HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-01-22 - Orange Coast Pilot•
VOL. fl, MO. IL t SICTIOMS. M PMml ,
•• • •
D.eath Plot
MiS"sillg -·
In Plane
Of lie Defir P119f ttMI
Air and ground search parties Were ·
scouring a wide area of Southern Utah
today for a twin-engine plane that
disappeared during a storm SWlday night
on a flight from Eagle, C.olo., to Oakland.
Owner and pilot ol the p I a n • , •a
twin-engine Beechcraft; was Usted as
Ke& De Meuse ol San Francisco, widely
)mown land deV.loper and builder and
inte.m8tjor:fally kno.Wrf yachtsman.
De M.....-lj-known-In Newport Beach
and other Southland areas as owner-
ski ol · the 7Hoot ketch Blackfln
which has -.c:ompe in virtu y every
lon~~istanc_e ra~ jn t~ .worJd. _ .
occupants of the plane were nof knoWJI :w ~hburne 1Jre.i · ~~cl:'~~ ~e tdM= ~ ~:.!
. . -
Crash . of Movie Biplane
·----------• • .-~ • e: •1-~--·. "\0-0•--~~----------_J
Suspect Seeks -bawyer
·A Tiger iii . ·uer T~nk
~7*·~ ,.,, }j;:
l!hone _Calls
Of "" DallY ..... , l llff ~-~aru-··e~l-A~y-e-rs~. the man accuieil~th
Eloise Popeil of a plot to murder her
wealthy h"usband, today continues his
long-and apparently frustrating ..areh
for an attorney.
Ayers has been behind bars since
hls aJTest two weeks ago along with
Mn. Popeil in her bayfront home in
Newport Beach.
·Mrs. Popeil, 48, the estranged wife
of kitchen gadget millionaire samuet
Popeil ol Chicago, has been free sll!ce
Jan. 12 when her attorneys posted the
$100,000 bail. -
But the unemPtoyed machinist who
_ police allege is her lover hmJ remained' ' ·
J an ~d--n>nr Municipal Coor! JUilge' Chari<s-filWin
-=--um1-he--Jfas-not':.....been-able-to hire-aan~:::'.:::'.".'.'
a ey o efena him · agal!'Brth
charge of conspiracy to commit murder.
t _ _ . on a_ skiing trip with bis It-year-old l=~~=-~""'=-"-~~='=~=m;S:-G~~M.....,, hla0daughtlir.==i~~~~~~~ 'n ·Newport;· Top =·•bout 11, and three other
At ~ionday's court appearance, which
was to have been the openlnJ ol the
_ liminary-hearing-10t-lhe ~.-Ayers _
was brieOy represented by a sped.ii
c6unsel ;Ftank Karl ol Loo Angeles and
then by a member of the public
defender's staff. ..I ·. Others in De 1.feuse's party were .·. Jtiusic .Com]J.O~er ~~ .. ~:1G~bert~c!i 3tiw~
Joe "CoUntry" W:ashburne, a
copq>oser-musidan whose c a r e e r
lllnolched back to the 1900s died Monday
In Newport Beach of an apparent 'heart
attack . He was 18.
l\'ashhume wrote "One' Ppaen ~"
and' "Oh Mona" and was a -o:singer·
mulician on some of the nation's mQst
popilar radio ahows during the 1930s
1be-retired musician wu. ,admitted
to Hoag Memorial H0<pital late Monday.
He •died in ·the hospital emergency room
at .1:03 p.m., officials said. '
' The Orange County Coroner's _office
said Wuhburn< had a prior hlltory
ol lleert trouble.
Sin Francisco, ,and John Parts, one
of De Meuse's " attorneys' and Parks'
Last word fnim the Beechcralt Duke
was received at 7:15 p.m. Scmday when
the pilot radioed he had been bit by
a sudden storm, was icing badly and
losing alti-: ..
A Federal ~viatlon . Admlnls!fation
olfiCE< said-the plaae went out of radar
contact 10me eight mllO west aoutbwest
ol Bryce Canyon. • •
Tlie. spo~esml'JI, Hof> G,la-of the
FNA general aviation district office, Salt
Lake City, said' the plane .,.., ·on a
night P,181! from Eagle, Colo., lo Las
Vegas. It waa returning to Calllornia
from a skiing trip.
Wl!lhbume lived on Balboa Island In
Neirport Beacb until about '• year .;.. Bat, lcllowlng . the deatll , of his wife
J-le. he moved to a ~Iler park . • ,
In Bula Ana, 11101 S. Fairview Iloo<I, ·M·· 'k()il'F ud
GlaiCOck said the plane's number was
N3$D, and as of . si.x montha ago was
, (Se MilllllNG, P1lp Z)
"'1ere he Uv<id alone. • . tft . r· Q
SOrvi... !or Waahbume' will he held ' • •
"Ttmday at 2 p.m. in !he chapel .of 1' • '"
· Pldllc:' View Memorial Park, Newport ,1 -· 1 ~m~~~per~ea11J.....:-~GELES--<uPir= ~-
~t 8.ach. a movie penoqallty ""° Y-1av· immigrant .hu been ~ wit~ Washliume .•. • • ~lo pilaoo for fraud !CN' ~!llleeyone liked blm. He waa !he· aall1i\iJ l509,000 w o r th of
k1lll of peraon who would IO out ~ diatrlbutorahll!' for nilnk ~ which
llll'way 'lo do anytbiii to help anyone," '. was 1Upposecl to remove wriDllles. IleYlne said •• Feta Kadrlu or canop Park 'tllh~ played and .... dw1n& bought the mink • oil .locllly .... '
tilt lllltltl Wltll' rldlo~netwoi1t ~·All 2$ cepla a' bottle .and .. llld . tt la ·
tbi' ribber McGee and l\!•117 l:lllO ~· , lnvestoJl ilr Caliloro~ and lllwlil o,.. otld!nlee .. lho1". ..two • •• ,',. fo,t,SIO a bottle, authoi1tlel said. •
Dllill pot'G..,. qidlo., ~ , , ne, waa -...,,d Mooday to · a.-allo • llom . bs :II'· . <di. 1IP' to ~ )'l!8IS 'flDjlrilaMMlll. ,,. . ................ •"" " ~ ..... . ·-..::.~~~~~~~~~....J
I .-. ' : ""'.. '"',~ ! I
Neil Jail Term
'· ~ <;
But both attorneys· made it clear that -·
they Will no( stay with tlie caae through
even the preliminary hearing.
AJ of Friday, for the Chinese It's the 'year of the
Valilll!I nger -and to get in !be mood, riew Miss
Los ·Angeles Chinatown Bettle Kim Y~ung, 21, of
. Ne,wport,'lleacb, look a tour of Lion Co untry Safari
• Deltr ,..., Steff """'
Monday. Miss young will reign over the new year
parade and celebration in Los Angeles Friday -
and may see · her new friends again. Lion Country
tigera are scheduled to be in the paraile .
Karl did not specify his rea90ns tor
withdrawing but Public Defender John
Yzurdiaga told the court Ayf!!NJ is not
eligible to receive aid from the publ.ic
According to bis statement. Ayers,
a property owner; potentially has the
~y to hire an attorney but because
(See POP"!JL, Pqe Z).
Mesan's ,'Dream Boat' . ' . '
Catches on Fire, Sinks
. -. Canadi!lll Alwin T'cuteberg had a "Almps and buzoers went off." he
--for a.long time. said. "I cliecked one eng·1n·e
'l11<'11!W Costa Mesa resident watched compartment and found nothing. I
Iha! dream go up ·in names Mooday opened the other and smoke just poured
·afternoon. -OUL"
Teuteberg'•· voice ii'embled as he told Teuteberg .said he blindly emptied a
of wa~ing . his ~foot cabin cru_iser C02 contairier: into the:' compartment "but
oll N'ewport Beach. ' He said he readied bis lilejacket and
"II hOd boen my dream, all my me, (See BOAT FIRE Page !)
to bulld·'tbal boat,:• said Teutebeu wlio · ' c!isC-lhlt he moved to his new
home at 2450 Bowdoln Place, Costa Meta
just i..t oprlnt frmn Edmonton, Alberta.
"I moved here because this Is the
boat bullding capital of the world. The ·
peOpie I .needed to help me are all
here he said. •
Teuteberg, 38, sala he was giving
his stlO-uncompleted Sall·A·Vee a trial
na wlleu the fire boob ouL
Drug Raids Net 23
NEWARK (UPI ) -Twenty-three
penon were arrested and a small
quantity ol drup oelzed Monday In raids
here and In Fremoot and tivermore.
Police aid tllo raldo were an attempl
to crack down oo llllall dealers.
Frank Tallman
Eludes Death
In -Plane Crasl1
Of ... 0..IY ,I .. St.ff •
Oraage Ceut
It'll be !liir and warmer Wednes-
day, according to the wire aerv-
lce.o, . With blghs In the low '11111
inland and In the mld10I along
the beacheli. Lows tonliht In the
upper 40s. "When I talked lo him, last night
he was a guy. with a lump on his
he~ and a bandage lying there tired
and disl!U'te<i. alert but-tired~' INSWE TODAY
nte guy was Frank Tallman, 53, of !Vo kar~te or ~una /u • for
Newport . .Beacti,._HL was . hospj!alized in n.fickty Spil~ne. His hero, MJJu
Golden Slale Memorlaill0<pital nonar---/lammu~still bl41.t•.....!M bod
from the sceile of a crash of his: replica guys wit~ a .45. 'the world'•:
N' uport 28 World War J era biplane. • t~p selb11g author b ff1te,-. ie viewed on Page 7 today. rank Pine, gegeral manager __ oJ_,~ .. _
Tallmantz Aviation Company based at L. M ... w, ' ~ __ ~ n
Orange County, said today, "he was ~~.: ,..i:-. :::~ ~ .. ;;
fortunate " comic• '' OrHM c-n-u · c~ 1• ''""i. P9rtw 11 Tallman, oo-founder of the firm which ONt11 ....,._ W sw.tt •11
offers precision flying servlcea to film ::=-.,.::-11, J ~=..:::,.... 1•::
plus plane in a riverbed r.ear Newhall. 'i-• 1•1' ~ •
Pl ldth et It "'..,...., .......... ne sa e v eran av a or was 1 .. ,... • 11 ._... ...,.. """ landing the plane whlcb bu been u.100. .... u..r. 11 wwN ._ ~ tt
(See lllPLANE, Pqe Zl
• • •
WASIUNGTON (AP) -Secretary of
State Henry A. Kissinger said today
he expects the Arab oU embargo agalnt
the United to be lifted before Egyptian-
Jsraell military disengagement i s
tompleted along the Suet canal.
Speaking at a news conference,
Kissinger said "I have every reuon
to believe our success In negotlatlons
marks a major step toward ending the
oil embargo."
He was not specific about dates.
'Wmi't Resi9:11'_
Tut~ay, January 22, 1~74
Jfowever, Kissinger said, ''I think In
more ambitlom terms," when he asked
if the oil embe.rgo would be cased after
disengageme.Jt Is completed.
According to the pact &igned by Egypt
and Israel last wt-ck, the separation
of forces mmt be completed ''not later
lban -days all er 11 begins."
The start of the disengagement has
not been annowiced , but diploma tic
sources have indicated the process may
begin as early as Friday.
Ni:xon to Serve
Remaining Term
. . By _qµ.EN THOMAS doe• not know how 11 happened. II
WASHINGTON (UPI) _ President we did, we would say so."
Nixon ls not considering resigning and Ziegler's ·rare White House news
conference -he has been concentrating has every intention of serving out his · on his new role of presidential assistant
remaining three years in office, a White -came in the middle of increasing
House spokesman said today. calls.for the President's resignation.
Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said House Democratic leader Thomas P.
Nixoa "knows he has not been involved O'Neill Jr. said Monday he should resign
in any wrongdoing" in Watergate -and in the "beat Interest of the natton."
therefore is "not entertaining at all" Some others such as Rep. Wilbur Mills
any suggestions of resigning. (D-Ark.), said resignation would be
Ziegler also said Nixon is convinced better than impeachment by the House.
that an 18'12·minute erasure on a Wblte But Senate Democratic leader Mike
House tape of one of lbe President's DAU.G_HTER KEEPS CONFIOENCE Watergate conversations was not .a
deliberate acl. IN NIXON -Story, Page 10
. "W~ .do not know ho~ it hap~." ~fansf:ield refused today to join--a· number
h • .. .
In another development, Pre;,ident
Anwar Sadat or Egypt praised the UnJted
States' fl.1iddle East policy toda.y and ,
hlnted he thought the Arab oil embargo
on the United States could be altered.
"I can now sincerely say that the
United States has adopted a new poljcy,
that there is a slgnlficant, though not
total, change," Sadat said at a newS
conference in Algiers.
Asked if he thought the ban on Ara b
oil shipments to the United States should
' .
be modified, he roplled: budging from their oll embargo.
"For every change In the American Sadat came to Alge_na. after t.alklng
position, ft ls necesaary lot Ibo Arabs wl1h King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, lbe
1" make an fdentl"'f change toward ruler cl Kuwal1 and lelden ot otber
the United States." oil producina oountrlel. . '
Sadat arrived 'Monday 1n Al&iers as Algeria, . another otl producer, baa
Po.rt oJ • l<>ur oot Arab alatel 1". explain _joined the embargo . bat with Utue
why he a(r<ed 1" dllengagement. practical elfe<~ since petlilfeum nports
Despite Sadat'• 1tand lbal lbe Arabs 10 the United Slalet wm small.
should reciprocate in some way for U.S. Shipment. or natural gas, however, Mve
policy, Arab newspapers were reporting continued. .
that the Arabs apparently were not Sadlt empi1aei~ the dlsenpgemeait
7 Oil Chiefs
Cite Profits,
'No· Bonanza'
W ASH!NGTON (UPI) -E1ecutlves
of the nation's seven biggest oil
companies told a Senate subcommittee
today that their profits increued
substantially l~t year but that they
reaped no bonanza .
~tembers of the Senate · pennanent
investigations subcommittee grilled the ;.
executives for the second straight day,
questioning high profits of fuel grants
in light of the energy crisis.
"1'lere Js no use kidding ourselves
where your profits . are," said the
sub¢mmittee chairman, Sen. Henry M.
Jackson (D-Waslr). "Quit going around
the mulberry bush."
Dt'h' l"W..if'iff """' -The be&ring: -one or ·aevUat
AWAITING HER TRIAL coogressionaJ forums on .the. crisis -
Mrs. Eloise Popeil was conducted as the Labor Department
announced that the price of ,fuel oil
Bo1t Owner Teuteberg
acoord waa purely a mllftary paqt
"without poll ti cal aieniflC1DOt. ''
Concerning the Arab . oU embar&~.
Klisln&er said today lbat the !ell~
1" end Ille rutrl<llaal "In • -1*
t1nie , •. would rafM Mrioo!I ~f
COl)cernlnl lbe lnlent of the iw; •le<j .lie uld he would not provide mart
fnlormatlon-'olber than lo Sl1 "we baW
cerried out In good lillb what •• qrwcil tO do." 'lberefore, he said. ~ USUDMS
tbe oU pniduclni' -wllf aot a-1olelf-. •
f'ro•P .. •l
for the JWSl four months in the filming
of "The Great Waldo-Pepper."
The "" movie, starring Robert Redford
and Bo Svenson, Is about barnal<>nning
-the deotl><lelying Dvina made · by
young pllob of the IB'lOs wfio lltw t!Jout
In su.,.i111 Worid War I p1..,., Pines
>.. Taliman was landing "a coallol
broke and Jell him wtlb no conlrol
of 1be plane. He lost bfl l'1ldder and
lbe pedal broke," Pine •Id.
J Us ti.. kind p[ ~!dent ~ wilt
make their living stunt !lying feam It
live, Or die, with. t
Tallman's partner, Paul Mantz, died
in 1965 in a plane crash durlng thi
!ilnilng of lbe "Fllghl ol lhe PhOtnil."
Within a weet ol Mantz' funeral Talhlwi
himself lo6t hll left leg to a !rule
accident Involving his IM'I pkart. ~
Tallman himself 11-.d today he -
"ralbeT lucky. I guea we bit ~
harcj. The plane wu pretty beat Ill'· •
he said.
Frot11· P,,.e J
Zieg!er told reporters. 'The Pres:ident or congressional Democrats calling for
I~--;;::;::;::;::===::::::::::::=;: ·-Nixon's ·resignatiOn.~. ---~--~----... p 1--_r--_age-
"I dOO't think he should resign,"
~fansfield said.
~nd-ooal-rooe-4U-pef'C!!lll in-t??Jo--lt-_ F..alii Pafe J __
went up It.I percent in Dec'ember alone. _ __ .
Weffus Ol'chestra during "lhe big band
Nixon Holding
Personal Quiz
. President Ni.Ion is conducting a
personal investigation to determine
if his donation of more than
$500,000 worth or vice presidential
papers 1" the National Arcl!lves
met the requimnent! of the tax
laws, a White House spokesman
said today.
In response to questions, press
secretary Rooald L. Ziegler said
the President was aware of
published reports tbal lbe deed
transfering the papers w a s
baekdaled 1" quallly Nixon !or an
Income tu: deduction.
"The Prtsldent ts, of COUl'9e,
aware of that charge," Ziegler
-Nixon has.-been widely criticized
for taking advantage of the $647 ,OOJ
deduction on his income taxes as
a result ol lbe gill.
From Pagel
Th.e question of presidential resignation
"is a matter he has to make a decision
on blmael~' Mansfield sald.
fl.feanwhile, Vice President Gerald R.
Ford said today Nixon offered to show
him documents thi:tt Ford said he was
certain could prove Nixon innocent of
Watergate wrongdoing ,
"The President volunteered to show
them to me," Ford said. "It was part
of our discussion we had yesterday,
but I have not had time to see them."
Ford told a news conference the
docwnents are those Senate Republican
leader Hugh Scott referred to Swlday
in aaying the White House has
information lbat It hu not released
lbat could show lbe President wu
innocent of aome allegations In the
S®tt said he has not been able 1"
convince the White House inner circle
let urge Nixon to make public the
material, described by Ford as a
lbe tnnscript.
The infonnaUon is ln the hands of
Watergate special prosecutor . Leon
Jaworski Hand he and the judge have
an obllgaUoD not to release that
information pending lndlcbnent and trial
of those accused," Ford said ,in
explaining why Nixoll has not released
the teanscrlpt.
There have been reports that the
transcript is of a conversation between
Nixon and his one-Ume counsel, John
listed u owned by Mark Land Company Dean III, whose tesUrnony before the
of San Francisco. This is the name Senate Watergate committee linked
of De Meuse's land development and Nixon with the Watergate cover-up. -·
building finn. Local friends who have Ziegler answered questions today about
1---fiewa-wiU\ De · Mauae 1aid De ?.-tense the tpsjgna!jou S"iifftiM5 and telaled
still owned the plane: matters, and ·emphasized Nixon "is
•--~-AllOC!atecl-l>ress.q.u.o.t.e d officials_oL de.tennined-DJ>.L.l!> be con.swned . !or
lt----'Mark Land Co. as Mying-,they-wer another...yeaa:-by-#&e-Walergate mailer"·
WJaware of a missing plane. Ziegler indicated Nixon abandoned a
"Tb.ere Is one down. We are sure continuation ol 8IIJWering "constant,
of thit," said Glascock. cofllllant, constant unsupported charges
Heavy snow in the area of· Southern against the President" becauae he saki
lllihnampm<rwuiifflftilrtn.'Plane;-=ihe "1Ylilie-o.,. wOUl<l"be"''consfinlly-
even with a fleet of snowmobiles and consumed in proving the negaUve."
tractors. Sea rch planes were having ·•
trouble geUing off lbe ground because
of low ceilings.
De Meuse, 42, first became bitten by
the yachting bug in 1965 when he
purchased the 83-foot schooner Serena
and sailed in * Newport to En.senada
jrace. ·
OIANll COAlf jf
"'9 Ot'"ft c.t DAILY PIL.Ot, ..tlfl wt1•
5-""'*'"" .,._ H_....._ Ill (!UM..,_. .,
,_ C>r•ntt ~•I Pullll"'lnf C..nr . ..,.
,.... ..itll!l1 '"' P\IMlll'liM, MMMr tlWWlfl ,ttmy, fW Clillt• M ... , N..,.rt t.cfl,
11111"•*• ltKfl/F-i.ln \tfliey, L4111N
91td!, trv1-l~'*dl Miii San ,............,
loll! Jlltl'I Capi11r•nt. A tlf'OI• "91-1
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tfW ,,...., ,_lb~ .... .i.11t II 11 U1 Wut
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.IHt l . Curit¥
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,_.,,., flor JMll •.11 ~I ~ ............... """"""·
Police Seeking
Molester of
Lagun a Boy, 10
Laguna Beach poll"' today are oeeklng
a man for molesting a 10.yW'<lfd boy
he picked up hilchhiklng In lbe Top
of the World area Monday afternoon.
PoUce Sgt. David Ayers said the child
"''as not injured, and escaped from the
situatioo by telling the driver HThat's
my house-, this ts · where I 'get out,"
as the two drove through the hilll<>p
residential commwtity at about 3:30 p.m.
The driver or lbe car .... deocrlbed
as being about 22 yea~ of age and
having mediwn lenglb blond hair. Tbe
vehicle wu 18.id to be a four-door,
red Toyola.
The yuwipter told Police 01lictr Norm
Blandel Iba! the car driver pic ked him
up on T•mpl• llilf• Drive and drove
toward Top_ of the World.
While drlvlnc, tile-man began to
t'ngage in obscene action, police said,
and lben r••cbed over and l!:lbbed ilityouth-:------
The boy colfed out and was freed on Alta Laguna Boulevard.
He!!Ith Plan Dies
SACRAMENTO <UPI) -Ltgi1lation
eetabl!Jbing a f/.5 billion compulsory
htallb Insurance p r o g r a m !or
Colllomtans died Monday In the Senate
Fil1ance Commltlei. The Re a g a n
edmlniitra11on<>pp00ed blll (SB770) by
Sen. o..rge Moaccnt (D-San Francioco),
!ailed on a w vole.
POPEIL .. -. --·The~ department's Bureau-iw Libor BOAT FIRE
Statistics · said price increases for · ' • •
of his ronfinement he has not been gesoline, heating oil, electrclty, natural dinghy, and tried again with another
able to "put his affairs in order'' and gaa. coal and other energy Items extinguisher.
raise the money to hire ~I. accomlted for mole than one-third of "But It didn't seem to do anything,
Judge Litwin granted a three-day an overall 0.7 percent rise in the cost either," Teuteberg said.
continuance to the hear ing and issued of living in December. Teuteberg said he made for tbe dinghy
a court order lhat Ayers be alloweO An early-December survey by the and rowed away as he watched the
four pbone calls from Ws Angeles government -prior to sharp increases boat erupt in names.
O>wity Jail so that he can find an later-in the month -showed. the cost A passing Coast Guard helicopter
attorney. of gasoline at service stations had risen spotted the smoke shortly before 2:30
A s ma 11 group of. Ayers' friends 4.4 .percent over November. For 1973 p.m. and set down minutes later to
attended Monday 's hearing and described as a whole,· gasoline and motor oil pluck Teuteberg from his dinghy.
the murder plot co-defendant as "llfl went up 18.6 percent. The crew radioed for assfStance and
extremely easy-going, likeable guy." Shell Oil Co. President Harry Bridges a Coast Guard cutter responded and
era . .
His song "One Dozen Roles" led tM
U.S. Hit Parade !or 18 week! In the
early 1840s.
In lbe llleOI Wuhbume led bis own
band, which pla)'O!I OD lbe Cllrt Maaloy
radio and teltvtsion lhon wtlb ldartba
He wu a member 6f the American
S o c i e t y of Composers, Authors and
Playwrights (ASCAP).
Washburne and his Wile had me IOfl,
who died in tbe early t!llOI. lllJ only
known survivor Is a brotber, J1m11
of Mancheste!' •. Tu.
They said he had worked at the told the Senate hearings that its eventually was able to pt.it out the
llou81as Alrcrafl eo. plant 1n la1g Beach membera had bo!en Wllalrly comparing names. but no1 before 111e boat ... c:u.a.rette T,.-for · abOut eight yean before he was 1973 oil profits with ••a very low 1972 gutted. "'o. u.....
laid off last year In a slalf cutback. performance, Loolltng over ....nl Teul<berg said lbe cutler began lowillg
•--'••• •· po11 A -and M yeon," he said, "there is DO bcnama rul v ·• ke ........ v.'""'6...., ce,-yen,"'• rs. what was left of his $180,000 c ser · s Popeil hired an acquaintance of hls from in these profits whatsoever!' to shore when "it sank about four miles ·p in mo
Douglas to go to Chicago and kill ber Bridges said .Shell's net izt?ime the off the Corona del Mar jetty.
estranaed husband before lbelr pending past fiv' years bad gone up, an average Teuteberg was flown 1<> orange County SACRAMENTO (AP) - A
divon:e became final. of 7 pen:ent -wblch he said was Airport . pro_.i 1.......,1 bike In llate
Investigators allege that they originally a normal gain among large corporaUons. The retired land de'!E!loper said he cl&arette tun wu snuffed out
offered 121,000 1" lbe unidentified Long Ja~ and Sen. Abraham Rtblcof[ bad been \'IOrking 00 lbe boat's Monday uy 1 :i.2 -of the
Beach man and even sent b1m on a (ll-Oxm.), questioned how 'the oil conslrucUon !or two years. Auombly ReV<DUe and Tultlaa
dr)'.t'Pnmill<>andlhe twinldyk cltyhi 1"1).stake ~tmpanfet~'~~ld ju.sltllfy upel rf~~ncredltial taxis He said all the money It cost was Committee.
ou ope ge a oo at s I room "-en u~y ge rom ore,... • paid in cash and he has just learned The bill by A11embl1111an Jolm
apartment. the oU depletion allowance and wril<-that his Insurance will cover lbe financial Briggs (R·Fullertoa), -havo The alleged plot was broken, police offs !or drilling coals. · 1 ralJed an extra '611 milUoa wblch
claim, when the hired killer and a friend "Isn't it a fact · · • that the real 0~~t he said he doesn't knoW what would be eamwted for cancer
wbo bad been wor"'"" wl1h blm, called profits were abroad?" Jackson asked. b . . 1 d -arch at lbe u·"-'"' or ,...'6 uy ahllfl.,_. fl ~A-from e IS going 0 0 DOW. ,._.. UIYWaiy Popeil to warn him of his wife's plan. ou are .... '6 your pro t IHlm:: ''I still can't even believe that It ca.Jlfomla. . Long Beach invesllgal<>ra said Ibey crude 1" relining and marketing." worked on the case for abou t a week The execuUves from Enon, Texaco, Is gone,'' be sald .. "I'll probably still It ~ to 16~ 1t1t•
before Ibey aITesl<d the pair al the Gull, Mobil, Standard of Calilomla, go down 1" the alip and look !or II." cigarette lu:eo !l'Oln 10 1" 12 ... 111
Newport home at 519 ff.arbor Island Standard of Indiana and Shell said lbat ~J:ict.1o~1e:" J.:1"'17:!:
Road. was not the case. Pl C ll d B k Bolb entered pleas o[ not gulily during "We do not consider ft any subltantial &De 8 e 8C co~:e. committee memben
t.heit.m-@icnment 10 da~. ago . tax break.'' said A. M. Card, vice .,.;y
A"ecording to District AUOrney Cliarles presJdeht o . GG--(..\P'J);;;-~A~~~~~:::-t--:i"ffi"if"',ajfbae~nt:..Udurfnitibl'o;.lbe;,~hwtnct;,n;,+--f-~r)I Sheldon, lbe preliminary hearing Is lie said lbe oil finna' tax . bllls on · jet bound !or San Diego was callled •
>spertii!-IA:Jii!od b r e e Qr f®f dan-au-~P!!a~'fil'wi"' blgher 1han-rrl11<h·-beck-sbortly artu takeoll from Cbica&o_ Assemblynw1 Jl'ranlt Murpl>f <R-I
' and it will feature the highlights -cif. of t e res m!O!trtatwm'I . onday following Santa Cruz -wbole-cipr-created -
two "crucial tapes" made by the alleged .. So IOng as the oil companies are telephone ·ca111, including two bomb a large ate o smOU OD CiM'-J,--jl---+\I
killers, identified only as Mr. Reed nnd unable to generate enough capital, I threats. A one-hour search of the plane, side o( the room durlng the
Mr. Peeler. cannot see that It ls a great issue," passengers and luggage failed to tum hearing.
-Mrl.--Popei1~1 attomeys,-Phil Petty_. said_Z.--D. ·Bonner-oLGtil!. ___ · -up any__e1pl01lve device ..
and Robert Green, bolb or Sanla Ana, -
haw: not diSCUSied the case much. Petty
denied one report lhal they woold be
seeking, a change of venue because of
prejudicial pre.trial publicity.
He said a change of venue is not
de[inll<ly conl<mplaled "al this time"
but _he indicated it is one of several
legal maneuvers that is at their disposal.
Another move that might be expected
of the t"'O attorneys is a motion for
a "gag" order. Yzurdiaga aske<t Monday
that all court personnel, attorneys and
investigators be enjoined from discussing
the cue and his motion was backed
by Green and Pel1y.
But Judge Litwin turned him doYm,
pointing out tha t as the motion was
made, it would preveot the District
Attorney from discuss.lng lhe case Yl'ith
"I meant the press/' said Yzurdiaga.
"In that case," replied tile judge,
.. you will have to submit a written
motion with alfiadavits before I will
coo.sider it."
Reagan Suggests
End to Shortage
CONCOllII, .11.-(AI!) California_ -1--~------.------Gov. Ronald · Reagan has told a
Republican lund·ralsi ng dlnntr tbat lh•
solullon 1" lbe energy crisis should not
be based on "anything Illa! means
~ ALDEN ·'·s
sharing.a.shortage. . ••
"We ahould be looking 1" • day
when there will be no shortage," Reagan
told the 60 penions al lbe 1100. .. plate
dinner here Monday nlght.
"We should be worklnl lo. end
America's dependence on u n s t ab I e
foreign sources or oil by ae<eleratlng
lbe le<hnology neomary 1" mah
America self-sufficient In all forms of
I • •
1663 Placentia Ave.
• I •
. I
" • \
/ ·
Pros, Cons Contested
• •
.Abortion Groups Picket Sa nta An,a
ot tttt o.irr ,.11111 s1~1•
Abortion was the issue on picket lines
in front of Congre~man Andrew
tlinshaw's Santa Ana office Monday and
the protesters literally took stands on
opposite-sides of the street.
lUnshaw CR-Newport Beach) was in
\Vashlngton--when-wo-dozen bortlon
propooents and a half dozen abortion
opponents set up lines on the sidewalk
at 811 N. Broadway,
The pro-abortion group, made up
mostly or members of the National
Organization for \Vomen (NOW) and
the ·\Vomen of lrvine, said it was.
marcbin,g against proposed Constitutional
amendments that would make abortion
rkin-to~mu •
A spokesperson"' for NOW said they
"'eren't actually picketing Hinshaw but
I chose his office because he ls their
local legislator.
Dlllr 'llot Slllf 'Mtfl
'riJ--anti-aborUon group, made up of
mC•rs of tbe Pro-Life Political Action
Cc.mmitl.ee of Orange County, set up
a line across the street from the NOW
Congre11m11n Andrew Hin1haw'1 Santa Ant Oftlce Wai Chosen hc1UM of Pending Constitutio~I Change
Cathy Sullivan, speaking for the anti-
abortion rparchers, said she couldn't
When Your IGd Utters
TheForhidden Word • • •
figure out \vhy Hinslw\v we.s being
picketed by pro-abortion people since
the congressman has ;;.!ready taken a
stand in favor of abortion.
"\Ve are definit ely picketi ng him
because he has written and told us
he feel s abortions.. ·should be granted
on the advice of a \\'Oma n's doclor
-that 's lite rally abortion on deniand,"
said Mrs. Sulliva n.
Helen Lotos of NO\V said she \vasn't
aware of Hinshaw's position but that
'L wasu'L him they V.'Cre picketing,
anywa y.
'•\Ve are marching v.1ilh other gro ups
around the country on the anniv1:r_sary
of the Supreme Court decision that gives
"'omen a free choice on unwanled
pregnancies." she said .
Constitutional an1endm ents be i n g
pushed both in the Senate and House
of Representatives v.·ould overturn that
ruling and make abortion a criminal
offense punishable as manslaughter.
A spokesmM for Hinshaw said the
Congressman's abortion stand has not ~
changed since his campaign -women
should get abortions on the advice of
a doctor.
"He hasn't changed his position since
:11,d is one or many Congressmen who
have refused to s\gn the measure that
will bril)g these amendments to the
flooi: of Congress for a vote," said
Chip Cleary, Hin s haw ' s field
representative In Santa Ana.
Cleary, contacted while the \vomen
\\'ere still marching in front of the
building, said he wasn't even aware
there was picketing going. on.
The presence or the pro-abortion group
mystified hin1 even more, he said, un ti l
he lean1ed they weren't really picketing
Hinshaw personall . -
The signs carried by the two groups
ranged from the colorful to the grue· some.
Ant-abortion marchers, including 5-
year~ld Stevie Sullivan, carried signs
bearing photographs or bloody, aborted
Another sign read "The Silenced
O:i the other. side of the street, pickets
handed out pro-abortion literature.
They carried signs reading "Back
Alley Butchery or Clean Hospitals" and
"Our Bodies, Our Decision."
Tite NOW marchers claim -abort.ions '~ill continue, e\'en if they are illegal.
They say that many women will die as a result. ·
fl.fs. Lotos said her group will present
petitions to Hinshaw personalty when
he . ~ be conta~ted supporting their
pos1bon -and his -on the abortion issue.
injuries. Jesuit iauds Promotion
Hosmer Says Deci.swn
'To Step Do1-0n 'Tough'
By GEORGE LEIDAL ... °' ""' Dtlllr "'"' st1fl Naval RelerVe rear admiral. He Is the Health and court-ordered reshaping of ranking Republican member ol both the
1 his district may have I~ to today's Joint committee on atomic energy and
1 aMOuncement by Rep. Craig Hosmer tJie House Interior Committee.
1 (R-1.ong Beach) that be will not seek "Lent! _.ly helps 1 CUlgr<SSman
iUleclion lo Congre>s. serve &i. oor.stltueocy ...i1 but !rom
Hosmer, vtctlm of two heart atlacks Ume lo lime, It • .00 healthy for fresh
in recent yean, has been elected 11 talent io move up to govermnental re--
tl!llell siDc< 1153. He . boa repmeiled spam!blllly," be Mid. votei's In Seal Beach and Huntington Beach for several yean. However, llolmer lncllcaled he expecta k> §O Into
portioDS of Homer's district wtte business Oi Practice liW Or ~ inter 'other
NEW YORK (AP) -The Rev. Karl
Patzelt, who claims to have repulsed
lhe aitacks of the devil on a California
family, says more people should be
aware of the rites of exorcism.
"A new avenue has opened here,"
!he 57-year-0Jd Jesuit priest said Monday
night after participating with three
Roman Catholic clergymen in a
television panel discussion on exorcism.
"I never guessed or dreamed in my
wildest dreams that this v.·ould happen,"
he added, referring to the publicity
generated by lhe report of his successful
exorcism on a ff!mily in Daly City.
The Roman cacholic archdiocese of
San Francisco has confinned that a ·young
oouple and their 2·year~ld son underw!'.!nl
a solemn Roman catholic exorcism last -Mal--' to -a district in which Rep. £dvergment tenlce" but has no definite
..,... Mini Viejo) · pllllS at this lime. lindrow Hllllhaw (R-.. ::-r'"' " lloaDer indicated his dedlion wu due -fall.-,,., unfcle!iflnea couplesay tooy
---. ~-::.,, ~~·:'"!c1ec""· -c-illoo,--.'""' il"OllllOI'=~~,. the-~• Sapleme Court dec"""1-
"P'd today In WNhln(llAln, "but now roallgnlnc the Slale'• -looal
.,.111, to be the loclcal ttirro ro make dl•trlcta. But, be denied that be felt
•Y for a new __,ialive In the he couldn't be rM1-.
• lfW :14th CongrOlllonal Ol>trict!' -11'l'd.lt'• a fully manqea)>le 411trlc~''-~------STI_ P.l'INO OOW!'I
' l HOll!lOr expreuocl b11 " d • e P l'"litude" ro the -le of the 32nd Hosmer'• most recen heart ottodl Con-omon HouMr
"8trlcrt !or allowing him. "lo oerve long came INt Marcb while he wu on • ' • >ltd C1111llnll0Ully In tho eon,r..s during k>ur of Japan In connection with hll "I've bad nearly 22 years in this
• era cl kO)' declllon "' nuclear atomic enerll)I commhtee dullell. job and lhe job just Isn't the 11me
...,,,.01,..11o1 and many other-viii! Holmer said tlle pmsurea cl ~ ~· Tho pollUtal climate Is
T" J ~ .. le m " a ~ "ata _..... k> -· and r--•·-changed," ~-·a« eonoer. -·-·-.... --. ......... ao·-,_
1a-, 58, I.I 1n attorney and retired !"'Jbody· · he ukl.
• ~ I -
rid themselves of Satan's attacks.
(The San l''rancisco Chronicle today
, said Father Patzelt s p e n t much of
Friday with a San Jose family, and
quoted him as saying "I've seen some
inte;esting things there. But I'm sUll
.only JnvesJJgating thi~v~se~"
(He declined k> give Offie? detiils.
the °'ronicle said, but a priest at the
Ollr Lady ol Peace Church in S a n t •
Oar a said of the family, "They v.-ere
not fe<llng well at all. They though!
· they had aome trouble wllh the devil
bt thefr houao/')
·-• L ..
occurrences as spontaneous fues and
broken Wiildows. At one point, a knife
was propelled across the room. At other
times, members of the family were
physically attacked, he said.
Publicilf over the case will Jet others
with potentially similar problems know
that help through exorcism is avai lable,
i'~til'<l-----isa~;id the priest. He is director of. the -111oliCl!ussiancenreran<!pmor-o1
Our Lady of Fatima Church in San
Another panelist, the Rev. Richard
Wood, a Dominican priest at Lo)'Ola
University and an e:rpcrt on the occutt,
said the Patzelt exorcism was probably
ooe of three or four solemn exorciSllll
in the United States during t b • 20th
Fathers Patzelt and Wood discussed
the movie "The Exorcist" and its
relevance at a taping oC the NJIC..'lV
-'·Tomorrow" show hosted-b .Tom
Archbishop McGuckon
They were Joined by the Rev. Edmund
Ryan, executive vice president of
Georgetown University, and the Rev •
William O'Malley, direcior' ol lbe
lheology department at McQuaid Jesuit
High School in ·Rochester, N.Y. Fathtt
Q'Mollcy.J!'I!! a.role in the movie.
Fut her Ryan ' said exorttsnu-.re V'1'Y
rare and !hat "99.9999 percenl of pepplc
on lo infinity should not worry about
being possessed" by demons. Father Pat.zelt said that dllring their
bout With the evil one, the GaJlforniaM
weN beset by such mysterious
• Father Patzclt aaid later that be
I •
4 OAILY PILOT Tutsd~y. JAllUMY 12, J..,,.,
J .. t
HOOP HOLLEllS (Cootinued): Just
a short time back, I was lamenting
In th~ spa"' the predicament ol one
· Lany T. Smith ol Newport Beach, a
chap who put up a buketbail hoop
for-his kids. The saga continUes.
OnHijac ed
BOGOTA, Colombia (UP!) -A )'OWlg
man armed with a carbine hijacked
a Colombian airliner carrying a 1fOUP
of American Jehovah'• Wit n e 11
missionaries MOl!day and forood the pilol
to ny to CUba.
Four American male mLsakJnarles
were rtporttd llUI aboard when the
plane landed jn CUba.
Smith, you will recall, lives out on COLOMBIAN aviation officials said the
' •
Experi1nent1 Curtailed
SPACE CENTER, llouolon · (AP)
Skylab l's utronaui. canoeled an earth
rffources survey today aa an alllng
gyroscope-faltered thrte times and
threatened to brtak down.
Even U lhe stabilizing device ciid' fall ,
Mission Contro1 said backup control
syste!lll would enable Gtrald P. carr
of Santa Ana, William R. Pogue and
Edward G. Glbaoo. fonnerly· of Sen
Cle!'l'lente, • to· complete their Sklay
mission. But experiments would bave
to be curtailed.
almoot continually llnce you lumtd In
lut night." the capsule communicator
tokl the astronauts. "We recommend
you cancel this morntna'• e a r t b
resources pMS. :·
.. •
: ' ONE or THB tbree l>'l'OI Ulld to '
cootn>l the poolllon of the spsce .•taUon
has alrtady failed, and olOdalt uld.
the ln<reate In variaUont rtlled ,Ille /..
chance thal !he oe<onc! I>'"' would fall. ,, -I • f • ...
' II
Montana Ratifie$ ERA~
Six Mo~e States 'Need~-' ..
., ,,
THEY WERE In the 88\b ~!Y ol I
the marathon mission today. HELENA M (AP) M tana under the law shall nOI be denied or !
i---3-.()akmont l.ane_whlch-JLwithin_.me__.enipeoca prOJ>jet landed 'n-<lubt-·Jutt-16
confines of Newport's Canyon Hilla area. before midnight, but authorities al
Flight director Neil Hutcbinaon called has becom~ n:'ti2..i atala to ~tlfy abridgtd by tht United Statu. or by _I
--'llf-. the._ea.ctb....ceso_ur_c~the-Equal-Rlghts-Amendment•~· ----"'•"IPYµISIU1auteCOJon...account o( .ex." . ' U~tt~ States after the gyroacope, a Thirty-i!lght states must ratlfy the Congress would be empo'ffered1 to "
Su . it y.•as he put this balketball Havana's Jose Mar. t 1 International
-backboard up over the-garage doo•-80 !illjjiiff rtrosed to give details by
hi.I )'OWlgSters, Laurie, a. and Gregg, telephone.
9, couJd shoot a few buckets in their spare time. ·Colombian police said the hijacker
Certain sbaker1-and·movers of the commandeered the plane, carrying 4~
Canyon Hills Community As90claUcn, passengers and five crew members,
however, figured the backboard violated dllrlng a flight from Puto i n
the U90Ciation's architectural dictuma. So they-order<d Smith to take it down. southwestern Co Io m.b I a to capital
Mr. Smltb politely decllned. Bogota.
so 11IE CANYON BllJ3 AssociaU<I\ Airline authorities said the passengers
filed a lawlUll ln·Oran&e County Superior included !our u.s. missionaries and their
Court aimed 'at forcing the Smiths to wives on the way to 1 Jehovah's Witness
un·neil thtlr basketball apparatus. ~tioa in Boeota. 11le missionaries
1bat aiur!· acticn, of oourse, a.bn;ltl)' had been living In Pasto.
hurltd this whole weighty Issue Into !dentlfi·• public view. Since then. llowever, canyon 1be tour couples were icv as Win• cue
Hilla Association leaders have mailed David and Sonia Bur&oe:, Riley and
oat ballots lo_~.and another -Janello-Motrls, David and Dana .Millan,_ Mrs-J0-Carol-La-Fleur-was
bu been beld. It wu a IW<>j)art ballot and Law1ence Sorrels, whose Colombian informed Monday the Supreme
and the issue, as stated, was a trifle wife wu not named. Authorities said CoUrt ruled in her favor when
complex. f .. _.. y k b the she was forced to take unpaid First, the homeoy,ners had to \"Ole Burgos was tom ,_... or ' ut y
S -"-··· f the the maternity leave in 1971. The whether or not they v:ere against , had no U .. CIUW~s or o rs. court ruled Cleveland School
basketball backboards over garage d · doors. On this, moot members said they POUCE SAID the hljacke•, ldentlfitd Boar was wrong to force
were against them. as Jorge Raimundo Tapia, 23, who had teachers to leave school with·
. Secondly, however, they. were asked r.ecenUy been fired from 1 job with ·out pay while children are
a------!Uhey_woulJLacoepl SJ1cb.J>oop-Ji!!I~-~ -oil-company;-smuulod-tht-cublne-__ bo_'"----===---~"4· ·if they w~e parnted t'he same as the an '
• ,
trim on the house. Here, m o s t aboard the plane in a towel. •
homeowners said they would. 11Je hijacker forced the pilot to first
SINCE THE SMITHS' b 8 ck b 0 a rd 1and at .Call ln western Colombia for
happens lo be pa1ni.d llke the house a reluelmg st<>p. In Cali, be let all
trim they in•-t this laltest bailM'"" 2.'1 women IJld' ·children of!, lnc1ucling • -.-· ....... the -ol the lour-... u being 46 to 39 In favor of their The young man then ordm!d the plane
type of buketbail apparatus_ to land In Barranquilla 00 Colombia's
So that brings you up to date on Caribbean cout 80 airport crewa
!be Smiths and their baskel~IJ>••blem. tripped to the alat at the hijacker'; But )'OJ may stilf asl, 11Well, 00 they s w - -get to keep the hoop? Is the lawsu,it orders, ~d repair a bknm-out tire.
on or off? Are the Smith kid. shooting The hi1acker let another f o u r
better than 50 percent from the pauengers olf In . Barranquilla before
driveway"H flying an to Havana with the five
· I can '1n1onn you that the Smith crewmen and the 17 remaining
youngsters are -g okay on the home -en, lncludlnfl the missionaries.
court. It la unknown about tbe lawsuit. The hijacker fired a shot at the
I! Is known that the canyon Hllls photographer who tried io take a picture
Cori>nwnity A'80Clation will hold a of the plane at Bartanquilla's Soledad
general meeting this· Thu1'Jday, wherein •irport, but missed.
we can all hope The American Way , will prevail. Whatever that meant. HE ' US ED 'THE p_la n e s ' Mean~Ie, I've been getting cards, communication~ · ~y~tem to. tell a
leUen: and phone calls relative to the Colombi,an radio station .he hi1ac"ked the
Smith Problem. The public voting seem aircraft "to -protest against pie system
to be heavy in favor of kids having which oppresses Latin American people
a place to shoot baskets If they want. in general and Colombian people in
ONE CHAP NAMED Scotty RoberU, -------------; bun out in Irvine, wrote to suggest ,.
thaf I didn't bother to do much research
on oommunity a990Clations and why they
have "condltions, covenant.s a n d
Scotty's abtolutely right, ol oourae.
