their martuamanlhlp by throwing n1bber ball• agatnlt a bam door. Gaylord'• vlctorln In 1972 were-aecond only to an ail-time Cleveland record aet by Bob Feller 27 years ago. Gaylord and his brother maintain a friendly rivalry, but so far have avoided pitching against each other. Perry and his wife Blanche have four children and live in the off-season In Portola Valley, Calif.-8y Barry Abramaon By Besaly• /Utrevaya OnlyF011r Patter11 Pieees ~lake· This Cafta~Cc"er-Up! I f you've .. never found the perfect swimsuit cover-up for jaunts to the beach, pool or around your own patio, why not make this glamorous number? Its design is so versa- tile that, depending on the fabric, you could also make it into an evening wrap. Hooded and reversible, it is made with only four pat- tern pieces. Sew it in either long or knee lengths. Size J 2 takes 3lit yards of 45-inch fabric and an equivalent amount for the lining.· Standard body measurements for size 12 are: Bust 34, Waist 25'12, Hips 36. " THE LEE TREVINOS A '· I "HEY CLAUDIA. 'l. I Sewing Corl\,e( F·105 AftlNTED PATTERN Send to: FAMILY WEEKLY PATTERNS, Dept. 2727 4500 N.W. 135th St., Miami, Fla. 33054 PLEASE PRINT Be sure to give ZIP Code NAM.__ ______________________________ ~ STREET ______________________________ ~ CITY _______________________________ _ STATE....._ ____________ --=='""------_.._Zlf> ______ _ Send $1.00 plus 25 cents for postage and handling: cash, chec~. or money order. Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16 (new sizing). F-105 I -=-i State Size 1 ·--- Make All Your S8¥(1ng Easler with These Companion Bargains O World's most practical dress form-check box for perfect fit "Adjusto-Matlc Form" with Stand. Ad- justable 8 to 20. Order #7361. Enclose $8.98 and 95¢ for shipping. O Check box to receive world's finest sewing book, the 328-page "Complete Book of Sewing." Valuable hem gauge included-free! Remit $5.95 extra with this coupon. #53501 "GEE LEE-. THERE'S A 7C OFF COUPON· FOR SUPER MEX DOWN· THERE!" DO THEY MEAN YOU ••. ... - . r SA~ PF-142 -= 1 -1·7C SAYE7CON PATIO Tel I To Grocer: Upo11 compllance w1lh 1erms ol this offer. yov will be I refunded 7c plus le henoHng cosl II you mail this coupon to ed· dr8$S below, Coupon not lo be assigned or lransferred by you Any 01her appllcation constolules fraud. lnl/01ce proving purctiase of stock wllh1n lasl 90 days to cover coupans accepled, musl be shown I on rOQuesl Vo1q wtleo presented by oulside agency or where pro· I 111b1led, la.xed. or otherwise restrocted. Consumer mull pay appllca· ble sal8' 1ax. Good only In U. S A. Cash value 1 /20 of one cent AJR Foods, Inc .. Box 1003, Chnton:1owa 52734. Pa11o Is a prooucl of me U S. A. Expires 12/3t/73. I SAYE SAYE I • ?!. -_::1~ ze. ORPATIO?" -• The Trevino's agree on Patio Froze!:) Mexican Food. They're superl Super Mexican. (Just like Lee.) Patio Tacos. Patio Enchiloqos. Patio Combination Dinners.' And every one of them hos the big beefy taste that's mode Patio America's number 9ne brand. Sorry. the 7c off coupon doesn't apply to Patio Tortillas. But then. you can't win 'em all. Right, Lee? Patio Frozen Food. The only one Super Mex calls Super Mex. ~ Foods •• How Mueh Do You . - Trust Other Peollle'l By .Jo•• E. Glbsoa Most of us would like to be as tnfsting as possible. but n<r body wants to be taken ad- vantage of. In this True-False quiz, we take a look at just where in the spectrum, rang- ing from naive to downright cynical, you fall. TRUE OR FALSE? 1. People who tru~t others a re themselves the most trust- worthy. 2. The outgoing extrovert hus mgre contacts than the introvert with people from all walks of life, and as a res ult he is more suspicious and distrustful of their motives. 3. There is oo easy way to tell how trusting a person is by his attitude towa rd his fellowmen. 4. A person who doesn't trust you isn't likely to be completely · truthful in his dealings with you. • 5. Whether a person is ot-a trusting o r suspicious nature d e- pends to a large extent o n the kind of childhood he had. 8. How much people trust you depends on what you do for a living. ANSWERS 1. True. Psycho logical studies have demonstrated that ''people who are tn'.isting tend to be trustworthy, a nd persons who are suspicious tend to be un- . trustworthy." It was also found that suspicious people tended to be dogmatic and narrow-minded in their beliefs, as well as cyni- caJ concerning human nature, and to have experienced -and favor-a vety strict child-parent relationship. 2. False. Psychological studies atthe University of London have sho wn that the introvert tends to regard his fellow~en with a 24 • FA'-Ul Y WEE Kl Y. June 17, 1973 much more jaundiced and sus- picious eye than the mo re care- free, easygoing and sociable ex- trovert, who likes people, needs them around him-and is often inclined to be more trusting of them than circumstances seem People Qui:. True or F•lse: How much people trust you depends on what you do for a living. (See number 6) 10 warrant. -YOUR . . . until you've read the new Sherwin-Williams booklet, "Ideas for Exteriors." Get it today, free, from your nearest Sherwin- WiJliams Decorating Center. See how color can dramat ize the style of your home. Learn how to add attractive, but inex- pensive, a ccents. Find out how t o disguise unattractive features. From the front walk to the back door, Sherwin-Williams gives you tips on tackling everything -including such problems as protruding air conditioners, gutters and downspouts, exposed utility meters, masonry foundations, and