HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-14 - Orange Coast Pilot•••
Hinshaw~ Battin Flay Each Other
Nixon Campaign
Aide Gets Bid
Despite Denial
* * * 10' * * * .•... ·~ .. ~ .... •;. .
VOL , W, HO, :Ml, t SEC TIO"S. 51 PAGf~ . . " ..
:; .JFK" MM a Pair~
Colu1n11i st
Des c1·ibe s
Mee tiI1g s
From \\'ire Ser,·ices
\I·:\\" t·o1tK -Syndi cated gossi p col-
u1nnist !~ar! \\'ilson reports th ;.it ~larilyn
r-.ron roe h:1d a ron1ance y,·ith President
John F KennPdy.
Just bcfor,~ .~he di ed of :-in Ol"ercto.~c
of slPt•pl11g pill s in Hl62. \\'ilson r\•portrd
Thursd;i_\, shr said. ··say goodbye l•l
r!11· l'n·s1drnt ··
Congress Approves
Daylight Savings;
Jan. 6 Start Eyed
Cliarity Tree
Lo t Targe t
Thieves broke into 3 trailer on
a Santa Ana Ch ris tn1 as tree \(Jt
Thursday night and made off 1vi1h
stereo tquipn1cnt used to play Yule
1nusic and JXJ1rcr tools for cutting
the trees.
Teenagers 11·ho 1vere operating
the lol at l:lristol Street and
:l.leinory Lane \\·ere going to use
proceeds to raise funds for
sightless babies at the Services
for th<' Blind Jlome, 21'.115 N.
Bron<l1\·av in San!a Ana .
No\\' Hie young peopl e v.·i!I have
In use !rec profit!' to pa y fur
1hc stereo :ind rools. v.hich v.·ere
borrowed. according to Dr. \\'illiarn
DeNijs, executive director of Se rv·
ices for the Bl ind .
'f'ccnagers \\"ht! f1~:1<;ed !he Jot
and b<lu~ht !ht· 1rrt·~ \1Jt h thciJ"
O\\ n n1oncy arc itll b I ind
• ar1 n
Y ea1·-ro1u1d
'Da yligl1t '
Bill Ol\:aye d
\VASllI~GTON ~AP / -Cougress com·
ple!Pd action today on 1egislation that
("Oulri put rtoe n:11inn on :year-around
J)ay liµ:ht Sa\·ing: Time h.\" lhe end or
!ht Sl'COnd 11ee k In January. Voi ce vott!I
in hath !louse and l'enate sent the
1neasurr In the \\'hite llou.~c.
\\"1lson s;u cl ht• t111hhf'ld the story for
yt•,"\rs but f111:-illy decidC'd "to se t the
rrrord st raight" because or :i book un
\1!.'s ~lonroC' \\'hich d1vcllcd on hC'r q_ ~--------------" SUCCUMBS AT BO
Judge Kenneth Morrison
\\"AS!llN(iTO,\/ 1U J1 -The llousP.:
\\".\SHl\f;TO.\' !L.:Pll -Th-e •louse
:ipproved h}' 1·oict' l"otc and sent to
the Senate tod:1.1· con1pron1 i~c ((•g1slalion
1,, r1•!urn 1110~! of lh<' c·ountr.v 10 ye."ir·
n1u11d J):i~·Jight Sa\·ing T1n1c os an
c11erµ:y-sav rng n1casurc.
President Kennedy in 1961 , Marilyn Monroe in 1962
Ni xP"!:, 'Jl a1npaign Aide
~ ''t-,i.'"'' Got~B.'faDespite Denial
\\' ASl11 NG TON (AP ·~"ft Galifo rnia
c11mpaign otnC:ial tor; · ... nt Nixon
recci,•ed a 'hefty ~srJa ~B..,ll sines s
Administration contract subsidy despite
objections from a rcvtcw l*JCI, govern-
ment documents disclo9ed today.
The agency tacked a $135,716 subsidy
payment on a i200.531 Navy rontract
awarded 10 Ac«.1> Tool Corp. of San
Ltnndro. SBA documents show.
A review committee voted 3 lo I
to deny the subsidy payment on grounds
It was excessive. the documents reveal-
ed. The sab6idy, wlllch amounted to
87.7 percent or lhe base contrat't price
paid by the Navy, was the highest
ever paid by the Rgcncy in percentagt"
terms, an agency :JOUr~ said. •
It also y,•as the only one ever approved
over the review rom1nitt ec's objection.
lhc .90Urce said .
The president and 011ner of Accco
Tool Corp., formerly Aceco Tool &
Machine Co., Is Joseph Aceves. AlumC"da
County, chairman Qf Democrats for (-.1\-
In a telephone intcrvieY.\ Aceves srud
he negotiated the contract without com·
petitivc bidding under n progra1n to
help minority-run firms although anot her
company offered to do the WQl'k for
1100,000, less.
•l e denied that he received the cont ract
because of politica l innueoce. Of his
carilpaign role, he said. ·•It hurt nll'
(Ste SUBSIDY, Pagt a..
fru·ndsh1p \~·11h Allorney General Tioberl
r. Kennedy , \Vr il!cn by 11\orman i\lailer.
r..riss .\tonro1~·s relatio nship 11·ith Prcsi ·
t.lcnt Kennedy i's dci:iilect in \V llson"s
t.i\\"ll book on !he life of the late aclress.
lo be published early next year. He
snid he undertook a three-rear in·
1·C"sligation to ('Stablish a "dalliancC" ..
h,·{Y.'een the blonde sex goddess and
lhl' President.
\\1ilson said the affair v.·ent on for
almost a year before i\liss Monroe"s
dea th. He said she '<4'as sometimes a
discreet guest al little dinners nrranged
by President Kennedy , usually al the
Jlotel Carlyle in New York where the
KC"nnedys maintained an apartment. He
said J\liss J\1on roc once wore a black
11·ig as a disguise.
\lirilson said Peter Lawford. a Kennedy
in-law. believed he "'as spealting 1vith
r..larilyn on the phone when she Jost
consciousness Aug. 5. 1962, after taking
;1 lcth<tl overdose of sleeping pills. 11e
told the columnist her last words were :
··say goodbye lo Pat (Pat Kennedy
L.:i11•ford l, say goodbye to the President,
and say goodbye to yourself because
you're a nice guy."
She was 36. <--
"~1arilyn Monroe was his happy col-
laborator in this di stinctly nonpollticnl
a rea of his lite." \Vilson wrote in his
new book "Show Business Laid Bare"
\Vhich G. P. Putn am's Sons will publish
Jan. 18.
Wilson said he knew Miss t1onroc
'''ell hlmsetr and also go t other in·
formatk>n from l~otlywood columnist Sid-
ney Skalsky and New York dress
designer Henry Rosenfeld.
Lawford. Skolsky and Rosenfeld were
not immediately available for com1nen1.
CJ1ar ges Explode
Ove r Nixo11 Jlomc
7 alua tio11 Case
Charges and counter charges ur
partisan politicking and n1isues of
government funds were nyiog today in
the y,•ake of Supervisor Robert Battin's
unsuccessful appeal to hike the valuation
of President Nixon's San Clemente
1'ht• latest developments include :
-Ne1v threals by Rep. Andrew J .
JUnsbaw (R · NcY.'J)Ort Beach ). forn1er
Or;in1::e County assessor. thal criminal
charges may be proper RJ:ta inst Battin
and tY.'O other Dcmocralic supervisors
\vho voted to spend public funds on
a reappra isal or the \Vestern \\'bile
-A statement by Supervisor Ralph
Diedrich of FuJlertoo , one of 1he three
who voted to spend the nX>ney, that
l·linshaw's charges o! partisan politics
"are ridiculous."
-Threats by a Fullerton land ap-
praiser tD appeal the assessment on
Dit'drich 's home and demand an outside
appraisal lik e that done on Nixon's estate
unless the supervisors change the rule
allowing anyone to appeal anyone else's
assessment for $50.
-A statement by Battin th a 1
Jlin.shaw 's charges are nothing more
than a "smoke screen" to CO\ler up
hi!li own poor handling of the assessor's
office. Battin asserted Hinshaw may
beco1ne "the Orange County Agney,•."
The key develop1nent is llinsbaw's
(See CHARGES, Page Ii
Jud ge ~1orrisu1i'.~
Rite s Sclieclule<l
For Mo1ida y
~fany or Orange County Superior
Court"s 31 judges started their n1orning
calendars in hushed courtrooms today.
paying a last tri bute to retired Judge
Kenneth E. Morrison.
Judge titorrison died TI1ursday night
in a Garden (:rove convalescent hospital
af!er a long illness. I~e y,·as 80.
Presiding .Judge Bruce Sumnrr lold
a courtroorn audi£>ncc today after calling
for a n1on1cn1 ·s silen~ for J1Klgc \lor·
rison that funeral services will be held
at I l a.m. i\tonday in United Spurgron
i\lethnd.ist Church. Santa Ana.
Buria l 1vill follow nt Fairhaven
~len1orial Park in that city.
Judge i\lorrison. a native of Burnett.
'Vash .. y,·as elected to the Orange C-Ounty
Superior Court in 19-tO and sen'ed on
the bench until his retircmcnl in 1963.
lie previously had served as justice
o: !he peace for the Santa Ana Judicial
District, a po.st to 1vhich he -y,·as ap-
pointed by county spcr,•isors after
working for five ~·ears us Superior Courl
Judge R. Y. \li"itltams' clerk.
Judge r.1orriso n often conunrntro aflrr
his rcti'rcmenl that he derivt!d 1110.1:.t
enjoyment in hi s 'l3 years on thr Superior
Court bench from the time he Spl'nt
in Juvenile Court.
Active througho ut his lire in the Boy
(S,. JUDGE, PllJ!e 21
If !he Sen;i te acts r111ick l~ an d !he
hill 1;-; stt.:ncd into k11v before Sun--
day, An1cricans 1vil\ t urn their clocks
f1,rt\'ard /Jne hour on Sun<lil \", .Jan. 6.
If rnacuncnt is delayC'd until itcxt '>'"eek,
IJST 1\·ill go into effect Jan. 13.
The counlry would rern:iin on yea r-
round daylight time until the last Sunday
in 1\[Jril. l!l/i
The bill 11·ould al\01v President Nixon
(Set D.S1', Page 2 ~
Orange Coast
!\"ight and n1orning fog and low
clouds along the Orange Coast
Saturday. but other·wisc n>0stly
sunny with some high clouds in the
atfemoon . Slightly 1va.rmer. flighs
in the n1id fi()s _ Lows in the 40s.
Christmas i11 tlit g/ietto. Gold·
en \Vest College students will
give you a !aste of what that
~neo ns in a Sarurday ·11igh1 stage
sl1 01v. See today"s 1Veckc11de r
for infnr1na!io11.
Al y,,.,, Sfn"I(• )
INll... !t
l .M. l tltl 11
Clll~r11i1 I
Cl•••lliM 41-M
Ct'"k.I 41 Crou-rd tt
O.flfl N0Hct1 14·1'
lidlt.,111 ... " 4
"'i...11e. Jt.)1
"'"' .... .......... u H•<11u -It
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M•llbtJ; •
""-•let •. ,.
M11tu•I ,-..,., •
NtffMM HtW1 4. " °''llW• c ... 1uy 11 •• ,.,,,, ... ,. ll-11
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119(-~r\lh ,.,,
Ttl<t•I..... • TM1~ .. ,. w ... ,.... • w-·· "-• 11.tt
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• ., 1,.JAIL v Pllll! ~ -
Des11itP Cris is $1 Billion
'No Recession' S1rit Filed
Say Nixon Aides ByMe1norex
(I l'l+
:\1\,111 :11111 111, t ,., 111111111r
11th i~rr-;; (!IJ
lllJ! lu'i!\'\ •' tl11 11 I• i!11111i,: !01 IJ,_. ;i
l'L'"'"''l•lll :,, .J n"Ji!I ti( 1111• t'll<'rj.:_V
l rl-.1•c. ~1 \'1 tUlr I !1Ut"t' ~1111!-L''I J\;111 ~.-11d
I I ill; I I
\j\!111 huur \11th four
l<•il lllt'!l Ul\l•\\1•d Ill t'l'Oll(lnl!C polk'y
,ind th~• d1•p111y l\'h1t1· Hou~c prt•ss
;-4'<11•1:iry, l;··r;1ld I . \\<111rll, :iald ;1f·
l ·'1•t11t• l'11ge I
(:I Li\ I{( ;J•:S ...
s!Jtcn1C'nl r:J 1!1ng fur :1 r;rn nd .Ju ry probe
11f lhc ;qip1•;d t•Xp~·!l~!'S ;111d lhL' jXISSi·
bil it.v of r·11 1n1n:il t·!1:irg1 "! b1·1 ug filt.:d
at:ain:i:t the thri'C Ut·1tlOl'rli1JI.: super·
J l111•;.l1:111• ;-,;lid ('jJrlv Th11rsd:.iy the
Gr:in<l .111 1·\ :-.h·~1 1!d pr11bl'. 1h~· r11a1tcr
:ind thf'n lullu\11•il up "1tli ;"! 1.::11 1 Thurs·
da,\ 1·1·1·11111;.: !" lll'11s1111·11 :-.i•)lllg crirninat
th;irj.(t'<; lll;i,\ In· )ll'OJ>f'r
'l'hl' l'ht1~ress1nan said \J1e supervisors'
;ippror;i! uf a 54.500 l'Xpenditure on a
re;1p1)r;11•;t] 11f · rhr estate by the St<1te
Bo:ird uf Equ:1h1.ation "an1ounts to
··1 thi nk 1h~·r'(' is gr1 .. 1l opportunity
for er11n1 nal ;11.:11011 agai11~t Bob Batt in."
H111.,ha11· said. adding that sin1i1ar actionf>
could IH' brough t against Diedrich :ind
Supi·rr1sor nalph Clark. ¥<ho :il so voted
10 Spl'tlrl !hf' llltltH'Y·
StlJX'I'\ i:-.ur<; H01111ld Caspers o f
Nf1~·11or't Hl•a f'h and ll;1vi<t Baker,
rf'prr'-'f'Jl!in c; fh1 nting1on Reach. both
l:t·publ1ra11s. \ 011·d :!S!,<iinst the expense.
·-1~l·1·;:11 ~·· llH· 1·011nt .v spent thC' money
fu1· ;1 p111 ;ii•' l'•'rSi"1n·s cornpl:li nt . I
hrlit'\t· 11 11 ;1~ :1n i1n pruper use of publ1e
fund s," ll 1nsh;i w :;;11d.
Jhn shaw said at !he very 1('nst 01cre
. ~hnuld h~ :1 p•q11ircnu::nt th at Bt11!in
1••11:11 lh!• :,.4 '."1i)(J spent on his ··pcr8onnl
\'~·ndo ·lt::i"
ll11'\l1·11·h f't•\l('!i•<l to Hins h;"111·'s com·
nH·nt s tutl:1~. :-.:1y111g the· felt 1hc in·
v1·:-11ga!1nn "11·;1..., "'t'll 11·nrlh the cost
to el1';1 r lhL' .iir once :iud for :ill."'
Hattul rlaln1s th e asst•ssn1c11t ~hould
h<" 1nor1• ll1an $2 111ill1on. not the
;i.J :!71n1lluin 11110tL'(I by (Jr:ingc Count y
:\'\<;•·~soi· .l:H·k \";,1Hcrga or the $1.5
n1illiun ~t·1 Uy !hi.'. State Board of
l~ql1~1I11.d 11111.
\!,.~11111hil<', :ippra1scr II C. "Ct1rnpy"
L1n1.:h :-.:11(1 11nlr:-.s lhc Uourd chanJ,:cs
1\11· 1111!·' pl•1 1nll \11\;.!. ;1pp•'<ils :;uch :is
J ~allill'!'i !11· 11 il l dt'111;111d i-.11nilar trt•<il·
rnt'ut 1if l11s ;1pp1•11I of Uicdr ic:h's hornc
;1S.<;1~~~ll)l'lll .
L1t1\'l1. v111n g 1111· r·xpt·115t• f!f a re<1p--
pl':1ls<1! ;ind cus!s or count y l'n1 ployes
11 ho tl'i<I 10 ;11tc111I 1hc l1 t'i.lring. :~irl
tlu· H:1lt1n ;11·11on rl'1 11ak1d !11t· t1igh cost
111 t:n;p;1.11•rs 111 '-'11th :1p1>e;ils.
B.it11u h1n1).t>!f had son1t• c~111 stic coin·
111t•111, !!~lay about Hinshaw's <'h::i rg<'s.
lit• ,,11 rt 1ht,> counly ic; still payinJ..:
1ur 11.1-1.ih•"; 1n;1de h~· llinsh:11v 11·hL'll
tu· 11 :1s j'llUH1\' assesc;o1.'. ".\~ f;1r ,1, ;, 1:r.111d .J ur~· investigation.
I 1\ou!d 11t·!co1nc 11 . both as !o my
:ic11\1!1t" ;.111d :is th \Ir lhnsha"'s ac·
11\ 111t·<: .1-: a",.;t·~.;or:· Ba!h11 st1id ··1
111111~ 111 rn1t.:hl h;111• our 011·n ()range
('•>1 11111 \ ·r1•">\' ,•111·1·1·n rly o<·t·un.11n~ a
t'U!l!-,l'l'"~)Ul\.d St:ll "
,..,.,,,,, l"••rre 1
rno1i> !ho111 :111,1ii 1n::( •·1~•'"
1\•1 ~1·,\ •1•1.L.1••111011 ":11111h<1I \hl' Sm~ll
Bus111" J\111111111-11 .. 11"11 ··J1d not ;11\'ard
th~· r·11i.lr Ill ,,.; " ru!tt1c;1I pa,v-off t(l
nn~!irl(· .1111) 1tirn• 1".aS no po llt1c.-1l
pn .. ,1111•, • 11 .. ! ·~ ~l·l<1 rd !hi' con\r:lct."
~ \lr<11 111h·k 1•· ,u · B;Jnkuig t.:on1·
n11!11 •t• 1011 ii l•~!.+y 10 ;1dd a strong
pro/J 1h11 1{!n 1g;11tl'I \\ h1t1• l!ousc nr o!hcr
"uut:-.1fl(• u1lli;t 1111•· "11 :-;111\ luans. The
1·on1n111lt·L .1dtl•·it 1h1· 1111·;1\Urc ro 11 bill
+•xll·nd111g 1111· .1g1·111-~ , ll'r1d111g authori·
\y I
T~· O••~u· Co•1• DA!'.Y l>ILOI, w•I~ .. ~.c~
1, c~rr1D1"M lne N•'" p,.,. "~utol+.,.,•d o~
!hi O•onge (O•\I f'uD•»""•D Cam1>1nf S'l>O
, ••• ...i11,on1 ••• n.•N••hM, Montlty lhfOVQI>
f r«OY. <or (01'0 ,,.,.., NrwPQtl llta,n,
1-!unl'~o•on ll1~cn f DU"'a '" \/,11\t•, l4Q"'1•
BtOth, l r-'nl/~OddltD•t• tnd S•n Cltrnenlf/
Sin Juon C~p11lf•no A 1<"1111 ••D•onol
"""'"" 11 pyo1l1!11!<1 S•lu•~••• •nd ~und•n.
lho prlnclp0! puou1n1no olon! " ti l:IO W•tt
lloy SI'"'• Cmto M•1•, (ol<IO•nlo, t)61t.
llobttl N. W11d
P•n .cltnl oO>CI Pu~h•""'
Jtc~ R. Cu •lty
Vit t Pr1>4tnl on<! C.1ne•.i Mtl>t\ltt
1~""''' K11•il l'D•IOf
Tho,.,tJ A. M u1 phont
Mtr•~•no ED•!or
C~orl 11 H. l oo1
Offk ..
Co1i. '""'' no w 111 ll•Y St•t t• Nt•PC"I llt •cn· lll l f'U .. pO•I 11 .... 1, •• , ..
Ltgv<i• lltod>. 11:1 fo•in! "-•""~
t<u•"'""''"" Bt•<ll" 1r1111 &••<" 11.,..1,voro St n 1,.+omtn•o :IOI No•!h El Ctmlno It••'
t.i.,11oiw 171 41 642 .. J21
Cl-'fted Ad.,.rtlt ... 642·1611
p,..., (Mllt l Ar111 Stvlt> ti Latolftl l*d!
'""' P.lflll O••°'t Ct~nt~ t•m-Hltt 540-12Jf
(OOVtoQl\1, ltlJ, O•tr>tt C ... 11 P\AIT+11\i1'11
Comnony No "'"'' ,,.,i.., l!h1tl•t•IC~1.
""''"'••I m•l!t• Of ~d•e•!llt-11 l'lt tl!ft
-· ... ""'"" .... "" ... 111>out l peci.1 "' "'"'ion c• tOflYf'9"' own"'
l"l:Dnll tl•U 'lllJll O~f Ill" •I Cotlt Mtt•,
c o•ll'(lrnot, ll/~ltlltft ~ t•r•le• 11.S
""O"•l'llr. 1W m•ll \l IJ mfll'llllYI "'\\llt•r °""( ... ,_ 17 u """'"'I'
"\\le do not believe tht:re is going
lo bt a recession "
\\;1 rren said Ni.~on \\'iHlletl !o 111akc
lt l"ll':1r "we are going to do everything
in •1ur po"·cr to sl'e that the impacl
011 the economy caused by the energy
shortage is one we can control."
He said contingency plans were being
\•'orked on now "lo see that unen1pluy·
rnent does not rise unduly."
'l'he President has instructed hi s
l'rlt'.'.rgy chief, \Villian1 E. Siinon, and
n!hers invulvC'd in the luet crisis progran1
to formulate plJns to assure increased
:-.u pply <Uld dL•rna nd ll'ith the provi s1on
that "no scg rnent of the econorny profit
\\'l1ile others are sacrificing," \\'&Ten
"\Vork is under 11·ay lo find lhe most
equitable rnclho<.I of sharing l h i s
burden," he added.
Nixon was studying ~ports of airline
and auto industry layoffs, gas station
closings, and di sruption In industries
"'hi ch are affected by the nationwide
~ncrgy shortage.
The economic quadri.11.d thal serve s
as Nixon's chief advisory learn includes
Trrasury Secretary George P. Shultz,
Chairman Her~rt L. Stein of the
presidential Council of Economic
Advisers, Budget Director Roy L. Ash
and Chairn1 an Arthur 1'', Burns of the
FC'deral He!>'t:!rve Board.
There have been so1nc forecasts -
chiefly by critics or Administration
policies -that uncn1ployn1cnt niight
reach 8 percent next year because of
layoffs rc·sulting frn1n industrial cu tbacks
due to fuel shortages.
Thursday, Nixon met for nearly an
hour wi!l1 Soviet ambassador Analoly
Dobrynin, but the White House declined
tn give any details ot her than to say
!hey reviC\\'ed U.S.-Sovict relations.
In the evening, Nixon gave a dinner
p<1r1y and invited an1011g others Sen.
Barry Cold\\'aler of Arizona. leader of
the conser\'ative wing of the Republi can
party, v.·ho has been critical of \\'hitc
!louse involvement in the Wat ergate
scand<tl. Most of the other gu<'sts \\'ere
n1cn1bers of Nixon's official farnily.
From Page 1
DS1'. • •
to exempt a state from the advancffl
lime or to realign t i 111 e w ries with in
a state if the state's governor issued
a proclamation saying the action was
necessary to c..'Onserve fuel or to prevent
Such a request \\'Ould have to he
made before DST goes into effect. The
President could ignore the request.
The legislation exempts lia\\•aii, Puerto
flico and the Virgin Islands fro 1n
daylight lime. Indiana , which exempts
one time zone from da ylighl ti me. would
be allo1\·ed to continue the practice.
Some 14 other states that arc split
into l\rO time zones could enact a state
la\\· exempting one tin1c ronc fron1
da~·ligh t tin1e.
UPI r11t1>htll
A Crosb11 CJ1rist11aas
Bing Crosby, his wife, Kathy, and i \VO of 1hcir four sixth straight year the fan1 ily has entertained there.
children headline a holiday show for the agecl at F ron1 .left are llarry Jr., 15, Nathaniel, 12, Ka thy
San Francisco's Laguna l lo_nda fl ospital. 1'his is the and Bing. ~~~~~---'--~~~-=-~~~~~-
Ht111tn1gton Bo)1 Rescuecl
F1·om Fla1nes l111provecl
01 I~• O•ily Pilc1 SllH
A 6-year-0ld I luntington Beach Uoy
v.·ho was rescued from his fl am in g
bcdroo1n by an older brother is in good
condilion today in the burn \1•ard-of
the Orange County l\Iedical Center.
John Kirby of 6~2 1 Tyrone Circle,
suffered burns on his face. hands and
feet when a candle in his be<lroon1
ignited some curtains.
The fire gutted the
boy shared \\'ilh his
home the lit tle
mother, Peggy
Coiuity Police
Seeki1ig Clues
In Slayi11.g
Orange Cowity Sheriff's investigators
arc out in force in U1e Silverado are<1
in a hunt for clues in the slaying early
today of an as yet wiidentilied man.
Officers said the body of the young
nian ~·as spotted about 2 a.m. by a
passing motorist near the intersection
of Santiago Canyon Road and Silverado
Kirby, 35, and five brothers and sisters.
At. the time the fire bro ke ou t, John
Jnd his older brother. Rickv. 12, v1r re
the only person::; in the hOuse.~lice
said .
The mother was :it \\'Ork as a bar
rnaid in Anahein1 and the other children
11·crc out of the hOUS<' \"isiting friends .
Ricky rescued John fro1n the burning
room, but the original report issued
by the fire dep artrn<'nt incorrectly idcn·
llfiLil !he rescuer as another bro!h€'r
G ar~'. I( an d gnl'e Rickey's nan1e as
Fire Cap!. Roger llos111rr said tod.sy
!hat Gnry arril'cd al !he house just
as Ricky \l'as lcJding John out of 1he
burning room.
Th e 111·0 oldrr children tried to put
th e fir e out v.•ith buckets of 11·atl·r1
but \\'hen they could not slop th e blaze,
they ran 10 n nearby friend 's horn~:
to ca ll the fire deparlment.
A police spokesn1t1n noted that the
t:lectrlci ty to the ho111e h<1d been shut
off for ;1boul three d;1ys and the fan1i!y
had been using cand](•s fo r lighting.
According to 1xJ]ice'. there has been
no tl'lcphone service to the hon1e for
111ore 1han a ye<1 r.
A fire depa r1n1cnt spok<'sn1an s::iid
lhc fnn1ily y.·as planning to move to
the Anahejim area ;ind that they "'Cnl
thert• when the fire m<1de the house
From f>nge 1
Scout moven1cnt , h<' once estin1atcd that
he had handled <it ll':l!'t 23,000 ju\'enile
l'asl's in those 2J years.
.Judge r..·lorrison is survived by his
\\·ido"" Virginia; a son, Kenneth B. !\!or·
rison: three grandchildren and tv.·o great·
A Santa Ana resident sin ce 1910, the
Jurist found tin1e during his career to
devote on the side to his church and
his favorite ser\'iCC organizations.
11e ""'as a longtime lay leader of United
Spurgeon P.fethod isl Church.
"About 98 percent of the youngsters
never had attended Sunday School." he
said of those estimated 23 ,000 juvenile
court cases he presi ded over.
ffi s caret•r on the bench also included
the notorius 0\'C'rell murder case ""'hith
drr"' n:uion"·ide <itt ention.
The Ovcrells' 17-year-old daughter and
h!'r boyfriend l\'Cre acc used of rnurdering
her parents by blo ,,.,·lng up their yacht
with dyn11mite at Its mooring in Newporl
Thr young couple 11·as acqui!ted after
a scnsatlonal trial.
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sign on •
liquor srorc at Third and Clay streets
here : "Fight Yi'ate r pollution -drink
Corp. asked more han SI bll11on damagt<>
fro1n Jnternl.ltlona l ftusincss ~1t1chlnes
Corp. toda y in an antitrust suit accusing
JB~f of trying to 1nonopolize the electric
data processing Indust ry.
The federal court suit charged TB~{
1\•ith flnticompctitlve actions agaln111
J\.1eniorex in marketing com put er
peripheral products and disc packs.
)le1nore1. htadquarlerd at Santa
Clara. rn11nuh1.ctures c omp u t e r
peripheral prod ucts and magnetic tape
con1patible with IB~I computers.
It started making cornputers in 1970
but quit that n1a rkct in 1973, v.•riling
off $35 n1illion in losses.
A t.t emort'x !IJ>Okesman s n i d thrt·e
co111plaints in U.S. District t:ourt charg('_
tacts ot viol<itiorut sirnila r to Uiose fowid
to be un!a"•ful in the September decision
t1gainst IBM in Jlllgatlon by the Telex
Corp. in Tulsa, Okin.
~temore1 asks $750 million in damages,
$100 million 1nore for Its associate. 11..C
PM"iphrrals Leasing Corp .. Santa Clara,
and $'.!00 n1i1lion for torcii:;n subsidiaries.
Jn antitrust actions. a verdict for
t.!emore1 would triple the daniagCll
awarded by a court
In a statement , ?o.'emore:ir claimed that
18~1 started anticompetitive actions
against t.lemore:ir and oth€'r makeni of
products "plug con1palible" ""'Ith IB~I
computer! after r..1emore1 started pro-
ducing these products in 1970.
The complalnt charges !hat I B~f.
\l."orld Trade Corp. and other JBr..t
subsidiaries violated antitrust Jaws by
monopolizing the market for peripheral
products for use with JB:O.f computers.
Men1ort!x said that beyond the alleged
vlolatiOl'l.1 slmllar to those in the Telex
case. the co rnp\aints allege "a course
of anticompetitl\'e conduct by . IB~l
directed aaa1rlllt the Memorei com·
Memorex claimed that IBfll practiced
"harassment in domestic and in·
tem11tional markets de!!aned t G
eliminate competition by Ji.1emorex ard
its subsidiaries."
It al.so chareed that !St.I acted "to
impair Memore;i 's ability to acqwre
Santa Bails Out
Self, 23 Others
KEY \VEST. Fla. (UPI) -The "Santa
of the Key West Jail" belled h.lmaelf
out of the pokey today for the second
time Jn 24 hours , but th is tlrne he
didn't lake any one with him.
The short, curly-haired youth had to
have n10ney telegraphed from home
when he landed behind bars Thursday
Robert Vincent Palmieri, 20, or New
York City was dubbed "Santa'' after
paylng fines ranging from 127 to $189
and posting bonds up to $~2 to bail
out himself and 13 Inmates.
But Thursday night, Palmi eri \\'as ar·
rested again on a charge rX ind9Ctilt
Beyond these c:irreptions, no slate could
bf' rxempt from the advanced tin1e.
TI1c bill \1·as requested by r.;"Jxon ,a~
a n1eans of saving energy. Jn effect,
it \\'ould rnean that most citizens \l'Ould
h:1ve one extra hour of daylight durin g
the evening hours , meaning lights "·oulrt
be turned on one hour less and fun1a CC's
\\'Otdd be turned back to lower overnight
tcinperaturcs orie hour ea rlier.
1bey said the fully clothed young m<in,
believed to be in his early twenties .
had been shot 11\'ice in the back hy
a shotgun held at close range ;ind
dun1 pcd face do,,.,'n a few feet a\\"::JY
frorn the road. SAVE UP TO 20°/o ON HERITAGE
Opµone111s argued fu el savings \vould
Ill: tninimal and great hardship \\·ould
ht• 1·<1used in slates that lie on the
fHr 11·cstern edge of a time zone. In
so1ne nrras, 1he sun \\'Ould not rise
until riftt·r 9 a.n1.
Special pro\·1s1on ,,.,,as made to allow
the Federal Communications Com-
nli~siOfl 10 allo\v cl::i~·1imc-0nly hroadcast
stations to go on the air before sunrise.
In many areas, a sunrise-to-sunset sta·
11on other"•ise \mu ld not be ;ib\P to
go on the :iir un!i! after its prime
1no1iling audience had gonc to work
Sheriff's Lt. Charles Con awav s.'lid
the n1an \\':IS dressed in ,;typit;al
motorcycling clothes , co1nplete with high
l<1ced boots." He said there was no
si i:?n in the in11nediatc area of Ille
111oto rcycle that rnighl hav e been ridden
by the 1·ictin1.
Conawav said thl' \'ictiin had tx:cn
de<ld onl); a short time \\'hen he 1vas
foun d. ~re said any documeni s 1ha1. n1ight
ha1·r been in his possession hCld been
removed .
Pennies fron1 Alco?
\VASHINGTON (AP ) -'The Senate
passed and sent lo the !·louse todav
a bill to permil the govemment to usC
aluminum instead or copper in making
pennies. The authority \\'as requested
because of the high price of copper.
War Waged Against Animal Litter
"Remember -t.he morning dew should "It's too bad when we come along
not be doggic doo." the next day and observe many little
That is the rallying cry or Irvine · ed h bo Park r..1aintenance Coordinator y,·ho is 'business droppings' sca tter I roug ut
wagi_!!g ~ one--mon war againsl "doggie our park.
doo'fliTi'Cting city green!capes. "It's even worse when we don't
Charles Knowles, whose job it is ·10 o~rve them,'' Knowles observe!. "l lave
kee p parks and city-0wncd greenbelts you ever had to tell the waiting tennis
neat and tidy, cites city lav.•s banning players to 'go ahead without you'
free running dogs. because you had to clean your shoes
"During the day, several dogs may before walking on the court?" he a&ked.
be observed roam ing about a pa rk. Jeav· "How about little SU11an, who, after
ing a llttle "p" nt this tree end an playlng in the park , comes home with
occasional calling' card here or thre," doogle doo on her shoes?"
he said In a preM rell!ase. Knowles asks for help ln combattlng
"Also, in the evening, several dog lhe problem and suggests how Irvine
owners may be observed walking their citizens might help.
dogs , complete with . lea•b, pau1dng oc· He urges residents to ml'lc:e 11ure
casionally to let Fido dolhls 'business' "Rovtr i5 kcnf in his/her own 1ar<J."
on the grass. Further. ,;lihen we walk. our dog ,
. "'.fhe master then continues along en· on a leallh, we can carry •'little bag
1oy1ng your well kept park,'' Knowles and scoop to remove the doogie doo
safjt .. from the gr111."
1.,. S1Ji4
Sale $1089.
1 to" 111 L"tfll .
.... 11470
Sale $1189.
l'ltlDAY 'TIL t :OO
1721 '#ISTCt llJ 01.. M1 ·1tll co,.. ••••• 12.11101
10,,,. S11M11., 12.11JOJ 494 ... 111
At;,J our
Serv .ice
,\ Sunduy, \Yrdn~•day ud Friday
Of the l>:iily J>iJot
Cot u prvt1t1·r11? 1'1!t"rt write
l'at LJ u1111. l'at will cur Ted
to 71t, rH·t th e
• u11~1uers u11J
~ 1 ::r:~·~ i n :q:,~
[H'S Ill {IUV-
1:'11nneut a11d
b11s111css. fl.f ail
y IJ /I I l}UeS·
:ions to Pat
U u lt n / Al
Yu11 r Scru1ce. t)ru11oe <..'oast
f)111!~1 111/u c. l '.U. Bvx J.S6n, C.'osta
1\/1·..-u. t:11., 9262G. Include 11uur
f4 ,1·1•l1t111tt 11 u rr1/:ler.
\\'tJfJrl f)t•lit•(•r!I f)ll \t'tC!J
llE.\B l'AT On S1·pl. :!~ I purchased
011t·-h;111 1.:.11'1! u! 11 oud 1ro1n Cll'n l'1pkin,
I.u s ,\1;11nllus \Vull(l $all'S for $:!7.50.
l 11;1~ u11h:tppy at lh~· a111ount st;:ickl'd.
li11 1 1111• d~'ll11 ·r~· ll1l'!I 11 uuld11't 1nakc
;111 :ulJ11~.11111·11l. 'l'hv tullo1\·1ng d:1y I
11•..,la"\..1•11 :1111: '1l":1~u1~·11 lhe11·ood, which
sl1u1ild h:1\L! bl.'l'!l R-by-4-by-2.ft'tL :ind
ft \lilt\ ! h;;!I l'!Tl,:h ~·ti abOU\ 1 ~ Qf \hl'
p1111·l1·1"1·d 11u1.11.l l '\'1· n1ad e th ree c:.ills
to l'lpf 111 ~l'lt'\' tht•n, All l"\'C retci\'<'d
t' 11ul11t• ;1,sllraru·c 1h,1t I'd rcet·1ve<l
111~ tt ill t1H·;1s11rl' ot 11 11011
!' .. I .. Curuna drl i\tar
l\••\l lin1c .111u Ql'i!t•r :e hal f-curd of
\1uutl. 1ncasurc out the .6·1-cubi c-foot
~lliH'l' lo he 1ilkd in a1h ;1n rt• :uut wateh
:-tut·~i ug lu Sl't it'" nut ··tot:-eahin" ~tyle
11i \h l.1r<..:c l'!ll!>\,1 ;-uat·t·~-1f it's short.
don 't p.1.1 until ~uu rt•ecilc lull rncasure.
In 1h1· n1t•:11!1in1t>. Piphin tlt•n ics any
c·alls 111·1·1· rrt·ri,·ed h~· you e\en though
~11•1 ,,.1 ~.i :1 h.111· !hr nhnnt• hills to
prO\l' lht•tn. lie pron1is1·~ 1., 1nak1· in1·
n11tl i:Hc dl'lilcry lo fi ll tht• shortagt'.
,,.,,. 1·.s. ICmplo!JPs
IJ~'.i\l l 11 \T \l:H1y ret.1rt•d ft•dl•r:il
t·rnµ1o~·t·s 1 1 1111~ 1t1 rn11h1 lt·home pal'ks
111 llus stall' arc no! :i11are that 1herc
1' a nut1on:il organization v.ork ing Oil
th1·1r personal hchnlf. This is the Nntion;il
,\..,.;ot1;1!11111 uf ll l't 1n·d F eder ;1 l
E"ITT ployL·t•s (N :\fiFI·'.\. h1·arlquartcrcd in
\\;1~h1 11gh111. IJt'. 111111 loc<1I chapters
throu~hnu! lhc 111ll101 1. Ont• '>ltt'h chapter
'" 1n :-iu111111;ilt" Ca !t nH'\'IS a! I<Jfl
JI I!\ t•:1l'h. 't·("1 1n(! \\1•dru•-;da\' ur thi•
11111i1!h 111 the• 1 01n111un 11y (\•11ll'r uf 1h:11
t ll~
II .II .. Sunn~\'ale, Ca.
Auy lt·tl...•ral annuit;inl or sur\i\·or
\\ishlnjt inlurmi1tioo about nrea chap1ers
111 ;1~ v. ri ll' \u ll :irotd Bul1011, 900 lh·n·
\](•rsun Al l",, '.'-puce ~.-1, Sunn~va lt', Ca.
!l lU81i.
,'ill<'Pfl \·s • .lfilPfl!/I'
l)E.\lt l'.\T· !'111 tonfu,t·d h1• <111 lhl'
1 ,1ru111s Pt'l"C't'n!;1:;1•<; titt·d on h01v nutl'h
;..1s r111l1'"IL•' 1 h;1nges 11·h1•11 t'ars ;in•
(1111.n ;tt .1.,,1 r .. P1'"'" ;\rt• !ht•rt' ;1111·
il•·'lr"l!li\1• •l<t!l•fu·;; hll rlu ... :111tt U111:..
J)J1 • 11••' 11' i•'I ;111" l'llTldllh1111'r t"U\ llllU
ll1ilt•,1!!e ll'l"~ lllUL!I"
\\'.I' .. :\"1•11p91•t Hl'il t'll
Hesulti'i fl ( "officia l"' tr"t" C'ondurtl'd
hy the Ft'ricral llighv.u)I Adr nini slr.atloo
i1u!i1•11le. :1 l!l~O nr 111'\\Cr n1vdl·I C'ar
1·11r. ... 11n11"• :to "; IH'rf'l'l•I 1110:-1' e:isnlinr
T•I :u n111 h 111;111 ii d••i·~ lra11•lin!.: :H
.iii 111rh. T:u· ail"' I!!" 111•1!· .. p~·r gnllon
f1 •r all 1·;1r, I .. lt·d 1111"1 u•i!':.! a ir 1·on·
()11i11ul11::1 \1 " 11'.l'l :il ~.·1 mph . Thii'i
1lroppt•d lo 11".a l 1nilr~ ~r i.:a llon ut
tiO n1ph nnd 14.93 ;1\ ';O n1ph . \\'ilh air
l'nncli1ioni11~. rquip n1\'nl in use, the
;111-ra ~f' ndl ('~ "fH r "1tl lun 11·crt• 16 . .f!.
:II ~O mph. 1:i :it llO n111h , und ll.li
:ti :u llljlh.
.,.,.!/ ('111'.< .t1111i11
JI !~ \Ii I' \'I' h:1\"p ;i 1'1111• l::Aa<'ltl
\ :\ t l·A :~.i 111n1 l't11111•ra for 11"hich
1 11t'1·d <.f'Vt'ral ;11·ct·S~M'l(''· l111t 1 haven't
ht·1·n :1h1t• tv find n d~·alt·r in th is are11.
I 11ro!1· to I· o.;;111;i·~ .\t'I\' 'Yurk head·
qt1ar't•·1·.-: ac:k·11~ l'l r ;1 lnt;il ~:1~t'S suurt'l'.
hu r 1h11v ~~L sent n1e then· cataloii
;ind J drn't 11 .1:11 Tu onlPr by 1nni1.
if lht·r1'"s :1 pc\~~ilnhly nf huying loc;.illy.
I inquirerl :it ('Hi's Camera in Cosla
~\CSil \I Jth no SUCl"l':o.S.
.I.\\' .. Cos la l\1t>sa
Give Cal's nnolhcr lry. This time talk
to t,:1rr'' J.3rscn. lie will arrange to
order 11i1y 11;1rls ~011 require for your
t::i;arta t•uncra.
Does Srr111n lfppl!/?
DEAR.PAT :: i 1 .v•ril ~·1 lo Santa Claus
('very year, rn1 riYc years old . now.
I:>ocs he ever nns1\'t't lcttl'rS. or is he
too busyi1 My' toorh i:t hel ping me wrlle
this lcltt:t lo. :ioti.-.\!" (. T.E .. Costa Mesa
S.antu 's h:.id a flock of el,·es helpin g
him ans\\·er letters f11r hundreds of
years! r\h1yhc you oren't sending your
lcllcr to the rl~hl :11ldre!'!I. This year,
niall It to "North Pol~ 1~1atl Express,
318 W. llh Sl., Lon•'t\<llf'll, Ca. 9081%"
-ot1e of Santa's elves' pick-up polntl
servlflg ltte whole country. A1k mo1n
111 plelilse put a quarter In your envelo~
(elves, have to eat too) ond since It 1
mPll rush tbnr., your answer may not
wrrlvt until aher Christmas, ttut It •·t~I
come. I've heard your reply will Inc.Jude
a pertonnl message, a dally remlnder
nntl u song just Jor you. Since Santa
h~!'I to ke6p hl1' tl"e" busy all year,
tht>y ulso help him ~end "Surprb1e Blrth-
dny Greellng1 From Soni.a Chtu"," If
nHltl'I \\'l'lte1 yuur blrthdny date to lhe
i'intne address und encloses 35 cents
ilemonade money).
Friday Ol'tf111ber 1~ 1973 s OAll Y P!I IJI 3
On of re Ruling Bacl{ed
Safeguards for E1i11iro1111ie11t .S oii11 l led
01 !tie 0•11• ~llof Sl•tf
Th e question wa iin 't \\'heth cr th e San
Onofre bluffs were 1nore needed th:in
a nu clear po\\•er plant, but 11.•hether both
could exist on the sarne sue.
The st ale co&stal con1mission felt lhey
could , said Jose1>h Bodovitz, its executive.
director. as he faced a someti1ncs angry
Town Hall audience in An:.ih eim Thurs·
ll ll'BS Bodovllz' first pubtlc ap-
pearance in Southern CalJfomia since
the com1nission deni al of a per1nit for
the addition of 111·0 nuclear rcut tors
at the plant three 1nilcs south of San
And although his s1>cech 11•as entitled
"The Current Status of the Coastline
Commission ," San Onofre was the issue
of the dav.
The "pilnic ;ind hysteria" over present
energy problems don't justify thro11 1ng
out cnvi ronmentnl t..'Oncerns, Bodov 11 z
Slid .
hopefully . Bodovit1. :;:ud. a '"n11dt1tc
ground" v.·1!1 r~\1!1
!·le !old tus l1~lt't11•ro; th:it 11ht'!h•·r
or not t!Jt'.1' agr't:t'd \11th tht• outt·u111l'.
lht'V should LUl<lcr:.lnnrt 1t 11:.rs ;1
"re'~pon::;1lilt•. r1'<1:.on;1hl1· d1·~ 1~hu1 11i:1dc
by COtlC('/"flt•d pt•!l!Jll'" 11!1u 11:.i111t:d both
pov.•er and U..-;.1ch
En ergy, 5':ud Bodo1117 . 111 his opcn111g
remarks. 1s tJlllV one !11 tl1n1<' rn:11or
issues 11011• <'onfro1111ng th1· t'Q1n11H·<,1(.111
l'he o!ht•r 1110 arc pHhlh.: 11gh!'i ve rsus
private property n i.:ht :t and 11 t~\rtl
binc1t1on of dc11s1IY. 1nlC'n.s1ty of dt>\'l'!op-
1nen! :ind 11 ho lives 111 the l'<Jastal 70tlt•.
Phvsic.'.ll nnct social cl1a r:tcterist1cs of
coasial co n11nunitlcs huvc clla111..:ed . dn1 ·
ing n1t1ny lo\\'C·r·incorne. J)t..>oplc ou t. he
TI1e r:1µid of chnngc>. :.is 1nuch a:.
anything l'lse.. p!'r.rnp1t·d 1 11:1n~ pcup!1•
in Southt r11 Cahfnrnia to 1·oti' for
Pro position "'O a )l·nr tigo, Bullo' i11
l.1elie 1cs.
Our1nJ.: lhi~ flr~t ~to;ir. although ::it-
!t'llllCll h:ts ht·1·11 lrll'U'ed on p1·r1nit hear·
111g~. fjodn11t 1. !lto1·s11'1 l;t•l11·1t• the plan-
llLllJ.: h.1~ ht'f·ri 1g11ur1 .. r
A roa:;!.1! n1<1 :.h·r pl<.111 i.~ due 111 lhP
l1 ·i.:1t.l.1tu11· ill l!l'ili 111\d Thi· r1nn1nisi;\01l'I
;ire pn·pa1'1ng fvr H 11 1th 1h1· "1'calit)I"
of p1·rn11ts. he ~:1id. 1all1ng lht·ui "virtual
111sur<Jr1('1• rh~·1t· 11011·1 h1,• an ivory tov.·er
clort111u·n\ "
l.k1do\lt 1 1u'.11s1·d th" l~-rnt·rllbtr 8?'-1th
Cou:o.l r1·~1un.d t·on11n1s:.,1uu. 1\· h 1 c h
~oit·rns 11r.11l£tl.' nud Los 1\ng1·les coun-
!tt:S. ''" dl•ci1la!l1-I ;ind · l..uund togethe r
b1 a dt<~11·1 · to 11\ti \..1• the. thing 1\ork."
·Aft•·!" t11" r1:n1:1rks ;incl prcsi:ntatiuu
of i ~·ilor .;l1 <h·~ of S:u1 Onofr"·s ~r111dstont•
11l1.1fl s Horlo\'lt/ flpl'1:11dl•d 1hc 1'0nsl:il
1'hr11 n11 <,:-.1u11 :1g.1111sl frt•qut·111Jy ho::;til1:
q11~·~tl!Jll ~ .\li1~1 ol 1h" t·11n1nlt'nt~ ct·n tC'rcd 011
!lh· ~I..! l.11!101\ S:.in Onufr1· t:Xpa nsion
1H<11)(1 ... ·d !)1 ~1uthl·J n (':1hforn1a Edison
i1nd S;u1 1Jtl'g11 (i,1~ ;ind EJ..:<:lr1c .
He cautioned the cro1vd ol about 140
at the Disneyland Hotel lo be 11;11·y
of those who use energy J S a "t'OVt"rup
to gel out fron1 under environ1ncnlt1!
safeguards that shouldn 't be relaxed.''
Some concessions 1vilt Ju1vP. to niadc.
he said. because the energy sbort:.i ge
is defini tely here.
And the coastal C1Jm rnission 111ust
make some immediate decisions on prob-
lenis of a tomic po\\·er sites. deep-water
ports and oil drilling !hat Rodovitz said
ii cnec thought we.re "easier" parts
of the coa stal plan.
Cot111ty U11itecl Ft111cl Bid
Fell Sl101·t--But Still U11
Fo••!1l1t lfitl1 Teddy
Si pping his one beer a day ratio n al the t-.lia1ni \'eterans l ~ospital.
1\lfred Chapn1an rc~l s his broken hip and looks for,vard to Ins l O_Oth
birthday Saturday. lie reinen1bers fi ghting in Cuba in the Span1sh-
:\n1e rican \\l;,ir wit h president-to-be ·reddy l~ousevelL
Hughes Won't Pick Up
His Hall ;of Faine Aivard
IJ \ YTO\', (lhio llOl\'::lfd
llu~hi'S \\ill not :i.t1f'Jld I II d u c I i u !I
t't'ren1oniC's at th e .'\l"ia!lon ll all of Fnn1e
here to111ght. n close associa te said tod:i~·-
J{ct irt"d Air Force Lt. GCn. Ira Eaker.
(·on tacle<I in \Vashinp.ton D.C ..
Lund , a t"l·!ircd navigator
s.:1id Ed
f r o 111
Sepulveda. Calif.. "ill accept the a1\·ar<l
on Hughes' behalr.
Eaker, \\'ho served \\'ith Hughes in
\\'or!fl \\'ar 11 and later l\'ith !he l-\ughes
Aircraft Corp., was lo present the av.:ard .
Lund 11"as the navigator who ac·
companiC'd Hughes on hi s rerord-selting
rou11d-thc-11orld flight in 1939.
F:arlier. a Hall official said liughcs
11·ould appear in person lo accept his
ind uction honors.
But the chntlenge to leadership now ,
Bodovi\7, added. is to 1naximize c:hoiccs.
!o "gh·e us as much as 11·e c<in of
Encrg)I and concerns for the en-
vironment don't hal'e to be incompatible.
he emphasized repeatedly.
The commission's l'ote on San Onorrc
\\'JS si x yes and five no, \\"ilh one ab-
sent and eight votes requi red for ap-
The negative vo tes. Bodol'itz e.xplainc;L
1Yere based on CQllcc rn that construction
11·ould destroy acres of unique marbled
sandstone bluffs 1nill ions of years old
and ·would kill plankton.
But the question ,,·asn't, Bodovitz
outlined again, "is the pov.er plant rnorc
important than fi sh?
ha ve
•·\Vhat's 11•rong 1vith hailing the
designed in such a v.·ay as to
the plant and protect the fish"?"
Despite the fact that even imtncdiatc
con struction of the San Onofre nuc!c;i r
units "·ouldn't have an effect 011 current
energy prohlems, said Bodovitz, the co1n-
n1ission isn't con1placenl about the ac·
The Southci·n Ort1nge Coun!y l ·nitt'd
\\';i y came 11·ithin $80.00U of its ~! 5
1nillion goal for 1973 .
Brig. Ci l·n. Torn ltik·y I US .\1C-l\c1. l
,,·ho st'rv L'Cl as can1puig11 cl1<1irrnn n. an·
nounced the result at a •·can1pnign In·
slant Replay'' dinner this "·ee k al Philco
Ford in Newport Beach. He snid
Sl.420,000 \1·as raist'd during the fu nd
Riley pointt"<i out that the to1al tol-
lected 1\•as a 11.8 percent increasC' over
funds gathered fur Or:ingc Coun!y
charities lasl year. .., .
lliley said the Sout h Coast <llvision
headed by Bil! \Valker of Snn Clrn1c11tc
did best on a goal-prrccntage basis
an1ong Or<1nge Coast rilirs. I\ collcetcd
S4 1.6i4. 101.9 perccnl flf i!s go<d.
The Laguna Beach di\"is1un. hc<1de<l
by Joseph S1\·eany, nlso e:.:el't'dt'd it:> ~0<11.
It raised S42,088. !OLii percent of its
The flarbor Area dil'ision. whi ch in·
eludes Ne11·port Beaeh. Cost<i ivlesa ~111d
Irvine, raised $470 ,917 und er the direct inn
of Mrs. Doreen ~1arshnll of i'fr!11•port
Beach. Th.ll '"as. 95.1 percent of its tion .
I goat. "All or us are \"ery anxious thi s >e resolved as quickly as possible." he 1\nd i1 "'BS the n1ost raised by any
assured the. audience. of the divisions.
"There is great good ,.,ill 011 the part The highest pe rcentage or all, Rilev
of the utilities and the commission" said. \\'as raisNI b~· Oran~e. 1\'ht'r{'
The Sl.-1 111dho11 101al figu re reflects
apprOXllll<Lll'I~· $1 f\fi .OOO Ill Jl['\V tnoney
\Q the (':1tnp1J1g11. fiilcy Silld.
111· singled uut sevL·r<1l entities for
•·o uist:1nding ;ichicl'Cment in this year's
ca111p:iig11 .
Tht'Y \\'CJ"(' Philco Ford. Stee lcase.
Avco Financial Se rvices. Ro c k we 11
International. Collins l\adio Coi11pany ,
Southern Califomia Edison Company,
Arthur Anderson Con1 1)any, Pacific
Tl'li;.'phonl'. se~1rs. the city einploycs of
Costa ~h·sa tind l\e11•port RC'ach, Orange
Coa sl Colll'f!e. the Jr1·int• Con1pany,
the IJai!y ! 'ilul and !he I !0;1g Fou nd:1tion.
Oel very of ttie D.l•l.y Pololt
,~ goaran u.•ed
McnO••·F.,d•• II •OU Oo nol n~•• •Ou•
P•P<' PY 1·10 11.m., <•II ~nd vout <01>r ,.,11
br b11u~n1 11 rou, c.,1, •r< !•~•~ uni.I
1.ll I> ""
~•tu1d.1 r •nd SunG•v: I! yo•• oc not n<~I•~
·1out col>Y bV r • m. S •turd~•• or I • m
~uod•V <•II •nd , copy will b• trou9M !o
~·u (.>II• •rr t•••r un!ol IG ~ ''"
MO" O••no • tounly Art••
S•n Ju.n C•p,.1r•...,, O•no Po>nl, ~eutn L09un•, l oqun• No~uel . 0 1-l•lf
J\11uri Bus DriYer
Refuses to Call
James \\'. Jacobs, chairman or the
board of nominations and an executi\'e
11·ith c:encral Motors' Frigidaire Division,
!'aid IIughes "told me if he 's enshrin('(!,
he'll be here ."
to reach a compromise, he added. Every \l"Orkcrs c:ol\ccled S62.~00, 106 percent
µo ssihility is being investigated and of their goal. _
Police i.t1 Death
S,\'.\' FH.ANCISCO ~AP I -A \lunicipal
hu: dril"er allegedly refused lo call for
help as a \\'Oman l:iy dying on a street
con1er, 1x1Hre say.
Off1t<'rs said the \'iC:tini. f\larietta
()1(;irol.1tno. 31. 11a::. shot thr('(' l1n1(•S
·r11111'~day 11ight :is shL· argued 11·i th n
111::1n in a 1h)(lr11·a~'. There h;11·(' 1)('1·n
no :irtl·sts. al1hough polit·e tx-lie1·e the y
knf111· thl• gu11n1a 11·s identity.
,\ w1l1tess, 11"ho chased the gun1nan
clo1111 the st reel . told offiCcrs hC' passed
a i\1 uni bus and shou t('<! to the drive r;
"Tl1<it 1n:.i11 just shut a 11·oman, call
lt!C pnlitr.'"
A Ga ·v Ti111e •
ll<lll by All
1lc1ds1 1111' State Pr t;.;un \\lardrn Joe
Hoppt'r hns agr11t.."<i to allo1v ninC'
hun1osc xt1<1l pri.<;0ners to don l•ot
11ants, pink knee boots and glit·
tcring ~old rye shado\\' and appl'ar
as cheerleaders in a n1ovie.
The i11n1att•s 11·ill appear in "The
1.ongest Yard,"' 1vhich is being
filn11 .. ·d :1 1 !ht• inst.il ution and which
stars actor Burt Reynolds. Their
scenr includes a song and dance
Hop1>cr said today lhe decisi011
was 1nade at the requesl of the
n1ovie direclor and v.·ith the
kno,vledge or state corrections of·
ficials in Atlanta.
.JaCQbs conceded that \\"llS about a
year ago but said his office has been
in contact v:ith llughes' office in Los
An geles and had been told that Hughes
"l'ras taken a personal interest in this
thing all along."
rs~~t~~~~sp;~,i~mif m •'"""~r mm~m~~~ml
~FLO,CKED ~ llughes. v.·ho learned to ny at age
1-1 and 01111ed hi s 011n :.iirplaue at 19.
1s credited 11·ith f11rther i:ig co1nn1ercia\
nl'iation and con tribulLng to a1'Hllion and
1nedical rl'seareh. ~ ·I
I le niade a record-setting flight around ~ the world in !939.
During \Vor!d '\"2r II , his Jlughes ~
Aircrafl Co. bui lt a pro!otype of a rcvolu-1(
tionary fi ghter·intercep!or airplane and ~
the ramous 1\•oode11 nying boa t . i
··1rercules."' lfughcs :ilso took part in ~
lhl' dc-vclopment of ihc l,ucldit.'t-o<l ~
"Constellation" aircr:ift. B
I( Hughes does no! atrc-nrl thr induction fl
ccrctnon'" he vton't be the first inductee i1
t(I pass lip the honor. Char les Lindbergh ~1
v:as not present at his induction.
Douglas Fir
4' to 6'
Shore Pine
5' to e·
from s59s
from s99s
Crisis to Cause
Nc ,v Baby Boo111?
;, t Say''l11.<MAJ ClvWtma."wi!h ..•
LO NOON (UP1 ) -Fnmily planners
fear Britai n's energy crisis is going
lo cause a baby boon1 .
A spokesman for the Farnil)I Plann ing
Associ alion said the go v er n 111 e n t 's
deci sion to take the nalion's '"'o
tclel'ision networks orf the air at 10 :30
p.n1. -two hou rs before normal -
"'1ll send couples to bed earlier than
...usu a 1.
"\Ve are all fo r people feeling 1nore
loving over Christmas, but we hope
they won't forget to be careful,"' the
spokesman said Thursday.
Select A Beautiful
Holiday Poinsettia
To Top Off The
Christmas Spirit.
Regular $2.19
" ..
" ~ )I
FREE tree top ornament with ~
the purchase of any Christmas Tree. it .,
Will BE
)I ' !\
What Ca11 Yot1 Do Besides TREE LOTS
'l ·l 1\
Stare Whe11 Co1net Comes?
Here's a rundown on some of the.
featur es editors ligure will be among
"Sunday 's Best" in the Daily Pilot:
lots of things you can do besides gawk
at a comet when It comes by. Staff
Writer Rudi Nledzielskl suggests a few
(Sunday's Best)
in a story concocted from nostalgic
memories of Halley 's fly-by in 1910 and
factual reports on the current course
of KoholJtck's comet.
oUicials offer a long list of suggestions
-some simple and in expensil'e, some
complicated and costly -that can
change you r lifest yle somewhat and
reEult in cotlsiderable energy savings.
Daylight saving, of course, ls one that
l'Wlll be With us soon. Conservation hints
found in the YOU Section.
Great Salt Lake, onee an attraction
.. ot many tourists, has in recent years
attracted many industrial conce rns that
take advantage of its mineral deposits
-while driving the visitors away. An
illustrated A Sectiol1 feature.
pull-out--and·save section In f amily
\Veekly tells "all you want to know"
about holiday cooking.
O.c. IS · 16 -Lfmit 1 T~ A Customer
Bring The
•i .1
,J ..
" " •i
21 21 Ht wport D1vd. 2252 S. (, lrbt•I
Co,to Mt1n Sc"to A110 Htlf4tt1
PH: 646-3925 ~' "~·· l • • "ld\'4:!1~,.,... ~ .;;st.c:s~~i::i-.~t":!:~g;:&-·J
I J .. JLVfl!lOT
'fornadoes l(ill Three, i
:Cause Havoc in South
H~ Tht· ,\.;~01·ialtd !'rt'''
'\,,1 11;i•11~·' 1~11111·(.J b\ ;1 1·11111 tro111 1n-11
,1 tlll•'t' ;-l.11Hhl'rn ~t:ite~. k1ll 1ni.: t!11 •·•·
1)('rsnn.~ in S<lulh Carolina <Hid injuring
,,. l•·.1 t ·l:l 1n !'\(111th ( :1rol1na , l;t'ul g\,J
;,•.'I I 1·11fl>"•\<'1'
Jo:,111n:1 t(·d rl:Hna~r rron1 thi.' 1or11adr1t·s
l!1u1 ::.thn 11as HI 1he rn1l11on~ uf d11l!ar~
A !11>1~1er dcst ro~l'd IJ<trt vi ;1 t1·xtile
111111 1n ~\inet v Six. S.C .. and k1lltd tv.o
\\'O!lll'IL (:J1<1~i!y (;riffin ;:111J (J z a l a
I l11111q ~<in , bolh u1 !ht•1r lilJt. i\ 2·\car-0ld
UPI Telephoto
Storm System Shut Down Chicago'5 O'Hare Internat iona l Airport
Will Not Dec1l Di1·ectly
WitJ1 l s1·ael, Sctys Scttlat,
fl y As~ociat1•rl Pres:-.
l'n ·s1d1·11t ,\n>>'iir Sada! s:i1d l(l(\;1v
l<g>PI 11111 nut nrJ.:011,!tt· tlin'cllv 111•11
lsral'l at 1ht· .\l lddll' E:1st peace ton-
Hr· told nr11·s nH·n i11 C:;1iro lh:d J·:)'vp!
11,1 ~ 11ill111g 10 lf1• in the snmr roon1
11 1lli !sr:1t·l1 r1·prl·.~cn t ;i!ivcs. ''bur if ~ou
<1n· 1:dkinl.! .1hr1111 dirret negot iation.<;,
t!w :111s111'r i<> 1H1 ·•
!J., :1L~o s:1~d he !1opi•d thl' t11'0 s1d1·s
1111uld hP t1hl1· !O hil rgain seriously ;iboul
d1~··11g~1g1·rn1·n1 1Jf Eg~·ptia n and lsrat"li
torc1 s h!'fun• I 'hr1stmas.
S.\J),\T SPOl\J:: ;ift1·r 11it·r 1ing l\'ith
St:i.:rt•l ;1r.\' of Sl~lle ll~·nry /\. l\i:;si11ger
l«r !ht· S('CO/ld 111111• Il l 111'1) da~'S.
l\1ss 1ng1·r l:1 11~r l1·f1 fur Saud i Arabin.
1'.ill•n· 111 l:ill\s 111lh l\111g F:i1s:1 I lit•
h11r~·s to l'~1 ~ 1 h ,. 1\r:1h 1111 1'111b:1rg/1
(';11rr1"s offH·i:d .\l1dil l1· /·;;1st :'\•·11·:; Agc·11-
h1~'\IH.;r·r'.~ ~r(·r111d ~,·~.;11111 11 11h S:1d.i1
Ir 1l•1llO'd :1 l11'.;/1l'ltJl l' l'Ullll1lU!lll';ll1\IJ1
tu 1111·v'1 rlu· "l'l'J'l•!:1ry :ind l'rPs1tl"11t
\1\1111 111 \\;1 ,11111~1()11 .ind t.dks in C:11ro
1.dh t!•' :-.<i\1<'1 . l:r1!1•h :1nd Fl'ench 11111·
!1.0' .1U11f ,
I• 11;,~ l1.1rn••d 111.i' •li1· hi·:irl of lht·
1 :-.. dr l1·~: . .t11111 111 Ill•' 1;,.llt'\;1 p1 •:1r•·
1,,!1, 11 il l IH· 1\1 n!J:1ss;1dnr Ells11or1h
I 11111.• 1 711 Iii•· .1111l1:1~<;adnr :tt l.1r;~··
1111•1 l '" 111111 :1 !!ip trou lJ](• ~·hlH•l•'!'
111• •I < Io! ld"••.,ldt·1J!~.
11 ill :1ttrntl the C'l'l"l'llloni:d stnrl of the
t:ilk1' ·r11~'<;d:1v h11t 11·\l l lr:11·1· (:rncva
fur Paris 11n t\11· s1·1·11nrl 1l:1y. Bunl\rr
;·111d rt h•:11 01 o( 11lfic1;1ls 11·i !l then
n·prl'Seni !liv L·11111·d S!:1ll'~ :it the p.'.lrley.
'fod;1y's St'~"1nn b1·111·l'L'll S;idat and
Kissin ger, in !he presillt'nt"s cow1try vi lla
17 n1i lL'S north of Cairo, was 1narked
liy t•ordi:il l1:111d~h:1k"" :.11id smiles.
sirni l;i r to 1hr s1 :1rt 1if 1li1· f1r~l 1lll'l'tlng
Tl111r:-,d;1~ r11 ght
Hcforl' lll'11 srn~·11 Wt'!'(' 11shl'rrrl ou t of
!he prrsidentia1 sa lnn !Od;1,1' 11ie~ !1t•iJ rd
Kissinger S<ly lo S~ul ~I[:
•·1 APPHF:C IATEO ~·our !1ospitality
l;i:;[ nii.:11! \'('l'Y ll1ll('h. I thin).; it \VJS
l't'I',\' 11~<'1'111. \Jur l'rvs1d1·nt :;1•11ds his
w:1rn1 t'f'[!:1rd .... _ 1 t•nn111H1nil':1l 1•d 1l'i!h
hi111 d11r1111~ lh(' 11i)..'hl ··
i\o (\, r,111<; ll't'l"I' \l'.:1 1l;1bl•· •lf lh1'
sp11tif11· 111,111ers d 1-;cu~s··d bv l\is~in~··r
<tnd Sc1d:11 or 11 h:1I 1he r·o111;1c1 1111h
;\'ixon 1111:-; ;1b11ut
Befort• 1h1· 1111d111Drn1ng pn1 :11e :-rss1nn
l\"it h S:<d:it lh" ~·,.<·re1;n~· sqtH·1·1ttl 111
:1 brP:1kf;1,<..t 1ri1 h !hr British <ind 1:n·nt·h
:1n1b:1~.;;:1d,,rs In Cairo, a ~hori 1·1:-it !"
!ht• I::i~1·p 11.111 111t1st•u1n :111d ;1 ~ll·n1in11lt•
l11l k 111111 :-;,11'1"1 l'll\f11· \'I .I d I 111 if
\'1no gri1i!o\', ·
l' S ul!lt : • .I:-::,,11!1 th1 · !:ilk~ 111th
\ 1111JJ.Ct'arl111 -lht· '.'lt'\011d ~1 11r·t• l\1s:-;in:_:,,r
111T111 "1 Thur.<..d,1.1· 111;.:ht -fl1·:ih 1>ith
pru1 't'dtlrl'~ lt>:1d111i.: 11111 ;1nl the p1_·<1tT
1 i1lllt·1·\·11et· ;ind :d~.o 111n1 "~uhsi:111t i1···
J•~lll'~-·· Tht•11· 11;1~ 110 1•l.1!111r;111011
15ft 'lli~s Co1•ralll•d
Gi1,11fire Rc1kes Trucks
111 ll1 c>1.tnti1ig Violence
II~ l"nitrd l'n·,, lnrrrna lional
~lou11:1ng viol1·11tt· 11AL 1'.· 1n:1rk,,d :u1
1111Jcpt 11dl't1I trucke1·, pn111 s\ ag;iin .... 1 n:-;-
1~1g . dit·.<:+'I fuel costs and lii1\·(·r s1x·cd
1 111111~ l hl~· of 1h1' 1 .. ;1!li·rs of th('
'h:1no11 . ..;t1'.il111 11 11 ;1~ a1'1'1'.\t1·d nn 1·Ji:1rgt'"
()f can·~ni! a eon~·l'alt·d dl«i1\ly \\(':lpon,
1A tr<H'!Or·traill'r 11;:~ hlv .. 1n up nt
:i rr11rk stf1p t0d:11' ~c:llt•'1'1u~ 11Tl't·k:1i..:1·
fnr [,!) y:1rcl::. Ark:111s;i~ ~1 ~•11' !JOlu 1·
rc•r10r!L•d. l1 11as !ht' ino!>t 11oh·n1 intHh:r11
n ·por!~'fl 5U1C(' indt•J)l•ndcnt tnickl.'rS
n101u1ted rht•ir l11 0-day llf01('St <1 gain~1
1'1Sing fuel cnsl~ and 1011 er speed Hrnits.
J°'iO one \\'as irlJlll'ed.)
In Ohio. [I f()(_';1 t point for fl)UCh or
the trucker :1cti111t.1. at ll':lSt 2.'i tl'ucks
\1 ]1():-,(~ drll'crs decl1n!'.'d to coniply \\11h
.!he inrn>penlients' 1·ttll fo1· fl nation,n dr
"patk in'1 \\'er!! t ired on early today
:1nrl late Thursday.
Another 45-0 lo 500 rigs were corralled
into a truck.stop on lnle.rslate 70 near
ll:iyton and not allowed to lea ve.
Tiit:: OlfJO llJGll\\' AV p:1trol sn1rl 1h('
men were being kept t•t the s101> undtr
~.,;1r (;Jasg:o1v. Dt·I , this mo111ing, .Jo ln1
S:1ss1. 29. ;iod three i'Olnp;in ions 11crt•
!a~f·fl ult o cu:-:totlv :1fti-r n S<.'arch of
!hl'H' ~t.'1!ion v":ignn turn('rl up ;:1 l1andgu11,
S!:J t(' pnli«r ~aid.
~:1:-..~1 01n indcpc11dcnt 1ln1t·r \\ho
hclrl\."<I organ1re 1111' .. p:irk 111 ... te~11J1t'd
lx•fo rc ;1 St·nal c f'01n n1i ttc·(' h('a ring Oil
the t11icliers' pli~hl ('Jrln.:r th is 11 rPk.
S;1,o;.~i Hecus~·d tht' St'nate ot not acl ing
lpiickly t·1H 1U/ih iJ rcdrcs,<; truckers"
TifE \VORI\ STO i>rAGF; spread to
!ht-~1i11;souri side of the St. Lou is area
today as "a few dozen'' trucks blocked
exits nt l 1~·0 suburban Fenton truck
stops. A l\Jissouri highway patrol
spokesnuin said the blocka ge wa s "very
orderly'" and did not affect highwny
l raffic near the truck port s.
ln Baird. Del., Thursday night , a
trucker had his ll'indshic ld shot ouL
Similar incidents were reported on t\\"O
o!hr-r Delaware highways as the angry
independents atte1npted lo get oth<!r
truckers to join their protest shutdov.11.
boy, identified as Brandon J Farr, iln'd
11 h1·n a lnn1ado overturned )us /,1 rn1!) ~
rnobilc horn e 1n Prosperity, S.C.
AT I.EAST 19 [l('rsons \\'f'f(· 111JUred
liv tornadoes !hilt hit !\a1cty S1.x ,
l 'l'o.~p•:ritv and ('nro11:1t<-1. S ('
'l\1L·nly·nril' 1~:r~!!rlS ll l•re lrt·;1l1'•i lo•!
HIJUrl L'') ;n (;ai n1·~1 Ille, C11.. :1i11·r 111 11
1or11:1df1t•s :;1ri1ck v.1thou t 11·ar11111~ :11
luntht in1c. s1nasl1ing ho n1 l's :1ritl
l)l1.~111es;-,es on \1110<tcd hil lt op,.; (',\II
llefL•Jlst <1fl1c1:1I~ t•.;\1111at t·d rla1n:lgl· 111
(;;11nl'~1·illc ~1l 1no n: th:in $2 r11ill1011
In llC'111on. 1'('nn. a tornado r1pp1:!I
iolf the rfl(Jf 11! 11n tl~·rnenta ry :sel1u1d
:incl tlln·t• p11p1I~ 11't'l'l' sl1g l11ly 11111'1
··suddenJ1·. 1\1lh•1t1 ! 11·arning. th•· 1'••1•f
11as lifted frn111 th" bu ilding ~nd 1'ha1r:-..
hooks a nil othl1!' objt cts slartl·c! ti ;. 111i..:
:1rou11rl th<· ronn1 ~," IJftnc1p;il )!;11 :\l'1•l11~
:-;;ud . ···rhe sc hool is <1 t1)tal loss '('1Jlll1I<'
.\1ans!i<:lU . a Hl-y(':-1r-old toll l'J!t' (·11c{]
Ill (i;1int•S \ille. s11id, "I ll'as CO!lllllg ilHllH'
l<1r lunl'h ;11111 I 11>'11~ onh· ;1t;11u1 \!~I
h·t'1 frurn our 1tr i1cv.a1· Tli('n 1lus 1111~1·
tree r~·ll 1n front of 111t·:"
F(lH 'fY -F()U ll IUJ_\IF:S
d'·stnivcd, :w others d;1!:i.1;'.1·d
~l'l'l'r;;l busine:.,~ti> dt·11111lt~hL·(l
II 1•!'0'
'" L::11nesl'ille .
One ru1r of thrL•e 1r;u]('r hv1n1·'.'> 1n
nurlht•<isl G;nnt'~ville looked as thvui..:h
it h;id t'XplodL·<I. Bit s of t•luth i11g. 111-
sulat ion. Christtnas dl'corativns. \1r;q1-
plni: paper and \lrisll'd n1r1nl ht111g fr(l111
trres. A sm:ill brick l1on1c 111·11rlly 1111~
lh·tnol ist1ed.
Fire Chit•f Hub ba Sun11ncrs of i'\illl'T\
Six s<Jid !lie turnado tut ;1 s11'at h lll';iril
a rnil P Jong and n1ore than 100 fLt
\\'ide through a residentia l Sl'ction. ll•·
said about 100 hon1l's 11•erc tla111:1ged
or destroyed. and dan101ges cottld n1ou11t
!11 rtu· n1illir1ns of rh1ll;irs.
SLJ n1 nH!rs said f111d1ng shelll'r fur tl\l'
hon1elcss 1\'0u ld be no ir11n1edi;~tc prJh-
lem. "Ninety Si x is one hig fan1ily:·
he SLlid , ··J-:rervhodv knu11 s t'l.1 'J\b!ttl1
£'1sr . I goes:; ·they' are ~t :"iy 111g · 111ti1
:\IEAN\\'ll!LE. :\ PHE\\"Ii'\TEI{ storn1
chllrned !O\\'ard tile f"orthenst tudnv.
A heavy sno11·storrn. 11·ith r:111l :ind
ire, s t1111g the nort hern f·•!1ch1·cst 'fhurs-
day. du1np ing up to 8 inc l1e.~ of snn11.
snarl ing tr:1ffic and closi ng high11·a~:
fur hours.
The storn1 syslerll shut do11·n o ·Jl .irr'
lnt er11alionnl 1\ir1x1rt :it Chicago fur
h11u rs. \\'inds churned up liugl' \1 :n·L'"
in L<tkt• ~1 ichi g~Hl th nl µoulldl'rt lu\lll·1
;qJ:1rtn1ent buildings nlong !ht• ~hurt• and
Flooded garage ba se n1 c n ts. Sixt_\
1housand Chicago area hn1ncs ;11111
businesses \l'cre 1\·ithout pu11 l·r dunn~
1nuch of Thursdc1y.
Paris Talks Set
Over W orseninµ
Yiet Situation
\\'ASJJJ;.,'C.TO~ /A P) -Srr reU1ry 11f
State lf e:nry ,\. l\1ssing1•r :iru l i\.,rth
Vi('tnam 's <'hief pr<il'l' nrgnt1.'.l\1ir Lr IJ 1u·
Tho \rill meet in r nris nn DP('. ~11 to
disruss th e. drtcrior;1 ting sihr;Hiun ln
South Vir1nan1.
II \l'il l !)(' their fi1·st n1rcting 111 :-.1 \
Thi· l:ili·"1 :-.1•rp 1111 l\issingl•r's ili nf'r;1 r1
11·:1 ~ :1nn1111nt·ed 'l'IJL1 1·sdav by Jhi· \\'l!"1 '
lli>11St'. 11hi'rC :. "l~1k1·s1nan snid 11 1,.
l\1\1 1111·11 1101ild "il 1~1 ·u"" 1nat1crs nf
rnulu.'.11 111!l'fl'"t 1n 11\<· pn·~(·lll ~11un1 1111l.'
()!hl·r \'ictn:11n <k•1't'lnpn11·n1 s:
-l' S. 11111,l!ig('llt't· (.i11c('1·.; 1 ·~11111:11''
1!1" ;'\'ortli \"11•111:1111t·sv 11:11,r ~··11! vll'1ll !.;h
.•1·111... ;11n1 n1111111011 11nd ~11ppl1('<.. 11 1111
Sou1 l1 \"i0t n:1 m :-;inrc !la• fnrn1al l'l':1Sf'·l11·t
111 ~u pport 200,000 snldicrs for '1 vr;1r.
-Pn·~irlf'n! i\guyrn \'an 'rh i;•11 101!:n
nnlrrl'd his troops i11ln ' 'c n n1 Ii a I
1·1 :1r!1n1·s~" for ;i nc\\' \11n11111111ist of-
h'11Sil'e in Snuth \'ic!n;i111 d111·inf'.' 1·('lt-ln-:1·
!i11n~ (1f nc'Xl rnon1 h·s T1 ·t 11111~11' :".l•\I'
S . C11lift11·11i11
r-100Uv, <O<'I con~itlon' (~01fl ,1<i~'I ,, '~'""''·• ("lifo"''~ INl~y "'d 'T>fl'~ o! 1"~ '''"'" w"' """"'''"'! au'I"~ lne we•"'"'<J '·''" I""' '\ ~I ,,,,·~11ln~-
I•• l o• Ar><jelt•<; lr>d~v Ind S1111,•<I ,., '"~ I ~M "· " ••.oer!f'<I !o 11~ in !n~ lcw• r ~;, w' l'l ''" over.1iah! low SO'tle,,he·e I" ri.c I~;; )C" l hi>r• w.t• lighl ~mOQ lr1 In• h11•ln H1e lr>l&nd W•~Tl••r ,.,,,; ,.,,, ... ~11 \If" I"" ""'! lnw rlovO• oiving "'"v 1• ll ''1 v 11•1v '~"·Shine
hv miod11v 1n 11'• <l••~d. 'I" ,11• "''~''' •o!.~eit ~r> tvw .rd Ill• ler~ 11lTernn1n.
There "''"" V.ttl&blf n,~n cln•JO::' ,i i 1'•~ mour.1 ~10
C11astal U'enll1er
MO)TIY \U/lny loo:h v, L1QM y,,,;,,~le w1n<h n(g~t
~"d niorn,nQ hours ticcomlnv we1tc-1v 8 !o ll
~nols In 1Uernoons !od11v af\d S•turd•v fli9h IO·
IJ•lY /JJ.
Coast11I temPer.Hure• r~n9e irom 10 To /JJ I"·
I&"'<! ttm~re!ures renue "°"' ~1 lo 6.:l. w~ler 1eo"
~r1ture }1.
.'11111 , 11111<111. 'l'ides
!>•cnf\d tlin~ 11 ·~~ "m,
SeCD<ld ,,. I 0) p m
Flr1t Hlo;th 1<57 em .
F lr1t Co• 1:JI e.n1.
St<Otld High 1:<» p m.
St<:Oll(I ,_ 7:!1 i>.m.
First H19h 1:S4 1,m ,
F Ira! ,_ t :01 e.m.
"'"" """ 1:l S P.m
SK .. ,_ t :SJ p.m .
S11n RI ~ s:OO .. m. St!\ ,,15 ~.m.
MOOn R!'e' IO;ll p.m. Sets lG:M 1.m.
W or1il-Na.tio1uil
Ncivs Also Pa ge 29
" ~' ..
" " • • •• '·' " ..
Ch istmas
t .... H .. loof l. _..,,..,.
"Unique gifts from the marketplace of the world."
Give a gift of
classic beauty.
(Jrn,1 !l' !Jbleware to J<kl a
111uch of elegance !o tho!>e special
d111 n1 •r pJ rlie~. Buy ~t>pa ra tes and n11x
l\l 111 rour pa n icular need'! Pier l -
lur ::.ugJ r .-ind l fl'<1n1er ~et.,, bo!!IL'
L 11<1~\L'f) ... v111e s1•t,, nap ki n holders,
L1u111b ~._.!,, t.indlehnldpr..;, and /I{, ... .._,.
fn,1r 1·! ,\ cf1,tir1ttive g1 11 fur the
hL•July 1n your ldl'!
3 9!1_ 12 99
Give Thailand.
1 111.ird~ Tr!11n l h,1 il.ind . N,11u r,1I lig ht ,1n d
d-lr\.. lt·c1t..11n<•<I L.:in11 11.1t t•d fur ,ir1 e.~t r J r1t h
lo(1 k,. U"~12 ".1i 1 :'\T T ,9"x!fi".
1'11" I l>\1ng 1' lt1n ' ... ,
• ·' •
C l\'£ SANTA A
Ri•l.1x 111 a ro(\..1n£;
thJlf \Vdh t•,[fJ
c11rnio r1. High
b,1t k b"-'t'" gi•n!l c:
<o upporf. 0,Hk.
pol1.;hed \Va lnu r
fr arnt', <otrr.1 t hed
, ...,,,,, \\'1th 11nlt'r1 (Old
Give Pakistan.
b l a~t with this unusual honker! Solid brass
taxi horns, mo re than 1 foot long. Allach
one ro a bike or a c.ir 599_6fl9 for h0Jid,1y fu n!, ...•.. , •.• ,.
Give Spain.
SPARK A GlO\\llNG FLAME. \i\lnodt•n \Vine
1>01 tlt:,; ~l'f\!' J' dl'cnra11111· cJndi(•·holdt·r\.
/vt.idt· in <;pJ1n . l,1, ~t y l r-.. f ,H h bo t lie
<.h,ipi•d d1!l1•1 o·ntll \\1!'1
unu-.u,11 \\It\•' L1bl•I tu•/' tal l.
.. ... . .. ... ' . ... . , . . . .. ·• ....
. .. 2 99
Give Italy.
<.1.1,~ ,1r1d 111 <111ght 1n>n \vinr• 11 ~un 1 r10 1n
l1,1l y. Clt«H gl.1<..<. d.-.l't·n-.rr huld., buHlc of
Wiil<•, IL(' l1n1•r kt•t •p<, I\
l hillr·d ju,c ~o . .!I!" 1.111.,, ... ,, ••.. , 1299
Black vinyl buckc 1 chair contoured 10 fit
your bod ~, Fua1n rubbe r cushion 5e at,
covered w11 h expanded vinyl. 4 R*9. ''·"
c hrome feet. 33" x 28~ x 32_# .. ~ALE , 3999
Mon.-s.t. 10-10; Sun. 10.J
494·8101 •
W at~h Y 011r Kilowatts ~ LA
LOS AN(;gi.r:s (AP) -SlUr penalties await t..o.s: Ari·
ge le.s residents who f&J\ to c-on1pl)' with ;1 ne1v la11 refj1Jlr-
1ng them to slash use of electrh:lly 1n 1hc.1r ho1ni•s aot.I
businesses beginning Dec. 21.
The City Council u11ani1liou~!y p:issi'<.I lite ordina11cc
1'hursday, iinposing a 10 percent reduction on n10st rl'si-
dt...'fl.ces now and setting up even n1orc dra!llll: 1n1'.1surcs
lo take if the "Phase One'' cuibncks don't suffll'h:Utl~ l'.1~c
the energy crisis.
\\'ffAT'S i\IOlt~, LOS Angeles residents may f11~d they
,1·ill be paying niorc lo u.5e less, !he city IX·partrtl«!Ul of
\Vatcr and Po"•c r said, since redut·cd us:ige prob:11Jly 11·111
force the agency to seek a 1·a1c inc:rrt1Sc to 111akc up th11
diffe rence in lost rcvenut·.
1'hc new law, backed by r.1ayor '!'om Ur;1d!ey , requires
residential and indus1rial users of electric1ly to cut (lO\\'l'!'
by !O pc~cent and commercial USC'r'S by 211 percent. 'J'hc
figures will be lxlsed on compnrisons \\ ith t!ll'ctricity use
for 111e corresponding pcrlod of !he previous year.
,r.:; -·.
A 31-ye.:ir-old security guard
\\'as shot in the back near
l1is Post SlrC'\!t ap;1rtmcnt in
11·h~1\ police described as an
(~ __ s_t_a_i_e _ __,)
appnrl•nt ''1nolivelcss" killing.
The body of J L·ns il lo lg::iard
1vas found by ;,1 fn('nd ear ly
Thur.~duy after he f:1i!ed lo
return t<; a p:..irt ~· nt his apart-
1nent 11·i1h a bottle uf ging1..•r
Police said ~tol ga:-ird \1 as
kilh•tl a fl'\\' blocks fron1
1\iesda y's douhlc 111 u rd£' r
. '-t'1'nt <it 1hc Til..i U i1"b
e Ellsberg Case
About one-third of the city's 900,000 residential cus-
1orners are exempt. 1tn• t'1ty ('ounC'1I dl'cidctt. on grounds
that 1nost of them are u1 the lower 1ncorr\e brackcl and al·
ready h;}\'C reduced their power use. to a n11n1n1\J111
OTHEH. ~l t<:ASUlll::S in1 posed under the ordinance in-
1·\\1dc-:i bt1n on Chrlstn1as tree lighting and S\vimn1ing pOol
h'-'<1llng. a11d a r{-ducliou in ::il ret:·t lighting and billboard
1 llu1nlnt1lio11.
If tht>~t~ btep..; f;111 to s1gnificantl~· ease the energy
lTisis by J;in. !S. the clcclrk:.il cutbac ks could be raisL'CI
to 12 pcrct>nt for hoine.~. 16 pcrcenl for industry and 33
percent for co1nmcrcial user!i . 1\ proclamation by the
ma yor and concurrence hy at least t>ight of the 15 city
counl'ihn~n "'ill bf' required for "Phase 'l'1\·o."
l>uring "Phase One," firs1-t11nc vio\:1tors of iht' law
11'i!l l)t' hit with a 50 percent s11rch;1rge of the cli:.ton1er's
full electricity bill. The SC<:ond violation c:arries a prn·
;ilty of tv:o days without electrit•ity and !he third :l five·
d;iy cutoff. Thereafter. ea('h violation l\'ill dra1v a halt in
Strvicc of "not Jess than fh e nQr n1ore rh<111 30 dtiys."
UPI Ttlrp~otg
Nixon Tax
Lcg:1J argun1ents supporting
Presi den t Nixon's s c If ·
det:larcd ext>mption fr um
California income taxes 1vi\I
be presen ted, considered and
revic\vcd -and pron1p1ly.
sources have disclosed.
The legal 1· vi den cc
presuinab!y V.'Oul d be 1nadc
to the California Franchise
Tax Board \\'hi ch is n1<1king
its O\\'n
rcvie1v of Nixon's tax
111 E SA~IE sources also
said it \Viii be dc1crn11ncd
whether Nixon paid California
i11eon1c tax during the eight
years he served as vice prcsi·
dent. "l'hat information may
be n1ade public soon. the con-1
fidential sources said.
Three former \Vhit(' Jloui:;c
aidrs indicted In lhl' brrrik·in
Ill 1hl' office of l)Rnirl
F.l lsbcrg·s ps~r hia tr isl ha\'e
lost o.1nnthcr ;1tte1npt 10 stop
proscrution of !he c;1sc .
The ltatl•s t rrrus;il can~(·
Thurstl:1y 1rhen 1hc stn!f'
l)ts rrirt ('(lt1rt of i\ppt.•:d
uphrld ::i Superior Co u r t
decision of Oct. HI. It drnicd
a \\Tit of proh ibi tion to J oh n
0. Eh rlirhn1a11. <i . (;ordon
Liddy and Oa\'id Young .
Sc icnti:--1.<; frn111 San Diego i\atura1 l li story ~Ju seurn
exh11111cU rcn1ain ~ o f a l 'aliforn1a gray \Vhale buried
ten .'c<11's ago after the \\'h.J!e apparently collided
\Vrlh :i .~hip . llc·ri~'iCtnblcd skcle!(ln 1\·ilt he used in
a 111u :--L·u1n cxh1b1 t. 'fhc \vll al e i~ 30 feet long.
Jn anothe r developn1ent, the
prospect of a state legislativc j
investigation arose Thursday
if the \Vhitt' House doesn't
clear. up the California tax i!
question soon.
"The people or Orange
County look on him as a resi-
dent." s<iid Democrat Kenn eth
Cory, a state Asscinbly leader
from Orange County, home
of Nixon 's San Clemente
estate. I
e 6as Denlh
f\fA RTI~"EZ I f\l1 l -A ~·ou n~
11·0111an has <l it·<l bet·ausc shr
t\'8S 1::il·f'n •·J:iughint: i::as." nr
nitrous oxide. in~lcad nf ox·
~·gen to hrl p her rrro1·cr fron)
inles!inut su rgery. the Contra
{'os!a Couzit.v C11ront'r has rul·
Tht> roronrr':; r<'!l(lrt i<:.<:11t·d
Thu r.sdav s;11d l>1:1n1· Ll11d;1
Thon1as : 26. of R.ichn1und . di(':!
\~'cdnrsda\" :inrr t11J<>1ni; into
:t coma :\ol'. 26 f11Jlo1r1n~ an
oocratlnn at Contra Cost:"I
11ospl!a1 for remo\·al of h1·r
gall bladdrr.
e Sueur Ffllnli1'1
~l ,\ :'11'.\!0TI! :'llOL1'.\T.·\l'.\
N e 'tV Disclosiire La iv
Sp<i rks R esig11c1tio11s
S1\l'H \:\tf.'.\1'0 (.\!'1
Cal1fonu:i's llf'\\' cc;nf!ict-<J f-in-
tC'rt•'it J;111· is 1 r ; i:; gr r 1 n g
l'l')';l;::tnat1ons, h•gal fighl s ;.ind
oppo~i1t(il\ f1·on1 c111ze11·pol1ll-
'I h1 · !l'l'tl'rl!rl'. \\ hj('/l ~ll('S
1111 11 1·f'1·(·\ Jt1n I. \1·;1s
t·h;11 :il't\•rih'f\ Thurscla~ :1s 1111
1n\·11s1un 11f 1ht· pr1v;1cy of bo1h
pt1!Jlic (1f!!l'i<Jl., :111d p1..'flp!e "tio
1lt•ril \\1th tht'lll in ;i non·
poli\1r;1] t"<ij);Jf'll~·-
"\\"E IM)'.\"r nbJl'C'I to !hi'
n1r rits of tht· bill \\c ol1jrt'1
10 1ht· nn1biguir .1· ·· t\e1·.·H:·1
l'ountv Counsel Hn;ui l\1 shop
s;11J ;11 n lll·aring btf,11'l'
St"1'rl'tary of St<i t'.' Edn1und
G. Bro11n .Jr.
Jl1s <'OUtl!y fdt'd suil TUC'S·
1iay challenging !hr con-
stJ1Utiunal1\y of LlH' n1easure.
L'1t~ :111d county off1l'iil\S 1hcrc
;u1d in nutnt·rous o t h e r
l 'nl1forn1a con1 munltics have
resign('d or threatened lo
resign l'athcr 1l1an ton1ply.
1"he \~nv applies to elected
nnJ uppointcd officials fro1n
Ott' govl'rnor to city council.
Professional a n d business
pt·rsons elected to f'i!y or
eo1mty posls could he re(jui rl'd
lo re port !u!:d annual rr<·ripts
fron1 1•a r h p:1t1ent. client or
cus!otnrr, Bishop s;tid.
Cory said he has been
besieged with que stions from
constituents about "'hy Nixon
is not paying stale in<-'Ome
taxes. I le has asked the staff I
of the Assembly Revrnue and
Taxation Commirtre to comt'
up with the ans"·crs. I
Y outl1 Heltl
In Stabhi11 g
Of Ki11, 80
SAN F'l1A~CJSCO 1Ul'l1
A voung man was arrc!'ted
ThLi rsday on charges or fat ally
stabbing his grandrnothtr in
her Russian Hill mansion. I
DA.IL Y 9 ro 9
S.6T . ? ro 6
SUN. 10 ro 4
Model JET80
Portable Microwave Oven ...
Incredibly Fast Cooking !
G .E.
$229 95
JET 70
Time to Replace Her Built-In DISH WASH
CASH (0.A.C.)
Master Charge
Extended T erms
We Install
• 4 W•llh Cvcl"; P•rm1"*nt p,_ with Cold
Water Cooldown -Norm11 with Ext•• W••h S•l1ction-D•lic11e for G1rment1 1h1t Nied
Speei•I Car e 1nd Actf~11ed Soak
• Fit111r ·Flo traps l int
e 3 Wuh-2 AinH T1mp1r1uu111
WWA 7030P $1 99 'NOW . 95
Low Priced
• No•mdl W<t~h S1lec11on !or
V>90•ou~ washing of ever\ld.iv
loads .
• 2 l ever Wa~'11n9 Action
•Built-In Solt Food Disp~r
•Cush.on Coaled Racks
•Dual Oeterqent D1n11n<;er
•Tuff Tub 1 U lnte•1or
ONLY $159 95
Se rving Santa Ana
Jan. 2, 1974
t.'\1'1 -A sk i patrolinan
11s.<igned to al'alanc!1e conirnl
1ras killed in an nccidental
rxplo.~ion. the ilfono C<luniy
Sheri ff's office reported.
r.rarvin R. Critton. 35. np·
pnrcnlly 1\·as prrpar111i::-311 c"-
plosive c h:1rRe 11o·hcn rhc h!·1st
oerurred Thursctoy niflrning.
a sheriff 's deputy ~aid. l'nl!on
11•.e s alone and no one C'\sc
11·as injured.
]{ea2a n St i 11 Sl!AST :\ COU'.\"T'\' Counsr!
rlobt·rt Hehb<'rg (L·stlfied hi s
('nunty plan11111t; thrrclor :lnd
tlir entire p!r1nning con1·
rn1ssio11 J<; rt•sil(ning. Th ree <1(
lhr <'On1n1 is s1ontr s sa u.J the
di~closure lav.' is the r'.'ason
for !heir rt>si~nat1ons ,
Robert ~t Pasqualetti. 27 .
\\'as booked at county jail
after being taken from tht>
psychiatric unit at SI. r.lary's
l·lospitaL I •
The bodv of :\lrs. Stel!a PJS·
qualetti. So. "·as found '.\O\'.
\4 1n the kitchen of her hon1r .
Police sald she had been
:>taOht'd 11·ith a 12.-inch kitch·
('ll knife latl'r found in ;1
CO 7303 R'N
GE Hybrid Aeflacolor
e Pape r 81111
VAN NU\'S (AP) -The
Tribune Co. of Ch icago ha :<>
purchased !he Van Nuys
Publishing Co. nnd Ne"·s
Building Co rp .. publishers of
the Valley News and Green
S,l\CR .. \'.\!E\"T!) I ,,\I' I
Cahforn1a 1:0\' Hu 11 a 1 d
ltca ga11 , considrrl'd :i porrnt1;il
prcs!dt•r111al c;u1d1dt1!l'. Sil\'S ··1
don't C\'l'n lrt ll)YSl'lf think
aOOut an ~·1hing or thnt kind
unt il this job is O\'Cr."
In nn interview 'fhursda.1·.
fleagnn insistl•d · "J'\·c n1ad c
no plans I've 1nadc no r
decision." /
'Silent Prayer'
Proposal Studied
Cal ifon1ia publi c schoo l
children would ha ve n dai!y
n1inutc. of classroom prayer
or n1cditation undt>r a proposal
being investigated by the State
Board of Educallon.
THE U.S. Supreme COurt
ootlawed r e~'it a po n of
claMroom prafe rs in public
schools in 1962. 'fhe hlgh court
held that a nondcoominatlonal
prayer in New,. York sch~ls
vJM unconstitutional establish-
ment of religion by a sla te.
But California Bollrd of
Education members Thursday
ordered board a t t o r n e y
Thom11 s Griffin to review a
Massachuset!S law which re-
quires a minute of silent
classroom prayer or medita-
tion at the beginning of each
school day.
Tll E EXACT \\'Ording of the
Massachusetts legislation ts :
",\l the corn111cnce1n cnt of the
first class of each day in I
at! brrades in all publlc schools
the teacher in charge of the 11
rooin in which each class is
held shall announce that a
period of silence not lo exceed
one minute in dur::ition shall
be observed for meditation or
prayer. and during any such
period silence shnll be main·
ta\n cd and no activities engag-
ed In."
On a motion fro1n Eugene
Rn~lc of Rosevill e, t:riffin was
asked to r c v i c 1v the
~1assachu5flts lnw ""1th 11le
possibility. if the sense of the
bo<1rd is in that direction . to
have lhc board prep.1rr liin1ilar
legisln!ion in Cnli forni:1.''
Jnsurancrn1an l~obt'rt Long
testified hr is one of the three
members of the NeV'.lda Coun-
ty Ao.'.lrd of Supervisors v•ho
v.·oul d bcl' forced to resign
liecausr of the n('\\' la1~'.
ZIP ••• frontand
sleeves on this macho
denim slack suit by
Robert Lewis 50/50
• polyester & co tton in
white1 powder blut>,
navy, red or yellow
with conuut stitch.
tr11sh can .
Police s_aid PasqualeHi in 1
!he past had been trt>aled for
n1rn1nl prob!en1s nnd was
hospitalized at SL f\1ary 's 101 days ago. Hr had work ed as
a \Yarehouseman .
w.n,-.1 ·~ ........ -.. , .. ~, , .. , ... .., O.u ., ,,...._ M. "°""'
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Emergency Care Issue
Discussio n now in La guna Beach is questio ning the
present level <.J f en1ergency n1edic:al service provided by
t1 ly pollcc and fire departments and one private all'!·
bulance l'Onlpany
Lagun a Beath has the opportunity to gai n rnuth
frorn the experiences of its nei ghbori ng t11ies. San Cle·
n1en te and Irvine both have wrestled wlth Lhe e1nergency
care issue retently.
Allhough each cit.y look a di rferent al?proach, both
found satisfactory solutions fo r their publi c en1crgency
n1ed1ca l care needs.
J,aguna needs to evaluate its ernergency n)edi ca l
sel"\'ll'C front sta rt to fi n ish, fro1n such things as spel'ia!
telepliohe nun1bers to care at and coordlnation y,·ith
South Coast Cornniu n1ty llospitaL
It a!so co uld consider ernergency transportation CO·
ordinaletl wit h the 1nil1tary. A progran1 utiliz in g U.S.
1\r1ny ~·l ecliva<· helicopters has been successful fo~ civil·
\3n authorities jn the Fort Lewis-Taco n1a \V ash1ngton
En1 erge nty n1edic:al rare is a vital service, one too
in1purtant to be dealt with superficially.
Rescue Operati o11
San Juan Capi strano's Los Rios Street !hus far has
been an area untouched by the spra\\•I that has char·
acterized <.levelopment in the city in current years.
But threa ts to the small colony of ancient adobes
and 1nore _re<.:ent hu1nble houses appear lo be increasi ng.
SpanJsh-su rnamed families whose ancestors first settled
the valley .
The colony recently faced a 1najor threat from an
adjacent development which needed city permission to
use Los Rios -now a dead-end street -as a widened
collector to serve a tract of townhouses.
Such a n1ove would have ruined the character of
the quiet neighborhood and would also have meant a
threat to several hi storic -and not so histori c -dwell-
P.lan ning commissioners were wise in refusing to al-
Jow the plan. The residents of Little l·Iollywood once
again have rescued their unique neighborhood.
Fitting Toke11
The San Clen1ente planning con1mission has lost a
concerned, dedicated and outspoken member this week
with the resignation of George Bowles.
The scrappy commissfoner ended a 10-yea r stint as
an appointee on the panel after decid ing that after a
decade it wa s lime to turn the pos t over to son1eone else_
B'owles was a n1an of few words -a co1nmissioner
who shunned rhetoric and always expressed his senti·
ments. when needed, in hard-hitting fashion.
('ity councilmen have accepted the resignation with
regre ts and at their last n1eeting agreed that the most
fi tting token of their gratitude would be easy to offer.
The entire area has borne Lhe title "Little Holly·
\Vood" for generations and its residents constitute the
For the first tin1e in n1emory, the council has
granted lifetime privileges on the mllnicipal goU course.
1'o some, that gift to Bowles n1ay seen1 a small ges-
ture, but to all who know Bowles and his Jove of the
ga111e, it wa s indeed a nl ean ingful gift. 'This here's my new deputy who will help guard th' bank!'
Nixon-Ford Feud
Rumors Expected · .· ,, .
' ... -Wt\SJ-llNGTON -One of \Vashington's
l;ivorite indoor sports is the promotion
Of ill \Viii betv:een the Presid ent and :.\h1.: vice president of the United ~t~tes.
'2f!_e n1ay have a brief suspens1~n of
111t•ble that as t.i rne passes, rc>al or 1mag-
s;ed causes \vi ii be found to suspect
\~gined causes \Viii be foLtnd to suspett
~at President Nixon and \'ite President
tFord arc feud ing.
• Now thi s potential
ls 1nore sinister in
tliat anv statement
Gr a Ct i on by
~ice President Ford
Will be examined
(()r its relevancy to
t:h e im peachment
or resignation oL
Presidt!nl Nixon. Th&~~
rn~ior relevancv already discussed is
tbat Ford's iippolntmf.nt ;ind con·
ftrmation by large n1a joriries rnakes tf easier for Republi cans to ~ust ify Ni x-
; ·on·s in1peachn1ent or resignation. ., ,·
~·: ANY ACTION BY Nixnn \\'hlth ca n
~be interpreted ;is dcn1eanln~ Ford V.'ill
'141imll arly be susi>ect..
~: The general n!Sult. is the crra!ion or undoubtedly th e most delica te rela-
' tionship bctv.'ccn a Prc.sident and vice f president in hi slor~'. l! 1s rerolled that
·when PrC"sident Andrei\' Johnson l\'35
impeached th ere 11·as no l'icc prl'sidcnt.
f Previo us frictions s11ch ::is Roosevclt-
G:1rncr1 K P fln l'd y-.J oh n son and
Eiscnho1rer·1'1Jixon carried no such dire
con~qucnces BS \1·ou!d be 1111plici1. l11 :1
',break hl·LIVl'l'll Ni~nn <ind Ford.
' FORT[l\,\TJ.:1.\·, th t're i:; I i t 1 I c
hkcl1hO\ld of it: ~ind . for !hill llHl\l\.'I'.
1lltrt' 1-. 110L n1uch \l't:>ighl 10 he given
lo lh c 1ch·a Iha!, ll!JW lh;1[ t~orcl v:ould
:-uccl·1·d lo the president). ( 'ongress can
procl'J•d 1r\!h !ht rt'llH.n<1I of Nixon.
\\'hiJC' It JS !!'Ul' jtJ;1t SOlllt' r{epllbiiCCltlS
a!re;idr lnclinf..•d ro hurrv i\:ixon out of
offi rv. "such as Sl·11;1(ors -.J ~vi ts of Nc\v
'York ::irld Broo~e of ~l:issachu.se tts. ran
llSl' tht' Ford eonfirn1ation as further
JUStific:1l1on. lhf·re <Jre pressures in tl1e
opposite direction.
• firsl. as an al1ern;ili vc. to Nixon in
~ ti n1e of dornestic ·and international
.,-s1r;;in , Fnrd is not. overpowering. On
~ti.is point lherci is considerable. confusion. r Those :ittr<.u;(l~d by the transition of
Nixon to Ford usuall y console then1selves
that Henry A. Kissinger \vould remain
as secretary of sta te and direct
An1eric11n foreign policy along: lines
<l lready laid out.
TlllS REFLECTS a basic miscon·
ccp!ion of the a11thorlty of a secretary
of sl;itc. and or Kissinger's role in !he
el'cn\s '>l'hich hav e shed n1ost credit
on Lhc Nixon adn1inistratlon. Kissinger
could not have acted alone ; ln many
n.:spects he was more a craftsrnan th<in
<• creator. In any case. the prin1ary
decisions were made by the Presiden t.
and the propelling initicitive came from
hirn. 10 say nothing of his personal
skill in carrying out international con·
Ki ssinger ha~ no illusions on thi s poin1
:ind neithe!' sho11!d anrone else, So it
ls far fron1 enough to. say that Ford.
through Kissinger. \vould tontinue lo
dirccl interna!ional policy with Lhc saine
1neasw·e of success.
IT s•10ULD BE noted at this point.
however. that there is a steady effort ,
)Jrgely through the person and office o: Sen. 1-lenrv ~1. Jcic\;son, lo swec p t1.~ide the in1age of Nixon's success in
foreign pol icy.
This effort conce11trah'S on the Russia n
\\'hl•n t deal. !ht' ne11·1y pcrceivf'd dan gers
of !he slratC"gic ;_1rn1s <.1greernen!, ;ind
lhc energy crisis as It relates to tht:
Ar<1lr lsraeli 1var.
Jf !he Jackson effort is effec tive, '\'hat
11·as prev\ously dee1ned successful "ill
be rl'g<irded :is a <1'1ngerous 1n1sc<lltul<1·
lio n and tint~ i'>1xon 's n1al11 clain1 lo
grt·;itness in lhc pre~idenc~ 1\·011ld be
Sl\'C'pl <1\\'t1y .• Fr on1 that poin t onv.-·nrd.
tht~ Ni xon to Ford trnnsi tiou 11•outd hn\'e
ovcnxin1e its greatrst obstacle.
ANOTllER POINT having to do with
such a transition is ho111 11·clc.ome it
\\'Ould actually be lo reg ular De1nocrats
ln Congress. Ass umin g tha t Nixon gave
UJ.i son1etln1e ln 1974, Ford v.·ould have
more th an l\vo years in the \\lhi1e House
to create a ne\V atn1os phcre <1nd run
for the presidency in 19i6,
1: J(is si11g·e r Mideast Plan
~ ...
\VASHJNGTON -In pri v:i te. candid
talks v.·ith congression<i l I e ad e r s ,
~crctary of State Henry Kissinger has
;,e\•ealed his inner plar\ 10 guarant l'l'
a Mideast settlement : a jolnl U,S.-Suvle1
military force . with other nntions shnr·
ing. under the sy111boli c fl ag or the
UN Security Council.
Kissinger, bucking so mc11·hnl dimin·
ished headwinds fr on1 the potent pro-Is-
raeli bloc on Capitol tliJl. carefully notes
that for the first time in history thr
Sovie t Union has agreed to a
"peacekeeping" force in which lht'Y
themselves may serve.
Tl:IE SOVIET presence in Sinni in
a UN-backed peacekeeping for~ v.•ould
infurinte pr<>-lsraeli hardliners alread:-o
fearful about. gro"-·irlg Soviet power ln
the Ea.st em Med iterranean and the Aruh
Middle East.
_ But Klssingcr argues with cold logic
J that this growth of Soviet power is
l Car more predictable. in an escala! ing ·
~iral, as Jong 8:3 the Arab-Israeli dlspu~e
&ntlnues. Soviet Influence there. 111
~ llaorl. was made possible in the first plucc • . 1
by !he Arab-lsraell 25-ye3r 'var in which
1\loscow was invited in as the Arab
champion to offset Am crlcan aid lo
lsrae L
BUT ARAB identification with the U.S.
and the West, particularly strong in
Egypt and Saudi Arabia. should reassert
ilSelf arter the Arab-Israeli stn1ggle is
brought under control -a condition that,
ironica lly, soviet presence in a
!X'acekeeping force will hasten,
Thus. Kissinger tells congressional
leaders that the Sinai peninsula must
Ix restored to Egyptian sovereignty atJd
::i "powerfu l" UN force placecl in the
la rgely demilitarized Sinai to prevent
n1ilitary attack by elther side against
the other. So far . his confidential talks
"'il.h congressiona l leaders have produced
a surprising amount of agreement.
So they meant 5 percen t instelld of
25 percent on the gasoline cut. The
only good ne\11s \\IC get out ()f \\lash·
ington comes oo a typographical
M. K. T.
Gloom-,. G111 (Ommen11 11rt s11bmllled bl'
tfld•rJ and d• nol nte:es~rill' rellKI lhe
~i•w1 of lh' new11>11>er. Sand 1our Pt!
1>ffve hi Gloomv G11J, 011Ur Pllor.
A 11 Optic<il
Things f Learned \\'bJle Looking Up
Other Things:
That such l>irds as the ind igo bunting ,
the bluebird and the blue jay hat·e
110 blue plgmc.nt in their feathers; it
is an oµtlc;il illuslon that. at certain
angles, they appear to be blue.
• • •
TI1at the "thoroughbred" racing ho rse
is not the same as a "purebred " dog.
in that the thoro ughbred is a delibcro!e
n1ixture of several breeds.
' •
11uit, of the 21 n1illi on Ainericans of.
fici11lly design<i ted by !he government
;is "substand<ird 11·orking poor," three·
QllBrters are \vhitc.
'J'hat i'llthough people in Switzerland
speak French, (ietnuin or Ttnlian aln1ost
exclusively, th ere ls a Swiss lang uage,
Hhaetian, spoken in the Engadine region
by soine 100,000 Swiss.
That "Libera!" and "Conservative''
\-\·ere political terms unknown until the
19th century, and initially had quite dif-
ferent meanings thBn they do today : a
"Conservative" held tha t State and
Church should be united , and a "Liberal"
held that governm ent should not in~
lerfere in private affairs.
' '
That if you have command of the 3,000
most frequent words in the English
language. you ca n understand 95 per
cent in any random sample of 100,000
running v.·ords; but in order to gain
only a 1 per cent increase in un·
ders!anding, you must attain an ad·
dilional 6,hOO words in your vocabulary.
• •
That the Nazi regim e was calJed lhe
"Th ird Reich" because Hitler regarded
the Hol y Roman Empire and the German
Ernpire. as the first two great periods
of Teuton ic dominance in Europe.
• • •
That "busy as a beaver" is as much
a misnomer as "blind as a bat" -the
beaver works only when necessary, and
plays most of the time: incidentally,
it has been found that when the beaver
population is reduced below a crilical
level, the animal seems to Jose its
ability for building dams, and often
seems lo Jose even the will to survive.
• • •
That, (!lthough we employ the French
word "Cinesse" lo describe a certain
tactic in bridge, the French themselves
don 't knO"-' it as such, and call the
tactic an "impasse."
lt1011nded Ecm10111~1 Needs Help
Strikes Are Out of Line
To the Editor:
\Ve are now faci ng a time of un·
precedented national crisis, and I 3m
unable to sec the logic behind the current
labor stri kes. Granted. the J\lea( Cuttf'rS,
Teamsters. and J\tachinists unions fel·l
they deserve 1nore, but I think th ey
are being a little selflsh this tin1e .
CONSIDER the consequences of a long
strike on this area. Shortages of food
\\'ill trigger price increases. citizens'
purchasing po1\·er \\'ill dtmlnish. and
customer di ssati sfnction and unrt·st \\'ill
increase. There arc currently enough
things happenin g in the country to cause
frustration of the ma sses .. \Ve are f;icin~
shortages in electricity, heating oil, <ind
gasoline. These situations, <ilong with
a \rounded economy, are serioos prolr
!ems. If you ad d to this a potential
food shortage, you are serlou s l v
threatening our ability to survh·e. and
!his could prove overburdening to the
average person.
Th is is a tin1e when \11e as a countrv
must tighten our belts and dig in 10
restore our economy. Our cconon1y Is
noundering, so v.hy do th ings that :ire
harmful to it ? This means : [)(ln 't start
!ilrikes; Don 't stop v.•ork in ~yrnpa th y
ror another strike: Don 't stop your
trucks in the middle o[ major higln11ays
and block traffir:.
Wl:IAT GOOD is a \\•age increase \\'h<'n
it results in higher prices and shortages·.'
Is this rational or r<'asonnbJ<'? \Vt' h;1vf'
reached the point \\'here \\'e 111ust stllp
being selfish, inconsid~rnte. and just
plnin stupid. and CQnsider the in1·
plicalions of our actions. \Ve have bel'n
livin g high on the. hog for too many
yea rs, oblivious to the mnsequenecs of
our extravag11nt llv.ing patt~rns. TI1e tiinc
h<ls come for us lo pay for our glutton)'.
nnd to hegi n to 1vork for what \1'e
r.-:!ceive on~ Bgain .
E\•cryone is going to he hnrt by our
current shortages , but the S\Viftness with
l\'hich our country recovers Is goi ng
to depend on us not rnaking ridiculous
To the Editor:
Unless of course you force thi s matter
of censorship into a total absurdity by
making front page nev.·s of everyone
in the area who sells Zap comics. it
may be possible that the arrests of
Let/crs jl'!J!ll rcqrli1 is ure 1c1·/cr1111£•.
JYv1·111al/y, l\'r1/cr·s s1tu11/d ru11!'t'1! li1~·1t
nir;sSIJ!/fS in 300 !f(/l'(/S (JI' li'SS, '/'lie
r1ul1t 10 co11de11sc feller.~ to jd . .;1111ct
or t~li111h1ate /1be_/ 1s rcs{1rrl'd. ill/ It'/·
u·r.~ 111!(~/ i11l·/11de siu1u1/111•r ruid 111n il-
111y ru/1/rf'.•S h11/ /l(lllU'S llUl!J /IL' !J'i//i.
/1t>/il fiil /'l'f]llf'St I) Sl!f/1('i1'lll l'('(/,•Pll
I.~ 11/1/!Ul'C!ll. /'uClllJ !II// 11iir. be piilJ·
the 01rners of the Fahrenheit 451 !look
store in L~iguna Beac h for all eged!.v
se lli'rg obscene books rn;iy ultirnatcly
lead to a good purpo:il'.
·r111s CCIL'Ll l t'Ollll' ;1\)0UL 1f the
Su prcn1e Cuur1 c;1n bt' rnach.' to St't'
th at the "con1n1un itv standard'' n1c:thod
of arriring al \11har 1S cons1dcred obsl'ene
or pornog raphic Is unfair becau se, in
;1 to\vn li ke Lag11 n;i 111 particular. 1l
1s, in1po ss1ble to establish a "comn1uni1y
standa1·d" due to the fact thal CM.1r
popu lat ions is rnadc up of such a divers1·
ty of people and points of v1e:w.
Since.. in matte.rs of freedon1 of speech.
lt can hardly be shov.'n that a co111munity
is in d:ingcr becaUSL' of 11 h:it books
nrC' being so!d. it Sel'nls to 1ne th<il
th e real !hreat v.ould b(' cn·<itt•d by
th e i111pos1tlon of arbilr:iry stand:Jrt!s
even 1f they 11·C're <igrced upon by a
1n:ljor1ly of people. Thl' 1n:·11urlt_I' \'OIC't'
11 l11ch c .. s1;1h!isht ·s !:111 . (·~p\·r1allr 1n niat ·
tcrs of the prn(£1('tio11 of lift• and prop-
erly. is not :ipplt('ab!c in rnattcrs of
!ree sµecch.
OUll Ptll..ICE lil'p:1rt111rn1 <Ind the
Ornngc (.'ount~' di~tri l'( nttnrr1t·~· ~ecrn
hell bent on 111aking then1sehes despised
by n1an y peo1>le TI11s 1s cer!<iu1l~· un·
fortun;itc. since lh(1y esscnii :i\ly :ire [11
a posi lir'n of do111g grt'<I\ ~er\'k·e fnr
the comrnuni!y for 1vhich they shou ld
receive our grBtilude. They shouldn 'l
be di rected into censorship activities.
l\.llRKLA i\1A RKS
F r119nl it11
To the Edi tor :
Known facts: (I ) The Cil y of _Laguna
Beach 'is nol yet rol!ing in excess funds.
t2) Ci ty officials have announced a need
Panorama of the West
Vast expanses or land to he turned
into homesteads, fur to be turned into
gold, gold itself to be had for the
dJgging and panning -such are some
of the elements in the glorious adve nture
told in Tbe Amerkan Heritage Jlistory
of the Great West by David Lavender.
planned and edited by Al vin M. Joscp~y.
Jr. (MtGraw·Hill, $16.50, de luxe ed1t1on
$18.50) .
IN TllJS BIG, superbly Illustrated
book, orginally published in 1965 and
out of print for several years, the action
!'!tart~ In 1763, the year England told
·her colonials not to settle beyond the
crest or the Alleghenies - and bold
U>ng Hunters like Daniel Boone and
scheming land speculators li ke Richard
Henderson poshed over the enstern
mountai ns .
They were followed by p r o u d ,
semiliterate, self-reliant men and women
in search of the dign ity they llK>ught
they would acq uire with the ll:1nd they
felt shoulct be theirs. Mountain men,
explorers, missionaries. miners. soldiers.
homesteaders. railroaders. r a n c h e r s
surged westward -and fought the In·
dlans almost every step of the way,
rnE COMPLEX. many.faceted story
is told as one swirling, panoramic
whole. meshed chronologically from
beginning to end within the larger con-
text of our national history.
David I.11vender's ability to bring the
West authentically alive hns been
demonstrated in such books as Benfs
Fort, L.and of Glanl,, Yt1f'stward Vlsk>n.
and The First of the Wilderness. Alvin
M. Joscphy-, Jr. is a widely known
au thority on the American Indian and
the West.
fo r space io hou:.e such things ;J$ recr{!J·
tion facili ties. ~L·nior t 1lit.l'l1 °S cluh house
and lifl'gu~1rd f:1 cilit1es. 1'.l1 'fhl'rc \\':'I S
a structurally sound bu1ld in~ on the
north tnd of L11guna·s J\l:un Hl'<ll'h llhi'
11ld Boy's Club 1 lJU!. :11:1:., as forrnf'r
i'i!y ~!;:i 11:1 gt•r Hose -~<(Id. ··1t 1~ not
lht• rnonun1Pn t lhn t 1ht' propo~rd nt'w
bui ldings v.·ill bt• ··
PROBAB ll.IT\·: \\'ith 5 to 10 thousa nd
dollars, thai huilding ('Ould h:11 t' hcrn
refurbis hed 10 Sl'rl l' :1nv of !hOl<f' nerd.~
d lld 1nconsplcuousll' hlt,'nd i1l1u lhl' IH'l\r
pnrk. 111 is pl:innt'd 10 ri·bu!ld 1hr samr
;llll0llll1 of S(!Ullr'i.' fOtii aL::\' l'ISl'l'>here 111
!hL· park for 11·pll 01·t ·r SllXJ.CX)() cost
10 tht' r11izens of L:ir-:una 1
llomil_I'' If a frul!;tl 1x·r~on h:1s only
one C'ar of CQrn for his £lock of C'hickens .
!h;it person 11·ill proh;1bl~' find -a ust'
for the t11b.
Rrgr<.'t : \\-'ottldn'1 it h:ni· b(•t·n 11ic1•
ii the r ity h<1d said. "L;n:u11:1. ire know
11's ,., h:+rd ro1\" to hO<' <Hid 11 1•'rr· c:o1ni:
to ~pend $10 .UO() lo S-<ll'l' \\Ill SIOll.f)I)(),
~inrl \lt•rry Chnsun:1~~" \I C' r r v
Christ111:1s. ·
\\ .\L \\'. LE:\K
A 11 Ii -.~t•111i Iis111
To th~ r:ditor :
r re11d with l/1lt'r('$( \'n11 Jlof1n1:i11·~
Dl'C. 11 article 011 !he bun11icr st1('k1·r
\\'E \VA:\'T OIL .\OT JE\\IS. 11h1ch hl'
att ;1cks as a11ti·St•n111 1e. Thtil. ol rour:;:e.
is true ..
110\\"E\'ER, Ii I 1\l'I'!' :in l ~r.'lcli_
would choo:'P 10 li1·1' \1·11h th:~t ~1nd or anti·S..·11uti <;n·1. 11l11(h I" itJ.·n1 ifi11hl<'
Jnd c<Jn h1· 11111t.1'1 11u1 hy <111y Jc1rish
truck dt11't'r. rn 1!11· kind vo11 Jl nffm;111
himself d1spl11y~. \\hich is f<ir rno1\'
dangt>ro11~ and 1·1r1ous.
He spc;ik~ of thl' txp::insinn of l:;r/irl'~
bordrrs :1-. 1f !hi~ Ot.'t'UITl'd liv ch011'"
nf lht· lsral'lis, \1'hich 1.~ !111• "ll us:-ian
l!n('. 111 110 1nsta11cc has illl\' ~1c11nn
by the lsrnclis s1ncf' thf' forn1<1tion uf
th(·ir country b('cn .~uch as 10 be con·
:;idcrcd aggression hy any reasonailll'
:-;tandHrd . Thrcat~·ncd \\c1tl1 cxll11('!1on , <11·
lBcked over and over it"Llin h1'
ovcr\\'helmingl)' unbalanced m t'1 j t a r ~,
strength. she h~s come to \vhere shC
is today agai nst her wil l. Israel ,\·Otdd
gl <Jd!y cxch;1ngl' its territoria l gnins for
peace Bnd security -and n1>l hi11g il'SS
\Vt\I ever get this territory b<lt:k.
FC)LLO\VI NG nusSi<J ll ;idvicc is \'lhnt
got the Arabs \Yhcrc thL'Y ;ire, Con tinuing
to follow ii 1111!1 lake thezn furlher 111
the ssn1e direction -nowhere.
Robe rt N. ·iveed, PubU.~llcr
Thomas KeetiU~ !'diior
Barbara ~f'titridi.
Editorial Pad~ EcHtnr-
.nw. edi!orlal pn~ or the Dnily
Pilot seeks to inform and i:Umu Jatr.
':8cll't'! b)' pre-scnting on this page
dive~ •commentary on loplc:s or in-
terest by syndic11.ted rolunini&ls and
cartoonists, by Jtrovidlng a forum ror
readers' vlt'Ws and by pre~tJng thhi
newspaper's opinions afld ldt'M on
current topics. The edllorial opinions
of tM Dally Pilol appear only in lhe
editorial . ~lumn at the mp or the
page. Op1n1on1 expre:S!l('d by the col·
umrrlsts and canoonlsts and Jotttr
writeni art their own and no end<>r.ii~
ment of their vi~~ by the Da11y
PUot ~kl be in1ffl'ed,
Friday, December 14, 1973
I ' '
DAILY PILOT frlclay, Dtctmbtr 14, i q73 .
SAVE 82 •••
warm ribbed knit
Fashion's newes t knits for grea l
mating' Sleeveless U-neck style in
a barrage of terrific new soli d col·
ors ... get several ... layer 'ein on with
shirts and 1eans. S-M l ·Xl.
\. . . .
Enchanting for 1\ W
lhe holidays, 11\ 1 I\\
1111 GOWN S!:Jli .
\ ~ y . ""'
Be an angel. .. get her one for Christmas! Floaty nyfon11
peignoir sets wilh gowns in mi~allz or long lengths.~·
[xqllisite sheers and tTicots In snowy w ile, flo wer
pastels or bew itching black. S-M·L. . ~ -
GIRlfBRDSffEil \ -..
· Positively adorable! Gowl'IS, pajamas, em-
bellished with dainty smocking, faociful em-
broidery ... lo win over every little girl's heart
come Christmas. fleecy-soft brushed nylons
in a dazzle of 11-0llday shades. 7 to :14.
C~k These! ~
l adres Hancbags ....... 5.99 , 1
l adies' Kaflans ........... 5.99 ·
l adi es ' Robes ............ 7.99
l ad ies ' Scarves & Bells ... 1.59
• . . . . .. ~ ~
. . ·"
J .
The so fHouch nylon shin iha1\ u110111e " llasS1c ' Slyled for
year 'ro11nd ~vear v11th short slee ves. crrJJ ni:rkl1 ne. Get lun1 1 ~·10
or more at 011r ~ma sh-lo~"' price. We 11,1.l~ cm u1 most \'tJnt i::d
colors ... s11es fo1 all the guys' S M l XL
\ SAVE 83
zapped with
studs or buckles
~* 6.~.,~
the holdiay scene
Great w1!h holiday pants. skirt~! For
gilt g1~1ng! So richly puc~.ered Iron!
and bar:k. you'd guess 1! to be wonh
ri11' h mo1P. than !he regular pucet
Cuddl y wo11 m polyes l!!r 1n colors that
,111.: new, lresh, fa shion exciting! ~-
S-M L "."'
V.11uro Jnd ~l 1 1;~ h:rutic! f!Jre-leg C(J!10n
1.vdl~ puncned·up with gold color mer.;l
s.tuds. or -bac~ buc~lcd! A\I w11h
contrast st1ching. belt loops, back yokes,
two trnnt and two back pockets. B!ue,
wine. ~11it1n .11es 28 ln 38 .
... z
SAVE 12.11
reg. 1 i!BB 14.99
VJhat a great gift idea! Great for winter sports. cas11al wear.
l ightweigh t. yet amazingly warm .•. with polyester filling to
block out the cold. l ipper c!os~d ... even on the pockets!
Snaps high at the coll&r. Bel~ with buc~re closing. Wow
winter colors! S·M-L.
USE YOUR CllfDl~.1110
• IMUlllllCMI 3088 B R I ST 0 L ST.
• l&Slll CWCl CUI ~-__ _ ....
'llSl M11 CM11U(M1 Cl(l!I TltwS
San Di ~qo Freew,1y ,1t Ari s tol
~ ... . " .
full !outu1<· dilUl1 · /P ti ,p 1n
mod{·ls 101 rn1·n & wom~n l 1~ht
we,~h1 11,1mc lull l•·ndrr ·, hand
~ra~e~ tor bulh wh~e1 . ch~1n
P,uard & ~1c ~~ldnd #IUB. #lUG
3 1 99
49 .97
•' \
\ 2111 V4" Ti1es I
Jail 1'~!!gi•' ~ T ~
~~IO~ a tr•fnt 1111•
1•af1 ~~ .1~ \~•n ln-
11all 1n 1~.! rf .. n~t•:.
Bf !OL
A •.·ii ~~/ :r~n W•\I 1po1' 1.11•· 7 I r .. 197
QI :pr,,,n !JO l1.11un & 7 I'll 1 ' , 1 1'1 , '
rr\U t>r.:~ ho I ';11.1·1
Reg. 1.87 Brul lotion ~nd Brut s p1~r REG . deodo r~nt . .l.37 2.57
for modi:rn crntu11r n•. on 1he go !r1.-~
fi~al P~mJ~ B•1n produrt. n a l•PD•·rra
\l1.Jv111(1 f t ; 11: 1 ont~1nfls OT Jttf'!
h.l"' 1~' "" ·.~r,11 n•·11an1.1~111nd ·h~,
"' . .. , "
1~rrc'<; no end ro r~"
ne;i( things you r,Jn
makP w11 h this ? 1n J
~1! Molds and wav 1or
candle mak1n~: cuurr
"D01y and emorv 101
~ortlc and iug r.utt1nc
[a~~ and tun.
Prices good thru Sunday, December 16
BOYS' or GIRLS' 20"
39.99 RACING & TOURING BIKE ,, f Sporiv b1rvcle w11h i u~lom s,1d g' I ~!ipll• J die~. s1~sy bi1r. Lh1omc tpnatrs.
~hainguard & ~nobby 11ec1d rear
tue CHB 2~8 G
l oday's most popular btke at a fan1as111: low prirc1
f eat ~erwe1ght f1ame with bright. retlectorileO t1nish
10 speed gear system. Gear protectors. h•11n hJna
brakes. 27 x 11 J" tires. wrapped and plugged hJn-
dlebars. delu xe seat. #CHB -09
Kickstand !or 10 spee d hikes. .99c
.... :
CELLA 'S CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES , tie onlv ft\uc<iLtr~ co verfd
cherry you can buy with a 100 °c liquid centEr Sn: D~•
FLAVOR HOUSE 8 OZ. PEANUTS . b{Jtl!P o! dry r1 ,! !J·O n'•i~ Si!lt~d
1ust righ t and absolu!ely ~011c1ou5
REG. 3 •1 •« ... for
11 ·-·~... 11· ' y . MISltlC ... ltlll ~ I --. " 10DA H ISl lWIC .. l•llllltHllfl(llS ~ I
f ishe r Prict
-~ r -~:r,:; 'I
fi( ·--
1 t -----
' ' ~"' '-.... __ ---
~ -----.
MON. lhru BAT 10AM la IOPM.
your choice
± /.1\
0/1.t! v PILO I
. '
. ·L --~-:-~. -2997 ,, ...... ~ -•••. Ji.,1 • • •• --~
'" I, • ' i I • lflV I
!c1JP, .
~ . '·-i.··· 11.;1 f :.. I . l I ! . ~, --
This is good looking and rugged lugga ge !hat compares to J
nat ional bran" . luggage that sells fijr twrce its prrce. Rein-
lorced vinyl a,_ rigi d f1Jme cnnslructron wllh #9 heav y duty
11ppe1 closu res. Handl es arr sl1'rl reinforced and each prece has
a 9 in inside 11ppered prn:kel R11 h colors of brown. gold or blue. 1
KITCHEN.TDl.JfJ --ou~!RIG,,9'Rl-CI ~;~~
~ .'f . " . • !l
_ Mf a ;oo~ o1 an old c~!le ~adA culinar~ decor lon~ ~i!!!dled S"OO~. rofr. \Jw1fr'i!Oo spatula
phi: llanR1ng fM.~ Duraule. decorative and tuncl10NI
Giff SfARS
Att1ac11ve and tunctional se(inctudes lour 6~ 01.
b11ghl porcele1n mugs, ma!chinl! sugar and cre!mef
and a napkin holclef. ·
23 97 ,, ....... •• , jj,,,
=--4 2197 ,, ....... •• ,.1J.,,
,.,-----f 12~!.. •• ,. 1,.,,
SAVE s23aa
A ._.,. ,.11 .. """"". n 1 249 I .".,1.. )1'1J 'I l'r<U\'l .•n!I
~ ~· \ U :l1•• J1<r" 111 a I• •I
, , ' ~ ~'"'' 11~·' 1t •I ~ '" ,.,,,,,,. ;:•11n t.1 COMP.
AT 29.9S
urchoice gg . 2 QT. ICE BUCKET AND
Cl\oice of 7 d1Herenl hostess
serving pietes ot sparkling glass.
All arr. illd1v1dually bo~ed easv
OUI REG. PRICE 3'.99 299
le~wred wood t1n1sh ice buc ~el 1s insulated to keep
ice hard 101 hours. H.is d1st1nct1ve melal 111111. Comes
w11h 8 coasters Get this 101 gifting and party g1~inR.
!he a11 togetht!! mus11; system de!wers tut!, r1c~
sound. AM 1fM mu\hplc~ receiver has wide band
tuner and bu rl\ 1n 8 tr Jr~ tape player. Full Sile
4 spei'd rer6 rd Chrlnl;i:r 1\11h hase and dus r COVL'r.
Pair n1 sp~J~er~ ,ind f u\ton1 c.1n 1nr:ludcd
You get eveivt~inl! needed lo ma~e delicious red.
while or 1ose wines plus J tlandsorne be~era~e di\·
penser Each kit ma~e~ l gallon_
,1 0 DAILY Pl l~ __ _ fr1d:ty, OtCPmber 14, 1?73
W<1t so11 fl,1il8 'Devclo11111e11ts'
L1 Coc1 st Co11m1t111ity District
~·ur lhl' c·oast l '()tJ11l11Jlll1\
Colll·go J)1Str!c1. 1:172 "i J \1 ;1s
<1 \ i'!'~ good y\':lr, .'.lttordtnl!,
to 111<;\fJCI Chancrl!(lr Norman
I~. \\'al.'ion vdlO hns ~iven hi s
:uu1u:il rl·port lo trus!t·cs.
\\';rt~on in pr1·s1•nt1ng the
200-pngc docu1111·nt, ~;11t! 1Ju•
d1$lric l :ind 1\s 1 wo carn1>t~St''-.
(:olden \Vest ;111d (Jr:in~1·
f'onst, had undergone a year
{Jf "dyna1nic dcveloprnl'nt ''
desp]l(' ;1 !fll i'llfll; (Jff !:l
••nrol hncnl na\!i111w1de, and a
i.:i·nt•rul rll't'IL11l' uf 111h·r(!>I in
<001!1•gc attl'llda111.:1·
TilE f\10ST <l ran1:i1ir r1·.,111
10 take pl~11.:t· durn1 i.: the 19"."'l·
7:1 ~chool ~t>ar "·as the open111i;
of KOCI-:-·rv. t'harirH:l 50. l hP
first all-eolor tetrvis1on stat ion
to Sl'r\'c ()range County, llr.
\V;itson said.
Other n o t e v.• o r I h y ac-... ~ ...... .'. .,..., ..... • 1, •
To /like
. "
Out--0f-s1~1te s t u d c n ls at -
tending Orange Coast or
C:-Oldcn \\lest Coll ege nex t year
\1·ill ha ve to up the ante. :i<:-
cording to !rus t(•('s of th('
Coast Con11nunily C o Ile g c
District \1+to have incrcas1.:d
tuition fees.
1·01np1l~hn1cnts he cited arc.
An ir\('rca:-;e in the at -
!1'n<l:.in("t· Uf oldt·r stu dt>n1s and
parl·litnc students. v. hi ch
IH·l pl'rl rnol1\llt!' .1 I ~ 6 pcrct·nt
u1<·rP:is1• In evening class
~ 'II! 01 lrJJt•Jl!
-l·:xµ;uul .. (! !iealth !\1·r 1·1ec
1)r'ugran1s for students .at hoth
tul!t·gts. /{l>gistered nur~s.
pt1~·.sicia n.~ and ps)chialr1sts
arc sch c d u J e d . local
l;1btirn tor1cs :trl' prov1df•tl , and
arr1d1•11\ 1nsu1 ;1nt·c is prir
-·nie C'hi!drr n·s (.'enter :1t
(lr:inge Coa st Colll•gc and t!1c
Child Care. Ccn!er al Golden
\\'i·st College prov1d(.od nC'edL'<I
scr1•1<.·es for parC'nts v.·ho
11·1Jrked v.·h1le cont inuing thl'ir
t'ducati on.
nt'" L'Ou\pu1t·r. :'\n
S}strrn 370 :.lodl'I 155,
I B ~l
h1·lp~ with ad nlHll:?.lr[!tivc and
f111;1flt 1at pla.nn ulk:: l'horcs.
-<:ooperat1Ve \\' o r k ex·
perienct• ed11t n ti on rnaintained
11s 2$ pcrct·nt annual grO\\'th
ratl.' and achieved increci.~ed
cun1111wt1ty ,1nd fa culty suir
-Enrollment in television at
bot h colleges doubled over the
pre\"lous yc.ar. lo n1ore than
2.000, illustrating t h e in·
ert·ascd dernand for "non-
lradltional delivery methods"
lO satisfy current student
llespite these increases in
5"n 'ices the amount of monev
spcn! to educate each stude1l1
1\as S9:r.?.80. or about $100 le ss
~ than Lhe state ::i v e r a g e
-S!ud<'nt t'V<ilun!ion or in· \V;1tson said.
strutlion \r;·1s ::.!:i rted on :1 1------:;;;;;;;-;;;;,;:;;::;
l"Ollege11·itle basis ~tl both c0!·
IL"gt·s and in all cl;iss(' . .;,
ltlnrl~ets lloottte d
New 1·ork Stock Ex-
change chairn1an Jan1es
J . Needhan1 says secur-
ities auction · n1arkets
will collapse if a CE'n-
lral Stock .r.1arket bill
becon1es law. Says al)()-
lition of fixed con1n1is-
siu n rates will kill in-
C"enti\·es for n1embcr-
ship .
garden centerf
A full year of !iludy, or
30 units \l'ill cost !ht• non-rcsi-
<lent student S~l43 in::.1t>ad of
the $810 being ehargcd the
current year.
nt'IV Cireck goverrunent
hils forbidden the n1ar·
riage of .,.,.orncn police of-
ficers to anyone but a
Creek "of imi}eccable con-
duct, education. soc i a I
1xisition and <ledicatcd to
nntional idf'als."
.......... ~;.; .. ;;;.~ ...
Per 1u1il, the new fpc \1·orks
out lo $3 1.4:1 instead nf the
formPr $27. The ch<l ngcs begin
In .July 1:11h lht· $lar1. of lllc
!974-1975 fiscal year.
'fhe fee changes are the
result of a nc11' la11· v.·hich
allows con1mun ity c o J I c g e
districts to establish their ov.·n
tuition f(.'('s by computing th t•
current costs of educ:ilion p<.'r
Non-resident tuition fl'e<:
formerl y 11·c rt' cstahhshcd hy
the s!alt• and v.·erc uniforul
throughout California.
'fhe stipulation came in
H IK'IV l:Jl\I published in
Jl1c offici[1J govemn1cnt
r;;1ze1tf' tv.·o davs after LL
r;r•n. Ph<1cdon Gizikis sei z·
ed \>01ver in a coup.
Linder the law. offictrs
and noncomn1issioned of-
ficers of t he "gcn-
rlarmerie, city police and
fire brigade'" cannot mar-
r\' 11•i1hOu1 government ap-
prov!l. l\l ale officers mu~t
he ll\"e r 26 and female
offict·rs over 25.
• M•I• V•nl• Shopping C.-nler •
~ N o'\v··~a·PE N (~ . .. ~·················~····~ . .
Come In and tasle our outrageously
rich ice cream .. , we car r y <1t least
"o flavors! Choos e a <1e1e c lable
sundae from our large loun!aon menu.
We are open 7 d ays a week
11 a.m. to 10 :30 p.m.
Give the gift that
Mission VleJo
Camino Capistrano,
No. or
Avery Parkway
Yorba Linda
La Palma at Imperial Hwy.
!Nert to Arco S!•lio11)
Huntington Beach
7462 Ed inger
keeps on giving all year long.
Records and Tapes
·;; ' .
M oncludino;i· rt ...... /'tbu~.,n.. s....,~Ofu... ~mi... c.n· -.t.n. '"'l°" .. You n ... 1 1.4~ .. ,, .
Just for
Christmas 1.99
f(IR,:;~----, Barbra Streisand hnr/ othrr 1711 · . 1 . i.111 u tn.\tr11111t•ntf
•Cot...___";""""'"9: '
11 ·~ .. "'""'Gl""roe.IJnlw,pp,. r Mrs.ff/I....._.,. H•s S..., Sr..,
T""' Woold k A Concwio .,
Your choice
Record or Tapes.
3.69 4.79 ,,..
Albums 4.39
ff.cord• T•PN
If you ire looking forth• perfect gift
to please 1nyon1 on your Christmas list
Jet JCPenJMY h•lp you fill th1t stocking ..
Merry Christmas from Penneys.
Christmas Hn: Mon. ,tfiru Sat., 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
FAS HION ISLAND, Newport Beoch 1714) 644·23 I 3 HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beoch 1714) 892·7771
1123 N. Euclid Ave.
1050 Edinger Ave.
838-9000 .
I Ed i11t;1•r I N•wporl f rW'p.I
L.M.B~d B~{l ~etl1 W o~se
Tl1ru1 Little Hair
Take a bachelor who is bald . And another with ex-
ceedingly bad teeth. \Vhich characteristic is more apt to
turn off so1ne young btdy analyzing the p;1ir in her search
for a romantic partner ? Researchers who have looked into
this query at great length t.'Ontend the bad teeth are worse.
Haldncss, they say, is nowhere nearly as great a sex-ap-
-peal handica p as many OOld n1en be-
The numb<>r of people \11ho sleep
in the streets every night in Calcutta
co1nparcs roughly to the nu mber of
people \vho sleep in bedrooms every
night in Jersey City or Austin or Day-
ton or Cha rlotte or Tumpa . ,
\tight up to 'Vorld War JI , some
churches in l~omania charged th eir 111crnbers an annual
ren t for space in ht'a\'cn occupied by the relatives of said
nu~mbcrs, 1'1n told.
Q. "Except in !hf' Bible, is there any record anv\vhere
uf the rcsi:uc of a n1an fron1 the bellv of a \l'h<ile'!"
A. Sui:h supposedly oceurred off 1.he Falkland Islands
1891. Log of the 1vhalcr St<ir of th(' Enst reported that a
C'fC\V rncmlx>r. presumab!.v clro\vnrd 1vhile helping catch>
n 1vhall'. 11·as found in it the tH~xt dav, a\iv(' hut mani'1cal.
An e11trv tt1 rcC' V.'t>cks kit er indicn tcd the n1an to be coin·
plctely i-cr.:ovcred . Shrug.
llo1Y 1nany n1u sic;1l i11strun1rnts can you nnn1e that
rrq uirc the JX'rforiner to use ho1h hunds and feel? l1iano,
organ, hi.1rp1 dru1ns. Any othL•rs?
That foreign Jund 10 11'hith the \;irgcst numher of U.S.
citizens retire is Ca nada. l\lcxico is next. Aft er that , Italy.
A hal f ounce of tobacto is about ho1v much the aver-
;.igc pipe sn1okcr uses per day.
1'host:" );tholars \\'ho lik e to crilcul;i te 1he averages con-
lt'nc\ a t~·µieal 111an dt'VO tl's frotn two to four yenrs of his
lift>li1nr jus! n1;1king up his n1ind . Prob;ib\y 11\'0 years is
right \\';iii. n1avbl• it's four ve;1rs. Or do vou think three
y1·ars '.' Lrt"s thi;1k ;iboul 1!1is ·a li ltlc longer: ·
True. mos! husb;:inds resen t it \\'hen their 'vives open
!hr.ir rnail. l'olls sho1v that. P;1 rt ict1larly college educated
hu sbands. n1 lg ht mr.ntion . They secn1 !o be. a little touchier
abo ut th is n1:1tter than :ire the 1ncn \\'hO didn'l ma ke it
into C'ollege.
l\l cdie;i\ resC':~rchrrs ha\·e disco\'t'red thal ailment
kn o1\·n as hnrdeni ng of 1he arteries turns up far less fre-
quently in those p!nces \1·hcrc the drinking \\'a tcr is fairly
Costs ;:ibout $S.OOO to tr;:iin an airli ne stc1vardess .
. ·lddrr.~s niuil Iv L .. \I. fJuyd. r. 0. Cnx 1875, Neu.;-
porr nl·nch !J2Dfi0.
in the
On .the Wide angle screen
qL thi$ ·new Sony color
TV , Matt Dillon rides jus1
a little taller in' the saddle.
So does just about any-
thing else you watch on
the tube ... from horse
to soap opera . . . con-
tact sports to the mating ~
game ... An d the lon<i
lean profile of this SC!nY
does for your de.car what
tight jeans do for your
favorite gal or dude.
~<lfjisllaV,.over to Dahnken 's
this sex~ Sony.
md the • biggest
' Sei~. of name brand ·~~,f4~i~9S,., for y~r '"'~fei~i)7,. tn'. ·baUb·les to .~f5o · · 'k \·:~.r~.
• , . ,..,,,...,_W .
~i}ft'rlnltr<l~o\Ot'TV ~1'~/one lens
D Pushbutton 'instatune'
D 17-in screen (diag.)
0 Walnut cabinet, Ch?ome trim ..,~ .,.Y
.eOl\iY. Mk . ' ~-. ,~:mi··· 'ti "' '\ \~~ __ .' \ '• " " ,
Friday, Dtctmbtr 14, 1973 DAILY PI LOT J l
CAB Ob servers Checl{ Airli11e Smol{e Areas
c;overnmcnt en1ployes are
being urged to blow the whis-
tle. on airlines that don't
segregate smokers fro1n non-
lion. if any, the crew took sinokcrs and non-sn1okcrs. and
to stop the violation. the e11force1nent praclices of
Under a board regulation flight crew~:· sa id the t'x-
announced in July, ail'li.nes ecut1ve director of the board.
n1ust segrega te smokers fro m llarry J. Zink.
non·smokers. The r u I in g Zink said U1e boa r U
resulted from a long con-employes should get t he
troversy sparked by con-"names of crew n1e1nbers. surn er advocate Ra lph Nader. _ ~-__
and note n in ;1 report to
bl' giv t'n to the office of L1lll·
sumer affairs ."
Zlf"\K SA ii> thC' t"tllployf's
should note \\'hether t h c
airlines conformed to the.
regulation v.•hich requires that
passengers be asked if thl'y
prefer lo sit in the non·sn1oh -
ing section of the plane.
Sources said that n1ost or
1he airlines arc cooperating
wJ!h the board order, but tb;H
there \.\ere several that "arc
in continued violation of the
rules." In a memo to its 680
Employes, the Civil Aerooau-
tics Board urged the employes
to act as "observers" for the
board if they travel on air-
liners over the Chrisi 1nas holi-
1vho argued stnoking was both ......................... .. a fire and a health hazard
aboard th e airliners.
PR0~1PTED BY rontplaints
from non-smokers . the memo
asked for reports to the
board 's office of consumer af-
fairs of violations of the no-
s1noking rules, a nd 1vhat ac-
"I Ar.I ASKING tho s c
members of our board staff
who travel during th e holiday
season lO take time to act
as a board ooserver, and to
note the flight nun1ber jlld
the methcxi of segregatief ol
Close Indoor Parking Too!
loalll (oast ?Ian
Change to menthol Salem.
When the weather takes a
turn for the wors~, your cigarette
can give you a scratchy taste ..
If it does~ turn .fo Sti lfim .•
~ ·,'
. .
Salem;s natural menthol blend
tastes nat¥r<r:1lJy:~si:noOfm'.;N&t · .
harsh : ·~ot not ::Weatket or nGt !
i I
i '
• . ,· • •t,.,. t
I .
'-I "'
'; '·' ""
_,. '
Warning, 1he Surgeon General Has Determined
1hat Cigarette Smoking Is Dang erous to Your Health.
Salem smokes smooth
\veather. .. or not.
KING, 19mg.'ia r",1.3 mg. nic01ine, SUPER KIN G, 19 mg.'iar", 1.4 mg nico11ne. av. pe1 cigarene. FTC Repon SEPT. '73.
lit u~tlV PI LOI Friday, Otct mbtr 14, 1973
Fait·view A,Imi11ist1·ato1~ 'f o Patto11 Post Cliallenge tl1.e News\"Quiz
By ARTllUll R. \'11\SEL
Of 11'1e D4ol • l'olt! l!lll
Ont> o( fo'utr\ lt•11 SI a \ t'
~fosplla l 's !OJ) :ido11n1stril l h~·
officers. 1•:ho 101re:I the st<.1ff
of !he fact11t)' fur !he n1e11ta ll;•
retarded in 1959, is the 11e11·
assis!ant adn1irii!'trn1or for
Patton Stale Jlos p1111l 1n S<Jn
Rober1 \\' F'.1l'll. 59, 11.1.-.
1no1·ed follov.•ing his prurnotion
!o third in rnnk 111 l'a llon
and 11·ill li re iu s!aff housini.:
on its groun ds duri11~ the
JI E A.~U lllS ranld} plo111
1u rr.bln!.1111 th .. 1r 11rt''t·fl!
ho•1 1c u1 '1\Jsun
1-:v t!l serrt•d as 1~r~nnn1>!
off 1tcr at fo~airview during 1h•·
past fl\'t> years of his 14 year.-.·
te nu re there . h;1ving jOHled lh"
s!aff a Jew months after the
hospital opened .
lli.: sl<i rled us !hi.: fl r:.t assis-
lant to 11,e medical director
nt the Uista i\teso h1 cili!v
nnd ha s a 1ung bar kgroun (J
in administra!l\'e proRrams
dt'<'.d1ng \1,'ilh physical vntl
DELPHl-Tne m.uk1lpllt• lar 111r1<> hirnl!ur1 1.-d (ampanfllh . Wt don'!
I"" wrlp up ~our 1tt rff componenn !n c1rton1. Wt 1u1mllle "'•m In
t1bln1t1 o! r•rt tltg•nct, h•nd<r•Hod by our own m11!ir crl!h mt n. E•cn
1.-d !lnhh. !.fun nl119, 1ulnonllc period molih-Mitdlltrr•n .. n, Sp1nl1h,
<•b•n•I 11 cu•IOm·bult! lo you• tAl<I requotemfllh In decor, 1h1, color
lll !IUO P ro.in(lll, Early Amtrltln, &mplro, Frfl!ch Provlncl.i. Con-
!tmP<1r1r1, Orlnot•I. Comp11te 1ol1c!lon t i wood1 1nCI coi.r.. We c1n
t•l<llY m•tcn your prelllfil decor.
CA ~~[ 1 l[ M.[COROlNG U£CK
REO. r.1lt .tS NOW s197
Corne In o.1d req i1rer for our c!rowli1; fflrturlnq a Ken111oad 4
Chon~•! Sy1t1m 111orrh over S600 ... Monr Ot'ter Prins.
3654 So . Bristol Street
Santa Ana, Calif. 92704
Cus tom Stereo Systems
& Art Galler y
10·9 DAl~T-10·6 SAT.
12·6 SUN.
n1cut11l r(·h11h1h!ut1L11 proc..,···
i\ 'l~:;.l\A fll ~St-:·11·s nathl'.
J.'\P!' 11 flt"l1 th1> Ar·"\ 1n J~:l5
un·f ~11 \Vn~l ·I \\'~1r 11 ser \'ed
1n bot h 1·nri1hat J"d 11011 -com-
ba1;111t 1·;1p ot'llll·.-. as a ll of-
f ll'l'f.
l~velt con11nandcd the $1'e-
onrl Jnfan1ry l{l'g-imcnt of r!lc
Ar ncru.:an l>n 1'>1011 in !he
Pacific :.ind w ;1s la1er assigned
lo I\' or k in n progrnm
re•1afli111atin1~ troons convicted
of military offenses.
Jlr· !h<"' hc.·1·a .,1e Ad i•1ta nt
CL'lll'ral of Ille A1·1nv Advisory
(~roup in (;rccee '11ld upon
relire rnent in 1956. joined the
starf of S;in Qt1c n11n State
Pr ison.
E1·ctt 's dut ies there involved
admini">t ration of the i\'orthern
Cnlifornia f o r cs t r y con·
.scr\'a t1on program usi ng in-
r11;1!t' skills and labor.
... 01i S<1t11rclay's Fatnil y Page .
F~~';H,~:;:',.":~~~~~'i.f"*~·-:u~~';H:.';H;.~';H:.~"::;;:-9":~' ~ MERRY CHRISTMAS SALE! ~
~ I ALLEN I I ~~~~,L~!~~.~ !1\
I •-· I~ EM•~ F!11i11> ~ ......... 5799 ·
~ SALi •••••••• j
~ M.~ 11 WURLITZER WURLITZER 1' I --I (A~~ •• • Model .0011 Me,..-Bu! U>td :\ ,.;;; ·,1111J . Wllh CllO•d• Onl~ in lt><ft•r·• ~ l Rep0) S•ud•o
REFC,E1.,1.v1 •• E..,s.,PBR00bMEOvTel101 N 59 SAVE ~~ =:-:.l'.'.'.'.': _.. 88 :~
ha\'e two children . ~t rs. Judy M .., A J;,.11· hs "\ .f. s' C'ty I Ol"E~ EVENINGS I OJ
Mad >uff of Tustin. a nd ~ YY(;U IC J.V.lU IC I I AND 5 UNDA ~ :t\'
llliltl,\'f. A GOl!\'G·a\vay Robert, \l'ho lives in Northern ' -V\
"'""· o ,. Anthon v N. Toto. Ca lifornia. . 3400 BRISTOL ST., COSTA MESA 1\
s11pcrintcnd1•11t and n1edica\ ~Io s pi t n I Administrator U, SOUTH COAST PLAZA ~
r1irf•t lor. itnd Ken Clcwett . Cle1vett said a new personnel ~)1' TELEl"HONl 540·21)0
hospital adn1ini strator. cited officer wil! be chosen at 't ' -~
Evctt '.s nu Ill c ro u s con· ~~-this 1nonth ~--~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;!~~-~~~~~~!
'J'hc faciti!v du ri n~ his
tenure has n1ad c great prog·
rcss in treatn1enl prog rams.
pe rsoonrl n1anagen1e nt and
seeing other n1ajor changes
includi ng putt ing 1nanv pa-
tie nts out into a communitv
Pn vi .. flnmcnt v.•here thev can
runct ion in a near-normal v.1ay,
officials said.
Ut i li 1.in ~ a \\'ide \'ariety of
pro g ra m s and hum.an
resources. including the
statt!'s Rei;ii onal C e n t er
system , the Fairview populace
is now down to about I.700
clients cornpared to nearly
3,000 1vhc11 it ope ned.
'J'hc term client instead of
patient has been established
to signifv a new respect for
th e handicapped.
llONOltS ON Evett's pro·
motion party included a com-
1nendat ion fron1 the City of
Costa fl.tesa and gifts from
parents'. volunteer a n d
J)<'rsonnel grou1lS.
Evett and his \\'ife Doris
Douglas Fir
7' to 8'
3' to 4'
S' to 6'
9' to 10'
Douglas Fir
6' to 71
S' to 6'
7' to 8'
8' to 9'
9' to 101
Scotch Pine
5' to 7'
4' to 5'
7' to 8'
9' to 10'
Utt your JC Penney Charge Cerd. t
Merry Christmas from Penneys.\
Open Mon. thru S.t. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sund•y 11 •.m. to 6 p.m.
Callfomla Federal Savings proudly of fen
a bumper crop of new high rates.
,. .. ..,.,,. Term$; 1 lo JO years.
-.,. lerms: 90 da}'I to 1 year.
FOR St00,000 OR MORE :
Cert1fic11es ol S 100.000 or more can earn inter e~I
ra1e11n 1xcessof 7Y.i%depend1ngon term~and amount
ol deposlt. ..
SY.% Passbook Account earn1 ....• 5, 3 9 % ~"'"' Y•'I '""'"' ~···" •... Add or withdraw any time
111ith0u t penally No 1crn1s.
S5 morn mum deposit.
16 Free Services Free travelers chec ks. money
orders, notary service, tr usl deed note c.ollec11.on
and photocopies ol important documents with
Yamlle was born in Colombia , South America and studied at (Escue\a de
Bellos Artes) Fine Arts Schoo l in Bogota, Colom bia . In 1965 she came to
California and took lessons with Mr~. Pam l\fcN·11ty. a p::irtrai l tea cher. Then
with Mr. Ed Eliff , Prec;idcnt 1-f the B ·er a J);-rk Art G~1 ild and a ve ry fin e
She Is now ·°'t·1dyt n r~ \Y:
has had severr l h o~· ;
~1 1·
balances of $1 ,00J or more. EIMn other free
services with any balance!
NOTE: Certilicale rales above are offer Id lor a limited
time only, lndluted yields an~ earned wMn Interest
is co mpounded daily and ill funds Ind 1arnlna1 re-m~111 In lhe .KCOunl to maturity. Federal retf\l~tions
require a substanU1tl penalty lor early wlthdraw&l5
from certille1te accounti.
Account' insured up to S20,000 by an qeocy of thl
United States GovernrnenL
2700 Harbor Boulevard
9TO 1.
Win Sl .000.000
in State Lottery
With 50~ Chance
V o u can b ecome a
"n1illionalre over night" wilh
a SO< per week gamble in .,,
let:alized eastern ata.te spon-
sored lottery no matter where
you now live.
Your chances are great!
There are on an average of
20.000 WINNERS EAC ll
WEEK ranging from $40, $400,
$4,000 to $50.000 . You also
have a chance to win the
"Millionaire" Grand Prize
which is dra ~·n once every six
Winners, who now coine
from all over the country. are
prom ptl y notif i ed an d
automaticall y paid by the
State Treasury throu'h a
C'Omputerized syslem. It s ab-
solu tely legal, State Govern -
1nenl sponsored, cerlified and
honest. Take a chance ! You
rnay win a fortune !
Everybody can participate
Too B11sy
lt·vine T1·ustees
'P11t Aside' Pay
Uy .JOHN ZALi.E i\
Irvine Unified sch ool
tru stees have adopted a go
slow uttitude tGward a new
state law that would allow
the1n to pay thc>rnsclves a
sm:11l salary.
"\Ve 've just got too many
othe r things to do \\'ilhout
bothering lO mess around \vith
something like this." said
Truslt.."e Norman Ginsberg.
The new law would permit
Irvine school lruStl•es to pay
thcms('lves $2 per n1ecting
for their tw ice-n1 on I h Iv
n1eetings, or a maximun1 cir
about $480 per year per
trustee. Currently, they arc
IN Jl tVJNE'S ca.~e the l.'.1\.'.'
makes nday
\.\'OUld hnvC' lw>cn difficult to
apply, since the a1now1t of
sillary is based on last year's
school enro\hnent. Irvine did
not come into existence until
this school year.
Trustees could have pushed
for special lei;:islation to 1nake
the ne\v salary law npplicable
to U1em. as Lhey have \\'hen
other new laws overlooked l/I('
Irvine district. But \\'hen it
c::ime to fight inr:t to be p.-1id ,
trustees didrft think it would
be "'Orth the effort.
"In my opinion this is the
least needed piece of special
legislation I can think of,"
said Trustee Lee Sicoli.
"J llOPf~ TIIE Slaff \VOn't
trike one hit of ti1ne awuy
from prc:;;sing niatters to \~·ork
on it," ::igreecl Ginsberg.
Board President Charles
Boulungcr said he felt the
Legislalure should be made
aware th11t nn1ny new Jaws
Friday, Oe-ctmt>tr 14, 19/_l _______ U11ll 'f PIL!!!___J3
Resta11rant Se~rets
It'• n Girl
Jlo llo. San l;i f\ton1 t a
has been l11vaded by
the institu1ion of wo·-
n1en's lib. 111e tradi·
tional Santa, in a shop-
ping 1nalt, is being sup·
plietl by an acting
~roup and son1elin1es is
a young actress.
SAN FllANCJSCfJ fUl'l l -
l'repAckaged froie11 tnlrees 111
.w11lt· of San r'ranrisro'i.
1vorld • fllml.'d rt•st.:1urt1n1 :t"l
Absohtli.'I~. snvs su1>er1 lsor
Dianne Ft>1n..-.:1c1n "'ho ""H11~
to do son1ething about !I
She said she <1sked the C'ilv
attorney to dra\.\' an ord1na11t~·
1\·hich would force rt'Staura11ls
ro ind iralc on their menu:-;
v.·hich dishes are preparrcl or
frozen .
~1rs. Feinstcin refl"rred t()
a !;urvey by Univl'rs1ty uf
California s!udrnts "'ho t•a!li.'d
~Ot!lC Q( the frozen P1l!f1'1.''i
"glortfl~ TV dinners ''
~~d K('!le}'. salesrnan for
111 tr1 111ble h•'l't1U'P n1'10od}'
"'ant :-. lo gt·l tx·hlnd !lit! range
anr n10rl'." h,. declartd.
1\1tlcr11:a11 ruultr) c: 0 ·1
1\~·!H red th<it "our food 1a~t1•sl----------
l1ke th" .. h .. r mad• 1t '"""cir Jn A Quandary You cou!dn 'l tell the dif-
ference." A bout
An1erican Poul try 1s a n1a-
;or supplier of oven -ready en· H/M?
trees and Kelley said, "\\le do '
a 1·crr Dig Ousincss in San
lie 111ould not hst his
"The re5taura11t industr~ 1<;
KLONDIKE ICE ARENA Shop u• IO! "'IMll!Oml·UP'' T•nk lfl
! ! 9•1 I n1•vy m"'JI. mutlt•I 1110111,
corCll•I Hh. 01< IOOll. --·· Nr l•rnp1, Pl•rlloy c•,,h, p1111!11 extends a
TUES., DEC . 18-8-10:30 PM
Skate Rental .. 60c
SKATE to Uve
1v1ry F-rl. &
Sot. nl~hh !
.. .... ~ •• , • pl~• c ........... '""
0!1>1r ~·II '"""' , • , ru1 ... 1111r
no matter whf;!re you live . To
get your simpl e entry blank
and full details send 3.00, cash,
check or m.o. to WEEKLY
FORTUNES, Dept.43 , 1266
Los Angeles Av ., Sim i Vall ey,
Calif. 93063
do nol apply lo the newly
fnrmed Irvine d i s I r i ct . HUNTINGTON &EACH OAllY 10-JI SU N. 12·1
WI Goll Wr1p, .. , .. Ctl Clll .. e However, a motion by Trustee 665 PAULARINO O.VE., COSTA ME SA • NEAR SOUTH COAST PLAZA • PHON E 171~ 171-1750
Sharon Sircello to do that died --::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::~"=•=• ~":":":"~·~==========~~=-=--=--==:=-=-~ -~~~============:::::=========~~~~~~~~~~~~ for lack of a second. ~
------------.... ..~, !,. ART ENLARGED TO SHOW DETAIL. ·• -.....,_;,_,· •
Saturday, December 15th --12-4:00 pm.
Energy crisis:
Save 50%·75%of
the electricity used
in an electric range!
Buy a
made only by Amano.
Ex•mpl• ol ••vfngt shown
by S1cr1m•nto Utility
Olttrlcl tetl•.
Comp1r11ori e11c1ric R1ng1 1nd
Mocr(lwave Over.
55'/o SAVINO! -I lb 61111 Ro1s1
fl°/o SAVINGS -4 !8 Ol.) 81k1d
Po111 oe1
111/, SAVINGS -Two L1yer Yel-
low C1ke
1 .. /, SA\l lNGS -Frozen Btor.coll
{10 Ol bool In pkg)
From lh• Am1n1
THt Kitchen:
1t'fo tAVINGS -2 ID. Ba~ed
Whole Chlc~en
7rlfo IAVIJWS -4 Lob$Lar Tails
(lror1n 8 Ol , 11th)
51111 SAVINGS -11 lb. Tv•key
W /, SAVINGS -I Cl.IP ol lnslant
lt'lo 9 A\llNGS from 1t1e Fry Par.
-4 Hamburger P1tli1s (4
or. ea)
Time Siver ind
Energy S•v•rl
• Cooks most foods In 'I• nor•
mal time.
• Avtoma11c Timer Co"lrol e\lml·
ri1!e.<1 unnl'eded cooking l1m11
and add•1•on•I 1n1r11y 1avi11g1,
• Only 1he rood h11at1 ind coo~s.
No 11n1rgy w1sl1d 1r1 "heal-up"
• Oper11111s 011 1 1~ vot11, No 1p&-
cl1I wiring needed.
Vov c1n do 1om1lhlng 11b11ut lh•
en11gr 1;rl1l11
Energr ••wino• will v•f)' w•Tll th• t1nrllons i nd 1ype ot !oodt. Th• lood1 .shown i re typical foods i nd p(lr-
lton1. Some 01h1r food• (If por11on1 will 18 11 below 5-01/1 1•vlngJ and oth11s woU be C(ln$lder1bly m(lre Lhan
7~'fo SIY•rlgl
You can do something about the energy crisis!
Make thll gn111t•$t caok;ng di$COV•ry $inc• r;,. /-.;;;Ji.a~4·a..nq.,e.<
Service & Sales Sales Only
536-7 561 842-5596 Since 19?6
\ " . \
the gift
of real silver.
OR, BULLION BLOCKS. IN 5 OZ., 10 OZ., 25 OZ. t
DEC. 14 , 6-8 PM !AND SATURDAY, DEC , IS, 2 -4 PM.
2 FASHION ISLANO SHOP MONDAY THROUGH SATIJRDAY 10 :00-9 :30, SUNDAY 12:00 -5:00 644 -2800·
Fo1· tl1 e
R ecore]
l ..
Of ,tJ11rri11r1e
F<!t<I NOYtMl>ft )t Ev,r1. ,_.,.,d., Lwl~e """ Mlc11,n l
JOSI'!>" etrn••· (lauri1 Gtnt 1n<1 c;.,,~ l ff
Pr ince, N<><I CH>t.l'lt """ l,<1cndt!
G<t~nlt••· H~"Y J ~"" v .. 1cr•e R Joiner, Etv" jednne "M L•n<l•l>v LM•ll• Jiii<' A• n l "d lloMr! f'r~!TO"
Tra<v, Lr:.l it S """ Oo•clnv A So6nn, Len• Vovlfn ~nu (II•""~ llr,111n1
Spoonl'f DOnal LoVM dnO //,~Ille "'""' 1 .. ~•v , Elonn!t B er.u 1.1,,, J
L"I"'" Pero> Ann •no 1 ~"' w 1n1rn
$olnrnon. Lynne M ""'1 Tnom"' t
Dtoe,~tn. P~vlll~ M ''"" (n,><lt' E Nolen. M6rg~•t1 M ~n<l J(lj.tPl'I E
I.Ifft~. Ltt A11n ""'1 Jdmn• lnorn.O•
WOOd. (llt<SH"" J ""~ L.~rrv 0 Rlgntv. A<10l•ot1 Wa~oe af'(J Margit
""'' M~vc. MdrV Ltt ""<! Jo~n Gtolll~. RO!)<'rM ar><I Ger61d Leon&rd
Den.t11 s
NOG.o\LES , i\riz. ! AP!
~·1 rs. 1'i1n ~lrCoy, 60. said to
have been described by Adolph
Hitler as the perfect Nordic
bec1uty before she married the
V.'CS!ern film star, <l ied at her
hoine near here \\led ncsday
of cancer. She and her 82-yenr·
old reti rf'd actor hushnn<l lived
on a ranch ncur the l\1exican
border in recent years.
_CHICAGO iCPI ) -\\'alter
l\'. II. He'tdin~, a 90-ycar-ol<l
forn1er rag!ime piano pla yer
and movie house organist or
the silent films era. died
Thursday in hi s run·<IO\Vn
hon1C', leaving behind a col-
lrction of ra re hooks and sheet
rnusic dating to the 171h Cen-
tury. Harding \\·as found dead
in an o!d fra1ne homr on
Chicago's \\'{•st Sidr b~' a
11·orker iflstall ing 1ri rc 1ne.;i1
De offt. i\'r,fiee s
Luc•lle Brunner llro"'" il1 /~on~rch II~~.
SDUtn L6~un~. Da•~ cl tle.,1n, Oecnm~e'
11, 1911 Survive<! bv hu>baOd. Tull~v
£_ llrown: SltP•Ol'I, TuUe\I N Elt0W"·
l'Je~t Lo• Angele>: hrothe,., Rnnen T.
ll run<>er, Los Angeles; Lou<• Brunn~r,
Q~n~«J ; I hr e e ~TeP~Hdl'l<llhil<1re11.
Servl,es, Sa!u•<la~. Decemt1er lS. 11
AM. Pacific View Cn~oel, F~mi lv ~uo
lle•I• memorial co111rlbu1lo11s lie m~.,.,
to the Sou!n (Go\U fommunl•v .iosn:1.1
Au•iHart or !he Amerka~ (~ncer Soc1e1v,
Enlnmbment, P~nflc Vltw M"mnr;,,1
P.orw. P~<l!oc VI,.,, Mortuory, Dlret lnrs.
DAMRON Jo"r1 OamH•l Re1;r1,.n1 o! (o,ta l.'r:;•:
d"'" O! a•au1, Dt>t.~mbo•r 10. \9/)_ ~"' .,1,.
e<1 l>Y huStt.Jnj, J•rnes; d<'\IOnlfr, (0<1~lt
KPnr1er\Clfl: son M••~ l{enn P•s on ;
f"Olhet. Miidred El<lrnic~cl. <>I! ct Co>I•
1,\t'~ Ro•drv was recill'<I lhu'1d~v.
8 PM, We!lcllll ('n,1pet. ReQul..m Mnss ''-'a> celet>rall'<I lor:i.v, F"!I'"'• 1n Al.•,
S• Jol1M t~t Elftp!l•t CMhollc Cl>urcn,
••:11>1 Fr Antnony Mr(;cNan 0Ult1<\t.n9,
Interment Goo<! Sl,.·on"rd Ceme1r •• "'''""'cliff Chapl'I Mor!ua•' 1 ~~-~·q•.
Oirt<lorl, JEFF[;RY'
Hele<> I.\. Jetferv fig!' 76, ol 197)
Nrwoorl. Co•t" M,.~a OMt ol r1e.11r.
Oectrn~r 17. 197J Survi~e<i bV nus!>a~<I.
Wall Jettery; !Ot\, \lfrl'I W. Elrerner, SJ·
n1a Clara, da11<;1M"'• Arlee11 Hutter. Ari·
!n91on Helllhl• 111ino«1 two b•O"''"·
,Avou,1 and E•ne•! l{r<,sler. bot11 of
llFr,olo; sl<ter. (..,.,~,~ Coo m ~ r. w;1con•ir1. IOU" 9•,.nflcl>lld'e" on" o .. ai
or .. ndc1>.ta S•••i••• !e.:l.·~, ~ .. ~.,v. 7
i:>!-', llell B to;i<l' ~v f!•~p~I wl tn E">lfrl'I
Sia~ tlo SM (>Hori.ti "O lnte•m,.,,1, IMr· """ ~e·• r.•en1or.,1r '°"'"· Bell El•"'1o· """v M urfu,.,y, Di•e<ln•'·
Oh•e Il a~ Jone> 1:lOli Hc-Mher La,1•,
t.:ewl>Or t lle~tn Dale of <1e~1n, Oectmt>"r
17. l9n ~u•v!.~ bV •On. Earl 0
Jooeo: dau9h1e1. 11.1~rr~~ /,\. Lacock;
'" Qr~11<1cnil<1•en Gr~"~'ioe •rrvi<r\, Morn:i~~. 1 f'll., E! Camino M•modal
Por~. SAn D•P9<l 6 ,1lt·ller9eron F1mcr~I
Hume. Co"• /l.e~ ... D.re~lor~ MRA1
A~.;a 1,•r~· ''° w V.'•! ""• Cn••a I>• o D~le of 0(·.in, DP«'"' •. 11 l~ll ,, .•. ,
•If n, , .r J<.fl'I Tl.i• l r r 1-<unu,ry,
t;rornt <""I i;"-,~''' P •J\.l•"l•ln. El T
o·~.,lfd,.uoi••nr N.1•olvn c;~nri,;r~ /',"iO'I
111•10. ~n,. • • .irr '' HL'"Q"r I '0"'
ti•e~1 gr ~n""' lqren ~1·"e"I /.•.a•'· ~~Tu•
o~y. t@ A'~ S1 J•.nn m~ 1l.0011st r •·~ui.c
(~:t•t\\ "''" F.i!n~• 11n•nor1Y McGow~" .... ,c;~,,~g. B~·I RtO~d •~'/ /.'.o•:ua•··
D''"''"'~ ~TE N OEll
(I••• [Ill S!enner :f.l B•l\"~d" Vlllo~•.
tie"""'' Ben•n 0.11~ o< ~r,·~ O•."'"•"''
11, 191' ~'·""'ved ~, • ·•· llonl~ I,'
II .nln•on, ,.,~,,. /.-,, '"' · "' 1 •!'• '
N""W[><''l !l•.;rn Rn""', ~vrd~v. I
PM, fl .tit g .. ,~"'"" C• ... !.'·<~ Cn8r"I
1l rq111•m /.'~;~. Mor.1.11 6 AM. 5'.
Jn~<ll•r>" (Alhnl·< (~""" 1-•,..mr~•. t<"lv (•O~> CrM~IP••· L"~ 11·~·1~ ll i l1f·
El'"•o•ro~ Furer~I 110'"" (;.,16 !-'~'"'
0He<101 •
,,JlBUCK LF: S.: SO\'.
\\·t:S'f'fLI FF i\IOR Tl"·\ R \'
427 E. li th St.. Cos ta 'lesa
646-4118K • B<\LTZ-HER GEH(l:'IJ
Corona del ~far fii3-!l lSO
Costa i\tesa tilf>.242~ • DELI, BH(lAO\\' A\'
110 Uroad\\ay, Costa lllesa
LI g.:;.1:::: • DILDA\' BHOTJIERS
li911 &arh Bh·d.
lluotington Beach 11~2-7771
244 Redondo A \'e.
Long Beach 2134 J8-114S • rt1cCORMtCK LAGU~1\
1706 Laguna Canyon Rd.
414-9415 • PACJFIC VTEW
Cemetery i\lorl uary
3500 PaeUlc View Drh·t
Newport Be1ch. California
".'HI Belu Avt.
Wr:stmin11er 893-.15!5 • SMITlr s MORT\JARY
U7 ~lala SI.
HucJ•,aoa Rueb
Co11nty Pa11el N11111ed M INIATUfll:$ CLO CIO'-'-fl
0<-0 OUN 8
Kids Like 1'o N obi Ranch Preserve Study Slated Ask And y
SHOP 'lltlt
'2 •2 U N 1;W,.OAT O l..VO. cc.·r .... MJ,~A. CA'-'"·
SANTA 1\NA -A task fort e
ha s been appoint('d by the
Orange County Bonrd of
Supl>r\isors to study legal and
econornic questions of the pr1>-
poscd cance!la!ion of the 2.300-
acre !'iohl n.anC'h ngr1cul!ural
Suix•r1·1sors called for a
report On the C'OU!lty's in-
volvcn1en! in the issue \\'1lh1n
six 11·1·l'ks.
Carav a1i
!'\on·!)f'rishablL• food and to1 s
fnr 1nen1bcrs of the Unih·d
Fann \Vork('rS 1 l1F'\V) for 1111·
ho lidays are b1·i11 g soul(h! ll\
the Orange rou nr~· Ccntrri!
Labor Council.
In Orange County. lhl'
"Christrn:is Food Cara\'an" It)
hrncfil 11·orkcrs in t h c
Co;iche!la nnd I 111 pf' r i a !
\'alleys is hcing coordina1 cd
by Gene Atherton of Laguna
nr. At he r ton. once
associated 1\'i lh the Lagu na
Bt'ach Fr<'e Clinic. no'.1-!reals
p;1tit'nts at a Santa :\n;i clini::
and :it !11·0 in i g r a 11 l
farm1\·or kcr cli nics n e a r
The fnrm1\·orkc:>rs, m<inv of
11•hon1 <lrc 11 n c rn p I o )· 1· tJ
bccnuse J;F\\I contracts ran
out and gro'.l·ers signed 1\·ith
!he TcanL<;Tcr"s Union. nec:>d
canned goods , scrds, flour a11d
ol hcr food ::incl tovs for the ir
chiltlrrn, Atherton· said.
1'hrec drop-o ff poinl s in
Or<1ngc Cotrnly for donntions
<1rc :
-Uni ted l\1elhodls! Chureh.
420 \V. 19th St.. Cost a ~ll'sa.
-St. ~f<1ry's r~ )l i s r op a l
Church, 428 Park St.. La guna
-G e n e v a Presbyterian
Church. 2~301 El Toro Tload1 Laguna !!ills.
The labor countil ha s Sl'nt
out IL·llers to its union
n1er11bcrs ;isking for donations
of n1<1!rrial or n1one\'
Ahout onc-fourlh o'f !he farn1
11·orkcrs in the tY.·o vallt'\'S
hn\·e chilclrcn. Atherton snid.
He said fartn 1\'nrkers h:1 ve
!hf' hig hest infnnt mortality
r.1tc in the countr\·, h:i ve an
aceidcnl rate 300 pe rcent
nbo1'c the na tional average
and a tuberculosis rate about
260 percent higher.
Past P eddler
Faces Grand
Theft Cl1arge
SA:\'1'A ANA Fonner
pant yhose p e d ti 1 L' r '.\1·d
Preston DcL<llle.v has l.ict·n
ordered to faec iHTaignn1cnl
Tuesday in Or;u1gc Coun1y l
Superior Court on grand theft
charges identic::il to those hr
\l'ill face in a trial .J:u1. 9.
l)CLancy. 26. ()range, 1s :!<'·
cused of defrauding cus1ornL·rs
of hi s J\rncrica11 \\'al'. Inc .. !
of $58,755 by f:iilin g to' de!Jl'er
silver ordered in ingot fonn .
J·lis J an. 9 trial \\·as sci
after he \\·as si1nilarly accus••d
of pocketing $30.000 paid hr
fivr investors for the silver
i11gots he advertised.
Ocl.ancy, f r ee on the
origina l charg~s. is nov.· held
in county jail y,·iU1 bail set
<l! $175,000 on a cotnbined total
of 14 counls of grand theft.
Delancy, founder of Pan-
tastic I n te r n a ti o n a 1 of
'.\c11'port Beach, made hi s ta~!
Superior Co urt appcaranc•_. as
a \\ilness in lh<' conspirac.1•
10 kill trial of Fullerton at-
torney 1\lirhael Kester Ren1-
Drunk Drive l'
Se11t to Jail
SAm'A ANA -An Irvine
molori!t found guil ty of
drunken driving that led to
;1110!hcr driver suffering in-
juries has been ordered to
spend the next 30 v.·eckends
in Orange C.o1u1ty ~-
Superior Court .~J u d g e
\\'illicun S. Lee ofdei"'cd that
sentence and a SLOOO line for
Joel F. Ui mke. 38, of 45'\.1
Green Tree l..ane, follov.·in g
Lemk e's conviction on chaYgcs
of felony drunken driving.
l~mkc was arrested Inst
!\fay 3 following a colli ~ion
betv;e('n his vehicle and a ear
driven hy J acques Gale, 43.
of Eureka, !\lo. :i t th11 in·
tersection of Culver a n d
Mld1el§Ofl Drives in lrvinr.
Nnn1L'tl 10 the forc:c \>icrc
the ('ounl y ('.uun~l'l , C•;u1it;,.
Adn1 inist r:1th1• ()ff1 1·t·r. IJ1r1•f'·
tor or Hea l l'r11pt·r1 v St·r\ ll'l'',
Park ~ U1rct·1or :u1tl Pl;1nn1ni;
IJ1 rector.
Su1>C'r\·1~ur'" :,pi•nt n11ut~11 ·r
!110 hours \\1·tlnf'~d:1v mulling
over tht· (•011lro\'('rsi:1! r(•CjUt•\t
!O c:inc·el the prc •sc•!'\'C :;1;itu-.
on vc1<•;1~e wuth of tl1e S:1nta
An;1 t'an_\011 a11d l'a.~t of thP
;\nahf'un l'll\ lunits. 'fhe
agricu!tura!l)-hi.Lnkcd land is
a li!tlc rnore th:in half of
the 4 200-:if're An:1hcir11 Hills
H supt•/'\ 1.~ors ;illo\\' 1:an-
cellnt1011 . the Anahei111 !/ills
Cor·p li;i.; ;1i,:rl'L·d 10 p:1y a
p~·nall y r:t S'.125.0011 111 taxe~.
Undrr 1 Ii t· al!,rir·uhur·a!
prrsf'r1r ~·atus. ;i lando1\'nf'1·
'" ht·11t:t11t1n~ by h;iving 111~
propen1 11 :-;~t'sst·d u1 11 t-.. ;11·rt1,d
USi'. n1lhl'J' rh:111 llS t11;.:hl·Sl
;ind bt.·st future u~i'.
A cnn<'t•lla!1on c'tluh l ~,,., :1
prctc1lt·nt fer 1h1• h:1ncl!u1i~ of
th(· rt'n1;1i 11i11g 11a.uo;i :u.:r•·-: ,,f
county land in preserve statu'i,
largc:>ly Irvi ne Con1pany and
rw nc·ho .\1ission \·icJo pro~
\\'1 •dnc!ld;_1 ~ ·,; d1~hatc Ct'll-
tert'd :.iruu11cl a n·qu1rcn1cn1
in !hf' \\'1lli;:unson Art l\'hi(•h
set up the pr<'ser'\C s ta tus
for fnr1111ng J;inds, lh:it a
C'anr.•llnt1011 be "in the public
inter('st .,
Jan1es ll<l risic. AnRhrin1
Hills \JCl' prcsidt•n!, s.aid the
Janr!ol\nrr.; have onl) paid
$-15,000 u1 properly t;ixes in
thC' p:ist fou r yr;_ir.s nnd if
the pr1•<;1·r1c s1a1 us 11' as
l':ltl!'Clk•d, $56.1,00\J \\'OUld be
paid 111 taxes in th(' ren1ainin~
sr1i•n )e:irs of the 10-yen r
pre ... 1•r1t' agrccrnrn1·~ l\fr.
'l'hio;, i'<·onc1nic gain. he snid
shoul r! IH' in the iuteres! of
lhl' 1·nunr1· taxpi'l\'Cr. •
A11:1h('1111 l!ills h<1d propos1•d
to 1l11·n Oll'I' to !he county
111rhouL eosl :1l>ou1 800 of the
2 .. 1uo :·crPs 1or open sp;ice,
r~cr1~a11011 H11d parks. Barisit
\\'l'dne~da_\' upped !he offer
e42-0 2!!!>1 ...... u -11:so
prt>serve. "It ls \\'Onhless ror!r-----------------------1
farming or cattle i.:ra ·ting :1s
ii 1s laq.(l•ly ba rrc11, hilly 1;1ncl
sl1url of natural '.I' a t ~ r . ' '
A11ah1·11n Hill ~ pur~·ha.,ed it
f10111 Lvu i!I Nvhl. tl1c u1 l~ina!
011 ner. J'1•ur years agu.
Iv 95~ :1cre.s. or nln1ost 40
1.>erl'cnt of tht' preserve.
liut he· .adn1ittcd that 379
of the 954 nl'rl'S are in E:di sou
Con1pa n y fl0\1·er line
eascn1ents and aren't usable
fer developn1cnt.
Bar1s1c argut"d that tho'..' land
should 11e1't'r have been a
Oµµosing the t::;1ucella tion
are the ci1y of ()r:inge , 1hcl
F.nvironrneril<JI Coal111on. rht·
Lcnl!,ue of \\'un1t'n \'otl·rs. 1he
Orang(' Unified School U1st1·1l'I
ancl variou." h o 111 {' u I\ 11 c 1· s
groups in !hr ar1•;1.
ll:1rr\· Platt , school d>s!rl«t
nd111inSi1 ra1or , s:11d the (h~!rict
L" sho rl uf school s :111d on
dou ble sessions in .sornc. Opt•11-
u1)!' ;:n nddi11unat J.300 .itrt'S
tu dl'\l'lopnll'llf 11011·. hl' said.
\\'(1tild pu t lhl' sehuols in :111
even n1ort· d{'speral!' 1:osi tio11.
The ct is tril'l h;1.'> a S19 ini!li()fl
bon(t 1 ~:;Ul' to hutld ll<·1v
sl'h•1u ls in tl1C' Junl' pn 111 ·1r,1·
b;1\lo!, PlC\!I ..;:1id Jl c
t•sl11n:ll l'd !h;11 1h1• 1wes1·rvt·
land 1vould cO"f lh1• d1:;!n ct
au addillun:d SJ:l 7 nllll1011 for
ne\V schools in !hat area.
You wilt never be able
to do your Christmas
, shopping at Greater
. .. ·~· ,,,/,fy f.·_. .. ,
MANSFIELD'S is con~olida ting i11 oper~rion wirh it~
parent slore in fUll ERTO N. Here's your chance lo
select fr om one of the finest selections of fine quality
furni ture in ORANGE COU NTY at Tremendous savings,
TRA llER -OR WE'Lt OEllVER. All sales final. No ell:·
ch•nges or refunds. No lay•ways.
