HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-26 - Orange Coast Pilot' • . ·-· ' roo - -_.:._ : Bulldog Star Witness In Leash Law Trial~ WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 26. 1973 VOL. '6. HO. Mf, 6 SICTIOHS, H l"l\GIS I • • • • • • • • • • • • Agne.w, Nixon Mulled Resignation lrvin,e Y outh Siglits VFOs No trace was found by Irvine po.Uce• of five UFOs which were repor1ed lraversl!>g the oarthern sky at 9:17 p.m. Tuelday. Keith KudeU , 14, ~ 14513 Beach Ave .. satd tbe objects were gold in color and "like nothing I ever saw before." Officer Rudolph Malit,· who ·checked on t h e alleged sighting, said he did not see anything . No other Irvine residents reported seeing the golden globes. Obedient Bulldog Star Witness In Leash Trial? By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of ffle Dellr Pllet Sid An affectionate little bulldog named Jabber may become the star wltness next Wednesday when the. trial ope111 for a Three Arch Bay mining magnate charged with l% violations of the county's dog leash law. Jabber, his master C. Dominic Shelton ,,. and mM_e than 70 witnesses win pack into Judge R1chard Hamilton's couhroorii in South COunty Municipal Court in Laguna Niguel. Shelton is charged with allowing an unleashed dog to run on Three Arch Bay's beach some 32 times between September 1971 and April 21, 1972. On tbl AprU date. Orange County Animal Control officials staged a pre- dawn rall on Three Arch Bay's beach arid cited Shelton for vlo1ati9n of the leash law. , The other 31 counts were added based on Interviews by the district attorney with other residents of the private enclave. Shelton's attorney I8Wllllam 11heffield of Santa Ana who gained some •fame wheri he successfully sued the pope in a case Involving a St. Bernard dog. Sheffield said Jabber wUI be called Into the courtroom to show that Shelton bas control of the dog through verbal com· mands. • Sn'IQldering feuds lietween~ varlQus ,,.,.,._An:h Bay resld.enll !JI d Shel!O!I also may_ be factors in' the ·three \feek trial, Sheflield-predlcted. _ 1. Ariother question to be antWered ~ s w}tether the alUnty's animal COf)ttOI oTinnance can• apply · in a pijVate cqm- munlty such as Thrte Arch lfay, the at· tomey said . ' Sheffield already has tried lo test the Constitutionality of the county's leash law, but Ill validity was upheld both at the municipal and Superior Court levels. An appeal of the superior Court decision to the Court of Appeal• 111' San Diego I• still pending with oral arguments before the tribunal aet. for Qct. 10. . ' Shellleld said the cate "deltnltely will go on trlal1'--WedneldaY deapill..JllC..ip- peal . • • I one Int I\e noted, Shelton was prepare o ea 11)111J1-m only (See DOGS, 1'110 l) Senate OK~ • -Overseas Tr oop Cuts WASHINGTON (APi -The Senate to- day voted to reduce-the number of U.S. land·based troops overseas by 40 percent, 'Iba vote was 49-46. Senate Democratic Leader M I k e Mansfield had originally proposed a 50 percent cut in the number ol. foreign.bas- ed U.S. troops, but changed the proposal · at the last minute to a 40 percent cut. ~fansfield said that when servicemen's dependentsr U.S. civilians _Mld !Oreign nationals ·hired to assist Americans, are inclu4ed, the United States has a f9!:Ce of 1.1 million~ in foreign·couiftries. He .said, this costs U.S. taxpayers $30 billion a year. with $l7 billion of that amount attributed to maintenance of troops ln Europe. · He said a reduction in the 500,000..man force is essential to lower the U.S. balance-of.payments deficit, fill domestic needs and end the policy of rnililfry con- frontation with the Soviets. J Ho use Nixes Political Pr obe Plea WASHINGTON (UPI) -The White House said today that Vice President Spiro T. Agnew has discussed the -possibility of z:esigning with_ Prest.dent Nixon. A spokesman said Nixon neither encouraged nor discouraged him. Confirmation by Deputy P r e s s Secretary Gerald L. Warren of recent _ _rumors that Agnew had considered resigning came moments aner-spe:aker Carl Albert swiftly turned down Agnew's request that the House rather than the courts undertake an investigation rA political wrongdoing agaiMt the vice -president. At the White House, Warren made it clear that Agnew 's decision to try to get the House to open an inquiry into kickback allegations against him was made solely by the vice president. Although Nixon discuss~ various options with Agnew in four meetings they have had since the allegations v.·ere announced he exerted no' pressure for any particular course, Warren said. The Mansfield amendment would re- quite_ tblit gtje~t §Q,000 troops based In foreign countries be pulled-out .by next Jwie 30, and that another 150,ooo be withdrawn over lhe following two years. 1be Senate also was to belin public debate today on a proposal to slow development of the $13 billlon Trident submarine program. The Trident amend- ment was discussed for more than two Using'the old Burma Shave road sign format, a nurs- ery-on Newport Boufevard in Costa Mesa, combines a plug for its products with a comment on current events. Warren said for the first lime that the two had discussed !he possibility or Agnew resigning when they met Tuesday morning, several hours prior to Agnew's request to the House for an invest igaton. Agne\V made clear he would challenge an investigation scheduled to begin Tfiurs- day by a federal grand jury iil Baltimore. turs in closed session 'l\lesday. A v°" bn the Trident amendment was heduled for Thursday. Beacp Ar sonists Set Fire, Two Y oun,g Girls Relate Rvles Albert rebuffed the vi"ce president's proposal in a brusqu e two-sentence state- ment at midday, saying: ''The vice president's letter asking for the House hearing relates to matters !See AGNEW, Page !) " ' ' In addition to Europe, American forces ate based in Thailand, Okinawa, Korea, 'l!aiwan, th? Philippines and Bermuda. lMansfield noted that U . S . • S o v l e t .Stone . Officers, Firemen lrt Robberies !otiaUon.s_ opep. Oct. 30 on mutual , anced force reductions but saia- llateral action by the United States could prompt a similar response from Russia . ' The Nixon administration contends a unilateral troop withdrawal would doom negotiations with the Soviet Union. Mansfield tried twice in 1971 to ~uire a-reduction in the 30011000.manr U.S. fOfCe In' Europe, but los~ on 61-M and 54-,19 votes. , ~ • la-remarks pre fo<J:onsl~l'Jltloo (See TROO Pa~ !) ! ~ }~' . . . Arina M gnani, Actress, Di es V8n<llils who Couched off ii blize l'n a cons'truction shed hid in lhe darkness Tuesday night, lobbing rocks and bottles at 1tuntington Beach police and firemen called to the scene. There were no injuries reported. A police spokesman said1 ~ arrests were made. • The fire was reported ~l,1 :30 p:m. 1n a shed in the 9600 block' Of Pfck Drive. Firemen were pelted"' by missiles; thro fl'om -a neiilljo 1!.0UP of • townhouaes. Fij"A Capt .. j!Og<\' Hosmer · noted~ co1111t11cllori area Is separated ' rroni lhO ContinenUlla • Coridomiiilums by· • a chain I.ink fence that afforded' firemen 1 some prot!Ctloo. 1be shed and its contents were listed as a total tou, although firemen uld they were not hampered In fighting the blaze by the rocks . ROME (AP) -Anna Magnani , the hot· ·'fl w., tolllly Involved wl)en we got tem~ed ltallan actress, died today in a there," Hosmer noted. Rome clinic. She. was 65. Police said they dld not venture into Mill Magnani won an Academy Award the tract to try to arrest their attacker tn.,"6 for her role ln·101'he Rose 'httoo,'' because .. of the darkness. In which she played the earLhy Serafina . "II was Impossible to tell who ·was Sii tnt~rcd,trurclinic 1 i.,. ~q. Ing "-lhrowlng,.'!...Ul<l Lt. Donald and underw enl gall bladder and lntesllnal Tryon. "M°'I of the stull seemed to oe . . t~-11141-ell<o-.. m~wlndow•" died ol canCfl' qr the pancreas. Both Tryon and Hosmer noted their • ' ' By · TOrtf BARLEY departments have had problems in:-the or file 01iiY "I"' •••" past in the Continentals. Two girls who were with David "We've had a little harrassment fn the Grindeland during a Dana Point robbery past/' Hosmer said. "But then It was spree that ended with his dea th at the more 8 case of stealing equipment off the hands of a motel owner have surrendered to Orange tounty Sheriff's o(Cicers, it trucks as we were fighting fires ." was learned today, Tryon said police problems in the hous-Both girls went to the sheriff's office ing area near Brookliurst Street ~ with t.l}ejr attorney and made a stat~ Adams Avenue have hail tsolated ~n-ment on their role in two attempted rob- ciderlts urually Involving • party ho\l!e·" beries, tut weelrefid -one at the Dana Bullie noted he bu)eOsl!'l!d calla !o-Villa l\lotel ~nd the other at the nearby day from area reslderitl ·~-were~opSet K~y Fried Ollcken restaurant. . with the punishmeat that -we had to take-1. Shef!ft's capt. ,Jan;ies Br?Ad~lt said~ last night." -· i this morning tha! ne.ither gir l Wt.II face "It's obviously just 8 few indivldulls charges ste~ from the11 in- and not aU of the residents" he added. volvement In the incidents: . ' Broadbell refused to identify them . other than to confirm that they were Sex Bias Law OK'd from the Tustin area . Orange • We a t her Coast It'll be dry. clear and sunny Thursday -like you never saw this summer. Highs in the upper '10s along the coast, rlsingto the low 90s inland. Overnight IOWJ in the 60s. li\'Slllll TOlli\ V 'r ather Glen Bom101~ joined the staff of Assenlblu Speaker Bob Moretti (D-Van Nuys) a year ago and specializes ill is- sue developmerit and spuclt. writing. See story, Page 11 . "We still have a few loose ends to tie .. he Id tod "B Al .,. .... , iln1k1 l .M1Ubl111 ' up in this case, sa ay. ut we · L.M. ...,. ,, Mevift •J11 SACRAP..IENTO (AP) -Le 1 glsllnation have no basis on which to hold thes 1 eh girlsf r,:::,11 ~ Mvtv11 ~"''* M bidding 4iscrimlnation by sex n !IUf· ln any way or charge them In !he ig . t o t1111lfl1C1 •l·•i s~=·t= t.1: ance rates has been signed Into law by the information we have been given." ~:;::...,. ~ i~~t11..:l"llMI 1t-U Gov. Ronald Reagan. Qrtndeland was shot in tbe chest. fo Cc oun. Nttltet 11 stMll .MM:m »-Jf The measure by Assemblyman Weld:e and hand by motel owner Louis Joseph :::~~:.!~f ,._J j::'~" .: Deddeh (().Chula Vista), alsO forbids Haffner. 65, who told officers he heurd :::.•i: •P• "'?: w .. ttMr 1 dl)(!rtmtnaUon in the luuance oLcan-_ lbe robber arguing Y(lth ~ts wife In the ..,.,,_. SJ ·:=r;:....~ i~-, cellaUoD p[ insyrpnce on the basis of sex, lobb~ ana reached for the pistol helc~eps -'t-:-:'-':',:':':"•:'':' ==·=-======::i--·-race, color, religion or noti0na1 or[glri. (Sff SURRENDER, l'Bp-1 - < • 2 _DAILY PIL01 s WtdntsditJ, Stpttrnbtr 26, 1973 • Bucl1a11ai1 De11ies Pa1·t ln Sabot age . ~ASHINC:TON (AP J -Presidential s~echwriter Patrick J. Buchanan ac- CIJSed the Senale Watcrgalc committee stfJf today of maligning his rt putation arid ' denie<i he had any part in polltlcal s\boLaRe againsl l)('n1ocrats. "1 an opening state1nent before :i t~\'ised session of the comm ill ee. B!;reharyan said there was "an apparent campaign, orchestrated fron1 within !he cimmittee staff. to mal ign my reputation itf· the public press prior lo n1y ap- ~rancc.'' :He said what he called a "campaign of vilifi cation" is a direct violation of com· ulittee rules and asked : "How can this select commi ttee set ittelf up as the ultimate arbiter of A!fleric;an polilical ethics if it cannot l'Yi!n control character assassins \Vilhin i18· o"'" ranks?'' ·Buchanan said he neither recom· nlended, authorized nor was aware of ··any ongoing campaign of political s4J>otage against Sen. Edmund S. Muskie or:•any other Democralic candidate." · :Buchanan addressed the committee as tbe panel opened its probe into political db:ly tricks. He is said to have beerfU1e <iUlhor of \Vhile House memos that rt~rtedly set the tone and basic strategy for Presid ent Nixon's 1972 cam· paign . The presidenti al speechwrit er said the contenlion that Nixon's 1972 presidential · campaign committee infiltrated op- , ponents' campaign in an attempt to :;elect its weakest opponent Vi as pltogether untrue. • "Republicans were not responsible for lhc do"'nfa11 of Muskie ; Repub licans \\'ere not responsible for the nomination Of Sen. George J\·lcGovern." Buchan an said. '"The J\·lcGovern people \\'On thei r 01r11 noniination -and th ey lost their own election.'' ; i\1uskie was the early frontrunner for th e Democratic 1>residential nornination )n 1972, bul the Maine Democrat's cant· paign faltered and J\1cGovern \\'On the nomination. ; Buchanan conceded that he recom· mended in the spring and s·ummcr of 19iJ that Republicans concentra!e· th e i r political resources on J\tuskie because J\1uskie \\'aS lhe frontrunner at that tim e. "·No requirement cxisls in ethics or h..gic or law that "·e provide equal time in political response to each of our political opponents." the N i x on specch\\'riter said . The comnlittee on Tuesday ended its lc.ni; exam ination of the \\'alergale break- i11. From Page 1 AGNE W ... before the court s. I. as Speaker. 1\'il\ not take any action on the letter at this time." Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson. 1\•ho met with Nixon before the President conferred Tuesday 11·ith Agnew. an· nounced prior to Agnew's letter to Alber! that the grand jury v.'ould start its in- quiry of Agnew Thursday. Warren said Ni xon "'as advised by Richardson and Assistant Attorney Henry E . Petersen "that as a matter of la\\'. in the atto rney general's view, this procedure should be follo\\'ed." As for Agnc"··s course, 'Vnrren said : 1'Thc matter involving the vice ·president 1s one that he is conducting on his own. .Tbe President has taken the position Irom the outset that the vice president should decide y,•hat course he should take jn the matter ... ~ "He has not encouraged Jr pressured the vice president to take any particular ·course." Albert \\·ould not an1plify on his state· 1nen1 rejecting AgneY•'s request. The statetnent "'as issued after he conferred v.ilh other llouse Dcn1ocralic leaders. \Vhile Albcrl's ac lion killed for the m°" 1nent any chance that a House inquiry \1ould ta ke the case out of the hands of a federa l grand jury. Agne v.• \\'as expected to iniliate legal moves 10 try to block the Balti more panel from proceeding \\'ith his case Thursday. OIANll co+sr DAILY PILOT W ntchitig W atelier Joe Beagin, founder of the International Societv of Girl \Vatchers, de1nonstrates tht! "wristwatch watch" technique. ·As you walk toward the "sighting," the extended arnt is elevated so that you look over the watch as the girt' approaches. At the precise n101nent she passes you raise the watch to your ear, causirig your head to Jurn to her as shC goes away frorn yo u. Others presume you are listening to see if your \Vatcp is working. ' Three El ·Toro Marines - Jailed in Bar Brawl Three El Toro l\larines "'ere jailed on charges of assault \\'ith intent to comm it murder early tod ay after a tavern shootout in which a fellow M'arine was struck in the chest, neck and hand by ricocheting bullets, Orange C o un ty Sheriff's offictrs reported. Detectives investigating the shooting at the Tail of the Bull Restaurant, 65-04 Trabuco Road, said it was "a miracle" that Marine Frank Norvick, 22 escaped with onlj'---minor wounds . ' Investigators jailed ~farines Harold \Vayne Bunnell , 20, Ran1on Teran Jr., 21, and Stephen Bernard Hunt, 21 . in con- nection with the wounding of Norvick. ·They said the fracas at the bar erupted Y.'hen a group of Marines, reportedly drinking heavUy, resumed a quarrel that had been aired earlier on the El Toro base. A Marine who was present at the bar said the dispute had racial overtones. Jnvestigators said the quarrel reached. such proportions lhat Norvick stepped forward before the involved group, raised his arms and urged the a n g r y , servicemen to put do"n the weapons that "'ere being displayed. A ~farine who has not yet been iden- tified but, is believed to be one of the three lodged in county jail fired a round from his autor:nallc rifle into the asphalt walkway outside the bar, officers said. Tig lit Trous ers Better No~ Rip LONDON (UPI ) -To keep the 1\·hole \VOrld from laughing. the tight trousers are being stitched very carefully. Ta'nor Nara in "Ben" Hamasa\1•my is busy this week in his shop nea r Londons Savile l~o~v sc~1·ing lhe trousers Capt. A·lark Ph1Jltps \\'Ill \l'ear 11o•he11 he marries Britain's Princess Anne. The November ceremony 11•il/ be obscr\'ed hy television viev .. ers aro und t,he world. "Because they are tight titting , I had to be ,·cry careful t~a l they would not 1car," he said. · Fro1n Pn11e .l Norvick "'as struck four times by the Oying bullets. Investigators said all the y,·ounds "·ere superficial and Norvick wa s treated at the base hospital. He is reportedly returning to duty this morning. "Each.of iliooe four bullets came 1vilhin an ace of killing him" a sheriff's office commented. ~!ve never seen a luckier man in my clteer." Hurriehne lrah Sweep~ Inland, , Loses Velocity LOS MOCIIlS, Mexico (UP!) -Hur- Mcane Irah, 118 winds dimlnJshing to less Ulan IJ~) m.p.b .. JweptJnlancUoday and weathermen said the storm appeared to be blowing itself out. Gadbriel Loyola of the Mexico City \veather bureau said Irah was to hit lan d thJs morning an miles northwest of this northern .Mexico city, after crashin& up the Gull of California overnight. "But now she has beoome more of a tropical storm." Loyola said. "Her wind.s have <lropped below 100 miles an hour. She could still do a lot of damage, but not what we originally feared."· Earlier, forecasters said they feared the storm could do widespread damage . The Afexican Red Cross said the po11o•erful storm churned Tuesday through !he towns of San Jose del Calbo and Sen Lucas on the bottom tip of the Baja California peninsul a, but app arently caused no major damages or injuries. Church , State Split Will Be Discusse d The Orange County Chapter or Americans United for Separation of Church and State \\'ill present a free lee· lure. "When Parochlal Schools Close" at a m'eetin g at 7:30 1!_._m. Friday at the Women's Club, 286 Glehneyre SL. Laguna Beach. Tht O••nO<'J Co11! 0 ... 11 .. Y P!LOT. wlrh wh~h I• ~Md lfl• NtWl·Prt n. 11 wttlli.hMI by tM Or1n~t Ct ,HI Pvbll1hi"9 Corfll>ln'f. $t llll rH• tditHlftl ,,, ll\llllil l'llCI, M-•Y through l'rld1y, for (a1t1 Mt~, N9W)lllfl 811<!1. H11nll119ton Bt~'IWl'oun11ln Vtllt 't', LIO...,. flHth, lrvmt/S1dd1•c• tnd 5111 Cltmtn!1/ Sin Jw n C~pl1lrtfl0. A 1lnql1 r19!ontl tdlUon 11 pyO!l1hfd Sllutd1y1 tnd jl/l'ldtyJ. T~t prlnt ltNI publlthlnO pl1nt It ti UI WHI llY S!tH I, C111!1 Mt1f, C1!!foml1. ttU' ·DOGS ... The speaker is Dr. 1'1artin A. Larson , an author and member of the national advisory coµncil or the sponsoring group. Local chapter chairman is Jmes C. Yancey. Robttl N. Wted l"rn lclitnl tnd l"ubll1htr J1ck 1t .c u,ft y voc:t ,.,._liienl ind Gt11t1r11 M1111p" Tho11111 l(,,.,;1 l!dll<lr Thom1i A. Murp~in 1 Mt ... QlnO Editor C~11l11 l;i loa1 ltld11rtl '· Ntll ,l.a11111nl Mt""!nf 1!"119'1 (0111 Mltt l 1JCI W11! I•~ S1rH1 N~rt lllCI'>; ~ 'HJWllO'l lwlev•,.,, Ll9\lfll t..O.: m ,,.,.,, """""* H\l"lllflt1M'l 11cfU l rtfS tlldl .... , .... rt "" C~ .. I JDS N.,111 ., C.""lr!O INI , ... ,1111 1 (7141 "41 ... :111 C......._,. A,_lkla ; 641·1411 ,._ ~· .. _ """' .. L...-.... 4tl-4421 violation of the ordinance and pay a fine. The district at.tomey, however. wan ts to press the full 32 counts, Sheffield n1nintained. Each count carries a ma x· imum penalty-of S500 ind/or-six months in jail. Sheffield estimates It 'wtll take a full three weeks (et $1,000 a day in court costs ) to try the ca11e. One of the 70 subpoenaed to testily Is Superior Court Judge Claude Owens. He lives just down the strei t from Shelton. Frotn Page 1 TROOPS ... ,,_ ...... or ..... Cl""'1' °"'""""'""" M0.11H of his amendment 10 !he $20.9-bllllon tM'l'f"W't'. 1tr1. °''""' ,_. ~ military /rocurement nuthorizatlon bill , ~111, "' .._. 11ar111. 111111'''"°"'· ~fansfiel said: ==~~ ~ '!r=.~1.i"",:~ "T'he enactment of this amendmP.nt n.1t•ltfl • <WY'llh' ·-· would be totally con.!11.!ltent· wlth the Nix· ._ ~~.''\u'::'~T:."W.... 11 =.:. ~ on doctrine of ~·orldwida presence Tliese Roses 'Bornbed Out' CINCINNATI, Ohio (AP) -Mrs. L<>uis Metzler said she had been n· pecting trouble when her dlu1h1cr Sheryl became friendly with 10me members or a motorcycle gang. She telephone<! !he police bomb 1quad Tueadly that I a "scruffy looking" man rang her doorbell end said he had a box of flowers for her daughter. Police and flremen took lhe box to a disposal center where they opened it. Ins.Ide were J2 white r011cs. No ~ .. : -.th1Y1 n ,....u 1i.1t -"'"'' lftllitar., manifested by..otbcr than land tOrctt on r:-----i~ .. ~·~ ... ~·-:;..:: ..... ::..:li:•:..,.::•:.· -----L ..J:Weliu...19. " · -.. • .. LoW-cost Homes OK'd By Irvine Councilmen Irville councilmen have unnnlmously approved an increased density approach to providing moderate cost housing to ta111ilies earning at least $11,500 a year. Councilmen approved in concept Tues. day night an Irvine Pacific Development Company proposal suggesting l~ to 16 homes may be built on each acre of ap. proximately tw()<-acre "clusters". The clustered. J.100-square-foot homes y,·ouJd be scattered throughout new subdivisions being developed by the Irvine Company. Irvine Pacific is an Irvine Company build ing subsidiary. 11.·ould blend into new developn1ents because "adequate greenspace" is plan- ned around the attached homes. Mrs. Pryor added that only 150 to 300 such units would be approved each year. under the present proposal. Councilman E. Ray Quigley Jr. hailed the con cept as a "salutary" approach. He warned. however that it Is ''only one step toward providing the range of hous· ing needed in Irvine. ·•A function of the price of a house is a\•ai labil ity," Councilman Ray Qu igley noted. ''Unless there is an adequate sup- ply the economic!! of supply and demand \\'ill force prices upw ard. "We need to start moving things ahead fo provide this conununity ~\·ith an ade- qua te supply of housing,'' he concluded. 1'he council action direc ts staff to work \\'it h the Irvine Company to locate the clusters within developing villages . Councilmen also approved a staff recomnleni:lation that the cily begin y,·ork ing with Irvine Paci fic, that firm's consultants and the ci ty's general plan- ners· to fi nd ways of providing an even y, id er range of housing opportunit y. The second phase of the Irvine l1acific proposal suggests housing for f~milies 1vi1h incon1rs of 8,000 a ye:ir might be feasible. Prior to addin g his ye.s vote en· dorsement to the proposal, l\fayor John Burton reminded councilmen of recent "density" zoning battles. The notable density cont ro v c rs y emerged as the city considered the Village or Valley View. Valley View was a planned rommunity of moderately pric- ed homes at an average density of slight· ly more than eight units per acre. '"Thaes Life ~ Hors e Bites Hand Thll t Feeds It ' Residents of neighboring tracts voiced disapproval ·of th e proposed develop- ment. They opposed the densities. Their tracts \\'ere built at an average five unit s per acre. NEWARK, N.J. (UPI) -Lilian R. Blackwell has asked $25,600 in a suit against the brewers of Budweiser beer, becaues she sa.Ld \Vhen she offered one of the Bud\\•eiser "Clydesdale sta llions" a lump of sugar. the horse bit he r fin ger. . . Her attorneys charged Tuesday the con1pany \Va s negligent .1n not warning her that the horse "had a propensity to attack and bite people" while she visited Grant's Farn1 in St. Louis on Sept. 20, 1971 . Density and proximity of !oy,·er e o s l housing, opponents argued, \You Id damage the values of neighlxlring homes. Councilman Henry Quigley defended the new moderate housing propGSal observing that there is "a critical · .dlf· !erence'' between the new suggestion and Valley View. But Anheuser-Busch, Inc., brewers of Budweiser, which uses the horses in promotional activities, said the horse was "not vicious and did not have vicious propensities." The name of the accused horse is "That's Life." ··The critical difference is that these units will be built at the same time as nC\\' developments. Small clusters of about 30 homes will be scattered throughout 1nore expensive tracts." Councilman ll.cnry Quigley said. "Density problems arise when you lry 10 butt high density development next to existing low density tracts ,'' he added. Councilwoman Gabrielle Pryor, who in· i1ially proposed city building fee reduc· lions as a way to lower housing costs, supported Councilman Henry Quigley's views. The approved method ignores the city fee-waiving incentive. Cla1·li Defe11(l s Up1le1· Bay Sta11ce Afte1~ Ju1·y Blast She observed 1hat the small clusters From Page 1 SURRENDER • • • By JACK BROBACK Of rllll D1Uw Piiot 11111 Fourth District Supervisor Ralph Cla rk of Anaheim replied sharply Tuesday to earlier criticism by the Orange Count ~· Grand Jury of the supervisors' handling of the Upper Newporl Bay probl em. · ··ft is important to ren1ember that it is imperative to pursue a course uti lizing calm reason rather than emotional in- 1•olvement, thus assuring acquisition at in the motel for protection. the least possible cost to the taxpayers,'' HarfDer said he saw Grindeland . 26, of Clark said. El I\fodena, leaning over the counter in The Grand Jury had accused the the lobby, soooping up motel takings and supervisors or "negotiating personally continuing to threaten Mrs. Mary Haff. raCher than joiJltly" y,·hich it said '~has ne~a~fuer shot Grindeland tOOr times. precluded active, cooperative participa· The mortally wounded man sta.,11ered tion by the arunty on the Field Com· -mittee." aef'OEis the lobby and Into the atreet. He was pu11ed into 8 small red car of foreign "The function of the c;rancl Jury is 10 make by what witnesses said was one of be a watchdog and investigate im- two men waiting· in the vehicle. proprieties in government," Clark said in Officers said the two girls who ad· a prepa red statement \Vhich he read to milted bein~ Grindeland's companJons fellow supefvisors. "This is a very usef ul became paruc strjcken when he 91!\i j_n purpose and must continue. llowev er. the car of the wounds he suffered in the when th! jury becomes involved lniio!icy motel shooting. m1king,fthey have made it impossible to They said the t\\'O girls dumped bis coDttiiue as a watchdog and then the need body oo a lawn close to their own homes arises to have a watchdog for them ." but decided the next day to reveal their CIArk agreed Y.1ith the jury observation _role in..the affair. Jht! • the iss~s surrou!!!;ling l!pRfr Officers said the two girls told them Newport Bay are highly complex. they were with Grindeland during the 11We all agree that acquisllion or the motel robbery and while he eJtlier at· area for public use would be an im- tempted. to hold up the Kentucky fried portant element of our Open space rt'· cbicktn__ outlet. quiements. The majority of this board Jn both cases, deputies said, Crin-ha§ b een on record long before this deland simulated possession of a weapon Grand Jury was fonned that the ac· by shoving his clenched right band into qus1tion of this area was Important not his pocket &nd showing bis intended v1c-only for citizens of the county but for the Urns the bulge tnade by a supposed rest of the state." Clark said. pistol. "We as elected officials-have an ~ .. ;;;,,;;..;~~~~!!!!! obligation and duty to effect acquisition in an or.:lerly manner at the beSt possible price," Clark oontinued . \re have resisted and I hope vl'ill con· linue to resist those people "'ho say speed is 1hC' guide•1\•ilhout rtgard 10 cost. If this philosphy (:"Uides this board then the spe<'ial interests o( !lie fr vinc Com· pany 1rill end up be ing the ~neficiary ol. those critics of our considered deliberate acquisiti on pol icy,'' Clark concluded. Clark and Robert Bnttin a~ members of the Field Commillec. They replaced Supervisors Ronald Caspers and David Baker on the g\•oup. The committee is made µp o( county. state and federal officials aod ls charged "'ith coming up \\1th a plan I o r ac- quisit ion and development of the Upper Bay. Bra dley Girl In La w Trouble LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Phyllis Bradley, 28. daughter of Los Angeles ~Jayor Ton1 Bradley, h.as been cha~ged "·ith having four outstanding parking 1·iolations. i\1iss Bradley "'as arrested Tuesday shortly after a Municipal Court trial io •'>1.'hich she "·as put on tOO days probation and lined $50 on another charge of being drunk. Miss Bradley was released on $70 bail on the parking violations charge. , " .. ,, ....... • CLOUD SUNOAT _.._ ... _ Volt Basketbals AC2 Reg. 7.95 Yalue-5.95 Red-Yt'hlte-Blue 7 .95 CB2 Blemish-8.95 CB2 Regular-12,95 XB20 lndoor-16.95 Warm Up Suits-21.95 . 24.95 Sweat Shirts & Pants-each 3.50 Adidas....Converse-.T re torn Jack Purcell Tennis Shoes CB202 Synthetic Laather-18.95 Wilson Leather Basketball-28,95 -- Men's & Boys' Tennis Shorts-5.95 up Tennis Shirts-5,95 to 9,00 Tennis Dresses % inch Basketball Backboard-14.95 , . ...,,,.,,__...__.,._~--- · · · -Basketball Goals-3.95 & 5.95 Adidas & Converse Basketball Shoes Basketball Shlrts-3.40 Y~&-Nats Soccer Bans Water Polo-Balls __ O_pen 9_J ·------ ...-. - Handballs & Gloves Racquetball ~acquets & ~lls Teoois-Rackets~.95 to 50.00 Wilson-Penll--Dunlop Tennis Balls- 7 .95. per Doz. Boys' Gym Shirts & Shorts Bikes-Parts-Repairing · Tires-Tubes • • m g p t I • a I t I 5 DAIL V PILOT ;J At Your Service Helpline-a SynlfPathetic Ear ·: .· A Sunday. Wecla<lday IDd Friday Feature Of the Dilly Ptlol Got a problt"m1 T~tn write Pa.t Dun·n. Pat will cut rtd ca·pe, get tl~e • ~cttcnt fl o tt ansUHirl and nt•d lo -.1 1oltJt inequi- tie1 tn gov- rrnment and burlnesa. lfail 11 our ques· tions to Pa i Out?n / Ar Your Sentice, ()mnge Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa 61ero. <..:o., 92626. Jnclude 11ou1 tc,eDhone number. All Abo11t D1n11plh1g• DEAR PAT: I've tried for years 'to make good dwnplings and fail every time. Someone suggested I write to you for an old-time recipe and ask your readers it they would share their recipes with me. My husband still talks about how good his mother's dumplings were but I never knew her and didn't have the o~ portunlty to learn her cooking secrets. • · L. W., Huntlngtin Beach Perhaps tbl1 recipe from a lilt domntic science tezt boot w 111 retemble the oae used by your liusbanil'1 mother. Ingredients: Z cups nour, 4 teaspoons baking powder, one half teaspoon salt, ,,.., cup milk. l\.tetbod: mb: and slit dry ingredienll, add milk slowly until • smooth drop-batter is formed . Do DOl oversUr. Drop by tbe lilpoollful into bolling 1tew on top of meat and potatoes. Cover cl01ely and coot 10 mllates wltboat Hftlq the caver. Dum~ linp may be dropped Into a 1ttamer and steamed over the bot stew or over a ket- tle of bolllag water. If 8'Y readen "Tlte In odter 1uaestlon1, I'U send tbem on to you. Family Need• Help DEAR PAT: Some time ago tbe Daily Pilot published an article concerning cer- tain co unseling services dealing primari· ly witi} teen-agers and their parents. 11ie article gave several names, addresses and other in!onnaUon. I must now find this type of service to keep a family together, but I can't k>cate the article. M. S., Newport Beacb c.ll the Newport Beach ()De.Way Help Cent.er, 145 IM, to set ap aa •P. pointmeat for family coa9tlillg. The ceater 11 Jocakd at Sii Newport Blvd., and ls open dally from I a.m. to 10 p.m. Be's a Bu Pa11er DEAR PAT: I 90ld four apartments in 1966 to a Costa Mesa man. He has skip- ped several months' payments and ls la te tn paying all the time. Are there any rteS>S J can take to make this man recognize his obllgaUoas'! E. V .. Santa Aa• By JAN WORTII ot r1W o.itr ,iltf Sltll Four and a half yea.rs ago, a group of Saddleback Va~ey residents :;et up a telephone hotline as "a bulwark against drugs." They expected to get 'Calls from youngsters with overdoses, or to answer questions on drug use and narcotics. Instead, to everyone's surprise, they have answered thou.sands or calls from housewives panicky with "cabin fever," yoWlg executives struggling with "future shock" pressures and debts , lonely old people from Leisure World , and in- quisitive adolescents. In short, they have discovered what kind of troubles the community really has -and it appears that heavy drug use is not one prompting calls to the line. 'lbe line, 8.»-2522. which answers caUs from noon to midnight seven days a Yi'eek, QJ>erates with 45 volunteers who work four hour shifts at the Helpline of- fice. Except for the group's leaders, the volunteers are anonymous and the loca- tion of the office is not disclosed. "It's not that we think somebody would threaten us," one volunteer explai ned "It's just that most of Us are active in churches and PTA and other community things. We might know some of the peo- ple who call -and we tvant people to be completely frfe to Wlburden their protr blems without worrying who's on the ~ end oJ the lj;Je." -· "' "This 11 a thriving energetic com- 1utmity," aatd Fran ltastings, president of the group. 11BUt it has all the aches and pains of adolesce®e. ''. Helpliners have come to see the Sad- dleback Valley as a place that suffers from its newness. 11This is ·a community ot transients.·• Mrs. Hastings said. "We'Ve learned th<it the average stay in a muse here is a lil· tie over three years. "Children are traumatized by not hav- ing any roots. So many of the yowig ex- ecutives here are on the way up and are l!'an.sfetred constantly. "That means wives become dissatisfied with never making permanent friends, the families are away from their relatives, and all kinds of tensions resu1t." Many of tbe Helpline's callers are those young executives. . "These young men are sometunes overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy -they're going so fast they haven't had the seasoning they need to feel secure in their work -they don't trust their own success," Mrs. Hastings said. An additional pitfall Jor young families is getting into debt, buying a house over their capacity in. the misleading glow of a riase or promotion. '- For women, the problems are those of finding day care and coping with loneliness. "With the dearth of low cost housing, it is hard to find people to clean and care LA Slipping Cliicago Area Second Largest WASHINGTON (AP) -Chicago has edged Los Angeles aside as the na- tion's second-largest metroPolitan area, the Census Bureau reports. The New York City area remains the largest, with 9.94 million inhabitants, the bureau said Tuesday. · · It said the Chicago area's estimated population grew to 7.08 million in 1972 from the 1970 census count of 6.98 million, while the Los Angele&Long Beach area declined to an even seven million from the 1970 census figure of 7.04 million . 1 · Metropolitan New York's J>Opulation, while almost three million above that of either Chicago or Los Angeles, was down 30,000 from its 1970 population, said the bureau. PJii.Jide!phiB. retained ll.!1 place as the fourth largest and Detroit as the fift h largest. The figures update file Census Bureau's 1970 data on standard metropolitan areas. ror children lne.zpeosively/' Mrs. 11astw1• Mid. "They ...,.Uy come !\'om Santa Ana, and In that caoe they have l•·ha.., tbei< own cars or else the 'housewife bas to ar· range lral1$p0rlatipn for her help." The phil91QPby " tile volunteers Is Iha! the beet Polley II ~. 'P<fiod. "\Ve ·discouage the volWlteers from giving advice," Mrs .. Hastings said. "If we sense the persoo needs more ~ a good listener, we refer him to someone else." Resources are available to t h e volunteer as he or she sits in the small office: lists of phone numbers, facts on birth control, drugs, and !inn aid, and sources ol help !or all kinds al social pr<> blems. The Helpline doesn't take a stand on abortion or birth control. ·If an · mquiier asks for lilformation on either, they are given.appropriate phone numbers without corrunent. To qualify as a Helpline volunteer, a person must attend a weeJt!y training class · tor , eight weeks, ta tight by a ~sychologist and a psychiatric nurse. 11te classes include lectnres on alcoholism. marriage and family re la- tions, drug symptoms, comm·unit·y resources, and suicide prevention. They practice with taped role-playing situation and analyze the 'transactions together afterwards. "' Suicide threats hqve been called into the line an average of ·four times a year since the Helpline began. "We usually feel that listening is the best \Ve can do here," Mrs. Hastings said. "If a person contemplating suicide calls, usually it means he or she still has hope and needs contact with other human beings." . Many of the volunteers are from Leisure World . "At first J wondered what a person of 69 could possibly say to a person of 19," one young Helpline volunteer said. "But !hey are unflappable. They wouldn't have volunt eered if they were going to be shocked by what they heard," Mrs. Hastings said.· The careers of the Leisure \Vorld volunteers have formed the backbone of the Helpline staff. Many we re psychologists, social workers, teachers, or ministers. The Helpline is sponsored by the Sad· dleback Valley ~tinisterial Associa- tion and financially supported by service and.civic groups in the community. THE VOICE AT THE OTHER ENO PREFERS ANONYMITY Saddleback Helpline Found Problems Other Than Drugs Australian Bus Rolls Into Dam; 15 Lose Lives SYDNEY (UPJ) -At least 15 elderly persons \\'ere kilted and 23 seriously in· jured today when a tourist bus plunged into the Tun1ut Ponds Dam in snow· covered mountains about 300 miles southwest of Sydney. police said. A spokesman for the Adaminaby-police station a fey,• miles from Tumut said the accident occurred as the bu s. carrying old age pensioners on a sight-seeing ex- pedition from Adelaide. 'vas climbing a steep pass from the dam wall . George Stewart, a nearby. resident who was one of the [irsl to arrive at the crash site. said the bus h:ad suddenly stopped, theii slipped backward over the dam 1vall and plunged over it into about 200 feet of water. It was not known how m an y passengers were aboard the bus. Thick fog and cold, wet conditions were hampering rescue operations, Stewart said. Fly No'w, Pa)· Lute r iii SF SAN FRANCISCO tAP) i\'lodern technology is creepi ng into nearly every facet of American life and now police report it cropping up in the call girl business. Early Tuesday, a team of San Francisco police officers, posing as Fresno businessmen. invited 12 suspected call girl s tO a downtown hotel. \Vhen the first four girls showed up, they brought along n1achines that accept credit.cards. officers said . Vice squad officers said the 12 won1en came to the hotel in respo nse to sever~! calls to a 1nassage studio and a ·'high-class call house ·• asking that girls be sent over. '73 United Fun4 To Be Launched ! ' Slaee ooe of tile 1klpped payments oc- curred reetotly you can attempt IO coll~t It by fllhlg a small claims coart salt. A Dtpartment ol CoD1amer Affaln booklet, '11'lte Co11:1amer and the Small Claims c:oan." 11 being malled to you. Contact by an attoney may sotve-tbe-tat•-~ payments problem. If •you do aot have 1 personal 11tomey, telepbone the Lawyers i~~~~~-.U~·,g~h~\Vinds ~La==sh~0_1_1 _S_o~u_th~C~o~as_t_ A kickoff breakfast for the third annual Ref...-Service " °'""" C<Mmly •t 541.Qll. T-f'e ..... ~ ()MdOHe DEAR PAT: Is the.re any service that could give me information regarding an tncune lax return that was left un- completed by a Certified Public Ac- countant? I was not aware ol. tttl.!I fact' unW the state Franchise Board recently notlfled me of the ..,... . I contacted the CPA and he prepared the .mi8Sing schedule. His charge for that work was higher than the fee he charged me for the original tax return. I would like. to be advised M1ether I am beinl oveldlarged in this transaction. H. D., Feu&ala Valley IMPLICATED -The Internal ·Re¥ellue Service is investigating charges that Howard• Hughes (lower left) sent $100,000 as a p<i!itical •contribution to presidential confidante Charles G. "Bebe" Rebozo -(Upper-itght).-The -allegatlon was made by Robert . ~. - Ul'I TtltPlloto A. Maheu (upper lefl). former Hughes chief. Al· leged bag man was Richard Danner (1ower right), manager of 1-Iughes' Dun~s Hotel. Funds were re- portedly taken from Hu ghes' Silver Slipper Casino (center). Uthll-tanll11·-tltk Calllornl1 Society of Cer1llled l'1lbllc Ac. I -=oantnts, yMI may Mbm~ eiam. plaint so tbe or1aniza&n'1 Loi Aa1ele1 Chapter, %M WJ11b..lre Blvd.* Los Angele., for review by Its eWc1 com· mlttee. The s&ate replatllc aH licens- ing of certlded pubUc .ccsnt• 111 llaadled by the Board al __ ,, ltll o. St .. Sacramento, ca. • .... . ' Hughes 'Payofr to Nixon GEM TALK Catalog Neeer Arrleed DEAR PAT: I purchased an old Sears catalog from World Art Gill Shop In Con- necticut on February 14. Afler mailing a letter of inquiry in April, 1 received a pest card saying the order would be delayed due to "wu.wual circumstances" ana tliiit J should-not-write again unless I wanted a refund. I dld send a refund re- quest letter on July 23 and nothing has happened llince. M. J., Llpna Beacb v-.., ... ·-.. la ... ...n. No sallllldory •xplanldo• wu offered for ........ ,. Charged by Onsted Aide I r-Wire Services The deposition quoted M a he u • s ~.'~ LOS ANGELES _ A fonner aide to recollection of a conversation with a J. c. t-IUMPHRIES ~ TODAY by H.Oward ...Hughes 'says ·the billionaire !~d.""ITooHI UCod. viclet president, Raf Y,; ]i,i'l••r111111m11•iiioM: ir•aiiiiiiiiiriirinl!!ll-~ rec' i""" once asked him to make a uiuu " · 0 1 ay. -was one o , ....... volumes of depositions taken from JADE IN CALIFORNIA "million dollar payoff to a President of Maheu in maneuvers leading up to the the United Slates." scheduled Oct. 23 trial on the libel suit. Inexpensive jade is found in rel- Robert Maheu; who was chief of "One time in 1967 1 showed• Mr. Holli· ative abundance in California, par- Hu«hes' Nevada operatlom from 1966 un-day a handwritten memorandum from ticularly in the dangerous waters til De was fired in 1970, n1ade the state-Mr. Hughes wherein ?.1r. Hughes was oil the coast oC Monterey where it ment in a deposition made public here asking me to make a million dollar Tuesday. The deposition was made in payoff to a President of the United is the object o( underwater search· 111abeau's $17.3 mllllon libel suit involving States," Maheu stated in the deposition. es by skin-divers. Hughes-. -lie Pld oot elaborate lutther. These and inland California jade Maheu said Hughes wanted to hown the The c a s b contribution tu reve.ol President, choose h11 1 u c c e s s o r . bunters then, in home work~hops, members of the Supreme C o u r t , poliUcal candidates were from personal polish the rough pebbles and even 9;e11a,t.ors, congressmen and politicians at funds of Hughes and not from corporate d bould T"- all leveb.'' funds. Th<' contribution to KeMOOy was cut slabs from ja e ers. IR: The Barbor Reform Temple of Maheu aJ90 referred to "a handwritten made to thC Democratic party's national pebbles and slabs are then rash· Newport Beach. inadvertently omitted memorandum from Mr. Hughes wberein chainnan after Kenned y was ioned, often by highly skilled am- Temple Slates Holiday Rites from the roundup of Jewish con· Mr. Hu~s was asking me to make a led M b .d ateur lapidaries. into figurines, gregatklns ln Tuesday's Delly Pilot, w1ll million dollar payoff to a President of the assassin& • a eu sat · hokl Rolh Huhanlh terVtcm at Newport United States." The alleged Incident sup-Each or the contributions to Nixon wns rings, beads, cabochons, spheres Harbor Lutheran Church, 798 oovcr posedly took place in 1967, Maheu said, canneled through the President's close and even animals. Drive In Newporl Beach. but he gave no other details. personal Mend. C. G. "Bebe" "Rebozo: Jade can be found all over the Rites wtll begln tonight at 8: 15 and Lyndon B. Johnson was President In once at Nixon's San Clemente, estate arid continue Thursday with a acrvlcc at 10:30 1967. the second time at Key Biscayne, Fla., western hemisphere. an d the a.m. and a children'• service at 1:30 p.m. liughes gave Richard M. Nixon $50,000 Maheu said. search for this beauliful gem mln- Yom Klppur Mnicet will take place in ·1969 and another $50,000 in 1970 -The second contri1Ju11on to Nixon came eral continues to expand as n1ore Oct. 5 11 tile tull>eran cbllrch at 8:15 15(),000 to (onner Vice President Hubert from the cash room at the Hughes-owned and more people learn to appred- p,nr. and Ocl. e al 10:30 1.m. A chlld,.n's H. Hwnphrey-lo 1963 and $2&,000 to !he Sliver-Slipper caslr"<> in Las Veges. and Italian Capital South Coast united Fund Campaign i• scheduled Thursday at the El Adobe ' ROME (AP) -Hundred-mile-an-hour Restaurant in San Juan Capistrano. · "1.nds lashed Rome through the night un-Featured speaker for the event -the til dawn today, kill ing one person, in-first breakfast launching of the campaign . juring do1..ens of others and damaging locally -will be retired Marine Corps buildings, trees and billboards. Brig. Gen. Thomas Riley, who is tbt: , The fatality was a man whose car wa s hit by a falling pine tree. The wind tore South Orange County Chairman of the '. off a cornice of one building in the aMUal drive . Trastevere section. and it crashed The South Coast segment of the cam-: through the roor of the American movie paign is being led this year by San : house. Four people were injured by fall -ing masonry as the audience rushed in Clemente developer William Walker. the dar k to the exits. More than 46 separate agencies will ' The winds dropped at down. but trees benefit from the proceeds of the cam - across the streets all over !he city built paign this year. all of them serving the up traffic jams duri ng the morning rush area where contributions are sought. hour. Ti ckets went on sale this week for the Firemen reported 19 persons were in-7:30 a.m . breakfast and are selling at jurcd and 82 buildings damaged in $2.75 apiece and are availble by calling Traste1.1ere. .496-2325, ~Ady Seiko Baguette • $lQOOO ·~ NO ~OIJ Yellow !Oll/$111"1115 llell *k· m•t~ll•"8 brecelt t. Gill d•t l. J.C. flumphriej t82l NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA CONVENIENT TEAM S l1 YEARS IN THE SA.Mt LOCATION • '•"\A.m or:~"td -Mt1ter Chert• PHONE S41·340 I ll!'l"rice-wlil""-be--he\d-tbe ume day al-ettn,pttign-of the late Sen7Robe.rL F. Ken-the olh<!r-cMsh donallona were from a ate the almost mystic beauL.y or F=4'E""i~i.ii: 'i lUt a Ni'8 ~in-19§t_hillheu suid. All the con-.• -.. 11,,,u~h. cs a_~unt in t..os Angeles, Mahu j~la~d~e:... --------=-=~==========::=:=:=;;::;=:=:::::==:::;;:;;:::::==:==:;;;;;;;;=:L at 4 p.m. trlbutlons were In cas , lie 1a1 I • / l ] J • sj d st a SI II H c• 0 ir ~ \' n it A c· ii n s 0 u d " r s p c 'c ' I ' 1 ' • ' • • '() 1·. ) r T l I 1 l 4 bAILY PILOT MONEY GAMES 0 E P T . Intelligence swfaced along the Orange CQast thls J¥eek that three major chunks of real estate along our southern coastline may soon be in the hands of, new investors. One such is the Starr Rancll, a 5,~ acre spread which Orange County government once envisioned as a regional park site. Courity government offered $4.4 million for it. 'lbe new in- vestors, however, are reportedly about to fork over $6.6 million. \ ' Doctors Elated Skylab Crewmen In Good Shape ~ 'ABOARD USS NEW ORLEANS (AP) _ Doctors were elated with ~he physical conditions of the Skylab 2 astronauts to- day after their record S91h-day space mission. Alan L. Bean, Owen K. GarTiott and Jack R. Lousma planned to sleep late aboard the recovery carrier headed ~or aboard the recovery carrier. which steam steamed into San Diego tod ay. The astronauts blazed back to earth Tuesday in a perfect ending ~ t~ir journey. They splashed down six miles from the recovery shi p which was waiting about 230 miles south¥:cst or San Diego. strict diet and collect all Urine and recal samples for exan1ination as they have done since 21 davs before they were laun- ched on their mitrathon mission July 28 . .- MORE TESTS were planned aboard the New Orleans today and Thunday. On Thursday aftemoon, the astronauts will fly back to their ho1nes near Houston's Johnson Space Center. \Vithin an hour after the astronauts were aboard the ca1Ticr Tuesday, they tal ked Y.'ith their fan1\li~s and received~ n1essage of <.'Ongratulatlons from Presi- dent Nixon. Two other spreads, the Reeves and Visbeek ranches in San Clemente, total 3,000 acres. 1be Reeves portion alone has reportedly drawn $12 million. . The sales are probably interesting enough in that they likely herald ac- celerated developmen( in our southern coastal sector. ~ut there is another fac- tor that has caused eyebrows to be hoisted aloll. SKYLAB CREV/tHOME AGAIN HAPPY ANO HEALTHY. ACCORDING TO DOCTORS _/From Left, hck Lousm1, Owen Garriott and Alan Bun Aboard C1rrier TllE TIDtEE were quickly hoisted aboard the New Orleans with their precious Cargo of films, tapes and other . data .. which could provide vital in- fonnation about the sun, ·the earth and man himself. Fath er Groppi Back 011 Streets Drivi ng lt Taxi / GOverhor Blasts / THE sALES REPoRTEllLY involve N:ader's Pledge Boyle Lies Near Death The astroaauts walked a bit wobbly when they stepped on the carrier deck after their long exposure to space \Vcightlessness. MILWAUKEE. Wis. (AP) -"I haven't been back on the st reets in a long while," said the taxi driver. "And it does a lot of good to get back. tt clears your head up." Japanese investment finns. / Thus you can hear reactions to Otis A . A l everywhere. "Cripes, they've taken over ga1nst -p ants the transistor radio, teevee, moto/cYcle ·and little car markets. Now theY,)'e gralr After Try .at Suicide Smiling and happy, they waved and saluted the hundreds of sailors 'vho lined up for a look al the nation 's newest spaee heroes. They '"ere quickly taken to a n1edical facility ror extensive examinations. The cabbie \Vas the Rev. James Grotr pi. Roman Catholic priest and ~vii ri~ts activist. He had just started his new JOb as a taxi drivt'r in ~1ilwaukee and said on Tuesday that he made almost $20 hb first day. bing all our land. / "We whipped them in .t~Big War and oow they're licking us all the way to the · bank." ~/ Indeed, it may be true. It isn't just on the Orange Coast. Japanese investments are strong aJf across our country and many people resent it. Pacific Business News, a journal published for money peo- ple Otlt of Honolulu , addr~ itself to that very question in "a recent editorial. And PBN .observed in part: By The Associated Press The chairman ·of the Western Governors' eonrerence Says Ra Ip h Nader's vow .to halt the construction of nuclear power plants would, if suc- cessful, create "a crisis of the most im- mense proportions imaginable." The consumer advocate told the governors Tuesday to expect a na- lionwide legal. environmental a n d governmental battle that could make the successful fight to halt the supersonic transport look like a spring picnic. .WASHINGTON (UPI) Former U'nited Mine Workers president W. A. "Tony" Boyle was being kept alive today by mechanical devices in a Washington hospital following what h i s personal physician described as an apparent su.icide attempt with an overdose of drugs. Officials at George Washington Univ'ersity Hospital said Boyle's con· dition remained "critical." Nader 's goal is to bring the nation's DR. MILTON Cusack, Boyle's physi· ''EXAMPLES ARE LEGION of how nuclear electric power program to a cian, said the 71-year-old union leader's casually we have accepted foreign in-complete halt in five years. chE.DCeS of survival were "minimal." vestment in this country and how much OREGON GOV. Tom McCall told Boyle was rushed to the hospital late American capital has gone overseas Nader, "I think you could 00 it.,. · Monda y night only without a public ripple. hours before he was "Suddenly, all hell is breaking loose McCall, a Republican, continued: "But what will we do with this investment, t.o appear in federal because capital from Japan is being in-vested heavily here and elsewhere in the what will we do with the need for this .75 oourt on a govem- n•orld. million kilowats if you're successfUI?" ment attempt to ex- " -.B.ather than looking inward to the i1cCall talked of the fear tha,t might tradite him to Pitts. reasons why the United States is fast grip the nation about atomic ' power ...,,,.,,.h 1 1 plants and said : "lt s~ms to me then ""'-'& o ace mur· becoming an economic second·rater, "'e we'll face a crisis cf the most inunen.se der charges in the take comfort in getting work_ed up over pl"l'rllV'tiOfls jmAainAble." · 1~ slaying of union the Japanese capital beinh invested "all •v i-v• ··-o--· t J ph A ~ The West's governors have looked to msurgen ose . around us. The health of the Japanese is aon• ~ "Jock" Yablonskj. being used as a scapegoat for our own nuclear-generated power as a major ills. source of electricity. There are now 38 Hospital authorities first said Boyle ''Capital investment from Japan is just nuclear plants aa:oss the country and 70 had suffered a "possible stroke," but as good as if it came from France, more are plannecl'-ft . GUsack said in ·a mid-afternoon briermg : ·~Apparently this wa_, not a stroke. It was Germany, Italy, England or Belgium. We NADER SAID the loss or ecooomic in- are convinced that the critics are not an-vestment was worth the price in the face due to a large ov~ of sodhun amytal noyed at the appearance <i abundant or the JrOSPCct or a disastrot.is nuclear df~ tak: ~~~:" an apparent outside capital. They are annoyed by the accident. d knowledge that it comes from Japan. It He also accused the Atomic ............... Guaact· sai be found Boyle "very"- '""'""'' 5J depressed" last Saturday when be ex· is a blow t.o our pride. . . Commission of "conscious deception, amined btm at Boyle's home. He said be "Sadly, we are aot asking '"'by. We are suppression and prevarication" in biding l«IOIDD~ then that Boyle be miner's union as a protege of John L. Lewis in the early 40's, was indicted Sept. 6 by a federal grand jury . on charges of violating Yablonski 's civil rights by conspiring to kill him. Pennsylvania alithorities have lodged murder charges against him in the deaths of Yablonski, his 'vifc and daughter. Boyle was free under $50.000 bond. He defeated Yablonski in a bitter union elec- tion in 1969, which was later ruled in- valid. Boyle was later dereated by Arnold ifiller in a court-ordered election. Boyle also faced a 5-year prison term and fines and penalties totaling $180,000 on a conviction on Cfiarges of illegally ftmnelling wtion money to political can- didates in 1968. He was appealing that conviction in the Supreme Court. A medical report said none or the spacemen suffered from motion sickness and all three had normal blood pressu res and heart rates . THE REPORT said there was sonic evidence of "vestibular disturbance,'' such as dizziness. But this was expected as part of the process or readapting to earth's gravity. "All three crewmen are in ex~llent spirits and they feel well," said the report. "Physicians are very elated with ' the crew condition at this point." Dr. Royce Hawkins, the chief astronau t physician, credited their good health to a rigid exercise program while they were in spice. Bean, Garriott and Lousma v!'ill be under careful medical scrutin·y for another 18 days. They will maintain a the "Everybody ought to take ort some lime and gel v.•here it really is," said Groppi. "lt clea rs up a lot of that elitism that many people. especially proCessionaJ and olher n1iddle-class types, have." Groppi said his main reascn for taking the. job \Vas financial: He needs the n1oney to continue his studies at the Antioch College of Law in Washington, D.C. Tuition at the school is about $3,000 a year. Crop pi 's personal assets. as disclosed in a court suit involved a 1969 civil rights tlemonSfralion, total mofe "lJ!aii $75~000. But he has said he planned to use the n1oney lo found and support a storefront church. 44.9 5 39.95 44.95 or $5 a month or SS a month Men's automatic Men's automatic ~e~~s8a~fo:auc calendar. Day/date, calendar. Stain less B t • f not probing our \veaknesses. Just criticiz-the risk of danger in nuclear power pro. ho."'Pftalbed because of high blood ----"'in"'--t"'h"'eiro.cst~gths. duction. ... .. ~ ....... 1:1nrr1-_, •='---------~A"'EC""''-com=nu=·m~'"one=r~w-nrrua~m~DOU=&F,~UJe=-1'"'_..r_..-&.OV.r .... 'l:llllSed.----+-I sweep second hand, steel case and sta1nless steel. bracelet ------------~-------- day /date cale(ldar. Stalnless steef case, mesh braceletc. ----·• . ' -' ' • • . "WHlLE JAPAN WORKED hard 10 next speaker, immediately challenged "IDS ATITl'UDE w~ 'I'm not going 10 strengthen its enterprise system, la~ Nader, saying Nader was confused in I'm · · I • " G mightily to compete and make profits, both his facts and opinion. He offered to (X)p (IUL IOJDB to tria • usack \ve in the U.S. have strived to weaken open AEC files to any. information Nader aalBoyd. le, Mio rose to power in the coa1 enterprise, to control the marketplace wanted sllort. of atomlc military secrets. and to denigrate profits and all their benefits. 'Vhile the Japanese strived to preserve the \Vork ethic, y;e deliberately set out to devalue it. .. "America is hellbent on keeping businesses from making or accumulating profits, from lettin g market forces, rather than government, shape the economy and the grov.1h of individual companies •.. "So, in recent years we tiave been buying more and more from overseas. American-made products have disap- peared. Now that \ve've positioned ourselves as a nation that cannot com- pete with the rest of the world, vie con· demn the rest of the world for being ag- gressive in the marketplace.; .-It 's a sad commentary on our perspective. "\Ve're not really so smart. \Ve have a lot to learn:" 5 Die • Ill Hollywood Plan OK'd by Council LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Hollywood Conununity Plan, a blueprint for the redevelopment of the 28.5-square-mile movie capital area, bas been approved by the city council. The council voted Tuesday to :tdopt the plan, after deleting some proposals in it for renovation and rehabilitation of specific areas. The main reature in the approved plan calls for an entertainment pa:tk to be l'Ombined with a business-commercial hub along Hollywood Boulevard. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY .SERVICE ~livery of the Dally Pilot is guaranteed ~1'·1'"rltle1': II 1'•11 ._ lie! M\'9 ffUr ,.,., llJ SIM I·"'·• (•II ..... ,...,., (..., will "" 11111vt111t M ,..,, c1111 .,. 1111.. ..,111 ,,,. •·"'· ~turd•J ..... SUlldlJ: " .,.. d• n•t rfCllY• ,..., c11J .,. t '·"'· s.iunl•y, •r 1 '·"'· Suflll1r, c•ll 1nd 1 <OIY w+ll II• 1,..u,111 I• Jtu, Cilb ,,.. l•k.., vrilil II 1.m. Telephones M111 or•-,. c .... n1r .Al'la1 ...••. , IM1·•n1 N•tlllWtll HV11ti11tltt1 ltlcll aftd Wt1l,,,lr111tr . • , .•• "8>1Uf S•n Cltm•nf1, C1pl1lrU•• •-"''"' s111 J1u11 C•olslf•ne, D•,.. Poln!, Stvlfl L••vn.i, L1111,.. Nifwl .... •n-uit Kansas .. Twisters Hecivy Rain Triggers Midwest Floods; Damage Heavy, Temperatures '. -- 30,41 . - I AT 4NTA )0,74 '.l'.J••~w~·.~.~,~.~~~.~ llOINO----.... ••••N l::.w~Jswow ,,.,.,, ~ ... ~$.HOWtU ·~ •tOW mobile llofnllJ l)lrl{ •t 8fl'l!llngton, north oi S1ll111, w•s d•maged. California • LOS ANGELES {"Pl -Santa Anl wllld• .... •ll:pected to r•I•• 1-""91r•· tvr.1 In SovtMm C.lffoml• •rid trig· gtr Wind •dVlll«Y w•rnlfl;t f<H'" traffic. The N1llon•I WNl"-1" Servltt 11ld l~sd•V tht ttTOllO ""'°"'"sttrty wtnd1 Wtt• being ttl off bV I high Pl"lllU,.. sv1tt11"1 t tllll'l"ed Wff Nevad•, lll•M 1nd Colol"•dO. Th• w1rmer ..,.,Iller 11 •~Olcted to raltt tM hlgll In dawr1town lOf A11g1l1s to lhe IOI. Tuasdty't high Wtt 1' 1119 ....... e11.wt1t,., highs wlll , •• from lh• m!d 70s tlOllV tht ca.It 11\d 1'119 70t In tile mount1ln• to ni. tot In lnl•lld ve!lty• 1nd 7J..90 dtorff• 111 tile dt,..rts. TM w•rmlnv trerK;I, covo1..:i With • drop In hu.nldl:r., •rovStd tonetr11 1monO llrl ot,kl• l. who l$l u.d 111 t x.· trllfM tlrt h•1•rd "red 1119" W11mt119. "Wt •11S1Kf -prttty fouDh I/rt wt•IMr cturl1111 tilt next few dt'rl," Mkl Olde Erllffl, e lllltllt O!vlt1911 ol Forntry """'""' In Rlwnldl COU!l-ty, wtltl'• four Orvtlt fl,_ •fYPlld lundl't' but ..,. ciutck\y ~ Coutal We.iller Clllr fodly, Lloht 'olltt•• WIN!• t1lvttt w ""°'"'"' """" · Moomlno W'91ffrl't' • to 1• kl'!Cltt In ~ f01:ttY Ind Wlltdt'lffltrf, Hlfl'I toOmy, mid "'· Coist.. ""'"''Mel Pet'lft frOfn '° to to. tnJand tem.,.,-af\tm ,.,,.. trem .. to 16. W•ttr temperatur. .._ S11n, M-. '.l'ftle• W•DINllOAY $fC'ond llltl'I ••..•. , . •• 10:0f p.m, S.3 S.Cond 1oW ..••..••.• 3:M p.rn. O,I THUl.IOAY ,li•it fllP .. . . • .. .. • to:o:r 1.m. •.o "'"' low ...... .... J:so '·"'· o.e StcOfld 111111 •• ' ..... '. 10:«1 p.rn. ••• kcoN low •r37 p.m. 0.1 • &M--&i•4;.U.a.m.. --St.1 .. 1;.Q Moon ,,_ t1S> •.m, 1111 •:lS p.m. 1l'ilt llllOUl'll 1t1pteM1nt• t/M' month ly ptymerlt llndeflMJ. C. 1'9n!llY lhn• P•,..,.llt Pl•n ,,,, !ht pYlth•K 01 IM11t1m. No FINANCE CHAAQI wlll lit lileuued If tlle .. N•w IJ•l•riot .. 01Ille11eeo11nt rn lht lh•t ounn; tllttOIMnl l11cludlng '"" pu1ch111 II P•ld In fUll 't!OfO,. llle "'~' hlltll'.lg dllllt 1~wn In 1h1t 1l•l•menl, Wh•n lne1111ed. • monl hl'f FINANCE CHA AGE W\11 he OOlorrnl~d'by •PlllYlllO mon!hly P*rlcdic re!tl ol 1.2% '"NNU"L PERCENT"Oe RAT E 1 4.4~) on !ht lhH 1500 •nd lf• (ANNUAt. PERCENTAGE RA1E" 12%) 011 !het1101\IOI). owr IMJO, to tM "P,.rioUI 8•W.ft0t• wMllollt dtcNcll1111 pqwnia •nd o,.dllt. 5 4 .95 or SS a month ladies dress watch. .. large oval fe.ce . Florentlne-flnish gold-tone case. 59.95 or SS a month Ladles dress watch gracefully atyled. Textured gold·tone flexible bracelet. ---------1-- -BUENA PARK · bi aeh at OrangethOrPt ORANGE __ ~-SANaANA·-· _.._ o,.. a.1~ tilt,. t1ao ,.,.., ._., 10 ,. , • Cl'y Or. at Garden Orove Blvd . °"" 10.t , ... hil)' .,...,.. 10 .. ' --3'°° So. Bristol • No. of So. Coast Pl1U1 __ .!f'~l~ ... ., •• , ..... -:-- Girl, 4, Commutes For Life LONDON (AP ) -Claire Puzey haa been chosen "Miss British Rail Commuter 1973." The 4-year~ld girl must travel 800 miles a week or die. Claire ha1 no kidneys and makes a 2:00-mile round tii.p three tlmea a week from her home in rural Hampshire lo be treated on a kidney machine at Guy 's Hospital in London. She has been commuting' for three n\onth8 since her diseas- ed kidneys were removed. Last week her fellow travelers on the 6:26 to London were told why the little girl with the bubbling laugh was making the trip. They got together and decid- ed to give her a day to remember. British Rail area manager Harold \Yard greeted her this week at her home station of Christchurch and said: "You have become the sweetheart of the Southern Region." He gave her a special train badge and handed over the passengers' glft-;-an inscribed copy of Kenneth · Grahame's classic "The Wind in the Willows." the story of a ne'er- do--well rich toad \Vhosc taste for adventure leads h l m astray. Harry Staff. a publisher, sat Claire on his knee as the train set off and read her lhe in- scription: "Pruented to t\1iss British Rall Commuter 1973, with all good wishes from British Rail staff. ''She is a honey.·• said Staff. 52. ··she=s always so cheerful" A woman paasenger gave Claire one pound -about $2.50 -for candy. A man bought her a pack of potato chips and another a cup of tea. Claire's mother, ~year-old Pam Puzey, said : "Our only real hope is for Clai5e to have a kidney transplant. \Ile are anxiously waiting for the the hospital to tell us lhey have found a suitable donor." Claire later sat on a hospital bed~ beside the k i d n e y machine she must be con- nected to for 30 houra a week, wbUe a nurse read from her new book. She smiled at newsmen and said: "It .was the best journey I ever had.'' ' Enterprise ' I • • A Backup For Power?-~----~.JJ!.~*__:_-~~,·~-\\--\ ~~:::=:::=--- BREMERTON, Wash. (AP) -Electric pO\ter ahortage1 are shaping up In many parts of the Northwest but this city has the option ol asking !or help from its big brother in t!Je bay -the aircraft carrier Enterprise. The Enterprise h a s n ' t volunteered but its t o t a I generatlng ca~city of 40.000 kilowatt•, could k~p Bremert.on's lights on plus the rest of Kitsep, Mason, Jef- ferson-and-ClallfJTI-COuntics...on the Olympic Peninsula. ~ The combined population of those counties is just less than 200,000 and a spokesman fGr the ship said it would provide electricity for a city that size. The idea is less speculative than it might seem. During a severe drought in 1929. the carrier Lexington used one of its generators lo supply power to Tacoma, Wash. The Enterprise is berthed al the U.S. Naval Shipyard here for several months. qndergoing repairs and refurbiablng. Silica Plant On St1ike OCEANSIDE (AP) -A striie ol 4$ union workers left managiment' running t h e Crystal Silica COmpany pla~t Tueeday without new contract w-. In sight, • 'lbe walb!Ut ,... ataaed - allor • vOta 1111 Friday by """'1bm ol T111111tera Union Loci! :111, Labliret1' Tnterna- Uoolll Union of North America Local-89 and operating Engineers Local 12. A lhree- year contract expired that day, Q<yrtal Silica Company la San Diego County's major auppUer of lnduatrlal alllca us- ed In production ol gJ111 con- tainers, housing corutructlon materials and aandblasting. ' I , . Your Day of Disco~ery, and "The Face 0f Fortune", a gift of : I . oeauty from Geminesse \ with1$5 minimum purchase ' I I t ' Max Factor presents "Yc r D.iy .of Discovery'.' Discover .•• the mystical gypsy who will forecast your 'furure in the stars· of y horoscope. Discover. __ ~e beauty expert who will analyze your face. ' ~Discover ••. the alentetj wjg. stylist who will answer your wig styling ques.tions, and the "Flatter Wigs"-a fabulous 'collection in the-newest styles, most natural looking-colors, and in the..inost-prcicrred .6.bets {styled for you ~ithout ex·ua charge)J Discover ... "The Face of Eortune": Enriched Moisturizing Lipstick, Exhilarating Skio Lorion, Under Make-Up Moufuri2.er and Strawberry Masque, Your gifr. with any Gernincsse SS minimum purchase. Costll.crics SOUTH COAST PLAZA Wtdnescra.t. Seplember 26, 1973 DAILY PILOT a -~·- --Ask-A.nd-y--JJWJock'SSOutli 02Sf Pfiia;-Mond .Y dfrough Frill2y 10:00-a=. o 9'30-p.m,, Saturday 10:00 a.m.:.10 6:0Qp.11J,,3333...Brls10LS1., Coua Mesa, Telephone: 556·0611- • \ 6 • • • .{ DARY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Bus Boost Needed San Clemente city councilmen appear close to scrapping plans for a city-f inanced pilot bUs projeCt cal· culated to show Orange County Transit District directors huw much a full·tilne service is needed in the city. Instead, the city will mobilize a task-force of volun- teers to begin a lobbyin g campaign as a mJans of win· ning district support for a route to serve the entire South County. · Several co uncilmen already hive expressed an in· terest in doing the work in advance of district board sessions late this year at which more than 60 new buses will be allocated to routes throughout the co unty. Mass transit is becoming a strong local issue along the South county and because it is a widespread con- cern the San Clemente task force should include dele-' gates from surrounding communities. The organizers should recruit delegates from Capistrano Beac)_l, Dana Point and San Juan Capistrano to join in the effort to win allO:CatiQ..I\ of a bus route. If lobbying is the answer, then the group doing it should present a united front. Rep911 Lacks Punch A report by a committee of community interests tn Lagun~ Beach's Arch Beach Heights fell far short of what was needed and what was expected to help solve some of t~e area's problems. There's no doubt a lot of hard work and a good deal of time went into the report, but the finished product as presented recently to the Laguna City Council was deficient. Jt skipped entirely the issue ot density, and settled for a firm stand in favor of parks -Which is about like taking a firm stand In !avor of motherhood. One minor effort at self-Improvement wa.s a recorh·' mendation that an assessme~t of $40 per year be levied on property owners to help pay for parks. That works out to be -iess than the cost of one carton of cigarettes per month. 1 II residents of Arch Beach Heights really want to save the neighborhood, they'll have to ante up more than that and take some bold steps. As ii is now, the long awaited report is loo little, too late and too meek. The United Way Scores ol volunteers will meet at a special kickoff celebration Thursday to launch the third annual South Coast United \Vay campaign and an impressive number of community leaders has joined the ef!ort this time around. San Clemente businessman William \Valker will di- rect the campaign this year wliile H.. B. "Mark" Marks will serve as president. BOth are active in civic affairs, as are others serving as regional chairmen for the drive. This year's goal is a modest one, $331333. Past years have shown ambitious sums .set as the goal, followed by a steady influx o! donations which never seemed to reach the mark. This year it· appears that the more realistic figure is more-in keeping with the opportunities. The United Way concept of one fair-share donation is still relatively new to the South Coast area, thus, a success!~! campaign requires strong involvement by community. leaders. This year's roster shows volunteers with that pre· requisite and their effort should be a strong success. s Assembly Finale- A Mess! Dear Gloomy Gus Rhythnaie Racket Caused By Mini So1aie Booti1s ( RUS WALTON J That final day of the 1973 Legislative session was a mess. A stupid, in- excusable, expensive mess. During lh\! closing hours of that day the state legislature rammed through at least 500 bills -probably more. As a matter of fact, 10 days after the deluge the clerks of tbe Senate and Assembly still do not know for sure just what bills were passed. Let alone how much damage was done to the citi- zen in terms o.f costs and controls. ~mblfilar figures that about Z33 bills were adopt- ed on Sept. 14 -give or take a dozen or so. The Senate staff, as of this writing, bas no real idea of how many bills were con- sidered or how many \\1ere passed or what they will do to CalHomians. AT ONE POINT during the late-late hours of this horrible put~n , Senator H.L. Richardson. R-Arcadia , walked to the rear of the chambers for a lew words with '-like Harrington. By the time he returned to his seat, a few minutes later, Richardson fowid he had voted for four bills. What four bills he wasn't sure. He raised hell. He demanded that his name be taken off the substitute roll call (a device for au tomatic "gang" votes). Richardson tr ied to get several senators to join ltim in the effort to stop the jug- gernaut. They refused and on went the steamroller. Every few minutes another bill, another ne\\' law in the malting. TlfE BLIZZARD of bills was just as bad in lhe Assembly. And, it was ac· companied by "ghost" v o t i n g. Legislators absent from the chambers \\-ere being voled by a colleague. Time and again. for example, the electronic IO(c board indicated that Assemblywo- man March F'ong, 0-0akland, was pres- 'Copter ·Noise Can Bend Your House ' About 1,275 acres out of l,600 acres in the proposed "park" between Corona de! Mar and Laguna just happens to be canyons. All that money for a "M0W1tain Goat Safari?" ~ DEMOSTHENES II Gloomy Gui clM!lfllellts .,.. wbrnltt.d bY' roclert Md N llO'f llKMUr11y '91kcl tht ¥11111'1 of 1M _....... SIM YOllr "' -v-1 I• Glolmy Gn. Dell'r Pit.I. To the Editor: Municipal departmentl. conducting or considering re g u I a r , non-emergency · helioopter flight operations from areas closely surrounded hy residential or com- mercial development should be prepared to pay lhe costs of property damage suits. THE FAMILIAR whap-y.'bap helicopter sound is caused by the tips of the rotors which mave near the speed of sound and often break the sound barrier -just-like the tip of a bullwhip ~·cracks" when it ent and voting. Mrs. Fong was not in breaks the sound barrier. Helicopter the room. ti' blade lips ,cause at mos p her I c When Assemblyn;i.an Ray Seeley, R-overpressur'_'!Ji in effect, mini sonic Palm Springs, protested, acting Speaker booms. Jack Fenton,.. D-Montebello, told him to 'lllese overpressures can be more sit down and shut up. Such 1s the face d3.f\\aging lhan those of a combat jet and voice of arrogance. The ghost of because the helicopter overpressures oc- ~-Fong continued to v o t e in her cur in a rhythmic pattern that elicits aDsence. sympathetic flexing from nearby struc- Jt's not just the chaos of the moment, lures. Thia ~ng can be felt and seen in it is the: Jong-term ravages. During such the walls and windows of homes and of- hectic hours the "leadership" finds tt fices whenever large -especially re a 1velf easy ti'.f"Slld"e"itrthe-sJee-pe-r-s-. _,m<DWililtatacy.t.~copters.Jly..over....Dtl Simple-looking bills that upon in-flexing can Ce.use dilmage hnmediately, vestigation are mean and cosUy. Such or can weaken structures, making them bills would never make it through serious more susceptible to damage from minor debate. But, in the darkness of chaos earthquakes. they slide through. F'aed-wing STOL aircraft not only preclude these problems, but are also WREN THOSE bills are examined in less expensive to operate and maintain. the light of sanity, some Jawm.aters are JOHN F. ROSSMANN going to have heavy legislative hangovers and a tough time explaining Coo-ration Wins their votes. · r- The problems and the pressures are To the Editor: still not over. They may be compounded. After many years of reading yuur frne The Governol' now bas onJy 12 dayS from ~eature ~des 1 thought you might be the receipt of that flood of bills to con--mterested m what has happened in aur sider them, examine their impact, and area and how great cooperation between act on them -approve or veto. Twelve many people brought about fme improve- days ! What a waj to run a railroad! Not ment in this neighborhood. to mention government. TWO YEARS ago I contacted the VOTERS WERE assured, In 1972, that phone company about taking down wires if they would adopt Prop. 4 and its bien-that ruined the ocean view for 13 nial legislative session the ch a o s of homeowners in our area. After many the final days would disappear. No more phone calls, meetings and consulting. with of those last-minute steamroller job6 that mWly people, the phone wires are coming flatten the proper legislative process and down. It was a joint effort oo ~part ol leave mess of legislation in Its path. That the phone company, the Laguna Beach was the promise. Remember? Water and Power, whose empty pipe the Well, the people approved Prop. 4. We phone company is using, the 13 have those biennial sessions. But, the homeowners and the Cameo Association chaos and the chicanery are still with us . of our area. All of v.·hich proves that a legislative We thought it might be interesting to house is not a borne. At least, not for others who might have the same prob- good government. !ems, to show that cooperation between (-MAILBOX ) Letters from readers are welcome. Normally writers should convey th eir messages in 300 words or less. The right to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel is resenied. All letters mwt include signature and n1ailing addrets, but names may be withheLd on reqrust if sufjiciet1t reason is apparent. PoetrtJ will not be publi.sh<d. big companies and small homeowners is not a thing of the ps!t. The wires shoold be coming down within a matter of weeks. The fact that they are coming down Is of great importance to all of Us living in Cameo Highlands. ~ROBERT-We-FRYE Dairy Donation To the Editor: For all the people who think it Is all right for our President not to release the Waterga~ tapes because it might jeopardir.e natiOllal security .... What is your excuse ft:r Nixon now, that he refuses to release the tapes from the meeting witb the Dairymen's Msoc:ia- tloo. A meeting that was held right before dairy prices went up with govern- ment approval, and by coincidence benefited the campaign by 80me IS00,000. LORRAINE M. KAMPMAN Clo•ed Out To tbe Editor: The Hal Boyle column of Sept. 17 is only one in a recent series by syndicated _ cotw:p~ts carried "by your paper which have pul down wOmen ln the Women11 civil rights movement. I agree that each man is entitled to his opinion but I. would point out that each woman is entitfed to he:rs. It is apparent that the feminist move- ment is burgeoning every day; that it must be considered at this point in time a major movement representative of the views of many women. Yet, your editorial page does not carry a column representative of our Views. It is my sincere desire that you will see fit to give our views representation in the editorial page. We have been closed out too long . SUSAN MCGREfVY, Vice President Laguna Beach Chapter of N.O.\V. Who Lea~e• Next'! To the Editor: tion, and "'Ork. Only rarely is It broken into. Recently, for example, 1-caDed a \\·roog number and ln the terrified and angn ' response I again got a picture of the fear and loathing which-ls also ahl'ays some\-1.ilere in Laguna. I cannot teU you \\'hy it is here, but I do wonder if it is not this undercurren t of black hatred, often enough manifest by parents {or their O"'fl children, Which bas eQW:rg- ed to drive these young peopll to-dilpair of w: and to depart. DAVID A-l!UNRO CAJ.r friends and neighbors at Love Anlmais Doo't Eat Them (LADETJ are heading north in caravan behind a gaudily-decorated but ancient bus named To the Editoro "Far CAJ.t." 1be event is a milestone. a At \\'hat poin: does the apprehension of fork in the road· for us all. The question a suspect condone the shooting ol ln- is what does their leaving, or expulsion, nocent people? portend? Who will be next? Let ··us ex-In the name vf hwnanlty, 1 am shocked amine two antagooistic groups: the 40, and horrilied at what appears to be the more or less, who are leaving, and the 'Slaughter Tactics' on the pert of the 40, more or less, members of the Laguna Newport Beach Police, as displa)'M on Beacb Police Department (LBPD). who the evening or Sept. 12. preoPilliti!<l-llielrleaVlng. -. . . Life;-tiberty--.nd;he-parsuihl H"ppiness ... (1) LADET people came to town because they liked it here; they Jived Wilh us; they appreciated and understood Laguna's art and ambience. 'lbe LBPD came here because of a job; they prefer to live out of town and would not sla)' without being paid. . (2) LADET people reflect an ingenalt and creativity typical of the La tradition; many of them have left the mark on the boulevard and byways to relieve Chamber of Commerce ineptitude snd restore Laguna charm. The LBPD, basically an unassimllable element, have contriblited nothing lasting. (3) ON A SCALE of lawlessness LADET and LBPD were at a standoff. LADET people. with the deliberateness of would-he martyrs, sst on curbs, •Y· walked, sang, danced In the streets - proclaiming their superiority to mere terrestrial laws. -hBPD launched a cam· paigo al petty harwmenl against all members of LADET calculated to drive them out of town -without 1any discussion or approval by city cotmell and without any authority In law. LADET broke trivial laws; LBPD violated the Constitution. But I, like many others, live in a com- fortable cocoon of friends., books, recrea· It is time v•e take a closer look at those \\"e authorize to wear a badge and carry a gun in our city. BRIANJAMES R. PORTEOUS Wlek• 'Spiro, Spiro, com• back Spiro/' Four Healthy Meatless Days a Week? Try Biochemistry WASHI NGTON -Controls have been off beef for a fe1v days and the prices haven't shot up yet, so \\'e can expect John T. Dunlop, director o(~the Cost of Uving Council, or another one of the losers that Richard Nixon has fighting In- flation to congratu· late himself on TV. H the prices haven't gone up since con· trols were lilted, il's wly because thty were so hlgh when the controls were applied. A tremendous nurn· ber of our fellow citizens can 't afford to eat beef any more. But betf Is a prestige item. beef gives you the wha t-rors to defend your country, beef makes you manly, beef makes you eexy, beet gives you status and courage, beef. not WheaUet, Is the food of cham· pions for red-blooded and raw AJl- merlcans. Nixon eat.a beef and John Mlicliell i!fd before lhey pulled l!ls teeth --wt.----~farvelous aource o£ pfotcin al'ld pattioclsm thllt beef is, It · Js not an absolute good. The fat·laden, gross chunks of almost bleeding meat that we ( -J . call a steak would make a more VON HOFFMAN · cultivated people retch. Worship of steer _ _ 1neat may ilso drive us individually Into debt and ruin our agriculture. On the human consumption because stetn are average. each of us estJ 212 pounds of Inefficient J>rO"ln !aci<lrles, Is the meat and ,>aultry a year -about 30 per--cent ot the world supply. equivalent, Ms. Lappe infonns us. of "90 • U we oould salisly our ever-expanding percent of lhe world _proteln delidt." appetite for meat by grazing livestock on But African kids lllllfering from land unfit for any other use we wouldn't Kwaabiorkor, a disease caua.¢ by pro&eiD imperil our agriculture nor face the m. deficltncy, aren't 1oing to ca111e molt ol Ing prices that have come upon t11, but It u» to do more than cluck in sympathy. doesn't work that way. Kwasblorkor bu been ldeatiBed In kldl litre In the states and that didn't chlnr!e "ENORMOUS qusntltles or the highest anybody's eating habils. People probably quaUty food aources are fed to animals" ktn't g1 ting ~• ti the writes Francts Moore Lappe U: "Diet for "1.U ve up ea ~ even Y knew that the higher you eat In the food a Small Planet" (Bsllantine Books, Sl.25) chain the more likely you are to be "f'ully on .. half of the harvested poisoned by the pesticide residue. which agricultural land In the U.S. b planted accumulate ln the cell• ol the n1eat we with recd crops .. We f~ 78 percent of all love to est. ou1 graln to arnrnals. No, it'll be the high price of me 1 t Put another way, a steer must be fed that'll get most of us oU beef, It anytbln& 21 pounds ol veptabie<prololn-to-produce -doe&.-Beside.I, mosLol us don't have the on~ pound pf mealpr~~ln_!O{ys to eat, /QUiesl dea bQ.w_w~ can e•l-well or The amount of protein which we feed to hoallhlly without consuming la r a e our livestock, and which wu lost to amount! of flesh. We red, white and blue carnivore. wouldn't know bow to get our protein except by wbackln& It ofJ the fi.•nk of a steer. Frances Lappe can help us here. Her book will tell you about how much protein you need and how you can gel It without eatmc ~eat. THE BIOCllEMISTRY II complicated, but her uplanaUm lsn1. Proteins are co~Olll ol :II different amino acids, all bill elgllt. of which our bodies can manufacture. TllOle paht, however, are InOIJpenuble 10< the uUU..Uon of_proleln by our mt.ms. To the e-t that a food II dellcfent In even ooe, tbe othen cannot be used. Slnoe all eight are present In relaUvely large amounts In meat, lt Is a handsome oource ol this most Important elemcot lo the humon diet. But you can 10 down to the bottom of the food cbaln and pick up all the protein you need by "eaUng, In the same meal, dlf!mnt plant food.! In which the amlno acid deO~lency of one ilcm Is supplemented by the amino acid a;nl.llned In olhen/' 11y1 our author, WllO:upfalnxcthaJ estlng ltoana and..zl together will provldl your body with 4S peroent mon1 proleln than ti you eat the I . two separately. Or, stated in tel'Jl"..s of meat equivalencles, a cup and a halt of be&na and four cups ol rice equals a 13- ounce steak if eaten separately, but a 19-- ounce steak if eaten together. You donlt have to become a chemist to try tbi1 kind of cuisine. Frances Lappe gives what the basic hlgh protein com- binations are, I.e. bread and cheese, and aome recipes to 1et you starled with fl09d-taotlng, low m .. 1 cookvy. She OUMI COMf I DAILY PILOT ' Robrrl N. Wted, P• !Uher Thom.GI Keevll, Ed;tor Ba.j;aro Kr<ibf<h Editorial P•u• Editor -Wednesdlr/-Sep~97 • doesn't recommend that you become a H'i.ndu and tum your Ufe upskie down . Move Into ii gradually without ...... an t'e way. Think of the -•Y yoa could save If Y~ family had rour healthy, hlg)>pro- tem, ~alleSI days 1 weet. And tf 10'* do, the. noxt Ume Earl Butx seta .., the tube to leD you meat pnces are pac up again, think how good II '!Ill bi lo toll him to take bis mtat and stuff-It ' I l I I • • l ' '·· !: I ! ' ' ~ ' ' QUEENIE I By Phil lnterlandi Wrdnrsday, Srptrn1brr 20, 1973 DAILY PILOT 7 '66-70 Autos Need Smog Gear Next Week :· SACRAMENTO (AP I -If you're p!annlng to buy a 1966- 70 model car, ii may be cheiper to do it this week. Beginning Monday, most cars manufactured in that period will require a new an· tlsmog device costing Up to $35 }$en they are sold in the San Ffari,clsco, San Diego. or~uth A special crruss1011s In· spection 11lso will be required for . such CJrs changing ownership in Uic three air basins. delay was occasioned by j)~lctlons that the devices w o ul d cau se e n g in e overheating and d a m a g e , After the review, the ARB slightly changed the specifica· tions for the dev!ces in an cf· fort to prevent such problem!. each car's license plu.te. ure and which gives s1nog its Some or the approved devic.e1 greenish ca~te. cost much less. They can onl y A$ a result, c@rs or 1966-70 he purchased at .OJCrvlce st<f· vintage !:encra1rv emit IO\\' lions :ind garages license d as concentrations of carbon QfficiaJ state inspection st<.1· monoxide and hydr<M!a rbons lions. but high concentrations of Olt· The accredited devices cul ides of nitrogen. oxides or nitrogen by at least Cars made since 1970 ha\'C 42 percent, the ARB said. been equipped with factory· -;:;:=========..-c.bast air basins. · \11 Orange Q>unty is includ,ed fn e Soyth CO · st area that ex· l·~Ms from ~nta Barbara on the north to the San Diego \ CoWlty Une, and includes BOTH THE device and the inspection will be paid ror by the buyer except in cases \Vhere the seller ts a dealer. Then the dealer pays £or the device. ' The state Air' Resources Board last week ordered· the program to proceed arler a rour·month delay ror added review of the devices. The By Oct. 31, 197.f the devices will be required statewide for virtually an of California's 5.4 ti'iilllon I96fi-70 model cars, not just those changing ownership. Cars made in 1961)..70 came equipped \Vith faclory·made antismog equipment aimed at controlling e m i s s i o.n s of carbon mon o x i de and carbohydrates but not ox.ides of nitrogen. Tb e y ac- complished 1hls by increasing the engine's op e rating temperature. allowing more complete con1buslion of fuel. However, increased com· b;ustlon temperature sharply increases ox.ides or nitrogen, the smog component which is harmful to plant and animal n1ade oxides of ni u·ogen con· lrols. Si" mnnuJacturers have \\'Oil AilB accreditation 1 ror the de\•ices. Stat~ la1v requires that the t;levices cost no more than $35, including installatiOfl. Sunday is Flltl&AY' "That's Mr. Wilton. llis thing is shouting." ' FDRis Son Faces Chaf ges ' in Plot WASHINGTON · (UPI) Elliott RoQsev~Jt will testify before the Senate permanent j n vestigation subcommittee nexl week to reply to charges that he was involved in an all eged plot to assassinate the prime minister of t h e Bahamas. it has been an· nounced. I SUBC0!\1MITfEE Chair· man Henry ?<.1. Jackson , (P..Wash.) said Roosevelt , son of Franklin D. Roosevelt, ~·as scheduled to testify Oct. 3 in response to allegations made by Louis P. Mastriana. a con· victed securities swindler. Mastrian3 testif ied 1 a s t week tha t he was offered $100,000 by Roose\·elt and al- Teacher Out LOS ANGELES (APl -A professor fired 'for teaching a class at USC while being paid _as a lecturer at Cal State 1.<Js Angeles has 1 bE!en denied reinstatement by a Superior court judgtl Judge .Campbell M. Lucas ruled that Ernest J. Eckert, 46, also roost pay tlle state $2,000 he collected fro.m USC. leged associate of gambling kingpin ~!eyer Lansky, to kill Lynden O. Pindling in 1968. Jackson said the sub. committee also planned to question Roosevelt in con- nection with the role of organized crime in the stolen securities racket. Following the allegations made by Maslriana before the subcommitee, Roosevelt sent a telegram to Jackson labeling the charges "lies" and de- manding an apology. THE SUBCOMMITl'EE has been conducting an inquiry in· to the multi-bl!Jion securities rack.et. ~ Mastriana alleged that he received the offer to_ kill Pind· ling because Pindling had refused to approve a gambling 1icense after underworld in· tcrests had given him $1 million. for bis campaign for election as governor. lifastrlana said he had work· ed for Roosevelt as a "labor consultant" in a consulting firm Romevelt operated ln Miami during 1968. He idenUfied the alleged Lansky ·associate as Michael Mct.aney. At these special low • ·prices what's your excuse for not-taking pictures? ' Film Processing Special'. a~ut half the stQtc's popula· .lion. THAT PROGRAJll will be phased in over 10 months ac· cording to the final digit in +----------- \ I 1· I < I •. \ \ .. I I. -. Color TV sale.Tune intos20 andS4Q saving$ on ~ortables. · ·· Anti savesso on a console. " Saves20 Reg. 239.95. Sale 219.95. 12" sc reen (meas. diag.) TV has transistor and tube chassis and feature• "Quick-Pie"'~ for fas ter pic ture and scund. Automatic line tuning (AFT). SaveS4Q Reg • .'~49.95. S•le 309.95. 1~" screen (meas. diag.) TV has transistor and tube chassis and leatures "Chroma·l oc"e color/tint control and "Quic k·Plc"'• tor laster picture and soun d. Automatic line tuning (AFT}. Reg. 449.95: Sale 399.95. Modern style console iV;has25': screen (meas. diag .) and features ·modular chassis. Walnut fi nish cabinet. Sare prlce1·e1teCuve thru Sondav More sound savings on radio~ Save ,996 Reg. 59.95. Sale 49.99. Cassette recorder wit h AM/FM radio. Includes car battery jack. and -· Save s1 , .mitrophone wi.th stand .. Can· record directly" off· ca( radio. ' Save S 1 on the developing and printing of any roll of color film. 12 exp0sure and 20 txpoaorta • . Also save oh film Kodak 128 1=2 exposure film -KodacolOf Pocket ca mera film 20 expoaures .. !-•• 1 ~9 Kodecolor Pocket e~m•11 film 12 expoagg ~ JCPenney We know what you're looking Ill'. lhop &und1y l\oon to S'P.M. 1t tht follow ing ttorH -FASl'ltON-IS~NGr-N~po.t-BucLVJl4.L644"2_l 1 l . LI HUNTINGTON CENTER, Hu~tington Beech 17141892-:?'17 1 • I• ' I •' -·-~---- Save 4 96 Reg. 44.96. Sale 39.99. AM/FM comput er digital clock radio has good looking, hig h im pact plastic case and sleep switch. JC Penney We know what you're looking for. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M. at the following stores : " • -fASHIE>N-ISbl.NEl,-Newport-:Boedt-(-7+4}-644-231-3. HUNTINGTON-CENlER, Hunlingtoo_Beach (714) 992.tu.1..__ . . - a DAIL V PILOT V tility Rate Increases Power Sho~tages A~alyzed -~ , I Adds Millions to Revenue SAN FRANCISCO (AP) day In an Interim decisloo plies and projectioos. Au uUllty flrllll lllllject fA> The Calllornla PubUc UUllties resulting 1rom the com· the ~ Jurlldlctlon Commi33ion has given electrle mlssion's!l'eeent investigation TUE COM!\USSION pointed·, were ordued to nte con· LOS ANGELES (AP) - Authorized rate increases will add $89.1 million to annual revenues of Southern Callfomla Edlson Co. and allow Southern Callfomla Gas Co. to adopt a aUdlng rate scale lied to world gas supply """'"· The Public UlilltJes Com- mission agreed Tuesday to a 9.8 percent rate increase for Edison and set a maxhnwn in- crease of ~e $f-O million for the gu corhpany. The actiom go into effect Oct. 10. are currently about 6.9 per· cent on investment, the PUC added. 11IE PUC also ordered Edison to report by Oct. I on the posslbility of setting lower rates for customers willing to accept some form of in· terrupUble electricity service. "Obviously, if some form of curtailment or interruption delays the necessity for ad· ditional plants, prevents roll· ing blackouts and reduces fuel consumption, it \\'ould have very definite economic, social and environmental benefits," the PUC noted. THE AGENCY said its gas company action takes into con-utilities 20 days to submit into the adequacy of energy ~ "brownouts" orde~ d ~tingency p\1111 tor eleetrtc sideration the added cost 10 plans for conserving eoergy and fuel supplies needed by lbg the 1947-48 winter w en an power curtallment and for Pacific Lighting Corp., the Los and mandatory curtailing of utility firms to meet power energy shortage resulte.d from mutual assistance du r la g Angeles-based parent firm, in service in an effort to bead off demands. a Jack of hydroelectric power. ,PJ!!tlodl of enerp and caJ?ldty 1 making advance payments to power shortages poss i b I e Tbe lnvesUgatloo indicated 8 Emergency regulations issued ,portage1. trusure future gas supplies from before 1976. . . probable curtailment of elec-then provided for an emergen· .;..,..THEii HE. -~•r•· w'IU new gas reserves. "All realiatic._altea>aJJ.ye.a to tric generation before 1978 · cy power director. ""'"' JUUi"..,. The PUC set a three-year curtailment must be explored unless sufficient fuel oi1 ls ob-It also promised to aid be held Nov. 29 and JO on the limit for the sliding scale CALIFORNIA and implemented before the tained fA> fullill wicovered re-utilities in getting higher emtrgency plOlll. • formula and eq>lained it.s ac-curtailing of electric genera· quirements. · priority classifications for the Needed energy lelJ!alatlon tion was taken because of a lion," the commission said. . The ~lon said it fuel oU they use and. to seek such 'as cooUnuinl dlJtlcht ''bleak national gas picture" would take an erpanded role faster proceMing of a~ aaYiq.S Ume CJG • year.-md and the increuing, nationwide THE ORDER for the in collecting data on statewide pllcatlons for new and ex· basil will a1lo be conAderell competition by utilities for gas eme rgency plans came Tues-energy (eqUirements, fuel sup-panded power facilities. by the comm1salon. reserves. 1-~~~~~~~~~~~--=~.:....:'.__~:._:::.:_::,::::..__.::_::::.:.::::_c:::::::.::::::::::..:::::.:::'.:.__'C::::=~::.:::~::..:.:.:.~~~-'-~~~~~~~~- The PUC-approved p I a n allows the utility to request a maximum rate increase of 10 • ' I percent of its total cost of gas, which the firm said aow runs at about $40 million annually. A gas company spokesman commended the PUC for "recognition of the energy problem that facea Southern California" and said his firm probably will seek rate in- creases under the n e w fonnuJa before the end of the year. A SPOKESMAN for Edison, which had asked for a $97 million rate increase, also welcomed the PUC action, but warned that unless present in· flatlonary trends are stemmed "the decade of the 197CB will be one of continuing increases in electric rates." Gas Dealers Awaiting Council's Price Hike That Ms. Look. Figure on a -be-autifal shape-up. The PUC, however, saM:l the permitted rate increase should allow Edison to earn an 8.2 percent return on investment, 'compared to the 7.9 percent return allowed in June 1971. The utility's actual earnings Dynamite Search Continues SANTA BARBARA (AP) - Sheriffs deputies and students combed through buildings in the university community .of Isla Vista ln search of a reported explosives cache, which -JC it exists -could LOS ANGELES (AP) -A gasoline dealers' as.soclation has postponed a threatened weekend closing of area sta· tions to see if the Cost of Liv· ing Council acts quic~ly to raise retail gas prices, a spokesman rays. Stan1ey Arnold, attorney for ~Gasoline Reta i 1 e r s Associatioo ol. So u t h e r n California, said Tuesday that the 200-member group will go ahead with an "enforced vaca· tion" Oct. 5-8 if the council does not "help dealers out of ·their economic dlletnrna." THE A~ATJON an- nounced Monday that it would close for four days starting this weekend · to protest the freeze on retail g a s o I i n e prices. 'I'he dealers said they are not pennitted to raise prices to motorists,. while the oil . companies raise their prices to dealers. President Nixon ~1onday. ordered the council to make a heavily damage a city block, Medi ~ } authorities said. . -~a The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's office said 4 4 SoJici' tin' g resklents, accompanied by depuUes, searched house to house in small groups TUes- day. By 11,30 p.m .. oo trace of Approv.ed the mysterioua cache was observed, a spokesman said. SACRAMENTO (AP) THE SEARCH was triggered Door-to-door canvassing by after a Goleta businessman, some Medi-Cal solicitors will who serves as a reserve depu· be legal again in Los Angeles, rapid decision on raising retail prices. In Northern Califomi!L...!!. four-day protest s h u t d o w n ended Tuesday. An estimated 9,400 stations had closed. Standard armounced Tues- day it had raised retail gasoline prices six-tenths of a cent at company-owned Stan- dard stations, increasing the cost of ethyl gasoline to 44.2 cents a gallon. regular to 42 cenls and low lead to 41 cents. ST AND ARD ALSO said it raised by eighth-tenths of a cent the price.of wholesale gas it sells to independent Chevrbn dealers. A spokesman said_ the increases went into effect "over the weekend." "It's terribly unfair,'' said Garry Briton, vice president or the Chevron Dealers Association of Ollifomia. "I can't blame the Standard oeo- ple. I bla""e the rrovernment. It's the whole inequity of the rotten program." 11le announcement came as many other independent sta· lions operied Tuesday for the first time-in four-days. Stan. dard dealers made up the main built of stations re- maining optn during pie Phase 4 prote>t which sharply curtailed weekend auto travel. The Standard sookesman said the hike affects _363 service stations in the Far West, 278 of .which are in California-. At20%off. -I .. ) ' ' I ·Sale 280 Reg. 3.50. Na1ural cup nylon tricot bra wilh nylon/spandex back . sides. While or nude; I ' 3Z·36A, 32-408.C._Pre-shaped verlion: 32·36A, 32·388,C; reg. 3.50. Salt 180 Sale 320 Reg. S4. Nylon/spandex powernet brief 11as tummy control pane l. Wt11te.,colors; S.M.l .Xl. ...... I ' '\ • • ' I ly, reported that a young man Orange and ~n Diego coun· EhrJichman gave hrtn two sticks of ties under an order issued by 1-~~~~dynaml~o-'!'he-unidentifiedL-llth~e~s~taru~=--llelle1Yll'.!~!!L...2..!f~-.-=-::~~~~~~--j~~~~~~'-i,~;;;;;;;;;;;;-~l-~~~~~~~~~~_,.~~~~~~~~~..;~;:-~~~..:'...~"'-:~~:-~~~~--~~-I youth told the businessman h~ Health. Alt Reg. 2.50. Crossover bra • had bought the explosives at 'Ibis past summer the orney is all cotton with nylon an Isla Vista garage con-department placed a tern· lace upper cups, 32·36A: taining 12 cases or dynamite, porary ban on door-to-door Seek T 32·408,C. hand grenades and other ex· canvassing by 40 private firms S apes D cup: reg . S3. Sale 2.40 plosive substances. in the three counties. The ac- Sheriff John Carpenter said tion followed complaints of LOS ANGELES (AP) -An the two sticks were in a high pressure sales tactics' and attorney for fonner presiden- deterior.atinf condition. 1 f false and misleading claim!! b th li 't tial adviser John D. more were ound io the same , ~ e so Cl ors. unstable state, they could et· Ehrlichman said Tuesday he plode under beat or pressure, J. 1\1. S'nJBBLEBINE, state would seek a court order to he added. health director, said Tuesday obtain White House tapes held No immediate plans have the suspension on door·to-door by President Nixon. been made to evacuate the soliciting has been lifted for 12 13,000 • resident community, of those firms . The remaining Douglas Dalton said the composed largely of students 28 are still under review, he tapes could be or "paramount ,at University of California al added. importance" to Ehrlichman Santa Barbara. However, Lifting of the ban has no ef· and the three other former Carpenler said if the cache is fect on pending criminal pros-\Vhite Hou se aides charged in located, as much as five ecution of some solicitors a the break·in at the orfice of Spend the savings on our Flexxtra ~~,, square blocks would be -department spokesman said. Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist. cleared. Stubblebine said the firms Dalton said Ehrlichman's She Sheds Bikini Top; Is Booked SAN FRANCISCO (AP) To the delight of hWldred• of cheering males, W e n d y BerlowHz declared: "I'm here for the cause of allowing women to · walk around with their blouses Orf i£ they feel like II. "I wasn't born in a bikini. I h3ve a right to dress as I please," she told a lunch-hour crowd in the financial district Tueaday. With that, she rea~ ed behind her back and undid her bikini fA>p. 'I1le gesture seemed to meet with near1y everyone's ap- proval, except for a plaln<lotbes policeman who asked her to accompany him fA> the s!Jltlon. for which the solicitation ban defense team would a s k has been lifted have agreed•to Superior Court Judge James stringent new rules and are G. Kolts to grant the order for conducting training programs the tapes at an Oct. 26 hear· for all solicitors. ing. In all, 49 medical groups Dalton said the tapes may have signed prepaid health contain material "beneficial to plan (PHP) conltilcts with the the defendants and therefore it state to provide group medical is of paramount importance to <;X>Verage of Med.I-cal patients. be in possession of the tapes." a delightfttl brtdget salon tvhe re beatttifttl hair styles be gin. PRICE LIST Cl•tr• CMr9t '" IAlll ""'' MONDAY THRU THURSDAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY PRICES SLIWHTLY HIGHER Sh1mpoo and Set ·························-········-·$2.50 & up Ptrmanent W1vt ...................................... 7.50 I up Tint ........................................... -·-·-·····-· 5.50 &-•P BIHch Touch-up ....................................... .10.50 & op Frosting ······························-······················ 14.00 & up Semi Perm1nent l11h11 ............................ 10.00 haircuts pantihose. 169 j69 Subtle Shaper Flexxlra nyton wilh nude heel. Proportioned lengths in fash ion colors. Queen sizes. $2 Run resist Flexxtra nylon pantihose with nude heel . Proportioned lenglhs in fash ion colors. Queen.sizes. $2 129 F1e11:xtr1 Streich nyfori panci hose in atl·lheer s1yle. Comes ir1 basic ·•nd all fashiOn colors. in perfect· fit sizes prOJ>C)ftiooed for short. average: ind long length .. ' JCPenney · 1 .' .. Thett, Mn. Berlowltz, a former University of Oklahoma English instructor who wall fired for teaching poetry ln the nude, was booked for Investigation of dlsturblng the peace and lncedent e1.· posure. '1.50 We know what you're looking'f or. · _ ..,shop Sunday noon to s·P.M. at the tofi.owlng stofes: · HOPE ----oqlllpnmlt -jhiil~U.. tlflilnlt" anotr. thla at JtOA.O PIT.AL. , L-~~~~~~~-'l 1695 Irvine -Ave. -Costa Mesa Corner of E. 17th St.-Above La C1ve Restaurant . 6-W.-flfscr . 54BM BlL. -.......... 1 ....... .....,. _.M•I- • FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beach (714) b+4-23l3i HUNTl~GTON CENTER, Hunting an BHch':-(714) 8'2·7'1-71.----·--\( ~ HARBOR CENTER, Go•+• M ... (1f4r~r;--- • • • I • • .. .. ' • Wedntsday, Stpttmbtr 26, iq73 DAIL V Pl tDT 9 . \ i:~.Blkt' . l •• - 7th Veto Nations Boycott 2 Bodie~s s:;!eA1[s~!lyz~ !,~!::: K~nnedy Says · · . '• F• h W d Ar(enllna's powerful General Peron. was the coun.t?' a top 1g t on K. . ·----f -:---::-.:r::---.. ..,e..,cr1oijlv-e,.1 .... ·e-.-.... F><!o00..11 .. •I Work•" <CGT) l•"'!t Index 1111 ~,______,, g Unc paral)'<ed the country today slmilllt to t1iat OI Af'I,.(;JO issin er with a general strike to pro. Presld~t George Meany In B NI • J M• test the assassination by guer-the United States. Rate Exorbit:a:n( WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. Edward M. Kennetty (~ Mui:.), :llM uJ<ed tile Cost of Living Council to take a close look at postal rate ln~re1ses requested .by P. o s t m a 11'1 e r Qeneral Elmer T. Klasseil. · -Keniledy ·wrot~ the council's director, ·John T. llonlop, Tuesday, saylng "the propoeed increases in postal rates are exorbitant a n d inflationary oo their face." The Post Office filed formal applications Tuesday to raise the price of a flrst class stamp Jan. 5 from 8 cents to a dime, atrinaU from 11 cents to 13, and other classes of mail by from 6 lo 40 percent. Klassen told a news con- ference that the Post · Office needed the money not only to ~ vilth "~ve~ mpa 1 tionary pressure" but to.make good on, past· promises of improved 'ser\tice. He said most of the money would go to .covering an. .. timateil $1.9. billion 1974 deficit, i:esearch and purchase of machines and real estp.te. The aim, he said, is to guarantee overnight airmail delivery between the 500 largest U.S. cities. Klassen said the reason for picking Jan. s ~as the effective date was not to give the public a Christmas season reprieve but because it would take that lon g to push the increase through the bureaucracy. P.~?.i.~?s.~~~~~~ Pays On Term Deposits for~ · Y IXOil n me rillas of CGT leader. Joe Rucci The lXIT called a general UNITED NATIONS. N.Y .. Phantoms and the total sup-on Tuesday. strike-from 8 p.m, Tueoday WASHI~GTON (AP) {AP) -A boycott by five na· port of the United States for VANSANT, Va. (AP) -The 1 __ Ru_cc_i. 43, a strong support-un.til mtdnigbt today. President Nixon r e m a i n s tions Tuesday undercut a bid Israel." bodies of tw() men missing by Secretary of State Henry A. An rtVe boycotters have llusr ~fte;r an explosion in an ~ban· Kissinger for conciliation with ported th e Palestinian position doned section of a coal mJDe undefe;ited ~in seven veto fights with Congreaa after the Senate sustained by five votes his veto of a bill liberalizing disaster loans. The vote Tuesday was 59 to 36, which was short or the tw<r- (1N SHORT.:.) the Arab world. But he made against Israel. Libya has an a sizeable advance on contacts additional quarrel with the near 1 this southwest Virginia with European nations. United States: the presence of community were found early Despite the ' partial snub, the 6th Fleet In the Mediter· today, federal officials said. Kissinger told the IS Arab ranean. A spokesman for the Mining diplomats who turned up at a KISSINGER, a Jew, sat at U.S. mission luncheon that the head table with Dr. Enfo~~men~ andnl_ S aedf ethy "we understand your con-Mahmoud Raid , secretary Adm1n1strat1on co 1rm t e cern." gCnerat-oHhe-Arab teague ;--men-had-been-found-dead-in1-1---1' He asked them not to expect Foreign Minister Muhammad the mine. The spokesman said the United Sta tes •"to bring Ahmed Nu'man of -'North the cause of death of the forth miracles," And yet, Yemen, and Abdalla Yacoub had be d · ed . men not en. eterm1n . thirds majority required t() Kissinger said, "we lJl the BiShara, the Kuwait am- override a veto. United States recognize a need bassador. In all, 13 Arab The identities of the men to find a S())Ution to return stat~ and the leagues were were not imll)ediately releas· Of_ his six pre_vious vetoes, some serenity to thl! area." represented. ed. the House had upheld him ()n Iraq} Syria, Libya, Algeria Kissinger offered a toast five and the Senate-on one. arid South .. Yemen all sent pledging that the United THE BODIES were found in Jn Tuesday's test, 4 9 their "regrets." Sta~~ desires progress toward an area of the mine which was Democratic senators apd 10 · A Sp o~K ESMA N for ) peace. ~id, retlpo~g. call· difficult to reath-because coal · ed .: Ui ~South.' Yemen gave t ·w o · ed tor Israeli wijhdrawal from was about 28 inches high, the Rep~bbcans V()t · ag~ e · reasons · 'rOr bis country's all territory occupied during spokesman said. President, but 31 Republicans absence it has n 0 , the 1967 six.<fay war. A spokesman for the Bureau and five Democrats supported diplomatic relations with the The 11h-hour Juncb topped a of Mines said search ()pera· him. United States and it is "not in-busy day ()f diplomacy in ticms had been slowed after e Battle Rages volVed in any negotiations" on wl)ich K~fnger reached Tuesday's expl6sion by traces the Mideast standofr. agreement with the European of carbon ffi()noxide a n d A Ubyan spokesman said "Nine" to meet within a wee k methane gas. Searchers had to :'Avoig This Fix ..• ~q[Bi!'~ !v!c!~~ • i·,·, =r 2:110S LA•UNil CilNTONIOAe • fAOUNAOIACH A COMPLETE.PAIHT, STAIH, AHO FIHISH REMOVAL SERVICE . ' VIE PREPARE .YOUR TREASURES FOR · EASY REFIHISH.IHG WITHOUT LYE , ACID.I OR HARMFUL MATERIALS TWO YEARS P~OM PENH (UP.I) -his .. country did not attend to begin formulation of new · ~tablish ventilation as they Gue~rillas'battled go.vernment because "of the present situa· declarations on economic and went and took fresh air with troops 1on three .fronts arO~ _'t"'.io"'n_: .. :_:·__"'in'.___".th':e_· .._ug~h"_t_'o"_f_t:h'.'.e-"po'.'.'.'.'.lit::i<:•".l.'.'.coo~pe:::r::•::tion:::::_. ___ _:t::he::m::,:.:h::e:_s::•::id::. _____ ~---c::::=:--=---::------;:;:-:;-------Phnom Penh today , marrmg1 - the slart of annual ceremonies in the capital Jo honor the na- tion's war dead. • • . . • Or less • % On $I 00,000 Accounts Jiit ·11mber ,, •-es· ICCIUIS tht we CH 1cce,1 is limitd WE PAY COMPETITIVE INTtlEST llA'TES ·· Oii All OTHER ACCOOllTS FOURTEEN OFFICES TO SERVE YOU IN .,_,.-•cerritM L• , .... ---·on• ... a.... ·c--L• A .... IZI 's.o ... _. .. , 'Ct•ttt '"" D"""'1Zl Mi ...... '"" -FIYeMjjtlllll otflcWll'lltlltltll C.lilonit r111sa1t Mur• ' s11 "'" (0,111111 Sn1) F11ltr City ll111bl1 '1n S11l111 •Ol'fN""NTI T & DAY ·and Saturdays • . Ctll (2131 9~3-9801 .... or -1"' wlnUI Pltll · · , for '/OUf ,_., off'oce ASSETS OYER $375 MILLION The military command reported heavy f i g h t i n g northeast and norUlwest of Phnom Penh, but said tbe worst battle broke out only ' seven miles sOuth of the city at Dei Kraham on Route 38. e ·Bill Approved WASHINGTON (,t.P) -The House has approved a com- promise $9.9 \> i 11 i o n ap- propriation bill to finance fann, food stamp, s~ool milk, conswner__ and_._ environment protection1 programs. Work set sale. The mt!asure, sent to the Senate for final actio~ on a ~4fi~~nv~~~'!"':ii~·~ix:n •: 't1ou'll ' wo-r--k -har·d-~ m1rustrahOP s request. Over-allJ the bill, covering · -lhe-yeat-tl\at-began.JulyJ,Jo. ___ tMi d b n· $2.8 ~illion under the previous , 0 . n;.. ·a~l e er years lev~. , ' . .. " ' r 1, -. . . . ' " e 'GoJiizwew•' ' · · --' p~~~~.: •i~·with buy.: ··~th .. : .·~.n·. OU· r: expfessed enthusiasm today 3 a vocatiorial rehabililatioo law . ttfat he -Sa~ is good news for .. 8.9 M ® , Americans '"who have wanted I ac ihe Congress and the ad-,. ' ministration to stop butting . ' • · • heads and start p u 11 i n g l()gether for the public good." IXOD ifilf wice ore vetoed rehabilitation bills he termed fiscally irresponsible. Reg. 9.98. Work jackets for meii are Penn Prest• polyester/cotton Oxhide cloth. Acrylic lined, heavy duty zipper. Full cut lor comfort and long wear in sizes S,M,l ,XL. Sale 4 33 'Lef.. 4.9~en·s twill_work_shitt-of Penp.f,rest~1 • 'poljester/cotton dxhlde cloth. Soil relea$e to' fight dirt. launders beautifully. newr•Joses its shape. Sizes 14· 18?6. . · . f' · , \ -:sa.,10· 533 · · · R•g. 6.98. Men's Penn; Presr• work pants of potyestetlcotton•Q){hidl! cloth. Featu~ng soil ri:!lease and culfless hemmed bottoms. Mix ·n match colors. sizes 29- 46. . . More great-buys. ..... tor°'"'"" OI' INCld• _.., ..... tor. }-Cut Any Size .... 11:1• di. lt.59 lb. ei:o FAMOUS EnloY the wonderf\I hlcbry llfl0k9 n.. """ •i.n 111. c111 ••T ~ .,.. WO "STIC!:'""'"'""'" __ •• ,., .. '"259 Lb ~'fl ' • .. • lnlCk-wlth cr•kera and '°"""' a.c.. • ~ \Imel Cl\ffet. •• • 1-to, a. ldilWoftlll dlto04lflf on SUMMIR SAUSAGE IAMPU lf,Ollf YOU II/YI • ..,,..... «~'"'!!Jell COE DI om, JOll TBB FUI • SBPT. ZUO Oct. 8. flick-" '•rms. · • • -1---, Sale 1359 Reg . 16.99. Men's glove leather work boot. ln chest- nut. full cushion Insole, Neop1ene• cushion crepe in· sole. steel shank. Sal• prices effective through Sunday. Sale 5 20 --- Reg. $25. Men·s)nsu lated w ork boot. Rich oil rubbed 1eathe1 uppers. Leathe r ~ned. Polyn1e11c 1ullbe1 blend sole. Mt1ple ' S_ale .1519 Reg. 18.99. Men 's glove leather work boot in chestnut Neoprene• cushion crepe rubber soles. Steel shanl. Use your JC Penney charge Cll'L JCPenney • • , • WISTCLIFF PUZA 17TH & 1•VINI . NIWPORT H,\Ck.~ PHC>ttl: '42-0f72 MONDAY• FRIDAY "TIL t . IATUIDAT 'TIL 4. 1UNDAY 'TIL I. We know what you're looking for. Shop Sunda.y noon to 6 p.m. at the following stores: j_ ~MaeiStor FASHION ISLAND, Nowpoft Beach [714) 644-2113. HUl\ITll\IGTOR-ttNTl:R, Runtington each (714) ~2:'7771. _ . HARBOR ·.CENtER,,CQsta Mesa [714) 046-~02 I. -·· - ) • • • ~ J 0 DAILY PILOT ·--r-·-F-o...,r-th_e..._ ... Laguna Judge Has ·Weighty Chore Record ' ~ ~ Dissolutions ' ' ! Of Marriage • ' ' ' • ' . E11!'"° Allt· Jl Fltig..-11d, Viti(..,, J. 11\d IC.atn1••n \,Ll(IMf k1y1°', e11uwl11 Jove• 1"<1 D1vld Al1n WOOIWY• Elt1>M~H Ind 1'tberl CitorO- A!ltn, Joari IC.. 1ncl i.'11rnold J . . c1rr, Wiim• e:1111tieth ind Lorin "~oy\ McFarll(ld, Sui111nt 1nd Jote~ T, Slltrff!.9n, Oli n• '"° Ron•ld S. cu1nm1no, T11toc1or• M1cNtll alld ORANGE COUNTY By O.C. HUSTl~GS Of ffll e11uv 111101 s1111 Slimming down the wordy, wei g hty Californi a Constitution is harder than i1 must have been to write 1t in the first place. according to Orange County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner o I Laguna Beac h. Sumner, who chairs a special state co in mission Waste Water Slated Slllrler Calt>tflnt 1-----__,;~Ml!Yllll. (;.aroL.AM-1ll4.......J.!!'~t --- '°'"' L F1u1I, Terry L. and Lin.di L. F u G '':'::"ft· ,.,, w .. " '"~ """'" or se on reens Htf'ldtrson, Robin ~rlt 11\d Oouglll """ Ptrklns, Annie M1t 1/IO Johll Hen,.,. eavlts. Huav Ralpll 1nd Romon• Rec!dlcl!, Anne Pey!on in.a erut• 0009111 Sindorf, Robin Olxle and J1ck K•llll Frank, 01vld C. 1n<1 81rnar1 J. JotinlOll, P1rrl<I• Earlene and R,ogtr EvoeM _ I' Tti!~uu, Stephen J. end J1clvnro1 M'. Ad1m1, Vlctorlt Rae tn.d Sttpl\en Mlch11I Love, suun Mary i\llCI Jolln l;:dward Prlcnard. P•ul P. and Nencv \.. Flor"'' Mery LO!'lgo and Paul Salltar Abel, Erika G. and Htroert, Jr. Cobb. O\ldley M .. Ill •t>d Ltla Gav!t Sk1at.. Jud'y LN and Charltl Gu1t111 f1r11'u11G11. P11mal11 Su.an tf!d Garv W•vne Elliott, Elva and Jemtt F. Burdick, Vere Ann at>d wnnam Jay Muth, Patrlclt Irene 111<1 Jahn Alan McK11y, Joftn J . alld Jamti Lawrence Briggs, Jam" KtnMlh at>d Marl-Jovca Bahraml, Karina ind Sluthrokh H IM¥§ I ar&1MF& iP.,t Other Deaths . ' I I MADISON, Wis. (AP) R>lph Nali!gtr, V7, clllef or the media· division of the War Department's information sec- tion in World War 11, died Tuesday. He was director of the University of Wisconsin School of Journalism for 17 years until he retired in 1966. LONDON (AP) -Alennder Sutbtrland Nelli, 89, founder of Summerltlll School wbere classes, exa.ms and hdmework were not required, died Sun- day. The Scottish chi Id psychologist founded th e sc.hool in 1924 and promoted its pbilosop.hy of~freedom and t eacher-student cooperation through a series of books. ll~SSl\IJ, _Bahamas (AP) - · Sir Harold ChrlsUe, 77, a pioneer in the Bahamas' real estate development and one of the island's biggest land- owners, d i e d Tuesctay in Frankfurt, Germany, his of- fice in Nassau disclosed. Death N otire• · SANTA ANA -Reclaimed water from the County Sanita· lion Dlstricls plant i n Fountain Valley will be used to irrigate the lower Santa Ana River levees in creating a portion of the ..Santa Ana river greenbelt. A pilot program for testing the plan will be carried out on 1,000 feet of the levees in the lower river, county o!ficials have announced. If it is successful , the reclaimed water will be used on the entire four and one-half mile stretch of the greenbelt from the ocean to the San Diego Freeway, according to Supervisor Ronald Caspers. Eventually, the greenbelt is to run from the ocean to the Riverside County line. The portions of the greenbelt upstream from 17th Street in Santa Ana can be irrigated through the purchase of water from cities and the operation of county-owned we 11 s . Estimated cost of water from these sources is $55 to $110 per acre fQOt, Caspers said. In contrast. the water to be used on the. lower part of the river from the Sanitation District will cost only about $40 an acre foot. Ban on Biliers Enacted For Damaged Woods SANTA ANA -Severe damage to vegetation in a11 area of Cleveland National Forest popular to motorcyclists has caused the U.S. Forest Service to enact FundsOK'd For Siding On Court f strict ne\V closure rules el· fectivc next week. The section known as Mor· rell Potrero lying in Riverside Coullty northeast-of El Cariso is showing such severe signs cf damage from the cycles that unless .the bikes are banned, say officials, the area will suf- fer major erosion damage, Effective Oct. 1 cyclists still using the area which was sub· divided for r es id e ntial aevelopment hvo decades <go will race possible citation. . Rangers · plan exra patrols an d S;pecial postings ih the SANTA AN~ -Exterior district. aluminum-tmflels olrth·e-ncw--Robert. Smart,..a-spokesman Orange County .Cour~se are f?r the J?i~tric~ Ranger 's of· dtt•atinl from moisture flee adm_1n1stermg the forest and· Ote county Board of from offices in Santa Ana, Supervisors Tuesday approvd said the new rules have ~en spending $7 ,800 for repairs. generally endorsed by cycltsts The repair work is to. be th~mselves . done by the original con-They themselves ha v e tractor. J.B. Allen Co. of ~cknowl~dged that a problem Anaheim. is erupting out there and the cooM County Building Services agreem~nt-!o~ them to ~nock Mary enietitlh CIXl!'I. 21101 c11111on wav, off their riding there 1s an L&11un• a11ch. oart of dealh, s.,i11mt>Rr Director Joseph Smisek said ~~'rf· d!~~~~. ~11.':'lh ~.~d 318 of the 2.673 panels had rust anii.able one,'' ~e said . . 1nc1 Jinet smrttu tiw gr111<1ch11dr•n; four holes or discoloration. He said Fi re dang~r in the area IS gre11-oranckhlldr1n. Gr•v••!dt "'rvictt. thev occurred •··ause the somewhat hght.' he added , Tllurlldll/• 11 AM, F1lrhavtn Memor!al IJ<;l.; Park. B•tt1-&1roaron Fun•••• Home, cou'rthoiise eonstru~ion was be~ause the c~chsts h~ve been Co•" Mtsl, Olrtclors. l ti dh t · k YAT•s completed during the--1969 s ric . y a . ering ? s~ar .ar-~::r,J~~~ c!:::., M"-~. 70p1~~ ~ heavy rainy season a n d re~.tor rule s for their bikes. d••'"· s.p11mt1tr :r:i. 1tr.i. survlv•d bl/ moi'sture seeped •'nto the But . ~here has bee n so wilt, Mary Yatn, of Col.II Mlilll son. h d t \h th t th Frink Y•ttti daugllt&r•. Enid UtJ!er. "Anels muc r1 1ng ou ere a e Hiid• Mly Cadman 111<1 M1rlon P1r1111n, ,.~5 . · k 'd 't Id $! mountain vegetation just can't all of c1n1d1. cou11n. cma Bur!'lltt, Coit• nuse sa1 1 wou cost ,, h d d l------=~-.Z~'t:W:~~:1i::'·. l:.:.V:.':-million t~ replace all of the compete, e ad e · div B•ck6--Kaulti4irs Mort~AJ'l•helm:---pa ls:-T'h cont tor. has-As an alternate area where 1n1~r1Mnf, s1. Anne'• Mlllt1rv' c1m111ry, need. ~ d hr-ae ~ rldlng-stilt ill bc-allowed- Qyef191;, c1nac11. agre to .ex. n t e warranty Smart sug gested Lion Spring on the budding for rour years bo t two ·1 ortheast r to 1978 be said. a u mi cs n o ARBUCKLE & SON WESTCLIFF MORTUARY ll1 E. 17th St., Colla Mesa 64M81! ' the potrero. • BALTZ-BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corona del !\far 873-9450 Costa Mesa &16-24%4 • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY Veje Gets Easter Seal Post 110 B,roadway, Costa Mesa ORANGE -Andre\" C. Veje '"1 LI 8-3'33 of Santa Ana has been elected e president of tile Easter seal DILDAY BROTHERS Society for Crippled Children MORTUARIES 17911 Btacb Blvd. l'!nd Adults of Orange County for 1973-74. He succeeds two-Huntington Beach UZ..7771 244 Redondo Ave. term president Eugene F. Tutt Long Beach 213-438-1145 of Tustin. e \leje is manager of main- ti1cCORtifICK LAGUNA tenance engi neering and prop- DEACH MORTUARY erty control at McDonnell Ii06 Laguna Canyon Rd . Douglas, Huntington Beach. 494-9415 He has been a member o,£ the e Easter Seal Society's board of PACWIC VIEW direct.ors since 1970. J\o1El\10RIAL PARK Other officers elected to Cemetery lt1ortuary serve \Yilh Veje for the ensu- Cbapel ing year are Ed B e 11 , 3500 Pacific View Drive Fullerton, 1st vice president : Newport Beach, Callfornla Wi\li~ F. Olson, Orange, 2nll &ff.-;780 vlce-pres10eilt;-Beft-SCott, 'PEEK FA)ULY Santa A.na. treasurer; Calvin COLONIAL FUNERAL P. Schmidt, Newport Beach, HOME secretary and Andrew Clay, 7101 Bolsa Ave. Anahcim, secretary-treasurer. Westminster 813-35%5 New members of the Board • of Directors named Include : .SMl'l'lrS MORTUARY Daniel \V. Emory, Newport ~ · 6%7 Main St. Beach: Scott ; Mrs. L e e Hwttinrton Beach Grabor, Fu llerton : it rs . 5$-6539 Cordelia Gutierrez, Santa Ana, "For th e time being, we'll send the bikers out there and determine if the chaparral growth can handle the traf- fic," he said. Grand Juror Nominees Revealed SANTA ANA -Eleven persons have been nominaied for positions on the Board of Directors of the Grand Jurors Association ()f Orange County. After the election next month the directors will name officers of the association. Nominated are G e o r g c Honold, Ned Lewis, Jan Dunn, Bea Russell, ruchard Basse. David Ring, Howard Lindow, Vern Maple. Doreen Marshall, Col. O. 11. Schmedlin and Joan B~ovich. TlieliCimlnating committee v.'aS George Honold, Jan Dunn, Dave Ring and Dick Basse. Gifted Kids Progra1n Set i.,... ... _'==========='I and Mrs. June Perozzi, Tustin . Persons interested in the ~ ._, PUB~IC NOTICE Continuing on the board for education of gifted cl1ildren :)I NOTICE 0,. INT E!lfTION ,0 1973-74 in addition to the newly are invited to participate in a ,~ 01DrcATE EASEMENT elected ofOcers are Mrs. L.J. day-long program at Estancia ~. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Th1t on C ii Sa t '" Q K th• 11th <11v 01 s.,i1e-mt1t•. 1t1J. t~a e a, n a .n.11a : uy . High School Oct. 13. t.i'l ,.eN,.d '°' e<111<-1tr°" ot 1111 1rvtn• un111ttt Claire, Corqna del Mar ; More than 50 indlVldual (.'! SClloOI 0111r1c1 ot Or11191 Cou""'' M I II Dun A h I .o1 ca11foml1. 1d011i.ct • 1tts01u11on 01 1n1en· ars 1a n, n a c m ; sessions are scheduled at the ~ non '° '''"' 10 111. c11v ot 1rv1n1 a Paul L. Egeler, Jr., Fullerton; workshop of the Orange Co.un· :t '"ver"9iui1 ftMmtfll tlld rtgM-ol-w•r for G H'O La Be h ., •""' and 1119"wav Pll•pl)IK 1or eorge 1 , guna ac ; ty CoWlCil for ·gifted F.duca· i' Mlci'ttl.on Dtt"' •' uw A.1nc11o """ JN· John R. M a w h i n n e y , tioo and •s niany as I ,000 rorined tor the specific task of l'evising the lengthy document, S<.iys changes are essential. of rights" guarantees lbe right to, "fislf upon and fr o1n the public lands of the state and in the waters thereof .. , " That was added in 1910. Sumner says flexJblllly is lost when the basic rJgbts of the firat amendment -M!SS, speech alld so forth -took only 45 words to state in the the U.S. constitution and more than 250 words in three sec- tions in the state coost1tutioo. For years, the Callfomia const.itution ranked third in tbe '.vorld in length. Only the St§t~ oJ_Louisiana and tpe na- tion of India had long-er ones. / The cdmmts1ion Sumner now heads has been paring it down s~ce 1962. 1'he state's co.untcrpart to the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights takes 27 amendments lo say what the federal docu- n1ent says 1n 10, Sulllller points out. \\'hile the original founding fathers trusted lo brevity, fl ex ibility and future int erpretation. the framers of the . state constitution tru sted to very little. There is a1sO a con· stitutuional right of the state to condemn property for public use which was added in 1934. Jn detail, it CQvers such actions as the taking of private land for steam or elec- tric logging trains. Newport Boy to Take Post For example, o.nc amend· mCnt in the California "bill Sumner's panel is facing th e task of giving the slate 's con- stitution as much flexibility as the federal constitution. Glenn W. Jeanes, son qf Mr. and Mrs. Joan ' Jean.~ of Newport Beach, will be in- stalled Oct. 6 as Master C-Oun· cilor of the Orange Coast Order o f D emo la y. CeremonJes will take place at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Temple at 15th and St. Andrew's RoaEI, Ne w po r t Beach. Penneys takes 20% off all girls' sleepwear. / 4 days only! Bedtime can be a joy when your girl can wear something as pretty and comfortable as our sleepwear. Mom w ill like the savings too. Choose from gowns, pajamas or peign.,ir sets. From cuddle-soft flannel to nylon tricot she'll feel pretty as a picture, Sizes 3-6x and 7. -16. All at 20% _savings now! 20% off infants' sleepwear, too .. ,.,~ Reg .. 3.98 to 4,~8. Two-piece sleeper~ for girls and boys,.They're all flame- relardant Dyrlete modacrytic in coldr- lul. print and solid Combination s. Gripper waists, Padibumper8 feet. Sizes 1 to 3 and 4 to a. S•I• prices effective th rough Sunday ' JCPenney . We know what you're looking for. Guilty Plea Entered SANTA ANA..-One or two men indicted by the Grand Jury as the principals o.f a car thefi ring tbat stripped 25 PorSCfie autos stolen in the Newp<>rt Beach area has pleaded guilty to car theft charges In Orange CounlY Superior Co<Jrt. Judge James turner ac- cepted the guilty plea ot Giibert Garcia Armenta, .19, and scheduled his .sentenCJng for Dec. 3, the date that ~ defendant James Darryl Wiit. 2.3, Rosemead, will be tried on multiple theft charges. • •~ ~jf~jll /11ltrtntd!llll ~Cl'IOOI. <I : A put>ilc "'lllltlnO ulJO(l ~ QUHtton 01 Fullerton: John McKennoo, teachers, administrators and tn•kfno •Kh <1t<1lc1nan wlu llt "tld 11 in. Sant ••a RI h rd H "' unl"'''ltv H11111 k floOI , £111 1rv1ne. a 1u1 ; c ·a · parents arc expected to attcntl. Shop Sunday noon to 5 P.M .' at the following stores: · C•lltoc.n!~ on Jh• lht day ot 0t10btr Paule)'., Newport Be a ch : To registe!i, contact Mrs. 1"'· 11'eoA~~'oO:~:u~~~~JP;~v~·N1 Richard SeBrs, Long Bench; Barbara Rarllotf. '84S.7970, 1----~ir.;--~·~~~l. DISTRICT Eugene F, Tutt, Tustin; Paul b@forc Oct. 1. Cost for the full -~ "'~'"' e1 111t &oefd I J\lattactr.:fu:J~:--Raymond-day' progrl!lm ls--•1:50 in-·~-----11.,.1111:_.Eci~~:Z cwu 01111 Pnct. L. Wats.on, ~ewport Beach, Clutfi.ng lunch and a book or --Octobff a:'1f1f ---Y...M<.n -and·Cecit'-Wr1ght; Orang --eurr1culum·tdeas: ------- FASHION ISLAND, Newport Buch (Zl'4} IM-2313 . HUl\UING.T.QN_cENTER~Huntingt'!n S..ch~71'4) 89:Z,.7171 .. -,----l:lARBQlie_NTER, Costa Mesa (71")~·!02 ~ _ . • .• • • Wtdntsday, Stptembtr 26, li173 Law Savi~g Sea :M:ammals LA JOlJ..A (AP) -A Service and has been national marine mammals commission ban on killing marine mam· federal oCflclal enforcing th e hearing officer for the marine which reviews applJcations. pulls, SChane$ said, is made -•-I f h for the tuna Deel, which ac-1972 Marine Mammals Protec-mammaa.;1 .aw or t e past SCHANES SAID he once cidentally kills-some.-porpolles tion Act says more than 13,000 year. · t -~-•-On Moretti Staff refusOO to allow one group to accompanying una ~u.iu..,, seals, porpoises and other The law, designed to protect Even so, he added , the tn- creatures are sun swimming endangered species, bans the capture mammal.s because dustry has been ordered tq Capltol News Service shirt and necktie against a ,. L jn the ocean because of the capture or killing of any sea they were to be dlSp~ayed by find a way within \wo years to tall red bl knl·t suit law. mammal unlw \ a federal another group. He Said a San·\ reduce the killing of porpol.les SA CR A ME N T 0 -A O ue · \, permit Ls Issued authorizing ta Barbara company was \ trapped in tWla nets. Catholic priest Is assigned to Although he c o n a I d e..r s '" TIIE MAMTttALS escaped the capfur~ for scientific denied a permit to capture 300 tbe staff of Assembly Speaker himself part of the "old capture because permits ask· research or display in cap-California sea lions beeause "THERE HAS been good BO;b Moretti {0.Van Nuya) -;:1 of priests, Father ing for an exemption from\ the' tivity. most ol them were to be sold improvement in lowering the but atranger thtngs have hap-nnan said he was intrigued .,_16 \ law \Were rejec:!ed or Schanes' helarings, which for display abroa and the m<>rta1ity rate with t be pened in the Cat h.e I I c a~._. . . withdrawn, said Dr. Steven E. coqsidere<t, requests for per-company wasn't able to development of procedures hierarchy slnce Vatican II. by his new type of minlatry. •et sollf. 1'o LAltlO OK '{OUR Schanes, in an ·interview. He Ls mits and exemptions because guarantee thelr proper care in and equipment designed to qAJLY PILOT JJ' Scripps LA JOU.A (AP) -Ooe cl the -id'• major !Ir 1Ututlons cl ocean lludy will obMrve Ill 70lh l!lrth- day annlvenuy quietly today .. An elhlblt cl r<llcs and •llllqraphs tabn In 1903 b planned It Scripps Institute cl Oceanography, found<d1 on Sepl. 2ll that year as the San Diep Ma· rine Blological As8odatlon. AJOOng the six founders was E. W. Scrlpp1, founder of the DeW1paper A JesWt priest hal ~ "SOME PRIESTS heal SOjJIS Hi AP .. •• ljssistant director of the Na-ol ecmornJc hardship, have captivity. help porpoi!es escape from ·elected to Con~s. He IS a . t"~ ~--' . ___ , . 111_. .... -----------"~·o~n~al~M~a~rin~e:_:F~l~s~h~e~r~l!e!s__'been~~·=epl~ac:"ed~by~a~perm~~anen~:_t _ _'.Th'.'.'e:..'.'.on'.'.'l~y~e~x~ce~p'.'.'tion~~to'....'.'.lh'.':e__'t'.'.'un'.'.'a..'.n~e~IS_::wlll~arm".'.'.'.'.".ed'.:..'_' h'.'.'•:.:•~a'.'.'.ld~. '=========~ ~~~~-1n-1~utueas&..,.ML1-W: l,:U..j...X:e.1~ rnoc.ra , r . J1.QUlll:r ~ r • chain. Drinan, S.J ., who recently in-done by the hour," he troduced a resolution calling declared, "others work with for the impeachment of Pres!-Cesar~ OGtvez, and yet others dent Nixon. He represents a serve as chaplains in hospitals constituency ln Newton, Mass. There ls another priest who is a speechwrtter on Nixon's staff. or on campuses. "Th.is is an extension of that ministry," he saJd. "I'm deal- ing with people who have AND FR. GLEN Borman. influence over a number of C.S.C., formerly a political This • k · hll....... le h t th people. · " wor cons.,tent p uouv-•Y ac er a e . . 1 hood . th University o{ Notre Dame, with Jbe pr est m e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 70s," he said. ~ To take the job with Moretti, 'This ls teOl'k cell• Father Borman had to first slsteltt .,ltla the priesthood in the 70•.' joined More'ti's s'aff • year ago and spedalizes ln issue development and speecbwrltlng. obtain permission from the provincial of the Congregation of Holy Cross (C.S.C.), the order to which he belongs. Then he received his priestly faculties from Bishop Alden J . Bell in the Sacramento diocese which permits him to say Mass, hear . confessions and participate in other services. Asked' why he left Noire Dame to work for Moretti, Father Borman said: ALmOUGH BE otrered to "Having been a teacher of live in a local parish and help pollUcal philosophy for a long out with needs or th e Ume, I had the reeling I was a parishi.onen, Bishop Belt told bit unrealistic in thinking I Father Borman he didn't need could say something worthwlle any help at the time. to 1tudenta today when my "I've helped out at various practical experience had been· parishes here,'' be said, "and nil." I say Mass every day, often He likened his experience In for the Sisters of Soctal political lheory with teachers Service who run the Stanford of. college journalism who have Home." little er no experienCe, "or if What happens if Moretti , an they have had experience it is unaMounced candidate for so dated they need to get back governor in 1974, wins the top ---llltoJlie fiel<l_!p see wbaU,. !il:e''---- -bappenlog.~' - ------l__ --. STUDENTS CAN . ''I GUESS FtL go back to recogD12e Notre Deme or to Portland this, he said. University in Oregon (also a . "~e:ve been talking theory Ho\y Cross Scbo.ol),'; Father Which LS so far removect"from Borman said. practice that when a atudent graduates Ms reaponae II, 'Why didn't yoa "11 It to us like it really is?' " Sitting in lhe C &JcJIJI l cafeteria with • cup of ~ee. he didn't look ... tlloukh he were a cleric. In place of the Roman collar wu a white He's developed a s'l,deline -y unpaid activity -of counseling .people within the ~pltol biillillng. ~·11 seems '\hat oomebody b ccining atouqd every day, and I think this. Is good," Father Borman said. Panel OKs Law On Pension Plan WASHINGTON (UPI) - -thirty percent alter eight 1-.----Tllo-llow&-Education~...<li!!l_bing at 10 percent Lahm' C om m I t t e e bu a year Wltil 100 percent was unanimomly approved leglsla· reached after 15 y e a r s ' tkm to reform private penslctt service. • plans to assure that a worker -a so-called rule of 45, with gets benefits due him on years ot work and age com- reUrement. bining to make 45 which would 'I1le Senate approved a bill guarantee 50 percent vesting, last week that would require ctini>ing 10 per a year tmtil 25 percent vesting after five 100 percent was reached. years on the job, rising to 100 percent alter 15 years. Neither REP. JOHN H. Dent (0. the Senate bill nor the House Pa.} 11)8nager of the com· committee measure would mittee· bib, said he had an compel an employer to have a agreement with Rep. A I pension plan but would set Ullman, O-Ore., a c t i n g minimum atandards for those chairman oJ the House Ways that do. and Means Committee, to get " ~ pemk>n rerorm blllto the TllE MEASVRE v-by House !loo<' by mid-October. the Houae committee would The Ways and Means Com- offtr • ehoice of standards to mitlee Ii expected to act on a auit&tee •t leut a .llil.re of separate pension refortn bill, ·o. ,.,.._ ~ put aside in but concentrate on taxing an EI~'s name: features oJ pension plans. -fldl 100 perC<lrt mttng. Ullman and Dent w o u I d lft.. JO ,,.,.,CID !he job, but dovetail their measures on the nO -.. prior to that ~. !loo!'. • ...1, ,... ' · OPTO'MEtRY ---.,.,. to minor fire al 3711 Bristol Street Santa Ana ' •, ~ DR. SHELDON L. MARSHALL - 11 now proctlclne at hl1 Whit• Front Costa Mesa Office -lrl1tol Stroot, Coil• MelO , ... -540-3993 ., 540-3959 RI • OPENING SOON • ' ........ -..., ________ .... • • • .. Save money while you save money ' ' • $1000 or more at Western Fed entitles you to membeishlpin the new Capital Club, and a whole host of discounts on placcs to go and things to buy here and across the country. In addition, you ger the entire list of fu!ancial services you expect. All the while your savings are earning the highest interest ever, with insured safety. Now· that the · eapitarClub has joiiied theSavers Clubs of1Uii.Crica, a national af!ilia. ti on or mass uying power.