But in my defense, I didn't do much
research on basketball either. Otherwise
Por110 Theater
Asks Do nation
I wouldn't be hobbling around today FORT WORTH, Tex. (UPI) -
on tbls game leg, created by a dribble-A movie theater which was raided
10-tQn Shipme1it
Of Hor se Food
·For Brass Told
WASHINGTON (AP) -Following
nagging by Sen. William Proxmire, the
Air Force has barred the aale of horse
feed at its commissaries.
Proxmire (~Wis.), aMOWlced today
thal the cunmlilde< ol Moron All-Force
Base, Spain, bas been rtprimanded for
"ming a government vehicle to transport
some of the horse-cbow lrom the
comm!~ tO private stables 10 miles
away where his hoi'!es :were kept."
Pr9xmire complained after being told
that 10 tons of horse chow were flown
from Addis Ababa, Ethiopi3, to Moron
last August for feeding horses owned
by the base commander, Col Gerald
L~McKay ------.
1be senator said the Air Force
confirmed the chow was flown from
Ethiopia ex1 mllilary aircraft and then
was transported the final JO miles aboard
a Spanish vehicle under contract to
the U.S. government.
One result , Proxmire said, is that
the Air Force has revised its guidelines
to ensure that sales of pet food will
be limited to lhat intended for household
drive without prior warmup. last week for violating a statute
Also, Mr. Rooens !aYS without -~ which pn>hlbits exhibitlng~scene A"anew Backers Pay
rulel, what woi'.ald stop (IOmebody from material for commercial purpotes
splMmg wheel uaed to maneuver the propoo.al ]!el ore lt · be<omtl . ibe 17th -,._ ~-•·-· ol ,..;:. ,.......,_
space stalton, exhibKed Ks I h I r.d Amtndment to the U.S. Constitution. enforce u~-Pn>•™-. -:.,....,_t. flu~atlon of the mommg and 10th m Montana's Senate voted 28 10 20 on which woukl take effect t~o Yest jJter ~
four days. l\Ionday in favor of the ERA after ratification. . 1
The resources pass would have 'two Democrats and a Republican In Montane, one faetcir ' that helped
required a spacecraft maneuver that dtOpped thelr opposlUon. The state House break a long deadlock on tM luiJes l
Y.'Ould have placed added stress on the passed the measure by a 1'3. 23 vote was the recent.·adoption ot a new .state I
gyro. last year. · constitUtion ·· witti a strong PfO\~Oft l
"The gyroscope has beep in distress . The ERA provides "Equality of rights barring sex discrimination. 1 ~~~~~-'-~~~-'-~~~~-'-~~~~-'-~~~-''--'-~-''-~~~-=-~~~~~~~-~~~~~·
' --
3600 S&H Green Stamps from .
! I I ----=---·---"'
Washe r and dry.er
in one compact
Fr,lgld1ire Laundry Center. Runs on
ordinary hoUsehold current (separate
15 amp circuit). Washes and dries.
family-sized loads, yet is only 24.;·
wide. Fits almost anywhere there 's
proper plumbing, wiring.and venting.
Regular and Delicate Wash cycles; 4
Waler Temperature comblnal io ns;
1-piece Agi-tub (ex.elusive with
Frigidaire) gives gentle, thorough
washing. Dryer has Flowfng Heot.
"Sorting Fingers" !hat help separate
tumbling clothes; Timed Drying Cycle
(up to 140 minutes). '
---J>11d<!!lt-Junk.Po -out In frol\I qf__their ~ -.Powed the movi~JIJI. Throat':_ 1---,place . ~<t-not::..:C:!Wiji==J--i.-~AN!i~AP~O~hli~· ~"M~d~. -~U~P-1\!drii·~i;;-~-c'l'h~~.:i· -1---~~4'=.c....:=.: .. _:_..'.'_;,• ~..J.:._L__:___:·:_·-~' · "Salute to Ted Agnew Com ttee' pa --·--.~--llllAGINE·THAT. Now Scotty's getting ~
pe"""'81 -he's •llackin~ my hobby.
admi,.ion. · . • -----_ M20Cxr _fifie, three -da ii !il!f.;-rorTllin All customers l\·ere asked to ~ yi ~g .
Finally, Mr. Roberts said I was remiss
in my duty as a columnist "for mt
having presented an equally bla'Sed view
in behalf of the other homeownenr in
a financia1 repo whicli exaggerated make a donation upon enteriDI the success of a 1972 fund-raiser for
the theater, however. the fonner vice president. A check for
District Attorney Tim CwTy..sald $2 049 · the fi and be is st"..t'"'"' the situation to , , -covering ine court ...Y .. '6 -costs in the misdemeanor conviction
--the-associati()n. ~ ----. see if the donations _violate Jill. ,........,,... was-hand--delivered to Anne Arundel
la"·· Collllty Circuit Court Clerk Garrett
Oh, I don't know. Scotty. I thought
it was a pn!tty biased view. Litrrtmore.
Snows • Ill Colorado Heavy
l da lto Seeks Disas~r Funds for Massive Flooding
' • •
10 llOl'tl'l,,,..t 10 to 11 kl!OI• toc111'.
l lll'll v•rl1b .. winch tonlftll. Hl1111 l1>-
d1r upper .o..
.u c::•:~ ttmpfl'1tur9\. r1n11• from
l11l&nd ternptr11ur.n r1119t from ••
to "· W1ter temper1tvrt JS. · sut.;111-n; Tide• ·
S.Cond 1111111 10:29 pm. 3.t
SKOftd I0\11" •:14 pm. .0.6
Plrst nr11n f:» 1.m. s.t Flrrt llftf'I 3:)11.m. 1.t
S.Cond tilgl! ll:Ol p.m. t.1
S.Cond '°"' 4:.0 p.m. 4 .6 S1111 rl ... 1:5' 1.11'1. kl• 6:14 p.m.
Moon rflft 1:1t 1.m. s.11 s:n p,m
I • I
• \
Frigld1ire 17.0 cu. ft. Top-Fr1ez1r
Refriger1tor-Fre1zer. This .eleglftt;
· 100~/o Frost-Proof Custom lmperlaf'1
model has big·lamily frozen too·d ·
storage iO ttie 4.75 cu.-ft. frEIEizer
section; 4 full·widlh shelves (3
adjusta ble) and a 7-day Flowing ' •
Cold Meat'Tenqer in the refrigerator
section. Sfnolfed onyx accents and .
teakwood trim are elegant touches.'
Aut omatic Ice Maker Is avallabl~
now or later. (extra charge) ..
" ' ; . ' .
-· -I
' .. I • • ' I
> I • I
' I
I • ' t
• r
i Bus Fire Campaipinfl_
e Closl"ff Otlf"e
An organization d~cated to
publicizing the pli_g!lt 0 f
American soldiers missing m
the Viet nam War is
disbanding because of public
apithy and lack of support,·
itl le.ader says.
The POW·MfA League of
5'1ta Clara County will close
i~·olfice here Jan. 31, despite uili fact that 1,100 Amerl<an
s·trvlcemen still are
udaccounted for in lndor..hlna .
TWenty or the ' J!lissing men
art from Santa Clara County.
Dtmocratic State Sen. David
Al Roberti has announced his
candidacy for 1 ieu te n ant
e°'·emor, pledging to work for
an· improved Ca liforn ia
eOonomv ~ and "true t a x HE SAID the s m a 11 e r · reform.~· · _ number of contenders would
The fl"' Angeles lawmak.~ avoid party conflict a n d
tok(~new1 conferences m Los dilution of campaign funds.
Ange!ei; San °Francisco and Finch told a newsman he
here Msjoday-that, il elected, expected more of his 324 N. NEWPORT llLVD.
beo¥WOUl.d-seek="new-.ways to supporters to switch their NE~PORT BEACH~ ~mote ~ic growth allegiance to FlOUrnQy than
3766 i__:_.;;w;jhlchC::;.·.;leilil4sif.:.W,to~mo.oli_rel.Jljobsd . ..U."L.:towhi·Rech..in.J.""~kS<. e"'. tba!)!.,ju!.d~gmePJ!llnli!t~i'!nl-1---·~:.6~4 2. _
. _:--of'.a~true"~,.er.,Jm progr_ am Leader . Robert Bevetly~ o~. ••· •"s -"'s•aii-1c·E ~ · -ttan Beach cone-'-d. •~ L · --.._"" -· · ·-___. tor.:..~·.. -· -... ~~ --
1 -11
' '-'• '· . ..
, 'I 'ia
In 1tocW ' _,
. ~f ChUdrens & Womens Wear -
' . -· . , ,
Salo St1rl1 1 /22 • Endo 2/5
. .
Service Cut
• •
T11t$d.J.Y, Jauuary 22, 1974 DAILY PILOT 5 ~
"P 'enal Code Revised -"
Verdict Stands
twardGffo .
<tlo~lt!I Gq~no
' -~ . ' -..
You may have your Federal and California
Individual Income. Tax Returns prepared
by professional tax experts without charge
at Mutual Savings. This free service is offered
to ·savers with an account balance of $4,000
·or tn~re. If your savings ' account is not with
Mutua l Savings, we will arra nge for transfer
of your. funds (indudin g any term certificates
that mature during the first quarter of 1974)
so you may take advantage of this valuable ·
free offer. Visit your nearest Mutual
Silvirtgs orffce for additio naFlhformation.
lnc_ome .tax.preparationi s..just.one..of
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available appointments is limited,
so make yours 'early. -------~--'-
Annual Rare Annual Yield Min.Term Min. Balance
6;ll% 6.98% 30mos. $1.000
6 ~% 6.72% 1 year $1,000 .
5%% 5.92% 90 days $1.000
514% 5.39% .No min. $5.00
' -,
• ll'ICI IOll'l ..oc:ietlon
Colona del M0ro 2867·Eoot C-1 Hlghway/675-5010
. -
Hiding behind a legal ambiguity, Orange County
supervilora so far are dodging preparing a direct and
prompt response IQ the annual Grand Jury report which
was highly clitical ol board actlvllles.
1be action reeks of contempt for the public. It re·
fleets a lack of willingness on the part of the majolity
of supervisors to either face Up to constructive critlclsm
or, conversely, to make a strong effort to justify their
actions. ··
otherwise -the board majontr should begin rome fast
growing up to its responsibilities.
Fortunately, board cbainnan Ralph Clark will per·
mit departments to continue feeding in their responses
to the report !or future compilation.
Maybe when Badham's bill prods 6ird 'enough, the
electorate may hear from its board within the next few
months rather than hall a year down the line.
A Friend Indeed
Tbe gimmick they have used to avoid responding
to the public's legally-constituted governm ental watch·
dogs, the Grand Jury, is a change in the law which
changes the ·1"rm of the jury from a calendar year to a
fiscal year ending in June and permits the 1973 Grand
Jury to serve an additional six months to effect that
Each year millions o( words of comment and opln·
io n are wlitten and broadcast the length and breadth of
North America. Most are for otten as the lide or news
moves on. nee 1.n a very r w e, auma:n~~--~t----~ Supervisor Ronald Caspers wavered, sayi ng he
thinks a document ol such importance shouldn't lie
around that long begging !or an answer.
But fellow Supervisor Ral~h Diedlich. who has
waged a running feud with the JUry, said the report is
in reality only an interim document and perbaps not im-
portant at all.
Such public-be-damned attitude isn't 'unusual !or
Oiedlich but it is unfortunate the rest of the board lol·
lowed so meekly.
Fortunately, the loophole that the board ·slipped
through may be closed some time next month. Assem-
blyman Robert Badham has introduced an urgency meas·
ure that would' require a response within 30 days ol
the bill's enactment
!erv.ations on the passing scene st rike a responsive
This happened last summer when Gordon Sinclair,
a 73-year-old Canadian commentator, was moved by
reports of the dollar debacle to·offer a few words in
. defense of his much-maligned neighbor.
\Vithin weeks, copies of the broadcast crossed the
border. The Daily Pilot received one Crom a reader and,
finding it more than valid, replinted it last October. It
has since appeared in U.S. News and World Report,
Time Magazine, the National Ol>server and countless
other publications. It has been broadcast on radio and
television and has beeri the subject of at least three,
pl~o~ograph recordings, with sales topping the tbree-
m1ll1on mark.
.• .., For readers wlio missed Sinclair's statement last
While it ·is true the board needn't have responded
until March 1 anyway under the old· law, it ap pears cer-
tain from the retent action that no such response will
be {orthcoming without a legislative kick in the pants.
To all outward appearances, the board's reaction
was triggered by jury admonitions against petty poli-
ticking and charges that the board isn't runnin'g the
county bureaucracy as efficiently as possible.
October, or haven't heard all of it in subsequent broad·
casts, it is printed again on this page today.
The words are simple. The facts they recount are
well known. So it is perhaps a sad commentary that only
this one among our many neighbors took time to 1 put
' . . 'Don't wony pardner! I'll tell you if you re gomg in
' the wrong direction!'
u ·tbat is lhe case -and no supervisor has claimed
it all together .in a g e s ture of recognitio" that has
touched America's heart in a time of darkness.
Saigon Breaking
Viet Peace Pact
Wlaat Follows a $5 M i lli on €ontrifJutlo11?
Oil: -P-olit1cs ·and ··P r of its-~
( VON HOFFMAN J '\\'ASJUNGTON -We are "coming up
on the anniversary of the Paris cease.fire
agreement!, a birthday w o r I h
celebrating because this . leukemic child
of" in1emaliooa1 diplomacy may not be
"" with us a year hence. Pres!dcnt it has been difficult for our newspeople
(formerly General) Nguyen Van Thieu, to report on Saigon's infractions.
democracy's standard bearer in NEVERTHE~, violations . by
If we don 't get on with impeach-.
ment. we should at least send
Father Karl Pazlet to Washington
for exorcism to ri4 lhe man of the
acknon•ledged "evil occult forces."
Gl-Y Cv1 CMl'tfMlltt I,. sutnllftef •Y
...... .,,. .. "' llKIN9l'th' ,...,._. .. view• et tM • .......,. ,.,.. ,_. Mf ""¥• t. oi..my caw. 09ltY f"ll ...
~ Thieu's armies were reported starting Southeast Asia, announced on Jan. , a year ago with a Wall Street Journal the . plague-on·both-your-houses people
that, "as far as the dispatch about an attack against An who get lumped under the designation
armed services arc Hoa ; a Baltimore Sun description of of neutralist!. They are being wiped concerned I can t.eil inh Dall out. In the oourse of the year an election you the "-ar baa re-air strikes on Tay N. ; a as \l.'as held for the Vietna mese Senate,
'·rted." In -••er ?-.Jorning Ne\\'S story about an artillery 1 1 •• 1 bod 1 ft th t ~ ~· I c v · nd t 1e on y governmenw:i y e a -~,. •-has d.. barrage aga nst ua 1et, a so on . t ..•• h 1, 1 1 .. wu ·~ f 3 dd' ts no wiuer I e gencr.a s con ro., nounced the central and 50 forth l~n_>u~~ all 0 197 a ing Although the·oppmition found it couldn't
proposition or the up to scores 0 rnci ents. get a slate oo tbe ballot, 12 percent
Paris accords, v.itlch None of this would matter except or the electorate .still turned out to
WASIUNGTON -Oil <"Zar William
• Simon bas ordered an invesligation into
soaring oil profits. ThiJ may put him
on the spot with President Nixon, whose
re-election "'as heavily financed by the
oil barons.
We traced lhe oil contributions through
the maze of campaign romrrl!ttees. which
the Nixon crowd de·
liberattl y crealed lo
thwart such a
We reported in De-
cember that at least
$S million had been
poured into the Preo-
ident's CllllP8ign
coffers from oid and·
gas sources. 0 u r
findings were confirmed a month later
by a congressloaal study. which indepeJl-
dently came up \\ilh the same ·figure. ;,, that -~·· si'des to' the dead, wounded and homeless ily the C 1 . beca .. ~· · rd rat oregone cone us100 use,.
"1M.lld forsake a mil· if South Vietnam, were! ~vt~ifl towa The New York Times reported, people rr IS a ract of politiCs that m industry
itary res>lution of their struggle in favor ah poldii~~~l resolh uhon ° u~f th f.rgh~~es "come to: the polls to get their election will sho.wer a candidate v.'ith "' million or a political one. · t at dv~e t etooundtry .-: 1 ek. 1 ing card stamped; an tm.stamped election in govemmebt green, v.ithout expecting
-weeks la•·r-•··-orld •-· Jea-·.1 v.-ere _ymg ou as ~ston-ma mg was rd troubl ~·•••-poll " -•·-the · .... •-·nt '"~···• • .,.., ""' ul'IC" lllQ rnt:u being transferred to-the mechanisms-ca -can mean e...wuu-Wl'll ce:-a '"" .... u.-OD-. m~. 1-11~ ._n.i.1o1~
that Thieu.'s people have begun large-envisaged in the Paris agreements. So m,uch for the neutrals not yet m Simon bu diltlngu'isbed hhmelf as
scale bombing of the Viet Cong and That is not happening. Saigon has Thieu 11 jails. . . . a straigbtfofWIJ'd public aervant, it will
North Vietnamese positions. As always refused to have anything to do \Vith From ~ selfish point ~ view, neither t:ake a pollUcal miracle to get him 1 these acts were described as defensive. the sctting·up of the National Council Vietna!'l 5 ~ nor ~ to condemn oil profits.
as necessary to forestall an offensive of Reconciliation and Conc.ord which was , shredding ol the Pans ~men.ts abou1d Thettfore, we have ronducted a.ir Own
by the other side. To date the other according to the deal signed with such cause us greater ~sh f!1an the ~te investigation into oil profits. We have side 'has not attempted an offensive. · of self-"overnment in Chile or ~ •• a had accen to corporatt papen, which
-The Persian Gulf countries have
increased their oil income by doubling
lhe taxes and .royalties from $3.00 to
seven dollars per barrel. The oil
rompanies are allov.-ed lo charge off
these pa yments, dollar ror dollar I against
their U.S. taxes. Yet the companies have simply added the overseas tax
increase to the price of oil. 1n effect,
the consumers are paying ror the mark·
up at the Persian Culf. but the
companies will take the credit on their
U.S. returns.
-THE OIL companies are using
the shonage as an excuse to cut back
products that are vita1 to others but
oot particularly p r o f ~ t' a b I e for
themselves. More than 3,000 petrolewn
products arc 00\V on the niarket. But
confidential corporate papers 68.Y the
oil companies no longer· inlend· to be
a ''drug s1ore" for ~\·ery. product their
customers v.'8J'lt.
-The major oil firms are also cloe:ing
their less profitable ·gas stations -~nd .
putting the squeeze on Jndependem!Y·
.owned stations. Thereby;.th'e oil ah«tq:c
is actually Increasing the profits that
the big oompanies are collectlng from '
their retail oullets. · :
-The oil barons are 'di\icrting oil,
according to the confidential documents, ·
to countries v.·here they own refineries
and gas stallom. 11Jis Is one reuon
the United States has n:teiftd MOrf.
and Japan less oU than was aii.tlciJllted.
We spoke to represenlatlve9 of the
oil industry to get: their side ol !he
story. They said the rise in profits
lasl year. figured in percentages, seemed
high because it had been so Jow in
previous years. The loog-tenn• gains,
lbey insisted , have not been great. •
--Eq.uality for All in
A Pocketful of Brains
-!!mpty S2leIDJ1llyt_.!I!. pversce clectio.ns e. . • '-'«u• but .It takes no great analytical· brain In Sbuth Vletnam. By April ot last -except that . ~·-6BJgon:-"-was the lll:ere....ne:ver iUded tQ.Jlf: rea_cJ ouf,side _ ......,.._ --!.. •
to figure out that some day it will year Thieu was already saying North f11ea~ for. OW' exit. Now with the piece-lhe executiv~ suit.es. These show that At la.at the American kleal of true'
--...Jl.,Saigoa.JhlntsJt can Jirea.kJhe. ceas~ Vietnames<F !roOps would bavl4'to be by·p1ece , abrogation ol .the P a r I s tho ~lg :.. o'IT'"=· e i~ ~ equality !or one and all is in sight. f ~
. gretlll~ 111~~-the withdrawn from the Souij] before there a~ts.-...we-are-setttng-eur.elves '11)e--iiilti~~~-I~l---:ARA-1K~H{)PJIE-
1 • -mtentlj]n .to do '°"'o its opponents.. . coold be el..-S . tlfereb attaC!illf _ -up. t.P-ii·.reprtse.oL whaLbappened after Jlll!lila. Here.'• how it " , . . . ----· ..,-, ---. - . -•---,-."'~nplY !Mlly-wm-say-tltat-,,,l.cu-3 new <illld!Uon ~otlriCl~ect In lb~ the 1954-Gei1eva Accords,....when one _ Al!AMCG;"'lbe"IJuV"oi!-u>natluln. ket calculator. · _ ~ ent~tled to respond tu manf cease-f~re Paris agreements. By the year's end of 111ieu's predecessor American stooges iJ draining every 'drop of oil it is: Jn Berkeley, for eumple, the Board
\'M>lations on t~e part of blS enem1~ lhe hope of elections in which all factions renounced the commitment to have permitted to pump out of tbe rich Saudi of Education bas approved buying pocket througho~t ~be whole. year. That can.t could take part vanished with Thieu 's general electiom then. Arabian fields but is putting back as calculators for totS who have difficulty
be coovmcrn~ly derued. However, it DeceD)ber statement that "I assert that Twenty years ago when the little development money as possible. learning to multiply. Thi• way, they
¥t'OUld be a .m.iStak~ to think. that Saigon, there will be no general election. and Vietnamese_Communists_:we_rt! blocked _The com~ expects lta o_il works~ won't have to learn to muJti'ply. Yet
after showing sarntly patience for a y am sure pe ace Is not coming , .. " ou t of the political process, they went be nationalized and, therefore, doesn't yur, has been forced lo step up the , to war: they will go to war for the want to open new fields for the Saud.is they'll be able to go fo~ and multiply
level of the fighting. Both sides have TllE PARIS agreements recognized same reasons now. Then Thieu will get to take over. C1mified · corporate perfectly for the rest cl their lives·
broken the terms or the agreement. that there are three major political his much-predicted offensive and wej dooJments am aay higher profits art -or at least until their batteries go
We are more aware ol the Viet Cong elements in Vietf1!tm -Thiel!. and _bis_ -JVith our Indochinese o b s e s s i o n a needed to justify lhe huge swm required dead. .
and North Vietnamese violations because people, the Reds, and everybody else, neurosis, \viii ge t it with them. to increue production. The nut step is obvious: a pocket
computer with a mlnlaturtaed memory
bank capable ol stortnc bllllooa of facts
A Neighbor's View of the U.S. Role
and the ablilty not only to multlply
but to anal;yae, deduce and procram
10hillons to e\reey conceivable problem.
Actually, just such a device was
develwed u long ago as 1131 by the
lamed -wizard,' Dr. Wolfgang .
Reprint frmn th< Oct. 5 Doily Pilot
of lite now-rmowntd broadcast by
. Canadian comm~ntalor Gordon Sin-
von lloulihu. Realhing the tremendous
GUEST REPORT . "If so, why don't they ny them? rtbulfi them. When the P.,.,,y!vania decided to t .. t it out lirst on his only
Why do all international alrlin., e<cept RMln>ad and the New Yark c.ntral ) soo, Egbert. . . J
Jcr, the L<>ckh<ed Trlstar, or the Douglas Gennany and India were breakin( down potentlal for human equality inhmnt
' Ten? tbroulh a1e, it wu the Americans wllo In his invention, Dr. von Hou1iban
R I n A r1 •-·-Wh ~--weot broke, nobody loaned them an . .. .,,,. t ailed Slates dollar took another USS a, Y me can P~ Y ~ old ca~· ~· ·-stm bro'" EGBERT ,... an ideal 1Ubject. It no other land on earth even consider -uYMl -.. -.
husband. While Miltlcenl found Egbert
singularly uncommunicative in t he
s:hower or In bed , she v.·as Perfectly
happy with this. per!ect spouse who never
ever once-forgot the ir-anniversary.
NEEDLESS to say, Egbert's Cather
was overjoyed with the success of the
experiment. "Jost think.'' he cried.
"When all _,, Cll'TY their brains
in their pocketa, all will be not only
eqpal but perfect! ..
Dr. ""' Houllhu was about to w1'eil
his dev~ !or the pO[fectlon ol mankind
when The Catastrophe struck. Afterwanl,
he destroyed all his b Jue pr in {s ,
muttering, "Equality's nice, but· rna)'be
we ougllt to jU!t struggle along 'flth
what we've goL "
What happened, « course, wu tllat
one: morning while her husband 'wu
in the shower, ·Millicent sent his patta
to the cleaners. And Egbert loot .hi$
mind. ·
pounding in tho Gtrman. French and debts to the United States. putting a man or a woman on the "I ean-namo you 5,flllO tfmel when wasdo not :f':t ~ = J:::,,~~Ul:i"'ic:
Britilll exdlaoges this morning, hitting "When the Crane was In dangi r ol moon? You talk about-Japanese the Alllericanl raced to the help' ol ~ was "'.bat" be' tacked the inttllig~ OUN•t COAi!' I
1 the lowest point ever known in West Ger· collapoing In 19511, it was the Americans teclmocracy and you gel radios -you other _. in ln>ublo. to find bis -down the bloct. I
I ~l' Im dttl!ned then by 41 pertent :~ I'.,~ .!1~ :! 1!'!\~::;'~ ta lk about German technocracy and you "Can you lW!!8 me ...., . ..,. time But after _,.,. ol patient Instruction. ~ '*"" ir.1 and this Canadian tbinks l' i• t~ street& of Paris. get automobUes. wben -elle racod to the his father was able to teach Egbert ' •~ "You talk about Ameriai teclmooaey Americana Jn u,dllo? which buttom to pull! when. 'l1>e change l!ol>m N. Wrcd, Pll&IWltr ;
timt 10 speak up for lhe Ammcan as '.!J was there, I saw it. and you find men on the moon, not "I don't thlM there was outside help Jn him wu startling. Thomo.t Ktevil, Editor "
the """1 l""'""S and poe~bly the least "When distant cities are hit by once hut several times ..• and lalely ...., durlna the Sin Franclaco earth-With bUllons of facts at his fingertip, B<lrl>om Kreilllch ' ~ 00 all the earth. earthquake, it is the United States th at home again. ~. he naturally quit l<bool. And, knowing Edltorial Poor 'Editor t
M looc as llJ )'WI ago, when I hurries In to hel p . . . Managua is ,. "OUr nelgltbon have laced tt alono, everything, he naturally read nothing. . I
flltt decided to rtad newspaper.:-! read-one of the nlOSI-rc<en examples. so-YOU TALK ABOUT~tll)andals and the -ar.d-1 am ..,. Canadian wllo'--11 11...i ADO yet, UfiiChooledaitd ulll'Ud;41e -'nie -.--o1 Ibo oot;'-
ol °'""" in the Yel~ River and the far this spring, 59 American communities Americans Piil theirs ngltt In the store ol hearlDI them kicked uotmd. They whizzed through Ufe. Pilot....._ to lnloml and ltlmu1atl
Yanctze. Who rushed an with men and ~ave been nauened by tornadoes -wl,~w !or everybody to look at. will eome out of thLs thing with their His employers were amazed by his ...-.,bf~.., '"ts·""'' ._ to be!ji! The AmerlCllll did. '1iilheljii!i!. . -Even..._thelr draCt-dodgers_are....not -flag-hl1lr and ~-1""7 do, tltty -are lncredlble-ledp, bll cool deductions;--_dlvtroe•-.! ____ ot.lii!
.,,,., have helped coatrol flooda on MartlbaJJ Plan, the Truman pursued and ltoonded, ,they ""' here enlltted to thumb their -at the bll brilliant anal)'let and hll Invariably -bf .,-..i colllllllllst> ..-
the Nile, the Amazon, the ~ and Policy, all pumped bliliops upoo blilions on our streeta. Moot ol them, unless landl that art 1Ioat1ng over their P'"'O•l perfect IOlutiolll. At 1$, he became head -bJ prOYldlns a lorllm ~
the Nia<r. ol dollars ·into dl!tlllW'aged· countries. lhey art breaking Canai!Wt laws, 1 "' ln><lbles · ol a-raJ ~led, Inc ---by~ 111
''Talay Iba rich bottomland tl the Now newspapers in those countries are getting dollars from ma and pa at "l MPe Canada Is not one ol lhese. · · .....,.rs Ofllln:"" .,u::'.i 1::;'.,,'!
.. ~, .... ii lllider nd f home to spend here.• "But the "'·-· ••• 1 llJll WIT and efudltlon made him . -.,...._ .,_,.,.. -water • 00 oreign writfnc about'llie decadeht, warmonger· "When Amert<oos get out oC this bind "' are ~ smug, ,.. · a hit at cocktall -rti.s. He always of IM Dilly Pilot -only tn <he> land-...-~ dollar to btlp. Gtnnany, ing Americans. rllfl!eous Conadlaos. ~ ~.L --at .,. 'IP ol tat J-... It a --· Britain ,, . .. . OS they wtll ... wbo could blame Ilk! lbe rilbt tbq, dJd the,.., lblnc,, -· OpWp•-lll ll bJ tho"' and Jl.lly ..... lllted out of the debris [WOULD LlltE to ... just one Of them If they lltld the 1 bell with lbe "AND, FINALLY, the American-&<! voted, tor tbe ript Cllldidat. and never -lllll -... :a
ol ear .,j, the AmeriCllW who poured thooo coontties that Ls gloaUDI over r .. t of the world? Let SOlllCOOO elle o-o. .... 1toldatlts4ltllaM11almeeting everonceforgothLsmolher'1birtbday. ,.,._.,.. __ ... .,
in bitllont ol dollan anil lorpve other the erooloo 91 Ute Unlttd States dollar buy the Israel bonds, let someone else in New Orleans lllls momlng that It wot He waa !be perfect bull.-man, ~"' """' ot 1llelr .-ttr aa.
billions lo debts. / build Its own airplanes. build and repair foreign d•ms or deolgn broke. perfect companion, the perfect c!Usen 1'11111-ho bdn•t4. · , /1
"HONE OF Tll<IU: countr!e1 ls toda y "'1ilts ...,. the lit!.-.., !ts remaining
"Come on, let's hear Ill lore!«n buildings that wOii't shake apart .. ,,,II year'• dioaswrs •. ~ With the and -after he bad computed the J1l"P't 'I'll ...... January 22, 1.97C'
"Does any other country in the world an earthquakes. y .. r lea lhan baU""" ••• baa llital o!epl to ...., the belatJlul Mllllceot -.....,, 1
h&ve a plane lo equal !he Boeing Jumbo "When the rallwa)'! of France, It all and nobody bas ltelped." Olollltlor all llor loat -th• pll1eot
I "
' I
. •
'1 ,
~ F.andly Circus f»y Bil Keane
: --------..... t ..-......
Karate Rates Seoffs
illan:e Do es1i't S ii re-tlie Rod
t1lckcy Spi llane, \\'ho rewro te
the book on Uction detccUves,
scoffs at television's karate·
chop private eyes and. kid·
gtove cops. tlis hero, Mike
Hammer, blasts the bad guys
with a .45.
"l\.11ke solved his ~problems
by shooting the crooks and
murderers,'' said ; Spillane.
"He never· bothers :with judo
or karate."
"WHAT'S A GUY to do
when he runs into a criminal
\Vith a gWJ? Talk him out
of i!? llcll no. You got to
blow him up.•'•
taking ruy wife on our ninth
anniversary to tlawaii tor a
His wi fe, Sherry, is a
dazzling blonde actress-singer
whose nud·e figure· adorns the
jacket of Spillane's latest
book. "The Last Cop out"
Sherry 1thlnks her b a r e d
charms help sen his novels.
Mic key's not so sure.
"SHERRY AND I met when
she posed fof one of my
covers ~O years ago," said
Spillane. "The title or that
one was ~The Girl Hunters.' "
~IL---..!;pi»ane was in Holl¥W
Thii Spillanes ·have a unique
desiJ.tll ror living. He makes
his ho me in South Carolina.
·v s in Holl wood. He
loves to fish. She oat es 1 • 1 • 'J CQn hordty ~r lttidl,-DodJ;ly ~How do you turn to play a role in an episode ·.
of '!CoJumbO." ~ -----.;--------UDJh1 volume?u , _ ·"I-wa!-out-here-promotillg-
my new book when I get a
"We go our separate ways ,
but we s about si x: months
a year t ogettier,11 Sl1erry
explained. j message from Universal
Pictu res Saying they \Vant rrie
to 'play a wri ter in the show,"
""' Ttl.,llolt
No Probe
Metzenbaum , Gets
Seat in Senat,e
From Wire Servlcts
In its first act of the new
session. the Senate vGted 5.1
,fo 22 to seat millionaire
Howard l\1tbenbaum as a
Oemodatic senator from Ohio
without the investigation into
his . tax payments demandOO
by Sen. Carl T. CUrtll, (R·
Curtis, In an hour and a
tifilf discusSion 'demanded "that
1he Senate Rules\ committee
Kemper, convicted of eight
David Rockefeller, chairm an
o( the Chase f\o1anhattan Bank,
met wth Pope Paul VI at
the Vatica n while on a
business trip in Italy.
He-was also to meet the
head of the Vatican bank . the
deputy of the Bank· of Ital y,
the president of the Flat auto
company· and ItaUan-·Premier-
h1ariano Rwnor •. · ·c · PEOPL1 E J... Rep. JIJlbut.F. DrlnlTI. ([).
•· Mass.) said he received this
• _ _ · messa ge from a constituent :
-,. "If you c:m 't impreach him,
investigate 1t1etzenbaum's exorcise him."
Spillane explained. "I asked
why me, and they said
I was one of the fe\V
recognizable w r i t e r s -
whatever that means. Notice
' didn 't say author. Authors
wrjte bOoks that don't sell."
SPILLANE, BY . t h a t
definition is the farthest thing
from ail 'author. His Tl Mike
Hammer novels have sold 155
million copies, more than any
other living wri ter.
An original copy of his first
book, "I, the Jury," has
become a collector's item,· a
cl assic which se lls for $250.
Hammer is the. prototype
of all tough private eyes.
Spillane does not fit the mold
of the successful noveliSt. He's
a powerfully-built lrishm_an
who may be the 1.ast C7le~r1ty
alive-to wear-h!S hair-in a..
crew cut.
"Th.e qther day_a~ t~c stu~io
an actor a!ked me, 'Wh at kind
of parts can you get with
that kind of haircut'?' I told
him, •Leading roles,' " Spil-
lane recounted.
Mickey Spillane
'sP!LLANE ONCE appeared
in movie versions 'of his
novels .. but In "Columbo" he
tried sometbing·ncw. A dea th
"I've always wanted to play
a corpse,'' he sa id. "The only
scene I had. with Peter Falk
is with me dead as a door
"I did · the blt in the
television show instead of
"IT'S WORKED out pretty
well " said SpiUane;---'~-When
people ask me why I continue
to write books I tell the m
J 'm inspired by the urgent
need for money. It ooly takes
me two or three weeks ta
write a 'book once.,[ come up
with an ehding.
"People don't . believe me
when I tell ·them JI got started
writing romic books. I helped
start 'Captain Marvel' and
'Th e Human 'Torch .'
Sometimes I think I'd like
to go back to them."
· Some critics think he's
never been away.
Ba11 011 Gral1an1
·Stirs -Protest ·
wh ile refll!ing pennission to
Graham . ·
PH OENIX, Ar~. (AP) -
Behind a barrage of criticism,
, the Arizona Board of Regents
'''ill reconsider its refusal to "I THINK SOM~ thin!?s are .
$118,102 taX dispu te with the · Drinan the only Roman
Internal Revenue ·ServiCe. Catholic' pi'iest . who is I\ .----------,
Metzenbawn, a Clevel.and member of Congress . Lid' Off
happening that wouldn't be
a\lo,v Dr. Billy' Grap.am to happening ir the people had
s n e a k at Arizona State thei r say about use of the
Uilivers ity'.s football stadium . stadium," he said. ~'They let ' industrialist, was named._ by inlfoduoed a resolution last S Regent Patil Singer said the stadiun1 be used for
l\fonday that board members Angela Davis and Jerry Rubin
personally favored allowing. and when a Christian man
Graharri to uSc the stadium, like Billy Graham comes
, ... Democratic Gov. _,John J. year for the impeachment of
Gwtgaa to the · seat vacated President Nixon : He is a 0 C ds
by Republican ·wUJia1D. B. · member of the Judiciary J't OC
Su:be when ·Saxbe bec8me C o m m l t t e e 1 wh ich is
attorney general. conducting a preliminary r.. * . inquiry as to wheth e r
.,. .. i m p e achment proceedings ~ Rep. .Jeroine Waldie, bun· sOOuld be instituted.
but felt it \vould be illegal. along, he's denied acress to ,
PRINCETON. N. J. th e stadium."·;
(U PI) -The trustees of "WE REACHED our deci-Mack said the issue may
Prin ce ton University, sion on the basis of our ad vis-·have to be put to the Arizona
v.•hich admitted only males er, ,,,ho said no public funds or Supreme Court for a rulin g.
.. _._ died a "g a i n s i a bit_terly cold.
north \\ind, a r riv e d in
, Sacramento at ·the concl111iori
In its first 223 years .• ~ve ~ public butldings can be appJied,[;::::::::==::::=====:;J * .. voted 28-3 to eliminate all .~to religious services." Singer Presklent Nt1on will deliver sex quotas in admissions, said. THE
EARL'S his. State of the Union address effective immediately. The regent .said the slate · of the second Jeg of hi!
statewide walk to d raw
attention to his candidacy for
to Congress the night of Jan. In 1969, some 100 wome n attorney general's office would
30, the White Hou 5 e became the · first of their be asked for an opinion. P1vmt11111. MMtil)I
;aJU10unced. sex to be admitted to In ·the legislature, Sen. Air Cllld. governor.
Waldie, wearing a heavy
btUe windbreaker, wool cap
and well·worn canvas shoes,
complained that the wind WIS'
holding him back in bis drive
to tile Slate oapttol.
· The speech previously bad Princeton. Currently aboul James l\.1ack criticized · the ~1~v~'::r
been plarmed for the111a!ternoon 1,100 are enrolled. · regents for allowing radical,s L•11N·Saoct111Hdl All ottt1n
of Jan. 29. Dep Y press 1==================:!__tto~spe~a!'_k_to~n_tth~c:..."A.".SU"....'.c'.'.a~m~pus~,'.':::=="::'::·"::•::'===':0"::·::"::''::':::1 secretary Gerald L. Warren,~
said Nixon put off the speech
by one day to accommodate
the Washington Press Club
which holds its a n n u a 1
rongressi.onal dinner Jan. 29.
"This north wind," said
Waldie, a Democrat, i.u•s a
* * Rep. William S. Mallllard,
Santa Cruz District Attorn<y (R.<:a!U.), said that h~
Pe.fer A. Qu.tng Jr., 'vho underwent surgery this month
gained a repiaation as prose-for removal of a probably
f cutor of three mass murder. "cancerous tumor from his
ers. anoun~~ hJs cand:Cacy ·colon. ··
or penor l . The 58-year-o
Chang, 37, is seeking the w.., nominated by Prtsldent
j)iiSt'va<aliil b)I Jq~ GDliel'r'Nlion Jan. ao-WtieCOme lJle
Perry, who is reUring. U.S. arnbusador to t be
.~ Chang's office successfully Organization of A m er l ca n
prosecuted John Fr a z I e r , States. ·
convicted in 1971 of murdering "I don't see what all this
·five persons:-Herbert-Mallia,-intereat-la-abouL I-feel fine ,!!. -
cmvicted of IO COllllts o( first· he said. "They took out
·1 degree murder, aod Edmand whatever it was.:'
,. ,
l I I
. I
. '
I ,
...... IP Rs•••• ... _ SANTA ANA ---............. TUmN . ..... _ __ ...,,
llNW-........... COSTA MISA ,, .. _
Do Something Seautif.ul.0 -~~;;__-'--__,__~-'---'-~~~~~~~~~~1+
c111,.. A•.c-tt ltivltW -ame11c:111 •-,,...
---~ .... ,,....,,,. ~ttt. ••
Jewelers Since 1917
NEWPORT ·BEACH -644··1310 ,
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--<t;Onvenlont olflcoo ... rvlng.Southom 1nd Noflh•rn C1IHoml•clnolacllnr..
Too tood Pr:ess
('Glad You Asked That')
' . ~ . ~ Withers, to examine her young .daughter. Then upbraided
him, shouting he didn't know his business, that .he was
slovenly attired, etc. She even threatened to call Presi·
dent Nixon to complain about the doctc,i~ ..
Why Wd Ms. Cadden pillory Newsweek for reporting, ·
"At-a time when John needed peace and quiet, he had
lifartba in and out of the house?" Why did she want the
newsweekly to say instead : "At a time "'hen Martha
needed honesty and openness, and the closest kind or com·
munication and warmth, sbe had John Mitchell in the
Wasn't John, With his public career at bay, also en-
t)Ued to compassion and warmth? Jle was fighting ror his
life anclneYec...ne~a-~e more. .
I'm afraid that Ms. Cadden's offeilsive ·defense of
Martha Mitchell is a tasteless) one-sided, sob-sister, soa~
opera script.
. Q: Senay &. .a.tr -are they or aren't they geUlng
a divwce? ·
A: One .of the stars who recently made a guest a~
pearance on their show tells us that it made him rather
uncomfortable and impossible to relax. Tbe couple were
simpaUco on carnira -but u·ent their separate ways
Q: Rod. Steiger looks younger in some of bis recent
fUIDJ than be did in bis oldel' ones. How come?
A: Because be had bis face (and spirits) lilted. Ca u-
tioning: "People who ponder this kind oC surgery should
think twice. Unless they think young and feel attractive
inside, a new face isn't going to make them any happier."
q, Hu Mary Tyler Moore alwal" had diabetes! And
what did de finl do on televllon?
A: Mary began as the sexy-voiced secretary on the
Richard Diamond show. You never saw her face -just
her shapely legs. And 's she's been living with diabetes
ever since she was a youngster.
Q: Did George llamUtoo, a confirmed bachelor, reallf
&dmarmd? .
A: Confirmed. And to a lovely model named Alana
Send your questions to Hy Gardner , "Glad You
Asked T11at," care of t11is 11ewspaper, P.O. Box 1560,
Costa Mesa 92626. l\.farilyn and Hy Gardner will an·
swer as ma1tY questio1l3 as they ca11 i1l their colum11,
but the volume of mail 111akes personal replies ini·
• If everydriverinAmerica lowers his speed
to at least 50 on the highways, we can
--make our limited fuel supply last a whale
lot longer . So slow dawn. lfmay save your
t-:---lf-nedc, too•~.-------~----•
OFflQ Of fN(lGl' C~llVATION
Of~ ffDfaM. ENlRGYOfflCC
•• ..
Troe Life? Suffo(k's
Siisa1ui Turn.~ Out .Story
1San Francisco's
Boozers Supreme
DOORS · ..
5 P.M.
Closed During
Doy For
Starts at 5 p.m. Run aad clean up. Year End Inventory • 1n
FM iAM/FM Ste<eo
Twin Sp!al:ers
Heod l"nooe Jacks
8 T rock Tope Deck
Matching Record Changer
Moduk> FM/NA /FM Ste<eo Ro<fo
BUit-in 8-T1ock P1ouer
Three Big Exiros
Mir\ Chonqer
Head Phone
.. ...::..
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J '1003 '·
l'FIJf,fl, Raai>-
luminovs Oock
B~lt·in Tope RecOfder
Woke up olorm 10 ei1her
Rodia OI ea~setf
lb" Diogoool Soeen f
AIUmir\zed Pict11e Tube
Instant Speed·O.Vision
Seporole VHF-UHF Selectors
ModtJcr FM/AM/FM Ste<eo Radio
Three Big Extras
~~(~, 14· 9·.99
Complete Home Entertainme nt Center'·
Steteo Phonogopi>
&.ilt·irr Stereo Radio
8 T 1ock Corltidge Royet .
• (SE-3080)
• • 1 .99~·99 .. -. " '"
City Or. at Gorden Gtovo e!WJ.