10% OFF
Smoll E•ergree11
NOW 50 % OFF $5.50 UP
!Nert to Fi,e s,otion l
,,, SALE
!i. c~t·t t ~ ' ~-J.,J,.,"' In one It,,!,
~·l'c.., •p~c.1,. " s2:.o oo
Gold. white .,,d b•" "'" <;u1l ted, hea•y
post a'"'' ~P"' .h ,1,1~ <1 ' 1h be1•. $b49 95
o .•. ~ <-'; i~ •o'-
on tr < co c
• ~·~ po11 \•q!. no pl,.,t;~
'·· ,-. ~--:~·" $110.00
It will be wor!h yovr tome to come bock. We've compl etely
Ufllooded our warehouse. Yov wilt see mony i1em1 rho! hove
never been 011 ovr flo<fr before.
s,01c:1 pldid h i ~, L»ICo, very
c ornlorldble
' .. $199 ,95
In re d, gold L bl oc ~ min. c 1~ripl'd
Vl'lvet, high""''' compl e!el v coverad in dot ~
Sp.,ni1 \ wood lr111'1 complnte wilh sid<t
bol1ltr1 ••...•..•.••. · ..•.. -. . S 700.00
Da rk mah og.iny j,1 <;olo, ~:ng 1iie,
c ~rv•d door fro nt , , , ... , .•.• S b ~0.00
Hi9il rolled ••m1, 1001• 1•~t cu1hio111,
luHod bJck. d<'.r~ brown i~ <.olot $3 29.~S
Reg .
Ir d tr~ w oQJ f .~1~h" ; 4 ~igli b,,cl l11f••-l
red >f'!i• ·I o~ c.<1 1 :~r:. ••• , -•••. SS99 95
o,.,~ o~!. p~•:e~I f11• c orner c l love 1e<1 t
or c.1a ir. solod wood ...••. , .. -.. SI ~O 00
R".:C.Ofl orowr1 wr!h miitchin<j lvo'ie "'""'""'
inciudin<_! l11r pillow., tn .•t "'~ lo
~i:,,e ~i •lo $499.9:;
Mony, mony 1ofo), 58tlionols & chain in wide O$!Or!ment of
Herculons, Velvets & Vinyls ot
Lorg <1 ossortmenl of "one-of-a-kind" table 1omps, swog lamps
& floor lomps ot tr emendous soving1. HURRY. THESE WILL
Gl.,11 doo<1 dbo11• and 1lor119e door1
bcto ,.. with 1heH .. , •. , .......... $199.95
5 to choo1e !ram, ide.i l 101 th . man of the
h<1111• ot Ch ri1tma1 l b)1<;lt I 9retn I gPld
Blae~ Z, whit herculon hea vy pftdd1d
otm, petlect for your q11•1t1 $300.00
~ound club. 1u9d1 l~cing on cu1hio11•
will, contr ~.i;,.g bultonl oxblo od .• $240,00
Pnn. C,\l(;:
CHROME FRAME SOFA s ~~"':; M 11 1;r~ bl ie ...-111. "a qrren p ~· ~-11 ''· .,;I ' _,
l"lt•I in !T Odern del!gn ~ (.~ ;)
6 PIECE DI NING ROOM i:.~:'~(.J s~i . l,;qh b<1clt ch<1u1, q•e•n. qold &
wh i,ft l•id. "n t1qu~ pec~n St.8 0.0l .f#•yV
7.1;, FT. SOFA
Bull coln1 ed herculon wit~ l-iql, ~'"' r"•e 1 ,
<vru eu 1'de1 with 1'de bol~te1 1 s~·-;.7~
Oon't miss !his oppor!vnity 10 sove, Hundreds of lole orrivols
ond ov1 entir e wo1ehou1 e in ventor y ore woilir1g fo1 you. If
you will need furniture ony limo this yeor ... ii will pt1y you
to come in rodoyl
Trimm•d in br1111, padded front"rm
••ii, 1heH in back for 1toro 9e .•.• $225.00
In bright or onge in lop chenill•, luft•d
b ..... low h•c• , ••••......•• ,, , $109.9S
Brown t. 9o!d plaid. doop 10<119 sat!
cus hion1, com fortt bl•, 1001• cu•hion• $]49.95
With door h1•vily carved, id1a1 101 111
1nlry p;,,. or und•r windows • $300.0:l
Go ld , wh:t1 i nd ru1t l<ior i1ont1I 1bip11
high erm tufted btct Both for $39~.~5
-... -:"S:> -:.:r
friday, Dt cf n1bff 14, }q73
Trustees" ,..fernts Saved AMLING'S
Cllliforu iu Le g islt1t 11 re l~e11c als M iscalc ul a.tio n Ne w port Nursery
By JOHN ZALLE lt that if the la ""· re1nained in
forct'." Covert said.
CX'')Jaining that the confu11ion
had been resolved because the
L:.-~islature changed t h c
bl under in the !aw.
The corrective ltgisl ation
v•as sponsoced by Biddle ac-
<.'Ording lo " spokes1nan in
his office.
1100 •••I Ce>••I h l 1 ~•••t y
"'•DO•I D t•(h . CO l lfo r~ t
1 t l t OhDll t (1 l •l fi ]J.JS5 l
Ot lh• O•llv "'ltot 11t11 Your L i ving Chrls lmus 'l'r1•e Ceule r
Covert said he Vlas prepared
to noti fy all school districts
* Ll\'ing and Cut Tr1•es • \\'renths * l~arlands * Colorful liifl Plants
Phone &•3-1552. r1ace ''our Order, \Ve \\'ill l)cli\'er
l-'flEE In Tb c llarbor Area
Ar..tLlNG - A nnn1e in C<Jlirornia l-lorticul1url' ~1nl'c 1!!20
Try Saturday's Ne,vs Quiz
We Dare Yott
- -.... -- ---~·-·u,: ...... --• .... ;.,,;, .•. -~1 '· -· ~ .· ... .,_ ... -... "j
----1 -~i•,1 -. "1' ...
•one-stop' shopping
at its finest!
• • ANDS
the GAN SN
Monday thru Fridays 10 to Noon 1 to 4 p.m. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Saturdays 10 to Noon 1 to 5 p.m. No Sundays
I . - -
• -·-~::> -:.:r C~---"1-:" --
. : : . -'
I ,,
' ;
I(; DAILY 111L0 1
,,., ....: .... , -.. , tJ;1
\\'i\SlflJ\(;m~ 1 LIP! l
v.·a~ ;i Ion !{ llllH' L'fl1 11in~. liut
i! \1·:1s good fina!lv lo fin(]
SOtlll'ClflC w ilhn ~ -to s :1 v
soml'lhing n1t·e <.ibout bot-
Ry "nice" I don't rn1•11n
patronizing f'OJn1nen!!;; lik<'
•·son1t• of n1y b('st friends rirl'
b ot t IC'nC'cks." Supercilious
tolel'ancc d0cs not conceal the
fact thru !her<' is a deeply
rooted anti-bottlcncc~ bias in
H1is couniry.
ALL i\ROl::\n U" \\'(' hear
n1uttcrings ab0ul the nl'cd to
"get rid of !he bo!tl<·11ecks"
nnd othtr prejudi cia l
prcssion s.
Hardly anyone apprrcin tcs
the c·onlnhutions !h;1I Uot.-
tlt·nccks h;ivc rn.idc tu th e
\G HTe
\> SIDE It
better111cn! of A1nrr1c:1. Those
\\'ho do rccos.:nizr !hr irn-
por!ant role tl1;1L botrlenf·Ck!:i
pl<1 v arc hcsi1<1nt. to \'Oirc !ht·ir
sctt thncnts Jee;\ they be brand-
ed as eccent rics
Uul nt Jon~ las1 sonH!on<•
\Vith itnprcssivf• crl'dl·nt1a\s of
his 0\1'n is willing 10 s1;1nd
lJP a n d be t:0t1nt1..'CI T hi·
1na,q,azinc lnl c!ll•c1 11;1I !J1ge"I
has rl'p1·in!l'd H IPC!tu·r "on
the. ln1por!~Hlf'" 11f Bl·1n~ a
lloUlent•ch." liy \V. II. J\ug1;:ins .
chairn1an of the depar11nrn1
of rlcctric:il cnginl'<•ring nt the
Johns 11opkins Universi1y.
llUGG l\'S AT'TACKS as "a
f;ilsc ;ua.l 1nost d~1n;.:(·rous
pre111ist'' !ht• ;1 u ! u 111 rt t i cl
:1s!:iump!ion rhnt botl lenccks
urc b<id.
·ro the rontr:irv. hr 1n:11if'.~
th e "hcrel ical asSt'rtion" th:1t
an incrca!le in bottlcncch.s
might be llt·ncriri:1J.
!n pl.1('{';.; tht· I r ct u r l'
bccon1t·s a rnilt• :irl':lnt'. dt'al-
in~ as ii doc<; 11 ith "th1· !hl·or''
of ferd b:1ck prnC'CSSl'S 111
drnarn ic J;\'<;!~·n1s. ··
· B11t the 1naln po1111 jc; rotn·
prehen~1blr ti co \11a1't111h.1:-.t·d
R E :\1 0 \' E A
'J'LJ::NELI\. 1111:.!L:ll\S :-. ii I s -
";ind s1·v1•1.il ot Jiu• rt•lli:11i11 n,i
C'OllljXJIJ(•J1!!>, llllii'li ll .J d
hitht'l'lO bl'{'ll flllll'li ;1 II d
rcspons1re. 11uw h1·vo111c Uo!·j
Thu s .. 1ht• qu;+l111• ol 01·1·1.dl
r><-·rforn1allCL' 111ay bt• 111h·1'1111'
1n the nr1g111:1l f.1lu~11u~11.''
llc:ir'. llL"ar1
As I rt•ad hin1, !h1~µ1ns j,
saying !hat if ll 11•en·n·1 fur
us bottlenecks. ;1 lot orl
dyn<imos 1rould just be sp111,
ning their v;h.:-cl".
F<ir frorn holdill!!
back. as !ht> d,Vll(HllCS' \\OUld
h31'C \'OU lx•!i t'\'C, It IS Olli\
l><'cau.Sc 're slo\1' 1h1ni,:s clO\l'i1
C. t hat !h<'Y arc able 10 t.~·i.·p up.
IT :\li\Y TllEREFtlHE be
1'a1d th<t! in the fin ;il ;111nlysis
it 1s !he bot!lcnct'kS \1'ho kl'cp
things moving.
And certainly \1 r.: a r c
responsible for lhC' ~c1ucr1.t'.
nr com pression l'ffrC"t. Iha!
provides force :ind dircC'tion
\\'ilhout lL<; b ottlen ec k s ,
dynamos 'A'OUld be un i1\JIC! tc>
build up any prrssurl'.
So Jet us not hc<l r ;1n.'' n1orl'
~nide remarks nbout bot··
tlcnecks fron1 the doers and l
achievers o( this "·arid \.\'c ·
made lhen1 whal they <ll'f'
Crapes Juicy
Ca pitol New Se rvice
Agriculture officials forecast
:i gra1~· cro1> thi!; yea r of
over 3.4 nullioo ton.c;, 51 J><'I'·
f'Cnl 11br1vc lhe s1nnll J!J72
California c:ro1>. Jt..iisin grape
production torecust is 2. I
111111100 tons. u ~4 percent
ju1np. "'hi lc "'in1• grap1•s \viii
bl" up 43 percent to 900.000
HE\OL\ L\C Cll\H<;E
fe8 master clli!rgt ~
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W tl y Is Female Psycho ogy Secret?
Cf !fl.-D11t1 P'llol lleH
Because only a few '>l'Ollle n are
researching the psychology or wom en,
rnalea tell us what to think alxlut
ourselves .
Therl''s lre111endous <hstortiou. So
much is left out.
Vet, "M'e kcc-p using \1'hat they say
al\ our guidelines. \\101n t:n end up being
"·hat men \\1ant them to be, rather
than \\'hat they arc.
J ulia A. Sher1nan, PhD and lecturer
m psychology at the Uni versity of
\Yisronsin Psychiatric Instit ute, calls this
process the C'Ollceptual shell game, and
"v.•on1en are the losers," sht clai rned.
Although she has :1uthorl"tl "On the
Psychology of \Vomcn," she believes
the psychology has not been \rritten
llJld doobls that it can be accurately
By CAROL l\100RE
Of the 0111, l'llol Sl1ff
Ho11' can Aincrican \\'omen possibly
con1pla ii1~ They're· ns lucky as ca n be
\\ilh the biggest houses. most things,
best husbands and brishtesl children.
Dr. Estelle Ra1nef ·told of a place
••;1,here womt>n are even luckier than
Orange Counlians -Chevy Chase, \\/here
!hey go ;1·andering th rough Saks looking
for something to want."
Tiu•sc high status \\'On,cn, from 45
to 55 years of age, have a suicide
rate four li1ncs the ntt lional average,
lite.rally killing themselves v•hi!e k.illin.g
"""· "They don't need an t>ndocrinologist :
they 1lt'ed a new system or social
values." Dr. Ra n1ey dia ~d .
"Ame rican ~·omen need to learn the
Greek defin ition of happiness -'use
of one's po.,1,.ers to achteve excellence'
-and ino;ist on society using oor skills.
Don 't rely on t'go ext('nsion in children
but mCt"t your 01\11 st<1tldards and allo\v
yourst_.Jvcs to be judged·''
surros1=:0 Excu~t-:
She bla1ned fe1nale rcluclance on social !;n~ ths regarding the endocri ne system
(thyroid, pancrt~as . pituitary fi nd adrenal
glands1 111hich contributes to 1nen.strua·
tion and 1ncnopausc.
ltefcrring to !he argum('nt that 1\·omcn
can'I hold high cxecu 1ivc posit ions
bec<HLSc of period ic emot iona l unbalance,
Dr. Ra1nl'y said:
"In the heigh t of her pre-menst rual
ten:.:1011 . n1\' 1\un! ~1 <1blc "ould have
inadc a ~tier dl'cision than the Bay
of I>i gs. And .':ixon doesn't menstruate
so 1,1·h.1t's his excuse?
''\\'om<'n o:ire supposNily more prone
to ''1olcnt cri1nes duri ng their periods:'
Ninety percent of v1olcnl cri1nes a re
conunitt ed by rncn."
f'tl ,\LE C\'CLES TOO
As professor of physiology a t
C.L-orgeto11'11 Univcrs1t~· and president·
elC<.'t of the Association of \\'omen in
Sic1ent-t, she further explain('(] that men
ht1re en10!innal cycles and nervous rcac·
tiC11s th at also determine l101v they pe r·
<.>clve stress.
This has bct•11 pro\'td by year-long
psychologieal studies of subm.aril1c
··nut the bleeding is a. strictly female
phenomenon. Anylh ing yi,e that bleeds
-man or atiim'al f-is in trauma .
Hcmo rrhaginfis aSSOCialed 1,1•ith death,''
she said.
"It 's only the v.·omen '"·110 rise above
It all. la1en can't widerstand so they
assume v.·e mus t be ill and acce pt the
fe'v times \\'C call in sick. But that's
not the point. \Vel~being is directly pr~
portional to job stultificat";>n."
If you have an execuUve salary, plush
()ffice. challengina; con•enialion and a
chance to jet away, you'll be more
eager to go to work (despite temporary
discomfort ) thall ll )'Oii spend the day
flJing or typjng dictated tapes.
"ti1ost women cycle ·merrily along for
2$ to 30 years and thell· Our hommes
stop 'ra~g'. We're ·available: f~r
decisi on making. But wt}at man in his
right mind "'Wlt a menopausal woman?"
She referred to a pllarmac-eutical
advertisement that shows a harried
mother hanging· bun ting for a PTA event. n "'ad, "S7J11ptom' M.A. Fine ArU;
Pre!crlption! Valium."
Another drug rompany brochure sug·
gested t~t • ~-~I ~n
"develop -~"1.ew friend>
and visit the .-,nuiM!Ciiii ••• OR EVEN
TRY A PART TIME JOB." (As though
she vrerc finally ready.)
Dr. Ramey rfJtortc<I . "We reach a
poinl where thty can 't tmnquilize us
enough. lt's better to use tha brain to stlmu.late society than society tn
deoden the brain.
"Supposedly men mature: \\"omen
grow old. Men ripen: \\"Omen rot.
''What Americans nood to retnember
ls that we spend $15 bllllon a year
10 keep women ln tollege and yet don't
give thorn 1 chant< Jo participa te ~
ductlvely .. "
written as changes occur so raµid l)'.
"As evidence 11ccun1ul ate!i, there are
changes," she said, explaining ttui.t i11
Why "l have the escape r lause, 'on
the' in the Litle."
Citing ·an example of rapid change,
she said that as late as '69-'70, !tudies
sho"''ed y,·on1 c.11 feared success. "She
must be ugly'' or "she'll never gl't
a n1M " y,·ere lhc typiC411 com1ncuts
made a bout 1,1·omen y,•ho exce l in mole
dominated areas.
"Today," Dr. Sherman said, "1,1·omen
are beginning to think that it"s not
SG bad to be successfu l.·•
While researching her book. the lec-
turer said tha t she found it ;,inlcresting
that so few v.·omen did studies on the
JllSYChology of ":omen. JL's virgin lcr·
ritory ••. if you will.
"J·IO\\'Cver ," she added, •·for those '"·ho
do, they have a problen1 or find ing
funding and of getting into areas tu
"Once Lhey gel in, they rw1 Into still
anot her problem -so1ne don't y,•11nt
yoo to do an objective study. ·n1ere's
;1 certain aenount of intolerance On the
~!en don't have these problems, she
claimed. They do the research and
women end up losers in the sexua l
shell game because of the \ray research
is done and how it is interpreted.
For example, about 4-0 years ai;o a
study 1,1·as dooe on whether 01en and
'>l'Omcn have an equal sense of justice.
\\'omen rated certain acts more serious
than men. but this \Vas not inlefllreted
as being more stem. It was considered
en"IOlional and the conclusion '"'as v.-omen
are less just than men.
~ }. ,, .~
"I 'I, ·, /, ... "
"It ll!i generally conceded !11at v.omt:n
are as intelligent as men, but not 111
certain specialized fields. Sonic Uunk
v.-01ncn urc unable to analyle as \1 t·ll
as men.
.;\Vhat ha s happened." !Jr. Shern1:.in
explained, "is that wo1nen have not
performed as \1'ell on some spatial tests.
"This Is interes ting because a1 the
preschool level girls are superior to
boys in space perception."
Or. Shcnnan said th at she hopes to
research whnl courses and activnies
develop the skills.
Other stereotypic vie1.,·s she disL'USSCd
ln eludcd:
-\Vomen arc n1ore passive. At fJrst,
I v.·as taken in on th at one. Data is
inadequate. The claim is based on on\?
stud y that male babies are more active
f i
Job Options Need Nursing
01 Ille Dell)' ~1191 llllf
\\'omen still are not gett ing a fai r
shake Jn the medical fi eld. agreed Dr.
Susie Fong, professor at UCI ~1edlcal
School; Joyce Sylvester, RN, supervisor
at St. Joseph Hospital, Orange, and
Carol Heckman , UCI Counselor.
Their topic was \\"hat's New in Science
and Health Careers for Women.
Dr. Fong called for more medical
schools, a "medical peace corps" to
serve America's poor and Increased
motivation for young girls so they will
believe they can go into medicine.
"We put bright students through their
paces then keep them eut of n1edical
schools," Dr. Fong said.
"Many students I see shouldn't be
In medicine. They should know what
lt's all about."
The students she teaches are involved
ln the care of patients. "They are doing
very speclaUud tests and they come
any time, day or night."
Dr. Fong believes women may have
a unique role in medicine because or
their IClrdty Ji medicine and beoause
they are different than men. "They
offer more expression ol emotk>n, more
Women also are more subject to
prwure lhan their male student
rounterparU, she lidded. Tb<y m"'t ••k
themseJv ... "Should I get married! Jr
so, when? When •hould l hive chlldrtn?"
Plus, they still have lhe preuure of
their studies, Dr. Fong said.
For three years she has \\'Orked at
UCJ to get the quota ol women medical
students raised from three to 20 percent,
she commermd. '''lbc 10 percent cut-off
wu arbltrarily set by the dean."
Only seven percent of the doctors ·--
in America are \~on1en. as opposed to
around 20 percent in some other coun·
tries, Dr. Fong noted. Of these, 63-77
percent are married and most are in
full -time practice.
Since women live longer and can
therefore practice longer, the time orf
they take to bear children is co m-
pensated for. she said. ';The total time
comes out even."
~iany advisors tell women Uiat
medicine is too diffi cult a career. Dr.
Fong added. "They should be toid to
think of themselves as being important.
Their self-image should be built so they
can believe they can do what they
want to do.''
Dr. Fong said her own grandfather
disowned her when she enrolled at the
University of California, Berke I e y ,
because she was upsetting strict Chlnese
She was one of three Cemale student~
in a class or 100 in medical school
and could only find live male friends
who y,·ould carry her microscope up
the stairs so she could pass her classes
(she was pregnant at the time).
At UCI, Dr. Fong revealed . Cemale
applicants' pictures are passed around
the admlSl!5ions committee and only those
who are "not too pretty or not too
ugly" are selected.
She then spoke about medicine for
the poor. "More people should help the
poor," she commented. "We need a
medical peace corps."
Mrs. Sylve~ter told the Extension
class, "You should think strongly about
nursing as a career. II ls one of the
most upcoming professional groups In
the world.
"We are looklng for better people.
You can make a career for yourself
and you can go anyy,·here in th e \\-'orld
you want to go."
"Nurses are not the handmaidens of
doctors ," she slressed.
There now are many more specialties
for v.'Omen ir. nursing. she said. And ,
there are more opJX>rlunities to work
up. A licensed voca tional nurse can
study lo become an RN, for example,
though she said there is not much more
pay for nurses with degrees.
A graduate of a tw~year RN program
will start at around $800 per month,
she said. and those with a bachelors
degree will make around $70 a month
Nurses who do post~gr.aduate study
in management make even more. Mrs.
Sylvester said, some up to $2,000 per
la-1rs. Heckman listed many specialties
within the medical field that are open
to women and men , such as dentistry,
optometry, podiatry and veterinary
"Pediatric denll!rtry Is a wide-open
field (or women," she stressed.
Medical schools now are looking for
well-rounded students with background.5
in the humanities, Mr.i:. Heckman said .
"Some new !iekls are open to men
only, such as the physician 's assistant,
but these will be open to women soon,
I feel ," she added.
Dr. Fong mentlonod the many or>-
portunlth'.$ available for technicians: in·
halation therapy, radiology and research.
And she encouraged won1en to look into
related careers: ramily or genetic
oounsclon, J>ll)'cholngtsts, s p e e c h
therapist.! or aucUoiogists.
(S.. CAREERS, Page II)
tl1rin girl li.ihu•::;, hu1 uuh 1111! ur· :s\
\l'l'rc !iturl11\U.
-\\'orllt'll :itL' lllOl"I.! dl'1>c11~lt:11t It 1'(
t·lcar 1hcr1' arc 110 cit"IJt•tlJency !'>cX d1J.
fl'r\!ll CcS up 11) the ai;e C:.ight It's ;1 lso
clc11r tli;11 1t .'i :1t·tt·111:1hlt• 1vr 11u1n~·11
to be llcpt11dl'Ht
1!011•t•\'t•r, llll'll' IS !lit• ru1UH1l:.i l11Jfl lh.11
d<'l)(•ndt•ll\ 1nl·:Jn., lh·lpli·.-.~ li1''-t',11 l'li h,ul
too 1nany vnrtablt·s, suth as co1 npi1r111:;
hOUSL'W l ~t:!S and bu:.1ne.-.:.u11·n.
-~lc1t ;ire rnurt• ai,:gr~· ... .-.11•'. .\n· 11·1·
10 cons1dt'r It 11 good 1rn11 to lie 11Hirc
physically aggressive·:
-\\'or nt·n <ire nwrc en1011un<1L Ag111n
lhe shcJJ 1;<1111c. l::n1011on;1I 1-; dl·l111eil
as fc<i rful. ·r11cy n1iss the 1"1111t that
lhe husb;uH! displays the t1nu11un ot
ange r v.•hilc )!!ll1ng at his \lilt• 111 :.lUµ
being so e1nu11011<.11.
Sn1d1<'(, .~ho1v !hl·rc nre no rcurful Sl't
1!1J /1•1;•111·1·s ;1 rnong 1111• ~vung . '!!~ ris1>r.rt
1•1 \\,ill'h, [Jr Shc1•rnan said, 1s 1hc
1'111•1·r ·1111 ;1s-1·h1ld1l·11 ~ro1\' and bccon1c
:111,1 rl· 1.r lhf• 1r:11L
:-;1' r.1·:s n11··i:1·:1t
'\\u111cn <ind 111c11 sho1v their discon tcut
ct11ll·r'L·111l1 •· tl11· h:r1ur1~r l·xpla111cd
·"1'!11.'rl·':. ;1 d1fJ..:rl'11t·l· 111 111L'ir ~t.Yl<' ·•
J)1:-cu-. .. 1ng !Ill· · ra:,:1ng h(lrrnonc" s:-11·
t!rornc, 11r. Shcrn1an n·fu!l'tl 1hl' argu-
n11•1H 1ho1t 111.ou11•1\ art• 111or1· i·111011011a!
1lur111~ 1h1·1r 111en::.tru:it11.1n 1••ru1d.
1\ltlw1u~h rr'-1•:1r1·h 1s no1 <.'Onrh1)(111 ,
)(he s.111l, 11 11.t-. sho1\11 L!1t·rc 1s hulc
or no r111otiQ1111I chan~C'.
"tlH lhv 11\111•r ti;uul ," IJr ~hC'rlll<1!l
.~:,;,!, "1,t· 1nu .... 1 ~i.:t·p !lu~ ~v11 '·' th111g,
111 111.·rspcc111't'
.. \\1• 11111-.[ ci1n.-.1t.cr tlll' l11 gh $U ICH.IC
rate <HllOllg rn1·n ·•
Todau ·.~ co i·,·r .-.t1)r1f.11> 1·01111/111/1: sr(ltr 1·p1·i·rnue <if 1/1 r
UC! F.'.rt1n1sio11 sei 11 .~. 'f'/11• \\'(Ir/!'/ "f ,1·,,,~1t'1r ro11r Life onU
/l c11/ll1. coo1·d11lt11e.i l1y 11,-, l>u1 1~ ,/(,11us(111. Tl1e /1·ct11rcs
dealt 1vith SCU/"('ll!J ti( _/ll11/(l/t! 7J.~yrl111/i1!/fl. (/C)IC!Hle111·e ri!i
rlr/1f1.~. U!'lf!//s 01 111!!11u1x111sr 01111 1• 11111t 11\· c/1(11L('e.'i jur
01eclical career.\.
FrodiY, DKtmlHlr 14, U l l Pitt U
Medica tion Questioned
Risk or
Cy LAUlt lt-; l\,\~l'E H
01 !ht 0111¥ "ll•t ~11J!
llrugs are mi raculoU£ th ings .
1lint's because of the 11·:.i~· thi.:y h111l·
lx:en m:idc and 11hnr tbe,1· du ro "
person 's body ••. cli 1111n;nc pn11 1, rt'lur11
a vit<ll c:hemicol dt•stroy1•d 1n illne!'s
or make an organ v.·ork ;is 1t naturally
shou ld.
But. then , said L)r. \\"llrr£'d Hasl ett,
ancslhesiologi.sl at St. Jo!'cph's ilo:.:pital.
"Rcmcmb<:r every one of these dn1~~
is poison. Every drug \1·e use \1'ilt kill
yo u. I rnn't desrrilx: ho\I' fast it will
kill you:·
•I!! described so1ne ot the drugs ~ 11'0-
man may be gi ven if she goes into a hos-
pital for a hysterectomy.
The woman he described 1vas •·an
average person in good health."
\Vhcn one of the students asked hOI\'
the person could be healthy if she 1,1 as
in tor ni<1jor surgery. the ancst hesiologi>;t
e~lained. "other lhan tha t one s1c·k
thing, slu:'s l1e<1l1h.~· ''
After :id1nission. "right :111·;1y she'~
OOmb<irc!cd with 1ncdicati11ns. '' hl: .s;1 icl.
licr doct or n1;:i,v have phoned 111 orders
tor sleep medica tion. a OOv.rl prcpar:1-
lion , pain kill ers and aspirin or <!arvo n
if the pain isn 't loo bad. If she norma lly
takes tranquilize rs. she \\'Ill probably
CClnti nue on the m. And !hen she mi~ht
al!O have an anli-nauseant prescribed.
"It jtt~I goes on and on :ind all kinds
of th ings." the doctor s~iid. "1'hc Lill
just keeps going up."
The an~thcsiologist nl.1Y prc:;tribc,
as an antl-nauseant or dryin;:: agent.
severa l dru gs before she even ooes into
the operating roon1 .
Before surgery, he \\"il l prob.'lhl.1• ~i\·c
her an intravenous injection or :;I
barbiturate which wi ll have the ~ticnt
unconscious in just a fe.,v seconds.
Contrary lo the co1nmon belief. Dr.
Jlaslett said . this is not pultl ng the
person to sleep. 11c explnincd. the <ln1g
works on the brain but "no one knov•s
exactly how it works .• .It just puts
your lights out.
"~Tom this point on. the patient is
in grllve danger," continued I he
anesthesiologist .
Since the ba rbil ural c has knocked out
the persoo's respi rat ory center. pure
oxygen is forced into her lungs at the.
same time as an anesthetic vapor is
given to keep her unconscious.
She may be given a dn1g it her
heart and blood pressure fall nnd she
could be given a nnrcotic so t~ vapor
could be reduced. The surgt.'0!1 might
also cal l ror drugs.
A.'I the surge ry ends. she ooultl be
given drugs to reverse the narcotic ef·
feels and muscle parnlysis. In the
recovery room , palicnls oftt•n shl\"cr.
so they arc given a drug:. Another is:
ort en nr.cded for hiC"Cups, as is an anri·
There is oo Wf!Y to ki101v ult !ht•
drug lnterar11ons, l)r, lli~slctt said. "Uul
we know the.y're there.
"l think it's prell y ri sky business
mys~lf but that's my bt.L'linc!;S.
"\\'he.never )'OU put a drug ii\ a JXI· :,
!u ·nr:. horlr. n·~ risky," he rx-p\:iincd.
"\\'hL•nr1·l'r .\Gu 1nalie a patien t un·
ctJnscious. it's haz11rdous.
"11011 do you k11ow
harn1Ju/~" nskcd one of
lie <HlS \1 Crcd. "You don't."
tht•y'rc 110l
!he \\'Omen.
Even a si n1p!e h_rclrogcn-0:.:ygen con1·
pound f'vcryone uses everyday c:i11
r1C d:ingcrous, he sa1rl. "\V:1!rr 1s :i
t.lrug . If \re !:i kc IUO nluth of i1. 1t
11 i!I t·ausL• an inloxic;Hiug: ('ffcct on tht!
i\nd JUSI like n1ost naLur;i l subs1;111cc.-..
1~JJtt·r 1.:an be m:ide by man. "\\'c cau
duplicatt! 11/Jat the body h11s l'Xacrly ,''
Dr. I las!ett said. "The body can ma ke
11. $;)can 1,1·e 1n the tab.
··\Ve use it ta drug ) 111 the hunu1n
being to (TC:\lc :1ny l'fft•ct !hat 11e >1 ::1n t
to sec." hl' exµla111ed.
A patient ca n "absolutely refuse
anyrhing )'Ou \1':1rit,'' he s<ud. But his
ron~1s;f!•11t :ah·ret' 1hrou;.:houL 1t1e lt.'t'lur('
11a.~ lo "!ru~! rhe r h.\'si4·1an ~ou "rc :.eeinr;.
I tt1ink eal.'h physicin n sl 1ou ld probably
do 1rha1 he Is most N n1for111ble .,1·i1h ·•
Ht a!:.-.o !old 1hc1n. ";1nts1hcsi a is rn urh
saf1..'r th:111 it's C\t'r hecn befor<'" ;:ind
is ™"''Om111g "n1orc arl(J 111ore routine ."
Another drug, c~!rll{:en. also is beini:
11.<:(lrl 1norr rouli11('I~. But bo1h he a11tJ
Dr. Dor is Joh n s o n. obsletri cia:i/
t:Ynt·cologis t and course coord inator.
l!Ul'S!ioned its use, especially a lt('r
Lml..E KNO\\':'\l'
Not mul'h is koo\\'n :ibout this rwriod
of a \rom:in·s lift·. lie said. becatL':iC
nntil the last 50 year~ \\nn1cn didn't
li\'C long enough lo reach it.
Hoy,•ev('r, he expl:iined. there has been
the philosophy that n1enopaus c "need s
rre.1tm('n l. . .It's nnt good So v.·c've
got to do son1cthing about it."
AlthQugh 011)y 25 peft'ent of the: \1·on1cn
need treatn11•11t. he said there is con·
fu.~ion because of the l)f'f1cf v.·h1 ch ho
docu1ncnt.ed with c u r re n l ud·
vcrtiscme.nt s.
One in a medical joun1a l suggested,
"Start her on (a certain brand of the
drug1. Keep her on ... "
"J don 't bel ie,·c th:il'!J right at all ."
Or. Has lett said ... ltatht•r, d0t..1ors should
treat the symptornology wll il it is cured,
\\'hich usually isn't very long."
~1 1:.:NOrAt.:SE
The t1\'0 n1ost common c-l1nical sign11
nf mcnop;iuse. he c>.:plained, are hot
nas hes and irregular mcnstrulll periods.
Slln1c y,•omeii also ha\'e sv.eats, oervous
anx iety. fatigue snd hcndachcs.
Psychological changes seems n well-
documented symptom of mt.'110p.'l1J1<:e but
the doctors noted that this is not included
in the Hsi of syn1ploms l\'h1ch can be
helped by estrogen thcn1py.
1hey alsn notC\1 lh.:i t J.'i percent Qf
lhc brcnsl cancer i ~ s1in1ulated by
estrogen and ques tioned \\'helhcr the
hody would prod uce an amount of un·
necessary honnooes.
- Dr. Haslrtt's closing JliC(e of advi~
'l'a.<t : "Om 't Wke any medication )'DU
,, 1 I I I J !
Club Activi .ties Salute
\t.·1nb1•1, ol th(' :-.t•vtport
Jie.1rh thnrtt·r 'h;1pll'r of
.An1,.r1C"an J\u.,rnt''i~ \\ 1un .in·:i:
/\.S.-.Ol'1;tlloJ11 \\ 11 1 ~(ill h•~r Ill tit,.
H.11fl<,;1 H;1,1 ("lul1 ;it 7 p Ill
'rtH«~t!<1.1. I )~·c-11:. r .. r a
('Ill 1:-ln1,,, p,11 !I'
J 1u~l).'.Jnds gaU1cr in the T<1I•""!
ul tlic \\'ftolc rl'slaur.1111.
Balboa 011 'J'ucsi.l:iy, 11\.."'<:. 18,
Jur ;J. buffet d11uK•f.
(~.1rdcn 1;ro\!' ~,·l"OOI d1'id ri<:t.
and 01 s1ngulg ~rvu p. durmg
3 holid;iy p.ttl)' 1'ul'!lduy, lA.'(:.
Jobs O:lughtr.rs.
Other officers of tht_· llun·
lington B<'ath bclht·! a r~
KaUiy Noting nnd Beth Dykes,
princesses: Lisa Loncler e1•,
gwde. and Kathy Carkag1s,
1n<1rsha l.
l>ancing: to the mu..~!c of
lh•· \\1;1 rn"'n S,1 ~l1·r Con1ho y,•ill
conclude 100 cvenu1 g.
J\1 r.1. <~'har!('S l!ing"-·t11! J r.
11·1 11 u1>1:n h(•r ho1111• for the
9.JO a.in. galhcri11 g 11·h1eh wil l
111<.:ludc u vo;c;:>;dl l.l01'-I .
Ph ilharmonic Bal Masque
W ives Lea gu e
F1·sti1 ,. t:ihle d1.'l'Orat1011<;;
1vi!I .~('! n hohrla\' rnl>O{t .,., h1·n
n1rn 1 bf·r~ of !ht• Off1c1•rs
\\"11 t's L(·agllt" and 1 h t' 1 r
llarlx:.r \'tl'll' ll1ll..,, l '1)nl ·
ml\(l'(' of the Orange r-0untv
fJh!lh;1r1non 1c ~K'.it•ly will he
i•nt('rt;11n1.:d by Larry \\'hit.son
t·horal 1nusa.: tcaclll'r in the
Da ughte rs
('<.dh~ lll't'd, t!J11g hlcr of Mr.
anll .\lr~. Jolu1 H !teed uf
Los Alam itos, 11.,1s J~tallcd
~s honored quef'n of Rcthf'l
3'll , lntcmalion11! Ut'df'r of
t-.1annequins and fl orists \1'h•1
11·1JI pc1rt1CI 1:iatl' u1 I.he ~'eb.2'!
liill .\1ru.quc of DanHJS lll..'
C<ir!<lad Y.('r~ honor.od c!ur in1~
a dinner in the Nl'1\·port Bc;1ch
lrorne of ~lrs. Paul lia.st ings.
Brightened ..
'J'hc tlln1cs. \Villian1
Sa x I t1 11. t"hili rn1otn.
l\C'r n1 Binia :ind H~d ph
\\'nter1n a11 (left to r 1ghl l
r ccrca!c the /'\a11v11y
scene in t he lobby of
J loag J lospilnl as part
of t he /'\iglllin):!Jle
chapter's annual 11011-
day cleco ralion project.
I l:i.lls arc hung \Vi l.h
t i n s e I gnrlands. reel
hows, rattan (_'l1rlst1nas
t rees n111.I Santa col-
lages, 'l'he 1\ffil iant's
ch apter provides
l'l!ristn1as slorkings for
Test Proves Worthwhile
DE1\H t\:\:"-J LAl\'O ~.:HS: I :im rt>spond-
111g to "100 fiCl'tcnt A1neric:m." \rhu
f)(>l it'l'('S a rn:indnrory blood lest for
obtaining a 111arririgc !ict'nsc_ is "un-
l"01\S!i1U tiona1, nnd nn 1nv;ision ol
pr1\·al·~." l hl· pcrson 11 bu 11 rotc tlull
lclt\'r i~ l f\O pl'l'{'\'!11 fooli sh.
\\'e ;1rc nfl l all pPrfect :1ngels.
Somct11ncs things h:ippc n thut lire•
l'tHnpl ct.c ly out of tharacLer. Never in
:1 n1illiru1 1·t':1r.-. wriu lrJ I h:11·c bel1l'vcd
!h:n I \\'Olll.d pic k up a Vl~nt·rcal dise ase.
I :irn nn t1 11pc r-c!a~s intrll tc\t1:tl in
a hig h t•c·ononuc hr;1t•k!'I. Bui the rC'\Xll'\
shoy,·cd I h:Hl syph1hs. nc\·er!helr!-...'i. 1 ll
1\·11s d1•lt•r!t'd in a routine healt h tX ·
;un inat1on. I had no syn1pLorns. J
I \\'<JS trt'alcd 1111n tcd1a tl•ly. rL"'-pOOdC'<I
\'f'rV 11r>IJ and l1;1d rnr third c·ll·;u•
\\';i;.,.;1•r111n11 1 ..... 1 111·0 yc.:i 1:s rigo. Shor1 !y
;1flf'r th.II. I lli!S lllill'rll'd ."ltld II'{• 1101'.'
ha vf' a l1t•;iut1h:L he;1l!hv ehdct. I shuddt"'r
tn think th;ll our h<1lly. (.'(iu!d hai t: lx"(•n
hnrn bl1 11d 11r c!t':ld.
For (:1 1d's <:.;i \.;•·. 1\•111. !1·IJ [X'!Jplt• to
lir gr111t·!til th1 'I" ;11•· l'•'!(Ulred hy !:1 11
10 t:1k{' ;1 t·lriod 11 ,f t1r·l•11'r• rh•'Y can
111arry. It":-a hl1·ssi11~.-Bl·:JUI Cl1\"{~
J>E Alt IL : .\1 11111"1 l'l l'ry day I A<-l
a lrll l·r ln1111 so111 c di ni.:U.it \1ho 11ant..;
111 !-.now 11 h:1I ~1 :111•" 11 il l ;dlo"' p('oph·
ti • 1na rr~ 11i thn11! ;l hl11od lest. 1"han k~
l11r :J h·lh·r th:H r11:1k1·~ ii t•asie r for
11-.i· !n r(•l ll~f' In h·ll 1t11·n1.
J,f:\li. ,\\\ 1..\:-0IJ !~B!'i
;ire <liffcrcnt. \\le nrc poles a p a r L
Hl ou r 111·v.:; on l'!itirrh. dr1nh1ng. friends
;ind leisure tin1c. \\'c ron't t'VC'll t•njoy
a T\' Sho\V togethl'r lx'Causc \\'h.1t I
hke he dOl'sn't, an d \'ICC ver~<-1 .
\\'c both have \\Orked ha rd lo becornt'
fi nanrilllly sec11re. If "·c separate. 1\i·
n1a ke rhe children unh;1ppy. (\\'e'vc Lr ied
ii \ l!'s also a fi nanci al dr:.li'n 10 run \\\0
M·parfllC cstnb!ishn1rnt.~.
l suggi'slf'd <'Ot!r~c!in!!; anrl he says
h1· doesn't IK'lif'1·c in it. I 11'ent alone
unl'l' bur di'cirlt•d it 11;:is useless for
rnl' to go \vithoul him. since he's the
Oil(' .,., ho nct'Cls 11.
\\'hl'rl 11 (' 11·i'rr marrif'd "'C' 11·rrr in
IO\'i~. I d1111 't know \l'h<it happt'n00 or
\vhy_ I do kno1~· !hat 11"e arc both
r111~f'rn hlf' iind 1 f'anno1 izn on this \\':JY
<._';in yo1 1 hC"lp~-11ESl'Ef{t\1'E
make one last attempt to gl't }Our hus-
band to go 1vith you. Tel l him thr rnar·
riage depends on it. And good luck to you .
OF.AR A'.\~ 1-.A:-.IDERS: A friend of
rninl' is being nuirried in Janu<1ry fur
1he lotrrth tirne in eight. year~. I l1av,:
bt·c11 hl'r 1nflid of honor t11-i<:f' and l1t•r
tnalron of honor once. J think thri t's
enough. especially since I had to buy
a Ill'\\' dress and shoes every tin1c.
No"' she has as ked n1e lo s!<1n<l up
(or her again flnd I G11n'! 11n111 tu.
1"hc la st guy she nHirrk·d is rt>a l!y
,P,fl'Cll. She gave hin1 a ra1~' dr:il. I \'aluc
this girl's friendship but I'm beginnin~
II) fcf'! like a hypocrite. l"d like SO/TIC od-
1 ice oo .... tiat to do. THE .JON.\1-£
IJEAR .I .: l"d say you'\·e done your
bi!. Tell you r friead to ask somebod v
t>lse this tim e. It might change her lu rk.
\\'hat 's prudi sh? \\1hat's OK'! If you
~~r<"n't sure, ynu nef'd some hl'!p. It'::;
t1 l'ai labl t in the bookl••t· ··\'cck1ng nn<I
!"cuing -'Vha ! Arc the l.1 mi1 s~·· :\1:1il
.vour !'('<Juest to _J\nn J .;1ndtr-:. I'(). Ho\:
:t\.tfi . 222 \\' 13ank l)r. «h1c:igo. II!
/;nf..i-l. cnl'lo::;ing 50 CP!llS in (~Jin an(!
a long, sta n1ped seli-addresscd cnvi'lor11..:.
An1ong ma1Ull'QUlflS for the
ball wil l be i\lni. William
Moore of San Cleme nLe .
/"lowers by i\1orr!, lnc. nf
( 'OSUI flft·~ 1111d Newport
Bi.'aeh, and Carl's OJruna di'l
!>.l (lr l·Jort~t. v.ill prtpare
Three Arch
'f'hrct' Arch Uay \\'ornan's
Asi"<OCJation is .sp.Jnaoring a
c-h1ldrt·n·s p.Jrly for rom·
1111u1 1ty re!>idents fro1n 3 10
5 p n1. 1'uesda y, [lee. 18.
From Page 17
lndoo.d wUI be a puppet RUFFELL'S
show . \\'here is Cbrlstnw, cmon·s preS<nloo by s t e p 11 an ; e UPHOLSTERY SPORTS\YEAR. Wilkstro1n and Sandy Wells Wti.,. Y•• W•ftt
a visit from Senta and carol-TM lest WtticlilT Plan, 17th and Jrvine,
ing. 1 •22 Har••r l lvd. J'lti,o,·port Bca<.:h.California92660
1'hat evening adults wu1:lir~e:•~H~•~M~·~~~~,.~·~·:":1:·=~====:=~~===i gather in the clubhouse for
Talk to Santa Christmas!
Keep W•rm
This Winter
With A Gift
Santa will be near the
telepho1lC Mond.:ty and 'I\Jcs·
day. Dec. 17 and 18, at the
Invitation of the Youlh Co1n-
ntittee of the Jrvine Junior
'Vornan's C1ub.
Children may phone him ~J'\Lo
their Cltrislmlts "'" from BIDTIQUE
6:3()..3 p.m. b oth d.i.ys. 1~•7 Via Lido
r\un1bers arc 540-5530, 54().9960, N•wport leach •71-4510
l "lt •I TO l ido T~..-trf )
5-ID-9961 and 5-l0·9962. -~·: Op•n Tonl9ht 'Tl1 8
·r\1'£.11ty-th rre new n1en1bt'rs;I~=:=:;;:=::;;;~~~~=========~::!!:~ \1·ill be ini tiatl'd into the club !'.
during candlelight ccrcn1onics
;it 7:30 p.n1. Wednesday, Del'.
l9, in the Universi ty !'ark
Clubhouse. One transfer n1cn1·
bt.'r also 11·lll be \VC!con1cd.
Club 33 Digieyland \1"ill hr
the setting for the 1\iesday.
Dec. 18, quarterly business
metting of the Orange County
C h apt e r of Executives'
Secretaries, Inc.
Election of officers and a
Christmas gift exchange v.·ill
highlight the 6:40 p.n1. dinner
mee ting.
Catholic Women
• •
r.anl sels
for gals . . . ·'
REG. $30 OUR PRICE $1 5.7 5
3355 Via Lido • Newport Beoach e 675-2547
Cl..,fP'Hll T~• a1u1 Dolptiln) A Christmas theme•has been I'--_--_-------_-------------~
chosen for the Tuesday. Dec. 11".~\~t>:i1.1:>U~~~~~~B;tuz~~w2:l~~!r:t,-.9lll'.f~
18, meeting of I.he Orange M [F'~b;:l~t:::!~~~-Bit~~\'5:1'.~~~~~~~ ii
~:'~ioce~:ne'tou~ci~ 1 ~~~ R THE COFFEE BEAN ~ ~
Calhohc Women. • ~ ~ "
Hosting the 9,30 a . m . 0 ~ # 7 ll ~
gathering, which "'ill include ~ n i jj
a luncheon and presentation ~ ~ . . ~!
of Uls Posadas pa geant. \\'ill g ~~s::lr-l ~~~~~~M~~mJ:P.t~~~MJll>.'! ~
be La Puri~ma Pacish, El g .COME IN & SAMPLE W ~lodena. I\ \) , FRESH ROASTED COFFEE i
~ CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS ~ ~ ~ Careers • • ~ Fine Tea i
Dr. Johnson ~aid th:it the n1edicine: she has four bosses. ~ i):
Cnitcd St.:ttcs has 1nore doc-y.·orks about 100 hQUrs a wee k, ~ We Gift Wr11p, Meil & Deliver 'P
tors per capita tha•1 any other delivers 100-160 outside lee· I MON .• SAT. 10·• ~
count ry. "1\cross the country turcs per year and stHI has ! 3355 VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH ~ research to do on the $500 11 ' U "'e have one per 6()0 pat ients." >.:i PHONE 67'6141 < nlillion errant she has. Ii ~ • she commented . ··or the cnun-e· ti('s in the United Slates \rith , (Se!iind Th . Blu& Dolph tn) ~
no doctor. this includes on! y I-------------"~,..-'-,..-"'"'-'-""'-·-""-· ,.. __ ,.,,_,_,,.-'-""-'-""--'-· ~ ~ ~ lt:1~~:::slJt:SI:Qfl1=.q-.,,~
n'oout 500,000 people."
She added tha t American!!
spend mo re on cosmetics eac!l
\·car lhan 1nedicine.
~!OR E l.A\\'YERS
Dr. F'ong accu::::r>d t h i'
Amerit>an Aswciat1on o f
University Professo rs of kl'ep-
inc: the nun1bcr of med.teal
schools small. ''Only 11.000
doctors are graduated r::i ch
year y,•hi le thcr(' are 35,000
lay.·yt:'rS," she said.
T iJllC is the biggest factor
for women in nlPdicine. f)r
i:on~ stated . explaining thflt
Ill(',\' nro· still rxprc:ted to do
1h•'ir housr1\·itr1.v d111ir..,.
Il er O\l'tl se!iedule illust raics
the ri gors of acadcn1ic
The.CAM ERON sheepskin. ~~W
deolqned by us,e•cl"'°"ively ou rs ...
and yours .
:.nr! I h,1\l' Ill t'!l
J·nr Ji vf 1hos(•
JllJSCf<!ble IO,t.;e1hC'r
rn,1 ri'll·d 21.1 _1C'ars.
20 \l'l' ha1·(· IX'r:1
Uur ba<:1c intC'rests
l)J-:Alt ll.: I hat1• lO SOUiid like a
broken r1·1·ord. hut here I i::n again.
As k }'DllfSt'll l11c ques tion: \\'ould ~our
life he bt'Ht·r nr 11.orse v.'ithotll hln1 '.'
As for th1.· t hi!drrn, I don't betic\C
th""l ki ds 11.lio g-rov.· Ufl in a hou ~r
v.herr both p:i n·nt ~ arc 1nisc~abl1· can
po ssibly prQflt from It. r ou say they
are unh a1)py "'hr n you :ire apart. Arc
thr y happy 1thrn yuu are together'.'
Go ror some addilional counseling and Antique Jewelry
Sale -•
Frtee ! C h ildren'.~ Christ111os I /~'11t ertai11111 e11t S aturday, Dec. 151
. . . 11 (/,///, I,() 1 11·'"·
(iod n1ake
our world
"Toys for Tots" Toy-A-Thon C•m"""'
Th . I d h k Chrl1tlo11 Scl•nc• LKt11r• ts very ~pe c i a ay fort e ids start$ in t he Huntington ''PRAYER POWER"
Center Mall dt 11 a.m. with the a rriva l of Ron ald McDonald.
The e,.ci lemert continues with guest (J ff r•ctions a ll av
f Alb•rf I . CrlthloV", C.'1.
lJ lern oon, including Grann y Goose, lions from Lion Sunday, Dec. 16, J PM
C ountry, clo.,..ns and Gc isho g irls from Japanese Vi Jloge, MURDY PARK
the Friendly E<'lglc from Busc h Gardens, the trolls from RECREATION
Ma gic Mounf ct1n ct nd, of course, Santa. The Mitche ll CENTER
Marionetle Ch rist ma\ Sh ow will be pre1ent•d •+ I ·2-l & Golden W•st north of
4 p.m. W M1t1t1 AM.
For Mom and Dad, there will be the •fl new '74 Cheyy HUNTINGTON BEACH
Show, then ba ck to the ~ids for Chevy 's free mini-theatre •1td•r the auiplce-s of
sh owing of c a rtoon faYorites. Re member, our go•I ;5 to fill FIRST CHURCH OF
the Toys for Tot~ toy barrel in 4 ho ur5• It's fun and it's free CHRIST, SCIENTIST,
t1 f Hun ting ton Center, Be ach & Ed ing e r at the Sai n Oiego 1 H.B.
Friday & Saturday
December 14 & 15
Na1:ural s'lv.j>Wn., shi.rt·,,\yl~, ~ida .:-:, , ,
"'Zllls,lcathzr .b~"".
Tra•u latloit 101 Dea f. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F~,,~,~w~·~Y~·~~·-~=-•!""_!""~~~~-·-~~~~.~-~~~~!"".~"!.~"!."!.~-""'-~-~!""~~""'".~•-""'_"!."!._~!""--""'-~".._~~~~~~~~
. •
1,r1i-m.,=n~ ~~~&.~~~mro.%~ !vft.,J1'1,~~&.~~~·~ · ~~bl41.yt·: :::~·~·'0!'V;..~~~l/!':~~·~·~~w~
Horoscope: T a .urus Ponders Improvements
hp Sl 'ONl!:Y 0'1Alt R
Loo is an idealist and is
guided by the highest prin·
ciples in relationship with
loves. A:; a born leader, Leo
naturally falls into the role
or being the iustigator' falls
in love before know ing
"'hether it \rill be returned.
ARIES (i\tarch 21-April 19):
Try not to be pressured into
making reckless decisions. Be
familiar with the ground rules
when pulled by urgency and
duty. You could be expecting
too 1nuch fron1 one who is
fatigued . Seek ham1ony-win
your way. Libra persons 1na y
be spotlighted.
TAURUS (April 20-i\·lay 201 :
Watch tcndrncy to \\'aste or
err in judgment. Don 't spill
secret information . Thrift is
not the aris "·er to money prob-
lem.~ Che<.-k insu ran ce
coverage: p onder in1-
p ro ve m en ts and rear-
rangrrnrnl'i. A bt'ltcr lcisure-
tirnc activity com es up.
GE~tJ NI (May 21-June 20):
Avoid straying from t he
straight and narrow. Fl nttery
and riirtation are tv.·in decep-
tions. Be observant ; listen
later. A plan for the futu re
involves a break vl'ith the past.
Set:'k advice fron1 astute SaAll-
CAI\~ER (June 21-July 22 !:
This could be a long day,
Premi!il'S are high a n d
schedules ti ght. i\1ake no basic
change v.·ithout asse ss ing
situation. Hevic v.· "'ardrobe
f o r discarding. replacing
rep.1ir ing. A Leo niay nudge
you to constructive action.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 ): The
scope of expectation is
deepened a 11 d broadened.
There may be reason to re-
joice o\·rr good fort une. Deal-
ings \\'ith aulho ril y go \1•c\1.
Sa11:iltari11s 1s \ikrly to be in-
volved. Take lime out for
son1e fun and frol ic.
\1IRGO I !\ug. 2.1-Scpt. 22\:
Don't pin things do1,·n. They
\1·i l1 only squirt fron1 your
grasp. A1·01a crf'ating fal se
in1prcssion. Accept ro ugh
going as a healthy challen i.:e.
Redl'finP v:h;it you \\'ant fro1n
lifr Sc-ck sound ad\"ice ra1hcr
than guesses.
LIBRA 1 Sl:•pl. 23-0c!. 22 l:
Dig d('('p for facts. Reject
tilt.: supt'rficial. Do one thin11:
rit a time . Fnmilv n1atters
intn1dc. ~loncy Pi c I u r c
brightens. Focus on sigh!
''•hich adds !o income. Deal
\\"ilh Gemini , Aqua r I us
persons. Tolerance ""ins ncv.•
sco nr10 (Oct . 23-:'\ov 21 1:
Don't bclic1·e all vou ht'ar.
Salesn1ansl1ip d()('Sll:t Jibe v.·1th
facts. 1\t arital and p;_1rtncrship
tics strained by .,..·ron g "-'Ord
or fa lse step. Someone ne\\'
Story Has
A 'Point'
Tht• current tight ni('al
situation reminds of a story
c~1rrird o\"r•r r'ron1 \h(' tigh t
belt days of the Drprl's~ion.
l'lil' ~tori· 1s told in the
American Spite Tr;idc i\sSI"·
ri;ition's latest 11e\1·slC'1tcr.
Tht' \•001nan 1\·as ;isk('(I v;hcit
hf"'r fan1ily"s f;ivoritf' dish \\'as.
She f('p\icd !hey <lie n1ost ly
"potatoes and point " ... lot3
of potatoes hut so liUlc meat
you could only point at ii.
J-. 7 tfiru t.A ~. 9
P•l1ti19 .... , i. •I•• I
Atlv•He4, La,.d1cap•:
Drawi•CJ • .. 1ic, Flt•re;
W•t.rcolor: Color aH
De1'9•: Pri1twtaki19; I•·
t.rief' Des .. •: Jewelry:
Cer••lic1; Sc•lpt•re.
1 .. 1la9 CJ•11•1 1• Life
Drawl••: P•l•tl•9: Cer•
0 ,.1cs; Pltoto<)rophy: Ad· v•wc-' l..+erior De1l91.
ApJ1"9"• .. fot Veter•'"
R•de/ll' N...diu;rimi11•h.,t
ltv ritt or phont /or brcrh 11rt
171~1 4M·1520
6)0 L19u1a Ca1yo1 ltl.
La9.aa leach 92,51
in your life may cla 1m n1uch
of your time. Fulflllmenl nf
lioi:it.' lies ahead.
SAGITTAlllVS (Nov. 22-
Dec. 21 ): Meet people, make
new frtencts, engage i n
discuss ions v.· i th pol itical.
scholastic or altruistic <.."On-
nota tions. Be creH tive to in1·
print your style. Visll someone
indisposed. Po.siponc a trip.
r·orlhright action is best.
CAPRICOHN ir>e<.·. 22-Jan,
J9 J: Be thorough rather th1:1n
bored. A v o id .spcculat1011 ,
chance-taking. Promises are
overblown.. Channels of co1n-
n1unication nol functioning
well. A loved one 111ay be
unr!:"ady to iu..:cepf v.hat you
say. B.('mnin g c: n i a I , cif-
AQUARIUS (Jan. W..F'l'.U.
18); Be indl'ocndcnt aud ask
no fa vors. Create a mood uf
happiness by your attitude.
f\.·lake the 1nost of extra tin1e
for sh 0 pp i 11 g • r~amily
members are searching just
as you are-and, hopefuUy,
you gro1•:.
·r 1SCES t F'eb. 19-l\1;irch 20 1:
Early foot-dragging by a loved
one rnay UJ>S'!l, blil } ou c<1n
tunl incident to vuur ad
\Wltagt. f\Joon oppoSlng :our
.'>ib'll accents personal cn1
phasi:;. Toe the hnc, cbscrvc
rules carefully. A\•oid forgct-
ru!ncss; depend Oil V.Titten
BIRTHllAY expansion is the
na1nc of lhe ga1ne for you
Jn lhc ~ear ahe<cd. 'flH~I
ft'0l'l'IS in )'OUT r;10gt• or 1n
lt·n·,,1 SO<·t;.d hit· f <1rt•(•r
.status and IUllilll"t'll Us.· eorn·
u:un St':ll..'>e to avoid outlan<11sh 1 c\anns. Active cycles art'
February, ~lay, Jullt' and
&:.-ptembt.:r. You h 11 v c
unusual vuiee and a ··s\\'('cl
tcuth ." YOt!r threat IS ;1
vu\11l"r<1bl!! poi111 <1 11d _you at-
tral·\ 'l'i1Urus, Libra 1x.·r~ons .
Gru11d 01•e11l11g
Dec. 15
Doll Houses, Miniaturel
T.J:il!i. and Christmas Ornaments
('vrile /1ru!1'S1'. flt'lf uur i1111r1uc tltsplay.~. 111eet fellow
r1in11u/1u 1st"'i & !Jcl 111·11 uleu.~ Jur pt11jcct.~. See u.:l1at's
/i ll')//1:1111111 .n viir /IJ() 11i:ut 11/d IJ1tdltu11se . •
'M\l.\TUHL\ hY th e BARONS
18582 l eoc:ll Blvd .• H.B. Ope11 10-S
Its hard to beat our toy prices. And huge selections.
PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 15, 16, 17, 18, 1973
Deluxe Habitrail'Set
REG. 15.99
SALE 11.88
Starter Habitrail ·Set
REG. 8.99
Sale 5.88
SAT & SUN. DEC 15, 16
Lightweight for Boys
ORIG. 39.99
ORGAN 37 keys, 12 chord s.
Hi-impact polystyrene. On stand
with bench.
For Ages 1112 to 3, in sturdy
blo-molded plastic-
Chopper trike wilh a 2·speed stick
shill transmission. Seat adiuSI·
menls. By Mallet
REG . 6.97 ORIG . 28.97
; I I
SALE 6.99 .~
REG. 8.97 ... - ... °')
Battery powered.
Re,.lly brushes teeth.
By Kenner.
-~---·-... CHARGE IT
ORIG. 5.88
with your JCP.nney Charge C.rd
lfyaudon"th1ve•ch1rge, ·
jusl SM how !&st we can open upYQurnew 1c:count.
~& ";
26 .. LIGHTWEIGHT BIKE ... ..,,.,_;:
' t--~
' I
ORIG. 56.99
8Hc,, •t OrangethOrpe
Ready tor anv rescue
mission. Talk ing com-
munication cenler. Big
Jim figure not iocluded.
ORIG. 15.99
ORIG. lil.97
Opoft Dolly 1:30 ID 10:00 P.11. 5"ndoy 1:311-10:00
City Or. •l Garden Grove Blvd .
0,-10-10"""' Dllt)' Suftcllf 10 lo 10
ORIG. 18.99
Specially designed for younger
riders, ages J to~. with safety .Jnd
~tyl ing as top priority.
Malibu Barbie
ORIG. 2.97
Twist n' tr im waist Bendable
legs Long blond hair and
golden tan sunglasses and
beach towel included ,
3900 So. Britto! • No. of So. Coeat Ptua
Open 10-10 p.m. Dllr.....,. 10 to 10
l f 'arel C1·isis Gr01vs Introductory Special • SAVE $3300
10,000 Boating Layoffs "\ I '
LEVEL RACER -'l'hc Quarter '1'1111 yachts. such as
('al Prl1sto1l°s !'l:i ntana-25 Bclelguc:z. ""'lll rai,.'c as a
(']a~s !nr !he fir.li t 1in1c in Ncv;por1 llarbr1r Ya cht
('t11 t)',c:: C'hristma s Hcgatta. 01hcr <lua rt cr 'l'onners
i11('l t1tlc the r;ric~on-25. San Ju:in-24, Clipper (Juar·
lcr 'l'on and the Cal-"f /4.
\\leeke11d Cale11dar
Christmas Regltttci ' -
E11ds Harbor Slate
N(•11·POrt HarOOr Y a c h t
Cluh's Christmas Re g a t ta
S:llurdav ;1nd Sunday 11 ill \\'ind
up forrnal yachting acti vi !y
•n ~e1rport Harbor fur the
j'l'nr. Th!• !rar!itionn! event is
open to all classes.
Also scheduled on Saturday
is Co.as! Catan1aran Corp.
llobie·l2 Ch:irity llegatla to
Uc. sla~cd frorn lhe J{ustv
Pelican J{cstauraut. 1':111rV
fl'CS for !he c1·cul 11•i!t lX>
don;1\ed lo !he American
Joiru ~11111
Carl Schun1acllcr of
Nc11·port Ucach has joined thf'
design group of c:ary /\lull,
11oted Uay Arca n ;i v a I
circhi tecl.
Schwnachcr lx'g:in his sail-
ing career at Balboa Yacht
Club here l1L' ca 111 e up
through the junior salli~ pro·
gr;inl. lie is a ;.:radu:1tc. of
C;d l'ol y at S;u1 Luis Obi sro
1rhcrc ht· ~peti<.dizcd in st ru<:-
<":allccr f,;1c1('t.1·. Thrre t1·il! he
SJ>C{'ial r;:icr,;. int:l uditH.( onl'
for cclchrirics froun the cn-
1,·r!ainrnent \\·nrlrl .
\'achting ne1i\·ity throughout
!h(' Sou1hl;1nd is !i~ht th is
·"'rr'kt<nd. Cl1ri'(1m;1-; rcgal!as
;irr ;1 !~n schPdulcd hv Kin~
ll:ir!)Or Y;iclJt Cluh :it nr·dondo
'Reac·h ;u11! by thf' Anacapa
\'aehl ('!1rl) in !he Ventura
So u 1 h c r 11 C ;i 1 l fornia
\";1l"h!ing Assoti.'l tion calendar
of cVCllts;
Y i\CI rr {"LVB -Christmas
ltcgatl;i, Saturday. Sunday.
Santa ,\fonk-a Bay
h:I.\(; /L\JU301t \'ACllT
CLL"U -Christrnas fu.'g:1tt.1.
k1·clbo;1t~. Sa111rdny. Sund:1y
SOV'\11 C 0 A S1' COH·
J:'\TlllAN Y,\Cll'l' CLUB -
lntraclut> Jil'gatta. i n s i d e
elas.scs. Sa tu rda y, Sund:ir.
North and Inl and
Chri~t inas Rf' g a t t a , cen·
lerl.ioard boat s, Saturd:ty;
Chrislrnas race, ocean racing
c:lasses. Sunday.
SA.1\'TA UA!lllARA YAC!l1'
f:LUD -Scholastics Bcgat la,
Star, Saturday, Sund!l}'.
'J'Ai\ll ';\. 1-l:i 11\l'J
~p11kf'sn11·n for !hf' nation's $4
lJ11l11111 hu:1t \11g 1nc1 ustry ~y
UH.• fut! ('f'i.'>1'> has forced tht>
!1•mpi1rar1 l:iyoff of IU .tJIJJ
\\orkers, r·ut production and
\IC11~·1'ft sal1·-;
.. \li.1Ul IU IWll'l'lll nr lhf'
rn;inu!:.itlilfcr<; li:t\l' had to
l.iy 1w~)1>lc uff rur ;1 f,•11 d:1\'
ht•rc .111/J thcr1· !)l·l',1u:-.1• !h"\
c11uldn't ~l·t pl'1ro1·hl'rl11('id-
h;1,cd raw n1ul1·r1ab.'' said
~latt Kaufman. :1dn1in1~tr:i1t1r
uf th\' f~n11111).! Indus 1 r y
Association in t.:hi<:<1go.
Th e indu s try u sc·s
pclrochcmil':LI, to nt a k e
f1hcrglass h11!1s :iud \'Ill~ I
upholstery aud rugs. l\l1t~l
pl rasurc rr:1tt 111;11\uf:irturcd
!ud;_1v hr1ve f1 lwr;.:l;i>.S hull s.
l\.:iurn1an ~;ud 1!ic 11atl•1n·s
2.jij(j boat pl<1nts employ
roughly R0,000 "' o r k e r s .
1.:iyoffs ha"c U.:cn spotty.
t\;\ufrnan said. bill h c
('Sti111;1Lcd abotit I 0. 0 U U
\10rkcrs 11.'IVc been idJ.,_J,
KAl.i}',\f,\'1 SAi[) 1h.'lt l\\'O
\\'l'eks ago the association v.·as
ge lling fr:intic calls fron1
d<'~lers v.110 said if they didn 't
gt't 1his or ih:it right ;1y,ny
tllc.v v.·ould hare to go out of
bu!oint•ss. But that s1tl1atlo11
hils iinprovcd sonll•ll'hat !O-
da\." ~·1arida, 11 here 1> I ca 'i u re
1¥latlng is a rn;\j'lr industry.
li;1s 125 boat builders -five
pt•rcC"nt of th1• nation's total.
\\'el!craft, a produce r of 16
10 2.J..foot fi be rglass boats, s.1ys
it is shu tting down its Av on
!':i rk plant and laying off 7ll
1rorkers until spring nnd cul·
ting back production ~l its
n1:iin plant in Sarasota.
Boat Firm
1'akcs Spot
In Countv
~larsha!I ~:it Cornpany ofl
S:inla Ana h:1s sig-nN a fi VC'·!
verir !case at llt'<irlv $150,00'.ll
for offict' and ~ <lrl·house I
space in the S;u11a Ana ll)unn
It bU~!Jll•<,s p;irk 0£ f)U!lll
!'roµcrtics. Corr.
Li:.icated a! J(l!I S. Li!ll'\OOd .;
$;1nta Ana , :-Ola r.sh<11! 11•ill us<·1
the 21 ,000 square loot facil ity
fnr the !llllllufacture 0 r
fibcri;lass yachts and cruisers.
Joe 1'.~hrct of Dunn
TTopcrtif's ha ndll'd nc.(!otia-
tinns for the h·asc. Dun n I
l'ropcr!ics has n1ort' 1h;in 30
?lLC::ines_s an~ indust rial par~s l
111 Cahforn1a nnd othl'rs tn
l.>,11 llas. llousl.Dn, J)t•n\·l'r :ind
/11k1nta. ---1
Nlarine & Nautical Gift Ite111s
Nautical Ho1ne F1u·11ishi11gs
fro111 J\Ii uucy's
• F'ine i;clect10n 1nari ne p r ints fra1ncd and un-framed.
• Co pper <l nd hrass ships larn ps f or lhc captain 's cabin.
• f{eautiJul f.h ip~ \1hcels 18'' to 6 feet in dia meter .
• Solid b ra~s ships bell clocks and barorn eters by Chelsea.
• Sextants l)y l'lath and Seiki for the navigator in your li re.
• c;nod sc:1E'c1ion of sl1ips figurchcatls.
• 1:ine ~hips n1odels unJ hal f hu!l:;.
• Pen <incl ink sketches by Sco tt Kennedy .
• 13enutiful silk screecn prints by Elton Benne tt.
• Fine selectio n of custo1n naut ical ta ble lamps.
• Schooner association of America Tee shirts and cocktail glasses.
• l~~au ti ful n~utical Christmas cards by Lyle Galloway. ~
• l'.1ne selection books about sailing and hard to find titles.
• Sea of Cortez-Hea\'y \veather sailing, etc,
• Brass Ships Hells.
Be sure and visit our n•w decorator showroom featuring the compfm
line of "OLD SALT" furnilure in heavy Mk-brass bound. You name it
tron1 a l~i nnicle for your l ... iberty ship to a harpoon for your wh aler . \Ve've
,got th e f inest seloct1on of nautical iten1s on the \Vest Coast.
Minne y's SlriJ> ChantUery
2537 West Co•1I Highw1y -Newport Beach -541-419'2
WHlcdays & S1turd•ys 9 · 5 -Sundeys 10 • 3
"Thn.1ugh lavoffs a n J
st~1!ions. but 111lxi:ird u11·ncrs
v.·cr~ Jj,p.Jlled 10 fillin~ 1heir
built-in 1anks at n1:1nnas,
v.·hc.re ful·I son1et1n1es 1:;
~carec .
Chris Cruft 111 1'0111p;uuJ
Bl·;.1eh. whose txn11 s rang(·
fr111n $7 000 to $400.lllJU ~:1ys
it":-; tx·.._·n g1:t11ng ~1 lot of t.:.'1lls 1
fron1 clt·;ilers w;_11111ng to kno11·1
hu11 had Hie ;-,1\u<1!1on is i;n1ng
[IJ l.:l'l
''\\'c Uu11 l kno1v \\'hat to
tell llH 111," Si.lid spokesrnan
Den111s ,\1·1la. ~ PRE-HOLIDAY
~ W e o re 0 ¥ertooded with eAceii inventory. floor
~ Samples, Trode-ln1, Ren tol Re turn,, Repcn. Moi l
are cur1ent o r lote modeh . All or• in good con·
Vt. l. normal attrition 11·c're cutung
our la bor force by 2n percent,"
sLl1d trt·asun.:r Hit:hard IJ.
cosrt:sso ns s3id the firm
is finding dcall·rs reluctant to
C(intlnue buyinr,:. "They're con-
cerned 11•hat the government's
::attitude 11·11! be tn1~·arrl ga.s
rationing and they're 11·orricd
<1lxlut bank fina11t:ing."
'l'ht: Hl1<1ting 1\s:-:uci;1tion, a
fed1·rat111n uf e11gu1c, boat,
tr;ult:r .1111.J rn:irinr aeccssorlcs
rn;n1llfi1l"h.lfl'.r~. l'la11ns lhc in·
dustry 1:. .suffL•ri11g n1orc frot)l
tl1e u11cl·r1;11nty of f u c J
;11«1J!;dul1ty lllall l:1tk uf 11
"TJf,\T'S Yl llA T IS hurting
us rn<Jst." s:11d K:iufn1an.
"Th<'r<' ;ire ;111 kinds of
nunors. ranging from r<'rtrn·
rage cullx1cks to a l"On1pll'te
han 1111 pleasure l:x>a !ing.
l)!'alcrs ,1rc lt·lling us IJl.•Oµle
:ire 1.111stpur1ing ord<•rs till !hey
St'C 1vhicl1 11·ay it goes .. ,
! ~
dition, fu!ty guoro nteed, delivered, serviced by ut,
\\'c lleraft, v.·lth $12,5 rn il lion
in annual s;1Jc.s, 1vas 49 percent
Last .vca r the ho;1t industr~·
had its best vt'.'1r l'VP r 11·i 1h
rt·tni l sales o( S~ hillion. But
;1hcad of last yc<tr's production i~---------~I
rate for Septen1bcr l ol
!\'oren1bcr .
"Uut 11·e'rc losing thosC' in-
crcincnts Y•ith the (·ri sis." 1 Confessors said.
Tampa Bo:1 l i\1arl. .'I l:irge
central Florida d1st rihulnr.
said unit s:1lrs aren 't off. but
the trend is away from Jargf'
boats and Inboard engines 101
smaller boats with ootboard s.
"People aren't sacrificini:!
boating," said Vice l'rl'si dcnt
J im Murphy. "But thl')'rc,
shying aw:1y from 27-foo! in-'
boards 1vilh 100 g.'llJjJn tanks
and choosing 21·foot ou!-
boards instead.
llE SAID TllE oull)():1rd
01vners co1drl get. port:ihll'
tanks filled· <>t n1ost st•r1·ie1'
2620 W. Caost Hwy.
tl ('!.wp:.rt l each
I ~ ~ i I
~6 SO°lo
Will BE OH
. . .. -.-.' ---~:-;:·:·:-:::·:::;::". ::;~.==~ --• ORGANS
11-3; 11.Y;
A·I OO; E-200
M.J ; M·lOO;
SALF HOURS: Shop early for
full selection
We hiYO the fabulous
10,00 10 S:OO
Shop early for
best Jefectlon
12:00 to 4:00
10:00 lo 6 p.m.
2154 E. COAST HWY. 644-8930 2033 H. MAIN 547-0lS 1
u~" so~'"•' s ..... A-1.,1 J
. Sales • Rentals • Instruction Service
TWO CAR FAMILY ...........
Conce rne d about gas mileage? Ca pri's the answer. The
perfect "second " car for your family _ --economy, perfor·
mance a nd o utstandi ng Europe an styling . Pick the Capri you
lik e be st ___ 2000 or Vb 2800, 4 spee d stick or automatic.
Su n roofs, Ra d ial tires I standa rd J _ Do zens to choose from • LINCOLN-CONTINENTAL AND MARK IV
America's favorite prestige automobiles. Now, in I 974's
superb new styling, comforts and features you've come to
expect. Never in automotive history has there been a better
time to buy in the luxury car fi eld . Continentals . -. King of
i he luxury lin e. ·
''The Best· of Two Car Worlds''
"Orangt' Count11'1 Tamil>' of Ti nt Cori"
ohnson & son
r\.1 f J ~I I I I , 1
2626 !{ARBOR BLVD. of CARS
COST A MESA 540-5630
Cur se of IGng
Ti1t Just Rot?
01 lh1 D1l!r l'lttl Jlt ll
. CAlllO-WATCllERS considering boomin g guns and new
whispers of doom in new Mideasl warfare recently re-
vived Curse of King Tut's 1'om h as a possible fa ctor ln
an AP-datelined dispatch. '
·n 1e story ciled ''iolence and death in 1962, 1967, and
-<.i not her five yeurs later -more wnr, death and misery.
Students of such phenoinena point oul in each of these
f11.teful Mideast years, someoue has
tried to take the royal toys and treas-
ure of tt boy-king who reigned 14
1 centuri~·s before Christ was born out of
Egypt for display in other nations.
C.O uld guardian spirits alle11edy In·
voked by King Tut-Ankh -Amen , a
monarch, who died at the age mod·
ern boys enter high school, have any-
1 \ thing to do with it?
NEWSMEN QUOT~~D longtime Cairo Museum Director
Henry Riad as ad mitting many mysterious fates have be-
fallen 22 indivi duals -by ('Ollnt -involved with Tut's
Stonr toybox sin('e it v.•as first opened 51 years ago.
lie also said he seriously doubts a curse exJsts.
ltia<l would get some strongly-worded, crusty Mlpporl
from 1\·hHe-haired Lindsley F'. Hall, a retired Egyptologlst
v.•ho visited the liarbor Ar ea 101A years ago, accord!ne to
a ye!1011·ed clipping in the bott om drawer of the desk I
clcane<I out rc('cntly .
~Ill. llALL, TllEN 79 y:ould -if he is still among the
Jiving -snappily ridicule the tale of a Curse of the Phar-
aohs on Tut's tomb in that silent, arid, reddish-rocked
Vallf'y of the Kings.
Ill• should know. ~le v.·as one of the rir!t to enter the
rool. dry dept hs of the boy-king 's burial \•ault in 1921 and
th£' last su rvivor of the seven-man discovery expedition at
the time. 41 yea rs aft er.
Lean. sp:ira and v.•ith a nea t, Brit'.s h tattersall ti e
tucked into the vest of hi!) 11'00 1 suit. he sat back oo the
sof:i in the Balboa home of a cousin, ~lrs, A. C. Houghton ,
and tore a favorite 20th Century fantasy to shreds.
"Tll l'.:RE NEVER WAS a curse," he declared . "Now
evcry1ol'hcre I go, people seem shocked that the 'curse'
hasn't carried me off loo.''
llal!. a draft sman :ind copy ist for the r.1etropolitan
~·1useum of Art or Nev.• York . spent six 'f''eeks or 1927
drawinR and dia.eramming in the time-drenched cham-
l:M·rs of Pha raoh Tut·Ankh -Amen, he said. The mummified
child-~i ng \\'ilS encased in gold, guarded by Polished black
Stone in1ai,:cs of hi mself.
Lord Carnarl'on, ;i \\:c!sh nobleman and financier of
lhe discol'cry expedition. worked along with his crew of
sc1t'1His!s and .idventurcrs.
Tl! .. ; \\'OHLO OIJTSfDE !hr rock-st re11n \'alley \.lith
its sl1lft1ng sand \\';JS \\';iiting for ne.,..·s, not ru1nor , but
/Jo!h c·n1erh4d.
Lord Carnarl'on . \\'ho 11·as drathly afraid of insects,
l1ad lh<' misfortune to be bitten by a mosquito and as a
rt·suH died of onPu1nonili):.
!f;il! said th:i! 11·i!hin days rumor of a Pharoah's Curse
1·;1!'t 21 crnturics <.tf::O had nashcd around the .,..·orld, along
\1 ith prt'dietions -and rx·rhnps ea i;er pub lic speculation
-rh;i t th(' r1•111:1 ining six 1ncn were doomed .
A period of 16 )'Cnrs, hov.·evcr. pa ssed f fore chief
:1rC'hr·o!ogist lloward Carter. the fir st of the , died and
thilt 11·as due to ordinary age nnd il lness. .
''TllERE \\'AS :\'EVER a curse ... The v.ilole curge
th ing \1:1s m::ide up b~· nc1,1,·spn~r v.Titers," lhe old adven-
1urrr !!all said ,1·ith a t1,1,·111kle in his eye_
.. :\nd fl\-'Op](' loved it ... "
Colleg e Grounds
'Dog·' Rock Act
l'HO\'O. Ut;ih 1L'Pl 1 -l'hr
1'o<"k grou1l "Thr·\'c !Jog Night"
11.'.ls \orcd most popular in
;1 :.tudf•nt poll at Brig ham
'otu1g Cniversit~· but school
off1ci;i ls canceled a scheduled
1·;1111rus appearance because
thf· group n1ight "degrade"
lhl· sc hools.
Offi('ia ls or the r..1om1on·run
school said a speech last fall
b.v rider Boyd K. Packer, a
t liurch lender, has resulted
in I h c ad 111 inistration's
SC'rutinizing groups brought to
''In the ligh t of eldt r
Pa('ker's ta lk, v.-e are taking
a closer look at groups we
.1rc booking and we're making
sure v.·e are in harmony wit h
church standards," said ~tark
Ale xander , head of the studenl
social office. "We don 't "'·ant
to bring In a group that would
degrade the school ."
Alexander said groups such
~s "Led Zeppelin," "The Roll ·
ing Stones" and ' ' Deep
Purple" would also be ques-
tionable, he said.
. "Of cou~• I rtmtmbtr you -you'rs thl boy whoH M~ I
"'""'v.t forgt1rl"'
Try Sattu·da y's News Quiz
get the message?
\\ "\\\\ \~
\ t I I
' I ' I ~
I ~ I .I
I \ \
Ord•r by Telephone or UH H11ndy M•il Order Coupon
TllearM4w • ., T•l•phtne Orct.n W•ICOIM tt7·1117
hneNt ~Senk• T•l.....,.Orchrllunt
P.O. ••:zon O,.n 0.11., l :Jole.m.,.. 5:30 p.m.
'-" .......... C..11..,,..,le toCIW 5'md.J t :)Oe.m. t.Sp.m.
N1mt (pltUI print) --Clly "1•1•
a c..•-• ·11( .... s 0 C.O.D. 0 Chott•-
MJ•M4we1'1t1i1111'-i1 -----------
""""' N4 •'-• ,.,, MeHU .. , ... ,_.., -"flU..,el ... ...,, ti.. I•-'"'•' ... 11 •• ,,
•-· ..... 7Jc -ke •M ... .,, ..... ,. •""' JS.00 •~' •II (.0 ,0.'o.
129 .50
The automa tic telephone answeri ng appliance tha t's always
hom e when you aren't t o get the me ssoge. Greets callers in
your voice an d records up to 30 twenty.secon d mess ages. Fully
sel f-contai ned and ready for easy instaJltJtion. Solid stote de-
pendability. Also ovoiloble in o multi.line mode l for only 1-49.50.
The ma te for Phone-Mote. Lets you call in from anywhere in
the world for me ssages. Just call your message phone, trigger
the tone key oVe r the receive r, and remote-Mate activ ates
Phone·Mote to ploy bock ony and all recorded infor mation. Con-
veni ently fits under the Phone-Mate to save desk space. W ith
Remote-Mate, you always get the message. No mat ter where
or when you are in need of it.
Cameras, Shavers 13
Moil ond phone orders welcomed.
Merry Christmas!
44'4 H. l utll4 17 14 ) ll!·l 111
41 fethio" h l•11d ! 11 41 644· ! 11 l 777 7 Edi119er A"•"11• ( 71 4) JJ) I '1100 N. T111li11 St1••I 17 14 ) ''I· 1111 CE•RITOS
.JOO Loi c ,.,;101 ~·11 ( 21 l l 16"0·041 t
SHOP f :JO A.M. ro f :JO P.M. MONO >.Y THRU SAT URD>.Y5 -SUNO.A.'I' 11 A.M. TO 6 P.M.
-~2 Ufl!LY l'llUI
l11111ate Asks Test 1-~nbe Sex Less ons
~ost fler
t'A:\\Jl\ C'ITY. c n!o 1l i'!1
~ A blatk c-un\ ll'I h11' ;iskcd
Colorado Stll1l' l,1·111!1·1111<11 '.>
offi<'ia!s 10 J{'t h11n rnarr' a
"l111e "on1au ;u1d lht-11 . lo
pcrnut the t'Quµll' to have a
child by a r ! l r 1 c 1 ,1 l 111-
The acting ... :1 rd('11 said
'fhursday he "01ild cvnsid ... ·r
the rt•que~t Hu1 thr pn~n·s
chief nH .. '<iil'a! 0Jl 1l'1·r Oully
Bug lio si
Will Seek
S tate Po~t
LOS ANGELES 1i\fl 1 -Al -
tornc.v Vincent Bug!1osi. "·ho
prosecuted Charles !\l:u1 sv11
and his foll o1rl'.rs in lhP Sharon
1'ate 1nurdrr c:ise, ht1s tin·
nounced his candid3CV for th e
Dcn1ocratic nornina!lon for
state ottorney g1·ner al,
BuglioS1. 11ho r;111 unsuc-
cessfull;.· ;1g:.11ns! inc11111hl'nt
Joseph Busch for Lo~ ,\ngC'lt•s
Cotu1ty distncl' :11 tunH·y i11
1972, stressed Tln1rsday 111;il
he Is not a pol1tici<111
•·1 llAVI-: KO p ri I 1 t i(' a I
obligations," ht' s;.i11I.
Bugliosi. :19. r1:::r:1sed :.i
pcrsonnl fin:incial :.t;11en1cn1
th<i! !isled his nel 1vorth as
S51.160. Ile also relt:iised his
1!172 state and federal income
1:1x returns.
.\ dcpuly district attornl:'.Y
for eigh t years in Los Angel('S
County, Bug!iosi \Von 105 of
106 felony jury trials, he told
ney,·sn1e!l at a press con-
··r vE PERSON1\LLY pros-
ecuted and convicted m<ijor
drug pushers, robbers, rapis1s
and 1nurderers." he said.
"'fhc other candidates running
for ;ittorney gt•111.:ral crin onlv
talk about !akin:; trin1innls
ot'f !he streets."
He said a recent Doro!hy
D. Corey rese.irch poll sho1rcd
he 11·ould beat his only other
n n no ll n c e d o pp o ncnt.
Assemblyrnan \\'aller l\nra-
biiln J[)-!VlonlPrey J>~irk \ by
n1nre than a 2-1 rn:irgin .
He lost 1(1 Buscl 1 111 19i2
b.v 0.1 percent of the vote
ofter a bitter camp.iign.
refus{'d to hf'Ip l\aro\cl .I
li 1t·ha1•ibon, '.!.ti. \\ho js St'r1·lng
~ :-.1'11!1·n<'c lur :iU1o !l1<:!1
··YtJL l'Ltl'Lll l!l'I 1h1s n1<1n
killed." said Dr Henry L'
Uonl'" "'rhi:rl' ;ire a Joi of
(Jt"Oplc II! !Iii ~ ('0Ulllry 11110
11 on'l like thi s. I 11on't do
"1'111 not going to perfonn
:1ny artllrl'i;.il u1:.t'n11na11on tor
'" """"""~ ........... ,, ... ..-
ttnyo11l' 111 my hfe." the prison
do<'tor said. "'J'h<' legul pro-
blr1ns ure just 1rt•1nendous.
no1 to n1l·nt1on 1he pur;hc r 1:.'ll.'.-
11on l.Jci.:;ius(; d 11·)uh: 11011lt1n
is 111vol ved. It's lllcsslng in
a hornl't 's nf'S! ·•
Hichardson <1skcd Acting
\\'ardl'11 (;ordon Hegg ie in a
Jcuer for pt:rn1 lss11i11 to rnarry
r>aun H :1rri~. 27. of Hun1!xi!t.
Jv" a. The convil't sa1t.l he
b!I Bil K e nne
Half of Marines
\1/ASHf l'!GT01' !CPI )
'The \'avy h;1s announced that
ha!f the U.S. i'o.larines sla·
tioned in the f\1editerranean
during the l\.1iddle F~ast crisis
had been cHl!ed borne .
Adn1. H.alph \V. Cousins. in
a starcn1cnt Thursday issued
jointly at the Pentagon and
at Atlantic F'IC('l headq uarters
in !\'orfoli;, Vn .. said the flve
an1phibious force ships cnr·
r.ving the :\Iarincs 11·ou!d be
h;1ck at their ho111e pons on
1he Easl Cuast in ti1ne for
Cousins said the shi ps 11·rre
seheduled to u n I o a d ap-
proximately 1.800 n1cn of t.he
34th f\1arinc Amphibious Unit
at ri.1orchead Ci ty, N. C .
\Vednesday. These Marines
originally had been scheduled
to retWil ho1ne from a
~1leditcrrancan cru ise in
November but "·ere held ove r
because of the Middle East
After the f\lari nes have
disembarked, Cousins said,
tbc helicopter ca r r i er
Guad:'llcanal and its four sup-
port ships \\'ill head for port
.it Liulc Creek. Va .
"1u1tt!<l lo father a child by
r..hss llarris using ;1rt1fu:ia!
1ns1•111 i n<1 ti on
"1'1\1 l\;llT ASK li\'G for con·
JUgal v1s1t,.;,'" R1the1rdson said .
"All 1'111 asking is 10 bt• allo""
ct! lo L'Onccivc a child by
n1y "'ife_ At uo timt' ,.,·JI! there
tx· :1 secuntv risk. ! 'll be
behind Y.'alls :lt <ill tirnt's."
llic:harrlwn said J1e 1nel
,\fiss 1-larris <it a truck s10µ
a yeetr ago and !hey h~1V\!
(-orrt'sponded since then. She
vlsited h1111 at the prison this
Richardson, serving a 31 !
ro 7-year term, is eligible for
parole 1n February, 197~. He
:;;ild he 1vanted to conceive
the <'hil<I 1\•llh r-.tiss Harris
hefor<' his f('leasc from prison
!x·c:ius(' it 1vould strengthen
the rniirriagc.
''IT'S AN interesting re-
quest." Heggie said. "I've
never heard of a si 1nilar one.
This is brand new. One of
the questions I have is
whet her I have the po"·cr to
decide this. I'll bave to study
the request."
Richardson said his request
resulted fron1 the lack of con-
jugal visit rights for convicts
brought lo attention NO\'. 4
ll'hi·n actress Sue Lvon m.ir-
ricd a maxin1um · security
prisoner at the penitentiary.
r-.liss Lyon, 27, 1vho starred
as the nyn1phette in the movie
"Lolita'' when a teen-ager ,
n1arried Cotton Ada rnson. \vho
is se rvi ng sentences for rob-
bery and murder. The couple
said convicts should be a!loy,--
cd to have private sexual en-
counters with their spouses.
"SEX IS a basic hwnan
right. li ke eating. sleeping and
everything else that goes with
being a human berng.''
Adamson said al'tcr he mar-
ried the blonde actress.
Both Richardson and ~Iiss
Harris have been divorced and
have children . She has one
child 1vho is living v.-ith her
former husband. Richard90n's
two children by his earlier
marriage live with his ex-wife.
Colorado Attorn('Y General
John C. t\ofoore .s<lid he did
not hal'e the legal po"·er to
perinH the bi rt h procedure if
the couple ma rried. I-le said
if Heggie refuses the request
!he convict might have to get
court approval.
AlJSTIN , ·re.x. (U PI )
r..1rs. John J>_ Boyd, a 56-}ear-
old widow, sold her hon1c <ind
use<i the procf't'ds of her
husband's life insurance poli cy
to pay for Z,438 hours of danc-
ing lessons that cost her
··1 was lonely," she said .
''f..ly husband had passed
av•ay. I had no social life,
and \\'hen 1 went to this studio
they "'ere friendly and loving,
and in an int i m ate llt-
mosphere. they would tell me
'You want to be a great
dancer. You ure going to be
th e best. '
"AND 1'HEY would flatter
me and play upon my emo-
tional status as a lonely widow
to induce me Lo buy more
lessons and I kept getting In
deeper. , .. "
She paid the dance stud io
$27 ,lXXl for dance lessons and
men1berships in various danct'
clubs during one ninc-1nor11h
period. Finally, she asked for
her 1nortey back. TI1e dance
studio refused and l\1rs. B-Oyd
filed a suit.
TllE St.HT, filed in 197 1,
asked $32,000 in damages from
the Fred Astaire Dance Stu·
dio: R&J Inc.: Bal-Fe!. Inc ,
of Dallas : and three individ-
uals. Bal-Fel. which !ioensed
R&T to operate the Fred
Astaire Studio in Austin, fi lC'd
a motion saying the suit should
be filed in Dallas. But the
3rd Court of Ci\'il Appeals
has ruled the suit should re-
mai n in Austin "'here ri.-lrs .
Boyd lives and took the les-
"ln representing lo aµpellec,
a \\·o man 56-years old, that
this school teacher could co m-
plete nearly 2.500 d;incing les-
sons and thereby bccon1e 'a
great dancer·' capable of pro--
fessicnal perforn1ance i.n in-
ternational competit ion. is
conduct manifestly decepti \·e
;ind fraudulent." the court
said in its "'fitten opinion.
"IT IS 0ts\10US from the
record that the purpose of
such fantastic reprcse111atlons
\\'<lS to obtain substantial sun1s
cf money from the appellt--e.
a design that yielded n1ore
than $27.000 in less lhan nine
' Nixon Jet Flies 3 H.ours
Each Week Without flim
\\'ASHJNtiT<JN 1A 1'1
\\'h1!e President r-.1~on pl:ins
his travel by tra111 lo si ·1
an energy-saving c.xainplc, his
big jct and full crew spend
J ,
Will Take
The Trai11
at l~;1st three hours \\•eekly
flying around 11'1Lhout huii.
Air Force Col. ltalph D.
/\lbcrtazzle. pilot of Air Force
(Jne. s<iid in <1n i.ntervie\v that
"'eekly flying is essenti<1l to
1nalntain cre11· proficiency and
to dc!Pct any n1lnor prohlc1ns
,.,.·ith the plune.
PHIOR TO TllE f u e 1
en1ergency, Albcrtazzie and
the crew of Nixon's plane.
"1'hc Spirit of '76," new about
six hours a week. 1'hcy have
(·ut that figure in half in linC'
\\ ith a general curtaillnL'lll of
1nili!ary flying .
It was announcf'd on Thurs-
day lhat Nixon \\•ill lX' gu-
\\' ASHINGTON (UPI I -In i·ng to Florida by tr~·i in
an effort to den1onstrnte his for a post-Chri stn1us holi-
concern over the energy crisis, day lo drflnl atize partici-
President Nixon "'ill journey pation in t he voluntarr
to Florida for a Po s I + C'nergy conservation program.
Christmas vacation on <1 Specially equipped presidential
specially-outfitted eo1nn1crcial cars will be attached to a
train, \Vhite !louse officials stht>dulcd train.
:skill ~ required of
l'n.~s ident 's chief pilot.
th e 1 I
l)n lilese fligh ls, he said,
the cotnn1unications c r c w ,
re g ula r ly tests its
sophisticatl•d cquip1nent to
mnke <·ertain every lten1
\l'OU!d be rl'adY for Nixon's
use. Tht' stewurds test galley
If a jet is no! used regularly,
Albert.azzie wid, seals can dry
out, solenoids can develop--\
,,,,,Jitt!J is essett•
1hcl lo mui11lal11
cre1v p1·t1fif·ie••~fl·'
bugs and other gear can
dt>Vl'lop trouias that might
not be detect~on the ground.
,\ f..1 A R I N E Co rps
spo kesrnnn indic:ited Nixon's
recent staY-a t-home pol icy has
s;:ived helicoplL•r fuel. \\'hile Although the Air Force has the pilots of the President's
BUT TIIE officials added no shortage of Florid11-ba5(>d ht•licopte rs hnvc bel'n flying
Thursday that the presidential planes. they do not carry the nlilitary missions in other
jet "Spirit of '76" 11'ill he co n.lrnunlcations . eq1.iipn1e111 siniilar craft. he said Nixon's
flown to Florida to be ready required for pres1dentia1_.USl': l'hOppcrs nl'ed not be flO\\'!l
for instant travel should Nixon nor. do they meet the stri~ter_. l'>l'eklv but that their cngint's
need it in an en1ergency. The n1a11~tenance s land a Id s ust ·be stnrted J'l'gu!arly for
jct uses about 2,000 gallons applied to craft he uses. ~i·stcn1s checks.
of fuel an hour.
I REl'ORTIN. 'G THAT Air The \Vhite l'lousc says the The Presideni ls cxpcc1cc to deparl IJcc. 26 for a 1.,·eck-Force One no1v is no1111 \~ helicopters consun1e I 5 0
long stay at Key Biscayne. lo \5 hours a 1nonth . even gallons of fuel an hour \rhile
The train trip v:ill lake 20 1v i t h o u t µa s s c n g e r s , ('ru ising and Air Force One
to 24 hours. ,\!bertazzie said he is a pro--uses 2,(XX) gallons per hour.
Offi cials said that t !1 e fessional -"a doctor of 1'h c rate of fuel use increases
President's railroad ca r \\'ill fl,ving" 11•ho 1nus1 fl y bt•yon d those levels during
be attached to the rear of regularly to n1ai ntain tile ta keoffs and land ings.
a r?gulHa~-co1.nm1er.cial Amir~~ !:f'S·.~~i::.?,:;:::,:o;~.~~~~f::>.,~~~~ts!t~,::s:~m ~~A train. is 1mous1ne may ,,., ......._ ~ .
driven to Florida, or taken ~ C:::::::.;:::::-+-c ~~
piggyback aboard a freight ~ *-t. ~
car, they ad_ded. Ji .-J ~ "'' .... M
The Prehsident has s!a~'ed ~] , What a . ii at the \\~ He House during f.: 11 ::~!past two wee kends to"''~ /;' WOnderfUI Way tO Say . ' I ~
w 1111 (j) n t-JL ·,, 1 -R-0-ill_A_N_l_A_NS_,~t fflPhhU ~mfl.4, . '~
~ v·7r #--~
GET A DEAL ~ ~ KltchenAld. ~
BUCHAREST. Rom an i at 4155. ~
(AP) -Boma'lian "·omen pay ~l ~ ~
only. 15 percent ?f lhl' cost ~ TV & APPLIANCE ~
nf birth eontrol pills and the~~ 2300 HARIOR. COSTA MESA ~ go~e.rnment pays the rest. t.he ~ --540.7131 ;.
off1c1al ncy,·s agency r-.rr1 said . ~t5'0:!~~~~r;::s.v:s.~~~~>s:t'.i;::!:~B::!'.~f~~.c;:i:\';;:(~y,:;sb.:'
• • for a 3-4 ft. Western Douglas fir
And, a parking lot full of more forest-fresh Christmas tree buys.
't ' ,~ . ' Ii
' " ' . ,
Drive r1gh1 up We 'll assist wi th
yourselecr1o n nnd hel p you
pu1 11 1n your car Ai our pnces.
you can be sure you re dnv1n(l
horne<i real old-fashioned bargain.
Wes tern Douglas Fir
Scotch Pine
3-4 ft.
5·6 ft.
7-8 ft.
7.99 4-51!.
9.99 5Y,-7ft.
13.99 7-81! .
Charge ii on your
JCPenney charge card.
, . ,
--:-·""' ,.,.. .... ~· · • .::'' • .f·
Beach at Orangtthor~
DAILY & SUNDAY 9:30 to 10 ORANGE City Or. 11 Garden Grove Blvd,
"" ~· ':.:i" ........ !
! I :• 'tl '
3900 So. Brl$10l-No. of So. Coast Pla?a
DAILY & SUNDAY to to to
\ ,
·-.. . -~ ~ .... ,,.
J,)~ fJt'Cl!'rt1hf'T I ,
Pin-u1' Calendars ll11d Their Day
LUS ANGELP:S {Al'• -rti(' .\la1Jl.111
~1onroe nud e pin-up calt·ndar sold ~11
1nlllion copies 1n the ear!y 19'.""ilb, liut
those are bygone days C'ah•ndar rualu·r">
aren't looking [or pretty girls any 1nort·
"The pin-up t.:i lcndar busincs.s is
down," says Peter Govi'!and, \.'.'f•ll-known
Los Angeles 1ilun1our photographer. ··vou
go into a siorc· 1101v and you sc·c f;ll
prop le calendar;;, nud r 1na!r c;i lf'nd;irs
All these 1::ln1n1i cks. Nobody is (]u1n~
anything s!raii;hl 1.1nyn1orc."
GOWLA NO DOES TllE photograph\'
for today's biggest-selling com1111>n·ia l
pin·up calendar, put out bv the lliJ~,.
Tool Co., of Elyria , Ohio. The Ci.ill'ntlar
is about the last of its kind .
"/'in-up ealt'ndars ha vt· kind of gono ·
dov.·11 the drain." says Bill Blot•dcl 11\
Brown & nigt·lo1r, SI. l'aul. 1\l1nn., lhv
country's largest calendar n1akcr.
Ed ~~bt•rls of Sha"' B:ir1on {'o .. anoth1•r
big en!endar finn in l'0t·hocton, Ohio.
agrCl'S pin-lip calendar sales ,1rc •·1-1·ay,
II ay d Ol\'ll. ,.
AT lllS STUlllO in his rustic 1':1eif1\"
Palisades hot111·. c;ov.·1;11111 v.as rt•c1·n1lv
al 1\·ork on lht! 1!1d~1d Tool call·lld;1;.
as the llidgc l'ffort is ral!L-<l .
\\'hi!c the handi:ornt ', 5 7 -v e ;i r · o Id
photographrr [;1eo11it·all~· ~hot lhl' p11·-
IUl'l'S, his 1\·ife. 1\IH·1·. hulitl i:..'1:1 ;1round .
brushing ha ir. ~uggesling poses. sc"'111g
bikinis. n1aking s;i11d\1·icht•s.
"Alice docs all lhl' 1~or\...°' hi ught•d
i'clcr. ·· 1 just s!:.H1d hl·rl' an ti push
I ' 1A-' I" t •, ,
Marilyn Monroe
buttons.'" Pin -ur photogn1phy needs ~1
\\V01<J r1 ·s touch, A!!C'l' says.
"A \\'0 :'\IAN \\'Ot;LO\l'T hesitate 10
say 'Your ston1ath is slic king 0111 too
:nuth' \lht'fl' .1 111:1 11 oiight kceJl quiet''
The shoaling t;:1kes place ei!hl·r on
the patio by Guwl;'lnd's s1nall s1-1·irnrning
pool or in /hc bare st utl10 v.•ith plain
11·hite. bric k 1valls a rl<t a large "'hill'
screen for background. The n1ode! stands
ban.:foot on a cold-looking I\' h i t c
/l1 •• 11,1 I ·.irJ...11·u11 gl.111r•·-. ;1t 111·1 re .i,
Ila· 1.i!I 1110 1J.i• i··: r.1" r.:r111·r·1 lld,,
111 111 r!io· PIP" \\r"lll'I• "<h:+k .... 111·1 fl(o\\111•'
lJ!t•IJrlt• h.1fr', 111g:,!1·-. h1 I' hip.,. 11111!!11\
111<1 bn"1"'" 11110 ,, 1110111 l1w:1i.•r l1'ot 1 "1~•
:1n·h1·~ !u·r !'\'•·hro•1 s 111 ti ··1t•·1'>· 1,
wh:1t \OU\'t• l>t.·1·11 W<Ullll~ fur " l•JUll. /Jlld
-prt•::.lci' SndJJ' 'J'hl' 1t11Jlllt'lll Ji11·'i 1111
for .1 1nilhnn 1.h1111b ·1 \.
S!l t:H\11\.'\, Tii i-: 111-li\'l'JI llt'l t11r1 I
l ook~ ou lrorn )\1:-. 11·ti111 · 1\'1JVIJ1'11 h(itll•'
in lhl' studio
ll1a11e :i '.\•1ft!i ('.1rf\l111:1 u:1111• 1~
k1dd1-d :.tlXJut hl'r cot·kcd t',1cbro11"s.
··'f'hafs 1ny 11 hvll' th111:,::· ~hl' J•1J.H•s
A fresh. !ig ht-h..:art•·d b;uH"r pu!s 1!1t·
n1odl'ls a! case.
"Pl·tt:'r is Vl'ry r tlaxed and his v.11.-
is fanlaslir--it"s ;il l very hnn11~v"
says ll'g~y Suzann(' Copf'l ~1nd. a t.il l
suptust 1ca lt'll-Joi •k1ng hrtu1t·l 11•
1'111·: i\lOOELS TllE.\ISEI.\ ES loo!,
sort of homcv \1•hpn 1hev first ;1rn1·,.
h<iir in t:U fll'.rS so lhl' ti;1irdo 11·il! hl'
Th1 ·y 11ork f(Jr 111ot.!t!u1c; :t)!:•·:1l'il's ;.111d
art• paid -~66 f)l 'r hour. .~Ii of 11 h1( !1
got'" to lhe '11..'t·nt·~. :\lost 1nodL"ls tl1J
lill le pin-up 11ork.
··1r ~ou art· goin!-! tu 11ork 111 this
business. you l'<1n 't ju.~1 hl' thl'l'~ec:1k•·
htT<lllSL' lhl'!'l! .iust 1 ~11'1 lh~it rnu th
c/1e1·sccakl'.'' l\liss i';1r k1nson :.a\·~.
Only <1 sr11all part uf c:'ull'l;111U ·;
business invoJ1·1·:. pin·up talt·nd:1l's. :1 .. 1: 11.\
er his phU(OS :ire sulcl 10 lt1ag<1 lltlLS.
lit· hns tl one about a llutt•n Playho\ --------------~-·---
l'' 111 rful d::, ;11111 :1.1:.. pt~1t11~1«1pfh·d n1.111}
J.J••tlt·!~ 1,110 J.d1:r ti\"< ,1n1t• 1l111•!L' :..T;1r ....
I\ 'I llt-; i\111) • 19liO..,, ll .iqu"I \\"t·h ·J1
pu ... •·d fut !hL' H1tlg11J loo! 1·ul1·ucl111 ;,i11d
1\;1!'i so pll'<.i~t·t! 111t h lhP h1k111~ (;u11lai1d
pru1 tth·t! th:it ~hl' a:-.h1·(t ir l>hc t t.ult.I
1,, vp JI.
"!"JI :11\1<1\S <'Ofl\C h;1ch jf \\JU h·t
tl'•· h111" !Ii.ii .~1111 .·· ~lit • tu!d t;n11!.1nc!
• ~·.() I g;i\"I' ii tD hP; ht:t 1•.ht·n I
t·:dli ·d 1110 1nonths !a1er, ::he tulLI ffit'
•\'t.t11 s t••• j't1t pt•t1pfe ,.,,, ..
(•111f111•s. lllltft> 111111•• •• ,,,,., ...
1f111•.s. 1\'t1l1tld!/ i.s If fl i II,,
1r1111tl1i11~1 ."itr11i~1 l1t 111111·
'.)U· \Iii ... <t ITIU\JL" ~1 .lt" 1!•11•; <llHI t:()uldn 't
.u1d l!HU• 1u1d \,,f~·•S. ~llU\.111 lv1 h1:-.
1\01·k ut .. :'\(1111r" 11nd 1'J;.1ybo.1•.
I'll 11'11 11111 11!1,1! h1.11>1)(:11S,"' .. :ht'flS
s:11d '()11j d.11 I got 11 n11111 "ho 1-1;1 ~
~di cxt'Hl'd ;1hout ha11ng a Playboy-t'.11"~
C.'l!cnd;ir. J htough! tum about a dozt·rl
µit-tures <uwl. like cncn 11·111 do. he looked
<it :-ill of !hl'rll, s..11d '11011' ;ind tOC-11
~tulf .. :d 1h1•1n 111 h1'i dL"sk. I 1>~11d. ·11L'~,
\1·;1it :i 1ninu!l'. /(·t's put one up vn
th<" \\;tl! \l'ht:lL' ;I)! the i.:US{Ofl)('fS w1U
::.t't' ii. l1k(• !ht•\ 11dJ cirr thr• C<dcndnr'
··night then ht· 1);'l1d /ll· 11:1n\L"ll to
ch;i 11i;c his orde r."
SCE.\'Elt''I' A\ll E ,\j ll A:\ r. I-: n J.: n
Spt'<'H'S t'illC'nd;irs <lrt• 100:1~ 's l>t::st
sel lers
l'l!l·UJJ c;il1'r1d::trs t'\'iH'ht·d tlltir hl'ight
or !)O!:H.1lar1ly lll 1!1e ]~Os <ind l'.IJIJ:...
Bu1 the\'°ll' hl'1·n ;1r ulu1d :.lllL"t' th t.: turn
uf !hl' t.:i·ntury.
:\loot t·:1Jl.'11d;1r!'i of :11•r type ;in• IJOu~h!
1 ,lflt' hv f1rrn:. that print tht•1r 11nn11'' on
\\ ll.1 ;11·f• pin·up t·:1h·nd11r !-:iJ1 .. , tln~pp111g lhl'lll and 11~ .. ll1c111 for ;1ilvt•rt1.':il1l~.
vff'.' Bl()('d('l ~;iid p1n-11p cah:nd;11·._ usually
tJni • vf !he f1rs r pu1 -1 1p ('idi:nd:trs 11·;1.~ f'll(k•d up "1n i{l<"ki •r roonl.~. l.11 •hind doors
· ('oh·ltL".·· <t por1ra11 paint111g bv Ai H;:L"lo ur in dt·~~ dr:111t'rs "'hf'rf' 1h1·y <lidn't
1\.~11. pru1t1·d 111 J!fl}:J IJy Hro1111 & 0 J:ig"lu11 ,-.<lo tire <rd\'l'l'l1:..er lllll('h good "
'/'Ill·: IOE:\ C:\L'GllT on nnd 1Jll1er
p111 \lj) t«·dt•11dars tol1011c·d. b11l 1l 11·a!>n't
11111i1 J!l!J r/1;11 11udc art 11:io;; 11-f•d Th:n
11;1 ~ 1h1• ··~\']Ht•111l)~·1· .\10111'' r<1lcnd ar
ln1rn thf' oil p<1ir1ti11~. ".\!;1!1r1l'C Scµ-
ll•111brt•.'' IJ~· P<it1I Ch:ibas.
tither µionrcnng pi11-up <1rt1sts 11t-rP
Hulf 1\rrnslroug in the 1!1'2H!i. (:l'Or~c
l'elly and his l'ctty l;irls ur the 1930s
'J'h1• \larih n \lonr0t' c,th·11d:1 r is tht•
mo,'!t f:i1no11~ of :11!. Th1· phot•>~rapht·r.
Tom l\ellt'Y ()f Los 1\ng1'lt·s , r1·n1 cn1bcrs
1l 11·ell.
"THE i'tlAHll.\'\' ,\to~·noE calendar
\1·as n p:i111 lur Ii) ~1·ars ;1fll';' th<n .··
Kelley said. ··People 1\·ould ;.h1.iys l:>ay.
·rou·rc the guy 11110 tahl's 11urll'S.'
··1 had to 11\"e 11 dov.·n.'' ht· <Hlcll'd.
f r· • ~ . I . 'h,. It g,i
~M. ~
Raquel Welch
Prices Effective Saturday, Dec. 15th and Sunday, Dec. 16th, 1973
E-t·.i LarQt! -30x15x9 -lhrei~
r:ompartmffnts. hghrwoighl lrame
and <1d1ust;ible padded str:tpc;'
Seven day-plus.
21.97 Reg. 27.97
Save 4.04
Westbend coffeemaker
8 c11p :iut r mat1c drip. \'/,1 rm1n 1
plate.1 ··::t850J
Eri1oy cr eo my d.-.lr(t(lllj
cherry chee5t' (O~f' c111d col-
fee. CofeU!rio.
Save 25 %
Flowing caftans
Solids, p1 1n1s. h'IO·t ones 1n
ny lon, nylon/ acetate.
sg to 12.75
Reg . $12 to $17
Save $3
Soucie top
All 1\ashnbtc ,1cr1 t.r.. Sunrr
colors. S. /,\ l ·
Save 4.09
Bowling ball
1<4 lb. black. rubber ball.
12.88 Reg.16.97
Little boys' ski sweater
S ~.' L P.1'trrncc! ;icryl1c Big
!.;. vs S'.ll 21 S7 . Re9 3 'J9 CCI
2/$5 Reg. 2.99 ea.
3900 So Bristol· No ot So Coast Plaza
Save 3.00
Kodak Pocket • 20 Kit
lnstamahc hnle camera for big
pic tures. With Camera, Magi-cube,
19.88 Reg. 22.88
Save 54¢
Photo albums
20-magnetic pages. No pas:!!
2/$3 Reg. 1.77 ea .
\ 13 ''" I ag 0 g
,.,.ff~~!J•rfh~ ··-· .......... ' .........
CH ARGE. IT at The Tr'!J<-ury
v.11n vour JCPennev Cl'nr ;e C,;ra
II ·10t1uon1 h<1ve a ct-ai :e
iust see ho1•" !asr we cnn
open uo YQLH n,'w accol,'l:
Be1ch at Qra ngethorpe
Open Dally and Sunday 9:30 to 10 pm
C•lv Dr. at Garden Grove Blvd
Open Dally and Sunday 1 O am to 10 pm Open Daily and Sunday 10 arT" to 10 pm
2 f OAllY Pl!O f * r ndily December 14, 1q73
Portland Officials Pleased With More Lenient Pot aws
l'OflTl.Ai\l). llrl 11\P 1 -Ahout n1nt"
11 t.'1.!ks ago OrL·g011 :11Jol1~hL-<l ,,,11 lt'T'lll'
;ind he:i1} flll\'S for ~t"'l!Jll Of an
"!lf\('1.' l•I ll'SS of lllOH'IJU.llt.1 n1.1k.1ug
thl' stt1t1··._ dru~ 1<111 ti~ 11;111un's rnost
lt•n1en1. Tht' l1bt.·ral1z:1\1on h::1s producttl
nn st<1r!l111g C'hang('-s.
l'O:.Sl:S!>!Ofl 1..; S!IJI llll'~iil lilll f\U\\
I! s l r1•<1ted rnorc likt• :t tn1ff1c 1·101t1l ivn
than l.I lT11ne A L'1tat1u11 ,, 1S"llt•.J 11nd
the n1axunu1n pcn:dty on ('O!IV1C't1t>11 1'>
:1 $100 fin~. regardh~ss or !he ru1111b1~r·
11f prc-v1ous convicti ons. 'fht·ri.: l.:-. 1111
f'rirnina! ri.:cord.
1'1fE J\IAXL\TL.\l pe nally hir1nl·rly 11as
<t yC';ir in pr 1...-iri and n $1.1100 lull·
the first lune. JO .1 l'ars :ind S-2,500 for
111crc is no 1•11d1•nC\' 1hl' .;11111• h11s
bt?coml· a havr•n for dru~ users ;ind
pusht·rs :is uppuut·nts ul Ilic rrll'<iSurl·
-~ M S.
1'hosc 11 ho ~ell 1nar11u:1n;1
~11pply :11id den1.111ct .•n:
~1·;.c;onal norms
'[!\" ,,, l('t'
1'(11.ICf<:. l'ROSf<:C.:U'l'll/tS :ind JU/JJ.!C!'i
lur the nwst p:1n ;irl' pll·;1..,t·d 111!/\
hul 1m1 .-;xr1tt-d hy Ille l1l 11'r':1!11.<1t11111
'liiey say !hf' Ja 11 li:1:; ~unply 1·:111gltl
ll!J \IJ[!J SOC'lC!~\ (l1,1ng1r:g :tllll\ld•·
I0\111r1.! l'llsu:.il u~t· uf 111:1nju:1n,1
!'.1JITll.' OJlllllUtl:io
·u·-:i a i.!11od t11111g.' s:1 1il 11 111
\'1Jungrnan. ,~·111ur 1lt'fH1tV d1~lr'1CI :•I
!On1ey fu r .\h1ltJ1fill1ah ( 'uunl,1. 1lh!t l1
uu.:ludes J•ur1J;1nd . 1h1' :-i!:1tl'', 1:.rrgi .'t
C1!y. '"lt 11 ,p, gt·lling tu be 111·11 pru,.
c{'Uting 1l111~c· ca~·~ .\J,u 11u;u1;1 Lbt' t..1d
ht'f'Olllt" "" l"~Hll lllOrl th:1 1 thi.' j.i1;1r1U 111 r~
JUSI \IOtJ!d11 '1 1nd11·1 a11d ldlt'!l !Iii'\ du1
tlil' IUl"ll'~ 1111ulrln't C'IUJI H'I \\t: 11 1·r"
lu.;111;.; our crcchhd11y 1111h the l"Ourl..,
It "'"'' \l'ry hard 10 reprewnl to a
Jtld,l!l' thut a marijuana U:)(!r 11A ~ ::in
111.-.1duiu:. Lhght on the ronununlty ·
-"I tlunk this law is going to YiOt k
nut \'crv \Vtll," satd !\.1ichael BaiJey,
lht· ~lultnornah County prosecutor ~hu
t1.1ndlcs 1nos1 1nariJuan:1 cases '"!l 's a
t·ll·nr S!<llC1nent th<it the lei:isl aruri.:
11 .1111~ a Vt'ry s1nall an1ount of our rc-
~ur'tes dcvolcd to this area. r thulk in a
(t•11· ycn rs com plete legalizaticn of inari·
JU<1na 1nay follow suit."
-.. YL'S. 1!1i" is a step lOl'!'ard lcgalizn·
11on ·· s:11tl Sgt. Ca r·J Dunafon of !he
l'urtl:-inti police nartot ies dt'.tail "And
l oppu:-.c it. 1'hl' l:J\\" is too liberal.
\\"' d<'n'! ha\·e t'nOugh lllt"'<ticaJ i11fornH1·
!llJll 10 knov.· the ~.~a1:t cff1•('JS Of this
ll.ingl'rous drug and hert! 11e ~re try111g
!O ll•gahZl' it "
Phil lnterlandi Methltdone Hurts
N e·wborn Babies
1:c)STiJ:'li 1.\J'1 -ll ;r h1e .;;
lio1'11 lu 11 011H·n irddictt·d to
r11L·lh;1dnlll' ~11l fl·r 11111re ~t·\ert'
1r i1hdr;.111':d rlfl't'I ·; 1tr;111 1hu.~c
horn 10 11'ull1l'll u~111 g hcrn1n.
l"l'.SCilrt"hl'rS S.'l~'
p:1 r('d ll'Hh
:llJ tif the 41;
babies . the
-"''es, I think it's a "aste of thne,"
says a ~llrolman in !us mid-~ "·ho
asked not lo be lndentifie<l. "l think
it's u lot of crup. I smoke grass. J'U
s:.iy n1osl of 1t1e guys on the fort.-c
lr n<ler 30 have at least tried it. J don 't
See any harrn In lt. I "·ou ldn't bust any-
body fo r it. I never huve.''
HAILEY SAID about 40 citations have
been issu~ in the rounty for marijuana
possession since the la1v took effect
not ehoo~ Hus. arid he ~as fron1 out
of stale."
STI F t-' C:R l~-llNAt penalties for S<l!L'
of any :unount, and for possession of
large quantities of marijuana and other
dnigs ren1ain in force.
ilashish. a more potent dcrivatil"e or
the mari juana plant , was inudvcricnlly
included in the ne1v 1<1~·. Legl sla\11<1'
leaders say this "'as an OVL·rs1ght :.ind
\\'ill be corrected during a special session
next year.
• •illarij11011a use J1ad beco111 e wo co111111011 tl111t
ll1e grand Jur11 just w ould11'1. h1dlr1. a11d "''""'
1he11 did, lhe juries Hl01tld11 '1 ctu11,l cl. ·
used nH1r1Ju:1na A11d there's been a
s:11 ing.~ of tunt' and monl')' Thto overagf'"
tHnt· ror :i µolicc1n<1J1 to arrest, lock
up and prot·ess a pt·rson is 40 minutes
'l'hat'~ 4U rnu1u11·s the cop ts not on
tbt: srrrct prOTl•cting life ::111d properl y."
I fort on .~ccs th« el"entuat legalization
111 n111rijua11<1 in ()r"cgon, but 11·ith state
c'(lntro!s u11 prict· :111d supply like thnse
on l1qu11r.
Ttiert: is not total agrrernt·nt.
"ALL THIS 1.A\\1 re.11llv is Is a license
to S(lll," s:1id Dist. Atty. Doyle Schiffman
nf llo11gl:1s Cou n!y. a less populous region
in t!h· ~1111ll111esll'l'll p<1rl of the state.
··Ttu· pusl1er c:ln go on his merry way
:>1·1l1ng n1:1r1ju;trl<1 ;.inti as long as he
11t'l"l'f" l"\1rrrt•s 111ot't' lh:in a lid an OWtce
at Olle 11111!'.
111 !he litll<' e:istern Oregon tov:n of
lll•rn11sto11. ;1 !tlOV•' is already under
Oct. 5. '"1nostly to teen-agers. st re<!t '"It's far too early to tell "'hat the \1ay to rl'~lo rc crun1na l penalt ies for
people, hippies. the ones who sn1oke effect of the la"· is gOing to be on 1)0~st·ss1011
in public places. Very few straights. the market." said a Portland de<tll'r "\re don "! kno1\' to 11'h:ll ex tent mari·
\'cry few over·30s. It is not our policy 11•ho t?andles Jnrgc quantiles of mari· jucu1a 1Tffvc1s lhc brain. but it very
lo 11'o rry about marijuana smoking in juana. "The stuff is getting easy to dPfinitelv 1l0t•s."' 1101id Susan Roylance,
the ho1nc." co rne by again t.iccause of the har\'l'S! :Jl·l"<'<ir-.J trl rnoth1·r of seven and head
l·lc s;:iid practically .:i t! those to \\'hon1 in !\.1exico. 1\nd the c1uality is gain~ of 'thl· !'01nrnittce Against Liberal Drug
citations ha1·e been issued have pleaded up. This is the best titnc to huy l>O La11 s. '"I h.1ve ;1 IJrothcr ~Ind a brother-in-
guil1y and accepted a usually li ght I don't kno1v how n1uch of the jncrl'41Sl' li.111· 11ho ll'<'l'c involved wit h it. The
penalty. is due to the Ja w." i!Hct.::I Cln tht•in w;1s l"cry apparent when
"\ have .:111nounced to the legal pro-thcv ll"t'rt· u sin~ it <nit! 11 didn'I stop.
fession froin the bench that no individual IN J .. ANE COUNT'' horn e of the 'l'herc 11·:1:; ;1 earryol"ct'. 1t changed their
pleading gullty to or found guilty of University of Oregon, Dist. Atty. Pat perOOnHlit1t•s."'
this offense need pay any fi ne if he llorton sa id he "'as using lhe pr'csent !llrs. Hoylancc s:iir! her comn1ittee
is \l'illing to do 24 hou rs community system almost a year be fore the 111ill soon lx·gir t rirculatinA petition s to .~(·r1'iCl' \.\'Ork.'' said Judge Richard Unis liberalized law took eHcct. res!orc the old 1nariju;1n;1 la"'; 39,000
of ~1t1ltnon1<1h County District Cour t. "It was part of nly ca1npaign pl:rtforn1 sign;iturt'S woulil fol"ee the n1casure to
··in all the cases I've hand led there in 1972." he said. "I fell it \1·as ;1 ;1 popul;1r vole 1n Ill'"\ 1\"ol'crnbcr's elec·
J The i\"t•11· Yurk ,\ll'dical
has uni.I' been one defendant 11·ho did fairer \\'ay to treat people 11·ho casu:.rlJ~· lion. ~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~·~--"-~~~_:_~~:.:...'..~.~~-'--
r l's e :.i r ch c rs said . 1'he
rnl·thcidonc bahies ;1Jso proved
111·ice ;.1s likely to h<ive con ·
1 tilsive seizures.
" •. ..
. "•
"Cancel all my a ppointments ! Two girls in Accounting
.arc wearing the same dress I a m, and I'm not coming
out today !"
Cl11·istn1a s Trees
Pote11tial Torcl1
Chr1slnu1s trcl''j n1 av
hceo1nc bl:1z1ng t o rt h c 's
c·ap:ible of kill ing or n1a1n1ing
holirt;iy ccll'br:!lors. unle"s
proper fire s:i fl'l)' prceau lions
arc !<ik('n.
··sclcet only :l r r c s h
Christ111 ;1" trcl' ... s;11d \l \V
''l[utch'" l !ulchison. l"h;1inn;in
1;f llC'd Cross S a f l' 1 y
I 'rograrns, Or:in gl' Co u n I .Y
Chapter. ';I f the nel'dlt's fall
off ll'h{•n they ::rrt' touched.
the tree is too dry ··
To kc·cp the tree fresh the
botlorn of lhe trunk should
bi.• recut and pla<:cct in a \l·<it«r
filled container. said llu1ch·
isoo. \V11 tcr also hL"l ps 111:-ikc
Jl niorc fire rcs1!lt:int
TT JS l \I PO HTA~T to locate
tht• rhriq n1;1s 11"('{' :1w:1 ~· fn>nl
firi•pl:icl'~. ~lo\'('"· 1·,1d1:1 !ors
and 11·:1i ls
Ht·fo1t• rlv1 'or.111nl.l. rht'Cli
l'l~'l'!rr t·:il clt•eor:r!io11 . .; fur·
frayf'1I. erackcd. or \1'01·11 111·
su!a tiO'll. and inspect the plul(
for d;1n1<~gc. \\.h{'n purch;1s1 ng
new clcc.trica1 fixtures be C't'l"·
1a1t1 th('V car r v th1'.
V 11 d c r w'rit ers LatX>ri:ltory
la ti(' I.
l)nn·t ~11 111\\' I' I e ctr i c :1 I
circuits to beco1nc. overloaded.
\\"hen lt';1vin" !he house or
retirini,: at r~ight. disconnect
!he treL' lights.
l.;sc non·flan1n1able dccor:i·
lions on the tr('(' and
throughout !he ho 11 s c.
··Never use ligh!erl c;1ndlcs en
a tree,"' said Hu!chisnn
"TllE BElllt lES ol hnl]I·.
n1isllc!oc. )"t'\.\". and .lcru-;:1tt:n1
1·hcrrr. and the k«1\'l'S of
poinsettia <:an cause seriou s
illness if che 1.1:c d or
s11·;i)lo11·cd.'' he said. "In .1
!1on11· 1111h sni:1IJ r hrldr<'n.
:1r11f1c1a! grcl'n1>rv is recorn·
Colle~c rPsl'archcrs say doc·
tors niust realize that s1l'itch-
1ng p1·cgnant acld1ct s fron1
hl·rou1 to n1e1hadonc can hal"e
serious con~cqut'nccs for thl'
newborn. 11ho oftl'll share
their inothers· addic11on .
··1r IS OUH opinion that
n1t·lh:1donc should not bi' used
i n d I s c r i 1ninatel.v during
prL"gnane) ." say !)rs. Cal'\
Zl"l~n. Sovk .J;1 Lee :.ind ~laric
C;islino in a study published
in the Nt•\\' Engl;.ind Journal
of Medicine. Zclson led the
research team .
~1 c!hr1done is ;1n addictive.
synthetic drug usf'd us ;1
suhstilull' for heroin to get
addicts off hl'roin.
Onc1~ tht' :iddict is dependent
on rneth:idonc, he can be
n1 ;1 intained on lo"' doses of
the chC';iper drug:. hopefully
to live ;1 n1orc s1ablc lifl'
;1s a n1ethadone add ict. Thl'
close also can be dccrc<ised
slo11•ly until he is drtoxified
and 1s no longr'f ;in ;iddict.
"IN REC E:\T l'l'<ll'S. thl' ust·
of n1ct h<1donc b}; pregnant ad·
diets hris i u c r c <i s e d con·
sider:ibly," lht· rrport says.
It said th:it. as ;i re sult .
there has b1·cn a n1arkcd 111·
crease in the nun1bcl" of in·
rants horn 10 1~·0111en 111
n1cthadonl' detoxifi cation and
rnaintcnance prngrarns, ;is
\1•cll :is !11o"l' ,1·ho use thl'
drug iltegnll)'.
The dncturs s:11 d that, in
a s1udy t"Onduc\C<J bcl\l"ccn Ju.
ly l!l7 l and Dccl'rnhcr 197'.!.
they cxarnined 46 infants l>orn
to n1elh:idone :1ddic1s and 45
born 10 heroin :1dd1ets.
Tll E Rl';PQRT savs 3~
heroin nn<t 4'.! 1ncthadont·
babies suffrrcd \1·ithdr:i11·:il
syn1ptoms. includ ing trt:n1ors.
1rntahi11!y. vo1niting. fl'rer
:111d hre:Hh111g clifficu11i('s.
Twe11"c of !he 4.1 heroin
bah1cs hDd thrt>c or r11or1' of
th 1• 1.1'ill1dra"·a l sii.:ns, con1·
rsr 19lJ -=--
WEEKDAYS 9·9:00. SATURDAY 9·6:00, SUNDAY 12·5:00
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I I
I eomr'"''"""'""""'"' Be a Winner t I
dcp"'1( u l! ~II) Jh"p "' ' I I I Dn1~n Pht• by S•lur<ll)", :-'•mt
I Ikccmbcr 15 I
You may ''"" a S~l.IO (.ii< AilJrr.,. ----------
• Ccruficuc good u l ny o! I '"·~-I I thr <hop" Glllcrics or I ••udi~ 1n Oc"gJI Phl• ~'""' __ ___ _ I
I ' I
I I -································· ANDTHERE'S MOR E FOR YOU
l/c~. !111~ L"f'llj•Oll C(l u ]d m~kc y(lu a big
\1 11111 cr dur111~ the l)l's1gn Plaza prc-
C:h11~1ni.1~ PPL'lllllt(. Clip 1t. con1plcte it,
an.I d~·p•l'll I( .tt J ll}" ~h11p 1n Dl·~1gn Pl:t 7J
111 1h1' -..,11 111,J.1~·· Y(\\J n11ght 11111 :1 $500
)!Ill ,,·rtilll'.\I~· ,;11./ :i S5DO d<111:1T1on 111
t h~·' l11ldrr11 .lt Or.1ni;~ County Br:111lc
1n~11 111tL".
'fhc ~p1r1 t of g111nr: prc1'.td~ :ic /)c~i~n Pl.itl
this S:itur,!:iy. l 'hc 0 11ni.'rs (1f 1lic ,rcJ.t11•c
shops. gJllcrics :ind <lt'S1!!n sfu1\1p~ 1h :1t
n1:tkc \1p 1his l'o'h 11!'11' 'hopping co111pll".~
\1 111 be ~i1~11!! J11 ;1y ;.:11t' 11·nr1h hundrt·d,
11f J111l:i.rs To 1'1~11 .. rs nn S:1turd.1y, J)c\cn1·
hl"f l 5.
J .. 111 u~ :it [)c,1~11 Pl.11 1. 1.tke P.1c1fic Coast
ll1glnv:i y, J .11ul .. 1rcc ltoJ..J, or ,\l.1c1\rthur
BnulC\"Jrd l\1 .'\r1.1·pon ft·n1t'f. 1-"ollu1v
Nc11·port Ccntl·r Or11 l' in 1Jt·'').:ll l'l.llil..
A Secret S.tn!a \l"il l dcl1i;ht S;11urd:ty 1"1i.i-
1nrs by d1~pcn•;ing gift~ ot furn1~h1ng~ :tnd
:ict·esso rrci.. pain1111gs:tnJ pl.int'. Just !I
fc11' of the out-Qf·thc·or<h11ary items 1u \.c
fou11J 1hroughout this 111.:omp.ui!.Ule ntl\'
shopping complex.
-" l. ~ " " ~ ' " ~
' ' ·lft j .. ' . . 'l'"'t 11'11 I< ' ''•,/
" " ' ~ o, , c· .,, r,.,.
A unique shopping experience
Canntll & Ch1ffi11, 1nc.
lttvtrly Thompson tnu:riors
The Upsi1irJ G•lltry
/\u1'i 11ucriori;
De~ign l'laia T1avd
l'r1.nk Fcni1 lntC"rior1
Poulsen Glllcrics
Gidd lngt'Robin50n, Inc.
P.'inc Art G1llcry
Oe5ign G 1llery
Warren Jn[cri.JrJ
The l'linr Inn
1!.ric lli t\ru1c11c ·Antique•
Elcg1ncc in Time
Newport Center Rcproducri nnJ
Tat'~ Dt cor1tivt Accc~sor1cs
Old World i\"
G1rrick & Scale 1 nlcrior DcMJn
Htiman n Optk1l
' " >. -' ,
' " ;
~ ~ " ;
Wal ton (6-11), Lo We (5-7) Play l(e y Roles
ST. LOU IS iAPI -Towering Bill
\Valton of UCl..A and dimlnutiYe t.tonte
Towe of North Ca rolina State are ex-
pected to play key rvl~ Saturday .in
L'Ollege baske1ball's battle for nationaJ
While the 6-fool-l I Walton may"
dominate the middle or the heralded
clash, Bruins coach John Wooden feels
that North Carolina State's S-7 T~'e
could control the rest of the court.
·Meanwhile, another interesting pairing
Jor !he seUout Arena crowd of 19,000
* t:? * Wolfpacl{
Star Won't
Have Edge
LOS ANGE:LES IAP) -John \Vooden
feels Bill Walton won't have any trouble
"'ith 7-foot-4 1'on1 Bu rleson "'hen UCLA
meets North Ca roli na State in a battle
of (.'()liege basketball's top two teams
1'he UCLA coach soid he realizes
"Burleson is five or six inches taller
than. Bill, but Yialton docs some things.
uh, exceedingly "'ell for a 6-11 player."
"When you talk about a S..-foot player
going against one 11·tlO's 6-5. you think
about ho"' great n n1is1natch lhat is.
And il really is. llut Bill is a\\iully
"In fact. if all our other four players
match up as v.·el! aga inst their men
as Bill docs against Burleson, I think
.,.,.e'll be in pretty g<;lOd shape."
The Bru ins and \Volfpack \\"i\[ meet
in Sl. Louis and !he game is lo be
nationally televised at 2: 15 p.n1. (PST !.
\\loOOen praised !)avid 1'hompso11 as
one of the finest pla.1·crs in A1ncrica
;incl he said 6-7 All-American for1\·ard
Keith Wilkes 11·ould gua rd the N.C. State
forward •·1\·hcn h~ slays near the
basket .''
Wooden predicted that the te:i m v•il h
the best df'fense v.·ould v.·in and rhut
the game 11·ouldn 't ht: very hi gh-scoring.
"\\'hen two outstanding !\'ams get
together you generally have ;:i low-scor-
ing affa ir b<'causc really good teams
are usually better dch~nsivcly than of-
fens ively," \\'ooden s:iid.
tic addl"d that las1 \\'N•k's 16-polnt
triumph over Southi'rn \lethodist t:an1C'
durrng finals "·eek at UCLA . and
"perhaps SQ1ne of the prC'SSUJ'l' of finals
is off." lie hopt'(l his team would lx.>gin
to jell a hit more.
"\\le had 1Jur ht•SI 1\orkou1 of the
season Tue sda y so 1narhe ifs a Sood
th.1ng that final s arc over .. , -----
Cahill Charges
Firing Order ed
~! ~:sN~i,to1~~
Tom Cahill fired as Army's football
coach on orders from Washington?
Cahill says yes. The brass at the us Military Academy says no. 'Ai any rate, the 54-year-old Ca~ill ,
who bailed Army out or a coaching
dilemma in the spring of 1966 and won
Conch of the Vear honors that fall,
was informed Thursday in the wake
of Army 's mosl disaslrous season that
his conlract would not be renewed.
The move was somewhat surprising.
Alihough Cahill's job \\1lS rumorl'd to
be in jeopardy following a~ _O-~Q cam-
paign, climaxed by a humthalln~ 51--0
loss to arch·rival Navy,.,West Point of·
ficials indicated ?f'f/..ter that game
that the popular -d be back.
"l'si. Inclined in th is ha ppened
in Washington ," hill id Thursdt1y
shortly after en !he news
by Lt. Gen. fam A. Knowlton,
superintendent of the !Military Academy.
And he said he thought the executioner
was Gen. Creighton Abrams, Army Chief
or Starr. who was present at the
slnughter by Novy in Philadelphia.
"I hoJd the unique distinction of being
fired by a man l 'ne ve r met," Cahill
said, adding that he believed the Army
Athletic Association and Gen. Knowlton
had sent a favorable recommendation
to Washington.
Army denied It.
and a oaliooal tel evision adience will
be lhe matchup of UCL.A's 6-foot·7 Kt1th
Wil kes and North Carollna Stat~ AH·
American David Thompson.
Woodoo, who ·has led UC.'LA 10 78
consecutive victories, had indicated
earlier this season !ha! his team's press-
ing defense has been largely responsible
for the !treak. But he is not pleased
11•ith it now.
"As far as fl1onte 1'o"'e's concerned."
he conceded, "he wouldn't have to be
a good ball handler lo handle our press.
··'· ,, • • ,..,... ....
"J've been disapPOinted w i t h oo r
press this year,'' Woodt'fl said, perhaps
1n a ploy aimed at lhc \\lolfpack. ··1
doubt .,..:e ·u use if 111uch ln mlfe:rcnCl'
action if it doesn't improve."
Although \Vooden hluld change tac!IC's.
his nomination <>f Greg Lee to st.i rt
at guard signals an offensive emphasis.
The 6-3\"<! Lee. a senior. contributed
14 assists on passes to Walton. "'ho
scored a record 44 poilllS in UCLA 's
87-66 \•ictory over Men1phis Sta le in
the NCAA title game last r-.1arch.
UPI Tllet>llOIO
I.ooking 1nore like football players than basketball players, Rhode
Island's F'rank Oftring and ~1anh attan 's George Bucci (11 ) collide in
game Thursday night in New York. Manhattan won the battle. 81-60,
Tl'nln!iVt<lV scileduled t-0 JOHI \\alion.
\\'1lke.s and -Ll"t In the Uucup :ire g_uard
l'f'h· TrAOVich and f()N artl l~a\'l' l\leyl'rS.
"\Ve ~·Ill be prL'SSing full court." pronl·
t~~s Norl/1 Otrolina Sta1e l\lat'h Nurui
Sloan, v.·hose \\1olrp<K·k h~1:; 1~on 2!1 g:11n1•s
in ;1 rn1v.
J3olstered by 1he flashy Thon1pson's
2B·point storing. the \Vollpack 's higg t•sl
probll'm looms as con taining the l.lt•adly
\\'a lton.
Seven-foot-four 1'onunv Burleson 11·111
draw the assignment. ~n<l \Voodcn has
e/1.1/leng('d thnt rl11· l\'olfp:ic~ ~t.'t11or
1\111 took :1l'ikl\,11·cl " n1 tu~ ilt\(•1np1
Norlh \::irn!111.i St:Jll' ""as 27·0 la·t
~t·ri~ t,111 w,1.-, 111l•llt>tllilc rvr 1h~ ,\Ct\1'
1our111•y ~·1·;u1;,.1• 11 11;1.s on p101):111un
'f111• \\'o!fpa1·k lhl·ll. :1~ no111. rnnl..t•it
St!('Ond only In the Bruins. 11hu ha1·1·
:1 .-.:1r1n1: of st•1 .. n Nf't\1\ 11 lll'-"·
"JI }OU h;111• \110 t(•<HllS th;1( l':l/1
go fur ~OHH! f1 t:1k fl•ason !hrough 11
"!'<15011 Ulldt>l1•:1l1•d !hf'\' !.hnuld Ct'I
to gl•ther 1.1ntl p!:1y," Slo:1ri s:i 1<l
The y \\"Ill ctu t'Xil~'\ly that s..iturday.
S1Jo rts Clippe<l Short
Rams-Browns Tilt
Blacked Out in LA
LOS ANGELES -'l'he Los Angeles
Jlan1s v.•ill co111plete their rC'gular Na-
lional Footba!l League season Sllnd<1Y
1vithout showing Qne hornc gatnc on
local television,
Local blackouts are not li fted unless
ga 1nes are sold out at least 72 hou rs
before kickoff and the f{ams said 1'hurs-
day that 8,152 tickets ren1ained for the
game against Cleveland when the sellout
deadline 11asscd.
e f»esig11ule d R1uu1er ?
N1\Sll VILLE, Tenn. -Bas~ball corn-
missioner Bowie Kuhn is all for a
designated runner in the grand old game,
but he doesn't think either major league
will go ror it any tin1e soon .
e 49 e •·s Trhu11pl1
BUFFALO -Roscoe and Clifton,
Pondexter led a bal<1nccd attack as
12th-ranked Ca l State (Lon g Beach )
disposed of Canisius. 94-82, in colle ge
basketball Thursdf!y night.
Roscoe had 20 points to lead the
way as all five 4!.lers start ers got in
double figures.
The 49crs led at the half. 44-35. and
opened the second half 1vith a six-f}Oint
st reak to go ahead 51}35.
Leonard Gray added 18 points for
the 49ers, Clifton PondextC'r had 1 l.
l\1eDonald hacl 13 and ex-Ful!erton
College ~r Rick Aberegg hit 12 .
as !hC' 1'ruj:1ns' 111ust l'J luali!e pl<iyer
at tl1e lcarn's ;u1nu;d foo th._11 1 ;111•nrd.~
'\'he senior fron1 Snn J\latco rceeived
the tvtike ,\h:l\et"Ver ~1l"nlori:1l ,,11·~1~d
f'nt lladC'n, rit1nrterb<1ck of lhe ltost•
Bo1YJ-bound ·rro1ans. rre('ivt'{f !he Ho y
Baker l\·lcn1or1;il A11.•;1rd as outstanding
back of the _vcar and offensive tackler
Booker Hro 1vn \l'Oll the John Dye
!\·Jernoria1 Award as outst;u1ding lin<'man.
Fullback fllanny l\loorc was named
ihc n1ost inspi ra tiona l player.
e A11de r so11 (!11i1 s
P0~10NA -Roy Anderson has resign-
ed af!C'r five years as head football
coach at Cal Poly f Pomona) follo\\'ing
a 4-6-1 season this fall.
e E.>:·lle n r S 1ubl1t•tl
Cl·IJ CACO -\VJ1ync l\·lass, an offcnsivt"
t:1ck le for lhc Chicago !Jcars fron) J!ltiR--
70, 1vas st;1bbcd today when hL• stopped
lo assist another 1110101·ist involved i11
an uc:eident.
ll ospi!nl attcnd;u1t s said lie 11·a!-> stalJ·
bed once in tl1(' chl'S! blit described
his conditi on as ~ood
Of F e 111i11ists
Tears StJill
At Heisn1a11
\Ell' \'t1HI\ i1\P• -.John L',11>-
p«lh·1l1 1'1•111 1 St:1h·\· ,,H.,\1neric~n
run111110.: l 1,1e~. 11•1111 1111~-... 1·ccplc<I
1/11· lli•1<..111:111 ·rn1ph1 'J"hursday
llll!ht .ind di·d1r;1!cd lT rn his 1 l·
.1 • i1r-olrl hr11llwr . .JO"t'p/1 . "ho 1s
1 ·nt 11·,1 Jt~ ill \\\!h k·ukl·r111;1
"If I t';Bt d1•\!1C.:;lll' 11u-: liiiph,Y
I\) hun l<l11h:ht :ind f.!111• l11n1 3
1·01tflh' 1 I ll.1~..; Ot h:1ppll\l'.$S. II
11f111ld n11·;111 l'll·r~1h111~.·· l 'np--
1u·ll"H1 luld 1h1• .... -~l-a·pl ;l\r' !lt•1!>1n.1n
;111!11'/I <, d11u1l·r 111 ii quavering ,
1·1nu!u111 !1111•11 1111tl'
"l'n1 11·r) J1.1ppy ru <lo <..111nc1hl11~
l1k1· 1\11.~ ·• !u· s;ii<l "l °ll' been
th 1nku u.: <ibn111 it srnc1• thl· a1\·ard
\l'<t" <IJ!t\llUl11'l'd l ~l ~t \l'!•~·k ,.
.!o:-.<·pl1 :111.! tht> res! or thQ l:np-
111·l1i·1r1 I :1 n1 i 1 y Jl'orn the
PhJ\:1d1·l11h1a "t1hurh 1;f C11pcr
[)11rl11·. P:1 ' ll't·)"t• O!l h:iud lf1 Sl'C
.Jnhn. l't'l'~"I\~· !ill' :l!.Hh <1nuual
!1<·1~rn:111 ;111:1rd :1 s lilt" ou t~tanding
1·ol11•gt• lu11th;11t pl ~1yer 111 lhc United
.Ju.,l'Ph (":ipp1·llc1tl's illness \vas
d1<1g11nsc<l :1...-leukem1<1 six years
ago 11lh ·n he entered l'hil:oidclphia
('/JJldrt•n's l/ospitJI rilong· 11•ith 4S
o!her ~·oung<;lt:rs. all afflicted 1vith
!hf' s:unc. cl1:-.1•a s(' .• losc-ph is the
only 11111· .~ti ll :1!11·1'.
··~\y 1no1ht:r al11•a):. cries at
these. .1ff:urs, so I'll 1ry not lo,"
C<Jflpl'll(·trl s<itd. But he f.'ltk·d, .1nd
had to dal> at hi s c1·es with a
napkin 1\·hen he spoke ·or his little
"lie 11('1·1•r co1nplain s." (;::ip-
pellcJli s111d. "lie never i1sks 11·h)'-
l!e ;11.:e0 pts it. but he refuses to 4
gi 1'r up. lle's been through .so
n111rh 1h:1t it m;:ikcs rnc feel wh1Jt
I .c:o 1hr·ough -:ind then the
rr.•11·ards J grt in relun1 -well ,
ifo;; :ill ~o srnal l C'On1p~1r.-.d to him ."
\'1tl" I 'l'L'i<i cll!Jl! (;l·t":ild n. Ford
11 :is tht• princ·ipal spl':il.:c·r.
" i ,.
Qi1m~1~y Rated Favorite e Ki11gs T rip F oe
INGLE\\'OOD -Third-period goals by
fltike Corrigan and Frank Si. i'l'farscille
less than t"'o minutes apart sparked
1he Los Angeles Kings to a 3-2 National
lfockey League victory over the New
York Islanders Thursdal. night.
Billie J ea11 's Ti1~ade
Over :Sl1ave1~s Tonigl1t
NE\V YORK ri\Pl -Jcrr~· Quarry.
gWlnin g for another lif'a\"~'1\·eight !i!le
shot. <1nd Earnic Shavers , ;1 po11'f'r
puncher v.·ho rrcrn!ly acqui red a taste
for boxing·s big lin1e , meet tonight in
a schl'du!ed 12 round fight at f\fadison
$<illare Garden.
Quarry "'as rated a 21 ·~-t !iJvorilt>.
r.1any boxing obserl"ers f('\t the bout
wouldn't go the distance, and rhe fighters
Garden Boxing expected a crov.·d of
a bout 15.00J for the fight "'hich "·ill
and be sho\l'O closed..circuil television
al Anaheim Convention Cen lC'r.
Shavers earned a shot at hi s biggest
purse -$.W,000 against an option of
2i1'! pcrl'C'nt of the gate -by knockinj'.!
out Jimmy Ellis with one punch in
the first round at the Garden last .June
18. Shavers v.•as a substit ute for Quarry
against Ellis.
Shavers. 11·ho has 'von 46 fi gh1 s -
45 bv knockou1 -a~flinst lwo lQSSf'~.
11ras ·t hen matched ag<1inst Quarry. 11·ho
has a 47·6-4 record . with 28 knockouts.
But the right was J}()Stponed tw ice -
first whe n Quarry got the flu an(! 1hcn
when Shavers broke his ja1v in a sparring
Quarry, who "'ill ge t $60,000 or :m
percent, said he thinks a victory "'ill
C'arn him a shot at heavyweight cha111-
pion George Foreman next year.
The ·28-year-0ld Quarry. who lives in
Cypress, but fights out of New York .
has had two shots at part of the world
He fought Ellis !or the \Vor!d Boxing
Association title in 1968 and lost a
decision. Quarry said he fought with
a brok en bone in his back but didn't
know it until later.
In 1969, he was stopped in seven
rounds by Joe Frazier who at that
time was recognized as champioo by
seven states.
Quarry retired brie Oy i:ifter being stop·
ped by l\1uhammad t\li in seven rounds
JW1e 'rl, 1972. lie !>lamed his disn1al
showing On personal problems and said
he just didn't have his mind on fi ghtin g.
lie thC'n made a comeback and has
\\'On four st rai gh t to be ran ked fourth
by \\'BA and fifth by the \Vorld BoxJng
Council. Shavers. also 28. is rated' sixth
by the \\'BA and sevrnth by the \VBC.
Sha\'ers has 11·on 34 straight. but Quar-
ry is considered in most quarters to
be his toughest opponent to date.
ThC' win v.·as the foiyth in five ou1ings
for Los Angeles and moved the Kin gs
into fifth pla ce in the '\leslem Division
v.•ith 22 poin ts, one more than l\·linnesota .
e Sava1u1 ,,,,,,.
LOS ANGELES Lynn Sv.·ann,
So u I her n California 's AJJ-An1erican
flanker. v.•as honored Thursday night
Unhappy Vnitas Clai1ns
He'll R eturn Next Year
SA:-1 DIEGO !r\fl:) -This has not
been a good year for John Uni!as.
Th e man roted pro footUall 's best
<]Uar rcrback ever has played in less
1h:in four full games sincC' the San
Diego Chargers purchased hin1 fron1
B~lti1nore. Si nce Oct. 7 he 's played only
a fc11• minutes.
"l'l'e ju.st bet·n Si!ling around." L'nita.~
said in an intervie1\' Thursday. "No.
they don 't ask me to help v.·ith the
game plan.
"It doesn·t make sense to me thaf
they brou ght me here lo sit on the
bench. r-.1y understanding wa s lhat they
brought me out here to play foolbalL "
Th e Chargers paid the C.Olts $150.000
tor the ~year-old Unitas and signed
hi m to a ty,·o-year contract reportedly
approaching $500,IXX>. Coach llarland
Svare said the Nalional Football League
team had found its long-sooght leader
and was ready to contend in the
Amerjcan Co nference Wes!.
Unitas was optimistic, too. "The
Chargers are a good team with a chance
lo go all the way," he said th en.
But the youth movement that caught
up with Unitas after 17 seasons in
B:i!tirnore overtook him again on a gray
afternoon in Pittsburgh as the Chargers
were losing their third game in four
\\'iih his ream trailing 38--0. Unltas.
his nrm and knees aching and his con1-
pletion ra!e just above 40 percimt ror
!he season , v.·as replaced b.v rookie Dan
F'outs, "'ho lC'd the Chargers to thrre
F'our "'eeks l<1ter. "'hen Svare quit
lo bcco1ne gcncr.<il n1an::i~cr. he ex-
pluincd thnt Unit,1s needed a strong
running attack !o be effective. and he
1Yas benched because the Chargers didn't
hnve one.
"No one f\'C'r said !hat to me.'' Unitas
said Thursday .
Perhaps it was because club manage·
mcnt ""'asn 't ready to admit it was
giving up on its big-1noney gamble. It
became a lilf\e clearer when Svare's
successor. non \Va lier. was_ asked about
Unilas. and replied that !he team had
!o develop two young quarterbacks,
Fouts and \Vayne Clark.
And what if next season's rebuilding
process also means !he youngste rs will
pla y?
"I expect lo go out and play football.
but I'll do what they want 1ne to do."
Unitas said. "r have a contract lo0 fulfill ...
The shoulder is fine now. but Unitas
said he doesn't expecl to play Sunday
in Kansas City. when the Chargers,
2-16-1, wind up their worst season ever.
La sl1es So1n e Metl1ocl s
S.l\!'i l•'fl ,-\:'\'.C JS('O 1\l'l-"Too n1:111,1
h·1ninis1s <Jrf' riul 10 )11nch.'' sav" !C'llll['I
o;;!ar nnd \\'Uillcn's ri ghts :icll·o('fi 1c B!llit:
.h•an Kin/,!.
"Th('Y !v11·c t11nn~'I l"i,in11 and ru111
people olf,'' she added Thursday in a
lunch-time inter1,ir1r.
f\1rs. King·s la lesl business venture. a
n1a ~ai1nc. ('ailed .. \Vorncn-Sports." y, ii I
bt•.gin puhlic,1 t1on in /I.la y 1~·ith an
c.:di!nriHl staff 1\ hich includes men.
"\Vc'rc not chauvinisti c," said the five-
llrn'..' \\'imbledon ehnrnpion 11·ho !rOu!1ced
"l'l f-procli1 1ml.'d n1alc chaU\'inist Bobby
B ig~s tn the celebrated tennis battle
of !he st'x:cs <i! 1-iousron in Septcnli:>cr.
"\\!om en ran 111 n k e sports i1 carC'cr
an d 11·t• 11·ant 10 motl\·aie th em at the
grass nAl!S ll'l'f'I,'' she said.
She rritir11rrl f'.'<i.~!ing s por Is
1n:1ga7.ines. not only for the infrcqurncy
11.·i1h l\'h1ch a1hlr!es arc covered. but
fnr stor·11'.5 about 11orncn rh.1t "spend
Liu.• f1rs1 four 1n1 r;1gra1>hs dC'strihing how
Sht• l00ks."
.\s fur tl1c 1\'(ln1t:ri's moV('lll<'lll. ~he
sn 1d 11 Is rc1 11t..•ring :i new and better
phase : "pt'IJplt• arc doing things, not
just complain ing .''
Bur. so fnr. shl ' ndded. 1\'0mc11's libcra·
lion h;i" rcachf'd '"\\1'() twrc.:cnt of thi::
\\'lu·n asked if the 1110\·ernent h.1d
lleaked. she rep li ed , "\Yc're trying to
chWli:te tht! psyche of !he country. It 's
like saying "·e'll all go to small cars
O\'Crnight. ··
\\'haL rnovc n1cnt leaders should IJe
fining. she s.1id. is "C'ncou ragini; v.omen
!o learn more about themselves and
have more self-respect.
S po rtscaslc r Dies
lfOUSTON -BiU Enis, 39, a Houston
television sportscaster 1vho nlso worked
pro foolball games on a national net\vork.
died toclliy of a heart a!tack.
A former star in th ree sports at Fort
\Vorth's Polytechni c High School. -he
entered radio broadcasting while still
in C'OlJCJ:'.C and took up TV 111ork eight
yea rs ago.
"Hi ~!11 nol':. they're rr1nforc1ng a Joi
t:f 111'r.11g iflt>a ~. l '111 ;1 IJu&incss rnan and
I 111\12 hPi11g ~1 1Jusincs~1n:in "
.\rid "!Ju:-:inl'ss1nan·· is 11,ll<1l the
l,u.~IJJt'!;S pC'rson soiid.
,\Jrs. K111g 1s also n :10-_ve:u·-oJd tc1u1is
pl;1~t·r. bul ~;iid, "l'n1 h<1rP.v being 30
:ind r rluu 't feel old ...
Tht· tt•u nis scoison 11 ill start for her
here .1;111 14·19 in 1he op('ning event
uf the 11on1e11's profess 1on;1l ti'nnis tour.
1'he 1ron1cn 11•1!1 pl<1y for a/n10.t;l .'.I mi!Lion
dollars 111 pnze mon('y thi s _vea r, 1vith
ca ch even! \rOr!h <Jl least S.-l0.000.
Bil!H! .Jea n iron her fif1h \Vimbledon
title in lfl73 bcforC' \1·lupping Riggs in
.'I . ..:1on.oo,1 sho1\•do11'n. bu t she ca lled
it her "'11·ors1 yea r in th e last f11·e."
Sh(• rn!$SCd sever;il pro tour events
bL•ta u~e cf in jllrll'S und ~la rgarct Court.
du1nin;11l'd the tour. 11 iru1ing a record
!4 tou r·n;1111c·111s
F adi11 rr Lalie rs ~
D11eJ Chi cago
("lllCJ\(;(l 11\P 1 -Coal'h Bll l Sh<1r1nan
r.r1·d1e!l'fl th1· current Los Angell•s Na·
t1onnl B;1skrtb:i1I 1\s.t;OC1at1on trip l\'Oul1 I
Ix• fl lruc lest of his tt•nm If so !hi";
l .. 1krr.~ are 111 for a long season.
The L:i kcrs ha1·e 111s1 the first 11\·o
g:unl'S or 1h(' trip. lo Cleveland :ind
011 TV To11i!ll•I
Chn1111el 5 nt 5::Jfl
l)t:troi!. nnd no\v ha\·e losl their last
five ga n1cs in :.i row -the most con-
secu!ivr defea ts since Shar1nan took over
Los 1\11gelcs three seasons ago.
A l.;1kL•rs loss against Chicago toniJ:'.ht
\\'Gt1l(! equ<i l the tL•arn·s longest losing
s1re:1k $111(.'C' it mo1'ed to Los Angeles
in 19!il. ·
;\lt•Jr 1 l1e rugged Bulls !onight th<?
L11ki1rs retllrn hon1t' 10 host Boston and
..\111 11:.iukcc.
Tests Clear ·Cedeno~ hut Hassle Looms
Los Angrlcs is no1\' 17-1~ 3nl.I in second
place in lhc Pacif ic Division.
llOv.C'\'cr. because of playoff changes
made this S{'ll!'!Oll . sc(i>nd pince no longe r
qu:ilifics a team for the post -season
Police reported Thursday that paraffin
tests showed that ilouston A.~ros out·
Clelder Ceoar Cedeno, 22, did not fire
<he !li8"'1 which lcilled 19 • yeor • old
Altagracia de. la Cruz in a motel room
early Tuesday, but !hat she did .
Police called the shooting "t1cctd6ital"
in their report, and Thursday police
said the parafnn test made of tht out·
fi elder's hands hours alter the ~booting
turned out "negative," Implying he did
not nre any woapon recently. The test
on the dead girl was "PoSitive ," police
Legal authorities said that even if
Cedeno Is exonerated on the charge
of "voluntary manslaughter". It will be
months before the trial process is com·
pleted if Dominican justlce runs its
normol rourse. He will almost certainly
miss: spring training and may not even
fn!e himself from his legal entanglement
here until well into the 1974 baseball
season, they said.
Ile can not even be releued on ball
pending trial unless <he charge Is rc<Juc-
ed beeause "voluntary manslaughter"
is not a bailab\C' offense . )a\\-yers said.
Magistrate Socrates Diaz Curiel , who
is conducting the preliminary hea ring.
nlust decide whether tbe cbarge is to
prevail or whether it should be reduced
to "involuntary manslaughter." "In the
latter case, Cedt>no could go free on
bR\I pending trial, but could not leave
the country wilhout special di spensation,
legal experls said.
jhey said Diaz coukl take up ti) 16
dAys to decide which charge Cedeno
should fece.
Meanwhile the yGUng athlete 1nust r('.-
maln in jRll where he has been lodged
since Tuesday . lie surrendered himself
voluntarily eight hours after the prL'-
dawn shoo1ing.
1'hc ve rsion accepted by police was
that the girl was examini ng lhe .38·
caliber pistol nnd thci l Cedeno tried
to get it fro m her when it "'ent ofL
J-1 \s Amcrlc:in l'i'lfe. Cora. 21, \l'ils
in rhe couple'.~ winter hon1e here at
the tin1e or the shooting.
The '"volu ntary nlanslaughler" charge
carries A 3·to-10 yea r sentence while
nn "involuntary mansl11ught er" con·
viction could dra 1Y abso!u!Jon by 1he n1r1 .
gistrtile or a onc-1().thrce year pcn:i.lly .
Jerry \\"est. 11ho 1n1ssecl several game'
c:irl1cr in the SC'ason "'ith a pulled
stom.1c h 1nusclC'. expc1·ienet'd rnor(' trou •
t ic v,iith lhC' injury :11 Cleveland Tucsda~
night ahd missed \Vcdnesday ni ght's 114•
96 Joss :ii Detroit II w;isn ·1 knowd
\\'hcther he v.·ould be ablr to play against
!he Bulls. Bill Ur1dgc!i is !ltlll 0111 wi1h
txick troublr.
The Lakt•1·s-hnvl' d1·f1•a,ti.l the B11ll.t
the 11\'1 tiTnPs they p!ayrd carltcr -•
th(• !:isl tune with both \\'est nnd Ilridgc3
ouL S1ncl.' 1heµ. ho11·L·Vrr. thl' l.okeri
hal'i? lx'<'n hit ...,.i!h n1orc injuries and
a bout \\-'ilh 1ho nu lc~1chnb Into thl
prPSl'tll sluinp
l ' '
Pfl U1
Mustangs, Dana Hills Win;
Set Up Battle of Un beaten
H\ ''I E\'I•. Hll\\I) Ot t~e D~•IY P ili>! S••I+
l lio I" .i ' J 1 11 11 11!i~· 1!1·,1
I fl .•!11..•
!•1 111 t .. ·1'
1•1111 ' !1'
l u.,•I .. n ·;, \Jul ilt.il
\I.II •\i!'lllh l1V Hiit'
{ 11s1:1 \11·.s.1 H1gi1 1:1.{)1 ;ind
l);i1111 Jl ilh 1-l·IJ I f'1·:H•hed lh~
l1n:il s ol 1 11~· S1111 l'lerne11lt
l11vaaiJ1H\:1I t;;1sketh.·1I! 1oun1:1·
rnvnt toniglit ;it !1 .. 1 S...111
<'l1•:n1•111 ·· lligh by po~t111.t: l'.\·
l 1!111g 11 111~ 1n !he ~t'1Tllf1n:1!,
'l'hur~d;i1 1·1 •·n1n~
J),111·1 ll dls, u .. 111;; a steady,
i·unlrul 11111•11" .111d tight
(i( lr1;~1., n.1nd1·d \1 :· ~inn Va·;c1
;1 •I l·'l7 ,,•I li.u·k \\ lldt· l'O:i!.-1
\l\•!),1 ·' .\lu<:!,.;n~s 1•,\plui!l·d lll
till· ~l'l'(irld 11 ,111 10 dt)l\'J\
tenacious San Clemente, 64-51.
~liss1nn Viejo ;ind San
c:Jentcntc :square urr £or lhirtl
µ)ace to night at 5 wh llc
Pacifica and upstart El Toro
duel ror the consolation title
~11 6::iu.
Cost11 illesil look1>d like its
11 inning stre<.1k 1-\'iiS h1~:ided for
tn.ntble 11·/lcn San C!cn1i>nte,
.-;hooting ;1 :sizzling 69 pcrccn!,
c:11 ~11l4l hL·<l tu a 22·l7 fir st
quar\C'r !c:i<l.
But a sn1all de fens i v c
change turned the gan1e
In lh<J t first quarter. San
Clein~nlc's Ted l\alota ~orcd
fuur fil'l<l goals on easy layins,
pc n e t r <J L I n g the Mesa
J\l ustangs zone.
"\Ve decidl'd to drop a man
back su they couldn't thro1v
1llat 011crhe:id pass :Jt K;ilola
for Ilic easy bri skets," ex·
pla ined Bob Sorcnsrn. Costa
il!Psa's C'Oach.
''\Ve h,1d lo finlJ a wa y
to stnp him or 1ve were in
Kalota didn't store another
field goal.
f\1earnvhilc, CoS1'1 J\I es a
caught San C!en1cnte's 1jitons
la!e in the second quarter and
after the game was tied five
times in th e third quarter, SAN CLEMENTE 'S DAN DODD {55) GRIMACES WHILE BEING FOULED BY COSTA ME SA'S DAVE JACO BS. pulled a1vay in the late stages ----
of !he game behind the inside
shooting of Jin; Swain, \l'hO
scored 14. and the long botnbs
of Phil Sa lazar. 1vho tallied
Sa n Clen1ente's Bob Yoder
11·as hot from all over the
CJ•Urt. finishing 1-\'ith a gan1e
high 19.
But no hotter than Costa
tl-lesa >vh!ch closed strong by
hi tting eigbt of 10 attempts
in the final quarter to pull
i!s gan1e field goal IX'reentagc
to a sizzling 74 percent.
Sorensen said he re 1 t
tonight's contest \\-'ould be ~l
cl assic.
l>ana l-lill:-; gainf'd the final:s
v.·ith a steady, ball·<.'Ontrol
game that apparently im·
pressed J\lission Viejo a lot
n1orc tlu111 Dolphins coach
Tony Stillson.
The disciplined Dolphins
11·orked the ball into f\\arh
Schrey and Kevan Peck under
the basket for easy scores.
\Vhen r.tisslon Viejo tightf'ned
up its defense, Dana H.ills
sin1ply passed the ball, forcing
the Diablos to gamble.
C:Olll MHI !64)
Tru·babe s
Start Fast,
Rout Lio11s
C-On1pton Higl1 h n t t e r r d
\\'l'Sln1 i n s tcr 11·i th 11
dc>l'aStating fi rst J1;1lf o f
basketball :111d cruised t11 ;1
70·.J7 l"ictory in the semifinals
of the Gartlen Grovf' lnrila·
tiona! Tourna1nt•nt Thursd:i1·
:it l ;nrdcn Grol'('. ·
The Joss r c lf'g:itt•s
\l"csl tninstcr's L \o n s lo
pl<iying for !hi.rd place in the
1oun1a1nl·nt against Rubidoux
tonight <i l 6 :31~.
\\'h;lt looke<l tn be <'l goo<l
n1 tr l e h . up. \\'e.st n1i11stl'r's
out side shl)(ltin g against thl'
speed and rebounding of
Cornpto11 1\·as ll1med int o a
rout car!y by the •1·i11u i11g
It's Oilers, Wilson
For HB Cage Crown
. Spf'C'd a,r,:1 inst S!X'f'd. A flil!
cou rt prl'SS .-igalust a full court
pres~. ,\11d t1ro lea rn s \l'ith
1hc s:in1e go<1l -the chain*
pionship of the 45th annunl
l!u111in g!o:1 Bt>~1ch lnl'ilat1011a!
baskl'tllnll tournarncnt.
'l'hal"s !he s1tu:1t 1on tonii::ht
<i t l!u1ttington Ueaeh Hig l1
1\·hcre !he host ()ilL·rs sf'rk
!heir first title in this tourney
~ince 1%6 v.·hen !l:t•v battlf'
highl y regarded Long Bcaeh
\Vi Ison.
1'1poff is slated f(H' 9 fol h111 ·
111g Lhc 7:30 l·las/l OCtwee n
\\'arrcn :.ind Edison for third
Coro11a del Mar, Tru·s
Suffer Cage Setbacl{s
A C'On!iol:i11011 !ill Is billed
for t; !x·l 11\'('ll ~unn y Hills and
Ser. il c,
Both fiJ!als t't)arhcs agrt'C
lh:tl lh<'tl' !t·a111s rt·sc1 11 ble
l"deh t>lh('r 111 t!li' wa v thcv
Irk,, to g1• al10u\ thing:..· ·
!111 ! I.Oil\! Bl'iil'h \\'li!'t'll
c·o·1ch Bt1!, h 'f';il'!or. 111 his
f:r:st .1L';1r :1! ti ll; h1·l:11. s;1\·s h1 ~ <11111Het 1,, pla.1 inf! ·at
.~nn1ev.l1:1t 11'-S th;in f u 11
.<-ln'ngt lL
COSTA MESA'S PHIL SA LAZAR OUTREBOUNDS SAN CL EMENTE'S DAN DODD. .. " " c~,,•~n ' ' ' " " After \Vestn;inster scorctl
IJ1c first six points of the.
game, Compton came back
to outscore the Lions 35-4. lhc
rest of the first half lo put
th e game a1\·ay.
:\c1rport 1-rrirbor and Oirona
del :.Jar bot h c.xilrd fron1 Lhe
lluntington BC'arJ1 Touma1nen t
wiLh (;{H1solation rou nd losses
Thurs<l:1y night.
~unnv I /ills out.scored the
Sea King s 12·3 in the final
period to pull out the rictory.
' \\",. 1l::1 ,, :-.o:n~· i..n,•l' pro!>
lPrn._,· :-.:11 s T;i1·lor. "Our
h•·sr gu.1rff 1~ 1n · th(' stands
1 iunlnr Joi· SI 1n~n 1 and our
ri1l11·r g11:1rd 111 :-i ns Tatu·hf'r \
1~11 ·1 up to p.1r due t<l ;1 knt t'
1n1ur~. ··
Also !'On1c11·hri t hobbled 1.;
6.i Tom Caserrnan. 1he pl a~ C'r
that v.·orrif's ()ilcrs coarl'i
Elmrr C-On1b!' n1orr th!1n ::iny.
El Toro Gets Reve 11ge
L4 g·c1 i1ist Eu.g·les , .59-57
01 Th~ O~!ly Pilot 11~ff
El Toro ll1gh fin.di:> 1111:1 :i
bil!>keibti ll g<111it'. IJ11; it 1\':lsl(!
St:'Pllllfl"h· 11·i;l1 th1· ('1)11· ~ola !ion ~:·r'nifin:1I g.11111.· nf tho··
~0H1 ('I 1, 111 1' n t ,. 111111;,dion<.I
b;1ski·1t.:ill rn11rn:i :n!'nt 11 rn;1·
pl'(] 11p 1111!1 a n1 i n~lll' to play
.ind .111 1•1; hi 11111111 k·:uJ 01 ('1"
1-'.-.t<Jlll'l:I. 1·;1 '1'111·0·~ (.'h;1q{('1':;
l1<1d r .. ~rr:•J• lo 11111. :'i!1.;,-;-,
Tt1 11r~·d;1~ 111 \:111 ('h·1n1·u11·
\\'1lh lhl' 11t·111• .1. 10:1 'l'oro
Tl1('l'I'\ f ';lf'illl':l l«I" !hi' !"11!1•
11l.t111,11 1·!1:1.l'l>lll!1\)!1p 1r1111r:ht
r11 h ;;11 !',1<·1111·;1 h:ill1 d ~.al-
1ilio1);1t'k f1i·:··
!0:1ch \\,·11d· I \I 1 ! I 'S
l'l1:11"h•'/".,, \1>,--;• r-; 1•1 111\'IJ' ltr,~\
fi1 c g;i1111.·~ this ::(·nso 11. turnl'd
tJ11· tahlt·~ CJl1 t!11' E;;l :1 ne1:1
f]nb 1vhich 1•:-n·fit·r H1is yl':1r
1·rn h;1rr:i.~st'd ih1·111. 'i:i·46.
P!;1\'i11g tnugh d(•[\•n:::•· :ind
shooung 1r1.·ll 01 • r l·:~:.1nr:i:1 's
1.one. El Toro 1·o l)••(l 10 :1 .111.;111
lt«Hi !IS !ht• tl\K•h ~!iOll't'(i jUSI
Iii) :'>l'L'Urld' !11 go,
1·:st3nc1:1 sudd\'nll' t"a ught
In·~ ;1s fi!'.'I ,/i1n (;1'1J<:l;:or li ;111d
thcri B11(l1il f'o nfo·r !iii field
go;1ls. \\h•·i1 C!o/l frr cnn:1rclt'<i
;1ga1n . 11 11;11T1o1rl•d th1· g;1p
to :iB-:17 11·11h 10 :-;l·tonds 1u
play .
IC:l To1·u '::: !Jav1· Sn11i.!k'.I' was
foult'd (~lld a:t.·r ~11·ing tile
Ch<r rg1T~ .1 1110 puint lead
\l'J!IJ ~I \ Sl'1.'0!1d<; l<J go. lt1•
lrl!!'iSt•t.l !ht• !it•t·n 11d shot E--t~1n~
ll<I. Ill ~er;1n1hlin!.! r11 1· !!11• IJ;d1 ,
ho11 r11·1·. 11ppPd 1l 011t of
bounds :ind l~I ·ron1 s1n1 1)IV
ran 0:11 thl' c·!ork.
Est:11\('li-l 0S .l1·ff S;ink<'~' kr~1t
thn l·:ti::!lf'" 1·lns1· 1111h :1 ".!:!·
i'K.l1n1 1•f!nr1 bu1 1·:1 T111'1! ltdl
111· 1;:1r1• ('nnn.1111'' 11 , l'~lll
\1;.ihon1·.1•'s 1:1, .John .l;1ck-.1111'i:I
I:: a11d l!;11J· ~·11i'(ll·•1 ' l1i l1:1d
tou [llllt h 111·1·1)!";',\ I I' I tl !
rf'rord111g ii..; f1 1-.1·1·•1·1· h,!Skvl
ball \\inn.
E•1•M<>a I I 11
" " "' " I H.'>n•~n ' ' • •;I tu~lec ' • '~tCCo,>f·, ' .
M~n11e·• ' ,
~.)<>-.;>; • )'
r,·Q~'"" • \!"11~! M'l 0 ' T<.>!a" " " " " TD<o 119) '" " "' '" C.•n·•'·lno ' • ~''"''" '" •
l ~"""~' ', ' i ~'·l'1'•M•' I ' Ou•" ' ..... 1., 0 • J.•-··""' • ' " I T<.>1•1~ " ' " " ~(ore by Ov,••ic" (•l~flel~ hi I• 11 (j-!/
El T.-,,o 7? ,, I~ r ~·
DX-mas. 1 ·"~
OX s raods fof de1uxu 1n e~e:y
teSPOC1. LOO K Hard ie~ mar.ti,'' •51
crys!al Engtrsl'l'/Span1 st1 calendar.
lnsrant day·date sot. Lum1no1.1s
Sell -wind . 98.2 water·test01(l
Stain les s stoeL Seiko sp!illQ green d•at. Ask lrir
No. S4299M-17J, Only !.65.
w e'll be ha OPY lo stlcw you many
olher Seiko OX models a; well.
:12 V\Sl llOci ISLAND 644 -2040
l:agc S<'o res
N.1!ion•I B•lke•b~ll AH«!~lion
( '1><·"1'1 ~; 'I l·o ~~•.•'' '''
PQrtl~•\11 I >4 P"O<'"" If,,
An•eroc.1n El~•~tt~~ll A~•C(1~1oon
~ 1n D•~W• IQ/, MNn~•1•· !ill
~"" 1.~1".,ln 01. v"""", ~t
P,><•I<'• r-~. ~·l<l~IP1>;H ~ >'
~"'~""·' "· Beilll A•"''
Ct•'•I~< l1, l1·nwt<;>..I .:)
Elrod o/. I\ '1~~''" <no I '
s~~'" 7, ·11 n !loll r .. ·~""' 51
l ·, II" · I.' """'~ h .1>
,-. "'Y 1.' t:, """n (, •·yo j1)
\'~lie• (!,,.;'>~n \I It 'J~••t'1 _
E ~,,~1-en:~ 6~ ~! ,•.• ~ .. , ~ ;;,
( , •n· ;-I + <:i~I,» I
r11•1 aon~ r~. V~I.)'•' ''· (J 011
J uri'lor c.,11eq~
'-"'""''II rci .. ,,o 61 ~·' 11 ,•l{in S,, Tt,o~" Tn•~ ~J
C.vn•">lfll ' ' ' " J~~~O! ' ' ' '••lf, ' ' • • ~~1~1 ar • ' ' " ~ ... ~ ... " • ) " We>I ' ' ' ' Total' " " " ~ ... Cl1m1n!t IS\J .. " " " o~n 1n•or~ ' " ' ' o,n~ ' " ) • 0000 I ' ' ' r ~. "'""" ' ' ' l(,11Qt.> • ' • " l~VIO' ' ' ' ' Yo~rr • ' ' ..
TO!tl1 " • " " Oln• Hllll ( 11 J .. " " " !;Qr111Qtt1•n ' • ) .. Pc•• ) ,, • 1~, .. na,on ' , • • >r'1'CV ' ) • • H""'n,1n ' " " ,
~·o<>lf ' • • • D•caan " , ' ' Tot1i, " ' " " M ;\,iO<I V IHo Ill) .. " " " c·r,.·•(n • ' ' • l 'Jll" ' ' ' • ,._,,,,., ' • ' ' t """'"~ ' • • • f>~tlecson • • " • To!tll " , ' " Stort by O~art•ro Ml~•lon Vido 6 9 S 1-jl
O~n~ f!flli & 1) 10 11-•I
Center Dan Jones scored
Co1npton's first basket 1vilh
a tip-in of a rebound lh:tl
v.·as cis close io being a dunk
as the rules allow, and that
maneuver set the tone for
the rest of the gan1e .
Parker Wilhh
Wil•on AccorTMne·~ Loia
fl~lv•'~O~ ~)~Yi~'.,
Jur<>~•on !;nQM,11
~l~w~·· Tol.1ls
We1!mln1ter 1411
lq It ~!
' " ' , . ' ' . ' " ~ ~
' ' : p ' , ' . " . I~ I 1
" i
0 ' " Stor• tiy Ou1rttrs
WesrminJ!er 1 3 lS 11-•1
" ' " " • ,
" ' ' • " ' " "
(ompl"" H 21 11 'll-70
Ne1rrl)rt H<1 rbor wa s shellr1l
h1· Scrl'i1l' .l\J·ii \\•hile Coron a
dCl ~-lar ft·!I to ;1 l3tc SL11111~·
llills rally in 11 slo11·er·p11ced
)-!illlH'. :1~-:'ll
llorh Coro na del ~lar and
J'\e\vpon llarhor eornc 011t
1\•inles~ in l\ro tournament
ga1l1L'S . The losses lea l'e
Cd~1's Sea Kings v.·ith an ().5
record nn the season while
Ne\.\-port's Ta rs sl ip to 4·3 .
ThC' Se:1 King s ju1npcd to
a 13·4 first quarter lead
pl aying !hei r dclil>c rale style
i::ainc <rgiun st Sunny Hills. but
the l\'l!HH·rs chipped ;11vay in
!he middle prrinds and c:nnr
on \1-lt h a rush in the final
9:00 P.M.
All Top Brands
Bags-Lowa Boot1
Kelty Pack frames-Gerry
Stoves-Day Packs-Down
Parkas-Back Pack Gadgets
(,,." Co1e 1-Cleonin 9 1(it1-
t-1 u .. 1>1•g Coo!s-Hunti119 Booh-
Bu,i. Hunt;ng Knife -Gome Coll-
R,fte Scope --Decoy1 -Comp
S ro,~1 -H•Jn!ing Shit11-
B1oocul a r1
1~ Heod XRI Roc ~els, Nylon Custom
'. :.: Slrung Special, 36.00-Adidas
·--.. Shoci-Ra cket Bogs-Tenn is . ~.JJ'\ _ ,·~ Dresses-Tennis Shoits-Tennis
Sweaters-Tennis Shirts-~~'-'·., Worm Up Su its
Bodminlon Seis-Gome1-
Croquet-To ble Ten nis Sels
and Tobl<'s-Votley Both
Tether Bnll1-Bclslce1bol1s
and Goo ls-Boseboll Gloves-
Bots-teather Sport Jockeis-
Oo rts-Art hery Gear ond Bows
SUN. 12 till 5
All Top Br ond1 Rod~ and Ree!s-
Tockle Bo•e1 -Ffy Lines-fly
7,, Ki11 -Fishermon Pliers-
f,shing Book1-S1ri ngers-lures-
tur1 Kits-Elecir;c Smoken-
Skis (o!I top btand'>)-Poles-BinJing1-
Porko1-S!retch Ponti-Ski Sweoter1-
Alteor Ski 8oo!1-Ski Racki-Ski G!o~1'
Je1 SliK-T·Shirh-long Underweor -
Wind Shirh-Fcnny Pock -Ski lock1
Ad;dc1 5hoe1 -Borbel l1-Joggin9
Suil~-Che1f Pull1-Hood Orip1-
8o ~ini;i Clove1-Pedom1t1r1-
Jog gin9 Shoe1
•v•. ll """ ..• ,,,..,
Joe l\ozmata pa{'cd Corona
d('l 1\lar \\'ith ni ne points.
Chris Baker and Doug Moll
had !'igh1 and se1·t'n in the
losing effort
\\'hen Co1nbs t;1lks about the
\\"ilson Bru ins his first reac-
tion !~. "\\'ilson has lhe fast
brc:ik. tht• ft1ll court press.
µl :iys Wf'II 1ogether and has
that l'i·i ki d."
Now part H1t11<1r 1 .. 1.
" " •' " O·F1a~erov ' ,, ' ' Van de A il ' " ' " Gio~"" ' • ' ,
W?O<Jl>1'C~ ' " " ,
o., ' 0 " ' Ret1n•r ' 0 • • S~ym(\••' ' 0 , • Spangl~r ' " ' " To!•!s " " ' " i<""' bV 0111r1tri N&Wl>Ot! l< 8 11 1Q-i;
Al~o instrumental in lhC'
Bnnns atl3ck is a slick little
guard narnt•d !kan J.>ecker.
\Vil~~ on ly loss of the
sc.asotl has been to might y
L<>ng Beach Jordan, n.74, S••vl!e ,, 11 1• 11-u
E 11,id•• Ko1<ni!1
e"~"' 1\all ruc•e•
~eol·• Sl••'t•n Tolah
(<>f"9nl dtl M•• (111 7 ~
' . 10 11 Sc~r• bV Qul'to"
" ' ' , ,
' ' • ..
" ' • • ' ' ' ' "
But the Oilers have the ir
own arsenal. paced by 5-JO
guard Haul Conlrt•ras .
(n·o~• n•' M.~c 11 •D ~ J-11
Cont reras h:t!< hit ~3 JX'rcen!
of hi s shot.~ in the Oiler-;'
:;:;ix trium phs 1vith 60 for 1 \i
frQm the fi('!d. ~un~Y H "' • I? 6 11-J•
24 HR . SPORT PHONE 547-2545
"Give One fo r fun"
Waler Skis-Wet Suih-Ski V11h-
Swim Fin1-Div1 Knive1-Sno rkle1-
Mo1ks-Spenr Cun1-Abalon1 Bor1-
Su1fri dtr1-Be lly Boordt
One of the Best SKI SHOPS
(\ In the West
• ·~ Ski So11:-Bong'o Boards
QUiltcd Sk i Panis
Fur Goats-Sheepskin
Coots-Boot Tr~s
Children's 5.ki ~ts
Ski Skot!s
Sleds, TobdQgons , Ski'abbr
Oi1ti-Goll Cort1-Goi( Bofi1-
Go lf Glove1 -Goll Shoes-Ht-Gd Covw1-
Trovel Cove-is -Golfer'1 Godgelt
Newport Harbor
Corona del Mar
Newport Harbor
Area Girls
Vikes Tilt llfe 1i's Su1n111ari l'.~
Tops Area
Hoop Slate
Checking Area Golf
Unbeaten Marina IJ 1gh f11ees
Kate!la in a re1na!rh pitting
l\\'O of Orange Countv's t11p
10 basketball ll·an1s 1 u
highlight non-league <iction
Tipoff is 8 at Katella t1n~t
!he contest figures to be as
t'lose as an earlier Cfln-
frontalion whic h r-.·larina \l'On
59"57 in overtirne in the
~mlfinats of the \Vest min ster-
Afarina touman1ent.
Other action toni~ht finds
University nweting first-vear
Canyons at Villa Park 1-li gh
ti nd Alater Dei challengi ng-I.a
Salle al Pasadena in 8 o·clock
Bill Fiek 's two free thrO\\'S
for A1arina's Vikings in the
final minute of overtin1e "'~re
the difference in the prev ious
Afarina-Kate\la n1eeting :ind
S1gnups continoe ror !ht•
1'o~ ~ for ~·a1r1·1l'W tourn;1n1v11t
at l'ost;.i .\!l·s:1 Cclf and C<HUI
1r·y Club.
AL tin: present 1ir111>, !f«i
h:t1e signed to p;1ttJl'1p;1l•· 1n
!he evt•n! that re<1u1n·s pl<iy('rs
10 corHributl' a toy 11•01·111 a
m1n1n1un1 of i3 plus <i $! i;:rctn
fev to partic1patr.
!l 11•ill be staged on thP
I.cs J.:.igos c:ourse on l)l'C. 2~-:?:I
\l'ith both 111en's and 11'on1tn's
c:lub n1cn1brrs invited to
p;trlicipate. They c<in pl:.iy
either day.