odd- sized windows. · You're bound to find a great idea for your house in, "Ideas for Exteriors." THEN go paint your house! ITS FREE AT All SHERWIN-WILLIAMS DECORATING CENTERS. Check the Yellow Pages for the Center nearest you. 3. False. One team of research psychologists used this simple methO<! to determine the degree of trust or suspicion in an ex- perimental subject: They sim- ply observed him when he parked his car. If he locked his car "in the absence of any real- istic threat," he tended to view his fellowmen with distrust und suspicion. If he didn't, he was trustful. (Note : If someone leaves his car unlocked in the face of realistic tlireut, he's a trusting soul all right-but he's either stupid or absentminJeJ; or else he secretly wants to get rid of h.is car.) 4. True. Psychological studies have shown that whon one per- son distrusts another. he tends to conceal his real motives and .. attitudes and to be evasive in any dealings or relations he ma> have with him. For, it's pointed out, "a person who is distrusted is likely to be regarded as po- lentially threatening." 5. True-according to psychi- atric findings that show that "if a child meets Fth consistent understanding and love, he de- velops basic trust; if not, basic mistrust .... " It is pointed out, incidentally, that chronic suspi- cion of others' mo1ives tends to go hand in hand with loneliness. 6. True. Studies have been con- ducted by psychologists at two leading universities to deter- mine the attitude of men and women toward the trustworthi- ness of 20 leading occupations . Subjects were asked to evaluate each profession or calling and rate it in terms of ''Truthfulness, Competence and Altruism ... Scoring at the top of the list for T ruthfulness were: physicians, clergymen. dentists and judges. Highest ratings for Compet~nce went to : physicians, dentists, lawyers and judges. 'Occupa- tions that scored the highest for Altruism-or concern for the welfare of others -included: clergymen, physiciaps, psychol- ogists and psychiatrists. Of all o f the occupations, used-car salesmen were trusted the least. They scored at the very bottom of the li.'t on each of ~ , the three virtues. ~ -.. Smoke from the finest tobac.cosliltered through a bed of real charcoal to enrich tll!l flavor and soften the taste. --.. . .. ~ .... Warning : The Surgeon General ~termined That Cigarette Smoking Is 0. oos to Your Health. ~,...~-" -- . - - You're never too old ·to hear bitter Chicaeo, Ill. -A free ofter of special interest to thoee who hear but do not understand words has been announced by Bel tone. A non-operatincmodel of the smallest Beltone aid ever made wilf be given abeolutely free to anyone anawerinc this advertiaement. Try it to see how it ia wom In the privacy of your own home without cost or obligation of any kind. It's yours to keep, free. It weighs lem than a third of an ounce, and it's all at ear levet, in one unit.~o wires lead from body to heeo. Theae modela are free, ao we suegeat you write for yours now. Apin, we repeat, there ia no cost, and certainly no oblira- tian. Write to Dept. 4721 Bel- t.one.Electronics Corp., 4201 W. Victoria, Chicaeo, lll. 60646. EXTllAVMAlmY JEWELED IAIDALS .. DAWN .. -siu•re·cut multicolored "aems" set n Individual aokf.toned mountinas. Soft. fo•m-cushloned In- soles. 1 'h inch Meis. Adjirst•bl• ~ str•ps. Choice of Gold or White le•ther. Sizes: 4 throuah 12. N•rrow, Medium or Wide widths. Also In Bl•ck St.Mde. Narrow •nd Medium only. All colorf, $J 1.95. No h•lf sizes over 10. $1.00 extr• per .,_1, fOf' sizes over 10. Add 75' postaae for Heh p•lr ordered. Refund If not d•lls:;:tecl. f'r" ntalog. SOFWEAR SHOES. . 0, '1711 M•ln. Houston, Texas 7700 . If impacted it may impair hearing. Soften for removal with lltltt\ Ill fir w IS( Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort 'Th~y know a denture adhftive can help. FASTEETH• Powder civftl denturee a loncer, firmer, et.foadier hold. You fed more.comfortable ••• eat mon naturall~. Why worry? Get FASTEETH Denture Adhesive Powder. Oenturee that flt are eeeen-tiat to health. See your dentl11t rf'jfularly. DkS Clark·on Our Kids: Baek to the Calmer Mood of the l950's•l By Diek Clark Especially for FAMILY WEEICLY ·what do these young people nally want? Bewildered parents have been asking .me that tion or the 20 years fve been hosting "American Bandstand." During those years, I've spent most of my time thinking about and working with young people, both those who appear on "Bandstand" and those who waich'it. · Jf the parental question hasn't changed, the answer to it cert.ainly has. In the early ·60's, the stars may not have been squealcy- clean, but most of them were well-scrubbed and clear-eyed. The typical star never smoked, drank or ran around-at least, not in public. He was pan of a kind of make-believe world. The star of the '70's js differ- ent. He lels it all hang out. He makes no secret of bis unortho- dox living arrangements, and hardly a week goes by that we don't read a headline about one rock star or another being "busted" for using or possess- ing illegal drugs. Another inter- esting difference is that today's rock star is more likely to be a multimillionaire. There's a list of SO rock soloists and groups who cam from two to six mil- lion dollars a year. Comgare that with Frank Sinatra or J o hnny Mathis, who never pulled in more than a million dollars annuall y. We've also heard a lot of talk about a sexual revolution. Cer- H • FAMILY WEEKLY, June 17. 