~ wliy aon't yoa?- Sporting EvenlS at a discount? Right, with the Capital Club. Sport fishing, hocla;y, basketball ••• whareveryour pleasure, it's our pleasure to save you money. -. Theatre tickets at discounts that could save.your family dollars on a night out. Already good at 75 movie theatres throughout Southern California, hundreds l"Ore around the country, and for legitimate ~ theatre and concert performances. • 1 • Amusement Parks, museums,·and year-round special attractions ••• ' ~ the places you want to go to will be even more accessible! The Capital Club offers regular difu>unts, and occasionally club excursions as we have in the past. In fact, the new Capital Club continues to bring savers every membership privilege they've come to expect plus exciting new ones no one else has to offer! Financial Services include many money.saving benefits you'll enjoy: -------:freetravelers'.dteques; freesafe.deposit.box;.check ashing 5CrYice;-:::;---"i~F free checking accounts and preferred rate auto loans with a leading local bank; free notary service and free collection service on notes secured by deeds of trust. Travel to San Diego, Phoenix, Hawaii or across the country can lie arranged .•• with special activities and discounts :waiting for members wherever they go. In addition, many local restaurants and hotels are . already signed up for those of us who stay at home ... and more of them are joining the Capital Club every day! Merchdflli.i.re Di.rco1111ts both Ji.ere and everywhere the new Capital Club goes. In the.market for a ear, a mobile home, or something like a fur, or jewelry ••• you'll find a whole catalogue of ways to save with your Capital Club membership card. In fact, the list grows with each new issue of Comp!J!s, so watch out for the item you're looking for! Comp/J!s is the official publication of the Capital Club and is mailed · to members quarterly. Oomp/J!s is a handsome four-color magazine that tells members about savings on places to 89 and things to see and bargains to buy. Any questions that Comp/J!s doesn't answer may be directed to Capital Club Directors in each of Western Fed's 13 branch . offices. You ... that'swhatshe'sthereforL ' stern ·Feilera1-sa -• • • -- I Corona del Mar 27 44 E. Co/J!I Hwy. Jim Park, Manager Ttlephorw: (714) 644·7255 .. . I . " -- • ' J2 DAILY PILOT •· WtdntJday, Stpttmbtt 26, 1973 7.oz. TUBE or 11 ·0L LOTION Head & Shoulders ' SHAMPOO For Effectln Dandruff Cutrtl! , 1.39 ... 48 OZ. SIZE .. Sani-Flush ' · DRY TOILET BOWL CLEANER . 13 OZ. SIZE . . HAIR SPRAY "="" Chnse y11r -f1Y1rlte"flnn1l1·-. - 88~- BOX OF 40 Modess FEMININE NAPKINS Regular or Super 99~ 26 oz. BAG SWITZER'S l Licorice BITES 33 OL GIANT SIZE Downy FABRIC SOFTENER SDllHll fer y11r whole wash! • - 24 OZ. SUPER SIZE Scope :5.00 ' l.SOLPearl Drop·s TOOTH POLISH A ~llVJ liquid for pearl wh ite teeth! ( , Wtdnesd.-y, September 2&, 1973 PILOT-ADVERTISER "t BOmEOf200 · Anacin FAST PAIN RlllEF ••• FrDlll hadaches and lll'IHS te11in! . Red doubli in it· with elasticized waist and flare legs. Sizes U :?1'~.& PANTS i Cotton cordiJroy pull-ons in pink w/contrasting cutfs & pockets. _ ALBERTO Ba 1 sam :JI '\ • •' •Crea• Riase & C1ndlll11er I oz. • Shampoa 20 DL ~J! 99c IDll-UI II. 5 LB. 4 OZ. KING SIZE Tide DETERGENT '. Tide's In! Dirt's out! HAMILTON llACH . 10 Cup Coffeemaker £xclusive~Pr1ssure Flo" action DAVID DOU&LAS 8 Cup Coffeemaker ~ I Hershey's CHOCOLATE BARS ''Milk ChDCDl1te, Almand, Kr1ck1I, Mr. Gudbar DI Sp1cl1I Dark. Wednkday, Stptemflff 26, 1973 ~ Kiddy Kook Peanuts Mini Puzzles ~ CHILTON -HADLEY -Pak of 3 ptJUles Aluminum about Peanuts characters. BakeSi!tor · ~---c77~ Ill i ![IJ 77c ' • Binocalars Modeli11g Clay SET AYAlON . -S~ips of brilliant color with molds and tool. -w Gamby ' "'lll1 S1per Fl11" WESIDE -Bend him and twist b,im 1 ••• anw way! . 77c ·.::i;:'.t: ltl ...... J ,:··11ior Tool Belt · Dactar KIT WI" Flnllil~I NASHO-t.ggage ESSKAY -Pliers, • type wit~ screw driver, tape ~uipment. measure, etc. 77c 77c S1sie Dall RO~ 16 [ach ivory ESSKAY -Baby doll and block cftts> pieces ~us chess for little moppets. board. 77c 77c , Bar~ie Best 817 PeallUts Puzzle CLOTHES MATTEL Hershey's CHOCOLATE SYRU~ ._ 25c 1 Model Plane KITS ENTEi-Worid 17,C War II" assortment. 11. Arabian Foal BREYEl-for the animal collector. Gallery I 77.~. CIUfTIWTH- Two 6l12"' pre-77c printed panels, oil colors anGbfllSh. Frisbee "WIWl-0 - Sott a'!I sale flying saucer, Walt Disaey's "Golden Books" 71c All-time ta'°rites. I u . . Uaitid Sims MAP PUZZLE SELCHOW-Shows capitals. cities, 77c ~Cll lakes, etc. 01Y4114V.complete. 1 GlllON SIZE Purex SUPER BLEACH Wednesday, Stptembtr 26, }q73 BOX OF IDO Kleenex FACIAL TISSUES DMLV "LOT 13 = ~· 2i88c 2i29c PlAYSKGDl -f;r beginners 2 ta 4 yrs.77, Six easy.ta-handle C colorlul pieces. ea. Magic Racks Grow ln minutes ••• lasts for years ••• in 77c any clear glass container. Whee-Lo MAGGIE - Magnetic spinning: 77c wheel! No strings, springs or batteries. Pokey 'lfhe-s.,.r-Fl•x'' LAKESIDE - Gumby's Pal! Bend 77 C him into 1,000 positions. "Dis111 & Frie••s" or "hst Stfle(' Just press on the 77 pieces ... troy stick C like magic! · II. camera (SSKAY -Foint and 77 shoot! Color or blatk· C . and white pictures. Moselle CIUSHED STONE llT ~~.~:r-:-77c pre-planned "bject. ·s1i1ky . JAMES -Stretch tay 77 actually walks down-C stairs. ,. . .. Mini Raggedy Anl ar lady Miniature dolls in \fie C KNICKfJllOCK!l '-77 Ofiginal design. · ea. Hi-Q Gm Puzzle -ESSUY:O:Horco~rs-77 f.. with s~iling face and ,.; yam hair. Marse Kit NASBRO -t.g1•1e· 77c type with nursing equipment. BOX OF 10 Contac CONTINUOUS AalON COLD CAPSULES 97e . BomE OF25 Alka-Seltzer ANALGESIC TABLETS 49c QU~RT SIZE . Formula ''409'' .SPRAY CLEANER Fast r. Ti1ro11b ! Assorted fashions PANASONIC Stereo Phono Aladio BOX OF 18 ESSKAY Giant Y.W. Y -Plastic Riog-A- , l)i11& ... a real dial and a bank, too! 77c PERSONNA Double 11 -.RAZOR ClllleMaking . KIT 1.97 \ ''Th• l1dfonl'' Diamond stylus. Stereo-oye, stereo selector. Wood ·grain. Two 6Yl" speakers. Solid" stale. Dust cover. Butane Lighter LINDY-Lm Lfclts ""' tl•tf Mt rtfllfi•I .. , u f111ts tt "''"'· M)uta~lt fl•••· 16 OZ. SIZE CARNATION ·Coffee-mate NON-DAIRY CREAMER __ ..., FOR YOUR coon • Brilla- soAP PAOs- s11,ier! More ScrubbiRI M11cl1! 39~ 10 OZ. SIZE Maxwel I House INSTANT COFFEE 1.29 ' I . . . I - f I • . J .J DAIL V PILOT ~ Controversial C /,er•--,..rman Scoffs at Transfer Rumor WASl~INGTON (UPI \ -"'hile Nixon was attending lack of tact and insulting the Rev. John A. Hurfman. the ~ces. In It he advised the PttSldent," he uid. Presbyterian mbtister in Key congregation to drop any When bis transrer-lo friends v.·bo had proven untrue Pittsburgh became known and < Biscayne, Fla., wbo preached to Chrislian ideals. a national magazine printed a a controversial -son1C' soy rumor that Nixon had a hand ~crltical......sennorr to President THE SERAION came at the in arranging it, a second wave Nixon last Easter, says he height of the Watergate scan-ol = arrived, this time an't believe the President dal in April, i·u!lt before fl.1ixon th u· --·1 id layed ar\y part th his im-sym e c. 'ue wn ers sa , fired his t\l.'O top aides, H. R. in eUect, "you l)O(M" guy, you pe n 4 i n g-tr a n s f e r t o H a Ide m a n and John really gotajobdoneon you:• Pittsburgh. Ehrlichman, and it provoked But Huffman said the Hulfman, 33, deli\•ered the hundreds or letters, Huffman rwnors and suspicions .,..·ere sermon entitled "Almost a said in an Interview. About 90 "absolutely false." He sa id Christian" on Easter Sunda y percent accused h.im of "a Nixon often has counseled him me to be straight!orward and ' Ul"I t eWMlt RUMORS HIT Rev. John Huffman -·· ' ·Cadillacs Have Trouble~ The Transportation Depart- ment ha! reported th.it 1959· 1960 Cadillacs have a steering ntechanism clefect which could lead to "catastrophic los5" of control without warning to the driver. Jaines B Ore.gory_,, national highway traffic safety ad- ministrator. notified Rep. John E. Moss (0-<;all!J that in· vestigaton have made an "initial determinaliOn" that the sa!ety\defect exis!S. The possibility of a defect was first brought out before a House subcom mittee on com- merce and Cinance, chaired by Moss. a;n1 le 11 u res ls the The report sakl G~1·1 posl-NH una catastrophic loss of steering tjon 'jis that the possibility of of repairs and defect noUftca· control without warning to tbe accident or injury Crom pit· tlon would be betWeen -$1.4 driver__ whlch j n e vi t ab l y man arm fa1 lure In lhe 195t. rnl\llon and St.5mllltiDn. follows," the report said. 1960 model C311.lJlacs stn1-in "':,"' Mo88 sa~-u'lbe. o.nJ Y - service is extremely remote equltn ble thing for the com· IT ADDED, "failures during and no unreasonable risk of 'pany. to do In this case 11 to low speed turns at 10-20 miles ~ldent exists." 'pay the cost of repair,a." per hour have befft <lla,~·~;;;;""'=-=-=-=-=====-=-;!;;;=-=-====-=-=-~"'7j lished by this investigatlOI\ and accidents at such sPeed.s can Wtquestiooably caust injtiry. "High speed failures can~ apparently, also occur. 'lbese circumstances may rep~eQ.t a potential safety hazard to the involved vehicle owners." • rT~~~~~~~;:;~;;~~i~;;~~i~il on his career and "encouraged -outspokenc.,-ol-preach-~h··e-=======-=-­GREGORY SAID t h a l General MOtorii, mal<er of. Cad· illacs1 would have a chanc~ CHAIN FENCE · Scliool Has gospel straighUorv:ard and let it fall where it may, but never single out anyone." HUFFMAN SAID he spoke to Nixon ri ght after the sermon and "he did not take offense." The President was in ·a position at the time "where anything I said \Vould be in relation to him." Desertion Suspect Loses Joh ~~a~.~i.so:,,1~~ finding ., , Tirin.g Job An estimated 60,000 of the 1959-1960 model Cadillacs were NEWARK, Calif. (AP) on the road as or last July, -Puzzled Newark High Gregory said. School administrators are The report by the National offering a free yearbook to High.,.,iay Traffic s a f e t y any student who can dm figure out how to remove SAN DIEGO (AP )_-_A man A inistration (NHTSA) said SO automobile tires stack- accused by the Mari ne Corps th·e pitman arm, a critical ed up on the school's lofty of desertion-a claim he de-component or the steering fl agpole. Jt happened over ni.es-has been fired from his system. \Vas inadequate for the weekend . J'ob as an elephant keeper at r e p e a t e d high stress . · lh 195n "'' They \'IOUld also, in-the San Diego V/ild Anilnal maneuvers m e ..-uu Cadl.llacs cidentall.v. like to know Contr•Cfin9 Ucen•e 21110 SAYE ON CHAIN LINK FABRIC PROTECT FAMILY, HOME AND l'ITS 500/. OFF* FAHIC WHEN 70 INSTALLED IT WARDS C'-'t \'l ri..I 11.i,fltl Hd llllU'lllJes ef rhlrfY, .. ., ........... IK ... ,.,.... .. or 1r1..a llll\'l'kNIM ll llrlc, Wire l1llrk It llOl411 flt\<H h 911 ..,. 9lltn PnllldoOA. •G-. pests., Npt.il, fttt1ap eM ...... ...._ ..._ em. et ._. ret•lar low !Nkat. c.n let fNe ntf.,..,. '""'' WOOD AND WIOUGHT llON Au0 AVAIL.UU. Though he has not spoken to Nixon since Easter , Huffman said, he has been in touch with him by letter and through mutual associates includlng Charles G. "Bebe" Rebozo, the President's Kay Biscayne neighbor. Park. . TS d'N Q" "Th e potential hazard in-who did il -and ho_w. _____ .. _Y_ 'at"!·_. ay_s_ ews. UIZ Spokesmen sa id \Villian1 R. herently apparent in pilnlan .. Sutherland. 27, y:as <Hvay from .-;;~~~~;~~.;;~;.;~;;;;=:;;;;;;;=;;;ii:iiiii'o...,._;.;;;...-._..-;..;: .... .;.;;.;;.;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ \vork too frequently because ofll t\\'O arrests by the J.1arines and his subsequent court BJ>" pearances. Erosion War To Be Ended Sutherland was charged by the Marines w i t h mas- querading as his brother Joseph, 25, lo enli st last year before deserting. The brother is an honorably discharged sergeant. JCPenney HARBOR' CENTER-COSTA MESA ·'WENDY" CYBIS PORCELAIN SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The National Park Service has dec_i(ied to give up trying to fight sand and beach erosion on ocean parks -but Point Reyes National Seashore won't be affected . Point Reyes superintendent John Sansing says, "we just don't have that problem at all." While Cape Hatteras Na· tlooal Seashore has an acute beach erosion problem, Sans- ing said the terrain at Point Reyes is entirely mfrerent. "\Ve've never sl>eflt an y money on beach erosion· con- trol ," he said. Tim O'Farrell . personnel director Of the San Diego Zoo, said he wanted to learn \l'hY \Villiam Sutherl and indicated These Items Go On Sale Thursday 9:30 A.M. he had been in the J\1arines when he filled out his employ- ment application last April. Women·~ Wear Wendy and her doll make • beautiful gift for your best girt. 6)2 Inches tall . $50. Clwrtt Actv11h flt¥1i.I -"'-rkM l"a~1 l111kAIMrdlnl I nd MlltH Cliil'9f!, ... In sv.-orn s ta t e m e nt s 0 Sutherland has since sa id he never served in the Marine Corps. He is now free on a D 12 only Choice Summer Sleepwear 5 only Summer we i9ht Cool Shifts Orig. 6.00 5.00 writ ol habeas COr?JS pending SLAVICK'S a Nov. 2 hearing in federal court. ~ D 92 Only Jewelry, mostly ••rrings J •. OO D I 0 Only Assorted Fashion Handba9s 8.00 Jeweler;; Since 1917 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644-1380 Nearly Everyo1ie o 3 0 •1Y J:::tr~n 8~~;;c•1 w11h loc•liOt1•.:i'.'o:'"':::~·=t~.·"c;.'!'"· u M•bn Listens to Landers D 12 Only t.'i~;rted Fa shioneble 8.00 2.83 ~======~============~---~=::..::..::..:-=-::__::..::._====::..::._::_ ____ 11 0 36 Only Pastel Color Petti Pants 2.00 Carrying Qse #575 sale-pric;ed at. $25 b •135 only$16.95 :~~~s:wfnode~; L----J::===''--------1 are here! features M t the work.,.•i•&. ad· Reg. 159.95 fapion a e . , gcs of bu11t-1n . -• z1 ... zag sewing machine ~n a ch ;ind decorative sti1i. ... ,es.. ...,-521242/708 .z1g:za~. ~~~e~stitch Extlusive front drop-with cabinet 2 ?nu~~~m.':r,ap-on Press.er feet and more! A popular ravOrite that g~ves yo~. th~~~~ sive filng!;!•-front d~op-1n bob :·aLE Carrying case •574 overwi nd preve~t1on, .,.. sale-pric;ed at only $16.95 striligh t and zig-zag s.129 • D 6 Only Garter Belts, Size Medium 3.00 0 60 Only Solid Pastel Color ' Blouses Reduced O SO Only Ea sy Care Polyester Tops D 120 O nly Fa shion Dresses & 4.50 Pant Suits 9.00-44.00 D I 2 Only White Tailored Uniforms 12.00-13.00 D 24 Only J. R., Dressm aker Sweaters 7.00-8.00 D 8 Onl y Bri9ht Print Cotton Tops 9.00 D 12 O'lly J. R,. Colorful Cesu•I Tops 8.00 O I 0 Only Puffed Sle eved Blouses 8.00 D 20 Only Short Sleeve Checked Tops M 11 .00 O 9 Only Short Sleeve .. Wh ite Blouses 5.00 '.J 16 Only J r, Bulky Knit Sw•eters 10.00 0 32 Only Jr. As sorted Styles in Tops 6.00-7.00 O 36 Only Asso rted Stylis h Sh rinks 4.50-7.00 0 21 Only Cable Kn it Stitch Cerdi9an 0 8 Only Embroidered Knit 6.00 c.rdi9a n 1'4.00 D ·o 4 Only Stylish Fl ip-tie Blouses 9.00 9 Only Jr. Eesy C•re Denim ••n• D 11 Only Trouser Style Ankl• Pents 0 7 Only lo•g, Perky Pla ;d Skirts . 0 5 Only Qu•en Si:ze Sh irts, D D E•sy C.r• · 8 Only Colorful Queen Sia:e Blous•s 12 Only Queen Si:z• Polyest•r Pents 0 6 Only Comfort•ble 8.00 13.00 13.00 9.00 10.00 13.00 8.00 NOW 2.88 2.88 .33 3.88 3.18 1.22 1.44 ·" ·" 2.88 3.81-22.81 1.9' S.99 7.44 6.44 6.44 1.99 3.99 Men's Wear 0 Ill On ly Sho rt Sleeved Sport Shirts 0 I 0 Only Polyester Knit Orig. 3.98-5.98 Sport Coats 47.95 O 31 Only Rare leg Cuffed Pents 9.98 0 47 Only Asso rted Sport Shirts 0 217 On ly Wrinkle Fr9e Dress Sleeks O 86 Only Polyester kni t Dress Shirts D 117 Onl y All Cotton Knit T•nk Tops Boy's Wear 0 44' On ly Dress or Sport 3.98-5.00 9. 98-1 3.00 8.00-11 .98 2.98 Sh;r1, 2.98-3.50 D 11 Only T enk Top Swe•ters XL o•ly 3.98 0 20 Only Colorful Knit Sh irts, 2-6· 2.49 0 42 Only Easy C•re Cotton T•nk Tops 1.98 23 Only Shirt end Sw•eter Sets 5.91 D Fami~ Shoes D 45 Only Woman's leether Orf9. S•ndals 9.99-10.99 D 20 On ly Women's Dress or C•suals 12.99-16.99 7.'9 D 11 Only Women's C'asu•I 4.99 3.99 4.99 11.99 7.44 -6.44 1.44 9.9' 6.99 7.99 1.44 3.18 Shoes Re du ced 0 30 Only Women's Col orful "Keds'' i] I b Only Women'f leather Hiking Boots Reduced 12.99 O 6 Only Men's Casual or Dress Shoes 14.99-18.99 D 10 Only M•n's Wine & Bone Buck le-on 0 12 O•Jy Girl•' Bla ck Dress Oxfo rds 0 30 Only Girl•' Cool Strop s .ndals D 29 Onl y Boys' le•ther 15.99 7.99 4.99 Dress Bodts 10.99·13.99 D 11 Only Boys' Reguler Spike Basebell D 22 Only Wom an's Colorful s'andels D 68 Only Bo'(i' end Girl1' Shoes Home Furnishings 6.99 Red uc ed ~.99-9.99 • NOW 2.11 .:If.II 7.H 1.11 5.99 4.11 2.99 1.11 .99 3.11 NOW 3.00-4.00 3.00 4.18 5.H 2.18 6.H 12.11 3;11 2.00 3.la.S.11 I.II 1.00 Z.00-1.00 F stitches, push.button re--.....-I $90 Of' · verse control. And a Reg 149.9 5 REG. PRICE~:f;-<C"''? handsOriie cabin•l, too. . Pel•zJ:o Pents 0 25 Only long or_Short Nylon .Gowns b 7 Only Dainty White L•ce ·4.00 .. -.~·-··-~·•• .. 0::: ... 5 .. Q~fr f!f!.l!oo/~j(• ...... l'O.OO;l~!~l ······ ... ~l: 756/692 Save on the versatile. _-zig-zag sewing machine Sews sheers to suedes! Even buttonholes; buttons, without attach~nt:~t M-~7 Has "' hinged presser rtrot, mo · 66 LUllUrY Touch. Sew* sewln9 machine wfthcabinet Deluxe si:wing, with il full faslii~ ran~~~~ 14 built-in stitches. and exdusive l''""'~ buflOfl rront drc~»in bobbin, built-in bu • tonholer, and more! Carrying ca!iC #827 $ sale-pf iced at only $8.96 Golden pe>WER!ll!l!Ster' upright vacuum cleaner Si nger qu;i.lily, with tw.o· '7ft88 speeds, trip\e-ac;tlon! A .. Pile 1' lector adiusts to 4 pos1t1ons Reg. 119.95 ~or patio, n<>frl'l•I .pitc, high 1/3 OFF pile,and shagcarpellng. Model U49 S-INGER. Sewing Center• andparticlpatilg Approved Dealers For store nearest yo u, see the yellow pages under SEWING MAC HINES Copyrl11110 1971 THE S.ING[R COMPA NY. All Ri&hti Rtscr"'9d Throuahout 1h1 World . •A Tr~en·u1rk of 'f ME SINGER COMPANY C..rdig•n Inf ants & Gi~s· Wear D 23 Only lnl •nts' T erty Bath Towels 0 25 O•ly lnlanh' Stretch Nylon Booties D 10 Only Toddlers' Dre1ses , Si1e 2-4 0 21 On ly Girl s' Dresses, Size l-6x D 0 D 1 Only Toddlers' Cotton Sun suits 9 Only G lr/1 ' Corduroy Sk;rh , 4-6 12 Only Girls' kn it T ops1 . Siz e J.6x 0 2~1 O•ly G;rl•' Auortod Summer To ' . - USE YOUR PENNEY CHARGE CARD 7.00 Or19. 2.23 1.00 5.00 7.00-10.00 1.19 4.00 3.00 1.99 5.99 NOW 1.H· .66 J.18 ' .... _.22 2.22 ·" .11 0 5 Only T eilored Bedspre•d1, Full 18.00 B 10 Only Pin ch Ple•ted Curtains 4.9t 3 O•ly Qu;~.d-BedsprHdt, . • Tw in Reduced 0 15 Only Colorful Florel V•lanees 2.39 0 60 O•ly Rustproof N1U H .. ~ P•ch .70·1.25 O '-48 Only Zlppat-Or•ss, Belt · Orn•ments .70-.80 [J 25 Only e.11 .. Quollty Trims _1.20.2.00 0 59 O•ly D•i•ty Look;•q l•ce Trims 0 6T Only Cotton 8•11 Frin9e Trims O 2 17 Only Upholstery Sq uires ' ,55.,75 .25-.)5 B 27 x 27 Specl•I I On:ly Colorful Toss Pillows 4.00 13. Onl Dfeoratlv'e Toss Pillows J,00 14.18 2.66 7.18 1.H .44 M ... ' .1' .so 1.99 1.44 JCPenney -SHOP Mon.S.t 9:30-9:15 """"'Y• 12>5 - ~ ... - We knOw what you're looking for. ..---,-:::---KAllOI CINTER • COSTCM(SJ 1~~~~~~~~~~----:-~~~~~~-IL--------------------------~--~---1./ r I ' . , • . l ' • I ! • • • . . • -• Mr Col !Iv chi : · abs • • tion one ~· me ·: do mu som F ~ lea a JOO, G ' . "' ' Col 1 Ala Sav . 0 l lha ! !:n l Sou f ... l .. l ' . l • L l Sou rea •ti • Wrdntsday, Srplrmbtr 2b, l<J7) DAILY Pll:.OT J 5 ....C::....C::'-'..'._:.C:C.:....;c_;cc__:_ _______ _,""·• Only Liz' Dia1no11d Is Forever f'rom Wire ~rvlce1 denied asylum in France last in her husband's re-election ""' Governments, has been ap- ~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~ra PARIS -If a 69 carat pear· bale court hy Superior Celurt Judge Ooi'd'on Brown, en- trusted the money to the (;eruldin R. Dodge J<~oun· datio n \\•hich will be establish· ed \\'ith offices in t-.1adison and Chatham Townships. pointed to a poeition-wltlt---~....-­ Golng ·Ho11ie Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stanek, parents of sextu plets born last week in Denver, Colo. hospital, leave the hospital together. Mrs. Stanek was released but the five su rviving infants will have to stay for another four or five weeks. One child died a few days after birth. Politeness, Natty U11ifor1ns • Marli Liberalized Police MENLO PARK (AP ) - • "Please freeze ," says a nattily ~ dressed police officer leveling . a shotgun at l\vo young , burglars sfuMed more b)' the ~ tense little courtesy th an the : presence o! the law . ' :_ That polite greeting sets the · ·hang·loose tone for the 37- • ·member police department ·: that 'tfears blazer.s, discards ·!paramilitary organization and · dQes as much social work as ' : cop work... ... ....... q . ; ; Police ln this San Francisco P~a cpt¥WJ11ty 9! 30.000 ' al11 emphasiie talking instead ;. of arTesting and referrals to :· drug counsellors, w e 1 r a r e :. agencies or Alcoholi cs Anonymous. · . ,. "Eighty percent oJ police work is in the area of social services," says Chief Victor I. Ci.zanckas, 36, a f or m e r Marine who keeps a bust of Socrates in his office and ·tells youthful dc1nonstrators he·s lhere to Protect lhcir ri ghts. CIZANCKAS ST AR TED the revolution fi ve years agu after studyjng -the fi~ings or the Presidential , Commission on Law ~nto.rcement and 'A.dmilistration «If J u s t i c e issued in the wake of urban rioting in the late 1980s. The handsome: 6-foo.t-4 chief decided he could a p p 1 y liberaUzed police principles to this city that ranges from spaciou! homes near the Stan- ford Univers1ty campus to bleak bungalows in the 6,000- t South Ranks High I ~ ' . , . • ' . Lax Gun Controls I peraon blaCk community across town. Nearly half the department resigned in the first two years because they cooldn'.t accept the demise of the rigid cha in of n1ilitary command. CIZANCKAS, WHO came to the city's attention for his coot handling of riots in 1967, dressed his officeis in olive green or gold blazers bearing a modest patch with the tiny embroidered wQl'ds, "Police." They pack pistols, mace, handcufls and extra bullets - but dona show them until absolutely necessary. "I'm a great believer in 'clothes maketh the man,' " Cizanck"as says, "And the community seems to think police are more intelligent when they are out or uniform ." He also abolished I he military chain of captains. lieutenants. sergeants in favor of a business-like hierarchy of officer, agent. manager, direc- tor and chiet An operations manager heads three patrol teams which emphasize group problem solVi ng ana: a<IVice rather than commands . . • . l(ey to Murders? "IN THE OLD SET UP • people Cell into roles they felt ATLANTA, Ga. tt.P) -An Northern cities have tighter · they pad to play. But life isn't • •.. absence of gun control legisla-gun restrictions. Uke that. This is realistic," Based on per 100,000 popula· says team manager John shaped diamond is no longer among Elizabeth Taylor's best friends , lhen earlier will be happy to buy it back for $2 million. Richard Burton gave the gem to Miss Taylor in 1972 as a 40th birthday present and * LONDON -"It's not often an army officer marries a royal princess, and il's time "'e took pr ide in it .'', says ·a British army spokesman. Pride In this case translates hel' participation in his race <rs the 1972 Democratic candidate for president. Sh~ $aid she joined in the c ampaigning last year because, "it's my co untry and l have strong beliefs about how it should be run." '* the $2 million offer represents c ) CHI CAGO _ Illinois prison about twice the price he paid PEOPLE, officials said an inmate told Cartier for the stone. • them he was hired for $5,000 Mrs. Dodge's rela tives were excluded in the \\'Ill because they had been provided for in previous Rockefeller wills, 1thc document said. She was 'the niece of the late John D. Rockefeller. federat progrmn. Truax, 32, who served four years in prison, was selected by a Shasta. County s~ening committee to coord 1 n ate Mainstream Project, a n e mplo y ment p r ogram sponsored by the U.S. Depart· ment of L;lbor. Don cannon, a member of the committee, said it was hoped the !800 a month job would help put Truax back A spckesman for Cartier. ---------' to kill Richard Speck, con- one of Paris' most prestigious to flying 234 men of the victed nlw·derer of eight * jewelry dealers, said the offer Queens Dragoon Guards home Chicago nurses. REDDING (AP) _ County on his feet. Truax \\·as cogvicted of grand theft in 1968 for em· betzling $511.000 from ABAG, \vhere he was considered a bright young assistant ad - ministralor. was being made because of from \Vest Germany for "He said he was hired to kill officia ls confirn1ed t h a t reports that the gem might 'be Princess Anne's wedding to Richard Speck, but h e Thomas N. Truax, convicted a point of contention in a Capt. Mark Phillips. \vouldn't say by \\'horn," a of embezzling $511,000 fro~ divorce settlement. The 21 officers and 213 corrections d c p ~rt rn en t the Association of Bay Area The diamond was originally c n Ii s t e d men of the spokeswoman said. , _ _:_ _ _:_ ____ .:___ ___________ _ presented by an Indian !\1ogut bridegroom's regiment win be Speck, 31, an itinerant en1peror to his favorite wife in part of an 850-man military sea1nan, was convicted ot the 1621. Engraved in the gold contingent that will form an 1966 mass murder of eight st u· mounting a.re the words : honor guard and b3nd for the dent nurses in their Chicago "Eternal love til death." wedding in London Nov. 14. dorm it~ry, He originally \\'as * * SAN F RAN CI SC 0 AURORA, N. Y. • Eleanor Eldridge Cleaver, the Black J\fcGovern said her husband is Panther P!'lrly ·teader who fled concentrating on winning· re- the country five years ago, election lo the Senate next has been sued by his former year and is sentenced to die iri the electric chair but was resentenced to a 400 -1,200 ~ year sentence after a U.S. Supreme Colirt decision in 1972 voided the death sentence. * lawyer for $24,464. not planning Beverly Axelrod is seeking a to run again ~IORRISTO\VN, N.J. -The 25 percent interest in the sale for president bulk of $80 million left in the or Cleaver's book , -"Soul On in 1976. estate of Mrs. G~raldine Ice." She claims Cleaver He has no Rockefeller Dodge will go to assigned her the interest in intention of charity instead of her already 1968 but illegally revoked the ""r u n n i n g rich relatives. agreement in 1972. 7 :;,,,.f , again in the The will, admitted into pro- The stlit, filed in Superior '· ,~, .. ,. ., , ... <co.,. next presi· • • Court Monday, names Cleaver, M~s. Mt0ovE11..N dential eloc-Kids .Like T 0 bis agents and the McGraw-t1on," the wife of Sen. George Hill Book Co. as defendants. McGovern, (D-S.D.), said. Cleaver has not been he.ard Mrs. McGovern told a Wells from publicly since he was College audience that her role • Women's New Exciting Ask Andy INCOME . FOR YOU frtn1I a Gift ••• •You can receive a life income <I nd imn1cdiatc tax benefits by particip8.ting in one of Hoag Mcmo1ial Hospital Presbyterian'• four different Lile Income Gift Plans. Write or call today for informatiolt: Mr. Thomas K. StadUnger HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 101 S N•wpott Sa ul•vard N11wporl Saach, CA 92bb0 Teltpllonr. {7141114511111-EIL 1• , . .· ... where thrift .is always in style Located on the !-ower Level I Sears Flattering Nylon Contour Lace Bra }97 Figure-flattering bra wi1h adjuscable straps and s1re1 ch back. Jn whi1e and colors. Sizes 32·36 A.'32·38B, 34-JSC '· tion in Southern cities may be tion . New York reported 19.1 Spencer. • one reason why tho Se murders last year while Los Cizanckas also abolished the • {· meti:opolitan a r •a ~ a~e Angeles reported. 12.8. Las detect i v e ·bureau and dominating . ~e n a t t ~ n s Vegas had 18.3, Baltimore established a Crime Specific1 ·---:=-----:;;;;~~,~---:-1 _murd_er sta.bshcs. ac.cord1~g to _j1J. Detroit 17.3 and Chicago Bury u hJ.._Q _empJiQ.sizes some profe:sstonal obs:ervers. 11.5. . prevention of burglary -: FBI data shoW1 Atlanta By comparison, Gainesville P.1enlo Park's num~r one leading the nation l'J 1972 with had 22.3, Little Rock and crime problem. a rate of 23 slayings per greenvllle 20.4. COiumbus and 100,000 pof>ulation, followed by Tuscaloosa 20.2, Richmond Gainesville, F1a.; Uttle Rock , 19.8, Savannllh 19.2, Raleigh, • Ark.: GreenvWe, S. C.; N. C .. 18.7, L\lbbock, Tex. and , C.Olumbus, Ga.: Tuscaloosa. Memphis, Tenn., 18.6, New ~ AJa.:• Richmond, Va., and Orleans and · Jackson. Miss .. Savannah. Ga. 17.9, CharlotU,. N. C., 17.6 Out of 53 metropolitan areas Chattanooga, "enn., an d Murderess' Parole Bid •· ~ that teport,E!!d. 12 or more Jacksonville, fla., 17.4. G• Ok ·; i homicides per 100,000 popula· Howton reported . 1 7 . 3 I ven a y . 1;. , ~ lion, 42: were in a 12-sta te murders per '100,000 popula· ,,::'""' l, Southern "regioo." ~-----·---tion. . .Blrmlngllam, Ala .. ...and.. ••• .JJllCOLN.....Neb-.W +--' '' ' ... ;;GEN.ERALLY•" ""iN' .... i'i{·~ ... ·z~rw~~i~~n:r:o~:~egad ~7~ ' ~:~~~~:a~ =e~~~ ' .. ' ·c".:?· ~~ i South reslrictiOns on gun "If I had my way they Ann Fu.gate's bid for release oWntfshlp are rather loose," would. take every handgun Crom the York Women's 1 1 sald Dr. Eugene Ciajkoski, ever1."ad~1and.throw them .In Reformatory. chairman of the department of the river, aaid -G e or g 1 a Miw Fugate now SO was diminology at Florida State Dlvisl~noflnvesUgationdirec-sentenced to & 11ife ~·after University. tor William Beardsley. 1coompanytng boyfriend ~ He said although statistics "Some people say that If Charles Starkweather on a 1 \ were unreliable, he was guns ,were ouilawed then only 1958 kUUrlg spree that left 11 penonally convinced that gun outlaws would have guns. That persons dead. Sta.rkwealher • control legislation w o u Id would be the best thing that was executed for his role in reduce the. murder rate. In a would happen. Then the pc lice the murders. 1 telephone inttrvlew from-his would arrest the outlaws..Jor Gov. J. J. -Elon and 'j Tallahassee office, he claimed having guns ," he aald . Secretary of State A 11 en Beermann voted to consider I I Se...... •• ili::lt T-xtili::l -~ the application Al • hearing _,._ ~ ..:;; ~-r Oct. 30 .. Tbe dissenting I ' member of the board was At· i ty. Gen. Clarence A. H. Great Value! Nylon Tricot Half Slip Proportioncd -10-fi t half slips with .daini y lace trim. In "•hi1c and colo rs. Mini S·~1. Short S-M, Average S·M·L. ' , Prices Effeclivc 1hroup:h Saturday. Sept. 29 Washable Polyester Dresses . . ' Come, choose fr om a variety of .utra,tive St}'lt.'s 8 88 in jacqu:trd pattl·rns :111J checks, All are prctt)' and prJc cical-rnaLhinc "''JShablc, Lots of (ash-, 1on 110lors. t..·lisscs' .ind HaJ(-si:t:es. Uae Sear• Retio lving Chnrl'P !·Women. Wirt Book Battle M~rNcbraskaParoteBoard voted last month 1<> recom- MIDoLETON, Mass. -(AP) commtttce !hat although "the mend that the Pardon Boardi------------------.1.------------------------------ l . f ' ' ' • I l ' ' • ' • .. • ' -Feminlsla have won a kids llked"it," It di? portra~ consi4er Mi" F\tgote's btd to women as the w~k,er sex. commute her life tenn to a round In their battle w)th the Children wtre being laul!ht definite term of years, thust.------., Orange --·--;.-;;~=---=:: ro,-rtttrun11'tfi . Costa Mesa B11e11a Park Middleton &Choo! system. SU pt. along with their ABC's that making her eligible for parole. sears Francis N. Fitzgerald said a . female "vowels" are helplCJA Beermann said the Panlon reading 1"-!m!r that ~men -and-canrt pul-a word-lbptlier d.would..mab..a.deciilon 3333 Bristol St. Phon""540-33:J~ 8150 La Palma Aw. Piton~ 6:?8 1-0ff - :!100 N. Tustiu .\v•·· • Phoneb37=2TOO tl1r .. Satwrday 1J1l() A.~I. ••'9t30 P.11(.., 51&""'' l2 NOM 10 5 P::w.-,.,.""1\li)eaca 1<>Wolffif'b0 arop(J<Od. with the aid of·"blg he-man \"' Oct. 30. f9llowlng a hear-l"nim:imim:r:;i, nm~ Fitzgerald told the schoof · consonants.'' ing. !------------------~~--------------------------------, • .. J I I . . .. Sierra Club Exemption Imperiled Wrdnrsday, Stptrmbtt 2f>, 1q73 16 OAJLV PILOT C.RAFt:•Tt• _,_'.lJt. -•r '¥-... ~§{'c::-m<•O.~"lw•o C lSU'f' .. . .. . . . f.,1. /tf. 801 d . S1l :ri · • .. : : . : _.A .. ,:~ft.C.~S cav11u1 Ne"'' ~r,·il·e SHOW:'''·.· ·· SACHAllENTO -The tax. C1·etlit Cl1it1ese F 01· Tootl1h1·usl1 r: · • F.f.~r · ~;~~·~~ .. :.:~;~:,,~~ .::'~,.::,:·:~; t· )>£00,Jt> .. :: :~~~~~~y. :,:,,~de•~~,~~:;~~~:: r''1 . g11·e an o I h e r or~aniiatiou In \vhat sport is a single girl most apt to meet an :.~ .. ·:.:~.'.~Pie~,¥;:·.;··;·:.<·· benefit of the t11x exen1ption . eligible bachelo1·? 1'his familiar query comes in again fron1 .:.'.· .. ,'.: .. ··••· .•.. :A·.·~·Ffl.··, .2:;.· .. ,.9. _ ... 5.:. ·. ·.: I lcre's the case in point a feminine customer . Our Love and \Var man has research· . A la1v suit was filed ai.:ainst ed the matter pretty thoroughly. Charter boat fishing on ······· .. · ·E -·· · the Golden C:atev•av Cen1cr hv salf _w~ter, probably. Not only is the girl thrown into close i~£:i~·'.::::~·;-;'.;::·:.'..'.;;,}.;);: .. :;.:. · .. ·:~:: <1 group of cilizCus calling prox1m1ty with numerous fellows on these trips. But her ~'.·'.:.;::;:·;:::-.::-:.~:.~~::;·:· .1z...,?-·:·.:: ·_. -.;.;: itself Citizens fur Responsible t~ngled line, stick i~g reel~nbailed hook ~:;'. ······-:;·:;: ,.::;:·,~:·'<··:·~;::'~-:· City De\·clopn1en1 on the and caught fish atliact continuous fielp--t~ .... ,~;;.; .. ~ :.: · .. '· -'. ·. · ·" grounds the rJ! hadn't been a ful attention. ~~~..,;~~111111~1111~-~\-~tid cnvironrnental ln1pa-c1 "tudy n\adc. as n.:qu1red , by law OP POSITION F 0 11 C E S c.'Orllend planned new con· struction in fh c Gate\\·ay proj· e<:I violates the redevelop- llll'lll 1naster plan. The citizens group doesn't ha\•e a tax-exen1pt status. therefore anyone contributing lo its support \VOuld not be en· titled to an income ta.x deduc· tion on the donation. Here is \vhat contributors have been doing. ----'fht>yi\'e-n1ad9-1 heir... checks payable lO the Sierra Club Foundation \vhlch, ln t u r n , since lt bclicves in wbat the ('jlizen group is doing, has been forYtarding lbe c0'1· tributions to Citizens for Respons ible City Develoi> ment. IS THIS a winking at the law? By pa~·ing the bills of the citize ns group is the Sie1Ta Clu b Foundation jeopardizing its ta x~xempt status? Colburn F. \\1ilbur. ex· ecutive secretary of the· Sierrll C..h!!!.J:..oundation. admits his group ls handllng the financia l arrangements in this way because the citizens organiza· lion hos similar goals. that is, "to help the environment." This isn't the first tin1e the foundation has done this, Wilbur concedes. Several years ago. the Sier· r3 Club Jost its t,ax-exenlpt status because it engaged in political activity. Now the roundation is doing the sa1ne thing. ANNA n. <l u r LL 1 N , treasurer of the c i t i z e n • group, objects to use o( the word ''laundered," but admlts she "never·tooked at the su~ ject in that Ught" when asked by Gateway's at\omey God· frey Munter if the g r o u p \Vasn't trying to cheat 01,1 taxes. "It never occurred to me that they (cootrlbutors) would make the check out (to the Sierra Club Foundation) so that it would be tax deduc- tible," Mrs. Quillin 6aid in a deposition. Amish men \l'ea r no buttons on their I'~-------. --- jackets. Buttons \l'ere militaristic in the old country. They're unacceptable. •-------------------.;. ___________________________ '"':::' _________ ., Can -you name at least three of the things the s ix blind men of Hindustan thought the elephant-was? Those. s i :ii: things are: A wall, a spear, a snake, a lree, a fan, a rake. PAllKED CARS Q. ''What proportion of the cars in this country are parked indoors nightly~" A. Exactly 54 percent. It's \1Jidely known that the Saluki of Arabia is the old· est breed of dog. They're sold y,·orldv.ide, now. But up to a fe\v score years ago, they \l'eren't sold. ever. 'They wourid up at new homes in no other \Vay than as gifts by their Arab owne rs. It has been proven. too. that a statistical majority of the illegitimate children. if they cared to do so, could trace their beginnings to the interiors of automobiles. That item most often shoplifted for resale is the cigar- ette carton ... Liquor dulls your color perception, coffee sharpens it .. .lt y,·as the Chinese, too, who invented the first toothbrush ... Average woman sleeps 26 years. I'm to!d ... l\1edical researchers say they now can immunii:e rabbits against syphilis. SENTE~CES Tests have: shown !hat sentence or eight words is ve ry easy to read ; of II \\'ords, easy: of 14 words, fairly eas~': of 17 wo rds, standard: of 21 words. fairly diffiCU!t: Or 25 words. difficull : of 29 or more words. very difficult. This means the foregoing of 43 words is just about impossible. Sorry. Address m~il to L. lit. Boyd, P.O. Box 1875, Ne w- port B,eac_h,, G'al1f. 92660. In Sunday's Fan1ily Weekly: Complete Pullout-and-Save Section: Super Solutions For Bedrooms and Family Rooms "1/lthough u:e spend a 1hird of our live.sin bedroo"1s, t-liry alu·ays see1n to be the rlJ'Jnts u1e decorate last ... -1111{ • a.~ for /a,,1ily rvorns, 100 ofl e11 they're stiU a junlo 1lrp11t jor J11.r11i.sh.ifl!;S that ltn1;c lus/ j f/vor in. olh.er roo111s. /!u11' tu ch fln ;:e all 1/1111 . /lt1 d 11 01 have it cost a fortunl!'!i' FamilyWeeklywomen 's editor Rosalyn Abrevaya believes that the bedroom sho1:1ld otter the most in physical comfort and visual charm, according to the individual ta stes of the occupants. And that the family room has come of age. Easy -care materials and multipurpose furniture have made possible EA. Twin sire bedspread • ELEGANT BEDRUOM ENSEMBLE Add the Mediterranean touch to your deco< with 'Madrid' co- ordinates. All machine wash and dry easily. Features a quilled-to- the-floor bedspread with jumbo welting. Color choice. Fun size bedspread .. 13.88 Queen size bedsptead 22.88 King Ii.le bedspread . 24.88 &3" L drapery . . . ..... 1!1.18 PA. 84" L drapery ......... 9.88 PA. 39-L cefe ............ 4.88 PR. ON SALE NOW THRU SATURDAY, SEPT. 29th ~ ,,,;,,. (lOD") KM"' ..... FOAM-BACKED DRAPERIES Trimly tailored pinch-pleated style,. foam-insulated for year 'round comfort in a textured ncqiron weave. 'Sierra' is avail· able in lovely decorator colors. Sintl• width (50")11.63" lont 10.00 rt. x72"t, 14" lon9 .12.00 rR. Width 1nd 1 half (75°') 163" lo"I . , . . ....... 19.00 PR, xl4"' lone ........ 21.00 r11. Double width (100") x63" lol'll . . . . _ . . . . . 24.00 PL r-width• aitd 1 li•lf (125") 114" loftl . 35.00 rtt Tri,le width (150'1•14" lo"f 42.00 PR. Matchint v1l1nce 152"•13'1 .. S.00 , •. ~"•ilffMlll.n-• H•W llKU ,,.._, ~ ioocl•...i · )O",M "C.,fn ·' ; :_ .. NO-IRON CAFES AND SHORTIES , Create exciting window decor by : mixing and matching these per· , manent press cafes and shorties. "1'.EFJ,;j 'POOblo' in cot1on knit with knitted J.>: ; geome1ric trim. 48'" pleated width per pr. 54'' L Shorties .... 6 .97 PR. 63'' L' Shortle• .... 7.97 PL Vala'\(• ........ 2.57 EA. . INDIAN,INSPIRED COORDINATES Truly American in feelif19 ... natural cotton hop= sacking coordinates printed with ·Aztec' Indian motifs. Easy care , .. just machine wash, tumble SAVE TODAY ON EVERY SIZE 23" ...... ,.; ... , .. PR. M"l- HAND·LOOMED LOOK IN OPEN-WEAVE DRAPERIES Add beau1y· to rooms wiltl-fashion colors in 'Pasadena·. Machine wash, drip dry, little-iron: rayoof- co!ton /acetate/polyestet drapes gracefully. Single wilfttl SO" 63" lengtlu ...•. , . 1.44 Pl. Width and 1 ha lf 75 .. 63" length , . . . 1S.44 Pl. 14" ''"'"' ..... 11.44 "· Double width lOOH 63" l•ntttl . . ... , ..... 20.44 Pl. 84" l•n1th _ 23.44 ,L Double width and 1 h•lf 125°' 29.44 r1. Triple width 150" 14" lt"91h 36.44 "· j l'llKE cur 12% TO i 4·;. NOW! Deut.I• width f .. "J • M "L DRAPERIES WITH THE "dry and they're as ffesh as new: ' \ 54" L SHORTIES .•.....•....... 3.97 .._ 63'' L SHORTIES ....•...•••••... 4.57 PR. tLEGANl"VELVET·lOOK ". PR. The 'crushed velvet look' adds en~ gant touch to any decor. 'Plush' in ricll colors to use alone or with undef- sheers. Hold backs not Included. Single width (48~) x 83"L .••. 13.74 PR. Single width (48~) x 84-L .... 17.74 PR. Sing .. •nd Half width .. (75") M IS"L .... , ........... 23.74 PR. Slngl• I half width (7S") • M "L. . . .......... 21.74 PR. Double width (16~) x IS3~L ... 30.74 PA, Austri•n val•nce 48" wide ... 8.IM EA. SHEER 'AUSTRlA' UNDERPANELS of Dacron•·· polyester wlth ·SOt\. 1hadow stripe and loop fringe. 42~ wide per panel; 63",84"L ............. 5.14EA. f e!ega~t environments tl)at adults can revel in. Look --------· • · ·for ttns-very ·sJ11!ciat ·cotor ~~C'tlon;-crammed· with Piiiow sham ...... 3.~8 EA. V1lance .. 2.1 8 EA. ·-specific techniques and ideas for adding a new spark to these two very important parts of the house. '•' e REAL BARBARA RUSH -(Is a well·known n1ovie·1'V star \Vho "never really made.it to the top of her profession." Barbara Rush talks more candidly than you mig ht expect o n career nlar· ri3:ge a~d children proble1ns in Peer J. c)ppen· he1mer s Star Chat • • HIGH HEAL TH COSTS -One or the world's best kno '''" \\'Tiling doctors. Dr. Frank Slaughter cr1tlquec; the :\nlerican 1nedical system and coin'. plaUl S that. after spending more On health than 4-n)' other cou ntry, the U.S. is still '·sick'' v.·hcn compared to some lesser nations. All Coining S uucl ay \Vit h The , [ DARY PILOT I For slt·~n or Sl~nd-up ironing. Has 11 comfort-level·helghts, 23 10 36". Open mesh top for (X)C)I .. ness, non•stip plastic feel. . th f rth t DOYOU•NOWGIWlf01YIW:'. e more or your moneyswo s or •Oeooralorlampsandlighting lllHllM EAST JUUllTOI HUITllOTOI IUCH SU SllMlllTI tt•turea U~ Awt. •t Stat• Colltte 101N LIHI 11•4. 1t lrtdford lroH.hvnt Awt. 11 A4""• s..n Oie,. ,.,, 1t t..ft1,.. 4t titr•ll• • Broadlqom and area ruga In• wide range of colors. designs , MOST ITEM'S AVAllAllt AT • Furniture fo_ravery room in the ~1601" .. t. 11...-""4• ,,.,o,.11111 Vello,.&wy_,~ 11 1 - ware amina of th ~ plants defect opera FD and er amina place mont • ''tho . . ... · . • Canned Mushrooms F3:ce U.S. Study WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Food nnd O r u g Admi nistration has ordered a nationwide examination of all canned muahrooms allll in warehouses after a n ex- amination revealed that half of the mushroom canning plants In the country bad derectlve equipment or operating procedures. FDA Commlnloner Alex- ander ~1. Schmidt sakl the ex- amination. which will take place during the next two mont hs, Is the result of a · ''thorough investigation of all , .. . -.--..... ,.... ---~--. ;;:[!J))-' . .... ' ~·· \' YOU SAVI $47 known mushroom processing plants." He added that the a,ency had worked with the com- panies to make necessary Im- provements and that the firms involved have instituted new mandatory safeguarda. ,BUT IN Tl:IE meantime, the agency said It will lnapect mushrooms turned out before the safeguard went into effect a nd which are stored in more than 5,000 warehouses around the country. The FDA said any consumer who find1 a can ... 36800 VRVET COVERED 4-PC. LIVING ROOM GROUP Madrkt-group lncludet: sofa, IOYeMet, chair, end ottomao. Aayon;eo1ton wlvet upholltery with t.apealry prinV•olld color Combination. Potl1hed wood accentl. or n1whrooma that (I leaking, ubnonnal or swollen should not open the can and should alert any nearby FDA office. Schmidt said the FDA was confident .. that mushroom proceuors can now produce a safe product. Howeve r, becawe of a series of recent recalls caused by botullnum contamination. we believe It ls necessary to expand our ex· amination to all outstanding mushroom stocks c a n n e d be r or e industry-wide cor- rective measures were in- stituted." YOUR CHOICE . AID e agency's food lnapectlon resources may be committed to the mushroom project. "We hope to find no problems. If we do find problems, ad- ditional recalls will b e sought," he said. The FDA began Its lnteo!ive study of the mushroom situa- tion after five separate mushroom processors recalled their products earlier-thi.s year because of conta mination with "type-C" botulinum. The botulinum poison can 427.~~ attac · e ctn nervous ll)'Sten1 and In some cases 1nay result In dea th. No death.s t n tfJRl aoy of 1he rec a l led mushroo1ns this year. Veterans' Day Retur1ied SACRAMENTO AP) Gov. Reagan bas s i gned legislation returning Veterans Day to its traditional Nov. 11 obser\•ance. The --holid8y had 6 e e n observed recently on the fourth fl.fonday in October to provide an additional three- 298~1R day ~·eekend, but s o m e veterans groups pressed for a return to the Nov. 11 dale. The bill by Assemblyman Kennelll MacDonald, 10.0jal). declares that if NOY: '1 f falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be declared a s~le holiday. 7-PC. MEDITERRANEAN DINING ROOM PERMANENT PRESS LAUNDRY PAIR A. Each beaullful piece crafled of sturdy hard- woods,.hand rubbed to a glowing rich brown finish. Spacious china deck with 1-door, glass shelves, and light. China base, 42x58" oval ·table-extend!>~o-·70"· with-leaf,-and 3 ·aide chairs, 1 arm chair. 7~PC. 'YERSAILLE' DINING ROOM B. Elegant French Provincial styling with fruit- Wood cherry finish on selected hardwoodi:. China deck with glass shelves and light, china base, 42x5811' oval table extends to 7011' with 1211' leaf, plus 1 arm ~hair and 3 side chairs. Walher-automatlc cold waler spray before the spin cycle keeps permanent press wrinkle-free. 2 wash ahd rlnH speeds; 3 temperat ure selections. Electric Dryer-~O mloute cool-down protect& permanent press from heat-set wrinkles. 3. temperatures. . -WAIHll An-w· HTii ... ~-........••.....• stuo-•• • ~44800 25"DIAG.M CONSOLE TV WrtltSINGLE TOUCH COLOR WtdMsday, Srpt~mbrr 26, l'J7J DAILY PILOT J ., must uy, Mt. Bask11Nilla, we Nd axp11eted ~ largof, •• Strong Bean1s Ariti-Crime Light_ May Hurt Plnnts BELTSVILLE. Md . (APl - High-intensity sodium lights that are beini installed in many cities as a crime deter- rent could harm nearby trees and shrubs. according to a federal report. Dr. Henry ~1. Cathey, direc- tor of the Agriculture Department's Ornamentals Laboratory in Beltsville, said the bright red lltht emitted by the lamps causes plants to "re-sort" messages they normally receive from the en· vironment. "For example, in the fall , the shorter days and lower nighttime t e m_p er at u re s usually tell a ttte to gO dormant. But the increased light from the sodium lights tells the tree, "Keep growing," Cathey said. HE SAID THE Agriculture Department study, the first of its kind, tested the responses or 22 species or plant life to various types of s t r e e t lighting. Among the plants tested \Vere maples, elms, lindens and sycamores. All are co1nmonly planted in cities. -He-said the study-showed that mercury lighll, tho lype used for years lo llght city stref:ts, had no effect on the plants since they give off no red light, the only kind plants can "read." The sodium JamPf .showed a ~,reat amount of red light and, thus, potential dan1er to the plants, cathey said. CATHEY SAID the sodium lamps produce a p-olonged growth cycle that can have two repercussions for a tree. "'A tree can be killed If an early cold spell hits before the plant is dormant," he said. "And since less dormancy means more groWth, the tree is more smceptlble to the effects d.. air pOllution." While a tree Is growtng, its leaves open and become filled with moisture, allowing them .lo catch more pollutants, Cathey said. "What all lhis means is that sodium ·tanips-ire best -avohf.· ed by moot plant Ute," he said. "Ught alone can't kill a t,..., but loo much of the wroog kind of light can leave a tree open lo other [iotentlally lethal elements." CATHEY SAID tilt recently completed study covered a rel8.tively short pericJd .. He said a five-Ye<ar study ol the ef- fects ·Of sodium lights OD young plants soon may be undertaken. He~said-4he-l>OlentlaLpn> blem could be alleviated by In- stalling a deflector in the lamps lo keep llle light away from plants: ''The idea is s.imple," he said. "H you hive a ·tree next to a street JamPt don't abine the light .. the tree. Shine lt where the people walk." Feline Mutt Dog Lear1is Tree-climbing 367 tro Puati one button to lock In lifelike color i.nstantly, every time. Instant picture and sound, too. Pecan finish Mediterranean cabinet. ....._._.,...,_,-..._TY~ LANSING, Mich. (AP) - The 1trange thing about Sam, a -4$-pound mongrel dog, ls that he learned a trick from cats: how to climb trees. said It's unusual, but not wtbeard of, for clop to climb ~ trees. ~He-11,ld IDBllY coon hounds cllmb Ines ln .. arch ~• ... - ,. I IA. GROUP 1 YOUR CHOICE 5-PC. LISBON BEDROOM A. Full or queen-size headboard, trlple dresser baae, framed plate glass· mirror, aind two 2-·. drawer night stands. Mallow pecan griln flnleh on selected hardwoods and simulated wood overlays. Antiqued hardware. 5-PC. ALTANERO-·BEDROOM I. Modlt'1ranean styled group lncludos: full pr (iueen--sln headboard, triple drHser baae, mirror\ and two 2~rawer night stands. Dark grained oak finish on selected . h•rdwOO!ls hand-rubbed to a rich glow. An~qued metal hardware. (Twin mirrors 1vail1ble) GUif AVAILAlll POI IACH HOUP r AWl!Jl.2 PIK am 8800 HERCULON" COVERED _,,--...,,RECLINER ·' ... Restful recllner uphol.: ·~\, ;:~. atered in long-wearing . ~,•: ; fabric Qf Htrculon• olefin , ii'..:=:. fiber with stain reilst- '}i :·~ :: anoe BUILTalN. No·aag ~ ·· · steel springs. ~-:;:> 228 00 4-CHANNEL SYSTEM WITH TAPE AM'FM stereo and 4-ehannet radk>; built-in tape P!ayer for stereo and 4<h~I\ 4 alr-suspell" sion speakers -4 separate aUde YOtume con- trols, too. A sound value. · 348 00 19" DIAG. M PORTABLE COLOR TV A TV you can move from room to r.oom tQ enjoy color anywhere In the house. TWin antennae; carry- ing handle. A big value you can . ·carry homo todayl e more for your mone. sworth store DO YOU rNOW GWIT CITY IW: • cfutif IN A DD~EAIES •TABLE APPLIANCES ...... NUIJIHTOI llACH wr FUWITOll SAi cuun ~A"' 11111,. ~ .......... A". ot U-IOtM Un4o lltl. at Ir-lao Ditto fwy. at CaollM llo l•tnllt • MAJOR HOME APPLIANCES _,,,.... ,. .... , •• UllJA 111. 201 L 4'1111. -------------.. __ ... I • "Now, Sam!," cried Rowland Heck, who Jives on a farm jlllt north of Lansing. THE BLACK DOG raced 20 feet and lea~. His paws churned as be clambered six feet straight up to the crotch of a maple tree. . "A rew days ago, he was on a limb 20 feet ln the air. He lost hi• focitlng and illlwn be came," Heck said. "He limped on three legs'for a while, but then he "-ent up the tree again." Heck said the do&, about 3 years old, showed up about two years ago . and was adopted promptly. A year ago, Heck said Sam began chasing the family·s cats up an apple tree, which is relatively eall)' to climb. Heck sald that, arter a while, the cats apparently decided they wouldn't run, so dog and cats became friends. JIOWEVER, SA~I k e p t climbing trees. He seldom goes bac k to the easy apple tree but _ concentretes_on tbr® maple trees . ~ Dr. Robert Schirmer, associate chairn1an ol small animal surgery and medicine at Mlchlga.Q State Universil9. of tbelr PT<Y· But be said It is more IDlUSUal that the dog would climb for amusement, without any parllcular stimulus aucb u chasing • cal Perhaps, Schirmer suqeated, S a m climbs to (Ol •ttentloo. - Police Suit Thrown Out SA~ RAFAEL (AP) -A Superior Coor! judge has dismissed William Bermett's $2 million damage suit against the Satl38litQ Police Depart4 ment because the State Board of Equalization chairman fail· ed to sOOw up for two deposi· lion hearings. Marin County Su perio r C:Ourt Judge Henry J . Broderick said he also fined Bennett $350 for failing to ap- pear for deposltiOll bearlnp Aug. 29 and 30. Bennett's suit wu based on his arrest on a drunk driving charge in_ Sausalito ~P.ril ~ 1971. A jury fotlnd Bennett gullly but Municipal Coorl Judge Robert A. Smallman 11ld he dldn't agree and set aside the verdict. EXECUTIVE WIRE WEEK DAYS SAT. AND SUNDAY 7:15 AM 8:15 AM -1----1 0 8 ON YOUI FM DIAL KAPX NIWI ••• MUSIC RADIO SPOMSOllD IT1 ·STATI MUTUAL SAYINGS 615 L.flUT-ST.-SUI LA JOLLA It.YD~-• TUSTIN LA JOLLA • ' ' .l If DAILY PILOT If Sick, ee p To Self Are you sick? Keep your Ill- ness to younrself. This is a good rule. Of course. there are some exceptions. Your family should know. Husband should not keep anything from wife, and vice versa. "Protecting" one another from the "bad news" only complicates and ag- gravates existing problems. Another exception. W h e n fiOJding a responsible posi[ion~ it is only fair to warn one's superiors that e n f o r c e d resignation Jl13Y be .close at hand due to inability. to work. But don't go aroW'ld telling friends and m e r e ac- quaintances that something -ails you. JLirSt thing you know you'll carry an illness label for the rest of your life. ll can become difficult to y,·ear after a while. DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I've made a big mistake. I've told a lot of people that I've been having angina attacks. Although I feel fairly well when I don't overexert, I'm reminded ~II the time that I'm praclically an invalid. At least a dozen times a day I'm asked, "How afe you feel- ing lately? Do you still get the DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE chest pains? Are you taking good care of your.se l f ? Angina's nothing to f o o I ?iround with, you know." When people see me they stare as it sizing up my medical liabilities and assets. "You're looking peaked today. Don 't you feel well?" As I said, I.should have kept it between my wife and me. Now ihat it's in the open I feel like I'm on display. Some sort 01-·meaical piece in a museum that people can stop in front of and comment upon. My reason for this letter. Wtd~day, Septtmbtr 26, 1CJ73 (= Lew l'ri,~ct~·~~ ... lati THRiFTY COTTON BALLS s114 ·BUFFERIN ·Botti• of . ggc , .100 Tablets • • • • • • • •1 27 Hemorrhitidal Ointment 1-0z. eac . PREPARATION H •••••• 81 63 TRIAMINIC Decongestant 1128 4-0z. Syrup • • • ~ I s1e9 .Bottle·of 60 $ ·o·NE ·A·DAY Multiple Vitamins 144 I:"' Plus Iron•••••• . 81 66 JOHNSON'S . 12Y2:01. Baby · s129 Shampoo • • • • · . Sf 44 MODESS-sanitary Napkins ggc ~I Regular or Super 40's • • 6·0•. Spray . 7JC Foot Deodorant • • • PRICU GOOD THRU TUii. ,Filagnt Deluxe · Metal Photo Frames 5x7 or 8x10 In. Size With non-10ml1h d.c:Oro. tive frome• -IOl'ne with non.glare glo11 U1ed on fin• portrai11, painting-. ma...., mut.eum workt. i11 the two belt 1ellinog 1lre1. Replace your-old from•• • whMe 1lock110111 87"-*r' Beclrlc Applillce Sale Rag. '1448 Ceramic Tall Table Lamps With 3-Way Switches • Cl ... l•M 1• Wlllte er LIMn se 8 7 • P.,.411 I• btl.11t Gel4 & OllYt • ''"'"' I• llM-4h·ff• er s .. r..nt • A11nrt1 i• fl•• w llM/Gr ... • NtlrlHM I• ON1111 •r Wel11•t••• ShoP eorly for be1t 1elee1lon • while •toe.kt 10111 8444 18" Designer Parsons Tables • PILDT·ADVERTISEit .. 45-Plece Service for I • 1 lllfff Pl1tts • I lfn• l lltt1r1 $2188 •llnfs · • l Clfs I S11c1ttt • 1 n. '"'"'" c..1114 -Sapr, Y911t1W1 11'111, 11" Plalltr Reg. 59c lo 79c ea., Plasuc Housewares •S9Mf.,tori•S1-1... Buy 3 & Save 77c to $1.37 Dr. Steincrohn. is to ask you to-write a column warning· your readers' -if ever they get sick -to keep it in the family. Illness ought to be a specially private affair. Do you agree? -l\1r. W. (X)ft.fMENT: I've said so before and it bears repeating. Severe illness should be an in- tensely personal a f f a I r . Otherwise, as you've men- tioned, 1'1r. \V ., it soon becomes "community prop- erty." Everybody ls in on it. • $9.41 fMterM THlltl' Grtot for indoor or ovt· 7' I ~ k ------+-----------------------· ::::::~= $666 ti:~!·~~~=~~·~~~ $299. : ~:~ ~=ri:~:£:,, .• ,. 3 $1. a ppU011c•1 -.with 1he ~ Th.rmoplo1tie. h.-mble • 6tc 11 o.ert P•ilt I 2c EFFERDENT . 4 bor-1o•ino feotwre• yow i11 o riffy. Whi1• tklcb • 19' DIP•n• Pack of 20 _ "'"· '"' '"'""''";"• · _ u. ""' • "' '""''~ c.;,,... FOR L •Ste Pit PM•en Denture Taolets • ii foo~~-~~-~-~-+-----------+..;,;;,;,,;,~;;,;;,----;.;.;--ol 11111.11•11 ..... • I admit that friends, tried and true. may show actual concern for your well-being. But too often, others show on- ly superficial and phony in- terest. They couldn't care less how you really feel , 81°5 DRISTAN Bottle.of 24 . BBC Decongestant tablets• • If you haVe an ul cer, keep it to yourself. Otherwise, when \'OU sit down to eat. their eyes Will be on your plate to check on your diet. If you have a bad gall blad· der, you'll not dare butter your toast in their presence. You 'll feel guilty. And likewise, with any other illness you broadcast to curious ears. You become a~ exhibit to be talked about and "bothered.·• Do you have liver trouble? Aren 't you allowed to drink? \Vhen offered one just say, "No, thanks" -you don't have to add, "It's because my liver is bad.'' I repeat: Illness should be a private affair. It should be kept in the family, DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: J'm considered attractive ex- cept for one fault: 1 have bags under my eyes. They make me look dissolute. As if I'm up night after night drinking and carousing. I'm only 28. I've had these bags since I've been a little girl. I want to go to a cosmetic surgeon. How do I find a good one? -Miss X. C01\L\tENT: The best wa y is not to pick one out of the yellow pages. In order to get one who is able, ask your own family physician to recom- mend an expert plastic surgeon. Jf he can 't help you ask for b•idg•. mo1t gom11 -mok• your own P<1n dee~ Mod• in the U.S.A. While 11ockl 1011. Sale of *3.49 Volt Fool Balls • All Weatber Footb•lls 11 " Jr. Size Fotlb•lls To~r s1ss Cho1ct Officio[ al1e and -igl11 boli1 bu~t to tQk• plenty of rugg•d u1e. !.tort 1he 1eoton wi•h o n•w on• ••. .ave S 1.50 In big Sole. Buy 3 and Save 8111111'1 C"*8-s6 Proof Straight ··~ 3 fifths sg15 for Mtllow on cf full bodiH .;. a good miff1' oncf gr110t HQ<I rh• . roc~1". ~a list of such surgeons from Ua-, ..... n ... 1r your local hospital, or from 11191·1 U-J r:: .. the secretary of your medical .. c--._ society. -· .... I'm• glad you've made the . women's long -fleeced Rabat sees Supple ltflther·liltt vinyf up- P''" Platform Mll11, h111il1 ;,.,: bore back or bock ttrop; ,1t,'l•L 5'10 In co!or1 whll• •toe kt Jo1t, All firit quO~ty , , • double mtrror11 r•gulor on oM 1ldt, mo91"lfyjng on oth.,. fa.. makeup & 1havlng. Whlle 11ocks 10111 decision, instead of suffering Miiky W•r •1 9 until you're 50 or 60 and ask-• M & M Chec•l•t• 4 1 .. ,. vt\11,..elr. "Why didn 't 1 • C.v1r14 '"'"'ta "'" ,._. .,., k NAllUUOll have It done years am when l • • • ''''" · COflTAIMIU was much younger?'"'. ~ hlcll•rs Crunchy mo1T1d ·7· I c 1'1111~. Ctll!trt Experiment and find out 11 ~lvidltolly wtop/M bon ... coo1.ct -1th rkh • llC•lllF ,... ~ 4 $5 FOR .... '15" fl'llll h4R.ll'-• $ ~193 R11.*411 ... 72dl"llllklll 100% Acrylic in Stripes or Sollcls $333 24" -----'2" llllllPll • *'-' IKl'll Cllllilll llcrll ® 1811 FllWI ... Sliaf ftrb • I llHlr ltrU •I liiMs - • 1 l;.,s- . • 11 TU"''" • , s.pr s•1n • t lllltff l1il• ·• "Monolo911•" or . "fl,,.,.~ While 'llOdit lmtl 111.'1 21 llCll'llll TnrTIMll .93c Kh'lg lllze ttoyt with 21 lr\•l.SV." 1ervln9 otea ••• MW deti"M in baled-on eno,,,,.i wflll • bfaetloM lega. In 1erotchpr·eof, grolned Dork Sponl1h Oak flnl1h, with hondtome "carved iaolt" doon. . Spanish Oak Finish 6' Library Units • I .ot II•-Siii lo T i:o''iii"iii"0:.":::'-~.::::=::::1= for weight wo1cller1I k· curOI• & d.pendoble. In JGold, Gr.*'1, White. GM. yeort of ••~e. .............. '·'' c°"'°" & rovon .,.,. """""'•2•• to poly fMm fot gr••ter llr.r!tfh, b!QM llfe . lrow11, Gold, Gre•11, Mefon. 60•7r Sltf. 5f .... lllPICPllt iMerlml 2 pr. 88C· '1447 --- WlltMlllPal s91a Sfrorlg alumlnulft fto~ hokh cltfflfortoble I~" lhick IOIOl!lell, folds • ~ awoy compoct~. AJwoya o Mloufl Whl• 1tockt ~ .. '!4'FmllllllllP f11'11Mlll , .. _ 8117 All pwpoM, kMol Mp rnott fpt kid .... lltlght colonl S-lb: 'f\0\¥ • Whllt·Stoek1 lat1, ....... ~ .. ~·· .............. ' • ' ' I h '· • r • • • ' ' • ,/ ' '" •• ~- ... " • 'I ,1., ' ". 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LOS ANGELES !AP) -What's wrong with the Trojans? Not VerY much, it•would &tern, frorlt & -r 2-0 r.-d lhal maln!alns !he UniverOl!y ' team played well enough to be No. 1: the offemive line for the team's lack of a. Wednesday ana say, 'this is the teum.'" llis answers have ranged with bla dominant rushing attack. He attributed While the Trojans offense hasn't mood from negative to positive to "l this to injuries and the heat and humidity overpowered anyone, lhe dcleme has yet don't care." But he always returns to the of Atlanta, ... where he kept shuffling in """""'itO giV'e up n toucbdo.wn, but McKay . fmh players. observed: of Sou&bem CallComla .. top viot In col· philosophy that Nol l is No. 1 ~Jong as •4We've got a lot or good p\ayers," be "I doubt that it's that good. Neither tege football rankings. It continues wln11ing, no mat~r bow it .sa\d, "but what is the team ?' Arkansas nor Georgia Ttch is going to But p>ach J~n McKay, wpose ~m wins. .-' ·.. McKa)' listed se\ieral Injured linemen score very many points this year. races elghlh·ra'nked OklahOnia Sat~,.• 'J'he olfen11e ha,s been inconsistent, 1-'-4 1"!~P.~1!.1°J.St~e Knuts®. Rill@al{l "I think ~ry Switu:r tOklahoma night, believes the im Trojans have a averaging,.. POtot£: a game when last :u....and.:iitid;'"JnBJjf 1Jl"Obably #a:f agalnsl toach ' is like all coaches \li1ho play us. long way to go to equal the unit-ttrat rqJI~ year's Jeam .. ~yer-a~d nearly 40. Oklahoma. lie couldn't say for sure on First he tells his players how many good ed to a 12-0 record and the national' "Maybe we re,.a.lJlttle overconfident,'' the status of tailbacks Rod br1cNeilJ and players we have, and when we don't champ\onsh.ip laat eeason. ~ McKay said TUesdlly, "or maybe trying Allan Carter. .t score 40 points, he says USC is a 'lime After' each vlctorY, 17-0 over Arkansas . to get a lot of guys in and out took away ''Over tile long haul ," he said the (re-bomb.' and 2U over Georgia Tech, McKay~ cohesion." qucnt subsfltutions "will help us, but I ''\Vho knows'? 1'-faybe th& lime bomb ts "I've said il before and J'll say it a~in: If we're going to win 1hls year, we re b'Oing to struggle. We're not ntak· Ing the big -play runnlngwlse . We're not getting the blocking for the pitch play. rf'm not that inventive a coach to say, 'Boys. lay down out there so we can run !he play.'" The Trojans. ,he said. cannot replace first-round pro draft choices Charles "i:'oung at tight end and Sam Cunningham at fullback. "We replaced 'em with medium-sized guys whose chance of gel· ting drafted by ·the pros is one in 10 billion." asser Nationally Formtr Newport llarbor High and Orang& Coast College quarterback Alvin White is the second leading passer in the nation at Oregon State based on yards per completion after two starts. White is averaging 20.5 yards per com· pletion in 41 of 94 attempts for 367 yards. had lo answer the quesUon otwhc,!Jifbis, ~l~y.blamed~d".Quale blocking .by still.I °""'"".; ;:o... Ollt on :rue.day-<II'-defused. • ,, • <) • 1· ..,......,,,.___,.~------------------------------/ t. \ " 'i • •. I" ,• Army's Kingsley Fink leads the col· legtate world with a 23.0 mark. Fink ha.! completed 23 of 35 for 326 yards. -Brat>es Sruggel' Hitless Aaroq Confident • • f' He Ca:q "T.ie Mat k AT~A (Kl'T -"I still feel 1' hav~ a chance," say11 ltank ·Aaron. "I think I • can hit two homers irf four games." Those are the magic ftgum remaining for the 39--year-old Atlanta Braves' star as he attempts · to equal Babe Ruth's lifetime recOrd of 714 home runs before the end of the 1973 season. Aaron, who helled No. 712 Saturday night at. Houston_, W"3t hltless in four ny by Marty 1Pl!rtz·that chased home an unearned run . Aaron bounced out twice, fooJed out · ooce and brought the crowd of tt,211 to its feet in the seventh with a Jong drive to deat1 center, spell.red by Willie Davis on the warning track. "l thougbt hf: bad it," Sutton said. "I thought it was gone. lt really jwnped. I was getting rea«Ur to tell people . how I felt. And, he hit a good pitch." Dodgers :Slate Aaron · said he didn't think it'O.was out Ano-... 111': , ... , ''because 1 didn't follow through on it." Sepl. 2' LOI ""9tln et Allante S p.m. Sept. 21 LM Allvelet et At11111e • 11.m. Sutton gave Aaron a tantalizingly slow s..it. n Los Moe!tt er Sen Pleoo 7:75 i>.m. pilch in , the fourth inning which Ham· trips against Los Angeles right-bander merin' J1ank too.k for a ball. Doc sutton 1\lesday night.as the Dodgers "I haven't seen it before, I dort't know whJpped the Braves, 5--1. what it was '1,od I don 't particularly like .,When Sutton has coq.trol, be can be ii," said Dodgers manager WaU Alston. one ot. the toughest 1o the Nation·ai Sutton called it a "slop drop" pitch, Leagtje," Aaroo said. saying, "I try to mess With Henry's mlii'd Suttm had it all Tuesday night, as much as I can because he dam suhimre yiektina only four hits and losing h1s messes. with ,mine . I try to give . shutout 1n the eighUt inning 00 a sacrifice. , 8!'1Detl\ing be s nevet ~en before every ~-..,--time l><face •h.im." Som~ asked Sutton if he might not Stanford's J\.tike Boryla is third \.\'ith 17 .5 Y.Brds. Boryla has completed 35 of 59 for 394 yards per completion stat. Oregon Slate, Army and Stanford are winless. Oregon State, seeking its fil'!lt win Qf the season after two star1s, is at Brigham Young Saturday afternoon in a non-conference tilt. e lflou11ts Spilled POMONA -Three jockeys esca~ serious injury Tuesday when their mounts spilled them during the seventh race at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds. The incident started when La Sierra Mary moved away from the tall in the first turn , clipped the heels of anoth'er horse and fell throwing jockey Buford Mills. Right behind La Sierra Mary, Dream or Jeanie also went to the track as jockey Rudy Rosales jwnped clear. But jockey Robby Kilborn was thrown when hls mount, A for Us, was unable to avoid La S0ierra f.1ary and fell. · Rosales walked away while Mills and Kilborn were both examined at the track hospital and released. Kilborn com- plajned of chest pains. . -. e· Favorites Ad·1Janee NILES, Ill. -Die Nastase ol 1!4mania; John Newcombe of Australia and Marty Riessen of Evanston, Ill., defeated their opponents in straight sets to lead in the $50,000 Tam International tennis tourna· ment. Top.seeded Nas!ase OOwned JaJ Zingh of Indian 6-4 , 6-4. E H I S be acetied of laying it up there for . x. a OS I • tal' A~7'!ike Hank penonally and respect his RUSTY STAUB OF THE METS BEATS THROW \0 FIRST AS HAL BREEDEN REACHES FOR BALL. Newcombe beat hls fellow countryman Barry Phillips.Moore 6-4, 6-J. And Riessen· beat last year's national junior champion, 19-year-old Vitas Gerulaitis or New York 6-3, 6-3. · · ~ ability," Sutt.on said. "But I wouldn't lay G :: R" · it in there for my brother. I'm not going ets. ' ev. en_U" e lo laJ it in there for hiJTI. But you don't ~ have .lo lay It in there for !ilil>· Hank 1 · 1 Aaton.'s goMa break the' recor.d." ; W•th K Hit What about a spitter to Aaron? I ey S.:X: J:.~~i:,.~" ~~~~h. my mind," · . The DOOgen scored twice in the first In May of 1973._ Jim Spencer received inning w,hen .Tom Paciorek doubled home the sbclick ..r hls Ii(~. one nm and scored on Steve Garvey's iJr Aftd . nearly nme , sea~ in the field single. Ron Cey then belted a ~ Callf<m1.a Angeli organizauon, Spencer "'nui homer in the ninth his 15th of the found ~mselt dispatched. in. a trade to year -.A ' ll•!;1T'f.: =· .. S 'd "I Th~ clubs meet again tonight. aqd , 8« ~· ~cer sai · Thursday llighL Aaron and' the B~ves WU) t upset or bltter1 JUst shocked. It end their seuon against H'ouston 8atur-~;;'1Jm':: .~ ~iare traded for the day and Sunday. . . Tueaday night a't Anaheim Stadium, L" All9ttu UI A+te111e (I} Ill t 111"111 Ill r~fllt . Rvt.Mll.ss ' 1 2 0 MPerw.u l 0 I I Pe(lcwek, H • I 1 1 Lum, rf 4 I 1 0 WOevlt,d , ·:I D 0 0 EYln&.Jb • 0 0 0 F"1iJl/tOn, c J 1 1 O HAaron.11 • 0 O 0 • Angela Slate All ..... • ICMP'C (nil WCrawtorll,tf 4 e o o hkt1',d J o o • Sid, 2'1fnet •t Celtfonlle 7:SS p.m. Garvey, 111 ; J 1 1 1 OaJohntn. 2b 2 o e 0 $ept. 2>'M!Melole el CallfOrnla 7:15 P.'"· c.y, lit ' 1 2 J 1e-pectlno. Ill J e O O =:::i=::'t~t:.~r. ~~U~.~: l..9eY. 2b , o o o c..--•.c , 0 1 0 ~ sept, a .Ml.-ota .f CIM_!Ol-l!le --.:........ 1 :II p.111. SuWon. P • O t 0 0.tn, pit ( I I ,,.--FOflff,pr -t 1 0 0 PNIKro,p t 0 0 t Spencer rttumed and shocked his fqnner GoWJn. p11 1 o 1 • les ChNdle.p o o o o teamma . T..._, >c J '7 s iotels 'lt 1 • 1 He bounced a two-run single over-a .4 ·~tin~ : : m = t drawtt"in Angels 1nfield In the lofh .lnnlng · IE.I.I"•~•· Dl"-Los Antal" 1. Lo&-Los 1.nge~ and the Rangers went on to. a 4-1 :a~:~.r'i 'T;~;'°'.,!'~•rt-.· HR-c.y ~1~~ triumph thereby depriving Bill Singer of fP H • l!R •• so hi -•'WUI. Sutton f!N· 11-101 ' ' 1 o 2 1 S .uu.! • P. Hlekro CL, 1).101 I .S 2 2 I • "Sure It was gratifying to come back C1'Md"''"~ 5 ,_ 8 , ',.!,.,,•. •,,,,: 1 ·· -here and beat the guys,'' Speo~ con-. . --r u '''" e "· · · ...-, · teded. ~ "I was sun>rlsed to hear so m e cheers every time I came tt lhe plate.; It was nice to know the fans reiitembered me. It made me feel good." Bobby \Vinkles, the California skipper, V.'asn't feeling too good, however. "We pll!yed p00rly and executed poor- ly," he &aid. "Billy pitched a hell ol a game bot we didn't do much for him. We couldn't advance runners and \Ve didn't run the bases well. \Ver just didn't ex· eaite." The three-game series c o n c 1 u d ~ s tonight with Sonny Siebert, 7·12, working for Texas against former Ranger Rich Kand, 6-6. The Angels, with a lD-7 edge, have already clinched the season series between !he teams. Slnier, now 19-14, ''as striving to become onl{lbe 12th pifcher in 111ooern major league history and only me third stnce..'..1924 ~ to win-20. in:· both majQ.r leagues. lle hil lbe tnaglc mark In 11169 as a member of the i..o., Angeles ~ will have one fmal chance Saturday night against the MiMesota Twins. Smith Advances; Teams With Emo • AI.AMo. ea1u. -Top-seed<d s1an_ Smitl1 turned back Rick Fisher of Palo A1to, 6-2, 6-3 Tuesday in the featuted match ol the $50,000 Firemen's F\lld International tennis championthips, here .. Today Smith teams wlUt Roy EmerfJ>ll ol Newport Beach in a doubles mMcb against-Mike Estep and Fred McNair. In otber matches : Cli£! ~ llr)'s4ale. Soulh Africa, beat Estep, 6-2, 1-5; Roscoe Tanner beat Greg Shephatd 6-3, 6-4; Charles Pasarell1 beat Frew ~cMlllen, South Africa, 7~, , 6- 4; Ton>Ecllefsin and Miian Hol beat Bjorn Jlorg and Rolf Norberg, 7 , :Mi, 6- 4; Dick Bohrnstedl-and Miko Mll:helle beat J<iln Alexander and llaroon filhim, 7-S, s.&, 7~; Ray Moore and Oony Parun beat John Lloyd and Jc£! Simpson, 6-3, ~ 7, 7-6. • ' FAREWELL TRliUTE -,,..With bis arm around'.Mets o\Vner Mrs: Joan Payson "(lllie Mays jol<es wit crowd ann pho"fOi!raphers Tuesday night during farewell tribute at'New York's. Shea Stadium. Mays will retire as a player at the end of this season. -. IJ nothing else, Singer did cut hllrueU In od a lilUe history Tuesday night. J\nox ·Eyes ·49e;rs' Ai.r Game tie struck out three, ntMlng hJs season total of 234. Combined with teammate Nolan Ryan's 367 II gives Ute Angel duo a. total "'801 slrikeoul.t this year, the first ~11~:t:~~~:t:~:; .. llleu:: Abram1owicz Added to S.a•i Fra11cisco Roster mart. 1 ,, I 4, • I ,, • ,•' ' \ Tn•• ~, 11 ,111 C•llflml•,J.l)f""' ws ANGELES (AP)_ uJohn Brodie Orleans 5ainta was tradect to the 49ers won the divlstonaJ title three straight ~~:!:'.:." : 1 1 :: =~ 1 e:: lJoncoflh•bcstpasscrsin·theNatlonal 1\lesday [or wxliscl~ ?raft .choic~. yenrs.1;Jley.beatpmverlastSundayand ""''""'1'' 4 ' ' J ""•liuf!!.• 4 o io ' Foot···11 t.c"J -.~ ,, said Los Angeles Last ~ar. h,e led the Stunts ~tvers for might have beaten Mieml lbe week IHfletr, " ' o ' 1 1toi1nr. a 1 • 1 • U4I q\I\:, the filth straight year with seven. . rod' ·~·'\ ul! -• hea ~·,~' : : : & :~:;: i1 ! :.1 l conch Chuck Knox. touchdown receptions and a 17.6 iper be(~'!, B tc nauu 8 Cn.'U t pros. Cett1t.011 ' • • • •f'erlltf', 211 ~ o,; • ' Then ha learned the San Francisco catch avera~c. · tritlon. Madfotll, :It J 0 1 t ttrllOtt, C J 1 1 I -' Ra lfadiUonaJJ ha held °'" 1111111t1. c 4 • o • 11JtMa.,.. 1 • ~ • 4ten had added Danny Abramowici to San Franc sCQ. goes Into the gatrie with 'J'he. ms Y vc t.UC: ~':;.~'p : : rl rCN~llr, :i ~ : • ~ thclr ranks for Sunday's battle ag&lnSt a 1·1 rcconj and the Rams z..o but --upper hand agalnJ! the&" foes from the r:oi:euu, P o • o • P i • • • the undefeated A.ams· In candlcshck oddsmakers rate it as a toss·up. north . The series Is led by 'Los Angeles -···t•r':!~1 • ")'"4 •·.:. •• • 11''" _.. • ·! / .. 1. • · ·pj~1( ·~· ...... -.................. , . • . . .• .. Knox, In his first year. as head coach, 27·17·2 and the prcseason game this y~ar c.n~ c11t11i ~\ .... '\ c..":'..,... -1Lot ••Abramowlcz ls a heck of a football was asked if the two straight victories lo went to-the Rams by an OY rwhelo:ung "'" •· "'!::"" • 111-•-•· :Ji....,, pliyer and t know he'll help their football optn lhe notional Football League might . 38-10 count--Im Angeles IC1dlng !&-0 at • D.. tffltor1, ~· 11• " 1 '" •• so club .. Knox iald before disappearing lnlo cause some psychological troubles. one point. · t---F<IO'Nl\:"'w,"" -l ~ · 1 -; ~ -t .:-.auother ... meeu08.room. probably to.watch' " dsll\'..t...sec h~w'' lie answered at his. "I <tpn't be\leve ... ~~~111, jinxes or tbe i...., 1L. 1 .. ,,, 10 , 4 • • :t pictures of Che ttcrs in 11cuon. "TueSday mornu1~ news conference. law or averages, C?""'menled.-XOot. ........ ,.tue.Wlf a. wPi-""9w. T-111" +---The pass receiver-from the New · "We're going agalf1st a team that has ;.•Jlow w~ ~pare, thats vital. - "· Mets Playing One at a Time; Lead. Now I I/2 -NEW YORK (AP) -The most popular game in town these days is trying to compare the New York J\.1ets ' current pennant drive with tbe "J\.firacle Mets" of 19611. Relief ace Tug McGraw doesn't like that game at all. "I'm just trying to concentrate one game at a time," he said after po.sting his 24th save in the M$' 2·1 vi~ oyer the Montreal Expos Tuesday night. "Playing one game at a time is what got us out of. the rut we were-in and got us here now.'' Where the Mets are now is 1 ~2 games ahead of the Pittsburgh Pirates, who lost New York Plttlburth Chlcego St. LOUii Montreat ,......,.. ... ., • G"9la fNW-1 u11ue IEest W L Pct. •I •I: 81 17 ~.SIO -3 71 71 JOO l \.':11 ' 11ttoA7 3"'·' 76 11 .llM ' .lo 76 I? .481 •~'J ·• 1t:emah1t111 Games NEW YORK C51 : Home (1) -Monlral 111. Sept. 26; AW•Y (I) -Cnk190 (4), Se-pl. ll, 'lt 12), :IO. PIT1S8URGH C6): Home 16) -Phlllldetptola 12), Sept. 26, 271 Monft'ffl ()} &.pf. 21, 2', )Cl. July 21 geme egalnsl San Plego n•s bMn "l"ftCfleduled tor Oct. I al Plttlburgf\ II ntc:easerv for team'$ i>llv•11 che'ICB. CHICAGO !ltJ : H-UJ -H"'° 'l'ork II), S.pt. 2'. 2' 121, JO. Awey {21 -$1. Loull 12), $"''· 21t, 21. ST. LOUIS (5): Home (S) -Cnlcego (Ji, 5-pl. 6,27; Pfllllldelohla (l), Sept. 28, 2'9, 30; MONTll:EAl (4): AWi~ U) -N~ York (I), Stpr. 26, 771 Phll•doell!lll1 ()), Sept. 2111 29, 30 . e Court '1'1'i11naphs COLUMBUS, Ga . -Second·seeded Chris Evert is the top attraction today as opening round matches continue in the $30,000 Virginia Stlms tennis tourtuunent )lt ~ Columbus Country Club. ltfiss Evert will meet Janet Haas in one of five contests. In Tuesday's action, t op-' e e d e d Afargaret Court bad UtUe -trouble defeating Brenda Kirk of Johannesburg, SOuth .Africa, 6--2, 6-3. : Fifteen-year-old JeaMe Evert, younger sister of Chris Evert, pulled the only upset or the day, knocking orr elgbt...00- ed Wendy Overton of Ormond Bea~lt. Fla., 6-4, 6-1. Other match results included fourlh- seeded Judy · Heldman over Madeline Pegel 6-1, 6--0; sizth-seeded l.ieslie Hunt over Nancy Ornstein, and Laurie Flem· iftg over Wendy Appley, 6-4, 6-l. Gm·rett Feels U~appreciated ·Jn San Diego Sf.N DIEGO . (AP) -. Mike Garrell gained 1,031 yards last year but said lal• in the year that he felr unwanted and unappreciated. He's proving to be a gooa prophet, if not a happy me. The former Helsman TrnphY winnor had a ml.serabie day two weeks ago in to Philadelphia 2·1, ~'ith five games re-the San Diego Chargers' aeuon opener at maining, aTthough the Pirates may have Washington. Be fumbled three times tn to play a rained-oot game against San he fi h If d th Reds1..:--ed Ill Diego next Monday If it affects the race. ! rst a • an e 1U1u tum · three into touchdowns in a 38-0 rout. "This was the biggest game of the The following week, Oartett fouZ)d year," McGraw continued, "but thls himaeU on the bench. .Despile chan~:Ot game is over. Now the next one. is the "We want Garrett' from tbe stand.S, ~ biggest game of the year. That's this he 1 he ~ dldn club's philosophy -one game at a time. wast on Y r,nan On t team w1.m.11 )t I don't want to look too far ahead . I don't pJay as the Chargers trounced Buffalo34· u·ant to compare thl s club with '69. U "\li-'e 7· .. \\in, I'll have all winter to do that.•• His replacement, Bob Thomas, gained. The Mets have ~ playing them one jUSC. 17 yards in nine carries as the al a time for the last seven games. all Chargers' running game continued .tp victories.· And most of them have been sputter. the scary type, like this ooe. "Sure, it's frustratif1g.'1 Garrett said.in -Each side had a tainted run before an intervl~w. "After eight y~ars, in a Cleon Jones walloped a booming tie-serute they ve told me they don t want me breaking home nm with one out in-the~ay. •· sixth inning off 1'-footreal rookie Steve I m hiiman. I made b~ Rogers. In the Montreal seventh, Pepe had a bad game and then they duln t ~ Frias and Jose Morales singled with t""·o me the following SUnday, When thlty out ll.nd McGraw replaced starter Jerry \vaqt to use ·me, I'll be ready," . Koosman. Chargers coach Harland Svare saad Felipe AJou drilled his second pitch to Garett was benched beca~ "all athle~ deep left-center. It looked like a sure ex· get into slumps ·and runrung backs get m- tra.base hit. to fumbling streaks. "When be fil'!lt liit the ball it really "Tile running game doesn't just lnvolye shocked me," McGraw said. 11Not tbal he a partlculat back,'' he added. "I'm sijll hit the ball, but I thought, 'oh, oh, ll trying lo put together a combinaUon might get in there.' " beck there." •, But left fielder Jones, who once was AaJced when Garrett would play acatn, Wlceremoniou.sly yanked during a game the1coach said, "\Vc'll just have to wait by the late Gil Uooges when It appeared and see, I don't have any plans not lo UIC be wasn't going all out, look ol! wllb the him." crock ol lhe bot Dul Garrell, who has feuded with Honlt ''l didn't kn&w JC l could catch Jt," be Stram In Kansas City and Sid Gillman said. "But I got a goodJump and I looked here during his NaUonal Football t_.e up Md there It wu. '' ones pl.eked 1t oa career. may have gotten into troQble w!Ut a bocl:·hand slab. wlUt Svore late l8'l year when he ...,,_ "No play Is difficult for hl,n when he plained or feeling unwanted In San Diogo. wan1a lo go ror 11;• satd .. M.C!ll~ .. _Jn .. P!"'ticular, he -then said • <!)lb .. manager Gene Mauch. · managomenlsho•·ed an awarenl lal'l. tl McGrow wiggled out ol a two.on, ,..,..,. coolidence In him at tallbaolt by lradlac out jam In lhe eighth and got another lor Duane ThomlS, wbo was traded to lCare 1n the ninth whm .. -Mel Tim Foll Wuhlnglon.....Utis .year without. ..., ..ltd olLwltb..a Ol\'.ctilliJlrj.n_\O_d<c11.lefl, _ pla.y!ng for San °"'flo _ • -, ,, . ' > •10 DA ILY PIL01 • Universitv • ' Fa ee Tars Next FV's Size -----• Trou hl es_...,__-1p ..... rep--Deiens i v e I I Stressing 2 Top Linemen Standouts ·Basics Fundamental.! of blocking ;;ind 1ackling ha\•e bee n emphasized this ~·eek in early workouts of the Universiry High Trojaru foolb aU team as they prepare for a meeling at Mission Viejo HJgh Friday hight. ··1 think we have a better football team than we showed on the scoreboard in our opener," coach Jerry Redman says ol the .ZS.13 loss to Tustin. "We aren't planning any l1_rategic changes, just better tiJock!ng and tackling." ..... Are the Trojans ready ~ysically for the outing wi th ;lJission Viejo? Return for Mesa The return ot Costa r.fesa Jfigh's t~·o sta rting tackles is expecled lo give the Mustangs a big boost Friday night against Xewport HarbQr says head-footbaJJ coach John S"·eazy. Gary Perez (218) and ~'like J\1cDorinan (215) missed the flfustangs ' 23·1 7 victory over Foothill in the season opener last n•eek, but are eq>ected back for Friday's clash with host Newport Harbor. "Gelling 1ho.se two back is very important for us." says Sweazy. "It 's imperative that we get some size back In there and Perez am P.fcDonnan are our onry starter; over 200 pounds." B1wn1nett The I luDtlngton Beach Oilers at$ on a one-game winning .streak -the .same situation football coach Roy Brummett and his crew found themselves in )ast year at this time. And nex t on the agenda is Fountain Valley HJ g h • s Barons, the team that started them on their way to a 2·7 season in 1972. Ifs Friday night at Huntington Beach. Fountain Valley poses a similar problem that resulted in a 37·28 loss for Huntington BeaCh, aCcortllng ·to 'Bri.lm· metl. FRED MOORE ·Coron1 del Mir ~-Kurt Schulton, the starting ~Jemi.ve right tackle at 200 ·l)ounds. suffered a knee injury last week and is out of the starting lineup. He Will be replaced by another 200- pounder, Bryan Champlin. Panthers Talented, But Thin Perez has been nursing a bruised knee and McDorman has had a wrist Jnjury. "Fountain Valley is very large," says Brummett, "and ....... it can throw the football e:r· • Sweazy feels that NeW)Xlrt compares with Foothill in many ways. tremely well . They're big, physical and they handled Randy OeLapp missed last _week's opener with Tustin and '\\rill remain .!idelined against th,e Diablos Friday night. He is a letterman starting guard. Orange High 's status in th e lop 10 rated prep foolbalJ teams in Orange County was rather short.Jived with the Panthers' opening 21-7 Joss to Magnolia. Orange coach V.i n c e Deveney . is somewhat philo- sophical about it Jt.owever, fac- etiously stating, "[ dol)'t knolv why ... we don't seem to have any super kkl!. l'll tetl you what, when we have the great kids we seem to do a great job of coaching." "Newport has good team · speed and a good throwing quarterback (Steve Buklch J. Newport probably is more phys ical in its interior line than Foothill, but I bell"'oe Foothill has a much quicker interior line. North Torrance wlth ease. I understand they ran about 84 offensive p1ays. "Last year they had a great fir$t half and frankly it looked like a track meet." Brummett is hope!uJ of changing all that this Ume around and the Oilers are in good phyalcal shape, with the exception of left guard Mark As if this isn't enough, Red- · man also reports thQ.t Murry Graham. a 150-pouna ~ing halfback , i3 hobbling on a sprained ankle this week but is expected to play Friday. On the plus side, the coach says he was pleased with the defensive showing of the Tro- jans last week. "We are young and made !!Orne mistakes but most o! the Tustin passing yardage came on scramble plays. We were very concerned about our defensive secondary before the game but it was belter than we had hoped . "Mission Viejo tlas a baJanc· ed attack and will be passing as much as running." "We are probably going to throw the ball a.s much a.s we did Jast week. We appea r to be able lo move the ball through the air and that's what kept us going." Mike O'Loughlin's targets were Tony Graham. Chris Stark. BiU Waltrip and Ron Nichols. "They have come around sooner than we had expected and it made things a lot easier for us." Bucs Enter Tournament WALNUT -Orange Coast and Fullerton co!Jeges are the top.$eeded teams in the sec- ood annual Mt. San Antoo io College invitational water polo tournament Friday and Satur- day. OCC, the defending state champion. dra"·s a first round bye. facing the ruo Hondo-LA Harbor victor at 6 o'clock Fri· day night. Top-seeded Fullerton faces Santa Ana in i~ first game at 8 p.m. The fact remaim there is some outstanding f o o t b a 11 talent in the Orange lineup, led by tailback Kevin Howell. Howell moved to tailback to replace the graduated Clint Skaggs. Howell operated at fullback and defensive back in 1972 and was the principal bioc.ker for Skaggs in the Panthers 1- formation that lied up Edison, 7-7. He earned alJ-league honors in the secondary as a jwiior. Howell, left tackle afike Kelly (190), defensive tackle Sean Cragin (160) and left guard Rich Parr (160) are returning .starters in Orange's attack for Friday 's game at OCC againsl Edison. Bui the Panthers· defensive .structure has been damaged wilh the lnss of linemen Gary Harris and Keith French, linebacker Lee Hackett and two of three all-Crestview League players In the """1d· ary to graduation. "We're thin in depth," says Deveney, "and 1at :thli time we're-using omn·playeri both ways." 1 • · Starling at quarterback is junior· righthander Mike Fox (180, 6-0 ), Who completed llvo of eight passes a g a i n s t MagnQlia. Fullback Roger Irving (S.9, 155) and Hanker Mark Sanchez t ~. 135) round ou t the Panthers backfield.' Split end Tim Hall (S-9, 130 ) and Sanchez are Howell's major target.s when Orange chooses lo go to the air. "We're obviously Concerned with Dukich. He d1d not throw very much last week against Corona del Mar. pro.bably because Newport was able to do so m.ich on the ground and he really didn't need to throw. "And because we had a COU· pie of breakdowm in our secmdary we anticipate he'll throw a little more than he did last week." The victory over Foothill has really boosted t h e Mustangs• confidence, says Sweazy. "That · win has helped u5 quite a bit, but I don 't think we have to fight confidence this week. Newport has a very physical ball club. Jt eiecutes weU for this early in the season, ls .Jery Polished and it dctesn 't make mistakes. And it has some talent." The \•icfory by the Mesans snapped a J 4-game losing streak. And it was the first time ~ince 1968 that a Costa Mesa team ~·on its open er. Holden. , Bolden sUfrered a shoulder injury in Huntington's 19-7 conquest of Pacifica and is a doubtful starter. Swing guard and lineblcter John Nilsson (170) figures to start at guard apd the Oilers don't appear to lose anything In effectlvenes.!, with the eXception of depth at that polnl 'As for defeming Fountain Valley's huge arsenal, which revolves around the wishbone offeme, Brummett says his team will employ similar defensive tactics, a 11 o w i n g that the Oilers will make a few minor adjustments to compensate for F o u n t a i n Valley's outside thrtats of halfbacks Bill Ogden aiid Ben Dodson. "We don't believe in making a lot or defensive changes, but of course Fountain Valley's .size makes 'II do some things differently.'' ~~ys Brummett. l Vikes Not Depressed; ' Line Adjustments Made I Jt's going to take more than just ooe Joss to get Marina High football coach l\fike Hen igan upset. "We certainly aren 't depressed," Sa)'! the first·year head coach analyzing his team ·a reaction to a 12-4 set· back to Glendale High last Friday. "ln fact ," conti nues Henigan, "we had the mo.st spirited practice we've ever had Monday. We have made a few adjustments, however." switi;hed to guard with 6-3 and 240-pound 8111 Grant filling his tackle spot. Dick Morgan, who alternated with Mike Wetz.s- tein at flanker, has won the starting berth while Wetzstein will share bis time with Andre Lopez ai split end. "We aren't down because we know we beat ourselves," says Henigan. "We made aome crucial errors on offense. I think you can blame some of the problems oo the fact the kid! are still Jeaming a new JEFF GREEN El Toro DAVE MARTIN Lagun11 Be1ch system. You can also blame ,.,_..,,.a: ' BR IAN McCORMICK Cost1 Mew DAVE GIBB.S Est1nci1 WAL.T SATLER Mlrln1 STEVE MIKLOS Dina -Hills DAVE BIENEK Fountain Valley BOB UNVERT Newport H1rbor AL OISIENA Edt10n TERRY TURNER Huntington S.1ch KEVIN EATON Mission Vieio Other team, in the tourney i.oclude Att. SAC. Cypress, Pierce, Co lleqe of the Se- quoias. Pasadena and Santa Ana. "I suspect th is will just be a tuneup for league play for Edison," says Deveney. Ifs hard to evaluate F'ullerton (which lost to Edison, 23-13 l, but 1 ·m sure Fullerton Is stronger than. last ye a r. Edison rea lly wore them down.'' Eslancia High, l\1arina's op-- ponent Friday night a t Westminster High, will see the same offensive backfield but up Cront , Mark Nichols, the 6-1 and 205-poond lackle, has been the coache$ because It's ob-...J..... vious we should have passed MARTll'I SUNOY TIM MURPHY ED POIRIER TOM GALLAGHER more early in the game." M.t9r: Dei San Clemente University Weitminster DEAN LEWIS TOYOTA VOLVO ENERGY CRISIS CURE! ltH TOYOTA ( 000r. AU'91Mlk, r1llt, llH!et" fWl,.IM) $999 ---- l f10 TOYOTA .MAR K II t Doer. lltr1lll•, tlntu, f1HIOC I $1499 1970 vw ,ASTIACK llU19. ... ,.... t U'fltmlll(' l ... 11$m! .. MM. •Ir C~llelll11t, ll07DLtO $1799 1f72 TOYOTA CELICA • ,....,., r .. i., """._ ¥111f"I '°"' l•il!..U) $2699 1t 72 AUDI '100LI • 00.r. •tNltltlic lrt11t., •Ir cMtl- t._.llf, AM rdlt. Cl7tl'l'll --------'--~ _Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE East Dl~fslcn w L Baltimore !>l 62 Boston &; 72 Detroit 83 74 Nev.· York i7 ~ 00 1\iilwaukee 73 83 Cleveland 88 8'l \Vest Olvlsicn Oakland 92 66 Kansas City 86 71 !\.Iinnesota ;g 78 Chicago 75 82 Angels 75 82 'Texas 55 !03 T111tcl1y•t IO•mn 8114/on -1. Clr111111t1 i s1111mo,t t . ~lrofl l MllwlukH l, H-Y!H'k 1 03 fnnlngt ) K•.uas c111 •.1. c111,1110 2 Ml"-11 , Vlklfnd ' Tu1•1 '· Ctllflirnr1 I 110 rnnlnQ1) TM1y'1 G•rllt!I Pct. .603 .54t .529 .490 .488 .433 .582 .548 .503 .478 .478 .348 OB 91> 11 ~2 1711 21 26~2 5112 121,2 16 \; 16~~ 37 80.!o" (Lt• 11·10) •' c11ve1t~ I Perry 11.1!1 Oet,olt !Loilch 16-11) '' S•lllmo•~ l~OOd t·~ If ~fj Vert ilACDowt11 S-7) ti Ml!wtukff \Cot~rn IC•nu1 Crty ftollttoHf If.II) It CltktgO llallflltn 1'·10) Minnesott !8h1-1,.1,1 ,, OHJalld (H111ttu n. ., 7•••• is1.oerr 7.1n '' ...,.,." !Mty 1·10 niur1e1r1 •~ Otlroll It 81lllmor1 NIW Yori< •t MllWflJkH l(fnltt City 1! ClllCIQO Mlnf\-111 II C1Utornf• 0..ly $1mft Klltdulfd • NATIONAL LEAGUE East DM1loa w L New York 00 77 Pittsburgh 18 18 Chicago 76 80 St. Louis 76 Bl Montreal 76 82 Pblladelphia 70 87 West Dlvillon Cincinnati Dodgen San Francisco Houston Atlanta San Diego 98 00 tJ 88 86 72 00 79 75 &'I 58 100_ Tvt1clt,•1 Oalftff Nft York.2,_ Monlr"l l Prii,.,,el11fll1 1. Plll'sbl.l'l" Lot An~!lts JJ Allant1 C/f\clnntlf J, ~•n Olf'llO 2 HOW1!on J, ~•n Fr1riclKo l Ctllc1ga '· St. Louis 3 Ttd1v'1 e1me1 Pct. GB .510 .soo 11> .487 311 .484 • -481 4~1 .446 10 .620 .512 g .5« 12 -503 18\i .475 23 .367 40 Mol'>lrNI !Mo:lre l·l•) 11 Ntw York ISHvtr ll·llt) o.Ji"IUdltphl• IL~ ll·l~J t i Pf1t1bur1in (Mc;l(H l.05 Anttltt !Oownln11 t·tl 11 Al11nt1 Cktlutltr t-n • ~ . S•n or~ IJonH HI 1t CJncJnnatl \Gur~tt lt .. I Ctilc• !Hooton u.1,1 •I 51. !..oui1 W11e u .111 S111 Fr.tndsco (M1,let111 11·141 11 l-louston lll:obtrlt 1$-11) nun.it•r'• ••met PhUtdtltlp!1 •I Pltltllutgfl LOii Anvtlei ~I Alltl\ll Chk-.io It It. L11t,1lt Oflf)' .. ,... tdltduffd ,~---'~---'~--=-:::__:::==~~~~'.!__~~~~~ Major League Leaders Tritons Hoping .to Break ' S,ix-game Losing Streak •r THI' .&SsbclAT•O ,.115SS AM••ICAM LU.IU• BiloTl lHG (Q at both) -(1rew, Min •. 35\J W. tto119n, Olt. .»01 T. D111h. 111, .l07; 0 . Mar. Mii, .3N1 M~et', HY, .»:s, llUNS -Nortli. 0111, fir II. J1ck10n, 01k, fl1 0. M.tr, Mll, H I Ctr.,,., Ml11, t•1 81ncto, D1k. , •• llVNS BATlED IN -R. Jtckaon. Allie Schaff lsn'I looking at movies ol last week's San Clemente football g a m e through rose colored glasses. U he were an eternal op- llmJet, Sch:iff co uld have found much to be ha'ppy about from his team's narrow (21· 20) defeat to Mission Viejo last week. In the game the Tritons went for two points and a victory after scoring a last minute touchdown and failed. 01k, 1111 MlybtrN, ICC,"' SQ>tt, MH. •11 O. May, Mii, '31 I'. ··-· CtJ, tJ1 0111, I((. '31 la~. Olk, '3. HlfS -C1r1W, Min, 70111 D. Mty, Mll, 1111 M11rc1r, NY, lll1 .&. JOl'IMOn, ltJt, 171; !tOll,_Mll,_\7•..__ _ _ Saints Fullback Returns 00U8LES -Gard1, Mii, 311 ltndo, 0 1k 30; CMmbH1s. Qe, 29; Scott, Mil, E s 291 ito11s, KC, 191 Ct~ ...... Min. 19. 0" ea Tltl~e'9---C.rt11111 Mlll..-fl Jo.-1-1.-_ _ brv. 811, 101 Or1t, Cl'lt, l01 (opeoln•. 111. t 1 Coluccio. Mii. I. HOME RUN! -II. JtektOl'I, C1k, l'l; Kings .Game "· •o11tn1011, cai, "' B•t'ldo.. Otk. 211 Santa Ana Hi gh's Pote ntially eurrov9,,s, T••· 11; Fisk. esn, 261 Olis. Kc. 16. lethal wishbone offense Is StOLEN BASES -HMlll, Ot~. Sl; IJol ( ed b th 1 •" Harw. ein, it; o. H•lton. T••· •1; S er Y e return o u-v, C•r•w. Min, )Ii P•l•IC· KC, u. 215-pound Dave Kurrasch in STRlll:EOlJTS -N. llJ'tn. C1J, 1'71 he •· d £ Btvlewn, Min. 201 sr..-. C••· *' G. t lHlCkfiel at ullback as Perry. '''· m1 M. u1"dl, o.i. :tOJ. the Saints prepa re for (heir NATIONAi.. LtiAGUI! second non·Ieag\le football test ""TTIHG 10 a1 w111 -llOH, c1n, with Corona dcl ~1ar at .._.., Ctdlno. Hin. .Jl7; W•INWI, Htn. .lu1 T. Ptr•r. ctn • ..ll•; """"'°'' SF, NewpQrt Harbor lfi gh Satur- ·3lfuHs _ eonc».. sF. 1,.i MOl'O•n. day night. c1n, 111, R-. c1n. 1"• E"'"., 11o". Saints coach Tom Baldwin 1101 lroek, SIL, UM. "UNI BATTED '"' -,,., •• u. Poti,. reportf lhat Kurraach and 1111 '-M•~· Ht11, 10.: a-11. c1n. 1001 Stan Johnsoo, a defensive end Sfllfl-"'", Motl, 101; E'totn1, Alt, 1001 T, P..-n. c•n. 100. who aaw llml!ed action in San· HIT! -lil:OM, Cll'I. m : Giff, Att. te And '! 7.7 tie ~11h Mater 20lh Slmmant. $IL, IN; Broe~, SIL, JU' A. Ollvtr. Pvn. 111 1 "~"" SF, Dei Jas t week, will be hea lthy f10oU&LliS -St•tllfll, POI\. 431 for the 5ea Kings COO.(ronta· !l•11t1, H'I', "' S/'"mollJ, SIL, lf/ II:•••• tion. c.111, '41 C.otnP. Hll'I, 3•. Lo t f h ~-d I TRIPLES -M•hgtr, Htl'I, U; Mtd· s or t e """rona e Mar ao •• SF, ''dJM•ttfM ...... IF, 101 Evtflt. came . ls e:nd John Terando1 .. A~~~w'liiu~~··:....us,:r;.11,' l'it.: · '4i. ···w1~r'luffered ·a·kn~-e lnJuf'y. D•JoMllMI, A'!· 41 f't, Atron, 11o11. "' Seven fumbles plagued San-•"•"•·All, )f, IOlldt. '"·a. &TOLIN IAs11 -BrPCll. 11L. "' ta Ana's offense aa:alnat Mater ~,,. C111 •1 ,..,_, Hin, ~11 Dei and Baldwin AAva If his IHl\(t,, S,, "11 !..opn, LA, :U. -., ~tTett1....,u1 °"'"... __.. team can .. IOI~• ·that..-.proble ~ n.i, .NO, l ,f4 l ortlorl. (111, 1J,(, the '11 ~ d r r----d I .m. 1.a ou11t11, cm, ,...., ,.,,, 1.ff -y ..... ua y or-v.n-Ylio... e • '*"• ·t.A, 1s.1 .... 1. J,1, l lHh•oMm, Mar c1", lt.f, ·'"· 7.ff 1rv1n1. SI'. n.1t, Th. cd 1s1. J.ss s1•v.,, Nv, 1 .. 10. ,ftl. 1.• e spe everyone soys Santa Ana possesses is abun- dantly clear and even Baldwin Sdmlts. "After seeing the films J have to admit I thought our backs were pretty fast, too.". Halfbacks Edmond Burka and Jim Gastelo, w l t h assistance from RJckle Jones , give the Saints blazing OOtskle speed to complement quarterback Mike Molina and his opllons. Santa Ana whlppod Corona de! Mar In 1972, 2U, but Baldwin cautions, "I'd forgot· ten how tough that game was until J viewed the films agaln . It was 8-0 ln the third quarter and a ve ry touch and go thing. "Corona del Mar's offense presents certalri p r o b 1 e m s with Its Houston veer option, but JrsJJO a case or setlng something dllferen . es ern wes It and we._'vt seen Corona See Salnto, Page Ii Schaff isn't exacUy ecstatic, ho'vever. "There were some poS"itive aspects of the game, but we always go out to win and whether You lose by one or 20 it's still a Joss," Schatt sayi. "Our passing game wasn't bad, and the ltlMing game came on strong in the second half. We showed a lot of poise in the ~nd half but we were bloWn out In the Or3t half.'r· Th~ loss wa s San Clemente's s_irth iu a row after winning three of four games to start last season. The Tritons wiU be shooting to break that string this week at Laguna Beach ln the Ur1t or two coo- f ronlations between the schOols this season, The leama will play •lflln Oct. 19 as part of Orange League play. This week's game counts as 2 non-league affair. ~ Quarterback Dan Dodd had an Im pressive dt1b11t last week for San Clemente, COMecting on 15 of 22 passes for J58 yards and two touchdown1. 'Tho H , 225-pound Junior l1 'the , only player Sellar! llat1 aa recuperollng from an ln)Jry thls week, havm, sustained a ' kne< brul,., I U.cklJeld slart•rs N loe k Vleisldes, a 170-pound halfback, and fullback stove Olson '< l3S I ground out ' 70 rards between them In the iec- 00(! hair af&tnlt Ml"ton flt> Jo arter !he Trltons had be..: See Trftons , PaA"e U ' ' ' •• " I J cl qu or ~ ra t• el ~· sa Ex·Bues Star Vikes Grid Coach Returns to OCC • Although Loog Beach City j (',ollege hasn't played Orange C.oast in football ii\ 18 years, LBCC head coach G a r y 'It Jacobsen is no stranger to occ. J!l-cobsen, who has been the No. 1 man at Long Beach the past four years, was a stan. dout guard and lineba<;ker for OCC's Pirates durlng~h~ J!IM \ and '57 seasons under Al Irwin and Steve Musaeau. helping the Buts to two Eastern Conference championshlps. ~~·s whj' he _ has. mixed feehngs aOOiil playing hi s alma mater Saturday night cit occ. \~·1 .. Mistakes Plague Lions Foe LONG BEACH -When a club doesn'l punt for three quarters it usually means one of two things. Either that ream 1s moving th~ ball at will and winning fairly easily or it's turning over the ba11 a lot on fumbles and interceptions. Long Beach Wilson, \\'hich hosts Westminster lligh Fri- day night, didn't punt for three quarters but It wasn't !COring at will when it took a 35-12 lashing from West Tor- ! ranee last week, "We gave \Vest Torrance two t.ouchdowns and fumbled eight times, [our on kickoffs." r says veteran coach Owen Dix- on of.tiis Bruins setback in the season opener. 'In the game. v.·e had the ball 11 series and on six we turned it over. We ,were able .,. to move the ball until \Ve ,. ' made those mistakes." "Six or the seven coaches on my staff live in Orange Coun· ty," says Jacobsen, •1we would like to do well against Orange Coast. We know we're going back home." Jacobsen prepped at Downey, then after OCC and Whittier College, he spent a couple of years at Westminster High, a year at the University -or Idaho and has been with !Ang Beach Ci· ty eight seasons. One or his coaches, Bill Vail,. formerly was the head man at Edison lli gh and another LBCC aide -Jim Murphy - was an assistant at Edison. "We·re very familiar with Orange County athletics. We know Dick Tucker and his· staff do a fine job at Orange Coast. And we know they have fine players." says Jacobsen. "I think the two teams arc pretty even . We'll be surprised if we blow them out. And we'U be surprised if they blow us out. Penalties and the kicking game could decide it." Long Beach is . led by freshman quarterback Pete Tereschuk, an All-CLF -stan- dout from Lakewood fligh. He oompleted 16 of 27 passes (205 yards) last week against rug- ged Cerritos in a 21·7 victory. And he also thrtw a TD pass in the Vikings' 8-7 setback to Grossmonl in the season opener. Grossn10nt won with just 1: 19 left.·· Tereschuk's favorite receiver is sophomore Junior Lee, who has caught two TD passes lhls season, one against Cerritos. Another plus for LBCC is its defensive crew. Jacobsen has nine of his starters back from 1972. including a tough middle linebacker in Terry Tautaolo (6-3, 240). Tautaolo was a starting offensive guard last season. Offensively. tile Yikes lost their entire staning unit , with the exception of Lee. 4 ..... l r t • • • • ., •· ' .. • . .. • .. . . ' SPORTS Palomar Pondering Problems • Aren Resnlts Gauchos Stijl No. 7 Cross Country - S.C•I Ctll ... (1$). CS DOmh11111r Mlll1 14'), L• Y,,,.. IMJ. 1. Tie betwwn ll:Gr.dy Dulll11v1 {$CC), Glri' Adami IS\. W1!1 Hllt CSL Kit! Hiit fS), Ball H•llm1n CSJ, Grid Wll!IOfl ($), 11 :'8; 1. Vtrd1190 /LI 11:101 •. Zlrll• IL ) n :l!: '· MK1rlg1t !OJ 12:3•: 10. Ptr11 tOJ 22 46; 11. 8•own !DJ n. s....111wettt1 Il l. 1,. 8raoltlr !0), I,. GIYllOI"" (LI, 11. Artt• {$)1 VA•llTY C••-ftl Mir 11'1 i 441 111111 •~ I. MG»lno.r CC.l 10:06. 2. Hurueker l<l 10:04. 3, l-l191n (() lO::n, •. Wlllle C 10:35, J. Oood ISi 10:31, 6. RMIM81 {() IO:lol, ·7. Mon1tg11 fS), I, Wt$! CC.I t. Oay ((), 10, 011v!1 {SJ. JUNIO,_ VA.-SITY CcwtM Otl M•r C161 (471 111111 Ana 1. 0.ngfr 4C ) 11:1'; 1. Holl1M (C.I, ), Ool1n 1Cl, •. An•on (Cl, J. L1s1l1tr (SJ. 6. Barlow (Cl, 1. E014n ($), I. Oaul1 {(), 9. OeBtaum1111t (C l. 10. M.,..,, tS). l'ltOSH·SOPH CINWI Ml Mir 01) f4t) Slllll An• l, Tvrln (CJ. 11 :38, 2. Sadllr IC), J, 1'!1l1y (S), 4. ~lcfl.lel1 (C 1. s. o unzer fCJ. 6... k'hby CSJ. 7, ~J1ro ($)_, I,· C•rdltro CCI, f. 01r CC), 10. Hoo• VA•SITY Al VU11 l"IR M1rlM (M} 1n1 VIII• P1rt M1rt,.. ltt) (•I L.I o.lnl• 1. 81u""" (Ml t :3S.I ltourw re1:oroli 2. 5P1119ltr (VPI 10:06, 3. Sprlr.gt !VP) 10:10, 4. Mtl(w.11 {VP ) 10:15, J. P1l"* IM) 10:25. 6. OetllM.IH ILQJ 1. llt"' IVPI, I. P1rks CVPI. f, HIM!oOll (LQ), lit Nash {M). JUNIOlt VAll:SITY M•rine l2JI f:lll Villa P•rtl: Marini 116) IJll I.a Oulnl11 ! M1ili!I& !Ml 10:.S.. J. H11llar1n fVP) 11 ;01, S. PllCll~ (M) 11 ;\I, •· Flslltr fVPI 11 :1,, $. R111~ln (M) 11:11. 6. Allan (Ml 7. 5U!Mrl (VP). I. 81rry llQl. t. SllUOMer {VP), 10. Sii· l1rlnw1llt (V P !. FA:OSM·SOPH Marini 121) (<Mil VIII• P1rk M1rtn1 0 0 ()J) La Quint.I 1. C1Uup fM) 11:)7, 2. JPllV ILQJ, 11:4', 1. Hffldrlck IMl. ll:.5J, '· Def. l1ncl1U ILQJ. 12:09, S. li:olch {Ml 12:22. &. How1rd [Ml. 7. Wllll;1m$ (LQ), •· Friend (LQ), t. W1rntt !Ml 10. M.111 (M). Saddleback College has rl'· talrted its No. 7 ranking \J1 Ill<' stole JC large division foo tball poll this week. The Gaocilos, although "in· ning 35-2 1 over Chaffey, !Ailed to n10\•e up. Go lden \\lest. eighth last n·eek, feU out of the ratings wilh 3 34-10 set· back to f\11. &in Antonio College. fl1t. SAC is ranked second behind El Ca mino. Fullerton is rated eighth. L1rge DIVlllOll illll'OSH·SDPH p Col .... El To,.. lttl f:tt) C•rrll°" •1• ltKord Al Ctrrllo1 Hl9ll I. El Cimino 1~ V•••,TY I. Oeve f1Jrb&e !El 11:al; 2. An~o 2. Ml, s .. 11 A"tonlo ?·O ,. Font1na (E) 12:0I; J. Ti1JbDl1 ICJ M•ltr Dtl (24) Ull La.g1.11111 lt1c:ll 12:201 (. ll:ay Oropese (El 12:31; 5. J . Reedley 2-0 CC). l . Hulst Ill 11 :».•-1co11rse-1t~ol'd).-Walker fe1 l2::Jt; 6. P11uh11n lCI 12-:'h ~: ~\'g~!..,do 1,~ 2. OoWUrig IMDI 12;11, 3. SI. JDhn 7. Loe19t {Cl 12 :,71 I. LI.to (Cl 13:02; ~·· ..,. (MD) 12:20, (. Tdmble (L) U :ll, S, f . 801111 (Cl 13:30; JC. Mtrktr CCI 6. Son OINio Mesa 1-0 1Ce1rlng IMOI 12:]7, d. Alvn (MO) 14:11. 1. ~1ddltbKk 2 .. Wtdnesday, Stptembtr 2&, 1973 DAILY PJLOf 21 Polo Summaries YA•SITY k.,. tty Ov1r1•n un1~ .. 1l!y l ! l '-l' EOllOll 0 I l t-' Unl....,11ty scorifto -Wit O.lvh f, llJU C1u1...-S. Sii.,. McC0tmltt S. Jtll Huw" J, Mltk ThOmls I, Edison icorl11g -Hfmfl'ICI 4, BLldrl1 1. V1n00tdoll I . JUNIO,_ VA.-SITY !.cora 1r¥ Qvarla" U11lver1Uy I l I ._ J EdlSO<I I J21-7 Unlver1l1v KOr!l>Q -Cllrl• Hall"''" '· Jim St\W 3, O•,,.. Sltoel 1, M1rk Sllvtm 1. Edison 1cor1"9 -M_.ehoust 1 FROSH·SOPH IC111'9 by OUl tlG" Unlvi!rlllV 7 O ~ G-U Edison I J 0 ,_ I Un! .... rslly ICOl'l"9 -S•••• TllompMHI J. J•y Camp~U l. Sl•n AndarMll'I 4. J~ff Bor1u11. l. li<llllGn a.corl~ RIJl.Y .J., ~·lck I. MulNIUlGf I, HOllm•n J, M. Rllciy I, 8yron 1. Cale11d.ar 'llAllllTY ltwi ., 011.,,.,.. ""' l!IToro 01s-.-• V•lll P1rlt 2 t 0 1-f Et T«o KOtlfllf -Crall Slr.w :a. $~Ip H•llllle 1, IOl"H..-ll:OSH HI)! ol!k:lll llfM• V~ft.IT'Y k-•r ovemrt • Ml11lon vi.10 0 1 , 0-1 La Pll&fllf I ' f 4-IJ MlulGn Vl•IG .coring -Jim L'(M I. Emmaf 111:1-IDrO 1. FROSH·IOPH IC-llV QNr1ffl MIHIO!I Vlalo I ? 1 ' • LtPutri111 11111._7 MIU)Gn Vlelo l(Of'l"9 -· Brl1n McOouglG 2, C••l9 FrlnMft 1, 8rl•~ Coodtll 2, ll:on O'llle!lv l. • V1rtlly Stor• Cly Qv1rlt•1 Founfeln V1!1er J 2 2 t-• LO Amloo1 0 • I 2-1 Fwn!1ln V1llev SCOrl"9 -LU"t•U •• c'""'Y '· LHih l. v11e11sl•r 1 1-<09111 .. J"""or V1rllty f Ot<nlaln V1lltr Wor> ov lor1dl. Ft11\ll·S11p11 _S(QlL.lly 01111i!tj! Foont1Jn \11Uay IJ.. I LM Amlqos It 1 1 1-G FOllllll•ll VIiify scor!"9 -Kolltr '• MUI•• 2. Futlono I. ICflly ' 12:4. 1. C11<Mrwooc1 (L) 12:!12, 1. Pit· 8, r1Jlledo11 2-0 ltnln IMDl 12:", t. Hance (L), 10. t. ~n Jose CC 2-0 Tll11trsdiy !Sept. tl'J WU50<1 (L). 11. 8orlof\d (I.\, 12, Haver· lC, Gronmonl 2-0 Water POio -H1tntlt19IOl'I llt6th, SAN MARCOS --A young ro CLl. ll. M111on tL), u. schml! Streak End~ 11. s"" Jooquln oe111 2,j) ,,.,,,1 .. d. wesimi,..1ar, E,, •,., 1 • ., CMOJ. 0 1', S.1n1a Monlc1 '-0 • I team and a quarterback with JUNIOR V.t.Ri iTv ll. Fresno cc 1.1 L • o u 11.1. El TOl"1), et 1,-.1ne Mlltr Otl (111 1511 L.19WM lllCh ~ U. Wtli! LOI A~l11 7.0 1ourney .11 Ml'l.5i11n V1el11 and Unlvt'l",ltvl a broken hand and sprained l, hrry CMOJ 13 :01, 2. Ouriloll CMOJ. STATE COLLEGE, Pa . )5. Piere• 2.0 Hlgll Cl >. Newi:iort Harbor, COl'Olll IHI ankle are Ca .... , for concern ~. HI"" CMOJ, '· 8•hM>rr1m1 (MDI, .s. When the University oC Ten· 5m•11 Division Mar, Cosll Mt!•• ., An•t..lm tourney. a ANTHONY SCHOOU ~ G•ll(IOS IMOJ, 6. H1rold CMO). 7. HAllOl CINtll of coach Mack Wiebe at Ofct~on (MO), a. Wellnskl <MDI, '· nessee Upset Penn State 31-11 ~: i~~1:fla" ot R"1wood1 :~ NewPO<• Harbor, E•••l'ICla 11 sunny Johl!Mlll (L), JO. Marple (L). . in the final regularly SChedU[· J. Hnr!neU 2·0 Hiiis lrMll·lopfl !wr,,.y, Edl$<111 11 l)M Harhr Gtftttr Palomar College On the eve FROSH·SOPH '· Ml!llllrey Penlnsuli 2.0 BolM Gr~nde lrosri.sOJ>ti I011m<1V (3). Co1t1 M111, C.1lll•rnla f -·~ • · h Gold Mllff D11 (22) fq) L .. -111¢11 ed game Of the 197] season for .s. C1brill<1 2-0 Cross CO\lnlrv -Newoort Harbor 1! 1'111. (7141 f7f•235J 0 a ._vtu1vnlalJOn "-'ll en 1. Horris CMO ) 1s:C3, :t. .-1chtrcbot! both t th I ded 1. Mire Cittl• 2.0 Huntington Bffd!.. Wnlminster 11 West College Saturday night (L), l. Ouril CMOl. '· Rlddtll IL), S. earns, e 0SS en a 7. Ge~llln 2-o Marina. Cypre<s 11 Un 1 v er s 11 y , ltU S. Bl'Wkh""I SI. Coltmen {MO). 6. Hixon (MO). 1. lft..game Winning Streak for 1. Wts! Hiii\ l·I lngltwood d! EdlM>n, FDVntaln V1llw A~llelm, Cll, r2I04 (7 :30) at Escondido High. 8 e1ch CMDl. I. Fll11>11rlck CMOJ, 9. 9. Merc"1 l·l •I Cinfa M~I. M··"~"~·=·~·~'~'='-W::::."·i_...~~~ .. !!'!(!!7!1!4~1 !'!'lli''ii'lli'i!!OO!!t!'!' "We have had our prob lems P!t1man IMOJ, 10. 01son (MO). the Nittany Lions. 111. Tan 1.1 •on (a11 11 J;15i. _ with a lot of und erclass men -------------------------~----------------- and a quarterback who has been plagued with injuries," \Viebe admits. AJS..11 WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. ....... 3 W.ys te o .. ,.~, ... _, "We . have no visions of grandeur this year and the team is less e~perienced th<ln a year ago." The Comets' offense is geared around Ron Coppess, a 6-2, 205-poW"Ki quarterback who likes lo run the option and passes with a degree of ac· ,.curacy. He played against Citrus last week with a broken left hand and suffered a badly spi'ained ankle in the l\1ission Conference outing. But he ex- pected to be in the starting lineup Saturday night. Lettermen bolster b o t h Starting hal£back positions. Steve Simunek is at one and Don Rivers at the other. Both are listed. as good runners \\'ith average speed by lhcir t.'oach . The Comets lost to Citrus. 20-7, after winning their opener fron1 Glendale, Ariz .. 16-7. SEPT .26,27,28,29 ~ == • Kmart9KM•, 4 PLIES~ POLYESTER COii+· 2 FIBERGLASS BELTS, DUAL WHITEWALLS lleg. 39.97·E78x14 2 A!.!r. • 2.22Eoc:h MOUNTED FREE . NO TRADE~NS REQUIRED The Bruins ' have some outstanding pt-ople ai skill p osit i ons. headed by qtiarterback Kevin \Varner, a £-0 ·and 180-pc)und senior who completed 5 or 12 ror 123 yards, lnc1uding the two TDs. Tight end Kurt Kaurfman , g.. 3 and 190. was the receiver on both toucbdo'wn! w h i c h covered 20 and 80 yards. He 's rated an e1cellent receiver with good speed. Defensive Unit Key For Saddleback Foe I mart KM 100 Blackwalls 4-FULL-PLY POLYESTER CORD ALL TlftESl"lUS f.£.T. K MART·u STEEL RADIAL WHITEWALLS When Wilson wants to move the ball quickly, however. it \ goes lo Long Bench Poly transfer Tony Gipson who-- scoots the 40 in 4.5. .. 'Ibe Bruins have sevtn ;! starters rt'turning off the 1972 ~} defensive club and despite the lopsided loos to West Tor- rance, Dixon still thinks that's- his l'ltrength . Topping the defenders are the ROS! brother.;, Jerry and. Gary, ldentlcal twins a t linebacker who make the op- ponents sure they're seeing double. Jerry was All-t.Ioore League in 1972, "If we want ·to stay in the game with Westminster," says Dixon, "we have to eliminate our mistakes. I think we're better than our game wilh West TorTance but knowing Lakewood , I'm sun!· Westminster is better than it showed on the scoreboard (\Vest minster lost to Lakewood :JS.20) last week." AZUSA -If you can ima~­ ine a footba ll team losing by a 34-0 score and having it'!I coach come up \\'ilh praise for the defensive unit, you have the picture of !he Cltru~ College Owls. The Owls entertain coach George Hartman's Saddleb:ick College Gauchos S a tu r d a y night (7:30J in a Mission Conference outing after losing to 1111. San Antonio (3";0) in the season opener, then bounce. ing back for a ~7 conference opening victory ove r Palomar. "Our defense did a good job against Mt. San Antonio." coach John Strycula says. "We gave the ball up nine times, six on fumbles antt three on interceptions. The game was much closer than the final score." Turning from the morbid picture of lhc season opener. Strycula feels he h a s a balanced squad this season and would like nothing better than to defeat coBch GeotgP. liartman's squad. Does this mean the Owls are pointing toward this game more than for some others on the slate? ''No. we try to play each game as it comes along. ·obviously, Sadd.Jeback has been our leading contender for the championship the last three years." The Owls are sparked by Strycula's own son. Bill. a freshman quarterback. Young Strycula runs the option with finesse and passes well when he decides to throw. The offensive running attack Is sparked by Doug Harper in addition to Strycula \11hile the leading receiver s are sophomores Cecil Hooks and Jim Russell. The series between the two teams dates back three years with two ties and ·a Citrus vle- lory showing on the ledger. In 1970 it was 7-7 and last year II was 24-24. The 1971 game end· elf 1n a -24-14 Citrus victory. PARAMOUNT SPORT.S 'Gver';f.fhin'J • tn C"7 " JenniJ ~----- FABULOUS FREE VACATfON FOR-'FWO ·IN BEAUTIFUL HAWAII -VIA • C.0N1lNENTAL_'Z47 T..liE_ PROUD BIRD OF THE PACIFIC. Help us celebrate the Grond Open· fng of ou~ P•ramount Sport1 No_. 5 in Be'V'erly Hiii s by coming Into ariy of our tennl1 centers to register (no -purchau necessary) •nd qualify for ttM Hawallen V•· cotlon end OTHER FREE TENN.IS PRIZES lncludin9 RACQUETS, BALLS, CLOTHING, SHOES, ETC. During this celebration hundreds Of Items on sale: . lml Ill. llU FLT. ~.1.1:1 22.U 17.88 .... 171•1• 22.11 2.22 n1.1.c , .... lt.88 2.J7 '71sl5 2•.11 ,,, G11•1• 25.SI 21.88 2.5!1 G7111:lS 25.SI 2.60 H7S11:14 26.SI 23.88 2.7$ H71a15 26.11 2.10 L71•1S" 30.32 27.88 2.10 lleg. 21 .88·878x 13 88 Plus f.f,T. 1.73Eoch WHITEWALLS 2.44 MORE EACH MOUNTED FREE NO TRADE-INS REQUIRED TOP HITS 01 8-TRACK TAPES Reg. S. 94 · 4 Doys 4e66Ea. Lynn Anderson, Diano Ross, Cot Stevens, Grand Funk, leg. 99. 97 • 4 Days 78.88 Thumb wheel control, fine tuning plus FM multiplex -~-...... oo .....-........ --. ..... -.... " ... -' ... ....... ___ _ _ .................... -. ___ ., ... __ _,_,,,._"' __ ' .... ---·-- INCLUDED SERVICES: I. lt11t1ll 2 St111d1ril Shocks. 2. ltl•11ce 2 Fron! Wlle1tl. 3. Ali911 front I"' 4. Fr111t B• .. i111 R1,m 5. Ch11si1 Lub1ic1ti011. 48-MOITH AUTO BAMRY leg. 25.44 • 4 Ooys 19.88 Reg. 34.13 · .c Oars 21.11 •. '· •. '· •. For most comj:>oct, stondord • • cors, Torsion bors extro. " A~;0~::ii~1~n~:/~!':.~1f~•;,. ShopndS.... ~:~ _____ ........ ________________ ...., .... DO!!fl-Y-DlllSELE2Z_&&'le'0 <?P#J~~J?~'.x/ t~ ';:;:--·e~ji~~-;;~~;'"-";iii;;!!;~~~~~·---·KKee:e~p~y~o~u~ca:r;-;:;n:"';i11;p-~t~o;p~c~o~n~d~1t~io~n~l~o~r ~s~a~le:1~y~an~dd,.::: better performance. Quality Items from Kmart ore .:: easy lo use. Shop K morl for oil of yout automotive -:· ne&ds ond save money eyerytime. ~ •• BRANO NAME SPARK PLUGS 58 C ::: Brond new. Sove. f& Spark Plug Wire S•t .•• , 4.97 ., · HEAVY DUTY TUlfE.IJP KITS .. COME IN AND REGISTER Points, rotor, condenser . 1.66 .. ,. DUHLO• YILLOW IALLS s1•s ' lWltfl mi•l11 ef J elll ltelhl , ., .• , ..., ht C.. HMl'll l"rt. ' "'-• Mtit1.. T• .. w .... 'riMn. & Sit, ''Ill t ......,,, .. , 333 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa l •h1"d Thi l"l1r1111ior11I Ho~11• of P11t1•••• tnl 11111• MW&t ''""'· LM Allftllt. Cl. ,.. .. tfUI 11441 I PHONE 642-4116 ...... ..WI 111111 Mtlllt• 11\'f, • 1.wrl' Hill•, C•, fttll f'.T'JJ"S1MW- ·- U<Eo. '. AT WILSON 3-tC . RATCHET SET Reg. $. 96. Ex1en slon. plug sock el. "HOW TO TUllE YOUR CAR" 4.54 :: 2.77 R•g. 3.58. Compl•t• monuol. 3.f'C. TEST 'II ME KIT R•g. 26.97. In corrylng cose. 21.88 :: CARBURETOR CLEANER Reg. 1.18. Powerful. l S•oJ:.' 1i1e. • Nt1 wt. COSTA ~ESA_· ... t· .. ,. ' .. • • • Wtdntsday, Stpttmbtf 26, 1973 rTop J C Player s Chaffey E11j oys Wells Speaks At Mat Clinic MV 's Cook Forgets Turmoil · ; ~'"'--For1ner 1972 Olymp ic; bec3use of a change in Sthool pealed to 1he ~1 board to sure thert were three timers. wrestling charllpion Wayne districts, be wasn't able to do be able l!> SIU.)' at Mission Vie-They had 4;08.7, 4:09.l and ~~~~er w~tur~; ~rr • • • t • I ROO ·BROWN Golden Weit-Offense MIKE BARTH Orange Co11t-OffenH · LEW EHUMICH Golden W11t-Def1nM BOB doLANCELLOTTI Orange Coast-Defense Balance ONT ARIO -Having upset one traditionally po w e r ( u 1 Orange County opponent last week, Chatfey would like nothing more than a repeat performance when it squares off with ~tater Dei Saturday -nighfil\Vestminsler High. Coach Ray Stark's Tigers surprlsed Anaheim 15-14 last week. the first victory-for Chaffey against the ColonislS in the last eight meetings between the two schools. "We were p7etty luCky, they centered one out or the end zone with four minutes left in the fourth quarter, something that they don't.generally do," Stark says. "But 've played well to stay with them, I couldn't singl e out any one player. It was a real team victory." The Tigers have 21 let- termen back ·from last sea· son, four of them starters on offense and three on defense. From what he has seen so far, Stark feels it could be one of the best teams in recent years at the school. Areas which figure to be strong points based on last week's showing are the Tigers' ofrensive b a 1 a n c e and backfield depth. Against Ana· heim Chaffey pa$Cd for 152 yards and tushed for 181. The rushing yardage came from five players, none with more than 38 yards total for the con· test. Returning quarterback Mike Scanlon (5-9, 170) runs the Tigers' offense, and h a s seniors Bill Edmundson a n d Roy Cole, a pair of 170-pound seniors. in the backfield . F..<lmundson was Chaffey's leading rusher last week with 38 yards, wJ:lile Cal Elefante and Pat Carew saw action in reserves roles and picked up 40 yards between them. Dy STEVE BRANO 01 111t oauv l'l!tl s1111 \Vhen Jon Cook ol' !\fission Viejo High set a nauonal nge group J.SOO.meter record last Wednesday at UC Irvine, he v.•as only stigbtly mor e surprised than his coach, Gene Gurule. it.-He wasntl-even ~sure of his jo High. , 4:09.L" College In 1 e>acbel • status the first day of school." Because of the imminent Teammates Mark Hower Registratioo ls scheduled !or Cook, who clocked a 4:09.1 move, hls request was and ~fark \Vomack helped 8-9 a.m. wlUt the clinic to dlp under the nationaJ IS. granted. with the pace. Hower finished following immedlalely · year-old mark of 4:14.o by "We decided to let him run in 4 :1~.o while Womack Wells. a former NCAA f champion and wrestling man Shannon Laird of San Marcos, for the record the day be ore recorded a 4:19.0. oC the year for 1970, will speak was caught lo the redistricting. bis birthday," says Gurule, · "I think Jon let ~fl a lot of on all phases of~the sport_ "Jon had a lot of internal in the fonnation of El Toro "because last spring he clock· frustrat!M over the oonfusionlfii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiijiit turmoil the last few weeks," High School. ed a 4:01 1,500 en route to a surrounding what school he'd s.. says Gurule, hil"l)Self a f~rmer The f.ro.ab-$:lph .. CIF Masters 4:18.1 mile ln the V9ns Classic \>(l attendJ.nB this .year during COSTA MESA DATSUN_ outstanding distance runner meet 1320 champ was in the in Los Angeles., Only the AAU the race," says G u r u 1 e · for Artesia Higb in the early new district but his parents didn't have three timers the!\! "\Vhile we were going for the 1960s. were..Jruylng_JL bome in the .soJt touJdn't C®nl-u I t I ·-s,1", Senlce • Le91 .. "He wanted very badly to Mission Viejo distri ct. On the "When we v;ent for the -record, it sf 1 was surpr s ng \\'Ork out with the team but first day of schoo he had ap-record Wednesday, we made how easily it came." 1145 Ha~ ·11•111 •• C.M._ ~0-6410 ' SPECIAL VALUES-FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY ONLY! s. habla Espanol WESTMINSTER : SAN1'A ANA FULLERTON 15221 BEACH BM.• PHONf 193-8544 ' 120 t RIST ST. AT CiPtlESS • PHOllE 547.7477 1530 S. ~ARBOR Bl'JD. • PIMtllE 87M700 ~OAY 8:J0-A«M-9 PoM . i'HRU FRIDAY 8:30 . .t..M-t P.M SATU I DAY •• , ••.. -•..•• l :JO A.M ....... P.M. SUNDAY , ••••• , • , ••••• 9:ot A.M.-4 P.M. -MONDAY-TH.RU"fllDAT ;: "l :J-0 A.M"-9 l'.M SATUIDAY , , , •••• , , • , • l:JO A.M.-' P.M. SUNDAY ...,. •• , , • , , ., ••• t :OO A.M.-4 P.M. BRANO NlW flAST QUALITY 4 PLY NYLON CORD 1088 ,,OOzll . 6.SO•ll 1SMONTH GUARANTEE' "~ ., .. ,., •. , 8130 A.M.-4 P,M, SU NDAY ..•..•..•..•• t:ot A.M."""4\P.M. CORNELL TUllWSTIRU 4 PLY NYLON CORD 1298cun~ 7.71/7.SO :ii: 14 1.111•.10. 1$ BLACKWAL.L.S 5 MONTH GUARANTEE' TUSflfSS WHflEWAllS BRT0-13 FR10-14 .GR10-14 GITO-lS I AUNDRE HOLMES RICK JACOBS Receivers Rod Weigand (6--1, 175) and (6-5, 21t>pound) Harley Stark, the coach's son, are the starting receivers while last year's starter, Dave Macki'e is a primary reserve. HR10-1S 1._s_._d_d_lo_ba_ck_-Off __ •_n_ .. ____ s_ad_d_l_•_ba_c_k_-D __ •l_•_n_ .. __ ! Dana Hills' Opponent Has Two Top Runner s The line is anchored by Walt Kaufman, a 6--3, 220-pound returning all.Citrus Be 1 t League choice and tackles Barry Saguske (6-1, 1901 and Dave Hurd (6-5 , 220) add heft. LAKE ARROWHEAD - Rim of the World fllgh fo.otb<ill coach Ben Stindt doesn't think this year's Scots team is as good as last season's -a fact that should be good ne'l''S for Dana Hill High followers . similar to the one \Vhich cnished Dana Hills, 4tHi. in last )'ear's confrontation between the two schools. "We never have matched up with Mater Del in size before, but we hope to come close at H~~~;::;~~:::::::::?·~ .. ::::~._...., .. ~~~:;;;;~~~~! least this time," Stark says. ii ''°"PUB rlHH. But the Scots have two good running backs returning from last season, and they'll be spoiling for a victory when they come down from the mountains to take on Dana HiUs Friday night at San Clemente High. Rim of the World absorbed a 12-1 loss at the hands of Big Bear last week. but shO'l''ed flashes of a running attack t SC Soph~ f. Challenge l El Toro I San Clemente has a little surprise for fiedg1_ing El Toro High Saturday night. Originally scheduled to play th e San Clemente junior varsi- ty, ELToro will instead see the Tritons sophomore club, "I don't think they know we'r_e__pJ_ayjng instead o.f g_ur JVs." says soph coach Frank Weirath, "because they \Vere out here scouting the JVs Monday. "At least they won't know too much about wi." The San Clemente sophs got off lo a less than spectacular 111art, losing to 1'1jssion Viejo's second·year players. 31--0. In lhe game the Tritons turned over the ball five times. 0 We were Inside Mission Viejo's 10-yard llne twice bul toWdn't boJd onto the ball." says Welralh who coached the i>i,cks tH San Jose State College lasl year. ••At. for lbe El Toro. we didn't even know we'd be ploying them until just before the MJsaion Viejo game. \Ve don~ ha" enough JVs to split the varsity for Fridny and Sll.Urday games, so w~ get El • Toro." TRITO NS .. ".,We had a pretty good run- ning game. but we have to since we're not a passing team," Sti'ndt says.~ "\.Ve had Contlnued From Page 20 one tailback rush for 92 yards held to nine yards rushing at in the first half." haUtime. That tailback. senior Eric A receiving corps of Mike Tipton. is a 15S..poundef with Shinkle, Joe Janton and Bob good speed outside and the Bishop contributed n e a r I y quickness lo go inside as well. equally to a 158-yard passing After the auspicious first half, total against ~1ission Viejo, Tipton ended up with only and both Shinkle and Bishop eight more in the seco.nd half. caught touchdown tosses. t'l'Al!P''- The Scots' real threat. In the line, the Triton stand- however. is powerful Tony outs included Bill Enquist, Gradillas, a !?~pounder who who recovered a fumble and returns from last season to had one quarterback sack start at fullback. Dana 'Hills against Mission, and guard fans will recollect Gradillas ns Tim Murphy. Bishop led the the leading rusher in last Tritons' defensive backfield year's ga me between the interecepting a Mission Viejo schools when he picked up 89 pass. ya rds in 15 carries. l;o;;;;;;;;;;;o;;iiii;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;-. Filling out the Scots' backfield is se nior quarterback Guy Stidham (6-0, 170) and Ron Shelton, a l~ pound senior flanker. On octasions when the Scots do pass, it's Shelton they look to first, but Stidham is valued more as a ball-handler and runner than he is as a passer. Last year's Rim of the World feam boaitea a-heavj' line ~·hich proved very ef· fective in the team's march to a 7-2-seasonal record. -This season the size is there, but Stindt isn't satisfied with its qu.ickness. and says fie has been making sewral -t:hanges ree<nyy. SA INTS. .-. Continued From Page 21 del Mar the past three years. "Last year they had Joe Tosti at quarterback and before that it was Reed Johnson. 11Us year they don't appear to have a qtiarterback quite that fast." says Baldwin . His own team's quickness was evldenl against Mater Dc.i, especially the offensive line. Ro bett J. Wi9~or• Car Ir Home lnurance 1 ... 0 •• eonw..i•tt MOftoy·Sa•lllCJ, Polley -••. tt'llt '""'" -~Ill Ill•,... ef tw, Wlflt tlM """''"'"""" aMe ~trlly, tlNl'Wrl'f, tf' .,.. '"''"'' .. tult Yfll' -··· '"'" -"' ..... 11111 ... ...... ,..,.,. .. car Nt dl!N !Miii .... r ,,.. mlvm• '*" '"· ''-""'" b ,,..,, ............ yew ...,.. a.w ctf' rw ""' ,,.."" • ""' •• 'f'M .. "" .. ,,,. .... ,., ywr ,.-..nilMI 11'111 ,,... • .., yur drl¥.,.., llcll\M. W• ..... }'ff wlll .~. ~· Ille .,......,.." tt t•lll .. .,.., C1!1 M fltW, 712. WIGMORE Ch lNsURANCE HIJ H.,._ IW . .c..t9 M ... 111" w.1 ... •i• . ....... """" PlllllZ:OIL , . MOTOR OIL S.A.l . OU.DIS 20-M MMf•cor-'ier'•- ·ifO.tltoal ........ ......... 11 .. _ ..... ..... 118-14 118-14 G18-1S G18-14 lltl Wl)(ONE 71$1111SDISIGN OMS MOl!f COMTACT wmttoAO- MOllf STAllLITY l O "'n"'T" ,,,,r.~P. "'fl Jlt10-1S Llt10-1S 160-14 160-lS G60-14 G60-1S FOR PICKUPS PANELS & CAMPERS 110 SflleTION Of' SIU S l"J.J1. uj)8?.t • "119?~' "12"~""' ,.TUl(O TUIEO TUllO V7 •1' TTI't TI''I TTI'f TUlftfll ---H&AY'f-DUJY I LACKWALLS VAN 6.70x 1J 7.00. IJ 6.10.1s 7.00• 16 2120 21•s 22•• 24ts 6PlY 6PlY 6'PlY 6 ,lY TUlfO TU•fo TU•flfSS -TU•fO 1.00 11 1$ 7.30 11 16 TWIN SINGLE 10·16.S 26f,., 28ff,, 39?1.. 44f1., TU•lD TU•IO TU•ElfSS TU•fll H ""' r.L be.'•• •f S2.44 t. M.7t -. .., .i". FOREIGN CAR SPECIALS ..... ..._ I s.o •. is.!J2nl '11 #oCINnt ~· ' [ ..... 12 1J3tsl I SM•14l'IS"i ~ '1N '"' t•1, Teo .,/ II U .. II.II .............. ,,r,., ' AU. ,... "'" HMML 1Ja11 T~ a OLii nlL BIGGIST ~TOCK IN TOWN Hf Mtt "" •• "'"911 -· .-..-n 10. ..u llAllH -, ... Ototl, .. , .......... t•fto -. ···- ·-utwt ·--• -· ... •H.1111 _ ..... ~ ,.,.,.,,.. ..... , , .. 0c..,.,,,.\_.., ,., •• ,,to., i..--~11i... •l11tl9t11 In HIO!llfl I• I•~ .. I .. '1111 •st llf..o lllllll llst tt..., COWU11 •1111 ... , ........ .... ,.,_ 1---;>--San Clemeo...,.ll~1t8l'l-6ta Mathil at q"arterbaek thil """* .n.r missing him in the ..,;... opener because of a groin pull. "We're small up rront and have no ttlurning starters in our offef\,lve line." sayA Baldwin, "but they cam e off the-ball .. verr-qu1ck--against Mater.· llei and they did II without commltting any ln· (ractlons." 979~5_5 ......... .-: •2r,-1111m. ....... ,..,,,... •etl t..4Wo1 • t ~ ---- ~ ----,,,.' - ;. ' . ~ ~ ·' . . .. Welcome Aboard By ALMON LOCKABEY A lot baa been said nnd written-sometimes ln rather blue language-by the adYOcates of powerboats versus sail· boat......sUnkpots versus ragbags, etc. ad infinitum. But the communication gap between the powerboaters and the sailboaters 11 a narrow slit compared to that Which sometimes exists between .. big boat" sailors and dinghy or ooe-<leslgn ullor•. M you know, one-design sailors race on a boa'1-for-boat ba~ls, usually around a triangular course marked by buoys or temporary markers. Its known as "sailing around the pegs." They are subject only to the clas,, association rules and the racing rules. BIG BOAT RACERS, on .the other hand, race long ristances in all kinds of weather. Their yachts are metic-uf~sfy measured undef the very complicated Interna- tional Offshore Rule (IOR) or some other fonnula Ulat suppoaed.ly makes yachts of all sizes equal. This Is some- lim~kno~ as the wealthy man's faction of Yachting. . To . &1ve you -llJl Ide' of what some dinghy sailors ll\lnk of ocea~ racing, 'here are some excerpt.a from an art!<leJZllileCYC Brem, Uieliouseorgan-of-t:alllornia-' ' Yach\ C!ub, written by Tom Leweck, a devoted one.design sailor who often sails on ocean racing yachts : "Ocean racing ii an incredible game -ABSOLUI'ELY INCREDIBLE. "It moves men, considered nonnal to spend thousands or dollars to sail seeminc!Y pointless journeys around bar· ren lslanda through the raJn, fog and consumiD.g chill, to do do battle with sadistic winds or lo sit out the doldruml. ... .. f • .. ... • ~· IN EARLY 'DAYS -The luxury ya~ht Puritan isc shown at her launching in New London, Cqpn., in ~931. The sa)ne year she set sail fo r the West Coast and >fi\s queen of the Newport Beach fleet until she was sold at auction in 1963. She is ·now being fitted out in her fonner glory for the charter trade in the Carib- bean. • Puritan _Sails Again , , DAILY PILOT d W~ntsday, Stpttmbtr 26, I<J73 •' ·; 1l' orld Title Reg atta • • Star Ent r ies R eady F!Ity..eig~t firm entries from 15 countries -with more yet to come -wilp be on the starting line for the Star Class world championship regatta scheduled to start at San Diego Oct. 8. The Gold Star - o r "world's" -as it is familiarl y kncnvn in international Star circles -will continue through Oct. 14 with racing off Point Loma. Prominent among the en· tries are six former world champion Star sailors. They are ~1alin Burnha1n, Lowell North and Dennis conner, all of San Diego ; Durwood Knowles, the Bahamas ; Bill Buchan, Seattle, and Pelle Petterson, Sweden. BOTH B u e H A N an<l henceforth go to lhe winner of the second race. The trophy honors Paul Smart who was executive pre1ident of the Internationo.l Women Challenge Squadrons The United States Power Squadrons. for more than a half century the count ry's largest and most prestigious boating education organization Star Clw Yacht Haclnc · AJSOC!allonf..,,,,-116! tlMllS, and Is 1enerally coinldoted "Mr. Star Boat" by !lar sailors all over the world. BOATING Petterson have won their appears to be in for s om e respective championships in stormy sessions as the result or :.. San Diego -Buchan in 1961 an action brought against the ~"" (he won it again in 1970) and national organization' charging comodalion facility open to e Petterson in 1969. sex discrin1inalion; t;>ll "The turnout for this year's . Although educational classes pu c. . '\vorld's' certainly discounts Balboa Power Squad s suggestions that the Star is a have always been open lo holding a special membef p dying clas~ because it has women, membership in USPS meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.m. been eliminated from the 1976 has always been limited to at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Olympic," said Chuck Hope, men only .. Membership is by Club to fonnulate the local regatta chairman.. invitation ·10 those successfully squadron's recommendatioo.Jo The Star -oldest of the comi)leting the pi 10 t 1 n g national headquarters. i ' one-design classes -along course. with the Dragoo were both Recently completed findings THE F Acts regarding ellminated as Olympic classes hold that USPS is a public ac---New Jersey hearings in favor of the 470 dinghy a,nd comodation facility under the o t h e r background will ' ''IT'S CAU.ED A race, but the first boat across the finish line doesn't ~ssarily win. The winners are de- termined by a very mysterious handicapping formula un- derstood by a very small minority of skippers. And when people start to understand the formula, the power struc- ture of the ocean raclng community turns to and modi· fies it. the To~do catamaran class. laws of the state . of New presented to the BPS me • Jersey and that m embership bership, according to Com· By ALl\fON LOCKABEY old boy, Sterling Hayden, who feet (board up) and 11 feet six . THE GOLD Star getS wider should be open to lhe public. mander John F. Honey. ·~ Of 1t1e O.Hy l"liot 11•11 later beeame famous as a inches (board down). She is 22 way at San Diego Oct. 4 \vith AS A RESULT of the hear· A panel of members who Lux ury Y acht Remodeled for Chart;er For Newport Harbor yachtsman and movie actor. feet, 10 inches on the beam. boat registration and boat ings , local sq u a d'r 0 n s have volunteered to study the chti oldti ho · measuring. Two tune-up races lh gho t th country are issues will be on hand to ya ng mers w may PUlllTAN WAS .moved from While in Newport Bauer cheduled "d rou u e be wonderin what has become ed ,__ "th uni! d are s lot Fri ay and taking a look at the answer questions. Members g Los Angeles Harbor to mann ''" WI a orme Saturday, Oct. 5-6, with the · ti • b I f h ·11 be sked t t t their of the 103-foot s c hooner and the organ1za on s yaws or t e w1 ·e o sae 1 "The formula Is really an attempt to evaluate all the design factors that contribute Lo or take away from boat speed. All the variables for each boat are plugged into a computer and what comes out is the assigned rating. This rating compensates for the differences between S low boats and fut boats so that, theoretically, the best akipper ~win.JLl\)lllldS good. Newport after the local harbor crew yacht was kept colorful official opening "''ri~e of advising national preferences and the actioq_ of Puritan, the most famous · · · i di · I cereinonies scheduled for 4 ""' r."' d I was dredged. Many veteran n top con hon at al times ... headquarters what the lacal the local squa ron wi I be yacht to ever call Newport sailors in the local area learn-until after his death. In her p.m. Swiday, Oct. 7. squadr'oos desire. transmitted through t~ e home, here is the word: h d she kn An innovation in this year's The alternatives are that dlstTiet to the national okn~ The real luxury yacht has ed to sail aboard the schooner ey ay was own as ~ne "world's" will be the in-USPS shall become a private mander for conslderaUon! at --• ----• be or the world's truly luxurious troduction of 1ne Paul Smarl club wilh w"thout men the USPS annu-• meeting· in been completely refurbished dU\l ::.ol-VJ:U on r crew on r• -or 1 wo a.a 1'However, about the 1me the ink is drying on a new oce.an racing ronnula, the sharp na~al arcliitects have located wbat they thlrtk ls a loophole or two. By reflex- -ac:tioq,, ocmdltklned-refle1:r they start drawing boats-they ,hope wtU 11bet.t the rule." and is now on the Eaat Coast coastwlde cruises. 1 Py;;;a;;;ch;;;t;;;s.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;P;;;erpe;;;i;;;;tu;;;al;;;;;;Tro;;;;;;phi;;;iy;;;;;;w;;;hi;;;c;;;h;;;w;;;i;;;ll;;;;;;miieiimbers.;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;•;;;r;;;a~p;i;ub;;il;;iic;;;•;;;;<-;;;;.;;;Mii;iii. amii;iiii;;;n;;;;•;;;;•;;;;t ;;;J;;;an;;;u;;;ary~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; and will go into charter After Downey purchased thel ''NO ONB WANTS a boat truit will "sail to its rating." Everybody wants a rule beater - a boat that has· a defi- nite edge over the rest of the fleet. service in the Caribbean this yacht at auction in 1963, he fall and winter. _ kept her in his private fleet A complete history or-t!ie-for a COUJjle-of -years before Puritan 'Was published in the selling her to Geno Prado of October Woe oJ the National Peru. Fisherman under the byline of She was in Acapulco for George Newcpmbe. several years lUltil force'd to , lea.ve beeause ..of legal com-m ~U'l'IP'IJL loJ>!1 pllcat!oo& F)1>!0 Acapulco schoone~ ,..s· a familiar s1g~t she-went' to Miami. "Meanwhile, coosider the poor guy who-has got last year's "boat -or worse yet, a brand new mega-buck ma- cblne that wa.s sold as a super boat but turns out to be a turkey. Even If you do buy a super boat, your compett.:. live.edge II measured In months, not years. ''One Of the ... sons ror tills brief1tenur. is ·tbat the rul< 13 cami-Uy bellig modified lo plug loopholes.