Jtfile .<;q11ar,.
Andy Burnet.le of the l'ou11-
t:ii n \'allt•y r-.·ll\e S<1u<irr (iolf
Course pro shop. 11'<.tS on 1h1·
11 inning tc.-in1 v•hen the J11l'tl°s
Hoop Scores
Katel!a has had just over ;1 Fcrdh~"' 1~. Columbia 51 r•, ><~ltflu,~11., ''" H~lv C•o" 10
wBCk to ste\v over tl1e defent. ManhaT!dn !L Rhode 1s1a"<.1 io
1 II Pro-'-'~n<O' Iii, Sun Fr~n"~'" ~I 'hrec Kate a starters'. in-Rurue•' 64. LaF~vetTe 60
eluding 6·7 center J eff Lon~1 hO'dCh St.~~. can'""' a1 Aulwrn 8&, CeorQt~ Tech 86 \Velshans had lo si1 bv Vbn<.lc•blO 69. sam!crd ts, ov~rllme
help! sly iilCn fl f 1· . We11crn l{y. 11).j, BullN 911 es il er ou 1ng-l.l•mphl• Sldte 90, re~as 87 ou t but will be ready to play Minn 5S. CM·1.-oyo1a ~~. overt•rne
I . ht S.Jn Jo~e SI. 9~. S Da~old b6 Ollig · Ordl Roburts 9S, San Ooe~o St. Ii
Scoring comes from everv Atirgna 101. lnJho so member of A1arina's st<1r!iil;' •1~w "~•. 11 s. 1inu,1rn l\ap1"t n " Webster !>t. 73. Cal. 5!.-Nort~-
line up. Four starters average ridge. 61. . d bi f. I d b r:-Brigham Yo~ng 91. Denver 87 1n OU e igures (' Y r 1ck. Prrt1J~1 st s• w~ca•on. 111 n \\'ho ha s averaged 15 per u C san1" Barbara 91, \'lyom-ln11 ~7.
r·lub visited Valley (:r;111d +•
( :ulf \ow·~e 111 Bakt·r~fil·hl lc1 ... 1
Andy p!ay1•d II i!h .J.1<·1..
Stevens. Jack Blythe und .l :1c!..
\\'f·edn 111 posting a :.cor(• :i2
11nder par -ll:J. ou ;1 t11u
hi•l\t•r balls of fourSOll'lt' l>:.1~1:-.
Sl••l'"ll" 11"•.'{l l•nlv :111 1u111 ..
Jn tu11eri11g the JR lu1l1·s [()
le <uJ the group to first pl:itt'
lfitl Co11,JtJ11
'('hp llll'!1°S elub frurll n1;:
C':111~on Cowury Club of
Nt•\\'port Be<.1ch stagl·d a
Pil rtner's better b:il! vs. p;1r
tuurnarnen! ov1·r !hl· 11t•ck1·11d.
Harris 1'hornson :ind I.inn
l!odj!t' \\'On 1he r1·r·n1 11 ilh
a plus JO store "·ith thr1·1·
ll'arns lied for second !'l<Jtt·
;1t µlus 8.
On one s<1uad \1·ert' Frank
Bueche and Lf·onard Shant•.
Thon1son teaini'<I \\'ith Jolin
Storch on another ;ind 11·1th
Dick Fvke on a lhirtl souad.
A folir-11·a~ lie rcsultt•d fllr
1hc next spo t. a\I 11•ith p!11-;
six scores. Included 11·i·r1·
Hobert .lOll('S tln d ,J I Ill
l ;i;inu lius: Rich<.1rd Uroo1111..:
;111d Bi ll l·lani>n : John Dillon
iJr1tl Jfarry J)otlson; and Harry
Dodson and Everett Pe1erso11.
A ha1n shoot is being St<.1ge<l
this week.
111JI Jutn 1n<·n1bt·r" 111 th1 ••n·
ltll<1I lllld 1\1J1f••r II'
tnurn;1111t·111 111 .J:11111:1r1
t HI
1; t' r :t 1 d ll:ill. · 1101111••
S1l·pli1·n~on and To1n Si·li HIPll·
Ill'!' v.dl pl:1y "11 11 11111·. r]1f
!1•r1·nl Jllt'lllllt·rs 1·ue!i uf four
lll'l'k'i in ll 1011 h.1:1 ,.[
futl!'~Olll!' 111lh h:.111d1r.1p r\i•n:.
,'ll r1•1i 1l1• rt·I 111· I.:
'fh1• ;1111111;1] ho11l.e1·~ :111d
~l 1 ccrs tuur11 ·11111·n1 .it
.\lcadO\\ l:1rl. (;ult C1n1r~1· lu1111•l
:1 1r1\I of Hon It( t"'l.11td I(
L'ilJ>IJS :ind Hoh I 1u/1'C'y f1r111~
a fi7 for lir::.t plac11 n1-t hun11r-;
In lhl' gro~.s cun1pt·t1t1u:1
~l :1rk Sv.,lul. (' 1\1111)101~1· a11'I
1'. Pray 11'1'rl' tht· I\ iruh·r~ \\1th
.<;J Hills
Tiu: ]r\ ll!L' l'o:1~1 l'lJU!l11 \
Clul> !'cruors ).!nHip :siagl'd :1
tuur11;_111u·nl ;h S.111 .Ju:_u1 l!tll'>
L;oJf l'our~l' 1 111~ 11l·t·I..
Gri(l Odds
M•di'l10 o~·· Oc·I• ,, !>y II
f',n,1>ur11lo <>·«.• ·.," bv I
Oun-10 r "" 1. , ,
(•l'(''l'·'"g' > 'V"l'>yi; i;-,,n1s OV"' c ,. '" I <;y q D~lld\ ov~· ~I l.•>U•> i,,y I)',
l ti •''·~ U • ' (J 1 I Green a~v OYLr '""'-• 111 l1y l ,
l.'<nn~·nr • CVl'o NY (, .o· '" IS New Enql~no c\Cr !J,1:,,.,.,,, nv
/I.ii~~·'-' O•• f t.,1~.v 1,rl•.,,,., i,1 11 ,.,,,,nm·,1•., ,,,,,_ P .•a• , 1., e
K<-1n~~' (ily over 5,1n {'.; ·-~~ by It
Lo' Allo• "'~' C•eSP• ~· • '.'•Cn<n"" G>er (•"',c~nt.> 'J,•~lf'y DY
lemPcle Colv wer R•vl!r ,,-1~ ti""'" ny I
Al! ,' PILO f ·>-_,
\/~·es t li ng
~tC•I C11tleq• IU! 101 L•V••11e
II '· r>t Ir."~'' 'i II ~<11t.,rot1~• I 0"'''"' 1 ;. I , I .•!•·1 ',, "'' ' . I· "~'1 >It•~~~~~·
""' ~~• • nnn"'! fll.o.rr 11') llo•rn1 0•1 .n 11·1 !gr!oll
"•< •N•\I I''"·~~ ll"nd·/ 1 )0 . "
Dana H10I• ·•'I lit) FAO!b•OOk 0,1.,,, If) µ1,,llt<J Jo,/tot
'·"" ,,,., 10> '""' bY !orl~lt.
II/ ''""' 1('11 ,.on ~v •o•!~ll
Q'Q l rn,, "• IF I U~t D. )a,,de•,On
177 N'rOnn,11~ 1r1 dee Ca<r
'.J !) .. • 1r a~c r~·D~v SI
'._, '~·I i;, <'• M COO(ldi<l ...
'' t..~C.~•1 itJ• p,,ne(I S•a•Jrn I••• ll
' ... , '"'
111 ........ 0.M 10, (Jee Pldh"I
•<l•\" Ol ,,,., Pl''"''' ~ 1
\'••'I I 0 """ O / luo /e,!
'''·'""'' \0) ~"""d l.'rC,. •
1 ~I ·'"o<e<1e•1011 lDl 0•"'"''
''"';, \o~n cnM 1111 111 1 l'otw11<1r1 '. II. ';(\ <N C•" J~Cfl ' " IJl L<r"'1llon f(I n:.,n....i L6n<lr•~', , .. ',,., '
'" •'l.1l'r f(I P'""'l Rd"•'' I" , .. , ... "' 17' n.1. IC\ d"< '"•rl,•< £I
I]/ ~"'"" ("II <ll'f C><l"" / ~ l• "l"\'odle1 ON1 P•l><)!<I ~·"
rt· ><I I I I'' '"I
'" f(•-01 (Cl P•l"1~<1 Vlell•r. ... ,,, ' ' d llo Q;••w.ol~• Ori <l~C ~'(lo.of~ '' !\; ~,Pl ·on l(l r.:nn•'<! ~1<r1•. . ,,, " 11, {,(<!'~~~! 1(1 <I'.< Roberl<
"j) I rJ I
I• f·u1>1 rt \ WO" IH lod~d ,~, r1,,, r1 1i,"1•h•lh1rh,11
•1 ,.t '"'""''''"!Li o'""~a Halleen.
I .t ,,, .. , '""
Jloo·kcy Hc,,;ull,,;
Nar.c,\11 Hoc~•1 Le•1ue
1''~"1? < Atldn•a 1
L.~~ 4n<1e1~, l, NY l•!~nner~ 7
B• 1~f' • Mtnne•o•~ 7
Octr~•' !, 51 l.OU•• l Seek CIF game. Frc~<10 sr SI. Colo. ~r S\ ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~.
S 1rt1tr11 A11r1r
Three n1en1bers of the Santa
Ana Country Cluh pro r.taff lm~cr .. •I a .... P,1• JI Qb•e' bV J ,
Corona del Mar
Corona del Mar
Bucs Rip Fullerton,
Ru stler s Eliminated
ALT1\ LO~IA -Orange
Coast College remained red.-
hot and advanced to tonight's
semifina ls of the Qiaffey
Invitational Ra s k {' t b a 1 l
Tournan1cnt \1'1!h an in1-
prt·ss1\'C 89-i ~ victory over
f-'tillerton h('rc Thursday,
{;olden \\lest, n1canwhilc,
bo11'l'<i out or the tourna1nent
Arca Pre1>
Fcunl••" V•ll•1 Tourn1mtnl
Junier V1not1
M1rit'!1 (WI ICI) 1(111111
8u11 ' ~I F t 61 Ka~l~n
Alealnll~ O 0 F (101 TA>!Or
CCCI< !101 ( I II lOdd
l1Wrf1"CO' 1111 G (II ... tra1
U11l•nd 1101 C. 1 n Merv
S<ormg Sulr.. M~''"' Sunier ;,
6<>1n! 1, Wt"'1el ~ ~<"111 1ltr I.
11a111.m ... M~""• JJ. ll
Junior V•r!o!Y
M1ro n1 (.-1 ) U!l £1 Mo<ltn1
8utl \I) F d l l L·~
ll1t•1nd1r llll F ( II 11~1<11"1 Coot< Ill! ( ( 61 Br•'en'gtr
Ugland r •I G ( ~J W•tntr l1Wff'1Ce 11 •1 (j O!JJ ~nn ....
~"'""0 Sul>'' M•ri ~.1 boldl ;,
8un!er l, Wil'c" I Wenntl ~.
r+•l!tome; M&r•n• ll·i~.
Junior v1r11ty
Moulon V•e10 till 0 !) El Toro
w~rn~r llll F I l• C'.•rrn
"""'• I !I F (JI ) Plc >.er WM,... il81 ( I 0) (apo!lr•n
II•••• ( ?• C ( ll J•cQue1
Latleo\le ( 01 G o ~i W••" ~coring Sul" El l~ro -M~loney I
Ml"•on V•rlo No"~ !'alttl"'", M•!•icn Vle1C 1110
J11nlor v1rslly
L.I . Mllill(I" L!fl !J11 Mtltr Del
[Ilic! {6l F (~J l(am•~~
lt•<hlo•n (IJ r CS! 11111
Wk krr 001 ( fl) Monnlg
t11r•n II) G 16) K1u!man
Goodrltll (1 01 G CSI Ho1on Scoring Sub!I: Maler Del -C•lr>ev
1, Motb'ruckl!r 10, Bullers 7.
H11!1ome: LB Mlt!lk"n JJ.Jll.
"'ilh a 71-67 defeat at the
hands of Los Angeles Vaney
in a consolation bracket ga1nc.
Orange Coast takes on El Ca-
mino in tonight's semifinal at
9 o'clock. LA 1-larbor and San
lliego ~1esa square off at 7
in the other semi.
As it has in its last three
games. Orange Coast blazl'd
the nets against Fullerton. hit-
ting 63 percent of its field
goal attempts and outre-
bounding Fullerton by a 42-28
Fullerton led only brieny.
cut Orange Coast·s lead to
a single point t38 • 37 just
before hal ftime) bu! \1'3S
don1 inatcd in the second half.
Five Pirates players hit in
double figures led by Rod
Snook's 29 and Jim \Yorthy's
(:olden \\'est, meanwhile,
fought LA \1alley lo a &t-64
deadlock 11·ith four minutes
to go. only to see the "'inners
hit two st r:iight baskets and
stall oul the clock.
LA VtlltY 11\l (•1) GOiden Wttl
'-" ~towtr'
( "'"' Hdllitld
,, fl pl pt
8 I l 11
I l l 16
l 1 J ' 6 l 16
' 0 ' 0 0 1 0
0 0 I 0
l 0 0 ;
1 0 0 i
0 0 1 0
l o!~I• :l9t 1667
H1l!tomr: LA Valley 39.)1.
Or•n1• C::D.ISI CH I HO Fu1ttr10<0
lg fl pl Ip
Cameron ' 0 ' • Crunk ' ' ' " ·-· " ' • " Manker ' ' ' " Worrhv • ' ' ~
611';tdan ' 0 ' \0
Mlllrr ' 0 ' ' Tolals ~ " " ..
Halftlmr : Or11>9e Coast 4 17.
Net Titles
Jill A1atson of ~tarina lligh
School and Lynn Amundson
of Corona del Mar are among
10 quarlcr finalists in the CIF
gi rls singles Tennis cham-
plonships to be contested
Saturd:iy on 1hc UC Irvine
tennis court s.
Action gets under 11·ay at
9 a.n1. in singles and doubles
\l'ilh UCJ's fa cilities recently
increased from six to 12
Also pnrticipating in the
Saturday quarterfinals are
three Orange Coast a r e a
doubles combines among the
10 surviving last "·eekend's
competition !hat began with
117 schools.
Terri Benner and Wendy
Yoong represent At a r in a :
Sheelah Donahue and Kris
1-loien arc from Corona de\
!\tar; and Cath ie Phillips and
l....()ri Schoett\cr from Ne wport
Miss Amundson may have
the toughest match of any
of the area con1petilors. She
faces the No. I seeded player
in singles: Barbara Hallquisl
of Santa Barbara.
Aliss i\1 atson also plays a
Santa Barbara resident in he r
quarterfinal match -Ann
In prel iminary competition
last v.·eekend, matches were
played with one pro set but
Saturd ay's action will be
decided by a best l\\'o-<JUt-0£
three sets.
The girl Y:ith the best record
in the qua rterfina!s and the
doubles team with the best
nlBrk "·il l draw a bye for
hC'r second match while the
other four \Vi I 1 elimin ate
another pla ye r. Agai n the
player with the best. record
wtll dra\v a bye \\·hile the
01her faces the first round's
idle pl ay{'r in the son1ewhat
complicated syste1n.
Prep Soccer
FOYn!tln Valley S. Jcl>n G!enn 1.
Founraln V1llev •coring : P. Mt L!tll
7, YOYng 1, A. Or111co 1.
Jurtlor V1rsltv
Fountain Valley I, Jo/In Clenn I.
Fountain U1lltV •coring: Sltlnkt I.
~· ~SHOPPERS' ~·
Here It Is .• The Quality
You've Been Looking For.
And At The Right Price.
e I Dltll C•J>KllY
• Pl .. llllf DKlnYI S~sltrn
• ''"' llllll'A'Sol .. e (hiln C1kul1!11n C•!Nlbltlty e L1119 Lf11 Optr•ll"I Hovrt ltfl
t Plft-LUt a1tterle1 (51119unJ e A.is. l ulttr...:11, Mu1t1,iln inf Dhkln
c ... 111nt Mulrlplk•Hell
Ctt11l1nt Division e I Y11r Ptrlt & L1btr W1rr1nl~
Co111e <ind see us cit
CAL-MART Mon. tllru
511. 11 It f P"*
011., l~ll'lrn DK, 24111
2960 HARBOR #A
• •
Give the smooth, imported whisky from Canada.
And for the holidays, give Black Velv et in the attractive drums.
Every man wants Black Velvet. And every woman too.
Fnday, DKitmbtr 14, )C)/j
Alaniitos Resu lt s
iro11. 1.iu•,Ct1•• <•••t ...... ,
.,.~, • '•"""'~ f'u"• t !o(>;.>
""" ll<~>l>• !(..,.,
(D•t •f'' 1.i;i '"° l:IO
Wt\1•~ "'••u•ll 1A11~••Ull 1)00 e •O
T~lf'CI !rnAQ• 1MO!'•"I ) t0 T•"'• U Oii 41\11 tAn -Gilod f'l•ll•f , l>'J)l;t! rt ... ~ .. r.:1>••11• r .... 1. "'"o' ~·· ll•v•• ~tlll<I Se•. Oft l •ll'l·t\
~rrd•<M~ -ill•!(>!'! 1.l1"'l1. Jovwl
t1 I!••<•• -•·ltun 11-v R~n • l·W~.,. R•lurn, P•ld t11l.i0,
SECOND llA CE -V.O V0•<1'
'''" olO m11<ten• Pu"• llJOO ~ .. ..,.! P•n~v 11•••11 19 ;'\j 6 bO •IQ
T~• GO>W T~•fJ 1M0<rl.i J <oO 190
I ,.d~I If (N•("°e" <1>! J iO
f •mt -'lOJI.
Al>O tan ChlCll.0(1<>. Roclv Mun•~•·
8'•"0<"~ ~Tor . D<>llOV Dino, ln<>I
O•ner Mo'l, Wdt ''"('> G<>I. ~C••!""'" llcmu<><1lo:r. Cho•ge
Oor• At><..I•! f'OlflY>n, lr<1I> Bl1>0.
L111M w orne
THIRD RACE. i/0 "•"d•. l ~ror
old•. UP Lia•<!l•"ll p.,.,. \~000
TOil Eo111e IKno11m1 2•~0 '90 700 (olllornoa S•nO• lllpt,aml J .0 )b(I
Groovy Grumpy /Ctf&\lc•l ~04
Tlme -•~lil.
Al•o ron -Na!lve T"l>I. Gr~n
Up. Fo•l Eddie. MOl>hf. Bollie Ton•
~t.r'"'rlo:O -CnU<Jel'l lto.e, Fyll
Moon Man. l~dho Go. ll•• a • Bo•
,OURTH R.t.CE -•00 yat<ll l v••• C!l<l• & up. Cla,n•\n11 Pu"•
l 7&0Q_
P•" Bar IKnoghtl 11 9Q ~-1'l I •Q
A Goin" Man \1(6n•I ) 10b0 110
B•ll ~hot Ban~er (6rool<.il 8 1111
T•m• -:l(l)
No ><r•tch••· OQ -Ol•(lualltieod al>d pl~ce<! la•1
f'l l'TH IACI. -HO ~•«I• J •••'
olOl & "9 41•ow•"'• Pu•.,. U!IOO
A\•~t~ Coo~ ! T••~·J'• I '0 J 6t' l '°
M<•-"" Qe, O II "'1~11
l<O•fl Co c;o jl!.oU<i<, T,m, Ill:
No '''f'I',..
J ')j,I 1.'1,1 ••
SIXTM llACE -:C.0 •••Iii : ''''
ol<I• Allow•~<:• Pu"' tlonG
Mog1< J• t•'"'"'"on-l• ~oN ero ~oo
Go 8•11nt Go (,,.vi•• J JO 1 oQ O•t·~I"' Bn (l'V~l'<)<l , 1e
Otf Sev•n'""n S!u•f \ IJ•hou I 1 (II)
rime -II 01
~,,,.,, ""'' -r •"'"' ' '"°"' UH -1.loo<1t1co1
I ! E••CI• -• M•q<C Jr. I. l C!I lll•nnv Go. P1IO 1lH oo.
!EVE MTH llACE :llO >aro,.. 3
te~· olo1 & <1P Auo .. •nco Pu•1e moo
ol.n!tlOOf! Ml•• !&•r•<>'ll ! «! '.1 -0 'W
Roc~v o""""°"~T"•••u••I •20 l oo
Mr A1rn1meat (l'loflll 11>()
Time llil
No .cratche•.
EIGHTH RACE. -S•~ Voto\ l
yeA• OIO• & ui:;. ~Mf!!'I ~lilM Ollte
f'U• •1 li'Xl'J p,,, c1.i1i;..,r 1 1ro.nu•t l l•~ •IJl l~ '""'°"""<) VeYO< IMO"••) • 00 7 ec w~•cn Me l '•••I !Ote,••1 l70 '""e ]I •l Nu "'ale~•~-
U E••tl• -'·P'ur Cl•lltitr &
1·G•l'O'l•ll'IO M4VOI", P•lct i ll.j,O.
NINTH RACE -lSO '!a•d• l v,~r
ol<H .I. uo. Clalml!lg. Pune i l)OQ.
lilQh G•o" lt;lc:.ooemu•l~I ~O ?<l loll & ()()
"""le' BoD (Ll11n .. rn\ 11 al) ~ tO p.,,, C~"n' IT•P••urr l il'll
Time 1.llS
~t·~•Ch•d Ch••llf N (.o. Mt.
~ho~v. Tno: El1m!notQ•. !di" DlllllH
i S E••t1 • -4·Hlgh Grm• & 1·
P11rk~ l ob, Plld '3,1.00.
5 7995
4 Fully load ed, Brand new, 1973 MARK IV 's to
choose from. Eq uip ped with air conditioning, lea·
ther interior, automatic speed control, AM/FM
radio, & m uch more! Toke advantage of this offer
Joh11son & Son
Liucoln I l\fcrcury
2626 Horbor 540•56JO Cosio Meto
,,, •'•
~ .,.,.
r~f '(fi
i.. L
•. ,.\~···' ltt: ttl 1.
I '"'
l .,11••tllT t_t 11,
t"ll.Tt:11 I U!I
,\ 111
t~l.E .\-'"'t'.ll
' ....... r ••. '., . '"" ·~· .. ·· I'"
I ~fi-_ r 1
~ "--,,If i 11
FRAM.I Oii. ~II.Tl~
. I . S:\" .. \1'·4t -'"' ~ ., ••• ~1·tt1 ·y 1
19· l I••• Go .. ,...,
' -t·R .\-'t t'll. t 'll.Tt:ll .. , ,,
I ""
t: l,t:4 ·y II O-:\' I C-
1 t,;~ITIO~
1 ..... 1 ..... .... .....
l -o••Po ' 18!J1) I ~•I l •·
AJan1itos Off tlae Slopes Girls Net FV Romps, .56-32
June Mountain Results SANTA ~tARIA !Ji.Jn wh1\t> 1ak1 n~ 11 16pl2 lead and
~1&1ane ~red IS po1.11ts tu then applied ci slick} dl'fel\Sl'
lead foWltaill Valley lO .11n wluch re.\idi~'<l HS pinnacle vf
1n1pressive 56·32 win over .:SU~'l'l'SS "ht·fl tl :.topped l.otll-
Lon1poc 11Jursday in the open-pl)(' on iust four points 111
Ing round of the 5anta Martu the final qu:1rt(·r.
•11tncll Ill) 0) lt•ftl!ftflM aN<l'I
,Olt IATUllD.&,Y
Report Normal ,,..,, ..
Hymfl> IEJ dt! l.i>bttnt 00 I).
Hiii IHl 11•1. MOt IEI 9·1
Htn>On II!:) 11•1. WIVt!I llll I J
M..Ot lE/ !lo:f. Thrt llklll (H) 1-3
lt•tM !El O.t, M(AI0,1..-(H) l ·J.
P••l~l11l (HJ Oii. Sow•v1 lEI I·}
Minning (El Gel. 5mh1'1 !HI I )
Dtl•Y• (£> del, Cll•lffy OU 1·0.
\Tr•cllon (HJ d•!. W/l1ltv IE) t.i,
W•ll (Ef <lei, 5houte iHl '""'·
basketball tournament here. 1 -;;~:;:;;,;;,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"t
Cl•t• & f11I ,lrtl l'oot U 1t S ,..M.
S1 E.<.•clt .., l'iril lt1c1
Ji E••<I••.., .ih, 111'1 ..W nl'I
'!ll i T llACE .;io ~ltd 1 l ve1r ~:~~c ~;~,.J(t"'"· l'11r>~ ~l.liAI. Ll111t1•"~
u~c • Lh"' IM•lC>' 119 l.dil M<: l(,!11 \ ... l•\jlil) l/j [;,11(,.,4d•llV l~<llH•mJ 119
JU•l• :01\a!l!>W 11.aoOO••l in
Mooohg"T II~• IA<111tl \If
l."••W•l'il lll>"ll 11..I•">~) llV
I •l'YI 11•.i !l'.I~") 1\9 ldme lrnn fPogeJ l•f
lk•u • "" \ i•n~•) llV Mr R»e~ll Pou (El•ool<>! !ll AllO E!it <Oll M0t~eu IP1ge1 1n 1..M>(lf t<I Too ll.~t<IO:•ll 1!6
u1a1on Dftn!lv [Wot>-0<11 119 U~i.>U ll ~l•rr jWi«I) II~
iECDJ'ID llACli' -llli Vir<I\ l Y~•• O!Olo. CIAlming_ Pur;lt \19r.:)
L•~·mlnq ~"t' 1/loOO R •t~e!!o Po•• (k6moncwo1
Mlm .. 11n1 ~""" I Ad•lrl ~uc~v ~1111<11'1 1Poge l
Get II On l "-•nl1l Oupt'I Niner (!(.n111ntl Ml\!er Proo!'<! (Ni<ooemu1) ~1n0y·1 Si>ur ICll"'lel
"' m
'" ',, " "' THI RD lilACE -110 varo1, J ye•' Ol<I• & UP. Ll•lmln11. Purle l lllOO. Clolm1n11 orlte l1000. ~'"°""' S1>11r! IMorr•\J ••7 M•dwov To.m (Wd gMI !?I IHoQ BIOX> (G•fltl 119
P oal Bronoy tll•ch••d'I 111 f ooMn Won<1er (Bt<>ol;>l 119
ANOY Sh• Goe• /L1pn1ml 111
'· OhY Kllll•n (Wat!ll 11? Rovol Blot~ (nick ICr<•lltrl 111
FOUllTH RACE -@ '''do. 1 veor 00<a, AllOWdt\Ce. Pu•H SlJOO.
Moon Five• IK•m•! 119 Syper OUP• IWot!IJ 191
Duplicate Win (M611Udft l 119 Cnl<jullo Shaw IW<>rln•an1 119
Vnb<!et&ble Moon lNlcodemu•I 119 Brsc~e! Dec~ (HMll 1!9
Deli"• Sh•<IO.<I tfl•IToo) 111
l"IFTH llACE -810 Y••d•. l year <>!d• & UP Altowft•t•. Pu,.., i.l5<0. Gftvelmftn (CanlOIJ) 111 Cla••v Rocket 1Lloh•ml !19 Flot Fame IW,lght! 111
fllftck CCIII ('licOOe-mui) 119
Vinewln (Aodlrl 119
Un Cn•r>;il (W•t'lOf!l 11'
SJ)(TH •ACE ~ '® yord1. ) ye1r old• Allow•nce. p.,.,, SlDlO. Ori• Bol!I B•O~<I (WtioM i )19
By flt. H. SSOW
Of 11\0 Dt l1y ,.Ult 51111
It'! business as usual for
ski area OJX!rators despite 1111
the v.·orry of the energy crlsis
-and in the case of the
Southern Catifon1ia slopes -
lack of snov.• because of the
unusual v.·eather".
Santa Ana·s Bud Haywa rd,
v.·ho operates popular June
fltount <1111, IX'lieves that a ll v.·i!I
be oon11al -until the fir st
of the .1·ear. Othe rs agree with
him and are proceeding on
this assun\l)tion .
Hopes are for big action
from schussers and h.1other
Na ture for the f a st a i>-
proaehinl( holidays, al v.·ays the
nlQJley makers of lhe season.
Virtually al! areas have the
necessary fuel lo operate al
lop form to Jan. I. Behind
the scenes. ski leaders ;ire
seeking to apply pressure Jn
\Vashington, emphasizing tl1at
recreation is just as irn-
portant as other phases of
life in the country. 11ow n1ueh
success the overtures will be
Tars Lead
For Trophy
Ma lane and center Tom Hill. ,.
who scored 11, paced thl'1 IUY A NfW 71 DATSUN
Barons who fa ce Righetti, 82· AND SA VE AT remains to be SEen .
Idaho, \vhere Sun Valley is
the No. I ski la r g e t ,
particularly is o u t s po k c n
11bollt its plight. Vi sitors dur-
ing the winter and sumn1er
last year spent $30 million
dollars in Idaho, 1vith an
estimated $11 or $12. million
in Sun Valley· alone .
59 w i n n er over Channel
I nd -1 7 COSTA MESA DATSUN Js a s, ton1gn ai . Fountain Valley allowed 12 284S HARIOR ILVD. C.M, A~fnt (£) Ofl. Bl lYtl (H) 1,1,
L1r.on IH) ~el, £1/lan Cl!I l ·f. poinlS in the firsl riuurtt:r '----5•4•0--6·4•1•0---"' .... " Ht ull'I. H1i.tn 0•) di!. lt0<1er.
Tt>ominon 1£) 1-t .
'"lt l . llltlyou fEt <1•1 C•I• c16,,,
Goor tl fH) '""'· Jonn10t1, Br•Oltv l E f dtl. Flnn.
O'Con~•r !HI 1-3,
11 1.~°" 0 <>• .. •t Gtn!lle
Vtllty 0 4)
? ~
.. • • ' ' ' • ' ' ' ,,
1'ransporlation t.o the areas
perhaps is Ure nu1.jor problent.
Far \Vest Ski Assn. officials
rule out private auto and
airline travel \\o'ilh the gasoline
shortage, particularly the clos-
ing of gasoline stations on
Train travel is another
minus for the simple reason
that fe w rails are near the
Joilopes. Th us, !he best wav
lo travel is by bus, providing
I hey can receive enoubrh fuel.
Com111, IMl0< (HJ d•'-Sho1•. V~Tt<!
IE) 1·6.
(••11111 , l•mD (El 11•1. Gllch1i1t.
Mlll•r (H) 8.0.
flol!o!n. T tllbe~• (Hl dtl. l~f'da,
M••~••o CE) 1·1.
O"Anotlo. PO<>I (E) Je-1. Be<>Ot•,
E<•"r IH) 1-J.
L•w••1>c•. Murr&~ (HI 11•1. lntante.
PoullOtl !El 9-1.
flanoon. WOOdlock IH! d'1. Bl1•0.
MrA~I-Ui) l ·S,
Genttlrig, Slt'Oel \£) c119t. Ktlknop
8 'M1<1 I H) ....
S!r••ct>tl, Y•mtga ( E) tt • I .
G!lwrrson. Lanon (HI '""'· l{lrcn. "u1h1>•ool< (E) !le!. Brlqueltur.
Crunlr. l H 1 l·l
Coola Mow lit ) !l ) •t Mlldtll•
Norm1n ~M l do!. Fr19osl tE) 1·4.
FlHr (Ml dl'i. Munilng !El 1·6-
Neole (M) Otl. Klna•l•nd !El I ... .
Kut>n \M) def, Heod1r10t1 !El 9 ... .
H1rrls (Ml det. Almond (E) l·l.
Mtggt n IM) di)'!. Wlrd (I!) 1·1.
Strangely enough, it is
predicted that 8,000 skiers
could be n1oved by bus if
200 D""b!••
J Jollty
1''0UP Yolb.,.n•
Lod1~11eln TOltl•
' ' ' ' . ' ' " • ,
' • "
' • • • " Sto,. by Qw•r1trt
Fountoln Vilely lo 10 11 9 )6
Loml>O( 11 i 9 4 ll
sec Loses
, , ,,
1~1 • :1
REDLANDS ll1?dlands
Universi ty sli pped through s1~1
straight free thrO\l/S in !hel
final 90 seconds of play 10
hand Southern Ca Ii for n in
College of Costa ~1esa a 67-60
setback here 1'hursday night
in basket.ball action. vehicles were m ad e Moil\. Cl6rk <Ml <101. •~PP· T•~cv
available. But in addition to 4EI •·6. s.c:s1 cou~e uoi Le,.ve•. ttoll~l>d (,;,\) !ltf. S5n11,, 19 1n pt tp the scarcity of fuel, it is F llch<• tEf Bo s u1 Holm 1 1 1 J
clain1ed lhat there are not lE~"1a~." Nelf"I IM) det l(ent, John•on ,ri~'H~7,,.. l J ~ 1J
enough capable bus drivers , B•h''"'' w 1 t • o" IMl <1e1. ~~~~:'"'" ~ g 1 l~
On E•matlnllf!"· !un~n""""! ~El 1·1. S~••<l•-1 3 1 ? 8
e bus operator sa)'S he Edward•, Alde1 CEI <1!•. Roi• o o 1 o
I 25 h, 1 d lo II 8 3ucemlS!e,. F~ttman IM) 9·8. ;: .. moe n o I O 1as ve IC es rea Y ro G'eenwooo. w~•t• tM) 1161. Gt~~. Te!ol• ,, 4 14 , v.·i th a capacity of 39 to 49 Sampson (El 8·1. ~01u1mo:· Red!.ir10s. ~·11.
• Super hchtwe1ght -1u~ 6.9
lbs. ••
• Supe1power -tutsa6"
tog in S seconds
lighlesl elecl1ic-
just 7 l,4 lbs.•*
passengers each. lie had 500 1· ---------------:1 °~1esscutt1ng aHachment s ,.,is available foe. the OOES YOUR CAR IDLE ROUGH? ' m;) McCUUOCH
Newport !·!arbor holds a Christmas hol!days 1\'llh the l START HARO? WE TONY'S BLDG.
two-point lead over ~st.at a n?ounal $20 to $2~. GIVE POOR MILEAGE? CAN HELP \'
Coov Wotth fAdolt! 119
j•m An An(lel Too IC•r001•l 11~
Alu•e 8dt Go 11<.·'"''I 141 Twl!te' 8rttie IG•ri•) 119
Weslmi"'I" al conclusion of D1fflcult as it may so~ml. th>S THE "'AR .. URETOR SHOP MATERIAL, INC.
three fall sports in the Sunset operator says !he Southern ~ U :.J
C l·r 2075 N ewport llvd.
Tris Oo:c' (NicOOemu•) 119 Twleve Fiv" (Lipham) 119 /lll•<t~f•w Moon (C,eagerl 119 Syrfer Sftn!lv (Pago:I 121
SEVEt;TH RACE -<Oil Y•r<lo J
v•a' •Ill• & uo. Allowance, P urse lj,000. Tl>f C•ltlin•.
Leam•e ;ill-sports award race a 1 ornia ski ma rket involves U4J N••1101t aLvo .. COST• Ml!SA M.1 ... iu · Co•~-.. "0 548 _ 1128 0 " a polent·al 10 ·i1 · ..,,, All Werk Ou•••nlffll • Me1. 1r "" MU11 '"' ,.,
for 1973-74. ~~~~~' ~~n~1~1 ~·~o~n~1~ic~··~-~n~s~.~~~~~~~g~~-:;-~~-~-~-=~-~~...,~~._....__.~~~~~~::;;:~~:::~::::::::::::~ 5h•m•nc-~• (A~•lr) 11• Andv Go (H••IJ 119
A" G...,e M•m• /Ll<>ham) 111
I'm Nol SIH OV !Cardo:•) , ..
Matb!• M•n IW•hn<!! 171
Ne\\1>0rt tied ror first placc~I ----
in the va rsity football com-
petition and \\"Oil the Sunset
v.·ater polo champion shi p fo.r
half of its point tot al.
BYrke·, Pl1ro1 I P•oel 1n
l!IGHTH llACE -«IO yard1. l "•A• nl<1' & uo. Cl•l,..,lno. Pu'1~ i lSOO Cl~in1!n~ od<P !1000.
Klnlv"' MOO)~ !Smith) 177 PaTric~ Bob (NlcOO•m~•> 110 T~e '"""''<~ lilo<'ldld 110 On Renu1s! (Ll1>~1ml 110 Th• E!lm;n•lo• rB~Uou) 119 5...,,.,~10 rr:r~•Qerl 171
r~.,01,. r~··I'• rwatson) 1,..,
Tvt~nlum 1 8,,....~,. 1;>1'1
fi'.,..••! .UI,• IW••~I II•
M•. P<l'#ell (Mvl11s) 171
NINTH Fl'Ar£ --00 v••d•. 3 V•~'
OI<'• r'"'min<r. f'Vroe i lJOO, Clalmln~ -·I'• ~~'>Ofl ~'"""fl~ I},...,, I P•-e) I..,
I)••" O•vit PW~'<'' 119
"-\'•' ~~"~" ~1r•w •B-.,,,•s~ nq S<OOIW Doo()• D" (N lcooemu\) 1!9 r>•• rnion•I IM•l•s1 110
F.111>1•n ClllC fSol!ool 119 P~•.JI F"• Roe••! 1Ad•I•! 110
8ftaoe•·, Bou fll:ltll••d•/ 110
Sit G•'t1Mler (W ·•lm•nl no "~" Oo·tn<I (W,.<1~1) 171
TI1e Tars also finished fi rst
in junior varsity an d
sopho1nore 1vater polo while
'''eslminster ·s lone fir st place
1vas in sophomore cross coun-
The team totals for three
sports, fool ball , v«aler polo
1 and cross country : Newport
llarOOr 60. '\'estmin.ster 58.
fl1arina 51 1h, H u n tington
Beach 38'~. Lo a r a 351:,..I
:\naheim 29. Santa Ana 27 12
and Western 18. -----
SA VE :JO%· 50% AUTO
1 11 J. \\I 'r . .; 'T0.~1"("0>tPl.[TI: 110.11·.\01 H~J.1 1
.\l'l 'OIJ.••11,"
~~ : fASL
(<ooo, I.
~ •·••!. ' ' ' 1 ... .. ., ..
..,1. ~·' '" •·j ,.,.,, u ••
' •' ·" .. , . ~ ~ ..... I '!.','
8 ''·'''' 11.\TTt:ll\"
("ll.\114il t:H .. , .....
r" • ~ 11 ,,., ...... . 141111
. 'tttTt)H •·• .. ,
•"Lt.Sil 4 9 ·
t·11t:t ·u.•:n
-.. ,, ..... . "' ,;, .. '-· ' .. ' •.. , ... :-.. "'.' .,
.... To'""'"· '· •"•·•• lo ~· >I
I • '' '"''" • r .. , .... ,,, ... , -'If) '•I'..··-' E"'•. ,_, -, , .. , "'"'
........ .....
~" ,_,,.,., .. ,., ....
8 41 ·,·1,l~DER
\\"I Rt: St:T
... '·" 299
Zenith 1itan 300V chassis.
30,000 volts of picture
power (design average).
Exc lusive Zenith Power Sentry
System. Chromatic one ·button
t uning and AFC. *42888 *
Zenith Titan 275V cha ss is.
Exclusive Power Sent ry
System. AF C and chromatic
One·Button Tuning.
s39aee *
Year Warranty
one rt
on service and pa s
on a\I
(i~ROfrAA{OlOR Il
23 '~AC0NA~
Table TV
Chromatic One-Button Tuning. AFC.
Titan 300V chassis with 30,000 volts
of picture power (design average).
Power Sentry System. s529a1• Synchromatic UHF
channel selector. J11cludi11g Bast
CONSOLE Modwl t45~5
100% Solid·State Zenith Titan 3DOV chassis.
30,000 volts of picture powe r (des ign
average). Exclusive Zenith Power Sentry
System. Chromat ic one·button tu ning.
AFC. Solid·State Super Video Range Tuner.
01111 s559ea•
Give theJJest...ma.ke it a "2ilf!'6 Christniasl .,,,._..
e N• 1i••itU CWfH tf ,.rd 111 90 d.ys •' L•w
D•-••4 J6 .. .,911 t• ,.,. {o.o.c.1 • 1 YMr
p,.. ,.,,. e 1 Y .. ff'w S."lc• • J Year "9twf•
T1M W.n-_,,. e ,,_ Dtll~ e11d S.toU' e
e .... A......,..-4/Md'ff Cate't• e W• s.Mc•
wi..t .,. Sell e W• k•.w "' Prod11ct h11ld• 011d
01t e N• c.,... ............... 11.
Our Warranty Is Not Pro·Rated!
9021 Alt.ANYA ST.
!At M•tnlMll l
MON. -FR I. 10.7
SATUr:OAY l ~-S :lO
19046 IROOllHUltST ST.
SATURDAY 10·5:10
SU NDAY 12·5
" ' ' ' •
• ' ' •
' '
' " • '
" ,,
" ' " ' "
" ,,
" '
' '
,.ICTtTIOUI IUltNait SL.I' l)4
NAMI! STATliMaNT "-01'1CI! TO Cll!OITOll
Tllr tCll!OWll'lll ll<lr'Mlnt •r• doing tUf'llllOlt COUl1' Of' THI!
l)Ulll'I..,, ~• STAT£ Of' CALlf'OllOA ..-01 !I! CAI CL N I~ !II tll'll"I ( TIU! COUNT Y Of' Oilt AN•£ IJNllfEJf~ll'f PAlllll. It N IM It L Ho 4 tlUI
llOSPfTAL !~ lt•oi;tllo Nt.,PO'I (ol• • oi !RM.AC •tVN1'!Nf;; OKt~I
9t•rn C1IUorf\l1 ~ .a Ntw1>1,1<l i•n~ A "f lotpl l llll 1'<0TIC£ IS ltl'.llt"9Y QI V£N to , ....
A~04Q Nt .. POl"I 9t1cn Cllll!ltfll• Ctlt!IJ!att "' '™' l lWVI ••'TM<'I dK..:ltn• ~ 11111 111 t»rwn• n1•1!flll (Il l no •11•li'lol
"ln" b\11 non 11 co11111 conducted oy 1111 ••Id oe~t<l•l'll ••• rtcivlttd 10 tll•
• Ct lllO r>!• Co 11tt11 IGt 1n1m whn !Mo nt<o•••rv vouclio<I •
Jam.et E R en P •• d•nt rn. o!!lct 01 In• cl••"' Of 1111 ·-• Tnlt >11 e-me~ r fl! w •n 1"41 Col/nty ~•Ille<! ca.. ! 0t TO prr.1..,t !~m w If\
( a ~ 01 0 ""~' '°" ly "' OK1mber ll'le necen1 v 'l'OUchtn !O lht w,,.
12 l tn l>y Tn• I ll M W••O Ot pu!v dt ol11fllll or ("<> Klnatl &. A'1<1t<-
Co""t~ c1... 1010 NO tn " IHodWI >' Sln!I An•
Pul)!bn.a 0<•"0• (O'l'll
D~1111lllr 11 ?I 1~ !97
• \Y10
, iOUt C1+ltorn I '1702 whlcll I tnt pliCt
011!Y PU1>! ol b111I ••• of Inf 11l>d1<t 0~ In 111
t d .JM~Yd v m1 1t1 ;w aln n~ To 1n' o•llTo o!
1116 ll 1011 a1c~1111 wl!hln tour 11>1)1'1 ht 111"
1 . 1 .. 11111b!c•I O<l Of I I nol ct
PUBLIC NOTICE Oiled O..cembtf 11 1'7'3
F r1I Nallooal Bink
ol Ot•t>Q• Counly --
..-1cr tTIOUt •VSIH!lS
tc.llow nQ Pl ...., • 001"11 1>u1 n•u
E •atll!Or Of Iha Wiii
ol '™' 11>0Yt n1,,,.d dacO!dmt
JAMll\ f WILHllUll
'"' ..
l;>ll1;>wln11 P*flDn 11 dalt>Q bu• n~u
I) PAOMO"llORV POlliT 'l'A(tll
Cl.VI (PP'l'(1 l f PAOM0NT0 RV' 8AY
Y A,(Ml (I.VII IP9'1'(1 ti P'M OMON
TOltV POINT A$S0Clll t UN ff'PAJ
11)1 W1o!(I II 0 10"'~"'1 lhttlt c1 nwo c ,~ , •• ~ .... t~n I"'' Mo 11'1 AV•I'~•
Fc.iter CllV C11l1o•nl1 ••~
Tnl1 bu1lne11 1. c...oucJ•d bV •n
IM v1au11
C M '"•••tvlcl'I
Tllll 1!1t•m1nt WI> I led w 111 1n1
Cao.only Clrrk o!' 0 •'>O• Coun r II"
OtCI !llltr n l~fl
~dDll 1hed Or1ng1 COii! a ... ., ... r:io, '" n 11 1uJ • !~1•
0 11 y Pllo1
•ncl J•nu11••
3/'W ll
' .
f'ICTITIOUI I Ul !tjl'li
llAM• ITATl!Ml!liT
lollo01l1111 ptor•on ' Going 1>111 /\t it
ot ICI NOl!I. a, ANOl!ltSON IOlt NO<'lll ...... ow1v OCl:AN Sil p 1101 w Ca.it II gn .. 1v
S•nt1 """ c 1111.,.,.i1 n 101 Ne.,..pc.rt s11ch C•lllorn • tilo!O
l" OUl llol nn B "'{• von 1..JnOe<ll)ot f'\I JIO! W C..::au
Allornrvt IO< latcvtor ttl~nwliv Ne"'l>O I lla.cn C1lllD<l'I •
TEC HNOLOC.V .ootl B •1.n S1 Su !e
113 Ne-..1>\H'! lle~rn Ca I• 01116(1
JDt>n 'I' 0 ~n• 4 Nunt J Ou•h•I•
10111 Jon Day ttuntln;i•on Be1tn C• ··-Put>I ·-0 • iga (<MUI ()~llv Plio• ,ri~ ~. ' Oec1n ber II ?I :lt 19/J 100 Januafll n • .,u, !'<"•• tonOutle<I DY on
TM~ bU\
lJ>\llW dUd
"'' I COllduC r...i fly • • 191• J/82 n lr.dlYldll•I ''1----------------Bruce ~on l.lndont>t 11 rn11 1!1t1m1n1 w11 I 1w wlrn m"! Jolln V Qusna PUBLIC NOTICE lnl• '•l•m•nl W41 I 11<1 W 111
Cou •v Cl u M Ill O!'ll'IO• Counl'r
No '"" ba 11 lt/J
'"' ~1 -~~~~~~~~-
'2'''' l'ul>ll•he<I Or1ng1 Co.<1t 01Uy P tot
N ""1l>e XI U"'1 OtLemD• 1 I 1
lt Tl ".lllU IJ
Pull sned O<~~Ot CMll
Doc•m lHI' 1• 11 21 1•7l
• 111•
'"' ..
ICll!owlnQ ~ Jon ' dolf>V
OOA N RSE11V 9)8 l!Q\I
W1•t n n• ~ C•l lc><n • ~61!1
tl& r~ 0<1• 10•31 Kenw c•
V • P1 ~ (.~I lornl•
ln • bu•nl•• c(;(>(lu'l'd
11\0 vl!Ju•I
f . ,.,, Od~
COlln,y c • ~ of
O•cen b•r 1l \971
\<ol\ t .a w Ill
C1 ""'"" Co11 f
, JtlM PUBLIC NOTlC'E Pltbll•Md Ononoo Cl)oOll o. ly Pl "' O~eml>t i. 1 ll 1tll 1na Jonu• vi---------' I'/' l/IS IJ NOTICE 01' tNTE"ITION r o l!N!JAOI C-C.C-'----=~c~=~=--"-CC IN THI! SALi Of' Al.COllO\.IC
1'1 81 IC l'\O'Il('f a 1 VIRAOl!t
Coonty Cl1r>. ..,1 O 1ng1 County ~n
O.c1mbt• 12 19/J
Grit•• C11tbacl~"
Stark Cl11·ist1na s
Facii1 g B1·itait1
LONDON (AP ) -!\1Hhons
of Br1t1sh "'orkcrs a r l'
Uuealeucd v.1lh :s l ashed
paychec ks or uncn1ploymenl
as the result of a govern1nent
austerity program to conser\ ~
fuel And e!cctr1c po~er
And the hard hi t country
br iced for n1ore tough nc'ol s
l)n ~1ond:i} Chancellor or
the E!>:cpequer An t ho n y
Ba rber announces the rest of
U r 1 lams ent!rgy tightenmg
progrnn1 It is ex!)e(;ted to
include 111Ur new taxes import
co11trols and perhaps e-Vcn
food ra1!on1ng
We shall have a harder
Christmas than \\e ha~c
known smce the war ' Prime
Altn1ster Ed1\a rd l leath told
tht l~ousc of Co1nmons rhurs
Workers race a 211-day work
v.:ee k begmnmg ~1onday nnd
a th ree-dav .... eek beginning
Jan I -1{ they keeµ tl'M:1r
JOb:s The Times of London
p r edic ted 10 nulllon
unemployed eventuall\ or
n10 re tha n 40 percent or the
total v.ork forc e of 24 nu\11on
Starting in the New Year
factories "ill work either
?\1onday through \\ednesda\
or Thursday through Saturda~
to spread the lood on the
electri c power system
Shops and offices may sta'
open five days a week hut
on tv.o 1onpower davs mi1st
use no electr1c1ly for lighting
or hcattng _:_ ___ _
""" Puoll1lllcl Or1no1 Cot " 011ly ~l!ot
Nl)ven tl<rr JO 11\d Oectmlllf I 1• 11
1'7) 3612 7J
!oll°"'lng P•rson 1 doon11 buslMtS
ICll!owl!IQ )'erson 11 aoln11 tl111lne-11
Publll~o<I 0<1no1 Co.i•!
01cern t><r 7 '" ? 211 lt n
Fr1d11y Otctn1ber 14 1973 DAIL V PJLOr 21J
Sk ylab ~'J [ Ml JTI JAL FUN O~ I
Co 11 iplete
SPACI CEi\'TEll llou:ston
(AP! -Sk\IHb 3 Ii> ' !turd
of the .,o;ay through its 84 dny
m1sS 10n and of(1c1als S3) the)
are "ell p!caSL'<i 1\1!h 1t::. at
comphshn1ents so far
Skyl lb 3 astron:iuts Gt raid
I' Carr of Santa An 1 \\11
h tm It Pngue r1ntJ l:tl..,,;.ird (
l.1bson formerly or Sn n (Ji._
(IN SHORT ... )
mente pa ss the 28-<f;iy mark
today at 6 01 a m PS'I' CK
actly four \Veeks since lh11r
launch from Cape L:ana1 er1\
~la on Nov 16
Skylab prog1 an1 dire ctor
\\1!ha n1 c Schneider said or
f1c1als are h a pp y ~1 th the
11 ork or the astronauts and
are optinustic the m1ss1on 11111
continue for its plann~d 12
1veeks making 1l in J n s
longest space fhght
e S axbe Vole
\Vith the expectation of new
assu rances from President
Nixon on the independence of
\Vatergate special prosecutor
Leon Jawrosk1 the Senate
Jud1c1ary QJmmittee has ap-
proved Sen Wtlllam B Saxbe
to be attorney general
The committee voted l ~I
to approve Saxbe a r t c r
Republican leader •!ugh Scol t
agreed to seek clar1f1 cat1on
from the \\'bite House on the
agreement under w h 1 c h
Jaworski s mdependence and
Junsdiel!on iii protected
e 54 iUi .. h1g
SUVA F111 Isl ands (UP I)
-Off1c1a!s reported Thursd 1y
that 54 persons were m1ss1ng
1n the s111king of a cargo ship
by a JX>Werful cyclone packing
JOO nule an hour winds
There were 41 k no\\ n
survivors among lhe 9 5
passengers on the inte r island
vessel Ulu1 lakeba whi ch sank
/\tond ay off the southern tip
of F'1Jl en route from Vatoa
Island to Ogea Island
e Sate llites Up
' '"'
• JfOE FD~
" .
(UPI ) -Two commun1cat1oos
satellites that will enable the
U S military to transmit
secret messages around the
worldwerereporledoporalmg OVER THE COUNTER well today after being blasted
mto stationary orbits on op-NASDL1st1ngsfor Thursday, Dece mber13 1973
posite sides of the earth '"---------------------.1 The twin 1 200 poundl' lhe5e-quol1t on\ satelli tes were fired into orbit •u1111 1eo1 by t1'r Na
22 300 I bo rth b I on1I Aswt. on Cl nu es a ve ea vs.,.,,,,, 0t1e • an Atr Force Titan 111-C • e 1> d• • ..., o11,,, qllOl•d 11¥ over Int rocket after a 46 hour delay touf\te< de• t' 10 t1cf\ o\1'rt •~ of caused by an 1nstrun1cnt t •o•• IE•,te<n
malfunctton : ;: >oo 1:1 1~f'~
e Y outh Guilty
DELAND Fla I AP ) -Ken
neth Francis 17 has been
COO\'lcted o( clubbing to death
a Cahfomta yo uth m .,o;hfll
defen se \aw}ers said was a
Sataruc k1llmg 1n which Fran
clS played but a smnll part
A Volusia Olunt\ Circuit
Court JW'Y deli berated foi
about lhree hours Thur!'d iv
before fmd1ng Francis of Ila~
tooa Beach guilty of first rl e
grec murder in the d!!aU1 or
:\hchacl Cochran also 17 Qf
Fire Cra~l1
Settlem ent
$3 3 m1\hon out-of-l'ollrt set
tlement has been won by the
(am1hes of SIX f1refi ghterS Y.hO
died 1n a hchCQptcr rt ash
\\hi\e en route to a Los Padres
National Forest blaze 111
Au~st 1972
Sacramenio attorney James
C Hagedorn said !he set
tlement 1n the ra n1i1Les SUI!
was re.ached "1th A v co
Lyeonung Engin es C o r p
TI\.'lker of the iet engine ust:d
u1 the 13 seat helicopter
Th .. e sui t alleged !hat a
defective bolt 111 the engine
caused the crash wh1ch oc
curred in the Hines Peak area
of Ventura County eight miles
northeast of OJaJ
"ti I mo lo.up /nil k
00..,, or c ornm ' \on and cto not •t p e,....,t I Cllll
lr•ni.1c! °"'
Ac"'""' Ad M c•o
Aavnt (11
A ·~ Ill• A,. Bo•
A lco Lnd
II eQ Bev
ltUll" Pl'lr Al t'<I Tel Am Apr•I
Am E •II'
""' e . 111
Am F n(I 11.m F etn
"-m F" n Am G t• llM r< S.y Am It ~v
Am Wt>d A.nlleYlf
Ape•<Q APS 1n,p
I On Mvt
A "'"' fl, ,. '<la "''° Cola •t c,, Ll At Stet
•u10 l n
Bl rd Ato
Ila d -B••t llr
Bl••r Ft Ill dWn L
II• y M!l Bi nk A:t l B•s.elt f llayleos 8'ioln Cp Bently u
k \1 P,.d S.t1 Lal> BIOO (a Bl11 O<m Ba MeUS. BlrG Son\ 8 lHI Pw Block Oii BlueCn S BMA(o
Sob EVftl &ootn Np 8 t nca I
8• nk\ " B•ot.n c:;,
8 o .. n It
8uckbt ll"t•ev Bu•n~ S.I 8u11er M
(1 WI S.• l:;;'.,, l :1
C•~t>o I
C•vm1t1 CnMl11 I'll c ... \/1~
Cotnl1n D
C~mp Pt cn.nc, A cn • .,1 Co C~m ep
Chl 8< Ir
Ill Its~
11v, •i~, n n~, • • ,, 1~V.
11\'t II ...
' " ' " " . " . t ' S•• """ 11 Ill
2 • 11
71 11\.o
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!10 ' 11'1
Cnrlt S..t Ill !OJ
Clun1 ut ll , 2' ,
(II r U A 1' U Cl1•k Mt 21 11 ,
CloHll• l • 9 , (It• It v 11 • U\o
Clo• (rp I 9
Cobt Lab 10 n CoD"'<ft 0 IJ .. tl Coe •( Ld II 11\•
CO<llm c • 1• Cml Sl'o \! >O J!
(., MIC.I 11\.o 1t~ cm .. TI P J .. ni..
C~• Aw!o t 'lo ~ ... (plrvl1 10 , II
CO<ln Fcl U\., IS
C~• P•P< 2• hw
Con'" M 1• 10
(t<O \ Cp 1' ~
Co.I\ n1 I) tll
'""' C.o 20 20 .. C.1u1cn R •" 1 c ... 1 Noll 10 ... ""'" Om•n Otl ,1, ' , 0 1n1 n! 11 Ol...
0 1ny M ll
Cit 0•11 •' S o 0•11 C.n )0 I 31 o~, 100 ,,,, a
0-'fi" M 10 1 °"'h Ct! } • 0.~lb ·~ •I• ll Ornnlll • °' U~t c Jl J1' 0 1m Ct\ t i 10 0 Im f<d 1'1. I , o ... , Sc.• J J Oat ultl I , l\o
():)II Gen
Oon1 d~ Oo<C~ c:;, eo .. Jori~
Corl• OB O~tomn Oun-In 0 El\tmt Econ LAii EOS MU( El Paw El Nuce!
E...,<OJ t:
Eou !J 01 EQ11 S.•L. Elh.ln 11 E~ecu In Edtacp
F 11 t L.fle Faron El Form 8< Fe1a UV
F "9'"' Fit Sol;1n ,,, C..11 11
111 M "'(
h t l •F n
F • lflfp Food Tw
Fo e•t QI F ,,,.. H
F 1n>. E_o
Ftl fll • F<lt"" Ir
Ftot FdE
Fu er H
Fun~ 5.ft
C.• O<ln
Ga lln-C.11e L j C.1tew r
Ge to Co
C.n Au1m C.n AuloP
Gen e na C.n C UCle C.n Sr11 e G.;ld S.~~ G hm M.o c. •on s.c.
C. •1 Ad Ht<.~ (It
Hlhn lW
"~ ' H•n S.QR
M• .. R
Han ' 5( Ht...,,h F
Hf! 11 M,
Ht <ol C
t1 Qflf Co
Hno• EL
-~· I-fun M•Q
H••lt C Hyilo C
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lnO' N"d
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ln•I Lib Mt ( p
ntttt En
ntmt c:;,
nl A um
n 8 kW A
nl• \ lnl SI (p
la So IJ1 I .J•meso J1~n Em John,s EF
JO\ yn M
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1(1 V8 (
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i<;ellr !.t< Kln (ohn
l(ollt E•• ltey 0..11
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1(1 Jll In! l(MS. n<l
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LJl""n p,. U •l•r C l••v Bov U ICI• NI!
LeQQtl Pl l. tw I y ti
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L n< l\OSI Lon (IS.
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(>l t lllhl o111l tt111
1'11~k 01Qn AO Ptt1n l t
8~1• "'ad
Am E•" Ptnn Otf"71
0. SM 1
Rt<091' t E~ F n t M»
V•tl ttl Eapl
DI!• Gtn
Vel\11 ... lid ....... C"" 311100 I I 1
•J~ 1. 1
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11J 100 •J ......
ll1 100 I o B•• I 00J I o I 1
"6600 1 2
)(! lOO 10 10
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•1fl!Xll0 1 l\•-
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, .. • 1 1'!AS.0 Vol""" fOdly t•~JOO
19 :J(l AdYante\
I• Deel~~ 10 , Un(~anQel)
II Ta111
1; ( O lllf rti a t11I Lutit ra
''• J! f I Noul 1.,.a to ~AI NER!
~ 11 JS lund MN\ !<..
21 ll J N1utr...,.... •
JI 19 I !;GIOS.I s.c ... , IJ . !•'-lSl IC: A Ctolhl•r\ I ,
10 II t Ool•I Co<prtn •\.o
10< 11 1 I"'' Co<p0r!~ M t lo 1 , I P•torn\ ..... "Ill I
\\o 6 , f Ktl!~ Stfy 4 10 1
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IJ" 11 l Up 16 I IJp 1• J
UP u 0 IJI) 11 \
UP 11 f
Up 11 I IJ p It IJp 10 l
UP 100
Up t J 1... , 11 Bro-"'II 11~ J
110 1 .. n Mlt >.1!tl' hb ''• .. Up f l
JI! JI ll ~ .... ,Co 10 '.
t t U Holt• (Ol'O ~
1Q 11! 1} Olvl1 Wj.W I
lB •O 1• htLlnco1n Fnl 1 , •
10 1 LOil°' 11 1111 1 MClrQn lld Otb • ,,...._ 1
l J 1 !ot'vlc1 W•Cll • 1\ ~ 01 l CHl<or IA<.ll<P l-1
II I&, • Aoawi.,1ty )0 1,.-! •
101,10, IKVPl\ot !!>II S 1 .. 1~ 11 •Rt .... llnc 2\e S 1"-I~
)) )l 1 KQl~ UM'PO<ln 10 11•
37 1JI I C1nl1<1~ JOO 1~ ,
Up 10
IJO I• " ' Ull _!._ I
"" . .,
"" 0" "" OH
"" ""
~· " ' '" " ' N O '" ...
'" • 60 l o '"-dAulO !.1• I , t 10 Swl'Cllow Int" ~ o 1 1 Cl nlc ll Sci•~
I• 11 , 12 Fl•<09'1 Eq"'"
,. .. "" '" "' '" " "' ... Q 9\ 1J EllCl'll L.mld
• •I 16 Bl\I "'OClllCH 1J 1J 1 1I C.,.IJlw>ll Ml
11 )J~ 1• (•m ll ,. ,.h
'" " "
"" ..,
"" "" 8:' "
:l f) Ot:.I LY PJLOl f(tila~ Drtrn1btr 14 l 'i7J
Energy EJDergeu~y Fneli1ng Une1nploy1nent
Uy lhc i'~soc·h•lrtl Prr'.\~
~IOtl' \·11·11111<> ol th1• 1•1n.~r~~ c·n:-.1 ~
the wten11>lo~1·t.I .
l.a,YO(f:l ar111011ncvrt th is Wl't·k 111 tht'
airlillC' and :1u10 1ndustr1L-s \\'ill .11dd
thousands of Y.ork1•rs to 1h1: nnlion 's
uncmploymt·nt rolls. rolls '' tuch ore
tfO\•:lng .as ~1 rt•sult of lhl'. c11ergy C'run<:h
F.~1:.l1..•r 11 ,\lr!ln\·:. and I 'an Amt•r1 t <.1n
Airv.·<.1ys a111Mln(·cd 'fhursd<J} they l'i \:I'I:"
n1aking further t·utl>ticks in 1'1n!)loy1ne11L
Allegheny Airlines said 11 1••ould t·ut
b.aek flight schC'dlllt"i by JO ])!'r'et.·JH .
:m 1odJcator that pink sl!~"IS n1ay h1..·
1n the offing.
1\'~\' Cl 'TllAl:K~ 1n f'n1plovn1cn1 11·1•rf.'
.1n11~ Hl't·d tlu;:i l'i'r1•k 111 the auto 111du:s11 Y
v.111:1\:, Jt.out G,OUO ot the rnore th;in
750,00U v.orkf'rs ha\'t' IJl"l'tl l<11d off 111·
defuilteh· In all, 177,\)JO workers havl'
bccrl 11ffl'C1ed -n1us1 by lcn1(X>rilry
In both eases the m:un pl'vlJh·n1 1 ~
flll'I, or thr l.'.lck of 11 'lllt' H1rl111t·'>
llrP filC-cll l\Hh n1andalOI'} fUt'\ <:UllJ<il'k!>,
thi• auto ~ndu:.1 ry is bl.:ini::: rnra•d 111
rnakc t'Ulbct('ks :ind ch:in!;l'S bc.•t'•H1s1·
cunsu1nc-r s a rc los u1}! their apJX•llll' for
tht> larger aut011lbbll1·s.
lll•rbcrt SIL'ln, hci1d of Prt•sidclll .\1,1(-
011 ':. Co uncil Of F' .. cononuc Atl\11sen,
prt·d1rt('(I l:i!il v.·1't'k lhl' johlt·~ rate
\.\JI! rcai;h 6 f)l!r '-.'t"tll 111 l!r/1, Some
ec'Orl(m11sts rorec;asl 8 pcrc.'eot uncmpJoy~
ffi{'f'll. lt. is now less than 5 percent.
c:.astem Alrline1 said Thursday 1l
"ould lay off 440 more pilots and 2,400
other employes. bringing to 3.760 Ute
11u1 nber it plans to cut frorn its 35,00!).
l\Orkc.r payroll by early next year.
P~1n Ain .said Thursday it v.•111 furlough
l.O(IO cf its ~.000 cabin a1tendants on
.Jan. JO in addition to the 160 pilots
l:1ld off earlier.
LtNITF.O AIH.UN~ aod Frontier
A.1 rt1n1•s h11vc also announced layoffs.
Jn \\'ashu1gton. the A1r Transport
Association predicted 25,000 of the in--
dustry's 300,!XXI employes wiU be out
of work in January. All that adds up
to pink slips for me c h an ics,
stewardesses, pilots, ticket agoots and
evdlrriPirlllle executives.
The reason is airlines will be required
:is or Jan. 7 lo use !5 percent Jew
jct fuel than they did in 19'12, 0t 25
percenl below planned requirentc:.'fltS.
Speaking about the growing W'ICmp\oy-
n1enl proble1n, Eastern spokesman Bill
\Vooten said in l\1iami; "It v•ould be
a !fine thing lo say "~ tan guani.ntte
no further shakeu1)s in tbt-Uldustry,
but v.·e cannot say that right now "
In the auto industry. ford has JaJd
off 2,180 worken at seven plants in
!liI slates: Ct\-! has laid off m lit
f-OUr 1'1lchigan plants and Chrysler v.11J
let go 2, \00 hourly v.·(11'kers at two
as~mbly plants Jan. 2.
Industry spokesmen say energy-con-
scious consumers just aren't buying big,
gas guzzling cars and aulon1akers are
cutting production and closing dovm. tem-
porarily lo convert to s1nall car prir
"1'11E l\.lA RKt71' p\tl('f' l11111lnues lo
reflect. buyer indc clsicn rt·:~ult111g fro1!l
coofusinn and uncertainty "1th rt.-gculi
to the rnergy situation and its related
Impacts," said cri.1 Vice President ri.1ack
Worden. 'd 11K: Bureau of Labor Statistics sa1
the jobless ln November increased by
200,000, bringing lotal w1cn1ploymcnt to
4.J million. .11 .
The number could exe\."'<'d 5.3 1n1 i~n
"·hen the energy crisis hit~ . hard in
early 197~. gov~mmcnt off1c1;ils say.
Tola] employme-nt in Novernb('r Wll!'I 85.7
Car Sal es Yo111· ltlo11ey's Wortla
Up for 10
Day Perioll
llETHOIT I L:f'[ 1 -F'or the
f1r!;;I tinit·
!1:1n~:r . L.~
~l !ll"f'
rl lHJ·Stop-
lll:lk ers
hare rt·po rtffi they solrt rnure
e;1rs in a Jfl-{]ay sal1·.s period
!his ~car lh:.in ihcV cl fd durin g
thf' sarne period las! yC'ar.
TllEY CRE DITED a stC'11dy
S\\'ll ch to sn1atlPr ca rs for
!hf' reversed trend in declining
salC's, a I percent increase
over the Dec. J.Jo period in
ro.1ack \\'. \\111rdcn. CiJ\>1
president for n1arkcti 11g.
the new market •·continues lo
reflect buyer indecisio n
rt>sulting from conrusion and
uncerla1111y v.1Hh regard 10 the
energy situation and ils
related in1p<tt1s ."
Ncnrlv L•l'J'V sn1all ciir
tllodt'l available' shO\\'L'<i 811 in-
1;rease Q\'er last year .. as 1tid
manv or the intermediate
rnodCls. The au!ornakcrs solrl
182.4.16 rars-in the IA'c. 1·10
period -a n1odcst I perc:tnt
Jump OVt'r a ycnr ago.
IT \\'J\S TllE first ti1nc
si nce the 1974 models w c r c
introduced that (i C' n c r a I
1\-fo!ors. the incluslry gia nt,
shO\\•cd such a ga in . (;l\1 ·s<1les
u•ere up 2,8 percent v.•hil e
An1l'riran ~Io1 ors continuc>d its
strong J>.'ICC \\•ith a 43 pcrL"l!TII
Ford r.1otor Co. sales \1·erc
dov.'TI 6.J pcr<"ent. hut small
cars -the Pinto, i\'Javeric·k,
.\lusiang II and Comet -ac-
t'IJUnlcd for Otlf' of ever~· (Y.'O
!-ales. ~1ustang 1v;"1s up 185
pe.rt·t•n1 frorn a year <1go. Pin·
!o wa.'i up :19 pcrc:cnl. anrl
.\lo\"cn ck showed a 2:i pc.reent
GM Boosts
Passe n aer ~
Ca r Costs
DETR OIT l1\P 1 -(;l'n1•r:1I
"iloror!I Corp .i:ays it h;1 ~
boo.~lt!d relai l Jlr'IL'l' tries on
1!s p:1 ~St'ngrr car; h.v an
il\'l'J":1~t· of s1:1:i folto11·i ng !he
1·nd of ~111 rrnn1rnt pr1c1• c.:on-
rrn!s 1u1 1h1· 1ndu'i'lr\
C::\1 ~riirl TI11!l'!id.1v !hill rht·
irt(·rl·:1St' ilfllll\1111 1' JO ~.R lll~r·
1·1·111. ..;1 1h .. 1;11111.1ll\ lf'~s than
!hi• i: :; 1.ll''f'l"•'ll1 l11k1• 111 !ill'
ro1np;iny'<;-truck pri<'l'". 11hirh
11Pr•' hikt·cl :111 ;1 11·r;1~1· of S-121
For 1h" 1·nt1rr 1· 1· h 1r 11·
llnrup inc-fudirk! <·r1r' ;1-: wl'11
<.1$ 1ru1·k ... f.\1 ~airl 11 \1·as
f'i ll "lllg t't'l:lll prit'C'!i il II
:11't•r:1gc of $t14l
Offie ial " f'aid th11 ~1~R f1tlurf'
\\"Its in lint' 11·ith thl· l'ost
of Living Council's n1l1n r: rt·
quiring thC' H i~ Th rt' r
auton1akers to hold 1h1.•i r in·
cn~ases to J Sla<i "·holcsal"
:ivcrage. The diffcrenc•' corni•s
rro1n the norn1;i l d c ;i I t• r
rnarkup and d t':;; I J 11 a 1 i n n
chargei;;. the <"·on1p<1ny s;iirt
Th(' comp:1ny a11110Ut1l'•·1ne1H
said the ne11· pri res do r\'t ;1p·
pl y to CUS10!l)('!'~ ord!'r!rll.( l'Cil'S
through s.:~turd:i ~. nor \\'ill
lhey affect 1 f'h1 cl11s :ilr<';\d,\'
in dealer shoYt<roon1:;;
Ch r y s I e r . Ford an1!
Anlerican Motors Corp. :Jlso
have announced they will in·
crea~ prices.
Ford. howe ve r. is 1hc onlv
olher manufacturer 10 po.cit
its second round of 1974 motll•I
yrar prices, boosting 11ver11µI'
retai l stickers on its lines hy
;1n Hverage of $192 reta il.
Gas Crisis Spurs Tax Incentives
Basket ll01i1ad1i1•
Christmas shoppe rs began to deluge Los Angele•
sllopplng centers in earnest. this week, and it meant
j ust one thing to en1ploye Mike Rhodes-.n1ore \\'Ork.
llere J\1ike begins rounding up his rceord of 322
shopping baskets, s naking then1 back through the
parking lot for a new trip.
State Class A ctio11
Suit Hits B,.oke,.cig·e
A class action suit has bcl'n
fi lt'<l against the nalion's big-
gest stock brokerage ror
allegt'dly ch:irging i l 1 e g a I
rates of interes t on n1argln
loans to tens of 1hOllSill1dS of
California investor s.
A11urney !)avid Sahih filed
the ti\'il :1ct111n Thursday
against !llerrlll Lynch. Pierce.
F·rnrK'r and S111ith Inc .. on
behalf of an eslin1al1"d 100 .000
rnargin account
Cal irornia .
CUS!Oml•rs in
SABlll SAJO tht> dan1a gcs.
\Vhile not i1nn1cdi;i!ely set
forth. rould run into the
rnillions of doll:1rs. Californi:1
l;nv prO\•ides lr<'hl c d11rn;1gcs
1n 11rovL'<l casr·s of usurv.
11·here the brokeragt.' house
\1·as basl.·d -and rei:;ardle~
of the soaring prime lending
rate -that California Y.'ould
abide by it s usury la\1's u·ith
rt•gard to investors' n1argin
I le noted that sonit• Ne11•
York·b<>srd Jiou~cs \\·ere ;11-
ll'lllpting lo charge 11 or I!!
percent ratcs on California
n1argin account.~ and he "·arn·
('cl of !he lt>g:i l penalties in·
A n1onth before ch.'.lngl'S in
Callforn ia's usury law -ex·
t::n1pting brokcr-dt•all'r.; after
Sept. 21 ro.tcrritl Lynch
\\'role it s cus1un1crs thal it
had no co11lro) over "economic
realities" 1n1Shing up the cost
of borrowin g mont~y.
Dy SYL\'JA l'llllTEfi
A fundnni t>ntal shift in the
direction or tax reror1n :i"·ay
from "plugging loopholes" and
back toward lax incentives is
1\0\V starting in the U.S.
It well nmy involve !he
redevelop1nent of tax breaks
\vh.ich have bccon1e t h e
equivalent of fou r-letter v.·ords
to millions of squeezed middlc-
income taxpayers in recent
years -outright subsidies to
specific grou ps, windfalls. nc\v
loopholes, nt ore favorable
treal1nent of capital gains,
special be nefits for all energy·
pi-oducers. the oil industry in
TIIE 11'11/\1EOIATE spur to
the drive is, of eourse. the
energy C'risis. \Vith a u·in_ter
of shortages and skyrocketing
prices or al!
forrns of C'n-
crgy ahead
of ·r.s. the av-
erage An1eri -
ean is clear·
ly yca111ing
for an all-out
ea rnpaign to
boost o u r
production or roRTi!R
energy to make us as sclf·suf·
ficient as possible as soon as
possi ble.
If tax breaks for energy
producers ;.ire necessary to
achieve tl1is n<ilional goal.
even taxpaye rs v.·ho ll'OUld
have hecn violent in their op-
position a short \1·hi!c ago
\l"OUld now go Hlong.
A longe.r-tern1 spur is the
rnounting re:ili7.ation that our
country im!XlseS the heaviest
tax burden in the entire \\·orld
on c.:1 pital formation an d
capital 1;ains. These sti(f tax
ralC's well may be interfering
v.'1th thC creation of jobs.
hurting U.S. industry in com·
petition for v.·orld n1arkc>ts,
di srou raging s t o c k in·
J us·r T\\'O del'elopmC'nt s
signal the trend:
S£>crefary of the Treasury
Gftirgc P. Sh ultz h:i s just
rrvealcd 1hat. !he Nixon ad-
ministration is seriously con·
sldcring usi ng the 22 percent
oil ilepletion allowance -one
o!' !he oil industry's big tax
'IJi,. anornt',\' a llcg t·d th:il
thl' Nc'v \'ork broker~gt• housc-
l1<1d h\•<'n charging 111or£' than
lfl 1>t ·rccnl interest r!l!l'S on
c11slon1ers' n1ar gi n 10;111$ for
n1onths bCfQr c.' it bf·<«Jll'tl' lega l
1n C'1tli fornia :-:t'pl. '.!I under
;1!} l'llH'l'gtnc·y 11,g\~l :tt l\'l' bill
Westgate Slo1Js Payii1g
l11t ere8 t on Dehe11tm·e
So.1 li1 h s:11d hr is pllt'~uing
the Su1>t'rior Court suit on
tht> lheor"y Iha! !hr hill scl\in~
;-i~1dc lhe usurv pro\•ision 1s
uncon~l i tutionnl
The issue of applying usury
lnv.s <Jgains1 hrokcr·d ealers
11as r1.1ised in California l<JSl
,\11 gust by the stale corporate
t'Ornn1isslonicr 's office :1fler
b;:1nk prin11> lending ralPS
cl11nbcd 10 nc;1rly 10 percent
C0.\L\11 SS!ONE1l. Brian Van
l'<Jnip "';1111cd that regardll'SS
Toile t Ti~s u c
Jloa rd ing 'folil
R~~'."JO J liPl \-Toilet paJ>cr
~upplil's in :<i!nrrs here \Vere
l!car·ly C'):h<11tst1•d Thursday
:illl'r a con~ressn1;in '''arnt."d
of a pending shorl<Jgl'.
Bul the n1anagcr of a
Zellcrlloch. Paper co. branch
drniC'd su1))Jlics will be scarce,
"Our n1anuf<1et urcrs have.
:issured me ll1l'nYs nnt going
In h<' an y a!loc:itinn of toil et
tissue." said llobcrt I. Pierce.
"Th..,. ti ssue prod ucing ma-
chines arc churning out .the
s<1n1l' old quantifies."
I .I.RS SILllf.R l.t.11$ SILVl!lt I AllS
l11kor(onlill~lll lnvt,rmt11I
11 ..... t r·Dt llPr W1111
Eo •I 1',_ 01<1•'1 ~ L~•Qe11
• ' < • • • • • • TODAY' IMYl!:\TMEMT ""
COfl!ld.nli•I (trPOr•!e UOJIQt ~
or H Ho11r Otll~••Y <
500 H•WpOrl (tn!tt Drlvt 511l1t Ill Ill
Ntwpert l'"ln•nci.1 c ... t.. :i:i
_. Ntwporl l••t~, C•. t lUO :
;; '44-9410 :
$11.Ylllt 1.1.JIS 511.YEll IAll:I SILYll:ll
011·:cn (.'\P l
\\IC'srga1c-C:il1fnrn1:1 l' or p .
bc:.;ct by l<.1"·~u1 !s and short
of cash. say~ 1L is skipping
fod:i y's inlcrc:-il payn1ent on
Sll 4 1nilllon in deben ture
The 6 1.~ percent notes. c·alled
Flee t1.vood' s
Cut Back
Fleetwood En terprises. Tnc.,
says that beCilUSe oF tight
money and 1hc gas oline
shortage i1 has temporarily
suspended production <ti fi ve
of its motor homes plants and
sha rply curtailed production
ut its six others.
The tompnny said Thursday
it also is reducing output or
travel trailers and plans to
suspend production in sc1•en
<,1f its 15 travel trailer facilities
over the next thr('c weeks.
William \V. \\'eide. presi-
dent, s:iid the action has
resulted in the layoff of about
700 of the 900 employes nt
the company 's motor home
Industry shipments of 1notor
homes during the first 10
rnonths ()r th.is ycnr gained
1;1bout 24 percent over l11))t
year but slowed duri11g the
July-October periods, he said.
Sh ipmen ts or trt1vcl trailers
decHned 9.2 percent during the
rirst 10 months of thill ycM".
r on v e r tiblr subordinated
<ll'l)(·111l1rcs, are due in 1987 .
1'hey arc held by 2.200
llOLDEHS Ot~ the> note s
\1·erc told Dec. « by !he Bank
of California, acting a s
trustee, 1hal it had decided
"in your hest. interests" not
to give \Vestgatc notice of
cJefault and ask for all the
1noney now .
The Los Angele s bank said
ii had grounds for default
because the \Veslgtlte con-
glomerate has yet to issue
a 1972 fi nancial statement or
a compliance cc rt i f i ca I e
regarding the debentures.
But, a bank offi cial wrote.
demandin g immediate pay-
ment "\vould', we thiilk , impel
\Vestgate inlo liquidation or
into some f&-m of court pro-
ceeding preventing any effort
to enforce cnllection of the
\\'ESTGATE'S NE\V court·
appoin ted directors say the
com pany will go bankru pt in
any case unless the Jnternal
Revenue Scr\•itc lift s llens
against its property in con-
nection with a $4.2-million in-
com e tax assessment.
The new board majority was
appointed when C. Arnholt
Smith resigned as Westgate
chairman in settlement of a
Securities & Exchange Com-
mission civU fraud suit.
Holders of stock and deben·
tu res have filed severaJ multi-
mi ll ion-dollar suits ln con·
neclion with Smith's dealings
as chalrmlln of Westga te and
the insolvtnt U.S. National
breaks -to force the industry
lo plO\\' back profits into ef-
forts to find more oil suppli es.
While details are still to
corne, it is believed that (I l
Congress v.•ill take no steps
that "'ould adversely affect
lcgitin1atc investments in oi!
t>xploralion. and the 22 percent
oil depiction allowance> is safe;
(2 ~ "v.•indfall prorits" the oil
eompanics might get from the
Arab en1bargo must b c
limited: (3 ) Congress could
prohibit use of the 22 percent
allowance wiless the company
or indl1·idual claiming the
al!ov.•ance put back an
equivalC'nt amQUnt of money
in efforts tu l'X pand oil sup-
COMJNG weekend.
De puty Secretary of
the Treasury Charles F..
\\'alker will armounce the
c r e a t i o n of a potentially
pov.·erfu l lobbying conunittee
to \'iOrk for enactment of tax
A1nong the member s:
former Treasury secretariC's
Robert B. Anderson and Dal'id
Kennedy; former Treasury
U n dersccretaries Randolph
Burgess, Frederick H. Dem-
ing Robert V. Hoosa and Fred
C. Scribner, Jr. Congressional
leader.; kno\v these men and
ad1nire them; the group's
clout could be enormou s. II
\\·ill \\'Ork with the newly forn1-
ed "Arnerican Council on
Capital Gains and Estate Tax-
ation." 'vhich states frankly
that its purpose is "lo work
for a tax structure favorable
to capital formaticin. ·•
IN A WIDE-ranging in-
terview in Wash i n gt on
recently. Dr. Walker -v.·ho
has long been iden tified with
tax refonn legislation -n1ad c
these three key points:
(I ) To beco111e self-sufficient
in energy, v.·e must use tax
incentives. Said he: "It's bC'en
fa sh.ionable to damn the oil
depl etion allowance and other
tax incentives to induce people
to find more oil. But now
I v.ish we had had more of
these in the past."
(2) Oil explru-alion and
development can be en-
couraged by in cc n t i ve s.
because "if you give a person
a tax break to do something
he's more likely lo do ii thiln
if he didn"t get the tax break.
"It's a subsidy, pure and
si mple, and indire<:tly coslc;
U1e taxpayer money. But the
typical taxpayer v.·ould rather
have gas for his car and fuel
for his home than to argue
against incentives to solve the
energy problem.''
(3) IF lllGDER gas laxes
are imposed. the proceeds
could be used for energy
re sea rch, to help provide job
training for I he dis11d-
vantagcd. to support mass
transit facilities that will both
coosrrve energy and improve
ai r quality -and on and
Complete Mid-day American Stock List
F.tllon ~ • 11~>• '• f.tmoly D SI • I'.~-'o f..,,ny fmr 1 S
F.t\/"onF ~ 6 0'}-'•
Fe<!Mr1 ~ I 16' o-'• l'1d Rewiur 11 l »-~.
Fol!ftO(>! ();I 16 10""-\o
F1l•"'•Y .J:I )Q 31,,
F!b<1DO wts I •~1 • '·• Fodlco J.•SI> • ll'·•-~. Folm(p,t, ,0. II l \•-'•
FUm.,.y Inc Jl J
Flll•Dy .01d 10 I '>-'•
FlnCI SB 10 U 'f"i
F!nGen .JM • I"·-'• Fo11(,n" .)toe 1 I -•·,
FsOoen 1.11>0 • ti ''•-'
F•! 0.nv w1 10 P, .
Fi••I H.trtld I 2'.• • '•
f\I RU~ lnw 9 l -•,,
Fst !t&LM l 11 '•
h lVM 1'1'11:> 231011 t ~o hlY.tM! wh IS t•l&--1·1•
f 1\tMtP! Ii I ''•' •1 Fl .. Q Ind U I J>,
fl•-ld .XI 1 •' •-• -Ftigftt S..tly 1 611-', FIOC6 lnciwS 6 1>,. •.•
Fl• C.11i1dl 11 l'o-1'f
Fl.t Roc•ln • 1•,. '•
Flul<tJon lk \ 15.._ ~.
flyfo<Jtf w'l JI llo ~ I,
Foodr.tnw 11 J·~ F0<d( l . .0. :200 6t -1
F0<1>lltJ 10 I 1'• Foo 51.tn 18 12 1•,.-',1
FP.l.Ctp )0 O 6'>
F•.tnlLRI .ti J<I• •>o-'•• FrtnUM .ll 2 111-lo Frt\n+llo A>ll J U
Frl.,.d F•o• 1 l'l •.
Ftltt lndv\ I •'" FriQ•trOtl•l SI 11'>-\• Frhct'l!o ,)l)Q 1 9>., .,.
f '""''~' "'' I • FtOl!t.IUt •S • l 2
-G G-
Ci•brlllnl• 11 ''•-~• ~I.toy Crp 1 l ' 1
G•••n1 1 .... t •'• •• C..Orco•(orp "1 •lo •.
(,,or!....:! .JO 2 • • •
c;..•rllt 1•D J Iii'> ••• c;..n &ilor• 1 1 .. c;..n c,...., . .0 •O /l.•-\t
("1nEd <;or., t 1 .. -'1 GnEmp l~tl I p,_ '•
Gn Hou"'*' J 1•~
C"1n lnl•roor I •' 1 ~ ·~ G.n Rr.e<e" •) l ~•-,.,
V.:Of\ 1nau•t •7 1111 • •,
C..lbt•!.<; In 2 4"lt • \,
c;,•nt F .'AIQ 1• 10« • ~.
Go1n!YI ,ID• JO 1011, ''• Golt..r! Inc l " , , GlfAl 120b I I -1'>1
G11ddin1,11• ID 7"' GI•"°"~ Pr t'I 111-~' Gl•llt!ll .l'O 1 1' -" Gl•nV.:.~ 10 •••-'• Gl•nOo,11 0 S ~·•-'• Globl!lnd •O 1 •"
c;1at>t ""'"" 1 s·1-'• Gla<.<c••lr E I IQ , 1, Galnncvc •~ 1 17.,_ '•
Gal~ll 11om • 1"
GoooLS. lit> 7• 1'> " C.CO<!r l<~ ... t ~ 1'• C,.,ron S.IO•t 10 I', '•
Ga• llupp llO 1 ll'1. • lo C,Oyldlnc wt • •',' lo G•••nll'• n 3<l Jl',. :• C.•1no!t Mqt • 1'• Ci••"V 18t> 1 10' o Gr1yMI !Oto. •0 l 'o • 'o G<t ,\m Ind 7• \o-1·1•
G<I 811 Ptl l>CI 1'·-\·• GU .. O.C" . lit> .u 10•1,
G!S.:onS.SI< 1 t -'~ C.•ttnln'l SI< 11 JI,-'•
C.NEIT l.l'O S /J,,-'le
C.re,,.C ,l'Od • l ,., g,~e.'.o'r1~ 1! l~(;t .~'.
C.ro,.. C .1211 15 ••• •. ,
Gr uen Indus J I"• ...
GS<: En .D'.>tl l'O 1 , .. G T l Corp I 1 .. + ~·,
C.u.HdM\ wt I JV>,. \'I
C.Ul!M 1.l'lb • ll'" ...
Gu!!Mlll wts ,q .. !-!/a
ou1• ll•rFt • 1 •vi t-1 .. Gut•~ lSb I 11 -!I\>
Gvltsl<m ~ .. Ii l \O •.• -··-H1llC••tt H 2 1~ \\
H.JllsMot .40 1 61• t lo
Himlt<f .lOb ¥S S'lt t b HimpS 0 SI< 1 l~. •·
H•"'llllft .JJ 1 l '4 ..• H.JnoY Pl•n IOI ,.,,_,
:::..~ :~~. : J~~ tt H1rt1111 Zeh 11 n•-\la 1-Wr\J Mt Cp l 26 -\',
H1sbro Ind 5 JVO ... ~StlnQ .:0. 1 6\'e t• VO H•rdnS .O~ I l\'w .,. 1-te•ll~ °'"' 11 l~-.,.
Hllll Mor .JO 1 l~•·~ 'ti Htlnlc k• 111 ll IV. , .• "°"1!1n l.l)tb l'I 10 .. ,
Hl'r ~I .'9 I '"""' \', Hl c; lncotp l SVo-1 .. HIUl'11vn ~ • l \'t ••. HlpotfOftl( J l4 , .• "°""•n Ind l'O 1~.,. ....
Holly (orjl JO 1>,'o •••
HomOIA .SO I '" H<lrmelC .11 I l)'h .. , Hom &-H.Jrd 1 •\\ •.•
Ho1Mt J.llb • 12\.o-V.
HOW IW:ltnn 2 ' •.
Holllv2.11b J n v.-\o
Hou,Rn .11l9 6 3.,,_+ \\
Ho"'ev, .l2 ,, 4"'-"" KOuUOfl OH J)J );l\lo-J:to.
H11t..llB 1.10 S lJ -'II HUO!.Ot\Gen ) l'Ao •.•
Hullmn .~ l 1'11 ..•
ttunt HI . IOI S 1'h-lo """IOI .1s 19 70 • \lo Hytt lntP 11 1 ..
HY9fdl'G Sio I 7JV.-l'i -11-
ICMRI 1,1'.>tl 1 16\la + \\
IMC -'MOO 21 '"' ' .. lmpt•il lnd l }'9--\.(o
lmptfO .IOol 10t ~ -to'lo
lnfl!Qllt S"o't JS -\.lo tnslr11Cp .l'O ' • J\lo-\.!o 1r1,tf..mSyt 111 I~ •..
ll'l!tQRt1 ttt l 1 .. ,
ll\lrmfft:O 10 1'11+ Vo
In BlllkllOlt 61 ,.f. , . ,
In\ f00d1VC 10 411)-V.
lnt1F11<1rl S.V li ) , ,.
1nu Gen .ro 1 ''"'+ 'I• IMPl'Olft .10 13 S1'< •..
Intl Mre1UI I 1 ... 1r11 Syll . ,~ iuoo JS''•* " .,, .. ,""°'° ,. ,.,,,_ I\
l""•llOOf LI 1 11''3-\lo llllnt*m 1 lit.-\lo
11'11tntot1Y CD S ~ \II
Vol. Nol LHI ('Ill
Vtd!.lt pf 10 II II
!JnPOv .~ 1 •'• U~B"' 1.l /11 I 1J USF•lltr l'O •1 71 1
U~L Al I l.C. • IJlo ~~~,A A~ I~ 1~;-; ::
u~ Atduc,n · 1 111• , .. •.
uS RuDr .a(I l If,,'• unlr~k Co<~ I• . ', Unl•(t;t O!.t 1 1'•~ '~ U11h C:on, I• l I Vnl•Rtl Cp I 1'1 • Uno~S~q .U 1 S1o• '•
UR~ Sv•!ml IS 11' •••
U!•ll Sar .4Cl 10 ~" . UYlndw'll • l 'oi '·• -VY-
'<111 Do1 Ina I l"'-'• V•I Sll' IOI. ' S'•r '• VIII•• Mo!I 10 O' I
Y•lmi ( .loC 1 1l Y•h p,ir .14 1 J',. • '1 v.1.., l•,.. 10 1
V1n0otn 11 S 6
Vl fO ln<:ofl' l 11 I V•~to 111\lr 11 I' 1-~ Ytrnt•on Cp 11 1'• '•
Yt•Hpllt In • '•-', Vt\tly (o ~ J',
Yli1e(~ I"' I 1'•• '• Vle .. it • Inc • t -',
Vlk>"'l;I C..n• l I
YIOo. lntor 11 1'> • '• ~l~!itf' CE;~ !: :;:-o,,
Vul c"Cp .10 1 10,t '• Yul<•nln .ll 1 l'•o -ww-=~~J ;~ :~ r~: :·:
'A"-11 10o I 1\.o-'o
""'9"rl'I 61 H I ',
W••""'-O 0.1 • S l -11-1 I• W•rdFtl\"'I 4 '••· '• "'"'nplC 01 61 2'>-'• W• Po\t olO l 1•\o. I,
Wi \lllll I l'O • 12'">-'• ~·m•n (o l l
Wei°"" Tull 10 l'• ~ r.
°'"'!OIP .fl I l 'o-'• ~st•tt ~I 61 1" • '> .,...,,II Fil.fl 1l ', I I•
......, Oe••ll• 1 ·~ . W..•1 Fin 10 1 9' i \.o W\,Pi<I WI I l'o-t,
~•l•1n1 In 10 I'>~'•
Wh•llC>n• .60 I e ,
v.t>ot•ll•I (p ll !'1-'• WMtik ... w'1 41 l o
W!tll!I• Ind II I'•• '•
Wi!ltO• Gill I 7'1-'•
W1iti•mll .H • 6', '•
Wil•""' 4k 11 •lo-'•
W11Y! 8r .'.JO I I J
WllVICo .llJ .0 ll"· 'o WlsnPll .O!on 10 I ; '•
W•nUon Ml• 1 1', ,
WoodlnG50. 9 /.-\,
WOOi lt 10tl ) ! I 1• "•
WO<~Wr !>O ) I'.•'•
Wr•1~f (p • •' o ... :;·~~l;,Hr~O I~ I ~ I&_ ...
Wyl•l.•r.:itt J l ~'• W;nn\ lnll I I'• .
Wyo Bn< 44 ll 10•, 1 " wyom••' Cp 1 1 -ll.Yl--
Yalt \ IMu\ •I "' !-1 o
•n•>IC:p Fl• & '"' • lnYOvA lllO 111't
lnvOiv 8 41 11 I", '.
lll•FnG .l!.b 1• 1'• l o
lnwRI, 1 4111 \J 111,
Ionic• l'l(p • I '•• •,
lfoq..Oo\ Br I 6\, -...
lrwln lnOu1' • l • '• l!tC lndu .JO 1 \\< , l\tM ID l!.b 11 ,..,_ '•
ITEL Corp J? J.\.o , Vo -J J--
Jf<;.ly'I liq 1 ••• -"•
JolfTltt .. , lt. 11 3,,_ ....
Jeintl• ~ 4 6' I . , ,
JtrYo\ (p ~ 1• 1J\1 • \.o .Jtlronlt Ind 1 1•:0 , 1.0 Joll"Prd ,l'O ll 1S'·•->\ J S. l11d• Inc } 3' ,_ ''•
JIJPl!tr ~It 11:~1 ~,
KilHrl , Ulo It }>.< •••
ICl l""• In< 4 I~• .. 1(1 neM1tl wt 1 6 ... "•
K•neb Sorv I J ll'I') 0 ~\
KICi Ept 41') J70 ~"'-~. K1uf•B• wt U 2'tJ-'\ KiYe!llU RI 1 1\oo-\\
K1vC.orp .lil 11 l'io •.
Ktnwl11 .J2 1 4 •••
ICtlC"""' •k I 2lo-V.
l!;ew1i-. .4 IJ I I~•• ~,
Kt y Co .20 I 1', .. , Ktyslln .22b • 1 .,,,. •..
IUlemb .ISO S 1h-I ... •· l!;illearn P, J4 2 • , ,
ltil'I .1,,,,_ Cp 10 .,., •..
KlnQRI .trttl I 9~.,_ \(,
K!rbylnd .SO 1 IQ\',... ~
Kii Miii Ca 13 H'o ,.,
Knit•t• 101 1 ll'le j· V. Kllhns K .10 70 Yrii-V. -l L-
LI 8ar91 111 10 l!/1 .. ,
u1,, RMlo " 6\o-.,. LM!e Sll<Mn ' 1 lht \.'I
LI Mavr .ll> I l't •.• Llndm• Lt! I l.._ ... LlrAll 1,lltl • • .._ , , , ~•-Al w1 U \o •• LC.I. Cp .I S I I'll>• \t
LCA Cp wt' • '"'·I \1 LIOt•nC .16 S I~+ ....
Lu """' ,,, ll l1 -I.lo LI""• H"<! 14 S\1.1 •••
lffKll lfll!\ .... 1" , , ,
Ltlilll Co .SO t •~+'le lH NIU Cp 17 J:W. ...
l.llQll Pt .•O I s.. . .. Lllwr. f K 10 l°" ,. ,
Ll'lltf .l:IQ •> ··-...,. Lfwh BF ,10 • •'Ito , •• UbtrlY F-tl 6 1~ \.'I lltlAftft .IOI! I • -M Lllylyl\tl In 11 1 -"" Uno:Olrl ...,,. 1 lto'lo--VI
L...,.. Eltc J I -'t L,.tdg.tS .Ost! II IV, , ..
Ll>tw1lh WI ... •llo ••• LOOh.ic Ind I t\lo , .. ~l\Sv .'1 • f\lo-'" LTV ("lflll' lS 2.1.t.-t '1w
Luby '°'' 1 , ....... L~ (Of~ L"' ~ "'
Mltl'OdJ (II S '9 , , .
Ml!Oory Rd 1 Yr-•11o MlmMrt .11 1• lh , .. '°"""I Slrl > '"' ... .IMrfncluQ I ~ 3,,._ llO
_,,,_ COnlrl I •tt-1"'
""'"'"-11'111 ' ~ ...... IM~A J •l'I •. , IM-11 ,JI) I I* ...
Mlflt" HK 1 lV.-Vo #lllllitt( ,10 I t -l~
Ml"llJrG 10 1 l'• • I. M•u• l'>d aO I • .__ '•
M<(•n ..,, \ '
M<;C..,11<110! .. a•, " w Dono aO I ''• Mc;K"lft C..I fD I
Mrln\FW I I '°"
Mt.s.h\! Joi I •,',•,, ,,· Mod<C JWI Y 0
Motleflto 12 I I '• 'o
Mt<ll•Ci<> .,. 1 11 ... '•
Mrt;IC1111 I"' 1q 1
Mrm(o "' 10 10 • '' Mr"<l•M In ? I~
Mr•le N XI l IHVoc ••e ~
MoC llc..i"n CD ll
M•al Co lOQ I
M·a•""a Gi. 11 :::~J~ I~
M ••'I>' S..•t <) """l';•nl 1!1 I M<lcll! Eflt;tY 11t
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Mtl"IO•r>Q In 0 ""'••t•~~ !n )1 MP'> lnunt It<!
Mwl!o Am .l'O
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'fba1 ~d ay's
Closing Prices
~ ' " ". " ' ' •• ,., ,
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·~· ' • •
l ' " ' .
" ~
" ' . " '
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N e1v ¥01·k llps and Downs
Dtttmbfr s OAJ._1 P!lOr
Y l'ar '~ ll1 i;:h-Lo " s
Appea1 E , t r\ Sa turda y
P1·ices Still Off
011 Wall St1·eet
NE\V \ORK f \Pl -'.'it0rk rnn kt;t I lt:C~ bad
lhe1 r third consccuti'e 1J:1 1J f lo~..,.,! t u1 ~da} Tlcar
ing but not 1ea f.:h1ng: index lU '4 !<1 fo1 tllc \(Ji 1s 1hc
energv cr1s.1s rema ined 111\1,,to1.., 1111 1 L tuntcrn
analysts said
J he session started \\ 11 h n1011111 ,..! ll' J1111c 11
rall\ !hat anal}sts sau1 v.1~ uutl il\l!I! 11 C' h' ctn
t1nu1n g negative encrg) 1 r .. 1 .. nt\\" JI e !JO\\ runes
index lost 1 O 30 po ints
Jnvestoi s 3re afJ fl it!
1ng enough and foullng
i\l anO\Yn Bu ck K1 s1 r
& Cu111s
ti(' J.:O\C l!l!I ~Ill l\!l l dn
11 wll i! ! ., d uin,.., ~:..11d
J I unc \\ cbbc1 J at kso n
. ' .
' •
" • ' ' '
• • ' •
. "
" . ' . . ' ' .
" 00 >!O
' ' ,1
• u~ 29 ~ ~1 ' ' " . "' ~ . , _,,_
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ll /I 76 . " I ~ 11;/l;I
6 ?I~ ~ ' .. 1 6} ,,,,
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• , ·-; . . -" " • " ' ,
' ' '• '
a"' 110 Y o 6 • • • l;J.\t \)~ ,. ' 71 11 " "' ' ' }Ito l o I . . -
A11a.e r1 c«c11
10 Jtlost ,\cdce
1• .,
"' 00
" 00 ' »OO ...... ,1.oro
""" " " '
" _,
""" " "" u"" ..... .....
• ' . ,.,
'" ' .. • •
' ' _,
An1 e rlca,. Sales
• •
. ~--...., .....
Hus Good Brando's to Remarry After 14 ,'Xears
R e<1so1i
To Close
Fro111 \\'Ire Servires
John L. \\'hitney h:i s n1ure
llll'(:ll!ll'C' than nio~t 10 t·losl'
lus st·r1•icf' st a!ion and altr11d
('hu rrh S1.1r11tl'S l'll'ry Sund:1y
Ill T~dl:thil.S:.l'('. Fl:t
\\'!Hllll'\, :1 Cocoa (Fl;1 1
~1·r1 1C(' :.i:it1(u1 Op•·ra1or. m<1th:
lhe pledge ro (;ov Bu<'hin ~
Ask ... 1v ;H ;1 ~l at<' Pard11n ;
Board n1l·et 1ng h1 11h1eh tu· , ~
snught a pardon fur a J!.lj9 ~
COlll'IC'UOn. ~ ,, \
Jh~ 11;1<; found guil lv Of r' v
uy \'t::H~O!\' srcrrr
J--lOLLY\VOO U 1Ll1l1 -All·
na t\ashfl announcl·d lhis \l'l'l'k
~hl' 111!! rc111arr~. 1·1 years
-and S1.•11·r;1I ('Ullr'I halllt>S
-after d1vun:1ng r..·larlon
!1:011• :ia ;i nd .;1 rre:s1111gly
bcauuful , the <lark-skinned .
:ilrnond-l'yed beauty "·ill n1;1 r-
ry U)') Anb<·les businessman
J iJ1tlcS 11:.innford.
AN!\',\ SAID !Ill' n1arriage
\\·di takt.! 11!tK'C l>t:fore the end
ul the year, but her l1appine~s
:•l the prospc1.:l of n1;:irrying
a n1:tn slit' lo~·t·s is t.•loudcd
ltv thr !;1cl !h:1 t Hr:u1do h<is 1·Ustod~· of hL·r son. Christian
IJl'I I i:ll"i:llldO , Ji"!
look <1 bit !1kt• Marlon lie
l1as tny dark sku1 uncl l;irgl'.
brown eyes. llis hair is San•
Althou~h Anna l!Vt'S ;d}(Jtll
<i r111lc fron1 Br<J111Jo's rnuull•
t;u n·top homt>, sht• r;i rc·ly St.-t·i>
her son 1'hc last 11m£' lht·y
ll"l'l"l' together y,~s on Ar111a ·~
IJirlhcluy. she said. 11·he11 ht•
crawl ed thr'OOgh the l\'indow
of her apt1rt111c11t 111 Scp-
"l)EV I \\'AS with Jiin llann-
ford's son, Cury " Annu s:1id.
"Tht'y pt<ry together wlil'll
C;iry clitnbs up the hill tu
~l~1rlon ·s hou se. C:.iry is only
13. but th(·}' have become
fr iends.
"I don't ice Devi very often.
Bul 11.s long as he feels the
.... ay he does aboul me. il 's
JU:o.t as 11ell. I'll h1:t\'t' to y,•ait
u1111I tic str<i ightens things out
ul )tis uw n 1nind.
·1 1fota't, Ii: '' o 1c
1rl1y 1Hnrlo11 l1as lo
1•e"111·t to tl1i11 sor' ••f 11011 ese11se afte1·
•'f 'lte G<1df111.l1er.''
uig l1t'r son awa y [ s
.. When I hlld Devi's t·u:.1otly
J 1o,·asn't aJlo.,..•ed to take hull
out of the country But the
L'OUrt ruled it y,•as all right
for ~1arlon to lake h1111 to
l'ttr1 s because it "·ould be a
rultur:t1 arJvantage-for IJe\'l.
"You kno1v \l'h;tt ~larron
"'as doi ng over thl"n.·'..' :\·laking
'Last Tango in l'ar1s' l!'s
a rilthy X-ratl'd riH1v1c. I '\'e
never Sl'l'll 1! I sa \\' l'nough
Of M!lH~ O( thOSI.! stcllcS Ill
ri:;·11 life.
h<'r acttng tnref'r 111 &ddit1on
111 plaMing a new life ~·1th
She y,•ill ht? Y.'Ork1ng lu a nt·1v
telcv1s1on dvcunwntary, the li-
t le of u·hi ch she says is a
secret, and there is a
Chl'at rical co1ncdy in the of-
Sile talks to her ex-hu sband
on the telephone only rarely,
and U1en to disctJS9 Oiristian
J)cv1 She said Brando doesn't
objccl to Cary ;ind Devi
playing together.
I • • posscs~ing burgl~11'\' t o o s i
11·hile starion£'d at I lon1l·:.tc~H.! I ..-4': >-~. •.
Ann:__c calls tlu· bo~· Devi.
l3r:1ndo calls h1n1 C'hr1st1rrn.
"l)esi is taller th ;1n I a111
no1v." Anna s;iili. '"l!e doe~n·t
•·'!'hey carne lhrough the
\l'indo1v and gave inc a birth-
day present. A stack of free
L'Oupons they 'd cl!ppt'd frorn
"Franklv I don't v..·unl to
tulk to h1;1~ on the telephon e
1.X'c<1usc J'1n afraid there y,•il!
be a tape rccordl'r 011 lh<1l
end of the line takln~ dow11
our <'onversatio n."
i\1'\NA"S Sll!LE faded. ll1'r
rest•ntml'11t of Br11ndo for tak~
"I don't'know 1vhy r.-1:1 rlon
has to resort to this so n of
nonsense aflr r ·1'he God-
father.' I hope, for his 011·11
sake, l>cvi h:1.<;11'1 sren the
pictu re or any ot her X-rated
"UP UNTIL a year ago,
had custody of Devi." she
s.-.id \\'islifully. "NOY.', he has
been told sorne ttungs aboul
n1c y,·hich have driven U!li
:1part. He's been told if he
loves me he should let 1ne
get ma rried and stay uut of
the way.''
Marlon Brando "I bclie\·e ! Sl·r1•t·d n1y CUlll-
tllUni t1· \l f'JI ('JlOUl.(h t ll
qualif;·." \Vb1111t·y said.
* Presld <'nl Ni\011 will un ·
d('rgn h1:. arinual rned1cal
checkup Saturday ~it Rethesdu
(.___P __ E_O_P_L_E~)
~a,·a! i\ll'dic;1 l Center \\'here
he spent sc1'eral da ys Inst
Julv 11·hilc r('covcring fron1
a bOut with l'ir11l pncu1noni<1 .
The ehit:f executive, v•ho
"'ill be 61 Jan. 9, w<1s expected ,
to spend nbout \\\"O hours ;it
the hospital y,·here he "·ill be
given a corn plcte cxan1ination.
Brll ish shipping !~·coon Sir
John Ellerman left ::in estate
1\·orth 5.1 milluJn pounds. or
$127.2 n1i\l ion, his executors
lt u•as the la rgest estate
ever repor!ed in l~ritain . '!'he
government 1vi\I ~c t :it least
$62.4 n1illion in death duties.
Sir John di ed of a hcrirt
attack in Ju\.v at !he :igC'
of 63. His \\'ido11• is his chief
According lo the (!11inness
Book of \liorld Heeords. the
J;i rgest cs I a t e prevlously
recorded in Bri t:iin n•as th;i!
of El!erinan·s f<1thcr. also Sir
John. lie left n for1une of
37 n1illion pounds y,•or1h about
Sl70 niillion \\'hen he died in
1933. •
Jcrrv Landauer, 1he \Vall
Street· .Journal reporter \Vho
broke the slory on scandals
'vhlch Jed to thl' resignation
of former Vice President Spiro
T. Agne1v. ha s been named
'>''inner nf the Drew Pearson
Foundation's award for ex-
cellence in inves\igati\le
Landauer received the $5 .000
cash prize at an ;11vards
luncheon at the National Press
Club in \\'ashington.
In addition. ty,·o $ 1 . 0 0 0
honorable mention prizes "'<'ill
to Robert Pierpont and Ed
Fouhy of CBS for their
repor'ting of the Ch a rl c s
"Bebe" llebozo Key l31scayne
bank charter story.
* ~1 ich1g;1n Go \". \\'illiam G.
~lilliken sent a f)('r~onal 1101£'
10 !11·0 tncr1-'Y«11nsciou s J.!irls
on t.hc l1<1ck of a brown p:qx·r
1'11r J.!1rls. Chrryll K. Sh;i11
and Ci n1ty \\"('ber (lf Cr:111d
H;1p1rls. had 11 nttl'n a lr11t•r
In ~tillikrn (HI lhl' paix·r bar:
;isking for thP go1·crnor"s ll'x!
of a srrl'ch hC' gn1·e on 1·011-
ser1·ing energy recently on th1•
The g-i rls 11cr£' ~n c.1 ui::h1
up in 1he n1e ss:igc llt;1t the.v
pulled till' plugs on ;tll r•l!'L.,
trical appliance's In the t'001n
-incl uding the radio -an1!
never hear<I 1 he t·nd of
J\tilliken's nll'Ssagc to 1ht·
Slips Out
To Party
President l\:i xon left the \\'lute
Hoose unannounced to attend
a bachelor parl_v for h i~
personal physician and to
meet wit h business leader.'\.
Nixoo 's fir.:t sto p \Ved·
nesday night \1·as a restored ,
government -01vi1cd n1ansion
half a block fron1 the \Vhi1c
llouse on Layafettc Square
~1lcre tlie bachelor party y,•ris
in progress for Air Force ~1 11j.
Gen. Waller R. Tkach, Nixon's
~fost of th e party-goer~
were \Vhite House s t a f I
members celebr::it\ng 'f'knch'~
we<lding Dec. 28 at the
Western White House in San
Oemcntt to Oieryle Gaillai d
ol La Jolla.
From there. N~on drove lo
tht "-1aynower ~lotcl t o
participate in a closed meetinR
of the Business Council. corn·
posed of leaders of many of
1he nalloo 's larges~ and best
known corporations.
Anna Kashfi
~· -c·~·
~ I ..._,,,
Tlus is the one that goes !or 530
more al !he big chain. Ours comes
wit h the fu ll curved screen too.
(And still son1eone will forget and
pay more. sharr:c.)
]ll~I !ook1ny a ! 11 will mok•
you jeel more cozy Oti you
SI! wropped up in your
old a1my blanke l. 997
These are neat.
Very detailed. Go!
a bunch of little
doors, swinging
perches, and slide
out cle aning
Jloors. A lot of
hours and work
went into these.
2 STORY . 4 44
3 STORY ' 5 55
4 STORY .. , 6 66
Keep spores !or your Jlashlights ,
radios, kids toys. U.S. n1ade at
1n1por1 prices.
A standard in camping
!or years. (A nd Mr.
Coleman never saw
Yosemite. He didn't call
ahead for a rcservalion.)
Double burner, with
win d wings. 997
It always seems lo work
a ncl reliability is the thing
when you're oul a way
from lhe Jori. 997
mtater charg~ ......
II . .
' . ..
~ . -: ~ -
__ i ,_
"-' . -·-
~-'..~ ti ~.,1
1\NNA IS lrying to J"('l')l"C
-y ~ -
. • . , I '
I I i • -' \
' ., i l • • . '
• '
~ . l .
• ij'
We might
have one more great
panel. but the shipper
says. big delay. (He's on
the turnpike raising old
Ned with the trooper.) By
the wa,y, did you know I
just bought a new medical
policy. I gel $500 ii I
gel hit by a satellite
while singing
"Rocket Man."
Butcherblock, Briarcliff, Mexicotta
Adjustable blade guard.
2 HP B6.S Engine.
wide track !ires. All steel
construction. Edqe to trim. 5900
Hate lo say il's nic•
to fool with Mother
Nature. but you need
to take only one look
at these elegant panels
and you know we've
lopped nature. Got lo
he the winner of the
year. (One look and
you're hooked.)
Full 4x8 ft .. every one
Jirst quality.
19 INCH 4400
Got a fool clutch to release
the spinning blade. (Nice
when the pretty lady next
door sunba thes so you
shouldn't leave lhe thing
running.) 2 HP 4 cycle
NO. 246 DUAL
We have had a real year with Wheeler.
They just make them better and the
complaints are nil. Four cycle, a,11 the
safety features. Up lop throttle.
I • • • e
cffi101ic ··
------------, DOUBLE FEATURE!
Oak. Teak,
.. ___________ _...
It's satin smooth (which would be saying
something ii we were selling dresses.)
Lot of drawers and little cubbyholes lo
put the bills in. {Gee, I w ould have paid
you, but 1 couldn't find your bill.)
Bigger and we hope. belier.
Full up top controls
including edge to trim angle.
4 cycle B&S engine.
(Brandy and 1oda?)
ul~H 139°0
ii~H 149°0
Put th• light where you need it lo
eaae that 2 ball in the end pocket and
have position for the three on the next
1hot. (Oh. you miased. loJ bj:!Q..) 9rtJa~ it
for two small tables if Jo arid'J'Our!wile
aren't speaking:. 7700 This is the kind the pros seem to like
moil. With a lillle care you should
never ha•• to buy another.
' I
/i '
. . . . '
Ghetto Christmas Alive
'/' , ,
Dancers Bring Spirit
Of Christ1nas to Event
hMind and l\Iatter." a holiday dance concert to be presented by
Golden \Vest Co lJege dance studenl<;, can be seen tonight and Sat -
urday at A o'clock. The concert includes 14 sludent dances themed
to the holidav season. two ball et numbers and two numbers choreo-
graphed by Carol Caniglia. G\\1C dance in structor. It will take place
in the G\\'C dance studio.
Ti ckets to the public are SI and 75 cent<; for children 12 an d
under or "'ilh any student card.
Student choreographers featured in the pro gra1n are Susan
Brewer, Gianna Diluzio. c:elia IJolci1na scoln . l~i nda Dvorak . Janet
Koch. Jloger Kuha upt. Sandy Jones, Denise Lakich, Janet l\1a ybrier.
Robin ?\1ye rs. Peggy l\1ohlcr. Linda Raz zi;ino. Detty Lou \~:a!lbank.
Joanne Perreault and ?\fary Zo.eller.
1 •
' . -. ., •
I / '.(1 l
' , . ) l . ' .
-· { .
To Main Str.eet , " ,1 .. ' . ' ... . . . ..
Toy 1oldl•!l march 'do:wll:>.tl&· . , '
oeyland:s Malll S~ d'l'ltli!g ., ~~:~~:~ ~:i.~.
i\agelnt will· lllgb,\il~t: the
l'a-ek's ·boliday seiison:]jec, 2fl .
Jan. 1, along ,w.tlh,a· v~ety 9L '· ·
nlghtlme entertainment. · lii·
duding top.na me recording
slarsi and bla bond aJ'\isls. , .
Arts/Dining Out
Entertainment OAI L Y PILO T 33
f 10J\' Dec ~111~( 14, 1973
on GWC
Ch risl1n~1~ iu !ht• t:hcno h~1s 11s 01111
1ncn1or ics <1nd n1 can111g to \!10~(· 1rhu
lu1 1·c hccn thcrl'.
!!{'/iv1ng :.<1rn<' of lht>rn -lh<' 101 ,-;,
sttdnr"s. nn1\ n101nC'11I" of t•;1r1 h~ hu1nur
-11·dl fonll !he fabric ot a sJ>Cl'l:tl
~tagc sh1>11·. "L:hr1!'tn1:1": .\h11 hl' 11· .... \II
111 \I ~ !\!ind ," S;11urday :11 1;uldt·11 \\"(·~l
L'ull cge.
The pro dul'tion. ;1l i .:u1 µ.111 1n tt1('
eur111111u111 v thL'atcr. '" th ... · 11 ork ~,f th1·
r\e1v Cnr~t.·ri sl ~. 16 hla l'k and C'h1<·:1no
1rain('cS froin thr Ucp:irtn1t·11! ~lf .\l!·nr:il
llc11l!h 11h:.i art' h1ri·d tor Jub.~ in d1sad-
1·nntagrd !ll't•;is
~I J\CE SEl'TE~ll!EH thl·.1' !i:1\'(' IH~('ll
stttdying crc:i1ive 11-r iting and <lct1ng fund·
~ment al.~ 11·ith Sten«Jrt Hogers, 1;ol clen
\Vl'st i11su·uctur . as part uf thei r prcp<1ra-
!io11 .
They put Lhc shul\' together dr:1\1·ing:
on !heir t'Xpcn cnC'es in the gtu ·Uo and
barrio :1ro11nd Chri stn1as. 1nixing in
ge nerous :unounts uf con!t'n1por;1ry slang
a nd llC\\'S l'\ CIUS.
Prcscnli11g n1atcrial they \\TOie in .1
creative \\Tiiing and fundarnentals of
ac ting course thro ugh the c:ollcge during
the fall. Lht• group y,•ill perforn1 in the
Colden \Vest theater at 7:30 p.m.
The 16 peopl e. ranging in age froin
the. 20s into the 30s . \\'Ork together,
;1rtcnd c!;1sscs tngcihcr and share ;1,1
ir11co111111011 un it~·. atcording 111 Stc1\•art
Hogcrs. t;oJ<k·11 \\lcs! 111s!ruc tor.
They ;ire h1 rl'd fur jobs 111 dis.ad-
1 :11\!.1'.!l'd ,11'1·<1· !hri.u.;h a11 Clr:1nge Cou n·
1~ !)1·1:.ir111lt·nt ul \!L"1\1,iJ llv;1J th progr;irn
fund<"U Ii~ .1 gr~uH fn1n1 the NallonaJ
!n.~1 i ttl\1: of ~!C'tll<1J ll(';ilt/1 Thi· tra inet!S
o1r1• c·1npiu11 •d 10 \\Ori. .un1u1g disad -
1 .1111•11.:1·(] p1.•1 .;ous 011 :111\ fll11n lx·r or
pr'uhlcrn ' fr u1n .il«ohc1l1.~11 1. !11 unt'rnplo_\'·
ltk'lll. .111d dru,i; <ih1l~l'
'l'hl· • r1;.:111:d sta;.;L' sho11 11111 pr 1>SC'11t
.1 \ ,111t•d proi,:rtHtl quit<' dJ/fcr\·11! fro1 n
rr:1dH 111 11al \'hr1~1111as farl'. r:1n~u1g fr11m
··1'h1· i\1ghr Bt·fo r(' ('hr1.,r1n<is 111 1111.!
(ihclt!J " ro ""1111: T111•l1L' D<i ~s of
\\'~llL•fgo'!!t· .. ,
"l'h1· .~1!<111 h1rn1:11 i'i ll<11-ro11·r,t lron1
lele11 ,1<i11 ·.., "L11ug l1 -in." but rJ1l' ;o:;on,:::s, J.
~ki..'t rlics illHl 111u11ologt1l'S l.Jt!hln~ 10 the
"TllE .J.\H(;(),\1 and the hu n1or ;ir~
al! theirs." !o.:~id Jtogcrs. "1'hcre arc
suinc grcu1 p:irodil·S abouL lhristn1as
co1n n1e reial1 !'1n. grcct111::;s. t:ilts. and
childhoud n1l11nor1cs.··
"Thi· J'\igh1 l\t·forc Chr1 ~1!n;1s 111 lhC'
(:hcttu," 11-r1tll·11 b1· Shir line :\'1>hh·
bcgius. ·
"\'ou St't'. their stock111gs \\'rrcn't hun~
bv no chunnev wi!h care. for they knc\v
Si. Nitholas 1\·ou ld never get therC.
"The children l\'Crc st reaming a nd
just running arn uc k. jutnping over \Vinos
and stomping on drun ks."
H;1rbar<1 H:J I! :lnd Hick ~l oralcs 11 il l
c11-hust the ~h{l\I', 'l'1ckel!-: a rc $!.50
j.!.l·n .·ral :it1111iss1on. ;ind .i1) cents for
c/11ldrt·11 \2 ;111cl under.
l\1edieva l E11gla11{l Li vcs
At l(PFI( Yuletide '°Faii·e'
1'hc KPJ;-K ~ferric Christmas Faire
;1nd Country Crafts 1\1 arkct brings
feasting anti frolicking to the ~lo\lywood
Pa!latliu1n Dec. 20-24.
Two gianl tents \viii he added to
the Pal!ndiurn in this re-creation of a
bustl ing Jlcnaiss:ince ninrkctplace. 1\1ore
th:.i n 200 costu1ned artists and crafts
people \\'ill offer a collect ion of hand-
crafted gifts while thrcC' stages provide
con tinuous cntt>rta inrncnt.
There will be a variety of Renaissance
and international foods. Hours are fron1
II a.m. to 11 p.m. eaC'h night until
Christmas Eve 1\•hen it clGSes al 6 p.1n.
The l\1errie Christmas Faire is the sec·
ond annual benc!it for noncommercial
KPFK·Pacifka. 90.7FM. Adtnission will
be $2.25. nnd students for $1 .25. Children
under 15 alt.end free with adu!ls. Advance
tickets available at Ticketron aod all
Mulual ngcncics.
Sl>i le of the finest crafts people in
the fiv c--s1<1tc nrca have as.;;eml:iled an
array or war~s in woodcarving . leather.
potter~·-ghiss, jewelry. toys and quilting.
to creations using materials or combi11n·
lions of media.
Tina lenert
Performances That Stand Out. • •
A!thot·!lh rf'(:oi::nuion of
1°0n11nunl1~ 1hi•:l\f'r <;J:indou1s
in !hi: furn1 uf f1i<;t1ngul~h£'d
l'crforrn:i11 cl' ;1 11•;inls !1;is lll'l'!I
tltscou11nui:d hy tlus l'Ol urnn.
it 11·ould Lie ;1 1111 n'n11ss t11
allo11· tilt· p:1s!'~1gi: i1f .ino1l1er
,vc:i r \\'itt"iout c.1sr111g at least
Tom Titus
1-luntington Brath and Cyndi
1\leCorn111c in "r.t;1n1e" at
In ih e camoo category,
11·1icre charnc-tcrs must be
dcvcloptod with a n1ini1nurn
9r lines. the hcst showings
1Jf the year were delivered
by Bruce Ca mpbell in Cos1a
~lesa's "Tiic Andersonville
'l'nal" and Bette Killion i11
"Sunrise at Can1pobcl!o" :ll
Lieto Isle and D. D. Calhoun
in ''The IJcsperate Hours" in
If yOlJ'Vl' IX'Cn keeping
score, you'll note ·that of 28
nctors and actresses ntt'n-
liuned. 11 t'nrned tJ,Jir a··-
colades in Lngunil ~loulton·
Playhouse productions. 1'his
co11rinucs a Jeng-thy 1radition
<!l Laguna, •1·hich 111 the past
has won thl' lion's share of
IJP tll\'ilrds ns •1·etl.
3 tnken spo1 H.:ht 011 1hi· ".\L·1rigold~." 1\ nu ab t" 11 t'
11uts1011ding indi vld11 t1l :it·t 111g l)11i1dt·y fur ··Du11crf i h~., ..\rt·
accon1plishrni:nl of till' p.1~1 Frl'e" .ind (;1·nc,'iC\l' .\lurray
l.L11·cr~·· :11 bu!h l.:1~ri.1na and
Cnsta .\ol cs~1. \ 11 lit'r.~ in !he
running nri: ,\1 a u r e e n
Shrubsholc for ":\1onique" at l2 n1onrlis. I for "l.:1st of Jill'. P.!'d !l ot
Pr~~1!~~~1{'r111' 1;1:i:1 (' int~~~~.~-i11\ I~~! -.· •• ·i.·.~.'~-( 1~'/ .;:~·.·-~j\ ,, 'I~ .Y:!!rf$Y:~· ., .·:: •• , ~\\~1 '' .~,~~~· ... ~~· .... ~•:.,~ '1~ I. ~::~·.·-~1\'P .·_-:::!~,:::-;;~· 'I j
I '!)-·•••.:1\ -';!••:;;:=-'" ~····~~ ·-l;••• .. -:::_ _:;;-...···y ••••.. .,..-•··:;;· Irvine . ro1nn.111ni !~ Tht":llt:.·r -::.•.• .• ""· •••· ::;::.,. ,•:• ~-·••!t -. •••---·· .. ••• ..-: •••=----~··• ....:::
od •?: ~--:..• ~ -:.,!)" _..... •!!'" '!•.• .,=,,,,, .... ..,.?!' --":.! . pr UC'l1nns 1 11 Thur,d:1v s --~
"lop iu·· c11h111111. 1hi:o nlf1f:i1
rcstr:iints of con l iil'l of in h·ri'S\
arc far less h1nd1ng 11 ht•n
a s s e s s i n r,: si11blc pt·r·
formanccs. 1' h u s. JCT ac:·
tors ru1d actresses \\·ill receive
due considcr:itio11 in this rol.
umn·s an11u<i t trihU1\'.'·
Rather !han single out .1 1 sin•~lc 1wrfor1ncr l'or a lallgibl..: I
acc£1l:1dc. as na~ he1·11 thl' e;1Sl"
for the p<1 st cif•ht .v£'a rs. 11·c
have rc1'it:1\'l'd lht• prt~t yc:i r".~
productions and sc l£'c1cd ;1 1
half <lozen 111 t:nch c:Hcgory,
µlus tl handful 111 1n1prl'::iSil'c
ta111co r erforn1nncc·s. Un1lcr
llrl'Sl'nl circon1sta1h:1•s, this is
p1·obt1bly lhe n10s1 f:1 il" ;111d
cqui!<.1b!l' 1nethu{I of ("Urd l'rring
individual honors. I
In !he best aetor c:Hei::ory.
1hrcc locnl theat ers ha1e con-/,
tribuled 11~·0 nan11·s each. /j
They nrc Hap c;raharn for !~
'"How the Other llalf Loves"
and \\'ll liam Cullcn for ··B ut-
terflies Arc Free.'' holh at
t he L a g u n a :\I o u I ton
Playhouse; G:iry Suden1p _for 1 \
"The Dcspt'ralc I lours" .ind ~
Ron Fillun fur "E1·cryth i11g \
in the Garden." lr1·ine Con 1-
munity 1'heatcr. and Tl·rrcnce[
l)oyle for "!\licldll· of thl·
Night" <lnd .lohn Loughn1an
for "Gactus r10,1·e r... llun-
ungton Beach Playhousr
• • N f.'W
c.rop null,
• Pe11ininions from
e Dried opfic.011 from
We're readv with thousands of F'ruit
Packs, Fresh Fruits, Avocados, Candy,
Nuts, you name it! To ship to your
loved ones bock eost! They 'll be there
in time for Christmas!! Just phone,
we do th e rest! Moster Charge, Bank -
• .. ·
,; Our thank1 to . • • ~ )i Mr. Richard England and the ·~ ~ Newport Harbor Mld1hlpmen land ij • ~ for the beautiful music during our (t' ~-~ . open hou11 last Sunday. ~ ~t Sincerely, THE CAMPANARO'S :~ !Ir¢'
I\ ~;,;;.;:::;~~~~~~l
around the
corner or around
the world
"Se• It Made"
59¢ Qt.
limit Y1 Gillon Only
With Thi1 Coupon
. ',. ,,
' '
f'OM ·f'OM
Sl,99 59i
l imit 2 Of Each
W ith Thi• Coupon
Laguna n\so places t'NO
names in 1hc no1nin a!ion in
:he best actress efltrgory -
Jill Rimer for '"The l'ride I
oi .\f1s;; Jean Brodie•· and An·
ni~ \\.ood f11r "1'ht' Effcr ts
of Gamma Ha~·s on .\l an·in· 1
we-.\!oon :\lar1golds." Other 1
standout pl'rform;incrs 1verc i
de!ivert'd by Pat Tamhelli ni in
"The Gingerbread J. n d ~-..
Costa mesa Ch·1c Playhouse : I
Doris Allen a~ '''.\lc1n1r."1
\\'estminst~r Co n1 m u n 1 I ~ 1 Theater: lh1r hor1i CrnOk<'r a:.
•"\lonique,'' llunting-ton B£';1ch
Pl ayhouse. and Carol Filian
for '·Everything in t he
<;arden." tr1 •inc Co rnmunity
I '"' f
=J.:J.&:.U \....:~~t.J~~ .~ .. ~;._-_~_;C'-l-'-'-1 !.!J.>!' ~·J!Jb..~
U.S. No. 1
L:igun:i ;i n d Costa r-.lr•s;1
1tomin;1 t<' the ~11pporting aet or
category \l"i!h l\1·n c:indida!cs
" ~I
Mi•ed, W•lnut1, Fiibert•
t'ach. Cl'llf> P.ruvd\CL in ,,.
":\h, \\'ildt•rnrss" illlll non
llinSQn in "l!t1\1" lh(' Oihcr
1!:1!f l..r11r~ .. :1 1 l.rigun.i :ind
lla\'id l':iul f•1r ··Th r
A11dcrson1 illi· 1·rail"' n n cl
Bernarr! :-O:in111n lnr ' · ,\
' ,,
' '
10 Lb•. 1 OO
,. . :•; '•· ·•·I
Limit 10 Lb1.
With Tnts Coupon '.1'1
' . ~· --~ '~;~:--:~.:
5 Lb. 49C
,,v Limit 3 . Ba9 I' ,'~: ~lt~:~~l1 Cou~o~ + -~:
-~ """"~ =""fi:r:• ' ,,.. -~-
FOR 36
Now Thousand !'lo\\ns" :11 f'(1;.,1.1 ~0-
1\es;i. Ho1111rl111l! "u! thr ]1!'!
11{·re Grt·;: Ft·ncrhnn1 for
"The l)e!'1>cr:1h· !lours" 11l O P EN 7
lrr1nf' :ind ~l ark Hat.or for DA YS A
".\ Barr<·I Full of l'~·:ini1·s·· WEEK
Phon11 ("""_CJ_Q_ow_e1t_~ _by"--d_e_b..:..J9....;.a_) 64S-OD93
;it !hf' San Ch'lll('ll\C ('f,!ll· a ;t.m. to l..--------------------------lllll!lll\' The;1lcr. "Sf. Y rn1·11 8 p.m. "\Vhere
Among !ho 5upporuug 3C vi /'mduce Now At 1601 Newport Blvd. Quality is
tresses. Lngun:i 1 ~ r1't'n mnrf' F\~ r iv Il ou. ·· the Order of
1n1presSJ\t' \11r h fnur of th" '' !Near Ho<tg Hosplt11I) (Corner of 16th St.) the Howe"
fe ll fur ··1101\ 1hc (J1hc1 11.ilf !•:;:J.~ i:~;,'f 11 ~ ~·:::1·~ 'J ~·:::! _.._::-l~~~:· -...: -:e::i · ~~~ · -~•/llJ.
Singers in Concert
'Jbe 1nusJc of Christmas, fealur1ng the •'f\1agn 1fica1 ·•
by Orange County coniposer J>r. WiJlian1 11all ancl
"Laud to the Nativity,'· wUI be presented by the 70-
voi('e Golden \Vest Colle ge Singers ar1<t ritadrig al s
Sunday. '!'he concert. cliretled by Gerald Sc·hrnedcr.
will be held in th e college !heater at 3 p.111. It "·1\J
be free. Cheryl ~leiscnhein1cr \\1ill be the soprano
soloist. The Golden \Vest stage band, directed by
J)avitl ,\nthony. will tal\c p<lrt in !he pro~ra11t
playin g j ~1zi arrangc1nc1ns of several {'ar()ls.
I have instructed our University Stereo sate~
·, personnel to negotiate and beat any bona fide
•:written o ffer made on a music system by Pacif·
ic Stereo (owned by CBS), Radio Shack (owned
by Tandy Corporation) or any o f the o ther
Giant stereo chains.
I promise that if we cannot meet o r beat t he
Giants' o tter, we will advise you to go ahead
and accept their ori ginal offer.
Peter Hu ber
AN/) ,•;P[AK(lf TR,.lDE b'/ICK l'LAN AVA/LADLE
Mfg's List $49~
A•••""" I
If y1•u'r..-~u ll·lra.-k fan
lht· HSR 1 U·~,, l'l·u~.-~ .'1'"''"'1
d,·,·~ "ill ~~11sly alt u ( )"11r
r layllack requu..-mrol<. .••
F.·a1urt'.~ lhr<."t'·ll~~r ''\'It'•• 111•~
1n1p.illnnuna1,·d 1•rv~1~n1 111dj..
c11u1. 1•10111~111 )•'It·• !ur tiar.
sy nt:hrunt1u• 11n1l••f. ~11 c r1<ll!e
)10 1 "ilh du)! 1nv i.·.-1ur, nor1·
nr.-ling t'lhk.-. h1nd!1on110 tah·
in.-tr)'· .. l11i~ Hri11~h unpoll
t( a huy ii ... ON LY
,!1:1 $238.
•. 11111
I ' 'II I ii ' I
I,\\: I
II I , 'Ii
·11' ' ' 1.1 11 j
, ,: I
l'I ! I
I\ I
11 • I
/"h,-all !IC" llJ111i.n ~Jr.l•n1 lll!l\ ,.,n1.-• I""" Iii• I tlJ!l••n 1.1 ..... 11.,1,. . "'111 \II lull
"~I I• •of lt\I;., I""'"' .in.I "•1h l!'.1101<'' J:•,l <J1'Jh1lo l10:• li'!IJll• l••llll,l ••H l.1r """'" 1·\f>o·11·
•l\t l•"l t'l'CI'" \ fl"H 2hll \\ •Ul<•1111t1,· •hJn~.-r l"lllp!dr "'"' t>,,..-.111.I ,1,.,.,, • .,,1 t"lrln•l~·· 1r1el !"'' "••llh !fl "'·111<11 11\o•\\J\ 'l"",;~"' '''I•'"" 1<• i.,,,.~ ,, ~II I••'''"
~ --fi$ ..
•• • ---HARMAN/KARDON 80C>+AM /FM--
ONLY $645.
l'rvh1hl) Tilt n1r1~1 \l'•llllh-ri'<e•l"l"r 1n thl• 1•urkl h 1tlay. 1h<' 1111111111 l\1rJ11n all"''" .~Utt+
•Jn handlt ,•1,.,r f••nn .,r 1<11tr·1 hJn11,·I '1t'fL'O ur 111un11·ral '}'h·ru HI 1111' ""rlJ 11 ... !11 '''
1h.-(,,,, .. ,·ahlr l uh1n·. ( U .I "hu1ll 1n. '' ~ lbunan Kar.Jun '1'•'••31 d1·".~n. m""' 1·l fh1r.,r
am.I "'111111' fanu,11 •. \ r on'ii.'NJ!""" 1illn!ol' ,.f 22 !{\IS""!!> P•"f •h~n nrl 111 •111 .111 ''''1
1 ... ·11er 11ian ~!I "~!I • 1n "'""''' ..• l tw ln•••1 Jn•I tr•lt·d 1 .. 1rr ard .lOll auh•m•11t ,h u111t •
'"' luJ1nJ1. l>a\t• i nt.I l'1L~l°Fln~ J 11111011J I .HI rHIJoil' anJ I• IUf )), I fl IL JO '"(/•\\a) h·111, 11 'lll'J\t•r
')\lt'm•.. ~ll/K ;..OO• F11ir Trac.Jr '\~99 Q~)
5t I i#(Ul.i I
diamond elliptical
$G'S Lgs $1695 49. ON LY •
(llHl',l l~\',l"~·f11.1\~'.i11 1 •H ·d·1111 1~J ,\Nl-l~JG
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1 I
s1 ~ h(1l10ft'"~ .lat'!ll1 i1· \lnr.•:••~--~~o·'U " 1 •• :~·.··~\:I\'' ~::;~:.,,~~J~1 •• ::;~~, ~·\\\'' ...... ,.;~~·.-~---·I 1h''!~~·::;:.,~-. I •';~:!-'1 :h•~~I
111\l"'s.'· Cu·enda ,\n1y for '!:.9 7 •!!" ~ -:.,9 ...,,_ "'..JV -\?!:"" -'!:.!! ?!' "--!U ~~..;.....~~.;;,_~~.;.--~-~-~~liim.. .............. ~ ..................................................... liiiiiiii.._;--
We've Got More
for You at the
IANK 0' AMlllCA • IAltlOWS • llltKSHllE'S • llDWEll'S
l"OIT O'CAll • llCHAID'S (Mork•t, flow•• Shop. Gift Shop)
Japanese Dishes Look
As Good as They Taste.
One or the rnost fast1nat1nA things
nbout Jai>anesc food is its <icsthct1c
As n1uch care 1s tukl.'.u \1•1th 1ht· ar·
r<ingl'lllcllt of the food . its color cont ras!.
and e11en slu1pe, ~is 1vJth tlil' cooking
and SC<lSOtllllg.
1'his gives 11 a rather ftS!IV(· <1uahl)',
alrnosl :is lhot1gh l'l'l'r~1h111tt had been
planne<l for a par!y. Nabe cookery (tuuk·
1ng :tt the tab!e 1 only st rengthens this
IF \'OU cnll·rta1n :111y Uou1.J1 s ;iboul
thrse aspr£'1S uf .Jap1111e.s1· dining hJVl"
lh1•n1 dispelled hy a vis1l tu lhc nrw
ccssi1·r orn:.in1cntat1on is \he key to
1\lingei's rt-s1ful atmos1>hen•. 1':11t•n !h•·
rur111ing S!rcn1n and wooden 1Jr1dg1· 1u~t
u1s1<lc thr rntrnnet· suggL•S!. <1 k11HI 111
g1.1rde11·ltkl'. <1uic1 .sin1pliC'ity,
The s1yle of St·rvu1g rnnkt·S 11.itch1111~
:ilnoust as lllltl"h (u11 ,..., c;11111g l\1,111Vll1)
l'lad \\'illtrcsscs. \\'tlh 1t1l'll' 1111nr~1c
.Japllncse i:;r;iec and d1·l ic:1l"y, lirrn;.: lH1l
ck1hs to frt·shen hands. Sh'ain111g soup
u1 ri«hl_r-l:1c<1u1•rt'<l bo11 Is a11d ln1~r1.111 1
puts ot green 11•<1.
·r11t.<.::Y \\'ILl. also drn1onst ralc !he
use uf chopsticks for lhe u111n1!1all·d
{lr. 1f }OU :isl.. l'Xpla1n hO\\' Ilic spec:1<d
Out 'n About
Norman Stanley
r.1 ingei restaurant I pronounced min-gay l
near Orang!' Coun!y Airport .
~1ingei features ;1 ;\·idt· variety ol
authentic JapallC'..Sc foods as anractivc
to !he eye as they are delectable to
the palale.
The restaurant has been aptly named.
r-.lin gei, wh ich 1ncans "folk art .. in
J tipanese. off£'rs numerous 1•xamplE's of
lhl' Jttp:uiesc regard for artistic prcsen·
!:HLOll or food .
In addition to !ht• J<ip ancse cooking
s tylt". which cncoura~cs the n:1tural
flavors of thc ingrL'dlCll!S lo cnh:int'l'
one .1nothl·r, 1he cuisine IS scr1·1·cl :d
unusunlly atrract1ve pk1t·r sett ing".
i\ote. specifi cally. the t•ar1ht'tnvarc pla!es
adorned with colorful gl:1z1·s. cleg;u1tly
lacquered hoxes and !inlc llro11•11
stonc.,.,·arc jugs tor 1he ll':lrm s;1k<·.
ALL OF 'f'lllS con1t.•s. surprrs1ngly.
<1! very rL·a son:ihlc pri("t"S i11 11h;1t's
('SSPnlilllly /l ftrnli!y Tl'SlaUt';llll. '\'011n g
and old alike 1vill bt• drawn to lht•
c·on1fortabk• l)rit•utal surroundings l\'hcrl"
!ht· exotic is lt•l"T11Jt'rl'<I by rl'str<iint.
Attention to J1•1ail rathl•r than e~-
cooking is done.
Co1npletc dinners include 1hl' t.'J1\r"1·t·
soup ;ind salad. stC/.llllL'd \1·h1\C ri tl',
,•egetab!cs, Japanese i::recn !Ci1 <11~d
d('ssert of the day. Luncheon t111rel:~
include choice or soup of the day or
Both the n1iddav and evening n11·11us
feature cippctizers ·like sonomono. a salud
of freshly slit:cd cucu1nllcr.!. H 11 d
crabrncat marinated in u piquant dri:ss-
ing; yakitori. chunks of chicken :inJ
onion broiled in teriynki sauctos : sashim1.
slict.'<I filct or r:iw fish on a luyPr ur spicy hot radish slices; ten1 pura.
drcp-fril·nd shriinp; .shnn11> cocktail.
I)\' Tll 1'~ LUNC H EO~ hill qf f;1ri·
an.· thiekcn ISl.~1(!1 ;ind shrilnp !$2.:!~il
curri('S: t·hiekt·n eutlet s. Sl.i.'"1· h;dibul
slenk. Sl .9.'i ll•rlh11rgers (ha1nhur!,!ers
pr<•p:irc<t 11·ith !t•riyaki sauee1 . St.!i.'i:
~11HI t)u• J\lingc1 specl;il. t111y 11·.:1·1:1hl,,
shoots v.•rt:rpped, with slices of hct~r. $1 .7:1.
Hoth n1cnus also fea1urt• ou1slandin~
di.shes like ishiyaiki s1e:11i, I.Jeer sukiyl.lki.
sh;diu·sh;.1bu and !he !\tin~!'! con1h1n<it in11
plut e !J\lakunouchi1. The Inner, v.c
lL·<1n1cd tlunng our fi~st ou11ng to the
rL·sra11r:111t. 1s prrrttrt"I , nd Sl'rve<l wqh
" !1:111· Olli:-' lho• .l~p;.H\(•S(' Sl~cn1 to
A d1 ~1111c·t1 vt· trt':1t. 1l uJ:ers a portion
uf l)t•;1rl~ CVl'1'y th1ng -slender pit•("!''
•JI JU1ey bi:'l'f rolk'd a11d l<OOked aro11nd
1t ·nd1·r .voung veget~1blC' shoots. ske11L·r~
of )akitori. fresl1ly cooked \'cge1abl1••.:.
l1•n1pur:'ls. Slf'an1ed rice -111te1n'111 :11 1
1.U 1\(JIE(J~ i\SK I:\(; pnri· fo r 1111·
\1 ;1kunou1·li1 is $.1.50 \Vh1h• rht• d1n111 ·r
t.1b 1~ Sl95. A .spet·ial chi ldren's pl:itt•
pr(J11d<'S :1 snu1l lt•r ser11111g of thi· '.\·lu1g ei
Th~· 1nost speetacular dish o! th1• t•1·1·n-
111g rs probably the ishiyaki steal., SG :,u
1lt:11ch. $4.501. 11·h1ch is cookc<! nt 1he
t;1h!t• 011 a hPa!ed .stonr pJac1·d 1n ;111
1r1111 pl:11 1• Thl' strip.<; of stt•ak ai·e
r<1rt·ft1lly p!uccd on lht· hol s1nnc 11·!1ite
ln .. ~h v1·g1•1ahlcs art' <tddt'd on top.
'J'hroughoul the cooking prot:ess 1t
sh•;11ns up <tn cippcliiiu;: aro1n<i. And
I ht· ishiyaki st.eu k, cookl·d to i11dividual
pn·fe l'CllC•· under th e cht·f"s :lltenli\"C
1•.11•. rs ~1·rved on a hanrl srin1c ~tone11>;1rc
dish th:d l0o.1ks handm::1dl',
T iil·~ 1:1-:Er sukiy<1ki. $4 7S (IUllt'h .
"~ !1:11. :dso proved to he a diner·s delight.
!· 1r<;1 !hl' crispy vcgL·tahles go into :i
last iron krt11c . then strillS of spccinll.v
1n.1rinatecl beef. and rhc rnixrurc s tean1-
e1Joks itsC'lf \'o'it hin a fc1\' minutes.
Sh;i hu-shahu. $i25. is quilc sitnilar
111 Strkiyaki. It is rnadc 11·1th fil'C different
11'J.!l'l<1b!cs. ban1boo shoots. rnu shroo1ns
;u1d stri1>s of lcndL'r beef.
In its preparation. th e l>ecf rs dipJX'd
111 1v;1tcr for a few seconds bf'forc cook-
111ti. The lll't result is a cornbination
of .~uhtlc llavors lhctt 1von·t ov cr11'heln1
\\"t·Stl'rn tflstebuds.
,\lingci i~ located near C)n:ingc County
1\1rp1.1rt at llUI Corinthian \\'ay, Newport
l~c<icb. Tun1 on the s ide. strccl, off t11ne-
r\r1hur l~l vcl .. next 10 Kcys1onc ::lavings.
l.1111ch is served frorn I! a.no . to 2::!0
p rn .. t111d dinnl'r frotn 5 p.n1. to 10 p nr ..
\lend11y lhrough Fridny . Dinner alone
1::-servt'd fron1 5 to 11 p.n1 un S;1turd;1·1
;ind Sunday.
I (
. .
Hostess at Mingei Restaurant
Turning on
Scott Manchester
l(POL Again Plans
Ca.rol Mn,rr1thon
A f1·:-t11 !1l 1.r Ch•·1~!1n,•,
1<;1101-. 111111111 r:1 ·111.11 .. r1 lllr ..
In 1hl' hol1d:1~ 11100<1
Tl11• l f•" \1J.:1·h·-r1du• ,f,J·
lion 11dt l")'lllP!I•· 11 ~
("hn~l!tl.•• 11.1t1 111P11 lor !ht•
1:i1h 11•;1r It 111H hl·:.i111 ;,t
6 ,1 111 ( nr1-;11n.1 ... 1·;11· ·nd
("(1111111111' !h1011:.:.h 111!dll1:..: h 1
l 'l1n,1 tl\;1-. I J;1.1
Tl1t' µro!!r.1111 11111 h "
uni1111·rru p1,·d hv tilln!llL"f"('1<1I
1nc<;s;1!!C~ 1'.l:<'<'PI for !ht· ;11nn:.!
of 11r11-; hL•;1dlin1·~ and sL1t,1•11
1d1 ·n1ifiea1 1on.
f'rl~''"" \~ 1l l'l'~UI\ App!"
\ ·'1111111 1:1·t·urtl'> 111:.de ar
i ,111:.:.1·1ni·11to; f·11· the -.1g n t•I
h•· l111·111•d nit ,11 I ;1 HI. ,111rt
1•1 t1·1~1;i1n Oft lll11 11 I .1 Ill
\Lli'-<i Tiii·. 'i\\I~'. \l'1n
!\1'(11. has hl.1rk~·c1 nut 11n~
111 ltoll~1100•!" l:1udn1:1r\.;<;
11.; tunr :111d 1•·111per.1 turt' sign
1t,..·;1ti·d ;1tnp 11, f;1e1htlt'<; al
Suns1·t and \\ i!tu11
'l\ro Sho'v~
\Vi11din g l lJl
l\XTZ-V,\l ;ilso II ill b(• Ill
th!' ho\r{ht.\' ~p1r1! Cl1ris1111:i~
n111s1c 11111 ht• pl.~yt>d t'ri:111
n1~•11 Chri:'11111JS 1<1·1· 10 (i p.111 L"lir1s[111a ~ O:iy. !·'o ur i·o111· "E\erythin g in lhe (~11rden"
1111·1·e1;d'i p1•r h11ur h;I\'{" ht'\'!1 (']u~ing p<.•rfor111;1nl'('<; or 1h1•
pn)l!r;11n nu·d. I 1·1 ltll' C:onH11un1ty 'rl1eater·._
Production of the Cd11·ard Al· Santa's 1rork.,hop f'll'L'S 'ii\'. \)I•(' drama 11·ill l:lt.' !:!ivcn tn-prt"p;tr1·d 10 s!:1r1 l"r1·ating f;111-~ ni 11ht and S<llt1rdi1.v at 8:30 in !astic 1>r11.L·~ hir lu cky f\Jl.J ,... !he Humanities Hall Pl11,yho u;o: .. \\•innl'rs. 11·ith l1stf'nrrs hn ving
;in hOurl ~· ch<HlC"t' 10 giunhlt· Oil the UC Irvi n~ c:ln1pti~ Beservntion-; fi~i-i'.!97. thP1r intuition<> for prizes
r;u1g11u: fro111 t\ilor TV 's Ill .. Thr \\"ould-he
hi! albums. Th;it st<1tio11 has Gentll'man
also ··prf'parcd"" 5.000 \\'histll·s South Coast ll. f' pc rt o r v
to l>c distributed through the 11·inds up i!s engagement nt
Los !\ngclcs Police [)c1,art· thi s l\loliert· co1ncdy y,·ith
nlL'nl. the idea being th:i! 1>crforn1;inces tonight through
a111·one 11 itnes~ing a crinir in Sunday at 8 o'clock in !hf
rrOgress shotlld blo1v the 11·his· Third Step 1'heatcr, tll?T
!lf' to :;u 111 1non ;1 p;itrolrnan ~t•11:port Bl vd .. Costa r.tes<i
11cscrvations 646-l:Jli~-Tiie 1t·hisl!es can bt< obtained
01111" fro111 the LAPf). "Fiddler on lht• Roof "
KHJ"s Ch<1rlie Van J)yke Playing through th e holidays
pol11t1·d out th:it 1hc flnshin ~ rs this locnl version or
"Bingo·· sign 1h:1t's I.JP.en il· B roa<lwny·s longt'!'i!-running
lu111i11;iting: Sunset Boule1·:ird 1nusical i.1t Srbastiati"s \\'rsi
:1 11<1 I.a Cienega 1\·:is an111sing !)inner Plavhouse. l<\O Avenida
;11l<l :in ;111en1ion g('lter. but f'i l'O. San C1cn1ente, 1•1ilh din·
r:Hher inappropriah' \1•hile 11·e nl'r at 6:30 and curtain at
-1 ____ ,,~---------------~~1 ..--------1 --~re in 1he n1idst of an energ~8 :30. Reservations 492·9950._ -------.... , ---
111 21st Pl., Newport Beach
Cantonese Food
eat here or
take home
ORiole 3-9560
,l ~
" i
sul~~iY .~RPU~CH 1·11,·. tf. ~= !: DINNER IS SERVED .. In Secluded 11:
FROMP~o~~M8JJ..l770 I ~ Aliso Canyon ~
-A irporter Gf nn '1 Serving 1
C/l '.,', ''JJJ>JS1'1'l,'S DINN'E·f' ~-CTJotel lB,?~.~,,_ A,.:,A,,~!.~,u •• ~oa,,L VD. !;.. '-" \ -ll !\ ::. \. .. OpenYt'orAra11ndDoi!yl2·1 2 -Fri.andSat.'tilJ a .m. -£11 v.,...., ••. ,. ,.....,, ,.. ~ fl '===-----------------,=--~-1 _______ _, ___________ _,1~ ROAST YOJ;iG PT~·M TURKEY ~
~-1~ ,.i\. }! f. •
~·, ii II! 111 ; l-:\"1 lo'
1'1·,11•\<.''-ll ])l'Hlh ·,
l uncheon & Dinner Da ily
ISOO ADAMS lat Harborl
540·1 937 540·1923
And, I" Gorden Gro .. e
!At Chapmon) •l8·7020
Sefyl!'(f Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thunday
dinners include salad. garlic che~l! roasr .
choice of b,1ked potato or rice Hawaiicn1
RED SNAPPER . . . . . . . . . . . 1.95
MAHI MAHI ................... .
GRILLED SEA BASS ............ .
2. 75
Tue.· Sat. 9 P.M .• 1 :30 A.M.
Tue-sday thru Saturday
J{elax .. enjoy great entertai111nent plus
great wining anrl dining. Jnclurling giant
drinks. 8eer by the pitcher or n1u g. \Vine.
All Jt reasonable prices.
Coclttail5 by the q la11 or pitcher
When you're hangry for QOOd food
nd thinly for i good lime
2750 Har bor Blvd.
Mesa, Calif.
The Best In
,'' NEW YORK CUT STEAK • jn GLAZED BAKED VIRGINIA HAM \i1 " . '~ Special Children's l)inn••r ~
'1l Cockt1ils--Entert~lnment-D1nc lng t!'l·
~~ Now Appearing i
!-! C HRI S WADE -Tu es., !hru Sot. \!
:~ VI C GARCIA -Su ndays only [\
i~ 31106 Coast Hwy. Ample Free Res. r,
~ South Laguna Parking 499-2663 ~ ~~:;::s:;:~'!:f:·~·~;:z:c~~ .~ .... ~~~1.7:!;:.:!?,~~J::F.r'6~J,
at moderate prices
Our Sauces, Meat Bolls, Cannelloni, Mani·
cotti end Boked losogna ore oil mode o"
the premises from authentic Italian recipes,
using the finest ingredients a vailable. W•
even ma ke our own Spumoni. . ...................................... ....
: BIG SPECIAL ! • • i 7 COURSE i
~ Re;7~~u• 2 fo~ $ 5 95 ~
• • • INClUOES: Appetirer, soup, 1olo d, gorlic b,..od, •
:: 1poghelli witll meal sauce, baked losogno, glo1• i:
of wine, dessert ond coffee. ;:
: DO NOT BRING CERTIFICATE-BRING FRIENDS : .........................................
Di,.ner D•lly
Sunday tlotru Th1.1rtri1y ' to 9 p.m.
Frid•y &Saturday S to 10 p.m.
Oftt'r ••plre1 Die. 31 , 1•7l
.38 DAILY PILOT Frid•~, Dfl:tmbtr 14, 197)
R embrant Etchings at Bowers Museum oott Blvd., Newport Beach. Oils by Gloru1 Bradtlon.
i11rough November . -~
COLLECTOR'S CHOICE: -G66 N. Coast Jlwy .. Lagun;1
Ueach. "Nudes and Other Fine Paintings,'' a one rnan show
of realistic oils and pastels by Leon Barnard. \VIII be on
exhi bit Dec. 4-JL ltouni: Tuesday through Sunda y from 10
;i.m. to 5:30 p.m.
From 11 :00 A.M.
Monday and Fr iday
644-2 200
Get the Plzu with Pizzaz qoo~Sill
Cll AtlLES \\'. BOWERS !\1E!\10RIAL 1\llJSEU!\t -200'l N.
!\!a1n St., Sllnle Ana . £tch.ings by Rembrandt Van Rijn, on
exhibit throuf!h Dec. 21. Show includes pottralts, land-
scof)CS and biblica l scenes dating front 1630-1654 . Hours:
Tuesday through Saturday fron1 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m .. I froo1
l to 5 p.n1. Sunday and Wednesday and Thursday evenings
frorn 7 to 9 p.m.
fl.IEXICA.PIJ VILLAGE ART GAU.ERV -15-0 Avenida Pico ,
San Clemente. Oil paintings by Dora Benson. Hours: from
noon to 6 p.m. daily. Through l)e(:. 31.
Hanky-Panky Catering
Serving The O range County Area
Choic.e of Ma ny Intriguing Selections
In Food and Beveragei
For. lnformotion .Call __ ( 714 ) __ 979-6809
( \Reuben~s
Nt:WP ORT HARBOR ART !\1USEUft.1 -2211 W. Balboa
Blvd .. Newport Beach. The first West Coast exhibition of
oils, pastels and prints by the American artist Mary Cassatt
on 1.~xhibit through Jan. 11 . An exhibltlon of wall drawings
by California artist John Stamphill is Un view in the en·
trance gallery. )fours: Tuesday through Sunday fron1 noon
to 4 p.m. and Fridays from 6 to 9 p.1n.
view Road, Costa Mesa. "Visual Image," an exhibition of
30 works by three former Orange Coast College are s!u-
dents. v.'il\ be on display through D~. 14. lt includes graph-
ics and paintings. A film festival v.·iJJ be continuous 11•1th
30-minutc films being shown at intervi1ls during lhe day .
11ours: f\.1onday through Friday from !l a.m. to 2 p.1n
JACK GLENN GALLERY -2831 E. Coast ll"·y .. ~ona dcl
:fl.-1ar. Paintings and prints by James Rosenquist. l·lour.s: daily.
11 a.tn.-5 p.m.
COSTA f\.1ESA ART LEAGUE GALLEllY -2tl6 \V . \Vil sor1
St., Costa f\.·tesa. "Buy Art for Christn1as" Sale through
DOW NEY SAVINGS ANO LOAN -360 E. 17th Stret'I. Costa
;11Jesa. \Vaterco\ors, oils, acrylics by Virginia Klinr.: ;ind
"Vlcwing the NC\\'port Scene·· oils by Sandy Kusick through
NEWPOH.T llARBOR ART MUSEUrt-1 -2211 \V. Balboa
Blvd .. NCV!'port Beach. Works by John Altoon, through Dec.
2. in the main gallery, An exhibition or "wall drawings" by
California artist John Stamphlll is on vic\v in the entrance
gallery. Hours: ·ruesday through Sunday noon-4 p.111. and
Fridays, 6-9 p.1n.
NE WPORT SCHOOL 01'' PHOTOGRAPll'' -3720 Campus
Drive, Newport Beach. Photography exhibit by JC'rry BurC'h-
field and Mark Chamberlain entit led "1'\vo Vic11·s of 1'!me. ''
1t is a comment on the tinleS Iha! shnpcd thrir grOVl'in~
~ears. !lours: noon-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday <ind by
:ippoi nln1cnt .
CROCKER UANK -2300 ~!arbor Blvd .. Cosl<1 t.lesa. Oils
by ~lclen Petter through Decent brr.
FlllST NATIONAL HANK 01'"' O~E -1650 Adams
S!r('et, Costa Mesa. \V<ttl·rcolors ~· Soozy \Vest. through
flc ten1ber.
1\I ESA VERDE LlllARV' -2969 ~1c·sa Verde Drive, Costa
~lt·sa. Oils by Doris Alderfer through J:>ccembcr.
HANK OF COSTA !\1ESA --1-tarbor at B;ikcr, Costa Mesa
Acrylics by Lucy Sanford through Dcl'Crnbcr.
BRENTWOOD SAVINGS -HMO Adams Blvd., Coste Mesa.
Oils Uy Ccc Coburn through Dect•rnbcr.
:· • OPEN.SEsAME •• !
Low Cltol"torol M ... 11 •
• -HPrt s .... , -I
• (W•lll t~ll Cou""' .
FROM Sl.25
• • ----·-. a OPEN DAILY a 5:00 fo 11 :00 P.M. •
2440 W, Co•t Hwy. a
• Newport leech i46-7071 • •••••••••••
rkeli;wiili. a ... Ramos Frzz era Bloody Mary
~ I Li'e 2~!
Wrtfr /ui,.., di/dirt! /~or~-
Otoos~ {roHt J delujtt(ul """61'1atro11s
A,, aat1ng MHdwiO. Jp«1a/ry
SU!!_Jll!ls jom JO am -2 pm
"For T~•t Holld•Y Ol1111t r"
BOB'S J•111 co•~r HWY.
Dona Poi111 496-l~5 'i
i\u1lwu1" ).1[\11l<..,..lo••1."1l>C',
• .... ~1J 1h J11d 111 .. "'"'' ,kl1io:hllul
,1111~"1'tlnc ~II J\\'.1ll' Y•~I.
· _JO ant-2pm r.-----.millnm..-
• ~ •• ··:i: r -----Wlril Thh Cowpo11 -I 1101 (011n1h<1n Wty Now~o11811ch
nur lhf '"'°" oft M1tillrthu1 Blvd,
11 K1111ono Sn•n;1
. 251 E. COAST HIGHWAY >q)}
I N•rt '• Go~co .ar
l rookh•''' & Wornorl
Mo11. thr11 ll'ri.
1u1••• PLATI sr1CIAL s1 IS
D1lu•• l urqtir, frlt1, Soled , , , • , , .~ ~~•T l~!AL~ .~I~. , , • •. , , , . • , , , , , , ~ 110
T••d•y 011ly
WM11oid•Y Only
.. A.Mini 91:~
W/1111ot S11111 t ntl G1•lie To11 I , , • , .,._
W/g.r!ic To11I i nd Froneli Fri•• ••• ,,,
n.,.., 0111, frlcloy Only
5'A•Hmr 95
W/...,01! S111co 1nd Girlie 10•1!.... C r 1ZZA S9UAIE W/1alM 99"
Choie1 of Ono M1ol Topping •.• , , • ~
DINNER SPECIALS (5 to 8 p.m.l
•1" MOMIAT -TOP' lllLOIN -•·01 W/91 rlic To11t 1nd Fri11 •• , , __ •. , ...•.•...••••
TlllMY-SPA•Hml -w;,., •• , S111c1 1n11d Girlie To1ll •••••••••...•••••••• 95c
... _, -...... HIGHT llf. PRICE
WhMI Ac,•fll!Jllli.4 wJtli Adul t, All ltt rru on Child'1 Mt nu , , •••• , •• , , • • • 2
e 1etYinf PllM e Ch1rburgers e Spaghttti e Stt1k1
e s..tlng Over 160 with Complete banquet f1cil itlt t
• Old 11--
e llemlly Aln• ... r• & Pric e• -G1me Room For Fun
the New I
Pol . ~ Expenence ...
I ..,..,1K
I One entreeatour
regular price ""' ...... ,,~,
and the second entree
-I ~is
(Wht-n tOV P•••••• thh COUPll .......... ud Swnd•y
tnrv Thur1d•V• lhr11 Dtc. JI)
3901 E. Coast Highw1y/Corona de\ Ma r
Contintntel Cu islnt
l uncheon and Oi11ncr
Mond(.I JI th roiLQh Sa turda~.
Closed Sundays
Wt ,11 re locatt-d 11oxl to
the May Co. in South
Coa\t Pl1z1.
3JJJ I . ltltf11I
Co1ta u... 540-)140
• DINNER I I 4 • 7 P.M. -Mon. and Thur•. ,P ~ 2 MEXICAN DINNERS I I Fo• THE l'lllCE OF ONE J TH !~ OFFE~ EXP'lll ES JAN. l 'I~ ·------o~ CO"'PO>I Good .. or IEnUrt P•t!Y ., T•blt
7 Days A Week -11 A.M. to 2 A.M. -----DINNER SPECIALS NIG HTLT
c_ _____ M_9 N DA y TH RU _!.HU R~DAc_r:_ ___ __!
2530 W. Coast Highwa y
HENRY'S N~:;;,, 548-1177
P1o:n 11\41 IJJ 91 H~
1Ki(/s Like To
Ask A 1ul v
You'll find ii oi creperfe
the only Orange Coun ty restauran't serving a wide choice of crepe'!ntrees and
de~serts for lunch, dinner and supper 1 •
A • TRY CREPE ST. l"'CQUES -, • .
Sc.11/ops, shrimp, sliced flesh mu~hrooms in a b«h•rMI s•uce wfCh sr~i1e 'chee1e.
Of'CN DAILY ll:OOA.M. Tel. 556-1225 ...... CMllJllll-CW .... • t.z·,,,": ~-.. -----~ ,;r,. . . -· ... -
• 296 E. 17th STREET •·
PHONE 645-7626
10 A.M. to 2 P.M.
Dl1111er Served
fro111 5 P.M.
L1111ch10111 •
11 ·I
14dle Dor• ' G•ry G•nl11
T"6. Mn1 Sot.
The Extraordinary Mansion , on the ocean
with the Zillion Dollar View .
WE HAVE .....
•.. Great Suppers
••. Untraditional late·night feasties
, .. Rather Unique Entertainment
Mon. thru Fr i.
Sp1~ia l El'll1rt1in'Tl t nl
With Champagne
I 0 AM.3,00 PM
2601 W. Coast Highway
Newport Beach 645-8444
. ~1FliLR ·~ .$Tfr1Q
LUNCH rt;;',.,J!.,.~14at/UfC, DINNERS from BOi (f(711A-r from $1 .BD
Mon.-Fr1, 11;30 AM WI wr1co1111 [NllDlfN E•tn•l'\(IS 1<! 9·00 PM
R 195
IJrUUIOll GlllN IAIAO CHO!CI 0 1 011\\INC. G•lll(
111 .. 0 (MO!C I 01 11(1 '" ... " O• lllllf(H Fiii'
G IOUJO~ ltl'-*O SI I .. • -...
10• llllO•JO 111 .. ~ ....•..
NIW •OI • \lf.\l ... ·-~
C .. llLIMIJO Ill .. •,.
. ......... 1 10
. . . . • . • J .Jl
. . . . . . . . . . . ) l'
...• t '.
Jll"l .. ND 101111 • . .. . . . .• , •.... I •J
JI .. POOD (OMllH .. l!Ollf • , . -.. , . , •• , ..•. t .•I
11 1 ... l H ''''I l l .. ,, .. ,.,,,,.,,., ...... l t i
f1tlf·l "CON WI .. ,,! Cl •.• , ...•• , -..•..••• J JJ
Ill ,,l .. l ..... , ................. , , ... J 10
lllLO IN 51 1 .. l IAMOWICH .••. , , •...•... I ti
0 1111Ml l l lli!(IVOI: GlllN , .. LllO, (NOICI OP 0111\INC.
G.llil( ...... 0 . Cll01CI OP 11(1 •11..:PP 0 1 POIA10
ln9rld Soy1: Come Dln1t With Me,
DINNER ENTREES ------· ---
l Po~ket of File! I.tied will! mu1hroom1)
FILET STEAK (Rib-eye Cut !
Imp. W ine e Beer e W ir.11 Coc~la ih
Ope" Daily 5 to 10-Closed Monil~v
Si11gers i11 Spirit
• Orange Coast l'ollege's Chamber Sl ngcrs are 111 the
holiday n1ood and have been keeping a full sc hed·
ule of holiday concerts. Yet 10 come are a presenta-
11011 at lht! l.utheran ('hurC'h of the ~1aster 111 ('or
oua del Mar on Sunday and a J\1onday appearanl't'
with the Huntington Beach Monday J\1orning ('lub
'!'he OCC Chora le and Cha1n ber Singers v.•ill cul
111lna te the fall se n1ester's work on Jan . 12 \vhen
1 l1e groups pre.~ent an annual ~lidwinter ('onc·crt in
thu Ol'C Audiloriuni. 'rhe 8 p.1n. ('oncert will be
free lo the pu blic.
Victorian Bar at
M~~~OF!~ .. r.RK
The Original "Honeydrippers"
Wednesday thru Sunday
B11t1quef F11cilifi111 LP to 450 People
16712 GU.HAM AVENUE IAt Wanwr)
HUNTINGTON IEACH 17141 146·1116 121]) Sf2·1f54
TOWN & COUNTRY CENTER 968 seoo ll~~~~~~~~~-~-~l -;~.577\ 499•2626 I
Mexica1i Resuiuru11t
Fur \'11111' l1ini11!!: ._
And Dani.:1ng: l'lt•asurc ,•
Playlnq Nl,htly
Wt:d. thru Sun.
"f inest lilexican Food in Orange County"
547 W. 19th STREET
COSTA MES.t. 642-9764
New Year's Eve
Fun For Everyone
FROM 7,00 P.M. ON
llMl-n lluftum• A Brolld"'•
Ample Plrkln•
A ... ,.,,.uenr
Ap,.orlnq 111 the
32802 COAST HWY,
(U Crown V1111ry Parkway)
Marine Restaura~t·
& Empire Room
A New Year 's Eve Part .
gourmet dinner c K~~~ ~11 n1ebver forget-
roast N y · o ster or Cha ew Ork sirloin of beer
mpagne, favo rs , dancrng, everyi~;ne' $40.00 Pf' <Oupl1 fP<tPl id) '
(In & flll~•I' •ncludedi
'"'""'"'"' 644-1700 #533 :::;:
The Lido Lounge coc~TMLS . D""Clt'IG TO Llvt MUSIC
f°'VORS FOR °'LL 8:30 P.M.
c~r c~or&•-$3.00 per'"''°"
fr1dily. Dtctrl\bl'r 14 1973
Rrmenian Resla uranl
ll!LL Y DANCING-e TI111r .• 51111.
Am~!8~' Nil8 E:.•~•v T~~r •d6y
Bri"9 Yo~• Co•!~m• And
Ddnc1t To Li•• M ~1ic
2116 PLACENTl.t. A~ e COSTA MESA e 642·0800
8 0CTI·'
r:::Rl 8CO
_, ' J ..., -::'.:: -·111! •. .'~1.~ 1...1:-: -•. 1 11~·1~1:1 -
,;,/.::' -</.':~~-.,·.1 £·e1 ---··.~. :: -1 1·· -~;l e.I"/•"':--.. ~ 11
I I {:Ji,;;.~ 1' -. .X~· ::._; . ·~) -::: .§ _-:..) -I 00
.·:·' -STllW BIT •:,,
;:«. Piii! PILICI 'v.-;
1111171 .tJ4ML ...... l'Otll ... CH. CAW. ,._ .... , ...
L~ztt:.r .::l1.11~7c ~ S ::: ~'·' .-Ee P~~:W"1
Serving From 4:00 to 8 :00 P .M.
per person
125 Avenida Esplandian
San Clemente·· 492-6103
. •
' ' • • • .
IOtNGll Af IPllNO"O.llf ht ''ii:~~ Vll···~•i'l!"illl\'111\"llll'lll\"~~~ --~"'lllllillllllillllllillllllillll~~llillll·!644llillll!•!.2!.03~-ll!o!•llillll~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ E1IDJmE1filI E LEE • . :Oi '. • • • , 00 ' •Oi I . \_ 0 I •
• '
• • ,,
' •
FROM Fash ion Island
. .
' ( ..
•· , , · · "'"''( C.nLer 1'1111nl•hOn1. OfOllt SpO!• Occ S h . Ch l . C S d •. ) 111.p onic ora e in oncert atur ay "'""""'···'"·"·""'"""·'''"""'
6;00 tJflO EDmmCDNt ... s 1 :00 0 1~ I )Thi fllnu1on1s
(J IQ U J ·21 6 (;29 I ) Mt_.I 0 11 6 10 ffi l idsv1ill 0 l & l1k111 l11k1tb1ll Con! d r6 l1n ntlRe Tu•tdt
trom S30PM l1~1rs 11 Ch•~ago O ut 1l llucs ll unnJ
Bulls (8 lY I Cl1uroom
r6 ,Courbhip of Elld1c'1 ratllu Q Mowit : !CJ "Kiu of fire" !1dvJ
I lh1 LllCJ Show ·~~l•cl 1'a11nc1, 8a1b111 Rush,
l ilt fllntslones ID l rothei Bu11
Stu Trek 7,)(1 f) (,. 8') 811lty'1 Co1111ts
Simplemtnlt Mu11 Q ~l 6; ffi lntk H1fh, Pliv1te
Hod2tpoda1 Lodi;• lye
J11r1e Stoo11s (J Mo1mon T1ber n1tl1 C11011
6:J0 (.6 1'11 l }Hoi:an's Htfot! 16 Ultra M•n fl Mo,ic (C) {90) "Ensiffl Pul.' fl 17 J lOii's C1n1
,u" !coml '6A -lloben wai~er. ,10 Wor:d ot Wonder
! 1 .13 l6 1 t~ (Ll lhw1 I (D Elementary News 0 Dick Van Oyt1 · (D CountlJ Mu$1t
flOi Mtl"f Grlllin Siio., 1:00 8 ('lO a I Scoot1·Do6
It S"lCI(!\ I Pinotchio ll ,61 rn Add1ms F1m11,
Hislof"f or An Joh" W1yne l~e~11r
Ltvint Et sJ 1 6 Mol'lr : "Loi n Sht rk" f01<1) ·~ 1
~tv•I• -GeorP,e R~11 Ooroth y Hai:.
Desert Thrur1 0 17 3 Supe1 Friends ED littlt R-sc1ls I 8 lhr Flintstonrt 110 Vis:on On J:OD e f3' D rn Nt'tOS m Movie: "hl1nd lhKuf ' (41a)
(6.1 Movie: (2hr) "Miidred l'iricr" '52-Glyn1~ Johns, Dd.,d N1.~n.
(d11) ·4 ~ -Joan Cr1wlord 1'6 Voice o! Tokyo
[8 Animtl World ff:! Sesimt SBee\ 0 Wl11t's My Lin~! 1:30 Q J l r,, 'lOi ffi [mu21ntJ + 4
I!) Mod Squid ( 8 1 B1iltf5 Com1b
(1 7 (3,, I ''lSrA.l i Cricket o~ lllr 0 Movie: (CJ "JohnnJ Ouk'' (dra l
lie1rth ·~4-lony C11rt1~. Poper L~ur1e
ij) Limu1ld1 @ Movit.: (C) "The Secret Seven"
flll 6J Dr12nrt \adv) '66 -!ony llu)sell.
t!) Llghb in 1111 Abru 9:00 § (r'l9 18 ) My f1voritt M1rti1ns
( '29 () ') Amtriun Horst Show , 'l) r6i 10 ffi Bulch Cas1idr
I U ,rimtr Amar Movit : "Dtllh Yallt)"' (wtSI
EYtllt" LltilKlt ·~&-Robert LCll'l tr y Helen Gilbeil.
Speed Rae.tr 0 '11 ( J)Us!it'~ Rescue Ranten
7;30 DuJty't Trail (SJ C;irtlXln C11niv1I OJ (6l [OJ Hollywood SqUllH 8 M:1ttr Rogu~· Ntighbo1hood
E\rphant ~or 9:30 ( '29 8 ) Jr:innit 0 Coli~tntration ''23 16; JOi ffi Stu Tit k O"'• l nttchrd ( 6 1 Movie: "Hunter ot the U11-
(11, (3J To Ttll tt1t Trwth lnown" {my~) '&r..-Gtorgt Ard1son.
I Will Street Wtt' § '7' ll Ghost Chai.ers Unt1mt~ World : Srsamt Slltet
E1crn1110 110:00 (.;l:9 i 8 )(8'Pro fD11tb111 Ot· Ghoul liitne rroir Lion~ at Miami Dolphins
7:45 [ ~'FCIAL 11.lnlt t nd th• Thrtt §" r6) '10' m Slcmund
Btar1 'i7' (3 ' Brady !(ids
1:00 § ~-rj') ril C.lucti's Dtpl . Movit: {C) "~II Thal Hr1ve11
· Ci')LlOI f7j ~j'ojd ' Sori Alktw'I" (dr~/ ·~&--lane Wyman. 11)~l (D ' Al A VtlJ m Movie: "Drive a C1ooktd Mile~
Mr1ry Crid:tt (dra) 'S4-M1cAry Roon ey,
(:) Miiiion $ Morlt: (C) (2h1) (l) Gospel Jubilee
"Nithl liialltry" (dra) '69 -Joan tlN Alhed Hitchcoc~ PrtHnts
Crawford. Barry Sulliviln. § Rolltr Games
l obb r Go!dsbo1t Show lO:lO 123i Qi) !lo1 ffi Pin\ PJnlhtr
Tllt lold Orlt1 Movie: "Btllt ol l~t Nintties"
LI Stfto11 Joven lcoml '34-M3t 'fjtsl.
(iiJ W1niors B1U.elb1ll Warriors V1. 0 (11J 131 ffi Mis1lon: Mag ic
Poftl1nd. ffi Mister RoRen' Neighborhood
I W1shin(ton Wetl in Rnitw 11:00 Q 11} (Tl lfOJ ID The Jr1sons
lt Matstra Mender 0 L]7) l :l J ff) NCAA football "Tlit
l1p1ntie Llnpac• l"ro1r1M camellia Bowl"
l!lO (~ Cf1l Roll Out! f6)Tiju1111: Window lo tht South
0 Hallmark Halt of Fame m Ne'"
*THE BORROWERS 'i6'Tht1t1r 26
The story of a family ff:) Sesame Sheet
I 6 . h I II ll:JD Q fiil6J ~ol ffiGO! ... on Y inc es a 161 Movit: "P1role, Int." (dral ·~~
C) l:p (6) lfQl ff)] J,Ec1AL I Hall· -M•~hatl O'Sh~I. [velyn An~~rs
m1r\ Hal! of rime "The Borro,.. '10 It T~~es A l h1tl
ers" Eddie Al~rrt. Tammy G11mt5' m Ad lib
0 (]], t'.1 1 rn [ ~·(tlA~ I A Christ· ID M o~1t: "fr ands i~ \ht Haun!·
mas Carvl (R) Hf Houi.e" (com) '56 -M1tkey
(8 1 News Conferentr Rooney, VirRrn•~ Welles,
Mtl"f' liiriltin S~o• aJ Ch11npionship Wrest!lnr
Cityw1tclltrs (RJ
Novel• Afternoon
J1p1nne Tr1vd '''i""' 9:00 , 12:00 D SurndipitJ 6 Enchanting Modern 1 O Movl': "fivt !iiave' to C1i10" * Version of "MIRACLE (dial ·43 -A~1m lam1roH
ON 34TH STREET" (:)Movie: IC) "St1nd al Apach•
0 (...,, '111 rj1 [ S,f(il' I Mi r. Aiwe(' (""ts) '53-Hutl\ O'Brioo. ~· l" · I.!!.! Lantu 1ct1 on l tth Str"I Controvrrsy l (61 Eduu tion at won.
over tht rl.istenct of !ht rt1I Santa , Misttr Roa;ui' Ph i&hbol'IKlod
Cl1us !hr01111 big busintss. lht l1w, • lrivtlurt
iOYt1nment •nd scie nce into a . ,,,... iG, I IKlhday hullabaloo in !his TV vt r· 12.)(1 . 'tf,. (!) ~ N~t Spft a1 Edllio~
sion of the l!M1 motion p1clurr I : U.~~avyree ~~:!~~Ones ! 1:00 · o:J @no'E?;'lP10 Footb all 'IT,'"'~ l.'E\ I i•tCi1oL I Ju Ii e P1nsbu1~h Steelers at San f1an-
<!!J 14! ~ · • S C•!C.O 49er>. Andie~• Chns~mas tloW r6J Movie: "Two Gun lady" (wes) Th01 W1ek 1n Pro Football ·~~ p c ,11, ,., ~~ c· ... u---egg•e a "'"' _m, rn rne GJ Soul Train : Mart~rp'leer .Th11t1.r (Rl (El Lind ~ tht Glan!s
• LI Cnada !lien Cr11d1 [26 Rolltr Games J1p1~ti.r l•nru•ct Pro2r1m I futbol-S0<ctr
9:30 · LI .H1tna 1:30 ( 19 8 ) L8 Speed Bugg
·' Yanety , , Movie: (CJ '1he Spoilen" (!';es)
10:00 • ~@ [!;!, ffi Dffn M.rtin '5&-/eTI Chand!e1 , Anne B.11•er. ~o m IE i1 Newt I m Mister Ro~tr~· Neighbor~ood
I .•. hi ' II 2;00 0 (J! ..! ) }!!Mt and th1 PuJ!Y· 6 12 I t ry tah
0 BE ST BET! BORG NINE g Mov1t: "Ridtr on A Dtad * AS VINCE LOMBARDI 1 Hori.e" (we11 'f.2 -John v.~yan
0 '17 IJ ·CEJ l••tCOA\] Pol1rail: 0 17 :J rn~BC'1 \'i1d1 World
Lt~end in !iranitt !tit la1t V•nce o! Sports UCL~ •; Nnrth C~ro ma
! ~mnard1. rt·~S•d!"d one n! 111~ Ba;~~t~a11
lone~\ toolball (o.teheJ me ~amt (a lntern 1tion~I Ho~r
h~' e•!I ~ll()"'n, !S lht SYbjtt! ol m Combl1
!h•S fu:<1 o1 two Portrail prestnt;i ffi Mo•ie: "frl ntlJ 111 tht liaunted
!ions Lrn!5t Botgnine slars ii tt11 1 V1r~1n•a Wellt'. IJ~••d Jdi)\•n.
f•try c~ch and Colleen Oe,..hursl tD Sesame Street
s1ars •S li1s "''It 12:30 O (1q a ) Everylhing's Archie
I Finn11 l mt 10 Movie: "Glory at Sea" (.!d•/ ·:;2
10,30 T1I~ Bati: l1 tvor HowJtd. Sonny lu!tS
Twihtht Zon1 t!) tu!bol·Socctr
Loco Y1l<lc1 1 3:00 O Dusr,'1 Tftrhou"
Pr1i1t the lord Club I e 1 Sherloc-Holmes Tllt1trt I
11.00 Q 0 rn ff' ffi Ne'" Q Mov1t: (C) "Sc:ilplock" (W!5)
fJ J\8 1110, ll 'O Ne•s 1 'G~-f.Jalr Robertion, I 0 Bob Bayd Show/USC B11~etbal! W Movie: "In Old Cat1!orn1J"
T1011ns vs Sin1~ Clari I ("'e~\ 42-John Wayne.
f6 1 Perry M1Min 116 w"''!I~~
§ RoUtr 1ii1mr1 ffi M1)!tr Rogers' l'ltithbo1hOGO
To Tr:J lllr Truth ( 2q 8 I rat Albert
Get Smart I o,,m, [17 I J Livin2 E1sy l :JO OEBtfT le•rning tin Bt fun
O.o "!Ired Hitthetck Pre~nl! Stymour Pr~Jtnt5 (1" I ) Tr1i11 Wtst ffi Tht Y1rgino;in
11:15 rn C1nt1na ).i ED z~m! 11:30 EJ (~re ,J ::i&CIS lilt Mol'i': (1~ 8 )Wr,1; '" RtYltW
~Cl '7 fKtS ol Dr. LH" (far.) 'L~ 4;00 () Birnwtn1dos -ro~ Randall. Barhar~ [d•1 1 J (Jq a ) TIH1 Wttk in Pre 0 0.::1 (61 'i'Q:I m Johnny Ca1Jon football -0 11' '3 rn ln Concert 0 1mpu1o
[t 1The Ptrsu1d1n 'o Wild Wild Wt~1
IJl·:t..:. I~
!'>\'.\ll'llU\lt' l"l ll lll.\1.1·: -'l'hl' Or:lnGt! t:oa~t College t:on1 -
1111111J!1 ~1n1phu11l<' \ li•1r;tlt· 11111 pri•Sl'll\ <1 t 'hnsllllHS t•1111-
l'1·n ,11 ll p 111 S;1111rd.i.1 1n Ilk• Urun~L· Cu;ist LollegP Judi·
111r111111 l'rugr.1111 Hu·l udt· .. ",\lagn1f1cP11l J•rin11 1·0111"' b\'
T11n1:1~ l.111 ... 11" \'1 •tur10 ;111rld ··.\J1d1J:hl r.1a:..~ for "Chri .. 1-
111,1' hr1 \I.in· 1\11111111 .. l'hitr'Jfl!lltt'1r Atl1n1!'.>S1on Sl.50 lor
o1dul1, .11ul 'i lu1 1•lnlf!rt·ll ;1111.l :-.tUdl'lll'>
'J"llHOl)(;JI DEC, 21
Clll':'\:TY I· \I ll -Cl1r 1s11nas "(lid l' nu 11 Irv Fairt'"
J·:xh1IJ1!11111, fl';dt11'UIJ! ;1r1~ <uld c·rHfts 111 :111 1ncd1a.