Coon IM p.m.-!>"i'Y Sunday 10 to e ·
Beach at Orangelhorpe
Open Daily 9:30 10 9:30 p.m. Sunday ·10 to-7~
• ..
• •
3900 So. Bristol· No. of So. Co11t Plaza
Qoon I0,9_p.m. 0~ S..ndly 10 11> 9
, .
. -· ~
t b
I t
. .
--~---.--l !
' ' I
l t ,-
' .,
··Italian Fellows
. .. ..
Like Swede Girls
" '
• •
' '
'1 ~ ' I "l
ri Italian men are said to favor Swedish girls over their
own country w..,,.: lnterestln(, il true. The passionate
nahlrt'"bl Italian wpmen has been much discussed. But a
RGriie . ~rmpOndebt now report. that only the blonde
ladiei of·nohbern Italy ean rival the romantic attractiona
of -female Swedes. Our Love and War man Intends
'to 'cbeCk oat tllla aurpriling claim on his next field trip, . . .
· • Q. Who 's the highest paid female
~. }.. Figure skater Janet LYM, pro~
ably .COOsiderlng-her-'l'V-eommer~(als,-.
. Wben the military boys ~nted to
fasblon-a pigeon veal _witb-tv.'O big
pockets so those homing birds could
. carry messages during World Wlf.I' n ,
they called, Upon·Malden!orm Bra Company, which did the
job la a dandy llUUU)er.
Tbe male alcobollcs outnumber the female alcoholics
by ibout' 1ive to one. it's ~leved. Generally. the men star! their-deep drinking earlier. In their teens and J)s.
ni.'\'.women usually don't get with it by the barrelful until
their 30s. But when they go, they go much more qu ickly
than go the men.
Opeh questions: Jiow did the football come to be so
shaped? , .. Who are history's five greatest men? .••
What kind of car does Peter Falk drive in "Columbo?"
I , • Buy' desert land. Get federal aid to irrigate it. Then put
U into the Soll Conaervatioo Program under government
ouboidy instead of growing anything on It. This is the
formula one western rancher suggests as his money-
' 1lllklnl ledlll!que. ·Jt's done. I
. In self.:portraits, a majofity of artists tend show more
of the right aide of the face than the left. But in por·
tnlits·oH1ther-subjects,-tlle-aama-majorily tend.JA..altow: ...
more of the left sftle of the lace than tllO right. So a study
of 1,474 such paintings reveals.
The Amtrican COl.lege of Surgeons predicts one sur·
geon out of every three hereabouts will be sued for mal·
practice in the oext five years. •
C:OOtrary lo popular ~lief in New York City, San
Franclsco and New Orleans, the best re!faurant town in
the naticn Is SeatUe. With the Schnitzelbank there sur·
pusln( • •
·0ne of the best-eelling garters for Caney ladies around
lt05 was a CUMing little piece o( elastic that had a tber·
·mometerbuitt Into it.
"How many musical lnatnunents can you name that
require the performer to use both hand! and feet? "That•s
what I asked. A aistomer suggests: "A piccolo in a
marching band. ..
Address mail to i.!tt. Boyd, P.O: Bo:r 1875, New-
port Beach, 92660. ;-
1 ~
' ' I
I .,
llndora's unique program
ls a safe and pi4ctlcal method
'• -for the enlireJamj ly to .lose weight
and learn how to maintain
proper-weight'. •• under' th e strict
JUpervision of Medical Doctors. . ' ~~f ~ ....... : -i Call to~ ·,n-,;J;,.ation ,.. -• -~ -• ~-".\¥~
thtu ~fldt~.f A.M, to 6 P.M. . •
..... ; 'GM649 789-71111 --~ . kl,....lonil Gr1Mn-Voftb91'" ..... Ptwflllionel 8'df,-. f"' . J
llEWHif . . .C0¥111A SAllTA llONICA
'"'3740 -431 1~11 Profna!OMI -~ellon Fr .. 11.1111 Pace llfl, : , ...... w.oic1l,lldg.-•·
347-IM7 ,. t WlfMl'·VktOl'f __. ..... , .
!. LOllli IEACll
Loi Ano. ....... Cefllff •
Pon>Ot11 \11llq ~llditli C.nllf
··~ 1,....4* Center •
"'°'"' 8*1klld0 •
Mt4itl! Bldf.
P1oltlllot11i lklt-
HUlcNll Medle .. Bldg.
-llr. Jo~n Toletjen
Lutherans Oust ..
The board of control of
Concordia Lutheran Seminary
has voted to suspend seminary
President Dr, John Toletjen.
Victor Bryant, president of
the board, said Toletjen was
charged with advocacy of
fal se do ctrine and
maUeasance in office.
Toletjen, 45, who w a s
present at the board meeting,
would not conunent on hls
1be charges came in a 20-
page report by pastors
Leonard Bulow of Green Bay.
Wis. and Hartam H'arnapp or
North Platte, Neb. He was
accused of 'holding a n d
fostering ' ' r a I s e doctrine"
contrary to the Lu the r an
Church ~1issouri S y n o d ,
administrative irresponsibility,
wroog£ul as.sumption of lower
dut.ies and defiance of the of-
fice of the Synod's president..
Toiet1en. cons id ere d a
liberal, has been at odds with
the conservative faction of the
A Good
~LEM. ORE. (UPf) -
\Vhen the Oregon Motor
Vehicles Division sends
drivers notices that they
have gotten too many trar-
lic tickets, it often gets
One unsigned let le r
simply said:
"May I reler you to
Matthew 7: 1. May this
Scripture guide you in
your letter writing in the
1.1atthew 7: I says ,
"Judge no t that ye be
judged ...
Tutsda)', January 22, llj/4 DAILY ~ILOT
Be~o-rd Seal
judge could "seal" a minor's
criminal reco rd of a
misdemeanor m a r i j u a n a
conviction W\der legislation
narrowly passed by th e
Currently, all drug-related
crimes specifically are
excluded from laws allowl.ng
juveniles to peUtion to have
I heir r e co rd s permanently
locked from public v i e ...,
Among the offenses eligible
to be sealed are crimes of
violence, such as a r m e d
'I)>e bill (AB'll!S) by
Assem blyman AJan Sleroty
CD-Beverly Hins) was sent to
the Senate Monday on a
minimwn 41·25 vote wi th little
It would a/led per90li,
under 18. or persons who were
under 21 and commi~ed the
offense before March 7, the
date when 18-year..olds legally
became adults.
Second convictions or
offenses Involving driving
while using marijuana would
not be covered.
5 P.M.
Closed During
Day For
Year End Inventory
Don't mjss YQur~61g cfiance fo cash-in:-
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Books; b_ooks and more bboks for-
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SALE ST A~!S 5 p.m. January 23rd
IMclt .. O; i .... fl'! City Dr ... k*11 .,.,.-th& -
0,.. D.ity t:JO t. t:JO ,,..,_ S....,_ I 0 .. 7 O,.rt I°"' p.11t. O.ity-S.114ty 10 to 6
,..._ "!\""• ......... ~ -
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I '
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J 0 DAIL V PILOT Tutsday, Janvvy 22, 1974
~----------· .
Broihel De Drea1ns Sa111 .Ervi11
married B r I t l s h diplomats
were expelled from a
Duesseldor! brothel Jan. 11,
stumbled lnto a,, parking lot
and damaged car radio aerial s
and mirrors and ye 11 e d
remarks i n sulting to
Gennany, Gennan police say.
f\1embers of the S e n a t e
\Vatergate committee a re
having doubts and second
thoughts over whether to hold
any more public hearings. '
I don't know if a recen t
article in the magazlde
Psychology Today will, or
should, influence them any.
of hostile strangers "'ilo took acci en a y a
me into a large room where grandmother while ~
there "'ere TV cameras, out of the driveway.
He-had hardJy gone a block
arres~ed him for hunting deer
out of season.
newsmen and photographers. · SINCE HIS grandmother SEN. BAKER comments
"They were unfriendly and was on the front porch when that Erwin's anecdote illus·
suspicious, 1 kept asking me she was hit, the man feA__,,. 1 1 h he .. rded questions and trying to. get •~ ra es w Y Q ,rega ·as
me to confess to something his friends and neighbors the Senate's top constitutional
terrible I had done ." would make jokes abo;ut his authority.
That does sound a bit like driving. 1 could have g0.ne on
Watergate all right. But, So he lied the old lady dreaming like that ,au night.
scb\.lClss, I've had_ wo rse acr~s the hood of his car ·But Sen. Montoya took over
dreams that that fro.m eating-and tried to pretend she--Wu the·-questioning and-put me
enchiladas before bedtime. "i"a;;;;d;;ee;;r;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.;;;;;a~w~akii;ie.;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; . The Foreign Office said
Monday it has been decided
to withdraw them from thier
pool!, but they v.•ill stay on
pending a decision by the
German judicial authorities on
\rhether they a r e to be
psychiatrists 'hav~ discovered
that Americans are startlng Furthermore, Watergate 1~
dreams than that from eating
nightmares. I've had a couple
that were rather pleasant.
IN ONE OF "my dr1!arns,
the committee runs out of
former \Yh.ite House aides to
call as witneSses and tries
to keep the hearing going by
"Find wt who bu a vllcwa! dlallke for me and fire him!" . .
~Didn't Lie'
Nixon Innocent,
Daughter Says
to the American pe.ople, then,
yes, he lhl)uld ret:iin, because
then be would be guilty of
a coverup," she told McCall 's.
"But he said. he Was not
Involved ."
Mrs. EiJenbower said the
Ni xoo E isenhower , the
Pre sident 's y oungest
daughter, believes that jf her
: father was involved t n
Watergate and lied to the.
American people "he should . r~ign." tam.Uy discussion was held the ._ _ ___:. sui ---_ ..,,,._ 'It ".!!_e k ~nd a fter H .Jt . JTIAvn w.u iru:• gui ~a t a e m an n anct-:Jo
_:of any .~rongdo1~,g and would Ehrllchman resigned as the
never bug out before the top White Hooae aides April
end of his tenn, she uJd 30 : in the Interview ' publllh<d '
; Monday In the Februorf edl-"HE WAS UPSET Ulen that ! tion ct MdJall'• Mquine. he . had put too much faith
JULIE SAID earlier that the In -people llnlll!ld. him and I think there lies the
"President discusled with his trag<dy," she said. ; r a m 11 Y the possibility of "The family said what ~ resigning from office. wwld be the gQOd of resigning
:: "ll he Ls involved in if he were innocent. The way ~Watergate and bis been Iy'ing he looked at it for a while
' ·>
is that he wanted to do what's
best for the country and if
m igning would clear things
up and make things heller,
that'• wbst be wanted to do,
be ssid.
0 BUT I DON'T think my
father would ever le11ve office
before the end ·of his term,
because he really beJ;eves that
some ~ his JrO&MUN are
needed, and he want. to fight
for them.
The diplomat s were
identified as Consul Alexander
Callie, 33, and Vice Consul
Rbbert Mears, 27. A Foreign
Office spokesnian said the two
will pay the costs for any
damage. they inflicted.
· Neither Gallie nor fitears
can claJm diplomatic privilege
to avoid being prosecuted.
British officials said this. was
because they were n o t
performing official duties at
the time of their spree.
to dream about \Valergate.
The following excerpts· Crom
a 3S.year-0ld attorney 's dream
are cited as evidence that
the \Yatergate case I s
beginniµg to seep into the
national subconscio.us :.
"I was driving to y,·ork when
suddenly the sky got very dark
and a th und erstorm
threatened. I had to abandon
my car as it was losing power.
I dashed into a large building
to get out of the stonn.
quizzing newsmen. 11---
Sam Dash, the chiel counsel,
asks where I obtain the
material l write about.
''I would run over my own
grandmother If I thought I
could get a column out of
it," I reply. ·
At this point Sen. Ervin
breaks in to relate a story
about a character down in
~ Splrlll SHced
Whole or B•ll
-Popcorn and candy
vendors· at pornographic
movie theaters would be
exempted from a n y
p r o sec utiO:n for the
showing of obscene fllrns
undel' a bill pasoed by
lbe Assembly.
"He's a dedicated man, so
when the going gets rough,
I don't think he'd ever bug
out, 90 to speak. That would
lndJcate an-admi~ion of
wrongdoing and he hasn't done
anything wrong. I think he
v,.o;uld be making a mistake
to resign."
The bill (AB2686 ) by
Assemblyman Ho war d
·Berman (!Hm Angeles),
was sent to the Senate
Monday on a 43--1 vote.
. Suspect Admits
' ··-'
MINEOLA, N.Y. (UPI) -he killed the 21-year-old coed
Samuel N. Denicola has becauae he feared she would •--~~ptti.a<ted-guilty to the _..,, "ca!Ube ""WIB.oea>tlll'_pj~ _
slaying o! a young C.W. Poot (police)."
1--~.eoit-coed-last. June ~-tsltilli~•, told the oourt "I B ~I walk m the Loog Island
satisfaction from ldJUng." C o 11 e g e ' s campu! in
•· Denicola told Judie David Greerivale, when be decided
T. Gibbons that he slashed to '"1ler MW S u 111 v a n • s
. the throat or Patricia Ann dmnitory.
Sullivan of Wilmington, r.faSs.,
.. and then stabbed her with
: a hunting knife until "my arm
· got tired."
HE WENT TO the second
floor and pulhed be< Into her
room, he said. After they
lallred for about 10 minules,
he forced her to have sexua1
intercourae with him.
DOWN . .·
refused to accept the gu ilty
plea until lhO defendant gave
a det.alled account of the
Then, DenlcOla adtnitted, he
drew a t.mting knife, slashed
the girl 's ttiroot and hegan
stabbing her repeatedly.
PAYMENT. • • • .
, Denicola then admitted that
• I See by Today's
Want Ails
* EXCELLEr\T C 0 N D l •
TION: this ·~ Impala SS
has_ a ~mall-V~-engine
and ls a good l!COnOmy
and transportation car.
* WANTED: Player Piano
and a roU top dnk tor
• reuonahle price. ..
pleue mum Mortimer.
He'• a male brindle, Ca.tm
Tenier. Loll on 1/1'. A
bdowd pet b' U years.
HR10J:15-l .S!la1.S
..... S1ve ..... ,,._ ,•.ILT. $AU PllCI ,P'l rMl lll 4
~.95 •. 3.» 411 10.H· 101 .SO
.51..95 ea. 3.SS 4/110.ff 114.IO
SALE STARTS 5:00 p.m. JAN. 231d
~-~ . City Dr.atGlrdtftG""'9 ..... _...,.,..·---··· ----~···
'900 SO, ~·Ho. Of lo. COMIC l"tu:9 ____ , .. ,........,....., , ....
"So Good . , . It \Vlll
-"Jfaun~OU' 'UJ-lt's Gone"
We 1ill<•r•fy •ppr•<i•te your p1tr11n19e in '7), M1y
y11u li•v• 1 fruitful '74. '
Ow Tasty-$1 H
HONIY IAKID HAMS .................... ..
e l ..ty .. 5ene wltil Hoitey '• Spk • GI ... e S~rol Sllc.d Froin Top to l otto"' e We Pock.,. oH Ship fro111 Coast to Coa1t e F•ll Senko O.IJco••n e lfllported Cltee ... ffd WIHI e CcrNrlnt--A Speclelty
)700 L C... H.....,., C9'0H d-1 Mor -67)·9000
,. 1 l tldl W"t el J Cl'llwnl •ett•ur•nl ,~•"1"•"•~.-... ,,.., .. ~.= .... ==.~ .. "'= .. ~1~1 ~ •• ~ .. ~.7.~.~ ... ~t=.:.::'-~,~ •• ~ .• ~.~.",
s500 A MONTH
t23 'SI 11 1 0 •
)IODl:UI SMOmi '
\ -~· .. ·--·--OHARGE•T .fl(ilh your JC Pinney ChatQe CW.
~ -· II you don'I have a charge,
~Mt hOW laat we c1n oPtn upYQUr r'ltlf acCOUnt.
• '
' I I
,j -•
e s
•• m i ...
"'' F
H L• "· • ...
'" vo ... • . , ,,
"" "· H -" ~
:0. '" m
~ . • ,, •
•. L.
• ' •
-......,. Freemu, creator
and execullve producer of the
"Hawali Five-0" television
• • ooriel, died at the Stanford
University Medlcal Center
&mday alter open heart
~. A past president of /
the Wrlten Guild of America
and the Producers Guild or
~lea, Freeman, 53, also ~ 1"l'be Untouchables "
'Route 1611 and "Mr. Novak'."
Funeral senrlcee were held
Mcmdey le< Loo M. Harvey,
88, phllanlllropls~ industrialist
and inventor whose credits
__p:tude ~ invention of the
pop-top lid. A famil y
spokesman said llarvey died
Friday in ltollywood
Presbyterian Hospital' after
~sufferlnc a heart attack on
Geort;e A. Koester, 6 1 ,
ex.ecutive dean of San Diego
State since 1964, died Monday
in his home.
(AP) -l!ou ~It. 74,
retired . president of IUram
Walker Inc .. died Saturday.
ME~!Pms. TeM. (UPI) -
El'efttl ·RlclloM Cook;-79.
founder and dlalrman of the
board ol Coot Industries. a
$3t5 million grain and agricul·
tural conglom<nte, died Mon-
. day at his home alter a loog
De•C" l\'oClee•
U'I B. 11111 Ill., Colla -..... • BALTZ.aBRGIRON
FUNERAL DOME car-dol-mflM Coll& Mou Ill HU • BELL BROADWAY
lllORTUAllY lllB~taMeaa
• DILDAY 911(1111E11S
llfll Bndl ...... --.-lleO so.mi m Red••• Aw.
Lao111Udi 1u-4ll-llll • McOOaMIClt' LAGUNll
BEACH lllOll'l'UAllY
1'111 LIP"" C,11119 lid.
•Mil • ·pAanCVIEW -JIZllOllW.--PAIUt-
Ca.wJ _,, --~Dllft N...,art =-Calllenlo • Plllt FAMILY
..... A ... ..... trtr••
Tuesday, January 2'2, 1~74
• '
Transit Chief Reports • • • • • .
Fullerton'1 McF1rl1nd
An aheim'• Plows
By WILLJ/\!.i SCHREmtl\
k Of rlM Diii)' ,lltt Sl•tt
SANTA ANA -'nie Orange
C.Ounty Transit D i s t r l c t ' s
lnnova~lve Dial-a-Ride system
In La Habra has already
carried 100,000 passengers and
· things are still looking up,
1>CTD directors were... told
McFarland Will Lead
Directors. were briefed on
the progres> of the new
system, which brings bus
transi'I. right to a rider 's front
doorstep, by Or. ~1 arc el
1.obrak. vice president or
DAVE Systems, the consultant
which put the program
Zobrik saia monthly
ridership has increased from
Orange County M d• 6,000 when Dial-a-Ride began e -ICS-Jast 'February-to ,,., .. than
10,000 in December.
graduated £rom Ohio State
University in 1954 and ha.~
beeQ. a member of OCMA
since 1959.
* '* * Taxis
• • . ' J
"There is almost neve< any per ride. three percent ol the S)'Slem's notably In the propane ll
pe'ak del'n~, whleh ~tends t~ ·-7.obrak not ed particular riden are 12 or younger. systems that power the buses, !1 ~A1!_~e kper~dt.io~ll~re costlyt, interest ,in Dial-a·Ridc on the--"In ter~ of oroviding but none \Vere serious enough ,. UJUla sa · ppears . o part of younosters. senior to hamr\PI" the regula service ~. Jx: ~ad out equally with citizen_s and minorities in La mobility for immobile people, r-· r ;l
slight UlCl"eases di.iring rush Jiabra. it appears the system is runs. : 1 hour." hitting Its mark," he said. 7A>brak concluded by telling ~·
Dial-a-Ride 's 3 i m c d "Only six: perCent or I..a 7.obrak also told directors directors the Dlal..a-Ride ;
primarily at portions of the Habra's pofNlaUon Is 6S years the .»St of operating the concept has a good future in :
population either loo young old or older but nearly 20 system has·stablHzed--at about the county as long as It i! :1
or itoo old to drive or too percent of our riders are in $1.ll ptt passenger trip _ de\•elopcd at a reasonable :
poor to afford a cnr, Zobrak that ~·" he said.·· nearly the same as when the pace Md marketed properly. i
said. In a separate action OCTD system started. Transit d Is tr I ct officlals~
To catch the bus, a rider directors approved a pact with Ile said the oost is higher have begun studying ways to :·
calls a central number. gives the city of La Habra that than it should be because the expand Dial-a-Ride to areas ·
his address and wails an will subsidize elderl y riders. buses are leased rather than not heavily served by regular
average or 22 minutes for the allowing them to buy speci31 purchased. outright by ocro. transit buses -Including the
van-like vehicle to pull up to 25-cellts-per-ride passes. "l think the Costs will Saddleback Valley. ,
the·curb-in-frcnt of his house. 1.obrak said La llabra has decrease as the s e r v I c e But such plans have not ,
ZObrak said the so cent-fare about 10 percent minority e!pands, however," Zobrak been put into fmal form to ~
appears to be about right from population but 15 percent of said. date pending a c 1 o s e r ~
a revenue-support standpoint Dial-a-Ride passengers are Zobrak's report mentioned evaluation of the La Habra:
and riders can get--discount minorilieso--He also noted that some operational problems, system. i
books ~iValent to 35 cents ·--------------------" * . * * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
···-·-1 CU.ll\'41 •
A I e "THE CUSTOM e . i ing : nset pools pooL BUILDER" :
ORANGE -Dr. Philip 11.
h1cFarland, a n orthopedic
surgeon from Fullerton, will
be Installed Saturday as the
86th president of the Orange
County Medical Association.
He succeeds Dr, John F.
.Fa!Te!'., a Newport Beach
Dr. McFarland served as p _11 _ e 1237 SO. BROOKHURST . 28362 MARGUERITE PKY. • ~~:~~ ofon lheMeod~~.~ rogram Ciuwd Beloiv Par... • Aspc_ots· o1 Sports !or ~igl\t ANAHEIM, CALIF. 92804 -MISSION VIEJO, CALIF. e
years and is a fo~ing SANTA ANA -Orange Capistrano: with no regular • 772 6866 495 6500 • urologist. • ·
Ceremonies at rn e d i c a I
association headquarters here
will include the iMtallation of
the OCMA presidE<lt...tect.J)r.
Charles W. Plows, an Anaheim
ln addi.tioo, Dr. Alan V.
Andrews «. Newport Beach,
also an obstetrician, will be
i~talled .as secretary-
treasurer of the medical
Others to be installed
include four newly elected
OCMA Board m~bers, _each
to serve for three years. They
are: ors. Benjamin l.i •
-Harpe!', Orange; Howard
Waldstreicher .Jlycjen Grove;
Hugo Vietz, Anaheim ; 8lld
Ja~s G. Kidd, Newport
OCMA President McFarland
member . of the . American C.Ounty taxicab service is station cabs and Lagun' • Phone • Phone • • Orthopedic Society for Sports
lo . a • ,_tvriftt L"" ..,..,.,. •
l\1edicine. Besides serving on 'enera Y be w par-an? badly Beach and Brea wtlh on1y a"• swh'tt Rlt• "°1"'""' the~OCMA Board of Direct.ons -lD ~of some kind or three. • . SIR~: I •m int.,e,ted in 9ftti"9 your fre• edi"'•t• of• Suns.et pool for my home . I • • coordinahon Orange "--nt .~ u"derst•rui I ,.,., under "o obfi9•tion to buy but will be entiil'-.0 • Sun1et Pool
he is currenUy assistant Tran It Di ..'...t d' 1 ......,.... Y Other Orange Coast c·1t'1es b , , 2 o e
. . t prof f rt~ s Slrn; U"CC ors we.re • uyer• guiae •na , 00 llM-Chip-St1111l'lpt.
cuiz11ca essoro o '"'l"'"'"'c told ~fonday. include Costa Mesa with 14 e s rg~ at UC Irvine. OCTD General hf an ager cabs; Fountain Valley with • NAME ••••••• ' •.••• ' •••• ' •.•• ' •. '. ' •• '. ' .. ' •• ' •...•.••. TELlrHONI •••• ; •..• ' •• '. •
~·~Sldci;t-el'iit Plo~, .1 G.J. "Pete" Fielding outlined four; Huntington Beach with e ADDRESS • • · · • • · · • • · • · · ·: · • ·. · · · · • · · •. • · • · · · · · • · • • · .... CITY .. · · · ... · · · · •. · • · • · • e
na 1 .e 0 . urn.wa, owa, a study made by his staff 10; Irvine, wiknown; Ne"·port e 1nT TIME TO CA e received hlS medlC81 degree ol the ty' t . . Be h with Cl U .................................... "' ................... ..
from the State Univers.ity of conclu~untha~ 1~"c!'i';'"i!; wt~ six· !~~al ·=~·,i·;;iiiii·;;;;·~·i;;·~·i;;·ii;;;;i·i;;·ii;;;;i·i;;·ii;;;;i·i;;·~·i;;·~·~·i;i·~·i;i·~·i;;·:;.,;:•i;;•~·i;;·~·i;;·iii,;i·~·i;i·~·i;i·~ Jo\\·a m 1951. Following 2 im ved with l'ttl rr kn ' • years as a flight surgeon in , pro , 1 e ~ ort. un. own. . the U.S. Air Force, he served 'TaZJ~ have an .important Fielding s~ud there are a STATI IANI NO. 1060
a three-year residency in place tn the entire Iran~ number of Indicators that lead
obMetrics and gynecology at portatlon system and m1,.1ch him to believe the taxi
Stanford and Charity H~ltal. can be done to i m p r o v e Industry may not be in good
New Orleans. Since co!!linic !he quality and 0lev.el o! servi~e econrmuc health. to Anaheim ln 1951 ll:eliU m the county,' Fielding said. He said these include-such
been chief of staff a't Garden "They provide an exclusive-things as an apparent increase
Park Hospital. plus president use type of transit thatl· is in tal'i company mergers and
of the JOcal OB-GYN Society needed by many people." a lack of competition, an
· Fielding's study included a increase in taxi leasings and
survey of taxi service in all a lack of coordinaUon on tOO
cou~y cities and several part of local government on
unincorpcu-ated a re a s -the· control and licensing of
notably the Saddleback Villley taxi services.
area. . Larry Sleagle, a spokesman
Fielding estimated the for Yellow Cab of North
county's 2Ut cabs make a total Orange County told the OC'fD
of more than 124,900 trips per board that an organization ol
LOS ANGELES (AP) -used Initially, but 0 th er month on the average. cab company owners has been
Hoping to take a million cars . computers will be added as . The number of taxis serving fonned to work out problems
Computer Car Pool
Program Set for LA In the state Or California and Domestic Subsid~ies
at the close of business on Decei;nber 31, 1973
ASSETS a day off streets a n d 8 di d each community or city varied like 1he ones Fielding 1s r t nd necessary. ra ey sai · widely, according lo the polntlng to. -
reeways,i: govemmen a Invitations to participate in survey B t h led b industry leaders announced a · u , e no , s u c five<:c>WllY computer car pool the effort are scheduled to Anaheim is served by 78 programs as the ocro 'Dial-a-
program P.fonday. Hbt1.tent this week to major taxis, foUowed by Santa Ana Ride system in La Habra ~•de r a I Transportal1'on cOrmploycrs in Los Angeles. with 56 and Tustin l\'ith 50. could hurt taxi com~ny
r ange . Ventura. Riverside On the low end of the al 1--·r th xpanded Seer.ta~ Claude s . Bn'-gar. d •. B rd. sc e llANmes 1 ey are . e •J .... an ... in erna ino counties. are Villa Park and San Juan too far . · attending the news conf ere nee. 1-------'-'-:;:c:__::::_=::...:.:::..:.:...::::_=:..::::::_::::_.:::,:.._ _____ _
Cash and due from banks
(including No unposted debits) .......... .
U.S. Treasury securities ................... .
Obligations of other U.S, Government.
agedcies and corporations ........ · ....... .
Federal funds sold and· securities purchased
under agreements to resell ............. .
Other loans ..................... ; .......... .
Bank premises, furniture and fi x.tures , and
other assets representing bank premises ....
Other assets (including NO direct lease
' 743,295.n ··
344,781.86 •
5,954,695.45 vowed to "cut through red
tape" to secure up to St
million in federal f u n d s
available for the project,
described as one of lhe larg.,t
ever of Its type.
Les Angeles Mayor Tom
Bradley said a m 1 f o r
advert~ing campaign will be
launched to promote the car
pool concept to Southern
, 1m~t11 financing> ............................. ..
~U:1 II -roTAL "ASSETS ........................... .
Demand depo sits of individuals, partnerships
and corporations ................... .'.. . . $4,536,353.07
Time and savings depo sits of individuals
partnerships, and corporations .. '. . . . . . . . 3,344,139.30
Deposits of Uruted States Government .. . . . .. . 222 501 54 • • Deposits of St.Ates and political subdivisions . . . . 375,000.oo
Bradley said s u r v e y s
indicate that the average
occupancy of a car driven
to and from work in Southern
California is 1.1 persons. "If
that can be increased to 'two
Of' more-pir&ORl-eVery..da
we should be able to take i
a million cars off the roads,"
be said.
THE ... Deposits of cQ.mmercial banks ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70 937 oo c if . ' . ---------1-.Jl..__j ... ~i:t ied .and officers' checks, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 133,777.35 '1'0'1'Ab-EJEPGS · . . . . . . . . . 682,708.26----+--.!J
A private nonprofit
corporation has been
estabUsbed to Coordinate the
program, \vhich is the product
f'll'C". A Los ¥gelet .ctty
g .. cmment • -J)(lter 'will tie
At Irvine
A three-day seminar on
"Computen i n Learning''
Thuraday through Saturday at
UC Irvine will d r a w
representatives from th e
University of caiilornia's nine
campuses and speakers from
Calilomia and other parts ol
the CCKmtry who have helped
to pion e e r computerized
teaching .
Purpooe of the seminar, the
first of !ti kind to be beld
In the UC system, '!ill be
to ewnlne current and fut~
UIOS of computers I n
unlvenity instructlon..said Pr~
...Allred _Q9o:k, u~eaaor
of phyaico--and--wmjiiilii'
A full report ol findlnp and
pnll>Ollls wl1l be publflhed
following the seminar, wlddl
ii . beinl Jpomored by tho .
Unlvenfty, be aald.
' Speaken will include Arlllur Lu<hrmaM from Dartmouth eou.,., Karl Zinn from the
Unlvenily ol lllichlpn, G<Oe
Geisler of !be Ca!Uomlt Stata
Unlveraitiet and Colleg'" and
$1,000 4 YEARS 7.793
tenn certificate
63 3 $1,000 2%YEA1lS 6.98 %
tenn cC11ificate
6~., $1,000 1 YEAR 6.72 3
terin ccrtiftcate
533 $1,000 90oAYS 5.92 %
tmn cer1itlcate
And most popular of a//-the convenient
PASSBOOK ACCOUNT for daily needs!
5 '% % day-in, day-out interest yields' s·. 3 9 % per annum
•Wlc1'drawah bdON m~urily frocn tam ccrti6caie .ccounta art aub,lect lo roductioa IO ~ITClll
t*lbook...r• (l'Ola ... e( jtptUft, plus .... additiou.I lh,._soomr.,• inltral.forfciwrc:. -
HOMI. OPFICl.I 260 Ocean A-ue, Laaun& a-II, California 92651
Tdephooe: 49+754t •LAGUNA NIGUILI 3 Mocweb Bay Ptaa •SAN
CLEMSNTl.I !01 Nonh Ill Camino Real• LACUNA IDLIAI 24038 Catie
di la Plata .. LAUJWllNORl.a 600W .. Orabam A-llO
(a) Total demand dep(>s.its . : .................. $4,963,56ll.96
( b) Total time and savings deposits .. . . . . . .. .. . $3, 719 139 30
Other liabilities .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. ' ·
TOTAL LIABILITIES ...................... ..
Reserve for b·ad debt losses on loans (set up
pursuant to Internal Revenue Service Rulingi;t
SECURITIES ............................ ..
C AP I T A L ·A C C 0 UN T S
Equity capital, total ........... : ........... .
Common stock-total par value .............. .
(No. shares authorized 300,000) (No .
shares outstanding 125,000)
Surplus (incl contingent fund of $210,574.18)
CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ................. .
Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar
days ending with call date ........... .
Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days
ending with call date ................. .
$ 1,210,574.18
Market value of investment securities . . . . . . . . $1,867,615.00
We Paige V. Simpson, ·President. and John W. Walsh. Vice President
and Cashier of the above-named bank do solemnly swear/affirm that this b:l";'.2 of condition is true and .correct, to the best of our knowledge and
State of California, County of Orange, ss: Sworn to and subscribed
befor~ me thb 14th day of January, 197~, and I hereby certify that I am not
an officer or director of this bank .
My commission expires May 31, 1977. Nora L. Hurst, Notary Public SlllTll'I -ARY __ ..
~L---llW_•_i;s_:._··_ .... _ ...... Bemard Luskin from lhe
Cout CommuniTy Co II e g e
(Sig ned )
-Pabllshe4"0range coast Dally Pilot. Jan. 22, 1974
I I •
-. . ' •
J2 DAILY PILOT TutsQy, Jaiwary 22, 1974
Tryouts Listed Alka-Seltzer Ads Not Stomached · •
Open N·ew Shows
One of the a11~me classics ~--------,,.....
of the American theater and
the Orange County premiere
of a new m~tery thriller raise
their curtains this week along '--------=
the Orange Coast.
The classic Is "Life With
Father." whJch in 19 3 9
established a Broadway
longevity record of 3,224
perlonnances. It opens tonight
foc a three-week engagement
at the Laguna Moulton
Playhouse. or more recent vintage is
"Night Watch," bowil)g in
Satun!ay at the Costa Me5<1.
Civic Playhouse after a week's
postponement . The
psychological chiller will play
three weekends.
The newcomers bring to six
the number ol shows on the
ALW JN SAN Clemente is
the Neil Simon comedy "Come
Blow Your Horn ," entering
'its second weekend at the San
Clemente Community Theater
with performances Thursday
through Satun!ay.
Joanne Appleg'ett directs the
play, which features Paul
Alcott, Ken Shaw, Linda
Ak!ott", Tony Branat, Beverly
Stark and-Sheri Baumann.
CUrtain is 8:30 at the Cabrillo
Plii.yhouse, 202 A v e n i d a
.CabriUo, San Clemente .
Reservations 492-046S.
ooastal boards, with one of ROUNDING OUT the local
them -"Fiddler OD the n-·,.,. lW\11 lineup is "Mrs. Gibbon.s'
at-Sebastian's·West -winding BoyS" at the Huntin8(on
up lt3 extended run this Beach Pla)ito<ise, 2110 Main
w e e k e n d . ~h«;r local St., Huntington Beach. Joanne
attractions are Sticks and Woloott and Rex Day bead
Bones" at South Coast .the cast of the comedy under
Repertory, "Come Blow Your ~-~~· f J---~ ---iiom''8flne "SillClemente -~~="''-0 -~,,.._,.~· ~
Community Theater a.n d Also featured in the ·
"Mrs. Gi~' Boys" at the Huntington Beach cast are
Huntingtoo Beach Playhouse. Phyllis King, Myron Wibon,
EARLY JN THE season, Mark Manning, .Tim Grtmsley
"'Jean Koba directed h er and George Small.
husband Alex in • • A h , Perfonnarx:es are Fridays and wu.1----" et Laguna. Now Saturdays at 8: 30. ~•~ n-·---•~ ••• •••1. the rOJes are reversed, and ~ Ycu.IUI<-> ~
Sl'N!'s I" R11ee
Rep. Ella T. GraS&o (D·
Conn.) says she plans
to run for governor
this year, seeking Dem·
o c r a t i c nomination.
She's 55.
DOOJ!, __
"(•~..!:::~~!'' .
tou . . ~ l_ ......... ~ ............. ---;;;;a-...... ,--11 .,, ~··~,_.................... .
.,, .....-•• ·: 11r111t I lill...,._ ,, .......... "t:.1 •• ~ ......... -.~ ........... ,, ··--·---·Ml-......... , __..... .
• lillClllWck .. -soffsllfiot /251 '51.M VAlUI
Alex is directing Jean in the
co-starring role in "Life With
Father," a part she played
last season in l.Dng Beach.
Starring as Father will be
* .... . •2799
Bill Carden.
AN EVENING of one-act o Woot,ilo ........... .,....
plays will be offered this s ,..
the Fowrta. • yr..... . weekend by · m
Valley Community Theater. ,. B. THE TOUGHIE
Four different plays are on -.. 0 Fwtl 111" llli<k _ ............ fw
the agenda with performances at 8 ·o'clock Friday and ," ,....,,191 ne.
Saturday evenings· and a 'I'. • Self 1Wi11 M ""'•'• • r1n11 ..
special staging for theater ,~: ,...,, ,..ts, ilst slirH., & Mwl
members Sunday at 2 p.m. "· fw w•tihrtia
The bill of fare includes o WWtt fill,. -S yr.--·
. jilWT "5.IOVAlUl s3799 The four Day sons will be
enacted by Peter Case, Paul
Carden, Mike Fleeman and
Jimmy Barnhardt. Completing
the Laguna cast a r e
Rosamond Henry, S u s an
Cruttenden, Elmore V~nt,
Jack Bingert, Elinor Schmidt,
Helen Vail, Carol Gustafson,
Gail Sikora and Anne Wood .
"Death Knocks" by Woody
Allen, "Happy Journey" by c. ·COLONIAL ·/{IST ..... VAlUI
TOOmton Wilder, ' ' T h e •· s.,. ~, aess-Hdc Her.
"Life With Father" will be
on stage al 8:30 Tuesdays
through Saturdays until Feb.
9 at the playhouse, 606 Laguna
Canyon Road, Laguna Beach.
Reservation• 494-0743.
Mystery" by Orange County's 0 ltolllll"lloidi-pr ..... -itt-s4 J99 Jay Conklin and ''The Man in the Bowler Hat" by A. · mll1., .._ -5 yr .... -
A. Milne. The shoW. go on ·~-·-•lioUl!!llo4•wW•tt .. oa'!!ri.1k!'!11!'J1•llll•lllfloilll .... lill11!11• at the theater, 18280 Mt. Baldy
Circle, Fountain Valley, wi.tll+. if'.'-r_;;' ·-....;i;;;:., _ _;,;,;;::;::::;:;;;:: further information b e i n g I
AT COSTA MESA, illness dispensed al ~a.I.
has prompted some major
changes in the cast of "Night CALUIOARD -TM> local
Watch." Betsy Paul has been community theaters will be
forced to leave the show, and holding auditions Sund a Y
has been replaced b y afternoon -the Costa Mesa
Genevieve Murray, wt» has Civic Playhouse for "'lbe
been replaced by M a r y Apple Tree" and the
Sullivan, who in tun\ has been HWltington Beach Pla)d>oose
replaced by Barbara Van Holt. for "~" . . .. •
David PauJ plays the leading Patt Tambellinl '!ill ~trect 1----maJe 1ole In-the-Luci!~" m~::i::~--1'"'+-----=
• ..
24" Manzanita
"A H-1h Wonninp Volu• frorrt Lin·lroo•I"
Fletcher drama, with Gene musical trilogy with many
Benedict, Catherine Ames, Joe ·roles." oj>en , for m~n a n d
Purpura, Jack ~turray and "''Omen. Tryouts are Sunday
William Spencer completing at 2 p.m. and Wednesday at
the company. Resident 8 o'clock at the Community
director Pati Tambellini is Center auditorium on the
stagiJ!g the production. Orange County Fairgrounds~
"Night Watch" will be The soow01l<ns March-22 for
unveiled Saturday and wiil be three weekends.
performed Fridays · and "Rain" -the 5om"'C'l"t
Satunlays at 8:30 through Maugham story w h I ch
Feb. V at the Comnnmity insmred the movie "Mlss
Center auditorium on · the Sadie ThompSon" -will be
Orange County Fairgrounds. directed bv Jean Koba, ~
Reservations 556-5300. will be seeking a cast of elght
• ~·~ ............. syttnw...i. • IMI•••• rlllistk •1u1Nitl ....,, 24 iMli
...., ~ ............. orific ....... .......... •1999
resumes Wednesday night and
continues through Sunday at
South Coast Repertory under
the direction of P.1 a r t i n
Benson. Major roles are
~nned by James de
Pr!~ Ann Siena-Schwartz,
Rick Doyle and St e v e
The David Rabe tframa,
voted ·best play of 1972 when
presented on Broadway , is
_staged at 8 o'clock in the
Third Step Theater, 1827
Newport Blvd.. Costa Mesa.
JteservaUons 646-136:1.
tenure at Sebastian's West
men and five women Sund'av
at 1 o'clock. Readings l)'ill
be held at the playhouse. 2110
Main St., Huntington Beach.
v.·here the drama will open
on March 15 for f i v e
Best Disc
NEW YORK (UPI) -"1ie
a Yellow Ribbon "Round the
Ole Oak Tree" was a
pheiiiiffienlil best'Seller-Jn tbe
1973 record deri>y. Th e
song introduced by the
Dawn rock· group,-sold more .
lhan 5.5 miliorl' single reo:irds
before the end of the year.
-11 ... -
......... r1.tfoli t
• •
1'• a rifled Ad ACI10N CID •
A hlly l'let "'-""" 642·5'71·
llG. '2'."
Arvin~ Heavy [My Arvin• Po'rtabfe
UJ'ILnY HIATI• M•HIATD • ,....,.....,_,m.,1ue ...... .... ""' ................ ... ---·!loo .... , • C..,..& .......... .
-12111' -
110. s9aa
A. i
(. '
.. '
• .i
" ' J j . \)
Arvin'! Portable
• lnt ................ ....,, ----. • '"·°"' ' ~fllltlMt
llG. •7•• '!US
• •
reviewed with ...... d f
Super Savingll
• O...lk .... trms ....... .... •• .., .... a.mt.n..,., ..... ..... -··. _o,Qll __
7 c ·i..
II&. 15'
Arvin• Fon Forc«f
'li111vmaHIA'ia .. ,•IJll...._...._.._..._.. .... .... -.. • I 11 lltt,..11 ...... ,... sW .. ,..... . ..
·~ .. •• -·~·
'NB "90 tot"
f ' r,
' ~~ ' ' '11t1i,.
• \
' :r..
. " .,
~ ...
!! ...
ABC e 8:80 -"Get CbrlaUe Love." A bript,
beaU!illlf, black underco .. r detedlve • ~..".. anSod. ii marked for deatli. Harry Guardino, ..,,_ rel. .
CBS 8 9:80 -Hawkins. Wbtil a foothill itar ii
chlfled with murdering his team'• OWDtr, tbe vlc-
Um• Widow calls Hawkins to defend him. James ··Stewart ~tan. .
'NBC e io:oo -Police story. The concl~hin of
119ountdown11 starring Vic Morrow u a cop marked
for death·by the 1yndlcate. l,arnlne-Stephen1, Tlge
Violence .
In Truck •
(AP) -An Alhland Oil Co.
r truck ' was destroyed in an
early morning fire north ol.
here In an arta hit by trucker
protests, sheril!'s deputt.s
said. There· were no injuries
ln the fire. Columbiana County
1her!f1'1 depulles said they
·(IN siioRT ... ) . .,,. ,.....,.
-aison but had not HOSPITA'LIZED ..
detennined whether It was -Co untry singer Roy
strike ~ related, a I though Clark was in the inten·
they said no hlgh\vay accident sive care unit at Sun-
was Involved. rise Hospital in Las
The firtl came several, hours Vegas today. His n1an-a-
after the Ohio Highway Patrol ger said he WflS suffer·
reported disco•1ering n a l l s · f h t · 1-,.,;;;;;;;;;o:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;.,=;;;;;==--====/-+spread -e nreT 1re,n-c''yr--'· 1~n,.g r~m __ CJ aus ion.
crossover lanes on Ohk> 11.
wNil happefttd, MM Francll. Ti• no\.far from where the tanker northern Idaho in excCss of
O'CoMof and"''" C.tey .Ir. &uisl. truck .was destroyed. , $50 million 8J!d said some • DllllCIJlrJllCl--, , ~ iliif"lifClllotio..,,. <•"I e Ship Sought 10,000 persons had b •en
'73 -T111se GravH, Harry Guar· SAIGON (UPI ) _ .ci~uth displaced by the floods .
dino, LouiM Sorel, Paul Sttvtna.. ~ He said he had wlred
1 Cf1ri1ti1 Love ii a brl&ht, bteutH111 Vietnam In effect asked China President Nixon following his
ll!D undtmMt ffttcti'll aaJptd' today for a twCH!ay truce in weekend survey of the area to IRw.Upt• a hup West Coal their war over the-Parace,I k · f d I dru1 opmtlon. Woftl111 th!Ollll Islands so that Vietnamese a s 1 n g o r s a s t e r
lflone,'s· Worth
Preview of New
Workmen Comp
(Last I~ a S•rlcsJ
Our SS.year-old state
co1npen.sation system -the
nation's oldest for1n or social
insurance, covering more than
eight out of ten of us -
is heading for dramatic
The long overdue overhaul
"'ill come either as a result
of a federal takeover ot the
of a federal
takeover of
the patch-
work state
comp laws -« it will
come be-
cause .th e
t hreatof
this take-
over w i 11 '°•TEil
force the ' s tat es to act
on their own to erase the
Inequities, plug the gaps, help
equalize the now w I 1 d I y
·varying benefits from ·state
to state. l
Reason: tile commission
found Iha! 19 stales !ell shcrt
or this' standard. In 15 states,
payments stopped after 10
years, and in 11 states the
maximum benefits to cover
wage losses were less than
$25,000-less than the amount
most full-time workers ca11
expect to earn in just two
or three yea rs.