· in 'Newport Hal'bor from 11131 She ~-latei' tt«\llired by , , until J.963 when she was one Bill Bolling of Ft. Lauder- purchased by a T e x a s ,<!ale, Who refurl>ishes old 'millionaire: Jr. W. Downey of yachts as a hobby. "Remember the C&l-40? It ab!lolutely dominated ocean racing· for a number of years. It was, a super boat de- signed lo the CCA (Crui•illl Club ol America) ·handicap formula. "HOWEVER, WE DON'T use that formula any more. Except for the downhill surfing cootests like the Transpac, the Cal-40 ls now nothing more than another ptasµc cruis- illl boeL . "It's ironic that wbile the new JOR formula was sup-· posed lo be a fairer way of handicapping yachts, tbere don't seem to be any yachts' designed to the previous rule lhal are truly compeUUve. "Perhaps what is more ironic is the way the yachting community is presently dealing with the "breakthrough" designs. Jt seems U you only bttakthrougb a little bit you are allowed to win. SUcb ls the case with many boats from the -of Bruce King, Gary Mull and Sparkman and St<pbem. . •"But ii you !ind a giant loophole, Ille rule is changed to mate BUre you hue DI> cbaJ\ce of winning, Th!J recenl· ly ,happened wllli new bcia1a by Jerry Milgrim (CUcade) and BW Lee (llle ULDBs)." LEWl!CK WENT ON lo explain why ·the "cal-kelch" Cascade was· able to obtain low raUn11 and beat some ~ tbe top 1oldplalel'1I en Ille E8'1 Coast, and ~"Bill Lee's ultra·llght dl•placeineat boats turned la mnarkable re<> ords --Including an l>vqall handicap win -~ite beavy lime handicaps hung oci lllem by the Tr'"'\li>acllic Yacht Club. · ·• "It wu a little harder lo lepslalA! ag~-lhe ULDBs manufactured by Bill Lee," wrote Leweck. "His creations are nothing out of the ordinary when going to weatl)er. However, sJve lhem a little bnere off the wind-and Ibey seem to skip a0'08S the water Jike a nat stone. "Al I '8ld, ocean racing II really lneredlble While all the participants are lootin& for a competitive advantage. virtually none of them would ever CMSlder cheatf!ic. I guess lhat's what Corinthian means -tbe line drawn be- tween rule beating and cheating. Maybe that's what rriakes this ume so incredible." °Well, those are IOrfte of Tom Lewect's sentiments. Any of you ocean radng types looking f,_. equal time? ' sate., llp El glat P ereent . Houston. , Puritan '!';I• biJllt in 1931 at BOlLll'iG WAS )$ed in the · the deyths ol the depress ion project by a young woman, • and CO{llmissloned by the late Patsy Kennedy, daughter o! Harry J. Bauer, onetime Lou Kennedy, ooe of the last president of the Southern of the sailing trading skipper~ C&lifornia Edison Company. of lhe East CoMt. Bauer spent a small fortune Puritan:' is a . steel-hulled fitting-out the yacht before vessel 102 feet nine inches on sailing her Jrom New London, deck and 1%6 feet from Conn., to Los Angeles. On bowspirit to boomkin. She is 76 board as a crew on that feet eight inches . in the maiden voyage was a 17-year waterline with a draft oJ nine Pabst Trophy Regatta - ' Carded for Saturday California Yacht CI u b , Trophy will be awarded to the Marina deJ Rey, will sponsor club With the most entrants. the 11th aMual InvitaLional Special feature of the raoo, Predicted Log race for ·the in addition to the blind point, Norman-A. Pabst Memorial wili----be a secret instruction Lo Trophy Saturday. be given lo lhe skipper by lhe ~e contest is sanctioned by observer at an appropriate the Southern Ca I l f o r-n i a time, .which wlll necessitate a Cruiser Association and the speed modification as much as Anierican Po w e ~ Boat five pel"t'ellt plus or minWI As9ociatfon !or points towara-rrom-ttie PfOOicted §peed. season trophies. E n t r a n t s Scoring will be accomplished ,mimt be a member~ of an bY comparing the actual run- SCCA member club... . ning with the m o d 1 f i e d In addition to lhe perpetual predict«!J time. Pabst and overall k~per 1 trophies, Uiere will .also be ' tropht .. •for first aid .-.i T wo Events place winners !01: llri\•yeer ncers. n 'W1ll also aerve as the . llOtb race for eve novictt. The Bendix Marine Announced • For. Havasu ''AMERICA . AND THE FUTURE OF MAN'' ' An Experiment in Educational Enrichment 'AMERICA Now . you can 9et college credits for l'ffdin9 newspaper articles The Da ily Pilot presenh "Courses by News paper." Read the lesson texts published each Sunday' in the Daily Pilot ~'YOU Section" and en ro ll in UCI Exten- sion if yo u want cred it fo r your studies To Enroll ii\ "Courses by Newspapers" for credit d ip and mail these coupons, with appropriate fees, as soon as possible : r--------...i -----------------, r------------------------, I UCI Extenlion Enrollment • .. ' Two major boating events --'----a-'re-'pJiM..i-roro.tOber ---Ptcaseenroll·me irrtchcck-one Leaming Kit for "America end the,Futvr. of·Men" Record Outla~ for Boatinu ~::.:~~.gi:~~~~ J ~ nlversary of the opening of the < tramplafti.d structure at Lake CllfCAGO-Americanawill bo!b-nowlhedollarvolume More thM ll00,000 boat Hav8'uCity, Ariz. ,, si>end a record fl bllllOI\ ori leader_ are up nearly 40 'per· trailers 10ld. The month lon3' celebration J new booting eqUipmenl th13 cent over •1172," Gaston said. will kick off wi ljle -Hobla year, a marine lnd\lllry e"" "THERE W~S a time when C&t-14 datlonal champlonablp ecutl•• predicted at the open-Hesald!haN,craftarel!l'Ob-most peopie con.sl4ered reaalta Oct. +7. Top llobte tow of the lnternallonal ably die "11llljar beneliciaries boating and other form• of , sailors ltom,all over the U.Sl M""arlne Tradea Exhibit and of ~"~lng up" by owners of outdoor recreaUon 1 luXUQ', will compete in a series of Conference here. smaJler craft. Gaston gave the but that concept seems to be races to detennlne the 197S 1 Wllllam D. G 1 1 to~ , following projections on other Changhig. )1 appears tliilt -cbimipkib. Defending cham· chairman of the Boating productl: more and more Americans pion 1J 'Jell C&nepa of Santa Jnduttr; anoclallcri, said In· view tbelr recreation u a Cruz. dustry ahlpmeoll point tq O~ARD llOAT .. 1., neceaslty for which they are On Oct. IH4 lhc Lake saleJ of~ men than 800,000 running a percent ahead of willing ,. make sacriDc., " Hav., 'City Boal an<l Ski-Club pleasure hoala thia yeot -8 last year In dollar volume. Gaston observed. ' will host the London BrldJte percent more lh8D lasl y .. r. Unit sale• will he n•ar 1he The' 14th annu•I marine ·-Waler Ski Marathon. Thls ·wl ll The majority 0( theaa craft 400,000 m·Bl"k by year's end. · trade sttow wound up Sunday be· a relay type race with an will be JlOWer boats, he added. OUtboanl molor '8les ol nlghl It Is attended &Mually expected 12 teams competing. j about 680,000 Wiiia are up by scores of Orange Ccunly Each team will have Alera "IN MOST CASES, people more Uian 50,000 from last bolt bullde1'11 and acce&30ries towed In tum by oolboanll, JOI AN buylDa bigger and more year. manufacturers. It occupies boats opd inboards over• 10-xJ)lllll~ boat•. Inboard boat More than 2 o o , O O O Wl• 700,000 square feet or exhibit mile cour,. on ThompJOn Bay . o XCal 101 (For Upper Division credits applica ble toward degree I -· O XC8lj27 ("Industrial " course !Or scl f- improvement or commercial credits 1 Cily· ______ Zip'------- Daytime Phone----------- f Soc. Securily No. _________ _ 1. Scnd$25Jn check or money order to : I UC! ExleMim Room 132> . I Crawfon! Hall Irvine, ca. 92691 L------------------------J ' For your personal copy of The Future File (Includes introductory record , book of essays, learning guide, 10 self tests and "The Future Game '' I for use in studying the course, "America and the Future of tl.1an." send ' . _$10 by check or money order lo : America and the Jo'uture of Mnn P.O. Box F \Vaync. N.J. 07~70 Name ______________ _ Add"""'------------- Ci~'--------------- State ______ ZipCodC------ L------------------------~ Another Public Seryj ce_of the_Orange Coast Daily ~ilot-·•___;. p;:=~llli.li~i!'i°"''tir1111111itrim111n,t::1t!lil:lt:)ll!l~Vtoto11"t ~m!!iiiwiiil"!lll!!lc!!!ts....ioa.... 1poc al ck I Each.. skier will ..cover 1hree abead of lut year In dollar aold. . . -~nd h!aturerdtspioy y ..,... ps~ foaJlltal:i>ll!!\,~;.-::-~==;;=-~~,:;;~:.,_;;~.;;..-....:::.;;.;;;;;;;;;i;;;~;;;;;;;.,._;..._.-__ .;.;;.. ___ J_ v o I um•. lnboerd-ouidrlv~ Some IJl),l)i)O lallboats oold. lhan 700 mi1lulaeb1rm. miles per tcam. --• • ' I • • ,. U"l\.l "II.VI AMBLER ~-- TUMBLEWEEDS lil'Ti:NP MY 1l5TIMOlllAL JIANQIITT FOR THE CHIEf! ·~ . ·:' un AND JEFF OH, MRS. MUTT! COME SEE 'THE NEW , 'BRUNO! \-\E'S STUDYING W.A.TCH 'DOGGING IN SCM<>OL- :·FIGMENTS ' ~-... -- ..... NANCY LAST WEEK TH EY WERE ON LY 25¢ NOVELTY , BALLOONS 50¢ 1 I I ' . TeNv MY ' ' ' TIMON/Al. .\NQUf"f 5(.Rlfll'H E JR 11i1' ~R.!5Bl.1:. :HtEF! ' SC.Kl~bl.f:. • t ' ' WOW, THE PR ICE OF BEEF HAS BALLOONED r-,...., SKY-HIGH __ ..., lll•!Vf""''LU!J/l<. .. TODAY'S CIDSSWDID PUZZLE ~ A CROSS 1 Sw•How ' greedily' $Country youlh lO Eject wltti ~· contempt · -14 Danube tributary TS B•tlroom ~.·dance 16 ·Pit 17 Feeling of , Jespect 19 Wile 20 Deletion 21 Secluded l3 Beyond: '' PrefiK 2! Precious stone 26 Oisg~ces 21 Medicin1 ,, •Pplic11ors 3f 'ond1rou1 " book :]!, ··-· China J,7 Sm•tr l1nd m119 JI "--you 1e1dyl" 311 EKpressed indign1tion ~ ldentlcal: PrefiK 42 Negetive ph11se: 2 'wo1de 4' Colony of lnHcts .. s Feminine n•ma' -46 Amer~en Beauties: 2 words 48 F1ity story character 50 IHumin11ed :51 Of aounder mind · 53 Pe1cuse;ion instrumen ts 57 Upper Nile natives 81 01ying appar•tu1 62 19th c1ntury commerce: 2 WOfdS 64 Water body 65 S11cred text 66 Bovine animals 67 Within: Prefix 68 ··-··cheese 69 Asc1nain DOWN 1 Bestow 2 Con,umer 3 Singer -·-· C•ntreH 4 Taki for gr•nted 5 Begins: 2 wo1ds 6 -·--·ice: A de11ert 7 Cuckoo 8 Ru9sian name 9 Ei11ern1I world bf knowledg1 ' • t>~J " ' 1 " ,, ii ~ - •• -. ff,. " - . • ' - ,,·~ " " q ,, -.. -1 ~ ., .. 11 "'" " " " ' " " . " ... " • • " ·'" .. .. ,. -... P•" - Y1st1ttday's Puule Solved: l ' ' l ' ' I II I' L M A " E 10 Fish 11 Rain hard 12 Otherwise 13 Trouble'1>me plant 18 Control 22 lukewarm 24 Mailman's concern 26 Part of ii flight 27 Northe1n Dancer, lorone 28 Change 30 Decays mor11!y 31 The very best 32 Reposes 33 Greek portlcos 36 Nol one I • .?i+ . ,, ' ~ " : '1 ~ "' 37 " IO . " " ' "' .. •• ' " --1 • ••• -- T A 0 S ' 0 E l S 39 Follower of Zeno 40 English school boys 43 Flo1ida city 45 ··----- omission 47 Flues 49 Money: Slang 52 East Indian coins SJ Sulk 54 English river 55 Cleave 56 Demonstrate 58 Public conv1y1nt e 59 Biblic1I pl11c1 60 Carry eway: Slang 63 Son of 80!1 II " •• 7'1 .. " JI " " ., I·~:~ ' ;; " " w • • ' • PEANUTS JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH DICK TRACY ITS THAT OLD HOTEL ON NO~ STAEET. • by Doug Wildey by Tom K. Ryan I Ff.Li IT LDOK!:D A Jl/T MORI' VIPLOMAf/C THAN ''1HE :SIG- 5NOW JOB ." DOOLEY'S WORLD WHAT 00 'Tll~f MS/.Jl 6Y 'bErP SP/ICE, •l'R<ll'IOSSOI!? SALLY BANANAS WIN ollT EINY COST f ReMe,<'IBeR, THe e t-10 JU5T1Fies THe MeaNist • I """ SPACE? WllY, ~ ;HAT'S WHAT ~OU>S 'mo S1?.RS AP/Jtl' ... • by Roger Bradfield By Charles Barsotti NaW1NlaN,I~ You GoT" Tf.le. MeaNS , I CBN'r JUSTIF'V IT. t'1aYee You 5HoUl..D cHe cK t.,)1TH ol\le oF THe . ~ OFFeNst !J~ C· "'TitCKt.es I,, " .1.\ ..... • . "..,tffttt 'l'].~~~.(,li.T,,..~, i ...... 0.Clt~-----~--· _,:.... i.;:;'""'"'------,--------~-'· :..;_;.;__;;'_,.J by Al Smith by Dale Hale GORDO MOON MUUINS c::::;::=====::=~:--(@'i!y.s ... MY,MY. .. IN .THIS STILL Rf;\DIN<; LORD PLUSHBOTTOM'S COURTSHIP L!OTTERS.'...?;.,· ('-- ONE HE PROMISES ME THE BEST O F EVERYTHING IF ONLY I WILL CpNSENT 'TO WED 1-\IM ... .,,,,, ____ _ --- ANIMAL CRACKERS ~ ~' ..... . .... by Charles M. Schulz ~~~~~~~~- " 0 H, NO!! by Harold Le Doux ANYTMll'IG YOU WANT . NO, MOT . ME TO E:XPl.AlN TO REALLY I I'M 1-lOT 1NTERE5TED ! by Mell ··~ '\ STOP, I G~0 'TlllEF. ·;j}' ;,i;:--~ ··~· by Gus Arriola by Rogtr Bollen -THE GIRLS -~ ';It's these silly boar"den wbo'vi <*used ~11 lbele 1borta1e1 -lbaaka goodness I filled my freuer tad capboards montbl aga." -DENl!llS "THE MENACE • ,. l COD Ho mlt WO Am the UP de\ it . ~~ " in Va. Fla ha' OV th< Ula pet me Amtrak's · Car Ferry To Begin WASl!ING'l'ON (UPJI Amtrak wJll begin its rust auto ftJTy service this winter with a Chicago-Florida trs'.'in , it has been learned. AMTRAK'S PLANS were contained in a letter to tbe Jlouse-Senate conference cdm- mlttee that will soon begin work on a compromise Amtrak money bill. A copy or the letter was obtained by UPI. ''The Amtrak letter gave no details ot the new seryice, but it is considered likely it will consist of aut<>-carrying cars atta.ched to the p r e s e n. t "Floridan" which r u n s between Chicago and ~1iaml with a connecting train lo St. Petersburg. 1be only auto ferry service in the country now is a Lorton, Va.·Sanford, Fla. tr a in oper.lted by a private. com· pany, the Aut1>-Traln Corp. A~rTRAK'S proposed new Chicago-Florida service 'ft'Ould undercut a new service p~n· ned by Aut~Train bet en Louls\'ille, Ky .• and Sanf d, F1a. Amtrak and Auto-T in have been engaged in a feud over whether Auto-Train has the right under the law to in- itiate the service in com- petition v.ilh the semi·g-Overn· ment Amtrak. '7 4 Inflation Seen In 4 Percent Range NEW YORK I AP) -A Treasury Depart1ncnt official said Tuesday that· infla1Jon nnt year probably will be 4 Passe1igers , ·Revenu,es Up At Airli1ies Sptti~ to the Dally Pilot LOS ANGELES -National Airlines continued to set records in lraffic a n d revenues during the fi sca l year ended June 30, L. B. ~taytag. chnirman and presi· dent , told stockholders in the airline's 1973 annual report distributed this v.·eek. ''Earnings, slightly above the prior year in the face or sharply higher operating costs, were the third highest in our history." ~1aytag sa id. As reported earlier in preliminary figures, revenues for fiscal 1973 reached an all- timc high of $391 million. a 15 percent increase over the $339 mill ion reported the previous year. Net income \vas S 2 O , 2 million, equal to $2.36 per share, contpared \\/Ith $19.6 million. or $2.34 per share, in !iscal 1972. percent and could be as hlgh as 6 or 't percent The project.loo, which was tlentat.ive, wat made t>y .Edgar R. Fiedler, an assi s tant treasury secretary for economic policy, in remarks prepared for a meeting of the Conference Board. AS FOi\ A possi bility of an inflation rate W"lder 4 percent next year, Fiedler said, "An economist \Vith an outlook that happy is almost as hard to find as a passenger pigeon,'' Consumer prices so far this year have been increasing at an annua:I rate of 7.6 percent , m<>re than double the 1972 rate of 3.4 percent and the 1971 rate of 3.5 percent. Fiedler said that although his projections were finn, they 111.Qrked the first time a top administratioo official has discussed specific estimates or inOatlon in 1974. · "The universally bad forerasling experience at the outset or 1973 has made everybody more caulious than ever," he said. T II E ADMINISTRATION had forecast a rate of innation of 3 percent for 1973;, a rate that experience early in the year show~ was obviously \1•ay off the mark. F i e d I e r said pessimists among economi c forecasters are projecting maximum in· flation rates next ye· r of 6 or 7 percent. Optimists, on !he other hand, project an i11cre¥e o! about 4 percent, he said. FINANCE 40% of U.S. Wives Pursui~g Own Career WASHINGTON (UPI ) Whether by economic neces si· ly or a greater desire to pursue their own car-eers, about 40 percent of Americall wives now hold jobs, the Census BUreau's chief says. With more oppor.tunities ~opening for women in white collar and service jobs, Direc· tor Vincent P. Barabba said that figures comp11ed fl-om the last nati~I census in 1972 showed 40 out of every 100 wives ~·ere in the labor force. This compared to 25 ol JOO in l!ISC. A~10NG \VOMEN w i t h preschool children, 30 out or 100 were working last year com~ to only 12 in 1950. \Vhile 'the proportion of husband·v.'ife \\'Orking teams increased sharply during the period. so did joint-income. Barabba said the median husband-wife income in 1972 was $13,900 -compared to $4,900 a couple decades earlier. Among the other statistics Barabba gave a Senate sub· committee conducting hear- ings on trends and pressures affecting family life : -TllE P..tEDIAN age in 1972 for fir$l marriages was 23 for men and 21 for women, nea rly one year older than the mid· 1950's. -Thct average number of. chi ldren born tQday is 2.4 per married women, compared to 3.3 in 1960. -The average family size is 3.5 persons compared to 3.7 in 1960. -Forty of e v e r y 100 families either had no children home. • Oil Field Post Full Time Job PRUOIJOE BAY. Alaska <AP ) -11'9 in1posslble not lo t:1ke the job borne or bring home to \\/Ork on Alaska's North Slope oil field . The job is borne for drilling c1nploycs of Atlantic Richfield. Arco personnel here \\'Ork 12-hour shifts · for seven straight days. then have a l\"eek orr. Arco flies them to an~ from Anchorage o 1· F'n1rbanks. where t h c i r families li\•e. THEY ~1AKE 54.80 an hour. The l2·hour, 7-day wo r k schedule means 44 hours a week ot overtime, so workers average $16,000 a year in sulary plus room and board. British Petroleum o( Alaska, the other firm drilling on the S1ope under arr agreement \VOrked out with other oi l com· panics, recently completed a similar base camp for it s employes. The buildup is in preparation for the trans· Alaska pipeline. The week~. week-of£ ar· rangement might oound at- tractive. Bl)t Arco employe Jim Netherton looks at it this \V3)': "At the end oC two years I've been away from my faini- ly a year." Netherton. 55. a uti.litirs foreman , has worked in South America, ' the Rockies and other parts of the .United States in 22 years with Arco. tie said he likes the 'Slope more than most places. Wrdntsday, Stptembtr 2&, }q73 DAILY PILOT 2:J ~ OVER THE COUNTER NASO Li1ting1 fo,. Tueld1y, September 2s. 1f7J flw~ Q410t.i "~" A 11''1 Jf'\ 0<•••• Cl'I ~11lJ rr1, •H'f Cr• j.too. •loOPflhed by 111• N••ffll/ FCIE ·~• 10'• Ow«n C• U 11 • l•"'ll<I• ~ hONI 41MC.l•tl001 1111 \llt'r H 11'·1 Tl,_, .,,.II,, (p I t !Ct 1 S.t11ri,,.1 Otll.,,, ..,..~ S..• n 12', M1tyun Toylor W ~l'r ••t b~ ~ OllH IO<I~ )t'lrt 1J'1' ftl tll ltl~M llo 1i.o::: 11yq14o a. o ........... ,,,.,~ ,.,~ 1•~· "~.,.,.,., '!'' 11•·, 11.1.,,., •·· ~ (0Wltfr llt•lo:r~ lo If L'J ''-f'r o<l!M P•< I II• l'l l lflf 0C ''• lt( ' ·•iti(JI Qll>tr .-"II o1 ''j CO I) 1'" M~<'.00 Ell t •o t'; Tll•n I t tlow {'E.i1le• "'"' :l'f'.'t '°'" 11~0 r i"'" tt'I\ " ... rvwi. ¥1 t\.o 10 11....... Trt CIUol • AuloP 7t 1) A,11 U11ov 12., 1~· ... Tm 0<~11 11'':-II'• 110"' ci.. 11111 111U Ct•M 34. :at•i llw• Pt•~ S•• J._ frnoh F" ''• 10 .• re"•I nw10.11p, m1r Mtd l~ 2'• N1yl'I ~R •6 •111 Uni C11>t •r. tol• -40,..,., Of tOnlll'I rhm M.1 U 1•', Rl•<1t Mt '6~' l l', UnlcH> ~I Tl • 19 •o<>n; .t..a 11o:1 no ~ Sc: ••\ Af)Mj E:1 1''• 3611 UnArl Tll /'• rtprewnt <1(1... rty ,.,, .. ID'• " Aollt DH ,. u •. us Ilk NI 11. ,r • ..,..cllon\. Htcll Cll ,~,,, ,, Aellln6 B !&'1 1,. us Trk L. n·. ' - INOUlT•IAL$ aNt £W It \9 ll<i11~1 Co IS'I 1$•·, Un1w Fd; U'' " AMO UTll.ITll!S 1 iPnk !~ , ... , 'Wwt Fnl ''• IDI• Un" /Miii !•, •' Tllt't!lor ""it fl• 2• 21 lhK._r P11 ••'• II lllQM Ho '" • S1pt.mbl1 2s, 1'13 H•rlYPI p :~ •'• R~'I SteY 11' 'l" VlllCI Sn , •• 1· .. ' El Cl A\ Harper R 1 '• 61 SA<JI Ad> 1<• l 'o lllln 01• ''• '' Ac ~\1>111 12\'t lJ Hi .. 111 Fl l"t t S•ftm (p I I 11•11 Snc• I ': I '• Aita At1 lll: ti\ HeUIQ M' /•1 I '• Sc:lwner JI', ll' \ll(lefO SI 16'• 11 • Atlto Lnd H~•Ctl (. u·. , •. ' Sc.l>OU In 1• I JO• llideO Syl ' S•• 11••~ 15 HomwCI I I Scoll 11'111 1•, f' \lh,.,..I Sc I~ "' Al1&Q &.v 711 11 Hoo"u 11 11'> ¥.oU\L (", 6"• 6'-> \IOI $..,,_ 11'• !:I'• AUltd Tel 1t1, 11'' Huru Mtg Ill~ 1• S<.•op"' H 11•, Jt W•lll NC. lJ'• 'I'' Allyn Bo •>, ~· Hy•U c 101 .. II $(tlp!o I '" 1· W•l!t./'Jt H '• ! • •Am Aprsl t 1• I '. HYlle• c ~?~. ?t 5.1!• Wt!CI 'l ?•' WdtMn I I ••• A Ar!Crt! 1 ?•.ln<i. W1! 19~,10•.S~ Mt •<;ll 1/,, 1•1.Webll ll;f S'• S AmEI Lb 1'1 l'o 111(11 NuU 1t' 1 l0'• S•ml\lr 1111 11'• W~<!ltn I'• f '• Am E~pr ''" 61 ' into"!~ • •', Sevefl Up 3) J) W1111t WI I! o 11 Am f •,.fl U ' f 11'1 l,.,ltl (tp II IS', S/lellt Cp 1 > 1 l'ICl'"Q M 1'' • Ji !,. Am f'urn •1, 1' lntf•<; En tli t 0 Sl'lotew I • i , Wstc~I Pl ~· · I'• Am Gr~t I~'• 16 ln\<111 Gs ll•o 1! 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All G> LI 11 11" o;~n C""" 1''> H S11>(l<> FCI ' •:tu Zooros Utl'o 23'11 1S Auto l rn 11 10 11·,..:ev O~til • 6' A•l•CI AID ' • •'· l(eves FD IJ'• IJ'• 8air<f VJt 1~-, 11>1 l(<:<y Cl.Bl t•~ I' t fl.i•e• Fe ll'• JI'• P~\I lnl 11 ·, I!. SOllCI-L 10'> II ll:MS lnCI •·• I c.1!1y Mlt i.o•, 01>., Kn~pe 111 11 1~ R~~~ 6~0r~ ;}: ; ;;; · K~~:'' 1~ ... 1r · .~:..": 1~!'\1~~.::11111;1 1,,':.~0·~:i::3 \~ 8.irnr' H '9 JO .:u,!m EJ S'• 51 moil al>d lo•t l!lt mo>I lw;ed ,,,., ~•(en! 11.0>-crt F 11•, 11·; .t<I<! Pet II'" 11·, ot uwn01t ori • lhe O•er·lfle.(,punti"r 6dyl~'>S 11 • 12\,Lan(ilSI . ll''' I•'' m1ri..e1 ilJS QU<llld by U>e NASO. Dftt'lm<:< F o 0 5 L .. n~A 11•• 11>, Ne\ <ond verctnt.ioe '"""lie~ ere 11'1'!1 lk-·n Cp S"I .. , L<owttr c ll,' I J8 dilltrtllCt Dtlwetn l'llf p<"IVOOUS l•~I b•CI lkfllly LS 11\1 21' ty 8oy 'S\, 1<>'" pritt "'"" '"" <11rrml 111w ll•CI Pflc"(.: lkll Prd l3 l•'.LtQQt>I Pl 16 16'; GAINl•S , C~ll l Olb IS"' 06> L•bet1y H 2''• 1l.'.o I AOClmastr ,121:1 llo• 11 o UD ll .t Rlllb co 1>, 1•,u1 c11mp I •• ,.,, 1 erunos inc I '•· 1•, Up 10.1 1 6iQ Orm ltt, !JI unc Bthl <>11 6:0,, l Life Sc!M CfS !'·•.._ '• Up IS O 1 Rord Son> 1•'• 1S oc>n CISt l • 1·, '(ompylo~ Sv< 9•, .. 1'• Up u .•, !loll E•n~ 7••• 7s•,Locl1lr Sb'' SJ\, S After Si • Int ,., •. •Vo u .J . Booll> Np 10 10' LOtWS Co s~·, 5r 6 Algorl• 0.tlll 1 j '. Up U .) BtPn<O t n ", 1•> 'lo•O Gd• t.;•-1'.l<o 1 Ldfayt l!e Ul!I 1 • '• Up 1' l Brin'' In 11 ll' Ma" Alt •"II S>o I S<•n 0dla (p l • '• Up 1•.l Brown Ar 4\: ~ M.i/1,,1 y ~S'·> 46'-; 9 C~1nntl Co<NI 6'•• • Up U :t , Bue or,.> 11., U '' M~nl Fri 19'• 70', 10 E•e~ullve tn!I 4'•+ l'"l Up ll l Ru<~•V s•, • M~•V l(y l~'• JI>. \I l>~lro Lewi~ I'':'~ I Up llJ · B~•nP St 111·. JOI Mc (MC~ 40 •1 \2 ,,, Miss Corp lt'o' ·~· Up ,, • Buller M I)'~''' ~(Quoly IS lj.l IJ Fol""'°'! Co•p 6••~ '• Up 11.S " C•m ldg 10 10'. M<!dcm 1~ u>., '' Solo<! St S.C:lt"l 21 I 1'~ Up 11.6 • Capl Sow SI> 6 1>11!1 111 51\• S?'• IS J•IHll!n Corp l'>· '• Up 11.1 (en \/!PS IS 1s•· eroo tn " 6>-. t• PIN:'llUtSI Cp '"~ •.• Up ,, ' Cl>mp Pl JJ>; U\.. 'I.lye< Fr 10 10'.~ 11 V•c<o lnCIUt1 l '•' 1• Ull 1!J (ll•nce A 1q·~ 10' lllllpOt s•'• ~s·~ •I Jt'lstn ln<l11" S'•• ' Ut> "011 (ll•n! 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"I can put ~ " "~ , • c ,, 1 "'' ,, Oonl lnll ~,,.. 3~'· itPl"I if! 6'• 11• .,pOf\COIKll r >-I • gh · 1 Jh l I 011111v M 91i t • i;e1i..n A J~ JS'o 9 v.·••lc -Mno"' 1•''>-2 011 12. Warm.'' 0111' Del 3•, J ,,fCl!lr 21 ':. 114, II Titan Group l -'o ON 11. 011-0 ~" •? ~2~ Nw• NIG Q''• ~·, n N00t111v Homs ••1-'• Oil 10. O«li ,D• h':. 1~• N~•ell Cp 1qi. ~·., ll B;tTdwn LVO"i 101:.-11• Olf •. ~ Oil O In '~ 5 t' I R I' I'< 1• l.t~>ilWllV lllC I'•-~·-011 • .. 0.11'1\ Intl I'• 6 lt,.,, Cir 61,, 6J•., 16 ~on~ LIQGOICI W -•• Otl • \Kill [U) on enou . c 0 cs 0 gc CMrl O•Q , .. I ~ .... n a JS l>': 10 SUP<'•Ollr Sir~ 1'•-.• OU II. . ~' 'We hitl't . th.is ~~1~ AR ~1 ... ).11, ;~~V:e1 .r a " a•. •>Au10T••i" cp ln.-1"" °''" 0c11111'1! c a•~• •o e11•1 E~ ~,J, 10,:., :i ~:•;,•i;.·~~ ~OJ:, ~~= ~! g:; :· P•-ne •Ml t la tlte or..., (•s 11>.:. 11• ~n9r Mt ..... ·~ .. _._. ..,. o · H!I "' 10' II 11o;. ii:. 1• Spltll Metal c . ,,._ ......... 1 . I ~ fd th t ol:r:" .o., B 1•·~ n ·.~ ... ~ L~S 24 • 2S 10 AIOCle• Corp ,,,,_ \-Ofl 1 -• L .._ --" ea o • • ft pe0• OIYli Sd (d II~ fer<¥> I\> 91.., 11 CP PrOCluCICp 11.,-''f OU 7, I Pre 'ID 0 It f d L-. Oocuttr 31 31 ..-011 Coat 13•1, 2••·· '2 H~al\ Carp ID'h' = ~· °'.,,: ~'. I fie' Doll• Gen l•t 1 •mont 6''o 6•• 13 'fr.o~t1 EQll ~k I · d h Don.kl~ JP. ll' "'"'Y' I', 1'-' 1' Ape«o lllCP 13 -1 Oil 1. I 0 ·~-R iRfl t e·i-r CU-DPw Joni '19 1• .,t,, NA J't ~·, 1~ GR! (om tr I~ '• Oft ;/. • ~~ O.ii.ylt oe 11•,~ 1J•, 111t C•b ~ .. ,,.. ··r I • reers ··p here.' ' 0..n~.n D ?'· J' ·•b•I llr :Jll'l JI;>, IQ itlo•t Actice "' -. - . -~ --- --. : -.·1-~~-;J."i:;-~;;.;::~,.;1-""'-"'' '"' "' "'., '"' '"' r -._.._.._ -~,._...... ......,.... ---~--:::;;;;;::-~ Er Pii•O 11l'lfl"'.t ... -c-v~·l\'l-.:'T?''~-•. L~w 00~1u•·~-··--· .,,. ' -----._.._.__.. El Nu<;CI 6'. O•, ~( Lun. l'I'· •O n c:w "' ... ··-·o-,·,-.. -., .... "..-/ Ener11y C 1• /> ,, •So • r!I 12 17~ >IOI.~• '{•Clt d on "" martel ,.....,.iJ> A chart in U1e rust·rcd Arco r~ .. S6.L u\: 1) :,n u~o1 18 10 : •~.upµ ltd 11v NASO. • ~jill ~UUilIB ~~QJW ID1 [Im We liketo trealpeople as individuals. not numberg. Some say that makes us "old -fashioned'.' Bui we think ourper- sonal seivice Jo our savers for almost half a centuty, is why we've grown to nearly half a billion dollars strong. When you move your savings lo The Big M you 'II rece ive a warm greeting, high inleresl and lots of "old·fash .. or added inlerest-valuable free services! 0 Free Safe Deposit.:Box' ., • ·-.;-;!'-.·-".---.,,fr, 0 Free Photocopy Service O Free Travelers Cheques 0 Free Notary Service 0 Free Nole Collection• ioned11 attention. , f Whether your accou11t -balance~s $5.00 or $500,000, Mutual Savings has a high· eam\ng, Insured savlr)95 plan to lit your needs. Your Interesting Neighbor .. .In your - nearby Mutual Savings office, Wl!lcomes the opportunity to assist you. ,· .Now nearing.a..half·cenlury of service to Southern California . savers, the Big M-Mulual Savings. is almost half·a·bil/ion dollars strong •.. and still growing wit three ~ew offices this year! Now 9 offices: Canoga Chatsworth. Capistrano· n Clemen te, Corona de\ Mar, Covina. Glendale, P!'S'19ena, Thousand Oaks, Yisla, West Arcadia. ' ~ ~ . ' ~ .. i THE Bi ii M ·' MUTUAL SAVINGS . • -.. , lftd -..i -.odllion c.pi.;-. Clemeole: 530 C.mlrio do &cmlol49U65l flt-MonMyo~ 9·AM-to S PM' Frl<l"Y Jo.AM.to 6 PM. Corooa dd Mor. 21167 Eut Cout Hlgbway/675-6010 , ... , ., b Id Etl'l~n a. iJ'~ lJ' r :ul Rev 11·· ,;o. Ve-BhlAHHCll9. Ui iDg 'ShoWS the tCffi· (•~tu In •', ~' "lllty p l 1 j·, Ptnn OlhPI C. 18',llOO 1;. IP1 • 1·1· h I r El P~l~I 5'1 I .. ,1~~ c~, ~·· 1~·, Piiiips G1.,.;1 131,'IOO ,, 16'··-perature it a 0\\.' 0 53 fair Ln~ 8'o 9 J N Sv ll'o 11·, P<-nn Loi~ '98,60; •\) .-.. • ., .. • d be! • F••ion E.I 3S Jb ab~& VI I/', II'~ Anncu~ Uli\Clt 18,6CO J1\j\ JI -,, egrces O\Y zero 1 n "''"' •Br 10 10 ti tt&ii , •.• 2~·., com111nsur ""' n,loOO 1J\., 1~~--.. Februa ry 1972. But the frecz. F•vs Org 1 ·~ 1 1r11 Lw a•, !···Rank OrgnAOA 76,300 ltieit 1n._ ... l:r FlnQrPll 11\} 11'.<. lcN S<IV / 8 P1onttr HI Bt!d 71.'IOO '31~ ~l\lo -\:o,jl ing wind off the Arctic Ocean Fst Bo$l" 19\/) to.,, Ln~•tn ;a·~ ;1•1; A•r Nat Bt 01 •l,600 ZlYI :i. + "i1,: ISi T•Fi11 2•'.r. 1S iorttr W ll•o tl''o Fi Nll1\h1lp 63.2(0 3t'o'I )t"i + ••~v: drove the Cbill {actor down to 1sl WstF l"t 21 !~r tfld 'j'• "'' Pabsl Brew 5',S.00 llo'1 :11~•-·'•t 112 bel Fhco Ill( '"" • ,,,., Mlt ; "' 1)'n --•. OW. Fl• Telep 19'.lo 20 II D•o 4,• ,,_, NASO Volume 100..y, t .14S,SOD There f's J>'lJJe lo SJOW down F11ckgr 1!\'1 Ill rdf Golt 1•• ,,,., 4411~11tt~ •Tt Fo.est Of II U Y l J'} ·~ ~thnn 564 that wintt ·i.m '·here. The base Fr.tr1~ El ,,~ 101. 100 • nb uncri.ing1<111% ~"f •r Fr11n1t11 JI'> J2•, •~• ,,., foll! 1911 camp and ibost Of the Frltl>d le •12~• I)\ a 8 fac!Jities are built on gravel , beds about live feet higher a,·m ~~,.... El I than the fiat tundra. The hatmting desolation of the S)ope invites comments sucli as the old ·line about the view J:>eing miles and n1iles of miles and miles. MUTUAL .fUNDS New YOtt -Fol· V•lll F ,,_ .. 16.l:l 1e •YstoN1E! • SA1811C i1 •• 1 If. lowing ls • li$t or •"'""' 6.lS 6./1 C11•I Bl 11.111t.1 Com 11.os 11. bid •nd litktCI prL· ~11 F 8.!I f.tl Cu•! fU 1•.1' 21. Spec·11 31.IS 31. cei on MutU11 Stet FO 1l.10 1•.•J Cust Bl J.ll t .11 EAaO G•,: FulldS •s i!luolflf ll~ DIE-So :u.111•.I c ... 1 Kl 1.11 J . Ad Gw •.H 4 ... !I'll NASO Inc. FC MGMT GltP; Cu•I IC1 •.U t . ....,-inc ,.11 •.ll l hl AH E<1tv Gr 8.1' 8.9.1 Cusl S! ~lS5 21.11 ACI lllf •.oo •.n ::;-~w~d t~ :J ~:i.:,v l',{. ~:~ ~::: l~:: ~ 11:~{ 1:: f:' ~G ::U !:~ .II.fl,_. In IJ.t8 U. ;rel GI ll.00 11.13 Cu~! ~ 4.11 $.I SW LtV •.•2 4.1" ,,. The tundra, during the few weeks between spring breakup and fall frost, is a unique blend of color and texture. The mossy ground is as springy as a new mattress and as colorful as a forest in au tumn. Aluture 10.9110.t! 111111 lrt 16.9J ... Ap0l1<> a.ts 5. ECU•tTY •os: AGE Fd S.09 5.1 ..,,,, l .11 1.2~ Pol1r1 J.n •. EQU!ly J.7S 41 Al!Mtlt ll.tOU . ., nt•DY ICrilc~· 6.'2 7.2 lnv"t 6.11 •7. AIPl>a Fd ll.31 U.•1 •11.03 12.Cll .l(ltltr Gtlt 1.7J •.O) Ullr• F 1.•1 &. ArntlP F S.11 s. ~lrfld ···',' '·" l.ncl/TVJI •• u · 1. ,u:CT'o ,•DS: .. Am BlrlP! t .15 tO.ll ,., Burt · • t.96 LfflX Fd S.6S ,,. m $tor ... I. Btrr THEl\E'S also th e six· month night; "Some guys get r e a 11 y depressed," Netherton said. "Me, I'd just as soon work in the dark. When the sun doesn't set, people just Sit around here till P.li~ght_tajking and forget they have to get up at 6 a.m." Netherton "plays chess ii. whole lot" or reads in the litUe spare time between work shifts. The installation has a pool room, a library, mOvies every night. exe rcise eguip- ment and various games. And food, lots of food . uniformly excellent a n d always ava1fable. Robert y Wycoff, viCe president and regional manager, said unap- petizing food can c a jJ 9 e discontent in any remote operation, "\Ve built this place with the idea in mind that people ~ould be spending their careers up h«:re," \Vycof{ added. "\Ve even hi red an inter i o r decorator." The building, constructed in 1969, can house 220 men and can be ·expanded to·holl!e &00. OnlJ. about 30 men live there while •the oil companies mark time a~·aiting construclion of the lrans·Alaska pipeline. "THERE USED lo be a lot or car4 games and dice games," Netherton said. ''but they put a stop to that. Not Am Ovi:& t .6S 10.S ed RPI 9,95 ... LlrX GltOU,, Opp F!I IO.ll.10.J6 Am Eoty t 90 5 3 IOELITY . Cp Ledr 1$.tl 11.11 Sp/ Sl'lr1 ll.111J.12 AM EJCP•ESS . ltOUP: Grwlll 6.87 1.51 Ollel 10.•J 11.$4 FUNOt.: Bn<I Cllb '·" •.1' AIM'(lt 1•.0. Ii.) ntrv F II.I/ ,,.ii> C1pta1 7.9, 8. C1pl.. 11 .8"112.9-t Llbly Fd xS.1+ i·' Altl:HLD G•P : i= ::~~ ::J: ~:"~~ 11:~i 1:ai tl~ ~: ::1t 1:'1 ~~:!-l:~ ~:I: S,.tl 1.0. 111 Dflt 1.112 •• LODMlt. Flt! Fii •.II ~.$1 AS.:,<><~l'o {:~ :~ •• ~;t ~:::~ u:ai 5t,";,Ll:J~ 1J.'6 13, r:;:r l {:tt 11t ::::: /~!~~ ~.u r ~::'!:.. 1::~~ l~:~t l~~t~,. •• 1:.91 u.t ~~.ls1,..';'~,~·~ !::;:N~• :·:f !·~ ~~F 2tH1~:n !~11~~ ~·~; ~·J ~~ ~;:l:f~~ ANCHOJt • ' •l~ANCIAL B>ICI cit~ 10:2. 11:21 ln11fH fO.Ol 10 ... G•OUP: AOOAAMJ,: lull!em 11.1111.1 De.tr1 11.0.. lf.l)I C#lpltl .S..21 s Flro Oyn ~ ........ L!Jllln In '4) 10.ll FCI 7.lS ··~ ~~1~"" ~-:~ f11 ~!~ :~ 1:~! t .. :1~"co: •:ot 4·• l!:'ti. '~~5i." ln(om 1:2• ,;, \lam •.•o •.olO Fr""' 1.19 I. lnV 10:8'-lt.'t! Vent"' '·" 10. lltFd 111 11.t l 13.02 lrodp F I.SO •.32 T,H 1.n t." W1 N.ltl 11.Sl u . FlltST M•u F tl.U n . v .... tur t .tJ I .II Astron ~a. ~ l.l INVIEStOltS: MASS FNCl· 1111 II 11.01 ll~ Audi• F •.•• t'1 01~ Fd J.10 625 MIT n'a.12 • !&Gr 11.nu.:n AXE . .. -Gflll FCI 1.10 1:,, MIG 13:Js 14:11 GenF ll.U 13.11 HOUG"TON: Stock F 1.16 1.9-t MID ll.9l 1S. I lllv I.II 0.17 .Funo A •.IJ S 2 ht Multi l .IO I. MFO U.lJ 1S. ""11111 G 6.SO 7.IU Funo 6 ,_,. 1:01 "0•UM G•ou.-: MCO IS.9111. ' In 11.tS p.OI SIOCk •.01 • 100 Fn<f 11.1' 11./4 Males lV 1.11 1.1 pectrll S.JS }.81 A•• s.:r •.30 1:u 1D1 Fncl 1.•l f.63 Mjllller 11.•I U.11 P lnO 1.JO 7.lO BLC GIP! 11.91 ll (olum •.• , •. ., Mid Am J.M •• ,.,. . ll11l50fl 11.1J11: 2~ FUf'<I •.•• l .oMMl:!lly FCI 11,1111.1 Com ... :"~:;~rs. Bevrocc 1.11 9.'1 FGn Gr 4 ... J.1l MSB F• U.c.t. I•. Olv•ilt f•l s"tl ·.·.~,· "• t .Ol 6.S FOUNDE•S Mii BnG 10.J111. Pl'!'Or'J s')<I s'IM ~ H t .16 0,1 •OUP: MIF Fd I .Oii 1.7 SI,, Gr Soi s·Dt Ct.M:Dft 11.J2 II. Grwlt. S.4S }.96 MIF Gro 4.12 S.2 SI Fr Inc o":i.t o":i.t Berger I( 11.11-1 11. h\Coltl 11.t} ll.06 MUOm vt S.1• J. S!tte Str •8.0111'4) B•rk1llr, •.1t 1.6 F M!u"I t.02 •.M MuOm fn t.lO )0. STl!AOMAN . PD°S· BOndilk S.01 J.• F Sl>«ll 11.11 n .1s Mui S/lrl 1S.92 l:i. An! Ind 31• 11i 80sl FCll'I 10,Q.110.tl Fl'Ju•l<1 F •.•• 10.3' Mun Tr~ 1.11 '· Al!iO FCI 1:io 1'10 8rD'#ft l.-41 3.1~ PltANICLI" Nal ll>d11 10,13 10.1 111.,.51 l '' 1·., •ULLOCI( llllOUP : NAT SEC FDI: ITEIN ltOE .POI; • F~"~1°~~ u.ao ,5_11 8~i11cs, f:~ ::~ l:::i""sr ::ll 't 811~nt ll.s1 21:s1 CCln FCI 11.11 1•.3 Fr lncm 1.97 1.lo Olvldft 3.6' 4. ~:•~I :t~ :t·~ 01., SP!r J.n •.IJI US~~ S •.IS 10.l't Pttf Slk 6.ll I. SIS OllOU,. " Nolwd t .91 10.15 Ulih!lt S.11 S.7~ tncom 4.IO $.I Orwin ;, ff 1 II NY lltn 11.11 12.lt Rei Cap 1.'6 s.11 Stock Sr 1.03 7. lncom 1·5, , • Br11llm 10.11 JO.SI R~ Eqly 1.n •.•! Grwlri 1.00 1.6 Smmot t'1t 1o'Jt CG Fllfld 10.IS 11.ll Fkl LIEq 11.1111.01 NlW ENG LI': lt(i'w>I tn 1M. (op Tl in 11.1s,u .s<1 FCIM!dp •.14 t .IM E<1lllty 16,IOlf. ~•¥ F 10"1111· ... Cent Sl'l1 1•.ll 1S.W. FU NOS IN(P Grwtl'o 11,Q.111. LrtCro F i?t i'N. ~~~~~~NG c~~':,,"= t .Jt 10.2s ,;~~ Mt '~:~ ::: ' R .,_ •:is 10:11 &alr>eO 10.6! I 1.6' lmN< l .U t 10 Ht11 CHI! J.16 J.I f= (' t~ 1.9 , end Fd 9.11 t.'1 Ind"°"'' 11.l! n .olO Ntuwtri 10.ot 10.ot ran Cllp hj 1.ii' Com Slit 1.17 1.1.l Piiot 1." 1.61 Nt Wlon 1S.01 "· , •• 1 Eq II' 4 11."11 Grwt~ s.u •.01 •!fw! '·'° 1.22 Nw ..... \ 1'.ll 1S.M uOot H 1fos 11 0S lncotn ... , 1.SI e s. p JI.II ... Ntw WI<! "·" ll.'M Pl (G l .Oll ,·_. 59fcl 1.'IO 1.0I efl S.c .... 1.'M Nltt>I•, 11.1111.U t> Cl t°lt is. 11e"1ur t .1110.IO Jt0U' SEC: Nest l'f!r 11.,.11. nlllM o:isto'.oo C"ASE AIH'• F S.1• t.19 Ckt•ng 7,1, 7.16 nl!l.lnd IJI •W •oSTOH· a.it fllld 1.•1 f.68 ~ l .tJ I.Joi NION SIEJtV1c•· Fn<t eoi' • 1• 10 is C<tm Sl• n ,11 1111 o Nel• Id ll .. 1 12 . ., •ou,. Fron (p •.11 ,: .. 111 FAm •.sl •.•i On• Wiil 11.16 11.1 !ltd s 1·v 11.10 1 ~ St>Tr Bi 7 72 l'tGrlll Ind 11.7511.2 OPPEHHM •ot N~ll In ,,, ' Spe(I .: •• 1:1. '"'" u .1111.n Op Alm II.OJ u .cs Un (~pi ••2 10· (!!em Fd 11.01 11.0o!HAMILTON G•P: ~ I"' 1.1• 1.41 Wtot~I IJ.I> ' COLONIAL . Fimtt '1~ '· Trnt l .ll •.OI NITEO • i., fUHOS: G•wtti I 7S 7 'tt 0 C S.c 10.1111.0S AtCllll' :~NC>~: (M•t• t6610 5'4o •ncom ~.ll l.l/ P1tftml 1.t$ 8 11 a nd Fd 1·;. :-;, fQully 1:., 3:1 H~d-1 "Ii "·' P1ut Rtv 1.•1 • II Conl !IW 10:1111::it fund 111 11 11 .~ H•rl lv •..U O.}o Po11''" F S.J• J Corot rnc t.'9 10 ~I Grwlri •.f9 ~-"' CIWo .... •.11 PeM Ml 1.11 2.ll lll(otn ll.U l•M t""om ~.6110.so HtClg~ t:)!) . Ptnn So 1.1• 7 16 S<lt"" 1 ,, 1-'1 (olurfl (; ,, .• , u "17Hortt• 11.61\>0 .. PILGRIM G-; C• 11 "0 11 ·~, v ... ,... l )O JuH••+IQI I.fl 1.11 P"ll~ FCI 10• '·" \l~r 7'31: l .Ot COMMOHWL.TN ' lmp.1 (p '-'l 10.15 C•Pt.JI J 11 ' •IS ..... 10.ll'! because of nny heavy losing Tf~SJ: 1_11 1 ,1 ::0,~~m ,~~,:;~~I;~ l:t: :. VALUE LIH~ ;~51 but because nobody ,\oold go c i.Mt 1:12 Ind FAm l .sa 1.11 e1 ... s1 lo.4110. v11 u.. 5 ... .,_n C°"'p gr ttl 7S11fllf9)fl f.£7 1~1 Pin T<t l .16 ••• IJ.tl ill( 4t' t'lt lo bed.1' Comp Rd 1:11 .·., 111 1n .... 1 11.1~ n .JI PIONtfJt ,~ ltv G\11 1'.w...., .. Drinking wes banne d ~=~F" :·~t :-~~ :~:te;, ~ ,t~ .~:~~ ~!::: f; 1~:,, ,t ... ~·~er l.)O i . ., becatfsel •t became 0 problem con' 1"" 11:S1 11:001 nv ""'d 1.11 1.11 Plonr 11 to 1111 SAHDE•t : • Cr111ri pw ·).ti 6.!-11~" '"°'' l 10 PllnNI 'SO 10. lflvt~I l .IJ I~ Fl.ght'in• never has been a ,,,,,M, 1n 1.11 •• 11 In• eo. 11.1) 1l xi PL• GRO 11.,J u .1 11s C9"1 '·" ., i;o < (ontr&ll 1.1• 1 t9 INV!.ST PltlCE ltOVtlt 5.pt(I •. 11 I problem h. added '°"''l ( 1l •6 u Ji OUNSl.L c ..... ,.. u .11 U,19 VndrDH 1 10 :n • (wn o,,n • 10 1 n Cto.1'1 1.6' 1.1, Nw E•• n 11n1 ll•"'lll'd 1 11 ... "Once In a while fl !"Y gets C.wn D•v s I! •.n (110~1 1 ... l.OI JJI ~ ... Hor 10.&<I 10. llll'lf llJ'lll •• a. ~ , o.u.\ 3 11 c .. e.t !Iii J.tt •S~ Poa F11 •.u 1.11v•111'!1 1 '" •. his back up." he said . but \\'e Otv1C10 1.•: 1:i7 •NV"£5t G11ou.-1 P•ov•to• ~.u ~ .• , "'~"' c.r s",. 1, .. • . OfiL.ilWA•r IOS Giii I.II ' Pro\'11 Gt I~ • ~ Wt ilS.I flol' '·'' .... can see ll coming. \Ve know GltOU,: LOS. NO ··~ ... P•\111 I.IP 10 ., 11. Wtlll Mu 11 •1 ,, h ·d Ill l •• C>rc•t • •l tO,ll tO~Pr •,tJ s e.1 ,UTNAM w11roo ~ot 11 .. 11 OW to 3VOI COil C 5, O.hv F 9~~ 1t•I lolutllOll '·" 10.11 •UNOS: WlLl+NGtO.N Belw .. n ~ and so ~r""nt Otlt.t ' .),,10 i:v Sto..~ ~O.l/ 21.14 c-.. II OJ 12, GllOU,l IN r~ '-" ClllltQll 11.0'l6!11 !.ftt<I t ,tt '"' f.~ly 9.Jt 10. ij.oploo-JJ.132Jlt of the workers are Alaska D••'' '' s u i. "''Pay 1 '' '11 c.to •1.n 16· ,.,.~ 11·n 'li !?009C• 1t1t t!. tnvRti '·'' s .. G1w111 '''•11. Mor(!;n t .?O ! n&tlves D••~i'1 !' 103'1 0t.11.. 1,"' 111 , tt11~.,, 1'l , ' Oltl!Y~U' O•P '"''" • )0 •• ""' t.• 10, T•1.ttl ;i.JJ tJ. De\valn Rush, 32, \\'ho came o.v• Fe1 n.n u.n ·~-->. .. •· vii11 F 11.~ u Wlfblr ''·°' 't I k b r Od '~! fl111 ·~ •» 1rn UI j•4• ~ •• vovt11 11.0011 Wt lltn ll"' to A as & y way o e!!a, 0rv Lv 1s.11 1•.13 Tr st," 211.M,. h .w R•v•1• " 1.00 r.'l w1MV ·a 1 T f• M 'd th SO ll)(m 1 " •izt'1tl flll • 'l·" iltlnt<I 1fl) W.11 Ind • 1~ e:it:., JVe yell,~ ago, 581 e kd C-10.ll n:r. "& Flff'ld ·ft kit< Ect , .• 1 •A Wt.tld 0.. '· 1 ra· natives tend~to at&y In their E:1 e~ .. j)4-~.)t Gw~ ,;:~~!l~'IAf , _,. '· °M'l(-'·'' •·. 11:1111~ ..,, ,6' s;,11 H ,,, • II l..f' P# ~·· ~--ll.61 \ _ own cliqu_cs .. But he said there ~~~~':it: H: t"t .;1, • ..,. sc"itOo'r• ;cn110.1• •·•~·d•v..,., "·as no d1SCrunlnatlon. 141,. fl:d • " io.10 ~"' ts..i.• 2s." '"" '"" 1111 1i11 r'\1114.~•1...., I -' • • • • • • " !l6 DAILY PILOT , IRS Ends Tax Li.en Accor d SAN DIEGO (AP ) -The Internal Revenue Service has cant'eled an agreement wblcll modified its $22 .8-mUUon In- come ta1 lieo against finan- cier C. Arnholt Smith, at· torneys for both sides say. Portk>ns of the previously secret aareement w er e discussed in court Monday, and it was also revealed that the-IRS nullifled the agree- ment after Sm Ith allegedly removed some papers from a vault at U.S. National Bank. SM.Im, A longtime friend and financial bacli:er of Presi~ d~t Nixon. has denied he owes th.e IRS any money in back taxes and interest from the year 1969. In the agreement reached Aug. IO, Smith dropped a countersuit against the IRS, which in turn consented to P red letlon Agriculture Secretary Earl L. Butz told mem· bers of the American Meat Institute in Chi- cago Monday that in- creased farm produc- tion will stop rise of food prices and shop- pers will soon be buy- ing beef in Jarge quan- tities. relax its pressure for Im· ----------- mediate payment of t h e money, according to U.S. District Court Judge Leland C. Nielsen. Attomeys further disclosed A1onday that the IRS had agreed at the time to drop its levies against U.S. National Bank. But IRS lawyer Richard Roberts maintained the finan· cier was to be allowed access only to his personal bank ac- count and papers, and not to dispose of any property W'lder lien. SMITH'S T A X attorney, Paul Connolly, contended all liens against the bank had been titted, so Smith a~sumed he was allowed to remove papers from his safe deposit • box. • The lav.'ycr said Smith ;ind another attorney went to the vault Aug. 14, and Smith removed stoek certificateS ,owned by Westgate-California Corp., a conglomerate he con· trols, Belich Plant Stays Busy Due to Delta SANTA MONlCA (AP) - A federal contract for 20 Delta space rockets will i: e e p production going well beyond 1975 at McDonnell Douglas COrp. plants here and in Hun· tington Beach. company of- ficials predicted. They said the National Aeronautics and S p a c e Administration contract an- nounced Monday js worth $67 million and it contains in· centive payment provisions if "production schedules are met. The Delta rocket h a s launched most of the com- 1 rnercial and weather satellites Wied in the U.S. space pro- gram. McDonnell Douglas i!I head- quartered ~1 St. 1.A>uis. R estraining Order Told A t GeoTek SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A federal judge acted Monday to preserve the status quo among GeoTek Resources Fund Inc. and other companies while he considers naming a temporary receiver in the alleged $30 million oil fund fraud . U.S. District Judge \Villiam T. Sweigert issued a tern· porary restraining order which had been requested by !he Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC claims the various Cinns and in· dividals connect~ with them had violated.securities laws in selling of oil drilling partnerships. SWEIGERT'S on:ler prohibits meetings of shareholders or directors which would change management or control; the pledging or disposal of assets except in the normal course of business; and using monies or securities of finns except in usual business. It also prevents the com· panies, officers and employes from materially changing the business, completing any renegotiation or oonversiori of outstanding debt or substan· tially increasing the debt and from entering any new ar· rangeftlehts covering th e managing of drilling pro- grams. Books and records also must be preserved. Exterminators Now in Irvine Western Exterminator Com· pany, a pest control firm , has moved its corporate head- quarters from Los Angeles· to a new facility in Orange Coun- ty's Irvine Industrial C:Omplex. - The facility. at 1732 KaJser Ave., Irvine, houses all cor· porale administrative person- nel. Jolin Anderson. Western's president, said being near the Orange County airport is suitable in serving the i r network of pest and tennite . control offices. -=====::=::=::::::::.;:..:~~~~--'~~~~~~ ~----~--------­.. , "--------§ -· ORDER ~( t~~2i , . Stic:k-on YOURS . LABELS " TODAY! • l n ternatlonal Aid Complete New York Stock List -M tar Pl d ~tw vo•'I. IU~1 -~· "::! "" ""' "" ',1llli ~ one y e ge P1•10l\t11e :._~.1 l•c N•: cor•~·~'~::~~::::~-.1c.,p1,.·:'n:':~~:uE'''"t,i.11'°°"' i'\~ \u:t~LMl~i' P.I cioJ Mith ....,.. I.Ml aw. 1 l "' K• ~ !!ii lllWlot i.• 1 11 """ '5 -., ··~!!!0 j 1! ll!i" 1? __... A-1-. f'ICO " ~ 1 lft '"' iZf~ ·11 • '"' 1:1· ''" -~ ·~'Mi~· :ii l• I 11, • ' ADllOI~ I.JD :ti :arr ~ ....... +I~' =tt:. ,,.iii ' ., 1n: l J'; ~I= o.i4o 10 '\ 1•.lot ll~ 2-1 Ci \' :11~1•\'r , .... .,. J I) ;m-'~· Air d h Shul ~~y 2:: I~ : ,, rm~ t? ::11~~~-tt lO ~ r.'"' ~ U"'+1"-f.1,11on ar•~ 11• U11 J!!. ,:: .f~ ~i~ft!w,,, ... i .~ , l)lli ll 'fl:!~ e Y tz ~~~I}~~~ it :J 2~ fl\ 2:~ ~ :::i.:: 1'.ff, 1l n Ytt 'b'ff g~ t: • 41) .ti ov. 10 , ~.. ;::t~~.' ·· ~, J~ Iii ;·" AO=• .. .,. " I"' m. ·-.. ~~· l·ll ' ,ll "= ~" 'ml:: r.F ··~ !' "' iu· 'Ill ~" 1::li·i~ H 'ft 'If. 1~ r. 1· ~::a~~' .: ,•~ '4~~~ 11~ 11•~+ .~ c.~ ~ .. 1 l: 1'° ~" fi~ L~ .. ~:.~11,. ·1 i tt .~ it; ft:! :: .~:~ .. 111 I.; 10 " 1 z~r-f ~ ~~·I:\;: • 112 -~ lP' 1 ~ t: C:tfl!TI ·1.~ IS fl ,, ~ P.'" '"'F&lrmlFp I ' 14'-o ··~ u~ "":~ll ~~. ~ \~ 11 ~~ ~~ -41 Treasury Secretary George P. their SOii should expect any ~=nn f~O: 11 u ':?: ·~ ~!?+ ~ S:tr11~ ~;J & ,J ,n , 1" ,,r.~ ::S:r. Ml: i:~ 1m r ,1\;t ~: T' .,r. •l't "· 2tt u\'I tr U" 2"" NAffiOBl (UPI) -U.S. con!iscn~e foreign property on ~=l1i'c! ~ ~ ~w. 1di ri""r~ ~~~d.,: ! 1 Ll!t 1J: llm ~ Ei~'·~:~ j j 1h: 1f~ 1J~ ~: ·1~ Tf'i:~~:j 1:' 1~f J! .. ~ " 11:: Shultz, under pressure from us. aid. "!' l'rod .:.oo 21 ,t: ""' a1-. 11r. '4-tiuP pf 1.20 • 1°' r.U: 2m ,,._._ t: FIMJl"teo 1:C $f •s 3111t \1\1 lt,. ifi .'::~ : ·· Jtt ~ ~ .. I poorer nations to re n e \Y France and West Germany :J'0i~u~i~i: :? J~ ~m J: it!! h ~£fflf ~~ i6 m t:~~ fit? tt~,... :~1~1 ':# : ,,n fllt l\~ 21V.:: ~! t ~f./'!Jo2J1>o :: 1~ t11 '' tt~ #'ti . ~~ moved In to lllke up some or 1.1:~. 1:. 1 • ~: )6 . ff' -lt ~::mc=~ : ll ~ Jill 2114-~ ::r.:,:P'f.J 7 21 ll: •2i:: f:l~!'"' 1~1:~=~:1 i II a~~ ll n~ I~. American pledges l 0 in· the IDA slack from the United ~!~foe1n~~ ~ J: .J:: = ffit: tt ):::::;~,.: 11 '~ r,M E; !+ "~:3rNr1:i \f 1~1 4'~ ~ Jt_ ti 1:11~1,1:~ Sir 1 ~ 1{~ rrn iJS.t 1" todtemaaytiothneal pa~~!1,romgra11'"'es 'w'a1'tihd St~t~. French FI nan c e ~i~~'A'1u'~ :: 1fl u:z lit; ~~ v. c=r,t:. ~:& 11 ,11i" lt~ 1~ "~~ro°t;~ if 'fi = ~ ~n:+ v. In• Vn..Jlt '! t~ ,~ ! ,!~! ~ iuu t.11n1Ster Valery Gi.scard d'Es· ~~o 5,!d0 "' .,• ',.' ,!... M J?)o+ ~CMme111 .aa , 102 '' tl\.'t 11 th Flllr.otd .to 1 11 llH'I '™ Ult. ::: llj.3'30 J " ff-1t fl~ I""., to Congress not the Nixon ad . d Id ..... Ot1 ... 16 ...... ,..,. ... -... c:nmNv 2• 10 '' .. '~ 4"" ~Flcl Fll'ld~ 1 • 11 s s J -v, 1ow•HG .. ,. 11n 1"" ,...+.._ -• tatng sa1 France wou In· ~1,',"" ,·J..Oll "• u ,"',, ,•~ ,~v.-" 11n Cp 1 . .0 n • 4ll ""' ""'+ "I"' 2. 1 11a av. 2nt. u11o+ li ow•PL t'.111 1 1 n. :nti1 :0 ministration. 't t b ti b .. wn .• GI) l4 ,, ~ ~+ v. ChftPd 1.u 32 11' 7J ,,\lo 74'4 + \lo,. IJfl• .20 • 2 19\lo ttw. n\I;+ .. OWttPS I ... 11 u li \11 ltYI ' \~ Sh I Id h crease 1 s con r1 u ons y AllAmLt .2• 11 lG-1 *'""' 10\.7 ni.+2~ he$~ .7Sb 1 ut '!14 '2~ 43~+" Ml ."6 1 13 17~• Ul't 111 K_oKoto·21 'I ,1, Jh ! " u tz to l e an nu a I two-thirds West Germ 1 n A,ut;~~ .,1!!!! '• ",,,' .~· ,."'-"' . CllI E 111 ·'' ' i 1 10 10 11ro1cp . .o 11 111 ,, 12111 ,._ ,..1JE 1111 . .oo 1 i nk 201'1 ~ ..., °" ling I th t •· II I · A tol"" .-• V. 21"+ I'll Clll Mllw Cp 4 2' 10 t• '*"-:it. FllCI Fld Sit S If 1• lilfl ~~ \II .._ c.oror ... 11 1" l~ »* :M'A-~. mce o . e nit:"ma ona Finance Minister H e lmu t ~J/11 ~uc151 J ., 2 "lt ._ at"'+ i. NMOCo Of 1 11'4 1Mi ~+ 14 FlrHIOl'I 11 f n• 2m 21~ ..._ v. n cs.·~ 1 1r · '' 11 +1-.. Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Schmidt said Bonn's total !U~~1p 1~ '~ '9 fl = n\ji .. ~~:r:r"L~ ~~ 1t ~m ~I 12 :!: ~ ~;~~Tt"~.62 117 m H~ r,..., 1;-\1~t1~ 1~~'~11·11 ~~_J =~ I~tt !nt::.: World Bank that the ad· share of IDA contributions AH<l/Mn : ... 23 'n ~~t ~v. ~~+ ~ ~~ .~: is i: 'il: 1114 'llt: ~~ ~:: :~'f.S: 22, '1' 17\6 ttt': ~7\.'t v. u lftUJH 114 . . ~ 4'* •s1,+ i,, ministration will ask Congress would go up fr.om 9.7 to 11 4 AlldPro11 -" 1 • •~~ 11 11 -\'i lltl• cr111 s.. iai •\II 1 •li t 1-. F1P<1B0t 1.u 11 n 4tl't ... " -v. j•mts ,.. s2 10 i. 12 11 YI 11..._ ~o to .pp-ve .. ,5 bi'lli'on m· U.S. · AUlfllST 1 . .t0 1 ~ ~. :uu. 26'\.+ •• c"rsCrAp 1 .. 1 '" ,.,_ •~ \II !'s!NCltv .n 24 1us "~ "~ ""' tflll.ri 60 1 ·1 ~ y:i m+ \~ •• n percent. Alld Supmkl n 113 4 Sl't I . Chr8Pl l..O 111 \11 11\.'J 11 \.llt¥o Ft!NlBnc2. 1 21l• 2·~-1·l·+ V.JtOFll l.7olll . .ll llft 1 ,.12~ l•c COntrl.buti·ons over the ne•t All i• cu .n 12 ~ 13 1tl4 12'4-""'1"rom• :ro ·' :n• 1s lN 13 t~ F•I N•t s1r1 1 11\ii 11v. !'"" \~ JtUPhot u 15 1 «I i! _ " Al!Hlt Pl .60 1 12 14\~ l~U. 14:\l llryslr 1.«I S UI tm 27 21h+" F"°aCp 1.20 12 Ito 41 :1t:r... 4 •I I~ W CPLp/J I .. \lo .. Ii I three Ye.rs to the Intern. a Alco. l.t~ ,, 61t 73h n i.r. n'4-~ llrvtltt" wt lftl 9\'I ,.... t~+ \, FsPMI 1.Sllb ' "4 201'• 20 20" ~ J-.1 c I, 6 '2 :nt• 3t~) ... '' • AITl•l5w 1.60 I s 27''1 :ti\to 231tot ... ~IMta l.S,b I :u 16"6 1.;\ ,.~+ v. FtllllUE ... 1• .)II II~ 11\oll 11\to . JlmW•tl .ill , ))I 2"' 1tl,\ 20tt+1 tional Development Associn· C 1.mawc .so • 20 11._ 111'! ll"''t v. '" 8111 1.20 ' 1 1t1~ '' 1t\4 F•tlJB~ . .uii 11 1• 11t. 11ti1 11111 + "' 111w.1111f 1 . . l.$0 nlfl ii~ U\'1-1' Ol•suiners Am<W .151) • u '11 ,v; ~ . 1n o" 1.64 10 ,n 2•"' n1111 2l\'I+ .... w, •• ,1.r.i • s " :u~. " + ·.~ Jlmw111 ""° .. , 2s 2•v. " ... 111 tion (IDA), the World Bank 's a. Amco lllCl•t u • ,.. 3..., Jl'o-'' ClnG pf '.JG i1«111'Va Ill 1uv.+1 1=11 w11 .010 10 • )l"o ""' Jtv. Hn1Sc .lllb .. la 20\li 20 20'4--1;, Am HHS wT1 '. )63 IOV. iw. ·~ .. ClllG pl' 1.. . . r lto " " " . fl Kh&M~ • • 52 '1V, 60 ''Ylll\'t JHn!nv l \~D . . 1'I ''" !' ~+ '• branch (Or low-interest loans. Am Agronm . 146 l\1 2~ 2111+ \I llfG E pt 0 l •• l'1D SJ'N Sl\tt SJ~+ V. fl!W F t :lG UV. 12"' 131.'o VI JDtlnMv 1.70 I 122 n'A 14' ml+ I• BUT BE WARNED that "I cannot say with any certainty how long our consultative and legislative process will take or certify its outcome." World Bank President Robert S. McNamara told IMF delegates Monday that unless ;.he United S t a t e s makes its commitment by next June 30, IDA may die. Shultz' chief aide. Paul Volcker, tmderlined the ad· ministration attitude by telling newsmen, "You never can be sure what Congress will do." The United States currently provides about 40 percent of the budget for IDA, which specializes in loans lo the world's poorest nations. But Washington is more than a year behind· in its payments, wants to cut its contribution to 33 percent and, until Shultz' speech today, had refused to say whether the ad· ministration would recom· mend a so -call ed "reP.leIDshment" of IDA funds. SHULTZ TOOK a hard line generally tow~ nations that receive aid. The United States "finds it difiicult to un- derstand." he sa,id, that it should give govemment ciid to nations that reject private in· vestment and "does not find it reasonable" that nations that Ford, UFW Start Talks On Contract DETROIT (UPI) -With both sides sjlarring over the negotiation tiTnetable, Ford ~futor Co. and the United Auto \Yorkers started talks this week on a new three-year con· tract to cover 170,000 union members employed across the country. Ford declined to set a da~ for its presentation or contract proposals to the union. The UA \V said it would set a strike deadline if and when the negotiations appeared to go too slow. Amtr.c l_jQ 1 1 20"' 2~ ~ .. ClnGEpl ·~ .. ii40 13 13 13 +1 Fli!Mfk .1 II fO "° l'l'I M4 ~jO!ln&Jn SO S2 177121 111""110 -1 Hi't 'Gw" nts' Amtrlll 2.60 3 li'\t. 37\4 ,7\4 . ClftMll• 1..40 tt s 31 J7 31 . FIM1Efll ,12 ' .. llNll 100.. 10•+ I.; ol'lll Svc .llO t 16 22\~ 2114 ti~ ... AmHts .)Oa 2l IOO ~ 4~ 4~ \11 CIT Fifi 2.10 12 191 a 41" ... + ~ Flemog 0.60 I l 10 N 10 . JOt1Loan .IO t 1'2 :Mlio )+Wt 3.5\lot \• AH·~ pl l.,, ." t7"' "' .. 1.:.-... EIJ.ri SYi 111 11. lit _ \\ 1'1e.IV911 Sit 12 lit 2116 w· l1...._ 4' ~~~ L 1 . .U • ,, 11"6 ,, 1"'6+ .... .. :'::i":1~111n-:; 2'l eo't r,~ f~~ M111 · · c1~1,s!" 2'~re \1 11' mt = ~Yi!~ ~U~lt gi ~t? · ~ ftt: 1\.'I ff"'.! U l:;"~"t~ ·, ,,, l~v. sff!"" ll1~ :;: F C Amil•!!; .20 .. ll3 1\11 1V. 1ri.+ 14 C: IV /fl" · .40 6 Jl4 14\'J 11~ 'j\.\+ \'j ~~ ~00CW·"" I 1,>0 l,c j , j: r: jGttenl .16 ' ' 201' ~ 20',-~IJ Or Osts A8r&f'ld 2.Je • 11• 3~ 37'.'I 3ntt+ YI ty fl" wl! '3 2 14 + l'o FliPwr I to 1 36 1 ... 3™ B·n+ " DYMfa 1.40 23 .s.i 3a-t'li 11 31h+ tti . :~18.W .. ~ :1 '?: ~ f~U ~ ~ 1~11~ '1 J : : ~ = ~~ =t~~ FltP'.12 1:u I) 117 \' f.' VI IC•l1wA1 .~ ,;-;'b ~ 13~ r..i.--Al'!\ Ctn 2.20 9 '6 111\'t JO 30\4 +lo'I lty 9!of11 " J Sl/ii s JV.+ Vo "ru SI 1.;f I j !1 h + ... ICl'\I~ •liro , ·1 13\.'t 13\,\ 131-'i+l\oo A Can pf l~i 2 24'a 24\.'I 2, ... + \.\ Cl•rll: E 1.52 i4 lll Sll't ~ ~Bil ~ ::f"rei:.,.s S 6'I 1 '16 \Ii-1• KtlHrCt .50 I 21 I•~ a11 Ii!+ ~ SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A ... CllM 1.741) 10 27 171'.' II"' 11Yi+ v. CltrkOU .~o 1 .. 21\lo 20W 20"-v. F1vTl11r 20t i1 ~ ~~ ll ~:-" KtltClll! 2~ . I ~ :mt. l +:w. -ACll•l11 1.20 I :II 211.:., ~ 21 + \, CLC ot Am $ :M 6 ffio Sh • F~~Cll " IS t 11! V. + \\ l<Ctll!"fl Ht .. 1 IS~• 1Ho l .1+ !,.o consumers actio~ group has :~b~u1~·'f ll "1 m: f: fm+-1~ ~\:: ~11i.ri li 1~ ~"'" ~~ ~1~tn! ~~.e' ·jj:iv. .. 29 1~ l"" t;+ r: ~=t'P~/ i!A 13 ~? ~~ ~~ ~ + lo accused Del Monte and other :~1~'J.~#t 21 2{ ':: ~~ ~.,..+ :-:Oc1or1 o~co .52 11 llO 21~ 21).\j, ~~i Foalec:a 12 2j2 ll~ ''-11 :w.+ ''•"",.L°'2o'°, ., ill,0 ,'!.. tt"'• t!,~+,I, • • '' ....,, vo u.tl P .JO 7 .a.I Mt •11 ti,,+ l~ F0o • Min 2 JV. \ii 7\'a , ( ' I,.., ,.,. f9 .-1 corporate giants Of pushing !°1'1111 \'# ·; ~ J!.o ll14 ~:.,.._·\Ii lutllP pl I ., 1 12 11~ 11""-~Foot.Min pf •• 3 nv. 21 t!Ji+ II. KC$0h\llPI I " U00 Ul'o I \.'t 12°" •·· food costs up by taking two ~:::: e,,,..,Grt, . ~ •• !!.' .J}'t 01411 2v.+,.., :l W1~ ~_,: 1~ 1:f W' .. ffi: ~:+1~; ~:~t1i2:o' ' '0:: r.i? f:~ f.\rt'~: ~=~N~~ f:fl ,: f' r'l ~~ l!'" + ·v. thirds f food d II ... m ~11r O . ..,,..., "" 6h+ 11o NA pl 1.10 31 1m 17'11o 11 -\' FrM ol I. , 11 Ji.. H 151'_. \4 R•11PL1 1..., 10 10 2 21'1o 2A + \.'t 0 every 0 ar. ... F!11Sv 1.10 10 7 ,,.,. l11'o 17\'f-~ OC:.COI I.to 'l ISi 141 llSlle 1"4i+IV. ForlOB . ii 31 17'~ 1~+ \11 K•IY/£'\.lil • 11 ' S\loo ' +..,. "Fin pl 1v. .. rt:io 21.,, 21 ~ 2n•t"' oc.aor1 .31 30 m 2WI J•h 2.SJ'l+l ForlHw .35.1 11 21\io n v.+ \6 r:IY' 1M •. 111'" 1"-\lt'.,.... \1 THE CALIFORNIA Food AGtl8d PhD ·· " :UV. ~ 2' ~ oltc:ol11 .06 17 · ffl ~" I" l:tl'f-Iii Fot •rw 90 I l1Vlo 4'1'.t 41 + "1 1111 pf 1\11 24lo U!Jt , . A Gn Ins . .0 7 '3 1'"> IS IS -YI o 1t• 5' 2f l/o. 33;._+ I.It FO>lborO .60 l! 110 Uh 4'~ 4'V..:-ii •wtek .20 ll 20 1CRI. 101• ~ Act'1on Campa"1gn sa1"d Monday A Gn 111 1.ao .. "1 25\1 2S'Ai u v.-"" 419 wl . 0 I\ .DV.+ ,..;; FranklM .20 I 11• 19141 11\.'t ,, -\• avHrR tO $ 3t 13V. I 13 -~~ AmHol1I -"" I l$ 13(~ 1) 13V.+ V. p pf )\It z30 \loo $0\t Frtp!Mn .to ' U4 ill' 2!~ lilt' f' il.el)I~ 70 I 4 lflio I Vt II~\ ... that the large corporations AmHom .u 37 .us '31\ 4\lo cv-\._ o i:Alk .s. i ,,, , 1011o 1~ ·· Frf'hul 1 . .0 ~ •16t ~ 21• i. l!!Mfl o .10 s JS 414 ~\-'Jlo •.J A Motnt pf 2 2lt:ll't 19'2\.-'I 1'2\o'I--. Ina Food 12 » 1 1lll: 13 _ ~ FllGUlll'MI oil I 223 a,.. 13 l-ICtller fl ,1111 I ff II~ 11 11~+ ~ have ready access to govern· AmHot0 .21 '' 113 .m.. 4• ~+ "' ot n 1191110 47 """ lll't ~· 1 1 ,--" ""--, •• , ,. , " .. 11:en«111 ·~ • 1 1s11i 4\lo ~•+ • , Amlnv•I .SO • 22 IYI •Ut I V. ol ,..,,11 .20 SI lil 19~ · ~ 4\ ~"'• 11'1d1 ~ '" l" !•+ • ~,.,... \· 1 H·"' J0"" I'»+ ,,. ment leaders and that the con-1. Mffkl .11 1 236 10... Iv. '"'-"" °'f:)"'s' 1,04 • 11v. I' 11w.+ v. AC c co~ ·, , ~,. , -1 ~ .. +·,,. t11m11 · ,• !' ~ 211'1 \ .. . • A Mad COl"JI 6 SIS •11 l\o $'1+ ol Ind .10 t I 11 16-,.. I f Bio F II • ~.. ,,,.._ .,.. llM(Ot 2 D I \II Ill!' ~ . • . AMtC. 111 sv. 13112\1 tt'h 100 -1 JI s 1. 11 no u... U\.'t ·~ l' •m~~ · , • 2 err Mc: "° XI '\1 ''~ 1 I'' Sumer ends Up paymg thel.T A Mf'IC• Ph. 13 '9t ,, ~ «lft.-\\ ol 111 DI 'ji'~ I '9\.'t .tt .. VI "-AF it_ 11 .~ 1 > ft r i + ... y lllll 1.74 t 2 23\~ U. d ,, large advertising btlls. Am•r Motor I :n4S ~ IV. • . .. OI Gu I. I ~ Wlo 2'V. 26l0 ~~~sti 11 llilo + * trrro1 ~r1i .. ,1sr1 ur, 1~7 * It said the huge ''corporate ~~~ ~~ ,t 1 ~ 1,,,. ~ ~v.+111 o1s ~1ir,: ·, ~ 2~~ ,i.,., :J~;: •n~ ~ ~ •'" lj,',' 'il~~ •n'>-+ ~ ~'1.?!"w ·~60 1 i llil" n~ ll' "ddJ " · I ed · Am sn111 6B 9 61 20t"I 20l~ 21v.-+ ~ olwM 2.2111 9 24 29 H\.'ii 219'9+ "' 1r · 36 n ldd;w pl • . . ' •N 4 mi emen mvo v 1n p~,. SmtlT 1·20 1 161 221, 1,.,. 2w_ .,, omb E 1.M 21 5t llO lt\'I ~+ \:. •rloc:k .M 1 ' I\~ ' f 1~ 2.20 ~ so11 JO -' essing, marketing and retail· ~ms~~"'/ :so ' 206' ll'(; ~ ~• 1J.,,.+-v. ~si:lt 1·60 » :io: ri'\.-'I ~\ ~~f &:r~"iv 1·1J ! 11 1:\: 1i~: 1t~ \9 ~ :s~s 1:~ 1~ ~l ·~ 'r.: ~ ~ ing take up to two-thirds of ... ~~II~:; ii 103 Ulo ,.~ 1 •~+·~ ~5J:'i~ ' 21~ Ut? ~· u~ ':t~~lnl <t0:: 12 12 ,;~ ,~: l2~~~1re:~C..:f;. 10 2~ ~~ ~~ E.1+ .. every rood dollar AmT .. T 2.IO 10 I011 st•.. 50\ia ~+ ~. om Ed II' 2 '. 2 ~ W'I ,~. 14 Gen Am lllV «t H'"' 14 .. 1~-\\ Knkiht N .n It 11t .)tl..li ~ :J9'1o+ (, • AmT&Tpl ~ .. Xl20 SllVI 511't 5e -~ wEdot 1.42 \ ~ 201to ~ "'~01 ,eoq 1, 17 Vt )5 3$•-l'h l(~tnQ . .0 6 13 11\~ 11\11 17\11 , . B t n.1 'I t Ch . ATTpl A..1.6-1 •• ~11 50\/i $0 50\/o •. w.pr li'O • 10 2~ 2•ll 24y, fr l.llO lS 61 S '4 51\'I s1u-~1-· l.U 1 'jf:" Js>oi ~!" u vo.: " on e airman Am T& T ,.,, , . su a S!"-6 . omw'Ea #i : · 3 .u 9 ,,,. .. enllanc .14 1 • u 1y,, 1• l ~ OPMr 111 • . . rlllO v, s111t Sl\\ n ' Alfred IV Eames "r sai·d· Amw11r .6-1 I 26 l!Ht IQ\lo lo v.+ ~ omWOJI 21r; 21 -.206 12\;& 11 111'11-·\.io rie,oo• 1-,,~ I "' m .~ ,•,~~ ~ ••flco i.n 1j 1s1 ' \·> -16!'' 411. \1 · " · · AW!f pr IV. .. J..0 lS IS 1$ . wOllDf 1 n I 23\lo tl°"' ll\~ n qr 1.. Li lS ;:,7 •• rltSCI• .20 3 ..0. 40"" :lllv.o .O\~ \t "For every dollar that Del 1.warrpt iv. .. 220 11 11 1h:! v. omut : .. ;;· 11t sno s1 •\+i• Gn owtiQP • to ''' •'• •·~ ~ l(r(lff\\tr 10 ' 1 ,,,, "l• 11'\ ... Ameron .65 5 jl 1~ Into I ~ $/r SCI 36 j\'I :ii.. l'h+ l'o G.11 l>Ynfm fl " ~VI 23\IJ 23"'-... Kr-• 1.30 rt SO ,,,.. 181:. ltllr. '• Aionte took in as sales last Ames.st .lOD S $ ~ Sh .. r .Sill) 1 13 I l)'lol 1p.,_ ~Elec 1,1,(! 132'2 -m\.'J .. ...,_ ~.~ Kvsor I .0. 1 l 13\:. 1111 13~ 11.. Ametek .10 lO J9 15"1 ll 1! -"' ont~ 1.09 1 l! " m:· 16"4-~ " ood ·-12 231 I ~~+ .. -L \..-year only 2~ cents remained AMF in 1.01 n 120 l-1\• 12~ ~ ~ MM1 1Mb ,, nv. jffi+ "" ... _. Miiie "• !! 1•• ,!~~ 11!.~+ !'! ttc:1e<1• I"> ' ' 1~, ''"° 1~'•+ I\ • . Aml.c: .6'I 7 11 1.-. 11 11 -\.'t anrt<C .ID lD It · t .-.. P "" I"' ,,_, ,._...."' tf'IUfl1on 1 1 Y n• :m I ·· as proht. 'Ibe rest of our sales AMP inc .21 ..s •s ... v. •M •"'ti °"Ed l llO 11 ~ n"' 2n. ""$ ~Gen 11111r 21r; 1• v• 2 Vt 2l)"t 21 -:v. t:fi11eerv .n t '' 114 1 -1 AA"IQalP .:16 l 6 l\lt 1"9 111 Vo on1Ed pt 6 2 76 ~ ti :r... Garlln.tt llf l · · · I :l6't; ~ ,..._ YI Mt 2.-"D I 22~ Ill •.. dollar passed through our Amoex c11 1 lit ,,,.. ...._ ~""'" . onsEd p1t.i ~ ail\ "°' :i. 0.11 /Hd .11 20 '' i• 221-. tt'li+l\.'t ~obe 511 1s ~ 11' ~ 1" h I Amfep COl"P I J9 1\11 s~ • Of'l1Fd l II 7 29 Gt!IMlll I.DI n 201 .a.ll't 13h 6l-llo+ --•Sita ·1 I 7~ 71.'1 ""'" ands lo emp oyes, growers, Amslat" !·'° • " u... w4 u Vi+ "' OtlFdllf 4 u -f · GnMot 2.tOb 1 usr ""' ~ "\Ii+ \It .. rs 111 , ~ ! ~ " Suppuel'll credl.tors and the Ast•~ . ..s .. 1 3'v. :Mw.-;w.•.11+ "' ""Fr,!t ~ 10 lt\.'t ~· 11 + 14GrlMot~1~ .. /1.1 U\6 ~ 5'"4+ VI tuc:,ca; s 1k "" ... U:t ~ ' Anutr pl ,.U 3 1-. l lio... I~ (ll!l~°"p 2 I • m'I Jm+ 411 GtnMtJI r > · .. i~ ™' 141'1+ \lo pt 2. '· 14 " + "r public. ~::::~!f':n'·jS· 1' Y 31~ 3!"' 31v.-°"' 11n'rr>1~-· 10 f 1f" f" . ~U:tf 1:: ~ ~:: 11.l! ~~ l~~.t ~e::~ 1f ii 1 11~1 1 ''GOVERNMENT figure, ~~c ·?} : 20J m~ ti~ ~1~ ::~= ts .. 11 n n 6A t 1 ~i::fr~ .J uJ 5t\.'J 50~ sR1: :i t •ft ' li~ +'" An6erCI 10 1 71 22l• 21 •• nv.+~• 11nttAlr L'I lt f'il '"" '-1 GnSMl Ind 11 S"4o J1to W+ft~9"PIC . .-> 1 I lm -•+• show that wholesale canned Ange11,. :1 0 is ns i1 10"' 11 -h 11 cac i.60 ,; i~ 'm '2tl· ~+~iG TE 1.1111 2,1 "'" 29 ~, ,.,.,.."' :::,:a11 ~/og ·· :t 'f~ 1~, 1l:i·JA ood . d . h AlllUI Co ,,,. ' 39 16 ISVI lfl'I-~ on OOOf'• . I~ GTE 111 2'/J .. 1 :u 36 )6 .... \I) • Co ·s 13 l'tt ' ~ g prices urmg t e two Ai>KM ·* ' 1» 1n• 16 11 +• c~0t 21~ 1 '~ ~27' !!Vi. la~~ GTFl•111 n . . 110D 17 11 17 ~r111 .60 20 2 31v. 31v. lj)l ,. Years ended in July have risen A._peo 011 1., ••k 11 l6 ltlo Uh 1•\11+ \.\ :'icoo on,. ., IJ ® ~ '2~ h Gn lire 1.10 I 1IO lD~ 19~ 701~+ \II Ltv Fil c'•P 11 lOVr 1~ .. oC · 5 !H ~ 3 3 -VI DOIB ·JV. I l2"'i "' v, ~\lo+ \~ G4!11tse .l#I · n 1'1"1 l w IU.-\lo Ltvt11 l'"wn lt 1'3 l"a 7\'I + ~ far less than other goods and ~!..J; I cf'R ' 20 lO\>J 10~· IO'/.-,,., ''l'"ICll l.'6 13 If "'* 5'" .ov.+ ~ GtnUlllP ... '1 l.U -'I •"" ... ' LFE CCll'Pll IS 1 I.' ~ ~ . ......, II ·-· llOO ~ '2'.• t21't-'\lo ti llP 1 •lb 1• IOI 17\.'t I~ 111-'+ V. Gt P~ m 14 lH ~ »"-,,....._1\.\ tlbbYO 2 20 1 13 l5\) :Mb 3!14,-I f~ commodities. '~ii~ 1~ ~l ~12'\~1~1,:t:-2~ 11111: i..30b 10 Ut 'II 171111lni+142~!_°!!1 1 ~, ltt2~ ""' ~ ... ~ 1!, ""+ '4 OF pl .i,. ·· t H "':.4 19.,.-f .~ ~ , Art•ltN '1• 4J 1 ~· · ~ t Conlltrnt ti 1 : 4'.'t 41'.t .Pilt ... ...,...,.. ~ "" LlblW Mel ... '° ~ 6'" 4~ · ''Under the circumstances, 1.t'(1wro :50 70 t1 11~ J:; .u!.-1~ c:011M1 t.ottt 11 11"" 11 ..... 11... "g:n~P' 1f~ 27 1~ 1r,14 1~11o 1ff~ t! L/brtvco . • 2\ l~ ':;-:~• Y.'c resent the flJ.ct that we're t"f!l~r E~J: 2: U 11v. 1~ 1~~+ .. v. ~:;:'&l1J~ ~~ 3~l ~ ~..., ~t1V1 gr 1i~ ':11 1~ 1: 1f: 1f~ 1m+ .. tl'-74r i . ' • 1~"' 1~ 1'1.11+ ~ being Si D g I e d out as ~~~t 1:!: : fl f:i~ lr" fll'i + Vo ~;,.,~ab;r! l: ~ ~ = ~j: !t 01: Flril ik ' IS It 11~ 1!~+·~ t~v" 11~~ ~~ rfi I~~ 1~~ 11v.-~ Is f th · ' t Arlen lllU>v t "' .i. · • • Conwtod t ' 2 »loll 1'1Yi 211111+ \'t Gkld lAwl• · '2 1\1 I~ --~ LllJY tll 12 l1 J10 ,,,,. n •.i. ~"''' scapegoa or e rise 1n COS· Armcos L20 1 S6J 21~( 2fft 2fi:f ~Cook un .Jt s )S n1o "'° ,.. , GlffHlll .'60 1 • '~ 15'.4 u111 • t l11CHll 1:0. it 106 »rt v .. ~+£ of-living by individuals and Arm Ill 2.10 . ' u 29 2'\"\ 21:W. \fi, COOll llld .IO lS 106 3™ » lSYI+ "'Gll1efl• 1·'° ,, 204 11$1'1 6A IJ -., lncHtl 111 j ' 1'111 79 Iii+' ArmU>rPI ~ ilXl "111 ss v, 1-r l•b 11 .311 11"' 10 11 .. +I~ Glr>tt lncor 11 ll Wtil 7l\ .. ~+ -Llol!tl Carp I\ • J¥i pt • . groups WhOSe motives-if.not Arms Ck .14 ii .. ~ 2911 U\!t I~ OOPTr .llb 1 10 141't 141'1 l.f\6+ \~ GG~!!.:r M!' ll 1,," •'•'tJ~ l'·· ,1,:;o+ r. 011n1" 1V.k I )ff 10 ti~ IO ....... . . , ArrnCpf l\loo i120 54 se' ,.. «:oelnd M '' 13 2311121~ ~Vi .....,. r • .., .. -Ll""~"j ·· i 3.5\\ 2$\:o ~ .. poht1cal -certainly are not Arm11R 1.60 ·4 1, 27', 27 27 _ \t -R•ncra 41 J:s 11:1to 11 1~+ "'~=• .1Fo.1 : ~: 'f:v. l~ l~1~ L"" cv 114" •• '' 1110\.> lt\fi. lfl-'tt ~ altogether Clear," Eames Said. r~1~fno·'?/i I~ IS~ i::: l~ l~!t! ~:)=:a 1(:': t ~ 21"' u_:. ~v.+ ~ =r1:p1 cl ~ ~l1 mt. ~\'I ~t Y' t~ A '6 1~ ~ 1ll~ 1h>t::: ASA Lid .so .. 21 •:*•Cl\' "''•+\'ICOrtlG!• 1.12 J) 1n121\lllll 111 -l"',.--!!,', ' , .. ,, u,~ ,,• ,•, ... ,'!t LOfWtC I.II 1 14 '"" 2Sl't ~~· Alhl OU 1.JO ' 10 H?i 21YI 21..._ \lo Coullll 2.32tl 11 «I 1~ 26 26\li+ I•..,...,,_... • 1 "" ,.._ • Lomllf'l .lli 12 V l4YI I• I.ii(...,. \It A10ryG l.40 11 51 40 Jt Jt -1 cowtes Com 16 16 m 1¥1 7\' . Goulcl tr.c: l t 160 26 2:5 2.S'lll+ 'Ii LcmM 2.lSb 14 S2 '61'1 '6\fi M~'rl'~• State S&Ls As Spr l .20Q 1 10 7Pll 23'1t 2:\&i cox 8rd .35 1s 10 ~ 26~0 26!0+ t'I Gr•'e W 1'.'> 11 13641 11 2S'"'.t 27 +I"' London Mf11 I It 12t'o n,_, 11-. 'l' Alsoc Tr•11i 11 l'.'I Mii !\'>-.... CPClnU 1.71 10 123 31)'14; ~ :mt-1'i Gr•nd ll .80 10 '5 ll\'I 12'4 1l + "-L-$ Ind ""I I U 19~ ltl'o ltf'i""lto Alhion. .n J t 11•• 12\.'t 1 *+ 1..; )r•...C ,IQq 1 16 Ill• IN uv.+ u Gr•nlv l.'10 S I 22\'o 221.\ '11.\t-'• LOl'I SIG I·" 10 IU ,..,_ 271• !!ttt' Allc:Mt l.sot. I 13 17'• 1114 17\l-\._ c•tdlt JEI .'2 9 10 t t t + ""Grant W )"1 I 141 70"-20\'I 201'-14 LonglLI ... 10 ta ~ 20 ~>:i.'i tl'i~~,il·~l-i3 21J-IJl'l ~~ l!:... ~ c~!';t1·~,-1-rc-lfi:! lVi ~~+1~ g~:x3"\.i:: ll ~ ~ ~-a:~+.-~ t~~:;~ ij; ·: ~ ~ ~1'1 -..... ~ Tell 0 flo AIR' pf 2.to 111 •:RO. 11\11 '2 -"°" Crou1eH 60 16 4' 231'1 23 23'.'t +I \ GI Al.P Te• ·· 111 12'\'t 11 12'11+ V. LOftllot ,M ~ U IHo 80\lt 11 , ... ,i,.. t AU•l Cor11 lJ 21 l'"o 1'4 1" Crow" c0rtr. 16 9' 21Vo 21rt 21 + \\ GllkO l.'10<f t lt'i'I I~ ltVI + "'~I Corp IJ IS Jl't 310 J" . U lv ATO Inc .16 1 12 l'ltt 1\11 I\•+ .... Crwn Z1 I )II 11 SN Ulli ).(\II 3~+1 GIN Ir l.ICld lJ 3 11 .. llltt IHt+ \to E• 1 '~ 'lt .U ~' +~ Alllom Oal• 51 SI 11 H "< 10"4 CTS Co ·.u 1 ,,.32 11'4 lnlt ,,.,.._ ~ GtNNek 1.60 13 32 Dito 521'1 S2~ ill! P.clflc .20 11 ~ ~1"t ll)l. 411.a--'"" Of Savings Auloml Inds 1 '19 4'li 4 4 -1i CuUIQ911 .36 12 11 l'h 131'1 ll'l't GNN pf 1.60 .. I 231,(, 2314 23\'-a LOllG•• l.IO Ii 16 2~ 26\1 ""'+"' 1v~oC Coro ~ 27 11 10\11 10ft + ... Cumins ti. 17 71 ... 41V. 41 + .14GIW1FI" 40 I 719 23 ttVI 'l,..._ ~· .90 1 It 11\.t 11 11\lo.f." .. vco 11 wt1 J/9 114 2 2 -1, Cunn °"" I 1 6\.\ I \' 61'1 Gt W.-st U11 . 44 J 41.'. .,.._ LTV Corp I 6,S U\lt 12\'I 1114+ 11 ~¥CO ol J.20 lJ l1'4 ~ 27"'+ \Ii Curtlu Wrt 111 IN 23 22~ 22\'o ........ GI WJIUn Ill •• I ll14 14 14 -Ill LTV Corp A t( 14\\ 1• 14~ \1 ,.,Vff'o'Pr .15 U 11 SO J/9'h '9~\ioCur11i~Wr A 14 I 1f t'P 7t +1YJ GrlW.,sll 111 • 2 ~ >"II ~l'tLTVC• Jpl 21 '6\'I '"~" +"°' Avis Inc ·"° IS 14 21 27 21'1i + l"o curtlisWr A 1~ 1 29 2t 79 +1111 Gtfl GI•"' I t 17 70'lt. 20\i JIWa+ .. Lllbrlnl .4J XI 1'1 .so\i "t' dl't -'11 ~vnt~ncl :JD t ~l:i"" 1tJ!!'o 10\\-11 CutlerH 1.40 11 109 '°"" 39\'I lf'\+ '• G•~VM I D.4 f ltl 16\1 IHll 15'-. LUc:!lySI ..5-l 14 :112 l•IO 13'~ \4W+ \1 S I t b Dall Pllot ,.;oro 0.i ·~ l '.4 IOS.,.._214 CvclollsCO J S 20 2~\ U \.-'I 1••-14 Gr1~llnll wt • ISi 3\11 3'11 3'11-t 14 tW!ow l C1I I 61 l:W. 1~ l:nt pee a to t e y * ~I.!_ lt\/o 1t• .. CYllflli ~· 1 10 ,. 31\11 "" 36~ \II Grolier to 1 n J'V. N •t• ... ukMSll .eo 11 s1 11'1'1 :it 21\11 ::· 9 b&WH .. 0 ll lll 27\4 2' -0 0--Gr111¥1me11 . 5e 2 llfii 111' .. L V 0 C.,.11 13 IS 5\\ Mt. 61'1+ Vt SAN FRANCISCO -Sav-e:c11a !Sb 1, " 1 61? 2ni.+ ~ Dtmon Cp 31 230 ..,... .. ..., 49llti l Gv9rd!tn lfl It JJ 14\li 2ll't 14.,..+ " U>~• Yl'ftn lJ n Ill> ~ ·•1->-I• ings withdrwals at California ::wrJn · ~~ ~ ~ ~11o ~~ ~:i U 8:~: 1'.~ : ~ 3f~ 3f~ l~Jli ~ ~~Tj,11-:l ! ,,H ~ .o,':·~~=t ·~.,.. t;~ll12~ 20· ~1 lJ\-'I fe 2:::-:; ~ . d t . ti ll•ld OH n 7 ' IJ'lt U\.'t 13"'"+ "' O•rt Ill .30cl la 132 21 ... U'\11 21\1, ,,. ' -24~ --M M--savmgs an oan assoc1a ons B•ltG•s 1.N , 19 2114 2'¥ !l" O•rtlndpf t •s »I'> 11 32 1 1Jo 011~pf•1&g, • 'l if~ 11: 1~ \ol.MtcAll~.40 • u 1iv. 1,\\ 1J1,.__.. totaled $396 million in August =~~r' I \'1 ,. ll~O ~L. J-Jm +f. g:~,,. 'J! t !: 1J~ 1m \~~ YI GR$ 11:aoc . : IS I~ 14 14"'! ~ .=.. .JO 1: l1 1: ::z :~· : .. and account for ""e-third of 8•nd-o Inc " 230 v ""' ~"'+\Ii OllYtOllH.5' 1 " u~ 13\.'t 1).lio .. Gv10 ,'us~ •·!! 12 !!! !~ l! !!ti 1 Mtc:M/1 .lib 1 uo '" lllt ·~ .:: t•· total national outflow of 8•1111~ 1v. . u~ 1 1s -O.PL"' ~ lfOCI tt ,..,.. '' +1 G11a.w1 .... 1 100 21llo 21\.'t 2"'-" ~ lcCll .n 12J ~ ,,,. J'.4.+ ~• ..,., B•-Pn s 'j .,. 1_ , \Ii OavPLt IM 11 20 21\.-'I 21 '4 t1v.+ VI "' • . .., ~ -~· ,.. l § &au•rt lj 2M • I"" "" , .. ii,; !Ink pl NY t I :JO 3J ~ !l!E l't OHl'l'Wlt ...o IJ S3 lW. t'to .,.._. v. Gvtl .. WI ws •• 111 1" ~ ~I /Ill" M IS UI Ill• 10>.i IDJ-'• mE TWO SIDES met On I I 2 billion acco'rd.ing to eank 111 11 i S1 29 21\11 "'o.er. 1.«la 11 "° s~ 51\'J .stv.-1 ouw, 111 Po . 2 ""' s.~ lllAI+ "Ma llr't'C• 1 10 1t 27 21 \11 21..._ u. ' • 91 n•Tnn.t S 10 21 Sllli S1'111 Iii ~Pl.L 1 16 I 11 I'\.\ 1$>.lt I•,,.,+-. GllWI ol S'il I 70\.'I 101.'1 70\.'t M•l-)4 .31 2t J 21 U'\6 j1 + \\ lhe Same. day that assembly figures released Monday by 1a•btr01 2k . 22 ff: lffil'il ~+ ~ "'"' 1.20 ' " 20\lt lt,,.. 10 + ~~ ou11on 1ll!h1 u ,,. .-. "" 6V.+ 111 M•111tM1 ;] s 11 1ov. 1ov. o~ \' n1 CR .1 .. 34 10 2 :u + 'It Mir JO u 20t s2 51 ~'1 Sll't-It -.H H--~ I ti 11 17* 17"-l~ line. began -lling agam· at the Federal Home Loan Banlt •mel 1.t6D 10 11 2 "' ~' "I '"'" , u ,,,. 7\'I 1\'1-1;, HallPrt .t0e 1 tt 11 11~ ,, +1 ,,.,.,,Mm•n 1 1 ':!!. ., !! 3't1$ '• '" . •sic n .tO 7 'Ii 1:V. 'It + \.\ Co I l:it 14\i ll'.1& 14 + at.HaUflltn "i,12 Jf 12:11.,.,._,16SV.l .. ~2 MAPC 21-1; lJVI n,_ tt~ l~"t Chrysler Corp, afler a ni'ne-of San Francisco. 11.1111 Pi' 21.. . 21 11 2 + !; .,, .eo • 11 1'" 1' 21 + 1'1 l1•mPa11 . .o 11 2ts '! .. "* 1tv.+ 14 ~r•01 1jM 1 1 \.'t ..., :ra \.& ll•fft Mf .20 12 2 111' Of-J1 -.._ 06 It 10 ~ ~ ll~ \II Htn'IOCP .40 I l$ 1 t\i II • I\ ~r~~ I 11\ lll »-. !,..._ .ll i.lo • .. day UAW Slrl.ke ordered when 1•m 11111 .lO ' '' ""-''"° "' .,. M '' .:lJ nv. :n1111 22-.... ~ HWlll'!I -" 1 3-1 ,.. •Va •'-'-~ ~ ... r.._ · nri. ...,. 210,:0 • FOR THE !Ith Di t ·ct as a •UKtiL ·" :ie ..,, j'llo ,...., +" r:~111-' • 131.1 135' ,,_._""'"""'" .n 10 12 11" 1n1 11w.+·v,MtrcorPi' is ll" p. ~1r •• contract talks there failed . s n !,,,.,,, L .1s 13 n f "~ 11!17 JI 1 '" J·.u 10 1 1N 1m 1tv. .. H•nftc:P "'° 1 11 14'1t 1•" l•"'-"'M•r~ -"' 11 1«1 s....,_ 10 Chrysler and the UAW whole -co.mprised of a:!~1~! ~ 1'1 ~ s1" l111• 1s1-+ l :; 1:~ : I20D gv. ~v. [" ±111o~~_,··3i 2: ll1J ffi? = W'\.'t-"~~oro't.1 ~H1 j •\.-'I 111 ij~U hed t r Arizona ca 1 if or n I a and a,., F111 .61 i :.1 'ji.'! ~ jffi+ " 111 ,,.,. .. l n !li +1 H•l'Ottt .1• lj 1• 13 1m-¥i ,,.,,, 1.11 1 ~ ~ .. + ~ reac sett ement a ter only • Btc:kmn .50 11 21 am "' oet E e1 s... l n + "HMnJfll 1.20 · ts " "" •+ ~ Mtr .so ilf "'*' l$-t• •• hours of the stri"ke and rank Neva da -savings outflows 8tc:tonD 1: 21 131 31\lo jl!+ ·.,. ore1 Fl11 .5' ll l• :n i 1"7 ~ H•rr•M 1 1 ' ,,,..1 n. l._ 1 .., 1 ~~r.~ .itlt ~11 ;' 11. ;"' ,m:!:. 1 .. ~ . _ !1«PIA , 1 ,, Jlii 1~ l•mdlnll 2 10 30 j•l't "" ~1!:!: ~ Ht"'r,"' .n 11 s 1m ''* tm ·· """ '~3 • "' '' and file union members voted for the month were ~vv •lcoP•t • .. 131A 1m 1 ··· i.m"' 1 10 Jl4 ~v. "' ~-'' H.,r • 11.12 • 61 3''14 uv. 36. •• ~ffl'~1 :.J 1 ff .• • ... ,,-.+ v. 'II " A I 9tlden lJO 1 I•~ lttli 20 -v. •!nmllf 2 • i1 I +"llH•rsco la 1 n 111'1 -1~1 11\\ ··• Mr .. t .. '"' •·· overwhelmingly over the m 1 1 on, as r z on a e·~ .-'' 1 •1.'I "' !ft tti ,,11p1 1.10 21 11 ~ P6 .. H•rtSMx .11 10 ll ,,,,,. 1714 '™'-"'=~ r 1.1s 1 •u ~" l'\.'t 111<t fj ' weekend to accept it • associations continue<! to show B:'~f:to ilJ 'i 2?t g ffv. ,.."fl? J:~.4 g 1I U:.? ll" !',\ -"'~=~• 1'i ,: r. Jf: J~ ,mt ~ ~i j ~J u" t" g'~ fi t ~ The UAW contrac~ expired sma ll Inflows to offset a por· R:::r: J 3 ~ H I:"' 1 81:":,0 :a 1 ''T 11'4 1~ 1J"'± ~ ~:1':1:!.,. 1 I' 1•, ","' 1:m I'"+ \.'i ~':"Thi,1.:1iob t 1 •Yo lo~i: ~ . t' f t•· all d I' hn Co l.15 • 302 l.Sfll 3-li. n -~ H"'I IEllot ... n11ocm ~ 100\lo+ .. ..... s I -t M .... 11 .071) .. ' ™ 1'?•1-v. al Ford Chrysler.and GM at 100 o iic over ec me. BenC1191' 2V1 . in 3114 31\o\ \lo • in;ti A 13 14 w. 1'11 1'r. .., ..... Mlllll! t a "" 21 •nt • 5*"" .I.lb . ~ ' il " . ' ) · 8tnC pf ._:JO It n 11 HOii Ct1 \j '! 4 n• :m'i n\?--» n:r."11'C .12 II lll IN lffl lSl.l I II 1.!f!? f t Wt 17\'t-~ 8:50 p.m. PDT, Sept. 14. Only Nevada broke its ong string Bengu.t lllC 10 661 JW. 44 ,~·" -vw . s ll7 , .... llV. ,,it:l.il H~le""1n 3'l ~ ff ::t: Jr t' .. Mt~ m • IA +\'I Chrysler thJs year's strike of monthly gains by posUng ::~r 11: 1' il.: bSh !L. ls\.'t 1 :$• ·111,12 1~1 41:: Ji~ b~ "~flFi1 "c'~ 16 1u ~ ..,v. 3f t "Mtv os 'i:tt ·• w ~ ~' Jit:; ~ "target,'~ was Struck at that that State's first net savings =~c~IB"·I~ iY u .g~ Ull'i lm:t n :Ml 'fj~ t I~ ;m 2c 2~\'t+ It H~::l11t ~N lt l~i ,:t't ~it ,,:+ ;: == J 1l 11 6,1; ~ mt \~ time. The union Is using tbe outflow si~ce July 1970, the ::r~...:.i:i. ::: : 1:: 1:1'; 1r' ~~! \l rP=y ·l! 5I 1, :: w. =:+':: ~=~f ~~ 10 11·~~1mt 1lk-it'"' :&.'Jr 1:" 1j tt n~ Wl Hn .~ Chry!ler agreement as a pal· San Fraoosco bank reported. BlockHR .32 1i" "' '"' l!._, :1:"""1 ':itJ ·1\l IS tt r" '~ A~ ~:~11tp 1·~ 1: ff n~ ~ ~it-"' =b 1:~ s tD I~ lit: to ..• tern tor negotiation! at Ford The district's net outflow -:::r::11er~ ' ~ J'r:: f.e ~t ~ ~:!: :: l' 1: 1f"" ft~ fl -1 t? =~" ·~~ n ill ;::;~ff~ r "'=o;,r'cJ fl l!a ~ ~ it ,r~ and G~f. equalling about 1 percent o( =~~11[ • .! 'J it r~ J::! 1:~ ... 11; f •r' liit ~ '*i t: ~1~0ii £': ~l 'if 'l »:' l .'.f1v. ~Sft. ffi ii j li~ j" 1' .., \'it bargaining room, UAW vice outstanding savings balances ~"t'~ ·e '! ,~ 1f'i. ,•,if-~ 11 1:0.. 12 1 ~ "" .u1i11 114 Hillen11r -" '' 1 ,;.\ '191.i ,."_"' ~ .... ·,!!11·• ,•,. 1 ~ •m•" . .....-.. ,..,,, 1 21 il • ._ JN SI\~ HlllOl'I ~I I 1\ 26' 2..,. 2~ " -+1.... ... ... .1 I' 1'1-..• union wanted more from Ford. the highest of the year and _sec-;:,m;n•2 In fl 1~ ! lim ~ "' ,::... J·i \l 1# ~ :fU ~ 4t ~~~M 1:12 \j 1ff ~~ U\: ~\t+'~ ~£Jr .s_i jt 1 •i ff~ ftv. H~t'~ the second largest member of ond in history only to the 9os!Eii1 1:=: 110111! 11 14 'l~1~ '""':,, .,,· 2 :: 11 :~ "~ ~~1"' =' 1,!'";~ 1, Ji Dft W, ·un+·~ ~Ji 1..u : 12' ~ g:: lf!!t1t' 1J ''Bl,. T"-· " t k A 't 1966 ' J ol Boum1 111\C I' '1 I! It ti! ti 1.'lb · 1"6 19* It" Holln.,t. IJb 2 :as ~ +-Mt .to •. J ll )I i" -\'II '' • • • .. Personalized • Stylish • Effic:ient president Ken -Bannon said.the .. at the...end.ol .Df.Julj: .. --:-_was::g~ l·~ 1: J~ 2'\11 fl'" n~t~IF lllC• . 51'1 S'4 JV.+~HMW I~ l ':m )\l ''-::=f~111~ D 0 1 l !Jt JV. ••• ie 'fl u1~e au oma ers, pn net savrngs oas =~~1, 31 2 1" 1 1 1 ~"' ~~'o} ·1 JI f t t14+ "HOllVIV ·,$\' '• •11, 3 M••111e 2.t0 .. 1 "" aev. llTA+ i. than It gained from Chrysler, $529 million. e;jSM'f i~ ~ 1# fl~ lJ:: DC-:! ~· oi 11.M ~. zm 1 l~1'i2 ril~ tt ==·~-A-1A-1'A 1m\ 1~~~ 11s -:ri,_. ~'?' c'iir4: _: 2~ .. ~ ~t: 42t ~ eris My pl 2 10 ilOJil MM ~ " 11 •if .~ . . 1100 I V. " iOJYo+ {; HooVtr i.:li I s ~ lllli 164+ li Met $"" ·" ,, :0 ul't 14" 1'1+ ~ ,------------------------,1 =~~~~,~ ~1 'Po B"" ~VJ xr,,~+ ~mi-=-11! .. ~ ' u ... ~I ~ 1: 1!1 P' ,r; 11::.!: ~ : .l .J ff'4 ~ .. v.:!: ~ 8r11Ck Cl ·~ · j 31 1S I'"' 5 "!!~'"A tt 1t ~ 1C t: =rip ·i 1• ni }:" lt 'ih-., ~ 1.1t Si .,i n :! tt t i =~~s c'om I R fl"' 114. f~1':; ~ ~l":'t ~g f7 J: 17' ,,r-17~ It g7: .... 1\ ~ 12U B"' \ i:. •. \\ ,,,,.,.,uer" l: g ul ,n: 1: 11~ ~ S .d s lrGrup IM I 1 Hlill ~ ~::t:"' n pf 4\11 " f H 61111 tm-\ll pf 2\lo 16 2111! f. 14*-tt Mahl't fl: !J J? 7'~ f ""!'" qui .. or .. e a~~:r~::n:~ ~1,::1ii:1~1"'~et~10'' a::15i::n .. +· .. =.1t.:i 11: Jt~::1 :t:l~:=: SJ n .,1: 1 1i'" ~ " <' t :· • • .,. Order For YourMlf or 1 Fritnct May ba used on envelope1 as return address 1«.bels, Al10 vary handy as identification lt b•ls for morking personal item1 such •• books, records, photos., etc. L•bels stick on gl••• •nd m•y be used for mtrklng home ctnntd foc:d items. All ltbels. are printed with styllsh Vogue type on fine quality whit .. gummed ptper. ........ ..., 8rUl'tlwk .~4 IJ 145 11"-~ 21\'a O\IQ::n 12:f3 I Jj'" 1 21 ~n ,'9 2 llJ 11)\.11 29i. tt'-41. M·G M l\C II 21 fl-'t l 1 V. re 1::rew,:~:: 1oi1~ &.~~~u.:o:.J ··. ttl'lrJ:""_, q-::m ·· ,~=~"'2*.+":=•·llf · l! "'i"!il!'~,n~1M~ 8\ldd .Co ~~ J n 14" 14 I•~+~ 5f;o1n .JO 11 IN lrn. lt\.'t •·• HOiii ~ 1..tO IS tt 41'o ta ltl:-1-'1' MGIC 111 .II• \to 41'4--1"' WI ' G D ? tllld!'' lnil . ,,, ~~ '" 1 -tt.i " -a-2f Hll\fflttGt-IO IS .....u ~ 25'\ M~~ I.CM 10 • s\.\ rl' -~ iat s a ourmet to o. !:::'f.:'.:!:: '! , ,,. ,, • .i,..,.l:ruiiif I u! ll~ tt. 1m +·~:::::wiii1o 111 -ii-·~r·z:,~,. •• M ,i -1r1li4 ~ lJi;!·•,.'--f~l:!rvl1g I ·~ ?J ~ !' + \4t ~:~.F :i 12 ;r, 1~ .:.. !~~·14 .._,,.. ti II •11i 1 \'"" 1•"'+ ~: ,,,: ll ~ JYI -U"'"'J.: "- SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Gourmets tlght1n •~•~• ·" ; ' I' I'" ,fil !~f ~ •"'""' •• 12 " 1 '· !$ II" ~1 Ii 'J Im .:~ W.;" ' "'! 11 i " '\iitt ~ _ t 9ul'R pf I\' 4 ·~ llll 111'1 "EiTl(o 121• 3t 512132 I 1 I Vt H H-M IVt u· ~Mr,;ou • 1~ 1 n '1 bet•· Th Id li "d , h h Burt In 1 . .tll 11 u lll \.. !Ii' ~ Ettne11 1.80 I 5' ""' -.i Hllflll 1!: > l~ 7311 \lo n, ~ M Lb I. ,, 4\\ 14 Your ~1 a e cacy squ1 1s now on t e s oft.. """ No 11'1 10 'j "" • l:!cP111t1M .34 .n xit ,,"' " "' ~ ,, · 11 ,, ~ • ,. ;•, 11 1 ,.,.. 1• 1 • • ISUt'IN pl ,,S nit 1\$ '" !;ckd 'k. ·" ,, 12 ti\'I ·~ :M~I Hullc • '..o ll 1 '\to 1°" II ~ ,M 1.10 21 "' tm ,._, ages list, at least temporarily. •u•ndfc .1• 1s ~ 111 .. nu! u lic.kd He ,,, n 10 1h ''Yi 21"'f + ~ ti~'v:c11 '2• ni• XI~"" 1111Pi. , ... ' I' "~ Ii • 9IJl'rltl'll .to G 2'f 'nt'h 232\.'J \It IE!hn9r. I.SI f 1 -~"6 ft'tt U HyOrGIYlt :1a 1 •t1i. l'lt l~'t' ~ M "!f! .9' I ~ 1!\'I ~ SIM VlllW I ) ,_ N " l!G .. G .10 t:) l: I" .-. 'm' -._ "'tin: .24 1• ,,_ , .. FISHERMEN USUALLY g~ther the bulk or the '"" '·!" ,,--<~';;;; -" +110 ~\li'c1 ll J •" .lt " -~ l~M;) 11 'II fl: ~ l\..+ t "'j 11' ' g' I:' .~ Northern California squid catch durina May and C•~ w"3 t ~·'" ~: :~ . l~llf . ~~ 1't .. !:: jU m:t \l I .. '~ IO , 1 ~l61A ~YI , .. M•Pt(;t 1: , '1 Im?: ~ ~~~'ul' June, the state Department of Fish an Game re-11 "'119nc s '" ~ e: ~1 ·· f 1 1 10 ....-~ 1 w • 11 JI " l4i • ...,... .. MttM · j , 1 1°"" 11! tllltiln ~ tt .J!! J!'+ ~!'•Ir 6 *' S ltl 1.IOb 1 21\11 ,.,,. /I,._• f l "' • ports. But so far,, the tots! .catch ls only 500,0<IO :'l\l '·sr. ll 11-!!" im:;1• <\fr, .1 I 1ft m Im ll\\t ~ M'" 1~ • "" !'" • • t · . ~ 'l "ll 'lll= pounds-the worst catch in more lhan 20 years. ..,. 'I t ... " "' • " l!Jit ~ •:::r, ~ " .JI jj ll +1 '!ii~'·' 'l' "!: ijll m: Iii!-' l '!! Jill 1j U "We thlnk the problem is that 5C1uid have quite ::r.~ il ·~ im Im 1~· ~,, t1 1· !'· n• !ir tt =·'~ '•J ~ ;:: 'i1 F~ _,,,, !K, J n~ fi: ll"' ~i a wide area Iii WhlCh they spawn, but that li.!lher· ~~.f~, Ai l. lllo'!.11.'t. · ~ ,:t"., I! ::; 'Ill ',,.. ~ ~~; ·: t ~· Ill _" =:.m1 ,, ., ,!l! ~ ~ men onJy fish in about 2 percent of the spawning pMI ,. I 15' "" ,r "''Of 1~ la :s:. TT I "l ~ •• ua;:" MonttfllO II 11,S "~ +1 ,. I I · J H rdwl k 'd M 1i'l'IC:e 1 . .0 1 ltl ll" -.y, mo Pill ~ 1 o.. ,.. '-" u -""~I" • ; 1•\; "" +1 area, marine b o ogu;t ames a c •a1 on· '-"'"• ~ ' 1 •• 1"' * ""'" 'a • 1 ~ .JI "'Tr. ., , ,. i ~l " ""' .,. ' " "~ 'Th nI b I th ti l",...i'flon •tlO '4 ,, "'!" ""'"" ,.. fl\.'t " v.-, ncrPL1 ii 1 " ,.. ~on!,,! 11 )3h ~a day. ' ey can o y catc squ d,wben ey spawn. c"'"" I " '" "' •»-" s"'" '" -~-" ll .ll • • 11~ ~ ~" § n• t' '';-"~\·~ o 1:111::!!!!!,"'+,• M~•' i" "'a~ "'t U"''I' .11 Q !ii l\\ ~~ \tli~~·,:\'l 11\l\1'¢1 " Soum u1s SQUID choose to •pawn •• de' .-p ~"1'"'1 ,:11 " "' ... c; " t" I m""" 'l !! j""t• 'f ~-. :!. '1.1 l~ ' • • u ......... " , " 1"' ,,.. 1 + ~ m m "' Ci~ •• tlO l'" 3Sl• rim+ tt ouc.. 2.• 1 if " I 16 ~+ ii1.C:tiil 1 11 ' 3· "~ '-t~ "' Mof'MI .,..,. • 7 11' t14 ... as 600 Jee~ llardwlck sai d, and commerpal fishing ~ 1:1::1 1 1.i &l~ 1f~: • ~ }i ;~\':r,_'' 11~ Ii-ft~lli'.!...mt 2 ~, =• si .. J 'n ~ l;t. •1 · ,1~+" ~~o)".1' i ..'!" ll" ,ffi!J'~ :=f ' ne•· ca'nno -ach below 180 feel ;o~~ • .n 'J 11'' 11V1 .,... .1s • 1 ~J;i'; _,,,. ... !:::!""~ " 1 •.11 li l\lf w e/li itt Jon H--:: a - i..o •" l"11ltte'lt .0 11 to 1 .. \ U'' UVI lflV lie .21 \ 6 71\ 1U n.. +Iii k 1\4 ti :m 1JI.'. 11"'1 Oft!f .j& f! iN r.a .. , '' "11" Com l"D s 2)1 ,, ' ~... ~+ \ '"""Jn1 .n .. ,,.. ''" ln..+ " l!ltfl °'"' 2 11 .., '/"" I Fir.I \·" " Mt ~ "''~1rt ~--------------~--------•'C: c I c~11 ' ,., N ,... '''""'" JO lf 17t .... Jill ' .. I& IMI " 1.0.0 I 1 .. 11\t 214+ ~Mt51T•I .n ' n n ,, 211•-~., I • ' .. ~ va '~l ti ' filo • • ... • PKP 'I'< T <PK •• '" '" • . .. .. .. • P•r ·• .. •• .. ,., •• } ' ' i • . '• . ' ' I· • • • j" . • . ' ' .. - -Stocks Advance FQr Fiftl1 Day •. Stp-.• 191) &A/LY PILOT Complete Closing Prices-American Stock Exchange List Stitt Ne! ~·E llld1J Mloll LOW Lett ChQ. S.19$ Ne1 ~-E llld•I Hlllh \.-i.-t Cf>!I. • • ZB DAIL y PILOT Wednesday, Stfll~tif't 2b, 1<173 TV HIGHLIGHTS CBS 0 SQnny and Cher. Tonight's 'how is a ·rock and roll revival with guests Dick Clark. Edd •uKookie" Byrnes, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, Bobby Vinton and the Four Seawns. l' ABC 0 8:30-"Hijack." Two veteran truck drivers are challenged by ruthless hij acking at· tempts. David Janssen, Keenan \\lynn, Toni Tully, 1 Lee Purcell. · NBC 0 9:30 -Faraday and Co1npany. Dan i~ 'Dailey stars in the title role of this new series ~ • about a private detective returning hon1e after 28 f . years In a South American prison. Craig Stevens, Ruth Ro1nan, David \Vayne, Howard Du ff, Percy Rodriguez. l TV DAILY LOG The Anatomy of a Successful· TV Co med~, • • N By STEVE CARLSON Among the most successful programs in the current network-TV lineup are ''The f\.1ary Tyler Moore Show'' and "Th e Bob Newhart Show." Both are produced by Lorenzo Music and Dave Davi s. And both reflect ' a un ique, refreshing style of comedy . ll is nCJt always easy to pin- point the reasons for a sbow's With all due respect tor stereotype reactions -the although the characters are his strange neighbor. ~ success, but my own view is Lucille Ball's contrlbut1on to skelton -is all that's left The not always as cleurly dcfint!d . s~pporting characters in~. that these 1wo get a little television comedy, .her current genuineness is Jacking, No Buf they are credible, ~ach so 1nany recognlzable tAt~ closer to reality than most. As showx suffer irom this. The mntter how 8 b su rd a having an identity, each con-that we can e«.slly Ide~ a rule. we are bombarded with original HJ Love Lucy" series character is. he nlust have tributing to the overall eon1-wlth their feelings and actf~. so-<:alled "romedy" that plods was a comedy classic. But lhe edy effect or the show . And ,, endlessly through contrived current "Lucy" shows only substance, a distinct idenli ty. one also finds a constant in· TEI.EVISION COMED~bM situatioos, contriv1,'(l actions superficially echo past sue· ter'play between normalcy and been I a r g e 1 Y wisuece~ul and reactions that are sup· cesses. Lucy goes through the TllE CIJARACTER played idiOsyncracy. 'f'here are the because the medium bas posed to be funny or appealing motions or being funny but the by Mary Tyler Moor~ is a c 0· n .\f e r s a t i 0 n s between evolved jl:s own fantasit.ed -but fall for lac k of inspiration is gone. The gin1-believa ble, normal person, not psychologist Bob and hls pa-concept of what ls sup~'lo subs tance and reality. micks, s I a P s tick , and a robot who says and does tients, in the j n i m j tab J e be real and 1A•hat we re IPP- 1 mindless things. Her thoughts Newhart style. There are litfle posed to laugh at. But it's all 'COllSt&Dt Wlf e' ' \ and reactions come nearer our encounters between Bob nnd very ultreal and ver1y li1ni~ ... own and we see things frO\ll I her viewpoint. She's n o\t Ingrid .Praised irrtondun ~:r~~;~noxiol!§,Jlung UQ . - LONDON (AP) -'rheatcr critics gave S\\•edish actress Ingrid Bergman warm praise on her ret urn 10· the LI>ndon friend . Herbert Kretzmer. 'vriting in the Daily Express said: rn pa rt, her show"s con1edy result s from the contrast "Given the enduring appeal of fngrid Bergman \vho has af- stage in Son1erset 11augham's taincd practically the status or "The Constant \V ife." minor royalty in the affections Wednesday Evening SEPTEMBER 26 l:300@00@lm1tb Hope Spt--~1 iss Bergn1an, who plays of the British, there is no way ci•I Ami·M•rvet. John Denver, ten· the role of a forgi ving wife in in which her West End en- Times said: "I find it hard to keep my head when writing abou t Miss Bergn1an. She has such classic beauty, such ir- resistible magnetts1n that she need do no more than stand on the .~tage to win my tribute Eric Shorter of the Daily Telegraph \vrOtc: ·• ... Her pertormance will presumably increase in self possession as the production is l'un in ... " between this lovely, normal person. and 1nore extren1e characters like TV-anchorn1an Ted Baxter. Mo r c fun- damentally. the show is a n1asterful intermingling of recognizable hurnan qualities. Even though Ted is extreme. his weak nesses arc fam iliar - pro n1 posity and ag- gressiveness brought on by a feeling of insecurity. In that sense. he is very real. Newsroon1 boss Lou (;rant is outer toughness and inner WATERGATE HEARINGS AU procr1111min1 is subject to th1n11 wtu..ut notice lor cowenre •I the W1t1r11tt He1rin1s. ''"'eoommmm•••• ~rn~oo~oo .... lonln1a Courtship ol Eddie's F1thtr ;Tllt (ucy Show The flintston11 Sbr Trek Sh11pltm1nt1 M1ril MOY11: (2111) "Ctnh If Nltht" Ciia) '52-Barbara Stanwyck. £t} Hocl1epod11 lotltt tEl T~1ee Stootn l:lD @ (f~ Ci! Ho11n'1 Herou 0 Movie: (C) (90) "Ne'ttf So few" Conti. (d ra) '60 -frank Sinatra, Steve McQuun. fll fl (j) ~ (j) News 0 Conunlration I Marv Grillln Show Andy Grillitll Show F11st of L1n11111e ""'! ... , ..... Desert The1tre Effuttlt R11t1ls !:00 1is luminary Bobby Ri1gs 1ild The J1ck.son five gu85t. her husband's ma r i ta I te rtainn1enl can fail 0 @(}) m AIC W1lln1sdaJ transgressions, stars alongside Ingrid Bergman looks cool and MDYlt: (t) (90) "Kll•ck" (dral '72 John McCallum who plays the elegant as the wily forgiving -Darid J1n~n. Keenan Wynn, Tom husband . and Barbara Ferris wife " Tully, lee Purcstl. Two veteian 11uck drivers, commii.sioned to haul a lop-__ "_'h_o_i_s_tl_" __ hu_s_b_a_n_d_.s_:g~i-rl __ n_._._,_. _v_ou_n~g;_of_t_h_e_F_· i_n_a_n<_i_al secret c;ngo from Los Angeles to •· Houslon, ere challenged by ruthl ess hijacking attempts by men who will stop at nothing !ti prevent delivery. ~ Merv G1iffln Show Dn1111 lap.n1se L1nru111 Pr01J1m 0 WM. CONRAD.CANNON * TV'S TOP PVT. EYE! 9:30 8 9 (l) C1111on "Hounds of Hell" The atte1math of 1 Vietnam 'fr•1· 1ing' incident, in wtlich an Amr/ lieutenant became a paralytic, finds two survivors cl his company becom- ing victims of fa tal attacks by killer dogs and arMrther survivor 1skin1 .. Cannon to solve the myst•JY. I The Bold Onu lite Unteuth1bles P1P1 Corazon Slm1111I D11m1 @ 00 NEW SEASON TONITE * Wednesday Mystery Movie D @@@.}@Dl'REMIERE N!lt We4nnd17 M)'ltery-f1nd17 1nd Charles Lewscn of the 'rimes said: l\1iss Bergman's tender rccollec· tions of !ht> five ye.Jrs' love is touchingly done . gentleness. Bob Newhart's sho\1' is con· s!ructcd along sitnilar li nt's. '~ •• easily the best movie so far this 1""l rn om .... lwlint fOf Ooll1r1 Movie; (2hr) "Prlfltftl 01lourh:" (com) '43-Robert Cummings, Olivi1 de Havi!land. ColllPlllJ Wrongly imprisoned lor 28 JllRSOR 0-1 WKBAYS 7 P.M. .>OUTM COAST PLAlA 1 y11rs in 1 South American jail, prl-SAT. & SUH AY 1:30 Wtday1.J:J0-1:.lil-f:l0 vatedelactlveFrankfultdayescapu ILM "Pl'Y IT 'GAIN SIM' $;11/Sun-l :JO-J:lt-J:JO and retu1ns to the United Statas, de· ~w 11 11 7:10-t :Jo ; (i) kumey ! Wh1f1 My-Line? I Love I lltJ Tiit Mod Sq~d (})I Dre111 of Je1nftie Emer11d1 (23 (jJ Draa.net fl) Wheels, ll.i1n1 Ind C11r 129 Ci) World ol Survinl m Ml Primero Amor Afkionlclos lie la ComunidM! Speed Ractr 7:30 I) The New Datint Came C3J Ho11n's Heroes O W1it Tiii Yo11r f1ther Cits Homt '"BoYles on TV' A TV producer's pl1n to film a documentaf)' on Har,.,·s homelife turr; the family into •&O lreaks and Harf}' into an opportun· ist w~o uses the sllow to plua: his company. IJ.Htlp Thy Nel&fibor g l obby Ciold1bor1 Shaw · The Lvtf Siio• (lo Tiit Price 11 Ri11:ht m Bewitthed termined to find his partner's killer. Dan Dailey stars. Craig Stevens. Ruth Rom8n, David Wayllt, Howard der Ne• "11n1gement" UI Mudl1ch1 1t11:1n1 EI:) ll Cali dt Portlvo 10:00 II ~ (j) Dan Au111st When Santa Luisi Police Chiel Untermeye1 am to the aid of 1 panic~ed friend, an unseen rifleman cull Untermeyer down and kills the friend. (i) ~tit ClllelJ 0 fl1J {])al Owen M1rsltalf "The I Pool House" AU evidence in the mur· 1 der o.f a high school 1irl directly Im· ril~tes her teenage boyfriend. I mm•••• · E1etn11io Wiid Wild Wut I To le Anno1111te4 10:30 i Twllirht Zoff · C:O.••nitJ Fttdbact ht Smart · Eatrt A11i1os · • Mews/Sports (fti@ To Ttll Ille Truth 123 r,) Hollywood Squires €) $tortflont "llie Need lo1 Edu· 11:00 cational Change" , H~~lil~riJ~ ... 6 ''"' M1son Didi VIII Dy'e To Tell tbe Truth Drarnet ~ rn Police Sarree" (?:)Other Ptople, Dther Pluts El) The Add~ms Family t .:JO £)Qt ® Sonny ind Chtr A ;ock @ The Worid Tod11 . and 1011 1evlval with guests· Oitkl Alfnd HltclK:ock Premb Clar~. (dd Byrnes. Jerry lee le•is, (.()T111ls Wut Chucli. Berry, Bobby Vinion <1nd the , 1 IS -t i ,. four Seasons 1~= u;, nema ..,. 0 in (jJ ff.§1 m Adam-12 "Foot· 11·30 El ~ (I) CBS Liii Movie• NSof hill Oi-11s1on' l he ~1ld West still! ' tlidnd" (mys) '68--D&vid McCal· seems to ll~e as Of11cers Malloy <1nd lum Stena Stevens ReeO ta~e to !lie hills on hor5tback 8@ Cl) tfO} a;) JofUlny Cll'fflt lo track lhreves reported by 1uesU Twlllpt IOie Rod Came.rcn " @ (J) m Wldt World of Ea· 0 Mo~e . (C) ,(3111) C1st • Giurt tertalnment "On Location: Alan Kint St11dow' (dra) 66-K1rk Oouilas. at tfle Indiana State Fei1" P1rt I. rJ @rn (}) P~EMIERE Bob & 0 Movie: (C) .. karltt Anrel" (adv) C.i:tl & Ted l Alic• A new comedy '52-Yvonne O.Carlo, Rock Hudson. 1eries that Ukes a wry ,and humo1· m Alfrtd Hitcllcod P1e1t11b DUS look at the i!nerat1on 1ap be· m MOYie: "B~llet for 'HJ"' (mys) ti'feen adutls. The senes locuse5 on 'SS-George Rall. Bob and C1rot Sanders, 1n aware, W•lh·it couple in their late 20s, and l12:00 O Movie: "Cllin1" (ldv) '434lan Ted ind Alice Henderson a mo1e Ladd Loretta Young. convenli1mal COUttle 'in their middle (6j o'ne Slel) ICJOnd 30s: Ro~ert Urich, Ann~ Archer. m Movie: "Belle Sltrr" (wes) '41- David Spielberg a~d Anita Gillette Gene Tierney, Randol pll St-oil star. ! 0 Miiiion $ Movie: (Cl (2hr) "Thtl 1:00 (3) 0 0 .]) ~@ Jllews Other Man" (dra) '70-Roy Thinnes.1 1:30 f) Ne"s m Creen Acres 1 O l<l11hw1y Patrol The Bold Orts W All -Nii:ht Sllow: "forbicldtll LI Seno11 !Oven Stnet." "China Girl" ~ Mftie: (CJ (2h1) "W1rloe:k" 1•45 D M .. '"'h ,. 1• " 1 'S6-(dr1) '59-Rith11d Widmark · ovie. • e 1! 1n1 ~ra) ll W1terptt He11lnQs · Ste1lm11 H~yden. Vince EdWards. Ch1mpionsllip Wrestline 3:1D 6 MOYfe: "Sflack Odt on 101" Japanese Lan1u11e Program (d11) '55--frank l aveioy. 1:000 (C) "Qn Moonlight Ba(' (mus) Thursday '51-Doris Oay, Gordon M1cRae. m HMoonrteet" (adv) '5!;-Stewart Gnnitr, George Sl nders. DAYTIME MOVIES l :OO (}J (Cl "W11 and Peace" Concl. (dr1) '56 -Henry Fonda, Audrey t:OO @ (})"Yes Mad1m" (susp) 'JS-Hepburn. Bobby Howes. Oian1 Churchill. (fQ) (C) "follow the IOJl~ (com) t:!O O "So l it" (dfl) '53 -Jane '63-C<innie F11ncls, P1ul1 PrenUss. Wyman. Richard Btvmer. l:JO \Jt (I) (C) "rt a M1~ Mswtrt" lD:OO Cl) Hl last ol SHtntt" (susp) '61-f&emf '62 -Bobby Da1in, s~ndr1 • Alien Suon. Oee. D "P1id to Kill" (m)'l) '~4-Dane 4:00 l!!I (C) "The Intruders" (wts) '67 Cfarl!. Thea Greaory. ! -Oon Murr~y. John Saxon. 12:00 0 "Ml» Annf1 ltoonlf' (dra) '421 4:30 (3J Sime 11 lOAM Wstlnr -Shl~1e, Temple. Guy ~lb bee. ','Lil· l Qt ITJ "Str1n1trs Wiien We M•er If• MIU M1rktr" (dli) 34-Sh!lley P1rtT(dra) '6G-Kilk Doua11s Kl111 T1mol1. Adolph Menlou. Novik. ' KOCE, CHANNEL SO • HELL, UPSIDE DOWN ONE OF THE 'GREATEST ESCAPE AO\IENTt'.IRES EVER! Also "A t:l(,lf:U!.L OF DOLLARS" IPGJ CINEMA II ,llB'.RT R BRCCCQU ,~ HARRISAL1il1l~I'. ·• ROGER •• JAMES MOORE BOND 71r ,!AN FLEMING'S l "LIVE AND LETDIE" Un11ed Art1s1s Al10 "THE MECHANIC" f PGI ··-. '' . ' j AJAMlS 'M.UAM GU.:ACIO·RUPEffi Hlr.lGP!ocWoon "Ill.CTR.\ GllOE IN llJX·...,,ng ROBl'ffi BlA'<f • BlLlY !CJ£[~ ElJSH f'llollJoed 11'111' Onc1oa llJ JM(,S WUJM4 QJEACIQ '7J'~ t1J' OCICCRI eoRtS SIC)'fl)'1A:l3E:RT 0CRS -.! AU'fRI HIZlG ~~tNJAMES.WlUAM GL(f"OO Un11edArt1~t1 Tl'I• hlt •lntle"T•M Mt" on Columbl• Record$ CINEMALAND & SOUTH COAST 2 WEEK-DAYS 7 & 9 P.M. SAT. & SUN. 1-3-5:10-7:15-9:20 ·~1!'9) Hl-WIY-39 mm IT DUSI PlOI loi FlllURE CETTlllG STRllCHT• EXCLUSIVE ORANGE CQUHIY ENGAGEM£NI ...... '"· . I ----NOW PLAYIN~ 1 rnmwrn um uoo~ ~~ILJU1,. ''" ·A~ile seodl'amolilmedexilttlyasithoppettfll ••. I whenithappened ... where ithoppeneJ! I . " ' ' i1 I --~irl I ~I ·}--. ; •' I .:-. JI : ...:, . :· I ·- tr· [lu~aed by CHARl£S MARQUIS WARREN· Co.Produced by CHAIRES MARQUIS WARREN andlN ORE BOH£M • Screerl!llay b7 GENE ELDER • Narration written bf , CHARLES MARQUtS WARREN• Emtive Producer ALFRED lMOAU In Col~ ·Released by INDEPENDENT UNITED DISTRIBUTORS Ki] lt,,,._.hlm 2(]....,111,.,, PERFORMANCES WED . ONLY 8 & 10 P.M. Adults-2.SO Under· 12-.75 FIRST RUN ! MATINEES WED •• SAT .. SUN. EVES. FROM 7:00 P.M. t.. ind out !.e , J'· .. " .-''· .. ~ ~he-•.W r · "'"" 2 lap• '> '~. to let the , , " ~ .,,..,_" "1 . r ~ ~ "-· I " ' ~.' Distributed by The Alfred Hirt ComPll">' •80 Proof• 1001'; G,..in Neutr1L Spirits N!"JW SHl")W IN G JcmH Co11urn nlt:WT OF Sllt:I~ !PG) 7:00 .\ 10:)1 P.M. Al5o Ryon O'Neol "THE THIEF WHO CAME TO DINNER" IPG) 6:5S P.M. lll11f1flff Su1tdoy Coll Th&0tro For ~~etfule LI D 0 NEWPOOT BEACH lN1RANeJ '0 llDO 111 ! ~11 AJSO ORANG£ COUNTY EXCLUSIVE ! If Yow Liked ''Frer.ch Co1111ectlon" You're Sure to Like ."STONE "ILLl:R" A DINO 0£ LIUAUtTllS l'toOutl!Oll 1rom COUIMllA l'IClt.llllS _,..._ Robert Duvoll Ver110 Bloom "BADGE 373" Contin. ~"~ 2 P.~·. Woo>d•Y' h<m J. r M •. -1 ' WM . .r, Thur1. 0111'1' "iHE NEW CENTURIONS"· tRI • ''f lYE EA'iY PIECES .. IRI GfOIGI C. K OTT OKLAHOMA CRUDE 1JGI ~us • Sl(YI MtOUUN JUNIOR IONNER 1JOGJ ::,.,.,. 01 e110 I ~y r • .,.,,.~"'' ( ... '" J ·-· Gil'I( KA(IUIP.AH •Al. ,.f.CINO SCARECROW 111 ~Iii e JJ(y( ""0UU"I &Ullin !'&) '·'" •• ,,~fl> .... ,• !'· • •~u•SI ' '~~ 1~1 1 ,,.,, •. ,~, \•n'w'n "~· ~ ~~·-d. & >'."~· '!llv'1 •11-1111 OIOIG& C. KOTT OKLAHOMA CRUDE i..1 • I •n<.~'" A\'<1, "'I! Qf ~n~n s11.11;1 ()iiOT OIWf.IH SHOWll«i! JISUS CHRIST SUPlltSYAI ,., Cli•t1 l•t!WMd1JOE KIDD {IJ ' • ' ' • ~~-=::;::;;:~ : • 1Q ~~ •• f .,.,.,. I M<t~r ! !•.•!mu" Ave '"'"11 ' t, ~OIT OKLAHOMA cauo1 ,.. '""' • 11!"\_ ..-eH JUNIOlt aoNNll i.oJ ........ .., ..... ,._ ~ • • I . ' • ,. .1 r, ~ ·'1 • ~. • .. ~· .. . I -?'; ' .. ' :• ~ .. . •, . '• ,. ;; •' '•. , ,, ' .. .. '. ., • ... -. • , ' -• • WfdntS<li'Y, Stptrmbtr 2b, 1973 DAJL V PILOT f19- Guess What's Co111ing Ba~k? NEW YORK (AP! -Most netv.·ork radio serlea: were put in their graves by television in the early 1950s. \VeU, here it Is the early tlrnls and CBS is saying It'll start a new radio aeries on Jan. 6 -in prime time. "1 could care Ie.-.s what it does for me financiaUy." lie said the series -each show starl! with the sound or a creaking door·-will have a permanent host and tell a separate tale each night. The stories will range from the macabre to the occult, Brown said. There've been no reports of panic in television circles yet. But Sam Cook Digges, head of the CBS Radio DlvJslon, and THE SERIES won't have Iii Brown, producer of the stafr writers on a stock acting coming show, th ink It couJd company, he added: "It's an start a new aural trend at the open show for all the fresh. , ;fl Love Match ' ' ' ~"Bobby 1-Iiggs" (Bob Hope) 1neets his match -as ,~4.lid the character he's spoofing -in "Billie Jean- ·~¥argret" (Ann-Margret), who uses her obvious ~ iJ.Iure to overcome him on the court It all happens : tonight at 8:30 on the Bob Hope Special over NBC, ~Channel 4. ' ''Nellie Toole' Arrives ~ith Dull Thud m NY ·'1 ~By WllLIAM GWVER or Pinter menace. The /.'NEW YORK (AP) A~ po1chological drives provided fi!mplcd suspense g·e t s for the characters are more '1ov.·here ia "Nellie 'foole & bafning than his plot. l?o .. ·• ' vt'hich "'as deposited The piece previously. ac· !Monday night on the stage of aff.Broadv.•ay's Theater Four. cording to a program note, .t~ n1urky trine concerns a was widely performed for the "OOISY broad's penchant (or New York a_ulhor in Germany · 1torking out em otion al ''under (overnment •ngups v i a introspective sponsorship,'' which makes ::Dlaylets in an after-hours ooe wonder about the wesent oloon. Then a reluctant health of Teutonic stagecraft. J>3ftlcipant -~ves he; fwrand· Heading the local cast ls ~es a 1u1cidal twitch. . Sylvia Milef, who divides her • Peter Keveson hasn't ~uile screen activities between the ~ecided in his script ·whether Andy \Varhol underground and J?:_ ls aping _!ii:_andc~lo_i~l~~on more routine engagements. J ..•. " .. BEGINNING OCTOBER 1st network. proven a~ unproven talent \Ye """\ . . th can find. 'u~ new senes, tn e CBS says the series will be ~~riller-c:1tegory,is called~tbe---oCfered the network's 250 AM CBS .~ad!~ "fl-f Y 5 1 e r Y radiO a(fillates, then to other T?eater. It II run S;CVen stations if an afrlllate in a nights a week, each 52·rrunute · m k t doesn't want the episode starting at 10 :07 p.m. given ar e here. There'll be 200 new s~~ CBS-owned st a ti o n s episodes and 165 repreats. here and in Boston, St. LQula IF THE SEW show clicks. ~a a • ..,. l.,."' Digges says. it coold lead to a new dramatic antho lo gy series, a daytime soap opera · j,•111111_1 and even a new comedy series -in short, a m oder n SUlf!NCl PILM flSTtY.AL minlrevlval of the golden days THIS WllK of network radio. Brown, a veteran radio pro- ducer whose credit• date back to the 193t>s, is equally hopeful. But the biggest kJck for him right now is the fact that a network Is even willing to give radio drama another try. "It's an emotional jag £or me," says Brown. who'll record most of the "Mys~ry Theater" shows in New York. "S11n1hint $ea" .... Betty Boop Cartoort1 7:JO • 9:JO Eacll Eev11l111 flEE SUlFIOAlDS 'ii"" Attfrf Eacll W .... Dettillt At n•etM 0Mfllf , .... OIWt J~- t P1lrfc4~'Nt1I ;: ~~~.~ I• S.Cott JICob'I' '"&AXT ER"' &otll In Color! (PG) i~KAPX PRESENTS AN ORANGE COUNTY ' , .- t' t< ' . • • . .. ,. ?. •• ··-, ' . ' ., ' '· . . • • . • . ,., • •• {,I~ • •, . • .. , '-~~ ~'flADIO~ I ~ . ~ Tfl~~TV~ CLOSE YOUR EYES AND LISTEN TO A "*NEW SERIES OF RADIO DRAMAS IN FULL SPECTRUM STEREO I Prddttced and per/ ormed by the alt ti1ne Radio Greats. • I Rod Serting -'Host Na"ator Directed by Eltiott Letvis i11itf1 casts inct11ding 1Ho111<1rd Ditff, Kee nan W)'n11, Patty Duke, "Ni1u1 Foch . ]utie Ada1ns, Richard Crenna, Richard Deacon, plns manY. 1nore . • "" I ' EXCLUSIVELY ON • KAPX RADIO 108 FM EVERY EVENING MONDAY THRU FRIDAY, FOLLOWING THE 1 O'CLOCK NEWS • *THESE ARE BRAND NEW-PRODl:JC':TIONS NEVER" HE~RD 8EFOR ON RADIO and Philadelphia won't be car. rylng the show because they have an r1ll·news format, CBS says. It sttys other stttlions 111 1hose cities wilt air the series. The shoW Is the first new prin1e..thne radio drama selrts ()n a network In more than a decade and a hair. One new 31).. minute series called "Zero I-l our" began th is sun1mer, but it was sold to ;ndivldual rt1dio stations 'nd wasn't offered by a netv.·ork. LAST JUNE, the NBC radio netv.·ork be~an running a science-Oction, series called "X l\1inus One" C\!ery fourth toe1ner.l{es1ncc Cecil LI. UcMille founded f-"==- llollywood." -VERNON sc;orr, "" (G) Sunday evening. But It's an old series first heard In the l mid·l950s. according to NRC. There also are non -network ! syndicated radio seri es oo the air, but they're al30 nostalgia pieces such a1 the "Lone !{anger" and "Green HomcL" Did their popul arity provlde l the iinpctus for the ne\\' CBS ( series? ''I · \\'Ould say that the nostalgia had son1ething to d:> with II," BrO\\'n s ai d . "Because it proves t h ~ t there's a need ror r:idio dra1n:i., a need for the spoken \\'Ord '' A LOVE STORY FOR WIVES AND -GIRLFRIENDS IVHO- RESENT BEING TAKEN FOR GRA/\'TED. ~ ll. 2M.AlCINlf!'A.Wlsr l2 JAMES GAA:NEA: "A MAN (ALLID SLIDGI" IJ&.US, TOM LAUGHLIN AS =~~!OLDS "BILLY JACK" STARTS FRIDAY WALT DtlHn'S JULIE ANDREWS ONE WEEK ONLY v'!'. THI MOST RUD ~ ON/f CAMPUI IS NOW ON ICRllN! , -.,., . ..,_ '·"'"' StAOIUM •4 ,:.:, "" ......... ,.u.u.~ • .., ~ ''THE STOHi KILLI•" ... "DILLIN•ll" I•) "SOUND M MUSIC" . .. "CHA•Lon1·1 Wll" "THE LAST AM lllCAN .... "VANISHING POINT" "YOUR THRll MINUTES Altf UP" ... "WHlll:i DOil IT HUll:T1 " ''PAPEll Mt)ON" I PGd '" "H.A lOLO & MAUDE" " RRV' IN YOUR l"OCKliT" PGI ... "'EYliillYT MING YOU &YElt WANTED TO KNOW AIOUT 5&X" (lt l EDW ARDS HARBOR c~1:"1 · HAltlOlll &lVO. AT W'ILION IT. -641·057J t41·JIM C09TA M•eA C:0.....-0..:11"1>- -~--GEORGE c.scon FAYE DUNAWAY JOHN MILLS JACK. PALANCE OKLIHOMA CRUDE [!'!!] -\A .. D•I"~ ,..,, l ' <• e 1r ""'9'J --. :JO D.lJLY PILOT WodnesdaJ, September 26, 1'173 FatHll!I Clrcu• 1>11 Bil Keane .,,..--..._ •1 wos afraid you weren't home 'cause I couldn't hear Daddy snoring." Students Agree G1·eater Career Planning Needed By JOYCE L. KENNEDY ~fany educ a tors and employers, understand that school-based career education programs &hould be vitalized. But do students agree? Ap- parently so. One part or career education is career planning, and it seems that more than three- fourths of the nation's high school juniors and hearly as many 8th and 9th graders, \\'OUJd Uke help with career plarullng. And in all three of !hose grades, more girls than boys are looking for such help. things that are concerning me.' "Because one's career cuts to the core of life, career guidance is every bit as im- portant and difficult · a s personal counseling. Unfortunately, it r eceives relatively little attention in many counselor education pro- grams." OTIIER J\f A J 0 R CON- CERNS indiC11ted by students in the survey include "findin g afterschool or su mmer \\-Ork" (67 percent oC the t Ith graders) and "improving study skills" (65 percent). -On THESE ARE Aft10NG the the other end of the scale findings of (tCT'.s recently foUowing personal counseling'. -completed-nationw1de..sludy oL •1ruseussing health-problems" . st~nt career development, received the lowest response \\'h1ch. was brsed on a sun:ey (15 percent ). . covenng a repres~ntaUve Students participating in the ~-'. l>WF!!ttm""~~ study were also asked about the besf'li·ay to begin career planning. Prediger said he was "pleased to see that only about 15 'percent of the CAREER CORNER I:+ .. ~~ students thought they should 'take tests to find out what I should do.' The test 'em square peg and square hole era of career guJdance is rapidly fading. And It's about time. Test have an important role in helping young people explore themselves a n d careers," he continues, "but they should be only one part of a s c h o o I ' s developmental career guidance program." sample ol more than 33,000 8th, 9th and !Ith graders. (Tenth graders Jl.>ere not sampled.) ACI' -Americen Coll~ge testing -is a non· profit educational s e r v i c e dealing with over one million students and about 25,000 educational institutions. The q u e s t i o n concerning career planning was just one of 267 included in the survey, but according to Dale J. Prediger, ACT 's develop- mental research director, " - in many ways, the findings from tJtis question are the most significant." "CONSIDER. FOR EX· MIPLE," Prediger s a y s , "that ooly 50 percent of the 11th graders feel that their school has provided them 'some help' (37 percent ) or •a lot of help' 113 percent) with career planning. Add to this the 'finding that more than 8.5 percent of the lllh graders recognize that career planning m~t begin before the final )rear of high school. "Finally, consider that for years COlDlSelor education pro- grains in colleges a n d universities have emphasized personal counseling a n d therapeutic procedures. Yet only 30 percent of the 11th graders indicate that they would like to discuss 'personal PREDIGER SAYS that the best programs use community resources, classrooms, guid· ance groups AND one-to-one counseling to provide students v;ith information about the \\'Orld o{ work and edocation, experience ( d i r e c t and vicarious) with that \vorld, and insight into their potenti al roles and lifestyles in the world. According to Prediger, ''The chief function of testing in de ve lopmental career guidance programs is to sf i m u·l ate career ex- ploration and exploration of self in relation to careers - not to find the ·right choice ·for Johnny and SUsie." Prediger isn't the first career authority to place tests in Uleir proper perspective, but his Y<'Ords carry a particular ring of truth because one of the services ACT provides to students is testing. Thanks for the candor. Iii the Service SP4 Wiiiiam CIUford Bryan D, resident of 887 Center St., Costa ,_fesa , has completed Annual Training for the 349th General Ho.!pital at Fort Uwis, Washington. He is assigned as a regular Anny nurSes aid. Navy Hospitalmnn Ap- prentice D1vid E. HaU, whose wife Martha ts-the daughter or Mr. and Mrs-. L8fi'Y Slimmers of 18557 ~ Flores, Fountain Valley, graduated from recruit training at the Naval Training Center at san Diego. Navy Seaman Recruit Ml-I J . Miller, son of Mr. and Mrt. JameJI A. Miller Sr. of 9271 Orrey Pa ce, Welt.minster, graduated Crom nc:nilt training at tbe Naval Training Center at San Diego. U.S. Air FomCC.ptaln Kyle w. RtMlu, aon or Pifr. and Mra. ·Edwln Renslw ol 16t44 Bolla Cl\ica Road, Huntington lkach.-has 'giaduRted lrom the Air Unlvorsity'1 Squadron • Officer S c h o o I at Jl.1ax"'eli AFB, Ala. Captan Rensler was specially selected for the 14- wee k professional o r f i c e r course in recognition of his potential as a leader in the aerospace force. Airman Kevin ftl. Parldee, son ol" Mrs. Dorothy II. Martin, 2Ei621 Granvia Drive, Mission Vie.iO. bas be e n assigned to Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Field, Ariz .. s rter completing Air Force basic training. The airman has bec·n assign· ed to a unit of the Tactical Air Command for further tr'hlning and duty in the civil engineer- ing structural pavement field. MaTine Lance Corporal Ronald G. Tuylor, whose wife Is the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Richard Sisson ol Hun· tington Beach, is parlldpating in C&rlbj)ean training opera· lions with the Second service Batta1lon, Second Mar l n c Diviston. . . .. • Keep your fan,iily feeling fine with your favOrite ·vi_tamms-at Treasury 1's IOW p1rtt . . . s. .. ~reasury Daily Mu.ltlple Vitamins with Iron Treasury llloW'-tVitamin E Capsules 2~0TA8lETS 100 l.U., 100's 199 Treasury Children's Vitamins with Iron 250's 239 Treasury ~Vitamin E Capsules ., i. ., I· 11 II jl vitamin E ca:psuJes 200 l.U., 250's ;t 11 jt 200 1.U. · I 11 250 Capsules 11 799 Parke· • Davis : ~, Myad_ec Myadec " ;; J c·apsules "1 .... ~•I'll>' :I< ; ...... ,t'"•'•. i. ...... t1. :'•·. : :"••.1.r<l1o';!Mc.>•e ;er'~'! :<, : .,.., '•·Ill"'~ drl.boe~:;iH ; ~ ' ,,. t~ C"PSULES 100's . , 411 ::• IE ' ., ' . .... . \ ~-- • 229 ii ., ., ,. ·' 500 MG. 1QQ. ~p1~t1 " " " ii . 'I 25,oOo UNITS I, 100 CAPSULES --i Treasury~~ Vitamin CLJ./ ~e Ascorbic 1 ' Acid I soo MG , 1oo;s 99e I Tr~asury Vitamin A .Aegular Capsules 25,000 Units, \1 OO's 79-¢ Miles One-A-Day Vitamin~, ptus Iron 100'5 ·1 _99 _ Squibb Theragran-M Ta-ble---~ -['!"'-:· ----; ;L'1 r...ars""" 100'5 ...... ----.................... 250's 169 Treasury Vitamin c Ascorbic Acid 100 MG,250's 77¢ Chocks Chewable 100'5 249 Feosol -5pansules - 3Q's ........ _ .... ----........ : 499 White's · Geritol Mol-lron Tablets . Tablets 40'& Mol-lron. .,_: § 100'• TABLETS ' ... ,.._"" .. _ • ..... --.-" . 1 99 •" '• ~. -11 1~9 ' ........ '• .... "! '., ., ~· .. . ' -~, .. ,,,, ) ] Wt,,..,,, the rttht to timit quantitlft, sP.c111 prlaes eood thru Mondlv. Oct. 1, 1e1a . . l'"'"I,'!!'~--... • ·:JCPerrey · 123 4~8 .789 0 ' 9 -~ """"" """"" .. Beach at orangethorP• Open Dolly 9:10 te 9tJO ,.,.., Su.wt.r 10 te 7 BUENA PARK ORANGE City or. et o~'rden Grove Blvd. Open tO-t p.m;<Dally·tumhy• 10 to• -· SA'"rA-A'NA y900-so. erlstol Nocof-$6.--COHl.PI ... . _ . ti , _ a,..1o-! , .... ~111., .... ,. ~o. to~- ' • • .. I I ' ' . ' • l j ' I • . . • .. .. .. e Sat is Mi . ~J.: •11: Taste Si . • Exotic 1es ' j Or!!nge juice add' intrigue to 1 i picy: chicken 5oup that copies ' • E1ut Indian 'pepper water.' I ' I Amid the· luster of marble, gleam of brass urns, elegance of scalloped cornices and lilting string music, is it any wonder that Mideast food comes richly spiced with garlic, mint, parsley, • cinnamon, oregano and saffron? BEA ANDERSON, Editor • CAROL MOORE, Food Editor Bai\quet cuisine offered in an elegant &lmosphere will duplicate the Aliddle East when mem bers and guesls of Upper Bay Associates or the Orange Qiunty Phllhannonic Society gather-Sunday, Sept. 30 for a fund-raising dirmer. Mrs. William M'ason will share her Newport Beach home and artislic buckgrouod ror the occasion . She has col- lected delicately detailed Per s-i an artwork, historical artilact.s l!-ftd authen- tic recipes during ~er extensive tra¥els. Mrs. Robert B. Smith is assisting her "'ith arrangements. \ TABBOULEH SALAD i2 cup fine bulghu r (cru shed \Vheatl 3 medium fresh tomatoes, finely chop· ped 1 cup finely chopped parsley 1 cup finely chopped onions ~3 cup fresh lemon juice 2 teaspoons salt 11.i cup olive oil 2 tablespoons finely cut fresh n1int or 1 tablespoon dried mint, crumbled Romaine lettuce leaves Place the bulghur in a boY..J or pan and pour in enough cold Ylater to cover it completely. Let soak for about 10 minutes, then drain in a sieve or col· ander lined with a double thickness of dampened cheesecloth. Wrap the bulghur in th e cheesecloth and squeeze vigorously until completely dry'. Drop the bulghur into a deep bowl. Add tomatoes, parsley, onions. lemon juice and salt. Toss gently but thoroughly with a fork . Just before serving, stir in olive oil and mint; taste for seasoning. Mound the salad in a serving bo\YI or spoon it on let- tuce leaves. SIUREEN POLO Peel of 2 oranges, cut into strips l inch long and ~~ inch wide 8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter 3 medium carrots, cut into strips about • · ·· long and ~ inch wide I cup slivered blanched almonds 2 cups sugar l teaspoon ground saffron (or l teas· poon saffron threads, pulverized) dissolved in 1 ·tablespoon warm water 6 tablespoons fin ely chopped, unsalted pistachios 2 cups imported Iranian rice or other One-dish meals are sometimes exotic and always a blessing to the busy cook. That's why rich soups hearty with meat often find their way to the dinner table as main courses. , . ,The· !amoa.s Mulligatawny Soup, which originated in East India, makes a delicious and economical main course. Mulligatawny means "pepper water" and the original recipe called for a good deal of spices. This one, :however, has ·a mild curry flavor complemenUng the rice, fruit, vegetables and chunky pieces of chicken. Orange juice gives it refreshing flavor and bright color. Mrs. Robert Crawford dips Arabian bread into Hummus Bi l'ahina as the buffet (below) is spread with Tabbouleh salad, Shireen Polo pilaf and Moussaka. Orangf!_COnsomme is the perfect dish to prepare if you're planning an elegant dinnei-and have only a few minutes after 'A-'Ork to do it in. ORANGE MULLIGATAWNY SOUP 2 cups orange.juice 2 quarts water 1 broiler-fryer chicken, whole or cut in serving pieces l cup chopped celery and leaves 1 cup sllced carrots I cup chopped onion 2 apples, pared, cored and diced · 2 tomatoes, peeled and diced l \I ,lablespoons salt t teaspoon curry powder ~ cup uncooked regular rice ' . Jn a larg& kettle~ combine orange juice, water, chicken, celery, .carrots, onion, 1 apple, 1 tomato 'and sa1t .• Cover and siln- . mer for 1 hour.·.:.__ ,... Remove chicken, re.move meat from bolies, cut Into bite-size pieces and return to broth. Add remaining· apple, tomato, curry powder and rice; cover and sim- mer for 30 minutes. Yields 2% quarts; 6 servings. ORANGE CONSOMME 2 cups orange juice 2 cupa tomato juice I cup bee! bouillon ~ teaspoon sugar 2 whole cloves 1---------------------<r----~,;;Comblne ell ingredients In • saucepan. · ear.s<rve1rrnllllll~souy<UPS:· garnl•,,,_-1...i • with orange 1Uccs . • • I •:!- uncooked lortg grain rice, soaked alfl ~ drained \.i cup olive oil ...: 2u4 to 3 pound chicken, t ut into 8 ser\'• _. ing pieees ' I teaspoon salt 5 cups water l I large onion, quartered ' • • 4 tablespoons melted butter combined 'vith I tablespoon \vater ' ~ Blanche orange peel by dropping it into·· a small pan of cold "·ater. bringing It tq:• a boil, draining immediately and runnldg. ' cold v.·ater over it. I : In a heavy ID-lo 12·inch skillet, meft':' butter over moderate heat. When the::'~ foa m subsides, add carrots. Cook, sllr• - riTI~ freouentlv for 10 minutes or until IOft but · not brown. Add orange. ~;I almonds. sugar and saffron and reduce 1 heat to low. . Stir constantly until sugar .dissolve;, then cover tightly and simmer 30 minutes. Stir in ¥~ cup pistachios; cook % or 3 minutes longer. Set aside. ?o.tean\\•hile. bring 6 cups of 'A'ater to boil in a heavy 3-to 4-quart casserole with a tight lid. Pour in r1ce in a sloW., • thin stream. Stir once or t\vice, boll briskly for 5 minutes. Drain in a sieve. In a heavy 12-inch skillet , heat olive oil until a haze forms above it. Pal chickes:r dry 'Aith paper towels and brown a .few pieces at a time in oil, turning them wl~ tongs and regulating the heat so they color richly without burning. As they bro\Yn , transfer pieces to .~ pl c.te. Pour o(f and discard fat remainiai. in the skillet and put chicken back IQ pan . Sprinkle with salt and scatter onion quarters on top. - Pour in 5 cups water, bring to boil over · high heat. cover and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes or until chicken is tender. While cbicken simmers, pour melte<\.~ 1 butter and water mixture into the" , casserole and spread half of the rice., evenly over it. Add 2 cups of carrot m4_: ture, smooth it to· edges, cover with· re-.... maining rice and spread rest of c;:units, ,, on top. Cover tightly: and steam for 20" 1, minutes. . .., ... ·1· To serve. remove bones from chickeQ, , treasts and thighs. Spread half of rice OQ I .. , a heated platter and arrange chickeJ( .. , ·'fl over it. Mound rest of rice on top and ,.. · sprinkle with remaining pistachios. .·~-: • • OAILY PILOT WtdntJdl1, Stptrmbrr 2&, JC)73 Mothe.r's Devotion Fathers ·Problems DEAR ANN LANDERS : I am 20 years Qld, ha\e a baby girl and ll \'e at home and pay room and board for myJelr and ~ ..... child. J.ArW"s father didn't marry mt, \Vhlch b just as well. lie is a homosexual \\'ho was using me as a decoy. tDori't let any· body 1f'll you that a gay guy can't father a child. They can and DO. J The bab\'0s father sa w her v.·hen she .... ~ one nionth old. 1-Je mullered. "It's top bad h's no1 a boy," and that was till' la•t •·e ever saw~ him. ?\1y friends keep telling me I shoUld h.lre a laW)'er and make the rat pay chi ld support but I doo 't want anything from him. The problem ls that I have allov.·ed thi s little girl to become my v.•hole world . Is It possible to hug and kiss a child too much? Can a mother be TOO devoted~ I feel guilty when I go out for an even· u1g and lea\•e Lorie because I'm 11one all day. I'm lorn betv.·een the netd ror com· ponionsh.ip and the wish to be bo1h molher and father. A girl at work {divorced, with 1 child) suggested that I attend a meeting of Parents Without Partnen. Is It respec- table? Should I go? Plea!e advlse. A. L. DEAR A. L.: Parenti Without Partners IS respectable and I bopt you v.·111 -etttnd a meeting. Yes, It Is possible to overdo lluplng and ldolng. When II become• ~nlve, lt also \becomes meanlngles1. Don't let mother love become smotller love. Give I your child brealhing space. And take some yourself. • DEAR ANN LANDERS : My little brother is 12. He has cerebral palsy. I am 19. l\ty parents are in their 50s. l\1y brother can'I walk unassis!l'CI, and be doesn't speak very phlinly. He is very attached to the family. ~1y question Is this : What happens to the thousands of mentally retarded and CP victims when their parents are no longer able to take care of them? The thought of <i.n in- stitution just kills me. My litlle brother could never understand v.•hy he was left there. I don 't think he will ever be able to hold a }ob. Are there any alternatives to institutions?-NO WAY TO TURN DEAR FRIEND: Yes, two -assuming tbe handi capped person can never be self-reliant. First, if there ls ample money, a paid companion could be hired. Second, a loviog relative ml11ht make a home for him . DEAR ANN LANDERS: Count me as " another Bostonian who doesn't like to be klated by just anybody. Kissing should be reserved to e1press deep emotions on special occasions, such ' as wakes, weddings, bi£1,hdays and an- niversaries. I recall a trip to New York to vlslt my hU.!band's distant relatives and I nearly drowned ln saliva. It was revolUng. lf you answer this in the paper, please don't tell me I'm a cold fish. I'm Italian. - ANOTHER VIEW DEAR VIEW: Sorry you nearly drown- ed In New York. If you ftJCI like s1vln1 your khles for wakes, weddJng1, blrthdayt 'and annlvenarle1, be my ;ue1L But-1 hope you don't mind if I ktt1 10me of my friends btllo and goodbye. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I'm not !Tom Boston but from• Maine. We are, by reputation, more rese:rved than Bos~ nlans. I wasn't offended in the least by yo~r confesalon that you kiss your fri~ds hello and goodbye. In fact, I thought It was rather swttL QUesUon: How does a gentleman get to be a friend of Yours? -PUCKERED UP IN PORTLAND DEAR \JP: lt11 not easy, Buster. I'm very bu1y -aad select.Ive. NO NllD TO LU• IULIT " ... " •lOCll T ...... ........ ., .. .... , ..... vtl WE DELIVER COAST SUPER MARKET We DMI....,. Te41r ... rqolMI Wf',.•• ci.• ",_,...... 673-3510 3347 f.COAST HWY. ORON-', D!L MA .~~~~~~~~~' Attention Turning· to Arts, Crafts SC Women Art of Self Defense will be the topic of Terry Speer of the Los Angeles Police Oepart- rnent during the 7 p. m. meeting of the South Coast Christian Women's Club. The group will meet Saturday, Sept. 29, in the E l Adobe restaurant. Abo speaking will be Cmdr. Robert Vernon or the same police department. ---------- crrion·s SPORTSWEAR DAILY lM MON. L THURS. 10·9 WutCIUf Pla1.11, 17th and Jrvlne, Newpon Beach,Califomia92660 El Camino FalV Festival of Fashions \Viii be presented jointly by the El Camino Real Woman's Club and its Junior mem- bership at 11 :30 a.m. Satur- day, Sept. 29, In th e El Adobe. Proceeds will support the Juniors' major project - purchasing playground equip- ment for the Thunderbird Community Park, Dana Point. CM Juniors ri.1a}or fund-raising endeavor of the Costa ti.fesa Junior \Vomen will be a Ha\vaiian- themed dinner dance Satur- day, Sept. 29, in the clubhouse. Luau festivities will begin with a social hour at 6 p.m. and authenti c dances will be performed following the din· ner. Tora.rt.,... The annual paintings, draw· ings and graphics show of the Torana Art League will be presented from S a t u r d a y , Sept. 29, to Friday, Nov, 2 in the Orange Public Library. Patrons A champagne reception is planned for patrons of the l..agwta Moulton Playhou..<'.c, Mrs. E!lher Bruggere 's Monarch Bay home will be the setting for the party Sunday, Sept. 30. Irvi ne Junio rs Arts and crafts will be ex- hibited in the greenbelt area ol the Ranch tr3ct, Irvine Saturday, Sept . 30. The event is co-sponsored by the Ran ch Homeowners and 1 r v l n e Junior Women. Wine Party Mission Viejo Art Associa- tion will present a wine-tasting party from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday. Sept. 30, in the Casta del Sol activities center. ~~----......... ~1 Paintings b y association members will be on eX"h.ibit from 10 a.m. to ~ p.m. Satur- day and Sunday, Sept. 29 and 30. ENROLLMENT NOW-OP-EN .., ........ ttffetrts ..... , .. ~·· ,,.., Jn.I I• OM or _,. .,... Firm diaciplln•---Small cluHs Homework 4 nights ptir wuk High moral 1ta~dard1 m1inta lned RADCLIFFE HALL Clf'e4el 1 ...... 10 y,...,..., ..... to itH .,. .. 121 So. Citron, An1h1lm 635·7192 LB Eb ell s Parapsychok>gist Rosemarie Sjaarda wtU be the speaker at· .the meeUng of the Laguna Beach Ebe.II Club planned at 7:30 p.m. Monda y, Oct. 1. in the home of Ii·lrs. \Villiam Dotts. Ms. Sjaarda, an ordained If I CAH DO IT ANYBODY CAN Mr -II MllE T\91N. 'th. ll'kt-I. .............. 11 . ef ~II iuU ..t '!'ff" ... ti' 211 ,_wll. I~ 11~ -'hi I .... 120 ,..,.... """ '~"°""" the ~·,. tNftM lw 15 '"l"I. I Wll Oii llun4..m llf t i-Id lfl.lt11 I IPl!l'I "'' lift IJt ...,, .,_ likt I J't•\HL flllfl'1 I 1ttll1t4' ti.... 11'111'11 llif, I INt!t r ...., , t "-' IN\',· a114 ftttre Is, wln-t IMl1. ,i"lll, rlthll w lo!NUH dolttl, ~ltt, •i911 .. ti., __ .. _ 'I a.wt .... ,.,.... f pit~ llilo'-4 II r- IMlllf a!l'd Ytllf ffllu, will! 111 li'll' IMds fW H~t It "'· N1 fo<lt4 ltfflftft "' llllii " IMr « 1ftytfllflt 11• YIU .... , 'lilr•. Mr f'OIMDS Off ,ERMANENnT -~ ,_ wm 1Mbit "°" 11 '°""' .. 1,111 ..... .... II lltf ,ERMANtMnY, w!llloilf • 1•11111 •' ditl•IT mtrlcll.,.. Jt IJ 1 wf1 Md ... 11 Pf1M'tl "'°"""' ll'I I MIUnt' 1fltr ~ '"" ... diet lfl9f '"'' 11f.tr. dltl I dlKwlffll "•" ll ... 'rfflioo' , ..... -... 1,111, ~" ""' .,, 1 0 ,_.._ n.t. ., ... (eftlfl ,, f i'il 1111 Ille foodt )'OU llk1, ThlN II 100 ru11n 11 1>11111 wllll ww19h1. I ~ "'"" -llot"fuottl llMditt ill lhe ittl 4 '9•n th111 tU Ille M l l'I "" lift -...... P,Q,P. "' .t.ntON """"· ... JM .,.,_. tA ... ,~ •llkt. 0.""61"9 .... idlll W'llfhl, ltllffrll, ~ti.iry, ... , HJ afl'd "lllf ii.-11, 16".h Pl-"'" ""' ..... Ollf1-"""' al dltl. O'f. Wlltll • pla11 lwos "-" ~ !Mt "'"h rw• 111'1"'-wtlfll! c•lr.I -~. !he ... ;9t11 ,_ ..., ..... ".,.. "'· ,I RMiliMWT\ TI -~· MCI' '° NT ..,.,,. ro .,.,. -r.tr U ll'f fYl•rONI l lM Mte r rlfl ..,,,,., MTI•· W'At• t l«n e NN Wlf9M'J , •• WOlllli'T IT I I A MlllA(LI 1191 N flltit wllh !hi! ittl 10 Ille. Ht 1111thr If 1'MI ,,,, 20, SO, 100 1111. ""' WIJtlll. COME TO A fld UCTVIE A• HT l lADf TO IE A TMIN nl· SON THE IDT Of TOUI UPI. COME AND HUI AIOUT THI FAKE ftDS AND fALUOES TMAT HllP 1111' us OVllWMHT- JOIN ntl QUIST10ll -All- SWll l'llfOD, • ff~ ... " MIMtAl.,. • APflOVll ar 11ltU M ..... _,, • Antel'th 111 (tUIH ~ ,..----::::::-IYOU CAN START IMMIDIAmY II T"I THU.IDAY' sm . 27 ' THIS WIU. ' ll1IO , ............ TMCA. 1111 "· ....... a.aAmTUlll1f fllDAT, 1m. 21 OllLY vrr•.. '''° .... •.o.•. ,;, .. ,.,,,-, .. ~,. II 42'2C.....*'-·'-"•U. ........ ..... 10JOI "'• 1,J1,.-.YMCAl1rM""9,llMI .... "-""" ·c._....,. SISSIOll 7,00 .... "" .......... """~. "' •• Uiall ..-• IAJU•DAY, llPT. ff ,., ...... :tOJ·c-,.i•111 ......... :...... .... ~ ..... a...,... ...... .. IT WORKS TVllD'AT, OCT. 2 . "'' ·~ __ .,,,, -,,., -- .Ulf MORI fHAH 1000 n o,u IN o•-COCIMY - MIKE TURIN'S Program ••• (7141 556-1350 ' ' minister, will discuss the men- tal gifts which she believes everyone posi;esses lo some degree. The club has voted to donate a slide carousel to the Laguna Beach ~listorical Society and flutes to the Aliso Elementary School. W orkshop Memorial Garden Center has planned the fir st demonstration workshop for 10:30 a.m. l\1onday, Oct. I, on the Orange Co unt y Fairground1. The workshop \\'ill be repeated at 1:30 p.m. Non -par Ii cipants are .welcome to browse and buv a variety of naturally dried plant materials and flower ar- rangement calendars. Second workshop is planned for ti.fonday , Oct. 29, and a holiday bazaar will be at 10 a.m. Dec. 3. Vote r League ' Proposition I will be studied by the Orange Coast League of Women Voters durinR a series of meetings next month. The schedule includes 9:XI a.m. r.1onday, Oct. 1, Laguna Beach Llbrary; 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 2, Virtue and Scheck office11, N e w p o r t Beach, and 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 3, Newport Beach home ol Ms. Ginny Gross . HB Art Leagu e Laguna artist, Julle Gregory will present the demonstration lecture for th e Huntington Beach Art League at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 1, in the City recreation center. Peering Around MRS. h1AGNEY Jensen has received first prize in the an- nual i»etry contest sponsored by the Orpheus Branch of the California Federation of Chapparal Poets. Addicted Babies born to 1nothers ad- dicted to methadone show even more adverse effects than babies born to mothers addicted to heroin, a New York riled.ical College in- Mrs. Jensen, whose winning ~m wa~ entitled Songs of the Seu!, received her prize during a reception in the Jaeobii Llbrary, Lakewood . A REPRESENTATIVE of Job's Daughters, Huntington Beach Bethel -321 served as queen o! the Constitution Day Parade in Buena Park. Debbie Meyers is fifth messenger for the group. APPOINTED director of the Tustin Community Hospital TAWC Auxiliary is Mrs. H. Rickhard Keen of Irvi ne . A SERIES of parties v.•ill precede various activities of the Sixth Forum lnterna tiooal Horse Show Wednesday-Sun- day, Oct. 3-7. The M. Keith Gaedes or vestigator says. Laguna Beach will hOst a Dr. Carl Zelson , professor of cocktail party in their Beverly pediatrics, compared 46 babies Wilshire suite prior to at- born to the methadone-ad-tending lhe Diamond Horse dieted mothers to 45 born to Show Ball Monday, Oct. l, in heroin-addicted women. the Beverly Wilshire. More methadone babies than Clinton ri1. Hoose Jr. of heroln babies -42 versus 34 ~ Newport Beach, who i.s serv- -developed withdrawal signs. ing as chairman of the show, The methadone \Vithdrav.·al will host a cocktail party for signs were more severe. ~1ore a!l exhibitors and riders Tues- methadone babies -20 versus day , Oct. 2, in the PSA hotel. Status body chains .are here And are fhcy fan1a.s1ic ! ":l.'ou name the length and Mr. Joel ri.-1orton will custom make a bOOy chain juSr for you, wh ile you !\\;air. Wi1h so many styles of l/20 12K gold filled chains, you can select more than one lens1h and style 10 wear together. 13 to 113 per fool Ji.tr. 1'forton will also ha,·e :a large .selecrion of jade and semi-precious scone jewelry mounted in 14K gold . Manr pieces are- one-of-lr:ind. All a.re Reduced Y.~ See to.tr. Morron :at Bullock's South Coast Plaz.:a Wcdne-sday aod Thursday, Scprembe-r 26 and 27 f~om 11 am to 9 pm and on Fr iday .nd S.nuday, Scpccmber 28 and 29 from 11 am to 4.pm. Fashion Jewelry, ~fiddle Level ' ., .. . , six -needed treatment for withdrawal. ~----------.'....'":::::::::::::::::::::::::::'".::::::::::'::'::'::'::'::'::'::'::'::=:'::'::'::'::~ December Rite Set A Dec. 29 wedding in La Jolla is being planned by Neva Katherine Griggs 'Bnd John Andrew Fulton. Announcing the new! were ~tr. and Mrs. R. Clemson Grig11s of La Jolla, parents of the bride-to-be who is a senior at the University of San Diego. Her fiance, son of the James Edwin Fultons of Newport Beach, graduated f r o m Elmhurst College, 111lnois. IT'S malfie ~ For All Of You r BEAUTY NEE DS -MIN'i "W WOMIM'1 WJCiS a HAIRPll CIS )Olj. hi 60lj. Off! OIM Mltetloft-C~ Styllflt, C.nllle a lbl!ll ,., T•1t Ow• H•I,, W• H..,. 0 ., Ow• BEAUTY SALON Wlftl f•, ''°'"'" w ..... .....,. VIVIAN WOODARD c.......... "' "'"""9 TH New T••I Bullock's South Coast Plaza presents a sale and exhibit of AFRICAN ARTIFACTS We are proud fo bring you chis authentic coJlecrion of je9.1elry, baskets, sculpture and masks gathered from the Ivory Coast, Mali, Nigeria, Cameroon and Upper Volta. 2.50 to 82200 Decorative Ac_cesso ries, Lower Level Bullock's South.Coast Pilla, 3333 Br.i5tol St., Costa Mesa , Telephone: 556·0611 - • • A .. p • • DAILY PILOT 3:J Horoscope: Family Emphasized for Cancer THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 27 By SYDNEY OMARR The hwnanitarianlsm o f Aquarius is legend. T h e . generosity can be a giving to the point of no return. Abraham Uncoln, too. was an Aquarian. Th is is a fixed sign, associated with Uranus and that is the planet of the un- conventional , the surprise, the startling moment, the flash of time, the instant that make3 history. Aquarius is the 11th sign, and friends and desires are here and so is income der~ved from professional endeavors. mon and Carol Cht1nnlng are modem examples of thlt &1go. a sign of flight, aviaUon, and Charles lJndbergb s t a n d s perhaps u a classlcal ex- ample or the darl!J8 confidence and tie with the fu ture that marks these natives. Emphasis is on home. prop- erty. f a m i I y relationships. Build on solid bast>. Obtaln valid hint from T a u r u s message. Be specific. If you equivocate, you invite loss. Older individual. p oss i b I y parent, needs lxiost in morale. ARIE.S (March 21·April 19): LEO (July 23-Aug. 221: Ac- SCORPIO !Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Areas previously dark are due 10 receive benefit or greater tight. Leo, Aquarius pt'rsons rnight ri g u r e prominently. Strive for more independence. Original concepts are most likely to s ucceed. Study Libra message. JJJSCES (Feb. 19-~1arch 20!: Creative energies flow. You experience transformation. Be ready for significa nt changes. Gemini , Virgo persons are in- volved. Exchange ideas. St analylical. Money and tax questions can be favorably rt!solved. \Vhat was obscured comes to light. Franklin Roooeve1t was 1n Aquarlan and the· charac- teristics of thls sign are not just loving-giving but can be a Kim Novak and Jack Lem· \stubborn determina tion, and Colmans Head Accent ii on justice, plans, cent now is on how you SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- balance. You are tempted now develop ideas. Don't fool Pee. 21): Rise above \vhRt is to go~o extremes. Instead , yourself. Face fa cts as they petty. Gain overall viev.·. Trust ask exP:eriment without exist. \\'hat appears a setback hunch. Fonow throu gh on pro-- making definite comrnitmenl actually will bounce in your jects. Aquarlan could play Sagittarius, Gemlnl persons favor. Know it and stop significant role. Some of your are likely to be involved. Joint broodjng. Pisces, V i r g 0 desires may be out moded. or cooperative effort is in-persons may be involved. !)on 't be afraid to change you r dicated. VIRGQ J Aug. 2&Sept. 2ZI: n1ind. S~al 'A'ish is ful fi lled. IF TODA V IS YOlJlt BIRTIIDAY you help others more than you do yo urseU. ~l;:i.ny confide problems to you. Aries, Libra individuals are attracted to your sphere. ln October, social activity in- creases. You a re forthright. basicall y honesITnd l'!a·pablc of swaying large numbers of people. Burden is about lo bf' li ft ed . You will be happier. Auction Glamorized Useful and intrjguing articJes are being created and collected by the Lido Isle Working Com· mittee for its annual Glamour Auction which benefits the Or- ange County Philharmonic So- ciety. The island clubhouse will be the setting for the event at 11 am . 1t1onday, Oct. 1. and serving as. auCtioneer a gain will be Robert Guggenheim. 1'1rs. Stanley f.1olander models one of tile saleable pinafo res while she serves Mrs. Robert Vordale. As par! of our Co nsumer Educalion Program , Ed ison Home Economisls help yrni : Leam the M 'of French Cuisine. · II you enjoy good ea1ing . come 10 ··La Bon ne Cu isine Franc;a1se·· and discover lhe fun and excitement of crea ting you r own gourmel menu . You·11 1earn how . 10 prepare such French lavonles as Vanilla So ulfle with Flaming Cherry Sauce . Beef Bourg uignon. DuckliQg a L'Orange . Recipes for these and olher dishes are included in a new brochure which will be prese nled 10 you. The sessions are fr ee. Plan lo attend on any one of the following dates. And Bon Apoel il! S..lle.c.11 Clf1 C-.dl ClltrnHn 111 • ltfl ''· MtMl•Y• ~ 1. r1• ""'· l" ... '' OC.ttlW i, lt1• ,,,.., New,.rt IMctl Ill .... MWM ... .,. ..... ... ........,, Od9lltl' ,, 7131 "'"· .,,...,,....y, OC.ttMf' .. 111• '·"" H•ftthl ..... IHcll Mt1111Y ''"' Ct!MWl!lty Ctn!« ,... ,...._ (ti Ottftnwtll) w....-..,, °'""' l, 71M ,,I'll, TIWl'Mlty, Ocltlttt 4, lt1Jt 1,111. Pt11t~ a~ SHdn l!ITen S..llttft1 Ctll1"'11lt '"-Ce. n .. , c~• 111 M111rt•flll•l T'"'°'"' OC!Her t. lt72. 1:H 11.m. W~IY1 Oc:!Mtf 11, lf1J, 111• 1.111. WfftMhnter City Co-11~11 Cllllt1H r1 not Wnh'lllRtttf' AVtllllt Wtcl'""'"· O<ltk r lf, 7:» Jl,M. TRllnd•Y· O<tfftr 11. 10:)0 1.m • Cnt• M ... CllY CtwMH CNm!WI ]1 ,tlr ~Vt TYt lld•r, CktMMr 1t. t1M ,.m. Wtcl"Kllty, OC.lollW 11, l01:NI 1.11'1. Speaker List TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Emphasize esteem. Gel what's CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 -Jan. Oleck details. Take nothing coming to you. Organize. \9): l\1ake room for yoursel f for granted. Get to basics. Di s p I a y s e n s e of al top. Taking back seat no'A' Clean ,up loose ends. Keep responsibility. ~1ember of op-\vould be f'rror. Experiment. diet, health resolutions. Main-posite sex is involved. Insist Be versatile. Give full play to tain steady but moderate on results, not prom ises. intellti.clual curiosity. A sk Ors. Arthur and Libby Colman will headline a two- day workshop in the Anaheim Convention Center Saturday and Sunday. Sept. 29 and 30, themed Childbirth: Of Body and Mind. pact. Aqoarlm, Leo and Protect assets. Money situa-questions -answers are ob-• ;;---------;, will explo.re the ifllllact of Sco"'io individuals c o u Id ti·on c 0 m m an d s atten11·on. · bl c II "" ta1na c. areer. arnbition -pregnancy on e IP e ct ant figure in prominent" ways. Get Don't relinquish control. these are highlighted. ANNOUNCEMEN T mothers and fathers during promises in writing if possible. ed ill TONY BOTIC, "OX- the meeting sponsor by e GEMINI (May 21.June 20): UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb. FORo cusToM TAI· Childbirth Education Associa· Be ready for change, travel, Cycle is high and you can sue-18 ): Accent on travel, writing. ~oR~ "',';~~·1~19~~!~ tion or Loit Angeles, Inc. variety. Emphasis is on af-cessfully c omp I e t e assign-con1n1unicating. You can in coron~ d~l Mar. 11 Dr. Arthur Colman, a prae-fection and creativity. You ment. Spread inOuencc. Deal brea k through to new horizons. ';;';si~No~~ ... ;L::~···' ,.....__:: ticing psychiatrist and assis-gain most by doing what with Aries. Take ini ti ative. L e a r n i n " p r 0 c es s i s NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE. ci»-The doctors, co-authors o( the book. "Pregnancy : The Psychological Experience," d t> PQ>11e Ctnler Car Wllh) tant professor in resi ence at comes naturaJly. Be yourself. Stick to principles. Broaden stimulated. Obtain hint from NOW doing tiu.1111111, under mr own the University of California Trying to imitate would be er-horizons. Your potential is Capricorn m ess a g e. You n1me · · · l\fedical Center in San Fran-ror. Your own style, ways lead greater than might be im-receive ne"'s which aids in ~ T•Y l111c - cisco, received his mediCal to greater achievement. agined:~,,Know it and exude fut ure planning. Green light is CUSTOM TAILOR a. Dl!SIGNEl Ann Laub To Marry degree from Harvard in 1962. CANCER (J0une 21-July 22): confidence. nashed. -ALTl!lATIONS - Dr. Libby Colman completed 240 NEWl"OllT CENTER OlllVI! her doctoral work at George -------------------------------~~_,'.,".,".,•.,'_,".,-~"., ........ ~.,".,'~~ Washington University a001- has written a novel and ?o.1r. and Mrs. Walla c e Osburn Laub of Ne wport Beach have announced the engagement or their daughter' Ann Gaynor Laub to Jerry Steven Benner, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Benner o r Garden Grove. Miss Laub is a gradua te or Corona del Mar High School and attends Orange Coast College. Her fiance, an alum- nus of Garden Grove High School, is a student at California State University, Long Beach. A June wedding is being plaMed. articles for magazines. The Colmans are scheduled to speak from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the Sunday session. On Saturday, Mrs. Harriet Hecker, RNMS, obstetrical in· structor at Long Beach City CoUege, will explore t h e physical aspects of labor and delivery and d i s c u s s in- novations in obstetrics and fami).y centered maternity care. From 1 to11 p.m . Saturday, educational filnw on childbirth will be shown for the public. There is an admission charge of $1 per couple for the film showing. W~regoing to change your mind about permanent • waving. So you can let That Ms. Look go right to your head. New from Helene Curtis. Un1Perm' Precise \Yaving System. A system that gives hair great curl and condition -automatically. That means virtually no post-perm problems. Just the look ol naturally curty hair. Cane see. Including cut, shanlJOO and style sel.$20 JCPenney beauty .. lon 15% off our e_ntire line of women's all weather coats. rtow is JOUI'" big chance to save plus be 1n fashiorl. We have reduced our entire l!ne of women's coats 15%. smartly s tyled pophn ?Bnt coats with zip front aod ~ash pockets snap front and bullon trOnts with belts. 100% polye&t9f blends. ' • l • ,(' .: : •. '' ' ) JCPenney / We know what you're looking for • Shop Sunday noon to 5 P .M. at the following stores: FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beach (71 4) ~2313. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beach (714) .892-7771. • • • FASHION ISLAND, Newport Bt .. h 17141 644·2lll 1----Southem-Cal1forn1a EdlSOO_ HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntin9ton a ... h 1714 I 192.1111 HARBOR CENTER, Costa Mesa (714) b<lb-5021. • -. -' An Eoual Oopcrlunity Employer ' ' . ' • • • . ' • • • • • ' , • ' • • • • . • 34 . OAlL.Y PIL.OT • : It's not really r a Ir, tomebow, ror the famlly to en· joy a "'onderful, warm diMer '1 front of the televisioo, fOlhraJled by !he latest goings tn at the \\1altons -and leave you in tbe kitchen to cook. • Your answer can be !his lucious bean casserole , topped with flu!fy, homtmade dumpl- ings. • Home Dinner It's so s!rriple v.'hcn you Serve hel)>-yourself !undaes start "·ith a 2-can pack beans for desser1 . 'n fixin 's and add cheese, .chili Then, lo add a lltO~ country sauce and a pound of smoked, reeling to your table or TV link sausage. The biscu its are trays, use a brlgllt plaid cloth a snap. too. ~·ith all-purpose or .Place mats, band a n a baking mix. corn meal, green napkins, and mugs for milk. chilcs and pimento. This n1enu's Only one of ten A vegetable patch relish or created by the Hunt-Wesson young garden vegeta bles -Kitchens. They're all fast , zucchini slices. carrots. celery easy and ecooomJcal in a free and cucumber sticks, booklet called, "IO Simple Din· cauliflowerettes, green pep-ners Made Elegant." or write : Simple 'Dinners, P.O. Box 2170, Rock Island, lit. 61206. JOHN-BOY BEAN DAKE 1 (35-Qz ) 2-ean pack beans 'n Cixln's 1 cup cubed cheese 1-, cu p chili sauce l pound s1noked I i n k sausage, quartered I \i cups all-purpose baking mix ~'.a cup yellow corn meal 2 teaspoons diced pimiento ~1: cu p water Combine first f o u r in- gredients in a 2-quart casserole and bake at 425 deg rees 30 minutes. Combine rem aining in· grcdients in a small mixing bowl. Blend well. Drop by spoonful in sb:: mounds on a greased cookie sheet. Bake last 20 minutes. Chicken pers and green onions -goes Pick up your copy at !he perfectly with the casserole. display in your supermarket . 