T111·'1L11 Sund,1\ \l1u ~1·r11!1:1ll'r Culturill Ct·nler. 1:!01 \V. f\l:il-
1l'rn 1\l l', l•ullt·r[Ull 'l'hruugll l)t·c. 21. 1\dn11~S[On rrcc .
TlllHH.:t_:ll l)i''.C. 23
('llH IST\1.\:-0 ~t.Y -t:r1ff1ll1 !'C1rk Observatory is prrsc11t111g
11s <1n11ual L'hris1111:1 .<: ... 11nw , "Christmas tiky" It l'311 b1.• st•1•n
:d11·n1oun" ;111tl !'ll'l1tllJ.:'> through Dl·c. 2:l C•ill !2lJJ
li11·ll!!I lvr ~llu11 llllU''
TlllH>LG ll i)L~C. :!:!
llOLIO\\' f .\llt -l'1 ·prwr lrL·1 • ~·;1 1rt·. 1514 \\' !lro;1d·
11 :1y. ;\1111h1•111i. prt·~l·n!<> 11 Chr1~t1nas F;urc 1~t1h h:.1n1h-
~ r;ilh·I! g1l!s .111d 1•11iPr1 :1l111nt·11I Hours: lO a .n1 .-9 p.rn.
\\l'tl11t•sda.v lhr•1ugh S;1turday ;ind uoon ·G p.n1 . Suntl<1y,
lhrutigh Dt·t 2:1
UEC.:. 11-~::
ll(>L ll)A\' ISALLl.:'.T -H:dlet l':ltirica (Laguna BC'aCh CIVIC
l{all~•t I pl'l'St'lllS Ill> ;JIHlllid \'llri~l!ll<lS gifl lo lhC (•On1111llllil y,
tht: holul:1v ll:ilh·t ··Thi· Nll!er:1cker." Four 1natinel'S and
-;j -. l'\'l'IHJig p1·rforrn:1nct·~ arc scheduled: <.i i 8<10 p.1n. l)t'l'.
l.f: 2-:iu :u1d ll ::;ii p.1n. l.Jt'l'. l:i. 1l ::!fl and 8:30 1).rn. !)cc Iii ;
C:30 p.ni. !)Pc. 21 . i ·~u :incl ll ::JO p.111. i1ec:. 22 and 2::JU :1rnl
H·;\u p.111, Dt't'. 2:1 All pl'rforn1<.rnt·es will !akc place in tl1l'
L;igun;1 .\loultun 'fhC'alre. Tickt'IS ;:i re S.1for11dults and S2 for
childrl'll and SJUdl•nts. lnforn1arion and rest'r\'ations, .f!J.f-1 148.
OEC. 15
llOLIDA \' ST.\f;E SllO\\' -Chris!rnns in the ghetto is 1hc
subject of :1 holid;1y stage !'ho1v titted. ··c11ristn1as : .\l aybc
It 's All 111 .\ly ~!ind"' lo be st;,iged al 7:.10 p.n1. Dec. 15 in
1he (;olden \li c!'t Com1nun1ty Theatre, (:olden \Yest Collcgi::.
It is a "Laugh·in·· rorn1:11 bur the songs. sketches ;1nd 111011-
olog-ues :ire b} 16 f\lack ;ind Chicano student s, n1cnt;1] hcal1h
dl'pl. lr:u nt·e s. Tickets are .'1.50 general admission and 5U
f·cnts fur l'h1ldrcn und er l2.
llEC. 15
1:11,\T PAll:\l)E -The City of Long 13ciich is presenting 11s
:1nuual hoc1L parade 111 an abbrc\·iated \'Crsion. due to th('
Pncrgy t•risis. \l \11ill stnrt al 5 p.tn. on Saturday only. The
bu:1ts can be seen in the inner ca1u1ls of riaples and Aht·
1111tos H<iy.
SUPf.:r. Sllll\\' -The Santa 1\11:1 !'olicc Ucpl. is sponsonn;:
0111 afternoon of cn!crtn1111ntnt. ··sanra's Big Super Shoo'"
;it 2 11.111 Ul'l'. Jt; 111 the D1sncyl;.1nd Hotel Co11vc11t!on Ccntt•r.
t\111ong tlic t!'ltbril1l'S 11·ho plan ro cd1 cnd ure 1\lilton Hc!'IP .
[)on Hicklt•!i, John \Va ynl'. Estht·r \Villin n1s and Dinah Shore.
The star-studdrd l'l't•nt is to benefit Orange Cow1ty under-
µril'ill'ged childrC'n. Ticker s :ll 825. $15 and SIO ;ire tax de-
(luctible. !11fornu.11ion. :·,58-tl!l:l.
DEC. 16
llOIJl)i\ Y ll ElllTAGI:: -"l'hird annual Chris1rnas fps1ival
:it lh:1·11age S11u:irr. AVC'/lll{' .f3 and !he Pasadenn Frl'l'-
w:1.v. Lo~ /\ngelt·s. lland11.:raft itrn1s. foo<l booths. cntl't'!~1in-
1nt·11t. S;1111a . n·u1dr1·r~. pll PPl'I sho1\'S and a tour of !he
1!;1)l' Houst· li'lrc:1 IUUO I I/our~ 1-4·:!0 p.111.
llEC. 16
('0 '.11\J L":'\'I T\' CA ROLS -O!•si~n. a con1n1uni!y Chr1~!•11ns
t ;1 rul fl'\11ur1ng lhe .\-lclod.\·l:ind Con11nunity Chorus. si11grr
.John llal\ and a p;tgcant. 11·1ll take place at 3::10. ~:30 and
7 .~o 11 rn. S11nda,\· 1n i\lelodyl;inci . opposite fronl Di:;nl'yland,
.\n:1 h\·1n1 Fret• :1dn11ssiu11. lnforrnill1on 7it>-8890 .
llEC. 1 6·2~
Dl'.'.C. I!!
l'O.\CEBT · ll ,\Z,\.\H -The .Jo\s tlf l'hr1srn1as (a concrrt
lnr1:1,!r. II di l:tkt j/l:ll'.t' Dec I!/. fro1n i !u Jl) p Ill. HI !ht·
l)l'L' 0111ironurn. H:11.aar f('H!llres gdt booths, rrinkets ilnd
h11hday toot!. 1'hc concert ll'ill uflL·r a fulk·l:ornPdy group
:lnd f'hild re11's l'h01r. ,\d111is~io11 . ~l pc1· person and $.150
per f:11nily.
DEl'. 19·2 1
1\IEDI E\'1\L Cllrt!ST\i.\S -Hl·n;usS<ln('t' Chrt!iln1:is part1·
bcncfiuing l1~tt•n('r-su1>1X>rled r;1dio station KPFI\. ta kt'~
pl:tcc lrorn (i p.in. 1u 11 p.1n. !lt'l'. 18-2~ 1n rhe llolh·11·ooO
J';dl:id 1tllll ~lt•r r1 e Cllr1s1n1as F':11re 11dl inel ude " cOuntrv
Cr.tft.s .\l;1r k1't ft':t!urcs 1111ustr1·ls. 11111ncs. 1uggll.'r:;. a nieci ·
1t·1·;1I f.1 shion sho11 ;i nd er;if!s boo!l1s
DEC. '.!G-2~
l._\S LL'\IJ:'\:,\1111\~ -L;1 Ftl'Sl:l d1' las Lu1n111u r 1a.~ takes
plai,:r 111 rhe Ca~:t Aclo!x· dt~ H;1f:1rl , !:l:lO IX::i ro!ll1' Dr .. (;Jrn-
d:dt'. Eit·nt 111eludl'.:. rcfn·shrncn1s. (·ntert~1 1n1lll:n1 :1nd pin·
a1a-brc;1k1ng cere111on.1 tl1lurs: 0-!• p.111 . !lee. 2t1, l-~ µ:in.
a nd 6-9 p.1n. lll."C. 17-18. Fr('(' :idrn1-;sion
rru~ R•1on O'Ncol
1 & 10:27 l".M. IRI .. ,
g,;4 l'.M. (10
L \S r'ltSAOAS -(llvf'r:1 Str1•PI Natil 11 y Sf'l'llC. wi!h ~~ Ill e·
sized fi gun·s: lih1nHn<itl·d n1gh!ly at lh•~ i'l::i7.D. 1r1th ;1 L:i.;
!'os<.Jfta!'; cclf'br<1t1011 each ev1·11ing ;1! 7 p.m. Old Pl;17;1, f.(ls
Angeles. Alvarado Boulc\·ard across frorn Los Angel1•s tr;11rt
sta11on .
CA LL THEl'.il!E
MATIN!:F. SC HEDU LE ;:=======;.-=:==;·~~~~~-"'"--=,....,.,,.-~___,. __ ~--IG •
FAMILY TWIN CINEMA Founl~'" Y~llc-y 9U 17~8
l'l••l lo Gomto Storr . At ro" trom L•nbrook Harclwart' ,
~ o •'' I •• I .,,.,
""~P'"' IOe,.ch l'hun~ ,,IJ·MJ.>U
Roar once again
with the original
movie cas.t ...
fl ri lngo Prem1rige1 Production
~ ... :.. !
m .lllrtcl Mitchc0<k '"""h 0 ,17 3 CD ABC Supt11!1r MD'I·
(!) Ho11or Thra11t ie 'Ol1v•1 J .. ~,! i nd lht Arl!ul !~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12:00 ,6 MO'tie : ''Thi Till lit" ldra\ 62 Uod~tr r.1rt I ------f'~ul H~nre•d. ll3 thletn H~i~t~ 110 Nfl t'ifmt ol lht Wttt
The DAILY PILOT packs economic
information for daily delivery
O l'ltshritlt Mu1ic "lJ c:i _.oict or Ar11culture m Movi1: "All .l.hou\ Ivr" (dr11 16 !ht Wilburn Broth~u
·so-Bel!e Da~is, Annt Ba•l•r. 1· Mr. W111rd ll:lO (I 1 $11.,.nw Tht:atrt · C.n1diaR o\d~tn\urt
(:) "•shillt Music · • P1..011m1 Lati no
I :DO D lU!l m Midniaht Sj)tc1al LOR YOl<t ol A111cul\u11
1in1 ' Messina. Leo !Iott•~. 81lly 4:30 lu,1 Natural
Prestlln i nd M~rl 1 n Mull RY'I! , · lnq u.ry g Mtwit: "Mi n in lhe I ton Masi;'' ( 'l.' High Ch1p1r11I
(dra) '39--louis tilyw11d 110 It P1ys lo It l2no11nl
I 00 D-, !'i'l Nf'lr' Eil P1~11a Continuada
t :lO .. llnclmtf t llock tontert l QJ [j) It T1\tt A Thitl
I :U 11f1wtr. (Cl Nl1l1nd ol lht loSI" I l ilt An6ttson
(dr1) '51----Aichard Green e : lo116t1, I Can't Htlr Yow!
2:00 GJ 11-NiJM Sllow~ "l>ta!h ray1 in • Agr1cul\11,, US~
Dtll1tt,"..,,, I• tht Sky" C·rr " •
J :" Hit!...., .t Art CC• l•'"'" )\ .. Gomlt IHI •r>d L llt•A'"""
):Jt W-• tCl ''T-11•" ~"" fl;•I~ con1rol: AnQ'llW'r Vlt"" ~ ... I• • ,, T1>urtd1y, OKrmo.r IJ, •I I '\r)
•:" C1rr•~...,•• t( I t> L•l<n"""'
cl'lllClre"'' 11'1(1'111.
•·Jt EIKMC ,.,..,..,r
l : .. S•-J!tftl , ... T1't OrNI ( .......... ((M'lf"'
' L•IMl'I J$ ''TN W1l9l'l••"<1 \;•~"'"'
TM l'lioll ('Oii ol ...... WtlDn' ~~ ..
r•~h••• cOVI"" c11~"'' •"~
t(l(l fflO (l'!tl r ctltfl. ,,.1 ...... 1
1 00 (htR tit W•Y ·f"l P1'1 Po,ohnq
~n~ "~'' "''11~• •II'• · t f ""'" • Tu~,u~· o-, .. "''' II •I l JO "o,
r ·Jt Mtkh•ci r nu1<11 wnr~ 11.1 W•.1n
1:4S lmt9f• 1no M•mO"'' . ""~'"' ,,, •• , """ .,,,_,,,,~,1.1"1 o.tfmb•" 11. •• .l tS , ,.,
1.00 A~"O<U•l 'nflllld Ir!• P•t>•
-I t>P 1•'11°"~'~'117·• 1~ I~ l~~·r' '''.,., ,,.~,,,«! +M • "'"ti
•·10 (o .. !h(lj I 1,,.,lltM ,T V"•v'
""I • ''"'" 11,/~l'' l>"!l'lu• N•I''' t•~ • rJ•~m~ ~1"~' C•
'urlt~ 1...,,n, r
SAT., DEC. 1Srh
Tickets Now On S11le
548.J 552 , 548·4701
Orange Coast businessmen, man ufac turers and con-
sumers all buy the DAILY PILOT'S package -by the
carload, They know we deliver the information they're
looking for. Maybe you have some information you'd
like us !o wrap in an ad and deliver for you. Our brand
name is a familiar and respected one in t he Orang•
Coast area.
IPe'regoud at fin ding pe ople and jobs, too
G'et htf./1 fa.rt 1i1it h clit.r.rificd t1d verlisi11g
~ Ballet l'aclfica 11 .a-
guna Beach ('ivic Bal-
!c t l µresent ~ its annual
l'hri~tn1as ballet. "'!'he
Nutcracker'' tonig ht
througn Oer. 23 in the
l.a guna ~t ou!ton 'l'l1c a-
trc. !!ere. d ancin~ ll'f\
to right. arc ~l ar.v Sa.v-
cr~. t'harJc<; ('ol~an
:ind Elizabeth sn~'tlrr.
Sec lloli<l<ly Hall{•! a!
left .
80111 CoJ01-Aoted I G I
(Elizabeth l ; Taylor
j\sh '
I Wednesday"1
HenryFondJ .,·.cf
WEfkOAYS 8:40
So!,•Sun. l ,00, S:20
8,40 f1ND
Adapted by PAUL SHY RE
· 1.1·~11ir1>:0 1,11~1nwij
/!J '~i'i1/ 1Jl.lA\LU) U lNJ[LI/"
DEC. 26 lhru JAN. 20
, •• OD!H '". o/ , •• 1'1•n9• " la •MO•,.
P.••Ml '"""'' '"" •~,110•'•'• or ,.,a .. • """,..... 101 ,.,~ o; r••" <••ld•M ,
... :01 [t:.r: .... lJI, '""'"'°'"' , .. , ... ,°'"'''" -""''""""°"''""""_.,_
moM.411. Q11191 t<U ,_.. 1'11•
"'· & -. Oll'9t 1.-1 , .... .... ".., .. ., . ._,,.
M llAl'I -D O.S to»m * w.t!"1'1!-00.~U
MAR80R 8LVD. Dftw.·IR
s ... a S....·•-•o•o"'
ORANGI Dfl'f'e·IR 1 A I r .... Sat. a s..n.-• • .., to• pm ,, .. ,...,, .. ........,.. ",,._ s ........
'•mlly fun!
"'•f.lt•l •er9eln• G•~••!
f, ..... , ,,
•t l•"'<>~ St.
5~'> )'>16
"IJl(lll'M ACTION" i»Od 12/l)
L,,..eln ~ ••.
81l ~IHO
111111 ADULI MO'l'IU '
t i .I MIDNtG+lf COWtOT !II
(~.) l OVllS & OTM(t SllAHGllS
(3.} WMlll'S l'OfltA (I I
~ ... o .... . ,, ...... ,,
••-""'" !S•.1 961·1'11 ---·--THI WAT WI WIU l"I .... ....
........ 11 ••.
~ .. . .. ,, .... ..
'>J 1·1711
1 ........ ~·1 -·~ ... ,~ •···· ' ........ ,_,,
111 186?
, ........... .
..... •' ..... u
Son O!••• ''"• r. .... 1,.,...
0 1! ..... .
41l·4~4 S
itwOWI# I ....0.~W
l'llll I OUStlN llOfl-.ut
Llnll llG MAN ,...
. . . -. -.
Ch.ri st111a s
Carols At
K OCE Look~ Chorale Shares J\'Jission
At • Ameri('an
Chrisl1na s' I ts Christmas Prese11ting ,_.
Mystery Chap1nan
''An Evening of Christn1as
Carols" will be presented by
the \ViJ!iarn Hall C.'horalc and
Orchestra flt 8 p.in . Saturday
in Chapnian College ~ll'n1orial
Hall Auditorlurn . 3.'JJ N.
Glassell St., Orange.
Chorale, under till' dirl!ctinn
<>f Dr. \\'1llian1 fl, llnll ,
f!ssociale professor o( rnusic
at Chapn1:.in has pcrforn1ccl
be fore audirnccs throughout
~~urope <ind is al'cl:tin)f'd fur
its American appcaranet·s.
More L ha n 150 sinJ{crs
\.\'il l pt'rforn1 lhrf'{' different
tyf)('S rir t..:hrisl111:is n111.~1c dur·
ing lhc t·o11e1•rr. B1·i.:lnuin~
\.\"i1h f:11niliar carols such us
"I \\'nnder <lS J \V:1ndr r," the
Choralt> 11•ill offl·r traditional
C!1nshnas songs for audience
partic1p:i1ion . ~1oving to 111orc
unusti:i! srlcctions, rhe group
tlrt111 1r1ll sing <::irols frotn
rounlru•s throughout lh l' 1rorld.
"\l/ondl•r 'fillings,'" a rarely-
pcrformed work for harp and
chon.LS by the Pulitzer-Prize-
"'inning ron1ooscr John l..<t
f\lontainf', 11·!11 climax the
performance 11•ifh <1 multi-
media prt'sentation and nar-
ration nf fh(• !h<'tne.
j ·t~ ..
ll. •; :
.j /"'~t
I :;
NEW MIRACLE -David liartma n, Jane Alexander and 9-year-old Suzanne
Uavidson star in a new musical version or t he holiday favorite ··~1iracle on
:!4th Street." 'fhc two-hour ~pecjal to be presented at 9 o'clock tonight on Chan-
nel 2.
Mormo11s Do
A star-studded P u b 1 1 c
Broadcasting Service hour-
long holiday special. hosted
hv Hurt J.a n1·aster, takes w!l1<'
ufiu:-u<i! looks at C'hr1strn 11~
at 5:30 p.n1. Sunday. !Jee 2:1.
on Channel 50.
'fltc progr:un ".\n !\meric;lri
Christma~: Words and
f\.lusi('," featuring-,/an1cs Earl
Jooc!t. Linda l .. 1vin. F'reda
l·a,•111· ,1nd Peter 'i'arrO\\",
brifigs lo life soine of the
va ried and at tin1es
ncgrHivc -reactions tow.'lrds
the l1ohd;1y found Jn Arnl'rican
litc1Jl11rr and song.
''Individual fel·lings
Christn1as .'ls a p~:rsonn1 thing
i.<; the th('me of this sl10\1·.''
said the produi.:er }Ind l\'ri tt'r
Bo Goldn1a11. \1•ho h\l'> 11 rittl'n
scrcC'nPlays for n u mer o ti s
television st"ria\s_
Gold1n11n , also a lyricist. hns
!l'iHlled Ul> with ('()!11\)0Sl.'I°
(:lcn !'i!Xfnn IO 1\T/!C SOnlC
origi11a\ Christn1a.: s on g s
performed on the sho"' by
Freda Payne and Peter Var-
Ut h1·r nn1~1c on the prograrn
1<; provided hy th(' ll arl('nl
Childrt•n's Chnrus :.ind \ht!
C:Olumbus Doys Choi r ,
Princ eton. ~cw Jersey.
'J'h~· Los 1\ngclcs i\·h1S[C'r
Chor:1le and S t n f u n \ a
Orchestra "'ill usher in !he
holiday season wit h t h i.'
poptdar "Christmas \Vith the
1'ht1 r;ilf'" cont'<·rt ,d ! Ii r
IXworhy (0h<1 ndll·r I ':l\"d1un
l k.!i.:t·inl>cr 15
Under the direction of Or.
Huger \\'.1~ner. the UXl-vo1ce
l'horal group "·ill pcrforrn the
101·ous B a ch Cantata r,3
"Chri stians C1'lehra1e This
IJ.1\ ... 11 hich 1s l.1t:l1r11·d tu
ha\'e been first sun~ on
Christ mas l)ay uf 1723.
Al:-:o included in the concrrt
11·111 be. "\{ejo~ce. in the Lord
A!h\·ay." by J·lenry Purcell.
tl1e l3cnjamin BriHcn "ll y1nn
to St. Cecilia." and a group
of f~Hniliar carols in 11•hich
!he Chorale will be joined hy
1'he llan rlbcll Choi r of lhe
Neighborhood Church or 1':110$
Verdes. It \\'ill be thtJ third
year in which the Hilndhi'!l
Choir has appeared on ttH:
Christn1as concert.
Of special interest on the
progratn will be I he
nerfor111an c1• of "J ust For
Torlav" bv B\:1nch~· Ebert ~~'.'i'·f.r 1:-iirs. Frank Hol!er
Sca1·(1r 1. 1'. 1dCll' \.. no 11 11
lhroughout nus i1re:i fo r htr
many i:hilanthropic and ci\"it· ,---------Admission is $3.50 for ;idulL<>
nnd Sl.50 for sruden rs. Acl-
di!ional inforn1a1ion 1na.v bl'
ohtaincd lhrough the College'~
Cultural 1-:l'en!s Officl', !7141
633-8621. ex!. JOO.
Museu1ns Open Doors
Duri1ig the Holidays 'Me ssiah' ;=::=====;1
I lt:inder s '"'.\-lcss1ah'". the an .1
Looking for sunicw lirrc !o 1\nunal.'> froni ;1)) over 1hc nual Christrn:i~ offcrin.1-! nf lhc1
lake the rhlh1 rrn during the \1·orld an: p:ir! of the Los ~oulhern California :\lor111011 :
Chris!1nt1s •·acJtion? Angele.~ Zov. for /1ours and Choir 11·i!J be pcrforn1cd al l
;uln1 i~sion prices. call 1213 ) R:30 p.rn i)ec. 22 in th e The Los Angeles Ci t y fi66·4650. Dorothy Chandler Pa\'ilion of i
Rccrea1ion and Pnrks Dep!. tile I.A)~ An nl'lt'S ~1u~ic Ccnto-r.I h:.is-sei•cral muscun1s and 'fhc Va]l{'v Pl.'11.a Nature "
Genier. i91i Laurel Gro ve Ainong solois!.~ who 111il! h1' facilitil's of gcnt'ral interest h h . bac•·.,-• hv ll>c 12c,.,.0icc> choir 1 I A\'C'., ::is many au t entic 1\-.'l.I
Give Him Hil&riou5.
I ,,.~!:'~J ....... al oo;;IU;;1 Al(00;011
"M * A "' S "' !""
~: "':°1 :~ (";'".", :•· ,""
"i'l1l')CC::-i·r ..
~ ... T. "'l l1tll & ;,11
SUN. a.f 11 t. l
a FOUNIAIN YJUllY .,,t' . .!:'~D ~1IOOJ;u,;i-Ail01j;o11
"e;,T7LE OF THE '.': t.NCT
OF THE t ;>es·· ~"'(,) ~lusic and n1 u s i c a l in-
stru1nents front ill-.naiss ance
Europe arc intel'\l·o1·cn 11·ith
gospel rt•nding frmn the ~e"'
Testan1ent to recrc;i !c the
spirit or celebrations 0 r
Christ's hirlh l!\Oft! than <lflO
years ago. on .. A ltcnaissancc
Christrn a!'." al 8 µ.nt. Dec.
22 on Channel 50.
Opt'n dai Y· artifacts froni the. s an <111d a s.1·n1phnny orchcstra 1
The Cabrillo Bc.'lch tllarinc Fernando \'alley area on under the direction o f MA•INl HAlDWARE f\·lu~·unl, 3720 Stephen \\'hHe displny. including inincrals. Frederick Davis. 11Ht be !x1ss-:'! ===========::'!~~~~~~~~~~~'.":'.
•• "' "N::::PTUN'! '·f\Ci O i."
Drive. San l~t'dro, is open for Indi an arrowheads .'Ind a live b.'lri1 one Robert H:1\r or !l1c l·
group tours from 8 a.m. to IX'C' tree, for information. CJ.]! J'1c11,· York City Op(•ra <.:orn-
5 p.n1. The seaside facility f2l3 J 764-2600. pany.
inc!ud e3 rnaritime and sea-life -------------------------:
The 11111-.1<'. IM.·rformcd hy
!he 1o1•id1·l r kr1011 n Can1crnta
uf the B11.;111n .\1useu1n of F ine
Aris ~nrl rhr l;a n1era1a Motet
<.:ho1r, incllulc.:s songs of the
15th. 16!h, :11i1! rrirl y 17th cen-
turies frtirn England. Fr:in~.
Pro1·enc11! Fr;111ct'. Sp a i n ,
Germanr. nnd Ciechos \ov<1kia .
txhibits. Call (213 ) 831-3207.
Th<' (;r i ffith Par k
(Jhscrvahlr)''s !!all of Science
inrludes numerous exhi bits of
physic:tl ;ind g t' o I rig i ca I
scil'O{'t: :i11t! 111any n e w
di s pla ys on 1nnder n
astronomv . The hall is open
fro 1n 2 tO 10 p.m. Call (213)
G6+.ll9 1.
''WHAT'S UI', DOC?" 11'61
'"Al'Rll FOOLS"
"CABAlllT" t PG J ....
'"" "A MAN CALLEO HOS:<.("'
hihlrioua comedy (PG)
-~-~ Q~-,(
PL U ~ ·.Wl\~T ISNEY'S
11.-'0IES AN O COOi.OEN ... GERSl-OP EN 'Tll 1:00 P.M.
s~r .. su~.
l :UPM
"A l'ILM ... BOUT JIMI Hl!NOl!lll"'
J •nice,Joplin-C11uck Berry .::.:;: "KEEP ON l!OCl<ING"
81111 111 C<>lorJ 1'1! ·:;;:;
"a "'TTLE
THi AP'I~"
1<1r.., Bl•rk
Ch•i-llOPh~< Plummer
"~Y)(" + 'M a.R~;-0 t
Sneak P r~Yoew
Bott. In Color!
10111 In Colorl !G I
"T"'E S ... Cl!EO l(NIVE\
"SIOOH•R· ·~i~ .. fu.~ i:~~i
ln C.i1>rt !R)
S•I. I. Sun. .·.·
"PINOCCHIO" ::.\ 11:JO J. 2:)0 ,.,
m.• N;l\Jll$ ... r.t.$Ult P!OU~
A •WM--Sl'll(Y !QUOi-~
Robby Btnwn "JtRlMY"
6th WEik (l'GI
8aAND "RIZI _,....._,port....,
TV SET ,..... ... "'°'' ti.n
lilem 11)': !Oeel • "'°''" • t.i.Tltl • lh mco
pM.' .• IJl9tW ""lo<~ ch•loll
f'lU~ -J CVlO/I 0.f<TOO/o'l
8l9 -• $ • Gr~
25( ~·· ~5~ I · 1., AOMl6SION flOMtSSION ) (Ct'
'•---'---~..;;-'\. ~. ~1w1;.w:.•1+1\1'11'rlt ..... ~(f,
2nd HIT
' ''THE
-'41·0f7J "'41·RH coaTA M&U
"w M•Chffl (~int
T11lor in
CG), •
-' STEVE llliC,l IN ·~PAPILLON'' STdllTS W[O NtWPO!H LINIMA Mi QUE l N H( lF I-' J\.',,\ r-..; • flfCE MBfll T9 NFWPOlll REACH
A $11!;llfJLM·AUllMU, PittU•
TIClllllCOl0-1 "'11A¥1SIOll' H O
2ncl TOP HIT
lack~·1n ..
FllST RUN '"
,_ .. l'"f ~O ,,. 4 I ~I 'l•~~""
" , I 'le
Ull D!r.~~A t't DY~~!Y
EVill Fil.MED
P':.U<; -Rodd'( McDaw;rl/
Roger Wagner
'"Los J1 a s tor e.$", :1
Christn1as mystery play in the
traditional souU11o1•estern vrr
sion of /he /\';Hivily. 11·r!I
tx· presented at Old f\1is/;ion
San Luis lt.1y, nf'ar Ocean:-id!'.
;it ~ r 1n S11odo1y <tnd at R 1:;
p r11 ll1·dt11'sd:1) an1! Frid;i!.
.1l II 1.1 p rn.
··t..-0s PastOrl's" 1s a n1ornl1-
ty play . ch·a \1·i11g its ch:1r.'l( !1•r
and rlavor fron1 laca1 Spani"h·
lndi:1n cul1ure I! is a ctr:1111.1
of ~1ran.i.:e contrasts -g01 ... l
11·r ... u... evil: rev(•rence :"111d
J.•111~. '-'.11To11' and joy. The
p!ayt·r." a1>pcar 1n coh1rful
s1·ra p1·~ and so n1 b re r tl"
1)(•as<ull dresses and tnJntillris
i\!oot vC'rsions of "'\Ji.-.
l'astorcs" are gn·en i 11
Sp;inish, :ind a rc r at h c r
!enfilh.\·. At San Luis Bry
:'ll i~ion. the play \viii be
pro::Sented in EngHsh, exc1·pt
lor 1h1• inusic: and will he
;1ho1.11 one and one-half JUJHf"S
111 k•ngth.
Performance of •·1. o ~
'l'hc Lo~ Angeles :\laster
Chorale. current!\· in its ](Ith
~~·rison :tt the PaVi lion, is th!!
n11l 1 1.; ut .-s.-1or1at r {' s i 11 e n t
1·h ;r;1l gn.up 111 1h • .., e~ur:try
I··· 1rri-·n·~ ;J (IHI{'• I I ~.·as·i.1.
l11ln1nr H1on, 121:; 626-7211 .
P:istorcs" includC's c ho r a )
rnusi<·. a voc::il solo. and a
1r:1ditional Sp..1nish fol k da.11"'
Old ~1 ission Sau Luis BP\
1<; locnlcd four n1iles inl and
frvtn downlo\.\•n Oceanside'. 1111
~talc l·lighway 76.
6th WEIK
The entertainment
for everyone who
was ever a chUd!
2 & 4 P.M.
[)(lN ... lO
'-ELL.-; .
'l'he Now Land
2nd TO• AnltACTIOH
Wal <'
"A N11w
' .
~.· Oi
IMMEDIATE DELIVERY \il11' ·"'i•r\it•t• I)
pHrlrni•n t •·· .. ,, " .... n11"• :1 nd I a ll ( 1 lunur ..
1 r' .. 1 t• r ( por11ti11;1 . or-
111•<1 . . \ i·hu·h• ..
.,PI J·T l0·119U/I
VS, "u•om,.tic -p ow~• •let. ' rd'.l1c. hcatto
· "'9· "' I ' "" condil' · "" lur· •on1nq. (UQJ871 ) •.
ALL '73' s MUST GO!!
flFW 1974 FURY
u1r1nc ..,, . ;1ud · 1·r' 11·1•
"•1r1·1 nr~ II 1111 .' ()I",· 1'1.!ar1ll1 •.,., ......... ". J•uri•lo· .ir "' ....... 1 '' llunn r \I t•
(hare •· ""
\1111 •ri1·: ll anl..-
111 ·••• 1 ,ird. t ar11•
• I' 11', \ ' l 'll l . • ........ . 1 • "I•,....... \ l>1nt·r" ( lub nfl ....
VS , dulom.,fic ,f pt.wP• ,1,. . · ,., •o. he ~t~• we . ~""9 & b•dl.. ' .W. ~" condtti · ~•. 'op. l8 21A5G ! oninq. v11yl
. <iUIOmdl ic d" po .. er ,1 . ' t d •O, he•ler
eerong & b • SW b t. tdl..e1 ,. . • uc•el &edl . • r;ii1oning . 1· d lf Cl)n-DFB\ · v•n vl l op. ll/S-
V8 t · • • du omdlic. ,.,d; h
power ol · o. ""'"' eeronq h" • ,...11 lite• . ' ..., •le 1id e
IXtW 1a4l d" cond:t ioning.
· ~u err.d!ic r~d · l>O"~r .· •O,he,1fer
""~ring ' rcll..e•. \'/SV.' .' pow•r
,,. . .,-,,,~1 I ·1 .,,. cond ro · 79~B BEI
VB. LE MANS 2 DOOR "utoma lic. r~di . . p O "' I' r IT U<''' 0, n~~,'f' VISW . <J ·b•~•~·
' • d" cond ,. '""~"I ,. I r oon•'''l·
~I , con•ol· • I
oi;. IWJ,(904 ) ' ""\ sggs
l'OL.A !:A 2 DR. H.T.
V8 . ~ulom&fic rdd. powPr :t.erin" •O. hedlPr.
WSW . IJ. powP< b r A~el ' .,,, '~r:li•; , ' lop. !YXA9S7 1 . on1n9 , v•n·1I
. __. . .
Ser;.il #l HICOC HBbB988
:JISCOUNT 0 110 191
,....... ... .......... . . .
' •
' ;
II .> 1 I
,----------...~----------------------------------------------....... ,----------..1 The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast Mob<!.,, Horne~ 10< Sale . . 115 • 149
P91l4f'lals. • . .', Jii; -~9
Piri. afld 5vppl,.. • , , •. MO • 899
~ (,tale C.ne1cil , , • 150 • IW . . . DAl·LY Pll<)i CLASSIFIED ADS
Fit,Qnciail • • • • • 100 • m I • ll11ntal , , . JOO • 499
~ tor sme . . . 100 • 124
l.o6t ' f'OVl'ICI ' •• sso • 574
Merd1C'lndiiC. • . 800 -849
You Can .. Sell It, Find It ,
Trade-It With a Want Ad
[----6-42---56-7~8 J One Cal I Service
Fast Credit Approval
S<~oh ond h"&11ui:11on • . 5/S • m
s., "'"~ oM it.po,,, . oOO -aqq
Tran~fla!ian. . • , . . 715 • 949
Gel'}tlr•I Gentttial jGen•r•I General Ge neral General 1;;;;;==;;;;;;===;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!1;;;:;;===;;;;;~==;;;;;;;;;;;1 :;;;-;;·;;;;;;,.;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;.;;;-;;;;;,;;;.;;;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AU4tUe Sfflitli ~
Offering Service
~:f~'it ·li.><Pfdence . ; . Chn~rovWe .. r , " .·i~;, ~ ...•..
·~ '·. ~ -'A• , '~f ..,
" l • -···· '. CORONA DEL MAR ...:so:··o~ HW'I . -
Ju :i l
Jrvine 'Jerrace
$750 DOWN
.Ju ... 1 11'1J""'''~,1•d' 5;:10
1'111'.\L Ill )\\:-, -t ,i,,~111.;
'.\•·11 p11i11I ""I ,\. 111 !.;•n.:••
1111111.: 1 ••!Ill ( 'li•·•·r~ J,11 , h1•11
I ~J.\.J:-.,t. ,\l.('l.1\·1':. I 11111.1
l>~Jlll \",1 •11 1•l.1!llh·d ,,..,1
nnJHl:o.. !~•I!> "I J ... 1111
l !'i.illt•I' J!hl 'i,llH.( "i"(l [',\I.
!'HU'J< s2::.r11iu: Tak·· ;,f!.
1 I fllll.t ~i·'.. :J>:.:·fi7t.i7.
(1;-; N ~II_~• 11 <'. fUN 10 IJl ·.,w_•
General General
1101 KINGS RD. 2 Story. toinplelely upgraded. 4 Bedrin .. 3
bath, t1·plc., close tu eve rything. Priced right
l·!Jndy to Goldenrod fou l bridge to J~i g ("o·
!'Olla Beach. ('orner loca tion : cuzy :~ bd rni..
2 bath uni!, ground level. PLUS 1-hd rm. in·
coine uiu l uvcr :! car garage. $llti.500 .
l..i'r~i"on:..ly decorated 2000 sq. ft . 4 13drr n de·n. '.!l ':! 131\, 2 Iireplaces, ex p.:u1se of bric~
1•at1os. lil\\ !l & trees front glassed-in living
& dining ureas. J·'ee !anti. Priced tu .sel l,
~87,500. THE REAL
~Coastal Comm. Permit, Soil Eng. &
CALL 675-1212
Rough Plan.
CALL 644-7270
2828 E. Coast Hig hway, Corona del Mar
l~lcgan l :1 hdrni., fan1dy rn1. l~ Ulning r1n .
bon1 e \\ ilh scp. guest house ,'\r. bath. Oeceln l~
COJ tlyon VICI\-. !nnc-r ('OUJ"\;.'u!'d h:Js lg-s.. 'hld .~
& lillcrcd pool, 11•ith c<.isy-c~rc la nd .':icap!ng.:
,1\uto. sprinklers l~ lighting. Our best l.n1y·at
~ G-;neral
644-4580 OR 673-2207
*LANDMARK* WE CAN HE.LP vV.o>iuiil1iiuJi,;-:, "'J.:11:111 ...
SELL. OR TRADE A HOME General 1 A I .V :l-~ly. !'Dlllll l•~r·o·, hid~: __ _.__..._ ________ ·------· 111 Tl\t• (";1111u·r\ \'11!:1i.:1• 111·1•a.
U1.u:luaf Jn co111 e ,---. ·--· . . .
L~DOB~:~:a Bay p:~:7:~:.~ ;,ion %
Super clean! Extra !lest Ne\vport l it s. loc.1 ~~~~~:;:;~~~~::;:::~~~~
"A touC'h of the l)on::.". T\vo elegant tO\\'ll-
llouses, :J bcdroo111s, 211t baths, of luxury.
Uccp. dee p curpe ls, centra l vHcuu1n, ge1s
~Ul/'s, \.\'CL bars, 1nix centers, radiant heat.
di.J1i ng or fan1ily roon1.
lge., 2 Bn., 11.:.! ba .. J1111ncd . occupa ncy. 3 1 ~
frpl.. ]1aUo . Ji'-Ost. es-L:i:\, Jg '·den,· .for m. General j General
~~.';so~,~75~00b. Price ~~_{fo'i ri'p1c . ~5•500 RANCH STYLE 1 __ E_A_S_TS-ID_E __
· '·~ $25,000 TRIPLEX _G_en_e_,_•1 _____ , Gen«al
3 UNITS ,,.,,,.,"'1 """'" '"1' ""°'"· COUNTRY .-. OPEN HOUSE l_M_l_S_S_l_O_N __ V_l_E_J_O_ llunt. Beach. I & 2 BH., l'OO L. JUST !20.000' N~\\'
('a rp. bltns. 12 y rs. old .. paiut ins. idc. & Ullt. N!::\\.' I smlNG 1871 f!ORT 2000 sq. f!. of ii.ii.' {'Ondi liOll{'(! I
I ,.Ell 1 I ' • honie 11·11h fuu1· bt!Jroon)s. Onli1 ...:40 950 I s \;ii;. · ·~ -p ('(·ln(·:i .~· · .MA. RGATE " · -1,t1unhinl! fi'ilur.-.;;;. Nhrur;.I s1111.1\f'1l <111 n. Ja1)-:P 130¥169 Only ii ~ years youni,:.1
-~177 \ju I Id ... ,IJ,
'CHARGE' Newport Shores
Fee simple. Xlnt rent-
al. 0 n I y $59,000.
673-7420 556-8800 I 11 uol!l intcnor. Vaullt•d ,\· 1111 "'ilh to\1·er1111{ ~hadc O 01vncr tx·l:upi('d ancl spic
llf';u110J t·ociliug..... ~";unily 1 !t'l''"~· ;1 con1ro~·1n1Jle 3 BH 1 T 5 anti s1>iin. 011·11r1· 11sking: t f REALTORS m I si1.cd lx•r!roo1ns. 2.-1 fl . l'OI · '..! 11,\ llnnl(' \\"llh d1·11 uud SAT. & SUN. Sl:l,7."10. 2('~·19 1 Ft'l.!SllO Dl'ivc. J OU 0 your
('l'{'lf r1ali1>. SPA!~l\.Ll!'i'G fnJnl !XU"<.:11 r'~1u· .YO llt' roc:ker I
4 Local Offices to Serve You P()QL. Ca!..111:1 'J.-~Mi it .. 1111 11s :; RR 2 B:\, fainily l\JOlll CULVERDALE
+ o·to~in~. ~:i:;; 1,1,1, 111,._ -~··1•;1101 1•·•! ;11\,,,\' f1· .. 111 th,~ and forn1<1l ol inin;.:. Carn11•I . . . .
:i;~.j,!l;,oo•'f(IT,\l.l'l:lf 'l·:_fhin· l!f'11"l' ;1 lriph·\ \1ilh i111:on11• l'l:in 11 \th l~·aulifully air 111{' an1c111t1C'S 1>f ttus atT~• General General 1 II 1~,ri·nl •;o\ or S~·lfl/niu. ! 1.,1111tl'd fr'·nt an<! rt ''' ye•l.s 1nakt,·~ II,•:.~. fc;u,r hctl1·00111
1 -------------------' ~·r r·f1: <:" 11••11 . '.l!i::.1.171;;, ... v '' t 1 .~ '·I f 1 .. 111y $ti'.\,![~) fur ;iJ] fc<JIUriri~ lilPi·allv Lons or 1011\l < 1·.1r,1v l . or il!l}
1lPEA• T!l 9. i>s ruN 10 8£ N!Cf.• I CALL 644-7211 I in;isoin·y, opt·n 1; .. :un palio h~~'l'r. C 01.11n)un11y pool, ' ' I cr1vci·s · S.: sun dt•eks. On b1 ~·~'clc lra1Js .. !10111c h~s
I MSln l in• i.::r• .. ~nli•.'lt. a sront•s had lf'n<l~1· lov~ng care.\\e
• I I 1
, '. I thro11• rrorn 1hc pool. Only a~ offt·ring !Ins hon1r. for ~ -$71,::iOO tel' \noie quick S:i0,750. Dill .us ,o_ sl~~I\': "::'':::::':"::::='"::""="="'='.' 644-nl I Ofx'n Sat. s. Sun. l-.>. 11.132
-MOBILE-HOME--1 Luther. liT.>-/:!25
FOR SALE : $750 DOWN I ~ ...
nusual d c~ign & aµpt s in choice 2-story 1. • • , • • Ne\\' O\\'ner's un it \1·, '.! DR . J<'ll , library & 3 1-'0 _" :i:\ • 'l. UJJ :l B.\. 1 ;i1·ri.. 4 BEDROOMS ·
f I 2 Bl' 1 N h dl.11~~1. 1111 n1s . 1. rii).: s;:lfl TfJTAL DO\\'l'\~ 11 '" , rp cs. \ renta unit. ear s op~ 1\a:;til'i ,\. l'lt'"' i1,,., 1·. ,,,,.,.,,· DANDY ~ l.,_•!11'!1 I bU'l.!•' h1•d1~1t>1ns.
1 fnr 220 .u1 1'fJ11;1 k1!• 11 [ld('k tln1•d 11:,lk, l{l':l llfll ll l ea ors !'l!M I\, S!f'l ""l' S/lC(•(. l,,,,<I• <> pl;11ll<'l'S. 1:1~ k1t1 ·lu•n 11 irh DUPLEX 2111 .. $an..,l.oaquin ,l:i ills Rd. "1··~!X'd pa.tin. T hl'C'I' ~'!':-.old hny ,1 unlu11 . J.:i1·!!'<' !il1n;;
NEWPORf "'E'9'tER ._, B' 64._.910 hkc nu Lo~:alL'<-1 in nr,1 ' rooin i1·ith \'AL:LTI-;!) ('1·:11.-I l=--~--i---"~'-.:._,;>._.:..'..;":_·.::.,,: ___ '-"---1 ~'.1h1H J)k. a1vay ll"•1111 nub} !NliS. Nt:\V i'AI NT. JN ,\· $38 500 General '-1· •• ;·Ge'!ral SI. One-h<tl f hi. tl'oni t>lul '-Ot.:1". $7.·IO rolrtl rlo1vn: Sz~.J.OU , , 1-;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,::;;··:;;;;:·•:;o::;;.1 • •-~iuu8l'"-S15.995. C;d/ EVES.I month. S:Z5,:r l(l T o·r,\ L
1• Super Duper Duplex .... OCEAN,v;w--2~~:rCRBE~S· TSME EDNNTAT : ~~C1~:g ~ l~r~"~~G~7~.a• I ~ s:~~~.':~~.~11~·1:1,'.;,~·;11\·~:d"1~1t;"11\~11·::
•Neer llnrl.10r fligh Jm t•lt<· 111111 hth li•·rh J,1 \t' 111 'f'v."I), :! bt·dn1t1111, 1 ))11. f":t. On a (·!;>;11· dav you .. an I • i"Rn1!1:-.i rn1 +dining ;1n•;1 !';['(' lorr\'1'1'~ B<-:uit. t•us1 .. r11 • .. ESTATES ' !•I!•". i·,.111 1111 • i•ll11•1 n11•I ,.,11 THE REAL
\l'.nn1 a eo111hi na1ion of nv"Jun-
lntn SPclui;ioit plus seAshore I
)i\ ing' You 11n1'>! sr•• !his
:~ licltroon1, 2 ba t h
hidl'a11·11~·, Uh i1na\l' ill
11ri1":11;y -ex!'lUsiv~· COill·
111uni1y, Onl,I" S -4 7, 9 ~i 0 .
r;u;....1111 -Orcn 1•vt•s 20-1~
\\ ··s1t ·l1ff Dr.
•Top lnt·0111l' ;1 l't·a . hou1c in Cn11ln;1 1tighl:111.b , (();11S1tr111-.. Un•a ll't•111r:1I 1 <
' ;,i•Ul"•·:-.pcn.'1'" 1111!:0!1 T.-1·111:0. e \\'Klk IV shnppin~ Cdi\1, Hunll' l1as 4 litll'tn.~. '."..! ;11Toss l'•!ll 11"t'h \ ,. 1 1, f r.i '-1111 '1'1') llJ', 1k>l1n,
e SeJ)ltr1111' 1x1!i•1.~ ::1, l)a lhs, hut 1·a n easilv Con1n1 . flos p,1 1 ~,1 :Z 16.
CALL ANYTIME h1.· :. •ir G t"S"•druon1s. a !1\·0 C'O!\'T,\C'f f{,\Y, !'\\ \IG lt., 1 , I! 1 f ~, 'I t· . ho . . f<Jr shv11 Ill'..!. * ., l~ rnon1 hnn1" •huge '46-3928or Eve. 548-%426 &m".1 n:a11 nie Ol I tlltlSler BHl t /,11ntl v roon1
2211 Newport Bl.
Costa Mesa
11'h':'t!"1'C'r is n('{'dcd. J•nc(' . • 1 [+ <1('n, :{ IJnlhs, 111~11.\i cx-
$14' .. •KI. OLD COLC>~J:1 1, . ., q";" ,,,.,~ .. 1:.1.000. PETE BARRETI " .---1. · · 5 BDRM . ~ ,POOi; * ('-2 ;t.olll'. 1 1.ul~ll' B!\'11. -REALTOR-Clrcul;ir 1•11111'. 1:;Ju1,• ffnc,rs. 11~J " ,;.~~. l!h"111t1· s!l.-~).
646-8811 1
J I 552·7605
Sun/Eves. Walker &Lee Lachenmyer.
R~a lto r 642-5200 ·rilr t'n!ry. Cu11tfur1 Jl\"i11g Sll.J.(.-JO i"'"'""'""'""""'""""'"""l~ !! • ..,.__---.. ----=-"-~=--;~-~-:~~.;,.:::_""---=--"••! ~.~:11;11." ftJ-~~~;~11111 hh~~l~t:,~;1 * (i L:-..J I'S . f·:a,..1,.1ih•, ( ·,,_,1;1 1 NEW ENGLAND MESA VERDE 6 BLOCKS ~ rooni. l:ianr kilt'h('n. N('11·1 .\ll•:-a $7:1 .. ~)ll, ltlt"lllllt" $0\llJ COTIAGE • ASSUME 51/4
To Ocµ LAKE ARROWHr10 gla111 fr('('!orm pool. S\\·C'{'p --I ;". . . . _ . . . N t.lt ligh!in); throughout. Assunu· * :i'.J' , :19!1' LOT C-l l•Jllt-_ NO DOWN! Lxec11!1\C' llop1f'. Brti;ht and · I $31 i:h(•t'l"Y lh·ing nlO r?l 11 ith F"ron1 this newlu...tefurbishod • tlus VA oan 111>11: Call l•l · ,50L l~·i'.. 1'l'n11 ~. 11. , . 1 1 (' . kl. 1. 1 e· 1 Jr Grc11r ror yf'HI" round Jiving JH.f'\"ii•ii· s,12_z-,·r __ I a1111 p,tne Pr r•nT1-y . 11/) I ~..-.1 c 1ng-11·ep nc1'. rorn1a ,
GI I e Poss e'l:s I o.n · ~ & ;>!o9e to 11l<'" village 3 · · '· I l1\"1ng n11i111. l!nl\L·d hP:i r1h dinint;. IJp)'.:'nidcd kitehf'n hN!rOorns. 2 badn. ~ l;11"KC yr old Bn\•ttrian s!yle 3 lr\·rt OPfN rn 9 . 11s ~un ro GE N•Cf' Ro.y McCardle Re~ltor ru·i·pln<'•'-l-';111111~ hill·lll'n. 1 tor ~1nni ·I lar:..:i• llN'lrflOi\is.
lul ror, only• ~~(I! 'S.:lll'I' tionic \\"ilh Of){'n beam <.'<'ii -[ ~ , SI 11110 '.\, •1 1~11·1 Rh·rt., C.,\!. ~·n·~h p;11n1 n1.1 u 1 i u 1· ,. II \"arir•1y of p1'nlluL·1 111! 111.ut
!'<'i' Hi.is ode. q ~~· Ouly .iilg~ tht'U-Otll, 3 hr 2 ha , 'fl'li 548-7729 .\.11"d-.. ;-..,) d111111 nno t I •1\.1 11"•···~ .\ :11", \".,\. 1,(1.\~ Si.-~I ilOi\·n!! 646-" 1 Open + t.t>flllJh'!l'ly finislu:."11.lflsf'· ;i:: 1o1 .4 1 _ _ __ p;1_~111vr]!"·. 1"L1i 11t•1 r·r Tel .\s.-.:\'\l l::! l~1·r1·1·1hinc:
C\"l'S. 1ncn! fur play1111 or shQp. ., ~ INVESTOR~~[. ".~)(.!l."•O, ~hi~!. 1_11~1;!·~ I".;,·~: !nr ..• ~~1d1•r S47,1)()11 · l':ii l
l.J1clry fnciliLic:ii;. $36,.·,f)(). ---;";"-.-;;, -----:: "' L;1ll n(111. l'l!-.!.1~1. .ilti·Z:,1., 1~1a_\ lo !-1T
Cll:11 ·lj l-3&'9S aft('r 6pn1 or CLOSE ESCROW·1 oPCNT!L 9 ·1T S.~U'llTOBE Nlf".f• OPfN111<1 ·1/SFUN70tlrN1Cl• ~ Newport Beach "" "~"~~~~~,,,:,7~,.,1,,:~\~. ~i'[~~ ~
Nl·11· rlnJll"' 1~~1 arf'a, C.d .. \I. 5 Bedroom t.111 111 l ••n1na .J .. 1 ,\J;ir .l J:fl ~. ~
{)ll'lll'I' tii:l-0~'07 '67:.-1957. . '11 ,\llBOR J!IGJIL.\\ll"" "! H.\ O\\"IR'I"~ lllll! + S20f1 ~;;,::==~~~:;;::::::
loc:1t1on Gr('flf r a Ill I I\ ""'-.r··11tal '•':•I' 11.1rk HH.i I-I .. \Vhitr r::rep~1ant D1me-.A,Line I e·· I · ( · It I "
Walker &Lee ~l•l ll1•Tf
:-c=-~C"'=-=-===0 1 ltllll\'. rlrepaee 111 11n11l.1 r1:111:i): 1·1i111't'. t'f U1't•11 tu FOR LEASE I *SUPER BUYS* General 111()111 11-1111 11·~·1 hat". N11"(' 1 $.~1 .. 1fQ. OME ON 100 i~~~~~~~~~~~1 l~ii..: k111 ·h•'n. _:1 •,, B»lh.~. :iooo CALL 644-7211 H . , . L . ,, I Laguna Beach lot $8500 !"<1. rr Quu·k pos.~('SSion. M.lln 3 Bi.lrin.~ .. 2 li.1lhl<. !.11(:(' 2 BR d I $34 950
S11lu111t )'llur offer. Si9,!}:1o patio: S.)2~1 1n1>11lh. Bl'll ~·r B h ~p ex S49• 950 COATS \ ht1rry -\ron'! last, ,,di I eac ottage , I 1
• today~ 5 br Nwpt Hghts $63,500 I l~lllJiilifill!l""i!lifljil;iil '• J'" .. ;· ' ' 7 Income Units $59,500 \!hkLl,,AGE · B , Beach Duplex $119,500 I
'. Rtl\L:,TORS . IKE TO BEACH Call ,,.. "ddilln1"1I ;,,ro
MiM116111111 .... •I -5~1.,~ 10°/o DOWN . 642-1111
P1·in1e beach town locntion, COMPANY ,..._.._.._,._.,.,__.,...,_.._~.--..,.1 Bike to bt:'n<"h in niinule!>. RE1\LTOltS
llug(' C'Ot"llCI' lot. Boat .~ SINCE l!l-M MILLION $$$
tn1i!r1• gale PLUS s1orn_gc. 673.4400
Tiled cno-y. Brighi sunny 1 .. ..--...... -..---..
kitchen. Queen isi1.1' bed-THE SPACE RACE
1'oo1ns. Ne1v npplia 11ccs & Is your fan1ily outgrowing
soft wnter plut11binic. Large \'Our hoUSP '! Beautiful 51 :::::::!!=====:=::I
Master Charge
ona. '3 bedrooms, 3
entrance to 2 bed-
. t. $127,950.
Best ''iC\.\' in Lu~k Hurlxit'
Vle\1' 1-lills. '111is lo\•1•ly
hon1c sits out on a point
with a forevf'r 180 dc~rce ocean and C111nllna VJ('\\-.
Sl-lARP 4 IX'd1m rn, rnn1i ly
roon1, 3 b11 th~. 3 i:rir gttrai::r.
pool \\"i!h nu1ntnu lic c>quip-
ment • C\"('l)'lh111g f11r irulo..1r
Rnd <i11!door li,·\11g R! ils
besl! F'or n101·" l11f1)r1untion
call TIO\\' • 673-,1[1'."IC).
covel'e(l patkl. S.30.JlO buy<; t)(.'Clroon1 hon1e in 11N'Sfige NEEDED
it -don't \vait -c:a ll Jlarbor Vic1v 1-1o111 cs
54G-23l3 lll'i~hborhood. Forn1al d~n-Cart'('r mlnded sales rncn and p I LOT OPEN Ill 9 • ir"S FUN TO OC NICf' Ing 1uo111, JanUly roon1 w1!h !'ll ll'Sl\'onicn to 1;l•ll Orange f~· . f1n•placr. 3 b!\ths, & 3 t'flr I County proi>eri v.
\, gR t'!•J<l-'. Not lf'11sc. lnnd. V11-MANAGEM. ENT
Spacious 4 bedroom, 3;> ba,ths. Oversized
! living ro,om and dinJng roo1n, 3 car garage.
Pier and slip. $295,000.
OPt:N llL 9 • "'S FUN 10 8£ NICEI
N ~ly upgraded, 4 btlrn1 ..
ljln. 'l!l·• pool & Vl)CW. v~rrt : lo .!H:hools &
I~· I l'llrl l &l"l'l'ldy.$81 ,;io'J I
,·!1 FCI rth '----C . . o eswo y FUTURE
• OCUN WALK Realtors 64Q..0020 Espl'ricnct• not lll'L"C!'sa r·y •
UI ·--YOUR VA AGAIN Good ,u;iude ''· '""1 US[ resun1e to: Relail OC'pa1·t-
\\lhiU! pl!'kett fcnCt! around
<"Oey c.-olln~(' by the .'9CA .
\Valk to be11ch. Bkr. 645-6303.
VF.TERANS • loans !10\\'
RVrlil Up to $125,000. J.:ven
i{ you hll\'C nlrcody used
your VA cnti1 lemcnl you
n111y he t>li~ihle for 11n Ad·
dlfional loan wi1hout rcln-
l<IUl('u_1ent cr1· 1101\'ll pyrnt,
llcrbf'rt IV111ki11s Reultors
flJ!)-1~ or 96.1-:i68t
n1ent, P. 0 . Box 457!, Ana·
hein1 92803.
leading 3900 square 'ael,.Al thi s fun famUy home
featurin g separate master suite t living
room + den + dining room + -4 ~
, rooms and 3 bath s. $125,000. ........... ~r~~-"'e'r&R.R. Beaut. , eor.t. Vacant &
'waiting ~ Jptnlly .,,ho
OHerves thi bf!st. Would
o o n 1.kt ,L...le.ase/opt.\on.
a Bedroom nr 4 llf'dl'oom
-+ rorn111I dining + den + lnffiUy rm. lnt.erk>r
Atrium w/.,.,·atcrrAll. Huge
n1Sl'ltcr bcdrn) with lplc &
3 car gar. Only S&l.9fJO. CAU
545-8424 Sou1hCo Rcaltol'!I.
Lovely 2 bclnn. t'Ondo in
heauliful Irv ine. Ma.ny ex-
tras, blt-in!I, dtshwshr.: ou t
of I0\1'11 oy,·nc.r says "bring
orrer." Pric.-ed In the mlrt-
$20'!1, tnnlu·!I this chcAper
lhiin renllnl!
\\'1H-n1, vlh111.nt fnmily home
\\'Ith 3 hdrius, rlining 1wn1,
hnmPn1ak1't .. ~ k i t c h c. n ·I
J{ichly f\'llll'll'li living r 111
& kll1•hrn har. L :l r g f"
rove:red 1)11.tio, A s 11 uni e
,, .. ,;, 1""' C•ll 5"IHTIO Marketplace TARBELL, Realtors
24 NEW homes under <:on-
stn1ction in Fount nin l
Valley. Close by Civic I
Center & Mile Squat'l' Park.
Cnll M\v for choic~~ of loca·
644-1766 Coldvvell,Banker
~ . .
2161 Son Jooquln Hill• Rd., N.11.
$89,500 , • • •
Rea It Or 644--0818
"Makp Rodn1 F'or 011ddy ..
• • • clean out thf! garage
: .. turn that junk Into cash
With a Dally Pilot Classified
11d. Call 642--5678.
MORGAN REAL TY New 1leluxc duplex, \\'('st
Ne"''pt111 . ~ RR., 2 hn. l'ft,
Frplcs., ~ub. •I cnr g;u·1111:f'. 673-6642 675-6459
J.P. Carey Realtor I llavc 90mrt11111x yn1t;int 10
644-7414 ~1630 Eve1. 11ell ? Clns~iflf'1\ 1HI<> do It
t ion So <'ho\ce opUons.
839-3231. Classic Develop-
111cnt Corp.
LJIJO \\ateriront. 3 lldrn1. & lge. family rm.,
or 5 bdrins .. 1vith U baths. Lido Nord . Spec-
tacular vit'\·,·! \Vaterfront living rn1 . with
step-do \~ n \Vet bar. F'ier & float . $275,000 .
* * * * 11· \TE nFHOl\T LOT ON LIDO NOHD
:Ul':-.:10.J'. 1\lagn ifiCl'11t \'ic\\'~ Slt.iS,000
341 Bayside Or., Suite 1, N.8. 675-6161
I Genera l I General I WE WORK FREE -M-a -ke_lt_E_a_s-y.-.-•• -.1
vr •• 111 1111 ... ;,d, l~·~·:1 ust• ~l•ll
I l\••11 ! 11 ;1111 to 111b~ ·"'""1n:..:
1 !ill:-:,111•\'p ·: hi!l"l11 h•Hll••
I 1n ('1Jsl;1 :'1!''"11 f,.,. .iust
.~2~.9.·10. C'l•1s" 10 -~··hool..;.
HIM! fl'll•'"'I l)a1 ·k 1·;11•cl, 11r11
lin1 '1 11ro g r;i.1n rl1:d
!'\<'l'\1)111' 1111.'1[1!1('.'-fol !' -\\'i1h
$lll)(1 1ln11·n p;o_\lll•'lll. Cull
!•11' :1pr•1111 1 n1•·111 .
Walker &Lee
!l(~l fST•Tt
1 H!{, :ti ~ li;t pin,; 1·~1'. okn:
d111i11'~ , '"·' · frplo · • t.1111:-.·
Ill'",\ ly illT'>r i11~l•I" -'· ""L
!H"•I •'<I I I•"'~-\~;,I·; I•\ l11::u·lo,
ll'JIHI~ ,•· 1~u1),., S,1C.,",IHI. r ' (I• ,.~,, """' I l'l "l'I ., 1·" .,. I d • ){.,., .... ~, •• , -·-~.!.• r.\( :-.
20J5 W. lolboa 6JJ.J66J
On )•ll!!">C'll! \\'.\LI~ insleAd
of drt\"(' !fl NE\\I SllOP-
Pli\"<: Ct-... "NTER, HiH011 I nn
,,,. ltestaurants In dine.
I '!.US l'lllf'T'la i11 ril holl\l' i11
ll ut:c 1-::NCLOSED pa1 \o
\I 1t h pool table. llca!l'd
\"1-:ltY PH IV1\TI-: skinny
dq .pi11·~ POOL. C1)J"ll1'r lot
111 1h VJE\V of :ll issi<in \'\r jo
11'.!hTs. :; lX'd1"()(11n s & n1ore.
".lli.tlJO. Call COL\\'l::LL
t.:.1-~l!Ql or ~..s&--O:l:.!2
!· A:->TS llJE CO!-.'T,\ 1\1!·.SA
IH·:,\UTY -t2000 :<:<1. ft.
SllllkL'nilK'Hlll<'d ,. (' i l in g
:1111ila1Jlc -i\() [)()\\'N -
tn L;r, :: hr 2 h!t .~ exccllrnt
11t•ii.;hbo1·h•Hul. l)nty $36,UOO.
1:1.:,· ~1·111-00'.!"!.
IRVINE ________ .... ______ _
Spat:tnu~ .fl !R '\\',-~1ell appoint ed LR &
n1astcr Lil'i . J..1;_1ne llcd de n \I' fireplace.
l)i(·r \\ slip . S3V5.000. l·/arrict Perry
U.J2.-U2J5. ( X 11 1
fnvesl in a home for your \Vife ,~ family.
1,arge 313R. a bath Jlortofino l\l odel at
ON LY S66 .900. Joyce Edlund 642-8235,
l \· 12 1
China ('n\·e -'i\lulti-level \\' elevator.
313fl":-.. 2 baths. ShO\l er & dre.~s ing room
fo r beach. Ne\\' cpts., drgs.: nc\1'ly painted
& pcu1eled. 514 .1.000. 11 . .Jobnstun r.:. l\.1or-
ph y 642-8135 . I Y1 31
l~stheti c 41311 l10111c on f'<J n1dC'n Road.
Large pool S.;; separHt r fu11 roo1n \1·/com·
pletc ki tche n facilities ,~ fireplace.
:Slfl.'l.500. Toni Queen G44-6200. t Yl4)
!{1g" cozy Lil. \V pant'ling & s hag. On R-2
corner Int -near shopping l~ theater.
$37.500 . Elaine Svedeen 642-8235. fY15)
J_uxury 481{, f<'l{ +studio. Con1plet.cly re-
111ocleled. At e:l\clusive 186 SHOR ECLlFF
ROA D. $229,500. OPEN DAILY 1-5 p.m .
Sun ny sharp 3BR. 2 bath ho1ne. Family/
dining roo1n . Beau tiful pool. \Valk to \Vest·
cliff Shopping. $51 .500. Harriet Perry
f>42-8235. JY17J
t'an1eo Shores-4 generous BR's, formal
DR . FR. 41,.t bciths, 111agnificent pool, incl .
therap_v pool \\' jacuzzi. Appl. only. Betty
Kerr 6•2-8235. I Yl8)
ln Shorecliffs-charming JBR w/lots of
used brick & wood. Decorator accented
throughout. J>rivate beach. $99,500. Helen
Hartl ey 642-8235. (Y19 l
IJ011't lose out on this hurt! to co1ne by R-1
lot. 9000 sq. ft. -prin1e area. $23.500.
Elaine Svedeen 64~·8235. (Y20 1
.... --------
101 eover Drlw• 142·1231
IM4 Mac:ArUtut IU·UOO
Ntwport leach, CellfOt"nla tHIJ Thl'.' fnl'lte11t dra"'· ln the Wes!. I
.•. o Dally Pllol Cla11111ifk!d ---------·' -..;..~ ..
• J
9 rN«l HER£ ,,.T TIIE
SOM£ OF -nJ'
8 16 KJOS WEl1E
AND l<r>J3&11S
ENSfM~l.f l'M
by Tom K. Ryan
110~5 RAWER Wf'L.l. WIT\1 THE
" '
'Hetw''D YOO DO
t H1opy
5 fr1.111
10 Ot1ll P11ln
1 • E11g. 11v!'!r
15 Mo•1 lln<JSUll
1 F E:u•~peAn
17 p,!IS Cl! ell~"·
18 1'lear ~r.r.1aen!.
) wUtCi
?O Vo111 to .-r.tepl
~2 Arllett1'/'9
Novi Scoi.~
10 .. n
53 rn11 cnap
'luslerda~·~ Put:I• Solvell: ===
54 Selan ljjjtttjj:
58 B11eDl flf'l11t:2
WOid i
61 E1t R
1•·1er t
63 5oar11 p1t1ce K
6~ Po•11'i:
"-5 NOlth
su~•• 1)6 ----ol'lic1r
?3 (~ecto..-s& 67 Me'llal woou1t
26 Ever111e11<1
21 Urld1111ana1n(I
-3CI Wood•
34 W1m1
-J!i Uncowe fed
J6 r,,..,,a
37 l1Ql!OIS
-38 Crownl•ke
.4 1 Pr•slcan111
41 Tre11y
43 Soried
45 Soo11.1m -----
.A.7 TacHI• 0111ane
"-8 F lr1t woman
"-9 Alo!I bas.
50 ---·-Bay.
1 Fet l<wet
2 Told 11
:I .Jason's s.hoo
4 Loses hop•
,, ... l1gh1
6 Moi l pellid
1 D•.Wo3ed e Fo1 !ear !NII
9 Belore
10 On land
11 tlal!
12 Pert1k.1 or
13 At el! lim&I
19 P1macle
2 1 We1gnt
25 LI•·------4t'I N•w
n1 S1tll'tfl#r tor 41 lnc::lle rood 49 C1tl1•e 'l1 He11hen :<e E•cus.e mwnm111
29 oooma 50 Flower
30 Oit\9fll lnlormal
3 1 O!gglng tool 51 Bumir>g 32 Sm1U ~I•
33 Sl•lghs 51 AIJ!hor
05 f111cket urili.:nown:
J 9 Oesser1 Abbr,
40 PNined: 2 53 R..-.1
words 55 Gripe o!lnt
42 Cowered with Ml Prepo111ioft
cor,.cret• ~7 Sp1nl1h cttr
44 SlutJy pr~ld 59 Koock.
man er 60 5~911
by Al Smith GORDO
5.',r i ·~·
by Emie Bushmiller ANIMAL CRACKERS
t»NESER! I •
LION I I D~~<rf LOOIC..,., ..
~ JAM ~q
~ow coo£
WE 00'-<'T GCT
().4 6EETHOV'tN'5
.'/\O RN1NG A"D I 'L L MA.KE
~· _,,
l'~A 1 YO(..( SAY YOU OONT 1..11<£ i'O H4.,.... ,.0
DAY, 9Ui YOU lr MOTH~lt WANTS ')O(.( TO.
! c:J j
I ' -" 0 ' • -[J
C:"'-N''T' ..,.OL.( DPSGUff. 'TMI
PR'091.AM WM"M Meir, ANO
Pill!<fll'{> MffT tAc:;<
3 , • ~
.. "
by Charles M. Schulz
by Harold Le Doux
Ot<AY •.• I'LL ACCEPT TMf LOil.H ...
by Mell
:1 ~IA-fTIC>
9\AT ~J POl~'T
i.>cf MAN.6<N• AIJ:OUND
e1oi.o~·""""" ~····
by ROCJer Bradfield
By Charles Barsotti
DON"T TH'Ro<J\-1:
(OT IOl\J,
by Gus Arriola
by Ferd Johnson
by R09er Bollen
• ' ..
f'rul,11 . Oec:rnit>ttr 14 1973
1·G~•-n_e_r•_l~~~~~~....::G~e~n~e~r~al,__~~~~~-1 imGmemnmemrmamlmmmmmmmmmmmmmG;•;~~•;r~amlmmmmiiiimmmmiiiii 1 ;B;•;lbo:;;;•;;;f;s;l•;n;d;;;;;;;;;;;;:~B;•;lbo;;;•;;;l•;l;•n;d:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;L;•;g;u;n;•;;;B:•;•;<:h;;;;;;;;;;;;;~L~a;g~u:n;•;;::B;•;•:'~h;;;;_;;;;
** ** ** Heritage Collection
.... 1 PILOT
Laguna Beach
\ I ••.!I' l.••••1/1 11••IH" .,f
soJ~tcly rh<1 r111ing ruston1 hon1e in Ne\vpo rt
lle1ght s. :l lledr1n. and large den. Dini ng
~rca, 21.:.e baLhs, 2 firephH:cs, bcan1ed t:eiJ.
i n~s_. d.1.J lc. g:u·age, heavy shake roof, enjoy a
1n 1n1 v.1c v" of the sp:1rkl1n~ 1Jll1c JJac1f1c. Our
exclusive al 556,500. CALL 540. J 151 .
MUST SELL -Reaultful 2 hetlroon1, 2 ba lh
fttonticcH ? ·ro\vn llo use. t::1lhedral style livin g
roo1n. private patio. 2 e;ir garage, and 1.:lose
l? pools. ( 'Oruplctely rcc\ci.:or::ited. ne\v paint.
f'l ush carpets, luxurious \vat l p;eper. All for
a lo\v $:l6.500. 90' ,, l·'l nanci ng available. CALL
ROOM FOR ALL -!l Big bedrooms. over·
sized f;unily ro111n \\' tplc., full blt n. kitchen
\v1cati ng area. heautifully itnp rovcd \Vith ex-
cellent dru pes & ::,ha~ l'pts., dbJe, ga r age \\'ilh
loacl s of ~tora gc. Pri111c r·o~la r-.lesa !oration.
Full pri ce $43,\JJO. CALL 540-1151 .
IN MESA VERDE YETI -(~real 4 bcdroon1
\Vil h fo r1nal di ning roon1. l~cautifu ll y up·
gr:idcd. top landscaping anc! n1any fru it trees.
r-.1an y ext ra!' .. \ssu1nahle loan. Best price in
area! CALL 546-5880.
NEWPORT BEACH -l~ig. Oig bargain. 2300
sq. ft.. 2~:! baths, :I 11cdroo111s, farn ily roo111.
fireplace. dou ble gar .. hoat storage. Bri ng
yo ur paint and paper you'l l have a ball '. No\\'
\'<t<~anl. CALL 540-1l51 .
FIES -Sharp. :1 Bcct roon1 , 2 ha th pool ho n1e.
()u alit~ features inc\11d1ng hard,~·oocl fl oors.
r edar lined closets, sb:i ke roo f. nC\\' cpts. and
lllUCh. nH Jt'h inu re: priced only 539.950. CALL
now 546-5880.
JUST LISTED -3 bcdrni., 2 bath, fa1nily
roo nl . J.arge pil.t io and all tile usual r-.1e~a
\·crde ext ras. Nice quiet trf'>e li ned street.
\'aco nt a11d 1·ea<ly for your 1novc . Priced at
only S3 U.UOO . CALL 540· 11 51.
GOV'T REP0-$26,500
JUST RELEASED -and only SIOOO. do\rn
pa yn1ent. :1 Bcdroon1. 2 hath Co~ta r.t esa
ho1ne. 1\ great r:t!ue u·ith covered pa tio.
brighl che erful kitrh{'n, large double ga rage
on quiet culdesac. \'at :int and ready fo r your
inspct"tion (hurry, bids c\u~e soon\. CALL
l>cl1ghtful 'l'l\o /1edroorn and den bo1ne
1t1 J larl>ol' \'1 "' I ln1neli. Ltpgraded and
cJecorat~d t.101111 In lhc last detail. l'hc
bcsL of th1~ 1uodel on tile rnarkct
'l\vo B~lroon1 unit in the frpnt and
l\vo more f~edroo111s in the rear. Re-
1uodeled in the l~1!it yc;ir and l'iose to
everything. $7U,900.
'l'\~o ruston1 horneli si tes o\'er!ooking the
fair\\'::lYS of l~ig l 'an yon Cou ntry C:lub.
J...oc:.i ted in Nc1vport ':-. ne\vest and 1nost
clC6JJ\t ne1ghborh0od. ~69,500 each.
Gene ral Ge neral
A UNIVUI.' ti()-"I'.
IN CAMEO HIGHL AN DS -Great home for
:_in arti st \\'ho entertains tor fo r a lo nely pool
sha rk 1rho \\'rites!} Spacious ga1ne roon1 \Vi th
p<1nt'ling and bean1:-, !.unny studio retreat
pl us roorny de<:k overlooking: canyo n an d
01.:e:_in. Oh yes, and 4 clean 1>edroo n1s, a bright
kitthen. l \\·11 bat hs and ope n living-di ning
<1rea. r\ 11c1\' listing of ?-.larian Reedy's at
UNIQUE HOMES Realtors, 675-6000
2443 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar
('olnny l!caliy l'i 111·1vtle~cd h1 prc~ttll lo }11 U
l'01lrlon1iniu1H luJine.~ of t11ici1uall1;d de!')1i.:11.
\Vhy .s hould you set lie fcir less than the be st "
No th ing like !hcut C\'t'.!r bclore offered Jn 1_.(1-
gu na! \Ve have nnly six left '. No two alike' IJ1s-
ltnct.lvc floor plans, exquisite 1:ip11oi11 t111cnl.s;
lalll & plaster ronstruc11on, great insu l:ition.
\Vooc l & rou~h hC\\/ll rock exterior, heavy
shake roof. oversized & i1 n pos ing ~olid r~1sed
pauelccl frenth door:-of se let lcd 1\·nod : cu ~·
lon1 frpl«~,; ~ fl t'C'1Jlng . ..;, hc;1ul1f11! n1a~:-J \t'
pebbled & 1Jri1 'k decks scaled in re:-.111. ('u-;111n1
raised h:tnd lic\1'11 11 ootl ca binets. l1 t1nd .~e·
lectcd tile in1por1ed f1"01n Italy, 111 k itthPn &
bath. f:legant fixt11res. Kitchens inrL •rra<..h·
nia sher. l\llShcr1drycr & dhL <:e lf·l:lt•an1ng
oven. 40 Gal. 1\ale1· heater. 2 l\drn1s. :.! h;llh-.
& 2 bd rnis .. It '.! ha1h s. North end nf l .ag-un<i.
overlook1ng Uivrrs { 'o\·c.
J\1ar111er 5 delighL! ltuslic duplex -3 BD .
uuits loaded \\'ith charn1. Just steps to the
\\'~l er. A rare oµp0 Mun1ty at $92,000. Sub-
1r11t IO\\I <IO\Vll or trade!
REALTORS 675-7080
Balbo• Penlnsul• I Huntington B•ach -
\'AC.ANT. '1 B fl. r1un. JTH ' THE BEST ROOM !~. kit.2-Siy. S8T.~(I
l'.tars11a11 n.eauy s1a....k;otl IS THE
Coron• del Mar ELBOW ROOM
Corona del Mat
Bachelor Pad
Witft Pool
On u ~··nel\u1s 60xl00 loc
i n 11all;.10 f,r\v1tlf' L'On1·
111unil)' l1t_·<irh C'oron a
HighlariJs, a 11ell 1k'l..'()fa\rtl
'l 1~1·. 2 Ila hon1e 11·ith
forinHl d1n1ng. 1'I pa(· i u u s u1;1.~1rr :.u1 h', rPa1· yi\n! 1\'llh j
p:1 11n ~u11 d,.,.1.; :1ui! 1nr;c
tn'~ fonn pu11! S6'.J,:i0CJ
CALL 64C-721l .__ ~
0111 Corona 1!el r.htl'. J('ligh!·
ful :.! b .. ~drooni d(•n hc•n1P.
Cris1,y shar11 R!l<I full nf
1·ha1·111, plus 2 IJt.>liroon1 u11!t
Ol't<r i.:ar111.:e. South of lli~h·
1\~1y · 1111lk 10 pn \'a\e hay
IM'al'h + a \'i('11·. f'irs1 tin1e
u1t1·er1ised. S79.500. Liill
H1.>rc's the hon1c 11,·lth f'11t}Uj;l1
C'lb.:•\~ l'OOftl [nr C\'t•ryl.Joth·.
3 qu1·t•n-sizt'il l11•droo1n~.
"·1rh dazzling halli. ('t1u11!r~· st~ le kilt•h<>n O\'<'rlr..,k111~
ttui; hW:-t' ha1·1i _\IHl'!L S1Jh1111I
~uur o"n ten11i>. N.•llcr 1~
f11•x1t1ll~. Pl'l('f'tl al S:t+,!)l)(J
Walker &Lee lllA L ll1A TI
PRICED FROM $65 ,950 TO Sl 12,500
COLONY REALTY 494·65 17 494·61 35
397 N. Coast Hw y., Laguna Beach
Lo·-c=A~Tl~o=N~! ! !
LO CATI ON! LCJ(',\TIQ,\I' Irvi ne -----1 Lag ~Oeac!:__ ______
t ·r,•sh, ~ally a'n·. jusl :! hi i.; C f C ·: l'olil;,\1 . .; -'2 l\\'111"
lil•icfls tn '>t'(':ll! .•. ;-: Y"·'r om y, ozy Vf/'1•, l'"•ll•1JO"! .1 ;:!·1-,,
(ff'.l Spuni!'h !1~·ilsC' uf :.:ta~~ Condo I 11.it• h 1!111 I\'""'" spl:1~111n1!
\1•1111 loads or sq u a 1· ,, . . • ' I 0111 1111• ""'h-.i ss:!.~~~1 rr~1la1•1•, (;ournicl ti I Cll \\;il nu1 SqUlll'I' 1 .. ni!•I, ~u111·1· i 'lil\' \'l'I·" "l,''l'l'I\<' "' t I 'I 1'1> ~ I ",.. ' ' . -. ' ki lt"h••11 11·i\h (h(' very latl·SI ll!•~·r:o r "t · p '·' •' '''11 • 111 11!1' <\1.•111llll'.! :.! 1,11'1\l :.!
111ip!i;1nces 1111d f1x 1u1'i's. ·'!odo·J.. B~!l.C!~ t)i;i:1 11''.1'. · 1 l>n!h h"11u• "1th pl;,ni_,.,t ill'
Sunny lireakfilSt 1,)J1n, bit: ~11111 1 11 } .'·11 1't 1 ~. hlltt•1" 1n dt•n. ,,,.,•,111 1·1,,11, :!·~1 .. 1·1
rllaster suiic wilh 1-Jrll'il!(• t~11·unul. ~1:l ".'1' I" 1' a I 1" II· d1n111 ~ .or'•··i "Oil !·~·li'<li•'I\•·~
1'.iilllly bath. Jt U .1 r j II ~ s:!\,OIKJ. 6 \J·li11~J. )H 1111' ('1•11\!I'_! .! rrpl< ,.;_ !:o•tl•
ftrcpi1H·£', ca1hc<lral 1·ei!_l.J1.;;s. 1 FF. .e !Ni YOIJIOl'ENTll , 11•••·! 1!t·• k~ ~ .! 110!.·11 1•.•tl1)
r11n11ius ruon1, fot·tn~I dunng ~ \\ 111 11-:ul•• 111 !H· u·h ;ot, .. , fur
+. 1~;·t•a l hudgt<I prtCl'? Bkr \~ E. l ~11nl & Co. I fi~"l"ll[•fll 'l' h"ll"l' "1 111111,
96i-JJl1 """'·-~ S\i .• ,l~(I
B h l _ _ _ t!c~111 ·ro .\1111 eac overs I"" I:, 1"' .,,,,.,,.,.,,,. ... Tropical Paradise hrln11 ,1;; i1,'·n itnn11• 11·1~1 1 $27 250 11i!h li;..:hls. founl:1 1r1, cl(l.~cup fi•p!i·~. S1i\!~11
I l11sh l;1111ls\·ap1n;.: and a 10<·11-:\L\V Ei'!(;l,A,\:T)
Small \11·0 rear old cottagP 11011 011 tht• i.:n'('ll. Jlig-hly ... In l..:1:.,:111111. Lc:c·-. hcnn1£'d
style hon1e, s!ill Jooks br-d1ut1 upi.:radc1\ ;i 1"11·n1 .• '..:! ha •·Pil. Ii i' nn. ,, hri1•k 1Jc1ur.
nc .. 11! G l:iss garden ki tchen hon1<· ,1 i!h [,,1., .,f c»l r;1 ~ l.J:;<'. li"l'(] J,J"i,·]( frplo· .. a f'•!'·
General ~I General CUTIE''
EXECUTIVE l;;;;;;K;;E;Y;;;T;O;;;T;H;E;;;;.IBe>I '"'"So."""." 2 HR
"'itb a.JI the latest features. ;1nr! a \'1•1-:.a11!c 1~i1111s r•~n11 I l'l•'I' 1 ·1,;1~tl1 1•c 111·1,, '..:! 1 ~11·
Extensive use o! glass anti fnr pleasure or 1n1;ig111;1tiv11. 1 r111.~ •. d••tl t'"ll I~· u~Pd ;1s
high ceilil1gs. Surrounded by .s.JX,!J~rO Tnkcs 1t all. fu1 '111;il dl11111>! nn ~t.!l.il10
"'" """'" """ i"" • CALL 552-7500 SHIELDS
MANSION FUTURE l'Otl ni;~ on hugC' fl.2 lot. Hurry:~ ;~i7,900. G·la-K-ioo Qr
FIESTA ROOM I Ju 13usinP.~s frn1n lhC' (\riJ. 6Jli-678!J.
!<hlr<' Hlvd. of Cvsta !'llcs:11 • PLUS POOL J.:a~'t J';'_!h_ Slr~Pt: O>rant:f' 7 F I !Ol'ENT!l g
\1111<1~! '.>OIHI' ro[ ~l'H<'i'lU~ h\'·
ini.:. Trq)lt• 1·:11· i::-<i 1'11i.::<'.
,!ul1 u~. BLSJ'.\'I:.SS 01 POil-·;• \: £. 1-b'll nl & Co.
'rL:N tT'l". i''ahul(1us ~·utu1·~ -H...1 1:... ~
f,.r tho• t•nl(·rpri?Sillb pt>r'lion.
In<[ uh·~· dC't<1il~. ,\ g c 11 1
hop lo bcui;h $1250. Down,
•775.a"'""'"'1•0'"Y 12i9· VISION REAL ESTATE per month 1~rrr. Vacant.
13kr 9(;:,t.;;:i1t. 'l!S 'J'h:ili;1 •!!J.J.M!l.~
ONLY $23,900 e red hi 11 1 "' ""·".·"· '"''""' ,.,. .. ,, arcli1!t•t't hu1lt, f) Bn. ;, BA .
$1151) Do11·n. irn111a<'t1!ate ;: JlEJ\Ll'\. HJ·:,\LTI IJ~S ·\111'!0 ~11. ft ~:Ii.JI-:}. \\.111
he droon1, ,.;ha~ carp('!~. 11~11· Un11·. l 'ar!;, C1•11(1·r, ll'\'\Th' fllT;t!lg<' rt11an1·111~. •1111->I'.!'.!:.!
1•11 (ot· /,,,ul'-. f11nul)1
1111 .. 1111 11• Iii· J~1" !ol
h .• , •I ,\\lll llll111i.: fl(l')l.
1.11 u111. vun111i.: 1-:n· .. n. di"Cks
JI 11.111"" & :1 i:'I 11, n1u::. 111 wn
i. 1 •·:1 \Ii, , 1)411
!\•It'll\' '· :! h:tlh~, 11r
~'' 11<!1 \.'11H 11l1) 1'h,1rr11
11,).; llr• 1~ 1111•"1 ,.,.1Js,
lol'u·lo., 11\•· r.. ti.on•! 1•:1 r1·1~t
'l'•~i, ol 11 11111dll.\ lh:ol I'<
n11·•• i.~l.O)' lll"'•lll 111.'14',
'li,11 111111).;' ''•\1'111')' hl1cl11·n N
!• '1·:11·1• $1 '!!1,.~ii
Ill ,\Iii' Ill .11'1) 111'" l'Oll l• ,, . .,,I' 111111 1 !-.Inns .. ::
1.,.,fll •. 1 .. 1·n11d +11111111:: !"Ill.
,\ j.do lll> t'l\I '.'-111111111111\.:
1·~11. I 1!'1 17/1. l'•'ll•'l'!Jll,<; lllll·
•I•·• ll\111 ... 111i p.•11••,. .~
of, , I,-,,.,d 1 lull r,. •·l•ll
I 1''11 ' ~I ::1 :~I I
\ ... ,•10111 .. <1 '-1.111 • 1111 !ht-
•l'I !If• ,,, h1 .. hol'H. 11;111a
r • .. ,, 1 1;.1. 111 .;p,.111•h
h11i1.. .111 ·: l••I • •Ill 1•0·111
"' • lf1t f'L'•~hu1:.: '-Ill f
t !o liO UI I
1105 N.Coa~l Hw y., Laguna I
494-1177 i
1:l·I'./, 1:L.Zi'. l:l'i'./.-
1·1111 II \•Ill ;O\'t• l•U ~\ 11~'
,, loo•1• I f;\I I lll1•I l,1i{P. T 1111'' I
01111 1,,. ~(·•· 11 .. ~ qll<il\!~ .1 t
IJl1 111 1'~ li.1 , li••<ll•' S11 •'l'P·I
111,; !l!'l',U! \ 1<'11 ~. )10•,o\"\'
,.1i,,!,f' n~if, :! lrplo ·~ l h11;.
'' J' JI l.t .1· '.' I J I') I· >/ 1 ll • .i ..; I ' '
,\rl l'XCil1t1~ 1:11111• $.JY.700
:-.,!(·1!()1.S lt1•al 1·:~1.111·. 2fr'lj
S ('n11~t 1111.1, Lai;:una
La guna Hills
('\-.:.\ Ll;.\IJA COV<'rt'rf
l>~drr•nr. noJ s1t·11~. 1111 <lPC'Or.
dr•o•p ~hai: t'l'll!. t!l•Uty f>X-
tra~ l.k'~t lo('a!i(ln \liC'"'-
l)l11 1•·r. 611-11!1·1 or :i.>w.~.
Laguna Niguel
B'I: fl\\'lll'r·~11aciou~ Con·
dnn11111u111 h1i.,:l1 :1tnp 1.11gu11a
:>.1c::u"l. r:1·:11·1""~ ad1111 liv-
i11c S: ""'''a" \ 11•11. 2 Bil,
'2 [~;1. i\la11\ 11111< 11111;',<;, ln1-
1111u·ula\I•, .~•1!1,!lfl«1. ·1'.11";...'.i·lOS
Lida Isle
i\'H /l(·li tcnuis C11J. :J 81 ?.
:: H1\, $i(l.~10(l. S.11/Suu 12·t
f; l0·1'!J41), \;;:: \li:t \\';i;:it'J'S.
D<111'! give up the ship~
"l.i!>I" i! in f'ln~sifierl. Ship ro Shore Rcs11!!s! 6-12-:'673 . • \l'•'il('d ;"'11,:1111~11 ··nlrv. ll u~"
!•1n11:1I 11\·tn"! 1·•-...1111. ·~-•l1'n1;1I
d1111n~. 1:1:1111 fit'-.t;1 n.:1111.
,\]10,111·t1r"d 1.,•f'OlUNIS. EX-
t• l!;.:~:t:~-;.
\\"1\NTf:.:D frorn hnn,•st 011-·ih·r pe1n1, decorator n1ilTOrs. lltl!JI(~ or <lupl<•x rf'!lllslically Only s22:-i lt nlonth or -DESPERATE••• -·1 mmr .mm-.rm ---vrt-plict.'<l, So. h1ry. 673--1169. ••ssun1e 5~ •• ,~ loan. ••• ----- -__ -__ _J
4 BR, :l BA. spll! !c•vcl, plu.; · .-.~.\
llARBO!l Vic1v 1-lills, ·1 BR, huo.:e fa111. rni & pool. ~11h·) ·A. ~ ('\.:l.l.Jo:;..•T ,\lll-:.11 "l'hl~
ho1111• ha" 1'1'C'l',\'th111i.:. r or
nv>n • i11fon11at1<)l1, 1· a 11
:-; r;..;;i)HI :"\O\\'!
rl•'/N l J • ,,~~ur..•f(•n1 NICfl
2 S.1. h1111 rn1. t'eC' Lan<l. 1nil ;.i1y nff1•r. s:-i.1 •. -1{~). '~1. AJ/jilUMh~ 1. /f}j)
SS7,;;aJ. 01\·ncr &1-1-1~1·1. f62·4471 ( :-..:~.} 546-1103 &IJ.S-100 or 61!i·6iS9. I -H/,/,rn,u.n.(Yvf.V,i,
546·5880 1.-----------.lr ~ THE REAL
\\'1th 111;111y pnss1hiliries.
:'iit:r1" 1·1~ibli• lro111 l~1 tph's
nr llt!1 S!. j{I \'. l·l;i \\'ilh
l"l'•·l.1· h<1n1•', ,,111vPrtihle lo
,; 1•ffiL.,·s ..,. ,,arkln;:-spac~.
400 E.17" FOR UL C.M. AILIS
I "'========I I ,_ "' Costa Mesa lllii rorn f RVIN vou•CJPful•t!l ::'~\ / A COtlV£NllNTSHOPPtNC:•No ·• ·.
-----"'-----•Today's Buy and m '~ E. tlO\\anl S: Co. -a,~ 5c'.·;110NNC ,c,,",'"c'.o10R J11l ,.' • i\lt:S.\ DEL .\!,\It ~ kr.t ""-': ~ VE1'F:l~AN:-i O~L\' -$99. Tomorrow 's Security 1.:...11n......._ ..
d0\1'11 J:: 11·r f!•1,'l' :1JI olht•r 3 1Je1!ro >Olll honie Jn pri<ll' 1.f -.-. . .• -, ., ~ I
j·losini:: c.~isl .... Drive by a1ld 01rncrshipnCibhb01'hOUd. TU!l1Lt.ll0Ch ; •I hi ,,~ l1a.
l"lu•ck out !f1l Prr~idiU Dr. Far11ily stzt' li\'in;.: r,.1111 UJ>:gTadL"'· l·:~cl'l r nnd .
4 HH. 2 BA, ne\\' t•pt<; ,tr; 11ilh l\'OO<l burnill" /pie. PrlTlll' L'O_l1U'I' Int Ill' JM•'I
Pool & View
Corona del Mor
\_..::.__ __
ln .t 11110·1~ 1·~·:11·(•11 1 ~11.1 . ::
J~·d 1'•1111 llLH!i.' 111111 [;Jl'!.!C'
lllt\lt1 1lo·-ic.:11•·d lt•f 1111 \'t•nr
1•111••\·1 111•111 . Pr11 .111• a::.~•11·1:1·
tlun · 111.1111111111,; gr·t•o•n hells,
J~·;11·h, tl·~·k~, ;111·1 l!'lllll.~
l·•111rt. Lr1 lhl' n•111 f1'1n1
lh1• ('I ll!' 1 hPd1~MJl\l :1p<11'!·
1111·111 h••lp 11il' r111.11u·111g. or.
f••n•d 1 .. r S'T:•il l ('.di
Ctl\\'LLLI. li\•:..il ,:,_,
$1675 DOWN
p:ii11t. S~!l.:JW. 1~ ~ 'i n1 c n t l~1n;.:crbl'c;1d 'N cw"'kie kit-& park. S<:e nnyti111c, 1·:o1ll l
abvur $3ti:t. p..•r nio.' "hC'll. i\lo1·e 111 cvndi!ion. ll3J-..~llt. or ,q?,I-:l."l."!J. Ask Win
~l.500. Ca ll !Dr G<.-rrrudc
:'l!~:S,\ VJ-.:HJ)E; -2 R :i I The Real Estate Fair --1;L.l{TLl7·C~l•~.O~C~'f'
CluhholU!>(' Ht!., $:>.~.411(1, 2:-ilO 839-6133 or 536-2551 NI'\\' 3 Hr, $<19.~lOO. N1•11,· .•
~. fl, \\'ill sel l on V,\ """""~~!!!""""'"""""'! 0 o· r· noo·1.. s·· 'JOO "· 1 ·~o J:> , ,j .• l'lll, :J.), . !J'JI I
lcrn1s. STEAL in PriJ11t' kit·.i!ions. Ask fvr 1
2 S1ury, •I BR. :l fiA, ron11 . IT!!! Gil'Sirnpso11 IJrk r152-7J()f) 1
<tin rn1, Sl')1 fan1 r n1, island AD \. NOONED BY 0 VN -·-1
kit. h 11s 011·n hn>nkfasf area. . ' 1 _\ E_n UNIV PAR!\, lrnnlt'fl. ()1•1·u 1). ,
l'.I:i rhll' f11li' in liv rn1 & ~,xec type hun1e. 'l ou IL» T111n1al', :l Br. 2 Hr.. dlol i;;1r m:i~t<'r hed rn1 . 2 Air i·oni!'s. up and save: l\'ee<J.c; tout"hup rue; HO:-;"l!!'i ROOl\1 ~~·1.~1".H f l1111d~rApl11:;. As;;unll' low in-f'PAC~: ftJ<:AJ.TY ~;{µ!!~;,.;:
,.J»c i.::1r rlOflr O/JC"'-'r, f''rof. 1 .. 1·est VA !r1;in \1'i!h s1n:1!1 · -----lrirl~rp;.:. tk•11·1i. Inspect and sul\niit WALNUT SO. CONDO
Costa Mes• Realty ~our off1•r . &>Iler is ai r enud., '.! r.r .~. dl'n, ho•!n"
For an ad In Worr1an's l/. orld
Call Mary Beth 642.5678, ext. J.?O
Compliments!: Breeze Alon9!
end 11 ... ~u1110• ri.1-. !.!«\·'t 1•11\
\n1f'rt•<;t 1<1:111 ;11 ~"ll1nt.: f'l"I•'"
nf s~.·-~llJIJ. '.I t.1· . .! 11 .. :oil
f~•li,..ho •d ,t· ~liiill'd lilrl" d'lll
hou,,. ~·:o nl11-1ir 11~· 1\ l•l l•'h
fil'l'/•l:u·•·. I 'i.·111 y nl l:1nd
h+•l't' I•• ).!Pl\\ 1•1111' t•\111
\"•·i.:•·t;ihl>'s :11111 11•111t !';1\
ju,r 511<:> r-·1·/111•1. l'lTI ""
rh1s \',\ n·~al•• (' n l l
:J l. .. -111G:-i. 111~·11 ' 1 ··~
In '1•1 inP TPrr;u·f'. ,1
!'1•df~•1ni•, 2 l/.1!h,<;, <;!)/l(·t•Hl~
l11·111L; l'l~)ll\ 11·i1h !ll'l'[Jl:1M".
1;oin.:1•J11s 1r·1·P·:;lu11!;·fl p:1l i•>
\\:1r111 :.r1o1 ~111111~ ra11111~
r•••rn ;11111 k1lo·t11"11 11ith ,.,,,._
n1·1· l1n·pl:o1•1•, 11\•·rh~1k1n1.
r•al1<1 :ond poo!. P•I ~"ur
(>1111 .J,.,•,,1·:11111"' 1\~·"·lv .,(
IP!'t'li -call liT.;.."(,J(). · jr-;;~~
()P(N Tit 9 • ITS FUN ro 6E N/Cfl fliT.TJ':;;jT
O\\'!ll'r tran~[f'tTNl -nc-erls
la ,:;t s.i_1h•. L/}11,· Jo11·11 pay·
!ll('lll. f\\O\'(' in on credit
n1111ro\·al. Sl1arp clean
l1<"i1nr, Bright ,t· sunny
horn1•1r10ker kl!cht'll. f'untily
l"lfllll has. t,,-,,~· fir•'plaef' +
h1•;1n1 ceiling. Big
ht•tlrfo01no:. Lar/.:(' ya r <I .
Uivl'ly quiet neighborhood.
S:::\,;,00 is t--UlJ. PRICE.
\·,·tcrans \\'eh.'Qn1c. Call now
fl 17-61110
Since' 1958 * S4S..7711 de.~fl<'t·iirc .. ~'llU t'<ln ~teal niarkt'I, a strnl! 6·14-1Sf.:7
AF"TF:fl ij P.t'.1. f nll 5.'17-41>17 this l111t•: ~ ~ Op,-.n llouSf' 1\ll Laguna Beach
. : .
k"9 thl1 ha..,. tllteetory with you thi1 Wfflle11d Cit
you ta ho• hatlflit. All ffl. locotloM lilffd below
ore dote~ .. ~ fftcdl by odttrtl1l"g oho•
whoro fill ~ ......... l'llot WANT ADS. ,ctNoM
thowht9 op• ...... for 1alo or to refit oro 1rr9od to
Ust soch l11fw+-~ 111 thi• col11m1 DtKh f rldcry, Sat·
1rftrr a, 51111 .... -.~
420 \list a !jucrtc (!'h e Bluffs) N.B.
644-1766 ~50,,U27 1Sa t 1·4)
1418 Sanl.an ella 'l'errace ilrvine '!'err.) Cdl\1
64-1-1766 $69.500 !Sun 1-51
2030 llolirf ay rBaycresl) Ne,vport Beach
644-~i66 :.~$~~1aoo fSun 1·5)
17632 llcd\vood 'l'ree l..a ne. Irvine
644·1766 · (Sun 1·5)
2784 Wa:\:\\'irtg Circle O\·lesa \'erde) CJ\1
557·9267 $68,500 (Sal & Sun 1 ·6)
•20472 <'ypre111s'St., Santa Ana He ights
51~[1491 S4S,950 (Sal & Sun 1·6)
1979 Pt. R•msgal.e (llVuH omes) NB
644-1766 $81 ,5oO (Sun 12·4:30)
6 T\vin l.,akes Circ le !Spygla ss Hill) NB
644·170fi $132,500 (Sat 1·5)
1742 l'ort Manleigh Cr. 1HVuH omes) NB 644-[9 $74,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
S.W,C ner AUanla al Brookhu rst, HB
-. 29 $52,900 (Daily 10-6) ' 5 BR. 6 FAMILY RM. OR D!N
24582 Overlake Dr . (La ke Forest) El Toro
644-1766 $78,500 (Sun 1·5)
505'1.1 Acacia . Corona del ~1a r
673·65 10 $135,000 1Su n 1·4)
520 lri.ci, Corona dcl ~'Ja r
644·1766 $136.500 IS•t & Sun 1·51
Woterfro11t l rool
~ • WI.ELY :J UR-2 ll.'\. I \\.C'Ck1·nd · Hkr ~2--j511 sr~., Jrg el'ntcr 1s.!and/e;11ing --P-R-IV-AT~E~~PA~R'=Kc--SMALL ESTATE
VPCN 111 g • li''S FUN TO BE NICfl kitchPn/i''nm R1n-frpll'/ nr ... ,Ju:>t :.1cp.~ ;H~·:1y! C11urt · This Is r~•t ;111 11n J1nnry
srhoOls·eh11rrhPS/1\I S·\;1,{0'J y;11·d o·ntry, n1aSSl\'C Open hnu~"! .•Ch:1rlrsto11 rrn I -[®, lorokrr,.; inl'itcd or G';f Sa\·· t'!lthe1lr;1! 1Tilin~s. 1-r:1rkHnr.: fl~lcit \1'_11h ll•~ks _,~ fT•l nu•,.;,
ro. ic:;...S9i4 f1rl'ph1<·e. ulnss r_:ar·ilC"n kit · 11 s urnQUC' & 111!('1'1'.~!ln:::. The Apple Pie OC'f:.:AN Vu Pk 11'1\'Ply 2 hr. l'hCll h;is C\"f'l'}' "){1 le!<I fl'il· 4 Rd!'J!1.~. ~-l1uc::·· f.-i1111/I'
lun·," 4 l11>!: 13!{'~ ir11·]\1ili11" rn1 . :1/.,!olll•' flf~1r .~· Tree nu . ·l.Bf:. 3 RA. CUl·dC·S::tC ~ .. d I r I • ;1 /;ir"'•' 1n11s rl·t· 1~ ~'lll\'<'l'S:l· )~t ltll' 1.1·p rp r· J 1.nt.~
I], 111 lio<' P ' II' \,p·d "I l ip<; EASTS I DE
~·l<.;,nl) l8~1:l l'nrkYista Cr. .. r 612-HXiO tl,.11 :irl'.'a. 811.: 1·uuntry l;un· :it•f'an \!!('"'~· al! f•\r 11!\lJ'<'
''It 11 I' , ):1 .'\!• .. 1 \'1 !'d<'
lo"!''' lnll Tl w 11111'1 1n1
1!_1 n11i1n. Sl-1.'.~~. 'l·uu nunic infu. K· 1111p r, s:~ •. 1~~1.
Dana Point l!oe tt·1·n1l". Bkr. !J1;i.:-i~1l l.
1"11 .. 111 11\111µ-1~ lh•' liu11H' '\ J\<'dn·1on1 nr 2 ll('(II"OOm
\\1!11 11'-. ~11.0 :.:. • 11·1~·1 . I 1111il~· I arid tlf•n, 'l hrolh hon1P. l~ikc
1 ... 111. 1,.1,· 1r;1rf11· 1'1'"!" .. r rir>1· f'1nditlon, ~hakP n:inf.
''\Ill• 1•111)0 !-Ii 11 i li;H'I, lil;O' H\!'l'!•d/•' 1.;:tl'(lf::l', bi).: IOI
1111111 o11d r!'a1 : 11d 1•1\lj \•'I\' f':ll'l)<'I:<> ;1nd flr1tpPs .
' S :' ~ofj \('\\ Hll lll!1rkC1 at $.~2,!°100.
l cALL 644-7211 l"all CllL\VEl.Lfi!f,..o:i:i:-1
Jl ,.., li1t' !10·•' p11111do·-. rtl('
u111 1l1·~. )HOI 11\\lkt• llM' p111.
•••••••••••••••••••• ! Congenial Growing !
: .Office :
• LOOKING • • • • Vor Aggressive, experie nced saJes people .•
r\11 the advantages usuall y found only in
• the large r offi ces. i:>lus superior commis-• e sion schedule-more frequent personal-e e 1zerf advertising support -active olfice e e location -!uJI time receptionist and sec-e
• r elary. -;NATI ON WID E EXPOSU RE o[ •
4 BdrnL<:. & (:in1il~· m1. Plrn-
ly of roo1n f<•r pool in hllt:<'
~nrd. 011·ncr 111oving East.
11<'1'.luccd to S74,500.
LAWSON REAL TY * 67s-.4562 *
Fountain Valley
Don't Presume--
Assume This VA
7°10 Interest APR
wHh R loan bal11nCC' or
S:.?:l,500. The payment of :S202
pe-r fnlO. incl1111Ps P I TI .
Spnrkling 3 h1lnn 1niddlc or th<' IJJockf'r 11·ith big b;irk
yn rd nnd 10111: of p1·ivacy.
1ld\\.•d 11001'!! with ne1v sh;ig
corp.,:•ling. llugl" kltche11
11,·l1h bullt-i n~. Sub1nil 1\<hnl
cn~h you hnvl' ror rl0Wl1
pay1nc11t lr.t srller carry the
balance. Ewryonc qualities.
Call ;~1:,..9-191 Open t'l'i:'S.
Walker &Lee
ltlAl l l !All • your 11slmgs. · •
: Went to E~J~RE~1~J?!nd LEAR N : H;~:~~~:;::ch's e MORE ? T hen lake this im porta nt step e Most Popular e toward insuring your future-ca ll John e 2 Iklrn1 r.ondo .. <ll'sirnh1e
• Alla rd , Manager, for yo ur confidential • ground lcvt·I fl()llr 11h1n. 1 1 ~
lippo· intmcnt. • )-CRt~ n1:1\', t'rr.!>hly P11in1N:I 11·i1h t11s!C"fully panelPrl anrl
• AUSTIN SMITH GORMAN • "'"'"'"'"I llvl"" '"'"'· """" 1\:iU!)llllC'rtcl dinin):' IUl'il ,
•• & ASSOCIATES •• ""'" "'"'""1
' " '""""' rlrnpt"'s, 01 t'r~il•'d piuitl')'
llt"C.n, ncnr srboot.~. 11·nlkin't! • '.2828 E. Coa1t Highway, Corona del M•r • dl~nJw'f" 10 11 11 n ti n g 1r)11
• • C.;nlt·i·, f'1o,•1n1111ln~ TQ.•1 11 •111
• 644·72.JO • maoy pm·k '"''"'· ''""' 0111,y $24 ,·19~, cl.I ll ludh)o
• -• 1 ~-11.309.·,, ,9ee e eeee eeeee ee eee e I -,c"'·,,c:;,ss.cc. =s.-~.u=.,--=,~,,.,=,,,~,
-------WHITE WATER 7268 wc~ruJt SJ<.:LLl1"G his l~alif. \'i .. 11·s :lrl' _l'f)UI'~ f•1rP\'•·r
C1>nten1porary 4 l)('<lrooni. frorn ri1ls unu><11;1ll~· f1n<'.
.\1:11111nolh. !<p;:i rklinJ<, t;llS· •'t1."tl'ln1 hnn11• 1\l11h1~1 ::,oon
h•lll Ho1n;111 Ille \JOUI. J ln~·h ~(/. r1 .. lo1;uJ1.,I 111!h •1 rrnl11.1.
lhi«k l'/ttlK'I thruou1 Loads frt;>rn its inHllf'lli<P hdn11-
"r squ:u'(' (\l(J!agL•! s:;!f,."iO'J Ir> su11k('n 11'('1 h;q·. Bn1ll 9·:95
. 11 · II ·' 11·11h the .Jr1 ~t in 1n1111i' -II pnl'C, :<11111 ~HSh u0\\.'11, s11:-i.~. SIZES JOY2-l8Y2 \\ h I rl I ll•· I ' . th(' r" . 11,·ill assun1c lh<' l!Xrn or you 1·1·1•t) 11 1rr1• 111 1111~ g-r'p,11
nnn1e lhe \Cl'Tl1s. Oot'tor 1s ~,jllll I f_, .-flT • o'ffT( -1·;op1•' pn1'kini;~! Bkr 962-5511. VT"Oer 6-. v7 '''""''c.... '''""'T~ II ')\ II 1111111rnl f111' k111l!l!J'•' • BRAND NEW ""'I.I' S111.•1't •·1tl1h•!" ;ul!I d1t~h 1u
• WALK TO BEACH REAL ESTATE o· ' ' 111,.1:1111 Kn11 i•apo• !hot's lhP . 1 11011.orH IX.1~11!1) S!l'C\'('' I l"''l'f••t·T 11•'1!.!lit frJr tr:ivP!ll"
()pen llou,.;e Sal Sun 1190 C,;lcnllf•yrc SI llt'\\o'.•I 111 f:1sh1011 -i::r:"·" 11~· h<il' 1 ,. . 1 ·"l'c
1°00 Al I 1'<'01~" -1••1 •1• <I ·11 11 11 ' "· ,irn. HK rtN,,t'~ 111 " a w111:1, 11 .U. ·_._.-:.-1 •• _____ ·'. -J,," 1,'~ .• ;11 u Y ~(·r1n1('t ·• ro ·~~l l'.-iri1•111 t .. 'G':-1· !ii" H~IR .
1jusl no1'!h t')f 1\1 lan1 s 1 LAGUNA CHARMER fl·;~1i::!11·1I .to nHrTow y!1t1r :-f':\·1·:ST\'.l•'l\'t: 1 .1,:s-1~
2 .\: ;; Bl!:DJti\1 i l0.111'~S . . 1111fl11ff, (\iOll>-(' Sill'('!' \\'u<il f • , I -.• r~nd FOLiHl'Lt:XES 1/11.·clyqulf"~ ~rrrint.: p('l'1·11d1•s 1•l•lllhl··ktiils, Cl'('I)('. · · ,",' •nc 1. p:1lto•rn -;.u!d ]_)
ls\ Conif' lst Scr.·ed .1111s eha1111111i; l.,,11~1111a H1'1~,·l1 J 'nnt\'{I P>t\lf'rn 92!ri : 1 !iilf i '. i_irs .f"1 •':u•h. p11t1rr11 ft•r
SCOTT REA LTY 536·7a._1;; 2_ 1x'r!J'!)0111, \\'1!!1111 1111Jl:u1g Sit.t·s 101~. 12',, l'I'~. lti'~. ,\ii .,'~lu!1 i'llld _~JJt't'.;~I ll;u1·
_ dts\11nt'P 1.1 rhP hi•Hrh .~. slinp-IS' .. Si1.' 1.11 11 .1 ·i-,, k·· dlh~i:c t1!hen11s1• lhud·t·Ja.-;:i;
R"l'01;.1i.:t:,:.;:_'°"IONS · I'· 1 ' · k 0 ' •• • " ~ HJ!< ·' '' '" ilC'hl'er,· 11·ill 1·•k ' lh "'" -~1.,;.,.;;11 r111;;. n1"1 •' u·i1· · '" ~;1 r-2 \'111·ds 60-inch r:d1rie · ' ' fl'l' dr11 p;irin. FirPpl;u ·c. f'il<•hf'd ·. , . . . . . . . . ·, . . 11·«,~ks or r1101\•. SPn<1 t•I
.,,,\' inlnn11 r-lk1J'l nri<! lrn;:n tJon i'rilin~ ll'ilh C'Xp<lSt'd loci1111s. :-ii•.\ t.:o.i1 \ ·1<1\ fo. ( t.~T~ A1'1•" BnJok~"· U~P DA ILY
(),' I' r.«t! FU 1 J:· './A honics. ~:i:!.~iOO. ('nll .191.!IOll:I. ,fnr f':i1•h p111ll'n1 -11drl ~~ PILOT. J0."'1, f'1'('(1/ecraN
t .>, .. h·t • TARBELL Realtors: t:••lltJ< r .. r 1•:1rh pa !l('rn fvr _ll1•p1., Bo.» 11l'.\, Old Olclse:i KASAOIAN 0, • • ' . Ai1· i\l:iil 11 n1! Spe1."i11l lla11d· Slutl(1n. Nt·1i· York, N. y ......!.:.:".!<->._(n1sr lh\·y .. r.r.. li11.::: utli(•r11·ise !hlnl·<l:1ss 1 !001!. l'rinr :\'111n1·. Addre111o'
Real Estate 961-4644 Hilltop Haven 1lcli1·pry •l'ill tak<" thrC'" I 7.ip, l"f\fh•n1 Nun11M"r, ' 'H~u~n"'cti~n~g~to~nc..:~H~•-r~bo.:..:.u~r.:..:. On dhl. lot ". nt•crin ''ie11•. 11,•ttk.~ or 11101·c. :)('ol.l !(t N ~: F: O I. ECH1\~I 'T.!'
Jin111a1·. 2 131t., 11 ! h:1.: p:in-1 i\lr1ri11n i\lrirlin, the DAILY (·m.,·h,.t. knll, C'lt'. F'r-ec
plrd Hi . nn., :-\11·<'•lish rnil., PILOT, 112. Pnltr<m Depr.. d11"t•r111111!<. !ilk·. ~u111t(."t·k I\' rit't''1 n \'lt'llo'. j 232 \\'('~1 l~th $t.. Ne11 I ~11 ... h111t ;\l•cran"' Book,
(',1rp '<lrpF BU·in kltcJi. York. N'.Y 10011. Print l hasii', f:1ne.r knots, plll·
(Inly ~Ui.:i(IO. S .\\lt<:. ADl)ltF.S..._ 1\·ith tl'rn111. ~1.00
'1!.!!r .\llS-."IDN J~l·:ALTY ·l~l-07:ll I Zll', s11,1:: and ~IYl.t-; h1~1""' t 'T111•l11•t nocili: -Nl',\lff.f':n. t.t•01n1 h~· picturc11? Pat--Oce•n & Harbour Views llt\'I Nf~ OOVF. H11n1blin~ :i
You ins~· loaf on your dl~.:k. hr l1Q1111" 1)(•:1111 i·eilin;;!.
11,·n1ch thf' bout!t iut<l C'nj())' CM'C"hll 1 h'\1. s1111k••n tuh &
!hr l!O••d )'f1~ for ()I))}' $::::,()IX} 11111.~h l' i)a, '"l'llJa] !l\n. fl1l
1111! 1)rl1·•·. ~· .. an & lla1·l "'u1· h·;: "'1<'1. )'1'(1, S'.r.r.1.000 ju~l pnt' blll~·lt ;i,11,·n~·. Lingo Real Estate
HUNTINGTON HARBOUR .i~i.i-~11S11 .tr 4!1.1-1 :1111
RfAllY \'i,.11· 1\pf nr Vio·lu1· lh1t.:n.
: llH, 1!.-11./ 1.~1 111'. $?,!},\(!IL
17:!1'1l.'OAS"f 11 \\'Y. In 111al11t, l'.'ll'rlPr -tfl.1-7211·1
11 ·1: 8-lft--1'.\84 & 21J: 59:.!-28<1:1 ~nn'\ ncf'd 11 i.;un 1n
F'11t Prnr1r 1.0: a11a111l'fl 11·her1 "'l'r.111· r:i~t " 1\·hpn ynu
ynu sell through resull;::cl· p'.111·•' <in 1111 in t11.-l1111l.1
ting Daily !>!lot Clai;airied Pilo1 \\':111l A<ls: Call 11011'
Ads. 642-5{i73 -1;12-:'67!1. -~'------
S E ~: ~10R1': Q u Irk l•'1'll!!. Sl l'(l Fa~hl"ll~ nnd 1·ho11~ 011,. I l 'u11111l•·I•• ln,l11nl r.1ri ftool,;
pul!rr11 fl'<'l' fron1 (\\JI' -tl1"1'•' 1h:111 !00 i.till!C
Sprit11!;-Sll1'\!lll'I' Cnl:ll(lR. Al l I :SI I'll. ~\71·~~ ()nh ~,(\(" I '0 111pl1·lo• .\lj;.hftn Sook -
IN'ST.\\'f ~F:\VI NG DOOi\ ~1,({l ~··11· h'\ll/\y, l\'C'llr tqn10rrnw., Hi ,IHl,1 l:ttr Hook.., • ~.().:· SI I lloll'>I,; of I:! l'rll.i• Ala;han~.
1;'\STl\:-..'T FA S H I 0 N !fk·._
HOtn\ -th11vh·1.ds , 0 r ttullt liook r -Hi 1111 ucrns .
ll111hlon fitcti.. SI. :1"' ~hl!Ol'Ulll Qullt lklot t -
50,. I r~ I\ bt'N'!l:' •• ,MOii ,Vf)Ur
11 ... n1s 1v\01 ··n~P. 11~1~ naLly
Pi lot Clussilit d, l>t .!-Sf.'18.
f!ullt11 1 .. r ·r f>ll11,v'• tJvl-c -
1~1 11f'nlllifu! p.il!t•ni.•. 50c.
··-· !L ido
DAil Y Pl l01
I ridil_y O•tt111brr 14, 1973 3 S 1 uplexes Unfurn.
1 -~-··----Coron• del Mar
l 'k11 .~ ·'!IP I Hit , 2
J\1-1<1 LldU•'l';,l \ii $:.!1!),fi()'J
1 Newport Beach t OupliJt t1/Unit1 ·1 Buain••• \Houses Unfurn. 305 Co•I• Mesa Hou••• Unfurn. 305 ouaea Un urn.
SUPER SHARP 1 ••I• 162 Opportunity 200 Gene ra l flli':AT 1 Br dplx ll25 now ~,,..: • ..:Int.:.:;:..;::;;:.:.:.:::....-= Newport Beach
t ,,111 plr·I• 1.,. n·nnlllt•h'fl 1 !lit \ • • TAX REFUGE • • ! l.:.tr1·1 !.J•;n \\'A'rl·:n. RUU'I'£ rn:1 111r1• 1,nJy, utll pd. '-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;f'=;~~~;;~;;-;;::;;--
l.;1' l•1 l'h («ll.1~·· lltljl;•· n '..11 .. 1 l.11f!t' J1 11 •'1 dup!<'!( ! 11 .. ,i ,,\11 •·11 n.nJll' , .. 11l··~1n1111 tired = P lllVA'fE 2 Br dplx $155 • TENNIS BUFFS '\:!31,, t .. 1110.p1n .. ~1.111 Jlu1e!r1c:
,\dd ~· unil. I r'r'o0ni I htith \'U• 11 l~uill 111 qf \.\111 \..tn~ f .. r !IQrneorw C .I.: lJ, pt ! 011, tncd ¥.''gar \Ve presently hlive •l tl)P1.! ('tlli.~t JI"~'-'1 BR, 1•11 00
"''fl .\, l't•ll~l'. ~J!ti,1~1 ib~ J•\~,,·:, \l h.Y not t.e )'Hur own RENTALS J·,1\."i'1'SJDI:: 2 Ur hl\e SISO selecU1Jn ol l't'titnls ln1111 Only i;ll'µt' tu ll'nn!JJ l'HUl'l, 1 ~':'wiol,, k, ~1.1ntgc tl75 tl lll
! 1111~11 l tuill JU~! piunli d ! t.r,~:o; n ullt,I t·qul!y. ln )'OUr el~·:ln, fnl'd & Jt"-ntie·goon $235 M. 111onlh · up J.luy 111• -i1vlmnl\ng pool trout Nl';\\' I \'car 1wn<l u 11y5 5:l1·Z'103 LIDO SHOPS ,,111 ( u•··i 111q,.•lltHl. ('<il'ii.·i· hll'<J11c1>~ Gwt Qr.111xl' Co. Hou11a *Apia. IJAHDJo.N ,\ Bl' $255 ull pd . be-uf 11>'rvlc~ tn yuu 111 :l be<lruon1. \r1r 2 & deul, 1 f-;\t'~ 003·435!) A1k lur 1\11'.
t.il fo•nl l••t Ii
<' k \ 11 ,1 l :ir1•t1 .ii .iii l'anung S 1300 l!'f•lo , n•1 slu1y, 2 1•ur·pc:t aolvll11,: your houti ing n.;1•rlJ<~ !11rn1t1 I dh1h1g, lu•t•f)l1t.l1', s•·lf u~111,1nrt
! I\\ II• I' 1\ 1!1 I'll! I'}' 1~1 ll'll'( s.i.:.ou SGJ.).) 1J.,\1 !I ;u1:1 "" I r~·r 1110. !'<1!cnt1al u.11Jln11 te\,I· * ... ,. 0111 * 1:1'.fUfillEO .\ Br 'l BA S:t.?5 i·l..:1u1ini.: 111
t'lL, l11·i1ul1r11l ('1ul· . . -
11• '<..I 'lllll<' lu!!U lh llf' hy 7j l
:-;11\'l'I' :Spnn&li \Vute~ 96o\ Jo'.I'. ,\ ~:10 F.unily & Pl•L y11n \'11•111 llliJh1 hk:ht11 ( '111 \· I _Ccoc•c•_•_M...;;•_•_•------I $49,900 :-(o!I !'J,u •', C:.\l, lhcn l·,111 Hntavla Orunge. ~2-tl!itll $150 -oct-..:AN VIC\Y 1 Bl~ t-:LJ·'.C1\N'L'·I bt t'.\l ::\ ba.$520 )>(l'Uctiun y,•ill lie !Ul \llJleted EASTSIOE DUPLEX
~I , \ •• I 1•t.. ' II
*673-7300* ' 1----* $198,500 *
.. , ,,. ~""' "1•l:-S-'.J1J:\I) fool' t1r•l'l<llplf1ll'll1 lo * COFFEE SHOP * huge ll'C1"S, A hOull! for you. by th<' hi\ or J 11u. Ul!.<lt~tl t. 11;..1,;111 v v .~ n111 uut avt. Uista Mcs1t. ALA Renteli ,.2 •J•• tug h i)n the hill s ot l!H.l'bnr 'l Bdnn. t bnth, garage,
"<'f• I>() Ntr!' OJSTURB ~15(1 & $17~ -B11dg .. t Collag~ --. -v lllll 1·•1o:c 1·1·pts, hu,e leni.:e1l yanl.
tF1 ~m1N •OPENT1l9 TlO::'>A.~TS Hy11\llll'l' l'r111 , I' f 1 11' DESIRABLE 61"1-~·,, .. 7 ~· JJJ pt.•1· 111011!h l:.!o v·r
\it', '.'-B GOOD PRICE -,r u.n , c111 , 1..:1 (JI\ ...,., Ve~etahle~ardenarea llee. f~~::.i T11!:~ Iii.' Iii~~' .. ': 1-:. l~nnJ & Co. 'ipu l~ <inly. plc11~f' GOO TE S ;\'J~ llOi\lf..: ''SINCE 19--\6" 1150 S ll 2 Bl' 1 \'Ph. 111<1111"1>. Stove & retrtg _ _ __ __ , II-I !'A*....._._~
D RM Sh1~l.Jttlt· 2 Hr uuf hsc lur '/. lti· i 1~1• ,.111·11. •l"I''· , .. ,.,,,, · mu 1., Hlk 11••· SIGJ nw. l\lature adu!t11
EST BUY L I DO L==------~---'-..J I n come roperty R V E T 1 r 1 1 • " 1~1 \Vf'111l'rn Hl1nk fU,li• 1 .. ·h & Bny 9 11 11)1'
1 lillllil-1:" Plus 111.ud • ~
1~3 El.-.~ltl 1t 1· 110 1111.<IUIH'•I'
Un111d 111•11 (';di l!K! .• ,1'
I I RA REAL Y "111 .i uu y, i;n1• & yar( · 1 .. r h1'.ll 1:,,r!1·dlsi1 bll·I>•< "'''''"-•'ly !''"'· 1,.,.,,,. $'1 'fl onl>. No ""IS 61:?-1809 alter " " • ,.,. 1 • 1 I " ., u I ' · · · ~'" • , _;io l n1n1nc 2 Br. 11("1' .. ~,1. •-
" .\. ·l Bit + H.1\ \ w11 BAYCREST 4 PLEX $57 000 149 Baoo<l,,.,uv, i.; i\I, ., •• ;,-...... :;; ncl )RP•~. r isc, TIJJk, Jit11iu, :,\ra~e. ,,.,,,tcr D 552 7000 N ' h '' 10 tt!l~. AA' 111 lu·h. i:.r, \:1.1 J.1do • • '642-7007 645·5609 Eves '.'hilcl~pet.t>, g1u· E/~1<lc. I 1!1111 ,\<lulls only, no (X"ls ay5 • 19 ts itrps. Gar yrd p11t10, Cdl\t •"----~~~--
Nord. SE~:JIO.__r,r,:?_!1 1 Bki $
ASSUME FHA 1 • $'/.7()..1~11i>1'YthH1;: ror th c
i :,\ !'!!'. Jt.l'.:ASUNAilL!<· Sf~, o1td 11111 111cc ·1 ur. $150, L1;\••ly ufr Bit diup~~j
1-:,\ltT!I \\onus, G1·<11r •'<1Tlh ran11 l1 3 BR unf hsc .. I! B. _.\, 1 ,,s~ froni Cnuatl . Ciuh ,1 . _ • • f!l .:-. h~•· tJl'('llll, child/pl'! ~·rpti;, i rps. ins, spoli
Newport Beach I 11,:•· !11u1i,: l ••>ni. fultil.tl li.01i.:.11:1 J11111tt·1 'i d1 •l1ght I 1\•>1111s fo ,r 111 11 f1t t;1111 rn. 1.\1': !!AV!'.: t.IAN\' ~1.\NY ,~ ,1,,,., JJ , * Pl ~'N!l-6?06 i BR, I bath ······ $l2J .!I~ ftk . Nr shops & (lCC, l\lfll w·e !1111111.., 1,,
.:•· \,i tolH ·n :ind pl\1' (11111"1 11 11! 11•' I p J,11) IJ,11'k. $2 2~1 1~·1 lh r·or i\!Ollt-..:1r' · 1-•l a 1 1 • BH. :! hs, den, ;1 ,. •• S:!'i,", NU-VIEW RENTALS y.dlts, n.i 11•·t~, 548--0059
!11nl l,\ 1•••ii1, 11<'11 .11i1J•·ts Jin.1111•(·' ~'11 ,\ lo•.111 c,,n l·•·I 1nfu •1111 l'ullel't, 171 11 LANDLORDS FREE I CLEAN l ~.fl!t .. 2 hu ··· •···· S2:!,-1G7:l-\030 nr 4~4--J:l lfi Newport Shores
frpl l
•lid p 11111 1 h1•dJ'•JU111-: phis I •~'<l1H\~11 J-.11l'll... 1U'' !Ill ,1123-l'!:l5 I~ n1. :.? ha. 1'°1'l'Shly pntd, l lllt . 'l tmths •••• ' $.~.-) ·12J t'Olll'J: \Sf' B I '
1u•np11, 1,,1111 1~.is) ,,1i't'I cl•11111 p.1)11u·n1. 1'111110 1..,\GU.'\A l.iuni!"iniat (•II LANDLORDS! nl'1V, crpts, & drps, ~tovl' 3 BR,~{• b11!11~ ....... ,._s.;~J BIG C;\NYoN Co~~1:~ ~l~\~1 ......._.,,..._~
\.i11I l•.'1<1!1 111r l/<••l. Fv1 11 1 u l-•11 ·-~,t(· I n <'l ! I (>II .. \ husy Co·;,s! !hi) .\'.!111 l\l• Specinlile in Ne11 ri '". ierrig Near schools,
BR,'/.,, baths ···· $12
J ~,~) H1•ull1 l l't'di·oo 1 ·{H ti HAVE IT ALL!!
·" 1""!11 ~ l\I{ .: H \,I • •I" \,il11<' 1·.111 r.11,.il'il 1, .. r11·oon1 011n<"r~ unit F.' i1.•ltu'rt ~·oou Ho·ai h e Cui'IJ!lu tlt·i 1\lopo,. • 1 11 ilso1 ", & PluccntiKla: fencl'd CALL 552-7500 r··~nlll;· Tt·:•in
1': ~ r ,0" ,'1· Steps to ocean + tennis,
IJ •1 •·1. h11.,:1• 1.1 on;.: 1·111, tl't'tH ·ly lr>w 1 L< an 1 n 1 · • · ' ~ · • \'Ill< • 11.11\ trees. dli OK ' • "" '
.~ l••nins (ll'fl.'1/L!l . JIS FU/'/ ro BC N1Cf • I T k .~
. ' .l 1 ' :-;!11elds J{ I:. 4~l.h~·: ,1,, Lagu na Our Hent:ll ~•'l'• $·tr ~-7-3K:i0 ·I VISION ])111!n~ rilOt1\, 3 ('al' garage Oly111fJl c pool, 1ol!eybnll, l"l<' WALK TO [ ~ '1 \ ,u\unta~f'.(,il! HJ :Sl'AUH./\'.\T 111,J pt•• \l1·" H; l>·ltE E to You• 1'1y ~..::..·1·.~-.-. I on Cul~le-s,11·. 01el'lookl11g '\131{.2fi/\,tJpper,sundeck,
@ 1
546-1600 prrty,
hlk. "' bity, NB .'\ll·\ 1v11' l.f>V\•,L'I l'Ozy hon1e . !j!Ol\t !h1• Gi11f Cou r~e. Ye,1riy ull xtrns $28!"1 y1lr lSC'
L.lDO SHOPS I !rll'PS1n1t'nt J)il'IS!(Hl ~!50.0UO Ag l_ G7\-~2(~) NU-VIEW RENTALS •1:1ll1:d !!'pl~. IH ,11u! ne\.\'1 • red h1'll [.(',\st' <;'1'1(1 l1lo1 ('.lll ;;[I 1)42-3.:17'1 -'-C:::C::::::CCC"-"--C'-'C-".'.::C:.--lf;i,; 4U':u 01' l:J.J.3~1.'\ 1<11.i;: t pl S lhl'u•illl Bttni; 6 Pill (;.J.\-;>:182 ...,_,..._..~
$59 500 I [ ®' I -----! lilt, 2 J3,\, ~J:!j IJl'l ll\0 ') ' ----I ' Money to Loan 240 LEA~t $:11~1. lil\1111! n~v.· .l 11\c•ldr! j<H!'d{'tl('f ,\sk for nF..\LT\' ltEALTORS ·I • H~IJH{){)/11 -Bi.\'111. Dupl•x••· !l )h~t.~lU "' ti15-!-Ml~l HARBOR VIEW . Bil houst' 111 .Tl1st in \\,~II<'. !:Jtilt;Gll l'iuv l',u ',;: l'<'lll l r Irvine l·nini!y, nn, ronn.<l duung Furn. or Unfurn. 355 "F~I ~s nvr1-.· IJ'Ol'[llT'L ' ( 1 111~\11;..•; :i Hit c-.11 1111 .1 I -11 lsl TD Loans Garde11cr 1nc1t1 >l1-8'J12 01 l "Xuiti<>u . a · 1111, 1u1,·.1t l' •<·nn1s. ·"' 11001
I r
· ... ~ 4~}.-502:'1 I .v. S nr new oon o. JI r 1 1• !lei,;•·~ $·1!6/niontl\ Bilbot P•nlniulo
1 1
lrd&U.i. ! •tl<k !•·•I·"· 11· l.1 11d, ntl\' . · ' ,; Br,:!', U1i, clnsc11 d hJ ,2BRCond•J ,, ... f!25l\1o/l~e hll-.iGS!i t'l'f'llin,.;s &
.. Kn.I 1-1i........ l1~11~i.: ~~J. 1;11 7'1 1(\ EASTSIDE UP TO 90% 3 ~ll .house, c /II. S150 2 g.11·, 1x~1ls, JC{', j'lf1y lll'\_',1, ~ Bil Condo .•••. $21? r.lo/1:-;e \\<'! kl't11I•, lil2-:'17'\;) 11,;y~ 2 rni, I HA. Ill' /ll11rke1 83S·
San Juan Capi~trano COSTA MESA I 8 1,1. c JNTEREST ll1 •• \\,1lk to h~:ath Balboa, i;h.i g ru;.:s d1•ps, lil1ris Br11d· .I Bit lif•lnl" ..... S:l!b 1110/l~ "I'.---.---\;Pl yrly $'121 212'·• :lO!h SL ---_____
4 '/fl SIS5~Blt~1PH\'hlnu1t lll3 l l11rrt l'l. Ni· SC Plnzn.3BRl-lun1c ..... $lfl01110/ls1~· 'iGL~S.'i J!!Ll,, l<•l<'ly l bll,OUil,' '·
GRAND ot>ENING 11:\· ()\1 \1··1:. S:111 .1i1.u1 H•ll" RED CARPET i2nd TD Loans /\gt Ft.,.; 9,9-J:W.30 ~::i:i/1110 9fi.1 ... 11fl.i. 979-4~3 :i BR Hollll' ..... si:n n1011sl' •1··11 Li··" 11 .. n,.·. ~~'.'ll<il'O __ -_._ C-----~= Ne po•t B T ,
1 1
. , .. , · n 4 BR llun11· , .... SlOO 01t)/l~e 11 1>•del, 'l HI(. do•ri $11 .1 1110 Apts. Furn. 360
w 1 ay owers t <. A< 11 1 1·i1111111. '2 1~11 111 EXCLUSIVES Balboa Peninsula * 1 •. n \ ~ L\ ,) lilt-~ BA, 1 ~ BH. J-lonH' ..... $l:l'i inu/l~c \rill ,•onsider tease option. --'------------!
l ,".:. 2 B~:l1l~0(1 \J '2 111 1-!"lf 11u11 ~r. l•NI,' Lowe~t rates Or•nge Co. . ~t~. Ii>-: i.:(!l1L'1 b.ltuid/eall n~ llA.NCl-l RBALT'l ~iil -2000 1'<'11111~ .~ pool pl'lvlg's. Balboa Island
! CONDO\l!~ll'\J 110'.\ll 'S I S,>f..!J",11 ,1·~ .... ol10 ~"fl-1.iJ 11 1 A 2 1 1 Sattler Mt C ON the Point 2 Bit. F'an1 kutlu•11/ ~ .. 111 l{1a fl·plc/ nr td4-2fi'Xi i::\·l"s i:.~ '. Ip' a11d I Lodi Ill vn Ol1l' of the -~ .. 4"' 'l'UHTl.'.' ,,,,,-1,· 111)\IJ"_ :: Bli, :: ll;\, cphl \\I hl t111s, R.1yfl\\n! ! lf1111e,,. , '111 11!~1. ·I 111t 2 ll \ 1. 1 I " ·' 1111 ex. "1111 JL.a2 2171
9· •• 5•·0611 1 ni,. l'rplc, 2 cal' oar, ~'''.(, s, h,,,,Js-rhu1 ,·h~'s/ S400 incl 1:3!: \l111 t•t1.: N I~-·c_:c-.:.:.::; ____ _
"';'"l.:"•11''l .. 11.u li1d do10 1l il<' )'.:'ll riig"· IJf's! l.'uid~f'hped ~!reels in • • ~i:111Jy67:J.749j \1all'!·g,1rrltr1C'1 1113-8974 r. tuJ! sce
r11y !J i;:11n.::r , l,.ig••
l'l:;:;.!\I , F Sei'\•1ng llrt.rlxir at~a 2.\ yrs Bay•hore• D . 4 Rft, F1n1 Hrn , !<11111,, t'•J•l~ 1
1.1l k 101 shopping, s\1'1111
Yl)Ul{ Choice Little Island
Ycal'!y UC'luxe ~ Bil, '31.J
Or I !Ill ~12:J ll75-51!.f':f
Steel,>;. t•onerf'1<• cons1ruc11on I I d;:~:~1cle Costa i'-Ir~a. 10·~ DON'T BORROW ana Point 1 J rapc-111.·s, :.! t «L' g.11, Jll' llllllJ.:", s,lnily hi_•aeh . Occu11
Pr'il ·•1"13·•1(oni,s Santa Ana ~4:l800 2hnu~e~ (~ll,o\OOeal 'TIL YOU CALL USI ~I USI' sacnfice, heal1h re· BftAN!J nr1v :l st J BR 1 park, pool & h llllh <O\l!l~ _l..:_l·il._S3:X~o~1_f>73·J ~l?
2i;aragf'sp.1rc,,.r1t·runi l I Super neat 2 hdrni, 2 hath q l111rs move, S:l95/n10 4 2b..'ls l'Jll drps poo),1 Clo~\ A~AIL .NOll f1)1 !t·a~e olJIAJtB011 VIE\\', 4 Br, 21 ~
Roo f 1011 s
ndo:ck ASSUMABLE Bo1nJ1v on ~fllll' home e<tuity . , .. 1,·1,_ ,1,,,,,·. a·,,1a,.!,, Sl 1S 83.l·l3:ll . Jin, beaut la.cuts. 5;,,::;o 1111,1 .
'i !·:,\l(J.\' l Hll lurn apt
(111' ON~: i\J)ULT No pels,
$1 80/nio Incl utll 675-2975
Bii~ Peninsul•
U I 0
J0/0 huusr 1111 front 11J1h a 1 fol' any good Plll""'S<' .sc-rv. BR, 3 BA, nt': bench, like .., " • ~ ..1 ",usua
/ll~11·1 u n ir.~ to 1'1u S . _
h<!rn1. l ha!h house 111 n',H in" Los Angclrs 'c~"'"''Y 10 .. ~2 \J...244-30.lU .~ pt>ls ok, $28!'1. n10 962-25;i() IRVl~E·TU l1TLE Rock . _gal"• Teru
is, pool 6'1+.-1180 .
("1as1· ay!ront l')1npr cy Ill :.'.,, 1110 l ~•i.: •lJ.: lll.'J)11hhc. fr 1 I I " " ' I Nr1~· '1Bll2D \ l\''t I l!Vll 4 II Neil JJOrl Hr>n<il. I :-.,,.
. ="' C<i,1 ~1 l'l.iz,1 &. >r 1111 rn\H 1 inuie 111111 OV('r 20 yl'ars a11d NO\V m 2 Bl1, 1 BA\.\'/ rerr1g Yard 1 BDH~l, 2 ha. hltllni; (1pl c.1 •1,.1 .. 1,· '1 1 '1 )ll l",1 1
'. f'Xl.'(
1'"1\'C vi.·ii $35 WEEK&. UP ,
1 1
single hous1•s sell for 10 ', Or.Ul"(' Co~inty! $:lOO flC'r 1110 A\'ai l ininied CqJ/rlrps, t'lme tn l\.larina • ur . nr n c 11 s r 1.i 1<)llll', h'll!Us, poo, .1111 1111 , "0 r1•1·n.i ndn f:d ' '.\.G. • \t'I' IP lll .If\;\ schonls ·1 + dfJ\ I\ I "' ··"~"I MO 499--'-~'" I Coin_plcx All ~chnols, bu~ 1!1t1 n11, ~fi()O 01\'!l"l Gl" N•j•' • Slt."l'p!ng Rooms
67s 8551
1 11 + r , 1 • SIGN.\L i\IOJtTGAGE co. Call 673-9-103 .),<"" :~ ~ ' v-<.JV' '' -'"n ' ~ 1ung <In 1•1n Shi.SOU r ~JO,!JOO ca 1 Tiio ~ ~~~~'""---~----. ~c1·v1cP, 11111ny t' x t r<1 ~ l\t \\P{JJITsliuH!· s . ·I Bit e llousekeep1ng Rooms
! •111 ~, liy & { nn1p.•l'C .• :LUf) hi!nii, 2 biith hou~l's 011 seii 1 1 Tl·\) 556·010ti Corona del Mar Fountain Valley I !•r1vu!<' Party 5j:.!-.':1!18S
· L'I 1· 1.. 1 · 1 • Ocrun V1e1v Apts R IEW ·"'•ulli !~l'll~ J)r. 4500 Can1pu~ Drive, N.B -.. 1111111." u • l""' pr11!\''-'CS BA BOA INN 11,1 ~ Buy hnth & sell 011" Hl"AU"I' f' a I " L HOME I r111\r hv & c1un11.1re •· M USED BRICK · no:>¥. >l'On 111nor l<~l 1110 A;:t ti\G·3:.!').) _
CARMEL FOR SALE .:111:. South R1:nt· Or nil or keep hot11 ortgages, 4 BR in Tiburon Turtlerock hoine 11c r o s s I 105 ~laln Street C a ntrell
Sl~.t :AA1 7 unils. r111·ee bdrn1. Trust Deeds 260 AND shakl' r<<Of C'harn1er 111 lf\OO ~! {L of ,ill' l'Ond !tL:\· 1 f101n Untv. 11 1gh, 3 br. 2 Newport Island I fi75-8740
-OWNER :.! li<1111 house. 2 l.J<l1•1n, 1 old Cdi'-1. 3 HR, 2 BA, con1pl lllY li ving-, fJOOl .\:. llubhouse, h.1 + ra111 rn1, C11n1111u111ty I COZ Y /\pt for 1. On the
Of>!'n 1(}..J nr nppT /\ll :lfl· 1 Santa Ana Heights l1.1th hl)Use, tlucc 1 bdrn1, l PUT YOUR MONEY redec, bltns, lots of panl'i· dhle en<,;[oscd 1'Llragc, S'.til pc8 ~136'~ park A\'u 1I J.u1 \\ .\T~.H ~'JlONT 3 nP., 'l BA Ba) $16-0 per n10. un!ll June
phanrrs L1 g J!\lit1 d 1•11111 -----b<tth house<:, plus a 1!upll'X. ing, open beam'l, lplc & lots l\l•l __E~.E 644-$018 111ip.-,r dup!~:\ No J)!.'t~ $:l7j or \'C'arl>. 91'3 E . Balboa
Abund;ui\ 1 i·••1 ·~ ..::p:u•1,.11 s LO\\' t;tx "CO\lnt y" l l'~'"fl1. All i111111.1c11li1l t'IY c,uf'd for, TO WORK FOR YOU! ninre Onlv $,\50 nio n11·lds l 6··1 22·'6 htf', l!lll!'T 'n t ,... l i o !' ''1Jn1fi..111,d11t· ·I J;r .~ d! n, i olo1 (oord1na1l'd a rul Jarid· 1':a.i·n 10~: or n1ore on "1·JI. 11 .. 1er ii.:. t!Hldf'nl"I'. 'i c.'lr larwin realty inc. BJ::AUT. Princl'ton ino<lel :; .:'!"::..~ _, __ -------Hlvrl 6c1c'-c9c7c'o'-----C~1·Jli'l~r!. :: Bit,:! l'I.\. ~·.11 11, .l Ba. -,: sly honi~ a l ('nil I s•·.11)rd A 11 ul" prule or 011·n s~><:Ul'1:'d 2nd 1'rust Ik'C'rts ,,11 le.isl' \\'alk. to be,tt li ,r,, 968.4405 * (24 hrs) ~: · :l ~·Q, l~g h~·l & ;~u~j N e wport tieight' l\l:ACll & p1Pr k parking
J)1n & l1v n11 :..1111 t'0).)1 · ,,f ('lil ·ilf' ~·c Dl'l\I' 111,.1 r rsh1p con1plcx in p11dc of Orang(' County rral ~tale. ~huppin;.: 6~1·~~17 i'.:<llUll llou."illg OpplJ P,i •· IM
I I lw $!Kil. ut1\ Adlts 303
l I I I
•111 111rsl1111 .n•v.1. ''""",",\I. \lOR'f(',,\GE CO. SOUT ~ . ! Univ ~Prk I~ .. $;.l~ll/1110. Hl.:"J IC .. ,. ' •11 :. ln, 1 l..i, !·, f.:d,t'\\U!er. 1 ·~71-2866 111un1y ;;;c 1oc)~, puu "'-: Lo.1 ~k J!d 2 l':tl g:u "'"'"'' H.~Jl' 11\\Y , --· A\·ui!Feh lsf a.)2-735.i P·iut yd Ga·· 1 d· ----'-""'-"-'--'--"''-.::"'-·I
p!<'l.yground S6~·,K ai; .. 11nl<• 11 11·.itin\t'l"i & J•('!\l'ht'S. Pc1<•I Fur 1l1•!,t1!r'it 1nforrna1Lon on t71 4) 556-0l!Xi CUTE 2 JJedroo111 unit 3 lUt, 2 u,\, 1 l lll' g,1r., , 1 • · . ":"-' 1 ' n
' trp s .. ip~~I ] \J{)(IR 10 Be1u:ll. 2 Bil
• 11101 tgngf' N() l)l;\~ !'Ill 11'/sl ·1nrl •I •l "'· 1111, Ill~,\' !la·-.(' .i nd ot l1cr \HlllS, (•nll 4500 Ca1npus Dr., N.B lnca(e(i l"losr. to !he scliool, i all !ihns, Sl\llll pool. kid~ UNI\. Ph .\ nrt. 2 ·~ !\,\ ~~.'11.!\1~: 1f1~1~~Ull, b l.i li<i.J I \\'u11CI' Or Yrl,J . Furn or
f'F.:ES. 6.,14-8•!60, 20-19 Purl tan v 1
\ !l'sS 7'} 1r l:t•d C,n pt.•t. J! •' ,i 11 o r s '<hopping .. nd 1he beaeh <JI\, hke ne\1 only $2 19 1110 l"1
1 r11.•r To11 nhvusl· f.lstr lw ,i.:. ) • • Un( 67J-{i640
Bl'lstol qu,1l;t1(•d hu~l'I' p.1ys rtn11 n 979·:l5:i0, .!G..!9 llarlx:i r Bl-.d S1 5 000 local Zn<! TD·IO':i · Reinodell"d less than a \'t'<lt I Nn f~c. Agl"nt .':!-l:l-4121 I I\/
1111lk 111 <'l•\~et , frpll' Newport Shor•• i =ucAc\"'t=,1c,~0c,0r°"1-8~~1=1-=--~ WHO NEEDS l•• lo.in S!:1LIOO (h111er \561 Cnsta :\1l'Sll. ' J 0 )rs l\'1\1 discount ;1r ai:::o S2i5 n1o • BE:AUTIFUL 3 BR .. B \ ,'\, hal1_'0n~'. 111tercon1 thru· ! , & 1• k r, IJ pnv _I ~~ ~111.1 Ann I !1·1 ~ght s 1 Q UNITS 1y.1J1•. Gunr. pu y 111 I'll I . F:STATE H.EAL T\' f,.10-1 120 1 cunrio. Crpts, rlrp~. "poo°i 1 ~tt . $l~ ;i:i:l-~ll-\ I WALK TO BEACH • • t 'l 1~,7~ •. ;i~;, 'nr S7.·i l}li!-1
GASOLINE? Westcliff li•l2-96G!l dys 483 MORN CYN RO I lt'llllls. et c. S:l6Q. ~!5-I SOj ~E\V ·' br, 2 h,1, hltu1~. · 'luh, tl'n11is ~ 1~•1ls IMMACULATE JN\ll<'STOltS 11uutt • ..J to nia ke Ai th'<: rC"n!·I • 2 RH ·., 13 \ H 1-• -B h trush L'OtHp, trp1~. drns. \\',, h.i\<' ~ ,<;, .\ Bl1. hon11.s Corona del Mar
People 11'hO livt• 111 1><•.•nt• * HE:DUCl'I> u" ' • · •1 · · • ·, un 1ng.on eac t~ 1 11 . ·k & pool ['-;-fl •)lll $3 • .0 n10 \'c11ilv HOnlf' at Rig (~'tnyon ('Ollll ~ * ~ ~ ..• ~-: Pr1d{' l)f 011 ncr~hip abou1u1, ~~· u~ ~l ~tt {[;:(!~ ch3iS·501J d!~l' l-:"Jl}·· ~ft pk:, ptll!r>S, ~:Jjj I u~11 ' S:l.3~8~~17 l r ('1ll !~In)' Till•)' gO f.isl I E~ .F c:AN1'1.Y furn Cdil-1 apt.
lry ('lub ,,,
l\Hlk to j" Bi, -B<L . lnu11,1c. $~2.~. (>n 10 prunt' uni!s' (\\inl'rs ' 11Jr ll · 011g,1g~ o. ;.11). 1111 .. ()99 1 CAYWOOD REALTY ::;uµer h V\1 of bay. 2 Hr.
Ne\i•port C•'rtlP I', ~·:ishion By oiinf'r . 646-4219 Bl <' rPl11·1nt: -11 ,u1t out j 'l 811. f!l'n, din rin 2,~ BA. ~ux~~y 2 BR C~ndos Laguna Beach * S48-l 290 * :z h.1. Lr1-; l1v/dln/k1t.6J'i'as
lsl:ind & P.1cht1rd's i\laikf'I I l.X('(.'l!t•nt (lr.ul .[.;t:' ('0u11ly [ II &I \nun VP, pa1ios. 1800 \'\I l ~!.''k~ llhuron ur \i11l.1 l '.1 _ .. , , . • ldt•,J !~11· l'Xf'f' ;pl. $~
3 Bcdrnon1, ·~ hRth hl>rlll'~ r-I~ I \0o·a1ui11 !\1\Ll '<hopp1 11g. R•t• ,,. 1 yr old $:li5 ·109 G<ilden· (~fl\ your hnn1e before SI di . CIL! I d. ( hal IJllllR' S•n Juan Cap11trano I 1110 ,\\nil shol1 t er m .
• fnlm S79.~:i0 r,
s.~~.(~~I MobReHomet JiilP ~1 1·1•11 ,1.1' 111•1 ••·~~ t;0 •HI 1ud t.7:1-fi!)()fl (l1r1~11111t~ <;;pa11ou~ ll\ln~ !l.t·, d,~,k U1<.'clll side !111v 1 6~.i,..:)2l\.~
'Pl1onl' ii·\, b\1-(,Q:;IJ. fi on11 . I (1111)1•1' 11111 lit•lp r1110JH'i' I :;;--<> ~pn,•p & dh!1• rn .. lrisrd g'.HI'· $:t.!ll lt1•dr1· 2 lir apt. ll'!,!l :'\I•.\\ ~ 1;1(. 1 B1\, hl111s c----M-~-------1
10 .\'11 To:; P\1, r111ly ~1'.)IJ ~0 -T;i k~ ad· Houses Furnished 300 • BR. 1 1111· fu'eel.lCC', Af!e. JX~il .~ ~·!11!Jho11se fron1 l rte,·k. nr .i1 t~iu·h. Bc<lnt j r1 pl<·, < pr ,/drp~. S1 • 11<: 1 .. .;c0c1c1c•c._:__;_::•~•~•------I \' . .iit agl' _(':ii! !•U.!e ,\11rd-1 rePs S2S;i/n10 ~27~,. ' 0i '•'1u1 Vu' 11 .... 1 .~· 1.,,,. .u e;i s.;1ril. '.\n
VACANT!!! I Mobile Homes
I 546-1600 General -'"'1~'-""'""''r_RH--<'17' larwin realty inc. '-<' -""'""' '· "'" Z R" I•"'' "''·""""""1 ""·-""'' ' Casa de Oro
UE5T IK• ... h 1\111' ,\1 1\IHU~ For Sale I IJ\\1•.~l llll'llt 11111~1\<!l •. . COZY ('nttag-e 2 Rr, l Rr1.,968-440S * (24hrs ) flrtncl'Llfrplf'.L11gun11()111·south Laguna \l.L l~l'JJ.IT!C:S l'AID
H\\ lll'l : '. /1nll11.'d '1~1SSC~'i<JI\, I MOBILE HOME ~s '. 0 ~ ~ r,ac /\pl., UIJI pd fl{'(il hcl!ch lkain CC!l, I U 1ual l/ous1ng Op11t\' I ~(•fl I Cl•!ll)>Ul'o 111 fot c ypu l'"!ll :> Blt + l.i nl 11n J'vt 1 nui !s, I I ~ , ! 111•111!l C 111.1ll·, linl"n" flll'n tno frvlc S27J/l\IO 67~>-3.'i-09 · NU-VIEW RENTALS 2 Bit, 2 OA rl'Jik· iialkuig: I Cus1un1 dt.,;i;..'llo:!tl, fet\tu1111g: 1''~'1 .~· i hihh•"lll'<<' ~llhniil FOR SALE :
al' 1 SlOO 1, B!.~ Dp!s Sl:f i 1\ utd 21:i llcltntropf', 3 br. 21~ ba. l.ARGE 4 bedroom Rruu:h I lii ~-ll!'!O or -1'1 ! ,\!Pl r11~tan1 f' In 9tll <;t. · !1<.. h tlt.'V. I e SpaclOUS k1!.:hL'll I\ 1th Jn. a11~ o!fi•1 ~lS,"~~l li l~i 1'1l!\l 'l1'1 SILVERCREST I 1 (,~~~! IX~n~Fn::_itu~c µer.sons 2·i00 sq ft. $\ZJ'.l. ino :O:tv!1• lol'nc r lnt iiJTh 1J;:\10 '1' Chnstni:.s 111 this ho1ne. yrl~ \st• H.ers S !~j dll'('<'t hgh!1ng i 1·lG·Gi!'I~. MOBILE HOME ( 1--J· :Gnr enlBrLa· GT:'-,...1:'150. hnskrtbn.11 rour t r.aril·l lov.,.ly Ck-f!an View hon•r. r~tZ-:'l!ill, •tli-19·Ml ,. Srparatc d1t1 ~ ari'.\
:.:11 ";,;, 2 BU 2 Hi\. i.11•p -~ 1.:,'ll1~!'. fl 11l(, sn1 (JC!, 2 blks NI 1\1'1' ., BllR\I •1 f'n<'r n1c.1t11:\cd Bull11ns, Ni'\>.' (i rror. JP,R, :!RA ~1':5 Hou••• Fu-rn-i e lfome-.11ke stJ)111g1•
1rr1r R\11N YO:.t•Orr11r-<1 !I' I I ll I 82 SPACE 11sc,1 ,. • .• 11,\ f I I f I "' 1 .. , A l"l l""~ ,or 1•P1i\'r1te rmt1os
t 111111. 1 111s .. t1'l l).:. $:!()(). l'RIV \TF: ,111 . 11 (!upll•X!llll! giea\h·iv\!t'Y.. 1rl"p11re unr an11y ron1n < ; • ~·Sf' g1. · "I'" Unfur 310 •. , ...
\1• E. llm.;trd & l :u. \\:1~11~'1 ,\: t!k 't'I !IJ')'l't , \11r«1! ~OBI LE HOME PARK I nr tw:1i·h, <l:"111;,11:11 . ~I ~J x S1:15 1110 yrl). S~fl-3i~,,_ll: ;;,~xcell!nt ~i-ea ~37.J Hkt , r.~!, 62fl n . 1 • ~~~~;;1~ p~;;1'fi~11 11
ttr.1 i:..-n •• .c....._.. f•H' :!:.!U .;1r total , kil•'h. (_,11c \!,,111 anil Pop S<>n1t'l $:.!75 . .l Bit :l 13a S\u·fs11le. Cost• Mes.· _ _!-4 111 :tsk for Dcile f'ANT·\ST!r nC\\' rluplex, G•n•ral , e 1·,1n"·Sl 1•1,.,,,._.
I h11 k, s !Ui'<L"l' ::.lil d, !.111d· ~ I ' ' 2 Bn .,, n 1·.;oo j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ' " -... 1111'l'!l\1\'r I.et Th<'n1 1nanag1' frplc, <,;()\ 'd 1.111110, 2 l ·ii'. ' 3R, 1 ':? R'I, Surf~idt' Con· O<'f'an . -~ i\ 1 e Pool . B•rl~•<"•••• _ •ur-
llAf BO! l '\ I . Sl'ol)f\d JJ.tllc) Thr"l yri> old l I d G + o\!'H --{l'I f,~\ 8 I\ ,. ..
'llAlt',, ,'"',-_1 ,~-,',",'~».',:.!. ~.,,' -hke llU 1 .• •.J!.':1!t'd In !\Cl\ •1111 II'!' 111 hcnut :1 Bit s;~:i() :1 BR, 2 Ba B JsJ,11111 Sll/\!{P, !'h'.'l!l 1 HR. 2 Hi\, I 0, .. 1s SlO\'C, D\\'. 2 Car .....:....::::.~r -4 l ·: Hdrn1~ ~ ! '! ft '1 I l'->Ulld• d 11Jlh plush land ·~ .. -' ¥ .irtull Jlk ,,
riois) 11 11· t-ru1!1 hl}use i r1t-\tly ·sec t•J Appr<'c1ut1•' fa m rn1, ('Pl~. rhJ"'-.J?llns.1 )!or L~e: pf1t10. nC"iu· <;hl}p,,1 Laguna Hills , 1 ·' i. • u.r I s.:uiiuig
,cul-d('¥s;:1c. l~ 1110 "' 11• ,\· \ :"l Olll' h<dl hl flnni elt1 l1-A'<st1111a hh lOano,;. S.'f' and ALA Rentals 642-8383 Quli't t,i111ll) 'trra t26!'1 n10 schl<: & OCC'an $2T:i 1110. 1 •1)f~:~ Y 2' i' ·· ·· ··1·• · ·:· • $.,no I .\1111l:s ;\o J>r1s 1;:0~1,._1~l'll~C'.1 '.~1· ~oll~~~t.~11~l1\\':l \ h11u"' s1 :1 9!.I~. Cnll L\'ES st;hn111 ~'.f f,•1· '\«llv l\l\'C y, $\10 . U11l l N L•'~ B,h h. Cri.ll j.i(}-llj J II f' r 1 tag e Avail J;in. Lst, 6-15-6S71 1 * HIGH on a Blult, beaut 'r1r1;11··s 'u~·~~1n):rl1~e1\S'j~~1p, I BDH\! $l1G.
lf'r'S, Y.OVC'n ll Otid~. til" :!I ;.\i~l·lli1~1 _!.:l_'_'-_bi,Hll\G. i~ hr l J.:<ll':t>;I' .~
!:i. ('in~on,\ •k'l !~f'alt••rs 3 BR, 1 J/3 ba, 11\1 crp!s, 1 v1e11: ser ludr d 3 Rn, 2 L;i, 3 81! '.' :z ~l,o;i. ()1:t'.:u1;~~IH • ~•;,"i \\. \\ilsun t).121971 .~'ully Ind s( pd ,i:., fncd
CAN BE SEEN AT: Z"!:Hil~Lr·:.:\ES \Valk to E .1 .\l,ir COND<)-~ Bfi, 3 LIA, 2-stc.1ry .~ pa.in~. 111clo.seo! lot. $2:1). 1-i;t,\· l\lt1do All ele(', F un1 ; 11111" t' ~:::j. I Unbelievably Beautfful
.$74 500 incl. I.and Oiinei• CRESTMONT ~llh St ~hop~. Units uu·h1de Sl~lt . J Bi, hte 1•011kinJ.,'., pn ~·ttlhC'dral ceihng, rec area, 11\t~. _Call he1l11 Snider, .ur~('ot~': PJ',!~· ~ntl~l, ll'n.~h~.1' 2 HK. 2 U,1 rt1r11 . \\'llllt l'' r ,\I. lJ 1:--t:ttE (ilH'df'n ,\ ts
644-61·19 ESTATES -1 1~~~{. 1 :: ha, lrplc + Jrg I yard, !rets. (·lul<l pl'!, l .. H loL·:il<'d .Nl"ll'l>O[l_ -R1\·1era, ! 96.·4111 :I.: ,41)-• ! . Q/1.1 ;ill·:)..•~·' 11::;. $.WO. I Adults -no Jlt'ls. Flew.Pers
FAST POSSESS. l!f)l :-)I ll.' l)i• Lli'i
1 1
C ,
, ,} 1 'F'i' __ ;:un.1 S32:> Uef .i P/11, t;.\,r1000 Love Iv 3 Bll, 2 BA, euldes11t',
2 Br & Den, 2 Ba Condo1 t'\I! I'~ 11 l•ci·i· :-.rri·nni .~
lla rhor \'il'll Carrn,..I niodi l
1 1
l,' ,l,11,~s f;
"'ui·:., .....,0Ll::..-:._!.lEALTY ;,i.i('r-0171 SIS.'1·ll.1yfi ot'.l I Bi hu 1ll·111~ ,..;11 1\l~l-' 3 B!t, 2 J3A, i;:l)<ir! stree!, Rt!f/P.&l), lg: fll('tl s:iag, pool , etc. F ull n~l'llllt 11 ,ih·1fall, 4J pool. Rec .·
,, ,
#I" TAX TIME BUY Pl'l1' h<h, iluld p('t, B,dh<•i1 luc at1nn Nu Cill \l•>•I .,.,I lot, dbl gar $2151} ask for \fl Can I Dec l.>!h . ll11i. ~.11 u1a <.:··ls 1-2 B<lrn1
3 UR 2 h"i r1 n11lv rn1 , 111 1•.~11 ' 11 •v ' N VIE · '· .~ ··"' 'J j 71.\ 5-lsr,-95 ·., '"'l!o ' lots oF 't'xti.i~.·f'r;cer~'(h H.:lii i cor,;r,\CI 1;,\Y,l'l\ :'llG!t, P1'1'.!p;11d 1111 ~rt·~1 1lo11 n. 1
_,,u. W RENTALS 1ns1<lr !o np1>rf.'<'1ate. S2'-J5 ~{', !li>-·~171. 1
cl · ·);J, or 121 _,i ~.111·~1 ·U11 fu111 lroni $141
,,. _,,, .. ,
,,,.. Units-NJ·.\\ 1st tl ~c r l'.:::tst G1_,·IO?.O r)I' 4'.11 '.::!18 hi" U.\2-0-145 S!-1,\PP "II". '''''h pni•oci· 379·.tSO!l :>.t.f. IT. 2000 Par50ns,
to S6S !l50 111<'!11d1ng l:111d ·• .. " ~ " " o"l CORBIN-MARTIN C'.'11. l\,:3.ros2. 6HT l414 l HI~ couaKc. Sl!O, c '.\/ ~~.\STSIDE Culc old 3Bl1. reneed, frplc, crpts, drp$'. I lak• Forest -'~·1o~C'."~U·:·~~-----
REAL TORS 644-7662 GREENLEAF HOUSE + 6 UNITS Also 11·ulk to l.Jench, N.B $2'~\ Kf'et!~ TLC, nC1\!y (lee sto1I', lli;h/1\'Sh, $ 2 5 0,: . , Newport B•ach $30 WEE:k & UP 1 '.'l o·ii unlls at :lfi37 l::Jdc.n !.1~0 .~ Bachelor Utll! r.; !l L'pl•· 01 r1qn1ly oo pet~ 5:l6·712i 1 F:,Lfi~' \\T lake front hnnic 1 • Studio & 1 13R Apls
\ p!l\<11\' ' ~1 <L' 1dult 1·•1111· 1 C'.\l 1st usPr 11/200 '; \\Tll~I S~l uni 11d /\)!I Ft<l' r.1~..-1-,s6 3 BR. frplc, crpti;: Ol1n~ ' '1 .r, ' Ba, •li:.n. 2
fu e BAY /\ve \'rly·Yacht c\11h l •TV & l\lairl Service A\•ail. 1n 1J1111~ 17 ·•• \l li1t1 11•1 \11 , ,. • 97'l-81'U -· ' P ' ~. l:n1ndrv rni. ~•·If r·Jr an ' 1 • 1 e P l 5" . . Hid p I ('\I I l!ll ·
ii ' ,.,,.(,dl!Jllll<IL'l'lHb l·lll ·--' ~ll,\IU' I BHT0\\1\llOUS!;, i'xtt'l'Olt'\\' ll'g fn.:d ),lrd ,,1 ns ~!l l'·ill' '>i lll' UlilOl l ,. lk l, ~)f'Clltl hlk ll\l'fl.)', ionl" 'r.l!e -00 1
h• v \\~·.'.:1 ··~llH ,;,;.:;1 l•. :.1~t1'. \ 0filtJ.7~C1 1~1.1 ,\lt•s;i 2-2 1 Balboa Peninsula t,' l Ha 1 • ..... ,1 ~~dr 11~ho•1ls ~42~~~~ fl'Oll\ llunl c,•nl1•r I di '.q;e~ $3!•() r~r :110 S111r!P~· 2 l\\t~ .~ lll·cn~ll 211 hR, ('()\: ! • 2i~~(~=:~ ;:~1~ct1~~l
tlht llk"ll•ii 1 .\>,j:~•;'i ,,111 Lii t r\~~uine \A !o.u1 JJ 111 YI:: 1l\' , ~·.~shopping $295/i\10 . 1110. " \\a!<:on, Fnre~1 ~. Olson Ee 1· rptc. 1 iruisjgll~,1
'"h JHi i d1111·n Days ~~I-2Gf..0. Eves .'\/,. · s!tps lo hf'aLh 1•1-;>;267 1nn .. 1 1 ~n1\,hltns ,d~h\\ilr, Rt•fllty.F\Tnroll'.l7-!l5.'.0 r1r
Lie ('•Rnn ° tlu
(Ad,...,.,itorS5 I ~ji-l·l~i Sngl 1>1'h h~~· 2fi!t 111 1111 j BH 1 g \ r 1 I rrpt~. ,Jrp~. nr. i'-lanna prestige setting Rea.liy .to """'' on r~
,_,_ir\fi .· i
.• ~·,, '"''··•i•I. -
. -1 Jitn 1 S:'l:'Jl 6 13-1.\t.', · 11 .. · r 1 ('' ;. ¥0" 1· rp' c. ~fl!::h ~hopping s 2 9 0 lido Isle n1nve 111 Jo or nppnt 67 l·l·l68. HOLIDAY PLAZA HARBOR VIEW HOME ~ ........ ' nB r~ lll~hls 4 p]C\ By ... ) I . ' "' 'l!l Ill, ~" c.' . 67 l·lll <l'l <II 11 4 2'22·f~rn tu1 111~l1•<. \il.,tl
,1k II.ilk 1111nt•r S~.i.000 Cos ta Meta \\nl k !11 ~1n1l"' S:!J) 111<1 !l2$-.ih7J11r~211-..,200 Ll\'l':iiidllr1n ll>r1.irlnhra,•h · . · Delux!!-spac·ious l Hr fun1I
CUSTOM PALERMO ,,, ~h•·P., '··rd . l·\I~ ...... '>!11-'12 1 ~ -1;1i1s 1"H! 1;7:1 77::17. 'l Hf)J{:\I hr'1JS(' v r.r•l 1 1111 h R S\\l'l'Plll~ \Ir\\ ,,f Condom1ntums <•[>I 1'1 r1111~llO +u1ll r)ool
4 HI:, 2-'t•'i'I ! 11 •pl1·~ ,1 , 1 1111n<ll!• • '1 d I! .1 .. 11i l\l 1il, • 1 S'.!~:i-l'~'T::'\ ; 1~1~. ilt:'ll, f•,rt)l! J;-.,1~IF.I) orru anc !ovr)\· 5 gara'il'. rlO~P 10 ~acii Kid ~ h~v Apt u11f111·11 :: BH. 'l Unfurn, 320 ,\nq,lt> ii11•k.1~11g ~n ch1ldren,I
\,1r, l·u1I 1•111• 1.1 111h! 1po11i.:, 111 <.di 11\·l '~J Lots for Sale 170 ' ~I n
1111• 1 J,i'\ \l,~l· 111 811 ? Fl •\ p B;~ llorlxil' I ()K .$175 !)63-:.t"irn Bt,-Ai 111I fll l' full \Par rii::h1 (~~!pers l'J6;i l'on1onR Ave,,
hug" •k•·k "/Ill• l••t 1,1 :'>1•11 t11"1"111 l •ll-1~11 1 '1 ·\\~n.'11 111/ ·~·',1~dt: ;in\'1' hn1;1l",$.~RJ., R.1~3 11 o r '.!Be<h·111 1 lr \!h hltn~ l!il'f:l'I !hn1 1h(• sun111lf'r (':ill Huntington B•ach , j
11!1ll' "11 11'nll,ol \1 11~1 ~··· .• r1111t IJ<ilk H!l llil' 'ha,\ LOTS I LOTS! LOTS! ~~ [II~ <~111\1\Sll!(, <ry!'l S!H.)(43·, l11l dhi ... g<>.r ' s21·,' n1:1 HtJn strr CrC"l"\y h rk r -~·-·1-------1•k:J...\\l],\.fl01'.NS-POOL
ln npp!f'P f,ll• 1.\1 l~''j \l..::~Jll !1i'l·fl'I:!~ l.A1;lJN.\ fit;,\Cll l'Ot.'I'(, '"n ow ·!lr >;•'11~ 11~k ! J)a] !lfi"41-71 h46-f,1:tR :I BJ{, b11. f)l1t10, pool ,1•A!lu!tsPools1dC'$]5QLJp
--BL-UFFS-CONDO ~llllllllllll~~~llllll~~~~~ S.· ~l!op g-,\\'all ,dt .Ian 1.,! DJ·;LUXC 2 bedroom, 2 bath or E', ,..,.. \1'11!k h.1rhour park. Tt•nu ls, e ,\Jso Children's Sl>ction
(j( ,. 111 1 H 11 . l 111!~1rt1• ·•ll'l':1i:;t 6 1&-20.\2 to1\11house. Pool, 2 car gar, l'.:NJOY Br h h'!U\JS elb 1 rlay ~111111. hlt111s $'.?·I() 177-E. 22Jld SI C/lf &12_.,..,
J;;]('1·a1,•rl 1t1 1 .. 1 1111 , l1r. ~ r,,1 1Jt·1• lvpn1•·nt S11°· f.,t· ,\dull S2'lJ ,rno. 6-l~>-fi610 Irvine 1311. :I B,\ So\90. 13.3 \1111. 8.\6-l.'Wl ----
Ltfll 11n. '1'. l•t f,.
,1 R!al Estate, I 8 \Jul s :'l ul!1+['lf'x Lido Isle \\'11t1er~. S.'ll/~11 12 ·4 LGE FULLY F URN. 2 BRI rt1n nn, ntl 11•111r.1I 1111 GM1!r-ill 1ln11nt.,1\11 Con111H'l'!'l.11-all , 2 BH. erpt 'drp~. g.;r, niie NEW Turtll" Rock llomc 11'/ 64{)..11146. Newport Beach J~lu1s, pool, l)can1 et:.U.
kar.1sta11 trp1 l 111.111~ h111ld.d•I•· \\'lNTElt lr;1~P. hl'.•UI ,..::.'I. ~;t.:~L.Adult_ ':pl, .~o pets rec lac.II, nr UCI, 4 br~·l"-.0 Newport Beech •80000 CONDOS I Arlull s. lin~Ant okl no pet!I upi,.'1\id1 ~. p11,,.i t
1,1 ..
I Red Carpet Realtors b.i)fl'f)n! hoinc: .4 BR .. ·1 ';li.J ·l4S-l ·I05, ;)'\~·82-'L I rno. 3 B1·$4:!i n10. (711) • ' SlllO. tH2-9.J2l1 I
nlfukel $f1!.:~JU lliil 1,, •1J •t A creage for sale 150 497-1761 11,a. hrf\111 f111n_ ~11ndy hl·ll l J\l.\lEO. OccuprtnC')'. 4 BR, ~9-3347 hf>ty,•n &im ,ir,, o\pn1 NF'.\V f'xrc• 4 BR 3 BA \\'/1$0 L1\~ in luxury, i11th 3 LR·· 1 lllJl$160 & $•~-" 2 BR H "I 11 . I ll'I ,I'.; float. S16.i0 illn . 2 U,\ $323/:.10 Option --3 hn .f ' '--'"' Y '111),.11 '11~1 '" 1· -'-"-'-'-'' TAX SHELTER Mountain, Des.rt Bill t.11111rl y R!lr. h7f...6l61 1• 11 ltk. I' .,~c· ,,.111 NEW 3 ,!',, 4 Illl homes ln d··~'TC'I' v1c11•, tennis & pnol 'N °~1 ·"11
i wii $195 Nf'I\' CIPIS X.'Clnl lrg I BA YFHc >:-.i r o.~~1 1 c 1 • .vc~ ,,,,,.....,. · Tur Ueroc.k 1111lk ti} pool $i;OO mo Eves & wknd~ Cl\l/!Jrt Hcarh lt<'nls fl'vni I Adults 1993 Church 548-91i33
NR Cll,\NNCJ, l·;-.;T IT1·¥r•ti.1d 111 (r r··~1 25·:, Resort 174 COll)ltf UL t:"n1enip 3 l>~. ~ UDJ!M, 2 IJA, fELmUy n 11, tennls&s~h ls ii:J.1270~ ' &~l-l'i!Jl .· ' S•«JO i\.Tnnlh !1
;.-{lf,O LARG~Bachelor $\Zi/
BR,•IBi\,+S.i l•ll"
111 1
, d11\\1l (h1•11 •·HMl 1H1 t·s111· ., ,, • den .l IHI, bl!ns. SA7:i cl'pts drps range 2ci1r ·---. NE\V 3Bft 3 B.\tllnrn1 H ' ;i mo.
, 1111,1·AllOl\JlfA!) 1Vintrr. il 4 /67;,...492? .• ,,·1·2,1., -,',,,_7027 • $225til-t0NTII 2Rrt.11,iR \INE\Vl'ORTSHORES.Bcsut ~ ,· · ·· • ~ated pool Adulti;, no cust rw 11., n1 .. gn 1f1t 1111 '"1 '~ (••111"1 l'l •11 1· fi•nu · ' J '' J G:.!4--71ro " · ·· n C ONDO . \1/A LN U T \1a1erfront house. Yrly $450 frplc .. dbl gor : cpt!!, drpl', pe1s. Call 645-8965
vle\v, hug<' ;Jc•ek, lg l ~\,,1 1 l".I l•1i'u, i•ltV~'d I'll.id. ~21fi(l l t,ietll f\l l )e.ir round livui~ CTASSSF.LJ S ti4"567~ SQUA llfo' CA ILfl.42-2657 9-9--251)(1 1•0 \8.'':ltil.i lll1tn)qual.cx1tAll ponl,ll'n· dock. S3:lJ f00 Ail :,1i.
., ~···r .it 1 1 · rr.111<·~. & cln~I' to lh<' village.·' 3 Bit 2 Bi\. n1 t cnnl" "· ·' ~ --· " ~ ' nio ,j ,
a-"' 111>1. sauna $•150 54·1-3049 2 BR l'rall1>r ru1·n $1?.0 mo
Co 61~ . .'~l2(1 1,()1.lll~N e r·.,\R l~E.\LTY )T. ol<I Bav11r1un stvlf' ?. crts & beach Sl~JO/'.\IO. 6 -Townhouse Unfurn. 335 incl Utlls, Adults, no pet1.
. .~
-,:;2-li ,..:} •11' li l~277r> ]('\·el ho1n1· 1111h Op('ll hean1 tllOS Licase. 646-J'S69 slril-0~}!\-/J,"t::'!/'C:.• 646·1801J
HARBOR VIEW/ C " cl"1hn~s thro·o\1!, 3 Br, 2 \.!::) 1." ).J \J D p CARMEL emetery Ba + coniiih'!tely fint,,.IJerl Newport Beach Cost• Mesa •na olnt
BA. Fa1Ji Hni,
11111 1
Lots/Crypts 156 ha~rn1erit for ptayr111 Ol'I,--Tira# Intriguing Word Game with a Chuck!~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9I
X1 t :ond Bi•a ul ,d
,. • ~ .• , ~ 11•01 k~hop. Lnill'Y r a c rourtIST·OO you \1ant an 4 4 ~ EXTRA sharp end unit, 4 ndcd '
., · ·~
,~}1 I ( 1'. ~1 l. I !:. It \' p 1n1. s:-11i ;~IO (213l 45l-389S 11.frer ocen.nfrnt bch h.~I' 11kly ur 1 ii• Y CLAY l. POllAN BR 3 bas. Vain nn, 2 <"ar UVE in the f\U new Dana ~480
',f.\·i <\ hi~);
1 1
l\'c·~l rnuislf'r l\l 1· 111 n r u1 I 6 p'm. or anytlnie \Vt·ckrnds. for \vinlcr' JO'J 3:.!ud SL OR:tQmirio• ltt1ers of !he gar, patio & pool. Harbor Pciint Harbor at the · 0 · ~ · I '.II'!, Ho ·J« h UJ\·d \\'.-q . H U f J0.5 fovr tcrornb~ words be· J.f1 dist. $375 n10 ~18-1'.l',6 bea.uUlul l\tARJNA INN
VIEW VIE W Vl l·:\v 111111~11'1'. J':iid S:li.; ve.il's Out of Stat• Prop. 178 ouses n urn. low to form fovr Jit'llple word5• D I F .... r Motel. 3o\902 Drl Obh1po St. liarbor Vi ew, new Tvtont rgo .1i,:u. 1,t s1 :10 t nke~ 11 up ex•• urn. '"'"' f49&-235.1l. K 1 I c h e n, E f·
4 Br. fam r1n, rrlllli' \ll('V.' lil:l·l1101 [..()']' ;\la1.npkn1 ~lf':'O:ll !\!General I H y s N A T I Coron• del Mir flc1C'llC'.le3 ,r., Apartn1enta.
loc. $77,900. Gi SHllJ>son, -C -. 01·f'11 nh'On1 A h ,\ r g fl 1 11. 1 . Jteated pool, direct dtal
Broker. 5.'>2-7500 ommerc1al fi•lfl..ll!IOi\ ev1·s "' 11 eekend.~ 1 ALA RENTALS I I I[ I 1 CORONA DEi. t<.IAJi phones, television, sauna
' ASS HILl.. Lovl"I V 1 Property I 58 Real Estate I , t-1 Bedroom $l50 hath, I au n dr y fac1lltlet1 ._. WI WICW.IJ:l IN HIYICI . . • • -n1~tlng room, <:IO!IO to Sa.ri
nE'"' Bren hon1e . Mnn111·0 Exchange 182 497-1215 Cleinente & ~Unft. Beach
rnodel, hy ol\VllCT $5.'l.I~~) TAX SHELTER f I NE GI s I ',· Duplex•• Unfurn. 350 Co1ne pl1;1.y In o u r
l'enn1s & pool privlg's COMMUTING TO L .A . fiiit HOUSIS . • 0
... -·---__... ..... sporUWttn", lhoppl"f •
Drluxr .! SI\' nff1cr bld.c:. I 1 ArTS ' r I J I G I n '--
• &H-eve11 S'.Ul.(ll~l down, Ar•iirox Aii· II~\•' l,r:-" 5 Br, 4 Ba hoine DU'lS. f ener• ~8~11taura111DU. $50 week Up.
111 .11rport nrea. \Viii tak1, ill ad &: reeei·-JITY•X T1'( Ir~:( ~hl'lh.:l'. d " BDR"I d I 2 bl k 15 f f "
W l
IH'f•Tl,~l' Co. tl'R e. Agent, NlWP'OITllAY,(M.642-l)IJ 4' ... upex oc ~ '0 01\ ir11t week'11rent
J.126 Santiago Ave . • es· ~io ... 201~ • or :)13-S:::i7 bl·1-:i742 r•ves. I 'from beach. 3 bdnn. Con· ' ' ·~ ' c.llfr • oovet Shores area. BACH'S $8J/Sl2;J u!il pd . • H A L E T f The other day I w11 in 1 c1omlniu1n near Htg. 1-larbor
4 13R • 3~ bas, $139,500. NEWPORT BEACH Ocean u1· il1lanrt·slngle11. • 1 1. , .,,i, .,,....., HuntlrMlltOn IM,ch Oy,·ner _ Builder. 543+7019 AS IS t Br $130 . utll p<l, J J' I J res aur1nt Wn•r• a notice on ""°'""11''\J ;.;..s .
• ,,,.
Prunr hityfnin! sl!r I ~-i.t II •I "'"""''' oork 10 b< done. th• -monu rood, •our prices l•lbot •onin1ul• $1S.S.$165
,. ~ ,.. For li,,,,il n•pa11 & salt·s r111..... COUP E J ' 1145 bl --'-· ' 500 Bill G t I . I. TIP.E'cle1'. Br . ' ere SU ect to VMno• whlle BACllELOR & 1 Bit P&tloa I
DUPLEX nr oceRan ,_; runr Y flltr. 675-filfil I 11n1 pel & child • ~t·e now . I G A y 0 y E 1-·" ,,_,, OCEAN VlEW fi'i>. ilc's, prtv. ganiges .. o~ I
1\1\let ~~? e w• fWO ad,1Q1111 11~ 1rKi1ml' rw0 QUAINT 2 Br .~ DR $200 • 2 BT~. senli furn, be11.n1 cell, vided l){lth & lots or closeta ----~""'"""-::-----:--:-. perliff1 l'<'nlrr Cnsl !l .\[••,n Business chll<l & ~I . uHI pr\. 11101'(' I I ,. 11 r G Complef9 th. c>ivckl• q\ICQd lrplc, patlfl, spac. $260. r~. lu!.11, pool & pool table!':
TrlADE Newport Bea c h <11vne.r &r .... :1112111r,.\2.J)"16i1 Opportunity 200 FA/11ILY unit ij(e 3 BR $185 • • • • _ by lllllng In the rnl1Mng,W«dn 67:~.1(100 1U1.una baths. Stt for your· I
l'i'Op. for 0tt1-or Town prop, Condominiums hltn11. C .~ D, C 'P. Pct ok you d..,.•!of> from ft!' No. 3 below. 3 Bn. ~ BA , rrplr, l)f!n.tll 11f!U. 17:\0l Ke.Ison Ln. (1
Ukr. TI4/873--:.l58. for ule
, 'T'O'Y S1ore on BAlbo111 Island CD i'-1. 3 r:r. 2 Ba $300 ill<' a PR NT N 8E E {ejl, all n1odern. Gal'. C1o!K' blk. \V. of Bench, 1 blk N.
• DUPLEX -$34,960 * . f)(Cl'llcnt location. By sunllerk. !\VC,JJOl'Ch, galr383 ~ ~HEselfou!R~SlETTER~ IN to beach. $325/mo. 968--6503 o1 Staler).
t('>n1plP1l"ly reno va t i · \\l:S'f'CLIFT C'fl\11\) 2 t1r, 0 \1·r1t'r 673-8668 ALA Renta 1 642-, . ···-Coron• citl Mir !1.:2-llil"I
Ov.·ner/Agent. 675-ti · 21, ha v.· pu1l, ~n11na . F~iamne "loot" 1n your NEW Homl' . 3 Bn, \Vlk 6 UNSCRAM8lE ABOVE LEnERS I I I I I l_J RETIRED peoplt, clean,
BR. 2 BA Monaco. $62,500 l'lbh~ Jn xlnt l1><·~1u,u1.lnlli L•·vl~S(IJ those b..:.ubleA for to ~hoolR, pnrk & pool. 1 0 GET ANSWER _ SPAC nr.y,•cr 3 l)r,2 ba. ~rv. qulel aptil. at lh!? beach,
m1-lud" l•nd. l&ll Port Kim-"' ,,,.,,..._ S<U OO "' 1" ,,,_ .. ,,,,,.,. .. _ Call aa .. lfled 1"'"'"' ""'""""'" 1'25• SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 800 """''" Wolk '"°" 5lfi
mo ..
.,,.rly. 6-i4-8317. 11011 fi45-4475 or fi4r\-(1'1 M1 tl12-fifii&. &16-1086 S300/mo. Lee. 6'14-6682 53&-7006
-l BR, f 1111 r 111. supt'r , lt'.11\'
BROKER 833-0780
. --------
Friday, Dtctoibtr 14, 1973 ,_A.,:p_t_•·-~-"..;'.;.":...'.:.'---'l~:::: Apt. Un'-fu'.':r:::n:-, --03675<'7"Af)A.:1:-".0u"n~luL.:rn=-.---'rnrr.".'.':""'n:T.::::---·30'iZ1J!7;Ap;::;t:-. •ui:n:01::':u:'.rn:-.---:a6:m5~0f°'/11ic=•"R"'•:::n::to:-:1---,440"""1'"'0::':u'.':nd7'"c1"r .. =-=a"'d"'11 550 :::ontr•ctor
' ~-----------------
~J.~b~W~1nt.d, f'•m•I• 702
1 ·L-•~g~u_n_•_B_ .. ....;.'-"--~"-':...) · Costa Mesa W•stminster
Attent ion Renters!
i1~:DtCAL SUTit'S. itutnctl
oc<·up1U1c~· X\111 !()('. i11 Hu11·
lu~tnn B1·111•h C.1o!it" 10
hosp11al. 1(.1) i;.1 ft tu ~;JOO
i.q tt 1111 lud•·~ p11 1•n·
tf•V!Cl'll', Jobil. crpt, drps,
a ir 1vod, lltnpk· park111i.;
l'l101w ll:.19-~. e \' ('-"
OHA!'>G ~: f'4'J. J111rlinr Pa tn il GI"R\\ICK .~· $llN ' .. :i.11 111•l p 11f l1•1fn1·" \\'1-
Of(' 111 Dana Pt lti hol<llng flldi; On1Lr i\1l1l1t & He.t1",,J h,111· uull'", 11u rse11 1
Sf."t' l ', fo'1ri1 ft.I' .\I! \0111
lluu~1ni.: f\l••••h<
fll'fo:..; 7 J l.\ yi;;:
J..01i.:1u1.1 H···11 11 : q 111'11 ' -------
~·1,u 1 1111 1.,..,1,. .1 i..1 t1ut )"II
\\Oll't r111d t1rt)lhtrlJ.; 10 r·on1·
11111'f' \.\!th thf> largf' 1ut>n1s,
~·1,•;1 1 hot·fl.1!011 & 1tahlton "'"'·
t11i:.: t11·r1• 2 UR • lkn,
SPECIAL ~lvllday deal, 2
Bil., l BA, walk to beach
<110 21st St. 614-0~
L1guna Be1ch
l Br 1111L Cll..se 1n, utll
pd, ,..., children. no pelt>,
2 hr, 2 bit apt. t..Tpts, div~.
like 11€!¥., SlOO. per 1nv
!lot ,i; t'llld '''at •• · twu.