-Remove all existing legal
limits on the length of time
and...lh doJlaLtol•I to be
spent on medical care ' and fo r
rehabilitation for any work·
related· injury.
Reason: in 14 states,
medical benefits were limited
-even though additional
benefit! might be desperately
needed and might spell the
difference between a worker's
regaining ability to work or
remaining dependent a n d
• • the 'IJ'nditltt IUdtr's 1111~. designation. · Qrtstlt blows htr cowr and· is ships could searcb for a People bega'n r c t u r n l n g
nit ,...._ .... ----111Wt tot ·dttt11-11r 1 itiifti'OI' mlSSlrtgvesSel-0 r iii n a 11 Y ·home Monday in the two areas I ~'EHIND THE accelerating coverage for work·related =--:=.·-, """•"'!'I~ S.-tttlt to . Ml!!' begun!ilie1vrede. sunk by Chinese hardest hit by the rampaging drive for k form are the diseases were covered. Others ._. _... ...... waters. recommendations of a special drop ... the frequently found
)'57 PlllllDoqla. e-11111~ Aspeclalcommunlque --~-NalionalCommissionoriState r·equi rement that an :..::.= Lelct -.---:--• .,.. issued by the foreign ministry e Punaps Dru W or k'men's Compen.!ation '1-a-c c·i dent ~.J must have
... Cl)~~.,. said It now believed the HQlO, Tucso· N, Ariz. (UPI ) Laws. which last ye a r occurred in order for a ~-~L()J'~· •-•. _,. -a 640-ton. patrol vessel with dlS. abil1'tv. to ~ e11·g1'ble for -'T~ About 50 tniclts were stranded. completed the nation's first ~. ui;::
,..:,1 .,.• "'!!!_....... •-.r 1 ,,,. ,.. ,.... an 82-man crew, was, afloat her~ 1.-fonday when 'Arizona 's exhaustive study or the compensation. n•!El-' DIJ, FzF '1:a111.t:" Nic3. W"lilllllll's tt-somewhere in the Paracels lariat truck stop ;ran out of system. Its prOposals flash a Reason: several state s
11,()Jl I c11i1M1c1 '°"1IYtl of 1t1t Prillct of region, 200 miles east of di--• fuel lor the ri·~ u·me preview of the shape of the failed to provide s u c h OlnNrti Is U. first tn tMs 11rin Vietnam and 200 iniles south ~ u ill~ the "'10 fllm An-Hell*' al!d 1n ita It.year history: s~tem to come and scope coverage even th o·u gh ==--Mtrleftllt ~ltnfd Ibo stM': of China. "They can't believe we're of protection you can expect occupatiOnal diseases are now
r...r • ..._ ,.,... e Press C'On.tgets out of fuel," said David to have on your job within in· an upt~nd and in many ~11111' de<ift(l))CIJNlwUn A fidinl WASHINGTON (AP) Galligan, general manager of the nel:t two years: of the states which did offer ::: .:=. IOotball stir Is ch•ritt1 •ltll 11111,. Whi te House staff members the Tripl~T· truck stop, or Extend coverage to such coverage, only C'ertain ·um......... *'1111 his ham's vicious ownlf, have been asked to report the truck drivers. employcs-who are now diseases were covered.qOthers
and tht victim's widow hires 8i!IJ an'y contacts they have "'.ilh "There's no a 11 j m 0 sit y · exc1ud~ -without regard to that were not covered included r• 1 Cl) em.._ -Jllll•Htwkins to htndl• lhe deltnse.. mcrilbers of Dews media._ a _agailist _ us,..._the:Y-just _can't _ occupayon or num~r-of sorne .OJIJY. .r~nlly associi!ted ---....... _. ...... ,.--·Peter M"11-Ricllm111,-Warren-Klfll-k I d b . 'th h ard k I lll*~UllQ ~ 11_.e )It. _ Mtrtlna,_Dlck;Gaufl:tr, .Janta_Luisl. Pfesidential s p o k e_ s m a n understand why our pumps ~or ers emp oye Y a g1v~n w1 az ous w o r n g -...r-(Mv) ·4~111 AHr-. • run WtS1&r1 •nd St._ McH•lfY oonflnned J.looday. are dry for -the first 'lime firm and make this conditions.
WM .. .._... 111est. Deputy pres 5 Secretary in 19 years." coverage mandatory. F·il'lally, t b e comm1ss1on
WWI lllfu..r e""" Gerald L. Wuren said there urged a special s tate ~
I IM-= m llloit lo -was no intent to intimidate e Sabotage REASON: IN 15 states, the administered "subsequent in-~, '.U:9"-.. PtLI 1;:.. people or curb contacts with PORTSMOUTH, Va . (AP)-commission found ess than 70 jury fund" to covert he costs . II......, ..._ the pr~. . Apparent sabotage is being percent of the work force was of co m p e n s a t i n g a ~ ---te t •-satd was led tlte cl covered, and ln many states handicapped employe w ho ....., IHl8U Clll11 • Pellet,-,,,, i1ic in n, •it: • investiga on nu ear ~-..-: r .. -: "Coutttdaw11" Cend. ric Mofttw to be -inlormed a b o u t submarine USS Spadefish, uow those least llkely·to be covered ncurs a second in jury ·on -. -f!~l::'-----1--~-~ n Sil---.SO..-Uf"'4e;-.-ui, ••ooncems-being-e%pressed-bY-at Norfolk Naval Shipyard for were those most in need of a new job. The reasoning here
.., , Ill P*lll mirktd tor dNth by th• s111diclte the press" of things that are a one-year overhaul that protection. such a3 domestic is that most employers are
""" -•lier kiWIC o;M of tbt1r •mbm the bl' ' mind workers and farm \\'Orkers. reluctant to hire, for instance, ' dunn1 a bur..t1rv. Llrllnt Stl"'· on pu IC S ' began in September. •··· k f ' d Jn all. the Insurance a person who is blind in one 1·• 1 Jltw T,... Miii · 1111' Tifl Mdrews, Joe Slntos and e FIOOfl D•uaage S!JO es.men c 0 n. 1 r m. e 1 n f o r m a t i o n 1 n slit ute eye for fear or the high cost
. ~'....... Arttl..nt Comer tho pest. PlNEHURST Idaho (UPI} 1.tonday that ·electrical Wires estimat es, 10.5 million U.S. of providing W·o r km en 's ":.!!'~~ •••11._ _ Idaho Gov.' cec·11 Andnt·s on the boa. t ha.ve been cut . •• • (I)~ ral 1 t r 11 workers are not covered compensation in s uran ce
...., ......_;:; 8 ~-· ..., It.I. Aionday estimated damage in ~ N ~~~ 1 sin~ve~v~ today. against the possibility of the n~ lorpiJM. lttsr A t , •ftJorl•I the klnllSt rtmls-~e is looking into the -Peg ca s b benefits for worker losing his other eye
llair. · -; :!°~~ :=. ":.f~1U! COllEI I EjASE incidelits. . teml?(>rary total disability and jn an-accident on the job
~·-·IAl'·t,":.::""'°a11oo1 .. , -·-°' 1~ •• '-,' "~ .... ~ lt!ll e ••• ca ea s o a 1 _. .. fixture and a cable containing of the worker's gross weekly employers ar e based on ' 11 I d wage as of 1973 to 100 percent . ·accident and·illness records).
.... ..511 'J, J ;l,.j J3
NASDUttt'9fetMonday,Jo........,21, 197'
·MU'l'U AL FtJNDS ·. · ,., ,, I .. I 'I · El ~~ I l d t l'ght dea"th to at least two-thirds (t'nsuran-premiums paid by
~':'.~~I ·Tftlllna .... ,r-.1111 1:1Z::. ·,.., -AlltMrt.H ~=~:;~athcga~~~ e~t~. of the state's average weekly · _,
•• ._ c--i-i-... .., spokesmen said. wage by mid-1975 and up to ONE CERTAIN result of ..,---------------•,!',---•
• ~ ...ai&,1111ndlr --. a maximum of 200 percent such a plan would be to Ntw York '-'=o:. 0rec1 Cp 3.•7 4.35 11111 F!'ld 10.6011,24 111111n co 111 l:ll!J~!.,!:,!~ ,!1':, ,... .. LM a. New •74 ,.:. Hl!MllM&l Home Fire Protection of each state's av.erage weekly encourage. employers to hire ~111J.~1•t,,= =·E 1:::t 1:::~ ~vii:= ~:; ~:!; ~~!•. ~:= ·;::: • "· '8841 wage by 1981 h d' ped k t .'n on Mututl IMtEYt'US GllJI' Jenus Fe 14,,6 u ." Ktfooa11 Jl'DI: w.,.rttic1~ ... • ..,,.._ tttt1 lt:'Jfl!l!ll--!"ail MONTH • an 1cap wor ers - or a Furw:11 "~ 11r Drvl'•fd 10.ot n .06 JHln 11111 •·• 1J9 1111r '"' 11.»U.sl ,.._... fire &,Smoke Reason: in a majority or least to remo\1e a well-worn ... NAso 1..:. . Eq1.y Fd J.66 l.•1 JH•n SIQ 1 ... •.~ B111t1t u .a t4.a
!.;:!Fu-u l •• -, ,, the . "--..1: · -1 tN~ Lv 13.n1s.21 JOl\Mtll 21.~21.s. eom •.i. •.1• ... • Jl'lvl .. & L .... vn A.ppr l'ICI Allrmt states, maximum uea~lt excuse for refusing to hire ......, . Sp tncrn I.IS 7.M 11'.IYITOJllE: 5-•I 24.5324.SJ Offlcw ..., -'4 Mo. O.E.L d' bled k uld l .Hnuery 21, 1•14 :11'11 Cant •.• 10.11 cust 11 tt.61 tt.'416 5lld uv 4.47 '·'° .._.._.. Mlect .. t ....--..:, "" -__. CONMIU CHIYIOLn a l88 wor er co ge them. E&E "-' 102 J.02 cuu a1 11.•1 70.n 11cu111TY 11os: -~----9!.1'!!'!!!'!.... __ ---nn MAUOl-111.YD---5$6-4420-~was-under. !he ·poverty~Jine-T"-pressure on .th e sla tes IM AM £loie Gr 7.1t '·• Cust IM I.t i a.'13 Etuilr 2.2' J.tt zlM lttidt ... wrttlf II ) '5f.-..lftftl Mtllo, ... ,,.. ' 1n; Adrn Gw 117 4.24 IEAlOfll A Cusl K1 L1t 1M lflWll LU •.14
..., '>lo -· °'""' ..... con• MUA 141-lllO a.1.2 •579 for a family ot . four. J\1ost to move to comply with the Adm inc 1.)fo 1.11 MOWA•o: cus1 Kl s.n 5.1s u11r1 F "·" '·" "r l'V ~ Adm Ins 7.'416 I. 11 kin Fd &.9:1 t.'1 Cust ~1 lt,O 21.1'4 laLICTID l'OI;
hod, I...._ ,.,..... 1'::;:;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:=:;:;::;:;::;:.:~~~;,;~~=====;I y,·orlcers were getting less than -new standards is on. Uoder Mvl_. •.20 '·" Gwt11 F 11.11 11.u cus1 st t.st 10...u Am SN '·" ..., !---""' -.,~ 1no1· ••.,vo• Ii 1 thi els of th · los Altne Fd 1.n 1.t1 inc-5.tO "4S c~t SJ '·'° 1.5' Ooo Fct 1.n 1.21
-Ill• '"' "" -and benef't 'j' ' Ahllw. 1.3' a.Jt ~kt Fd 11,ot U.04 Aclo!IO 4.0I 4.47 SMl.llltl ~ (~~, ..r:.. .... i' .... ..::. -=.• -wo-r eir t wages a bUI to be before the 1974 """' 1n u.111UJ SmcirF 1.ot 1.w. cust Sr 1.w '·" 5iil' sm 12.n l1.JJ '°""' -· •-~llirc-ltl! -STOCKBROKERS . 1 ce1 mgs were, in Congress, the states would AGE I'd .... ~-" 1:01E s.. 11.se 11.se ~.,, J.n i.a •to.ot 10.11 . mos i states , u t•t e rly hav. e only until July I, l975, Alll4.t• 10.'111 • .a Etrtt Gt_ 11,0. 12.112 Knlckr s..a L40 11r., 11 11.15 11.11 .y ,. lly...,...,~ ., AlpNFd IO.ttn.oo Eltw!Trt IJAI ... KlltrGtJ\ 7.Cll 7.67 illMLOOllf': our am n••,-.• ()Jlftt-, ·w. -.. _, •• _,-... ..._to .. ,,...,,..~ unrea. Jistic for hi"" ... r pa i d to act. Amclll I' 4.31 4.11 ·e,,...,11 1.10 1" 1..Ntntrk L» "" c:-sc :r.41 J.11
Tit ~ =· --li'"" Am llrth t.n 10.1• EM•!l'I' 11,42 11..fl LO Edi• 1J.ll 14.4' lnt1'111' S~ s.t1 * THIE• H"""Al'f'f II-' i•·• u If! Ct= ·., ~ = c.-4 ...... If "" .. • !l.,.t••ct.i ~ 1 • ..,...,.. workers. And if they do not? Then "'" D'trs a.n "" F11rt111 -· 1.s.t a.14 i..n. Fd 4.1• 4.1• fltt fd -·'' ~.ss ---t Am Ellly. 4.44 4.11 Frn 8i.we a.23 a.Jl UX GllOUP: Hll'br 7 . .U a.1! •·• ,.. ll'llJ ef ,._ .... • _.,. .. •llf ef the prospect will clearly be AM 1xnw Ftd llfb 1.J.1 ••• ep Ltc1r U:.60 1•.• ....... L ""° '·"
8\1!Cl)at....,..,. •lctdl (wa) 'U-tt.0 O'BriM. UMI ~ .._., .. ·.i •• te ... te .,... PAV PERMANENT total a federal law -and still 11:: Lo .7.m '3£t'f!~Y · t:~ 1t~1:;n :U.~,.1;3:.~·•1
.,,. hbj buy a ....., CM!Vtftil»lt Criltll, Rtbtrt (YIM. Pl••• phone Mr. Cruttendtn disa:billtY benefit! for the another Iarer or bureacracy lncorn I.II .... Ind -l.tO t.73 u .. lnlv 1.'1 l.G: Apprc 11.tO 1t.5'
Ill(._ .i,..;, M ut uta Jar au Cl) <II &'I ,..., C... Jt...--entire duration of a wor~er's and -e,e-n t.r a I i z at-i-o n in ~?" -!::l t~ ~':~ '~:= 1•1:~: t=...'f '·0 '·10 l:C-=:-.-1i:ft :tJ .
die Md 11op lllMtl' ·1111C1Mn1ca1 lliwii -nit,_.. (mys) '5' 540-7000 --disability and up11rade benefit Wash•••ton. 1c Ln '·0 • ~ '"1 ... 1AY1.u: °''" to.• to.• •-·-•·• "'' ff. D ,.'ti Atn Grtll 5.11 6,JJ Dint 6,!t ; .. Citi OW 11,4111:'1 Sldt Fd 6.U 7.2'
.. -,. ... IL -• :~:~~~tt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-;~~·~~~~~~~· ~·r~un;· .. ~~~~~~~r=ir~~~~~~~~~~n~""'~~lnlln .... 4.81 Eu ..... J .... ~ ... ,~t 13,52 11U SIOMA FUNDS: ""' '"fif '·" -~t.Y '111lr.t°"i:t . • *1!:!!1---_,-.._ .~ , A ktutilul .KIHll(' SEVEN ADVANTAGES ArnHt Gr 2.11 2.11 Pur1111 t .2s 10.11 "'" aw1 2.t0 ,,,. :rr.11-,,.,,...,1.n '·'' u..n,_ TWI -;,-actlvesa11.fKM OURPAGERSOF.FERS AMCMO• s.11tn11 1.»1. 8ndc:11b , .... to.».'Ntmir--r..•'·"
-1~ •-.. ~ 1 •--·•'· .,~,, ''' -GllOUf': T~ 20 ... n.JI t.utr.m •:• 1a.n 1tt1 a t.!t tJt ,_, _., -· WIVI Wll ,.. '" Grwltl 6.tl 7.46 l'INAN(IAI. · luaill I" t.n to.GI 59 l&Gf' 10.lt 10.lt (~ 'IQ-Jou Celllnt, aprucl bltcklllail at I plush btllftl lncom 7,03 7.10 f'•OOU.MI: ' MASI CO: • ' 51 0.11F. 11.1911.12 ~ • "'for womtrt, Chrlslopher Gtofp, AltMrv 10.0210,,. Fin D'l'n 4.Q'I 4.01 Fr"'" 7.M l.P E' llW '·" 1.23 --· 1 _.. Slltclr J ... 4.M l'!n Ind l .• ,... lndo F 7.30 I.Oii Inv c;. S.47 s.•1 lg:... l,...Dl}'Gtotp,ftltl albol,.... F'11c1111v 6.6.37.tl 11r111nc J,,. ,,,., Miu I' 10,nn.f• r111 I0.4111.40
;-; Scott llar. · Sa Fi • I Sta w1 N111 .ii.• nM v.n1 • '·" J.M w.u l'NCL: "'' ltl o> ~ --' ft Clll ......... d '-'!toll tJlt ... 1$1Fd VI to.'4 ll.tJ MIT 10.-111.44 P tnO S.10 J.70 . .., tl...... Ill .!IP • ..... Audi• F 6.2t L• Pt:tST'" · " • 'MIG 11.05J 2.Cll ITAT• MID 0111':
----·--. AXI IMYISTOIS· • Ml D !l.Sol 13.111 torn F4 4,!f 4,M . ~ ....:_ u.1-:.--...... -~MOUottTOM: ~Ola N 'i;.o...,._,,~MFD-11 . .Slt.n DlllH!f 4,W....,,07 ~ II ,t -
. --· (di I Fund A 4.• 4,U Grit• Fd • 11 , ~ MCO n .75 11n Prows .... ,,., l:JIR(ll{lj) lltWI ' : ,,.. . a 0ec,ember 3l,lYJ3 FUlldl Ltl7,U Jncorn 1: • .: .. "'-~lv t.1'1.1'.tSlFfGr .4.•S•.CS-~Wli'll tthef'' ...,..,.. Ova-' luttr, Sterl1n1 HtJOtrt. Stock • S.M 6.fl Stoel!. F 7.26 7 '16 RMttllr t,s.t t.S. Sl Fr Inc I.SC ,t.,.,
.... Sci l.'1 4.15 1r1 Munl (11 1;1 Mid ""' •.'1 '·'° si.11 Slr 2'.n«1.1t ::C:-:r."'-.. · .~I 1•11ie:.:--· ASSETS IL.C Giii Ml.111)1.112 Fifi! ..... a.oi l.Clll .. Fd. •.»"~o.n TUDMAN l'DS1 _,,-i ~ ~ IO.JJ 10.JJ l'O•UM OlmUf'· .,_$8 Fd 11.te U,te Am l!'ld l.11 1.11 ·~ _.,. CUltonH··•··•1n·-unent-·wues r S265&•4g Bl~roc 5.M 6.SJ t00 ·l'nlf· t n .tnr.-t• SrtG•.6J .... M•Fd 1.11"1.11 ttMralk .. I-· ' · · .,.., ~ •-.....,..._. ''' •• • · · '· •''' '' •' ''' '' '' ' .. '' '''' '. ,. Slyrt !If S.SI 6.~ tol Flllil LOD 1'• MIF Fd '·" l.!1 .1""'11 1,tJ 1,n
lfllll.'*'Str""alle..,..U. 'J·•·1.---ot ll:'M r -1u..._.. .. ,.., ........ 5-• 7"700 19NCl'l'HI 1.• 1a c.DtW91 • 7:.1 i'1 MIF Gro 3."'4,JO Oc-···~ U~u..-l~ -l'N '"' •· Dduu111--•-.iuo. ,.,...,, •• , •• , •••• ,.,.............................. JO, a.~on t.J4 t.14 u Fa w S:.1 Mu0fn9' •.n 4.60 T.llJll llCMll' : ~ "':..._ _, ' ) 'IT-ttofp Mor:••rr. · •c ,.., Slr•w l.41 a.n l'-dll Gr J.as· 4.11 MuOfn 111 a.sa t .2' Wliftc:. · il.'51 .tS ---.. .L nntTrUltI>eedlonlellEstate ....•.......•. ; ••.••.••.••••••••••••••.•••• ...,,.,..#,&65 ~It 4.1'.4 ... POWMDlltS Mui Slvs H.!OH.!O Clipltl a.n 1.12 SH._ ....... = A cfltnto 1:91----= "IMt llllll'J 11os1 "*' t .11 10.02 "'°" .. ,-. , Mutl Tr' 1.a 1.a Sloct ll .. 11.•1 P~ SI"" __.. LolnltohdlltataSaleofJt.ealEatateOWned............................... 581.157 .,.,_ · t.es 1.11 ~" "'"·SOI ...e 111du t.a •.a ... .,,.1 C'. ,. ... II • • ...... N" !kf'hrn t ... tM lftc• I0.9' n'ts *T SIC L'DS; · Grwtll ,, s ... Ll4 : = ....... frlll lfll 1181. t.11111 Sold on COntntct • , •••••••••• , • •• • •••••••• •• •••• , ••• ' ••• ,... . • • 139,736 th1t yours m1y not! v1M ,.,.., , •1111 Ut '°' a.1~ , .. a.~ nc -7.w •.n 1:11~-i'!---'-111--"r"'O 1u11 Fd 11.,, 11.tt "_,, 1 ~ ~·., -aonct Sr 4.6t ,_.,. 1.• a.ts wt~ .,........... -·-_...,..-,. ' ......---~ 1 .. .:.1...n Cdl'I Fd 11.41''l.ct -~.,-.:V"''7 -D1\/ldft :LG.11• Kfillr S.•-•:ss 111 11 If 11111 IUt (11111) 95--,,.....C... Other toaftl ·••••••••····•·•··••••••••••••••••••·••••~•·•••••••' ,,,,. '''' ..,4o.1,.;r;• ,. COMPLITI OUN•I _ Olw Sl'w' J.n l:I Pll&MkUM , &J Prll S. 6.10 Ll1 r P I.IQ tJil
...... -r .. _ ......... Uncoil..--. 357 •311 COUNTY •. COYllAal ""9twe11 t.33 lO.lJ lltOUP: lllCINI\ 4.U "'" ,, G. 6.0D, '-~ UIUJ.l-~·•·UIV\IUl.I vi..1-............................................ ,.. NY Vfft to.'311.10 ONTC JSJ 710 $M<kSr .... 7.111 ~Co'·" I·"
... _ n..... ............. 1-.,.._ ___ ,. .. r I 17S 79' • ..., .... ,: \ ~-a..ci., CG Flllld a.11 .... G""ll Sr .:s. .:ts GrW1ll s.• ... ''"' c.. '·Yi n , lleal .,_,lhJ v"ntN <Uo.'l'"""'" llllUUljll OreC 05Ufe , , • • • •• • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • --···a • .: caera•l.'fl,· '--'oa'Y'-io·-,--C.0 Trln •.W 10.S. .fr-in(nl-·1"1 .. IM ·=·· lNO LP:,:_. _ (e'l'I l"I t , 1 IO ...
--.. Cini SM lf.111J.'7 us c;.w s '"ta'~ qulty 1s.·n ""' Udll!" H 1!1 "'D llla'l f.ltlftl Owned (Or l)evelOpm.9111 .. , . , .. ",, ... ,.,.,,, ... ,,,.,.,.,.,, •. • 106,882 0.,. hW, • well • ..... (NII Inv 1.41 1.20 utllltl1 .:is in t.01 t.• CG , 1.11 1 CHANMOIO Rtl Cip 511 s'11 ll'IC:-14.ll 1Lll Cl · . 6 .. 1 Anocladon Pn1m11et and Lea,se, hold. Improvements (net) ......••......• , . . . . 335,948 ..... lllHI '"" of LA •• ,.. 'u•DS: 111 Eqtr 3' 11 4' 1i Sidi u .u u ... llnltlld ,_.. '·"
2 .. o~H TO MONTH kll'ICd t.5110,• Fki LfEq t :1:1.10'6.l Nl!A Mt '1.61 &.•Uni= t.76 7.>t
t nx d <• 1 t I t) 169,823 "' • 111t1 fd a.11 '·" Fd.MI 11p 1.11 •1s ,..., '"'" •,1, '·"UM• •••..,ca tum ture, ture;t an uiU pmen ne • • • -· · • · • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • • • • · • · • • • • • • llNTAI. IA.SIS com Stk '-" 1.:io 11u•os INCf' · ,...11W111 1.n 1.tt •1tOU :
Ot 8Mi 428 3 NO -tT llnUtOID EQ11 Gr L'IO t.~ OllCKf .. : NIW1on 12.03 IS.lt 9rd S IW 11.12 11.11 her Anett .......•..... ' ................................. ' .•...••.• ". ' -rVil' T EQly Pr 1.IS J.tl Gonwn ln .... POI• Pt'1 ,,, t11 • Niii In• L14 7.JJ
ON A,,IOVID CllDIT F!'ld Am 1.os 1.10 11rns-c· '1:srt.t4 MtwWld 10.•11,CMl ,Unr. t.11 t.OS
rorAL ASSETS flt 027 950 4 ONLY SIJ.ot PIO MONTH Grw111 4.40 •.ti lfl9u$·tr "'-111'11.0l Nlclllll 11 ... 11 ... 'Mii 1!:,14 ll,Ji ' • "" •••• ' •••••••• ' •••••••• "...... •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • t<> • 111com '·" 1.11 .... 1.ll .... Ntrt lll'tr "·" 14Jt Ulll!T 0 rVMOIJ..
TOTAL COST SOK.I 1.•s 1.911 '-"-""! s.s. s" °'""' 1.» 1.to A.ccum 6.111 ..... Vtntur 1.10 1.U GE S.. p 3004 ' 0 Nill tel 11.1111.11 W I'd 17,71 .....
51.Vlnp Aecountl , , • , •• , , •••••••.• -... , ...•.••• , ••••.....• , •••. , . , ••. , ••• 155,tlS,322
Loant in rroc... .. : .......... ' ..................•......•....... I......... 685,SOS
fedenl J:IOIJ'lf Loan B&nt ~vanc;n •••••••• , •••••••••.•.••.. , ...• • •••.•••• , 8.648.so(l_ °''* 1aaowed Money . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • • . • • . • • • . • • • • • . • . • . • • . • . • . . • • • • • • • • 2.000.000
Deferred ltemt , ..• , ......••..•..• · • · • · •.••.•.•. , .••.•••••••• • ...•••..• -.
()ta Llltllllttet • • • • o • o • • > • • • • • ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' O O o • O • o \ • o • • • O ' ' • • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' • • • • •
Sp9c1llc Lolt lflltll'Vll o o • • • • o • o o • ~--o o • ' ' o o ' • o • • • 0 • o o o • o • ' • • • o o • ' ' I I • ' ' • • • • ..
5 ~~~J;z~~~uN·,y =1&.: ~o.n ~= ~ ti1' ~ ... ~"•Ii"'·• ~I: t: ;:U
•1-. tl "••••'''•I "lllillos 7.t1 '·" I~ lllll 1f ... 11: ... 0. Alm t.OIUI --11., ..... ~ '"" V• I fT9'I Co 4.5' 4.'I f1I f2 15 22 1J , Op P'llil L• 6.fJ ~ 6, ,,6J
6 •OICI MUIAM P.t.•llS SllTr k 1.1• r.a MAMILTOfll 01 .. : Oa T'"' LOI "" ·t• s.w Spec.I s.n -•. n """" ' uo ii. O'T'C ~ t...UIO. Cl , • ._,. Al.SO Attl AY.AILAllLI °"1ft I'll .,,. t .11 Grwt11 5.'1• ,:21 Pirll'fll Lfl f.ot lh'IS t.t1 ,.,,.
7 fUU Plll MAINTINAMCI OIA MMlt POI: . ll\OMI Ltt LJ't Pwiul "-v Ll6 LD IN llUMOI: · • UIWfY .&.U ...... H1r1w1t t n . t n ~-F 4.D 4,N ~ , 4.tl i,a . ""-l'lfll l.M J.tl HM1 Lv LH L!4 Pltrol'I Ml lll t.11 &ii 1'Nt 1.it ... ~~ !:~ ~:. =~·-' ti: JM = ~ t: Li YAUft.lt'~ on,"i(;f ('CU ~T\
H\fllf)111 I l'IHJ'if
.\f H\'ll I .
f'M'7t o\ 7.10 7,H f 91 1 .. 1'ii fl'll.OltOA Gf': "'I .. Liii utl'Ji
CDLOJlllAI. HorK• 1.: .. 1.:04 Jl'll Fnn IJ.lt . • • v• "" 4.U ... "'Miii: lflllll'I Co l.D '°' CiOlll l.H J.U Uv G4ll 5.P 6.W
l!.,itv J,15 l.11 Inc Am Cl} (II il'llt "4 '·" 1.61 Y&llC
__,Cl.__pf!ll, Sa~ •nd ~ .••.• ,, , •••• , •• : •• , •• '''..!.!..!.!..:'!.!.!-',.".!..!, •• -• • • ~,JB7,lfll ll---Jt4 • IJRJll •
C.W.r t.1J '·" ,,,.. Gr • 6.61 1:n 1..:orn . l...U t.'2 '¥'11.1 -r. f,lf J.17
fiilld t ... IO.• hie: 1o1t S.1:1 t.• PIM st I0.1Jto,11MMO .. : Grwtft tt"-S ... WW-l"Anl J.OT'"l.-29 Mii T,....._(11 0 1 ,_. UI
ll'IC9fll t.MI0.11 '""""' a" tD Jl'IOfllall PO: VS .CMn LD• J.'416
TO!AL UAllLl'nIS AND CAP!l'AL ..................................... S71~17~~ f
Accountl Insured. to S20i000
eomplitt Ui1&ndl1'1111ement available to mvwton: upon nqa11t ..
0 KEYSTOllE SAVlllGS-___
• IOUl4 w: CUpen, Cllllnnu ol tho lo<nl '
AllPOll ~.Ollol. UM MICA!lhu lll.,j, • Anlholttt Olll<o, 555 North Ea<ll4 -"""°"' Olllot. tilll --. • M11!iOD VllfO Ollk:e, 14041 Ma!Jlletllt PlllWay
•1 SO, SANTA l'I, IAHT4 &M• fr.nl L ...... IMdl. 'M ....... Y .....
O.\M """'' SM ClflMllllt, flW ....... Ct"'rMe, II T-. t.. tiff frM
""'""" 7.Jt t.• 111 tnft11 11's11ttt Jl'lon £11 6.11 7.l4 5-:t •.•1 1.11 CllWll G n.'416 11.'416 in._.,. G Los Los Jl'lon Fd n• 11. ~ i.n t.Cll C:O"t'OMIR.T" lrw CO A 11.'2 ll.o:J Jiii-11 t ... 10,11 ~ 1.U 1_.
, .. Ylt1 Inv 011141 '" 6U Plllllld ~11.MVMfll'I S,lt ,.. "'. 1,07 1.u lllV lllli< 1'23 ' PL! GAO to. 11, V1r1M I ~ J.•I
t 1.P I .• E' ta:u11'it ·:~: I , v.-111.0.. "" 4,,, -~ ,._ t: i:n • ·~" · ... 1,. :::~ :t =~"ti,~::: l~~~~~~~~~~~~~I • , ..... .s ,2, 1!f ... Mir '-! '· -.•to.• ,. ... i:n ::i; ~:t ~ l;; ~ ta L , • (l~~Ople •• ..a-) • "' rn~.., rOVIST • ...,., -oo '·" • 'flltt.ot ll lllV... cn~111 ,-: lltl •.ot IDS Otfl s.• l'nlll ~It t ,11 t, ,fil , .•
(OnMI '" L'9 I·" ID& NO s.o. j,SQ ""!UM .... . ·I ·" ,.,,,., c "·~' .• '°'" '" •.• ··-· ,... .. '·" '""' °'" tu .,,. ""*-' 1.11 'l:i tiin.... 10.11 \!,n ......, 11.w 11.u: ('Ml Olv 14 S.U n u 111 E': 111 1. --te.111t;02 Fll. 11n..av 011i.s ,,, ... .:,4 •· • '1:,.u ... .,.""" •.w1e .... , l7ft 1 l:l't':L-.:-'s .. ,, ,:: .... ' tu t ... ,"C 1:~ I0.'1 -=..~ tu ~:it
e.0Uri° I I I: ~ • Inv t.lll WtN Cir J.'1 1M 1 OMii t.4' ~ Grw111 ._,. '-11 V"'-fl t .02 t.t1 Jt~:' S.11 Ml. 'in tt. 111-11t•y1t111 0.1. ,. .,,, •·• 111CM1 •.11 .. " ~ •.t.t 10.a '·""'1~ • ••••-••• •• ,. .. _ta T •·• ~tS Tl'li ut •·• , , :::: , 1.0I 1, ..... .....-,._. --,, .. "' ,.,., ~ ,, .. w 1-~
• ,
NAM.I ITAT•MINT 'Tiit 1o11ow1no J1tt10M ,,..
IMlolntM I •:
&l\1'111., Gott• Mt.-. l llf. .: • Alben Holtowliw. 4232 ~ I.It.I• ., RUTH CHATTERTON, "DI: ,ltO&AT• c Cl u. T TD Llk...-11, C.llt . .OU) D«.ffMd. D•Tl•MINI TITL.I TO PIOPlltTY
JOM Htmpton, 173'$ I!. Clf'MA. NOTICl IS ,HEREIY GIVE!N hi 11!1 Cl'tWIM C... SH. HI.JI
H1w1ll1n GlrdlM, (1111. ""'' tr.ttltor1 of tM lllOVt rlln'lld -..nt Etllt• ef 060RGE C!Cll. ROSE
T1'tl1 bo.ltlflttl 11 «lnd\lcttd oy I nmlttoO '"'' Ill pet"ilOl'!l lllvlfl9 d•I-.,.i111t •kl OEORGE' c. ltOSE. 0.CNWd. ' pertntnhlo. !tit M1d 41<: .... nl 11"1 reqlll ..... to 11111 NOTICI IS HERE9Y GtVEN IMI ~19111111; lt!lm. Wiii! 1111 MCts••rv VOl/CNtl, In HEL.E'N· M. R.OSE, ., AC1mlnlt1r1lrt•
Al ttonow•~ tllt Olfic• et "" tl«k ef lllt ...,.. Of fht nt111 ot ~ CKll lto.1,
"Th11 111tffMnl ""'' llltd w\111 lt4 tnll1"4 too1tl/ ot to Pl'fftnl 1fllf'I. with lies fllld lltrtln 1 111tltlon tor 1111
Coull.Iv ci.n of 0!'111111• COU!llW on It'll ntetUtrv '11111clltrt. to 1111: Cou1t to Otttt"ml~ tUI• to !ht 111rt0t1•I
J1nu.1rw ,, 1t14 und•rolOntd •I tllt otflCt ol 1111 lltot"'"•· ptOIMf"tY tStKrlb.tt II I pfOMIUo,., nolt
,....,.. "Altl(EA:. eERG. LORO' $0L.OWl!IOE'l.. In 1111 orl11!n1L '"'" ol uo.100.00 d•lttl
"ublllflld Or•n!ll COii! 01llY l"llol, m Securl!Y a1411 .. Pelllllnl, C•ltlornl• Oc!Ol>ar J. ,,.,, H YIDI• to ~a·
J1nu1rv t, U, fl, Jt, lf14 54-14 t1101, whkh 11 Thi 11lact ol 1>uslne11 ftOM I to dtltrml~ lh•I IN per.onll ol the und-er1lgnl>d In ell im.t11r1 prOPftlW 11 tr. !rut comrnunl!Y ..,.rfY PUBUO NOTICE ~r1•!nl"9 to thl t11•'• o1 11111 11o1<1111-.it, o1 '"' oe11t1-r en11 tilt HCtlMCI •nd
·----·--------IWOhtn lour months •llff tn. 11111 11161 lhl petllf0fl4'r Is entltltd 10 publlt•llon ot lhl• notlet . dlllrlDutlon of "" entire "1111, rller•htl
NOTICI TO Cltf.DITOl:I O:ltM J1nu•rw 11, 1'14. to which 11 midi for lurtlltr ,.,11cul1t1
SUl"&llllOlt COUlllT 011' THI LL.OYD M. (HATTlRTON •nd IJWI 11'!1 lfmt lncf PIK• of 11t1r1"9
STATf. 0, CALlllOJtNIA "0111 Eatcutor ol 1111: Wiii !hi lllTll h•t ~ Ml IOI' F•t>tu•rV TNI. COUNTY 0,. OltANCll OI lhe ltlGY• I'll~ dKIOfnl •• ,,,4, 11 t :OO ''-"'" lti lfll cour1room
NI. A·rU14 PA•K.l.lt, aeaG. l.01110 OI 0.1>trl1T11nl No. i Of Mid COUii
E1l1hl of HEL.EN DOTEN SMIL.EY, ... SOC.OW•DIL. II 1Cll Ctvlc Ctnltr Dtlv• W11t I~ 1~• HEl.EH O. SMILE'V, Ota1Hd. 111 SKl!rity &ldt. thJ CITY of S1nl1 An.I. C1lllornl1 '
tol()TICE IS HERE'ISY GIVl!N lo the l'llMIM. CllJI. tllfl 01ted J1n111ry 11, 1'74 ' c111dllot1 of 1111 lllOW 111rned dtcfd.enl Art_.,... .... llllCvltl' WIL.llAM I!. ST JOHN,
11'!11 111 Pitt"._ l'llVlng ct1lrm 191lnit P\lbllll>etl Or"lll!ll CO.II 01lly l"llol, County Cl•rk
!hi w ld d«lldenl 1r1 rtQUlrtd to tlle J1n1J1ry U, U, 'n lncf ftbni1ry J, TNDMAI I , lltlf.KS
1111m. wlm '"' nec1111ry vouc:htr•, lh 191' 131-14 tttt WUll'll,.. l lyf., lllll ,._ the Olflt• of t1M tMtk of tM lbove LOI A11911••• Cllll. 91111
1tt1ltltc1 coort, or lo ~ """" ...,."' PUllLIO NOTlct•, Tll1 C21J) lll·7J11 Hit 111<1»er~ vouchlr1, to th t A!l-y ..,1 l'•llH-r u.-dtr1lt1ntd 11 tr. Ollk1 ot N it Pllbll1ht!tf Or~ Co.st Oplly-P!lot,
111or111vt. MYER,, SMITH AN 0 I l)H l1nllll"t' u. n. "· 1•11 l.U.74
JACKSON, 610 Newpotl Cenltr Dtlvt, Sulit-llM. NtwllOl"t Btech, (i lltornle NOTICI: TO Cltl!DITOltl
t'.!MO, wlllch Ii Ille pl1tt of ou(lf\'l!u SUl'l!JllOlt COURT 0" TN• PUBlJC NOTICE
d 1111 UftlllnlDl\td In Ill rnlflffl STATED" CALll'Oll:NIA l'Ofl:
J!lrleln/ng to t1M tslllt d llld dtcedtnt, TMI. COUNTY OP OltANGI. "ICTITtOUI IUllNISS
•• •--,.. ' ' Ne. A•f141't NAMI. STATl!MINT W ,,,n ,...,. mon II tr the t rll E•'"' of ARTHU• H. S"lTH, Do<NO· pvbl!cttlon of lhl1 nollct. m Ttwl lollowl~ll J!lrlOll ii dOlng Mlnes1
D1ttd J1nu1rv tl, 1f1t ed. ••: OAVIO T. $MILEY Ind NOTICE 1$ HERE&V GIVEN tP 11'11 MAN AG E'ME'NT INFORMATION
AOIUENNli: S. KILLEEN, credltor1 of It!• lbDYt "1med cllc:l'<lmt S'YSTEMS, t0$1 Octenwo»d, Hunllng1on
Co-E'•tcu!Otl of ,,,. WIU of 11111 ILi pet"IOrll hlvl119 el1lm1 '911MI 8tltCll ,,... thl lboft nern.ecl OK.den! 1111: Mid dltt<ltrtl 1r1 requlrltd to Jiit D11ne JHn Tlloltn. 9051 Oc••nWOOd
MYlltS, SMITH AlllD 'ACKIOM them, With lht nte11wrv vouclllt"1, In twnll119ton hlCh 92"6 Atttinrley• ti Uw lht olO ct of !ht cltrt of tht •boll• Thl1 bu1ln111 I• con<lucled DY 1~
61, MIW'°" c..-Df'I.,. tnthl.tt court, Of lo llttltftl tMm, with lndlwfdu11.
llllt• 11Y 11'11 rl«l$$1tV WOUChtt•, lo mt un· Ol•M J Tholtn IHw,_. llldl. Catlltnll• '26'1 dtl"llgnlld at lhtt: olllc. ot h•r 1llorn1y•, Th11 ft11-1 w11 llttd with the
Tth 1Jl41 MWS1I LEFtTZ I. L.IFTON. 1ot60 Wll1hlre 81vd .. County Cltrk ol Ot•ll!ll County on
A1Mrwl¥1 "' c .. l•etllMn Suite 11,.., LO$ A11t•ln. C.lllOl'nl1, 90a1,, NOYtn"llllf 9, 1•73.
PubUllftlld Orentt COlll 0 •t Pllcl Y<111cll 11 lh• PllCt OI Mln•11 of the ~2'-0I J•nutrr 15, 22, 29, •ntl F:WY 5• unde~siQllld In 111 m•l1trs 119rt1lnlno Putt1t1Md °''""" co.it Dallv Piiot,
u•r,v,._.7,j IO ll\'_~111t_o!. llltl dtcellent. wllhln Jenu1ry 15, 22, 2'. end Ft11ru1rv s,
----c::==-:-=:-::-c::::--'-'-"" lt:our montlll elltr lt!I llrsl puDllc1!10t1 lf1• 147,
ol !~ls notlct. 1-'-'---------_::::'.:'I
~tCTJTIOUI IUSIMIS.S EktcUlrl• of In. wlll of
MAM• ITATl.M•MT the lbOYI nlmtd dtced9nl "ICTITIOUS-IUSINl!SS
NAMI STATEMEJfT The lollowl119 prrtom lfe Gotno LSPITI .. L.tnDN
llullntU 11: aw1 ~ V.-Uflh TM
SOUTHERN CAL.I FOR NIA CYCL.1STS, 1 .... wttslll,.. •lff., S11ltt UM ti!
lollowlng P«IOO 11 tloi119 llullnus
1742 Wnl Chltrlu, .1.Ml'lllM, C.lif LM""""" Cellt, tf0'.14 "AL.MEit MARINE, 501-1!1 Gr•nd '2I04 ' A~ lw l!"alCV!rla Ave., 5lnl1 Ant, C1lit.
~':rrn.Gc!1ta:;:;1m N. 1Mnd1111tr, J:~~ .. 1fri;.,., ~~:' OtLIY '!~• Ml~:::,11Flll= c:i~~mtt', Xl4 N.
o.Mll D. Mck", 2M'6 ltome Aw,. Thlt bo.11lnn1 Is cond11tled by an
AnllltlM, C1Ht. t2IOI PUBIJC NOTICE lnd)w ldt.Yl.
Mtf!lln a-, 20l4 SO. Ctnlfr, 51ntt S111ned: Ane. C1ljl. 92704 It. A. P41mtr Gordon It. MCKM, 133'62 GrMnllft " a ,... Thl1 '111tmlnl w11 1119d wlllt tM
Avt .• Q11'111n Gro._.. Clllf. f'.!640 SUl"l.•IOtt COUltT OP THI COOlllV Cler-ol Ofenge County on · w .... E' Ccpt 1131 c Gr nde ITATI 0" CALl,ORNIA .. o. J1nuerv 4. lt7•
Ave":: An1IW1m, c1i11. 921(1'2 111 • TNI COUNTY o" DRANO• . I ,. .. m
w;..,,.,.ni W MCK" 1:1021 Simm-. Mo. A·"'4l l'llblllhtd Or11191 Co.st 01lty Pilot, Orlll!lt Celli n..a ' NCFtlCf. 01' HIAltlNG D" PITITIOlll J1M11ry f, 15, rt, 2' 1914 211--1• ' · ,Olt l"RO&A"TI! 01' WIL.L AlllD ll'DRl ---'-=:=::c.,:c_'_::::C., ___ _::::::1
J. o . FloekNtt, nu R.owtand Ctr.. L.1.n1a1 T•STAMENTAltY PUBUC NOTICE
An111tlm, C1lll. R.onikl O MCKtt 127,1 Asptnwood E'slllt . of MARTHA M. MASON'l ----=c===~-_;_.:_ ___ 1 • o " . ... ' n• ""' OKtt:t5'd. .. n.. • en"'°"'' t i • NOTICE . IS HERE'!llY GIVEN lh•I flCT1TOUI SUSINISS
Glre1d L.•lrd, 1.141 W. CIMrl11u, Wt L.L.l.E MOHA"TT · Ills !fled neieln 1 NAME ST~Tl!MENT An1llllm, C1llf. t'JI04 . The following I do! frtdtrlck F. R•ber. 161 N. Spllll\llktl" petition kt!" Probt!t ol Wiii 1nd tor • Plt50n t no buJlntss
$t Or c Ill nMI f11u1nc• ot L11t1rs Tnl1m1nltrw to •1· ·• 1[1,1• 1 · ltwl 111tlllontt", reltrenc:e 10 v.nlth LI The COTTAGE' COFFEE SHOP, ~2 A.?,'~mL. ti':/l~ 509 So. F•k.On !I., m•oft ' IOI" further 111r1kulars 1nd 1t11t W. ltlll St., Cost1 Mtst, Callf!>rnl1 ~27
Jirnn' o R.0.t 9(W9 O lendu 1 o, 1111 llrne end ptper ol he•rlng 1111: Allt"I Ahet. 610 W, Wll10n, Cosll
lutn1 Perk, c1111 '°'20 a ·• Simi hi• 111111 set for J1nu.1rv 1', Mtll. C1lltornl1 '2627
L.lt"rY Lul1, 4J1i Aldtrdelt. AnilMtlm, lt7.t. 11 t :OO 1.m.. In 1111: courtroom ' '", I~ .. llullllHI 11 coMbc;1ed b'( 1n C1llf '21(17 of ~rtmtnl No. l of ••Id court. nd WNUll.