11173 ·~teenager we once knew is gone. People-now go from being litt'e children to being young adutts: They live in a youth culture that ranges from age seven to almost 30." tainly, rock stars are in its van- guard but, in this highly per- sonal area, no survey can give us a decimal-point accuracy on what. young people are up to. My private estimate is that there ia nfore"premarital seX' going on than there used to be, but that there is probably less than many parents fear. The biggest difference is that, with the pres.sores o! tbc mass media and the tragedy cf the Vietnam war, today's genera- tion is more mature. Jn the 'SO's, we invented the "teen- ager" and the special life-style that went with that label. To- day, there are people in their teens, of course, but the teen- ager we once knew is gone. People now go from being little children to being young adults. They live in a youth culture that ranges from age seven lo almost 30. It's a .segmented culture. with a bubble-gum set that squeals for Donny Osmond and an older group that may prefer Three Dog Night. Yet jn spite of all its divisions, it's unilcd by the same !rends and lhc same thoughts, passed along by an underground intelligence net- work that lhe CIA might envy. What arc some of the other differences? Kida and their parents: The generation gap is a bit narrower but it is still with us. Both sides o f the gap are at fault. Young peo ple don't give their parents credit for having lived and learned; older people wonder why they can•t be more like '"'· My own sons arc now age 16 • and ten, and my daughter is eight. I find myself in the po5i- tion of having to put into prac- tice the advice I've been preach- ing to other parents all these years. So far, it seems to work. On television and at home. my attitude. is: "'You're my friend u m no one o you. m too old for that. But we can enjoy each 'other because I like you and I respect you." Kids and school: In the '?O's, we're seeing a - sharp drop i.n the number of young people who want to go to college, and that's healthy. In the '50's and '60's, the feeling was that iC you didn't go to col- lege. you weren't as valuable a human being. Today's young people don't think that way. They have inore respect for work that a man does with his hands, and they're not likely to make the same foolish mjstakc that a good friend of mine made. He was a genius as n carpenter and mechanic,, and be had begun t~ build his own· business in restoring and re- building old houses. Yet he felt embarrassed to do work that got his hands dirty. He gave up the business. Today, he works as a used-car salesman and tells me: "I go to work in a white shirt aod tic." Kids and religion: The youthful religjous revival that was known as the "Jesus Frea.k" movement is fading. II was, of course, a fad. But the Caith behind the fad -a faith that has lasted 2,000 yean - that still endures. It may no Contil111~d ot1 pog" 28 Try all 5 Big John's New Hamburger Fixin's Dinners. Woodsman Beef St.ew D~er. Idaho potato sli ces with onions, peas an carrots plus a hearty brown gravy ~ Beef Chili Mac Dinner. Enriched macaroni with a tangy sauce mix. - Beef S~ Rice Dinner. Enriched long grain rice ana tasty sauce mix with onions and bell peppers. Homestyle Beef Noodle Dinner. Enriched egg nOOdles and a sauce mix with onions, peas and carrots. - Beef ~etti Dinner. Enriched spaghetti with a s Hunt's Tumat.o herb ssuce mix. Your ground beef makes them fresh-Big J ohn's makes them hearty! ·Try~new . ~1Xin'i ­ Dim1en-tlie fll'SI . . with hea"1 Big John's flaW& .J • .. / I Th8,.. (It's made with smaller doses of two laxatives.) " Some single ingredient laxatives work on the "Sunday punch" theory. One big dose of a strong laxative that can knock your system for a loop. Caroid & Bile Salts Tablets are made up of two separate laxatives that -combine the surety of a strong laxative with the gentleness of a mild one. Together they help ease you to rE;Jarity without sudden rgency upset. And a use the dosage is pre-measured, Caroid & Bile Salts Tablets are thorough and so predictable you can almost set your watch by them. Ta ke two tablets at bedtime. Get a gpod night's sleep. And you can expect to be back on schedule in the morning. Gentle Caroi<l & Bile Salts Tablets-the 'two- together' laxative-to help put your system back on schedule. ..... -- GIANT C:.MEXICAN WEDDING H . ::.-·~:.:;~ •iiiliiiilli --~.·<.; ·----= .-·-:. -:..., ~~ •iiltiill-i~ii-~ -: '....... ', ~ -. ./. SLEEPS 2 OR SITS 3 OR 4 HAND-BRAIDED lfUL Tl-COLORED SISAL OYER 10 FEET LONG Slat. time Is hammock time ... and this Is how to do It! This 1iant Mexk an wed· dln1 hammock will sleep 2 or sit 3 to 4 ami&os. The 1ayest multi-colored sisal In au the world has been twisted 1nd brelded by hand Into the swln,iest hammock. this side of heaven. In addition to the 1entte pleature of steepln1 or just swin1ln1 In 1 hamm()(;k. this beauty will fill your 11rden with a brllll1nt burst of color, and be 1 conversation piece for. your friends Ind nel1hbors all summer Ion,. Ham· mock Is over 10 feet Iona and for only $4.98 Is a very IOQd buyl Hammock (#10497) ct "$4.98 plus 85-post. & handl. Sav. $1.7~nd only $9.96 for 2 Weddln1 Hammocks and we pay the postqe. MEENLAND STUDIOS, 36ta Gr-aanct autldina. Ml~ml, Flori4la 33054 ENO DENTURE MISERY Miracle plastic DF.NTIJlllTE re6rs loose dentures in 6ve min· ures. This •• Clllhion of Comfort" cues w re ttums. You ear anychinl(. uufth, ralk. oen snetie withour embarrassmen1. No more food panicles unckr plates. DENTIJRITE lasts for monchs. F.nJs daily hocher