Furn, o r Unfurn. 370
t1 clu1~hy lutuu! ~1 11n·h II, "1 r~h~ Llr. Ul 11 11:!1
1973, 111u11f! on u·unsou ".$i!a 671-ti041 :;,n~-tlill
Hauler," 1f ,...,, rluunt'd m Gardening
Ii" u , 1'kJ1I', f!1n1j1:\nl01l11.
II "iH , 111 ,, I.. r r ~ Li p}Ohll
:i-17 t,,,1 ________ ,
ClJUK·Ul1llflaJllott • driver • 1
Sr<·rt<L1t1y ~11•tun• "' ' ,
1111 1 11·;. ... 1•1171 11 3~JJ1 .
1 Lil{ l>u11ll'\. ~"1 lud1•o1. •n 1•o1n
~·11. t I'"'' lfJ lh 1'r hi ~I'll! 1
JL1" ·1:11 17:l.: Tt1111 .~ .<· ~ n
I ah 1; 11!J7-:.~1.!0 •• 11 iJ 1y .~ .. ,
Ii.:,~ h\.utu ~rPas. ('(!1'am11· ~
l..111•h,..1l!i, 2 l..:is, & outsidl'
th1•1.,..·.. flflwl'i·s, pu1t1n;::, I
1M il. Ynur's for S21 5 PINECREEK
SIM rno 4!»-45-~3 or 4fW~38 I Coro n• d•I M•r
FANT1\STIC nev.· duplex,
O<'t'll.ll, 2 BR, 2~t BA. $500. LRG. l Brt. 11!1&g cprg, f11>l c,
49-t.-5502 or &W-$49-1 t.lt"tl111 ceiling, $195 n10. 505i,1
7 t.bt)'i l!l'tll11•rty ¥.111 1..-----~-----
rPl1Jr11t'lf 111 finder ConllH"I r:t.:llUf'1'j \N 1. 11 r1! 1 ,1,, r
Lieut. r:age Ill 4~2'!l2 l(l :0.11:1111\t•lllt!l• ,. 1 .. 111.t,, l!Hrll'
ru .. 1·liu111. 11t'•· I<• 11H•1 ,11 \ t i .~
1''1\ll I.ii.: f11 1f \\'r1nll1t'.11t1·r 1v1 ..... n.1l1ll' l>l~-.1":2'1 "1'~
Vil'. Santn 1\11:'\ (\'!II l '.,\1 ---.\)(}\\' "' Fil{,~. -
Help Wanted, M & F 710
·"· S1111 I l~ll J!l /a,u'( •1{ l••lltl~
I *" 1u·.1. 1t 1 ... "·~· 1.1:1:111110 Arlull~ univ 110 fl" 1,.,
4\17-lbl7, ~.~.!-tili';I,
f1V.c1'1 N~l l•'<ic'h-. -,-.,=,.,-,.=·=rv'
s1 5.·1/$lti·1. Ull! pO, \tr. N:
1 Co,1:-.l l'l 1-.!"ii.~ ti1 j-.1:fil7
Newport Beach
12 B~:PHOCll\I, :! h.ith l;,1rd1•11
11\µt 1"1\C!Nl; '1'11 E l~I\\' &
11"<)()!. ~ANT1\STlf' VII·.\\'
L.w.:atL~I l1( 1};11!.011 l!ity j ('l ull Ii 11-.!l!ili 11<.:l'kl·1~1 ...
'\"•·k1 l:1~" G1.· .. 31;r.1
11!.:ill~•:-, -Li.Iv flu·,,-. -1-.-,-.. 1
t1,11 helot·, 1l1tllpl flu o 1111·1 I
1111._·n'. s::::G 11111, 1U 11 !111at
lll'.t5 '\~1,11t~1~; C r.1• T O ITS NAME
P ark-L ike Ovrr ~ hill 11\>{•i;
Surr ounding1 1111d 10 i;!1eurni; \\ilh
J>F:LUXE I & 2 BR. Apts 1,1•att•rfall11 1.:re11te a
Also furn flat'ht'.lor . rclaxini.:: ~ettinM lol'
Pvl Pa1ios • Jltd Pool your i;p1H.'.iot111 l\e1v l· or
l\'1· :::ihtJp'~ • ,\~!uJr:-; ouly. 2·bt·dl'1X1111 11111111n11.·111. !-in1<1lt Martinique Ap-. µers oK . Fron1 $170 1''1u·ni1u1e 1;11 11vailahle (Jflu~e npcn 9·()0
1777 S:1nt;i. i\na A\'C>., 0.t to ti 00. 2300 ~·fl1 rvie1v ltd ,
~1~1· At>I 11.: 6llJ-5!"t1l'.l Costa 1\tesll J"lhune· 5-15.z:IDO.
El Puerto Mesa New ADULT uv1Nc 1 llll & I Bil \.\'/ lofl . 1'~11>lc,
l'H'am c1·1l, patio & pool,
hllns & l'f'frtg a vl Startu1~
$l~U uril pd Adulls, nu pel!I
2 BR Apt., Unfurn
$1l0. All um Paid
No Ctuldri•n, No Pt>l :i
Poo1l & Rcrrealion
1959_ ~ap le ~v~~'....
3~3 llfun1!1o:i, ti4:J-41\1
I ""lip .1!..,r1 .1v:1U. r,12-'1097 ,,,.
"''"" _ Ule8tiBJIU 2.l
2 BIJ R:'ll , I),. , lull)'
c:u IK'led & •!rar)(>s: hll-111
rang~. oven & 1~f1 ig f'ri111l'
1::n 1sidc ]11(', ('nvl'n•U, e111'!
~<tl lll.;'l' Adult~ only, $180
Pl'.'r 11111nlh G4'i-1509
$:JJ 1w·1 11 k .1· up ! HH , 2 Bit 1 fl1\ U11fun1 Sl!Ja I.! 1; ...... 1,,,. 11,., 1· .. 1 .. 1· TV, I 1:>1 E :ll::.1 SL Ci\l
I 11i.11d "~'l'I', 1~1111 Tlll•:/ * '''",''""" • 2 Hit 1 I I uw-,.,.. .. .., , J.t :-;11g sly, i!arrt,•u i\11·.~,\. i i.·1 ;.. :\1•11JJ"•l1 :::::::::::::::::: uru!. shai.: <.Ills, dr p s, l1t1d . NII tilli-~1~1 {]sh11/11, fucd pali•l. h1•a n1 IYl·',\l!l~Y ,.,1,.1,·1.,11s -i);Jt. L.i\f{GE 2 Hr, 2 B.t s1ud10 <·1•11, frpl, gar Adul1 s '.Sl~I()
!d01 SI ,1~hP1t~. S2/r1 llui l'l ll p.itio Nt'\\' <'flJ\S, 2jk')O l:'.ldcn. l\'o 0. 5:·17·312fi.
I Oii)''-j,'1 ~-lil01 01. l·:v\~, dips. w11 ll p"1nl'J;!, 1111nied "I"-.,..,,. <~••·up;inr.v N1· Bttk•·r •·. 2 UH, 11 ~ lJ,1, c:a rpets & ,, ........ ~, " I oc I 131'1Sl•il $195 l\li:;r 97!}..87!9 tlUj)t'S, j\l('ll & l'lUtgc, Jll'IV
L\H1:J: il•·lux1• J Br '1 Ha, pa\10, 4·f1rrJOrt couplP i; onl)
I 1 hl k '" 1u t'flll. S2\~l/l\10 No l'hilrh~n $1fil n10 610
l<l Jun1· 1\!l l'.!nd ~1.. QUIET Joann A1)t C. C t-.1 54~-%73
1111'1'111 ' \ <1\ 1111' \~•~·1'1hi S UR ROUND I NGS 2 lift apt, <.rpr s, stove 783 l 1u~,\l!'r 'h'1-:11gi-n-;,i.~1~ 2 BH. L.iall1, rfo1\nstal1·s Shalimar Dr, $160 n1onth
1111•1• NI: 1,1k, 1111 1h1liht•n 1\/p;111u, ('Htl g·1r. & lrillry f,l;)..-4512
to1 1w1::.. L.."" Sl!!/111" r:n·1I adulli; onlv, 111.1 l~h;.1 ~D'°acn_a==p=0cin_t _____ _
t.12·-fJl(l.I Slii0/n10 6.Jl-~78 l fj\{;:iH r~. fin·11, ap1, 111 1112-111l 1 t.><1, i.17,,-,,-,,-,-.. -.-t. L\llGF: tl('JU'1(' 2 Br.., 2 BA,
Lii• lt1d1 1l. IH' 1,~·:10 ·h ~ t'h:LJI• <!rp~. s1:J(}. 11111. Ji;t & I.1st \I /frpll', <.1111 l'IJ\, o...:ean
111•1, \\ "itlld11• k ,\ I ll'\\' I . dt•p. Sl't' r11gr, n 1.1c Ca-\'I('\\ Ex1·!11s1ve Dana Pc
S!.-:;, Ji•'I' 111•1 lii:t S:o:ii;. n1on !Jr., ur ea.II 6-15--1 ·112 10<·. S275 Lr11f'le Th11n1p:>011
~l07"""1~1tt'd<.J11' hc,u:h , l'V<'~ i\l11nag('l11!'.'11! Co11J 493·0141,
.--;;;;==~=~-fr111, 1\/11. '.! lhl, :; hr. • THCIPlrAL POOL . 2 Bl' 1,1/lrg patio,
_!)l:t-:.2:1! "'.'...·j.IS-lj,",7 j 2 BH., 11.! Ba. Spiral srrcsf', C'oll atr 5
y~:t\li.LY '.,l Hr ~'"Ill' tu 1hc lqil<', hl!ns .. h;; cncl pa110, 493-2456 or •196-~
I Ill STEPS to beach shag,
drps, retr1;: & stove $TJ5
inc. utH 4!»-52i2 .----Newport Beach
fl! Oakwood Garden Apan-
n11n9, sauna.::;, health club.::;,
b1ll•~rds, 1~nn1z, pro & pro
zhop golf dr1v 1na range, par1y
roon1, e1c
FUN ACTIVITIE.~l' Full·t1me
d11ec1or, tree Sunday brunch.
BBO 's. 1r1p s, pathes, and
S1nglcs, 1 t. 2 bcdroorn s
Furn & unfurn With au the
c~lras. Modt0!~ open 10 10 7.
Sorry, no µels or ch1ld1en,
O a.kwood
Garden Apartments
Newport Be•ch/Norlh
., .. ~. ~!ld 161t\ 6•!r0~:.0
Newport B11•ch/South
16!h al h\ln~ 64?·8170
l"M' u·!1 \'~·1·v 1 ult• :Sl~"1/t1l" fnr..-1 ~rd Gas & \\1r pd. 2 BfC , bltns. 4 illoc.:J.:s fron1
('11'i1 .,,,., ~J\,, .1 11 ·' p111'. j ~l~llli.-;.c·~~~=~~~ bealh $190 1\lo11th, yearly. PARK NEWPORT
l~l'.1!U 111 \11 \\111111,11· 1~'<11/1 • V ILLA MESA • f>1i>.:~1r.r. Air 5 PM PA T NTS
/1•nt. 11 d, ~ lo(, .~ 111 ·r"' '.! HH (::u'dt'n. Pvl Pa110 Huntington B••ch A R ME
.)\1111· ·:1 tdl :.~·,i "I' .. 1~ lj,17 I p,.,i $1fllf A1lult & Fanulv [.;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! on the bay · -j\'I \\. \\il;;ru1 GIG-12:'il
Apt. U n furn. 365 :!Bn, 1 ha ,v_ .'\ 1~ ON BEACH'. Luxury apartJnent living h~i. hltn 1,uii;C', drps, crpl, overloolnng the water. En·
B albo·a P enin sula 1 •• ,1, ilubi·ni, earnttrt . 2212 JOY $750,000 heaJth spa, i
• ''Y 2 RR Llnfurn. Fr .. ~24:'. I T I hted Cul11·;.:<' ,\1 e. &IG--OJ32 S\\•unnung poo s, Jg __ ___ Cov<'rt.'1.1 Parking La r J.! e tennis cow1F, plus miles of NE\\' 1.::1 !'l'l11':~ .-.:. /'i\!NT
ll.1.1,11·11 .. 1, "1"·11nf1 Q11 I. 'J. 1'1 11~:.\UT. I HH Dupl1•x ~·rplc, Jleah'd Pool Saunas and bicycle trails, purting, shut·
,\du\1 ... 11<1 p•·!' lll03 r .. , h1'.1111 el'll, prn'. p111lo Nn ll{'('rcatLlln Ttoon1 Deboard, croquet. Juruor l's B.i !l ~•,1 f:hrl t>l:....,;!72 r•h1hh·t'n or per ... Slifl ur il HUNTINGTON fron1 $194.50 monthly; aJso 1
2 Lll :, 1 • . ti 1 ~h.d1 1•n1 ,-,-.,,-, 1~1 1 _}~· lli7 21"'1 SI C:\HW>-_l_,_n_. · and 2 bedroom plans and
11:111" <;,£!;.. .1nun1!il~ ·;1~1 ]' • llO~JE AT!\lOSPll~:R~: · PACIFIC :!-story town houses. Elec·
J~.11· l11q1u1• ;1 1 .\111 (' l'all Ill':!,'\,\ Br. S170up. H.ental ill O('t:\N A\·e , 11.B lric kitchens, privafe patiOI
tij':-1·.:n 111· ~il~iiil I or,·, :lOC(i tllac(' Ave . 17141 536-l·IS7 or balconies, carpeting, dra·
l g 1 i-::,..11111 1 ,.11.-1~1n1.1n 1uh. ~df>-l!l~·I Of1 •, Opt'n 10 an1-6j>nt Daily per1es. Subterranean park·
! ·-I I ' k I J \\'ll.LI A~l \\ALTF:H.S CO. 1ng with elevators. Optional 1"'• 1111 111 1 ,.,, par ~. ll L'•••i· G -·• , 8 1 . :-;111,.1, .... ,1111,· t>l\-fl'l:l7
r.,.,,, •l11 ul'n -r Inpex, maid service. J ust :iorth o( " -• - ----t.1111-., ~ar, lt1und r\' nu --~ ---Fashion ls.land at Jamboree
Y!. \l:LY .... i.•p ... 1<1 t .. ·a«h. 1•.t111t S'...~ 6j3·S:i&I 'brr. 9, UNDER NEW and San Joaquin Hills Road,
:--111!1 t .. ·h 11,,1·. ~ H1 ,\,,111. .1r1 ;.. nr 11k11ds. MANAGEMENT Telephone (TI-I) &44-1900
.I .in 1 ~:!;~_,,_1ii·_:~_i4-i.:___ ! BD!l :\l ;'tpl nf' 11· 1 y : J3R Hlr uis. NPll I)' dee· ror rental information
Ci pistrano Beach r!e1..-Jra1f'd, S17:>. n10, 2 blks I 01·n1e1..I. En<.:I garng:es Beau· * 2 WEEKS FREE *
l1.,1n shopp1ni;:, nr schools r1ful lands1!hpht!!. J.1·g 11l:ly Vi .'\~;\\. l HI: r111pl\...: '.! h,i,. 1:i :.-12'-:-, arc, a child's drean1 Cl<isf' ISta del Mesa
!<ih,11..: 1!1sh11~hr. p:tlui. ~.ir., --· . o I & h I ADULT G'RDEN HO'JES "'' l'/'l ... ~ •. ~ 11•'1 l.-\Hl.}, 2 B1 Bu11i:::<tl1>11. lypt 0 s1opp1ni:: . SC oos "-j " _-·' '" -·~• -' ' ' I 1111ac lil'd ~nnH.:1·. j'hiltl .,k, C'hildrcn 11·l'h'Onlf'. IRVI:\E A\o'l::, AT ~lES,\
'! !~I :, l 1.,1 ... 1·111. ili'p~. 1·11-
fill iot'I ~. Sl:JO '.!l'i~ C Placcn· Cal! Sl'.!-0.l:W :\love m w /depoiilt& only
111" 1/1,h11•h1·, C<•v'11! p,1110 11.1 Pl· .J.l:l--7~11<.: 2 Bedroo1n
~-~I') 1.):!-11 ·.. ~1 ·1:> -I ~ 1)1 ~. Nu. or JIB S2'20 ----1,: 1:1:. 1 Ii,\ lrl'~hly 11;:,1111 ed I -c-.,0-n • -del M•' 1 1 1 :.! ~r .• !Jltns. erpts. drps, Day & ~·1gh1 &-curity, Pool. 1 1111~ flit' !'l .ithl I ~ t 001> tn PQ<'tl. rtrl~ arrt. c.ii·port & f'ounla1ns. R£'1.'. Bld g. 11 11(' H11~ ~tur ,\1 ai l nu11· 1170 lndry fat ii. Cplr & 1 ~1111 cxcrci:;e r1n, bilhards, t'OI ·,.111--11."1:? cl11!r1 ok. no pcls 842-1664 01• TV. Ea. Apt. has di::.h·
..... .; L~» 1 llt·rl1<•.>1n, 1 Ha, apt, aft J ",() pin \\'lsher, re[ng, i;hag cpl .t
7 [ l :--;.,, i,f h111 ,1y l'arpct~. 2 Hit dup do11·nsr,11r~. S130. prl patto or dcck. 5"\5.4855 ~r•s I .f1'<1"""· r.tn"t. SZ·I:> n10. "'' .. ,., e. 1110., Ott"fll\ 1u. 119 llun·
I ,,;-,..:1111 .~--~-~~ ti11g1(Jn A1·C'. at Ba1t1n1(Jrc *LA PARISIENNE*
T OWNHOUSE 1 . ..:F.\C[Ql'S 11''\\' 2 B1. '1 B.1. &. llunl1ngton ,\1 c. C.t!I Boh 2 BR F'un1 & Unfurn. All
2 1~1. f11t•pl.11•', l'"i!, 11r'\'i11t' h!f11i1, th·ps, c:11po•t1ni::, pool, ,\l<')f'r off1ll". ii ll-Gjj(j or elect F'ireplace, htd pool
Ji.111,., ~"1111nl'nt.il llft'<tk ·I ;,i~1;t!· .. 1<a1 , ·~dults. no pets hu111..:, 5.JG-3Jj0 Adults SI9a. & Up. 9~l2GS
1,,,1 -.1.:111•Hh i.:111u11d'. n,.. .. r ·•" II Hti\' s1. C1\1 I UNFUllN ~ llR, 2 ll.\, hii!';hl Across f1um go!I 01u1-se
:--hOllJ":· .. • ~ 1111" 1~·.u 11 ~·ur ; 1-BH. unfr;-apt-:-111d pool, & .!iUIUly. tli·r~P""'· ;101 f.: cokl 2CM32 Santa Ana A\e
111~h•·<I 111' 1111hu nt,hPd. h111n I Sl 1a + S~iO S{'(', clep f ( Cl r
r ,. 11 1 ,1 "·a er urn, osels ga orr. Sf'.AO.l>"F' , .:...~~· .... 11n11i.1 1 ' • iu , [ -.1,i.9,-,.,s 1 t:hil!I, no pels $155 per . -i · .. taoor Apts ... __ 2
ti l.J·~1l l. 1 & 2 RR $lJ5.SlSS. Sroi·t'. 1110. 1!42--1&19 Rr, l ,~ Ba. StudJO. Sl1a.
Pool. Ask aboul our d1s-
'l 'BEIJHOO~I. 1
l•u1H111 1a1\;:,.., .V
1l1"'h\\·ash•'1' J)t>OI.
ll< h. I ilt~Jllrt11, S:.!l\l
{'\I'' ;):">7-'!~\1'1.
rPf. crpt/clrps, hid JJOOL \~alk 1r. tk:ich, Park or count plan. 152:> Placentia
b :i 1 11 . Ach1lt". no pc!s 6-15-~. J)o11 n101111 2 BR, 2 BA. Ave 548-26$2
11·:~~"'~1~ ;i-s-TUJ\!'/Jr>;G 2 Rr, 2 B.'l Near n{'ll.' Triplex F'rpl(',1"""'7·=""~'==~~=~ (::irrfPri ,\pl" Pool Rec 11l'I b1tr, shaJ::, cnl.'1. ~Bl" CllANNEL P..EEF. 2 BR 2 :;!~:.!:!&!, Hin 710 \\ 1$rh $t , ("\\ S'50/mo 962--0TI2 , 962-7771 BA Ba)1ront Condo, shp,
2Bn cpts, drp«, bltns, pool, furn a\·a1I. Ne1v 1n-]Hit L;1•lq11'--'1,,-,c,,-,,-,,-y~l0t.-,,-"-'"
11•1. l1'pl1. ~l\'.1111"<1 •1•11111,.!.
f ,.u:1:..:•· ole1 ·k ~'.!~:') ('all;
2 ,\ .~ Bn. hn. r rpl drpi.-.
ro('1~. ph1ygmd $150 up CAii
r,.i:.....01 10
1,j'\-111 '1 ('\•'' nf 11!,rnrl,, l'l l~H ,\dult ~. no IK'l"' 8 1\Y
-1 1'1 -;-;-l-Bl'-I I I l ~JF:,,00\\'~ APTS, 3$7 \V. '' ' ~ ' :ii•. qlll•' S• ('\II fl.av ~t CJ\-! 61f>·-OJ7'i od. 11p1·•1 !11 "1111 •'('ii \'1•l'y -·-·--------
ri1,•1• 1 111111 ~ •11111', ·,1~-x1;:~1:i .n11. 1 1 ~ h~. ~11a,1~11~1i ~1?..1.
,,,. iilr.-lr•j7
l lnld .,1; $11 .1 1nu S.IG-,,,_ii:l
-.---I I j:ii ~h,d ln1<1 r :1 I:(, \ll•I, •!II''• Ip ~·. i!p•'ll -----------111 .1111 (1111111!', Jll!'I ~11r, 1111 \k \',\(',\l'\T n1111\ 1. lir. 1 Ila I
to l>o·h sr11n·'· ~1·h1"1I"'· S:!:.15 4•h1!d uk. Nn po·r ~ Slj~1 J:Zll
Ill!' t,;7-.....7;,-;·1 ,1fT <\p111 !\to, 7. 1\lht'l"f, i).lfi-}991)
$1;i)-:-o!~LLi.\:E .~p.1L-f11r11 )orJL;! l_,';\Fl'H:-< 1 ,v_ 1 Br (;,1rd!'.'n
11.,11.~11 11>k•'I' (''~'<.' gl'11llr1n.1n 1\ph;, Vrpll', D \\·, pr1\'
frpl. ~1111r1, S hwy fiT.-lft:i.q p11t10. '.S170-$l~l::i. :1;l7-~.\1.
2 HH-1 H,\:-1':1qi~t~rl7fl~S, LAH.GE 2 Br, pnv patio,
fuT'plarl'. pool l·rpt.~. drps, hltns. No pets.
SZ3/MO 67'."l-()~162 ~l!l."1 :'157-50.>lO ~--------·· ::T!i"i-:-1W1 .1n1!" "''"'" 1·rp1s, \IEfiY f'lesn f•ir llr!ul1s ovrr
<h11s, S!::1 ,1t•arly Xlu! lcx:<i· :;.i. 1 Hr, gar, $115 2 Bt ,
111111. fl'\.'1-:-l."oll'i ~(IS pci, SJ ~ .• >4ll..'1-Kl7
, terior s.uio lse. (}.\'fl{'_r carpo11s, nr frv"ys, shop-,--°"· 1 '6" 206 . I • 1.'l><><.rl 13· 7 ptng & !'\rh s. I child OK
No fX'1 S fi.W-~7S6 or ~~5-0760 1 r-.tONTit FRF:F: RENT
,,JWALK TO BEACH Quahty 2 br. 2 11 lJ1;1, frpl, ,,... patio. Plush C'rpts, drps
2 f.· 3 .. Br, <:111s, .drp;~· 1;~1 ns, r.1QS€'<l 2 car gar. Adults.
~.iT .• l\ll. ltilh St .13G·1i,).lll1 Gl4-640a
)\.fj.:\957. ~~~~------~-,~C,-=~~==~~-12 BR, 2 BA \\'inter or Year-• WALK TO BEACH Jy. Nrxt 10 Bf'tl('h. 7201
lit'nnd nu 1, :?, .~ J Br, cpts, Seashore Dr NB Days
drps, hltni;, gar, :.!2l IGth St. H42-2020 or e\'es 64G-6114
g17.39;17 \VES'T'CLJFF 2 Br, 1 1~ ha
ASSUr-.t E Lca"-C" IH The Jlun-Twnhse, Adults only,
tington Pacific on the sand pets. 1728 Bedford
1n liB, 2 RR, 2 B~\, $25'1 $250/mo, 548-7::ill.
n'IO. Call 5.1&-9734 NE\\' DUPLEX 3 BR, 2 BA,
2 BR, l BA, bllns, garage. \Vinter S250/mo. Days
$145 mo. Ask for Dale, 979-316'.i: Sat & Sun ,
!J62...44TI 645--0232
Nt::\V Apts, 11•alk to
], 'l & 3 13R av111I.
~---------beach, NE\V 3' BR, 2 RA, YRLY
'1 Blks to bch, $295. 642-7914,
642-3188 COi\11) 1;m;;;1",-,,-,-1-.'"l-,,-.-,ck-n. '1 BfL nu 1•p1 s, nu th·ps,
dt•i·k. \'u•11, };"nr. !i l:!O. n10. S150. T & 3 Br. 2 blks to INach· 1 Bl.K to beach, 2 br. l ba.
fi7:-1--•MO:l nr ITT'.\-7'.!15 6~7333 5..16-6663 $260 yearly Util included
Apt. U n furn . 365 Apt. Unfurn. 365 Apt. Unfurn. 365 ~Ca~"-'-'3~·0_73_1_· -----'!..C...----------'-----------~---------12 BR, 1 BA Bit-ins, cpts,
Cos t a M esa Cos.ta Mesi Costa Mesa drps, 1 blk to beach $175 1 .:::.::.:....c=:;o.,...........,~--------------------1 mo. &\5-lffil, 5$-1336.
•• • • •• • •
••• .._ ... .,_.,._,,. •• •••• • •••••••••••••••••• •• •• •••••••••• •••• •••• 3 BR. 2 BA, frplc, rlsh/wsh,
Distinctively Different Adult Living. . . i ""' 6~wa1er.
# • PARK Newport, 1 br, lrg
BACHELOR APTS.Of' 18RAPTS.w/l0FTS F rom $155 : liv nn. \r!e\v. i 289 mo
393 Hamilton
Colto Mesa, Co. 92627
• &14-5833 eves . • • 2 Bedroo1n, bltns, D\V, near
; Hoag 1-losp. Adults, $'120 per
: mo. 642-4387.
1 • Newport H•ight1
gar. Adults, no pets.
5f8-.C9'lJ or 6Ct-80U.
pool, n"1.
Brand New Garden Apt1
Xlnl San Oemenle Area
2 BR. 2 BA, $195
3 BR, 2 BA, with dahA\\.T
& fireplace, $250.
• All apts. have private patios, I 'l''"Y olh.r ''""""'· See tt;'. • at 686 Camino De LOI
·1 ~fare!, JWil 80Uth of San
, O ernente Genera.I Hospital.
' Use Estrell1;1. Off·ramp
~ •Pho .. 4.'n-tO:n, '92.-8700•
.... • l BEDROOM at Beach; ~,tl.J'! · > ldtl\l for Bach(>lor or t'OU·
ple, Garage, lndry & bllns.
$160. 245 \V. J\-11\.rqulta.
Orchid. 67:>-517{)
1'H1': f':X\lT!N\.
UnbeUevnbly large. ap1s.,
huge pool, J11cuz.i1, elect bit·
~ns. shag crpts, drps, sauna
ete. Adults, no pets,
l BEDR.\1. l"ron1 $165
:Z Ht:DH.i\I. 1''roo1 $185
Unfw'rt Ap1s A1·all h"t11n $10
tu Slj LESS.
\'ou're right, Uicy're under.
priced! 1:.61 ~lesa Dr
(j blks fro1n Ne\\ il011 B!vd )
&-16-9l'GO * CASA VICTORIA * l , 2 & 3 Hit furn & un i.
Carpels, d rapes, Df\\i', TV
anl. Poot, etc 525 V1ctori11
St, at Harbor C~I &12-8970
I Br Jurn. u11t pd, SI 10 n1u
L~ 2 Br, unf, 11·1;1tl.'r pd, ~IJ3.
Newport Bea ch
B a chelor Fur n $20S
()('can View. \'ear!y lea.<;t~.
!lcall'd Pool Atlu!ts Only.
5,;15 Jtivcr A1·c, NB
Call 642-2:'..Gti
1 HR, pool, block 10 bl·aeh.
Yeaily S150. Single adu11 .
Call fi.t&-2696
Rooms 400
ll00~1S $20 ll'k up ¥./ktl,
$30 y.·k up a111s. C/ulr!ri>n
& pel section. 2376 Ne11.'JlOJ1
illvd OJ. a.is,..9755 or
NICELY furn roon1 \\7/\\',
pnv ba, cntcrance & J•<llH>.
eniployed iJ.dul1i; uve1· 40
PRIVATE Hooin & bath '"''
kitchen pn1•l ror eulle1;c
age nonsn1oker nr OCC.
NICE room for 11:ork1ng n1an
or lady student ¥.'/ kit. priv.
546·12'.!<I or 642-om.
R00~1 for rent. Ne"·port
Island $65. n1onth. c:irl only,
LRG Completely !urn ruom.
litil AclJ garage. P11 l.'ntr,
ba, patio $!15 n10 518--0-1·13
.FURN rm, pr1v bit,
utils pd, n1nturc
0 c.c. S.15-«Jffi
Guest Home
kit pr1\',
gal nr
41 s
NE\V concept in liVJng Love
is the ans11.e r. Senio r
citizens S.12-9278
Vac1tion Rent1ls 425
Bcnut1fullv furn. P ;:i Im
Springs ·rentals. llomcs or
Conrlos \~ /6 tcn111s cour ts
1 .... Hhl•/' l~•ll.'l r -11·0 lag~ (.'I.I-,',\,\; ('f•S • ,,/l'IJU!\1111.1!' l 'k•rk $525
111 0 f'. l'•tunil .L't 1)1 • 5:°ll~l657 • l'i1Hl11g l']l·k, L11~ N1g1tt.•I $5W
12/\.1/11 --"i!·c r1·1,11 y ~
t 'NIJ: 12/8, Vic Soulh Coaisl General Services , ~·\I• l lll ~, S 1\. S650
Pfaza, l'll l s/IQrl llau·L'tl, ORANGE COAST ~·11 · l'.kkpr•, H11i•11,1 Pk $6.'lO I:-;,., 1 t'l11ry .,.,50 h1Ytw111 .. 1i hl111·k T1g1•r ,!/, ....,
1vllite n1al<· \I er y llf-SERVICE l" l' B·~·k~e .. J"'I' .fi.'5
lt>etiona1 e ~J7~1--{)S70 ~ L'11ll J•'an111t• Stscf•
5 Olfu:e Suue, gruund floor · ------l ut.d .'11 ,111111•111111,~ !q1 ,\'Sid 1l11ffn11111
11·1111 l'eceprion r11i. App1 ox ~'N D. B1"1'n/Blk 11·/11h111· 1l1l' 111u1it• 111111"' NE W P ORT
1100 sq. fl Carp('IC'tl $473 <'.ht•st and p.livi;. t11ulc. ~1?'-1· C .\It I' J.\; r H\'-1'..LLl"J ltll Personnel A gency
1110. Unique II 0 rn {' $' SIZI! v.bout 6 lllOS·I ~r \ ll',
5-16--5990. l\ta1n St, 111 S.lnl,t A11.L. l'At'.\TJ~r;.p1.l'\ll'.l\t: I 833 Dover O r ., N.B.
97!H»35 or j.j7-llt.!ii Free Esto'm•te• 642-3870 Fll1S'T n1(J. rent lrce. Ul.>i:.
otrices nr. ahpur t l ,'l & rou~·o lllUI. bl;H:k "'· ... 11~ 21 Il l . t :111t'll!•'l!l'V :;.·r1 t~1· I
3 ltn1 SJX\L'f'!i IL\Jni S1 35 i\lo ~Ill.le, \\1•u1•1n.: rl•d 1ullt11'. l >.1~, ;i.11;..a•.-;1 ,\('(.'(1L:-.T:' l'u).thll' ('l1•rk,
J ;llHt,...rial st'I'\ & 11111111(' V11·. ()1,ra .\ft'°"' l'dll N 1:,:tu~ '.ttoL<I~:!:! •w ;ir. 11,so t ~''""r1•u4 ru.>11 r:..,11 10 k1·}
p;u•k1 ng. ttt:.l-3£23 li('f. rlulln 21J...!i91 -7UW LICL).,.._I, 11.1 :1 ~'\! •t.IJ tiy louch T) flC :ii wpin,
or 1!3J..28KJ .\IL fl<)t1n ~·ND l..tJ'·~~ tnale l{lt~~·tt J'.\SL'f:EO t o1p.1bl" h.111111111:,-ht.'.ll'Y -I " 1 .. l1u11" cull !ti'~....AJ 8 ::0.-P!lOt'~S.<:;IONAI. :'r11all •ll · Jluund, \ 11 uf l'.111111 L\h f.L , l'.\ I' o~:rUn~\'fl1l:--.
(" I k • ' _1, -~·. ='-l<ll\·1' l'I, /111 _:1pj~---fL ce 1>uilr!111i.:. Nor th (\)!>ta ... 1 ' !;i 'f'r 1' <llI"I 1e11 I \~ 111 •l1·1· your !rt_'•·. hon1. -
i\lcsa . Best value ' X!nt fc)I Call 5:17-ti2'20 1n Hl out for 111,1 11t.'l~s ,1 \~ ~ .\llt \\ 1U1 ll.i h' n•111 h.•~
111 ed l Cu I, <R' (' o uu I 111 g, fND 12/12/i'.:i \'l•. lifh :-I 1)<11'1 11·~ Jll'l!t' 111!1 lt1t•lutl•· "" upcnu1~ lur I 1·s1"N'r upt•r.
h '
1, """J .. ,r,, .tl•1r 111 t'ou11 ln111 V~ll l·". l'h. arc it('(;I or 1nsur,u1..:c, l'l<. L\\I s111all 11111 lir1111 /11h1tf' _, ,.,,u_u11 :1 •·r=_·°'-'~"---,
I '" 0 I -~~·.!-7ju:i Ca I .......,......,4:!-1 llkr dO'.; 11./blk IJOSe, x:t:r.2!'17 1 "T/11'.\'LlS' lJ) ~!OuM'. t:.·11 ! -----~-
Bu1iness Ren ta l 445 01 642-9:!S7 C.1qk•111r~. lt••p .• 11 ,., 1 •111 111 ,\1•Pl.1· 111 11t·1·,.11n, Pu rt ~OUND· 2 11cfr1rah!e 8f'.ll!lf" tung 1., l C'"' !:1 u1<1dt•l1t l..,' ·111 .. ,11 1•1·, :!'~IJ .... C•,1s1 llwy,I
OFrJCE on Ne11po1·t Blvd. I iili iis, ,;ppi~)x 6 11.•ks, ./\!&!'\ t»ll-,11;,1,; I 'd :\I. l '•)lh'•· ... ~1~1 -~.',1:.hi~
Av111l. 011 lease P:u·11.1lly C'o11I &11-ftl711, nfl 2 30 p ni ("111 1wn11.1. t'l"t 1111·J1I. pluiuh· .\S.•a.,\!B!.~.I :~. Ll lo"" 1 n g
furn, carpcl1:1I, a!r/eoncl YNG s ''. t I . r ' II\.~, fl:O.: 11 ~·,I;, ll 11 11111 ·· •. 1,•.-r 1~.r111·~ 111111 Ills,\, Ila ..
•Ja.rku1g J\pprui..:. 1000 Slj . htUICSl ''1 • l)l IU 1} I'' 'jJ 11 )" l r•l]ll\/'t'llH 'f\I ~ f•n' llVO ft. $:Z-;:ifl/n10. \1/al'f'h"u~e a lso i·olor, .1~111., flf'll t'()}l~r 1·1;·· ·~l'.dl, \i -1 ' J..u111 .. 111s. 11 1111 ul (i n1os
<t \'ttil. Ide,;! !or conltactut' Del l\l.u 1~\P.., C~l .:,\U--!l:-;__ • , 'I! •Hl louc·l1 up It re 11 0rk-
!"1·1S-2616 f'.N JJ: f111J puppy 11h1!P Ha u ling ,1.11ply 111 p1·1·~·J11 <.,'(I/'.·
Vni'anl i;tores for lt•.i:>t' nn
Balboa Pen111sulil $60 per
n11). 1\JJp!y Kelly's Steak
!louse, 209 Paln1, Ba!Oua.
11./bro\\11 "POI ~ \'LC F2d1suJ\ 11;,{)LS 1:1.;-;1·.,\JtCll cu1u~
l~gh H 13. 61li...U4ll.:i,....__ TRASH & D EBR IS .!11 ~1 s._~·11·~~·-'·--
t'N.I) HPdd1sh 1nah• puppy, !l.illll'll ,\\\,II ... $l'J. [.,;,,[• A SS E MBLERS
ITIL'.cd hr~'\'d. \'a J\i:a<'h s rudt·rll -ir 5 1.'i·ti.J2:-; Sold,•rlug, 111 l' l' Jt,1 11 1 ca I
& t-;c11n1:-1n. 11.B. il.17-00.'.l\~ l!.~se1nhl,y 01· drill pt·cs~ e.x-
"l 'llE F'111:1ory" h,1s a Jrgo }'ND. 5 uHis ul•J 111alf' LOCAL 1~1fW111"'-,V -haul\n" I l"'"· !u·Jpful. ~u!c lnstru·
!<h<ip avail. Sl !!5/n10. In i;hepherd V11· l1)1h ,~ 1 1 1 1 L t i"' 111t·n1 t.u1p, 'll l.\I Pla1:cn11a
C,u111cry Village 41;) 30th St , Jlon1on;. C ~l ·11-:....:!t.:;7 1'1Y :; 11·,~11 ... '!.~f::1'.,8 0,1;uc.: '· ,\\ ,. , (':0,\ Cnll 61'.l-SIRiO, ''B "'"t~.o. I==-~--------l'.IS. .. •• rry, ,),} -i..: " l•l' I' I () ' I " .,..._ ''" f'OU!';D Ue1g1• ,\ \\'lut.• hj:;--06 17. .•\11.1 1>111•r r.ntp o.ver.
L'OltON.\ DEL i\lAH
l'atio Shop 1:£1 sq. fl
$90. 497-1215
i\lale dog· nll'd !"11.l'l l. \f,\SJllO:l(, dt')er, :-,l!J\cs S.1. ,\'"I'll !16~:1:>7 1 '-' c·ou•·o ----ll"t "'1 htr. si. li.1•fi1g1.'t'-E XPERIENC ED
,. l' i11 {'osr,1 t\11~:-.:1 fn•<' 1117-WXI. :-..·n•p 11'1111 LOT FOREMAN
Industrial Rental 450 1 Put sc Call 1? id~!.1!1 ry purse ~:.!-~'1'-FUH:JrruH ~: -V.~1 ,
-----------& l'Olltcnls :H:'l-t.1·1 for Joe.ii furn h.iuls ,'\, i,:cn'I ANO 1 LOT MAN
* COSTA MESA * F:-:;o lllkt1vh11e Boston Tcr-hauling . ."1l8-JS62. :i5i-27'.;t; j NEEDED
!.1cr \11.c~ Sla.ter & Jirookhur st ,-.,\RD, ga''""o•-cl""''-"-p: .. 110 dl·t:1il a11c\ lhl'l'k in ne1v iiSD S.F 2'20 f.i011·er $1 IJ. ,. v 8 1.,-6711 ~ '" " and 1i:-.1·d v~l 1u;ll·s. 1'-un
1300 Sf. Pr11·a1(• orrire, · · -ren101c 11·e.rs, d1r1 . 11·y, I !~Jtl \ll·lllY hi•nl'/i\,., 1ncluchng
plen1 \I O[ ix1rk1111:: Lo•t SSS i.Jr11 (·~.i) ~~. s~1~/Js, 11 17-:!til'jtj II 0 s p 1 1 ,1 I 1 1.u1 l•lll. frt>e 1..aq,:f'r u1uts n1.~1l,1Llr. • D -_________ ;_:,c .'\!-i:IPLU,\!)J·.lt & d111111111 111•k 11n1fu1ni. 111~lll ,l!H't', ;) .1y lt1'.1dl' for OL'!·u p11nt y c. l{CJBEltT NAll'.RESS HF.;\\'A!{!J -Los1 our blfH'k 11·uth:. t 'unl f• t••, '''!•IJ.dl. 1\t·~·ks. l.i1 1•a t C1J)p011u1111y.
f('n1alc C<1! -lll'!l'CI' 1~'"'' i,a11111g. l11'f'·lkln-.:. :-1 u;...7 110 :-il't' SL'l\'l<t' 111.1u<1gl'l' AH.T J{EALTOH. "' Costa :\lesn !li!JWjl outdoors. 1~·1ll be 1rrr1f1cd Housecleaning ,\J(·CUB.\Jll'I\
""OiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO-iiiiii-._ ''l\in11 " 6 yr~. l'.i1·1 :-.1,1111c~i· I GUSTAFSON
NOW LEASING • sto1nach sa(!s, tiny h11 Dedica ted Clea n ing LINCOLN MERCURY
H . "! 11·!11tc ru~ i.:ht•sl & ."a1~ * \\l:Dt)~;\'J'.l{Yf'lll:>.(; •i lh~KlHo>.11 ·h Bl ~/\ l\u111u1b'1on
unt1ngton Beach No <..-ollar Gone s111t(' b p111 l:t'fs. 1. rl'~' t•st \ilti·:.!w:•i BL'at:h
NEW M-1 ~l!C. 8th, c.111 i!-.l'l-:!t,;.17 HOUSE OF CLE-AN-Al"J'[.Y J;\ PEnSON
9-4{i :;q. f't & UP ~ unuly 1:£1·il.'vt~g. ~VON MAt<ES--
lfa11uJ10•1 & Ne11 !and St. l{l::\\'AflD' !.A.i,;r (;c·nHttn floor'<, car11ets, 11·irnlo11's &_ 9~1970 shurl h:ur poihtL•r. Lg dog:, 1valls, 1' rl'l' est, 6)2-till<!I
hro11n h~ad, 11httl' 11/b1 01111 Pain t ing &
NE\\' i\l-l~Pl~~1rll1; SPtJts. N1 Otai1;:<> ,\1·c .t P a per h a nging
1140 ,t 1950 Sq, ft 78'1. \\' J;oche.-;ler SL, C.;>.I llL' 1~1 --~--~~---
~lh St, C:\I . Saunde.r..:on, i,:rearly 1111sscd by 2 }U\Hl~ l'A INTI~Ll Spi'CJal: Si!\'('
Dayr;: 612-t.121:!, N 11 es , boys. i>;,une '' r•ti i p s ' •. nr1111ev 11·h1/c yt1 u ltll/Jlll\r'
:,16-2277. i'h•llsl' t•ull ;-,..ii;...~11.~. th!'.' ~ alut• ol ,our 1!111111'
4001 Bl RCH, NB ltt:\\'1\RO ror 11·lu1i) Ge1·m.111 pr<olc1:1. & n1;;1;,. u locok
3600 Sq. Ft Spnnkle.a-ed L1 1 ShcpherU part hu s k c y, ~1·e~t. Fai;t, 1.~1~ ,,~ ... t .• s1'.gl
i'il li:; \\lisle. Srurage. U,ium-rernale.. About ·IO lhs, Jn i;(u1 v !t'fJlll S~ ~.1 ~ ll'(: l !>.L
ga1 dner, 5-11-5032. I Vie. ol. Npt Bch, Seai;hlJrl..' ~t--90!i8 K-12-~!!17
Dr, &.16--098~/ ;'\ns to nanie PJtOf. l\:.tllco\.crini,: st.t1 ('
M isc. Rentals 465 of Panda. lu· No. 27!!J14, 11isu1·, all
LOST our lovahlt• f1·n1.'.l!e Sl 1ypes of jJU!)Cr. 7 I •l
Ht'l'nard Vic:: Jiunt JlarlJ<lJ' S!;!-4'\S(j
Cl lltlSl'ill.\S 1'HE Sf:.ASON
'l't.> BC: JULLY
1:'.:1111 C,\U•I lll<Jllt'y ftJt' gifts
as an \\U~ H.cpr«~entalh•c
in ~our ~1•,Ll'l' 111111·. Ca.Ji·
.... 10-11.111. ---------13ABYSrrTl::I~ \lltll1t'<I, 1
l hild' Uan;1 f'o1nt ,\1·ea. 4
1ta~s 11k. 6 pn1 to 2 an\.,
01\ n tf<IJIS a.s(i-&J.f2 befOl'e
·I pn1
U,\ H \' .0t70·1=-1°· C7.cll-,-,-,-,,c, .-·d0fco-,',-,,.
!ant 5 <jays 11•1\ Pref. 1uy
hunu· B 1·uo khu 1· st &
Yo1kl111111 1.1 1-ca. 962--0631 STUDIO, l11rn $\Hl. 2 br
unfurn S2JO. l'>orlh end of
l...'l.guna Beach 49.l-19.~5 e\e
Misi;1ng s 1n1..-e 12/ti, 9yr old f•AP E ]-t cll~.\cNc'cCc, "t"Nc'C",-, -prn-BA.MYSI l'Tl!:!{ !lct.'ffcd niy
Ji ea r 11.i r o ken. Jle1v rn·d. fl',.,Slllltal ll'l'C est., Lo t'U"'1. hon1c. oldcl' ¥.t1tn11n prefel ..
111r;.:no1. !Jo l>1•fol r ch 1 1s t Hitr ~.\-•·"'!.:...II l.l..:...1'r1'11 . 9ti:.1-l:5<1
\rkly. n1011thly or annual I I~ rf"lltals Gloria \\"cnrk , Annountemenl1 -d
,\sso;x.·. Canyon R L'a 11 y I :· iij~jijjjjjjjjjjjj!ii!!l~iii .... (7\·11:127-3JOO, ~
HL\\'AHU for fr111. e11 l1111 91.iS-J!'.!9 ;ifr 5 p111 B,\B\'31 r·rEH f•1r J·:ast Bluff
c.11, Vic· Bonita \'1s1a ·rr.11 t EDDl0'Ili-,:ZL)-i• ,· n ra 1 111 t.: ~ll"' ~1~·L·~1 .i1.1.;s .ipprox J; 1\11.~sion Viejo, .iris Susie. Sf'1'\·1e1•. i't'.'<is011,1hlt.! 1'<1\~•:-;. d 'J\) h\4-jJlh'l __ ~~--
11·earing flea L'Olhu', Jost Dec Nr.1t 11 ork 49'.!-:\f..JO Buchl•l11r lll't.'ds ~uud eleu11111g J' '
.,,. ~.,.,.. I II I ' '"'"'"'-'O PAINTl{'I;(; P:1 prrha iu:~ini::. \\ulllt!ll CH' ~11111 JOUse. Rentals to Shar• 430 Auto Transportation 525
BHO\\'N, 1nale Dachshund r.taster Craflsniun Jn1 .~:xt l,"l',1 n1 .1iu~111011; ~:11~ Gco1g1'
SliAfiE large !uxunous 2 Br CAR POOL SERVICE Jost 111 1·icinily or Ccrtitos .t: Local reL Free e,.,1, 979-529-I til0-4ti:l:l 01· tiki-7011 11Iter
1 1 ~ Ba apt. frplc, ne1,1' furn, For Infor m a tion ·;en1ple 1t:1r. Lag. Bc:h. E~'TER $:?20 ,i;, uri. n.{1()1T1:.' _c5~~~~--~-~~-
util pd, pool. Million dollar Ca ll 833-2195 l ,e11 a1-d 494--0663 SIS. Neat 11,1rk. Au il!!S.':> I BAR..t\11\JO, H•P i,al111y. Open
\iell. 1\\ust .sec to bclie\'e. After 6 PM RE\VARD for return of mans spray. Call Roy. 960--1·107. c~ay, 1111~'!'> .\: 11knt! shills.
3437;-i Dana S1rnntl Rd, Apt I IJia.inond J~inkie Hing l..o.~r 1, Of -Call bo•t1111 II atn ,\: b pin,
l'\o 3, Dana Poinl . GrNn Vic: of l\larkel Baskei' N 8 H. painter, hon('s! .11 111· .... l\lon·ti i, t.li,-9!1 .• J.
l.<t.nl \\'of Coast h111" Sec I( '~ 12 ~,-3 b73 ""IV'I. ' · l't'US Int/ext, fl'el' ('st1n1.1ll'. BOAT _____ ,
D1l'k Personal• *"-· 1'' "<>O'Jlj Hels. 518-2759, 642-391':. \\ANTl'~D. lloonunale. \\'orl\. _ .. LO&>T1 2 B1nssc,/I ho111n,d,s, 1nale Pi\INl'ING & Paren n~. :.'! MANU FACTURIN~
1ng lady, 5.J, 11·rshes !O share l'tna e.. •t~.u ~ a.irvie\\' years 1n Harbor area. fCefs 1\/Jptie:i!Jun,; •Il l' 11"1" .,..-m&
3 I' I I I & BaJ.:e1 . :J,l7-ti166 o 1· 1,,,_,,1,.~ ,12_.,.,:;,.; l<1kc11 lul' 1·.1tune1 :-;hop sarnl· n1 a p i11t1 san1e or l:i Person1ls SJO 842 "~"'" 126 < I\ .-... " "'' n· •.• ,,, rent S50 & 1:? hghl & gas ..,,.,.,.,. 'alson. 1,..i,t • ers. ll'Hltl•'l'l'i, c.1 binc1 ai;scm·
per month. Not dl!lu.xe, bu1 --------llt.:\V1\RD. n1nlt• 10 11.k Sable PnOf' Paper ~ranf!!llg, no blr1 s \\ages clepcncling on
I FULL't LICEN~EIJ Coll•• "'· 11 .. ,,-, .• v,,, i~b""'s ~~. sn1all or too large. llltSl <.':\'"'f Flhl'l"'l<i"'1> rnolrl· c e11n, l'Ornfortable and reas· * $PIRITU,\LIST * " n "'-' "' 0>0,,....,:.(H ,_.I~ 0 1 onabll' 2019 Thulin Al'e., S · J d loria, C.~I . Cl.Ill Torn Evans l'l"S, ;:c ·l'OHll'I S App Y ljl c :i.1. Ai·ail Jan l s\. piritua rea ini:;i; HJ a rn.-lO at ~IR-21 31i or 646-1411 P111ntl't, !'c•11ll·l'l'l 1ti_.d p('r.<on, l ~Jl Deere A\'c , pin Advice on all n1alll'.'l'l> Effllli"nl nnd c·1enn S1<ntk An11
SJIATtE t'On1for1able ho1ne :112 N. l·J Can11no Re11l ~l1n. J,00!.lle. Black rnll l" * fl ~ ri·-* ---AO==,,.==--! 1111h r espo11i;1hlc 1~·rson ~an C1°~nu'11!e, for flppt caLi ' \'ic. Santa Ana & Drl ~tar • '.-~:i.i "BOOKETARY''
lovely yard 2 car gar. ·1~2~f!l.)6, •192--~.!1 (';\! 6·1t)..J702 P.\!1\TE.:R. highly 11u.tl1f1<'1 I, f,o,;d <U. 111l11ng 10 l\'<1111
64:,...17:'4 berorc 12Pi\l Also c11t cru1g tn pnrt1rs L(J~1" Nikonos 11 ,,111111'ra Pffic-uc.nr. \\~Uld. ,,hi·". ,1 l'IU1 I h11!:ht 111d1v . 11 tl\1-!; t):r111i;
'I \TUR \VF.: 11 oufd like to "''"''' ',f V11• ""l1h L't. .l"l•y. l'"''I ~~111~~ l~~·L-'.l_J I·~-,~ g<•~I 111o1rl1 ;q11 1Cud.1·. Urcar "' f'..: 111,dc to sh.ire l1•g ''" ....... ~ ,. '"" I I C I' 4 Br. house. Oose 10 lieach, Tlicre \1as Rnyonc \\ho sn1i• 1·,.11 u1·c1. 67~1:l17 INT/E XT PAINTING sr,u111.; s>1.a1y .. o. pa c~
If 1::1 S90 i rno 962.°''"~ !he a rc:nJenf ar F\i·y 00•. Sll''I'· 1,10, .•.. ,, 11 1 ~·r't'f' F:-;t .11111 1ir;1--::ilf! lwnl·f11.~. J·o1 nt.isr11.: DPl~t.
<l'.!""' I 6 ~ N • "" .':ii • r~u. l o n 1 • 1 101 1 lglil pci son SllAnE HOUSE Oil APT. 11 . rnoninig-, oy. l~th An s Ct) B1•1l, ~onC' <tbuut PAINTING INT/EXT J B . t .A PJ('aSfl mntact Ruh1n 'l'or-1 k p 1 64 ... 1.,1? • ason e s gency SA\lf..: us llO~lE-PARTNl'.'.fl res, <l'.!t-60:19 I II . ,('\~ )--•. P.1p1•1'h<1 111;111~ :.it; 71>iS7 171(~! B1 .. okhu1i;I, r·. Vil.
83&-U9·1, ~>IS-1479 PROBLE~l Pn·gnanc)'. Cnu. LOS r \\',1l ll•t 1·i1·. Brnokhur~t Plaste r Patch Repai; Sui!i• :t 1:: 'll~i·h77:i
1-IALE or Fr ni. lo shar" & Sia!!:!!' Ht,'\\,\fi.D'! ' ' r 1 d {' n l, s y rn pa thl•lu· •96Z-:l'll'iR • BUSB OY
expense 2 lx!rrn-2 U.1 apt. prC'gnnnci C{lunsehng. t\lio•·-1 ~~~~~~~~~~= * PATOT PL;\~"TE l{ll\·1~ *I 1 1 11 · O"I 11231 .•n.• ~~..,,,,, \10 ~-· /'PY :i '' ·' . , n10 ... ...........,"""' eve. l1on & adopuons ref. , types. o l('t' e"t1111atcs (') r.1 11!1 He~1.1uru11t
GIRL \\'H.nh·d lo sharf' 2 Dr, APC,\Rt:: 642-44.16 lf5J Call ."i4fl....&~2;; 600 1J :".l''IJll'l'I C..:l•fllt•r Dnve
Laguna apt, Sl25 util inc, LIF'E OR DEi\Tll S.Victa andltepaiiq P lumbing \~.1::-h 1011 1 ~111 11d 1
197-2864 eves or \\'kends Let our babies livr 'f'{lr _ ----~------l\c11 1~•1'1 He:-11·h
G1r1ge1 for Kent 435 alternath•es to ABORTION L.P.. Ol'fS PLU;>.JB!i\t,; ---.BUY ER' ___ _
rall LIFE LINE 5al-552'1, P.('1111'111(>\~ & J'tepa1rs. \\ :'11f'r
MINI WAREHOUSES 2-1 hrs. ~11rpet Service hrah't·~. di::-p i"'nl~. furna•'\'~. Fast i.::ro11111i; l'O nf•('ds rt'·
tbhl\ 1.-,hrs 6-12--0:lli.". i\l/C & 11,11.JIC', IHtl'd\1T,L'k111i.; 1n.111
STORAGE BEST i\l.\SS.\GE IN NB. J 0 II N'S Car 11 e I & Bf A. Conipll"tl' Pluu1hing !'refer 1·'.! y1-s !'.''l;!M.'r. 111 pm
Ko l\l ove-1n or 1\lo1·e·out J.IOO IT'\1ne Ave. Suite 103H Upholstery IJ11 Sha1npoo N't'IU'e, Lil' 272691. curl'll\t'llt ofclet't1onit'cq111p
chArucs. fron1 $7.50 per (at Bristol )Open R A!\l, !rec S<.'Otch~.11'd !Soil 111en1, ca!'>lini,; & fab111:1tt·~I
I I "7 ·-~ R -' n... J>LU'-\IBING lttl'Allt nlOnt 1. 1 nn J;:1 ....,,•.•;:,-. ellhul'lnls1 ...,.·gre:u;{>rs ,~ 1.~•t11jJulto;•t1l ::-. 1 i\!11n dept.
llan\illon ~ Ne1,1·Jan<l St IJB all color hr1;..:htcnt'r'I & 10 No JQh roo sninll i\htsl be sl'lf s1unrr, lasl ,
SPACE " ~~~PA r!aysafcl.ub$7~l'r~~ rni11u1c hlc11ch !or 11hilc • • 642-:\l2il • * rnn1iv11\l'd ,1;_ <a rrl'r nurtrlt>1L
~1970 offer. 5-m-J0?.6 <.:Hl'pets. Save your money Sewing/Alt•ra t ions Your 01111 111cri1 dch'rrn1nes
Offic• Rental 440
NE\V DcllL"<t" O!ftec Spaee
For Lease In Choice tlllsi;1on
\'ieJO Auto l'la1a. Good
F'r1vy off1•an1p at Avc1y
P/\J"kway. CaJI 01vner, Paul
Bt azcau 831-1400
DESK space available s.·i0
nm. \Viii provide furniture
at $5 n10. Aiis1\•erin&' service
available. 11875 Beach Blvd.
Huntington Beach. 642-43Zl
by sa11lng me (''i;ll'a 1Tll)S. y(iur fu1ure 11·11h u«, Call
A LCOHOUCS Anonymous Wi ll clean living r111, dining EXPERTISE • Aller. L1.,ch('i; Uob \\<1n1n11.'r, PDA, ~:iG-7075
Phone 542--7217 or write rrn, &. hnll $15. Any r n1. ,r,. !\lens. P1ck up ,,. dt•hvl'11' CllC:F ivanled, Cellar lt!'.'i;lau· p 0 . Box 1223 Cosln ti.Tes/I. $7.50, tUUC:h SlO Chair s:1. 548-7197 after fi 15 I t I an!' 2'1.0 f'Ol l'S( 1\ V(', Laguna lil' P/\Ll\1 & CARD READER yrs. C'Xp. s I\ ial counts ALTERATIONS reslyhn~ BctH'h
ad 11r/t'f'duction 101131 Beuch not n1crhod I rl1J W•Jrk I 1 ' . ~~-~~--~-! 1111.self Good ref 5:\1-0101 I'\{ ie~ W<.'al', !:-;l't'tleru..oed CLEANUP .~ dc:ohvc.1-v boy, Blvd, St1;1nton. 527-3400 • · ' · · r1•asonable. ~5806 " DIBErtNARDO & Sons _ • ... • p/l1n1e. 1\pplv in person •
cit1p('t snles _ installation Telev111on Repair I Jl!1tch!'.'::on·i;, I-Kl Jnduslrtal
nnd repair. 963-26.19 \\ay, Costa 1llcs11._ -----~"""--~-----oCOLOH TV Hf'pflir. r xp•'l'1 , I · Car fMt Cleaning reast;1nable, n1o:.1 ln hunit'. CLERICAL
Floor Care & Windowi Antl'nna ser1·11'f> also. Bt·r t ltnnicd t\ss1gnn1ents. Top
D t ·h 'I , ..,~ ""l 1.,_,... Gallen1orr !lGl'l-1711.1 $SS. Lon~ or sho1·t tern1 u c l> a1n .• ::••:l'\I. a..• -.. ..,,, • ' C:all ~-4150. .r Found (frH ids) sso
Cement, Conc:rett T1I• Nfo_;VER A FEE: AT TE;'l1P0.
TEMPO Ten1porary Help PRU\1.£ ollit..<e spac~. avail at FNO: Geiman shepherd
fBea,,,chion lslRnd NcW])()J1 P\IPPY in Laguna please J>ATIOS 11-atks drive! oon-CERAMIC TILE NE\V & a · , 861 SQF, to 2,J50 o'denlo'fy •9~ ......,_ • • • od I ,. , s h SQF. l''urn or unfurn Reply l==~~·c'~'·c·~~'=·~---crete pumping. Llr:. oo rern t' • T'l'e "" n1 JO s
PO Box 1264, c r-.1 92626 FND rnale I.rL~h Terrier'? No 255915 Don &12-8514 11.·t>lcome. S.l6-242!i
ST'RT d I taf{S Vic. H B. Banning &-. CEl\TE~i'. ratio, dn·ve,, Top Soil " your ay w a Biookhurst 963--2005 Jlarbor Vlew. spaec now w.11.lk.<t-Repairs, s.a11• &1-----------
10 Kt')' 11fltlinJ:: maC'l\1TI(' b\ av11.ll at the Udo bldg l2 SIA~fESE Kitten, about ren1ove. 1o·ra· esl. 541·8'9M, * QU1\LITY •
673-4156 ;1 n10 old, mate, \'ic. Corona l c=h"ll~d""'C'a_r_•---~~c • l\1ULCJI s, ~·or SOIL tit I 111u<'h. i\lust hkr \\'Ol1(lnt-: 11·
Of{ire w/l:M?-aut view, ~ Sq. [)('l tltar 640-.!!00R :;,.~1::o
fl. Newport Cenler. $4'15 n10. P UG -Blond. ninle. Vie Lt(•F;Nf-;t:I l rarf' tlly llon1c. ~-~--------
Professionolly dl"\'Ql'tlled Rl'ookhurst & Adu n1 s Bh1h thru Ii !lei. avail. T ree Se rvic e
Est.ate Realty, &10-1120 9f~l142 Aft 6. ~7-ll.6''6.
Ofe suite, 1000 rt. Suitable rNO: Bicycle 3-!peed girl);
for doctor . ff un t l n gto11 IRlur ! V1r. J 5th & l1'1111e
GllJ'dP.n11, 8'16-1323. NB 6"2-Q33a
2400 IV. Coast lh1'}', ncms~
from StuU Shi1·1. Utll. Air
(!{)nd Rensonflb lc, 544-1!67!1
NEAR Bny. 1160 sq IL
Carpet. :l Balh.11. S!oragr.
Pmc:tng ms. 491-1215
MraflOlv Lark Golr
HB. 846-7442
f'"'NO. \r:i1 ch, 2 ,1·ks
11.13 Sllv--0n On~
V ii':
<~go Hl
Job Went1td . M11 I!!
For Appoint ment
Conta ct Carol Smith
Fi -
]'11111 (I
r.vc ..
' ' . "
~pW•nted, M i.F7io I
t 1XIK tnr J rol
Frida1, Otctrt\bt'r 14 iq73 ---~-~-~~~~---~=~----~~~=~-·~-------=c,_.,.,_,.... _____ _,.,.,_,.,,.-,,-----~,.--,,,.
Help Wontod,-M & F0 710Help Wanted, MI. F 710 I Holp Wontod, M & F 71o Holp Wonted, M & F 7 10 AniiquH IOOAntiquH IOO M isceil•neou• 111 MlsceO•n00.,. : : I~·
RESTAURANT STAFF AUCTION * TONIGHT 7:30 P.M. r1r 111•11't' ii Bll•&l
l'odfl.\' >i Alt'ilY
l"lill ll 1;111 ) <JU
Delivery-Sunday Only
-TV's -f<adios -BR. sets -J_R. se ts -
China cabinet -Larnps -Chests -Rockers
-lteclineres -Hefrig's -Nice eye level
stove -Stoves-Sofas -Etc.
DATE: Sund1y Morning . Doc. 16th · 11 :00 A .M .
LOCATION : Ot•nv• County F•lrgrounds
In the Sports Bulld!ng
SX!ll.1') ~t.:L'Qrdl!Ji: to e>.p. r1·1 ..
f<'r nn },1udr111s. Exp.er
pre!'d, but \\I)] lrtiln App:y I
IJ1.•t11·t·1•t1 1-:;o &· -1 :-:o r n1.
H11n1bw):"I' JJan1l1·r. i:~r1 '
Ad11m.s. C.\1. ,\sk ror ~I r I
!)UIR1·:s Tl!f: USE OF A l~\llGE STATION
'!',\ MESA. TELJ-:P HONE 642«o21 FOR AP·
An Equal Opport"'nity Employer
88 F•ir Drive -Coif• Me1e, C11i f.
\Ve are selling at auction another 3 full co n·
tainers of fine antiques. This \Vill be our
last auction for 1973.
PARTIAL LISTING: China Ca binets -lloll·
lop Desks -f-lall Lrees -Urnbrella stands -
Secretary Desks -\1iclorian Chests -
l ~lankel chests-\Vash stands-Armoires-
r>ub chesl3~Pu111p organs-Carved tables-
('arvecl sidcl>oards-l-'ern stands-Sets of
<:hairs-F'lrc screens-Dressers-Tea carts
/lai,;f'n ~~~~-~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~ Help Wenfed, M & F 710H•lp Wanted, M & F 710
20751/2 Newport Bl vd ., Costa t•1lesa
(Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'ls.)
Costa ~·!es a ** 646-8686
~r11 . ..:1rl\n !fl.st !()()Ii l"l'SUlUfAML
Ct•lks H\'t'r JR. C:ount•'r ~1rl~
n1·r r 21 P/!1n1P .~·h •1
I/time. C;tll l\l1kc r.tnl·
111~11.!'>. 6-t·t--2030 for 1.1ppt .
Apply In P•rton
On MacArthur Boulev•rd
Ne•r Orange Co. Airport
t t 1KS -To 1r:1 ln fur~
litlll n111nai;er. f:r;1\'1'y:1r•I
:-l'ntt s ctnys .... k. c(~. p11ld I
lwneflls. Jnrk In Th~ u.,x,
110:i l~11kcr. ('o!<>"l;i f.l f''\a
cooi-::. 1-.:x1,~~1t11::r-.-cr~u
Top Iloy & ln:i:ur:1 n(·e
The Daily Pilot has an opening for a driver
to del1 \'er pa pers to carriers in Laguna
LJcach-South Laguna n.tonday through Fri·
day afte1noons and Sunday morrur1g . .Salary
plu s auto all o,.,.anc:e. Phone Jl arry Seeley,
6-12·4:!21, for appo1ntn1ent.
Equal Opportunity Employer m/[ Jacobian tables -\Vall cloc ks ~ ~ta.ntle Furniture 810 Mlsc•llaneous Ill
clocks -Glass front bookcases -Brass C'APlSTflr\/'\O i)'E;10LITH)N SALE. ('ot-
INS PECTION: Sat... Dec. 15th· 12:00 noon SG00.000 J\l od c I Hon1<' .Purk. 112 \V. C'oai;t lh~·y. '
H•lp Wanted, M & F 710 I t-t•lp Wanted, M & F 710 thocolale pots -glassware and bric-a·brac. r.tOBILE JIOJ\1F: PAGF:ANT !Rge a! !lay :Shore Tra1h:1·
Payroll Clerk $650 SECURITY GUARD till 5 00 .. ·urniturt' Sall'. LlquidD1!on Nt>\\Po1'I B••n,·h. AH or parl. An equal opportunity cn1ployer I ft'l' P.iid 1-·1gur<' your \\'tty \\'t> ore ve1y u1ttrctitrrl in : p.m. 1.r 2 i;!o1'f"s lnrces us tn Somt> h1rn1 1urr. F:verythln,::
10 1he top Greal gro,,..rh 1 hiring nn expr1·!cn('Cd Se· WEST COAST AUCTION COMPANY srll !his beaut !urn. Ap-n.'1161)1\a bll·. \\'ill lte at Buy .~ • h11n,'t' to advancf' Al~1. 1 t 111·1ty i;unrrl !or uur rctoil Appraisers . Liquidator•· Auction•ers IJll:u1ces, b rd i;c pre ad s, S11turd11y n1••1·11lrig, 0\l"ner
H•lp Wanted, M & F 710 Help Wanted, M & F 710 Fer Posll101)!'>, Call C'ou trol I 1·lothn1~ store, located !11 17141 628-0516 pillO\\'S, cpts & decol'alu1' (:!131 700-2705.
* BLUE DOLPHIN * 33.~ Via l.1rlo. 1'' B. I ~"""'"""'"'""""~~ ....... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COOK for llunta\1,'h)n llal'h<Jr
f11n1ily, ov1•r /1olirtuy.~. AJr
pro:-. J.q PllL :it~·~·fl2·2f1Sl
Full rime, tnp pny , f(lr f':'(j)
J"l('rson. nr1ply in Jl"r . ..on.
lv.it!qu(' (1• IUH.'r~. G 0 4 fi
\Va.r~'r A\·e, lluntu1gton
CREDIT nu1nal(t'I' l riunee.
for suhsidiary of a natil1t1al
foodser.·i(•e t'nn1pt1ll}. I 111·
mt"d posilion Jor aggressive
i11divirl11al. J::xpt'r/rducarion
rles!rctble. Contact r.1 r .
Olsen, 673-:W50. An Equ;LI
Opply l::n1p1oyt'r.
Ful l Tim i'. c :-; pi' r i c n c ed
GA!. • Ou!y sharp & {';>;•
[l!'l'll!llt:t"l llet'<l 1tpply tlUit
can handle N'SJ,<iusihlliry I
~lllON' in a f(\~l moving .
au1nn1nti1·f' 111du!<>tt'\'. If vou The Daily Piiot ..•
1·a11 t11111<llr .. u.r l ~ks ffon1
1111.\roll, t11:\C~ lo I' & l.
s1nten1ent & ll'f!s n1orc, call
a!h:•r ti JHn 96&-7922 ---GARDENER
C11reer E n1pI'ny rn e11 t Fashion Island, :"\e\' Porl item,; at BEL 0 \\' LI -I PLA-Y~H•-c..O_U_S_E_S __
Agency, 3·100 lr"\'11\C U!Vo.1 .,: B~·arh. You nili;h! pQss[bly LnAntl=!iMMinllfl/lAfl./\/IJ QU fDATION PRICI::S, •~I ,
N.B. 5:Jr .. :ri:i0:i. I he l'ctlrt·d frnnl se~·uri lv (Jl' ~ Hl\Y of our 3 lol·ll.t!Oll~ !u C11.~!on1 t!c~lgnl'd, pn)fesslon·
PBX OPER.A'ffif{ loo~ini; fu1• parl tune 110urs Help Want•d, M & F 710 I Applianc•s 102 Orange Co. Sale Is 1'-1·!, Sa1. ;tlly l"•l11Sll'\1<'li'd ut y\1ur
TC'lephunt• ans. ~t·v. Fash Inn '? supplen1cnt. yuur. regular & ~un. hOrlll", 1'1•nn11nent bldg.~ l·nn·
ls!a.nd, N.n. E.\pt"I'. only. I ;:ct:urlty ~ob. 1'011 n11ghl il.lso \\'Q~tEN -HI TH ROUGH :!rl F'f:EIGIIT DA~l 1\GE SALE :13 1l3 San Jui;n Crctk Rd., \'t'r!lhle to u!hi>r uses, Fro111
All shills 01itri. 1·11p p;i.Y •e a police of.f1t·t>1' looking C'are1•1• 1ra1nlng! :\iun;-!h1111 t-;e1l' Motpoh11 relr!g's., ~ J Capt) $Z99.
& bc.nefil s. Call !O-·I, \loll· f?r f'; p11 1t _t1_1n~ olf-duly \~XI fields to choose froni' dlshii•ashel's &. rn nge s asJOGnrrlen GroveBlvd., PLAY HUTS
t'r i only' 6-14-7009. Se\·unly VoS!l1~1L lf the 0 pp or tun l t Y lor ad· v.•ashers & dryers, fattory \\'esln1lnslt·l· G7.;..t;i l'.! ~18·1l796
Hho\'e dPl'l'rlJllHltl i-een1s ''81\\'t'll\Cllt: fr~e r 0 od • 11·arranty. 12362 8l'ach Ul\'d., Stanton PJlESSEll -Exp'd, 6 days
11,·eek. !"alaFY Open .
Valetonl' Cleanrrs, Apply i11
person, 8868 \\'arner Ave.,
$787-$967. Filin~ dCa(Uine-
Jan . .J, 197·1. City of San
Juan Ca1,istrano, J 2 4 0 U
Pas('() Adelanto, San Jua11
Cupist.rano, Ca. 1'.:13·1171 .
r_~a~y 1nade Jor you pleuse liou.s1Hl{. uni.! n1rJ1cal/dental REACH CITY APPLIANCE SHER.ATON, lge rorma! din·
c.d1. •·;u·e. 30 <lays vacatlon. 1 :l62.1 \V, Wa rner, SA f,-1~780 Ing r n1 suite i;olld ~tahoR".
Gl-1-3070 Travel~ NC'w fl'iends! Sli6 a>G:! N. 1'u:slln, Orange dble pedestal table, extrn.
A11rl ask for Slorc mRn11ger A l\IONTl-1 10 s l a rt . 99&-5656 lea!, pad, 5 islde chairs +
STENOGRAPHE~ lntel'es11ng-? .You tll't~ Ca.II F'Rli..;IDA[RE Cu/1.toni ili>luxe hosl. n1a tching sid" hu11l'1 l ~l11:s1 h11vt:• good 1yp1ng al>il· your \Vonie_n s Arniy Corp'." jct ac1\<1n nu10111ntl•d ,,.,·ash1•r !hulfell glass top. $3200. vr
ily & lire sh . l"'l'presentat1ve co 11 e c l ~.,-T " B d •Ith I 0 \. Best offer ~&;4 i1·1/558-2fi6J I .... J. \\Ill (' " " I: 1e. t • F A . , , l~rd~. complete. $65. both. ~TATTRESS ''"' box sprin::,
or ppointment \\ O ~tEN . -1:-o !1;1H.OUGH 3-1 &16--4:?2-I Hatlniark, quef'n ~ize. Nt'w
Contact Carol Smith Tl.1h ~\ O:'.l\E, IS /\ R l\1 _Y IJOt.:Br.r; ('leetric oveu & from rl\~play rnodel. ~lls
Fl!\'f: f11RJ ~·rL\IAS GJ~'TS.
illflllY ull p11in1!n~s. llt1.r-
r il\On·ill111·l11ttisl1 JIVHf'r.'. Ari
objects. New chruy,• ·rug~.
sterf'o, nntiques, ,\II prict'd
ehf'11 p. /\pt Heights.
Ke1\'p<Jt'1f'r Inn uecds mi(ldlt>
aged or ol<ler n1ale fol' i;.enn.
posl!ion. No phone calls
Jiif'risP, Apply in 11crson, Ask
fnr Clay J::llb, Ht'ilil G11.rdcn-
er . 1107 J11n1IJOI'\'f' lt!I., NJl.
GENERAL orrrCE, T~, ..
Ing, elf', \\'illing to \vork
11•eeke111ts, Apply Balboa ,
Yacht Club, 18()1 Bayside '
J)r, Cu~a de\ !\'\ar
ne t?Us pern11u1enr part·
lln1C' pt>J·~on to assist 11·i1h
IJ<tily 1·!crical anrl sales
•lulie'." u1 lt',::nl 11rtvertis·
in~ deparim.:nt. Ideal po-~i1ion /or pre-111 .... · tolle1:e
s1ud1•nt ur person wi!h
lf..>g<il·rlerical background.
;\lin i1nun1 24 hour .... ·eek
1vi1h possihil\ty or lull-
lin1e employ111enl durini;:
sun1n1l'r rnonths . Typing
t'Pf[Uil'l'rt Rn1! auton1obile
ne ce~sa ry . Person
se!ec!ccl will fl~sist dt>pt.
:lupt'rvlsor 11·i1h legal
filin~. some legal re· Sf'<lrch and perlonn other RE,\L E_SIAl'.t.. ~&,!--f:S AVCO
Ll)l{PS ha:1 _11_1ore thau IJJ !'leC'!rlc cook tcp. Oven only new $174. Sf'!. Spt>cial priC'e
J<lb 01>portun!lle~ for a pro-$60. The CQOk top is only $87. set. r.lr. \\'i!lian1s.
1turth·e, sat1~ly111g career. ~3::-1 557-2010 645--1701
DRAPES, aqua, o·ui;t. lined.
nc1<.', lron1 Spyglas!I hun1~.
Sac for drr. l'h:ln)ie. Value
SSOO, ~sklng $:200. 2 pr. 7'2"
x 6'3". :.l pr. 51Y' :-; 10'9",
1 pr, 7"2" X' 1;1', \j' vnlance.
644--\8S.2. fi.10--127:'1
prclcrTed. Conlni:! r.tary E I 1.~at('s, 8,IG-3321. SECURITY xpe r. on y. Top ""'<1ge".
assn1'ialerl nffl1•f' ihi!il•s. ... SUCC!::SS CAREE~ Appl~ bcbvcen !l A:\! • , ,.e\v o~ experienced. J oin U1e Financial Service
<.:..ill <.'Olle<_.t TI ~/55S-2fru " '1, P lOne L-"""'=''-~~-~~~-
-COLDSP01' 15 Cu 1'"! refrig. l)AN~SH i11o?ern 0 In ln.g \\' 0 ill I'.: N n (' ed e1I r o r frostless, \.rhite, 1 u 1 1 y Chairs. C1n ~sic rl•'stg-n. p~1d Ki\STJ.E skis Crand Prix,
houseclr11ning. Good pay, reconrl. i.i~. or bst ofl'.r $95 l'.'a. Gl\"(' :l\\'ay _p i:ce Look NevHda Bindings, 205 PACl.FIC NAT'I, BANI~. IJRy shift.
Spr ingdale & Edinger, ll.B MacGregor Yacht Corp
5 Jl.\I; I \Vortd s largest and ~ast~st
PERSON:-O EI. ~"·111g resale on:aruzalion "'!!E~q~"~'~'~O~p~po~'~·~E;,;m~p~lo~y~'~',,.I goorl hrs. Cell Robbie's Rag 67J..-:UIS also Parsons table. 63t·s:H5 rn1. Larllros Lang bu('kle -1 --1~6~ll'..':P~\,~c~·o~o1~;·~·-C~·!-'~L'-
DELIVEltY J\1an lur early rnorning L A Times home GIRL \Vnnlrcl, 18 & over,
delivery route. f.1ust have Exp'd In CasseUe Lo.1ding,
eronon1ical c;ir, 2:; yrs or f'ull time, J:>6-.l 787
oldel'. 2 ~ii hrs a day, No _•_·c~''-"~"~"'~·'------
soliciting, 110 <"Olll'clin~, Jlai rstylis1 \\antf'll !01· hll~Y
~supplementary inL'on1e. salon. Nii,:ucl !lair Fashions,
\\"e;,1111111s1cr, Garden Gt't)\'e, 496-57'.?!I or 499-2'121.
DEPARTL\tJ-"":t-;T \Vlt.h a llt.'f\\'OJ'k of over 500
THE DAILY PILOT 0U1ces and bccon1e a 1nernber ol c,ur MlUionaire
3'.lO \V . Buy St .. CO!<la l\1e"11 Club. t.lu.lti--mlllion dollar
LIVJ.:.tN \\'eslf'llft arra. advertising program. Free
Ne\\'f)f")l'I Bench. Care ol 2 1,.<i1aranteed licensing school.
school a~e chil<ll'en + l!:xcellent sales t.ra!n'ing.
housecleaning, Son1e clri\'-J 'lease call 542·5689.
;:: A iltnp. 51,o;;--01:17. Ill' 633-0380. f!t•I\' ll0fl1S, ~1 ~. nevf'r u~ed.
Tl'.:X.o\S OIL C 0 ill PAN\. Xl ~'lT "P<:t'. fnr ~alt•s ni:tg\'. Ii 0 T P 0 I NT under1.'0unlcr AlllJ)t'X AM/F'ill stereo tape
needs good
1na~, O\'l'r . 40 Jl'Y.'l'lry. 00 e:'\f"'I' nee. £...,. rh:shll'asher, like ne\\', is.·1. Garage Sal 812 deek fflr car, incl. speakers,
for sl1011 t11ps surrounding ct>ptionally hi earnings. Call Norg:e eleC'. dryl'I' S4i'1. Keo· e brand nP.\\', 673-~'.0~.
hear:h area: C '?" ta c I Jne 5-tS-!~:>5 1norc WRsher S65. 546-8672. BUTCHER bl-Oek, gll. o!rl l.AZY Boy Sl2'i. \'lli ue S250.
L"Ustvnll'l'S. \\r !ruin, Air 1971 r.1AYTAG \VASHEll, orir nt rngs. o.<tk, O\'er stuf-\\'(ti trRde lur Frankl in
rnail B.J. D\t kerson. Pres., J/11rves1 gold, all ten1-f!i!d, chrs.rrfrii;:-, ""'a!!h .t Fire p lac r-. BR set
S uu th 11·cste1n l'etruleun1 ··~--' 6 "· I I b 6 ., ·~
orp., '!. \\orth, Tt'X. ~ . . $2)0, &i5--0Jj6 lamps, i.:rl. kilch llems, Jots PackRJ"d lk-11. !\1/lple Sl50.
llu11!i11g ton Beath n re a. l'EAVV
6J8-29"2·1. ~
ing, Salary. call 833-6801
duys or ti42-.'465 f'Vf'S , REAL ESTATE
\\'hy not "·01·k in the hotte~t
nrea -1-luntington Beal·h -
Fountain \"alley. Let us
ln1ln you. Call Phil i\lt··
i\a111ec, VILL/\Gi'.: ltt-.:1\L
EST,,TE, 963 .. i.Jti7.
(: ~ ' I ll~l peratures, UM.-u wee,;.,,, 1 ryrr, a . p;· ,,...m1 ~. ....,._,,_.,i·u!ue.S.'IOJ. fi It . S!Preo,
. . Rent W•ihert/Dryers photo t'Qufp. ~tORE . Frl. t.link stole :i:2j(). 64~
THE BROADWAY II I Sat , Sun 428 Heliotrope LA DDJ..:l'U1ACK It oc ker
D!::LIVEllY n1a11, ear I y
n1urn. p;1per ruu1c. Custa
J'h'sa area. i\lust h a 1· r
depcndnble e:ir. Sl~S200
per uio. Cal! ;i.18-17~2.
LJE:r\T,\L H.eceptionist, desk
only . /\I least I yr e:-;µer-.
Sonic Sats, Fringe bcnc!lts.
H.B. area. ll·16<1J40 flllylilnc.
J) E NT A I. A .; ~ i s tan t •
Or thodonti\". 1rill train, \\"/
111111 I YI' denlill CXJl,
DISll\\"ASHJ::P., full tinle
cJ~s. \\"ct•kl'nds uff. Call
00NUT Shop, p/tin1e. J::ve
& moms. r-eniale, age~:,.
Apply in person, !\lr. Donut,
135 E. Jjlh St" .. ~C~'~I.:_ __
IJYNA~\lC j';rv.·port cffit'(>
net"ds personable lronl desk
girl. 640-l:l35.
Expanding non-dl'fe.11,;e ele~
Ironies 1nanuf:t1't11r<'r near
Orange Co. 1\ir(X.111 st>ek!> In
dividuals for th1.: <1.bovc 1iu-
sitions. lntcrv\1•"·~ J\!01uiay
thn1 Thurs, J Pi\l-1 J')I ~
Sat 9 A~l ·12 noon.
(714) 5.fO.GtiOO
3.1:. &kt'r St .. Costa .J\1e1>a
1'~Qual Opf)U r. En1ploy1'r 111 f
$1S,OOO to $75,000
Send resume or call ·rODA \'"
for t"Onfidt·nli11l NO <.:UST
f')\('CUl lVe inter\'il'""'·
J:::"-.l::ctJTIVE SErt\'ICE!i
&.\lS N. l\1alll. Santa Ana
!71·11 :1-!7-~it•:! .. I-===----~· EXEC. SEC'Y $750
No cxper. rt'CJ'd. \\"i ll train.
,,)!es !7-:M. $3:Yi 111 o ,
Starting s;dary + n1any
IX'nehls. Now inh!tviev.•ing.
Anny Oppol1un1ties, 171 41
64:;...I 163.
l!OU:'EKl:o:EPER, r.ton-rri,
111orns., 2 hrs. duily, care
fo1· ha.ndi capf)('d ~entlcn1a11.
Balboa Cn,·cs ,\!rs. Bailey
llUSTESS Cashier. over 21
mA\UN'. };Xpet' .. 1\pp!y aft
:!:30 p.n1. See ~Ir. llaRen or
l\llss Clin1•, Ila m h u r i;:: er
lfon,lt•t, !'.~\;, 1\rl11n1s, Cl\1.
II 0 li S E I\ EE P J·: ll &
chilr;lcarr. Live in, J 1.~
days, S!1n1c J::r1i;:lish ITE'f'.
JJn1·. rn1 .t TV. Call t.1rs.
I.on~. 1714) 677..-9114. N.B.
HOUSEKl-:1'.:P~:R -hahysll-
rrr, 4 Sf'h1 1·h1!rlre11. 7:30-
f/:.~U. l!.H. J.l u~t dr ive .
llt1Ufif,;h'.EEPE!l, Lieto lsle, a d;1)s, liv' in ur out. Locnl
n•f's. 673-911!9
For gro11·in~ valve nlf•:.
Pe.rn1onent 1-,\rl 11·eck.
Jst & 2nd Shifts
Apply 1741 Plai·t'n!la, C.\I
Mgmt Trne R•fail-$500
(;re1tl Oppor!!111ity
Per!'Dnnrl ,\gen1·y
\.\·lurk III r.cn1e1·1
1,c;.-.1 r~. f.~Jin~'r. R.A.
~f,\JlRIEI.> person over 21
C'<lr & phnnc n1'C"S~. S1::!5
v•k. lo start. 89'1-l'OCK:l
\\ell l'SlulJlished uf[lcc, l1'1th
C.\prrienccrl staff, hns open-
ing for l\\'O salt?speOJllc.
Paul i\Ipr1111 or Bud Corbin
ti I l-i6!i:!
Cor1Jil1-.\larti11 !tc11ll ors
(;fl'! \Vllh all around office
e:.prl'lt·nee. l'l-lus1 he ne11!
& llc<-·urate. H.equlres hea\'y
typ!nb & fll1r.1; l'XllC'rienre.
:'llusl ha,·c good telephone
MASSAGE TECH. Empir• Management
"l·oung lady f1S·28• l\'8.lllerl I 833-8711 N B for Jegitl111 ttle full titne posl-______ _:.:.'c::c' __
lion. No exp. nee. \\'e sen!! ----------to sr~I. earn v.·hile learn. I SALES
S:!. •\\'k6.3. [,u"","'•fi nt. a\'e, Corona del ~lfi r. HUNTINGTON BEACH Antiqu•s ~uu Sl7.:AJ. l.ar1:<' ~·rost·tree 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, \, b I . l:AR.AGE Sale, Sat & Sun, R<'lnger;i1or S95. J\!erl. Sitt
ls Accepting Applicnlions
:; ,\~I· 10 AJ\t r.1on \hn1 Sat
Apply Pr1•1-0nn('l Dept.
:J1•rl }'"Joor
.lntcr.•ic1l'ing Hrs 10-12
l'llon thru Sat
7;77 Edinger, Jlunt. Bell.
Equ;il Oppor . Employer
Tf{,\JNJ::ES · Electronics
/inl1 ttl !'>.A. has nel'.'d for
illolrlinl: 1nachine oprs, 2nd
& 3nJ shifts. Apply in
person, 2100 S. }'a1rvie11·,
TRUCK Urlvtt w/lOT kllh
I' \ f~ uy ap P llUl c ,es · Craftsn1an gas n1 o ,,.,. e r. lll"sk Sl5. CHll !:: v es .
EUROPEAN-!1-el11g, frl'ezeni , etc. \\ork-l'rl&:t'r, chi!ds f'lel·t f'ar & 6..'l!\-8684.
NEW ENGLAND ing or not 537-9231. n1ore, J(J.t()'} Sue Rl\~r. 'oH~n-A~D~B~U~l~H~.-,-,,~,-,~1-5-0-.,
/\r\TIQUJ:: SJ-llPL\lENTS \\l!IRLPOOL, elec dryer, f ountain Valley, tGret n-Hrandt \\'alerli>lor $250 ..
BEING like new, $7J. brooke trertl 962·3059. p· I · I 'I'~ II ., =t7 1casso ..1110. " :..u., Oa
UNLOAD EU DAIL\' 96'.v-u..o illA)1~10TH garage sale. Sal 1.ith(•. S2:i0., ot ht>rs. Pvt * S,\LE.: STARTS 10 A:\t * l!EBLT v•ashcr, dryf'r & 10 to '1. ne1v &. old . Firs! Party, :-~15-55%
ftol11op Desks . Sideboards di;h,,.,·sh, guar d e Ii v er Y · Chur1·h of Rt"liglQu~ SciL'n('e CLOSE outs on ull niu.~it'al
· Chairs -Tables -Dressers t4;>-S95 546-5281--839--7620 o f Ne 1•• Po r l B l'fl ch . instrun1('nt s & othrr lten1.'
· Chul'{'h Pe..,,s -!'ta in Gl11ss l!bllding Mat•riils 806 1 Bayrttst I 2018 Leey,·ard Tl1rrr1 Shop Go.Ht'r)o'. 1·10
-J\.lirrors • CrvstaJ • Lanl!, 1'.8. C11Urilln, C.~I. Thur, F1i .
Hof'kers · l\IANY e S I 8 lldl & 0 • ()''I " urp us . u ng At-;T!Qt "F: V.'hite .~ e -...·in i -"'t · · ~ CH RI!-.ll\\AS Glfo! IDEAS • J · Se S l ~---------SPECIAi. r·nr:.~~LOOR f.f;\TERIAL. lOOO's of NE\\' mac 11ne, ars . 1 v1•none Al.I. hrand ll""': ~:lt'c.
PRICES ITEillS! Doors, lun11Jer, ply. 1~ chord orgnn. Gn•cn Pf'l'•'<ll1ttnr. ft>iHht'r flo11,rr
A · I h W Id \O."Ood. alum sheeting, m old· n11.U~8hydl' rhalr. mu r h nrra11gr111enl. ;:;111~.~\\'Are & nt1que1 o t • or tng, "'indolO.·s, elc. niore. 642--585-1. 19'.>.1 ~1nple, 111i~c. 55'.!--0129 C HEAP~
* *?lF~~m~ ~~n~~~es BUILDERS SURPLUS c. ~'-~ noy·s8lke. s..·ar!! Scr;ar;;r
19-7 N \ .2400 So. Main St., 5.A. GAR.Al1E Sale, 'lust sell all. 11 eo:ta ~:!'~ !.lon thru Sat 10-5 .'-0 y~ar accumulation, ~I 1 ~'l'. olrl. Deluxr Lionel fr11in
n4: 546-1037 14. 15, 16, 9am·5pm: 655 \ sit "' tbl. 49.J.!ljo.J, !)arrt!l St. Cosl a 1'.1esa 1 =C,..-'."'-~C:C=---5.Ji-4S79 , C'lVIL \\ ar l!~·m~ "·antt'<:I !or
exp. for Uu1!d. niiil. & rentaJJ,.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'
yrd. 4~14--1107.
T YPl:"C. payroll, Jlayables, SCRAM-LETS rl'("Cl\al!l l:'~. Ptc. 1 Girl
ofe, lnanur. co. ~:sper. or ANSWERS ><'hooh"" ,.,q ·d. Ph'"" M1»
C1mer11 & ~ • I privftte 1'tlllet'llnn. Guns,
Equipment 808 THE. Bt.UITS · '1')0 Lnrt'nLO, 1 io;v.·orr!~ plclqres e t c NB. 6.m--0778, \'1ny\ hidr-11• ~017 ·' · ·
PHOTO !.All t:;Qt.:IP~tE~'T. hc-d. ~1,.d. 1fe('. i!r ms, "·all I o.=""-~.-~--~--· 1 l'hnJnu•i.:11. D.t e11largcr. 4.x.l lamps, bikes, clothing, tlJ)"S, i S,~RU::·'· ni1!<.~1•u1 12 ~n. Apply 1n person nny aft. or LADIES SHOES eve. 2930 \V. Cs!. II\\')'.,
If-M "11\i" "lfP" 1 !'iewporl Beach. ·' CHILDRENS DEPT.
1\ Halof;:en eolor head, 4 f'IC'. I l-;:o.qiu.~u r 1•1•11\·e rt. ~1,,I•. I & 6 · I ""' Slf,()(l Si>ll lnr 1111-.'1?-"f'u' J 1nt g ca_~;ier!I. (.'HE.ST of drawe~ $ 5 . pratsf'd $1.000. 64,·,...:;77)( ·' ac c11 1~' or Rn,.,y~er. 'J'rundlr OC.C! s:>0. Sora bed -:-. .
Price, ~31-1431. .;.;,;,;o:. ... .iiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•ls:hanty -Slne:e -Luthe -UNDERWRITER v,,,,, -E,1T1'G
. . M&dical Assistant/
Nurse. Full Tin1e Openin~s
tor bu~y Jntenilsl's office In J::x11ericnced
Nt'1\'p(•rt Center. B111•k nffirr Excellent Sal<il")',
f'""fJerif'nf'e nei·es~11ry. Chai Cr>n1n1issinn ,r.,,_ llent'!its
lenging JIO~ilion..,, x-ln1 ~11~-Lall lur 1\ppui11t111e11t
.j \"rs l'l>.IJCI"-in auto. 2 \I'S 1_'h~ other dny I ,,.,·as in A
.:'XJ!!'!' honie oivners \\' so~ne restaurant 1\·here .. a not lt~ on
supci'\·isory exper. 1he n1e1111 read, Our pnc_es
Si•n(I He~utncs Or1ly ~:1:~T~~~~·~·t lo change 11·h1!e
AVCO GOING OUT OF fit s. Call fi44-7:ilL ri lfJ-j();:,(), ext 30
t11Rs i\IR'"'' C'lel~nd, s12 ~OSEPH MAGNIN F,·non•1'al Se,v1'c• ·~ i:: llal O po E I " Con1plc1e clenra111'e thru :'llu11zru1ita Ur, ~ J.: 11na 1 Q P r. nip oyer 620 Newport Ctr Dr. <"!UllST;\tAS
Bcaeh. 1s !nuking lnr a . ~ .-. Newport Beach, Ca. Quilts, oHk & \\·alnlll !um., 1~·on111n lo )>hnrr l1Pr hnine j ·'SALEs Rt'prl'S{'nlllll\'C. Jt'1l·eh'I.'. Clo~ed Sar. & i\ton.
i11 P'lf'hange f nr roni·t FANTASTIC ~~':''~":":':0:1:"~~"~E~·~"':::"~10~"~'~'=1 Antiques for lnt•rlors p11nionsh ip & l1!i> h1~l11. J ATMOSPHERE ---C
H""n1 /:· hoar1l !rec_, illu<,l Tl~ff_: LJFI!: BOOKS is no11· 1 3.">-i:i r~. "'1st HlO.'Y·· Crl)l
SEE OUR I rl rh'<'· llo1~rs very flrxihle. I !1il'lng: si."" pt•o1\I~· to \\o_i k I URGENTLY ANTIQUE JEWELRY
SUNDAY LISTING ('a ll 4~73~ in utir young: J11dustr11:1I GLASS -!·11t, lllO\\'TI, pressed
C,\LL 'J"Hl.~I! HOl'Kl"'S 1 ~11-srr·,\1.. ~roup p Ju s ofli('l'. Peri.n. 11nrt lune ,\· NEEDED .i.-1·nu1berry.
.JF.!-!Hf \\'r11rrr.:-.iu rtE: I <'o<'kl all \\'ui•rr.,:i;, 11el'k· 1 full 111·a1J. St;u1 111 $~.25 pi·r SJLVElt ,t: ~-vRNITURF:: 1.~.~ ~. J71h Sl. (at lr.·lnf'\ C\I 1·n(t" plus pLtinie \..ook. 1 hr \\llh _ roon1 lnr ad\':ui"r-PICfUHES & i\!IRltORS
. ran1!e\. 810 \\". 19th SI. 1nPr1t. For rer!'or111I 1n1er· * Bt\CKl)U(}R ll'llPOftTS *
l'l-lacBcth I rans m L's 1 on •u. T 1 ,_.1 Hiii! ,........, ,\PT. ~ urnls/11111,;s. C•1n1r
I . ,._ #JV. en .., .. 1or, <' ~'"· (i • BR -1 11~ I I tens .1 r om e. ter. ":'""·en~ 1-fisc. AH exct!!lent t.'Vnd.
P1 . se . 1.,e·a· 11•r •
lllum1tru11 slide copier, 3 Call 552_7911 2 sets lll"!n, _r~~I. t1e<I. relng. 1 ~ gal, custom processing . ltunps, 1·1 ~·. JJ1·5J3A.
syslt m 1v /gas hunt.temp K!NGAJ.,\\\'N 11•1"'" nlOl_••er, 11 Tiii:: lde11I 01ri1<!n111s i.:'ift
l'Orltrol, ~L<. \\"ill sa1.Tifi1·<: S.f(I: Royce union derailf'r. Rritannif'a Rooks ('() 1 t .
\I sold by Der. 7.l. Cockrt'll. ST:'; ~r best offe r. Other I Like uew, ..,,./' ~:C:~:
54o-85:l3 or t<J·l-7fi7~ ~~em~. 8421 illunster 1100._ !1112-71::7 ____ _
lln1n1 ~lO\'.IE proJeclor & , . . . . f'O\\'Efl Craft ~101~·er, fro nl sc~n. 1:JO. 8111~ Sol.ex BOX tradPr, m1n1 b1k.e , 4 rhrov.· ,,.,.\fel. Extrntlon l.<1.rl·
n1ov1c tamera &. hght bar h.r niolor. olrl Ol('~cl_es. I 1ler, f•ttinruin ~·I p u m sso ,\J! !ik<' ne,, ... 5411-8791 living mi ,r;et, ixr}'.!I C'lothtnit 8-MJ--&,ln P •
SLIDJ:; l~llOJE(.W R & mi.r.<.". 7641 NAncy rJr, -~c,..· ~~-----
125. lln!g I3•'h A..,;TIQIJE 1!.a.lnu1 &c1'rt>la.rv.
S2$0.; Tr;i!lhn1a..~hl'r, Sl25: ;,io-:?279 ofler 5 P?.t O\'ER HOO UnhE'hevable Hf't'I lo H,,.,l t<1pe rierk,
SUPr:n .. R f.toYi,.. C11mera, Gilts, /\nt:.qties & f"urnilurr S125. 643-4174. v · ·1 JO l 1 Zoo 1 1 Hour~ 9-.i. Sat/Sun/:\ton !: 1v1 ar. o n ens, Tues. ]IA) Diamond Ave.
M2--0i3l 811.I. Isl.
Furniture 110 "'°"='""'~~~~~~ DR\'ER.:,, c;ils & Elr-c!ri c. Suit• 224 642-1470 L~L\1 vit•\\" C;1 11 Dnn x:c:.:-00!!>1. 1 25 Trai'nee J896 Harbor Bl\'d .• C:'ll ~··c l';url. uu~)' 11res. uf 1f',irk in n•arl 1 ni;:1 ne.r111~ l1tJ11 s1•1•\;<: ~I SALESJ\l,\i': -J)r;1periP~. f',\ClllFl(1-:, niust ,;l'll , dlx, d~sk. lYi?ks, hil(h rhal:.
1·.1nn s«l, ('OITJP $141) & COSI h_!ke~. J\llM.", Sat/Sun .. g ....
S3SO.. 5 pr dint?tte set l 16~ lron Bark, 11.t Seron,
S.'~5. lamps, 5 ff, p!ctu~s.l~ln:c;·'"~'""'o=--:-~-~-,-
divan, chairs, f'lc, &14-2028 J\IANAGER IP11vln,:: jl•\\'t'lry
KlL."l" cress 2'JJ ('lrrt, au1n
!liner, !ll'x 21" ,,.,ldP , 27··
1lrep_ ~hth·e~. 1.1n~1 s, rnout•ls
rras. J:.:\·r,; 7·9rim. ~:;...5z:z1.'
25 CU S/5 ).-old 11.'/"'Al. Trl'-
:0.lkr. S~!"(1: l•'r Pr11v
stf'r...Ol!'Ollsule, lovt'l). ;115.
i·dp;dole !'>•·•'Y· ,\lt •'!HI boal'd I . , . . . _ I :--;F:ED .'r lf Or\'f'lopn1cnt~ C:x[Xl, nea!, ng-gi·t·~s1ve, xlrit A bl Cl!£':1ST~IAS sail', 111111que
rll ef•tuig• X ~·Jrll•' \'JC ,\Ji,11 J i\!"'ITiH{ li .. m.JO .. !IJ ,\:\!. .-,C'e .H~ 1-j(ll)i;' t'arninJ::s, 1·tie Cus!on1 Rh<idt• ssem ers furn, p1~·1urc lrarnes. guns,
t'f'l' J•ili~. l',dl Coi1.~lal 1 ;\.t~·: S;ii111 at Jl ;1rr:1·' ,'!',, Fl'i\llk, T1xl.:1y's ,\l\;\1Y' ,\;/, JJrape1y Shnp, J~lJ r.:. lial1 1rt't'!'. (·h111a, clocks,
l't•fSOtllh·I ,\$:C'llt')', ~·l<J-(i(ljj 3.):),\ -'· lll'l.~11'11 c.,,\;1 ille.~:1. I.' !ho• plai·t' 10 !\';\Ill, ("(l,'l.~t ''""'Y· CIJ~l VOLT h1•(HJ\ I/lei Grandfather elock ~i:l(l J/arbt1l' Ul\d .. L:'-1 "" eall 1113 • 6\S--19.~\. ) l'iALES~t,\N .,,. ,,.,u1nn 11 1•/t Instant Personnel S295. Ury no\1·1·r ar-rgmnt.~.
i:·v.·1:;;::;-.Rl"·,C•cc.·r, "'.·cn~1TI'i"~ -~-,,r inlor111a!1011. in 11lca.'>ll lll Cd,l\T :;hn11,·....v.n1. 49:,i Old NL'\\'port Bl\'d, r-;B
......... c. c..<> r "·'"'" u~·-~ KEYPUNCH l'l1u11<! 171 116G-1163 '"" Teniporary Se rvice tJ.12-5151 v.·anlcd, s<iil bo;1r expc.i J\hllw·i· &. •·-~fi 673-5655 Tui·s ?.~4S Ca1npus Dr., Suite 100 l,,,=~--~~----l~ _Babcol.'k , Cos1a J\l e~a._ QPR~ NO EXPERIENCE thru Snt · t-.cwport Bea!•h 5.f6.47•11 Dir." n11 i;et Parquet top,
Cf • t I ! d "' SALES:'IIAN & ~tnn<i.gcr, i::<1ual Oppor . Employer 6 chnr, solid oak buUet v.·t ~·A OR\ 11'1P llCCl f" · : O :\Jin. l yr ~xpcr. on 019 s, NECESSARY niale & !en> . .,"" & "P be\'elrrl n1!rror. Rnund Ollk
t':'\jll'r rwr1.-.,... t..11-..•n1ni; J o·~ o ! lft S 0 -" !bl "Q G
011 all '.t )>hlfts. ,\pply 111 .J , AY si -TRAINEE PO ITI NS n1onthly Jtul\ran. if \\'AITRESSE:S--NoStudenti; · !:i iune tbl , Crank
person. Hl't'l'('.'i Ruh!Jer, 41 ;,I For Appointm•nt NOW OPEN 11uallficrl. NO expcr. necess. Pleai;c, \\'all:ef> according 10 6o~.~n38c1.,'.00~~ Jasmine, CdM.
• I' · Cl t (' ·1 A hi •"'-· J\lr. Lee (213) 77" 0""13 A J I ~ ,,~. ){Yl, ~01 C'/llf'n c, Contact Carol Smith !l"('Ul ,o;sem r .....,rporntton I "'"'""""""'""~~,.;;........ f'XJl('r. ..pp y n person. ~=""=~-~~--F /C BOOKKEEPER I llus lm11u•flilll>' Ojlenlng.~ fur llan1h11 rrirr lffunlct, 1515 ANTIQUES, Beau!ilul carv·
Avco PrO/Juciton & lr1spe4•tiun SECRETARY /\druns ,\vc., Costa ~leliR. iod 11r1nore A n1 e r I can
P1!in1f', li1olirs ..:lothlng-:-\lore Ti·ainees. Plt•asanl ,~·oi·kin.~ Aslr f•11' illr. Hagii.n . \Valnu!, oak rot'ker, School Ball.JU,~ J .~Jr.11J. :J. J hr-. dnity tonditiuns. An nprnln~ for nn ini!i\"idunl \\' \ITlwS" II ho rlock, Chalr5, globe, doors,
Exper lhl'u T. Bnl. Call ,\pply \\·ho is n ~elf ~lurter 11·' ; •c.. "'• ~ ee s P· tfi ChRil'. 64(1--7335
675-21170 9 am·J:! noon. Fin•nci•I s.rvice :1>.lnt i;e1Tetarial i,kllls. ~lusl (.raveylll'([ shill . £:-;per .. ~=~=~-----,..5800 Ci rcuit Assen1Uly Corp. · kl 1. o••pP 21. N• pl""" •ail· .. llUNDRl:o:DS of old crock
FI ELD -31"" I ·'"Ill l'llJOY \l'Ot' ng V•1 1gures. • ' .... .. .... '-" w 'lewi A\'P., Co.sta :'ltesa l\una J..nnes, :Ji99 1-1""00 ' jugs. & hand blOWTI bo ttleA.
N E T Equal OppOI'. Employer ~ '" "''90 -SUPERINTE D N .N v-.ro. For Appointment BJl'd, Cu'Jta llfesa. Afust sell. Dealers prlc~a.
TRAINEES Equal Opportunity l:)nployrr Contact Carol Smith \\'ANTED, \\111itcr1, Spanlsh1~•~9!>~!~08ll=-~~~---"-1
b I E 'hi 1 LRG Crr.~~ Potle'"'-' k 11 n . LOUNGE 01air. oversized us ne, s.s. vi>ry ng ~ "" ~ p I 1 t .~ar, P.,•\\'f'r 111 n \\' c r. cu.!ltom mRdt: gold "·11ce. er e r nr
I Ch'l."m•• ~ •---1·, Gemuin strre<i, 8' dr•1-· .. naugllhyde. S\\'i\"e bAse "' . ~I.JO ·~-' ,..,,
pert ronrl Asking $250;1"°c~>~l~55~7~-~'J;=I-~-~~~ chf'ap, 673--7910
552-726.1 aft 6 or l0.0kends SAT & Sun. Dee 15th & * POOL TABLE *
Give !he \O.'Omfln In your life 16th. clothe.!!. !urn, baby Ne,,.,·, custom, S<llld mRho~.
a thrl11. Be11.utlful klng items l'tc, Z181 American Genuine Ital. sl11te. 551·5277.
,,.,·ater bed. \Vood Ira.me. 1l 1~A~'<o__:A:...::C~.>~I~. -----BIKE flUfLT 1'"011 2 . $100
illil plastic. $150. After 5. COLOSSAL Colleclion of AL.SO !>-SPF:ED $li
548-2123. Misc. Super Duper Patl11 111: 644-44·1j *
CUSTOr.f made 7 It. sofn, Sale 715 1 ~ Poiruiettia, Cd,_I, ,,~.l~A~G~A~lloA:-'-,-y-,7to~!~1~,,-,-,-.,-,,
t'uSl SIOO new, spring &1 ~1 ·~5t~h~·1~6t~hO--~-----\\'/tlttach & C'a.!lf', /\~ TleV.',
dolO.·n constr, Mk!ng $150. (;OQOJE:S~ 5 tam fnle r.f'reen S200, Wll!i $.f.11). fi75--8J.16
&15-1679 h~t'. Shutters, ~rn1 11·111.~. 111.VINF. C()!l.:oit country Club * SOFA & LOVESEAT * misc junk haby turn 21832 membership.
Never u~ed . •Very ad. qual. Wind.song, IIB. 642-1725
Usually home. 963-7910. S AT 0 NL Y , 5 20 M1
!\!AN' s le11ther lounge cbalr
Good condition $50.
Marguer1te. CdM. Sear!
dryrr $65. Antlquc1, n1uch
mon!!!. 12 lo 4. Young men for interesl in~ KITCHEN NURSES Aides, l n1111erl . SpeAking for Mexlenn Res!. LARGE French c11.r ved v.-ork in 1hc toth1rut·tion in· Opening!!. All shills. Con-AVCO t~xp'1l , Apply P.erl Onion, gu1.ebo. Great for patio or BUf'f.'ET • Dark v.·ood
dU1 try. Jil~h school cd de· '\•alt'Sccnt llosp, &1~198 2406 Newport Bl vd, NB. yHrd. J\1ade 11 bout 1900. SPANISH din rm ~t, 2 llO!ld BUFFET · Dark lO.·ood sale or trade
ai.tBblf', bur not c~sen. i\fusl WORK NURSES Aides, all · shifts. 67!"r-2244 dayf! 499--1088. cedar niodem d~55"r5, lg. Mle or trade &t2-J3;i.1
h II • , ' ,,. '"ill I n __ , & F1'nonclel Serv'1ce ~---------n... I 67' °'0 ·~3 ave re :i ,,_ nin~p .• ..; \>' ,.. tra n. VU'"'' V.'lllfPS \\'A,\fTED rnale 6.: fcni. Ap-HORSE pninllng by Harl•nd n1lrror . V\•JU rnnr · .6573 .~~=~~=-~~=-~--RUS."IAN Mhlc JI 1., I•,
locally. r.-tusT hl' alill' In \\'Of ~ bl'nefits. Call G 4 2 -2 ·1 1 0, 644-5800 pi," •li•i· lpm, l<•ni""i,.., Yoll ng, 18X48 ''· '1"•1 -II. Pl..ANTA Tcr-rririum 1 .... ,c.. " ' • ... • "' ....... ;:r ".. ""' SO F/\ and l'"ha.ir, pcrll'ct con-· ' ', ''" ·'~• ittra\ght, hraM ne\\·. p,,.1
11.·lmdJI OCC&!i. Snn1e r Xper J 612-804-1. Equ;1! Oppor. J::n111l'l\,·,..r •.·,.,·.d c•,··k•n, ""3 ,"'·. n-••1 499-1 ~. d' E I A ylU'd 232/lfk: up S•I/ 5,.,
'I I ' r ... ·" ... " UJ ,,,._, •-·'"' :c:,,:::::;o:_ ____ ~-rtion ar y m er · · · · part)•.673-8120, ~lrs. Bt: ..... h.
In asphalt dc.•1 1~1 1 <'. 1u1 no! /1nmf'dlRTe O{X'nings fl)r hrlli· OFFICE HELP Jll1:y., J_,11g11na Reaeh. ENGLISH cabinet, cir ca s.is-32J3. · 20701 J-for iron, HB ·• e.ssen . Apply in pf'rson nnly, , d1iy l)('riods. z;; 10 30 hoors *S.c'ys, BookkHnars is~ 1 d •= kl I ~~:==~-------1;;:;~RA;7,G~E,;:.;SALE,;:;;c,;.::;;=,,..,= llAGGARTY's beautiful FOX
9 12 '"t D• 1-11 k , . · T PAr1 ti111r, moming11. T'n1p-r-\\"/\REJ-10USEJ\1AN. Assist ...,, va ue Ill .,.. ..... II.I ng rv..n •"'le. Crlb SI). or be~t GA · Boys bllfr , JACKE~. n.,, ••~. WW a.nl· noon,· u -· ··l". ,, l, 1 1 ~r \\{'t' ·. 1•IUltn1un1age1. Liz Hkllldl'l'li A"t'lll'" tonn Be t ,., 4on 2T19 r v '><' I t t f s !'"" •• '-'' ........., l<IOO E. WU'Jlt'I', ,S;inlu Alla . orary, eould becomt: per· .. ,, in weighlnI: & warehou&lng -"'· e U · L'Onu, .,.,... offer, Llka r\C'llt', Ca 11 P 11.n • oyi, e e. W\. 00 _sell cht:A p, $48-71.83.
· \ I I p n1a11ent. Should ha\'!:'. 10 ke~· ~020 Hirch Strerl vilan . & I n e l •NTIQUE LI ., ti Sal ••J-2426 . Nyes Pl11.t.-e . 494-8962 LADIES N-~1c. Sid ~·-No Phone Calli; .. ~=~~ . pp y n l'rson ,, Suitt' l04, NB 8l3·~lOO HnM rn r ti " qu1ua on e I ;~~~~,,,;--..,--~~ j-"="-=:c...:;.o..::c:=..__ ~· ~
RVICE l\londny thru Frld11.y n1acblne ability. Sm. offi ce D ial A Job 83, •• 55 pov:<lers. Must be neat ap-Everything goes cht:ap, Zll MAHOGANY CT8denia, xlnt HouMhfl' N-•s 814 size 8, like nu, '
PtRSCJNNt::L OFFICE in best retail ,;lore M Y· .,._ peruing, Apply ln p&J'llOn. B. Ocean Ave .. Lag Bch cond, SlOO or beit oUer.1 ·~:;.::;.:::::.~•:...:-::.::::.:.._::.:.::1 644-4481
ASSISTANT I 11herc. \Ve need help Cn t No Ch1rg• To You Llnwllco Lalloratoriea, 2148 IR70-l900VICTORIANBcd& 1·
P 'llme, 2·3 hM rlAlly.
DISNEYLAND lea.st during Dec-Jnn selling Established 19G!l Newp:irt Blvd, C .. M. 8;30 Vanlly, ."-li'd W•I""'· 11500 WCall ~37G5 LAODERBACK r eek e r 8 Vfi. old ga1 dr)'tr tor • n • A I ··• J I ,_.I 9 ~ •t \v-• ~• Y-BOY tilt '--k chair, 117.50. l..ergt Fro11t Fre~ 11.ale ....... $,1;.S a r. PP Y tu, 5tco.cvn Proct!f'!S ng our ._...1 Y S.Cretary-Stk Bkr Am to :"'"". .am J• on, •-u, or best offer. 5.34--U'lO IJ<l... 9'J'J lrYIM Unlfi•d sHles rttelpt~; you'll do Th.un & ~n. like new. $57. Retrtaerator $95. Mecl. site Call 846-6063
I DI t
. t ~me llghT ret'ordk~plng in N!Xd 1 yr exf)('r. In i;an1r. Appll1nce1 802 979--2971 desk $15. Call eve11 . A'"' M! ~-.... ---'-,, Schoo I rrc t :J3 Sn. l/11rhnr lll\'d. PR spot In LA""'"R. Be you!" \VELDJ-::R. eXfl€rlenced !11 638-8684 rvu ui..--'" ... vtut: r,. 1 1 re1ards to thoioe recelpt11. •-· 1 I t CO"NF.R •·• -"P 1-·I. tbl, · h••d~-•• ml-~-, loUiOO Sand .....,,yon ; 1e. Ana ht· n1 own bcl!i11. Cell Control nrnfimen a Lron ° n Y · RF..FRIGERATOR JS Cu Ft, ..,, """"'••u" "'-" .,,..,.,.., ... u '""''"'
I " I I \\'rite ChiA~ifit:d Ad No. 961, 4~3'6 · tramt:s, 1~ .... -t an-~1. OU> Dlnlna: Roon1 11et &: etc. $150. 541)....8791 ' Ell.st n.'ull? ·:11uo. (111por. J.:n11>loy<'r T)llily Pilot. P .O. hox 156(1, Cl\l'N'r Empleymcnt Agf'n-Bottom lree:r:er, Coppcrtont:. _... r -Butt t \Va. drobe TnJ k
E'j;u•I Oppor. LADIES TRAVEL Costa :'\lesa. ea. 92626 nnd cy, 3400 lrvln~ BIVfl, N.B. \\rrl.O WA NTS TO WORK ! Gd cond , $125. 615-3186 pillows $180. 67$-7486 Ml e furn·t r 54.9-0046 n ' OTILITY CART. ba~ry
-loy•r ·11 · ~' tor "'L~ DRIVE A C 'BI NICE CLEAN GA" STOVE MAPLE •l••k. ~·. b•"' '"-8C
un, l,";.;ered. 3 v.tit:el1, ~ '''T" \\·e \VI pnone ., ... u 11.n J.J<r"o.7'~•. .. " ,, ~ .. • I 815 •·~
OVER 18 nppoin!mlc'.nl , SECRETARY Cl·IOOSE your hour•, Wflrk SSO 11tools, $'5; chest ot dr11wers J•w• !!. I erles. SIOO. 6'.~?768.
II ~-r1u'r" !twlk ing for "" e..'1(-:"!~C:::::CC""--,...,.--,.--TO THE PRESIDENT Jor younel!, bf! your 01vn 67~5258 w/ mirror, fal: ~13 . M• UST •·II, 3 ~-nd ~ilture'"' OLD PIANO
CASH cit in, ,·ob 1r~ ,,1,, ,,1, .. 'n• ON t: 11~i<is111n1 & one fih.a.m-boss. Men or wt1men. Can """' """ .... , " _.. R lln'-h'
QUICK ~ '! . I ''II 1· w~ G' t F~d d . XLNT CON~l• It frl 8 Pc. d!nln1 room .et. •o>en. P••r". A-r ... ~. ·-·1 for Nt.:vA t: I.II lflJ Sheraton Jll·h. I•''· 211 jlOO t::ir I 1me. =· 1r '' AY ut1es, 11 0 be l'llifhfly b&ndlc&p...._., ..,.. Cl.I ·re i • .-~ Ill ,.,. .....,... .:lt!I 1711 a.•·-· ~-" Tl &i 1610 \.\' Co t H h !h mi s I ....... P"twtl $100 Snow tlre1. $300. AJIO Choker leo&lh 1 g&lll1U-"-V51& Mt:•
THRour-.H A rjjcific Coast H"·y., 11.B. N'1'i1J t. . a• wy, :.Jrm"s E.OEa ary o p en . Nl'a t -Clean Appearance. '"ea'11 ,,_..,,·N!oo Call 960-1709 atr••d, •mr 1150, •·111-,, WATER bed with .... A,,-• W Sulte ~122. \'r'e ha,,e openln&fi · · ,,..,.... ~ • Vts., rellrt!d. Are 25 to 70. ......-uyoo ... , " .x tJ t-""" .., DAILY PILOT fm-8 ladle~ frf't' to travel "\\lh.Ue Ell'phantl" over-SEC'kETAR'i, Good typii;ct Supplen1e.nt your Income. You don't nttd a sun to BLACK naUlh. couch, 7•%' ca.II ~23 atl <epm orig Sl5(). Sell $00. call
lJ.S & re!n. lfigh eo.n1\ngi;, nmnitUt )'OLlr house? Tttm fnr COi1" ,_1esa Nursery & Urive A cab 6 hfll or more R "Draw t•ut" when )"OU rood cond. trS. Call RO CK H 0 UN 0 INVEST-anylinic 546--?0l9 WANT AD !run~. pitirl . P 11 r l' n ts ll'lt'rn Into "Cuh" .•• 11ell IJ1 nrl&r.Rl'lng bu~. $400 mQ, rl11y. Apply In pe1'1.>Qn. place M ad In the Da.11.y MS-7363 MENT • Ladle• aemstone 8' OLIVE lrtts $%JO l.oquat
L A2•5678 \1·elron11> al intcrvlt>w. No rhem thni a Ds.lly Piktt Apply in Jl('rson. T11ka111 \.-t'llO\V ()lh Co., 186 .E .. 161h t>llot W1U1t Ait1! Citll now The ftl1te1t draw In the Wnt. rln11 v11lue up 1200% In 10 lrot'11 S2. & S3. Plants 5Ck:
O'"t hi111~!' '" hou"""' .~H 1f'11 cla51ifit>d atf! J'\ur.'>"ry, ;.~ R:iker St. ('l\I SI., Co!!IR Mt!IA. _-_642="6-"'~78~·------••. a Dally Pilot Clusltied yna. Dl11counted 49-4-11361 eve. 250 Sa11ll'.'> Tonuu, C.M.
;E~~!!!~~~==!!!!j"~~~~i~~=J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====:::!~TC'Y!ie.<;:-iiii;;ji---=::-i'ii~~~~;;.----=J~~~~~~== rrid.it DPcem!IPt 14, 1tf/J ""Mitcellar\ffl.l1 ill I Plano1/01gan1 826 8oat1, Power 906 1 Cycle1, 8 ik•1 Motor Hom•• Autos W•nted --9W-A~t ;T;poried--9-70Aulos, 8 ~f'11"0~~11 r.r ~iT l11r ~:1u'' C'AHt.~; Nrl!IOn p\lu}Q, iii~ II j(' Attention: Sea Urchin Scooters 915 --5"-•-1•.c.l_R_e_n..;t ____ 940_ ccTc.0.;.P;;_;D.;_0;;.;;.L:.;L;:A_R_P_A_I D:..:.:
t:J IRI.stt~~L~J rt-. ~~~ 9~~~ \\'ood 11111.:>h. _ ,,,.to You D lv•rsl Grand OpeniM n •:NT A r.10TOR 11or-.1r. -tMMEDIATEL y
On,. \\'tiy Lthrt1ry 1'ol!u1~ 'li!l -'iLtl\L ... . -3 2 T ' 21 Fl C;omm 'I Holl !. gl&l'IS "' t.llNI HOt.I F: OH VAN F'Ol1 ALL fC)ll:F:ir.~ Ci\R~
i·1t:1..>::1•t1i•s· \\'nlll'r t.tartl I l Z1'~R. :--11111<'1, Lin•s, 1mes, $2.00 I C,JV<'r fllY"o'ood Cuddy c4'bln. OJNVJ.~N;ION, LOV.' AS $9 Call nr lull\•· Lil lu ~"l' us
L.Jndzol'y, niurk Sn1Hh, • .... ,!'~ lll'n•·h _pru11, l'hf'~ ,'1.nt I !Ats of c!i'i."k roon1. JJll ORANGE .~r •. S>.?R•VY,_,&Yo"'uRL.~'ro' 'u".~,1"
1n1111 Potn~· ietc Sin~] ,11 !ilk· 1"1ul. $.li75, pr! ply ~;!----4.1~\I. It!' Volvo inboard oulboo.ril. ~ c.. " r
& u'p. 11ll1~n111 ' Slfl tV111Jl s.w1nU Mach1nU-a2i AFl"J::C'flONA'f!-; nlf!fi !tuns t.;rt'lil lnl'IUde!I. NE\\' COUNTY ~94---3.}l l.
hold••rs !;Ck· & up 1:rioy fe111 .Ue kllh 11. Sh1111<o. :<1 ft. 101nden1 Whet"I tra1lf'r SUZUKI BULTACO 20' • 25' l\-1otur llVn\c.'!-,
}o'r! .~ ~1u , 91\~f.]P!\1 11i .Sl l()I' [.IO\VNTQ\\'N Bo:< Lro1nl·ll \\'111 tiptt) SJOOO u1· 1111lkl.' Oftt·r C11ll • ~Ul•t•nvr, l.lft'!ln'I" Ii. Ut:ot'rl
1511 Monl'o\'ttt A\•e-, NIJ 1 S,\ Vt; "*' ti+l..{111!1 RJi !AJOJ l'~·e!I; a.ft 6 Pt.I ~ ~'(JRl\i !::RJ. YI J<oar!. Kf'll \\'el11/1 6::19-2!fl(I ~Lt:C'THI CAL Mt-h·i· Bn\. I :oru l u:-M 11111ch1n1·1' dt $!1 (l:i, PAPILLION l'El.-E 1,J.1i·k ,\ (111-t!S ::,t• Skiff Lapstrnki', JOHN'S HiinkAmerl1·urd & til 11 ~tr r
New U'MJ nmii 1 . 'I'. E. ' X1•11· Jlonu·, \\'hill' & S111g .. ~llky u11:i11·d f•·ni;ih·. 4 )t'!. 1 ·r.1. 'f\\1210, t~H, l\P, n r . RACING CYCLES Charge acceptt.-d.
S•·1iv1c •· 1·•1·• 1•1-s i-h1Jt1>. 11:.i_.LJrkn. !'0111,.1 . \\'lni·h, radio ren101 .. , outri,. *FREE DRAWING* CAMPER bus. ""IY h"t f .... ,,
.-... "'· .JAJ "'10 V. liini;:li· Ji Al,1., CUARANTEED * ._ " "'' phase. Surfiit•c niounl 1n~ :.lfJ * NO C!Mf\1!Ch'.S * 4~l-f!j.",,1 J;rrs, bl'ls10!, .187 11 r s , Come In & rei;i!lter lvr Ilona!, fast or ff"Onor11 1c11 l.
1naxiu111 polt.'li , 1101 11.J /J iil!'· U~rrl llooi·er Vnruunls. \\'I' *AlJ(Jl tABLI·; Kl1wl'!·:!\::> • J $16,500, 644--0343 eves. 1~7·1 f'uzuld 'ff\1·15 nu tin's, sl{'t'ps 6. $1:?:,o or
!'ll11Kle poll-' (!I ·l ll 11111 11 :! ~Cr\'ii·e u!l ni1tkt's (lvl'r l::! llloc·k .Ii: \\'l1H(I 1111 J:l 11ks IJ\!•:\V :!)!' .>;kipjack Sport J)rr111·1ng 11·1l IJ!'"• hc!1l 1 ~·1$.73 l i~t ofr before ('fld of .)l'<•I'
1iul.: iil'l1IU!.1·t':l. 11u,,li11111l i" Yr~. In Costt1 r>Tf'SA . Slrlt:t'rl' *** •l!!:l·032'l • •• I F1~hl'r_ ~~11n1 11!:!\i·" \\'111 C'.A· 10'~· DISCOUNT ON ALL !'~t:>-3169
ln·1•flk £•rs S:I0-4972 Bit I piu s •• l , , ' 1•1·p1 s1nt11l1•r boa l or la1c Mll'l'lll{CYCL~S' \Vll.L trade Newpor l l.k'a rh
'1" .,u:,. r ,. · · · l'1" 'y11u· L & \·al·uu111 · ~ AND PAR'rs· or · ............. > n I. • 1)n1 187i! llht'hur , Ct.I ti•IQ.97 12
rnndo•I Ltnc·Cad in lradC<. Prope1•ty for twlotor Hnn1e
t 'l1U1·1 LA PP l.i\:-l f> ,._1,,.ndSuppiiea l[°LJ } 646-59611lr li~Jl"59. '73 CLEARANCE 673'2058 Agt. £\'cs. ti7.;..~,.1s1.
Beautiful Ht·i ndl't'I' !luh•. Sporting Goods. 830 ~ 16' l ;LA!'OPAR. Tru1\t·1-. ·IOllP ON NOW! T r•ilers, Tr•v•I • 945
3100 \\', ('0:1:.1 Hwy •• N U.
for c!~~11r~!~~ 1·~ '71
anrt truck~!
Howard Chevrolet '71
f\l11l'A!'rl1u r 1cno'.I Ju1nou1·1·•'
1'ewpor1 Bc11L"h
\\'!·: Hll\' '71
.. li""l"''"Y !1~~ "'" 11.000 m•l!l Mu•! lt<r IO ""'-""-'",.. 1)111 IP1 A a11u--•11 '" 1"1•,.I ,.....,~., "
::.~11 '"'· • '°'"~;,• [)1.,1, W.un llYl.1, >:-<1
II ..o(I "'''~• tJ.!U~),o
•~••n !ilfl • w11,~1r,,.,.~.1 0,. M•I'\ "'""''"~ !~ IOd•y1 n•••~i!I 1l6lOL0 1
j 5~e<(, VClf~H
11-ljyy •1
Perice-! for 11. 1hnl\v rug, tllt0\\11\'!N(.; (,Siiv<'! llfl J<1hnsu11, Jluns J::Ooi.l $j5lJ. 22:fl ll i\HROI~ Bl.VD., 0 1
or hunK 011 tlil' wull, n11111y :ihotgun, Like ll<'il', \\/ Tr;1de !1)r VA.n. Call E r111e !llARBOH. AT \\'IL.1'0 N1
det:1.)r11.tor us<'s. For !hr i'(•\'('1' & etluipt., s2;;.o, Pets, G•neral 850 ct~i·1~:~~J~7~16~'--------64fi..242M f~'6·41i55
t:\IPOlt'rf:D ,\Ul'O.'i
1970 2.1 ~~r. S1lvt'r 1-:.11::1~ BEST PRICES PAIDI 2 5 MORE GAS SAVER S
.~ 'iJ Chev Oll'\c11111· W T O CHOOSE FROM INCLUDING
('('fl]OI{)' inlndcd. t his \\ in•·ht•stt"t' ~lol11•J ti\. rtlllll•. ' ... " .• I l'ACKET STYLJ-: B ,\ y GRAND OPENING
cf(lrnei1.1icatcd 11nii1111l hal'i a :!2ra. i·ifh', Ilk<' Ill'\\', \\'/ , ANIMALS R U=> LA UNCJI
1\'lldt'l1\f'S!( fl PflClll'!lllC'e. s;.o. "ll,\I l'll~C & CljU!pt, s~. !·rec llan\slC" l.,.,jlUl't'll<ISl' S1850 SALE
6·1 l-lli.117 r1<1trl()(Jt; or rage, free c It ~ c I c.42-7()56 Aw ARD
T\\'O n nli{lut• (~11·kr1·;, s2.·1. -' ' II' /•Ul'ch<1$(' of 1'11 11/H'\'. /i11IJ\I MOT
I N I f\IATCl,lf-.1,1, lup,·fl11 .. g o .1 f Keets, Cockatil'IS, ~·iuC'hl'~, 2{)' Sk1pJ:_u·k 11 / tra11<>_r. Cood QRCYCL£S I'll•"\, . I'll' SI• a and llli1I -I I 4 5 St 1 l ti I I E S.J 99 f "hing lr•VC'<Wlll. n1•1·f'1' U\t'<I 111 ~11 s,_ •"· : . , ' ng I, lie puµp1es . Sn1l 'I' Cup l 'uocll·~~. l:Hll. :..tras.. . ·~. 1~1n . HONDA
SIOO both. 'Ii:! Lini•nln C'nll· 111;hl. sUlf s!eCI shuft~. D·O Sheps. DcpOSl l \\ill llul1 !. I ~ 1naneu1~ ttva1l. &l;-,...4:.!SO
t.11•i.; 11·t:t. knit he'nd l"<J\'e1~. N::1.1-g.-,:.>(} • rv1''i YAMAHA ~:1,,1:r~!,~17. 11•1•11 C!tl't'll !or $3~iU. nr v1·r usc·<.J tor t;lintc $7.), ----i ··o,C'-~1 ~h:-.. .. -,,~.1-~b_,"-~3°"00
v ......, .., 1).\0-(l(i:\o *Security Pet Food* "· .u ~s Y l'~ugl', ' TRIUMPH
M. II -I' t " Tl II (' ·I HP, l31n1lna, sv.•tn1 Sll·p, 15ce aneou1 s1..:1...;: 1~11 •1,.,cl J~1~1 Stars ->I'~ .,y c. '· ulL c 1 :.tern nn sounder man~·
W antied 820 11•/lnok NPvarla h1t1d1nRs, ~11'7.>e.,)11171• 1'1"1 11~e1"1:~11•1h~upp~•"1s. :-;!ras, S9,6;,o, 5;,1.os:{3, · FRI, SAT & SUN
1---------.:.: SI OO ~· llcad '!liO". s·~u l;(I) "" -.,, ' . ,~ 1-" u·c, "·'. 14TH, 15TH, & 16TH
N . ' . · ·'· · · u 1 -J9' O\\·ens XL TIU -trailer \\'i\NTF.I) 'I'() BUY Lil) J.:1. s.tze ~OJ. Jtc1~er boots, sz Cats 852 P('rfl•t·t !'Onrl . Nu "eng xlni CR l::!j E!sinurcs. in sto.:k
OR At.11·:HJr AN f'LYEr:. >-:'~ s:.m. Lr• 1 rapcur U.IO!s, ,. . . 673-~"""!I ' !Ill l\lini Bikes in sto1·k
TH,\11'S. ~t\7-~•i~:i. .~L. r, S20. ~l-1:1--0:IR:i ;if\. ~1:3olS0.\1 F:Tll l Nl; \)i lf"rl·tit ~ Hr·' _1-:·~111 1• "3· lG80 !\l'11·1>0r1 B!1·r1 .. C/'11
ST1tuc·ru it,\l.l-.f·--'--,-.,-,,-,-,,-!, \\'J·:·r-Suit u.s. D 1-,-,-,.-, •1·ur·i•'Y 11;1 1rcd .,l"ds, u(•ult·rs, 'ti1~~(J l~~ _ Flil.f · T17n111u1H_1 ,,~lo '* 542 .. 1:\4J *
USPd )\ fl . 1·nl• "''!'!' (">\l!llll'!' I ·1·1' ·t . l t ~~" Sk. " )l"l'l'd•'l'S, fll'l ,>;.: show quuht) . ' ,j] son II I', (, w,;J,>IJ. BEAT GAS ~ 11 i i.iif . -'·"'··in'" k t1 ·~ fir .. 1·,-1·1 ~.11µ11n2 ;);,i;...()7~IO uft ~ & 11·k nds. s.·11b:1 1!1ving only ~\" 1 \rt· • ,J '-w· ,:,,"7~~--c SHORTAGE I
\\'ANTEU, XtrH l ~•I''"' 11••" _·l~l·_l-lKJli.~ e1 P, . Dogs 854 01.u :!fi' rishing boll!, $100 G " "' driys &15--7:iil AS \\'ILi.. BJ-: 51k tn SI. A hllu~c for li1·1·1111111 Sh1'pl1t'nl. \\'JL$(1N X~l 11·\.11•d:. & ll'wr1~ .• PUPPY WORLD • GllL. DON'T be.1:11u,r;ht 11·Hh·
>.000 nii. Boni 1,,., v ,, O••n Lewis Imports 1 '"" I '71 'Into -'71 Doi"'" WQ<Jon -'7l Toyoto~ l o11to ffoM 6 .-11erything. Sell l O!' bot II. 1~ I-r:r OOr, {'.\I. r.u; :1.;1\:' I Air! -'70 Toyoto 'ltli.ip -•• , Coro110 Cpr t4 11pdl -
llur1tington By ThC' :O:ell I (',\:-ill ~'(J/' Cotollo11 -Vo\k~w~e1111, -'70 Opel Woqo11 -'7 1 Opel Cpe. ~-~~.•1m ~K~~ -I
J'\C'11·Ja11cl SL, 11 .B. Sp11<'t' I 11 5-IG-7070 1
1!173 ~·11i>hall !I'll' 22', dual \\'ANT E(); alt nv•~<'~ nf \U llk Bill MAXEY TOYOTA I
hold1n.!f ~anks. A/C, C11oire cars. f rt.>c 101\'ln~. Ca~I; for 11881 &~ell llvd., Hu11tln9to11 BeQcl! 847.155 51
concl. 5&i--Ojl49 so111t'. 49-l-100.1 c" !i02 .cc-::.._
Auto Service, Parts 949 Autos, Imported 970 -970 Autos, Imported t.ulo5, Impor ted 970
R1'-:::PLACE1\1ENT & a u.x· ALFA ROMEO I
iliary "" lank.<. pick·"'''· DATSUN MERCEDES BENZ I 4 whl drives, vw1s & Jnul"r
"""'"· 892-8314 1 * ALFA ROMEO
1200 C.'C V\V 1::11gint", :)j()(l
n1i. rebuilt, 1175 cun1plctl'.
Cull 11 !1 7. 960-126t
Autos for SM l§l
Bes! dt.•Bl all\111~· B••rl1n:t>
h\H!I S:.:7:f.J l~ I', 1'11~.-.,~1.
'7:l's & ·~ril. ("0111 pli·i.-· :-;1··
]l'l'T i1111 n.,11·, Uuy ol' l1'lt:it'
Jim Parkinson's
!1>r .i .. 11,-11· i•,,1.i r .. 1· •11· nvt .
nn 'Ill 1" ·7;: \l1 1d11t,
Jim Slemons
NEW '74s
n21o·s t11ru '2tiUZ 111 .. .t!'L, Imports, Inc.
:~llj-:..~21; I like 1H•11· Sl:J(). 111~h!s !J.!9-008·! oul trunspor1u!hn1. t.lolor·
Music.al lnitl"umenfs 82l 1;1:1-3:'.t:J llull IJo:.,:s. C'l 11ht1ahuus, 'l'iny I ~\\'l::NS E xp. Lrutst'r '')Tics n11-y he1:oini' sl·:1rre. Antiques/Cl•ssici 953 P()(Kllt•s, Sli1h Tsu, An 11•r J IL'i1d, '1;11Hey, sn1. V-X ('llg". Buy no1v a net rakc at11•11n· ---'--'-.;...;;c:.,;__:,.:c
oo1t'rN "o"' M/h·\Y\ .1.:c11"'A .. dRs l -r11~: \\'n 1u.1ys l..\ll!;E.')T
L\ J 1f-.PE~lJl-:i\Tl.Y
i )\\'Nl·J 1
ISl\lS: \ll'ad 1\illv ~00 J:t~ l::~klltlll, J•1t U11lls, 1J ull 1 J ~t ~1 '~~.<1 . c"''"V\11 r '17 f\lodel T To,1i>1•, 11°.•k,··1
RENT FOR ONLY $3 ,.111, lo.11lls L_,,,;,., •. , •,J. 1 C k "" "'nr"'MJ rage o our year-end t•lcar-., "·' 64;_c.o""
1 .,. " Terr l'r, oc fl ptoO, Irish ' lfi" r 1 ! ood 'Gh nnce sl!!e. Chrbumas. !av· case, rblt cng & lrans, surue ~-~~'-''----"~'-' _ _;6~,k~-.,~1i4c:llG
Oil llUY \\'ITll N{)Tl!l:-ll~ I till-•\:)\ Si•\ll'r. 100 lt11Xi::J) PUl"'S!! -i "Jt:rg ass vn 1~ · . p 11\\'UY on 111 \ni hikrs. ClosC.d 1-:d some had pa r t s,
,11.i:n:o>:< 111·"'-
r!G.\~~-L1nun: P,\'s,_ 111_i~1·s: I(:? COi\11-'l•'.TIT\OS :-ik1s, Stu!1 Service t.lost Breeds. ~;\"llll'l~rlr & traill·r S-l::..O. Sunday & r.tonday. i\laSCX'hists drt'am, S750 ur ~u1t:11 ' A111 ps.. /{flt ·•U~ .. n~ I l"llnrker H•1t<)n1ats bituhng~. Or>"ll r:1·rs: 5.11·50:.!7 .:::"~"c.-2'~~'':..::"~8:______ HARLEY-DAVIDSON hsl nffr this 11·k. s.i:.-:nli9
,i;. f>u1no. 1111 b11tn<1:<. ~t;:,, ti-l·\-lli05 ,-,,,.--.-.-1 , .. h k . • l\1 . . :">n llJ..:" !inll l, no plil"i'nl nred· -.. , .. . . . _ ~ rut \1,111 ru ,en .• 1 ust Boats, Sail 909 of \\'estmlnstier C'tl. OP l::N Nlr.IJTS TILi. :,i, I ·':h i!' ~ ischt'r . c.1 x . 110 ~ll our. ™;aut 2 )o r ~?hi 1-.:.:.c:-'-:.;c.:,_ ___ _;..:;c, I 9306 Bolsn. \\'estn1inster R•creationat
SAT. TILL ~1:~0. suz... l:!-:). , !'<1lt1n1au 1•1·1 hin,hni;s. ilkl' ~><'111 h,~1.1 Scttr r. Sac. $50. 12' ElGato Cat. Al unt rnasl, Bct\\·n Brookhurst & Mngnolia Vehicles 9S6
N TWO C · t 11C\1' :)Sj 6+i-157j I rf'fl'r f tun. v."/tr~ yard . :-h0o:k sail Needs i·ou 10 893-6274 53!·6440 --'--'--'"-----= ow onv•n1en · 1•1 ... , , II 'I" ·7-.: · · · ·7·1 CHE'~ Bl • 1111-;c c,1 "--.1 Iv r1'(la1nt !lulls. Prf'p eozn-* BICYCLES * · v '-azer, Ull·
Loc.at1ons to Serve You Store, Restaurant, SL &rnnrd, fPm. Al\C pl.•rr. t.1y c:ost. $1200. \·ours bt'lil'Ya ble list of extras. l'ur
FULLERTON Music SIO. HOLDS ANY BIKt: ,·,,10 o"I °" "1 41 ! "P'I
Bar 832 l'f"t:'d. (;rand 1·han111 s !(o(·k. fi•r $!')()(), 1',amily does not w ~ fl !. u "
1"1'1 ,. 1" ,. 1 ,. 1 Life Guarantee On •, ., . .o:,u1· iu. ounl.'l 11 ;1 Jf"_\1 I ll<'Vt'r hrl'd. ~J;,(}. J3aq.:11111, 11-"'" 646-0525 days. 1970 Che1'Y Blazer, 4 \\'hl
l Blk. !'\. Sun Oiei;o F1"\1·y. GOOD, USED 1;12-826-I llfl ll!E C,\T JS', u·,,,;. "''-n Nlshiki 10 sp lrorn .... S99.95 dr 350 \r g Good d't" f I I '" ., .... Sunto r E C I . $89 9· Co.II "4'." "3 ..• ·~, L'On 1 ion, &. ~uc·ii . RESTAURANT • Cllft lSTt.l,\S PUPJ)!~:s.1 hull 8: ivory deck. ''l:'C'l1011· u q AoLSoOi ...... '. J " ...., .. • SS7-4836 • I ' 'I I
122 '"· llllt'hl"lr ,.,,11,,, .. ,, . . EQUIPMENT . 111\C, min h!al'k poodles. n1:"l1 n s .. j1 1. ·y C'\ 01v 11-.ini· Neii• l!ci lil\n IO 511 .... $fl9.95 Trucks 962 " v Ch k ti ( :-.:1ud ;o t plcl ~,.i::-;!ij9 ur poline, \V/lrailier. Tak e a u d B'k 11 e 871 -1805 e I_ .ic t'll r oaste r , rrs ;i1:!-'""":i7 ilr al. Cnll 53&-019~ se 1 cs ...... I\ types Cor f(l()(I 11"arn1 er. Taylor ~ NI Bl'in:h Bicycles, 806 J:.:. Balbna
Ctl;\l l~LETE l\C ! id 1r;ir1 ,,ufl fn•t:t.('. IJ;1111iho11 Ut·/1. JJOBEn /'llA."i Ah:C 1·h .. ~lfl' NE~V Jti'+ \\lricdt ski \xl;lt, J3J\'d., Bnlbon 67fl.7282
drun1~ ''nl'w'' "l«n ii 111;..: n1;1Jt 1n111•hlnC'. BI C'ndet'. H11· Blk. 1n1dt' (i 1110.~. sh1111· Sh•ol s 1:'11 h]I Vo lvo !U. H.P;1Jly GRf:AT C M Jl I S T r-.1 A S
torns. hi-hats Sr ;ill S9~i. dnr ol'en. Elcl'. cooki11.1: & r ropfl('d S250 best tJ !f..:r. sll;ir·r. \Vil! except la1e BARG A r N ! Bu I fa c
67~.--no;i;J;. 1·u11111rr Hl"<'ll 12 It. \\'i!I ~ .. 11 :!l :\->'·12-:i~~-11111d1 ·l l'fu· in lr atle. G46--59()l Pursang 250 CC, r.tany ne\\'
CLOSE (l\Jt un ;di JllU~h·ul i.1;~1oc1~uully, lic~t olfl·r. Hl':t ;J ~J'EH EJ) 1 .. 1u.:-h111 n ·d 1 ''r ti lG-3759. parL<i. includi ng ; Nc111 seat,
i11s!1·un1c111,:, Thr1f1 Sh"P h ~· l. · [la(•hsl1u1~l pups. only:.! left., By Ov.·ncr 1973 Ca 1-'!. 9 . P il'C'l!i knobby, h1u1d lebars
Unlll•rv. J~O C11l1rillo. C :"IL C'1tl! 1n1n1cd. 5 J Ii . U tl 93·1 Pl'l'ft'tl. Dock avfl.il. S1G,995 itnd n1ore. MUST have cash
'!l1ur. ~·rt .~· S;i l O i>;J.Y. \TV, Radio, Hifi, ::Ni-1<6.\S Flrrn. Days, 53t-3374, eves for colll'gc tuition. NO
PO\VERFUL :,)()(] yi· <ild I Ster •o 836 Cl l R IST~I,\:; '\'.J·:LLO\V LAl:l fY\:>.,7;i;14 rruson<ible otfrr r cfu i;ed.
\'l(Jl1n. $j(l(). Conic rluy 11 . pup~. AI.-c, G 11 ks 11lcl. llcst Cul·29 "'Sequoya". Fu 11 y P hone 49.J-4 747 a lter 5 p.nl,
flrµh1•1un tl'110r. Cull\'1·tn1·s ! COLOR TV brt>l'fl ing. ti·t~...(l.1·1 1 . eciu.ip for racing & rnti~ing. VESPA nt0lor s c o o t er.
\tPrn. S12:i ~F:-:!'~1.'. l'EU I t 1 1 1 1 Sl.'i,9,:;(). Days &W-3457 Eves !scarce as hens lttth J 65.l , , g. 11111 lOtu11 , l'nl. u , 2 ·1 ho 85 I 1-"LL'TE, !.\kt' nc\1 , Cust $11'U. 1:. i11os old, lovabh.: $:.!00. :H-.-.o;;{il m l cs per ur. mies
per gallou. 2JOO m ile!!, $695. Sell for Sl\O. c..·111\ Ct!:'.J,, 67:.-7·1·1·1. 11' SAILBOAT ·-11. 'd , "" G
COLDf::N H.c1 ril·1·1·1"S, 8 v.·ks 5:r~1 * 67;:.fi309 Buy Sat·ride Sunday for
'72 FORD P .U. 8' bc>d,
custom cab. 302 V-8, auto,
a ir, R&H, P/8, PIS. 5:)0()
gros., weight pkg, 30.000 1ni.
Many xtras, as new. $3290.
645-TI22 or 5'1$--'14'16
1962 CHEV. 1 ~ Ton. Clean.
r>.Tcch. ;\-l. 2:-13 V....f!. Auto.
trans. tl!iehelin 8 plys.
Radlo, heater, tape deck
SOOJ. 545-2ffi3
1 9 7 2 Chevy Blazer.
16,000 miles. Many e x-
tras. $3675 .
Call 549-2367.
r-1 · EE?Z@l\S:! '~'~111~!.~:l&\~.·:~:t
Sunroof. 4 Or, 1001-'. Air RRARI IMPORTS
C?nd, Auto Tnu1.s, .\liehe !10 'fi.·, FERRARI . :{'.Q I ;:r MERCEDES BENZ(
TLl'l'S. '72 1''ord 351 l'll Jn, 1''ord Atn'llOB IZED
4 spd !ra.11s. hurst shift, ~,\L''S & S"'l<VI~·. I air L'Ond. Ai'-1·1"1">·1 rad1u, ..., "' "" '-"
Pirelli liri'S, 17.000 n1i, Jim Slemons
$·t,ooo. s13-~ I mports
3100 W. Coast H"'Y., N.B. FIAT 1\\'e're top b11~1·r tor any
642·9405 ·11 .1"11\T J2·1 SPl'Ul::f{ 5 I U1>L.J M L'ITI'<I··~ lJl'n:t..\
· ~ur!i lOOLS, 4 s1)(I tra ns, ~I"" nC"i\I lop. inni:; \\ '· Ne11·1..()1·1 Ucac h ·12 ~ hi I \.)OJ tJ11:11l
r1;tdJal ti res, !inlC'd 1l'indo1vs, $2400. or ofter. 586-.SS4.! ~.J.'13llO
nir rond, 11111/fn1 stp1·ro ])t'fnr" I\ pin. E'.\J'f:H r1~0:-.1 .\la1 An1!1UR
lape, Pri. Ply, $ 3 6 !l :! . JAGUAR s:l0-9363 nf1 ~ipm. r '67 :.!:\(J .... [ .. '/. 1nps, 11uto, rrd
~c..c=.c..cc.c="----1 -----------11/hlk 1111 , I 1111 111.T, Ilk('
'69 Austin Amt'rica $eda11.
S750. Call Sa1 ur Sundnv 833--0!!24. '
l II('\\·. S.J.1(,(1. G75-5b:.:!J
I ·:~I ~J(;T ~·. t•lt1!-tSll',
Ill 1nint ,·nnd.
ti-I 1·!i680
I~ AUSTI~ !l~t1/y
Il l 3000 v.·/11"hls.
n/lirrs xlnt. ron<I,
ov.·ner Sl:tj(J 962-?.607
':/:,~ I '70 OPEL ~llfanmi!; m111111" ~.:,2-iti9l "1···~. COLOR TV COil·!PLl:.IE ' 1ccnse Pal ·~11e as!
}''i:!\Df.]l J 111Lnii1~tPr (,j 111tar 1-\KC, !'hols, Cll11n1p1un lin•'. I · pennys a day!" 642-1002.
f., Prv Amp + hnH01v boi ly 6-D-i·IOO. 17" SAILBOAT. 1''ibet'l..(la!:s
r l('" i;:u it11r . 1;1:;...-0.ri\I S4 00 Al-\C rt'"ist•·rl'(\ to:-a. cu i) na;-.-.Sailf'r 11"/trailC':. Great CYCLE WORKS LTD
1950 FORD s lep van w1'6..\
Chrysler Sia.Ill 6. 1'"ully s!'l!
l'Onlained, pitne!cd, crpt. BMW llJl1Jll lllQtd ·U\u & utn .. ' .... ~, ...... ~ ........ ,., .... ··~ STATION WAGON ' I I oy "1 $700 49" "16 Btc)elt's ~ales & Servi..:t' HOY AL ,\rlist l.'1.il!<ir , 11ni1•. I • p1v1d!es puppir,.:. 2 h•n11\J('s., ! • V"ll 1.
1·11sP, st:111ds, :..Int 1·onil. d11rk <•pn1'0T, 5&i·ti531. 21' V1•nture sk10 p v.·/Ne\\·port * RALEIG H
s!erro. !Jest ofler over $1000. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I 5.ili--269{1. 1~1 ~i\G, XI\ \~iO Cou pe.
CHEV P .U. 1966 1', t. nect l THE RED BARON'S cassic, hocly ~1Y 1!': runs 4 speetl l 1·11n!uni,.:~ion, 1·;ulio.
1100 ~;'l-1~7 Ridiculous? Yes I monrin<> & shnN' boat. $2100. * PEUGEOT C'l1ild'<i r:n~l ish !'.'llli!h• "
BA!\JO 11('11., lll.'autifu!. :"llus! Call 991-1550 Anaheim Fit~ Jll)!"~" or J)ony $.\O R.~'.!-l\911 i•f! 6pn1. * STE YR
Sf'r '" a rprf'ClH tC $\jO. I. i'\"c·1~· .~f'I t•arh yeur! e f>-i:J-AA6!l• 2.'.i' Cabin C.'rusier . a pprlllSt'tl C'hl'IS!n1;1s La\'·A-\\"avs
!1;t1pcrh. m us! see, 61J-321fl I healer, roof raf'k. 1312.\l;DJ)
"'-"· a"'o. "''· R&H, "''o""· , CHOICE JENSEN $1377 cng & trans. New front .. an
hr ks. $1900. 6-15-7122 or 1 ~....,~~ 5:i"~1 • Hcduc1nf.( renrals! 1 O\'(>I' $4000 df'spert $3000 or 1.1:22 Newport Blvd., Costa
• ~ : w • e ~·ri·P in hPnie repai r~! J.,\-iS, G \\k ~. 11upo·r:-, hul1I list oflr S.!ll-OHiS. i\les11. 548-5783 or 67f>.170tl
100 \\,\1 r J)Ut'l Sh•111111an e ,\ :-ilr fur t.•i·cryi;nr~ fow f'hris1n1as, :! hl k Fl'lll,
Fj•ndPr i\n111 .t· :-111•;ikl'rs • ('nnlr;~,·I ' I ye!luv. 111nlt' S·Ui·l l~l3. lfOBTF: \..\ \\'!ll'alier. Xlnt T\\10 nire cl11ssic thuntpers.
J"L , ... r· I I 'l'r·--r 1·1·0 1900 Velo Thruxlvn. forn1er Bon·
D ;) • "~" l "\ITlf ." v· ,, '",. t;r ... 111 Ch 1·i~t11ias c;lf!'. 1"''" 'lfl l\'.'. Hh1o·k l'nndil• t'Oll{ l l II, . -* C• II "2061 1 * nC<v1lll' re<:orcl holder, like Office Furniture/ ,\l\C. 12 1vk<: old SIOO a "'1 ·
Equr·p. 824 Zf:r.;JTJI. nC,\ & S"ll'RflJ/l :J:•i-H((i I SAILJ{QAT for Christn1as llCll', :;i.395. A.JS.r.la tr.h!es.s
,?~~· 100• c""~ '"""1 I ~· ~ 1N/EE:Csi':ToR -1\••u l•11,;1 brd. cu~tozn pain t. Grt Yr. LAJlGr..: SJ::LEC1'!0 :" lU<-Wl-UUUI Polystc~l tires. l{ockrl I 4'. 0}' COLORS VOLVO
n1ags . li cyl 11· headers SISOO ~ ll\lt.1EOJ ,\T 1': Dl::L!VF.RY
or best olfl'. aft 5, 968-28,1:.!.' ULES, LEASING & FULL, SERVICE
l1Sf:D •4 J'IP.. h it's, o·n11 f..
ta lilcs , 11urk r11hlC'~. h1~11ch"'·
"'''vi rhrs. <toors. P1Prl'C &i7
\\7. 19th, t;.\I ti-12-lIDl!"
J ·r_vphoon, 600cc. partially n r & s1rr•'OS, priced !es~ !-\,\1:'\'.T B•'rtlr1rd, ~ inu FC<n1, Kit£.> Cl ass,11' fibr-rgla~s rac-r1·stor('d, $.'.\'75. S37-672'l alter
thn11 th" ihscountcrs.. \\'!Ill Ah:C $17j. lng d1 ngHy $400 673-2097. 5. \l'C'i.'kenrls.
'65 DODGE P il'kup, util box __ u_c_<LLEHT_~_SE_RV_JCE__ DEPARTMENT
on side, slant 6, 3 spd, ,~~~ ........... ~I runs xlnt, aski ng S600. ~~
191)6 1-larhnr, I' 'I. 1;1i; .. 11:10::
SHORTAGE ! :; yr. p l('llJ.J"(' tubes. l yr ' t'5-l-:i<~..\ ~~==-~----
Plll"I"< & srr1·\cl'. ,\ 11 1 •• , '64 HONDA 50 Runs really
av:ul:i l>le niodrls ln siock 11.L ':oh \ 1A.lrtskan /'11 alnnnt!l' • good. Good cond , S60. :l\33
& on display. ·73 mod('IS ~ n1n. ~\J.,,C to good hon1e. 11•1 Ne\\'port Blvd., Cl\!, •B
.&12--0828 ~
'56 FORD PiCk Up. 6 cyl, ~~ ..,.__
gd oond, !350. 642·1981, •H 6, u '~"""' II.A..
:10 tvlPG. '68 Up<·l Strtt\011 I \\"ugon. Has '70 l'nginl', ll••blr
1rans. Goo1! tu·es ,I;,. inh'rlu1' I
Lugg;ige r;1rk. C11J1 83•·~1();;
nrl 6 P/'11.
EXEC S\\'VL O lll S.. Sl5/2~1
Sec chrs $8/2.\ Ol'sks $20/90
P il'r L'I'." 867 \\'. 19. C~I
priced to clear. Cash 90 !1!13~302.., T/"Vl5p0rt;iitlon . =-=~2~4t>;CC,. ~~-~---
pl11n or tenns tn 36 mos. \\'JRED 1!111n •rl Fox TPrr1cr. STEEN·Hodaka lOOcc, near
ABC Color TV, 9021 ,\Uanla, pup. i\lale, AKC, $120. Call nev.•. top cond., irleal Jor
<>r 19046 Brookhurs1 , llun· ~97 Cam ... r1, Sale/Rent 920 YQung ridC'r. SZSO. Pvt. pill'·
2 st('('! nfhl'C df'~ks. Jil.'<51, Hngton Beach, 9(;8-3J29 or GEi ,1 .1 10 ·k ··' ,...-ty, Call ITI41846-48..14 4 dra1\·rrs., ,..,2_ .• -9 (., :-;; 1ep, " s. n1"'" C
C"l ·ii 5 6 1' _,!;i "" ;.o.1.1 , Sl5. Fem S5. no 1m•"'rs Al\IPER 6·, Homemade, '69 YA~1.J\J1A 250 r.IX, Eng
, ,... a ' ·--•·•.. RICE 'S TV SERVICE 54t>-24'>4 .. ~ l'let·t hookups, popup, $135 ,1;,. trans T'f'hlt , Clean & last,
P1anos/Or9an1 826 ' (lnrnirrlv Jn l'»ntry s C'n!i'• H 856 °" bes! oflt'I'. 5."Jf .... 3~.IYI i\tusi nrive to appree,
PIANOS * Holiday Special * ors•• Cycles, BikH _,_,....._;·_,. _____ _
Ui;1•d ,I;,. Color TV se1 ;;; · \\hl!!' 11 ARAB n1nre 7 ~t· Scoot•r• 925 '72 CZ Xe11 piston, new • ORGANS tt1cy Inst''. Color fl'Qm Sti."i hurk~ki11, spil"itrd, $42:1 \\'i h kon\;;;, h1~ plastic fenders
up, U ,ft \V /J~Jnl $3J up. r·~)J' lack. S4!.>-J4S'! Hfl. 6. 1rkd,vs. 'il 1 ~ }IUSl\EY 2.'"JQ. Super !.. tank. Fantast!t• cond.
FULLERTON MUSIC _s~r1·1ee fall · ~ :l', r r. olrl Bui·kskin, f1 U.irt<'r clPan. i\·Iany e.xll'as on bike. A!:king ST.10, 642-0828
Our New•st Loe.at ion :>16·6003~ :.! iJr 5-16·61.JO.. llorsP, G<•ld11u.: . .-:cntli>. Re.st S:i50. 548-673:? ·i21 3 SUZUKI 125, fl!>Wd<'r
Hi1!!l E11el id, ~·oun111ln \'ull•·r oiiiiii~l ~,,~-~L<~.,,~·~a 1~• ~·'~'~"~· .. c~'~liiiiiiiilo~o~f/~0~1-~5-1;('-2-~5~0C~7~•~"~"~'r~f,~P~;i'.-,, SCl!\.\'INN s 1 i 11 g:1· 11 y , 2 puff , r <H'l'rl g limes . 5
1 B!k. Nn nf ~11n Diego 1'11~· ·•• Art.\B 11101., •• shoi\· pJras-~('/11Yinn boyr. lfl .~[Kl~. 20" rrr1rhH·~. Perr l"Ond. $4.'iO.
557-4836 USED COLOR TV'S urc. $:l50 or lol'~t off<>r . .t 24". Call 67J....,~:>!!.1 G·l;....-0:!·1·1 Rentals from $5 F OR CHRISTMAS 1.~·~'~"~;.~"~:10~"!1'~· ~"~' ~"~"~·~! ·1;.~ 110 NoA s91-',-. ~s~~-1.-.~6~=·; '1("1 ~,~,.".,.~,,~1~, .. -,.,~"-1'-,.-~-.~.-w-,,,~,,1 .
:? Yl·:.\lt \\!,\RltANTY Ynniah;\ 12:1 Enduro S260. $·!:•. ~ Hpc .. •d (~iris hikC", 21)"
t'IN' f'JCTlll1E ·rtrn ~: ]~ F~''h g"'~! r11nd. 97~1-!J!l.1 ·) 11·li••t.d, .s-r1. Both In xlnt
P ianos & Grands B r:J ~r c~.\l.L1<.\1(1!:J-: T\' •·--~ .. ''.!~-• . ~ , l "'•'• ~l .. nl'"·"·'·'' 1.011r1. 5.1(;..;ll!l.J. S>hn1l'r • \':11n11hn · Knabe 11' ~11;~.~•x:: 11' --...... -.-.·-· lG.. ""
. 'lns"u g. llan1!in . \\"ur· ;~~~~=~-......:"":~l 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiO:I ~'-..oc~ Dirt hike S2flJ. 2·'i:l 250 ,\lX \';1mii.l111 '.~/ !Ike ;tt.\-:\-117 \i trrr · ~1 01-v & Clurk -ll rA 2!1" Col0r ·T\'-110l·k.~ $~{1 ne\i , 'tj.'i 2~ t'7., 1"-lu!it !l;ee,
f\1111111 -s 1eiri1\'liY · t:;ihlr .~ny ()[lt'n·reiel JM()' 1'0c·k Boats, Gen•ral 900 TRIUlilPH '(i.I · 6.'lO Don. Art 6pm, 6"12-07'.l.5.
J\l'l~n · Klntalrl · C11blc r11pes $:?.ea. 646·0!!36. nevill e. Sha11> bikl', ln1v n1i. !:)('1'1·s ~th\\·inn Stingray. 5
-Bulttv;ln -t:hlckcr111).'. · RC \ (' ! C I 21 -1 JU' BOAT FtJI< SAL i·: (llt on r t'blt eng. ~i.S(>-42(16, sill"!. $2:1. Kev.· :-11inet:: fro1n S.\~1:i ' uor o~soe, .111!" 1 11lADF:-:' ~'i 1'·,\l!tV.'A\' ("II "'' "142 S<'recn. Spanish Cnb1111•1. UR ~\l 'iO SUZUKI 90, G it 1.-it, a "·'·....,_, li~rd ,t· t'f'hui\t rinno!i al.<;o SlOO. 6#-a.""87 art fi P;\l. ,;::~·~·~'~·::,:,,· ~-----Akron, loaded '\'/extras. t.l!Nl Cycle Sturdy, good Upright.~ frorn ·" .... ·· · $fi!t Boats Mo1'nl / g-' c~nd "~ "I' · 112 d I 1 .. 511· HIGllJ-:ST l'r lc"<;. !',aid '''" • • '"""" .v """"' .,. ;:i-;.i ' 1'0n , ega !or stre<'t or Spine>(S ........ " :1 ,. S . 902 ,.. I 00 Pln\1•rs " , .. , ........ ~9!r1 Colo1· T\'s \\'orking or not.1-;;;;;";';v;tc;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1972 Tr iumph BonnC'ville, ulrt , I ror ofll'r S.\,\...4511
(;1·1in11:: " ....... , .... $395 a.1:\.--6912 11 ti~l()('(', 4,000 mi's. $1,000. SCH \\'IN N j speed, Orange
e O rgans 21·· roLOH. TV. $95 Al<;o *LET US CLEAN* Afl5& \vknd s. 842-9!\16 Crute, c;ooo cond l !i rin .
Nr"·· u ,.1•d 11.rut 1'r11df'·ln!i 21 " BlrH'k ~ "''hirr , S30 ~th * YOUR BOTTOM* 10 SPEED BIKE . .l\tondo. s:i0. ~42-S.lJO
H11111n101ul • BRldwln -Cnnn ~x~l~nr~ro~n~d~. ~>1~>-6~9~1~2~A~"~"~"~•·•~m~II·lull i·lrnnln.g :ult»7;,i, per 1\.~king S70, ";J \',\l\IA/I,\ :2j() ~IX \\'urlitzl'r · Ul11Try • Kln11lall \\"l\terlinl' It. llnut nul.s tip 837-9362 All thC' good~s! Excellent
"Yamaha -Gulhranscn · Iv :.!j' !or Sl.50 pei· II. + 'iO Suzuk i 90, $J50 GrC'af (•onrl ilion. 548-.'t842
1.-11\\ll li II s di , •.• la bor ,r,, 111aleri11ls. r 1 e. 1971 l?a Sui:uk i excl t.'Oncl.
Opllj.":an .••• dl'tno ·••· Sl!l5 Frwe to You · * 67'.\.7291 nft. f; Pr.I * ' 64 5-5142 Lo mi, rl irt or st. ll'gal. Splnt>I ...... no\V ...... $199 _ ..... , 20~ f 0 L IJONDA 1''our 350 cc, low ;fl) -1., r••p~~·5~7_4~~sons 3 Lln•1, 2 Times, $2.00 Boats/Marin• n1i, lw)(l1v book. Good eond. Mobile Homes
'61 FORD Ranchero,
shape. $275. Call
'&i CHEVROLET 1,; Ton
Pickup, 8' bed, 8 cyl, stick
shift. 548-6060
Vans 963
V~. nut6rnatic. f)()1~·er stl'er-
in.i:. long "'h e ie I base.
(80CKi3N ).
19G6 .H11rhor, C.ill. &1!»9.103
R & If. P/S, auio .• super
mags, gian1 rubber. t52.J9-j K 1
"i3 CHEV Vi\N
V-Sj unheru·d-0f value
09 ),
Equip. 904 1137-2fi07 FULLERTON MUSIC FRF:E SeArM \Vn:-.hing 11111 -J -..::.OC:.!:;. ____ _;.::.;
.1 22 N. llnt bor, F'ullcrton chine to PCt'clY h1rnil y. Guocl ~!Alll NE: (ln1mlgator : "Enac 1972 11-l lNI Cycle 6j CC.
Strl'et legal, Xl nt ('nntl.
MOBILE HOME Lincoln·l'i-fercury
l fiS(XJ Bcaeh at \\'arnf'r
871·1805 running 01'fl<'r. !lG2·fi.">3,'j, ·rrit011 l\11..'.·I $2.JO Hallrr:
hrs: Opmi Nighl11 'ti!~ DALMATION f e nl •t l e A1K'lt.'O .Af l·~OO $100. Mex.
$95 . .1:47-7017
Sat: 'Ill f1:JO, Sun . .l'l-:1 under t yr 'old, Good ' \1-'ith rhnrts 12 JH'1ce 642-8261.
GRAND OPENING-children. c au !lG~\4 DIESEL Engine wnntcd,
l ll-S PD hi ke lloys 21'" JJlue
O utm\aIJ. Vl'l'Y clean, just
overhauled $50. 543-5468
TJ::N Speed Sch"·inn r al'ing
hike good t'Qndltion, light
\.llilh generator $45. 5J6...g923
'7,1 \'amaha 250MX. Xlnt $390
or best otter. Ci'lll
* SALE * CAN'T keep niy Rat T rier PC'1•k\ns or }o'nr1\, low prulile
Coast Music nu1le, hou!!ebrokcn. 10 rn1os'. for 37 ft. Fisher . Call aft
Now ha11 2 locatio/15 to M!r\'e Ft'ee to iood homt'. 96J-..5!131. 6 PM, 968-96l0
all your mu!'ltcal need.~. COCK-A·POO SEAGU LL O.B. forty + 2.5
NC"''J'>Ol't 81 Harbor, C1">1 6 mo. fem. To good honte. a blndr>S $145. Dinghy oor;;.
• 00-2851 * * 9ti2-l200 * g la"-s over n1. p ly $65.
Brookhurt1t &: T&lbert 897-790:1.
Blk S. Brookh urst. SD Erwy. ADORABLE klttC"n, grey SA ILS, Genoa 31'9" Luff, DUCATTI 250cc S390. Jlllit
* 961-6733 * white paws. 177.. L p 4o ·~ 'I 1 reblt. Phont! (71 4) ~"o,7~-9908".='-----"6·"1&-~9""283 26'3" Lu'rr fi· s;;'~. "s~ 64~TI22 or 548-4446
New I Used. Great selection.
Competitive prices. Open
Eve1. I: Sundays, The best
dt al!I IU't!: 81""-'ayH at:
W allichs Music Cit y
South Coast Plar.a 540.2830
ORGAN GulbrM~n Paragon
TranslJJtor, rhythm 11~c-
t I on, ch l me i1.
Pt.AYER P IRno. hn niac. a n-
tlqu(', gu1ranterd, $1,4~.
ca~h or t('1m 1 -642·69.\'i.
SILVER • grey long haired 897-7903 ~-.""0"1KES=~--""i1~o~EA="rn~=
cat. female. AUeeHonate A WINCJIES, Barlent s, (2) 2 J\1l'n'!'I 3 speed; women'!
pla.yful 557-9908 No. 2'.1'111, l No. 32. 2·11peed, ?. i;.p<l. & one speed. 54M23..1
SILKY bJack & white female dealer ('()81. r.-16-7177. '7;? YAtl lJ\H.A 100. clenn,
r.~~~;...,.o ,A~ 9""" 6 •11>. Brlt\!dl ~ra g u 11 x1rns sm~~WaBRkt 125
• 1.1 ;,.-""" 'fll"", ~ w/t•lutt'h. Lo11" T.nw hours, Xlnt cond. _,..,, 494-8492
F REE !RISH SE'ITLR $175 fi rm. 4!H-702t llOND i\ 750. $7'".>0. or trad~
TO GOOD HOME. Male. 8 10 ~l.P, John80rl, good cond. for smaller bike + cash.
mos. ~3157 $175. 5 deep !lei\ poles ,60::75--04~.:.1117;;-;,,-----,--,
,.~ R E E p u p p l e 11 f or 1v/M.'el11 $5. to $15. 548-9831 2 Oi;.sa z;J{I P ionHn , street,
Ch r \ s t nt a 11. P 11 r1 Boats Power 906 dti·I, 'G9 $'l7'5. '71 $375. bolh Coek-a-poo. 96.1-4197.1;;.:.ccc;'o..;..;-...;o;. ___ .;.:; "l:::o:..r.:Ml:::iOO:::-..· :c545-3l:::.:::G9:::_ __ _
1\KITA ndxe<l, 4 n1011 olrl 1:1' 1972 BOSI'ON \VllllLER '70 llON DA CB 350, Good
fenia.le to lovlng faml\y. 40hr Evinn1de, cover & cond. J\111ke offer .
Will spay. 675-Z>.l3 lrallt'r, Call 645-4574, ptwne 846-350t
FOR SALE: Huntington 8l'a('h
SIL VE RC REST 84'-SS >! • (21 31592·"54·1
MOBILE HOME "Home of the Vlkins:"
20' x ~~'\', 2 BO 2 DA, c11 rp., 1970 F'ORO Econoline 200
flrl1Jl('4 1. hlt·ln11.. rchig.. \Vtndow Van xtras. S 2100.
"·asher .t-l'lect. dryer, \\'Ired offer, eves 894·1894, \vk days
lror 220 n\r cond .• kllrh. 213·7:.!3-5.121 .
c:lock, storage shl'd, land· ,,.o,,,cc,,\lC'--R=o=v~,-o,-_,,-,,-n-. -,-to-reo-.
scapcd paUo. Three yrs. oltl t·ut, int, long whl base,
• like nu. Localed in nl'W llll r.tPG, perf. c ond,
adult pk. l\\\'ny from noi!ly 49'1·4060 eves..
St. One-hlllf bl. from club-
hou~. $15,99:1. Call EVES.
21 3·6.IM-4fi90.
10.'">t Sil!' llr., Breu. !Centro\
Avr, n1·ross fmm Ilr<'R
Con11n. llos11. \ Lot • 46.
for !l;l\owing.
'73 F'ot'd Van, Burgundy Red
fully cpt'd. whl11, clean,
$.'l.<KX> Flrm. 6T'>3127
1973 FORD Econolill(' Auto.,
10,00J ml. Slide side door.
Sucllice, 4.q4-8622.
·72 DODGE Va,n, 3.18 3 spd.
SZ'iOO. Custon\ Int & ~Irle
pi(lt's, 53fr-0406 or 427....()96.a
'66 F.QRD Super Van Camper
fi i:yl, 3-iqxl, new pain!. good
ennd. De.y!'I 548-7762 Motor Homes
Sale /Rent 940 '67 V\V Vl\n. Xlnt cond,
e Dnle's f\fntnr I tome Rmtell Ctpl'd & paneled. $925.
'73 23-26' M.11. &. l\.l1nis Call 5.'l&--3416
F'ref' miles !l Ill !I. 8..\'i.--0000 I 'F.9 Ft)RO '"'·indow Van. i\uto,
Haw 90n1.-1111n..: yvu want to Vl'I. alr , nu paint, mags,
IK'li? aa~slfic1l Rfll'I elf) It S2·IOO. or offer. !)6jl.\97q.
78402 t..1arguerite Parkway 3100 \V. Coast Hv.'Y .. N.B.
l\lisslon Viejo 642-9405
831-2().1{) Cl 495-49-l91l---o-7~c;-c,..--
* Mnda '73 Rotary * !
$66 MONTH '
& 36 1"-IONTHS O?EN LEASE Spccinl (_'11·,1.-r I ; .. 1it l',i1n1.
\V1U ac.-cp! trade-ins I Sre1·ro. :!\!.1:.;~. ll;i11 11·~~-\'ou
CALL l.I R. FRY S42·6666 111ust ~l'l' ll11s c;i r l1efofl' you
Hunt. Beach
E"f'l'i1cnt SC'lccli011 of pre-
pricc re·cvalua!ion n1odC"ls.
OVI·:nsEA.S DF:LlVEH.i' 1133 1 B('aC!l Bl. SU-f£:;f,
ROY CARVER, Inc. Ti MAzo~\l<x-1 c1,._ ""'"-
:n.1 J::. 11th Sr. !rans., n1<'I. pain1 ,!',, xln!
Cos1a /'lies.a 5.\64144 3 yr. fi11, 111·a1l. 101:U-lllV;
Sales • Service • Lcasinsc
2lJS \V. 1st., S.A. &15-3'71
X31-:ZOIO 01• •l!i;)....l!l \!1 D!r.
'72 /'l·laz~-L~Sil!Kl:Tn1
Sl ('r'CO radio, hPiill'I', CHn t
he hrn1-r.1:,...124i
3100 iv. C'1>;1,.,1 l hry., i'i.!l.
··';~,~,~l~l'l~'~'l~'!1l"t . .:.1 ;, .~11d. ,\lln~
!llllt,;S, :!.\l~~I ill!. ~Sl•(MI l ·a J1 1
~ >)41.>-t)()7-I
19133""1!·2H1!.u.\111:u. Lo"
ri11Jc1n;r, I li('k ,,;;, "•II 13U'>
IJ.Hi-'i·l:{I, lh·~: 1'-1 •-I I.•!
'73 3.0 CSA DEMO
'73 3.0 SA DEMO
'72 MAZD-A~R~X~l~l I ·r,o l~orseh" :.'I· :1 11111.: .,,
Xlnt eonrt. S2ZOO 67:i·:.!Gi.'\ 70 "1'1"'~:~·,1~··,",11. l.;t>t"I u11•ch.I
'71 BAVARIA I COili . ;:i.J<.r :l .
MERCEDES BENZ ·iii; PQ1lSC11F:91 --1,-,.-,,,-1,-.-,,,-1.,
'70 2800 cs
'70 2002
'69 2002
'68 2002
1800 Tl, SHARP, $500
~ .. 111.29.~
Mission Viejo Imports
Con1 pl<'lc Su lPs & Service
Visit Us Soon At
'73 CAPnJ VG, 7.000 1nl, 4 2S70l 1">1argut'rite Parkv•oy
s.nd, alr. AM/Fr.·1 1·a<;1in 11•1 r>.!tssion Viejo 4~1';}.1100
ti.pc, 4 s1x•11ker , mn~ \\'Ills, (US E AVE:R Y P\\'Y. E.:XJT}
in1n1ac. 552·7286. ·cc='----1!172 C,\PRl, xlnt f'f"Jntl., Auto
trans. deluxe in I e r \or .
Sharp New Cat·
rru1ch & ll\•n .... (~~~i •11nd.
611-.;:\Q.'I ----------'!i7 Ta.rg-1i ~JI.:. J.,•;111t ti•nrl.
f'r11 pl~. ,\,.f.111i,; S:'..olOO
9i!l-l:Jfi I
Co11111lcl<' ~:1lrs rori.! :-i··rvic('.
:1() cun1pnl·I~ 1i11 di,p\a~.
\~· \\'. LL!ll'tlli l .\It'.,
,\n1ilie111 1 :i:::i-~2211
WILL BUY YOUR Trade-ins '69 Peuqeot 149S
DATSUN, TOYOTA Coming in Every Day 4 Dr ,\uu111u1111" 1•,·rf1·1·1 Cond
OR VOLKSWAGEN Ask About Our Unique
PA.ID FOR OR NO'I'. \\ITLL Used Merced•s l•ase
KENT ALLEN. """°'"· House of Imports
IMPORTS '73, ~Z mR~. 4 spd, BRE 6862 r..-1anchester Burn11 Purl; I
equ1 pl, s1l\'er1blk interior , on lhe Sanln Ann ~-,,.,.,~., 1 3100 \.\". ('1111.~1 lh•,.y., N.B.
13,IXXI ntl. 52.1 7250 642·9405
Bfst olfl'r • 493-63!15. • I -----'
'72 DATSUN Pl k Del 20 1"-1.P.G. Luxury S..·d1111 SAAB w i " c up we~. 1970 Mercedf!s 280 SF.. r 111·l
Lo . m le .. 36 n10!t. rln. lni-·tlo" --n" f lo • l'l\'a.II. HlJlGBJ) 8:'!1-204() 'V"'-<e.,_v.,u ., ' • (, * SAAB 495-49"19 Dl Ot' sunroof. Al.I .oth<'l' loxurlt·.~. · r. Cle11n. On g1nal 0 '>''!1l'r .
1971 240Z 77 c:,:2--0-""lol'-'I==~~-~
tDADED 1973 f\1EHCEOES 8f'nz 4.11/
Prlvatl' Party, 675-1808 s~ o. I Onl 5 000 I I , "',.,.,,r 11n_ v . n11 t>S.
1972 D11111un ;i10. Nf'w con· Spt'ti11 I nit'lnllic pa\nl, Ph ·
dltlon. :«i t\·11'(:. SHIOO. 9 Ar.1.:1 P~I ri·l'"1---lfl22! "''r!I
Call ~?iG-0493 .\ 11·k1\cls, f.T3~!~l!l 1
'72 IJAT:'UN, Low 111ilc11gr. METlCJ·:Ut::~ltJ·'.Si'. ··~ Troke ~
Xlnl. •·onct. lll!IO 10 spd, 01·er li:u.~f' or huy.
n u·ing ll1kl', (i.\2-17!J5 i;i~-..:\~Ol'
IJ••i<I d1·11I 11h1 11,\~. L'11n1plrlr
~··l•'1'l 111n n1111·. B11y or lt·as1•
Jim Parkinson's
48 OAl~LY PILOT ~r.o~y Ott.e1t100 14. 1')73·--------..,.-..,--,---:--.--..,.., ...... -:-.,.,-,-,~:::-:;::;--o;;;r.;::; --;-:::-c:-.:-:r--.=·:--:---,.,--,---..,,, .... ...,....,...-,.,.--,----..,=-r-..,...-=-,----,m
1:A:;u::;t•:.:s:!.., :..N:.:•:;w ___ 9:.:-B:::O-::.A:.u•:::•.::•·...:N:;•:.:w:.._ __ :;•B:::~:_:A:::u'.;t::;••'.:.·.::N::•::_w ___ 9;::::.BO Autos, ~~:~;li 910 Autos ,~~~~~~ 910 A~~L';;-;:GE~ro Autos, U~~ICK 9lQ Aut~~~;ROLET 990 j Autos~~~YElTE
'73 & '74 New JUST ARRIVED '7:J ,,,,,.,. """· w/'""""''· '71 BUICK LE SABRE CHEVY '72 COHVJ·~,·· 197'1 '""" "'" ~·\1/str'l'fVI l li•P•' dP!'k oruni.:•-. ::j(l it :-.1MI. ;itr. !'fr:.. GET A FR EE RIDE SUBARUS • IJW. & 'LO.I'. oo •<J. '""-CAPRICE P hllM· He. Piii'. """'-LARGE SHIPMENT 0 1\'l' s:.700. 6'F.>-815j h1•r 9;uu 4 Door hllrd!t>p. i\UllJnll\ll\', Air l'Orld. p S, cll:-.1· hl':ikri'l, $45:;fl 61."t-li9119 --~ MANY TO CHOOSE of _ur_nrt li.'11111_. ,\~k. tor Greg_. -1~111 1'1" S(l'l'l1111.;. Hlr 1•0nd1 ~ ., ,.,, I J .,.,,-,.,,, 11·!1 " :\iii'11. I.II! :i:n , FROM "1' 1• l(l1•n'fl, t111r ..iu 111p, • '" \'II' llt•.~ t1r•ni11~. ~inly tu11. l'lUl1>L' t:on-1 i"••I• 1,,1._, "\lnl , .111d S l "'-!.~ "" 1~"\l"l'lil on.ally 1·ll'i111, Jo 1111Jt·, .... -For Immediate 1974 GOOD CO:'\l). ~'I.I lll[n.; li\ll, A\l F~\ r;utJu, Olr ('l'Jl\FTIJ1 ~·111 11\1111 ,;~.}-7~~t:t _.$, ·7· r ~9 \\lu•l'I :IU,UOU nu[<', ! ll~ 52795 Delivery "'"' ' ,.,, c.i" DODGE "
'13 HORNET 4 DR.
P5 .. d!t, I~" '""" tl,<M.Q mo!,, S2695 b~I ot ~ ~··or IQ.000 n>o w•r.
•~~•I. l ~IJJOl
11n!•on W•qon
Rl •I q~l ~~••r.
tl1'£l. T) s1 295
' cyl., •ula.
Real qa• •~•tr,
!70JDDK1 s1795
Vor~ low m•it>.
<Sully •I s2295 I
'70 AMX
1 ~e•«•
lf~l EIC II l s1995
Mt.CH I.
Lt• 1nnn .Jl.ilOO
mote•. ( 170F L VI I
""'""'·"'' 1r•'1>-(NGG•J;)
VALIANT ..... s795
Min i <Ontlolla".
'69 CADILLAC Sedan DeYille
'74 VOLVO'S !'.!U \\' \\ 1\l~:'\!<I:
.-.-.\:"\I,\ ;,:--;:, 551-2132 ---------
T 0 YO TA 1'-:llliinnnr. llt.itut"
,,~.~!~. ~.~:' a1}t41tTOYlOWllATA.