........ W ~· """' '"' C l O 11 100 Cl~lc Clnllt Otlve W11t, in Allee ll:he1 • C In! ve f111 Cl._. -.. "·-·· .... <••••-·-' Thfl Stllemtnl Wll fi... ..., '"' A~, Anlhlll'l'I. 1tU. t2I06 •r '" "'"'' ' '"'"8' C t Cl k o• Mel("• '261. Empire", Alllhelm. 0.11111 J1nU1rv 11, 1914 oon Y er « Or1no-County, on J~n-CiUI t2101 WILL.IAM E. ST JOHN, Ull'Y• 21. 1tf4 tt~~;'.'"' It conf!Klld bY I ttnlf"ll WIU.I~~ s~=IDT Put>U1111<1 Or•~~· D1l11 Piiot.
Slontd· J66 SUI M ...... Drlvt, Siii.. .. Jin. 12. 2'. Ind frb. 5, 12. lt71 21$-1(
G.,.,-Ll'lll'VOOd NIWllOl'I kl<ll, C1Mf. 926'1 PUBlJC NOTICE Thi• 1t1Temtnl w11 tlltd wllfl the IJ14l ~ c-ty Cltl"ll of Or•no• County on Atl9n!IY flf": 1'•11~ JllllllrY 1 1914 Publislltd Otlnga (Giii 01Uy Pllot,l----.-.-,-"-.-,-0-,-.-.-0-lT-0-.-1---f
' '4lff4 J1nu.1ry 1s, 16, n. 1974 l44·14 OF &ULI( TttANSll'l.ll
111u. ''''"'''' u.c.c.> PVl>lilhtd Or111111 CG11t Ollly PllOI, J111U1rv 1. 1s. 22. "· 1t14 s1.1• PUBUC NOTICE 1---
Nell« Is l'llrlby gl¥tn to creditors
of ""' within n11Md 111r1its !hit 1
PUBIJC NOTICE e 1'11 IHllll tr1ruttr Is rnlmcltd lo bf mid•
SUl"EllllOR COU•T OF TME en lltf"SOllll P.•Optrly, htr1lnellt~
5TATI. 0, CALlll'OltNIA l'Olt dffCtllMd. •
PICTrJfOUS IUSINl!SS THI! COUNTY o" D•ANGE The n1me 9'111 butlnn• lddffu ol
NAM• STA.TIMI.NT No. A·11121 • 1111 lnltnded transteror Is:
The lollowlng llfrWll 1rt doing MDTICI 0" H•AltlNG M PITITIOM NOl\I J1tllson, II' E. Falrvt_, S1n
llusinnl et : FOR ,11.0&ATI" O, WILL. AND G1bl"l1I, Call!.
S 0 UT H E It N C A L I F O It N I A CODICIL ANO FDR L I! TT I It S The n1m1 t1od buslfltSI lddreu of
STONfCRAfT, 16362 Rhone, Huntington TESTAMINTAltY Ille lnlll"!de<I lrinslerH Is; . 811ch, C•llf. '26'7 E1l1lt ol MARGARET AGNES BLISS, Nick 0. Tiourelltl, 2000 Rt!Pllllllc
L1wrfn<f W, lC•YI• 16362 Rl\or!I, 1110 known e1 AGNES 8L.tSS, Olc.eiseG. AYt., COlll Mesi, C11lf.
Hvnllttglon e .. ch, C:1UI. t'.!6'1 · NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN 1hll Thal 1ht Pf"Ollttly pert\n,nt hereto
Thom11 C, klW" 16362 lthont, !TAHLEY WARREH McGINTY hll tiled Is ducr!Dld In g.tnetll 1s: eqUlpm11f11,
t-tunllnglon ench, C•lif. t'.!W lltreln 1 peUllon tor Pro:11>11e of WILi ind 11.rtu~es of I cer:aln Take Out
Merit s. Gr'l<t. 1•362 Rhone, 1nd Codltll 1nd for 11ilHlntt of L.elltrl Food 1>Y•!tt111 known 1$ T~to Tio, lot1t!'d
Huntington &11Ch. C1lll. '26'1 Tnlamtt:nl1ry to !~tt: 1>tl!llontr re!erenct at S97 W111 19th SlrHI., CGlll Meu,
llotitrt C. Grice, 16341 Rhont. 10 whlcn 11 Madi for turllltl" p1rllculirs, C1)ltcrnl1. Hunllll!llClll 8NCtl. C•lll. tl6'7 ind !hit lht tlmt end pl1c1 o1 he1rl!'lll That $1ld llulk lr•Mle-r It ln!ended
l hlt but.Inti. 11 cond11tled b'I" 1 generit IM Slmt h•l bttn ~I tor Febnliry 5 to DI ccinsumm11.ii 11 tl!I o1tk 1 of p1rt111r1hlO. 197,, It t ;OO 1.m., In !I'll eout1r~ 81V EIC•O""' Co., lrtc:., 1600 E1it M1yt1!r
Signed: ol Ot!plt1ment No. 3 of uld cour1, Aw.. Or1ng•, C1Rlornie, on OI" 11111
TIW>ml$ c. KIYI I 700 Civic C1n1rr Orlw Wtsl. Jn f1bl"u1ry 111, lt71.
TI!11 111!"""'1 w11 flied With tllt Ille CITY of S1nt1 An•. C1lltornl1, SO l•r " 11 known lo Hld Intended
C-.ty Ci.rk of Ot-111!1' County on OllM J1n111rv 11, 197' Tr1mflr" 11111 lnlended Tr1nsleror uted J1null'Y 4 1914 WIL.L.IAM E. St JOHN lhe lollOWlll!I lddlllonitl llullntll n1me1 f41Ul CounlY Cltrk tnct lddttull within !hi tl'lrll ye1r1
l"!Jbll1hld 0rffltlt CM't 01ltv Pllol, SCHOOLIMO AND SCHOOLIN• l•SI PISI : Nont.
J1nuery a. 1s. n. ,.,, 1'71 ,,.,1 :u.n c11,..llftft A-D1t1111: J111111rv 11. 1974. ;;_=;;_::.::_;::_:::_:::.:_ ___ _;::;;:jH""""9tM 1"1rtc, C11flentl1 "2'5 N-J•cklOl'I Tll: (UJ) SM-63111 l•W E•~ Ct., l11c.,
Att_.,... flf" "1111-t l".O .... 2n,
--------------· t Publlthed Or11191 CGlll D1Hy Pilol, DrMfot, C•llf, ""' J1nu11Y 21 , rt. n, 1974 21•14 Pvtt1l1111d 0••119• COii! Dilly Piiot,
SUPlltlOll COUltT Of' THI.
STATI Of' CAL.liJOl:NIA ll'Olt
JM!utrv 22. 1974 m-14
.... A-111 .. E'1llte of JACK WllATHElt. Ill I 1411 -"" ' NOTlCI TO Cltl!OrJOltS
...-.N • SUl"IEJtlOJt COURT NOTICE IS HERE9Y GIVEN lo tllt OF THI! STATE o• <A'O•O•N•A tf9dlton of ~ 11>0W n111ned 4"11denl ..
T"' lcllowin; ptri.oil Is doing 1H11ines1
IS: .
30 · LOVE, 1101·F South H1rbc.r
81Yd., No. 2, (0111 M11~. C•lflornl1
tlltl 111 penon• Nvlng cl•lml igtlnll l'Olt THI COUNTY'OI' OltANGI.
tn• Mid cllc:lldtrll ,,.. tt11ulred 1o tile No. A·11'11
• ,... --. . .
.. Spain Joins France Building
Indus tr
LONDON (UPI) -Gold ond
the · U.S. dollar ,.ttled down
today, cooling the Monday
fever caused by France's
decision to float the fratK'";""""
Spain joined France ln th,e
money float today. cut Ung off
official support for the peseta
and allowing it to find its
own level in foreign exchange
markets.. The last quct.a rate
for the peseta Friday was
57.915 U> the dollar buying,
and 53.08> aelllng.
·THE EFFECT ol t h e
Spanish move was expect.ed
to be rninor compared ·with
the' Monday turmoil which
skyrocketed the price or gold
to $162.38 an ounce In Paris
and boosted the dollar to 4l
brief all-time high in London.
"The ·situation is settling
down from Yesterday's
peaks," a Swiss banker said
today In Zuric\>.
In sellllng doWn, the dollar
dropped fractlonal1y almost
everywhere. The price of gold
climbed down from Monday'•
The newly floating French
franc gained marglnol streigth
on the money mark~ today
but still opened 3.1 percent Realtetlon
down against the dollar. Roy Baze,, an Exxon
The . new "Deutschmark vlce president, was fi-
-bloc" of fixed-rate currencies, n.ally persuaded by Sen.
fOrJ!'ed in response to Henry . ->;Jackson (I).
France's floating of Its franc. Wash.) to make public
stood firm in its first test figures . on Exxon's
against the .dollar on European number of stations
money markets today. owned and (ranclllsed
Finance m In Is t er s of during Senate petro-
Germany, Belgium. Holland, Jeum probe Monday.
Oerurtark and Luxembourg set ---'------''--
Gets Aid •
HOUS'l'ON, Tex. (AP) .;_
llouslng and Urban
Developni<nt Secretary James
T. Lynn says 16.6 bUllon '1
federo-1 'funds wfH i.
committed In 1974 U> llirnul8"
tho slwnplng home bllklllt .
indu try. ~. "' ' THE MONEY will be 1111!1
to euarantee constructim ·or
200,000 -Ing units al 1a
bclow-morkct Int.rest rate ~
tho consumer ol 711 pe....,I,
L}'M told the N a t i on a~
Association of Home Builde&
OD °Pifonday, • Lynn al!O Sllid t ]!;t
maxln1um interest rates for
FJIA· and V A-i as u r~e(i
mortgages were being alt
front 3~! to · Ill'' percent
effecli\'e today. ~
Lynn sakt the interest rattf
could be reduced even fU.rthei'.:
Living Costs Rise
7~8% During Y ecir
up tbe ·new, tight five-nation
grouping Monday night within
the larger but looser European
common market.
\VllEN P.10NEY markets
reopened in the five nations
today after a one-day rest ,
the U.S. doltar ;ictually slipped
slightly. In Frankfurt-. th
dollar opened at 2 . 8 2
deutschmarks, down f r o m
~1onday's close of 2.855. In
Amsterdam', it was down fro1n
3.01 guilders to 2.915, and in
Brussels it slid from 43.975
to 43. 70 francs.
UCB lnconie
Up for Ye(lr
"1 a8.\urc you tllatif lMf~
adjustments to the new at,
percent celling and t w ... e
interest rate oLitlobk in ~
period ahead appeor lo lnolie
f u r ~ h er reducUon feasible,
y,·c'll do it y,•ithout hesitation,::'
He said the Federal National
l\tor1gage Association V'f i \·I
cost .of living-in Orange and
Los _Angeles Counties rose .4
percent in December, closing
out 1973 with an over-all rise
of 7.8 percent, the federal
Bureau of 1.abor Statistics
She said although meat and
fish.. prites _dl))pP.ed .4 percent
last month, beeause of earlier
price increases, tbeif over-all
1973 price ·was almost 1.8
percent higher than t h e
previous year.
Spetlal to tbe DaUy Pllot as.sist in the coo.structlcr'I of
LOS-ANGEt.ElS -United _200,IMllLslnglil.J!.nd Tf\l!!litamity_
€aHfomia Bank ttp0rted net units by providing low·in~t . • · mortgages totaling up U> f(.6
111came for !he year ended billion.
Dec. 31, or $32.2 million, or
" -~ !
$4.42 per share, as compared
THE BUREAU said the 1973 MISS SADOWSKY said the
rise in area conswner prices consumer price index for Los
was more than double the Angeles and Orange counties
reported today. with earnings of $32. 7 million.
or $4.49 per share for 1972.
'111E MORTGAGE must '!"
fO< """' construction ond beer an interest rate of 7~~ ~t
under the pnigran1. '!be n~l
effect means the gov~t
v.ill pay the diffe-rence rose to a record 134.! In
level of 1972 and almost triple December, resulting in a 7.8
the 1971 level. Suzanne Sadowsky, chief of percent rise for 19 7 3,
the bureau's s 0 u the r n com.par~ to increases of 3.7
caJifornia office sa'd ar .percent in 1972 and 2.7 percent
The ministers based their
pew monetary bloc on fixed
exchange rates and monetary
l'OOperation, in an attempt to
salvage · something of
European coordination ·in the
wake of the French floating .
Net income for the fourth
quarter was $8,8'13,000, a
substantial improvemenl,Qver
the $6,656,000 earned in the
third quarter but short of the
record fourth ·quarter of 1972:
~~~~r =e·l~7'~
• • • 1 ea. m 1971. grocery prices soared -a---. ~ -~ , . whopping 21 percent in 1973. She said. December statistics
She said this meant that an showed prices rose~ all areas
area shopper would have spent of consumer spendmg except
$36.30 in 1973 to buy foodstuffs transpartat~on, where higher
worth $30 in December 1972. gasoline prices were offset by
v.·hat a signlfrcarit
commitment .lhls is,'' •Lynn
said.-'"!'here will be real
~gages of F.NMA iL l\le
-.gage money lmlds are
CHICAGO (AP) -All Kraft
macaroili and cheese dinners
suspected of being tainted
with food poisoning have been
traced to eight states, say
the manufacturer and the
J>~ood. and Drug Administra·
tion .
The FDA said all the
suspected boxes of food are
stamped \Vith the
identification 9-30-74 C. and
are believed on sbelv.es in
Arizolla, California. \Vashlng·
Ion. Oregon, Idaho, North
Dakota, l\flnnesota and Wi.s-
The food was thought to
contain the bacteria sal~
nella, a common and seldom
fatal cause of focxl poisoning.
lower costs of new and used
cars. But, she added, over-all
transportatiOn ·~costs in 1973
still were 2.3 perctnt higher
than the previous year.
11-teanWhile, In J ·a·pan-;-
Finance Minister T a k e o
Fukuda saJd he was not yet
decided whether to support
the yen at the current value
of 300 to the U.S. dollar.
Japanese newspapers
speculated that th Is meant
there Y.'ould be a n o t h e r
devaluation of the yen.
Comprehensive Care Corp.
of Newport Beach, a prQvider
of comprehensive health care
services. reported net
earnings of $93,000 or 10 cents
per share for the ·six months
ended Nov. 30.
the wrong way.
"Given the ifteent Slump
in the musing mar k'e l,
hov.·e,•er1 we have little choice
. . . It must be dme, .both
to help the home build« one!
the home buyer alike."
Complete .Mid.day American Stock LisJ
Vol . Nel vo1:---Nel Vol. Net Vol. Ht• Vol. *' -----------A A-CIA~iUCom S ........ ,•,·,.~,'.,-"2' 12, ,u, ... \ ~ -ti...,_' Pllom FlflCI ,·' J't , .. AARCp .Oltl 2 11\(o Ct<lron CpllJDll 111-111 .,.. ,. ... ., ltllsetl .lOI) .. JV. •.• ,.-...1,1M1 , ~\t AAV Ca to S 6 t 'l CIMdMIH • .0 t S l1l\11MI wtl I 1 , .• K1lvt• Ince I l~ ..• P1loMIQ"#\ 1 -1·16 A&E Plastk 3 1 ... CllmpH .01tl 14!6 ~\'o +-\• F1tm1r1< .14 1 ' + .lo K.A,...MU1 WI 5 1"-..• P,111,11'01 Ct U 211 •. ADHMl .<IOcl 2 6\ot \, OWr.tnh>d 1 H-\1• FlSC.llltllt Si •11 10'.'o+\io K1.-.11Srvl 2 ]1 ~\·, P1rk£IK Slt 1S t • . .-l• Acme Hlml II 1 t \1 CIWmr Ntd ] ' fl~m .... 20 I 2(•+ ~· 1(1ul&.8r ... llJ J\•-t ,, Pinon .JSb ' 21\< •.•
kme Pl'« 11 11ot '11 C H 8FdSlt I 1't+· U. Ft.Ill Cp 1 (VJ + \0 Klvtn111RI l lh .. , Pl\IQGl'I .20 10 •''I ... A(llon ll'llllol 1 ,,., .. c H c c.or11 1 1'9-"" fll~orkl .lO 1 ... \• K•rCOl"P .10 s s1 •• \~ P•IPI• Pip 1 ] ... ADMlncflls~ t 1'.o> \• Chlck\JnSll. S ' •Vo FH9MSll!r 1 t•ot '• Ktw•ntt .'8 10 20 -\'I P1loGtl 10D 1)1 1•'1• ... Adobe 01114 n 10 + ... 0..ISllll c.o 1 1\•-t l'o Fl(l(k lndlH 1 111' •• I K•Y Co .l'O • 21,, .,.. P1ttkk Ptl . 17 12\·-,, .... ro Fl .no 2 (\~-\~ CJConv .lOil I U\'I ... Flllkk ,IOd 1 .~ .. '. KIJi ln<l .lO 1 •I• ..... ~IM 1.1-. 11 llh . 11 AerOllC:ltnc: I 1·~ •.. C l M\<;iWll t I\ ..... Fluke.Jonll< 1 Ill..+\, K11t!mtt .ISb 1 2 t l·U ~IMEll... • ,,.,.,.
AllHtlCilp Si S J'.o-t \'o Clnorll'N 11 I\-\'o fll".Tl9H wt JJ 10\",_. 1-. IO!lt1tn Pr I 1\'t+ X P!ttl Etdlr J 11\.-i .•. Attll Gip wt ] 1\-i'o Citti. K ,1t \l 11 • •• . Foodr1fN S J'O•.lo U. Kin Ark Cp • ll-1• t 1·1' P9mt0t Inc: 1 J~.-I•
Al!Ho$11 .10 1 4'I• \~ C\lznfln .1' 1 '"" .. ·• FO<Clty .11 IS .,,..._.\., KlftqAl .I~ l 10'•• ~~ f"tMOl•wt 1 1'~ ... Afllll'tlt.Old 1 1'~-'11 CllznMgWll IS I ll'O!"t!Sllb"l'k ' t,._~ Kl1195ot!p .I. l l_.,-t I< PllMf:.IOQ l , .... , \~
Alltt:•ii• Inc: I •*-\'I CL. Fine:! Cp l J\1-'" FD~ \!In .11 1 •'• •.• l(lrbylnd ·'° I n-\'I PIRIE! 1.~} 11 nft ... AlrDorne Fr \} ·~· ... 01rMtll M 6 SV.-t !.:. F•lnkAI •• s S'·'>-\11 Kit MtgCo It !Yo+-"" Ptntton Ind "11·16-1· .. Alrp.11aEI Sit: 1 6 .... -t V, 01ry Cora ' 1 ..• Fren*.IN .l2 I •lo+ \"i Klllner1 Co ' S..., .. \'I Pt• Bol" I J II I-\l Altwltll .1' 21 I +Vo CMI Corp 21 11-\t Fr•Wlltlo .• • JtVt+-1 Knk kerloy 1 IJ Ptrln1C .3'Db 11 6~t "°
A11n WDocfS s 1'h+-\1 CMI Inv wtl 2lt 7V.+ "' ftlollronlt II wt.-"lo ltftOtt Hot'°' 1 s ... Plr...-c.p 1 "' ••• , Altlkl Alt1 I • -... C.0.dwnln JI ' -'r.t FrlHfll .30Q I •!.. . .• Kollmt!I .llO 2 I~ • . . Ptr1tc Corp I S"' • Ill A1col1t .Ol>b • s",....-loo c.otfMll .5' 1 1.._+ \~ FtontlerAlr t •\-\.lo Kuhn1K .10 11 ~ ..• ""1111'1 .s.b 15 11.oii .. \•
All Am lndu 1 1'4t \l Coil Intl Inc: U 2<,, •. -4 Ci----4.. L.-Pl'a'nh SH ' 21.oii .•• Allf9/1Cll WI 2 1h ,, , Col-.... :II • .. . Gll1ay Crp l •W-\0 l.lllT ~ 1l •!'o • l'I Pie N Pl.,sl 4 l ' 1 t-\11 A1119h Air!\ 2lt '\~ •.• ColltgotT .lll 1 6...,.... \t Cilrln I .:IW 1 Ill •.. l.lkt SlvNrl ISi I • \\ Pio Pllstk ll S'll ;. V.
Alltg Alt WI s )\0 t '\ Comlxf Cam ' ~ .. \\ Gird • (Otp ) s -... LI,,...,, .» ) ·~... . . . Pi-It" 51"$ 41 2'9 •.• A.lkl Control 11 1010 -t I'• c.omtl Equ;p 2l 21¥.i • \1 GlylorOJ .20 1 t'h • '!o .... ttOmll ld S l t-\'a Pl-Tt• S 4'1> •• ,
Alltc Corp 511·1••1·16 CIT"llco l.20I l Ji.,,._+.. U.1rl'trt .1• I n"'+"' UneWd Sit: 1 )'4 ... PltlOMO .ICI s :D,,.t \to Alli< Cp wt S 7·1i-lo COtnlAlll .30 JS 111'11 . • . Gen Bullclrl 1 lV. • 'I U• Alt .J6d lS .,..._ Vo Pltwt.V1 .!6 t •11t ••• AmHtu Wll •s n i ..... ~ Coml M .ltOf l 1•\~. " Gen Ont • .a It 10•/1 • \'t UtwnAI WI 25 1·1~1· Plu•C&I...,,., 1 f'\ .. Am8iltr1 .50 • 1\o ... c.amro.-l 1'9t I• GnEmp .IJll ' 2\1 ... l.CA "C11..tt 1 1 -h Pl••Dl.111' J 2l"'+-" Amf!l 2.1111 11 20+..-I.oil Camm Pl.ft . 2 I"•+ \o Cifl Hct-I Ho• \1 LICit1nC .1' 10 t l't , •• Pllnt llllllat J S,,._ \'I A Flt!Cll"'s l l'~ ll (.amp.II( Qt" ~l\'o-10 Gn Rt'ltf"Ch 1' JV.+ \1 . lM Ent .J) 11 11'\oo-VI Ply Glfll 311 l J!\-t I• .t.Meltt8 .ll 1 ~ ... Compuvrl t lSlft-V• U.11 Al_,, 1 1t.-11 I.ti 1411 C&I I ' + \"o PN8 Ml WU. 11 1"11 ... Am Mol lntt n ,,, .. •, Comp ln"<'il I 21-..-\11 GetlQI inc: 1 ll•t 1'1 l.M Pfl1rmc. 2 16 + \Ir Pntum 0yn 1 llll 1-""'
APtlni I.ill • :WI•-~. COncr. ..32• I ,.,, ... ~-Geon Ind~• .., 14\'t-II l.el'llQl't Pru • l \lo ..• Poloron Prd ' I\~ •.•
.1.n'1 All .UO ,I 8'1 .•• Condf< Cll U l"i •.• Gert..tSc. In I J•·.-\, 1.1191\ Pr .«I 1 .. -\0 Plllyn'lltCp 120G '""'• ~ .l.n'llitlly wt 2 , ..... ConnellyCn 1 •1-0 +11 Gl1n1F .SOQ 2 n•.;;• I• ltlSut"t!Ttc t t''l+\'I Potttrlmlr I J'fl>-\'I
thtrn. wllh tM ntc.esllry V(llKMo. In E1111e ol MARION W r NE MA N
•'--------... ;_.;•l&L.oL-KINNA.RO, lkl MARION W. KINNARD,
entltJlld tour!, or to prttent !hem, w h the nltCtffl'Y vwclllrl to tht NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IP the Tiiis llu1ln111 r. !>ting ton<IUC1'etl by
Solange Y. A~crand, :noo Park
Boxes with the s a m e
number found in lllinois and
other states are safe because
the food. v.·as produced at a
different plant, said Kraft. But
to ·avoid confusion, th c
company Kl---j~w-a-&
\\ithdra\\'ing all boxes \\'ith the
Am At(Cifp 1 1ft ... Conroc:ll_,lll 1 10 .. \"i G11nlVI .«II l07 nv.. lo Ul!!.F .32'G 10 ~\I Prell I.Im I 2 Ill•-~.
Am,.lel* 11) _,,, Conroy1rtc: 3 1~+~'1 GITAIWl.20 2 1 .-'> Uwhl!IF .10 1 6'1+1• P1"11tll:d .?S I ]~i-1'1 '"""" H l.111Attn JOI) 1 J'~ ... Prtl CllrO 11 ]~,_,. "i
AMICC11 .<M ..... 11; ....... Con1yne·Cp · ' 1~ ,., Gl•itOC: tntoln ""' ,....,.,. '"""' •• "' ....
' ,,
under1l11net1 11 tM oflltt « Ktpl•n, c?dJI01'1 ol !ht abo~tt: named Olcedt!nl 1n lnd!oildu1I. ·
Ll11Sn1u1on, Goodwin Btr!ur#llt i!'ld 11111 111 Pfl"$MS hiving cl1lms •111ln11 Sol11fl!lt' Mor•nd s .. vl11, 450 North Rcu:llury Orlw, &wwty lht :11ld diced.int ''' rt!Qulrtd to file Tl'!ofs 11item1nt w11 !lied w11n the
Hiiis, Call!. nno. wlllell 11 !ht pl~ lhtm, with lht ntt•s11tr vouclltr1, In CounTY C!trk ol Or1n111 County on
of t1u1lnt1s of the underllgned !n 111 !ht olflce of I~ clerk of the •bove J•nuery 21, 1t74
m1!hlr1 lltflllnfll!I to the 111111 01 tt:nlllled tOOl'"I, Ol to prtsenl lhtm, with FJOnt
Mid dtctdalt. wl11tiri lour rnot1lho l fftr 1111 n1Cll$a•"t' vou,n1r1, to t II I Publlihtd or1n9e Co.It Dtlly Pllcl. w '
Ille fl~ll publlcetlon of this notice. undtrsl9ned II thl office OI lht lllOmtY. JlftUl'Y 22, l9 'nd Fl!bl"uary 5, 12 estern s
Dlllld Jinu1ry, 1914 ROBERT W. ANOEllSON, 301 E. 197• 20~7~
oon.1<1 •11
11""" arown co1or.c10 e1w~:· ~·~,,1 .. ?~"'~· ~·t·~-r;·r-==~~~!~~~~~==j-1~ E•KulOI" of the Will~ C1HIOl"ni-.NICl1 .,lli•!rl
!ht 1boft n1med dlc~nl of tKllinHI of llW undtrM11Md In ell
KAPLAN, L.IVIMOSTOH. O O 0 DWI N , matters pert11"111!1 lo Ille. nl1!1 GI •lttl(OWITI & SELVIN s1IO dt!cldtnt, within lout mont~ elltr '°ICTITIOUI &USINESI
.,. Mo'* ••~l'Y Orl'tt lht Ursr pu111lc11Jon cl lhll notlc1. NAME STATEMENT A B Ph II' hVwtv HUit. catHtrlll• 91211 D1te<:1 J1nu.1rr 11. Jt7• Ttte 1o11owr1111· P!!rM>n 11 dOlng l>Wness • . i lps, president and
_~II CHAAL:ES ANTHONY 'l(INNAJtD e1: Chainnan Of \\'eslem D'o•o'tol
Attw.t't'I ',.;'~lllW ~nd NANCY L.00151! KINNAAD PANORAMA ACCENT STRIPES. 1112 t>
Pvblltl!9d Ormoe CGIJI 01Uy Pitot E•ecvlor"I ol tM Wiii Ac:ICll. Glrdlll Gro ..... C1Hfoml• Corporation or N e w p 0 r t
J11N1rv a. 1s, n. 2f, 1'11 12.,.; ROIElt~ ~~..:,.ti;.~~ ctecldent H!!,=1on 5::::;.. i!:uor~~~ ,,;:.o. 2' Beach, announced record sales
•1 1. c.iwtt1t ltft., Thi• t1o.1llneu 11 conducl.tt bW 1n and earnings for the second
PUBLIC NOTICE SWt• m lndi~~1. f'
------------IP•llMM, Cllf. '1101 Simon 511nt ISCBI quart e r ending A"-' 1or 1Jctc.1or1 Th11 1111•mtrrt w11 1111<1 w1111 ttit December 31. • su~~fi:. T2~:·o~ie ii~~'",~. o;:,"'";,, c!:' ~:~~ito~ ~::',., ~~~"""' Or111111 CClllll't' Dn Net sales were $.1,477,421,
STATt: 01' CAU,O•NIA "011: "'' 13S.7' ___ _,,,.....,, ..-I t hr I TNI couWTY c" OltAMG• "uellstiM 0r1"'"' C01il 0,;1, Puo1. ut' a mos t ee t mes the
N•. A-mu -PUBLIC NOTICE J1ou1rr 22. 1'. "Mt Fwuary 5. u, $1.215,323 sales for the same
E1tat1 or L.ADISL.AUS VICTOR FoDO•.l--;;-;.;;;;:c;--;:;--:o7o:c:-:-:cc-=cc--·l:"~':' __________ ,~,:'·~1.•1 quarter of the previous year.
'•'nco' ',•,0.,v,.H',,.oOOA •••• L.. VICTOR NOTICE OF MARHIAL.'S SAL.I Pr · MARY FRANc1 PUBLIC NOTICE e-tax profits amounted to
NOTICE IS ·HEREISY GtVEN to the Plalnf!l v L.Y OIS , JJL.L SAllGEANT,1---7"===-cc="°~---I credllors of fht 1bolft n1med t111Cedent No. ~ 31;· As INC ., O.refldanl. PICllTtoUS auSINl.SS $855,378 or 25 percent of sales, ""' •" """°"' h1wln11 cl1im1 •91iMt a• , , -• T TEMI T •• compared to the I ol • Mid o.eeoent ltt r!qu]red t11 tilt ' II r UI "' In f~ICutlDn lnued Dn NAM s A N ..., oss ffl9mo wnn ttMo necttWrw voucllttt, in t-=.""''Y J, '''" b Su11trlDI' court. The 1o11ow1n1 Pl!'"SO" 11 doln• 11u11nt1s $139,887 for the previous
tl'll ottlce of 1111 clerk of fht atiove lllG" Counry Ge Ir• lclll District, 11: ......... court, OI" 10 lltHtnl f!'lllm, wl!h County Cl Or1ng1, S!41e C1lltornl1. L.EMKE INTERNATIONAL ~INES. year's quarter. On a fully
"" Mn-Hlry wllUCl'll•I lo 1 h 1 upen a ll.ldgmenl ltflletf<I fiver of 893 Norlh 81t1v!1, Ort1111e, C•Ulornl1. dilu'•d •·s· th • ......... 1111 ,, the ofllt• of his 1rfoth•Y· MARY FRANSIS IL.L GEANT I I Adolf w. L.emk•. 12522 E'I Roy St.. ""' UG IS , e earnings per
1;MOMM w HENDERSON JR ·so jl.ldgmt!~f cr.iftlet" Ind •D• st L YOIA'S Sins. AM, C1llforni1 t21GS share for the quarter before
'"' 1nt1 St;"' su111 111 Co1!1 ·;....-:_ INC. 1: fl.ldgment d•blof", sllowing • Tnls wllnei. 11 con<111tltd by 1" extraordinary cred•'t wos $.3t
(:lflfOnll• t 2•27: which i1 1111 plpet 1111 be 111<1 ot s•,u1.1' PCI U1llW dlll lnd!wldU1I. °' ..,..,_ o1 1111 utlderil ,,.., In 111 on u!d ludDmtnt on '"' d1•1 01 '"' A. w. Lernk• and afler extraordinary credit
,,....... ,.,,,lninq 10 1,,.9 Hllte of luutnee ol w ld t•tcutlcn, I h•Yt ltYltd Ttlls 111ttmlflt w11 fU.il wlm tht $ 53 MN ....... within lour month• 111,, UPOn. II! "" rfghl, 11111.' •M lnternt Counly Cieri! of Or1nge Countw on, __ ' _. ____________ I
.. tint •ketlon o1 thll notice of Sl•d 1udDmt!nl Otblor !n 1111 IM"OPfrly J1nU1ry 21, 1t14. 1•
,_ J......-~ 11 1,,, • tn the eouniy of 0r1ng1. s111e' of FJtm PUBLIC NOTICE
ILtz.A•tTH FOOOlt Cllltornl1, dlletlbed 11 1oMow1: Publl\htd Dr•lltl Goist Diiiy Pllot,1---~c,,,-,.,----.:_:.:_::_ ___ 1
1..-.1 of 1111 Will Gf L.o! 32, Tri<.! 472A. In 11>9 clly tlflUll'Y 2:2, n, lncf .ftt:bruary S. l2, NDTlt"I. TO Cltl!OtTOJtS
"" ..... "'"""' Cltet<ltnl M Newport 8t1Cl'I. County of Orl"91, 911 221·71 SUl'E•tO• COUJIT 0,. TNI! iMoMas W ... MOlltlOllC. ,It, $Ill• of C.tlfoo'"nli , '1 ptt mlll rtt.ordt!tl STATI: 0, CALl,DflNIA FOR • .... Utll .,,...., lllllt nl In book 151, ~ I tntOVgll U lnduilYI PUBUC NOTICE THI COUNTY o' OltANGI c.-.... ~ tun • of MllttHlntOUS /Mj'.)I In tllt ot'llt • "' T~, ~ ,..n,. of me coun"'"" rte~ .. , •• '''' <---. N • A•m11 .,. ,,...,, " ~ "' ~·" OTICI. 0, INTINTION TO INOAGI Ellall ... '"•IT'E 'R"lN •·· ... ~ tw lbK#MI Commonly '1lowfl 11: 1112 G•l•.Y IN THI IALE D, .,, '"" .. '" " ' ..,..,,, . ~, ..... ()1'119111 '°"' 01!1v l'llct DrlYI, N....-pOr1 811ch, C1lllOl"'nl•. 11.VEUOll AL.COHOL.IC NOT1Cf: IS H£1tE8Y GIVC N ID ltwl J~-U. n. , end fltlnflry S: on~~e..,.~s ~:~!; ,c;:v~~. lh•; To Wflcm n MiY Conc1rn: ~11:rr :!,~ ~r:f~ "!=s ~
1'7• 1•7!71 2:00 o•cktct1 P.M. 11 front of Courl~ ~tk}D ~-~uume Ille Nlo-deceOenl _.,,_,,quired llLJI~ Or11>9t Cetunlv H f"bcN" J I • ....... ""' ~ b lttrtf!Y ;>Yen !Mt lt!ln'l, wnn IM MC•n•ry "Olleher1 In
.xll Jt1mboret :o cir' c~I ~!ttrkt, '"' lln4tttl111110 Pl'®OSH lo sen 1lcol'ID/lc IN offlc• 01 11w1 ''''k °' 1111 1bov. &11tn, (Oltl!lly o1 ·• 0rel!I SI ~wpo~ tin.rign , •I 11'1t pr1mlM1, de1erl!Md lfltllled eourl, or 10 11rHml mtm. with
---------------tc1llfornl•'-t-wtll sell II •• I l e 0 "lollows. . "" ntttHlr'r' ~htr1, ~ 11'1• ,tcTfTIOUI tUllNESS lo 1111: ~itflt•t bltldtt ';:' 'c.~i:ti.r p J)Ol B•r St., Cost1 ~ uncflr1l{lrlelf al file 0!1IC1 of his lllOl""lll'fl
se.tMI: lfATIMl.NT l1wf11I rnontt of lht' Uri! SI n urw•nt to •UC!' lnltnllon, rt'lt ~pt$ ANO K.ARA81AN. tc0 W!ltlllrt
..,_ ..._..,. pencw1 11 doing Mlntu 111 1111: rig~'· 11,1, •net l~emi1"!; under• Al llon;:c' Is t>PPl'flll!I to Ille 01oa1tm&nt aou11v1rd, Suitt No. »11, LOI A.111111••· .., ,.,ti IUO!lmtnt debtor In 1111: '°"° c fll~ltl• Contrpl for ltl!Jlnct CeUfornl1 90017, which 16 tn. Dtat•
1 'TMI' ,llttT TllADING COMl>ANl' llMClibed Ot'~Oi' ~ ~h 'ttwe:: ot 1~ tlcollollc btVW•ll'c llc.nM fOt of lluil"'"' of ll'lt undtrtlfMCI In 111 .,. C..... ~ $Ill.,.. ~ •• bl • ' lhlM pnm1M1 •• tollortW•: metttrl wt•inlnt to tM 11t11t of ~ Qltflm/1 -' UK::;:,. ,:;.ea::·~'' WlhfV Nld On S.lt G.nlr•I Publlt E111ng Pi.t• ••kl Otcedent. wllt'!lft foiw monll'll .tltr ...... ~o. ""'' .,,. c.~ Dr!Yf, COlf6. "' r lnltrHI •!Id AMl!ll:ICAN RECR!Al10tf 1111 fin! llVllllcl!lon of tt11t llOllct.
Wf9 f ......,..,.,, 1tJ1C11. C11ftlornlt Ollld JMUlry 17 l'7t Cl!NTElt5, INC.' OetM Jlfllj"ry 11, 1'74 ...... ' Olvitleft• Hi,_' . l'WlllllM °'*"' COtlt Deity !'llot, WALTfllt KAllAtlAN
T'W1 IMIMM I• ctnctucted by 111 Oli.L.AttD O. WIL.l(IRSOH Jll'llltl'Y :n, 1tl4 #'-14 1'111<utor ot 1111 'f(Sll of
.,..,,..,., Mertl\ll, °''"'"' coun1y tht ttl>OY't n11'1'111d O.Cldlnl ..... : By Mlrltne L.. arvwn, Kl KAltMI AND KARAllAN
,..... D, "'" OteivlY ci.r• I DS L ll:l{E TO ,. Wltll!IN a.tn•nl lJlh ............ Wff fllld Wl tfl fM (..,., IHtiO. 0..11 & D•~• .11 Ultlt .... Qt Clllwfl'1 Olflr ef °"'"" C~ ,l.tlltltf't Atf.,.J I L9 A..,...., Clllflnllt M\f
....,., ,, ,,,. ltll ""'" 1 ....... ,. Sit.,,, A.SK 4NDY Tttrcnn -.mt N11M ..w.t1 ...... CMl"'91la.n:7tl AflWlltn frtf 1.-.-
"stFINt' or.. CU\t 01lly f>S'OI. Pvllfl$11td or,,.. c .. u Dilly l"tki( - -PubllU!ltl Or.,... Cotll . Dlll'I Pilot.
JMiWY a. u. n. n. 1'14 .w1 'J"" n . 2t, 1nd F•b. • ni• ,,,.,, J•Jf\llrT n, n. w '•br'Nrv ,.. n . ' lt74 2>2·14 •
MMner1 21 ll\'1 ..• Ctvst1I Oii 1S 11 ....... CiflU\I .I 1• ""' •.. tltnt ..• AshldOllC. I 111'1-t'I CSE ~ . .io 1 11\t-1/11 Gr1yMf 11111 J • -t Ill WrsNll fd 2 !%.-l, ASPA0 .409 S 6 -t ,,_ CubkCp.20 I S"' •• , CiflAm lllO 7 11·1.._l·I• Mlr\t\1llnd t ·~YI A~lrtll In<; ' J . . . CW Tr~ I ····-... Grl IMS ... l n 3 . . . INtllnc:I .IO ' "-\9 Allllnll (II I s>.-'• -D 0-CitL.-0. .1111 Jl IJ + 04 MtlAIK .20 .11 111-t Iii A\koMlg"#\ ' 1\o .. Dimon Cte S J>•t 'r\ GREIT 1.10 2 1"-~ MlulBfl .10 l"'"-\'t
AllCMn .2'1:1 33 21 -t ~ Diii COrllrl 1 I'• ... Gt-1yhe .:ICld I ~ •.. Miiii in .olOb I .!,°':!~.·;~ Allis~ wti 7' I . .. Ol\1 00<. In I 2l~•t Yo G R I Cp .10 U 10\r-\lo Mr;Cr n ..tt J •• ,.... .,.
A1191t ln . 10 • 20'11+ \IO Dltl Prodct 16 l\1 •. , Grow c .l:lg 10 S + ~ MtCulkh OI 50 SI.oil •. ,
Ainttll Oil 1 1•>;, •.. °''""'.IOI) ss.i ,.~ .. ~i GullMtl wll It I .•. MtOOno ,ol(I 2 ,..,,_ \1 Autam 8ld!I • l'-+ v. OCL. 1nc:wp n 11·1~1' Ci<lltt.o .l50 4 u•~ .. \lo MCKlotl est t 2~+ v.
Auto Rildlo «I 1"' ... Ol!1rbnS .2S " 11 · f. \IO' ~!SOM wt S >• .,. MOCC«"p l !Vr Aulo S\fc .20 1J I + \'t OtJ\11" Ams l 1r. t v. ~tlolrm L.d I ll'lt . . . Mims FW I S to
AV (Corp I JV. ... Ol!LL.111 .OSD 10 • -v. --M M-,MtdlfKO .U 1 lt1' -a a--C.ltl Corp 1' Ul+ "'° Hllltt811 H 11 1\lo--t "" Mllft Co ,M 2 1"'-
8aniitlt" L.t l6 lt!'t+ VI C.ltn Fd .!iO 4 1"11+ ,,., Hemp41n .lf I '"" ,, . Me,11 N .20 12 ll.,..
lllnkUlit .20 10 th+ .... OflTIEI .05d 11 1'\'t + 'Ill ~now Pltn t tOll-~ oWdlGtfl ~ S 2't llln!Wt" I .CO 2 1-w-;,":" "OtAlnt llld ·t 1\!o+ "'° Hlrttld Zft 1 1V.-\II MkJ'ISull . ' ''-Blftl1y Ind 1 l'h ... 0.StPf!.1'1b 31 1Hi.f" \lo Har ... ysSlr 1 l '" #l<Milit'"IH .,--:1 ..... Birth~ .21 I Jl.O •• • OH'-1 Jlfl t ' -t \lo Histing .20I S •'h . .. INCi! Co -'DO 1 I t I.\ 81r•ltk Ind t J'riof. V. 0.¥110P Cp 144 •\<+ 1 Hl,den Sin 1 1\.'i . . • IAl<lllM Gil 4 S~ ~ 811ln Pllrl 1 6'1• \11 ()tlJlnd .10lt J 1~-t Vo Hl1ltr!Om I 4.,._\~ MhfWllA .'11 1 to~\lo
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6'r9 Al .2Jd 14 s -~. Dl•IVft (Ol"p 11 • + ~ Hllhlt" .Ii.I , 11,._ \'t ,....,..eo -' -•• Btr9Rlly wt t ~ Vo corn. Pllro 21 '1\i+ ~ HllltwlVft .loll 5 •14+ "'° MDI' (p 1 llV. •, · S.rtt• COrP I 4'/• . . . Oaml1r 11 1 t2lll+ V. HlpOll"{lllk l I -\.'• MIO Gf" .Xld I l !/t-°" lllf"wnC .10 6 SV• ... OotllltnW .2' 1 t•to + Vt HOl~nlnd 1 3\'t+ V. 1'>\0'10nS.31 I lloli .. ,
fletnlflm(p J t\'t+ V. Ortwl4tCp l l"f. V. HOUY COl'p 2 2 +"' MOUldlflllln • 1~ ... BtwrlyE'ttt n l'l'tt V. Ort~Ut .10d • 11\!o• Vi HorriOIA ,SO 1 13 -\l't Movltlttlln 1315-16+5'1•
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a1n-1M .eo. 11 "v' ... OutoT• .ua ' ''" ... HOrn&Hlnl 1 11~ ... _. ....._, BlllMY s .n , 1'l~ + \lo o.,Ml.Clr C" 1• ,,,,_ ,,.. Hot.lln• IWQ 11 •• -\i Hitt Allllfl 1 -v.