of powder, pasce or cushions. Jusc remove when relic is needed. Tasceleu . Odorlt'u. Mo ney hack 1tuaran1ce. A1 all drug counters. When Yu Order By Mail -From· Family Weekly ••• Please alloW up to four weeks for delivery. The ads are_placed by ~ utable compenles. The u.ma and copy are checked ~ Famny Weekly for reliability, too. Yet wrth thou-sands of orders comin1 In usually to our actvertisers. sometimes un-intentional delays occur. Allhouah such delays happen only Infrequent· ty, when they do, Famlry Weekly wants to assist you as much as poa.. sitile. rr)IOU've any question abOOt INlll «der, just write: Lynn Headley, familY Weekly, 641 Lexlnaton Ave-nue, New York, N.Y. 1002"2. MAKING YOUR EARS HURT AND ITCH? DeWITf'S Pills act fast with an analgesic to help relieve the pain of backache and joint pains. "E1titis" -1nnoylng pain and Itch exceM wax-with All/KJ Ear DroP8. in your ears -is brought on by AURO la HSY to UM -just a few accumulation of e11ceu wax. But droP8 loosen and dlasolve eer wu . when you try to ,.move wax with When exceM wax is gone, the pain hairpins. toothpicks or pointed ob-and Itch of "Earitla" Is 09M· Get jecta, you may injure y~r ears! AURO today. Millions rely on There's a beHer way to remove AURO to help step "Earftls." 8lll'O~SAFELY REMOVES EXCESS WAX ' Dlek.Clark Continued /rom page 26 longer be "in" to be a Jesus Freak, but that doesn't mean_ that the young no lo nger believe in Jesus. Today"s. young people continue to have a deep, abid- ing, personal faith. Young people have changed In these three decades because the pressures on them have changed. In lhe •so·s, when the you'ng st ill followed the old, adults used to push them to their o wn goals: "get married, get kids, get a mortgage." In the late 'SO's and early '60's, there was the new pressure of the nuclear bomb. That was the first generation to grow up with the sure knowledge that the world could end at the push of a button. They grew up, too, fri the shadow of the draft and Vietnam. Now, in the '70"s, many of the pressures have ~en turned off. We're approaching an era not unlike the ·so·s. Today's young people ,are even reviving some of the · looks and t&e ' sounds of the 'SO's. They"re even turning away from illegal drugs. The college beer bust has made a comeback. In a deeper way, they're r«;- turning to the spirit of the ·so·s by moving away from politics and social consciousness. There are a number of re.as6ns why protest, that youthful badge of the '60"s, is disappearing. To be· gin, it became a fad, and that meant its life-span was limited. The protest movement began with genuine commitment, but it petered out when marching and rallying became the cliic thing to do. . Young people were trying to change the world around them, to right civil wrongs, to make their schools more relevant, to end the war. They had a genu- ine impact on our institutions, but they also found that changes didn't come as fast as they had hoped. When the sys- tem didn't change overnight. they began to feel it was un- changeable. Enthusiasm waned. I think the old sense or injustice From the bright-red lipstick of the flapper to the no-bra look of today, fads have always been started by the extremes of our society-the very rich and the very poor. Those arc the groups that tend to have the least pa· rental supe~ision and thus the most freedom to experiment. . When the darlings of society und the kids on the street hit on a new idea at the same time, the people in the middle get caught in a pincer movement. A fad has arrived. Young people are my favor· ite people, and I like to listen to them talk about "doing their own thing." Still, there's no denying that young people are the most conformist group in American society. They think alike. talk alike, look alike. They pick up their new fads in the same way young people always have. A youthful fad disappears when grown-ups start playing the same" game. When adults learned to do the twist (remem- "Fads have always been started by the extrem .. of our society-the Yery rtch and the ury poor. ThoM are the groups that tend to have the least parent•I supervision." ·ber that one?), the kids went on to other dances. Todax._with Madison Avenue executives and M idweatern insurance salesmen wearing muttonchops and long hair, the kids are mov- ing on again. Shorter hair is the wave of the future. It's part of our re- turn to the 'SO's, a quieter, calmer . perhaps duller era. Young people seem to want a rest and it may be what lhe en- tire country needs, a healing time to come together again. is still bubbling underneath, b~ now that the heat is off and theV war is over, the few protesters who are left find they can't raise We can't tum back the clock. of course, and the '70's will have their own fads and foibles and joys and sorrows. But older people can relax a bit now. The young appear to be leading us into a time when. once again. it will be safe to a.sk, "What's hap-' pcning? .. At this moment, it looks a~ though the answer will be a re- a.~uring "Nothing a big crowd any longer. much." ta • FAMILY WEEK.1.Y, June 17, 1913 ' NOW HERE ... THE AMAZING CHAIN REACTION ROACH KILLER WIPES OUT ALL ROACH NESTS IN YOUR .HOME FAST •• ~ GIANT 5 YEAR TREATMENT warranted to keep 01-vo~u AV NOTHING! your.home free from roaches for years! These baited traps 3 special 5 YEAR TRAPS sent free with each can you order. Bait with powder and place--one to a room. You'll be I. d .I * astounded to learn how many roaches can iUfB an ues,roy each trap can 1ure to their deaths within 5 yea<s. Ourabfy made to last. thousands Of roaches. Mail COUJ>?n below for your 5 YEAR TRAPS-given free. JUST 1 CAN KEEPS YOUR HOME FREE FROM ROACHES Uf 10 5 FULL YEARS! No DOT. .. No Odon .