()n All ,\[1Klels -
NEW 1972
!l1•1n1111,.1 1«1tnr,.
,\1·a1 !;dilc• al
fOllU ' ilWlll ~ " ' .t ;fl I.I •• ''""' " .... •~>· ......
.&Pt41tlwri4 W VOLVO
t96ti Jlarbor, C'.l\t .
"7'.\ Volvo l•I~ \\"a~. \\'l1lli'.
Only 1.IJOO n1\lf's 1:i18J1\'0,1 un1/fr11 st1•1'l'O, rwl i·a,·k,
$3977 au1u, illl'_ !l()OO 111 l · s ;'Om lwri& 1 ~~'.:l>~~~~~!ing. sjl)(K>. u.1.l--011 1
" TOYOTA J}e41t lwri& Auto•, U•ed 990
"a;!'":'"'"""-fr"-'"03 *Of the Week 'li!l TOYOTA Landtruiser, 4
ll"hl. t!1·1v1', H.T. S, Xlnt.
'r1\Kf: Tll.ADL Cl.NL 931 !
s:H-~'O l(J or ·l!fr-1~!! Dir.
:-i1t•1·I top, 1u·11 hllll' f1ni!\!i,
\\ ui" 1 IU\'< II llllld ,\.· SllO\\"
l+r.·,.:. 1:J:~.\SQ 1 .
-.7-4_T_O_Y_O_T_A_S_J , '" '"!~~'~'~ '" A·ll
LEASE or BUY Contlilion. Sonic \\"Ith J\J!'
!\c1v i'lud('I~ · :'\1·11· Colors
'71 FORD
Ca1n1ot.>r Special
'70 NOVA
(4 06BUQl
'68 CHEV.
\!)(i(l 11i1rbor, C.ill
9 f'asscni.:cr, It ll, l\utu., P /S,
favr. air, lt>ss th1ln 15,000
at't nil.• I il);1CJ~>.; I.
Jim Slemons
13tl1 Quail
N1•11·pu1·1 l°il'<il·l1
F:NTE!l FHU~l :\la1·.\RTllUJl
"71 l'.'.l.l-~C.1"R .\ S.•ifHn . ~·iu·r.
::ur. full p11r, \'\nyl lop, tilt
11•li!. IM•ll'•'!' d<~n· I u ,. k ,
<.Ull/fn1 SIC'!'l'O, i1lllllfi(• <.~llld.
'11.000 1111., l;e;;t 11fl1'r. Call
;>-1ti-1lj~1 dys, 673-~l!J..I night
& \l'l'l'kPru!s.
'70 BUICK -0F.cl,.-«-,,-.a-. -,~,,,--_-4
f!r hrdtl•/}, [,111dl'd, h1'sl offt'1'
1:1kt'" bCJ01"<' l 'hri.sln1as.
~~--~'!)!} S!..:YJ.,\HJ..: .-u:-.!•1111 1lelu:>..
~ii'. p :>. p b. good eond,
Si:;;)() 111" ll<'.'-'I oif,.r. 1'·1G<l Hi6.
·73 BUJ(J.,: \.11$1,!in'. 1·us1 .
Loildt•d, 1-::>.•·•·I 1·1Jnd S::-19.·1.
Cdi\I, fl I0-0,"1~1j
~------------·73 lll'.;G,\l., vinyl n.11.'lr, p/;;.
p/1!/b. air. Aill/Fil! ;;!l'I"<."\!,
tilt 1• 1i1. s:~~95. 5.1n-osG2 ~uU power &
F•clorv ....
I al>~Y~r 1
3100 w. C•'"' ""~ . N " !::;;?,5:!0:":j'1 -642-9405 '
J'.H.i6 Jl:1rl))r, C.~J. G--16-9::03 '67 V\V SI\\'. HiOO, silvei·I
11-:T-:.\S1::-<1TOY(l'J'.\ rwo l gr<'y, nf'1v ties .t: runnin:.:
('01nlla s1•dan ... Gel ::o !;i'lH'. NC>eds nC\\" hl'ads .~·
n11lr·" p{·r >.::1llt1n . . {July a little llOfly \~·ork. S-100 or
.$.-.. ~.::I tllH. ;:6 !tin.-;. Ujl(•;·, IX'SI, l:all 49-1-7.l-\2
t \'ZG780t
1"11<1 J,•;i,;<'. 'tiii V\V. 11101\'ll eni;:itll.' $200. '12 MALIBU COUPE
l~'-1t!BE\C!l!~i\D ';~,·n:
Jll"'.l:Tl7'G111\ FiEAO!
01' best Orft'l'.
Call J3f ... 2806
'il V\V Vi\N, lo rnileagr.
llf'\\' eni;::. & t irr~. Xlnt eoud.
SZZ95 or utrer. 5.'lli-\l:t'l9
Read Daily Pilot Classified
A Sexy Mercury
DOT DATSUN ...... , ......... ~, ........... ~·· '"'° °"""' ....... '1U1
~!UST SACfifFJD: .. G9 C'hl·1
lrnpal11 2 fir hurdlup eus!u111
i'Oupe, au!u11111til' tl'uns tloor
shifl, slrn10 huckt't st'Hts.
po11 C>1' slttrin~. \'1nyl 1'00")f
•~i r c<in<l fled 11·1th 11hi1!•
:o~l4-16ij7c_ ____ _
'66 Chev l n1pala, Y1•1luw,
lilk l·inyl !up, 60,1;(() 1ni, nu
tran.~. gd ron1J, S650 or bs1
'72 TOIVNS S1a \\'ii.(:, likt•
nu , Jo 1111. alr 1•t11ul ,i;, I
sh111.•ks, ~:!7i~i. p1·1 ply.
'ti!i ('hl'vy l111p;il:1 ~~ll11l.
P/h, p/s, nil-. 1·adio. V('l".V
g1Kl(I cunt!. Ucst uff1•1-.
;I 'l)t.'l"d l r;1 n~1111.,,11111. r:ullO.
)1,.;lh 'I", 1·11,l••!ll t•;\f\'l"l!IL, llPI •
Jllill'Uliill.'. ,\lu~! ~t't" 11:__4,.
CCF1 .
0 69 Liucolu I Door
Luxury t hru-out. r·-ull JJO\l'C!", fJc!ory
air. landau roof. 1 .\~S 1 671
'69 J\'lcn:urv \Va:,:ou
JO pass. Colon.v IJark. r·ull po1vc1'.
factory air. roof' rack. 1 Z\i fiJ9~J
'71 J'la r r1uis llroug ha111
loupe. F'uJ.I po\\•er, factory air. lan-
dau roof. ( 13GCXV I
·71 Liucolu Coupe
1:u11 JX>iver , fCJcto ry air. Al\1 /f,.J\ol
stereo, landau roof. (292CYQJ
$35 00
'69 ill ark l ll
Pull luxury po\ver, auto. temp. ai r,
landau roof , A "f\-1 / l" J\•I stereo.
$3 275
·71 Catli l.lac
Sedan De\'ille. F'uJi luxury thru-out.
$3 675
"Ora ngt Countv': Famil\t o} Fine Cari"
C(~·\ I '''!I
COSTA MESA 540-5630
24 NEW
'59 Ford Pickup & Camper
V-8, stick sh ift, EKcellent condition, ( 89 I 73M )
5 795
'68 Olds Vista Cruiser
V.8, Auto Trans, Factory Air Cond, Rad io, Heat-
°'• (779HA I
18' Unlimited Ski 1 Boat
]] I Che .. ~ Enginr , fwo 4 81rrrl1, All Ai•c•rft Fitt ;"9I, H11.
<.rift quick cl.1n91 V Q,;.,,, Ad (utl1blt Tt;m Pl1 11, tti
it1cki, T1 ndem A•l1 Ni110" y,,;i ,,, Spied hi9k 90"1, SEE
IT TO IELIE\'E IT, AB SOLUTELY IMMACULATE. !GW. ... " :,5·3·1,95· ..
' u: 1.j
' ' "i
l ;•
990 Autos, Used
UAIL Y P!L(J f 119
11A,.u;.;t.;;o.:;•·_U;:..:;•ed;o... __ _;990:..:.: Autos, Uaed 990 Auto,, Used
Autds, Us•d 990 Autos, Used
SQuln:-. Auin 1'r1tns, Air Corid.
Wght Blue, Jt1U lllll·Ulall' Cood.
___ F_O_R_D--'7_2 __ ) '67 f"AJRLANJ:= GTA. Auto, '70 LINCOLN ConrlnC'nt11l ·I G6 till!STANG Fsthk :t2,00n
LTD CPE. l~dlo, heater, p/1.' 11/ll, door, gd cond, $2450. U.1+ I Jill Sll't'l n11.J. 1u·1 ·~ Nr•11
hi-prof 390, $325. Wtll con-6876 pu111t. :\:Int runt! $.~
1ider trade for gun. ~967 MAVERICK \ Gl!>--0729~•-"-'-'-"----
·1:•1 tlL!l'> \"i !'nnv '1:? l'l .~\!1 11·111 ('ri1k1'I
,,1,·1·11/11!11!1• !Pp. '.\!ril 1·rn1<f UUl+I f1o1I•', /q Jllllt·~ ~ 4
$<li~1 17-~ Candlt'!.lll'k Ln . l')I <'•1•n<>rl1) f'l!U ~·~F·1
NU. 6•1:1 I:> • I ltll-2('Ull .. , 49:.-itl l'I 1111 /\Ir rond., PIS, disc brttkes,
n1'w r-idia l rlreis. landau lop,
1n1n11i1·ulate Gold1•11 Green
luush, low m1le11. (J8lELN1
$2595 . ... ,
COT DATSUN _..., .................. ,._...._,.._ , .... _
or 548-5146 ·71 '1U""' ..... -. " !5 1 A,.v, ;111lv, fl/!', '66 l'l.Y,l()L IH \".1!h•t\! :.•u1
6 i·~ I, :1u1•1, .01 I' I\, t' :-<,
\ht! <'VII•!, :•I Ill• -$\.,ojl
I >J 7~1)kj
JEEP '10 ~IA\'ERICK, 6 l'yl , Sltt!l-
---------1 dard sill!!, A-1 1·ond. i\ll
'42 f\·IU \Villis, metal lop. tirC'.s. tJrnkf's, Sl'1T:1 11·12·!'('~l
"'d ti1~ .e.: rinui:. Xln't.rond. Call 96&-0064. '10 l\-li1v1·ri('k, auto, 1ur, G 1.:, I,
--7'====--I prlv ply $1200
11/t., rudio, i..lnt tx1nJ.
11·:1-2X7~· 01" ;,l(HJ7:.1 PINTO
---l'J flli lSTANt; i 'l'il'{> '7:t. l"':J;u •k ~!w;t .:t·!l ()fft·1· 1 '-h'r1·"· Sun1·r..of.
,.,,."" I '"""'"' PONTIAC ·--------___ _ccc_ __ _
1;•1 !\la1·t1 L 1: .. d10, hPRt<'r,
3100 \\'. Cu;;s\ \lt1·y, f\ ll. 1 _ ,.,r 1~1nd, lll<t;: .. , ~1\ool run-PLYMOUTH PONTIAC '70
642-9405 ) 'fii ~IUSTANG VB, lt.U(O 11ir, FINE Chri<U.1n11s present.. MERCURY Jllltlo: n•tld. s1 :~~o{) ;,.i: ....... 11~. B ·11 w ~-D4<1'f ,_, '"'"" LINCOLN •••·"'"'
liiJ)(•, :-Wl,000 .ml. orig. owner Vt>ry dependable, v (• r y . ~ ' • -' '72 Plymouth Custom I onnev1 e agon 1972 F'ORJ> Ltd :o;1 111i1'\· S1:1• 1:-.1 $1450 takes 900--1421. clean, 'b"2 Linc Cont. G1·l•al fi,1 ~11·.llCURY ~arqu1s . Ol'~. OLDSMOBILE l'ull tl0\11•r, f:H'\ ;111 , 1.;i·i~ulal ~·11~. w!nir. a1n/f111 ~lf·r,>Q, J-:l,Jtl) ,71 G· 1 4 d HT paint, chrome & llres. Just 1'1~11 ... r. 40,000 nH ., "Int roru!. I Bruni ... f11u~h, llf) , l1•,1n &
'11 Ohft Cutlott c,..
~• ~u10. .. • ., r ~. rs
••,1f.L r •
'6'1 Lin,o1n Moil.. Il l
L' ,,-,u )9,WO "•I
'69 CHY. C-;prict• 4 Door
Aor ? ,I,,. vl•ofl u. I VO 1ylO
'6'1 C he w lmp11lo ·1 Ooor '· ,., •• .. ~·~. ,••w•
I •I d
'II) Plymi>111h F11ry Ill Cpe.
llLUE 800"' I PRICI -
53350 I $2799
r<1d1al 11r1·s •• .ais:111 t'Olld. S.11·. air. P/S PtB R/~l~ ' l\Jned, runs exCt'llent. all Air. f~1ll l~\r· 1nus1 lil:ll. Olds '73 Suburban Wagon lo1v lllllf'.t~l' Hf.1 .. ( I·:...\[! $7700. l'\'t f1I Y. Da I/ s I , , pwr & air, J iu~ l>et."n \\'l'U Sl·lfll> ..• IX-~.1,11 $1 ?95 '""-55"1-'-4"'·1~"'-. •c.:'c.'·~ 1Li7-511:ri. -51495· 673·932G 1·1u·ed for $49a, 64&-1587, ·1:"1 r-.11':1{<.'. M on 11· i.: o I Delta Royole . · I
,.· -----CLASS S.ELL"i _ 642{"67~ 67:H27j Broughani xln1. t'Ollll. !'\ 0011 V~. o1u1on1a11r. :111 1 on<1111on-, ... i!l"!IPl':'~lll.ll!l·lll&ll'"·~
Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 A N 980 n1!. AJ\1/F'l\1 S!rn.'V 11. .. 1d<>d l H11y l:r!c1w 1.:1•1l1·.v l\lhol":-;;d•· 11!1-!. 1 ~·~-··r .s~··•'1•t11i.:. !ugi.:r~(' 1•I·~· ~~~•J t..,j
.=_,-•h· r • .1 .. 1 I•~''" "S
. . '
'71 GMC l, Ton Pitkup
""' If I! ' •(\I II
$950 I $799
$1175 -1-$999 -
$2199 $2400 l~-~-----~-iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiu~t·~·~·~e~wiiliiiiiiiiiii~~ s:\,•[11\ 842-7096. Blue \ki.1k 1.'lllil\J)(') l•lr , J'[l('k l (ljl)-~ll• I ~~i;::~
II 196~ l\1F.RCUl~\' Coug._11', Jim Slemons $2577 11 PO'.'\TJA(' I d'1 <1 r ' '70 Chew, S~bu rbnn
C~rt)·ll! "~' A,, t' ~ v~. I $195-0 $1899
$1500 WO •. YING •7~i; A~:l\i Blur, Buckrt l Imports
. ..;..u 1·i fJt'(' for SJ71~1 s .. ,.i, l'11r Si r,;:,_ Brk S99a.00 C ti 'I' · •
1ll1· 1;.1 1-:r.1:i0
J:'.0!. (l11:11 1 · 4ft L , _ a ~-i •. ~J. ·1~~ ('! l!.0,\/Y fl"rl, .• i1 u10, air NC'11~:~:):'.·~1··::;~·:1 !'h -l.OJt ewt& ':::1u1 1~;1:~N/1;1 P1 ,, , I· ull,'>
,.,,11.i. pt -.. p/io, i .. ~ ... 1 ··•i111l l "'.\'1T~P l·'l''J'I \l· ·'J'TH1·1· VOLVO !1;·1-s;.-.1
,,.,1., 11111•1.o
'69 Intl. Tro~eloll $1725
about the so colled qas shortoqe may stop you from maklnq the deal of
a lifetime on o bea11ttiful, Mlfe, lur.IH'lous Buick that will use no more fuel
than many of smaller cars thou9ht to be economical.
Stlck•r Prlc• Te-rry B. Price
BUIC K LE SABRE (Ser #Cl02930)
BUICK ELECTRA 225 (Ser #H490642)
BUICK REGAL (Ser. #ZlS3896)
About 20 More New '73 Buicks
All Have Power Equipment & Air Conditionin9
If you definitely want a compact we hove the best available when it
com~ to economy, durobility & sporty desi9n.
All New '7 4 Buick
Sale Priced Thru Dec.
Terry Buick
Stfl & Walnut, Huntington Beach. 536-65BB
Autos, New 980 Autos, New
r l
. . .
' .
' •.
: • • • . •
·: . . . .. . .
"" .............. >lo<I ... -... m.,..,.. _..,_,llll•lw<
~ •nt.cwl ""' ~~ ·-· "'""-',.,..,._" -~· lC.,l\fCJd:lSJI)
.. °"'"" --,, ... _"'Ir-... ~,..,,u,-.n
i;. ... -...... ,f"l. ~· -· ~ ...... ---· -~CllllDl'!lllnl
nos wtUUMO •.. YOU wtll
alCflYf fNOOOH r.tff GAS fot
1000 MlllS Oll:IYING!
~ •llml"""' ......,.,, F..,. "'"°'
llorlt:.onlrol w•I...., with •It h.•r"" ""'-
MIAl.A l.S. l"IHf'O
2 OoOI', V•L .utom.llc tr-4 CVlinder OAS._.,..., 9\ltornoi•
,.,1 .. 1on, rM!la I. ,...._,., lie htonVT>l11lon. titcllo a.,....,_
,_ 11..,..in\I. •" conaltiof>. Mr, .,.;onom;c•L 11.oGlfl)
!I'>(!. fully ,.,.peted. \ltHl!10ll.
•757 *2557
'71 DATSUN '71 MERCURY , ... " ,.,..,,i.:-fl'IM:hkle . ~w ' -. ..o-i -11111 """ for
c ..... ..,,,....,. Mdlo, ""'-" ,,,,,.,., '""'· ""' !Siii. 1711
$i."~lf.,((,,r )>I/; ;(,j!! _·_• __ • _•_I' I '-• --
't,} '"11\fl/ll' L..•\l 111•. Xii\[ I 1 USED VEGAS TOO!
MUSTANG &llC's & SI':-\'\• ·e •'"l\d ('\,•Ill 11.1\' ,,•O.>d OLDSMOBILE (? ~f, { '.ilJ :~i:! lj~I,
'GU tlll1s1ang, li 4·~1 s1 1l'k, btl
t:und, $:1.-ilJ.
GMC TRUCKS ·1 1 S . .tl'lf111' :-; .. 1,ru1g, 11,(~~J
HONDA CARS a\'tur:ol 1'.11· 1.1H111)' x1r·a~. gd T ·BIRD CONNELL CHE VROLET
).;";t.S !HI, &I~ ~---------UNIVERSITY OLDS Bo1rr;u·urla '6,"i, :1·111 S, li1tt vh IT J\!HD, CLASS!/', \ 9-, i
2SfiO Harbor Blvd. ha1·k . .\ spd. J"adi.~I IH'C'S. tnootrl for ~;tll•, .J31-()1,'\,\ C;;U
li1:l-l!l:>!I ;1IL ti 612-R:i!l9 2828 HARBOR Bl VD.
COSTA MESA 541> 1200 1·1ie fa!>l t'SI dratY' 1n tht! West.
.. n J)aiJy Pilot ClAS!';ified
Autos, New 980
Costa ~l•·sa 5.fQ.9640 P1·rf.~nd . SJ!9Q, :ij2-7~1:?._ ,
_l11:fr11·1· 2 P:\T ._ __ _,._...,,... ________ .,....,...,,•1
Autos, New 980 ' Aulos, New 980 Autos, New 980 Autos. New 980 Autos, New 980
Grandville. Fult lac·
tory equipment.
Blue Book Retail $4700
Power steering &
windows, air, lil t
wheel. vinyl roof.
Blue Book retail $1925
'72 OLDS 98 Cpe
Full power, air, 1
o.,..·ner. (BOOE HF ).
Sold new here.
Blue Book retail $3995
~--'~-~~~----'-~~~~~~~; _ _c_ ___ c.;.·
'69 Buick '68 Chrysler
Radio, heater. full
pawer equipment.
Loaded .
Blue Book Retail $1660
'69 OLDS 98
Pol'J('r stf'era1g, a jr,
rad1~. heater.
Blue Book Retail $1785
$JJ77 '68 CAD . Cpe
All fine Cadillac ac-
Wholesale $3800 Blue Book Retail $2170
$1177'72 LINCOLN 4 Dr
Low mileage B,300.
One owner, (968EOI)
Wholesale$ I 350 Blue Book retail $6070
New York.er, air
l u!I power, radio,
healer. (VVE5!2l
Wholesale $1200
Wholesale $1300
OLDS 98 $14 7 7 ' 7 3 cs c,,,,, ced>o, heo· t('.1, ir, low moles..
tu!ly loac!cd.
Wholesale $1600
Blue Book. ~etail $5475
$4277 '70 Loaded with extras.
Wholesale $4450 Blue Book retoil $3588
Wholesale $4325
Wholesale $2650
$2977 '69
Cpe de Ville.
(XXCl49J Foll ~$2275 '73 DODGE Crew Cab
Power waqon, .t wheel drive, power
steering, alr, radio, heati?r. loaded. One·
owner. 0,138 miles. (19J627 P l
Wholesale $3050 Blue Book Retail $3165 Wholesale $2400 TO NICE TO PRICE
; ~---------------------------
--...... I ·--,·--
:i(j 0/llLY PILOT
b RHio1 hc1ter, P/S, P/B, 1lr, AT. (318-
~ '6 9 PONT . SAFAR I WGN,
i ,.,., •••<>. o••e• .,00,;09, ••••• & i..oror (60JflU!
·t; SS,.2~ !o•ol rr-o nc•~•n• '"'' to• & tir _ l oil <•<'Y·
;f ;"I <~0<1u on ooa•. u c11:1 10• 2• "'""'"' O•l•n •d
oo•m•n• p•«• !161$.25 l0<•ud'"~ ••• l '''""'°· ,.N. NU,.t Pfl(ENIAGf 1,.1[ IS SS"/0. fo1ot '°'~ ot:<o
Sl •JO.:lJ on<ludiog IO•-' II«"•~ \
' 1;
'73 FORD
: '2895
~ Radio, helter, P/S·, P/8, 1ir, P/W, AT,
{: bucket setts. (080GIU) •
• '7i FORD LTD Brougham I ··"··i· .. ····"········:;"3""" ~ 58PERMO.
..z. J,&.7l •o<ol "'"· "''"'· i•<ludl•r '"'-I·< -'oil "°"'' ,. ;n1 <~Or&•• on ooo•. "edi• lo• l6 "'0"""· 0..forrO<I r' OQYln•M p1 ;co J1•S1.2B ;Ml•d;•g to• & 1;<0•10. ~N·
NU,.l ,fl(f"IT .. GE IA.TE 1•.l •"/0. Totel ca1~ o<i<•
J21l•2.00 ;ndud:n1 too & hcon<o .
'73 FORD
bdio, hHter, AT, P/S, P!B, P!W, 1lr.
1 '71 fO R,D TORINO 4·DR .
SJ1.81 1010! mo e•'"'· Oncl~~··• fc•, Ii<. I oil <O•'Y·
:ng <•e•~o• o" •Pl>"· """'' 101 l6 moo1ho. Oofou•d oa~moM Ct«~ Sl•li 1)7 io<lud"O tc• ! l,1•n<O .......
NU .. t Pfl(f"ITA(;( V.I[ l •.S••/ .. 10101 <Otk pt i<•
)lOll.i~ :n<luO;ng '"' & llcon10.
'29' 00 ~ AM/FM, h11ter, AT, air, P/W, trailer
-:~ tow. (374EAE)
1 do•<. H,T . 0" 0;10 , oo••r ••oo•;ng ~lit (311 .. SG)
!•O 6l lotel "'"· "'"''· '"''••••g '"" i:,. l all'"""" 0119 <'~•9•• on ooo• (OoOd lo• l6 moot~• 0.l•"•d
~'l•-mOn! p•;,. ))76(!,79 ,•du<i;n9 to, & h<OOH , ......
1'<~'01 'E~CEt-"TAGE P,.TE 1' J••/,_ Total ca1h or•<O
.. Jl ,171~ ..... ~ •••••• '1., ••.•.
'71 FORD LTD Brough am
S~1 8~ to'ol wo r""'' ''"""'"9 •••. he ! on <atry-
;•9 ••ar901 o• oa~• "••·• fa r Jo """''"" O.le.,od P01-•t o•:« S1•10 01 ;•<1ualo9 •a• t. 1 ... ..,. ,.,...
l'<U.O,l ,[9{fl'<l~G! ~ .. u 1• l•'/ •• fo1ol COlh ..,:,.
l701~ 1~ '"''""'"' '"' & 1"."'"·
R1dio, heater, P/S, P/8, 1lr, AT. (570.
$•'.j 0) Iota! "'"· O)IP! +•d•d•"1 IQ• I lot. l oil <0"•·
: •• <~O!•e• •n OPP•. <r•d•t ••• 2• '"""I". Ool•1r•d
oaymonl p1;<e 11 311 .•1 l•<l"don9 lo• & 1:con10. ,.N.
NtV-l J'l:ICENl .. C;E ... IE 1 1.s~·/ •. '••ol <01h p<i<•
\1 158.75 ;.,1"eli.g to• & 1;,.n ...
'~~-·~ to'ol "'" 0>''" '"''""'"9 '"'· ''' ~oil '""•· "" ""'S~' o" •P>• '""'' '"' l~ "'""'h" Oo•ott•d P<t•m••• .,,;,. 1'27 •l.IJ ;nclud••t ro • &. ""''" ~N
Nl)A\ r[,([i'.ll.oCE 1~1( I •~'·/ •. Total <01h .....
~218 ! 2~ <ndud;•o loo ! locon••
2 DR. HT
R1dio , he1ter, AT, P/S, P/B, air. (936·
. JET)
'72 PLY M. Brougham
s54~~MO .
S)• ~a •o·o( m• o,..,, ••<'•d·'t •••. 1 c & ell '"'" in9 111019~1 oo ooo• ,...,d,t !or •S onon1h1 Oolo.,od
l><>•m••t n"<O ll001 29 ••dud,•9 !O• & 1,,..,. ,.N,
NU•! P!OCE l'<T ~GE ~ATE ll )I"/, !0101 <C"• ""'°
)1l9l 1~ '"d"d;., to• & "'""'"·
R1dio, he1ter, AT, 1ir, P/S; P/!, (864·
.. ~ -------
Radio; ht1ter, P/S, P/8, P/W, 1ir, AT.
l•l 7, 10101 mo_ "'"' :n<I •a._ lo<tn<t & o'I <O!!Y·
;n9 <h••tot on ""'" <•td« lo• l • ''"'"I~• Oofo,.od
POYm0n1 0"'° );1]•0.0Q l"clu<ion9 IO• l l o<O~<o .. N.
NUA.l Pfl (fl'<I .. (;[ 1 .. 1[ I' Hl"f•· Tatel <o>h P"'*
11 IB).00 ;nclud;n9 ••• & '''"""·
2 DR. HT •
Radio, ht11er, AT, P/S, P/8, .Ir. (473-
'71 FORD
Radio, heater, AT, P/S, P/8, alr. (776-
• ~••« 0:1, auto ., S , 8 , l&ol i/0~81l\
'-'' lJ IOtol "'" r,,.,, •'llud•ng "''· I·< ! oil <On1·
;cg cho1901 on """' "~"" lo• 7• "10·•· O•'<"•d ""'"'""' .,,;,, !IJ•l 00 •.Clu<!••o lo•! I<•"• ,..,.,
NU .. l ,(l(fNT .. Gf l~Tf lJ 81"/ •• lo•al <Olk "'''°
SI 184.00 '"''"""a to• & I•<•••~
Radio, heater, AT, air, P/5, P/B. {362·
'7 2 FORD Cust. Wagon
~·'· ~''""'"''' 00'"" "•<'••9. P&11 '""'••<I i\l 6•99J
!}1 o• 10101 ~o ~ -• ,•<Pud-"~ •••. I·< & all '"""
••g <llo•;•< •• ooo• "•d·' fa• •S '"""I'•. O.!•"•d o'"'"""' on<e !1177 •a •··<'•~·•; ••• ' 1., •• ,. ,.N.
NUt ( P!~CfNl•G! OO H IJ SI •/ •. !o•ol <o>~ or.<o
S71•6 00 on1lud••11 •o • & I•<•"••
ill 01 IOlol "'" PO•mon• ''"· to • ! I•< ! all '""'
••v '""'~"' on •oo•. "~"'' lor lo mont01 Doi•"'"" aa•mont O'<<o ~llB• 86 in<l•O'"V lo• ! +•<••10 ... N.
NUA l P(~(!NI .. (;[ ~•If I• S•'JI,. lo!al '"'" ""'"
J1 981 10 ••clud;•f la •-' l><OOlf.
2 DR. HT
R&H, A.T., P/5, Pf 8. (0B9FKX)
>-", oulo"'o! .. , 11<>•01 •!OO• , , 8 . ~&.H (XWT006!
l•O J8 '•'•' "'0 .,,..,, ,,..lud••t 10 •. J,t ! oil '""~·
••a '""'•"' on o<>o• '""'' fo• l• "'~"'" O••••••d PO •'"""' cn<o Sl:lll.17 in<l•d:n9 lo <! li<oo1• ... N.
NU,.l PEIC£N1AG! ••T! JS.BJ•/ •. To•ol <01h P<•<r
Sl 107,2.S ;ntlucin1 too_& l;co•••
4 DR. HT
Radio, healer, AT, P/S, P/B, P/W, 1ir.
$45 ~R1Mo.
~!• 81 •0•01 "'" ,,,,., '"" re . ''""'"-'oil'""'
"0 <~•'9•• on co-. < ~~., '"' Jo """"" Def•.,•<I -·~••• 0"'~ 1\9 ..... •l ;o<l•d•OO .... & lo<onH .......
l'<U•l rf•CI NT•G( 1.0.IE ll S••/, Total co1h P"<~
i;to•S 21 '"""~'""•a•' I.con••
4 DR.
AM /FM, heattr, air, P/S, P/8, P/W.
'°"• ouro .. 01oc,, S, •.I ..•• ,. !XXl869f
~ij 69 10•01 ,..o 0 • .,1 ircl,~ •o •••. '" ! oil ca•n-
,.~ <~•'9"' on OOO'I ctod;t lo• 14 '""''~' Dol•.,•d ""'"'~"' o•·« ,1128 SI '"''"~·•• •o• l l1to•<e A.r-t· NU.&l Pf•CENT•Gf ~,_T E lj8~•/, lo•ol <01• O••<O
~·001 ·~ '"''"~'"9 ••• & '"""'"·
R1dio, heater, Al, P/S, P/B, air. {368·
Al>. ~~If.,··~" •.t ., P·l!I & w!ncl .. lt&H . ('1•1EUI
• -·
· Let's face ii. The sales trend in today's 1utomotive
market is to smaller c1rs. (We know becau1t1 we sell the
best of the group: Pinto, Mustang, M1v1rick, and the Couri·
er Pickup). \
Whether th is small cir trend will list for only a few
months, or for sever1I y1ars, no one cen s1y with certainty.
But there's one thing for sure. "Big" cars are here to
st1y. Owners who demand the 1dded room, comfort, per·
form1nc-e, ind s1f1ty of 1 heavier •utomobile will 1lw1ys
make up 1 si1t1ble m1rket for st1nd1rd site models.
So if you're one of tht many who 1r1 not sold on the
idea of 1 mini or compact ctr, mike a few honest big-car
versus littl•car comparisons at they apply to YOUR drlv·
ing needt. Then, strictly money wise, figure the extr1 UIY·
ings you will get on the purch1se price of a big car in to-
day's economy versus the extra g•s you might use driving
a car that give• you comfort and safety. Keep In mind,
also, that many late model used cars get better mileage
because of less stringent emissions systems wh ich result
in more efficient engine p1rform1nce, Now you 're down
to facts ....
In short, we say don't become an "emot ional" buyer
in today's short-term mirage of rumors, prtdictions, and
unfounded speculations. If you know you'll never be hippy
with a little car, take advantage of our depressed prices on
big cars. We have a tremendous selection to choose fro'9
1t blue book wholesale and, in many cases, even less.
On the other hind, we 1lso hive 1n unusually large
inventory of little cars on our two-1nckn•h11f •ere used
cir lot. They, like all c1rs we 1111 1re 1Mcked by TheodoN
Robins 52-year reputation for lnt91rity, In Orange County.
2 QR, HT 1 <1001. ""· ou•o., •.5 , P.I .• t&H. (YWl!77)
• I i
'i @
l j
' a '2475
AM/FM, heifer, 1lr, vinyl roof, P/I,
P /5, AT. 1244UU)
~ l•• JS •o•ol """-o,..t. ;•<lud;•1 '"" 1,, & all <•"l· l'.: ;~, ••o•a•• on oo;io-«ot:, lo• 7• "'"'''• O•'•"•d "'""""' .,;,. l ll•100 inclod<n9 •o• & l!u•o• ,.,..
NU•l ~f tCENT,.GE ••ll IS 8S"/o. To•ol co1• poico
Sl18l 00 ;"""d;•• •c• & I <tn·o
GALAXll 500 2 DR.
JllO •ll •o•o• ... ••'""' "tlud·•• '"'· ht i a•I ''""
ieq ''"'~" o• ooor •r~<i• 'o• •~ '"""'"' O•l•"•d
""""""' po: •• 1l17•.iS ••clu~1 •g to• ! l«t n•• .......
N\IAI P!~CENl•Gf' ••I! I] jl '/ •• foiGI '°'" O•-<•
J2e()S 2' ln<l•d••Q •o• l 1; •• ",.
~ Radi~~~i!.~057· I·.
E(V) ' ; ~
@jJ ____ Mf_,, ............ -.... ~ .. -· -•
' '
San Cle1nenie Today's ,Final
Capistrano EDITION N.Y. Stocks
• Charges Fly Ill Nixon Estate
C.'hargcs and counter charges llf
partisan poli1icking and misuse or
~overnn1ent lunds v.·ere flying today in
the wak e of S111"lt'rviso r Robcrl Batlin 's
unsuccessful :.ippe<Jl to hike the vnluation
of J>rcsidcnt Nixon's San Clen1enle
·~ cstarc-.
The lntcst d1·vclop1nents include:
-NC\V 1hreats by Rei). Andrew J.
~linshaw 1n -Ne\1•port Beach), former
Orange County assessor, that criminal
ch;1rgl'S n1ay be proper againsl Battin
St1per Wlwelie
and two other Democralic supervisors
v.•ho voted to spend pu blic flmds on
a reappraisal of the Western \Vhite
.I loll5e.
-A statement by Supervisor Ralph
Diedrich of Full erton , on e of the three
1vho voted to spend th e money, that
l·!inshaw 's charges of partisan politics
"arc ridiculous."
-Threa ts by a Fullerton land ap-
praiser to appeal the assessment on
Diedrich's home and demand an out side
Charles .Johnson, 14. Laguna Beach. discovered one lhing those plies
of dirt al Laguna's !\'lain Beach arc good for. !·le put hi s bike throllg h
a tortuous off.road test Thursday near the lifeguard tower. Ui rt \Yill
be used i n development of city's new Main Beach Park. \Vork on the
park ~tarts next wec.k .
Pe1·1nane11t Dayligl1t Tune
Bill Passe (l by Cong1·ess
\\'ASlllNGTON (AP) -Con;:rcss ron1·
plelcd action today on lrgislatlon that
t·ould put l he nttton on ) ear·a:round
n.1 ~·]i~hl Sa\'lTIJt, Thne by th e. end or
lh (' l!l'Conrl "erk in J1:1nul'ry. \'oirc \Otrs
in bolh llnu~e and Stnale ~c nt the
me as ure to the WbJte"11ou1c.
\\' ASllL\( iTO~ ! UPJ l -1l1i;: l/Ousc
iJpprO\l'd by \Oiee 1·01c and sent lo
th£' Senate today compromise lrgislauon
to return n1os! of the coun1ry to year·
round Daylight Saving Tin1e. as an
encrgy·s.1\•l11g nicasurc.
If the senate acts quickl y and !he
hill is signed i11to la1v bclorc Sun·
d.'.ly, Amcric~uis \\'ill t urn their clocks
T1vo C£uidiclates
Join San Jun1i,
Cl emente Rnnks
The lists of poten tial city council can·
dldates in Sa n .Juan Capistrano and
San Clemente grew by one each today.
In San Clemente. we ll known downlO\\'n
businessman Tony niGiovanni obtained
ht!i papers at city hall.
San .Jua n Capistrano's G('{lrge F'.
Friedrich -who tried lo bccon1e. a
candidate but failed to meet residency
requirements two years ago -also
obtained his docun1ents.
rriedrich's 8ppcarance brought to
eight the number of polenliA l candidates
for three rouncil seats in San Juan.
Thus far no incumbent hos ('()f'Oe forth
liO lndlcate an interest In re-election
in that city.
In San Clemente, DiGlovonni's fntere~t
brings to nine the number or pooslble
111us f11r only one candidate in either
tlly has returned his compleled papers.
Ja1nes Straus. who was hrst to an-
DOance b.ls inti:ntion to. run early this
}'car. also was the firs t to orficially
file as an .aspirant in St1n C.:lcmcn tc.
The filing deadllne is nooo Dec. 27. •
fnr\\·ard one hour on Sunday, Jan. 6.
Jf r nac1n1en1 is dc.!ayrd until next 11 cck.
DST v.•i!f go into cfft•ct Jan. 13.
The country \1·ould rt•main on year·
round d~1y!ight t11nc until tl1c lu st Sund~y
in 1\pril, !!li:'i.
The bill \1·ould :1lto\1· President N1~on
l o l"'x1·rn1Jt a stu1c from 1hc .advanced
1in1c. or ro realign ti ni e zones \vith in
a state If lhc S!.'l1 c's governor iss ued
a proclamaUon sar 1ng the action \\ilS
necessary to conserve fuel or to prevent
Such a request would have to be
n1ade before OST goes inlo effect. The
}'resident rould ignore th e rer1uest.
The legisla!ion exe mpts ~f:J\\'aii, Puerlo
fiico and the Virgin Jsl:inds f1·0111
dayli i;ht time. Indiana. \\'hich exen1p!s
one time 7.011<' from daylight lime, \\'Ould
hr allo\\'Cd to con!inuc the practice.
Sorn~ 14 other states thal are split
into two time iones could enact a stall'
law exempting one tin1e zone from
daylight time.
BeyOnd these exceptions. no state could
be exempt from the adva nced time.
The bill was requested by Nixon as
a means of saving energy. ln effect.
it would mean that most citizens ~·ould
have one extra hour of daylight during
the evening hours, meaning lights would
be turned on one hour less and furnaces
\l'Ould be turned back to lower overnight
temperatures ooe hour ea,rlier.
Opponents argued fUel ,savings \\'Ould
be minimal and grea t hardship would
be caused in states thnt lie on the
far western edge of a time zone . ln
some areas. the sun v.·ould not ri se
untll aft er 9 a.m.
Special provision was madt' to allow
the Federal Communications COm·
mission to allow daytime-only broadcast
stations to go on th e air before sunrise .
ln many arens, a sunrise-to-sunset sta·
Hon otherwise would not be ablt' to
go on the air until after its prime
morning audience had gone to work
or school.
'M>e bill was worked out by a Jlouse
Scnale conference committee between
differing versiOM or House and Senate
bills. The major difference between the
l""'O \\'as the senate would hve made
it easier for a state to exempt ll.'Jel f.
appraisal llke that done on Nixon's estate
unless the supervisors change the rule
a1Joy.•ing anyonl' to appeal anyone else's
asscssrne11t for $50 •
-A staten1e11l by Battin t h a t
llinshaw's charges are nothing n1ore
than a "smoke screen" to cover up
his O\Vn poor handling of. !he assessor's
office, Batt in asserted llinsha1v n1ay
beC<Jn1e "the Orange County Agnew."
The key development is llinshaw's
statcn1ent calling for a Grand Jury probe
or the appeal expenses and the possi-
bili~y of criminal cha rges being filed
a_gainst the three Democratic super-
visors .
Hlnsha\V said E'nrly Thursday the
Grand Jury should probe the matter
and then followed up with a call Thurs-
day evening to newsmen saying criminal
charges rnay be proper.
The congress1na n said the supervisors'
approval of a $4,500 expenditure on a
reappraisal of the estate by the State
Weighed • Ill
ClJSD Pla11
Walking Distance
May Be Extended
'frust.ces of the Capistrano Unified
School District . plan 1.londay to take
yet anot her s u~p to save precious di esel
fuel, and their action will mean n1ore
* '{:{ * Hopes Grow
Arabs Will
Lift Boycott
By The Associated Press
J\1embcrs of Secretary of State• Henry
r\. Kissinge r's delegation said INiay
there "'as a .. better than 51)..50 chance"
!he Arabs "'iii li!l their oil embargo
nC'xt 1nonth.
Thry said thC'y C'xpcct~d Israel and
E:f.:ypt to be negotia ting a disengagement
of their 11:rmies on th c Suez. [ront by
ih:n time.
TI1cv n1a<le the stat.emcnt on arrival
in HiVadh, Saudi Arabia from Cairo.
Kissin.ger is scheduled to 1ncet King
fa!!'=al during his stay.
Bui Uni!C'd Press Jntcrnntional
~uotl"'c! tl1e olf1 ci als \\'ith Kiss inger as
s:iy1ng tl'n.! chancc:s \\·ere '·less thnn 50
pcrC'<'nt . · ·
1'hf're \\";"\S no immedi:ue clarifica·
!ion 11'hcthcr 1hc comment \\'as meant
to be 01>t imislic or pessi mi stic.
Sa udi government officials and U.S.
diplomats in Riyadh indicated Faisa l
might be will ing to consider a li mited
rcsumplion of oil deliveries to affected
nations if President Nixon or Kissinger
makes a public announcement calling
for Israeli withdraY:al from occupied
Arab territory.
In Cairo, Kissinger said publicly that
a set tlemen t must be within terms or
the .1967 U.N. resolution seeking Jsraeli
withdrawal. This apparently is ju~ u•hat
the Saud is want -public reaffirmation
of U.S. commitment to the measure.
President Anwar Sadat sa id Egypt
was willing to be in the same room
(See EMBARGO, Page %)
steps for many district youngsters.
The staff proposa l calls for extending
the walk ing distance to schools in all
groups but kindergarten.
11 the board concurs, bus service would
be. provided to student.! living a mile
or more from school, U lhey atfend
grades one .through three. The pre3Cnt
distance ls three-quart.en of a mile.
For student!! between grades four
through fiiX the distance will change
from three.quarters to one and one-half
For pupils in grades seven and eight.
the distance would expand from one
lo two miles. In high school groups
the span is stretched from two to three
Besides the extended distances from
a child's home to school. staff rf(..'Om·
niendations also suggest eiclending walk-
ing distances to bus stops by shifting
the locations to main roads rather than
smaller residential slre€tS.
The program would start on Jan. 7
of next year, according to staff sug-
The measures -the latest in a steady
strea1n of fuel ronser\•ation techniques
-were sparked by a dire shorgage
in the district's Wei suppl ies'.
District officia ls have predicted that
the tanks "'ill run dry in February
unless new fuel can be found . Appeal s
already are on file \vilh federal nfficials
in an attempt to obtain n1orc fuel alloca·
li ons.
Besides the fuel issue. these items
v"ill appear on the board's agenda for
the 7:30 p.m. session in Serra School:
-Approval of working drawings for
the new swimming pools planned for
Dana Hills and San Clemente High
-Consideration of a new dentaJ plan
for all district employes.
-Receipt of information from a coun-
ty wide study oC the problem of school
-A decision on a bid by the Dana
Hills German Class for permission to
embark on an overnight field trip lo
Idyll wild. Private transportation woukl
be wed to take the students to and
from the resort.
Slaying Trial Set Monday
For Trahuco Ranch Hand . ' '
Opening statements wil l be delivered
J\.1onday in the Orange County Superior
Court trial of a ranch hand who allegedly
shot and killed a L.a r..1irada man in
a con rrontation at lhe Ortega Hol
Tu•o days or jury selection ended late
Thursday with Judge Robert L. C'.otfman
calling for a three-d ay weekend recess
in the trial oC Robert Carl "Whip" Stal·
ton . 41, of 'J'rabuco Canyon.
Slalton ls accused of the staying July
11 or Dennis Glahn, 21, one of a group
of trespa.ssers who told ofricers they
we?c challcnsed by the cowboy-garbed
ranch hand and ordered to leave im·
It was testi fied in municipal courl
that SlaUon drew his gun as a quarrel
erupted and shot Glahn in the chest.
The young man died as Slatton, asserted·
ly left the area at high speed In his jeep.
Sheriff'11 officers la ter found the
overtumt'd jeep and tracked Slatton to
the Starr Ranch headquarters. They said
Slatton surrendered without incident.
It wa.!I alleged In municipal court ac-
tion against Slatton that his wtfe took
the Weiipon sinegcdly used by her bus·
band to kll1 Glahn and threw it In
a nearby gully.
Board of Equalization "antoun!s to
"I think 1here is greal opportuni!y
for crirn inal action against Bob Battin.•·
J·lirt<>haw said. adding that similar ilctions
rould be brought against Dil.'drich and
Supervisor Ralph Clark, \l'ho also volL'<i
to spend lhe n1oney .
Supervisors Ronald Caspers o f
Nev.·port lieach and 0;)vid Uake.r.
representing 11unlin gton B<-ach. both
Republicans, voted against U1e expense.
''llccausr lhc county spent !ht~ mon<'\'
for a pr1\';Hl· pcrson 's <i:>mplaint. I
belil·\·1~ 1t \1;1i;; ;i.11 improp<>r use of publit·
funds," Jl111sh;1v.· said.
fl insh;i~ ~;iid at the vrry 1f'\l!i l tht•rt
~hould he a n·quirc1ne.n1 rhat Ba1ti11
repay 111,. $·1 ::.00 s1>ent on h1 :$ '·personal
1 <·ndctta ...
Oicdrich ri·actcd to ll1nsha\v·s com -
rncnts toda~· .. S<1ying the fell rJ1e in·
vesti;,:ation "11a~ well \\Orth 1he cos\
~See t 'JI AltGES, Page %)
Charity Tre e
Lot Tnrget
Thieves broke into " traile r on
a Santa Ana Christmas tree Int
Thursday night and n1ade off with
stereo equipment used to play Yule
music and pov.·er tools for cutti ng
the trees.
Teenagers \\'ho \Vere operating
the lot at Bristo l Street and
Pi.lemory Lane were going to use
proceeds to raise funds for
sightless babies at the Services
tor the Blind Home, 2015 N.
Brmi£hvay in Santa Ana.
Now the young people will have
to U'4): tree proUts to pay for
the stereo and tools, whlch were
borrowed, according to Dr. William
OeNJjs, executive dired:Gr of Serv·
jces for the Blind.
Teenag&s who leased the. lot
and bough! the trees with their
O\'in money are all b I i n d
Edison's Drive
To Gai11 Onofre
Unit Supported
Of tlte D1ll1 Ll'Uot Iliff
Directors of the Costa lo.-fesa Chamber
of Commerce pledged Thursday to do
everything \vithln their power to assist
the Southern California Edi9'.ln Compahy
in obtaining permission to add a nuclea r
generating unit '\i th e San Onofre plant.
The unani1nous vote was taken after
a call for help from Edison reprcsen·
!alive Gene Rhoads who told the
chamber leaders the recent denial by
the South Coast Regional l.ont• Conserva·
lion Commission \vas ''unlll.ir."
"We feel it wa s tmfair to turn do1vn
the nuclear plant expansion du e lo the
ract that it takes c\cctricily to clean
up the environment," he said.
The commission 1ast u•eek rejected
the expansion on th e basis that "'arm
water expelled during reactor cooling
would hurt marine life and that the
plant's construction would damage the
(S.. NUCLEAR, Page %1
Ne ·w Parki1ig Lot
Opened Along
Avenida Cabrillo
San Clemente's downtown shoppers,
who always have round parking a prob-
lem. have a new spot to use this "'eek
-a new lot built by the city along
Avenida Cabrillo.
City Manager Kenneth Carr s:.ild today
!hat crews completed the paving and
marking ol the 40 ne\\' spaces on Wednes·
day and the free-parking facility was
opened to motorists.
Occupying three city-ov.'OOCI lots and
one other which was leased, the facility
is lhe first new downtown lot to be
built in year:it.
The preview facility was the new
community clubhouse lot farther oo~'ll
on the roadway Vt'hic:h parallels A \'en-
idl< Del Mar.
The cost for the purchase. of lhe
three Jots "moonted to $46,000 Jn city
funds. Construction and paving aclded
SI0,000 to the ta:b. The leased portion
has been obtalned under a pact calling
for the city to pay the $300 annual
taxes .
Cite High
C1~ime Rate
01 l~t 01flr "iltl St1tf
A s1eadily soaring crime rate
particularly in residential and com·
mercial thefts -has prompted San Juan
Capiitrano city councilmen to ~et ll
spe<:ial session ~tonday to decide if they
should add a local police issue on the
J\larch n1unicipal ballot.
And that move would probably
resurrect one or the most burning con·
troversles in the city's history.
The initiatlve for the discussion Mon ·
day at 7 p.m. comes from Councilman
Janics Thorpe, who h::is closely watched
the steady increase in crime activity
in the city. Thorpe in private con·
versations in recent \Veeks had hinted
that he '"'as pondering the possibility
of trying for a second time to establish
a local police force.
It ~'as that issue which stirred months
of bitterness in the city during the
summer of 1972. The climax or the
campaign meant defeat for the city
Jn a referendum brought about by
public petitions. the majority of the
voters: killed !he city's fledgling public
safety depa rtment consisting of one
department head.
And the vote compelled the city to
remain under county shertfr's contract
for a full yea r.
Cuy ~tanager Donald \Veidncr was
!he architect of the previous attempts
nt local lav• enforcement. hiring .Joseph
;\1cl\co\1'n -a Central Califomi a police
chief -to head and build a loca I
fl.lcK co11·n v.•as fo rced to leave his
post Y•hen the referendum passed.
The first rumbles of a rl'su~rected
attempt at the council Jerel ca ' at
budget tiine late last spring v.'hen coun·
ciln1cn examined their ron1n1itrnent of
$200,00J this fiscal year for cow1ty police
At that time , Thorpe fi rst tossed out
the idea of seeking new voter approval
for a local rorce -emphasi7.ing tha t
(See POLICE, Page %1
Orange Coast
Night and morning fog and low
clouds along the Orange Coast
Saturday, but otherwise mostly
sunny ""'ith some high clouds in the
~tfernoon: Slightly warmer. Highs
1n the mid 60s. Lows in the 4-0s.
Clirisrmns in t~ ghetto. Gold-
en \Vest College studen4 will
give yo1t <I taste of what that
1nen ns iit a Sat.ttrMy t1~/lt stage
show. See today's Weekender
fo r information.
Al Your S1rvl<• J
... ""' to L.M. le~• 11
C1ll .. r11l1 J
c1au1t1.e 41.JO
Cernkt 41
Cf'ft.fW9rlt U
Durh NlllCll lt.lJ
IE•ltwltl PIH I
~"'-· tf.Jl ~llr 1M It•••• 14 149""4:-,,
4.,. L'"°''' lt N11HHw. •
Mtvi.1 11..Jt
Mut11fl ,,.... Jt
N•PllNI N.-, .. ft
Ori-'""" ,. ltt1l•11,...... 111.JJ '""' ,,.. ST•-M9rtiett »fl
Tt .. WlilM • '"''"'" ~ WM!..... f .,_.,.., .,...... 17·19
w ... MI ,.._. f , 1' ............ ,,...
' ~ •,
' •
:! 11.ill v Pl' nr sr
Mor1·iso 11,
Die~ ,1t 80
~1.111v 1,f 1 1r:111i~·· Cn1111!:-1 Sup1•1'1or
('n.irt ~ :.1 11111 .!•'" :-1.1n.·d th,.1r 111u n1111.i.;
1 d1·11d:1r~ 1n tiu,ht•d r(\ur1 roo111~ today,
1"1~1niz :i ta.<;l lrihull! ta rL·tlr t:>d JLidge
.... ll'1t th !-'. \lqll'l ~i)ll.
. !ud'"" \l1>n h11t1 d11'(I Tl111l'~d.1 .v night
i11 .1 1:,1r.l111 i:11J\1' 1•on1.il1·,t:1•nt hv.,p!1.1l
.•1l1·r ;1 !•Ill)! 1ll11i""' Hi• 11a-; flU
l'n:s1d1nJ! .1 111!~1· llruc·t ~urnncr told
d 1'ul11lr11orl1 01Hi.l11·nrl• 1od<iy afl l·r t·alltng
f111• a r111 11 rH 'rl! <; '1 li·nC1' fnr Judge r.Jor-
r1'ilill Iii •t r1111•·1.d .;,•r\IC'C'<; 11 1\1 be held
1i 11 :1 111 \lor1d:1~ 1n l "nitt'<I Spur gL<UJ\
.\l1·1h1•lh<;t L 11111"1 . .:h. ~ .• 111.i Ana
Hun:1 I 11111 l1J ll0 11• :.t Fiiirha\'l"n
.J11<1~1· :\l(ln1,1111 11 n.1!11 1• 11f llurru·tr ,
\\':1;.,l1 ., 11,1s t'h'l'l•·d to lh1· (Jr~111µc· L:11ullt }·
~l!pl'Jiiil' ~\Jill"! ill J!HO iill\I ~1 ·1"\"l'ti Ull
llt1• \o1'11r!i 111 11~1111:0. n·111-.·1111 ·111 in l ~G'.J
:I·· \ilt'\11111..;I\ ti;1d :-~·1·11·d ;1-. Jt1S!1tt'
<>I Ill'' p1•;11'P for !!ii.; S,u1l;1 1\lli.1 .JutJa:ld\
J11,ln1 I .1 l'H'! to \vhieh !H' w:is :1p·
po1n1 .. ~I 11.) 1·01111ty s1x•rv1sors aflt·r
',\IJJ 1-.H11.. l!u r11" _Vf'<IJ"'> il" ~11peri~1r Cour t
.J.,rj I' J: )' \\ 1111.ltll-," l'ltTh.
.J\:d;.!1· \Jr.111~1Jtl u!IL'll t'UJ!\)111'11tl'<i ;11!1·1"
his rt·111t·11\•'I~! 1h.tl ht• dt•riVt•d 1110:-;t
"ll u\ 1111 •111 1•\ liis :::1 \ t•:1rs: 011 t!1l' Superior
t '11,11f1 hi rll h l!f11n ·the tunl' lie sprnt
111 .ll111·111!c l'our!
:\("11\•" thnn1ghout his life in the Boy
S1:ou1 111ovc11H'nL he once cstimatt:'d that
hi.: h;al h:HHllccl ;1t le:1st 23,0nO juvenile
t t~( s 1n tho-.1· ::!:\ .\1·;1r~.
.Jui.l~C' ~lorr1~on 11\ survi\'cd by hi s
\11(i()l1'. \ irg111i.1, !1 so·1. Kcnnrlh ll. :\!or·
1'1s1ln : thrPe ~r-.111dchildren and !l'i O great-
r;r;1 11dehildren.
. \ S:uila i\11;1 l'i•s1d,·nt sincC' 191!1, th e
j\11·1st found tinH· during: hi s CLJrccr to
<l '\Vle 1111 the !ilt..lc lo h1;; ch11rch and
flis f:JV!•l"JI(· service nrgan1z;it1ons.
. Ii i• 11.h .1 )l)ng111n1· l:1v ll':Jdl·r oi t:nited
S;u11 :.:""11 \lt·1hoch:-.1 L'l111rt'h.
•· \1)!J111 ~!H perc1•111 of !llL' ~oungs!rrs
11"\l!" h:i d attcnrlcd Sllnday School." lie
~.i1d of iho~" r!'1irnat1·d 23 000 JU\"en1le
( IHU"! i.~ISl''> !J,• prt·~1d1 tJ 01 t!I'.
· l 11-. r:1 n·l'r 0;1 lht• btnt:h ~llso inrludc<l
lhr 1101or1us OvcrC'll 1nurdcr case \\"h1ch
drt 11 n;1!1111111•1<1r :ilt1•nt1on.
The 0\'l'rclls' J?.ye<1r-o!d daughter antl
h!'r b(l1 fr1t·1ll! 11•cre accused of 1nurdering
hf•r p:n1•nls by blO\\'tng up theit' yacht
1111h c1~·n.11n1:c Jt its 1noor1ng u1 Ne1.vport
The young couple \\ere acquitted a!tc r
.i .'it'Jn .. 111+11.i\ t\ 1:1\.
l 'uu11/.)' J>olicc
Sccki11 ;~ (Jurs
lit Sla _y i.11g
11r;un:" r r·11• ty ~h:·riff's investigat ors
:ire nut 111 lurl C 111 tile S1!verocio arcJ
in a l1unl I •r t·lu1 1n 1 h~ slayin i;t earl y
1odr1_. 1 ran :i!'" \l l un1rl.:on tified n1an.
Otri ('f'rs ~aid the btli.ly <>f the your.g
111;•11 \1a:> ~p11l!t.•i.l ~1Ul1u\ 2 ;1.rn. bv n
1,a$~::·J.! n1Qt(lr:~t net1r the inter:-ect1on
t•l S;l!+l •. 1go (,,l\~vn 110.id .ind S1h·crado
(";111' 1"1 ·r~" 1 •.;iill 1h1· lolly r·!0lheJ v011ng 1nan,
i11·l11 ~•·d 111 ht• 111 11,~ c:trl.v 1v.cnlie~.
J.,nl lJt.l•:l ~hot t11 it.:C Ul lhe IJat:k by
: -.11111: •t:i h•·!·l .,11 cli•"l' t{1ngc and
1l11111 p1·d LI\•• (]{J\I il tl fl'W fc..:l il\\il)'
l:111n (Iii· •1 ,d,
~hl·11 1' ~ I l Ch,11 ]1·s ('u1111wny said
th1· u1 111 111.<; d1t:~'t'i·f 1n ''typical
111u!1J!f'I I :;11~ ( l••'llC', f'"Oll1p l•·\1• \l•i!h high
ldr'"d 1~1111c ·• !lr ~:011! lh! r·r 1ras no
:-1i,:11 111 111" 11n11~•·tJt;1\l' :ir1·;1 ol th e
11H •li '11'1t·l!' lha1 1n1ght h::i1·l' bt't:'n rirtden
b\ \lit' l'lf'lllTI
·con<J\\':J1' .~ 11tl the v1rt1n1 had hf'f'n
1lrad uni\ n ~t r1r'! 11n1C' 11•ht•n he was
fnund 11 f· ~:11d :1•11 1hl(·11n1ents 1har 1n ight
ha\e h("rn in )1, J"Jfl.S~t·~s11u1 had lx>en
rl'n111\ l'd
'l'~e Or•no@ (Ml" C,.. • PilOl, "''"' .. ~,c~
•1 combi~ illll ••1'~1 ,. • .,, , PllOlt>l\f<t b~
tho O••nv• Cof" f 11· ""'II CO">P•nr. s~.
rolft H!illo"~ •·• ""'"""''<I '"'o"aay !ll•ow~
Frl111y, lo• to•'• "'~I• "'"""'' e~ .. c~,
t<unlln~!"" b••th''7"'"'" •• l~v. t.•ouoo 6eocn, !r•«n~ ~00<111i.,,, ,..., i •o Cl•m•"i•I
S~n J111n C1p11••~"0 " •"'Iii• '~'a<1•I
l'>lillon " wto ,,.,.., ~9l~·~u1 ~M Su"\!•"'
11\e p•lfKllMll PVOl0on "~ ~ ,., l >t ))'.) W•ol
61~ Srr•1!, Cot•• "'"'~· (~ 'O'«il, ~"""
Rob1.t N w,,a
Pr11od1n1 o"ld ~"D'•"'"'
J1ck II Cw•l1~
Viet P th lcUnl 1'><1 Ci•""" W,101Q1r
Thom•• K11-.d
t:o to•
Thom•1 A. M11rphi"1
M•n•9lno f:O•"O•
C h1rl11 H. loot IHU.1rd '· Nol! .-.u111•n1 M1n19lng E.a ro"
I• CMIM ... Offlct
JOS North El Cimino R11!, '1/)72
Otk-t Offlc"
Coll• Mt~I! lJO Wll1 ll•r Sue-1
~twpo•I l111cn: tlJJ /.iowport ll1>11lt••'O 1Wn!lngf()n B~•c/\· 111/J 611c/\ 80ulf'<o•d
l.A~1in• B••Cll. nt Port tl Avrou1
T_.e,lloH (1141 642·4J21
Cl...m.f Adftrthl .. 64J·S671
S.. C ........ Afl ~-•••:
fe'-tt"H 4f2o44JO
(Ge""f~I, lt1J, °'""'II Ceett Pvt1!1<!llfl9 C•""IM~r. /.lo "'WI ll!l'lfl !1111t•r•li0fll.
l(llf!ld•I ,.,.,,.,. D• l>d•e~llltr•>tnlt "'-'""
-y *"-,.....,ll«'O w!111o\rl ..-Cl•! Dtt .... u-01 ~ ...... , ...........
itcenel ci.•1 -!IOI ptld •I Cltlt Mt••.
C•ll'&'nl•, kllltetl,.llon ltr c.•rl9• O« "'""'ri• fly m.11 ll n monll'llr l "'lht•N ~.,,,,.1,011\ l2 ..i montlltr.
Judg• Kenneth Mo rriso"
t ·1·om l'age I
POLICE • • •
till' 1nC\'C col1ld t'on1e ufll.!J' the. year's
b:111 h;i<l P\pirrd.
suirt• Ille refi.'n;ndurn San Juan's
1XlpUlCJtion has doubled ant..I so hnve
st;11istits in seve ral n1ajor lT1n1c
r Jo1vn!U\\'Jl con1n1erc1al burglaries ha vc
0111~ businl'SS, th e Ed and !';ed's sound
shop, rl'cently held a "robbery sale"
to close out al! its stock left behind
nnd damaged by thieves who broke
throui:ih the roof.
~::1ch 1nonth 'Veidner has supplied
t'Ota1clln1<"n \11 th copies of some sheriff's
reports of Lhc 1nore serio us criin es .
Press ure fro1n 1~·ithin the con1 muni ty
ror J'('Surrectlng the iss ue has not been
t•xtrt'nlt\ however.
Chamhcr of Cornmerce President
Fori.'S1 Dun1vi n recently said that y,•ithin
his organiza1ion there has been no real
push for reconsidering th e local police
"A lnt or people th ink that a fe1v
('XI ra p.'.ltrol cars in the city would
ma ke a difference, but I remember
recently '\'hen ethsherlf's office had
.<;e\'Cral cars here all day because of
thl' gasoline crisis affecting drivers.
"f think the town got hit just as
hal'd that day as any other," the
cha1nber leader said.
Local police 1\·itl be one of two possible
me;isurcs 1\•hieh the council might con·
sider for the ballot.
Sources said 1here. is a possibility
of the addi!ion or a parks financing
spt•tial tax rate being <.'1Jnsidered at
J°l'lond<iy 's special session.
. '.
" Burglars Raid
3 Co11sh·11ctio11
Sites 011 Coast
Burglars raided three C<lnstruction
si tes in thr Son Juan Capistrano area
1"hur:;d:iy night , carryinJl off copper pip-
ing. nev.· toilets and si nks and a variety
11f ('!ertrie:il rquipmrnt.
Clr:ini..e Countv Sheriff's officers said
1hc rosili<"st raid v.·as at 2756 1 Brookside
I.ant', \\hert· a plu1nbing fir1n lost nearly
S2.fJOO 11·orth of fittings that were to
be inst:1tled in 1011'n houses at the site.
El~1ri r11I equipment valued at more
than ~UQ 1vas taken from a construction
site flt \\"1nd Song: Driv e and Ortega
I lighwa y 1vhere a complex to be kno1vn
;.1.s Sun I /0!101\' To1vnl1ouses is being built.
Lumber and hard11·.:irr V.'ere the targets
nf burglars 1vho ViSitrd the thi rd COil·
structi on si te :.t 27572 Starrise Lane,
S.'.ln Ju.:in . Intruders broke in to a locked
garage on 1he site> and carried off
lumber, doors,, handles and Jocks.
From l'age l
NUCLEA R • • •
bluffs in !he area.
''\Vith lhe economy of the country
in n1in d, we feel that the plant should
b~· built not only because of the fu el
f'ri sis but because of the crisis in elec-
tricity," Rhoads insisted.
J le s:iid the nuclear plant addition
could save 25 n1illion to 30 million barrels
of nil each year because Edison intends
to use the San Onofre .station for it s
bas ic load <1nd to cut back exlsling
~team plants that use fossil fuels.
Rhoads lamented the fact that the
S:tn Onofre unit. planned to {;() on the
line in 1970. and the Huntington Beach
plant addition , ~cheduled for operation
in 1969, had been delayed by en-
v1ronmen t::ilists.
;\lc<in\\hile. he sa id the electricity
shortage 1s getting worse instead of
l>etter becAuse increased demands are
l,i(•l ne placed on th e Edison system.
C'll•!d as examples of future .super-<:00-
sun11 rs by Hhoads \Vere the secondary
sta tge sewage treatment plants being
built in Fount<1in \lallry and the Fountain
\/~Hey de~ali nh:ntlon plant.
llaymond lludson. manager of the c.:n&18
tlle~a Count v alt'.' ·1i ~t rlct 111 d
chairman or the d1amb<'r's Wijfc r, Power
and Energy Con1 mittrc, lashed out at
cnvlron nlentalists following Rho ;1 d s '
11rcsent.allo11 and aC'cused lhcm ot Jcsding
the An1erican pe<iple down the "roo.d
to disasteJ'."
"Nioo out of JO lim es they m a k e
stateml;'.nls ~'h1ch have no basis ln foct,"
lf u<lson ch~rg~'fl . "Th1·y pul. cverylhlng
tl:>c r1r!ll .lrl{l tht· l>l'upll' second."
School Site
Capo Trustees
To View Plans
Trustees or the CJplstrano Unified
Sc hool District and San Juan Ca pistrano
<:iry councilmen \•!ill rec e l v e
si multane<>u.s reports 1'1onday on plans
by three developers to help obtain a
school site for the mission e<1n1munit y .
The three builders -each faced v.•ith
denia l of their projects unless a sat is~fac
tory solution can be \\'Orked out on
the new site -have met often in
recent v.•eeks vo'\th city and school aides
sluing as a special con1mittee.
The three firms, 1vhose tract maps
\Yere called up for review by the city
council, are Leadership Hou .s I n g
Syst em s. Standard Pacific Corp. and
liolstein Industries.
Each is seeking city approval for i'lous·
ing projects in the area of Ortega
Highway, and In each case councilmen
ha\'e balked at approval because of
the impact or new pupils on the district.
One condition made by councilmen
on potential approval was for all three
developers to offer a school site solution.
City Manager Donald Weidner as well
as CUSD Adminis!rative Services Direc..._
tor Jose ph \V imer have predicted su ccess
in the effort.
\Vhi!e the developers have not offered
to pick up the entire tab for a site
already proposed. a financial oon·
tribution -perhaps amounting to $200
per dwelling unit -has been discussed.
'Vimer said the offers th us far bv
the develo;>crs "are attractive and at
least a start."
Leadership spokesmen. reacting to In·
itial denial of their map, agreed to
the $200 fee. If that were accepted.
it v.·ould mean $35.000 in revenue toward
si!e purchase.
Wimer stressed that that fi gure -
1vhile substantial -is small in com-
parison lo the tota l possible tab ror
about 15 acres lying between San J uan
Creek and San Juan Creek Road.
The total cost -if the property \\'ere
purchased from a Florida investn1ent
firm -would be closer lo $250,000.
The district and council each ~·ill
receive a detailed report of the progress
of committee negotiations thus far.
'\1imer balked a t gi ving specific
"I think the board and council should
ha,·e it first, in order to be fair about
the situation," he said.
He characterized the possible site as
an excellent one for school construction
with about 10 acres eompletely level
and usable. The remainder Is in the
creek fiood plain and would be suitable
for development as open space.
No major grading is required on the
site. The only major preparation expen~e
would be const ruction of a high retaining
V>all separating the creekbed from the
level building area.
"From the standpoint or ease of
development, it seems to be a good
one and we might be able to use it
if and when the need for a new school
plant arises ." \llimer said .
At present the district is C<lping "1th
elementary enrollment gains. The Trew
Del Obispo Elementary School is nearing
completion In San Juan.
In the intermediate category the cur-
rent problem is more severe, with Marco
Forster Intermediate School on double
sessions. That condition v.'ill ease in
Brawl on Lawi1
Ends iii Slaying
In Santa Ana
A bra\\'l on the front lav.11 of a Sant.1
Ana home Thursday night ended in death
for one of the combatants and jail
on a murder charge for the other.
Ernest ~-Farriesen, 35, of 108 S.
Main St., was booked for investigation
of homicide following !he victim's death.
Rich ai-d K. Coleman. 41, of 328 W.
Second St., succumbed due to a 6ku1\
fracture, according to spokesmen at San·
ta Ana Community Hospital.
Coleman was pronounced dead at 9:5'
p.m. according to police who are problng
the original motive for the fi ght.
Murder Charges
Name Para1neclic
I rt Girl's Deat1i
MESA. Ariz. (AP) -A yowig
paramedic, described by hla~ at
"an average guy," was cha with
murder today, two days after cRding
police to the battered. rema or a
Officers said Carla Dahbtedt, 3, was
found stuffed n e n tt a t h some tumble-
weeds In a desert area near here.
At flrat , poU"" oald, U..y called the
coroner, but moments later detected
a faint heart beat and ru..tied bu to
1 nearby hospital. She died Thursday
Police •aid Jimmy Joe Kolle, 'll, was
being held on an ope:n cha r,e of murder.
They detcribed him as a rtend of the
victim 's mother, Alys Dahlstedt, a
Fire Oller Jack Brimhall 1ald Kolle
was "a notmal. average guy" who work·
ed on his paramedics rescue squad.
about a yea r when & .sectind intermediate
school is buil t in Laguna Niguel .
1-~uture years, however, l'OUld bring
new pupil crises, \l.1in1er said.
"A .site like th is one could prove
to be an asset "'hen the ti n1e con1cs,''
he said .
From Pqe I
lo clear the air once and for all."
Battln claln1s the assessment should
be n1ore than $2 million. not the
$1.37n1Hlion quoted by Orange County
Assessor Jack Vallerga or the $1.5
n1i!l!o n set by the State Board of
r.1eanwhile , appraiser H.C. "Campy"
Lynch said unless the board changes
the rules permitting t1ppcals such as
Battin"s he v.•ill den1and sln1ila r treat·
n1ent of his appeal of Diedrlch's home
.assessment. Ul"I Tllt l>l!OIOt
Lynch, citlng the expense of a reap-
praisal and cost.5 of county cmploye!
v.·ho had to attend the hearing, aid
the Battin action re\'ea\cd the high cost
to taxpayers of such appeals.
Preiident Kennedy In 1961 , Ma rilyn Monroe in 1962
Battin him self had some caustic com·
ment.s today about Hin.shaw 's charges.
lie .sald the county is still paying
for mistakes made by Hinshaw when
he was county assessor.
Affair Reported
"As far as a Grand Jury investigation,
I would welcome it, both as to nly
ac!ivitics, and as to r.tr. Hinshaw's ac·
tivities as assessor ,'' Battin said. ''l
think we might hll.ve our 01~1n Orange
County Agnew currently occupying a
congressional seat."
JFK-Maril y 1i Monroe Ro111ance?
Frot11 PqeJ
with Israel at the 1'1iddle East peace
conference. "but if you are talking abo ut
direct ncgotiation.s, the ans\\'Cr is no.''
lie also said he hoped the tv.·o sides
would be able to bargain se riously about
disengagement of Egyptian and Israeli
forces before Christ1nas.
Sadat spoke after meeting v.'il h Kis-
singer for the se<Xtld time in 1 .... -0 days.
Bandits Ransa~l;:
Vending Of ficc
VAN NU\'S 1UPI) -A vendin~
machine t.-ompany clerk lay bound and
gagged l'l'hile two bandits ransacked his
office of an estimated $140,000, then
stole hi s car, police reported.
Gerald Gnus, 49, told police Thursday
the first bandit posed a.s a deliveryman
and pulled a gun when admitted.
One bandit ordered the clerk to lay
on lhe floor and to tape his eyes and
bind his hands while the other bandit
loaded a number of money bags, he
told police.
From \\'Ire Services
NE\\' YORK -Syndicated gosslp col-
un1 nist Earl 'Vilson reports that r.1arilyn
~Ionroe had a romance with President
John F. Kenned y.
Just before she d!ed of an overdose
of sleeping pills in 1962, Wilson reported
Thursday, she said, "Say goodbye to
the President."
\\1ilson sa id he withheld the story for
yea rs but finally decided "to set the
record straight'' tx-cause of a book on
l\liss r.-1onroe which dwelled on her
friendship wit h Att orn ey General Robert
f'. Kenn edy, wr itten by Norman ~1ailer.
1'.liss ?<.tonroe's relationship with Presi-
de nt Kennedy is detailed in Wilson's
o"'n book on the life of the la te actress,
!o be published early nexl year. He
said he undertook a three-year in-
\'estlgalion to establish a "dalliance''
bct v.·een the blonde sex: goddess and
the President ,
V."i lson said rhe r1ffai r v.•ent on for
aln1ost a 1·t'ar before ~1 iss J\lonroe's
d('ath. He ·said she v.·as sometimes a
discreet guest at little dinners arrnngtd
by President Kenned y. usually al the
ll otel Carl)'le in New York where the
l\cnncd ys main1ainetl an ap.:irtment. He
said J\1 iss Monroe once wore a black
\\·ig as a disguise.
\\'ilson said Peler l..'l1\•ford. a Kennedy
in-lau.', bc·lieved he w:is speaking v.·ith
J\larilyn on the phone when she lost
consciousness Aug. 5, 1962, after taking
a lethal overdose of sleeping pills. f~'-'
told the columnist her last words were!
"Say i:ioodbye to Pat (Pat Kenned y
Lawford I, say goodbye to the Presidenl,
and say goodbye to yourself because
you're a nice guy."
She \\1as 36 .
"J\tarilyn r.tonroc was his happy col-
laborator in thls distinctly nonpolitical
area of his life," \\'ilson wrote In his
nev.· book "Show Business L..1id Bare''
which G. P. Putnain's Sons will publish
Jan. 18.
\\'ilson said he knew 1'.llss r..tonroe
well himself and a!so got oth er in-
formation from l~ollyv.·ood columnist Sid-
ney Skalsky and New York dress
designer Henry Rosenfeld.
Lawford , Skalsky and Rosenfeld were
not immediately available for comment.
Alder1nan Defies
Yule Li ght Ba.n.
CI CTCAGO (AP J -Alderman Roman
C. l·'ucinsk.i say~ he y,·ill stri ng Christmas
ligh ts around his home and dare lh c.
government to <uTt:·st him.
The formPr Jllinoi1 con,itressm.'ln sairl
Thursday that J>residrnt Nixon's energy
chief \\1itliam E. Simon, ls "a Grinch
who's 1ryi ng to steRI our Chris!mas,"
referring to an order b}• Sin1on that
bans outdoor electric deror:it1oi1s.
"If e\·er v.·e ll{'ede<I to lift our spiri!s,
it's !his time of Christmas and Hanuk-
kah, after the dC'prcssing ~·ear our nation
ha s suffered ." Pucinski said.
92" 11 l.enl)!ll
Ket. Sll•4
Sale $1089.
l 00" 111 l.e•ttll
.... S1470
Sale $1189.
7uJ11111fltA~ u.~
WUlllAYS & SATURDAYS 9t00 to l 1JO
1727 WFSTCI tF~ Dft 64?-l OIO
IOptl'I Sw1ul•y 12·&1JOI
14'i N('llTH COo\ST HWY
IOpt11 Svrtdty 12-11101 494 -6111
21649 HAW1HOlNli I LVD.
, I
Closing Prices
Ne1v YorJ, llps and
day Otct 11t1tr 11 197J SC ___ DAILY ~;Jl
Year's H1 gh -Lo·ws
1\pperu E, c1 y Saturday
La!er ~femorex an 'vr1 lhr. counte;r stoc k Jn
nounced it file d an an!1l1ust "llll aKain"t I B~I r har ~
1ng the g1ari t co,n putc1 < o np trl) with anti conipclt
l1ve ptacllccs
P E tt<I
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JO /Host Aelllle
···1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-•• .. Amerkan Sales
l 'ofume
:.! u • .JLY 1•1:.or IC
Mo1·ri so11,
Ex -jt1(l gt_·,
D i (·~ ,1t 80
\1.1111· 1•f (•1 .1 11~•1• ('01 1111y Su1.M.1nor
\'n,ir\., :11 11111.:•'., ... 1.111\'d 1h1'1r 1unr111 n~
, il•'nd urs 111 htJ\ht•d triur1rooni!i tod ay,
J).J)ltl)."! a I.1st 1n bu1c to it'IJrcd Judge
ht 11n•·ih F \lof'l l"Vll
.Jud"•' \101'J'l~••t 1 du·<l Th11r ... <l;1V night
ill ,I ( ;,111!1 !I I;: lt\ I' C'\11\\ ,ll(•.,(•1·11t )l!J'-!ll1 i.il
.11 11 r a l1u1i.: 1!1 111·'i~ Hr· \\ii°' fl(I
l'rt51<l 1n~ J tu!).;t.' Bru!'C Sun1ncr lo!d
;i c·11ur!n1u1n ;1ud11 ll"l' 1otl:1} after calling
f1~r i.I 111uttlt•n1 ·~ ... i111ncc· lor Judge l\!or-
1 :son tll 11 flut•·r;tl ~··f \Jcec:; \\ill be held
:i.\ 11 ;i rn \t111:d :1~ in Ln1ll'<I Spt1rgeon
.\i!'Jh(11.Ji~I l !IU1\:h. ~.!l lt J 1\1\a
1lt1r i;il II ill fu lhlll {1\ J':1irh;t\'C!I
,\l1·rnnn:ll l'.1rk 111 1t1;ll (•11 .v
. !t1rh.~t' ~11.i·11 ~on :1 11.1t11e 11f Bt1rnrtt .
\ra ... h .. 11;1s ('!~·tl "il to lht• flr;111gr Ct11u11 y
!1upc11or l'uurl 111 11HIJ ;.111U l"l'l'l'•1fl 011
tlt1• l11•11vh tull 11 h,s n.•1 11·cnH'111 in l!Hi:I.
:Ii' 1 w1·\l<1U~l v h:1d ~l'/'l1 ·d ;1 ... JUS!itl'
uf 1111• t11'.1t 'l' !111· 1lu: SJnt:1 1\11a ,Juditial
l !hll 11·1. ,t p(1'! to 1vhich hC' wus ;1p-
po1n11 •d l1y ('Ot1nty spc•rvisors aftt·r
\,111 ~11:~ 1111 111 .. ~P;lr~ a~ SupC'riur Court
,)1,(1 'I' Ji '\' \\ ilh;t!\I',' l'lt•!'~,
,)\1\1).;t• \Jl1!Tl..,.lll IJtll'll ('t')!lllll('ll\i'<i l1ltCI'
Ill" 1·1·!!11•n11·nt ll1<1t hl' <l l'l'll'C'd n1cis1
•·11,\•.I. nh•!1! 111 !us :.'.J ~ ca1·s 011 the Superior
l\111rt hl·neh fr11111 !ht: t1n1i: he spent
ur .Ju\1 rule ('our!.
1\1·1111• throughout l1is I He in thC' Boy
::ieo11t n:ove111cnl. he once cstirnatt'd that
h" h;id h:indled ~11 ll•;ist 2:1.UIJO juvenile
(\l<;;t .) in tlHl,,t' :!:I ~·c;1f~.
.ludge illorr1sntt i ~ sur\'i\'ed by his
\\ i(lO\\'. \"irguua. ;1 :-;011, Kennl'lh B. ;\lor-
ri.,on: thr1'c gr:.indch 1ldreu :ind tv:o great-
zr;111dehi ldrcn.
,\ ~an la · Anu rcs1d1..:nt :;inet• 1!110. the
jul'J~t found tin1e during his c;irccr 10
111·1nt!' 011 ll1e ::.1dc to his church and
flis f;i 1111rire service orgu niza t1ons.
J/1' \\;i~ ~1 h1ngt1rn1• 1:11 lv:idl·r of United
!\ru1r).!1•011 :O.h·thvdist Cl111rt'h.
•-.\lN111 !Hi pcrel·nl o! 1111· youngsters
11•'\(•r h:1d at!t .. ndcd Sunday School." he
!.lid of tho<:" e~tir11att·d 23 .000 JUvcn1le
~ nu r1 c ;1s1·s h1· pr··s1clld {l\'l'l'.
ll l<> 1·:1n ·t·r c•n 1!11· bt'nch jlso included
the notorius Ovl·rell n1urdt•r case \\'hich
dr1·11 1u111:inw1<tr nllf'nl1on .
'fhr Ovf'rells' 17-ycnr-old daughter and
hi·r bl'l\ friend 11•rre accused of inurdering
htr p:ircnts by bto1\ 1ng up their yacht
\1 i1h d ~ n,1 n1i lc <1l Jt!i rnooring in Newport
l l;11 bv r,
The young <'uuplc 11 cre ncquilt~d alte r
.i ~1·11.~.d1<11i.1l 111.d,
(ou11 I,)· l)ol icc
.Seck i11 lf l'lues
lit Sla .ring
11r;1n:.:1· r'r:11o;tv Shl'r iff's investigator'>
:ire 1n1l u1 lortt~ in the S1lveradu area
in .'I Jiunl foir chu ·~ in tile sla ying early
100111 c r :::in ns ~·l 1 unirl cn!ifird n1an.
Orfi l'rrs .. ;:i11I 1ht• bOOy or thl' your..g
111;q\ 11 :1.s 'flOlleU aboul 2 ;1.n1 .. by a
f!:Js"I' ~ 111(11or!~I near the 'intersection
ul /,a 111 .. 1gu l'..il) •Jll Ho:id and S1h cr3Uo
(';1111 "1
·1·!, , .. id rl11· lu l l~· 1·ln1hl'\l voung nl.'.ln,
i .. ·lt1•'•l'•I lu !Jt' 111 hi::. {'llrl y t11r.ntie.<>.
1.,JtJ LL't•il !'h11l 111 ice 111 lhc b:H.:k by
.1 J·,•1! 11.1 hl·!il id rh•<>1· r:uigc <ind
d11111p«1I '.,1(" d<i11n ;i f~·\\' lcet av.ay
!111111 thP II 111.
:-.la 1111 ., I 1 {'hi1 1 ]!''> ( <•111111·.1~ sai d
Ill\' Ill 111 11,. d i t·'.~l'l'I 111 "!~·pical
1n111\1 t'l'\1:111t1. lln•tc-1'11111 p!t•l1· l\ith high
l;1r1•d l l\ull~ ' I le ";11il th1·rr ll'~ls no
~1gr1 111 1h1· ltl1111•'1i1 ,11 1• .11·1·:1 of !hr
111111.1rT1elr th;11 1nJght ho\e brcn rirldrn
J;1 1ht· \ 1rti1n
·c·on<111;i v :;-;11.1 th1· \'1r11111 h:id hrr11
drad onl..,,; :i ... 1111·1 11n1l' \\hrn he wsis
round. II ~ s111cl :,•11 rt11e11 rnr·nt-; th:it mi~ht
h:tl't• h<'f'O 1n lu-J"lll~~L·~sion hall bcf'n
'!'hr Orl f\Qf CO~'! 0-"llY PllO!. "''"' w~1cn
" combine<! In• •1~.,, Pto•I. 1• 1>Ubl1>hm by
tho Or1r1gt to~1• F'uh·"hlno Compony. 5•P•
•••e 1'<1•!>0ns n•t /IV\.J liohl'd M,ood•Y lhro1111n
f"doy, lo• Cc"'" M"•~. N!"'P"I U•6t<I,
l'u,,lln~lon llr•cn/Fou"!•<n \/nll•y l•ouno Ot'1~n. lr~ln1/~odc!!tb.1'k Ori<I ~•n (ltm•~1p/
S<1<1 J ut n C•ol1tr~no • "''1111 •'9·on•I
ettl!lon •s Pllbusneo SMu•O•YI •nd Sufl~dY•·
lhe Orl<1Cl1><1I 1>11bll•hl<>11 Pl •n! 1 •I l',ll w'u1
B•r s""'• co110 M .... C•11•ort111. ti.i.26.
Rob1rt N. W11J
"'"od•"t '"" Puolttn~r
J1c~ R. C111l1y
Vkr Pr"od"'' t nd c,,,,.,., 11.•ntgtr
Th1;1"''' K11~;1
Thol!'11 A., Mu•o hin1
M..., .. 1"9 Ed••o•
C~•rl11 H. Loo i R:c}i,,J P. No!J
ll11l1•e<1I Mt ntolnu EO•IO••
S• Ct.••te OHie•
JO § North El Cim ino R11 I, '2~12
Or.._.. Of'fkn
Co1•• MtSI ; JJ) Well l!•y 5he~•
l'ttWpo•I lltocl'I ~ )Jll NtWl)Orl l!Ol/.••t>P Kun•ln9JO<> e ... cn· !Till tltttl'I Boul••••d
Log11n1 l!ttcl'I ; l H 1"00'••1 AVfft~
TM•,lioM 17141 442-4J21
C5-dffe4 AMrtl .. ltf 642·5'71
5-C.._... All o.p.rt-11t1:
, • ..,.... .. ,2 ..... 20
(01:°'·"11"', lfTJ. 0••1'111• Coe!•! Pubh•~•nf
C....,Pt"Y· "o .,_,.., •~•!.. ill~•t.,tlc>n1, ..i1 1~r1 .. ,,..,..., or ""'~''"'•"'•••'II• flt•11~ r-v~ bs ,__,uucl w1!"°'1t -l•I "'"
"''~·""" Of ~..,,., ow ......
Sf(9l>CI (ltN ,..,. ptld •I Cit!• MtM,
Co ll'l:P'~i.. klWftlp!lon a;. Ul'rlt• n"
m-.•~I • h~ rn11ll 1) •S ll'lOllll'll~I mll<r•rv
O•"''n1t>0t0• $1 ~ "'91111'11,,
rridJy, Drctmber 14. 1<)7J
Judge Kenneth Morri1on
t 'rom Page 1
POLICE • • •
1hl' n1ove 1·ould con1c after th e year's
li:lll ha(! r xp 1red.
Since th" r1·fcrr.:ndum San .Juan's
poµul<ilion has doubled '1nd so hnvc
S!:'lti:;t1ts in seve ral niaJOr crin1e
!)c>1vn!01\'n commercial burgla ries have
One business, th e Ed and Ned's sound
shoµ, recrntl~' held a "robbery sale"
to close out all its stock lefl behind
an.d damaged by thieves v.•ho broke
1hrough the root
Eac:h monlh \Veidncr h:.is supplird
t·ota1c1Jn1cn v. tt h cople.'i of some sheriffs
repurls o( the 1norc sC'rious crimes.
Pressurr frorn \Yithin the C-On1munity
for resu rrecting the issue bas not been
l'Xtrcnic. however,
C:han1b1.1r of Commerce Presidcnl
Forest Dunivin recently said that within
his orgnniza tion ther e has been no rea l
push for reconsidering the local police
"A Jot of people think that a fe1v
cxl ra patrol cars in the city would
make a difference. but I remember
rece ntly '\'h e n ethsherifs office had
several cars here all day ~cause of
!he gasoline crisis af fecting drivers.
"I think the lO\\'n got hit jusl as
ha rd lhat day as any otber," the
cha n1 ber leader said.
Local police "·ill be one of t"'O possible
me.:isurrs "'hit:h the council might con-
sider for the ballot.
Sourct•s said there is a possibility
of the addition of a parks financing
Sfl('tial tax rate being considered at
J\Ionday 's special session.
' . .
Burglars Raid
3 Co11structio11
Sites 011 Coast
Burglars raided three construction
s11cs in the &.in Ju;-in Capistrano area
1'hur:;day night . carrying off C<lppc r pip-
ing . new toi lets and sinks and a variety
or t'\ec•lrieal equipment.
{)ra11i.;e County Sheriff's officers sai d
lhC' C(ISl!it•st raid \\·as at 27561 Brookside
Lllnl', 11herr a plurnbing firm lost nearly
~2.000 \\'Orth flf fittings tha! were to
hi' 1ns1allcd in IO\\'n houses al the site.
Electrical equipment valued at more
1han $GOO \\'as t;iken from a construction
si !e at \\'ind Song Driv e an d Ortega
l ligh\\•ay \Vhere a comple x to be kno\Yn
;i;; Sun l10Ho11• Tu1vnhouscs is being built.
Lumber ~ind hard\\'are \\'Cre the l;i rgct s
11r burglars \Vho risitrd the third ron-
struction ~itc ai 27572 Starrise L<ine.
Son .Juan. Intruders broke inlo a locke d
gnr::ige on the site and carried off
lun)IX:r, doors,, handles and locks.
From 1•nge 1
bluf fs in the area.
"\\'ith the economy of the country
in niind, we reel that the plant should
IJ1.: buil t nol only because of the fuel
crisis but because of the crisis in elec·
lricity," Rhoads insisted .
lfr said the nuclea r plant addition
l'Quld save 25 million to 30 million barrels
11r oil each year because Ed ison intends
10 Lise the San Onofre station for ils
b:1sic loa d ;u1d to cul ba ck existing
!'ilt'Jn1 plants th at use fossil fuels.
Rhoads lamented the fa ct th at the
~:1n (lnofrc unit. planned to go on the
!inc in 1970, and the Huntin gton Beach
plant addition. scheduled for operation
in 1969. had been delayed by en·
\' 1ronn1enta1 ist.s.
\l1':inv.•hilc. he said lhe eleetticity
shortage is getting worse lnstf.ad of
Oettrr because increa.c;ed demands are
heinri; placed on the &lison system.
Cil.c'd /JS Pxample.'f of future super-con-
su11u·rs hy Rhoads were the secondary
st:it-ge sewage treatmenl plRnl! being
built in Fountain V;ill cy rlnd the Fountain
\';ollr:y desallnb;at!on pla nt .
ltaymond J-ludson. n1anagcr of the COst11
l\tcs;i Couniv nte: .)islrlct a n d
chairman of the d1an1ber's Water, Power
;ind 1;:nerr.y Cornm1Uce, lashed out at
cnvi ronmrnt;ilists following Rho ad 11'
!)rcsentatlon and accused them of lc.11.d!ng
the Ameriran Pf.-'Oflle down the "road
to disaster."
"Nioo oul or 10 tin1e.s they m a k e
Sll!lcment.s \1'h1ch ho vr no basis In fuc t,"
lh1dson chdrJ,!t'd "TI1t·y put rvcrythlng
l'lsi' l1r.'lt :ind lhc 1x·oplc second."
School Site
Capo Trustees
To View Plans
Trustees of the Capistrano Unified
School Distric t and Sa n Juan Capistrano
city eowicilmen vdll rec e I v e
simultaneous reports J\tonday on plans
by lhree developers to help obtain .a
srhool site for th e mission C-Omm unit y_
The three builders -each faced "'ith
denial of their projects unless a satisfac-
torv solution can be \\'orked out on
the. new site -have met often In
rl•cent \\.'eeks vd th city and school aidell
sitting as a special committee.
The three finrui, whose tract maps
\\'ere railed up for rev iew by the city
("Ouncil, are Leadership H ou s I n g
System s, Standard Pacific Corp. and
llolstein Indust ries.
Each is seeking city approval for hous-
ing projects in the area of Ortega
llighway , and In each case councilmen
have bal ked at approva l becal.l"e of
the in1pact of new pupils on the district.
One condition made by cowicllmen
on polenlial approval was for all three
developers to offer a school site solution.
City ~tanager Donald \Veidner as well
as CUS D Ad ministrative Services Direc-
tor Josf'ph \Vimer have predicted success
in the efforL
\Vhile lhe developers have not offered
to pick up the enti re tab for a site
already proposed. a financial con-
tribution -perhaps amounting to $200
per dwelling unit -has been discussed .
\Vimer said the offers thus far bv
the develo;:icrs ··are attractive and .it
least a start."
Leadership spokesmen. reacting to In·
itial df'nia l of their n1ap. agreed to
the $200 fee. If th at were accepted,
it \\'ould mea n $35,000 in reven ue loward
site purchase.
\Vimer stressed that that fi gure -
1vhi\e substantial -is small in co m-
parison to the total possible 1ab for
about 15 acres lying between San Juan
Creek and San Juan Creek Road.
Th e tota l cost -if the property v.•ere
purchased from a Florida investmen t
firm -\\'Ould be closer to $250,000.
The dist rict and counci l each will
receive a detailed report of the progress
or commit tee nego1iations thus far.
\Vimer balked at giving speci fic
"I think the board and counci l should
ha\·e it first. in order to be fai r about
the situation,'' he said.
Hf' characlerized the possible site as
an excellent one for school construction
with aboul 10 acres completely level
and usable. The remainder ls In the
creek nood pJa!n and would be suitable
for development as open space.
No major grading ls required on the
site. The only major preparation expen~c
would be comtruction of a high retaining
\\'all separating the creekbed from the
level building area.
"From the standPoinl of ease or
deve lopment, it seel'Tl.!I to be a good
one and we might be able to use it
if and when the need for a new school
plant a rises." \1/imer said.
At present the district is copi ng with
elementary enrollment gains. The new
Del Obispo Elementary School is nearing
completion in San Juan.
In the intermediate category th e cur·
rent problem is more severe . V.'ith Marco
Forster Intermediate School on double
sessions. That condition ~·ill ease in
Bra,v] 011 Lawn
Encls iI1 Slaying
In Santa Ana
A bra1vl on the front lav•n of a Santa
Ana home Thursday night ended in dtath
for one of the combatants and jail
on a murder charge for the other.
Ernest R. r~arriesen, 35, of 108 S ..
Main St., was booked for invesUgation
of homicide following the victim's death.
Ri chard K. Coleman, 41. of 328 W.
Second St., succumbed due to a skull
fracture, according to spokesmen at San-
ta Ana CommlUllty Hospital..
Coleman was pronounced dead at 9:54
p .. m. according to police who llre problng
the original motive for the Oght.
Murder Cliarges
Nan1e Parci1neclic
111 Girl's Deatli
MESA. Ariz. (AP) -K• yowig
paramedic. described by hlJ boss as
"an average guy," was charged with
murder today, two days after leiiding
police to the battered remains of a
Offlcen-s:aid Carl a Dahbtedt, 3, was
found stuffed n e n e a t h some tumble-
weeds In a desert area near here.
At first, poUe< aald, they called the
coroner, but momenU later detected
• faint heort beat and rushed hor to
a n .. rby ho1pltal. Sbe died Tburtday
Police said Jimmy Joe Kolle, 'll, was
being held on an open charge of murder.
They deocribed him .. a friend ·of the
victim's mother, Alys Dahlstedt, a
Fire Ollel Jack Brimhall 1ald Kolle
wos: "a nonnal. average guy" ..mo ••ork-
f'd on his paramt.-dics rescue squAd.
about a year when a second int ermediate
school ls built In Laguna Niguel.
Future years. ho wever. could bring
new pupil 1:rises, Wimer said.
''A site like this one could prove
to be an asset wh en Lhe tin1e coines,"
he said.
From Page 1
10 clear the air onct Jnd for all ."
Battln clain1s lhe 833essment should
be n1ore than $2 million, not the
$1.37million quo ted by Orange County
Assessor Jack Vallerga or the $1.5
n1il l!on set by the State Board of
Equalization .
r-.1eanw hi1e, appraiser H.C. "Campy"
Lynch sa!d wiless the board changes
the rules permitting appeals such as
llaltin's he v.'iil den1and si n1ilar treat-
n1ent of his appeal of Diedrlch's home
assessment UI' I Tt!1pholo1
Lynch, citing the expense of a rea p-
praisal and costs of county employes
v.·ho had to attend the hearing, aid
the Battin action revealed the high cost
to taxpayers of such appeals.
Preiidant Kennctdy In 1961 , Marilyn Monroe in 1962
Battin himself had some caustic com-
ments today aboul Hinshaw's charges.
He said the county is still paying
for mi.stakes mad e by Hinshaw when
he was COWlly asse!So r.
Affair Reported
"As far as a Grand Jury investigation.
JFK-Marily11 Mo1iroe Ro111ance?
I would "'·eicome il. both as to n1 y
activities, and as to ·~tr. Hinshaw's ac-
tivities as assessor.'' Battin said. "I
th ink we mi ght have our own Orange
County Agnew currently occupying a
congressional seat.·•
From Page J
with Israel at the 1'1iddle East pe.'.lcc
conference. "but if you are talking about
dirPc t negotiations , the answer is no."
lie also said he hoped the two sides
would be able to bargain seriously about
disengagemenl of Egyptian and Israeli
forces before Chris trnas ..
Sadat spoke after meeting "·ith Kis-
singer for the secmd time in tv.-o days.
Bandits Ransack
Vending Of ficc
VAN NUYS (UPl l -A vending
machine company clerk Jay bound zi nd
gagged v.•h.ile two bandits ransacked his
office of an estimated $140,000, then
stoic his car, po lice reported.
Gerald Gnus, 49, told police Thursday
the firsl bandit posed as a deliveryman
and pulled a gun when admitted.
From \\'Ire Ser\·lces
NE\V YORK -Syndicated gossip col·
un1nist Earl 'Vi!son rC'ports that ~tarilyn
J\lonroe had a romance with President
John F. Kennedy.
Just before she died or an overdose
of sleeping pills in 1962, \1/il!on reported
Thursday, she said, "Say goodbye to
the Presidcnt.1'
\\'ilson sald he withheld the story for
years bul finally decided "lo set the
record straight" because of a book on
:\liss J\fonroe which dwelled on her
friendship v.•ith Attorney Gene ral Robert
F. Kennedy. v.·ritten by Norman Mailer.
P.tiss r-.lonroe's relations hip with Presi-
dent Kennedy is detailed in Wilson 's
O\\'n book on the life or the late actress,
to be published early nexl year. He
said he wid ertook a three·year in-
1·estlgation to est&b!lsh a "dal!ianct''
bc t\\·een the blonde sex goddess and
the Presiden! ..
v.·ilson said !he affair 1\'ent on for
a!n1ost a ~·r;ir hcforc :\liss ~ton roe's
dc<1 th. lie said she was sometimes a
discreet guest at little dinners arranged
hy President Kenned y, usually at the
llotel Carl)'le in !'iew York where the
Kcnnedys m3 intai11ed an apa rtment. He
said I\.liss ~1onroe once v.·ore a black
\l'"ig as a disguise ..
told the colu mnist he r last words were :
"Say goodbye to Pat (Pat Kennedy
Lawford ), say goodbye to the President ,
and say goodbye to yourself bf'causc
)'ou're a nice guy."
She wa s 36.
"~larilyn ~!onroe was his happy col-
laborator in this dlstinctly nonpolitical
area of his life," \llilson wrote in his
new book "Show Business L<iid Barf'''
v.·hich G. P. Putnam's Sons will publish
Jan. 18.
v.·nson said he knew 1'1iss P.Ionroe
well himself and also got other in-
formation from llol!ywood colun1nist Sid-
ney Skalsky and New York dress
designer Hen ry Rosenfeld.
Lawford . Sko!sky and Rosenfeld were
not immediately al'ailable for comment.
Aldermu11 Defies
Yule Light Bait
C.'JrJ CACO (AP ) -Alderman Roman
C. Puci nski say.11 he will !'ilring Chri.'ltmas
lights arowid his home and dare the
government to arrest hin1 .
The former Illinois congress man said
Thursday that Ptf'sident Nixon's ene rgy
chief \Villiam E. Simon, Is '·a Grinch
who's trying lo stt'Rl our Chr1strnas."
referring to <111 order by S1111on that
bans outdoo r eleetric d<'rornl1011.~.
"If e1·er \\'e needed to lift our spirits,
it's this lime of Christmas and llanuk.
knh. Aflcr the drprcssing year our natton
has sufferf.'d, ·· J'tlc1nsk1 said.
One bandit ordered the clerk to Jay
on the floor and to 1ape his eyes and
bind his hands while the other bandit
loaded a nwnber of money bags, he
told police.
\Vilson said Peler La\\•ford. a Kennedy
in-la\\', bellev<'d he W3S spea king v.·ith
1\laril yn on the phone "'hen she lost
conscinusness Aug. 5, 1962 , after taking
a lethal overdose or sleeping pills. Ile ....:.._~~~~~~~~~~~
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10 lflo•t Active
Has Good
R easo 1i
To Close
John L. \\hilney has more
lnccnli\t.• than n10~1 to \lose
his s!'rv1ce stat ion and attend 1
c-hurch s1:rvltl'S l'1ery Sund<1y
111 Tall:.ih:i~Sl'l', fla.
By \'EH/'\tll\ SCO'li'
llO!.l.Y\\'OUlJ 1l Pl• -An·
n;1 h.!l~l1f1 .uu111on<·(1d this "eek.
:-lie \\ 111 rl·111<11'r,v, 1 ~ yr·ars
-<Hit.! !;ii'\'~r;1I rut1rt ht1\lles
;1f1t'r d1\orc1ng r-.lnrlon
~011 :Jfl :ind <irf~'stingly
h<':t utll<1!. tht· t!ark·sktnned .
alruo11d ·e~ t•d bct1t1ty \\ 111 rn:1r·
rv Los ,\11 1.tl'lt·s bu~1 nessrnan Ji1n1e~ Jlannfurd.
to Re111arry After 14 Years
r,f ,·
look ri bit hke"ro.tarlon.. 11 ~·
hoi Ill)' dark skrn .uud l&rgti.
brO\\'ll e\cs. 111~ hair II S,,n .
d) ''
Al tho t1gh Ann~ hvt'S t'lbout
;1 1nlle fro1n Brando's n10Lu1-
tai11·lop home. sh<! rarC'ly secs
ht·r :iun '\'hr last tune tht·y
\\'ere togl'I h1'r \1 as 011 Anna·~
b1r!hd;1\o .. 11,, s;nd . "ht•u h•'
trawled 1 h rou~h lt1e 1\'ultlow
of her <1p<1!'t1ncnt in Scp-
"I don't sec De\fi Ycry often.
But as long as he feels the
\\ay he &k·s about rrie, tt's
JUSt as \\'ell. I'll have lo \\.'i:lll
un11I he straightens things out
111 J11s own n1111d.
., tlota't ·~-II 0 I V
1d•!1 itl111'lon /uu lo
1·e.~ort tt; llais so1•t
of 11011ese11se after
''fl1e Godfol/1er."
ing her son away I s
"\\fhen J had Devi's custody
1 wasn't allowed to take him
CJUt of the country. But the
(.'OW't ruled it was all right
for J\iarlon to take hi1n lo
Paris because it \\'OUid be a
cultural advantage for Devi.
"You know what P..larlon
\\'as doing over there'! Maki ng
'Last Tango in Paris.' It's
a filthy X·rated 1novlc. J've
llC\'C'f seen ll. I saw enou gh
of sonic or those scenes 1n
real life .
her acting ca rl!'tr In addition
to planning a new life with
She will be working in a oe"'
televi!ion docun1ent ary, the ti·
tie of which she says is <•
secret. and there is a
rheatrical comedy 1n the of·
She lalk.s to her cx·husband
011 the telephone only rarely.
and then to discuss Christiatl
Dtvi. She said Brando doesn't
object to Cary ;ind Devi
playing together.
\\'hilllC'\'. a Coco01 (Fla.)
st·rvict:' siation 01><:1'a1or. n1ade
the ple-dp.c tu 1:111'. ltuchin
Askew al a :-late Pardtln l
Hoard nH._.l'ting Ill 11 h1th ht·
sought J JXJrdon for a 1959
COil\ ll'll(Hl ,, .
i\:\N:\ ~A ll) the n1arriagc
\1·111 1~1k1• pl;K'l' bcrore the ('nd
of tl1e \'(':1r. llut her happiness
;1t tlic· p1usp1·1·t u( 1n:1rr.v1ng
" n1nr\ .. h1· ](n·i·s is clouded
by thi• l:1t't 11,;it ~randq has
custod\' oi lll·r son, Chris tian
[)e1•i Brnntlu . IS.
"l)EVI \\'AS 1vith Jirn ll:inn-
ford's son. C<i ry," Anna said.
"'l'hl'y ploiy together "'hen
Cary clunbs up 1l~e hi\! lo
i\lar!on·s house. Cary is on!y
13, bu\ they have bt't'Olllt'
"Frank ly , I don 't \Vant to
!<ill. to hln1 on !he Lclephone
hccausc I'm afra id there \\'Jll
t::c a tape ret'Order on !hill
end of th e !tne t;1k.ing do11'n
our cunversation. ·•
"I don't kno111 \\•hy J\1<irl on
has lo resort to this so rt of
no11sensc after 'The God-
f11ther .' l hope . for h·1s o"'Tl
:i<lkl'. Del'i husn 't seen the
pictul'e or any oth\'r X·ratcd
"UP UNTIL a year ago,
had custody of Devi ," she.
said wistifuJ!y. ·'NO\\', he hns
been told so1nc things nbout
me \Yhich have driven us
apart. Me's been told if he
loves n1e he should Jct n1e
lie 1ras round ~u1ll~' of
possessin:: hurilnrv to o 1 ~
11·hi11• st:i 11on1•d nl I lonicstcad
Air Forl'c Base.
··1 b£'lil've I srr1·cd 1ny com-
munitv ll l'H L'nouqh t o
qualif}·." \\'hitnC'y said.
* Presidr nt Nixon 11·11! un-
dergo his annunl 1nt·d\C";1I
checkup Saturday at Bcthesd<i
(..___P_E_O_PL_E _)
!\ava! ~tcdical Ct·ntcr 11·ht•r'(•
he spent several days 1<1 ~\
July y,•hi lc rccovcring fron1
a bout with viral pnPun1onia.
The chief executive. \\'htf
will be 61 Jan. 9. \\•as expected
to spend about two hours at
the hospital \\'here he will be
given a compll'te cxan1ination.
British ship\ling tycoon Sir
John t:llerman left an e.!it<itc
\\·orth 5:i rn illion pounds. or
SI27.2 nli!!ion, Ids executors
lt ·was the largl'SI estate
ever reported in Britain . The
government y,.·ill gt't ;11 . tea.:;t
$62.4 million in dl'alh dt111cs.
Sir John died ol a heart
attack in J ulv :it the a~e
of 63. His wi dO,,· is his rh1cr
According to th e Cuinncss
Book of World Ht•cords. t!lt·
largest est a t e previously
rec'Orded in Bril:iin \\'as th:i1
of Ellerman·s fa!her. ;ilso Sir
.John . He left a fortune of
37 million pounds \1·orth about
$170 million \Vhcn hc died in
193.1. •
Jerry Landauer. the \V all
Street .Journal reporter \\'ho
broke the story on scandals
\vhich led to the resignation or former Vice President Spiro
T. Agne\v. has been named
winner of the Dre\v Pearson
F'oundation·s a\\'Jrd for ex·
cel!ence i n investigative
Landauer received the $5,000
cash prize at an <lwards
luncheon at the National Press
Club in \Vashington.
Jn addition, l\l'O S 1 , 0 0 0
honorable mention prizes \\'en!
to Robert Pierponl and Ed
Fouhy of CBS for thei r
reporting of the C h a rl cs
"Bebe" J{ebozo Key Biscayne
bank charter story.
* i\1 ichigan Go\'. \\'illiam G.
i\1Uliken sent a J1"rron<1I nnlf'
to t\\·o energ~··conscious girls
on the back of a br0\\'11 papt.•r
bag. •
The girls. Cher~ II I\. Sha\1'
and Cindy \\'eh1·r of Cr:ind
H::ip1d-;. had 1•.-ri!tf'n a \e\1cr
to :O.llllikC'n on the p:ip1•r hn1~
a~k1ng for the· govi·rn•fl":-. I••'\!
of a spC'ech hr p:1\ f' 1,n r<in·
~er,·1n:; cnl·rg) r1't'('rt!ly on t!ir
The girl~ 1111rt> "io <':tu~h1
11p 111 the n1es~a,Cl' th at th t'Y
pullrd lhl· plugs on all cle1:·
trical <ipplianc··~ 111 the roon1
-includin g 1hl' r!ld10 -and
never heard the t'n<l of
r-.111!iken 's n1c:isagc to 1hc
Slips Out
To Party
\ll~SH I I\'GTQ,\' L\Pl
President ~:i:to11 left the \\'hi1 c
House unannounced 10 :i ttcnd
a bachelor party for Ii i~
personal physici!ln and to
meet t.1•ith business leaders.
Nixon's fir~t stop \~'cd·
ncsday night \\'as a reslored .
government · O\vnc<l n1ansion
hulf a block from the \\'hil t•
!louse on l.ayafetle Square
\\-here the bachelor 11arty \1·a s
in progress for Air Force :\111].
Gen. \Valier R. Tkach, Nixon·s
Mo.st or the party·g{)('rS
were \llhite House s t <i f f
members celebr~ting Tkach's
weddin~ Dec. 28 at the
\Vestem 'White House in San
Clemente to Cheryle Gaillard
of La Jolla.
~"rom there. Nixon drove to
lht i\fayOower Hotel t o
partlciJtate in a closed meeting
of the Business Council. co1n-
·po~ of leaders of many of
the nation's <largest and best
known corporations.
Anna c;dls 111(' boy Devi .
"'!'hey can1e through the
1r1ndow and gave in c a blr!h-
day 1>rescnt. A stack of free
coupons they 'd clipp('d fron1
llC\\'Spapc rs.
Uran1.fr1 e:11ls h1111 C11ristlan. HAPPINESS CLO UDED
Anna Ka shfi
"Oc\'J 1~ taller than 1 an1
no"'"" Auna ~;11d . "lie doesn't
i\,\'l'\A 'S Si\llLE faded. !-!er get 1narried and sl ay out of
resen tn1ent or llJ;<indo for tak· ANJ'lr:A IS trying to revive the v.·ay."
Ma rlon Brando
-· _,....,.,
This is the one that goes for 530
more at the big chain. Ours comes
wi1h th e full curved screen too.
(And still someone wil\ lorget and
pay more. shame.)
).isl loolon9 a1 i! will moke
yo.i !eel more C'Oiy os yo11.
su wrapped up in yo1.1f
old a1my blaakel. 991
These O'tf' neat.
Very detailed. Gol
a bunch a l little
doors. swinging
perches, and slide
out cleaning
Hoors. A lot of
hours and work
w ent into these.
2 STORY • 4 44
3 STORY . 5 55
4 STORY ... 6 66
Keep s pares for your llashlights.
1odiofi. kids toys. U.S. made at
1n1port pnces.
A standard in camping
lor years. (And Mr.
Coleman never saw
Yoscmile. He didn't call
ahead for a reservation.)
Double burner, with
wind wings. 991
11 always seems lo work
ancl reliability is lhe th inq
when you're out a way
lrom the fort. 991
~•fer charge ......
'/ . -. --·
·-~ ., ' " ' .. '' .
--:t -
' +--
j ' .. '
J '
·~y ..
I .
. .
I' I
' '
' . (/
We might
have one more great
panel. but the shipper
says. big delay. (He's on
the turnpike raising old
Ned with the trooper.) By
the wa.y. did you know I
just bought a new medical
polity. I gef$500 if I
gel hit by a satellite
while singing
"Rocket Man."
Butcherblock, Briarcliff, Mexicotta
Hate lo say it's nice
to fool with Mother
·Nature, but you need
lo lake only one look 87
iiiOiieii:-FEATURE! -,
Ad justable blade guard.
2 HP B6S Engine.
wide track tires. All s teel
conslr1,1clion. Edge to 1ri 1n. 5900
al these elegant panels
and you know we've
topped nature. Got lo
b• the winner ol the
year. (One look and
you're hooked,)
full 4x8 ft .. every one
firs! qualily.
19 INCH 4400
Got a foot clutch lo release
the spinning blade. (Nice
when the pretty lady next
door sunbathes so you
shouldn't leave the thing
runninq.) 2 HP 4 cycle
engine. 6800
NO. 246 DUAL
We have had a real year with Whe•ler.
TMy just make them beller and the
complaints are nil. four cycle. all th•
safelt fea tures. Up top throttle.
c-fffs1011c ..
l oalr:. T•alr:,
I Ro1•wood or
I Walnut Full 4118.
I Per!•c11.
! 911
I .. ___________ .....
It's satin smooth (which would be saying
something if we were selling dresses.)
Lot of drawers and little cubbyholes lo
put the bills in. (Gee, I would have paid
you, but I couldn't find your bill.)
Bigqer and we hope, better.
full up top controls
including edge to !rim angle.
4 cycle B&S engine.
(Brandy and soda?)
nJ~H 139°0
iJ~H 1_49°0
Put the light where you need it to
ease that 2 ball in the end pocket and
have position !or the three on the next
shot. {Oh. you mined, too bad.) Or use it
lor two amall table• il 'you and your wife
aren't speaklnq. ·
This is lhe kind the pros seem to like
most. With a little car• you 1hould
never have to buy anothef.
l • •
• •
Annol.lll(ement" • , • • •• !)()() • 524
AutorilOblm . . • • . • • . 950 9qj)
Booh & MornlCI (qu1pment 900 • '9M
[1nplo~tl1Cfll ' • • • 700 . 799
f1nol"l(IC:JI • • • • • lOO . m
Ho!M.s for Solt: • , , 100 • 124
Lost & fuund , • 5SO · S7-4
Mor(hondi'c. , 800 · 8'19
I r11Jay Ort e1tll!l'r 1£1 11J1J
The Biggest Marketplace on the Oran1e Coast
You Can Sell It, Find It ,
Trade It With a Want Ad (642-5678) One Cal I Service
Fast Credit Approval
* DA il i PILO r ·f
Mobil\! Home, '°' Soi. . . ns . 1'*9
P~ , 52S · 5411
p.,.. <1nd s.;pp,... . . !SO ~
R.al t'JOlt ~ol. . l}O • 199
lleritul . • . )00 • 4~
S<hool\ ond ln\lrUClion • • • 575 • 599
Mr~llfi ond hpoor' • , 000 • bW
l1on1p0<lohon .. , , . 915 • 949
l;G;;;e;ne~r;a;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;G;;;;e;n;•';";l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jl ;G;e;n;e;r;ol;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;G;o;n;';';";I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; G;_e~~;~!;.!';l;;;;·..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~G;e;n;e;r;a;l;,;;;~·;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;-';G;e;n;e;r;a;l ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,~l,~-Ge;.;n;•;';";l;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;G;;;;on;e;';a;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j
2 Story. 1.:on1plelely upgraded. 4 Bedrn1., 3
bath, t r plc., l'lose to everything. J>ri ced right
CALL 644-7270
Offering Service
Only;E•P!M"~nco c,n Pro.ville
llandy to Gol denrod fuo t bridge to !Jig Co-
rona l~e~c!J . l 'orner location : cozy 3 bdr111.,
2 ba th unil. ground Je, cl. }'LUS l-bdr1n . in-
con1e unit over 2 c;:ir garage. $86,500.
<:raciQu sly decorated 2000 .sq. ft. 4 Bdrn1
den. :.!~::? P.A, 2 lireplaces. ex panse or br1c:I\
pulios. la" n & trees fron1 glassed-in li ving
& dining areas. l,.ce Ja nel. 1:.riced tu !>el l.
644-4580 OR 673-2207
' -' I 1101 KINGS RD . ~f!~ 'coastal Comm. Permit, Soil Eng. & Rough
-.::::::: CALL 675-1212
.:::::: ---.... --.... .-------... _,,_.. ... .._..._.._ ..... 1 2828 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar
,...,.;;o:-;::::r~w""•-c~•-•-•..,.-•L• vvoo~u:01uuv~."ll""lll:l\lll!!lll
l~legant 3 bdrrn., fan11J y rn1 . & dining: rn 1.
honie \villt se p. guc ~t ll oUse & ba th . Occas\ &
canyon Vl(!\\'. l11 11l'r t·ourtya rd has lge7 htd .
& filtered poo!. \\ ith easy-care landscaping.
1\uto. sprinklers & lighting. Our best bny at
.\\1t y \\" 1ntr0<h1rr (.'llltlS-General General
' Tl NE HLAC.J\ BU BN. Chri:-.-t -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 1, .... -'!'.!!.!!"C:::Z""'"'"-"'-.. =""'.!!.!!.!!. ...... 1"" .... '!'!!'!'!! ... '!'!!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!.
1 ! 111• C:UrHt'l'I l! • h~ rt 'U IT I ] 'Ol lJ 1-i • General Genei-a l \Vti i1t·-C11t·n;1h:11 1, l i!•al i ·11·~ SELL, OA TRADE A HOME
ANYPLACE IN THE NATION -------------------· ,.r Hurha nk ,;:, \'all•·\· ;11 111
I h:i ,; IJt •o·n II\ 111·· I'• it l ·,· .. 1;.1 ,. ,.
fi··ltl 10 .l'l 'llt'..; 11 11tt .-1 ll1 1>1i1·r I II 0 f \ ' I f ·1 1.,r ii\+· 1,.,"1 r11,. s 111. "''11 , ) \1·a tc 1· ri>r11. :J l1l rn1. o.:: ge . an11 y r1n ..
1•.\V.C.'s '"I ' a ....... 1,.1:111· or 5 bdrnts .. \Vith 6 Li;·1ths. Lido Nord . Spec-Un.u:Juaf Jnconte &£_
tn~arrl in !%~f :111d ""~th " tnc u!ar \ iC:\\': \Vate r front living rn1. with.
1 ti r:.l 11·0 1111.111 11 1 :.!.-1 ~· :11·, 1.. .s l.ep-do\vn \l'el bar. 1=>ier & fl oat. $275,000.
d •> ~·1. ,\ 111<·n1l11 ·1 "1 111\'
CORONA DEL MAR * Balboa Bay Properties *
Supe r clea n'. l :xtra
lgc., 2 Bit ., l 1:t ba ..
frpl., patio. !-'ust es·
cro\V OK. New Pl'icc
$69,950. 675-7060.
Buy, Lease, Option
l~e st Newport l-lts. loc.
Jn11ned. occupancy. 3
,; A touch or the Dons". T\vo elegant to\v n-I 1·uvl·t (·d t.•!ill1<J!1 I '•1ll :1r Cll1l1 * * * *
f<1\' :l ('ullSf't·tdl\•' 11•nr.... \\'.l\'f J..:flf<'ROt\l'f LO'!' ON Lroo NORD
l1ll , lg_ den , forn1 . 1_G_e_ne_r_a_I _____ _
din r m .. frplc. ~45,500.
Gener i i
~ hou ses. ;~ bedrOOO'\S, 21/2 ba ths , Of luxury.
Deep, deep carpets, central vacuum. gas
t~BQ's , \vet ba r s. m ix centers, radianL heat.
di.n.ing or fa 1nily roon1.
Chc·is1in1··s t·:>.1,,·1 i"nc:,. IH· 30'x105 °. l\•lagnificent Vie\v! S165,000
1·!ud1·s J1nlu.-<1l·ir1I, C:ornlllt'J"•I BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 1·inl a s 11·1·11 HS 1(0· ... 1d"nt111!
1·1·a l l'Sttl!l'. 341 Bayside Dr., Suite 1, N.B. 675-6161
&12-i49 1. RANCH STYLE
Christint' n .. 11 ro •-.it\,•s in ':'"""-~""""""""''""""'~""""'~""""'""""""""I
67 • ,510 c· .. runa d•·I :\l_ll r 11i1h ho·1 · Gene ral General ru hu;;hand 11ho1 1:-. a 1•01n.,t1l t-t ______ _
$25,000 General -I inJ.! Physit'i"'I Hnd 111o·1r ;;I WE WORK FREE M k I E
I General I 11,,-,.1~ 1·hi!dro·11. Chn,l/n•' 0 e t asy •. , , .
Newport Shores
F"ec si1nplc. Xln t rent·
al. 0 u I y $59.000.
3 UNITS \';u ·;111t ruut •h s1ylt> h•unr:.
llunt. Beach.1 &2 BR.I POOL. J UST s2:·1.000! t-:£-;\\'J
__ O_P_E_N __ H_O_U_S_E_ ••ISSION IEJO I ;iJ.,r, t1·a) th1· pa .. 1 l'1·1•,1do·11• l-"1·11111 thi-< nil. 111.·1·:111,1· .1n11 Ou yuu1-sc\f! \VA Li.: instead
m V 0f 1'tlf' :'.l!a t1unal f'h;11·ity 11011'1 11[tt\t tu 111i~s sf'••1u~ .,f <lri 1~ 10 NE\V SHOP· 1871 PORT I 2000 &I .' ft. or ;1i!' L"OnrlHiOllC'fl Ll'a i..:ur !n Bui·IJa nk f .. r 21 rhi:--shal'fl '.'. l)(ll'lll ho11h• !'INC CENTl::B, Hilton Inn
hvnie ll'ilh four !leflroonis. 1 ·•~n .... tT•1l1\'f' y1·~r-<. I 111 ~·ns1 •1 :'11'·.~:; fiw .Jll.~I l•l' Restauranl !'I to <line. MARG/iTE ! {)n!v 11 .. ve;.rs yOllll'. l \\op Al'4· "·"l l\T1.1 ll.1· pn111d l S:!l.~1.111. ('l.,_sp 10 s1·hr"11.s, l'l.L"S C'ntertain fl1 home in
l 'arp. bltns. 12 yrs. old . 1><1i111 insidt· .t· 11ui. 1':1::\1' SETIJNG
0 r \!:Ml 950 I s ha',!. Nl:.11' t•l•"!"fJ"l('-11 .c . l ll Y 'f'"TV. · pluniUilll..'. li>.:!iH't•s. N;ilura l s11ua1Prl 1111 <1 lal'.l:t' l::Ox lM
556-8800 \W.OJd inlt~rior. V;iulicd & I )rn \1•1.lh to11•e_r1ng ~h<tdP
REA. LT ORS rn liCil llll'd 1·1·1llngs. F•1n1ily li'l'CS, .t c11111fo~ tublr •• B R
fhi·iier o~tuPi4·d ·anti sµ~-] •111rt h;ipp~ 11111<11·•1111• 11•'1" ,,)., .. fr ·111Td !J;l(·I, ~;11·d , 111·1\" llll:.!l' 1":NCLOSED p:i1io 1 TO 5 and s1cin . Owner ;1$kin·; _1u i.h~ 1:••:t! 1·:~1;1.11:r.,' "'Hil l '''" I f'l'"'.'_1· .. 111 !li:ot 11 1111 rJ("kll !ahlC'. llf'r1k•d m sized 1-K-01~11uns. 2.·. ft. 1~1..,. 2 BA h(1ffiL' 11·11h den und
P1'r d p:1 tioi. Sl'Al{l\LINC fronr fX)rch Pto1r your /"Ocker
S-19.i::.0.1 26.J~ll Ft'l'sno Drive." 111 C•n o na dl'I :\1.n . o·'.0'1·.11111•· qu:rlifh•s f•ll" -11 1111 \'.El ~\' PRIVATE skinny; SAT. & SUN. ,..,...,,..,.,..,...,,...., ___ ,..I SJ.!((] d•»ll! !li•,1 11 u•11I. Call di f)pln~ POOi~. Corner Jot
4 Local Offices to Serve You POUL. ('1tlJa t1<1. Sl:"iOo dn11n us r :i BR 2 B,\, rnn1ily roon1
+ r Jol\i iu.:. ~1:17 p<'r nio. _q(•r1..11~..11ed . 1t11•;,iy . ro_n1 the ruul forina! 1!ini11i.:. Car nicl
CULVERDALE REPOSSESSED IHI' ;+ppu111l1111 •11 t i:ilh VIEW of Mission \'il·jo
l1~h1 :-:. :1 bC'rlroo1ns & niore.
1General General $2j,C00 ·r t rl',\L 1 'IUCJ::. Oii·n-hou~e _a tnple:-: w11h 1ncon1e l'la11 1\•lth beuti!Hully llJ>-
-------------------1 C'f l<·t1: C;ill 11011 .. !Jf1-07fi~ pot~nltal or S~i\O/mo. poin1ed [t'ont anrt rear yards
Thl' amcni1ies of thi!!'> area
niakcs this four bC'droom
home desirable for any
huyrr. Co1n 1nunily poQl,
hlcyt"lc o·;uls. J-lon1e has
hail tender loving cs.re.\Vc
at-c offering-this homr for
S::r0,75() C11!1 us to sho1v .
Open Sat. & Sun. 1-5. 17532
>, L unly S69.950 for all fcat urin~ litPrallv tons of
OPfNTll £1 • rT's FUN ro ec NICE.' CALL 644-7211 n1asn"n1·y. op1•n !~•an1 pa lio · elm i~11·1·rs & sun decks. On
' 1' rill' i.:r•·e1111t'll , 11. srOnt•s ~ 1 ~ I ', ' ', lhrt111 frv1111 lhc ·pool Only I
..,, _ '57\."iOO fi.:t•. Cn111e quick \
----I I 644-7211.
Unusual design & appts in choice 2-slory '· . M_~_BILE HOME ~
Ne\\' O\\'ner's un it\\·/:! l3R. FR. libra ry & 3 20 x -~· · :! BIJ 'J. H.\, ··arp . 4 BEDROOMS ---.
frplcs. "1. l:lt rental unit. Near shops. I :11:;1!1"'':1: .• 1:1•1:111-'·1·· •.. '"1'1n_~·· s4.·i0 TOTAL OO\rN: '• 1"1 DANDY I \,_s 1~~ ·" c '.ti. f l)CI , 11_111d l llf•1u·h. I la r:..;i• IM•dJ"u•i111.-.
WESLEY N TAYLOR Co R It r .. 1 :.r_o nu 1·011J .. k111·h. Bt·r•·k tin1•.r 11;1lk. Bl''1u11(u!
, •1 ea OrS 1·l1>1·k, s1t11:a:;(', sh<'tl. lan1I-plarH l'l"". Bi~ kitt·hrn 1111 11 DUPLEX "" 2111 ~~ ::htaquin Hills Rd . :--t·:ipc<l P<ltJo.1 hrt:c yi·s. old tiay 111ndo,1·. J .. 11't.::f' hvi11~ NEWP0~'1"·CENTER N.B. 644-4910 · like n1.11 LIM·aled in 11:11· 1"00111 11·ith V,\ULTE!J C'f<IL-_.,.. , • ~dull pk. nw11y f ron1 nois.v !NGS. NE\\' l',\JNT. JN .~
GeneraJ .. ::: \'" G&nltNI St. ?nc·h':1/ bl. fm1u ~l uh· ou1·. $7j() ro1al doii'n~ $23.::i.OO
z "'"'~'"~~3,~:~,~~ ,;,i, ";,,, I" '"~'Y'°!~!~~o"" 1-;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;::;, hou."C'. SLi.!.195. Call E\ ES. n1on1h $25 2.""iO T 0 TA L
I• ~ :ll3..fl94-11i!l(I. PnrcE: l!U~' 96'.l-6767. Super Duper Duplex e Nt>Rr Herbilr H I~ e T,1 0, :l Qecbwi~1 l ha.. Mo.
• Fan1iJy:1'lrL + d ,law, • ·ror i~1~ a \. ~--1, e \\'alk lo shHpp1ni..: e SP[lUrull' pntin~.
646-3928 or Eve. 'S48-2l26
Lach en my er
M.'t' fnl'f'\'t'!'! Bt•a111. o'USIUll i l ESTATES r· ' 0 11 ri f'l('oir il:1y yo u ,-1111 ~'
hot11H' iu Corn 11;1 H1g:l\la11d~. JO:Jt .S11(· !1r., h r1 ·.1. ic1'1111·rrJ •
('11\1. !loin.-hr•s ~ lxlrn1s, A1·p, :11 p.~, 11·01111 Br~·u I
;p.. b;11h.~. bu1 1·11n t'~fiih' Cn11H11 ! l n~p 1 l..01 # 16. i ------__ _
l"; 5 or G bedroo111s R 111·0 CONT.\C-1' l:.\Y . l'l\''. :'IH;n.,, !Ir , B , I I " I . . ·I· . I ' . for Sll011 lrl·~. .. . t'Hl'•Mllll lOl)lt• I ltl~P l .1:11.~.,.u'._·111 ;onic _.t;r ,i llHiSIC'!' BP.1 + ran1ily r091n l
st'par;o1•· ~:1 1·,b :u1d 111rxll~l'n I 1;1i!1 Sl't:l~i;lon plus sen shC1re
1•l(·1· 1•11 11 ki11·IH•11s. Livi' [11 l1v111;..::? \OU !llU.'.I lif'f' !his
!Ill!'-l"l'Til tl1 t' nlhf•I" lllld ('Ill
~·11111· t'\:)tt '11~!'S 1n h;1l f. T1•1'!ll'>
1<1 ~11 i l 'J'l'.I' 111'. fln1111
2211 Newp<irt Bl. Costa Mesa
:I i)('f]roon1. 2 ba I h
hid(«t11·a~·-Ul1i1na1c 111
priv.1 cy · -exelusivr CTl11\·
111u11i(y. Only S~7 ,9~J 0 .
5.u;....7-;1 1 -Open C'lf"'> 201:;
\\ .. s1c1irr Dr.
~11.;·~'-~; r 1~ nrr<h.d. l>t 1t:r 1 + rlPii .. :; balhs. n_1~11y ~:-.:-
PETE BARRETT OLD coLoNlAL i ";" ~,,.., ,,,.,"'. s·"·"~· 552.1605 Walker·& Lee 5 BDRM. + POOL 1 • C-2 i'Mll{" _ 11;,rf11.w Bl\·il. Sun/Eves. RE ALTOR c· 1 •••~ ,,,.i,
--l!TIJ ar C'nlry. Douhlr doors. H•I ·" :!j(J. Jnlllllll' S~:.0. I !!'!'!!'!'!!'!'!!"'""""'"""""'"" '.::=======::::::'.. 642-5200 T ile l'Htry. Con1forl living-$li:J.OOO. I· -------
_____ ~ 1'00n1. ftais<'d h £'a r ! h I --· NEW ENGLAND I ~~~· firt'pla1·C'. ~:lrg-.int hanQLI£'1 * 6 t:N !TS -Ens1s1dC', CflS1a ...---.K V"'OA ___ D __ H_-..,,. roon1. (;1art1 ktrC'hi'n. NC'IV l\.Jes:t sn .:iru. l nl~Jlllt' SIGO. COTT AGE .. I ASSUME 51/4 LA E RR W EAD ,i::i;inl h"f'l'f11rn1 pnol. S\\"<'<'P --I B [
1iRhl1n)': !liroughou1. As.~UlllC' I* 59· \ 290· J,()T. ('.J zoni•. NO DOWN' Executive l_lo.n1l' .. rir;hl toll( • I t'l1t•ery 1t1·111~ 1'0ln111111h
G ' f . l 1 .. · ,, this \',\ Joan 1~>11·• (:111 lo $32.a!Ml. 1".:-z T1'rn1s \\':irni 1)anl'll',I •'nlr'\' c.,11 ' i·raC'klin" fil'""Jlar•'. ~·urni:il
l't'll 11r )enr rou~ 11111.., pW'i·u·1i . 8-1'.!-1~1,'l,·,_ I · · "' ~, & cir~ .. '" to !hr v11l:tp;(• :1 R M C l1\'Uli:' t'~+ni. !~;t hl'd 111·.11•!11 d111i ng-. l'pi:::radt'•I k11o·hr 11 r~ . \"!'Ohl }3':11·3.rinn stvle ~ le\'•'I OPfN T/l 9 · H .~ ~UN WOC NICl ' rty c ardle Realtor j f11·1•pl : .. o• r•111PI ~ l:il1·h1 I\. [HI' .\1nni. 1 ]111"l,!I' !l"dl"!M01)1~ i,.'.?"~.-1~· ,'i',~~.1,..:1,"'t. ·n. ·.! b..11,,~~12cc·1;t~.· [ ® ·~~~ .,,11,~I~ l Sl U ~e1~1~n77e21t9•rl., C . .\l. Frr·.~h p:1H11 nl-1 u 1 ,. 11 r l' d \"ari1·ty 11f p1 U1lt1f'1ug frull
Fii1n1 1his,·\y l ;1 r l' p fl ('
llf'd l~)Olll.S, 11
lot l•W oul '.!:1.
,.,.,.. ,.,." " -;rt0-1·11 r tl." \o 11111111 ;111rl lu11 !1'1'1'S, ,\ ~'J•'• \'.,\, LPA\
+ ('Olllpletclv !1n1shN\ lm sr-i' ·\l 1 -~ -~ i1:1Yl)lt'lll ~ r .. 1,11 111' 11' (' T(J ,\s.~r~l l::' "F:1•eryth 111~ 'i'.~'.111,'·y lor1n~.,!n1.,Y',,.~.'. ",· "·" sl·~-~-. ~ '1 . INVESTORS. ~2'1.!J~I i\111~1 111111 ,\ In ~rt'' fnr u111lt'I' Sl7.11111). Call "" '· .... ~ ..... '"" -(':i ll t1u1v0 :-l\l -1·1·:;) I 54!>-'.!J l:i !•)(fa~· m ~l'i·
.,.,, 1hi ~ 11ui
$7:~1 il•11,111: GIG-7
C'\ I'S.
~21:\1 1:11-3.1\98 a llC'r !ipn1 or CLOSE ESCROW OPfW TIL 9 • 1rs FUN ro oc NiCt1 I OP.EN r.'". • 1r·s FUN ro Al N1C£.1
Walker & fee ~ Newport Beach BEFORE '74 ~1•L 1•1•11 __ ,..., JN\"E:-;"r -berore end of yt>iu·~ 5 Bedroom On rhis t'X~'l'f)lional dupl"·"= ® ',~, 1-
ESTATERS --" --N--rl tml--'-• ·-· C'd \I hui· in Coronu d1.•l i\lcir. 3 Bn ,; ~' · It's a h · ,.'.~-• ._.:;':l\....i:..~ur ()'·" ,. •v6:·Do'.~07 '£-L·"i ns7., . ·'JI 1\RBO!l HIGHLA ND'· '!.BA n11·nf"rs uni! + ~200 ' ir "' ,........_, -
ilf''llS 11·1th ·ca.se, 1 .. I#uly 11ni 1 1. -•:l-• ";;~~~~~~~~= ,~~~~:;:::~~~~ Pili){ Cl a~s\f\('d . C .... \\"hite Elepha nt Oime-1\-LitlC' \0c·rl!io1i. GrC'Rl r a n1 i ! y n10 .. n.'111111. 1\C'r1r poir),: anrl 1 ii ii
. ---General lton11'. Firr pl11rl' in fun.1,ily h'nr~1~ cuur!s. ~crltuTd 1u FOR LEASE *SUPER BUYS* General t~10n1 11·11h 11·r 1 hn r. N H'f" $.>!l,.1ro. I O t-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 hig-kih·h1•11. :l':.t Rr1 ths. :\000 I CALL 644-7211 1 HOME ON LI 0 Laguna Beach lot $8500
I• :;:1. f1 . Quirk pos:o;cs~•on . ~ ~ J3'h·n1.~ .. 2 ha!hs. h1q.~r 2 BR d I $34 950
Suh11111 ,\•)\IL' l•ffrr. Si1J.!J.i0. pn !in : s.·,2;, 11~011rh. B<·ll1T 1 B h (P ex 9,9 0 I · .COATS i hun;.o -,1011 t k1~1. , ;ill I eac ottage S4 , 5 •'. f -tod!JY~. 1 s br Nwpt ,Hghts $63,500
..... ~ ..... -. .... I w· l&; " ' ' RBOR 7 Income Units $59,500
4 plex in \Vesl Newport Beach. Steps to the
ocean and channel. Compare. then buy.
$122,500. , . I .
. A . LAC ,. BIKE TO · Beach Duplex $119,500 REM. TQRS BEACH" Call ior a(lditional info
-546-4141-100;0 DOWN 6-12-1771
(Open Evtnlnt•) Prime beal.'h to\vn location. COMP'ANV 1797 Oran~£' A\'r., C.i\I.
____ IJikC' lo llf.!ach in n1i nu1rs. BE.-\LTORS ,,,,..-J. • I
MILLION SSS ::.~~r C:,~,~crpl~s :~.;11?~~ ~~'·' Vi llU~21 ' VIEW Tiled entry. Bright sunny ~ I
&>st vi i'w in Lusk 11arbr)r ki lehrn. Queen s!z(' b('d--T-Hi::-SPAC-E RACE ~ 11
$750 DOWN .\11;,t>.Xl. Cnll COLWELL
b:17-!l10l or 586--0222 Walker &Lee ~C4 l l•TAT(
Ju.st r c po s .~cs s 1·d~ S7.'iil
1'0TAI, I ){)\\"i\" + l·l11-:i111•
Ne11· p;11n1 nu 1 ,i., In. l.h1·gi•/
living l'0t1n1. C'l11·o·rv kil··lu·11 :~r, !H!l1 Op.·11 •·1·1·.s. DINJ N~ ,\LC'fjVI:; l n lu1 -----------
l'i.1001. \',\•II pl;.iui••il h,.,j.< NEW PORT SHORES I
1'001lls, !~11 -< •1! nl<1"1 1••1" \ BIL '.!'. l\;1 11111'-h•i• 11o •to . I ' llo '· ·1·,1·1· •I • • ' 1 <t r 1J.rl'ri!11i.;. . • dtn 11·• · 11·· I ,J\·· I'"''' PHICJ·" s·)··ooo· T I·· 'I ' .. '0 ,,, ' · 1 • ' -"• '1 '\ "1 · 1 ll•'ll 11 111•1 ,,,. "''It!•' • o •Ill van1·1"1'' •)(;.'1 U7ti7 · · · '" · ',.. · ·. r ' th•\\ t'lll'!••"' ~ \\all-, '" !"'"' h . OPEN~!I. g . /IS ~UN ro RI! Nil.I', IL'!llli" ,\• !"l<ll ... s:";_:o!JU . F .\.''l'SlOI:: Cf\ST,\ i\11•: . .;,\ [ ® 1C:;d/: (ii3 .. •ii;:; •;j:!-.::.'-,:: ~-' ~·.~. I ;1 :.\t.,;T,. -~2000 ~'I· fl.
· · ii ·11 ui.:.-111111.·.1n1 f'1\ '"" i t 111 J..:
11 .<\ .111:11.rl" -NO IXJ\\'N -
'====='='='=''=''.':~:"' 1•• l .1. :; hr:.' ha .~ f'.,.•·cl!1•11\ -11.·1·:1Jbo •rlu.-~I. Otily S.::6.000. * LANDMARK * ! ·1~ :~~1~ -I .. \ I ,(· :'-~!y. t'lill111H't"t". l1lrl1; ---__ . <2_:-~<.;,.;; SJ·:f,1-" -!1 12-~itli:-;
in The C..11111\·ry \11 ll;1gt• nrl'i• I General I
$11\0CXl ,
U VQ REALTY 11;; \111I ul .. ,'11
IRVINE ________ ... _______ _
Spaciou:; .J.U ll \\' \\'ell appointed Lil &
1naster 13 1~. Pa nellt!d den \Vi fi replace.
I.lier S:. slip . 8385,000. lla rrict J.lerry
fl.J.2-8235. (XII )
out of your ' ln\·est in a ho1ne for your \Vifc l~ fan1ily.
La rge 31~11 . :~ IJath f=>or1ofino i\·lodel a t
0~;1 .1· SG8 .900 .. Jnyc:e Edlund 642-8235.
I \ 121
Cl1ina (~ove -i\lul tl-level \\' eleva tor .
:)B ll 's, 1 /JJ th s. Sho\vcr & d ressin g room
fo r beach. Ne,~-cpt s .. cl rps .: ne,vl y painted
~'\-: pane!ed. Sl-t 3.000 . !J .. Jollnston ll3. tl·Ior-
pily 642-8235. I Yl 3l
l·:sthct ic 413 R hon1e on Can1de11 Road .
La r~e pool & sepa ra le fun roon1 \1· co1n-
ple!e kilc:hen fac il itie s & nrepl ace.
~J ti5 .500. ·ro1n Queen IJ.l-l·t>200. 1 1:1~1
I31g-cozy LI{ n·, paneling & shag. On R-2
corner lot -11ear shopping & t heater .
$37.500. Ela me Svedeen ,642-8235. (Yl5)
Luxury 4BR, .FR + studio. Completely r e-
modeled. Al exclus,ive 186 SHORECLIFF R O.~D . 8229.500. OPE N DAI LY 1-5 p.m.
All the beauty pl perfec tion. 2 bedroon1 +
den \vith ba r. E xpensiVe extras. Greenbelt
\v ith a b8y and 1nountain view. All for only
Vlei\' H ill~. This lovely roon1s. Nc1v a ppliunecs & J ~ your f;:11 nlly out.growing
honie sils out 011 n point !IOft \\'fll<'I' plun1birl;!. Lnl'.':I' ynnl' housr-? Be11 ullful !'1 j ::=:::z:::::z-=~~=·-::-:i::i::i::1 1
with a rorrvc.r H!O dcs:rce covered paUo. $30.9;)() buy'> bedr'OOn1 hon1c in p1·1.•stigc NEEDED Master Charge S~1n_ny sharp 3811. 2 bath home. Family/
d1n1ng roon1 . Beautiful pool. Walk to West-
rliff Shopping, $51,500. flarriet Perry
642-8235. I Yl7)
One block to Big Corona. 3 ·bedrooms, 3
.bath lower unit; private entrance to 2 bed~
rOOm, 2 bath upper unit. $127,950.
Spacious 4 bedroom , 31/J baths. Oversized
living roon1 a nd dinin g room . 3 car garage.
Pier and slip. $295,000 .
3900 square feet in this fun family home
featuring separate master suite +. living
room + den + dining room + '4 bed-
rooms and 3 baths. $125,000. _
-~ --644-1766 Coldwell,Banker
' . -2161 Sin Jo1quln Hills R~., N.11.
ocean 11 1111 C!!tRli nn vit'w. II. -don't wait -1.:1111 I !nr bor Virw Ii o n1 es
SHAllP 4 hcdroon1, la1nily ~2313 11<'ighborhood. For n1al din-CAt'l'C'l' 111intled snll•s1ne11 and ,
room, 3 baths, 3 cnr gn rn~l', Ol'EN 1IL 9 ·IT'S /llJN ro Bf N/Cf.' ing roon1, rn111ily roon1 Y..'ith snlc~11·on1en 10 sell 0 1·a11gc
1 pool wilh aulon1ntic cquir-~-~ fireplace, J baths, ·& l car County prope11y. I
ment . everything for indoor g<1r~ge. Not ll'osc land. Va-MANAGE .. ENT nnd outdoor llvlng nt Its cun 1 & rel'ldy. $81.500 m
"''" r., "'°"' 1.ro,m•tion C. F. Colesworthy FUTURE call nnw • 67:1-11550. I
OPf.NT!l 9. rT'S FUN 10 BE NICE• ocr•N WALK Realtor1 640-0920 Exper ien<'f' nor tiecessnry.
... US[ 1~su111l' 111: R£'tail l)cpart.-~ "" -YOUR VA AGAIN r.o<t<I ,u;i,dc ''· '""'"1
$19 500 . rHC'n1, r . Q. Bos ljiJ, 1\nA • I
II 1 VETl-:RANS · I01111.~ rio11· t l1ein1 ~J. ~ 11\·u il up 10 S12.i000. F.vl"n •---~~""~""'~""""
\VhiTe pickC'lf frnl'C' arotmd
1_5 roq rot1a&e by the sea.
Nicely upcraded, 4 bdrm.. \V~k to beAch. Bkr. 64.">-«m.
l&m.,no.. ,'pool ~ YlEW. MESA VERDE Cbnv~ _.. to BChoolll It. 5 Bedroam ot 4 bedroom
sbopp\nr.N.I T RR + fonntll dining t don I f\VI E , , + tamlly rm . Intettor Btti.~:-condr-Vt1ct1.nt I: atrium w/~rcnan: lfuge
wnll 1n, lot fRtnlly who masler "'1:1rm with tplc &
d£'a.mve11 lhc bc1t. Would 3 car gar. Only $64,950. Call ~ &:i Id e 1' leatte/option. 545-3424 Sou1J1Co Realtors.
Reali..-644--0lll! TAX SHELTER
••irflke Roon1 P'or 'Dfddy'' New deluxe> duplex, \Ve~1
">'. clean out the IJa?qe N<!wpvrc. 3 Olt .. 2 l:M1. <'II.
• • • turn that junk lnto c&ah FrJ>lr.s., sub. 4 car gs~.
wlUt a Dally Pilol Claaslfted J, P . C•r•y Realtor
if you hnvl' ~lt"eudy usC'd $27,950-FarnJly Special
your VA C'n1ltlc1n1~111 )''OU \\'arni. vibrant fa n,il y homf' 1
may be !!llglblc for an ad-11•ith 3 hdmis, dining roon1, 1
dlUona~ lot1.n v:lthout rein· tii:1nieniaker's k it c h l' n . I
sta lement or , down pymt. Richly priilt:'lecJ Jh·ing rni I
Herbc.rt llawklt1!1 R.ealtor.1 &. kitehen bar . L a r ~ e j
839-1000 or 963-568.l covered pat io, As " u n1 e
*IMMllD. POSSESS.* ;~,,_loon! Call ~111-1720
Lovely 2 bdrn1. t'Ondo in TARBELL~ Realtors
h<'11utlful lrvlne. M11ny C'.1(-2·1 NE\V home:\ under oon-
trrtl(, blt·inR, dl6h 11·~hr.; 0111 struclion in f o 11 n t n i n
ot I01vn owner 11\)"ll "h11ni::-Valley. Cloflt' by Civic
ofl cr." P rlt'Cl'I in Ilic n1id-Cl'ntcr & J\.1lle Square Park.
J20'11, n1ak<'.~ ltd~ ~11en11er Call now for r holce or loCfl-
thun ren1iiig:. lion & choil'C op1ions .
MORGAN REAL TY ~W231. ci ... 1, 0,,,,10,,_
673-6642 67S-6459 ment Corp . ---~---~-l It 1 \I e M)tl"lC'lhtnJo:. you \\'Rnt tn Thf! lalllest clrinv 111 lhc \Vi.'lll.
1d. Call 642~5678. 646-7414 548-1630 Eve1. IK'll ? C'll11•.si f1NI nclc; (lo It • , .a Dnlly P \lnl Clas..~iHed , ~=====~--~'
Ca n1eo Shores-4 gener olis BR's, formal
DR. FR, 41fl baths, magnificent pool , incl,
therapy poo l \\'I jacuzzi. Appt. only. Betty Kerr 642-8235. iYIA I
In Sborecliffs-c ha rn1 ing 3BR w/lots of
nscd br ick & 11oocl . Decorator accented
throughout. Privt1l e beach. $99,500. Helen
Hartley 642-8235. I Yl9l
Don't lose out on this hf_l rd to com e by &I
lot. 9000 sci. rt. -prime a rea. $23.500.
Elaine Svedeen 642-8235. [Y20) ... ------~
[Irvine I
IOI ~Chiv. 14t·l2JS
IMC MacArthur W<6·1200
Newpott ••th, C•lltCKnl• 12111
a · OAILY PILOT 'Friday, Otctmbt.r 14, 1q73 """'-'___:;:---::_:__~--~~~~
.. -.
. '
fbli'D YOO IX>
C!<1 THE rrsr?
'? ?
by Doug Wildey
by Tom K. Ryan
GOES RA"f)jER Woll-Wl1H lHE
by Al Smith
by Dale Hale
by Emie Bushmiller
••< .. ,
--' MJW CO'o\E WE tx»<'T 6€T
ClOSliD liAl!LY
t»NefR! I •
8 16 l(ID.5 WEil!:
LION! I o""6e~ ... 1 LOOK....,,.
.il<JO DON'T
by Charles M. Schull
1 i"<IDllY
5 Fru•!
1:'.l Ou1I pii•n
1 d Eng river w ords
15 More unu3u1I 61 Eat
16 European 62 5t111!ord'i
17 P•'1' '-' c.n~·rs r ver
1!! Ne;<· 11co;1den1; 6] Spor1s p1!1t e
2 woros 6~ PC11tlc
:>O Vole 1o 1cc1pt oreuostl•on
72 Act!11c11Y11 ~5 NO!th
aum~ 66 • ·•• o'licer
23 E ~oiclfv-•s fl 1,1~n1111 wor~er
74 Cl1mti
?fi E.•erg•el n
'2 1 Undets!andong
30 Woods
JS Unco~111d
36 Fr11nd
3T Liauo1s
38 Crpwnhkl
<10 Ness
'1 Pr111id1nt1I
•<' T ~aty
1 res11•11I
2 Tolo 1
3 J111on'1 1h10
4 LOil!ll hope
~ ••• lrght
6 I.lost pallid
7 011oosetl
8 Fl'.!! te11 that
If 01'0·~
10 011 larld
25 Lie -··-·-
26 Sttarthilf tar
27 tteatheo
4'8 E1eu1e
?9 Dogma
30 Oi1tent
31 Ofgglng tool
3? Srn1U Ctndll
33 Sl1lgh1
:!S Racket
.'.l'.i Dessert
T H £ S E
<16 N1w
•7 Incite
<19 C 1t11~.e
50 flowe1:
Sl Burning
S2 Alllhor
uMnown: .....
THE LOAN, SLADE! ---"'..r~
by Harold Le Doux
OKAY ... l 'LI. ACCEPT 1'HE LQlt.H •••
by Mell
by Roger Bradfield
By Charles Barsotti
by Gus Arriola
by Ferd Johnson
AL!>fi./>DY H,AVE.
by Roger Bollen
.. 4• ; • ~
~· ;~ .... ·
1'3 Sorled
15 Sex!•\illl ··-···
~7 la~Me oruene
18 F 1rs1 WQml n
49 Atoll tllM
I I t~ed
1i PMt&kl ol
13 Al llll ll'l\95
19 Pl•'t11tle
~o rnonec1·2
53 Riil!
s~ a 1ao1 p11W11
56 P11po11i!IOl'I
S7 so~·sl'! citt
69 Knoc~
'J<:A, YOU ~v )'OU DON'T""'' To ~~TO :t ~UINIST•c:>
21 ~ ..... g111
•2 Cov1r1d w•tl'I
4• Study orlrited
m1Ua1 60 Sp111k
l'tA'°M DtllS.C.T'l.V HOME Y:flDM SG'.HOOl.. eACM
DAY, l!JUi YOU lll:' MOTHt.lt WANTS YOU. ro.
-• J
i o ! . -
"' llW I
Pflll<A~ MflT l!.AC.1<
91AT <SMli c:>ol~
!!IOI.OS' CANUY !llDl'I •••
' l
.. ---~
J. ·, . . , • •
. 'f. • .~ ... . '·'"<,J~~;':,~ Laguna· Bea~h
Tod ay's Final
N.Y. Sto cks
Nixon Estate Charges Fly • Ill Reasses·sment
Charges and counter charges uf
partisan politick ing and n1isuse of
govern1nent fund s v.·cre flying today in
the w;ike of Supervisor Robert Battin's
unsuccessful appe al to hike the valuation
of President Nixon's San Clc1uentc
The latest developments include:
-New threats by Rep. Andrew J .
lUnshaw IR-Nev.'PQrl Beach ), form er
Orange County assessor, that criminal
charges may be proper against Battin
Super Wheelie
and '"'O other Demoeraric supervisors
\\'ho votc<I to spend public funds on
a reappraisal of the \Ves tern \Vhite
-A statement by Supervisor Ral ph
Diedrich of Fullt!rton, one of the thr('e
1\•ho voled to spend the money , !hat
llinshaw 's charges o( partisan politics
"are ridiculous."
-Threats by a Fullerton land ap-
praiser to appeal the assessment on
Diedrich's h01ne and demand an outside
Ch:irles Johnson, 14. Laguna Beach, di scovered one tiling those piles
of dirt at Laguna·s ~1ain Beach are good for, lie put his bike through
a tortuous off.road test Thursday near the lifeguard tower. Dirt will
be used in developn1ent of city's new 1"1a in Beach Park. \\'ork on the
park starts next wee k.
D1lrr ''"' Sll'fl ht1•1
Main Beach Blit%
Laguna Beach's Main Beach looks like the victim of a blitzkrieg but
the rubble is actually the result of demolition tbat will set the stage
for start of construction next weeW'of a long-awaited park. The view
is southerly toward the landmark ~olel Laguna. Buildings razed re·
centl y include two service stations and Bentoh's coffee shop, another
well known structure.
Parcel Rezoned For Agriculture
Acreogc. owned by the Nil and Corpora·
Lion at th e southca~t comer of Alicia
Parkway and breakwater Road In
Laguna Niguel h1ts been rezoned fro1n
apartment use to agricultural.
The Orange County Supervisors ap-
proved the zone change Wednesday as
recommended by the Planning Cont-
The property owner had lold the com-
mission that he was not aware of the
JU (apartment) 1.0ning on the property
IS.• REZONE. r•s• !)
;1ppralsal li ke that done on Nixon's estate
unless the supervisors change the rule
a!!o1ving i.lnyone 10 appea l anyone else's
assess1ncnt ror $50.
-A st.:iten1enl by Ballin I h a t
1-\inshaw's cha rges arc nothing 1no re
!han a "smoke screen " to ('()Ver lip
his own poor handling of the assessor's
uffj cc. Dal!in asserted llinsha\Y 1nay
becon1e "the Orange County Agnew."
The key dcvelopn1enl is llinshaw's
statcn1ent ca!llng for a Grand Jury probe
of the appeal Cl(pcnses and the possi·
b11ity of criminal charge.~ being fill•d
agaiust the three Dcmocralic su11cr·
~linshaw said early Thursda~· the
Grand Jur:v should probe th{' nl<Hler
:111d !hen foll owed up wit11 a cal! Thurs·
day even ing lo ne\\.'smcn saying crin1innl
charges m;:iy be proper.
The congressman said the SUJX'r\'isors'
Hpprova! of a $~.500 expenditure on a
reappraisal of the estate by the State
Roard of EquaJ1za11on .. an1ounts 10
"/ think tl1t·rr is ~rt·a! opport111UI\
for l'ri 1ninnl ac.:11011 a g;1ins1 Rob Ba!lul"
Jli nsha1\.' s;iid, adding that sin1ilar :ittiOn'i'
could be brnui;h t a gain.~t IJit:'drh:h :ind
Supervisor f{a1ph Clark, \l'hn ;1l.:.o 1'0\l'd
lo spend the 111onf'y.
Supc"rvisors Ronal d Caspers o f
Newport Bt•ach find l);1vi d Hak1:r.
represen1in g Hun1 ington Brach. bol h
Republicans, voted against the expcn~c.
' 11 .. 1·:1 11~1· f/h· councy spl1nr !Ill' nioni·v
1111' a pr1\.11t· 1-.c1·son'.~ -.:ompl<unt . I
b(•l11·1 •' 1t 11 ;1" :111 1n,pro1k·r u,c of puhhr
hind~.' l l1u~hn11 s;11d.
lhn:i h:111 s;ud :it thl' 11•ry h·ast lhf're
~huuld U..• a rt·quir1·n1 rn1 th at Batun
r1·p.1y 1h1· ~4.500 :.pent on his ··pcr~ona l
\'t'!ldl'\1 :L"
!)11·<ll'lc h rPacH1d 10 l l1nsh:·111 's con1 -
n1l'nt " tt'1l(l:1.1·, :-.:1y1ng hi:: fel l tl1e 1n-
\'t'sl1~:1t1011 ··w:1~ 1r1'1l 11·ort h the cost
(Ste t llAltGES, Page 21
Daylight Savings Tiiµe
Gets Okay by Congress
011 T1·11ff ic R.111)
Another Comic
Cha rity Tree
Lo t Target
Th ieves broke into a trailer on
a Santa Ana Chr istn1as tree Jot
Thursda y night and n1adc of[ \1·i1h
stereo e<1ui pr11ent USC'd 10 pl;iy Yult!
mu.sic and po11·er tools for cutti ng
the trees. Seller Arrested Teenagers 11·ho 11·ere Opc'rating
the lol at Bris tol Street and
~·l emory Lane were going to use
proceeds to raise fund s for
sightless babies at the Services .--
for lhe Blind J/ome, 2015 N.
Broad1vay in Santa Ana.
01 111• D1llr .. llol 511ft
A second Laguna Beach merchant who
sc!ts underground con1ic books has been
arrested and jailed but this lime . the
charge 1vas failure lo appear on a lhrec-
year-old trarfic citation.
J-lc is Jerry Welden. owner of the
r·unk Factory, 750 S. Coasl lUghway.
\\'alden charged today that he \\'US
being harassed by authorities.
F:arlicr. Fahrenheit 451 book store
o"'nt'rs c:ordon and Evelyn \\lilson of
La guna Beach were arrested on charges
of selling pornographic comic books.
1'hcn a Dec. 7 story in the Daily
Pilot disclosed that \Vaiden sold the
~an1c comics at his Funk Factory.
\\'ald cn's arrest on lhl! o!d traffic
ci tations c:ime at the South County
.\lun icipal Court in Laguna Niguel when
he :ippeared 10 pay off some overdue
p<irk ing tickets.
\Vaiden c\ain1ed th at although he had
L agu1ict S lates
S JJecia l Meet
Ori Obsce1 1i t y ,,
The Lagun.'l Beach City C<>u nci l \\'ill
hold a special meeting at 7:30 p.1n.
Tuesday at city hall to hear public
vie~·s regarding co mmu nity obsecnil.v
standards. and bare results of a counci l
invcstigalion of the recent pornography
The meeting was precipitated by the
arrest of Fahrenheit 451 Book Store
owners Evel yn and Gordon \Vi!son, 509
S. Coast Highway.
A police detective purchased four
copies of underground comic hooks sold
hy the \Yilsons. On three or the books.
the 'district attorney's office ruled !here
existed probable cause to believe the y
were obscene .
Al a subsequent protest rally agninst
1hc arrests, the Laguna Beach l'olice
Department used vidcot;ipc equipn1c111
lo record the rally ~cti v ily nnd
An immediate controversy over use
of the equipment fo r survei llance or
public gatherings erupted and the tape
was ordered destroyed by !\1ayor lloy
flolm after angry citizens contacted the
cilv council members.
The Tuesday meeting was called in
anti cipation of a large crowd.
Had lhe item been presented during
the regula r Wednesday nig ht public hear-
ing session, it would have conflicled
with a hearing scheduled on the
Sycamore ~fills specific plan which is
also expected to bring an overflow
gathering into city hall chambers.
Last time the Syca more Hills WRS
on the agenda, more tha n ISO persons
attended the council session.
At the present time. no agenda has
been drawn up for the Tuesday meeting.
Ouring Mayor l-lotm·s investigation or
the pornography incident, he was advised
that the city council mny not pAss
<>rdlnances est&bllMing a Community
standard with regard to obscenity.
enough cash with him to pay the $-19
bail on the lrafflc warrant, he wasn't
allowed to.
lie said he u•as searclicd, his je1A•elry
lakt!]) and secured. he was handcuffed
and subsequently transported lo Orange
County Jail in Santa Ana in a small
van with two murder suspects, a man
1vho 1vas being held for failure to appear
in court and anQJber who had no
r{'gistration for his car.
At county jail, \Valden s.'lid he ""'as
stripped and searched and put in a
cell ~1ilh JO other men. some o[ then1
suspects in serious crimes.
There. he \\'as allowed to pay his
bail and leave.
The Orange County ?ltarshal's \\'atch
co1nmander for the Laguna Niguel court
today asserted that normal procedurr:s
11·ere follo\.\•ed every step of the wa y
l\'ilh \Vaiden.
Sgt. George Gilm;in said that the
znarshal's office kn{'w th at \Vaiden would
tMe CO~IICS, Page 2)
Christr uas Progra111
Slale<l for Laguna
A Cl1ristn1 as program co1npletc 1rith
•·12 il!as ters singing... 11 nd "hc,1rty
l\'assatl b01l'l .. is plan ned for the Lagunii
Btllch Ch:i1nbcr of Co1nn1crce brea k fa.~t
:1t II ri .ni. \\'ednesday at the Hotel
Hcscrvations for !he fl'stive e\'enl
s1xi11sorcd by the charnber ~1aste rs 1nav
he n1ade by cal ling the Chamber Or
Cnrnrnerce office. The price is $'2.50.
Door pri7.es. singing and other en-
ter!ainn1ent are planned.
Now the young people will have
to we tree profits to pay for
the stereo and tools. u1hich 1vere
borrowed, aceordiog to Or. \ViJ!iam
DeNijs, executive director of Serv-
ices for the Blind.
Teenagers who leased the lot
and bought th e trees with their
011'n money are all b I i n d
th emselves.
Laguna Res idents
Set Cour t Ac ti on
On Triplex Pla11
. O"·ners of !ive homes on f\l ystic \VJy
1n La guna Beach ~·i!l go lo court Dec.
2fl in a bid to halt further construction
of a planned three-story residence in
rh e area.
Orange C.Oun!y Superior Co t1rt Judge
\\'altrr Chara1nza set the hea ring date
Thursday .shor!ly after Ja11'yer.~ filN !he
11Tit of mandat e action agai ns t Laszlo
Bnrncr . 573 l\Iys tic 'Vay.
Plaintiffs Joseph P. Angelo. r:1e.1nor
Chri.~liansrn. r>on,1/d and .Jac kie Freid.
Ann il 1(•!zlcur and Huthr O"Furrcl l cla11n
rha! the con1ple!rd hontc would block
their view and \VOuld violate local zoning
The action states !hat 11·nrk on the
project began flee. 10 and tha t the
founda tions of lhe proposed lhree-story
construction an~ already completed.
l{issn\ge1· Aid es Report
Cl1a11ce A1·ah s Will Rele11t
Uy The t\ssociated Press
f\·lenlbers of Secretary of State Henry
A. Kissinger's delegation said tOOay
there 1vas a "helter than 50-!iO chance"
the Arabs \1•111 lif~ their oil embargo
next monlh.
They said they expected Israe l and
Egypt to ~ negotiating a disengagem(':nt
o( their armies on t h e Suc1 front by
that time.
They made the statement on arrival
in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from Cai ro.
Kiss inger is scheduled to meet King
Faisal during his stay.
But United Press International
quoted the officials \1·ith Kissinger as
saying the chances were "less than 50
Tilere \\'RS no immediate clarificn-
lion whether the comment was mean t
to be optimistic or pessi mistic.
The comment set oil an explosive
rally on the New York Stock Exchange
in fairly heavy trnding.
The Do1v .Jones indu:;.1rial average
11:nined 14.9 points to 815.42 a few
minutes before 11 :30 a.m. Ahnost the
entire gain occurred after 10:55 when
Wall Street learned Saudi Arabian King
Faisal might be consldering lifting the
oil en1bargo.
Before th<1! J1e11·s. ;i first-hour r;1Jlv
try sagged for lack of supportive nc\1:s
developme nt s.
Saudi government officials and U.S.
diplomats in Jtiyadh indicated Faisal
might be v.•il\ing to consider a limited
resump!ion of oil delivt:ries to arfectcd
nations if Presidenl Nixon or Kissinger
makes a public an nouncement calling
£or Israeli ~'ithdrawal from occupied
Arab territory.
Jn Cairo. Kissinge r said publlcly that
a se ttlement must be within terms of
!he 1967 U.N. resolution seeking Israeli
'1ilhdr8Wal. This appartnt\y iS just \Yhal
the Saudis want -public reaffirm ation
of U.S. rom1nitmenl to the me<lsure,
President Anwar Sadat said Egypt
was v.•illing to be in the same room
with lsrAel at the Middle East peace
conference. "but if you arc talking ahout
di rect ncgoliaflons, lhe answer is no."
lie also said he hoped the t111·0 .sidl's
would be itble to bargain seriously about
disengagement of Egyptian and l!!rneh
forces before Chrl.,tmas.
Cl1a11ge Se t
Fo1· Ea1·l y
Jru1ua1·v ,,
\\'ASHl~(;TQN lCPI ) Congress
p;is~C'd !od:i y and sent lo President Nixon
legislation lo put the country on year·
round Daylight Saving Time early in
The bill, one of several energy-saving
1nrasurcs asked by Nixon, would take
effect Jan. 6 if the President signs
it before Sunday. ff the signing is delayed
until next \\'eek , Americans would turn
their clocks ahead one hour on J::in.
Yc;i r-round DST v.•ou!d re 1nain in effect
throu gh the last Sund::iy in April. 1975.
u·hcn !he old uniforn1 time act would
agai n become effcct1l'e. 1'hus. 1110.~t
states \\'ill rcrnain on DST through
October, 1975.
The bill v.•ould a!lo1v onl y these ex·
cept ions·
-Nixon cou ld exe1npt a full sta te
from DST if a governor issued a proc-
lamation saying an exc mpt100 v.•as
needed lo cons{'rl'c fur l or avoid
hardship. i\Hx on also cou ld ignore the
proclamation. ho1vrver. TI1e re q u es t
must co me from the i;overnor before
daylig ht tin1e goes into ('ff cc!.
-A state split. by a tin1e zone could
hy J;nv exempt the porti on of lhc state
111 one of the tin1c 1.ones frorn the
DST l<lW . rcsul1in g ln un1forn1 tin1e
111foughnul 11H' sta1c.
-Indiana, which exem pts p.-i rt of ilS
lt'IT11ory fron1 l)ST unclL'r prPscnt 1<1 w,
\1·ould br pl'rn111ted !o L"On!inu" !hat
exernption auto1nat ic:ill~·.
-Jiau·Dii. Puerto fl iro ;ind !he Virgi n
l sl~1nd s auton1:1tica!ly are exern 1lt1-x!.
Otht1r11·1sr., no C.\Ceplion" 11ou!d bt•
By pro1·iding one ex tra hour daylight
i11 the l'l'rning, \vhen hon1 e energy
dcrnands are greate~t. the lhMry JS
!hat less heating will be needed and
lights and electri cal appliances will be
used one hour Jess than normal.
Or ange
We a t h e r
Night •ind morning fog and low
clouds along lhc Orange C<la st
Saturday, but otherwise mostly
sunny \\'ith so1ne high clouds in the
atfernoon . Slightly "·armer. llighs
in th e mid 60s. Lows in the 405.
Cl1ristn1as ill !11e gher to. Gold·
'-''l \\lest College stude11 ts 1vill
give yo" o rns le of u1/1n1 tliat
nieans in a Saturday 11iuht stage
.~h.orv. See today's \Veeke11der
for i11forntaho11.
I.I YtMr ler-.lt• l
llNllllt 1t
l ,M. ll'IVll 11
c1111..,.,.,11 s
C11ulll~ 41·~ c ..... 1c. 11
Cr•11w1rll tt
Dll!ll Nlllt.a U ·U
Edllwl•I ""-t Fl11•...:• tt·ll
For 1111 f1:1<1rd lt
N1r1K.._ It
~1111 L1ftftr1 11
M1llbea t
M•'<lft Jl•Jt Myt111I l'Mlld• >ti
N1li1111I Hewn f. If
0•11'111 C• .. 111¥ I I
ll11l1ur111h 1.1•1' S"fh 1 .. 1'
Sto~~ Ml ... •lf •·ll
T1i1'<!al001 )I
T1111i.rt ...,,.
W•Ull•r 4
Woml'll'I "''"'' n ,19
Wtrld N-1 ~" WMk•lllltr JM
. . ,
• • •
;:l UAl l.V .. ILU t lB
f;USD Pln1a
Walking Distance
May Be Extended
irustcrs of th(' Capi strano 1Jnif1ed
School D1s1nct plan ~tonday to take
yet anothl•r s!l'p In save µrec1ou s dtPSt'I
Juel , and 1hf'l r 111:11011 \l'ill 1ncan n1orc
$teps for lll:illY U1!itr1c1 youngsters.
$15,000 Tab
For Batti11 's
Estcite A JJpeal
By \\'JLL.IA~1 SCllRETBl-~R
0 1 lh• [),ally Pilot 51~11
Orange County Sui)Crvisor Hobert Bat-
lin's unsuccessful appeal of the county
t:ix va luation on PrcsidenL Nixon's San
Clemente rs1atc n1:iy havf' cosl $15J)00
or n1ore -~i t !t:ast h~1lf or which came
fron1 public coffers. .
The cost fi gure was d<'rivl'<I from
testi1nony du ring !he three-day Asscss-
1nen1 Appeals Board session endl'ng
\\'edncsday and l'Slirn<ttcs of such fa ctors
as salaries of county employes and other
key figu res in the case.
County Assessor Jack \'allerga. whose
SJ.37 niillion assessment of th e \\1estern
\\'hite I-louse IY<lS ;it iSSU(', !;.1id he \\•ill
lry to detail !he 101111 cost in !he coming
\\reeks. But he said the job \\'Ould be
a di(ficu lt one.
Battin's charges tha t the esta!e should
be v11lued at $2 111i l!ion or n1orc \\-'ere
thro\\TI out by the cippcals panel WedneS·
clay by a 2·0.l vote. Cotnmissioner
Frank Manzo, a Battin appointee, ab-
sl<1ined from the final vote.
Jn rejecting B:.ittin's appe al. v.·hich
cost the First District supervi.<:;or from
San!<i Ana ii $;rt! fee lo fi!c , the p<lnel
upheld Vallcrga's assessment.
The largest single exJ)('nse of the Bal·
tin appeal v.·as rl'vealrd in testimonv
by l1\'0 appraisers v.•ho \\"ere part of
a team hi rl'd by Nixon a!tomey Frank
De Marco to revie\v the assessment.
App raiser llugo Dnunm said Deli.larco
was billed $5.500 for the services of
the three-member review panel.
The second major cost accrued during
the appeal is $4.500 paid by the county
lo th e State Boa n! of Equalization in
Dc!ober for a dou ble-check an Vallerga's
fi gures.
Frona Page 1
io clear the air once and for all.··
· Battin c/ai n1s the assessment should
he more than $2 million. not the
$1.37n1ill ion quotC'd by Orange Count y
.Assessor Jack Vallcrga or the $1.5
riiillion srt by the Stale Board of
· ti.teanwhile, appr<iiser H.C. •·campy''
J.,ynch said unless the board changes
.the rules permitting appeals such as
&ttin's he v.·ill demand si milar treat·
'inent of his appeal of Oiedrich·s home
Lynch, citing the 1•xpcnse of a reair
prais;:il and cos ts of county employes
"·ho had to at1end the hearing. said
the Battin action revealed the high cost
to taxpayf'rS of such appeals.
Battin hin1srlf h;1d son1e caustic com·
ttients today :i))ou t llinshav.··s charges.
Jie said th e county is still pa yin g
for mistakes n1ade by Jlinsh11w when
he \o\'aS county assessor.
"As far as a Grand Jury 1nvesli1?ation.
l wou ld \o\'l'l rome 1t, both as to n1y
activit ies, and as lo ~1r. Hinshnw's ac·
Uvities as assessor," Batt in said. "I
think we might h.ive our O\\·n Orange
County Agnc;o,· curren tly occupying i1
congressional sc.at.·•
n.. 0••1'19'f Co.11 D.-.ILT PILOT, wllll rk~
11 comtilned r~t ,,.,,.1.p,, • ., 11 IM!lltfi';., br
"'• Ori•noe c°"'' P11bll1~ln9 co"'°'"~· s~.
r•t• .i11ion1 •r1 J1Ubll111t!d, Mondtr ''"OVOl'I
Frkl•r. fbr C011• Mfl41, N.-...oor1 Btl<~.
H11nll119"'". Btt<~lll'°"~ll ... Vtllty, t~Qllnt
B•ed!. 1""1nt/5•0Gl•bllck •"" !tin Clemtnll/
5en Ju~n l'$ni1lr•no . .., linQlt rpg,on~I
..,llO!n 11 PUbtllhcl SalMrd•v• •nol Sti""~r•.
Jne prlncl~I l'\IDll•~•nQ Pllnl II •t JlO ........
ll•V $!rMI, COii• Mn•. C.Mornl•, '1J».
Robert N. W••d "••idtfll I.., P~Dllo,,.r J•c• R. Curlt y ~ ,.,..ldtnl IN! ~ .. I Mtrll"1
Tirorn11 k•••il
TirOfll11 A . Murphin•
M-011!111 l!.iror
Ch •rl•1 H. l.e•t Rich•"' P. N1 11
-'"llltln1 ""'~'"9 ECll*•
i..t-IMU OHM.
JJ Z f•r•1t A••hMe
M1ilin9 At.ldr1t1: P'.O. 101 ll•, 9Z6S2 .,__
COiii M•1•: .. W .. I ll•r Sire ..
111-1 llt•C~: lllJ NtwPDrt llol/ll•t•I H..nrino•on Betel!: 1117J llMCl'I ...,, .... ,,., s... Cl-It : m Nwlll fl C..rnlfle lllN I
, .. .,.. .. (7141 '42-4JJI
c:r...tflH AfteffW .. •41·1671
&...,-. -...11 AM D•ll'•l....,.1
T.i.p._. 4f4.f4U
Covr•"""'· HI&. Or ..... CHI! Pl.lbll~lnf
COl'l'ICl9nr. No -· llOri.t. lll111tr111on1, NIWlll '"'ttv Ot 141v•rt'""*'lll lltreln
,..., ... "-llh,JC..i Wl!l\eul Wl'l(ill ....
"'''''-" • Cll'T•lll>• -·
.._.,, c .... -·· !Nlo:I ., , .... .,,. ... Call.....,la. S4'D9o'111'1lon '"'° urrltr 11.'5 "'°""'I" 11'1' ,...ll l) IJ '"°"''11111 fl'lllll'afy et.11!Mll9N U,&J ll"IOtlltltv,
The staff proposal calls for extending
the walking distance lo st:hools in all
grou1>s bul kind1.:rgartcn .
If the board concurs. bus service would
be provided to students living a 1ni\c
or more from school , if lh<'y a!lcn d
.i;rade:i one through lhrec. The prt'St'n t
dista nce is thrl'c·quarters of a 1111le.
Fur sturll'nls l>ctv.eC'rl grades Four
rhrough six the <hs1ance \\'ill change
fro1n th ree-<iua rt ers lo one and une-ha lf
For pupils in grades seven and eight,
the distance \\'ould C'Xpand fr om one
1u \\l'O mtlcs. Jn high school groups
the span is stretched fron1 ty,•o to three
Bes ides the extended distances from
::i child's home 10 school, staff recon1·
mendations also suggest exlt'llding walk-
ing distances to bus stops by shifting
the locations to n1ain roads rather lhlln
s1naller re:;idcntial streets.
The progran1 would sta rt on Jan. 7
of next year, according to staff sug·
The n1easures -the latest in a st eady
Slrf'<IJ1l Of fuel C"Onservatinn techniques
-11 l're sparked by a dire shorg~ige
in the district's fuel supplies.
Di strict ofHci<1ls have pn.'flicled 1hat
the tanks will run dry in February
unless new fuel can be found . Appeals
already are on file y,•ith federal offici.1l s
in an attempt to obtain 1nore fue l a\loca-
Besides the fuel issur. these it ems
y;Jl] appear on the board's ;igcnda for
the 7:30 p.1n. session in Serra School:
COMiCS. • •
be coming in to pay off the parking
tic kets. Since they held a y,•arrant for
his arrest for failure to appear on a
1971 Anaheim speeding ticket , marshals
made the arrest.
"Officers that v;·ere looking for th is
guy happened to know that he v.·ould
be coming in. A warrant is good for
· ~re unless rccall('(f by the court or
disn1issed by the DA," Sgt. Gilman said.
Sgt. Gilman tern1ed the act ion rou1ine
but he admitted after questioning that
under normal circumstances, a pri vate
citizen paying a parking ticket at !he
counter would not likely be arrested
on a three-yea r-old speeding ticket.
Sgt. Gilman said Walden was taken
before ~1unicipal Court Jud ge John Grif·
fin and sentenced to the time that he
v.·ould be incarcerated during that day
a.~ punishment on the failu re to appea r
This could not be confirmt'd by lhe
jufi8e's offi ce prior to press ti me.
Sgt. Gilman said it is normal procedure
not to accept cash for a v.·arrant issued
by another court. In this case the North
Couny Nlw1icipa\ Court v.•as involved
because 1t v.'as a speeding ticket issued
by Anaheim.
Hov.·ever, Sgt. Giiman said that pay·
mcnt could be made by a cashiers
check or mom-y order for the exact
~1mount of the bail.
Judge Kenneth Morrison
Cocist Bocircl
To Siipport
Test Bc1si1i
01 lhl D•il~ Pilul S1ill
~1 en1 bers of !he Orange County Coast
1\ssoci ation ag rl~l'd Thursda y to support
.. in pri nt1ple" the C'reat ton of a Sl.5
rnillion hyd raulic n1odt•I il'Sl basin for
U1e 42 miles of county coastline.
Construt tion of the test basin has
bet:n pro posed by the n1arine division
of the r\cy,·port }!arbor Chatnbcr of Con1-
Jt \l'OUld be a physical lllOd eJ or \he
county coastllne. built in scale to establish
exactly the same topo graphical con -
dilions v;hich 1101\' exist fron1 Alaniitos
Ba~· to San Onofre,
Ted Gillen1valers of Ne1vport ' Beach,
v.·ho outlined the projl·ct Thursday during
the Coast Association meeting in l~un·
tington Beach. said the 1nodc:l would
measure 200 ft"('l in lenglh and 90 fee t
in v.·idth .
lt 11·ould co1·f'r a half-acrr ~i 1 c ;ind
,,·ou ld gC<lgraphicall y rrprl'srnl the art•a
from the San Diego r·re{!wa y to 10
miles at sea.
S1 n1i lar hydraulic models ha\"e been
buil t for th e San Fr.1ncisco Bay region
and the Chesapeake B:i.y.
Gillenv.·aters credited the San Fran-
cisco n1odel with .. saving the San r·ra n-
cisco Bay and kt't'ping It fro1n becon1ing
a Lake Erie."
Engineers '''ould use such a mode!
lo test the real effect of any proposed
change on the coastline. Gil!cnwa!cr.~
said such a model could have prcventrcl
the errors made in building the \1·est
Newport groins \\•hich \vcre supposed
to stop beach erosion, but haven"t.
Il e said the f)ana Point Harbor v.•as
built from a hydraulic mode l and m;1y
prove to be one of the best har bors
ever buiH.
No agency has yet agreed to spOnsor
construction of the test basi n, but
Gillf'nY.'alers said he bclieres federal,
state and local fund ing could be found.
~1embers of the Newport Cham ber are
currently 1rying to round up support
for the project before they approach
any of lhe many agencies v.·hich could
become involved.
Assemblyman's Aide Sl1ot
In San F1·a11cisco St1·eet
SA:\' FR.A NC I SCO (,-\P l
Assembl yman Leo M c C a r ! h y ' s nd·
ministrati,·e alde , Arthur C. Agnos, 35,
lay hospita lized in serious condi tion to-
day, his spleen removed after a street
shooting police said mystified them .
Agnos was shot twice in the back
Thursday night as he spoke to t'~o
v.•omen outside a meet ing they nticncfed
in the Potrcro Hill district. A third shot
v.·as fired at the women. but it missed.
J\l('(;irthy, a San F'rancisco Democrat,
is regarded one of the two leading
c;1ndidates for the post of Assembly
spea ker after it is vacated by Bob
Missio11 Viejo
Man's Car Hits
Pole in Canyon
A 27-year~ld Mission Vi ejo man driv·
ing a late model vsn crashed into a
Laguna Canyon utility pole Thursday
night and forced a temporary rerouting
of outbound Laguna canyon Road traf.
Danny it Green of 25781 Marguerite
Parkway. complai ned of pain in his
right knee, but otherwise was uninjured
ln the acciden t which di d ma jor damage
to his vehicle. Green was arrested by
police for alleged drunk dri ving.
The accident damaged the F.ctison
Com~ny pole, but did not ilself interu pt
electriectl power transmissloa.
Edison )Jfficials said a momentary
outage m~y have occu rred as cr;ws
later repaired the damage.
Polict reported Green's van was bound
oul of Laguna Beach and appere.ntly
went oot of control on a curve ln the
3000 block. No other vdllcles were ln·
ll1oreui of V<'ln l\11~'~. TJ1r oth( r r<111-
dida1r rn replrir f' ~1 o r " t t i 1 ~
Assc1nblyrna n \\'1!111.• RrQ\\·n of San Fran-
cisco .
Agnos stands lo bcco1ne the most
po,1·erfut staff employr in the Legislature
should lllcCarthy win the speaker'!! post.
Sacramento sources said Agnos is
routinely in contact '~1th ethnic groups
in illcCarthv's d1slri ct.
Police liispcctor nobert \\'enty,·orth
gave this account :
"1'.1r. Agnos v;·as in the company of
t1\'o ladies at about r.:3~ Thursday night,
discussing a situation regarding a hc::ilth
conun!ttce meeting in the Poircro Hill
area. The meeting had ended and tht'Y
"·ere talk.ing on the side\\•alk \\'hen out
of the blue :.i b!aC'k n1an v.•al k('(f UI)
and fired l\\'O shots into ~J r. Agnos '
back . Nothing was :;;aid . llc didn't say
a lhing. \1t1c don't know \11hat the n1otivc
v.·as. We do n't thin k it 1vas anything
Lucille Brown
Rites Saturda)'
Funeral services wiU be held et 11
e .m. Saturday at Paciric View Chapel,
Newport Beach. for Lucille Brunner
Brown , a South Laguna resident who
died Tu esday. She was 66.
The services will be fo llowed by en-
tombn-.ent at Pacific 'View ~1emorlel
Mrs. Brown is survived by her hus-
band, Tulley of the family home, 87
Mona rch Bay; a stepson , Tulley of Los
Angeles~ two brothers, Robert Brunner
of Los Angeles end Louis Brunner of
Oxnard ; and lhree step-grandhll dren.
The famll y sugeests contributions to
the Soutll Coast Commun ity Hospi tal
Auxiliary or the American cance r Socie-
Dies at 80
!\!any of Orange-County Superior
Court 's 31 judges st::irted their n1on1ing
cal endars in hushed courtroon1 s today.
pa)'in~ a last tribute to relired Judge
Kenneth E. J\lorrison .
Judge f\.·torrison died Thursd:1y night
1n :.1 (;;1rdl·n (;rove tonval l·Sc(•nl ho~pit:i l
:~fl<'r a long 1\lncss. lie \\':JS 80.
f'r cs1d1ug Judge Bruce Sumrll·r told
a l'Ourt room aud1t'nce today after et1 Jlu1g
for a nioment's silence for Judgt' f'.Ior-
riscn tha t funeral seJ"\'iCc s \\i ll be held
;it 11 a.ni. lltonday in United Spurgeon
i\let hodist Church, Santa Ana.
Burial will follow at Fairhaven
!\lemorial Park in that city.