1 -'~--'~~~~~~~-'--'--- 1 tablespoon diced canned green chiles To serve, spoon bean mix- ture into, soup plates : top with dumplings. COOK GETS OUT OF KITCHEN QUICKLY "Sauced . lngpired by Hawaii an c;uisine. thi s dish is especially good to serve in warm weather because it is made on tOp of the range. ' The sauce makes use of con· densed chicken broth, and Yinegar, soy sauce. brown ~ar and garllc add extra leasoning. Green pepper, too, is team· ~ ~·ith the chicken and pineapple. ~ HAWAIIAN CHICKEN ; 1 can (13'A ounces ) · pineapple chunks in heavy ' syrup 2 tabl<spoons &hortening ' 4 pound roasting chicken, cut up 1 can (10% ounces) con· .. densed chicken broth 1~ cup cider vinegar 2 tablespoons brown sugar 2 teaspoons soy sauce 1 large clove garlic, minced 1 large green pepper, .seeded and cut in 1/,-inch wide strips ~f cup cornstarch blended un- til smooth \\'ith ~"cup cold water Cooked hot rice Drain pineapple reserving » cup syrup In a 12-inch skillet, heat · ·srorterung: 'add chicken and brovm on .both sides; pour off fa t. Stir together the resen•ed 1h cup pineapple syrup. chicken broth. vinegar, sugar, soy sauce and garlic; add to skillet. Cover and cook over low heat, turning chic ken a s necessary, until tender - about 45 minutes. Remove cltidten to serving dish and keep warm. Add drained pineapple c h u n k s , green pepper and cornstarch mjJ:ture to skillet: stirring constantly, cook until sauce is ,clear and .thickened. Pour over chicken. Serve \\'i,th rice. A1akes 4 to 6 serv· in gs. Poultry Prized Here is the $10,000 top prize , ,vinner submitted by a Wil· mington, Del. bOchelor, R C. Holley, for the 2-tth annual Na· tional Chicken C o o k i n g contest. CHICKEN AND ASPARAGUS CASSEROLE 2 whole hn>IJ..--lryel" chicken breasts, skinned, boned · and cut intQ 2J:4% inch pieces. 1 ~~ teaspoons monosodium glutamate v. teaspoon pepper 1h cup com oil 2 peck.ages (10 ounces each ) frozen asparagus 1 can conderuied cream of chicken soup 1h cup mayonnaise teupoor1 lemon juice ~i teaspoon curry Powder I cup shredded sharp Ched· dar cheese Sprinkle seasonings over c,bicken. Pour corn oil into a 10-inch fry pan. Hea t oven .Qedfum heat. Add chicken .pd saute slowly about 5 r!Jlnutes or until white and .,..que. Remove from fry pan; drain On paper to."·els. Cook asparagus by package directions 4 to 5 minutes. Drain . Place asparagus on bottom ol &-Inch 1quan1 bakins pan. Plac;e sauteed chicken over asparagus. Mix together chic ken soup. mayonnaise, lemon juice and curry-powder. Pour over chicken and asp a ra g u s . Sprinkle cheese ov.cr the tQp. Cover with foil. Bake in 375 degree oven 30 minutes or un· til done. rt.fakes 4 servings. Angel's Treat F'rosl an angel food cake with sllghUy sweetened whip- ped cram: sprinkle the lrosling with crushed buttu toffee. • · lb<~!« "".l' be made from l mix or-store-l>oug!ii. Easy dess<rt and lovely for com- J>M~. .I ~~~~~~~~ l 1 • TOP SIRLOIN STEAK tb/vn 1/flJ ••• ROUND SIEAK tbNtl 2/flJ. ~ TOP SIRLOIN STEAK -BEEF ~""" $ 99 UNCONDITIOIOAl..1..T 1 I D"IOIOFOll ,1..A\1011 A"IO eu•1..1rv '-' BR RIYERS tbNtl 111'1 .•. RUMP ROAST tbNtl 1SCIJ ••• RO~ •• SIRLOIN "p STEAK tkJwn 21111 ••• RIB ROAST tbNtl !f j .. fJE STFAK tkJwn 211'1 ••• EX. LEAN GROUND BEEF tbNtl 111 • •ls.MTI llJllVla . ----~·-.. n ) . . ., ~ ,; .. - CHUCK ROAST RIB ROAST ROUND STEAK FRESH FRYERS RIB STEAK BLADE CUT LAR&E ElllD BONE-IN U.S.D.A. &RADE A BEEF ... , ... , "":£T-..:·· S J 19 llftC(MllOITIOfllAl..1.. T 79~ U.~~T SJ ~9 39~ l.lllCOllOtT'°""Ll..T $ J 39 .o.o•o'" WMOl..S-T H IUHID,CHI PU'IOtl.ufO 'U'IOtlUD l'U.'l'OllMD CMtCklNI Pl..,.VO• ANO , QU.f..LITY .......... MIAUT'r La QUilll..lf\' La, "OUR f'l!tC! PllOTfCTION POI.ICY Gu•RAHTEES THESE !'Illas TO IE (ffKTIVE fltOM WEONESO.l'f SEPru.IBU• 16111 THROUGH ITUESO•Y 00068 ?nd, 1911" MIAT LAllLINO CROSS RIB sow:~:~~ $,, 29 ~!!.~~9~1r!ucEO 19c ll~ 1 ~! ~~~~~ .. ~~.~~~~.5 1 OS ~~~:~P. .~~~~~K? J 23 RIB ROAST. . s-13' SLICED BACON-. SMllll..L IN0,111 ... lfEOUCED le li. LI 'A•MI•-· -·I.. s 121 SLICED BACON s 13' CHUCK ROAST DillllY·••fM.: .. 1 .... l"-ll'tll OIU.IMA\'lll .. 1~1•110 """'""'" ... :~0,~'.'~.~ .• 89~; FRYING CHICKENS 47• f~~~'21..!~ ..... ',~':fl~.~ 1 .~ , .............. -.... -~.· ... ~-···.·······.'".;.'.'.".:.f.".· --···-·" !~~U,.~~~.~.~~ ..... lML,w~I '' BA11ANAS J 2c GROUND BEEF ••• FINIST.~~-............ •OVND • ........... M.................... " RUs!ln fiOTATOES . c ~~YU!~~~~. '.~11'ic~1.~. 64< All MEAT WIENERS s •• OSCAR MAYUI ... • •.• lb-OZ. PXG. I PILLSBURY BISCUITS , 0 UTUUGHllUTitP:MIUt •. a.OZ.CAN 14 ~~~~~~;~1~, .. 14· BOB'S DRESSING , l,OIXI ISl•NO ........ " 16'-01. JAi 69 111, JM\.D. c1..oo, •EDUCED fr ll., LI GELATIN SALAD .tu:c1•U1TSAl..t0. 0~1:c!~b:~~~0~.::~/c,1:· ROUND STEAK-$ -1" MAHOARI M·O~.l"1GI, SWUT ' 42c know IXACTLY what ,fftWlllUI•····'· ~~~~~·-· LI LIM(. WilllOOllf ........ l!l-Ol Cllrl. you are buying. PORK ROAST s10• FLOUR IORTlllA 48, '"-==="'"'=--~ ............ ~"""'············· " ,.., .. .,,,.,. ...... ,,., "'· SIRLOIN TIP CUBE STEAK s1•• DANISH SWIRLS t :~==~::;11' $1 •• Ill' .. •EDUCED 2!k ll.... •• •• . \.S "ll51U•1 CINN-'.Ml;lN .••. 11-0Z CAM 54 REDUCED 20t ll.... LI "BONELESS ROUND . s 12• llOUAREllA 'CHEESE , "'"· ,.,. ·· .. ovcio '" u .. " "'""'~"""''""'"' ... ,. '"· 40 EXTRA LEAN T·BONE STEAK s 111 AMERICAN CHEESE , ,, GROUND BEEF '"' "" ................................ " l.lDVUESllCfO •.•..... l~Z.,.G. 1 REDUCED 19c ll ••• ~.1 ~! fr~ft!,~~,~~.~~~ ................ ~ 1 !~ ~1..l!!,.~!,!~.~~~£0 JOc l~45~1 SIZEO FORIAIUNG ... , .......••.••.. l'OUND .14. t-----------................. -_,,,,,.1111111111111111~~~~~ LEAF lffiUCE . ll:ED LEAF, SAL.ADIOWl. IUTTElf ... , , , IUNCH 14 C FROZEN FOODS PASTRAMI SANDWICH ....... ~ 87' GREEN BEANS .. , ................ ::::: 29' C...•-""" MIXED VEGETABLES .......... ~~::: 27' PIZZA SNACK TRAY. .......... :-.,;;93• AWAKE DRINK ................. ,\'::~ 37' MEDIUM PEAS ......... ~'.'.',::::-,:;; 37' CERTJ.FRESH SOLE ........ ~.'.':':',,!':;; 93' PULL APARTS .................. ,::;::; 79' ~--KEY BUY :r KLEAN'N SHINE ·-· ... ·ggc aWHI t ·OZ.CAI ~OJ> AOOt'TIO~AL ... Av,,vcs PACKAGED GOODS HOUSEHOLD ITEMS .... CITRUS JUICES., ....... ~.::;; 59 ' STRAINED BABY FOOD .....• ~ 9' BEECHNUT JUICE ............ ,,\'::: 9' JUNIOR BABY FOOD ........ ,~ 13' _..MILK AMPLIFIER .......... "::: 55' ' TRAWBERRY JAM .~.J~BJ;9_1'.FEE ..... ~ ... ~,~2.96 """'u'" 69 A M.J.B. COFFEE .......... ~: 1.01 20 OUMCl ¥ ......... °'""' ...,.,. ,... '" INSTANT COFFEE ...... ~'! 1.26 _..DEL MONTE CATSUP. ....... ~: 33' . . . BB NS .,--59· .,..swm NU 1 ............. . _..Dill PICKLES ...... ~.'.':'.':~:":49'. _..BIZ PRE·SOAK .......... To:::: 1.09 ZEST BATH SOAP. ................ '.~.:: 22' LIQUID CLEANER .............. .:;: 75' DECORATED TOWELS ....... ,..,\:: 37' AURORA TISSUE .............. ::>'0:: 31' DISPOSABLE DIAPERS . .=;;."::; 1.55 ' COFFEE CREAMER ..... 6gc IMIZ . .!Al _ _ . . .. PACKAGED GOODS PET FOODS STU FFING MIX ............. '.~'.'.~~·;:. 47' CUP OF SOUP MIX ........ ,,,~.J.~·33•· --11• WYLERS SOUP MIX ............. .. LIPTON BLACK TEA ............. •,:; 90' CAT LITTER ................... ~~ 1.11 GAINES TOP CHOICE ..... .:"!.<;:: 1.81 SPECIAL CUTS ....... ~".':'.':&'::: 1.59 KEY BUY HOUSEHOLD ITEMS .r STEP SAVER ......... ~'.;'.";: 1.19 .r LIQUID BLEACH ............. ~: 49' .rSPRAY WAX ...... ':'.':':'..':'.\':O:'~ 1.35 _..ALL LOW SUDS. .......... ~4.40 _..FAB DETERGENT. ............. ~.::69' _..PALMOLIVE ......... ~.'\;'"~79' SAFEGUARD BATWSOAP. .... ~·:. 22' CHEESE SPREAD. ............ ;,':>':,~ 1.13 LADY LEE BUmRMILK. ....... ~~ 49' ORANGE JUICE ................. :::": 89' FOREMOST SHEii.BET ............ ~:: 65' DAIRY PRODUCTS 9 PEARS i ·~=r 4f C CANNED FOODS .... STEWED TOMATOES. ..... ~.:<::29' GREEN BEANS. .............. ~~:~~ 21 ' <!>ALUMINUM FOIL i!:ir·23c CANNED FOODS KEY BUY PINEAPPLE JUICE IADYUI 2ta~ .. -. "'' ~~~~~~:!0 .. ~A!~~;,,.,._.o, 29• ~.~!~me~~~~ .. : ......... >au•o.29' Th1r1 is I IEIER ' . tJOMATO SAUCE a hidden ~.·;::· 17c char11 1 for l ca1hin1 ,_..DINNERS ........... ~."::'::".":1.05 JOUr :_..GllOW MEIN NOODLES..~l: 55' personal or .,,.HoLLANDAisr~ucE~/~25' p11roll check at LUCKY! BEVERAGE • SPIRITS WHISKEY. .......... ~.~:.::1J11 MATEUS ROSE WINE. ........ ~:3.19 COLT 45 MALT LIQUOR .•• !! 1.79 fA¥ALUU At -..... Mn ~ _,, ' oo ~Van de Kamp's ·II! AN OUTSTANDING VlllOY OF FRISH IAMIRY GOODS ..,. "SWINGER" WASTE BASKET AllOllTID CIOLOOI '11Mn'1 A -._ T11 ..... .,....c-lf .... MOTOR CRAFT OIL FILTER PLASTIC UTILITY CAN $244 BAKEWARE ASSORT. 3·1l•r cak1 pan ••I, fOOtlll'g pon, 2·pt, cookls pon, brolllng pot1, botl• I 1ho.,. pan, 1°pc:, ,, .. ~99c.: ~"· KITCHEN UTENSILS Nylon 11t•ntllt-fof uM on T1flon 11triotff: ~ltcMtl s,octft, lorp ond Smell T11MOT1r 16 JOttj}pn:~ le ..- TOUI CMOtef • • I 1 '1,• "":W;Ll"PMM . n• ... na11 ""*'an . ...... ··-·"" --__ ,_ nm....-• w1•1t1 MICI .. , '"""'" 1n,. '*' "'*' '*' '·· --t1171CIM-.. -11•L ...... -:. L CWUI AfL _ ... .., ... _n. -.,.. ....... WI •• -·~·"' 1m1.-un. -... MITA H .W. DJSCOUllf SUPHMAllll1S IN OIAllGf COVllTf IA TO SllVI T ...... JU ... lvcut "· _ ... _ lttM ..... , ...... Milt .• ,._ .... -· ALL nous OP111 AT tOA.M. . . ,~~ ltl!.!I.< .. ~, HOWARD ZINK 11722 S J 59 VENTILATED CUSHION . HAVDLINE MOTOR OIL .. Wf. Stock up l'IOW, SAVEi STUNT PLANE Famoul bl-ploM with 1 •·31•" wing tpreod, propel!., tf'tat 1plrll, D11rt11bl• poiy plo11lc. R.d orwi whits: plotllc wltl*ll• W04pprovM • 1 OAL. ..... KEYS OF LEARNING -., , ... , ... , .. s211 H1lpt d•v1lop coordl"otlori, ' - I H pie Crt oat I 2 I 2 2- 3 1 wl (I A • I . " ' . ' , Apple • Salad. I----g11r111e111a.1:;. I -- - - -1 - -• ALL SWEET -IVORY I BETTY CROCKER . I VALUABLE COUPON • '"•"\Ill I ( l lUl'lJN '' '""'''"H \>f\I Mixed · . -.... _. --;;• MARGARINE I W LIQUID I -PIE CRUST I YUBAN I '=--'aruar!M-=-· __J. • 2ac . ; ~ 49' I MIX , 15' I ~~l~~T 1'' 1 · Here are 3 gourmet-type ap-_ 1 LI. CARTON 17 9UAIT I 11 oz. I I ple salads dressed W l t b ~ ~Ith t h;1 coupori, rio mi11:m111t1 p urch•10 r1qt.1if'fcl !.imlt I Wjth th:1 coupo11, no mi11l1t1um purch••• •9quired. l imit I With thi1 coupo11, no mi11imum p1,1tch•1• roquirocl. Lim it I Witlt tti;i coup011, 110 mi11imum putch•1• roq11ir td. Lir11lt Creamy textured real mayon-I per c:o11pon ,-0110 coapon por c11fto1,11r. Volcl eftor I per couPon -on• coupon ptr c1utomor. Vo ld ofttr I per coupon -ono coupon per cu1tomor. Void •flot I por coupon -0111 coupon per c111tomor. Void ofttr I paise thinned to pour3ble or S1111dty, Sopt. JO, 197J: I I SuMty, Stpl. 30, 197). I Sund•v. Sept. JO, 1971. Sundey, Sept. JO, 1973 . easy tosslllg consistency witfli GOOD ONLY AT IA••••N IASKlf ~ 1 GOOD ONLY AT u••.t.IN l.t.SllT GOOD ONLY AT 1.t.•6AIN IASKET I GOOD ONLY AT ua•.t.IN ~ASllT I yogurt, sherry or grapefruit - - - -..._ - - - ----- - - - - - --- - - - - --· - - - --- - -~ - -• juice. · :::f~D SERVICE , --YIT ALIS - -, E:;R-FR~S~ -;GLE - - -, _____ ~r:r.:lrT 2 red skinned apples and 11 R. y CO OL I SLICES I • • • yej!ow skinned a p p I e s , D NTR • lengthwise. -MEN'S HAIR SPRA y, . 1-'AMERICAN SLICED 69' 1 avocado peeled seeded I I sliced 7 oz. AEROSOL CAN 59' CHEESE SPREAD ea Romaine lettuce 1· ou• HICE ""' WITHOUT couroN ' • 1 1 red onion, thinly sliced, llGULAI Sl.49 AT SOME sro11s I . 12 o z. PKG. separated into rings I ·With thi1 cowpon, no minimum p11rch•1e r1qw ir•d. Limit 1 With th11 coupon, no minimum pu1ch•1e required. l imit I 2 ribs celery, thinly sliced I per coupon -one coupon per c111tomer. Vo id •fter I pkg. per coupoii -one coupon p•r cu1tomir. Void after 2·3 cup real mayonnaise Sundey, Sept. 30, t973 . · Sunday, Sep·t. JO, 197). 1 3 tablespoons grapefruit I JNAT-7311 GOOD o ,,_-LY .t.T 1.t.t•AIN IASllT I 111 06> GOOD ONLT AT IAIG.t.IN IA5KIT 1 -----------------1 t e a 1 p o o n crystallized ginger, chopped _ Peel and section grapefruit reserving juice and sprinkle apples and avocado with grapefruit juice. Line a serving plate or flat bowl with lettuce. Arrange ap- ples, a v o c: a d o 1 grapefruit, onion and celery in sections on plate. Prt!pare dressing by mixing mayonnaise, gra pefruit juice and ginger. Serve with salad.. Makes 6 lo a servings. APPLE AVOCADO SALAD 3 medium apples, peeled , cored, chopped 1 avocado, peeled and cubed l table.spoon lemon juice .I l cup dietd celery ~ r.up chopped walnuts ~ cup chopped dates 11.t cup real mayonnaise \0 cup plain yogurt \0 teaspoon salt \0 teaspoon pepper Sprinkle apple and avocado wllb lemon juice. Tos.!. v.'ith ....celtey;..walnut.Land dates..l!Jix togelber mayoMaise, yogurt, salt and pepper. Toss with salad mixture. chill. ~takes 6 (l<upl ~gs. AUTUMN UARVF.ST SALAD 2 apples, cubed (2 cups) ~GE FRESH GRADE AA EGGS • DOZEN . FOREMOST COTTAGE CHEESE 1 LB. CAN QUART FOREMOST TOMATOES EXTRA FANCY SALAD SIZE 10~ ONIONS MILD SPANISH POTATOES • U.S. NO. 1 RUSSm APPLES ·· i) CRISP EXTRA 5 11. ·•1 FANCY JONATHON 5 · ) CREST TOOTHPASTE_, oz. YUH •EG. lfc AT SOME STORES 2/51 :~ I ' 2 peari;cubed (1\0. cups) 1 tableispoan leinon juice ' cup thinly sliced celery ~ tealMO" salt ( 2 tablO!joooall dry sherry 1 cup real mayonnaise _ 3/5t:: SPRINGFIELD HAIR SPRAY _;, .,,_ ........... 4 CUP' crisp tom lettuce ~~ teaspoon groWll'.l nutmeg ,.... 1(1111• and pean with DEL MONTE CATSUP FULL <;>UART 4 9' ·~ EXCEDRIN mu •n••~TH 511~:. rAIN HUml , ·) aorr'a.r Of 100 TAILITS-REG. Sl.77 AT SOME STOllS U~iiii~\ ~-------~·-~----~~-lemon juice. Add celery and .aalt; c:blll. Stir wine -into real mayonnaise and add to salad ml.utre. Otlll. I MAXWELL HOUSE SCOPE $11'-';.: MOUTHWASH_. .... $1%1-24 "· oz. IOTTLE -------------7' TAB SODA POP 6/59'' Just before aervmg toss with lettuce. ~e with nutmeg. Apple Wads can be very simple. . INSTANT $14' COFFEE II OZ. JAi 10 OZ. IOTILIS-+ DU. SUGAR-TWIN IOX OF 100 ENY. !.i' Never forget the classic Waldorf -jl!Sl apple!, celery walnuts and real mayonnaise. But. to open the fall season -and to enjoy ill wtnterlong SPRINGFIELD CUT GREEN ~ , ~ GRANULATED SUGAR tSUBSTITUTE 49' r; · -combine appleo with other - Jnolta. Try them with pears, dates or avocados. And, (or flavor accent, spice llghUy with crystallized ginger or ground nutmeg. Good Idea Planted • ~!~~~ 2/29' PALMOLIVE BAR SOAP IUNDU .OF 4 IA.TH SID IAIS 59' nus reno w ne.d Mediter- ranean dish comes from the ~ ~ ------~ -- ALL . · D'ETERGENT JUMIO 9 Ll_:l 13 OZ. IOX one -new ''The Fisvor-ertn-• GRADE "A" WHOLE BODIED ~ :::1:lisabeth t FRYING ·-. .1~:.~~~peeled, CHICJKEN 49c • U.S.D.A. CHOICE SPENCER S.TEAKS .· s to 3 zucchini, cul In v.. . : S1r~= ;,.~ Cut-Up 53¢ Lb. . ........ -.... • -lb and cut In l·indt cubes · 1 '. :~~ FREsitSPA'RER1BS 9 1, prllc, fl n e l:Y 1 c lb PROTEIN BLEND MIXED W~ GROUND BEEF -79~ . d(lolol ' 'I'*-""'· chopped !real> ).LEGGED-PAN READY 59" U.S.D.A. CHOICE 1Nli "" bill Or 1 te•IPOO'l crush-" -H " ll ~ntlll.,i dtfed FRYERS .. . .• .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . Lb. CHUCK STEAKS .. .. .. . . . .. . .. ... . Lb. I -FRYER . I , , 98¢ U.~.D.A. CHOICE 121 ~t:.i;;.:;:t oeedground LEGS & THIGHS . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . Lb. ROUND BONE ROAST . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Lb. 114 = Y FRYER • 1. , , • U.~.D.A. ,CHOICE . . ·119 " .., ~ BREAST . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. . Lb. s;N BONE ROAST .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. Lb. l'llm Ill lll8ndlentl In \>ery BAR M BULK $'1'YLE 129 U.S. .A • .CHOICE 148 . ~~.:~~·~ SUCED BACON ....... ·................. Lb. B NELESS BEEF BRISKET .. .. . . . .. . . .. Lb. oil~·-~RMOU~ CAMPFIRE ~ • 79¢ U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONELESS 189 tm~~~I~ ~"it' ~.~t: WIENEltS 12 DL Pkg. -........... : .. . .. . E•. SHOULDER CLOD . ROAST .. -.. .. .. .. . Lb. r----... 11n• ........ ~:m::1·r:: PORKN mA.<10 ~ .... ~ ........... -..... :. ~. BEEF HINDGUARTERS ~·:;:~~ ... 1~ chill; _a lo8. ·1--'-~--~"-'-........ ---~---------~--------------------.. -· ' 10 oz. 'KG . 49' SPRINGFIELD SLICED STRA WHERRIES 10 OL rKG . 29') , Price• Effective: Thu'5ciay thru Sunday Sept. 27, 28, 29, 30 Prices .Ui~ to 1tock oa ._.., WE GLADLY ACCEPT U.5.D.A. FOOD COUPONS ' Jj • • " COSTA MESA PLACENTIA 19th 11111 Placllt9 · 710 W. CLµm • ( • •• ' . • We4nesda1, Septtmber 2b, 197.l Wtdnesday, September 2b, 1973 PI LOT-ADVERTISER J l ,, • • Back again! -the f ea,tured meat value you've ' • tieen looking for! ' t - frozen Food Savingsl GREEN BEANS Birdseye . French or Cut . 9 oz Oriental Vegetables 39c C & W . Chinese Pea Pods, Pea Pods w/Chestnuts. Vegetable Oriental -6 oz . Broccoli Spears . • • . 29c Birdseye's garden nayor -10 oz Bridgeford Bread . • &3c Ready to bake - 3 loaves, I lb pkg Eggo Waffles • • • • • • 39c Heat and serve + pkg of 8 -13 oz. ORANGE · JUICE C ~ W ... from ripe Valencias! 8 oz U.S.D.A. Choice Jamb .•. western fed and rushed fresh-not frozen -to El Rancho ..• you're assurance that you're getting the flavor you favor ... in domestic lamb! ... Compare the quality, and choose El Rancho for your money's worth! Ground LAMB 79!. Fresh, lean· and nutritious! Super Shopper Grocery Special~! Tab DIET COLA ••••••••••• 59c Save on the six pack! 10 ounce ret umRble bottles rull of re fres hinl( llavor? Plus dep. Tuna LIGHT CHUNK •••••••• 39c You'll welcome this value for salads, sandwiches! Springfield, No. 1.'~ i;an . liquid Bleach PUREX The big gafton size will last so long, and get so many thinP; so white! T·1de · s1 2' KING SIZE ••••••••••• Here's t~e time to save on the detergent that has been America's favorite for so long! Hydrox Cookies ••••. 49c From the Sunshine bakers! 20 oz --Spaghetti • . . . • . . • . . 35c Globe A-1. Long Italian style! I lb Spaghetti Sauce •.• ,75c Ragu -reg. or mushroom -32 ounce Black Pepper .•.•.•• 39c Schilling's is in season! ~ oz M. · s11s ax1m.MI ........ ~. Freeze dried coffee (8 oz ... 2.19 ) Instant Sanka ...••• s1 33 Four ounce jar (8 oz ... 2.29) Grapefruit 3 9c JUICE Case Swayne Pink -46 ounce can Downey •••••••••••• &9c Fabric softener in quart size Trash Can Liners •• 79c Hefty · 33 gallon size • pkg of 10 Brownie Mix-~. • • • • • 59c Duncan Hines Fudge -23 oz pkg Diet Margarine •••.• 53c Imperia l, for royal navor! 1 lb. Jet Dry .....••••.••• 79c For diswashers -6 oz. solid, 4 oz. liquid . Dog Food .••.•.•.. 4,,, s1 Blue Mountain Chunky Beef ~ 14 Vi oz ~~~::1NG 3 ,. s 1 Seven Seas • choice of 8 oz: varieties URGE LOIN LAMB CHOPS So much good eating here! Delicatessen Specialsl Monterey 69c . JACK . Wi sconsin cheese from Schreiber-8 oz. Longhorn a oz ••••• &9c Schreiber's mi ld Wisconsin cheese! Borden Lite-Line • 59c Processed, less fat. calories! 8 oz. BABY 79c GOUDAS soz. .La1,1J!;hing Cow-Da.nj&.h Style ... Baby Muenster •.. 79c Dorman's-fry it J!:rilled! 8 oz . ·Sharp Cheddar •.• 79c Cooper 8 ounce bar . _ . processed . /' SLICED./ 9 gc SWISS From famed Cache Valley ... 12 oz. Franks 1a1M11J011 .... 93c Cn liforTiia's favorite in one lb. pkit. MOM ADI Sauerkraut ......... 29c (:real with franks ..• 22 oz. jar. DANISH 75 HAM 4oz. ( Dnk ..• Jean t asty sliced. Super Fresh Produce! MICRIN . PLUS Big value in the 18 ot size! Tam&n111 ... SMALL LOii LAMB CHOPS They're so delicious oven·b~iled! ,;; ' . FRESH WESTERN! U.S.D.l CHOICE! ft· BGllLESS SARATOGA LAMB CHOPS s1•!· • More value -from lean lamb loina! . . . and • • • to-round out the wee le' s menu I Split Broilers ...... 59!._ Mealy young frying chickens ... plump, tender ... split into halves for b"milinic! • ' Ham Loaf ••••••••••• s 12? Sliced Bacon •••••. s l '\. El Rancho's own •.• oven ready! ·El Rancho's own nncli 1tyle .. 51•t· Ground Beef ••••••• 5129.. ~ork Roast ••••• :. • -. Extra lean !-bulk or patties! Boneless rolled Qoeton butt! Halibut ~ ......... 511! Mild white meat, low in fat, excellent urce of protein! • Salmon FIUETs ••••••. ~.5 1 1 ! Serve it baked: broiled, deep-fried, pan-fried, blanched or barbecued! Perch ...••...••••• s11t Turbot FUlets'. ••••• 89\ Mild flavor you'll appreciate! Greenland > Delicious ·breaded and deep-fried! Cocktail Shrimp ••• s2'\. Fully cooked for con.vience! · King Crab Claws ••• s22' .. From Alaakan King crabs! ---·-.. Liquor Dep't. Val•es $1.00 OFF Canadian~. -s4•·' • ••• Special price to entice you to try ow own smooth Canadian! Quart Cal rt' ._ s4•• ve s •....•....•. The extra blend whiskey ••• fifth T ·1 s41• equ1.a •••••••••••• El Rancho's label • 5th (Qua rt ••• 6.89) • • ' Green Hungarian ••• s2zs Delicious white wine -Weibel, 5th ": Wine in Carafes ••• s'1c• Paul Mal!80n Bu11U!idy. Chablia -pl. (Qt .•• 2.69) ·Arrid Cream ..•.... 49c -LarJ(e size ••. ripe, yet firm enough to tdice! Compare El Ran~ho'1 finer quality! Deodorant in 1 ounce jar Lenaqn Up Shampoo 39c DeliRhtCul fragran ce • 10 ounce . Listerine •.• • • • • • • • • • age Three ounces free in 17 oz. size Bartlett Pears ........... 5 1bs.s I Ripe, juicy! Fill the fruit bowl and watch 't!m di~1ppe1r! Artichokes. . 3 ••• s 1 l.nrite size •.. compact •.. tender Orange: Juice .• ,49$. El Ran<ho'• ••. fresh. from fresh Cruit! Bell Peppers •. 29l (;ordtn fresh and 1tuffing ~ite! " /'ri~·rs in r!!e.t·t_Thur.s. throu1:h Wtd. Stpt. 21·fJt·t. ,'J, ' -(Jpj<n dail.v 9 to 9-S!Jnday JU to 7. No Ha 11 111 dtol('r11. -. .. . ,. I , ' ' ' I . j-. ' ·-.-......~ -" --.. ----- ~ PILOT·ADV£RTISER $ Wednesday, Stsittmb!r 26, 1CJ73 • ITATD•HI. MOlllY •ACll GVUAltTU •OUALITYMIATI IYW:Y MCI Ofl MIA T II • UMCOMMTtOftALLYGUAtAHTm> TO IUASI YOU • , . 0t YOUlt MOMY Wl.l.•~YWINNOID ' !_RICHFORD U-1 SLICED · 6ftc , · uoOKED HAM .. . .. j. ·DZ ;,-osc•• M~YIR s 1 09 · CHOr.PED HAM ... aoz. Ost;AR MAYE,. ROUND• SQUARE s1J9 VA.RIETY PAK .• 12oz. ~R MAYER '12-0Z. 91.17 '7'7C 11u~OG NA ~ . ., .... _ •·oz. 1 r Fresh Frozen F.jsh HALIBUT flLLE::: STEAK TUR !1~ .. 89' IPARE RIBS ............................ LI. $I ff -· ' Sa89 CANNED HAM ...............•. LI. • -... ~. $109 SLICED BACON .................. LI. ·SLICED BACON FAIMRJOHN 1-LI. PACICAGE ., .!.! .. D • FRYING CHICKEN U.S.D.A. GRADE A WHOLEIODY c LB. CUT UP FRYER •... -..................... LB. 45 RIB ic !!!!T! BEEF • GUARANTEED LB. $ 39 POUND OSCAI MAYa AU MEAT ' s1 17 WIENERS ............................ LI. DAil V PllOT '7 RUMP ROAST STATE IROS. QRTIFIED BEEF• BONE IN $ 39 POUiD SLAB . BACON MORRELLS PRIDE ANY SIZE PIECE c LB. . IONlllSS ROUND STUo.K ..• LI. S 1.•t $139 RISH 0 DELIClOUS 89C RO.UND STEAK .~.f.~~ ............ La. GROUND BEEF .................. La . . ' . 1-STTHRUS-THR• .•. Ll.S1.•9 s129 STATllllOS.canFllD-•GUAIANTRD 99c RIB ROAST .?.~~~~~ ...................... La. CHUCK STEAK ................... La. sHOULoacur .99c m•1t1cur SI 69 ROUND BONE""" LI CLUB STEAK..... . , •. STATll llOS. atm.O IHF , S , .. T0 BONE STEAK .................... LI. """"'""""'°""'. $12• sn•KOllOAST . $179 ROLLED ROAST _ ,. SIRLOIN TIP..... . LI HCl! TAIU. TIHDll sn.u:. GU .. AHRIO . s , .. PORTERHOUSE ................... LI Iliff CHUCK 99c ~oa•GUAIANTIED s179 7-BONE ROAST .. LI CUBE STEAK ............ -LI UAN ANO T1NOll GUAIANTHD S 2 19 TOP S•RLOIN snaa ..... LI .t-.t-~ 1-t ~ LIPTON ..,..,. 56 C~!9.:~:!!.UP ORANGE PLUS ........ : .......•. oz c_ "'"'-"''"""" irAili'BRowNs ..... 44' ... 4oc -~... . . 5· I COB CORN ..... .. .. .•••. OF-• c " _ ....... ill'l:& . 59' BREAD u u"H-. __ ,. •. I.PAN DINNERS _ ..... .......... -2'.lil~~-' -•&cc , lliiUUL wn1P .... _ ....... :....... ..t.oz._.V ........ . ' $109 COOKED SHRIMP ... a.oz. . ='1¥ APllLI . ' :m;lt.!Cai· s~:~·r:~~~~~~::e G"°Olli"Cii'N ____ .~ 2 I' OIL •• . CRISCO SHORTENING .. JLB. 11.13 WILSHIRE FRESH KOSHER . 4 9 l111D$·lYl 33' llll~U .. NI t:.t:.c BROCCOLI SPEARS . '""' ONION RINGS .-""' illl- 1 M1°XED VEGETABLES 10.o.r 24c DWWAie PUNCH _ \2·0L ~ lllllOS-l Tl IHTlllN.61IO"'•l 45c lll(A'F .. ST DlllNI ~2' VEGETABLES aar. ••o• BIROS-EYE AWAKE '""' BROTH BREAK ~~~·.".1.',\l'. ........ ,.G.37' DIL'L SPEARS 26-0Z. c ll~L':&1~-~--•·0•39c .. ST~FFING MIX . . ............... JAR - ~~c°E~:!io~r8.t~ci;r· : =:~~ :t 5' 0 1V E '0 p ........................... ~::: 4 3 c BEL-AIR CROUTONS ,ssr ......... PKo.38' C.H.B.STRAW•RllY . 69. FIDDLE FADDLE .......................... ooz.33' llRESERVES C ANGEL FOOD MIX SWANSOOWN1'·0Z 49' --. 2-LB. CAKE MIXES ~a,~0."s'J8wN . ___ ,;G 33' -.............................. JAR KERNS GRAPE JELLY ....... 2l8.58' DETER. GENT ., .......................... G~AKNGr. 68c ~tt.f,\f~=OUAIT 87' ' . . OVALTINE '"ocoLAT! 71 , ASSORED COLORS 1-8 O•MAl'...... ..OlOl DIAL 5-0-AP ~ --:~~~~c:~~~i~~;~~t~~~·;:'.2r3;~-· ---_ -....... . . ...8:~~ - ROYAL TREND g:;!RGENT .... JJ.02 40' LITILE FRISKIES ~~&o ......... '"· 11.09 ROYAL GELATIN ASSO,YEO ........... J.~Z. 'ROYAL PUDDINGS "GULAA .... J.0<-13' CE mm 5 ~-~i LB ROYAL PUDDINGS INSTANT .... SMALL 14' . • HOMADE SAUERKRAUT ... 2202. 35' 1 FlllSH TINDlll C.isP 2 • STATER BROS. BEAN DIPS ... ao2 39' CARROii ................................. ~'c!s. . DILMONTI . •4c PALMOLIVE AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER-DETERGENT 9 4 ' CRYSTAL CLEAR ............... 52s~i C , YOU A LWAYS SA VE WITH STATER BROS. LOW-LOW PRICES LAIGI SWHT V .. I ... . -5 C ' GAU~ ltlAl ....... ~:-6 CAllT ALOUPll ................. 2 .............. L•. 29c BA1vsoccuA1TDso,~::!~~::~~~c:;,---~OL 512'5' . u.5. NO.' 1 • swHT -dlOMI LIS. BISCUITS ~~;;,~,~~;:::.:.=:~:: 13' BROWll OR ...... BISCUITS ~a~·.·~~M~'..l'.t, ....... -........ OL 13' u.5. NO. 1 YAM. I · . 2 9c GLAD BAGS i"ts'.1:. . .... zocou•• 5!1' GARlllT ............................... LI. . BOWL CLEANER ILUE I OV ----90Z. 59' GRAVY OUIK ~~~~.'!~8~ . ""-PKG 21' --------~: ::t .1 r.:.. =. ....... o. 53' · LUX COZY CUP 7-0Z. REFILLS -'°'' 61' LIQUID. DETERGENT COZY CUP STAR"(ER PAK ..... 17' .~~' 44c _ OLD ENGLISH LEMON FURNOTURE 79' ~ • POLISH SPRAY ........... 9·0Z. IOffiE AEROWAX FLOOR Fl~ISH ..... 2702 75' '---...;;;.....;;;;_~ VAPOR BRITE g~:: • ., ................. o, 56' WISK llQUID DETERGENT · ~~ 63c . "7/f4ttt& g'~ ~IL~ BABY RAPID GILLEnE SHAMPOO SHAVE TRACK II """''°" ' JOHNSON 5 )24 11> OUNCE • ASSOITID CMAM I l·OUNCI IXCIDlllN ltOLYGallt' TABLRI CalAM ''If.ft' 86• = 69• -ocuMI. . TIGalN ,.::i.. lilAMPOO ... •10s ;-.. ~10•, .. !1'4 • • ,INSTANT YUBAN YARDLEY SOAP KIDNEY BIAllS .1 ~RICESEFFEC.7-FULLDAYS• SEPT . 27th-OCT. 3rd 14600 So, lroolltttnt A,.., Wet..-.., 107 Wett NIM1wa1ll StTMt, c .... M... 1100 Iott c.m. A._, o,_,. 6162 ldllltff ....... H1•tl"ftM .... ISJJ w .................... I ''" 2564 Wftt ltoodwey, • .....,~ 1175 ..... lttMt, c ...... ... l·OZ. ~l ·l9 W• ff•dttm 2661 W"t Stte•t.1nfti $trt.t..$cMte AN l4l0 W .. t U.c•I• A¥HM, ...... . Food S11mpJ 1111 CltapMn .............. GreM 2610 ldllttM' ·~""• S-N ... ''All 1360 Nol'ttl T•1rl11 ,.,.,..., Snto A.1111 1210 Mc'°'"" An-., 5-e. An ·31 ' IOLDfl 63 PERSONA~ C · · lllAll C SIZE . 1.J'l.a. 2110-New,.,t 1'"1 •• c .... M .. 14171 ltfll Hiii A ..... , Tnttft 1-421 ! Ml .... .,. ... , '#!!Inf« . . • --I OAILY PILOT ·- ' • • Wed.....,, S.plombtf 26, 1973 • We have our own Ideas aboUt starting fresh. d Penny for penny, "fresh" iS your best buy. All fresh fruits, of course, come ready to eat and enjoy -at any time; But vegetables? Well, the fact is, no matter how you look at vegetables- nutrition, taste, economy, and yes-con• veniencc, too-Alpha Beta feels it pays to .start fresh! '" We have our own Ideas about what lresh IS.. Whilc·nlany other markets have their produce delivered only 4 Or 5 times a week, Alpha· Beta delivers a fresh§_ times a week! What does this mean to you? It means that often the beautiful produce that was growing in the field yesterday is at Alpha Beta today. I .. _, we have our own Ideas aboutanswettng yourqilestlons. ·· · Alpha Beta's expert produce men _do more than Just kCCJl the department spic 'n span fresh. They're happy to·give you helpful tips on cho0sing fruits and vegetables .. :on keep- ing.them fresh in your home ... and, of course, on how to prepare them. , . • • " • .. .. ., .. • • (j •. a. :··.~ ·. . . .. ~ '• ' ... , -:·~ . ··~ .j • • \ . ' I • -\ ' --' • • ,. l ' •• l '· ,, • •' ~ ~ !, i ~ • ._ • ' " " • l I ' ' ' t ,, " ' r We have OUrOWl\ldl C11 abaUt variety. . c ' I . ' Where many other l)lark~ limit your ' produce .to the same.old~ things; Alpha Beta bas a fantasti~variety ••• ~ 3l1 the "old standbys" to such little known; yet · , wonderlUny delidol!S foodf as j\~ ind ·. ' seedless cucumbeti Arid, inlcrestingly enough, · unusual items often cost less than the Well ' j • t~=~ " koow11 OJ!.~· They're ~m fo~r vetiience, :rort:; f.lso for~ And tha~ affe ' all, is what Alpha Ileii'is a11 about.· " ( ' • ·- -. • • -.. . I ... ,.f' • ' .. t · • ' ' ·1 • • ' r:. ~ ~ r • l . , •' J I • --:• ! . . f'i ... \"t " t ~· • , ~ ' ' I '. •' I • " . • ~ 1 ,, .. . , . i I ' .. I ) • ' "lh/\ . •t t. ' ~ ~·-i ~ ' . ~ " • ' . I I • • " .. ' . . '~ . .. " ,. /. , ·-- .- I I> l . I ... ;.111 .. :• ~j .. -· ' ' e ···~ 'I ~ ;,1 I ' Hea_rty Far.e's · .Crispy " Alplnp Drud!<! Lamb Chops . ' • - are ealb'· prepored and le•· , ·, wr. tllt tioditloaally popular I . . I • ' cut.-llmb rib cbopo-'dipped ,. ) In on • ...,,Ilk tnl>ture and brooded wtth crushed eye cracken IDd dry mustAnl. Fried lo &olden perfection, the chops are' hearty rare for.a c9o11au .,.,..,. 'I S. '. .Loaib Meal Bolls Supreme IJ"~ I ~:fo°.~l < ~i;.f';.;,. ' . '<"I • lamb , !hi!'" ' , t belb are · -~Jt;nneto, , . ~-. . I ~·a , cruniy -11na for u.; lamb, whicli·IJ llOMd up atop bot ll"tterocl aooclle•. WINE llRBADED LAM'll OIOPS . . tli .CllPI rye cncker crumbl, · (about 15 cracken cruolr . ed) I ~dry mustanl litealpOOllAlt .-1 ea . Ii Clip mUt .1 lamb rib cbopo, cut about . 1-lncb thick. . Ii Soil or mustanl . ( .) In a -bowl, combine Ille cracker .cnina. ""'5tanl ond aall. " In • -bowl, beat tocetbor tbo '" llld milk: • -lomb cbopo by !Int tipPD& t11tm 1n the ea mix· loie umll cootod oP all aide< .. pl ..... dip In cracker mix· llre, nl"'& IUrt crumbs -·llllldelweD. · r · PIKo. ln..sed dlopo on t piece ol wu'paper u tlley sre ~ and thin cbi1! for abool 11-m..,... oil~~ .';'e1~ """/: 1"ol Placo cbopo In the skillet ond lrJ• ... oboul 7 mbuta eve~::-::~ _,., « mDOlard •II -. . L&llll llE.lft\IU . SUPREME .i. /' i' •• (SIJWvlnp) ~I Iii-wldlt Intel 11.,.Pm11t' 1 lli ...... .-lamb ,.\I cup-. dlopped , I llllOll ·<:all lllChovy lllleto, . --dlopped leq 1 teElllM'DO each: talt ,. • I ~.,., aieda ! ~ ,.,..,.. pepper ~ ~~ teapaoe dUl weed J hblt poem cnoklnc oil . I mrt.a (I OUDCel) IOllr .. cntlll ; • tat.lei-milk r· s 1a1t1erpaam ~: tomato pa I t e , GtrmasHtyled . --... l tableQlODll Dour Hot'cooted noodles, blilton!d T •. the bttad Into small Jli«<S lllld placo In llrse bowl. Poor mDk "'" the bread and ltt It -for a few minutes. Add,.lamll, -· IJIChoves, •• :r::t'F~~ --·-·-·--- tlloooucblY· Form Into ap- prulnjalely IO belb about 11>· lncbes .In diametfr. . ~·.....,l\:! ID • ftlllel and add balls: ·n, lai!ih, tllnllDc frequenUy •to £ help rellln .....i llvope. When lboroulbl1 • cciblid, rel)iilof 1 llml> -lkllltt ond drain 00 _. ....... PGUI' fat lrcim 11dllet and I rttlft "' lotr Jleal. In fk!!!et ~-~ .... ..,.. ·nlllk..11 tomUoi,.., ~tard, nMlr, ond 11111 lo -; tdd lamb ond 1!MI ""'"'"8hl1· 8erve ln I portlam over hot butt.red I """'°"' .. • •• I " • ' VINE Rl~ENED . ·DOPE • FOR ··1 SWEET • RIPE ·;1 .c~ABA, MELONS .•i \ ' \-• • .. ' CAIJFOIU .. A • !)EL~ YOO< 0<04CE ,AP~ ~. -. .,-vAEHciA•.; . ~' •• ta. C -~·BAG . . ' . . GCJIJ<MITT OELIGHT IROWI 88'LB MUSHROOMS 10~ - . . . -• . 39~ l 54 • . ' -.. -.. -.. WtdntSdU, Stt:itembtr 26, 1973 DAll.Y I'll.OT YM All'MA IOA lltPll {TM( llU.N IN Tiil ftD &PION),...._, WfUS! ~--!UT C H~[~oou~~~T~Sll}iEATf OUAl.ITY & SATlsrACTION-GllW!ITTED •DISCOUNT PftlctD ··?Z!zBACON~ .. ~ =""t BUDGET ooJ:r BURGER-~-~- c LB. 1-Lll PACKAGE : ' WHA BETA BUTCHER'S HIH BEEF ~; ' ~FRESH FROZEN ~ TASTE.O'S~ HEAT AND SERVE '} aoNnEsS SEVEN J 63 i CHUCK ROAST ~ IL OCEAN PERCH FILLETS 98~ BONELESS CLO!> STEAK . I~ 2~ W0£CU1 1~ ~~ !AR<l~ 1~ TIESE MEAT l'Rl<n Ell!CTM SEPT. V tllU OCT. 3 ntUllS. ttn WED. .---------1 US.OJ.. GRA0E 'A' • FRESH FROZEN flODH CORNISH 2HUIC! SQ[ '11~&\11111\ FOODS 1 28 ""~ -TSUCKLE GAME HENS lA. l'Ol IOAlf LIQIT & DARK llEAT WUllll:• ••• 40-0UHCES @~~y3!! TASTE O'SCA '(SDWUQUE. • ROY AL IMRT )i;iii' CANNED SNllWICll mu HAMS 3~498 ~ -,.-"""" 1 ~ · FlSHSTJCICS _ C:OlciRru. •.• POlll'ONS ·~. ~""°"'~~~~ ALL CUT FU)W(RS DRY FALL FLOWERS at DISCOUNT PlllCES LARGE • STRAWFLOWER BDUQUUS 87! •LARGE ..., CHOKE PdFFS . • 67'. • DH· Flll AUAHCEM£NJS 3:!, 01lO llEAVTIRll FALi. R.OWUIS .t.VAUAI N'lllO(, WHEAT, ,.,..,.~00.E ~. VAAROW, fTC.. •• • • .,,.,. """'"" """" (fflctl'tl( Tl-t.RS-Wf.0 SEPT. V ftirv oct. J ''''""" """"" ""' f,_TASTIC DISCOUNTS EVERY DAT COSTA MISA-net tU"'9r •Ml, COSTA M114-.14t L 11'11 Sf, MUNTMTCHI IUCN-tM ,,,._. MUNTl"9,,_ a•.t.~*'1 M. Mllll st. MUNTINOTOJI 11.t.CK-tlCh .....,_,., UeUNA MlllS-.-UWl talle •• '-Lt!M ,_OUNTAIN VALLIV-mt Waniw lkVINS-1 ... C¥1-, Ulll~ty , .... IOUTM LAeUM.ft-..31m: ~ c ... M~y All'MA a:TA """"'' '"'' 29• 31• • ... FANTASTIC DISCOUNT S EVERY DAY P-1'tt~auii'YBiSC'uits""''' .... 14• tlSc'co""sHRIMP COCKTAIL ' 35• itr Mur· w®Eis"""'' 125 ()Kor Mov~ • 5.Qunce Package ALL MEAT BOLOGNA Oicor Moy~• '8-0un<:e Pock~ MACHIAEH SALAMI 82• 85' Os.cor Ma.·er • 12.c:>ura: Pcdoge 149 VARIETY PAK ILP'iil itlrcH1PPED ·HAM 3$' 1 05-0un~e Cori 29' GRANNY GOOSE BEAM DIP UARiuR'ff FAMILY PAK 45' 39• 95c 42• 97c 34• -• • • 40 DAILY PI LOT Wednt~y. Septrmbtr 26, 1q73 PILOT·ADVERTISU 3 , Casey Strikes Out on TV Career Dual .. Life Possible Mission BY JOl l NA BLTh'N 6 tablespoons butter Let peaches marinate about ti! stiff but not dry. Fold into 6 eggs, aepnr1:1ted 15 1ninutcs at room tempera-egg yoke mixture until well- L.OS ANGELES-JVhe~ you 2 tablespoons heavy cream lure. blended . visit actress L}'ll n a Y 2 tablespoons sugar Drizzle 3 tablespoons melted Heat remaining bolter in 12· George at home, you 'll prob-Pinch salt butter over peaches In akillet: inch omelet pan (round or ably find her in her kitchen Peel peaches. ait in quar-cook slowly over veil low heat square); rotate butter on pan ~ki1ng up ~omelhing special ters; arrange in bottopi of about 5 minut es (or until th e to spread evenly. Just or you . aluminum-foil lined ~llet. niarinade fornls a thin syrup Pour in beaten egg mixture; She and her husband. actor 1·n pan/. 0·t aside. k ne1 I J " 1· h d he. f · Sprinkle !croon juice and .x: coo 01 et sow y untu 1g t Chris George, an t ir anu-lemon rind evenly o v e r Mean"'hile. prepare omelet. bro"11 Oil bottom. Run uodcr ly • 1Jve. in an Engllsh·sty1e peaches. Top with nutmeg, Bent egg yokes in small bowl broiler few mins. until top is hou.~ on a quiet streel peach brandy and brandy ex-with creazn, sugar and salt UO· golden. CarefuJly re move Spread pe:ich milture on one halt of _omelet and roll up jelly-roll 'Cashion. CU desired. divide peed.el, use tialf in- side, spread outer layer of omelet with remaioing fruit to form a glaze. Serve at once ; in four portions. Apricots 1nay be substituted for peaches. Taste is tart and fruity. ISugar .may be added lo fruit during heating if desired.) Lynd'i Dey George finds1 cre eling a peach omelet no Miss \o n : Impossible. Moth er of two , she ~andles career and family as well. "Baby asleep. Please do not tract (or almond). ti! frothy. Beat egg whites un-omelet from pan. ring bell," reads the sig n1,--------------------------------------------=================------------tacked to the front door. We found Lynda by calling through the open window in the back. She was in her kitchen getting ready to com- plete a peach omelet. "I love to be in here," she said. "I find that people con· gregate In the kitchen fi rst because they want a drink. So while they stand here. I'd just as soon be doing something!" Lynda's stove is her pride and joy. "There's no real problem having it serviced, once a repa1nnan comes over and sees Jt. People who know an ything about sto ves get very excited when they see it. It has six burners, two ovens, a broiler and a wanning oven." Lynda has always had a thing about stoves anyway. "My great · grandDIOlher, she had an old wood-burning stove that she used to let m& cook on. J could never get over the size of that thing. She made the best bacoo-lard biscuits In the world." Feeding people c o m e s naturally to LyJJda. "My family's tradition is always to set an extra place· at the table." Cooking where the clutter of friends, fnmily and treasured belongings mingle is also a custom for the pretty blonde. "I like to have all the things around me I've collected -cut- tings from potted plants, sea &hells. old glass bottles," she said. Lynda keeps gla ss con· tainen of dried beans and herbs.within easy reach of her stove. Her cookbook "'8.S lying open on a Chinese lacquer table. There was a portrait of Geors-Washington banging O\'eI the stove and a lithograph ol Lincoln In the dining room. Tin • lined -cooking pots were hllllg above the kitchen r s i n k and Lynda ••orked with her sleek black cat sprawled at her feet. Lynda, UK> cook, is not a familiar sight -her fans tnow her best as Casey from "!I-fission: JmpQssible." "I'm not one to stick to recipes," sl\,e says. "Mom has taught me some vrooderiul Greek di.shes. I can't make them as well as she can, but I try." Dau,gbter Casey. an fresh from ·her nap, dressed in pur- ple. made a smiling ap- pearance wflh her seven-year· old brother,'Mck. Lynda served us the ome- let and Greek pastry in her spacious living room, a warm. cheerful place of parquet floors, a Persian rug, and arm chairs and sofa of decidedly mixed vintages. "My career is my family. 'l1:Mve are a lot of . things "'e rorget about doing that are so simple. We leave . .out of our life-recipe the most JmpQrtant ingredient, just relaxing with our families. Knowing that the are there and ap. prec1at m every the best career there is.'" LYNDA'S FRESH PEACH OMELET 8 ripe fresh peaches 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon rind Juice d I large lemon Pinch ground nutmeg 3 tablespoons peach brandy, optional Few dashes brandy extract (or almond extr~ct) Party Idea Tote bags are high fa sl1ion now. and are just right for books and a undwich and s piece oC frult. Fresh oranges •re perfect for packing, since they come in their 0"'11 pr1>- tective package. The Snacker peeler is "th' fa5te&~ orange -peeler In lht West'' and can be ordered by .sendjng 25 cents in coin lo Sunklst Groweni:, I n c .. Consumer service, P.O. Box 7888, Valley Anne:r, Van Nuya 91!09. For Weekender Advertising Phone l-l--6424321 • .· hing .•• , MEAT DEPARTMENT --Fresh Fryers Grade A 2.21121b. avg. -whole -CutLoln Fresh Pork Chops:89 U.S.D.A.. Choice-Fr••h-w/pop up Cl)Ok/ng .99 .89 .. 1.19 1.29 1.79 Leg of Lamb , ........ My SIZ• Pacll1ga Fresh Ground Beef ... lb .• .... 79 A SPECIAL COMlllNATlON OF GROUND llEEF ANO HYDllOUZEO SOY PROTEIN CONCENTllAT(. Days Fr11her-Wtlol1 California Fryers 3 lb. avg. lb. .45 SEAFOOD DEPARTMENT ... 1.29 ·~ .. True Cod Fiiiets" Fre9h-Cold WllM' Black Cod Fiiiets .... 89 L1ke1hif1 Gin ot LIQUOR \ Sandra · Vodka ,::~ 3.89 KHWCky S~ulre-H Prool -S•V• .40 Straight Bourbon ••• Roy1I R191frutnt-Sav1 .20 Imported Scotch -S.t.cted For Ra!Jlft• German Liebfraumilch ••• 3.79 4.29 1.71 Come to Ralphs this week and you'll find new lower prices tliroughout the meat department. Prices like Grade A Fresh Whole Fryers at 39 cent.a a pound, Ralphs sliced bacon at $1.09 a pound, and Leg of Lamb at 99 cent.a a pound. Lower prices are just one of the Super things at the Super Market. BAKERY PRODUCE Lake County RiiPIW••t-Sandwtc:h or SpUtTop Bartlett Bread ~:.~~ .43 ~.!!.'! ~.19 R1lph1-H1mburger Of .... .37 HotDog Buns 011 R1lph1-Dellciou1 .... .59 Apple Strudel of. Aalph1-Hom1m1de GoocfM11 ... .89 Apple Pies .... 'DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT Mad• Freah D•Hy-1:1! P•ck Ralphs COrn Tortillas Ralph• Haw Item! Sliced Ham Roll Fam.wJohn . All Meat Franks Lake To Like Jack or Longhorn Cheese Pl'ldou1 Brand Ricotta Cheese Clar.t1Mn'1 Genuine ,Kosher Dill Pickles Imperial Sol·Spt11d 2 ntb Soft Margarine Ml11ourl Brand-Plain or 50L ,.58 , ... 1.09 .... 73 ...• 71 oC .95 32oz. Creamed Horseradish ..... 52 ..... 49 1 lb. .50 lmJMr1•12 T1,1b Diet Soft Margarine Cool-Ralrathlng Ralphs Fruit Punch l'l ganon .27 Ripened Tomatoes Nonttwelt Grown Jonathan Apples Swaet, F11v011ul Casaba Melons Frith, f&norfUI Artichokes ': .19 ...... 21 ..... 06 .-.26· Fr11h. Crtap, Romaine Lettuce ..... 16 m P.fPE:Sf? iwwe~ A•paragua P'ern Of 2 0"7 ~Vine Plal'lt8 .-.,, oetagoftal. Ka1t9lng Ty,-2 97 Redwood Baskets -• tia;;l~"'Pianters 2.97 , llOUSEHOLD VAtUET UMiey-Wtftl',.Goblat1, Ch1mp.1gne °' Rocb I CltatloltStemWare ....J9 Glasses ~~ 1~11 Pl11uc-A1M1ttld Colors Giant lea Cube Ti'ays St1lnle11 9.;.itvaga11b41 Steam Baskets ...... 48 I -'1.88 F\IH Sl.z1-72"•tr-AvocHo OJ Gok2 BlanketS ' ' ..... 8.99 ' Prices effective Sepl 27 thru Oct 3 THIS IS RALPHS SUPER CENTURY 1873-1973 Ralphs Super Low Prices Ralphs Catering Ice Cream ' . -·-Pond's Cold Cre•m -·h Arrid Deodorant ··: 1.1• '.:.: .77 _.,._...... ~- Ocueol Er• Drops: ------1-I Every Night Sh1mpoo ...:,; ~ .. -Pond'• Crum 1.11 1.05 t.34 Tide ... °",_ Purex .79 Detergent~:~ 1.26 · Bleach HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS HeltCILolkln 10 oz. 71 -. ~Lotion • Clairol Creme ... I 1.24 ....,_ .... .., 112 Antf·Ptnpirant •c:; • ........... • .• 158 Miu Clairol Shampo<Hn • '°'"8cW~lll.... ~ oi.. 59 Bromo-Seltzer -• 19tay Half Nit Clairol Final Net .::; 1.58 SprlJ lllnH No More TIW!gles ~ 1.23 A...,.., or..., Hold n N.. 88 Miss Breck Hair Spray ,~ • FROZEN FOOD .... ..... ·.49 i:AIVTRY FILLERS ~-EVERYDAY LOW/I.RICES -·---~ .29 -...... ----·.: .12 ~-·--Cre•m Pl•• Light Chunk Tun• ..... ~ .45, Tom•lo S•uc• F•cl•I Tietuet ~-'-u:. .23 er._.,c_, o .... ,._c_ "'.:! .35 ~---.., Lemon•d• .Jlf Pe•nut Butt•r 1'; .71 P•Pet' N•pldna Muffin MIX .......,._,_ •,; ..42 ,,_.,_ ··.: .19 --':.; ;.18 z ...... --Pe•• a Mu1hrooma SP•Gh•tti CofMit Cl••nMr ToWet Tl1ave _ ...... _,,., ... ·.: .30 -"·""~---~.41 --\ "".: .• 12 -·-Or•nae .J"IC:• Lipton'• Soup Mix•• Yeti Dog Food R•lptla BINdl .-.~ .. --·..:: .11 ,....,.._ ..... •• --•..:.11 ....... -a.....- Pound Ctff• Instant Coffff .. 1.1a Pie Ctult Stkka lnslllnt Cott .. '· Bestfoods Mayonnaise~~BB HOUS EHOW NEEDS £' p::;~!aer Uqukl Delelgenl ,.....,_,"'*"'au. Aluminum Foll 9i1t1 W1Y1-Ae110rtMColiare Toilel 1lssue ~-Tl ~. "~ 80 -· .... 28 .... .... 80 .... PIM·s.I 17M. 78 8ethroorn_ Cl---• LMtll4•-So9,NM 1'at. 48 Brillo Pads ' .... • A11rt•1n<tl 4laa. 128 F~Solllts • ~able Diapers i 1.46 I ' -.: "'1 ----~-S•ndwlch B•D• 11~ .... er.-fJl-•11•-'!\At Upton'• toup Mix•• ·.: .41 ......,._,.....,...._ •.: .10 C1nned'op ~~7 ,_.._.,....,... Dl1po .. IM Dl11"r9 '::• •• tM , ____ ........ ~ .. Pl11UCn.MC.ne _ .... 11 _RAlPJIS STDREURUDCATED AT: 380 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA; 9901 ADAMS BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH; 15471 S. BROODURST; 1WESTMINSTER; lAGUNA HILLS~ 14f67PASEO DE-VALENCIA 1726n7thST., lUSTI -40,t-N. LO{ '~lfA STDR£1fOURrilo DAltY, g.9--""~ • I " ' • I • r. .. 7 f • • USDA c Ore4e "A" Chicken• UM.fJ ...... l~!' .. 49·1 lb. PORK CHOPS or Roasts-Rib 88( Etld loin Cuts lb. '(Lall EM ,.,. CM,., ... ,, .. , •• } Sliced Bacon ::::;..':::.:=.. sp1 Oscar Mayer Bologna ~:::· :.-; 79~ All Meat Wieners .:=.'::.':, ~SJ°' · •.iiAi'Piii ... WHm MAGICf ' . DETERGINT a'(,. 59~ •"'/ " "49-eunc• - Peck•t• "fff1h" • 09 USDA Ch.it• ..... ...... ...... lb. BEEF CROSS RIBS USDA Choico llfff-Chuck 98( Ideal To Broise lb. Pooch Dog Food i..'i:.c;::i·~::l. 1~;·· 11 c e.Mayo~naise ~~~;':~;::xr; a •••• 59c ,., . e Drinking Water °':!i:E~:· ~::i: 29c Del Monte Pineapple ~l ~~· 16c Hi-Count-ry-BriquetS-10 i:~ 69c - ; ! .• Premium Bread 24-•unc•]9C r.' '11i '.:J 1 Safeway Freshly laked loaf \~ ·Sesame White Bread w~.1; •. , 't=i · 331 $AFEWAY LIQUOR BUYS! ,, MJ. fthcti•e ll'l UcitntH S.Nw•yt -t ..... ·VODKA or GIN ·!. wi ...... C.p • s2· 99 ,_ Db!Mlecl Afth :, . f.om Grain eo.Proof . - •!!: t!-??2;,!u~fih $3 49 eMac Nair's Scetch .... l:.To':'.-.S4!!. 8 Stanton's 6it...!::~~o'::'-";:.';...,S41!,. Safeway Coffee ""·Ore•nd-Rlch 1-lls. 86C .......... _. ... ·Funk & Wagnalls I "".::' Encyclop9dia 491. Yohun" 2·25 Hdl "1" M<h SAFEWAY WINE BUYS ! Pricft ltt.cti .... In Uc--1 s.f.-,.. LA.MESA WINE Coli lorn la s211 Vineyards GAUON BOTTLE CHIANTI fully c-~~• Ouol11y Hom Shon~ Parl••n utt Portion •i:.981 • lb. ROUND STEAKS · USDA Choice Beef Fully Cut Bone-In lb. Lamb Chops =--:..;.;;;";'!; Lamb Rib Chops ::0.!.'7::: Top Round Steak ~ $ •.•• • Sjl9 SJ59 .. .. spa . PINK GRANFRUIT JUICE jliRADI "AA" L•RGEEGGS ' . _w .. _.......,_.c'c...s..c...''-'--'_2..:..b,_19_73 ___ DAILY PILur 41 le,..lau USDA Cf.otea G•oda 11.f $ lb. 29 STEAKS & ROASTS Sirloin Tip-USDA $171 Choice Grade Beef Round lb. Beef Cube Steak :=::=: .s111 7-Bone Steaks == .. s101 · Family Steaks .::::-;:;Z"..:. .. s1s9 llATRADD . .CHUNK TUNA Light-For Salad tr Sandwich 6 ~-ounce Co•39c1 LADY icon •ATHROOM 1~.f TlllUE · ~/;S;i-(or facial 1111·~., Pk •• of 200) .. ""I .: :~~:-.. Yo"29 !.:ndi~l Choice ·• 1· each USDA c Choi ca l oaf ld.ol f,, 0 '•' ·-·'· l lotla '" lb. BONELESS ROAST USDA Choice Beef Chuck To Pot Roast Sand Dab Chillets ::..""'::: .. sin Fillet of Haddock =-=-. s14.1 Pork Spareribs •• :~.;.::-i.. •. s1 oa ~""" kitty Will Leve This One ! ~~· ·~~ ... 1·0~ I# ;l•td #~I i•I•J •f'J 8 ORANGE JUIC~ SAVE ON HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS! FfffS'lilALKA-llL TIER 2s·. 53• 1 c)oo;. '"'• 6-01. $ Sc'tch Treat-5 1 OO From Florida Cans Bel-air Strawberries:..'='~~.::.·~~ 3 7 Bird 's Eye Cool Whip .i:;;.; ~~~ 59 Celeste Oeklxe Piua ........ ·~· 75c t Bel-ai' French Fries --~T5c i.er· · Pea· s ......... ,,,._ ••~L 21c D ·air 1 ... 0.,1.n•s-.-.... ,. Stew Vegetables ~.c;:~· '~·:5J-c IN OUR OAIRY CASE ... TORTILLAS Lucerne , Ideal For Mexican Tacos ~ ..... Pack of 12 1sc Lucerne Cream Cheese Z~ 41 c Pillsbury Biscuits "!:~.!:7' ~~· 14c Lucerne Dips i::~:!i..°"wft;;.:;! ~~~ 3 7c Chiffon Gelatin Salad .... _ '~ 5 9c . SODA CRACKERS • Cepacol Mouthwashr.. .. "M'!':.:':" ':..'" 93c Dial Anti-perspi'a.[lt ~ ~;· SJM Gleem II Toothpaste ::::r~~;, ;;;:,; 1sc Bayer Aspirin ,..::;;;:;;:,.-.... .... 82• Breck Creme Riase ,:::-.:;;, , ~~ 79c Vick's Formula 44 ~ 'M:" 95• LARGE SIZE BEAUTIES ' lb. DELl~~~~s APPLES FANCY QUALITY RED OR GOLDEN -lb. Pllo Bag Cantaloupes ::.::-;;:, 31s1 Bartlett Pears '.~::t'~ .. 29$ Artichokes •• ·:::::.=:::::.. 3 .. s1 ~:!h'~ltin•• t:-::· 28( Crisp Celery ·~~::;-;:::::· .... 29$ \":::.:..._:=..;-___ ....::;=1-ilure-Orange fuice-= .:::.. sac Large Avocados .::::. •. 39• Brown Mushrooms .::::-. .. 88• Salad Lettuce :.::.:-:=. t .. 29c Italian Squash .::-:-~ 29• &·inch House Plants ... s4 44 4·inch ~arden Mums -49• Prl<11 lllecllH s.,t. l7-l9, 1'73 lo loo Allltjt1' 0-C..oty (lie ... C.t_, __ .......... .._. ____ ., • 1000 lapld~ Dr., ~•wport IMCh • 211 E. 17th St., Costa M•5C1 e 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, Sq. Laguna e Santa Ana F~nway at La Paz, Mission VMjo --=· 2402 Margu.,ita Dr. Parkway at Trabtlco· e 6~ N. CHSt Hwy., Latuna leach e -101 E. El Camino Real, San 'Clem•nte -·--.; - 1 ____ • ~llSon & lrvlew, Costa...!Mesa=~---------~ _ 1 Cu •r Dr. at Walnut, lrvi!!!_ __ --- ' . • \ t ' , •• '· ' ._, DAILY PILOT' WtdMsday, Stptttnber 26, 1973 Don't let inflation rob you. • llT•tL fOOD ,Ritt C-Al-- 9.lSliO (lo \I.I. Ol,T OJ LAICll, -E.W Of L.t.eOll ST' TIU1C$ il(M Liil, ""' MAYfAlll l>lt(;;OMT 1111Q INOTMlll UO!llli, lfJltllVl lf_,T, \<I TOM loo .... Moo •••• Mo ol """' l Tot.1 .:..-At ~·-·-......... '-• ... ....,.r... o. .. -c ..... . a.-a.. .. . __ , L--.. oaO.."'O o.-ci.o .. t o.-a.. .. J -···-°'"'"' -·-°'"'"" -·-c... ... • -•-CM••J 11.ll UH llJ.H. W.ll ti.OJ 111 aD .... ...Ill W.llJ M.~ o .n •. u "" •• ... lil I t CJiuck CJ?oasts Clo<;""*lltl•Of'! of tt.. pric1 comparilOll ..,,....., w-,..,., witl'I •lor• -· '' ..... ,11e 11 at Con•....,..,.. AH1 i,... o.,t .. M1yf11r Mut.fl1, 2500 S. G1rli1ld, Lo. Mpl11, C1lof. I0022. Bl.ADE CUT - BEEF POT ROAST - FLAVORFUL ANO GOOD ground ~eel FAMJL Y PAK, J LBS. OR MORE LESS THAN J LBS., 91C LB. Mayfair ~st ~uys in Produce . CJl,'!tt!!M';t:t;p_f?!f.!~zE • lOEA ~ed t:Leaf ~!~!t~~ .l'lA ]011,at!l!..l!es'i~.!!P.!:.~ 4LesJ .00 CRusset-CJ'otct~O!~-.16LB. BOSTON LETTUCE .. BANANA SQUASH G.rden Fr•sh ......... ea .• 17 Thick Meated ......•.. lb .• 07 WHln-ftOSE ,OTATOES RADISHES U. s: No. 1 .. -....•.... lb .• 16 S.lad.Oelight -Bunches ... ea .• 12 PINE,.PPLE 49 Hawauan ...•....•... ea .• CHERRY TOMATOES Salad Oeligtit 12 oz. Minnnurn .. , 4 bskts. 1.00 BARTLETT PEARS L•l<e County .......... lb .• 27 MUSHROOMS Fresh, S.'lory ....•.•.. lb •• 81 CASABA MELONS Sweet, Juicy , .•....•. , lb .• 06 GREEN ONIONS Garden Fresh Bunches .•. ea .• 12 VALENCIA ORANGES Sweet, Juicy ....... S lbs. 1.00 WHITE RADISHES Gou,.-met Oeli~t ...... pli:g .• 29 ORANGE JUICE T ~i CIN -100% Pure 1/2 gal . Botti• ........••.• 89 HOUSE PLANTS Assorted Varieties 2 1/4" Pots ........ 3 fo,.-1.00 t:JOmatoes Prioes EfftctWe Thursdly, Sept, XI thru WedMact.y, Oct. 3 U.S.D.A. Food S11,;,p. Wolcom. E verytime you make a really good buy, you 're taking a good poke at inflalion. Since we went discount, every- thing al ~1ayfair is a goOd buy. But our Best Buys are really the best! Best Buys are items where our buyers have been even shrew'1er than usual and bought at excep- tionally low prices. We pass those savings right on to you. Best Buys are also items wh ere the manufacturers give us pro- motiona l a llo~·an ces to giv~their products adve rti sing space or spe cial attention in th..e..s tore. We pa ss those savings on to you also. <;_Butter-Basted %rkeys · ARMOUR GOLDEN ST AR - 10 LB. TO 20 LB. SIZE -GRADE 'A' Mayfair ~st ~uys in Meat -'Presh -C['or.K'W.oasl -no PORK SHOULDER ROAST -BONE -IN -'RICH IN FLAVOR .70LB. c.Boneless Cf/ams 112·. HAMS 2 1'8 HOFFMAJl4 MINI 3 LB. AVG . SIZE -TOP~ IN FLAVOR • J~ LB. 8~i£~f!RA'1Jf!L~'?.1! 1.0BE"- ~l,'!uR!!e_u:fRtf.se~~B ~~~~E.:~ .49 LB. :i;'!!/tuA§,!t?:i!s,HIN -OUICK FRY \1.44LB 'Presh ~f!i!~(j!Jgs~rl!!a~feen~BB L B ?!t;R~! B~!!! ~EA~!fe~~~ST 1.39 LB. O:f~~!!R T:~!:fi!!r.L~f::r!~AC HEO .79 LB. ~oqele5c~r~#H~c'r1:E :l'fo'?~§.,f L24La 9itf£.!/.f.i~o<!AL:1::m~2tsPKG .BBEA . HAM SLICES Center Cut Breakfast Treat ....... lb.1.56 JIMMY DEAN SAUSAGE Hot or Mild 12 oz. Roll s . . . . . . . ea .• 99 24 oz. Rolls ......... a.a. 1..97 FRYER BREASTS Grade "A" With Ribs Attached -. ..•..... lb .• 89 SALMON Frozen Si lver Brite Whole or Half ........ lb. 1.49 PRE -COOKED FISHSTICKS Mr. Bos ton -Heat and Eat 2 lb ............... ea. 1.44 f.RESH ROCK COO. Strictly Freih ........ lb.~1.08 OL' VIRGINIA BOLOGNA All Meat or All Beef Sliced -1 lb. Pkg ...... ea. 1.25 MONTEREY JACK CHEESE Arden ChUM: .. : .. ~ ... :-lb. 1.26 LONGHORN CHEESE · Arden Chor'* -Regular ... lb. 1.34_ SWISS CHEESE A,den Chu'* . , ....... lb. 1.42 LEO'S COOKED HAM . lmporled 4 x 7 -4 oz ... , , ea . , 79 ~~V~:ife~'WRtT BlHCJ'.:1 Farmer John -6 oz ..... ea .• 41 ~kippy 'Premium CJJog 'Pood 3 IN 1 DINNER , 14 OZ. CAN CHUNK BEEF . 15 OZ . CAN .. - 8moke<;l Wams SHANK PORTION DOLD BRANO'-WATER ADDEO 6 LB. AVG. SIZE • ( 'Pre sh 'Prye rs WHOLE BODY -GRADE 'A' I • PILLSBURY WHOLE FRYERS,47¢ LB. ~ixed 'Pzyer 'Parts 3 HINDQUARTERS WITH BACK 3 FOREQUARTERS WITH BACK 3 WINGS, 2 GIBLETS ANO NECKS INCLUDED This--week'S ~st "Buys in Gror;eries ~ady 8cott CJJathroom CJ'issue 2-PAc• .27 ]if CJ'eanJ!!TH~Y.l(e,foz . .67 ~ I ~ispasable CJJia]!etS 149 KIMBIE OISPOSASLE DAYTIME JO's • ' CWishboqe ~tE.,ts/!!f .35 Clorox CJJJe~~IJ. .55 • t:Listerine ~qtisep!{£ 1.16 CVOS Wair Spray s oz CAN' 08 REGULAR, HARO TO HO.LO .• ~PER ANO UNSCENTEO -i • 'ROJ'f!/Rc~frfl~i~p~OH~fo~L 6. 99 LIOIJOR ROYAL OCCASION Bo«.lrbon - Kentucky Strei_.t WhiUr.ey -10 SPRING HILL Blended Whi•ty- Ye•rs Old -Ii-Proof Ot ...... 4.H 10 Years Old -IO-Proof Fifth .. 3.39 CARA MIA R....n -Gold or White -SANGROLE' SANGRIA Wine Fifth 1.lt · -IO-Proof F if.th--• ...,..... .... .....-........... ~ 3.1t M1gJM11...._ .._ ...... ~ .. _._._ ...... , •.• 2.41 . ~ ~ -- ~ale 'Pineapple IN JUICE CHUNK, CRUSHED. SLICED 200Z. WCJmburger Welpers REGULAR SIZE PACKAGE • Coffee CMate 16 OZ .. CMayiresh CJJread WHITE OR WHEAT 16 oz. LOAF .. ' .. • • • ' ( ( . . .. Wtdntsday, Srpte mbe, 26, 1973 DAILY PILOT G I • l "" ..... ,...,. venl~ly If you cut lbtriL Jn CW JOU c»Uld "ee.t your 90 in nonfat milk and 160 in snag. I( the threads are cut fabric from the wrong side at and 1 nlake it frequently. I j ·Where do the people In your blte size pieces .and wrap them " milk" in the ronn of cottage whole milkl. you n1ay get nw or .. holes. exattly !he point where the would like to know if the chill Vi1amin A (your clay's need is ~.000). So dilli """"" -make a 1lgnlftear1l nutritiooll '~ly eat lunch? At OOmeµl .In. Joli or plastic wrap or put cheeJe ~~ cokl in a QUESTIONS The thing 1-0 do~ll the snag snag . Calctl Jhe •. the powder which I use ba;i any cboo1! ln restaurants or 14 t them In a rcusabfe p18sfic OOu-the.linOi). -WE ARE •••-n., through to the biCk Side ofl he , is. rt' ( .:.n•1sh '"d food value . -" ti ta' ta.Iner AJft.L1J Thi . . Y.1ry po ion o u.11: rea er . h'J' · ou e · · But If you•re trying to save garment. s repair IS very and slip the threader and the A. A tablespoon ol c • 1 contribution. Hoftver. keep in mind that one tablespoon added to a dish that serves four, means that each person· would get onJy one-fourth of the nutrients listed above . Carried lunches ha~e wo · If !l's ·convenient to carry a calories or' money, don 't in-Q. How do you get rid of Lhe simple with a needle thr.eader snag back through to the powder wn1 give you 2.3 tandlng advantages m-thermos, you might like to in. elude flavored yogurt .la your snags in polyester kn i l which .often comes ·with ·a wrong side of the fabric. millig:ram.1 of iron (your day's ed. to eating out ; 'I elude a glass ol nonfat milk or Jmch. It's iour limes more ex· garments? Is it all right to cut package of needles. need ls 15 milligrams) and calorie control. buttermilk ln your low ctlarle pensive than milk and bu~ them off? Push the 1,viry end ot the Q. l\1y family likes chili -9,750 lntemational Uni~ or . A !~Ung, nutritious ------------'·~-------------- made lunch , can 1 be ed fo«i\2> lo 50 cents ii.YOU -Jnerpenslve Ingredients peclally~or sandwich<\'. u can't buy a ba.l&IJCed for much less than fl.00 these days unless you eal 1n a non-profit cafeteria or sublldiU'd IWlch program. 'lbe "fast food" outlets offer the least expensive lunches -'r11 the highest In calorics - ind lack a balance of foods Aeeded for good nutrition . 1 Restaurant eating, t o o , l,l!lJl}ly resul ts in a hJSher Calorie meal than· one you inJgbt make younelr. There ~ are the French fries, rtch salad dressing. rolls, desstrts. · !bat are hard to avoid . . When you pack a lunch you can omit many of these high· ~al, high-sugar foods which fdd many extra "emty" calories~ , I Even a sandwich lunch s I not have Jo be high In calo~es . . A typical sandwich JllRde '1th two slices . of bread , jl_wo ~ of ]l"O&e1n food, 81ld a \Bbl-o I mayonnaise -14 have about 350 calories. USDA CHOICE CHUCK STEAKS ......... .... ~ ~== ca-:\'esdresplng Clillt Slllb· ... .91 . You could trtm yo u r ...... ....._ a.-.1 .._.. .,... 1 "" sandwich Jn 150 calories by -- - -,....., "' ,.,. ~ just ooe allce of b<ead, USDA C1J11c1 F.iiy 811111 ~ .., 1.8 0>t -same amount ot prote;n ~· and a)>aU t,ble-of USDA CllllclSllllll,.lllllk. ...1.. !ialad llmslni I inltead or ~... 811111• CHI 8lllb "=="' ... 1.U ' You coul4 allO suJisfitute <jracke!'I (especially ~fklnd lhade wltllout fa t) for bi'ead, ~nd eat your protein roo.I "oo the side" Jhereby omitting .,lad dttssing. . I QuentJtles of Jow calorie, I crisp raw vegetables -car· ~ta.·celery, cucumber . • zu<ehlnl, green can be IUbotltuted hlch cal<rie lunc:lrbag foods iucb as corn or potato thlps and cookies. i Crisp raw vegetables can i.lto be used for bulk and ~ if you carry a Cllll ot &quid diet drink for lunch. : U you're-watching cabies '1 a oarrtecl lunch don't overlool; the calories In lrul15. $ome fruits are relatively high ill ~es and low In other ~e'iample, Pears.· apples, and bananas have· 75 to JOO talcrl,.. • Save ca1Grle1 . by ting Juit ball a lrult or by lbwer calorle, higher alue fruits such as grape(ruJJ, peaches. qantaloupe, pineapple, or fb i WbenieS (all Un I W' e e L- f:!>· J Fresh or canned frull5 can !Salad's USDA CHOICE RIB STEAKS JA/llCY. f1Mllfl \& • USDA Cllllcl .... 1111111 ~ ... 1.51 11111111 Clillt .... .:=. ... 1.41 11111111•1111.... = ... 1.41 •••l111 ll1lllirl:IM~ ... 1.. 11111 nlmll••lllllll ... 1.a GRADE A Hl!N TURKEYS • ttL&IW&"'· \& cam. ......... '=' Fr/. ha -.,...w-.... 75 flm ·-= .... Iii ' flmC:U•l•llln ~ ... 1.11 VONS SLICED BACON 1 ~ MU.. -.Olllltd +'=I& 1.41 l'lr1J Ice CAla ,_ Clllll lllc llQlllllMll1cli Jul 1lllAJ;ll'll BIRDSEYE FROZEN FOODS ':Zf .23 =:.25 '=" .75 1.'f' .79 VEGETABLES • lrflMAVC*AL ICMIE.NL . ' .... ... lwW3C..bn ~ a.IJI lmaWllllll ~ .BANQUET MEAT PIES OllOK9I, _. OlllT\lllCl'I' • • 21 .89 .39 Jlllll111111Plm l1r1ll t C11111t .. .._ 79 --. ~ .33 H111J T111l C. lllllr == · .89 l'lafn llqtlM Diiiin ~ 1.55 LUX LIQUID DEIEROl!NT 221L ~.11Dl'r 1'11111• F*lc w ... 6 Ill Flllr Cira .... NCIHMW 46 ....... .~ 1.!9 FRUIT COCKTAIL TIDE DETERGENT INCLUDES.100FI" TIDE'S IH....DIRT"S our VONS VALUE GROCERIES I 1~.19 • :i'it .75 ~.%9 Billwflq1n ,::,_~ .H ui.,. ri.,,11 Jlfce .... 35 F,_Bmn611wyMlx ~· .15 JELL·O ......., GELATIN ""-t OUNCI ,ACKA.CM: 111111111 w..11 Kll'ill Cn '=-.21 Vou Plllt II' lftlzM Salt Biiiy CnlCbr Fiii """' SACRAMENTO ..._ TOMATO JUICE ""' Biiiy Crlchr ....... , ~ .10 • ::. .67 11111111 ClllGlllll • "':"'~ .15 Pllltln., .. 8111 .. 11'111111 = .39 Tri!lkllPllilll'!Wlll ~ .49 llpr Frill T1l .. .:=.... .59 VONS CHARCOAL BRIQUETS w ......... JERSEYMAID ICE MILK ~ To moot ...._, •-....,. loW .,.-fOI' quotlty-~ Tllot'• - yllue meme 11t Vona. I!"" WMk --...-. 1ow...-... -.. llU_bUIC __ ..,. lllOolAllll& ..,, ptOdUcta; fnllll end wget1bl11c ......... ...-w-- "'""' much more to ... · WhlD J011 •hop In .... Clwl. brtehl •*-· .... v_ .. _,...,. __ •• pi-to got --far _., shopping c1oti., ;v-. .i. ... -.... ·~"'!OM'-I HEALTH I BEA Un I FRESH -~ ·t-+1. .. ·e-ated--1--•·~1!!:cJiott• Ml.l.J'GALCTM. • .... ~MACLEAtfS Allillllrr -~TOOTHPASTE --~ W/.lOCOUl'OMllOOOCMNIXl'PYDUlll • .... -..: . I ( HOO' SWEET AND SOIJR SLAW I 5 bacon sllce11 2 Jablespoon• flour 1-3-cup elder ·vtnegar .. ,,, cup water 1 t l tablespoon sugar I¥• cup light molasses 1 teaspoon sail ; _P.eppe.t--.10-talte I 11 lealf'OOll dey piuttard I I eu. •lJihtly beoten 7 cupo 5bredd«1 cabbage I p ~um "!"°°' thinly : alloed I I In skillet. cook bacon tmlil trilp; drain on paper towel ; Uumble. To bacon drippings add rlour and stir WIUI . s010olh. Add vinegar,. water, au g ~ moluaes, salt, pepper mustard. Simmer, IUrring, until sauce thickens. Pour,a DJtl~ o( t~bol aauce Into lhe egg, st ln8 CO't stanUy. Pour thl blek tnto the remalntnr '""!" Ind 111r untU blended; keep wann. Me•nwhlle tn large saueepen, cool< cabbage and Joa Jn alted water for I lo 7 ..-;drain~ Pour W 'sauce ver cab- l'i add 1 He•t l[l!O~l!>IY and ,...,~ ot ooce . • I oervtnp, I ; \ . ' etter Eggs 1 '!be next ume yo11•re pi ... ;;;;;Jna 1o ..,.. acnmbled .egp 9r lnUfoll, bnlnchp.qli er -Ulmer, tum them up with * llnellbill ... = F"* Oclll l'IRli = II I .. ~ F_j"M' '!!" FANCY WHITE MEAT TURBOT l&l#OQOTlllAf u. I VINE RIPl!N!D CANTA&.CIUN ....-...... ... ta ... 1.21 ... 1.0I 'Ii:' .!II .Ill Fnlll C.-. lllill "":o'='"° u..115 Fl'lll Finl Al'llll 1.. T'..:1' ..... 21 1 ~-~.BDJ. • • F!mQlifQlzy -:.:=-.... 11 FtMy·llllT• ,,.\'11\l'liir-..,JI yogurt for an 1n1ereatln1 Oa,.. twlol and a creamy tu· 1 _ ture. . 11111111 -"=J.:" ... 11 Cook over low heat1 tumln~ • tho eu l!llsture ..t\h 1 aife!Ull ........ r"'n 'm'lll=" .... 11. fl I Fii ""1 Lill' , """ T 11111 lllNll' ElDTIMllla. = VONS FRESH SALADS ..,.,,....,......, ""°'" C11l • ...c.-• ....., ....... ~ .. Qllll ..... 1111 ~ .... .Ill .13 .13 .31 • 31 Z.79 --.... Qllll •>OL-M •O<. G5 • 'M.&NCOTTA...,11 ' WIN~S. I SPIRITS .I08E CHAVIZ TEQUILA-• ·-..... llllnilll ¥Mb IAW1M -·-10.H "*cez· •r .. wu1h1 = a.11 l::=c>.! .. 9 991 ----·""" 1111·-·- stir and do noro • ~ FRESH FRYER PARTS RATH .BACON Dr. Wilt Allltt Tfflllllrul =~ .• Eltl llaH Bii ~,~,. .14 -h111rcrutllnlll '-:='=-.41 Vm "•sz11 Twtrla "=r..::'' .511 ANACIN...,.on. TABLETS '"" pAIJtlll(l.IUI • ENGLISH =.... ''" 'MUFFINS """ 1 QllMfOflCQM _. • , ........ lllllllY1 Cm Bay r..-~ .Ill Arrii-X:Dry lllHlllll == ~ . n [!!~~TTON •• 491 FANTASTIC SAVlllBS Oii iMPORTED POIDUlll-CW COOK I SEINE WARE ... ,.. __ I ----r:&i~;:-:!!!!-!!!lli!iii:r •• .....,......_. IJ ~. _.................... ~371 ....................... ---....... ,... .....,.., -. "'"·~ ..... _ .... ,s: l •. 9"'0Dlonl. -=='!!!ll!:::!!:!!J ~ ... .,..,..,_ --.Oftiii=' t•1l1 "81 ______ ... l.OUAIT -II · •Mllll -"'·----... IAIAPAI"._ 11-11111-· !M ,. as II bqlns lo tfl~c~< do , --i; •• ~.'::\!: ... ~u:!t\1e .~ 101·11 · MamS Aft., at Braokllllrst.:-llllltinPll Bilcll or manadrln orange yogurt for 34851 · Oalleny Pait !me r..,i..,...,.. Beac11 plain Y<!&urt. 7 • 1 ""I""!'- 5922 Elinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntilgton Beach Laguna . HiOs Plaza, El Toro .... 2J 082 B~ BJ!.d.t. Hantiftlton Im . . 17950 Magnolia, f iillnbln YdiJ • · / 1 ( 5 P'ILOT-ADVERTISER N Ersatz Rec ipes OK'd . BY Bi\RBARA GtBBOl\'.S \\"hich \\OOld \'OU rather spread on ~our brCa~: "imlla· lion" stra\\'berry jam or the real thing ? \Voold )OO feed your family mock macaroni. make-believe mayonnaise. fake frankfurters . ersatz ice cream and pseudo- spagbetti? Or. as most homemakers. woold )'00 pass by the prod· 1. ucts wiLh the "imitauon·· · label ? Before you jump to J 1 hasty conclusion, let's ex-f amine what the word really · means on· food labels. In the .,. case of jams and :iellies, man y products that don't adhere to a I fed eral standard of identity must be labeled "imitation." J When the standards v.•ere r established, they were based : Dn accepted "recipes" that set I strict limits· Dn the proportion of fruit, sugar and other in- gredients, presumably to pro- i tect the consumer from a ~ product with too little fruit. .~ It didn 't anticipate the day l when a manufacturer might THE SLIM i GOURMET want to make a jam \li'ith MORE fru it and LESS sugar to meet the needs (If nutrition and calorie-eonscious con- sumers. ~!any "imitation" ·roods are nutritionall y superiDr lo the /• · re a I thing." Low-fat mayonnai se and dressings. high-protein spaghetti and macaroni made from low starch soy flour, de-- i' fatted cheeses and spreads, cholest.erol--wise ice creams with vegetable oi1 in place (If butter fat, sausages and hot dogs made from lean chicken ~ and/or turkey meat are a few ~ examples. By minimizing fat t or sugar many such produ<.'ts ( offer a higher proportion of ~ protein, vitamins and miner- • als. However. the word "imita· ~ tion" on the label conjures up • ' an inferior devitalized .oroct-~ ucl -something put togethl'r J in a lab with chemicals in- ' stead of God's good food. In ~ •actuality the "imitation ~ .Jood may be made the same ; way, often with the same ; basic ingredienl.s except for a ~ c:..reduced fat or sugar content. ~ But with all the emphasis on { natural foods in l'C('('flt ~ ye a rs, products labelOO ~ ••itrrutation" are at a distinct ; disadvantage in the market- , place. J However, all that ""ill i change shortly, thanks to a , revision in the law by the l Foo d and Dr u g Ad-! ministration. Under the nc\v ~ reguJations it will no longer be ' necessary to use the v."Ord ~ "imitation'' Dn a product -if ~ it ts nutritionally equal or jl superior to the conventional product. The manufacturer is ! free tD dream up a new name of his own. The FDA rule j specifically stipulates that ii i does not r egard a rech.JCNi l calorie count as "nutritionally inferior." I This is good ne\YS for Sliin Gourmet cooks. Wi thout 1he l tum-off \VOrd. "imitation," on the label calorie -reduced products should u·in wider ac- ceptance and therefore wider distribution. makinR them cheaper and easier tr find. Food manufacturet·s \\'ill I be more willing to invest in developing and marketing ne\' calorie-red1,1ced versions of old fattening favorites . ' l (Make your own lo\1'-c!!l ma y. mnai.se tartar sauce French Dressing cole slaw and mor1•. For these and others ~nd a • stamped sell-addnmcd envPl· nM and 25 cents to SLl '' r.OURMET -ULA D IDEA< to care of the-Dally Pilot. 5fl West Sholt Trail Sparta. N.J. 07871.) Swish Kabobs For a tl!tler k1bob, brush ! with ParmesaQ-Bulter Baster. Combine I> cup (I stick I l melted bllttcr with v, cup grated P(j rmesan cheese, J ' Ulblespoon lemon juice ond _I> 1..-~ leaf oreg""°·· l 'l1len cook your favorite r'"'ttable kabob oomblnallon, brulltlng occaalooally wllb the ' butli!t baSlcr for a J111'11 cookout-meat accompaniment • • I WedntsdiY, Sfptembtr 26, 1'73 DAILY PILOT 44 I FAMILY DISCOUNT TICKETS AT THRlnlMART I :a~LION ADULTS '* ' (oUNTRY ~Y,NIORS REG. $3.95 NOW $3.00' REG. $2.95 NOW $2.00' SJIFJIRI CHILDREN FREE! -'llCUI WUIUf:t -llllVC (UNO(ll .5) S,ociat" SIV~ll Coupll fer yDlr F•Dy will S3.00 ~iniM pU!tbllll GOOD ANY DAY NOW THRU OCT. 31 (Souihern CoTifomia Store' Only) COLUMBIA ENCYCLOPEDIA VOLUME EIGHT !:.": sp• VOUJMf ON£ S11U AVAJLAllf ,, ••• , , •••••• ,29< I I , : : BRAND I . t : :. o!~~~,~~E~~~T~~;~KEN3 • , : : I . , : • • •= 7 ~·01. :: 1-LB. : .12-0Z. • • WHITE • • •X A • • • •• • VAC • ! CANS' • • OR WHEAT •A.•• ~ .. c ... FROZEN • • ···• .... , PAK TIN • . u.... .... ...... . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ALL FLAVOR S 1,-t. -,./oi-.J., 1ti"'/P•1 •I """"''-"'-M.Qd ...... •ff>-.> o MJIS. K'S FROZEN BLINmS "' ·~o/'."'. 71' D MINUTE MAID LIMEADE • :"'~:-.~,"' 29' D BIRDS EYE VEGETABLES ••• :,~ 3!1' @PUREX LIOUID BLEACH •••••• c ... 491 OFRESH COTTAGE CHEESE "";:::·:,;;0 ' 79' 0 RAW COCKTAIL SHRIMP ~·:·.;:~"°""'!" ~-:. l]orlA'NiiE'J"iiic'E": ·:::~~;,~~!-23' ~KERNS G~PE JELL!.;.;.:.;..:..· .. ~~· 59' ,[J REAL ORANGE JUICE ••• ':'~";;.."""' 49' 0 WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE , • ·;~':,';-~ 29' O AVOCADO .DIP ••••• ~~;-;>~~~ • : • 63' @§> DOLE PINEAPPLE • ~"!".'.':"~':';~ 51'1 FRESH PRODUCE AT DISCOUNT! . U.S. NO. I-SWEET Bartlett ~·,PEARS \. ""t._ .. 4-il . .... 0 JOHNSTON'S YOGURT .... :::-;~~~ 29' JOHNSON'S RAID FlYllffl lllSft:T IOMI ... 95° YAJID GUARD F098EI 11•1. $171 Sl'llAT .": P1IOFESSIONAl ~~~~:CH $149 "GOLi} BOND BEEF SALE' AGED TENDER e STEER BEEF" 2701 Harb9r Blvd., Costa Mesa e 13922 '· Brookhurst, Garden Grov·-- 1308 W. Edin9er, Santa Ana e 5858 Warner. Huntin9ton Beach e 23811 El· Toro, El Toro • I • 1 • I • 0 lh b g f • d a a • • I -· HIA•T V: IOUILLON INHANCll AUTUlllN'I MAIVltT Autumn L1ov1a Room for ld101 V~getables in Season "Americans ea the aver91e WOJICll"Jilll!llllllSP bllke for 10 mlnutea loo1er: get SO to 80 pero.nt ~ pro. VI!ClllT~LU remove C111Ht'!!le f""'" iwen, tein than they n~,·~ Ja)'1 a 1 larae•llli )lead ( 1 % lrterease OV"1 temper1ture to government PllbUoaUon, pound•l caullnower 300 degr(l:p , "Eating mor. nro\tln "''" 2 QU..,-out creen beont or 1 Melt rem1lnln1 1/4 cup but-necessary is not· harmful , but peciage1 (9 ouncet) frozen ter1 stir ln breld crumhl and does add extra calories to the cut green beans remaining 1 t e a s p o o n diel Ca\ories, which provide 2 CU\1:5 sliced carrots Worcestershire sauce. Spoon energy, may be obtained from :!ft cup minced onion around outside of casserole. othtr ftatl leu e1pemlw l chicken bouillon (!Ube Re'""' ~rvl•, \lOCOVilred, than meat." \\ cup boiling water to Qlff'!'!JY. hot onn for t Vegeta~et art plontlM now I teypoon ••It mlllut11, Vleltlt I lo I portlmil. and, wbf •r fr11h, froun or 2 lablespoon1 I a ··s W CESTI!)•Mp canned, Qlln be ...,kod In Worcesterthlre 1 a u o o C I -"' y OR ""' unlimited flavoriul ways. divided P(l'l'.\TOES W...,.atohl!lrod v-••lea Ii cup butter or mer1irlne, Iii ~ potaloel, cut Into a nu\J'IU.U. -ciom~ili:tt'M ~ divided 111,lnch cl!un.U ~ betfio ·· -I c4p cherry tomato halvu 14 oup inlnoed IJ!ilon rota. ardln 'Jr!: · ·' ::; 2 cupt soft bre1d crurnbl " oup butter <tr mar&:1rlne d.udau. ~' W0t-Cut c 1 u 11 f l 0 w 1 r lql4J I ll1bl,1ppon1 water ,~bear or cester'lhlre se~ and chicken flowmttes (rnaku 1bout I W~ile Wine boullloo. quaris ). In a buttered 1\i lo s. I ll!llfPOODI Worca1tarahlro When th,_ •-, cooked art I mbl ••uoe Q ™' qu cassero e co n e 1 teu~n ~~ll through and lts topping of caullflowerettes With Kreen 1 ~p ahredded aharp Ched- bread crumbs bas turned to beans, carrots and onlnn f mi• d"r chltff --~~-~-I etcellent plateful ol •\llflllnl Dissolve bouillon c bt tn l!t cup chopped para •y . . - DAJLV f'I LOr 4- Rose Colors Foll Menu • Main . Dish Wine Sparkles 1n A bottle or delicate pink ntodified Waldorf salad of fall 2 Cups bottled cranberry.a~ add water to thi!I level). Com-Y.i: teaspoon grated orange wine -called Rose (Rose-apples and grapes, it pie juice bine· hot liquid with gelalln; pee l say) for its color -has pro-beoomes a distinctive main I (4-5 qu art ), bottle Napa stir until. dis.solved. 1·16 teaspoon mace bably introduced m o r e dish for a luncheon. Ro.se Add wine and poor into a l 'h cups cubed apple Americans lo the delights of For a more !lubstantial meal Fruit Salad lightly oiled ring mold (5"2 to 1 'h cups halved red or green serving wine wlth meals than -perhaps a late supper - Crisp greens 6 cup ca·pacity ). Ch.ill -4 or 5 grapes any o.ther type of wine. cubed chicken_, turkey or ham Soften gelatin in cold water; hours or overnight. l cup sliced Ci!lery Thia light, bright wine looks can be added to the fruits. set aside. When ready to serve, un· I cup orange segment.! (or, pretty in the glass, tastes ROSE WINE MOLD Combine honey, vinegar, mold on serving plate. Fill drained canned Mandarin refreshing as it goes down , salt, bay and cranberry-apple center with Fruit Salad nnd a.ranges ). and has the reputation of 3 envelopes plain gelatin juice in a quart sauce pan. garnish with crisp greens. Stir mayonnaise toget,her pairing well with all kinds of 'h cup cold water Bring to boiling, lower heat Makes 6 servings. with orange juice, peel and food. 1h cup honey . and simmer 10 min u le s . mace .. Combine h to o/4 cu1p Its versatility extends to Vt cup red ..viife'vinegar Remove bay leaf. FRUIT SALAD with all remaining ingredients . wine cookery too. For in· 1/4 teaspoon salt Measure l:Yt cups liquid (if 1% cups mayonnaise Serve remaining dressing stance, it makes a beautiful 1 small bay leaf there is less thaq this amount, 2 tablespoons orange juice separately. "wine jelly" to use the old· jiiim;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;__..;;.,..-;;;;;;;-;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;; _____ ...;; __ _,-....;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ___ ii rasio.ned name for a gelatin! ring mold. With the center filled with a I Spicy Meat SPICY GRllLED STEAK The meat is marinated. I 1f.i cup bottled real Italian 1 dressing 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 teaspoon prepared1 mustard I 3'h to 4 pound cPuck steak Jn a shallow dish or pan. I blend dressing. soy sauce and ! mustard. Add steak a n d marinate 2 to 3 hours, turning , several times. I Grill over charcoal t o desired doneness -best serv· ed rare -brushing with marinade. h1akes 6 to 8 serv- ings. NICO lfflC1IYI WD., 191. U flll 1111., "'· •• '"' EXECUTIVE WI RE Mon. thru Fri. 7:15 AM -Sat. and Sun. 8:15 AM I · F ON YOUR DIAL KAPX NEWS AND MUSIC RADIO Sponsored By: STATE MUTUAL SAVINGS 5661 LA JOLLA BLVD. 615 E. FIRST ST. LA JOLLA TUSTIN • THOUSANDS OF • ... ~IQOd=·-------~l!BlerJ.dd,~~~~~~!li~!n~•;;;i~'"uoepan oomb~ Cheesy W o r c a 1 l t r e d teaspoon of tJ e Woret1~t'I l~e ' IOlr,butterjWJIR!'rtH---- Potatoes are llood et;au&h to sauce ; pour over vtltt..blg lq orct1ter,hlre sauce l'hd IJIJ, • • .-CHOICl-AMlllCAIU serve as the m1lri dish. casserole. Dot with ~ Qtlp of O:ivtr end alnuntJr for Q lo The cup or atiredded Ched· the butter. 40 iillil~IP or U!!UI jlOtalod d'r cheese addl .,rne protein Cover and bake ln a ar• 16Mer, although not ne;rt, 11 m~gh preheated 350 de1ree oven for Stir In ~ J!lll !H'lll•Yi u we'd get train an aver11e l hour. b•~I ju1l lintµ •"""' 11 a,rving of meat, Add tomatoe1r cover and malted. 1trv11 I. ,• E>iabetic -: Diet \Written By JEAllNK li!!ll~ U,I , ....... ,., NEW YORK (liPII -The diet for diabetics is a com· pllcatedl confusing and dlsltk· ed re1 111111, "~tally !or newly-dtalJ*"d patanls. Even tMll With a mild caSe or thli vaae~i.r "'"" mu•t avoid foods wh11h hlih su1ar and-or fat cO,Htent. They muot eel m1111111~ 1amounl5 Oil looclo a n d beverage1, •lid at rellil!!f Id' tervals. 'l°1MY muit lilll ililJI meal• or eat between meals. No one knows this better than Jeanne Jone11 . It fonntr model and f11hlon e&wr a~ a diabetic he.raell, Who has become an elQqUtnt supporter of research and help for anyone alfilcted wttli lhe . ~ II ~D(t ei djlida I afOk:ta I.I mlftt en A11erlcan1. Mr1. Jone1, who Jives Id LI Jolla, 11 on the board or dire<:· 1M1 Ill t!lt liJulh1m Oall!ornta Dl•lllllft A11n. ol)d I lillfl\ber or a ~11!•1 l••lllallv• com· mtt!M n1 !or IAwt lo helfdlaba 111· She Ml alio written a prize- winning cookhoqk for dlabetlcs and other dieter1. 1 ' i' b e catculatlng COok." Mn. Jones said the book Is an outgro.wth cf her attempt 10 adjust _ her own and ·her famUy'!!•vorite recipes to the FORMER NIW,OllTER Jaaftnt J1ne1 Exchange Uats compiled by doctor• and dru1 compante• and diabetic cookbooks explain this, but their listings of permissible foods are confined to a few common ones. Workltil With two dietitians, Mr•. Jon•• put tosether a much m~e extensive list that 1nctude1 doaen1 61 lnaredients !or l!ll,m1ton1l Ind ethnic fvc>d• a1 well as a lot of brand nllll• procluota llllclt a • cerejhi, •RJ.ck ~k•r, com· marclal aaucea and bottled 11118 dre1lina:1. They 1l10 lilt ...,,.el fare such as pate de foie gras, phe111nt , quail, v e n i s Q n , 1K1U1b, frogs legs, caviar and abalone. and ethnic foods such as tortillas, matzos and pol. Mrs. Jooes' recipes follow tho same. 1enero\;'3 pattern. " They r•ni• 1""1_..,1ilacl1 -(!rand' llffl!lilt' IOUflltr;-19 fe!lrlcllona ol 11111 dlabtllo diet J!llmbo, bllll strocanorl, 1hl1o preocrlbed by Nlr <looter live kebab and COil au •In to yean ago. children's favorites, such as &uch dla]J are bllaed on ... piqa muflln• _11nd ohllo con chon•e ll1t1 -a 1y11t1n lhal Ollmt, to tthnloi apocl1htit1. dlvldoa Im end ba .. ,.... Mra. Jon11 '#hO laarnad to Into ''"'" c1l19rlH beotd on coo~ aa a 1chlld and laltt their carbOhydrata, protlen · aludloti "°°'1ic Ift Porto and and /at COl!tent. l.os Angelo, Nld aht 111ra4 The word e>echange,ls..used her book 1 lo busy peopfe· and to ·describe A in • • • u re d children. ' 11mount of a specific item . Her own two sons. ageda It Many foods and s o m e and 12, and her husband share beverages are lnttrchangeablc her dlabetlc'1 diet but eat when thelr precise food values large~ 'j)Ortlons lhan -<11"' are ~nown. allowed. ' . • l .S.1.4. ClllCI fllSI I .I.I .A. mttel amm(Afl UU.111... Miii AMllKAI 111 (1.';ps ~ul 89 ~1f';rp5 ~ul 69 16-01. CAii ea .na11 ,- • " FOLGER'$ COFFEE ~ ~ THIS#! ITEMS AND l'RIOES GOOO ONLY AT THE FOLLOWING STORES Ml. CAii .-·· .......... "-------- ........... -.. .--..... ...... _,_ .. _, WATCITMIURMI. .. ..... _.,. .... _ ... _ .. ,_ :•:..;; . .-_ .. :;:;::...~_::: -------....... ___ .., '' UNDRESSED SALAD BARELY FATTENING , Slimming Salad J Potatoes Not Guilty : lt migl1t surprise you to l know that potato salad doesn't ~ have to be fattening. · II you're having problems planning family n1 e n u s that also satisfy the special needs of a dieter, potato salad hot. they'll marinate \\•hile chilling in the refrigerator to bring out the fu ll·bodied flavor of the dressing. ing-marinade, in jar with lid , combine vinegar, oil, water, mustard and salad dress- ing mix. Shake to mix well. CHEF'S SECRET POTATO SALAD j can come to the rescue. • Potatoes themselves arc ac- "' tually relatively low i n Potato Salad: 12 medium potatoes When poLD toes arc tender. drain and slice inlO large bowl. Pour dressing over potatoes ; cover and ( 4 refrigerate, to chill a n d marinate. calories. Am edi um-size ; potato, peeled before cooking, i is only 80 calories -less than ~ a pear of the same size! l 'The real calori e-adders arc the rich dressings. pounds), peeled 2-3 cup vinegar Y~ cup salad oil ~~ cup water 1 tables poon p repare 4 mustard To prepare· salad for picnic, pour excess dressing from potato salad and reserve. Pack salad in large covered So stay away from the nlayonnaise-type dressings so typical of American potato salads and try using a vinaigrette dressing like the _one for Chef's Secret Potato .salad. The vinegar and herbs add Zesty flavor for almost no calories. If you add the dressing to the potatoes while they 're S1 ill I envelope Italian dressing mix Mimosa Dressing: • I cup mayonnaise 2 hard -c oo ke d quartered 1 small red onion, sliced salad container. Make Mimosa Dressing: Stir reserved dressing into mayonnaise. Separate hard- eggs, cooked egg yolks from whites. Sieve yolks and stir into thinl y mayonnaise. Pack Mimosa Dressing in jar with tight-fit· ling lid. Add egg whites and onions to salad. Romaine lettuce leaves (optional) Steam potatoes 25 minutes or until tend er. Refrigerate salad and dress- ing until picnic time. Makes 12 s:c___settings A1eanwhile ~ i IT'S SIMPLE ••• ,, . . • BUT WORKS WONDERS . A safety pin protects babies •.. makes mothers feel secure • . . preserves dignity . . • replaces tfte world's lost buttons. The newspaper is a simple idea that works won- ders, too. It maves merchandise • • ·• doctors the economy . . . distributes jobs . . • finds people to do jobs . . . informs, educates and entertains. When you want to sell, buy, rent, hire or an- nounce •.• think of the simple Idea that works. • NEWSPAPERS FIRST • P.S: II you wont fo prove if fa yourself, just drop ao ad In the Doily Pi/9t and watch it warlcwonders • . Ph.one 642-4321 lo sforl the lest. ' • Yogurt 'Berry' Yummy It's anyone's guess why yogurt, a oultured milk pro- duct, would ~ome s o popular. An estimated bait a billion servings were con- sumed last year. A couple of years ago a dairy industry survey revealed that almost one fourth of the papulation was eating yogurt and of these more than a third had not been eating yQgUrt the previous year. Yogurt is most popular in the western states. T h e favorite flavor is strawberry. YOGURT SfROGANOFF 1 ~ p>unds lean beef stew 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt ·II teaspoon rt'Jl'' · 2 tablespOOns butter I (2-ounce)·ean 'mushroom stems and piecJI I !fl cups. sticed·orutins 1 cup water 3 tablespoons catsup I teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1,~ teaspoon garlic powder lh pint plain yogurt Cut beef into 1-inch cubes. Roll beef in flour mixed with • - • l sal t and pepper. Brown beef in Heat 1 or 2 ,rninu'tes. Serve Ra'spberrles fOr garnish whipped cream. .. butter a few pieces at a time over butter~ poppy set'd DiSS9lve gfl~tin in boiling Oem1!\te top with rupbli. over medium high heat . noodles or rtce. Makes 4 sen'.,; WBtler. O:uubine with 3 cu,ps ~ jf desired. Makes 12 Ser\i- RelllJ1l all beef to skillet, add 'ings. -yo~rt. Chi!! unijl;it oogins to ~·· ' . liquid dr ai ned f'rom BuH~•h..•n'ISIV..be ·.u.,!...i m' thie.~en. ; '._ .. f!'i~~.COOk)"crust: Mis _,__ . . ~"'"""' ,._, ~ ··-·· .• tabl--·-'-mu~.11.lM.lmS, omons, water, plac&of.Y.oi\ll't · • •. · '.Mean. whi~, whip cream. un-11UW·,,. 1 ~ cafsup, Worcestershire sauce ':I ff F d 3 lfipped \\ teas~ sat(. bit iD"' ' JEWEL " su · · cups w firm ....... .,. el_..... and garlic-powder. Do not stir YOGURT DESSERT crea.tn inlo .partlaUy thick:C:"ed cup uw.r.g Wlw a.~ but cover and bring to boil. raspberry mixture. PoUr into ml.ser or pastry blender UllW Reduce heat and simmer 1 (6-oonce) package springform pan over Buttery ~istency of coarse meal.. slirring occasionally about 1 raspberry gelatin Cooky Crust. Mix in 1 egg yolk. hour, or until tender and sauce l 'k cups boiling \valer Chill W'ltil firm, at least 3 Llghtly pat cnllnblY mix~ is thickened. ~ hourS. Remove pan sides. into bottom rA. &-inch IPl'irlC Just before serving. stir 1 quart raspberry yogurt Spread top cl dessert with re-fonn pan. Bake in • yogurt until smooth and add 1 pint whipping cream maining 1 cup yogurt and degree oven 12 minutes or 111- along with mushrooms to beef. Butter Cooky Crust sides ~h remaining 1 cup of W light golden at edge. Cool.' ~~~~~-=-~~~~~-'--~---'=----'-~_:;;-=-~~-"----,r Take pure. ~. ~mery butter and 1-'--'un"'bieaChed-flour. Th-en-tip--ihe--dough uptide ~Jbefore baki_ng ac the flavor bubbln'riH through it' twice . .And flltl hclV9 a bread;• 19th century Road House baker wotlkl heve beea prodl:l to call hi• O'WD. ·. - .. , ' ' ' ;, > . ' • .. ~ ' " ~. • ' f fl'.~'BACK -IN-18iD t lT TOOK 'THRpE\. Dl:JS'Pf) ' DAYSTO TRAVEL FROM-LOS; ANGE~ES:TO .~ PHOENIX, BUT THOSE Ylli,O M~DE THE.j.R)P'"~TE,, A LOT OF GOOD BREADA~ONG TffE·W6\'. \t;;. . ' " • _J. ' ~ ---L,-' -.. ' - • . • ' j• . , ·. .--- J;J PILOT·AOVERTISER Wtdnnd.Q, Sf1>t1mbtr 26. 1973 Wfdntul1,y, Stplfmbrr 26, 1~73 ,OAILV PILOT 4 1 ' I i • • I ' ' WORK OUT OF YOUR UVE IN! Nice clean home on C-2 zoning-o.k. for a business and near 17th Sll~l, Costa l\1esa. Lal'):e corner lot. $33,750. For quick look call 646-7171 •. . . lf'AX SHELTER TAX SHELTER Remove the ~ln.fl'O"l;\1'.X tirpe! OW;Q t~is Ref.Ct\ dupl•x wl=""!J!IO,' '1'4(fu' vt!W ''°"' balcOn)'. 100% d · ~11;r~,c1Ule. ~k ·for. our:..,cO~ pu"'r p J ifOr l\'<reaa!d'·equlty, an<l ,,.. spendable. ~lf. 231'3.·' · 1 .. . ~ . .. WANT AN EXCLUSIVE ADDRESS? • This is Ill , Spectacular entry. Gial!_t family-en-, tertainmcnt Toom. Custom drapes and carpeting. t big bedrooms, 3 baths. Close-ln location. A careful buyer's dream home for $53.950. Don't mias U.. chance ...,..call now -842-2535. . iEsT ·BUY ·IN HARBOR VIEW' HOMES . 9UICK ~OSSESSION THESE HOMES WILL SUIT YOU TO A TEE! Most of these hom es we re de signed by experts, built by craftsmen, end situated in en exciting area. The se exclusive Ii.tings of "the Reel Estet ers" ere available for your inspec- tion now! And one of them is exactly ri ght for you. Let's get together soon! Reme mber we ere the largest locally owned Reel Edete f irm with over I 00 professionals to help you every step of the way. Please drop by, we ·will be happy to answer any of your quest.ions. 0 <~~tJ:,,t.L BAYCREST • - ' CN.'1lcr wants to go! On pretty corner near NEWPORT BEACH GREAT ASSUMABLE LOAN NO 9UAUFYING beach. Brand new carpets and drapes. 4 spacious G•eal fam,·ly hom• -4 bdr -2" baths -ve-An tak I k I • "Mo •.; yone can e over easy-o-ma e paymcn s. bedroom.$. Sunshiny kitcheIL Room for boat, fv.nctlonal floor plan -many lovely features on camper, trailer. Best value on today's market at $35,950. Take advaritage. To see. call -842-2533. quiet street -seller '"ill help finance $74,000. Submit exchanges. c8.n 646-7171. on this family size cutic. Full price is just $30,500 -a real bargain like this one is hard to find. Hurry -call 847-6010. PARENTS RETREAT "BY· THE-SEA" $4.6,900 · . Titis charming 3 bedroom home Is "'ithn a short stroll of the beach and featuru; a cozy ret..rea.t Ii adjoining the mastea-bedroom, a formal dining.~ Sunny garden kitchen 8.lld "ramUy room. Shat'p throughout with huge park-like yard and lovely ' • palio. \\1Ul sell quickly. PJeaJje phone 54'6-2313. BALBOA PEN. COTIAGE "SPOILED BABY" ., i Pampered, petted. i;troked Quality draped - painted -carpeted -til'ed -fireplaeed -• food pantried -wardrobed -patio carpeted - garage. door automated -lovingly placed where~ 11er family ca.n \\'alk to beach or bay. For adop-' . . TBI~. ~NYONE? THE ROOMIEST HOME IN TOWN FOR $33,950 ~~ ..... ~Ion call 546-'2313 . Just i;teps. to the ~urts, swimming pool, and shopping center .. One year new 3 bed- room condOminiwn with Dramatic Decor. PiaJ' your~ and then ·talk.around. your converaatk>nal•flreplace Pit. A pleasure to ·pre\liew. 'Call 6~ "CHINA COVE · CONDO" Lovely M:\\' comer unit -plush ghag car- pcµng -2 bedrooms -2 baths -2 blocks Deluxe electric built-In kitchen & pantry to ~dt ·-r-~pie wardrobes &: storage - -onJy $61, 750. Gall _!173-8550.. · NOW 'BUILDING lOUR DUPLEX , Will be flnlahed soon. Choose your own decor. 3 bedroom 0Y.11crs unit plus 2 bed.- room rrntal. Great location! Steps to the park or the beach. On an attractive tree ahaded street. Call -673-8550. BIG HOUSE! LlTTLE PRICE! 3 lal'ge bedrooms.. Separate step.down fam.i.l,y room. Rich carpets throughout. BeautJfully landscaped. At $34,900, :you'll agree Jt's a bargain. To see call 842-2535. ' SPANISH VILLA ':. . · .. ~S@!.cious-hpmac'!_late. J{jnpized_ bedrooms_._ ~ter suite. M~lve family room with wet be.r. Double pool sized yard on Quiet cul-de-sac. Boat and trailer i'&te. Value pa.eked at $48,900. .Call now -842-2535. SUPERS & S Farnouli .s Ir S Quality built home. Huge parquet floor family room. Sunken llvlng room. Formal dining. Gourmet kitchen plus sepEU'8.te laundry room. It's vacant -so you can move in fut! Only $44,900 for quick-sale. Take advantage now. Calf 84Z-2:S33. In this newly decorat¢ 2 bedroo!Jl-2 bath tri·level condo. Close to Hoag. Hospital & available iinmtdiateJy. PQSSible lease op· Uon. $36,500.' To see call -~7171. LUXURY 2·$TORY MEtA -VERDE 5 BR. Clearly one of the ftlost exciting homes in Mesa Verde! Double vault~ entl'Y to ex- pansive l~g room, J:I1inde t1taifcase to spacious. hideaway mu~r suite plus big bedrooms for everyone. Kitcben-housewifes incredible dream adjoining enormous fam- ily room. Exquisite decorator features throughout. Just SlePI from the country club. \Vords fail us -call 546-2313 to see it. FAST POSSESSION MESA VERDE VIEW The most of the best in thl& large hidden 2 story, high on a hill overlooking Hunt- ington Beach ••• See Catalina. on a j:Jear day and danllng lights at nite. 4 bedrooms -large family room -wet bar -large covered patio and deck. Call !W6;2313 to take advantage ot 5~% assumable loan. BllY YOUR DREAM FOR $25,950 It's all together -Musive_solid, wood door opens to lush shag carpet. CUShloned par- quet vinyl in kitchen and dining room. 3 bedrooms to dream in, luxury apjX>lnt· ments extend right into the 2 bathrooms. Bonus "·orkshop or playhouse nestles in beauUful yard. O"•ner· saS>s "make i;ome- onc happy for $25,950" ! Call 546·2313. A room for every purpose: Cheery immacu- late kitchen. Specious formal living room. Formal dining. Huge beamed family room. Largest master you've seen yet. Big den. Two fµll baths. Lovely area. You must sec this one -phone immediately for appt. 847-6010. NO· NO • NO DOWN • NO COSTS To veterans. LJ>"' down, low costs to oth- ers. Take advantage.Of the easy terms on this large 4 bedroom home in lovely Hunt- ington Beach location. Full price Is only $31,900. Call to find out how easily you can move in, 847-6010. STONES THROW TO BLUE PACIFIC FOR $33,500 Cozy beach cottage just one short block to ocean. Immaculate cond.itioIL A11ey access for boaL You "'On't find nicer for this super price. It'll go fast, so act now -call 847-6010. . . PARK HUNTINGTON POOL 1[agnificent pool. Tailored yard and deck. Most popular plan and a super size lot at cul-de-sac end. Enjoy every CQnvenlence In peace and quiet. ExceJlcnt tc'rms including possible secondary financing. Call 673-6767. FIXER TRl-PLEX -$55,500 Bring paint & tools. All two bedroom units. 6 pe.tios! Great location. ~1inimum down. Bargain investment. Call now. 546-1600. EASTSIDE 4-PLEX $57,500 - Breed and Butter units! Eastside 1tesa lo- cation. Fresh pa.In\. J.,ow V§Cl!ncy _f!!ctor. lllgh return. Prlde of ownership abounds. caJI today. 546-1600. WATCH THE SAILBOATS IFrom the Uving room, ""·hile-you dine or from U. gourmet kitchen. Near beach. fee land. study. family room, 4 bedrooms. $98,500. Call n~. 0573-8550. LOVELY LA CUESTA !Attractive Spanish brick exte1ior. Huge double door entry. Formal dining room. Large "F1ett&* ,room. 4 spacious bedrooms. 3 bnths. Price just 'reduced to $49,950. call today -842·2535. ·\. 6°/o VA NEAR BEACH Beautifully manicured home, Ideal floor plan. • }. spotless ~e ~ner~2 .. bedroom and cnvertible den home. Sincerely• the tboSt lmmacUlate ''Monaco" in Jtarbor View Homes-plus an over- 1 lized lot ( !' ae\-e) beautifully landscaped "1ilb a large covered patio. Carpets, . di'apes, and wall· paper all top quality. Only $6S,950 and )'OU o-n the land See it, you'll love JL Call now. 673-8550. ~, .. ,!Uvlni; room opefllj: to covered patio and lovely yard. AU appliances built-in, Pride of O"'Jlershlp assumed with the loan. Don't delay. Call todeyl Under $30,000. 963-6767. ASSUME 71/2•/o LOAN • GIANT ECONOMY SIZE FANTASTIC POOL HOME FOR $38,950 FOUNTAIN VAWY PROVINCIAL CORONA DEL MAR VIE~ IVl<l;e mirrored entry. Big homemak•r. kllchen. 1 Old Spanish ~-bedroom, den, fonnal dining room, Spacious dining. Uvlng room big enough to live Large gorgeous pool 11 surrounded by super Sink il~to cloud·sort shag carpeting throughout family room on ovtt-slzed lot just steJll from the dance pavi.Uon. declqna and lush no malntepance . . a.I rd 1 1 (i In! Five 1uper alze bedrooms. Park like t~ly laMc"""'pU\ .-"Thb h0rne }!I~ eftterc.inertif..dream Relax by floor to ceiling P JlS Ve e !rep ace. , ~~!~~lhp~~a1)u~l~t~~ ~~~:~; ~n yantJ •• ~ ~ ~AO'&. t'U Co l Act wi;l"Arg~ tioln!m&ker ldlcblt\ ~Hibttuf Poo1-Entertain In privacy wJ;th patio gas bbq, water cha~~f · ~I M~IJU\~ for"'91'!>t!'l·;,.· ..a..,ll>Yi'~~""c,ah 7_~f , '• ' 'J View Hvlng room, large bedrooms. ~lt's-i>rtced fall and ti.sh . pond. 4, ~rooms, upgraded. Boat ment. 673 . ' ~ • . ~~.. right and \\'On Wt. CiilrriOW -847~10 ffffd trailer access. 'tilf963-6767. ' . MASSIVE MEDITERRANEAN 6-l/4 °/o ·ASSUMABLE LOAN Step down inlo 600 sq_ ft. family roo1n. Look up to beamed cathedral ceiling. \Varm to either ot l\vo fantastic fire11laces. Giant n1aslcr suite. To- tall.i.· upgraded. EVecy' convenience.-Ne&l' the OC'<!l\n. Dial 9G3-6767. THE REAL ESTATERS ' ''1~ .... • • ..P "' ~---~ ·" I NEWPOR··· BM ... '• ' . ' 1700 Nowpeot ...,._ 646-7171 ~ -- ,· C:eftA ' MESA 27'0 H .... .-. 14WJ13 • OPEN'TIL9 BVNl'INGTON BEACH ·17H1 IMCli .._ 210JO .,........ 6014 w .. ., An. 142-ZSJS . 962°1111 147 .. 010 ' ·--... ·' • CORONA DEL MAR ll2 M.._ito 671-1550 INV F.STMENTS 2790 Harbor llvd .• S.lio 201 COlto M°"' 546-1600 • . - I l • • -.. •I • <• 11 DAILY PILOT • PILOT -ADY£RTISU-f I· ~- ~i ., •..• .m·S'14' Aoi.ilon obilef • • • • • , • . ~ • Q90 loot& & Moline t~cirnent 900 • 91.t The Biggest Marketplace on the· Oranae Coast • • • -~. -for 5-••. 125 ... 1rnp&oymiont . • • . • • • • 100 • m DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED . ADS """°"""· . . . . ..... J2S .. "" ,_., ond ~, , , , •• ISO -199 ho! E•ICIN o.n.ol. , , , , 16() • M rlf'ICH'l(a , . . • • • . • . 200 · m Ho.nft fol Sole • • • . • • 100 • ,, .. l.MI I found · Mwthoncfue, ... ' . •. 5~ · S74 .. llOO ·a.49 You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad ...... ~~ ERRORS. Adverti11r1 1hoUTd check th9ii ~r-----~ ads dilly & repcrt errors lmm.dl1tely, The Houseif0tS,1e JI te J [ Hou5e1fOfSal• DAILY Pl LOT ouumH lloblllty for the first . _ Incorrect insertion only. Genera) HcM»•1 l0t Sal• . [ 642-5678 ] . . One CaLI_Service Fast Credit Approval lantol . • • • • • • • • • • JOO -..,, Schocih and IMtNCtiott • • • S7S • 599 Sei ~it•• ond ltJIQin. • • ' . 000 • 699 Tr1:111"1\90'totiort. • • • • . • • 91S • 949 - Gener1I General !;;;;:;;;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;; A. Ullill()U( tlCJM( IN HARBOR VIEW HILLS-Four bedroom, single story, sharp, clean, spaciou~. Beau- tiful landscaping, play yard, like-new con· dition. '94,500. A lisling of Marian Reedy, UNIQUE HOMES Rultors, 47s.4000 2443 E. Coast Hwy., Corona dtl Mar -"'-HoutnforSllt I~ G __ •_ne_r_•_l ______ 1 _G_e_n_•_r•_l _______ G_e_ne_ro_l ______ 1 ****** 14~ *TAYLOR CO.* =id SPYGLASS HILL-$119,500 Swee_pi.ng view of city lights and ocean! REALTORS Spacious I-story 4 bd rm NEW home w/lam rm, formal DR & 21'. baths. Lovely carpet- ing, tile roof & 3-car garage. ·Rm. for pool. 15 POINT SUR DR. OPEN DAILY 1-5 ''Our 21rh Year" OWNER FINANCED WESLEY N TAYLOR CO. Realtors DELIGHTFUL 2 bcdrooln • ' , l\OOSe PIUti 1 bdrm apt Mee 2111 San Joaquin Hiiis Road • eo111er lot OOTJl'H · or· ''Overlooking Big C•nyon Country Club'' l llfGHWA Y, Cd.'1'; A.idng NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4910 !~""'""''!"!""'""'""'""'""'~~...,.,...,..,..,..,..,~I $79,::ioo. s•r interest rate G 1 G I I NO DOWN G.I. I ASSUME 70/o LOAN Beautiful 4 bedroo1n , 2 If yot.(re php\,ning a l General General and no points. enera enera Great loan assumption bath home with big on this sharp 4 bedroom, swimming pool! Very 2 bath home with den. prestige location. l\lar· ~~~\~1 -~*-*_*_**_*_**_*_**_*_*_**--**_**_1 644-7270 WALK TO SCHOOL I UNDER BLUE SKIES -BEAUTIFUL NEWPORT ENJOY Two spacious custom built new 4 BR., 3 BA. HAPPY DAYS AND THE MARKET ~ 4 Bedroom with fam- ily room and bird aviary. Gate for trailer or dog run. See this IO<!ay. $33,500. velous yard with Jot s of Lovely swi1nming pool greenery & trees. Din- &, covered patio. Dining ing room , gas built-ins. roont, built-ins ~ dish-Family room. 01,11ner w a sh er. Parking for \Viii help with t·losing bo_at or cam per. Full costs on FllA or V t\. price, $30,950. 540-1720 Full p rice , $32 ,500. Half gone in half a yea r and the rest wit\ not last long. Hurry to see this distinctive Newport 'Beach development of condominium homes, built-in cl usters around handsome courtyards. homes. -Finest in the area, super clean Jj\; TIIIS CONDO -L.J\'I" In the prt"S"tig'\ous BLU1''F'S. friendly location. N•w """"''" lil• entry, new OWNER IN FLORIDA OPEN DAILY 2 6 PM t'Ar!X"IS & drapes, pleasant . Eight superb models. each a masterpiece of luxury. comfort, convenience and quality construction. Sundecks, fireplace, wet·bar, · • · fireplace, targe homey SHARP 3 BEDROOM home \\'lth new carpets 1801 S•ntiago Dr., NB kitehen, . J bedroomll, 2i.:i and thruout. Assumable FHA loan, no quall- 540-1720 1600 H.rrow Pl .• NB haths, nght-00 thf> lovrly fying or new loan charges. Vacant. $28,950. GN."CnbcH. O~ of the bes!! ' $62,500. 644-7270 R&DUCED $4000! BEAUTIFUL elegant Master Suite, Sun-Liteo kitchen, Be au ti Cu I Newporl MESA VERDE private enclosed doub le garage. Recreational ,....~ • 645-7221 ~> • .,. HERITAGE 0 • REALTORS 544).1151 Open Eves. PICK YOUR COLORS I~'""'!!!!!""''""''""''""'!!!!!!!'""'!!!!!!!'""''""''""''""'""'' CD:\! DUPLFJ(. &~o.utiful General General Heights 4 bedroom . on \Vonderfully decorated facilities include heated swimming pool. I a lovely tree Ii n e cl executive 3 bedroom, 3 lighted tennis courts, sauna. therapy pool. street. Richly appointed bath home in a. very All · b ·1d· d d -1 VI U\.1°'211733 WESTCLIFF DR. ~ NEWPORT BEACH rusiic 2 bedrocnn, opcnl'.jjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil beam cci1in~ 1\·ith charm-11 prestige area. Features exterior u1 1ng an groun s main enance I Interior with dining a hurie family room. provided. Satisfy your curiosity-see : ' room, dream kitchen. " N t C od 1 tr******************- 1 1 Two fireplaces. Family Two fireplaces. Dinin g ewpor rest t ay. . room , chef's kitchen room. Great downstairs "lh ythi g I! t" Two, Three, and Four Bedroom Condominium Homes ~ ;r"ecreation room. And wf 1 11 ev1erd n ·d ea~ hi-from $62 995 ~~\'tr"l.!.. .... , blue Pacific view! Great u ,Y an sc~pe \Vlt . ' ,.,.... ........ buy for $75 500. 540· fruit trees, f15h pool. A Financing Availa_ble at 7l/4 °/o * r 1720 ' home you's be proud to · own! $56,000. 540-1720 2955 HARBOR BLVD. I COSTA MESA 540-1720 General General · ing brick flrepla('{>, bulltin ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I kitchen in this front unit. FRO. NT ROW • Jusr B E 1 NG COM-MESA VERDE PLETED '° yoo can pick TE , your 01\·n colors a n d IRVINE RR, LOVERS cao·pet,. 3 B1'<1 twnt. 2 both, f\.1AGN l F'ICE:-,jT VlE\V OJ.' Don't mis.'! ttris gorgeous 3 c.m:y firepJace, bu i I t i 11 H ARBOR & OCEAN, LO-&>dJ'OOm heeuty v.ith SP.'l<'· kik'hen. Best location Old C,\TED DI ONE OJ.' NE\\'. iou!! faintly l'OO nl. You'll Coram del ~Jar. r.ti.500. POR'r ·s MOST PRESTIG-<k-light U1 'th(' 1"\ISl"lc OflC'n 644 7270 IOUS AHEAS. BE.\tITIF1JL-IK'an1s and aII the gia.o:s • LY DECOR., \VITI! EXTE:'\1-doors•'-'" 1vinckr.vs make for a SJVE USE 01'' f' IN E realiy hrighf· ,r, air')' feeling. \\'OODS. S/10\\'N B\. APP'T. llUJ,,>t> mas er l:x.~lroo1n "l!h GOLF COURSE (>llc•h;isl'd atriurn & ~p.1.riou:<i baths, <'\'i'll n SUNKJ<-:>J CONDO RENT TUB: L01\DS 01'~ STOR· READY FOR SALE OR LEASE 646 GREENFALL RD. , Nice 3 hr., 2 ba.1 beam celling, lg. living rm., no "'ind, quiet street, close in. 10% dwn., 10% second, 81h ~~ on balance. $44,500 or lse. for $425. mo. DALE WULLNER 556-BlBl Agent or 642-1771 " AGE CABINETS! Pri ce or lease/Option $-M.900. Gener•I General ENJOY COUNTRY CLUB l---------I CloMoutl !-'~Gen~'".'"r•"l•""'""'""'""'""''"'"~G~.n~.~r"'•".'1 ""'""'""'""'""' .. I ' $22,500 OCEANFRONT I : for this in1n1aculnte, upgra.d· DUPLEX : ed 3 bedroom11, 2 bath11, only 3 B<lrnui. ea. unit : 2 Baths. ,1' • 2 miles from the beRch. Car parking. Ne\v]y painted Seller "'ill pay loan ft'e11 so & redccor. Priced at you can buy FlfA ~ilh as $175,000. F1om Pacilic Coa)t Highway t .;+;t.;; cind Superior Avenue (Balboa ~'!<f">l'<y'i' LIVING WITH F:L NIGUEL ~ CO~TS 4000 Sq, ft, 8ullder'1 GOL1'', S\VJJ\U.11 NG & TEN-• When you list with C d I Ma looking Jor a cuMom horn•, NIS 1\VAIL. P..IGIIT ON • WALLACE OU orono • r \.\"ith a view, In exclusiw TllE F,\JR\\'AY, \\'!Tl! 3, REALTORS us, y RHOME Is For ttlOSC \\'ho aPPT'@Ciate oom1~.\~i:'>°, on a Th~ ~ Hit., 2 HA. & BE.\UTIFUL-advertiMCf in Home fine custom construcUon and that !l.Ul,M .. ho1"'3eS! en "'' t Hiiie as Sl.000 dO\\"n, or you Call: 673-3663 &.12-6963 Eves. Bl\•d.), drive up Superior to Ticonder'ogi\, and directly ~o N!!wpot'l Crest lnlorm.Jtton LY. FlJH.'I., i\"E\V LESS ~141-for Living m•1•· excellent terms. 5 bedrooms, all me&Jm ltop by! Only 2 Tl!A'.li A YE,\ll AGO. $;~95 (Open Evenings) zine in more then fainily room. formal dlnina-homes le.ft! Each home of. n1ay \\.'Rill to Rss ume the ex· i'tlng loan at 011ly 51,;-;~. 646-mt, o~n t-ves. associated Center. Ti!lephone: (714) U45-61<11 Sales Office open d.,ily 10 am. to sunsel .\101\'""'rllLY OH. ESTABLISI ' """'""'""'""''""-""'""'"I 900 d roon1, 1•-e .,..me room fel't 4 B1l, 2\li BA, 2500 , areas-an cus-·e. e.-.. .. r 1··~ A CURRENT PURCHASE -----------and a glorious panoramic ll<f. "· o lvu•5 area., BR OKfR5-REAlTOA S 10 2~ W Balboa 67l·JllL'f PR ICE & SAVE \\'ITH A BUILDER'S tomers are sent to ocean vie\\'. 700 11q. n. of "'OOd OOcldJV LEASE & OPTION TO PUR. CLOSE OUT-you as referrals PLUS on view Aide of home, 3 car CHASE. CALL 675-&XIO from our over 770 Ren1oval of Ont' non·structur-gnr., 1000 sq. ft . of stonp l'""'OR DETA ILS. FAIRLANE GARDENS afflliatei of NMLS. al partition expand& the uodCT hoult(', raised wood Walker & lee whue Eleph8n1 01m•·A·L;nc Ill&\ llTATI ::,=.:::....:=:::=:=:==:::_ j call lod&J> &l2-5678. * Typical cunvt·ntional financing of 30 year loan : Cash pi-it.'<! of Plan l S62.995: dmvn payn1ent Sl2.695: 360 monlhly payments of S.361.00 (prin- cipal & intcJ"est) at 8~~;, ANNUAL PERCENT· AGE HATE. PLEASE CALL AN ADULT CO"'ll\1UNITY gan1e roon1 to a full 24x3i ~~i-~~'t'tt~~ ,..!i! 675-3000 Oiildrm must be 16 or over. 2828 E. Coa1t Hiway rumpus ruom. · ""J v-.,...., General Gan•r•l 2 BR l' BA ..., ooo .,. Coron• del Mor AND bel!lm eeilines, extra Ip ' ~ · ..... ·· a .tJ master suite~ w/la.ntastk: do\vn. 3 BR, l'i~ BA, $23,flOO. ---------1SO'ii-rlna.11clng currently '-~th pl bl ~ 5~-Q tl0\\11. Builder pays all ---------1 available at a,pprox. 8\~·;~. ...., · ~ um ng, ~ cosls except imoound ac-The Real Estate Fair Top value at $155.000. orator' hard-A'U"e thruout. · l'llwporto.n1o·•,...ajKf"'PKtflc-".c~...... • L"Ounls. 1\gt. SJ0..4206. CALL 644.7211 ram.ily room with y.·et bar, f}jli:U' ,\ llE\1'11 ' llE.U.'f\' l\f'. ~!.:':'·-.. 1t-...H.&-c..._.i,_G1o...,. .. c..tr.uoc ·-...= -EXHIBITS -and many quality-extru. E~T l~\'1 b7' lOJ: ---' l!i+ .. ipitilij~~ptf~/ L:Ji The fa!ltest dra\V Jn the \Vesl. See th£ \ at USU Ba.'Tett ,,., .• ..,,.,.,,.. ..................... .,, ............. ,......,"'"-'••'l<l'••••..i"'""" S M k On Lane N Tustin '·""·s ~· ................... ""-'"' .. ""' ..... 1 ................ h ~., •. 1 ... ~.i~····,···~'.1",., ,,...,..,,.....,..,.,.....,,..., .•. a Dnlly Pilot Clas•'ofi-.. pace • er e ' . n.i.u;o,......,. ,...,_, ... ...,. .. ~--......... 1 .. --..... ,.""'--···-··""" 1 • .,,,. ~1 I mod I . BKR at property 332-5141 ·' "•"' ::i. ··P::irl"~e-arla-tl! Ad. 642-5678. • 1 "'ost popu ar e .'" or fi.&5.6646. o....:. """-~-~~-----~--,------I · Greenbrook. 4 Bedrm Ill-r-• .._ 111111111 ...... General General I General •General eluding spacious n1aster, ---------1 Thun. thru Sun., 1-6 P~I. gourmet kUchcn, formal Want ad reliUlts ..... d4Ui678 Nttd a "Pad '"!' Plot.Ce an ad! ELEGANT -ECONOMICAL dining room , huge family General Gener•I Just right for senior couple in your family. fl_ I () IJ room. plus BONUS R00~11.;;.c==-------'-'-c.;o'-----~1 2 & Den condo with fine viev .. & greenbelt, eJ..i11da JJ(e l fnr do-it-yours<'lf .'ity l c. I Bluff Pricrd for 11uick 1>a I c n s. Priced lo sell. $69 ,500. Jim Muller PRESTIGE WATER FRONT HOMES ~'4.500. c.,11 now Th• nool TURTLE ROCK HILLS r::i~1 Fail' S3fµll33 JUST REDUCED ! "President" home. Out· Linda Isla Waterfront Franch standing view; 4 BR .• family room . Fee land. Lovely 4 bdrm., 4'fi ba . home with swim-Counti'Y Charmer $89,950. Call for app't. Paul Quick 1ning pool. pier & sl ip. panoramic view of 1sc ASSUMABLE 1nab1 channel. Lge. family rn1. w/space for Statues. birdbaths and hnng· 114' OF BAYFRONT -$72,500 billiards & family dinin g. Waterfront formal Ing plants c1oen te u French A su per-prin1e corne r location. near 1nain dining & living rnl. $290,000 . country garden tn the park channel on Humboldt Island , llunt. l-Iarbour. • like grounds of this 3 0 bo h h · k I I For Complete lntormation bedroon1 ho1ne. Gnioious , \\'ners ug t on1e. \Vant qu1r sa e. Cal NEWPORT HEIGHTS GIANT living' roon1 ,v{th brick George Grupe On All Homes & Lots, Please Call: lit'epl•ce. loth thcltered u· BIL GR Noy AL 0 x 4j' pnUo for entertaining. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY L U , RE T R EXCLliSIVE private street o[ line homes. Cone>~tc P\ld roe 1rallec oc 4-Plex in \Vest Nev .. port Beach. steps to 341 ~ysidt Or., Suitt 1~. 675-6161 Magnificent park-like grounds. 3 car ga· boot. A must to 'ltt. Can to. ocean & channel. r o ni p a r c . fhen buy! rage-Boal and trailer-access. AIL huge~ do.y The Real Estate Fa.1!-' $122,500. Call Dean Kring. General ,General rooms. Hide-a-way master suite with 3rd 839-61~•;. Dawn-________ ----bath. 2 Bedroom .childrens wing. Maids B h E I OCEANFRONT LDT MESA VERDE DON'T STEP IN ~uarters . Gourmet kitchen. Ban~uet formal He 1 •t• Onl y 40 ft. Jot available. Spectacular corner Unbelievable! J1uge lot·room HURRY! This ho11lC is nc1~· THE PAINT ining. Entertainers t;'tio over ookin~ se-Jor pool and teM'--·rl loc.ll·on . Pen1·n. Pt . 'fr1'-level 1ilans avail able. ~ -~ · on r h~ mnrkcL Freshly eluded rear grounds. ust sell. TAK AD• 1\1.'0 story, 4 soaclou• -$160 ,000. Bill Bents pAint<'d in nnd out. f1 BUCKET VANTAGE, Call 64S.:0303. bedrooms, grocioWJ ltvlng Bedrooms, 3 Baths. Fan1ily because this lovely homes' room with brick fireplace, OCEANFRONT VIEW CONDOMINIUM Room. fireplace, otrered for jus! heen fjnished. It's all fonnal dintni. 2 large aide On a private J..a.guna beach \Vilh tennis, 2 $59,900. Cnll COL\\'ELL ne1v & sparkling. New green VERMONT FARM HOUSE yards, boat gate. A family pooL'i, beautiful grounds; 2 bdrms., 2 baths. 646-0555. shag carpeting 1n n!I roo1n11. • llze hOme. Take advanl•&I?! Lots of parking. Spotless cond. Hurry! BALBOA 3 tmgc h•d1·oom • with 31. ACRE-REDUCED. $29,950 ~~ate IJf~ ,:C2551n.g; tnatehing baths, \\"hile brick 74 $58,950. TRIPLEX fh .. pl•C<'. Lar1:c bock ,. ... ,. 839-<!133 Y V.IEW tu1yonr e~n 11ssun1<' 1hi1 VA R II ' 1 d t 1 t p Assumable 6%% MILLION $ BA U<'~! f!1u1nclng R\"ilih1UIP. ln"n \\"lltl total )"ll1ymen1 or 0 1ng green awns an sta e y rees. ic· Nestled an1on1: giant trees Pier & float. beach & trees, on gold coast 011·nrr 111u\" cu i·rv l~t T.D. ~230 ix.•i·/nio. s.'tlt•i· ii·ill tu~esque grounds. Old y..·orld architecture. nnd Ivy oovered grounds ls near N.H.Y.C. Forn1al L.R., ~ourmet kitchen ; Belo"' L"Uri.'!l11t r3tes. nioy h1'lp l!n1u1c<'. Priced at Step down Jna ster suite with 5th bath. Den thl1 farn1 st,yle ho1ne, 4 BR., 3 baths. $200,000. Bent s ~t'c~rt I> re P" 1 ti lnter('.~L $28.aoo. Call ~94~11 with r~ged beams. Maids ~uarters. 23' spacious living t'O('!ln ~'Ith lBR. 2BR, 3BR. ,\II funil~h· T E TC N d' cozy oountry f Ir e p lac I!!, COR NER LOT WITH PIZZAZZ ed. rxcclle11r t'011<tlllon. Coll AV Kl HE . Form ming, 2 large eat-In kttchen with COL\\'ELL 64G-ffi55 guest c.ottages. 2nd story apartment. Dance corner cup~.~, fe"""'d 3 BR. with large. cozy den. M~ny extras. Pavilion and pool. Call 64~303. grounds w11h':u'ld0or 1iliiii. Lovely la ndscapin g. On fee land. Near b;st ASSUME 7 1/2 °/o Walker &·tee and !rult """'· 8!/m• thlnR school,. tcnni< & r hurches. !72.500. Call INTEREST "" """ HARBOR VIEW ~:1 ;~1~3t:fl:iSoi'"' n.aJ Harriett Davies ' £ko<Jmom. 2 Bnlh Lovl'iy , BA YCREST-NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR VIEW HILLS n·•lt.lentlal <'Ul-<lc-11ac 11tl'et't 2 · 6 bed 29• f il Oce1nfront /(r I neo' Back "·iy. 0 ""''"' 10, NEWPORT story giant, rooms. am y room. 1Jelighl.ful 3 BR. home. family rm. w · P c.: s.<1.!IOO. c'i:'u COLIV£LL ,_ __ 1EACH ---l• Elegant stepdown livlng room. Formal dln-SpMlth •11>1• 2. hbet!;oom 1wlm_mlng_ P4?..f>I ocean &-bay v:iew. -Owner -lng..-Hug._private estat.eAonl •110 000~ . ._. bctich coUaJl'.c wit 1t1Ump Wlll le&Se/opUoO or Jea~e for $650 per month. Groat tu.m il)'. home • ~ Call 645-0303. · ~ ~!lxl~~~=-Rf!:, - $89,500. Cathryn Tennille. bedroom • ~ b9.ths • very detalJs The Real Dtate funcUonnJ floorPlan • many °(air ~2551 °' 83'iHi1!3 • • lo\.•dy featuret on quitt &treet • Idler wt.II hel~ finance • s~.00'>. Submit ex- ehO.llJil'.f'$. 6-$-7lil. OPCN 71l 0 • IT"S FUN JO SE Nat ~;!1 · · ~1\·~n :~~u}n~,1 '~1~)~11 1[::~~· -~~· ~~'~ij~ft~·~·~J~!~j~~·~ll ·to Sho~ Re1u1h">!-642--5678 ... _~ -••• , •••• JJ • FOREST E. OLSON I 'l< REALTORS 2299 HARBOR BLVD MS.0303 NEW TRIPLIXEI . and DUPLEXES In COSTA.MESA OPEN D.AIL PToco ntlo et WllHI! Orange COUntY A~rtment • Ex.clu11ive -!\J(ent 541~1 -· r I MACNA 'B IRVINE LA CASA DE SANTIAGO Large 4BR, 31'. bath. Huge corner lot. Prestige neighborhood -best sc hools - landscaping-sprinklers. $125,000 Fee. Bob Owens 642-!1285. (K41 ) MAKE YOUR OWN BAY Vl&W NewPort Heights 2BR/FR. Easy Potential for 3 or 4. Has mini view already. Lots of charm. Only $64,900. Lois Miller 642-8235. (K4JI) "CONDOMINIUM LIVING" Choice location. 3BR. Large panoramic deck. custom interior. $68,500. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1·5 pm. ti& Vista Bonita. (K48) ATTENTION DOCTORS! Excellent location for medical center dOWl)lown Costa Mesa (80xl40) w/older home-income $2100/yr. $42,500_ Adjoin· ing corner available. }larriet Perry 642-8235. (K48) MILLION DOLLAR VllW-$67;500 Spacious ortilnal Bluffs. 2BR, 2 bath, dln- ~rtvate-dlnlng-terrace. Ron Sh~rman 64U2SS;-(K49) - THE FAMILY RETREAT Immaculate 4 F. nesUed In Huntington Beach1s imr.resslve Fashion Shores. New· ly listed. Wtll sell last at $51,'llO. Lois Mill· r 64:1-8235. (l\28,,_ ___ :..,__~11 I liVlna I • ..... ,,, ...... -."""'c" i•• ... __ .... _ r • EQ Two ''" cl \Vra1 Jin m at °" w I• fat or "' lo el lri w co Ii VO $1: c R to g c ' II c f I> " " ) • ·---·· --I WtdntMlay, Stp1.tmbtr 26, 1973 DAILY PILOT 49 I~ .__I __ ,_ .... __,!~ [ J~!~g~~;,~L~OT~-~A~OV~E~R~l~~ER~~~~-~W~'4tlf~~~~~~·~S~··~~,~~~·~2~b,~l~9~7l~~~~~~~ ! -·"-]~ [ -"' ... I~ I [ -....... I~ I -.... I~ ! -~·-,.. l••••••••il' Hunth19ton Leh 1 "911 Et1ate. """''' I ~! 1t ... 1 Ettate, ""'"'" I ~ I ;ml :_,!!!!!! ..... _1.r~l~.·1 Ganer1t COMPL ETELY EQU-IPPED CAMPING FACILITIES t'Y.o d\l'imtnlns.: poolJi. 10 can11> !fllL'li, flll5h tollet11, r.1;11ger and t•w11p iflrN101""6 ho111e111. F'ull ('("111\01 issary and kitchen. 1'in1ben.'tl \1•il h Oflk, eeda.r & Pb.le -IM:r 4000 elev. $XIOJ)OO. HIGH COUNTRY, UNDEVELOPED AT LAST! Wnler (In pt,.'l"lel't)' . 200 AOl't.'t Un1bcfecl \1i th pine, oalt & cedo.r. G1'f•a1 fo1· nlOl.or or mobll.:> hoine i.ill°'· Prlcx'fl tt1 $.%0,0Ck), PETE BARRETT -REALTOR- 642-5200 DOVER SHORES 5 BEDROOM General NEW LISTING EASTSIDE-e.M . 1...aJ·)Ce 1-wu11ui ruo10. btm1 tt:tltl' 10 htl'Mf' yai'd, frult ll't'CI, 3 Ult 1 1~ 'UA, Irving r111, lai·.i.;t· l"aniily klh,.i1, tn;.'Stil y puintc·d Inside &. out, St:~ ttits bl•fOl'l!: you buy. e ANYTIME e '4$.3921 or Evo. 54&-9416 Lachenmyer1 Realtor 1 $76,500 Truly one-of-a-kint.I super cui;toniized Hru·bo1· Vl1~w ho1nt1• Spacious 4 bdr1n, 2 li!IOl')' execuUve hoine. For thl· be~t in schools, recrea- llon Hild f11 n1ily livin.':. &1~711.1 eve11. 2043 \VeRtt liff Or. Coron• del Mar ... --·----· ~-.. -Huntington &Mc:h "-'=~...;....;... __ , TH£ RAMBL ING NEW DUPLEX ROSE FRANCISCAN FOUNTAINS \Jll UliUlf.Jly_ nice brand ne" •. • 1Si1t&le •1ory l bc..:h·oo,11, du11J1•x Weil loca11,>(J touth 1" Ila.th, farnud du\l,1g, of H.ieti .... ·ay, Three th.~roon1 ta.mlly IWOl, 111111 :.:'(XXI Ml BY THE SEA 11 G $9 500 rt R1)(1 a hill.:e 11001. 011'1l·r un ii. ro.e. ' a year. very JUJX~; is HUillllliru.: Ohf. of Huolington &-aCh's Asking $109,~. new 1.:arpe1 s thl'UOul. Thi:. n1onl d1 ·sh'ablu IOcatlous. 1 hontt will bo in 1110\•t.·-in 1.011• Bil, lui~t< h1.mlly 1001n 11•ith dlHon .. i"ountaJn V1:11J,•y ui·ci1. Pul..x V1•1"dt•.s ilOlll' fir('P..l:u ... -t WHITEWATER VIEW $45,9'.la. CALL 846·3:i77. n1•st.IL'(I a tn o n g $55,0CN:l .. LIVE IT UP honH'7'. 1\.,sume 7';~ \o11n or ShQl'e<:htf~ finert r ~*a. I e '. 2iJ(l(l sq ft o! Uvin , iu~·a 1\\ f!11111u·lng: 10 i;uil. 346,TJO. J,.ovely five bedroom hOmt. .. !: . , : 0 (hvnur 1rrm:sfel'l'l'li. with "''hilt> water vtcw. Old story plus <'x_tz,1 l:tri.:1 fl'JOI. BRASHEAR REAL TY brick f!replace5 In bedrooms. 5 BedruotllS, .~ ?-1_' IS, ff1.1nlly Ask. $250000 roon1, fom1a1 11tn1ng and all * 968-117K • in.: • . the electrlt• h11!r tin,;, Profes-0 on:wN FAMILY HOME slonally lunt.lscorxxl h'Ont & :-\ rear wil/1 !<p!'lnkler .~ysleiu. 1·s•o1;· rl11,1 bllng 5 &-dt'l)Ol'll Oloice cul de-· sac location in P!'efJl.it(e al't'a. S-17,500. CA LL c~tatt• 11•11h nlllS{l'i' suill" Harbor Viev.·. t'our bedroom 963·5621. llugc farn lly roon1. "Copper pool hon1e . gre~i.t Joc1u:Jon SPANISH VILLA kettle" ki1chc11 1_1ilh i'sland for ~L~I act1ve fa{l11ly. Five yt>ar olcl honie in bc<1uli-lW k l'l'lllPr., Big custon1 Asking $98,500. ful ix'ach area "'ilh n Span-ptt.tlo & i>p;.u·kl1_m: 1IOC'll, Ol1·n· Call S75-'7225 tsh flair. 4 Bedroon1s, 1 '~ er1 11"ii~ nt>CQUttlt' 1 Ior1 fa.st hnth, 1virh fan1ily fll'P<t off SI.I e, 00 nanit• I lt' c r1ns the kitchen. Lovoly neighbor-or u·y no !llOfK'y .J~~~n._\'A! hood, cuJ -i.le-suc i;trect ivitJi Only $-13,7;)(). Uk1 .iri-·:xill. .;::--...1 M cxcellcnt _a1>Su1uah1t• lo.'\n. Harbour View 6'!$. VA, $19'J JICr 11111 PtTI. Mnvt• io L'Oncl. $36,9'J5: Ci\LL Brm! ttl'liun vlc11• l1·t1111 y1our Lido 1110- MOVE.IN COND. Cornplctely lumiihttd. 3 BR. plu1 tna.td's. 31, &'11. Only SO It. l<tt a \'nll, on Nord 01 rhc p1-es1·nt l'in1c! NL"" I}' drt'Or. Pier & illp. $285.000. ONE OF A KIND Lido's ltt.!it <.'On1tr lot, !!lrett to 11ll'Ct't 35xB8, 1a·ro:s11 lx•ach & lenni.s ct. $65,000. VIA LIDO NORD 4 Bdl1:ll!. & 5 Blllh~: nutgnlfi ccnt cuslOtU home, $16-1,000. LIDO REALTY 3377 Via Lido. N'pl Beach * 673-7300 * ALCOBA 3 Br, F.R., cust drps, lgt> ki1, green shag. $36,900. Conv. 01· assume loan. PRJN ONLY . &30-88a4, 0\1'1\el', ALCOBA Li." Ul\'111.'l' 3 BR, 2 BA x-Jge fan1 rn1 as.<nnne 71~r; l()an Xlnt cond. 8:17-7()-l:l. lrw:ome Property 1'6 Income Property 166 Medical-Dental • 26 Suites 26 pride ol ownership suites. Large eenler. A<lajor cross streets. Over 27 ,000 sq. ft . ~Ii re- turn. Low n1aintenance. Se{lsqned leases. $200,000 down . Ca ll for profit analysis. 2 112 Acres Beach Blvd. 245 Ft. Cully improved frontage on beach boulevard. 21fJ acres total. Zoned C-4. Great value at $1.83 sq . ft. Call Today. Newport Ocean Front \'ie\V of Catalina Island. 3 story, 16 room Duplex. 7000 sq. fl. of executive living. Roof top sundeck. A trul~ handcrafted ho n1e. Pride of O\vnership. 0\vner \Vill finance. Call TIO\V. '( 2 Acres R·2 Beach town loeation. Near ocean. Outside coastal zone. 2 acres. J{-2 zone. l un it for 2000 sq. ft. 0 .K.! 0\\'ner \Viii finance. Call fas\. Mortgegot. - TruJI Dud.I WE LL SECURED • $84!V), 1nr1 'r'i1L'i"I Deed it,, inti!rt'lit r!ur 3 yrs. \\"Ill 9'»- t~11Jnl SiikJ. to yif,ld 13'; _ SIGNAL i\ll)R'l'GA(;E ed. 171.J) :i.l6--0100 1:,00 Can1pus Dr, N.B, I ~"T' TO ~II-secure.: llt!A:&OO- e.t: hal. $1',.1,7R5: P,'1)11 5640. 1110. ilwl. !()(,}: all due 1979: fol' $4~.6'19. BLI:>: 3, Apple Valley, C1:1llf. 9TJ07 (7141 212-31-14. -tor- Houses Furnished .~ I Gttn•ral llA(,1-l, n1alf' sludent SS5 cl 10 park. ltt'St'r\'e llO\\', CU1'E 1 Br. Sl !J. nr ~ch. 111tttw-e guy or gal . <111.if.1. {ll.\N~f;L I hr $115 yrl,r. 546.1600 Si .. ~ to ap1111•ela1c ! ! JSL.;\..i\.'U 2 br )15(> S'.!W yrly. 847-358-t liv. rn1. & Jin. 1111. deck. DNL Y $33,000 VIEW HOME I "'-"""""' " "u1" by ""'" Walker & Lee Wells !01· c.'\eculi\'l! 1·11· 111, ... ~ .111 .1., 1 Newpart Bwech I D• • . ol1tc1•, but 1..i.11e. j:al:oi prr-r. nvestrnent . IYISIOft NP'T J>ier 3 br. 2 bn $263 11Titr, Huntington BLUFFS THE REAL ESTATERS "'""· •1<1, & '*" -'""11. tertalnini; & (;on1fo11uhl1• I_::::=:"':=====:".. fan1ily living. 5 l3Nh·oon1 s DUPLEX or use one HS u c<Ul\'1•r1ihlc den or s ludy, 3 b,'\ths, ~Xt'l'lk•nt c.'()111l!llun. 1'1·1l·ul•• fornial dinin~ roon1 for • /~1Pkyn1\I ,11 l!h l' 11 v t r !.' 11 <'legant s t 11 t f' QC('a.slons, palios. Ell'1:B·ic· h111ltl11 l..i!· frlerKUy \1·rt bar in thr 1·ht•111<. P1•(Jhlcn1 .f1\•<' & only v.·arnl fHlnily rooin. r·ront I $3~.950 .. 0 1vll!'t' \\'ill l'lltTy courty.u'd pa tio 1vith heated finan1·ini.: 11 ith $j(J()() do\1·11 . pool. Foreve1· vl~11• of nibht ! C \LL f)il;)-.'i-12-1, SouthC11 WALK TO A PRIVA~ BEACH * $56,500 * bCF:,\i'JF"RONT 4 br S300 11Titr Harbour "LINDA" • favorite onC' story 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f! sng1 ... niatur{'. Nov.· Realty . ;; BR . 2 BA _ 11uperb I· NICE & tM"t\' 3 IJr, 2 Ba S300 lbelt $6..q 500 Income Property 166 II); gar, apJ)li, n1a•u.rc. 17214 O)ASI' J{\\'Y. gl'e!!I . ' . $3:«1 -BBQ. appfi, 2 pllti91' lighls ,I',, UP/lt.'I' bay. Be~\ J{i-ullur:;. value iu (K)Vf'r Shores al $137.fffl. T11•l i;::ene1"Uus si.:u>£1 i:JNI: 171·11 846-13$4 & 121J 1 592-2$-ti "}o~R.AN'CISCA" . split lew l •1 1~;;~;;;;;;!1~.@~j 1 has 2 hr, 2 btt -ki.ng & h\'1'.tl 1~.1C1111~. u 1oon1y kil l'h"n, a 3 BEDROOM 3 BR Townhouse. Refrig, 1i\e entry . ne 1\' rpt\_ h'ff ..._,_Wt Bread & Butter ALA Rentals 642..a313 li\•i11g roon1 nll chinl' i111.Pn1-$27,500 pool, children ok. Assuntc lined gt't.'('nb('ll, 359,950. l~.<\'fr'ROi\'T 5 BH, pri lwa..:h, on Yl·llO\vs anct Li1nc• G1wns 7•,· FHA, low do,,.,,. Income Un1'ts 1• f 1 1 1 ' ,, .. "llEN'TAL" . 3 BR's, $490. 11•r, rp t ", 1s 111•s.1r. inter. thnt's so light and 5unny lil'I"(' is the n10s1 fantastic 968--1486. Newport Beach $..)lltl 67:~·9Q.la 1ffn.6ffi5. C. F. Colesworthy Realtors 640-0020 tha1 lt_looks like part_of the hon1" for 1tl!• pri("l' in 1hci~=.-'-'=------·-- pnrlf.-l1ke ga rden outside. J·lun1iru.,'1on Be111·h n r" a. Irvine Please Cnll: s+t-L150 ::sR house near O(:can, 1011. * FIVE UNITS* Balboa Island Park Huntington Pool f\tngnificenl pool. Tllilorcct ya1'CI anti drck. ~I o s 1 IX"Plllflr plan and a i;uper size lot at c11l-dt'-snc f'nd. F.njoy every convenience In pe&l 'f' and qui<'t. t:xCTHC'n1 lerrns includin~ possible 5"1'011dary rinun(·i n-;;. C.dl 903.{;767. ' OPEN T1L 9 • rr'S F-UN TO 8E NICC• THE REllL ESTllTERS LOVE IS: 2, :: .. 1: ·I BB. for 1·,·111 . it'!'"''"" Jca..;c· op!lon. CALL 644-7211 01v1u•1·s hav<' added a lru-r,:eJ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; doivn payntent, i\[ i 1,. s un large R-4 lo!, 60' x 305'. sep•u·at(> family room .~ BONUS ROOM CHARLOTTE LONG Larson Realtor. ST.l-S363. Cnn1<istant in,"On1e $Rfl0. rer have inst11tled a <'har-broil RJ.::ALTO l't SINCE 1950 rno. ONE l·BR. FOUR 1-BR B-ll-Que & bllr on thf' patio .. · · ttnd 3 bdrms. · • · IX"Ptllar 1'RADE Ne\1'pot1 B e a ch units nNlr lliu·bor Shopping 9jj!j!jjjl!fl!!lif!l!ll Tht• yi:ll'd is beautifully Oxford model to\\-'T\/1ot1s(' Prop. for Out-Of-Town Ccl\!cr. landscniM'd & includes many O\'<'l'looking beautiful gt"t'Cn-! ""~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....... ~~"l"'!!' I Prop. Bkr. 714/673-205!1. $79 500 DUPLEX <."Ort1cr, eharnilng, by u11·n,.r. 500 Poinsettia, _9.ill'n 1~_<_!.a~IJ~y·~--­ Costa Me w *INCOME* Two laBdrm. Units fhl'ne1 tlexiblc-on ,~-:-~,.;'lg fniit tl't.'1:'s. You 111ust st.-e bell. l)(>lightfuHy decorated: GRAND OPENING Newport Heights • • lhis honie to nppreciale the shag cnrp. throOut, \\•ith rlhl. Newport Bay Towers many extrns that have l>l'l'll lhit:k pad. PanC'led bonus 1 & 2 BEDROOl\o1 ROOM TO ROAM addL'CI. &Itel' hui·i'Y. 1·111. n1akes ideal family c!e11. CONOOMINJUl\1 HO?i-fES * ELEVEN UNITS * $129,500. COATS ,. WALLACE REALTORS 962-4454 Only $6.1 ,500 Incl. Jund. B<iyfl'on1 Hon1es 011·nt>r 11·iJI con.sider leasing. Boat Slips CALL 552a7500 t"ul! .:Security lfighrise IS I 0 N Steel & L'<>UCl'Clc construction Private Balconies 2 garage S!><IL"e."i per unit. • d h'jj Roor top sundeck re I UnuS1.Jal Opportunity to Pur- l WE -BUY HOMES 1 ,. "T\' RE ILTO ,, cha.~c Bayfront Properly in 1. Cash for yo;1r equity {\:",~ . . . 1 • R:s ' Nt>11·port !Beach. 2. \Viii pick up back paytnls Univ. Paik Cente1, lrVllk' 310 Fernando Hd., N.B. 3. No charge for ap1>1-. 675--8551 l..nl"b't? cus1on1 built hon)e, 12 roonis: 4 BR, 2 00, huge ?ri('(! just reduc.'C'd $lj,000 for rec. & ram. r111., ulility & a t'll..•.h-0111 ~ah'. 1'hi,.; is a laundry rnis, ,&. office or 1· l'"al OPLX>l'1ttnily to 111ake den. Lge. living: r 111 · 1h1' best b11i"l111e pu1·i:h<t."e 1\•(('har111in~ frplr. Lge. I this year. Current hH'Onle kitch@n ll'/a11 b It -i n_s · Sl·l()S. per 1110. i\fany, niany l'Xtras. Asking $68.500 or "'ill lca.~e-option. CALL 0 '46-J.41.4 Newport II ·I BR house !\\'ail llO\I' for ~ n10. lease. l.n1s of 1uo1n. STUDENTS \VELCO~IE. Cull (2131 289-8366. t r nu an.<;wer leave 1n c 9-S age fl i2!3) 582-5219. 2 BR. house, Jrplc, trg patio, 11•inte.r or yearly. • f213) 761-TI OO * Jo'URN. 2 BR fron1 house. Bttlboa Isl(', Yrly, $230 nM>. 49-l-4a21. =~--~~~ Cl-IAR!\JING 2 sty wtlge liv 1·111, Jrpl. 4 Bl', 2 B~. COOi! lOC'. \Vintt•r OT yrly, 673-7397. 4 BR. 2 Ba, frpl , pntio, 9 010. I~ at $350/mo. Yrly lse at S·WO/mo. Util p(t. 675--079Y, Balboa Peninsula to buy )'OUI' f3n1ily this gorl.!eoous 4 lxlnn biggie on a corllt'r lot Ylith OJX>n country $39.500 BALBOA BAY PROP. Ml'!'l'I. Ver'· ' •1 H<lrbor l"OR ~~,-~~\!ATE Laguna Beach BEACH DUPLEX NO \rAJTING A UTILE HOUSE Exterior ne11•ly painted. 3 BR ~~ Neer Newporr Po1t Offlc• F1lrviw WINTER rental $400. mo ttt "'Ill I June 15th. 6 Br, den, Jge -yard. view. GS-1410 Ci\SH N0\'11 & 2 BR, units, fi.J"('pl. dbl .S~Z-9371 WITH BIG IDEAS gar. In procPss of r'-Onlp in· terior de,coralin;,::. Besl buy on the beach. $76,500 spnl'f's. Also i11cludl's ~ iu:--:-1 Horse Prop'ertyl urlous baths. All this 1n • Q:i~ta ~f('j8. V.'hCl'\!. li\·ins i~ :1 Bn nx('r h(IUSC' on ·~ ;o 'I'•' 1------------1 fl"('(' nnd pasy. FHA And \'A 1 Jt. I l!il unit 1<i le. A~.~·r111 11'J_ If $1950 DOWN :":t>stlC!d in lhe hills ol I I & I 'II -La~una's fan1ed Rlvi<'ra 1rr111s a1·ailniJ 1• .a ~ ; li'' oan. {l1 1)t•r 111 1·nM')' g,•·: I\\'!..., s r.,·· roaslliiw, amidst 1 h <' 1!011·11 p1V1'.rn111 . \\,1111 la1<1 :?nil Tll. $11,0<XJ. Cull E t "d L . t" Joni;for~27.!X1L Call lil:>-.~-IOo'."•. I as SI e oca ion Greenery of ltt ll sh rub.~. It ~ BR, 2 l~A. 1000 sq. f1. Cpl.~. h11s a n OUTSTANDING [ VIS•lf I" I drpjt. fl'nce, landscllp<..'<"I. VIE\\' OF Tl~E OCE:AN. . ttmu nl & f.o.. sprinklers, a 11 int·lutlM. SURGING ON THE ROCKS I W lk & L . "'-I tAmo ~ • $4·1,950 Anyu11l' qualifil·s! BELO\\'. I a er ee I &l'H\177 a>KI 543-l444 --H-OUSE-OF-un;q"' 2 Jovel orchile<"- ~--·~·~·~·~·~·~ .. ~·~·-~ h.11"<'. FEATURES 2 5-f>-9-19! Open t>ves. Balboa Island * BUILD INCOME * GLASS BDR~IS & 2 BATI-15. One IOiiiiiiiii ... ..,iiii ....... iiiim., lxlrn1. & :\4 hath.ls located NI:.\\.' DUPl.F.X, fur sale by " Old& 'Z BR, Muse nn Sparuish hl>llS<> of i,:la~...:. 1 li)!h on IOll·er le\11?\ with sk•eping O\Vllt'.'I'. $l40,000. \at'ge R-2 101 cathN.ll'a\ l'cilil1g;;, l'l'.l•n·in;; lofl .".:. has separate t'n-FEE "E" 61! =JR 0,. ?''? .•n•o Good Ea:it!KidP Jocalion ndolx· fir(·pliH'f'. lt11~~· fi('l';fl:I ,,,,,,, •• , 1·1,• uppe• !eve.I fl" 1'URTLl-~ ROCh'. · P1i\'atc -= ~..,,,. SZ 500 ' • ' 4, 1'00n1. "at ~• ki o·h••T1 11il h f c>•lu,~· '10DFCRNISTIC El~, .. ,.,,.,,: .. •• Bluff~11 ""-A '·ard. sttal"tcni~ ~·ul·dl'·AAC" Balboa Pentnsul• RIVIERA REALTY "" ~-,, " --........ u• uie ""' ''"' SO<la rou:tla in b:1 r,~ vi,•11·of LIV. f"'·f .. IV/BLACK f ' I I I b-hon11•. ·I B1·d1"oon1s, 71~ 1,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 ...., pro essioiw touc 1 s o 14fl 0 -n-'v•v. C.>1. ran1hl1nv ):t'o1•11<l1. l.;tf'" IRON f'IREPLACE , EX-v•·ous A spa">·ou 2350 f> baths, ft.nmal dinirtf( nnrl '~'""'" ~ --· · • .... s sq. . rRinity roorn. :l.llL<;si'·" !iii.•. BAYVIEW-642-7007 645--5609 Eves.I n1aslcl' s11i lt' 11 i.11 1•1:1n1c TENSIVE USE 01" GLASS 1 bedroo1n, 1an1ily rooin 1 k. -I l r · On 1he Penin:<;1Ka h11 M1 6 W1>1·ks 10 b•·a 1 on & OPENS '1'0 LGF.. SUN home on fee land pa~. 11, tt•n s a 1·u u1r11·y s S·l~.500. ~llt' of ~tesa Verde'11 quif'i ni.1-~lc·sat• :imo11 , ,. DECK \V/OCEAN VIE\V. Only ·~.500 r!f;Ji ,hi. f-:shill' siZ(' :1 1•ru· Spuclo11:1 5 bt."<lroon1s 11ith hn"st U•• as 3 • <len 0,. 4 ~· . "· • ..... ,... cllll>ive excx.· ho111es. \"nlor · This chaJinjng little houi:-~ CALL ~nll Kal'ILJ:•'. Olfrrf'd u! $1H.251l. tlu1ing 1'0001, 1nads Of "Stor-tx:t1i11-or \\'hatevP1:. Vt us Jicvablc \oii· priec or s::~!.7jrl, J·I AS NE \\' \\If \V * 556-8800 -* , IT'S BIG 24x65 '72 MOBILE H01ne Located In the l\1eadov.•s, l ls:ll Jeff:rey Rd. Irvine, 2 BR, 2 BA. fam m1 1vf\\'et hllr, sprinkl~rs & 11·alled in pa11o, call S:'il-369.t e\•es or soo park oflice. ~EWPOR=T~B~AY~- "F',\NTAS'l'IC lNVEST~1ENT OPPORTUNITY" ' & V!\('a· Mn spot, c-..1bin & 21/V acres , $7995. Easy terms, low do\\'fl. Carey Realtors, &16-7414 or 833-0121 Ranches, Farm-s, Groves 180 \'a(·ant <ind r~llt.ly fQr your ai.::c, built-ins, fil'cpl1:1cc. sl-;iw you this pr1~e of 11.ll Hun-y, lmpc<.1 IOf!ay~ Bh'.R. CARP~ING & VINYL em 546-i""~saao"'inn, 0Y.'Tl('r has 1110\'ed, ~ru. ... 1 be pnZf'I. Call C.1\1. No. I. Co. 962-5.ill FLOORING THRV-OlIT. I. • "-n E-1. sold, even U1e furnitw·e """S. toda>• Quiot·-• R, a J t y · -...-,... ..~ • ......... Spacious red brick patio en-I Consklf'r any lrude or sub-642 2991 .Nev.· 2 BR, 1 BA living rm. mit at $75,001 Good fhmnc--· OWNER ('Olllpa~~ rear grounrls. -=====' ===' :: Adult park \\'/p1ivalc beach HORSE loveMi private ply ~· s .... HERITAGE . • REALTORS · ASSUME 7-!. VA LOAN The O\\·ner wi ll fun1ish • $16,500 540-3bi2 11111 build boarding & riding 1~,\CTFIC PROPERTIES Nice pool honie. $300) in-ANXIOUS PLANS FOR E.~PANSION. ''ISLAND PARADISE'' facilities to suit on 27 acres 1...,.,..,..-,...,....,.,..,. .. 67:'i·6712 or 6Q.1632 c,ludesBA &c~ng~s,; ,'!_BR,. LOVELY 4 BEDROO~I & ~hguS°Eel ~'TATT~I~ For fabulous f1:1mily living. in choice Capistra.no 1~ .' ..,...,,, r11 .. ._.., '"'~'a FAM.ILY -ivi1ti lat-g<' at-IDEAS'', is an outstanding Luxurious 6 Bedrooms, 5· 1 1tut£1t.te. 11.Jflf Equest~ian area. Lease ar-DUPLEX Coron• del u..r '$30,!YJO. Cllll Kr.n · Tarbell tractive pool Sharp lnnd Baths, 4,000 ~ .... ft. of quali· ~--·-··-.;liiiiiiiiiiii;;.;;;;; I rnngementfl, 833-8102. ,,.... Rllrs. 540-17'20 or ~27115. . · · opoortunitv !lt the price of ~, .._ ... 900 1 FINANCING ="-"-'"=-C,C~,-0'--'-"-"""'=·r~· ~access & rr~nt $49 500 FULL PRICE ty. Lush tropical L~nter 10 * TWP * BY 0 \\' N ER 4 BR kitehen. Pr11..:1· only S3.~.~j(}. ' courtya1-d. Priced to sell at ~ 81;2 0 10 INTEREST Colorful Cottanes TO\\'NHOUSE 1 year new, oi· offer. Excellent lerins. O\\INER FINMANA)'CE, HE L p $179.500. 154 I • I t Rare oUeri"" of ()Ce:'n ~Ide pool, .dbl ~r_. n~ Sch, & 546-5880 Open Eves. MISSION REA. LTY GRUBB & ELLIS Business Property f"inw:illl An Ideal sun1mer '1\'inter •-& sho-•ng S •~ ~··--R I · renta.I only 6 doors 10 8 of the h11')'. property of 2 ,,,, • ,;,..,,, a ...-! """' 985 So. Coast H>A·.v., Lap:una ea tars SALES·EXCHANGES-i\tGi\1T super beai:h. Chl·n for profit =~fl~~ 1~~~~t~~~~e 1i: f..~~·~~ 50~!267~far. Assume Phone (714) 494-0731 2863 E6~t7~·· Cdi\i K.V. Ji~ CO. or occupy fo r plcasur('. other. Fil'st lln:ie o[fered at 6%'7o Joan. 1 Br. covert>d MON.ARCH BAY 1,,,,.. ______ .,.~ Business Opportunity 0 f lo.u,y 111, 4.500. I $79.500 patio. $37,700. $252 mo. CARMEL MODEL ur nn as 1c c-rms mfly no * NEW LISTING * ft40-3000. 4 Scpartce bdrm. suites make last Ion~. s0 call quick. CONDO SPECIALISTS I this one a home for the dis-VIEW CALL 644.nll Olar1ning 3 bdrrn. I bath NF.: ED Fixer Up Per c-1·in1inuting. fi'reshly dee-Outli1anding H.V. Hon1es; 3 -- holnc \\.'ilh bachelor apt. nnywhcre in Costa ~1esa. }fave one to sell? \Ve can ornH:d, in private conimun· bdnns., faniily mt., lush Best of ai-ca. OwnL'-r ll'ill Ne>A'J)Ort Place Re a I t Y, do it! \\'anna. buy onC'? \Ve've ity ll'ith beaC'h club. This gold CB..l'!leling, deeonHor • .. ' ' ' help on finan<;.ing. Best buy 6fa-3600. gottem! 2-4 Bedl'OOnlS in all Y<'ry livable Spanish-modern dl'8pcs, vau~·y vie\\1, First -at $73,500. BEAUTIFUL ~lesa Woods areas. Beat th<' intPresl rant·h home is the ultlma<e time off('re<l. $72,iiOO. Fee CORBIN-MARTIN hon1e 3 BR, 2 ba, atrium, rate· Good assumabl<' loans ' J 11 I 1101000 h I ndl R I ,.,7662 availa'ble. Our sales1nPn 11 re in uxury v ng, . • · (You O\l'n t c 11 · t • I I ea tors _.... . lounla.in. 979-8380 P.ves. ~ CORBIN~MARTIN ' d 00.td(,-t . Bes! protecli°'1 for O I,,.,, -10 a $ e *SPECIAL! * Huntington Buch ynu wheo !~"'?!< m· ,.,u;ng ~U,ru Realtors 644-7662 ~1.v .'l. hdrrn., 2 ha. hon1e --~------·I 31Jur hon1e or irw.:omc Jll'O!>' REAL ESTA':TE hJ ohl Co1\'.lnn. on R-2 lot. MUST SELL <'l'l,V. Ci\LL -II'\ ~L:1·ly painl~'j'.1 , 1•d th tl<.'\V Or Lease Option l1rwin realty inc. 1190 G!cnneyre s.t. By Owner /Builder $250.000 Commerctal Property * 59'x29' LOT * C-1 ZONE 151 $32.500. E-Z TER~ts * ·1 BEDROOl\o1, 2 baths, double garage. Best ot 200 • Gounnet Butcher Shop e AUID Parts s;ore -15 yrs • Beer Bar -Booming • R.E. Salesman needed I No loa:i wmTles) Holland Business 645-4170 SALES 540-0608 tei11~f.'3·~· story older 1tt MACHINE SHOP hon1e, ro1·ner lot. $2-4,JOO. Estab. 17 yrs., 5.000 aq. ft : Roy Mccardle Realtor bldg. Goorl lease. Nels $46,00l. Yrl,y. Owner will 1.810 Ne\VJYH'I Alvd .• C.~1 . flnnnce, ED RIDDLE SMALL attracti\'e house fllr salaried baehelor. $165, No pets. 494--8170 eves. Lido Isle LIVE ON LIDO • 2 BR, 2 BA, brick frplc. -}bl gar.. 11•t1hrtdryr. \Vi~r rental. $350. 673-2227, $: 1'3-<>l27. • WINTER lease, bt-aut. Jo. bayfronf home: 4 BR .• S . Sandy beach. Pier & !I $1.650 Month B!Jl Grundy RltT. 6 LEASE. Beaut. 4 BR ho bayfront, with pier & Lease o r lease/op yearly or winter. $1400 673-7300 Lido Realty Newport Bffch --.-1 \\1INTER t"('ntal, New rt Peninsula, 19 blk from 2 AR, Li\• r1n. lrg kite! fflllc, nice patio; &. g st house. ""'/bedrm. ~ Service room 11·/washe & dryci', 548-0671 e:1;t 394 1· 213/645-2963. i-:xL-enent TP11ns !\lay lt>al'C op1 ior1 673-Tm * liD· 77:t.l c.uµ. & drn?'-"S· Inuned. B tiful h ed 1 h 9¥-4405 (24 hrs) 494-9'ti3 a4!}-0ll6 P""'~ion <'nu f'a1 poo 01ne, f:' al I-I ,. 0 pt MORGAN REAL TY 3 BR, 2 ~A. ICl'll', lo1v rlo\\·n. '..(fU OU?;ing P y. Magnificent View 673-6642 675-6459 Call anylint<'. ·-·-· \Vondt!rful unobstructed PRIJ\:JE OCEAN V1 E\I' PROPERTIES fo'OH. SALE By State of California \Vatch for our big ad in SUNDAY'S PAPER (Clas..<i 100 Genei-al\ t2l~l 620-3708 54&-7729 REALTY, &~U. ...,N,_E•W•P•O".""R,_T,.B~E,.A".""CH~• l1nve1tmenl THE-BJu(fs. Totally fu nios., lldlt. sgle-story 3 220 !own hon1e, to a1)precla Prhnt> Bayfro:ir Si te couple. Offered at Opportunity 9 COZY, rustiP I Br, f'rplc, Like to trade:-Our Trader's bchn1 \l'ilh Jan1ily mi & Ask for :I.fr. \\lest For boat N?J>fth":i & sah>s. TA.X SHELTER -(price flexible for righl Llke to Trade? Our Trader's Paradise column is for You! !', lines, ~ days for $5. can today ... 642-5678 ~SC'OTT REALTY • 5.16-T'33 COUNTRY CLUB v;ow! R;ch!y appointed 3 f)flHo, P ... :1-lot-Sil5.00J. Prine Parru:lise_column ~for Y._OU! .UYIN_G fireplact'. Dining nn, chefs I ::::::;;::;;;;:;~ onlY. 01vnr 673-4169. :; lines, 5 d1;1.ys for 5 huckS. El t C -1 Cl -b 1 kltc~n.-Beautiful pool sized t' · cg11.n oun 1y u 1ome yard. New patio. Air con- Bill G111ndy Rllr. 675-6161 TOP rNCOi\IE l)'J. &W-1133 Broker. Condominiums· -Unusual oppty ..gas oiLunit. l;OCE;;;,;,A;,N;';FR;;;;'O;:;NT;;;;.~_=o.w•i± for sale 160 Proven fleld·no iisk. $35,00J-Oiarming 2 BR. 2 BA. \ S©il~1A-.t£r,trs· Thaf Intriguing 'Word Game wifh a ChucUe ------llllfMI lty QAY R. POI.LAN 0 Reorronge le"ers of the four saombled wor ds be.- low to form four &1mple worcb. nPar golf. l'OUl'St' and club-ditionlng. Lwturious de<.'Or. hnttlW". \\·alk to bea c h . Priced to sell at $59.500. brk __;=..;;;=-----"".;;. tax shelter · ~XCf!S! of 6200 \Veli t Oceanfront. NEWPORT ISLAND $64.~. Call 4~3 • e 962-2456 e TARBELL WATERFRONT LEASE/OPTION • 26."iS SQ f'..,. e $250,000 earnings · 22% 962-2126 or 536-255t , . , \\•ilh n1n r.:;ulficenl \'ie\\' of depletion 1111011·. ~lust sac , IRVINE-co·'"'v"'E - the S..'l.n Louis Rey Downs $50,000 full p11cc. P\'t ov.i1r. \VALK to 11·ater Bach. ThorobM Trnlnlng Cente1'. 213/556-3010. Also I Sr hse. C.f.t uUJ. BROKER 833--0780 t·Tas 3 bedrn1 ~. 3 baths, Mo L 2~" & Hntg Bch ru;-,. Ve 111 4 BR., 4 bath .. -.; libl'ary; __ n.;;.e,_y_t_o ___ o_•n ____ -.u Ag1. Fee. 979-8-130. OC'enn vif'w hon1c. Garden llreplacc. 111 designed v.-llh a 8843 Arl1uns. JIB entry iv/sliding skylight: NPI' Ci'!'SI _ Lu~tn·y conrlo, 3 separate, privale g u e g I DON'T BORROW * OCEANFRO~ i-::::::(aC<:':1: .. :"°':;:a:' ===I fo1·n1al dining 1·rn .: archllec-Br. 2':= hfl . lofleil C\'iltni::. ~~·~F~i~eR Ec;;n taph,b:, 'TIL YOU CALL US .I Properfv8l::-64 I' turally desl!ffiC<I. Sli:i.000 111nstt-r suill' 11·fsun deck. Bonm v on your ht1111e equ!ly NAME OUR TURNER ASSOC. Oct. !st occup. \\'ill sell 1 .0P-=>."1l~T00IEO'SC,IC,l0'1l~I ~'"'=.--052.·'lll"'"_ foi· ahy gi')I')(( purpoM"". &r.·-\VTNTER Rental, Ba.yf Y 11ro N. Co11.11t Jhv)'., Laguna ~S:-!000. un<l l·r 1111\rl(el pl'ict'. NE:\\'PORT RTVJ£RA htg Los Angeles County f<ir' 413R, 2BA, dock,~evail DOWN 494-1177 Xlnl finanf'lng fol' st1le or Grncioug 3 Br, 21; Ba. fpl, o\'er 20 Y'-'"'"' and NO\V in 1st -June IH'l. catt d4·635--~-~-leaR 547-967~. fan1 rm, 2 cnr ga.r. tmn1ed. o "--ty' Hou• U f OWNER WILL CARRY * $42 500 • ------ ------range ........ un · es n utn. lsT TD Sh"rp 2 BR.' So. Laguna SALES & RENTALS Poi;K. $.'l:l,OOO. Financ ing SIGNAL ~10RTGAGE CO. ---,-----:!F • 2 1 2 500 avail. To inspect ca 11 (Tl4l 556-0100 General , • 1 1 Id If honu•. \\lalk to hcach. liilchc ors $:1 , s.12-0062. 4~ C Ori NB --------+ ~ss lia.n ye~r o .. ugc * S-'H.950 * 2 + kBedroon1 $71,500 ""JU a1npua ve, i. • FREE RENT!tL nl'V'\' 4 RR o~ over111zL'CI 101. UP· ,1 BR.1101""· North Laguna 2 + 1 Br+ vnc. 101 ss1,500 Duplexes/Units 1st TD Loans DROP IN " BROWS' grad(od tn ('\'t"'l:Y. ""ft~·" pool PtACE H.EALTY 4 1-Bedroon\ $125.000 .sale 162 "° clubb~<ie. Pl'.!1ti.legc.s. 494-9701 49'~729 'BALBOA BAY PROP. f';or b:~:~iec~i!!<'"°M" ' ., * 67'7420 * DUPLEX -Shnrp $antll Anu UP TO 90% 2 BR. l b.ith homt' O\'t'rlook• r He.l1;lits. Pl'h)CIJ5'fl~ only. ITo College Prk .• Wln.u:ic • .1c '' • h1ibl oc,·c:1n,_. I-',:. 1ivf ""1 NPT Cl't'lil. 3 1;;::-2i~&. Tenn!. $3i.~ffl. 642-:mfl 2nd TD oans ~u",'· b,u,.1 ,1.~-i~"~.:.. ..,.4471 1 -·) 546·1103 11·-t-n CllM'S , rp c. $3,000 below n111r''"'· Vle1v. JK!r nio. !I "t't' « ._.....,, '""'· $:>9,fMlO 714-4.."li-5890 7~';~ Int. 0 1111er, 6.io-OOO!t Income Property 166 llnrl)Or nlvd .. at At.lwus Lowest r•tts Or•n9t Co. flfj \L ~;:rrATt·: -L""'O ., " -"'0 .NS Lido Isle HA RBOR vlP:W HOMES 20 NEW UNITS Sottler Mt•. co. LANDLO S , ,.,.;r ,.~..;.;..,• !\lontco, IC<l lnnd. Upgrnded. • RD _ t>:-lnformr.lior a.n~ 1oc11non * $198,500 * $59,00l. Principals only. \\'ill Col'l"lrler Contrai1 . 642·2171 545-0611 or ti. -~fil~ t· IA hon1~11. rnDll!\tS:-t.tt1u1 maid'rl-Bn-;-144-0.108. --O,titfl ~£'AA. &·hc.'d. \ncomc I ;S.o:";:,cvii"::'•~H;:•;rbo~r;i';;";,:"~24~ii; l'"c SJ>«'lnlb:4" 1n Nfl'W 1 n· " ct E 1 Ill dt Gl.(QI. Prl~.000:1,-~ -~rh • Omma del 1'> 1 ' • t g an c e person C • Bt.UFFS 4 BR. 2 BA down. Owr 75% t'fflh:tl. 2 ND T D d & LaRUnR. Our Rtnlnl Kl\S.1'"'1A N Brand~" 0.IJ today! Gankn. Pftl\O, rondo. sY For dc.-"'ail<>: r':>ll rust " s Vlc.! 1f l'"RF.E to YoU! Riol Estate 962-6644 GEM owner. I •..,k on I Y. CJS REAL ESTATE PRIVATE FUNDS AVAIL. N"-V'·w· O\VNER . 3 Rn., 2 BA. ht1RI'! !20·f Tugl.ln Av" .. N.B. _ ... __ -f_1_10_. -~-==~ ~1168 or evt $7.~44 Any Amount NUaVIEW RENTA.l.f illa ge Real Est ate I' ram . rm. wlmaulvc lrplc .• REALTORS -6-124623 BLUF't"'S X Plan, $60,00l, 3 e OUPLEX _ As.rum~ VA * Call 675-44M BKR . 6734030 or 4~p a UNSC~M8LE l.Ef1ERS 10 pnnrled •tudy. Launtl rm .• Fa1 Pl."Ofil ls attained \\'hen SR, 241 Ba, 1 )T olel, 30 Iona. m.900. f\111 Prict-. '"\\'f'C'd It &. Rt. .. p" 1 V ~rr >.NSW(R._ ll"JI:, klL, dlx <'fllJt , >A'1lllcd you !lcll tht'OUj[h re11ull-gct-Vll'ltn Trucha. 0 w n tr • ~ URPLEX • C'ol!!ta ~lt11t1 1~11\'t" 9Ctmt!ihhll )'Oll witnt to From tre~ to ~ SCRAM·[ SA. NSWER IN-CLASSIFICATION _BOO "'"' ..l'Jlrrlc ,~1""'' 101, ,,,. tin~ ~!lot Cla"Uled _6·_11>-_l_O'lll_. ____ ~~ 151.!IOJJ. Many"-""'' ... 111 Cl•!Sill•d ado do IJ Tum 11,.n1 ;n1o t'Oth,' _ _,~~---_,;,,;.---~-------~-~~------"'"-br-'h"-.'"-$31!=.MO= . .:;;~;:..;;:;' ";;;2·;_~1 Ad;i. -f'ltt~llled ~Alts . , .. -IM2.Qbi8 \'EAGER llEJ\LTY G1.'>416Zi v.1'11 ·rail NO\V 612..,,..161S. CAU. Da.Uy Pilot ~-- • • - DAILY PILOT PUBUC NOnCE PIJllLJC NOT1CI! • ,..,. 1'1(1'"10UI •us1was1 IMITIC• TO Cltl........, SUl'la'°" C:OUn 01' TNI !It.AMI ITAT&M.llfT IUl'llloOe. "1llM1' °' .,.. l'l(Tt'flOUI •1111•0• ~ I I "t~I .::!!"':"!!. ~ ITAf"I 01' (~ll'-f)l:MIA f'CMI lM .......... --h .U, ....,.i,,... ITATI OI' CALll'OlllHA ~ TN COWffY Of' 0.AMe •t .nll COUWTY Of' ....... --..otil WUl AtaUllU MMO• ...... ,,... lllTU: tJ.ANIL mJ ttf11t111. k. A41M1 ... a. CAL.lll"OilJl:iA ll:twlf tfOTl(I Ofl HftllfTIM Te SIU. c.t1 -.. t.lf. tM» Ea1tf cM WJWAM •• ~ ~ W, l'W'OSLO IOITtON. 