•. No Stains ... No fu11111$ Now-at-last ... you can get rid of all roaches faster than you ever thought possible. Just ONE sim· pie, easy application does it. It's called PHANTOM Roach Powder and Traps. This great CHAIN REACTION formula not only kills the roaches you can see. It also kills the invisible ones hiding in the walls, under furniture, sinks, nooks and crannies. PHANTOM maintains its roach killing powef for years. Thus it protects your home from.-new infestations.. by these pests. Not for just a few days or weeks. but INDEFINITELY. That's why we guarantee refund of purchase price for 5 FULL YEARS! Phantom oontains.no DDT ... no smelly chemicals or fumes. It has been registered with the EPA-an agency of the U.S. Government. roach nest and egg is killed off. None escapes alive in the entire nest! 5 YEAR TREATMENT · IN EVERY CAN PHANTOM never evaporates or decays, because it's inorganic. Odrirless. Stain· proof. No spraying. No DDT fumes. Powerful! gne single treatment dears out an average 6 or 1 room house. And just one GIANT CAN contains enough treatments for 5 full years .. r-- ' ... SPECIAL OFFER: this giant can can be yours for the deep-slashed price of 3.95, plus postage. FREE BONUS VALUE: you get 3 roach traps free with uch can. This is a Special Offer for a limited time only. Even after it destroys the roach nests now in your house, Phantom doesn't lose its roach killing power. If new roaches sneak into your house frCJm the outside. PHANTOM wipes them out fast-before they can get a foothold again. PHANTOM works round-the· clock, year after year. Merely set out the POWDER and TRAPS as instructed. From then on this CHAIN REACTION formula protects your loved ones. your dishes and food against contamination from these repugnant pests! SPECIAL ONE TIME OFFER TO R£AD£RS This limited one-time offer with 3 free traps will not be ,..,..led this·season to readers of this pubtication. To avoid !lisappointment, please order your needs at once! Spectal Patented Applk:ator PQPS Alght"Qumtlty WltboUt Touching Powder No fu~ No mess. No soiled hands. Simply squeeze the giant canister With the Patented Applicator. It instantly deposits the right amount of powder-automatically. Your hands never touch the insecticide. So si mple! So neat! Easy instruc- tions show you how to keep your home free from these repulsive bugs right · around the clock, all year through. ml SATISFACTIOI GUARANTEED • Oft rr WOfrT COST YOU 1 CEil! Try thls 5 Year Trutment Without Riskin& 1 Penny! No matter how many ordinary insecti· cides·have failed before, you owe...it to your family to investigate this great · discovery! Try this 5 YEAR PHANTOM TREATMENT -without risk ~or obliga· tion! Unconditionally guaranteed to get rid of all roach nests-quickly and thoroughly-thanks to its CHAIN REAC· TION killing power. But that isn't all. It's also guaranteed to kill off future roach infestations-year after year- INOEF1NITELY! If you are not. 100% satisfied, simply peel off and return the label-nathin& else-anytime at all during 5 FULL YEARS for money back. You may keep the remaining powder and traps free. We'll shoot back every penny pal<t ~ncfuding postage. GRAB THIS OfF£R! Rush the coupon today. Save plenty and also get the 3 traps free. You have everything to 'gain and nothing to lose . . . except those foul, uninvited guests. NOTICE: This is a short time offer. Rush coupon now. Orders n!Ceived too late will be returned to senders. <'Apyriltlt 1973-Astot Saitt l11C. ASTOR-SCoTT INC. Dept 1236 1231 E. las Olas 111vtt ft l.audenllle, FL 33301 -----...------------------------· A S CH£CI QUUTm FOi YOUI IUDS star· Cott lnc. 0 Send l G11nt Pack. plus 3 trips &ee. I enclose 3.95 phis 65' sllippin1 cost. Tttal 4.& Oept.1236 1231 Eut La• Ola• Bou levwd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Rwll fm Year Trut!Mftt Ptllntom Rolctl liller 111d Traps IS dteded. "not satisfie4 ~ rewlh -1 "'If retn tile label only( ....... •> for money blck- 1nyti11te wittlin 5 years. FIOria Residetlts please 1cld 4' h1 0 Setid Z Giant P1cls, pin 6 traps free. I enclose 6.95 plm 75' shippin1 cost Yitai 7.1•. 0 Settd J Giltrt PICU. I endose 9 .25 pti.s 7Se aaili111 cost. llldtlde 9 fret tr._ Tlbl ti//( ... ~. o•..sC1R1.llillt...._,..,,.., ......... ,...., .... ,,.. $ll.-. o. .... ,,.._, ................ ..... DRIVES ROACHES CRAZY Roaches of all kinds go wild over this terrific discovery. They gobble it up and stagger off to die. Then a strange CHAIN REACTION takes place. A fatal disease spreads like wildfire striking one roach after another-until each and every I -~---~-------~~~---------2~-~~-~~------~J --,, HELEN KUNTRUP A "lriadow'' 9hortage Ey.-benk problem: Tilere are never enough oomeAs donated for trans· plants. Even the 6rst and largest slfch bank in the U .S.-The Eye Bank for Sight Restoration io New York -has never had eoougb, says its executive ilircctor, Helen Klintrup. Why? These perishable .. windows" must be banked within three hours of the donor's death -So donating <.'Omeas in a will just doesn't work: it takes too long for the will to be read. And some prospective donors wony about disfigurement, but there is none. The term .. eye bank" is <.'Onfusing, as whole eyes can't be truns- planted, only certain eye-parts. Secom· ing a donor is easy. Just fill out a card, carry half in your wallet, and send the ARMOUR'S ARMOURY By Richard Armour .... --;-~~"' NO BELT PRIZE Though mo.tly rm well dressed and svelte, · Some morninp I forget my belt. I may be late, I may be hurried, About the world l may be woniecl. I put my panb on, that I do. I put on, ooe by one, each shoe. It's just my belt l f•il to tee, And what • Jot th•t means to me. All day I give my pants a hitCh, A full-ledged tug or tidy twitch. All day I have the feel of slippin~ And do some sudden grabbing, . gripping •.