Judge ~forrison, a natlve of Burnett ,
\Vash., w::is el ected lo the Orange County
Superior Co urt in 19.J.O :ind Sl'rved ou
the b('nt h 11nl1I l11s rellren1c111 1n 1!163.
Ul'I T1l1photo1
I le prcviot1sly had scrvrd ns justice
o; the 1>eace for !he Santa Ana .ludicia!
District, n post to \\'hich !le v.·as ap-
pointed by count .v spervisors after
workuig fur fi ve years as Superior Court
J udge IL Y. \\'illknns· clerk.
President Kennedy in 1961, Marilyn Monroe in 1962
Judgt• .\lorr1son of!cn t'()llllllenlrd afll'r
his rclire1nt'nt that he drril"l'd 1110<;!
l'nioyn1cnt in his ~3 years on the Superior
Court bench fron1 the time he spent
in Ju\·c nilc Court.
Affair Reporte1l
Active throughout his life in the Boy
Seoul tnovement , he once estimated lhat
he had handlt'CI. nl least 23,000 juvenile
cnses in those 23 years.
JFK-Maril y n Mo1iroe Roniaifce ?
Judge illorrison is :;ur\'i\'cd by flis
\\'idO\Y. Virginia: a son. Kenneth I3. lllor-
ri son : U1rcc grandchildren and l\1'0 great·
grandchildren .
1\ Sanla Ana resident since l!JJO, lhc
jurist found tirne durin)'.! his can~rr 10
devote on the side to his church and
his favorite service organiza tions.
lie 11·as a longti;ne lciv leader of Cn ill·ll
Spurgeon J\lc!hod ist Church .
··Aho ut 98 perreut of tht• ~·oun gst<'rs
11e1't'r hat! <.tllt'lldl'd Sund:i.v St hoo!. .. lie
sa id of tho sl' esti mat ed '.!J.000 JU\'t'tHlt:
court cases he presided O\'er.
llis rareer nn the hr nch also in('lud<'d
the notorius 0\.t'rcll rnurder casC' \1 h1ch
drt'\I' ll:LllOIJl\"lde al!t·nt1on. -·
The 01·crells' 17-yc:ir-o!d daughter :11lt!
her bo.vfr1 cnd v.·ere accused of nn1rdrru1 ~
her parents by blov.·ing up their yach t
\1'1th dynan1ite at its n1ooring in Ncl'.·po!'l
The young couple were acquitted aflcr
a scns<itional trial.
Fro111 Page l
REZO NE. • •
\1·hen it y,·as purchased and inas much
as there are no developn1ent plans a!
pri.:scnt requestN.f the .. doy;nzoning" for
ta)· purposes.
\Vhen the i\i!and Corporation sc"k.:;
to develop the pro perly it \l.1\l ha\ l!
to apply for another zone change.
From \\'Ire Services
!\E\V "YOHK -Syndicated gossip col-
umnist Earl \\'i!son reports that 1'11arilyn
:\lonroe had a ron1ance 11·ith President
John i'~. Kennedy.
Just before she dit.'CI. of an overdose
of sleeping pil!s in 1962, \Vilson reported
Thursday , iihe s;iid, "Say goodbye to
the l'residt'nl."
\\'ilson said he v.·ithheld the story for
.\'ears but finally decided "to set the
rceord straight'' because of a book on
!ltiss !llonroe v.·hich d1vC'llN.f on her
friendship \\•1th Atiorn<'y Gent'ral Robert
F. f\cnnedy, wri!l en by Norn1an ~ta i ler.
i\l1ss .\lonroe·s rela!ionsh ip \\"ith Prcsi·
drnt KC'nncdv is dcta ilt'd in \Vi lson 's
O\\ ll book on ·the li fe of lnc late actress ,
to be published early lll'Xt year. lie
srud he underiook a three-year 1n-
vestiga!ion to establlsh a "dalliance"
betv.·een the blonde sex goddess and
the President.
\rd'son s:1i<l th e ~iffair 1\·ent on for
a ln1ost a yra r ht'fo rc ~1iss J\lonroe 's
ct~·a1h . I le said she w<1 s sometimes ;i
cl 1~crec t gurs~ :it litt[(' dinners arrnnged
by Presidrnt Kennedy. usually at the
I fol e! r arlylf' in 1'<'w York whf're the
K<'nncd ys 1n;11 n!:.11ned nn npartn1 cnt. lie
!'>.11d ,\1 1~$ .\lonroc onc" wore a blnck
\I 1g ;is :i cl 1sgui:-.c.
\\'itson S<l1d Pcler Lav.·ford . a Kennedy
in·!<JI\'. \Jf·l1c \'cd he y,·as speaking v.·ith
~l:i.r ll }n on the phone 1\·hcn she lost
consciousness Au~. 5. 1962. after takini::
a lethal overdos~ or sleeping pills. llc-
told the rolumnist her last words v.·ere:
"Say goodbyr to Pat (Pat Kennedy
La1vfordl, say goodbYl' to tl1C' President,
and say goodbye to yourself becau~
you·re a nice guy."
She \Vas 36.
"1\-lari!yn Monr()(' y,·as hi~ happy col-
laborator in this dislinc1ly nonpolitical
area of his life." \\'ilson \\'rote in his
new book "Show Busin<'SS L.1id Uare''
1vhich G. P. Putnan1 's Sons "'ill publish
Jan. 18.
\\'i!son said he knew ~l iss ~l onroc
v.·ell himself .'lnd also got other in-
formation frorn llolly\\'ood columnis! Si d-
ney Skolsky and Nr1v Yor k dress
designer Jlenry Rosrnft•ld.
La•wford, Skolsk\· and Rosenfeld \\'ere
not immediately a~·a1\able for cornn1 en1.
County Dri ver Killed
In Freeway Accident
Charl es Weiss. 41. of l 1315 Linda \Vay,
Lus Al:in1itos, v.·as killed l'llrly today
when his "'~!:itho11nd ear y,•ent out of
control on the Gnrdcn Grove fr('{'way
ond cra~hl'd into a sign pole .
'fhe Orange County (:oronrr's offi ce
sa id lie \\';1s 1ll•<id 011 arrival :H
\\"t stn1 instr r C'on1n1 11111 !y l!o:pil:1I .:it 2
;1.n1. lligh··••ay p;11rul oif1cers said he
\\'a_ alone in the car, v.·hen it struck.
the s1gn standard just east or Magnolia
Street in Garden Gro\'l'. --------------------------------------
' " ' '
... t
9.2" lr1 L•~9rtl
llf'9. SI 364
Sale $1089.
I 00" lr1 l.e1t9th
.... 51470
Sale $1189.
7uJ NII fle1.11e"J. f :;c,
FllDA Y 'TIL 9:00
1727 W~<.T("',l IF~ DR. 64 1.2050
IOp1A Sund•v 12·5:J0)
IOp•n Su11d•v 1.2-6110) 49 4 6611 .
2l•4t HAWTHORNf It YO.
' !
. '
' \
• '
I ( n:,
Saddlehaek T o day's Fin a l
N.Y. Sto cks
Charges Fly • Ill Nixon Estate Reassessment
Cl~rges and counter charges u!
partisan Politicking and misuse or
AOYcrn1nent funds were flying today in
the wake of Supervisor Robert Battin's
unsuccessful appeal to hike the valua tion
of President Nixon's San Cle,mente
The lat(.'S! developn1ents include:
-Ne\v threats by Rep. Andrew J.
Hinshaw i ll· NC\\'PQrt Beach), former
Or1:1nge Coun1y assessor, that crinllnal
churgcs 1nuy be proJ)<'r against Battin
Da y lig·ht
Change Set
In January
\\'ASHl.'\GTON (U PI 1 Congress
passed today and Sl'nt to Prf'sident Nixon
legislation to put the country on year-
/'OUnd Daylight Saving Tln1c t'arly in
The bill, one or several enc.rgy·saving
measures asked b~· Nixon. would take
effect Jan. 6 ir the Presldcnt signs
lt l>efore Sunday. If th e signing is delayed
unti l next week , An1cricans "'ould tum
their clocks ahead one hour on Jill.
Year-round DST ""'ould remain in c[(ect
th rough the last Sunday in April, 1975.
\~hen the old uniform time act would
again become effective. Th us. most
st:itcs v.·ill remain on DST through
Oc!obrr. 1975.
The bill v.·ould allow onl y these ex-
-Nixon could exem11t a fall state
from DST if :t goreroor issued a proc·
Jamation saying an exemption \\'as
needed In conserve fuel nr avoid
hardship. Nixon also could ignore the
proclamation. however. The re q u es I
n1ust come from the governor before
tlaylight time goes into e[fect.
-A state split by a time zone could
by Ja111 exen1pt the portion of the state
in one of the time zones fr orn the
DST l;iv.•. resulting in uniform time
throu ghout the state.
-Indiana. v.1hich exempts part of its
h'tTitoI)' from DST und er present law,
1rould be permitted tG continue that
exemption autoinatically.
-l{awaii, Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Islands automatically arc exempted.
()therwlse. oo exceptions 1vould be
By providing one extra hour daylight
in the evening, when home energy
demands are greatest, the theory is
that less ht'!ating win be needed and
lights and elettrical appliances will be
used one hour ·less than normal.
Opponents contended little energy
would be saved and that extreme
hardship would be caused in some areas,
Including children having to wait in the
dark (or school buses.
On the northwestern edge of lime
zones the ·11un would not rise until after
9 a.~. ' ·
Because .;pf late wlnter sunrises, the
bil l directed the.Yedei-al Communicattons
Commission' lo: i>trmlt many daylight-
only radio ..i1.alioM to go on the air
earlier in the evening.
Tee~~ers . Held
On P~tr Clt~ges
A trio, or i~~·~rs ~!Ising a suspicious
pipe aroond oo the football fleld at
University ltlgb SChool were among four
taken into C!UStody on marijuana charges
Thursday in Irvine.
A filth youth who was alleged!y .1mok-
lng the illicit weed in a gully next
to the t11mpt13 during cl8S8 bouts eocaped
from orticet Max Bowman.
The arrest" Ill of boY• · 14 and 15,
came at almost the, same time, after
faculty member Ga:ry Norton took tM
t hrec y01.mgstera into custody on the
rootbllll field.
and two other Democra tic supervisors
who voted to spend public fund s on
a reappraisal of the Western \Vhitc
-A statement by Supervisor Ralph
Diedrich of Fullerton, one of tile three
who voted to spend the money. that
llinshaw's charges of partisrin po1itics
"are ridiculous ."
-Threats by a Fullerton l:ind an·
praiser IG appea l the assessment on
Diedrich's hoine and den1and an outside
::ippr:'.lisa! like. that done on Nixon's estate
unless the .supervisors change the ru\e
:1\IQv.'ing anyone to appeal anyone else's
:isscssn•cnt for $50.
-A statement by Battin l ha l
l ltnshav.•'s charges nre nothing n1ore
than a "snioke. screen" to cover up
his ov.'n poor handling of the assessor's
ofrice. Battin asserted Hinshaw 1nay
becorne '"the Orange County Agnew."
The. key devclnp1nent is liin.sha\r's
.slatcn1cllt calling for a Gr<ind Jury probe
'"Doggie Don't '
W ar W aged Ag<1inst A ninia l L it te r
"Rcmen1ber -the 1norning dc111 should
not be doggie doo."
That is th e rallying cry of Irvine
l)ark ~1aintenance Coordinalor 11•ho is
"·aging a one-man \Vil/' against '·doggie
doo" littering cit y grl'.'ensc:apes.
Charles Knowl es. whose job i! is lo
keep parks and city-owned grcenbcl1s
neat and tidy, cites city la\.\·s bannin~
free running dogs,
"During the day, seve ral dugs ma y
be observed roaming about a park. lr;:iv-
ing a little '·p" al !his tree and an
occasional calling card here or 1hre."
he said in a press release.
"Also, in the evening. scver;:i[ dog
01vners may be observed walking their
dogs. complete with leash. pausing oc-
casionally to let Fido do his 'business'
on the grass.
"The master then continues along en-
joying your well kept park," Kno111lcs
said ..
"It's loo bad \\'hen we. co1nc along
the next day and observe n1any Jillie
·business droppings' scattered throughout
our park .
"ll 's even v.'orse 11·hen we don 't
observe then1 ." Kno1v!cs observes. "!lave
~\'OU ever h;id to tell the wai ting tennis
pl<iyl'rs to 'go ahead 11·ithout you'
because you had 10 clean you r shoes
before v.·alking on the court?'' he asked.
"How about l ittle Susan, \\'ho. after
playing in the park, comes horne \Vith
doogic. doo on her .shocs'I"
Kno1vles asks for help in conibatling
rhe problrcn nnd suggests ho111 Irvine
ci tizens n1ight help.
lie urges rcsideata to n1ake sure
''Rover is kcpt in his /her o\\•n yard."
further. "when we 1valk our dog .
on a leash, \Ye can carry a little bag
and scoop to ren1ovc the doogic doo
from the grass.''
l(issi11ge1· Ai(l es Report
Chance A1·ah s Will Rele11t
By The Associated Press
f..lembers of Secretary of State }lenry
A. Kissinger's dclegalion said IC'da.v
there \\'as a "bctler than 50·~ chanl·c '"
the Ara b.s \\'ill lift their oil c1nbargo
nex t monlh.
They said they expected Israel and
Egypt to be negotiating a discngagetnent
oi their armies on ! h e Suc:t. lront by
that tim e. ·
They made the statement on arriv;il
in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from Cairo.
Kissinger ls scheduled to meet l\ing
Faisal during his stay.
But United Press l nlern:ition~il
quoted the officials with Kissinger as
saying the chances v.·ere "less than 50
percent.·• •
There \Vas no immediate clarifica._
tion whether the comment was m('ant
to be optimistic or pessimistic.
The comment set ofr an explosive
rall y Oil the Ne\V York Stock. Exchange
in fa irly heavy trading .
TilC Dow Jones industrial average
gaine<l 14.9 points to 81 5.42 a fc111 i"
minutes before 11 :JO a.m. Almoft the
entire gain occurred after IO:fl5 "'hen
\I/all Street learned Saudi Arabian King
Fnisal might be considerin g liftinr; the
oil cinbargo.
Before ll1at ncv.·s, :i first-hour ral/v
try .sagged for lack ol supportive ne1v-s
Saudi govcrnm!'nt offi<'i:i!s and t:.s.
diµlo 1nats in Riyadh indicated Faisal
n11gh\ he 1vil!ing to consider a lin1itcd
rcsu1nption of oil deliveries !o affected
nations if President Nixon or Kissinger
rnak(•S n public announceinent calling
for l~rneli \rithdrav.·a! fro1n occupi~d
Arab tcrritor\'.
In Cairo. Kissinger snid p11blicly that.
:i scttlC'1ncnt n1ust be 11'1 thin tern's of
the. 1967 U.N. resolution seeking Israeli
withdrillval. TI1is apparc.nlly is just 1\·\1nt
the. Saudis \Vant -public reaffirmation
of U.S. con11ni1mcnt lo the. nH•asure.
President An\\·a r Sadat sald Egypt
\Vas willing to be in the sa1nc roon1
\vilh Israel at the ~1iddle East peace
confere nce. ""but if you are talking about
direct negotialions. !he ansv.·cr is no."
11e also said he hoped the two sides
\\'ould be able to ba rgain serious ly about
disengagement of Egyptian and Israeli
forces before Christmas.
Irvine Trustees Study
School Loss of Poive 1·
!Ass of electric power in Irvine means
University High School and El Camino
Reel Elementary School would be shut
down, Irvine Unified School District
tnmees were told this week.
"The minimum number or windows.
particularly at the high school and El
Carriino Real, precludes continued opera-
tion in the event or prolonged power
ootageo." ·• staff niiort to t h e lloerd
of Education sUgests.
W~ather 1 perriil~~ however, 30 to
45 mlruite 0 rolllng btaclouts" would not
require closure or the schools since out·
door activities could be scheduled.
he both dark and stuffy as lights and
air condit ioning shut down with the
power cu toff,
"If a n•ajor power or buildin g elec·
trical·tnechanical system failure occurs.
and there is no clear indica tion the
building systems will be placed back
in operation in a short time , the children
will have to be released to return ho1ne
or be rea~igned to other schools ac-
cording to plan,'' the tUSD energy crisis
report says.
Officer eo~an had taken his own
detainee to the sehool office, where
the boy refuaed tO identify his. com-...
panion .
Rolling blackouts spread the shortage
or electrical power due to the "energy
crl1ls'' around.
However, beCRU!e the two schools were
buUt without windows. classrooms would
Irvine bas no other high school.
P\Jrc.hMe of generators is O(£ercd in
the report as a slight hope_, "but in
the case o( a general shortage, the.
demand for such units would outstrip
1'he district's older facilities -which
!See SHUTDOWN. rage ZI
of the nppe.:tl l'XIX'llSl'S a11d 1h1· JlO~l'i1 ·
b1l1ty of ("rilninal thi.irge;; lxiing fill'd
against the thr1.:c. Dl·rnocr<itic. .super-
visors .
lfin sha11· s11id t•arly Thur~d:iy th1·
Grrind Jury should probe the n1alter
<Ind then fo!lo1vt'<'I up \\'ith :t ca ll Thu!"s-
d11y evening to nt!l\'S!llen saying crirniual
charges niay be J)l"opi:r .
The congresstnan said the supervi~ors'
:qlproval of a ~-L'.JOO e~pcnditure on a
ri.'i!pprllisal of the cst:de by the S1;1!1.'
ll<Jard of Eqt111l101t1u11 ··;unouu!s tu
'"I tlunk tbl're is ~re:it 11ppor1u11i!\'
fur Cr1nunal aetion 11gain:;t 8ob B:lltin."
1!1u~ha1v said . <>dding that sin1 il:1r a(·tions
«u1t\d be brought a ~a in~t IJiedrirh ::111{1
Supervisor ftal ph Cl~1 rk, 11·ho also l'Otl."d
tu spend the rnoncy ,
Supervisors Honci1d Cc1spc·r5: of
.\\·wport Bi:~1ch and !)avid B:tkl."1'.
r1·p1·1·sen1lng llunt\ngtou Bear.:h. bt,\ll
Hcpulilicc.uis . rotcd againsl I.hr expcn,,v
"i1tri1t1!i~· 1h1· ro11111y Sf'lt'111 lbt· n11J!\t•\
1nr a pril'a\c IJl'l"SOIJ s c1i111pl<r111t, !
b1·li1•111 11 \l:~s :Ill l1)1prup~·r u~t' ut publ11
[111\ll ~." lli!l!--ll<lll' ~;1 \d.
ll111.~ha11 s;Hd ;1! tllr• \1'fl' 11,asl lh("fi"
~hould \)(• :t n .. •q u11'~'ll\t'lll lh :11 8.i\\Lll
n'pay 1h1· S·I ·iofl ~pent 01 1 hi s ""personii!
\'\'lld~·t l:l ...
l)i1·d11ch 11';ir·11·d (<> ll1n:-;!la11 ':; cu111-
lllt'1l\S 1il<l :1y :-:1~ 1111! ht· fel\ the in·
1v:,t1g,il11111 11·;1~ 111•11 \\'Ul"1 h !ht; t'U.•I
IS(·\· C'll AltGES, l'~~ge ZI
• i . -ltl~ll . ,,·~:'"""''*'"'' ,, ..... ""' -<t. ;~ .,..,~--""·*"'*"""·~····'l"' -~
Daily Pllo! Still Phato
150-bed, $15-mill ion Laguna Hil ls Facility Oft De layed
Facility Se t
Fo1· Ja11. 27
Snddlcbark Comn1unity 1 losplt<1l .n
L::gunn Hills 11·i ll opvn and accl'pl 1\s
1irs1 p:itienl. .Jan. 27.
T!iL" pro1el'Tt:d op1·11i11;.: da1l' \1·as an-
nouncL·d Thursday Liy top hospil:il or-
!)peni11g ol lhc 150 -bed nonprof il
liospilal . origin<llly scheduled for May,
has bl·0n repeatedly delayed due tn
n1an;1g1!1nent squ:ibhles. financial woes
;:ind construction strikes.
Hospit::il oflicials. hov.•evcr, maintain
that the January open1rtg date is firm.
The ~15 111illion l'ncility. located on
:i nine acre site at 23561 Pasco d~
V:ilenci.1 . Includes !he $Z.2 mi/liou
l_,aguna I !ills Leisure \Vorld ~1edica\
(\·nter d1rl'o\\y adjacent. The center \V;:ir
purchased by the hospital in Decc1nbei-
\Vhen operations arc in ful!-s,vin~ later
in 197~. !he hospital expects to employ
bcl\VC'f'n 27j and 300 persons under IJ1C'
dirt•ction of ne111!y a pp o i n L c d ad·
n11nislril10r l!al'old L. Gano.
1)f thl' J!)O hrds. G:l nrc to be uscJ
fur ;1c11l1' n10dica t c:1rc patients. 30 for
1na!erni1:v pa tients. 23 for spc«~ial nursing
c:.re pal1en1 s. 18 for critical rare pa·
ticnts anrJ nine for pcdiatnt P<Hienls.
A four-bed around-lhc-elo:.:k emergency
~re.atn1ent roon1 is e<1ulppcd to handle
(Sec HOSPJT,\L1 1~agc 2~
.A., • ~ • •\. ...
Hospital Shows Finances
Saclclleback Facility Clai nis .SI0.2 llf illio11. Debt
0! !ht O~ily Pilot Sl1fl
Six \l'ecks before its projcct"d openinf:.
Saddlcback Communit y Hospital in
Laguna Hills is $10.2 niiltion in debL
Of the total. the /)()spi ral owes Si.5
n1illion in construclion loans ro L'"nited
California Bank and $2.7 nlillion to ll.
C. Zic~lcr and Con1pany lnvesLn1cnts
of San Diego.
In a press conrl'rence Thurs<iav , rank-
ing hospital ofricials laid thei r financial
cards on the table in a first public
accounting of the (acilily·s stalllS.
The 1511-l:>ed non·profit facil it y, valued
at $15 n1illion, is unopen ed after more
Cliarity Tree
Lo t Tar get
Thie ves broke in to a trailer on
a Santa Ana Christmas tree lot
Thursday nighl and made off v.·1 lh
stereo equipn1enl used to play Yule
music and power tools for cutting
the trees.
Teenagers \vho were operating
the lot at Bristol Street and
Memory Lane were going to use
proceeds to rtiise funds f o r
sightless babies nl the Services
for the Blind 11omc, 2015 N.
Bra&dway in Santa Ana.
Now the young people will have
to use tree profits to pay for
the stereo and tools, which were
borrowed , according to Dr. Wi11\an1
OeNijs, eirecutivt director of Serv-
ices for the Bl lnd.
Teenagers who leased the lot
and bought the trCl'S with !heir
own money arc nil b 11 n d
!h:1n two ~·ears of tons\ruction .strikl'!i ,
n1anagcn1ent turnovers, and financi11g
rt·a rrangcments.
Glenn \\lin('man . hospital tre;i.sure1·.
Said the J1eavy debt 1vill be paid off
frorn a ft111u·c trust fund established
1vi!h \\.'hat the hospi ta l 1nakcs over and
above its expenses.
lie said fin :1nclal consultants estin1:ite
that during i!s first year of oper<1tion
fh(' facilit y \~ill 1nake l.3 ti1nes more.
than it .spends.
This is h.:iscd on an esti111a1 cd oc-
cupancy of 47 percent, or i2 beds per
Ed1vard Olsen. firsl vice presidenl or
lhc board. sa id directors believe lit e
47 percent figure is low.
"We see evidence of a hi gh occupancy
ralc from our opening day," \Vinemnn
said. "\Ve expect to run between 70
and 75 percent."
The average occupancy of sou1h county
hospitals in 1973 v.'as 63 percent. nc·
cording to the Orange County }Jealth
Council's fncilitle,; master plan.
The massivC' 1ehl was mnde possible
through a former link 1vith fhe Lu theran
Hospila l Sociel)I of Southern Ca lifornia,
which n1anag~ the hospital until Sep-
tember and ai:tnnged rnost of the financ-
In September after the Saddleback
board or directors tangled vdth tht~
Lutheran flbciety over control of hoard
nppointmeits and unfulfilled financin g
commitmdits. Lutheran canceled its
contract .. ,
B. C. *gler is an investn1ent company
tha t prqyidcd financing through the L11S.
\Vith t~'e ~l·tS departure. hope for any
furlher· fi nancing by Ziegler a I!> o
O!htr funds \\•hich ha ve paid for the
$14.94 million cos t of the facillty nrc:
-$1 .6.~ mi llion grant from the federal
gQvernmcnt through the Hill-Durton Ac.:1 .
This money docs not ha ve to be repaid
b111 1hc. hospital nHl.~1. rcn1;1111 .:i nonprol 1l
111~!irut.1on for at least 20 years.
-$1140.000 fron• the c;olrlrll H;:iin F'oun -
dat1un of Laguna llitl:-;, This tnt<1I lll-
l'ludes a S565.000 gifl of l:in(I for the
11ine-arre site and $27~.000 in (":lsh.
-$1.2S n1i11ion front to1nn1un1t y c1111-
lr1bulions. Thi s figure fell mol'C th:n1
<i 1nlllion dollars short of or;igin;1 J pro-
j1'ctlon:-111;1de by fund-raisers.
The hnspita! 's 20·men•bcr bo:ird h:1~
.:isked the counfy to lend support for
a t;1x-excmpl $12.5 million bond sales
11,hich 1\·ould pay off all the hcsp1tal"s
fSec 1-IOSPITAl •. J>uge 21
Orange Coas t
Night and mornin g {og and low
clouds along the Orange Coast
Sa lurday. but oth~r,YiSC mostly
su nny wit h some high clouds in the
.:rtfernoon. Slightly 1varmer. High.5
in the mid 60s. Lo\.11s in the 40.s.
Cliristn1as in the gltetto. Gold-
en \Vest College studc11 ts ivilL
~Jitie yo11 a taste of what tl1at
t11eans in o Snu1rday ·11tght staoe
sl1ow. St1e tod<ly·s \Veeke1ider
for inforn1 atio11.
At Vcwr St~lct 1 p.ltvl11 >t·Jt
INUll' 10 Mutu•I ll'u"Cll Jt L.M. llovd 11 NJllOllll Ntw• 4, )t
c11u~r1111 s Orin~• Cov11h lt
Cll,101!94 t1·SO -ttllUflllh )J.JI Com in n ~l>G'11 11·>1 CtOStw11rd ., ~·ot~ M11'1ith Jll·Jl
Ot .. 111 Noll<•\ 11·1J T11tvl1lon •
e1t1or1.i '""' ' , .... ,..., .. ,.
f lnlft(t ft )I Wt&!h1t 4
l'or ll!t ltl'Ctnt u wom..,•i NtW• u .tt
Ha~1tttt 1' WC<'!ll N...,.. &, 1'
At1t1 l.'llldt•I II W•f~tM•r )).-If
M1llbo·a l
' -
• •
• • • • •
% ...... ,1., t-1 1.v1 . ,
Judge Kenneth Morri!>on
Judge Kenneth
Morrison , 30,
Rites Slatecl
f\fany of Orange County Superior
Court's 31 judges started their morning
calendars in husi1rd courtrooms today,
paying a last tribute to re tired Judge
Kenneth E. ~lQ!Tlson.
Judge riforri son died 'l"hurstl;iy nigl1t
in n Garden {.;rove convalescent hospi t<1!
after a Jong illness. lie ·was 80.
Presiding Jud ge Bruce Sumner told
a cvurlroon1 ;iudicnce today after calling
for a n1oment's silence for Judge ri·lor-
rison th at fune ral se rvices \\'Ill be held
at 11 a.m. ~ton<lay in United Spurgeon
f\Iet hodist Chureh. Santa /\na .
Burinl v.·ill fo\10111 at Fairhaven
i\lcinorial Park in Lhat city.
Judge riiorrison, a natil"e of Burnett,
\\'ash .. was elected to the Orange County
Superior Court in 1940 and se rved on
ihe bench tm!il his retirement in 1963.
He previously had served as justice
or th e pea<·e for the Santa Ana Judicial
District, a post to which he \Vas 3p-
pointcd by county spervisors after
r.·orking for five years as Superior Cow·\
Judge R. '\·. Williams' clerk.
Judge !\1orrison oft en eo rn1n ented after
his retirement that he derived 1nost
~njoyment in his 23 years ~n the Superior
Court benrh tron1 the lime he spent
In Juvenile Court.
Active throughout J1is lire in the Boy
Scout movement, he once estimated that
Pe had handled at least" 23,aoo juvenile
cases ln those 23 years.
Judge !'-1orrison is survived by his
"'\do''" \1lrgtnia : a son . Kenneth R. ~'lor
rison; three grandch!ldrcn and two great-
A Santa Ana residen t since 1910, the
jurist found time during his career to
devote on the side lo his church and
l)is fav orite service organizations.
~le v:as a longtime lay leader of United
Spu rgeon Methodist Church .
• "About 9R percent of \.he youngste rs
!lever had attended Sundav School." he.
said of those estimated 23.000 juvenile.
court cases hE' presided over .
His l'areer on 1he bL"nch al~o included
the notorius Ovcrcll murder C<JS(' 11'hich
Orf'1v n(lt1onll'1de <illt•n11on.
Tlu: Overells' 17-year-old daughter an cl
lier hov friend 11·cre £Jccused of murdering
h(•r prircnt!' h.1" b!o11·1ni:: up thl'ir yacht
\11th tll 11.11111!(' ;11 us rnor1r1ng ln Nrv.•por t
IJ ;1rbfl;'
The young couple \\'ere acquitted al!cr
a sensational tria l.
P ennies fro11 1 Alcoa'!
\\'ASl·ll:-JGT()N <AP) -111e Senate
passed and sPnt lo the Hou~ today
~ bill to perm it the go\'ern1nent to 11sc
'aluminum instead 0f cop per in n1aking
pennies . Tl1c at1thori1y v.·as requested
.because of the high prtce of copper.
• • "
• •
,,,. Or"""'' CINl>I O•ILY PILOT, will\ wfl kll
It comt>I""" rlle Ntw,.P•••<. h e>vl>lli.lo..:1 by
~ 0••"9• C~ll PUl>ll>l\•r>Q CC"'f>loV S~!l-1·
r••• .:11110!'1 •re PUl>li<I\..,, MOlll!•V 11\flluql\
Frldoy, lot Co•!• Me11, IH w.,.,<1 e,1cll •
HwnllnQ"IO" Btl<ll/FOUMl l" v.11,y, Lag~o·
... cl\, l•viMPIS•c!dl•M<' 8•<1 ~'" C!~m~nlt/
Sfll Ju"" C•P''''"""· A ~'n;lt '!'QIOtlal
tdillon 11 11UbH1ho<I So•u,d••• ""'" S11r>0~~1.
TM ptincoPotl PUbll1~lng Pl•nl •I "' ))"! Wt•!
8•J ll•t>el, Co•!• Mew C•"•o•r•&, ?J~U.
Rcb1rt N. W.1d
l"<•lldt nt '"° l>uPl11nrr
Jo ck R. Cu,l1v
'r/k~ Pr.11d~n1 ulll GrnPAI M•"•Otr
Tliom11 K1 • .;!
Thcrn11 A. Mutpk:"'
M1.,1glng Ed<!O~
C~.t..41• H. Looi Jt;,h,,cl P. Nill
l-181111111 M•""Vl~Q l~l!or1
(otll M111· Jlll l'ltll llt Y 31rtd
HfWJ>Otl llHt~: Jlll New"" llO<ll••••d L-v""" fl••t~. m "''"1 ""'""" Hll"llng,.,,. lle11t~· 1111~ eeacl\ lloul,v&rd
$.eft Clt"'t""' JOS Nori~ El Ci mino 11111
T .. .,llo1t• f7141 '4J-4JJI
C,_lfled Adftrtl1htt '42·$611
S-C.._.,. All hfl•'"'-lth:
, •• ,.... 4f2-4420
COfll"i.t.I, 1'/l, O•l"fl Cool•! Put>llol\1f19 ,.,.,,,.11v. Ho ,......, 11orleo, 111"'''"''°"'· w•1o<l1I ,,..lltt or .clvtrlll -!I l\tro•n
,,..., W 11pr0111Kfd .. 111•0111 -•t i Pt•·
"'lu lOn ., coor•IOM own•'·
1.K9ftd (Je11 -!t Of Hid t i (;11111 "'-·
(.ehlo<lli.>, .Jlrl)t('l"IPOO" bY <•~r•• tt.u
,,_,htyr lw mttl UIS ,,_1111fJ mllll••r
Oft!•M llOlll Q ,U mo<'llf\1~.
Public Pays Half?
Battin's Battle
To Cost $15,000
lly \\"rtLIAfl.1 SCllREtBER
()r;1nge Cou nty Su/)('rvisor n obert Bat·
rin's unsucci'.!ssful appeal of the county
tax valuatton on President Nixon 's San
Clemente estate may have cost $15,000
or more -at least half of whic h ca1ne
fronl public coffrrs.
'fhc tosl figure v.:as deri\'ed frorn
lt'st1n1ony durt.ng the three-da y Assess·
n1ent Appeals Board srs.':lion ending
\Vednesday and estiniates of such fatlors
( ____ N_Ew_s_A_N_A_Lr_s_IS ___ J
<is salaries of county em ployes and other
key figures in the case.
Count y Assessor J ack Vallerga, whose
SL37 million assessment of the \VeStern
\\'hile House was at issue. said he v.·ill
trv ln tli'lail the total cost i11 the coming \l'~eks. Hut he said the job would be
a difficult one.
Batlin's charges that the c.state should
be va lued at $2 million or more 111ere
throv.n out by the appeals panel Wednes-
day by a 2--0-1 vote. Commissioner
Frank Manzo, a Battin nppointee, ah-
sta.incd from the final vote.
In rejec1ing Fla!lin 's appeal, t\'hich
cost the First District supervisor froni
Sa nta Ana ,, $~0 fee to file. the panel
uphe!d Valle rga's assessment.
The largest single expense of the Bat-
tin appeal was revealed in testimony
by two appraisers v.•ho were part or
a team hired by Nixon attorney Frank
De~1arco to review the assessment.
Appraiser Hugo Drumm said Deri.farco
was billed $5,500 for the services of
the three-men1ber rev iew panel.
The second major cost accrued during
the appeal is $4,500 paid by the county
to the State Board of Equalization in
October for a double-check on Vallerga's
The money paid for a new appraisal
of the villa by the board's appraiser.
Howard M. Childs. v.-·ho said he valued
the estate at $1.5 million.
Battin was the prime mover in the
vote by supervisors to have Vallerga's
figures rechecked and Childs was Bat·
tin's on ly witness at the· hearing.
Childs had to fly from Sacramento
to appear at the Tuesday hearing session
and his expenses co me from pu blic funds
as well.
Public funds also paid the three ap-
peals board members who sat through
three sessions in the past week and
two other meetings in the past month
where Battin won continuances of his
County Police
Seeking Clues
In Slaying
Orange Count y She riff's in ves tigators
are ou t in fo rce in the Sllverado area
in a hunt for clues in the slaying early
tod!l ~ of an as yet unidentified n1an .
Officers said the body of the young
man \\'3S spo!!ed about 2 a.in. by a
passing mo1orist near the lntersecrlon
of Santiago Canyon Road and Silverado
They saul the fully clot hed young man.
believed to be in his early twenties,
had been shot twice in the back by
;1 ~holgt111 held at close range <'Ind
d111nped fnce dov.·n a few feet .q way
fron1 the road .
Sheriff's Lt. Charles Conaway said
the rnan \\"as dressed in "typical
motorcycling clothes. complete with hi~h
Ja cc:d boots " He said there was no
sign in rhe immediate area of the
niotorcyc!e that might ha\'e been ridden
by the vic1 im _
Conaway said !lie victim had been
dead on ly a 5hort lime when he wag
foun d. He said any documents that might
have heen in his possession had been
From Page 1
SHU1'DOWN • • •
have windO\li'S -"could conlinue to
opera te for a longer time based on
the h<'st judgment of the principal or
district adm inistration considering such
facrors as sa(et.y, outside lighting and
ten1perature conditions."
District trustees were advised thal
11\t: energy shortage means higher costs
for buyi ng electricity may be expected
in !he coming year.
A 50 per~nt increase ID electric rates
is projected within the next two years,
staff :said,
Gas company officials assured the
district there v.·i\1 be adequate supplies
11nt il 1980, "barrlng a naUonal realloca·
IUSD spends 1180.000 a year lot el~
tricity and $30,000 a year fC1t' natural
IUSD contracts £or bus service and
the report makes no menUon of how
shortagC'.'I of gasoline or d!e.ael fuel
specifically wou ld impact the district.
Long range solutions considered in
the report include:
-De~ign of new ,.buildings to provide
most effi cient energy u~r.
-Selection of more efficient electrlcal
('<Juip1nent includ ing lighting.
Board members are paid $50 for each
half.day they work, Totalling the number
of sessions. the rne~:tings cos t taxpayers
another $1,050. Tha t does not take into
account other incon1e the members
mi ght have earned had they not l>cC.li
at the hearing.
Other costs are harder to dctern1int'.'.
For exan1ple , Nixon attorney Dc~t:.irco,
ronsldered one of the top la\.\'yers in
Los Angeles, commands hourly fees of
bet1veen $\;ii and $200, acc(lrding to
a reliable source.
Deritarco appeared at l\1·0 and a h<1lf
days of 11earings, not counting litne
spent preparing his case. He also brought
an as~ciate, earning about $!()() p<>r
day. to all the hearings.
His fees v.uuld not com<' directly frorn
public coffers but his firm is being
retained by the nation's top publit of.-
ficial -President Nixon.
Additional rosts must be attributed
to the services of the two de put y Orange
County counsels who appeared at the
hearing, earning between $8 and $10
per hour /based on !heir salaries of
bct,1·cen $15,000 and $20.000 per year\.
Val!erga·s office said Deputy Counse l
I.on \\'atson, who represe nted the.
assessor at the hearings, also s~nt.
"many hours" of case preparation nor
counting the hearing time itself.
Further the hearings took up the lime.
of County Assessor Jack \'allerga and
at least four of his assistants, v.·ho
appeared at all the hearing sessions.
Vallerga 's salary breaks down to abo1.1t
$14 per hour -from county funds.
Other expenses can be attributed to
the board clerk, the C(lurt recorder and
the time of several board secretaries
who attended the hearings.
Battin himself rost the taxpayers
money because of his appeal of the
Nixon estate assessment
His attendance at the two sessions
this week forced him to miss two
meetings of the Board of Supervisors,
the post to v.·hich he ...,,·as re-elected
last year and is paid S24,500 pe r year
lo fill -about $IS per hour.
Vallerga said attaching values !o such
thing s as facility usage and similar
intangibles \\'Ould be a waste of effort.
although the hearing room and its
facilities were tied up for three days.
The appeal took place because of :i
rule change by supervisors permitting
any citizen to appeal another citizen's
tax assessment upon payment of $50.
Battin was the key force rrr-winning
that rule change.
The cost br eakdown of the Battin
appeal is still incomplete but as funhei'
material is gathered -possibly by
Vallerga's office -the figure could
go much higher,
It is certain from knov.11 costs.
however , that the expenses approach
$15 ,000 with a large percentage coming
from public fWJ ds.
During and after Battin 's appeal pro-
ceedings. several top rounty officirlls
-who all asked In remain unid t'.'nLified
-generally agreed that the new appe nl
rules could cripple county goven11nenl .
'"TI1ere are people in th is county \I ho
\.\'Ould just as soon do th is every d!iy
on any property \\.'hose O\\'ner they ha"c
a beef with," said one official af!l'r
the hearing. "The county could go
bankrupt al that ra te.''
Jn Bat!in's case , nnolher officiril said.
the ne11.· rules could opt'n lhe door In
"all kinds of pohtlcal vendctlas using
county and other public funds .. "'
"· J. .! . ' .
From Page 1
to clear th e air once and for all."
Battin claims the nssessinent should
be more than $2 million. not the
$1 .37 miliion quoted by Orange County
Assessor ,Jack Vallerga or the $1.S
million set by the State Board of
Meanwhile, appraiser 11.C. "Campy''
Lync h said unless the board changes
the rules pe rmitting appeals such as
Battin's he will demand similar treat·
ment of his appeal of Oiedrich's home
Lynch, citing the expense or a reap-
praisal and coots of county emp!oyes
who had to atrend the hearing, said
th e Ballin action revea led the high cost
to tax payers ol'.-such appeals.
Battin himself had some caustic com-
men ts today about Hinshaw ·s charges.
He said the county is still paying
for mistakes made by Hinshaw when
he was county assessor.
"As far as a Gra11d Jury Investigation,
1 would welcome It , both as to my
activities, and 8S to h-1r. Hinshaw's ac-
tivities as assessor," Battin said. "I
think we mi ght have our own Orange
County Agnew currently occupying a
congressional scat."
$10,000 Drug Haul
SANTA MARIA (UP I) -Aboul 110.000
in heroin and marijuana was seired
and 27 persons arrested in drug raids
Thursday in Santa Marla, lMOJX>C and
SOiva ng. The raids -condu cted by about
35 officers from the Santa Barbara coun-
ty Sheriff's Department, the Lompoc
and Santa Maria police departments <'Ind
th~ county narcotics t;i.sk force
climaxed a two-month Investigation.
UPI T1 .. PNll1~
President Kennedy in 1961 , Marilyn Monroe in 1962
Aifai1· Reported
JFK-Mllr ilvn ftf onro e Ro111ance? .,
From \\'ire 1'rr\'lcrs
\E\V YOF\.K -S\·ndiccll{•d go:;$lp t·n!-
U1Tinist Earl \\"ilson reports that '.\l aril~ n
t-.lonroe had a ro mance \'>ith l)resident
John F. Kennedy.
Just before she di ('d of an overdose
of sleeping pills in 1962, \Vilson repo rted
Thursday, she said, "Say goodbye to
the Pre$1dc111."
L;t1vford l, say goodbye to the Pre:-:idt·nt.
and suy goodbyC',, lo yoursrh' bect1use
you·rc a nH:e guy
She ·\ras 36.
"'~laril\"n t-.lonroe \\":IS his happy co\-
l ~boralof in th is distinctly non political
area of his life.'' \\lilson wrote in his
new book '"Sho\11 Business La id Bare"
\11hich G. P, Putnan1 's Sons v.•ill publish
Jan. 18.
Irvine Zo11ing
Law Get s
Panel's Delay
Revision of Jrviru:."s pro~cd '1poinl "
svs1e1n of zoning approval led p!~noing
l'~1nn1issioners Thu rsda~· ni gh t to dcl :iy
for "* v.·eck further eonsiderolion of the
overall city zoning la1\'.
Commissionc-r.f will sec u different
7.oning la\11 draft nc.xt \\eek. The hiw
is the ba sic legal tool nce:dt.'d to enforce
the. city's genernl plan \\'hich is to bt'
adopted before Jan. I.
he point system is seen ;is a major
change in lhe \\'ays cities regulate
development .
Oevclopcrs \\'OUld not Oe :il10Y1cd lo
tile tract maps until tlll:'y had ar-
<'Umulated enough points. Points woo!d
he granted for public services insta lled
b\' the developer. ·Points woul d be givrn fQr installation
c,f roadways, par ks, SC\Vcrs, nnd other
public serviees.
From Page 1
all eniergency, x-ray, laboratory, cardio-
puhnonary and orthopedic problems.
}'ivl' surgical suites y,·ill be in use.
including on e designed for bone
The special suite is eqnippcd with
"laminar flow," allO\Ving aU bacteria
and du st to be fil tered from the air.
This is critical in bone operations
because of long exposure tin1es and
higher ri sks of infl'etion .
The critical earl' unit \\"ill include
!llodi'rn pa!it'nl 1nonitoring {'Qllipmcnt
\\'hith hospital offi cials say v.·ill reduce
lhC' patient's ehanc:es of getting into
serious trouble by 90 pcrcennt.
The interior of the hMpita l ls painted
in bright rolors and is carpctC'd.
throughout. The lobby features a large
skylight and atriun1 .
1'he fa cility , act.'Ording to Jack SLanfill.
co n1munity relations director. is bu ilt
so that it may be expanded to 256
beds at a future da te .
\.\'ilson said he 11·ithhe!d the slory for
years bu t finally dccid'.'.'d '"to se t !h('
record straighl" brcau.sc cf .'.l book on
ilHss ?>.·lonroe \1•hich d\l'l'lled on her
frie nd ship \\Ith A!lorni'y General Ito be rt
1 ... Kennt>d \". 1l'ritten bv Norman \t2iler.
From Page l
~1iss ri·Io~roi''s rel~n1on$hlµ 11 ith Prcsl·
dent Krnn('dv is clet:ii!t·d ill \\"i!son"s
own book on -the life of th" l:\le actress.
to be. published rarly nt'.~t yc<1r. ll o.:
said he undertook :1 1hr1·c-yl':i.r in·
vestigallon to establish :i "dallh!llcc"'
hctv.·ctn th e hlondc sex goddess Jnd
lhe · President.
\Vilson said !he affnir 1\'rnt on for
almost a vear be(ore J\li$$ t-.tonroc's
death. lie -said she ,.,.as Son1etlmes a
disc reet gue;;: <ti l1!tle dinners arr<1nged
by President Kennedy·, usually at the
l!otr! C<irl~•\e in i\"cv,' '\'o rk \11here tile
Kennrd~·s n1a inDunr-d ;1n apartrnen L Me
said i\liss Monroe once \\"Ore a black
v. lg as a di sguise.
\\"ilson s:ild Pr ll'r Lall'rord. a Kennerly
ln·la1r. beli evtu !1t' ,_,\\IIS spt•.:ik1ng 11·1th
J\larilyn on th11 p~.one \\'hen she lost
consciousness Aug. 5, 11J62, after takini:;
a letha l ov('rdosr of .-:Jeeping pills. lie
told the colun1111 st ht·r I.1st ll'iH"d3 11·cre:
"Sa1· goodh\'e to P<i t 1 Pal l\ennetly
rither cred'ifors and consolidate the debt
in one source.
Hospital dlrec\(lrs favor the tax-exempt
proposals because they say interest rates
\ri ll be. une and a half to two percent
kil'>'er than conv('ntion;il finaneing and
\1'ill thus s::ive up to $3.75 per patient
per day O\'l'r the nex t 30 years .
But county sou rces predict approval
l.s onlikl'h', 1'hcy point to a recent at-
!cmpl to. unload 1hc Orange County
i\1edica l Cen t.tr on UC Irvine as a sign
that the count y is interested tn reducing
lts i.111"olven1ent \lith health care, not
increasing iL
If the ap proval 1\•as granted. the county
could take title. to the hospital v.•henever
the bonds Y.'ere paid off.
Al Hanson. fonn er a ct l n g ad-
n11n1.~!r;11or. s<'lid !ht'.' ho:s pit.'ll has applied
ror a !'\:1\c loun gua rantee whi ch would
repay 1n1·1·stors ln the $12.5 milli'ln bond
sale up to !)() perl·e11t in case of defa ult.
HC'Ce nt "!flti~iirs for fhe Saddleback
:1ren prl't!ict JOO excess hospi tal be<ls
by l!flfl
But a representative of the hospital's
financing a g en L . ~filler-Schroeder
~lunicipals, Inc_, s:iid since Saddlehack
"'as licensed for 2.'ifi beds but cut down
to 100. their application would be
favorablv receiv t<i.
The r-.1i!ler-Schrocder spokesman said
1he state guarantee, a rela tively .ne111
mech:inism. has been granted lo only
e few new hospiLals statewide.
It is designed to st rengthen the
hoopilal"s credi l and malr.es it eligible
for a lov.·er interest rate, he said.
I·lanson said Lhe state is "interested"
and indicetcd "a preliminary com-
mJtment'' ha.s been received.
I"inal y,·ord on the loan guarantee
is not expocted until early January,
less than 1hrce wee ks before the
hospltol"s scheduled opening.
The slate guarantee depend!! on the
rating its bonds gt!t fr om Standard and
Poor. Jlospital offi cials sai d preliminary
word fr om the· investment rating com-
pany is that an "A" or ''AA" rating
is forthcoming .
--·· ' . ' \ ' SOF T BROWN
t 2" I• ~tttl
.... $1J,.
Sale $1089!'
100" •• Lfttttl
.... 11410
Sale $1189 •
FlllDA T 'TIL t :OO
1717 WEtTCllFf DI.. 641·2011
1011•• SvllMlley IJ•l1lOl
J41 NOll:TH COA51 HWY.
tOll'•• S11ft91y 1,.&1JOl 4••·1111
tJM9 HAW1HOINI ILYD. 171·1l7t
. .
Health Task Force
Formation or a volunteer mental health task force
for the Saddleback Valley is a praiseworthy effort.
Services to help people maintain and regain their
n1ental he:ilth arc :is vital as physicians, dentists, grocers,
µlumbers, and ho111e builders.
The budget of the Orange County Department of
1'1ental 1-lealth already is so burdened that little money
ren1ains for the needs of burgeoning inland communities.
An easil y accessible mental health fa eilily is badly
needed. With the closest counseling center in Laguna
Beach, teenagers and senior citizens who don't drive
have a difficult time getting help when t.hey need it.
In the absence of funding and an adequate facility.
the 20 to 30 residents forming the n1ental health task
for ce are niaking a crucial contribution.
\Vol'king with the two county n1ental health workers
assigned to Saddleback. the fledgling task force can help
bridge an unfortunate gap until more inoney and a proper
fat:ility 1naterialize.
Park Plan1iing
Irvine Community Services Commissioners voted
thls week to stick by their earlier desig n decisions for
t he 16·aC:re com1nunity.Jevel park being planned for the
University Park area.
'rhey have suggested the city council not bow to
requests to change the shape of the park. Those requests
come from persons who hope to see nei ghboring apart.
n1ents proposed along ·Sandburg \Vay and Goldenglow
Street moved to make roon1 for a shifted park.
Such a n1ove would impro"e views and n1i ght lessen
lraffic sli ghtly on these streets.
would be aC":ross the street from residents of Beech Tree
Lane and wou.ld increase traffic on that street.
'fhe park originally was sought to provide ball fields
and oth~r communi~y level park facilities. It was sltaped
and designed to ultunately add those an1enities to Uni·
versity Park, pending bonds approval.
The 252-unit apartment project was designed to
occupy the remaining land.
It appears the best course is to preserve the basic
park plan, avoid mere shifts of the street problen1 to
Beech ·rree Lane and honor commitments to developer
and sound parks planning alike.
01a11ce to Speak
Pressures to adopt a general plan by the end of the
year arc intense, yet Irvine councilmen wisely decided
lQ pause a mo1nent in the city's rush into the .fu ture.
When the plan hearing ran past midnight into
\Vednesday, councilmen decided pubJjc comments \VOUld
suffer. Council ears and other portions of the anato1ny
were numb from the lengthy outpouring of statistics and
planning philoso phies .
So, counciln1en voted to continue the hearing.
The people of Irvine will have the first chance to
speak the next time the general plan is to be heard
Tuesday evening. '
They'll have time _ to di gest the complicated docu·
me~.t an~ the new environmental impact data provided
dunng th1s week's hearings.
' '
' ' ' f
However, the solution would mean the apartn1ents
_ 1'he continuance _is consist.ant with city .policy es·
tabh~hed by the_ ~ound1ng council to provide opportunity
f~r 1nf~rmed c1t1zen comment on pressing matters of
city policy. 'This here's my new deputy wh o will help guard th ' bank!'
Nixon-Ford Feud
__ Rumors Expected
\VASlll NGTON -One of \V<'.lshington's
;fnvoritc indoor sports is the promotion
of ill l\'ill behveen lhl' President and
-th" vice. prl'sldcnt of the United States.
"Y,'e 1nay ha\'e a brief suspension of ·r :able lh;it as tim~ passes. relli or imag·
: • ined C"auses will be round to suspect
: agint'<i cu uses will bt~ round 10 suspect
that Presidcn!. Nlxon and Vi ce President
: Ford are feuding . ~· Now thi s potenti;1I ..... -• .._
'.Is more sinistl'r in l~.'lhat anv statcmc11t
Or aCt !o11 by
\rice President Ford ~
•,'·ill. be 1 cxaminetl . ' fl)> or its r<' evancy to
1 h e impc::1chment
6r resjgn<t tlon ot
Prl'sidcnt Nixon. The
major relC'van cy· al ready ,HscussL'<I is
that Ford·s appoi ntment und con·
firmation by large n1;ijorities makes
• :i1 easier for Republicans to justify Nix-
' on 's impeachinent or resig na1 ion1
, A:'\Y ACTION BY Nixon \vhich can
• be interpreted as dt'm caning F"ord \\'ill
similarly be suspect.
.. The ge neral result is the creation
•of undoubtedly th<' n1os1 delicate rela-
• tionship bet v.•fen a President and vice
: president in history. It is recalled that
• v.•hen President Andrc111 .Johnson 1vas
. i1npcachcd I here \\'as no vice president.
/ Previous frictions such ;is Roosevelt-
Garner, Kcnncd y·.J ohnson and
Eisenho111cr-Nixon carried no such dire.
consequences as would be implicit in a
• break bet\\.·een Nixon and Ford.
FORTIJNATt:J.Y, lhf're 1s l ittle
likelihood of it : and, for ~hat matter.
there is not rnuch v.·cjght to be given
to the idra !hat, now !hut Ford 11·ould
suceeC'd to the presidency, Congress can
procec·d Viith th l' rcrnoval of Nixon.
\l,'hilc it is true tha t son1e Republican s
al~e11dy inclined lo . hurry Nixon o6t of
office. such as Senators Javits of Ne\v
York and Brooke of Massachusetts, can
use the Ford confi rmation as further
justifica tion , there are pressures in the
opposite direction.
first. as an alternative· to Nixon in
. a time of domestic and international
1 · strain, Ford is not overpowering. On
ti.is polnt there is considerable confusion.
Those attracted by the transition of
Nixon to Ford usually consolt' themselves
that f1 enry A. Kissinge r \\.'ould remain
'!S secretary of stale and direct
.... ._ican foreign policy along lines
already laid out.
THIS R.t:FLECTS a basic miscon·
ception of the authorit y of a secretary
or state and of Kissinger's role in the
l'Vt'nls v.·hich have shed most credit
on the Nixon ad1ninistration. Kissinger
could not have acted alone ; in n1any
!'l'spccts he v.'aS more a craftsman than
11 creutor. In any case. lhe primary
decisions v.·ere n1ade by the President.
and the propelling initiative came from
t11n1, to say nothing of his personal
skill in carrying out internatio nal con·
Kissi nger has no illusions on this point
<lnd neither shou ld anyone else. So it
is far from enough to say lh at Ford.
through Kissinger, would <.onlinue ta
direct international policy v.·ith the same
measure of success.
IT SHO ULD BE no!cd at this point ,
however. tha t tberC' is a steadv effort
largely th rough ihe person ar;d offic~
o. Sen. Henry i\I. J;ickson. to s1\·eep
aside the image of Nixon 's success in
foreign policy.
1 Th is elfort concentrates on the Russian
\vheat deal, the newly perceived dangers
of the strategic arms agreement. and
the energy crisis as it relates to the
Arab-Israeli war.
If the Jackson effort is effective, \\.'hat
\Vas previously deemed success ful \1·ill
be regarded as a d;ingcrous 1niscalrula·
lion and thus Nixon's 1n<t in clain1 to
greatness in the presidency would be
swept a\\.'ay. f'rom that point onv.•ard.
the Nixon to Ford transition 11,ould have
overco1ne its greates t obstacle.
ANOTHER POINT having to do with
such a transition is how welcome it
would aClually be to regular Democrats
in Cong~. Assuming that Nixon gave
Ufi sometime in 1974, Ford would have
more than two years in the White House
to create a new atmosphere and run
for the presidency in 1976:
l(issinger Mideast Plan
WASH1 NGTON -In private, candid
lalks with congressional 1 ea d e rs ,
Seci"ctary of State Henry Kissinger has
• revealed hls inner plan to guarantee
• a Mjdeast settlement : a joint U.S .·Soviet
military force, wi th other nations shar·
ing, under the. s~mbolic nag of the
l.JN Security Council.
Kissinger, bucking somewhat dimin-
ished hcad\vinds from the potent pro-Is-
raeli bloc on Capitol Hill, carefully notes
that ror the first time in history lhe
Soviet Un ion has agreed to a
"peacekeeping" force in which they
themselves may serve.
THE SOVIET pr.,ene< In Sinai In
a UN-backed peacekeeping force woul4
infuriate pro--lsraell hardliners already
fearful about growing Soviet power in
the Eastern Mediterranean and the Arab
~·liddle East. But Kissinger argues wit h cold logic
; that thi!J growlh of Soviet power is
ftlr more predictable, in nn escalating
spiral, as long as the Arab-Israeli dispu!e
con tinues. Soviet Influence there, 1n
sho rt. was made possible in the first place
by the Arab-Israeli 2S.ye11r war in which
Moscow was invited in as the Arab
champion to of(set American aid to
BUT ARAB identification with the U.S.
and lhe West, particularly strong in
Egypt and ~udi Arabia, should reassert
ltseU after 'lhe Arab-Isratli struggle Is
brouaht under oontrol -a condition lbal,
h'onlCally, Soviet presence in a
peacekeeping forte will ball<n.
Thus, Kissinger tells congresalona1
leaders lhat the Sinai peninsula must
be restored to Egyptian IOVeteignty and
a "powerful" UN force placed in the
Iaraely .demilitariied Sinai to prevent
military attack by either side against
I.he other. So far. his confidential talks
with congressional leaders have produced
a surprising amount of agreement.
~ they meant 5 percent inste11d 'Jf
25 perc:>.nt on the gasoline cut. 'The
only good ne1vs \ve get out of Wash·
ington comes on a typographical
M. K. T.
Oloomf Out comrn.n11 ••t 111bml1ttc1 ""'
re1dtr1 1...i dt llOf llKtt.nrilf relt.ct tllt
•iew5 of 1111 11ew11>111or. Selld .,,~, "'
"""' to Gloomy GVI, OtHY Ll'lltt. .
A1i Optic<il
Things I Learned While Looking Up
Other Things:
That such birds as the indigo bunting,
the bluebird and the blue jay have
no blue pign1cnt in their feathers · it ' is nn optical illusion that, at certain
ang!t's, fhey appea r to be blue.
• • •
Thal the "thoroughbred" racing horse
~s not !he same as a •·purebred " dog .
in that the thoroughbred is a deliberate
n1ixture of several breeds. . -.
That, of the 21 million Americans of-
ficially designated by the government
as "substandard working poor," three-
quarters arc 1vhitc .
• • •
That. ;i!thougll people in Switzerland
speak French. Germa n or Italian aln1ost
exclus_ive!y, there_ Is a S1viss language.
Rhaelian, spoken 1n the Engadine region
by some 100,000 Swiss. . . '
That "Liberal" and "Conservative"
were political tcnns unknown until the
19th century, and initially had quite. dif·
ferent meanings than they do today: a
"C.Onservative" held that State and
Church should be united, and a "Liberal "
held thal government should not in-
terfere in private affairs. . ' .
That if you have command of the 3,000
most frequent v.:ords in the English
language, you can understand 95 per
cent . in any random sample of 100,000
running words; but in order to gain
only a 1 per cent increase in un-
derstanding, you must attain an ad·
ditional 6,!iOO words in your vocabulary. . . '
That the Nazi regime was called the
"Third Reich" because Hitler regarded
the Hol y Roman Empire and the German
Empire as the first two great periods or Teutonic dominance in Europe,
• • •
1lrat "busy as a beaver" is as much
a misnomer as "blind as a bat" -the
beaver works only when necessary, a.nd
plays most or the time; incidentally,
it has been found that when the beaver
population ls reduced below a critical
level, the animal seems to lose Its
abillty for building drum, and often
seems to IOI& even Ute will to survive.
• • •
That. although we employ the French
word "finesse" to describe a certain
tactic in bridge, the French themselves
don 't know it as such, and call the
tactic an "impasse."
Wounded Ecotao11ay Ne~ds Helt•
~trikes Are Out of Line ;-~--,
To the Editor:
\\'e are now facing a time of un·
precedented national crisis, and L am
unable to see the logic behind the current
labor strikes. Granted, the r.tcat Cutters.
Teamsters, and ~lachinlsts unions feel
they deserve n1ore, but I think they
are being a little selfish this time.
CONSIDER the consequences of a long
strike on this area. Shortages of food
...,·ill trigger price increases, cilizens'
purchasing po\ver \Viii dim inish, and
customer dissatisfaction and w-ircst will
in~reasc. There are curren!ly enough
things happening in the country to cause
frustration _ of the m11sses. We are facing
shortages in electricity. heating oil. and
gasoline. These situalions. along with
a wounded economy. arc serious prob-
lems. If you add to this a potential
food shortage, you are s e r i o us I v
threatening our ability to survive. and
this could prove overburden.ing to the
average person.
Thi s is a time iw·hen \\'C as a country
must tighten our bells and dig in tO
resto re _our economy. Our economy is
flounder ing, so •1·hy do things !hat arc
harmful to it? This n1eans : Don't start
strikes; Don 't stop \VOrk in syn1pathy
for another strikl': Don't stop your
trucks in the n1lddle of n1ajor highways
and block traffic.
. WllAT GOOD is a 1vagc increase \~·hrn
it res_ults i~ higher prices and shortages·.•
Is this rational or reasonable ? \\'e have
re~ched th.e point where \1·c must s\1)1>
be1~g selfi~h, inconsiderate. and just
pl ain stupid , and consider !he in1-
plications of ou r actions. \\.'e h<tvc bet'n
Ji'ving hig~ _on the hog for too ma~y
years. obhv1ous to the consequences or
our extravagant living. pal!erns. 'The !i1nc
has NJmc for us to pay for our gluttony.
and to bt'g1n to ~·ork for what 'we
rC'eeive once again.
~:veryonc is going to be hurt by our
current shortages. but the s>viftness \Vith
\.\'hich our country recovers ls going
Letters frorn readers nre u:e/co111e.
Norniallu. iuriiers .s/1oulll r onvey !1111ir
·n1essnges fn 300 10(1rds or less. 1'11c
riulrl to co1utc11sc letters to fit space
or elin1i·11ote libel is reserver/. All lel-
lers 1~t1.1st 111c/\l(fe si.t11H1/11re untl 111ail·
ing oddtess but 11nn1es 111oy Ve 1cit!r-
!1el<i 011 1'C(f11est if sufficient reason
1.~ apparent. Poetry uiill not be pub.
to depend
on us not 1naking ridiculous
(:fOICH f'1111
'fo the Editor :
\Vith all the depressing nev.•s articles
!ha t arc appt'aring in the newspapers
lately, T want to write your nev.·spaper
a re1v lines to congratulate vou on vour
full page arti cle in the r>Cc. 8 iSsue
on the Clown fron1 Denver.
Th is article \i;oas very \~·ell do11e and
it is nice to know that someone is
trying to n1ake people happy these days.
Thi s n1an certainly has IQ be con-
~ratulated and needs the publi city shown
1n Lhc Daily Pilot. Thanks again .
To !he Editor:
Unless of course you force this maltcr
or Censorship into a fot:t] ;ibsurdi ty by
n1;1k ing front page ne\vs of evervone
i11 !he area 1vho ~ells 7.ap con1icS. 11
r11ny be poss.iblc !hat the arrests of
the O\V11ers of the Fahrenheit 451 book
store in Laguna Beach for allegedly
sel ling obscene books m<ty ultin1atc!y
lead to a good purpose.
TlllS COULi) come about if the
Supreme <;ourt can be made to sec
Panorama of the West
. Vast expans('s of land to be turned
into homesteads. fur to be tumed into
gold. gold itself to be had for the
digging and panning - such are some
of the elemep1sin..the glofious adventure
told in The Am erican Heritage Histo ry
of the Great West by David Lavender
planned and edited by Alvin )\f. Josephy:
Jr. (McGraw·Hill, $16.50, de luxe edition
IN THJS BIG, superbly illustrated
book, orginally published in 1965 and
out o( print for several years, the action
starts ln 1763, the year England told
her colonials not to se ttle beyond the
crest of the Alleghenies -and bold
Long Hunters like Daniel Boone and
scheming land speculators like Richard
•rcnderson pushed over the eastern
They \.\·ere follo1\'ed by p r o u d
semilitcratc, sclf·reHant men and won1c~
in search of the dignity they thought
they would acquire with the land they
felt should be theirs. !\.lountain n1cn
explorers, missionaries. miners. Soldier~:
ho mesteaders. railroaders, ranch e r s
surged westward -and fought the In·
dians almo st every step ()f the way,
TIIE COMPLEX, many.faceted story
ls told as one swii'ling , panoramic w~le,, meshed chronologically from
beg1nn1ng to end within the larger con·
text of_ our national history.
Dav~d Laven~er's ability to bring the
West a:uthent1cally alive has been
demonstrated in such books as Bent '~
Fort, Land of Giants , \\'rst•·ard Vision,
nnd The First of tbt Wiidern ess. AJ\·ln
l\t. Joscphy, Jr. Is a widely kno1111
authority on the American llidian and
the West.
tha t the "NJ1111n unit.Y stand;.ird'' method
of arriving <i t \Vh<it is eonsiderrd obscene
or pornogr;lphlC ls unfair berause, in
? .to11·n like Laguna in partlcul<ir. it
IS 1n1poss1bfe to establish <i "'co1n1nu11ilv
sta nda rd '' due to thlh.jar.:t that ou"r
popul:itions is n1ade lip of such a divl'rsi·
t.v of people ;_ind points of \ ie11·.
Sinl'L'. in rn:11ters of frl'edorn of speech,
it can hardly be shov.111 that a con1n1unity
ls 111 d<1nJ::l'I' because of v.'hat books
<'Ire being sold, it seems to me !hal
!he re:il thrcnt 11·011ld be created by
the in1posllion of arbllr<1 ry standards
even if thl'y "·rrc :1greed upon by a
n1ajority of people . The majority voice
1vhich establishes la11·, espcci<d ly In 1na l·
ters o~ the protection of life and 'prop..
c•rty, 1.s not appl icable in tnattcrs of
free speech.
OUR l'fll.ICE dcpar\lncnt and the
Orn11ge Cou11ly di strict attorney seen1
hell bent on making themselves despised
by inany pt'ople. This 1s ct"rtainly un·
fortunate, since th ey essentially arc in
'I position of doing great servil'e for
the con1 muni!y for 1vhich they should
receive our gratitud l'. Th t'v shouldn 't
bt dirl•ctcd in to censorshit> a~tiVlliC'S.
1\1tti-Se111 itis11r
To the Editor :
I read \\"lth in terest Von Jlolfrnan'."
Dec. LI article. on the bumper stlckf'r
\l'E \VA NT OIL NOT JEWS, \\!hich he
attacks as anti.semitic. That, of course,
is I.rue.
1-10 \\'EVER, if I v.·crc an Israeli, T
11·ould choose to live \l'ith that kind
of <lnti-S<:'miti slil, 1l'hich is idcn!ifiablc
and can be 1viped Otlt by any Jewish
truck driver, to the kind •von ·Hoffman
hin1sclf di splays. which · 1 ~ far more
d1111gerous and vicious,
He speaks of the:_ expansio n of Israel's
borders ns if this Ot'currerl by choict'
of th e Israelis, whi eh is the Russi:-in
line.. In no instance ha! any action
by lh c Israe lis since the tormatlon of
their country bC'Cn such hs to be t'on-
sidcred aggression by any reason;ible
standard. Threatened with extinction at.
tac ked over fa(ld . cv('r again . by
overwhelmingly unbalaQ~ m i I i t a r y
strength. she has ·come 1 o :"1here she
is today against ller-·Will. isracl ,vould
gladly exchange its territorial gains for
peace and secllrily -<1nd nothing Jess
will ever get this territory back.
FOLLOWlNG Russian advice is v.•hat
got the Ar~bs v:ticr<' they arc_ Continuing
to fo\101v 1t \\'111 take them further in
the same direct.ion -110\\'herc.
Robert fl \Ve.eft:Pijb~sllet
Thomes c~r.~ tditor
Barborq{~~ Editorial POge tUir ,., .~
'T'hr C'dltoMal page or Ille Daily
P1lo1 si.'t'ks to infonn and ~limulate
reit<ll'rs by presenting on 1his page
diverse.commentary on lopies of in.
teNst by syndicaTed columnist1 and
cartoonists, by providlng a forum for
readers' vi~·!! and by p~W?nting This
fl("'.!IJ>8.P«'r's opinion~ and ideu on
current. topiN;. Tiit' Pdil0tiJJ opinfl>nl
of the. Daily Pilot appear only in the
ed itorial ootumn at th._. fftfJ of ~
J>ai~. Opinic;,s exp"'s..<l('d by !he col·
un1nist:1 and CllrlOOfllsti'I anrl letltt
11T1tl'f'i'I are thl.'ir own and no t"1'Klor11e-
flll'nt or lh\'Jr VII!\\$ by Uie Dalb'
Pllot should bt inf~
Friday, December 14. 1973
. . .
W at~h Y 011r Kilo~vatts~
LOS ANC';EL1'~S iAP) -Stiff pennl11es flY.'J lt Los 1\n-
gele-s rt>sidE'nts v.·ho fall to c-on1ply wilh a Ill'\\' law fl"qUU
1ng lhem to sl~sh use of electricit y In thclr hon it·s ;JJ1d
bw;inesses beginning Dec. 21 .
The Cit y Council unanimously pa:-.~1 'i:J tlu: brd1nanl'c
11lursday, iniposing a JO percent rtduc11ou Ofl rnost ri·!ll·
dt'flces DO\'/ and setling up even 1nOrl' dras!u.: 111(·asur1·~
to take i! t.he "Phase One" cutbacks tlon'L sufftl.'h.'11\lv t·a:.1.·
the energy crisis. ·
'VllAT'S l\tORE, LOS Angeles residents nu.1y f111d tl1cy
v.•ill be paying rnore to use less, lhl' city J..X.p<ir!fncnt of
\Vater t:1nd PO\\'t'r said, ~incc reduced us<ige proh;.ibly v;dl
force the agency to seek a rate increase Ill nl.1ki; up lht•
difference in lost revenue_
Th e ne\V law, backed by f\.1 n~or ·ro1n Brndlf'y, rcqu1r\·S
residential .ind industrial users of elcctricily to cut po1rer
by 10 percent and commercial users bv 20 pt'!rccnt. '1'!1e
figures will be based on comparisons ,;i1h electricity 11 sc
for the corresponding period of the previoLts year.
A 3J-year-<1ld security guard
was shot in the back near
his Post Street ap<1rtmenl in
11·h;it poli ce describ<>d as an
( State )
;-ipparent "rno!ive]ess" killing.
The body of Jens i\folgaarrl
1vas fo tmd by a friend early
1'hursday af1er he failed to
return to a pariy ;i t his apar!-
1ncnl 1rith a bottl e of ginger
Police said 1-tolgaard 1vas
killed a few blocks from
Tuesda}'s douhl e 111 u rd r r
scene at the Tiki Bob
e Ellsberg Case
About one-third of the city's 900.000 residential <·us-
tomers are txen1p1, tht· <'1ty Cottnt'd dt.'(·ldt'd, on ground~
tl1at mo~t of !ht•m lire 111 \he tOY.'t'r 111(·ume bra£'k{'t und al ·
ll·udy l1a1e 1cclu ctil tht:1r 1101\Cf use to a n1tnirnurn .
OTllER r.11--:ASl'RES i111pooed 1n1tlc·r the ord inance in·
t'ludc a ba11 on l'hrisln1as !rel' l1ghlln g and :;v:immiug pool
hl'ilt111g. ~u1d a rl'<lu1·l1un In ~tree! lighting :.ind billboard
If thc~i: :;\f·ps f:ii l to ~1gH1f1l':"!!l!ly tJ'-P. lht>-Pni•rgy
('r1s1s bv Jan. l~. th~ elet·lri1:::i! tlllb,1tk:. t'Ould be rais1•d
to 12 ~rc1~11l lu!' honH's, JG ix·rrt·nt fllr 111dustr)r :ind :i:i
p<'rcent for ('Q1nrnl·rci~1 1 ust·r~. 1\ pruc1:1n):ttion hv tllc
rnavo r and cont:urrt•nt·I' bl' ;Jl le:1 ~! 1·1gh! of the 15 t'!I)'
t:ouncihnen 1v11l be requ1rCd fur "l'h;ist· '1'110."
J)uring '"Ph<1St' Ont•," first·lHlll' \ 1ol;itors of 1ht• 1<11v
1vill be hit l\'ith a 50 pert<'nt surt·h;1rg1· or the custonier's
full electricity bill. The second '1u\;1t1on e;.1rr~t•s :1 pl'rl·
<illy of 111'0 days \v ithout t•!cctrieily and lht· tlnrd a li\'~
d<1v cutoff. Therea fte r, ('<1t h \'iul:iliun v.ill th';:tl\' ;i h:.il! l11
sci·l'ice of "not less than five nor n1vre than JO d:i:'s."
Nixon Tax
SAGnAr.lE:'\TO (AP )
Legal argu1nents supporting
President )';ixon 's self -
de clared exempllon fr o n1
California income taxes 1•·ill
be prest'lllcd, considered and
rl'vie\1·L·d -and pron1ptly.
sources have disc:loscd .
The IC'ga l c v i d c n l' c
prcsu111:1bly l\'Ould be 1nade
to the Ca lifornia Franchbc
'f;1x Huard \l'hic·h is rnaking
ils 01,·n rc vie 1v of N1xo1i"s tax I
status. ~ j
TH E S . .\.~IE sources ;ilso
said it \Viii be dctern1i11ed
whether fl:ixon paid Californ l::i
u1to1ne tax during the t•ighl
vears he se rved as 1·iec prt'si·
(lent. That information 1nny
be made public soon. the con·
fidential sources said.
Three fo rmer White llouse
aides indictrd in lhe break-in
at the office of Daniel Sa1i Diego Digs
Ellsberg's psychiatrist have Scientists fron1 San Diego Natural tlistory Aluseun1
lost another attempt to stop exhun1cd rcn1ains of a California gray whale buried
In another developrnent, the
p1·ospect of a state Je gislativt'
investigation arose Thursda,\'
if the \Vhite !·louse docsn·r
clea r up the California lJX
Question soon. I
pr~1se1,cut1 i01n °1f thef c;.is,·e. ten }Cars ago after the whale apparently co!l 1de<l
i a es re usn rame with h. R bl d k I II I Thursday \\'hen the stnte a s lp eac:sem e s e eton \VJ be usct in
··1'he people of Orang~·
County look on him as a re.~1-1
1len1 ," said Democ rat Kenneth
Cory, c1 s!;ite 1\S!i('tl1bly leader
fron1 Orange Couniy, hon1<' 1 of Nixon's S:in Clcmen1 c
estate. I
District Court of Appeal _ a n1u ~eu111 exh~bit. 1'he_,~hale is 30 feet lon g. __ _
upheld a Superior C o u r r
decision of O<:t. 19. It denird
a v.•rit of prohibition to John
D. Ehrlichman. G. Gordon
Liddy and David Young, New Disclosure Law Corr said he has been
besieged with questions fron1 !
constituents about \\'hY Nixon
is not paying state iJ1('Qn1c '
taxes. !·le has asked the staff
of the Assembly Revenue and
1'al!:ation Committ ee lo conic
up \\'iU1 the ans\1•er.s.
e Gas Deatla
MARTINEZ (AP ! -A youn~
\\'Ornan has di e(! brc;nise sl1•'
\\·as given ··laughing gas." or
nitrous oxide, inste;id vf ox-
.\'gen to help her rrcover from
intestinal surgery. the Contra
Cos ta County Coroner has rul-
S JJarks Resig 11ati oris
The coroner's reJX1rt h•surd
Thursday said Di<1nP Lindn
Thomas: 26. of llichm!Jnd. dic"J
\\'ednesdfl v aft er laJ>si ng 1nt11
a co ma No v. 26 follo\\:ing ;111
oocration al Contra Costa
J-Tospltal for rc1nov<l l of hf'r
gall blad der.
e S"""' 1'alt1lit !I
1\1 A illt<.·TOTH r..\QliN'T,\IN
I AP 1 -,.\ ski patrohn;in
l'!ssigned to avalanche cont rol
\\'as killed i.n an accidentil\
explosion. the l\!ono CVuuty
Sheriff's office rl'JJOrted.
i\1arvin n . Critton, 3f1, <1p-
parently 1vas pr('paring an ex-
plosive cha rge \>hen 1hc hla~1
otl'urred 1'hursdav 1norning.
a sheriff's deputy sald Crittun
\•;as alone and no on e else
11·as injured.
e Paper B1111
VAN Nt;,·s (1\Pl -1l1c
Tribun e Co. of Chicago has
purchased the Van 1'\u.vs
Pub!i.~hing Co. (111(1 NC\\S
Building Cflrp., publish\·rs of
the Valley ]\;C\\'S and lir·ccn
1AP 1
C:li irorn1:i"s !h'\\" t0nfl ict·of 111·
1c·r('Sl !~l1v 1.; t r l g g c r 1 n g
r!'~ig1n::i1 ions. legal fights anti
oppos11 10n froin ti!izen·politi-
'l'ht 1nrasurr. \\'hieh gor')
ill1() l'fft'C1 ./<in . \, l\'t1S
c·llar:irlcrized Thursda\· as an
inl':.i:-1nll of lhe pr11aey. of both
public officials and 1>i:Dple \\·ho
dc:il \\·11h \h('1n in a non-
politic:il c<1pac1ty
"\\'E IM),\"·r ohjt•tl to the
n1rr1 t ~ of thr bill \\\' objetl
to lhl' an1biguity:· Ncv;u . .:a
Cou1 1ty ('nuns~·! 13ri;;n Bisl1or
said ;J\ :i ll!'Jl'lng hi:ture
J{ca gan Still
• IJ 11 ii cc la re1l'
SACHAil-tE:\TO 1AP 1
C:d1[orn1:i r.11\', H o 11 <i l ti
He<ig;ui, ronsidt•n>d :i J)llt o.•nt1r1!
preSJliL'lllial ('<indld;i!r. S,"11':' "I
d(ln·L (·1·r11 let n1y.~clf think
vbuut ;u1,1·th1ng or th:.it k1n1J
until lhisc ,1oh i_, over."
ln :in i111erv1cw TI1ursd:iy .
ll1·<1g:in in!'islerl: "J'l'L' n1:icle
no pl :1 ns. I've n1adc no /
dei.:iSIQ!l "
'Sile11t l>raye1·'
P1·oposal Sttt(lie(l
California puhli l' sc h o o 1
children "'OUld h<t1'~ a dar lv
n11nute of classroom prayt'r
or medi tation under a propt1<;.1 I
being investlga1cd by the Statr
Boord of Educa non .
TIIE U.S. Supreme C<>urt
ooUawed rec i la t i on of
claMroom prayers in publ ic
schools in 1962. The high court
held th.at a nondenominational
prayer in New York schools
..... u lD>COOStitutlonal establish·
ment of religion by a state.
But Cahfomis Botird o!
Educalion mf!mbers 1luu'$Cfay
ordt!"f'd board a I to r n e y
Thoma;11 Griffin to re,·11,.w a
~far..YchUS('ll! la•· which re-
quires a minute of ~ilent
classroom prayer or med ita·
tion at the beginning of each
school day.
Tii i:~ EX ACT 1\·ord111g of the
;\!:1~~ar·l111~l'tl ;; le~isl~ct1on is:
· \I 1hl' co1nn1('11l'1'rne11t of the ]
fn·:;t l 1;1,:;1; nf (';lf'h day in
:il l gr;1drs in ;di puhl!c schools ' 1hl' !r:1clit1r iii ch:irgc of !he l
rl'.Ni ln 1n \\'h1rh r·aeh cl<ls.s is
held ~hall announce 1hat ;i
p1·r1od nf ~!l•·ncc not to excrC'd
on e n11nute 1n duration shall 1
b<, ObSt;rvrd for meditation or l
pra\·rr. and durinR any such !
~r1oc1 s1l,..nc.e shall be main·
t<iined and no <1ctivitics <'ngag.1
ed in • J
tJn a mo1 1()n fron1 r~ugene
R;,a !P of Rosevillr Ciri ffln 11'.'l~I <1.~li':o:-d 10 r " 1· 1 r \\' thr I
:'.laf..~1ehl1S<''t.'1 !av• "1rilh Ou•
J)'Js ... 1')il1 ty. if !ht' ~rn.~e or 1hf' !
bo<ird Le in lh:it d1ft'('\i1111. to l h.1~·" th1• OO:i rd f>N>fl.'tre si rni!arl
}l'Q'1sla11 rm in f':ihfornia"
S<:cr('ta r:' ol S1:1te Edn1und
t; Bro11·n Jr.
!!is coun ly filed stii l Tu t·s·
day challrngi ng !11r ('{)II·
st1 tutionality of !ht' n1casurc.
c~ty and county 0iticials there
and in numerous o th r r
C.'.l lifornia co 1nmunitics h.:i1·e
resigned or lhrralcned to
resig n r;i thc.r than con1pl ,v.
The l:i1\· applies to elected
;1nd appoi nted officia ls fro1n
the governor to cit~· criu ncil.
Prl)fcssional a 11'11 bu '.'.:illl'SS
pC'rsons l'lC'rt('r! 10 city or
coun ty pos!s rould he requirer!
to report tot;il ;1nnual rf'reip !s
fr01n l'ach p<lt1 ent , client or
tusto1ncr. Bi$hop ~aid
Y 01ttl1 Held I
111 Stabbing
Of Kin, 80
SA:\1' FRANCI SCO t UPI l -.
,\ yo11ng n1an \v:1s arre~!rd
·r hursduy on cha rges nr fa1 ally
stabbing his grHndrnolher in
her Russian Hi!! n1ansion.
Rober! r.t. Pasqual etti. 27 ,
\1·as book ed at county i;1 il
after being t3kcn fron1 the
psychiatric unit at St. ~Iary's
:;i H1\STA COU'.'•T'i' Coun sel ii' • I ' -u~p11<l .
fl obcrt Hehbcrg: tl'stifiC'd his The bodv of \frs. Stella Pas·
l'OUl11y planning d1rertor and <1u:1le1!L fm. v;;i5 found )'.;o\'
tl'c en tirl' pl an nin g <·0111-14 in the kitchen of hC'r hon1e.
nussion is resign111~:-1'1n'Cf' rif l'olirf' said shr l!:id b\'t·n
lhc C{lll11111~SIO!lt't';': S:Hd !hf' .~1.11)hl"rl ;rith a l2·in":' ki!C'h·
<lisclosurc la,\· ts tht' re;1~on rn knifr la11·r fou nd 1n <.1
fvr their res1gnal1rtns. tr;1~h e:u1
lnsurancen1an Hobe rt L-Ong Police s2.)d P;isqualel!i in
li'Sl)fit"d hl' is O!lL' Of the thrf'l' the p.1st h;id lx•en lrt'<l \('d for
n1c1nbcrs uf the i\l'1·;1da (_',1u11-mental pr1Jblt·1ns <lnt! 11·as
1~· Bo.'.lrd of Sup('r\·isors 111bo ho~p1t;:illzl'd ;-11 SI :'ll<1rv's JO
v.;ould be forcl'd to re~ig 11 da ys ago. He had 110rkcd as
becaus~of_t he ne1v h~a-'\'~·~~cman. j
• ZIP ••• front and
sleeves on thj5 macho
dt nim .!ilack suit by
:Robert I.e,vis: 50/50
polyester & cott cJn i11
ir.•hitc, l'O"''<lcr blue,
Davy, red or ycll uv•/
'With contrast :.ticch.
DAILY ' to '
SAT. ' to 6
SUN. 10 to 4
Model JET80
Portable Microwave Oven ...
Incredibly Fast Cooking!
$229 95
JET 70
Time to Replace Her Built-In DISH WASH 'f0
Master Charge
Extended Terms
We Install
CO 7303 RW
• 4 W••h Cvcl .. : Perm1nent Preu wilh Cold
W•te1 Cooldown-Normel with E11tr1 Wffh
Select10"-0 e1ic11e for Germentr; t1111 Nei d
Special Care ind Ac11v1ted So1k.
• Filler.Flo trapi l in1
• 3 Wash -2 Ains. T•ml)tlratu rts
WWA 70~°"ow ·$19995
• GE Hybrid Reliacolor
$299°0 • AFC-Au1oma!ic tine tun ing control
• Burl!·1n VHF and UHF
• Altrac!lve polys!yrene .,~-:->--~~~~;;;;~~ catl1ne1 in rosewood finish -~
' -
' 116988
12" ,, 2100 0 '1';
0 ....
Low Priced
• No•mlll W115h Sel&el1an for
vigorous washing al everyday load,,
• 2 Level W•shing Ac:lion • 6urf1 .ln Soh Food D•sp0$9r
• Cu!J'non Coated R11cks
•Dual Oe1er1Jt1nt O"Ptnser
• Tull Tub TM lntl ftor
~~~y $15995
Serving S..nta Ana
Jan. 2, 1974
HE 5206WO •VHF Tuner )
•UHF Solid State Tuner .1·
• J" Dynapower Speaker (
•VHF and UHF Antennas :
ALL NEW Porta-Color"
"In-Line" Picture Tube
Addrt ll'------------
TV &
Ph. 540-7131
2300 Harbor Blvd.,
Costa Mesa
i I
Huntington Bea~h
Fountain ·Valle
Today's Final
N.Y. Stocks
LeBard •Elves~ Brightening Christnias
B.v lllLAR\' KA\'E
01 111• D•llr Pollot U•tt
1'hc h111l~ of l/1(' I luntinglon Beach
Co11v;1IC'il'l'lll llo!'ip11:1l :ire nor1na!ly prt'l·
1y tJll'ak" 111th l1Ull' l<u1gh1cr and joy
111S1de. This convale!;Cc111 hospital. as
r. most others. rarely secs young races.
l:~u t Thur:..day ;iflt'l11tl0n, niorl! th<ln
""7 40 fourth and fifth gra,\t1rs fron1 Ll'B<lt'd
Sthool. Huntington U{';ich, Jt1..i.unpanied
·~ :~ Cha1ig·e Set
In January
\VAS lll NGTON !Ll'l l -Congress
passed today nnd s('n l to President Nixon
legislation to put the country on ycar-
round Ilaylight Saving Time early in
The bill , one of sever3l energy-savi ng
mra.~ures askC'd by Nixon, would lake
(·fftct Jan. 6 if the Prcsidcnl signs
it brforc Sunday. J! the signing is delayed
until next v.·cc.k. Arnericans v.·ould turn
their clocks ahc;_id one hour on Jan.
Year-round DST would rcn1ain in effect
1:1rough the last Sunday in April. 1975,
\1 hen the old uniforrn time act would
again berornc effective. Thus, mos t
states v.·ill rc1nain on DST tl\rough
October. 1975.
The bill \\'Ould allow only these ex·
-~ixon could cxc1npt a full state
fron1 DST if a go \'crnor iiiued a proc-
lamation saying: :in exemption was
needed to conserve fuel or avoid
hardship. Nixon also could Ignore the
proclamal1on, ho11·ever. The r equest
n1ust cornc frotn thr J{overnor bcforf'
dJy light !Lmc goes into r[fccL
-A state split by a 1in1e zone could
by la1~· £'xempt lhc portion of the slate
in one of the tirne zones fr om the
J)ST la"'· rPsulting in uniform time
throughout the ~!fite.
-Indiana. 11·hich exempts part or its
lrrrilory fron1 DST unde r prrsent la"'.
"'ould br permitted to continue that
exen1ption autornatically.
-1 la\\·aii, Purrto Rico and the Virgin
Islands auton1alically are exempted .
<>thrr"·ise. no exceptions \llould be
Dy pro\'idinf! onr r:-.:!ra hJur daylight
i11 the t 'Vt•11Jt1g. 1\ht·11 hon1e energy
<1rn1nnds a1·r greatest. 1hc theo ry is
that less hrnting will he nrcded and
li J.!h ls tine! t11t'C1r1cal appl1anl'f'S v.-ill be
used one hour less than norn1aL
Opponents contendt'<I li!!l e ene rgy
11 ould bf' s;1vcd nnd that extren1e
h:irdshir would b~' cnused in surnf· <'lrC'as.
including children h;1\'1ng to \\'all in the
d111·k ror schoo l bust·s.
On the nor1h11·cs1ern edge or 1inl<'
1ones. the sun \lould not r1~c until ar1cr
fl ii !11.
l!CCJUS(' Of lnte '\\·in!cr si1nriscs. lhc
tSce r1sr, Page 2)
i'(EW )'ORK (UPTl -\\'omen's \Vear
flRil y offered 1his among its page one
he;1dlines in toda y's edition :
"'Your skin and the energy crisis.·•
Charity Tree
Lot Target
Thieves broke Into & trailer on
a Santa Ana Christmas tree lot
Thursday night and made o{[ v.•ilh
stereo equipment used to play Yule
music and power tool s for cutting
lhe trees.
Teenagers who were operating
the lot at Bristol Street and
~1cmory Lane were golng to use
proceeds to raise rands ( 0 r
sightless babies nt the Services
for the Blind ~tome, 2015 N.
Broadwa)' in Santa AnA .
Now the young people will have
lo use tree pro!ils to PRY l(or
the stereo tnd tools, which were
-borrowed. nceordlng to Or. Wil lian\
IXNijs, exe<..11tlvo director of Serv·
icl's For th e Bllni:i.
Trenn(.lcrs who leased the lot.
and bou,ght the trees with their
ov.•n n1oney art alt' b I i n d
by teachers. parenls. a princ1p<il <Ind
t:'Vt:'11 a hig-as-life San ta Clau~. S1rullt·d
through the halls caroling Christina,
songs, and shouting "~Jerry Chnst1n:1s"
to those lining the h;11ll'.1ays :111d to
the res t v.•ithin their roon1s.
The Christmas project -Sll'!J::CSlf'd
by several parents ln lht: PTO ;111d
irnniediately agreed to b.v 1he c:hildrl'll
-also occurred at t1\'0 other Hun!ington
• con\'al('scen1 hoinc:s th1.~ v.·el'k. Valley
;u1tl l~arficld y.•1th LV.O differrnt gruup;.
of L,('13.:ird childrt·n grcc·!1ng the oldstt'rs.
Along \\'1th the Christ1nas c:.irols, thl·
children brought h!tlc gift·'\\'rapptd
presents -mostly useful itcn1s such
as toilt'\rics -and dccorauons they
had 1nade -including p1accnuns, table
lop Chrislinas decorations and Sant;:i
Cla us mobi les to hang rrorn th e cei ling.
President Kennedy in 1961 , Marilyn Monroe in 1962
Affair Reporte1l
JFK-Maril y n ~1onroe Ro1nance?
From \\'ire Ser,·ircs
NE\\' YORK -Syndicalrd gossi p rol-
urr.nist Earl \\'ilson reports !hat ~larilyn
~1onroe had a roman1.'.c "·i1h President
John F. Kennedy.
Just before she d1rd of <tll overdose
or sleeping pills in 1962. \\'ilson r1•1>0rted
Thursday , sht> sait.l , "Say goodh~e to
the President."
\\'ilson said he \1 l:.hhC'kl \IH' sto r.v for
years but rinally decided '"to set tl1e
record straight" because of a book on
~liss f\1onroe \,·hich d1vt•!lt·d 011 ht·r
fri end ship \1:ith Attorney (:enC'rn l Hnh(•r1
F. Keru1rd~1• writt en bv Norrnan ,\Jailer.
~liss hto11 roc·s rel<itionship 1vi1h Prt·s1·
dent Kennedy 1s dclaill'd in \\'ilso11·s
own book on the life of rnc late ;1ctrrss.
to be published ea rly nt'Xt )'C'ar. I It:
said he underlook :i thrcr-ypar in-
vestigation to cslitblish a "d31liancc··
between the blonde sex goddess and
the President.
\\'ilson said the affair went on for
almost a year before 1'.fiss f\1onroc's
dealh. He said she. 1vas son1eti1ncs a
discreet gues: a t little dinners arranged
by President Kennedy, usually at the
Hotel Ca rlyle in New York where the
Kenned ys maintained an apartn1cnt. lie
said Miss Monroe once wore a black
wig as a disguise.
The columnist said he had "'vrithcrl
with embarrassment'" 11t th e reports of
an affair bet ween "Marilyn and Bobby."
Wilson said Pel.er Lawford. a Kennedy
in-law , believed he was speaking with
f\.1arilyn on the phone when she lost
consciousness Aug. 5, 1962, after taking
:i lethal overdose of sll'cping pills. ll~
io!d the coluninlst ht:r last "·ords 11 cre:
"Say goodbye to Pat ll'at Kennedy
La1vford !, say goodbye to the Pn.•31dcnl.
and say goodbye lo yoursrlf bt><:<H1~c
)ou're a nice guy ...
She \1'3S 36.
"il1arilyn i\lonroe \1 as !us happy col·
laborator in this dist 111c1 ly nonp<1li11c:1l
area of his life." \\'1lson 11Tote in his
ne1v book ··Sho11' Businl'ss Laid Bnre''
11·h1ch G. P. Putnam's Sons 1\·ill publi sh
J,1 n. llt.
\I 1!son said he knew ~·\i ss ~tonroc
11cJI l111TISl•lf. nnd also got other ln-
fr1rr11;1 t1111 1 frun1 llolly\\'Ood eolun1ni st Sid-
11l'Y :-iknb;kv ~ind i\c·1v York dri•ss
dr;;1gn1 ·r H1'11rv Hose11ft•ld.
L<1 wfoi·d. Sknl!'ky nnd Hosi·nft~ld 11 rre
nu1 11111nl'diatl'l y .'.1V<1ihib!c for comn1 rn1.
Tce11-aaed Thuo11 ~ ~
Vi ctimize Man , 78
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -J'olice say
a gang of teen-age thugs dragged a
18-Yt'ar-old n1an into the basemenl of
a housing project build ing. beat him and
robbed him . The amount : S2. ~
Acting un an anonymous telephone
tip, police said \\'illian1 Fried ""as found
11 .. ande ring, dazl'd, on a sidc\1'alk late
lie told officers he '\\'as \~·nlking hon1c
\1•hen t\l'O youths jun1pcd hitn and drag-
gl'd hi1n into a basen1cnt. Joined b.v
lour others, th!' 1nan u•as kicked and
beaten, polirc said .
All of the childrrn :it LcB:.irt.l. lro111
k111dcrgar1en through fifth gratlt'. IH:lp1•<.I
make the decorations. but 011ly fourth
and fifth gradl'l'S al'lll;1ll.v gu1 hi \ 1 ... 1
thr hon1es.
"It's sort of ;1 1hro11b:1ek 10 1ht: good
vld-rash1oned Ch r 1 ~ t 111 ll !> l' >; Ht
yei;teryear,'' remarked h:a1'l'll Snyd<•r.
i.ireside:nt of the PTfl and !he one \1 ho
spearheaded the activity.
--\re n1:1d~· l1on1pn1ad1• Jh1rn.~. a11tl H
ga\'t' thr ...:h1lctrcn a chant't' 10 tL•,1lly
p:irt1c1p:it~· 1n n1ak111g ;;011)1"111e \'!,i.1··..,
l'l1r1~\n1ns hnppl' ... sh·· add1·d.
··Yt';1h. th is 1:. rc;dll' 11C':11. · ~.u d un•·
l1ttk· boy. Hl "\\'1• ·1n:1dt· 1h1n.;s tor
the grandrnas and graudp:io;;"
1\1ost of 1111• ch1!drl·ll 11t·r1• ple:lSl'd
the-senior cit17.1:tl.s npprl•{'l:.Jtt•d th L'll" ,.f.
furls. Hui Ot\L· Htllc• girl Ch11rlottt• l~ohn .
JU, \1·as nuL too suri• 11hu cr1JU)t'd lhc
Boy Saved by Brotlier
1 1~11, an<l "ho dul 1101
•\\uh uld f>1:ople. it's hard lo lt•tl
1f thcv'ri;-h:tppy " Qlarlott1· 1:xpla1ned
( ,1\i ·<" !h•·1 • 11 11h1•11 th1·1 ·r, happ\
1011 I ~111•S-., 111 .. 1· \11•r1· h.1J)Jl} lu ..,,.,.
11:.. b111 1h,·1 111'tl' :ill cryi11ll ··
All ('h;1rlnll1· h :id to flo !!1 be ~u re
1111\\v\'t'f'. 11 .1-. hi lnok ;11 tilt• ,,1n1lc~
011 !hl' f.'lt '":. of lht• St·nu1rs ~1111ng 111
door11;11" 111 tl\•·1r 11·ht•cl('h;u1·~. ;is th••
ll't•r::. (XllU't:d do1111 their 1.·!uct•I-.!>
Fire Guts Beach Home
01 "'' 01Uy Pilot Srtrt
A 6-ycar-old Huntington Beach boy
11·ho "'aS rescued fron1 his flaming
bedroom by an older brother is in good
condition today in the burn ward or
the Orange County Medical Center.
John Kirby of 6~21 Tyrone Circle.
suffered burns on his face. hands an<l
feet when a candle in his bedroon1
ignited son1e cur!~ins.
The fire gutted the home the liUle
boy shared \vith his mother. Peggy
Kirby . 35, and five brothers and sisters.
Al the tin1c the fire oroke our, John
and tus older brothel, Ricky. 12. were
Charges Fly
Over Nixo11
Appeal Case
Charges and counter charges vr
partisan poli!icking and misuse of
govcrnn1cnt funds "'ere flying toda~' in
1he 1rake of Supervisor Robert B.1t1in's
unsuccessful ilppeal io bike Ille l'alUatio11
of !-'resident K1xon's S<in Clc1nentc
est at e.
The latest developn1ents include:
-:\lc\v threats by Rep. Andrew J.
!Unsha\v (ll · Nc111>0rt Beach), former
Orange County assessor. that criminal
charges may be projX'r against Battin
<lnd Lv.•o other De.mocratic su~rvisors
1vho voted to spend public funds on
;:i reappraisal of the \\'cstern \\'hitc
-A statement by Supervisor Ra lph
Diedrich of Fulll'rton, one of th e three
1vho \'olcd to spend the 1noney, that
Hinshaw·s charges of partisan politics
"arc ridiculous.·•
-Threats by a Fullerton land ap·
praiser to appC'al the .1sscssmrnl on
[)i('drich 's hon1e and dcniand an outsid1.·
appraisal like that dooc on Nixon's csta1 e
unless the supervisors change !he rule
:i1!011ing anyone. to 11p~JI anyone. elsc"s
n:«;cssn1c-nt for $50.
-f\ S!;Jtl'llll'lll b.v R;1tl1n I h :1 I
ll1nshaw·s chai·ges arr noth111 g: n1oi-1•
1hnn a "~n1okc screen" to co1·pr 01p
hi s 0\\'11 \Xlor handling uf the aSS('S!'ni"s
office. llaUin asserted ~linsha1v rn:1y
herorne "the Orange County Agne11·."
The key dcvcloprnent is lhnsh<nl'·s
~taternent calling for a Grand Jury probe
of the appeal expenses and the po:"SJ·
b1hty of crimina l cha rges ~ing filed
agalllst the three Democratic super·
\'ISOr S.
ll insha\I' said early Thursday lhe
Grand Jury ..should probe the matter
and then folfoY.•ed up v.'it h a call Thurs·
day evening to ne"•smen saying criminal
charges may be. proper.
The congressman said the supervisors'
approval of a $4.500 expenditure on a
rc11µp r<1isa\ o( the estate by the State
Bollrd of Equalization "a1nount s to
ft'a ud ...
"I th ink thrrc is grfat opportunily
for crin1inal action aga inst Bob Dallin ."
I linsha11' said. ndding that similar actions
(See CllAHGES, Page 21
tht• only persons in the house, polict'
The n1other 1vas at 11·ork as a b;ir
n1t1id in Anaheim and the other children
11ere out of the house visiting friends.
Ricky rescuC'd John from 1he burning
room. but the original repo rt issued
by the fire dcpar!.m ent inco rrectly iden·
lificd !he r('SCllt:>r as another brother
linry, 14. and ga1·c Rickey's na1nc as
Fire Capt. n oger llosrncr said today
that Gary arrived at the house just
as Ricky was lc;,idin)J John out of th e
burning roon1 .
The t>1•0 older children tried to put
Judge Kenneth Mo rrison
Judge 1'1orrison's
Rites Sc hecluled
\1:111:.-ii f {Jr;in.c:c Countv Suprrior
('our!'s 31 JUdJ!cS ~tnr1ed tlll'1 r n1ornin g
l'illl'nd:irs 111 hushN.I cou1·1roo1ns todn y.
paying a last tribute to retired Judgl'
KL·nnc1h E. :\1orrison.
Judi;c i\lorrison died Thursday night
in a Garden (;rove convalescent hospital
;ifter a Jong illness. lie v.•as BO.
Presiding Judge Brurc Sumner told
11 courtroon1 audience today after calling
for a momen\"s silence for Judge ~lor
rison that run eral services will be held
at 11 a.m. l\1onday in United Spurgeon
illcthodist Church. Santa Ana.
Burial will fol!o1v at Fairhaven
i\lc1norial Park in that city.
.Judge ~1ot-rison. a nalive of Burnett.
\\'ash .. was elected to the Orange County
Superior Court in 19·10 <ind served 011
the bcnrh until tus rctircn1cnl ln 1963.
!ht> lire out 111th buckets of water,
bta \\hen they could not stop the blaze.
thl·y ran to n nearby friend's hon1 c.
to call the fi re department.
A police spokcsnian notl>d. th at the
elcctricitv to the hon1e had hecn shut
off fo r ahou1 th ree days and the f:im ily
had bC'cn using candles for lighting.
Accordiug 10 poliC'e, there has brcn
no tc!ephoue service to the honie for
111orc than a ~·ca r.
A fir(• dcpartn1cnt spokl'sn1:i n said
the fa111ily 11·as p\a11n ing 10 1nove to
till! Annlil•1tn ;irea and th;1 t tilt')' l\'Cnt
the re \1·hcu the fire n1ad e the. house
Hopes Grow
Arabs Will
Lift Boycott
Dy The Associa ted Pres.'I
il1en1bers of Secretary of State Henry
A. Kissingcr"s del egation said today
there was a ""better than 50--50 chance"
the Arabs -...·i ll lift their oil einbargo
1il'xt n1onth.
They said the~· cxpcctt:d Israel and
Egypt to be negotialing a discngagem('nl
of thei r arn1ics on t h e Sue·~ front by
that rime.
711ey n1ade th e statement on arr1v:il
in Riyadh . Sa udi Arabia from Calru.
Kiss inger ls scheduled to mecl King
Faisal during his stay.
But United Press International
quoted the of ficials 1vith Kissinger as
saying the chanres 11·crc ··Jess than 50
TI1erc 11·as 110 immedintc cla ri!ira-
!icn v.·hcthcr the con1ment \1·as meant
to be optimistic or IJCSsimi stic.
111c con1ment set 11ff an explosive
rally on Ille r-.:ew Ycrk Stock Exehange
1n fn1 rly hl'avy trnding.
1'hl' Oo1v Jones indu strial ;1vcragc
gainrd 14.9 points to Rl.'>.42 n fc1\'
1n1nu tes bl'fore !1 ::10 a.n1, Ahtt051 the
l·ntirl' gain occurr~'<t ;,ifll'r 10:~5 11·hc11
\\'all ~!J'f't·I lei1n1ed Siu1di Arahin n Kin.(!
V<il!i<i l rnight. be co nsiderin g lifting Lhr
011 einbargo.
Before that nc\1's. n flrs r-hcur ralh· tr~' sagged fbr lack of supporli\'e ne11'.s
Saudi governmen t officials and l·.s.
dip lom/lls in Riyadh indicated Faisal
n1ighl be \l'illing lo consider a limited
resumption of oil deliveries to affected
nations if President Nixon or Kissi nger
n1akes a public an nouncement calling
for Israeli withdrawal from occupied
Arab territory.
Orange Coast
Coast Basin Wins Backing
He prevlouf.ly had served as justice
o; the peace for the Santa Ana Judicial
District, a post 10 which he \1'3S ap-
pointed by county sper\'isors aft er
v.·orking for five yea rs as Supe rior Court
Judge It. Y. \Villiams' clerk.
Night and n1orning fog and low
rlouds along the Orange Coast
Saturday. but other1.,.ise mostly
$Unny 11·1th some high clouds in the
atfernoon. Slightly \\'armer. 11ighs
in th e 1nid 60s. Lows in the 40s.
Of lti. 0.11'1' ,lltt Sl•lf
Members or the Orange County Coast
Assoclatkln agreed Thursday to support
"in principle" the creation or a $1 .S
mllllon hydraulic model test basin for
the 42 miles o( county coastline.
ConstrucUon of the test basin has
been pro~ed by the marine -division
of the Newport flarbor Chambe r of Com·
It wou ld be a physic/I I model of the
CX>Unty coastlin e, built In scale to e:s~bllst1
exactly the same topop:raphlcal eon-
ditkJn s which now exi st from Alamitos
Day to San Onofre,
Ttd Gillenwaters of Newport Beach,
who outlined the pro ject Thursday during
the Coast Association meeting in llun-
tlngton Beach. said the model \voutd
measure 200 feet in length and 90 feet
in width.
ft would cover a half-acre site and
v.'Ou ld geographically reprei;ent the area
from the San Diego Frec ..,.·ay to 10
miles at sea.
Sin1ilar hydraulic models hnve been
built for thto: San Frnncisco B<iy region
and th e Chesapeake Bay .
Gillenwaters cred ited the Sa n Fran-
cisco nlOdel with "S:ll'ing the San Fr::1n-
clsco Bay and kee ping 11 from becoming
a Lake Erie."
Engincera would use such a model
to lest the real e ffec t or any proposed
change on the coastline. Gillenwaters
said such a model could have prevented
the errors 1nadc in building the west
Newport groins which \\'Cre sup posed
to stop beach erosion~ but haven't.
•te said the Dana Point Harbor y,·as
built fron1 a hyd raulic model and m<iy
prove to be one of the best harbors
ever built.
No agency has yet agreed to sponsor
construction of th e te!-ll basin. but
Gillc.nwatcrs said he believes rederA I.
slate and local funding could be found.
Members of the Newport Chamber arc
currenlly trying to round up su1>p0rt
(See tiA SIN, rag~ 21
Judge Morrison often commc.nted after
his retirement that he derivl'd most
enjoyn1enl in his 23 years on the Superior
Court bench from the tin1c he spent
in Juvenile Court.
Active throughout his \He in the Boy
Scout movement, he onre estimalt'<I lhat
he hod hond1ed at Jeust 23,000 ju,·1·11Llc
cases in those 23 years.
Judge ~1orrison i~ survivt'd by his
\Vidow, Virginia; a son, Kenneth P, :\\Ot'•
rison: three grandchildren and l\\'O gtcat·
grnndchi ldrcn.
A Santa ~na resident since 1910. 1hr
jurist found tin1e during his t•arccr to
(S~ JUDGE, l'agc %1
Cl1ristr11as in the ghetto. Cole/-
en \Vest Collepe stude11ts uJill
g111c yo1' a taste of 11Jilat that
'neans inn SnL 1trdrty ·r1if/ht stage.
sllou1. See to<lau ·s \Veekende r
fur i11formatio11 .
,i.r Yt111r St,...lct J Mttv•tt ll.Jt
l o•llft• JO M111u•I l'11"11t )t
t M, 1..-,4 I I H•llOllll Nt WI I , ll
C•llltrnl• > Or1~11 C!Mlft1¥ II
Clt\llntt fl-1CI lt•,hun 11tt H J1
Coml(1 11 \perh lt-}t
(rt11,...rd '1 \'-tit ,,.. .... h JO-Jl
Ot•lll Ntllct' 11-11 r~1,vl 1I011 JI
Ellltorl•I P'•tt I '~'8'•" »-Jt
''"l n(t 1'·l1 Wtl1~or 4
,..,. lllt 111.tctrd It Wom t ft 'I Mtw1 u .n
"O•IKtH 11 Wt•ltt Hn11 I, Jt
"'"" La!liM" u Wttlltl!Mr ,,_...
Mallltt~ •
J DAIL' PILOT H Friday. Dtcrmber 14, ll}7'}
Battin's Assessment Battle Cost $15,000?
By ~1LUA'1 SCllRE!Rt:R
Of .. Cl911\' ,llef "•"
Orange County Su~rvisor Hobert Bat·
tin·s unsuccessful ap1)('ill of lht' county
tax \'a luation Oil r•res1U1·nt !\·1xun s Still
Clt•n1enll' r·.~t:ite n1n.y ha\·c cost $15,000
or more -at lt:ast half of whieh 1.:ilnJ1'
fro rn public coffers.
1'he cost figure v.·as derivl'd frum
iesti1nony during the thrct!-<lay Assess·
mt'nl Appeals Bo::1rd session i'nd1ng
\\'cdnesday and estimates of such factors
as sala ries of county employes and other
key figures in !he cJsr.
Rival Seeks
$1 Billion
From IBM
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -t lemorex
Corp. asked more than $1 Bl!lion damages
from International Busi ness ~lal.'hines
O:irp. today in an antitrust suit accusing
JB~1 of tr}'ing to n1onopollze !he electric
data proces.c;ing industry.
The h:dcral court sui t charged 18~1
with anticompeLllive actions against
l\femorex in n1arketing co n1 put er
periphrra1 products and disc packs.
~temorex, headquarterd at Santa
Clara. manufactures comp u t er
periphe ral products and magnetic tape
compatible "'ilh IBM romputcrs.
It started makl.ng computers in 1970
but quit that market in 1973, v.·riting
off $35 million in losses.
A Memore x 9JX1kesman sai d three
complaints in U.S. District Court charge
facts of violalion.s similar to !hose folllld
to be unl a\.\·ful in lhc Scpteinber decision
against IBM in litigation hy the Telex
Corp. in Tulsa, Okla.
Memorex asks $750 millio n in damages.
$100 million more for its associate, !LC
Peripherals Leasing Corp .. Santa Cla ri.I ,
and $200 million for foreign subsidia riPs.
In antitrust actions. a \'erdiet for
J\temorex wou ld triple lhe damages
a\varded by a court.
In a statement . Memorex claimed that
IB~f started anli con1pcli tive actions
against l¥1emorex and other makers o[
products "plug compatible." \\'i th IB\l
computers after r.ten1ore.x started pro·
ducing these products in 1970.
The complaint charges that JB~I .
\Vorld Trade. Corp. and other 18~1"
subsidiaries violated anlitrusl /a\\'S by
monopolizing the market for peripheral
products for use wi th IB~f compulers.
J\!e.mo rex said that beyond the al\rged
violations sln1i\ar to those in the Telex
case, the complaints allege "a course
of antirompctitive ronduct by I B~l
directed against the .~temorex com-
F ouritain Valley
H <LS 1 Candidate
For Tliree Secits
So far, Fountain Valley has one can-
didate for three seals on 1he city council.
The election will be he.Id next ~tarch .
The lone candidate is incumbent Al
J lollindcn. He has filed nomination
A SJX>kesman for the city clerk oot.ed
that six n"IOre JXllential candidates lul\·e
taken out nominalion papers, but bave
not yet returned then1.
lnclucled in this group arc lhc. other
two incumbents, Ge0i-ge Scoh and Ed
01.hers "'ith par.1ers tha! have not been
filed are:
J une Boykin . 16269 San Gabriel S:.:
Roger Stantoo. 16303 r..tt. Nimbus Circle.:
l lerbert Garson , 18288 Brookhurst St .
and John Kelly, 18147 Santa Lauren.a
Tl'tt 0r~"9• Cooo>t DAIL'!' PILOT wllft wttlCn
11 combl»Mi m• ~1W1·Prcn. " C>UbltSh@a b~
rtM o .. no• (081t PUlll••~111a com11•~Y. S•P•·
r1!t .ci11;on1 ore 11UOll1~t<1. M•ll<l•v lftrQO,tVft
f'rltl•v, tor Cot!• Mos•. N_..I B11d1,
Hun!ln11ton B••Cl't/FO..'l••ln V•Oley, Lag.,...
9..,etl, l••Tnt/SMICl!tlNck tnd Son Cltm..,ll/
Stn Ju•n Ctplt!•t""· A 1<ng1~ •"II~•!
9dlll0<1 11 11Ullli1'-t<:I Stl11rdftVI ..... 511nc1~v•.
TIW prlncl1><1I p11bl11ftlng plt nl lo •• l )I) Wfll ••Y 11n11, Cn•t M•••· C11,,c1ni1, t lt1'.
Rob1rt N. w ,,d
,.,.,,ldtn1 '"° Pvotionor
Jtt~ I . C11•l1y
Vk1 ,.,_.111..,1 t l>CI Gt..ert l "'"'"9"'
Tho11111 IC11•il
Tho11111 A.. M11•phi,.t
Mlr>&gifo~ td•tOr
Cfi1rlM H. Looi Ro•h11.I P. Ni ll
.A.N~t..,1 M1n191..., et110ro
r,,,.... Co•!ll1
W111 O••-c ..... 1~ 1:.110f"
......... " IMc.lrllOffka
1717$ l 11coh 101111••""
Mtilini A.ld11n ' P.O. l ot 7f0, •2•41 _ .......
\....,... ... Cfl' n2 ,o>ftl .IY-...
Co1•• MHt: JJD Wttl Sty l•r1tt
i.11wpor1 a .. c11 · wi NtWllO<t aou••••f'd ._.,. C'-"'" Jlli Hofllt El CtmlMI •t1I
, ....... 17141 , .. 2 .. 121
C111J'n.4 .a.~...-••2·1671
p,.. ,..,.. .,,.,.,.. c"""" ,,.......,.. ...
140.1221 '°""'""' "!'). Ortno-'"''' """'11•111 ... ~II\': Me M WI tltrl... Ul.,.lrtllom.
ldllorl•I _..., or Ml•"'1l...-fl Mr'Wll'
.... y .. ,..,.....111 ......... -"'· "'"
... ~ "' .,,, ... 111 ·-· 1.tC.W ..... _, ... ..,111 t i c.t11 Miit.
(.Ill'°"'"' 9W10"lotllrr'o ~ ""It' d ," ""°"'lll'I 'b1 .,..u A U moo11111y1 ll'llllltr' ....... , ...... .,,., """"'"·
County As~essor Jack \'allerga. whose
$1.37 milliun aMeSS ffii'llt of ltlt• \Yeslcrn
Wh ite House was at l!sue, said be will
try to detail the total cOsl in the coming
weeks. But he said the Job v.·ould be
[...__N_Ew_s_AN._AL_Y_sIS __ J
a diff icul t one.
Botti11·s charge! that the estate should
be. valued at $2 n11llion or more were
ttirown out by the appeals panel Wednes.-
day tiy a 2·0-1 vote. Commissioner
Frank Mania, a J~ttin appoulltc, ab-
lla.lncd from the fin al vote.
In rejecting Battl.n 's appeal, which
cost the First Dlstrict supervisor from
Santa Ana h $50 fee to file, the pan'!
upheld Vallerga's assessmenr.
The largest si nglt' expense of tile B:it -
tln appeaJ was revealed in testimony
by two appraisers ""'ho were part of
a team hired by Nixon attorn ey Frank
l'.leMarco to re.vie"' the assessment.
Appraiser Jlugo lJrun)nl s:ud De~larN>
was billed $l,500 for the services of
the three-member review panel.
The second major cost accrued during
Despite Denial
Ex-Nixori Carnpc1ig1i Aide Gets Bid
WASJfl NGTON (AP) -A California
campaign offi cial for President Nixon
received a heJty Sma ll B us In es s
Administration contract subsidy despi te
ol)jecHons from a review pa11e). govern-
ment documents disclosed today.
The agency tacked a $135,716 subsidy
payment on a $200,lJI Navy rontract
a\\'arded to Aceco Tool Corp. of San
Leandro, SBA documents sho1v.
A review committee voted 3 to 1
to deny the sub5idy payment on grounds
it was excessive. the docu1nents reveal-
ed. The suOOidv. which amounted to
67.7 percent of ·the base contract price
paid by !he Na\.'Y, "'as the highest
ever paid by the agency in percentage
tenns, an agency source said.
It also ~·as the only one ever app roved
over the review committee's objection,
the source said.
The president and O"'Tier 0£ Aceco
Tool Corp., formerly Aceco Tool &
Machine Co., is Joseph Aceves, Alameda
County, chairman of Democrats for Nix-
In a telephone. inte rview, Aceves said
he negotiated the contract without com-
pet itive bidding under a program to
help minority-run finns although another
company offered to do the "'ork for
$100 ,000 less.
lie denied that he received the contract
because of JXJlilical influence. Of his
campaign role, he said, .. Jt hurt 1ne
more than anything else."
An SBA spokesman said !hat the Small
Business Adminlslration "did not a"·ar d
the contract as a political pay-0ff to
anyone and there v.·as no political
pressure e:terted to award the contract."
(~·fean\\'h ile, the llousc Banking Conl~
mittee vot ed today to add a strong
prohibition against \\'hire House or other
"outside influence" on SBA Joans . 11lc
com n1ittee added the measure to a bill
extendin g the. agency's lending authori·
A confidential report on the Aceco
contract prepared by Leonard Rosen,
an SBA price analyst, shows that the
government could have bought the same
products for $200,000 from one company
that made them be fore and for $255.000
from a second rompany that never pro-
duced them.
Aceves' firm received the $336.248 con-
lract last March for prodt.:ct ion or el~c
trooic co mponents used ln sonar devices,
an agency spokesman said.
Vehicles Bang Together
In Fog Near Bakersfield
nine cars and trucks rammed together
in chain·reaction collisions today when
they hit a bank of dense fog on Interstate
5 about 35 miles south of here.
A spok~an for th e Californ ia
High~atrol said no deaths were
initially reported but thef"e \.\'ere tour
persons injured.
He said "numerous'' trucks and cars
\Vere Involved and northbound tralfi c
v.·as completely blocked on the high"·ay
which links Los Angeles and San Fran-
cisco for an hour.
\Vitnesses at the scene said it appeared
at least two truck trailer rigs were
involved along \lt'ith seve ral cars.
At least one of the vehicles burst
in to fi re.
All available Clf P units, tow trucks
and fire equipment fron1 the Kern County
st;itiGn rrspondt<I
Th~ CHP said a low cloud COl'C'r
app<'lrently slipped acro.....s the botton1
of the "Grapc \'ine" reducing visibil ity
to t C'l"O.
Front Page 1
devote on thr side 10 tiis C'hurch and
his f<.:1vorile .i;crvice organizations.
He '>'as ;i longtime lay leader of Uniled
Spur geon ~1c thodist Church .
"About 98 percent of the yo llllgsters
never had at1ended Sunday School," he
said of those estimated 2.1.000 juvenile
court cases he presided over.
liis career on the bench also included
the notorius Overell murder case "'h.i ch
dre\Y nation wide attention.
The Overe\ls' J7.year-old daughter and
her boyfriend were accused of n1urdering
her parents by blowing uµ their yncht
\\'ilh dynamite at Hs mooring in Ne~·port
The young couple were acquitted after
a sensational trlaL
From Page 1
DST ...
bill directed the Federal Communications
Commission to pennlt many daylight..
only radio statloM lo go on the air
earlier in I.he evenin g .
If lhe sunrise-to-sunset stations were
required t.P wa it until local sunrise in
some areas. their main morn ing au-'
dlence already would be al work or
at school.
Teacher~ lo Court
COMPTON (AP} -Reprts~ntaUves
o( striking Compton school teach,rs were.
ordered Thursd11y to appear In CQurt
Jan. 2 to explain why they nr' dcfyl.ng
a court order which prohibits the
walkout. The hearing, set by Superior
Court Judge: Dllvtd A. Thom as, \,\IHI
delermfne whe1.hcr the tea~MI have
been In contempt of rourt.
The C'ollisions began \\'hrn the trucks
and cars slowed up in the fog and
\1·rre rcarcnded by other vehicles, th e
CHP said.
From Page J
BASIN • • •
for the project before they approach
any of the many agencies ·whlch could
become in\'olved.
Such a model could be built on a
om • acre site. "'ith half the s:ile used
for park ing.
Gillen\\'aters said he f e 1 t the mOOel
\\"Ou1d not only ser,'e as an engineering
tool. but as an outstanding education al
lfe . a_lso suggested the public might
be w1H1ng to pay for the privilege of
vie"ing in SC'aic just what the Orange
County coast line looks like. Educational
groups would be allowed free admission .
Jfc estimated the annual operating
cost at about $250,000, which could
partially be paid for by !ht' public lours .
urt "·on't solve all 011r problems. but
it will reduce 01ir errors," he said.
Movies Offerecl
At Beacli Librurv
The Hun tington Beach Public Library
now has feature films available for
checkout from its audio-visual depart·
me nt.
Among the available films are "Cry
lhe Beloved Country," "David and Lisa,"
"Great E x p e c t a t Io n s, '' Hamlet,"
"JohMy Cash ," "Loneliness of the Long
Dislaoce Runne r," "Lord of the Flies,"
"A Night to Re me mber," "Romeo and
Juliet," "A Taste of Honey,'-' and "The
Ttii rd Man."
There will be: a low rental fee charged
per day for use. of the films. acco rding
to a spokesman from the library. F'ilms
must be picked up and retumed to
the library, 525 Main St.
Further infonnation and booking
rese.rvaUons are available at 536-5434.
Jurors Selected
For Legisuitor
v.·oman, five-rnan jury has been chosen
In the long-delayed drunkl!n drtvlng case
of veteran Assemblyman Edwin L.
Z'Berg ([)..Sa,cra mento ).
Z'Berg wa• 'present In court Thurtday
while his three attorney! participated
In jury selection. ·
The lawm!ker11's attorneys plan to
present argument• In court to ch&llt.nge
the vnlldlty of a prtor convtc tlon of
drunken driving ag11Jo1t Z'Be.rJ.
A second convict.ion In the latest
November, 1973 cue would ruult In
a maodatory five-day Jail sentence
against the eight-term assemblyman.
!he appeal la $4 ,SOO paJd by the county
to the St.ate Board of Equallullon ln
October for a double-chet:k on Va\lerga'a
The mo ney paid ror a new appraisal
of 1he vi lli by the board's appraiser,
Howard 1'f. Childs, who said be valued
the e!tate at $1 .S mill ion.
na11111 was 01~ prime mover in the
\01C by supervisors to have Vallcrga's
figurt'S rechecked and Childs v.·as Ilat-
tin's only witness at the hearing.
Childs had to fly from Sacran1ento
to :ip pe.;1r al the Tuesday hearing session
Prob e Urged
For Be1iefits
Of Veterans
Orange County School Board men1ber
David Brandt, aC'ti11g as a spokesman
for the Association of C a I i f or n i a
Veterans, today demanded a
Congrel.Sional investigation of t h e
Vete rans Administration.
Brandt, a student at Sanla Ana
College. made the demand on behalf
of \\'hat he called a large number of
veterans in school ""·ho have not been
receiving regular educ-ation benefits.
"People throughou t the state are being
thrown from apartments or losing cars
and othe r possessions becawe they
aren't getting the money to which they
are entitled," Brandt said at a news
conference in the Anaheim ConvCDtlon
The news conference was called during
a meeting of veterans groups front
schools all over Southern California.
"Thi s matter of not getting chocks
or getting them spo radically has gone
beyond the JXlint of reason," said Brandt ,
who was e!ected to the county school
board representing Santa Ana.
He satcl at Santa Ana College alone ,
700 of the 2,800 veterans In attendance
either ha\·e not gotten checks or ha\'e
gotten them months late.
Brandt sald he \\·as asked by the
Association of California Veterans to
spearhead the Orange County dri \'e for
a Congressional probe because he is
a student, \"eteran and an elected offi cial.
"I sent telegrams lo the Orange QJun-
ty Congressmen and Cali fornia's t"·o
senators about the problem. urging them
lo take action but still haven't gotten
so much as a ~ank yo4 from any or
lhem," Brandt ·Mid.
T~randt said the logical next step was
today's public 1k>mand of Congress to
in\·estigare the V • .\.
"! don't know what the problem Is
~·ilh the \·A." Brandt said. •·Jf they
are understaffed . then they should hire
new people. Ir they ha\'e weak
leadersh ip, they need to i:;:et nc1v
and his expenses come from public funds
u well.
Public funds also paid the thr~e ap-
peals board men1bers whG sa t through
three sessions ln the past ""'eek and
two other nieetings in !he past month
where llatl1n "·on conttouanefs of hls
Board men1bl'rs are paid iso for f'llt'h
half<{fay they work. Totalling the nurnber
of sessions, the meetings eost taxpayers
anot her $1,050. That does not take in lo
accoun t other lnl"0111e the 111en1bL•r.s
. ' -' ..... . ...
Frou1 Page l
<'Ould be brought against Diedrich and
Supervisor Halph Clark, ~·ho also voted
lo !5pend the n1oney.
Supervisors Ronald Caspers o .f
Ne\vport Beach and David B:lkC1\
representing lluntington BL•ach, both
Republic.ans , v()t.ed against Uie expense.
"Because the county spent the money
for a private person's complaint, T
believe it was an Improper use of public
funds," Hinshaw said.
l{insha~ said al the very least there
should be a requirement that Ballin
repay the $-1 ,500 spen l on his •·personal
Diedrich reacted to llinshaw'.s con1~
ments today, saying he felt the in-
vestigation "~·as ~·eU v.·ort.h the cost
to clear the air once and for all."
Batttn clain1s the ass"essment should
be more than $2 million. not the
$1.37 miliion quoted by Ornnge County
Assessor Jack Vallerga or lhe $1.5
million set by I.he State Board of
1\1ean"'hile, appraiser Jl C. "Campy''
Lynch said unless lhe board changes
the rules permilling appeals such as
Ballin's he will demand simila r treat -
ment of his appeal of Dledrieh's home
Lynch , ci ting the expense of a reap-
praisal and costs of county employes
"'ho had to attend the hearing, said
the Ballin action revealed the high cost
to laxpayers of such appeals.
Ballin himself had some caustic com-
ments today about Hinsha'>'·'s charges.
He said the county is still paying
for mistakes made by llinshaw when
he was county assessor.
"As far as a Grand Jury investigation.
l would we lrome it, both as to my
activitles. and as to l>.tr. Hinshaw's ac-
tiv ities as as:sessor ," Battin said. '"(
think "'e might have our own Orange
County Agnew currently occupying a
rongressiona l seat."
Kosygin lo Resign?
CAIRO I AP J -Sovicl Premier Alexei
Kosy~in has asked repeatedly to be
relicvNl of his post because of kidn ey
trouble. the semi-0fficial E g y pt i a n
ne1~·spflper 1\! Ahran1 reJXlr!t'il lron1
;..1ost"O\\.'. Thursday's dispatch s a 1 d
Kosygin had not been seen in public
~ince his visit to Cairo in October during
the war .
might have ea rned bad thfl)' not been
at the hcarlng.
01her co!ts 11rc harder to dl•t£'rnunc.
For exHmpll·, Nixon attorney lle~tarto,
co11s1dcrcd one. or the top la\vycrs In
Los Angrles. C'01nmands hourl y fees al
bet\Vl.'C'll $1$0 und $1.00,-i:1i.!(.'Ord1ng to
a reliable so urce.
DrNl rir<:o upPCarcd Ji two and n half
day'.'> or heorl"l)n ~· counUng tl1nc.
spent prr(>aring hyj ·~ase. 1-fe also brought
an as!IOCiatc, earning about $100 JK'r
day, to all the heHrings.
Jl 1S fres 11·ould not eomr directly fron1
public coffers but \his firm is being
ret ained by the nnt1oo 's top public of -
ficial -President Nixon .
Add itional costs 111ust t>e attributed
to the services or the tv•o deputy Orange
Countr counsels "'ho ap~ared at lhe
hearing, earning ~t1\·een $8 and $10
per hour (based on their salaries of
betl\'f.'Cn $15,000 and $20.000 pt"r year).
Vallerga 's officf' s;iid D<>puty Counsel
Lon \Varso11. \\hO n:'prcSC'nled the
nsscssor at the hearings. nlso spent
"ll1<'111Y hours'' O( CilSC prc·pnration not
counting the hearing tirnc itself.
Further the he nring s took up !hi• !ln1c
or l-Oun!y Asst•ssor .Jnl'k \':11!crga and
:ll !cast four of his assistants, 1vho
;i pl)('nred at ;ill the hearing sessions.
\'a!!erl.!<t 's salary breaks d0\\'11 tu allout
$14 IX'r hour -from county fun<l s.
Olher expenses can be attributed lo
the board clerk, !he court rt:C."Order and
!he lime of se\·eral board SC'crctarics
\l'ho attcnde<l the henruigs.
Battin himself cost the taxPayers
money because of his appeal or the
Nixon estate assessment.
llis attendance at the t~·o sessions
this \\'eek forced hin1 to miss two
meE'!ini;s of the Bonrd of Supervisor11.
the post to ~·hich he was re-elected
last year and is paid $24,500 per year
to fill -about $15 per hour.
Vnllerga said n!laching values to "uch
things as facilit y usage and si milar
intangibles \\'Ould be a "'aste of cffor1,
although the hraring room and its
farili ties v.'l're lied up for three days.
The appeal took placl' because of a
rule change by ~upervi~<mi permitt ing
any citizen to appeal another citizen's
tax asses.'imenl upon paym£'nt of $50.
Battin was the key force in \Vinning
that rule change.
The rost breakdO\lll of the: Ballin
appeal is still incomplete but as furthef'
material is gat.hered -possibly hy
Val!erf!a·s offie...: -the figure rould
go much high('r.
It is certain frorn knov•n C'061s,
ho~·ever. tha t the rxpc.nS<'s a pproach
$15.000 ""·ith a large percenlage co mJng
from public funds.
During and after Baltln'~appeat ~
C'ff<tings, several lop cou~ty off\c-ials
-who al l asked to rema in unidentified
-gene rally agreed that the new appeal
rul es could cripple COt.1nty government.
"There are people in this count y who
"·ould just as soon do this every day
on any pro perty v.•hose owner they have
a bee f with." said one offi cial alter
1he hearing. '"The county could go
bankrupt at that rat e."
In Ballin's case, another off iciaJ said ,
the new rules could open the door to
"all kinds of JX>h!ical \•endettas usini::
county and other public fund s.·•
f2" I• L.tigril
II~. $1164
Sole $1089.
100 .. '" lnfth
lot. S1470
Sale $1189,
WlllDA YS I SA TUR DAYS f100 19 l1Jt
1127 WESTCLI'' Dt '.· 642 .'fHO
10, •• Surt41, 11.11Jor1 •
,4! NOllTH COA.Sl HWY .• , .
10,,n Svltdty, 12· 1JOI .,.<:'l~t
TOR~ANC£ e '
"" 111!1211 ·-
At 'Y()ur setvice
A Sunduy, \Vcdnesclay aad Friday
0( the Daily 1,ilot
Go t a )JroOle.1n? 1'/!!rl
Pat Drntn. Pa ~
Your Service.
1\'ood f)elit·er!J 011 1\1a!J
DEJ\H PAT ~ On SL•pt. 2'l l purchased
onC'-ha!f l·ord of \\'OOd fro1n (:ten Pipkin,
l..os Alru11ltos \\'ood Sales for $37.50.
I \vas unhappy at !htc a1nount stacked.
but the delivery nicn v.·ouldn"t make
an adJUSlJnl·nL The following day I
restatkl•d and 1nC'asurcd tbc wood, v.·hich
should h.'.lve been 8-by..f-by-2-feet, and
foWlrl I liad received about 1·? o( the
purth;is1tl >1 nod. I've mOde! three calls
to l·'ipki11 slnc1• then . All I've received
h; ilolill' nssur.'.lncc that I'd received
n1y full n1c;1s11rc of \~·ootL
l'.J .. Corona del 1\1ar
~ex t time ynu urd('t a half-cord of
\\'OOd, n1casurc out the 6~-cubic-foot
i>pace to he fil1t•cl in acl v;1nce and \\'alrh
,;tacking: to Sl'C it\ not "ln~-cabin., st~'le
~·llh laq~r l'n~pty !-11ac·t·s. If it 's short,
OOn't pay unt il ~ou rl'r('i\('_ full n1easurl'.
Jn the rneantirne. Pipkin denies any
calls v.'ere received by you e\'t'n though
you say yo u ha ve the phon e bills to
prove them. lie pron1iscs Ill 1nake 1111-
mcdiate tleli \'cry to till the shortage.
For L.S. l:mpfO!J<'•
DEAR fl .. \'f : ~!any retired federal
employcs lil'ing in mobile horne parks
in this state are nol aware that there
is a national organization 1ro rk ing on
thei r personal behalf. This.is the National
Association of Retired F ed er a I
Employers (NARFE), headquartered in
\rashington. DJ'., l\'ith local chapters
throughout the nation. One suc h chapter
is in Sunn~·v:ilC'. Ca . It mc('ts at 1:30
p.m. each Sl'l'Ond \Ved n('sdav of the
n1on1h in th l' l·onununity Crn1er of that
11 ,ll ., Sunn~\'ale, Ca.
Any fedl"'ra l 11nn11Jt11 nl ur survivor
\l'islling inform~tion about 11rea chapters
may \l"rtte In llarultl Ballon, 900 llrn ·
dcrsoa A\"e ., Space· 75, .'-'unn yvalr . (a.
Speed 1'•· 1llilPa!J"
DEAR PAT~ l"n1 Cnflftl:'('d h\' i!ll !ht'.!
\1arious percentages rllcd on h011· 1nuch
gas n1il r;1gc ('h:inges \Vhl'n rnrs :ire
driven at s!ower speeds . Arc thL•rc ;1ny
di>finili\'l' sto1i:i:tirs fin this. nnd d0t·'i
the. us1• of ;1n :11r c·cnd111onl.'1· l'UI in10
1nitcagc very murh ~
\\'.r ., Nt·.,.,port Beat h
Results or "offic ial'' lf.'!'l~ conducted
liy lhe Federal lligh"~,;1y Ad1ninistrati11n
indicate a 1970 nr ne.,.,·er n101tel rl:l r
consumes 30.5 1H.·r<·t·nt n11n r µai;oliuc
at 70 mph tb('ln ii docs tra \ eliug al
50 mph. The ;J\'t•r:1~r niile" per ga llon
for all rars tri;tetl i not using air con·
dilionln.~I "U!I 19.4~ tit SO mph. This
dropped to 17.51 niiles pe r gallon at
60 mph ,and 14.93 a t 70 niph. \\'ltb air
co11ditionlng f'quip n1e nt in use, the
H\·f'ra~e mil es pt·r .c:allon 1\cre 16.4?
:1t 50 mph, 15 a1 f,0 1nph. an d 13.17
:11 ·70 mph.
Try Ct1l's 1lt1t1i11
DEAR PAT : I li:!\c a l\1nl' F'.x.ac\a
\'X. JI-A 35 nim. cn mera for ·1\'hit'h
I need St'l'er:ll aeccssories. but I havl'!fl
bC'en nhlc to find a deal er in th ts area_
1 v.'rote to Exacta 's Ne1v York hea d-
c1uarters asking for a local sales source,
hut they just sent n1e I.heir catalog
and J don't v.•an! to order by mail.
if there's a possiblli ty of buying locally.
I inquired at Cal's Ca mera in Costa
Mesa v.·ith no success.
J.\f., Costa l\1esa
Gi\'e Cal's anolher lry. This time talk
to Larry L.1rsen. lie \\ill arrange to
order any p;irt s rou require for your
t:xacta camer11.
f)oes Santa R.epl11?
DEAR PAT:· I ~vrlr~ to Santa Claus
every year. \"rn five )'ears old no1\·.
Does hC ever answer l~tlers, or is he
too busy? l\1y mP,tp j~hi;\ping me write
!his letter to you·.
T.E .. Costa ~lesa
Santa's had n fl ock or elves helpin g
him answer letters for hundreds of
ye.ars! Maybe you aren't seodJng your
letter to the rlgbt address. This year,
mall It to "North Pole l\1ail Exprt!ll,
318 W. 4th St., LOng Beach, Ca.-IOlll''
-oae •L~9olp'1 •lvP' pick-up poillla
serving (lie Wliole" count'r);. Ask mom
lo please patT quarttrtn·your envelope
(elvn, hare to eat .t:eQ) fl(lad since It's
mall nisb, tlmt, your al\IWCI' may not
arrive unt)l ofter Chrlst198,, but It wlll
come. I've heard your reply will Include
a perlOaal rfttssagt-; 1f tit.Hy remlftder
nnd a~ iOnit l nst loi-f Oo!'-Slnce., Siifita
bas to .keep· fllj ei\le~ ·b1tRy all year,
thr.y also help him send ,"Surpr\se Birth·
day Greeting• Ffom -s1tnln Claus." J I
mom wrtte1 y911r bfrtMtoy dale to the
same address · anrl enrlf)ses 35 cents
{lcmon1 .... U1¥ts CZlllHiW"
Fridily, Otttml:itr 14, 1973 H CAIL V PILOT 3
Nixon Sees No Fuel Recession
On Traffic Rap
Another Comic
Seller Arrested
01 !ht D1Ur PUGl S!lff
t\ second Laguna Beach merchant \\'ho
sells underground con1ic books has been
arrested and jailed bu t this time, the
charge was failure to appear on a three-
year-0ld traffic citation.
He is Jerry \Velden. ov.·ner of the
Funk ·Factory, 750 S. Coast Highway.
\Valrl cn charged tod ay tha• he 'vas
bcing harassed by authorities.
Ear1ier. Fahrenheit 451 book si.ore
ov.'ners Gordon and Evelyn \Vi\son of
Laguna Beach were arrested on cha rges
Of selling pornographic comic books.
Then a Dec. 7 story in the Daily
Food Strike
Settle1rien t
Hopes High
Negotiations are und er way i n
\\tashington D.C. today before the
Federal ~tcdiation Service ''"ith the hope
of ending the two-week-old food strike
in Orange County and othe r Southern
Ca1Jfomia areas.
Union representatives of truck dri\"ers,
ineat cutlers. operating engineers and
mach inists ag reed earlier in the week
lo ·shift lheir talks \vith the Food
Employers Council to the capHaL
The unions are striking t hr e e.
super1narket chains but more than 60
other chains have locked out cmployes
\\'110 h<'lnng to the striking un ions. saying
a strike against one cha in is a strike
against all .
Local stores continue to ope.rate, but
short ages of a v.-ide variely of grocery
and meat products ha,1c been reported
ln I\orthem Callfomia. the butcher's
s1rike has ended at s ma 11 er
supermarkets and mass picketing has
bt·en banned at larger st.ores \''here
the ~·alkout continllt!s.
Pila! disclosed that Walden sold the
same N rnics at his· Funk Factory.
\V::ilden's arresi on the old traffic
citations carne at the South County
t<.1unicipal Court in Laguna Niguel v.•hen
he appeared to pay off son1e overdue
parking tickets.
Walden claimed th at although he had
enough cash with hhn to pay the $49
bail on the traffic warrant, he wasn•t
allowed to.
He said he was searched. his je"·elry
taken and secured. he was handcuffed
and subseq uentl y transported to Orange
Count y Jail in Santa Ana in a small
van \vi\h t\\'O murder suspects, a man
who was being held for failure to appear
in court and another v.•ho had no
registralion for his car.
At county jail, \\.alden sa id he 1ras
stripped and searched and put in a
ce ll voith 30 other n1en, some of them
suspects in serlou s crimes.
There. he 1.1•as allou•cd to pay his
bail and leave.
'fhe Orange County T\1arshal's \Vatch
commander for the Laguna Niguel court
today asserted that normal procedures
1vere followed every step of the 1vay
\\'ith \Vaiden.
Sgt. George Gilman said that the
marshal's office knew that \Vaiden would
be coming in to pay off the parking
tickets. Since they held a warrant for
his arrest for failure to appear on -a
1971 Anaheim speeding ticket, marshals
n1ade the arrest.
"Officers that were looking for this
guy happened lo know that he would
be coming in. A warrant is good for
life unless recalled by the court or
di smissed by the DA ," Sgt. Gilman said.
Sgt. Gil man termed the action routine
but he admitted after questioning that
unde r normal circumstan~s. a private
cit izen paying a parking ti cket at the
counter "'ould not likely be arrested
on a three-year-old speeding ticket.
Sgt. Gilman said \Vaiden v.·as taken
before Municipal C-Ourt Judge J ohn Grif-
fin and sentenced to the time that he
"'ould be incarcerated during that day
as punishment on the failure to appear
Cou11ty U11ited Fu11d Bid
Fell Short-But Still Up
The Southern Orange County t.:nitt-d
\Vay came \rilhi n $80,000 of its $! .5
n1illion goal ror 1973.
Brig. G{'IL Tom Ril~y (US~l C-Ret.)
11·ho ser.1ed as campaign chairman, an·
nounced the result at a "Campaign In-
stant R.ep18y·• dinner this ·1\'eek at Philco
'Ford in r-;e\vport Beach. He said
$1.420.000 ~·as r;rised during the fund
Riley pointed out that the total col ·
lccted "·as a 12.8 percent increase over
funds gat hered for Orange County
ch<irlties last year.
Hilev sa id the South Coast division
headed by Bill \\lalker of San Clemente
did hcst on a goal -percentage basis
a1nonfi Orange Coast ci ties. It collected
$~1.674. 101.9 percent of it.s goal.
The. Laguna Beach division. headed
by Joseph Sv.•eany. also exceeded its go.11.
It raised $42.088. 101.6 percent of its
The Harbor Arca division, "'hich in·
eludes Newport Beach, Costa fo.1esa and
Irvine. raised $470,917 under th e direction
of l\trs. Doreen Marshall of Newport
Beach. That was 95. l percent of its
And it was the most raised by any
of the divisions.
'The highest percenW!;e .or all , Riley
sald. was raised by Qringe, where
v.·orkers collected $62,400, 106 percent
of th eir goal.
The $1.4 n1illion total fi gure reflects
approximately $166.000 in ne\\' money
to the campaign, Riley said.
~le singled out several entities for
"outstanding achievement .in this year·s
They v.•ere Philco Ford, Steelcase,
Avco Financial &>rvices. Rock w e 11
lntematlonal. Collins .Radio Company,
Sou1hem California Edison Company.
Arthur Anderson Company, Pacific
Telephone, S<'a rs, the cily employes of
Costa ~\1t:>sa and Newport Beach, Orange.
Coast CollC'ge. the Irvine Company,
lht Daily Pilot and the ~Ioag Foundation.
O~livtry of \ht Daily Pilot.
1> g~arant,ed
Mon•·v·F•i••r: II VOii ... ""' ll•Vt , ... ~ ••JM• ov S:Je p,m,. c•I! 111<1 vovr <•PY will
81 1••119111 "' yo11. (tll> lrt !ikt" W"!il
''l~ p.m,
Stt11rdty '"' S•Mt y: II ye11 •o Ml rtc1IV•
'""' <•PY •v t '·"'· s111"'''' or 1 ,,..,, Sul'Hl1y, ctll Ind 1 COPY wUI ~ br011tl!I lo
YOll. C•lll ••• l•kt l! 11n!ll II 1.m.
Mo11 Or"••t CGlll!ly ""'' _ , 10·011
''°'"'Wt•I H11nlln!ll•n ltt<I!
•n• W11!minlltr .• '""U2t
San Cl•Mtl!lt. (lplllra,.. llltl(I!,
Stn 111111 C1pl1!tt!IO, Dino ,Oin!.
}01111! Lttlll!I. Ll911f\I Nlflltl .... 4'J·ttll
What Can You Do Besides
• ' .
Stare Whe11 Comet Comes?
Here's a rundown on some of the
features editors figure .i.. will be, among
"Sunday"s Best" In the ually Pilot:
lots of things you <M do besides gawk
at a comet when it comes by. Staff
Writer Rudi Niedzielski suggests a few
(Sunday's Best)
in a s ory concocted ·from nostalgic
memories of Halley's fly-by in 1910 and
factual reports on the current course
of Kolioutek's comet.
oftlctals offer a Jong lisl of suggestions
-some simple and inexpensive, some
complicated and costly -that can
change your lifestyle somewhat and
rerult In considerable energy aavings.
Daylight saving, of course, is one that
will be with us soon. C.OnsenaUon hints
found in the YOU Section.
Great Salt Lake, once an attraction
of many tourists, has in recent years
attracted many industrial con~ms th at
take advantage or its mineral deposits
-"'hile driving the visitors aw&y. An
Illustrated A Section feature.
ClffilSTMAS COOKERY -Complete
put1-<1ut-and-save !Section in Family
We,kly tells "all you want to 1mo\llC'
about holiday cooking.
OlllY Pllol Photo by P1!rl(k O'Donnell
Supei· ll'laeelie
Charles Johnson, 14 . Laguna Beach. discovered one thing those (>iles
of dirt al Laguna's Main Beach arc good for. l-l e put his bike through
a tortuol_ls off-road test 'rhursday near the li fegua rd to wer. Dirt will
be used 1n developn1ent of city's ne\v ~lain Beach Park. \Vork on the
park starts next week_
O! lhe Oi!IV Pilot S!~t!
The question v,asn 't \\'hcthC'r 1hc S::in
Onofre \Jlliffs \\'ere 1nore needed than
a nuclear po1ver plant, but l\'hethcr both
t'Ould exist on the same site.
The state co:1stal con1mission felt thc.y
could, said Joseph Bodovitz, it s executive
director, as he faced a sometimes angry
To\vn Hall audience ln Anahei m Thurs-
Tl "·as Bodov\tz· fir st public ap -
pearance in Southern CalHornia since
the commission denial of a pcr1nit for
the addition of t1ro nuclear reactor~
at the plant three nliles sou th of S<in
And although n.s speech 11·as r.11t i1lcd
"The Current Sta1us Qf th e COJ!>llinc
Commission ,'' S;111 Onofr e \\'JS the .iSsl1e
of th e day ,
l'hc •·p::in ic and hys1cria" over prPs1.·nt
l'nergy problen1s don'I Jt1st1fy lhrowin ~
out enviro111nL·n1<1! concerns, 13odo\·j(z
Select A Beautiful
Holiday Poinsettia
To Top Off The
Christmas Spirit.
Regular $2.19
.,...___. __ ..... COUPON-""".-..-...---.
D•c. 15 -16 -Limit 1 To A Custom•r
Aicles Meet
Fo1· ·
\\'ASl!I Xr.r0;-.; 1rr1 f -l're.,.1dr11t
~ixnn il!ld hi~ econo1n1 t ach·1~ero;; du
nii! h1·h\·11' there ~s goi11g !n be a
rL't'l'.~~1on a~· ;1 rl'SUlt nf 1hc energy
f'risi~. ;i \\'hit (• Hou se· s pukt~sn1<1n s;ild
~1xw11 11\l'l f11r' an hnll!' with four
top rni.•11 1nv<1lv+·d in cc.·ono1nic pOlicy
illld th~' r!t·pu1y \\'hiti• MOHS(' P!"('SS
~1·1·rrll!rv, Gt'r'<.dd L. \\';1rren, said af·
h·r11·;1 rd :
"\\·e. do nnt believe LhL•re is going
to ht• a re<'t"S!>inn."'
\\'<1rrC'n said Nixon \1·anlC'd to n1ake
it elc11r "11·e are going to do everything
in ou r po1v('r lo sec thal the in1pac1
on the erunon1y caused by 1he energy
shortage is uni.· "'e can control."
H{! said ('ontlngency plans were being
\1·orked on no1v '"to see that unemploy ·
n1ent doc~ n(lt rise unduh·.'"
The Preside11L has ·instru ct ed l1is
energy chief. \\'i\1lan1 F.. Si1non . and
otht'l"S in\·olved in the tucl crisis progran1
10 f'lrn1ulate plans to assure increased
supply and de1na nd with the provision
tl1ut '"no segrnrnt of the economy profit
while. others arc sacrificing," \Varren
··\\'ork is under way to fi nd the most
cquitablt:> method of sharing t h i s
burden," he ndded.
Nixon ,1·as studying reports of airline
;1 11d auto industry la yoffs, gas station
closings, and disruption in industries
1vhich [ire :tffecled by the nationwide
energy ShorLage.
The C'conotnic quadriad that serves
O'lS i\ixon's chief advisory team includes
Treasury Secretary George P. Shultz.
Chairn1.ln Herbert L_ Stein of the
presidrnti<l'l Cou ncil of Econon1 i c
Advisers. Budget Director Roy L. Ash
and Ch:1irn1an Arthur F. Burns of the
Fcd~ral Reserve Board.
There have been sorne forecasts -
chiefly by critics of Administration
po!icil'S -1hat unemployment migh t
reach 8 pereent next year because of
layoffs r~sl1lting from industrial cutbacks
due to fuel shortages.
Thursday. Nixon met for nearly an
hour ¥:ilh Soviet ambassador Anatoly
Dobrynin. but the \Vhite I-louse declined
to give any details ot her than to say
!hey rcvic1ved ·u.S.-Soviel relations.
~ ~ ,,
··1 n ~ .. n " M i tree top ornament with !
the purchase of any Christmas Tree. M FREE
Will BE
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,f U11.ILV Ph.OT
Tornadoes l(ill Three,
Cause Havoc in South
Hy Thi• ;\~sot·iated 'Press
Tornad(){'s ignited by a cold front lash-
ed 1hrt•c S11u thrrn :.ta !c!I, killing thrcf'
persons in &lu1h Cnrolina ;111d injuring
at ll·as!. 43 in S<1u1h l';1r11!1n:1. Georgia
and 'rcMessc•l·.
l'.:stima1ed dan1ag<' from the tornadoes
Thursday v:as in the millions of dollars .
i\ twister destroyed part or a textile
mill in Ninety Six. S.C .. and killed t\10
women. Charity Griffin and 0 z a I a
"l'hompson, both in their tiOs. A 2-ye11r-old
"·, j •-l° A
.. ,.,ii;
•• \ ·~ .,1
' ' ~ I{
,> . < • ~"~ ._,.,~~ • .I •·~ i",> f. .... ,_ .••• ··' .;.:)"'t,:· ')'.',~. ,' ~ .. ~.<. (;'' ~~·::.,..;
' h, • ,\,• ~-~ ' " ~ ~ ,J ,,,, •• ' •' • l ,. ~ : . .~ . ' ... . , \ . ' ., \~ .. ::•·,;· ... ·,··~'"'. ;·
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UPI Tl ltlll'lofO
Storm System Shut Down Chicago's O'Hare International Airport ---
Will Not Deal Directly
Witl1 Israel, Says Sadat
By Associatl'd Prtss
President f\n\\':Jr S.:idnt said today
F,gypt v.•ill not nf'gotiatc direc1!y \~'ilh
l!>rneJ at the :\1iddle I<:ast peace con-
llt.' tol d llC\\"S!la'n 111 Cairo that Egvpt
\\as 11 illing 10 b1· 1n the same room
\\'ilh Israeli rrprcsc nt:itives. "but if you
are talkinl'.: :iboul direct negotial1011s.
the ans1\'t·r is no."
ilf' .1!so said he hoped the t11·0 sidr~
\\"OU ld be ab!e to bargain seriously about
dr sengagrmcnt of Egyptian and Israeli
forces before Christmas.
SADAT SPOKE after meeting v.·ith
St:.>crcl.1T}' of State Henry 1\. Kissinge r
for lhl' seco nd tin1e in '"'o days.
Kissi nger later left for Saudi Arabia,
11hrrc in talks v.·ith King Faisal he
hopt:s to ca~ t h c Ar<ib oil crnba rgn,
Cairo's official Middle East Nc"·s Agen-
<·y :-aid.
Kissinger's second session \\'ith Sadat
follo"'cd 3 nighttime con1n1unication
bl'tween lhe sccrcr:i ry and President
Ni xon ln \\"a11h1ngton and tal ks in Cai ro
\l'it h Lhc Soviet, British and French am-
bnssado rs.
Jt \\'aS Jc;irnrd !h;it the hr:id or the
U.S. delegation to 1hc (;rne\·a pence
1:1!k..I\ v•ill br An1hassador El1s1\·or!h
Bunker. i9. lhP ;unh:issarlor at L1rgic
\1·ho has l)f·<·n a 101> trouble shoo rrr
for SC'\ cral pr('si dcnl s.
U.S. OFF'ICIALS 1ndicatrd Kiss1ngC'r
n•ill attend !he ceremonial start of the
talks Tuf'sday but 11·ill \ca\"C (;cneva
for Paris on tl11~ se("O ti(I day. J~unkc r
:1nd a tcilnl or offic1:1ls "'\11 then
r('present the Unitt'd S1atl'S at the parley.
Toda y's session bet\\·ccn Sadat and
Kissinger, in the president's country villa
17 miles north of Cairo, \t'as marked
by cordial handsh:ik(•s :ind smiles.
si mil:i r to !he starL of the first meeting
Thursday nigh!.
Before newsmen were ushcrrd out of
!he presidential salon today they heard
Kissinger say to Sadat :
··J APPRECIATED your hospitaltty
last night verv much. I think iL was
very usrfuJ. Our Prrs1drnl sends his
v.·arm regards. r cntnn1unicat ed \\"it h
him during the night "
No cll'l<•ds 1,·er1.· .1 \';11l,1 bl'-' ur lhc
specific ma uers discussrd by Ki ssi ll !!f'r
and Sad.'ll or what the ronr ac l 11·i1h
Nixon v.·r1s about
Before th e n11(hn!Jrnin~ prh·;itc session
\Vilh Sad<it the secre tary squeezed in
a breakf;1st 1vith the British and Frenc h
ambassadi)rs lo C;1iro , a shor1 vi.~il to
Ilic Egyp11<1n n1u~eurn an<l a :!O·rnin ur e
!:l lk "ith Svvict cn1·oy \"I :id i rn i r
U.S. offit1.d"\ :.:aid thr !::i lks 1vith
\'lrtot:-radov -lhl' Si'C'1nd since l\il'singcr
arrirr<l Thursday night -clt•ah 11 ith
procedures lrading lo\r::ird !he pc:ice
l·onfc rcnr<.' Jnd <itso 11irh "subs1:u1t1rc
issues.'' The re \\"as no clahor:it ion.
'150 'Rigs Corralled
Gunfire Rakes Trucks
In Mounting Vwlence
By United Pres.~ lnlrr1111tlonnl
1\.lounting vio!('ncc 1odav n1ark('(f :in
independent truckers 1>ro1i!st :1gains1 r1s-
1ng diesel fuel costs <111d !o"·er speed
limits. 0nc Of !ht' ]1«Hlt'rS Of fh C
demonstration "'as :..rr~r 1·d on charges
of can-yng a concca trd deadly v.·eapon.
IA tractor-trailt'r \1as hlo"n up al
;:i truck slop tod<.i y .. c.·;1 t1crin~ \\Tc.>ckap_e
for 50 yards. Ar~ttnsas ~tate pol ice
reported. It was th<. most \'io!ent intident
reported since independent truckers
moun1cd their 1,,..·o-<fay pn:>test against
rising fuel costs and lov.·cr speed limits.
No one was injured.) ·m Ohio, 9 foca l point for n1uc.h of
!he trucker acli\'ily, Jt lea.~t 25 trucks
""'00se dri vers declined to eomply v.•ith
the independenls ' call for a nationwide
"JJ(lrk in" \\'ere fi red oo C'arly foday
<ill(! late Thursday.
Another 450 to 500 rig."' v.·erc corrnllcd
into 11 trucbtop on Interstate 70 near
l)ayton and not allov.·ed to leave.
Tift: 0100 IOGll"'A'' pJlrol said lhf'
IT'lefl wert being k<>pt at the stop undrr
i\l'ar f;lasgov.', Del.. this morning. Jo/111
Sasi;i. 29. and three to1np:u1ions 11·c rc
takC'11 in to custody flft <'r il search of
!heir station 1\•agon turned up a handr;un .
stale potlCT! said.
S.'.!ssi. an independent dri1•cr \1ho
helped organize the "park in." tesllfit'd
before a Senale comm1ttee h<'nring on
the truckers' plight earlier thi.~ v.·C{'k.
Sassi accused the Senate o( not acting
quiekly enough to redress truckers'
the Missouri side of the St . Looi~ area
today as "a few dozen'' trucks blocked
e-x.ilS at t\\'O suburban Fenton truck
stops. A h1issouri highway patrol
spokf"Smnn said the blockage was "very
orderly" and did not affect highway
tr;iffic near the truck ports.
In Baird. Del., 'fhursday night, n
trucker had h!s "'lndshield srot out.
SimJ!ar inci dents were reported on two
orh,.r D.:'Ja11.:1rc hi~hways: as lhe angry
1nrli'!l"fldrn!!': attempted lo p:el other
trur~t·rs lu JOin I heir protes1 shutdov.-n.
boy, identified as Brandon J. Farr. died
v.·hen a tornado overturned his famlly's
rnObile hon1e in Prosperity, S,C.
AT LEAST 19 persons v.·ere injured
by tornadoes that hil Ninety Six,
Prosperity and Coronaca. S.C.
'J\vcnty-one persons v.crc treated for
injuries al Gai nesville, Ca., after two
romridoes struck "'i!hout "·arning 111
lunchtin1e. smashing ho m cs an<l
husincsses on 1\•00<i<.>d hilltops . l'il·il
J)cfense. officials estimated dan1age 111
C:i1ncsvillc at n1ore than S2 1n1llion .
In Benton. Tenn., n tornado ripped
off the roof of an el<>n1entary school
and three pupils \Yere slightly hurt.
"Suddenlv, vtithout warning, !he roof
"'as lifted from the building 11nd chairs,
books and other objects started flying
around the rooms." principal Pat Neeley
said . "The school is a total loss.'' Connie
r-.fan.sfield, a I9-year-0!d college cot.'d
in Ga inesville, said, "I \\·as co rning ho1nc
for lunch and I \\'<"IS only ahoul JOO
feet from our driveway_ 1'ht>n this hugt'
tree fell in fronl of n1c_"
FORTY -FOUR 110 ,\IF.S v.·ere
destroyed, 30 others damaged and
i;t'veral businesses demolished in
Ga inesville.
One ro11· of thrt'e 1r:1ile r hon1cs in
nort heast Gainesville looked as though
it had exploded. Bits of clothing, in-
sulation. Christn1as decora1ions. \\Tap-
ping paper and tv.·isted me tal hung fron1
trees. A small brick ho1ne nearby 1ras
Fire Chief Bubba Summers of Ninct~·
Six sai d the tornado cut a swa1h nearly
a mile Jong and more than 100 ff'Ct
\l'ide through a residential section. !le
said :1bout 100 homes "'ere dan1a~ed
or destroyed. and dan1agcs could n1ount
to the millions of dollars.
Su n1n1ers said finding shel!er for the
hoineless v.'Ould be no irnn1cdlate prol>--
lcn1. "r-;inety Six is one big f11mily."
he said. '·Everybody knows everybody
else. I guess !hey arc stayin~ 1\·\th
f\IEAJ\""'lllLE, A PRE\\'l!\'TER storn1
churned toward the Northeast today.
A heavy snov.·storm, \vith rain and
ice. stung the northern Mid~·est Thurs-
day, dumping up to 8 inches of snow.
snarling traffic and closing highways
for hours. _,,
The sfonn s\!'stem shut down O'Hare
Jnternational ;\irport at Chicago for
hours. \\"inds churned up huge v.·a\·es
in Lake ~1ichigan that pounded luxury
apartment buil dings along the shore and
flooded garage bas e m c n ts. Sbdy
thousand Chicago area hon1es ;ind
businesses 11·ere \\'ithout power during
much of Thursday.
Pll,ris Talks Set
Over Worsening
Viet Situa.tio1t
\\'ASIIINGTO~ (AP) -Sec reta ry of
State 1-IC'nry A. Ki ssi nger and r\"orth
Vietnam's chief peace negot iator I..c nuc
Tho ~1Jt meet m Paris on Dec. 20 !o
discuss the deteriorating situation in
South \'ic1nam.
Jr u·i ll be 1hc ir first meeting in si x
The latest stop on Kissinger's itinerriry
1\as an nounced Thur!>day by the \\'hite
House, \\-here a spokci;n1:ln said the
11,-0 men "·ould "di~cuss matters of
1nut ual inlcrcst in the pr-e~~'nl situation ."
Other Vietnam clevelopm1•n1 s:
-U.S. intclligencc officrrs cstin1nte
the North Vietnan1esc h:i\"e st-nl enough
arn1 s, am111uruuon :ind supplies Into
South Vietnam since the fonnal l'eRSe--fire
to su pport 200,()()"l sotdlcrs for a year.
-President Nguyen Van Thieu today
ord('red his troops into ' ' c o n1 b :i 1.
rr:idiness" for a ncv.· Communist of-
ff'nsi ve in South Vietnam duri ng cclehril·
rions of next monlh's Tet lunar J\'e"'
~if 'IK.¥"1Ml.&i tc;<::a;aa:;:;sgs:;-·~
.• ,, ., ,,
S. California
Clovdv, cool conditi ons (Ol'llln~ In Sov!nern
C•llfor"I• IO<l•Y I nd more ol l!w ''"~ "'"'"' e•1><!<!fd durlno !!\a wHktnd wllh peflDd~ of 1unshlne_ In to1 AnQiles l(l(f1y l r>d S1tvrd11y, !hf hlQn w .. , '•o+c!~ to ~ In !ht tower 6C~ wlrh nn .,.,,.crn!QM low 1omewMrt In !hi kiw SO.. Thtrt was l!ghl smog In ll'le Wsln. Tne lnlend w11T,,.,. WIS mdr~td will! IOI! ond
low clouds glvlnQ w•v la f:l8rll1 hn1~ sunshine
bv mldd1v. In the ~trf, 01·~ y wind~ ~lt~td 1.on loWftrd the lite alltm<'>On. Tl'l•rt •1ere v1r!1blt hlOl'I CIOV<ls 1! the mounia!n
Coaslnl Weather
Mosllv svnnv loditY. Ll!ll'll v•ri1bi. wind• nigh!
'""d 1TW1rnlng l!Qvrs t>t'Coml!• -1.,-tv t Ila l) ~no11 In 1ft.,..-i1 todlly 1nd 5elurdl¥. Hl9h 10-
ditY 60.
CO.tt1! 1-UV!'ft ,_. from jO lo 60. ln-
1.-nd ,..,,Ptlrittvl'ff ,....,.. 1"orn ~ to il W1111, ttm-
Sun, /tloon, Tides
S«O'ld Hloh
Stcond Low
Flrll HIQl'I
First Low
l«vnd' Ml9h -....
Flr1t Hl9h
Flrtl Low kond Hl9'1 '°'"" ....
Slln RI-S:Of •f'l'I. k~ 4:, P.n'I.
~ RI-10;21 p.m, ktt 10;U 1.m.
11 :}5 e m. S.J
1:0:. •.m. ~.2
1 :11 I.I'll. '·' 7:J1 11.m. :l.2
1!115 p ""· 4.5 1:11 p.m. 0.4
2!S<I •.m. 'I ,,,, 1.m . l.t
2:1!1 p.m. J.• I:~ p,rn, O.t
W orUl-National
Neivs Also Page 29
Ch ist ;as
"Unique gifts from the marketplace of the world."
Give a gift of
classic beauty.
Ornatf' ta ble\vare to add a
!ouch of elegance to !hose speci.1 1
dinner parties, Buy separa!cs and mix
lo fit yo ur parlicul.:ir needs! Pier 1 -
for sugar and creilme r sels, hoH!e
coasters, \vine scls, napk in ~alde rs,
crumb ~ct~. c.1n dlchoklers. and
mnre! ,\ dist1nc1ive gilt lor !he
bcau1y 111 you r lifl'!
3 99_ 12 99
Give Thailand.
hoards from Thailand. N.ilural light and
dark teakl'vood. l.lminalt'd for an extra ric.h
look. 8"x12ff,RVJ"x 17",9'x 16". 89" 18 9.
Pi (•r I fi)ti ng b'i fun! , . . • . . • • • . • J_ · ;,
Rela:.: in a roc king
chair wi!h extr.l
comfort. High
back gives gentle
support. Dark ,
polished walnut
fra me, stretched
wilh \VOven cord
~ea! and back.
49 99
Give Pakistan. .
blast with th is unusual honker! Solid hras<;
1axi horns , more lhan 1 foot long. Attach
one to a bike or a car
fo r holid•y fun!,., .• , .. ,,,,, 5 99_6 99
Give Spain.
SPARK A GLOWING FLAME. \.\looden wi ne
bottle~ serve a<, dccora1ive ca ndlr-hold ers.
Ma d<' in <:;pain. Six siyle~. [aLh bo!tl@
sh,1pcd d1t1eren tly \\'1th 299 unu su:il \vine l.:ibcl. 1o v,~ tall. ••.•. ••··
·--..... .. ~.· ' ... . ·• .... . . -..
Give Italy.
Gla~s and \\'t nught iron \vine fount fron1
Italy. Clear gli!S) di ~penser holds bottle of
\\'inr. Ice liner keeps it
chilled jusf 30. 20~ tall .••.•• ,,.,.,, 1299
Bla ck vinyl buckcl c:halr contoured to flt
your body. Foam rubber cushion seat,
covered wilh expanded vinyl . 4 R ... 4'."
chrome feet. 33~ x 2&" x 32". 5Alf • 3999
MM.-s.t. IG-10; Sun. 1 .. 7
I ,
I '
' ~
Recall Questionable
Two trustees of the Jlu nti ngton Beach Union High
S~·Jiool Distrfrt-l.>enn is Mangers and Ron She nkn1an-
are subjects of a recal l campatgn on the gr ounds t ha t
l hey knew abou t the showing of the X-r ated 1novic
·•JJeep 'J'hroat" at a conference of district ad1ninh;tralurs
two inon ths ago a nd did nothing about it.
Since the incident became known . Mangers and
Shenk1nan have maintained that they were in vited to
see the fil1n as they were leaving the meeti ng after speak·
ing during dinner. Both said they were _not a wa ~e ~d·
ministrators intended to view the movie on d istrict
equipn1ent in the hotel room rented to Supt. J ack Roper.
Recall orga nizers claim they have a lot of "con1 -
n1un1ty support " for their can1paign, but they are going
to need signatures of 23.000 of the district's 116,000
reg istered volers to even ge t the recall. to the po!ls.
\Vh ile ~1angers' and Shenkman's Jt1d g1ne11t 1~1 the
n1atter is subject to c1uestion, it hardly const1tu_tes
grounds for a messy recall action. Those asked to s1~n
the petitions should ask then1 selves if it's really worth
it before they joju in the campaign.
Li11k to the Past
Some days, while driving the asphalt roadbeds and
n1i!es of endless block wa lls, yo u wonder if history son1e·
how p<issed by Huntington Be ach. It all looks new, a
pac ka~ed product of the tra(·t house building boo1n of
the 1960s.
and Boy Scout Troop 1 hopes to refurbi sh it for a special
birthday party in AprU .
1\s land marks go, the old Scout house is hardly Ute
Jt1ost sig.nifi cant, but it bas earned its rank over the yea rs
ser ving as il eatlquarters for hundreds of yo ung Scou ts.
It also symbolizes the old-fa shioned comm unity spirit
when several civic groups got together to build it. Who
knows, as a landmark, it might on ce agai n help pull
together a struggli ng con1munity.
Fi11 e Representatives
A Junior l\liss con1bines beauty, bl'a ins and a buo y·
ant spirit. Huntington Beach and Fountain \'alley each
held their own pageants recently and , true to tradition,
came up with spark.Jing winners.
The new Junior J\.fiss in Jiuntington Beach is Sue
Trester, a 17-year-old student al Huntin gton Beach lligh .
Jo'ountain Valley's girl is \Vendy Coleman, al so 17, from
Fountain Valley iligh.
Both girls are now eligible for state co mpeti tion i n
1974. Hunlington Beach has sent two previous girls on
to national com peti tion and one of them \\.'as named
Junio r J\.1 iss of An1erica .
Jac ki e Benington, a senior at Marina I·li gh at the
ti1ne, was the state and national '''inner in 1969. The
next year. another J\.1arina iligh senior, Rhonda Martyn,
gave the city a repeat in th e state cham pionship and fi n-
ished third nationall y.
It is ncarlv all llC\V , with little left as a reference to
1he old fa r1n i.Jays of the early 1900s. That n1akes the
city's one authentic log C'abi n. the old Boy S~out J1 o u~e
in Lake Pa rk. a unique pie.ce or propertv. Nc~t .April.
the Sc.o ut house will be 50 years old. The ci ty s h1s-
torical society \Yants it named a n his torical la ndmark.
. The J unior l\1i ss pageants are sponsored by Ja.vcees
111 each city. 'fhe types of gi rls who compete and win
their contests exemplify the finest aspects of the comn1u-~it.v. \Ve wish both new J unior fl-l iss winners good luck
111 future con1petition. \Ve know they'll represent the area
\\•ell . 'This here 's my new deputy who will help gu ard th ' bank!'
Nixon-Ford Feud
Rumors Expected
'rASHING TO'.'/ -One of 'Vashington"s
favorite indoor sports is !he pron1o!ion
of ill \\'ill bct 11·ccn th~ President and
th.: \'ice president o[ the United Stat~s.
\\le 111ay ha\.·c a brief suspension of
ab le tha t as time passes . r!'a\ or imag-
ined ca uses v.·ill be found to ~spect
•tgincd causes \.viii be found to suspect
that President Nixon and Vice President
Ford are feuding .
No1v this potential
is more sinister 111
that any sl:11 cmcnt
or act i on by
Vice Prcsid~nt Ford
11·ill be cxaminct.l
for its rcle\'ancy to
I he impc.,chment
or resig nation ol
President Nixon. The
inajor relevancy already disC'usscd is
thal Fo rd's appointn1C'nt .1nd con-
firmat ion by large n1ajorities makes
it easier for Republica ns to justify Nix-
on's impeachment or resignation.
Af'V ACJlON B\' Nixon v.·hich can
be interpreted as demeaning Ford \1•iH
similarly be suspect.
The general result is lhe creation
of undoubtedly the most delicate rela-
tionship lx'twecn a Presi dent and vice ,.
i' · president in history. It is recalled that
' ~·hen President Andrew Johnson was
~ impeach ed 1her!' l\'as no vice president.
-I Previous frictio ns such as Roosevelt-'·
l .
Garner. KcnnL•dy-.Johnson and
Eisenhou·er-Nixon carried no such dire
consequences as \\'Oul d be implicit in a
break between Nixon and Ford.
FORTUNATELY, thl'r e is I i t t 1 e
like hh oocl of it : nnd, for !hal matter,
there is not rnu ch weight to be givf'n
to the idea that. no1v th ;i ! Ford v.'ould
succeed to the presi dency. Congre ss can
procet'd with the rcrnova\ of Nixon.
\\'hi\e it is true thnt sonic l~epublicans
already inclinC'd 10 hurry Nixon out of
urfi ce. such as Senators Javits of New
Yor~ and Broo ke of .l\.·lassach usetts. can
use. the Ford confirmation as furthe r
justification. there are pressures in the
opposite direction.
l-'irst, as an alte rn ative to Nixon in
• a time or domestic and international
;', st~a1n,
Forhd is_ not '!"'d erpob
. On
ti tt.1~ po nt I ere 1s cons1 era e cun ~ton. r Those attracted by the lransition of
Nixon to Ford usually console themselves
that Henry A. Kissinger "'ou!d remain
as secretary of slate and direcl
American foreign policy along lines
already la id out.
THIS R Et~l..ECTS a basic miscon-
ception of the authority of a secrrlary
of state <ind of K is~gcr 's role in the
e\'ents wh ich ha ve shed n1osl-crcdit
on !he Nixon administ ration. Kissinger
could not have acted alone: in n1any
rc::>pects he 1\'as more a craftsman than
a creator. In any cnsc. the prin1ary
decisions 11·ere n1<1de by the President,
and the propelling initiative came fron1
hl1n . to say nothing of his person al
skill in carrying out international con-
Kissinger has no illusi ons on this point
llnd n('1ther should anyo11e else. So it
is far from enough to sa~· ttr..i t Ford .
through Kissinger. \vould ton1inue lo
tlirect international policy ,,.,·ith the same
measure of success.
IT SHOULD BE noted at this point,
hov.·ever. that I.here is a sleady effort,
largely through the person and office o: Sen. Henry ri1. .lac kson. to s1veep
aside the image of Nixon's success in
foreign po licy.
This effort concentrates on !he Russian
v.•hea t dea l. the ne1\·ly percrived dangers
of the strategic ar n1s agreement, and
the energy crisis ;:ts i~ relates to the
,\rah-Israeli \var.
Jr the Jackson effort is effccLivc, what
was prev iou sly dce1ned successful \1•ill
be rega rded as a d<1 ngerous n11sc:.1lcu!a·
lion ~ind thus Nixon 's rnai n claim to
greatness in the presidency would he
swept a,,.,•ay. From thal point on~·ard.
!he Nixon lo Ford transition \\'Ould ha ve
overcome its greatest obstacle.
ANOTHER POINT having to do with
such a transition is how ~·elcome it
,,.,.ould aciuall y be lo regular Democrats
in Congress. Assuming that Nixon gave
u~ sometime in 1974, Ford v.l>uld have
more than two years in the White House
lo create a new atmosphere and run
for the presidency in 1976.
~ l(issinger Mideast Plan
WA SHI NGTO N -Jn priva te, candid
talks with congressional I e a d c rs ,
Secretary of Sta le Henry Kissinger has it reve11led his inner plan to guarantee
a Mideast seltlcment: a joint U.S . ..SOviet
military fore€. with other nations shar·
ing, under the symbollc fl ag of ~he
UN Security Council.
' 1 '
.,Kissi nger, bucking somcwhal dimin·
ished headwinds from the potent pn>-IS·
raeli bloc on Capitol Hill , care.Cully notes
that for the first time in hist:ol)' the
Soviet Union hu agreed to a
"pcacekeeplna'' force in which they
themselvu may servo.
TH E SOVIET presence In Sinai In
a UN-backed peacekeeping force would
infuriate pn>-lsraoli hardlineni alread y
fe arfuJ about growing Soviet powt'!r In
the Ea.stem ~1editerranean and the Arab
~1iddle East.
Dut Kissinger argues wit h cold logic
!hat this growtt. of Soviet power . Is
far more predictahle, In an escalating
spiral, as lorfg as the Arn b-lsrneli dispute
continues. Sovie t ln nuencc there,. lo
short. was made po!!Siblc In lhe first place
by the Arab-Israeli 25-ycar 1var in which
ri.-toscow was Invited in as lhe Arab
champion lo offset American aid to
BUT ARAB ldentifice\lon with the U.S.
and the Wesl, parllcularly strong in
Egypt. and Saudi Arabia, should reassert
itseU after the Arab-Israeli struggle ts
brough& under control - a condltlon that,
lron1C.Uy, Soviet presence in a
peacekeeping force wlll hasten.
Thus, Kissinger tellJ congressional
leaders that the Sinai peninsula must
be restored to Egyptian sovereign ty and
a "powerfuJ" UN force placed In the
largely demliitarh:ed Sinai to prevent
mllltary attack by either side against
the other. So far, hls conlldtnllal ta lks
with congre!l:'lional leadcrs have produced
a surprlllng amount of agreement.
GJ00111 y
'So th.ey meant 5 percent ins tead of
25 pt>rcent on the gasoline cut. The
on ly good ne1vs we get ou t of \\1ash·
ingcon comes on a typographical
M. K. T.
GIMmJ Ciiu1 cemmen~ •~ svbml~ ~'
l""f•f•r1 •l>d de IMll nectH1rll-, r9flecl ttl•
vl-1 of If!~ nlW'lfll...,. 1111(1 Yllllr 1111
... ,t M Gloe1mw GI.IS, 0.ity Pl!el.
An Opticcil
Things I Learned Wrllle Looking Up Other Things:
That such birds as the indigo bunting,
the blut>bird and the blue jay have
no blue pigment in their feathers; it
is an optical illus ion that, at certain
angll..'S, they appear to be blue.
• • •
That the "thoroughbred" racing horse
is not the same as a "purebred " dog,
in tha t the thoroughbred is a deli berate
mixture of several breeds,
• • •
That, of !he 21 million Ame ricans of-
fi cially designated by the government
:is "substandard working poor ," three·
quarters are 11·hitc.
• •
Thal , alt hough people in S,,.,·itzerland
speak French. German or Italinn almost
rxclusively, thf're is a Sv.·iss languagc ,
Rhaetian. spoken in the Engadine region
by some J00,000 S1viss.
• • •
That "Liberal" and "Conservative"
were political terms unknown until the
19th century, and initially had quite dif-
ferent meanings than they do today: a
"Conservative" held that Stat e and
Church :Should be Wliled, and a "Li beral"
held that governmen t should not in·
lerfere in private affairs. • • •
That if you have command of the 3,000
most frequent words in the English
language. you can understand 95 per
cent in any randon1 sa mple of 100,000
running "·ords; but in order lo gai n
only a 1 per cent increase in un-
derstanding, you must attain an ad·
ditional 6,000 words in your vocabulary.
• • •
That the Nazi regime was called the
"Third Reich" bec.ause llltler regarded
the Holy Rom an Empire ani.Jbe German
Empire as the first two great periods
of Teutonic dominance ln Europe.
• • •
Tbat •·busy as a beav er" Is as much
a misnomer as "blind as a bat" -the
beaver works only wben necessary. and
plays most of the tim e; Incid entally,
it has beet'i found lhal when lhe beaver
popu18tion ls reduced below a critical
level, the animal seems to lose lt.s
ability for building dams, and often
seems to lose even the will to survive.
• • •
Thnt, although we employ the French
word "finesse'' to describe a certni n
tacUc In bridge, the French themselves
don't know it as such, and call the
tactlc an "impaase:·
Wou1aded Eco1ao11ay Needs Help
Strikes Are Out of Line
To the Editor :
\Ve are no1v facing: a time of un-
precedented national crisis. and I am
unable to see the log ic behind the current
labor strikes. Granted , the ri.teat Cutters,
Teamsters, and Machinists unions feel
they deserve mo re, but I think they
are being a little selfish this time.
CONSIDER the consequences of a long
st rike on this area. Shortages of food
\l1ill !rigger price increases, citizens '
purchasing power will diminish, and
customer dissatisfaction and unrest v.·Bl
increase. There are currently enough
lhings happening in !he country to cause
frust ration of the masses. \Ve are facing
shor tages in elect ricity. heating oil. and
gasoline. These situa tions, along ·with
a wounded eronomy. are seriou s prob-
lems. If you add to this a po tent ial
food shortage, you are s e r i o u s J y
lhrealeni ng ou r ability to survil'e, and
this could prove o\'erburdening to the
ave rage person.
This is a lime when we as a count ry
1nust tighten our belts and dig in to
restore our economy. Our economy is
flou ndering, so why do things th at are
harmful to it ? This means : Don 't start
strikes; Don't stop work in sympathy
for another strike: Don·t stop your
lrucks in the middle of major highways
and block traffic.
\VllAT GOOD is a u·age increase ""h<'n
i! rt'.sutts in higher prices anrl shortages?
Is this rational or reasona ble? \Ve have
re.ached !he point \Yhe re \\'e mu st stop
being selfish, inC()nsiderale. and just
plai n stupid, and consider the in1-
pli cations of our actions. We ha\'e. been
living: high on the hog (or 100 many
yea rs, oblivious to the cons equences of
our extrav11g11nt li ving pattern s. TI1e llme
has come for us to pay for our glu1!ony.
and ro begin to v.·ork for 1~·hat v.•e
receive once again.
Eve.ryone is going to be. hurt by ou r
current short.ages. but the s\\."iftncss ~·it h
1vhich our rountry rerovers is going
[ l\1AILBOX )
Letters f ro1n readers ore u.:.elcon1e.
Norniaily, wri/.crs sho11/d convey tliei.-
niessages i1l 300 u1ord,<> or less. Tlie
riyllt 1.0 condense letters to fit space
or elin1;11ate libel is reserued. A ll let·
ters tnust include sig11ature and rnail·
ing address but 1ia1nes r11ay be tcith-
l1eld on request if sufficie11 t reason
is aprare11r , Poetry tJJill ·not be p11 b-
to depend on us not making ridiculous
Cfon·n 1'011
To ihe Editor :
'\'ith all the depressing news articles
that are appearing in the newspapers
lately, I want lO 1vrite your newspaper
a few lines to congratulate you on your
full pa ge article in the Dec. 8 issue
on the Clov.•n from Denver.
This article was very 1vell done and
it is nice lo know that someone is
trying to make people happy ihese days.
This man certainly has to be eon-
gratulaled and needs the publicity sho,,.,·n
in !he Daily Pilot. Thanks again.
To the Edilor:
Unless of course you force this malter
of censorship into a total absurdity by
~a ili ng front page news of everyon~
111 the area 11'ho sells Zap comics, it
rn ay be possible that !he arrests o(
the owners of the Fahrenheit 451 book
store in Laguna Beach for alle gedly
sell ing obscene books may ultimat ely
lead to a good purpose.
THIS COULD come about if the
Supreme Court can be made 10 sec
Panorama of the West
Vast expanses of I.and lo be turned
in !o homes teads; fur to be turned into
gold, gold itself to be had for lhe
diggi ng and panning -such are some
of !he elements in the glorious adventure
told in The American Heritage History
of tbe Great Wes t by Da vid Lavender,
planned and edited by Alvin ~1. Josephy,
.Jr. (McGraw-Hill, $16.50, de luxe edilion
IN THIS BIG, superbly illustrated
book, orglnally published In 1965 and
out or pr int for seve ral years, the action
starts in 176.1 , 1.hC' year England told
her colonials not lo se ttle beyond the
crest of the Allc~henies -and bold
Long Hunters like !Janie] Boone and
scheming land speculator s !!kc Richard
11enderson pushed over the easte111
mount ains.
They were foJl o"·cd by p ro u d ,
scmiliterate , self-reliant nicn and women
in sea rch of the dignity they thought
they would ncquire with t~ land they
felt should be theirs. J\lotmtain men,
explorers. miss ionaries. miners, soldie rs.
homesteaders. railroaders, r a n c h e r s
surged westward - and fou ght the In·
dlans almost every step or lhe way.
THE CO!\IPLEX, many-faceted story
Is told as one swirlin g, p;moramlc
whole, n1eshrd chronologicall y from
beginning to t'nd within the larger con.
tt'!xl of our nalional history.
David Lareridcr's ability lo hrin~ the
\Yes t authenticall y alive has l>ct•n
demonstralt'd ln such hooks as llcn\'s
Fon , Land of Giants, W(s("'ard \lislon,
snd. The First of tht Wlldr.mt'~s. Alvi n
M. Josephy, .Jr. is a ~'idely koo1\·n
Authority on the American rndiar\ i1nd
the \\'est.
tha t the "('Qt111nunity st:indard., 1nethod
of arrh'illg at 11 hat is considered obscene
or pornogri1phic is unfair because. in
a to"'n like L.:lguna in particular, it
Is impo.~.~ib1e to es u1blish a ··cornn1unity
standard·' due to the fnct that our
populations is n1ade up or s111:h a di\'ers1-
ry of people anrl points of vic1\·.