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Boll 81tntk 1 1111 ••. EMtllRf .12 U •1;;+ \lo HO-"'Rn .lOQ I J~+ 111 NII PltMOn 3 11\t+ :ti! eowv1n .1a • 7'\llo+ ~ f.l"'"°,11111 10 11 HOuMVi.lf s s .•• Nll$il~t:'llll:I 2 l'h-""
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BtadA1911' .. •u-~. EntnCo .• 1 It ..• _"""'!'! ..... , .. •, ,•·.~~ .,""~-., ... 1~1t,1•_·\i, Btld CGmOI I 21\'i+ V. Ell fr94grlt 1 ~~+ \o'I ,,.., ,.. 8r1nc:hl .~6 1 )1' ••• E<llm« (p I .1~ Vo ~"tOl .U 'n U t Ill Hf.NIK .01'11 11 5l -" er ... 1tf Wit ' II>"+ \t E<.Od~.co 11 IO -\lo Hyctl lnc:p 2' t*-,,., ""1 ... t ... 10 • _,..
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C&K Ptt«il I 12Yi ... Epli;o$11 ,W. 1 1111 ,., ll'llttRts fk '' ~+ 'Ill PW ' ·• • C:oib*°"' It • ·t \lo E'OllllY Hiii ~ 11/f .•• llllrml«O I 1 + \.' NNGNoo9 "#\. '1 11\lo + IAi C19lnlnc A l 1~ V. Elti....w .CM 4 1 -v. In lotftknolt 2 1·K-1·l• NutlHI' Ditl ti "1't+ ~ ClfdOI' .Uo 11 1\1' ••• (U\flS'tfl )II J Sl-+ \lo Int ~'f( S S'\11 ..• NulNc.: OOG I 11 -\lo
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• 1974 OAlll PlLOf
Year's· High-Low
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Jf DAILY PILOT Tuesday, January 22, 1'74 •
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Sale prices effective starting 12 .noon,
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the biggest sa·vings of the year.
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S.elecl your most
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20% OFF
Men's casual pants
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..... t.11. Cuffed alacks for men. Dacron•
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. to
Wh~t's A year ago today, the United States
Supreme Court, for aJI pr act i ca 1
purposes, legaJized abortlon1.
Recognizing thi t roost states had
time period that a woman can now
n10st easily Obtain an abortion.
During the .-id trimester, tbe court
said, the state's "Important a o d
the !9th century, not for any -mor protecUng the health of the -pregnant r
reasons but to protect , ~n from woman " begins to intrude on the right in Vietnam, two other occurrences which
the dangers of the oper.ation )'btch tben . grabbed headllnel that week. existed, the courl hjlij that concern '; 0~ )irlvacy 90 the states may leJllslate But tlloae who bad stopd staunchly
Been ~men
was warranted no Ion~r. 1 ' health regulations. against abortion ol any kind refused
Sayil)g that the termination of an Ai some point during the last --to accept the declolon as an end to
unwanted pregn4J!Cy ii up to the wom"!1 trii\iester, the courl declared, the fetus their batUe. Tiley changed their targets
and her doctor ' the .cQurt Nied 7 to be;Comes "viable" and can Uve outside from the atate legislators to their federal
2 that criminal 'abortion laws of almost the mother's womb ao, the s t @ t e ' s representatives. ~
every state violated a constitutio,nal "impo~nt. ~ legi~imate interest in "A year ago I don't think anybody
..... Do.n.e.?. "right of privacy." pat~tial h~e outweighs the motper's took them seriously," said Susan
In the majority opinion three stages individual r1.gbts. , . McGreivy, a member Of the Laguna BEA ANDERSON, E~itor
of pregnancy, ,.ch. with dillering rights , l)uring this Ume, the court ";Id, the Beach. chapter of Ibo Nat Ion a 1 TutM11r, JlllUltY tt/ lt74 '''' 11
·-<were-·detineat'ed· : .. :.1 ... ·--·-·· --'-·· states may-proscribe abortion excepl Orgaruzation for Women who is 1erving
'\ Stories by Laurie K11per
OW'ing the first three months, the ~hen _ it' is necessary to Feserve tbe as ~OW':S state abortion action
court said, "any • interest the state life or 1.bealth of the mother. coordinator.
in protecting the WO(llan from an TOOlie who favored and fought for It now appears the 'ltruggle ls I • inherently hazardous procedure ... bas ·uberaliied abortion laws (a form of mounting nationally and wlll, both sides
largely disappeared." It is during this which eilsted in California) happily say, be seen bere in Orange Cowity.
........ onfroversy Not Aborted
• • •
Today, a new anti-abortion group, constitutional a'mendments which would
the Pro-Life-P.oliUcaLAction...Cg__nunlttee eilher prohibit abortions or return th~
of Orange County, is to be organized -riififlo -legislate-on the-issue to the
during their first meeting lo which a states. \
__;_Jluc1'9~ of about 80 people have been Other bills telating to abortion have
invited. . been-introduced, and some have been
A membershlp applicatlon defines their passed, in both Houses of Congress. -
goals as being: "To re-dedicate ourselves "I think it's a polltical time bomb
to God, the Constitution and good right now," said Susan McGrclvy, state
government. To restore confidence and abortion action coordinator for NO\V
morality in our political s Y·S t em . "It's just ticking and when it's going
Education on Pro-Life issues especially to e~lode, J.don't know." ,
abortion and euthanasia. But she seems certain that the Issue
__ ;c".Retaip._seets----P.LRro-life incuJ!lbents will e91ode becau~-oJ t!Je wor~_of
regardless of pollti!>ll party. Seek out ''j>ro-li(e!' groups. Tiley woiila agree with
pro-life candidates. Precinct organization her.
f~r .Pro-life candidates: Pub~h _and Although their positions on the issue
d1S~r,ibute '! o t e r.s .~de. B1-part~an are <JiametriCally opposed, they share
political wuty on pro-life Issue!. To guide the same basic frustrations.
pro-life people in political action." "Our greatest opposition is apathy ,'1
Saturday, members.· of the Laguna explained Cathy SuJlivan, convening
Beach chapter o!_ Nah~l Organi1.a~~ _ chainnan_of .. the .~Life &Jli_ti~l Action
for Women demonstr~ted on Pacific Committee ·
C.Oa§t Highway in suppott of the Suprenie Many peop" le, she said, are "with us court's decision on abortion. The Orange COunty chapter held a s i mi Ii a r in their beads but they don't act it out." demonstration yesterday in front of
COngressmen Andrew Hinsbaw's office. And Ms. McG~ivy said, "I think that
-Btrtlrgroups-boped--to·obtain-signatures our---biMt&t,....lea&:.-is tbat ~e aren't.
on a petition to f~eral legislators urging taking this seriously enough.'' ,
them to survey their constituents. Their She believes a majority of the people,
belief is th.at such surveys would favor even Catholics who are reputed to be
leaving t~ abortion decision to a woman the largest opposition to abortion, fa vor
and . her doctor, as the Supreme Court a free choice on the issue over any
said. governmental restrictions.
The issue of abortion has been made But she believes a p r o h i b l t i v e
the top priority of NOW in California amendment could be passed out of
and all other states Which have ratified Congress and said, "It wouJdn't be the
the EQual Rights Amendment. first time a very vocal minorlty got
Other orpnizations are involved on legislation passed."
both skies ot. the issue but it appears Both . groups. also co m p I a i n
these two will probably be the most that congressmen are r e m a i n j n g
active in the county· uncommitted on this issue and so they
\Vithin tbe paiSf. year, many abortion are urging them to "stand up and be
counseling services and clinics have cowited." · ·
opened .. An. estimated one and a half 'million abortions are said to have been Both would then like to see wtes perfOnp~ . in the coun~ry during the cast in the next election on the issue
past year, aJ~gb actual statistics rather than pOtitical party ties.
are· not available. , Ms. McGreivy admits concern that
The nuqiber of 'abortions in Citllfonila the issue i9 not that important to people
has ·conunually increased~since the 1967 who fawr abortion. They are, she
Therapeutic Abortion Act be c am e believes, more likely to vote along party
effective. lines--while those who oppose abortion
Yet, also within -the past year, will vote on that one issue alone. congt~men have introduced rwme~ "There's no doubt in my mind that
Crackers and Tapes
Right to Life \Viii make it an issue
in every congressional district in !he
state," she said.
t.faking abortion an issue in each or
the county's districts is exactly what
Mrs. SUllivan said-her-gfoup-will-do.
But Right to Life, as an organization,
refrains from political activity to protect
their tax status.
Afrs . Sullivan said, upeople have been
separated by political parties .. , \Ve
"'ant them to look at an issue and
vote on the issue regardless of the
The group plans to pUf out a voters'
guide on each candidate's stand on the
"We want to help the good ones and
get rid of the bad ones," said Dianne
Muth, vice chairman of the committee.
So, Mrs. SUllivan said, "We're backing
ourselves up with our own work."
For candidates who not only say, but
show, they support their side of the
issue, the group promises to have people
walk precincts, make telephone calls
and do other "irass mots" tbinis in thi.@liti~paigo. - -
~tiObeV."'thelr efforts ' will reap
greater rewards than an amendment
prohibiting abort~.
Mrs; Muth said they have found a
person who is "pro-life" is also ''a
moral person and an honest person ..•
_They go hand in han:d."
"\Ve hate to sound old fas.hioned, but
things haven't been running so well
in the United States," Mrs. SUlllvan
"This mass destruction of human life
must stop -if God is to -allow-our nation
to survive as the land of the tree
and the home of the .brave."
"We think there is a pro-abortion
estabUshment in control right now,'' she
said. "We've been put on. the defensive
•.. and I don't think that's fair.". ·
She believes concern over population
control has been --brought about by
"mobacrilcy ... mob rule where the
loudest voice will be beard."
So, the women say, they are doing
something they have always been told
they couldn't do. "We're going to fight
City Hall." -
More lmp_ortant? Logic Crumbles
"\Vhen you'.!.Joee..fellf. respect for life · Mrs. Muth centends studies have a caring idea bot they haven't thought
'We're conceri1ed DEAR ANN LANDERS : I don't know ~y brother-in-law was very upset and
J.. "I."" ~ whether or not newspaper columnists staa:ed to look for something to remove
a one en , t-a-bl'einwa . ~· " Ms· M'-'°teiYY
-·_uptlJespectnl.fllsoy~ulosey~_, .fr~'?,1 th~. ~.b~ .at~·~~.~~.~~~~~~;.-.'~~~:.··,,., ~ ·~ ·-
W~t,-.---,uaJ1<ityr+-------'b"'ayl<Je;._,awn'-"UDS"'"DO"k"en"-Aagt<J[J<~!'11!J"'00!D~t _.,!19l.ll....!!ln!_.tthe-adhe8ive-mees-lef$ OR Cather1ne!si----
f If d
ralt~·eacb other, but I do hope "you
for life," said Cathy J>u!Uvan, chairman ffilf babt""'er heeds, ••er ;;\l( itiv;, ·-Sh Jllill'iil!tl · thal a . ....,illl"Dllgbl,
o i. e an . ill ~-· lei face . I offered ·him some tighter fluid-a ·
•':·. ,,~""'?;. .~. \;' •• r ..... =i; , -..... ,,. .rf -r''\.,. J. w·. ,P.1wl-.tbi1 ~ io.,tl)e pu9~C'"iDJt.f.•t~ • lticli1 Rad leamedin-t~~•~y.·~· ~ ~;.,.. '-... -• ht f I · '"'Will yau please suggeSl lo those'!Jouse-' -~w •
of the Pro-Lile Political Action is formed at 11 weeks_," she said. be held for manslaugter or even murder rig S· o peop e • . h h · 1 Well, it must have stung a little and holu-hint writers t at t ~Y pnnt on y
Committee of orange County: Although the fetus ts attached to the If a woman bas a miscarriage after who are alive.' she screamed so loud I thought for
'11lis is a key concern expressed by mother ior .nourishment, she contends some activity, as waterskilng, at 14
se who aie 8~get It Ls not a ' ther wee~. .
Congress to pass a constitutional it is "a distinct human being.''. ,She a~ brings up the p~l~m o
amendment which will prohibit a1l9rtlons.: But ,?48, McGreivy a~ J>Olnls to rape, :Wh1c4 Mrs..-M~th sa~ is not
Mrs. suilivan said they support an research which shows there Is no conducive to ~ptkin. ~µx,ngb Ms.
endme t sponsored by Rep. electri!>ll activity ln the brain, wbtch McGr<lvy admits very 1 ... rape victims 'Yott· have the an am n , . -. d . . sb "· "Bui hat 'f I.a H'ogail of MarylaDI which is the legal delinltioo ol life, until its o conceive, e UM, w 1 right· to take
wreold ce due •rocess . and equal later development In the womb. Even you're the one? It's Just absolutely , J"f wou msure ~ , · · Is mJolmaL inh to .. a perspn s 1 e protection tO an iridividuaJ "from the then, she Claimed, it ~umaD me. , 0 I
t. ·1 Uoa " · "I s•~ the e_mbryo l.O .a JI·•·• She asks,. "ff they force women IQ _ espec1all'1--momen o ·concep , , '"YI""!"" . •U;l6 • -• .• ,,-
This amendment, for which ,3 rare.tr being. It ls growing, like a plant ls," have children, what are they gomg to. when it'·s a
• i~ he said' do about it?" used dlscbarge petition has been tnlUat.. s • person's life to take the bill from committee ~ She · believes the concept of llfe There are, she said, •already over
place It directly on the floor·with priority begiMlog with coocepUon · Involves the 15 million famlUes ln the CO)llltry headed you brought about?'
over al1'0ther business, would also forbid concept of "div\00 soul" and contends by women, many of whon. are living
tbe state f~m depriving 0 any human most of those who . oppose abortloa are on i"hancf.to-mouth welfare" which ii
Iielng of Ille on account of llloess, age, Catholic and other ltmdamental religions. supi\or\ed by the t&xpayen. or incapacity." · Tilts. she explained, would make II · Those who are o_.,.( to abortion
Such an amendm~t Vfould allow an a relio-ious. issue which nonbelievers sa the child could ll he t
ahortl'on only if it• wete performed "to 0 • Y ren ,eu Y pu should not U.ve to folldw. . I do lion lo ,._ ·
save the Ufe of the. -.·"· r," Mrs. 1 • up or a P , s ce 1.n~l"I:;; is now ...... ~ M-. Sulllvu and Mn. Muth, &owever, ' St.illivan said. Such · Ji case may exist ~.. a lack of adoptable cblldren. But Ms.
if the mothtr had a tubal pregnancy deny that it involves any rellfglon. = ·McGreivy believes the end' to abortions
Or' cancer of lhe uterus. say. there are atheists who avor tand . would overflow this market. I~ is generally OOnsidered ~. "Pfo-Ule:' · 8 1b~y admit that they are seekbtg She also brings up the potent.lat
po81tiOD. BUI. s~ McGre1yy, NO'! s a Ubufc belief in God ," but point io physical iiil psychological damage to
'They think that
they really have
a caring attitude
but they haven't
thought out ' state abortioh action roonll~tor, aatd, th ·--· · tto "lli 'God We Trust " unwanted ,chlldren and 11.ld, "We want "We see oqrselves 8$ p~e bec&Ule e m ....... J 1~ mo 1 1 to ·"· child
we're basicaJJy conceinedl' with ··the and ,claim, ~e are not ~Ing anything -a::"ihen"'~. Muth•= ~ the con1equences.' ·
qWJlity of ll1e and rlgh~ of people ·who · " thal 1 not alr"8dy \here; their show that today's "battered dilldreo"
a rc 1~· JdcGnJ!y_alao ·~·t -we,,.,.planned-and-wanted :..:===--------'-------
She coos~ abortion ooe ol tbO belle! Is based on sex,l' iiiifylieliig Ml. McGrelvy also con~ed abortions
"rights of women to lead a happy life." for procreaUon. But, 1111 said, ~ere would continue l:iecause "women with
Although she believes this position ls is evidence that shows m!l"Y other things Jots of money have ·always been able
considered "selfish" In a aoelety which come from sex. ~ttlllles; she add~, lo get ahortlOl!s." Tile burden her., 'ihere '!Ire social
helds a "let her suffer" attitude, she show that monkeys will die U they re one said, would fall on the poor. ·
contends, "a woman iloes have a right .not held. --"Tllere are social problems," admitted problem1. But
to control her body." But the other women argue on the Mn. Muth . "But by eliminating people by eliminating
But· Mrs. SUlllvan COW\le:S th\' b<li ef basis of res;>oN!bWty for one's ac llons. to aolve IOclal proble1111, your IUd8l
with a question, "You have !He rt~ht "Love Is; a lot of It .. gtvb1g and problems only betome wone." . • people to solve
. to take a persor.'s life, eapeetatly when shnrtn1.'' 14.,, Sulllvan said. She objects She lean abortlool mil alao leN • I bl
II'• a penon's life you brought aoout?" tl1 at abortion II ·not an act of love. to euthonaola, leglalaUon Umlllng ihe socta pro em1
She and Dianne Muth,, vice chairman ~nd say•, Instead, that )t 11 sharing number ol children a person could have your problems
of the comn.lttee, defined abortion as one's uterus with a baby.. arid even the kinds <J _. who_ are --J b '
"the killing of Innocent human m .... -"Tliey think .that they . reelly . have allowed to live. on y ecome worfl!.
• ( • • ' l
suggestions which are practical and
sensible? A lot of nutty women will
try anything they see written up ·as
a "work-saver." .
My not-so-bright wife r~ad in the paper
_ that-a-good-w.ay _to_ sav:e~ time ~he~n
making cracker crumbs is to put the
whole box ol. crackers in a plastic bag
and ride over it with a car. -
A rolling pin costs fiO cents. Our car
cost $4500. My wife asked me last night
to please get the wide, 70-series tires
because they would make better cracker
crumbs. Knowing my wire as I do,
I'm sure she will nag me until I get
those new tires. We don't NEED new
tires, Ann Landers. What do you suggest
DEAR YONK: Sorry, I've got all I
can do to retpond to readers who have
leglUmate complaints against M Y
advkt. 1 can't handle beefs directed
at other cohunnlst1. Why don't you write
to W111tzername? The Den letter will
ifVe ycnf an idea 0£ Wbat 11m up -againlt
at tM moment.
and. I am OOlltiig. My sis er-m-aw, an
unmitigated fool , age 46, just set the
house in an uproar. I am ·visiting here
from Fairbanks, Alaska.
AOOut 1 this morn ing, aJl hell broke
loose. I beard my brother-in·law yelling
sure the neighbors would call the police.
After we got her quieted down, I
ked-what in the WUI ld""tbaHape-n..----
doing over her mouth anyway. She
replied, "I.read in Ann Landers's column
that if a person tapes fils mouth shut
at night it will eliminate snoring."
PleaSe tell me, Ann, did you. gtve
that advice-? I can't believe it· A GUEST
'DEAR GUE.51': Yes, I did, and muy
teadeo_ wrote 19 aaY It works. Sorry
about Cathe~e's lip, but ibi' .,P.,endy
pat on much more tape than was
necessary. And now, Bub, what kind
of i an idiot 'would · •aaeat Ugti&er fluid
on' a raw wound?
those middle-aged ladies with beautiful
bodies to quit referring to "stretch
'1)&rks" from childhifth as ugly. Usually
they ask you bow to get rid of them.
I am 25 years old and have three
Iovely children. I have stretch muts
on my breasts as well as my abdomen
and hips. I do not consider tbe1n ualY
and neither does my husband. Tbef
are the scars I bear as a result of
having-ehildren. ff yotl print my Jetter
it might help other women witll llntd\
marks feel less ashamed, -SALT LAK!J
n o txMA': ...-aiii
tab lllal and 11111, y .. • pis-"" .....
who are ashamed of your 1tntm ..a.
They're your medals for. WZ01r•11•t
Cbeer ap.
for me. It tteems his wife -Catherine-Discover how to be date bait ~
had awakened during the night coughing ralling hook, line and sinker. Am '
and choking, clawing at t~ wide strips Landers's booklet, "Dating Oo'1 ..
of adhesive tape that she had plastered Don'ts,," wlll help you be more potm;
tvery which way across her mouth . and sure of yo urself on datt:s. s..l
When her husband finally succeeded in 35 cents in coin along wlth a ll'lll · rtppin~ off the tape, he took some of stamped, self-addre.Sed envelope ...
hey i]p, wit1Li1 There was a little your reques\,,l<l AM Landen, P.O. 8111
)>leeding but certainly no hemorrhage. 3316, 222 W: Ban1< Dt., Otlcap, Ill ...,
• r l
• ,. .
Nostalgic battery wall
clocks, which capture
the rough and boister·
ous spirit of America
when the 'Vest was
being won, are amoni
1---'the more than I,400
eshibits in the.National
Housewares Exposition
ln Chicago. Holding the
1imepieces is Beverly
T\le'Sdar. Janvary 22, 1'»'4
Horesco Savin s
Important to Cancer
The same dlcllorulrv which
tenns aslrology a "pseudo-
science" also deflnts ufantum
as ... worthless metal." In
aclualily, aalroiogy ts a
viable, dynemlc subject and
CID be uUlized to provido lhe
stoi>and-go signals of life.
ARIES (March 21-April 19):
Ae<enl is on friends, hopes
and \\ishes. New moon posi-
tion now coincides w I t b
rewards bHed Oil proltwional
efforts and personal reia·
tiooshipo. Highlight n e w
starts, independence a n d
creativity. Leo, A q 01rIu1
pet .... could figure promin-enUy. ·
TAURUS (April 20-May 20);
Lunar position coincides with
advancement, standing I n
community, promotion. You
get chance to display abilities.
One )"'U·respecl will be rec<1>
tive. Know it and proceed with
confidence. ni.r. ii room for
you • more elevated posillon.
GEMINI (May It.June 20):
HJgbllglj natural ability to be
vonatile. You make cont.acts
wtlk:h pro v e meaningful.
Travel, special studies are ac-
""11<d. You find oullet 10<
talents. Potential Is great -
know II and oubmlt ideas, con-
CANCER (June 21.July 22);
Do IOl!ll!thlng aboul savings,
tnOneY management. Ta x
questiom can be reoolved In
yOW' favor. Aquarius, Leo and
S<orplo persons could be in
picture. Check._ fine points -
read bel-. lines. Gain
oli>wn ii you don't expect
something for nolhlng.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Cy-
cle is such !hat olhers lend
to take__ iJ}.ltjative. including
partner, mate. Ride wllh
tid&-11lay walling game. Bulld
reservoir of goodwill. Some
changes "WOrk to· yOlD' ad-
vantage. Know It and be
cooperative, Gemini, Virgo
persons could be involved.
VIRGO (Au&, ~ II):
Rouline taab ._,. to
dominate. WJ)tl WU delayed
or put aide now comet
rushing ,to rflrelront, den•id-ina:. attenti o n. FamUy
member ~ on relll)!lellng
... home bnprovemenl. Keej>
peace. Do -ii requeoled.
LIBRA (Sep!. J3,9cl. 22):
You are called upon to mike ·· ·
value judgment. Vole tn fawr
of the tut.ure. MeaM refuse
to hark back to what might
have been, or to put fan.
t.asies. P11ee1, Vlr10 persorw
might r lg u re prominently.
Refine and doflne.-G'y 16. ••
rive at speclfics.
SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 21);
Practical issues dcwnlnate. At·
tend to delails . Be lhorough.
Ullllze lemns teamed in re-
cent past. Experience now cao
beoome a valuable ally. Gel
property appnlsal. Don't aell
short. Vou have oomethinc o!
value to offer.
Couples Recite
Wedding Vows
Prog~ams, Seminars Arrang-~d
Dec. 21): Finish wflal you
start. Project lhal IMllS
never-ending may actually. be
drawing to successful con-.
clusion. Know it; respond IC·
cordingly. Arlet, LI b ra
persons are apt to be in pic-
ture. Short trip may be on
CAPRICORN (Dec. ll.Jon.
191 : Accent now Is on mrmey,
personal po11e11l o n1,
payments, sav\n81 and col·
lections. New _-. to
budget could be -ve.
Leo, Aqurial DW be in·
\'Olved. Review ~
-)'00 may be c&rymg ID UD-
...,....ry load. MILLER-HOUTS performed in St. J o h n • s
Epi.scopal Church, R<>ss.
St. Catherine's C h u r c h , Her parents are Mr. and
A representative from the
Speech Departme·nt of
California state University,
Fullerton will speak on You
and Ywr Audience; for the
JVemesday, Jan. 23,. meeting
--, .Laguna Beach-waa.the.selting. Mr.s. Frank. -BaisocchinC of ~
for-the marriage·of Kathleen Kentfield. -Sile iS a graduate ··i.:
·Houts and John David Miller. of Redwood High School and ~J.f;
--of Upsiloo Omicl!>l1-Chapter,
The bride, daughter of Mr. the University of Oregon and
and ~trs. Marshall W. Houts ts a member of Kappa Alpha
of Laguna Beach, W a I Theta.
attended )>y Virginia; Marsha, Sbe was presented during
Palricla and Cynthia Houts lhe Marin debulante ball In
and Jennifer Miller. 1968 and was a member or
She is a graduate of UC Spinsters of San Francisco,.
Irvine and received h er Her husband is a graduate
masters degree at Washington of Co!:ta Mesa High School
State University. • and attended ea Ii f-o r n la
Her husband. son of the late Western University a n d
Judge S. Fred Miller and ~lrs. California State University at
?.liller of Long Beach is a Fullerton. ~ newlyweds will
graduate of st a n' f o r d · reside in San Rafael.
University Law School and is Attendants ·were L i s a ,
a member ol the ca.Jilornia Albert and Frank Barsocchini,
Law Revision Commission . Michelle Wilks and John Neeb.
He was attended by Thomas
lofiller, Thomas and Timi
Houls, Ralph Sternberg and'·
Tom Rowan.
Drew Neeb, soo of the
Arthur Neebs of Costa h.fesa,
claimed Lori Barsocchini as
his bride dur~g r i t e s
Home in San J uan
Capistrano are Larry Ray
Miller and his bride, the
former Janis Eileen Brock
wOO were married in St.
Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Newport Beach.
The Rev. Or. Charles
Dierenfield performed t b e
Soul (Blush) Bared
double ring rites for the
daughter and son of the Earl
A. Brocks of Newport Beach
and the William Ray ~tillers,
Huntington Beach.
<\ttendaols were Mr. and
Mra. George Hoge, Virginia
Miller,· Jill Kreiling, Gayle
Eakins, Jerry and Martin
Miller and Brad Heniolson.
The bride' ti a graduate of
La Canada High Schoo l ,
attended the University of
Arlr.ona and Sawyers School
of Business and is a member
of G8mma Phi Beta.
Her husband is a graduate
of Edison High 'School and
attended Orange Co a s t
Circ~lation .Soaring
Mrs. Tim Rogers of
Anaheim will host lhe 8 p.m.
meeting, during which new
pledges will be gniduated.
New officers will be elected
by the Democratic Women of
.Orange -Cowl\y_ at a p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 24, at
Democratic Headquarters,
Santa Ana.
Teen Challenge
Mrs. 'lbelma. EI f s tr o m ,
wb:lrse life was capsuled in
the book, '1Cameos" by Helen
Koiman, will speak for the
Thunday, Jan. 21, meeling
of Teen Challenge Women.
The 11:30 a.m. lunclleon
gathering will take place in
lhe Teen Challenge lacilily,
Right to Li fe
IA1ncheoo and bridge are
scheduled by lhe Newport
Chapter of Righi to Life
Friday, Jan. 25, in lhe parish
hall of Ow-Lady Queen
of Angels catlx>iic Church,
Newport Beach.
The 11 am. bridge !eSSion
1----By-EllM.\-BOMll iJnsell....oA-a-wiekel'-loonge---
·-0ne of the 4lgh seots or far --three hours. It was an
iny ~'Tectmt: ·tiOOk ·loUr ! was~ awesome sj@t. '-'-7~~ ~· ... ::· ·-'~;·
sharing.a teleYisioo show with. "DQ you have less respect ·
the attractive editor o f for a man who poses for a
•• AT ,
END,. Playgirl Iiiapzlne. centerfold?"
Now, getting the defender ·''No. Maybe Fabian and
· ' t to ether , Lyle Waggoner are sick of
with a woman who indfold! &eirii ] us t another prelly
her rubber duck Is like getting fact."
an extra girl for the Pope. "Housewives are our biggest
The show got off to a purchasers of Playgirl. Would
yawning start when I was yon say nudes are becoming
asked to .discuss sex drives the new national heroes?"
after 40. . "I wouldn't be surprised. I
"I think with the energy gave up baseball players
crisis we should all cut down when they started chev.ing
· on our drives and possiblI tobaccQl"
gel the limll down I<> 35 ... IS "Woold yoo buy a nude
in sc~I zones." poster for your utility room?"
Some questions beg for "And take down my wall
flipness. size mural of a cho<:olate
"Why are you ashamed of eclair? You're kidding!"
your body?" It wasn't until we were
"Because it is lumpy. three-quarters through the
. "~at is your husband show that I realized my
I~~· , opponent was dead serious in
Hes Just yo~~ average her publishing endeavor.
overdressed male. She was sincere that what
seemea ro reg
synthesis of h ousewive"s
"I don't speak for the
housewives of America," l
said. "! speak for myself, a
wo:man who picks up towels
off Ute floor for a living and
is trying to get parts for a
2§:)'eaM>id marriage."
"And you are really
repulsed. by our magazine?"
''To the point or nausea,"
[ said.
"That's interesting," she
observed, "because o u r
circulation figures are in the
thousands and they Cilntinue
to climb with each is sue." -========== I shrugged, "There's just •f"
no accounUng for the interest
in new tuna recipes."
"Do you. have an)' ~asis for 1his country needs ls a bare
your pre1udice against the behind on everv coffee table
male nlide form ?" in America. She talked of
"Yes. M a child I once including more tuna recipes
saw a haJf-elothed. man sun and qu.ick gourmet dishes and1J;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""1JI
v.·ill be rollov."ed by lunch at
noon. Mary Am McKnight will
be guests~.
take place following I h e Grove Police Deportment wo1i
initiatioo ceremonies, and the show a film on h o m e
chapter will be ho~ during -·~'-Sa unla J a formal banquet Saturday "'~--· t Y • an. 26,
evening in lhe Airporler. for lhe Sarah Schoenfeld
Completing lhe .... kend will <llapter of !he Qty of Hope.
Cari Heng<!', skin and scuba The 7 30 d I diver, will speak for the SQuth be a UCI campus reception : .p.m. n o e r
Coast <llapter ol Parents from I .to 3 p.m. Sunday, . ·JJl'l'ling . wit~ lake_ plaClf in
Without Partners at 8 p.m. J~. 27, in Mesa Court Gold Big Bernie's restau r ant,
J'tida_xL-Jan. 25; ~ Garden Grove.
Clills C:Ounll')'-ctub .,.. -,----aemeote. • ~ecre aries , City of Hope
Following _lhe me e Ii n g, Your Sixlh Sense-Common A program ESP has been
members will_ dance to the Sens:e will theme the ~Mual planned for °Uie s i a n I e y
music ol Happiness Is. senunar. for secretaries at Mitnick Obapter City of Hope
• Orange Coast College, co-1 ' ' Symposium _ __. b Bahl Olapte or 8 p.m.·• Saturday,
. • • . ~...v Y .a r, Jan. 26, in the~ Mercury
The byperkinehc child will Naticm.1. Secretaries A!scc. Savings building Buena Park.
be the aibject of a symposium Intemational. Gue.st speak;rs will be
at.children's Hospital Friday Regis-tration for the Stewart Robb and Pat
and Saturday, Jan. ~26. Saturday, Jan. 2&, event will Sherman.
Sponsored by the in.!erVice begin at 8:30 a.m. in the
education department at science ball at OCC.
CHOC, the symposium will
feature 10 speakers of note
in the field.
The fee is $20 for the two
days and preenrollmenl is
Pi Beta Phi
A Filn Lu Vegas Night is
planned by lhe Altrusa ·clubs
of Laguna Beach an d
Saddleback van..Y al 8 p.m.
Sa~y. Jan. ?"• In lhe
Mission Viejo Country Club.
Proceeds will be given to
tbe Founders' • Fund, a
Mot her 's March
The Laguna Njguel
Federated Woman's Club will
sponsor the Mother's March roe the March of Dimes in
the Laguna Niguel a re a
Sunday, Jan. 27, from 1 to
4 P·'1'· Proceeds will go I<> research in preventinil birth
defects. The 1 lOlb chapter of Pl Beta
Phi will be installed the
weekend of Jan. 26 in the
Airporter Inn, Newport Beach. vocational aid .ftmd started inl----------11 1952 which enables women of
all ages to receive training
for employtn<nl.
Initiation ceremonies are
scheduled !or 9 a.m. Saturday,
Jan. 26, in St. M a r k
Presbyterian Church, Newport
Beach. ·
The installation of the new
chapter, caillornia Eta will
City of Hope
Officers Larry Davis and
Claudia Reader ol the Garden
Wedd ing
Plans Told
Rick Cowie)" bl Newport
...... ~. ,~egp' ~e •. P~. to ·. 1
marry July-20 in"La Jolla.
W'-TH W• ... _
1tn HerMr....,
c..te "'--MloOJ:St
3 Full Service
Locations in
Hunli"tlon Beach
The bride-to-be, daughter of . t17 1111 S""' .. ... . • . UM50l
lhe Carlln Campbells I San H•,.... M....... . . .......
O \ '"""*"'"' & M•lftllteft tu-wt
D•rf:T9 Ovr
Diego, altenda California State --
Her fiance is a graduate
of California State Univer1lty,
Fullerton. His parents are the
F. E. Cowleys of Newport
If you read long into the night , , •
cw , •• Sew, oven "'black on bllck"
"here's the lamp
that doubles your
No Glln • , • No Sctulre.
Up to 5 t"'* tM llatlt
AQUARIUS (.hm. 20 ·Fell.
18):.Trusl Intuition. Yoor-tim·
ing is sharp; you will be at
righl place al right time.
Know iLln!! take lnllhilve.
Be inde\>end<nt in t!>OUg!i, IC·
tion. Hlgttllghl r.u IODlllly.
wd ralher than oilow. can
your own signals. ·
PISCES (Fell. 19-Marcb ID):
Whal oocurs behind lhe ,.,....
is likely to -1n your -· Sapttaria• pushes your ......
and .can )>ecorne valuable lily.
Be versaWe, willing to ex·
periment Materilla -se.t
will be made available.
B!R111DAY you att ocllve,
progressive, have 1"11que ll>lii·
ty to aeli and pul ""'""' -.. Many born 1Dder Gemini,
Sagittarius and Virgo are
drawn to 'fW' apiere~· I could be your -
mooth or 1~4. ,
TM P..-Mct C1 ••1Mt1H CAPRI
(Al.:1,:,•M9 .~ •• ,~ ... .-.,, ..... ~. ,. ... . ~ .-. JOHNSON & SON
Lincoln • Mercury
2626 H~ 11¥4., c:-11-
·• ~···
FRA"tc1-"'s~1WIM ~•12~ "'it---l'll ~.;of c:otweotlONll ...._ ~ ullyAdl --
q ODAIN EX conlllM the most \s QRR P 1JltcUv1 11ducin1 •id 1v11t1bl1 el wltlloot Drtscrlptlo~ I One tiny
00f'1NIEX tablet belor1 meals ind
)'OU want lO Ml IHS • down 10 your
Cllorltt • doWn ton your w1l1ht r
if(.,,-····· .... -({..l .., ...... "''"""'' -·-HALf-l'RICI
~~· 11111 .Cl&IT _,, l lt-M '*""' .... ...,.., ,...
· Thousands of wol'IU!n_ lrom ~otst toto11t ttport OD .. INEX M1 h11ptcl
lhllll los• 5. 10, 20 poL/Ods In 1 11\ofl ~me · to "" ~ W rid of u1ly l•t I nd 11¥1 liJnl« I
ODRINt X 1t111t MlldJ or pour ...., ""' . '"""""·,.. .,.., ... hUd. SoW Wini this lllfflfllM ltlf
Putlt All Together ~
For F.un, Popul1rlry, ~· I
John Robeit '°'"" ldlHll .. ,......... IAI .. _,_
I .
AftH1b .. In dw6ol of--•-_ .... ---,.OM 5250
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AN"1tWE lllt.:>'5
fl4Vlllt. ~
WITH Wlli:
S'EW"6 ...
TALK TO AIE ~.a.,\%!
. .. ,. .... ___ 1-~~
f · olhers.-·: 2· 55 Cotroo.
by Wm. F. Brown a11d Mel c-11-
by Tom K. Ryan
-1.lf,M'" ..
'SURE! '>tlU
by Al Smith
by Dale Hole
by Ernie Bushmiller
·• ... uo.•u <"••,,...,..,._ _,....,.,,,,.. ,...,. .. .._,_.._.~ -•url¥~•,.<-..
ON THE &ACK Of I/OUR '"°'"" 61C~CLE 6tVE5 ijl)(J PlENW OF TIME 10 THINK .
19 Close 81 Tqle ""'"""" . , • , ·-. · •• '° · wor~ • .r~.-~.M••!.. ......, .• , ·~ffi'~· ~r~
20 As IWlrd •s -62 Anima r's inner N ""'~~ F.*f.'8 --rM THE &ELL CAPTAIN!
organs 11. EE o S ==~ E o e: N I MAVEAMESSAGE , "" • 21 ···Al.mos 64 Implored FOR YOU, SIR! """ f 22 Utters alolJd 65 S10Vfl 9 Dregs 37 Aoo1te1's ..,. o
3 Joint chambers 10 Foreign o!Ucer ·comb
5 So lat 66 Mualal 01 11 Crulle vauel; «> Thoe• in "'·syslem s M?Rinir'---C.OC,;o.;,._ __ _,,ho......:'--+!--1
111ar 67 Sl'll'lvel: \lar. 12 Linger '1 --• traoce
_.26 Pack down 68 Olficewortt•: 13 SallOfs· '6 ---· camo
:if'" Uglllly Abbr. ll!I ~::=~I 48 :~1!::~n ¥ ,ID FF~ -~o.. "9 Co!Of Utgntl" ,................. 1 auflb. 5 1 Slladeof '~' N3t'Mr8h . 2• Ac!OfRlcN •d pu1ple ·
M Aldi, !or 0"9 DOWN 52 lair
~-.<88 Golden :25 si.vea 53 Electrical i, ~ atatuette 1 crazy: S!Mg :ie Ron•' tnts
t' 38 Yellow 2 Mll'IOf propl'lel 27 Seperately 6' De1t11 ra1119
I buglt._ 3 l~ly:_ • 28 Hypnotlzer 55 Epic J>09fll ~ 39 Petrol 29-Support:Ptifl'ic-57 Ollef ---.• •Within: p,..tix 31 0•111-.. 68 Oppone11t "-""· s 'Gore• f worcs Yokurw 59 Scn1llni:& f ~ Wa1er bod)' 6 Be incorrect 32 In pit.in view· 60 Canvas
G Anoint: 7 F.;ench p'lnter. 33 Hoepltat •INCh,11e
Archaic ~ wurmi rooma 63 Hl9h ~ Mortimer 8. Permit 35 Col\onwood explosive
• i
VOL« FAMlt..11.,, ?''
I •
Muscle Afouse &... a
serle{. of #Jrilling
011tside lo<>J:s •••
TueSday, January 22. 1974 O•ic Y PILOT J 8
by Roger lrC!lffl_eld
I • ' ' J
{jxxl /anding, he is I o'i~edfirfitHI thiJI: ' his passenger has left I
wlfhovt sa,Ytil!I yocdbye •
by GeorCJe · Lemont
COUl..-PH'"f' You
AP..1051' '1'H IS ~I.NG
PoP RleHT OJr _,
lie TIME OF D/>ll
ORNleHT/ .•
1+ Dl+TUl<&!D
&i!CAIA+! HI
iO 1-41~ JO& ....
. ""' -.. ...
b y Charles M. Sc:hulz
by Harold Le Doux
MY MOTHll< I+ "IA~~y MAD
SUA~+& +H&
FO" A S&T,,, •
.. ' . . .. l~l i. • "'"'-,._,,,
by Chester Gould
[)() YQ!I
"LIE _.,
'TNE UE BOX./•--.,.
l . .
by Gus Arriola
' I
by Ferd Johnson
... WOIJDE!i!
..,.; .• :·CJ r Dollen
,.:, , ·L· .... ,)
"J\1rs. Agee wlsbff me to report that btr l~re 1 A M9ft
EfficlenrYou ' w111-not be given today as 1be-aimply
C&MOt Und the time to prepare It.'•
DENN'.:: ~·~·J[; ~·.11:NACE
H !
f , .
I ' »1.IM. Wil~ .... WAS )OJ S!p~/$E/) '?.
-%0 DAILY PILOT ' TIHidiy, JMl.IMJ 22, 1974
Zie enfuSs Overcofiles Weather, Foe
Of .. o.ltr '*' lltH
Mission Vle.jo's V.iJerle Ziegenfuss
Oirttd "1th defeat, but camt back to
eke out a M, 3-&, 7-5 \l:ictory °'~r
Janet Newberry or La Jolla to highligbt
opening round ~lay in the "''omen's
professional tenni s tournament ?.tooday
night at AUsslon Viejo's )clarguerite
Rid'eatlon Center.
ln a battle of wills and placement
shots. ,~fiss Ziegenfuss was behind a
service break twice in the final set,
but rallied to win the final three games
and earn a spot in secood·nxn:i play
In all probability, that Spot Will be
opposite top seeded CW E v e r t ,
~ ~u.. Evert can defeat Sally
G,_ 7:30 In the feacured • nialdl of
IGOfglll'1 program.
A crowd or approximately a o
shivered wtlh cold and apprehension
as Mila Ziegenfuss spent most of the
final t""'O set_, on the ropes. Only some
erratic serving by ttfln Newberry and
consistent growtd strokes kept Miss
Ziegenfuss r rom Joining nine other fint
day elhninees.
After wiMing the first four games
and taking lhe firsC set easily, ~Jiss
Ziegfllfuss got caught oot of position
repeotedly and watched _.,,. allots
.sail by as ?itiss Newberry tvenecJ things
in the second set, &-3.
Janet even broke serve in lhe ftlth
Rame of the final set and at -point had llliss Zi<genfuss down s.t In pmes
and G-40 on her own serve.
Valerie rallied to win that game, only
to be broken on her next serve, and
with the soore 4-5 Miss Ne"tierry needed
only to hold her own serve fo win
the match.
A pair ol double laulls helped Miss
Ziegenfuss draw even again, OOwever.
and she held her own serve to gain
a 6'5 lead. A nlcely placed drop volley
at the net, and two volleying emn
by Mill Newberry were the key •boll
In the llnaJ 1amo as Mis Zie"'1fU11
broke serve to win. ·
tbe clcoeoess of the match Is mie<ted
by a total of It deuce points the playen
we.re forced to endure ..
"I knew it woukln't be easy, even
v.tien I won thole first four games,"
said a trembling Ptfiss ZJegenfuu
afterwards. 11Janet alwaYi 1Wl0gs ln so
to<Jgh, and ii was rully difficult hitting
the ball hard as cold as it "'as tonight.
"I'll have to,11>lay better to beat Clris Evert."
1lle Ziegenfuu.Newberry m a l c b
Bruins Not
' -Mofivaled
Laver · Survives Upset Bug
of the NelherlandS and Corona del Ptfar's
Rod Laver have moved into the limelight
of the $100,000 U.S. Professional Indoor
tennis tournament after upsetS and
injuries took a heavy toll Monday among
the top seeds.
Five of the 16 seeded players "-ere
upset during Monday's first round, and
another three withdrew because of
injuries, including No. I seed Ille Nastase
of Rumania and second·seeded John
Newcombe of Australia .
That leaves only eight of the 16 seeded
players still in the running ror the $15,000
first prize money,
Third·seeded Okker '\'OTI easily ~tonday
although Laver, the No. 6 seed, had
to go to three sets berore defeating
Tito Vasquez of Brazil, 6-4, 3-6, 6-2.
Nastase was sidelined \Yith a muscle
pull while a heel injury sidelined
Newcombe. Fifth-seeded Manuel Orantes
of Spain "'as also out with a bad back.
In first-round action, five seeded
players v.-ere beaten, including ninfh·
seeded Tom Gorman of the United
Slates, loth-seeded American Marty
Reissen, ltth·seeded Adriano Panata of
Italy, 12th--ran~ed Nikki Pille of
Yugoslavia, and 14th-seeded Jaime Fillo!
or Chile.
Eight·seeded Arthur Ashe took a 6-1 ,
6-7, 6-2 victory over Frenchman Jean
Chanlreau and !GU.seeded Cliff Rchey
won a dramatic 6-2, 5-6, 7-6 match
ove r Australian Phil Dent when. Dent
hit a backhand into the net to lose
the tiebreaker.
Laver, who led Australia to the Davis
Cub last year, blamed at least part
ol his game on the playing surfact
af the Spectrun1.
"The bounce is exaggerated and it
thro"'S your timing off," he said. "The
balls come off and sort of hang."
Gorman_Jost his servict in the final
game and dropped a 6-4 , 4-6, 6-4 match
to Ross Case of Australia as a dozen
points "'ere played in the final game.
Riessen fell 6·3, 2-6, 6-4 to the t'wo-
handed hitting of South Africa's Frew
Panata lost in straight sets to South
Africa 's Pat Cramer, 6-4, 6-3, while
Pilic went down 6-4. 6-4 to Georges .
Goven, a 25-year old Frechman.
Fillol dropped a 6-2, 7.5 decision to
. Bob Je"i!t, an Australian now J.iving
in South Africa.