111 .,_,... llA4. l'IOl'llf"r AT 'IU\'ATI $A.LI , ... ·--· ~ ... -C ,,..,..,... NASON, N YlllLLfMI MUON, •• ......-&Ma c;._ ....,, ......, .. ~o i . t4000AtT, or .. c. .. Mele. c..tH • .,..,. .,._..... ~ ltd'" ..... n9 ~-Dllc.NiMill_ J"l!Mi ....._.. ll Uflel\tlCIM D'f' an I~ NOTIC:f: '' Mlltll't' OIVIN ,_ .. ...... L.-. lltlca.. c... ,.,.,, Nolk• .. ,., ......... ""''· ~ to ~,,..... Cftdll"' " -.................... ~:.~'' ~ k '--K19rl h .,. =:-~ ': ·~~. ~; 11~ 1 :i Tt." ;:;--!.it ~~":1.o ~tll "" C-:;; ==.,~,,~~-::-...:: ~ ~ ~..... J_..lD A..M... °" l!W..,,_ wtttlln Jtot !lftw tr O.• flf Or.,.. ~ °"' ,.,...,,..., WIJll """' '-ftWl'T ~ .. HI .. 1MC1t ~flit .~ .,... •i. wttll """ c-''"'*"" w i.w, ""' Wldenl.,... 11 .,... 11, 1m .,...,. o.n ., -~ .illtlW '°""'· ., (....,.., fl cir-c-!r Oii ~ ..,...,.ttr1-9f "-HI.it flf WI"-J, l'•11RM to pr..-,._ wllh "'9 -.,,., 4 tm H<IOlo'n, 6'CffMd, wlll .,.tl ~ iwtwltt l"IAll-Orl"'OI COi\! Dilly l"Jlol ~ •• 10 ,._ ~lftld .. "'-eff1a l"JnM u.M '• 1'1111 ~I 6"11 NII ~ .,_ 1111 5"o!tmDlr 1t, U -Oc:too.r ). II, ot ""' •Hor ....... J"c; A. CllAWFOllD. Al· .._...,... Or'.,.. c.oHt De'ly ll'llc:lf, ""' 1•JN Md cendltl«K flwel"'"• -1tn Jln-ll ._llt"I' 11 ~ ... it110 W\l\Mr1 tNd ... WM .... , .. ., ~ 1J.. 1t. it. 1m v.u.n ''--1M litfit. ""-· ......i 1n1u"' II ----1620. La ,.,,.... .. C.lltotlll• a10. -"k:fl Wltfar<I J. ~-~ ... , ... ,,,_ PUBLIC ~OTlCE 11,...""""" .. ~ .. ,.. ...,....... PUBuc ·ana °' 1111 _. .. •ftd .11 r19M. 11n. ...... • "' afl ~ ""'""' ... 11 ..._ .. , ..... '---------------1"-' ttwot,.... ....,,. Mo• l(!llMW if! eo. STA·141t \ u&d 41c:-.m. within fouf' _,... _..., olntol to 1 ... 1 ot --· 11 ''" 11...c ot llOTIC• o,-T•UtT•t:' SALi ""' "''' llUl>lk.fllon "' ml• nollao. •ICTITIOUI h SlllllS nl1 ... Ill. 111 11M rt1•I ,....,_rty loc:lltcl In T I M& ltlf7I Jr 01..., s.p1...,_. V . lt71. T"-tc11i!t:l..!'.:!'~.:!a -i....,,.. ::C,'r:,,,..."..°'":· ,,,,.of C..Ufornl1 On Ot,_., .. 1rn. "' n!Oo A.M , Tl· ~t:~:~;= =~==::so.. fl. . ~ .....,, ....... -.61,.,1 (I '•I lltlf'"nl In TLE INSVlt.Al\ICE ANO TltUS.T COM. EJ1toe:•l• Ill the WIN rJI lfUDtO llM. 10. IMlfl Slrwt, a.1-. LO' J1 111 t i k "'E" ot lt09ftt AOdllloo> lo l""NY. '' a...1~ '"""'"'" Trvot• i.Mw fl'NI ._.. ~ ~ C:.,...,..1 n..l \ 1 ·-..: "°' Cl -"""~to DHd 91 Tr\11.f reurdiod T!;'.""'l Heil ...................... l"'!ot.ll .._..,.. kK11. .,,. f¥ Of L ........ )-I 1tn .I II ln1l. No "" ill -JAC A. CllA.,Ol:D . .._ ., • ...,.,,... 1 .. Kl'!, Ii --Oii ~p lhtrlOI' rtc0rOINI • ' • AHWMf .. Llw M...d, CM Ml111 '''"'' ·~-. Ill .._ 31 ~JI Mid n Mitt.iii.-. 10112, tlfOI Ml, ot Offld1I lll(•11i 111 l'lle M9 Wlltlilln ..... Slfilt I.it "Caii'°""t "'61 ' _. , _ _. .:.....,_ ,..__ oH'lcl o4 IM ~ovnly lit--ol 0.--• • 1"1111 IMolNU la C9N\0Cllld ilry" .., "'-~~:"""d' "' ...-... ,,,......., .......,..ty, C-1y, C11Uornla, Wll..l. SEU. AT ~I ~~ ....-.!I fl'1I ............. • T ... ~rty II ~ r .. .,rtd to li'UBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHE$T BI D-"'""""" fW luutrl.I. Tlofl •II'-! w11 NM wllfl ""C.-11 )U 'Tiil~ Slr•I, lAt!Jftt .. l(ll. DER FOlll: CASH Cpay1Dlt 11 ll"'f llf ...... ti'Vllll1'1ed Or.,... C•" Dilly l"llol, tf ,Uerll. <If Or"Hlft '-"l' 911 ~I :1(1, OllJOml.e 1" l.twful ,,_.., llf 1ftf U ... Hld •liln) "1 ~ 26, nc1 Otlo09r J 10 11 Ttn. TM wl~ r1 111blKt 10 ,.,,,..,, ltAn ""' ......,, lrflfl'I ltfllr•nc:• of lhl old 1m • ' ,;.,.n ""71 I Ion I I ' 0rlf!ll4' C-1'1' C....,,._,.. loultd 11 tlM , l'Ullff.,... er-.,. CoMt o.i. ti>llol <-int~ <OIW! 1 1• 't 1 1 ' < 1 0 n 1 ' :ioo blO<k ot Wnl 111111 A"' &Mtv1rd 1-----,.--.,.--,-,..,-,,cc,----- ""'""Def J, u .. 11. 2'. 1m ' 211f·7i <llHf"tlllor1s. •IQMt, r1on~.Of·wiy, '"" formerly Wnl '1h $1rlltl 111 SM11 ...,_.; PUBLIC ~011CE PUBUC N011CE ••-nll of ••cord. C1Ufor11l1. 111 rlOl!f, Hl'lt .at>d 1m.,e11 u:in-:l---~===cc"OCe7c-=,,---- Bl61 or offlrl tr• .....,hd kll" !hit Pl' ... Yn'td kl t ncl _. ~ try II -Mid ,!<ICTITIOUS IU1IN&SS WT'f -ml.ISi be 111 wrlll"t lfld <#Ill be ~ cM Trvst In 1'1111 property" lllUlltd I" .\Ml n.t.TIMlllfT 'IUIYed try J. LIWIWIUI Judy II IN of. w1c1 C.-IV itnd S1 It Onc:r1btd · R NOTKI TO CRIDITO.S fl<t of B.,.iwt, Sc~. Joiw.on lo IC..,.. l.Gf 31 ol Trl(11!.o. dn, 111 _,!'(:lty fM ~~U ":~llO ptrKltlO 1'1 dol"I t t Uti'•&IOI: COU•T O• THI llldJ'. 111or,...,.1 lot Mid ldmfnlolrl!or •1 CO.II ...... ,., CwntY of Or1ng1. 51111 of H"TIOH.AL 1-!0ME a, 11.E.ALTV IN. tT.t.T• o• CAL.1,-0•lllA •Olt ~!S M6'.Arl'tlur 9oul1·11ra, HtwPOrl C1lllorn!1, It i>tr m1p rl(Of"Oe<l 111 llook SPECT10N SERVICE, ?IMt M.1nclirt11 THI COl.llfTY °"' OllAJlff 9t-.cll. C...IUornll DI m1y ti.-tiled Wllh IN Ill P1g~ U 1~ It 91 Mht.U-1 C 1 _.., f26M -..... A -1nM d trk OI .. Id S<;ptrlor Courl or dtll~l•ld ~!)$, In 1111 0111<1 o4 IN COWll'f °",::·.;::.., ~ L H Iii toff f :.8•1tt II LOI• M. Sll"Ul.T • Deu1Hd. '° J. UNrfl'<I JUll'Y l•trllllllllt'f, II MIY RK(otdtr ol .. Id Cou111Y I .,d.. I Dr1 I. Coll N " ;:2'• J110TK£ IS tiEttEllY . GIVEN lo 1111 ti"" 11t..-ffr1I pUUllutlon OI tllh f!Otlca Tiie ilrHI lddrH• 111<1. °""" com-T~t ~-~~ ~= by 111 lft. (,.,l!or. II llW l bovll lllrntd OK.,,.,,! 11111 b9IOl"t m•klr<Q Wl<I .. 1t. Mll{ln1!fon, It 1n1', of Ille rMI ~ dl...t IHI J!Mil ..tll Pt,_ ~...t"I ct1lm1 111111111 ll'NI Thi pr(ll)lrty wfll bt told Ofl ln.t lolla#· Ott<:r1btd IOOYe 11 Pllfpor!ICI to bt: d 8 I I M H 111 .. Id 4'<4dtflt ••• rtoq\ll<ed lo Ill• t...,.,, Ing ''""•' (II/I or ~rt <I UI Incl par1 1110 , ... <Inion 51rttt. , ... ,. M.... Thi .,:~~' ...;,! ~~eo wltl'I 1114! c.-""'"' !I'll _,,, YOl,1CJ•10111, 111 tlll offlc1 t•IClll, lilt ttrmt o4 •lldl crtolt lo bt IC. C..lltorflli f26U • Cl!i-k of Or• C.-f¥ Oii ~ if...nlt cl•k of ""' ,..,.... ... n11er1 ~. or U11t1tk lo tt.t "'*'""""' 111111 to ttw Tiit Ulldor""'*' Tni1111 dl11<llln"K lft'I' ,,. "73 .,.. ... ..,_, flllfol, wtlh IM 11Kftll'1' S-4cir c-1, II>' ol lotlt 1._m bid to llltillll" for 1f1Y lllC.Of"r~ °' 1M '1rltl JJ. • .... ~. lo ""' "'*"'"ntd 11 tl'lt offi<I t«-y "" ~ b'I' Clf"tffttd d'lldl. IOdra• """ on.... '°"'-~tlon 11 '" bllll'ltd o .. not COHt o.ny ti'li.t N -...,, A. £11trM11 :tnD HI,_ Blvd., '"" 1t11 tiei.nc.. to bt Mkl on ~ _.,. .,_ l'llnift. ' u Octotlt ,_ 17• =: .....,,.., c 1utorm1 mu, ~1111 11w nrm111on of 'ttw Ml• tw ""' .......,.'°' ~kl .. i.. ,..111 be ""*· bvt wlthoul =1mblr 2 .. ~ r 1:;.,.n °' tiulll'lftl OI IN \lftden1Qne<l l11 Ill Court. T11tn. '*!IS. Ofl9<ll!flf lfl<I toYfNlll or w1rrlflf"I', l"l'PtH• « lmplitd.-'-------,.-.,.--,_-,_----~I p1<"11llll"1 10 IM n t1lt of uld m1lnl..,..11<ct DPtnMto, Ind ~-Oii •"91rdl"' tlllt. ~-'on. or t11;1 LI NOTIC '9c9dlfll, wlt!ll11 tour ""°"'"' 1tltt IN 1iu.,,1nt1 1c<ept1blt to IM pUl"t1'1Mr cum~"· to PIY the remihilflO prln-PUB C E fir .. pUUlklllon of ""I no!ICI, ..,.,I bl pror6"d II of tl'll dlltr; ol t lP,,I wm of Ille nolthl l«ll!"td 1r1 u.1Gol--~~=~~=,,,==~~,-- 01ttd l\UllU$1 ta. lt73 rttonll"" Cll COl'l"tl'lflt•. &:1m1.,.11on °' ONO ol Tr1nt, t~I; ll.4J6..IO. With 111• NOTICI OF TltUSTll'S Sl\L• I -JAMES N. lfll'ULT, JR., 11111, •ICOl"d!"G °' COl'l...,lfltt, lr1n11., 1..-nr lhtrton, 11 provided 111 uid M9. l>M Admlnblr1tcir t1>1tt. 111d l.flY ll~t ln•u•lllC:t pthey 1r11N flOll/sJ, advinc:0!1, If lf!V, Uftdtr !Ill tttml On Oclobtr 4lfl. ltn. at 11 :00 A.M .. I·., Of N f Sllll Of be II !ht tXPtl'I'* of ll>t pUr<haMr Ot o1 wkl 0.... of Truil, f-. thlrges Ind STAN·SH"W CORPORATION, I C..lltwf111 .. lt\t 1boYI "9rr>ld d1eeoenl P11rch1Mrs. '"~""'of ltw T""'" 111C1 of ttw trull• totoorl!lor1 •• duly 1P!)Oll"lltc1 Trui!M .11oe1•T A. 1.UTMAN Thi ufld1r1i111td rtwrYfl tt>e •loM IO cre•led by .,.Jd o-ot Truil. iindtr 111d pUtl1Jlnl lo Dffcl ol Trust ~ H.n..r t /Yllll., • rejK! any Ind Ill bias p<iot lo tnll"l' of Tiit berwtlciiry under said Dffd cf re-cordt<I Mlr<I> 11, 19'7, 11 l111tr. No. ~ ....... Clll ..... f2U5 Ill otdlr Conf\mllno "" Milt. Trust MrtlolOtl UICIJ!ld l l'Of o.llYlf"td 1604, 111 boOt 1210, !!'IOI 117, of Offlc:l1I f'J .. 1 (H4) ........ OATEO: SIJl!""Dtr 14. lt7l. to fl\t llf>d.,1l911td I Wl'lttM Otcl1r11l1111 R1eordo fn Ille Dffl(t of lht C-"' Art#Mf ..., .... ,,. .. ,ltlrat• J•mtt .... Burgan, II °' OtftlJll and Otmlfld kll" S•-"'· Ind • llltcordtr of °''"" Caunty, ,,... of , ,.uttlltlltd Ot1fl{lt Cotti OtllV P!lol .Admlnl1tr11C1r of the £1t1!1 ,....Ill.., Nofk l of DtfiuU and Eler;tlat1 lo C1llk!l"nl1, WILL SELL AT •UILIC AUC· AC'ltmlllr s. 12. If, 26. Jt1) 11~n of "" •boYt·!llln\1111 ~!. Siii. Tiii llndlt'"i.i•ntcl C:IUMd wld HOl!tl TION TO HIGHEST B1DO~• P:OR CASH t.t.•"IS, SCNl\0, JOMHSOM & ot Otf1llll and Ell(tlon Jo !tit lo bl lp.tY•ble at !lmt of wM \11 llWfUI rt-v l(IMNIOY rtcordtcl 111 !I'll <OUnlV w111r1 "'-r111 of the UnHed S!li.:O 11 tht front ontr..-PUBLIC NOTICE •w: J. L.--.. Jlldy prOPtf'l'f 11 ioc.ted. 01 Sl1"4/llw COrpor1!10t1. 1400 E11t IJU MlcArllilw t M . TITLE INJUft.ANC£ AND M.IYfllr AvtnW. Ot'lf!Dt, C1Nfeml1 alt •l<TITIOUS •ut ... ISS NAMI ITATIMl"T lollowlfl9 peraon 1• doil'IO ~.O ... JC 1111 TRUST COMl"AHV right, flll1 and l11ttr111 o:otlYtYid to IM'ld Mtwporf t11c~, C1tlf. fM:U 10 sfld TrwlN. "°"" hold by It under 11ld Oltd o4 TrltlSI "" Te-I: 1110 m'"""' e y Joh11 w. P•l•lck 111 tne Pl'OPt•l't 1ltu1!1c:1 i11 11!d CaunlY builnt1• l"vtlllllltd Or•-Cotti D•llY l"llot, .AuttiorF11d s ren1tu•• 11\d s1110 dtsc•lbed "" Sf'PI. u . 11 1nd 0c1. l. 1173 2Mf.n D11e: .st¢embtr 21 , itn. The '"""' 5oO '"' of 1111 ••" 100 frll1 H.t.R•OR liOU5E, 1S4 Col!Cln SI., 11'\lbllWMd Or1fl{le C<>1sl 01Uy Piiot of Lot t2 ol Tr•~I '53 11 i.howfl on I N..,..p0r1, Beien, C11. '2'6lt ~-2•. Oct. 3 and 10, 1tn 2911.11 m10 r1<or<lfll 111 Book If, P'9f a of Mr. Cl\fde J111 G1r111r, H4 Ccl!Oll PUBLIC NOTICE Ml-.cefl1nl0\ll ~po. rKord1 of Orlflf' ''" NtwPOrl llttch, Cal. '2'60 coun1v, C1l1lornl1. 1M1 bl.oslneu I• <Olldll~led by 111 lndl·I-------·,-,,.,,-------PUBUC NOTICE 'The '''"' lddr1i1 Ind 01twr (Cll'!IPMI! dlfll. SU•l!lllO• COUIT o• THI!" dtslon1!1or1, !I • ...,, of th1 re1I P•-•ly C. JI" Girfla" STl\TI 01< CALl•OR"IA FO• •ICTTTIOUS •USIMESS dncrltltd 1blY1 i1 f)Un!Clrttd II bl: Y ... Thl1 1111..,,....i Wit ffltd with 11'11 Cou,,. THI COUlff'Y OP: OAANGE MAMI •TATIMINT c1nt le! Clork on 5"Pl1mDef 1, un. 111. A·17Dt TM IOllClwtl!{I Pl""IOll 11 do;fllil blnlntsi Tnt lllldtf'll!lfltcl 'Tnntiee dlKllhru lll't' l<IPtti I T<N O 11: ll1blll1Y lor lfl'I' lllOlll'f'ldllnl of !hi 1trMt ~ublltl'lld 0!'•111• C:.0.SI 01Uy Piiot, NOTICI O• N Tl H TO SILL PACIFIC iPOWElll: CRUISEllS 1111 W Id(! 111 Ind othlf" (.Otnll"IClll dtsleti1!10f1.'lf pt...,blt J, 12, It, 26, lm 21Sl·73 •EAL l"lll:Oti>l•TY AT P•IYATI SALll COIJI Hwy., •tt , I. Newport' l!le1c:h: any~ tl\own htrtlll. E1l•l1 of ROV G. HAl:YME. AUO O~I. '2660 Saki sill wlll tit made, bloll wlllloul ~:c~~:!t AS ROY GUST.AVE HAZY ME. Gtr11d M. Htlltuflf, 43.$1 B<>1rdw1lk co....,.1nt or Wll<rln!Y, 111'Dt"tt1 or lmpHtcl, NOTICE IS HEREIY GIVEH !Not tti. Dr .• Ho. 10f, Huonllngton Betcll. Calif. r9111rdlfl{I title, Pll'""llon, or tn- PUBLIC NOTICE •ICTITtovS •VSINIS• llflNrolOnld wlU Mil 11 po1Yl!t wl 1 f'26't c...,1;1r"1fltff, lo l>IY IN r1m1IN11C1 prlfl. NAMI STATIMIMT llM l'llefMil afld bHI NI llldOer iuDj~t 1: Tllb ~ It eoncl\lcied DY 1n I,,. <1,,.1 sum of !ht l'IOltf1) MC:ured bY lhl Tiit toli-tnv P«IOll II ckll,,. bl.o•lnet.1 !hi c011flrm•ll011 ol ftlt -~~nllt~ dl...tctu1l. said Otld ot Trwt, t-!I: U.l)ff.&.I. wlttt • Su lot c rt ..., 1111 1 1 d or Gtr•ld M.. H1llr1H111 !ntl'f"e1I !IMreon. I• prO\l'kltcl 111 Mid • SOUNO 10£A. 111211 llroolr.hu111 .SI., N:::mbff °':m If lO·OP I • IV Th;I l!ltt ...... 1 Wll l!lld with Irie COU1h ncl1(1}. ldVl"Cll, II any. llndll• !ht ltrm1 Fou111al11 Vlllfl<, C1llf. t2l'OI 1N<Hll"' 'w!llllll 't1111 flma a1~~ 11:; IV CteA; of 0r•"'ll County Oii ie¢emDH of uld Oltd of Tru1t, '""' dllf9tl •ncl l~Ei.ctraiolc: .. ill(.. • C..Jlfor'11<1. 11 IM °'II"' ot _pklnUff & Phir1k1tt, ~ii 11, 1m. • ...... 11e. of "" Trv1IM Incl "' IN tl"Vlll (Of1111(111on. 11120 lorookhu111 .SI .. Ollw AVtnut. HUlltlfl{llotl te1c/\. Cou11f¥ ..... UHJtd bY.~ld Dttd OI TNll. - LFCIWll1ln V•lloly, Ctlll. "70l fM Ori 1, Sllfl of C...lilorllil, Ill IM P'uD•......a Ora...,.. Colli! Dilly l"lhor TM -h<i1ry ufld1r Mid Dltd II I Thlt•llulllllil b CCll'lduclld bY • <Or-· J'lfl'!h, ':f11 •• llltl!rtll Incl tsl1lt of IN -StPltrnllef 11, 19, 26 Ind OctODtt ), Trvit l'ltrl'IOf~• ··~ Ind dtllvertd 19"1. cedlnt ,., ftlt 11..,. 0, l'llt clttth 100 111 "" 1m 21cn.n to t!'te Yndtr••oned 1 """""' 0tc11r111., ,I (' 1.M.A. ELECTRONICS, INC. right, tllli lf'ld lll!lrlll lhll wkl Hlllt ol Otl1u11 lrld Oem1ncl for Sile, and I NathMI Artltlblum. ~1 •coulf9CI bY ...,,tlon ot liw, .,. wr!llHI Notice ~ Dlltull and El.ctlOll to SKr1t1ry TrN1. otherwlM, othet" lh<ln or 111 ldditlDll to PUBUC NOTICE 51!1. Tl>e und.,••oned <lillld Mkl No"'' t Titll tl•ltmtnl Wll !llld wlllt IN Cl!llll-tfl<I! ot said dtcedlnt II fM 111'1'11 ol hit Gt Oe!1utl Ind Eltct!Oll to $11'1 IO bl 1Y Clerk of Orlrttt Counly Oii .kpfemblr cltll~, 111 Incl to 111 ltt.t cert1ln <Ill P'llP-JllCTITIOUS •USINl!SS •Korded 111 lllt axinty """"1-lht rHI "" 1m ~ly 11""1111d 111 l'lle City or H""'ll1'QIOll MAMI! ITAT•Ml!"T P•tr.'1:' c'!... loe.ti:_INl.6 1973 •·miJ Inell, Counly of Or111;e, St1t1 ol Tht follow! dol 1 '· ....,,..., ' ' · ' Publl1hecl Dfl"91 COii! D1Uy Piiot. C1Ufar11!1, 11111 mor1 p1rtlcul•rl~ c1t1erlt>-• flll IMflO!l' ari "" SlAN·SHAW CORPOfll\TION. Id 1·•1 w1 lllllll'llll ••· • C.Llfomlt corpor1tlon SIPl•mber J, 12, It, 2', lt7l 27Sf·1l It "'OWi. '" I: R ... L. ENTERPRISES. ti'.O. lkr-II .. 1d Trvl!H PUBLIC NOTICE Ll'll ~ I'll Tr1ct NG. '141, It 11\own on '36. COiii Mfll, C..Ht. '26n • tl4 W. B Mii.ir tte S I Mlp rltCOl'dlld Ill llCIOlc no. P•VI• 49 1'11'1 SI Cotti Mtsl C•lll 92627 y I l'lclw and 50 or Ml11<tlt1neouo Map1, r1cor6i R-t.1 o . L•llCI. ti• w. im SI., Coilt A5~rt!·f1td Slon1lur1 of Or•ng1 Cou111Y, C1tltor1111. MISI C1lll 1'21o27 " "' •lc:l'ITIOUS IUSINl!I S NI.Ml STATIMIEHT E•<1Pll119 lhlrtfrort\ 111 oubi\lrl•ce ' · ~ub111hed Or1""e COii! Dilly l"Uot wit., rlgtih, wllhoul lhe rloM OI '"''"' ,;_11';1~": c!:t0;,.;~• W. 11111 SI., Sept1mbtr 12. n , 26, 1•13 21112·73 Tilt lollowll'ICI (llrlOll II cklifl{I llulll'ltH ... tMrtlo from 1r,e •urf1c:1 to I d1plfl ol Gtortii P. R09ttSo11, Jr., l"S3 M1r1ll1 -- SOO IMI ti dlclluftd to lt\t City ttl Hlln· St .. Chet.-lh. Caltt. 91311 PUBLIC NOTICE r E.Ulll:EKA ENTE•l"ltllES, 1'°'2 Sum· rnfffltld, Hunlln{lton Budl, C1IU. '26oW , 1"11,11 F. ti'lc1rd, 1'°'2 S11momtr1l11d, lllllflor\ ltlch on Ille map of wld lr1<t Glotll L. AOCltf"IOll, lflll M1rlll1 $1 .•• , ----=o==c'°'~===oo--- 1fld II COt\Yeottd by OClcument rtcon:ltcl CNllworlll C1Fll tlJ11 1 l'ICTITIOUS •USIMl:SS I 'HUn!lnQIOll 8t1tl't, C1lll. '2'46 Ml•<h I , 1'67 In BOOll: lltJ, Pllll '1J of This IMllJne'.u 11 ~otlO!Kltd bf I l"flltll MAM• $TATIMINT Ofl1clll llttcord•. . Mrlntnhlp. owl I TN• bu1lnt11 II conclUottld Dy an 111· i.i.-:idUlt. Al.o tlCIPllfl{I trwr.lrom Ill oll, {Ill, RObl•I 0. L•llO •• ~'"" fCll! 111 ..., ..... I• !9.lno '""'' "'"' ml...,.11 Ind hydroc:1rtlofl 1utnt111en TM1 1!1ltrrllfll w11 ftltd With ll'NI CllUllo D &. M P'UMPIHG a, /M.INTEHANCE, 1 ,.,,... F. l"lc1rd . t ..,.htl •tlltmtfll Wll fJltcl wllfl !hot 'County Clt<ll of OrlflQt COl/flty on Slopttmblr 11, \t1J IVl"9 blflow I dlOll'I of JOO IMI lrom lflt ty Cl1rll ttl Ori"'" COl/flty on $tpt1mblr 11091 Elm, HlllllF,...mn Bt-ldl, C1HJ, "'° IUtliKI ,,, nld ''"" bul without lhl 11 Im rfoll'I ttl '"'"' UPOll 111y PGrllOll ,,, lhl • • Ever1ll J1mtt MUl1r, 119091 Elm. •·111<11 o o< IOI _, I ... l'·*U Hunll"GIOll fltKll. Call!. t2M1 iur ICf Ml ''"' or P11""POM ol Puttll1htd Or1noe C011I Oall'f l"llot Thb t>v1ln1u 11 conducttd by 1n 1 ..... ~ P\lblllhtd Ot•1111 C<>11t Dally Pilot. tpl1mlllr 11, 19, ff 'Ind Oc:tablr 3, "3 _.. H2'·1l I..µ._ tltPlorlr>O l'llr. bor1f19, t11tr1ctln1. d•lll· Sep11mt1tr 11, 1t, 26 •nd OCfClblfr l . dlYklUll. Ing, ml11ln1, proqMIC!lng for, removlno 1973 210f·1J E•••ott Jo--s Mlll•r Ot m1rk1!111Q 11kl 1ub1!11'1Ct 1$ <Oft· ' "'" Vt"i'ld lo k1ulma11 Ind •r-flulldlfl{I Thl1 •t1ltm111I WIJ !lltd wllll "" COlln- PUBLIC NOTICE COfl\PI"' In I D9ld •Kord-e<I Apr!lf 5, ly Cl.,k .i °'""'' Counly °" S.pftmblr 19'7 In Book 1217. 1>10• 361, of l")illclal PUBLIC NOTICE 11, 19JJ • RKor61. --------------•·211d •ICTITIOUS eUSIMl!SS Com""°"ty k-n 11 10051 5Plr Cir· •ICTITICIUS •USIM•SS Publlsl>ed Or1n91 Cotil 01lly l"llvt, N.AMI! STATt:MIMT cit. Hunllnglon 8e1<1>, C1ll tornl1. M.f.MI STATl!MINl Sepltmbtr 12. If, 26 1nd Octobff J, TM lollowlfl{I pertoll 11 dolf19 bui111111 Subltc_t to: Current l••e1, 'ov"'"1nt1, Tl'lt foltoW11111 PtrJOll It clolfl{I bu1!N11i;'~'~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~,._~,, Con d1!1ont, rHlrlcllon1, r1Mru1llon1, 1•: • •LASTIKOS ENTEltPRISES, ltlJ.3 S. rl{lh!1, rlthh of w1y, ·~-!llJ.. Ind to• al!O C.ARP£T Rl!ALTORS, 2n £nl LVOll 51 511111 Alll nm cum1;1r"1nc:11 of •tcOtlS •. nc:hlG•flCI ""' COY• 17tn St•MI, Coll• Mt11. C.lllMllll "'" -•r,niki' H•ro•n McCormick, ~ e ... ntl, COlldlllons, rlohll, rut1""1llotll. S!irvtn Ollrln _Gr1nnll. al £1Nr, Wa 111/t trvlM Clllf llml!i tl<lft, llt111, Cl'll flt'I Ind rHlrltlfOllt C<Kll Mffl, C1lllor11!1 '2•2' Tl\11 bt'.niMll 'I• <~UC led bv Ill In-;:'tr'~ 111 Illa! cM1/n D1Ct1r1tlon Of T~I. b111l11tSJ I• conducltd by '" In· IVIC 1 ts r cf ont rKorded O.c1mblr 16, ltU dlYldUll ui Hirotd H••!llll McCormick In BOOk Int. ~e 4ll of Offlcl1t lte-cord1 StlYl'h CNrlt• Gr1flf!l1 I Ttilo 11111.....,1 WI~ tlltd with tlll COii"' •rid 1mtndm1nt '*'°'did J1nu1,., 11, 1'61 Thll 1l1fllTMl'll WI• lllld with ttw c...,,,. Clerk ot °''""" CoUflly on Augull x . Ill t OOk 116'. Piii• 141 ol Offtcl1I Records. 1y Cl1tk cM or1not COUlllY on Seplembtr n All bid• or offer• m11SI bl fn wrlll"G 111Cf u . 1973 ,. !Ull wlll bl rt<ll\19d 11 Ille •torlmtnllontd nl· l'·UZJt •P,""'llllild Or•"GI COl•I O.alll' Pilot, 11C•"' m1v be filed wl1h IN <ltrlr ol IN PuDllUled Orang• Coa1f D•HV Piiot •mbl• n , If, 2, •I'll Otlooer 3, •boYt-enllUld Cautt at '"" time atter the SeJiltrnbtr 19, 24 and Of.Tober 3, 10. Un :ltJ.4..I flrol publlc11!on of !hit notlc•. tfld belore l91l 2910-ll ;.!;"--~~~=~~==~-==Cllhe m1kl110 Of 1111 Hit. I ' ' PUBLIC NOTICE TEIVAS ANO CONOITIONS OF SALE: • f1) C1'1'1 lo IM ••lill1111 t nC\lmbr1nc11 ' "OTICI! TO ClllDITOIS of rttord, T"' l"er C.nt flO'•I o1 lht dif. '· SU••llttOlt c ou•T OF THI ltr911Ct bttwwtn m. 1emng Pr1<• Ind •K· • ,.,, 1 STATI! OP: CAlt•OllHIA P:OR Info; e~tllmbr.ll'ICtl ot <1<ord In ll>e form SUl"l•10• COU•T 0" TMI! I TMI COU"TY O• OltA"OI Of • tt1lller's or ctrlllled <l\tck lo It· STATI OP CALl•OltNIA •o• Ml. A·11ltt comp1ny IN offtr, 111d ti.. Wl•llce to bl THI COUNT\' O• O•AMOI: PUBU C NOTICE ' I E1t1l1 o1 ICENHl!'.TN PETCR MCHALE, Plkl up,on conflrm1Uon of ul1 by lllt N1. A·nW Dlul..... S11Mrlor Cour1 ; or NOTICE °" N•AltlN• Of' ti'nlTIOM NOTICE IJ H£11E•Y GI-VEN lo lht fb) C101'1 111 Ille 1~ o1 bid, ~"!'Ible P:Ollt ,.ltOtATI o,-HOLOIUti'MK 11111'"1 of Ille l llGYt n•,,,..., dt<;ldfftl upon <onltrm1tlon of "''' 11.; Ille SU11t•I01" WILL .AlllD •o• LITTl!•S OF .... 111 ptflOflt ~¥11111 cl1lm1 to.111111 !fie Court, 1ny t11CUmbr1ncH 01 rKan:I to be MIHISTllATIOH WITN•THl!·WILL A• ~ldef!I ••• r1qulrtd lo Ill• llltm. llllt!ltd out Of the PU•<1'1151 ii•lct. NfXID 11M nt(et!1ry vouch1r1, 111 !I'll olnc1 TN ldm!nl1tr11rtx htrtev ,.,trVlt the E1t1'9 ttl JOHN JOSEPH C.AMP8EL.L, lfJ'llft C11r~ Of ilM Ibo"' ..,!llled court. Of risit>t la rtlKT lnY 11\d Ill bldi, l kl JOHN J. CAMl"BELI., 0KtlM'd. -to p.rtllf'I !hem, wlll'I ll'ltl nKetl••Y Dlltd: Ser>ttmber ll. lt73 NOTICE IS HEREIY GIVEN lfllt l'f~I, lo IN undtrtlgnld 11 IN alllcl llOll 0. Hll'1'm1 GERTRUDE M. CAMl"BELL 1111 "led ~ twr Allornty1, Fulop, Roi"°"· l 1Jr1t1 lo Adm1n11!r•trli ttl the htrt!11 1 pelltloll tor Prob<ltt ot Hol°' IM~l(lttrkk, 1 Llw Corpor1!1on, tUS 111111 Of lilt or11'ti!c Wiii 1fld for lsau111<:1 ol l.ttttr1 of Wlhhlre BouleY1rd. !ht 7tn floor, Beverly lboYt·n1mtd dl!l(1N1e111. • "dmlnl1!r1llon wlll'l·t.,.wlll 1nM•td 10 HUIL C1!lloml1 to2U. wftl<~ 11 !hi pl1t1 l"l.UHl(ITT a l"LUNl(ITT the Plllll_. rel1••nc1 lo wMkh 11 m10. of bu1l11111 Of thl undtr~oned 111 111 m1t• At*-• it l l w tor lurthtr Ptrllcu"'" i ncl tl'l1I fht time lt1r~9'1't1lnlnv lo 1111 111111 of 111d Ol<t· 112 °'lv1 1\¥1 •• P.O. tax ''' 11M1 p11c1 ol f'!Mr11!{1 !ht lln"ll 1111 11tt11 '°""' wllhln tour month• lfltr 1111 fltll MlolRllllfllfl IMCll, C1111 ... 111 '™' Ml '°' OC!Clbtr ,, 1973, ,, r:co I .I'll .. Ill 1Plltlll(1tlon of 1nl1 notlc1. Ttt1: JU..,. ., JU .. ,. !ht court,,_ of O-rtmt111 No. l of j ~ltd S~ftmbtr II. 1t1l . AlllflllY1 fllr A•ml11lllr1lr11 11ld tour!, 11 700 CIYIC Clflltr Orlvt ~• CARi:l[t J. McHALE Pllblt~ Df1 ... ..-C0tt1 O.l!y •lkll WHI, 111 lilt c.ltv-"' Santi Anl. C1tllornl1. EiKutrl1 °' II" Wiii of StDI. 21, 27 Ind Oct. J, 1913 H16·1'l 01ltd $ti!t9mbff 21 , 1973. 1111 llXIYI 111mld Hcldlf!I WILLIAM •• SI JOH"' .,., ltOUTOH. County Cllr1t IMl•NS .. M<IUTT•ICI(, PUBLIC NOTICE LACICMAN ilD LACICMA" l't-("'l'lfl lHol!, It l"IM A,,_, Siii .. "' WU1Nr1 ..... MYlr•, •ICTITlOUI •UllMISS LOlll •Mc~, Calll, ~ '"' "1-' NAMI! STATIM•NT Ttll 121S) 4»'·tWt trly Hlllt., CllJIOl'llll "211 Tiie loll 1 I All..-..VI llP! ,...II_ ltlJ) t7M,.. W 11111 UMHI 11. ow n1 Pt•"°" ' llolng builnt11 Publl•h«I Dfll'tff Ca.ti Diiiy •llof -·"' 111e ... 1r11 • RED CARPET REALTOR~ ,,_ s.pt. ff, 21 Ind Od. 2. 1m 1"'·11 l'llWllMCI Orll!Ot' Cotti Dl.lly •1101, • •• "'blr 12, If, 2a and OttoMr J, H11"1>or •1w .. Co.11 Mtt.I, Ctllforn!1 lfn 1111.1J l'lbJb PUBLIC NOTICE J ,;;; Stev111 Cll1rle~ Gr111n11, .QO Eiltttr. j PUBUC NOTICE Cot1• M•••· Cahlornla f261' l'ICTITIOUS tUSINl!tS ~ ___ T~l1 b1J1lntS1 I• conc1111:1ect tJv 1n rn. •IC1'1TIOUl •UtlNl!SS dlvla,..fl "AMS STATIMINT "AMI: STATIMINT Sltvtll Chirtei Grinnls TM loll~n" Pit'°"• 1r1 dolf!O I 'fQ lollowlf'IO Pt•IOll !1 ooif!I llu1lnt1t l hb 1!1!1mtnl rllld with !I'll COUft!Y bVJIMll II. 11•• Cit<~ of Ot1110t Cov~IY Oii Stollmblr l1 NORNAMEHTAI.. TREE FARM. 15'J • TOY WOlll:LO No. 110, .,,, On The lt n ' IWPllrl Blvd .• Cotll Miii '2427 I ""'110 (LI li'llFM-Sltnl11nl &lllfll P~rk, P:JH:JI llor1•ld 0 . S11~r, :uJ0 ColllOt Or~ Clllforn11 906:!0 Puol!1 htt1 Or•nat Cot1t D11l1Y Pllol Cotll ~11' 'Ca. I Ollllllt s . H°"""' UU Br!lll Avt., Sfftlt"llltt It, 2' •nd Octobtr J, 10; Gtortl E. Uyemu•1, t1fl l.lrlUpurl AWN C•UI fl7Cl 1tn 2t01 n Or .. Wnll"lllllttlf", C1. t2"1 lhh bvtll'ltil 11 conchlded bY in 1... • Tl'lls bu1f111r11 11 c;oMuc!tcl by 1 lltnlttd 1 Nrllllnlllp i•IVfd<.ltl PUBLIC NOTICE "°""Id S11ye1tr •~ltll ,'e:':.:.~ .. ~Kl wtlll 11>1! COVIi· thl• lllltmt11t flled with lht Coulitv J ,Uftl!. of Or•l'IG• COVlllY Oii S.pl1mbl• SL•·IJ7 f,!!k of Ot•ritf Cour11r ""' Stpttmblr 17, SUl'llttOC COUltT 01' TH• , .. ;<.tftM STA.Tl OI' CA&.ll"OltlllA l"O• J·Dm 115J0« THI C0UH1;,Y 01' Olil:AHOI ,.UVlltllMI 0rll'tff Ca.it 01!" -.. Ito! l"llOllJMod Or1noe ca.ol Dilly p 1101 .... l\·ntn St11t1fllblr It, ta '"° Or.IODlf' s, 10, l'IPffW!bff ''· 24 •nd OctCllNr J, ID, NOTICI! o• Hl.t.•l"O o• l"ETITION lt73 ,.,..,, jlf1J ~11 ,-o. l"ltOll\T• 01' WILL AllD •Oil l•-------·-----r L1TT111s TllTAM•NT.t.•Y PUBLIC NOTICE , PUBLIC NO'flCE D!'::!,~ OL.Aovs l(NOI( v.-N ltlPE1t.1---,===,...,==~--·ll NOTICE IS HEll:EtY GIVEN !111t l"ICTITtoUS IUSINISS l'ICTITIOUS 1u11 .. us PETEft KNOX VAN RIPER Nos Iller! HAMI STATIMINT __ .._ __ MNlll •T..t.T ... UT -.h«elll <1 Pt.l.ltlCILJ.Clt.....P.:fotllt• of Wiil 1nC1 Tl'NI PClllowlnf PtrMl'lt 111 ~Ill 1 T,,. flti.wil'llJ ,..ton 1$ folflO 11111111111 llr IMUll'ICf Of ("flltt"I T"•t1miilliry .. l!Utlntt.I u : ,Ii.: 1111 Pl'llJl-r, r.i1rt11Ct lo wtllch 11 mlOt tARBEllY COl\ST MEH'J HAlll ,,,. OOGl.ANIAN t!Ntllll:l"ltllt• -,,.. tor lurtl't., NrtlCull,1, lfld 11111 lllf 11mt DESIGN, ftSS ~rtl111111 Wey, NIWPOl'I DUtfltlAL AUTQM.AT IOH O&t.llCCS, .and P'llct of llNilf'll t111 Mmt N1 b1on ttac~. C1nf."'1HO ,,,., Mfflf ... I., Ill...... lff(:h, c.. Ml lor' (kt, '· lm, II •:«I '·"'·· In "" Edw1r• ,"""1 .... PtrlJ Cr .. H- ,,... courtroorft of Otolrtll'lfl'll No. 3 of wlcl 1l11t1ton llKll. C1•1 .. ~r ' l\lo_, Govltnllfl, 1640 MOIVO'Oll, c~. ti 100 (IYlc Cant., Orlut w .. 1, ~ DMMI JMMt11 Powtll, ~ ,.tn"ll I w,...,, &MUI, Ct llf . ..,.. 1111 City et S111t1 A111, C1lllor11!1. Cr,. H11!!n1t111111 IH(l't, C..111, '2647 "Yllll Mffllll h c~ed lrl 111 In-0.tttd $-. It. ,,,, Tllit 11\11°111111 11 COllOt.ICltd oY lfl I"" ~vtl. WILLIAM ·I . $1 JOI-IN, dl\lldv•I· ' "'--•f!Off C.0.11111•11 ClllMY (lt•k 0..11111 •-11 T?il9 11111m1nt .,,, llltd Wllf• 11M Cl\H'lo llO!iljlY L. lAOU9 T"'9 tllltlMlll WM llltd ~1111 lilt Coun- ty <..,• " or.,.. c-ty 111 kptflflbfr • Jlli. M1l1 11 .. ltt. • ty C"'lt; ef Ortflft CCNnl'f on '"''"'°"" , ... , Tll, 1no Ml.WI! '''*' Help~ fotest fires. Q' J~ 111\. , • ..-.. N . Clllf, trm u , 1911. I l'plJl""-d 0rt<'ltt COtd O .. lt l"llOI, A"'"'" lw1 "'""-r 11•11t1Ut1'1111 Or•lllt GNll 0411\' l"llotl'============== ..... 111111ii J .. llld Ott.e. J, It, 11, "11114111*1 Ot"lllff CO.ti 01Ut Piiot, S1t1lll'!lb« !J, N, 2• 1(111 ~r J, }ft> • mi.n '-"• u. 11 111111 ou. r: 1•1> ,.,,.., 1m 211t.n I • , I, I Are Y 011 Letting Cash S,lip Through Your Hands See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT • WANT AD Will Sell Fast! 1. Stovo 29. lllcydo 57. Eloctric Troln 2. Guitar 30. T,_..11or ·SI. KlttOfl 3. llaby Crib 31. llar Stool• 59. Clo1tlc Auto ' 4. Electric Sow 32. Encyclopodlo 60. Co-T1blo 5. Camera 33. V1cuum CIHMr 61 . Motorcyclo " . 6.w • ....,, 34. Tropical Floh 62. Acc.rdlon 7. Outboard Motor 35. Hot Rod Equlpm't 63. Ski• 8. St1roo Sot 36. Fiio Cabinet 64. TV Sot 9. Couch 37. Golf Clubs 65. w ... k llonch 10. Clorlnot 38. Storllnt Sliver 66. Dl1mond W1tdl 11. Rrofrlgor•tor 39. Vlctorl1n Mirror 67. Go-Kirt ---- 12. Pickup Truck 40. Bodroom Sot 68. lronor 13. Sowlnt Ml<hlno 41 . Slldo Projoctor 69. Cmipl"I Troller 14. Surfboard 42. L1wn Mower 70. AntlqU. Fumllvr9 15. Mochlno Tools 43. Pool T1blo 71. T1po RICOrdor 16. Dlohw1ohor 44. Tlr11 72. S.llboat 17. Puppy 45. Pl1no 73. Sports Car 1'. Cabin CrulHr 46. Fur Coat 74. Mottr-Box Sptt 19. Golf Cort 47. Dropoo 75. Inboard Speedboat 20. Barometer 48. Llnon1 76. Shot9un 21 . Stomp ·collection 49. Horso 77. Saddlo 22. DI nttto Sot 50. Airplane 78. Dort G•- 23. Ploy Pon 51 . Or91n 79. Punchlnt Bag 24. -Hilt 11111 52. Exercycle 80. Baby ,.,,, ... 25. Wator Skis 53. Rare Books 81. Drums 26. Fr-54. Ski !loots 12. Rlflo 27. Suitcno 55. High Choir 13. Dosk 21. Clock 56. Coins 14. SCUBA O..r TMM or any other extra tflfngs .ouacl the ho- can be turned Into cash with a • DA ILY PIL O T WAN T-AD So • • • __ _,. • DIAJ. .PIRECT • 9 642-1678 j" ~; .. , , • • c ) I • • • • .. • w-...~-26,1m \ Wtdnt'41y, St11tmbff!U~,!l!'173~~~~~ ~ I _ ... _ ·I~ I _ ... _ I~ I -... -1~ I ---I~ I ~· .. --lltl I .... -~·~ I~ r--~-l~ I !M-u..turn.iiiiiiilii:IOi~ HIUlft Unfurn; aos Houoao llnlvlft. aJ HeuHI Unflll'JI. aGS Dupfoxff l'vm. 345 Aplo. '""" U0 Aoto. ,....... 360 Apt, Unfum. "5 Apt. Unfvrn. 0..noral . _ Ballooo Penln1ut1 Hunt! ...... -Hawe"!! htch IJCEAl'.IFRONT'UJ>per 2 Br. ~!.'• M<tf" N-rt koch c .. ta -Huntington -h , $ LANDLORDS $ Owner'• llntt. J!\.rn. Wfnter. ' " ' Mil> t At ·• • ~ US Nnt UR --PENINSULA Point Exec $ -LNERS OP' $ VllW 12SO/mo. Call 615-5366. * * * OCEAN v ....... bed"'°m 2 DI LUXE vo n '-•-,.... wortc I b n;E home, 1 bloek to beach or """ bath, only ..... to 'lhe APARTMENTS SPACIOVS NEW I BR '~E. ~t CJ:~ ~ bl¥. 3 Pit & den or 3 BR. $ R~AL f ROPERTY $ Deluxe Cbd>! 2 Bedroom• ~~~,:,~1~Jr'· 2 SPARKLING lfEYf • ocean. Oishw11hrr, built· Ab' Cond • Frplc'•. J Swim· Dl-wxE APAR~ prior to vac&!l(f. Save SS·· tndoor/outdoor patio in· We re here tO ICfVe you! -p:lua den 615-S306 646-l~ IP9i •hi.I carpet, 2 pol'(!~•. mlns Poolt -Ile.Ith s,,. . l..arie-"OO or ~·Y • $ ALA RENTALS $ tercom. frplc, a.II bJlnl lncld ~ OJi' CllARGEI Flmtace, \\'et bar, formal or loll of closet l~<,'t, P(j.rklna Tennti Courtl • Gym and Carpet.a .l draPf*. BuHt. i l/ewport A ...,,.CM 64U38I · .0"1e/lreezer, no pet.I. 1415 'l'ry 11•! Call.prior"' vocancy Oln 11& "'""· POOi, tennis SHARP 2 & 3 Br, 2 Ba, 1235 BAY SHADOWS tor 2 .,..... Wtntor or Ye.,.. BJll!ud Room. ,, ... CM !um<.t>. . • mo:·1.&e. fi75...L'.137, 962-8419. Don't lose 1$. St\ve T:lrnt'. courts, iac1122.I, double I: $265 mo.-ll4 E. Btlbol A ly. Call Eric !l.tueller, t BR. rrom SUO $165 per month ptlM'P tor JllO. U1I Pd. kit-$ ALA..REl\ITALS $ -· Immediato I~! or 1-2~. partments 213/12+-<l880 or n4!67S-5191 1 BR .l Den From 1190 25lll '7th St., H.B. chetl tmli, bfl Now: , Baw1horet Newport AB!')'. CM 6'2-8383 oceu,pa:ny N1•port leat;h Spnc~. Liv.ht &: Chett')'! ev" or v.'ttkends. 2 BR from $210 (btwn Oda.ware & Hntx Ave . , • '•· . Bra.nd new -S500 ~·~nth I & 2 BR AV L 11ts-oen NEAT 1 Br mil. Udl~ nJ:itLv re tll1 a .... ahore ./ BRAND· NEW !1 BR. ""' • Al BEAtrl'IFULl~Y fwil 2 BR 2 BR. 'l\vnh1e1 From S250 ~1 '!!"· Sm1 PO!/-· • '°"' t.i. ;,,,._• r:;;;;, "" CONDO. erpu, d r p,, HARBOR WINTER n.n141, ,.eluded Avall. Oct. 1 2 BA apt, lncldin& 'rushes: ·MEDITERRANEAN SPACIOUS · · ON J:WUUS 2 br $likl. ..... ...... .., Br 2 Ba 1 Pllo 'range/oven, dshwhr Ii: ~~. ~~ .. · .ci.1,:}'·pelr Beautiful appointm~ts in-Unena, ma.kl service & util VILLA"'-E . 3 Br, 2 Ba, crplJ, drps, ""·ly r ti>oo, chld &: pet. ~ ~11 # • • ge Pfl • cUspoaaJ. Beaut. pool. AU for u.~ •wn ..,..,.. ~ elude Decorator Fireplaces. tum mo. 1 yr lease. \:::7 dee. Poo.I. 01ild ok. $189. ~ =. 3~~~ $ ~ •.. Jt~· 2~:10, patio, cpt,1 f:~e. i=~~:~t ~ COMl9~NY ~· ~s:e t~~!h ~,:~ ~s. ~~ll~i· Jt.=at~ :~~te:bqn~ 81~~11:';1 ~ti~:. 2400 ·~;rni:m~~Ai C.M. l7421 $~~:~~ ~~ ~~ ~ vrty { W 2 ba. $295 tl)W, ' •t Omdr. $385 yrly, $330 2 blks N. of Warner, 1 blk ..._ REALTORS ~l"'T~O or "l1lke" at Volleyba~I court • Gas 6#-~.:21_ OPE..~ EVERYDAY 8-ET~7i!!6 River ~. i'8J', tnc<!_~~-5 thru June. 646-$00. W. · of Beach. 84T..e914, sfJft.c:' O. BBQ'a. C\osed Cange1. lfours: Frf·Tues lH j 'v~.--~pl~,~-h-2-8-.-. -2-.. -. -.. -,' MESAV 3br&fm2ba$:m ·,._ G'J>.1500 BAY VIEW Ad""··. NoP.I" Un•. avail. Close T O ., ' 'Aft-·' 2 lrpl, 2 CM'. ,,·,· ....,.rona del Mar ,,·OR RENT 409 w BAY St 0 cean Wed. le Thurs. 10-i nppll, c'ub & pool. Adutt Itv 3 4 BR, 2 BA, upper. romp!. ' • A d I PRIMA CASA Ai"ff" I Ing. Xlnt loc.'l""I. to """'~· BENI' Y.et. • br ba $360. t~' B£0ROOM Cu T j E BEAlfl'ITT.JL HEATED THE OluUt. Brand new tum., redecorated, 2 b1ks to Cost• Mesa ft ay • • • • m.& lease 536--0092 « t!.~ .. f:T>lbr.2"l>Plba .• !.:~t._._ Jmiilhe(I or ~ , POOL HOME "T<nnisVilla" •--"yhome the C<."e'81l,.ffth St., Yee.r's M1na11•r BIA... E·103 WINTER LEASE. 1 BDR~t l~lHaoo~:!~al-5Av0•·,°'11v1 i, ~ . •''I'• '~·...... • ........... rrpi~ ·~Ing pool, all uUlltie~ 3 BR>; 2 BA, boat eate, 'With 3 BR. pla&a lam u:u~. Pluah lease avail. lrnmed. Days, * ~ .... m * Sl!.O. ' . .\Jl'f;E 2 Rll ~""'. AL'L'i.rrrUTI:Es PAID 1BRAND nu 2 br, 1 ba, crpt, awl!, fl!« prl · -· pr month .. ~ bocne S""""· /'\owl., --·· CUil .-._ .....,. 615-6969, eves, 832-9'178 Call Bkr. 675-5800 F•n,lly Units _ ~11d-n'. drpe, blt1'n ga", ···a-• 4.LA: Rentas 642-~EW CARn.E'l'S •· -tnt .... ~-mo. Ca!~I ··-.:::..~ •. ;,::;:.;_,:.:...nd ';:.~I.lo.' si:::. ~ !._ -....,, .... , .. ""' r ~ "' ..--.. ...,.. .....,....... .. ... ,. •uu ..-,...,.. OCEANFRONT, wlnler ren-Unbelievably Beautiful $35 per wk. &: UP. 1 BR. 2 \\'clcome. La.rite Z BR, l ' vac., 3 bl.ks from ocea.n & ·walk 'to beach $350 pl' OC'OTI" REALTY • 536-7Sl'i walk to pool & school. $5-10 tal lower 2 br tum, closed VAL D'I$ERE Gardm Apte. BR&:: Bachelors. Color Tv BA. Retrlg, dshwhn1, bltns,1 goU course $185 mo. Avail lllNTALI "°""9 * Apto. * 145•0111 * ... W.11111cotTAMU4 LANDLORDS- FREE RENTAL SERVICE!! month. ,VERY pluah 2 Br, 2 Ba, fun mo. with immediate oo-garage. $300/mo. 642-3229 AdUlts • no pf:'tl. Flov.-en maid eetv pool The ~fesa' patios, walk-in clogets. gar, Oct. lit. 536-3179 'vi~EJ>~:t ~I~ B~~ ap 1 pUXI, clu~-~ pool mill_. Ad~_t llhv· ~Y· Bir. ~113:s'. or rollect, 629-2546. ev'l'l')"Atrere. ·Stream &: 415 N. N~-port Bl., N.s'. cmts, dmii & PO 0 L . 2 Bdrm. $215/mo. 2 blJes S480 pr. month. Broker ng. nt ..,,.. to U1118C • ••l..c.. Bluffs, Plaza a~a 3 2 BR, 2 Ba, nu carpets, v.'8.tertan, 45' pool. Rec. 646-9681. $23>-$2.1011\10. from beach. C'rpts, drp!r r& 67• 7'225 · $225-leue. 5.16.0092 -or BR, acrou.bom pool. New garag~ Ne.fillQrt s,bQre1. Rm . ....8auna. Sits l·2 Sdnn., 500' FROM OCEAN, vi~-. Ca~i.i~· 0~0~1,, ~~te garage. 842-5023. . •. ' :>-~ SM-3896. pa.In t, carp. & wallpaper S275. mon, yearly. 548-4802 Fum-Unfurn. from $142. all blbul, 11WKteck, 3 Br. up· ----~ _ s~_;s;~eapt, lt:OYe, "A jewt'l" at $3'15 per mo: * 3 BR., 2 Ba.* SEE IT: ~ Panons, per Immac. Winter rental. GRAND OPENING 1.:.r;..vl;;_n;;;•------';:..J 1•235···~, br~,.~ pt___ 1, Irvine 1.low-ln ready! 644-1133 Steps to Beach. $300 Yrly. 64Z-8670. ill 341h St. N.B. 64.>-3109 NEW BRE'ED APTS. - • :.i , u.,.c, UC'Wll ce.. Broker. Property Houu 642-3850 $30 WE Ek & UP aner 5, 60-4088 days. BAClfELOR'S & t BR. carport 1 blk l>ench' -0 $300 • 2' brs, frplc, al~ on 3 BR., ·2 bl .•••..•..... $400 D Y.ER SHORES Dunl•.-u Unfurn. 350 e Studio A 1 BR Apte. NEW Lwrurious o c e An S'160 10 S185 TV pool tio ai hn~ }rlf, 13PS..;,, " ChJUm! 3 BR.,~ bo ••••••• $400/4'> Bea.ut., view home. 4 Bdm}s. • TV & Maid Service Avail. Front/View 3 & 4 Br fron1 Util Paid. Frplc's, beam d'ti' i • ~ r NU·VI EW RENTALS 2 BR, 2·ba, den, A/C ..• S275 4 ba. Sl.100 ~fo., lease Balbo• P.itlntufa e Phone Seivlce -Htd. Pool S300 "visit 2()()4 w. 'ocean ceil., patio &. pool, Bltins & 1 ·on ng, g ner, 67l4030 or 494--lUS 2 BR. 2 batha, tam nn. $350 Bill Grundy, Rltr 675-&61 • Children &: Pet Section Front daily or can 646-3114 refri"', avail. No Pf""I. ;55::2-3563==· .,,.--::,.----~' OLDER ~ 1 • BR., 3 ba .••••••••••• $425 5 BDRM .. 3 BA, executive BRAND new Ocean or Bay 2376 Newport Blvd., 0.1 eves. 393 Hamilton, CM Lagun• 8 .. Cft .... ·ullnll ng 2 BR. 4 BR., 2 ba.'ths , •••••••• , $496 view home. Garde-1... view 2 Br. Yr lea.ae. $350. 3 ~9755 or se.3961 OCEANFRONT int ~11 house t"e'frl&: &t"\1'e ............. & '""' ,,.. Br 'vlnter rental • .,=11. {1) (Ad ~ l 15 ) ' "' er ren-2 BR, 1 bath, ocean vie<A•. d 'i ur\d" $Z40";rly S BR. 2 ~.air oond. •• $275 eluded. $495 mo. Yr. lse. ~ 5uuu or on rent la! lower 2 br furn, cl~scd * * * * * * \\•alk 10 beach, $260. mo. \~t ~lit nn, . . 4 BR., 21Ai ba. ••••·• $450/475 6"-0687. ::~.aft 5. Or 673-44&> or $130· 1 Bdrm garage. $300/mo. 642-3229 NEWLY DEX."ORATED 4~2339 or 494-3383 , .,_, rkl"t cntSbea.ch f& 2BR,i~~ba. ........ , .. Q5 *SHARP 4 BR, 3 BA, orrollect629--2546. Lrg 2 BR 2 BA apt + . ;:• ~ Pre · 2 BR, 1 be.ti1 ......... , $300 Townhouse Back Bay. Pool. NEW 3 BR, 2 BA, oulstand· UNIQUE BUILT-IN FURN· WINTER Rental Duplex 3 patio. N~ crpts' &: dr,:.s. 2BR APJ', OCEANC VIEW~ Call Beacon Rentals . \2 BR, 2 baths ........ $325 F I If cl dbl Ing view of bay, yrly, SfiOCI ITURE. a..o~ TO MAJOR Br, Upper'= + utll. 2 Br. Orlkh~ & ,,........,, pet ok. on Sou~"23°"92t HY.'Y.,~, * u~ all 1 * THE Bluff", 4 BR, 3 Ba., 5 BR, 3 ba., N'~ Bch •• $5~ _,~ C,833" -4 ean &13ove1n653• mo. 548-ii761 or 548-2103. SHOPPING. T -er •~"~+'" ulil. No ~·-. Inim~. -• .:.:::...,. $!90. Nr. ~ '' ' ~ --' new • --De"!Jpl-•. ••.•I , CALL 552·7500 •-· ~,. or · · C fl Bk ~1• •-~ -~~ ~ ---~ .. , · · . '""'.....,' = "' Corona clel M.r a r. • -Adults. 847--6880. Baker & BriSWl. M'"'. l•auna N~gu.I nrE Bluffs. Orig. a.reJ. 1-1 elec. kltch.. dlx. appt'a. • SPARKLING new N w pt ---------. •· .11ty. "Bonila", adult tiome. 3 thruout. Lge. patio, 1'1t. VISION Crest 3 BR, %%: ba, ocean * * LARGE 1 Bdnn., new shag ~.50 per ~k & up. Color tv, !J79.8719. . BR, 2 BA, huge pe.Uo, bay view. Now avail. $575 Per w, vac. tntettom systems. * * * * crpts & paint. Utll free. maid serv It kitchens. The *" * * * * * , view. vact.nt &: ·spotleM. mo. 644-1133 Broker Barbque, $475. lse. 642-3490 vtEW Sl45/mo. Furn, except bed. Bayclill Motel, 455 No. TIRED OF NOISE? I $500 per mo. to"nlce family. owWrnc a BR. 3 Ba. nu e red hill BIG Canyon Condo new 3 Br, *NEAR BEACH* 646--0112 or 54.S-1517. Newport Blvd. NB. 646-J265. WlllKln Garden Apts. 2 Br. SEA TERRACE APARTMENTS ~1133 Bkr. paint, r1.lgs .l d~ frl'I.<!, l . 2*lO sq. ft. Choice of crpU &: x::~.: ~· ~~~!"~~ ~R ndaPl -DuJ!~· DELUXE Lower D pl x, 1% Ba, crpta, drps. Pool. patio, 1 gar, 2 blks bCh. LBe. REALTY· REALTORS dtpa. $9001mo. Occupancy duplex, beam c e Ill n g, ac. co · prl fncd ¥'.. Bayfrnt, heh, 2 Br, 2 Ba. Mature adults, no pets. ta Clltfnfl'I llWlll DAI Ly 4.17 Narc 111u1. Owr. Univ. Parle Center, Irvine approx. 10/10. ~2116 · pa•~-~1, or_,__ . lmmed. occup. $155 per mo. S350 yrty. 221 l!}fh SI. lnq. ONLY Sl62.50/MO. 644--092.J ....,.,, '" • ~11.1pp111g, no 551-1278. 233 19th st., 6'15-0'l36. 2283 Fountain Way E85t HARBO~ View H.111 a . 'YES, WE u-.VF:f • .,,,...,...,T"' 41~~ famror:o:'11>~r~a~ pets,~~ 1 BR. bJtns, recently redec. OCEANFRONT Bachelor ,ti; (W. ot Harbo,• on Wilson) Spa lou 5 Bt'/deh/f .. ...,, ~, •1u..o> w/tennis, pool. $ 6 o o. * * * * * * No kids or pets. $130. Avl 1BR apta, yearly, $175-$225 Call 646-28461 c j spectacular vi am Atay we be er...Mt'Vice ·~1658. Oct. 1. Eves aft 5: 30 or Fum &. utll, 673-1531 l\frs EJ Puerto Mesa --' LllUlll Nltu1l11 ldl1I OClatt ' ! locale. Muf belch with · oe11n or pert; views. Clrptt, " bt1n1 ceUlnp, Pll'lfl llvfnc -Pllio/bol-. G( kltcllln, Hlf t111n oven, ' di-. Roe. 814, pool, Pllol.,. 1~~~~~Z::2 BR.:~ ~~. a;:~s? ~a~~~~H~11Fam 2-drpdzupl~~.dog{ro~I;~:, =·s~:: One older b~~c Beach . thru June 1 &2BRApts.,Unfurn. " n n ""--.--Rm &-Form DI. ~ 1' s "''"-per mo. adult only, FUrn. Utll pd. 31 Roomy 3 Br 2 Ba $130 &: Up. ' ~~I~ ~.=.· N,a ~ ** ~Br, den, din~~ nn~~ WPol•,a;me ~011;_ 644-S034r . 1233512';Ellndq. ACptM 4 in rear. f*!!mo· 8 3 3'-8 J 5 0 of Al'oofl U1 t!liRtle1 Paid. )Jcuul. flmldo """"· Cftolct 1 l 2 btdrms. 11.~ 11,-ORANGE COAST'S Marketplace 646-"~ trpJ bl-· N be ..... tt=11 1• en, • . .no-"1757. • ecreatlon .uTJ"?"· ~ .. ~. r a"'"· -· FOR rent or sublease, 2 Br, 2 Garage fOI' rent SPYGLASS HILL -Lease · S.15() • 2 Br. ~. crpts, Dani Potnr Ba, beaut. furn, in Park 1959 Maple Ava, C.M. BR home. fantutlc view. drapes, yard. Kids/pet!. N rl $fm/m0...,No pe*': 640--1768.' Or.anp Calif'• Lrpht Rental Aire:v LIVE tn the all new Dana ~wpoCa!lrt ~ ~klng foun· NEW ADULT LIV.JNG!! 3 BR. ·2 bi., clee.tio J'Pl8.cloua, · · "mNCE UN&':. H!HW1eflnder1 547-'641 Point Harbor at the lain. ~ ext. 334. BACHELOR Units Ir 1 BR's paUQ, gar. $425. mo, Yrly 1st Wmern Bank Bldg. S!:!; 3 :-.. · ;'_!!· gar, pa.Uo, beautiful 1.-IARINA INN SMB ASH2 BalNGI New Bayfront 3 ~~fbpa.tlo ~-rplc'sl,bltibe"'!' leue. &M--0811. Unlven:ily Park, Irvine u11.--u. ...,...... ?.tote!. 34902 Del Obispo SL r, • ease Iii June 15. " • poo n1, • 2 BR w/pr. No child. or •ys • 'V fl Homeflnder1 547·9641 Apartmentslorlltent ficiencles le Apartments. OCEAN FRONT lrg clean Util pd. No pets. z bltM. fr. $205 to J.U5 "" ... ,_ 493.QIO!. ' OIR£CTIOllS. NiltMI R~, 1 1111.IQUthofCrown'lltley' ,-.- Pboy, II PocHlc Cool! Ht!J.,, Llgana Nlgael 4ln lbe choice community' D 552 7'00 N'-h Calif's Lrgest Rental AF(f"y [ If 'W'] (496-2353). K 1 t ch en, Ef· $395. Beach. 67>1566. re':"g avail. $160 to $225. pets. 612 ~~ $215. Santa Ar.. a . Healed pool direct dial furn t l-2-3 Bed 393 Hamil)on C.M. 1-fl'll'Y 6#-8616 ~ UN I VERS IT t Park phones, tele~K>n. sauna cn4) ~ or 827~msl-;==-;;;,64S-+Ul;:..,;~~=~·i-,,,--:,,.-~----,,.-I 610 LARKSPUR. 2 BR&: htd. ::oou~;W3 Br!;1 l~S Ba, $100 • (bey Bachelor Hoose. Apt f l60 bath,. 1 au n d r Y facilities, Lrg I 2 B d Ix Db: FOUR SEASONS APTS. M .... "er.de , .~ 11 B0~1:e8:j:Mo.6...,, ,,n..,, drps,' paUo.' Acn!~ g~ Yard for tamlties. Call to-I. urn. meeting room, clo1e ... Jo San, kit'&: 'bamaJi,1 1 i!tJc:fich!bay Spac. 2 sty, 2 BR, 1~~ BA. . • , '"""""' tennis coort.s le pool. 1 yr. day. General Clemente&: Laguna ~ach. $275 6i 35701534-1429 ·Bltns, crpts, drps, priv DLX 2 & 3 BR, 2 Ba, e~l ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 3 BR 2 BA trplc patio lse S395 52$.!1628 CalU's ~ Rental As(cy Come pla;;· in our · ;)-• patio, pool, conv. loc. No gar. $170 up. Rental qt"f,,. II · ' 414 1Fe~a1. · · mo. · Homeflnclerl 547·"41 WATERFRONT !BR, prl sporttishlng, shopping & San Clemeftt• pet11. $165. 7li Joann St., :nl5 Mace Ave. 546-icl....._ Call 644-oo.10 UNIVERSITY Park - 3 BR S J patio. New 2 BR, tum or restauninbl. S60 week &: Up. 1 J C.M. 646-1450. Newport - C!LASSIFllD HOURS AdVt'l'tlsel'a may place their 14' by telephone 8:00 1.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Tricia¥ 8 to noon saturday COSTA MESA 'orna: 330 w. Bay 64:1-!1618 NEWPORT BEACH 333! Newport Blvd. 642-56~ HllNTtNGTON BEACH 17875 Beach Blvd. !14\).J.220 LAGIJNA BEACH 222 Forest Avt!. 494-9466 SAN CLE?t-IENTE 305 N. El Camino Real . 4!l2M20 NORTH COUNTY dial tree 540-1220 CLASSIFIED DEADLINIS Deadline for copy • kill• Is 5>30 ~.m. the ''" be-~ 1ot-e pu i11cat10n.~Pt for Sunda.)' • Mond&y Editions When deadline 11 Saturday, 12 noon. CLASSIFIED ' REGULATIONS ERRORS: Advtrt!att11 should check lbtlr ad.a (Sally & report error111 lmmC!dlately. THE DAILY PILOT auumee llablltty for the ftnt ln· correct · lnaerUon only. CANCELLATIONS: When killing an. ad be sure to make a record 1 of the KILL NUMBER rtven you by your 1d iaker a1 ~lpt of yollr cancellatJon. Thll kill number must be pre.. Hnied by the ILdve.rtlaer 1P Eue of a dispute. CM'CE.LLATION 0 R CORRECl'ION OF NEW AD BEFORE RUNNING : Every effort ii made to kill or correct a new Id lhal has been ordered, but. \VC! cannot a:uar1n; ttc to do 10 unttl the 10 has appeared in •tbt -r. DIME-A·IJNE ADI: 'nlese 8.ds are 1tricUY cash In advance by mafi or~at. any one: of our-o(· ftcts. NO phone ordtn. Ot'a~llne: 3 p.m. Frlda.Y7 Co.Ila Mesa oftlOO 12 noon -all branch of- Clce1. THE DAILY PILOT re. tervet the rtgh t. to du· tlfy, edit, censor or re·' fu4e Any 8dvtttlsemtnt. IJ'ld tq chanS(' ltl rates • regulatlo,. without prior notice. CLASSIFllD MAILING ADDRISS , P. 0-8oX 15e0, Costa · MCI& wlatrium, very clean, new-an uan Capistrano unfum, ~ulre 400 So Bring -this ad &: rttelve S5 1 BR, clean $150 mo. Apt 3 HERE'S the Apt f y 21 c,;.;.;...;:..:...;_ _ _;,; ___ , ~~·~~~~ ::ri1:~ ·~=i~~ ~~:,~: 3 BR. 2 aty, frplc. crpts, Bayfront, , 5 oft on first Wet'~c's rent. ~aA"SM~· com. Vic· ~.,_enclosed gar:/ at~ge PARK NEWPORT lad~ prd.~ m-.8974. Immed. occupancy. 552-mT drps, 2 car ear. pool privl. Balboa Island Huntington 9each ' ' "' ... unctry faciities, Adults APARTMl:.NTS ·it 3 BR, Z ba house. Gar, $325. alt. l :ll P~I Avail 10/10. $2!1).mo. aft 5. 4 BR, 2 ba. Sleep• ID, tum. LOW WEEKLY RATES Apt. Unfurn. 365 ~N~r ~1iioo $165/mo. Bacheandlor ~~.l,.~~.~ mo. 5%1 Iris, CdM. Call °Laguna Buch 615-1592. Balbo I I nd ~··~ 640-8211. HoUMI Furn. or Plenty of parkine. Students ExHVtlve Suites a I• 2 BR, 1 & le 3 Br I~~ Ba, Fr. $UN.SO Open 9-6 nillY 1165 1 BR N bea h Big U f welcome. S350 per mo. 727 Yorktown Blvd. . bltn range, drps, crpta, pool Spa Pools TMiifs r:nst• Mela-• · ear c · n urn. 310 Winter. 675:-21166 or 873-7910. Wvd 2 BDRMS., frplc. Private clubnn, carports, 2z1 2 Across from Fashion Dlla · • J ' fenced yard, Child.lpet wel-Go-ral BafbN --tno"'-Beaoh 5•6.. :11Yorktown lanai. All elee. built-ina. Colle&e Ave., 6 4 6 - 6 0 3 2. at Jamboree on San J""""Uln SJV\RP l Br, 2 Ba come! .... r-..-. .,. --I " Gataae. Broker 675-6700 Under new mgment. Hills Road. ....... .. ,. Townhome. Pool. P • r k. >12SO · IAr&< 2 Br, ocean v;.w .. , WEEK & UP eSFuJITUDklltOScben&· I BR's. Salboa Penlnouta Attractive -I •-2 BR, (714) 644-1900 Gara~. Yard. Low main!. Apt, huge deck. 2 BR 2 ba .-...... "" Avail now. $265 CU 828-4495 $Q) -3 BR, 2 Ba. frlHt, • ocean.front S450 e Sleeplnc Rooms ~ e Heated pool CHARMING dupit-11: i Br w.twcarpeting, drpa, hillns LUXURY BAYFRONT ~ or 897-1305. beautifut ocean view! Ex· 2 BR 2 ba tum, winter S275 • House~ Rooms • Laundry facilities Newly dee., a1uJi1 only: A~0 no pets. $135 mo. do. 7th floor. Spcct.. viNi'. ~es:; :: i:~· ~.~~ N'.tVi~~·ENTALS N= ~~~·J:_R. 2 ba. e 0ceu..:10AArNN : ~ =:-~~toor ~~~/shops. ~A v::;e·B6:,6"°~~' bay .tci~~~ !:t de-1ac. Kkts, pets OK. 873--;roo or 494-3248 JM Main Street e T.V. & maid 1erv. avail. Corofta del M..r D/W, gold shag, patio, Ol' lease. 644-Q56 Ml-2221 Cz:nsr ~). OCEANSIDE ot Hwy, 615-8740 e Bar-B-Que garage, pool. $210. 54&-0281 PARK Lido Twnhse, Exec. • PtiOni!i IJl!:rvi"""~ -2~~1--D "'"--ooR, 2u~ ~le -BR.-.-Avall Sept-29th unuwal 3 BR, lovely view, Bl!:ACH & pier t Br Sl.80 I: ....... D•~--... u.... '"· ~no-~ -4'fl .. t' $250/mo. 959 Doa;wood St., older home, great privacy, Ja)). 2 Br $250. UU pd. • 1 Mile to ocean _ ncW c:rptg. Adults, 00 pets'. pool, 4215 Patrice 646=; C.M. (do not d Is tu r b charming extras, dble. gar, kilts. 303 E. Edgewater, $).5&.$165 ~-"" $100. 707 Shalimar. 642.-5168. 845--0930 tenant). Call 893-5310. $435. mo. 497·1081 aft. • & L•gun.1 IMch 1-811-2866. BACHELOR !: 1 BR., paHOI, 'ti. Z BR, patio, crpu, drps, Bit· 2 BR. 1 ba. Blk. to oceu,. ?ifESA Verde - 3 BR,· fam. wlmds. e cozy 2·BR borne + I BR ~1~;~:. Pbarivth. earagl es -..in....t'ange. -Avail 0L1. 2nd. Yearly, S::OO Month 1, I_: __ .. '~••n BAY Avail THREE Arch "D .... , winter ._ Apt Cl-·tooee I ... ..,,v1ut:U , k lots of 1115 "A""""" ... "'"' Ask fOr Mike ....,, $\2 ~ ini';"~ . ~~'. ~ $850.' mo. 3 '= year around ~tals avail c00ie ;"'3em ~~ Bh.d.; closets. Rec. hall, pool It TOWNHOUSE -E~s;i,:u iB'R· ,1 JONES REALTY 6'73-63J.O OwMr7agent ~7051. priv beach area & faclls. now. 2 to 6 BR's from $300 N.B. p:>ol tables, sauna· baths. 2 Br, fireplace, pool, private • • CONDO _ Adults or:te!JM SJNGLES/Familles • Vacant h.f..a2.-700U to $550, mo. Priv beach le PENIN PL 1 blk to bch, See '. for younelt. 17301 patios., continental break· Bltns, w/w, refrig~ Oose to everything. 3 bmi 2 Br. in>. AlllO 3 BR. $180, $3SO MO. 3 BR. plus den, ~~~~(.dse:~u:: furn, color tv, vlew, bt'aut. ~~1 ~:k: N~lofb~t:).of =pp~:c:~n~~h'. ~~ $165eA~~t/;:vtsvlEW 2% baj Jt6~~· pool,. ··,,, kldll:/pets. Agt. Fee . 2-sty. view bome LINGO REAL ESTATE modem l Br, sundd, yrty, 842-7M8 -5'8-399 ~- 979-8-l3Q. ~704 49H729 Agt. 499-ti54 ~ adults, $190/mO. 619-9189: ELUXE du! ~t'd ,or unfwnished, from 2 BR HEATED POOL $200. OCEAN Front upper dupl~X , -·•-Mod 2 BR •. ~-BAYFRONT y'C'&n•"' · D A t Poolside ··-· Corona dei Mar, 2""53 Irvine, C.M. 5'8-1729 3 B• J o-D 6 • 38R mA ~lesa Verde. Avail ~ em w .......... Concfominfumi ~--• Garden Bunialow Nr 6"-26ll. '• ._, _.._ Oct ht. $300/mo. Roy nr Wood's Cove, $250/mo. 1 BR $275. Bachelor #51). 92i ocean Frplc lrg Pa& 6 * 2 BR, 1 Ba Upstairs, Mesa Dlshwuher, disposal, lrplc, ·-M~altor . ..M&,-1729=-846-2764 after 5 pm. Furn. 315 E. Balboa. 673-9749. • p00tg,'' sauni., te 0 ni1 . Verde. SIM. Adults • no 2 porches, ~729. • ---ruxlMS 2 bath& L NI ' . "llA\'FROOT-B.ACHD:O[~· ~. - -------· -pets. 833-8974. cozy 2 Br + den, 2 "'-· 2 BED • ) ~ 9UI Gonual "' ·~• I Bdrm.· From n'". NEW. -Prime loca-1 bik AIL elcc. 2 BR. I B' I "-'~~-· -g-ar·. ~ --. heated swimming pool, SS $160 winter~ vu• Paid. 936 E. ..., 10 h;.. eon..-...... l" blk ~ ~=~ • mo. Call 6f.5.a10. NIGUEL Shores, 33681 Wind· PALM Sprinp fUm condo Balboa. 6'73-9749. 2 Bit-$150 built ins Inquire ~Quiet.~'+ n child ok, $175 mo. Stt UI ocean /roo. ~ 2 BR off·1lr, quiet, patio, ~er, 2400be sqi,_ ft,. { ~ Ped, tennla, mountain view. PENINSULA Point, 1 Br. aft 6 PM, ' .arate 3 BR 2 ~~ AJbert No. 1· CM 64&-?996. 675-0098. ~ar. adult cpl only no pets. UlO/~~e,831_1~.' Po o • $650 month, owner 6'f3....M53. Fu1200,. 1 . · u~~ pd . .,!e~. I , * 960-1126 * patio, deck,~-67'J.l95T. LRIJOOG. 2C1B08'•' 210 Babe, wh/frpA!cl. uoo1_1Is\e, 1 Btor, sitting ... ~(· $1T;i. 548-8251, 548-1405. Lagun.m N1..-1 . mo. 1;11.r721.9, ~ BR $169 Pool bltins crpt, . ac . v w "I' c, gar. very .,. .... , 2 BR. ted blUns trpl LEASE -3 BR., 2 ba.. with YEARLY L«e 2 BR,-adlts, ~ eic. ~ 0 r Oct. 14. Call 673-43.16. tenant only. Yrly lse. $19S Prtv. C:::. itao. N~ pe~~ 4~sJ:cil. $330 ~:_~ Agt. 3 ..,.~ Coooo:iruwn on the near beac~ ~· sm ~: 847-Tiss. 2A~ ~~Ji'cf~i~'=: Huntington lffch *moEASI'B. 613-51LUF4S.F c 1 ,.~ • nl<l. 54B-601B or 646-6710. 6"" course, auutully fum. 1;11;,...611'"' MEN, small beaeh hotel. 508"' Marigold, 64()-()769. , -us · ~':'I: SHARP Mesa. Verde 3 BR, 2 Linda l1le $l95. 67>3000• Agent. BAYFRONT 1 BR. Rooms $21..50. per wk. Aplll Open House 5:30 to 1 Tue6 ~Itri ... ~_Te? stytl z rr~2% ba, Ad~~· Ba; frplc. All bib& $275 per 1 OR 2 Yr. lease. p~ & slip. Condominftlml $175 Winter. 926 E. Balboa:. $95 per month. 636-1008. & Wed ' a ~ ..... ty? pa o, co gar. 0 , · month. G<J.0171. S BR., 411 be., • .....,.,.. Unfurn. 32t 673-S749. .. ' L.__. llMch 3 BR . 2 BA ho So I Adults O..fy-No Poll 1..:::-~:;:::·=~=-~.,.1 NEW 4 BR/F 1 (0) Sq Ft S3 «MXl $130. 1 BR, uUl pd, no )d4a or . ~ H • I I ~:· ~ Close to Shopping & bus LARGE ' 3BR, 2BA, ftreptl Sooth O:lut P~r.a.$.too': Bllroniftdy,'rutr. ~61 e ••• Bluff pets, 100 ft to bey, '1?'.t. 2 BR lower Dupli;:X, furn FA 'ti.ii A~nr~ooo lines. Unfurn. stove, refrig blllns, dhsv.•Bhr. Nr l,fo.u .. ~. B Balboa 54' 1155 • he rl tJ 1 ..... incld. Hosp. $250/mo. A d u I t l • No ~to. ~w. Newport htch 3 BR Col1do Eutbl\11!, $425. ay, · • -I at, P v pa 0• enc 0-* I BR APT * Alf Utf1'1 P•ld 642-<387 NEW 3 br twnhle, 2 car pr, e BAY" AfOUNTAlN VIEW Call for alp o in fine n t . ~E:a~l\ia:=se.J:i!'. 4 ~.. f:J;ear beach, Vacant, all Utt! paid. $200. 675-1884 2 Br, 2 ba a: den, arounc1I '1"1"°ao=""w"°e=sT=c"'L°"IF"P'__,=,., crpll, .~~...:... bll635ti!13, patio Brand new 1-tri-level ''R" 640-0929. vall Oct. 15th. * 968-6732 * I FURN. 1 "BR apt, prd ,.1e. 3 Br., 2~ Ba. duplex, built floor $1&4. n4-M2-962'l, Mo~ 2 BR, 1 &. 2 BA. Blln .•• a~a . .,_..-oru~ 1 1 11"• ndo ,-ounta1n Vllley Cl Ins, carpets, dra ...... iots of Sat. a.nee&. Pool. &U-6274. • t• .. D ... I I pan. Bu . s co . 3 BR., Ce a ~t ••~ IU{ulL Ole to Downtown ,...... •na ft 2~ Ba. frplc, wet bar, pool. ron vw nwr 'Sl85. 49f...9892. lltoraae, 607 lrl.s. 833·2334. NEW 2 Br ayt. ?ilill, drps, * WATERFRONT spac 'ii; .,_CLOSE T,0 DANA Prime greenbelt locatkm. B~~~·..!!.~ 1~it' 2~l 1 BDRM Bachelor apf. Uv ·OCEAN beach !ront, 2 BR, 2 WAU:: to beach &: 11tores bhna, cll'P?rt. $l 7.so. Nr. boa.t slip avail. $350 \ lM!t • r·p()JNT MARINA ~/MO. 64f...il3:3 or BA, tam ~l"'patio, 2 ~ room & tull kttcben. AU •tU Ba, $330 mo. 741 Ocean-2 BR, pool , CdM charm S225 ;;11c~~: ~k, no 54.S-4.195 or 675-4397. ••-;r-' New 3 Br, 2 Ba. Ideal tor gar., rec flcll., S 3 5 0 . incld. $170. 1 blk fronl t.Mnt, ~. 49tl-1279. Orange Cou1 R.E. 644-4848 WALK TO Bl!ACH SHARP I Br. Ocean, 2 blUi" d 1 /t. hlld Leue BLUFFS avail Oct. lilt, 38R, 644-S beach. Q No. 6, c..matton BACH apt at cnscent Bay 3 BR, 2 Ba.or 2 BR. PaUo, shag nu appll. Adults, "'iii -~ l8 ~ wmd.,c: E*5 n.V 2BA1 Mh!Ored bar; Nr pool, Huntington ... ch Ave., 'or call 67>U7' aft 6 .$155. up. $50. up wk. Color garaae. 42'l Larkllpur, ask Brllnd new 1 It: 2 BR, pel::B. Yrty. $17S, 67>7.124. 544-1678. ~to w9r: ~~fr~:· pm. TV. 1"35 N. Cout, 494-25(11. next door. Eve•, ~7. cTi'·1:'&s ~7~~lns San Clemente '•unteln Vanoy " I o lllJGE '3 BR; ~ .BA, 2 "' aar .. all bltns, ..nm pool, kldt OK. Uke new. only $1.6a mo. No fet'. Aatnt, 80-4421. tached Lae $425/mo yrly. VERY plu.sh 2 ~· 2 Ba, full SO. of Hwy. Lovely 2 BR .. OCEAN beech front apt, $350 Costa Meu · · 64f...8li9 .' '1 ' ._ppll,.club &: pool. Adult llv· 6le!.> ! .. ~Uos. 1275 Mo. mo. "f\Jagni8c:ent view. Ph. 3 WALK TO BEACH * NOW AVAILABLE ·*~ m .. E BLUFF. S , lng. Xlnt loc: 1 ml. to beach. n_.,.,, or 67;l-t09!5 49't-2370 or 4944601 NE\V Br, 2 Ba. ffrplc) 1 &. 2 BR. Carpets, drapc1 Brand New Carden A~1 ·sm lenso. 536-00}2 or BEAUT. ltarbor &: ocaan vu Lliio ltle $240. New 1 Br, '1 Ba, bltns. ~ 18lfl St. 536-8S48 Xlnt San Clenwnte are_a NtiR;~af' =~-""*oiJ 5.14-389$. ~P~ beJ:~· ro ~~· Utll ~:.rr~~· 1:iu1~1nsi-m~ or IM7-395d 1... 3 B~~riJ.~ihSl~ .. crpts It df1)8. $525 mo. 1Jt 6 4 BR, crpta./drpa, relfbltns, • w, · FURN 1 BR, lncld utll. 11:ar., 2276 Pamela Ln. (near NEW bl I · ~ BR Ap:. DIW. A tireplnce, $2SO •: last $20Q dep. 833-8635 "or patio, pool, clubl\ftil!, tennla. Cotti Meite 1 adult, no .~11. $200 mo.. PIAcenU& • \V 11 10 n), crpUdrpa., frp1c. 1 bite from All apt!!. have private p&.Ob'.i, . 557~7883.. ) etc. $250/mo. 548-1405. yearly, 573-0831 6f)..36t3 or MHl358 heh. ·$235/mo. 53&-6813. many other features. See-..t $1415 -2 BR, bltna, c:t.rprtts, LA.ROE luxury home _ new Newpert INch A1TRAC. Fbm. 2 Br. l180. Ntwport ~Cl\ • sPACJOtis 3 BR 2 ba nr 2 BR apt avail, 1 blk to 686 Camlrio ne-Loi Maii!f, Huntl!'fr! Bwll . -mpe!Jl pr, kids-ok. carpet, 3.-Srt2 Ba. t.rg ~:,:·~· Adultt, hO. o~ "XE ~·~FRONT N'pt. llts Uke "new, ;;pta.: beach. $190. Call. afters pm ju11t 90Uth of San Clemente CaJit'a ~ Jt.tntal. ~~ ~lamlly room, trplc. Adailti BLlJFt'4, S BR, '491). Some ...-CA:oV vw:u'll" drpl biln o..R 6 0 dlshwthr Tues I~ SUn 960-1189 Central Hosp. •i• flnd111r,1 .., 547~ .'Only ... 75. ~ a~. Nmlture avail. CLEAN 2 BR APT, tuft?., S itr• 2 Ba. bltna, b"plc. ''ily Nice' & qult't. 1lliture adlta: * 3 BR, 2 BA STUD.JO. Ute Eitrella Olf..f'ilnV'1 , ~ING oa &Oftlge -'prv .... ln1m. . f f 644-1,.150 Owner-ag1. Adults, nowt. tnqulrilTI~ $-'50. 83trl491: 6'tr19-t9. no ~11. $2'J5. 646-2414 $195/MO. J\tature family. Phone 4!G-1f1ll. ~. I home, dbl a:Br, $160. Abo !t SHARP, open beruns, 2 Br, .2 fownhoule Unfurn. 3JJ Rocs•Uter$ · CASITAS FURNISllED 2 BR Apt, UPPER 2-Br ln 4-plex. W/ Avail now. 842--0350. NE\V 2Jlii.~ l* lit\, oc~ BR, $180, C.M. Act. Fee. B..i., g\K'St room, bltN, pvt H I llMch available September 29th. M.indeck. trr. rms, E·11de SPACIOiJS 2 Br. S I 4 9. view, Top area, supe-r ~· 9iH430. beach, _1ecurh.y & lLI rd . unt !'.!!°'? Furn 1 br a bachelon. :ruo 675-~ or 737-1078 C.l\r. 645-7485. CPRTS, drps, pool. Ollld luxe, adu1t3, $250. 49'J.2'J&t NEAT 2 Br. <:rpts cflpo, WIP. $400. Loo. Ul &14-3473 3 BR, 2 BA, $220/mo. Very Newp>rt Blvd., CM. 2 BR. 2 BA, "1 bit-I"'. Neor NEW 2 hr 2 be l21S ln<ld OK. Sj2.J546 or 847·17!11. Woatmfno .. r yArd + 1uem room. \Vaik to (2) 5 BR Harbor View cletan. Pool, rte re. a 1t 0 n MOTEL Aptt., 10 monthly :.flo.~3 lkach. $215. Call 1as &r: waler. r.f1ture' adults~ CLEAN. quiet Z Br, nearly 2 WEEKS FREE R:£Jil beac:h.lt. downtown. No Pf!tl. Hom<.11, water I: ;a.rdmer room. 2l3/430-1Jl4. "'Wt. 1110 mo. A up. 2316 ' no pet1, 114 E. 20th St. ne~ bid&:. Wtr, 111 pd. Child Ad It 2 8 ..,.,.1 =· 12SS/mo. ~. Incl .... , or !eua opt. ise. Ne -Nowpor< Blvd. ~-. DELUXE 2 Br, Supe; area, !W8-0137/-ol<, no pets. 1160. 142-1162. u 1 r, ~. qu • NEW 2 I: 3 BR. '1.dlt Ollindo, ' '*'6tCl .,wport " 1t !RADY ELMS.POOL pets ok. Yrlf Jm, Call J A 3 BR SUS • $155 Stove 2 BR apt, crptl, drpl 1toW ;):1' ~ bltlns, ' poota, "'N1l!i etc, $215 • 1'0\l!rROm' 4 llan!i.r1 bat1' BRAND NEW e Adulto PfolJl<le 11!0 up. Tom -or 8.18-3U.1. ret., crpt/-. htd poot' retrtg. laun<i. lac. neo, i :.,~ . '. ~~-~1290 , • lN" ' pe.dd",. SO'•dock Lea11e Wllh option to ~ 117 !h :&Jd.St., CM 60--l&U. l BLK to octan • bay, Multi; no pet,.~. ml. to beac!b 96i..T$49. .,..h · L~tlon .3. iii. 2 11a: ~·~ • "...-<11 ... 1 Top quality! 1 BR. aNri II ...... -....;, bacMlor ~ yrly, util In· WALK io b .. cb & oto«a SIGS. I BR. Illar. cpta, !pie. 4 l'Ul'ft. or Unfu,,., 219 home . $500 down, $7111 mo. ~ 2 r> Bit. btach • 2 A ! -"' C.M. rtat 1115 II..,... clded. p...,., ~· 2 RR, pool, 001 i:h&rm 1225 blocl<• ti! be1Cb, su paid. -• . -r Call aft 5 PM, 8U-342l. home11. Yrly, ltui, from 9 2 Car Gtn.ctt Blvd. Apt 1, 54Mm1 t\lff. LRh~ 3 Br, 2 Ba. blt·lna µp-Orange. Coast l\.E. &1'H84B 415 15th St.. Hunt Sch. "•lboa ..... ttt1ul• 1 3 BR. 2 Bo, trplc,->COl'PI.~ $~ rno0£ent $41-1290. sea. I< 1415. AD\11.f BACHELORLtiTE ~ 2 blko .~h1~· Wfntor llo•'t rtivt up the. •hip\ • • 2 BR. I BA. tl\11.1, d .... YEARLY Ot" winter. 2 an; ':~:!::::~~~~1"'"",_.,, -.l SCh}.. ood.a;l'M'!.l'laol.tuu~I NEWPORT CREST Pool. llul Pd. SU5. !11!' !rl4)-"""""· '= "Llll"~t tn cluollted, Ship R & 0, $145. Ml< for Dolt, bf, l\Jm, $225. 2 BR., . I. ~ lno. ~ ewta. Clll M>5iS'1I. PHONI ....,.141 ** 648-697-t •• The futt'lt Maw tn 1ne Weit. to Shott Results! 642-6678. 962-$t71 .. unr. s=. ~. ,, ~ I '• ' \ I • . ;z DAJl Y PllOT .__,,. I~! J~[ ..... _ ]~[-... _:.l l5J -~l5J [ -·lflll ~I ~-Jfill~J 'iii.iiiiiiiii -· ... -._~.m;-ll~IJ1 W~iJ, Srp~mbtr 2tr, 1973 • Pll.41 ·ADVERllltll Iii Apts.. Offlc. Rent•' 448 Perto..1".1•11 ll'um. or Unfurn. 370 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;=;;;;;;;;; 530 ~L~··~·~~~~~-=5~55~,c~ontiiiiiim,..,..iiiiiiiiiiiim;;.~~~ Help Wonhcl, M & -, 710 lieltl WMlfod, M .. F 711 Help w ... i..i, M .. P710 1-------- COlfe - TltE EXCJ'!"U..C PALM MESA APT5. AllN\Tl'ES 10 NPT. BOl. f'URN. on usrun.."". Unbelievably liif1;:f' apts , hga:e pool. Jaeuz-1 t'lf'C.·r hit· Int, ahag i;n>U. 1lrt>ll. AUM etc. Adult.,, 11(1 pt"!~. SIN'GLF...S 1'"rom $150 PRESTIGE OFFICES Fountain VllleJ. Beauti· fuJ new buUdirJI, i:roanct floor, 3,000 lqWlt'e feet, .,.,.JU dh•lrlc into amaJler o!tlcea. SOc per square foot. mclude• carpet., drapes, au unlltlt!t, Jrtnl· W 5t'n'lcc. Ca.II 1.tarilyn Stovall (iJ.S) I02-$-WO. 1 BEDRM. From $1651 ~~~~~~~~= 2 BEORlil. t"'rom $'185 Untun1 Apt.! Avail Froin $W to SIS)..ESS. Yoo're right, th(y'r~ un1ler · pnoed! 1561 ?.le.sa. Dr. <5 blka from Ney.•por1 Blvd.) so;..., PREVIEW OPENING . . ' 1\1\·ard y.Jnnlng 1, I. & :: br \~::;:;:;;::======= apt. y.·/fantily n11s. ~o o t.,.,CE 1;pa1·e -lo.p floor ll•ue. Son)', no pets, F1".lm .,.,·/occ·an \'ic .... ·. 900 ."Q. ft. just $..175. OUR l'()\\'N 44~ :\'1>11·pr1rt Bl\'d. 3 hi~~ N. 1'"am11y Apts, J.Z:.0 Adan1.s of Coast ll"'Y· C:loM.· to lloag Ave. 1Ar1an1s at l'·ain 11rwf, hospital. BU-in module CO!lta !i.ft-sa. Phone 556-0Hi6. desks. :! pro<lu1·tion rn1, + CASA VICTOJ':IA * l't'C('pt. &: t'(,u1fcrcncc: rnis. I, 2 le 3 BR, Furn & Unf. UIU pd. ::.'le Iii!. fl. M.~5300 Carpets, draper. D/\\', 1V art j pn1. anL Pool, etc. 525 \'il1ot1u * COSTA MESA * St. at llarbor, C~I. 612-8970 ~cw office buil<lini.:: . Three L89Una Beach roo1n suile avaibthlc, 700 i;q. tt. ALSO 2.000 sq. f1. . aJI Spadou!I studio, rrp!s. d~. or parl. All utililic:s. jani. I blk main hi•acti. $175. I'll tllr si•rviee. 2706 ll:u·bor &14-84~ or 49'1-.J'i~ll Blvd. H.uh('rt l\attrcss, JUtr. . Newport Be1ch 979.£571 DE.SK SPACE adj. O.C. t BR. F1JRN. SZ15. Airport le Airpor1er lfotel. BACllELOR F1.JRS. $195. S60 Per mo. l'ull 6e<'.fy. 2 BR. UNF1JRN. $235. P™?M· <:OP~. serv., new Ocean· Vie"'· Yearly Jcesc. d('sk. etc. av,ulable at add11\ Heated Pool. AduJtB Only, I c~rge, 11. rcq. 21~ DuPont, LAS BRISA$ APTS ''· 8• IN U>e. 833-32Zl. ffil5 River Ave., NB ' BUSIEST in tersection I n CALL 642-2566 Ne"·po1~ llar?or. Second story 111 Unique lfomcs OVER WEIGHT •GENEROUS• l~COME Lo" wo can EXPER!ESCED ""''>''Ina ~ 'V n V n • BEAtmctAl'I • Xlnt oi> \\ti nit-cl 11 \\'0Jf¥'" '1. '"iJ in.en rt•modcl tor 1Mre income. 4 AJlf!ratlon&. Reft~Wct. • ' portunlty ln anutll .uJcin. at lc~t 20 lh1. but no1 o\'f'r e REWARD e L.lc-No. 2:Sllt18. CaU Sean • 96)..6lkl) • Att1~r 5 P.\f Dy Appolnlmt'nl san J uan Cap I 1 It• n o . 100 111.s. uvPr Y.11i:ht to .c96-5717 • Television Repair ~\1fE:ngin<'t.-r SISK 4U..OCWO. partieiputc 1n it ""'Hkly l-GER"'JCK & SD:.l -)r. T...,.t TNillOlgital tl41\ SIC Can)'On Country Club n\t>dically 1iupi·rv1!!l 'd 40 rt11y n-·or rel urn or any 1nfonra· Uldi: Contr. Aiidit & Rcmod OOLOR TV Tu'jialr. t:rrpert, !:..~. Stt')'S to S800 needs hc!lp, S t o r age <:Tash w1:ight rl'1luct1r1n pl'I). lion if!lllding to rtturn of a sw1e Lie. Ul·llf.121 ~~Mblc, moirt In homt. ~tth l\h.:<J Sec'y to STOO Room/~feintl!nanL"e, 40 Hrs. It r" m 11· 1 t h d a ! l y b'llltl f(lur lt!al clovl'r pin, 6i"'j.f1Ml 549-2170 I' rre .,.11matt. ft.fl. N.B. & lt'(;rt•1ar1e!I . to SiOO per ll:k, S2 hr, call i,'OU sl.op, .. upo·rvlslon. llu,t ,_. uhlc tu .a.pprox. 2 inches in dlnmettr, JACK T 1 1 C.i\f. Jk.i"t Ga J l c n1 ore . ;aJN &c'y1l lanul to S650 644-7$8 [}Ol)' (i)r n~u.:a.UtJn~ & wl!h k'o\'t:ll'd hol'N'Shoe in au ant'. re Pa r ' 968-2783. \nit.ring ~lach ()pr $006 BRO[LF;R ntan apply In P"" phy1ic1.1 l')i:llTI .\l1~r11·ttl U\· L"t'ntcr; aao. gold lock('! rt'Tnod, add. Uc 8-I 269072· r·1 Jr. &ot".ilite lh JjQ() son, befell'(> 3 Mt. f'l·atx-ls. ~u1·a1ll'•· 11cletJm ,. <llG-llil'i f'o\'iU on (•hainJ, a11prox. lhe ~iy \Vay Co. 547~· 1 • ?11.yroll Clerk to SS50 can Res:taurant, 317$1 ea. 11~ for ~h~:s Jvrl.:N IX·h11•c11 11\.ze ol a nickel, in.'K'ribW Electricel CERA1'1JC TILF: NL\Y & PB.\:.'ftt'<."Cpt 10$550 mioo Ctpist,rano, San Juan 9 & 7 pm. in 11(.:r'l)l. ! .. LA. The5e are . remodel. f'ree est. Sm. jobti ~!king Sec:1 no sh to $550 Ca · \ OMEGA CLINIC deeply t1't'asured fam1ly t:LECTRJC'IAN-Llcensc 1No welcome. 536-2426, 536-8589 ... IC'rk Typist S·t74 .ii~P~'~"~"'~00;iii·~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PRORLE~I Pr{!J{J111.nr-y. Coil· ml'm'.:nto" & the IMS is Jr. ~31~. Small y,.ps, niaint & T Soll G.0., IUP typl11g $-KXI BOAT C~RPENTER I. I . 1"f'p{acrabl@. P L EA SE, 1'£'pairs. 5.JS-5rol. op • CALL TRIS!! ilOPKl~S I( •·nl. II y m p a 1 h {'I I c PLEASE h I JERRI \VII Do finishing Y.'Qrlc on 37' ll""''"fl"""" counsPlin". Allor· · · c P if you ha\·e· G•rdenlng * QUALITY • · I'ITEMOru;.._ T I ~-& ·'& ., I any lnfor1natlon .. 642-~9 IR\llNE picocf""'-.rtr..I ra1'' er type yach H. Milli! 1 n & a ptlons ref. Evl's. & 'o\'rekends. MOW & EDGE * r.1uLCH &: TOP SOIL 11 ,Ll'-..1'..I! "tJi""la have expericnre to do high- APCARE 6-12-44.':6 586-6930 51:nf'"rES est quality woodworking. FULLY Lf(."f-:NSED I LG. lley.·ur~ ·for 11.'IUl"fl of~ EXPERT & CJ\YI\... .. ~ Pacifie TraY.•ler Cori>. * SPIRrrL:Al.IST * n'IO old Gem1an Sho11ha1r QEPENDA8LE ~ €. 171h St (at J.rvi.'1e1 Ci\t 547-6908 SplrltWll t'Carlings 10 am-10 point~r puppy. Sohd h•~· Call For Prompt, 1 1 • If iJI ~Suite 224 642~1470 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""' prn. AdvlfX' on 1111 m:lllt•rs b1w & "'hlte t;fl?ls, 2 solid F E I I' 312 N. El Cnmino Real. San hrw spols on side, i;tuhl~y ree st mate. L ... ;11•1t BookkMper-Sec'y (.1i•menll'. 492-9136 492-!n'\-I !all. Lost 5 dys a1.,'0, V1r p'R(if1'5.'~534-~~7fl8~7~;;;;;;;;;;,,ll~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:1 Ne .... ·ly formerl Ne 1v port Jlarbor & ..Bernard, c.~I. Al\.IBITIOUS people \\'8nled B ca ch Contractor. ,\RE you sin~lc & alone. 4:i-Call 645-8923 aft 5. PROFESS IONAL gardener, lo ea1TI $100. to SllXXl. per Developer. tUll ch a r g ~ 55? \Vant a Dali·? \Vant 10 --$-5-0-REWARD tr<'c ivork, P ru n I .n g · Job W•nted, Mlle 700 mo. part time, out of Your B 0 o k k.:!eper. Sccretar1al ~et marricrl? l\1any 1icuplc sprinklers, cleanup .)Obs, home. ~123. skills a n1ust • Shorthand this age J,.'f'Oup. Fl"'l?e info. For r·cm 1oy pond/I'. rolor I a n d s ca p l n g . George, EXP. Yacht &: Re&taurant >.Pr Pit C 1 40 optional. Please 11 e 11 d Box 11·~. Gard<'n Grove. Y.'hll<'. Contal'I 673-8777 or 6~3. Chef. Coing lo fi1exico? P· oup e over for Sal hi •~ 673-5560. Ex p E R r Need a Rest. Chet, 1st 40 Units, C.O!ila 1'tesa. Call resume. ary story ... PH.EGNJ\'NT? Thi n k I n IC ' F. NC E D and Cook? Please call Bill, &12-U21. N"f~rx.'t'S. P.O. Box 1205, abortion? Know all the fa cts LOST: \\l1i1c Poodle, Jyrs l\no~·lcdgcable Gardner has 6-l2-ii730. ..:.::..:A~S~S;,.,,E~M~B-L~E~R~S--l\eY:po1·1 Beach, 92660. fi rst! Call LIFE LJ~E -21 olr!. 20" tall , N11n1e C.O. scve~J Of'<'n!ngs. BOYS OR GIRLS hn, 5-ll-5522. queue, or Coca. Vic Cro11·n I * 54~201 -> * George * l'ofUSICIA.i'IS -Doo desires PRODUCTION lG-ll ,.,.,.. old .._ DAILY Valley J>rkv.'Y. Rewa r d, l\10\Y & EDGE club "'Ork. call John or Bill, At Jc1tst l yr exper. in "" AL('O!IOLICS Anonymou.~. S.17-0787 ··7-s151 l"'"'h f PC ........__, PILOT paJlcr rou1e1 in South Phone 5-12-711 7 or "Tite P .O. . CLEAN UPS .),) . -,." ·UP o ....,.., ... s, Santa Ana, ~·et•n J\lain & "-223 LOST Gold charni bracelet. e 554--0657 e NEED A BARTENDER? parts list, blueprints, color ooX 1 -·. Cos!a J\lesa. ,~. & -1<1• · t-~ I f'ailll'IC'W, \\'arnet .~ San has I charn1. Canl'i'r sign. EXPER. Japanese Cari!e.ncr. f'ast · HQ'nC!it -Efficient uu,. ~ • nng '-"""" ques. Diego }'"\•/)'. Soc1•1 Clubs 535 Vic-.. Cor or Broa<hl·ay & ''ard seN. Cleanups. Rrlia. e 642-5933 e Cood working c on d s. 6rl2-432l FullC>rton, C.?11. 5'12-1574 & t ~-"" 1389 Libt-ral frin~es & oon1· * INTRADATA * QUALITY m;itch('s IV/PHOTO nca . r ,.,.,, est. .,...~-. Job W1nted, f-em•I• 702 n·1· t / · Lynn Coogon Re\1'ard. pe ive ra ~ \V gro"•ing General Services computer oriented finn. Discri(.1 ~lunager CL.EANtN'C woman 1blll't., or fo)1., dependabl•, ~ reL $3:IO hr, CXXXT'AIL "..t1reun, no exper lift, Cal.I betwtrM 4 6 8 Plot ?.lon-t"ri. Aa.11: fw Ttt- ry HunUngtvn La n e 1 ~ COCKTAIL ~11.h.me, PA1'f lh"ne, Bu&boye. t>Ulmana Rt.'&I, 801 .£. &.lboa Blvd., Balbo11. COMPANION DRIVER FOR RETIRED GENTLEMAN, Presentable lady 40-60, llvt in. ~K(>Ot'I IJa:ht cook. Xlnl driver. Good 11al.u'y. Sf!nd teNU.lllC to 514 PolD!rlt!.a. CdA1 or call 673-2933 beL 7-8 PAI onl)'. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER At least 2 yn ex))eT'. oo ffilf Jro.310 Cobol &:: ALC. Long T<'rfn AMtiriment. Irvine ~ 11802 Sky Patil: NEV~lt A 1''"EE AT TEMPO Ternixi Ti.-n1pornry lle4p COOK Trainee -Kitchen l.fel1M!r Apply Uet11·n Sam & 3pm, f\lesa Verde Conv. llOl'ip, 661 Center St, CM S..1.'1-5585. COOK, "'on1an for nursing hoinc, bench area. ~·ill con- lil<l('r training. Call for appt. • 714-19-l-8075. CDUNSnDRS "l..;irgest in Calif." fCall r\0\\1 for FP.Et: sam- ple proltle lln 1 pl'ospective ma!ch. 24 hrs.) l\l~\LE Sheph/Husky, 6mo, s i Iv e r I be ige , !ipotted tongue, Nr 16th .c:i Tustin. 548--4969. NEED help at J'IOmc? \Ve Please a PP 1 y, Standard Equal Opportunity Employer ALL types home repairs. ha\'c aides, nu r 8 c 8 ' J\lcn1ori<'~. Inc. 'An Appl led BUSBOY $2 hr. p/tin1c Tues Actual time & material. h 0 us ekprs. companions. i\lagnetics Cv1 2211 S. Anne thru i'~li. approx 10am-2pin. 1-·a111 Sen'. No job too sm. !1°mernakers U P j 0 h n · St Sa.Mt \ Eq aJ o Call 6-J.1--0000. NeNI 2 EmoUonaJly mattn, F&B Home Repair. 547...f..681. :.....:.: •. Emalo, na. u P-Ol'er 30 nien or ladies. ~-,.... · P ~'t'r. CANDY ROtrrE SAL.E.S ~2-14Cr3. Jobs Wanted, M & F 704 A • t nt Bookk 'l21l. "'eek. Salary Increase & per. in JX'OPll' busine&a hetp.. ATT: &-nior Citizens: chauf-ssis • eeper Y flll. \V(' pt'Ovlde p1vfeuional (7J'1 l 638-5920 I LA 6.>8-628.1 * * ~; m.K ro hcarh, 3 Br. 2 Ba, sundt>dc, bit-Im:, shag, garage. $.'m. 127 441h SI., N.B. 67>-0771. Buildin g-. 800 sq. fl. at •••••••••• ~/mo: liOO sq. ft. at ADULT n<'uterc<I, d<'C'la\\'f'd '!i Siamese female cat. McFa1!1 lf'n & Springd~le area. 11.B. 893-~13. RE\\IARD. ~1alc orange tig<'r sliiped 5 mo (•at "'/pink collar, Losl Balboa Isle, &J.h'">.151 ff!ur & companion, from Need House Sitter? Subst1Ul tial NN-port Bca('h coniniiMlon ivill be pn.ld training. Nlernoiial counsel· '·nv-•n••nr ,,. K"""" after tl'aining period. Good Dr's app"t l" a ·'ay •t tho Rti. middle """" cou•Je avail. "'" ~ rm ·~s rom· lin" Lo;; n1ost interc1'ti""' v u ......,¥ .., ,..,1 -·nm · lual · driving record, neatnes1' & & '"" $300/nio. Both ~ith views. --------1 ~ 6ra-GOOO. I Lott _. found NEWPORT BEACH ._iiiliiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiii::.~ ~ ft. airpon area. l''ull I Sent• An• Found (free eds) 550 JP.fl\1ACULATt; 2 br $145. sen•icc. Sui!cw overlooking Air. ft'nced pool, 1 child ok. future goff course. 1'1ullan N. SaUIA Aim. 83.\-5177 ReR!ty, 540-2960, 3 4 0 0 SMALL roan;e hairt>(I, blond BLUE point Siamese Im! kit- tt'n. Red flea collar. Re .... ·ard Vi(·. Big Canyon. &H-7362. '-"'----, Irvine, NB. l<"1Ticr. m11lc. Bald rf'a r. I~~~~~~~~~~~ OCEAN VIEW curly tail. 1'·ound by side of 1 I.I I~ Unique chanc:e to !>t\11.~ ex-Jamlx'irec Road n c a r I "'5trvction ]j J• j .... ~ ecu. suite &: reccpl/'ICfy iii 1-B~·~·;s~•~o~l,~&1~5-'--'H~S~7~. ___ _ Union Ila11k Bldg .. Newport F'ND : Pt·Husky & ri t -~iiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiijiiiij;l;~iiiiii Rooms 400 Center. 1 or 2 ofr-'s. !\Ir. Shcph(•rd l?I DHrk. Under 111 l\tcFarland. 644-9440. yr. \'ic San Diego J.~'Y nr Schools & Small Offices Beach Blvd. o ff ramp, instructions 575 Small !i'ing\e oUi~. nr air· 846--0248.P ·-,A-N~·o"""1~.,~'°~"'C.:.:~in_Yo_"_'_ho_:;me.,:. port, 150 liCI ft., $80/mo. BLACK &: Brown. pa rt All levels. J effrey Kain, 640-1524. Dohcrman &: S h e p h e r d . 1'8ces. By •-.. -. day 0, 1111:. for indef. tin1e. Vic. ..... p.,, 1 \"1' to assist ~·ork. You O'>\'e It to y"""""I ·~ bookk-, 1 ~-& !iOme outside sales exp. \\'eek. Call·, 673·8085. C.l\'I. Top ref. \Vrite Cla.ssi-~~...-n ~ .... ,g typ. to arrange an Interview. ---~~-"""-'=~--! mg· So · du · helpful. Thls openi"" \\'ill .........,. .,~.• Nh., fied ad am, Daily Pilot, · me rec-t!'PtlOn ties, .... "'"""". Vl't"V-'J..6 ** RAIN Gutters installed, .,......., · 1yp· & r JO le11d to a i;:upervisory posi· 1,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,,..1 P .O. Box 1560, Costa ~lesa, r..11.,. m mg use o lluality ·.vork, reasonable, Ca ~ key adder required. Olm-Uon. Free estimates. 968-2208. · · · plction COilege k>vel aCCOllM· Ea-10 JOB AGENCY CUSTODl1\N, for con- H I W ed M&F 710 . 315 3rd St., SUite 200 ,·alcscent hospltaJ lull tiine. HAN DTI.tA.i~. paint & home e p •nt , tf1? COlll"St' helpful. Non-Huntington Beach 536-1439 118 area, 842-WSl. repairs. ~n1 jobs a Smoker, References ~- sp1.•cially. 9m46.16. SiG-972'1'. ACCOUNTING qu1r1.'d. Ca.II \\'('('kdays bet CAR WASH JOBS Dey Malntenence Men Home Maintenance 10 & 11 only. 642-1626. ALL KINDS * f1JLL Tl ~U·:: 5 Days a "'eek .. Room for aiJ. !: ALTERATIONS 642.-6426 l l U out in B, F\', del. FINANCIAL Au~ R · H 29;,o llarllor, Coslit. l\lcsa ,.llll(."COJent. h~uire at 2735 LA Times 10 hon1e1. Prtfer OfD' _ Sl<m pt"r mo. The \\I, O>ost ""' " N.B. 'Thf! Hauling adult '>\'/economy car, 212 Blue Beet. Call bef. 10:30 Rusty ~ican. ANALYST hrs per n1orn · 3 to 5:30 Ai.\1, a.m. 642-5511. DELIVERY i\1en for elll"ly RUBBISH Hauling; Yard. garagr, 'o\'arehouse & con- struction cleanup. Remo\·e trees, shrubs, u n s l g h I I y trash & debris of all types. 7 days a \\'eek. i'"ru,1. Rellahle. Rea.c;onabl<'. South CORSI s:m + per mo. 847-8979. CHEMICAL a.m. de-livery of LA Times to AVON MAKES OPERATORS N.B. honl(~s. Penn. p/Ume. $200 P<'l" mo + bonus. Pt.lust CllRISTl.tAS THE SEASON For expMding metal refinery he 18 &: haw dependabl.@ in· TO BE JOlLY in Santa Fe Sprlng11. Chem· sured car. 642-4800 Earn extra money for gilts istry ha.ckground in school IL" an AVON Representative Good DENTAL Chalnldc Asai&- LAGUNA, room, 1'asteful & comfortable. Prlv entr & deck, canyon view. $110 mo. 494-7270. ROOl.tS s20 ·wk up w/kit UJ \Vk up apl'!. Children & 1..et f..tlc t1on . 2276 Ne1vp.1rt Blvd., CP.f. 548-97!"i5, 643-3967. Bctwn Santa Ana & Orange ~­ DESK s pace available S50 on Cecil, C.fl.L JdentUy. mo. \Viii provide furniture 642-5.'lOl. CLASSICAL gui tar in-llauling. 673-9036. strucOon Will assist in pre~ aration & analysis of budgets, for• cast, manpower statistics, & various financial reports. Math or Account- ing major with a minimum of 3 . or fl<\.'11 exper. na·. ro. lanf, tor Pcdodontic ""'" in )OOr spare time. Call: benefil-'. 213/9Zl-7o&&I. ;>4().7{},ll. lice in Neo.vport Center. FURN. rm Cofila !o.fcsn. Employ<'d lady day worker, refs. 646-1979, 6 4 5-!! 7 6 5 , 979-7976. 1''1.JRN room y.•/ or w/o kite.It privl. Working lady. MiKSion Viejo area. ~2918 aft 3'. al SS rno. An sweting iiervice -~~------­available. 17875 Beach Blvd. fND poodlc n1i~. Cr<'y & J-luntington Beach. &12-1.121 silv1•r alxnn I yr old. \V/red rollar 1''ml. Vic. Garfield & OF1'"ICE Space. Start you r Hunling ton St ti. B. :>3G-U42 day 11i<i th n Har!Jor Vie.,.,·. Spac-e to suil, now nv:tilablc BLACK cat, flea (."OIJtir, ut thP Lido Bu 1 1 cl J 11 g . fc·111all". Stone Villa Trailf'r 673'-41.".li. Ptirk, 333 \V. Bay, C~1 Spat'C No. ::2 * Corona clcl Pt.far, sm grnd •1""'""-"'"-'"------* Floor, A/C, util, ample* TALIAN Greyhound· male, •prkg.$145mo.6'5-6900 • young dog . V ic Ma gnolia/Newport A v c . , Busin .. 1 Rent11 ~s Casto Mesa. Please call 6·16-3250 or 5t8-1338. 842-8028 LOCAL Jll0\1ng t.: hauling by ~~~~~~~~~~~ l l!tudent. La~e truck. Reas. ; Barry. 5.14-18-16 or 673--0317. I 1[5J SKIPLOADER & dump lru<'k Senices MCIRepllira "-ork. Concrete, asphnH, . . 11a1ving, brcakini::. 8~7110 Babysitting BABYSITTER • Big Canyon area. Newport Beach. Call Denise • 610-1134 • 32 Fl. F1JP.l\ITURE Van fnr• local furn hauls & ~en'l hauling. 5'l8-l862, 5.17-2736. Housecle•ning years experience in accounting. Apply In Person 3333 Harbor Blvd. Coste 1Mtsa, Calif. l~ABYSmER, care l 0 r lcachers children, boys ages &.t-8. Approx. hrs 2:J0....4 :30 pm. Some lite hskpng. Bluffs 11ren, N.B. 644--0195. &\BYSITTEH F.xfJl•r. 1 baby fi nio. o!d. ~1ust tlave 1r.'lnsp. 8-5 l\Ion -Fri . ~10. BABi'SI'ITER v.•anted from 8: 30 to 5: 30 pm, c.r.t. Own trans. htaturo w o ma n , 642-4861 Cl llLD .care & housekeeping J\lust ha.W!: exp. bi-lingua.I for 2 \\·kx. beginning Nov. pref. 6.ll)..00)3. flth 10..4pn1 !\Ion-Fri. l lrs. o i:; NT AL A s 5 i ~ta nt . sli),11\ly Clexible. Ca 11 Chairsidf', nt least 6 n1os ~I. exper. HB. area. 846-3540. NEED child cart" 3-4 ni!,1'\ts DENTAL Chair Assistant, 11'1;'t>k. Near lloog HosJI. experienced. N f! w po rt l..o...·al or u .... ·n trans. &16-1548. Hench. &l6-4801 CLERK TYPIST Cxpl'?'. Eloctrio DlSHWASHER, full &: part tlnie, sm.11U dinner ho~. Newport Beach. S t e ad y m11n-older man ok, 673-7722, 2-5pm ROOM w/bo. & Kit privil. Non !nnOker. Near OCC. Call 557-8859. $75-$85. 1616 Los Bola~. SC 2 mu, $110, 33912 Olinda, I>Ma Pt. Open. 492-4225. NEWPORT SHORES FND Beaut. b I u I gr c y 700 Sq. tt .. Sli5: 1500 .ttq. ft. Rus.o;;i<J n Blue-type long h<1ir S400: spaces avail. Oc1. 181. \\'/white spot on chest Vlc. 6l~l St. & Pacific CoWlt JIY.'Y· CostA l\.tesa, l61h S I .. , &\BYSfTIING · in my house, day or ni~ht, loving care, lrg rncd yl'fi &12-5299. HABYSITTIN'G. my home. Xh11 rond. Lol'lnJ; <'arc. N<'1vpor1 Beach, 61.~Hl668. BABYSITTING in my home, day!'>, night~ or y.·knds. Xln't cal'C'. Irvin!!. 552-7'1.12. DON'T take chances \vilh your carpet, I e.t pn> fcssionals who kno~· what they are doing help you. 546-.'i7·15 l!OUSE OF CLEAN , &\BYSITIER needed for 2 .t:irl5, 6 & 9 yrs. Fron\ 2-6pm in Co rona del J\lar area. Good pay. 6'i;i.-8076 Sales 0cpartm€.'flt Type 65 \\'.p.m. tYJ>C"Tiler. Crul r or Appl. lndusu;ai Relation'S DINNER Cook w/bravy t'X· per. In saule' foods in ftnf! IRrge operation. Contact Chel f'n.>d. 644-1700. Vacetion Rent1ls 425 675-6050 .... Ulli!illllll Cl.,lllC. NEW llOME-J~'Dl1\N WEl.J..." New J!E,000 cust. 3 br, 1 oonvt to den, atcroa inter-com, .,.,,sh/dry, etc. Swiin 601 Dover Dr .• Sui te l ) 6'16-!H . .:-i4. F"ND 3-4 mo German .'ih<'pherd frnl. blk & .... n1. Vi c Springr:lale, Edinger, H.B. 812-Fr;Jf,O. BLACK & Grey stripe(! kitty \\•ith clear nea collar. Main St. Rfl'a Huntinglon Beach, 5.16-6627. • C•rpenter pool. beauL rurn, au t 0 -~N_EI_· _v_PO_R_T-=B~E~A~C~Mc..._ ~. every ronVt>nie~. BEAUTY Salon for lease, 3 &kW mrkt at $1500/mo. styling stations. 5 dryers, 2 Pv1 pfy 213/556-301{). shampoo units. N i c e CABIN. Big Bear. North ncighhort10od Joe, in East ~tell. % blk from lnke. Costa i\1csa, 61-l-1333 or $45. wknd. 842~1R7. 6'l(}-l52li. Fnd all Blk cat: young, malt". long hair, CdTlf. 644-6430. ALTERl\TIONS • REPAIRS Patio rovers, decks, all lypi·i; of carpentry. 0ra~·- 1ngs a\'ail. Ph: 548-71!06. llOUSECLEANING \VOOD\\IORK, ca b in et s , $3 hi'. 0"'11 transportation p11llf'linr:. gen repnirs, Duke • 54...~?5 • Rent•I• to Shir• 430 STORAGE-SHOP 1260 sq fl FOUND black Lab puppy. Vic Ocean Blvd . Corona del !\Tar. C11ll 675-1125. Da Dw·JG1, &iG-7598, S.16-9~95 ~~,-'-"-"-'=-=----I CARPENTRY Landscaping 10' ceil. Nr. NR Post Ofc. fo'E1'1ALE roomn1a1e Jl<'eded ~9:;20~1 I doors. l2c rt· in 20'1, for larJ.;ff 2 Bedl'OQ!n apartment fWlfh Ii am e) SPACE avaih1hle for Jca.--c in $1Zi. Pool. sa.una, elc. Boan:llvalk SOOp11i111o(' Center O:implclf'ly furnished except al Hunlington Harbour. Call 2nd Bedroom. Call 557-8107 .•~•~&-_1~36~1_. ------ lin C.Osta ?.tesa) ctn'E ADOBE J1 0USE, 1WJ , !\TALE needed to share Apt sq. ft., adj. hu.sy corner . for Pacentla & Victoria, 01. buslnes11 or office use, C.M. 646-4116 7--8am or 6:20-7:30 .61S:-20Z0/6'J2-6,i®. p.nl. ,.our share $90. ··CANNEflY VILLAGE'' ~----\\'ANTF.D \\'Ork1ng J;"irl aKC Duplex fnr rent a~ possihll' i::: t11 211111 shru't! :l Br duplex hu s ·Or I ice· re s eomb. in N.R . .,.,)2 llf same. Call 673-lm 6'i~rS606 or 5.","J.-:'.Qlil. FOUND fl uffy ornnge female cat, \'icinity A.BJI .. Laguna Beach. (·all 49-j..){!36. GllAY & black poodle · male • Lur kys Market -llB 968-1827. S!\IALL Fl'n\. B r i n d I c G<'ntle. \'ic. Sanla Ana ~ .. Magnolia •. C.M. 646-5584. CAT. Striped, v.11fte on f:\N', lhrout & fL"{'t . v I(.' \\'cstminster M*-1JIG ~-Nn: Iri!ih SC'Ucr, mril~. \'ic i\luNJy Park l·l.R. M2-G<198 after 6 pm. SIL\J{F. Apl. or llousc SAVE SUS Jlon1c-Partnrr, .II~ 6-I l 9 4 , 518-14i9 "TllE F111·trny'' has a lrg shop av;dl. Sl!l.!"1/1110. In Cunrl('r:v Vil111ge 425 ~lllh St.. NB. (;73--9600 or &12-8520. Lr. Alack rnnle rt~. Vic BRA"I) I 1-,.-l\lc•~·1 Dr. CTI! Oill 546-7308. f''t :i\IAl.E ovc>r 21 to shar1> 3 (Jellroo1n apa1·11nf'nl 11,ilh !lame. C11JI 6~7649 evc11. G1r1ges for Rent 435 STORAGE; narl.ll!:t"!! for Ttent~ 19j9 J\J11plr A1•c., No. ti. Costa j\lPc.ii. \\IA.I\~ to 1~n1 i:ilr. <>r p1i<'i11JJ: llJlfli~ \\'. !'>pi H«h or c:.:.1 Ph,: 833-31.XJ SJNG U : Gan1~c ror H.ent. [ $20/l\fO. 177 t:. qnc1 SL, C'ofiL'l !\fl'sa. 612-~l.1. Office Rent•I 1617 WESTCLIFF-NB ,~ nu stort>ro; o u'l'l', -.. $125. up. F:levutor. lT.',IJl I FND: Black !..oh puppy, vic Befleh. l·Juntington Bench. ~Ill St.. C.!\J. 675-1154. IM2-ZS::4 lost 555 lfiOO sq ll !:\DUST. shop St.!i. ,\1<;0 ::oo Sl[ It offieL· $9.i, c.~1. r~1&-z130. Industrial Renta! 450 MISSION VIEJO 16(11') & 2'100 SQ. ~/'. AVAILABLE NOW <)1'' SAN n IEGO F'l~\V''· :?7992 C11n1lm Oipislr11no 31-1600 '1140-4230-SQ. FT-. - :'\'1•\\' :.1.1 r.:NGLJSll Sprinc:rr Spanl<'I, lh·l'r & 11"h11e, nirtll'. C.;\f. u1'<';1. 1'.r11·ard, 5 1~1~1. LOHT Ladle!! 01nt'l{ll \\lall'h RP\\'<lrd. 646-1015 TIME FOR Cj)UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD ·; /'ha ..... \\'in11" '.!;1.0, 13'.IO. i~ &: ~>40 Sq. ~ t. I i>o2 \I' :!Orh C. \i~...:1 ,\Jl1ple parkinJC. U!IJ. Bat1111-.J. H. Sollnflt'r<-On snt rdncr. !>11-50'.U. 612·02!2, E\t's. ;)l(;.2"!7i j Genf'ral Repnir • 6/J-5211 • C•rpet Service JOHN'S C1trpct & Upholstery Ori Shtun1JOO free Scotch- gu.rd. <!'c>U Retardants). Oe~nserii ,t 1111 color brightener11 & 10 minute bleach for \\'hite earpets. Save you-r n101rey-by snving mc-extra !rips. \Yill clefln li\'ing rm. dinin~ rm., & hall $15. Any rm. S~. cnuch $10. Chair $5. 15 yn, f'Xp. 1s 11·hat counts, not 1ncthod. I do work myself. Good rrf. 531-0101. Carpet Cleaning Floor Care & Windows J)uleh Tl1alnt. SC'rv. 5.17-15())1 Cement, Concrete YOU f"OR'.\1. \\It.: POUR OR COl\IPl~E·rF: JOP.. BY H.R. OR J OA. &lfi-6!l!:i. PATIOS, 11·illks, drives. Sa1v, break. rcmovr & replace concrete. ;,1iJ-866S for esL 'CE!i.IENT \\'fl rk, pn t i o s, 1!rivc1\ays. sidE'Y.'lllk~. brick plant<"r!I. !Was. 5.J..r29-13. Child Care LICENSED Day c11.1't! hon1<'. lliivc orwning for 1 child, J.j ,vr.o. R1•fs. NRps, lunch, fncd yrl. GtG--Ol!iO. i)'ff1 c r:-s I 0 r (' -Shop SJ·JOP & ofe liP<ICC fo1· l~ i11 I ;'\'e.,.,•port L: Bay Centc:r, :n·12 choi1·c t-i·l l~~lon Vlt'jo aulo .S~·por1 BI v d , C1\I. plaz.1. ~1 "':".'Y. off ran1p. 1' r k y -U I l I . 64&-12'l2, Avrry PDrk"'a)'. Call O..\•ncr, Trader's Paradise i;~~2'll8. Paul Bra7.l'all, 8.11-1400 SEl\'POllT ll<••h. •p,,..OX. 4001 BIRCH, NB ~VI 1111ft11.<'., \\'ell dttor:i,t1>d 3600 M:I· ft. tSc pPr ~ II t.f1\1·1·. f{t"nl s11a /TIO. No r. '''1'il'. &l.)..44t1). be/1'"· l.."l•llt:' rnJ<', IL nil~. _ \litlllr , .'111(. naumgun:lncr 1 DF;J.UXE ottlct's I.SC , :>IJ-jOJ:Z. 1·1.u,.; •lf,(l' \\'11rrl.-Juiie «Pltct 1 R-t c1=-w=.~,-d-----4~60~ 1J7tJ lJ l/.og;,n <.;mil.a ~,~,.,,. en • s n e J:ll-'/.2Z~ • li~1Zl2 0 F 1'• t CE' lo\' Ip u b Ii C' "PPHIJ)( l'.l x 39 in llhopplnl{ JITMlt~l)h<""T' t1r !Jl'IM Hnu• £.'frl11'r flf1 f(ul'tw BJ\/d. ll'!l'l't'tary tivall. \VU! J:h.'lrt. Cbwtit ~fella, ~21 or en1L t.Ulle NB 1u·vtt. Wrilc '63 CHEV 2 &>or cnr for 10' »'t-9113. 011~idfled .rt No. 94!1 Dally nAt hti.I h.t'"'J)ut ()fl l tQll • Baytron1 nff~ M~ lO PUr.tl PO. Sox J,jf,(), Cotta Oit'V truck. lhir. 11.ty Udo Blda. Jt!iO lrh:'VI. Calif. ~-Call lines times dollars 1970 I IONDA T::iO, (.'\titlom· ilt•d for tl'llvclln~. n~ tlreA, h;11tcry & chllln. Trade for land, trnil bike or 1? 6754178 LANDSCAPING. sprinklers. 1vatcrfalls & fish ponds, Reas. rates, Aef. Landscape & Sprinkler Co. Lie. No. 2715'1G, 642-9780. Masonry SLUMPSTONE, block walls, pl1tnler. Expertly instal'd. Specially priced, B o b , 645-49.10. P•inting & Paperhanging 5D UNSKILLED LABORERS Interim Personnel Service 17581 lrvlnt Blvd. #115 Tustin Equal Oppor. Emplo;i.'Cr PAINTING-in!. & c x I . Accounting Clerk H a tr 1 n g , m a j n l , Local la.nd develoJ)M' offers 1vhat-have-)'Ou. No job too oul~landlng oppor. tor lndiv. big or loo sml. 20 yrs exper. "·l fomtal training bookkttp. Reaii. ra1es. 6 4 5-0 3 8 3, ing. Salary to $600. Cafi Kay 642-5079 aft 5. , \\'ing, 5-IO·fl005, O:iutnl Per· P ROF. 1\'allcovf!rlng state sonnet A~c1icy, 1790 1-larllor llr. no. 279.'ll,I, insur., 11\J _B~l~v=d~ .. ~"'~·~'~· =-----I types of paper. 71 4 : AO:OU:-rl'ANT . OUice i\lgT 812--13..;itl. Requittd for N.B. oHice of PAINTING & repair, 35 yrs j\1arirw F.'lt'r tronie & 1\·orkn1anshlp guar. Tnke Engineering Co. F~xpc.r. in aclvnnln!;f" of my exp. th.is or relalcd indu!ltr.v pN'f. 5:'.6-70.JG. Please send resume to Box PROF. painter, honest \\'Ork. ll Jg NN'fXIT1 Beac-h. rea!I. Int/ext, free est. Accounting Oerk Ref~. M~2739, 642-3913. Lite TyplT!lt 642-9470 * PAJN'l'ING &:: STAlNING iiiiiiiiOiSa~miiiil.o .... W'greiii;iin ... iiiii l INT/EXT, TRIM, ACCOUS FREE EST. Jim, 979-8186 CUSl'Ol\t paperhanging Z1 yrs. in 1-larbor area . State Lie. No. 183281. 642-2356. INTER/E:\1er, acrous. ~il­ ings l'iprayed. Lie, Ins, Joe. refs. t'rce est. &lf>-0809. Pla•ter, PetCTi, Repair • PATCH Pl.ASTERJNG * All 'fype11. Fri.'e eatimates Call 5*-G825 Plumo1n9 L.R. OTJS PLUl.IBINC Remod<'ls I; Repairs. \Vt1 lcr heAleNI, tli.st>011nl11, fumact?~. d1d11vaihni. 6·12-6263 f\flC & Bl A. Complete Plumbing Service. Lie. 2'rai94. TIM'S PLUMBING SERVJCE ANO REPATR LOWEST RA TES 1113-<;578 PLUMBING REPAlll No job too amt:ll • • 6U-3128 ... * A FUN PLACE TO WORK :J/i e Reuben Now Hiring Day & Hite Buslloys & Dishwashers mo. 6Th-12'J'J ~'Tf-.:D tn n?nl lntmed .• n l----'w=.923=7'---- DU<. 2 rm. ofbct'. lint cJl>~I unJv1tridty tc11ct1Pr &: fnn1lly lfAVE f~ & <·lenr ncreaw' J)LX .• ful'n, cabin, Lru<e S•wing/Alteratl'>nt In o.c. Atrpot1 1..-, 1172 2 or l t1r hom('.Tu11M.inablc: r11r· •mlill 1Ji111l dl'l'llx, 1st Alm\\tft'ltd, equlty apJ)J'Ol(. All Shiftll Apply 3·S dally ~n1 No. a. m...l2'Z\ J'Mnfl &r ·~. r,r 2nd.11 (,,. 1? $~.IXXH J <"fin add uthcr /\'\)I d11y 1, !hr: BEST DAY to H.OOM wan1~1 -1-n~c~.-""-,-.-d~c/ Citrey R,(offltotit, •<iuitiCo'; !or Orangr County Neat, acrorale. 20 years exp. nm an edr TJrJO't de43y. ~fi1r. ~~"'"1.l ;;n,>11<"T1 , tn [ til6<7414"0t' .. 833-0171 fJl'OP ... ~-11ic 1 "Yeln>W Pagts·: of Cllll lod¥y &CJ..$81& pr1\':tlr. M1nr l'!T.rfi.177. •••••••••••••••••••• I clMilrlcd. , .. 84J.5619; Alterotlons-442·5845 • 1 151 E. Coast Hwy. Newport' Beech Equal O~ Emptoy1 ·r , BAR maid-part time. expcr necessary, Cull John at 64&-991?! QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT I I • I I I •• I • • • • I • • • • ------.: ~A~ WANT AD 642-5678 ELECTRONICS JOIN THE EXPANSION VARIAN DATA MACHINES Immediate needs Ior outstanding personnel to fill positions for : -· * COMPUTER TEST TECHNICIANS Systems test positions exists for complete test of the V 73 Computer Systems. Required is '\,minimum of two years-lest and trouble s hOOtinB experie nce on central processors, memories, (semi-conductor and core ) and 10 controllers. An understanding of logic de- sign is also des irable. *QUALITY ASSURANCE TECHNICIANS These second shift positions require an AA degree or trade school training in electronics plus 2 to 3 years digital experience includ- ing some systems check out and trouble· shooting . *ELECTRO.MECHANICAL ASSEMBLERS Positions exist on first and second shills for assemblers with at least 6 months ex~r· ience in one of the following : sol dering, cableing, wire wrap, mechanical assembly or component preparation. We Offtr: * COMPETITIVE SALA RI ES * 12 DAYS A YEAR VACATION * ONE WEEK CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY * PROl'IT SHARING, STOCK PURCHl'<SEr •NI> ·excEL- LENT RETIREMENT PROGRAM · e..... ••ml • resume, h•ndwritten epply In person or cell: O.K., ( 714) 133-2400 J . Fuller LET'S DISCUSS YOUR FUTURE ' varlan data machines • L ' VJ • 11e1ier1 lll~tl4i•rf , 2722 michelson drivo ' lrvine/colifor.,io/9266-4 • ·i Ar1 l~u•I o,..01f11,.it1 lmfll.yer•M/!!F!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!lli!!!!!!!!!!!~ ---=~ . ,, ,, ,_ Dr Young In h• exp. ~ .. ""' expe "'' 54 Emp Will ""'· hlg'1 """· ..... 3400 s Send Im' .... Hunt Full .. lld F D ' l M 0 I d • I PILOT..4DYeaTIS£R Wtd!IHdl)', Stpttmbtt 2', 1973 .~· . DAILY PILOT 1-·-:t '•'wiiiiiiit ~J[Il]~J ,,..._.I. .._' ..... :ip_•_[IIJ I 1 01 •=• !ITT)[ 'mi; iii&$11iii)llwt "'"''"... J[Il] I ~·•-• )[Il] I L••>oo•• !ITT] [ ,....,_ J[Il]1.._I iiiiii.,,,.iiiiii,,,..iiiiii. ~;j~ Help We ...... , M A ff 711 H olp W...,ed,M & I' 710 Holp Woni.d,M-& F 710 Holp WOftted, M & F 710 Holp W•nt'!I, M & I' 710 Help Wonted, M&F 710 Help Wonted, M&F 71o Help Wonttd, M&F 710 Help Wonlod,M & F 710 ouu;croR ol Pr 0 r r • m • MEN • WOMEN ' llr«-M $500 I ;;=;;:;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~1 Girls Oub o! a.nta Ana G E N ERAL OFFICE • Point Sclot $600+ Tho!'• My DHiro I• ..... uper. w/atrJI 11-ri F.. Paid. Gl'llWln& locid 1-·na· I MACHINISTS NO EXP N ECESSARY l!>Slde Exl"l'. ,..,. ~aid nee.. you 1 ~ ! u ( 1ype manul. ftm/ !....a lnd!v. w/ l lllU GOOD JOBS WESTCLIFF P!""'1 o!dn tab>.!Jous loali»ll prt.fered. Mall re11ume PO ii Osurt aptitude A: 10 SI'FJADY \\'ORK Penonnel Afi:enl..'Y wt-ks attnctive indlv. who BOx 5252 Santa Ma: adder. Avg .i;y.P!nc. Start Cla Val C NO ~1'fUKEs -1&>"1 E Edinger s A 1·njoys public 1..-on1ac1. l\ta;:_,r DOMESTIC Htlp c-.. . Alto ""' Pooi•lol~. P refer Aa• 20-25 I ompany NO LA y OFTS. !Marl. II c.ni ... ; • rorp hu 0<1t'"1nd;,,.. b.ne· Allen Byland Agency, 106-ll Miki White, 540-6055, 6 D1y1 A WMk Earn fllO, 10 $~ per week 542.8836 lttl. cau Kim c I ark. E 16th St g A. 5'7..(1395 Coaltal Pei'$0fll)fl Agenc)', Jlru1 lmmedia.1·t' opening In per wntten agreement.. IOiiiiiiiii..O""iiil""'iiiiiiii• 833-ZlOO. Ale.> ~·ee Jobs. . .. . . mo H.-Blvd .• CM. Apply In pt:rtOO belie!! ...... D.,.,..ill Drlll Pl .... call 831-03CH. 9 lo 5. PATTERN SHOP Denni• k !Jenni• p..,.,.,.,~, GENERAL Press Operator. Swingshitl Agency Of Jrvtne, 20S2 Dr's Aulstant potting AJR~tttt!vy w ~,: ·f AR WEST TWT'et Lathe operator, Sad· ~~ ~~tr'~~t, %':1 ~ i\fichelton Dr. Y1111nr lad> <U-21) to 111111 radio dlw•lch, otder dlelypo Tumt Lalhc Ot> Allan-Mens Hair Deslan. CLERK R ECEP TIONIST in heilth spa. Will train, no writing, billing, some typ. SERVICES crator, Drill Press Operator. New shop in Newpon exp. ne<:. Apply in penon tng, Must like & be able to Benetihl 1ndude peid vac, Center. Call &«-8800 tor ln· F'~ Nt'gO. Gttat bo!!s 11\'ed11 any aft er ~. 29.10 \V. handle details. o e we y • 1 pnld &bsence, l:l'OOP lite &: terv\ew. t>nt'l"geUC indlv. tor hl!i rront Cot.at J!wy., N.B. Rubbish Service, 2113 ean. medica.1 tns & employee ben. ""M'°'oeoo~E'°'LS~--M=0-0~E-1 .c;:---1 Cla-Val Company ~~~P~~a~W"~0:·,~~!°~ )'On Dr., C06'ln 1\1esa. 1672 Reynalds Ave cfit-s plan, V40 \\'k. 1701 MODELS DRAPERY wotk 'room . Female ta.biers ne.ded. No exper nee. 1618 Ohms Way, C.M. 11 S Pl.-tJa ~-1a M gen'! otc dutl~ incl•...ti .... GENERAL Office, book· ant a Ana c.... ' ....,,, es a· Women, Men, Children Imnredlate openlng • duties lite bkkp1111:. AJ..-1 FCt>-:fu~~ kHpl.n2 background, to Equal Oppor. Empkl)'('r mi l. Models wanted for Fall and involve maintaining ret."01'Cls J •1on Best Agency troln for DA1V work, pro-Equal OpRIJr. Employer Winter Fa.shlon1 & tooling. \llodshop training ceuing car deal!!, 842-1135. 'MACHINIST AMERICAN BEAlITJES & !OIT\e clerical ability will 17~ Brookbur.1t, 1'", Vly. GIRi ..TRAVEL J lJNIOR SALESMAN: lfardlnge Set Up. o..,..1on MODELING ACADEMY help. Xln't '°· benelH!. '"" Suite 2'13 "'""" ~ Earn $20-$40 per week wont. Cridan &or: Up 1t Operate 675-8442 * 3700 Npt Blvd., wic:. 1701 Placentia, Costa RECE PTIONIST Over 11 Ing alter school and Satur-Thread Rollen, Set up & N.B. ?o.1esa. Equal Oppor, Employ. Fee ?a.Id. A dream •po1 ·w/ Free to travel Hawaii, Mex-d~t aeUlng new liUbtcri~ operate. ft!OTEL MAID WANTED er m/f. great devclo1~r! If you likC' Joo City &: major citll'!I. llon1 for the DAILY PILOT. Cent'ertem Grinder will traln, apply in penon ----t.-ha.llenge & people this is Must be neat & iW¢e. No Thia Is not a paper n:iute Immediate openings in lst & Cosla Mesa IM. your career. $425. AISIO Fet.o exper. necessary.. A 11 and does not include de-2nd ahitt.s. MOTHER subatitute for 2 PBX/TWX Poslt1C>rlS. can Ann ~lie, transportation furnished. \V/ liveries or collecting. Open. 10 hour day, 4 day v.·ork boys 11 & 13 from 2:30 to 556-8505. Conuul C <} r c er Secretary An imm•cU•t• -optnlng exls11 for • HCret•ry in our contr•cts cMpt1rt· ment. Must be c•p1ble of working wfth • min- imum of IUP9rvlsion. Typing 60 w.p."lf, short- hand IO w.p.n(. P"1v~ * * * SHIPPING AND RECEIVING CLERK ous.contrect experience . d•iirab le. Vari~ DHla l\11!.Ch~lCa twi 11.11 11nn1e<llall' opening for a a:hl11pb1g and reeelving clerk Apply In P erson 3333 Harbor Blvd. Costa Me1a, C•llf. Viifh a ntlnhnurn of IW'J .~ .. 1 years cxpel'IC'nce In th& 1 rccelvln~ of e I cc t r on I c 1naterials preferred. You n1u!lt be attentivt! to detail and willlng to w o r k ~rUme v.·hcn requ!n'<I. Jf )'OU meet t h e s c re. f(Uirements and are looking tor a growing Orange Coun- ty con1pany that offers : 2 week e:<pense paid training lnp In Costa Mesa, Founraln week. Xlnt company paid e:30 pm 5 days wk. Call En1ployment A.gene)', 3400 ~·,FO.: apptnCaJ. '1°'Mperl ~ ~Jc~ ~pdp~:~~u_,nUn&,,,1,!~~ =· good working con· 548-5219 day!I, eve 962--0957 OPERATOR 1rviTM! Blvd., N.B. = . ----s = Equal Oppor. Employer m/r e Modern Facilities DRIVER; excepllonal opptl for part time dr:lvet'. Pre . serious student • ma1e over 18 yrs • v.'ho needs both nW>OeY ~ tr'anAp to contmue his education. I wtll ttlriilsh the car and upkeep aod pay cub .for your time and ·a»ow reuona:ble use of ttte car for your pereonaJ net'ds:. wm MX'k out flexfble sched- ule to a.ccommode.te your available time . only few hl'J on dri~ days. Pieue ~ CUSll by -Howard Smith, 494-5008 or 491·367. ;:;:;;., '(i17i'm.IJ98 rn.: ..,.3013. ., , -~ ..,;.., inco<porated • MUsIClANs LOllklng '°' RECEPTIONIST ;;;;;;;:;,.,~ i650 to 5 pm Monday thru f'rl. Equal Oppor. Emplo31er 543-55.13 capable manager. Ref's. Trainee $525 e day. Parentii: welcome at in· Jr. Accountant Equa1 Opportunlt;y Employer Call John or Bill 557-8151. An immediate opening exists Day or night, no exp. nee., 13.0.3_;, College GPA) Basic: and Major Medical + Life ELECTRONICS DRA!'I'SMAN Must have P. C. Layout exper. min. ot 1 year. Call for appl. at C.M. Plant 54!Hl982 . terview. Oppo!'. unlimited for indlvid-(6) 1fACHINE OPERATCJR NEEDLE point painter. Full ~%: ::!3~=to~ ~rig ~rjo~~ann:.m~:~ Pers:>Mel Clerk GIRLS OR BOYS ual w/at feast 8 courses in TRAINEES to $2.15 hr. or part time. E.xper. pref. the 008 atltotna"c ro•d A !'· tn Dictaphone Opr . Ll I & Company willing to train' Ca11 644--9222 btw. S-6 pm boa u • PP' person any aft or i(eypunch Opr 1~~per ~': l~~i !:°erun~~Ap~c ~~~-beginner. Must be 5' tall or NITE AUDITOR rd, typing required. ~~.at 2930 \Vest Cst Hwy., Test Technician Santa Ans., between Ma'in Finn will pay fol' addiUonal over. Thia opening at Hotel or club exper. req'd. Apply In P erson Elcctro-r-.Jechanical ~ Fairview, Warner & San schQoJing. Salary to $600. present Is for graveyard Knowledge of NCR 4200. RECEPI'JONTST I Typi.'ft Exe('. Sccr~ary D)ego ~. Call Helen Muon, 541Hi055, !~i ~~~I~ =U0t~1 ':1ay bek F/time. See Penionnel M~. 3333 Harbor Blvd. Pvt. country club. JI.lust be b:;~!"'.t~!· 642-4371 Coastal ~nonnel Agency, · 0 v.'Or BALBOA BAY CLUB Cost• Mesa, Calif, people oriented. S2.25 hr. -o-· ·~· $-125 $400 $565 • $4.25 hr e to $70Q 10$~. Em loym.nt Coun"l.r -H bo Bl d CM same day you a,pply. Mktng Secretary p Lynn Coogort "''""' ar r v ., _ . ECHO JOB AGENCY 1Z21 W. Coast 1'1wy., N.B. Lunch lucluded. F/tin1e & Gal Friday WiH train aalt9 orierrred per-Oi.Eiot Alanagtt 315 3rd St., Suite 3:13 NOTEI wknd work. r·or intervw NEWPORT '°"· Motlva-to learn w/ Equal Opportunt1y Employer KITCHEN HELPER Huntington Beach 53lH4l9 Roal Es1ate Salesmen I ; ~ phone, 545-l!Sl. p I A $6'50 $6:10 • high ea.mlrws. Call EUy GIRL ~•av -~30 good 0 •-•ao .,., RE c E PT Io NI ST t e rsonne gency Ellis ~.Control Ca &•w" "u-• Mature lady w/cooking ex-MAC'HINE OPERATORS IfyouhaveaUcemeorwant IC'4".I__. or 833 0 D NB Stock Purchase " Profit Shar ing 12 days a year paid vacation 6 days a year , paid slc:k leave, reer' Em~ Agency. tySap 1 1st. Some d 1 1 · ct at Ion. per. Must be clean & neat. TRAINEES (2). S2.SO hr. one, see Peg Botin,ger for __ So1 uthetm CaJJ1 torn la Optical, 0'f!2r •• 7r0., • • 3-400 ttvlne Blvd NB ' ary to su t. 5 Da)'S, Dependable Work 1 am to 4·30 Pm This cootidential interview. Red C a so o earn dispensing. • ... .----·.--;....,...,,.I You may be the one \\"e ·~~-=="==cf.··=·c-· _ Phone for appt, 548-8401 ' 1 job. ·1 · .. _ Call Mr. Lewis, 830-7400, looking for. ' ENGINEERING DISHWASHER · ' a perm. • no •YO~. Carpet, <W-l1fil. -SECRETARY--GIRL Friday typing re-Your chance to become a MOTORCYCLE p ARTS Equal Oppor, Employer ml t RECEPTIONJsr weekends pc.ltton operl. in youns quired Rob't 'Graham ~ Clean neat, dependable machinillt. Raises given to work in 1\larina office Fee Paid. Large co. seeking fut i?'OWing O:t. lnvolvtd.ln IOcia~s Call 49'2-9600 Apply in person a:fte.r training per io d. $600. mo. ~ious .... ..ts Pax . New Accou'l'ls: Typing necessary 6#0126 · enthusiastic people oriented lndustrla.I Electronlct!nk. Need! u~•-. ted al . SURF & SIRLOIN Interviews a.m. only. .,,.... So W N L-RECEPTIONIST lndiv. for thelr sales dept. a peraon who Fan th or nLMr wan m e or 5930 W Coa t H ECHO JOB AGENCY shop exp. a mmt. Immed rry rong umuwr Legal A typing & hlmtielf, and Work alone or le.male, fut food eervtce. Newpo. rt ~.ch>'· 315 lrd St., Suite 203 hire if you qualify & have If ~ in the center of trainee, $35() mo. vg. he! ful C lit~d = in a team. Prefer collep EXper. Must be over 18. H ""~ Be h .,.14.19 full knowledge of issuing of things & handling new & in-642-2330 exper. P · o. pa craduate Call .for appt. at Alao pert ttrue d~ hoe:teu un ... 15.on ac ........,.... parts. teresting clients doesn't ap.. RECEPTIONIST, part time, tits & good advancement Please Apply In Person Or Contact B. Kratka VDM r JI' ' •I CM Plant. opening. Apply iri penon, LADIES · MAID WANTED ECHO JOB A.GE;NCY ~to you, .Attra,s:tive in· l\1ature, Mon-Thurs, 2.9 pm potential. No sh. Also :fee 540-0982 Riner Reirtaurant, 16 We need help at all houn on Don Quixote Motel, ZlOO 315.3rd St., Suite 203 div. needed tor lwcurious 642-0598 Jobs. 2722 Mlchels on Dr. EXCLUSIVE Men'• Shop in Fashion Is., NB, alter 2 rush jobs when we have Newport Btvd., CM 642-2670 Huntington Beach 536-1439 ofc. 'Call Liz Blake, 833.2700 RETIRED cleau up & han-Jason Best Agency Irvin., C•llfornl• S. 0ranat County aeeks ex· p.m. them, in our busy 1tAINTENANCE Nurse!ll Dennis & Denn1s Pel'sonnei dyman tor medical office. 17400 Brookhurst, 1''. Vly per, Natural $.boulder HELP Wanted. Exp Rubber Print/Bindery Shop. Ea.sy Water District la now ac-RK-LVN-AIDE Agency of Irvine, 2082 tlours Ilexib!e. Phone Suite 213 963-677S 833.2400, e xt. 336 Trad l t I on a 1 Oriented Mill Man, alao Preu Man, tH0...,,!!'!!1;, bew~.,:i,!!edtra, -~~; cep"•-applications for 11-7 '& other shifts, Top pvt Michelaron DT. 833-2528 I o ( '1 d~~ bow will _, ·-· ---• •= ~~ I ed f PB SECRETARY Equa OPO __ '· .• Emp oyet • -.INman. Ft.bu Io u • op. exp .,._..,.., ever, • 540-977'l Maintenance penonnet, Ex· duty pay. mm .. pay or X Rec:epttonist SALES, Wild West Stores, a _ ~ 1 portuntty. Send complete in& to tra!n ambttlout )'ng • cellent atarting salary & floor duty. C 0 u" t Y w 1 de Fee Paid Nationa:lly known family clo•1.1o.~ store ill 00\V we are looking ... a top SILVERWOODS i_!l1. rnwne. wrtte Clualtled ad. man. Apply 712 Yorkto'Nll, LITE Bookkeep l n i' beneflta. Please apply at: lntrvw.s. Mon-Fri ~ ~ 5. firm nffiis I indiv. \I/ho can hiring for ...... fuf1 time .sales tch to .... t I I int ie . f No. 9" O&l1>' Pllot, PO Box Blda 1, H.B. aecretarial 1kilb. Some ex, Moulton Niguel Water Dlat. LeBCOUlle Nurses Regutry, handle busy ~ board Co poalti no secre._. .. o earn the s enr wing or exoer 1 r 1560. Colt.a Me./, Calli HOSTm'>, EXPER. =·ton;=.· ~~C~· $450 27211 Aliso Creek Rd, ~l H;~!tal Jc1~· N: 1 ~1:~ otfel'!I good benefits inCJud: new :1~'i:e 1fnir~k~0~1~:, ~~. ~peYf~t ~a ~ xin7 ~~ L~!!,~1J!R~~ , ~ 9.a Morning Shif't Laguna Niguel Y 540-9954 Ing Profit sharing. Salary to be completed soon. Tern· curately &: \\'Ouid like a Full time. Sec ~1r. Scane 6r 1 1• lx.CUTIVIS e BLUE DOLPHIN e LOAN OFCR TRNE MALE, clean-cut, good drlv· stl-9955, · to $550. AJ!!O Fee Jobs. Call porary work location will be challenae send II ha had NURSES Ala~U-7. We will M-~·-Lt'ght, "'""~ ... • UI your Mr. Williams, 44 Fashion ... $12,000 to $75,000 3355 Via Lido, N.B. · )1>U ve ' e.t tng record, me ch an I ca I -=-.... ...,... ~. at the Orange store, 7'J9 So. resume today. P .O. Box Island, N.B. • •,•·LI Stnd resume or call TODAY HOTEL-Fl'ont Desk Clerk, yr expe1-. \v/a finance co. ability, non-smoker, shop & train new peraonnet. Xln't Coastal Personnel Agency · Tustin Ave. Exp la welcome 1691, Newport Beach, Calif. 1 for confidential NO cosr exper. prerd, but not nee. thill gt'O\\ing bank will train truck ma int en an c e & benefits which lnclude in· 2700 Harbor Blvd., CM. ' but not required. For in-92663. , ; exttUtive Interview. Apply in pason, Rodeway you in the banking field. delivery, able lo lilt, part comealrepla1cemenAt "',.~ ,";.'!: PORTER terview contact Barry at ~£_ _ __ LE2 '* * '* _ 1 EXECUTIVE INC.SERVICES, ~~~ia~~7~ Bristol, Costa ~ C:~\ro17,81~ ~~: ~!~~K. $1.7'5 hr to ~~r Ave~N.s~p.,,. -rw I~AEt~u~~p~xp Company ;1;~LESMEN * F S~E~~RN ~ ) r1~ 881N.Na1n. SantaAna HOUSEKEEPER to Vturk in ~if ~I~, HD~-::_wN~rini1:~~:2~ ~m Now taklngLa app1Sheica1&°n& overtime avaii .. id~aG!'~: Do ak " ~Bead flnn otten:;. Stenographer rll' \ (114) 547-9825. attractive conv. hospital. ar ·· · p.u..; North guna Ing conds. Raises &. com-yo~' t e Salesmen staJJdirw po&iUon tor tndiv. _ 'J.·j Flexlble hn for fU11 or LVN-Challena:lng posiUon for & 9124-9128 3-SPM. 4M-13Tl pany benefits. Immed. hire. wanted ads with a grain of w/'good skills Great chance r. E>CF.C.fl'Ypist, l\.fcsr ex.per. p/tlmc employment. Xln't tull or p/lime employment. MANAGl:R TRAINEE ORDERLY, exper, 7.3. San ECHO JOB AGENCY salt? Can't say I blame you. for adv~ ~Ill')' to Due to our rapid growth; J" It 1 t r 0 n g E n 1 1 i • h working conds & paid vac.s. Opening for pm f/lime & Outstandina: opportunity to Clemente General Hosp. 315 3rd St., Suite 203 I followed up a few m)'!le:U '6%). AIM> Fee Jobi QUJ Varian ·Data Machines bal 1'. background req'd. We will Apply at 1415 Superior Ave, relleL Top sal &: benefits. advance to managerial po91. 714-49&-1122 ext n4. Hwttlngton Beach 536-1439 In the put. The Job aeldom ~ 5«Mlfli6 Cout.i an immediate ope~ tr! I F~,.!R' yquallwo"'RKE· ~RSm(.15) H.B. Please call 642-2411'1. for tlon in 30-60 days. Om" cur-2 OFFlC~ GIRLS POWER Machine operator, ~ved up to the claim in the 'Agency, 2700 Har-ours Enygtneering are,,. aableor ft ''.~! ~•w HOUSEKEEPERS appt. rent ma n a aer 1 earn single & double needle. Ex· Do· bor Blvd .• CM. teno. ou must to ~ to $2.25 hr. Needed at once, LVN 11~11500 M -h NEEDED d 1_ .. "'"'-"o= yourself a favor & ex-type 60wpm have eXlr: tor all lhttts. Hurry on do'Nll. 1Jw in or out. Alto day uuu-mo, · u .. , ave Radio telephone dispatch per. es'""-'· .,...,..-.....:;;,, plore this one. If you'd like SECRETARY perience In tyj,lng technical , \ u you need a job. No exp. clee.nen. Sl5 min. 1-f.irasher Convale-scent Home, full & door to door canvassing ex-Must be 2S, able to drive Public Relations $700 to make $250 a week lm· Fee Paid. Crx chemical corp specl.rtcatlons and s J h :;.I( nee. NI time employment. Domestic Agency. (Bonded, PBrt time, call 642.oo98 6'.ir~~~~-Newman 979-S222 Applt.~ F.!l'IOO D\stinctively Different 0ppor. mediately, with an e)'1! to Is seeking sharp 1r:1 getter should be at least 80. u YQ1' f- 0\olce of several com· 1Jic'd, Employer Pays Fee) YELLOW CAB CO. tunity! Put yoor easy-way· much more in the future, for their &beent minded pro. meet theee qualltlcatio~ ;r· J panies. 646-9172. * * * MANAGER Trainee -Z1 186 E. lBth. Costa Meaa ·of mt"eting people tn work I'd like to talk lo you. ll fessor. AVK typing & sh. Lots and are looking for a com-'Xi' ECHO JOB AGENCY HOUSEKEEPER, pvt coun-& over. ~ ask !tr for you In this major firm. your quallficaUoru: match of variety, Lite exper. h~P-pany that oHera: ~ 315 3rd St., Suite m l\fe.nagcr. One Ye•r Contact client comDMie!I. our requirements, thia could ful. Great lltarth1c M1ary & ;'\ Htmtington Beach SJG-1439 try club, Wed thru Sun, KEYPUNCl:I ~1ANICURIST expe:r, Mr. Tempor•ry Co, car + stock ptans + be the career you've been co. beneftts. A1'o F.ee Jobs. • Modem ·" FEMALE. watthou.. girl, ;;.'%.i:J. hn;-0~ '::;-.. ~~ BECOME A Roo'• Mens Hair Styling A11'9nmonll ti>. -we, hol & Ina. Can t'00~ '°'· Joaon Boot Agency Facllltl ' ' pxl driver, full time, 545-1161. 2400 w. Coast Hwy., NB. Burt-long, 833-7100. Dermis pterv ew appointment l!H 17400 Brooktiurst F Vly ft 'H pennanent, no •lud•nts. PART OF THE 540-9174 You will be ... ponolble for .. Oeml> l'er.!onnol Agency M. weekda,t>•. 580-3182. Suite 213 ' 9ourn • Ba'slc and ·-mok !i d HOUSEKEEPER. Proftos. 1!1ett'U¥ up a cenVa1 flling of Irvine, a£l MichelROn Dr. SaJes Restaurant Equi • ,. ~·AM·~';. p''· 11.;,>' ;,: •lonal """"""· ohlldren 10 ~ EXCmNG MARINcedEM e • .. •.u•shnedi "00a"''1 system ,.,. an !Mne '°· ' To $800 p. SIOOCRETARIES A Malor Medic:cil' ·start. lnter::view 3.ii PM . 8, flexible hrs, Mon-Ioli, car penen • es It will be a tough job, but REAL ESTATE ir•LES Tremendous Oppor. 8 KKEEPERS · nee Refs 968-0804 COMPUTER ye.rd. Good pay, c 0 • ... • ~ -~· ,.,.. + Life Window Designs. 3137 Birrli · · · benefits, steady em~· uie pay sense""'· t1c.1ueve-JOIN A WINNER ! Di$t:'inguished suppUer of FREE FREE FREE ._1 St., NB HOhU1SE1.dKEEPERM. Uve-in. 2 INDUSTRY ment. nn .Back Bay Dr., mewhilnt w!Tlll m~e ~ wob1rth· We have openings for 2 Hcen-restaurant equipment seek! e Stock Purchase ~ F'lddlen III Restaurant In c re n . u1t have NC'WPO'l't Bead'I, {in Newport e. me o ... ~ e. sed R.E. salesmen or wo-articulate lndlv. to represent LlJ Reinders Agency ·, t.quoa Hills .i\1all now reterenCes. Spanlah speak· Varian Data Machines, a Dunes). (714) 644-4545. • ffl men. We!.! established office. ~r ~· Xll'l't beneftts. 4121 Westerly Place • Profit Sharing - W hlArim112IT,RE.SSES, COOKS, Ing OK. 640-<l851. leader in the mini-computer fo.1ECHANIC, Bicycle Exp'd. 0 C9 ~Onein o1r"theCl1ym~ Dennis &: 1'..~.n~2700ne1' &lite ~L~ .... •""""" 833·8100 e 12 days a yeif HOUSEKEEPERS/SITIERS Industry has an Immediate Full time. Mission Viejo, • I cl __,_, v:.• .1............. .....,,.u...,, •-e&~•u .c..11•auu .. n:u .L"'lU "f BUSBOYS, Orange Co. Domestic Agcy opening for a keypunch 495-5771, 831-2861. OYer 0G ~=:,ab1.nle n!~ sough• ~-t-1ya1t! " ·M~, .. _.-_,_°!_ Irville-! aJ82 SEC. for Architectural finn. paid vacation ' ' 1046 N;. Tu,stln, Ora:. 997-0500 operator on second shift. ... .. ...., v•cuia; .......... , ""''"' ...,, ""-'"'" HOSTESSES y -"I be 'ble ... Med Fmt Ofc R...... 3723 BI RCH ST. ~-ce11en1 romm•~-n s ALE s . '""~ & S/H, with expe,. 0 6 days a year ' HOUSEKEEPER I Com......... ou ..... respons1 ~ ....,... Rep -·n'•"ve 1'n u " & DISHWASHERS .. -. d The Eyes H a ve ltl NEWPORT BEACH -"" &: tuu tto ... _ ......... ace · rte. payables Full or p/tlme. Apply In :~;'. H.8:1 ~~.no smok· ~8;1~!r1a0fc!andu:3. 1:J:iw!r;: \\'ondt--rlul doctor seeks &lert 567-006 1 ".,u, Call J~:r:-a-K·MAN :r:e·h~ 8 ~~.0 ~~ ~~~ ore.;;:~all Sue: pGid sick leav,~ : pet'90f1. Next IO Sears, In-preparation keypunch. friendly lndiv. to assist & today for an app't. to discuss openj.ne In Orange a:,, Ex-' • 1 side mall. Houuwive1 Students If you are bored with disperse glasses! No-.v, call PARKING attMldant, over YOUR FUTURE iri this per req'd. Salary, expenaes SECURITY Guard -Host You may be the one we are • • Courrttt girls wanted Mon· straight keypunch and Bai'bara Mac, 833-2700, Den· 18· Calif. lie. p/tlme, or Prime Area, bonus & co. benefits. Pho~ Corona del Mar area. Hours looking for. : II~ File Clerk $425 F"ri, l l·2, $2 per hr. 833-3294, desire a challenge with a nill & Dennis Personnel. I/time. 8.12-0924, 6#-l700 ABC Distributi c 0 10 to 4:30 Mon thru Sat. Top • I Are you career mi.ndt'd? Then 1' .. argo Sandwich Co. Ask tor ~ Orange c 0 u n t y Agmcy of Irvine, m ext 555. 2131m..1311 lo ng 1 t · pay. Call for lnte?View Plea.se Apply In Penon drlt Job ls for ·you. Growing Laurie. f>48..2936 a.ft S pm. computer company that of-Mlchel80n Dr. P/tlme Senrice Station Al· e.ppt. r n ervw ~iaiL Appta. Fri onif Or Contact B. Kratka ' ~ )00 lo fife A: r@o· HYBRID ml c r o cl r c u l t -ferac-Off tcndanL Jltes ~-9128· ' Reimbursed. Also Fee Jobi. engineers. Lay out, p~ e Modem Tustin MD needs exper, ca~ + comm. Don's Gu 1 f Good opportunity for am-ne...,,_ .. t tl%e1t•;-1!!1"', le, ---~ ~ ._ !I.eve on switchboard. Fee -Meil Ff'Ont Ice MU!lt be exPer. Hrly wage SALES Rt:P-M/'E--SENlOR cl -· 1¥ DM ' · Cd Susan Church, 556-85(X;. ceulng, & packaglne. Thick able indlv. ro handle tront bilious per!IOn to sell lila· . ':"'t.'U 0 1 w Ki-~· Cl:lntrol Career Employment &: thin Him Positions offer Facilities desk. Must have insurance Service, ~ S. Coast Hwy, "'SINCE 1946" Uonery supplies in Newport f1c1cot man in wheelch811', ~ i.. Agency, 3400 lt"vine Blvd., ~oplnt :r.:~ ~-ppom1 . .:1!~ • la·'c: and exper. ShU1 t500. Call Miki Pi;,T Be:. echant 1\1 & 1st Western Bank Bldg. ~h area. Full time. Will :100a um~ ~B 6~74 &. . N.B. • .. \\'hi:te, 54()..6055, O>astal Per-I tro~ m k n~B~-"1.. Univerlri.tY Park, Irvine t . Salary + comm, .. 2722 Ml h Ison b FULL Til\tE p ies lady befid .. encefit.s~. ~~~"' .... inAd '°N"'o. Malor Med'1cal IJk)rlncl Agen~y. 2190 Hiutili.' eN~ e !lmo:er. su~P....., or i D•ys 552·7000 Nights Beach Stationers, 18 0 7 SERVICE man. 18-35 yn:. c t r • .., ............. ..,... Blvd., cri.t. ,_ans, S45-l530. Newport. C.M.' Exper not nee. Paid vaca-frvlne,-C•llfornl• "-wanted. Call for appt. 909, Datly Pilot, P.O. Box + Ufe EN v•5 Sales lion, free medical" dental, ~2400, ext. 33' 873-6250 1560, Costa Mesa, ca. ~. M . ii.iwomen :r camper P/l'IME job, idefll t 0 r Rea! ~ate Sales TOY &: Gil'T PARTIES apply In peraon, Young & Equal Oppor. Emplo)'1!r FULL time eardener I: ' INSPECTORS • Stock Purchase uaem! 858"'w· lSlh s""'1 ··cncedt .students, e\.-es & Sat. Good Huntington Harbour I-louscwlves demonstrators, BLal ned tCMlre Co, 1596 Newport matnt. man 118 area. Call pre · · ·• 05 a working conds. $1.65 + 2 . earn to $2,000 ..,,, Dec. 1. No .,:;;:;;•i;·:,,;:;:,'77.=.,.--,--, -• < 30 5.16-2579 Trainee• on lit lhllt only. 0 Profit Sharln9 Me... 01 000 2195 ~· .... ., SERV CE ~ R ~,. ..,, : · * * 2nd ahlft openlnp !or cs. <h>J" or ~J.,).6. R lty delivery -nu collection. I Sta. Attendanta, 1 <>•••uv ecept. • ~ F U R N I T U R E Inspectors w/l or more yn • 12 days a year MESSENGER, part time, 3 p ART t Im e b abysit· ea Free Hostess gilts, rited full 12-9 pm, l p/ttme eves Step In Spothghtl • ~ DRIVE R/WAREflOUSE-In JNpecUon ot electronic or 10 5 hn, Mon lhru Fri. Neat 1er/houaekeeper, 1 Kin· car, 523-5484 CUts 'n & \Vknda. Nell. App~ Be the 9tBr of !his dream1 MAN Exp. Spanish 1peaJ<~ electl'o mechanical paid vacation appe8l'al1ce. Other employ· dergarten. Hrs. U:30to3:30 ExpandsOff:Shore Gacfaets moms, 2590 Newport Blv' front ?ffi~ \\'he?'e a\\~ IJW'; Perm 547-1183.. Mr. auemblles. Must be able to e 6 days a year ment pennlssable. Orange 5 day dw ~2158 aft 3:30 SALES: Part time exp'd CM. wMP s is TrlO$I. eMential!· '•+ Miller. use micrometers I: callpera. County Area. 835-3140 Fut resul~ are )USt a 11h0ne Two resale offices opening saleswoman, age 30 lo 40 for SERVICE Sta. F/time days. Great benefits. Call . Kim {I, -*-GARDENER-* & read blueprint.. Startlns pal.I sick leave Sell Jdle ltemi. ... 1)42-5678 call away 642-51mt -..now.LGroundlloor oppor.tun. Contemporary Fash lo n Mu!t be exper. Arco, 19th & Clark. 833-2700, Denni!! le ' rafeba.SM'"on-0~ -. 'i!11 ----J _ _ ' Uy lor amblt!OUJ sales pro. Store So. est Pl Call Newport, C.M. Dennis P'ti'!!Oltttd Agency of · .. your own Bou ln1 !Inn w/xln't benen... • 1 o•/o I 2nd "HolpwiiiliCI, M-a F 710 Htlp-W1nltd;-M·&-f'-'710 -Pl . TmmMIBtc "ftoor'"tlme ~---SERVICE-SI A Il'Ylne,>Ol!:l-Mlchebon..O. Full or p/thne in your Pl 1y st d d available lmmediate earn-a. ttendant Own atta. lligh Income. M:=ri!:.P the la~ nAp:I~ shift differeft• ings possible. \Ve have solld SAUCE COOK-NITES p/Ume nltes & wknds. Must STUDENTS ·1 Ouar•nt Hd Customers l\!Agnetlcs Col 2'221 s. Anne • I referrals from nc\v home OH Sat nlle. Cyrano be exper. ~ourly wage + YeararoundSatopcnlnphlr No Cash Down St., Sanla Ana. l:qual Op-Ha * MACHINISTS * sub-divisions of the Christi-Restaurant. 6CJG.D Nt'wport comm. Don 1 Gulf Service, salt's girls e.t O.C. por. Employer e.na C.Om nies. Center Or., ( Fa s h I 0 n m S. Coast Hwy, Lag. Bch. Race"'llY· 0\'er 17, no Earn Now, PRY Later Please Apply In Perwn CALL Bl~ COMSTOCK lalandl Newport Beach. Ap-SERVICE Station Attendant per. nee. $2 hr. 8-l2 hn 534-7187 INSURANCE Or Conlftct B. Krafka 2nd Shift tn4J 84&-1384 & 1213) S!n-2"45 I>IY-8:-30-ll aJh le. 3-5 pm dal· f/Ume d&.)' ahl.tt. Must do wk. Apply at raceway. GARDENER: Need 111aff 'ADMINISTRATOR PLUS OVERTIME REAL ESTAi"l!; SALES ly. lite mech. v.·ork. Prefer TAKING applit"atKm!! for\ eardeoer for lge hoaollal. C•rMrOpportunlty VDM SUCCESSCAREER SECRE.'TARY/For 2 girl smog lie. Sal + comm. Uph o l ster)' Cu tten, alto other dutlet. PltalC Super llharp flrl to run In-LATHE MACHINISTS New or experienced. Join the sales oftlci, computer type Don'a Gult Service, 590 S. Se-amt;tre!se•, U1rolsters, calt Beverly Manor Conv. wrance dept. for nat'l Ina. • world's largest and futeat product.s. ].flljor Co. want Couf Hwy, ~ Bch. OUtsldrra. Nr\v 1>lant. many ··' Ital, lAC\lfll. Hills , consullinl firm. Must he.ve MIUJNG MACHINISTS IJ'Owing resale organization mature girl looking for SERVICE Station !lclp benen111 .. Applyot2323 Soeth' ~m'l prop .l cuualty tx· .. e with a network of over 300 respoll!llblllty & challenge, wanted, Exp'd, Top pay, Eut 'f.Ja!n Rt.. lrvtne-. 0 IRAL O,PICI per. w/carrler to hlncllt 27tt Michelson Dr. otnce1 and becomtt a Prior .oUlce exper desired. tmmed openln,i:. :;oo East tton-T'rl 8:»-ilp.m. Sa Fee""Nfcv. 8plrlde plwty ,tn 1bla cball~I posltkln; Irvine, C•llfornla 3 Yffl'I machine-shop ex~lcnctJ 1n manutactur-member of our Millionaire S/H req. 835-3755 l'lth St C.~f 70.m·ll noon.c.=.-;=,,.-"I' ttrs.~lon om~. Never a CPCU helpful. Salary flex· Ing preclalon prototyoe appllcatlons, p&rb and Club. Multi-million dollar SECRET'Alt.Y-.,_ Steno po£!. SERVI~ Sia: _Needs Scbool THE MAGIC PAN 1 -g:un rifOmeut. Your day w:l.11 Ible. 1 133-2400, ext. 33' toolln& rtquired. Wllf Perto1·m the layout and ma~ adVftrOslna: program. Free tlorui Op@n. Pertonal & job boya to help p/time. Doyds RESTAURANT ___ varied do1 .... -neral of· tJRTESY PEROONNEL'7" -o "T'ffifil chlnl•'H•· ot-compltcated parts ft'Qm dJmentlonal cnteed llcenalng IKJhOol~ refs f'All'd. ifWIL lypo 00 Arco '90 E 17~h s c l u.. ... Bank of Amtrlca Tower Equal ppor. c:.mp oyetr ... ll -·1 ·-.. , • t t:, .~ :__ Is now Atte1Jtlna Apptl(ia. -fim dutln • Uto~aelllna;, ,-" Cltv" n .. _.~ _ prints or sketches. ent _.e, trRinlng, \v.p.m., sh 80. S"I open. S'ERVItt Station }11"1p. !"nll lions t"or: Cr1'1kl, C1JOkr hrJr.. AYI typln& A abUlfy to h.,n· l ••"~•ii'ii&&••-lill••• Wharls your llcl'Jlse \110rt11 11"Vlne lnduat Complex. Call ,. ell• filurc•. Xln t ad· KEYPUNCH S•turd1y & evening Interviews 1rr•n9ed to you? Cleek our monthly 5'1~7639 ror •ppt. or p/ftmr. 990 E . C-oul!t crs. d1~h\\"8Sht'rs, 53nita~. vancement potential A sreat INSUDlllC( SALES bonus proa;ram which meant Equil Oppor. EmplQycr Hv.'Y, Newport Bch. mlad pi~v. hO!lft"holst~. if.\rtlnr aat. Fee Jobi Alto. ~ ·~i ~Tl! 1 mvall•""-APPLY IN P E RSON SSS 10 you1 Pli:.ase call SEC R-ETAR·Y-SE W J r.f G 1.1 Ac ll IN E v.·alttre:'walli"eSl9t'S, bus help :Jeton Best Apncy "' •uua ......,. 333:1 H1rbor Blvd., Coi t• Mesa, C•llf. Vlra;inle. Jones 835-48U. . · OPERATORS. slnale nee--&: hari('flders. Appi in i>er: 11400 Brookhunt, F. V'l:y No exp nee., ejlft WhUe )'OU rrvtne --MCM460 Or ca ll: (714)-546-8030, Ext. 15' REAL ESTATE-SALES s;a:1!':!! d ~~~,:.~gwi 0d~~:. °'l'°~oc~~1Puc'iato"n'' •P!xp ::n. th~1:~ :t S. 7o.Q S\tlt. ~3 96MT75 1eiarn, part...~Ume, wes a 17102 Sky Parle E -.. •UJ 00.J ,.,V\O .. P'··-., wltlldl, Ml Umt when quo!). NEVER A >tt AT TEMPO FREE LIC NSE exp. r ... at>pt1 cl))I, 'MK N.B. 6<6--0308. =•· 33.13 BMl!ol 54 -O!&e fted • ~em~ --"•'" TRAINING Procluct1, m.1 50-8219. Sl·IIPPINO M ~RK Costa """'· tUncl<T the s: . If. YWre Orwn Fannen I1*1n.nee n-"p _.t.! t'.""'. -·~z:::# '«'.__ F·-·• "··• "·tate-L'-·nt-Dale.hlter._ ~., hr "· td , ... ......., CoMt Ptni.1 Siar\, No. cidi: , .... , I ..--. _ ..,,..,., n-.. U9 .... ~ -· • ""'t rn ae1 av!.!!-._!! oL~· B\lllock:a wi· .. ·) .. .'I'be: titre'• an oppor. to lf!lm,w Ed Lani * H).18.14 1'AIDS -No Ur.I. nee. Ap. 1na Counie now nvallable SF.CRETAJtY •. Showing )'Olj can h,al'ldlt common ~1 • ...,. Pan . An· ,!"..,':.J n..,•---· ftlt'l «\, in llT1111 bl'af\ch DlY in pert0n, the Rodowiy thru Tlll'btll Realtors. Fr'ff Center Devtlopment Com· carrier shipments for j1'0W· -·Em lo ...,.. vr olel 'I'remencltAMI btntf'itt.-·JANFl'OR p/tlme. Se m I tM. 1400 S. E. Brlltol, 'Pl:..cement Service. Froo pany looking for sccrolary Ing tocnl mtar. tmmed htre, por. P Yt:r. ' 1 i"JOd ra»e.J CIJl Khn Clark, nttred. No 011er. neceu. Colt.a Meta. 557-rlOQ Training J>roiram. Earn wllh i:ood typlnst & S/ll \.\•Ith Jtlnt houra beni1flt1. "\Vhlle Elt'PhMtl" ovtr: ·•noo. o.nm. A Dtrtltta Mt; SCane or M'r, W11Jlama. ''Weed It • ~·· whn. YoU learn. Cl\11 Al lktlls. MO-&.lO £CHO JOB AGENCY NhnlD.g )'OW' hcM:ili!:" Tun,: PeiDutrl Al'efK'Y ot Irvine, Sllwrwoodl, 45 Fuhlon From treuurts~ n,sh Sloan (714) ~Z.5440. Need a "Pal!"T Plare an ad? 316 :\rd st., Sulte 2o.1 them Jnto "Cuh" · Mtl 82 Mlahelson Dr.~ J1lucl., Newpt.-etnttr. 'l'urn them In'° cuh An equal o1il)Ortunlt.y employer ?it/F Fut reaulta art )Ult a phONt SelJ the old 1tufl BU)' the new Hunllnrton Bee.ch $38--1439 tham thru a oaJi1 °P1Jot a..ASStnitb ••••• , .ib"'!lrii CLAS§In.EDWnl lrlil 1t1 CA.U. ~'...f1lol WI •'WlY · &t1.M11. 1tuU. Sft1 kUe 1t1rn1 ••.•. 64J..M'78 _c1_a_u_llled~~·~•1~---- ' • ' ' ' • ., .... -¥ • ' jW DAILY PILOT w , Stpttmbtr 2b, 1973 b'*>n• ][j}] I ... 11, ..... l[Il] ( ~ .... , ..... 11: ][j}] I 14 ...... l[Il] I I~ Help Wo-, M & F 710 Help Wonted, M & F 710 Help Wonted, M&F 710 Help Wonted, M " F 710 C1mer•• &. ;;;;;;;;;;::::;;::;;;;;;;;;, -;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;~/\VOMAN 10 clean oftJet:, E~ulpment 8()8 • • • TRAINEES ·MACHINE SHOP· \\'e have immediatl! openings ror tralnees on our Znd shift '(3·1:JJ. TEMPO'S • TYPISTS ~lOre Ii; apt. 3 Daya, approx. KO\VA 6. c 11 m c r a . . .. 15 hrs per ••k. $2.75 per hr. w/tetephoto .ti wide angle 1.lust have car. 642-1753, ask lenses. Make oUer. Call D I A J bl for Steve. ' 673-8151. "1a • : Q • URGENTLY WOMEN int""""" in In-Furniture 810 terklr decor & 1 a I e s . 1----------ll F/Ume. Cwstom Shade & BEAUT 8' blue Vcl\1!.l liOfa, NO\V Orange County's n\Ost p1'Qf,,'l'CS.'ilve & lnnovnlivf TemJXlr.ary Help Sel'vice 'lkws it again.' TEMPO of- NEEDED Drapery Shop, 3$5 E. Coast Velvet chalr, Refrlg. Dbl WOMEN needed for bed 110fa, &dnn 1>el, Ca~ housecleaning. C~ll Robhl<"'s tains chair, white lthr llOfa, fers a u·uly uni<1uc .& time Interim s 11. v Ing opportun11y for • skillod ... ' . Personnel Sj!rYICe TYPISTS 17581 Irvine Blvd., •115 BOOKKEEPERS Tustin 838-5460 Rag & Mop. ~'l-0757; small Table1, single spring b/a--655.'t & mattreiss, bucket Chairs, Lam11s, Melniac & China YOUNG lady 18-30 unat· dl8hes. 646-6140 tached & no hang-ups. -l\<\>1plicants niust havf' the following : KEYPUNCH Sartdlehnek Plaza Bldg. SECRETARIES Equal OpJXJr. Einplo)'l"l' \\'ho \\"ant dignified & I~~~~~"'""'""'"':'"' stimulating Jong or sho11 UNUSUAL 0 p po T • Con. Hostess \\'Ork eves. Good KROllLER 3 pc bdrm set pay & nice apt. Also opd, to $55. Twinsi:re iiola bed, 5 1110 foreign travel. Mail replies old $.25. Dresser S5. 2 twin to: 3121 \V. Coast Hwy Box beds complete S25. ea. 2 SD Newport Beach ~ gold chairs $5. ea. Floor & " e 1-2 Yrs machine shop, metal sho p In high school, col- lege or military service. e M_ust be able to read micrometer. e Also read simple blueprints. e Mechanically in- clined. Rate Range $2.97-$3.58 .... Depending Upon.Exper. Plus lOc Shift Bonus Company Poid Benefits Well Established. Non-Union Company Appty In Per:ol 1t1<>ntFri 8 am-4: 30 pm Saturday Interviews Sept. 29th, 8 an1 -12 noon BERT EA CORPORATION 18001 .Von Karm·an Irvine, Calif. 833-1424, ext 294 or 833-1425 Equal Opp. Employer Fat Profll la attained when you sell through t"l!sult-get- ting Dally Pilot Classified Ads. 64l-5678 11.'rnl assignn1t'nts -few v1desrenl ~p. has an I•••••••••• days, couple weeks or few unusual growt h oppor. in a months -you decide! Now Hbooklkheeping po s 111 i o1 "•· u-•--~--11~ I VO"l('an..... ea t c11.1"(' re a e --V APPL y BY PHONE background helpful, but not I ~iiiiiim;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii;;;; APPL y BY PHONE rnanrt;itory. Top sal & 11 Apply By PHONE txoncfl\,:, Ph~nsc ca 11, 642-2·110 ror appt. Call TE!\1PO'S Offk·l' atl ;;i;iioii;ii ... ioii~ ........... 540-4450 & Let us know \l'hal your skills are. No net><I to ('On1e in !lE'l'!IOnally - until \\'I' have the 'just right' spot for you! Your time is valuable. Don't \l'as\p it. lnvl'St it v.-ist'ly \Vl1h Ten1po al hi hourly rates SS NEVER A F'EE A't TEMPO. Tempo Temporary Help URGENTLY NEEDED 50 TRAINEE ASSEMBLERS TP.ATNF:E -yng n1a11 as op-VOLT tic;il trch repairnu1n, rrq'd: Instant Personnel · :?Q-20 .. -i~i~n \\'l?ut g-lns.ses, TC'ntporary &rvice meeh .skill , & a):tllude. 3848 Can1 pus D1·., Suilc 106 Ma _c h 1n e sh o P ex P · NC\\'JJOrt Beach 546-4741 desirable. 546--0606 Equal Oppor. Employer TRAINEE to make resin products, must be min 5'6" tall , ~arting $1.85-12.00 hr. Costa Mesa ID't'a, 9~. *TYPISTS* Register for a lemporaty job todny Intervws: 9-12 \Ve Neer! All Office Skills Equal Ojipor. Employer · Male & F emale Western Girl Inc. 4667 J\:tacArthur Blvd. Newport Beach 540--0325 URGENTLY NEEDED 50 ASSEMBLY TRAINEES Interim Personnel Service F.qual Oppor. Employer 17581 Irvine Blvd "Make Room For Daddy" #ll5 SJ8.S460 Tustin . • • clean out the garage 1 . , . tum that junk Into cash Equal Oppor. Emp.oyer with a Dally Pilot Classified . --- ad cau 642-"'"'· WAITRESSES FIDDLERS Ill RESTAURANT Now Hiring \\'aitres.ses Days & Ni:tes Antiques 800 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Client -Reply -Mousy - Bangle -PRICES Rcmen1bcr ~he good old days 'vhen you \\·ent into the 1narkct and it v.•a<t the fish that smelled instead of the PRICES? PA ffi of ancient Spanish art itc1ns; 12-inch-high oil on canvas of San Antonio with original gilt frame; large ii· luminaled parchment page from monastery h y m n a 1 beautifully framed. SlOO. each or consider trade for English antiques, 496.-4123. JUST OP-ENEO- Frecland Pre An Antiques JI.Use. Antiques, Turquoise J~·elry & So Forth. Hours - 11 : 30-5 daily except Sun. & :'-ton. 864 \Vl'St 19th St., Costa J\.1esa, 642-7331. . Look at This Selling tine quality furniture, O i l paintings, decorator pia'i$, int·luding maey Or- ienta:l pieces. Private Hom~ Ownet'S Sale. Please call for a pp!: 11.J-557-42a9. Appliancet 802 hang lamps. 19" color port. RCA tv, 1 yr old S185. Must M!.ll S.12-9803' PENIN POINT GARAGE SALE Sofa bed, blonde v.·ood headboard. A p I tligidalre~ occasional tables, chairs, Sm Bureau. 61:>-7213. t.fEDIT. sofa & loveseat, lamps, pictures, area rugs, also h ercu l o n sofa w/matchlng loveseat. Xlnt cond. 673--5478 FRENCH green bdrm furn., dbl bed, malt., OOx spring & frame, 2 nile stands, cust. bedspread & chr 54(}..6633 BRO\\'N Jordan outdoor green Tamiami ~~ off 48" rd. tbl, 4 chrs, chaise's. 640-8111 . \'IALNUT l i n is h w/Kantwet n18tl. Carseat bl.ue, S5. waJker $3. 644-4648 crib s 2 5. """" KING size Beautyres l SUprt'me mattress. 1 mo old. $250. new. Must sell. Make offer. 552-0736 7 Pc '1.faple dining nn set, $125. Good condition! •548-4879• LIVING room Furniture & misc. (2 sofas) Comfortable cond. 6T:>-5109. KENMORE gas stove, self clng oven, thermo burner. Xln!. cond. $250. 963-2601 CUSTOM . king \Yater bed frame headboard & pedestal $100. Ph. 847-7638, FAIRLY old 4 dra1ver chesl v.·ith six inch legs. Very good cond. $21. 551-.51Jl9. 812 A CONVENIENT SHOPPINC AND SEWING CUIDE fOR THE Apply in J>C'I"SOrl 24291 Laguna Hills _J\1atl WAITRESS, EXPER. .FREIGHT OA.,1AGE SALE Ne1v Hotpoint refrig 's, dishwashl'rs & r a n g e s , "'ashl'rs & dryers, factory Yo'llrranty. GARAGE Sale Sat & Sun, furniture, brlc-a·brac, yard tools, swing set, odds & ends. 17091 Van Dyke Ln, Huntington Beach. TRINKETS & Treasures, Sat & Sun, 17432-Madera Ln, Hunt. Bch. Everything from baby clothes to a dune bug· CM. ON THE CO. For an 1d fn Wom1n•s World Must be dependable. Mature. C1ll Miry Beth 642·5678, ext. 330 Apply in person, Surf & Sirloin. 5930 W. Coast Hwy., ln5tant Crochet! 1-N_.s_·-..===---WANTED I ' BEACH ClTY APPLIANCE 3623 \V. \Varner, SA 545-0780 2062 N. Tustin, Orange 998-5£56 General Electri~ Washer $75 Kenmore Gas Dryer •..•.. $65 Kenmore Elee Dryer • , , •. $50 Easy Gas Dryer ......... $50 Guaranteed & free delivery • 546-8672 * 847-8115 * WHIRLPOOL auto, washer & dryer. 1~ years old, Best otter, Excellent condition. 962-<121. WASHERS , d r y.e r , gy. WANTED USED BRICKS -CALL 870-4564 GAS range $25. Ad d I n g machine. Dishes. clothing, odds & ends. 646-1241 3'00 PAIR slacks wholesale Furniture, appliances. 'Ved. Fri. 17291. Sa'int Luis, F .V. SE?!' 29th & 30th 257 E . 19th St., C.1.f. 9-5 lots of Goodies! dishwasher. Reblt. guiu'. Household Goods 814 Delivered. 839-7620 or 546-5218, PATIO chaise & pad S20. 24" J\·I A T CH ' G pr-Frigidain! round plate glass table top Imperial elec. Washer & • ~$"12"-. _£"'7"-~"-1 m'--'-.'------ Dryer. Good cond. Best of-J I 815 fer. 642-8U9,. _e_w_e_ry~-----­ Rent Washers/Dryers $2 . Wk. Full maint. * 639-1202 * . ' • GENEROUS • • REWARD• Machinery Bl~ SEARS powerplant 2 4 o o watts perfect for camper or Industrial use. Call 842-2225 • FRONT WHEEL DRIVE s ORDER YOURS TODAY VIBRATION ~FREE QUADRIZONTAL 4 CYL. ENGINE "The extras aren't added on, they're built right in" '71 MAZDA RX2 '71 DATSUN WAGON Rotary. 4 speed, radio, heater, vinyl int~rior, low miles. 157 1 DVE) 4 speed, radio, hea.ter, a ir conditioninlil, roof "ck. l2ii 9 .99 52099' '69 TRIUMPH Spitfire. 4 speed, radio, heater. looks like new. IYOM279 1 · 51099 I I neconomyca 1. See; how it holds the road. 2. Test its steering response. 3.See how it comers. 4. Try the brakes. 5. Drive it on a windy day. 6. Notice if it's fun to drive .. •rw•---........ Introducing the New~ Honda Civic~· I . I -· - I l' ' ' I - -. -. I' tJ PILO[·AOVERTISER Wednesday, Septtmbtr 26, 1973 DAl~Y PILOT fiG . [§] I --J[§J =' ~-iiii!iiiii· ~~ii!!!~ 1:-I --~lf§J~~-1 ! ~ ~ ..... ~.v ... ~J~-~I ~"" .... ~-~. ~lrB~I~-~--~~~. Wtdne'Sc!ay, Stptembtr 26, 1973 ( iiiiiiiiii I 11 fl:os/Or ... 1n1 826 ' Lines, 2 T imes, $2.00 Ml-1io-• 111 Misc us 118 Mlscoll•-us 111 M set '""°"' • TV, Radio, HIFI, Dogs 854 HorMS . !56 ~-W•ntod 820 --------1 s 836 .,- * 'ALCTION *.. w NT 0-FRE'E. DUNCAN PhYlb dlnir« rm Fre 0 n L ..... c:..=.~;:~ld·b~ .. ~~~i • PUPPY WORLD. OLDER Centi• G•ld.tn1 U Kel w/4 chain $135.,Cbesl WANTED-FREE e rga eSSQOS RCA, Zenith, s y 1 van I a; ki tens hots b trnd Chihuahuas, nny Poodles, M Q.r g an /ClydeMtaleJ"" ln-~~~un SIRDOEKWEANLUKSP ~~~g"ch:'Jml~r rra:i; BROKEN UP Lnrgeat selection co 1 or, ~139. 5 ' x . American Eidtlmo (Spitzl. ~.,',.,,"' clnall et~m in ..... "'ea ......... • · SIDEWALKS As Long As You Likel black & white TV & stereos Pit Bulls, Bull Terrier, c':fcj"":"j':ii:"',;;;;~~';.;~;;g;! AueUons y:U7:30 ~.m. WI L HAUL AWAY lamps " misc. ~7635. _WILL HAUl;-AWAY ~UJi.play(li'1' & players v.·el. in So. caur. Priced less 1'"'tee cock'Q;r> puppies. Chow, Cockapoo, Kffshond REG. T.B. mnre. 111 MAST A CTION Call ~ alt 6 Prn & \.Ilk· BEAUTIFUL Import ed . & eorne 10 attend Tue!idey than the discounters w/3 yr and English &II Dogs. 100 & bl32.C. 7 yn. 16.2 •1. S4und (fo Wln~'a) '\ end .. ladies t)and bags, <:a.sual lo Call 837-5003 aft 6 pm wk-night 1u 7:30' p~J. \Ve wan! picture tube, 1 yr parts & ----'"'-'2-S81'-"_7 ___ MIXED PUPS!! Stud &. junips. Sac. nt ¥6'· ~14 NeoN rt, CM 64&-8686 ORI TAL rug 1 Chinese formal al IL"Olors, w esale eodl. t'l'Ct)one 10 lc>arn to play service. Most '74 models in FREE: fluffy kittens. 2 Service Most Breeds. ~2646 L- Behtnd T 's Bldg. Mat'!. bl , $lOO. IBM executive priced lhru Sept. nly. · WAN1'ED USED the organ! Ali nlaterlals stock. '73 models priced to nudes, 'i females. Call Open Eves: 531·5027 · Live~tock· 151 MEMBE ; New p ()rt ty wrlter,i $75. Bookcase 64()...l960 BRIC.JCS -CALL !ul'nished. ~~e~. ~:.1 ~~an~1~:e~~ c"'-''-~21-'"'------• FOR SALE • 7 Beach Te la Oub. all ty heaaboard ~ )nisc FULLY equip Eur k Ii 8704564 Ton1 Dieterich • in charge. 0021 Atlanta, or 1904 6 PLAYF1JJ..i whlle Killen, lots TRISH SETTER Ratiblts & Chlcke1' 494-0309. It s: Daya 6'13-33J.~or1evcs Vaquum w/rnaglc wand Wanted King size Phone 642-2851 Br 0 0 khurst, Huntington of charadler, hall Siu1nese, 5 1'10NTHS $95 MS-3858 i 12x15' AREA rug. ShRg, light . 'ffale00~22i~i;ed l mo. Best Brass Headboard. COAST MUSIC Beach. 968:-3329 or 962-5559. frn1 v.•/sQ.oi:t hair. 591J-2422 84.2-6829 ~~~~~~~~t~I Call 968--0602 1 pistol \decorative & will noc BLU,E shag ca~t, di'a~•· Mus ical Instr uments 822 • Cosla ri1esa _ tertalnmept center. 8, track house trained. ri1ale. Gocx1 pies, 7 .weeks, pet or show. l orange. Good cond. $115. REFR\G, wshr, a n ti q u e 0 er 968-7915 Ne\\·port B!vrl. 11t Harr r up R 1 G ~ T 11ome en-FR1':E sril11ll dog. 4 yn;, AKC reg., dalmatian pup-ij 21 .. ZEN~ l b/W Conaole tire), bat1. ctuxr. hydraulic Excellent cond1tJOn. 100 Yfs, tape deck, AM/FM radio. pet. w/chllrlren. 96~ From $50. Aft 6 p.m. ~~ TV. $35. worn. ~2333. aft ~~hsl drwr, typewtr ~~uanBe m~el,~1~ REY NOLDS flute with case PIANOS -ORGANS Stereo, 18" port color TV. MALE Alafkan Malamute, 11 c55:::·.:.7·.::27:::ffi::_~~-~~~ . 6 pm. ~ · s. 51 0 er $75 :-.!cw & Used. Grcnt 8election. $!0). 492-54.58. v.'k old ruflt, shots, W<J1•1ncd, SILKY Tcrriers-51en1ales, No CHILDRENS pl&,)' h 0 u 8 e ~D ne\v Astra 10 speed ·COUCH, cbalr, collee table, 531-1317 \ompeteth:c prices. Open INFONICS casseue Copier, ~-~~~be~.t~6~&~9p~m~~~ I reas. of:fer refused. Call oon wanted, please p'h 0 0 e, cle, Cost $130, Sacrifice dtMe bed, comp. $50. Gocxl 12 STRING Martin hard case Eves. & Sundays. The best ritCKtel-102 1 yr old. $975. or 832-!MZ! or 644-6178. Boats, Gener1I ~ 544-8874. Also Datsun Pickup ~used shag, 12 x 12 $20. DeArnond pick-up $ 3 7 5. cll·als nl'e always nt: make offer. 55&8597. DOG Training CI ass e :i 12. G..A M E F 1 s 11 E ~. 4 Exercycle: xlnl cond. Tonneau cover New $35, firm. 675-7444. Wallichs Music City FOR ·~e, ·RCA Color TV, I ---J[B Harbor Area. For rescrva-hripov.·er Johnson. c~op Coco mats $10. 55Z--0129. ~ MO'~'G mu~ .. u• Sola 8' Good nd 1o·ons ••s---·~ k 1 kin • allghtly used, $250 Cash vu~ • "~ • GOOD USED VIOLA & South Coast Plaza 54().2830 21" co itlon $50. .,.. .,,1o.>, "''~· r11c • x ras as g , no checks. 494-7(i84 LUGGAGE round mode I $25. CoUee table, dbl bed, VIOLIN $?5 EACH. ,,,,,,,.......,,,,,,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,, phone 646-4535 AKC Black Great Dane pup-Lowrance Jo'lsh Lo · k ·t or case, I.,g ladies case, Jg flt tamp, chairs $1. pc. CB •"'° .o•ge ---1 · 1;~~~~~~~~~ pies. lOwks. $ 7 5 -$ 12 5. w/wand $120. 5 5 7 -3 8 2 9 VELVET oouch, bed 1 , gray cue. Aiake up k:il. · & OOLOR antenna, .. 'i36-4300. "·~-=~c::..=':=...--\VURLITZER, 120 e _cclr1c Eves. dressen, tbla, mtrror s, fi.K..71'36 . Office Furniture/ piano $200. or best offer. Pets, General 850 1 fl.ti.(lOl.Saft 8 eves. refrlg, lamps, !Ids, 675-0l.58.TW __ 1 N __ 1 _ 00 ___ 11 __ A new black metal office 824 5-19-2'193 after 5 pm. I 1 ~ GERritAN Shepherd. male. BOAT trailer 20'. like hl'v. 2 1 ong y ma resse! desk, chair, file cabinet, _ _:E:cq!:u:.:io:P·:_ ___ .-":; 9• ~ h G .• p · ,, __ ,,.._,_•_Y_ou _ _, BEAUT. Scarlet Macaw, 21.~ Beige tan &. blk. Sholli & $l25. Evlnrude OB. ES, "1 Nonnan Rock w e 11 and fmmo•, color TV, m~•. also JI.I t!P Sears palnt I 10 1 nma a l1lhu HUX>, I t I t d -"""' "·'"' <l<l<l<' = • De k 6 0 od I C 3 XI t d Pb . yrs, comp e e Y a n1 c license. $50. 847-7029. hp, ••:iJ . .,...,..<;OJ<>. Ut~ograptw, u nto .[l1 e g sec. sota:,.A..drav,.·cr .chest, &. s.nca~r. -~7212. _ WALNUT s., 3 Ox • m c · · .: ,111......,,.~n · · 1alks, good v.·ith house pets. Pu . . . --Artist Proof. Jerry 557-3975. lamp. 847_2084. CA"°"MP"""E"°R'""J""ac-'k=,=1.,,c...,-, -10~10,, I sv.•lvcl' leather arm -chair, 586-2410 or a~ ~ l l.i 2 T" • $2 00 Must sell, lving country. PULI pp1es, nuntatur-e Bolit1/Marin• L_4 .. l KNM'TING machine swiss O MODEL'S Sale, Fa 5 hi 0 n c bov ~eo: good cork'!. $100 for both. \VURLlTZER, 120 electric nes, ·imes, ' L.rg bird euge, sl!lnd, & Sh~p dogs, $25 M & F, 6 __ E:::cq:i.u:.:i.oP:..· -----+'"'-I Ma.tie, double bed, $125. ca.II Designer Clolhes, Like riew~ a er camper. .,..,.,. or 49-1-9-191 or 493-5025. piano $200. or best offer. other equip. in top cond In· \vks, call all S, 673-8937. aft lpm 962-8574 m from A'Propos, Si 8 & l0,6 c':':::2,ak=. '°':un..:"":::board.::"'c.·..:492::, ..::rn::cld:::boo:_· -.. -. 2 llCEC swvl chrs $15/25 Sec 549-2193 after 5 pm. clded in price. Bird Horses 856 BORG \Varner 72C V~vet SMALL bar .refrlgeralor . $5-$25. 646-1136 Chi's $8/24 Desks $20/90 PIANO wANT~E-o--•rREE German Shepherd, estimated $800. will sell drive u~'l_t ~-ans~!l~"· Doul>le bed complete $ . Irvine Coast Country Club ~~~~e~ 150 yrs. Velvet ~P;:;'';;"";;;."~7,;\;;V;;;. J;;S~Cil"'-1&1~2-i;;340S~1----"''71':'.4!!)_>00~2~·0259!':"'~--\ ~~tildre~, J!'fi t~~~ i nl:v;~ $500. 644-4824 B~~~!.ay ~~~~f~ sta~~'. ~'. ~18-3.~~!. x w ~:er. 138 E. 18 C.M. MS-4485 Golt Membership M·iscoll•'noous Pianos/Organs 826 TV Rod'io H.,~1 962-7811 eves :D.;og=• _____ ....;8:::.54 20301 s.\V. Bjrch, s.A. Hgts . .!'.'.~B~O~N-'z"e"°Ri-;;R"A"D'Aail-1 I WANI' TO BUY A lO Price $900. 67>4696 · ' ' r' "-""'-TI99 SPEED BICYCLE. COMPTON'• eocyclopedo·a. __ W;.o.;:•;;n,,:1.-';:,....:· ___ .;8;:20: I BABY grand piano. Xlnt Stereo 836 3G~l'ITENoodS. Just left mother SMtfOYED pups A.l.::C ......., $1,49'.5. complele. MIL ER "'< -nd •:::::11 1Jt tog ADULT home White wilh blnck 1)()inls. CHESTNUT Colt, l~!i yr old, MARINE SALES 646 . ·1 * OOZ-7057 * . Complete "' ·~t. 1968 Edo·· Cv · -· Call s~ "" .............. 81 "" WANTED VW body, any ~~-"'9-"79-<~263-"----;\1AGNAVOX Al>t/FM Stereo ,,,........,3, 714:545-6854 Reg., i~ Arabian. Trained. * NEED ENGINE * A good want' ad ls a goocl'l-.. tlon 673-9109, Priv. Pty. year undet: $40. Fast resullS are Just a pnone & n-cord pl ayer console. NEED good h$lme for 1ny pet SAINT Bernard 7 1110 old. Bcs1 oHer. 96.1-2137 Universal Uniniite 64~ - vestment. CIBSsitled AdS ...... 642-5678. * 979-9554 * call a\vay 642-557~. (\Valnut , 6 ft) ${00. 49&-5310. Terrier. Male. No small I Short hair;. lo\'eS kids, $50 ~="""""'-;:::.:.:=:::,.~,.-, .Y\otor ttomel L •• Motor t-\of1'1es Motor Homes ! Motor Homes children 557-1117. 642-0727 all 5. ' Sale/R•nt MU Sale/Rent Sale/Rent 940 Sale/Re nt 940 Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used .::::::.::::...:::::;:.. ___ :.:.;::...;::::;:::.;:,:...;;=;.....-_,..= ' I , E ·AR~ .liAYING AN ACTION SALE AT ' I I I I .. r-I £ 'ECIA·L .. PURCHASE ~e have purchased seleded new & used motor homes from-.the Inventory of one of the largest motorhome-d-lers in Cali• fomia who has gone out of business. rhese seled units were purchased at be• low factory invoice prices and we're pass• lng _the savings on to you! UNITS INCLUDE: BRAND NEW '74 • Scout -•-Br.eeze e Ute • Lite Liner .__Life-time- •i Trail Boss • Utopian •rMobile Traveler • PLUS 'OTHERS·. PERRIS ·VALLEY Motorhome. #06353 BRAND NEW I 1 1973 . FORD PICKUP '. . . 00 FULL PRICE OF YOUR CHOICE at TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS • PLUS • 1 AT · NO . EXTRA. CHARGE • • '7 4 PONTIA S :~ 1 THEY'RE SELLING FAST ~"-'~~~~~-1~1--~~~~~~- W E NOW HAVE THE FINEST SELECTION OF FRESH TRADE-INS · IN OUR HISTORY! • . REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE AMC GREMLIN '71 ~~~~~.m~1~~~~~ .. ~.~.~.~~ .. ""'· h ....... ;, ""' s2.2sa ditioning, roof r1ek. (074CJOl '6 9 ~~~.!~.~~ .. ~.~~~~r.~~ .......... 1.,, whit• '''···" s1 6 8 81 tir11. IYNJJ911 - '7'2 CHEV. 1 /2 TON P.U. s303a;:•i' 0 11ly 7,596 mil11! Short bid, 2 ton1 .••l1rio.''.1l~p bum p1r,, ?50.V·I, 1ulo-" m1lic tran1mi11ion, t1dlo, h11t1r, 11r cond1t10111ng, 0>'1r ii11 hr11. (431· FTFI · Used Car Dept. Phone -546-8017 ,.,,......,.,.,,~ Dave -Ross PONJIAC i • .1 I ., - • WedntsdlY, Stpttmbtr 26, 1971 • .. DAILY PILOT PILOT·ADVERTISER U J[i] l l§J I ......... J~ I ... ~,~ ... ]§1 lfiJ I liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I~ I I;--==-I~ l ...::~ 'n"tnlpofUlllOft Autos for s.I• 19at1, Power 906 cBoc;.1;..t-"1,'"'"'-S'-11_1 ____ 909 __ 1Cycles, Bikes -Scoottrs lS' • C'Er\'TURY Mahoean)' 15' CAT I: Tra~\f.r, tktra g.ib. Plank Boat w/V--8 cng. m.uln sttU, tram11 & rig. Need.a v.'Ork. $300 or ollcr. $800. CaJI after 6, 673-ll(Kl; • BICYCLE SJ~r~CIAIA'i * 18' CENTURY Chwlc. New or 6Tnil3. New 10 gp from .••.... $59.!f.l Gray Marine eni., $4:Kl or .-.-1-4~. ~F~l-B_l!_R_G_L __ A_s_s U1ed 10 sp fl'On1 •...... $15 00 offer. 58.llboal. Good condition. Bike cleanill!l .......•.. $\.50 It' TRAILER, steel lrg \\'/trailer. SZ75. 833---8209 Bt•ach Bicycle iU E. Ra.lboa \1.1\eels, $250 or otter l"V~nlngs. 'Blvd., Balboa. 61.l-7282 64.