• Let me forget my cash, my b ys, but not my belt-not th•t, ob please! tin the World! · other half back to the eye bank. Ask The Eye Bank Association of America, 3 195 Maryland Ave., Winston-Salem, N.C., about one near you. Write for a card-it'll make things look a little brighter. Baaebatl'• big wait: "Election to the Hall is so <lifficult-obtnining a majority of 75 percent in an election of any kind may be unrealistic -that only one or two players exposed to the full vote of the association can possibly make it in any given election. That means that such guys as Slaughter, Snider, Schoen- . dienst, Mize, Newhouser, Reynolds, Rizzuto, Marion, Lemon, Kell, Hen- rich, and Cordon are likely to be dead or doddering old men by the time they pass through the doors of the shrine. Why should..they be locced to wait so... long? ... We believe the solution is to" lower the· percentage of votes re- quired." From "Major League Baseball 1973," compiled by Cord Communica- tions Corp. (Pocket Books. $1.2.5). SUE JENNINGS ANO HER TRIPLETS Search for• three euter Expecting twlna la great-except when the bouncing bundle turns out to be triplets! The biggest triplet problem for the Jennings family, of Englan.d , w t\S 6nding a stroller that could seat all three babies-Simon, Richard and David. Just when they'd about given up hope, a <.'Ompany offered to build a special stroller, with an extra seat be- hind twin front scats. Now Sue Jen- nings' only problem is, whose tum is it to ride in the bade seat? "Study Line": Kida in San Antonio now dia1 a telephone number-;when they oetld help with their homework, and their parents ·relax. The setup, similar to a "Hot Llrie ... is called "Study Line." It was thought up by the direc- tor of the San Antonio Jewish Com· Quips & Quotes THROUGH A CHILD'S EYES Kida aee life differently. Send original contributions to .. Child." Family Weekly, 641 Lexington Ave .. N.Y .• N.Y. 10022. S10 II u--none returned. The other night I was making up my little girl's bed and she had left her puzzle on the bed. I told Cindi to pick it up and move it so J could fini.$h the bed. She told me that she didn't have to move it if she didn't want to and that she didn't have to mind me. I went around the bed and spanked her and told he r that she always had to mind me and do as I said. She then put her hand on her seat and with dry eyes looked up at me very seri- ously and said, "Well, if that is the way you're going to act about it, 1 guess I will." -Mrs. Charl.e1 Morie, Jr . Unden, Ala. SPECIALIST: A phym:ian who htu trained his patients to be Mcie during o6ke hours. -Conrad Ficrello Juliet Lowell. author of the all-lime beat· Miier .. Dear Sir," collect.a unintention- ally humorous le~rs to and from people in all walka of lite. To Mn. J•clcie Onassis, Very Per- soMI (To be delivered to Mn. Onusis, not to her Secretary) De ... Mn. Onassis: To what schoola do J°'1o ucl C•ro· line go? I have a son •nd a daughter too and rd lib to send my children to the same schools that your Children go to. Because then you ucl I could meet at a PT A Meeting or something and that i!ieeting could le•d to a friendship between us. I shall look forward to heuing from you. Mn. Anabelle u. ___ _ f munity Cente;, Dr. Shimshon Zeevi •• ai fwho believes it's the only system of its kind. Congratulations, San-Antonio, for a useful, clever ideal DATES: Sunday is Eather's Day. Sum- mer begins ThurtMlay. ANNIVERSARIES: Five men were caught in an attempt to spy on Demo- cratic National Committee headquar- ters in the Wate rgate Building in Washington pne year ago Sunday. BIRntDAYS ( Sunday-W eclnesday: Gemini; Thursday-Saturday: Canoer': Sunday-Dean Martin 56; Ralph Bel- lamy 68; John Hersey 59. Monday- E. C. Marshal) 63; Paul McCartney 31; Ricliard Boone . 56. TUMdlly-Louis Jourdan 54; , Guy Lombardo 71; Duchess of Windsor 77. Wedneeday- Andre Watts 27. Thunday-Jane Rus- sell 52; Mary McCarthy 61. Friday- Bill Blass 5 1; Gower Champion 52. BIRTHDAY PEOPLE: Jme Rua .. u and Louie Jourdan . By Frank Baginski LITTLE EMILY ,.. "Don't think of ....... -Hma ... -. Tl'tlnk of them as • w•k'• allowance.•• FAMILY WEEKLY, Jun. 17, 191'3 • It BUSINES S REPLY MAIL No P0$1age s1amo necessary 11 ma1le<1 1n lhe l/n1ftd S111tf's FIRST CLASS Permit No 50 Omahil Nebraska POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY Mutual of Omaha WHEN YOU'RE SICK OR HURT AND C~'T WORK? Dodge at JJrd Street Omaha, Nebraska 6~131 ... Watn 1·*·1'1111 L -------------------------------- • • • • • • • • • Ill .p .. .. "To have and to hold ... in sickness arld in health ... " T HA,T'S A PLEDGE you can live up to when you ha ve· ''Wide-Ra nge" disability income insurance that can provide up tu $1 ,200.0Ci A ,\1t.J . ....:1: ! when you can't work because of a covered sickness or accident ... in or out of the hospital. "To hold" is a fine and powerful promise, packed with many meanings-'"to guard," "to keep." "to 'iup.port." A world of promisl.!s in one-tough prom- ise~ to ho ld to in sickness. But you can have help. As the breadwinner, you