Since. in matters or fr£'Cdom of spcC'ch.
it can hardlv be sho1vn that a community
is in dang.er because of what books
are being sold, it seems to me that
the real threat v.•ould be created by
the imposi!ion of arbitrary standards
Cl'en if they \\"C re agreed upon by a
n1ajority of people. The majorl!y voice
\\•hich establishes law. especially in mAt.-
ters of the protection of life and pro~
crty, is not applicable in matters or
free speech.
OU R l'OLICE de)>artment and the
Orange County district C1!tomey seem
hell bent on making themselves despi sed
by many people. This is ecrlainly un-
fortunate, since they essentially arc in
a position of doing grea t service for
the community for 11·hich they should
receive our grat itude. They shouldn ·1
be directed in to censorship at'livirics.
ANDY \\lfN(;
r-..tlRKLA J\1AR KS
A•1ti·Se111 if is 111
To the Edi tor:
I read v.'ith interest Von lloffman ·s
Dee. J 1 article on the bumper stick('r
\\'E \\'ANT OIL NOT JE\\IS. which he
attacks as anti-Semitic. That. of course.
is true.
IIOWEVER, if I v.·crc :in Israeli, I
v.·ould choose to live v.·1th that kind
of anti-Semitisn1. ~'hich is identifiable
and can be wiped out by any Jewish
truck dri ver, to the kind von l·Joffm an
himself displays. 1vh1ch is fn r more
di.lngerous and viciou s.
He spe:iks of the expansion n( Israel's
bo rd ers as if !his oct'urred by choice
of the Israe lis. 1vhi ch is the Russiall
line. In no in stance has any ac1ion
by the lsr.ielis since the for1nation of
t~ir country b('en such as lo be. con-
sidered aggrer-;sion by any reaso nable
standard . Threatened "'ilh cxt inc tion. at ·
tacked over ancl over again by
over,~helmingly unbalrtlll:ed m i 1 i 1 a r y
-.strength, she has coine to ,,.,·here she
is today against her will. Israel woutrl
gladly exchange i!s terrilorial gains for
peace antl security -and nothing less
"·ill ever get this territory back .
FOU.0\\-lNG Russian advice is what
got th u Arabs where they arc. Conlinuing
to follo1v ii v,•ill ta ke them further in
U1C> sarne direction -nowhere.
Robe rt N. \Veed1 Publishe r
T ho1iw• ~1,-Edllor
Editorial Page &¥or
The ~itorlal .. ~ Of" "fTKo Daily
Pik>t ·Aeeks to lnionn and !llimulale
~llde~ by Pf'l!"l"C.'n.,. Gil t his pq-e
divente•C'Ommentary"on JOplca ot in-
lett&t by syndicated colW'Jlnists and
c.artooni.Att, by proyid~ a forum tor
readers' vie-·s and by pTO!Yltll)( this
nev.·spape-r's op1nionR &1111 lritoas on
current topics. The rdltoril\J opinion.ti
of the Dally PU01 aPJlCar only in 1hc
f!dilorlaJ rolumn 111 the tnp of the
page. Opinions c>'lpl't!Mt'd by t~ m J.
umnist.!I and c11rtnortb:l5 and lelltt
\\Titers ~ I.heir own 11hd noendo<'lf'-
mcnt ot thef't v'cv.'"f. hy lhl' Dal)J p;lot -w he ,_ .
Friday, December 14, 1973 " '
-----'.:-..: • :;;z· uc:----
W at~h Your KiJo,vatts~ LA
LOS ANGELES IAP) -Stitt penalties a~·nit Los A11
geles r~sidcnts ~ho fajl to comply "ith a nC1\' Ja ,1 fl'</Wr·
1ng them to :slash U4e of eleclr1city 1n illl'lf h<Jincs und
businesses Ix-ginning De c. 21.
111e ('1ty Councn unan imously p.1~~·~d 1hc ord[n;1nc11
Thursday . irnposing a 10 percent re<l u .. 11on on u1o~t rf':"I
dencC'S no11' 1111d setting up even mor1• dras11r 11u·c1'iUrl'S
In take 1f the .. l'hnsc One" cutbacks don 't suff1i.:1l·nth t.'<i~c
!he energy c r JSLS. ·
WH AT'S rtl01l1'.:, LOS Angeles residents may fi nd they
'\'i ll be paying 111ore to use less, !he c:ity l)(opartrnt'nt of
V..'atcr and Pol'•cr s;ud. since reduced u.s;.1ge prob;d)!y v.'il!
force the agency to see k a r:.itc increa se: 10 n1:lkc up the
dif(erence in lost revenue.
The new !av.'. backed by ~1ayor To1n Bradley, rcquirl'S
residential and industrial users of electrici1y to cut po\1('1'
IJy 10 percent and commercial users by 20 percent. 1'ht:
figures "'ill be based on comparisons 11·11h electricity u~e
for the corresponding period of the' previous yea r.
A 31-year-Old security guard
11•as sho1 in the back near
his Post St reet apartment in
\\ha t police rlescribcd as an
( __ s_ta_te _ _,)
apparent "motiveless'' killing.
The body of Jens ;'o.1olgaard
\1-as found bv n friend early
'l'hursdny atier he failed to
return Lo a party at his ap::1rt-
1nenl ll'ith a bottle of ginge r
Police said 1'.tol~aard v.·as
ki lled a few blocks from
Tuesd<iy's . double ni u rd e r
scene at the 1'iki B o b
Restau rant.
e Ellsberu Case
About one.third of the city's 000,000 r~idential cus-
tomers are exempt, th e Cny Council dcctdt.od, on grounds
that fnOsL Df thcn1 are 1n the lo\1'er inconle bracket ~ind u!·
ready ha\'c reduced their power use to a m inin1um.
OTllER J\1 EASUR1';S in1posed under the ordinance in·
C"\udc !l lxin on Chris11n:is tree light111g and s~·un1n ing pool
he;1t1ng, :ind u rl'clu ction u1 slrt'ct lighting and billUoard
If these s!C'ps fail to signH1cant!y ease 1he en i!rgy
C'risis by Jun. l ~>. lhc electrica l cutbacks could be raised
ro 12 percent for homes , 16 pertcnt for industry nnd 33
percent for commcrci:il users. A proclamation by the
1nayor a nd concurrence by <it \e.'.lst eight of the 15 L'1ly
councilmen vdll be requirf!d for ''Phase T\\'O,"
During "Phase One," first·!irnc violators of the 1:1\v
"''ill be hit \\'ith a JCl percent surcharge of the customer's
full electricitv bi!!. The s-.'Cond violation c.'.lrrics a pen·
ally of l\\'O d·ays \1'ithout l•le<.:tricity and the 1h1rd a fivc-
day cut.on. '!'hereafter. each violation \1·il\ draw a halt in
service of "not less than five nor more 1han 30 days."
UPI TeltP/\011
Nixon Tax
Ll'g:ll argun1cnls suppo rting
President Nixon's s e I f -
dec!ure<l exemption f r o ni
California income taxes \1 111
be µresented, considered and
reviC\\•ed -and promptly.
sGurces have disclosed .
The legal evidence
presumably \\'Ould be made
to the California Franchise
Tax Board \\'hich is n1 aking
its own revic\\' of Nixon's tax
THE SAJ\1E sources nlso
said it \Viii be detern1in l•d
whether Nixon paid California
income tax during the eight
years he served as vice pres\-
• dent. That information n1<1y1
be made publi c soon, the cen-
fi~ntial sources said_
Three former White House
aides indicted ln the break-in
at the offi ce or Daniel Sa11 Diego Digs
Ellsberg·s psyc:hialrist ha\'e ScientisL.;; from San Diego f\1alural l·listory !\tuscun1
lost anolher a!!cinpt to stop exhur11 ed re111ains of a r:alifornia gray 'vhale buried
Jn another develo pment , the
prospect of a state legi slative
investiga tion arose Thursdny
if the \Vh ite Hoose doesn't
clear up the California tax
queslion soon .
proseculion of !he case. f h I II ' I The latest refusa l came ten years agoR a ter t e wh a e apparently l.'O 1dec 'fhur~day \l'hcn the state with a .s hip ea s.sen1blcd .skeleton wi ll be used 111
Dist rict Cou ri of Appe;il _a n1u seun1 (IX~_i b~_!l1.:_:vhalc is 30 feet long. __ _
upheld a Superior Co u r t
decision of Oct. HJ. It den ied
a v.·ril of prohi bition to Jotu1
V. Ehrlichm an. G. Cordon
Liddy and David Yow1g.
e Gus Dl'11ll1
t-.tAR'l'lNEZ (All 1 -A youni.:
won1an has died because shi·
was gi\·r.n ''la11 t;hing gas." or
nitrous oxide. instc:.ir! of ox-
yi;1en to help her r("('Over fr(•lll
intestinal su rgery. the Contra
Costa County Co roner has rul-
The CQroncr·~ rc·port i5SUC'd
Thursda~· s.'.lirl Di;i ne L1nrl.1
'l'ho mn•;. 2fi. ot Bit•hn1und. d1•·d
\\"edne~d1 1 • .;Iii"· lapsing: 11110
a conH1 \"01· 211 fQllO\\'ing nn
l 1wralj1 !l at c·ontra (OSIJ
Jlcspiral for l'L'!lloval of hrr
~all bl:idder.
e S11011• Fat11lil'1
;\I A ~1\lOTl l ;'o.10lli\T1\(:-J
(A !' 1 -A ski patroln1an
"-s.<tgncd to avalanche control
was killed Ln an ~:tccidcntal
explosion , the r-.tonn County
Sheriff's office rf'JXlrlcd .
N etv Disclosure Lltiv
SJJltrks R esi g 11ations
SACRA ~i£\·ro (AP\ -, Sccrc!:1ry of Stole Edmund
California's 11tv.• conf!ict-o[-in-
1ercst law is t r i g g c r i n g
resi ginations, legal fights and
opposition from c1\!zcn·pohti·
1·11c n1ea sure. \\'hich goes
into c·ffect J:in. I. \\'as
1·h:1raell'rized Thur;:;day ;:is <"Ill
in\';ision of the prh·acy of both
publ ic officials and pef!plc v;ho
dral \rit.h them in a non·
p<>lilical capacit~·.
··\\'E 00:'\'T object to 1hr
merits Q( l11r bill. \\\· <1hJ('C!
to th.-• a mbi~u11v." r-.·cva<!<J
County Counst·l Brian B1sll11p
said at a li"anng b1•f(lre
c:. Brov•n Jr_
ll1s county filed suit Tues·
day challenging the <.:on-
s1l tuliona1ity of tl1e n1easurc.
City and county officials there
and in numerous o I her
Cal lforn ta com11111nities ha\"e
rcc:1g11ed or thrC'atcncd to
reo;;ign rather th an con1ply.
The la"· appllrs to elecled
and appo inted officials fronl
the Jlovcrnor 10 c11v cnuncil.
Professional :1 n cl business
rf'r~:-is l'lee \('d fO Cl!)' or
rotfflty pos!s mul e! be re<1uircd
1\1 rC[ll.lrt tot.'.11 .1n11ual receipts
fron1 c;'lch p.111ent. <'lient or
cuslon1cr. Bisho p :-a id.
"The people of Orange J
County look on him as a resi-
dent," said Democrat Kenneth
Cory, a state Assembly leader
from Orange County, home
of Nixon's San Clemente
Cory said he has bct'n
besieged with questions froin
consti tuents about wh y Nixon
is not paying state income
taxes. He has asked the staff I
of the Assembly Revenue and
Taxation Committee to come
up wilh the ansv1er s,
Y 011tl1 Hclcl
lu Stabbi11 g
Of Ki11, 80
A young man was arrt'sted
Thursday on charges of fata\I~·
stabbing his _grandmother in
her Russian llill mansion . I
Robert r-.t. l'asqualetti, 27.
v.·as booked at cQunty J:'litt
after being taken from thc 1
psychiatric unit flt St. !\lary's I
1-Jospita\. '
Th e lxxlv of !\trs. S1clla Pa~·' ,
qualett1. Bo. wa s found :\0 1
rrlda~. Dtctmbrr 14, 1973 DAILY PILOT ;';
DAILY 9 lo 9
SAT. 9 to 6
SUN. 10 to 4
_,. .. -·
Portable Microwave Oven ...
Incredibly Fast Cooking!
$229 95
JET 70 •
Time to Replace Her Built-Jn DISHWASHER__,
CASH (0.A.C.)
Master Charge
Extended Terms
We Install
CD 7303 RW
GE Hybrid Aellacolor
AFC -Autom atic line
tuning control
• 4 WHh Cyc1"; P1rm1n1nt Pr .. wilh Col d
W111r Cooldown-Norm1I wilh Exir1 W...n
S1l•c1ion-D1Uu11 lot G11 m1nts th1 t N11d
Speeiel C1r1 Ind Activ111d So.k
• F11t•r·Flo trlpJ Lint
• 3 W1$11-2 Ainu T1mp1r1tu,.
WWA 70:0W ·$19995
Low Priced
•Normal W•§h S•!tc~oon lot
v111o•ou1 w~sh1n11 ol •v••vd•V
• 2 l•~•I Wtshlng Ae!lon
• Buol!·ln Soft Food 0 1t,pe>$9r
e Cu•h•Oll Co111d Rick•
• Ou1I De11•t"'' D"P•n,.-r
•Tull Tub r -lnl•flOr
NOW •$15995 ONLY .
Serving Santa Ana
Jan. 2, 1974
tlfnrvin R. Critl ('ln, 35, nr--
par<"n tlv 11·:.is prcp11r1111? ;cin •'X·
plosive charg" \\'h••n thC' 1Jl.1~t
oc cu rrerl 1'hursr1av n1on11n).!.
a sher iff'.~ dcput ,\· ~::i\d . Cr111on
"'·as alone and no one el.c,_t·
,1·as injured.
l{caga n St ii l
'l '11 dccla re1r
SIL\STA COU'.\TI' Counsel
Rnhrrl lirhht·rg-lf'<;\ificd his
rnunty plnnn111g d1rcctor and
rh" ('nl1rr pJ;in111ng com-
1n1 ~sion is re~ign1 nl'.. Three of
the com:111~s1011t•r~ ~aid the
di')clo~Ur\' ];1\\' is 1hc reason
tor 1ht1lr l't·~1gn.11ion.~
14 in the kitchfn of her ho1ne
Police said she had hef'ri
st<ibbcd "'ith a 12-inch kittll
• Bu ilt· in VHF and UHF
e Papl'r Bn!I
\'AN J\l'.JYS f AP I -The
Tribune Co. of Chicago has
purchased 1he \'an t\u~·s
Publishing Co. and 1\C1\'S
Build ing Corp , publishers of
the Valley 1\c11·s and Green
S·\CHA!\1E'.\TO 1 ·\P •
C<1hforu 1;1 (;r,1 H n n :1 Id
Hrag;in. con!'1drrt·d a p<11 ~·n 1 1;.il
prrsu1t•ntial rrinM1du1c . ~a1~' I
don't r1fn lrt niv~t·lf 1h1nk
about ;1n~·1h1ng: 01 ' tfiil l k111d
llnt il this Joh is o\·rr "
Jn an i11tfr\·ie1\' 1'hursday,
Reagan insisted: ''I've made
no plans . J'\"C ina® no '
'Silent Praye1·'
P,·oposal Stt1clied
S1\(HA~1E!\TO (AP
California public .school
children would have a cl.-1ily
minute of cla::isroom prayt'r
or m1--di latioo under a propoo;al
being investiga ted by the Stale
Board of Education.
TII E U.S. Supffille Court
outlawed recit a ti o n of
classroom prafel'I ln publi c
schools In 198!. TM high court
held that a nont1emminatlonal
prayer 111 N'e1' York schools
was unc0n.'>litutJonal establ ish-
ment of re1;c· by a sta~e.
rl!u;a1m~~rs ~a0;-
ordered bO~d attbrney
Thomas f.riffin to ~view a
~la ssachlLSell!J law which re-
quires a J.~nulc ol silent
classroom,Jayer or med \ta-
uon st ttre' &ginning of each
Sl.ilool day.
'J'll E EX .\('l ' \\'Ording of th e
fllass;1('h115rl!s lcg1$lat1on is: J
"At the ronuncnctn1en t of the
first class of tach day in j
<lll gradl'S in :ill public schools
1hr te;icher 111 ('harge of the
room in \\'hich c.ach class is
held shall announce thal a
period or silence not to CXCe{'d
one minute in dura!ion shall
be observed for meditation or
pray('r. and during any such
peri(l(! sili>nce sha\1 he n'ain-
taincd and no activities engag-
ed in."
On a motion rron1 F:uge ne
Rar,lc of Rooevi\lc. Griffin \1·as
askrd to rrvi('w lhe tlt11s~1('~use.11s IJ w "v.·ith thi·I
1:ios~1b1!1ty, 1f 1he s~'nst' flf lhc
board is in 1hat dirrf'l111n to
ha\'e 1h" boM'd pfY'pa rr sfmilnr
lci.:i~lation in Cal1forn1:1 ·
ln~ur;1nccrn1111 HPl>ert Long
1est1fied he is one of the three
1nl'rnb+:rs uf the ,"\('\'~da C:o11n-
1~· Bo;.ir<l ur Stipl'r\'isors \rho
\1ould be for<:t•d to resign
hecausl' of the new lav.·.
'n' easy
ZIP .•. front and
sleeves on this macllo
denim slack $Uit by
:Robert Lewis S0/50
polyr-stcr & cotton in
'Whirc, po"'·dcr blue,
ra.vy, red or ycllow
w:lth contrast stitch.
c·n kn ife !;iter found 1n ;1
trash <:an.
Police ~id Pasqualetti 1n
the past had been treated fur 1 1nental problems and \\·as ,
hospitalized at St. riiary's 10
da ys ago. He had \\'orked as
a Y1arehouseman.
12':.!... ' ' PORTA8~~ ;rv,1
; • VHF'T~"ntr ·. • ,
•UHF Solid State Tuner I
• 3" Oynapower Spea.Mr
• VHF and UH F Anten~.
OR 90 DAY ~O IN EREST (0.A.C.l
··~----------' Add,.•~-----------
Cl~•------'"llo•--27/po __ _
HE 5206WD
A LL NEW Porta-Color'
"ln·Line" Picture Tube
TV &
Ph. 540.7131
2300 Harbor Blvd.,
Costa Mesa
. ...._. -. . -· .. •
Today's Fl11nl
N.Y. Stocks
Charges Fly • Ill Nixon
C:harges and counter charges uf
partisan pol iticking and misuse or
..:overnn1cnt funds wcrt· flying today in
the 11.•ake of Supervisor Hobert Batlin·s
unsuccessful appeal to hike the valuation
of Prl'Sitk·nt N1xon ·s San Clcn1entc
1'he l<1tcs1 developments include:
-New thre<it s hy llcp. Andre\V J.
lli nsha1v (ll -Newport neach), former
Ora nge County assessor, lh<it crin1inal
charges may be proper against Battin
Duplex Lots
By Pla1111ers
0 1 1111 Dallr Pllol s1111
Virlu<tlly l'Yery duplex lot in Corona
dct J\l<ir . \Vest Nc"'J>Ort and on the.
Ualboa l't•ninsula has been dov•nzoncd
fron1 ll ·2 10 H-l.5, Newport Beach plan-
ning officials t•o nfinncd today.
Sc\·cral 1hous.111d pro1>el'1.ics arc af-
f!'clcd hy the s11Jcrping criteria endorsed
.\londay hy the South Coast H.cgional
Zone ConsP rV<Jlion Con1rn1.ssicn meeting
111 !A ng Beach.
.. ·rhc acrion affl'C'ls prac11call~· c>Yt'ry
piece of properl.y 111 the o!dt•r sections
of 1own." Nc.,..•porl Beach Comm un ity
Dcvelop1nen1 Dircc1or Hichard V. Hogan
lie sa id ll will cut as much as 900 ~ere f\'cl from thC' allo\vablc building
.:.J7t' of all future duplexl's.
J\'lcl Carpent er. exccu!ivr director of
the coa stal commiss1on . said the criteria
\\'ere dc\'cloped "because builders have
been clamoring for us lo develop some
kind of «.>stablished criteria."
I le said Lhe rornm1ssion has been con-
tinuously unh:ippy O\'er the kind of con·
=-1 ruction that Nc\vport Beach has been
··\Ve ;ire ha\'in~ such a problem with
all duplt.•xcs in '.'\('\l'J>O rl 13each filling
ouL th l' lot line 10 thl' vC'ry edge."'
('rirprnl1'r s:iid.
"Therr is ;1 constant r0\1' 11·ith no
Of)('n spal'f' \\'l' hope 1h1s \viii solve
the problern." hf' sa id .
C<!rpcnrt•r acknowled ged that Newport
Beach cllv offi cial s have been v;orking
on !he p~oblC'm. hut he indicated the
l'On1n11ss1on fcl'ls that progress hasn't
hcen last enough.
"I h<ti·r !he fe eling they"re !?Oing to
flo it nov.•." he said. adding that he
rhin k.-: Ncv.·port lleach will formally
rezone the old('r areas to ll-1.5 to con-
!orm to thr co11st.Jl l'o1nmiss icn stand -
:.ird ". Halhoa ls!;ind is currently the onl y
~rct1 011 flf Ke11·port neach 1hal has R-l.5
7.oni ng , bu1 the rr1:u lati ons thrre require
Qnly one p;i rl1i ng space pe r unit. instead or '"'o as th e coast:1\ panel requires.
'"For all practical purposes. these new
er1trna ha1't' :i lrc ndv r{';r,nncd all duplex
.1rc:1s, · · C;J rpcnt r r cOncL"drd
He saH1 1h;1t lhf' con11ni ~slon may
11 r111·c th e nC\'" s1andards on ;111 oc-
c:is1onal nppliration, hu t lie doesn't lh1nk
th!1t v.•11l h<tppl'n l'l'ry oft en.
"'I think the criteria art• prc1ly wel l
going to stick. And 1 think it's 1>rcn y
r.ur for all C(lnccrncd." he said.
Nc\1•por t Beach ~tayor Donald A.
i'o-lclnnis slrongly disagrees.
"It's re<illy kind of tragic to slifl P.
lhc upgrading or the older areas with
unrralistic standa rd s." l\lclnnis said .
"\\'hat they appear to have done would
leave properties \Vitb two subst~ndard
units wh ich don't attract the family type or occupants.
''It's the sorl of development thal
(See OUPLl';X, J>age 21
Charity Tree
Lot Tor get
Thieves broke into 11 trailer on
a Santa Ana Christmas tree Jot
Thursd11y night and made of( with
stereo equipment used to pla y Yule
niusic and power toob-for cutting
the trees.
Teenagers who 'vere operating
the lot at Bristol Street And
f\1emory Lane were going to use
proceeds to raise runds ~ o r
sightless babies at the Services
for the Blind llome. 2015 N.
Broadway In Santa Ana .
Now the young .people will have
to use. Lrec profits to pay for
the stereo and tocin;, which were
borrowed, according to Dr. Wiiiiam
De.Nljs. executiv e director of Scrv·
ICCS for th e Blind .
Teenagers who leased the lot
and bought the trees with lheir
own money arc a 11 h 11 n d
1hen1 stlves. ...
and t\\'O other Democratic superv isors
v.·ho voted / to spend pul>lic funds on
a reappraisa l or the Western \\'lute
l louse.
-A statement by Supervisor Ralph
Diedrich of F'ullerton, one of the three
"'ho voted to spe nd the money. that
J·linshaw's charges of partisan politics
"are ridiculous."
-Threats by a Fullerton land ap-
praiser to appeal the assessment on
Diedrlch·:s home and demand an outside
.a ppraisal like that don<' on Nixon's esta te.
t1nlcss the supervisors change the rule
allo 11.•ing anyone to appeal anyone else's
asscssn1cnt for $50.
~A statement by Ballin th a r
1-ilnshaw's charges are nothing rnore
than a "smoke screen" to rover up
his OY.'n poor handling of the assessor's
office. Battin asserted Hinshaw may
beco1ne "the. Orange County Agne.,..·."
The. key development is Hinsha""g
statement calling for a Grand Jury probe.
UPI Tti.,.holo1
President Kennedy in 1961 , Marilyn Monroe in 1962
Affair Reported
JFK-Marilyn Monroe Rornance?
From \\'irt &-rvices l·lotel Car lyle in New York \\'here the
1-\rnncdys maintained an apartment. lie
said i\l iss f\lonroe once wore a black
\1Jig as a disguise.
NE\\f i 'ORK -Syndicated i:ossip col-
urr,nisl Earl \Vi\son reports thal l\larilyn
J\1oriroe had a romance v.·ith Presiden t
John F. Kenned y.
111e. columnist said he had •·11•rithed ' \1·ith en1ha rrassment" at the report s of
Just before she died or o.n overdose
of sl eep ing pills in 1962. \\'ilson reported
Thursday . she said , •'Say goodliyc to
the President ..
\Vibon said he \Vithheld th e storv for \'ear~l but li nally decided '·10 sci 1hr
record straight'' because o( a book on
i\1iss 1\ilonroe "'htch dwel led oo h~r
friendship v.•ith Attorney {~rneral Robl'r1
V Kenn edy, 1vri1lcn by Nonnan i\1ailer.
J\1iss ~fon roe ·s relatio nship 'l'.'ith Presi-
dent Ken nedy is detailed in \Vilson "s
o"'n book Cln the life of lhe late actress.
to be published early next yea r. He
said he undertook a three-year in·
vestigiltion to establish a "dalliance"
between the blonde sex goddess aod
the President .
Wilson said the affair "'ent on for
almost a year before ~1iss J\1onroe 's
death. He said she was sometimes a
discreet _guest at little dinners ,~ranged
by President Kennedy, usually at the
an affair bct1\·cen ··r-.1ar1lyn and Bobby··
\Vil son said Peter l..a\1'fo rd. :t Kennrdy
in-la11·. bclicvt'CI he \V:.is spraking \\'ilh
l\lanlyn on the phone \1•hc11 she lost
c·onsciousness Aug. 5. 1962. ;1ft er taking
:1 lethal overdose. of s!ecpin rJ pills. M1·
told lhl! colu1nnist lu•r la st 1vords wcrc ·
''Sav goodbre to Pat (Pat Kennedy
Lawford 1. s<iy goodbye to lhC' Prrsident .
~ltld st1y goodbye 10 YOUl':'11h' beC<lllSC
you 're a nicl' guy··
She \1·as 36.
·· J\'larilyn l\lonroc \1•as his happy col·
Jaborator in this dis tinctly nonpoliti cal
;1rea of his life ,'' \\'ilson wrot e in his
new book "Show Busin ess Laid Bare"
which G. P. Putnan1 's Sons will pu blish
Jan. 18.
\Vilson said he knew J\otiss Monroe
well himself and also got other in·
formation from Hollywood column1st Sid-
ney Skol sky and New .. York dress
designer Henry Rosenfeill
Lawford . Skolsky and ~cnfeld were
not immediately available for romrnent.
IGssinger Aides Repoi·t
Chance Arabs .Will Relent
By The Associated Press
f\fembers of Secretary of State Henry
A. Kissinger's delegation said tOOay
there was a "better than SO-SO chance"
the Arab9 will llft thei r oil embargo
ne1t •month.
They said they expected Israel and
Egypt to be negotiating a disengagement
of their armies on t h e Suez. front by
that time.
They made the statement on arrival
1n Riyadh , Saudi Arabia from Cairo. ·
Klsstnger is achtdulec.\ ~~ mee t• • .J\in& J.
f'aisal during bis stay. -· ........
But Untted Pres! Tntematlon11l
quoted the officials witll Kissinger )a!I'
saying tire chances were ''less tharli SO
percent ."
There was no immediate clarifial·•
lion whether th e comment was mt4nl
to be optimistic or pessimistic.
The comment set off an explosive
rally on the New York Stock Exchange
in fairly heavy trading.
The Dow Jones indu stria l average
gained 14.9 points to 815.42 a fc\V
minutes before 11:30 a.m. Almos t the
entire gain occurred after 10:55 when
Wall Street learned Saudi Arab ian King
Faisal might be considering lift ing the
oil embargo.
Before that new!i, a fl rs:l·hour rally
try s..igged for fotk cf supportlvf! news
Saodk_pvemment ol(icials and U.S.
diplomata: in 'Rlyndh Indicated Faisal
might be willing to considt;!r a limited
· resunnition• of oil deUveries to affected
nations if ~ldent Nixon or KiJslngcr
makis 11 public announcem~nt eaDing
for l!iratll withdraWal from occupied
1•ab territory.
o{ the ::ippeal expenses and the po~s1-
bili!y of crim inal charge!:> being filed
a~ainsl the three Democr:.ilic super·
visors .
llinshaw said early Thursday !he
Grand Jury should probe the inaner
and 1hen follo"·l'd up \l'ilh a call Thur~
day evening to newsmen saymg crin1ina1
cha rges n1ay be proper.
The congressn1an said the supcr\·isors'
approval of a $4,500 expenditure on ;i
reappraisal of the estate by the St<J!c
Boil rd of f_:qu:Ll1latu.>11 '"a moun1i; Io
"I think there is grea t opporh1n1r v
for cruninal action <i ~a inst Bob R<JU1n."
ll1nsha1v said. addmg that si n1ilnr :1ct1on<;
could be brought against !)irdrit'h an<l
Supervisor ll alph Clark, "'ho ::ilso \'OIL-d
to spend the money ,
Supervisors llonald Casl}l't':' of
Newport Beach and David Bnkrr.
represent ing ll untin gton Bt;·u:h. both
liepubllcans, voted against the cxpcn-.r·
B1·1",u1.~1· !ht• ''tlllll1) spi.:111 1lu· 1!1UllL'Y
101 .1 prlLiH1· p1·r-;on's ronipl;11111 I
tu•l11•\'1' ii 11:1s :111 1n1propt•r 11-.t• uf pul\!1<
lun(.!,," H1n-.h,111 s:11d
H1ush;ill' :-;11d ~I lhl• \'1'r ,\ lt·:1!>l ll1•·n·
should bl' ;1 rt·11111n·111r11t thtit lt 1t\111
l'l'p:iy tht· SL500 :-pent on his. "per~on<il
l't•lld P!\;J. '•
f)ii'drirh rc;lcted to llin,.h:lll'·s enn1 -
n1i>n1s tod;ty. s<1y1ng hi.: ft·l t rhc 1n-
ll'S t1g:'lliu11 ··11·as 11•1·1l 1vur th thl' cu:.t
!Sec CllAllGES, 1'<1gc 21
Newport Planners
CdM Bypass
01 Ille D~Uy Pilot Slill
The proposed Fifth Avenue bypass
in Corona de! l\1ar "'as soundly flogged
by a half-dozen speakers Thursday and
then unanimously voted dO\\'n by the
Ne1vport Beach Planning Con1n1ission .
The co mmi:;sion action doesn"t kill
the con troversial plan to reroute the
Coast llighway between old Corona del
l\1Ar and llnrbor Vie1v l lills becnusc lhl'
city council n1ust sti ll revie\v the com -
mission decision.
In turning do"·n the bypass proposal.
commissioners adopted the reeom-
1nendation of their traffic consultants.
Alan Voorhees and Associates, that it
niay be necessary lo restrict parkin~
along the Coast Highv.'ay at peak traffic
Ho w c v e r . commissioners specified
that. 'If parking is someday restricted.
it should not be for more than on e
hour at a lime during peak morning
and evening rush periods. 1'hey also
ordered city officials to investigate 11·a~·s
of providing more off.stree t parking in
the old Corona de! Mar area.
Com missioners also \·ote d to delav
fina l adoption or the plan until niid -
January, v.•hen furth er public hearings
\\"i ll be held.
"The bypass route has been considered
and rejected for lack of community
support," is the commission "'Ording
on the b~'pass route.
Commis.~ioners Hall Seelv and .Jackie
I leat her at one point fav'ored keeping
alive the Firth A\·enuc option 1n case
traffic on the Coast Hgh11·ay e\'cr
escalated to the point "'here a bypass
\1a s needed.
"['d hate to see us get boxed into
n romer v.·hcrc v.•c didn 't have an y
:itternali\'es in case we some day 11·.i nt
thrm ," Seely :irgued .
Other corn1n1ssioners rejected th at
Police A rr est 2
l 1i Gas Statiori
Burglary Tries
A pair of suspected service station
burglars were captured in 1~ewport
Beach early today. five minutes after
someone tried to break "into a closed
an d darkened station.
The night manager "'as still inside
th e storage room -out of sight -
tidying up.
David L. Hunt er, 18, of 1504 E. Ocean
Blvd ., Newport Beach , and James D.
•1arris Jr., 22, of 4732 Lindstron1 Av e ..
Irvine, "'e re booked on suspicion of
Officer l\1ikc Jackson. 1vho slopped
a late rnodcl van in which they rode,
sa id $81.30 in cash and coins \•:as
recovered. along with assorted tools
co nlmonly usecrin burglaries.
Police suspect the money v.•as taken
from Newport Center Texaco Servicr.
1900 Jam boree Road. \vhich investigators
found had been burglarized during a
check of area sta tions.
Detective Pat O'Sullivan theorized to-
day that whoever was involved appeared
lo be heading dov.·n Jamboree Road
to Coast fU ghway. hitUng stations as
lhey wenL
He said an v.•ere closed. but thnt
night manRger Charles Bauer just ha p-
pened to be staying late at the ShCll
station at the rorner or O>ast Highway
and Jamboree Road.
Bauer said v.·hcn he heard someone
trying to -break in he came out lo
inveRtigate and spooked the would-be
lie called police and gave n description
or the vehicle involved. \Vhich led OHict>r
JncksOp to mali:c lhc arrests on Jani·
boroo Road between Bays ide Drive and
1!;191 Coast Highway
"I'm for kee ping options open. too."
snid Comn1 issio11cr J:1n1e!> Parker "But
\1·e'vc heard the proplc speak toni ght
and it's pretty clc<ir 1h;it they don't
\l'ant that option."
Corn mission Chairtnan \\'illit1n1 :\ger.
\1ho v.·ns chairn1 on o! the c1t1zcn panr!
tl1a\ pushed th e slud.v, i.ldtled .. l don't
ttuok 1\C should be 11is hy·11·;1shy on 1h1:s
onl'. \\'c've . got to n1ake a (leL"1s1i.n
und pur ;in cn<l to the confu sion "
· Se1at to Nixo1i
The final \'Otl' \l'as 6-0. 1'1i e SC'\'Cnlh
cotnrn1~sio111·r . IJon;:i!d Uc·ck lt'y, did noi
;'ittl'lld lhl' t11Ci:111\~.
C1J111n11ss1011LT~ acted ::ifl ('r ;1\! spt•t1kcrs
htl! one nt a puli\1c h1•ari11g th rC.\\' i.:old
11 .i icr on lhe \1_\pnss pror.os:il . 1\
pi1t'11:-nn audience of ab111J\ iCi pt•rsons
ehl'Cl"l'(I 1';1eh t11nc a SJ>C<1her a!lackl'd
tit(' F1 f1h 1\v1•11t1L' ro ut{'.
Un\? .~l)!'il kC'r . :'\onnan \\'(•1nbC'rgcr . .,[so
!Sc<' lll(;Jl\\'A\', l'agi;, 21
Co11g1·ess Okays Daylight
Savi11g Ti111e Legi slation
\VAS HI NC;TQN iUPll -Con gress
pas~d todny and senl to President Nixon
legis1ation to put the count ry on year·
round Dnylighl Saving Time early in
The bill. one of several energy-saving
n1casures ::i skrd by Nixon, \vou ld take
effect Jan. 6 if the President signs
it hcfore Sunday. If the signing is delayed
until next 1veek. Americans \1·ould turn
their clocks ahead one hour on Jan.
Year-round DST would remain in effect
through the last Sund ay in April. 19i5.
\\"hen the old uniform time act would
again beco me cffecu,·c. Thus. mosr
states \1·ill remain on DST through
OctoUcr. 19i5.
The bill 11·ould allow onl y these ex-
-Nixon t·oul d excrnp t a full state.
fro nl DST if :i govcrn er 1ssuecl a proc·
lan1 alJ0n sDy1 ng: ;111 c.xcmpti on \1a s
needed to cons1•r\'1! fur l or ;11"01d
hardship Nixon also could ignore the
1>roclan1al1on. ho"·ever. 111c r c q 11 e s t
111ust co1nr fron1 !he govt•rnor before
da .vlight time goes into effect.
-A state split by a 1in1e zone could
by law rxcmpt the portion of the state
in one or the time zones fronl the
DST lav.·, resulting 111 uniform time
throughout the slate.
-Indiana. "'hich exempts part o[ its
Harbor Realtors
Start Expa11sion
Of Of ficc Area
The Ne\vpor! ilarbor-Costa ~tcsa
Board of Hcaltors began their SI00.000
off ice expansion _project tod ay vlith the
demolition of the old Blue Top J\.1otel
adjacent to thei r headquarters at 401
North NC\\'port Bl\•d.
The expansion project is designed to
triple lhe si ze of the hoard's present
1.SOO-square-rciot office.
Construction of the addition is schedul·
cd to begin late next spring and will
be. con1pletcd by the end 0£ 1974. ac·
cording 10 Glenn f\1arti n, executive of·
ficr r of lhe hoard.
The project will provide p;irking for
75 cars and the building will include
trrrilorV f1"0i1l l)Sf UlldCf prCSCnl 13\V,
\\'Oll\d ·be pl'rrniltrd to cnnlinu t llHJ\
cxcrnption auton1atica\ly.
-lf.1"':lii. 'Puerto Jl iro and tile Virg111
!:>lands automa tically rll"r exempted,
~Sl'i' OST, Page 21
Judg·e Jl1orri son's
Rites Scl1,ed11l etl
For Moncla y
~!any of Orangr County Superior
court s 31 Judges starrNl th eir morning
C'n!eni;lars in hushed courtrooms toda y.
paying-a last lribu1c If! r<'tired Jndgl'
f\1"1111et h F:. '.l!orrison.
Jud~c J\1orrison died Th ursday ni ght
111 ;1 r;ardtn r;rov e con vt1ll·~c·cnt hospil al
~if lL•r .1 lon g illness. Ht• \1·as r.o .
l'rc;:;id1ng Judge Hn1c•· Sumnrr !old
;i courtroon1 nu<lirncc t(ld;1y af11'r cal11ni.:.
fnr ;i n1on1enrs silencr for .Judge illo1 ·
rison th:it funer;il ser1•iccs 11 ill be held
;it ll ;.1.nl. \1ond ay in Unitl•d Spurg t·<u1
j\ll•t hlJdisl Church, Sanla Ana
Bunal \\"ill follo\v <il F:urh:.ivt·n
:\lemorial !'ark in tha t city
Judi;:e ,\!Orrison. a nu11vc of Burnett.
\\'ash .. \1 as elected to the Oro.nge Counly
Sup('rior Court in 1940 and srrvcd Ot\
the bench until his retirem ent in 19fll.
(See JUDGE, Page 21
Orange Coast
Night an d morning fog and low
clouds along the Orange Coasl
Saturday, but other,vlse mosll y
sunny with some high clouds in the
~tfrrnoon_. Slightly warmer. liighs
1n the 1n1d 60s. Lows in the 40s.
Ch-ristmo.~ in the ghetto. Go/cf.
en '''est College stude~1ts u.·itt
give vau a rns te of tvhat llint
mean:;: in a Satnrday ·11 1gllt stage
sl1ow. See todai{s \Veek.endcr
for i11forntat io11.
"' Ytvr s....,;<• J MIWi•t M·Jt
a 7~seat <c1ssembly room . a meeting
room. t:icecutlve office, kitchen and '
IHll"• 10
l .M ...... ~ 11
C'Uli.filll S
Clntt llltcl 41·10
(Qf'lllCI 11
C101s-rd O
Mulutl l<unO• Jf
ff•llOflt l "'"'' 4, l1 Ori"'' t1u1111 11 Rt1!1~r1n11 U·l1
500"I JJ.1f
Carl Thomt1s Is chairman o( the
btiilding committee. Other members are
Joe Clarkson. Charles 1-'crJnison . Florella
llarri~ ,Coy llrstor. (..1yde Johnson. Frank
Klngaard . Roy M<.'Cardle and George
O-.•t11 Hollett 14-11
1!1U!o1l11 Ptt o 4
f !"lllt• lt·J•
• ~.or !tit ltttol'lll 11
"•rotco,.. ,,
Allll UMaf• U
M1ll,01. •
S:ock .M•rkth Jt.l!
T~i.YhiOll Jt
T~••l-•t )f.Jt
Wt•!lltr I
Wo111tn 't Ntw1 11·1•
WOl'ld ffrwt •· tt 'wwffktf!Otr JJ. ..
I ---
Battle Cost
Of tflt O•ll'r ,.ill! 111!1
Orange County Suj>crvisor Hobe rt Il:il·
tin 's unsuccessfu1 appeal of lh l' rounty
tax v1luation on President Nixon 's San
Clemente estate n1ay ha\'C cost $15 .000
or more -at least half or y.·hich came
from public coffers.
The cost figure \.\'8S deri \'rd from
testimony during the thre('-day Assess·
meot Appeals Board session ending
\\'ednesday and ('Stimates or such factors
as salaries of county employes and other
key figures in the case.
County Assessor Jack Vallerga , whose
$1.37 million assessment of the Weste rn
White House was at issue. said he wlll
try to detail th e total rost in the coming
weeks. But he said the job \vould he
a di fficult one.
Ballin's charges that the estate should
be valued at S2 n1lllion or more were
JhrO\\'O out by the appeals panel \\'ednes·
day by a 241 \'ote. Comm issioner
Frank ri!anzo. a Battin appointee, ab-
stained from the final vote .
Jn rejecting Batt in's appeal, which
cosl the First District supervisor from
Santa Ana ~ $50 fee to file, the pane.I
uph eld Va\lerga's assessment.
The largest sing!t: expense of the. Bat-
tin appeal \\'BS revealed in testimony
by two appraisers who were part of
a team hired by Nixon attorney Fran k
Dcl\-tarco to review the assessment.
Appraiser Hugo Drumm said DeMarco
ll.'as billed $5,500 for the services of
the three-member review panel.
The second n1ajor cost accrued during
the appeal is $4 ,500 paid by lhe county
to the State Board of Equalization in
Octobe r for a double-check an Vallerga's
TI1e n1oney paid for a new appraisal
of the villa by the board's appraiser.
J1oward ~1. Childs, who said he valued
the estate at $1 .5 mill ion .
Battin was the prime mover in the
vote by supervisors to have Vallerga's
figures rechecked and Childs was Bat-
tin 's only witness at the hearing.
Childs had to fly from Sacramento
to appear at the Tuesday hearing session
and his e:rperuies C(lme from public funds
as wen.
Fro1n Page 1
to clear the air once and for all."
· Battin clain1s the assessment should
be more than $2 million, not the
$1.37 mili iOtl quolcd by Orange County
·As sessor Jack Vallcrga or 1he $1.5
million set by the State Board of
f\teanw hile, appraise r ltC. "Campy''
Lynch said unle.\S the board changes
the rules per1nitting appeals such as
Battin's he will demand similar !real·
ment of his appeal of Diedrich's home
Lynch, citing the expen!e of a reap-
praisal and costs of county cmployes
\.\'ho had to allend the hearing, said
the Ballin action revealed the hi gh cost
to taxpayers of such appeals.
Battin himself had some ca ustic com-
ments today about llinshaw 's charges.
J-le said Lhe coun1y is ~till payi ng
for mis111.kes made by J·linshaw Y.'hrn
he was county assessor.
"As far as a Grand Jury invf'sligation ,
r would \.\'elcome 11 , both as to my
activities, and as lo ritr. 11insha...,•s ac·
tiv itics as assessor," Battin said. "I
thin k we might ha\'e our own Orange
County Agnew currently occupying a
congrf!sional seat.''
' .
• • •
• '
T~t O••'IO• C•••! 0/llLY PILOT, wilh wtrich
11 c.-nllinft tllt "''*'' Pro·u, 11 1>ub!IU>..,, bv
tht Ortnv• (01 11 P11bl1t11lng (o....,.ny kp.o.
••It tdl!lon• •rt ll\lbll1n«1, Mond•V '"'""gn
!'r<dov, tor (<nt• M~••, N~wlll'•I De•cn.
t-iun!lr>Qlon B••ch/,ouni.I~ V•l1•v. ltqun•
B..,tn, !r•in•/!>.odl_t _ ,ng S•n C ~m.t-nl•/
!>•n Ju..,, C•PIJ"t "" II 11"91t "~'°"~I
tdlllon It 1>ubli•""' ~•lw•O•n """ ~u...,•y1.
Tl>e prlnc!otl wbl>1hl.,. olt n• i. 11 !JO Wt)I
Bty llr"t, ("''' M••• ClllP~•nLt, '1•16,
Reb trl N. Wte,j
''"Ill""' .... l'UllliO~•·
J•c~ R. C11rl•y
~ ,,.1c1,..1 !Ind (jot-ti ""'""'"
Tho"'•' ic.,.11
I Gl!Ol
Tlie,..et A. M11r p~i~•
Mll\tfl"I Ea"or
l . l'tltr K•<•t
Ntwpor1 l t Kll Coty &,,,,.,
... .,,.... ..... Offk•
JJJ] Ntwport lo~l••••4
M1ill"f .Y.ilrt11 1 1'.0 . lo~ ! 17i , '2661
...... OHloft
(allf Me .. : UCI 1¥•" ••r '"", Lev-B••du m """"' •...,,ve , MYl!lllll-ll11cfl · 1111! Biid' IOUlt-olrd
""" C"-111 JU H.,lfl 51 ""'~ AMI
t•1,k111 f71 4J Ml-4111
Cl••"il4 .U....tt.&.t 641-1671
c.trrrltlM. lf1l, 0<•• """' ,..,.,,..,,,"O . ... _, •••l••. 1!11Ho"~·~.
""""'" O' IMl~trfl•-1• ........ ~-wl"-1 tllt(i.I ,..,. ....... ., ........ , -·
...... C-. ........ Mid It C...I• ~. ~· ...._, .. ,..,. tr. CMrllr tl.iU ~ty, ·.., ...... u" -'"'"' ... 1111..io
•""'' .... 11..S "'°""''-·
Test Basin
By Board
01 lh• o.n, ,.111t1 11.11
t<.1cmbers rif thr. OrHnge County C-Oast
AssociRtion af.(rt•t•d Thursday 10 sup1'10rl
"1n prlneiple" the creation of a $1 !">
111illion hvdrnulic tnode\ test basin for
the 42 miif'.~ of cow1ty coastline .
C'onstruclinn ()f the lest basin has
IK!rn proposed by the n111rine division
<1f 1ht :\t'""'JXlrl Harbor Cha rnber of Com·
1l "·ould bt' a physical model or 1he
rounly coastline. built in scale to establish
t'Xflt·tly the s;un c topographical con-
ditions \\'hich no,.,. ex ist fron1 Alamitos
Bay to San Onofre .
Ted Gillenwaltr.s of Newport Beach ,
\1100 outlined the project Thursday during
the Coast Associalion meeting in Hun-
tington Beech. said the 1nodel would
measure 200 feet in length and 90 feet
in width.
It would cover a half-acre site and
y.·uuld geographically represent the area
fr on1 the San Diego Freeway to 10
1niles at sea.
Judge K•nn•th Morrison
t'rona Page .I
Neari1ig Co11i11letio1i
Roy 0 . Andersen School in Newport Beach's ll:ir·
bor View l-Ion1e s section will open for 500 e!cn1en·
tary school childre n when Christmas vacation ends
Jan. 7. Constn1ctio11 of the $1 .36 million facilitv
ad jacent to Buffalo I-fills Park has been delayed bY
r11ins and strikes. Parents will celebrate the open-
ing tonigllt with a clla1n pagne party at nearby com-
n1unity clubhouses. They also will tour the new
:-chool during t he event, sponsored as a fund-raiser
by tile Andersen T-1'l'A.
Si mi lar hydraulic models have been
built for lhe San Francisco Bay region
:ind the Chesapeake Bay .
Gillen\.\'ater! credited the San Fran-
risco rnodel with "saving the San Fran-
cisco Bay and keeping it from becoming
a Lake Erie.''
Me prev iously hall ;o;('l"Vl'd as just1 rr
o~ lhc peacl' for 1ht• S;1ntn A11:1 Judtc11:1l
IJistrit l. ;1 post tu \1'hieh )·1c \1·as ap·
pointed by county spc rl'isors aht•r
11•ork ing for fh c ,\'f':lrs :'s Sllpenor Court
Judgl' H Y \\'1lliarn:;· clt•rk
.J udgl' ~lornwn of!cn ('U1nu1en1r-d af tt·I'
his rctire1nenl that he dCfJ\'ed n1ost
t'n.ioyn1en1 in his 2.1 years on the Superi or
Cour t ll<·nch fron1 the tin1e he spent
in Juvenile Court. Coast Boarcl
'R estrictive'
111e South Coast Regional Zone
Cooservation Commission's new duplex
development standards are far more
restrictive than <1ny huilding regulations
under consideration by Ne1\·port Beach
city government.
In effect. planning officials say, they
have rezoned Corona del i\·tar. \\'est
Ne·w-port and the Balboa Peninsula to
The coastal co1nmission's R·l.5 zone
is e,·en more restrictive than the current
R-1.5 zoning on Balboa Island. in tha t
il requires all duplexes 10 ha\"c four
parking spaCC's. Two have been required
by local zoning.
Mel Carpenter, e:tecu!ive director of
the coastal panel that \\'as created by
Propooition 20, sajd it was tbc Balboa
Island zoning that gave his st.a!( the
idea for imposing it for all duplex lots
in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.
In practical tern\S, however. the new
crlteria will affect only Nc111port Beach
and Venice, y.•hi ch have small duplex
Under the fonnula endorsed by the
commission r-.tonday. a!l lots smaller
than 4,000 sq uare feet are affected.
Buildings on them n1ay be no large r
than 150 percent of Lhc ''buildable lot
Carpenter said building size. will be
C(lmpu!ed by subtracting required set·
backs fron1 the lot sive and' then mult i·
plying the remainder by !.5.
for example, most lots in Corona
del ri.tar are 30 by 118 feel. That's
3.540 squa re feet. Front, back and
sideyard setbacks v.·ould reduce the
buildahle area tn 2,232 squa re feet .
Und er commission criteria. the tu·o
duplex unJ!s could tot.al more than 3,.1~H
~quare ft•tl. 1nclud1ng about !)O{) square.
fc·('\ for ga r<ig1 'li.
Under criteria proposed by il :-;'('1\ixirt.
Bcuch cittz~ns' rornm11tce.. schcdul('d for
councel ('OllSideration nrxt mont h. a pro1.,.
crty o,,..11er could have Uuilt 3.900 squ;ir{•
feet fur bu ilding. including 900 square
feet of g.'l rage space and 300 square
f Pel of outdoor hving spaces -patios,
decks or porches.
In \\'C>St Ne.,..•port. \.\'here lots run about
30 by 85 fee t. the coastal panel's criteria
limit duplexPs to a total of 2,700 square
feet. including 900 square f~t for
The :-.lewport Reach Development Stand-
<trd." Commilr.ee is recommending
criteria !hat \.\'Ould allow 3.SOO.square·
foot buildings in West Newport. Tha t
\\'ould include 900 square feet for garages
11nd 300 sq uare fec.t for outdoor living
* * * Fron• l'oge 1
encourages boot legging and multiple
unrelated person-type occupancy," ~fcln·
nis said .
"And that's lhe sort of problem we've
been trying to discourage," he said.
"It's really cnunter productive, in my
But , he said. he really doesn't know
~·hat Newpon Beach can, or will do
about it , yet.
"I don 't know .... ·hat we can do about
it. The OOWlcil \.\'ill discuss it and com·
pAre ii lo our proposed development
standard!. Then maybe \\'e will go bac:-k
and ask the coas tal commluion to take
another look at it." he said.
ritclnnis po1n1ed out thi'll revised
developm nr standard~ for lhe. older sec·
lions of Newport Reach have betn
prepared by a citizens' committee and
councilmen are scheduled to review those
recommendation.'I In January.
"We will lake a real hard look at
the two or them to~r!hrr at our J anuary
hearing," the ma yor said.
F1·''"' 1•119e 1
prt.'sented petitions which he said bore
th e sig11arures of 4.531 Nev.·port Beach
citizens ...,.ho y.·crc opposed to the Fifth
Avenue bypass.
A second speaker, \\'allace Ca lderhead.
presentl'CI a smal!er pet ition \\0h1rh lie
said bore the signatures of !34 n1crchants
along the Pacific Coast Jfighl'ray , all
of whom opposed the proposa l to relieve
traffic congeslion on that roadwa y.
"These signatures are remarki1ble
'vh<>n you consider they \lle re gathered
in !he heat Qf sum mer '"hen !he tr affic
congestion on the highway \.\'as at its
\.\"Orst." Calderhf'ad said .
One of the most stinging anacks on
lhe proposed bypass \\'as delivered by
l'aul Hu1nm£'!, president of the Corona
de! ~1ar Ciri£' Association.
"Imploring '' commi~ioner~ to defeat
lhe proposed bypass, Hummel said that
Corona del ri1ar residents did not \\•ant
10 suficr deterioration in the life qua lity
:;;imply because large numbers of
motorists w·ant to drive through the
J-lummel conduded by saying tha t the
Coast Highway ought to be deadendt"d
just past Cameo Hlgh!;inds if necessary
to ke<'p out motorists who simply wanted
to drive through the city.
Ediso11's Drive
To Gaii1 Onofre
Unit Supported
01 1111 o.n, Pilot ~'•"
Directors of the Costa r-.tesa Chamber
of Commerce pledged Thursday to do
e\·erything 11·ith ln lh rlr po1ver to assi~t
the Southern California Edison Company
in ob!aining pern1ission to add Cl nuclear
gieneratlng unit to the San Onofre plant.
(He!:ited stonr"i. Page 3.)
The un:i nin1ous volt' 1v::is taken afte r
.:i e;ill for hc·lr fr11111 Ed 1"on rcpresen·
tat1re Gene I01c:11L, 11 ho 1old the
("h;11nber leaders l ilt' fl'C\'.'nt drnial hy
!lie South Coast f!egional 7A1111• Conscrva·
lion Co1nn11si;1on 1.\':1s ··u11!:11r.''
·\li e fee l il v.·as unf:i1r 10 !urn do1v11
lhl' nuclear plan! cxpa n~inn due rn 1hr
f;ict that it tak rs rll•t·tnc1 1y to clc·an
up the environn1en1 ," he said.
The commission last 1\•eek rejected
lhe expa nsion on the ba sis that warm
water expelled during reactnr cooling
would hurt marine life and that the
plant's construction would damage the
bluffs in the area.
"With th e economy of the country
In mind, we feel that the plant should
be built not only because of th e fue l
crii;ls but because of the crisis in elcc·
tricity," Rhoads insisted .
lie said the nuclear plant nddit!on
could save 25 million to 30 million barrels
of oil each year because Edison intends
to use Lhe San Onofre station fo r ils
basic load and to cut back exi!ting
steam plants that use fossil fuels .
Jlhoads lan1ented the fact that the
San Onofre unit, planned to go on the
line in 1970. ahd the J~untington Beach
plant addition. scheduled for operation
in 1969, had been delayed by en-
Meanwhile, he said the electricity
shortage Is getting worse instead of
better because increased demands are
being pla ced on the Edison sy~tem.
Cited as examples of future super-con-
~un1crs by Rhoads were the SCC(lndary
slatge sewage treatment plants being
built in fountain Valley nnd the f'"ountain
Valley drsalinizalion plant.
Raymond Hudson . manager of the C.O~la
ri.1ef'a C .. un1v l'1a1~ r1)i11trlct a nd
chairmen of the chnmber's Water, Power
end c.nergy Cor. rnlllee. lashed out at
environmental ists follo wing Rh oa d s '
presentation and accused them of leading
the American prople down the "rmid
to diMster."
"Nine out of 10 times they ma k e.
statemenL'! which have no bo!ls ln fact,"
lludson charged. "They put everything
r]St' fi rst and the people second."
U1u velco 111 e Guest
F ou1id A board
Countian' s Boat
Carl J. Kymla Sr., father of the
Newport Beach City Council member
of the same name, is wondering today
who he found sleeping in his bed -
or bunk. It wasn't Goldilocks .
The elder Kymla, of Fullerton, told
police he boarded his 42-foot cabin
cruiser Vt'e<l.nesday al 1353 Bayside
Drive, and immediately noticed some·
thing v.·as amiss.
Am id an array of dirty dishes, dirty
clothes and discarded food cans and
cartons, slumbered somrone \.\'ho had
overstayed his welcome -H he had
Councilman Kymla's father went to
call the police, but by the time they
returned, the unweJC(lme guest had
arisen and departed, taking the boat's
liquor locker stock with him.
One clue to the $34 theft is that
unwelC(lme guest and unwi lling host must
be about the same size.
The 1nan took along a fresh outfit
(lf Kym la Sr. 's sport clothes, leaving
his old soiled ones behind.
P ennies fro111 Alcoa?
\\'ASHIJ'\GTO\'. (.\Pl -The Senate
passl'd and sent to the H(luse I.Oday
a bill to permit the government lo use
:!lurn1nwn instead of co pprr in making
pennies. The authority ...,·as requested
because of the high price of copper.
Engineers would use surh a model
to test the real effect of any proposed
change on the coastline. Gillenwaters
said such a model C(IU\d have prevented
the errors made in building the We!t
Newport groin!! which were supposed
to stop beach erosion, but haven't.
He said the Dana Point H:lrtiis"f was
built from a hydraulic model and may
prove to be one of the best harbors
eve r built.
No agency has yet 1greed to sponsor
conslructlon of the tes t basin, but
Gillenwat ers said he believes federal,
state an<I local funding could be found.
Members of the Newport Chamber. are
currently tryi ng to round up support
for the project before they approach
any of the many agencies which could
become involved.
Such a model could be buiK on a
one -acre site, with half the site used
for parking.
Gillenwaters said he f e I t the mod.el
\\'OUld not only serve as an engineering:
1001. but as an out standing educational
Bo y, 4, Resct1ed
From s,vim PooJ
A sm.a.11 boy visiting from Ho~tan.
Tex ., was rescued by his aunt today
v.•hen he fell into the ba ckyard pool
of a Corona de! ~far borne in the Camto
Iligh.lands section .
John Jenkin!, 4, v.-as quickly saved
by his aunt. ritr!. Robert Jenkins, \\'ho
adm inisterf!d mouth-to-mouth resuscita-
tion. according to NeY.-port Beach Fire
Department officials.
They su ppl ied ol"ygen upon arrival
and the little boy was taken to tfoag
:'>1cmoriol Hospital, where he was being
examined this aftemoon .
At•ti\'(' throughoul his life in 11\e Boy
Scout n1ove1ncnl, he once estin1ated lhat
he had handled al least 23,000 juvenile
cases in those 23 years.
Jud ge i\lorrison is survived by his
\1-'idow, Virginia; a son , Kenneth B. i\tor·
rison: three grandchildren and two great-
A Santa Ana resident since 1910, the
jurist found time during his career to
devote on the side to his church and
his favorite service organizations.
He "·as a Jongti1ne lay leader of United
Spurgeon f\.lelhodist Church.
"About 98 percent of the youngstrrs
never had attl'nded Sunday School ," he
said of !hose estln1ated Z3.000 juvenile
court cases he presided ovt·r.
!!is C'arrer on the ~nch also included
the notorius 01·erell murder ca se which
drt'w nat ion,,..·idc attl'n l1on .
The Ovcrt>lls' J7.year-0ld daughtrr and
her boyfriend .,..·ere accu.!led of murderin~
her parents by blowing up their yacht
•,r ilh dynamite at its mooring in Ne,,port
The young couple were acquitted aft.rr
a sensational trial.
From Page 1
(W'rml tle<I..
• • •
no exceptions ~·ould be
By providing one extra hour daylight
in the c\·ening. ...,•hen horne energy
demands are greatest, the theory is
that less heating ...,,ill be needed and
lights alld electrica l appliances ...,•ill be
used one hour Jess than normal.
tl" hi Lert"
R ... f1J64
Sale $1089.
100" In L•ittth
R ... $1470
Sal• $1189.
1727 W~'ITC:11Ff DR. 641.JOlO
IOP•" S11Ml•T 12·11JOI
J•~ N('llTM C".Of.~l MW't'
IOp•• s~·••v 12.11JOI 4•4 6511
1164f HAW'tHOllNi IL VD • J11 ·127t
WWIDAYI & lllTUlDllTI f;OO te l tH
NIDAY 'TIL f :OO ·---~~--.,. ..... .-::::::::so111 ................ _. ............... .6'
Many Answers Needed
Confronted with an already overloaded agend a,
Newport Beach counciln1en have decided they'll post· ...
pone h1onday's public_ hearing on the proposed renewal
of the Lido Isle beach lease until next month.
In announcing the delay, councilmen temporarily
brushed aside an issue that has all the makings for one
of the liveliest controversies in recent time s -the ever·
present traffic problem notwithstanding.
But there are growing signs of opposition to the
Lido Isle Community Association's proposal to pay the
cit y $3,566 a year to renew the lease for another 25
TI1ere are legal questions. There are moral issues.
And there are economic considerations. All of which the
public 1nusl hav e answers to before any decision can be
Councilmen should be applauded for nol lrying to
tackle then\ under t he time pressures that appear will
envelop their rnectin~ A--tonday night.
All of the elements of the problem-the legal issues,
the econon1ics and the 1noral aspects to relinquishing
public control over even s1nall areas of beach have vast-
ly greater weight in the 1970s than they did 25 years
ago when beaches were hardly a concern.
And since the lease doesn 't expire until 1976, there
would be no excuse for not taking ample time to do the
job right.
Timely Oil 'Deal'
A touch of old-fashioned horse sense may keep
many Newport Beach munici pal operations aloof from
the energy crisis that everybody says is aboul to de-
scend on us.
from thct_e oil companies which are drilling from an
1 island of county territory into the city-owned tidelands.
The payments come from three oil co mpanies whi ch
pu1np from wells on the bluffs above Pacific Coast
Highway between Superior Avenue and the Santa Ana
Now that $40.000 is a nice little income, and it helps
to defray the $75,000 the city spend s each year for
diesel fuel and gasoline to run city vehicles.
But with threatened cutbacks of pctroleu1n sup-
plies, the time. could come when all the n1oney in. the
world may not be able to keep the city police cars and
garbage trucks in operation.
So the city adn1inistration is renegotiating those
contracts \Vith the oil well operators. bartering the crude
oil for refined fuels.
City h1anage r Robert L. 'Vynn told councilmen hl on-
day that he already has one proposal in hand and 1s
seeking at least one other con1petitive bid before bring·
ing the matter before councilmen.
P eople Still Count
. Orange County harbor com missioners Tuesday re-
jected a proposal by their own staff to ban water skiing
in Up per Newport Bay.
'J'he vote wa s unanimous, although conservationi!:;t
member Frank Robinson wa s absent.
\Ve'd like to think even Robinson would have dis-
missed the idea .
First off, the sta!f failed to supply any real data
1o back up its recommendali on.
l . . ,
Newport Beach, it seems, gets about $40,000 a year
Also. people still count in th is world. \Ve 've got to
ha~e s?me healthy outlets even though they may have
a tiny impact on fi·fother Nature. Water skiing in Upper
Newport Bay is that kind of outlet. 'This here's my new deputy who will help guard th' bank!'
Nixon-Ford Feud
:;Rumo·rs Expected
• \\"ASHI NGTON -One of \\"ashington"s
favor ite indoor sports is the promotion
... of ill will bet\\'een the President and
~j the \'ice president of the United States.
,. \\'e n1ay ha\'e a brief suspension of t1 able that as time passes. real or imag-
?J ined causes v.-i\1 be found to 9.1spect
:' agincd causes iJ.•ill he found to suspect
~ that Presiden t Nixon and Vice President
Nixon to Ford usually console themselves
that Henry A. Kissinger would remain
as secretary of state and direct
· Aplerican foreign poli cy along lin es
affeady laid out. : Ford are feuding .
' Now this poleotia\
is more sinister in
that any statement
or a ction by
Vice President Ford
\viii be examined
fo r its relevancy to
t he im pc8chnu.•nt
or resignation of
President Nixon . The
major rele:vancy already discussed is
that Ford"s appointn1ent and con-
. firmation by lar~e majorilies makes
(. It easier for Republi cans to justify-Nix-
-l on·s iinpeachmcnt or resignation. •• ~. ANV ACTION BV Nixon v;hich can
'-: be interpreted as demeaning Ford "'ill
-stm1larly be suspect
'.I The general result i~ the creation
• of undoubtedly the most delicate rela-
. tionshi p bct\reen a President and vice ~ president in history . It is recalh .. 'CI that
"''hen President Andre1v Johnson v.·as
: impeacht'<l !here Y•as no vice president.
' Previous frictions such as Roosevclt-
Garner, Kl•nn edy-Johnso n and
Eisenho\11er-Nixon carried no such dire
consequences as would be implicit in a
break between Nixon and F'ord .
FORTUNATELY, there is li tt l e
li kelihood of it ; and . for that matter.
lherr is not much l\'ei,i.:ht to be given
to !he idea !hill. now that Ford would
sucr.eed to the presidency. Coni:;rcss can
procet-d \l'ith the rc1noval or Nixon.
\\'hile it is true that some Republicans
already inclined to hurry Nixon out of
office, such as Senators Javits of Ne\V
York and Brooke of Massachusetts, ran
use lhe Ford confirmation as further
justification, there are pressures in the
oppo!!lit e direction.
First. as an alternative to Nixon in
J a time of domestic and intcmationa1
• strain. Ford Is not overpowering. On
,, U.is point lhere is considerable confusion. j' Those attracted by the transitlOo of
THIS REFLECJ'S a b!isic miscon-
ception of the authority ol a secretary
of state and of K.i.Jslnger 's role in !he
events Yl'hich have shed mos t cred it
on the Nixon administration. Kiss inger
could not have acted alone; in many
respects he was more a crartsn1an than
a creator. In ariy case , the primary
decisions "'ere made by the President,
and the propelling ln i!iali\'e came rrorn
him. to say nothing or his personal
skill in carrying out inlernalional con-
Kissinge r has no illu.sions on this point
and neither should anyone else. So ii
is far from enough lo say !hat Ford,
through Kissinger, Y1ould continue to
direct international policy with the same
measure of success.
IT SHOULD BE noted at this point,
however. !hat there is a sleady effort,
largely th rough !he person and office
o~ Sen. Henry M. Jackson , to sweep
aside the image of Nixon's success in
foreign policy.
This effort concentrates on the Russian
whea t deal , the OC\l.'ly perceived dangers
of the strategic arms ag reement . and
the energy crisis as it relates to the
Arab-Israeli war.
If the Jackson effort is effective , v.·hat
"'as previously deemed successful \\'i ll
be regarded as a dangerous nilscalcula-
lion and thus Nixon's n'ain claim to
greatness in the presidency would be
swept away. From that point onward,
the Nixon to Ford transition v.·ould have
overrome its greatest obstacle.
ANOTHER POJNT having to do with
such a transition is how welcome it
would actually be lo regular Democrats
in Congress. Assuming that Nixon gave
up sometime in 1974, Ford would have
.more than two years in the While House
to create a new atmosphere and run
for the presidency in 1976.
~ ·Kissinger Mideast Pinn
11 WASHINGTON -In privale. candid
talk! with congressional I cad er s ,
Secretary of State Henry Kissi nger has .J:, reve1led his inner plan to guarantee
a Mideast aetllement: a Joint U.S.-SOviet
military force, with other nations shar-
ing, under the sypl.bolic flag or the by the Arab-Israeli $-year war in which
UN Security Council. Mosoow was invited in as the Arab Kissinger, bucking 90mewbat diminr ished headwinds from the potent 'pro.ls-cbampiori to offset American aid to
raeli bloc on capitol Hill, carefullJ notd Israel.
that for the first time ln hllttlry the ·BVT ARAB identification with the U.S.
Soviet Uillon has agrtfld ·IO 1 and tbe West , particularly strong in
"peacekeeping.. force In whlCb they ~ and S1udl Arabia, should re&Mert
then:13elve!I may serve. '~~ an. the Arab-Israeli struggle is
mE SOVIET pr.,.,,.. In Sinai. !l' -~ llDdu contn>I -a condition that,
a UN-backed peacekeeping force woold lronlcatfy, Soviet preiience In a
infuriate pro-Israeli hard.liners already ~cckeeplng force will hasten.
fearful about growing soviet power In Thus , Kl.Dtnger tells congre!Skmal
.the Eastern Mediterranean and thf! Arab leaders that lhe Sinai peninsula must
Middle East. be restorW to Egyptian sovereignty and
-But Klqinger argues with C(lld logic D "powerful" UN force placed In· the l~ that this growth of Soviet power is largely demilitarized Sinai 10 prevent
far more predictable~ in an cscal8ting military altack by eilbcr 11de agalll.!t
spiral, as long as the Arab-Israel\ dispute the other. So far, ttls confidential talks
conUnues. Soviet Influence thete. in with coogrcssional leaden have produced
short. w111 made poll..'liblc in ihe first place e surprising 1tmount of agreement. l
Gloo111 y
Gu s
So they meant 5 perceilt instelld ::if
25 percent on the gasoline cut. 'fhe
only good ney;s we get cut of Wash-
ington comes on a typographica l
,,/ MK.T.
GIMl'll' GUI cornntt"'' ••• IU.,.,.ltted bl'
re•dt"' i ncl do ftOI nece.tt•rllr 1'9'1i..tl lh1
vi-• OI th• n-•P•1>e.r. StlMI your '" -V• to G\oornr G•"· D•llr ~1111.
A n Opticctl
Things I Learned While Looking Up
Other Things :
That such birds as the indigo bunting,
the bluebird and the blue jay have
no blue pigmen t in their' feathers: it
is an optical illusion that, at certain
angles, they appear to be blue.
• • •
That the "thoroughbred'' racing horse
is not the same as a "purebred" dog.
in that the thorough bred is a deliberate
mixture of several breeds.
• • •
Thal. of the 21 million Americans or-
fici ally designated by the government
as "substandard working poor." three·
quarters are 'A'hitc.
• •
That. although people. in S\\•i11.crlancl
spea k French. German or Italian almost
exclusively , there is a Swiss language,
Rhae lian, spoken in the Engadine region
by some 100,000 Swiss.
• • •
That "Liberal" and "Conservative"
were political terms unknown un ti l the
I!hh century, and initially had quite dif-
ferent meanings than they do today : a
"Conservative" held that State and
Church should be united, and a ''Liberal"
held that government should not in-
terfere in private affairs.
• • •
That if you have command of the 3,000
most frequent words in the English
language, you can understand 95 per
cent in any random sample of 100,000
running words; but in order to gain
only a 1 per cent increase in un-
de rstanding, you must attain an ad-
ditional 6,000 words in your vocabulary.
• • •
That the Nazi regjme was called the
j'Third Reich " because Hiller regarded
the Holy Roman Empire and the German
Empire as the first two great periods
of Teutonic dominance in Europe.
• • •
That "busy as a beaver" is as much
a misnomer ~ "blind as a bat" -the
beaver works only when necessary, and
plays most of the time; incldentany,
it bas been found that when the beaver
population b reduced below a critical
level, the aninlel seems to lose lta
ability for building dams, and often
seems to lose even the will to survlve.
• • •
That, althou~h we employ the French
word "finesse · to describe a certain
tactic In bridge, the French themselves
don't kno\v it as such, and call the
tactic an ·~mp11sse."
ll'otanded Econo111~1 Needs Help
Strikes Are Out of Line
To the Editor:
We arc 110\V facing a time of u11·
preceden ted national crisis, and J am
unahle to see the logic behind the current
labo r strikes. Granted , the ~leat Cutters.
Tean1stcrs. and Machinisis unions ferl
!hey deserve more, but I think they
are being a little selfish th is time.
CONSIDER the consequences or a long
stri ke on this area. Shortages of food
"'ill trigger price increases. <'itizcns'
purchasing po~·er \1•ill diminish. and
cus1omer di ssatisfaction and unrest 11'ill
increase. There are currently enough
things happening in the country to cause
Fruslra!ion of the masses. \\'e are facing
shortages in electric ity , heating oil. and
gasoline. These situations. along with
a WOUT1ded eco nomy, are serious prob-
lems. If you tldd to this a potential
food shortage , you arc s er i o u s I y
threatening our ability to survive. and
this could prove O\'erburdcnu1g to the
jlVe ra gc person.
This is a lime \\'hen we as a countrv
must lighten our bells and dig in 10
restore our economy. Our economy is
flounderi11g, so 'A'hy do things that are
harmful to it ? This means : Don"t siar1
st rikes : Don't slop "'ork in sympathy
for an.olher slrike: Don 't stop your
lrucks in the middle or major highv.·ays
and block traffic-.
. \''HAT GOOD is a 1\-age Increase \\'hrn
It rt•Su!!s in higher prices and shortages~
Is this rational or reasonable.'? \\'e havr
re~ched !he point 11·here 1~e must stoµ
being selfish, inconsiderate. and j11st
plain stupid, and considrr the i111·
p!ications of ou r ac!ions. \\'e ha\"e been
living hi gh on the hog for too many
years. oblivious to the conseQuenct•s of
our extravag11n1 livin~ patt.Crns. The titne
has conic for us to pay for our gluttony,
and lo begin to \l'Ork for "·hat 11•e
recPive once again.
f~vcryone is going to be hurt by ou r
current shortages. but the swiftness \11i1h
which our country recovers is going
to depend on us not making ridiculous
Clomn f'o11
To the Editor :
\\f ith all the depressing news articles
that are appea rin g in lhe newspapers
lately, I want to write your newspaper
a few lin es to congratulate ~ou on your
full page article in the Dec. 8 issue
on the Clown from Denver.
This article was very well done and
it is nice to know that someone ls
trying lo n1ake people happy these da ys.
This man certainly has to be con-
gra tulated and needs the publicity shown
in the Daily Pilot. Thanks again.
To the Editor:
Unless of course you force this matter
ol ceMOrShip into a total absurdity by
~aking front page news of everyone
in the •rea who sells Zap comics, it
may be possible tha t the arrests of
the owners of the Fahrenheit 451 book
store ln Laguna Beach for allegedly
stil ing obscene books may ultimately
lead to a good purpose.
ntlS COULD come about If the
Supreme Court CRl'I be made to see
that the "community standard" method
of 11rrlvlng at "'hat is considered obscene
or Pornographic is unfair because. in
a town like Laguna in particul11r, it
is lmpos.,ible to establish a "community
standard" due lo the ract that our
populntkm11 i!I made up of such 8 dive rsi-
ty of poople and Points of view.
Since, in n\atters of freedom of speech ,
( ...... _MA_i _Ln_o_x _ _,,,J
ltl!trl trom rttdt ro ''' weicamt. Normi lll'
wriltro should co"vtJ lht1r mtss•1e1 in JOQ wota•
or ltn. Tiit ri1h1 10 condense lerttrs to Ill soic•
or t !lrnl"alt lll>tl Is rtterved. AU tttltro rnun in·
Cludt •itnllijrt ilftd m•ilin9 il<ldl"'f.t~ bur nilmt' m•w be w[lllhtld on rtquest If 1~Uititnf rettan is
iDP••tn!. Pottr1 win no! be J>Mblltnta.
11 c:in h<ircl!y be shOY.'ll 1h:it a com1nu11ity
is in cl;;ingl'r because of "'hat books
are bring sold. it sc1'111s to me that
the re;)/ threat \\·ou)d tx-created by
the impo.~11ion of arbit rary standards
rvcn if thl'Y \l'trc agreer! upon by a
n1aior1ty or people. The majority voice
\vhich establishes !av.'. e.~pct'nllly in 1nat·
ti:rs or the protection of J\fc and proP-
crt.v, is not ap1>lica b!c i11 matters of
free speech. ·
OUR POIJCF. tlc.par!mcnt and the
Orange County district allorney see m
hell bent on making themselves despised
by many people. This is certainly un-
fortunate. since they esscnlially nre in
a posi1ion of do ing great service for
the communHy for \.\'hich they should
receive our gratitude. They shouldn"t
be directed into censorship activities.
Lid o Ue a c l•<'•
To the Ed1lur .
Subjc.t"t: l.A!asi11g Lido Beaches and
f>11bhi.: FL·C Land .
\\lhe11 a lease or public don1ain IS
propo5(•<.I for pri\':t\c use. basic grnnane
questions should be publicized and an-
s1~·crrd. TI11s public inforn1ation should
be d1ssC'm 1natcd prior lo any commit·
n1rn1 b.v lhc Newport Beach Ci!y Ccuneil
tn lhc Lido Isle Coininunilv Association
for tile extension of lhcii-t\'Jen1y-ri1't'
Yl'ilrs lease.
l'.'i l\IY judgn1rnl. the rol!O\\•lng ques-
tion s must be answc·red:
J-JIOIV many SQUllrC. feet Of fee land
belonging to r\e\vf)<)rt l3cach City is
invo l11ed? tstrcct cod lots and strip beach
front:i ge).
2-What is .!he appraised value (by
qualified appr:userJ or the fee. land per
square root? ! same to be user1 to C'Om-
pute fa ir and just yearly lease
3--1-Iow many square. feet of tidelands
is involved".' (now held in t11.1st by the
city council for all the people of
California ).
4-\Vh :i l \1·oulrl be th e cnvi ronmenttll
impact on the public'.' (O'A'flers or this
la nd l.
5--\Vho is rc~ponsible for protecting
thL' pu blic Interest? \deed restriction
etc. on public, Ice 01\·ncd land ).
6--\V ill lhc Califomia Lands Com-
mission f::1vor 1he proposed lease?
7-ls this proposed tease in the <JVeral\
public interest and benefit?
&-\Vhy did the Balboa Bay Club re--
quest ror an extension of its lease require
a vO(c of lhe people. (and was defeated
by a big n1ajority) but the Udo lsle
lease requires only council action?
9-\Vhy not offer Balboa Island. big
1tnd litt le, the same type lease? (The.y
qual ify If Lldo Isle qualifies).
11)-flas the Udo Assn. been paying
Joyi:e lharkboldt'r, handicapped Na-
ti011Al Good'A•ill Worker of the year,
vlsl!fng Calif. ·\'luring Employ the Han··
dlcnpped ?w1onth -"l think the.re's
something special About handicapped
pt.'<lplc. \Ve have a faith in God aod
a desire to make the mo.'!t of oursrlves."
posscssory intrrcs( ilix~s on their leased
hind and if so, ho\\' much?
I I-ls il true !he profils rrom a portion
or the no1\' leased Janel is used 10 defra~·
some or !he expenses or the Lido Isle
O:i mmunity Association overhead?
12-\Vi!J nol the environm('.n!al impact
ol the proposed lease be subject to
action by the Calif. Coastal Zone
Con se rvation Committee?
I A.\I sure the Nc1\·port Beach City
Council in its infinite wisdom y.·ill not
t;1ke seriously the reported ofter of $3.7;'.iO
per year for the lease. The formula
of five ti1ncs seven fift y ( $750 they
arc llQ'A' payi ng ) equals $3750 for the
new lea se, is very close lo a \\'a tergate
ronnula. No one can fault one "'ho
is successful in havi ng his ca ke and
eating it. too, but I question if the
people of Newpor t Bt'ach v.•ish to be
an ever generous Santa Claus to the
(cw IJ('Op!e \\'ho live on Lido.
I am ad vised a lease prohibiting the
public :icccss to their tidelands is subject
to review by the Calif. Coastal Zone
Conservation Commission via appeal by
any citizen of the Sttlte of Cali fornia.
!'. 0 . (DEEJ COOK
A 111 i-Se111 i t is m
To the Editor :
r read with interest Von Hoff man 's
Dec. 11 article on the bumper sticker
\\IE \\'ANT OIL NOT JE"'S . which he
attacks as anti-Semitic. That, of course,
JS true.
ll0\\1E \'ER, if T "'ere an Israeli, r
\\"Ot1ld choose to live v.tith that kind
or anti-Semitism. 'A'hi ch is identifiable
and can be wiped out by any Jewi sh
truck driver, to the kind von Hoff man
himse lf displays, v.•hlch ls far n1ore
!l<1ngerous and vicious.
He speaks of tfle expansion of Israel's
borders as if this occurred hy choice
of th e Israelis. whic h is lhe Russian
line. Jn no instance. has any action
by the Israelis since the formation of
their country been such a! to be con-
sidered aggression by any reasonable
standard. Threatened "'ilh e.xtinclion. at-
tacked over f.!id O(l'er ag~in by
O\.·erwhelmingJy 1D1b!i1Anced nfl Ii I a r y
strength. she ba!J come to where she
is today against her will. Tsrael would
gladly exchange Its territorial gains for
peace and sccurit)' -and nothing less
wi ll ever gel this territory back.
FOU.OW ING Russian advice Is wha t
got the Arabs where they are. Continuing
to follow it will lake them further in
the same direction -no"•hcrc.
R obert N. \Vttd, hbU!htr
TliomaJ KeeuiJ, EdiWr
Barbo.ra. Krtfbich
Editorial Page Edittw
The mtonaJ .page ot tht:' n.ny
Piiot Sttks to inlonn and 11t.imuJate
re1den b)' p~tinc on th is Jl9P
diverv•commentar>' on ~lcs ol ~
let"@st by syndicated rohunnist1 and
cutooniats. by providing a forum r«
readers' v~·1 and by pttllltnt ll'lf this
nc"-spaper'a oplnlon1 11nd ldeu m
cul'T'!:nt topiCll. Thr l'dit«lal optnkn:
of the O&ll)' Plk>t •PPMr Gftly In 4h9
editorial t;"Olumn at the tnp ot the
pq:e. Opinkint; ~xprelM'd h)' tM L'Ol-
umnim and cartoonbtl and kttttr
'\Tiltts att thrir own and no endonf!-'
mtnt of their v\Mt's by 'lht! Daity
Pl}ot !hoUld be inl«Ted.
Friday, December 14, 1973
W at~h Your Kilo,vatts9' LA
LOS A~GELES (AP) -Stiff ~n:i1:iE'S awail Los An -
geles residents who fa.ii to comply wll tl n ncl'>· la1~ rc1.1uir-
lng them to slash use or e\ectr1c1lv 111 !ht·Jr ho111c-s ant.!
businesses begiMing Dec. 21. ·
The City Council unaninlou~Jy p;1<.,•·d the ord' ancl'
Thursday, in1pos1ng a 10 percent rl'<I Ul'\1nn on rnoq ''I·
dences 11ow find ~!ting up P.v1•11 more (!rusttc 1n e:1-;un·
to take tf the "l'hase One" cutbacks rJu11 '1 suffu:H·n tl\ t'.111t'
1he energy crisis. '
WJIAT'S l'\.10ItE, LOS Ant:e lrs rC'~idrnts may find tht·.v
"'ill be paying more lo use Jess. 1hc ('1ty Dcporlnlent of
Water and Po"'er said, sint'e redu('1·tl usage prob;ih!y 11·1!1
force the agency to seek a rate in('rC<J<.c to n1al-.c up th•'
difference in lost rC\'enuc.
1'he new la"" bhckcd by t'.1<1)0f 1'om Br~dley, rL'<1U!r1·s
residential and indu strial US('rs of elcctr1e1ty to cut po"·er
by IO percent nnd comn1ercia\ users bl' 20 perte11t. 1'hc
figures 1•:itl be based on comparisons 11'llh clectricily u~e
fo r the corresponding period of the prcv1ul1S year .
.:;-:p ~ ·~ . .-~ •. r ': •• ,.
A 31·year-old SC<.'urity guard
was shot in t!ie back nt•ar
his Post Street ;-iparlment in
"·hat police described as an
About one-third ol the city's 900,cm residential cus-
1omers are t·~empt, 1hi! City (.))UflCil decided, Ofl grounds
th<.1t 1nost of thrrn arc 111 the lower lncome bracket und al·
1 t·a<ly h:ivc rt·dU('L'<i their !>O'A'l!r use lO a rnlnimu1n.
11'f 11ER ;\IEASU HES in1posC'd undt'r the ordinance. in-
1·l11de :1 b:1n u11 ('l1r1:,tm:1s ll'Ct' lighltng ;i nd swin1ming poo l
hl'.H111g .. 111tl .1 rrduct1on 1n strL'el lighting anrl hillboard ..,.,""'"1.Q.:1 t ion . If lht·~t: steps r~u l to significantly ease lhe l'ncrgy
cnsis bv J:1n . l:t, the ("!cctrir:1I tulbacks cou ld be raised
to 12 p(>rccnt for hon1es, 16 percent for industry and 33
l"K'rccnt for con1niert·1al usrrs. f\ p!'ocla mati on by the
1n:iyor and concurrl"nt:c by ;"Lt lc:1st eight of the 15 city
tounc\hnr:n 1~·1H be r~uirNt for '"l'h:i~C' T11"0."
!luring '"Phase One," first-time \"1o!ri tors of lhe law
11·ill be hit Y.'ith a 50 pcrtrnl st1rcharge of !he customer's
full cl('('tric11v bill. The sceond \'iol:ition carnt·s a pen-
alty of two da ys 1~·lthout t.'lcctril·ity :ind the third a fi1·e.
day cutoff. 1'hercaf\f'r. e:u'h \'io !:llio11 11il\ dra11· a ha!! in
sC'rvice of "not less than fi\'e nor n1orc th<in JO days "
Nixo11 Tax
f._ __ s_t_a_t_e __ )
SACRA:'llE'.\1'1'0 I :\P )
Lega l arguments support.Ing
PrL'Sident 1'\ixon's s c ! r -
dl'rl;11·1·d t'.'XeTnpliOn f r 0 !TI
(";ilifornia JllCO!ll(' ft1xes 111!1
he firc."t'ilted, considered and
re\'if'1\'t'll -and promptly.
sources ha\'l' d1sc\ciscd.
1'he ll'gal e \" id c n cc
presu mably "·ould be n1adc
to the California Franchise
Tax Bonrci \\'h1ch is n1aking
its O\Vn re1 ic1v of '.\ixon's tax
apparent "1noti1"clcss" killing:.
Th e body of Jens io.fo!gaard
was found by a frie nd early
Thursday after he fai led to
return to a party at his apart·
mcnt 1\·ith a bottle. of ginger
Police said r.1o!gaard 11·ns
killed a few blocks frotn
Tuesday's double n1 u rd e r
scene at the Tiki B o b
e Ellsberg Case
Three former \Vhite Jiouse
aides indicted in the break-in
at the office of Daniel
Ellsbcrg's psychia tr ist ha1·('
lost another attempt to s1op
~tion of the case.
The latest refusal cam('
Thursday when the stat e
District Court of App<'<1I _
upheld a Superior Coll r t
decision of Ocl. 19. Tt dented
a \1·rit of prohibition to John
D. Ehrl ich man. G. c:ordon
Liddy and Oa\"id Young:.
e Gos Deolh
i 1ARTINEZ (AP l -A young
"·oman has died bC'cause ~)1••
\\·as gil'cn "laughing ~~1s," or
nitrous ox icil:'. instead of n;1;-
ygen to help hrr recover fron1
inte stinal surp:cry. the Con tra
Costa County Corone r hJs rl1l-
cd. The coroner's report ic;sur>d
Thur~a:v sairl Diane Lindn
Thomas. 26, r::f Richn1und. tli•"l
'\'ednesdav after lapsing into
a cotn<I l\'ov. 26 follo11·inc 0111
opera!ion at Contra Coc;ra
Hospllal f or removal of hr-r
gall bladder.
e SHO I<' f'nlnlil!I
~I A \1\fOTif \~O t'KT.\l\'
( 1\P 1 -A s!..i patroln1an
AS.<igncd to avnlanchc <·ontrol
"'as killed in an ;1ccid<'nl:1!
explosion. the )1nno ('11un:.1·
Sheriff's office repQ rled.
l\1arl'in I~. Crinon, 3~. Jr~·
pare11tl.v \1·ns prcpar111~ an r \·
plo si1·e charge \\hen 1h1· hk1~t
occurred 'fhursc!av 1norn111:.:
a sheriff's depu1y Said. l'rllton
11'as Cllonc and no one i''"r
11as injured.
e Poper Brr!/
VAN l\"U\'S iAPl -The
Tribune Co. or Chica p.o ha:-
purchased the V.1n i\u~s
Publishing Co. and ~e"s
Building Corp, publi~ht1rs of
the Valley News and Greet1
UPI Tel~Pho!t
Sa•• Diego Digs
Scientists fron1 San Diego Natural 1-listory '.\lu!"et11n
exhun1ed remains of a California gray whale burit:cl
ten year s ago after the whale apparently collided
'''itll a ~h i p. Reasse1nbled skeleton w ill be used in
a n1useu111 exhi bit. ·r 11c \1·halc is 30 feet long.
N eiv Disclosure La1,v
S 11arks Resig11cttio11s
SACR . .\ \11·'.'.\TO (Ar' 1
C:ilifomia's 11"''' conflicl-of·in-
trrest \:1 1\' is Ir jg g c ring
rt~iginanons, lcg:i\ rtghts and
op\Xl$\1 ton fron1 cit11.cn-1X1liti-
'l'hc 1nrasuri' v•t11ch gO<'s
into l'fH•cl Jan. I. 11·as
char;ir!~·ri~1·d Thursdar as an
1nvns1on of the pril":JCY-of ho1h
puh\1c nffici;;ls and people 11·ho
dl·:il 1111h them in a non·
poltticc1\ l':ipac11 \
"\\"E f)l.l\"'1' ol1i•·1·t to th<'
n1cr1ts of !h<' bi!l \\\· ohjl'l'!
to !he :.imb11tuil,»." '.\r\·af~'."I
County Coun sel Bria n J'.1shop
:.aid :it a hc;1rin~ hct0r~'
]{ea~an Still
'I 11Hlct'lart'd'
~ \CB -\\JE\'1"() (~.!'I
( .1!Jfon1 1<l c;u, I{() n .1 Id
Ht·;1g11n. 1·on .... 1d1·rrrl a poh•nt1:11
pr1''>1d1·ni 1al ";indirlalt'. .... n1 :-. I
dnn'l ('1en !t·t n1,·sclf Think
:1bou! a11•:1hini:: of 1hal kind
until llu:< JOb is over ·
In :in i11ter1ic...,· Thur.~da\",
Reagan insistrd : ·-rve madr
no plan~. i"l'c in:idc nu l
decisir;n "
St~erct :iry or Stair Edn1und
(;, BrO\\'ll Jr.
l11s county file(! suit. Tues·
day chrillenging the con-
s11tutionnli~y of tl1e mt•asu re.
Ci1y and county officials !here
t1nd in nume rol1s o t he r
('allforni:J comm111uties ha1·c
re~1gnt'd or thrc::tcncd to
rt·<.1gn r:ilhl'r than l'Omp\~·
'l'hc !a1·; :ippl1t'S lo cl('('!Cd
:ind ~1pfl(1n1tcd officil:lls fron1
th(' ~O\(•rnor to c1 tr council.
rrofes.o:.ional a n d business
pC'rsons elec ted 1n ('i ty or
rotmly posts could hr rl'quircd
to rcrort total flnnual receipts
from each paticn1. client or
<"11sl•1nH'r. Bisl1op ~ai d.
~111\STA COU~T\' Couns1'l
P.nhf'rt n.eh!)(>r~ tr~tifted hi<;
coun1y plnnnin,i:::-rhrcctrir and
!ht' en1ir•' 11l an111ni:; co111-
111ission is rC'c;ign111::. ·rhree o(
llif' f'Omn1 i!'s1oncr~ said th('
tl 1s1·'osurc l,'111• i~ 1he rea son
for thPir rrsignations.
Jn sur;inccn1an liobC'rt Long
tes1if1<.'d he is one of !hi' lh ree
n1r1nbcrs of the i'\rv:lda Coun-
ty &lard of Supcrvi!::ors ,\·ho
'.roulrl be forced to resign
beCi1U:.C Of !hC nCll' la"'.
'Silent> Praye1·' Fast
" SAiENTO IAP Califo · public s ch o o l
childre Yi'ould ha ve 3 daily
minute of classroom pra~·l·r
or meditation under a propo!>al
~-ing investigated by lhc Sta:e
Board of Education.
THE U.S. Supreme Conrt
ouUawed r eci tation l'lf
ctaasroom prayers in publir
schooh in 1962. The high court
held that a nondenominational
prayer in New York schools
waa uneon!tltutlonal establish·
meot of religion by a state.
But CalUoml• Boord of
Educallo'-1 members Thltr.Kfay
ordered board a t t o r n e y
'Tbomas Griffin to rc\'1ew a
MaM•chu.~ttJ law ""'hich re-
qulrel a minute of silenl
cluaroom pr1yer di med.Ha·
lion at the beginning of each
sclloOI dAy.
'fl\I'. I· X \("f '''ord'.ng of thC'I
:.1.1s~aeh11sttl!-ll•gislation is.
' '"\I \ht • ('l)rnn:<'nt'f·nv·nt of the
flr!>l r!ass or (';1ch d:;ty in i
:111 gradl'S in :ill puhlic schools
lhl' teacher 1n chargC' of 1he 1
roo n1 in \1'hich each c1ass 1s 1 held shall announ cr thAI a
prr1od or stlrncc not to exceed
one n11nute in duration sha ll
l:M' o~rvPd for n1cdil:itinn ror
prayl't and durin1~ any ~ur~
f){'ririd 5ih•ncc shJll h!' m:itn-
ta1ned aod no actil11lcs enga~
rci in."
On a mo1lon fron1 l~ugrn(•
Ra i;lc of Rosc,•ill.-. c;rdf1n "·;1sl
a~krd to re\ 1 t' ~· the
r..1:is:;..1chtL';E'tls lao,\.' "wtth 1hc posslb1~i1y.' if Lhe ~ns1• of !IH·:
bo..1rd is in th&t d1rl"l'tion. ro
have the bo:oird pT'f'p.1rr ~imilari
li·g1.slatit1n in C:il1 forn1a ·•
'n' easy
ZIP ••• front aoJ
sleeves on this macho
dtni.m slnc.k :ruit bv
RobcrtLc~·i~ 50/.SO
p olyes1cr & co11un i11
-white, pov.•dcr blue,
navy, rf:d or Y'llow
with cootra.st stitch.
TIIE SA~l E sources :1\so l
said it will be dc!ern1ined
whether Nixon paid California \
incoine !:ix dunng 1he eight
years he st·r1·cd as \'ice prcsi-1
dent. Th.it infonnatlon n1t1yl
be n1ade public soon. th e con·
fidc nti al sottrces said.
In anolher development. th('1 pros!)f'CI of a state lcgis!ati\"C
investigation arose Thursday
if the \\lhite House (loesn·1
clear up the California tax
c1u~·s11on soon. '"fh e prople o[ Orang('
County look on him as a resi-1
rlent." sn.id Oe rnoc rat Kenner h
Cory, a state Ass('mbly leader
frotn Orange County, homr
of Nixon's San Clen1entc
estate. I Corv said lie has been
bcsie_ied with questions fron1 I
constituents about \1·hy Nlxon
is not paying state income •
tax es. lie ha s asked the starr j
of the Assembly 1';evenue and .
Taxntion Comn1ittce to cnmt•
up 11·it.h th(' an s\1·crs.
Youtl1 Held [
111 Stabbing
~! F~!~~ i~P~ _!
A young man was arrested
Thursday nn chargrs vf ft1!a1\y
stabbing his grandmother in
hrr J~ussian tldl mansion. I
Robert ~t. Pasqualttti, 2i .:
1\·:ts bookf'd ;H count:"-' jail
nfti•r bl'ing tnkl'n rron1 the
psychiatric 1uHI at SL tl!ary 's
J!ospi1al. I
Thf' bodl' of \1rc;. Stella Pns-'
ou;iletti. Ro. "'il ~ founrl i\o\
1'4 in thr k1tcl1rn of her hon1e
Police s::i1d s\1.-. h:1d b("'tl
stabb<-<l \\1th ~1 12·1nch k1tch·
t·n i..·nifc l<1tl·r f<111nrl 1n ;i
trash can .
Polict' s.;iid Pn"qualr lli in
lhc past had !.lt•rn trea!cd fnr
n1ent<il prnblcn1s 11ncl "·as
hos pitalized a~ St J\lary's JO ' days ago. lie had "·orked ,1s
fl \\'arehollscman. j
Friday, D,c,mbtr 14, 1973 ~ DAILY PILOT 5 ~--'-~~~--'-~-'-~~~~~~~
DAILY 9 10 9
SAT. 9 to 6
SUN. 10 lo 4
Portable Microwave oven ...
Incredibly Fast Cooking!
$229 95
JET 70
Time to Replace Her Buift.Jn DISHWASHER.;i
CASH (0.A.C.)
Master Charge
Extended Terms
We Install
SD 251
• • W11h Cycl•: Ptrmenent p, .. with Cold
W11er Cooldown-Norm11 with E11t11 W.ti
Sel.ction-Oelic1te for G1rments th1t Nied
Spee11I C1r1 ind Activ1t1d S01k
CD 7J03 RW
• GE Hybrid Rel1acolor
ch as sis
e AFC -A.u!omatic line
tuning control
• B\J ill-1n VHF and UHF
• Fi1t1r·flo tr1p1 Lint
1 3 W1$h-2 RinM T•mpflrllurw
WWA70:,W ·$19995
• Attrac t1Ye polystyrene ~
"'''" '" """"" "'''~ ~·
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~r·\'; .. ,-r¥t·•,' •:'i-' 12':,... "'~21~·i
POR.TA.~L,~ rv 0
Low Priced
• No1 m1I Wish S•le<:loon for
v1go1ouJ w1sh1ng ol ev1ryd1y
lo•d•. • 2 L111el W11hing Aclion
• Buill·ln Solt Food 0 1tPot9'
• Cushu:in Co;i ttd Ricks
•Dual 0 1t1r119nt 011p•n'9f
1 Tuff Tub 1 M Interior
~~~y $15995
Serving Santa Ana
Jan . 2, 1974
HE 5206WO ••VHF 'ftinft , . ~1, J
•UHF Solid State Tuntr ,
• 3" Dynapower Speaker
•VHF and UHF Antenna'~ ALL NEW Porta-Color"
"In-Line" Picture Tube
TV &
Ph. 540-7131
2300 Harbor Blvd .,
Costa Mesa
,I ,,
Totlay's Finni
N. \'. Stocks
Fly • Ill Nixon Charges
C'hargt'); and countrr charges uf and two other Democratic supervisors appraisal like that done on ~ixon's eslall'
unless the supervisors change the rule
allo\\·ing anyone to appeal anyone e\se·s
usscssn1enl for SSO.
1n11·u,;1n polirlck1ng :ind 1111suse of \1•ho voted to s1>cnd public funds on
J.;O\'Cl'llJ1ll'llL fund s 1rcr!' fl yini:: today in a reappraisal of the \\'cstt'rn \\lhltl'
lhl' 11 :.ik1· of Suf>t:rv 1sor Hubert B;1ttin's !louse .
11nst1CCl·S.sful appc:1l ro hike the \'aluation -A statement by Supervisor Ha !ph -A statement by Battin tha t
or l'r1·~1<ll·llt Nixon 's. San (Jcn1entc fJicdrlch of Fullerton, one of the three Hinsha1v's charges are nothing n1orc
than a "smoke screen" to cover up
hi.'i 01vn poor handling of the assessor's
office. Battin asserted Hinshaw may
become "the Orange County Agnew."
1·::.tate. 11·ho voted to spcnd the money, tha t
Thl' l.:tlt·st dl'velop1nrn1s include: -Hinsha,~·s charges of partisan politics
-NC\\' threat s by Hep. AndrC\V J . •·are ridiculous."
Jhnsh;11v (H • Nc1vpcrt Beach>. former -Threats by a Fullerton land ap.
Or;i nge Count y assessor, lhat crinHnal praiser to appeal the assessn1ent on The key develop1nent is Hinsha1v's
statement calling for a Grand J ury probe charges 1n<J y be proper <igainst Battin Diedri ch's hon1e and demand an outside
ln January
\\' ASlll :\GTO~ ( L:P !) Congress
pas~t·d tocli1y ;uul senl to President Nixon
lt•glsl;ition 10 11ut the country on year·
round 1);1yhght S;_11'ing Tin1 c early in
The hill. one or seve ral energy-saving
111vasurt'S ask l'd by Nixon. 1Yoold take
1·He ct ,J an. ~i if the President signs
ii hcforc Sl1nda y. If the si~ning is delayed
11ntil next \1·1·ck. A1nl'ric;.ins 1\'0uld turn
1hc1r clocks ahead Ollt! hour on Jan.
Year-round DST 11·ould rC'n1ai n in effect
through the last Sunday 1n April. 1975,
11 hen th<' old uniform tin1r acl v.·ould
again brcomt• £'ffcclivc. Thus. mos t
s1;11es 11·i1I rcn1<11 n on DST thro ugh
Oc·robC'r, 19i:1.
The I.Jill 11·ould allow only these ex·
-.\'1xo11 cou ld excn1pt a rull state
lron1 DST if a governor issued a proc·
lan1a1lon ~ayini.i :in exemption "·as
l!el"<il·ll to 1·onserv1· tucl or avo~d
hardship. Nixon :1lso could ignore the
proc:la1n<ilion. hO\\'Cver. 11'1e r l' q u es t
rnus1 con1l' fron1 the governor lx'forc
!Sec UST, Page 2l
Harbor Realtors
Start Expansion
Of Of ficc Area
The ~ew1>0rt llrirhor-Cosla r-.tesa
Board of RL'alrors lx·gr1n thei r $100,000
offi ce expansi on project todriy with the
drn1olirio11 of the old Blue ·rop r-.lotcl
;idjarent 10 thei r head 11ua r!ers at 401
Xo rlh l\'1•11 port Blvd .
The rxpans1011 prn1rct is <!('signed 1Q
1rirle !he si1.l' of the boar·d 's prrscnl
i , SO().,qun rt• ·foot off ier.
''ons1rue11011 of rh1• :idcl 1t1on '" schMul·
•'fl 10 bP i,!111 la le llt'~t ~pr in~ and 11111
l\t' ron1 plf'l 1'd by lhl~ f'nd or 197~. fl('·
('Ording 10 Cli'nn r-.tartin. l'Xccu ti\'C of·
ilec r of lh11 l.Joa rd.
The project v.·dl prl'!Vidc parking for
7~ care; and the building v.•ill include
a 7:rscal assembly rooin. a meeting
roon1, cxeculil'C orficc. kitchen and
libra ry .
Ca rl Thomns is chnirman of the
building co tnmittee. Other n1e1nbers are
Joe Clarkson. Charles Ferguson. Flo rella
llarris, Coy !lester. Clyde Jchnson, Frank
Kingaard. Roy Mccardle and George
\\"illi an1 son.
Clinrity Tree
Lot Target
Thieves broke into a lrailer on
a Sanla Ana Christmas tree lot
Thursday night and made oH with
slereo equipment used to piny Yule
music and power toob for cutting
the trees.
Teenagers who were operating
the lot at Bristol Street and
~1emory Lane were going to use
proceeds to raise fund s f o r
si ghtless babies at the Services
for the Blind 11ome, 2015 N.
Broadway in Santa Ana .
No\lt the young people will have
to use trceJrofil3 to pay for
!he stereo a tool.a, which were
borrm\lcd, accordlng to Dr. Wiiiiam
OeNijs. executive director of Serv-
ices for the Bllnd.
Teenager$ who leased the lot
;ind bought tho trees" with lhelr
own mon,y iJlrn all b I i n d
U~l Ttltpholot
President Kennedy in 1961, Marilyn Monroe in 1962
Affair Reported
JFK-A1llril y n A1onroe Ro1nunce?
From \\'ire Ser\'ices
NE\V l'ORK -Syndicated gossi p col·
umnist Earl \\"i lson reports that !\larilyn
i\fonroc had a romance v.·ith President
John F. Kennedy.
Just before she died of an overdose
of sleeping pills in 1962, \\.'ilson rC'porled
Thursday. £he said, "Say goodb~c 10
the President.··
\Vilson said he v. lthhcld the story for
yea rs but finall y decided "1o scl 1he
record straight" bctausc or a book 011
~1 i.ss f\olonroe which dwelled on her
fr iendship with Attorney General Bube rt
F. Kenn edy, \vritten by Norrnan r-.tai!er.
r-.1iss f\olonroc 's rclalionship "'ilh Presi-
dent Kennedy is dc!ailcd in \\'ilson 's
0\1•11 book on the life of the late actress.
to be published early next year. lie
said he undertook a three-year in·
vestigalion to establish a ''dalliance"
bet"-een the blonde sex goddess and
the President.
Wilson said the affair went on for
almost a year before ~·fiss r-.1on roe's
death. He said she v.·as sometimes a
discreet guest at little dinners arr11nged
by President Kennedy, usually at the
llotel Carlyle in Ne\v York where the
Kcnncd.\'S maintained an apartment. lie
said l\1 iss l\lonroe once v.·orc a black
11 ig as a disguise.
The columnist said he had .. 1\Tithrd
11·ith e1n barrassmc11t" at the reports of
an affair bet1recn "l\farilyn and Bobby.''
\Vil !!OD said Peter L.1\1·ford . a Kenncrll'
i11-ln1\', belic\'C'd he 11•as spe<lki nf( 1v1ri1
. \larilyn on th e phone v.·hen she lost
consciousness Aug. ~. 1962. afte r tak1nt:
:i leth<1 I overdose of s lC'epin~ pil ls . I Jc
1old the eol umnisl her l<ist v.·ords were:
.. S:lv goodb\'r tri P:it ! Pat K1'11nedv
Lit\1•ford I. say goodbyC' 10 !hr Pre.,idcr1\.
and. say ~oodbyc_, to yo11r:;rl 1 bcc:1usc
you re a nice guy
She \1·as 36.
"l\larilyn :.lonror \\'ilS his happ.v col·
lnbora!or in this di:::tinrtly nonpolit1c;il
area of his life ." \Vilson wr(JlC in Ill~
new book "Sho11· Business Liiid Bare.··
"'hich G. P. Putnatn·s Sons v.·ill publish
J an. 18.
\Vilso n said he knew l\fiss ~·lonroe
v.'ell himself and also got other in·
for1nation from Hollywood colun1nist Sid·
ney Skolsky and Nrw York dress
designer Henry RosenfC'ld.
Lawford. Skolsky and Rosenfeld were
not immediately a \·ailable for C()mn1en t.
Judge Mo1"1·iso11 Fm1e1~aI
Rites Scl1eduled Monclay ..
l\.1any or Orange County Superior Superior Court in 1940 and served on
Court's 31 judges started their morning the bench until his retirement in 1963.
calendars in hushed courtrooms toda y, lie previously had served as justice
paying a last tribute to retired Judge o: the peace for the Santa Ana Judicial
Kenneth E. ~1orrlson. District. a post to which he was ap-
J~~ Morrison died Thursday night pointed by county spervisors after
in a ~en Grove convalescent hospital working for live years as Superior CoW't
alter.fl tong Illness. Ile was 80. Judge R. Y. Williams' clerk.
n-..t.i:. Judge Mo rrison often con11nenlcd after • 'l:,~nuuig Judge Bruce Sumner told his retirement that he derived most
a courtnll)m aud ience today after caning enjoyment in his 23 years on the Superior
for a mamcnt'i silence for Judge Mor· Court bench from the t!1ne he spent
rlSOtf UU.t-runeriil Services will be he.Id In Juvenue ·Court.
at 11 a.m. Monday in United Spurgeon Active throughout his lire in the Boy
Scout movement, he once estima ted I.hat Methodi st Church. Santa Ana. • he had handled at least 73,000 juvenile
Burial will foUow at Fairhaven 1 case,, In Utose 23 yea rs.
Memorial Park In that city. Judge Morrison is surviv<ld by hill
Judge ~1orrlson. a nat1ve of Burnct.t. l widow , Virginia: a son, Ken.oeth B. Mor·
Wash .. was elected to the Orange County ' (See JUDGE, Pare :r1
uf the ;1ppl'<1l <'Xpcn St·s and lhl· po:)SJ·
b1hty of crlm1n;1! l·h:1rgc~ h .. 111~ fll1·d
ag:1111st th e lhfl'l' IX·n1ocr;1111· SU Jh:r·
\'ISOr s
ll111sha1v ~aid t·:irly Thul'.Sd:ly lhl·
c:rand Jury should proh(> lht• lllitl\1•r
;ind then follo1v('d up \\'J!h a t·.dl Thttf!I·
day evenin g 10 nev.·s1uen sa~·ing c1·1 n1u1:d
cho1rgcs 1nay be proprr.
The congressnian sa id the ~1IPL'rv1~ors'
approval of a $4 .500 l·xpcndlturc <1n ;i
rcapprais<il of the est<.1tc lly th(! State
Niiclear Pla,11t
Bo~rd of l·:q11ah1at1on ":i1no11111~ 10
fraud "
"l thin k th1•1c is gr11:1t opport11n1t\
fur cr11n1~1al ;1t.:t1t111 again::.t Hnh H1111i11,"
ll1n:-hu1\' s;iu\, :itlduig tha! sur11lar :1ct 10n"-
could be br uught ag3u\Sl !11edrich anct
Supt'rvisor lt;ilph Cl<lrk, \l'hu ;.i l::iu 1u\l'd
tG spt·nd lfH• rnoncy.
Supervisors Hon;itd ('a.~plT~ u f
NC'\vport B\'ach <111d Oti\•1d Uaki..•r.
r11prt!sc11tin~ lluntingto11 Bl·;i('h. ho1h
ltepubl1tans, voled agaiusl tl1c t•.xpcn::.c
''1::1·1:;111~•· tf11• 1·11111\1\ .;.p,·1 !ht· lllll!I•·\
l1Jr ,1 Jil 11,111• p1•1·,1111':; 1·on1pl;11111 I
hl'llPI l' 11 \1a-.. ;111 1111pn1pt•t' II"• ul puhl1r
1unt1,. ·· lhn~h.111 ~aid .
ll111,ha11 <;.,tld ;,r lh1• IL'I'\ 1'•;1•t l.lo·;o•
~huuld h1• ;1 l•'(!UlfCllll'fll 111.cl llall111
1 ... ·p:1v thr• $1,",11!1 ~l)\.'111 OH h1 :-. ']'• r,on.11
\ t•Hdl'I I (I "
J)1t·dr1th 1·e1•rll'!I to 1!111..;h;11l'·s c:c1111-
n1ent s today , ".1)1ng h1· r1•ll the 1n-
\'c;,11g<1tio11 "11 :1' 11·1·11 11 r1rth tli1· ttl'!
(Sec (:11:\B(:l·'.S, !'11~1· ~I
Chamber Aid Told
01 !ht 01l1y Polo! SlaU
Directors of the Costa r-.·lesa Chatnber
of Cominerce pledged Thursday to do
t'vcryt hing 11·ith!n lhl•ir powt•r to ~ssist
the Southern California Edison Conlp:1ny
in obtaining permission lo add a nutlcn r
generating un it to the San Onofre plant.
tll c·!::ited story. Page 3.1
Thf' 11na11in1ous vot e 11';1~ t:lkl'n ;1f11•r
a l'all for help fron1 Edison l'l'Prt·~t·11-
1a1ive (j('ni· Rhoads 1\·ho !old thr.
rhan1ber lt·adl·rs !he rC'r<'nt dt·ninl by
the South Coa st Regiona l 7..oni• tonserv:i·
tion Con1n1 ission 11·as "unfair."
"\Ve ff't•l it 11·as unfair to \urn down
th e nucll'ar plant expansion due to !h••
f<1t! th at 1\ 1 ~1 krs rlrctricity lo clPan
up the cnv1ron1ne111." he said.
The l'OllHnission li1st V.'eck rc jecttd
the. expansion on the basis fhat \rarn1
11·atcr expelled du ring reactor roolin~
11'outd hurt n1arine life and that th <'
J1lant's construction 11·ould dam age the
bluffs in the area.
"\\'ith the econon1y of i..hc coun!I')'
in 1nincl, "''e feel thnr the p!anl should
be built not only because or the fuel
crisis but because of the crisis in clc c-
1 l"i('i!y,'' Rhoads insisted.
He s;iid the nuclear p!;in l .additi111
l'OUld sa ve 25 mi!l ion to 30 n1illi on barrels
of oil each year becnusc Edison intcn(b;
lo use th e San Onofre station for its
ba sic lo<td ;ind to cut b:ick cxist1n;~
steam plan ts 1hat use fu s!iil fu rls.
Rhoads lan1f.'n\ed the fact 1llat the
San Onofre uni!. planned to i_::o on the
line in 1970 . and the ll11nting1011 Hcach
plant add ition. schl'<iuli -d for operation
1n 196!1. had bel'n dclayl'd by en·
1·ironmen lal1sts.
~lcan11•h1lt•. he :;:11d the clt•ctr1ci1 y
1'cen-agc<l Thugs
Victi111ize Man , 7fl
S.\~ FHA.\C'lSl'O (,\l'J -P(•l1ce «ny
a g;1ng of tccn·a;;c thugs clrag~cd ;1
78·)(';Jt+11ld Jll:lll 11110 the llaSC'nlC'll\ nr
:1 hou sing pro ject buihi1ng. bea! h1n1 and
robbed l11m 'f111' ~1n1ount S:!
At lilll! un a11 :1t1ri11~'mo11s fl•l1'phnnf'
tip. JKllirl' said \\'il11:n11 Fr1 c1I wn~ founU
11andenng, d;.izcd. 011 a s1dc\valk l<itc.:
NE'\V ''ORK !liPI ) -\Vomen·s \Vear
Daily offrrC'd th is arnong its page one
headlinC's in toda y's e<lition :
"\'our i;kin <1 nd the energy crisis."
Judge Kenneth Morrison
~horta gc is gelli ng 11·orsc instead o!
better because increasC'd dcinands arc
bcin~ placed on the Edison system.
CitC'd as exam1>lcs of future super-con·
~u n1ers by ltho11ds 11·ere th11 s1·c·ond;1r!
:;tage se1vage rre:Hrn cnt pl<1nt'i bt.'IJHJ:
buih in Fo11 nt nin V.1!1C'.v and thr Foun1;nn
\"nlley desn lini1.atinn p\:u11.
Baymond Hudson. 1ntin<lger of 11'.t~ CoH;i
;\ll'~<1 Cu ll nty \\ .llt:r L>l:.trit:l ,1 Jl ii
'50-50 Cl1n11ce'
cha irman of the chamber's \V ah•r, Power
and Encr~y Con1111i ttee. lashed out <ll
cnviron1ncntalists fol1011·in~ ll ho ad s '
!Jl'l'SCntaliOn and :tC'CllSl'd them or lcad int!
tht• Anlt·ric:i n people du1111 lhl' "road
Ill disaster."
"Nine oul or 10 t11nl·5 they 1n a kt'
st;11t ·rn cnls 11·h1ch h:i1c 110 basis i11 fac1.·•
ll11dsun ch;in . .:!·d '·Tht'V put 1'Vt'rytl1in~
t.'l!>c fi r!>! ;ind till' pl·opl1· •t:l'OlltL"
l(issi11ge1· Ai{le s Re1101·t
A1·ahs May Lift E1nha1~go
By The Associated Press
1\lcn1bers of Srcretary of State Henry
A. Kissinger's dc!C'gation said ti'<la.v
there v.·as a ''bcller than 50·50 chance"
Ille Arabs wdl lifl Lhelr oil cn1bri rgo
11cxt inonlh.
'/'hey salt! they t'xpected Jsracl <'ind
Eg_vpt to be 11cgo1i~t1n~ a disengag~mcnt
or their arn1ies on th e Suez front by
that tline.
They mncli:.• the stalemen1 on arn vn l
111 Ri.vadh . Saudi Arabia fron1 Cairo.
Ki£sing:e r 1s scheduled to meet l\in!i
Faisal during his stay.
But United 1~ress ln!f'rn:i 11onfll
quoted !he officials v.·ith Kissinger as
sa.ving the cha ncrs "'ere· "lrss than 50
Th('re ,1·as no immediate ctarifica-
tioo \\'hclht'r lhc commrnl 11·as meant
to be optirnislic or tJ('ssl mistic.
The comrncnt set off an explosil'c
rally on the Ne1\' York Stock Exc!1angc
Jn fairly hcal'y trading.
Thl' Dow Jon rs indu stria l avcrJ!!('
gained 14.9 poin ts 10 615 .42 a fe1~·
n111111tes hl'fore II .JO a.m. Aln1osr 1he
Pn11r{· ga in occurred after 10·55 v.·hcn
\\'a ll S!rc('t lfo;1rn1'Cl S<1udl Arabian Klng
l'111s,1 I n11µh1 be considering lifting \he
Oii l'llllHlJ'j.((1
Uef11n• !h:11 newi:: .• 1 first-hcur r.~llv
lry !':lggcd tor lark of su ppo1·11 1·e 111.'11'.;
Satidi ~Ol'{'l'n1nrnt offlcin!s and r .s
d1p lon1at ' 1n H1,1•adh indit.:ated f ;Ji!'al
n11ght be w1 Jl111g to consider a limited
SA J1 cigl1ts La11<l
Rezonin g Okayctl
By Supervisors
II re?.one of Santa Ann Heights prop-
rrly rron1 ngricullural to commercial
use has llf'<'n ·;1 ppr(ll'cd by !hC' Oran~c
Cuun t1· Hourd of Supervisors but
Sulll!r~•isor Ronald \\', Caspers of
7\('\1'\l(lt'! Bi'ac.:h 11'ant" 10 look at thr
<1rch1t ec111r:il plans hcforc a drive·in
rl'staurant is built ther~.
S.~nra Ani!a llcvclo1>men1 Corporation
p!tins a ~·lc lJonald's quick food
re staurant and 9.000 square fee t of other
busi nesses on the sl!e at the southeast
corner of Cypress and Bristol Streets.
T\\'O conditions placed on the rezone.
by the Planning Commission "''Cre ap.
proved \Vcdnesday by the supervisors,
One cans for so und proofing of the.
huildings because or the proxim ity lo
Orange County Airport and the othC'r
rl•qu1rt.!s a site plan review by the coin·
CasjX'rs askl'd the deve1oprr !o also
su bm it plans lo his office for checking.
"I a1>prol'c or con11ucrcial USC' for
lhe propi-rty bllt 1\•ant to be Cf.'r!a in
It phases in properly with o1hr r drvr!op·
ment in the nrca." the Fifth District
supervisor s11id .
A spokesm:in for the drvclopcr assured
Caspers lhnl the drive-in restauranl
1vould be done 1n .11:ood taste.. includin g:
hrick or 9lonc walls,
resumpllon of od dcl1\-cries to ~1ffccted
nations if Preside nt .\i);O!l or Kissinger
1nakc£ :1 public announc-en1 cnt calling
for Israeli 11 ithdra1val fro111 occu pied
1\rab ll'rr1tory .
Reade Eleete•I
Cl1icf of Mesa
W atcr District
:\'athan I.. llcadc 1\·as rlrl'led chairman
of lhc Cos1a '.\lcsa Count~ \\"ater D1strit:t
Board of J)1rctors Thursday b y
unanunous \'otr or 1he 11a1t'r bo3rd
Re<Jclr. an executive I\ 1th the Cos\ a
;\lcsa Cha rn~r of Con1mcrcc. took the
pavC'J fro n1 forn1cr board chairman
~!a rio Ourante \\'ho 11·as C'leC'tecl vit r
f'h;1inn.1n. Reade 11!~0 S('rvrc; on the
Costa J\fesa Planning C'omn1ission .
Ou1goi11g cha1rrna11 J1 ura11tf' rr\1·ardo'd
ninf' \lilll'r dis trict r111plort~ ror th('lf
dt•d 1c;itcd se rvice d 11r1n~ Thursday~
rn•'• ·I 1nr::.
Srn:ill tr·lt•1·1sion Sl'1· 11 ('ri' i.;11·1•11 11~
r1'l 1 rinf~ 11·nrkv 1's 11(1'1' \l!'llr.!I. J})11
Stearns. !lily Petry .in fl ./Of' \nrti~.
~·'l'\i!'f' pin;; 11 t"\' ;11·.1rdt•d 111 \!;1rp•·
Ho!11 nsnn . 21! y1·.1t'S. 1:t1-.\' \lt•lloll. l.1
y(•;1 rs . H:11· PC'rr~·-11 ~r ·1 rs: l'o11r.1'1
~<'ht'afl·r. l."i ~t·nrs: ST.1nlf'\' ll :inson . li1 1•
~t';1r~: 11 ,1rry i\larshall. !111..· years ;1n1J
L.'lrry S1n1th. five yc:1rs.
In othc.r action. directors t1cccptcll
a bid of S7l.605 for the rl'location of
a 1\<l1rr n1;;11n 011 Placen tia A\l'll Ul'.
The pipe 11·i1J be relnc<ilL'<I next yea r
by the i\\cG u1rc Construct ion Co. of
l)laccntia in connection with the Plc'.lce11·
tia Avenue rond "'ldcning project..
Orange tJ C:ast
Lo -<9f_z:ks:
.'\1gt11 and rnorning f()g and lo1v
cloud~ along the Orange Coast
~alurday. bul other.vise mostly
sunny \Vl lh son1e high clouds in the
atfcrnoon . Slightly u'armcr. Highs
111 the n1id 60s. Lov.·s in the 40s.
1NSlltE TODA\'
Cllr1st111<1.~ in tl1t. oltetro. Gol1l-
c11 \Vest l'o//eve studen ts u1ifl
!/ll'C J/O!I a ru.~te of U!liot tha t
menus in n Snt11rdau ·11igl~t sta y;•
:d1r11r. SPe loflny"s \\lct'kcudcr
fnr i11 /orn1(1i1u11.
.t.1 Your Strvic• ' Nlnlfl ll·J' ·~·""• " Muj~j ~UIWh ~ '" lle~o " N1tl<wr1t ,., ... , ,.
Culftrnl• ' 0••~·· c ..... ,, •• Cl~i;ihlHI 11-so lfr•tluPlllll )) l1
Cl'n'llt:• " SPofl• U·?I Crou wo .. 1 " ~·o·-MM1rflt ...
0.1111 NotfC•I U-1~ t~10~•1•on " Edllorl•I ~•t• • llle~t••• "" F o~lnce l'·J• w,.1~u • ... tllt R~O•ll " Wo"'t 11'• ,,., ... ll·!t
Ho•OKOP• " Worll! t.ltWI •. 1' .M llll<H" " Wtt~l"<ltr "* Mtilltt• •
.t ....... ---
ot ._ O.H'I' ~lttl !1tll
Orange County Suf11•rv1sor Robcrl Bat·
tin's unsuccessful ;qipeal of the count r
tax va\ual\011 on Prcsidr:nl :'ii~on's San
Clemente e:uste may llfl'll' rn~I $IS ™XI
or more -at ltast half of which can1e-
from pubhc coffers.
The cost figure was dC'rivl'<I fron1
testimony during the three-Ouy 1\ssl'ss·
ment Appeuls Board session ending
Y."ed.nesd&y and estimates of such fa ctors
as aalari ts of county employes and other
Coast Bolird
To Support
Test Basin
01 lht o.u., ~1101 ,,.u
~fe1nbers of the Orange County Coast
Associa1ion agre~ Thursday to support
"in . principle" !he creation of a $1.5
n1illion hydraulic n1odc l test basin for
tile 42 miles of county coastline .
Cons!ruclion of the test basin has
been proposed by the marine division
of the N'e1vport llarbor Chamber of Co m-
It \i:ould be a physical model of the
county coastline, built in scale to establish
eicactly ihe sanie topographical con·
ditions "·hich now exist fronl Alamitos
Bay to S..'l.n Onofre.
Ted Gillenw aters of Newport Beach,
who outlined the project Thursday durtng
the Coast Association meeting in Hun·
tington Beach, saJd the model would
measure 200 feet in length and 90 feet
in widlh .
It y,·ould cover a half.acre site and
would geographically represent the area
rrom the San Diego Freeway to IO
n1iles at sea.
Simil ar hydrau lic mod els have bttn
built for the San Francisco B<iy region
and the Chesapeake Bay .
Gillenwaters credited the San Fran·
cisco mode l with "saving the San Fran·
cisco Bay and keeping it from becoming
a Lake Eric.''
Engineers would use such a model
to tes t the real effect of any proposed
change on !he coastline. Gillenwaters
said such a model c.'Ould have prevented
lhe errors made in building the v.·esl
Nev.1JOr1 groins which wer~ supposed
to stop beach erosion , but haven't.
}le said the Dana Point Harbor was
built from a hydraulic model and m;iy
pro ve lo be one of the best harbors
e\·er built.
No agency has yet agreed lo sponsor
construction of the test basin. but
Gillenwaters said he believes federal,
stale and local fund1ng could be found .
tl.1embers of the Newport Chamber are
currently trylng to round up supporl
for the project before thry approach
<1ny or the many agencies \\·hich could
become involved.
Such a model could be bl.lilt on :1
one · acre site. with half the site used
for parking.
Fron• Page 1
DST ...
daylight time goes into effect
-A state split by a time zone could
by lav.· exempt the portion of the state
in one of the time zones frozn the
DST \a\.\', resulting in uni form time
throughout th e stale. .
-Indiana, v.1hi ch exempts part O( HS
territory fr om DST under present law.
would be permitted to continue that
exemption automatic:lll y.
-Hawali. Puerto J{ico and the \'irgin
Islands automatic~111y are c~cn1pted .
Otherwise, no exceptions v.·ould be
By providin!!: one e,.tra hour daylight
in the Cl'en1ng, when home energy
demands are greatest, the theory is
that less healing will be needed and
lights and electrical appliances will be
used one hour less than norn1al.
DAILY PILOT ,..,. o·-· Cotti OA>ILV PILOT, wllll .... Id'!
I• c-lft .. 1111 Nc,. .. Prtu, I• ll\lb!lllltd ll'I'
!P'le Or•"" Go.Ill Publ .. 111"' COmtMrW. ~
r•lt .. Ilion• •rt M llJl!ed, Monet•~ ~
f r+day, lor CotJf M•••· N•wp0t1 8 .. <;11,
Hunll"''"" l\etcll/Foun•1•n v~11.,, Logvn1
8.-cll, INint/St ddl•be<-1nd ~In (le••,.nlt/
Sift Ju•n C1pt1t••""· A "~;It •'9io ... r
.,.l!IO<I 11 1111111111\td S1!~t1lly• •NI ~unc11v1.
f"9 prW!c:l .. I .... ~11.i.ln; P!•n! Jt •I lll WU!
•• , 11rw11 CM!• MIW, Cl lllernol, tlfoU.
le\i1rf N. WeM
,.,.. • ..,.. •ti(! ~ll"""r
J•1k l , Cu1 l~r
Vkt ,,..ldlflt •NI G1111r1I ~""
Th•"''' IC11•il Elltor
TI.ell'ltl A. Mur ,.hi111
Mt "'91n0 ECllHw
a.,,.1,, H. Leo1 li<~1H P. Noll
/.1111111111 M-\tot ECll!tn
c.... ,._ OHke
JJO W11t l1v Str1o l
M1 ill•1 Acl4r•i•:'P.O. 1111 I ~60 , •1616
,,_ °'"'" M"""°'I ... cf<i: )W N ....... ! Mlui.o.-114
l.•fllll' a-111 m l"orMI •·-Hll"flnflOll .apdil; 11f1' IH<fl &oulevare
un '""*""': •s *""' •1 '"""Ina 1.111 Yell.,.._ 17141 MJ-4111
Cl ...... .Ymrf bl "41-1671
Carfrlll"I 1'11. 0•.... Geel! ~i*litlllnt ~' ... ,.,.... ,,... ... , llt111l•l l...,1, ......... '.......... .,, .. ........,...,.. ,_.,..~ _., ... ••lfl'C'll' •I"*"' ""'-~I ,_,,
Mtlell fll """"""" -· ...-~ .::=;-• "' c..r• Mtw, cell~ ~ lw unltr a.'-t ........,.., .. llll9fl .. ,. -1111'1'1 t11lllhl•w-_........ , ..... ,.....,..
Assessment Battle Cost $15 000?· ' .'~·
key figures in the case.
County Asseuor Jack V11\erga, whose
$1 37 million as,,essment of the Westcm
\Vhit~ l{ouse was at ls.sue, said he will
( ___ N_E_w_s_AN_AL_YSIS _ __,,)
try to de.tad the tot1:1l cost In the coming
week.s. But he scud 1hc Job would be
a difficult one.
Battin 's chargC's tha t the estate should
be valued at $2 miltlon or more 1~ere
at Pooh Olrners," Cost a f\-lesa Civic
Playhouse Jr. Com1nunity Recreation,
[)Cl'. 14, 8 p.m. [)('c. 15, 10:30 a.m.
Dec. 16, 2:30 p.m. Adults ~I. children
75 cents.
OCC LECTURE -"The Oceans.''
Phillip Grignon lecturer, Science Halt,
7·9 p.m,
& Vanzetti," OCC Forum, 7 p.m. Adm.
ESTANCIA AOO BE -State Histo rical
Landmark. Ad ams and "'1esa \'erde
Drive West, Sat. and Sun. 1-5 p.m.
CHORALE -OCC Auditorium, 8 p.m.
Admis.s ion $1 .50 adults, $1 students and
Forum, 7 p.m. Ad.mission $1.
Justin Colya r, DCC Auditorium, 8 p.m.
Memorex Seeks
IBM Dama ges
Of $1 Billion
SAN FRANCISCO {AP) -!\femorex
Corp. asked more than ~I Dillion dam,1ges
from International Business tl.!achines
Corp. today in an antitrust sult accusJng
IBJl.t of trying to monopoti7.e the electric
data processing industry.
The federal court suit charged IB!\l
with antieom~t!tivc actions against
Memorex In marketing c omputer
peripheral products and di11c pack!.
f\lcmo rex, headquarterd at Santa
Cl:lra, manufncturcs computer
peripheral prcxlucts and magnetic tape
compatible with 1Br..1 computers.
ll started rnaking computers In 1970
but quit that market in 1973, wriling
off $35 million in losses.
throW1'l out by I.he appeals panel Wednea.-
day by a 2-0-1 vote. Commia1oner
f'rank Manzo. a Battin appolnlee, al>
stained from the final vote.
ln reJectlng Battin's appeal, wh ich
cost the f irst District supervisor frorn
Sant.a. A{la '' $50 fee lo file, the panel
upheld Vallerga 's assessment.
The largest single expense of th e B.:i.t-
lirl appeal was revealed in testimony
by two appraisers v.•ho were part or
a teun hired by Nixon attorney Frank
DeMarco to review the assessment.
Appraiser Hugo Drumm said Dt>tl.iarco
Probe Urged
For Be11efits
Of Veterans
Orange County School Board member
David Brandt, acting as a spokesman
for the Associat ion of Ca I i r or n i a
Veterans, toda y de n1 a n de d a
Congressional investigation of t he
Veterans Administration.
Brandt, a student at Santa Ana
College. made the demand on behalf
or v.·hat he called a large number of
veterans in school \Vho have not been
recei\•lng regular educa tion benefits.
"People throughout the stale are being
thro.,.,rn from apartments or l06ing cars
and other possessions tx>causc they
aren't getting the money to which they
are entitled," Brandt said al a news
conference in the Anaheim Convention
The news conference was called during
a meeting of veterans groups from
schools all over Southern CaUfornla.
'"!'his matter of not getting chocks
or getting them sporadicaJ\y has gone
beyond tile point of reason," said 13randt,
who was elected to the coun ty school
board representing Santa Ana.
He said at Santa Ana College alone,
700 of the 2,SOO veterans in attendance
c!thtr have not gotten checks or have
gotten them months late.
Brandt said he was asked by the
Associalion of California Veterans 10
:spearhead the Orange County drive for
a C.ongressionat probe bei:ause he Is
a student , veteran and an elected offi cial.
"l sent telegrams to the Orange Coun-
ty Congressmen and California's tv10
senators about the problem , urging then1
to ta\te action but slill haven't gotten
m much as a thank you from any of
them," Brandt said.
Brandt said the logical next step was
today's public demand of Congress to
investigate the \1 A.
"I don't know what the problem is
'vlth the VA," Brandt said. "If they
are unde f!ltaffcd, then they should hire
new people. Tf they have weak
leadership, they need to gel new
S t 'S . ' a1i a., imon
\~'3' billed $5.~ for the services of
the thret:·membe r revlew panel.
The second major cost accrul'd during:
the appeal I.! $4,500 pair.I Ly the county
lo the State Board of Equahia11or1 in
Oc tober for a double·eheck on \"ollcrga's
fig ures.
Th e n1oney paid !or J ne'v appraisal
of 1he villa by the hoard's <1pprais1•r,
llov.«lrd !\l Childs, v.·ho sa1d hi· v:ilucd
the estate at $LS million.
Ballin v.•as tht' pr irne mover in 1he
vote. by supervisors to hJ\"e V<!llerga 's
D•llr ~Ool Stall PllOI•
Balloonist Eastman
Transit Distriet
Strike Tlu·catcne<l
LOS A'."l"GELES 1rr11 -T\1e lhrcat
of a strike at n11dnig ht tonight by hun·
dreds of bus mechanics hangs over
today·s l;i st-tlitch efforts to negotiate
a se ttlement i,o,·11 h the· South~rn Cahforn1a
ll.1pid Transit Dis tr ict. The conflict is
over a penslon·boosting plan r('('Om·
m{'nded for adoption b~· a fact·finding
oon1miss1on appointed by the governor.
figuT~s rl'Checked and Childs v.·as Bat•
tin 's only wlt.ne.ss at th@ hearing.
Childs hnd to fly fron1 Sal'ramento
lo appear st !tu: 1\iesday hearing scss1u11
11nd his cxiicnscs runic fro1n pubhc !un<ls
as \1'rll.
Publie tu1u..ls al ~u p11icl the three ap·
peats board 111en1bcrs who sat through
thr ee SPS.Si(uls 111 the pasl 11'cl'k and
two otht·r 111c1·1 1n~s in lhe past n1onth
..,,,here Bart in \\'On roniinuanccs of Ins
Board n1C'n1be rs are paid $50 {or l'aCh
Mesa Yoiitli's
Blilloori Mail
'Ad venturoi1 s'
It 1\ill n('1'er rnH1ch the carrier pigcoo's
speed or the U.S. Postal Service's ef-
fici l'11cy, but To111 Eastman·s balloon
n1ail is definitely rnore advc111w·ous.
The trouble ls yo u never know v.'here
it vdll go or H anyone "·ill read it.
Eastmfln was luckv . I·lis mail landed
in Pratt. Kansas. ·
"\\'e just wanted to see \\'hat would
happen," said Tom. 8, or 2812 Nevis
Circle. Costa tl.lesa . "So \\'e tied a note
to it and let it go.''
Up, up and a .... ·ay V.'{'nt the yello1v
balloon from Estancia Park, gaining
enough al1itude to clear the Rocky ~!oun·
tains and then drift ing over the plains
until it burst over Kansas.
Eric Lisk and his fr iend "F\.fike Dennis
v.·ere walking along a railroad track
in Pratt Nov. 25 y,·hen they spotted
the balloon and the pla!tic bag cmtaJnlng
Eastman's letter in a ditch.
The balloon mail had taken exactly
30 days to reach its destination.
Eric Liska and Mike Denni! Im·
mediately wrote a letter to young
Eastman requesting details aboo t the
launching of the balloon and about
Eastman persooally.
"I think we're going to become pen
pals." Eastman predicted. But their cor·
resp:indcnce is likely to be carried oo t
through more conventional means.
From Page 1
to clea r the air once and for all."
Battin claims the assessment should
be more than $2 mllllon . not the
$1.37 million quoted by Orange COOmy
Asses!Or Jack Vallerga or the $J.S
million :-et b)' the State Board of
tl.tcanwhile, appraise r 11.C. "<:an1py·•
1.ynch said unless the board change s
the nilcs pern1itt ing appeals such as
Ba!!in 's he will demand similar lrea t-
men t of his appeal of Diedrich's hon1e
Lynch . citing the expense of a reap-
praisa l and costs of county emplnyes
\\"ho had to a!lL'fld the hearing. s:tid
the Battin action revealed the high cost
to taxpayers of such appeals.
Ball in hin1self had some causti c com·
llll•nls 1oday about Hinsha w's charges.
' . . .
hair-day they ~'Ork. Totalhn~ 1he 11umbror
ot seasloru, the meetings cost lt11xpayers
anolht'r $1.0~. Th11t docs nnl takt· into
account otlil•r u1cu1nc 1h<' 111~'1111J1•r ~
mi~ht IK•l'l' l'(1rnl•d hfld lhl'Y Ill)( bt·•·H
tit thl" he:lring.
Other costs are h.:irdcr to detcrrninc
~·or e;.;1.1n1ph., N1.-:on uttonJl'Y lJL·:\-larco.
ronsidt'rLil 0111· vf tl1e 1op l1111•yrrs t11
Los Angrles. con11n11nds hourly fl"es or
bC'f'o\'ecn $Jj0 ~rld $200 . acco rd1n1: lo
a reliable source.
Der-.tR1·co appeared at two and n h:il f
days of he.'l ri ni:s. r1u1 (1JUf1t 1ng l1n1e
spc11I prt'par111g his (';1sr Ill· also lJrOLii,!hl
:in associate, e:1r11111.i t1l.i<l1Jt ttOO p1 •r
duy, to all lhc hl·:1ru1i:~. 1
llis ftts \I OU!d no t coin~· tl1rectly froru
public t'Olfer!I but hi s f1r1n LS bcHlf!
rrlained hy thr nation's tori puhliC' of
fi('i nl -l'residC'nt Nison .
1\dd1tion:d tosts n1u .... 1 lw ;itlributc1!
to the services of th<' t\\·o deputy ()ran~e
0.:>unty counsels "'ho appcarl'd al ltu·
hearing. earnin,l! bl•tween $8 and $Ill
per hour I bagf-d on their salaries o~
bct1vecn $15,000 and $20.000 per .year).
Vallcrga 's offi ce snid IX·puty ('ounst.•i
'Lou \Vcitson. 1\·ho rl·pr1's1·ntl'.'tl 1t11·
<tSSCSSOr :it the hearings. ;1IS(I spcnl
··111a11y hours" of t<ise JJrf'p:iralion no1
coun1ing the hl•nrin~ ll1ne itS1•lf.
FurtlH'I' th e hearings took up the !in,,.
of ("01111ty Assesso r .lnck Vullf'rg;:i ;tnn
:1l least four of his :is .... is1ants, 11hv
:ippc:irl'd al all !h(• hc:iring sessions.
\'allerga·s sal:lry bre:iks rlO'>l'n to about
$14 per hour -from rounty funds.
O!hcr CX!X'nscs can be att ributed 1n
tht' board cltrk. 1hl' court retordC'r and
the time of several board secrelaric.~
\1'ho attended the hearings.
Battin himsel f cost th e taxuaycrs
nloney because of his :1ppcal of the
Nixon eslatl" aSS!'SS!Tl('fll.
llis attend11nc£> at the two sessiooi::
this v.·eek forced hiln to miss t\\'O
meet ings of the . llmird of Supervisors,
the post to '•l"hich ht' \\'!IS re·elected
Inst year nnd is p:iid $24,500 per year
lo fill -about $lS per hour.
Vallerga s<1id auachlng values to such
things as facil ity usttge And similar
intangib les would be a 1vaste of effort.
although lhe hearing room !ind its
fa cilities \\·ere li~d up for three duys.
The appeRl too\t place because of a
rule change by supervisors pe rmittini;:
nnr ci\iz('n to nppl'a\ anotht•r citizen's
tax aSSl'S.<.mcnt upon· puymcnl of s:io
Battin \\'aS the kC'y force in 11·iruung
that rule C'hani;:e .
The cos! bteakdov:n of the Ballin
appeal is still incornple.rc but ns furtht'1·
mat<'.'r1al is gathered -possibly by
Va\Jc rga ·s office -the figure coult
go niuch hig hi:r.
Jt i.~ certain from kno \\Tl cost.~,
ho1\'e\'er. that 1he expenses approach
Sl5.000 with a lt1rgc pt<.rcentage corning
from public funds.
During and after Battin's appeal pro-
ceedings , se1·eral top coun ty officials
-v.•ho all asked to remain unidcntifiCf!
-generally agreed that the new appeal
rules {'()l.J!d cripple county gov C'mment.
"There are people in this county v.·ho
Y:ou!d ju~t as soon do thi:!! cvrry day
on nny property whose ov.11er they have
a ~er v.·Jth," said one offieinl aft('r
the hrar"u1g. "The county could go
bankrupt at ttiat rale"
In Battin's case, another official said
thr new n1les could open thl' door 10
•·all k.inds of political vendcllas usin;.
county and other puhlic funds."
A r..temo re,; spokesman said th~
complaints in U.S. District Cou rt cha rge
fac1s of violations similar to those found
to be unlawful in the September decision
against IB!\t in litigation by the Telex
Corp, in Tu lsa. Okla.
i\lemorex asks $750 million in damages.
$100 million more for its associate . lLC
Peripherals Leasing Corri .• Santa Clara,
and $200 million for foreign subsidiaries.
Will Entertain
Costa Mesa Ki<l s
In ant11rust actions. a ve rd ict for
Menmrex v.:ould triple tbe da1nages
awa rded by a court.
Jn a .~talt'rnenl. Memorex claimed lh at
IB~I started anticompetitive actions
against i>lemorcx and other makers of
products ·'plug cornpatible" "i'ith TBi'ol
computers aft('r ~femorcx started pro·
ducing these products in 1970.
The complaint charges that JBr..!,
\\'orld Trade Corp. and .. lhcr IB~f
subsidiaries violated antitn1St laws by
monopolizing the market for peripheral
products for use y,·ith IBM computer!!.
~lemorex said that beyond the alleged
\'iolations similar to those in the Te\C'JC
case. the complaints allege "a c.ourse
of antic:ompctitive conduct by 1nr..1
dirf'ctf'd against the Memorex c:on1·
panies ...
Mesa Street Has
01v1i Gas Crisis
Tiie gasoline shortage ha! not just
come to Costa 11,.fesa's Iris Place, but
has apparently been there all along.
A college professor, Mrs. Helen H.
\Veil. of 2140 Iris Place, complained
to police Thursday of theft.I of 18 gallons
or gasoline siphoned from the family's
three cars.
She said in reporting the $11 logs
that it happened over a ptriod of several
da ys aind when she mentioned It to
neighbors they 1aid it's been happening
to them for more than a month.
Teachers to Court
CO~tPTON (AP) -Representallves
of ~tri king Compton school teachers were
ordered Thursday to appear In rourt
Jan. 2 to explain why they are defying
;i court order which prohlblt.8 the
w111kouL The hearing, ~I by Superior
C.ourt Judge Dovid A. 'T'hom38, will
dl'termlne whether the teachers ha ve
lwtn in con tempt of ro11rt.
Santa Claus And Simple Si mon \Vt!I
('nlcrtain children at the !\tesa \'erd('
Branch of the Cost.a ~lesa Library Dec
The Nevoport Harbor Ch1ldrefl 's Theatrr
Guild will give a perfonnancc of ''Si mple
Simon" al II a.m. and then Santa v.·111
arrive at the hol ida y party with ueats
and goodies for all .
The treats and the Cllristmas tree
are fum~hed by the Newport }farbor
Lions Club.
A holiday film festival will be
presented by the library beglning Dec.
26. Films "ill be :shoY•n at I p.m.
daily through Jan. ~.
Featured are "Caterpillar." "The Red
Balloon," "Catch lhe Joy ," ·'f'oroon the
l.i.11\e Clown," "White P.fane," "The
Music Bo,;," "'The llound That Though t
lie Was a Raccoon ," and "The Pigeon
That \Vorked a !\1iracle."
From Page 1
rlSM: three granddtildren and two great·
A Santa Ana reakltnl ''""" 1910, lbe
jurist found Ume during hls career to
devote on the sk!e to hls church and
his favorite service organizations. r
He was a longUme lay leader o! United
SP1,.U'geon Methodist Olurch.
"About 98 percent of the youngsters
never had 1Uended Sonday School," he
said or lhole e.stlmated 23,000 Juvenile
court e&sea he presided over.
His career on the bench alto Included
the noklriua Overell rriurdu case whi ch
drew oatlonwlde attention.
'!'ht Ovorells' 11-yeaN>ld dJl111hler and
her boyfriend were accu1td of murderin g
her parenll by blowln1 up their yocht
with dynamite at Its moorlng ln Newport
The youn1 couple wtte acquitted after
a senst1tlonal trial.
t l " h1 LAntltl
a ... Sll •4
Sale $1089.
100". In l.tiAtth
.... $14~0
Sale $1189.
FllDAY 'TIL 9:00
--.'P""leo11 .... mm==::::::11r~•••.a~1~u~s~ ---" LSlll9ii
1711 WfSTCllff Dll.. 64t.JOSO
!Open S,.flll..,. 11•11)01
14~ NC'l•TM COAST t-lwY 1 0,.~ Sul'ICl1y 12.C1lOl 494 .• 111
2JMt HAWlHOINI ILYD. ' 171· llft
' I
New Mesa
Costa !Hesa has grown up and one measure of its
n1aturi1y is lhe city's ability to attract and support large,
attractive hostelrit>s.
One oc these is the l,Joliday Inn con1pl eted earlier
tJ1ls year and the other the new So uth Coast J)laza
l{otel. for which ground was broken Monday.
1'he newest addition promises to be a landn1ark fo r
Costa J\1esa. Seventeen s tories high, it will be one of
t he two tallest bujldings in Costa Mesa and easily visible
frotn the San Diego Freewa y.
An $18 million venture by the Segcrstro1n famil y
and Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, the
hotel will becon1e the focal point of civic, comme rcial
and conve nt ion ac tivity in the South Coast l)laza and
'l'o\vn ('enter. a business conl1nunity "-'hich last year at-
tracted 1nore than 16 million people.
\Vestern Inter national Hotels, operator of C'entury
Plaza Hotel in C'entury City. wil l operate th e new 403-
roorn facility. The new hotel will greatly enhance t_he
city's att ractiveness for conventions and o1her 1na1or
n1eetings, and offer our visitors ready access to the
Pacific Ocean. the Orange County Ai rport, l lC"I. and
altraclions suc/1 as Disneyland, Knott's Berry 1'~.arn1 and
Lion Country Safari.
It's anolher welcome sign of our co1nmunity's de-
veloping maturity.
Persistence Wi11s
?\Ten c:an 1nove mountains -or even roads -if
t hey apply their energies. A group of ad~n1an t resi tlents
from nor th Costa Mesa proved that this \veek.
Because they were stubborn enough to insist on
getting what they paid fo r -a quiet house on a cul-
de-sac -the Dahlia Avenue residents forced the roa d
Nixon-Ford Feud
:_;'Rumors Expected
\\'ASH!NGTON -Onr. of \\:ashington"s
rarori!c indoor sporrs is !h<' promotion
of ill \\·ill bct Y.-1•cn thl' President and
th..: \'ice president of the Unired States.
• \\"c JTl ilf h:lVl' a brie( suspensio n of
·~ able that as ti me pas~. rt"al or imag-
• ined causes "·ill be found to suspect
'.. agined causes \\'Ill be found to su~pect
• that President Ni . ...:on and Vite PreSldent
: r·o rd are feuding .
No ..... this pot cnt i~I
is 1nore sinister i11
that any statcn1ent
or a ction by
Vice President Ford
\\ii\ be l'xamined
for its relevancy to
t he in1pcachn1t•nt
or resignation ot
President Nixon. The
major relevancy already illscussed is
!hat Ford"s nppointmrnt .1nd con-
~-rirmalion by large n1ajoriti1'S makCS ~.it easier for Rep ublicans lo justify Nix·
~ :on's in1pcachmen l or resignation.
:\ ANY ACTIO N nv Nixon \\·hich can ~ be interpreted as demeaning Ford will
-;.., similarly be suspect.
i: ~ The genl'ral result is the creation ~ '\r-qndoubtcdly the most delicate re!a-
.;. tionship between a Presiden1 and vice .i. pre&1ent in history . It is recalled that
-\\"hep President Andrei\' Johnson Y.'as
_I impfachrd !here \las no \'ice president.
·" Pre1·ious frictioni such as Roosevc\\-
Garner. K e n n e d y -J o h n so n and
• Eisenho1\·er-r-.1ixon carried no such dire
' consequences as \\"Ollld be implicit in a
/ break betv.•ccn Nixon and Ford.
FORTUNA'fEL\', thC"re is Ii t t I e
likeli hood of it: ;111d. for !hat n1 atter,
rhere ls no! 1nuch welght to l)e gi 1·en
to Lhe idra that. now that Ford y,·ould
succe('d lo the rresidency, Cong ress cnn
proceed n•ith thr rcn10\"a! of Ni.-.on.
\\')ulc 1t is !rue. Iha! sorne Republicans
alre.,dy inclined to hurry Nixon out of
office. such as Senators Javits of New
York and Brooke of t.{assachusctts, can
use the Ford confirmation. as further
justification, there are pressures in the
opposire direction .
First, as an altemalive to Nixon in
: 11 time of domestic and in ternational ~ strain. Ford is not overpowerlng. On
C ti.is point there Is considerable confusion. ~ Those attracted by the transition of
Nixon to Ford usuallv console lhemselves
!hat 1-fcnry A. Kiss.inger would rema in
as secreta ry of state and direct
American foreign policy along lines
already laid out.
TJUS REFLECTS a basic miscon-_
ccption of !he authority of a secrelary
of stale and or Kissinger's role in the
evenls w'1i<·h have shed most credit
on 1he Ni):on adn1inistration. Ki ssinger
cou ld not have acted alone ; in man y
rrsrects he '.l'as more a craftsman than
a creator. In any case. the primary
decisions "'ere n1ade by the President.
and the propelling initiative came fr om
him. lo say no thing of his personal
skill in carrying out international con-
Kissinger has no illusions on this point
and neither shou ld anyone else. So it
is far from enough lo say that Ford.
through Kissinge r, would ron!inue 10
direct international policy 11•11h !he same
measure of success.
IT SllOULD BE noted at this point ,
hO\Y ever. that there is a Stl'ady effort .
largely lhrough the person and office o: Sen. Henry t.·l. Jackson. to s1vecp
;:iside the image of Nixoo·s success in
fo reign policy.
1'his effort concentrates (ln the Russian
wheat deal, the ne"·ly perceived dangers
of the strategic :1rms agreement, and
the cnC"rgy crisis as it relates to the
Arab-Israeli war.
If the Jackso n effort is effective, whal
was previously deemed .successful 11"il1
be re~arded as a dangerous 1niscalcula-
tion and thus, Nixon"s n1ain claim to
greatness in the rresidency would be
s1vept away. From lhat point onward.
the Nixon to Ford transition would have
overcome its greatest obstacle.
ANOTHER POI!\'T having to do wilh
such a transition is ho1v welcome it
would actually be to regular Democrats
in Congress. Assun1ing thal Nixon gave
U(J sometime in 1974, Ford would have
more than two years in the While House
lG create a new atmosphere and run
for the presidency in 1976.
~: Kissinger Mideast Pinn
WASHINGTON -In private, candid
talks with congressional I ea d e rs . !f' Secretary or State Henry Kissinger has
retealed his inner plan lo guarantee
a Mideast settlen1ent : a joint U.S.-Soviet
military force, wlth other nations s!Tnr-
ing, under !he symbolic flag of the
UN Security Council.
Kissinger, bucking oomewhat ditnln·
ished headwinds from the potent pro--1~
raeli bloc on Capitol Hill, carefully notes
that for the first time In history the
Soviet Unfon ba1 sgretd to a
"peacekeepjng" fl>f'Ce in which they
themselves may serve.
TllE SOVIET presence In Sinai in
a UN-backed peacekeeping force would
infuriate pro-1.sraeli hardliners already
fearful about growing Soviet pawer In
the Eastern Mediterranean and the Arab
Middle East.
But Kissinger argues with cold log~c
that lhit1 growth or Soviet power IS
far more predictable. in an escalating
· spt rnl, as long as the Arab-Israeli dispute
continues. Soviet Influence lhere. in
short. '"'a" made possi ble in the rirst place
by lbe Arab-Israeli 25-year war in which
MosooW was invited in as the Arab
champion to offset American aid to
BUT AJ\AB ktentificaUon wilh the U.S.
and the West, particularly strong in
Egypt and Saudi Arabia, should reasscrl
itself after the Ara~Jsraell !ltruggle is
brought under control -a condition that,
Ironically, Sovie t presence in a
peacekeeping force will haslen.
Thus, Kissinger tells congressional
leaders that the Sinai peninsula must
be restored to Egyptian aovereignty and
a "powerful" UN force placed In the
largely demilitarized Sinai to prevent
n1iUtary attack by either side nga inst
the other. So far. his con fidenlial talk.!!
with congreMional leaders have produced
a surprising amount of agreement'"'!'
to go around, and not between, their homes.
The dispuled stretch of asphalt 1s a secondary ac-
cess road which is requ.ired for the Larwin Greenbrook
tr~ct Under the state Map Act. It was originally sched-
uled to connect wit h th e tract on Pa nsy ~treet , but. the
Jack of a suitable easement pro1npted the bLtiJders to
open the Dahlia cul-de-sac and try lo make the connec-
tion there.
11 omeowners were understandably upset because
they had paid a s urcharge to live on the cul-de-sac and
the thought of having their street opened up to traf-
fic from South Coast Plaza was disturbing. They pro-
tested and picketed.
Both the developer and City Atanager Fred Sorsa-
bal sympathized with their probl e1n s and. along \\'ith
landowner Genji Kawamura. were able to renegotiate
the original connection at Pansy.
All deserve credit for recognizing the Jegili1na1e
complaints of the homeowne rs and working together to
achieve an equjtable solutjon.
People Still Count
Orange County harbor commiss ioners Tuesday r e-
jected a proposal by their own stall to ban water skiing
in Upper Newport Bay.
· The vot'! was una nimous, although conservationist
n1ember Frank H.o binson was absent.
\.Ve 'd like to think even Robinson would ha ve dis.
missed the. idea.
First off, the staff failed to supply any real data
t<i back up its recommendation.
I i\lso, people still count in this world. \Ve've got to ha~e s?me healthy outlels even though they may have
a tiny impact on fi'fo ther Nature. Water skiing in Upper
Ne wport Bay is that kind of outlet. 'This here 's my new deputy who will help guard th ' bank!'
So they meant S percent instead 'Jf
25 percent on the gasoline cut. TJ1£·
onl y good news we get out of \Vash-
ington comes on a typographical
l\I. K. T.
Gloom.,. Gui c.ornmtnll 1r1 1wbrnlllotd bJ
•tlGtrJ tntl dt nol n«tu1r11.,. r.-llt<I ""
Vl"'1 ol ·~· fttW1PiPt •. SetMI Your Ptl p"y" IO Gloornt GUI, Daily l'Uol.
A 11 Opticctl
Things l Learned While Looking \Jp Other Things :
That such birds as the jndigo bunting.
the bluebird and the blue jay have
no blue pigment in their feathers: it
is an optical illusion that. at certain
angles. they appear to be blue.
• •
That the "thoroughbred" racing horse
is not the same as a ''purebred " dog.
rn Iha! the thoroughbred is a deliberalc
mixture of several breeds.
• • •
That. of the 21 mil lion Americans or-
ficially designated by !he government
as ''substandard working poor," three·
qu<irters <lrc ll'hile.
• •
That. ahhllugh people in S1\litzerJand
speak French. German or Italian aln1ost
e.xclusive\y. there is a S1\·iss language.
Rhaelian. spoken in the. Engadine region
by some 100,000 S"•iss.
• • •
That "Liberal" and "Conserva tive''
\\'ere political terms unknown unti l the
19th century, and initially had quite dif-
ferent meanings than they do today: a
''Conservative" held that State and
Church shGuld be united, and a "Llberal"
held that government should not in-
terfere in private affairs.
That if you have romrnand of the 3,000
most frequent words in th e English
language , you can und erstand 95 per
cent in any rando1n sample of 100,000
running words: but in order to gain
only a 1 per cent increase in un-
derstanding, you must attain an ad·
ditiona.t 6,liOO words in your vocabulary. . . '
That the Nazi regime was called the
''Third Reich" because Hiller regarded
the Holy Roman Empire and the German
Empire as the first two great periods
of Teutonic dominance in Europe. • • •
TI?at "busy as a beaver " is as much
a misnomer as "blind a.s a bat" -the
beaver works only when necessary. and
play, most or the tim e; lncidental1y,
it has been found that when the beaver
populallon is reduced below a critical
level, the animal seems to lose Its
ability for building dams. and often
seems to lose even the will to survive.
• • •
That, although we employ the French
word "flneue" to describe 11 certain
!Retie in bridge, the French lhemselv~
<:lon't know it as such, and call the
lactic an "impasse."
lfo1inded Eco1to11111 Needs Help
Strikes Are Out of Line
To the Edi 1or:
We are now facing a 11n1e of un-
precedented nationa l crisis. and I arn
unable to see the logic behind the currenl
labor strikes. Granted, the ~1eat Cutters.
Teamsters. and Machinists unions feel
they deserve more, but 1 think they
are being a little selfish this tim e.
CO NSIDER the consequences of a 1Gn~
stri ke on this .'.lrea . Shortages of [ood
vd!I trigger pri ce inc reases. citizens'
purchasing po~'er will diminish, and
customer dissatisfacrion and unrest \1·i JJ
increase. There are currently enough
!hings happening in the country to cause
frustration of the masses. \.\'e are facing
shortages in elect ricity. heating oil. and
gasoline. These situations. along ·wilh
a \\IOunded economy, are serious prob-
len1s. If you add to this a potcntii)I
food shortage. you are s er i o u s 1 ~·
threatening our abili!y to survive. a11d
!his could prove overburdening 10 the
average person.
This is a time \\"hen \l"C as a country
n1us~ tlghlen our belts and dig 111 to
restore our economy . Our economy is
floundering, so ""hy do th ings that are
h.1rmful to it ? This means: Don't s1;1rt
s1rikes: Don·t stop v.·ork in sympathy
for anothe r strike: Don't stori your
1rucks in the middle o! major hi gh,vays
and block !raffic.
\\"llAT GOOD is a \~·age increase '.l'h1•n
ii results in higher prices and shorlaRes'.'
ls this ra!ional or reasonable? \\"c hn\"e
reached the point where \\'e n1ust stop
being se lfish, inconsiderate . ancl just
plain stupid, and eonsidt•r rhc l1n-
plicarion.~ of our actions. \\le huve bcl'tl
hv1ng high on the hog for too many
.1'e:1rs. oblivious to the conscqu<'nccs of
our l'Xtr<lvag~nt living patterns. The tin1c
has con1e for us lo pay for our g!ullony,
11nd ro beg in to v.·ork for \\'hat v.'c
rccei1·e onte again.
Everyone is going lo be hurt by our
currC"nt shortages. but the swiftness "·ith
1vhich our country recovers Ls goini;
l~eC/er::; front readers arc 11:('fcn1J1P,
f1lorn1ully, 111riters sho11/r~ COlll.'t'!J 1hc11·
111cssaoes ni 300 iour<ls or lt•ss. T/Le
rirJlrt 10 co11cfe11.~e /eltcrs to fit spuct·
or P/11l1111a 1e libel is re.-;crved. All let-
/f'I".~ 11111st 111tl11de signature and 11u1il-
1uy adrlress bu! n(nnes mQy be 1v1!11-
he/rl ri n rpq11es1. if sufficient reasou
1.~ 11pparc11t. Poetry will ·11ot be p11b-
to d('pend on us not n1aking ridiculous
To the E:ditor:
\i."it h al! the dcprrssing ncv.·s articles
th;it a"re appeflring in the ne1vspapcrs
lat1•ly , I want to ·write your nev:spaper
a fe1v lines to congratulate you on you r
ful! page nrticle in the Dec. 8 issue
on the Clown frorn Denver.
This nrticle "'as very \\"ell done and
it 1s nice t.o kno1v that someone is
tr_ving lo make p<!Qpie happy fhese days.
Thi.~ 1nan cer!alnly has to be con-
gratulated nnd needs the publicity sho11·n
in the lJaily Pilol. Than ks again,
To !he Editor ·
L'nlc.~s or cour!ie you force this matl~r
of Ct'nsorship in10 fl total absurdity by
rn:ik1ng front page nc"·s of evrryone
in ihc :1rc;i 11·ho sells Zap coniics. it
111 11.v I~ pos~ible that the arrests of
lbr 01\!lers of the Fahrenheit 451 book
f>lorr in Laguna Beach for allegedly
!i1.:1l1ng ob~ccne books may ultimately
lea d to a good purpose.
THIS COULD co1nc about 1f the
Supreme Court can be made to see
Panorama of the West
Vast expanses of land to be !urned
into homesteads, fur 10 be turned into
gold, gold itself to be had for the
digging and panning -such are some
of the elemenls in the glorious .adven ture
told in The American Heritage History
of the Great West by David Lavender,
planned and edited by Alvin M. Jose:phy,
Jr. (McG raw-Hill, $16.50, de luxe edition
$18.50 ).
IN TfllS BIG, superbly illustrated
book, or,inall y pub!W!ed in 1965 and
out of print for sefwf'm years, the action
slarts ir~ 17fl3. !hf' yC'ar England told
her colonials not to set tle beyond the
f'rest of the A!lrghcnics -and bold
Long Hunters like Daniel Boone and
scheming land speculators like Richard
l·lenderson pushed ovf~r the: eastern
mountains .
They y,·crc follo"'rd by p r oud ,
semililerate, self-relian t men and women
in sea rch of the dignity they thought
they would acquire with the land they
fell should be theirs. l\founlain men,
exp lorers. missionaries. miners. sGldiers,
'homesteaders. railroaders, r an c h ers
su rged west~·ard -and fought the fn·
dians almost every step of the way.
111f: C0~1PLEX, many-faceted story
is told as one swirling, pnnoramic
\1·holc, mes hed chronologically from
beginning lo end within the larger con-
tex t of our national history,
David Lavender's ability to bring the
\\1est authentically ali ve has been
demonstrated in suc h books <1s Btnt's
For1 . Land CJI Gh1Ab, We stward Vlsk>n .
llnd The First of the Wilderness. Alvin
J\1. Josephy, Jr. Is a widely kno1y11
ilulhorily on the An1erica11 Indian a1ul
the West.
that the "'connnunity slandard" n1l'lhGd
of arriving at ,1·h:.it is tons1dcred obscene
or por11ographic is unft1ir becatrse, in
a to11·11 11k1~ i....'1guna in particular, 1t
is in1possible to establish ~· .. co1nmunily
s1andar<l" due lo the fa ct that our
pop11la11ons is made up of such a cl\ve rsi-
ty of people :ind polnts of \"iev.·.
Saice. in 11111Hcrs of freedon1 of speech ,
it c<tn h<trd lv t~ shown that a com1nuni1 y
is in danil'!" because of ll'hat books
;ire being sold, ii seems to me that
the real threat \\"Ould be created by
the imposition ()f arbitrary standards
even if they \1'erc <1grecd upon by a
niajority or J>('Op!e. The majority voice
\vhich es tablishes law . especially in mat-
!rrs of !he protrction of life and prop.
1·rty, is not applicable in matters of
free speech.
OUR POLICE depart111ent and !ht·
Orange County district <lltorney sce1n
he!! bent on rnakjng themse lves despised
hy many people. Th is is certainly un-
fortunate. since they essentially are in
a position of doing great service for
the con1munily for 11•hic h they should
rect'i\"e our gra!itude, They shouldn 't
be directl'd into censorship activities
.411t.i-Se111 it. is111
To 1he Editor :
I r('ad ll"i th interest Von J·lofrman ·s
Dec. I I article 011 the bun1pcr stick1'r
\\'E \\'ANT OIL NOT JE\VS . which he
attacks as anti-Se n1i1it:. That, ot course,
is true.
t!O\\'EVER, if I 1\·crr il11 l!ir<tcli,
\\'OUld choose lo liv~ 1\·i1 h that. kind
of an1i'-Semillsrn, v,.·bich 1s identifiable
:ind Cfln /)(' 1\liJ)cd out hy ;"iny .!!'11·1sh
!nick driver, lo the kind von •loffn1an
himself displays, ...,.h1cil )ti far niore
dangerous and vicious.
He speaks of tht• cxransion or Israel's
borders as if this occurred by choice
of the Israelis. 1vhich i-; !he Russian
hne In 110 i11sta11c1~ has any action
by !hC' I sraeli~ since the formation ot
their toun1ry bel'n such ns 10 be con -
sidered :iggression by nny reasonable
slandard. Threatened with exUnction, at-
tacked over and over again by
over"·helmingly unbalRnced m i I i tar y
strength, she has come to \\'here she
is today against her will. Israel would
gladly exch<inge ils tcrntorinl gains for
peace and security -and nothing lass
"'ill ever get this territory back.
FOLLO\VING Russian advice is wh<it
got th(' Arabs 1\•here they are. Continuing
IG fol101~· ii \Vi\! take them further in
the san1c dlreLi.ion -no"·here.
Robt r£ rJ. lV(ed, PubUsh~r
Thoma.s Kenl!, Ediror
Barbara Krtibich
Edilorial Poge Edit<ir
The t'ditotial ·~ or the Dally
Pilot Jttks to fn ronn and ~timulate
read~ by Pfl'scntlng on this page
divente•C"Omml'rrtary on loplct:•Qf 1n-
ltt"P&t by 5Y"<fk-ated rolwnn/J11 and
rartoonlsb, by pri:Mding a fmim for
rtaden' viC'Ws and by preK'T!tlng this
ne"·spapcr"s oplnl<>~ 11/k/ ldra.• on
C'UlTI'nt topit11. The editor ial opinions
of t~ Daily Pilot a~lll" only lT\ lhe
e<tltor\al rolun1n at the tnp ol the
pqe. O~IUOIUI expre$!iled by the col-
umnfsts and ct1rtoools1t-1 and l~lftr"
'vrlten Al'l': thtir own and ro endt>ts ...
mcnt of the!( \'led by the Dally
Pilot "'°"kl Ill!: inlf'frt'd.
F'riday, De<:e.rnber 14. 1973
Wat~h Yo11r
I , "f -t :i,,Vf _, .._ _'J -I
1 Kilo,vatts., LA1
LOS ANGELES (1\Pl -Stiff penalties D\\J!I i.J.;~ .\11·
~eles re.si dt'!nts \\'hO faH !n co1nply ~·ith a new 1:1\1 n-quir-
1ng lhen1 to slash use of eh ... 'Clru.:1ty 111 their hv111cs .ind
businesses beginning Df.>r. 21.
The City Council un:in1n1ously p.:1-.-.•1'.f thr 111 du:.11n·1·
Thursdi.J~', irnposing a 10 percent rl'Ci1Jt't10n on n1u'>t r•·-.1·
dentcs no11/ and sctung up even 1nor1: dr<1st11.' t1U'.1-,11n ·'
to take ii the .. Ph ase One" cutbacks do11·1 suff1L·1··nth 1 .1:-.i.:
the energy crisis. '
WllAT'S MORE, LOS Angell's rl'S.ld1'nls n1av f1nrl 1h•·v
\l.'ill be paying more tG use less, thf' l'1ty Dtp~1r1rn~nt ~f
\Valer and Po"rr s;ud, since rcchJtt'd us;1ge rr<•hably \\tlt
force the agt·n(·y to scrk a rt.itc 1ncre;1~e 10 1n.1hl' up lh"
dirference in lost rt!venue.
Th e new la"". backrd by flt<1yor Ton\ Bradlt·y, rcqu1r(>s
rC"sidcntial and industrial u~rs of elce1ril'1tv to cut PD"'l'r
hy 10 percent and commercial users by 2i:t percent. '!"he
figures "'ill be based on con1par1sons \1'1lh Pl l'C!rici !y use
for the corresponding period of tt1e previous ).'e.'.lr.
1 ""f'"<I ~----
A 3l·year-old security b'11<1rd
"'as shot in t!1e ba ck near
his Post Street apartment in
11 hnt JXlliCf' dC'Scrilx>d as an
[ State )
apparent "nlOtivelcss" killins-.
1'hc body of .Jens J\fol :::aard
\ras found by a friend early
'fhursday after he fail ed 10
return to a party ;it hi s ;1p;irt-
mcnt "'ith a bottle of ginger
r>olice said Molgoard \1•:1'i
kil led a fe1v blocks fron1
Tuesday's double 111 u rd r r
scene at the T1k1 fjnh
e Ell.sbcrg Case
About on('.third or th<-city'~ 900.000 resldential rus-
tom<·rs :irt· ~:0:1·mpt, !he luy Counril r!1•l·1ded , on grounds
lh.'."lt !l1()!'l of then1 11re ul 1he lower incomt br:u·~1•\ and a!-
tl.idy h.J•,c rl·durl'd their J)O\.\'Cr use to a n11n1mum.
fJTl lElt :\IEASl 'ltES i1nposl'CI under !ht" ord in311cc in·
r·li.t!l· ,, b.1n v11 ( 'hnsl rnas tl'l'c lighting nnd s1.,,1n,n1ing pou!
l11,1t111g, ;uvl ,, 1l'dlll'!Lu11 Ill ::.t rr·t~t IIgh ting :ind bdlbo:lrd
If thv~(· :-1l'I>!' f.1 i1 to s1gnlfle:intly t'ase thr energy
crisis h\ .J.in 1·,, the <"ll·ctnca! cu!b:l('ks could be r:i1sl>d
to 12 perll'lll !or hornC'.s, !I'• rx·ri·<'n! for industry and 33
percent for co1nn1l'reial usl·rs. A pro('l;1mat1on by the
n1a)Or ..,nd co ncurrl'ncc by ;11 k•:1sl l'tght of the 15 city
coun1.:1lnH'll '\ 1H be rt>quirl•d for "Ph.1:-it• T11·0 ··
l)uring "Phase One ," f1r:.l·t1n1\' viul;i tors of the la~
"'ill be hit "ith a W perct•nt S\1rC'hargt• of th~ l'll~lurn('(S
full cleclricity bill. The s1'<.'ond 1·1olat1nn carrtl'S a pen·
;11ty of 111·0 days ""ithout l'lcc!riei!.v :ind the th ird a f11·e-
d<l v cutoff. Thereafter. e:1ch vlol;Jt1on 11111 dr.1"'· a halt in
sei-vice of "not less lhun f1v1· nor rnorc th;1n 30 d:iys"
UPI Trlrl>~DIO
Nixo 11 Tax
SACR:\'.\1 E~·ro 11\P )
Lrga l argun1en!s su pportin!:!
Pr1·.sidl·n1 f\1:..on's s e I f -
dcetart·d c·n·1np11011 from
C:11iforn1a income taxes \1•i\l
he prcscl\tcd. considered and
rc1·ie11·Ni -and pron,ptly.
sources 11 a \"(' d1 ~clnsed .
Th e l<'g:'I! 1' v i d en c e
presumably "·ould be 1nade
to the Californi:i franchise
Tax Board \1·h1rh is niaking
its C\l"n rc1 il·1v (ir ~i xon's t;1x l
TifE SA:O.IE sources :il:>11
said it \vi!l be dcterinincd I
1vhethC'r !'\ixo n paid C'a!ifornia 1
incon1c (JX 1!unng lhe eight
veurs h(' serrc·d <JS vice prt.'SI·
Jent. 'rhat informa11on mn~
be made public soon. the ron·
f1dcnt1al sources said. l
Three former \\1hite Tlouse
;ildes 1ndiclcd in the brl.':ik-in
:it !ht· office of Daniel
Ellsbcrg's psychi:i lrist ho\·c
lo.<;t an1Jl hcr :iit enlpt to stop
prosc<.'ulion or the c:isc .
Sa1i Diego Digs
In another dcvelop1nen1 . tl1t>'
prospect of a state !egislari vl'
inveslig<ltion :.rose Thursda~·
1f the 'Vhitr llouSC" dOC'sn't
elear up the California tax
question soon. I
'f hc latest rcfltsal <'!Im('
111ursday \rhen 1he st~tl'
Dis tril't Court of Appc;d
upheld a Superior Co u r t
c1t>i·ision of Oct. 19. It denier!
:i "·rit of proh ibition to Jolu1
D. Ehrlichman. G. c;ordon
lJiddy anr! Da\'id \·oung
e Ga• Pt•ntl1
MARTINEZ f AP) -A young
'''oman ha~ died he,.at1St' <;hr·
"'as given .. laughing gns." 01·
nitrous oxide. inslt•ad of ox-
~·gen to hrlp her rf'<'O \'t'r fro1n
inlC'Stinal surgery. the Cont ra
Cost a Count~· Coroner has rul-
The coroner's rP oort j <;~11r1J
Thursday s;1id l>i:111P L1nr',1
Thomas. 26. of Ti ic hr111ind. di1 !
'\"edncsd:i\' a!ll·r l:irsi11g into
a c:on1 <1 Kov. 26 follo"·ing il!l
ol)('rati(1n at Contrri \n!'ta
l lo~pi t al r or ren1uval vf 11 .,
gall bladder.
e S1101r J'nlnlil!I
~1 A '1:0.tOTII fl·IOL'!'\T:\l'J
Scientists fron1 San Diego Natural l listory .\luseu 111
exhun1ed rc1n ains of a California g ray whale buril•d
ten years ago after the \Vhale apparcntl.v rollicled
\V11h a !;hip Br;i,.,:-:cn1 blerl ,1;kelel0n 1vill be usect in
a n111.,c•un1 cxJ11b1 t. '!'ht? iA·hale i" 30 feet 1(111 ~.
Ne1v Disclosiirc l...1aiv
S fJLtrks Resig1'1 t1 tio1is
SA('H.A\ll·:'.\10 (AP 1
Ca\1forni:1 s !lt'\\' !'"'Tiri lt '-ur 1:1-
tt•rc·st !;111· l:> t r 1 0 ~ " r 1 11 ,_,
rl·~1gin<l1ton:., legal fight~ .11,d
oprcisit :on !r(lm ciiizen-polL!t-
c 1:1 !1 ~
·1 1~• 111c.1:-Ur". 11,lJ\ch gn1•s
1111\1 rl l•'("t .J :111. 1, "·as
l'l,,1:,1i·:,.ri1.rcl 'l'hu ri>dfly .1s .:in
1111·a ~:Lin of the prlv;ic~· of both
pulol1r u(f;r-ia\s ;ind !)('Opie \lhO
(j, ·11 ''.1\h thl'tll 1n a non-
rol111c.d capacit y
"\\'E 11()'.li'T (lhjrrt t(l I.lie
:•1rr·ts of 1h1• h•!l \~\· l•hJt't'I
to the ;in1b1;!,U1t\·.'' :'\t·\•1C!d
Coun 1y ("11un ~~·I llrr.1n J~i ~l10;)
st1id ;it <1 l1c:1rin..: h\ [·111·
Srf'reta ry or Sl :l1l' Edmund
L Hio>\11 .J r.
ll is county filed ~ui t Tues·
day 1.halll·nging 1hc con-
st1tut1onality of the n1('a sure .
City and county off1c 1;ils there
and in numerous o t h e r
('.1 l1forn1a comn1u111ti es h:i\·c
rrs:gne<l or th:·calent'd lo
rL·~1~n rather than con1p\\·
The la1\' applirs Iii elected
and nppo lnt cd ofi1ci<1l;; fr()!Tl
the i::ovcrnor to r11 1 e11U llt11.
r rofessionaJ :I 11 ,j bUSlllt'SS
prr~ns ell'.'t1C'cl 1n t·11y or
COlmry pos1!-t co11ld he required
In rrport fot.'.ll nnnual recripls
from each pritient. c\1~11t or
cust(1mer, Bishop s.il d.
•·The people or 01·.:ingl'
Countv look on hi1n as a rt:!'>1-
ch:nt,': .said J)t11no<'r3L Kcnnl•!)l
Cory. a st:ite Asscrnbly leader
from Orange County. hi:in1t'
uf Nixon's S;111 Clcn1en1e
Corv said he has lx_.(>~1
bcsic.'ied with qu<'stions fron1
constituents ahout "'hy Nixon
is not p.:i~·ing state income
IHXPS. He has aske d the st;iff
of the Assembly Revenue and
Tax<i!ion Con1m ittce lo CO!lll'
up "·ith th e ans"·crs. I
·1 I 1-Ielt
111 Stabbi11g
Of Kin, 80
S·\\' FRA!':C!SCO {l JPl 1
1\ 1·r·11n~ 111:111 11•<1s :1rrr,ro•t!
·rhUrsd;iy on charg<'s of fat.ill\'
stabbing his grandmother 1n
her Ru ssian !!ill mansion. "
DAILY 9 to 9
SAT. 9 to 6
SUN. 10 to 4
---t .--
Portable MiCrowave oven ...
Incredibly Fasl Cooking!
JET 70
Time to Replace Her Built-In DISH WASHER.J
CASH (0.A.C.)
Master Charge
Extended Terms
We Install
so 251
• 4 Wash Cvel": Perm1n~1 Pr.,.. wnh Cold
W~ler Cooldown-Norm1I wilh E11"1 WaUI
Sel1c11 on-Oelot~I• !or G1,m1nt1 1h11 N11d
Sp&ei.11 C•rt ind Ac !i~111d So1k
• Fille1.Fto lr1p1 Lint
• 3 Wash -2 RiOM T•m?*r•lurft
WWA 70:0W ·$19995
Low Priced
• Norm1I Wish S1lec1ion tor
v190rou1 w1ahong ol 1v1ryd.1y
• 2 Levi! Wi shing Aclion
• 6uol1-ln Solt Food D•IPOMr
• Cush1()n CO•led Racks
• Dual 0111101nl 01sp1ns.ar
• Tuff l ub IM I nl111or
Serving Santa Ana
Jan. 2, 1974
I Al'• -,\ ~ki patrolni.111
~ssi gned to avalanche r-on!rol
w;1" kil\L'<i i.n an ae<•1(lL·n t.1l
1·xplos1011. tl1e ~lnno Cou111.1·
Sht'r1ff 's orfi••' reported.
~·k1r1·in IL Critton. 3:-i. <1p-
p.irr111ly 1r;i~ prC'p;1n n~ :in P'\-
plos11 1• \'h.'lr l°(' 1\·ht'11 1hc hl:1~1
occurred ·rhursd:iv 111orn111i.:.
J Mieri!f"s drput~ ~;ud. 1·r1 11 :.1~1
"·as alone and no onr t'l~l'
11 as injured .
Hcal!an SI ill
Sn ASTA C'Ot.:'.\~ry Counsel
notxort r{ehherg lf'i'lif1rd hi<>
county planning d1rrctor an<I
tht· cn!lrl· pl;11111111g com-
n11ssion ls resignin g 111rce of
th<' ('On;missionl'r" "aid !hf'
dio;clos11r<' la\\' i<: 1h•· reason
Robert ~I. rasqunlcl\1. 2i .
\\'HS hooked at ('()1111\J-' .!:'l!l
after being t:ikrn from the
psychiJtric u1111 ~t Sl. !llar~'s
ltospital. , •
Thr lxld\' or \lrs. S1rlla r :i s·
QU <lll'tti. flo . \\,IS (ound .\O\'
1 ~ 111 the k11chcn of her hon1c
l.,olite said sh<' harl bc"n
.stabhcd \\"Uh :i 12·1nrh l:i:l"h·
Pn kn1f<' :.1h'r found in :1
tr.:ish l'an
CO 7303 RW
GE Hybrid Re li 11color
e Paper Bu!I
VAN NU'IS (.\P1 -11lr
'T'ribune Co. of Chicago ha s
purchased lhc V:.in f\uys
J>ublish.ing Co. ;:ind Ne"'s
Building C-Orp., publi~IH'rs nf
the Valley news and (;reen
I :\f''
H n 11 .1 I il
l!cag;111 • nn,1 d• 1• d a ['llf'''I' ·11
presidl':l!i:1l 1·:~11d,(!'"t:P ,.11·~ ··1
don't t"\'f':'l le'! rn1-f'lf 1h111k
ohout ;.nt.1hi 11 J! 11r 1ti;1I k111d
un til !his J(l~J 1.~ n1t'1·"
111 an 111~\ 1c11 'l'hursda~·.
for thrir rr-;;1cn:it1n11,.
Jnsur11uceman Ilnbc'rt Long
testified he is one of the threl!
n1C'1nbcrs of the '.\'er1d;1 011u1-
1v Board of Su prrv1s11rs 11 ho
"'ould be forced lo rt'"ign
because of the new la'-''· Reagan lf!\1s)('d· "l'\'l' made . , ____ _
110 p!:lns. ! '.C lTI:ltlc nor
P1·opo sal Stt1cliecl
Tiii: EX ·l("f "°'rlmg of lhJ '.\l:111~1ch u:-;<·tts leg 1'<lnt1011 is: I
"At !h<' ron1menccn1cnt of thc1
fir~! t·!ass Of C'JCh clay in 1
;ill gr~1<lL·S \n all puh!ic schools
ill~ lt«•thcr in ch.:irgc of the
rooni in \1·hich each class is
held shall anno1mcc !hot a
pc'riod uf silence no! to c:itcec'Ci
one n1inutc 1n duration sh.111
Ix' r.h.<;rr\·ed for mrdltation or
pr'<l\ er. rind during :iny such
!Y'l"IOf! sth·nc" <::!"1:1!1 hr n1a in-
l<iined t.1nd no ae\111l11'S r.ngag-
('(l 111 ...
'n' easy
ZIP ••• front and
sletTes on this macho
denim slack ruit by
R obcrtLrwis 50/50
poly~er & corton in
white, powdrr bloc,
rnvy, red or ytllow
with conUa&t stircb .
Cahfom ia public sch o (l l
child ren \\'Ould hri\·e a dkilv
n1lnutc or classrootn pra.vc'r
or mcdlta!ion under ri propos.1 l
b<'ing investigated by the State
Board of Education. •
'nlE U.S. Supreme Court
ouUawed reci ta tion of
classroom prayers in pub hc
schoots 1n 1962. The high court
held that a nondenomination:il
prayer in New York schools
was uncoostitutk>nal establish-
ment of N!ligion by ;:i star~.
But CAUfo'rnla Bv,qrd of
Education members Thurs<lny
ordered bo11.rd n I I o r n f' \'
Thomas Griffin to rC"\'iew ~
~tas..~chusetts }Dw wh1rh rt·-
quire~ I mJ.nutc of s1IN1t
cla.~room prayer or 1111"<lll:i·
lion 111t the beginning of 1«11·h
!!Choo! day.
On :i n1o!ion frorn Eugene
Rni;l r of H~c\·ille. r:riffin was j
il~kl'd [\) I' C I ! ~I\' !J\t"
,\!;1ss;1chu...~·tts la "· "11·11h lh<•
pos~ih1li1y . if th,. :-en~ of th e
boord is 111 That d1rccllon. iol
h.-'\\'(' !hf' board pN?p.1 r(' <;1m11ar J
lc.p.islallnn ln Cal irornta.''
Police s111d Pasqualelli in
the past had bo'en treated fiJr
niental prohll·n1s :ind \1 <ls
huspitalizcd at St. r-.tary's lO
da1·s ago. lie had \YOrkcd <ts
a \varehouseman. ____ I
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