>-4754 or 64Z-9867 26" "ROLLl'AST" standard RHODES 334'.:lauic rat"lng '62 HATTERAS C'hamplon "HANAlfULL" blul" \\'Omans bicycle ra.rt'ly J.I, tL sport fisher . loaded, Top condition. S6500. Ph: used excellent eond!Hon, m radar. Sell or trade tor 613-1232. call after ti pn1. &16-3441 . Lquna Beat'h Real Estate, llOBTE lti, racing equip. 1972 SCH'VlNN Continental C>wnc!', Bk:r. l 4 9 4 • 6 5 2 5. Salls, red, v.·hite & blue, trlr TerrHic Deal! Selling to ),,'O 4*3223. incld. GrTl:l59 . to Colorado, best oiler, lJ72 (25 hours ln water/ 836-1573 Saber-Cr&tt, lB-rt hardtop, VENTURE 2-it sail boat '71 KA\VASAKI ?15. dirt 140 hp, In & ouL Chevy 4-w/trailrr ... _ Ma11"Y 968-ext5406rns. tires, chamb€>r, quic k rev ayl, Take over payments. S37SO. or ....... st 0 er. mag, Mwt sell, $325/ofr. ,.._,,,.. • Call atte< 5 pm. I~ LIGH1'NING , ••'1.-ailrc !J6l..296:<. 35 lm 2 main.~. 2 jibs, 1 spinfl8.kcr .. 72 KAWASAKI 350 F9, Bel· *,\ ' OWENS Sedan, · 841-3610 btwn. 6-8 p.m. S I ' l'·ve aboard Galley tar he met, manv, extra1, ·• head w/1~er. SI~ *D~<;'~~~~:. 7200 mi., $750. A'Iint con- 1,o173ts. of mahogany $2400. 962_3402 dition! 54&-892? !21 BICYCLES, Ten Sp<.«:1 TROJ"AN Spurt FiS'"hef. 'Boats. $Jlps/L>ock1 910 girl's, man's, good con· _ l'lying bridge, needs eng dilion. Call after 10 a .m., paint. SJ.700. 642-9867 or R ESPONSIBLE Executive 64VJ094. 54 desires Newp:irt·Balboa slip or side tie for 30' Sailboat. '71 YAMAHA 90, only MO mi. 714-493-4817 Like new. Call Ken, 494-6052 or eves, 497-1832. POWER .... To 28' $50/MO. 250 OSSA STILLETO. ;, AL.SO 3 BR APT AVAIL. Fibergla~ Lyman ta. 675-4391. perfect condition. $385. Ph; new loaded w/equlp, 5'16-1328. ::::,·.,:Cal'=-l.,:6'&"344~'=".,-.,-""' &o.ts, Speed & Ski 911 I o1ec973"-'250='=~VR~M~o-,"°1"""--· °"Sl'°'OOO°' FIDERGLASS boat, 80 '73 Cheetah Deep v ski boat, or best offer. Xlnt cond call . Mee, trailer, St;roo or vl/1.15 JtP. Evinrude, & 545-7216 afr. 913-7973. trailer. Afoving, must sell. '70 YA?>.tAHA 360 Enduro 963-2963 Many extras. Xln t cood. $.)5(). 15' SKI or ti!d1, fll HIP 646--043£1 .Johnson, lilt tr11iler, contv '71 Honda 350, very clean top, morrlng cover, much Xlnt running cond. $400 more $1COO 540-3961 646-8591 Cycles, Bikes, Scooters • BLUE 1910 Harley Davidson XUi Sportst~r. clc1.11, no l'flke, no modlttcatklm: oJ any kind. 5600 mi. 714-494-8.142=------ Motor Homes Sile/Rent ' 940 e SALl:S e • SERVICE • e RENTALS e EXPLORE/?"' HUNTINGTON BEACH 11\N I ~hl 11 !lt\10 841 880] ll1JN11N<.ION l:lfA(fi e FOR RENT e 1973 EL DORADO r.lotor· homt>, 18-ft .. tape drl, T.V., self-contained, sll'l'ps 4. Call artt>r 5. 956-2764. IAnahl:'iml '7:J r.10BTLE T1·aveler, 1 T. Dodge, pwr, air, xtras. sips 6. Art1 fF'M 9000 mi, $1SSO. 833--0461. HOUSE on whe<>ls, converted '56 Chevy School Bus, rug. ged, beaut equipped, sips 6, $1800. &12-0034 alt 6. e Dale's Motor Hume Rentals '73 23-:1>' M.H. & r.'Iinls Fr£>e mill'S 9 til 9, 8.lB-0900 '72 EA""PLORER 20', flllly setr cont. 1000 n1i, xlnt rood. $ffi()(I. &is..1395. Auto Service, Parts 949 OIRIS.CRAFT RUNABOUT \11/trlr. Xlnt cond. $1850. Call B. r.tuc\ler, 613-8120 '10 YAMAHA Dirt, DTl 110 Volt air compressor : 427 never raced, $325.; 2 bike Oie\'y and small block trlr, $100. 492-171S aft 5 pm: parts, heads, block, crank, misc parts; 2· Narrowed :z:.:,_;=----'909-"' I :~~~~~~~~~ '14 YAMAHA 350. 54. mi's. Olds rear ·ends & misc Under warr. SICOO. Ca.II genrs; Oirys Hemi eng., TRI;. TTulls & plMS. $1250. 1•· 64&-9152. blown & injected, compl; 2 ~ s1i-~. ~IIfr, Sail T~ion Ill "1971 r.tONTESSA 360DL Dirt Olevy 15"· CB.rger wheels; I ;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim;·;;;; Never raced, xlnt cood. Chevy!Chrys high gear , ' NAVY WHALER $650/Bcst offer, &15-1369 ali.Jm housing: Jeep f~nt & I Sale 542-8012 ,13 YAMAHA 650 TX 5600 rear end, front w/pos1 ~ac· b C Cycles, BikM · · lion· Go Cart 650 CC Trium· 72 14' Ho le at Scooters 925 miles, f~ng, 2 helmets, ph ' eng: .58 F 0 rd \\"flrailcr $800 645-3467 $1100. Moving. 645--0244 Cruisomatic engine: '72 C day is tne BEST DAY to HONDA 50 m.inl trail, yellow, • BRAND new Clu'bman 10 Velvet drive boat gear box; n an ad! Don't delay. . • $100. Girls Schwinn bike, speed. Bargain at $&). Call (4.) 900 by lS.10 ply CAlL DAILY P!LOT ·red, $15. 646-U'li. \ after 5 PM, 54(>-5468 Goodyear tim;. 548-3553. tos, New 980 Autos, New 980 AUtos, New 980 Autos, New 980 Spo111, RaC•, i<od1 tst 1.T_rudc __ , ______ 962_ 'uto1 W•ntitd 970 Autos, lmporttd NIAutoo,prteel AUSTIN HEALEY 970 AMPHICAT WANTED : I.ADDER RACKS TO F1T '65 ~ TON AJI terrain vehJclc with tUt· CICEV. 6'1><1'238. tra!ler. Jwn completely tun. Vans 963 ed and serviced. ~ value --------- SC'll or lradc for good bay-·73 Dodge Van black deluxe bo1:1t. CaJl 552-8046 alter 7 lntuior, xtni cond1 • Mtal p.ni. 1ell, "''Ill accept any Trucks 962 reuonable offer. 64(),..1332 ' '55 FORD 1 Ton Bread ·s;, I-"'ORD r100 * 352 en.g * TruckJCampe:r, 3 spd col· V-8, 3 tipd, tape stereo, umn. A·l cone!., $ 9 7 S. Am/Fm, ft/H, mags, nu 646-1<li9, 548-6480. big tires & paint, body &: '66 CHEVY VAN I.ruck. Xlnl. Orig. Must see! Good engine • New Tires $1500 or best ortcr takes! ~ 642-7293 or 979.96zt 556-7436. '62 1-~0RD FlOO * 292 cng * V·8, 3 s(XI, new paint, R/H truck & hody xlnt. Orig. r.1ust see! $1200 or best oUer takr s! 556-1436. '72 FORD CUtTler, mags, tonneau cover, step bumper, xlnt l' o n d. , $2000/otfcr. 53<H526 '62 FORD ~ Ton, n!built eng. Alniost new heavy-duty tires. SX.O/best offer. Aft S pm. 645-7640. ':Xi CHEV StepVan, comm lie 15' cargo, camper con- version? $000/reas. offer. 52/H)7!19. LEASE A NEW TRUCK All makes . types • sizes Purch/option 645-7030. '68 CHEVY 1h Ton Truck. Gem Shell & cabinets, Good cond. $1100. 6nHl457. 'TI Blazer. Auto, air. 36,00J mi $3400. *GT.~. TIME FOR '65 CHEVY Van. Mags, pant'd. Mech pet1. l\take oiler. 128 33l'd St., N.B. SAC. 1968 Dodge van. Panl'd. Ruru well, must a e 11 . 675--0907 '61 DODGE van. 50,000 ml, inter carpeted. $1525. Call .,...,.. Auto Lu•l?J . Month~ &ar Rentals $5. PER DAY 1s'l 1000 miles no charge Late ntodels with alr. South Coe.st Car Leasing 300) West Cst. Hwy., N.B. 645-2182, alt 5, 673-8269 Autoa Wanted 961 TOP CASH· for clean late model can and trucks! Howard Chevrolet ll<facArthur and Jam~ Newport Beach 833-0555 MAIDA '68 AUSTIN Healey 3000 In * Maida '73 Rotary * idnt condition Ju.t tuned $66 MONTH $DJO. or best otter. SJ'l'-3494 36 tr10NTJIS Oi'EN LEASE BMW Will scecpt -rrJ~ln1 l---------I CALL >1R. TRY 842- TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL FOREIGN ORANGE COUNTY'S CARS OL&QEST Hunt, Beach WE ARE IN DESPERATE !ll!l!D MAZDA OF GOOD, CLEAN 17331 s.orh Bl. 84Ull3ll FOREIGN CARS Exctllent selection of pre-.72 r.tazrla Station Wagon, TOP DOLLAR-PAID price ~aluatlon models. very Jo mites, llke ~·.SD> FOR OR NOTI DEMO $ALE ~iully, T•k' over pymntl. Call tn to SALES.SERVICE-LEASING c11.ll &lt>-ZTlT aft !J. or come see us.. OVERSEAS DELIVERY ,72 MAZDA RXJ, xlnt 'OY CARVER, Inc. '"""· 675-2618 . Costa ::.,.E. i7th St.546MM MERCEDES BENZ CREVIER BMW JIM SLEMONS Sales e Service e Leasing IMPORTS c==""',:.C,=~-120!. W. 1st., S.A. 85J.31TI IMPORTS Wo\NTED USED BMW'S MERCEDES BENZ Ornnge Coun!"Y'a UTHORIZED TOP I BUYER '73 BAVARIA (DEMO) ~ & SERVICE BILL MAXEY TOYOTA '71 BAVARIA IB881 Beach s1v ;. '72 Tll Jim Slemons H. lkach Ph. •11-855> 71 2002 Im-',,. 2002 ,. ••• -Autos, Imported 970 ,61 2002 (\Ve're top buyer for any ;.;...:-:~--:~~:;:~:...:j_:~:. ................. j used blen-edes Benz.) ALFA ROMEO Bob McLaren, BMW N~::,_cl> Inc. 8.33-9300 ALFA ROMEO Sal" . Service • Lea~"' ENTER FROM MacARTHUll SAAB 850 No~ Jl;~;: Blvd , 50 USED Buy or Le11e <11•1 819-5624 MERCEDES Sales. ~';:':!; ~ CAPRI ON DISPLAY . Sharp New car Trade-ins QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT \YE PAY TOP OOILAR Coming In Every Day FOR TOP USED CAns • a ~L Abo Ou U '" WANT AD 642-5678 Autos, New 980 Ir your car ta extra clean, l'WA ut r ""'.,. see us nm. '1973 RED Alpha Spyder, u b Uaed Mercedes Lean BAUER BUICK still brand new &: beautiful, NOW OWN THI Plans 2925 Harbor Blvd. 2500 miles, must give It up, FABULOUS 1973 House of Imports Costa Mesa 919-2500 call 497-2251 CAPRI WE 1'UY AUSTIN AMERICA Sport "'"'° decor, body •Ide 61162 Manchetter, Bu'"a Park IMPORTED AUTOS mouldings reeUnlng front ..in the Santi Ana Frwy BEST PRICES PAIDI ,69 AUSTIN America, 21•000 seats, contour rear seata. 4 523-72SO D L I I ~ ape•d tra"5mlulo", power NOW OPEN ean ew I mpo. ,. ml, auto, good cond, $500 front Oise brakes; atyle steel 1966 Harbor. C.M. 646-9303 firm, 642-5152. wheels, bucket Mats, radial Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 ply tires. 2000cc eng. (GAECNB42801J.' OVERSTOCK ED I IMMEDIATE Ml11ln Vlei• Imports fe3.turing MERCEDES. BENZ & ohnson and Son Presents • • • FIAT DELIVERY Complete Snles & Sc:rviee GUSTAFSON Visit Us Sbon At 2S'rol. Margua!"itc Parkway Uncoln-Mercury M'"'•" v1,;o 4'J6.1100 . I l ··coUGAB~~ XB-7 ' I lome Of The :\C\\' ca r .•. "Golden Touch .. 2626 HARBOR BLVD._O CARS '· SEE ONE -TRY ONE -BUY ONE ·-- , Mfh'CIJl/I Home Of The New Car .•. "Galden Touch" COSTA MESA 540-5630 • 1GSOO Beach t1l \Vamcr (USE A\'ERY P\\1'i. EXIT) Huntington Beach ROADSTER 142-8844 * (213) 592-5541 1969 MERCEDES ''Home of tlt4' Viking'' ROADSJ'ER 280 S.L. Power steerlfli:, DATSUN brakoa, .Ulo '"'"· $4950. ---------r' $e<e at 443 ""Bay St., C.M. 64.S--0040 or 646--M, Owner, D. Shaw. WE'RE HERE See US at . LATE '72 :fiOSL, 4% litre, 1.IacARTHUR & JAltfBOREE full pwr, lo mileage, Royal BIG. SAVINGS ON blue, like new Sll,300. 73 r>i;mos 714-673-9141 daya , ~lO 1 TI4-998--0196 C\'C Pickups -~~--• tilO's '67 DIESEL 2000, Fa.c/alr, 888 Dove Newport Bch new motor, Xlnt cond, * 83&-M67. '71 MB 2'lO gai sedan, auto, economy, luxury It safety, $4150 Prlv. pty 833-S758 833-1300 Open Sunday '58 MGA. Eng. good, bxb° 1973 DA TSU NS •kk. saxi or """ -.. ALL MbDELS ,_..,._54G2_. -~-- IN StOCK MGB BARWICK 11MPOJTs 33375 Camino CMpil:trano San Juan Clplstrano 493-3375 or 831-1375 71 240-Z 1971 COUPE Yellow, 6 cylindeT; 4 speed, air conditioning & IO\v miJe. 8.KC· Not maflv left. $4567 (252CQT) ATl'ENTION COLLECTORll 163 Japar Mark x . realOnible! Call 673-5426. * '61 XKI + , OonVerdbl0-$2100. flM.154. MAZDA 101 LONGPRE MAZDA -SIRVICI! '9RST- IXCLUSIVI MAZllALEASE '65 MGB Nice , needt: lxidy "·ork. S41f firm. 968-7900 , OPEL RENAULT NEW R·l2 4 DOOR Automatic 'l'rMsmialton SALi! $2499 Dick Miiier Motors 12) W. Wt.mtr, S.A. 1167-:1132 Deoler CLEARANCE SAL.E '73 SAABS STARTING AT ""' up to )4 mllet ptt pUon Dick Miiier ,_,.,. U> ~ •. \Vamv, S.A.. ~~· !1117·2131 Now Iii ,.~., ... -.~· llt"St. at the S.A, Frwy, ".:;;;:::.. ·;;;;;"'b::..! IOOO E. ltt &., S.A •mt 'lhtm lnto "Cuh" Lin to Tndor Our.:rrader'• !hem tin • Dtiii · ,. Plrldl• mlumn II lor :roal daai!lotj ti41 • • • . • .. ' ' 23 1966 '69 AM .... '66 ne vw w/ ba As ·n '69 lo M '7() ov '69 M' 't;9 z SI '67 b '" 't;9 .. '68 m Ir '6 V.I ' A 8 I • • ... . t3 PILO/-AOVERTISER Wedllffilay, Stpternbtr 26, 1973 OAIL Y PILOT IJl. A1i1to1 for Sal• . [ ..... ..,.. l§J I -llrW. I§] I ..... ~SM• I§] I ..... ..,.. 1§1 1 1.__·_""'_~"'·_,]§] I ..... IMS.~ 1~1 990 Autos, Used 990 •••••••••I / §] ..__[ ... _ .. ..,_w.__,l§J ~ l~l [ Aut ... l_L 910 r..;......;...;......_ ......... _ ·-----1Autot, Used 9!IO Autos, UMCI I---------Autos, Usl<l 990 Autos, Used 990 Autos, UHd 990 Autos, Useo [---~----- 990 Autos, UMCI LINCOLN 990 • TOYOTA CADILLAC JEEP --------PONTIAC ' . . MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE PLYMOUTH OLDSMOBILE $2821J5 EL DORADOS plus tu .. lie. 14 TO CHOOSE Oe'liverw A _ COUPES-CONVERTIBLES '73 TOYOTA DE YILLES COROUA J 38 TO CHOOSE t'OUPES SEDANS ~ l • CONVERTIBLES • A•M t11ti• Many excellent colon - ~ Ullt.a OKilce of lntcrion mYOTA <Cloth & leather> IU Factory .Ur condll1onlng Full power. CholCI? of: 1966 Harbor, c.r.t. 1)46.9303 Stereo M-1n"l\t radio '69 TOYOTA Coupe . Cruise control AM/FM, 1tereo, alr. Nds ~k opener & more eUK. work. 8Jl-08J.I All m Immaculate ~-ondltlon TRIUMPH Largest sclccUoo In Orange County . Nabers Cadillac ~ewT~p~' $~· wire whls, AtrrHORIZED DEALER 54(). Ill':6 after 5 PM 2600 HARBOR BL., COSTA MESA mo TRIUMPH s p l t r 1 re 541).9100 Open Sunday $1200. a fter 7:30 pin. Call --..,.---~--~ 846-8637 CA MARO VOLKSWAGEN '70 RALLYE Sp!. Like new. 1 '70 VW BUG 011•ner, all xtras, air, stc1w, t.'Opper w/vinyi, &14-1376 bcl l\tetaHtc broY;n & as nit·c as 10 cnn be! (•49101. -"-="·="'=· ------ $1444 CHEVROLET lll•1n1111 « lllut 111~. ll'V'll•~--" J t>I '''' . . . . . . . '66 MALIBU B1uc 2-Door w/blk. interior. 'a& V\V I bit V·8 (3:!1 cu. in. L, It u to, . new Y ;" eng. trllflll., radio, pcw.·er stcer- New Urea & blks. CreR.t ing air cond n~· tires shape Inside & out. $730. ~ shockll ·, .. !:Cl'I call 536-4313 ' .,.,..,..,. . ~3612 alter 5 p.n1. ~p~'.11s:r.1ehi& bu~~ly &~~ ~ CHEV. Iinpil~a. R/l-1, back seals $35 & $25. & I /S, P/B. CotXI tires; nc1v Assorted eng pai1s. 642-41126 brakes, a~to., 283 V-8.~Musl sell, leaving state. $450 Or '7l V\V Bus. Lo nil, Very bes! offer. Call: 892-619.1 KQOCI cond. Nu thv" & '65 CHEVY At llbu SS 6rakes, Must sell. 646--3694, hflrdto ...... 8v8 · 1 Don P '""'1pe. , nu o, p/s, p/b, air cood, bucket '69 VW pni.ctlcally reblt eng, ~ls, console sns. 645-86l4. Jo mil~. great buy &. 443 Bay St., Cl\t l\fu.st sell! $1100. 646-5787 '64 Chevy. Nu radials, elect '70 V\V Xlnt rond. l\foving v.·lndows, radio, Ii.fake good oversea1'. cruming ear. Needs engine * 557w1577 * v.m-k. $150. 77&-0069 or '68 V\V Rug. 67,500 Orig, 897-8625 a (t 5pm Miles. $750. firm. Call '72 KlNGSWOOd E s t a t e 963-4t2j uft 2 pni. \\'~on. Auto, ful l pwr, tilt '69 VW 7 passeneer. sunroof, whl, lo mi. Xlnt cond. S37;io, Z bed 5 xlnt Michelins, or belrt offer. 9m-1252 $1fi00. ~m eves 'SS EL CA~!INO. VS, auto '67 MINT co!l_d. new Ures. trans, p/s, p/b, $695. b r akes poi nt reblt 962-4934 .. engftran..11. $850. 49i-Om 1 'ro=R'"Sal~e"""·so~a.~,-,-. ~,m-pa~la. '58 V\V nE'W eng Xln'I running cond. S2(X). $300 or bel'lt oUer. _>_1S-5_-_u_,_'l· _____ _ &10-0;19 CHRYSLER '69 V.W. SqOO.ek. autonu1tlc.1 ________ _ ne\\' hea1I & \.-alve1, $975. Aft '66.Npt, ps+pb, AC, AT, bet- 6. 494-9.'Ul tt"l' than a:vg cond., $350. Al!IO '72 SUPER BttUe, A~l/n.i, '66 Olds 442, MWl5ie, Hunt, 8 track stereo, sunroof, new Posi, Crag11rs, J Ouce.!I, tires. $1,850. ~ $450. 545-77&1 547-7817 '6.1 V\V Bus. many extras, '66 (hry r.l'_•_wpo_rt-,--- cheap. Blown engine. $830. 4 dr, nu ti~. !00-0136 6-tz-t21J or 645--l536. '65 CHRYSLER LeBARON '68 VW Bu.11, runs great. 4500 Black leather. Excellent nli, nu eng, ~·lll take bst of-condition. ~ fr. 5&-819,';. '62 VW Rebuilt E111ino COMET JEEP '63-M::RJA, 4 V.'hl drive, '27 CUblc inch Chevy, front •"-1-car polii ttaCUon. \Va111 front hubs & o'drive, e.stra roar t11nk, Cates tires, pwr hike off y,•inch, $3500. Also jeep l<rnde1n trlr w/tool box SThO. or both for $4000. '73 MARK IV. Lo mi, vlnyl HUSBAN D IMi.'1Sl'<i fl\IU)·, v.1U lop nun. t co-• 014-5967 alt •-1 ._ "-1!>71 OIDS \'1:stll {'111lOM•r 1~71 Rmut nunncr • •1t.1 v sacrifiL'<' . .._-n i\lt•St1111,, l'/.~.1 ·"'.'(1 l'!I "' '3t"~CC lOpm 01· \\1rite Classified Ad PB, fRi-. ""nlr, vuiyl lt>p·'. OLDSMOBILE \\'~n. 3 M'llll', alr A.\l/f''\J I Saer1fil'r No 907 Dally p;lol PO 1<1ll•1i_'O, ''"' n11·k . t-:x eon.!. &15-IRlr.? · ' ' · · n1ai,:'ll. Beta.re :S pn1 S924J1 I GMC TRUCKS -~,'f..., 1560, Costa ftfesa, Ca . flfter j 11111 119-1-1212 HONDA CARS $27j() fotr. 613--0j,')7 uft 6:30 'W BELVEDERE \\/ul(On. c"-'-'ww~==~:::-:;:--p.rri. JU&dlO, auto, p.'s, roof ruck. MUSTANG '!WUSTANC '6!~. Ct~ll\'~·r!ihlt> I UNIVERSITY OLDS '72 DJ::J.TA &>.:, :! dr hl'1!101J, 1,"()Q(I ('Olld. $2li0. 616-591 ~. 5'18-35.13. -~ Mustanr:, very good run-LINCOLN nlng cood. $37'. 01· .. ,, of. • -~-------r fer. Ca.U 5l('nl!>l 1973 MARK IV. Lo miles. '67 Pt1USTANC. lmlded w/nu Vinyl top, n1int cond. Call lop $595 . 567--6898 3222 S. &lo-8073 all day Towner, Santa Ana. Need a "Pad"? Flaf' an ad! Sell idle items • •• ••• 642-5678 Call 642-5678. -642--"".£78. pis. 11/b, radio. ti0.00"1 011, 1 b •· 2S50 II bo Bl d fll c, 11011 er (\ \:....:• r ... ~. PONTIAC ~vhi!C' "/blk 1011. hlk lr hr , . 1 Mt ar r v · am/fm, x!nt l"l'lnd, t•\-C1' ,\· int, Sl .200, t·11tl D Cro\\'t>ll C,Osln 1'5a 540·9640 ,vkt'nrls, WN:19'l 833-8"~·16. 'GI! Olds l 'oronado. Stereo -"-'-'-~=c-7c=--- '65 .i\1u511lll;.! lllf,I;', p \\'lll(lnv.·s. a\ 1·' PINTO M.'lting for purls, HC'a.sonahl(', ,n11linl.s, 11u brokl"s. xlnt 71~/6.~-876.J <"1n<I. S11 00. or ~t oUC'r. 'G7 fl..lUS rANG f'astb11ck, 2 + :!, 11/1·, a uto trans, pis. p/h. 199J. 5:'12-s::,.·,. ~{j()78 afl 5 -·68TORONADO :-.take offr·r 557-2337 Pl:O..'TO ·rz SQUl!l l':. auto. ai1· corn:I., cstras. lr11n1ac. lhrllOUI. 64i>-l,ll0 \Yant ad results ..... 642-'.'"'678 '6 l J>ON'r . Stn \Vgn., Xlnt l'Ulllllflg l'OIYI., IX't'I \Jody, l'l'- l'f'/11 repairs. $250/offer , 8.\3-3392. Auy day IS the BF.ST UA y lo n1n an ad! Don't delay, . l'H 11 lotlay S.12-567lt 1 ~~~:.=---,~1 Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 Autos, Ne\111 --~-98Q l Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 '6.'l PON"MAC Gru nd Prix. l\l ust seU. Be81 orter lakes. ' (':di 6'1~7933 ask IOI' Vic or Do" * MUsr $Ell.~ * '67 Pontiac Catalina, , $700. 673-3803 !9fi8 PONTlA.C CTO. V-8, 4 .., i;p<I. radio. ~fusl ftCll. $'T50 or' J •- l)('st orrr r 675-2391 r T-BIRD '68 T-BIRD. l::XL', cond. ' Lenlher irtL Londcd. $J :riO. ~!}-1132 evPs/5."•"-f..JJ I day~, Autos, New 980 $350 Sl7-7'38 l , , '71 Comet. Air/cond., auto V.W. 96 \AN, cptd, b'OOd trans, vinyl top. Great shape. $&i0. L ag un a cord! Pvt ply. 592-2621 e\.·es 491-<0'll. '67 V\V F'astbll.ck. Gootl cond. Nice int. l,1usr Sell Now! $000. ~5822 aft. 7 '65 VW Bug SunroOf $400. 842-1625 CONTINENTAL " '73 MARK IV VOLVO ---------Silvrr Moon-dwt metallic WHILE THEY 1\·ith vinyl rool and real l<aU>0r imerior. F"ll """'"' LAST! il'l(:Jucfing air rondirioning, tilt steering ~·ht.>el, AM/Fl\1 '73 VOLVOS slen..'O multl-PIPX radio wilh • 164'g • e 145·s • 14-l's lapt"_player, autotnallc speed e 142'" • lSOO's control, reclining seat, and Now 11 The Time To 1.1ilver luxury group. Less ~IY(f lhM 6,CXXJ mil~ anti loaded ,.. • 1vith n1ud1 more! Ask for J\lr. Walsh al S42-6666. "- f41l lf.lli& A VOL Sacrifice • _ YO 1966 Harbor, C.M. "6-9303 '73 VOLVO. 164, llir, auto. AM/FM stereo, Good car 69JO mtles. 586-4201 'AutfS.OsH 990 At $8250 {#0067) CORVAIR WANTED USED l-.~-.,-CO-R_V_AJ_R-.-""'-,-ti-.,.,-.-. - BRICKS -CALL new n1uffler, needs top. 870-4S64 $1.2;. * 6'6-8214 BUICK COUGAR 169 BUICK Skylark, vinyl '68 COUGAR XR7, full P\vr. top. 39.000 Mi. Orig. O\\'ner. air, ga~. Sharp. $137:>. • :51),()00 l\ti. Wllt1'8.nty, $1400. 64J--8614 s=\m Electra, "''1---D_O_D_G_E __ loaded. A1nt cond, Lo '67 DODGE Dart GT. Vuy mileage, pH ply. 837-3914 good oond. Nu engine, air, CADILLAC ra•1o. s1100. m-:iim ---------1'68 DODGE Dnrt conv. New 1 9 7 O il1, E E T \VO O D brks, trs, .shocks elc. \Vil! Broughttm ~;600 act u a J &ell low Blue Bk. 675-6294. miles. A sttreO, Sentinel '69 Dod1.te Polnra. 2 dr. trr. lites. Plush 1-many extras. P IS-P/B. Auto. Grl cond. 1 Days: 552-7500 ask for Fred owner $850. 557-7311 eves. Da\>\s. E>.,: 552-9112. FALCON '73 SEDAN OeVllle. Flremlst gold, vinyl top. leathcrl·,~...,-F-A_L_.ro_N_stl_ck_shl_t -2 uphol. lWI ptwr, door locks, dr N ttres mJI, &I ~~· Orte· owner· S9iiiJ o~ best or;e~1ir · '73 CAD Seda• de Ville, Ilk~ FORD nu. 4500 ml, fully equip,1--------- Pvt pty, llllllO, 64+-73ll eve; i"ORD "fO"'GllJiule 500. 4 Dr. 67Ja.J010. 1-fi -V-3. Air/cond. P/S;-aulo, ''2 Coupe de Vlllo "" pty, moo. 008-259() aft Xlnt cond. $493/off~. 6. 548-87 or 64fl..239S1ro'=R,-,,aa"'"1e=-.-:.0:&1'"'""F'"om..,.-S"'t-atl"'o-n '68 CAD f1eel\\i>Od. Lo ml, Wagon, ln ifOOd cond. Want ReaiOnnble, Aleo '64 Cad. $200. ~. Call 557 .. 3741, MUST Sell, 1967 Ford '68 dOLD COil~ DeVllle CUirtom 500. PIS, P/dl1e 53,<m mt, J.it. AMtFM'. brake•, $400. Call 846-2027. $2300. 111~1!131. '12 RANCl!ERO, Gem Top, :n Eldorado Convt, xlftt Immaculate! $2195. 54()..6515 cond, loaded, lo ml, .mw.t1-•"'~'·--,==--- oell. 644-2336 • JEEP V•-boll ...,.,1 11.tntf--------~ houee, apt., •tore * Cftte Jlrwny, {Blazer) bldtco. ttc. thru a Diii)' Piiot t1.utoniatlc 4 1 wheel drive, C'luatfted Ad. Sell tdkl llflmt $2850. -< • • now! Call~ Now! 54~12 '69 MALIBU WAGON '70 VOLVO WAGON 6 pos!i. Air oondltioninp;, V8, good value. Good condition. Auto., radio, this is an oul- (Z8 'r261 l stand ing buy. !27381N 1 $1190 $2299 '7o-t'ONTIAC VENTURA- C1>e. VS, auto .. P.S., air conditioning, slrong C1w. Air conditionin~. P.S .. P.B .. rMI ROod car. (YK\V60.~! bu). \Vholesale book S162S IZSB:l411 $999 $1499 '71 PINTO COUPE '69 CHEVY 112 TON . 4 speed, radio, good mil('s, nit'<' car. (203CPL) Pickup. V8. 1-adio, i;ood cOndilion. (78922EJ $1799 $1799 '70 DATSUN WAGON . '71 VEGA GT WAGON Automalic:, air condilioninh, 25.559 n1ilca, 4 ~IX-'<'d. air cnnditioning, ~"OOCI miles. Real nice shurj) l'IU". 1501BFYI car. (143DSXI $1899 $2099 • I 'I '70 JAVELIN COUPE VS. P.S., radio, cxtrn nice. Tremendous buy. (3li2j) $1599 '71 VEGA WAGON Automatic, power steering, radio. l...o\N, low prlt-c. l014DJE) $1699 '73 -IMP.AbA-CUST0--1--'-7-1 IMPALA CUSTOM Cp1•. 6.138 milf'!.:. Like new. Air, P.S., P.B., Cpe. 31,000 nliles. Reg. gas VS, auto., vinyl radio1, 1n110., l'C'J.:'. gas VS. W-holese.Je book roof, P.S., P.B., air cond. \Vholcsalr book $3100. l9208J $2100. l09300K~ $3099 '72 VEGA WAGON ·I ~peed. rndio, good m11cs, nice car. (331GNIJ $1999 '72 IMPALA HARDTOP 4 Dr. A.ir, P.S., P.B., radio, reg. gas VS. Wholl'- ~all' book $2300. $1799 5*1200 ' $2Wt '70 IMPALA CUSTOM Cpe. Onr:-l'Ar c·ful 01\·ner. Reg. J:"AS VB. 11.utn .. P.S .. P.B., P. \1·indo\\'S, air cond. Lo\1• p1·iN'. (061ASll $1699 '69 CAPRICE 4 DOOR l-la rdto11. Air conditioning, auto., \'inyl roof. Good lluy. \49J:lOI $1699 ' • I - • . . . i & DAILY PILOT Y,.tdntsdly, Stpttmbet 26, 1973 PILOT·A~VERTISER I <( Why-a-re -,-W-e one of the -Leading Automobile Facilities in ,ttt·e West?. HERES W .. HY 1710 NEW REA .. D¥ F"OR IMMEDIATE : ·CARS .. ---~ ----DlLIVERY 1973 HONDA CIVIC .~:.~~. $1977 1973L~~! ~~-~.!!!.~'!.. -.7-4_0_M_E_G_A--------------CUTLASS ........... $98~. OLDS 98 ........ $138~ .. $2777. OLDS 88 ........ $126~. TORONADO ...... $157~. 2 DOOR ORDER NOW FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY ORDER TODA y . All .. -~ -"."' '"" ~ ........ """ '74 CUT LASS 2 DOOR . ORDE~ TODAY · '74 OLDS 88 2 DOOR ORDER TODAY 1 ~ ORDER YOUR 1~:~D74 1/2 TON PICKUP 54877 Visit Our Honda Civic Ce' nter ~-WE'RE NUMBE_R 1 ' IN ORANGE C_OUNTY. EXCELLENT SELECTION '74 OLDS 98 4 DOOR ORDER TODAY $4977 . SERVICE-PARTS-BODY SHOP OPEN EVERY SATURDAY .-.7-4_T_o-ro•n-a-do------------·• 7:30 'TIL 5:30 O~D~0r~:AY ~ $5577 ALL REMAINING '73' s DRAS ICALL Y REDUCED TAKE YOUR '72 PLYMOUTH '70 LTD '71 OLDS 98 $ FURY' WAGON LUXURY SED. CH 0 ICE LOADED : AIR LOADED: AIR LOADED : AIR (471EOO J (270 FEFJ !lt7E0Al . ' sn 11 tol•I doWI'! pym!, sn.77 Is tolal monlfllY pyim, Incl. ltx, Hcl'!!n. end ell carrying CIMl1"9es on apprO\led • -L -Cr?'.Cil !or 36 ft!Onlhs. Oeferrfd pymr. price I• 52176.12 ll!CI. I•~ & llcll'llH. ANNUAt. PERCENTAGE RATE i 15 . ..0._, Tote! cesh price Is 52100 . . .,70 DATSUN J4 speed , rodio , heoter. {301CIDJ . f '69 FORD I 'Automatic, air, radio, heate r. . {8 17FTA) • ''69 CHRYSLER Power and oir conditioning. {770- ADZ) '68 DODGE Wagon. Automatic, air condition· ing. {XXA002) '70 OPEL 4 speed, rad io, heater. {BOOAPTJ '68 NOVA Automatic , radi o, heater. (W JX- C-52) .. • Many Ways To Finan,ce Your Car . Let us tailor your financing to best fit yqur·. needs. · $ DOWN '69 CHEVROLET Impala. Au tomatic, air condition· ing. {ZAD895) '68 COUGAR Power and air conditioning . {VYU- 2#) '74 BRONCO 4 wheel drive. Under 4,000 miles. • -. ' 77 : MONTH I J , . TOO .NICE TO PRICE . . - • • ' \ f . ( • i l I ! 11 -. . ... • ,... PILOT-ADVERTISER Wldntsd'1, Stptt-2&, l97J Wldllfsd'1, Sfpllmbfr 2&, 197J DAILY PILOT 51 •:.!!' ~~~~~--------------..;;;;~~~~~-" _, -' \ -· • 1974 BUY OR-LEASE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY , . . - , . • t • ' Lil11jted Supply BrandNew.1973 Cadillaes: II • ELDO;RADO • • COf'IVJ'RTIBLE: Fully •quipped. Stock No. 7955. for • • • • • • s Sedan De Ville $ for Fully equipped • Stock No. 7917 • • • • • • Wide Selection of Colors & Equipment While They Last! LEASE 1974 CADIIJ,AC Now on display • Excellent Selection • Immediate Delivery .. • LARGEST SEI.ECTION OF CAD II.I .ACS IN ORANGE COUNTY • Coupe De Villes • Broughams • .Coupes • Sedan De Villes • El Dorados • Convertibles Over 80 Quality Cars to Choose From CADIIJ,AC CERTIFIED SERVICE WE STAND BEHIND EVERYTHING WE DO! Skilled T eclinicians and a Written 90 1 Day or 400Q Mlle Wanonty. ' _, . 1972 SEDAN 11.YIW SALE PRICE 1.972 COUPE DE VILLE $4.888 Ermine white, whitl' vinyl top, factory air condi· --Uoning, full power, 1·cd leather interior, tilt & ·telc- ·scople wheel, AM/~1 stereo multiplex + 8 track SALE PRICE 1971 OLDS TORONAOO . $4.888 Yellow/white vinyl top/bronze tapestry interior, -. full power, _factory air_cooditioning,__tUt, s.t.ereo, dual front seat, loaded. AM/FM stereo multiplex. SALE PRICE '344 ·"Gold with white vinyl top. gold tapestry Interior. FUU-powcr, factory-'ah coildiUontns-, AMXFM stereo, door Jdcla, trunk lodt, light .entlnel, "&ew tires. (759ELU) -1971 -COUPE DE VILLE Autumn gold/white vinyl top/gold tapestry A: leather Interim'. FUil power, factory air, tilt-tele "'heel, AM·FM stereo ni.dto, po"•er door locks, twl· liih\ tfpllnel. (367F)V A I .1970 SEDAN DE YIU.( Vinyl tQP; leather Interior, full power, factory air conditioning, tll( \VheeL power door locks, AM-FM 1t.ereo mulUplex. Impeccable. (234AG8) 1969 SEDAN DE VILLE e1Je/aue vlhyl top, match.Ing leather lntet1or, tilt A: te1eecoplc, stereo, door \Jocks, factory air condl· tlonlng, full power, Ua:ht sentinel. (YNE088> -•· . SALLPllCE $3888 SALi PRICI $2999 ;;tereo tape, new WS\V. tl44874J 1969 COUPE DE VILLE FRctory air conditioning, full power, Ult & tele· scoplc steering, A.i'd/Ffl.'l stereo, twilight sentinel, white vinyl top &: leathe1· interior. (021DSLl 1970 BUICK RIVIERA Olympic bronze, brinze vinyl top, matching tapes- try interior, full power, factory air conditioning, WSW, tilt wheel, AJ.1/Fl\1 stereo. (592EXC) f 1969 CONT. SEDAN sUrgundy, black v1nyt top, burgundy leather in- terior, full power, factory air conditioning, Ult wheel, stereo, door lock.'\. tXS\V541) ~ (325CXD)- _ SALE ~ICE $2222 SALE PRICE $2444 1971 CONT. COUPE- Beautiful gold w/black vinyl top, gold leather in- terior, full power, factory air, stereo, door locks, tilt wheel, exceptional throughout, radial tires. C636Ch,V) 1970 RDORADO Less than 33,000 mlles. Full power, rectory air, turquoise, black vinyl top, matching leather inter- ior, Ult wheel, AM·Fl\1 .stereo, 1xi1ovcr door Jocks, spotless. (904.BKF) 1964.MERCEDES 220SE Sedan. 4 speed, factory air. power steering, po\\•er dJ.sc brakes, Al\1.FM radio. (891FED) -- 1 SALE PRICE $3333 SALE PRICE $4333 SALE PRICE $1777 • ·- I • '· I \ l 'I> DAILY PILOT Wtdntsday, Stptember 26, l'l73 ·. Br a nd N e Vi.~· '73 DU!.VER COUPF.. LOAD ED INCLUDING AIR CONDITIONING s5 SER. NO. Vl2'f·GlG-1515"9 I DISCOUNT OFF MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE NEW '73 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY WAGON 'Comfort and performa nc e beyond com- pare are yo urs in this lu xuriously equi p- ped, top of the line station wagon. NEW '73 PLYMOUTH SPORT SUBURBAN STATION WAGON Equipped the way you wa nt it, including Air Cond itioning E XCELLENT SELECTION OF REMAINING 1973 STATION WAGONS AT TERRIFIC SAVINGS. $ STATION WAGON VS. slilr\d"'" transmission, rlldlo, healer, low m•le... (Oa,BQC) '68 PLYMOUTH ROADRUNN ER 2~0R VI. au1om.1~•C, rao10, hl'illcr, oow~r l!<:'C:•-lnu, vi.,yl 11i'p. iwvr !Oii '66 DODGE WAGON • pa~5'f>V')r, ..,,, ~utomaht. •l'<l•C. ~~~le<, power ilferlng ~ Dr~~~>. a•r tOt>(h!•O<I· if\\I. roor ro1te~. !61!lGWZl ~ --'·· s495 CATALINA 2 DA. H.T. V~. i111trmM•C. roldlo. llN1or, llOl<wer S!C"•· ;~v. w1111" walls, ;ilr concllrioninq (.,.VF:>n1 s3 95 '68 CHRYSLER Ne.,, Vor~er ~ Or. Hr. VI. auro"""'"· rAdlo, hffter, power st~lnG & b••kes, WSW, pQwer se•!, air condi!lonlno. fUZJ- ~2~J • • FURY lJI 4 DR. H.T. VI, av1om111ic radkl, llNIPr, oower sl~r­ lnQ, Wlllto S•Oe lore.., "" conclltloning. 191C.C: IC.J s1295 Cuslom !.11blirOan 7-Dr , V-1. aurorn11tlc transmission, raoto. ne-..lrr, power s!e('•· Ing. pawer O•••e•. WSW lire•, ilnd air cOtlditi.:inilllJ. tVRCSlll s5 95 '67 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME Ve. autorn11!lc, pow~ ~leering & brake1, rltClio, helll~, WSW, air condirlonln(I. (lJ8077L109722l " • .. PBILOT-ADVERTISER 28 111s1:0111t .OFF MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE I l 02H-0CHl -75090 NOTICE! Atlas Chrysler Plymouth now has facilities for service on ALL MOTOR HOMES regard- less of size, by experienced m .. or home me-- cha nics ! WARRANTY work on Internationa l and Dodge truck ,chassis. Huge selection of e.xcit ing ne w '73 Scouts right now at Atias International . Your Recreat ional Vehicle Headquarters. THE GREAT '73 "GO- ANYWHERE" SCOUT AT AN UNBELIEVABLE LOW-PRICE --.. . PLUS TA)( AND LICENSE SER. NO. JS856CGD4 111 0 • I - \ .. ' ,. • • "'' , . • ,L ' -4 • • .. . ,, -. • -• •-··-----• • • --= r~-... .. ~· . . . . .. • OVERTISE R • Wrdnesday, Stptrmbir 20~ 1q7J DAIL y •rtor 81 WtdnfSda1, Sepltmbrr 20, 1973 ' ~- • .• • I ••••• ', ••• ' . ., 'ALL MODELS READ Y FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ~I .. -• • ''3 MODEL LEFTOVERS NOW . DISCOUNTED TO THE BONE! STILL A BIG CHOICE OF BODY STYLES I AND EQUIPMENT WHILE THEY LAST! . ~ OUR FINANCE EXPERTS ' . ARE HERE .TO HELf' YOU! ~ ; -~· ~:.!.!.~~.~It~ .. It' br~kes & win dows, air conditioning. 1386- . DTB I \ 12 PER MONTH 111 11 lltll ,.,., Jym1. 11•.n 11 111•1 mt. pyml, Ind . 11•, lktftH & •H c1rrylll1 cMrtt\ 111 lppr. ~ii for "' "'°" Otft'frttl pyml. lllJ1.74 Incl. I•• & lie. ANNUAL PER- CINTAGI. llATI! 12.~"-· TGlll ell.ti Pl'1CI IH4i.10. '69 FORD LTD 4 Door.'VS, automatic·, rad io, he ater, pow- er steering & brakes, air conditioning, vinyl roof: (XXZ8691 $ 30 PER MONTH 520I 11 10111 fn, pyml, 552.lO ii kll•f mo. pyml. ln<I. II•, l!ctn~ & 111 t1rryi11g d11rg-11 on 1ppr. c•llClll fir 14 mot. Dtllrred pymt, Sl4'5,20 Incl. II• & Uc. ANN UAL PER· CENTAGE JIATE U.IS,.,. Tll•I <•lh prier 112U.70, '71 CHEVROLET M<l libu 2 ·or. H.T. Autom.,+ic, radio, heat- er, power steering, a ir conditioning. ( 593-- 0TA i $ 58 · fER MONTH liceni e & •II c1rry1ng ch1r911 on 1ppr, c•!dlt tor J4 mos. Del~rr.-d pymt. Stflt.11 Ind. tax & Uc, ANNUAL PER- CENTAGE RATE 14.72"JO, TO!ll <•Ill prier $24l2.70. ' '74 TRUCKS ~ '7·2 TORINO VS, automatic, AM-FM radio, power steer- ing, a ir cond itioning, vinyl roof. f I 05843 1 $ 16 PER MONTH 5112 i1 Total Cln. pyml, Slt.1• 11 tti.I ma, pyml, Incl. 11•, heen1• & illt c1rrvint c~ill'9fl .., •ppr crlclll fir "' mo1. Dde-rnd pymt. 5Jt77.61 Ind. , •• & lie. ANNUAL PER· OUR VOLUME SALES AND SER¥1CE-TRUCK CENTER IS TOTALLY MANNED BY EXPERTS FROM LIGHT PICKUPS, TO CAMPER SPECIALS, TO VANS, TO CUSTOM HEAVY DUTY RIGS - .WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU . BEST! NO EASIER TERMS ANYWHERE '7·1 PINTO --4 speed transmission, r•dio and heater. : -IJ97CEKI ; · • -$ 11 --:' I; --- PER : j MONTH ~ ~ 111S 15 lot1I dn. pyml. IU,11 Is IOhl mt, ,ymt, hKI, Ii i, -~1 li<ft!H & illl c1rryl111 dllf"!IH •n •P11r. c""il Jor J6 mt•. .:: ~ Dtf9"1'N ,.,n11. 121t4.t• lllCI, ,.. a lie. ANNUAL. l"EJI· -~ CENTAGE RATE 14.JW.. Tlltll easn Pot• 111'9,70, :;; • . .. * SPORT CARS * STATION WAGONS TRUCKS -TRUCKS 11 ;-'71 \ ~~.c:,~,~,~~~.~~. $2395 '68 ~·~~~.~~~~~:::: $995 '70 ·~~~,~~~!,~ ...... $1995 ~ 1 ). •t10"1n9, l::iw miles. 18l•CQT I ,. . . IVIRl 791 .i •r 'ond1t1on1119. !77e 89EI ,. t 1t1011,ng. • ~ ~ : ~-'71 '71 • ~~~~~~"''· hoot ... $2995 '68 ~,~,~~~" R.do. hoot" $1·095 '71 ~;~~~' A~o~~ .. ;;,. $~295·~' pow•t d•tring & br.~11, 1ir con· dutom1tic, power 1!•1ring, .,;, dit ioning. ()75JET) cond., roof rdc.k. (JIOEXX J miiiion, ridio, he•ler. 17!285HI . -•• • '69 FALCON $1·4-95 Wagon. VB . a ~lom<J lic, 11dio. 1 l-1.if1r , 1ir conditioning, roof · r<Jck. !54JEEK l '7 ]Porsche 911T SHARP •I T1r90. S 1p11d, f,,,torv elloy wh11l1, AM /FM 1tere1, 1pec.i1I r gold menitli'-p1i11t. -- '72 FORD $3295 l!~nch w1gon. Aulom~tic, radio, hralrr, .,;r c.ondi+;oni119, power 1fefr(~9. roof 1~c.k . ! 1047981 -~ ~ llMft' ..... -M -IOIALll 11 -•-«•. ' SALES ~EPT. HOU•S1 I am•t pm Mon.-Frl.; I am-6 prn Sat.; 10 am4,pm Sun. PARTS SE•VICE HOUJ\S : 7 am-t pm Mon.; 7 ,,,,_., pM Tu••··'rl. PA•TS OIPT. ONLY: I a..,...l pm Sat • .... 1 •• --· --:------. Ii ·. ' I '· .. Wtdne5di)', September 26, 1973 PILOT·AOVERTISER ff i2 OAILY PILOT WfdntSda)'. St11ttmbtr 26, 1973 ' WE INVITE YOU TO COME SEE THE NEWESTFoR .. --. • MUSTANG II SEDAN . / ' ., . FORD'S BEAUTIFUL NEW CONCEP T FOR COMPAC T CA -R-S! , PLUS THE RES.T OF THE 1974 FORD LINE! NO·W ON. DISPLAY!"" . .. .. . ,. '72 '69 '71 '69 '69 '67 '70 . ' TREMENDOUS DISCOUNTS ON ALL REMAINING 1973 MODELS ••• HURRY FOR THE Bt ST $ELECTION. • . .. ' ' -· !HY(1t73 .• ' ~ {. .• ' «" ' ~ ''.fORD 'lTD~s~ · ""' i#3J62523:l959J ' -:':IF ' 27 IN STOCK _,__._...__ul!..TO ,s1400 ' . DISCOUNT - FROM FACTORY UST PRICE IMMIDIATI DWVUY '7 0 IoC?o!.~!~rans.,aircondilioning, radio, heater. Li'tense No. 062BIM D,.,'.~,",'o-''~~!,.t~.1~~,!:.~:. $1 0 8 8 ' 71 !. '""· '""'·~'~'~~''""'"''"'"''power ,;leering, power brakes, radio, heater, whitewall tires, LI ense No. 66\DLO '68. '67 DODGE CUST Van Auto. trans., radio, heater. Lictnse 192COT $1988 '67 $888' '69 ~g?.~.~ .. !~P.~~ili!:..,_, $1 08 8 steering, radio, heater, vinyl roof (Z'l.'Om) TOYOTA Corona .4 spttd, radio, healer. License No. 286GS P ' ~~.~!. ~ce,~P.~-"""'"'· o•w" $1 2 8 8 ''6 9 !!Jc~~~.'"''·'""'··'''·,,..,..'''"'"'· $1··4 8 8 steering, radio, hea ter, Licmse No. 228-AFV pwr. brt1kes, radio, w-w fires, vinyl roof. License _ No XTK802 MUSTANG V8, stlck shift, radio, i,e.,m-, Ucense No. 743-HEO $ 7 8 8 . ' 71 , ~~!r~l~h~er.~;~'~'"' Llcen~ N~ $15·8 8 I . .. - 77·11 IMPALA $1·68 8 va,.auto. tran1., power stttring, rad io, whilewalf tires, vinyl roof; License No. 022AZD IMMEDIATE DELl'(ERY • ' TOYOTA Crown -4 speed, radio, htattr. Llctflse No. Tll..UC '69 ~~.~!!l,,!>.,, '""''""""'· .... ., .~''"'· $18'8 9· power br11ke1, pewer windows, pt:1W9f seatt:r11dlo, healer, linled glass. tindlMI lop. Licrns. No.01X:Ct. , PONT. Firebird '6 .7 V-1, auto. trans .. power steering, LicMH No. 6GHOM '6 9· .!2~E. .~~~~~·-""· ,..,,,_ sl!ering, radio, heater. 912ACQ DODGE . Polarci~ V-1, <'Iulo. trans .• factory air conditioning, power stee rino. -radio, hea ter, whitewall tires, vinyl roof ' V-1, aut,o. '''"'·· pVftr Sllff'I• powu .(dlsc1 br1kn; stow, 1/nlc,. AC/DC r•fr/gtr., to1/1t, etc, E3'GHR"'10 .. i H s w wi R ag Ra vot up wi ·-•• -, Today's Fln'al . Capistrano EDITION N.Y. Stocks VOL 66, NO. 269, 6 SECTIONS, 94 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1973 TEN CENTS 1 T~q Girls S~trender in Fatal Dana Robberies By TOM BARLEY Of ~ Dtllr Plltt Stiff Two girls who were with David Grindeland dlD'ing a Dana Point robbery spree that ended with his death 9.t the bands of a motel owner have surrendered to Orange County Sheriff's officers, it was learned today. Both . girls went to the sheriff's office with their attorney and made a state- ment on their role in two attempted rob- beries last weekend -one at the Dana Villa Motel and the other at the nearby Kentucky Fried Chlckeh restatµ'&Dt. Sheriff's Capt. James Broadllelt said this morning tbat neither girl will face charges stemming from their m. volvement ln the incidenls. _ Broadbelt 6'fused to Identify them other than to confirm that they were from the TUatin area. "We still have a few loose ends to tie up in this case," he said today. "But we have no basis on which to hold these Jirls in any way or charge them in the light of the ln!onnatlon we have been given." Grindela,nd was shot in..the chest, face and band by motel owner Loois Joseph Haffner, 65, who told officers he heard the robber arguing with bis wife Jn tbe lobby and reached for the pistol De keeps in the motel for protection. Haffner said he saw GrindelaD;d, 26, of El Modela, leanlni, over the counter In the lobby, seooping up motel Jaldnp and continuing to threaten Mrs. Mary Haff. ner, 62. Haffner llhot Grindeland foor times. The -1efly wounded man slaggered ac:rooS the lobby and Into the s-1. He w~ pulled Into a small red car of foreign make by what wlinesses said was one of .two men waJUng in the vthicte. • Officers said the two girts who ad- mitted being Grindeland's companions became panic stricken when he died in th_e car of the wounds he suffered in the motel shooting. They sai4 the two girls dumped his body on a lawn close to thelr own homes but decided the next day to reveal their role Jn the affair. Officers said the two girls told them arr anc--l ' n Resignation: ·Agnew Discusses , ---_,,-...... ' Move With Nixon .. WASHINGTON (UPI) -The White Houae said today that Vice President Spiro T. Agnew has discussed. the LOSES \¥HITE HOUSE BID County Supervisor S.ttln --·-·---~ ----- poosibilily ol resigning with President Nixon. A spokesman said Nixon nellber encouraged nor discouraged him. · · Coofu1iation by Dept1ty P r e _s s Secretary Gera1d L. W11rren of recent rumors 'i that Agnew had considered resi~ ·came momenta after ·S~aker Carf Allirt swlfUy lurnlid down Agnew's nq-ll!lt the lldme ratbef than the courts undertake an lnveotlgation ol llDii"'"'I ,.,...mJbg iiainll the vice ~· r •. Al ... White House, Wlj10ll IDlde It clear ht ,...... •• -JoJry .. gel the ~ Jo open ... Jnqulry brto kldbac' alltgaUoos 111a1nst ·him was 1111de sdiely by the vice president ~ Nlson dilculs..t various options with Acnew In four meetings Ibey have had since the allegatiooa weno announced he exert~ no ~W'e for any particular courae, Warren said. Warren said for the first time that the two-bad discussed -the posslbililf _of Alnew jesigning when they met Tueadar. momin&, several hours prior to Atnew s requestrto the House for ail investlgaton. Agnew liiade dear be would challente an lnvesuptlon scbeduled Jo begin Tliurs- day by I federal grand jury ln BalUmore. Albert rebuffed the vice pn!sldent's proposal in a brusque two-sentence state- ment at midday, saying: 1 "The vice president's letter asking for the House hearinl· relates Jo 1111t~ before the oourtS. J, as Speaker, will not take ahy action oo lhe letter at this time." EL TORO . ·-.. ' .. "' .. ' . l N ' I I l CLEVELAND I I I ••• NATIONAL •• ••• •• • ---··· Dallty l'tllt M9tt .,. Tim ,....._.. MAP SHOWS 5,500 ACRIS OF STARR RANCH ltEPORTEDL Y DESTINED FOR PLANNED COMMUNITY County, City Offlclll1 DilmlyM lvl 0..1 for Property Mo1 !'lot lie Fl nol '. . ' I they were with Grindeland during the motel robbery and while he earlier al· tempted to hold up the Kentucky fried chicken ou tlet. In both cases, deputies said, Grin· dj!iand simulated Possession of a \\'capon by shoving his clenched right hand into his pocket and showing his intended vie· tims the bulge made by a supposed pis tol. ' Supervisor To Pursue La nd Buy By JOHN VAL TERZA 01 ''" o.llY ,.not st.ti' The top aide to Firth District Supervis:ir Ronald Caspers to<fay termed a private firm's reported olfer of $8.8 million for half the sprawling Starr Ranch "highly inflated." And th~ aide, Tom Fuentes, adtled quickly that Casper$ Would continue an earnest pursuit of a county purchase of 5.500 acres of prime recreational land east of San Juan Capistrano despite reports that the county's $4.4 million of·~ fer is be1ng out bid. "What klnd of businessman would offer SO percent more than an honest appraisal of the value of a piece of property?" he aQded. .:" Fuentes' reaction came a day .after it WU learned that firm. known as C and E Affiliates, Inc .• or Anaheim was of· fering a substantially higher price for the property deemed a prime candidate for a coUnty. regional parlt. Spokesmen for that firm would .i:iot substantiate reports that large Japanese fin,ancial interests are involved.· Fuentes insisted the county in con· tinuing ~egotiate in "earnest" with a group of ma jor charitable organizations which control the ranch north of Ortega Highway. He said the $4.4 million offer determined after a $15,000 appraisal at COl.Dlty expense was the highest price the county Officials believe should be paid. He and Caspers have toured the rugged ranch land in recent months and Fuentes Atlomey General Elliot L. Richardson, who met wlth Nixon before the President eo1tfa1ed-Tuesda With ~,. w, ~ nounced prior to Agnew's Jetter Jo Albert that the grand jury would start Its Jn. quiry 'of Agnew 'nlunlday. S t V t T ~uL • , ~~o~\~~=e ~ de~:~Ytie':;~~! ~ ena e 0 es roo p· -:;-. . ~~gg~b~:in, drainage, wate r and • -_-HRon (Caspers) and-the ,.esr or-the - · county officials are committed to keep County Rej ects Rea p"(!!'aisal_ On Nixon Estate By JACK BROBACK or -. Del" ruet ""' C1lara:es of political motivation rang through the Board of Supervisors' chambers today as the board by a 2 to 2 vote .turned do\\'11 a request of Supervisor ROOert Baltln that the slate Board of Equalization be hired lo reappraise the Weltern Wliite House 1ri San Clemente. The board did vote along partisan lines with supervisors David Baker and Rooald Caspen, hotb Republicans, voting against Battln's plan and Superyiaor Ralf)h Diedrich, anolher Democrat, voting with BatUn. 1 • Battin said be would bring the matter up . again next W!"k "!ieo a· lull' board will be present. • • SupervlJOr Ralph Clarlt was absent to. day attending a f1D1eral. Baker c'alled Battin'• attempt, 0 A clleap shot at pollUcal Pllbllcllf_ln ctbe personal ambitions of one man." His remark followed ,ooe by l!!llt!!tl!lll tlie0Uiff1w polltlCiitly motivated. ~rs .agreed with Baker that the plan was a poJJUcol attic~ on the PresJ. dent. I ' Baker said the re q \I est was an in- timation lhat the Orarce Co u n t 1 Allesaor'1 Office wu not competent. "We are being asked to """"' tax· ~en' money to provo a point with no .. idence ollered that the •l'Pflilll Is Jn. correct," he crai. "It would be u1 ng public funds Jo sup- JiOrl the efforts on !Jjdlvidual for very transparen\ reasons." Baker and-Cotmty • .\81M11ar Jack Vallerga •fiued. that thf countl 1U ap-peals'boal'd was Jhe iproper forum for an -appe1t-<i'!1e a11Ptal• hoard ..ut conllilcr w mailer on Ocl; 2!• · · .. .. Warren ll8id Nixon was advised by RlchardQi and Assistant Altorney Herny E;-Petenen "that as a matter of law, in the atio,.rgeoeral11 view, this proc$e should be followed." Appr0ves 40 Percent Reductwn Qf Overseas Units As tor Agnew's coune, Warren aald: "Tbe matter Involving the" vice president Is one that hf Is coaductlng 111 bis own. The Preslcfent bas tak"1 ~ position from '11be outset that the vice ~esldent should decide what JOI'"" he sboilld take Jn the' matter .•• "He bas not encouraged "' _pressure!! the vice presi.Clent to take any particular course.''. w ASllINGTON (AP) -The senate to-nationals hired Jo wist Amer!CIDI are day voted to reduce the number of U.S. Included, the United States bu a force of land-based troops overaeas by 40 percent. 1.1 'l'illion penons Jn loreJin countrles. The vote was 4He. He sald._thls costs U.S. tupayen $30 Senate ~ U Leader M J k billion a year,-with $17 bJllion ci1 that ~mocra c e amount attributed to maJ....,ance ol Mansfield bad orlglnally proposed I $0 troopo Jn Europe. peioent cut In the "'!"'I/er ol lorelp.()u. He uld a reduction Jn the llOO,OOO:man ed;u.s. troops, but clumied U\e propo11l . force la eslentiat 1o lower ' the u.s. at !Ile il!st minute to 1 40 percent cul boWlcHl-payments dellc!t, fill 11omOlllc Manafield said that when llervicemeo'a lieeds and elid the "policy of mlllllry con- de)iendents, U.S. civilians and loi'elp f!imJailan with the ~ell. ... .. •. Dog Aets as Witness? .. ', .Three Arch Bay Canine Contro ve rs y Set for Tr.iaJ, • By-FREDERICK . SCHOEMEllL on Interviews by the tljltrict attomey the munlclpsl and 8uporlor CoUrt'leftll. ; The Mansfield' amendment would r .. quire that at least 50,000 troops based in foreign countries be pulled out by next June 30, and that another ll0,000 be withdrawn over the following two years. Observers sald the Maim.field amendment could be overturbedJn a subsequent vote. The Senate .is. was to begin public deblte tOOly "°" a proposal Jo slow developmen~ ol the · $13 billion Trident subirnarine program. The Trl~t amend- mept11JU .discussed for more than ,two hrilfl !n&oecfaeilion Tuesday. A vote on the Trident amendment was scheduled for Thursday. Jn, addition to Europe, American forces are based in.Thailand, Okinawa, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines and Bermuda. Mlnsfield poled -that U.S . ·Sovi e t negotiations open Ocl. 30 on mutual , balanced force reducUons but said uniJNral action by the United Slales (\!'< TROOPS, Page %) ot ,., """ l'lloU"" -with -other -ti 0( the prtv1,Ja An~appeal ol the~ Court An affectlonale lltUe bulldog named enclave. dedllon Jo the Court ol Appall Jn San • JabberJ!lly~me_the star wllnea=--Sbaltoo'• attorney la William Sbeffield _ l)le.. , I• •till ~ "1th oral l rv ine y outh next Wedaeaday when the trial opet11 for ol "!iftliAna--wtiOpinod ...,,. f11110-UWOUllllll -.0-:ihi'_~ lit !Or-_ _ _ -- a nu.. Arch Bay mining magnate whar be llllCCOllfull1 lllld the -In .1 Oct.. lo. 1 ' , charged with ii violations of Jhe c:ounty'a caae 111,.1v1ng 1 ·St. Btrnlnt lloc-!Jbellleld .. d tliO ...0 "~talJ, will Sights LJ FO s dog lellb law. . Shetileld 11Jd Jabber w1n be called Into IO .., tl'W' w~ diol'll* ihe· 1p- Jabber, hla' muter C. Domlnlc Shelton the courtroom Jo -that Shelton bu peal.' • : ' ' ' · and .... than IO'witne~ will pock Into cootrol of the dog thn>u&h ..rbal com-At ·uie !JC!lnl, be ~ llbeltoD wu No trace was found by Irvine Judge IUchord Hamlltoo's c:ourtroom Jn maadl ....,,.ncs •tO plead aullty to oaly one· police o1 five UFOs which were South Cl>untY: Munlclpal Court.Jn.Laguna Smoideiini . feudll ~ Vlrioul vlol4!10tl of tliO·ordl_.. llVPQ a lliie;--nported travel'ling tbe northern NJ}MI. Thr<e Ard! Bly resldeata 1 n d llbelloo Tile district atlonMy, howtt• nnll 1\1< at 1:37 p.m. Tuesday. Shelton Is charged with allowJnc an eflo m1y be !actors Jn the three nelt to --tho faD a -"' ai.irioJd keilh Kudell, 14, ol 14582 Beach unledled dog to nm on Three Arch trial, Sheflleld pr<dicted. malntali>ed. Eich 'lOU"t mrrleo 1 ·mu· Avo., said the objects were gold In Bay's beach IOme ii times between Another queotlon to be &nlftred la ln\um ~ty ol llGO and/or ... montha color. •!f "like nothing f ever saw September 1171 and April 21, 1971. whether tho· county's animal oontrol' Jn Jail. before. . On the April date, 0r1111e County ordinance ~ •POIY Jn I prtvota com--estlmateo It will late I lull" Officer Rudolph Malik. who Animal Control ollJcill1 llllled 1 prt-munllf such u , tlna Arch Bay, Ille at. · . tmw -kl (II $1,IOO 1 day In ·court cbecked on t h.e alleged 1lghl ln~. dawn rail on Three Arch Bly'• /!Uch '. -Y said. , colll) tO try tho -· .. Id he _dl.d not se• anything. o and cited ShellO!' for vlolatl9n OI Jhe Shel!leld ill'Mdy ha• tried to !Ml tho Ono of tho 'JV .,.,.... lo teotjfy 11 other lrnne residents report<'<! le\'*h low. Conltltullonallly <if the county's tum Suporlor Cowt Jude• Cllude °"'"'· He · seeing the golden globes. The other 31 c;ounts were added besed law,.but Ila valldlty wu..uplleld llolll II llVOI ]Ult down the ,_t rr..n Shelton• -. ·, ) ., • ' that land as open sapce," be said. "We all know how many times we've heard that the Starr Ranch has been 'sold'," he added, in reference to prev ious negotiations that have fallen through. The impact of the current sale issue would be felt worst in the city .of San Juan Ca pistrao where offici~ls have been operating under "'the premise that the ranch was destined for use as a regional park . City Manager Donald Weidner said to- day that the city council would "most certainly 1>e concerned" about the IS.. STARR, Page %) Or ange <:out • - · We.ath er It'll be dry, clear and sunny Thursday -like you never saw this summer. Highs in the upper 70s along the coast rising to the low 90s inland. Overnight lows In the OOs. l!~S UlE TODA V Father Gltn Borman joi11ed the staff of Assemblv Speaker Bob MoreCti (O.Von NMy&) a vear ago and specializes Jn is- sue development a1Ki speech.. writtng. See •tory. Page 11. - -- • . --·· 2 DAIL 'I' PILOT SC Wtdntsday, Stptembtr 26, l!J73 ' What Yon~ll Pay . . CCOMPUTEO ON A HOME WITH A GROSS ASSESSEO VALUE OF $6,750 ANO A NET VALUE OF $5,000 AFTER REDUCTION FOR THE HOMEOWNERS EXEMPTION) '1'73-74 TOTAL TAX 510.52 544.SO 517.68 523.46 550.45 529.72 537.87 497.64 535.28 617.00 560.81 500.27 542.34 545.51 472.16 511.64 508.13 526.93 544.17 493.25 522.39 496.37 562.01 523.75 561.29 513.25 1972-13 TOTAL TAX 645.93 671.12 848.69 646.44 757.63 715.75 672.81 678.83 733.73 666.52 702.71 576.49 678.95 698.36 579.10 652.91 648.32 604.44 640.43 606.76 63P.04 689.12 640.55 671.12 752. 10 , 671 .62 CITY f\11ahei1n Brea liuena Park Costa Mesa C~ypress Fountain V,alley 1<ullerton \ Garden Grove Huntington Beach lrviM La Habra Laguna Beach La Palma L:os Alamito' Newport Beach Orange J:tlacenlia San Clemente San Juan Capistrano S{lnta-Ana ~al Beach Stanton ·rustin \/ill~ Park Westminster Yorba Linda RATE 10.2103 10.8860 10.3535 10.4692 11.1290 10 .5943 10 .7574 9.9528 10.7056 12.3400 11 .2162 10.0054 10.8467 10.9101 9.4432 10.2328 10.1625 10.5386 10.8833 9.8650 10.4478 9.9'274 11.2401 10.4749 11.2257 10.2649 SCHOOL COUNTY CITY 316.91 84.00 52.50 324.61 84.00 72.50 307 .64 84.00 50.00 300.15 84.00 50.00 284.80 84.00 47.50 319.14 84.00 , 57.50 328.23 84.60 67.i5 287.50 84.00 50.00 ·315.29 84.00 81.00 382.73 84.00 16.50 333.73 84.00 77.50 233 .81 84.00 106.30 307.64 84.00 61.25 312.36 84.00 '49.00 282.25 84.00 60.00 305.74 84.00 64.50 276.01 84.00 64.50 290.22 84.00 77.50 290.23 84 .00 57.50 286.97 84.00 67:50 301.81 84.00 67.50 269.56 84.00 50.00 338.04 84.00 58.75 305.74 84.00 49.00 328.37 84.00 45.00 300.56 84.00 -0- *** *** Newport Ho1ne Owners ' To Pay Less Taxes ,Nc\vport Beach has the lo\vest tax rate !n Orange County but all county property O\\'Oers \viii pay less this year than in )972 -73. according to figures re- leased Tuesdav by county Auditor-Con- tro ller Victor A. Heim. ' The total tax paid by a homeowner ivhose home has an average cash value 'bf $27,000 v.•ill be decreased prim:ti'i15'"' because' of an increase of $1 ,000 in the flo1neowner.:1 exemption. ! Newport Beach's total tax rate for '973-74 is $9.443?; This compares with '.Marines Jailed . \ ' 111 Shooting f racas at Bal' : Three El Toro Marines were jailed on :charges of assault with intent to commit murder early today after a tavern 'shootout in which a fellow Marine was . struck in the chest, neck and hand by ricocheting bullets, Orange C o u n t y Sheriff's officers reported. Detectives investigating the shooting at the Tail o( Uie Bull Restaurant, 6504 Trabuco Road. said it was "a miracle·• that Marine Frank Norvick, 22, escaped "'ith only minor wounds. Investigators jailed ti1arines Harold \\'ayne Bunnell, 20, Ramon Teran Jr., 21 , and Stephen Bernard Hunt. 21, in con- nection \vith the wounding of Norvick. They said the fracas at the bar erupted \\•hen a group of M'arines, reportedly drinking hea vily, resumed a quarrel that had been aired earlier on the El Toro base. A l\·Iarine who \Vas present at the bar said the dispute had racial overtones. , Investigators said the quarrel reached . such proportions that Norvick steP,ped forward before the involved group, raised his arms and urged the an gr Y servicemen to put down the weapons that were being displayed . A Marine who has not yet been iden- tified but is believed lo be one of the _._three J_~gaj_in C?unty t~)l f~ed a round tromliis automatic rifle 1iifo llie asphalt- v.·alkway outside the bat, officers said. Norvick wa s struck four times by the flying bullet s. Investigators said all the wounds were superficial and Norvick was treated at • the base hospital. ~le is reportedly returning to duty this morning. 1 "Each of those four bullets came \Vilhin ' an ace of killing him" a sheriff's office • commented . "I've never seen a luckier : man in my career." ' '' ' : . OU.NGI COAST SC DAILY PILOT Tho Or1nge Cotll DAILY PILOT, w!l!I Whltl'I il eomllll'tll 1"9 "'"""·Prtts. Is M1111119d by l!>e Or1.-011 C°"ll Pvbl!tMnt Compa11y, St;pa. r.it ldlllont ''' piibllllll..i, Mond1y ll'lrOVgh Frkll~, ftr Co1t1 Mtta, ff-It It.Ch, H1111llf!illol'I lllt.Cfl/FOlll'lllin V1ll1Y, L-e.,,,11 &ffCfl, 1r111M/S1dd!ltbKk tPICI St11 C""'1enle/ SAfl JUln (1pl1tr1no. A Slf'lll• ft>gloo\ll !Kiiiion Ii ptlt!llsfllill· 1111wro1r1 •fld Sun<l•'I'•. T,,. prlncr,.1 """"'ltM"ll 1111111 ts 11 JXI w1111 8•r S!rHI, (0$11 Mei.. (llllOmlll, t'U». A11btrt N. W11d l"rttld.,,I 1no PwOllJ~tf • J1ck R. Curley Voe• l"rnldtnt 1fld Ckn1r11 M•~o ... Tho'"•• k11"il Editor Thorn11 A. Mwrphin1 M11M9lt19 EO!!OI Ch1rl1• fi.L1111 Ri 1"4 P. Nill A•1ltltnl """"811111 Eclllor1 S-Cl111tl•f• Offlca )OS North El C1fl'llno R11t, t26o12 -....... Cttl• ~t aao Wnl ••r '~' """"°rt kid!: -Ntw'llll'I toultw••o H.wnllflQfOll 1 .. c111 1111s ee1tt1 eou .. ~•td L .. llM 9"d11 m flw.11 4v.,u. T•.,.... (7141 '42 ... J21 c.t.Me4 A4'1a111.-, '41·1671 S.. C ....... AR 0.p -tw•a: T•"'•'••• •1.2"44Jt . Clfl'l'rlOfll, ttn,. 0rtnte C:O.tl Pwbllslllola .. c.1'!!"""· Mo flfwt ,..,.._, llli.1r11-.. .... i.1 ""'""' or Ml~lt"'*lli Mte111 "'."'I' ... ~-wltMut ... ,.. .. '"fu• tt C91'JtllM ......, • : 1 ~II.. tlllU lllOtl ... ,.ht 11 C.11 Mut, • ... "'' IWIMrfOlll!i W ttn:lw h ,1$ 1 -~' 11r ,,..11 u .11 ~"' mlllr.IY ~ • , -.1~110n1 aM fl'llll"'.."'· · ;· '-~~~~~~~~~~~~-'·; • "" $9.6516 last year. The owner of a $27,000 home, assessed at $6.750 before the $1 ,750 homeowners exen1ption \Vill pay ap- proxlmately $472.16 in taxes. Heim said the typical amounts or taxes for each city are based on the C<lde area in each city which has the greatest assess- ~ valuation. Other Orange Coast Cities tax rates and average tax total are Costa Mesa, $10.4892, $523.46; Fountain Va I I e y , $10,5943, $529.72; Huntington Beach. lJQ,70>6. 1535.28; Irvine, $12.34. $617 I highest in the county); LagtIDa Beach, 10.0054, $500.Zl; Los Alamit~. $10.91, !545.51. San Clemente, $10,5386, $526.93; San Juan Capistrano, $10.8833, $M4.17; Seat Beach. $10,4478, $ 5 2 2. 3 9 , and \VeStminster, $11.2257, $561.29. Suspect Seized After l1idece1it Exposure Report Orange County Sheriff's officers, who have been searching the_ Laguna Niguel area lor a man who reportedly exposes himself to school children, Tuesday ar- rested a suspect near Crown Valley School. Earlier reports indicated the leY.'d con· duct suspect had ~n seen repeatedly while driving a ·mall pink car. 'Ille suspect who \V a s arrested \\'as driving a "pale orange" auto of the saine make and model, sheriff's deputies said. No lewd conduct charges have been fil- ed, however, against the 26-year-old suspect who lives in Laguna Niguel. He "·as booked into Orange County Jail on charges of loitering near a school. "\Ve are investigating the incident to- day," Sheriff's Capt. James Broadbelt said . "These are the only charges we have filed against him at this point." Broadbelt said the arrest came at the height of an investigation into mounting complaints by parents and teachers that -a man driving·a-pink-car-had npeateclly-- exposed himself to students in ·the gen- eral area . "Our officers were told at !he time of the arrest that the suspect had been in- dulging in indecent exposure." Broadbelt said. "\Ve are still checking into the case and r wouldn 't want to say any more at this point." San Clementean Draws 90 Days In Manslaugl1ter A San Clemente man V.'ho violated the three years probatlon he drew after pl eading guilty to manslaughter charges has been sentenced to 90 days in Orange Coooty Jail. Superior Court Judge. James Turner reinstated probation for Michael Pet<?r Winfrey. 23, of 2917 Via Corbina and made it a condition of probation that \Vinfrey .must undergo a I co h o I i c rehabilitation and attend meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous. Winfrey was sentenced to six months in county jail and three years probation Feb. IO, 1971;-affer pleading ~guilly Ii> 1nc:inslaughter charges fUed following the traffic death Oct . Ul1 1970, of Marsha Ann Ott 17. ~ilss Ott was one of four teenagers itl a car struck by \Vinfrey's auto as the vehicles met head on outside a downtown Sim €1emeni. «>1r.. shop. Police said \Vinftey had been drinking and was driv- ing on the wrong side of the road. Go Straight to Jail LONDON (UPI) -The Time/I of Lon- don said today thieves who brol<e Into the offices· of the magazine •(Games and Pu:zz1es'' recently "got away: with several ·lheusand pound! ln Monopolifn~Y..' , SPECIAL OISTRICT 57.11 63.19 76.04 89.31 140.15 69.08 57.89 76.14 54 .99 133.77 65.58 76.16 89.45 100.15 45.91 57.40 83.62 75.21 112.44 54.78 . 69.08 92.81 81.22 85.01 103.92 128.69 Front Page J STARR • • • reports or an impending sate to a private firm. • · "\Ve had confidence that the countv"s promises of a regional park "·ere valid,". he added. As an immediate step toward trying to keep the ranch land open {the propertv lies outside the ci!y limits l Weidner said a consulting fimi 's work on a spher.e of influence map would be accelerated so that San Juan could have a legal edge in influencing the use of the ranch land. Thus far the city consultant has come up With three proposals for a map but councilmen have held off action until they can sample the feelings of residents in communities affected by the three concepts. "There are few if any residents out on th e Starr Ranch so we don't have to wor- ry about the feelings out there," \Veidner said. .If massive reSidehtia\ development took place on the major acreage the iin- 'pact to San Juan would be severe the of- ficial said. ' Ortega High,vay, now a widening, nar- row, dangerous roadway, would become the prime access route to the area. "In. .i!S present state. it cannot really accommodate the traffic it has, and we would feel the im pact of drainage, water problems and just about ever'ything else," Wei~id. As for the' . act k "such a develop- ment on s '1s, spokesman for the Capistrano Unified School District this morning said the' prospects were so im- mense that "-they defy comprehension." Consultants for tbe 160-square mile district recebUy warned that trustees should expect 27,000 pupils by 1979 and that figure did not take into account any residential use of the Starr Ranch acreage. "\Ve're going la have a terrib,le time just coping With the projected enrollment in 1979," said director of adminislrative services Joseph Wimer. "If the Starr Ranch wound up being filled with houses as well, We don 't know what we would do," he added. The district at preSent iS faci.Dg a severe boom in pupil enrotlment. About lf,000 students started school this fall. Rail Stop Drive Fo1· €apistrano To Be Launched The head of the San Juan .Capistrano Chamber of Commerce committee trying to win rail stops for the mission com· mun.ity said a petition campaign would be launched this week with the documents destined for the desk of Amtrak officials. Al Seeger, the committee cltaimian. said petitions asking Amtrak to restore a regular schedule of rail passenger service would be placed in San Juan businesses in an effort to win support or the plan which already has won the blessing of local rail officials. But a final decision on the rail service still must come from Amtrak leaders in \Vashington, D.C., and the pro~d stops could come at the expense of morning northbound passengers in San Clemente. The initial plan calls for replacing the San Clemente 8:20 a.m. stop with a San Juan schedule, Instead. Rumbles already. are being felt in San Clemefite and city councilmen there have set a public Jlearing Oct. 3 to see if local residents object. Seeger said that telephone contacts fr.om MisS16n~munlty_resldenlS:.1n­ terested In restoration of the trains is "encouraging," and he suggested that besides signing petitions, supporttrs could write personal Jette.rs to either the chwnbcr or Amtrak directly_ Sex Bias Law OK'd SACRAMENTO (AP)-L<gislallon for- bidding dllCrlmination by sex in ihsur... ance rates has been signed Into law by Gov. Ronald Reagnn. ~ , The mea!IUre by Assemblyman Waldie lle<ldeh (D-Ohul1 Vl•ta), also forbids dlscrlmiqaUon In the lssuan<J~or can- cellatl2Q of Jnsura~g on the basis of sex, race, co r, re lon or nitRin~rlj' • Tliese Roses 'Bombed Out1 CINCINNATI, Ohio (AP) -Mrs. l..A>uis Metzler sHid she had been ex~ pect lng trouble when her daughter " Shecyl became friendly with some members of a motorcycle gang. She telephoned the police bomb 5t1uad Tue&day that a "scruffy looking'' man rang her doorbell and said he had a box of flowers for her daughter. Police and firemen took the box to a disposal• center where they opened it. , Inside were 12 v.'hite roses. No card. I Da11u Point Man Held In 'Holdup' The n1anager of a San Clemente service station \\'a.S charged today with theft. conspiracy and filing a false police report after investigators alleged hi s story of a holdup t\vo weeks ago v.'as "a ·iota! fabrication ." Gerald Ennis, 21 , of 34051 Alcazar, Dana Point, was arrested Tuesday after police concluded an investigation into t,he reported .','holdup" of the Flagg Station Sept. 11 at the corner or Avenida Palizada and Avenida de la Estrella. Officers said one suspect remains at large in,,the-alleged theft of about $700 and the ··subsequent asserted ruse to cover up the loss. · At the time of the loss, police said. Ennis had told police that t\VO 1nen \Vav- ed a police artist "'ith descriptions of the counted receipts after. closing time. Officers conducted a standard in- . vestigation into the holdup but detectives said the details "just didn't sit riiht" as the probe continued. During the investigation Ennis furnish- ed a polic artist 'vith descriptions or the "holdup men" and drawings were di:Spensed lo other police agencies in an effort to capture lhe "suspects" -each or \Vhom reportedly \VOre· military field jackets during the allegedly in1aginary hel sl. Officers predicted an arrest of a sec- ond SU§pcct and added that the loot taken in the theft has been spent. None has been recovered. From Page J TROOPS ... could prompt a similar response from Russia. The Nixon administration contends a unilateral troop withdrawal would doom negotiations with the Soviet Union. Mansfield tried twice in 1971 to require a reduction in the 300,000..man U.S. force in Europe, but lost on 61..J& and 54-39 votes. Anna Magnani, Actress, Dies ROME (AP) -Anna itagnan'i, the hot- tempered Italian actress, ~ied tod3y in a Rome clinic. She was S.S. Reagatt Ai_.e Says l Prop ~ 1 Means All Taxes Drop By JOHN ZALLER ot tfl• D11iv ,1101 s11n . An aide to Gov. Ronald Reagan prom· 1sed a Newpori Beach audience this morning that passage of Propo$ition I u·ould nlean lower taxes for aU Califor- nians and_a more efficient state govern- me~t. ~ ·:tve in government have a lot of want.!i and desires and v.·e need to have a solid restraint on how much tax money we spend," said John Kehoe, director of the state Department or Cons~mer Affairs. "If the founding fathe-ra had realized how much pressure to spend that govern- ment faces," he added later, "they might have added another amendment to the Bill of Rights giving the people a voice to control how much money their govern· . ment spends." Kehoe n1ade his remarks in a breakfast speech to members of the Ncwport-HarbOr Chamber of Co1nmerce at the Balboa Bay Club. Kehoe follows Assefubly Speaker Bob Moretti, v:ho last week told the same group that Proposition 1 would mean higher property taxes and a radical change in the traditional concept of 'representative democracy .' Proposition 1 goes before California vo\ers Nov. 6 as a proposi;d amendment to the state Constitution. lf passed. it would limit state govern- ment to a slo\vly declining taxi'ng ability and provic!.e a one-time tax rebate to state income taxpayers next spring. The amendment, \vhlch v.•as drafted unde r the auspices of Governor Regan , \Vould make, it impossible for ihc Legislature or the governor to raise tax- es permanently V>'ithout a vote of the peo- ple. Kehoe said the amendment i s neceSsary -to control the snowballing growth of govemment. Even Governor Regan's well-known "cut, squeeze. and trim" approach to state goverrµnent had not worked, he conceded. "It's like the gal trying to.squeeze into her gird1e," he said. "She can pull in one place. but she'll just bulge out in another. "Legislators are subjected to just too much pressure from the people to pro- vide new programs. · "But if the people had to pay for each of those new progr~ms as they v.·ere ap- proved -which would be necessary if ' Judge 'Orders{· • ' Psyclp.atric Tes.t l:1 . < \'. In · Mtirilel' Case Psychiatric testing has been ordtred for ranch hand Robert Carl "Whip" 'Slat- ton after he pleaded innocent to murder charges filed ag&inst him after' a La Afirada man was shot and killed iQ an Ortega Hot Springs fracas. F · JL¥tge James Turner named thfee psychiatrists who will examine Slatton, 41. of2I'rabuco Canyon and ordel'.td..him to repOrt. back' to him Oct. 12 with their findings. -l this inltialive passes -I think the °People \vould think more carcfuUy about those new programs.~· Kehoe also sought to debunk a number of what he called "myths about Proposi- tion l :" -It would not, ho"-,claimed, mean higher property tax~, a5 . MOretU silid. because lhcre are also eonstJtutlonal limits on local property tax rates. -The amendment, if passed, vlould not produce deficits in state government spending, he claimed. "Next fiscal year v.·e would 'Still have a $600 million surplus to spend on new programs if this amend- ment passes." •lowever, he conceded under questioning that the surplus was estimated on the basis of "optlmistic" assumptions on the health of the ~tale c..'COnoniy . -· •le denied that state funds were being used to finance the Proposition 1 campaign , although he said the governor \1'as seeking to raise about $1 million from private donors to support the cam- paign. Growth Alred At Capo Beach Panel Meet Threats of major growth on the estates section of the Palisades y.•ill dominate discussion ton ight among members of the Capistrano Beach C o m m u n i t y As- sociation and a new aide to the area's county supervisor.will be on hand as well . . The group's 7:30 monthly meeting will include a presentation on growth prob- lems affecting t h e county area by Robert Nelson , a new field representative for Fifth District Superivosr Ronald Caspers: The meetiilg will take place in the Board of Realtors meeting roo1n along Camino de Estrella. The associa tion recently has battled lo curb growth, primarily in the area recenlly annexed into the city of San Clemente where townhouse projects calculated to add hundreds of new units \Viii . assertcdly burden com mu n i t y services. Association resident Frank Rainey termed tonight's session in the Board Of Realtors offices "probably the most; im- Portant meeting of the year" and forecast an intense examination of the • growth issue. i . BurdenS~fO'~ewer facnJ.Ues ~ls parks1and the· area's qulet rOacfwa:yS "ar~ the largest complaints being expressed by the group, he added. He said that JOme developers in the estates area "ah willing to work with the residents to fin!'.l solutions to these problems. but tonight 's sesaion and subsequent meeti~ w.ill be needed to hear from concerned residents.". Others attending the session this even· ing will be members of the United SOuth OrangLCo_a_s_t Communities, _a_blend o[ delegates from all homeowner groups along the South Coast. Slatton remaihs·in county jail with bail set at $100,000. Judge Turner set a ten- \ative trial date or Nov. 19 and scheduled Dynamite Discovered Nov. 2 for a pretrial session on murder and assault charges. .\ DUARTE (AP) -About 200 sticks of Miss l\tagnani won an Academy Award in 1955 for her role in i'The Rose Tattoo." in which she played the earthy Serafina. Slatton is accused· of shooting Depnis dynamite have-been found partially-bld- -.Glahn, 21 , of La Mirada, in the chest den under leaves and boards in an aner a confrontation with a group or isolated area north or this Los""Angeles She entered the clinic a few weeks ago and under\\1ent gall bladder and intestinal surgery. A doctor at the clinic said she died of cancer oj tge panc~fl!e_.. lrt!spa~sers in the Hot Springs aaiea. Of-suburb. authorities said. ficers said he was arrested at t\W Starr A Sheriff's Department spokesman Ranch and the murder . weapon was later said Tuesday six bags of blasting caps fo und in a nearby gully. ' also were found In the cache. ~~===~""""~ l ,, l Voit Basketballs AC2 Reg. 7.95 Value-5.95 • vqrm . Up Suits-2t95 · 2.4.95 Sweat Shirts & Pants~ach 3.50 Adidas-Converse-Tretom Jack Purcell Tennis Shoes Red-White-Blue 7.95 CB2 Blemish-ll.95 CB2 Regular-12.95 XB20 lndoor-16.95 Men's & Boys' Tennis Shorts-5.95 up CB202 Synthetic Leather-18.95 Wilson Leather Basketball-28.95 % inch Basketball Backboard-14.95 ' Tennis Shirts-5.95 to 9.00 Tennisjlresus " Basketba~Goalr-l~5=&~~.91;i;,5 =~~· ~ Adidas & Converse :BasketbaH Shoes Basketball Shirts-3.40 I Volleyballs-&-NetSi-=-=~•1.~ Soccer Bans Water Polo Balls Open-9 to 6-Closed_Sun~ays • Racquetball Racquets & · Balls T emis Rackets-4.95 to 50.00 ' ilsoftdl_enlb=lkll\IOP Temris Balls=- l.95 ~Doz. Boys'· Gym Shirts & Shorts Bltes-hm-Repailnl rnr.Tabes ... • • ' ,. • ' • • • • ' • , , ' • • . ' ' 2 6 DAILY PILOT SC Wtdnetd .. y, StPltmber 26, 1973 Nation Slides Irito Deficit - w ASHINGTON (AP) -'l1le -Indicators Increased /""'P In wholeaal• prices dllt' country's foreign trade slipped U percent In Augllllt, although ng August pushed Jhe pri<e- lnto def1clt In Au.gu.U again slx of the eight indicators related indicators u p w a r d _after a one;nonth surplus in declined during the month. alnce the lndex is not adjustL>d July.but lhe trade ploture was 'ld'lt lsdunusual this month,,,_ for inflation. If IO, the ov~·all ~ sa a epartment eoonom ist. increase in the Index coultl be greatly improved from a year ~e said the ro indexes t:Mit mlsleading as an indication of aJO. the Commerce Depart.-increased -the price-labor future eeGJt<lmic growth. ment repo~ WediJeSaay. -cost ratio an 'ind us tr 1·a \· or the' indicators which materials pri,... .. , -more than' deellned the C o m m e r c • 'Ibe department reported a ~ ' ' deficit of $16.6 million 1n offset the . es. Department said initial claims aed for unemployment insurance, 1 AU£1.!et, ba , on exports JT APPEARED that the-big which rose to 248,000 in August totalmg 111.oou mllllon and---------=--- imports totaling fl , O 2 o . 9 mllllon both of which were record monthly bJghB. THE COUNTRY had a trade surplus·of 11116 mlllion·ln July, which was only the aecond monthly surplus since Sep- tember, 1971. The country's trade deficit ln August tef year was $529 million and the over·all deficit for 1972 was '6 billion. Treasury Secretary George P. Shullz predicted in Nairobi, Kenya, Tuesday that the United States will have a trade surplus next year, alter three successive years of deficit. Government officials have credited lhe rectnt devalua- tions or the dollar with the sharp Jmprovement in lhe c:ounlry's trade picture. EXPORTS OF food and live animals were up sharply in August to a total of $1.2 billion from the JuJy figure of $900- million, but this was more • than offset by a big jump in INDIANA ~ED LOCKS U.P GAS TANK DUE TD HEAVY DEMAND Jmports. Midwest St1tJons-CtOHd and G11 Siphon ing Is on th• Rise ~ In another major economic r----------~ " report, the Commerce Depart-- ~· ment ~d jls index of leading- ' • Coast Man Gets Term In Fraud LOS ANGELES (AP) -A federal jury bas convicted two • men and acquitted another on charges of vtolaUng t h e securtUe! laws in a criminal •" stock fraud. coosptracy In- volving Canadian brokers and a defunct oil company . • • • • Daniel E. Manning, formerly 'of Newport Beach , and David A. Wooldridge of .-lt1arina del Rey were each sentenced Tuesd,ay to siJ: • years in prison and flned Simplicity Pays Off LONDON (UPI) -Wilh the price of gold going so high, why not tiy it, thought pouJtry d e a 1 e r Victor F. Brotzman, 31. He and two other men look brass rods, melted them down into shiny eold- llke Ingots and sold lhem 1S line gold to bullion deal· ~r JohnsOn Matthey for 1119.m. a court ruled lhls week. The c o u r t sentenced Brotiman to four months in jails and his ac- complices to lesser terms for a fraud which the judge said was "clever beca~ of its c:omplete slmpllclty." Standard Retail Gas Hiked 6/10% SAN FRANCISCO (AP! - While 5 , 0 0 0 independently- operated Northern and Central Callfomia service s t a t i o n s closed over the weekend in protest over price controls, Standard Oil of California was selling gas at increased rates, the company said. . Standard BllllOUll<ed Tuesday it had raised retail gasoline prices six-tenths of a cent at company-owned Standard sta- tions, Increasing the cost or ethyl gasoline to 44 .2 cents a galon, regular to 42 cents and low lead to 41 cents. • • 110,000 by U.S. District Judge ...._ ________ ..J • Jrving Hill. STANDARD ALSO said it The l'!'l' acqul!ted Stephen J.Mydanlck, a NewYork City ,. attorney. Mydanlck's P.artner, ~ Michael E. Cannata. Was ac- :: cqultted by the Judge at the .• close of the government cue. 1be ais:-week trial arose. • from 196M9 activities of -. Capitol Holdlng Corp,. iplown prevJoUJly as Empire Oll ... Corp. Wooldridge was presi- dent of the company and Man· ning was its secretary. .. . - Del Monte~ Nixes Profit Food ·Costs Hit Top Level in Households WASHINGTON (AP ) Another set of figures bas been released by the govern- ment documenting what most consumers probably already know first hand: thst food irices are at record levels. The-Agriculture Department reported Tuesday Utat the an- nual cost of a market basket of farm-produced food was $1,653, based on August prices . although. should start coming down early next year. GARY L, SEEVERS, a mem- ber of the President's Council Econorruc Advisers, told a House-Senate joint economic subcommittee he was hopeful any future increases wou!d be smaller than those of August. Financier Asks Delay In Trial .. AN ANNUAL market basket ls what the department says will feed a -theoretlca'J household ol 3.2 perso-' for a .-Charges SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Middlemen In lhe food pn>- ~ ductlon chain do not make huge profits off the American consumer and are n o t responsible for rJslng food costs, Del Monte B o a r d Chairman Alfred E. Eames Jr. says. Del Monte make s only about 2% cents profit out of every sales dollar, lhe head of one of lhe oountry's largest canne<I food proconorB .. Id at ,.t the Del Monte stockholders' meettna Tuaday. ~ At the same meeting, record t first quarter tamlnas of .,. $7,248,000 were reported by ~ Del Monie Pretldent Richard full year. The new level ls the hJgbest ever, and the department said it represented a $3211, or 24.8 percent, increase over Auaust 1972. It was also $124, or 8.1 per- cent, higher than the aMual market basket calculated on July prloer; ..-monthly-t crease the department said was the .highest slnce a 10.2 percent jump ln October, 1948. A White House economist, meanwhile, says that prices wlll probably continue to climb for lhe rest ol lhe yesr, African, ~rab Delegatinns • G. Landll. EamlnR• !or the tbree-monlh period e n d I n 1 AJ!B. 31, 19?t~re 'only ~~~tiffi!'m01,;j!':"ii:.=B=ox_cott Monetary Speec~~ '. at 1 heorin1 Moodly by the .Cllllomla l"ood Action Cam- 1'111J!, a comumer IJOUP· • • Complete Nelv York Stock List . ., • , Amtrak's Cru· Ferry To BegiiJ WASHINGTON (UPI) Amtrak will begin its fi rst auto ferry service thls j~·inter with a Chlcago-Florlda train, it has been learned. A!\TrRAK'S PLANS ""ere contained in si letter to the House-Senate cOnfercnce com. mlttee that \l.1ill soon begin "'·ork on a c om promise Amtrak money bill. A copy or the letter was obtained by UPI. The Amtrak letter gave no details of the new service. but it is considered likely it will consist of aut~arr)ing cars a ttached...tt. the p r es e n-, •1FJorldan" 1 which r u n s between Chicago and ~1 iami with a co nnecting trai n to St. Petersburg. The only auto ferry service in the country now Is a Lorton, Va.-Sanford, Flo. tr a in operated by ;.i private com- pany, the Auto-Train Corp. . A!\~K'S proposed ne\v Odcago-Florida service would undercut a new service plan· ned b).' Aut~Train between· ·Louisville, Ky., and Sanford, Fla. Amtrak and Auto-Train have been engaged in a reud over whether Auto-Train has the right under the la\V to in· itlate the service in con1- petition \\'ith the semi-govern- ment Amtralr:. '7 4 Inflation Seen In 4 Percent Range NEW YOHK iAPJ -A Treasury Dcpartn1cnt offici•I said 'Tuesday 111:11 inflation next year prooably \1ill be 4 Pl1sse 1igers, Reve nues Up At Airlines Specla1 to the Daily PUot LOS Ar\GELES -National Airlines continued to set fffOf'dS in traffic -a n d revenues during the fiscal year rnded June 30. L. B. r-.taytag. chairman and prcsi· dent. told stockholders in the airline's ,1973 annual report di stributed this 1veck. "Earnings, slightly above lhc prior year in the race of sharply higher operating costs, u·crc the third highe st in our history," ~1a)'tag said. As reported earlier i n preliminary fi gures, revenues ror fiscal 1973 reached an all· time high of $391 million , a 15 percent increasE' over the $339 million reported the previous year. Net income was $ 2 O . 2 million. equal to $2.36 per share. compared 'vi lh $19.8 million, or $2.3~ per share, in fisca l 1972. ) percent, and could be as high as 6 or 7 percent. • The projection, \\'hich \Yas tentative. was made by Edgar R. Fiedler, an assista nt treasury secretary for economic pblicy. in remarks p.re pared for a n1eeting of !he Conference Board. AS FOil A possibilit y of an inflation rate unde r 4 percent next year, Fiedler said, "An economist \•:ith an outlook that happy is almost as. hard to find as a passenger pigeon." Consume r prices so far this year have been increasing at an annual rate or 7.6 percent, n10re th an double the 1972 rate of :1.4 percent and the 197 1 rate of 3.5 percent. Fiedler said that although his projections 111cre firm, they 1narked the fir~t lime a top administration· officia l has discussed specific estimates or inflation in 1974. "The universally b a ti forecasting r xperience at the outset of 1973 has made everybod y rpore cautious than ever," he said. THE ADMINISTRATION had forecast a rate or inflation of 3 percent for 1973, a rate tha t ex:perience early in the year showed '-''35 obviously y,•ay off the 1nark. F i e d I e r said pessin1i5l:'i a1nong economic forecasters arc projecting n1axl mum In· !1a1ion rates next year of 6 or 7 per!'..'CnL Optln1islS. on the other hand, project an increase or about 4 percent, he said. I FINANCE 40% of U.S. Wi ,ves Pursuing Ow n Career WASHING TON (UPI) \Vhelher by eco.nomi c necessi· ty or a greater desire to pursue the ir own careers, about 40 percent of American \\'iYes now hold jobs, the Census Bureau 's chl ef says. 'Vilh more opportunities opening for women in white collar and service jobs, Direc· tor Vincent P. Barabba said that fig ures compiled (rom the last national census in 1972 showed 40 out or ~very 100 "'ives were in the labor force. This compared to 2S of 100 in 1950. AP.JONG \VOl\tEN w i t h prescqool children, 30 out of 100 were working last year compared to ooly 12 in 1950. \\'hile the proportion of husband·11·ife \\·orking teams increased sharply during the period, so did joint-income. Barabba said the median husba nd-wife income in 1972 was $13,900 -compared to $4,900 a couple dec id es earlier. Among the other statistics Barabba gave a Senate sub- committee . conducting hear· ings on trends and pressures affecting fa mily life: -TllE P.tEDIAN age in 1m for first': marriages was 23 for men and'21 ror women, nearly one year older than the mid· 1950's. -The average number of children born to.day is 2.4 per married women, compared to , 3.3 in 1960. -The average fjimily size is 3.5 persons compared to 3.7 in 1960. -Forty of every 100 families either had no children hon1c. Wtdfttld<Y, Stpltmbtr 26, 197) DAILY PILOT .fl{I ~ Oil Field I OVER THE COUNT E R '! post Full HMO Ll•liog• fo r Tuetd1y, S.P\'"'"' 25, 1'71 ,. ! T i1ne Job PRUDHOE BAY, Al aska (AP) -[t's impossible not to take the job hOme or bring home to work on Alaska's North Slope oil field. The Job is home for driRi ng employes of Atlaallc Richfield. Arco personnel here work 12·hour shifts for s e v e n slraight days, then have a week off. Arco Clies them to and from An chorage or Fairbanks. where t h e i r families live. THEY ltlAKE $4 .80 an hour. The 12-hour, 7-day w o r k schedule means 44 hours a week of overtime, so workers average $16.000 a yea r in salary plus room and board. British Petroleum or Alaska-, the other firm drilling on the S1ope under an agreement worked out with other oil com· panies, recently completed a similar base cnmp for its employcs. The buildup is in preparation for the lrans- Alaska pipeline. The week--on. week-off ar· rangement might sound at- tractive. But Arco employe Jim Netherton looks at it this way: "At the end of two years I've been away from my fami· ly a ·year." Netherton. 55, a utilities foreman, bas worked in South Aplerica, the Rocki es and other parts of the United States in 22 years with Arco. He said he likes the Slope more than most pla ces. "CERTAINLY 1'11E cold weather is not a disad- va nta_ge ," be said. "l can put on ehough clothes to gel warm.''. '1fe this plare w It lr the idea ••• that peo- ple '" o 11 Id b e •pe11dh19 tlo e lr r n• reer:ii ttp h e r e.' ~ We like to treat people as individuals. not nurnbers. Some sayth~t makes us "old-fas hioned:' But we think our per~ sonal service to our savers for almost half a century, is \.Vhy we've grown to nearly half a billion dolla rs strong. When you move your savi ngs to i ·11e Big M you ·n received wa rm greeting, high i nterest and lots of "old-fash - ioned" attention. Of added interest-valuable free services! 0 Free Safe Deposit Box• 0 Free Pholocopy Service 0 Free Travelers Cheques 0 Free Notary Service 0 Free Nole Collection' 1o1!li tJIJt1l1ivu1oJ 00/urirl' •• A chart in the rust-red Arc-o building shoy,·s th e tcn1- pcratu re hit a lov.• of 53 degrees below zero i n February 1972. But ihe freez· ing wind off the Arc.tic Ocean drove the chill factor down to 112 below . There is little to slow do,vn that wind up llcre. The base camp and most of the facilities are built on gravel beds about five feet high C'r than the flat tu.ndra. The haunting desolation of the Slope invites comn1ents such as the old line about the view. bei ng 1niles and miles of miles and n1iles. ·"· ""-'°"'"""·~w.- MUTUAL FUNDS .• •I " ii Whether your account balance Is $5.00 or $500,000, Mutual Sallings has a high· '1!mlng, insured savings plan to flt your needs. Your Interesting Nelghbor ..• ln your nearliy Mutual Savings office; welcomes the o pportunily to assist you. - I New Yo•O -Fol-.,,..!I, f" ''~~ 11>JJ Kl!TSTON I : ll•i.nc: t•.•' 1t . .;::1 fow,nq is • l"I 01 1nc-~ !\ •.n Cull 1\1 111• I•.• (om 11.0S 11.0i -1 blO dnd ·~-~ Pfl· SPo<ll ~ ~II l .•l Cu>I ~""'I Spec•I ,1.•s,1.1,··· Now 11ea ring a half-century of seivice to Southern California savers. the Big M -M utual Savings, is alm osl half·a·billion dollars slrong ... and slill growing with th ree new offices this year! Now 9 offices: Canoga Park· Chalsworth . Capislrano·San Clemente, Corona del Mar. Covina. Glendale, Pasadena. TI1ousand Oaks, Vista, West Arcadi a. ~ ~ , ""-~ ~ :.J THE BIG M The tundra, during the few \\"eeks be t\veen spring breakup and fall frost, is a unique blend of color and texture. The mossy ground is as springy as a new: matt ress and a! colorful as a forest in autumn. (fS on ""UIU•I Ste' ro 1J 70 1l 0 Cu•I HI 111 •.11 IEA•D Glll:P: F.inds •S ctl.>01~ by O!f SP ""J•.IB1~.11 C.u11 0:1 I.II I . AG Gw •.ti'·" I~ NASO Ir><.. FC MGMT U P: C:u•I 11.1 6.11 •. AG IM. l.11 •.IJ lh d "' E<1tv G• 1.1' 8tl (U\I SI n.ss1'11 All In• 1.00 I.II AOvi'>tr •.ll •ol E<llY Pt l .11 l ... Cu\! S7 U.01 11.1 Cm C.Op '.IS Sn •et ... Fd ··q' ,_, Fnd Am a.oo 1.14 Cull SJ • SS • In< F118 • DI ..... :::~~.~•n :i:~::::1 ?.~1~\ ]~·~1··~1 ~'i:\1os. !!~ !:1 Wu~~Tv-:.'Js:1.M •GE FO S~ S.I "'t'O JU 1.11 Pol•rt 3 ... •.1 fQllU~ l.IS tf A1111a.1e lJ.60 If.I nervr l(nltk• 1.11 7.1 ln•t\t 6.'I ) Alpto• Fd 1j·~~ 't1 l lfflll "l:U-'t::: ~~';Ill ~~ l~ ~~'tclED l..11,$~ • ::;.,"'Bf,1~ •.rs 10.71 .., Bl>ft o 4t .... L,t•• Ft S.IJ !.• Am Sh• 1.•t 119 Am Ovr\ • 6! 1(1.S ed A Rs 9.9} .. LE'X GllOUP: 0oo Fd 10.llo 10 3' llm E<ill 1 'IO S) IOfL ITT Cp Ltd• I! tJ 11.U SPi Snrs 1J.1l ll.11 AM EJI RESS . ROUP': G""'" I.II I !I nliner IO.•l 11.Sol BUT THERE'S also the six:-FU HOS: BM dtP 1.0 ••. I' A•v(PI U.06 IS.J n1r, F H.I/ 15 oO C:•Pltl /,9S 8.6 C•IJl•I 11.&1 U 'M Llbty Fd •5 16 S.'1 MAlllHLD GllP ffiOTith ni uht ln<O<n l.IJ 9\.l CO<ll•I 1001 . L~ Inly 906 t'!"CO"'§I 3..i l.'fll p • ln••lm I.OJ a:i (•!.Set 1.1• 1.11 Linc C1p 1.11 .: Enl•P• I.OJ 6.S• "Some guys ~et r e a 11 y ~" '·°' 8.11 0.,1 1.01 ... LOOMIS Fiet ro 1.11 1.n d ed " Ni lo "d Sl<K~ 191 I £ne• 11.IB . SA YLES: H1•br llS t.Jt , epress , c er n sa1 . ,.m Gdh s:n ,·_.. E~<""•t 11•11101 c..p o. n.611l. LeQ<OI L '·'1 10J "Me, J.'d just as soon ""Ork in Am lnSln SlS S.IS Fund 16.1111.ll Mutual 11.91 11.tl Pde~ FO t.11 1.8't :~ ::~r S.16 ~·, ~:1~:;; F ::~~ tt:~ L!'1~.f!1A••= :::cllWNi.~f~\.i'' the dark. When the sun doesn't AmNt Gr f:!J 2·7 l•en<i lS.0'22l.:;.i Am Bu~ ~~: ~11 lncom 11.,91•.11 set peo" ple i"ust sit around here ANCHOll . l'"INANC1 AL Bnd aeD 10 l6 11.n In•~·· IC.OJ 10.'tt ' GllOUP; llOGllAMS: Lvtn"n 11.1111.11 h oe~n 1101 U.CM till midnight taJking and (Orget C•11tal ~.11 S.1 Fin Oyn •·'' l.Q L111nn tn '•l 10.ll idf-Fd l.l) I.OS h . • fn.d ll>V I.ts 1.11 Fin ln.d •.JS ~.ii Mllnflln '·" •.• 1 IOMA PU/'llDS;. l ey have to get U}f"3t 6 A.m.' Grwlh 8.11 •.1 Fin Int S.o, S.'tt MASS CD: C.•P Sllr 810 I.ti N ' I h lntom 1.l• 1.• v~nt •.•O 1 . .all Fr~~m 1.1• a. In~ 10.a• 11.t\\ etherton 'pays c ess a von1ur •.s11o.4 '''F" v. 11.91 u.01 rrw:1n r a.~ •.JI "" '·"' '·'' hol I l" d " th l"l(I Wa Hill 11.J7 1l.1!flll 5T M•H F llllU. Vont"" •.2S10.l l w e 0 orrea S in e I e "''•on •.O& •• ,11NVISTOll5: MASSFNCL: mlth B 11.0211.0! spare time between work Auda• F a.•1 •.1~ D•tc Fa s.10 1.2s Mtr 11.1& n. a 1&Gr 11.11 n.n "XE · C.rtn Fd 1.10 8." MIG U.SS U.S\ GtnF I .11 IJ.1' shifts. The installation has a HOUGHTON; S!O<:k F 8.,. •.•• MtD n.•J U..?2 Wil !nu 1.18 9.11 ,Fund " •.as s. Iii Mulll l.IO l.IO MFD U.Jl u. w Inv G 6.SO 7,0l pool room . a.library, movi es Fu"° e '·'' ,,,,Fo11uM<0 111:ouP: Mco 1)•111. •• •n 11.•su.ot · ;./, SID<.k 6.02 •. 10() fnd 11,1111.11 M•lt' I• 7.11 J.t Spt'I'" J.ll S.11 every night, ex:ercisC e~ip--A•• S<1 ,.lll •.b 101 ~nd '·'J 1.•J Man'o('r n.11 11.,1 ,. 1no 1.» r . .10 d · BLC Glh 11 t2 13 Colum •.M •.61 M•ll Am S 6o 6 I ment an various games. Blb\Orl II 1l 11' 2! Fund .,., ..... Mony Fd 11:11 11:1 STATE •ND GllP: And food lots of food 8.lyroc 1 Jl 1.1 Fon C.r l.bf S.ll MSB FO "·6111. C9m .Fd S.OI }.~ ' ' 81y•k ~· 6°01 •. u POUMOEltS Mii e~c. IOJ/1 1 0 ..... 1.1 j_,1 S.tt "f I ex-n nt and Be.i<n HI ,,6 • 1 ROUP· MIF i.:1.'.-109 •. , Pr~\ ,_,, j..~ URI orm Y · ........ e BeKon 11 :31 11:32 Grwn. · s.11 ,_,. MrF a-ro "'·'' s:ai St Fr Gr s.01 J.ol alwa""' available. Ro b ert y B••w I( 11 .&1 11. 1ncom 11.•s u.lli MuOm ot s.1• s. si Fr Inc t .:11 •.:11 J ~ S.rl<IPI• l .10 1 ' F Mt ... t t.07 t.16 MuOm rr. • lO 10 ~llt Sir 41.01 If •i Wycoff, vice preaid.cnt and Bonll1I~ ~.01 S.• F" Soetll 11.11 11.21 Mul Shr1 11.'2 u: STIA OMAH POS: Bo\I Fon 10.0I IC.• FOU•'lq F t.6to 10.:M Mull Trs ,_ .. 1. Am lrod J 21 J.21 regional manager, said unap-Brown l •l 3 1, FRANKLIN Nat 11111u 10 1J 10 1 Auo Fd i_;oo , 70 'ood IULLOCK . " ROUP: NAT SEC P0S: . ln~1t l.1• ,_,, petizing ,. can ca u s e FUMOS: OHTC I Jl '1) 8.ll1nc ')J 10 STEIN lll:OE FDS: d'·sconle'l 1·n an• -mote Bu11 Fo 1J eo 1s 12 Gwth ~r 11c '·" BonO sr ,:u s: B•l~nc. 11.s111.11 11 J ,.,. C<tn Fd 27.14 1•·~ Fr lncm 191 1111 DiviOn J .. , CIP•ll IOlitO.IJ peral"on O•• !>fir J:n ,· US Gv S ,.IS to'.1' Prtl St-.. ll ,·, Slot• U.Jl U.IJ 0 I · N•lwd t•1 10.1 Ulllll.. s:t• S.11 lncom 4.ltl ~:2 Sl5 OltOUP ; "We built this place with the HY Vfn 11: .. 12. Rei C•11 •.'Hr. s.41 s1oc:• Sr 7.0l '· G•w•11 '·'' 1.11 B•nhm 10 u 10 SI IH EQt Y .,.S1 1.•s G•"''" 1.00 '. ln(Otrl ·-~ 9..llo idea in mind that people would CG Fund 10:1s 11:11fkl Ll f(I II.II n.•I HEW EHG LF: . $mmit ••110.u Cap TPI., 1'.15 U.S Fd Ml ap t 11 9,lol Et.111!\y it 10 11.? l1c11n1 1,1' 7.M. be spending their careers Up Cini SPl1 14.ll U.66 FUHDS INCP Grwm n.O. 11. urvty F 10.IS 11.111.i o here." Wyco lr add .... "Wo CHANNING ROUP; Side 11.111 ll.'9l~"W°oAF :·','• .... t."\l FUNOS : CorT1m t . .H 10.2S N£A Ml t,90 10.1 T l 8 · 10,11 even hired an i n t e r i 0 r B•1nca 10.•111. .. 1::1.:':t 1.JJ •.m N~11 Ctn1 s." '·'• r::":, c ;·~ '·"·' Bnd FO 9.1? •.ti I u~ Ir 11 ,JI lf,.-0 Ne""'!" 10.09 10.0'I Tr•n C•P lif ()' decorator." com i.tt 1.11 i.« 1>11a1 1.11 1.11 Ntw1on n.01 1• . .o 1,1v1 E 11 u 1{11 Orwtll 1.)S 6.PI •lew! 1.MI 9.n Nw Ptr$ II.JS 1S.61 UOO• ~ 11·0, ,1·0, The building, constructed In ~~~ t:~ ~:~ en s.5: 3:::: ;:;e ~r,~1:1d 1~:~: li:n Olh ~? f;", JM·-• 1969, Crin hOUSC 22() men and V"e,.,lur t,la 10.IO ltOUP SEC: N•ll l•lr 1'.•1 11.te "~I ltd ,.U ,:·~ can be expanded to house 600. i~:f~N : ~:~Fn: J:l! t:1• gc..= ~:;t tl! ., 1und 1'.1• •:t.0·• Only about 30 men Jive there F.,o Roi t.1• 10.u com St• 11.12 n. o Nt11 td 11.•1 n.61 :hiw,.s1111:v1c1 Fr on Cp 6.11 6.61 IPI FAm ,.SJ l.•S 0.... Wiii 17,1611.16 B•dS 1·~ l•l while the oil com panies mark s11Tr 1s , 11 1 ,1 ''"' 1ne1 11.1111.1s o"Pl!NHM PO: Nau in 1-9~ 11.s;_ Spec.I .... 1:1. u~•ll 1•.111•.11 0o Alm 11.0l 11,01 un (.,pj t •l t 8'1 time awaiting cons\ructlon of Chem Fa 11 .01 n.o.t1AMtLTOH 011,., ODo 1"" 1.1• 1.11 'oVMh!ll 13·0 ic.~" CO\.OIOllAL -Ful!d •.?t •. ~ lmt 1.11 t.OI NITED ;. 1' the trans-Alaska pipeline. PUH05: Grw111 1.11 1.•1 01c s.ec 10.0 u.o! Atcum UHD : USED be 11 c-u !'°'o so 1ncom 1.1• 7.ll P.,.,,.., 1.4t •·' BM Fd ~·:3 1·'' "THERE , to a. 0 E0111IY '.1• J:1 .... ,, .... ,1 11,•1 11 .• P•u! l'lev '·'' '·" C:.0111 ow .• 'i!?• Or Card games and dice 1-uno 10.,1 u.•s Harl Lv '·-'"' •.31 "9"w~ F J.J1 J.M <:on• !111; ·~-~ l~:tt l G•wtn 6.78 •· H'>lft»O t.1• t.ll """" Ml 1.11 t.ll !ft(°"' 13 t• 11& m " Netherton sa•"d "bul incom '·'' io. eoqe i.30 .. Penn w ,,_.. '· •. ,._ ''' . l ga Cl, • vtntur l.lit J11l-hlrlr11t •.'Ill 1.1' Pri,11 Fd 71'.M 1n y-~ 1 they put a stop to that Not COlvm 0 n.1112'.•1 O•ICt '11 •• , '°· PILCtlt lM OP: . l~'r'c. ,~-r. •. i. ' toMMOHWt.T" 1......,1 Cp 9.•l 10.I ~~Ill ) n I O IS t"t l~,I because or. any neavy losing T:~5Jlrl: .18 1 t~1~rn it~ 1~·1 ~'n:~ 1:1: ;: vAt.u~ LIH ~' ;~. bul--becaUlle aohttl)' \\'OIJld i 0 C SO .J.6 llld FAm I.SJ 311 Pi"' Sl 10. .. I Vil LllC ,.,,. • ' • CMtl) •-,;n """" . '1n ~ ,.,. ,_ 11 , .. ~v11 inc , '',..., to bed." · comp d 1)1 •.o 111 ln•ttl 11.lt 12.n P1Dli1a11t...,-ot" Ltl""GIJI "7·5, 7,. b d (4""" d 11• I' ll•-n ~ t ,')I •.:M PIOll Ell 1.f& I Vd $po. :fkl 3"14 Ortnklng Yr'AS a ft n e CoftCrd t:as ,;11 1 ... c9 ,. u.n o.o Pion Fd 11,11 11'. !A"c1. · ·• •·· I •-bl cons 1nv 'I.JI 12 00 t11v GWo ':!' t,11 PIOM 11 10,n II. ANOtilltS· ~~ause l uo..""amc a pro l:!m.1"'" tw · ... 1:,.1nv 1n01< a• ... P11~ •.Mto '"•"' ·, .• , 'l Flght·n• never has been 8 on M1 1n n ,11 •11w ea, 11.i) n. ~L• ORO 11.,111,1 v• c-1.1• •· I 0 onlrlll '·'' ,, .. INVEST "Ill: I Ca ltii!J 59ttl ,JI 1 ••J problem be added ~Olllf'Y ( 11.•6 II.,~ f:!"mHL I I •> ·.~',' 1·a, •11. V11dr&lt •.19 t(1 , • Wfl 0.11 .10 1.n # .61 · .,.. r1 'H j· v~ 1..t1 11 "Once In A while 8 guy gets wn Oiw ).ll 6.1t :•n ~ l= ::1t f,.: .. ~~ 11; 11 • Vt11£ 1°'f 1·t : .. his OOckUp," he said , .. but we 0tt~ .• J:;J 1:t; ~r:t, 0~"\ . ~01 :: 4 f ~iie..-,f i: can sec It coming. We know a111:DuP: 1g~,."8 1.J• t·~ PLuoNP 10.:!n w1""JI:; ,1;:t 1,~ ·how to avoid C098ic t1." R!f!t " :·U t~.tt ~u1~~1 · :::~"!:,' ;u~~~ :iicr,1'\iof 1·• r Betw-n 25 «nd 50 ""'rcent IU11•' s.10 t.!1 .,."~,,·, 'I!'''''~"•' 11,ffi!' ••ou,1 MUT• UAL SAWINGS '"'..... r '""' t•V•trl •t"''· ( ·' · 11nv J· , l •Plot !J:Jl 71 Of the worktrs are Al aska 0,..-1 co J.,.li s. 1"•' "1' 1·" '·11 1 · 1 1· '""' lj l'." """ DocllC~ H 11111• , 1111 S,16 J.11 rWlh 11 ·~I ""°"f. ff ) , natives. g;.·:~,.5, '&·i',.'o:ll •o.~I" •·n '· A= ti·" 11:•• lch!ll Y ,: ~ ... MdktM i11 1cllllon ,Dewa!,n Rush, 32, who came °'!' ,. 11 .11 u.u tl'Korn. J' • ' V1>" , 11 • ~.'al, 1t: 11l"" Od •o f fl!"d '01 '·~ Tri! \II '' "6 VOJll IJ. 111 'Nioll!n 11 • t r-p~--•-n c1~-· s~ r--100 ·-m-1~•1.1.o1M .!Ud, to Alaska by way o{ essa, Df~ L• .0 .11 , .. ,3 T,",' , ..... ' .... ,",·, 't"•rt I' ,,oo J,tl wr1111,r ,;* iM ....,. """' • ..,...,,.. ~·~·-av...,..n _.,.,.IOJ.,•7'J"ll'U'iit'• T fi 'ea'ro•-Id the ~tnun I.ff 1.nlt 1· ·U.llnlrl . 11.•r .. Wt11 111111 *·• ~ 9 ... 0 AM 6 PM e:r., ve Y ., .. , sa '" c~111 10.1J 11.1. ·~ ~.il'lll 1.11 1.1 s.itt Eo 1.61 •.Ali ~!!11!'!...d Gr t· IQ 1ul1day. IV'l to 5 PM: Ftktoy l to l naUvet tend to st.a)' Jn their ·~ 't: H: ::i: ~"'"'J~ 1 ;ll rtll ~ltlll' d j'' f·J: r=' ,o;J , ... C$iSiii 4i1Mill2861 EMtQAcffl!lllWOJ767weij~:....."°".,,,,,1"""<>~~ifnqlue.::eo~I-g , -"=-11;-l:~ ~= ~ : 1•t'.• ---~' ..,;.,_"', wia oo d.lscrimlneUon. a11ri, ,, '·" 10.10 rw16tn ''·" 11 . .w '"" 1,,. 1 s.11 ·~1•11G1e; • • • • • • -- Wednesday's Closing Pri~mplete New York Stock Exchange List Stocks Advance Fo1· Sixth Day SC Complete Closing Prices-American Stock Exchange List DAILY PILOT :tr •• • !IJ DAILY PILOT Wtdntsda)', Stpttmbff 2b, 1973 TV HIGIDJGHTS CBS 8 Sonny and Cher. 'tonight's show is a rock and roll revival with guests Dick Clark, Edd "Kt;iokie''. Byrnes, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Derry, Bobby Vinton and the Four Seasons. ABC 0 8:30-"Hijack~" Two veteran t ruck drivers are challenged by ruthless hijackin g :tt· J tempts. David Janssen, Keenan \Vynn, Ton1 Tully, 1,, Lee 1'urcel1. • NBC 0 9:30 -Faraday and Company. Dan ·Dailey stars in the title role of this new series .about a private detective returning ho1ne after 28 ~ years in a South America n prison . Craig Stevens, 1· Ruth Ro1nan, Dav id \Vayne, Ho·,yard Duff, l.,e rcy Rodriguez. -..- ' TV DAILY LOG Wednesday Evening SEPTEMBER 26 WAITllCATE HEARINGS All 1Kqr1m11in1 ia subject II dl1np MO.Out notice !or C11Vt11g1 of tt11 Wateq:ltl H11rinp.. ''" o o o i!ll m 11\i m • ... llll=~~Cll -1111111 Ctarblllp or Eddlt'• r11tMr 1't LllCJ Show Tiit nlltbtoMt Sbf Trtk Si111plc1111ntl Maril .~ Mn\1: (2hr) "tl1sll Ir Nitht'' dr1) ·~2-811b11a S!anw~ck. m Hod1epod11 l.ld11 '1) Tl11u Stoo111 1:30 ~(ff; Cl) Ho11n't Htl"Dll irovifi; (C) (90) "Ntrt1 St Frw" net (dral '60 -Frink Sinatra, Sit~! Mt"Queto. ri) ~-1 (j) Of! ({) Ntw1 I'"'""'"""' Merv 'ritlh1 Show Andy Crlflilll Sbow Ftllt of Llnpal' """! ... , ""'. . Dnlrt Thtilre 6) UtlM Rnull 7:DO!IJ)0a;)Nen llwlill1 f9r Dll\anl MoW; (2hr) "Prlncns O'loo1k1" (com) '43-Robert C..mminas, Olivia de H1¥itland. m "'""' M Whirs Mr Line? I llh'I LllCI' JM Nici $4t11d (!1J (}) I Dnt• ti JNnil m Emtrlldl 100••""" Metls, Kiin ffd a,, (i) WMld Df SurYfnl Ml Prlr11tr1 .lmtr AllciOAM1t1 llt It Co11111111dM s,.ed ltactr • 1:30 D ~ 00 l!gJ Ill"" ........ ill! Ann-Mar1ut. John Denwer, t,n. nis luminart Bob~ Rius and Tll1 hckson Five futsl ""' o rm m m A Be wed•••••r Movie: (Cr (90) "Hllact" (dn) •12 -D1vid Jans.sert Keen111 Wyftn, Tom TuUy, Lee Purtell. lwo ve!tfln truck drfy~rs, commissioned lo hau1 1 top· secret cargo lrom LM Angtlts to Houston, are challenged by ruthless hiJac~inr attempts by men who will stop at nothing to pre11tnt deUvtry. IO Mt,., Criffln Shtw m Df1rn1 ff) JIJlllHI ~IUllf PrO(flnl , fl WM. CONRAO.CANNON *TV'S TOP PVT. EYE! 0 ~Ci) C1111ot1 "HoundS ot Hell" The 1tte1malh of a Vietoam 'frig- ging' incident, in which 1n ArmJ lieulenanl beeam1 1 p1ralylit, finds two survivors of his company Mcom- ing victims or fatal 1ttackt by klller dogs 1nd 1nother survl\IOr nkin1 Cannon to solve the mystery. m The Bold Dnes · Th• Untouc:IMllles hpa Coruo11 Samu11i Dr1111 1:00 0 (C) "On MOOftlllhl llf" (mllS) Thursday '51-0ofis D1y, Gordon Mat Rar. ID "M1111!11et" (1dv) '5~tew11t Gnnatr, Georae Si nden. DAYTIME MOVIES l:OO (I) (C) "W1r and P1tct" Canel. (dr1) '56 -Htnf)' Fond•, AudrtJ I• Q}l CJ) "1'n Mtdlfll" (susp) ' Hepburn. Bobby Howu. 011111 Chun:llill. n~ (C) "f"oll1w t1M tors" (com) t:JCI O "It Ill" (dr1J 'SJ _ Jan• . "63~nie fr1ncis. P1u!1 Prentiss. WJmlft, Rlch11d 8eym11. l l:JO,jl @ (C) •rt 1 Min Answers" 1e:oo rn ''ll•rt 11 Sited (suspl '61-{CCm) '62 -Bobbr Darin, S1nd11 Aif.n 811on. Dee D "P1llll to 11~1" (mys) '54-01n1 4:Clll 8 (Cl "Thi Intruders" (wt') '117 ~~. The• llilCIOIJ· ~ Mu1rgy. Jolin S1XOfl. lZ:OO CJ "MIH A111d1 lloont(' (dr1) '4r 4:30 .J S.rnt 11 lOAM Hstilli ~lr1tr T1mpl1, Guy K1bbe1. "111·1 'I! l!J "Str1n1111 WMn Wt Mett" It MIN M•'*'•r" (dr1) '34-Sllirley P1r1 I (dt1) '60-Klrk Dou11t1, 111111 lam111 .. Adolph Mtnloa.. Motil KOCE, CHANNEL 50 ' • .. 'j ••• .. • Th~ Anatomy of a Successful TV Corned . By sn :v E CAR!-50~ C1trt.,1111 sci.nc:t Ml!oltor $.,...kt Among the mos t su~essful progra1ns in the current network-TV lineup are "The Mar y Tyler r.toore Show" and "The Bob Newhart Show." Both are produced by Lorenzo Music and Dave Davis. And both reflect a uniqu e , refreshing style of comedy. II is not ai11·ays iW!Y to pin· point the reasons ror a show ·s success, but 1ny own view is th at these 1y,·o get a little closer to reality than 1nost. As a rule, we are bornbarded with so-caJled "comedy" that plods <14indlessly through conlrived "§ltuations , contrived actions and reactions that are sup- posed to be fuMy or appe1:1ling -but fail fo r lack of substance and reality. 'Consta11t Wife' With all d u e respect for Lucille Ball's contribution to televlsion comedy, her current shows suffer from this. The original "I Love Lucy" series was a comedy classic. But the current "Lucy'' shows only superficially echo past suc- cesses. Lucy goes through the motlofl.S or being funny but the inspiration .is gone. The gim- micks, s l a p s tick • and stereotype reactions -the skelton -Is all thnf s left. The genuineness is lacking. No matter how <1bsu rd a character is, he n1ust hn\"e substance, a dlslinct identity. ulthoug)l Ille characters are his strange nelihbor. ~ not always as clearly defined. s1.1pportlng characters . But they are credible, eech so many reeognizable tr.a.~. having an Identity, each con· that we can easlty iden~Uy tributing to the overrll com· with their feellngs and actions. ed y effect of the shO"'. And one also finds a CQnstant in· TELEVISION COA-1EDY .hal terplay between normalcy and been I a r g e t y unsucce~t TllE crlARACTER played idiosyncracy. 'fhere are the because the medlun;i ~s by f\.1ary Tyler t-.loore is a c 0 n v e r sa t ions between evolved its own fantati;ied believable, nor1nal person , not psychologist Bob arld his pa· concept ot·what Is supposed' to a robot who says and does tients, in the in·! m i t a b I e be real and what we're au~ mindlesS things. rlcr thoughts Newhart style. There are little posed to laugh at. But it's all encounters between Bob and very unreal and very limited. and reactions come nearer our ----------------·': Ingrid .Praised in London own and we see things from her viewpoint. She's not strange, obnox.iou.s, hung up, or extreme. In part, her shoy,"s comedy results from the conlrast between this lovely, oor1nal person, and 1nore extreme characters like TV-anchorman Ted Baxter. Mor c tun- damentally, the show is a n1asterful intermingling of recognizable human qualities. Even though Ted is extreme, his weaknesses arc (amiliar - pro1npo s it y and ag- gressiveness brought on b.v a feeling of insecurity. In Iha! sense. he is very rcul. Newsroom boss Lou Grant is outer ~hness and inner LON DO N (AP) -Theater friend. critics gave Sy,•edish act ress . Herbert _Kretzmer, 'vrit~ng Ingrid Bergman ,11arm prais e 1n .the Daily E~press srud : •·Given the enduring appeal of on her return to the London -Ingrid Bergman who has al· stage in Somerset J\.1augham's tainetl practically the status of "The Constant Wife.'' n1inor royalt y in the affections J\.liss Berg1nan. who plays of the British, there is no v.•ay the role or a forgiving y,•ifc in in v.•hich her West End cn- her hu sl>and's ma r i t a J tertainment can fail transgrc~sions. stars alongside lnbrrid Bergman looks cool and John McCallun1 \vho plays the elegant as the wily forgiving husband , an d Barbara Ferris wife ... " 11·ho is the husban<l"s girl B. A. Young of the Financial Also "A J.lo;TFU'.L O F DOLLARS" fl"GI CINEMA II A JAM.:> Wll,JN.A CiU.HCIO·fUlrnl ttfllG ~ 'BfCTRAGIJ)E N 11.l.C"SWt"ll ACU:RT B.m · 8lLY (ff£lt 9...GH PICICllCtd IW"d thCl!d bf Jo!rM:S 'Nlll.JN,4 OOEAClO · !icJwa..., U, I03ERT BORIS Slorytiy-fUl.FJT OOFllS WIG FUWT HllZIO ""*~ tiy JAME.S Wl...LlAM GLaOO Un11ed Ar11st1 I CMg!MI Wotion Picture Sounctl.1.U Oii United Aftiftl hcotft Miii l•PM I ln.ltlt tinfM:''Tlllt Ml".,. Colurr1bl1 Records ] ,.~iFGJ CINEMALAND & SDUTH COAST 2 WEEK DAYS 1 & 9 P.M. SAT. & SUN . 1-3-5:10-7:15-9:20 Hl·WIY-39 SlllTS IT DUSI .-us lnl fUIURE G!ffillll STRl~Hl• Times said : "I find it hard to keep my head when writing about Miss Bergman. She has such classic beauty, such ir· resistible magnetism that she need do no n10re than stand on the stage to v.i n my tribute .. Eric Shorter of the Daily Telegraph wrote: " . . . Her performance will presu1nably increase in self possession as the production is J1lll in ... " Charles Lcwsen of the Ti1nes said : , . . l\liss "Bergman's -·tender -reCOllec: lions of the fi ve years' love is touchingly done ... " genTif ness. ------ Bob Newhart"s show is con- s tructed along similar lines, '~ •• easily the best movie so far this I • ~ ~~ ~~._...,_.,_. I .,._, -r. fl,}I> NOW SHOWIN G Joflltt Co!'i11r:i TllE-l.UI OF SllEIL.\ tF<il I 7:00-' 10:]7 P,M, -----Alto •"• . I . -. I .... ·- FIRST RUN I MATINEES WED., SAT., SUM. EYE$. 'ltOM 1:00 P.M. (PG) -AND - TIGHTEN YOUR SEAT BELT! tj I Ryon O'Neal "THE THIE_F WHO CAME TO DINNER" IPGJ 1:55 P.M. LI Do N!WrOOT 9£ACH lNTlAMC"f tO l 100 1,l t 6'1 ~l\O OlANC.l COUNTT llCLU$1Yt! If Yo11 LtkH "Fre11ch Coflnectlon" You're Sire to Uko "STONE v1 LLEll" A OlNO OE LAUll(llTllS P1odvtti011 ffOfll t OWMBIA PICTURES -·d-loboft DuToll Vtrno Bloom "BADGE 373" M . I. Tllll". O.Lr "TliE NEW CENTURIONS" • t. _ Ill l~:::IYE EA\Y PIECE~" llJ I ********"If. ! Ft•-ay$1 11L-St. ~~~J511> 11 ... I AMT .llOVllSI (I .)THI STONE KILLll ctJ (:t.)SWINGING ~SSYCATS (t) {.J.j SWINGIN SllWAIDfSSIS ~ ··~ ~· •.• C! •">(;!! I J!.tOtO lmv11"111e:·~ ~ ~ ••. ~tum. • 1•1·~>r Bl<d. 111·1tlJ GlotGl (.. KOTT OKLAHOMA CltUDI l"I . 0\111 t ITm ........ lu. ,.., ... ., ,.~,! ol ~non SJ r.JJll Qt.H,l DllVl·IM NO! JESUS CHllSl SUPllSTAI " c11 .. 1 l••tw...i1JOI KIDD (ll NGlhllOll !'"•••1 • , lld~•f .Iii. 545.)Jl) ... _._ ' ' \ • • • J n a c a J • Lagil••a Beaeh -' EDITION -, -. VOL. 66, NO. 269, 6 ;iECTIONS, 94 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1973 ' Dog to Testily • ID 3 · Arch Bay By FRED)':RICK SCBQEMEHL Of "" l)#fy ,. ........ An affectionate little bulldog named Jabber may become the star witness next Wednesday when the trial opens for a Three A:rch Bay mJnlng magnate charged with 31 violations of the county's dog lea!h law. Jabber, his master C. Dominic Shelton and rriore than 70 witnesses will pack lnto Judge Richard Hamilton's courtroom in • South County Municipal Court in Laguna on iot~rviews by the district attorney Niguel. with other residents of the priv.ate Shelton is chara:ed with allowing an enclave. unleashed dog to nm 00 ·Three, ·Arch Shelton's attorney Is William Sheffield Bay's beach aome 32 times between September 1971 and April 21, 1972:' of Santa Ana who gained some fame On the April date, Orange County when he successfully sued the pope in a Animal Control ollld~ltaged-a pre._, caseJnvolvlng,a St.11ernard dog.__ dawn raid on Three Arch Bay's beach Sheffield said Jabber will be called loto and cited Shelton for violation of the the courtroom to show that Shelton has leash law. _ control of the dog through verbal com- The other 31 counts were added based mands. • Smoldering feuds between variou11 'Ibree Arch Bay residents a n d Shelton also may be factors in the three week trial, Sheffield predicted. Another question to be answered Is whether the county's animal control ordinance. can a,pply in a private com: munlty such as Three Arch Bay, the at- torney said. Shefiield already 1's triOO to test' the Constitutionality of the county's leash una, ossmoor law , but it.s validity was upheld both at the municipal and Superior Court levels. An appeal of the Supe rior Court cleclsion to the Court of Ap~ls in San Diego is still pending with oral arguments before the tribunal set for Oct. 10. ' Sheffield said the case "definitely will go on trial"'Wednesday despite the ap".- peal. . At one point, he noted, Shelton was prepared to plead guilty to only one Tod ay's Final N.Y. Stoeks TEN CENTS • violation of the ordinance and pay a fine. The district attorney, however, wants to press the full 32 counts, Sheffield maintained. Each count carries a max- imum penalty of $500 and/or sis: months In jail. Sheffield esti mates it will take a full three weeks (at $1,000 a day in court c'osts) to Try the case. One of the 70 subpoenaed to testify is Superior Court Judge Claude Owens. He lives just down the street from Shelton. Resignation? Agnew Discusses_ ~. I Watershed · Suit Ends . :·Move .With Nixon • , WA$!11NGTON (UPI) -TJ>e White '"HoUse !laid today that Vlc;e President Spirp . T. Agnew bas discussed the pos5ihility or resigning wilh. President Nixon. A spokesmah said Nixoe neither ~aged nor diloouraged lilm. .; CnillinnaUctn by ~ Press Se<retary Gerald L. Warren ol reeent rumors that Agiiew had comidered mlgning ca"l' 1Mmenta alteo.Spealter Carl Albert l'l!lfUy turned -Apw's request. that tlie HOUie r8'¥r -the courts tmdertalto an .w.lllpu.i ol political wrin&dolna apllot Ille vice presi~nt. At the White House; Warren made it clear that Agnew's decision to try to get the House to open an inquiry into kickback allegations against him was made soleiy by the vice president. Although Nixon discuss~ various opti<ms with Apew ID fOllf tnee!iprs they have had slnce the allegations were IDpl!'mced be emted no preasure for any parlicular course, w.rr.n aald. Wm91-aald for Ille first time thal 'Ille two had d1...lsed Ille -8>1Jjty of Apew m~ when they mot Tllooday morning, 1everal hours prior to Agnew's request to the House for an IoJestigoton. Agnew made clear be would cballen1e an lnvt8Ugatlon acbeduJed to begin Thurs- day by a federal grand jury In Baltimore, Albert rebuffed the vice president's proposal in a brusque two-sentence state- ment at midday, saying: D•llY Piiot Slaff l"llet• "The vice pnsident's lettet; asking for the House hearing relates to matters before the courts. J, as Speaker, will not take any acUon on the letter at this Ume." 'NO, NO, A THOUSAND TIMES NO; BU~LDOZER SPARE THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY' Char Giffin, o...-... In a ~rlod of E·arliy L19.,.,.Ba,och, Dramatizes Plight Attorney GenerafElllot L. Rlcliardson, who met with Nixon before the President coolemd Tuesday with Agnew, an- nounced prior to Agnew's le tter to Albert that the grand jury would start its In- quiry of Agnew n.traday. ··~~pe .~~ .B;~n'e Hi~~ory . li,,g~tih'S '8i:sfuti~l Svcieti;I Seeki ag Q ~ariers · Dll" ,. ........ ,..... LOSES WHITE HOUSE BID , County Suporvltor Battin County Rejects Reappraisal On Nixon Es'8te Wan:en said Nixon. was advised by . Rlchardsoo and Assistant Attorney Henry E. Petersen "that as a matter of law, in the attorney general's view, this procedure should be followed." As for Agnew's course, Warren said: 11Tbe matter lnwlvtng the vice president 'Is oae that ha ts conducting on bis own. The President hai taken the posiUon from ilbe -that the' vice president shiluld d<clde what coune be should take Jiltbe matter .•. "He bu not eoCOUl'&llf>d or pressured the vice president to taie any particular course.'' Albert would not amplify on his state- ment rejedlng Agnew's request. The statement was issued ·after he conferred wl.th other HOUie Democratic leaders. While Alben's action killed for the mo- JDeDt any chance that a House inquiry would take the case out ol the hands of a federal lfand jury, Agnew was expected to Initiate legal moves to try to block the BalUmore panel from proceeding with his case Thuraday. ' -Bi, ~~e~~~ . A rch Beach tl"harges of: ISoJ.Utcat ,motivation .rang ' ' By 'JACK CHAP.PELL Of Ille Dtll,., '"" staff It all looked like a scene from "The Perils of PaulliJe" as ·a de{nure , wide: eyed Mmlel w .. · menaced by a l!DB((le- lootbed bulldozer Tul!!i(tay. · And. Ute a scene from "Perils" it was all staged. Char Gillin, the buslled and parasoled damseJ, wu only calling attention to the plight of the Laguna Beach HiMorlcal · Society, ""'" to be rousted from lis quarters In the community builc:liua next to Benton's on the site of. the Main Beach Psrlt. The city, which owns the buildings, allowed the Historical Society, the Laguna Greenbelt, the Volunteer Poot to use it during U:te. summer ding Main Beach park improvements "A nominal rent is cbaige.d. ., ' But now . the building_ ..... is due tO be demolished •and the ·historical society is • looking for·a<bome. · .. "The Hlstorical. Society; gladly moves to mak! wa)r" for the park, but we now desperaleli <need a ~W" hOme," said Margaret Jtoley, executive director. More· than 300 perscrts visited the store froo~ IOcjety museum during the month of August. The building Is at 135 S. Coast Highway. Summer displays have included slide presentations by the young historians on an archeology dig in Sand Canyon, flora and falDla of Laguna environs, an exhibit Two Girls Tell Roles In · Shooting, Robbery • ·through thO Board of Supervlaors'· La p nd • chamber• today .. the boanl by'• 2 to % • ws e ing ' tvle turned down a req'1,le1t of Supervi.90,r By TOM BARLEY the lnlormatlon we have been given," 'Robert BaUln that lhe state ~d :of Two a1temaUve laws to control °' -. .,.,~ "tit ...., Grindeland was shot In the chest, face Equalization be hired to reapprabe the runawa~ Arch Beach Helghll con-Two girls who wet'1' with David and band by motel owner Louis Joseph Western WhlleHouse·[Jf san Clemente. structloo will be conslilered by ihe Grindeland durlnf a J>ona.Polnt.robbqy HaHner, •~who told officers be beard The boanl did vote along partisan lines Laguna Beach City Council meeUng !pree that ended with his death at the the robbef arguing with his wile in the with supervisors David 1!a1<er and at 7,30 tonl•'t at city hall. • bands ol a motel owner hava·•urrendered lobby and reached for the J!istol be keeps -Ronald C&spers, both ~IClltl, wting Ooe o~ance would place 8 to Orall(fl County. Sheriff's ·officers, It lh the -I for protection. 'against Batlln's plan and SUpervlaor selective bulldlng moratorium 00 .was INrned today. Halfne~ said he saw Grindeland, zs, of Ralph Diedrich, !lnOther Democrat, aubstandard bulldlng parcels whlle • Both girls W<t1I to the 1herlfl's office El M-., leaning over the counttr In · voting with Battin. . ,. plannlnf studleo are undertalten; with tbelr allorney and made a 1tste-the lobby, ICIJOPlng ttP motel taltlnp and Battin Bald he' would bring the matter the other wow• apply strlcl design ment on their role In two attempted rob-cooUriulng to threaten Mn. Mary ffall-·up again next ~k when a lull board ' • berles last weekend -one at the Dana ner a . · · · wlll be prolent. -and building mtrietlonl to con-Villa Motel and. the otbe~ at the nearby ii.iiter lllot Grindeland lour time&. SUperyisoc.-Rall)ILCllr.t wu abaenl to-itructlon In the hlgb density height! Kentucky Fried Ollcken restaunml · Tba mortally woonded man •tapered day attencllna a funeral. -area.--'---------~__::;;Sberllf'1-Capt_-J1,,,..-Broadbetraald acrpa tlll,,obbYiiif llilOlbe>treet."lle Balter called Battin'• atlempt, "A Both measures as propooed could this -•-!Mt neither (lrl Will lace ., .. "'"led Into a stnall red car of foret~ be en1cted _a 1 •ur1ency.1.' .. -...... ..,.....,, .... cheap shot at political publicity In tbe onllnancel -Ind ·a P P 11 0 d ltn-chlr1es stemming from their In-make by what wltnesse.s aald wu one of penonal ambitions ol oae•man." volvement In the Incidents. two men wllt101 In tbe veliicle. _ 1111 remark followed one by BatUn that "*11ately to the problem-plagued Brolilbelt r<IU9"1' lo lclentify them · Ofllcerl .. Id the two girls who ad- -lhe Oilier two were polltlell1y moll,,.ted. • ~-other thin to conllnn. that they were mlUed beinf GMcleland's oompanlons '<:lmller• agreed wllh Baker tho\, the , rt.. council •lso ts .elaled to frot\I the 1'1sUn area. · · ·became paruc stricken when be died l n plin -l;al a poliUcal attack on the Prell-dlSCUSI Interim uee. ol the Glen-' "We sllll have a· few lQOOe ends to tie l!>e car of the wounds ho suffered In tho , dent . neyre St. poot office facility by dty up In this caoe," ho said today. "Bui we tnotel shooting. : ..Baker aald the r e q u.e 1 I wu-in In-clepartments. have no basil oil which to hold lhese &Iris • They sald the two glrb dmnped his i.---~!IM-BM'tlN:: ... s:iJ"""'""'--1::=.=..==--.;:-;;·;_:===I--In.any.way.., chlrge.thtm.ln tbe.Ug6t of_· -(S..-SURllENDSR, J!ago-J)'---, . -• • J ' I • on the Pageant of the M~ters from 1932 to present, and photos and artifacts from early 1:.aguna: A special society · project. is the preservation of the city's...fU"s( remaining school house, presently the American Legion Hall .. The building which then rested near the site of the .Laguna Beach High school, served as the city's grade school from 1908 to 11129. The building was not the town's first school, but it Js t.tle sole surviving one. The building had 2 rooms, a white rail fence, and bell tower complete with bell. The bilildlng was bought by the American Legion in 1929 and moved "wit& the aid of telephone poles and about a dozen cars" to the present site at (See IUSTORY, Page I) * * '* Laguna Authors Planning Lec ture Series at Churc l1 1'1 Get My Inspiration in Laguna" is the title oC a lecture y~am by well· known Art Colony authors at the ran meeling of the Laguna Beach Historical Society at 6:30 p.m. Friday at the Neighborhood CongregaUonal Church, 340 St. ~n's Drive. , Speakers include Arnold Hano, author, sports writer and lecturer at UC Irvine; Florence R. Wiggins, author of "Strawberry Point KJtchen.s" and presl· dent of the Laguna Beach Pen Women ; and lsabelleZ[gler. author or-·'Tl>e Nine Da.y• of Father Serra" and "CreaUve Writing." The society also plans to have a special mystery guest, a mystery writer at the meeting. The p!t>gtllltt Incllld .. a pot luck dinner and election or of(icera for the soclcty. ReffrvaUons are required and may be .mode by calling the socl'ty museum at -99651 °"' Rutt\7 MorroW'-at *+-0184. • In Accord Agreement has bff:n reached in a com .. plicated lawsuit by the city of Lagana Beach and Laguna Greenbelt, Inc . against Rossmoor Corporation over development in the canyon watershed area above .the city. .The Lagwia Beach City Council will be Presented v.ith documents outlining the settlement Cpr final approval during its meeting at 7:30 o'clock tonight at ·city hall. Key provision of the settlement calls tor Rossmoor Corporation to provide the county with adequate 1 n Io r m a ti on necesaary to prepare a full en- vironmental Impact report a>vering all the company's clevelopment within the watershed area. This informatkm must be given the county prior to Issuance of a grading pennit for a new subdivision. Rossmoor also agreed that it would not oppose deletion of a po r t i o n of. Oso Parkway through the tract if a relocation is requested by the county. The agreement has been sJgned by Laguna Greenbelt President James Dilley. Council action tonight is expected to aulhorlze Mayor Roy Holm to sign the document. Tract in volved is listed at 7434, a 178 acre,1,400-unit subdivision-near EL.Toro and Laguna Canyon Roads. The city and the greenbelt have contended that development in the uplands watershed area ·could increase a hazard of flood to the city. 1 They point out that while county building codes call for developers to direct rain runoU water from their proj· ects back into natural drainage chan· (See ROSSMOOR, Page !) Dentist's Office Hit For $1,300 in Loot The offices of Lagt01a Beach counter· culture dentiSt Aman Vogel were burgled of $1,300 in gold and stereo equipment in a crime reported to police Tuesday. The dentist told police the burglary at his office, ZS5 Thalia, occurred some n;ght during the last 10 days. Taken were 5 ounces of dental gold va1ued at $100 an ounce, stereo tape recorders, 80 records. 20 tape cassettes and a small quantity of d(ugs. • Weather It'll be dry, clear and SUMy Thursday -like you never saw this summer. Highs in the upper 70s along the coast, rising to the low 90s inland. Ovemfght lows in the 60s. INSIDE TODi\. l' Father Glc11 Borman joined th• •14/f_ of Ass•mbl~ Speaker Bob Moretti (D-Van Nuy1) o yeCT ago and Sptcialftts tn u. •ue dtvclopmtttt and .speech.. !Mitrno. see •tO<V, Pao• 11 . MtlJNll: ' -.... ..,,..._,... ... . .,.... ....... , °'".,. c...._ " --Of, ..... ,.. 1t , ............ .. ,_ . ---. .._. ...... ,. ... .... ,.... .. , ' • 2_ DAILY PILOT LB Wtdn~ay. Seplftt!bff 26, l'l7:J Se11ate Asks Ove1·seas • •. WASHINGTO N tAPI -The Senate to- day voted to reduce the nwnbcr or U.S. land·based troops overseas by 40 pe_rcC11t. "The vote was •9-46. Senate Democratic Leader ~1 i.k e Mansfield had originally proposed a SO percent cut In the number of foreign-bas· cd U.S. troops, but changed the proposal at the la st minute to a 40 percent cul. Mansfield said that when servicemen's dependents, U.S. civilians and foreig n n"ationals hired to assist Americans are included , the United States has a force of I .I million persons in foreign c:o untries. .He said, this costs U.S. taxpayers $30 billion a year, u•ith $17 billion of that amount attributed to maintenance of troops in Europe. He said a reduction in the 500.000-man rOrce is essential to lower the U.S. baiance~f.payments deficit, fill domestic needs and end .the policy of mili tary. eon· frontation with the Soviets. 1be Man sfield amendment u·ould re· q\iire that at least 50,000 troops based in rOreign countries be pulled out by next .June 30, and that another 150,000 be ~ithdrawn over .the follo wing t\\.'O ye ars. Observers said the Mansfi eld amendment could be overturned in a ioubsequenl vote. The Se nate also was to begin pu bli c debate tod ay on a proposal to slo\v development of the $13 billion Trident submarine program. The Trident amend· inent was discussed for more than two hrurs in closed session Tuesday. A vote on the Trident amendn1ent was scheduled for Thursday. . Jn addition to Europe, American forces are based in Thailand, Okinawa, Korea, Taiwan, the ·Philippines-and Bermuga: l\tansfield· noted that U.S. ·S o v i e t pegotiations open Oct. 30 on mutua l, balanced force reductions but said unilateral action by the United States Co.uld prompt a similar res ponse from Russia. -The Nixon administration contends a UnilateraJ troop withdrawal would doom negotiations with the Soviet Union . A1ansfield tried twice in 1971 to requir e a reduction in the 300,000.man U.S. force in 'Europe, but lost on 61..16 and 54-39 Yotes. Marines Jailed In Sl1ooting Fracas at Bar Three El Toro l\1arines \\'ere jailed on charges of assault with intent to commit murder early toda y after a tavern s hootout in which a fello\v l\larine \\'as struck in the chest, neck and hand by ricocheting bullets, Orange Co u n t y Sheriff's office rs reported. Detectives in vestigating the shoalin g at the Tail of the Bull Restaurant, 6504 Trabuco Road. said ii was "a miracle" Lhat A1 arine Frank Norvick, 22, escaped \Vith only minor wolmds. Investigators jailed Marines Harold \Vayne Bunnell . 20. Ramon Teran Jr., 21 , and Stephen Bernard Hunt. 21 , in con- nection with the wounding of Norv ick. They said the fracas at the bar erupted ,,·hen a group of l\1arincs, reportedly drinking heavily. resumed a quarrel that had been aired earlier on the El Toro base. A Marin e u·ho was present at the bar said the dispute had racial overtones. ln \'estiga tors said the quarrel reached such proporlions that Norvick stepped for\vard before 1he invoJ~·ed group, raised his anns and urged the a n g r y ser\'icc men to put dO\\'fl the \\'Capons that \1·ere being displayed. A Mari ne who has not yet been iden- tified but is believed to be one of !he 1hree lodged in county jail fired a round ;from his au!o1natic rifle into the asphalt u·alkway outside !he bar. officers said. ·~orvick wa s struck four limes by the 'nying bullets. OIANQ.I COAST LI DAILY PILOT Tiii Or.,1oe Coat! DAIL Y PlLOt , Mltl wllld• 11 cembll\lol 1111 NtW...l'tl'J1, !1 PllbllJlled ,,. ttie or1ng1 c .. 11 PW1b111no ca ... ,..,,.. k!N· r•t1 ltdllloN ••1 Pllbllll!IO, MOfld.lly lllrougll ,rlda)', !'Or Co.ti M111, l'lft>Pl>n 9"<11, H11nt1ng'°"' •1.0./F11Un1fln V1Mt y, t..o""" 9u~, lrvln1/Sukll1t1K11: •nd s.n c1...._01ef Sin J111n r 1nl1tr1no. A 1lno1• '"'°"'' lfdlllon 11 P\lblbMd S.t11<N y1 -Slind1y1, ni. prlnc:'*'-1 11Ubll1lllno Niii t1 11 a3r:1 w.,1 aay lltrHI, eo.11 Mew. C.•ffotn11, ~M Aob1rt N. W1td Prn ldlftl 11111 P11t1!i1n11 Ja,. II., Cwtl1y VICI hftlaanl I nd O....r1t Mlfti.Otr Thom•• K., .. u Ed110r Tholt'l11 A. M11rphi"1 Mtf\IOtno £,l!CW' ---..;..ji-C:::h::'::''':::', H. Loot Ric:ll1M "· N•ll ~ Mtfolont-M1N9tno l'Ol~ • .. : • • ' • • 1 t...:-.._. Office 222 for1st A¥1nu1 M•llf•t ..y4,._,,, ,.,0 . lta 666, '265! """'°""" CMI• Mftl! "9 W~!::rstt111 e llodii JW H eo...1rt1N H •ffttl: 17171 19'(fl aoui.v,,, Jet.• ,..,,... ~~IM .... ... , •••• f714J '42-tJ21 Cfbc "*' .w •••• , •• "41-1671 &..pN lcMll Al hpwhllilNtli Tt l•••··· 4f4.f4U I C~, lf1). Of•l'IOO C.0.tl P1i011111,,,. ~. Ho """" t!Ot'llt, Hhnlrtt._, ..... ,,.... .,. .. ....,,~.. llot"elol ,,,.., • ,_. .......... wHflwt fPOCll r ,.,... ..... ., .......... -· $tot .. ,..., ,..., •• ,., ........ f =;;;;;;,."';;;;-*· ....,.._ w 'unltf> UM""' -.,..-_11 t9;11 IMftlMn fflllll'9,., - .......... "·" ll'lt!ltMy. EL TORO N JUAN CAPISTRANO I I I I I I I I '• NATIONAL '• '• ' •• ••• FORE '• ------ O.Uy Piii! Ma, by Tim P1terian • Reported Off e r Cost 'Inflated' • At Starr Ranch? • By JOHN VALTERZA Of tt1e O•llJ Piiot 11•11 The top aide to Fifth Dist rict Supervisor Ronald Caspers toda y termed a private rlrm's reported offer of $6.6 million for half the sprawling Starr Ranch "highly inllated." And the aide. Tom Fuentes. added qui ckly that Caspers would continue an Reagan Aide Cites Need For Prop.1 By JOHN ZALLER 01 It!• 0.117" Piiot Sl•ff An aide to Gov. Ron ald Reagan prom- ised a Newport Beach audience th is morning that passage of Proposition I would mean lower taxes for all Califor- nians and a more efficient state govern- ment. @an1est pursuit or a county purchase or 5.500 acres of pri me recreational land east of San Juan Ca pist rano despite reports that the county's $4.4 million of· fer is being out bid. nwhal kind of busi nessman would orrer &O pel'tX'nt more than an twnest appraisal of the value or a piece of property?,. he added. Fuentes' re3C lion Came a day after It u·as learned that finn known as C and E Afftliates, Inc., or Anaheim was of- fering a su bstantially higher price for the property dee med a prime candidate for a county regional park. Spokesmen for that firm would not substantiate repoi'ts that large Japanese financial interestS are involved. Fuentes insisted the county in con· ti nui ng to nego liate in "earnest" "'ith a group ol n13 jor charitable organizaljons \vhich control the ranch north of Ortega •Ugh\vay. He said the $4.4 million offer dete1mined after a· $15,000 appraisal al county expense y.•as the highest price the tounly officials believe should be paid. MAP SHOWS S,500 ACRES OF STARR RANCH REPORTEDLY DESTINED FOR PLANNED COMMUNITY County, City Offlci•ls Dism.Yed But Oe•I for Property May Not Be Final "\\'e in government hav e a Jot of .v.·anl s and desires and V.'e need to h:ive a sohd res traint on how much tax money v.·e spend." said John Kehoe, director of the state Department of Consum er Affairs. lie and Caspers have toured the rugged ranch l3nd in recent months and Fuentes said both agreed the property y.·ould be almost impossible to develop because ol the rugged terrain, drainage, water and access problems. "Ron (Caspers) and the rest of the co1mty officials are CORJmitted to ketp that land as open sapce," he said. ·What You~ll Pay ''If !he foundin g ra thcrs had realized hov.· much pressure to spend that govern- ment faces." he added later, "they might have added another amendment to ·1he Bill of Rights giving the people a voice to control how much money the ir govern- ment spends." ''\Ve all know how many times we've heard that the Starr Ranch bas been 'sold'." he added, in reference to previous negotiat~ns that have falten through. The impact of the current sale issue wou!P be fel t Y.'orst in the city of San Juan Capistrao where·offlclals have been operating uncter the premise that the ranch was destined for use a·s a regional (COMPUTED ON A HOME WITH A GROSS ASSESSED VALUE OF $6,750 AND A NET VALUE OF $5,000-AFTER REDUCTION~ FOR THE HOMl!OWNERS EXEMPTION> Kehoe made his remark.! in a . breakfast speech to members of the Newport·Harbor Chamber of Con1m<'rce at the Balboa Bay Club. park. . CITY RATE -Anaheim 10.2103 Brea 10.8860 Buena Park 10.3535 Costa Mes• 10.4692 Cypress 11.1290 Fountain Valley 10.5943 Fullerton 10.7574 Garden Grove 9.9528 Huntington Beach 10.7056 Irvine 12.3400 La Habra 11.2162 Laguna Be&ch 10.0054 La Palma 10.8467 Los Alamitos 10.9101 Newport Beech 9.4432 Orange • 10.2328 Placenlla 10.1625 San Clemente 10.5386 San Juan Capistrano 10.8833 Santa Ana 9.8650 Seal Beach 10.4478 Stanton 9.9274 ·rustin 11.2401 Villa Park 10.4749 Westminster 11.2257 Yorba Linda 10.2649 Suspec t Seized A ft er l11dece1it Exposure Report Orange County Sheriff's officers, who have been searching the Laguna Niguel area for a man who reportedly exposes himself to school children. Tuesday ar- rested a suspect near Crown Valley School. Earlier reports indicated the lewd con· duct suspect had been seen repeatedly while drivi ng a small pink car. The suspect v•bo wa s arrested was driving a "pale orange'' auto of the same make and model, sheriff's deputies said. No lewd conduct charges have been fil- ed, however. against the 26-year-old suspect v.•))() lives in l.a guna Niguel. lie u•as booked into Orange Coun ty Jail on charges of loi tering near a school. "\Ve are investigating the incident to- day," Sheriff's Capt. James Broadbelt said. ''These are the only charges we have filed against him at this point." Broadbelt said the arrest came at the heigh t of an investigation Into mounting complaints by parents and teachers that a man drivin g a pink car had repeatedly exposed himself to students in the gen-. eral area. "Our officers were told at the time or the arrest that the suspect had been In- dulging in indecent exposure," Broadbelt said. "We are still checking into the case and I n·ouldn't want to say any more al this point." FromP .. e J BATIIN ... timation that the Orange Co u n t y Assessor's Office was not-competent. SPECIAL SCHOOL COUNTY CITY DISTRICT 316.91 84.00 52.50 57.11 324.61 84.00 72.50 63.19 307.64 84.00 50.00 76.04 300.15 84.00 50.00 89.31 284.80 84.00 47.50 140.15 319.14 84.00 57.50 69.08 328.23 84.00 67.75 57.89 287.50 84.00 50.00 76.14 315.29 84.00 81.00 54.99 382.73 84.00 16.50 133.77 333.73 84.00 77.50 65.58 ~-81 84.00 . 106.30 76.16 .84 84.00 61.25 89.45 312.36 84.00 49.00 100.15 282.25 84.00 ·i 60.00 45.91 305,74 :):I . 64.50 57.40 276'1!1 . 64.50 63.62 290.22 84.00 77.50 75.21 290.23 • 84.00 57.50 112.44 286.9'1 • 84.00 67.50 54.78 301.81 : .• 84.00 67.50 69.08 269.56 84.00 50.00 92.81 338.04 84.00 58.75 81.22 305.74 84.00 49.00 85.01 328.37 ~00 45.00 103.92 300.56 84.00 --0-128.69 1973-74 1972°73 TOTAL TOTAL TAX TAX 510.52 845.93 544.30 671.12 517.68 648.69 523.46 646.44 556.45 757.63 529.72 715.75 537.87 672.81 497.64 678 .63 535.28 733.73 617 .00 666.52 560.81 702.71 500.27 576.49 542.34 678.95 '545.51 698.36 472.16 579.10 . 511.64 652.911 508.13 648.3~ 526.93 604.44 544.17 640.43 493.25 606.76 522.39 639.04 496.37 689.12 562.0l 640.55 523.75 671.12 561.29 • 752 .10 513.25 671.62 Kehoe folloY.'S Assembly Spe aker Bob i\lorettl , U'ho last week told the same group that Proposition 1 .,.,·ould mean higher property taxes and a radical change in the tradit ional concept of 'representative democracy.' Proposition I goes before California voters Nov . 6 as a proposed amendment to the state Constitution. If pasSed, it .,.,.ould limit state govern- ment to a slowly declining laxing ability and provide a ·me-time tax rebate to stale income tupafers next spring. Krishwi Cultist . I Pleads Guilty To Reduced _Rap ' . Cily-1'.tanager Donald \Veidner said to-- day that the city council would "most certainly be concerned" ' about the reports of an impending sale to a private firm. f'ro1n Page I SURRENDER • •• body on a lawn clooe to their own homes but decided the next day to reveal their role in the affair. Officers said the two girls told them they were "·Uh Grindeland during the motel robbery and while be earlier at- tempted to bold up the Kentucky fried chicken outlet. In both cases. deputies said, Grin- deland simulated possession of a weapon hy shoving his clenched right hand into hi s pocket and showing his intended vjc- tims the bulge made by a supposed pistol. * * * * * * Hare Krislma cultist Douglas RuS3ell , charged \\'Ith assaulting a police detec· live 811.d resisting arrest has been cleared of those allegations, but has pleaded guiltyrto a lesser charge of di stufbance of the peace. ,~ HISTORY .•. Ninvport Home Owners R~sell , 21 , was lined $35 on the • disturbance charge after the dldrlct at· Ille corner of Legion and Goff Stttets, tomey's office dropped the other charges the society said. in Municipal Court at l.aguna Beach. : The building has been selected b·y the Russell was involved in a scuffle wih American Institute of Architects for To Pay Less Taxes Laguna Beach Del. Tony Smith as the placement on a list of perservable detective and a deputy marshal entered historical landmarks. the Hare Krishna house at 651 Ramona One of the schools first teachers Helen Av~nue, Laguna Beach to serve a war-Erwin of Laguna Hills. is a volunteer lec- Newport Beach has the lowest tax rate i•1 Orange County but au county property owners will pay less this year than in 1972 • 73, according to figures re- leased Tuesday by county Auditor-con- troller VJctor A. Helm. The total tax paid by a homeowner whose home has an average cash value of $27 ,000 will be decreased primarily because of an increase of $1,000 in the homeowners exemption. Newport Beach's total tax rate for 1973-74 Is $9.4432. This compares with $9.6516 last year. The owner of a $27,000 home, assessed at $8,750 before the $1,750 homeowners exemption will pay ap- proximalely $472.16 in taxes. Hei m said the typical amounts of taxes for each city are based on the code area in each city which bas the greatest assess- ed valuation. Other Orange Coast cities tax rates and average tax total are Costa Mesa, $10.4692, $523.46; Fouqtain Va 11 e y , $10,5943, $529.72; Hwtlngton Beach, $10,7056, $535.28; Irvine, ~12.U, 1617 (hi ghest in the county ); Laguna Beach, 10.0054, $500.27; Los Alamitos, $10.91 , $545.51. f'rom P.,,e I ROSSMOOR. • • nels, both the speed and the amount or runoff are increased by development. The city aiid the greenbelt had con· teOOed t1iit the envlronmeiilil Impact report first prepared for the tract was inadequate, and lhat the county had Im- properly prohibited an appeal ol a grading ponnlt lssued for a portion of the tract. . San Clemente, $10.5386, $526.93; Juan Capistrano, $10.88.13, $M4.17; Beach, $10,4478, $ 5 2 2 . 3 9 , \Vestn1inster, $11.2257, $561.29. . J San ~al and rant on a cult member in August. lurer at the Historical Society Thursday Smith reported he had been grabbed afternoons. around the neck wben he and the The society's museum hours are from marshal refused to remove their shoes I to 5 p.in . daily and inquiries are before entering the "temple." \velcomed. ~~~~-~~~;;;;~· • ?ii -OPIN 1r 9 to 6 538 CENTER STREET-COSTA MESA--646-1919 CLOSll SUNDAY , ....... -..... I, Voit BasketbaHs l ' 1 •' AC2 Reg. 7.95 Value-5.95 Red-White-81ue 7 .95 CB2 Blemis~.95 CB2 Regular-12.95 XB20 lndoor-16.95 CB202 Synthetic Leather-18.95 Wilson Leather Basketball-28.95 ~ inch Basketball Backboard-t 4.95 Basketball Goals-3.95 & 5.95 -Warm Up Suits-21.95 · 24.95 Sweat Shirts & Pants-ach 3.50 AdidaS-converse-Tretorn Jack Purcell Tennis Shoes Men's & Boys' Tennis Shorts-5.95 up Tennis Shirts-5.95 to 9.00 Tennis Dresses Handllalls l Gloves Adidas & Conver~ Basketball Shoes Racquetball Racquets l Bans Basketball Shirts-3.40 Temis Racklts-4.95 ta 511.0P I I "\Ve arc being asked to spend tax- payers' money to prove a point with no evidence offered that the apprata:al ls ln- corrc;ct,'' he charged. 1 "It -would be 113lng public funcb to-sup- port the efrom of an Indi vidual for very lrnnsparent rea50tls." TOO new environmental lnformaton JDUJt_lJo _providecLthe co~~belor anolher permit ls 1,.ued for the ballnce of trading in the subject development. 11---'Yolleyllalfs'-&ifet _ _._,WIDlfsan=Pt111t::he·lllFllullla,-:T1nris" Balls=--11-- Soccer Baffs_ 7.95 per Doi; . Baker · and County AsseSIOr Jack ,Vnllerga argued that the county taz air peals board was the proper forum for an appeal. Th! appeal• board will consider the matter on Oct 26 . Vallerga haJ ~ the San f-ol Ille _l'n!ldeftt-e l!l.r -Ilion . lfauln <iiiilCii1li that ii should be 14.1 mllllon. • . Go Straight to Jail Water Pala Bafts Boys' Gym Shirts & Shorts • LONDON (UPI) -'!be Tim .. ol I.OD-Btes-f'lrts-Rapalri111 don uld laday thleftl who brolr.e lnlo Ibo om-...i-11ie m••"'• ''!l"'""'..1111!!..1-1·--10pen.-9-to-6-.-Closed-Suodav..___1._...,,.---__ Tires-Tubes · Puzzlel" r*"'1117 "IOllW"l' With .... ,ai I ~ thouland poundl In llol>op>ly-.· .· A ed die T f h j . Saddlehaek T~day's Final N.Y. Stocks OL. 66, NO. 269, 6 SECTIONS, 94 PA(;ES ORANGE COU NTY, CALIFORNIA W~DNESDA Y, SEPTEMBER 26, 1973 TEN CENTS fficial By JOllN VALTERZA Of fM DlllY Plitt It.I" · The top alde -to J'llth District pervlsor Ronald Caapera today tenned private firm's reported of(er of '8.6 llllon for hatt the sprawling Starr ''.h1ghly Jnflated..'