can se lect the a mo unt you qualify for (fr0m $ 100.00 to $1,200.00 a month) to help replace your paychecks whe~ you're sick or hurt and can't work. These mo nthly disability benefits are all yours to spend as you please for any purpose you choo~ ... yours to use fo r every kind of bill ... yours over and above any benefits you receive for hospital and medical bills. These benefits are not payable for disabilities that sta'Tl after retirement or age 65 (whichever comes · first), nor for losses caused by war or military ser- vice; narcotics. unless prescribed by a physician; ,, • • childbirth, pregnancy or resulting complications; conditions known or previously treated except as Jc~rio'"J ~du.,i.. THERE A RE SEVEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CONSIDER THIS MUTUAL OF OMAHA PLAN: (I] Yo u may qua lify for up to $1 ,200.00 monthly income benefits to spend as you see fit when you're si<;k o r hurt a nd can't wo rk! [!] These disability benefits are provid~d both IN ancJ OUT of the hospital! fl] Benefits are provided for both accidents and sickness covered b_x your policy. other t,han con- ditions-known or previously treated. Such condi- tions. if disclosed and not excluded. will be covered after 12 months. ~ Mental disorders are covered the same as any other sic kness! (1J Your policy protects you as a passenger in any kind of aircraft-even a private plane! • Mutu11IC\ ef()milhil~ The,...,. .. p.JIJ ... Life Insurance Affiliate: United of Omaha • • • • • • [!] Benefits are provided for disabilities incurred both on and off the job. They are available in addi- iui1 lu 1vur .~01!...11u!i1 s Compensation or Em- ployer's Liability coverage! [1J You have this renewal agreement : Mutual of Omaha guarantees that no ma tter how muc h you may receive in benefits, you ca.nnot be singled out fpr policy termination or for a premium increase. The only time your premium can be changed is when premiums for all policies of the same classi- fi cation in your sta te arc changed! How much monthly income do you qualify for? Find out. Send for fu ll facts about this basic protection tha t helps you keep your promise. and you will also receive information about the tine plans to meet your life insurance needs now avail- a ble from Mutual of Omaha's affiliate, United of Omaha. These facts are yours without cost or obli- gation if you write to Mutu·al of Omaha, Reader's Service, De pa rtment 1262. Omah a, Nebraska 68131 . Or even better, mail the postpaid reply card now. .. See "Mutual or Omaha's Wild Kiftgdocn" on TV. Sundays. Check local lial.og for time and chaMCI. GET FULL FACTS ABOUT MUTUAL Ur= OMA.Hf\ c-; Wlf>L q;\~JC~F PHO rt CT1 1 >~ J CAN YOU QUALIFY F-OR THIS f?LAN THAT CAN PROVIDE UP TO f-------8#1111%1if f4;1'1·1•1;tJl·';11111·f i31:M-~ 1 I I MAIL THIS POST PAID CARD NOW I Mutual of Omaha Omahll, NebrHka 61131 Dept. 1262 Please see that I receive lull facts on the plans I have checked below: DIHblllty Income plans available In my stale thal can pro- vide me with a regular monthly Income when a covered sick- ness or injury keeps mo from working. Fine modern Ufe ln1urance, both indlvldual and family plans, available from United of Omeha. Senior Age "Extra Security" hospital plans available In my state. (I am over 63.) Nam a 11'1 EAIE l'lllHTI Address flfl!UiT AHO HO 0 11 II F 0 I Clly State ZIP Coda ... ' .' "' " . ~ . : . ~ .. . . . . ' *' .. ',*" * . . . . I·:;·.~··: fll~AL . " .·$~ORTS. --. • • ... ' ' . • I j.~ ·1 "\ l " • I -.. , ' ~ <: ~ •' . ' -. \ i ... I WONDEI<° WHERE THAT'~ THE TROU6LE IJITH i3EIN6 11 6VT '{OU GET TO LIVE WITH A M'< FAT!-IER IS... A oo~i." THEI{ TAKE '{OO AWAI{ . HUMAN ~AMIL!{," TH-E1(<G"A'{.;, . ' 1--1-------11-1-F~eM~;ioVR-fA'Mll:.'r' ,ANO-~fttlf(ll:J~·l-l-1'1· A~IS-PEAI: !-50Mc0tOTCE_!_ - W ~OME ~OPIDKIDAND'itJUNEVER .•. , . ~\Jf'l'ERTtME !· NANCY 5EE 'l'Oi!R MOM AND DAD A6AIN ! • . . .. • iHESE' THtNGS· USU.ALLY START WITH ,JUST ON·E'· CASE · .... • 'YEP--..:. AND THE"RE'i$: THE .CASE . \ .• • .. - I ,",,. ·~.'ACHOO 11t1. Ret. \J, !I ,..... 1')11,-All •il'•h tU""'" L J'JJJ ~j u~ ... ~ I e•tU .. $Vfl<l<:•lO. Int . . ,.OD,A!{ IG FATHER'~ '--fJA'f...- By . Ernie Bushmiller EVERYONE IN · ·f : ACHOO .1_."t > TOW·N SEEMS . .. , · -~'" ~· <f "· .. TO BE CATCHING 7 ~A r· 'c''' u.o .o . A COLD . · ' . ~ --i,.,..,,___ r~~·· • ' • ' . ACHOO • ,.. ' / • Wl!!L.L., THANK YOU, liAPPY CHlL.PICSN !! f ATHf~-lf>'IAG-£'~ UH, WHAT'S THIS? PAY! -.... r:-~ • 0 ct>ENNIS THE MENACE -· 1---l'-W\rnr:-YA-, -· '?EE WK<m7 NEXT! I i;;AVED WE 13E:ST FOR -. J.A<;Tf t> t> I> I KNOW THAT MR. DRIVER WILL 8E 8ACK IN THE OFFICE AT THREE , MISS FREMONT! IS THERE A MESSAGE'? .. ~ THINIC: J.l•'L.l. ltiMAIN COOl- iHICOUGH ·THIS? ITS A P"fS'Pf!NT FO" YOI..( ! OP£N IT! . -.. - $LA"I!!. THAT'S PAltT OF · MIS JMAGI! . SA'I! IT'S EMPTY! Mit. G "IMMIS / YOlA KNOW HOW VOU ALWAY~ INYITl U~ TO "THINK Of' YOl.-4 AS A f AT!-11!.I( -.J:~I? NlifU~LL.Y. · ITO.S · A · GIFT. lMAG-l!!. l.OTS _OF l.UC.K/ Ml!':. GR'IMMI~ • • l 'VE. Nl!VE:lf RfAIJ.V 1MOU611TI OJI 1"HIS AS. A :SCHOOL.1 SO AS AN IMAt<INAlf'I . l'~PRES!NTAf10N OF' ONE.:. By Hank Ketcham NoW WE'LL. NEED. Tu: BLJY lJ9 90NV3. MDRE -:;a?~ CAR05 ~lJTS, P\D. YA GOT /lJ'J POOT -n-!EMONEY? • · . -. . . ~IJDGE PARIKER ASK HIM TO CALL ME WHEN HE GET5 IN, PLEASE! L SAM'S 5ECRETARY-·5AID HE WAS HAYING LUNCH WITH THE J UDGE ! I WONDER IF TH IS WAS KATHERINE 'S PLANN ING ? IT SOUNDS L.IKE ·SUCH A COZY FOURSOME] THE HOUSE 50UNDS DESERTED! .. i;s;R.! <l <l<l THAT LOOKS o LIKE A NOTE 0 FOR ME;,.! ~~~ NOW, Ttic61G QUEStlON 15 ; .. SHOULD I CALL. BETSY !3EFOR.E OR AFTER I 'VE TAI-KEO TO QRIV..ER! U pH -' • • '. ' ! • - MUTT;L.OOK ! l'. Cl.IT' A LOG AND OUT . POPS StxT'f BUCKS Cof:iyright @ 1973 -,_ JEdilaS.O.