By Revenge
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Coach John
wooden admits his UCLA BruiM would
Jike to beat Noire Dame m o r e
impressively this Saturday nlght than
they lost to the Irish last week.
Still, the veteran coach isn't sure tbaf,
in itaeU, "-'OUld prove much.
"You have to see how the game is
played and then you will have a better
idea," he told the southern Calliomia
Bas0eJ!!ajl .Wn1~111.M!!!!J!!ly. ___ , ... ____ _
1lle Irish beat UCLA, 71-70, with a
rally in the closing minutes at Notre
Dame, ending the Bruins' record string
of 88 consecutive victories last Saturday
The victory · lifted Notre Dame to No.
t In The Associated Press buketball
poll with the Bruins No. 2, the first
time · slnce Feb. 3, 1911 that UCLA
Plays Opening Match,
Evert Begins
Title Chase
At MV Tonight
has not topped the poll. The last !!me To~ OUis Evert, lhe teen-aged
~farquette Was No. 1 after Notre Dame sensation from Florida, makes her
upset UCLA 89-82. Southern California debtlt in opening
One .... t alt'1 last SatLUday's upset round singles play of the w0men'1
at Sollfb Bend the same l\\'O teams professional tennis tournament a t
meet again at UCLA's Pauley Pavilion Mission Viejo tonight. 1
and Wooden" says he and bis, defending Miss Evert, now 19, sttmned !he tennis
NCAA champions are pleased with the world by advancing to the semifinals
opportunity. At the same time, he denies at Forest Hills as a 16-year old amateur,
it will be a grudge match for revenge. ?nd has been a consistent wiMer in Asked if he thought his club woold be motivated by the defeat, \Vooden one year as a pro£essional.
answered, "I hope so. If you have a She is matched with Pam Greer, one
quality team, adversity sometimes of eight survivors from last week's
makes them come back stronger.'' qualification tournament. The match is
One thin& seems certain -Bill Walton, the 6-JI All-American center will be set to begin at 7:30.
in better physical shape. He returned In other singles duela tonight, fifth-[ ' ' No f seeded Rooemary Casals Is pitted against o action against tre Dame a ter being Martina Navratilova or Czechoe:lovakia out or action since Jan. 7 '\\itb a back · · at 6 o'clock, fourth.....i. ed Nancy Ridley llljury.
\Vooden was aaked if it surprised him Gunter was matched with Wendy
that Notre Dame went often to center Overtoo at 7:30. 'lbe "Gunter-Overton
John Shuniate, 6-9, underneath the winner tangles with Lesley Hunt to open
basket. afternooo play Thunday at I.
"No," answered the UCLA coach. "lf 'I1lree singles matches were held this
you have a player like Shumate wilh afternoon, including one f e a t u r i n g
his touch and strength, you wouJd go secood..eeded Billie Jean King, who
to him. Also, they "'ent to Gary Brokaw defeated Miss Evert for ·the
a lot." championlhip in the opening event of
Notre Dame rallied with 12 points the tour's circuit last Saturday in San
in the final 3;~ minutes to beat the Francisco.
Bruins and Wooden oboerved: In a last-minute change, Mn. King
.. All of us, and especially the coach, was pitted against IS-year old Robin
must recognize our mistakes, admiJ Tenney of Beverly Hills. Mn. King wu
them, learn from them and forget them. originally scheduled to face-'l'ory Fretz
"In retmspe<:t, I feel that I, personally, in · today's match, but Aflss Fretz was
fell victim to the conplacency that I forced to withdraw with .. a band injury.
LAS VEGAS -Oddimaker JlmmY,
"1lle Greek" Snyder Monday inllalled
UCLA as a 14-potnt faVOl'lte to Win
its bas.l<etball ,.match' wllh Nolnt Dome
at Pauley Pavilion Saturday nlght:.
Snyder listed the Brulna as four.point
favoritet before their 71·70 kla at Notre
Dame Jut weekend.
Meanwhile unranked Kansas atto 1
shot at trip.ranked Notre Dame, pnlld
conqueror of mighty UCLA, In A1l«t
Field House tonight at Lawrence ,
·Kansas. ·
. Lawrence is v.iJd wtth anticipation over
the invasion by the Jriab. and the host
Jayhawks have added more bleaebers
and Jllndreds ....... ot J'Wi c h a i r •· to
acoollllllOdate the selloot crowd. More
than 17,000 tlckeUJ have been 90ld.
Kansas has a six-game winning streak ,
and an 11·3 record. The Jayhawb loot
lo t•~ ranked teams, Indiana and
Vanderbilt, and to Colorado.
• Gridder Dfes
MARQUE'l'J'E, Mich. Qomlnlc'
Slcchio, a 21-year<>td senior fullbock for
the Northern MlchJgan Univ e rt it y;-
football team, died Ptlonday tdght after
collap!lng during an i n t r a m u r a J
basketball game.
Efforts to revive the 1-foot·l, 210.
pounder "'ere unsuccessful.
• M•tadol' f'fNed
MEXICO CITY -Manolo Martlnu,
?\fexico's best known matador, waa fined
.. $4.000.lo~killlng a_byll !!l.!IJt.ijng, · .
A bulllighter has 12 minutes ti> npc·
and kill the bull, but Martinez, 11 lhe ·
insistence of the crowd, weot over the.
limit Sunday and killed the bull Just'
as bullock! were being ~t into the
ling to lead the bull away.
~farfmez hid behind the deed bull•
and avoided the roaming bullocb but
not the rules of the grune. The judge
said Monday that the!:e was nothing
personal rn making Martinez, who nrns
16,000 per fi1ht, pay the fine.
e Set!fel' Aids Wfn
Corooa de! Mar High star !Dke Sevier
camed five free thro\\-S in aidJng his
' Air Force Academy mates to a 75-M'
rout over vial.ting Stanford ~londay niaht
In oollegiate basketball. '
1be winners sped to a 35--28 halttlme
advantage .
evan.r" Wb11
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -SO[lbomore Jeff,
S0snes IOOred 20 poinll lo poco &
balanced Vandert>Ut sconnc attac1t oi
seventh-raoked O:lmmodons c r u 1 h e-d
Tezmessee, 82-M, in a Southeut<m
Conference basketball "game Mondi:i"
night. . ,:
. • Jtludrl Nanleil
SAN DIEGO .,.. Fonner AU-pro guanl
Howard Mudd, wh> as a blocker Wll
otten asked to double-team A
troublesome opponent. will take the Mme
approach IO coaching as an olf'alstvt
line assistant for the San Diego CbUgtrf
of the Natiohal Football League. • '·
Mudd. 3Z, WU named by new Ollldi
Tonuny Prothro Monday In an •a~
landem arrangement which wlll i.W.
him sharing off..,.lve line ooa~
duties with Bobb McKittrick .
e Sot1lets Dumped
SAO PAULO, BrazU -Brazil'1 na-
tional basketball twn beat the toorin( v;as afraid I might victimize my team. Miss Tenney, who failed to earn a
1llere!ore, I failed to make the proper spot In last... w .. k's qua 111 y Ing
adj ,, · · · ..... ci.an "'°"' elf!IK ajblr
. the game. . . _ . qualilylng tourney elimln<es to face Mn.
• ,~:. ~;·~ _,-"... :W~t. the~ Bruqis.., will ,~.~·Safurday...;,.:_JQsg;?"'lhe_-wbuwr -_~~~ · matc1t· Till
--Northridge Sa-ys Former Dodger · . f~;~d~ ~UC1 .. · ·~ 1 apanese11aseoo1r:
natiooal squad from the Soviet Unlojj'
7&.7Z Monday night and took a s.o load
The BraziUl!ll -the fil11t two «l'Dfl; .•
Jlf.the &mes;82·7(, ~-·~:n... ., .. ·.;; .... _, :::• '. ,
The .learns meet a&aln Wedneioday0
Since the start of the new year, coach •
Tim Tiff's UC Irvine basketball team .LOS AN'GELES (AP) J' Lef b -un evre ha s had its problems. has advice for Americans going tO Japan 'I'he Anteaters mentor hopes to adjust
thi s problem tonight (8) when UCI hosts to play proressional baseball: "Take
Cal State (Northridge) in UCJ!s Crawrord along plenty of Paliencc a n d
Hallt'OIJOWing a =tlfwtfuus eastern trip understandlng..'!.-
The ~year-old former Los Angeles that saw them lose three straight.
The UCI record since Jan. 1 is 2.4 Dodgers infielder, the National League's
and the overall season mark is at 8-6 rook ie of the year in 1965, leaves Jan.
although all but one of the losses have 29 for his second season with the Lotte
come at the hands of uni versity division Orlons, reportedly for 26 million yen
opponents. or SBS.000.
With exception of Friday night \\'hen "I had goals of batting .300, hitting
the Anteaters face cat State (Long 30 home runs and driving in 80 runs,"
Beach) at Anaheim Convention Center. said Lefebvre, who hit .265, led his
things appear to be a bit easier until tean1 \\'ith 29 homers and batted in
a second trip takes them to the Pacific 63 runs from the second spot in the ba tt ing order.
Northwest in February. "l was disappointed. I felt I oould
. Of concern to Tift is the nagging hit more over there, but I was told
knee Injury of early-season starter Gary the first year would be tough," said
Eubanks. He reinjured the knee in a Lefebvre, whose eight·year major league
game witll Bethany College and has average was .251, and his besL home run year was 24 in 1966.
seen only limited action in one game "It was harder in some ways" he
Scort Magnuson , the 6-11 center. has but in learning about ne,w pitchers and
been playing Well In recent games and ball parks.
wJJI start et center for UCI tonight. "Conditions are really d I ff ere n t . Number one is the cornmunicaUons gap. Otherl in the front court will include It's very d~ficult In Japan when you're
J,rry Maras and Dave Baker. alone -no lelevision to watch no
-.Frcabmen nni 'nvenan and Kevin , radio to-listen to, no newspapen.11 '
Devis will start at the guard positions. · The media 1J then -but not in
NorthrldJe lost a pair of fames over E~llshj-team limit 1, two
the weel<end to bring Ila ......, reoonl Americans, and Lefebv"''' oompotrtot
to M. Friday ru,ht It , wu a lour· 11 outfielder George Altman, a slt-year
overtbne 1cl9 to Cal Poly (-.,) veteran In Japan.
and Saturdto1 ..... point clfleat bf UC "If It Wl!ll't for George, it ' JIOU)d
RJvenldc. have been a lot nlore difricu lt. lie made
. '
remains to be aeen, but !he coach ssid lace Glynis Coles in .. .mer round play !he~ will try to rebound better, wort Wedneoday afternoon at Z·30 agamst the man-to-man pre91 and · · night, in Rio de Janeiro. · ·~
shalllOl1 up on rev.,_ against prOs.ure
on the wings.
might mean in a matter of points,
he answered, "I have no idea. It's
been talked as long ,., the game has
been played." :~~.e!5tand by teUing me what ttt He also made it clear he had ·.no
"'" argument with. officiating, 8.DSWf:ring, Mainly, Lefebvre said, U.S. major "Gracious sakes, no. Most calls In
leaguers are spoiled by having someone basketball are close. If it goes yoUr
else shine their shoes and carry their way they are light."
gear,plus having.airplanes lorlirst,clas Wooden bell""" lt'1 Ible a team
travel. someday will win 88 or more con.seculive
Ski Injuries ,Magnified
By Braggarts-Doctor
' .,.
.... , ... ... •..
~ "' ••• .,-
·~> ..
' •
~o " "Ball players don 't realize how good games, but the ~year-0ld coach of
they have it in America. rn Japan, nine NCAA champions, ad<led, ".I don't . DALLAS (AP) -Or, Arthur E. likely to be '1njured the first time OO:i'
you wash your own laundry, buy your think I'll see it dup!lcated in my time." Ell1Jon;·1· noted ·orthopedic surgeon ·who· on· ·the--slope ·than an·· erpert ~
own bats and carry them. You have has' treated some 7,000 to 8,000 ski common sense Is used, said ElnaoO
your suitcase, a baseball bag with your · injurjes, says the sport has a bad image who is attending the annua! l'.D .. ~
bats and al11 and you travel on trains. L k T I becaue too many patients like to brag of the American Academy of ~
"It's a heclmva lot more st,.nuous. a el"S ang e about their accidents. Surgeono her<. .. ,,.
The weather is hot and humid -similar 0 'ftlere's an -aura of mystique about He says ski schools and -shorter lenstJ{
to St. Louis -and you practice and Wi'th Cleveland an Injury In most cues," says Elllslon, skis a,. reducing the Injury rate. .~. work out every day.". a former medical advisor of the U.S. ''The ski industry Is bulldln& s.bor1tii'
Lefebvre strmed, however, !hat Ski Pairol and an lnxtructor at Harvard skis, and It hos permitted the begbt!W
"going to Japan is not like going to INGLEWOOD (AP) _ The Loi Medical School. "Some one will' break to devtlop mon "l*lly,'" 18~ EU1-
hell. I enjoyed myself,, the people and Angeles Laken play a Nati 0 n a I a leg and fmd 1t ltumonlus. Soon you '"Ibey are lllrtlng to desiin equ1(Jrnll!t
the experience. I enjoyed being totally Association •ame at home lorlight for wlll find him enahrlned In llOIDe local for Alety and rtcre1llon inlteld , ll
involved in a different aociety." the ·first ti~ in more than two weeks sa1~' who J1 tbe doctor for "--::*11y.;, Everyone Cl:ll 't be• Jeen 0..
The money will continue to attract after winding up !heir longest road trtp m<
American players, he said. of the season. high ochools and a college football team, Dr. EllilOll hu had lk1 ln)Urles miior
Wes Parker and Frank Howard, two 'I1ie Utters. who open a four-game aays "akilng bu a bid rap . . • the controlled. study !or more thin a cleie6le:
ex-major leaguers headed for Japan this home set against the Cleve I and injury rata IJ ilramaticllly lower than and !tis come to the oonclultoll thlt
year, have Ideal attitudes for the cavallen, Jut played a •home rame football." too much money and debate hu be(pt
trans:it.ion,J..cfebne....sai.d He concedes there are c e r ta 1 n pul lnto the release binding issue. -1 i
"Patience Is the big -;:k::-ey"".'"' 'he::-=r. -.Jan:-9,-·thef-daleal<d .. Ka .... Clt.l'-:--cc""'°">d.Ulttmm In Milne IA which ID accident A. ttlease blndJnc ta cleolcnecLJo_
"In my first' game I got two hifl that Since lhen Loi Angeles bas ployed can almolt be guoronteetl. prevent Injury wbon 1 •Iller falls. ,l '
drove In tying runs, but we losl You six games 00 the road, winning lhree "You take 1 Jf.yell'Old white female "It's Wllort~ta that we don't ~
start thinking you should -be doing more. and IOllng three. secretary who ta bottoWlng equipment 1 man lkllng on· the moon --
You start pressing, thinking that becauae The lrlp opened and clooed wllh -. from her roommota and bun'! been 'the Illa~ AermautJca and Spiia
you played Jn the major leagues you starting wllh deleata at Copltal Ind on lkll. She's been brought to a 11ope Administration would U.. IOfvod ...
ere the ans,..r to succeu of the ball DelnJit and eadlna with a fWO loll by her boy friend, who Ilda r.ennnob1J " problem of lhe llrtlrap GI the fool...io-
club. You lend to press mon -... at Mllwauba lluoday. well; lfllr a !tic nl(lll of ~ IDd the *1 by -," Rllllon ll,JI. ''We
you're expect.cl to do a lot" ·In belweea tltt LU<n del°'ted the I'll JIUlrllllee 111 Injury," Ellilon ---i put all the -Jato tho
The &.foot, l~po\md Lelobvre Slid CelUcs ID llaol«I for the f1nl time "It'll probobl7 be a l[Jl'llned aee." , bladq 1-. '!bore needs to be l '
Howanl, I feet I, "will he the · most In ""'"' thin Gne years, blot EDllOn. who IJ 1 medlcol advt.or' on new approedt" .
exciUng thing ever to hit Japan. He Pltlladelplda aad .ired K.,... CllJ IJI' the U.S. If-Ski Team, soys !)le lie said despite all the money31
has tremendous power and h I s 11$ with Jfl'rf West markJni hll l'eltitlt ll'Ulell ll't& of 1kl Injury preventloli lnlo the blndlnc 1••11rom !n !he '
pe""°allty ind allltude blend I n hHtinC a ~oot Jump lllot 11 the "-< IJ ezperlill. "° yean the rote of Injury had
bcautirully," to win the pme. • A. penon is up to six time• more1 onlJ from 1111ven to 4~ per thounnd. --
I • -
:!(.""' . '
Orange Loop Biggies Set
perioct ( .. ) Oranc• Lelfi\lt
-... the line tOQ)cit -the Triton! travef IX>
rival Dana Hiiia ('·2) foe a
-Uon ""8li'ln& at 7 q'cloct. ,,.'tt Orango Le a g u e
boll otniule hlshlll!IU .,... C98t -1are this •rentna with Uolvenlty (~!)
llild La-~ch ( I • S ) moetJo& lli another lmpoctant
LAii Al ...... 9" •11trt• fW T...._y
''"' ,..., 714$ t1 •uct• • 111"' •w..
.. luct• -'"'· .... .... ttll OK• ..
lll•IT IA.Cl -J50 Y•rd•. J !"' •,1• 1 m1lfefl1. Cl1lml110. Pllr.. S MIO • ,,,,,.. pi'fa. SJJOO. •
ltrbll'• 01nc1y (It, Ad1lrJ 131
Sam Moon CJ. lrookl) 122
T .. ty 1 CJ. Dr-rerl 1:n:
Gol9'tl '"""' 10. knlth!I 111
MIN kr1mbl1 l1m (I{, Htrll 117
MIM T" Link (D. Morrh) 117
#Mckty OWlt tH. CroMlyl 11 7
Z1n•1 ll;n O.C:ll (lit. C1rr1Kol ltt
f lfff LYPlll (J, #llCMrtlt) 117
Ttn M9t1a111111 fJ. W1rdl 122 .............
Madan I• lilly (IC. Clerli.MI 117
Wln'1 ""INCi te . Gw11> ltl
Allto llr 1$. Tr11-1J 122
ltoci!;ln' Dot 1 CJ. Or1y..,.I 11 1
sacon ltACI -111 v1rd1. J ... , olOl • up. CJtlmlng. PWM _,UJGO, Clall'lll/lf "'Jt1.12JOO._
l'rlnc-r 1 (l. M'(IM) ---;1;
IJIUt R9d TlcM (J. C'"flr) llf
MonarcllS will trave) to Bishop
t\mat In a g1nie that \v iii
see one teem drop rrom the
top of the Anflelll.I circuit
olal1dlnrls. . Blaho(> A m a t
de.feete(i Jft-lt8«Ue fl\'Ori[t
St. Anthony High in double
overtime ill opening round
action Frldlly night
Mi.<slon Viejo. releg ated to
a spoiler's role, \\'ill be at
Kalella (4-<l) in A CTestview
League outing.
will be y g scor n
star Bob Yoder whose clutch
ghoU have \\'On two O( the
four circuit victories.
Hopes of the Dolphins of
Tony &mson posting an Upiet
will hinge on the S<Oring of
Bill Sprl.ngmlln \\'ilh support
from mates Kevan Peck, Ma1 k
Scilrey and G.<g Thomason.
Br e ndon Mccaughey Is
the spark for coach Jerry
Tan.tie's l\fater Dei l\1onarchs,
w t :l rom
Steve MorUndale
Pat Roberts" Ml.ulon Viejo
Diabloo hope to relurn to. the
vk:Ulcy side of the ledger
against league leading Katella .
If they do. It will haYe to
he ootst&Jldinl performances
by Marty Zotllf with help from
Dean Ege<i!On and Dave
LtJ Allmli.t ltn•Jtl
IMllNY. Ja-ry 21, 1t74
CIMr, TrKk Hlll'Y
FiltST aACI: -..00 v•rd1 .
olds. C1•tm!"f, Pur11 $11100. Lllllf 0\11)1
IT•••wrtl T•.:IO .. .., J.olO Oll'IOl'f"t P•ul (Ad1!rl ~.00 :1.00
Whlilltr'I Gold (Morrill A.60
Timi -21.14.
AllO ran -Tutrv Miss. HObOfo, Moll-ht 2, Moon Birt 2, Fl'I-Otc:k
CIYrQ>f, H1ppy'J111'1tlln'I. Joe "''"ff·
12 1!11•cll -l·Llttl1 DI.I,. & 1·
Ol!"lr'• "•Ill, ~lld tu.•.
Sl!!COHD ltACI -AOO Y•rd1. 3
ytar old maiden,, Cl1lmlr1g. Purs1
F•mlty Fight (Acltlrl 3.10 1.20 2.10
Ottp 111 LIVI (Knight
J1vt11nnr (Hetti
Tlll'lt ---11.37.
Also r•n -Ma[11!lc Jr., K1Umekwlk, Redell M•!d, Cl•s1'1"1 Ml11, Sf. Jonn•1
Fl•Jll, Liiiy Ej1y, Go M.n Allw .
TMlllD aAC• -17' Y•N._ , 'll•r
ofd1 &-IJCI. Cl•lml11411. Pur1111100.
(Trta1ur1> t .00 !.OD ...
Tufsday, Ja.n11a11 "2, l<l74 DAILY PILOT ·21
Yikes 1st,
Oile1·s 7th, •
l\larlna Hia:h's undefeated !
Vikings strenghencd their bold
on the No. 1 ratin& in the
CW Southern Section 's 4-A '
basketball ratings, bagging JS I
first place votes and 105 votes
overal l.
· -vcrbUITf Del. -1973 CIF ·
cha1npion. lost support th.is
wtiek und had onJy five nrst
place votes {having had J l
the preceding ,.,.eek) I o r '
second place.
Hu n tin g to n Be a c h
inex plicably fell from fourth
to se\'enth despile losing to
f\1arina by only two poi1ita
at f\•h1rina Jo"' r id a y ni gh t.
_ dly, Long Beach "1ilson -
a team that 1-luntinglon beat
earlier in lhe season
rep laced HB in £oucth_ th is
San Clemente High 's Tri tons
gained consideration in the Z.
A b9.lloti ng, ho I d in g 12th:
place for this week.
Cl,. 4-A
"l•c1 Sdtool
I. M•rlna (IMI)
'· V1rb11m Otl 116·1)
l . P•IOI VerdH (15·11
~ Lfl WUMM'I Cl•·U
J. P11acl!M IU.JJ
6, Bu111• 11~1
1. Hunt1n;to11 eeacl1 \U·2l
1. Torrence ClS-t J
'· l ll JordM 11.MI 10. CrlK1nl1 Valll'I I ll·ll , .•
I. s,,n G11t1rl1I 111·1;
1. M0tn!ng1lo1 0 ... J)
l. K•ltll• (l:Ml
l . G11n1th• {1•·3l
5. Reool'lclo Bffch u .. 21
6. c,,...,.,1110 t n ·S)
1. Cl1rl'fl\Ol'll t1J·71
•• P•lm S111lno1 I ll·Sl)
'· N0ttn, Jtlvsr~ldt tU·ll 10. l~llWOOCI i ll~! ...
Sporu -.cid VlkK 1. Cerritos (16-1 1
2. Aoour• 11s..11
·~'" '" Id
"' " ..
M .. .. c .. ,., ,.
'" '" " n
" " ~
1• '" o-"& (J, IUc11trd1J 112 1(1y 2 ( . kfllfhl) 122
Wikli -lt6cktt fG1n1)
Go AtOUNI fltlthtr<lsl
Tlmt -48.Sl
Alto ••n -l(lrtc•11111no, ""nc• Albtrt ElQ, CMll lrown, El Ar1t1,
Vtnd• llrdt.
3. W•lnut ns-11 t•·-.... 'Slit• Ai Al (T. LI"*") lit
OS. Myt......, ~n II. TrHwr1J llt
OIWtland a.r1 111. wt11111 11t
Cl'luOsj'I ll:OH (L.. ••UouJ 117
... 1..,,.11 .... ~,~·i..::r*' 111
1'« D•~ll I lL MyltJI llt
ll1tlV11 Twl1I (H. P ... ) lH
Molalw I 10. IC.11111111 lit
'TMlll:D •AC• -350 Y•rdt. 3 v••r ..,. mthltns. Ctllmln1. Pvr11 116"°. Cltlntlng ptlct llJOO.
Jlut1nr.·1 Van IS. T1111wrsJ 121
Win A Ci1tn IH. Cr'OlbYl 1n SMMHl1 Strt I CJ, tr_,.rl 117
Vtlt...t G1erw1 Ill. A.Hlrl 121 II ll:•tsrt (J. ltldllnll) ltl
Al•ll'lltls Ptf' .... l (0, Kft}fl'lll 111
Ond ... t M...mtt• IJ. 01'1)1111 111 DtndV Preite! {JI. Whllll 1tl
'1'1 AW9}"'1 Jtckpol !!:. G•tJ•I 1tl llol4I ~ (0. Mott/II 111
AIM ........
l llllv Oonttt• J tJ. Cr1111r) 117
l(t lll Gok1 I (0. Knl1tit) 122 ..,,f, ... , Mls1 (l , llllou) 111
~.., Cltol' (H. ,.1Hlo) 122
,OUlTM lACI -350 y1rd1. 3
Yfft olft • llP. Cl1 lmtrt1. Pur11
»$00. Cltlrnll!lll prluo $.SOOO.
"' "' '" "' •ft "' "' "' f'llll'TW ltAC•·7i'to Y1rdt. 3 Yt•r ~_... ... _Sid,
MIM Stir Utflt 10, Morrill 117
T• Toni.,,,.. It. M•l•J 1n !~. l"r11f'!tY_3. {1'. •. Lll'l!~llll 111
Call MK 1 II(. HMtr . • '"
Tl1 A ~ I (Jotw\ W.,dl 117 Go J1ll1 IL. Myl11) 117 ~Ne Velwt fJ, JlkMrd1) 117 O\lf9e bttt ltotk_, I IJ, W1!10t1l ltt
Whtie "'""' ID. Knlgh!J ' 117 So Go Too CJ. Orevwl 111
~ MMI .......
CW.In Mtcll 1 fT. lf•tr1I 1n A\IM A•I$ 1• I tJ. Waf'CI).< 111
~ J ... 2 U , W1honl 111
Jlt'1 lt1CM'ft11! 1 IK. Hartl 117
r•lxnt IACI -G) Vlnh. JiN .. AlleWllKI. !"WM 13DOO.
ti\t~ Stvtl 1 ID. Knltllll
,._ .. IJ .W•IWll
MIU 6tr Lott• fJ. W•r\11 __ .... ,It.Ad.tit)
lruc..,111 Ill. Wlllttl ~1111y'1 SMdoW fJ. Or'tYlrl ~ Clllc Go IL-1111ou)
Mira: Ctl (C. Intl~) I
JICWI 'lr1W 1 IK. Hartl I'm Klpty I IS. Tr .. Mlrtl
• t .... •11111111
twltt ,.., t (I(. H1rll
._ 1~1 ID. IC.llltllll
.,.i1t ....,. ! (S. Trwwrt)
_,....., Stlf' (T, Ullf\lml
"' ·~ "' 1n in "' "' '" "' "'
"' "' "' "'
.. ,r
' -'
Scr•ltllld -l'llollll'I truce. Top !kl•. Mld•c•u1t. IYY'I Wlll!lll".
"OUll:TH ll:ACI! -1"9 Yltdl. J
'fllr old1 a. up. St1rttr1 tllowante.
Pvr11 11900. Thi Eunuch (Adllrl 11.IO
Sir G1mto111r (Cl1rl111)
!IO'I Wlr Chic (Wr1oht)
Time -21.21.
t.00 S.IO
I.Ill 1.00 ,..,
Also t•n -!ulled Up, Go Miiiy
Joe, Dobtl"1d!'1 !letl, 511111''1 Rtq~ll,
HI Ctlff, Miki Agllldt. Oriti M•l'I.
Scr•lcllld -OJI RtqUSst.
A, Brtlherll (1~1
5. M•yl•lr UW >
'" Ml r1l1si. (l!M) 1. s.,, •• ,,.,, (11-41
~. Cl•hr !11·3) 9. Ht rnel 111-4 )_._...;.
10. A1u11 tlf..S)
Others ;11. Sin Clemen!•.
1• ,,,
M n .. s
"l"TM RAC• -UO y1tdt. l VIit J OtllW ,.1111 ,.llolot llY Lit ,.ay111
Prep Poll
Shaken Up ::::...· ... "-
"" ..... ~. ·~ __ u_N_1-;·s_sc_o_T_T=K=A,-FE_S_J_fA_N-=(=4=1..:...M..:...A:..:R:..:K:_:S:..:C:..:H:..:R::E:..:Y:..:.:.13::2::.>.:.F.:.A::C::.:E:....:.f.:.0:..:E:..:S_T::D:.:.:N::.:IG::.:H.:.T::·:._
COPP1r-Co11 llraot1l-UAO n • .a-5.60
C...,nlry C•t°""'ll (p191) A.IO l .00 -.-For Coast Area D1ncry'1 E~Pl'flf •.20
TllM -11.45.
Prep Wrestling
Also r•n -LIOht Snt Wat. SPtt lll Notice. Fr•• e.,,, EVlffll'• Whir •
No Kr•lchts. Malane Does It All Well . . -
Shed a tear fo,r \Vestminster
High's basketball team. Th€'
Lions of coach Doug Stockham
go into the has grinder_ thir
week when they meet the top
two ranked ouUits in Orange
SIXTM llACE -3511 v•rds. 3
Ytlt oldt A up, Cltlmlng. ,.ur11 11800.
O.nt Kllll TOUrllOlmtlll
Fi,,_I l••m tc.orn : 1. NfWilCN'I
Harr.or l lQ!.), 2. 0•11• Hiib '"\'i,
l. M•rln• 1"2, '· Miu,let1 Vl1lo IJOVr,
I. 511111 A~• V•lltv 171, 6. Canv0t11
I~, 7, lrta 51, .f. 0•111 Hllli JV ...
Hvy-C•klMll !El pinned C•rrli!Mr il'lJ I ;la,
Mut1llflflt11 IHtll Utl CUI l•k•Wllf..
95-loc:kl'lllrl (HI --by IOl'!wll.
IOl--Anglt (HJ pll'ltlld COIT'lllkwl ILi
Roy1I Too !tr
IP•l Aclllroet (,.Info)
Dotl.J M11r (Lll!fllmJ
Time -11.'1.
S.40 3.«I '·" .... '·" ....
Also r•n -Dvtt Dtvlt 1, N11r1 Slopff, St ..... The Vlt, Wiid (CIP'f,
Top G•ln Boy, Flllt llcl, DQ-Muttwr
For Fountain Valley Cagers C.OUnty. ·
Wednesday nighL they trave1
to Marina to tackle the only
unbeaten prep quintet left b1
the Southland and the county's
. 97 -I. Arrel1• IDH ), f. M11Uoy
!SAVI, 3. Gffutyn {M'tll, 4, Frtc11und
·\05 -1. S1nehlr !DH), 7. tet11ngff
1M !, J, Ancltt90ll (NrO. 4, Woolly
15AV ).
IU -l. Fr1mW11 (MV), '· H1tdt
(OH!.,, Sl'lttrkk (M), •.Mot• !Cl. nt -I. Smith (Cl. 2. Brown
INH l, :t. H1!1ut1w1 (M), 4. !lllOllO
115 - 1. KOllleukO fMH )', 7. VIHllol:tol (MJ, ], J•Ckson (C), •.
TMCter (SA.VJ.
1.io -1. OuGu•v (OH), 7. p,,,,
!SAVI, '· UptflltffOYt !NH), ._ L•ntt
(M Y ).
117 -1. K1v•111•a {NH), 2. Crall
(Ml l . AmendOlt tMV), '· E•rl !!I).
IS6 -I. Mul'llll INHI, ?. l(lrk
CSAVl. '· Ellanlt IMVJ ... s-n•v IOH J.
117 -1. S1111nltf (M), 2. WIHll
INH l. 3. Cl1rk (Ml/), •. Sellllrn (B).
llO -S.;l n (DHI, 7. MH kl-(M),
). Rtld (NH), '· ClllOW•'f (SAVI, lt3 -1. Nicholl lMJ, 2. ,HlwbllrY
(HHI, J. H1uum1r {MVJ, ~. Jhntr11
ISAV l. H..., -1, GrlOlflon (OHJ, 7. Powell
CC), l. Gr•lll !Ml, L Formk • lHH).
Ht-Wilson 00 dK. Hint lll 10-0. 120-0twt:lo ,IHI dtc. Yoc:ky Ill ...
127--Gtblllrt (HJ die. Aguli.r Ill ... l3J~Ro1e11t1WI IH) fft, Ja~anWllU
(LI •.J.
krstchtd -CMflel At, C111m!c, Dooll11'1 Time. Hl'M Top Shot •
DQ -Dlsqu.lllllcl llnd pl.c:ld ll1t.
u •••d• -5-ltlJll T"' ••r &-J.Ach•l'I•• ..... SIM.JI.
Of .... Dlltr .. u .. 11•11
Fountain Valley H i g h
basketball coach Dave Brown
13"-DlllN"' ILi won by fotlelt. k·' hat k Oa J4J.-Pt11nl!11! IL) cite. Vin DUM!n Sl'lllllTM ltACI -:m Ylrd,, s "·as as \."\.! w ma es n u . Yffr okll &-up. Cltlslflld 1ti-•nc:t. I pl
154-V•n•/la !Ll dfC. Smith ltll P111rt1 l.5000. Tiil lorrt90 591'11111. l\fa ane an outstanding ayer.
17.1 Drlvln' M•n th l'S-Fwrtscn lLI pinllld v 11111 IHI !RltMrdsl •.ao J.20 1.111 "Well, he isn't · e best
o:so. Horn•• fP•1e1 10 • .-0 •.ao ou•M•-shooter we've 17S-!l!hnlng (L ) die. O~ IHI Ole Min Glo !Morrl•) •.IO r.xlA: ever u . Tllf!S -11.i:i. had," stated B r o w n. "He
191-MltlOrY {HI dtc, !lll11tll1rd IL) Also r1n -Tiny Ctiic, HI ltocket,
124• ""•1 Jtltlbllfla. Al'1 Allo1. Kin; v1n11, certainly Can't-compare with
-(L Md _, SNI• DfttN, (Hl'1'~en 1 "111 cirn!lflr Scr•tcllld -Flftt Copy. Scott Reider inside. He isn't
Mm ldl 1441 Otl 11. J•l111 lllC:t fs-l.ockll•'1 04) plnntd C•nlOl'lf llGHTN ltAC• -l50 Yti'dl. 3 the best ball..flandJer DOl' is Ill) 1 :n 'll•r old& • 11p. Clllmlrt1. P urll
1in.'..z"1row 1e1 du. AM I• IHI 12500· he the super.leader type.
"t1i-w11111r1 IHJ pinned R•r• 4,21• :11r..,l-,":"0~..,·• '"""'' 20.• '·'° ··'° "But, while he isn't the ell·
120-Mt11r:10111 1e1 oec. 011ubo !HI Hlttlullll IWrleht) f.20 ;:: time best at any one thing, 16~:...0.tiMrt IHl drew witn D•YldSOll Tlnw -11.s1 . he does everything well. I
((I) 2·1. Also r•n -lllM't'I Gold, Matkf ll, know who We go to when
1U-11tC11111tMt tHJ cite. C•rrlllo ce i !lid Wllo. •w•I Fir• Roctet, ,1,p1ene we need a clutch •·sket or ,. P111um, Quick R1l111t, °"9 Tonto. vo • ..,. ' • ·--bound 13'-0rlli flll won llY torlt'l r. 0 tcr• ,,_, re ."
c~~n. OuWfl tHl 'dtc. Mason u: h.Kte -1·TifrY ._ & t·•t•v Malane, the S.S forward, has
Mtlfltl""9 1e1c11 T .. nwi_t ls.t-Hlf'tllrt ce1 die. !mltlt · tHl ..-. P.it Ntf,M. paced Fountain Va 11 e y 's
he'd score a lot more. As No. l aggregation.
it is, he only takes 12·13 shots Then Friday they roJl OU!
a game." the welcome mat f o ..
His height also gives hin1 Hunlington Beach ( 1 3 • t} .
an advantazc on the ou tside Orange County's No. 2 ratet'
ho squ ad. s t but some opponents ORANGE COUNTY TOP 18
S\\'ear he 's even more I. Marina (lS.01 Stl
dangtrous after he's missed. 2. Huntington Beach (13-2)5''
,.1alane's biggest a s s e t , 3. Ka tell a C 13-4) 4·1
according .to Brown, is the 4. Fountain Valley (lG-4 ) 3
uncanny ab i Ii t Y to follow 5. Lowell (lJ-3) 3' 6. KeMedy (12-4 ) 2 a shot, his or a teammate's, 7. Santiago (11·2) 2·
and grab a rebound, putting a. Mater Dei ( 12·4J I'
the ball back up for a score. 9. San Clen1ente (10-4 ) 1·
"Dan has such great body.1piiit00i. iOSOiAOiiiVOiaiilloieym;;(8-0i50iliiiiiiiiiii
control he rarely gets called 11
for an offensive 1ou1 whi ch Lease Dealer-Direct so many players get while
following a miss," says Brown . [III] ..
'I .. .. •1•.,."1!!.'! ' •.. 11.,,1 ... ,., '"Oii '"' ol···· •• ,--,., NINTH It.Cl -AOO yatd1. , y .. r Barons to a llM tte0rd,
n _, -"'· •n-o><•· .,w, 111i11 a o, a. l•"ll" +• 1 si 1o11n : . n , me· m· g wins n t 1rst O"" .,. ___ .....,_.,,.~. -SI! Yl rdt. ' n •m I I ·-' ' .. n on ' .. --· """" ...... oldl &-.,. ~·::J"ffll. ,.Ur'll Sl.00. • lud . I ™'!' r
"The other ~s usually
try to put their best man
At 210 pounds. there aren't
many opponents who want to
get in Malane 's way. 8!1yway .
•• •••
j ; • • ' ' •
• ~ .... ' '· , , s E r lt"-01611111 '"' ._... " ., ,,,1.vMma ll'V1ll!! lzllgu . -Dan '" B "B t aJDIO. Thi Dl•mond llr W•lnut '1"'1-!la.co 3·1, '· Ll ktwood ·' • cl son 1~ .. •--• E (Richerds ILW C:IO •:OO ----00 la S TOWD. U
JI,. ~!I Cllltl 1-4, 6. !1011• Gr•ndt 0.$. 1• J 11 -e1 (2t) UU ~ R h 'N' Gett 11 llrookl) l.IO 3~ ' '':""~..;.··. c.iU11 Dtvlj iJ1~·~1rr.:~-.... ..,I'!'-*""""* 1c111 .. 111•1 a1111 .oraiM1t U.:.Ct nJOM .1!11 WQll tlV.lorl•!t~ "' ~~r.1 ta;l! .(Cf9•1111J 1:to .... He is the team's top scorer he and our •. -Other forwa , CJF. and rankings, whi c h
htrkl• Lin CO. l<nlthll 1 1 95-l.OCkhirt '(HI-cite\ rJol!ftlDl'I f!I > .·\03-:<;•nt9!16._{I!.) .'ll~tl}'<fo!•"\.., • .nm. -.Ml . .., . , ~ "'"" l-\_ 'lv.., .. d d "'' llill .. -..... i~ lh h d •· • ••Suri,,,,_ (I(. H••H 111 J..t!. ,111)--Zntraw t&l dee. lloylt rt:l A.lso ••n _ Chll cnu &ob 2; D•nd'f ( 6.4,.and .re.....,.... er an .l39L :-.am-;. "JU'~· wg.e . Elfi"·.~ -· _,ave.,,na ~.tut:" Barons Irvine eio s11o1 eank• cJ. lrilok•I 11• 1oi-Ang1t IH1 drew w11n 11:..,11aw ..... Good 11 Go1c1 1n1101 Giii R•s1111 i·ear was selected to the All well <'t usually doesn't work." Leagu e fav on'te· s, ma"e h1'm' NOOI' Moon IJ . W•r\11 Ht (Bl 2·1. 112-0uen•s (El C11t. Jter1 Il l 4·1, •t, ' ' -"' sn111v OH IL-Mv1u1 112 112-w111on tHI dee. Nichol• un 120-M1n00111 (!I> plnMd R11en111 Hlgn Ftyff, Rllll'I Moon Rim. 81'1 CIF 4·A third team. •-.1--.1. Malane says most a little nervrus.
El Torn Plrt•r IC. Smith) lit 2.0. (El •:..O. For Luc•. ml.-bi k d U~~ Azvr1!11rGoCJ.w.1111111 nt 120.-011ubo 1H1 6tc .. Pn1111os 111 ,1•.1-o.vtc1son te 1 die. W•lk•r te1 '' lrKt• -1·D'IJIMll ,.,.,.. &-Jual makes ·ma mare of the opponents in an effort "It pu~s the pr~ssure on
J1 lgh1 °" 11rott11r (D. Motrr11 11t 2..t!. ... 1•0 ••• .,11 , 1, ''''" man . • us." •dnuts '!alane. ·•t•m not l,.-----'i~•,•1••••ml>------''0~1..-'.i0>-""' ... -""-' ( i• •I-(£) d-w '"'I' '·••lllo ,,. -..ch 1 ' • • eu{ Li the n "
N'O Oll:Ollt Dll.l.Y. DRl'f••YOUll:S •
1974 PINTO
11 ,.........,,-,.. 5~~1 C1'lbr1 uo dK...J.J,l11P•UIDA.~~·:1 -:,:•~l~J4!~ .. ~--~';·~·~·~"'2;;;;,-;:i~-:.....:=:.....::.....::.:..,.~~~=~:--::------:---;:-:;---.....:·~to~n:~r~•~z~e~:;_~tw~o~B~a~ro:ns:__sa~y~in~gi::.I~d~idn:·~t~tbin~·~k~w:e~c~o~ul~d' •
lt•MTM ltAC• -,SO Y••dt. J l:lJ.-ROllftlh1I IH) pf/I/led Nielsen lll-Ofl!r 1!11 dte. P. SWM"'Y (E) 3(3iid'tJUlS, h&f'e fellen beeit Will the ft:agtte, il'8 jttS r-.-...;;1=:.:.:.: ... .,..ID'-:----1
,..,_ c 1a1'"1"' P' c• .-ls-Pendlllon c11 pinned weaver 145-J. SWHMY (El dtc. NllOl'I ta .mto zone ~ ehses. , t ere are a Qt good teams 36 MONTHS • Y!!:. olds a-ur,.' .<;l'!!,.mlno. l'lltH II ) 7:1t. 3-1. A s . . . s· . . .. r h I of
""MT" .... "· ·-· •ft '"' "'" • • "' .,. r· ea w•mmers· r d h 1 11rron elil 1 1s. Tl'IHdrtl lit f•S-V•n 011"" !HJ ,won bv cllflUlt.. .1~1 111 di<:. Rfftl'I IEJ H . II . That gives ·Malane a chance an . ~·e ave to· P r·o v e· OPEN END
sceobV 0oo0y oo 1•. Wh1tal ..,.. 154-Ma<t•Y 111 dtc. llim!tn (HJ lf.S..-!l1111M11 f•> dec. 0119111 tEJ to take the outsi'de shot or ourselves. ~ OUPI'• NII*' II,, Mair) ' 122 f4. U . l,.IW Ill & flc.J tlOe « ..... ,,. •
Jet s1n11 fJ. er-trl nt-l&s-\/ovt IHI plf!Md Htm•ndfz ll l 17S-Btkn 1E1 "'°"by forfeit. Q l f M wro-rk. wit!i the team a· nd "As for All.CJF, I was ma11c, wsw ",... rMI•, 11um,...