! _ And the alde, Tom Fuentes, added . ulckly that Caspers would contlnu~ an amest purlU.lt of a county purchase of .500 acres ol. prime recr~t~I land east of San Juan Capistrano despite Says Starr Ranch Offer reports lhat the county's $4.4 million of· fer Is being out bid. _ "What..klnd of b\lalnessman would offer 50 percent more than an hclneJt appfa1u.1· of the yalue of a piece of property?" he added . . . Fu~pJ~_re,~tion __ came a day •fter it We.$ learned that fi~ 8.i""C Md E Afiiliates, Inc., of' Anaheim was of- fertn1 a aubetantially higher price for the property deemed a prime candidate for a COlDlty regional park. Spokesmen · for that firm would . not substantiate reports that large Japanese fi nancial interests are involved. Fuentes lnsisted · the county' In con- tinuing to negotiate Jn "earnest" with a groqp of major charitable organlzaUona which control thi: ranch north of Ortega Hlghway:- He sa id the IU mlllloll offer determined after a $15,000 appraisal at county expen,. was the hlgheat price the (See STARR,_ Pa1e ZJ ·• I EL TORO 'Inflated' · CLEVELAND NATIONAL End to Jets Asked Phase Out El Toro, Council Urges A atudy oommltt<e of the Saddleback Area Coor<linating C<llmcD Tuoodoy cal~ ed for no new air fadlltles for the Sad~ dleback Valley aod the pll.....,.t of El Toro Marine COrps Air Station. Headed by Nance North, the 31- member committee, lndudlng private citizens, countY represeritafiYes, and Pro- fessional plannera, baa been spolllOl'ed by the UC Irvine Exten!lon offtee In 18 111<111ths of preparing a 7!1-page Interim policy plan !Or the Saddleback Valley. The document will he aubmitted lo the Orange County J!!IJIDing ~t as a guide for the Sadcftehack Valley general plan. . The wording of the air facilities pollcy, one of tbe molt controversial statements In the documeJlt, was changed 1ilghtiy. OrlglnaDti It stated, H"No· regional air- facillUes are recommended for the Sad- dleback Va!iey. U JlO"'ible, existing facilities ahall be phased out and em- phasi5 for ·commercial air traffic placed in the Orange County Airport." . ~ The final version reeds: '~No air facilities are recommended for the Sad~ d!eback VaUer. When feasible, existing facllil!es shall be phased. out, and em· phasif.. for commercial air traffic placed elsewffere." "We wari:t to mate sure we say what we meant to say," Mrs. North said. "We don't want a commercial atrport, but we don 't mean to klct out the Marines eo-- (See POUCIES, Pqe I) ------ N Otte Man Wounded Irv ine Youth Sigh!S . UFOs JUAN CAPISTRANO 3 EI Toro Marines Jailed . t-.·, No ·trac;e. ,...., 1oon11 Iii: .Iribtf .. -tMP ~ S;500'A91ES OI' STARRUN~H REPORTEDLY DEmNED FOR l'l.AN~E'o CO;M'Utimi • In Wild Tave~ Gurifight ~Jl.:'"'~.:i~ !~-.... ~!· ' .. _, .. '.!'.....:·~y. ...., Ke!tb K~ 14, -of 14Sll Beacli Ave., said the GbJe!:la were &old In color Qd "like ~g I eVer· aaw -~.City Offlclal1 DI-~ Byt Poal for Proporty May Not Bo Final · : .. ~ . ' . Lo~ ~ost .Plan ·Approved i! Tllree 11:1 Taro lllarinea _..; Jailed on cba,..aGI --~19-t murder eari1 •1 after • -. ahooloul In "'1icll a fellow Morine WU •truck In the cbest, neck aod hand by ricochellnc bulJeta, Orange C 0 U D t y Sheriff'• officera reported . • . Detectives lnveaUgattng the shooting at the Tall of the Bull Restaurant, !604 Trabuco Road, said it was "a miracle" that Marine Frank Norvlck, :a, escaped wttb only minor wOW\da. JnvesUsatora jailed 'Marines Harold Wayne Bunnell, 20, Ramon Teran Jr., 21, and Stephen Bernard H)U1t, 21, In con- nection with the wounding ol Norvlct. 'llley said the fracas at the bar empted when I group of Halinel, reportedly drinking heavily, resumed a quarrel that had been aired earlier on the El Toro baae. A -who wu pioM!lt at lhe bar said.the dtapute had racial ---JnvestlgatlN'I said the quarrel rucbed IUCb proportions that Norvlck ate-1 forward belon! the lnvol...i .,...p, ralted his arms and urged the a n I r y Jillie Mum on Agnew • DALLAS (AP) -'Julie N ! x on Eisenhower said during a vllit here Tu..day her father thought Spiro T. "-bad 1-a fine vloe president for lhe last five y-. However, she declined to comment on Agnew's future. "It would be completely premature for me to say ~ything other than my father baa greal ClOl)fklenco and reapect for Spiro Agnew and thinks he baa been a fine . vice preaideot for the put five )'ears, 11 she told a news con- lerence. OrUf• • Weadler tt:ll be dry, olear and aullny Thursday -like you never saw · this summer. Highs In !_be QJ>per, 'Ms •ionf the coast, rtaiils lo the low 90! Inland. Oveml&J!t lows 1n the eos. , • ~to put down the .-thal werebelitc'~ before.~ ;- A MlrbW wtio baa not )'el 1-W.... !ifted but la belleved to be one of the three lodpd In C01"1ty )all fired • round from bis ..-11c rtfle Into the upball walkway outside the bar, o!Hcers said. Nonldt wu struck four times by tbe Oytng-bullela. ~ Jlldliill Malit,. Mio .""'""lied on I b e,' ah!ed oJabliu, ~ be did 'Ooi .... ~ .. llO other ~ luldonta reported seeing the goldm glolles. ' • ' I . :: Irvine O~ys Higlter Density Housing Approach lnveati111ora said all the wounds were auperfldal and Norvick was troaled at the bue . boopttal. lie ia reportedly returning t6 duty this ll10l'DlnjJ. "Each of those four bullets came within an ace of ~I him" a sheriff's office commented. "I've never seen a luckier man in my career.'' Albert Rejects Ag~ew's . Request Of House Action ' Irvine. coanct1men have amnlmously approved an Increased clomlty_app._i, lo providing moderate -, boUling lo families earnlng at least $11,IGOa year. . <;:ounctlmen approved ln,oonctpl Tue .. day night an Irvine Pactl1e De•e)opment Company proposal suggllling It lo 18 homes may be built on each acre of ap- proximately two-acre "clutters". The clustered, 1,100-aquare-foot homes -.Id be scat~red tiu)lughout new aubdlvtalons being developed by the Irvine Company. Irvine Pacific ls an Irvine Company building auboldlary. Prior to adding his yes vote en- doraement to the proposal, Mayor Jolm Two Young Girls Relare Roles In Robberies WASHINGTON (UPl) _ _,,,_rh/, White H..,_ said toda~ that Vice President ~ T. Agnew baa diacuued the poaslbll!ty ol rtslgnlng. with President .Nb<on. A opol<esman salA Nlzon neither encoura1ed '-dlsoouraged him. By toilf BARLEY Cooftrmation ~by Deputy P r e s s ot Wit .Dlltr ..,.., ...., secretary Gerald ·1.. Warren of recent rumors . that Agnew had considered · Two girl< who were with David resllnlng came momenta altar Speaker ' _ Grlodeland during a Dana Point robbery Carf Albert swiftly turned down Agnew's Deter '"" ...., """' spree that ended with his death at. Ute request that the !louse rather than the LOSES WHITE HOUSE 810 hands ol a mcitel owner have surrendered <OUN undertake an lnvesUsallon o1 'County c.-rvloor Battin n...... eou ty Sheriff' o I political wrongdoing ngalnst the vice -... to v·-e -n • of cm, t prosidenl L WIS 1"""1ed today. At the White House, Warren made It £';.. R • BotJi; llfil--to the &l>erilf'• Qff!ce clear tbat Asn•w's decision to try to get '-'UUDty . CJ eels w1th their attomoy and made a 1111e- the llOuM lo open an inquiry Into ment~on their role In two attempted J:Ob. klckback allecations against him was R , l berl,. fut weekend -one al the Dana made oolely by the vice president. ea. ppra.188 Villa Motel and the other at the nearby · Althou&J! Nlzon dlscuss.d vartoua Kentucky Fried Cllcken restauranl Burton reminded councilmen of recent "density" mnlog baUles. The notable density c o n t r o v e r s y emerged as the city considered the Village of Valley View. Valley View was a_ planned community of moderately pric· ed homes at an average density of slight· ly more than eight units per acre. R<aidents of nel&J!borlng tricJs voiced: dlsapproval of t b • propc.ed develop- ment. They opposed !lie densities .• Their tracts were-built at an average flve tmits per acre. Density and protimity ol lower co s t bouslng, opponents argued, w o u Id damago the valueo ol nel&J!boring homes. COUncllman Henry Quigley defended the new moderate housing propoaal observing that there. is "a-cr!tlcal'dtt· ferenee" between the new suggestion and Valley View. ''T6e critical difference is that these units will be built at the aame time as new developments. Small clusters of about 30 homes will he scattered lhrougbout -more expensive tracts," Councilman Henry Quigley said. "Density problems arise when you try lo butt high density development next to existing low denai.ty tracts," he added. Councilwoman GabrJelle Pryor, who m. itltlly proposed d ty building f .. reduc, Uons as a way to lower lx>using costs, supported Councilman Henry Quigley's views. The approved method ignores the city fee-waiving incenUve. She observed that the small clusters • would blend into new developmerits because "adequate greenspace" is plall~ ned around the attached homes. •· Mrs. Pryor added that only 150 to jJo such units would be approved each yeiir, under the present proposal. Councilman E. Ray Quigley Jr. bailed the concept a.s a "salutary'' approa~. He warned, however \hat it is "poly o(,e step toward providing the range of holJ.s. Ing ne<ded In Irvine. ; "A function of the price of a house ;s availability," Councilman Ray Quigley noted. "UnleM the.re is an adequate sup- ply the economics of supply and demand wilLforct · prlces upward. "We need to start moving things ahead to pi:ovide this CO:mmW!ity wil h an ade- quate supply of housing," he concluded. -- The council action direct:s staff to work with lhe Irvine Company to locate the clusters wi thin developing villages. Counc.ilme_n also &J?proved a staff recommendation that the city begin working with Irvine Pacific. that firm's consultants and the city's general plan- ners to find ways of providing an even wider range or housing oppartunity. The second phase of the Irvine Pacific proposal suggests housin g £or families with incomes of $8,000 a year might be feasible. ·not Winds Blow optlona with Asnew In four meetinp O Sheiiff's C.pt. James -dbelt said they bave had since the aUe1aUona were n Nixon Estate this mom1n, tbat neither girl will, face - announcec1 11e ... erted no pressure for chaJ'ges atemmlng 1rom their u.. S_unshin"-Santa Arias Arrive any partlcuJar course, Warren said. By JACK BflOBACK volvement in the tnctdents. . ~ Warren said for the first time that the .,~-.,., -Broadbelt refused to tdellUfy them -two bad tU.9cu.ssed the ~lbillty of other than to conn.rm that· they were A. SNEAKY SANTA ANA wind dazzled early rising motorists with sunshine Agnew resigning When they met 'ruescl:'I'. Charg~ of lltical motivation rang from the Tustin ana. today and blasted Orange County Airport with gusts of wind to 30 knots. "momlng, aeveraJ 'hours prior to Agnew s through the Board ·of Supervi9ors1 "We stW have 1 few loOle end.a to tie Northeast winds of Crom 15 to 20 miles an hour were expected to continue request to the House for an lnveailgaton. chambera today u cthe board by a z to 2 up In this case," he ·said today. "But we tonight bringing warm, dry air lo the Orange Coast through Tburaday. ~w made ci.ar he would clllli<riae an wte fumed down aµciaeat of Supervisor have no basil on wbicb to bold theH &iris Lows too11ht w!I! be In the 60s inland and warmer along the coast. inveaUgatlon sdieduled to be&ln 'nlurs-Robert Battin that the stale Board ol In any way or chars• them hi the l1cbt ol day by a federal srand jury In BaltlmOre. Equalization be htrtd to reappral!< the the lnformallon we have been t:,·" THURSDAY-wiNDS ARE expec!ed to shift. ending the _downhill:i:acer INSIDE TODA l' Albart relluffed the vic:t preslden!'s Weatern White House~ Clemente. c,lndeland wu shot in tho face wind condition which clears cooler marine air and warms fail days. Winds i ' ~In a brusque two-oenlenoe stat.. The boaril did vote ~iilfl!nes ·:;:',(..~ bJ --LGals Jooepb ~will come from the west to '°"thwest at from eight to 16 miles an • Father Gfm B""'1<m jofMd ment at ml4day, lll)'lhs: with superv11on Da :a«ter and , 16, who told olllcen be beard liOW-;-"the Orange Cotliitytlarbor Department-foreca>t suggeauo -- '1"-•toll of Alt~Ir Sptakfr "'lllo vloe -1dent'a leller asking for Ronald Coopers; both Ropabllc:ana, voting the,~ arau1nl wl~ hi• wife In !bO Bob lllorettl (IJ.Van NvrtJ a the "°'* bearing relttea to matim qalnal Jlattln's plan .aod ~aor 1ol1bJ,and r..ched-for the pistol he 11eopo TBE NOR111 OR NORTHEAST wind pa ttern causes a downdra/t from the _. IJf/I/ atld tptciaffttl tn is, before tho courts. I, 11 llpealoer, will not Ralph llledrlcb, another Demoerat, In t!lt motel for Pl'*Clion-' moontalna which rln& the Los Angeles basin. During Ille nlght, inland com- ""' c1twlopmo111 and IJ)f•c"' take aay action on the loiter at ·th\I wtliil wlth1lattltl. • Hifll!ar said 116 -Grtndelal_ld, lll, of munlties ftl'll felt the window rattling breeze and Its drying warmth. -.rlllnfl. SH-1to.r/,-11·,.IJ{l~<0-.Ru__-"'::-t-'-''7J~'.';;• ieY°llii.ierif ' Batdn said he Would br!ng 'tliO matter El~ lolmq °"'"'tho counter.Jn Gusts of IS knots were logged In Newport Harbor this morning and small _ Attomey ElllOi , up iP.Jri next ,...r-a lull---u11._,,IODOPinl .. motol-talWlp.mL...1,-~craft' wam!ngs wore IJC).'ted from Point Coooeptton to the Mexican border. £i:--1l :'I:' ,..: who mat with N!xon before the President wtD ..e.,._.t. · contlnulnc to threlton Mn. Mary 11111-Arial ~ eipeft~IOO 'most loroe!Wbliii!Siiia IUil• ton•-~---,-- a =.-" conferred TueadaJ with AIM•;. •n-SUporvtaor Ralph Olart waa aboenl to--. Ii. • , ml lea an hour are expected to continue tonight. = .,..: ' -0: •,: .-prjor to AIDeW '• letter to lbert day lllondlnll a !un.ral. -lllffner lhot Grlndalond four • -: -M -...., t)ll Iba jfaod jurjt Wlluld start Its In-Balter eo0ed Battin's attempt, "A Tbe mortally wounded, man ·flaaertd ORANGE COIJNTY AIRPORT Tower shifted the landing pattern today t:.::::;:... : 1"0:..''= ...ll 4ab'1 ol Apw Tlionday. . . cheap lhot at poll~cal pOb!iclty In the aCl'Oll the iObby and lntll the -~ He hoadin& pllnea north Into the wind on landing, bring lliem down over..Newport -· -' ~ ..: Warren said Nlxcln wu ttdvlsed by -al amblti«is of OM 111111." wu pulled Into a ...an red car cil !<nip Beach. ' • -.-•"'"'' := -• Rlcbardaon and Asstotant Attorney 1111 rematll follow.a one by 8atUn that mike bi .wllat ~ aald wu one' of' Visibility of II miles was reported •1008 thO Oranse Coaat today. Inland ~ ·ll =:r:l.:"' ~:: Heney E. Peter"" "that u a matter ol the -two ,..... palldcallj mollvatttd. two men waltlnf In the !fhlcle. communtUe1-experienced blowing sand and dust, notably In Oranc• and Ana· ---J-£;;;;,;:;i.,o' • law.-ln the attorney aeneral'a view, this 'caspen qreed with ·-· !lilt '!he Officeri aald_the_t~,slril wl!o ajl-helm wbent the dry Santa Ana Rlvtr bed la whipped up by c .. yon gusta. ~-...__...__ _____ _,--(See-AGNl!W;l'l .. J) ----18ee.-AntN;-hCUI-;-_-.--lllee..~~-_!I '11 _ - • r ' t ' .. • • ~ougl1t f 01· ~lectio11 " , 'f'bc lr\'int Ranch \Vaf4' District '11\\\ID\ is rontactlng landnwhers in an attempt t o Increase tht 'nhmber of quiullcd voters who may vote Nov . 6 for iouT dlltrict board seals. 00,.Y voters who own land in the dib1fK:t are eligible to vote. On sept. 7 a list of quallfled vot~l'I will be drawo by the:county Rcgl!trar of Voters. an IRWD spqlesman said. ltbwever. lo enable residents purchas· inf}.:property in Irvine after lhe closing dafl{, the 1awo Is seeking proxies ol COdlpanies selling homes to n e w restd~ta. 1.'be lrv1ne Company is expected to det,;nnine who ol the 13 candidates will fill :lhe seats. Two are incumbent direc- to~.seekiilg reelection. 1)e election Is unusual in that property o"i(erslllp, not residency, determines voUPg eligibility and votes are weighed act:iidiDg to the value of land owned . A do~'a worth or assessed valuation cq.ls one vote. 'D>e system gives the clear edge to the lrvtne Company, in the election \Vhich selects directors who will control the \\'ater and sewer district serving lrvine de_telOJ.H!:len ts. rtevertheless. district spokesman Edie yaa Lehn said, "The IRWD is doing evefything possible to insure that as IJlany persons as possible participate in ~ Nov. 6 election." Copies of the list of eligible voters will be available in early October at the cOOn- ty _Registrar of Voters office in Santa Aha, at the IRWD office in Town Center, at clty hall or at University 11igh School, J\.trs. Van Lehn said. From Page I . . POLICIES ... tife!y. ·• ~onsensus of the group appeared to be tl)at ii was easier to deal with the Marine r;plity than a commercial facility. ·Another controversial policy, a state- rtient calling for preservatioo of all sfopes exceeding 20 percent, was left un- IOuched. ~"I don't think \\'e need to run public bearings or our own on these poinli," Sfld committee member Ray Prothero. ~All policies in the plan will be brought up for public hearing if they are in- corporated into the legal general plan of 'tie county. : Policies which are unchanged from the original version include support for rapid transit systems. day care centers, 15 per· cent low-CO!t housing, and few if any billboards. The report olso calls for agricu}tural leasebacks, where governmCht buys agricu ltural land and leases i{ back to the farn1er , as one method of preserving the "semi-rural atmosphere'' of the Sad- dleba ck Valley. Carerul control or automobile uses is called for, with cars discouraged around greenbelts •. flood plain corridors, schools, 1 and shopping centers. From Pagel AGNEW ... procedure should be follo\ved ." As for Agnew's course, \\1arren said: '''lbc: matter involving the vice president is one that he is conducting on bis O\\n. The President has taken the position from !he outset that the vice president should decide \\'hat course he should take in the matter ... ·••He has not encouraged Jr pressured the vice pr esident to take any particular course." Albert would not amplify on his state- ment rejecting Agnew's request. The statement was issued after be conferred with other House Democratic leaders. While Albert's action kilted for the mo- ment any chance that a House inquiry v:ould take the case ou t of the hands of a federal grand jury, Agne w was expected 10 initiate legal moves to try to block the .Baltimore panel from proceeding ~·ith fl is case Thursday. ' OllAN•I COAST " DAILY PILOT tnt Ora ..... Ca.o•I DAILY PILOT, .. 1111 w~icfl 11 <Omblned !~1 N.-PrtH , 1-publl!lllM ti'!' ,.,,. Or11191 coa.i P"'°'I'~.,.. COfT!Ptny. $IJl.a· 1111 ldlt'°"• tr9 publl•IMll, Mltrld•y thr1141111! Frlcl1y, '°' Coo•• Mt••. NtWj)O<f lttl;ll, ttllfttlnol111t ltK~IFO<>nlfin Vt llt\I. L•tvn• ... ,~, lrv!,,..IS.ddltbalk and Sin Ct.mtftlt/ S..11 JUafl Cal)l•l••n(I.. A 1!11911 r.,glf)llat edltlOn It tvbllt!wd s.1vro1v1 •!Id 5VllO•\I•· TM trlnfllMll Pllflli-"1"' 11llnl II 11 ))0 Wcol l t\I Slrlll, CO:ill Mt H, Ctlllorn<-, tt.1'. l!:oDert N. w.,11 ,. ... lftfll ..... ,..,....,. •• Jtck I!:. c .... 1., J Vk.1 l'rfl ...... I tM G-rt l Miii.,_, Thof'lt• IC11•il l!.d l!Ot Th.m11 A. /ri41,11phl"' Mtl'lfllfit E•••tr Cl.1,.11 H. lo04 Jtlch1rtl' "· Ni ll A•ltho11t Mlllltlnt EOlll<t Clll• M..-. ~· Wtll 11\1 $1rttl Nrt"WI &lfdtT ))» Ntwlltr'i lowl ... t •I i.,..,...... a..c11: m For1Jt A-.ue Hiii'! .... IMC~! 1"11 IMCll •ov'"•r• St" (ltfHM11 .. Hortfil £1 CamlM ltt.o! filijiliiiN ln4t Hl ... JJt c....,.. ........... '42·1671 S.. C.._.... All hpa1w•1: fe..,.._ 4fJ-44JI CtPr•Wol, 1t/t. °"9!WI' CO.•! f'lll>llillll\t con.t11r. Ho ritwt 110tl9t, lllUth"ttltftl, liiihWiill ll'lllttr ef' tcllll*Pl'"'"""1 Mlnil!t ...,,_ ~ ,..,,.,~ wlll!flolt ...,.... ...,, 1116'1-'91 tOPYtlO{ll ·-· ~ C.11 .. f'MI..,_ MIO ti C..la AMII,_ Ctn,.,,.11, lv'*9"hll11tft bY {Mrlu Utt -~J-H-11'1111 au -"*"flb'I ""ru11rr artl'lllltl\I lf.61 -"'''· Shark'~ Teetli For.irid iii Bod')· SAN DIEGO (APj -An autop1y &hoWed today that 1 37-ye.ar-old spear fllber1nan died of shock nnd loss of blood after being attacked Sept. to by a white llhalk off Bal• C111forni1'1 Guadalupe 111anda. Porttons of the sh11r'k1s teeth were found In the ~y or Albert Sche ppershort or !Al Angeles. 1'he death was believed the first of its kind In 14 years off either cauromie or northwestern 11texl co. Scbeppershdff was di ving with friends wh en he waa at\acked. Laguna Hills Firemen Seek Single Siren The firemen at the Laguna flill s Fire Station are looking for 'a siren. The l\vlr legged kind, that is. She must be between 16 and 21 , single , and a resident elf El Toro, Laguna llills. or ~1ission Viejo. Applications must be in by midni ght Oct. 1 for Miss' Fire Preven tion. a beauty contest sponsored by the Exchange Club of the Saddleback Valley. Anyone interested is asked to mai l handwritten applications stating ag e, ad- dress, telephone number. and reasons they are qualified . Previou.5 ~·inners are ineligible. Judging Y.'iil be at 7 p.m. Oct. 3 at fl.fission Viejo High School, multi-purpose room B. The contest Y.inner y,·ill be announced at the conclusion of lhe judging, Y.ith a'A'ards presented at I p.m. Oct. 13 dur- ing the Fire Prevention Week Open !-louse .at the Laguna Hills Fire Station. ~e Queen will recelvl! a ttophy and a m1n1mum $50 s·avings bond. A trophy will be presented to the first and second run- ner-ups. Duties of the queen and her court over the ~ext year will include reigning over all fire de_partment activities in El Toro , Laguna Hills, and Mission Viejo. Judges for the coolest will be Jim Ma- nion, Ed PelissJer, Annette hfcCluskey, Aflke Stockstill, and George Toussaint. Relocatiori Bid For MacArtliur Hits New Snag , Approval for relocation of MacArthur Boulevard from Jamboree Boulevard to Bonita Canyon Road on the eastern OOun- dary of Newport Beach was delayed again Tuesday . The delay came on the question or an environmental itnpact report which may or may not be required. The Orange County Flood Control District asked pennlsslon to give the State Division of Highways a permlt to construct the realigned roadway which is part or the Corona del Mar Freeway and lo construct regional channels and major storm drains. • Robert Tomlinson of the State Depart- ment of Transportation told Orange County supervisors that environmental regulations had been complied with as far as the federal government was con- cerned. But County Counsel Adrian Kuyper rul- ed that an environmental impact report v,·as necessary lo the county before work 0 could begin. Tomlinson said this would take 18 months. The counf.y previously approved con- struction of the Corona del f\1ar Freeway bel\\'een the San Diego and Newport freewa ys without the impact statement. Tomlinson did say the future freeway might be covered in the area opposite the Orange County Airport. Director of Avia· tion Robert Bresn<f1an ha s contended that this is an absolute l)eCesslty for safety reasons. r Supervisors Ronald Caspers said he \\'as for immediate construction of the nev.· freeway but that the envlrlonmental rules must be followed. The J\.lacArthur relocation is for a distance of 1.2 miles. Names Sought For 2 Schools Trustees of the Capislrano Unified School District this week inviled sug- gestions from the comn1unity for ideas on names for two new schools which wlll be completed soon. The campuses are the new junior high school being built in LaguM Niguel as "'"ell as an elementary campus in the Caslille area or ~U!\slon Viejo where a temporary school already is in use on land donated b the Mission Viejo Com· pany. A permanent campus fs proposed for the same spot in oomlng months. Jtesidents with Ideas for the names can either call thtlr district headquarters at 496-1215, or mall thorn to the office before the end oC this week. Dyuwnile Discovered DUARTE I AP) -About ZOO lllcks of dynamite have bttn found partially hid· den under.. leaves and boards In an isol11ted urea north of this Los 1Angeles suburb, authorities said. ~ SberUf'a Department spokesman _ o;i!!l_ Tu~-sir 1>ae o.! blu11na ••P' iU80 YtTere found""in 100 cache. - What Yon~ll Pay (C OMPUTED ON A HOME WITH A GROSS ASSESSED VALUE OF $6,7SO AND A NET VALUE OF $5,000 AFTER REDUCTION Delayed FOR THE HOMl!OWNERS EXEMPTION) 197a,74 1972-73 CITY ·RATE Anaheim 10.3103 Brea 10.8860 Buena Park I0 .35S5 Costa Mesa 10.4892 Cypress 11.1290 Fountain Valley 10.5943 Fullerton 10.7574 Garden Grove 9.9526 Huntington S.och 10.7056 Irvin• 12.3400 La Habra 11.2162 Laguna Beach 10.0054 La Palma 10.6467 Los Al1mitos 10.9101 Newport Beach 9.4432 Orange 10.2326 Placentia 10.1625 San Clemente 10.5366 San Juan Capistrano 10.6833 ::;ants Ana 9.8650 Seal Beach 10.4478 Stanton 9.9274 Tustin 11.2401 Villa Park 10.4749 Westminster 11.2257 Yorba Linda 10.2649 Fro1n Page J STARR . • • count y officials believe should be paid . He and Caspers have toured the rugged ranch land in recent months and Fuentes said both agreed the property \\'Ould be almost impJSSible to develop because of lhe rugged terrain. drainage, water and access problems. "Ron (Caspers) and the rest of the county officials are committed to keep that land as open sapce," he said. "We aU know how many limes we've heard ·that the Starr Ranch has been 'sold'," he added, in reference to previous negotiations that have fallen through. The impact of the current sale issue would be felt worst in the cliy of San Juan Caplstrao-where officials have been operating under the premlse that the ranch was destined for use as a regional park. City Manager Dona1d \Veidner said ~ day that the city col.D'.lcil would "~t certa.inl.y be concerned" about the reports o~an impending sate to a private firm: "'\Ve had confidence that the county 's promises of a regional park were valid," he added. ... As ~ ~ sle~ward lryblg lo keep file rancb1111nd o/tn (the property lies outs~ ~ city limits ) \Veidner snid a consuJtiDg fjJ:Jn1s work: on a sphere of influence rn~P 'would be accelerated so that San Juan could have a legal edge in influencing the use of the ranch land. Thus far the ·city consultant has come up with three pfoposa11 for a map but councilmen have held off action until they ca.Ji sample the feelings of re.sklents in comm\Rllilei affected by the three concepts. ~ ( .. "There ~ few if any residents out on the Starr Ranch so we don 't have to wor- ry abollt the feelings out there," Weidner said. U massive residential development took place on the major acreage the Im- pact to San Juan would be severe, the of· ficial said. Ortega Highway, now a widening, nar· row, dangerous roadway, would become the priJ!le access route to the area. "In its present state, it cannot really accommodate the traffic it has. and we \\'OU!d feel the impaci of drainage, water problems and just about everything else," Weidner said. As for the impact of such a develop- ment on schools, spokesman for the Capistrano Unified School District this morning said the prospects were so im· mense that "they defy comprehension." Consultants for the J~square mile district recently warned that trustees should erpeel 27 ,000 pupil> by 1979 and that figure did not take Into account any residential use or the Starr Ranch acreage. "\Ve 're going to have a terrible lime just coping with the projected enrollment in 1979," said director of administrative services Joseph Wimer. "If the Starr Ranch w•und up being fillt!d with houses u well, we don't know \vhat we would do," he added. The district at present is facing a 11evere boom in pupil enrotlment. Abotit 11,000 students started school this fall . FrontP .. e I BATIIN ... plan was a political attack on the Presi- dent. I Baker said the r e q u e 1 t was an tn- Umatloo that t he Orange Co u11 t y Assessor's Office Y.'as not competent. SPICIAL· TOTAL TOTAL SCHOOL COUNTY CITY DISTRICT TAX TAX 316.91 84.00 52.50 57.11 510.52 645.93 324.61 84.00 72.50 63.19 544.30 671.12 307.64 84.00 50 .00 76.04 517 .68 648.69 300.15 84 .00 50.00 89.31 523.46 648.44 284.80 84.00 47.50 140.15 556.45 767.63 319.14 84.00 57 .50 69.08 529.72 715.75 326.23 84 .00 67.75 57.89 537 .87 872.61 267 .50 84 .00 50.00 76.14 497 .64 678.83 315.29 84.00 81.00 54.99 585.28 733.73 382.73 84.00 16.50 133. 77 617.00 666.52 333.73 84.00 77.50 65.58 560 .81 702.71 233.81 84 .00 106.30 76.16 500.27 576.49 ·307.&I 84.00 61.25 89.45 542.34 678 .95 312.36 84.00 49.00 100.15 545.51 698.36 282.25 84.00 f,(),00 45.91 472.16 579.10 305.74 84.00 84.50 57.40 511.64 652.91 276 .01 84.00 64.50 63.62 508.13 648.32 290.22 84.00 77.50 75.21 526.93 604.44 290.23 84.00 57.50 112.44 544.17 640.43 266.97 84.00 67.50 54.76 493.25 606.76 - 301.81 84.00 67.50 69.06 ~22.39 639.04 269.56 84.00 50 .00 92.81 496.37 689.12 338.04 84.00 58.75 81.22 562.01 640.55 305.74 84.00 49.00 85.01 523.75 671.12 326.37 84.00 45.00 103,92 561.29 752.10 SQ0.56 84.00 -(I-128.69 513.25 671.62 * ~ * * * Newport Ho1ne Owners • To Pay Less Taxes Newport Beach has the lowest tax rate i•: Orange County but all county property O\.\'tlers will pay less this year than in im -73. according to figures re- Mo~ulton Parkway 'Suggestions' By Council Nixed ~1oullon Parkway may be destined for renaming but Irvine city councilmen aren 't allowed to tell planning com- missioners just what name they'd like. In fact. for a time Tuesday night , it ap- peared the council wouldn't begin the procedure necessary to accomplish a street name change. Councilman Henry Quigley asked the council to direct the planning commission to open hearings after he learned he alone could not initiate such a request. Debate ensued when it was believed lo be improper for councilmen to hint which street they had in mind. "Thal would be telling the planning commlssion what lo do and would make their having a public hearing rather un- necessary,'' Councilwoman Gabrielle Pryor said. Mayor John Burton countered. observ· ing he wouldn't tell the planning com- mission to consider a street name change unless he knew what street was involved. Debate ended when Councilman Henry Quigley received peftntssldn of the city attorney to divulge the street to be con· sldered for a name change. It was: Moul· ton Parkway. On teaming that, It appeared tho direc- tive to the planning commis:skm would receive enough votes. Councilman WiWam Fischbach brought down the house wben he Inquired, "Ought we lo give the planning comm.Wion the slightest inkling of what name we would prefer?" ''No/' the city attorney ruled. State law provides planning com- missions must recommend and tbe cou~ cit may approve. leased Tuesday by county Audilor-Con- troller Victor A. Heim. The total tax paid by a homeowner \\:hose home has an average cash value of $27,000 will be decreased pr_lmarily because of an increase of $1,000 in the homeowners exemption. Newport Beach's total tax rate for 1973-74 Is $9.4432. This compares "!.ith $9.6516; last year. The owner of a $27,000 home, assessed at $6,750 beJore the $1,750 homeowners exemption \\'ill pay ap- proximately $472.16 in taxes. Heim said the typical amounts or taxes for each city are based on the code area in each city which has the greatest.assess· ed valuation . Other Orange Coast cities tax rate.s and average tax total are Costa ~1esa , $10.4692, $523.46; Fountain Va 11 e y , $10,5943, $529.72; Huntington Beach, 110,7056, $535.211; Irvine, $12.84, $6t7 (highest in the county); Laguna Beach , 10.0054, $500.?1 ; Los Alamltos, $10,91 , $545.51. San Clemente. $10.53811, 15211.9!: San Juan Capistrano, Sl0.8833, $544.17; Seal Beach, $10,4478, S 5 2 2 . 3 9 , -and \Vestmlnster, ai,.2257, $561.29. Fl'OlllP .. eI SURRENDER ~· .• milled being Grindeland's oompanloos became panic · stricken when he died tn the car of the wounds he suUered in the motel 1booUng. : -- They 68id ·tho two girl> dump.Iii his body on a lawn dole to their own llomes but decided the Dt~ day to reveal their role In the affair. Officers said the two girls told them they were with Grindeland during the motel robbery and while he earlier at- tempted to hold up the Kentucky '.fried chickeri outlet. In both cases, deputies said, Grin- deland simulated possession of a \\'eapoo by shoving his clenched right hand into his pocket and showing his intended vic- tims the bulge made by a supposed pistol. ·--- In Irvine Irvine councilmen dela yed action TueSo- day night on a proposed central Irvine IO\\'llhomcs project pending clarification' of the Irvine Unified SChoOl District's dif- ficul ties in acquiring a scb>Oi 1lte'. The 9.4-acre elementary school parcel is part ol the 25-1.cre Hoeptner Ranch p r o pe r t y . \Varmington Development Company proposes to develop 12.5 acres with 100 to\vnhorries if the city approves the Smoketree plaMed community zon- ing. The land fronts on Jef!rey Road near the Santa Fe Railroad. Jim Wannington, representing the developers and property owners, told councilmen Tuesday night his f i r m .is being asked lo pay more per acre !or the school site than the school dlstrl~ Is wlll- lng to pay his firm. As a reslll(, Warmington said, con- demnation or the school land is being sought by the school di strict. 'llle suit -.. might Lake as Jong as two yea rs, he agreed. Counciln1an Henry Quigley said he \,·ould not support the zone change until he \Vas assured the school district would purchase the school site. He lives in· a neighboring tract "'hich was approved by county government with no requirement that the developer set aside a school site. About 300 school age youngsters presently are bused several miles to Irvine school. The Ranch is one of the !ew tracts in the city with no neighborhood schoor either planned, under construction or in operation. Councilman Henry Quigley observed that part or the appeal of the zone plan - '~as .its attMtpt to merge city, schoq_I. d1str1ct and developer interests. A swap of land between the city and the school district would result in crea- tion of a 3.1 acre cily park abutting an east-west Southern CalUornia EcU.eon easement in which the cily plans to build a central Irvine bike trail. The southern edge of the clty park would abut the proposed school providing off street paths for children from neighboring developments to reach lhe school. The mayor pro tempore al90 observed that in exchange for the loss of develop- ment potential for land being sold to the school cUstrict planners had suggested the higher townhome denaity for the re- maining land. "I am sure that If \\'e approve the 12 units per ~re density and the school site condemnation falls through, t h e developer will be back in here asking to put 12 unlts per acre on the school site. "I couldn't vote for thlt aince the ad- joining properties are built at five per acre,'' Councilman Henry Quigley said. Councilman E. Ray Quigley Jr. at- tempted to determine what the e1tent of the price difference Is. However, City Attorney J a m es Erickson rultd the question exceeded the bounds of inquiry in a zoning heariDg. City sourees suggest the Hoeptner family is asking $35,000 an acre for the entire parcel. The school site, virtually isolated by homes and railroad tracks, is estimated to be worth from $3,000 to $5.000 an acre less. Warmington pointed out that if bis finn accepts the school district's lower offer "we would be giving them a grant.'1 For the nine-acre parcel the difference amounts to from $27 ,000 to $35,000, an amount which may or may oot be recouped by the more.. dense development or the remainlng acreage. ~-~:.. .. _ 538 CENTER STREET-COSTA MESA 646-1919 CLOID SUNDAY J ~ , ' • < , 1' -" "' Voit BasketbaDs AC2 Reg. ~.95 Value-5.95 Red-White-Blue 7.95 CB2 Blemish-8.95 CB2 Regular-12.95 XB20 lndoor-16.95 CB202 Synthetic Leatber-18.95 Wiison Leather Basketball-28.95 • • Warm Up SUlts-21.95 -24.95 Sweat Shirts & Pants-each 3.50 Adldas-Converse--T return Jack Purcell Tennis Shoes Men's & Boys' Tennis Shorts-5.95 up Tennis Shirts-5.95 to 9.00 Tennis Dresses _ Handballs & Gloves Racquetball Racquets & Bans • "We are being asked to spend ta1· payers' money to prove a point wtth no ·evidence oUered that ibe appralAI I• Ir> corrcc " he charged. ' t wou . iiiifng pu ~ c lui1Cli o-.*- port the tlforll of an individual !or very tran1partnt reaeon.s.11 ~ inch Basketball Backboanl-14.95 BasketbaH Goals-3.95 & 5.95 Adidls & Converse Basketball Shoes Basketball Shlrts-3.40 VolleJblUs •11ets Temis Rackets-4.95 to 50.00 --~ Temris-Baffs=.--.-- Baker and County .U1t110r Jack Vallerga argu<d that the county tai ap- pea.ls board was the proper forum for an appeal. The appeals board will consider the matler on Oct. 28. Vallers• hH auwed the s an Clemente properly nl tho Pm!dent at I $3. 7 m!lllon., BatUn contendi thlt It should1le-14.4-ml1Hon. -- I Soccer Bans wmr Pola Bans Open 9 to . 6 Closed Sundays . 7 .95 per OOL Boys' GJm Shirts & Sborts Blles-Pl1Hepalrini Tirei-Tubes ··----~ ' • ~ -• -oAn,y PROT EDITOIUAJ, PAGE ' • ' I Irvine. T a x Support Within the space of one week, lhe city of Irvine's future commercial tax base grew markedly. The city approved first phase development of Doug- las Center on property near Orange County Airport. Meanwhile, Irvine Company plans tor Irvine Center hint creation of shopping and hotel cenlera eventually equal to two and a half Fashion Islands (In buildlng space) on land yet to be annexed by the new city. projected population of 5,000. The rest, in an aircraft r.ath too noisy for residential use, will be devoted to a -ake, a community center, a 15Q.acre park, an equestrian c:enter, and a commercial center. RA!fresbing ai the Whiting plan is, implications of development pressures all around it prevent the county from giving ready approval. Douglas plans nearly half a million square feet of offices, banks snd a 300.room Hilton Hotel to launch Its ulttmate 1.2 million square foot commercial center-at MacArthur Boulevard and Campus Drive. The lira! phase, when leased, will produce $277,000 In tax revenue per year to the city, from about $200,000 hotel taxes alone. It.ls projected that in 10 years Irvine Center will house eight major department stores and 200 ohops in a development expected to be worth UOO million. The Irvine development, located at the Intersection of the Santa Ana~ San Diego and Laguna Freeways is within the Irvine Unified School District. If annexed by the city of Irvine the· taxes from -the 480-acre develOJ>' men! will support both the city and school di!trict. The commission.. is acting intelligently by requiring all developers in the area to meet together and make firm commitments on roads and oCher compensations for their effect on the total community. Even in the laud- able Whiting plan many vttal questions still are un-answered. Sensible Delay Castille School on Via Oviedo in Mission Viejo opened to 124 children last week, a few days later than its fellow members of the Capistrano Unified School District. While the elementary school was born out or an attempt by dlstrict and Mission Viejo Company officials to meet a pressing need, all did not go well. Clearly, both developments could contribute greatly te the future growth of f rvine . Creative Land Use -- Fifteen relocatable classrooms were set up on the site to serve as a temporary school while a permanent one was built adjacent to it. But the portable classroom .s9.mpany had ,Problems, the coniract bad to be trans· ferrea anifseven huililings were '!ale. The asphalt access and some utilities weren't done last week. District Supt. Truman Benedict rightly assessed the situation as possibly dangerous for children and delayed Planning proposals for the Whiting Ranch presented last week to the Orange County Planning Commission deserve the credit given them already for pioneering in creative land use. Under the concerned dlrectlon of G. N. Whiting, whose family has owned the land -since 1884, planner Larry Webb has designed the scenic 2,700 acres to leave the opening of school a few days. · Where children are concerned, it is always better _to take no chances. Lost days can be made up. Problems are being worked O"Ut and about 100 more children will be welcomed in the coming weeks at the school, which serves as 8.n example of what can be done with developer-district cooperation. 1,400 acres untouched. 1 Of the rest, 600 acres will go for housing of a Assembly Finale- A--Me s-$! ( RUS WALTON ) That fina1 day of the 1973 Legislative session was a mess. A stupid, in· excusable, expensive mess. During the closing hours of that day the state legis:Jature nmmed through at least 500 bills -probably more. A& a matter of fact, 10 days after the deluge the-clerks of the Senate and Aaoembly sUU do not know for aure just what bUIJ were paSled. Let alone how much damage was done to the citi- zen In terms of costs and Cootrols. The A!aembly staff figures that about 2$3 bills were adopt- ed on Sepl 14 -give or take -a-dozen O< ao. The Senate staff, as of this writing, has no real Jdea or how many bills were con-- sklered or how many were passed or what they will do to Californians. AT ONE POINT during the lat .. late hours ol this horrible put.<>n, Senator ILL. Rlcbard&ion, R-Arcaclia, walked to the rear ol. the chamben for a few words with MIR Harrington. By the time he returned to bis seat, a few minutes later, Rlchardoon found he bad voled tor tour bills. What four bills be wasn't sure. He raised bell. He demanded 'that bis name be taken off the substitute roll Cill (a devl~ for automatic "gang" votes). RicbardSon tried to get several aenators to join him in the effort to ~top the jug- gernaut. They refused and on went the steamroller. Evel')' few minutes another bill, another new law in the making. THE BLIZZAIID of blllJ was just as bod in the Assembly. And, It was a .. oompanied by •111mt" v o t i D I . Legi!lators ablont fiom lbe chambero were being voled by a colleague. Time and again, for enmple, the electroo.Ic tote boanl Indicated that Assemblywo. man March F<log, o.oaldand, was pros- Dea r .Gloomy Gus Abouti,275 acres out of 1,llOO acres In the proposed "part" between Corona del Mar and Laguna just happens to be canyoos. All that money for a "Mouiltain · Goat Safari?" DEMOSTIIENES Il a...M,. aw Wl'lll*lh er. ••""" .., , ........................... " AflMt .... .,.._. " .. •=•w. s-.11 rwr "' ,...,. .. ~ ... Dlllr ....... eQ1 and voting. Mrs. Fong .was not In the room. , When Allemblym&Jt'llRay Seeley, R· Palm Springs, protested, acting Speaker Jact Fentoo, ~Montebello, told him to ait down and shut up. Such ls the face and voice of arrogance. The ghost of Mrs. Foog cootliiuecj to v o t e In bel absence. It'• not just the chaos of lbe moment, it Is the loog-term ravages. Durjllt such becUc hours the "leadersbip",....fiDds it relativeJy easy ·to slide in the sleepers. ~looking bills that upon In- vestigation are mean lUld -Uy. Such bills wou)d never·make-lt thraogb sertous • debate. But, in the darkness of chaos they slide lhnlugh. WHEN mosE bills are examined in the llgbt of sanity, oome lawmakerl are gqing to have heavy legislative bangovera and a tough time oxplainlng their votes. The problems and the pressures are 11111 not ov.z. They may be comJ>2!!11!1od. The Governor now bu ooly 12 days from the ·receipt of that flood of bUIJ to con- sider them, wunlne lbelr Impact, and act on them -approve or veto. Twelve days! What a way to nm a railroad! Not to mention gcrremmenL VOTERS WERE assured, In 1912, that if they would adopt Prop. I and Its bien- nial legislaUve sealoo the c h a o 1 of the final days would disappear. No more or those last-minute 'steamroller jobs that flatten the proper legislative process and leave me6! of legislation in its path. That was the promise. ~Remember? Well, the people approved Prop. I. We have tJKJSe biennial sessions. But, the chaos and the chicanery ar< still with us. All of which proVts that a legi!latlve house is not a borne. At least, not for good government. -SB ''GOTTA 6~T Rlt> OF i HESE KULAKS!" Rhythmic Racket Caused By Mini Sonic Boonas 'Copter Noise Can Bend Yori.r llouse To the Editor: Municipal departments conducting or consiGering r e g u I a r , non-emergency helicopter flight operations from areas closely surrounded by residential or com- merCia1 development-shoulctbe prepared to pay the costs of property damage suits. THE FAMILIAR whap-whap helicopter sound is caused by the tips of the rotors which move near the speed of sound and often break the sound barrier -just like the tip of a bullwhip "cracks" when it breaks the sound barrier. Helicopter blade Ups cause ,atmospheric overpressures ; in effect, mini sonic booms. ~ "OVerpresst;reS can be more damlit!,lag~ -of • aJl!lbot jet because the helicopter overpressures oc- cur, in .a .rbythmic pattern -that elicits sym~ fledng from nearby struc- tures. Thi1110exing can be felt and seen In the walls and windows of homes and of· fices • -,.:hene.ver large -especially mllitf'Y type -helicopters fly over. This Oexini CID cause damage immediately, or CaD weaken structures, making them ~,!susceptible to damage from minor tarjbluakes. Fldd.Wing STOL aircraft not only precJtde these problems, but are also less tirpeostve to operate and maintain. JOHN F. ROSSMANN Cooperation Wf n s To~ Editor: Alter many years of-reading )'Our fine feotUja arlicleo l tlloughl yoo might be Interested In what bas happened In our area and bow great cooperation between many people brought about fine improve-ment in this neighborhood. TWO VEAJIS ago I contacted the pOOoe company about taking down wires that ruined the ocean view for 13 homeowners in our area. After many phone calls, meetings and consulting with muny people, the phone wires are coming down_,_ It was a joint effort on the part of the phone compaoy, the Laguna Beach Water and Power, Whose empty pipe the phone company IJ using, the 13 homeowners and the Cameo A!sociation of our area. We thought It might be interesting to otbers who might have lh\l same prob-1tms; to show that cooperation between MAILBOX Let te rs froni readers are welcome . Nonnally writers should convey their messages in 300 words or less. The right to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel is reserved. All letters muSt include signature and nuiiling address, but 1uzmes may be withheld on request if suf/iciet1t reason is apparent. Poetry will not be published. t,fg comi>amesJ and small homeowners is oot a thing ol the past. The wires should be corning down wilhin a matter of weeks. The fact tbal they are CQJlling dowh is of great 'lmportanoe to all of Us living In Cameo lllgblands. -MRS. ROBERT W. FRYE Closed Out To the Editor: The Hal Boyle column of Sept. 17 is only one ln a recent series by syndicated columnists carried by your paper which have put down women in the women's civil rights movement. I agree that each man is entiUed to his opinion but I would point out that each woman is entitled to hers. It ia apparent that the feminist move- ment ii burgeoning every day; that it muat be considered at this point In time a major movement representative of the views of many women. Yet, your editorial page does not carry a column representative of our views. It Is my sincere desire that you will see fit to give our views representation in the editorial page. We have been closed out too long. SUSAN MCGREIVY, Vice President Laguna ,Beach Chapter of N.O.W. Fatlter•, Daughters To the Editor: In response to Joan Brick's ~peech before the ·Newport Beach Exchange Club, it must be said that she is air- parently speaking Crom her own ex· perience which is obviously very limited . Perhaps most of the women she knows are queruJous and nagging, have poor self~images, lack sel(-eonfidence, and are generally frustrated. However, one need not look far in this community to find many examples of women with high self· esteem who have accomplished in many fields of activity, and who are quite capable or providing a competent role model for litUe girls. ~ms. BRICl!: deacribes hereself as a "super person," though sun not able to give her daugflter what she needs em<>:. tionally. No wonder. I caq't regard anyone as a "super ~n" who generalizes so negatively about her own sex, blatanily ignoring the many ex- ceptions which point to the need to judge people as individuals. After all, are there not men also who have problems with "internal stability?" Ironically, I heartily agree with the ad- vice Mrs. Bri~ gave ber male audience, but not for the same reasons. By all means, fathers, do take ·your daughters on business trips, luncheons, and spend lime with them. But recognize that by expanding a girl's awareness of the world outside the home you may well in~ crease her expectation to venture forth into the world as an adult. At leat you are giving her a glimJ*? of a wider range of choices -which is what women's liberation iS' all about. JUAlllTA MOE Seek 1 .. t1ee To the Editor: Reference is made to your editorial dated Sept. 18, entitled "Gas Station Squeeze" wherein you noted the in- eqWties of Phase 4 Petroleum as related to the serviee station dealers. We wish to thank you for pointing out to the public, who are our customers, the unjust regulations beipg forced upon us dealers by the Cost or LiVingO>lincil. YOUR EDITORIAL, in addition to pointing out service station dealers marginal profit problems, more im- pl>rtanUy brings to the attention of the public our sincerity and our extreme ef- forts and attempts to restrain service s t a t l o n shutdowns by the many economically injured service station dealers in Orange County as we continue to strive for justice through legal and legislative means. This effort to avoid Mrv1.ce station . closedowns and economic pressures agaimt our customers can be attributed to the principal efforts of th e International Service Station Dealers Association (l.S.S.D.A.) of. which I am proud to be a member and"& director. Wll.L1AM IL BAY Ml!Sioll Viejo Mobil Service 1111 »•irtl ~f!tn To tbe Editor: ~~;~ For all the peoJlll, who ',\hlPI< It la all right for pur President not to l'eleaM th• Watergate tape!· becluie It might jeopardize national security .... What Is your excuse for Nixon now, that he refuses to release the tapes from the meeting with the Dairymen's ASlocia-- tion. A meeting that was held right before dairy prices' went up with govern- ment approval, and by coincidence benefited-Ille campaign l>y some $500,000. I:.ORRAINE M. KAMPMAN 'Spiro; Spiro, come back Spiro/' Four Healthy Mealies~ l)ays a _Week? Try Biochemistry W ASIUNGTON -Control& have been absolute good. The fat-laden, gross ofl beef for a few days and the prlcea chunks of almost bleeding meat that We ~veo't shot up yet, so we can expect call a steak would make a more John T. Dunlop, director ol lbe COit of cultivated people retch. Worship of steer Uvlng Cow)cU, or another one of the meat may J lso drive us Individually into losers that illdierd N-bu flghUng In-deb! and ruin our BQlculture. On the flaUon to c:ongratu-average, ee.cb of us eats Ill pounds of. late hlmoell • TV. -=. meat and ,ioultry a year -a!Jout 30 per- U lbe prices hl""''t I" :\ «111 .of lbe world 111pply. Jone up slnoe con-If "" could saUsry our e~ troll were lll\ed, It's "' appetite for meat by grazing livestock on -oaly-because _ the~-_ land unfit for any other use we wooldn't were 10 high when mpeilf'CiUr agni:ullur< nor face the m: the cootrolt were Ing .prices that hove come upon us, but It 1pplled. doesn't work that way. A tremendous num-. her of our fellow ''ENORMOUS qu1nUUet of the highest f--...!dtlzeJt• can't 1fford to eat beef any more. quality food tource1 are W to animals,., But beet 1J 1 ,ge ~I glvea-wrlta~.,M~ppe b; "Diet for_ you the what·fon to defend your country, ~Small Plonet (Ballantine llOiitr,lf.25) lieef makes you manly beet mat .. yoo Fully one-half o1 the ha r v e 1 t e d llOIY, beef (IVts you a~tui and courage, agricultural land in the U,S. 1J planted boef, ·not Wheaties, Is lbe food of cbam-with feed orops. We f~ 71 percent of 1U pl(ma for red-blooded and raw All~ our grain to anlmals. -· NI.ton eats bee! and John PuLanotber way, 1 sleet must W fed Mitchell did belore they pulled hi• teeth . 21 pounds of v•toble proCeln to produce out. · one Pound or meat proteln f« us to eat. Marvelous aource ol protein and 'lllo llllOW!t ol pr«eln which we teed to potrlotl&m that beei II, ii IJ DOI on our Uvotock, and which was !oat to ' . . ' ~ ---=- ( VON HOFFMAN ) human coosumptJoo because steera are inefficient proteln factories, is the equivalent,_ Ml. Lappe lnlonno 111, of "911 pen:ent of lbe world protein detlclt" Bui African Jdda llU!lerlng llOOl Kwuhlort<or, a disease caused )>y protein deficiency ..... ·t golni to --ol U8 to do more than cluck In sympathy. Kwashiorkor baa been ldenUOed In kids here In the states Ind that didn't cbanae anybody's eating habits. People probably wc.uldn't 1ive up eating beef even lf they lme!f that the higher yoo eat in _tbe. food clii!ilt .more:11iely youa re-to-be poisoned by the pesticide residues which accumulate in the cells of the meat w~ love to eat. No, It'll be the high price of m e a t that~! get most of us off beef, II anything doel . .Besides, most ol.UJ 4on't have the foggiest Idea how we can eat well or healthily without consuming l a r g e llllOW!ll ol Oesb. We red , white and blue carnivores wouldn't know how to get our protein except by whacking it off lbe fL•nk of a steer. Frances Lappe can help us here. Her book will tell you about how much protein YoU need and how you can get it without eaUng meat. mE BIOCHEMISTRY Is oomplicated, but her esplaoaUon Isn't. Proteins are collectlOl1ll of-a dltlerent amino acids, all but eight of which our bodies can manufacture. T1-ell!1't, however, are two separately. Or, stated in terms of meat equJvalencies, a cup and a half of be.ans and four cups of rice equals a 13- ounce steak i1 eaten separately, but a l~ ounce steek if eaten together. You don't have to become a chemist to try this kind of cuisine. Frances Lappe gives what the basic high protein com- binations are, i.e. bread and cheese, and some recipes to get you started with good-tasting, low meat cookery. She doesn't recommend that you become 1 Hindu and tum your life upside down. Move Into il gradually without going all the way. Think of the money you oould savo II your family had four healthy, high-pro. teln, meailess days 1 week. And If y.., do, the next time Earl Bua gets .,. tho tube to tell you ineat prices ano coinc ,. again, think how good It will be In tell him to take bis meal and stull ll .!t!<ilsJ>OllUble for tbo uUU..Uon otprotein _ by our systems. To the extent !hat a food -ou ... 1-coAST .,,,. odltorlal ,;op-of· tt>e-Dan,. Ls deficient In even one, the others cannot Pilot sttk3 to tnfonn -anrt stlnt\&l&te be \Dtd. rtaden by pmientina: on this pqe Sinoe all eight are present ln relaUvely divene commentU)' on toencs o< fn.. • large amounts lo meat, lt ls a handsome lt f'Hl by O"ndlcattd col.wnnim and f this I I I ctrtoonllta. by Pf'OVktins • ton.am tor source q most mportant e ement n ruderi.' vin-s &iii .t... -" .. -this · the-l!uman diet. But·you-con--IO'<fown-to--1--~R~ob~<1'"1'-"N~. -"\V_,•.,td,...,_,,P_,•::.bl:.:f.t:::h!.'tr__ ., r·-.. ~• the bottom of the food chain and pick up Thoma.o Ket11ll, Editor :":'p~-oPl~ all the protein you need by "eating, ln ..... ... ... o,..._ .. the same meal, dit!arent plant loodo in •arbora Kr<lblth ot ""' Dally Pilot ...,..r only in""' u. tdllortal column &t th! top ot the. .. which the amino acid deficiency of one Editorial Page Editor ..,.. ()plnlom .. ..-by the mi.. Item ls supplemented by the amino acid umolstS and cartoor:\lttl ant;t leutr cc.ntained in olhert," say• our autho,. wrl!ers.,. tWr own and no fblb:w- who esplallll that eating boons and rice Wednesda,y, Sept. 26, 1973 mmt ot --by • Dltl1 _ together wlll p<ovtde your body with 4S Pilot -.kt be -. percent more pn>teln than II you eat lbe , -- . Girl; 4, , " Con1mutes ; ' For Life ti ' ' -: LONDON (APl -ClaJre1 ~ Puzey has been chosen "Miss . British Rell Commuler 1973." . S The 4-year..old girl must travel 600 miles a week or dle. Claire has no kidneys and makes a 200-mile round trip lhree times a week from her ... home in rural Hampshir'e to ! • be treated on a kidney ' machine at Guy's Hospital in • London . : ' She has been commuting for three months since her diseas- \ • · ed kidne)'! were removed. ~ Last week her fellow ,travelers ~"' on the &:26 to Lon8on \\'ere told \\'hy the little girl with the bubbling laugh \\'35 making the trip. They got together and decid· ed W give her a day to remember. British Rail area manager Harold Ward greeted her this week at her home stalion of ·.-· Ch.rlstchurch and said: ''You have become th e sweetheart or the Southern Region." He gave her a special train badge and handed over the passengers' gift, an inscribed copy of Kenneth Grahame's classic "The Wind in the .,; Willows," the Story of a ne'er· i do-well rich toad whose taste fo r adventure leads h i 1n ' • • t • ~: as ray. ~ · Harry Starr , a publisher, aat ~ Claire on his knee as the train )1i f set off and read her the in- ~ scriplion: "Presented to Miss • British Rail Commuter 1973, with all good wishes from British Rail staff . ''She is a honey," said Staff, 52. "She's always so. cheerful" 11' A woman passenger gave ... Claire one pound -about $2.50 v -for candy . A man bought " her a pack of potato chips and another a cup of tea. Claire's mother, ~year-old Pam Puzey, said : "Our only real hope Is for Claire to have a kidney transplant. We arc anxiously waiting for the the hospital to rell us they have found a suitable donor." Claire later sat on a hospital bed, beside the k I d n e y machine she must be con- n~ted to !or 30 hours a week, ~·· whlle a nurse read from her ;.i:, ~ new book . .#':.• She smiled at newsmen and i said: "It was the best journey • I ever had." ~ --, · ..... ' ;,., .. , Enterprise A Backup For Power? .: i~ ...;41,;.. -· • . . .. -" ' r ~. ~: ~ J . • .-:; •• .. -~ . ii'< .J "" ~·. . ~· . ._,~, ,...,. ' ' . _ .. _ \, BREMERTON, Wash. !AP) -E1ectric power abcl1.a«es are shaping up in many pans of the NorthYt'est but this city has the optton o1 &mn:g lor help from il5 big brother in lhe ba y -the aircraft carrier Enterprise . The Enterprise b a s n · t volunteered but its t o t a I! generating capacity of .W.(l(t)1 kilowatts could keep Bremerton's lights an plus ilie rest of Kitsap, Mason. Jef- ferson and Clallam counties on the Olympic Peninsula. The combined population of those counties is just less than 200,000 and a spokesman for the ship said it would provide elcetricity for a city that size . The idea is less speculative than it might seem. During a severe drought in 1929, the carri<'r Lexington used one of its generators to supply power to Tacoma, Wash. The Enterprise is berthed at the U.S. Naval Shipyard here for several months undergoing repairs and refurbishing. Silica Plant On Strike OCEANSIDE I AP) -A strike or 45 union workers left management running t h e Crystal Silica Company plant Tuesday without new contract ' ~ talka in sight. The walkout· was staged after a vote last Frklay by members or Teamsters Union Local 36. Laborers' lnterna· tional Union of North America Locil-99 and op eT a H n g Engineers Local 12. A three- year c:oo.lract expired that day. Crystol Silica Company b San Diego Comity's major .!:,,.:..;..-....:•uppller of lnduattiaI silica us- iiil ~trettom>t-gl ... talnen, houllng conatruction • I' \ ----·.' beauty from Geminesse with $5 minimum purchase Max Factor presents "Your Day .of Discovery:' Di=ver: .• die mystical gypsy who will forecast your future in the starS of your horoscope. -eiscover ... the beauty expert who will analyze your face. Discover •.. the talented wig· stylise who will answer your wig styling ques.tions, and the "Flatter "Wigs"-a fabulous collection in the newesc styles, most natural looking colors, and in the iDosc preferred £bcrs (Styled for you without ex.era charge). Discover .•. "The Face of Fortune": Enriched Moisturizing Lipstick, Exhilarating Skin Lotion, Under Make-Up Moi•turizcr aod Strawberry Masque. Your gilr, with any Gcmioesse SS minimum purchase. Cosmetics SOUTH COAST PLAZA .. WtdntM:lay, Stpttmbtr 26, 197.3 DAILY PILOT $ ~- • .-materials and sendbla1ting. ~\t r Kids Like To....._ ________________________________ _, ' 1 Ask Andy " Bullock's South Coast Plaza, Monday through Friday 10:00. a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m~ to 6:00 p.m., 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa, Telephone: ''6·0611 . -.. - • • ' I ~ w -VOL. ~. NO. 269, 6 SECTIONS, 94 PAGES . . ' ORANGE cou~. CALWORN(A -' • . WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1973 Today's .Flnal N.Y. Stoeks • TEN CENTS s~eal Beach Put.·s Brak~s On Population Boom By TERRY COVIlLE Of ... o.IW 'II" ltMf One .fuore city bu joined the.ranks of West ·orange County communities that ill'e thinking small. . Monday night, Seal Beach city coun- cUnien endorsed several land use measures which could cut the potential size of the beach community in half. A general plan adopted in 1968 predicted a population of 60,000 for Seal Beach by 1985. Story of 2 Men By dowmoo1ng resldenUal """ near the beach, avoiding heavy tourist at· traction, and not annuing Rossmoor, councilmen hope to hold the city's 1985 population at 30,000. The town already has 27,400 residents. Seal ~ch is DQt the first west county community to pot the b,raltell on the ...mJncly Inevitable populaUon ·bc>om. In e·arty 1971, an environmentrorlented FDllntaln Valley City Council began slic- Ivan and Ray-2 Cop s Who Loved Their Joh · By JOANNE REYNOLDS f . Of ... D1ltr l'l• l!etl Meet Ivan Neal and Ray Anderson, two cops. Ivan ts big and tall. The kind of muscular iod favored by the people who choose motorcycle policemen. Ray Is old enough to. be Ivan.!s (ather., He II a detective that' newsmen , describe as a seasoned veteran. His hair ls turning white and. bie's got a paunch. He smokes too much, he drinks more than he should and be has an ulcer because he worries too much. 111E TIME is about two years ago and a young reporter fs interviewing Anderson. He welcomes the writer to the office be _aha.res with lvaa and· another detective, gets her a cup ol cofree and reluctanily talks about his years in law enforcement. The stories abOOt delivering babl ... getting shot at and chasing criminals come out slowly at first. He chain smokes and between cigarettes he chews the wooden matches be uses to light them. He ls amazed the reporter notices. Ivan egga him on, remtnding ·him of an lncident wbile grinning broadly beneath bis walrw mustache. Ivan's shirt collar ia just a little too big for his neck. "TEU. llE!l ABOIJT ~ time you bl!cked over a planter .• 'I' "!IJlil~ 'OO''WJll'klnc. '!!!Dif• ~ il!V<"iP,!l!i up latq a picture of the ee1n.,." ' Tbere•a a break and Ivan leaves. "Do you -aboqt lllin!" Andy ub. ''Y•·ouiht r, be lelllna Iii rAti1. I tlint llo'1 the· IP'Ntesl l:ld ID the world." 'lfoj -~ta -Al the ... of II, 1-JilfOl 11 dybt; He ls ..., ti the bliSesl. kloetl!ll ..,. .., '!he r .... arid -certatnly me of. tbe younce11 m0tcr olflcen wben he aot Into ID a<cidenl ' ,...., ~ THE COllll8E of treating btm !or bis IDJutres, tJie docton dlicover tbat Ivan baa cancer. Tbere II nothing anyone can do, IO Ivan comes back to wcrt u a detective tn the office with Andy Andenol!· Tiley make quite a. pair -Andy, with bis •""""l'ilted years of wiadom and mtddte-'!CO<i spread, and Ivan, growtnc leaner by the day, to that even ·hls aboulder hot.ler h&ngl! loose on btm. Together Ibey prObe Into their cases, takinl ;...it care to pomCout the otber's-lallinp loudly and bwnorously"to anyllody who will listen. . A lew inootbs co by and Ivan dlea. He bad wcrted ·u l!lrig aa be coqld, but be llnally bad to .. Into the hospital arid then It .... ....... . No one mtsaed btm tn quite the way Andy did. Tbetr relatioosbtp was a llUle like the ·over-worked clicbe of "just· ll* a, IOD." ~Y BASNT been around the staUO. too much recently. He wa1 trans- ferred lrom detectives to the lndenUBcatica buread after Ivan died, but then bis ulcer ~ wone so be IOOlt a medical leave. A couple of operations later It l>Ocaine obvfOU> Ray Anderson couldn't hact tt -~ So, on 'Sept. !IO, Andy's aotnc·to retire. • • It II.hard to write about bis retirement aa It was to wrltel~'~ollill'PY· The pain and loyally, love ahcl guts that W<nl Into Andy's J:I-.,...,_ as a cop ate tmpoutble to adequately relate. Just as Jt was im1!0SIU>le lo tell of Ivan Neal's·couraae .wben he la1ew be wai dying and_be stlll"wanted to;.io the tldng lie loved ~a cop. · · ). Y, THIS IS ~ story ••• tbe story of two men. ' • ,. ' Nixon Discusses Chariee _Of Agnew Resignation W ASIUNGTON (UPI) -1be ll'btte House said today that Vice Pmldent Spiro T. A-has di-" the pou!billty of reslplng with President Nixon. A 1pol<o1man said Ntron neither encouraged nor \Uscouraged him. CenlinDljlqn .' by qep.,_ty •pr e ss Secreta/Y <Urald L. wamn ·!If NCelll rumors thao ~" bad COllll<lettd resloin( came moments 8'ler Speaker Car[ Albert swiftly turned down A ... w'1 request that the House .rather than the courll undenalte an lnv..U,IUOQ of Cycle OHiceL Turns Cowbo y poJJUcal Wl'OOidoing aplnlt the vice ~t. "-1At the White HQUH, Warren made it clear that Agnew's decision to try to get tlie House to open an Inquiry tn~ ldckbad< allegations against him was made solely by tbe vice pmldent. Althou&b N!Ioo dlacuAod nrious opUolis with 4neW tn lour meetings they have had llnce the allegalloas were announced !oe eierted n0 pressure for any partlcuJar course, Watre11• aakl. _Warren said for the ltnt time that the two bad dlacussed the poulbillty of Ain!W resl&nlni when they met ~ _inoiiaiq, averal boW:I prior to Agnew 1 Nqllllt to the Route !or 'an tnvestlgaton. ~ moda clear be would challenge on JllVelltption echeduled to begin 'lburl-dal' "' a lederol ll'llld Jury In Baltimore. Albert .. burl.a lbe vice pre.stdent'• pr-1 ID a~ -tence stat .. """' '.II "'""1a3'..JUl!ll: ing apartment projects from the city's future. They reduced the maximum populaUon lrorn a potential 70,000 re>ldents Ii> a priil> able 113,500 by blocking the consltuctlon of about 2,000 apartment units. FOWltain Valley W8' prepared to knock down even more apartmenta, but the city was forced to back off under the threat of a $750,000 law suit·from ooe developer. Huntington Beach, with a current population of 150,000, ls bardlf con- sidered. small, but even that city was struck by anti-growth sentiment in 1971. The leaden tn Hwttlngton revloed por- tions of. their master plan, reducing densities for apartments, making some potenU8l apartment areas suitable for homes instei.d, and adopting other re&tiiCtive Measure's. At one time, Huntingtoll Beach civic leaders envisioned their city as one of Orenge County's biggest with a potential population of 300,000. New cowtcilmen however, cut the heart out of that plan, reducing the potential by 65,000 residents to a maximum of 235,00l. Huntlllgton plaMers are working on furtheroreductions. Land near the ocean Is currently allowed to have more apartments per acre than property in- land, but planners want to make all pfOlr erty the same. Il the council reduces ocean-oriented density, It rould once again lower the city's · potential gro'ftih, this time by 11,800, planners estimate. The Seal Beach action, as with recent actions of Fountain Valley and Hun- tington Beach, were a response to groy,·. ing community sentiment against rapid growth. One recent meeting in Seal Beach drew 350 residents, most of them telling the council to keep their city small. In recent years, the most ei:plosi,•e issue in Seal Beach has been the (See B~, Page Z) - • Ill Huntington " Vandals Set Blaze, Attack Firemen With Rocks Vandals who touched off a blaze in a conatruction shed hld tn the darkness Tuesday night, lobblni rocks and ·botllel at Huntington Beach police and firemen called to the scene. · There were no injartes reported. A police spote·sman said no arrests were made. The fire was reported at 11:30 p.m. In a shed In the 9tKXI bk>cltof Peck Drive. 'Firemen were pelted by mi.ssllts throl!D from a nearby group or townbowet. Fire Capt. Roger Roamer 1)0ted the construction area is separated from the Coo-tall Condooljnlums by a chain link fence that afforded firemen some protecttoD. 1be shed and Its contents were listed as a . total Jqss, · although firemen Bald they were not hampei'ed In fighting the blaie by the rocks. 'It wa.-.Jotally involved when we got there,''_ Hosmer noted. Police said they did not venture into the tract to try to arrest their attacker because of the darkness. "It wu impossible to tell who was doing the throwing," said Lt. Donald Tryon. "Most of the stuff seemed to be coming from seeond story windows." Both Tryon and Hosmer noted their departments have had problems in the past in the Continentals. "We've had a litUe barrassment in the past," Hosmer said. "But then it was Senate Okays Troop Cuts Hot Winds Blow S~nsliine, Santa Anas Arrive Ov-el!Seas ~.s .... ,. ~4i' " .J ( _, ., 'WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate to- day vot...i to ....... Ille ,,..,,... <I lf.S. .. .. .. land-l>uel trooi>oo>Yeraeaa by to pion:ent. The_,,....,. . -le l>alli6erelie Leodet 'Mitt Mai1111eld hid ~Y. proposOd a lO pe.....t cut Jn the nPm'ber of lorelgn-bu- ed U.S. troops, but· chaqed the proposal at the lllJI minute to a to pereeat cut. lllansl!eld said ,that --·· depeodents, U.S. civllilDI 11M1 loreljpl nallonala hir<d to. aaiat Amelicau 8" Included, the United States bu.a• !°""'·of I.I million persons tn l oretgn countries. He said, thliColla U.S. tair:payen, $jo btlllon a_year, wlth 'f111illtQ!l of that amount at~ . to maJ..a.,n;;jQC& " troops tn Europs. . --" ' lie said •. reductlon·ln tbe 500,0llOonan lorce ls ·.....u1a1 to lower .,the · U.S. balance-ol·pO)'ll\Ollts ddlc!t, fill domesUC needs and end 1he pollcy ol military con- lrontaUon with tbe Soviets. ' '-. · .• .IJ!IAl'IGE ·COUN'Q',,.\lllPORT Tower .shllted,,t!>e landing pattern• today beadlDil planes DOl1h Into-the wind on Jandlnli, brlni them doWn over Newpon ·Beach. • . · • . Yllilillly ol 11 ~ Jl'll """"1ed alone tbe <lfange CoaSt l!>dl!y, Inland communlt\el 'experienced··blowillg sand and ,duot, -b1y tn oranp ..i Ana- .be!Jp. Wbere ,the dry Si'nta Ana River bed ,ts whipped up by canyon gusta. ' .. The Mansfield amendment would re-· B h s h l D • • quire that at least lO,ooO troops baaed tn eac c 00 istrict loretgn«:ou•tnei .bi pulled out-by nm . · • · . -, Jwie .!10, and·tlia)' -·150;000 be wUbdrawn over the 'followinf two years. Obterven said the MilnsDelcf amendment coulcl'.~ pvertumed In a subloeqtH;Dt vot~. The . s.ioate also was to begin pobllc debele loclaY on a proposal to slow development of tbe '1J blilioo Trident Receives $3.3,063 Grant submarine program. 1be Trldont amend· A $33,0ll3 grant from the Stale Board.of ment wu~-lar more 1han two EducatiQn -bu ~ .. Hunt~ brlll'I tn·clooed aessloo Tuesday. · 'Ill · · A vote oo the Trident amendment was Beacb illM HICh School Dt.itrlct a scbaC!uled '!or Tbursdiy. Bilingual. Education Pi<crim, lletording In addition to En;,,,,., American lon:es to a 'report given at' Ttiesday nigbt's --~ board ·meeting. · are based in 1balland. Okinawa, Korea, --~ g1 the dlstricl Taiwan, the Pbillpj>lnes and Bermuda. ·~ ~ wu ven to 'one Mansfield notea that U.S .. So v t et . of !II dllt#cta In the llaieto receive sucb "--asstllan<e, tn addition to a fl0,000 rrant negotta...., open Oct. !IO oo mutual, awlll)led laa.t year to asilst In planning balanced force reductloos but said the unilateral action by the United Statts A ~:;.ide survey conducted last ~~1~pt a aJm1lar reaponse from May lndJ<a~, U..i 381 atudents )lave 'l)e -admlD!straUao contend& 1 linilted, ~no ~~~ aliiUUes, unilateral tn>oO.~wal would doom with tbe majority . c1· -atudenta nei<iila-wflli Soviet Union. _..,. Spaiilahv~' ·(llulllaoll) German(l7), "-=·i ··~--• Ja-, (20), --· , ~.,e d ..... twl In 1971 to require r (20), In addition to 10 other 1......-.. a reduclJoq, Ill the J00,000.man U.S. lo'°" • Since the majority ol t1-s~ts a~ tn Europe, but !Oil .. 61"38 and -'I tend Foi.Qlaln Valley and Westmlnilter votes. • high llcbooll, billngual educatloll pro- grams have been begun on lheee cam· I . Edi.son .ffiring ' Delayed Again -only .. Leo Ivenoo, director of the program, explaititct thal under the ccmdlllona of the gran~ between ane-lblrd aud one-half of the 1tudeilti filult be students who speak F.ngltsb aa their native lanauaae. Tiie other two-lbtro. ... 'ooHall' mast . be studenll wllo rqa,d EOl..ltsb U I ...,.,.S Janpa~ -~ "'lbil ..., , J>OI only ... the lofficn b e in g ollered tn mioorlty literature, ·theater, bilingual math, multi-lingual lab -where students may utili7.e the language Jab on an individual basis -, and Latin American history . Al FO\Dltaln Valley High, the i\illowing claases are being latlibt bilingually: world ,l>lll<>ry. world geography, math, mulU.llilgual lab. Iverson explained that the money o~ tained !nJm the state is being used to hire non-teacher personnel, including aides and tutors for the classrooms, -1m:terials in foreign languages, staff tralnlng, 'and transportotlon for non-Eoillsli gpeaklng studenl-$ who live in areas other than Fountain Valley or Westminster Highs' boundaries. ,1'We've gotten a pre'tty good start,'' Iver30rl said. "After talking with other disbicts with Uie same grant, we seem to .be ahead of them. Most ot them are just geamig up for t be second semester, while we have our classes under way already." Bandit Chooses Wrong Victim more a case or stealing equipment off lhe trucks as we were fighting fires." Tryon said police problems in the hous- ing area near Brookhurst Street and Adams Avenue have had isolated in· cidents usually inwlving a party house." But he noted he bas received calls ti> day from area residents "who were upset with the punishment that we had to take last night." .. "It's obviously just a few individuals and not all of the residents," be added. Couple From Huntington Cite Kidnap From Wire Servlcel A Huntington Beacb coaple tokl a Mariposa, COlil., jury Tueoday bow·llley were kldaapped by a gunman laat April and forced to drive· the accused klller's gefaway car .. ' Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Thompson testlfied. In the double murder trial o( John Phillip Btmyard that Bunyard entered their motel room early Easter morning and forced them to drive to Merced. '1f I don't get through , you won't either," Tbompson said Bunyard told his wife and himself shortly before he was " apprehended in a battle with police on a dead~nd street In Merced. Thompson, 48, ol 9695 Brook Bay Cir- cle, hit ~~ gunman from his blind side, knocking him to the ground, where he . was subsequently wounded by police shots. Bunyard, 'ti, has pleaded iMocent and innoCent by reason of insanity to ty,•o coonts of murder and to charges of kid· naping, assault· and robbery during an allegedy three ,· day crime spree 1 as t spring. The murder victims, Nancy Chalberg. 55, and Helen Cramer, 70. were found shot in the forehead in separate Merced motel rooms. While allegedly fleeing · f-r o m authorities, Bunyard entered the motel room of the Thompsons while wearing a blonde wig and ordered them to dress and get into their car. .• Deputy Sheriff Rod Cusic testified dur- ing'"Tuesday's court session that he had an encounter with Bunyard April 22 when Bunyard fired at him when he ap. proachcd him in downtown Mariposa. He said Bunyard escaped on Coot. Oraage Coast • • Weatlaer lt11 be dry, clear and SllllllY Thursday -like you never saw this summer. Highs In the upper 70s along the coast, rising to the low 90s inland. Overnight lows in the &Os. HIDll!qlon Beacb dtycofl!cials have once qatn cbupd the dale of • pobllc bearlDc acheduled Oil the pro_.s ...,.ion of Southern ·Calllornt1 FAlion'a power plant. INSIDE TQHA);'_ Father Glen Borman joined the siaff of Auemblu Speaker A would·be bandit, arroeci with a Bob Moretll (!).Van Nuys) a pocket knife, found himself faced with a 'Jjear a.go and sptctaZfzer fn is· large fork Tuesdll)' when he tried to hold ,.,. deuelopmenl and 1peecl1 • \ ~· Hwitll!Jlon Beadt_ motorcycle pollcoman Bod(er. lolal\bJ rot to -at --sr1& 11111-.-ntng;i>e didn't eapect to be pmcldq ....... "The 'rice preoldellt'• ~­ the -hurtnc-rolatea to matter$ be(,.. the COUl'll. !, u speaur1 will not talle 'ony action on the Jotter at thll 'l'uaadly., Major Jerry ·Matney .......... !hat the belflnl llO!lld bo---Oct.-LILOct,J, beceuae DO lelal notke of a bearlDc had been publined. -QJIOIOd to the Encl1ah ~ arid cliltllre, bul ""'°"can •tudentl can leam ~·about the dlllorlllt ~-. ...-..'from the other lbadiilfl,_~ lvenon"'llf Fountain Valley ~1. -cl.-bad been taail!t 1n .ilie di-. ---Wt!h as a -lllJllllltO. n...e clailoeio ·ri -·baJn& brca(ht undtt the -Bilingual EcUeailon PrOvam. In a~ dlllilll,.-.er, a munber of .-. at . Fountain Vllley and WestmlMtar lltch ScMm are belna tauahl this )'ear on a mulll·llngual i.11. up a HlmtlntJl4D Beach pizza parlor. .,riling. See story, Pogt 11. o.14 •• sal4 the-----1-..-.==o:-T""'M.l=---.-+-plaa chef Bob Schoggins, 17, at ~..,...., 1, :::... .,: Unit.'' . .(ttomey Geftml Elliot L. Rk:hardson, . ""° 11111 wttll Nhm before the -AcconlJna to 1ketcbj P!)IJce reports, conlemd Tuesday with Alnew, an- But lhal'1 what he ilk! !or a lew mtnulet Wiien , ht lound a ltroy bull wandering Iociee Jn the area of Gotnard Slraet and Talbert.--- Maltby ....i bis· motorcycle.to keep !be llOWlced prier to Apw'• loiter to Albert wanderjnc bull II boY. unll! Jhe -_tl]at the arl!l\1 Jury -Id llarl Its ln- t!Qed owner could claim tile anlm~. (W AllN!lr, Pqel) I • •· ' • . ' • • Liie Tuesday, -· Matney dllcovmd that he can't .get enough coundlmen to a ~!al Oct • I meetlftl for I quorum, .- Tbe mayor -11)'1 the Edllon bearing will be beld al the city counctl'• ,..War Oct. 15 mae.tllll· !=:.:..._:=__:::::::::=::.· -==.....:J · -At Westminster "High,-COlll'Sel a~ • > ' I •, Ntberion's Plaza, • Edinger Ave. at ....... n .,,..... p_. • boul I !IO c111..,.., • ,.,,_.. ...., 4. , I ! p.m. 1 • c........ q..q 0.-..c..Mr ti The chef, who was alone in the eaterf. ~ · '4 ._.. ~ grabbed a long, two-pronged fork and =-.i""::..c.. ?: ::C:':: .~ started ldvanclnl on the robber who fled J:'...-:' ':': ...J ~ .: out the door. -,._. »11 ......._ • Scbogina said he gave'Chue, but alter ::..::.,."-'"' : =:",.... ..... ".,.~ a block returned to the pizza parlor to -..-. • ttll police. -. --- ' • • ' · Anna ~1agnani ,. an Italian ac· , .z. tress who won an Academy ".:' Award for her 1955 role in ·· "The Rose Tattoo," died today .... in ·a Rome clinic of cancer. She was 65. ' ·Dog Might ' . '.;~Testif i- :at Trial ,; By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 01 111• 0 1llr Pilot Slflt _An affectionate little bulldog named .;.:13.bber may become' the star witness ;.next \Ve:dnesday wheo the· trial opens for a Three Ai-ch Bay mining magnate ,~harged with 32 violations of the county's ~-.p.'og'leash law. . . · ' Jabber', his master C. Dominic Shelton .~end more. than 70 witnesses will pack into ~· . .'J'udg~ Richard Hamilton's courtroom in ~.':South County MlUlicipal Court in Laguna .:J¥iguel. · Shelton is charged with allowing an /"Unleashed dog to run on 'Three Arch .·,Bay's beach silme 32 times between ;.: September 1971 and April 21 , 1972. · On the April l date, Orange C.ounty Anin1al Control officials staged a pre- chl\.\'n raid on Three Arch Bay's beach and cited , Shelton for . violation q· the leash la\'f. . · . Y The other 31 counts were added based on intervie\vs by the district attorney with other residents of ~the private enclave. -1 Shelton's a4orncy is \Villlam Shefflf!ld of Santa .. Ana who gained some fame \\'hen he successfully sued the pope in a .case involving a St. Bernard dog. ·: Sheffield said Jabber will be called into ··"the courtroom to show that Shel top has ··; ~ntrol of t~e dog through ferba! corn· .:.~inands. ·:f· Smoldering feuds behveen ~arious • Three Arch Bay residents a n d Shelton · fllSO may be factors in the three week ·~trial , Sheffield predicted. .. '!· ' Another question to be answered is · :Whether· the county's animal control :_ .... Ordinance can apply in a private com- • munll y such as Three Arch Bay, the at· '.:"•·:torney said. ~-Sheffield already has tried lo test the -· .. ·Uonstitutlonality of the county's leash Jaw. but its validity was upheld both at ··~the municipaJ and· Superior Court levels. :~·. An appeal of the Superior Court ~:·decision to· the Court of Appeals in San ··~Diego is still ·pending \Vith oral .. •'.a rguments before the tribunal set for :0et. IO. ~ ~"' Sheffield said the case "definitely \\•ill ~:.go on trial" Wednesday despite the ap- . : peal. :'}:: .. At one point. be noted, Shelton was ... ·prepared to plead guilty lo only one violation of the ordinance and pay a fine . -;;; .. The district attorney, ho\vcver, ·wants • ! ·to press the full 32 colOlts, Sheffield :-~ '.(llaihta ined. Each count carries a max· ~~_:nnum: penally of $500 and/or six months ''in jail. .~-.Sheffield estimates it will take a full lhree \\•eeks fat $1.000 a day in court costs ) lo try the csse . ; ,· One of the 70 subpoenaed to testify is • Superior Court Judge Claude O\vens. He ~ives just-Oo\.\'ll the ~treet.fro1n Shelt on. : :· " : I' .. ... • "' .. ' ' . ' " " ' • " ' I " I , ji ' ., ' '' " : I -·OIAN5E COAST •• DAILY PILOT ' . Tiie Or.&11;1 Co11t DAIL¥ PILOT wlln wnlCll 11 w mblroed "'' N•w•·P•en. \5 nvbll1ht0 by !hi Or1no• CO•lf" Pubtill\lng (Olf'Ditny, StDI• ••ft edl!IOl'Ol i re 1>1>lltl1htc1, MO!'>d1r lh•DVOn Frl01y. for C0tl1 Me11, Newoorr 8•1cn, H!Jnllng!on et...:~l"°""'aln V111ev. 1.111u111 lltl(h, lrvlne/SllCldltWO Ind Sin Clrm•nltl San Ju1n CaD<51ftonci. A slnqlo '"kln1! fdltlOfl it 1>1>blhlled ':llUt"d1.,.. 1nc1 Sun<11v1. fft9 prln<IDll publithfll§ p!llnt 11 I I ).JO Wtl l l•V St•"'· COlll Mftl. C1mornl1, '1'611. Robert N. W11d Prt'l1d1n1 •ncl Pub!l1•11 J1c~ R. Curl.v 'l~f Pr911d..,1 .111<1 c;~"''" Mtftap., lkof!'l.11 K•tr!I ECll!Of Tk11m11 A . M11rplroift1 ' Aceuses Pa~l • ·Buchanan Denies Sa)>.~t{:lge Link •• \\'ASHINGTON (AP) -Presidential speech\\'riter Patrick J. Buchanan ac· cuscd the Senate \Vatergate committee staff today of mal igning his reputation and denieti be fl.ad any part in political sabotage against Democrats. In an opening · statement before a televised session of the committee. Buchanan said there was "an apparent c~mpaign , orchestrated from witflin ~he cOmmittee staff, to mali gn my reputation in the public press prior to my ap. pearance." He said \\'hat he called a "campaign of vilification" is a direct violation of com· niittee rules and asked : "How can this select committee scl itself up as the ultimate -arbiter of American political ethics if it cannot even control character assassins within its own ranks?" Buchanan said he neither recom- mended. authorized nor was aware of .. any ongoing campaign of political sabotage against Sen. Edmund S. Muskie . or any other Democratic candidate." Buchanan -addressed the committee as the pane) opened its probe into political dirtyi tricks. He is said to have ·been the author of \Vhite House memos that reportedly set the tone and ·basic strategy for President Nixon's 1972 cam· paign. The presidential speechwriter said the contention lhat Nixon's 1972 presidential c11mpaign committee inliltrated op- ponents' campaign in an attempt to select its 'v'eakest ' opponent wa s altogether untrue. Bid Act;epted For Hunti1igton High Revampi1ig Acceptance of a $2,195.193 bid by the Huntington Beach Union High School District Tuesday night paved the way for the final phase of reconstruction at Hun- tington Bea('h High. Initial bids £or the reconstruc tion work · were turned dO\Vn in August, since they exceeded the 8mount allowed by the state. The lowest bid at that time wa s · $2.535,000, by the W. J. Shirley Company, a firm that has alread"y been awarded a contract for another phase of the reconstruction. Nick Pokrajac, Inc. offered the winning bid Tuesday. It was both beneath the amount allowed by the state, and nearly $100,000 Ies!lithan the nearest revised bid bv the Shirley Company. ~ ~Included in the finai l phase of reCQDslruction will be the construction of 3 new classroom \\'ing a n tl ad- ministrative offices, and the demolition of an existing classroom building near the auditorium. . According to Owen Miller, educational planner for the district, the total cost of the reconstruction work will amount to "bet\\'een foW' and fi\'e million dollars by the tizne it is all coinpleted." The next step, according to Miller, is to secure state approval for U\e bid, since the project is being financed by a state Department of Education loan. 1'-1iller estimates that lhis will take.two wetks. Construction will begin alter approval iS secured, and the co01pletion date will be 11hopefully 352 days after the project is begun, 1' titiller said. Australian Bus Rolls Into Dam; 15 Lose Lives SYDNEY (UPI) -At least 15 elderly persons \\'ere killed and 23 seriously in· jured today \\'hen a tourist bus plunged into the Tumut Ponds Dam in snow- covered n1 ountains about 300 n1iles south1~·est of Sydney, police said. A spokesman for the Adaminaby police station a rew 1niles from Tumut said the accident occur red .as the bus, carrying old age pensioners on a sight-seeing ex- pedition from Adelaide. was climbing a stee p poss from the dam wall . George Stc\vart. a nearby resident who \\"as one of the first to arrive at the crash site. said the bus had suddenly stopped, J then sli pped backward over the dam "•all ond plunged over it into about 200 feet of \Yfltcr. It was nol known• hO\\' many passengers v.'ere aboard the bus. Thick fo' and rold r we~ conditions were hampe ring rescue oper::itions, Stewart suid. · "Republicans \Vere not responsible for 1he downfall of ,._1uskie: Republicans v.•ere not responsible for the nomination of Sen. George McGovern ." Bucbanan said. "The f\tcGovcrn people won thelr own nomination -and they lost their ov.·n election." Mu skie was the early frontrunner for the Democratic presldential 1101nination in 1972, but the lo.laine Den1ocral 's ca1n- paign faltered and t.1cGovern u·on the nomination. Buchanan conceded that · he recom- mended in the spring and summer of 1971 that Republicans concentrate t h e i r political resources on MWJkie because ri.tuskie was th~ fron.trunner at t~at tlJ"!le. uNo requirement exists in ethics or l<.gic or law that we provide equal time in political response to each of our political opponents," the Nixon speechwriter said. The committee on Tuesday ended its lc.ng examination of the \Vatergate break· in. _, Pay Dispute Arbitration Req11ested By HILARY KA YE 01 the 01111 Piiot Staff Non-teaching employes of the Hun· tington Beach Union High School District asked trustees Tuesday night to appoint a committee ·to . arbitrate their pay dispute with the district. The classified employes' association representatives said they were concerned over a recent job study that recom - mended pay raises for some jobs a~ high as 11 perce'nt and no pay raises for other jobs, Teachers in the high school district were recently granted a six percent pay increase after the fact-fmding committee appointed to arbitrate their pay dispute re.commended the raise to district trustees. Since trustees approved the non· teaching job study, however, the new classified salary increases will go into .ef- fe<:t retroactive to July 1. Glen Dysinger, assislant superin· tendant for planning and management, explained that the decision could be overtumed by the findings of the fact· finding committee. But the findin gs ~ay also be rejected'-.by the board, keeping the present, new increases in effect. According to Dysinger, the consulting firm of Urban Associates spent fou r months studying the various classifica- tions within the district, looking closely at what each individual was expected to perform. The researchers then went to sur· rounding district! to determine theiJ'. pay scales for classified employes, Dysinger said. . .. "()n the ·bas.is' O( the information \V!lbin Rnd without the district. they detennined hO\V much each employe's sa lary should be increased, if at all, rather than an across·thf'oboard raise," Dysinger said. "ft was important to take some action at this time," he added, "since these employes \vere still ·being paid on the 1972-73 scale, tvhile teachers had alrea dy be£:n granted a 6 percent hike." HOME Council Meets on Parks A group discussion on parks in Hun- tington Beach will be the main topic at tonight's meeting of the HOME Council in the city hall administrative annex. Rod Cruse, chairman of the parks and recreation commission, and No rm \Vorthy, director of 'city parks and recreation, wiU report on the curr· nt status of parks and future plans .. The H011E Council, a coalition or homeowners associations, meets at 8 p.m. The meeting is open to the public. Nitro Bandlt·Stri~es ' . SAN DIEGO . (AP) ·:._ The threat or nitroglycerin helped holdups at two banks 'vithin four days. A young bandit made off with $1,800 in a paper bag Tuesday at the Southern California First National bank branch near the sports arena. ' " " " M~nlglfti Ed<IO• c•"'" H. ,,.. • ...... P. "'" l11nocent Plea AUlfl•ftl M1ft•U•"9 E01tor1 These Roses 'Bo1nbed Out' ' •, T•rrv Co•ill t WHI 0r•fl99 CO\lftly ffl!Ot i; ~;-::':'~':..':.°;'),~.'!'~· Given i11 Deatl1s c1Nc1NNATJ. oh10 <AP> -Mrs. I· M1illfti Addr1111 ,,o::t. 1•0. •z••• [.(luls Metzler said she had been ex· ' . " I ~ ""'-SANTA CRUZ (AP) -Edmund Emil pcctlng trouble when her daughter ' . . Workmen labor on spiral ramp in new Huntington Beach Library that will overlook Talbert Lake. City officials say $2.9 million facility is at least four month s behind constrttction schedule because of rains last winter and, more recently, trouble in getting.the steel needed for the project. Originally, the library was to open next ?Yfarch . ~~~~~~~~--~~~~ Two Girls Tell Roles ln Shooting, Robbery By TO" BARLE.Y Of lh• 0 1!1Y l'Utt Stlfl 1\ro gil'li \Vho were with Davld Grindeland during a Dana Point robbery spree tha t ended with his de.aU1 at the haqds of a motel owner have sUrrendercd to Orange County Sheriff's. officers, it was learned today. Both girls went to the sheriff's office \\'ilh their attorney and made a state- ment on their role in two attempted rob- beries last weekend -one at the Dana Villa Motel and the other at the nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. Sheriffs Capt. James Broadbelt said this morning tha't neither girl will !ace charges stemming from their in- volvement In the incidents. · Droadbelt refused to identify them Hurricane lral1 Slveeps Inland, Loses Velocity • LOS MOCHJS, Mexico (UPI) -Hur· ri cane lrah, its winds diminishing to less than 100 m.p.h., swept inland today and \\"eathermen said the storm appeared to be blowing itseU out . Gadbriel Loyola of the Afexico City \l:ea ther bureau said lrah was to hit land this morning 30 miles northwest of this northern Mexico city, after cra!hing·up the Gulf of California overnight. "But now she has become more of a tropi cal storm," [.(lyola said. "Her winds have dropped below 100 iTii!es an hour. She could still do a lot of damage, b1.1.t not what we originally feared." ' Earlier, forecasters said they feared the stonn could do widespread damage. The Mexican Red Cross said the powerful storm churned Tuesday through the towns of San Jose del Calbo and San Lucas on the bottom tip of. the Baja California peninsula, but apparently caused no major damages or injuries. r -~ ' other than to confirm that they V.'erc from the Tust in area. "\\'c still have a fc\'I loose ends to tie up in this case," he said today. ';But .'ve ha ve no basis on which to hold these girls in any 'vay or charge them in the light of the information we have been given.'' Grindeland was shot in the chest, face and hand by motel owner Louis Josep h Haffner, 65, who told officers he heard the robber arguing with his wife in the lobby and re;ached for the pistol he keeps in the motel for protection. Haffner said he saw Grindeland, 26 , of El Modena, leaning over the counter in the lobby, scooping up mot er takings and continuing to threaten Mrs. Mary Haff- ner, 62. Haffner shot Grindeland four times. 'The mortally wounded man staggered across the lobby and into the street. He \\'as pulled into a small red car of [oreign make 6y What witnesses said was one of two men waiting in the vehicle. Officers said the two girls who ad· mitted being Grindeland's compenioos became panic stricken when he died in the car of, the v.wnds be suffered in the motel shooting. They said the t\vo girls dumped his body on a lav.11 close to their own homes but decided the next day to reveal their roie'ln the affair. • Officers said the two girls told ~m they were with Grindeland during the motel robbery and while he earlier at· tempted to hold up the Kentucky fried chicken outlet. In both cases, deputies said, Q._rin- deland simulated po:ssession of a weapon by shoving his clenched right hand into his pocket and showing hl.s intended vic- tlms the bulge made by a supposed pistol. Dynamite Discovered DUARTE rAP ) -About 200 sticks ol dynamite have been found partially hid· den under leaves and boards io an isolated area north of this [.(Is Angeles suburb, au thorities said . A Sheriff's Department spokesman said Tuesday six bags of blasting caps also were found in the cache. From PGfJe~ BRAKES •.. .. reconstruct ion of the downtown with. more tourist oriented cominercialism and high densi ty apartments. One of the specific measures taken by couneilmen 11-londay was to insure that a duplex could not be built on a 25-by·IOO foot lot, or a trlplex on a 25-by·ll71h·foot lot. 1'he city also won't increase the size o[ parking lots which \\'Ould attract more traffic, though an inland parking lot with bus or tram service might be establish--. ... _ .... ed. And one other notable segment of the new general plan. is that furUier com- mercial development will not be allowed at the base of the city pier. A consulting fim1, hired for $19,000 to revise the Seal Beach general plan had recommended increased commercialism nea r the pier, but when residents opposed 1hat, planners struck jt and the council on a 3-2 vote supported the cry against g_rowth , AGNEW •.. quiry of Agnew Thursday. Warren said Nixon -was advised by Richardson and As1iStant Attorney Henry E. Petersen "that as a matter of law, in the attorney general's view, this procedure should be followed ." A3 for Agnew's course, Warren said; "The matter involving the vice president is one lbat he is conducting on bis own. The Pre.sldcnt has taken the position from lhe outset that the vice president should decide y,·hat course he 1hould take ln the matter .•. ;'He has oot encouraged Jr pressured the vice president to take any particular course." Albert would not amplify on his stat"' ment rejecting Agnew's request. Th~ statement was issued after he conferred with other House Democratic leaders. While Albert's action killed for the mo- ment any chance that a House inqui_ry would take the case out of the hands of a federal grand jury, Agnew was expected to initiate legal moves to try to block the Baltimore panel from proceeding with his case Thursday. •i ·~~~~~~~~~~~.!~~~~ ... .,. .................. 538 CEN ER STREET-COST A MESA-646-1919 ~.:-~:!~ i'O"..:U:ft Tl ?, ,. Voit Basketballs AC2 Rei •. 7 .95 Yalue-5.95 Red-White-Blue 7.95 C82 Blemish--8.95 CB2 RllUlar-12.95 XB20 lndoor-16.95 ce202 Synthetic Leather-18.95 Wilson Leather Basketball-28.95 % inch Basketball Backboahl-14.95 Basketban Goals-3.95.\ 5.95 Adidas & Co11Y81'se Basketball Shoes BasketbaH Shlrts-3.40 • .. f ~ .. '..::...:..• Wann Up Suits-21.95 -24.95 Sweat Shirts & Pants-each 3.50 Adldas-Converse-Tretorn Jack Purcell Tennis Shoes Men's & Boys' Tennis Shorts-5.95 up Tennis Shirts-5.95 to 9.00 Tennis Dresses Handballs & Gloves Racquetball Racquits & Balls TenniS Rackets-4.95 to 50.00 ; t 1 ~~tr:''M~~~~1r~,•,: Kemper Ill . charged with the mutilation Sheryl became friendly with some _4f~+--.1N~~~jijfW/?b~~:~·..,..,~-1--murdeH-of-hls-molher.,...t'ter-be1Wrlend-l-tneJ"'birl-o!..a.mor.or:cy.clc..fl".''t::=i:-l+-1l'-------l t ~ , .. _. 17_.41 Ml-4JZl, and six college coeds, pleaded Innocent She telephoned the police m Tennis Bab-son-Penn-.::.o. 7. per i , by reason of tn,.nlly tnd•Y· He added the squad TucS<\ay that a "..;rulf)I ~ ~llil!f. 142•1471. Insanity plea to fin Innocent plea made looking" man rang her doorbell and· ",..,.....,... °'M;.:U.''ee"'..,.... 1.'.u1t June. -said he had a.boz of nowera for~her c~*''· t»lo or.,... c .. u M11tnlftt Kcmper's trial is scheduled to start daughter. <-""'· Ht -.1tor11•· 111W"1~ Oct. 15 before SUperior Court Judge Har-PoUce and firemen took the box WllOl'it'I _,._ ... Mlvttlll.ll'Nnll """Jn, aJ ""'' .. '"rW.le• •11h0\ll •*"' ,-. ry Brauer. to a dlspoe center where they """*' "' ~rltf'I _,_ B d d r opened it &'"(Ol'ld ,,._. ·•aot ,.111 ,, ""'' """"· raucr arantt e ense a~ t o rn e y · t•n,_1,. ~'tr! " ( ... ,. "i'J t ontes .Jackson's request for unJlmited lnslde were 12 white roses. No ;::.:~'::~~1,.':*'1""'1 "' 111 "'"' ~j r~2,14t_J'. challtn&9!..~ prpsP.tctivc ~rd. _ _-.- -· ~ · uron. ~-----------~ socolf Bans Witi .,. Bans Bays' Gym Sllrts l Sllorts BlkeH'arts-Repaiinc • Tires-Tubes Open 9 to 6 . Closed Sundays .. ~--................ ___ _._ ____ ,,_ _ __,, __ ~ -· ' ·1 Your : er-vice -A~1y, Wedoeldlf ud i'rldoy .FeallU'e•--- OI .... lloll1 t:iJol , Gol • probllml 7'1!e11 ·writ. Pat Dunn. Pat wlU.. cut red 1ap1. get· the • aci.l&n i'OU answtn and n • 1 d to '1..1 r~liit intqu£. "I' e• '" OW' .,,..,...., mid bl'lfneu. Moil JI OU r quts- tfom' to Par OU•tl1 I A• Af>u,. Seroict, Oraiage · Coan Dally 1'ilot, P.O. Box 1560, CoSIO areni. ca .. 92626. Include rou~ itiep11one number. Alf About D11u1plb1gs DEAR PAT: I've tried for years to make·good dumplings and fail every time_. Someone suggested I write lo you for an old-time recipe and ask your readers if they would share their recipes with me. My husband still talks about how good his mother's dumplings were but 1 never knew her and didn't have the op- portunity to learn her cooking secrets. L. W ., Huntlngtin Beach Perhaps-tbla-reclpe_lrmn....JL.llll domestic science text book w I 11 resemble · ·the one used by your husband's mot!ter. Ingredients: ! cops flour, .f teaspoons baking po'o1o'der, one half teaspoon salt, % cup milk. A.fetbod: mix and sift dry ingredients. add milk slowly until a smooth drop-batter is formed. Do not overstir. Drop by the ipoonlul Into bolling stew on top of meat and potatoes. Cover closely and cook 10 mtn1tet wttbeut lifting the cover. Dam~ llngs may be dropped into a steamer alld steamed over the bot stew or over a ket- ·lle of boiUng water. If any readers write In other saggestio1s, I'll send them on to you. Family 1\'eeds Help · DEAR. PAT : Some time ago the Daily Pilot published an article concerning cer- tain cowiseling services dealing primari- ly With teen-agers and their parents. The Brticle gave several names, addresses and other information. I must now find this type · of service to teep a family together, but I can't locate the article. ~f. s., Newport Beach Call the Newpon Beach One-Way Help Center, '45-8800, to set up an ap- pointment for family counseling. The center is located at 311 Newport Blvd., and is open dally from t.a.m. &o-10 p.m. He's a Bad Payer DEAR PAT: I sold four apartments in 1966 to a Costa Mesa· man. He· !:\al skip- ped several months' payments and is late in paying all the time. Are ~re any steps I can take to make dlis man recognize tils obligations? & V., Santa, Ana Since oae of •e skipped paymeatt oc- curred recently yen cu attempt to collecl tt by fUing a smaU clalnit eoart -suit. A Depanment of Consumer Allain boot1et, 0 Tbe Coasumtr and the Small Claims Court," is beiDI mailed to you. Contact by an attorney may solve the late payments problem. U you do not Uve a penoaal attorney, te.lepbone the Lawyen Reference Service of Orange Comity i.t M7-t381. Ta"" Form Left flndOtte DEAR PAT: Is there any service that could give me information regarding an income tax return that was left un- oompkted by a Certified Public Ac· countanl? J was not aware of this fact until · the state Franchise Board recenUy notified me ol the en-or. 1 contacted the CPA and-be prepared the mjt•lng " schedule. His charge for that wort was higher tban the fee be charged me for the onginal tu return. I would llJre IObe advised whether I am being overcharged in this transacUon. H. D., Foulela Valle)' If this _. .. 11111 ............... ti !tie CalUornla SOclety of c.nBled -Ac- 'l:ouataats. you may nbaitt year cem. plamno-lbe orpnliatloa'rLos Anples Chapter, • WUsbtre :• Bml., Lot Angelet, i:,;:~ by.bl -. ... ,.. mtttee. Tbelsfilte rep!lllq ud Ueeu- 1.ng ol oertllled public wo•• ld11iidlecl by the Board al A ..... lallcY; lf!l 0. St., Sacramen&e, Cl. 1111'-· " ~...., Catalog Ne1'f!r At't'lved DEAR PAT: I purchased -an old Sears catalog from World Art GHt Shop llt Coo· necticut on February 14. After maillng-.a letter· of inquiry in 1April1 I received a post card saying tbe order would be delayed due to "unl.lSual circumstances11 and that I ahould not write again unless 1 wanted a refund. I did send a refund re-. quest letter on July 23 and nothing has happened~- M. J., Lap• Bea<b v .. r rellllld cbect ls la Ille mall. No .. u.1ac1ory upl-tlon wu ollend foe' Ille delay. Temple-Slates Holiday-Jlite . Wtdnesd-.y, Stpttmbtr 26, 1973 H *"' ... , Colinty;· Rejects BattJn's Plan Govern0Y.s . Boai·d Nixes ' ... ~ ' • . .Ame· Backs (COMP,IJ'TED ON A HOME WITH A CROSS ASSESSED VALUE OF $6,750 AND A NET VALUE OF $5,000 AFTlft Rl!DUCTION FOR THE HOMEOWNERS EXEMPTION) Appraisal _ Of Villa Prl)p.1 "I By JOHN ZALLER Of -~"' "'"' '''" ' . "" An aide to Gov. Rooaid Reapn prom· ised a Newport Beach audience this morning that passage of Proposition I would mean lower taxes for all Galifor- nians and a more efficient st.ate govern- ment. "We in government have a Jot of wants and desires and we need to have a solid restraint on bow much tax money we spend," said John Kehoe, director .of the state Department of Consumer Affairs. "If the founding fathers had realized how much pressure to spend thp.t govern- ment laces," he added later, "they might have added another amendment to the Bill of Rights giving the people a voice to control how much money their govern· meot spends." Kehoe made hls remarks in a breakfast spe;ech _to members of the Newport-Harbor Chamber of Commerce at the Balboa Bay Club. Kehoe follows Assembly Speaker Bob Moretti , who last week told the same group that Proposition 1 would mean higher property taxes and a radical c;hange in the traditional concept of CITY ' RATE Anfbeim 10.2103 Brea. 10.~ l\Uena Park 10.3635 g;r~s't°.. -tl:: Fount4in Valley 10.5943 Fullerton 10.7574 Garden Grove 9.9528 Huntington llHch , 10. 7056 lrviM 12.3400 La: Habra 11.2162 Laguna Beach 10.0054 La Palma 10.8467 Los Alamitos 10.9101 Newport Be ach 9.4432 Orange 10.2328 Placentia 10.1625 San Clemente 10.5386 San Juan Capistrano 10!-8_833 Santa.Aila--9.8650 Seal Beach 10.4478 Stanton 9.9274 Tustin 11.2401 Villa Park 10.4749 Westminster 11.2257 Yorba Libda 10.2649 -'--'--~~~~~~~ Starr Ranch Bid 'Inflated' '· Official . Says By JOHN VALTERZA Of ,... o.11'1 ...... ltaff , , 'representative democracy.' " Proposition. l goes before California voters Nov. 6 as a proposed amendment to the state Constitution. The top aide to Fifth Qistfict u pu&ed; it would limit state govern-Supervisor Ronald caspers today termed ment to a slowly declining taxing ability a private finn's reported offer of $6.6 and provide a one-time tax rebate to million for half the sprawling S1arr state income taxpayers next spring. The amendment, which was drafted Ranch "highly inflated." under the auspices of Governor Regan, And the aide, Tom Fuentes, added would make it impossible for the quickly that Caspers would continue an Legislature or the governor to raise tu-earnest pursuit of a county purchase o( es permanently without a vote of the peo- 1 5,500 acres 01 prime recreational land Pe, -Kehoe said the ~lnendtnent i s east of San Juan Capistrano despite necessacy· to control the ·snowballing reports that the county's $4.4 million or- growth of government. Even" Governor fer is being out bid. Regan's well-known °cut, squeei.e, ·and trim" approacli to state government bad "What.Jrind ot tazaneaampo would offer not worked, he conceded. 50 percent more than an bOOest appraisal ''It's like the gal trying to sq~ into of the yalue of J piece of property?" he ~-gir~~'._'._hj:_sa~he ~ ~. ~e added. ______ _ place. but she11 Just bu)je !'Ill in ano.tl!F-1Fuentes' reaellon eatne a-day after it · lLegislators are subjected.to iilst 'too wu teamed that !inn kDoWn as C and 'm ch pressure from the people to pnr vide new programs. . E Affiliates, Inc., of Anaheim was of- "But if"the people had to pay for each fering a substantially higher price for the of those new programs as they were ap-property deemed a prime candidate for a proved -which would be n~ if county regional park. this initiative passes -I t1µnk the people Spokesmen for that firm would not would think more carefully about those substantiate reports that large Japanese new programs." financial interests are involved. Kehoe also sought to debunk a number Fuentes insisted the county in con- of what be called "myths &bout Proposi-tinuing to negotiate in "earnest" with a lion 1:" group ol major cluu'itable Q.rgaajzations -lt would not, he claimed, mean which control the ranch north of Ortega higher p.roperty taxes, as Moretti said, Highway. blecause:.1 theT'e are -also--eoostitUtional He~ said the $4.4 million -otter limits on local property tax rates. detennined after a $15,000 appraisal at -Tbe amendment, ii passed, would county expense was the highest pri<e the not produce deficits in state government county officials believe should be paid. spending, be claimed. "Next flical year He and Caspei;s have toured the rugged we Would still have a $800 millioh surplus ranch land in recent months and Fuentes. to spend on ne~oerams ii this amend-. said bolb agreed tbe property would be ment __passei~ _ ver, he oaoceded almD6t impossible to develop because of under questi that the aurplus Ti.ii the rugged lmallt, ciroinage, water and estimated on the, basis of "optimistic" access problems. assumptloos on the health -ortbe state "Rm> (Caspers) and tbe reot of the econOmy. .,,.\. ooupW officlals are committed to keep -He denied that sll~ funds ""!!'.'' lllat land as open sapce," he said. being" used to finance the fl'OIK>Si~ .. ~. "We all know bow many times we've carajilign, lllhough.)!e aaid )l!e·go""l..-~•lleard that tbe Starr Ranch has been wu-· ~·to ?"etl!I· '~$1 'nilttton 'sold~/' he added, in reference to trom prjvitte donon: to iupport the ·cam-previous negotiations that have fallen paign -tbroUgb. • li~h~~ ~Pa~of~ to Nixon J • ,"/ -I (:barged by Ousted Aide~ . . F'°"' Wini 8erYtcts '!be depooltion quoted M a h e u ' s LOS ANGELES -A former aide to recollection of a conversation with a Howard Hughes says the billionaire n HugbeS To!>i Co. vice [iresideii\, Ray· . mood M. Holllday. It was one or 14 SPECIAL SCHOOL COUNTY CITY DISTRICT 316.91 64.00 52.50 57.11 824.61 84.00 72.51)> 63.19 307.64 64.00 50.00 76.04 300.15 84.00 50.00 89.31 284.80 84.00 47.50 HO.IS 919.14 84.00 57.50 69.08 328.23 84.00 67.75 57.89 287.50 84.00 50.00 76.14 315.29 84.00 81.00 54.99 382.73 84.00 16.50 133'.77 333.73 84.00 77.50 65.58 233.81 84.00 106.30 76.16 307.64 84.00 61.25 89.45 312.36 84.00 49.00 100.15 282.25 84.00 60.00 45.91 305.74 84.00 64.50 57.40 276.01 84.00 64.50 83.62 290.22 84.00 77.50 75.21 290.23 84.00 57.50 112.44 286.97 84.00 67.50 54.78 301.81 64.00 67.50 69.08 269.56 . 84.00 50.00 92.81 338.04 84.00 58.75 81.22 305.74 84.00 49.00 85.01 328.37 84.00 45.00 103.92 300.56 84.00 -6-128.69 1973-74 ""i} TOTAL TOT L TAX TAX 510.52 615.93 544.30 en.12 517.68 648.69 523.46 M&.44 556.45 757.63 529.72 715.75 597.87 672.81 497.64 678.83 535.28 739.73 617.00 668.52 560.81 702.71 500.27 576.49 542.34 678.95 545.51 698.36 472.16 579.10 511.64 652.91 508.13 648.32 526.93 604.44 544.17 640:43 493.25 606.76 522.39 639.04 496.37 689.12 562.01 640.55 523.75 671.12 561.29 752.10 513.25 671.62 By JA.CK BROBACK Of .. Daltt l'I"' 11.tf Charges ,or pOlijleal motivation ''l"S through the Board of Supervisors' chambers today as the board by a 2 to 2 vote u8oecl down a request of Supervi!ll)1• Robert Battin that the state Boerd of Equalization be hire4 to reappraise the Western White House in San Clemente. ·The board did vote along partisan lines with supervllors David Baker and Ronald Caspen, both Republicans, voting against Battin's plan and Supervisor Ralph Diedrich. another Democrat, voting with Battin. . Battin said be would bring the mattel:' up agallt nen wtek when a full board will be present. f ·Supervisor Ralph Clark: was absent~ day attendingi a ftmeral. · '-. Baker talled Battin's attempt, ''.A cheap shot at political ~blicity ip. !Ji• personal ambitions of,one man."' .. His rema rk followed orie by Battin that the other two Were pollUcaJly motivates!. Caspers agreed with Baker that the plan was a political attack on the fresi .. Newport Home Owners To Pay Less Taxes de:it. . Baker said the r e q u e s t was an ill· timation that the Orange Coun tY, Assessor's Offtte was not COJDJ¥!:lent. "We are beihl asked to speild "1· payers' money to prove a p:dDt with bO evidence offered that the appratral is In- correct," he charged. "It would be using public fund! to sup. port the effortl of an lndlYldual for v~ transparent-reuoos." Newport Beach has the lowest tax rate i:· Orange County but all county property owners . will ,pay less this year than in · im -73, according to figures re- Bottomless Man, Nabbed. in Mesa Two COSta Mesa women canvassing a west side neighborhood with missionary pamphlets Tuesday unexpectedly en- countered a half-naked resident. They tokl police that a man wearing a long-sleeved plaid shirt and nothing else was jumping up and down, \augb.ing, and generally trying to call attention to his bottoml~performance. --:-·--- Acting on 8. citizens arrest complaint filed b)r one of the wOtnen,, police later arrested an 18-year-old Orange Coast College student on a charge of indecent exposure. Crash Kills Two; Th.-iver Arrested .. . .. leased Tuesday by county Auditor-Con· troller Viet.or A. Heim. The total tax paid by a homeowner whose home has an average cash value of $27 ,000 will be decreased primarily · because of an increase of $1,000 in the homeowners exemption. Newport Beach's total tax rate for 1973-74 is $9.4432. This compares with $9.6iJ6 last year. The owner of a fZl,000 home, assessed at $6,750 before the $1,750 hom~wners +exemption will pay ap- proximately $472. 16 in taxes. Heim said the typical amounts of ·bxes for each city are based on the code area in each city which has the greateot uses&- ed valu8tion. Other Orange ~Coast citiea ta!: rates ~verage tax total are Costa Mesa, _.$!0.l692, $523.~; Fountallt V-a lie y, • $16;5943, 1629'72; ~Hun~ Beach, $10,7058, 1635.28; Irvine, t11M,. $6!7 (highest llt the county); LlllWll Beach, 10.0054, $500.27; Los Alamitos, $10.91 , $545.51. San Clemente, $10,538&, $528.93; San Juan Capistrano, $10.8133, $644.17; Seal Beach, $10,4478, $ 5 2 2. 3 9, and Westminster, $11.2257, $541.29. Baker and County AsilOSSOr JadC Vallerga argued that the county tu IP' peals board w°' Ille proper-bum for an appeal. '!be appeals board will ·....- the matter on Oct. 26. , . Vallerga ha! aµesse4_ the S~.a Clemente property of tbe Pr..ictent. •• $.1. 7 million. Battin contends that ii should be $4.! million. Marines Jailed In Shooting Fracas at 'Bar. " ) •. "-..• ,. ' Thr .. El Toro Marines ---J~ OD cbltlleo of· -'I with -to jlommit muhfer early Mday -• a 11"'"1 shootout in which a r.11ow-Marine was struck In the . cbelt, necl: and bJOO. by ricocheting bullets, Orange County Sberiff's olficen reported. . Detectives lltvestigaling tbe sbootil!g al the Tall of the Bull Reltauranl, l5Gf Trabuco Roed, 1&ld it was ••a miracle"' that Marine Franlr. Norviel:, 22, escaped with only minor wounds. Investigators Jailed Marines 11=14 Irvine youth Wayne Bumlell, 20, Ramon Teran Jr., 21, Two young women were k, illed in a and "Stephen Bemard Hunt, 21, in eon.o nectioo with the wounding of Norvick. head-on crash in Anaheim Tuesday night. s:g·hts· UFOs Tiiey said the fracas at tbe boreru~ The driver of the second car was jailed ., __.-"...,. on charges of telony drunken driving. when a group. of Marines, re~ -v drinking heavily, resumed a qllarttl lh;il Dead are Af3ri Ellen Ferner, 21, of 924 No trace was found by Irvine had been aired. earlier on the El n>rw Sacramento St., 'Orange and Aelise police ' bf five UFOs wblcb were --base. A Marine who wu preeeat at die· Nadine Lofton, 19, 726 Echo St., reported traversing the northern bar said the dispute bad racial overtm)eS. Anaheim. sky at 9:37-p.m. Tuesday. Investigators said the quarrel reactMiil Jailed after treatment for minor in-Keith Kudell, 14, of 14581 Beach such -proportions that Norvtck steppc!id juries was Stephen J. Kircbet, .25. of ATe!,~id. the objects 'W~ gold in forward before the involved group, raiMd Bellflower. : · ~ · color ~ "like nothing I ever saw his amt! and urged the an g r,y Police said Kircher's car, eastbound on before." servicemen to put down the ..veapons--ihn La Palma Avenue near Ctiintilly Street, Officer Rudolph_ Malik, who were being displayed. : passed over the center ,tine an4 C9llided cbeclted on t h e alleged sighting, A Marine who has not yet been iden- wit.h the car driven by Miss Lofton which said be did not see anything. No tlfied but is believed to be one of the was weslboWld. other Irvine residents reported three lodged in county jail fired a round Both victims were ejected from their seeipg the golden globes. from bis automatic rifle into the asphalt small foreign ~r._ ,-;;l:::;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;::t::=::;";'a~lk~w;ay~ou~t~si~d~e,::the~~bar~,,::•~fli~cer~s~"'"~·11, GEM TALK TODAY by JADE IN CALIFORNIA ~dySeiko Baguette reelilse once .asked him to make a .. volumes of deposi\ions taken from "million dollar payoff to a President of Maheu in maneuvers leading up to the lnexnonsive 1·ade is 'found in rel· • the United Slltes." seheiluled Oct. 23 trial on the libel suit. r• $10000 Robert Maheu, who was chief cl "One time m 1967 f showed Mr. Holli· ative abundance in California, par· Hughes' Nevada operatiom from 1966 un-day a baOOwritten memorandum · from ticularly in the dangerous waters tll he was fired in. 1970, made the state-Mr. Hughes wherein Mr. Hughes was off the°" coast of Monterey where it ment in a . deposition made public here asking me' to make a million dollar Tuesday. The deoosltton was made in payoff to 1 President ol tbe United is the object of underwater searcl>- Mabeau's $17.3 million libel suit involving Sllles," ·Mahf!U 11tted ·in the deposiUon. es by skin-divers, ~~ ,-ald-Hugbcs wanted to "own u;;-s;,:d :'!~· to reveal These and inland California jade 2res1dent, choose bis s u c c e s 1 o r _, . 1 hl.lJllers then, in home workshops_, members of the SupreD!.e..J:ourt .__political candidates were -from persona PJ)lish the rough pebbles and even senators congrt9Smen and pollttcians> at filnds of Huelle• and not from eorpor•te cut slabs from 1'ade l>ouldon. The .. all level&." funds. The contribution to Kennedy was The Harbor Reform Temple of Mabe• also referred to "• handwritten alllde to the Democratic party's national pebbles and slabs are then fuh· Newport Beach, inodv<!rtenUY. omitted .·lnemorondum from M,r .. Hughes wherein chairman after Kenned y was ioned, often bY highly skilled am-· No. eso•ou. Yellow lop.i.altinl11• 11111 bee-. llll!CllltlO t11te1let, QUI dlt l, fiom the roundup of Jewish con-Mt. Hughes was asking me to mate a . ateu lapidaries into figurines ationl in.Tuesday's Dally Pilot, will J'lilllon &>liar oayolf to a Pttsident of tho a590Ssmated, Mabeu said. r • • 1 ~'fl Rosh Hashalllh sen'leea af Newport •United Stares:•·-The all•K!!f incident su Each of the conlribuilons to Nixon w:::aii'-~iiif':-e·mbeeradiii"in' :riciiaS:boc::::h:.:o:::n:::s·:....::•P~he=r:::eo:....ll----:; 1---'-\'i~ran ur , --x>Ove y place n 98?', Mibeij sal , canne . 11 s a~~l'i'Cloi Drive m Newpori Beach. · ut be gave no other details. penonal 'r~, C. G. Bebe RebOzo, Jade can be found aU over the Rite< will begin toolght at 8:15 end L)'lldon B. Johnson wos President in once at Nixon' San Clomcnte, estate and d NEWPORT ILVD COSTA MESA continue Thursday with ·8 servlceaf!0!31! 1967. • the second time at Key B1ocayne, Fla., westem~bemlsphere, an ~ the ___ __:1121 _ , ., ~ am and a children'• service at l:illl p.m. Hughes gave Richard M. NIXOn '60,000 Mali<u si!d. . s~rch'-""'-'f"'o~r_,th"'l"•"·be=au~tifu~' ,,,,,1 c em.,_,m!Ji.=::c· --!-------~---------____ _ 'y.im Klppur oen'leel will late place In 111641 arid anolher -$!0,000 llt 1970 -. Tbe second contrlbuuoo to N!Xon cnme eral continues· to expand as more Oct 5 t th Lutheran Church it a· 15 '$50 000 to former Vice Presfdent Hobert from ~ cuh rQ!>l11 at tbe Hughes-owned d ....,.;;1 I . t precl .; an~ Oct~ 6 at 10:311 a.m. A children 's H. 'uumphrey in 1968 and $25,000 to the Sliver Slipper casino lo Las Vegas, and-an more """Ye ea'? 0 ap • CON'llNIENT TUMS Z7 YEARS IN THE SAME lOCAllON l1"kArn1tic1,d -M11t1r C~,, .. ,HON& 141·J'401 ~,..,;;ce ·will he hold the same day at campaign of, the late Sen. Robert F. Ken-the other cash donations were ft;0m ,a ate the almost mystic beauty of . 1• .. 311 a·m -with a-Nila mcmorlal.Jer.V)ce -heel• i 968. Maheu said. All the """" Hughes """""°t In Los Angele., Mah>uu_l~la~d!!•;..· .:.·-----------'===;;;::====:;:;;;;;:=::::===;;:;:=:=;::::;:=:=:;:::::::;;;::::::;::;:;;~1-•t. 4 p.;,.: ·-til&iJtioris werfm--casH._ 11r.· ---sata. -----' --- L 1 ) " • • I • , ~J DAILY PILOT MO>IEY GAMES DE P T . Intem.tence surfaced along the Orange Coast this week that three n1ajor chunks of real estate along our southern coastline may soon be in the hands of new investors. One such is 1he Starr Ranch, a 5,500- ac::re spread which Orange County government once envisiOfl<'d as a regional park site. County government offered $4.4. million for it. The De\V in- vestors, howeve r, are reportedly aOOut to fork over $6.6 million. Two other spreads, lhe Reeves and Visbeelr ranches in San Clemente, total 3,000 acres. 'ftle Reeves porticn alone has reportedly drawn $12 million. 1be sales are probably interesting enough in that they likely herald ac- celerated developmoot in our southern coastal sector. But there is another fac- tor that has caused eyebrows to be hoisted aloft. 11IE SALES REPORTEDLY involve Japanese investment rums. Thus you can hear reactions to this everywhere. "Cripes, they've taken over the transistor radio, teevee, motorcycle and litUe car markets. Now they're grab- bing all our land. · "We whipped them in the Big War and now they're Heiting us all the way to the bank." Indeed, it may be true. It isn't just on the Orange Coast. Japa,nese investments are strong all across our· country and mariy perople resent it. Pacific Business News, a journal published for money pe<r ple out of Honolulu, addressed itself to that veiy question 1n a recent editorial . And PBN ~ed in part: "EXAMPLES ARE LEGION of how c.asually we have accepted foreign in- vemnertt in th.is country and bow much American capital has gone overseas without a public ripple. ''Suddenly, all hell is breaking loose because capital from Japan is being in· vested heavily here and elsewhere in the world. ". , .Rather than looking inward to the reasoos why the Unlted States is fast becoming an fCOOomiC secood.-rater, v.•e take comfort ln getting worked up over the Japanese capital being invested au around us. The health of the Japanese is being used as a scapegoat for our own ills. "capital investment from Japan is just as good ls U it came frorh France, Gennany, Ita1y, England or.Belgium. We are convinced that the critics are not an- noyed at the appearance ol abundant outside capital. They are annoyed by the knowledge that it comes from Japen. It is a blow to our pride ... '"Sadly. we are not asking why. We are oot probing our weaknesses. Just criticiz- ing their strengths. I I "WHll..E JAPAN WORKED hard to strengthen its enterprise system, labored mightily to compete and make profits, we 1n the U.S. have strived to w~ken enterprise, to control the mari«tplace and to denigrate profits and all their benefits. While the Japanese strived to preserve the work ethic, we deliberately set out to devalue it. .. "Am.rica is bellbellt on keeping businesses Cran making or accumu1ating profits, from letting market forces. rather than government, shape the economy and the growth of individual companies .•. "So, in recent years we have been buying more and more from overseas. American-made products have disap- peared. Now that we've positioned ourselves as a nation that cannot com- pete with the rest of the world, we con- deDYI the rest of the world for being ag· gressive in the marketplace .. .It's a sad commentary on our perspective. "We're not really so smart. We have a Jot to leam" • ID 5 Die • Doetors ·Elated Skylab Crewmen In Good Shape .. ABOARD \JSll NEW ORLEANS (AP ) -llocton were elated with ti. physical conditions of Ille Skylab '2 astnlnauts t .. day after their recon! &!\>-<lay space mission. • Alan L. Bean, Owen K. Garriott and Jack R. Lou.ma planned to sleep late aboard the recovery carrier headed for a~ the 1'eC9very .~er, which steam stei!l"ed h1ln san Diego today. The astronauts blazed back to earth Tuesday In a perfect ending to their journey. They splashed down six miles from. the .recovery ship which was waiting about 230 miles southwest of San Diego. strict· diet and collect all urine and recliil samples for examination as they have done since 21 days before they were laun- ched on their marathon mission July 28 . MORE TESTS were plM!IOCI aboard the New Orleans Ulday and Thllnday. On Thursday afternoon, the astronauts wlll fly back to their homes near Houston's Johnson Space Center. Within an hour after the astronauts were aboard the carrier TueMlay, they talked with their families and received a message of congratulations from Presi- dent Nixon. SKYLAB CREW HOME AGAIN HAPPY AND HEAL THY, ACCORDING TO DOCTORS From Left, Jack Lousma, Owen Garriott and Alan Bean Abotrd Carrier TIIE TllllEE were quickly hoisted aboan! the New Orleans with !heir precious cargo of films, tapes and other data which could provide vital in- fonnation about the sun, the earth and F atlier Groppi Back on Streets Driving _a Ta.xi Governor Blasts Nader's Pledge Against A-plants By The Associated Press The chairman of the W e s t e r n Governors' Conference says Ra 1 p h Nader's vow to halt the construction ot nuclear power plants wouJd , i[ suc- cessful, create "a crisis of the most im- mense proportions imaginable." The consumer advocate told the governors Tuesday to expect a na- tionwide legal, environmental an d governmental battle that could make the successful fight to halt the supersonic transport look like a spring' picnic: Nader's goal is to bring the .natioo'S nuclear electric power program to a complete haJt in five years. OREGON GOV. Tom .McCall told Nader, "I think you could do it." McCall. a Republican, continued: "But what will we do with this investment, what will we do with the need for Uris 75 million kilowats if you're succeSSful?" McCall talked of the fear that might grip the nation about atomic power plants and said: "It seems to me then we'll face a criSis of the most immense proportions imaginable." The West's governors have looked to nuclear-generated power as a majoc source of electricity. There are now 36 nuclear plants across the COUl),try and 70 more are planhed. NADER ~AID the loss of ecmomic in· vestment was worth the price in the face of ~ prospect of a disastrous nuclear accldenl He also accused the Atomic Energy Commission of "conscious deception, suppression and preVaricalion" in hiding the risk of danger in nuclear power pro- duct ion. AEC COmmissioner William Doub, the next speaker, immediately challenged Nader, saying Nader was confused in both his facts and opinion. He offered to open ,.\EC fil es to any infonnation Nader wanted short of atomic military secrets. Hollywood Plan OK'd by Coimcil LOS ANGELES (APr~ Thel!olljiWOOd Community, Plan, a blueprint for the redevelopment oC the 28.~square-mile movie capital area, has been approved by the city council. The council voted Tuesday to adopt the plan, after deleting some proposals in it for renovation and rehabilitation of specific areas. The main feature in the approved plan calls for an entertainment park to be combined wtth a business-tommercial hub along Hollywood Boulevard. man himself. 1 Boyle Lies Near Death 'After Try .at Suicide The astronauts walked a bit wobbly when they stepped on .the canier deck after their long exposure to space weightlessness. Smiling and happy, they waved and saluted the hundreds of sailors who lined up for a look at the nation's newest space 1 heroes. They were quickly taken to a ·medical facility !or extensive examinations. MILWAUKEE, Wis. (AP) -"I haven't been back on the streets in a long while," saKt-.the taxi driver. "And it does a lot or good to get back. It clears your head up." 1be cabbie was the Rev. James Grop- pi, Roman Catholic priest and civil rights activist He bad just 1Jtarted his new job as a taxi driver in Milwaukee and saJd on · Tuesday that be made almost !20 his first day . WASHINGTON (UPI) Former United Mine Workers president ,V. A. "Tony" Boyle was being kept alive today by mechanical devices in a Washington hospital following what b i s personal physician described as an apparent suicide attempt with an overdose of drugs. OfficiaJs at George Wa s hington University Hospital said Boyle's con- dition remained "critical'' DR. MILTON Gusack, Boyle's pbysi· cian, said the 71-year-old uniOo leader's chc.nces of survival were "minimal." Boyle was rushed to tbe hospital late Monday night ooly hours before he was to appear in federal CX>Urt on a govern· ment attempt to ex- tradite him to Pitts- burgh ro face mur· der charges in the 1969 slaying of union insurgent Joseph A. ion.• "Jock" Yablon.ski. Hospital authorities first said Boyle had suffered a "possible stroke," but Cusack said in a mid-afternoon briefmg: "Apparently this was not a stroke. It was due to a large overdose ol sodimn amytal ••• taken by moutl1.1rwas an ap[iilrent effort at self-<\eStruction." Cusack sald be found Boyle "very depressed" laSt Satunlay when he ex· amined him at Boyle's home. He said he recommended then that Boyle be hospitalized because of high blood pressure, but that Boyle refused. "IUS AmTUDE was 'I'm not going to cop out. I'm going to tri al,' " Gusack said. Boyle, who rose to power in the coal DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE Dtllvtry of the Oaily Piiot ls quarantttd ~n41'·"'rldJ': II ''" 6-fttl l'l!IYJ "'-'' '""' PY S:le Jl.lft.. c•ll Ind , .... '°"' Wiii '" _.,.... ,, .,..,, c.n, .,. IAM 1111111 1:)0 '·'"· 51htl"lllJ arid SUMllJ! II JOit di Ml •tctlY• YOU! UPY by t a.m. Sl!ttl"llly, If' I '·"'· Su,..11. clM '"d • copy will b• lt""'91tt II r•u. c1tk ''' 161!•" ""'II 11 '·"'· Tt ltphont~ M1i1 O••"" c111111r A•••• .... ., .u.~n1 Htr111Wt" """'""'"n •••<II Ind W11llnl1ut1r ... , ,. •• , • "'-1211 Sin CMIMlllt, Ctpltl,..,. 111c1t, $1" Juln (lpltlflM, 011'11 Pllftl, i ... 111 LtlUftl, L11un1 Nlflttl ..• , m""2t miner's union as a protege of John L. Lewis in the early 40's, was indicted Sept. 6 by a federal grand jury on charges oC violating Yablonski's civil rlghis by coospiring to kill him. Pennsylvania authorities have lodged murder charges against him in the deaths of Yablonski, his wife and daughter. Boyle was free under $50,000 bond. He defeated Yablonski in a bitter Union elec· lion in 1969, which was later ruled in- valid. Boyle was later defeated by Arnold Miller in a court-ordered e1i:!ctlon. Boyle also faced a >year prison tenn and fines and penalties totaling $180,000 on a . conviction on charges of illegally funnelling union money to political can· didates ln 1968. He was appealing that conviction in the Supreme C.OUrt. A medical report said none of the spacemen suffered from motion sickness and all tl1rte had nonnal blood pressures and heart rates. · THE REPORT' said there was some evidence of "vestibular disturbance," such as dizziness. But this was expected as part of the process of readapting to earth's gravity. · -"All three crewmen are in excellent spirits and they feel well,'' said the report. "Physicians are very e1at.ed with the crew condition at this point." Dr. Royce Hawkins, the chief astronaut physician, credited their good health to a rigid exercise program while they were in space. Bean, Garriott and l.<>Usma will be under careful medJcal scrutiny for another 18 days. They will maintain a the "Everybody ought to take off some time and get where it really is," said Groppi. "It clears up a lot of that elitism that many people, especially professiooal and other mJddle-class types, have." Groppi said his main reason for taking the job was financial : He needs the money lQ contin~ hi$ stµdies at the Antioch eoiltge Or l'..8w in Washington, D.C. Tuition at the school is about $3,000 a year. Groppi's personal a.sset.9, as disclosed Jn a court sult involved a 1969 civil rights demonstration, total more than $75,000. But he has said he planned to use the money to found and support a storefront church. 44.95 3 9 .9 5 ~-~95 or SS a month Men's automatic calendar. Day/date, sweep second hand. stainless steel. or$5 a month Men's automatic calendar. Stain less stee I case and bracelet or~amonth Men's automatic day/date calendar. Stainless steel case, mesh bracelet. Kansas Twisters Heavy Rai1i Trigge,rs Mid·west Floods; Damage Heavy ' .. '-~~___,..~___,.......,.......,..--=o=-=-AN=G~E:--.....,.......,..~S~A~N~TA&&AuNA~ City Or. et Garden Orow Blvd. 3'°° So. Brltto4 ·No. ot So. Coast PlaQ O,. IM~·Dl6tp.....,.10•t 0,...1M,...1Milr..., 11•• --~ -.. I .. I. • ·-' ' -· • • DAU.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PA.GE ' Deserve West Orange County Is fortunate that the petty jealousies \\'_bi<;!) have !!_armed many •tiler Orange County communities haven't prevailed. The beat .exam· pie of local cooperation is the fire protection network wblcb covers Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Seal - Beach and Westmlbster. Each city has Its own lire department, but their work Is so closely coordinated they nearly can filnclion as. one department The cooperalton not only bas Im· proved fire protection in this region, but will '&a.Ye local taxpayers millions of dollars over the next few years. It began in 1968 when the four cities dicided to combine their communications. Now, all fire stations hear the same calls at the same time, so Fountain Valley units are aware when Huntihgton Beach Is busy and may need help. It saves a small amount of money in tenns of per- sonnel, but the major benefit is the increased response the Cities can give each other during a major emergen,ey.· The cooperative communication sy'siem hai worked fine for nearly five years a_nd now the four ctttes have embarked on two more major cooperative efforts. ·They recently opened a jointly financed •100,000 fire training center on Gothard Street in Huntington Beach. It reportedly is one of the finest training facili· ties in the western states, but fire officials acknowledge no one city could have justified building it alone. In a few weeks, the four cities also will ·drop-their city boundaries In terms of fire protection. U a West- minster un(\ is closest to a Huntington Beach fire, the Westminster unit takes il Besides the obvious improvement in fire protection, the boundary drop bas large, tangible financial benefits. ~Y helping each other, the cities won't have to build . Recogni~ion thn!e planned fire stations -a $900,000 savings amon~ Ille four communities. They will a,Jso save n million annually for the approximately 75 extra firemen . who wo!'ld have been needed to serve four Individual cities. The four fire chiefs -Ray Picard, Huntington Beach; Mickey Lawson, Fountain Valley; Mel Ingram, Westminster, and Ron Adams, $eaJ Beach-have worked hard to establish this system and Ibey deserve commu- nity recognition for the fine splm of cooperation. Rt1Ssia Their Goal Flfty·slx eager young girls from Edison High School in Huntington Beach are working hard these days to raise money for a seven-day tour of the Soviet Union starting Nov. 20. • The girls are members of the Edison High Charger Drill Team. They were invited to.join Western High of Anaheim for the tour of the Soriet Union to show the RUS'sians sonie Anlerican-style blgb .cbool •pirit. This trip represents a unique opportunity for each of the girls, and this community can certainly cOnsider it an honor that one of it$ own organizations was in- vited. So far, the girls have raised $18,000 of the $24,000 they need.. They did it with such items as .car washes, rafOes and sponsoring a harbor cruise. They still have at least three more fund-raising events scheduled, includ- ing a raffle for an auto at halftime of the Edison-Orange game this Saturday night at Orange Coast College. It certainly would be nice to watch the local community cjig into its pockets and make sure the girls can make their tour. ~ · • H ·''G01Tt\ G~T Rll> OF 'THESE KULAKS!' Assembly Finale- Dear Gloomy Gus · ~la"thniic Racket Caused By Mini Smaie Boo11as A Mess! 'Copter Noise Can Bend Your House ( RUS WALTON ) That rmal day of the 1973 Legislative sesslon was a mess. A stupid, in· ezcusable, expensive mess. During the closing hours of that day lhe state legislature rammed through at leut 500 bills ..:.. probably more. M a matter of fact. 10 days after the deluge the _slerks of the Senate and Assembly sllU do The reforms Women's IJb advo- cates would be quicker coming H some of tbe spoke111als didn't be- have 81 though "Ms." translates 81 "Mess." M.LS.S ........, .... -"'""" -··"""" lrt ,....,. .... "" --1,., retied ttM 11ltwti '4' ni. ........... SW '*"° "' '"" .. •'-""' 0.. DeltJ ,...... . To the'Editor: • Munici~ departmenu: conducting or constderini' reg u I a. r, non-emergency helicopter flight operations from areas closely surroWlded by residential or com- mercial developm~t should be prepared to pay the oosts of property damage suits_ THE FAMILIAR whap-whap helicopter sound is caused by the tips of the rotors which move near the speed of SOWld and often break the sound burier -just like the tip of a bullwhip "cracks" when it ent and vCJlllls. Ml:I. Foag Wll DOI in brcalr.s the 8C\Ul1d barrier. Helicopte!' the room. .. blade tlpa cause at mos p her i c When Assemblyman Ray seetey, R-overpressures; in effect, mini sonic Palm Spr ... s, protested, acting Speaker booms. _ -not-know~for-aure-­ Jmt what bills were paued. Let alone how much damage was done to the citi- Jack Fenton, D-Mootebello, told him to 'lbese ~ can be more --~1Hown-ud-abut-up-Suclrb the-face-damaging then those of a combat jet and voice of anvgance. The ghost of because jhe belicopter overpreS3Ures _ oc- zen In terms of costs and controls. Tile Assembly staff figures th3t about 2S3 bills were adopt-. ed on Sept 14 -give or take a dozen ...... 