~t :as ilAllWorldRi&Msft--- ·-• ' • • ! • • -. ' l I • JUST ,AN-EGO · ll'!IP ... ' I 111 11.1 ? • "SALLY . BANANAS" . l .. ' I ' \ ·-• ' . • . . . ' • ' . . t' . ' . ' • -.. .. ·· -~ . ' - " . .. • SLO\'I ... PQWN,. CONFOUND .• ,.A ...... JT .. ,_, ·· MYA9! ~ -. ' I - • . . . . • ..----=---..., WOULI> ')bl.I SXPJ,.Al/J • ' . "lt;I~~ A<aAJN, LORt> 'IJ$fl!JPTTOM ? SHE STILL THINK'> I HAVE SOMETHIN~ TO t>o WITH THE Et>ITORl,Al.'S ... by Charles Barsotti • • .. i I • ' ""·"" ........ ....,,. ....... -. \ . . ltl .•. . , . ' Jeff~ ~oitrl'l<} "'11 he f/:ocl • 6 -17 . . 'J:'i:J"UEL:E::~:E:::E:OS by Tom K.Ryan ,_----~~:-.__, .-, -i. THE SHERIFF'S ON ONE AHAH! 1HE10WN LUSH!. .. . - ' : .1-. .. .. _ -. . . . . ' . • ONE L..151- 0NE WO'E:J~LE: SWIFT JUSTICE'! ALL RIGHI, MAX-6E"1' IN! DO I HAVE' "To? 'THIS t>I DN'T' ·WORK TOO WE'l-l-I.AST i'IME . .:IUSr,1ill#K.~,,1q73 COUl..D BE' T'tlE YE~R YOUR ·111AM, GOES POWN '"'AVIATION HIST'ORV wrrH -rl-IE GR.EA1' PION ESRS OF FU6Hl- 'IH I' WRIGl-IT' BROTHERS, LINDSE'RGl-1'1 EDDIE' R.ICKEN6ACKSR.-Pl/SH MAX I OF HIS 1f:MPt:RANCE CRUSAllt:S1 SOPP'( l RELAX, M>::I. ! i'M SU~151iD AT YOUR l.ACI' OF CONFIDENCE'! l'Vf DESIG(\IED 'THIS GLIDER USING T'l-llO MOST' ADYANCSD Al<RODYNAMIC li'NGINliliRING CONCliPTS ! • • ONE: ~GG!:R_,; ONE SltlM~I...E1 ANt7 I POUNCE! YOUR FLIGHT IS ~CISELV PROGRAMJl4EP 'To fl.OAI GliNILY ACROSS "THli .ROOM~ -n;RMrNAnN6 11-1 " SofT LANPIN6 ON THli SOFA -. . ON THE OTHER MANI:>/ 1975 CDUL~: B'"nu: VEAR . I MAKIO ·TJ.IE liNDANGliREP SPliqli5 LIST -... '. ... • • . , • • 0 • ·-• • • -• ~ • • • • -• • • • • • • • • • • .. CAN YOU TRUST YO , ! re are at ltut ah: ti•er• entH ta d.ra wins.. det1ll1 be Ween top aDd bottom. puaell.. R• quickly cu 70• IDd. tbem! Check. auwen ~U. t.laote Mlew. .PnonJllOdN." IP-lV ·• ., ... nw ..-a• •'I•:> "t 1a"91at 91 -.o "> Jo,.,.. ·Ooq.~Jl~Ocl "C """"'18 'I UlotW I~.-; 'JPDRIP tlj••08 "I :~Rtcl AMBLER ' WAll<S SDUTM AFTER BEING ALLOWED TllROUGM A POI.ICE ROA08LOc:K,~ ' AIR~<CIHI II IE THERE.,. IDQIO lbaa 40 ditre.- oat qlto of from 45 lo 315 d .. ,_. ID IM llsun above. Qu ... &k>n: How many ·more lhan 40? WhatlOy? ... 11(99\WUI: ll#M·OAt-"U'IJ UI tnu, ' .. YES.'I ·wAS ON 1'1-!E LAST CLASS TRIP ... AND BELIEVE ME .... IT·WAS NO PICNIC! ..-~,.--~~~v-~~-.::1 E'REGOING TO EAT BY THE SEA! WASN'T THIS A GREAT IDEA OF . ARCHIE'S ... TO HAVE A PICNIC INSTEAD OFA CLASS TRIP? • ·. • • SPEED READER~ '111reo words In the foRow• In& llftlence haft been redu~~ to 1lm~le phon• etics: No one was NVS or his XLNC 1 OBCT. How qulci!Jy ~ you tra1>1lal•? •.it~ S.ialllltNU lfll JO ..,,,.m .. MIO Dlf What WU Ille name or the eomet •hlch came 1mcomtorlably dose to lh• eerth ID 1910 and la due lo relum ID 1986? It beelns with an H. ·01&1 Ill qine •qt" .10 num 1hJllllC tt GJtUt•..., 'Prl• 'J•~<> -..:-a-u & ibe plural of 100 .. geese or 1ooeeo? Think lbll over a bit before aosweriJIC. '&lon-f A:4 paal llloil ftlllNll aDJ RtOOl 'tplfq,.,, _,_.,,,~SJ 11 Tongue tangler! Repeat aloud ~hree tlmff npid• . ~: Fllbby Flo Dud fud1e for fat Fnnk. ' OVER A.ND OU'.!'! F'or a timely picture above ·simply add the followi n&" colors neatly: 1-Red. 2-Lt. blue. ·3-Yellow. 4.- U brown 5-Flesh 6-Dk brown 7-Dk. blue. 8-Blatk. . . . . . aOMALD UTl'LR.I• foaTANGU&I. ......... f r ~s~EttBtN DrR!~ llCOU 10 points for '!:'"'all tho letten Sn the word be oW to form 'two complete word s: ·FILAM E NT _ ••••• • • • • • --2 polnlseadt for an ftl'dl of four letters or lllOf'9 faalld.-lhe Utlen. . .1'17 .. -I& -H ...... . -....... .,-... -..., , -. -.. -----. :_:;;;SO WITH HIS_(LQ'l}lES AND l.D., l'LL BE ABLE TO WALK RIGHT THROUGH T ME JUNCTION ROAD· BLOCK, AND. BE ON MY WAY/ - - - . t~.1·--··-·;l -. ·-' ' ' ~ ~ . . -. -. -. ' ' . - ' -' '--'--. '"' ,_ ' ..... -----_ __.._,,,.,.., • b'I BOB MONNNA- ~-~, -~ SNEAK.CR.S' .'.<'."' JUGHEAD'S SNEAKERS/ I THINK. IT WAS MEAN OF HIM TO THROW YOUR SNEAKERS INTO THE SEA! I'M WORP.IED '.,_ ABOUTTHE ' LUNCH IN MY LOCl<ER UNTIL · MONDAY! .............. -.. .. · .. .. ' .. -- • l . , • ----. IT05 A QUICK WAV FOR 'TME V ICTIM L MIMSELF . TO'SMAPE A PROFIL E OF MIS ASSAILANT. , ·The only trouble is J have ours washed at mv qarage-free ! GORDO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . .. . T ME' OOOQ OF A1.CO\.IOL., AN UNNAT· • URAL. OISPOSITION,ANO A SUDDEN Y i N FOQ MOUTM WA~MES ,':'\·J:..-' .AND BREA.TM SWEETENERS. 'i'~~ TO ILLUSTRATE, J'VE GLUED CMAINS IN PLACE .TO MAKE PROFILES OF FAMOUS FACES. Adam is helping Pop at the diner and I want to earn, too. " r How about you, 1 Mr. Fracas? 'lour car needs it, too. " ' --.. ·1', ~ ....... "\. f \. . '!'. ' ' ~'Jr ,.:_) • r~·· .... . • . I'm startinq a new business. Uncle Skeezi)(, and I want you to be my first customer. Fine.Eve.- ·111ars just a star ter. Mr. Frac as. I'D f.IJ<E TO MAl<e IT ACROSS THE . PARJ<.AT NISHT···- .• IT'° NOTMING BUT A CHAIN 'FROM A DIME STORE NECKLACE. ._ MR. TRA.CV, T AKE TMIS ORANGE STICK ANO SEE . MOW EASILV V OU CAN PROFILE ~-........ -... ~ ... ---·"::"">t, ,...,,. I a- "'-~•l:2'"'U\g .c..::~-·~ What's the bu siness? Car washin g. Ive done oors twic e and Mom says I do a qood job. . \ ITS ... DRAWING" WITH A GOLD CMAIN. . • "AN ESTA9LISMEO PROl'"ll,I! OFTEN MELPS TM!! VICTIM • ' R!!C.C,LL OTMER F E ATURU.• • Also the pri ce is right. It's only for ty cents. ~ • • . . . . • • . . • . • • . . . • By Gus Arriola ' . . ' . • . . . . --• . • •