1be Senate staff, as bf this writing, has no real Idea of how many bUls were con- sidered or how many were passed or what they will do to Californians. AT ONE POINT during the late-late hours of this horrible ~. Senator H.L. Rtchanbon, R-Arcadia, walked to the rear of. the chambers for a few words with Mike Harrington. By the Ume-be returned to his seat, a few minutes later, Ricbanbon foond he bad voted f0< four bills. What four bills he wasn't sure. He raised hell. He demanded that bis name be taken off the substitute roU call (a device for automatic "gang" votes). Richardson trled to get several senators to joln blm In the effort to stop the jug· gemaut. They refused and on went the steamroller. Every few minutes another bill, another new law in the making. THE BLIZZARD _of bUJs waa just as bad In the Aasembly. And, It was ao- companied by "=" v o t l n g • Legislators abo<nt the chambers wero being voted by a colleague. Time and again, for example, the electronic tote boon! Indicated that Assemblywo- man Marth Fong, D-Oakland, was pres· Mrs. Foog continued to v o t e in her cur In a rll1thmlc -that elicib absence. sympathetic flexing lrom nearby struc- 1t•s not just the chaos of the momen~ turos.-Thfl-flalng can be felt and seen lq it Is the loog-tenn ravagea. During such the wallf and windows oN>omea and of· beetle boun the "leodership" finds it fices -.Vl!I' large -especially relatively eaay to llide In the lleep<n. milllaf)",lype -helicopters fly ov ... _ This Slmple-look:inl buts that upon in-flmnc can cause damage immediately, veltigation are mean and coetly. Such or can' 'featen structures, making them blJls would never make it through ierious .more IUi:iceptible to damage from minor debate. But, In the · d8itmess of chaos ea~. they slide through; Fil<ed1rinc STOL aircraft not only preclude these problems, but are also less erpenilVe to operate and maintain. WHEN TBOsE bllla are examined ln - tbe light of aanlty, 101De lawniaWa are going to have heavy leglal•tlv.e hangovers lllld a tough time explaining their votes. '!be problems Bild the pressures are still not over. 'Ibey may be compounded. The Governor now baa ~ 12 days from the receipt of that fiOOCI Ol bills to -con- sider them, examine tbefr impact, .. d act on them -•pprove er veto. Twelve days! What 1 way to nm a railroad! Not to mention government. VOTERS WERE assured: ln 1972, that il they would adopt Prop. 4 and tis bien- lllal legislattve -the c b a o 1 of the fmal days would disappear. No more of ti-las~minute steamroller jobs that Dallen tlle proper leglsllitive process and leave mess of legislation In Its path. That was the promise. Remember? Well, the people approved Prop. 4. We have those biennial sessions. But, the cha0$,and the chicanery are sun with us. All or which proves that a legislative house is not a home. At least, not for good eovemmenl • JOHN F. ROSSMANN bflir11 Donation To the Editor: For aD the people-who think it is all right for our President not to release the Watergate tapes becauae it might jeopardize. national securil _ : . -Wbat is your excuse-· for Nixon now, that he refuses to ttleitse the tapes from the meeting with the Dairymen's Associa- tioo. A meeting that was held right before dairy prices went up with govern- ment approval, and by coincidence beneflled the campaign by aome $500,000. LORRAINE M. KAMPMAN -Not 'Wonderliol' To the Editor: I am violently opposed to your state- ment of bow efficient and easy the new registration at the Hunlingtoo Beach high llcb\>O,ls was. You have ,no right to make any comment lD'lless you have had ( MAILBOX ) Letters from readers are welcome. Normally writers should convey their messages in 300 words or less. The right to condense letters to fit spac.e or eliminate libel is reseroed. All letters • must include signature and mailing address, but names may be withheld on request if sufficient reason is apparent. Poetry will not be published. first hand experience at the tmfairness, confusioo, hassl~, excuses, and utter c~ wtifch goes on on registration day. I AM • tenth' grade student at Hun-tington Beach High School and have ex- perienced everything I have named above, registering .for two semesters in this ridiculous new process. It is sup- posed to alleviate the0Pf'Ob!ems tlu!.t went on when the machines did it. For me it has been a constant hassle and I Was much happier wheh the machine did It for me. · , . I have been trying to make some sense of my combination of classes I should be taking through progfam changes with my counselor for nearly a week and a half and finally making some headway. I penonally feel this 1' ridiculous. There are many other major, minor, and in· between problems that should be men- lioned.-but 1~ "1J'e you wouldn't want me to take up the entire ettltorlal page. The next tinie you decide to make such an unfair statement make sure you bear both sldes first. Pl~ase print this because I feel there are many people who are mJsin!onned and may be interested in both sides of this "wonderful" new registration system. CARRIE BARNES Huntington Beach High Scbool- Fathf!rs, Da119Jaters • To the F.di.tor: In response to Joan Brick's speech before the Newport Beach Exchange Club, It must be said that she Is ap- parently speaking from her own ex- perience which is obviously very limited. Perhaps most of the women she knows are querulous and nagging, have poor self.images, lack self-confidence, and are generally frustrated. However, one need not look far in Utis community to find many examples of women with high self. esteem who have accomplished in many fields of activity, and who are quite capable of providing a competent role model for little girls. MRS. BRICK describes hereself as a "super per30ll," thottgb still not able to give her daughter what she needs emo- tionally. No wonder. I can't regard anyone as a j•super person" who generalizes so negatively about her own . sex, blatantly ignoring the many ex· ceptions whlcb point to the need to judge people as individuals. After all, are there not men also who have problems with "internal stability?" lronically, I heartily agree with the ad· vice Mrs. Brick gave her male audience, but not for the same re&!IOOS. By all means, fathers, do take your daughters on business trips, luncheo,ns, and spend time· with them. But recOgnize that by expanding a girl's awareness of the world outside the home you may well In- crease her expectation to venture forth into the world as' an adult. At least you are giving her a glimpse of a wider range of choices -which is what women's liberation is all about. JUANITA MOE Seek J11stlee To the Editor: Reference js made to your editorial dated Sept. 18, entitled "Gas Station Squeeze" wherein you noted the in- -equities of Phase 4 Petroleum as related to the service station dealers. We wish to thank you for pointing out to the public, who are our customers, the unju st regulations being forced upan us dealers by the Cost of Living Council. YOUR EDITORIAL, In addition to Jl9inting out service station dealers marginal profit' problems, more im- portantly brings to the attention of the public our sincerity and our extreme .er-.. forts and attempts to restrain service s.t a t i o n shutdowns by the many economically injured service station dealers In Orange CoWlty as we continue to strive for justice through legal and legislative means. This effort to avoid service station closedowns and economJc pressures against our customers can be attributed to the principal efforts of t h e Jntemational .Service Station pealerr Association (l.S.S.D.A.) of which I am proud to be a member and a director. . WILµAM H. Bl Y Missioo Viejo Mobil Seivlce Life and Li~ert111 To·lhe Edltor: . .. At what point does the a~n of a suspect condone the ollooCIDI'., ·11-in- nocent people? \ • J In the name of humanity, I am sOOcked and horrified at what appears to be the 'Slaughter Tactics' on the part of the Newport Beach Police, as displayed on the evening of Sept. 12. _ . _ Life, Liberty and tbe pnult of Hl:l.ppiness ... It is tiVte we take a closer look at those v.·e autb6rize to wear a badge and carry a gun in our city. • BRIANJAMES R. PORTEOUS 'Spiro, Spiro, come back Spiro!' Four Healthy Meatless 1 ~ays a Week? Try Bioch~:f!!istry . ~ ( VON H~FFM~ ) WASfllNGTON -Control• have been a~•te good, The fat-laden, gross off beef for a few day1 and the prices chunks of almost bleeding meat that we • haven't shot up yet, to ~ can expect call a Btfat would make a more Join T. Dunlop, director of the Coot of culUvated ~ retch. Warship of steer Living CouncU, or another ooo of lbe meat'mai' >]lo drive us lndlftclually Into · losers that Rlc!Jard Nlxoo bas fighting Jn. debt and ruin our ajp'iculturo. On the human consumption beca"'8 stoors are llaUoo to congrat.,. •'veraie ... di of us eat. 211 IMJ'IDd* of lntlflcient protein factori•, • la • tbe late him10lf on TV. ,me1t lllld_.)OUltry a yur -about :io pet· equivalent, MJ. Lawe Informs ol '-"o If the prices haven't cent of the world llJlllllY. 1000 up since con-If we could satisfy our ever-ezpanding perc<nt of the world protein dellc!l" trols were Ufted~lt'• appetj~fout>eat by fr_U!!ll.li..-k on But African kldl IU!ferlntJ fJ)lm ooly because they land unfit for any other use we wouldn't Kwaahlorkor, a disease cau!ed by]ll'O!Aiin wtre so hillh when Imperil our agrlculturt nor face tbe rl•· deficiency, aren' IDlni to caUle _. of the controls were Ing prices that bfve come upon us, but It m to do more tbaD clucl< In sympathy. applied. doesn't work that way. Kwaahiorkor bas been Identified In 111c1s A tremendous n1111> here In the states lllld tbll didn't man.. lier of our fellow "ENORMOUS quanuu .. of the hl1htst anybody's eotlng lloliila. 'People probably cltbenl can't afford to eat beef any more . qu1llty food 10Urce1 are fed to anim"'lea~lsii,11'"-""' /;i;iulr.;~'! .. &tve. ~P eatU!l,_l~eef even, ii they llat beef •b 1 piestlge 1ltln, bed'"wtlvn-•writes Fnnm Moore,-beppeilr'v w~lg!W~rllrtl!rtO<id you the whaHon to delend your country. a Small Planet" (BallanUne Boob, $1-~) chain the moro likely yo• are to be bee! motes you manly, beef makes you "Fully -ii&U of the bar v e • t e d polaooed by the pestlclde l'<lldues which *I', beef atves·you atatus and courage, •irlcultural land In the 0.S-ti planted a<!himulate In tbe c.111 of tbe meat we bee!, DOI WlleoU .. , fs the food of chom-With feed_<l'OllO. Wdeed 71 percent of all love to Ht. pkJao, tor reel-blooded and . raw Al~ our grain to llllmala." No. 1t'll be the hlgh pr1ce o1 · m e a t AJmrlcana. Nixon eat. beef and Jcibn Put another· way, 1 steer mull be fed that'll gel most of us of! beef, II anything Mltdldl dfd before they pulled his teeth 2t pounds of vecetable protein to produce does. Besides, moot ol us don't have the out. one pound of moat protein for us to eal .foggiest Idea bow we can eat weU or 11fa1:ve1ous IOurce . oL protein and The amount of prnteln which we feed to healthily without consmnlng I a r g • patrlotlam tllot beef 11, It Is not an ·our livesiock, end which was lost to amoUJlls of fl<sb. We red, white lllld blue • carnivores wouldn~t know how to get our protein except by whacking It off the firlnk of a steer. Frances Lappe can help us here. Her book will tell you about how much protein you need and how you can get it without eating meat. THE BIOCIIEMISTltY Is compllcaled, bat her explanation isn't. Proteins are 1collection& oC 22 dllfetent amino acids, all but elibt of which our bodies can manufacture. Those eight, however, are two separately. Or, stated In terms of meat equivalencies, a cup and a half of beans and four cups oC rice equals a 13- ounce steak if eaten separately, but a 1~ ounce steak if eaten together. You don't have to become a chemist to try this kind of cuisine. Frances Lappe gives what the basic high protein com~ binations are, I.e. bread and cheese, and some recipes to gel you started with good-tasting, low meat t'OOkery. She doesn't recommend that you become a H"mdu and turn your life upside down. Move Into It gradually wl!OOut golnf au the way. Think of the money yoo could save If your famlly bad four hl!althy. hlgb-pro-teln. meatless days a week. And Jf you. do, the next time Earl Butz gets on the tube to tell you meat prices are golng up again. tb1nr bow good i< will be~to tell him to take his meat and stuff It. illdllpensable !or tbe utilization of protein bJ our l)'stema:To the extent that a food OUN•• COAST The editorlaJ NC' of· the Daily It deOcient in eyen one, the others cannot Pilot seeks 1o lnlonn -and ttllnul.ate be used. ~&den by presenlfnl on· thft PIP Stiace all eight are present in relatlvely diverse commentary on topk:I of ln-larte amounls ln meat, It is a handsome ternt b:Y -.ynd'ic.tfd cobnrilsta Ind &iAUtt of tbJrJllOfl tmpartant·etement-in-1----;;;;;;:~-;;;--;;;:::;-;;:;;;;;:;:::;--~<~ar;;:1r,oon1;:;;=';i' ~;-f,~ld~~·;•=w.;:~.,..r.--i--1 the human diet. But \Mii can go down to Robtrt N. Wttd, Publb1&ct l"t'adt.ra' v ews pmen ,.. plclt nev."1J)lper'1 op\niont and Wtat on the bottom of the food chain and up T.ho1!14SJC<eVfl, E'dil<.,._ __ .....,. ---·..tltorll"°J .... ...--r -1 all the protein you need by "eaUng;-ln 1 •"· ~ ... PU -•· t th t~ I dlff I f-•· . B-.. ·-K•tlb'c" 0 Ullli ... ...., ot appeer Vltq ft e ·~ same mea , erent pant ~ m --·~ • • " tdltortal coiwnn at ""' top of ~ which .the amino acid dcllclency of one Editorial Page Edilor P4li'· OplnloN • ._ by th< coi- 1te.m.Ja lllpplemented by.the amino acid umnlstt and 'cartoonlsta and letter contained ·m othen," 14)'1 our author, writers~ tttt:ir own and ft> endtne· who explains that eaUng ~"' and rice Wednesday, Sept. 26, 1973 ment oc 111<ir v11!w• by t11o DoilY together will J1<C!vtde yCMJr body with 43 POot thould .. lalm<d. pereent-rnore protein than U yoo eat .tbe I r l Girl,,4, Commutes - For Life LONDQN (AP) -Cl•ire Puzey has been cholen "l\.fias British Rail Commuter 1973." The 4·year-old girl must travel 600 miles a "'eek or di e. Claire has no kldneys and makes a 200-mile round trip three times a week from her home in rural Hampshire to be trealOO on a kidney machine at Guy 's Hospital in London. She has been commuling for three months since her diseas· ed kidneys were removed. Last week her fellow travelers on the 6:26 to London v.·ere told why the little girl with the bubbling laugh v.•as 1naking the trip. They got together and decid· ed to give her a day to remember. British !~ail area m<inager Harold Ward greeted her this week at her home station of Cbrislchurch and said: "You have become the sweetheart of the Southern Region." He gave her a special train badge and handed over the passengers' gift, an inscribed copy of KeMeth Grahame's classic "The Wind in the Winows," the story of a ne'er· do-well rich toad whose taste for adventure leads ' h i m astray. Harry Staff, a publisher, sat Claire on his knee as the train set off and read her the in· scriplion: "Presented to ~liss British Rail Commuter 1973, with all good v•ishes from British Rail striff. "She is a honey," said Staff. 52. "She's always so cheerf ul" A womau pass~nge.r gave Claire ooe pound ~ about $2.50 -for candy. A man bought ner a pack of txitato chips and another a cup of tea. Claire's mother, 30-year-old 1 Pam Puzey, said : "Our only real hope is for Claire to have a kidney transplant. \Ye are anxJously waiting for the the hospital to tell us they have found a suitable donor." Claire later sat on a hospital bed, beside the k i d n e y machine she must be con· nected to for 30 hours a week, wblle a nurse read from her new book. She smiled at newsmen and said : "It was the best journey I ever bad." Eriterprise AB~kup For Power? BREMERTON, Wash. !AP) -Electric power shortages are abaping up in many parts of the Northwest but this city Ml the option of asking for help from it.s big brother in the bay -the aircraft carrier Enterprise. 'Ibe Enterprise h a s n ' t volunteered but its I o t a I generating capacity or 40,000 kilowatt s could keep Brerirton's Jlghts oo plus the rest of Kitsa p. Mason. Jef- ferson and Cl!lllam counties on the Olympic Peninsula. The combined population of those counties ts just less than 200,000 and a spokesman for the ship said It would provid~ electricity for a city that size. The idea is less speculative than ii might seem. During a severe drought in 1929, the carrie1 Lexington used one of its generators to supply power to Tacoma , Wash. The Enterprise is berthed at the U.S. Naval Shipyard here for several months Wldergoing repairs and refurbishing. Silica Plant On Stiike OCEANSIDE (API -A 1trJke of 4.5 union workers left -management running t h e Cryatal Silica Company plant TUeaday without new contract t.tlb In light. 'lbe walkout. wu staged afler a vote lall Friday by miiinberl of Teamsters Union LOcal 36, Laborers' Interna- tional Union of North America Local 8i and operatin g EneineeMJ Local 12. A three- 1ev .c.uitract expired that doy. er,staJ Silica Company is !Ion Otego County's major ~ induatrial 1Uica us- ~~~~~ctlOlnf"ilunoll" llfMn, housing construction inaterlall and 1andbla1tlng. ""'I .... beauty from Geminesse with $5 minimum purchase Max Factor prescnis ''Your Day _of Discovery'.' Discover ... the mystical BYJ>SY who will forecasr your fucure in the stars' of your horoscope. Discover ... the beauty expert who will analyze your face. Discover •. _ the talented wig · scylist who will -answer your wig styling ques.tions, and the .. Flatter Wigs"-a. fabulous collection in the newest styles, most .... natural looking colors, and in the inosc preferred fibers (styled for you . wichout cx'tra charge). Discover ..• "The Face of Fortune": Enriched MoisNrizing lipstick, Exhilarating Skin lotion, Under Make-Up Moisturizer and Suawberry Masque. Your gift, with any Gemioesse SS minimum purchue. Cosmetics SOUTH COAST PLAZA ' Wednesd~y, September 2b, 197.3 DAILY PILOT 5 -· ' • •• ' r "' --j Ki.ds Like -To Ask. Andy Bullock's South Coast Plaza, Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Saturday -10:00 a.m." cci 6:00 p.m., 3333 Bristol St., C;,,ta Mesa, Telephone; ''6·0611 . ' -- I . ' • . . • Today's Final N.Y. Stocks • VOL. 66, NO. 269 , 7 SECTIONS, 106 PAGES ~ WE~NESpAY, SEPTEMBER' 26', 1973 N TEN CENTS Newport to Slap Lid on ' Campaign Spending? Newport Beacti city oUiclali appear headed toward 'clamping a lid on the amount of money a candidate for city council can spend. Councilmen Oct . 9 are scheduled to in- troduce a campaign spending ordinance that would limit a candidate's expenses to 25 cents per registered voter. That would figure out to be $9,650 next Apcll when there will be about 38,600 persons eligible to vote for !he four coun- cilmen seats up tor election. That's $1,000 more lhan1any candidate spent last year. Besides the spending limit, the pro- pooed ordinance also would put a celling on the amOunt any person could give a "'ndidate-$ZOO-and would limit a can- didate to acceptlng no more than $200 in anonymous contributions. The regulatory package was also 51.lb- ject to some crltlclim,' and 10me changes, when it wu reviewed by coun- cilmen Monday night. perpetuate i{:tcumbents. He Pointed ou t that a spen8ing limit ..... "would tend to .perpetuate inumbenta. He pointed out that costs are rising. "For instance, while I've never done a mailing tO all voters, I know lhey're ex· pensive," Rogers said. Co\mcilman Jobn Store jokingly sug- gested maybe Incumbents should be limited to 15 cents per voter. City Attorney Dennis O'Neill sald the ZS.Cent figure was recommended only because that is the anlount used in a similar ordinance adopted recently in San I>iego. · "I think maybe the 2.5-cent limit is high. Maybe it sbouJd be 20 cents. I don't like the Idea of buying an election," ffi.. terjected Councilman Milan Dostal. "The lawe.r you go, the better it is for lncumbeilts," Rogers sakl. "J lulte to think that in Newport Beach you could buy an election for fl ,500," Mayor DonaJd Mcinnis said, pointing out that the nickel difference would amount to about $2,000. · "I sit here and wonder why anybody ~ould want . to . get elected in the first place," he added as a lig hthearted af . terthought. 'The proposed ordinance also would : -Set a maximum contribution of $500 by the candidate, himself. -Call for the filing of expenditure statements listing the total amount ex· pended an the campaign. ~all for riling of contributions statements listing all those persons giv- ing $50 or more. A provision that contributors list the name of their emplo yer was str icken after Vice Mayor Rogers said that might tend to inhibit some frqm giving. Councilman Carl Kymla. v.•ho sug· gested the ordinance and helped write it. sa id that had been included "to. prevent one company from trying to buy an clL-'C· tion." 1-~or a penalty, the ordinance sti pulates that violators would be subjected to minimal fines. but they would :llso ha\'c to vacate their office, if they won the .election . Storg of 2 Men .Ivan and Ray-2 Cops Transit System Pushed Who Lo ved Their Job Newport Ma)'or -Wants It But Can't Run It By JOANNE REYNjlLDS Of IM o.&" Pllet S:litff Meet Ivan Neal and Ray Anderson, two cops. Ivan Is big and tall. The kind of muscular god favored by the people who choose motcrcyele policemen. Ray is old enough to be Ivan's father. He Is a detecti ve that newsmen describe as a seasoned veteran. His hair is turning white and he's got a paunch. He smokes too much, he drinks more than be shouJd and be bas an ulcer bec§.Use he worries too mucll. THE TIME is about two years age and a young reporter is lnterviewing Anderson. ·' He welC<lmes the writer to the office he shares with Ivan and another detective, gets her a cup of coffee and reluctantly talks about his years In law enforcement. The stories about delivering babies, getting shot at and chasing criminals come out slowly at first. He chain smokes and between cigarettes he chews Ute wooden matches be uses to light them. He is amazed the reporter notices. Ivan eggs him on, reminding hitn. of an incident while grinning broadly bene~th hia walrus mustache. Ivan's shirt collar ia: just a litUe too big for his neck. WfBLL RIB ABOCT the lime you backed over a planter '°" when you were working cri,me scene investigation and wOWK'I up taklnc a Jll<IW'< of the <!Mling." - l]lm'll__~and (YJ!ll tea~ "Do 1'Jll -about blmi" Andy ub. "You qht to be telling bis ltory. I think he's the groatest kid Ill the world." The reporter knows. A~ the age of 24, Ivan Neal ls dying. He is one of the biggest, best-looking cops on the force and was certainly ·one of ,the youngest motor officers when he gat into an accident. ,. • .,._ IN THE CX>URSE of treating him for his injuires, · the doctars discover that Ivan bas cancer. There ls nothing anyone can do, so Ivan comes back to wort as a detecUve in the office with Andy Anderson. • They make quite a Ptif -Andy, witb bi.a accumulated years of wlldom and middle-aged spread, and Ivan, growirig leaner by the day, so that even his shoulder holster hangs loose on him. Together they probe into their cues, takfug great care to point out the other's failings loudly and humorously to anybody who will listen. A few moolhs go by and !~an diea. He had worked as long as he could, but he finally had to go into tile hospital and tben it was over. No one missed him in quite the way Andy did. Their relationship was a little like the over-worked clicbe of "just like a son." ANDY HASN'T been around the station too much recently. He was trans- ferred Crom detectives to the indentification bureau after Ivan died , but then his ulcer got wor:se so he toot a medical leave.. A couple ot ~.atians·~ter it became obvious Ray Anderson couldn~t. back it anymore. · ; So, on Sept. 30, Andy's going to retire. It Is hard to wrl'e about his retirement as It was to write Jvail's obituary. The pain and loyalty, love and gutS that went Into Andy11,~year career as a cop are impossible to adequately ri!Jate. Just aa It was Impossible to tell of Ivan Neal's courage when be knew he was dying and he still wanted to do the thing he loved best-be a cop. ANYWAY, THIS IS their story .. , the story of two !JlOll. \ Nixon Discusses Chance Of Agnew Resignation By L. PETER KRIEG ot IM Daik1 l"li.t Sleff Mayor Donald A. Mcinnis said today he wants to see a city studY of a transit system serving all ol Newport Beach, but he stressed he doesn't think cit;' govern-. ment should try to operate it. Rwming it, Mclnnia said, should be the job of the Orange County Transit District -should the study under way by the Community Development Department show it would be feasible. Senate Okays Troop Cuts Overseas WASHINGTON"'(/;!') -'l1lt Smale to- day voted to reduce the number ol U.S. land-lieaOd~ ....,....., by 40 ~t. '!be votep •u -· Senate ;Democntic Leader M I k e Maoslield had originally proposed a so percent cut iii tHe number Of foteigri-bis- ed U.S. triiops. but changed the proposal at the last minute to a 40 percent cut. 1tfansfie1d said that when servicemen's dependents, U.S. ciVil.lans and ·foreign nationals hired to assist Americans are included, the United States has a force of 1.1 millioil perSOM in foreign countries. He sajd, this C0611 U.S. taxpayers l30 billian a year, with $17 billloa of that amount aUributed to maintenance of troops in Europe. I ~ ·He saiCi a reducUon in the 500,000-man force is essential to lower the-U.S. balance-of-paynients deficit, fill"11omestic needs and end the policy of. military con- f l'Ol)tation with tbe Sevjetl. The Mansfield amendment would re-- quire that at ley>st 50,000 troops baaed in foreigq...count,-ies be pulled out by next .JlDle IOJ-and that another 150,000 be .withdrawn over the following two years. 0~9'?ne" said the Mansfield amendment COtlld be overturned lo a subsequent vote. Officials of the OCTD were unavailable for comment this morning. Councilman Paul Ryckoff Monday prcr posed a system of mini-buses be employed to serve all Ne'!VPOrt .Beach main arteries.. -·- Vice Mayor ·Howard Rogers took Ryckoff's proposal a step fuf1ber and en- dorsed a ·trial of a long-discussed idea of closing the e n I i re Newport-Balboa Penimuta to al.I· private auto traffic. "I'd like to Set that study completed," Mclnnis Jid. "That's been talked about ever since I've been in town . It's time \Ve get past the talking stage and start look- ing at something concrete." "I do have a couple of reservations, hOwever. I can't see local government in the tr8m business. I have no idea if that's pan of the plan or not. but if it is, my'first reaction is negative. ., "I would like to see the plan pulled togelher, though, so we can see if it does have merit or not. I would certainly think Dot Winds Blow Sunshine, Santa . A nas Arrive _ 1 ~A fll'luKy SAIO'~· '!IA wind duzled oorly rjslng motorists with IWllbine toclay Ind blaSted brfue' County Airport with gusts of wind to 30 knots. Northeast winds of. fuxn 15 to 20 miles an hour were .expected tO continue toolgbt br1J11iDc warln, dry air to the Orange Coast through Thursday.· -Low1 tcmi&ht w1!1 be 1n the 60s inland and warmer along the coast TlllJRliDAY 'WiNll8 ARE expected to lhlll, ending the downhill-racer wind condition wblcb clears cooler marine air and warms fall days. Winds Thursday will come from tbe west to southwest al from eight to 16 miles an hour, the Orange County Harbor Department forecast suggests. . . ' . ~-.:.-.. - THE NORm OR NORTHEAST wind pattern causes a downdraft from the mountains which ring the Los Angeles basin. During lhe night, inland com· rnunities first felt the window rattling breeze and its dr)'.ing wannth. Gusts of 15 knots were logged in Newport Harbor this morning and small craft warnings were posted Crom Point Conception to the Mexican bord"er. Areas below canyons experience the most forceful blasts and gusts to 30 miles an boqf.are expected to continue tonight. ~GE COUNTY AIRPORT Tower shifted the landing pattern today ~lll;Ianes north into the wind on landing, bring them down over Newport- /Beach. . Visibility af 11 miles was reported along tbe Orange Coast today. Inland communities: experienced blowing sand and dust, notably in Orange and Ana- heim wberf: the dry Santa Ana River bed is whipped up by canyon gusts. Clark Def ends Upper Bay Stance After Jury Blast The ' Seriate also was to begin public debate tO{lay on a inposaJ to slow .!fe_velopmfiit of the $q billioo Trideat By JACK BROBACK submarine program. The Trident amend-°'., o.11r 111..,""' Crand Jury was formed that the ac- qusition of this area was important not only for citizens of the county but for the rest of lhe stale," Clark said. ment was discussed for more than two brursiin Closed sessiotTTuesday. Fourth Di.strict Supervisor Ralph Clark A vote on the Trident amendment was of Anaheim replied sharply Tuesday to scheduled, for Thursday. earlier criticism by the Orange Co4'fltY In addition to Europe, American forces Grand Jury of lhe supervisors' handling are based Ill Thailand O"•aw; !lor1a f ·~u Taiwan: the l>tu'li ·~·~iiefutuaa. '~ -<> .~-~per Newport BayprobJemt e.. • Man:sfie1d no::fPthat u. s. -Soviet It Is lDlportant to remember that it ls negaUaUons open Oct. 30 on mutual, imperative to pursue a course utlllting balanced force reductions but said calm reason rather than emotional in- "We as elected officials have an obligation and duty to e(fect acquisition in an orJerly manner at the best possible PriCe," c!larlt contftiued. ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -The White House said today that Vice President Spiro T. Agnew has discussed the poaslblllty '( resigning with Pmldent Nixon. A spOkesman said Nixon neither encouraged nor discouraged him. ' wtllateral action · J>y tbe United States valvement, thus assuring acqnlsltion at kickback allegations against him was could prompt a aimilar respOnse from the least possible cost to the taxpayers," made solely by the vice president. Russia. 'Clark aald. We have resisted and I hope will con- tinue to resist those people who say speed is the guide without reg'ard to cost. If this philosphy guides this board then the special interests o( the lrvine Com- pany will end up being the beneficiary of those critics of our considered deliberate aCquisltlon policy," Clark concluded. Confirmation by Deputy P r e s s Secretary Gerald L. Warren of ~t rumors that Agnew had considered resigning came moments after Speaker Cati Albert swiftly turned down A~w·s request lhat the House rather than ' the courts undortake an lllvesUgatloo of political wrongdoing aaalnat 1the vice president. Allbough NLl:on dlscuss'!d various • 1be N.ixoa administration· contends a Th.e Grand Jury had accused the OP,tiolf& with Agnew ln faur meetings unilateral troop .,withdrawal would doom 11upervison: of "negotiating personally they have had s1nce the allegations were negotiations wiili the Soviet Union. rather than jointly" which It said "has announced he exerted no pressure for . prec)uded active, cooperative parUcipa· any partlCular course, warren said. lion by the county on the Field Com-mittee." Warren said for the first time that the Jf' 'l t Pla two haCI discussed the possibility of I 0 Y "The f1mction of the Craud Jury Is to be a watchdag anc;I iJ:'vestlgate tm. '7\gnew resigning when they met Tuesdal.. proprieties in government," Clark Aid in morning, several hours prior to Apiew s For ·san -D:,,O~O a prepared statement which he read to request to the House far an inveshgaton. M;.; "'"' f Uow laors his · A~ made clear he would challenge an e superv · "T is a very useful ul In purpose and must continue. However, Investigation sched ed to begl Thurs-CHULA VISTA (Al!) -W 11 t when the jury becomes iav0lved ia policy Clark and Robert Battin are members of the Field Committee. They replaced SuperviS(lrs Ronald Caspers and David Baker on the gvoup. The committee is made up of county. state and federal officials and is charged with coming up wJlh · a plan f o r ac· quisltion and deve lopment or the Upper Bay: day by a federal graod jury in llaltimo...,. Chamberlain, a National Baske~ makillg, they bave made it impoalble to Albert rebufled the vice president's ball ~laUoo atar aloce 1959, a>ntinue u a watchdog-and then the need CdM Tenni s Bu£ f that cooperation by the transit district is a possibility," the mayor said. Mcinn is reiterated his skepticism about the possibility of a ci tywide mini· bus system that he had voiced when Ryckoff made bis proposal Monday dur· ing the council 's study session . .. Mini buses have been looked at olf and on for a long time," he said. "A private company tried it about four years ago. They bought a bunch of small buses and (See TRANSIT, Page %) Morning Jet Fli ghts Over Tustin Urged Early morning jet flights at Orange County Airport should continue to use patterns over Tustin and not Newpor\ Beach, Orange County Airport Com- missioners have recommended. The commission, .In advisory body to w the Board of Supervisoi-s, reviewed a report of t~e airport's "Preferential Runway Test Program" Tuesday. Weather pennitUng, takeoffs from 7 a.m . to 9 a.m. in the last year have been made to the north over Tustin. All trips had flown south over Upper Newport Bay. but residents and city of· ficials complained about the noise. The runway report said there was less impact on the Tustin area because it has a conunercial buffer zone. County noise abatement specialist Norm Ewers said the flights have more adverse effect on the more residential area of Newport Beach. The commission's recommendation will be sent to the Board of Supervisors. Action dicln 't include any reference to Newport Beach city COWlcitmen's most recent request that takeoff patterns from the airport be scattered. The council wants departures in op. posite directions at all times during the day, not just from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. In .a r:elated action Tuesday night, Commissioner James Irving said he will · attend a Southern California Association of Goverrunenls (SCAG) hearing on its Hk:ounty aviation needs study. The meeting will be Oct. 12 at SCAG's offices at 1111 W. 6th St.. Los Angeles. Irving 's attendance may result in a recommendation on the report by the commission to the supervisors, Com- mission Chairman E. R.. Ablett said. The study suggests expansion of Orange County Airport, joint military- civilian use of El Toro lt1arine Corps Air Station and opposes a Chino Hills airport s.ite, among other recommendations. Or ange Coast • We ather It'll be .dry, clear and suMy Thursday -lik e you never saw this summer. Highs in the upper 70s along the coast. rising to file low 90s lnland . O\:ctnlght lows iD the 60s. INSIDE TODA l' At the White House, Warren made It -clear· that A,new's decision to try to I'll the House to open an , Inquiry lllto propoul th a brusque·tWo-sentenoe state-bas sJgned a ttPOned .-.ooo a arilts f.o have a watchdog for lhem." ment at midday, saying: tear C'Ol1tract to coech and play Clark agreed with tht; illll observation Father Gleii Borman ;oi1ied ,~'.1°1'"H-~_:ehper~~:nt~l!~:t,ertoas~attef~ ~ theAmSanerlcanDlego .~:ii-II •-~ ola· ' . that 'tlie 'tduff surrowldlng . Upper ·to·ses· Equip'm' e' n't the Stoff of Assemblu. SJ)<aker U Or h f.111:! ..._. a ._.. ""' BaaM:...,. ~· Newport Bay a:re hl"~'Y comple1 Bob /tforetti ( IJ..Va11 Nu11sJ a Qiversity c estra belori the courts. I, as Speaker. will not Uon the club lllllOUllCed today ' .... • . year OQO and SJ)<Cializes tn ,,. Wee IJIY ·action on the letter at this Eiact lemu ol the contract;..,,. ~= :;i:_,:::i~on ol 0.: A Corona del Mn man vbltlng Laguna su 191ml~cll"-I--' :A"Udi tion ~.l-_ -....t~-=ti::;mr;•:;;· '=' :::;c;;;:;::;;;;..,,o;:;-rn. . ---1-not.annouriOed~rtief..tt-had been--porta t 1 -r L~.:.ch 'l\tesday-wu1h€Vlctlm Ota-grand 1or t1g See story Page J J .llllllOUDr orney General Elliot L. RlchardSOll, reported Chamberlain would be n • tmtat 0 ?W: open '!'*" re-(h;,(, iavolving 1223 worth of tennis equip-· ' ' · who met with Nixon befor...tbt President. offetteL ~)' CC111tr1ct ..at qulrements. The ma l).'. of this boan1 -rnent.clothint,-and a spare-tire-stolen--At Y-.ir Strrlc• 1: -""• • Auditions (or the UnlveraUy Orchestra conterred Tuesday with Agnew, an-$1.8 million wJth part or the money • hill>·e en on reco 8 ore. 1 5 from 'bis untoci:ed car 'trunk. ~~i1,:••• ,, =~~ ,_., •·: 1'10 be held today and Thursday and-nouoeed prior to Agnew's letter to Albert to' be paid by the ABA. ' -·· Robtrt Washer of 2615 LlghthOuse Lane ~r~~:,~ 0 .,: ~:.o;:1c!,!9..; •·,: ie>ts are open to membe1' of the com-thl\I tho grand Jury would start-tta In-· A sPol< .. man lor the San Diego D T Dr told Laguna Beach police the theft oc---•· " ,_, "" munfty as well as UC Irvine student.a. qUiry .of Apew .Thurtdey. team"lald OlamberlaJn, w.ho qufb etr oit een 0Wll8 curred as hb Gcrmari sports sedan waS ~~W:.~cn :· R'oe:1:._~~ ....,:: lnatrµmentallsts win be heard aft.er '1 Warren aald Ni.loo was advised by the Los ~elea Lakm for the parked at lhe 1700 block of South Coast ••1..n11 ... ,. ' 'f141"''10!I • p.m. each evening In Flne Arla VU1ag~. Richardson and Assistant Attorney 1witch to-San Diego, la expected to DETROIT (AP) -A Detroit tcen-ager Hlgllway. · :=:""" ... ::~ ~11~:;: ·~ UCI. Appoinlments may be made by call-Henry &.-Petersen "that as a matter of play for the Q:'a, at least Utrough drowned trying to swim, acrcm the Takvi v.·ere three teMis rackets, eight ::ew"':..•tc:•r• !~ w, .... ,,., "'"" n .. , Ing the -UCI rriuslc departmtnt at ~ law, ln the attorney general's. view, this the 1913-74 aeaaon. tr9lLJtl"l.er to canada to win a $20 bet, carw of balls, a warm up suit and the """ '-fllffrt ,, Wlfltl HIWI "'' SJ, _. _ procodure should be followed ." --,1rt . ... ' , \ . - ' .. (' • ! ' . - . Ul'I TtH,,,.Olt .;\etres1 Dead ~""'-lo1agpan i, an Italian at· .... tres s who won an Academy '· Award for her 1955 role in ,.The Rose Tattoo." died today ... in a Rome clinic of cancer. · ·• She was 65. .... •. Panel Urges ·Air Station ·Be Eli1ninated · · A sludy committee of the Saddleba ck Area Coordinating Council Tuesday call· ~ for no ne\v air facilities for the Sad· dleback Valley and the phas~ut of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Headed ' by Nance North, the 31· _,,. :Dlember comriiittee. including private citizens, county representatives, apd pro· .fessiona·1 planners. has been sponsored by 'ttie UC Irvine Extension office in 18 :'tiionths of preparing a 70-page interim ·policy plan for the Saddleback Valley. .-· The document will be submitted to the Orange Collnty Planning Department as 'a guide for the Saddleback \1alley general plan. The "'Ording of the air facilities polfc~'. one or the most controversial statements in the document, was changed slightly. Originally. it stated. "No regional air faci lities are recomme nded for the Sad· dl eback VaUey. If possible. existSng facilities shall be phased out and em- phasis for commercial air traffic placed in the Orange County Airport ." The final version reads : "'No air facilities are recommended. for the Sad· 1dJebaek Valley. When feasible, exlsling . (aclllties shall be phased out, and em- -lj>hasls for commercial air traffic placed elsewhere .'' ' "We wan t to make sure we say what "'e meant to say," Mrs. North sa id. "\Ve don't "'ant a commercial airport. but we don 't mean to kick out the T\1arines en- • tlrely." Consensus of the group appeared to be that it was easier to deal with the T\1arine • facil ity than a commercial facility. - . Another controversial policy, a state· ~ ment calling for preservation of all slopes exceeding 20 percent. was left un· touched. . ·•1 don't think ~·e need lo run public . hearings of our own on these points," ... said committee member Ray Prothero. ·•• All policies in the plan will be brought . 'up for publi c hearing if th ey are in· corporatcd intO the legal general pl an of .... . u1e county. Pollcles which are unchanged from the "original version include support for rapid · transit systcnls, d:iy care centers. 15 per· cent low·cost hou sing, and fe1v if any billboards. ; The report also calls for agricultural , 'leasebacks. "'here government buys agricultural land and leases it back lo ihe farmer, as one method of preserving the "semi-rural atmosphere" of the Sad- : dleback Valley. · Careful control of automobile uses is called for. "·ith cars discouraged around . greenbelts. rtood plain corridors. schools. • and shopping centers. OlANGI COAST 111 DAILY PILOT 111• Or•n(lt Cotll 0A1L'I' PILOT, wlltl wllitll " comelntd Ill• N1 .. 1-l'rou, 11 11Ubtl11>tC1 ov lllt 0,.110• (NII l'u•tl1hl111 CO"'ll.l"'I' $el'•· ''" tellllon1 .,. llUOlll!\td, l!oO•>ll"V lllrO~ll Frlcl1y, !or Coi!I Moo, Ntwriort Br•cll, Hll!ll!f19IOll l t•tll/F1>11nl•in V•llty. L-ovn. Bt•tll, l•vln1•SoOdltD~t< ano Son Clrrnenlr/ Stn Jvan Cto+11,.~o A 1inglt reglonll edlt~n " p~Dll1lltd 61!urdays Anl'I 5..mOa\'1. Tl'lt prin<IOAI Publltllln9 Oltn• •I 11 lJO W111 lty $1rltll, Co1!1 Mt11. C1!Uornlo,' '21~1. Roki1rt N. Wttd Pre1111~111 """ Puo1,1nt1 Jtc~ R. Curltv "'"' l'rt•.Otnl Incl G'lltfll Mon1g1' Th'"''' ICtt"it . • lill•101 ' .. . , " Tllo"''' A. M w1p~i111 Mt<'l<lgl119 fGllOr l. Ptltr 1Cri19 Nr-..·POl1 htcft Cll• i.11.1 ... .: New,.rt IHt.li OHie• :: J))J Ntwptrl lo1i1lt ¥t!d :; M1lll111 Atltlr1111 P.O. 1011 lt11, tl66J .. ·~ OtMf oHi.. 1( Cltll M""· J. Wttl 11'1' l!rtt1 1-:---t:-·l--.....:L"""'• ••te•: m "°'"' ..__ t! ....... UUUJ111S.ICI"' IOll~WI 1.. i.11 c...-.11: • ""'°"' 1r c."'1ne It••• ' r! Tel.,..._ 11141, Mt-4Jll • ct-IM AftNtl .... Ml-1471. •f ',; C•rrlflll, 1'1J. °''"" eo.u l'Ul:lll•"ll"O t • Cfr"4Mll'(. ... ,.. .. , 11tr'-l, !lh1tlr1tl.,... :.'! lllllltfllll ""'"' t r ..i~tl11't1Mf1!1 littr1l11 ""' .. '""""'"'" •tll!olll $ptCltl "' f!'liM1911 ti coovr11t11 -..r, htW dMt .. lll09 N~ 11 CClloll Mlf,I, , c111....,..111. h'iliKrlll'lltll bY ctrrlllt nAS • -1!1'11~1 "' f!'lll .. , .. """1~,.,, "'"'''"' !f lf\llM!• a, .. l'Nl'lltl':. _,_J......~-"'..__~~~~ -----------' ----~--. ~ -• Bo111idar11 Disp1ite. • \V"ater ])istrict Delaying Action By RUOI NIEDZIELSKI 01 tht Dtll• l"lllt Stiff Another auempt is being mad e today to salvage an agreement on water iicrvlce jurisdictions bel\\'een the 1\·arring Gosta ~lcsa County \V aler Di strict and 1hc Ne~'port Beach City Council. · \\rater District Director Alvin Pinkley said today that his Board of Directors had decided Tuesday lo "'ithhold action against Nc\vport Beach for t"·o weeks to allow the city to reconsider the agree- ment. The boundary agreeml'nl \l'aS accept- ed by Ne\\'PQrl Beach councilmen ~1on­ day night but with the exception of terri· lories lyi ng north of Bristol St reet - Palisades Road. Th.is area includes Orange County Air· port. an area served by the Costa ~1esa Ccunty \\later District, and the Emkay- Collins properties. served by the New- port Beach city water department. Both Newport Beach and the city of Costa Mesa have petitioned the Local Agency Formation Commission 1 LAFCOl POLICE SEEK SUSPECT He's Active in Balboa Ne,vport Beach Police Release Rapist's Sketcl1 Newport Beach police today released a· composite drawing or a man they believe may have robbeii and raped at least three women in the Balboa area in the past t"·o weeks. Police said the three known victims have described the man as being about five foot SiX, 14-0 pounds. \Vith dark brown hair and a distinctive Spanish accent. Detective Ken Smith said the suspect normally spots his victims lhrough win· dows and later makes entry into the home between midnight and 3 a.in . Smith said the suspect looks for open \Vindows or doors to break into the homes. "\Ve \Voutd definitely advise women lo keep their curtains closed at night and to make sure !hat all doors nnd windows are securely locked." Smith said . Anyone "'ith info rmation about the rapist is urged to contact police at 673-2211 , Smith said . Fro1n Page I TRANSIT ... put them on th e streets but the y _found out fairly quickly that. cconomtcal\y. they just couldn't make a go of it. ··The council "·as perfectly "'ilting to support the effort and \Vou!d be no\v, J'm sure," T\1clnnis added. The mayor also said that if the OCTD "\1•ants to try to subsidize and operate such a system, and \Ve wanted the m to take a shot at it. 'I'd look at that sort of thing with a Jot of favor.'' Mcinnis said one of the real problems "'it h trying to operate a transit system in Ney,•port Beach Is: the great Ouctuation in population between the summer 41nd \\'in ler month s. "W.i. have quite a unique situation," he st1ld. ,;Ou r su mmer population is normally three tin1es y,•hat our winter population is. Whal you need in the u•oy of assets to rove r the transportation prob- lem in the su mn1er, you don 't need in "'inter . And vtce versa." Rogers' tram proposa l l o r the Pen insula included a sugges:tcd 25·cent onC·\\'ay fare that he forecast could bring ln considerable revenues during pea k be<i ch 1nonths, perh<ips el'cn enough to pay for the operation year-round. J apa1iese Leader 0 n-W-o rld~-'fFip TOKYO CAPI -Prime Mlnlst<r Kakuci Tanaka of .Japa n left Wcdnesdciy_ for a ts.day tour lhul will inalude meetings "''1th lead(!rs of 1··rance, Britain. West Gennany and ihe Soviet Union. Tanaka was to arrivc Wl'<inesday night In Paris where he \Vlll confer with Prcsl· c.lcnt Cri.>orgu Po1npldou and othu FlOnch lea6crs. for a sphere of influence O\'er Lhe airpor~. ft is being speculated that the current argument between the water distrl<.1 and Nc~'POrt Beach over the jurisdictional question relates directly to the desire of both Ne"·po11 Beach and Costa Mesa to some day annex the airport. Newport Beach ccuncllmcn struck the controversial properties from the agree- "!ent because the re had never been any disagreement over water seJ1Vice rights there. Including them in the pact ~'as de-- clared unneccessary. Costa l\lesa County \\later District officials, however, say the t"'D disputed areas were included after weeks or di!I· cussions involving attorn eys and water experts from both sides. They say fhey "'ant the are<:s lo re- main covered by the agreement to avoid the possibility of a future boundary dis· pule north of Bristol-Palisades. . . The boundary agreement, while raising ~he n~ problem, did solve a Jong·stand· 1ng di spute in the Versailles aj}<1rtmenl area. Sign of the Ti1nes Using the old Burma Shave road sign ronnat, a nurs· ery on Newport Boulevard in Costa Mesa, combines j a plug for its products with a comment on current { events. Costa !\1esa County \Vater District officials and Ne\\o'PQrt Beach both claim· ed service rights to the apartments. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- The water district recently dropped a l~wsuit aga inst Newport Beach for the r1~ht to serve the Versailles area but ~1nkl~y sai? he is_ ready lo resume lit iga- llon 1f the pact is not approved in full by Newport Beach. Tliese Roses 'Bombed Out' Two Girls Tell Roles . ~lso_ jeopardized by !he reriewed hos· llhty 1s a 40-acre coo?ominium project nea~ the Santa Ana River which is just ~ts1.de the Costa ri.tesa city limits and "'1fh 1n the NeY.'JX>rt boundary line. CINCINNATI. Ohio !AP) -~Irs. Louis U.1etzler said she had been ex· peeling trouble when her daug hter Sheryl became friendly with some members of a motorcycle gang. In Shooting, Robbery TI1e building site is served by the Costa T\1~a County Water District and Pinkley said tcxlay the developer, Leadersh ip Hom.es, h~s been J?Ul oo notice that water service will be terminated If the .boundary agreement cannot be SMlvaged. 1Jelocatio1i Bid For MacArtliur Hits Ne·iv Sn.ag. Approval for relocation of MacArthur Bou~evard from Jamboree Boulevard 10 Bonita Canyon Road on the eastern boun-dar~ of Newport Beach was delayed again Tuesday. The delay came on the question or an environmental impact report which may or may not be required. .Th~ Orange County Flood Control D1str1ct. ~~ed permission to give the State D1vts1on of Highways a permit to construct the realigned roadway which is part of the Corona de! ~far Freeway and to construct regional channels and major storm drains, Robert Tomlinson of the State De.part· menl of Transportation told Orange County supervisors that en vironmental regulations had been complied with as far as the federal government was con· cerned. But County Counsel Adrian Kuyper rul· ed that an environmental impact report was necessary to the county before work could begin. Tomlinson said this would take 18 months. The county previously approved. ron- struction of the Corona de! l\1ar Freeway between the San Diego and Newport freeways without the impact statement. Tomlinson did say the future freeway might be covered in the area opposite the Orange County Airport. Director of A via· lion Robert Bresntflan has contended that this is an absolute necessity for safety reasons. Supervisors Ronald Caspers said he "'as for inunediate construction of the ne1v frl'ev.•ay but that the envirionmental rules must be followed . The MacArthur relocation is for a distance of 1.2 miles. Newport Fireme11 No\¥ Delivering She telephoned the police bomb squad Tuesday that a "scruffy looking" man rang her doorbell and said he had a box of flowers for her daughter. Police and firemen took the box to a disposal center where they opened it. h\side were 12 white roses. No card. N e\vport Student Still Se1ious • After Accident A Newport Beach girl who just started her college career at the University of So4thern California remains hospitalized in cri tical rondition today after a "·eekend car crash. Nancy Obegi, 18, of 438 Vista Grande, sufrcred severe head injuries early Sun- day ~·hen thrown out of a car oa the Foothill Freeway near Glendale . She and th e driver , James Chaix, 22. of South Pasadena, were both taken to the intensive care wiit at Verdugo Hills Hospital in Glendale, where they remain toda y. California Highway Patrol officers said Chai x apparently lost ct1ntrol of the car while rounding a curve in the con· struction area. The vehicle ro1led over, spilling the occupants out. _ ~1iss Obegi, a 1973 Corona del Mar lllgh School graduate, was improving to- day and began breathing on her own, a fam ily member at the hospital reported. Her USC Alpha Phi sorority sisters had Issued an. appeal for blood donors to help repay pints Miss Obegi might use but that is no longer necessary. Kathy Obegi said today her sister, Nancy, has only needed one unit of blood since the pre-dawn accident. Cha ix also was reported stlll in critical condition. • By TOM BARLEY Of lht D•llY Pllol Sl1tf 1\l'o girls "'ho 'vl'Ci'e \\'ith David Grindeland during a Dana Point robbery spree that ended with his death at the hands of a motel owner have surrendered to Orange County Sheriff's · officers:, jt was learned today. Both girls "'cnt to the sheriff's office with their attomey and made a state- ment on the ir role in t'vo attempted rob- beries last "'eekend -one at the Dana Villa Motel and the olher at the nearby Kentucky Fried Oticken rest aurant. Sheriff's Capt. James Broadbelt said this morning that neither girl will face charges stemming from their in· \'Olvement in the incidents. Broadbelt refused to identity them other than to confinn that they v.•ere from the Tustin area. "We stlJI have a few loose ends to tie up in this case," he said today. "But we hav~ no basis on which to hold these g1tls in any "'BY or charge them in the light or the lnfonnalion we have been given.:• Gr lndeland was shot In the chest, face and hand by motel owner Louis Joseph Haffner, 65 , who told officers he heard the robber arguing ~'ilh his wife in the lobby and reached for the pistol he keeps in the motel for protection . Dynamite Di scovered In Isolated Area DUARTE (AP I -About 200 sticks: of dynam ite have been found partially hJd· den under leaves: and boards in an isolated area north of this Los Angeles suburb, authorities said. A Sheriff's Department spokesman said Tuesdey six bags of blasting caps: also "'ere found In the cache. l~affncr said he sa,.,, Grindeland. 26, or El ?\.1odena. leaning over the counter in the lobby, scooping up motel takings and continuing to threaten Mrs. Mary Haff- ner, 62. Haffner &hot Grindeland four limes. The mortally wounded man staggered across the lobby;and· into the 1treet. ·He was puUed into a small red car of foreign make by wl\at witnesses said was one of t~·o men \\'ailing in the vehicle. Officers said the lwo girls who ad· milted being Grindeland's companion• became pani c stricken ~·hen he died 1n the car of lhe ~·ounds he suffered in the motel shooting. They said the I Y.'o girls dumped his OOdy on a lawn close to their 0"11 homes but decided the next day to reveal their role in the affair. Officers said the t"·o girls told them they · "'ere wi(h Grindeland during the motel robbery and "'bile he earlier at- tempted t-0 bold up the Kentucky tried chicken outlet. In both cases, deputies said, Grin- deJand simulated possession of a weapm by shoving his clepched right band Into ~s pocket and showing his intended vic- tims the bulge made by a SUppo5ed pi.stol. Innocent Plea Given in Deaths SANTA CRUZ (AP)-:_ Edmund Emil Kemper Ill, charged with the mutilation murders of hls mother, her beat friend and six college coeds, pleaded innocent by reason of Insanity today. He added the . in sanity plea to an Innocent plea made last June. · Kemper'! trial is scheduled to !tart Oct. 15 before Superior Court Judge Har- ry Brauer. Brauer granted defense a t to r n e y James Jackson's request for unlimited peremptory challenges of prospective juron. ~;;:;;,;~;;_; •• CLOSID SUNDAY .... x..~- Wann Up Suits-21.95 · 24.95 Sweat Shirts & Pants-each 3.50 Adidas-Coriverse-T retom Jack Purcell Tennis Shoes Co uncil Agendas ~ :°:!~"" 538 CENTE ~~T~E.~T-COST~ ~SA--o1164~1!19, Newport Beach firem en have been ' , Volt Basketballs 1 enlisted lo soothe the ruffled !eellngs of ~ ~ some •Moye<! city councilmen. AC2 R~7.95 Yalue-5.95 So. in addition to fighting fires , rcs· Red-It• nlue 7_95 ~uing cats and ls~u1ng dog licenses, U-U f"emcn are now gomg to be delivering CB2 Blemlsh-8.95 agendas and staff repol'ts to city coun· ci lmen on Thursday evenings. CB2 RNl•lar-12.95 • t J<~or some time, the task has been "•• handled by Newport Beach police, but' ,. XB20 lndoor-16.95 e1ncrgency calls and other duties fre· CB 202 S th tic L th 18 95 quentty detayed deli very 10 some coun· yn I ea er-. cilmen. Other councilmen said once tn W'ilson leather Basketball-28.95 ttwhile they'd never get their package at al~n<I th<!re were complaints like one -% Inch Basketball Backboard-14.95 voiced by Councilman Richard Croul Mon<lay night Basketball GoalS-3.95 l 5.95 "I can tell you l wasn't very happy to have a policeman come knockina on my Adida & C Bask tbal Sh door at 7:30 last Saturday morning." $ 0llY9rS8 8 08$ Crout aaid arter Judy Kelsey, ad· L'i mlnistraU ve asai!lnnt to City Manager' 'I Basketbil ShlrtS-3.40 Robert L. Wynn, 1nnounctd the change In messenger service. UallavML 0. Mattis The F'Irii Depa Oiifoegan a n·•g+-lt------.fUURJ1Ml9JJUll!!j the deliver! .. last week. and Councilman r ...... Balls Corl Kymla poinled out , "My 11111• - daughter· was delighted when we were • visitt.>d by a big white fire truck.'' Fire Chief Leo Love .stressed thal the deparlment bn'I making the rOW1d1 u:i· Ing book and ladders. · "The battalion chief's aide does lhe work," Love aald, ''and he drlvCJ a white -pickup.\r---~ , · Water Poto Balls ,.,.u..., ... ___ .,. ,., ... ,.,. •~•-• ., Open 9 to 6 I Closed Sundays • Men's & Boys' Tennis Shorts-5.95 up Tennis Shirts-5.95 to 9.00 Tennis Dresses Handballs' & Gloves Racquetball Racquets & Balls T 1111ls Rackets-4.95 to 50.00 lsond'Jnll:dlunlop.J.ennls-8.all.._-_ ...__ ...... 7.95 per Doz. Boys' Gym Shirts & Shorts Blker=Parts-Repalrlng Tires-Tubes • • • • • DAD.'Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE' t Ready ...... ,or School Fi!\y·fivo Harbor a.re.a chll.dr•I! wert .benefi-~ l!Op' Club, Girls' Club, Girl Scouts, and Chilcfron'• of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District's decision .•• Hotpltal all depend heavily on the United Way. to experiment with public preieliool Jor four-yeaN>ldi • Tbe Harbor Area d.l'lv~. undir the cbalnnaashlp last year. ~ -'!., of .fllnner Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall, Will Altllough the cost of the program was fairly~lilgh~ .,. -· a vital role. in the overall South County drive. •ss,ooo, all borne by local taxpayers -the results of .;; '· · For hidlviduals, the easiest way to contribute ls the program were impressive. -· '• • 'tbroUJh payroll deductions. The accepted "Fair Share" · TestJ showed that after nine months in the progfam. 1.' . ' ill just one hour's pay per month . .1 00 percent of the children bad the readineM skl!la • · ' The Dally pilot joins mosi other business and civic necessary to enter kindergarten. In the West Costa Ml!U •. .groups in the Harbor Area in urging everyone to do neighborhood where these children live, es few as 20. ~ . what be or she can to support this 'l'orthwhile endeavor. percent of entering five-year·old kindetgartners have • .-• this 1eve1 of readiness skill '!'hen they h••e not enjoyed , • • • Fun Zone Qtiesti' 0~ the benefit of preschool as four-year.olds. · ... · /' •. Jq addition, the children in the program were tested r 1 .t."tt ~ for every kind of learning 1landlcap -from too.th deeay " .n.uan Bee k's postcard survey of Balboa Perunsula to psychological disorders _ and their problems were ,.,.~"' reaidehts has shown fairly conclusively tbat there is systell)atically treated. Thus it is assured that most of ( sfrbng public opposition to th e proposal to replace the these children wlll be starting off in the regular 5cpool -Fun Zone with a 33.unit condominium project. program in good health. : .1._ ·' I More than 900 of the 2,800 pastcarda mailed were But the biggest opportunity from the preschool • returned, and a two-to-one majority of the respondents program ls the experience...it givea Newport-JifeSa_ ~__:-~~~ ~.]o~tjon to the _coijdomjp!um ~roject. han~ng four-year-olds. If st.tte mo.ney does ·ev.entually ' 1 On one level , this decisive outcome could seem to become available to educate preschoolers, Newp<>rt-Meaa be a serious embarrassment to Newj>ort Beach council- ought to be In a strong position to qualify for 1t. 'men. After all, they have frequently boasted that they A Chance to Share South Orange County United Way klclql off its.an· nual charity drive next week with the hope of-surpass- ing the record $1.25 million it collected· last year •. United Way is the only federated cba;lt;i: dily_e in the county, providing needed resources to 55 non· profit organizations. Of every dollar collected, 92' cents are spent directly on charity. An'd of the money speni, 80 percent goes mto programs to help children. Like many established charities, United Way is often taken for granted. Few people stop to realize, for example, that such !nstltutionall.z~ local groups as the i . are always direcUy responsive to the electorate. . But more signi~tly, the .survey raises this ques- tjon: U the people don't want a moderately high density condo~um project, what do they want? . This ls an issue that both the city council and the South Coast Regional ' Zone Conservation Commission must consider. It is apparent that the exlsting !fun Zone enter- tainment . concessions are· certainly not giving a satis- factory financial return on what is ~very expensive piece of real estate. So some kind of replacement or redevelopment is inevitable. The strong feeling persists that !here has to be a better, more imaginative and more pdblic use for this unique and historic area than for condomlniums. • N "'G01TA Gt.T Rll> OF THESE KULAKS!" Assembly Finale- A Mess! Dear G~oomr Rhythaiic Racket Caused By Mini Soaaic Boo111s Gus ' 'Copter Noise Can Bend Your House ( RUS WALTON J That final day of the 1973 Legislative session was a mess. A stupid, . in- e1Cl.LS8h1e, e1penslve mess. ll\lrin& the closing hours of that doY the state lecislature rammed through at least 5tlO bills -probably more. As a matter of fact, 10 days after the deltll!" the clerks ol the Senate and Aaembly still do not too" for. sure just what bills were puaed. Let alooe bow much damage was done to the ciU· zen in tenn1 of costs and cootrols. The Auembly stall figures that ·about 233 bills were adopt· ed on Sept. 14 -give or take a dozen or so. . The Senate staff, as of this wrtunl. has no real idea of how many bills wm con- sidered or how many were paued or what they will do to Californians. AT ONE POINT during the laU..late hours of lhls horrible pukln, Senator H.L. Richardson, R-Arcadla, walked to the rear of the chambers for a few words •- with Mike Haningtoo. By the time be returned to his seat, a few minutes later, RichardlOlt found he had VOied for four bUIJ. What four bills he wasn't IUl'e. He raised bell. He demanded that his name be taken off the substitute roll call (a -device for automatic "gang"~votes). Rlchardsm tried to get several tenators to join him In the elfort lo slop the jug- gernaut. 'Ibey rerused ~ on went the steamro11er. Every few mlnu~ another bill, another new law in the making. 11lE BUZZARD of bills -Just as bad in the Auembiy. And, it WU IC- comJ>1.11ied by "=t'' v o t l n g. Leglslators obaent the chambers wm being voted C/J'I 1 -que. Time and again, for eumple, °*.,el<ctronic tote boanl indicated thal Assemblywo- man March Foog, l>-Oaklond, wu pres- I About 1,275 acres out of 1,800 acres • 1 in the propoaed "park" ~ · Corona de! Mar ond Laguna 'jut happens to be canyons. AD that. money fOI' a "Mountain Goat - Safari?" . . DEMOSTHENES ll enl 8Dcl votln(.'~ ..... WU DOI lo the room. • -. · When Aalemblyman 'Ray Seeley, R- Palm Springa. protested, aG'i"g Speaker 1Jac$ Feoton, O.Mootebello, told him to alt don and shut up. Sucb Is the face and voice of arrogance. The ghos& of Mn. Fong \'Celltinued Jo v o t e in her •l>sence. ,, It's DOI Jus~ the chaos ol the moment, it is the loog·le~rp'I ravages. DurtJ'.11 such bec:tlc: bours the .. "leacforahlp" -tt ~u~ iaaY .0 'slldo 1n,~ a1eepers. '11impie,IQOkhli blDa ' that -ln-veotlP!\lin are meoJ1 and CO'!tly, Stich 11111> Wotild neter make it thnJu&h serious debale. But, In the darknell of chaGo they slide through. WBEN 11106E tilll"' ire eaamll>M In the Ugbt 'ol !lj)itY~·-lawmakera u. going to ban lleiVt l.e g 111 a ti ve ·~·and a:IOOgll lirne upl•lnlng their Votes. , The probleJ!!.! and tbe ,Pre...,.... are llill no~ 'fhey mal. be tlOlllpounded. The Governot'D<>W bu ilol' 12 days from the re<eipt of that flood ol bills to - sider them, ~mi!!o~ l!!ok,Jn!ilti:I, and act oo them -approve or veto. Twelve days! What a way to nm a railroad ! Not to mention govemmeat. · VOTERS WERE asiured, Jn 11172, tliat II they would adopt Prop. 4 and Ila bien- nial legialaU•e sesalon the chaos ol the final days wouJd C:Usappear. No more of those last-minute steamroller jobs that flatjen the proper leg.i.slaUve process and leave mess of legislation in its path. 1bat was the promise. Re.member? Well, !he people approved Prop. 4. We have those biennial sessions. But, the chaos and the chicanery are still with us. All of which proves that a legislaUve house is not a home. At least, oot for good government. To the EdilQr: MWllclpal· departmen(s conducting or 1~dng ,.r e g u 1 a r , non-emergency '-tlC!ipler flight operations from areas clol!ly surrounded by residential or com- mercial development should be prepared to pay the costs of property damage su.its. MAILBOX Letters from readers are welcome . Normally writers should convey their THE FAMILIAR whap-whap helicopter me1sages in 300 trords or less. The sound i. CllllOd by the Ups of the rolQrs which move near the speed of sound and right to condense letter.t to fit space often break· the sound barrier -jmt like or eliminate libel is re.se.rved. All the Up ,of• a bull whip 0 cracks" when it Zettert must include lignature and breaks the IOWld banier. Helicopter mailing addre.t.t, but 11ame.t may be blade tips cause atmospheric ·h•·kJ ·1 ove -~ in ff t . . . wat ,le on request i sufficient booms~ . •I_!_ Io e ec • mw soruc re¥' on ii apparent_. oei,,, toill not be These overpressum can be more published. damaging. ll!lnJ those ol a combat jet · l1ecause tlie lte8oopter overpressures oc-' _,_,. cur tp: a rbyt}IQUc pattern that elicits ' oUters who mipn: have the same prob- S)'Dljithetietfleling from nearby struc· I~, to· show. tbat cooperation between tum. !hi!.~Qg cat;1 ~ felt and seen in big fOmpanles and small bom~wners is the walls :4M windows of homes and of· not 1. th~ng of the put. :1'he WU"es should ftces ~er large _ especially be commg down within a matter of mWtary tn>e-helicopt.ers fly over This weeks. OafDc ~. ceuse damage immedi8tely The fa~t that . they are <:<>ming ~~wn .is or can ~ structures, making them of great J.mporyance to all of us livmg m men..~IUIMipilbie to damage from minor Cameo Highlands. , ~ MRS. ROBERT W. FRYE FJad..wtf' STOL aircrart not only pnclude -~ problems, but are, also leii CIPIG*ive to operate and maintain. Dalr11 Donation JOHN F. ROSSMANN To the Editor: . ·cooperation Wins To u.e Editor: Alter many years of reading your fine featon adiCles I thought-you might be interested in what has happened in our arei and how great cooperaUon between many people brought abOut fine improve- ment_ in this neighborhood. . TWO YEARS ago ! contacted the phone ccmpany about taking down wires that ruined the ocean view for 13 homeowners in our area. After many phone calls_, meetjpgs and consulting with muny people, the.phone wires are coming down. It was a joint effort on the part of the phone company, the Laguna Beach Wafer and Power, whose empty pipe the phone company is using, the 13 homeowners and the cameo Association of our area. We thought It mlgbl be interesting to For all the people who think it is all right for~our President not to release the Waterga tapes because it might jeopardi national security ..•. What is your excuse for Nixon now, that he refuses ti release the tapes from the meetlni With the Dairymen's Associa· tion. A meeting · that was held right before dairy prices went up with govern- ment approval, and · by coincidence benefited the campilgn by some $500,000. LORRAINE M. KAMPMAN Fathet-s, Daughters To the Editors. In response •to Joan Brick'~ speech before the Nqwport Beach Exchange Club, It must be said tha( she is a~ parently speaking from her own ex- perience which 1' obviously veJYi limited. Perhaps most oft the women sbf! knows are querulous . Md nagging, have pOor I I self-images, lack self-confidence, and are generally frustrated . However, one need not look far in this communlty to find mahy examples of women With high self· esteem who have accomplished in many fields of activity, and who are quite capable of providing a competent role model for litUe girls. MRS. BRIClt describes heresell as a "super person," though still not able to give her daughter what abe needs emo. tionally. No wonder. I can't regard anyone as a "super penon" who generalizes so negatively about her own sex, blatanUy ignoring the many ex· ceptlons which point to the need to judge people as indivi~\a. After all; are there ~ not men also who have problems with "internal stability?" Ironically, I heartily agree with the ad- vice Mrs. Brick gave her male audience, but not for the same reasons. By all means, fathers, do take your daughters on business trips, luncheons, and spend time with them. But recognize that by expanding a girl's awareness of the world outside the home you may well in· crease her expectation to venture forth into the world as an adult. At least you ·are giving her a glbnpse of a wider range or choices -which is what women's liberation is all about. JUANITA MOE Seek .Justice To the Editor : Reference is made to your editorial dated Sept. 18, enUUtd "Gas Station Squeeze" wbeniln you noted the in· equities of Phase 4 Petroleum as related to the service station dealers. We wish to thank you for pointing out to the public, who are our customen, the unjust regulations being forced upan us dealers by the Coot ol Living Council. YOUR EDITORIAL, in addition to pointing out service station dealers marginal profit problems, more im- portantly brings to the attention of the public our sincerity and our extreme ef· forts and attempts to restrain service s t a t i o n shutdowns by the many economically injured service station dealers in Orange County as we continue to strive for justice through legal and legislative means. This effort to avoid servjce station closedowns and economic pressures against our customers can be attributed to the principal efforts of t he .International Service Station Dealers Association (l.S.S.D.A.) of which I am proud to be a member and a director. ~11..BAY Alission Viejo Mobil Service Life and Llberttt1. To the Editor: At What poio'. does the appreh~slon of a suspect condone Uie shooting-of ht- nocent i)eople? In the name "f hllm8Dity, I am shocked and horrified at what appears to be the 'Slaughter Tactics' on the part of the Newport Beach Police, as displayed on the evening of Sept. 12. . . . Lile, Liberty and the pursuit ol H&ppiness ... It is time we take a closer look at those l\'e authorize to wear a badge and carry a gun in our city. BRIANJAMES R. PORTEOUS 'Spiro, Spiro, come hack Spiro/' Four Healthy Meatless D~ys a Week? Try Biochemistry WASHlNGTO~ -C.Onlrols have been absolute good. The fat-laden, gross cam/~ores wouldn~t know how to get our off beef for a few days and the prices chunks of almost bleeding meat that we ( J protein except by whacking it off the blven't shot up yet, so we can expect call a stoak would make a more VON HOFFMAN fi.•nk of a steer. John T. Dunlop, direc:tor of the Cost ol cultivated ~ retch. Wonbt;ot 1teer Frances Lappe can help us here. Her lJ the I the meat may ,..c d~·ve us lndlvl Uy In.to book will tell you about how much protein vlng COuncil, or 8DO r «1e o l:JU 1 L you need and how you can get it without losers that Richard Nlson has Oghtini Jn.. dtbt and ruin our agriculture. On the human consumption because steers are eating meat. flaUon to coogratu-tverage, each of us eats 212 pc:Amds ol inefficient protetn factOrtes, is the Isle hhnaell oo TV. ~ meat and .,...11ry a year-.boul !O per-equivalent, Ms. Lappe Informs us,'or .. 90• THE BIOCHEMISTRY is oomplicated, If the pr1ce1 have>'!-cent of the world supply _ bot her exp!an1Uoa Iso't. Proteins are llOl1e up since con-. ,_ u we could utlsly our eve.-upaadlng percent ol the world protem deflcll" coUecU°"' of D different iµnino 1clds, all trols were lllted, It'• " ti' appetite ror meat by gruinc ll•-oo But African kids llllferlntl from but tlihl of whlcb our bodies can ooly because they .,;_ land unfit for any other use we wouldn't Kwuhlorkor, a disease caused by protein manu(aclure. Time eight, however, are two separately. Or, stated in tenns of meat equivalencles, a cup and a half of be&.nS and lour cups of rice equals a 13- ounce steak If eaten separately, but a 19- ounce steak II eaten together. You don 't have lo become a chemist to try this kind of cuisine. Frances Lappe gives what the basic high protein com- binations are, I.e. bread and cheese, and some recipes to get you started Mth good-tasting, low meat cookery. She doesn't recommend that you become a Hindu and turn your life upside down . Move into it gradually without going all t'-e way. Thilik of lbe Q'l)ney )'9U could save if your family had•loor healthy. high-pro- tein, meatless days a week. And lf you do, the oext time Earl Butz gets on the tube to tell you meat prlw are going up again, think-how-good-It wtll be to lei! him to take his meat and stufl It. were so h!ih when Imperil our agriculture nor face the rls-delldmcy, .,.n•t loinc lo cause most of lndtspensable for the utiliiatton of protein the c0ntrola were Ina prices that have come upoa m, but 11 ,. lo do more than cludt In ll)'lllpolhy. by our l)lstems. To the extent that a food owe" COAST The <dltorW .,., of Ille Dally applied, doesn't work that way. Kwulllonor has been ldenUlled In kids Is deficient In even oae, the others cannot Piiot -10 Inform. and atimulato A tremendowt num-bore In the states and that didn't cbanse be used. , .. den by .......,,.., on this pqe lier of our fellow "ENORMOUS quanuu .. of the tqbest llt1bod1'• eating lilbltl. People probably , Since all eight are present In relallve!y dtveno commenl&r)' on'°"'" or , .. cttbena can't afford to eat beef any more. quality food eources are fed to tn1mala," wt.iuldn't gtve up eating beef even lf they larae amount! in meat, it ts a handsome terut by 1)'ndicated colurnniata and -.· presllle-lt<m, be<f"<gl•iea--'OllklJi;i:;;'!/ Moore La~!!!,"O!et foi:_ kaew-lha~hlabet-)IOll.._il>-the-lood -of-lhlll'mool-imJ>Ortant e!l!ftl>~tft--1·-------------"~'IL'!:!!•:'!-'11!'!":~~_,I'--.-' yVU the 'flhat·lon tod:fend ywr country, a Sma e ""(lliilliiill!OO • IT.!$) chain the more .likely you are to be the human diet. But )'OU can go down to Robert N. Weed. PubUsher "'ad"'" views and by ,....,.1Jiii lhl• makes you manly, beef makes you "Fully one-~lr tJ the ha r v e • t e d pollOOed by the pesUcide rutdues which t~ bottom of the food chain and pick up newrpflper'a oplnlons and ldiou on IUY, beef 1tves you ~tus and courage, agricultural Ja~d in the U.S. ls planted accumulate in the cells of the rneat we alf;thc protetn you need by "eaUng, in Thon1a.s Keeuil, EdiCor cu~nt topics. Thct editorial oplNons btel, not WheeUea, 11 the food of cbam· With foaled crops.,_!!,!~ 78 percent or au love to eat. ' !he same mclll, dlf(~reljl pll!!ILIJ!OC!s In Barbara Krtiblcli ~!::~'~.::' :f'::: ::;." ~~: p1o111 for -ond raw All· """'gr n to an....... No, It'll be the high price of me a t which the amino acld aeliciency of. cilie Editorial Page Ediror ..... Oplnlono .. ,.._d by 1 .. ..,1, Americans. Nlxon eaitl beef and John Put aoother way, a steer m~t be led that'll get most of us off beef, if anything-item ls supplemented by the amino acid umnista 1;,:a <:utOOnata alld ~tt~r MllcheU did before they pulled his teet~ 21 poond1 of vegetable protein to produce d..._ Bel)dea, most ol us don't have the contained In others," says our author, ;wr11m are the;,..,. and ro mw,.. out. • one pound of meal protein for us to eat. fogie1t klft how we can eat well or who explains that eating beans and rice Wednesday, Sepl 28, 1973 mcnt. of thtir v~wa by u. O.Uy Marvtloua aouroa of protein and The amount of protein w~ we IH<Lto healthily without ,consuming I a r g e togelher will provide your body with 43 Pilot ......,1,1 he 1nren .. t ~r!otl:m that beef-II, lt-11 not-111 oUJ'-Uvelllockr and~wllkh ,. .. , lo&. to amowtt&.OUleilJ,_ll'e Uj!,__vd!!.to and blue _ percent m~. J>11>\e.1" t~n U you.!•• tho . f ' ' ' I l , . , ... .. _ f i • ' • t • I . ' , ' ) ! ·' ' ' Girl, 4, Commutes For Life LONDON CAP) -Claire Puzey bu been·dlooen "M~s Britilh 'RaU Commuter 1973." The 4-year-old girl must travel 800 miles a week-or tile. Claire has ;, kidneys and makes a 200-mile round trip three Umes a week from her home ln rural Hampshire to be treated OD a kidney machine .at Guy's HospitaJ in London. _,,_She bu been commuting for -.Ulree months 'iince btrt'U.seas· ed Wneys were removed. ~week her fellow travelers on the 6:26 to London ~·ere told why the little girl with the bubbling laugh was 1naking the trip. 'Ibey got together and decid· ed lo give her a day to remember. British Rail area manager Harold Ward greeted her this week at her home station of Clpiatchurch and said: •·You have become the sweetheart of the Southern Region." He gave her a special train badge and handed over the pauengera' gift, an inscribed copy of Kenneth Grahame's classic "The Wind in the Winows," the story of a ne'er· •~well rich toad whose taste for adventure leads h i m astray. Harry Staff. a publisher. sat Claire on his knee as the train set of( and read her the in· scription : "Presented to ~1iss British Rail Commuter 1973, with all good \\•ishes from British Rail staff. "She is a honey," said Staff. 52. "She 's always so cheerful" A woman passenger ·gave Claire one pound -about $1!.50 -for candy. A man bought her a pack of potato chips and another a cup of tea. Claire's mother. 30.year-Qld Pam Puzey, said : "Our only real hope is for Claire to ha.ve a kidney transplant. We are ani:lously waiting ror the the hospital to tell us they have fowld a suitable donor." Claire later sat on a hospital bed, beside the k i d n e y machine she must be con- nected to for SO hours a week, whlle a nurse read from her new book . She smiled at newsmen and said: "It was the best journey l ever had." E1iterprise A Backup For Poiver? BREMERTON, Wash. (AP\ -E1ectri c power shortages are lhaping up in many parts of the Northwest but this city hu the option of asking for help from its big brother in the bay -the aircrart carrier Enterprise. The Enterprise h a s n ' t volunteered but its t ot a I generating capacity of 40.000 kilowatts could keep Bremerton's lights on plus the rest of Kit sap, Mason . Jef- ferson and Clallam cowities on the Olympic Peninsula. The combined population of those counties is just less than 200,000 and a spokesman for the ship said it would provide electricity fOf° a city that size. The Idea ts less speculative than it might seem. During a severe drought in 1929, the carrier Lexington wed one of its generators to supply power to Tacoma, \Vash. The Enterprise is berthed at the U.S. Naval Shipyard here for several month:! undergoing repairs and re furbishing. Silica Plant On Strike OCEANSIDE I A Pl -A ilrlke of 45 union y;orker9 left management running t h e Crystll Silica Company plant Tueeday without ne'v CQntract tallll In sight. • The walkout was staged after a vote last Friday by mernben of Teamsters Union Local 38, Laborers' Tnterna· tionll Union of North America Local • aild operating Engineeil Local 12. A lhr,.. I year contrael e1pired that day. Cr)'ltaJ Silica Company ii 1-'iH--~'!!:ri-l>leJO County's major 1upp1 II: onn<!lllll'lll llillct .... 1-1--- ed In ~ootton of 1taSB con- talnm, hou.olng cooatructlon materlal1 and sandblutlng. Kids Li~ To 'f r t ' - """ - ~' .f ~ t:' ~..t..)o<wd '1•..W.-~·,... .~. beauty from Geminesse with $5 minimum purchase ' ' / Max Factor prcsen<S ''Your Day .of Dixovery'.' Discover .•• the mystlal BYP'f who will forecast your future in the scars· of your horoscope. Discover ... the; beauty expert who will analyze your face. I • Discover, •. the talented wig· Stylisr who will answer /your wig styling quesdons, and the "Flatter Wigs" -a fabulous coll~on in the newest lll}'l.,, most nanlral looking colon, and-in-.he inost preierred libers (styled for you without extra charge). Discover ••• "The face of Fortune": Enriched Moisturizing Lipstick, Exhilarating Skin Lotion, Under Make-Up Moisturizer aod Suawbcrty Masque. Your gift, with any Geminessc $5 minimum purchase. Cosmetics SOUTH COAST PLAZA Wtdntsda)', Stpl.fmbtr 2&, 1973 DAILV PILOT $ ' . • .. --A1k Andy, Bullock's.South Coast Plaza, Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to.9:30 p.m., Suurday 10:00 a,m~·.ro 6:0~~3333 ~.riatol St., Cottl Mesa, Telephone: '.56°0611 • • I • ' ' ' Today's Final N.Y. Stocks VOL. 66, NO. 269, 8 SECTIONS, 110 PAGES ORAN/?E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1973 c TEN -CENTS • Storfl of 2 M~ ' Ivan and Ray-2 Cops Nixon Studies Chance Who Loved Their Job By JO~E REYNOLDS Of IM O.S"° , .... Steff Of Agnew Resignation • , Meet Ivan Neal and Ray Anderson, two cops. .. Ivan Is big and tall. 'The kind of muscular god favored by the people who choose motorcycle policemen. Pair Weigh Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~' Ray is old enough to be Ivan's father. He IS a detective that newsmen describe as .a seasoned veteran. His hair is turning white and he's got a paunch. He smokes too much, he drinks more than he should and he has an ulcer l:iecause he worries too much. mE TIME is about two years ago and a young reporter ls interviewing And'erson. He welcomes the writer to the office he shares. with Ivan and another detective, gets her a cup of coffee and reluctanHy. talks about his years in law enrorcement. The stories about delivering babies, getting shot at and chaslng criminals come out slowly at first. He chain smok~s and between cigarettes he chews the wooden matches he uses to light them. He is amazed the reporter notices. Ivan eggs him on, reminding him of an incident while grinning broadly beneath his walrus mustache. Ivan's shirt collar is just a little too big ror his neck. "TELL HER ABOtrr the lime you backed over a planter AND••sofll when you were working crime scene investigation and wound up taking a picture of the ceiling." There's a br'eak and Ivan 'teaves. . "Do you know about him?" Andy asks. "You ought to be telling his story. I think he's the greatest kid in the world." . The reporter knows. At the age of 24, Ivan Neal is dying. He is one of the biggest, best-looking cops on the force and was certainly one of the youngest motor officers when he got into an accident. N•AL 1N THE COURSE of treating him for his injuires, the doctors discover that Ivan has cancer. Titere is nothing anyone can do, so Ivan comes back to work as a detective in the office with Andy Andenon . · At Meeting WASHINGTON (UPI) -The White House said today that Vice President Spiro T. Agnew has discussed the possibility or resigning with President Nixon. A spokesman said Nixon neither encouraged nor discouraged him. Conflmlalion by Deputy P r e s s Secretary Gerald L. Warren of recent rum.ors tbat Agnew .had ~sidered resigning came moments after Speaker Carl Albert swiftly turned down Agnew's request that the House rather than the cou~ undertake. an investigation of pohtical wrongdoing against the vice president. At the White House, Warren made it clear that Agnew's decision to try to get t~e House to open an inquiry into kickback allegations against him was made solely by the vice president. .. Dllrr ,.."'_,.... .., flettldl: O'..._. They make quite a pair -Andy, w!.th his accumulated years of wildom and middle-aged spread, and Ivan, growing leaner by the day, so that even his shoulder holster hangs loooe on him. ·Together-they probe-into their cases, taking great care to point out the other's failin8s loudly and hl.unoroUJly to anybody wbo will listea. ' ·'A lew -111110 .,, .... IVID dieJ. U..J'.cl "fllCked ~ 1on1 .. be could, Although Nixon discuss~ various Gptions with Agnew in four meetings they have bad s.ince the allegations were announceG he eerted no pressure for any particular course, W arreo aaid. Warren said !or ~ first 11!"0. thal the lWO bad -Ille poalbllity Of Agnew resigning When they met Tuesdal morning, severll hours prior to Arw s request to tbe Ho.~.for an investigaton. Agnew made clear he 'Yould cballence an investigation acbtdu1ed £o begin Thurs- day by a lederal grand jury In lla!Umore. . COS.TA MiSA /jURSERY GIVES OFF·THE-CUFF COMMENTARY llURMA SHAVE STYLE •> ,llr!l~.'11' NOwpoi:t ........... GreoMd by P~ l!lug, CurN11I E .. nh . bul ho finally had to go tn!o the hospilal line! then it was ovir.' • No one mJued him In quite the way Andy did. Their reiaUomhlp was a lltlle like the •-·worked clicbe of "jusl lille ·a aon." ANDY HASN'T been around the station too much receiilly. He w&1 trans- lerred lrorit del<ctiv.S to Ille lndentillcallGO bureau after Ivan died, ~t then his ulcer got worse so he took a· medical.leave. A couple of operations later it became obvious Ray Andenon couldn't back lt anymore. EaT;ly Morning Flight,s ' So, on Sepl IO, Andy's 1Qlnc to retire. It is hattt "° write about biJ retirement' as it was to write Ivan's obitual')'.. The pain and loyalty, love and guts that went into Andy's !!-year career as a cop are impossible to adequately relate. Just as it was Jmposslble to ten of Ivan Neal's courage when he ~ew be was dying and he still wanted to do tho lhing be loved besl-a cop. Albert rebuffed the vice president's proposal in a brusque two-sentence state- ~~nt at midday, saying:, The vice president's Jetter asking for the House bearing relates to matters before the courts. J, as Speaker, will not Facing Another Shift? :~. ,~Y action on tbe letter at this Early morning jet flights at Orange ANYW AV, TlllS IS their slory ... the story or two men. Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson, County Airport should continue to use who met wltb Nixon before the President patterns over Tustin and not Newport conferred Tuesday with Agnew, an-Beach, Orange County Airport Com· nounced prior to Agnew's letter to Albert missioners have recommended. .New Peace T·reaty Effort that the grand jury would start its in· The commission, an advisory body to quiry of Agnew Thurlday. · the Board of Supervisors, reviewed a Warren said Nixon was advised by report of the airport's "Preferential Richard.son aild Assistant Attorney Runway Test Program" Tuesday. Henry E. Petersen .. that l.!I a matter of Weather permitting, takeoffs from 7 Launched in Water War law,_in the attorney ggper@l's view, this a.m. to 9 a.m. in the last year have been procedure should be followed." made to the north over Tustin. As for Agnew's course, Warren said: All trips had nown south over Upper "The matter lnvolvtna the vice president Newport Bay, but residents and city of- is one Ulat he JS con:ductmg on his: own. ficials complained about the noise. ' By RUDI NIEDZIEUIKl Of .. o.llY ""' ltlff Another atlempl ts being nllide todllY to salvage an agreement on water aervioe jurlsdiclioos betwcell the warrlni Coota Mesa County Water DiJtrlcl and the Newport Beach Cily Council. Water District Director Alvtn·Plnldey said today that hi.! Board of Dir«ton had decided Tue.day to withhold action against Newport Beach for two weeks to allow the city to reconsider the agree- ment. 1be boundary ajreement was accept· ed by Newport B<ach a>Ullcilmen Moo- day night but with the exception of teni· tories lying north of Bristol Street - Palisades Road. 'Illls area includes Orange County Air· port, an area served by the Costa Mesa County Waler Diltrtct, and the Emlcay- Colllns propertle1, aerved by the New- porrU.ach city \lalel' aeporlll>ent; Both Newport Beach and the city of Costa Mesa have petitioned the Local Agency FonnaUon Commission (LAFCO) Wilt' to Play For Sa11 Diego The President has taken the position The runway rejlOrt said there was less fOC' a sphere of influence over the airport. (See AGNEW, Pace%) i"9pact on the Tustin area because it has It is being speculated U\lt the current a oonimerQal bu!fef·zone. l.f'llU1'le1ll between the water district and County noise abatement speclali11t Newport Beach over the jurisdictional Burglar Ca St l Nonn Ewers said the·flights h'i'l.ve more qu..iion ·relates directly to the desire D ar adverse ell eel on the more resldenllal of both NeWPOrt Beach and Costa Mesa H area of Newport Beach. to aome day aMer tho airport. . is Own Snack Bar The commission's recommendation will -Newport U.ach-councllmen llruck the be sent to the Board_of_SUperVlsors. controveraial properties from the agree. He didn't get much, but the burglar Action didn't include any reference to ment because there had ·never been any who pried open the door to the TeWinkle Newport Beach city councilmen's most dilqreement over water service rights-. Part ~ck bar at least won't go hungry. recent request that takeofi pattern! from there. Including them In the peel was de-C!>sfa Mesa police who are in· the airport be scattered. cl a red unneccessary · vestigating the Monday night heist at the The council wants depirtures in o~ Costa Mesa County Waler Dislrict boseball officiala, however, say the two disputed park said the burglar made off posite directions at all tilbes during the areas were included after wed!; of dis-with 11 pizza sticks, seven tacos, 30 hot day,, not just from 7 a.m. tQ 9 a.m. cuasioos involving attorneys and water dogs, and 28 envelopes of instant hot In a related aclioo , 'l'ue$day mght, experts from both sides. chOcolate. Commissioner James Irving said he will They say they want 1he areas .to re-Investigators valued the loss at '11.72. atteOO~a Southern Califomta Asaocialloo main covered by the agreement t08VOKJ -;.:'.:::==.-.::_ _________ ...:,_ the ]lOl!iblllty o! a future boohaary dts- pute north" of Bristol-Palisades. . .. 'Jbe boundary agreement, while raislna _ the new problem, did solve a long·stancf. Ing dispute in the Versailles apartment area. Costa Mesa County Water Dlstrlct officials and Newport Beach both claim- ed jervfce rights to the apartments. The water district recenUy droPPed a lawsuit against Newport BeoOh lei< the right to serve the Versailles area but Pinkley said he Is ready to resume litlp- lion if the peel Is nol approved In lull y NewporLBeacb. - AlJo Jeopardized by lhe renewed hos-- t.IUty is a fO-acre condominium project near the Santa Ana River which is just ' ~ outakle .the Costa Mesa city limits and within tlte Newport bow>dary line. Bot Winds Blow· Sunshi1ie, Santa Anas Arrive . , SNEAKY SANTA ANA wind dazzled early rising motorisls with 8\IDShine today end blasted .Orange Counly Airport with l\ISIS of wind 10 30 knots. Northeast ,winds ol lrom 15 to 20 milts an hour were expected to contiDue tonight brlngini warm, dry air lo the Orange Coast, through Thursday. Lows tonight will be in iho tlOs Inland and wanner along the coasL THURSDAY WINDS ARE expected to shill, ending the downhill-racer wind condition which clean cooler marine air and warms fall days. Wind! Thuratlay will come &om the w.,t lo southwest at frnri1 eighl lo 11 miles an hour, lbe Orange County Harbor Department lorecast suggests. CH\1U VISTA (AP) -W If I Chamberlain, a National Balket· ball AllOclation star alDOe 18, bas signed a reported lltJ0,000 a year conlnict lo ooocb and play for the Sin Dlegv Conqulttadors ol lhe American Baskttball Assocla- Uon, the club ..........i toc1oy. Univ.ersity Orchestra· E11cl lOltlll ol the coatncl were ceci. Eirtierlf'miiioirl--·A•--- THE NORTH OR NORTHEAST -pallenl cause1 a downdralt lrom lhe IDOUllWns wblch rinc the Loa Angeles basin. DuilDI the nigh~ Inland com· mUnltles Ont lelt the window rattllng br<eze and Ila cJcytnc wannlll. ' G.~ ol 15 knots Wen! loped In NeWport Harbor thia ~ and small reporled Chamberlain would be ftll ltions nnounce olle~ lhrte-;rur contrtcl at , $U million with port o! the monoy Audlllons..for lhe Unlverilty Orcheslra to be pold by the ABA. · '!'.Iii be held .loday and Thursday and A 11pokesman lot tlte S8JI Dlrgo ... l• ano open lo members of lhe com· loam aald Chounberlaln,, whO quits munlty as well as UC Jrvfne studenls .. ' lhe Loa ~di ~ the lnslnimentallslS wlll be beard· a!ler 7 · 1witch to San Diego! ls expecled lo p.m. each evening In Fine ArlS Village, play 10< the Q'a, a least throUgh UC!. Appolnlmenls may be made by call· the 1173-74 seaaon. Ing lhe UCI music dcpartmenl at &:13- &lS. • I ' I I craft 1'lmings -e poetiiil fromPoliil Carii:Opbon JO' CID bOr<ler:-- Are&I below canyons experience the moot loroelul blasts and gusto lo 30 miles an bour are expec:ted to conUnue lonl[Jbl. ORANGE COlil'O'Y AIRPOR't Tower shl~ lhe ianding pauem loday heading planes north Into the 1wind1 on landing, bring them down Over Newport Beach. Vlslblllly ol 1 I mllet was reported along lhe .Orange Coast today. Inland comm11n1Ues erperlenced blowing und and dusl, notably In Orange and Ana· ~im wJ.teretbe l\ry Senta Ana River bed Is whipped up by canyO!YgUS.ls. ' l of Governments (SCAG) hearing on its JO-county aviation needs study. The meeting will be Oct. 12 at SCAG's offices at 1111 W. 6th St., Los Angeles. Irving's attendance may result in a recommendation on the report bf the commission to the supervisors, Com· mission Chairman E. R. Ablett said. The study suggests expaMioo of Orange Counly Airport, joint mililary· civilian use of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and opposes a Chino Hills airport site, among other recommendations. Senate Approves · 40% Troop Cut In 49-46 Vote WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate lo- day voted to reduce the number of U.S. land-based troops overseas by 40 percent. nie vote was -49-46. Senate Democratic Leader ~1 i k e M&nsfield had originally proposed a 50 percent cut In the number of foreign-bas-- ed U.S. troops, but changed the proposal at the last minute to a 40 percent cut. . Mansfield said that when servicemen's de~dents, U.S. civilians and foreign natfooats· hired to assist Americans are included, the United States has a force of 1.1 ritlllion persons In foreign countries. ·He sale!, this easts U.S. taxpayers $30 billion a year, with $17 billion of that amount attributed to maintenance or troops in Europe. J.{e said a reduct.ion In the 500,000-man force is essential to lower the U.S. balance-of-payments deficit, fill domestic needs and end t)?e policy of military con· frontatl on with the Soviets. The Mansfield amendment \\'Ould re. quire that at least 50,000 troops based in foreign countries be pulled out by oext June 30, and lhAI another l50,000 be wtthdra~ over the following two years. Observ1!s said the Mansfield amendment could be overturned in a subsequent vote. 'Jile stiiate alio waSiO glil public debate today on a propoe:al to slow development Of the $13 billion Trident submarine program. The Trident amend- ment was discussed for more than two be urs ln closed session Tuesday. A vote on the Trident amendment was scheduled ror Thursday. tn addition to Europe, American fGrces are based tn. Thailand , Oldnawa, Koren , Tahyanr the Phlllpplncs and Bermuda . Buchanan· Denies Any Sabotage, Raps _Committee WASHINGTON (AP) -Presidenlial speechwr~ter Patrick J. Buchanan ac- cused the Senate Watergate committee sta(f t<><!ay of malJgning his reputaticn and dented be had any part in political sabotage against Democrats. In an --openlng statement before a televised session of the committee, Buchanan said there was "an appareiit campaign, orchestrated from within the committee staff, to malign my reputatidn in the public pre§ prlQ.r to m,y ap- pearance." . l:f~ ~d w~t he called a "campaign of v1l1f1cat1on" 1s a direct violation of com. mittee ru1es and asked: "How .can this select committee set itself up as the u1timate arbiter of Americ.an political ethics i1 it cannot even control ch·aracter assassins within its own ranks?" Buchanan said he neither recol'i1· mended, authorized nor was aware of "any ongoing campaign of political sabotage against Sen. Edmund s. Muskie or any other Democratic candidate." Buchanan addressed the committee as ~e panel opeaed its probe into poJitical dirty tricks. He is said to have been the author of Whit e House memos that reportedly set the lone and basic strategy for President Nixon's 1972 cam- paign. The presidential speechwriter said the contention that Nixon's 1972 presidential (See-UUCHANAI'/, ~•I• Z) Orange €:out • Weather lt1ll be dry, clear and sunny Thursday -like you never saw lhts summer. High,, in the upper 70s along the coast, rising to the low 90s inland. Overnight lO\\'S in the. 60s. · lNSIDt: TOBI\ l' Fa ihe r Glen Borman ;oi11ed the staff of Assen1blu Speaker Bob Moretti (D-Van Nu11sJ a year aoo and lptcializes fn fs. JUe dtvtlopml!1lt and ~ec1~ -1Driti11g~See...toQ1.,2og._._,__4--·• At YWf krvfct J l.M .•• ,. '' IHllM It C1llftrlll1 I Cl•sll!IW 4,.,, Comlt• t<i Cron'IL'tff 14 DHtll H1Hctt It llflttf'tll ,,,, • 1111~1-' tt-tt llll\lfln •• , .... fllt lltctf"lll 1• .......... " A1111 Ltnd"1 n MllUM• • M•vltt 1Wt Mvtllal ,.llHl -~ N.1tltMI HIWt t..t Or-CWftty 1t IWb 1Mt °'· Sftlllt:Al!ll ,, lltelr MIH'tttt ,..,,, TtinltlM • I 'ttlH!tn ' 1t<1t WU""1' 4 ._., ...... Jt-4t Wtrtll Mtwt t.. t . 1 -' • • Possu111 Po1ide1•s P1·oble111 • Animal control officer Dennis Jefcoat picks up Pos· sum No. 14 from Mrs. Viona Burdick Reaney of Costa Mesa, who captures the furry rodents with her homebuilt trap. F.frs. Reaney doesn't have any- thing against possums but says they Jive under her housetrailer and keep her awake at night. Her 14th catch wa s transplanted to a vacant field. Mesa Girl Burt Car' and cr.ushed bicycle tell the story as Lori Ann \\fhitney, 9, of 277 Brentwood Place, gets first aid I background). The girl. struck down while riding her bike on Santa Isabel Avenue Tuesday after- noon, was in satisfactory conditjon today at Cost a ~1esa ~len1orial Hospital with a broken leg and a scalp laceration . Police identified the driver as Gar- rett A. Threat, 17, of 502 1'favcrse Drive. •' 'Clark Def e11d s Upper Bay . Stance After Jury Blast By JACK BROBACK 0t tM 0.llY PUot ltetf F.ourtb District SuRervispr Ralph, Clark ot Anaheim replied sharply Tuesday to .. :.earlier criticism by the Orange County .·Grand Jury of the supervisors' handling ~:or the Upper Newport Bay problem. "lt is important to remember that it is .,...imperative to pursue a course utilizing ', ca1m reason rat.her than emotional in· · volvernent, thus assuring acquisition at the least possible cost to the taxpayers .'' Clark said. The Grand Jury had accused the supervisors of "negottatii:lg personally rather than jointly" which it said "has precluded active. cooperative participa- tioil by the cowtty on the Field Com- mittee.·· "The function of the Grand Jury is to be a watchdog and investigate im- proprieties in govem1nent," Clark said in a prepared statement which he read to fe11ow supervisors. ''This is a very useful purpose and must continue. Howeve r, \\'hen the jury becomes involved in policy Hun-icane lrah . s,vee p s Inland, ·:Loses Velocity LOS MOCHIS, Mexico IUPll -Hur- ricane lrah, its \\linds diminisbing to less than 100 m.p.h .. swept inland today and ,.weathermen said the storm appeared to ~. ~ blowing ilself out. . . ~ Gadbriel Loyola of the fi1.ex1co Cit~' ~-; "·eather bureau said lrah \Vas to hit land ~'this morning 30 miles north"·est of 1his '~ northern A-1exico city, after crashing up : tht> Gulf of California overnight. "But now she has become more of a Jropical storm," Lo yola said. "Her winds have dropped below 100 miles an hour. She could slill do a lot of :. damage , bul not \\'hat \\'e originally ·~ reared." . Earlier. for ecasters said they reared • the slOrm could do wi despread damage. The .Mexican· Red Cross said the _ ~ powerful storm churned Tuesday through : the towns or San Jose del Calbo and San : ~ Lpcas on the bottom tip of the Baja • • California peninsula, but apparently ; ~ caused no major damages or injuries. " .. ' .. . ' •• •• •• : ' .. •• it ~i .. • • •• .. J . , .. ·1 OIAN&I COAIT CM DAILY PILOT Tn1 0• ..... c ... ,1 DAILY l"ILOT, wlll'I wf'llc11 tJ CDIMIMll fPlt ""-Prest. It ll!lllllthed ...-"°"' Ori,,.. C.0.11 1"11blllfl"'8 CtmpeftY. St~· rlle edltio..1 ,,.. PVbtlJtted, M-•Y th......, ll'r!41y, '°'" Cotti MIN, Htw(IOl1 Suell, Hurrt1"91M ltldl/l'11111111i... V1flt¥", ~ lt«ll, lrv1MJS.ialtl>Kt< l!'ld J.lh ("""""It/ ''" Ju•n C1pttrr1ne. A .1.,1111 rt0lon1I ..llllln ~ wa1..,,.. $.11\ll'lltY• •'Id 5-n. TM ,..i.,c;ip.1 Pl/llllllllllt Pit"! \1 II JXI Wtsl llty Slrfll, c .. 11 Mt .. , C1!1tornf.t, '1•21. ~obarl N. We1cl l'•nkllr>I 1JMI l"vDll\~t• J t cl •· C11rl1~ Viel l'rffkltnl ff!j O-r1l llllfMHf' Th•m•1 K11vil making. they ha ve made it impossible to continue as a watchdog and then the need arises to have a watchqog_ (or them." Clark agreed with the jury Observation that the issues surroundlng Upper Newport Bay are highly complex. "We all agree that acquisition or the area for public use would be an im- portant element of our open space re- quirements . The majority of this board has b e e n on record long before this Grand Jury was formed that the ac- qusitlon of this area .was important" not only for citizens of the county but for the rest of the state," Clark said. "We as elected officials have an obligation and duty . to effect acqWsiti-On in an orJerly manner at the best possible price," Clark continued. \Ve have resisled and I hope will con- tinue to resist those people who say speed is !he guide \vithout regard to cost. Jf !his philosphy gu ides this board then the special interests of the Irvi ne Com- pany will end up being the beneficiary of those critics of our considered dellberate acquisition policy,'' Clark concluded. Clark and Robert Ballin are members of the Field C.Ommittee. 'fhey replaced Supervisors Ronald Caspers and David Baker on the gvoup. The comn1iltce is made up of county . state and federal officials and is charged wilh coming up with a plan for ac- quisition and development of the Upper Bay. . . Mesa Girl Compe ting 011 Pia no Piano vi rtuoso Joyce Chung, 13, or Costa Mesa. is compe ting with 60 U.S. and foreign artists through Sunday at the fourth Van Cliburn International Plano Competition in Ft. \Vorth . Texas. ~·liss Chung, 3124 Monroe \Vay. is the youngest contestan t ever to have ent ered the Van Cliburn competition. The pianists are competing for more than S23.000 in prizes, including a $10,000 first prize and accompanying concert engage1nen1s and a possible Sol Hurok contract. A native of Taiwan. ~1iss Chung has m;1de nun1erous appearances in Taiwan 11nd Guam, both as soloist v:ith orchestras and in solo concerts. i\1any of lhcse \Vere broadcast over radio and television. Since coming lo the Unit ed Slates in 1972, she has pe.r!onned in Anaheim and Santa Barbara. She is a student of ~om1an Thonipson, Chapman College Depart~ent of i\lusic. F ratta 1•09e 1 BUC HANAN ... TONIGHT COAST GOMMUNITY C 0 L L E G E BOARD -Regular meeting, 1370 Adams, 8 p.m. 0CC LECTURE -Dr. Arthur Bietz, "Four Levels of Human Function," OCC Auditorium, 7:30-9 :30 p.m. UCI LECTURES -The Classic Cinema, second of series, Science Lec- ture Hall, 7:30-10:30 p.m. Admission $6. "Education to Meet the Future," second of serles, Room 100 Social Science Halt. 7-10 p.m AdmJssion $5.50. THURSDAY, SEPT. %7 POLIO CLINIC -Costa M e s a i\ferilorial Hospital sponsors free palio shots. 2-4 p.m. LIBRARY SI'ORY HOUR -Stories and Cilm, 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB -Com· mwiity Recreation Center, 12-3 p.m. Relocation, Bid For MacArtliur Hits Ne iv Snag Approval for ·relocation of i\1acArthur Boulevard from Jamboree Boulevard to Bonita Canyon Road on the eastern boun· dary of Newport Beach was delayed agai n Tuesday. The delay came on the question o! an environmental impact report which may or may not be required. The Orange County Flood Control District asked pennlssion to give the Stale Diyision of High,vays a permit to construct the realigned roadway which is part of the Corona de! l\1ar Freeway and to c:oostruct regional channels and major storm drains. Two Girls Tell Roles In Shooting, Robbery By TOM BARLEY Of lllt Dtlfr f'lltl Stiff T\\·o girls who \Vere with David Grindeland during a Dana Point robbery spree that ended '.''ilh his ·death at the hands of a motel ovmer have surrendered to Orange County Sheriff's officers, it y,•as learned today. Both girls went to the sheriff's office \4-'ilh their attorney and made a state- ment on their role in t\li·o attempted rob- beries last weekend -one at the Dana Villa h1otel and the other at the nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. Sheriff's Capt. James Broadbelt said this morning that neither girl will face charges stemming from thelr in- volvement in tbe incidents. Broadbelt refused to identify them other than to confinn that they were from the Tus1ln area. Innocent Plea Given in Deaths ''Vle still have a few loose ends to tie up in this case," he said loday. "But we have no basis on which to hold these girls in any "'8Y or charge them in the light of the information we have been given." Grindeland was shot in the chest, face and hand by motel owner Louis Joseph Haffner. 65, Y.'ho told o[ficers he heard the robber arguing Y.'ith his Y.'ifc in the lobby and reached 'tor the pistol he keeps in the motel for protection. 'Haffner said he saw Grindeland, 26, of El Modena, leaning over the counter in the lobby, scooping up motel takings and continuing to threaten Mrs. Mary Haff- ner, 62. Haffner shot Grindeland rour times. The mortally w0W1ded man staggered across the lobby and into ,the street. He was pulled ioto a small red car o( foreign make by what wltnessu said wu one of ty,·o men waltlng in the vehicle. Officers said the two girls who ad- mitted being Grindeland's companions became panic stricken when he died in the car of the wounds he suffered In the motel shooting. SANTA CRUZ (AP) -Edmund Emil They said the two girls dumped his Kemper IIT, charged with the mutilation body on a lawn close to their own homes murders of his mother. her best friend but decided. the next day to reveal their and six college coeds, pleaded innocent role in lhe aflair . Officers said the l\vo girls told them From Page l AGNEW ... from the outset that the vice prelidenl should decide '"'hat course he should take in the matter ... "He has not encouraged Jr pressured the vice president lo take any particular course." Albert \\'oul~ not am plify on his state- ment rejecting Agnew's request. The statement was issued after he conftrred _ with other ·House Democratic leaders. While Albert's action killed for the nu~ ment any chance that a House inquiry v.·ould take the case out of the hands or a federal grand jury, Agne'w was expected to initiate legal moves to try to block the Baltimore panel from proceeding ~·ith his case Thursday. Agnew backers could cireUmvent Albert's decision by the drastJc method of introducing a resolution to impeac~ Agnew, thus forcing an inquiry. There was no indication, however. that such a move was belng contemplated. One House Republican, Rep. Paul Findley ol llllnois, did introduce a resolu· tion today calling for creation of a select committee to investigate "whether the House shtll undertake impeachment proceedings against the vit'f! president." The quick Albert decision came as a surprise. House sources bad indicated tile leadership would probably mulJ over tbe Agnew request until at least next "'eek. Before Albert issued his staten1ent, there was strong opposition to Agne .... ·'s praposal among House Democrats . Dynamite Discove red In I solated Area by reason of insanity today. He added the they were wlth Grindeland during 1he insanity pica to an innocent plea made motel robbery and while he earlier at-DUARTE (AP) -About 200 sticks or last June. tempted to hold up the Kentpcky frled dynamite have been found partially hld- Kemper's trial is scheduled to start chicken outlet. den under leaves and boerds in an Oct. 15 before Superior Court Judge Har-In both cases, depulies said. Grin-isolated area north of this Los Angeles ry Brauer. ' deland simulated possession of a weapon Brauer granted defense attorney by shoving hl1 clenched right hand inlo suburb, authorities said. James Jackson's request for unlimited his pocket and showing his lntended vie-A Sheriff's Department spake.1iman peremptory challenges of prospective Urns the buJge made by a supposed sald Tuesday six bags of blasting caps Robert Tomlin!IOn or the State Depart- ment of Transportation told Orange County supervisors that environmental regulations had been complied with as far as the federal govemment was con- cerned. jurors. pistol. al!O were found In the cache. · !~~~================= Bu t County Counsel Adrian Kuyper rul· cd that an env ironmental impact repor t \ras necessary to the countY be£ore work 1 • could begin. Tomlinson said 1his would take 18 months. • The· county previously approved con· struction of the C.Orona dcl ~1ar Freeway bel\\'Cen the San Diego and Newport free"·ays without the impact statemen t. I i-'"0°,'-1N..:·-'j.·f · Tomlinson did say the future freeway ~ t to 6 might be covered in the area opposite the -~ ... Orange County Airport. Director of A\·ia- tion Robert Bresnlflan has contended that this is an abJOlute necessity for ~ safety reasons. Supervisors Ronald Caspers said he \1'8s for immediate construction of !he new freeway but that the.-envlrionmentaJ -r: rules must be followed. The i\1acArthur relocation i:o; for a distance of 1.2 n1iles. Voit Basketballs AC2 Reg. J .95 Yalue-5.95 Relf.:-White-Blue 7.95 C82 BlllilTs~.95 Cb2 Regular-12.95 XB20 lndoor-16.95 &8202 Synthetic Leather-18.95 Wilson Leather Basketball-28.95 Warm Up Sults-21.95 • 24.95 Sweat Shirts & PantHach 3.50 Adidas-Converse-Tretorn Jack Purcell T ennls Shoes Men's & Boys' Tennis Shorts-5.95 up Tennis Shirts-5.95 to 9.00 Tennis Dresses • -.,.., ••1tor Bank En1plo ye:s Get Ultimatum + I I I Thtl'l'lt l /4._ Murph;,., MtMtlrll ~•ttor can1paign con1miUee infiltratt..>d oi:>- poneats' campaign in an allE?ffipt lo sl'lcct il s weakest opponent w :is altogeth(lf untrue. ~ inch BasketbalLBackboanl-l4.95 LA PAZ. Bolivia (AP\ -Bolivln's • military govcmment told th• striking , Basketball Goals-3.95 & 5.95 Handballs & Gloves . ! j . .t • l . 'I . ' Clt1rlt1 H. Lo91 R.ith11i P. Nt ll "'41111tn1 M•11tor119 Edl1on c..--JJO w,,, ltv Str••t Mt lllttt A4tfr•11i·P.O. lo• 1160, •z•26 --H1w,.,.1 ... di! »» "''""""" ,l llllt v•rf Wf(IM '""": m ...,.., .,_ H~ll!tft11J~~l J1'-1J tHCft ~llYtf• WI (: ...... Tltf"Mittfl r'f""t'l l'l'llM ltHl Tulspl s C1t4.I 641"'4J21 Cl t tne• ......... 641°1671 """'Wit' lt11. 0-. ( .. ti PiMllfllnf ~. ... ,,.... , .. rift. 1n11llrtofi-. .. ..... 1 _..., ., ..,.,,'--......... _, .,. ~-wltho\11 tMeltl ,..,.. ~-~._. ._... • 1111ttl ... '9iil ft C•lt ,_,..., Cl,........, ........... "' c:.mtr 11...S "*"""'' '°I -II U.IJ 1M11fPllJ'1 "'llltlO' .... ~ .... a.Al ,,...,.,.!\', -•·-- •!:L-~------' ( "Republicans were not responsible for !he downfall of Muskie ; Republicans were not responsible for the nomina tion ol Sen. George r.tc:Govern," Buchanan s~id. "The ~1cGovern people 1von their 01vn nom ination -and they lost their O'i''D. election .:_ . ·· "luskle was the early frontrunner for the OemocriHic presidential nomination In 1972. but the i\1al ne l)emoctat's cam- paign (Altered end i\1cGovern \\-On lhe. non'tination. Buchnn:rn conceded-thAt he recom-. mended ln the spring and sum mer of 1971 that Republica ns concentrate t he Ir polhieal-resourceJ.-on (\.fU&kic-because ~. ~1uskle. was &he. fronfrun ner at that time.- employes of four government banks they :J~~d ~~~i t~;)"b• u01•" they rerum· ,, Adidas & Converse Basketball Shoes Racquetball Racquets l Balls • Co mmerce and induslry in La Paz were paratyu.i Tuesday by • strike .r BasketbaH Shirts-3.40 Tennis Rackets-4.95 to 50.00 30,(00 workers protes ting the arrest of 89 ~::O~~r·:~r;.8'Z;.;.~i:·;:v:~~S: o1 • .'.__ Volle balls & Nets. Wilson-Penn.-llunlop T ennls Balls- The strike by Industrial workers was -7-lli5 per z .cheduled to end ttinlght, but the bank SOCC!r Balls ·~' ' ernployes had said lhey would 1tay out DA I & Sii indeflnltely. The workers lhrcotcned ..... • Water "llolo Balls JlJ/ys' GY!!! Sii rts Ort~ treme meaiurea" if the govc.rnmcnt r I rclused to rree the Jailed mon . But • Dll.9• L.t• Lpa1'rjlll' Interior Mlri.ister Walter Ca&h'O told '• IHI' r-1"11 '~ ''• newsmen th• sovernmcn1 would "rcs1s1 Open g to 6 Closed Sundays Tires-Tubes ' all)'JX~ Qf..mtasurca" and would b.~rl,,no.tiE'c~;:;;i;;iii;;;,r;p;•ittiii'-·-•••••rw•i.iil••=•,..., .. -••.,~••..,_.=...,..,=;J tht conspirators to t ~-. -. '. -· • • • I 1 • I ------- PO..OT EDITORIAL PAGE -Ready for School Flfly.five Harbor area childrelr were beneficiaries - of the Newport-Mesa UnWed School District's declslon to experiment with public preschool for four-yell'-Oids last year. Although the cost of tbe program was fairly hlgh- $38,000, all borne by local taxpayers -the resuila of the program were Impressive. - Tests showed tbat after nine months in the program, 100 percent of the children had the readiness skllls necessary to enter kindergarten. In tbe West Costa Mesa neighborhood where these ohildren live, as few as 20 percent of entering five-year-old klndergartners have this level of readiness sklll when they have not enjoyed the benefit of preschool as four-year-olds. In addition, (be children in the program were tested for every kind of learning handicap -from tooth decay to r,sychological disorders -and their problems were sys ematically treated. Thus it is assured that most of these children will be starting off in tbe regular school program in good health. But the biggest opportunity from the preschool program is the experience 'it gives ·N~f't..Mesa in hancilfng fiiur·year-oldS . If state mon.ey dO'es evenfual1y become available to educate preschoolers, Ne91p<>rt-Mesa ought to be in a strong position to qualify for it. · A Chance to Share South Orange County United Way kicks off Its an· nual charity drive next week with tbe hope of surpass- ing the record $1.25 million it collected last yesr. United Way is the 'only federated charity drive in the county, providing needed resources to 55 non- profit organizations. Of every dollar. collected,. 92 cents are spent directly on ctiarity. And of the money spent, 80 percent goes into programs to help children. Like many established chanties, United Way is often taken for granted. Few people stop to realize, for example, that such institutionalized 19<:al groups as the ~ Boya'-Club, Girls' Club1, Girl Scouts, 1nd Children's HOlplW all depend beavuy on the United Way. The Harbor Area drive, under the chalnnanship of fonner Newport Beach ~yor Doreen Marshall, will play a vital !'(jle in the overall South County drive. For individuals, the easiest way to contribute is throul!h payi:oli deduction s. The accepted "Fair Share" Is juaf one hour's pay per month. The Daily pilot joins most other business and civic grotJps in the Harbor Area in urging everyone to do what he or 6he can to support t.b.is worthwhile endeavor. Sister for Mesa? ';t'be su~estion that Costa Mesa renew consideration of having a s1Ster city appears timely since City Council· man Robert M. Wilson sits on a national committee which administers the program and which is scheduled to convene in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in December. ,Despite Wilson's membership, Costa Mesa does not even have a sisler cit)", and indeed did not pay its dues t~1he-Town Affiliation program until last year. The city council, with Wilson's exception, has been luke- warm on the ide,. • U the people of Costa Mesa truly want to have a s~ner city', they should, provide him with some sugges- tions before he leaves for the National League of Cities Conference. There are more than a dozen Countries and more than 100 cities from which to choose. The sister city program is supposed to build bel- ier world understanding through tbe exchange of ideas, infonnation, and people in fields ranging from educa- tion to economics, and culture to city government. Its success depends on the enthusiasm and mutual interest of the communities involved. Little enthusiasm has been shown in Costa ?tlesa because the progra m has not been clearly explained. Local interest in the program must be demonstrated to make continued participation worthwhile. c ., . . "GO'TTA GET Rll> OF 'THESE KULAKS!'. I I. Assembly Fina"le- Dear ·Gloomy Gus Rhythmic Racket Caused By Mini So11ic Boo111s A Mess! ( RUS WALTON J 1bat final day or the 1973 Legislative session was a mess. A stupid, in· excusable, expensive mess. During the closing hours of that day the state legislature rammed through at leut 500 bills -probably more. • As a matter of fact, 10 days after the deluge the cletks of the Senale and Amembly still do not know for sure just what bills were psssed. Let alone bow . much damage was done to the clti· zen in terms of costs and cootrols. 1be Assembly staff figures that aboot 233 bills were adopt~ ed on Sept. 14 -give or take a dozen OI' so. 1be Senate staff, as of this writing, has no real Idea of how many bills were con- sidered or how many were pasaed or what they will .. do tQ califomians. AT ONE POINT during the late-late hours of this horrible put-on, Senator H.L. Richardson, R-Arcadia, walked to the rear of the chamben for a few words with Mike Hsrringtoo. By the lime be retW'Ded to b1s seat, a few minutes later, Rlchanloon found be had voe.d !or lour bills. What four bills be wasn't sure. He ra!Jed hell. He demanded that bis name be taken off the subsUtute roll call (a device for automatic "gang" votes). Richardson trled to get several tenators to join him In the effort lo slop the jug- gernaut. 'Ibey refused and on went the 1teamro1ler. Every few minutes another billr another new law.Jo the making. _ mE BUZZARD of bills was just as bed in the Assembly. And, it was ac- companied by ''&bolt" voting . Legl.slators absent livrn the chamhen were being voted. by • colleague. Time and again, for example, the electronic loCe board Indicated that Aasemblywo- man Man:h Fong, Makl'!"'l, was pm· About 1,275 acres out of 1,600 acres in the proposed "park" between Corooa de! Mar and Laguna jtJst happens to be canyons. All that mooey (or a "Mountain Goat safari?" · , DEMOSTHENES Il ent aD<I, votiDI-~ F""' WU not In the room. ~ · . When Assembl)'DIAD Ray Seeley, R- Palm Springs, protested, acting Speaker J1ct Fenton, ~Montebello, told him to sit down and sbut up. Sucb Is the face and voice of arrogance. 1be ghost of Mrs. Fmg continued to vote in her absence. It's not just the chaos of the moment, it ii .the long-term ravages. During such hectic hours the "leadersbip" fiodl it relaUvely easy to slide In the sleepers. Slmple-looklnc bills lbat upm Jn. .vestigaUoo are mean and costly. Such blllJ would never mate it through aertous debate. But. In the da-of ·chaos they slide through. WREN '11106E bills are. esam~ In the light of sanity, eome la11'lDUen are going to have heavy 1egtsl1 ttve baniovers and a tough Ume expWnlng their v~. The problems and the pressurts are sUll•not over. ~y may be.compowKled,_ The Governor now bu only U days from the receipt of that Oood of bills lo con- sider them,examine tbetrotmpo<t, OD<! act on them -approve or fttO. Twe1ve days! What a way to run a railroad! Not to mention government. vOTERS WERE a ssured, 1n um. that 11 they would adopt l'rop. 4 and Us blen· n1al leglalative -the chaos of the final days would disappear. No more of those last-minute steamroller jobs that fiatten the proper-leglslative-proce35 and leave mess of legisJation in its path. That was the promise. Remember? Well, the people approved Prop. 4. We liave thoee biennial sessions. But, the chaos and the chicanery are sun wilb us. All of which proves that a legislaUve house is not a home. At least, nol for good government. .. · 'Copter Noise Can Bend Your House To the Edlin<: Municipal aepartment~ conducting or COM!deriilg re g u I a r , non-emergency helicopter flight aperations from areas closely surrounded by residential or com- mercial development should be prepared to pay the corts of property damage suits. 111E F~R wha~whap helicopter sound is caused, by the tips of the rotors which move near the speed ef sound and olten break the sound barrier -just like the tip of 1 'bullwhip 0 craCks" when it ~b the' a.Utd barrier. Helicopter bla<le tips: cause atmo spheric overpcessures;. in .t1teffect, mini sonic boomi. These overpressures can be more d•maclnl than. tbolie of ·a combat jet because the belicopt'1' overpressures oc- cur in a rhythmic pattern that elicits sympathetic (leilng from nearby struc- tures. Thia ntmig can be Celt and seen in the walll and "windows of homes and of· -fleeO ".-..tieue'fer large -especially mWWJ t;Jpe,-helicopters fly over. Thia ftaing .can •e damage immediately, or ~ 1'Mkeo structures, making them more ~Uble to damage from minor eartbquabl. I FixeCl..wtng STOL aircraft not only preclude these problems, but are also less expensive to operate and maintain. " JOHN F. ROSSMANN Cooperation Wins To u;E;jj"tor: . After many years of reading your fine 1 .. tureOlrlldes I thought-you might he Interested In what ilas happened In our area and bow great cooperation betwee n many people brought about fiDe improve- ment in this neighborhood~ TWO YEARS ago I contactea the phone company about taking down wires that ruined the ocean view foi 13 homeowners in our area. After • many pbooe.callsrmeetlnga and consulting wilh muny people, the phone wires are coming down. It was a Joint effort on the part of the phone company, the Laguna Beach Water and Power, whose empty plpe the phone company is using, the 13 homeowners and the Cameo Association of our area. We tlloughl it might be lnlerestlng to [ MAILBOX ) Letters from rea<krs are welcome. Normally writers should c011vey their messages in 300 words or less. The right to condeiise letters to fit space. or eliminate libel ii reseroed. All letters must include lignature and maili1ig ciddress, but nam~1 may be withheld on reguest , if sufficient reason i& apparriit. Poetfll will not be published. others who might .have the same pro~ lems, to show that cooperation between big companies ·and small homeowners is not a thing of the past. The wires should be coming down wilhin a matter of weeks. The fact that they are coming down is of great importance to all of us living in Cameo Highlands. MRS. ROBE~TW.FRYE Dairy Donation To the Editor: For all the people who think it is all right for our President not to release the Watergate tapes because it might -jeOpardize natiOijBI security .... What is your excuse ·for Nixon now, that he ~~ to release the tapes from the meetlng wi!IJ ttie::lliiirymen's Associa· tion. A meeting that was held right before dairy prices went up with govern- ment app~vaJ, and by coincidence benefited the campaign by some $500,000. LORRAINE M. KAMPMAN Fathers, Daughters To the Editor: In response to Joan Brick 's speech before the Newport Beach Exchange Club, it must be said that she is air • parently speaking from her own ex- perl~ which is obviously very limited. Perhaps most of the women she knows are .. qqerulous . and nagging, have poor self-images, lack self.confidence, and are generally frustrated. However, one need not look far in this community to find many examples of v.•omen wilh high selr- esteem who have accomplished in many fields or activity, and who are quite capable of providing a competent role model for little girls. l\IRS, BRICK describes hereself as a "super person," though still not able to give her daughter "!hat she needs em~ tionally. No wonder.· I can't regard anyone as a "super person" who generalizes so negatively about her own sex, blatanUy ignoring the many ex~ cepUons which point to the need to judge people as individuals. After an, are there not men also who have problems with "internal stability'?" Ironically, I heartily agree with the ad- vice Mrs. Brick gave her male audience, but not for the same reasons. By all means, fathers, do take your daughters on busines,, trips, luncheons, and spend time with them. But recognize that by expanding a girl's awareness of the world outside the borne you may well in- crease her erpectation to venture forth into the world as an adult. At' least you are giving her a glimpse o( a wider range of choices -which is what women's liberation ts all about. JUANITA MOE Seek lustlce To the Editor: Reference is made to your editorial dated ... Sept. 18, entitled "Gas Stati.on Squeeze" wherein you noted the in- equities of Phase 4 Petroleum as related to the service station d~lers. We wish to thank you for pointing out to the public, who are our customeni, the unjust regulations being forced upon us dealers by the Coot ol Living Council. YOUR EDITORIAL, in addition to pointing out service staUon dealers murginal profit problems, more im- portantly brings to the attention of the public our sincerity and our extreme ef- forts and attempts to restrain service stat Ion shutdowns by lbe many economically injured service station dealers in Orange County as we continue to strive for justice through legal and legislative means. This effort to avoid service station closedowra and eronomic pressures · against our customers can be attributed to the principal efforts or t h e International Service Station Dealers Association (I.S.S.D.A.) of -which I am proud to be a member and a director. WILLIAM H. BAY Missioo Viejo Mobil Service Life and Liflertv2' To the Editor: , · ti' Al 1>ilat poln: does lhe .appreliensioo qi a suspect condone tbe shooting , ol In- nocent people'? In the name of humanity, I am shocked· and h>rrifled at what appears to be the 'Slaughter Tactics' on the part o( the Newport Beach Police, as displayed on the evening of Sept. 12. • • ... Life, Liberty and the pursuit or H11.ppiness ... It is time we take a closer look at those we authorize to wear a badge and carry a gun in our city. BRIANJAMES R. PORTEOUS Wicks I 'Spiro, Spiro, come back Spiro!' I Four Health Meatless Days ~ Week? Try Biochemistry -.-- WASlllNG'l'ON -Controls ilave been aboolute good. The fat-laden, gross of! bee! !or a lew days and the prim . chunks. of almost bleeding meat that we haven't shot UP; yet, 10 we csn expect call 1 steak would make a more John T: DUnlop, ~ of the Coot of cuiUvated -le retch: Worship of·- Living Council, or ulo!ber ooe ol the meat may :!so drive us Individually Into looers that JUchanl Nixoo has llgbting lr> deb! and ruin our agriculture. On the Dallon lo congratu-._. .. , .. c11 of us .. ., m poundl ol late hJmBeH on TV. -;?"• meat and ,>OUltry a year -1boot Ill per- il the prices haven't r ., cent ol the world supply. """' up since con-lh•• c:oul~ 1111.sfy our ev~ troll were lllted, It's '9 • 1ppetlte for meaf by gruJnc •-on only bec•uae they_ •'-land unfit for any other use we wciuldn~ were to hl&h when Imperil our agricullure nor lace the rt.. the cootro!a were Ing pricet that have come upon 111, but It applied. doesn't 1'0rk that way. A tremendous num-ber of our fellow "ENORMOUS quantities of the hilbelt Citizens ean't afford to eat beef llllY more. · quaUty food soUl'COl ·are fed to anlmala," C--Jl<rt-beeHrroratJae-1--.-at--writes.Er ..... .Mol!l'o wppa lll "Dtet fO< you the what-lora to del .. d ~ C0011try, ~Small Planet" (Ballantine Books, It.ZS) beel m•kes you manly beel maMI you Fully one-half ol the h•rvested sny beef &Ives you 11~1111 and courqe, a¢cultural land In the U.S. Is planted bet!' J1Cit Wlle•Uh i. the food ol cham· wilh feed crops. We feed 71 percent of all · ~ for. red-I>~ Uilfr aw An: "!""'l"lirto-.nlmals." • Amerleam. Nblon eats beef and John Put another w•y, a steer must be led ...MltCbell did before they pulled hll Jeeth 2t pounds ol vccetable prot<ln to produce out. ooe pound ol me•t pn>teln far us lo e1t .. Karveloua IOUrce . ol proleln ~ 1be 1mount ol protein which we feed to -.,.-T'tlloliml-tblLbeeLll.-ti 1n ~ llveslock, and wblch ~~to .... I carnivores wouldn't know how to get our ( J protein except .by whacking it off the VON HOFFMAN IJ.;,~:e: t~~ can help us here. Her ~ ~ book will tell you about how much protein you need and how you can get it Without human consumption because steers are eating meat. iJlelfici•nt Prolein lactortes, Is the THE BIOCHEMISTRY ls romplicated, equivalent, M1. Lappe informs w:, of "90 but her explanation isn't. i>roteim are percent of the world protein delidl" ' collectlona ol 12 diUerent amino acids, all · But African klils suffering from -wt etJl)ll ol which our bodies can two separately. Or. stated in terms of meat equlvalencles, a cup and a half of be&ns and rour cups or rice equals a 13- ounce steak il eaten separate1y, but a 19-ounce steak ir eaten together. You don 't have to become a chemist to try this kind ol cuisine. Frances Lappe gives what~ the basic high protein com- binations are, i.e. bread and cheese, and some recipes to get you started with good-Lasting, low meat cookery. She doesn't recommend that you become a Hindu and tum your life upside down. Move into it gradually without going all t"e way. Think of the money you could save If your family had lour healthy. hlgl1-pro- tein, meatless days a week. And U you do, lbe next tlJ?1.e Earl Butz gets on the tube to tell you meat prices are going up again, think how good It will be to !ell him to take his meal and stuff it. Kwuhlorkor, 1 dlaeue caused by protein tn1nuracture. Those eight. however, are defldency, aren't going M> caUJe most of indispensable ror the utillzatJon ol. protein , "" to do mon than cluck In sympathf. by our ~ To the extent Iha! a food OU~I COAST The •dilori&J .... o<· the Dally Kwublorkor bu been ldentll\ed lo kids ls deficient ln even one, the others cannot Pilot seeks to i/\form •nd •timu.Iattl htre ID the ltltes and that dtdn!t change be Uted. readtr1 by Pmt'nllna: <1n this pqe anybod)''t eating hablt1. P,eople probably stnce all tight are present in relatively dlvene QMlment•ry on t~ Qf lft-~uldb't Kiwi up eaUng beef even if they tarse amounts ln meat, It Is a handl!:ome t~rnt by syndicated columni.t. and th1Hhe-hi1be yoU uUn..the...f ~Qt.this most lm~rtant element in cartoonl•ts, b)' provktlng: • f<1rurn tor chain the more likely you are to be the human diet. But yoUcan go aownto Robe,t-N.--WeMlr P14btisher :~::~.~~~~~the!: poitoned by the pesticide rftidues which the bottom <'f the. food chain &nd pick up Thcmw Kecvfl, Edicor rurrtnt topicl. The ~itoria! opinions accumulate 1n the. cells of lbe meat we . all the prot!lln you need by "eating, in ol lht Dall)! PUot appear only tn the Jove to eat. the same meal, different plant foods in Barbara Krtibich tdlloria.J column It the fOP 0( the No, it'll 1>e the high price of m e a t · · which. the amino acid deflolency of one Editorial Page Edllor ..... Opln...,. ., ... .,..d by the eot. that'll get roost of us oil beef, If atlythlng item ls, supplemented by the amlno acid u1nnl•tt and ca.rtoonlsl• and J~ttr does. Besides, most ot us don't have the .contained In others," says our author, wrtltrs art ttitlr own and m web:•· logglest idea how we csn eat well or who explains thal eating beans •nd rice Wednesday, Sept. 26, 1973 ment of -"''" by tl>t l>aJly healthily without COt11U1111ni 11 r g e logether "111 provide your body with 43 PUot lhoul<l be w.m.t. amounts ol flesh. We red , white and bl~ _·_per_cent more protelr. thah H:_::you:,.:ea:t'...the::' • ......':::-:::=========--:=======-------'· f GirJ, 4, . Commutes For ,Lile LONDON (AP)' -Claire Puzey bu been chosen "Miss _--l!dlbb .11.alLCommuter 1m." The f.ye8.f'1>ld girl must travel eoo mUea a week or die. Claire bu ne 'kidneys and l!Ulba a :ZOO.mile round trtp three times a week f;im her home In rural Hampshire to be treated on a kidney machine at Guy's Hospltal in London. Sbe bu been commuting for three months siRce her dtseas-. ed kidneys were removed. Last week her (ellow travelers on the 8:26 to London were told why the little girl with the bubbling laugh was making the trip. They got together and decid· ed to give her a day to remember. British Rail area manager Harold Ward greeted her th~ week at her home station of Cbrlllchurcb and said: "You have become the sweetheart of the Southern Region." He gave her a special train badge and handed over the passengers• gift, an lnscr:ibed copy of Kenneth Grahame's classic "The Wind In the Willows," the story of a ne'er· -do-well rich toad whose taste for adventure leads h i m astray. Harry Staff. a publi~her. sat Claire on his knee as the train set off and read her the in- scription: "Presented to J\liss British Rail Commuter 1973, with all good wishes from BriUsb Rail staff. ''She is a honey," said Staff, 52. "She's ~aya so cheerful" A JfOman passenger gave Clalre ooe pound -about 12.so -for candy. A man bought her a pack of pot.ato chips and another a cup of tea . Claire's mother. JG.year-old Pam Puzey, said : "Our only real hope is for Claire to hn\'e a kidney transplant. \\'e are anxiously waiting for the the boopital lo tell us they have found a .suitable donor." Claire later sat on a hospital bed, beside the k i d n e y madllne ahe must be con- nected to for 30 hours a week, while a nurse read from her new book. She smiled at ne\vsmen and said: "lt was the best journey I ever had." Enterprise A Backup For Po,wer? BREMERTON, Wa•h. (AP) -Etectric power shortages are shaping up in many parts of the Northwest but this city has the option of asking for help from its big brother in th.e bay -the aircraft carrier Enterprise. 'Ille Enterprise h a s n ' t volunteered but its t o t a I gener1Ung capacity of 40,000 ki low atts could keep Bremerton's lights on plus the rest of Kitsap, f..1ason. Jef- ferson and Clallam counlies on the Olympic Peninsula. 'l11e combined population of those counties is just less than 200,000 and a spokesman for the ship said It would provide ·electricity for a city that size. The idea ii Jess speculative than it might seem. During a severe drought in 1929. the carrier Lexington ll!ed one of its generators to supply pov.·er to Tacoma, Wash. The Enterprise is berthed at the U.S. Naval Shipyard here for several months undergoing repairs and refurbishing. Silica Plant On Snike OCEANSIDE (AP\ -A atrike of 45 union workers left management running t h e Cl'yltal Silica Company plant Tueeda.y wilhout neW contract talu In sight. 'Jbe walkout was staged after a vote lmt Friday by membHI of Tearmters Union Local 311, Laborers' Interna- llofto( Union of North America Loca1 (19 and operating ~ Local 12. A lhree- yell' -tract expired that day. er,.tal Silica Company Is son DlefO County's major : I---~· •lQ>Pllcor-~"'trlal silica ... ed In JM!clllcdoa of gla.<s con· talner'I, boUllnC construction l!Ulteriall and aandblasllng .. • , . '. ~ .... beauty from Geminesse with $5 minimum purchase Max Factor presents "Your Day .of Discovery'.' Di5ct>ver .•• the mystical gypsy who will forecast your furure in the stars' of your horoscope. Discover ... the beauty expert who will analyze your face. Discover ... the talemcd wig ·styfot who will answer 'your -wig styling qucs.tions, and the "Flatter Wigs"-a fabulous collection in the ncwtlt styles, most natural looking colors, and in the inost preferred fibe;,. (styled for you without ex'tra charge). Discover ••• "The Face of Fortune": Enriched Moisturizing Lipstick, Exhilarating Skin Lotion, Under Make-Up Moisrurizcr and Strawberry ,Masque. Your gilt. with any Gemine$e SS minimum purchase. Cosmetics • . SOUTH COAST PLAZA •• , ' . ' • KuuLikeToi--~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~...;;;;;~~..:;:;.i Aak Andy __ r -~....:;:::-~. \ • ' I • •