Jo IW'f'llS IC. Smltl'll 1'2 o:.io. • 1'1-Flll'lftlllY !El die. Jaflft {(I) I • • t h ked '"he J J t d tvll"fl ,lrlltl ,..... llld Clfll. CJ•147)
DttnN.DIPICYfl(.Cltrtutl llf 17S-Tt'IVlllO (!ll dte. Dlonl'll (HI 4·!. • n ua W ywng ee collectanassisto(fapasS S 0C --"-n was Se eC__!'. __ JTJ~ .. C_MOOIJ"ROM
cosMlc IL-M'llftl 11t t-4. Hvvs-c.1c1we11 !El won"" forttlt. II II "Dan has always been. a last year. I felt Seo. tt (Reider) n-
Ooulll• ,_ lld I tT. U~) ,,, lfl-M•llorY (HI plnn-d Timar (I I ,.,.... (Ml (12) ..... d '· !ll•ro11 D•l'f'f CJ. wit-> in 1:01. , ts-ti.Ir CTi '#Oii..,, 1or1111. team player anyway," says was n1o:e eservmg becau se 1974 MUSTANG 11 I ~ m111w1 Hvy.-C1rr.,ntr !Hl -bV tortei1. ltO-C•rr <Tl p1-ci Bovlt (El E•r..... LOS ANGELES _ euct111r .. Jlm Rock, Lvn RolH11s. l tuc• Brown. "'If he ·--'t that way he contributed so much .. N.ow
D1ndY'• .191 IE. 01t1al 122 -N"""""'" ... cl'l I•) !171 Tllltln 1::12. """1 Stt!Cllnl l: ... 17J L P+twpi;rt Harbor ,....,., ,. 216 MONTH '' Chlcttty ctilct 10. K/llgMl 111 tS-Lotklltrt !HJ pllllled !ll•lr <Tl u 2-s1.11\nos tTJ d1c. b~fft•• !El Marina High School had-the l:_.,., that he's gone and I'm hittmg 7 ~
Dttl Citc:ti I IT. Upllaml 112 3:52. S-3. best qualil '•• tlm Jn the 3:1;k Freatvl• ""'-11· W•tm!/ltter the boards more, I know what _ '6 MONTH ~
dtfjlf Olt 1 {$. T,...tvl'I) lit 1C0-Anglf (H) OK. C1rr (Tl •-2. 110-Allltl\Ot (!) dtc:. MlrU lTI faa'6 e oill50 Mldley -I. Marina 1:11.0'2:
i'fi'iiftM 'IRI 7-i'!O'l'1re11. , -VMr ,~;~Wlltart IHI cite. Slatl1"91 CTI ·~u--e.Mv IT) llllc. W1lk•r (El 4l50 backstroke relay in 11. NlwPort HJ'.!Z..~72. Coll . t he v .. ent through." OP.IN EN~.
olllc &-IJCI, Clllll'lll!I, PutM SUOO. l20-Mlrkl (Tl dtc. O!Jubo (HJ 11).0. V=rsit competition he r,e !I'"'"' O.•llly fw ,, .. , ea1a C ff.is honors and play haven't If' ... tu & lk.I 1, ltw "'I·• WSW
c;i,,fmlno pric. iuoo. w, 1D-P. SWlllllV tEl cite. ~0ttn•11 ·y night OOt Newport •~l 1nc1. Mldllv -1. ount•I" u escaped the nQtice of most ""'-__.....,,... _. ,._.,...., ""*' fK. Clll'lhll 11t l'7...otOlllrt IH) dtc. CIMW ITl tTI S-O. VIUIV !Andy Mlll1r, Mileti omi;r•, f h . C J • f . ........... CIJlmJ CMOICI 011' AU·
.-..... ,..,,. MU• 'J· Uphl!Tll llf •1 l4S-8cnnl111 ITI die. J. SWHMY Harbor and Fcort.ain Valley !Ill ltbslhofl. Mlkt Kiiiy) A:OJ.f 0 t e maJOr a I 0 r n la ~TIC Oil 4 ll'llD. J
MK\tr 1c1•••1 . 0rtvtr1 11• 1».-.t-11111 CHI c1~. Ar1111a1111 1E1 1w. I "'~ 1 · 1)~r='.v1e -1. NIWPIWI H•w Cage Poll colleges. Tiit IH111ln1for f,, Trn1ural 1\f fl) 1·1. ISl-frtellson ITI cllt. R11111 II) r OS~..,.,...,,., SW mmmg jKtVfn llotter!SOl'I, FtM\11. A/lctll'la/I,
t 111i11 G!l'IOff cJ. ll"OOk•i 11• l»-McGMtiffl CTI won 11y dff.un 5.0. teams: set five record! in the ttt D1Mo1t, eob 0us11y1~GNV F1111,, And they don't mu ch care 1973 T-BlltD I 'ftlllY Up TTthl ltt. ,.... 11t ovtt WMwr IHI. HS--C1ttro (Tl die. Ouo•n CEI I CIF · rel Jiff Sllvtflll 7;2'.00 :-. 1' rtcord!i if he isn't the school's all-time
,.oct_, ltldllrt 10. MOl'rltl nt l4-!lortlll•n ITI plnlled yan. DVlllt t.(I. annu& IWllU ays 3. · F;'.11111n V•11fv 2:30. I ._ Edl!IOll The Top TWf!lty, wltn 11rtl•plac1 '13544 MONTH
F111 t lilt . .._rl '1' IHl t iM , 05-ttl{11 CE I plllflld .-..1111111 lTI -11mtnanes. t :f.so · erHShtroli:• _ I· Fll'Hlttlll vom 1n pirt111M•a.' "''°" •KOrd• scorer. rebounder, assist man
.-M·l•nk!IC.""'11'11 llt 1····•1·-(Tl pl•·-Smll• IH> 3·55 ....... v,11-1C••l•W•l"""1"""'~" ........... , •• -••• l••l 'Sol······ ... h N I d 24MONTHS .,)IM'Jl:Md 11. O.n•I "' <t:lr-" ..... '""" j '11i-F11nn11t1y 1E1 -bV fol'i.11. Finals will be staged Friday M1tc'ii' NOl'l'lura, Miiier '"'t:k.&3 1c1,. i~fiipo1,,11:· .. "' ... or even l e o. I cheer ea er. • OPIN END
.... ..... ..... 165-Vott IH) die. C11tro ITl J.1. HYY.--C•IOwell (El cite. a.nt!IM {Tl nl""t in the East Loa Anaeles l1l(Ol'd). I. HCl!rt 011n1 3' 10-0 '911 They • like the way he plays
Jll'lcli fK. Hirt) . I 122: 175--0lonM (Hl die. A.dlton (Tl ... 6'' • 4xl0 .......... ~, -,1:.. '!.,0Un!•111• Vallfy '· UCLA u 1).1 '" '-:..~ketball. '""" ... & lk.I All lllllHff ICC • ._. ,,.... CL-. Wrllflt 172 7-1, LM..-Clll IUI .... CoUeee pool. i .. · f: cl son : ........ ~ IWJQrl a. H. C•roll111 SI. 11·1 m UA.') ............... """-.... ,. ,..., AM.¥M ~ ,.,. Mlllt flt. Wtilltl '" l"-M•llorY CHI Sllnl'lld Mal/I 1 :.U. ~Ho n'llld'I. In the F r 0th . s 0 p h •• rk.J? '1 -1. N"""'I Htrtior •• Horth C•l'Clllnt U·l '51 --~~--------11 ..... , tot ............. ""' _, a er ... I IC. lllW•I 11f Mvy_...,..114 ITI pll'lfted CtrrtOhff 103--COl'l'IPlon (LI cl IC. aoyi. Cll --'WW. N___. I l ;SS.lJ.i !, '°"" aln Vtl!IV 1,57,n , 5. Mt rYl•nd 10-2 6" mwc1t; -.. -""""-IDUt) .
~ ~· (H) O:Sl. 114. ' .._.,,_" ...... "' .... ,.... ~ s e 41\1111 .. r ... IVll -I. MIWPOl't Hlrtlar 6. M1rq ... !l1 1 .. 1 510 ·-llHdl (Ill (Ml .... ll:a-Dwll•• (El die. Hull ILi 1-l. ~-.... -rds and F--taln {Qletwl H....i•nd ·r-· """"· 1 v nOI bil l 12·1 m ........................................... :
• 'od<'"" ---1. 120-Rfztnde ll.1 die. UirtT Ill 111•~ '"""" """ FultMI l:7'.•I 'if ...CONI), J'. . • r ( --· -· Ir Fovnl•ln V•ll•v S: . •. PrtYldlnetl 1).) l1S llUT£111 liA?DW. ' :
t0)-A11tl• tHI p111Mc1 '°"" te1 11.l'•,·, w 1, <•• , • 11 ,,1 Valley bad a pa • Between ·••SO M..,1.v -• '.Pl Ha rt>or '· Al•N~ 1°"2 ~ :. BOii "'-:, 3:1t, 6 ~ • Ir te. 111 •r the .-. .........., II !Jolin 10011ro11, l(lltlt ob n •o ", 10. c11 51•11 !Lone BNch) 12.1 .,... ' 111-wir"" CHI "*· °""""• CEl m u~y ""l'.,.. .. a seven ffCOtd 1 .s. Edison l:st 11. 111d11r>t 11.J 11t : :
.. , • 1u-..rtw1nri.klt Ill OK. Hlnw1 CEJ first place .. 1 ..... 1.; .. ,.1 in the .. 12 •. 5ollt11trn C•I 11.2 l'io • :
1t..-1t1nnd• (1:1 dee. Ot•llbo {HI 1 .. s. ~ ''· SOV1n C••tll111 10.J 105 : .~, ... "" 11, !litnM:ky.,, 1-l. 131-Dtlll\Jlm (L) die. "· , .... ""' prelims. 14, lolllsv!U• IG-l l(M •
A\lllVrn et, MIUISllPIDI' ''· •1 111-0111111'4 IHl dK. w11~., Iii\ IEI 3.1, Ed' Lo s Mt hi 2 " v~~" '-'.1 r,'t:.""''"!.'5 1.0 145--l"IUl'lkltt (l ) dtc:. J. !we.MY .,_ (,,,.,.,.. QMMflln lSOll ses :.: P\l~ltl~~h lt, .. . -··"'-'
MllllUlll "· ·--~ ......... ,....----, .... ·-~ ..... '"' .... NI-• (El w. -cut • ..... I I ···-• ~;J:.;n n. ~ .. .,.,. •rv E~...... .., ..... JV::.'6;11111·~~'"''-""'"""--'•""""'-""~'c...._. ......, .., ~ ... c..MKtnl 1:: ~_:r:;;,~ :~l :: : S-H-OW ! •·-·II,·~'°' (0•.,1 mol '~""""'' IEJ WOii by lotftlt. J.,, 11·1-l"I ~ .. I Ci--· ~-F.dison m""''S airrs 'ield It.JI"' Mealco 11.J 'lJ ' ~~ ' .,, -· (H I --I 16J.-fl/trtt(h (L) olfll'lld .... _ (!) y y -s. Mir • -.ueili "... !! ' : l1-¥11d19"n ''· , lowe " " ""'*'" ...... _,.v ''"· ·~.. !,' .. i •..... o,tw,L. "'.r 4:!14. ' hockey team was eliminat .. ..t 20. A•llot1• '· lf"-4 u • ~'I JI, 1 ... St ... IOYll'lllM) 1).L 11'1-ttr •:117 ~ O!hett tK•lvfn; YOfeJ, I I 1 t I d : ~-nNfl '°' HI llf\Mll n 1s-•-Ill -· Stnltlt H. ,~~·IMll'll Ill die. .. k.. IE) J:tf .. ,,...,.,.. -,, WnlmlMtlf' from ClF playort act i 0 n 1IPhabtllc1tlV! Arl10011, Cl~ll'lnltl. :
•COWtdo fl, 0.C1tl'IGN ~t. 6f 16IOI""" ft:I pll!Md Yott IHI l!'fo ·~ 1 I 'londay at Lowell ij I g h • Colorldo S11t1, Dttrolt, JKkwnvllle, ·: I: ~ffen;it JS S!l"'9fd !I 0:.U lfl-Fll l'lhllty IE) OK. !ll•nc.htf11 I -• Wtslnl ftlltr J> K•nst1 Kin •t !!•It Mt hill
!2 ......... I 111 llMll: ,,......_ 1~ IHI c1tt •• ..., !•I J.2. Ill ...o. I: 1 l· Ylnltv 2:os.u , droppin<I' •,. .1-· 1..... t ~...,, i'ld E i: snor M 1 " 1' • -· .. --.. ·"
t.r.n_l.l.<<tfdlM Il l 1f1--Mtllry IN) llllM'ltlil FllMIMV H\'1'.-CIWW.11 (I)"*·"'°''" Ill 1:2:.\11., ;~ ... ; .. b..r"",·~~o!r.1" .. "O a .rv ~lSnJll 0 Nt~;d~.l~t11 ;~.,, 'Ot•I '~!:e~11'. ''.'j.lil"i''"'''''''""'''''''"''········
_ • . (11 1:11. J.1. -.fl elebtnU -1. ""' 111 I*" Valencia in quarterfinal P,lay. P11tc111t. lli'l'rtc1111, T•.11••·E• P•M). -.-
• ~· B •. ~ ,_ 1"1i.-oiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;iiiii;;;;;; !;;;;;::;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;i jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiii __ iiiii.__... Ill. I
tA" KJW'\ ., .. '"' NIW tt?• ooas vooR cAR 1DL1 ROUGH' DON'T D•scA.,D THOSE "'~· .• "'" ..... -... D"TSUNS START HARD? WI ft • Iii ·: ' INSUIANCI ,.. OfYE POOR MILEAGE? CAN HELP ~OLD ........... 5 SHC"'S~l ~wlsi & ... _e_.OST_ .. _._~_E._.!_.t_~_;_::_~_·~-~-THE ... c .. ~" •• • .... _~ ... ?~!_.!J.o .... •_ •• !.HOP •• _ .. A"Nr;~~;;'Si4~~Si~1i;~ ~-•• .,...= ":"""'-~-~' e W15TCl.l,fl ,LAU e LIOO e '"'"'°" ISLAMD e CffOHA OIL MAit
1972 LTD
10 PASS. s9u111 WAGON •7911 24 M~~~~~
(ll'lw I•• .. Uc,I All 1tatM111nt KC. '4w •VI 1119 .. WIW MrtJ. llr elllll,.,
""'· fi'•1 •Ml -.. tt• MlltL ll.,.1
GrlT 1 1.1.
f..--11---NAJWE ~· fllM-1974"
~ ....
fllitml n!Cl!mbrll:!:/i ~. }11]1
' *'ll.illl1-ia1r.lee'i...
Ends Tuesday
WH11d11y........s: ... l :IO.f:DI
sat. S1i111.-l :•l1•S11f.J:lf.t:DI
ID ll'IClllD
llCIDt tlUlt ...
.,_on th• contrcw.,el-1 boo.t
fMt N•ed cotWtntional the«,_ OI hlttoty Pd uehfology
UA CINEMA 1 & 2-Cnlll MeM -WESTlllOOK :t-Wnlntln11tr Jlf.4411
CIHIMA Vl£Jo-Ml5'1H Viel•
2% bAILY PILOT Tuesday, January 22, 1974
'Walking Tall~ Be horn at
as1ounded the lnd~stry with
huge box offices on its second
lim around . Now the aame
pattern seems to be ·followed
by "Walking Tall."
The film was based on the
"-·--.. 11 CINEODME 20:.:. .... ~ ..... ~
--.· -··•.;.,..o· CINEDDME l/ ,•;;,
4-!.'!.'~···~ ....
--. '" .. SIAD/UM -I ;!:
.. .A'.l.<1•!.J.; ~~lite··' • -... -.... STADIUIH J :c ",.,,.••i t.Ju' .c • -'. -"··· STAO/UIH ·J ·;, .. ~=~~.;.
_, .. --.. ,.,,
SIAD/UM .4 :.;
0. ..0.........!~L<.'..U.L.:;:•.,
remarkable film
(ou nded
-VERNON scrJ1 r,
BANGLADESH ~ ..... ,,.,_, ........... , .......... .
1..,.., ~ , ....................... 1
JioiAllNEL. 2 P•
-·-~!P.APILLON" IP.G 1.--
WI~ '
Sllt'tl• McOlilffl! & DftN11 HOftlMll
"ml 'N TILLIE" f PGI
"SERPICO" I I) .... --
"IADGE l7l" Ill
(LADIES AND GOLDIN AOl!ltS)-Of'llN 'TIL t:• l".M,
.. ~" . . '
Held 00.ffl 4111 Wtftt
Jtft 9rldtft "I.AST AMlllll"tCAN HlllJIO"
101111 ht C91orl "CP'G)
"'" :o•lf
CIMm.11 I
U :Jt.
.. $1.0I
1"•111 Ntw?IYll
RIMrt lltdft;nl
In Cotort tPGI
7:JO-t:4S p.m.
·l11 C11611rllG)
N11 ll !"rite ... ~·ft.,.,
1:00-J:fl·S:M ,,...,, .. P'.M.
In CIMOl'I {01
N• Sl f'rlcl
N• LHln DllY
7l1J.t:11 l".M.
e · ppenmgs o o
Puss_e_r, the giant of a sheriff
of McNairy County, Tenn ..
whose battles with L h e
underworld el~ents became
legendary. _ _
"Walking Tall" wa s released
early this year in several U.S.
cities by Cinerama with an
/7 fUUNIAl"I llALlff ·-~1
MILD ov••1
·WE w11r· tPG) a.tt1r• Strei .. !IOI llMI . ...,, . .....,.
,,.f,rf,L-"'-~ D ~~.~~GIA
a campaign
raw violence.
TH~ RESULT: d Ism a I
business. The film played
th ree weeks to s p a r s e
audiences in Los Angeles1 then
headed for burial. The same
happened In Chicago and other
cities. ,
Charles Pratt refused to let
th e Olm· die. rfe is presiden~
of Bing Crosby Productions
TONITI AT l :JO & 10:00
2o~ Genluly-fox presents
tli!GPPnlc In
COLOR bv DE LUX~ 1:'
PLUS -1:15 ONLY ..
!!ll'!rooo• "EXECUTIVE ACTION" IPGI I llll ""'"''"'""""'"""""'"" ~=======~=~~ ~ _A_,_.,~~~w
. For tile first ti-. lit So. Callf,. tM profo11111d, oftff coldro't9ftlol
worl lty tlle dee•'• 111ost brlllk111t yo•n• playwtl9ht. Moftl HIDll Nl•I•......--A MA.JOI THIATllCAL l'tlNTll!
~:::? J'outh Coast Repertor
CWOody ~e
cAlleit""" "I{eaton,
_..,.,., '· ""'· ,.,. 11111 • .-. l:ll. i:JI, .,. 1:» .. ,,.
2_& 8 pm
Standby seats for indi-
vidual performances will
be available JOI MATINll PllUORMANCI Of'AY
This time the bullets ·
are hitting pretty ..
close lo home! .Y _ .
·CIRR Eastweell •••CJH•s1m ,.._mf'e!!I~ -·· J;IJ ...
lotf,4UM, I• ,,.,
'• ·-•• Dll"ll/W. ""'""'"' "LAUGMINQ W. H ...... fK1y L1M
11111 In Calorl Ill)
7:4J , ..
~ ,
' I
LAKIWOOO CIN•MA--4.0nt 1 .. cll
llOSeM&Ad 1-4-lllMmHd S7J-t ...
-· ALLIO ARTISTS tresflliS
IAcQllEll lllRIRI.
ma rRNIJU.!N I. SCtWfNER hkn -P.!!.Llll . ~
1:30 • 4:15 • 7:15-10 P.M.
COYLE" llltl C91erl 1111
MON·fll. 7·9·1 1
5ATUIDA'i & 5U.~_DAY f
1:20-11 :25
Box Offiees
m ng a
no IClll&er t'OMeCled
dn't understand II/'
slM $ti. "The manager at the P tages Theater here
told that even when the
house "• one-tblrd flUed, the audience · stood up a n d
applaud;Jl, It was the same
l,.11.1."'( • tu LIO" I\ '
~'' ~ J \0
verrwhert. -
''I got ~-. I decided you can't have a picture that
people Jove let It die." -"COPS AND IOllllS"
The man
became 1 .. --alegei:id ----
Thefilm -
to be a
A Joe WiiaJ·Sanlord Prq;_dllctlon • Co-Starring Wlll GEER
Introducing DEUE BOLTON· t.lus1c by.John Avb:nsteln and Tim MC1n1ire
Screenplay by John Milius and Ed"'ard Anhalt· Produced by Joe Wi1an
Directed by Sydney Pollack· Panavislon• ·Technicolor•
,,.. w.,.., ~ 0 A Warner Cotnn11i1rilc1llon1 Cotnpllt)'
71186 BEACH 8LVO.
,. LA HABRA CINEMA 1 1697-67Bll
ORANGE VILLA !639-00661
•• &Alllell IL
L-•A ... _ .. ·-121..aJO
I a.r.__ .,,. ....... __ IHI,_,.
SUIPll 111t1 . -···amnuTMr-..r.-~
·---. ................. ., ........ ~ ....
'· ,.
' ... r
.. " " "' Cl ...
lllON.~~ ... ..---1 ~~~~-1
' 1-3-5
J 7-l-11 ..
.'.fl I ~···
. 4
• • I
'I '
.,, '
T~sday, January 22, 1974 DAILY PILOT
Stars ~at Pr~fit8
• •
Animals.Make It Big in Slww Business
Stari from Leonard Broo k's talen t
agency make about 800 television
com11-1ercials a year, but hardly ally
profit. Tl~ey t at it up. But wM.t ·would
uou expect from goa ts, caniels and a
g1·ow ing .elephant? ·
NEW YORK (AP) -Leonard Brook
peals goat,-shcep,-dog-8Dd c.at. He
could teach Dr. Doolittle a thing or
two. Talking to animals is his business.
He heads Daw_n Animal Agent)'., Inc.,
a-company that owns, trains' afi<fhlindlcs
aniffials in show tilLSiness.
He's discOvered such talents as
Patrick, the shaggy sheep dog of Alpo
dpg _food fame: Desert Queen, the whjte
horse you can take anywhere
compliments of \Vhite Horse Scotch ;
the brown rat or the "starve-a-rat" .
campaign in New York City; and the
owl that Liza Minnelli talked to in the
movie "Tell Me You LOve Me JUnie
Moon." -
He's booked chickens In the opera.
, goals on Broadway, skunks and camels
in television commercials; cheetahs and
bears in Print ads and dogs and 1 cats ·
for pet food commercials.
Fourteen years ago, Brook ; his wife~
Bunny; and ber sister Barbara Austin
elephant, get from $250 to $350. A job
requiring 3Q dogs can bring in as much
as $1,500 for a com1nerclal.
Together, Dawn's more than 500
animals ea rn a gross yearly income
or nearly $100,000. Bltt their net income
is a different story. Th e animals. literall y
eat up all the profits.
''We make more and more and more
money-each-year-in gross. Our-net
is always the sa me -about zero. Bu t
I'm not complaining. Animals 3re our
way of life, and we love" it •... This
·is a way or having as many as v;c
want", says Brook. fie was standing
in -ulC bad:}rard of his fariil . A llama
v.·as nibbling his roattails, a baby
.elephant friskin g him fo r pencils and
a dromedary drooling on his head.
BUNNY BROOK will admit to spending
about $100,000 durin g theii animal career
to get animals they couldn't reiist or
'We 1n11ke 111ore and
tnore 111011e11 each year
ii• gross. Oar net ·Is. al-
mays the same -about
. nothing.'
"IF A [)OG. likes to carry thtncs
around, we teach him to retrieve. A
Jumping cat we trairi to jump up on
something, and we give him a reward."
"l did a job or a cat ' swimming
once for 'Purina, but I prepared the
cat first ," said Len, Who began testing
each of his 80 cats in a bathtub of !
water until he found one that took ·to
it naturally.
"We did a com1nercial a -couPle of
years ago for Doy,· Che?ilical showing
a can of spfay, and a skunk is supposed 1o._~come. and _smell it and rurl away..
Now oUr skunk is not trained, io we
t~icked-th skunk," Brook said. "\\'c
did it with smells and odors and -what·not
in order to get him over there and
then a quick move made nlm react
quickly in the other direction and put
his tail up as if he was defensive and
so the commerci al came out great. • , •. "
Dawn doesn't believe in cruelt'y to
get great action shots·.
"To starve a dog or cat sO it will
eat the client's product would be stupid,
Brook said ..
"You don't have to. You just give
thei:n their next meal on set."
Dawn turns do.wn some scripts. 'Ibey
\vouldn't Jct their lioness take the role
of the lion in the movie "The Gang
Th at Couldn't Shoot Straight" because,
~put their animal commwtication skills
to v.-ork. They were doirig animal rescue
WOTk -finding 'homes f~r strays but
finding instead that they were keeping
most or the lost anirrials.
ones in detfiand by clients. tffit most
of their animals come to them fr ee
among .other indignities, she would have
had to go through a car washc. ~~------1
of charge. They're reject& The lion -RETIRED OR NERVOUS animals are
cute and . conversational when a cub never made to work. Arid at· least a
-becomes undeslr3ble when it matures fifth of ~wn's animals are quietly
nlEIR MENAGERIE grew but not and sees some family's three-year-old m.unching the rest d -their µves away
· -• tlleii·· -rtiridS.' · RatTler·"than-give-up··1htf · as· a ·meal instead~of a playmate. . --w1thQui thr~llt ot. _t~ir-J>Cm!io~ ~g
animals, theY discovered a way for the Many of Da\vn's animals have been out. · J '
. creatures to pay (or themselves. muti lated -declawed or defanged -Everyday .crises are the mos~ pressing
Today, with a 40-acre farm in New or ar~ too fame to survive with thei r at the animal farm. Dawn pays its
Jersey and . a New York City office 0\\'11 kind even in a zoo. Others, like vet $10.000 annually. And they still have
manned by Barbara Austin , Dawn is some of the horses and the. six llamas~ problems.
th e.-largest-animal-rental-agency-on-v.·~re bo~ght _by . the pound at the going · Geo rge, their dromedary. once had .
the East Coast. · price f <ir meaf on llle hoof at-horse-an upset stomach. In-humans-this is
They do as many as 800 television auctions .if you beat <iut the glue a -minor affliction; in dromedaries it
commerci als, nine feature f!bns, a dozen factories. riding schools and dog food can be fatal.
400 . companies. ;,We tried to call someone· who knew
operas, prmt ads a year and To get animals to do What a script something about camels and couldn't ··-nwnerous ...... promotions. .. ~and-Broadway 11 · · . shows.:_;_ __ -ca s for amid'ftot lights, yelling directors . find anyone," Broo.k said. 0 So we mixed
The average dog or cat gets $l56-$175 an~ nervous people ., Dawn handlers croon up a ~apr solution <if everr human
1 -a -, - -k d . ---· -. --animal sounds,-whisper-commands,-tap_concoct1on__w. could___find _ epto or a ay s wor oing ene commerc1al. on shiny objects and give their actors Bismol, Alka Seltzer -and we pumped
That's about what the average person tant -.. -~
ts 8 1 . Is cons ri:wl1.n.1s. ' it down into his stomach. And he got
ge · . u anuna , unlike people, get Dawn's ba&ic training method is to over it.
no residuals. _ I encourage anima s' natural talents and "He_ Q..ur~LJ lot_fQr a while but
Large animals like Frith, a baby rehearse them thoroughly, he felt much better,"
'"'· !> { ..... ,_.,,
l .... .. . .•
• The Bluest Marketplace on the .. Orance Coast .............. r.. w.· ... 111 ·149
Roal ,_ °""""'' . . . . llO • "' I
llntol • • • • • • • • • • • 300 .....
(1tiploymcn1 • • , •• • • .100 .. 799
finoncial • • • , ••• • • 200 • 299
HOl.Mt for Sole , • , , • , 100 -114
Los~ & found • • ' • • • • "° -574
-handi>e ........ IClO ....
You Can Sell It, Find It, ( 642 •56?8 ) Trade It With a Want Ad . _
One Cal I Service
Fast Credit Approval
Sdtoell and ntrutt*' • • • S7S • '99
s.w. -......... 600. "'
T~ ••••••• W ·9C9
House• for SM
ERRORS, AdvertlHrs should check their
Ht !lolly & report erron lmmtdlo tely. The
DAILY PILOT HtumH ll•bllity for the lint
IMOrrect in1ertkwt only.
GMer1I General
* lalb~. Bay Properties *
Nifty duplex
$155,000 ! 675-7060
Cust. bll. 4BR. Lux-
urious pool \V/jacuzzi.
Best loc .. I blk from
golf course. Bargain at
Gener el General
. ';\ U~IOOI' tfVMI:
duplex! Raised hearth, used brick fireplace,
~aneled walls, beamed ceiling, intetior pa-
tio and sunny lront-facing kitchen. It's all
here-two 2 .Bedroo1n units . A listing of
Peggy Spiess at $84,500 (In a hurry to sell!)
BAL BOA COVES S64.SOO: 642·7491. UNIQUE HOMES RHlton, 675-6000
1800 SQ FT OF LIVING for only $44,950. fea-
tures include over size bdrms, lge dble brick
frplc, hvy shake roof, beautiful front kitchen,
AND covered patio surrounded by many
trees. -4th Bdrm convertible to formal din-
ing or den . Won't last a wee~-CALL NOWI
2-STORV' Adults only townhouse, adjacent
to Mesa Verde Country Club. Park·like set-
ting with..beautiful pool and grounds. QUer-
ed at only $39,500. CALL 546-5880. ·
Open Eves.
"Caacade" model • sunken
fireplace & con\Trsatlonal
area · 4 BR 2._, BuU11. Vlltu
,..., oJ "Irvine 's" orange ~eg
lrom every roon1. On "The I
An architectural "gem" on
"executive row" In the hills.
Comer location &; beautllul
garden vistas. Owner will
acce~ ~ur otter ~ndlng sale of Your"'"home! --
Beautiful, spe.clollil i 1tory Nelol'iy painted thNout, this
hon1e on quiet cul-de-sac 3 bedroom, 2 b6lh wtth
street "'Uh toY.'trlng trees double car &U'lll" for onb' and that secluded feeling. S26,500 requJres belng teen · , 1
Walk to au schOOlt. Htq:e NOW!! I
::U'"".:!i"~ ':';"·~ 646-7711-0PEN EVIS. I
Price or O\vnershlp bOme
In a 1n06t desirable area.
Bonus Is the ·low interest
GI loan ol 7\l% that can Walker & Laa be assumed by anyone. 111 ,L 1,,,,,
646-7711 Open Ev11 .. ~=======::'..I
· Walker&Lee-~[=.anoix]
lll•L llf,l.TI ,.------.·
Better than new !
$129,500 675-7060
Newport Beach. $79,.
MESA VERDE 2443 E. Coast Hwy., Coron• del Mor
Golf Course l ~~~E~~~~ ... ~;~'"'""''"",;;;,;...,...,,,~G~e;n;•;r;•kl ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~G~11;.,.;r;;•~I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11th Green is right atl1~·G;•;n;•;r;•;;I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;G;•;n~er~•;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
your back door. 3 BR .I• * WATERFRONT LOTS
lli'Alfoi'ilD I .... -...... I~
Great tor "ear round Uvlng "-w ,. .. · .. ··· · ·· ····· • «J ....... ,, ........ " """" .... nt & close to the village. 3 ...-. .. ...._ ..., s.te ...... us LIVE IN!
2 ha. home w/pool. 3 ~st.BJ a r . $79,500. l'/"4-tile S,IH.(;e e73.7~20 •
4 local Offices to Serve vou-Ul--AND ASSOCIATES
Gener ii Gener1I
"The Bluffs". Brand new. LAST ol the BEST!
End unit. 3 BR, DR, "Linda" model. $74,950
End unit. 3 BR, FR, "Paula" model. $74,950
Comer 3 bdrm. DR, "Llnda" model. $78,500
-~111 Son Joaquin Hills Rd.
Perfect kit YCJUDI family -
2 Br 6: Den -~ tMock
10 l::n.nd nrw n.400.cm
iChool.. ~-allc lo part and
communlty pool -~ Jot
-12 truit trees -aoe ov.ner
-165.000 and you on ~
land. Call ~· -673"8550
Nt>v1 or experienced men or
\\'Omen, join lhe NBA team.
Work-in It c:ongenial, creat-
Jve atmosphere u n d er
Pl'O\'en managemenl. Enjoy
minimum regimentation and
fa\'Orable commission sched-
ule. PeniOnallzed !raining
Call '.\'IGEL for interview.
has .all.new .. .carpets.. and wall coverings, 2
bedrooms and a nice patio for your enter-
taining. A large 1 bedroom upper unit. A
rare bargain at $7-7,950.
CALL 644-7270
Coast Highway, Corona del Mir
644-7211 /""--'------
Private beaches and boafulg !acilities avail·
able for your use. Immaculate 2 bedroom
home with lovely pauo. SM,500 .
EnJDY .~e love1y ocean vie\l from the spa-
cious l1v1ng room . Three bedrooms. 3 batb5
and workshop. $125,000. '
----MIN! MANSllOH----
Entry, 3 bedrooms, 2 bsths. livin g room with
fireplace, .large family klttilen. sunny en·
closed .patio, carpe.ts , drapes and shutters.
Immediate possession. $54,950.
--. 644-1766 ,........ ..._.__
-W'I -
' ........ J. _.._
. ~ 2161 ~ .a. ...... Hiiia Rd., .... L--
3BR beauty (gJ $49,500. Shag carpeting, low
monthly maintenance area. Immediate oc-
cupany! Jack Howell .644-6200. (Dll)
!st oflering -beautiful, upgraded condcr
minium. Extremely dramatic home • largest
4 BR. model. $139,600. Tom -Queen
644·6200. (D28)
Brand new orto 1no n ar r e
Homes. 3 or 4 BRs, FR, DR. & bonus room.
Used brick & 2600 sq. ft. ol family living.
$81 ,900. Jeanne Newman 842-8235. (D21) •
(Irvine I Mtonob·l ........... ,com,.., I
• -
30'xl05'. Magnilieent view! $165,000
Prime 45 It. lagoon lot-$1~0,000
Prize 50' lot adjoining easement. ~~00,000 .,
341 Bayside Dr., Suite I, N.B. 6!5-6161
lllllil. t•T4 fl
7682 Eding>r-842-4455
litust M?"il -vacnnl J bcd1oon1
2 bnlh To1\·nhou.~ ln1n1cd-
inWI)'. Sh[ij,!: (::JfP(lts, loL'i 1>f
C>itnll! l>oJJulor COsU\ J1csn
Jocntion. <.."1ub~ser1100l1.
No'v 1n•iccd belcr,v nfatket
w.t $24,500. Cal: 540-Jl.51.
lmmaculale 2 unit lnwston
drtam iJI NE WPORT
HEIGHTS. Each w i t h
aepe.nte garage~ Ii: . lat'ge
yards. Already rented. On1y
$.1),500. Call totl!ll' Red ~.~altors 64~ or
The futelt drnw 1n t~W~sl .
• ,A rM.lly Piiot CIU!if'}f(f
yroldBavarlan style3leV\:ll Ac,.... tw Mle ............ u1
home with open beam ced· ._."-" "' "" f ......... 111
........ ..,..,.,, ... ' ". •• • • • 1J4 1ngs thru-out, 3 br l bl C......., uttJC.,_ ........ IN
"Home" is A flreplae<, a + comr.etely finished ~ c-dM l'ftMl'fY ........ UI ·'-· C111111MM ....... fir ult ... ,.1 .. , .. garage, a \11otk shop -a ment ar playrm or anup. r>w,iaetlUMll Mio. ..... 1 ... 10
yard of your own! -And for Lndry facllltie•. $38,500. "-ft IHI_.. ........... , ..
the rl f " 'artm l" (213) <b,-3898 after 6pm or ..._ """"""" .............. 1" p Ci! o an a.p . __ en •lttftMI ,.~ ........... '" )'OU can have your "lax aeyllme llo.'ffkends, Ltih Mr ,... ............ , .... ,,.
shelter'' &: ''<•nuity.'._'_Joo! .....,.,.__~ "*" ..._,.,,....,. "'!°¥1 .. 17t
-.. ·----..... ----~ ---· ,......., DtMrt. ·~-174 ~.w.r Ortf119 ~ """"" •• -...... ;; 17'
.RAND NEW ..... '"" ................ '" ltMKllK, ,.,._, .,. .......... ,. ••1 ,.,... ••dlMll ........ m ......................... '" AND READY FOR YOU!
Newport Beach • close 10
"1arlnera Park. Thrtt nice , . I
bedrooms, carpeting, al'.ld FMndll •
~~~!>-: .. ne."·l,y _ p}!l!'.t~ yard. ~--,.,..,-,---'•--'I ~PETE BARRETT ~~,:; : ... ::: m
REALTOR ... ~ ................. , ,. --_ .................... ...
642 '200 --................ .. _., ~ T""' 0-. ....... M -----------............ ~--·_]~
--...................... 1 •• ~ AM'-~ ............. , .. --., ................ "' .\ ILlifh:, ..... ""' .......... "' T-..... "" .......... .,., • " ... ' ............... ~.-............ ... Atilt leMllll ...... , .............. •.
""" Mnkti • ,.,,. ........ ,.. '
All'fM W•hllt • "... .. •. " " " ' Auln. 1""""911 ,,,,,,,,., ••••
... ..... MN "" ..... ~ ........ ,.. """"· "* ... " ". ". . .. . .. . .. "'
l lST llUY
2iir blithl. No
tee t .to beWevt hOw ex·
quillte an lnterlor can be.
Even Uie aecl~_patio hu
beM profM&lonally land·
IC..,ed. Owntr hu bouaht
anoth6 II: wanll action! You
own the land, loo. A rea1
Waet To Set?
Wtttl two more recent ults -·e have now topped-Ute t----one million dollar mark. 1n
• •
T""""· JMij.,y 22, 1914
!!"'"Pe ':'!!~!!! ...i-210 Ho• ... ·_;;,=~-"-nlum. . ___ .. _
10 U111b WANT TO BUY MENS _o._ .. _r_er _____ _
Exctlltnt bread & butltr 6'T.HMi
unlllr Great Westm.inlter 1o-l ri:=:::'o1e;:-;L;:o::1::n--•2"40"
Corono del Mor
:.....-J..~~...!.;:~~:::;:::;:;:;:::::.,i.e~llU.J~~ :ix "....,":.'."'w. •IW haw A VERY SP ECIAL 3' nturnon 1,000 "'·1st TD Loan" .... 3 BR, ,-BA. t:.ra. Uv ""':.
one to"'1y home lilted in l l AUTIFUL SPANISH WHEELCHAIR HOME ~"r;o0• p:cecl ~I ~ ;, """' Co-ty trptc. Bit-In kit. Lra. :
"apple pie" ordtr with auch Exclusive Lido Isle 58' lot. 8 bedroom, den, rlow~CWilOm Callt Ranch mm Utcy . c UP TO 80%-f!llM'Ott &UT,C.M. 642·PU yd. $f'15. Water pd. ~ ~'
lowly features at A pt.neled ·• fireplaces, vacant. Will lease opti6n. I style me co• tr Uc t e d '1nve1t"'-nt Dfvisioft 8'"" INTEREST BEACH Artu-Ba.ch Un1t1 , 0£... 644::~ : family room, beautUully " · especll\J.Jy for you w/evt'fY 7'7{1 tum utll pd. HB $95, NB \ ~'lUW\SS HILL. Total ·
trellll«I patio, IOparlte ....... & nus co ~'Onve,"lc~llOO· ~·~..."; ~ ' I 2nd TD Loan s 1100, CM :125 & Log''~'· panoramic view, --l ' ~;1=~i:.ar;t1:':{i allVllll · ~ ...... · IJUliJf'l.! ~:2~IL~H':1:~~J: !a~·$1~f1:;.~1~::e~:~
probably .. 11 llOOll and we REAL TORS '7S.70IO · ' , iliif:\it:I: Lowest roles Orono• Co. In. 3BR, 2BA. lrplc, tencod )Id. •
Wiii be out of llslngs. We '.:,;B!iimiiii!!fll'"'!"I!!!!!..,~!"":~"'"'"'"'"'"'..,., !llV1iil l =-~·J Settler Mlf. Co. NB H,._2 Br; 2 Ba tri $250. crplltt<, drpa, sa,.,.....,, •·
have buyers! Could we dl&-H tinaton Beach LJdo .l.::••:.:e ___ .___ '°' o.-liitlli'ii'!lli 30,000 Ft. omce-$dl;. "2·2171 SU-0611 D/W, W&D, tncd patio, 2 call ti73-6llOO 9-5. or ...,.
cuss with you the pouible .un J;"; -... .......,_ IN·-Anaheim 875M gd. Financing Servtna: Harbor_ ~a 24 ~ cat'. ~ft 5
pricing and ule of yaur WOOD' IEAMS *MEDITIRRANl!AN ---OON'T BORROW BEAM-NB. 3 Br. 1295 yrly. NEW cu","".,,-m~Duplex~-.,-brt..,.lck"'I
home! Call 615-7'2Z In this 18' x 2 o· tamUy room 3 Br'I, family rm, dlnlnl :.~-i~c:m~~ 'TIL YOU CALL USI \~o=~~3 ·;:;· r::'~ trplca 4BR, 1800 -al~!
with large •tone flteplace. rm, 2~ ba, beautifully Westminster Bonow on )'Our home equity yrly fpl, bar kU, pr, Avail. ~ sq fl, 2 bUc.1 to ..........
Formal dlnln< room; double appointed. 189,500 ,OWNER MUST SELL Mu!U·Tenant Indultrlal fDr any Sood ...,,...., s.v. MASTER 4 br FR 3 ba Vu, $6jJO A_$500, ~-
IEACON .Ay ovened kitchen With n ook . *UNIOUE SPANISH 3 Bedroom, 2 bath , 12,000 Ft. Irvine 140M ID& U. Angeles Cnunty tor $450. NB. FP, all appl's, KIDS, P~T:;. SfUDt:NTS Sunken Uvlna: l'QOm with Ila ba o ..... .i.. owr 3> years and NOW in 3 car. Welcome. 2,. BR., 1 1iii bUca.
• ... _i., 3 bedroom home plus own tlreplace. A cream putt 5 Br, fam nn. 4 . ~--Y immachulate! Huge 'tlvtna: Otflce Bldg. 1rvinc Orange County! ALA R1nt1ls 6'24313 to beaeh. ~Month i~ apartment. Just In & out. ~ $45,400. for showlnc· Sl4t,500. ~ wtth Cf1Z:'J fil't!place. 10,000 Ft. $400,000. SIGNAL MORTGAGE 00. Hal t'mchtn ltltr. m.439'l
..... from private beaoh, HUNTIN~~L~UR sc~n· REAL TY Medical llJdg, 1,!llO '" m11 "6-lll06 $ LANDLORDS-$ -~ .... -•
40tkl, tenru. rourt. Lar&e -~;:;:;~:;:;~~~-1 11'214 Cst. Hwy. MS-1384 536-7533 Call Anytime Hunt. Seach.. $2f0,000. 4500 Campus Drive, N.B. Let US rent UR properties. •
patio fumlsh«I for year· -""==::;:;~=;=;;:o~:i' 24 Units Anaheim 290l\t Mone! W1m.d 2JO \Ve service all the beach SEE Now ldBachotl H110\IMlh. Sl2D.
round enjoyment. Oeslcned YOUR HOME OWNER MUST GOI LIDO ISLE r1:5 DOD ~ Cities & inland Orange Co. tum, !::/a e . for a care-fttc C...llfomla approx 1600 sq ft, Excel. _ _ _:-~ , -~ Low Down, Stays full $800) Need~ for small 1''EE FREE. Sa~ Time & $$ PRlVATk: Gar Apt SlSO now
llle-1tyle. Oflered for AT THE IEACH , ... .-drps, bit-In kit/dish' 1---1511111 WESTERN TERRAIN buslnes•. Wiii .. pay $8400 $ALA RENTALS r . all nu, utll-,xl, dooe In.
$87,:lOIJ. Call Colv.·ell &16-m55 1 the ed .. i-i .. famll wshr, air cond'nr, 3 BR, Hc1-e ts your chance to live • M0-1241 in 2·3 fl.to'&. Co-signer avail. Newport & Bay Ot 642-8383 NtJ\'f 2 Br dplx ~ ;._vL
n covet ... 'AK' Y · '1' bu, covered patk>, quiet on Udo&: enjoy.P!.'tltia:e by BUILDERS? 675-4616. · ' W&U, patto, pr, c Office In H-
t.ocate(f near Ma.enoHa ind
Westmlnlter, ideal locaUon
for ottlce In home. 3 bed-
room home with larae fam·
Uy room, big yard, large
workshop. \VIII sell VA .
Priced at $25,000. Call Col·
well 646-0SM.
residential atta South of the street, CI. no down or tenns the sea. Your own Spanish Mobile t-tom. • Mortp,.., NIO.:R 3 Br 2 Ba $285. AHnwyapl~-c.cronauna. tefyd~ .... M,.ar.. to suit, $34,500. Castle. Just steps to the For _Sa&e 125 Solid . weatslde potential ap-Trust Deeds 260 trplc, bltns, ~~·22Bacar~
........ M>UU BRASHEAR REALTY beach.· Vacant & the owner _ proximately 14,735 square GWU Area '" uo -·
ft. 3 BR 3 BA borne with 968-11111 or 8'12·7411 \\'Iii even carry the IOltn. ' MOBILE HOME fee t zoned County R4, with ~ lncd w/ a-ar, kiot: • peta. =Y0:;fymo! h=km:: VACANT 1-lerbert Hawkins Realtors FOR SALE: a great renta:ble house on Home Ownerg Hou ... * Aptl. ALA K•n r•tl 64~.QU
Ocean Blvd. WALK TO BEACH 839-1600 or 963-5681 SILVERCREST . It now. Asking 134,000. Call CA$M NOW . * 145·0111 * NR. South eoai!Pfaza A
It can be yours for only ONLY$lfl50 ·NEW ON MARKET OMI! 646-tt11.. -$1000toS20000 Bu.llock'1 1 walkln1 $96 500 , Lovely 2·story family home. MOBILE H QlllN 111. t. n flllJN JO. NICfl Loan co~mltment~·by phone W.11th COSTA MllA . W8UUl(,"C. !'lew ~·~llJJW9'
' c"afl for ~tails Buya this be1uUful one story 4 BR d 3 BA 3-k' 20' x 53', 2 BD 2 Bi carp., Sub'-• 1 rtfi 11 f home. ,3 BR. 2 BA. fm ~ 0--~-lde ~--'·mlnlum. ' en, · ' car par g. draped, bit-In•., -~'.-1.. ~'" 0 ve ca on ° $ I 2 O U f B h Clll. --644-12U ~"' ....uuuu * $124,500 * A...... facts. Monthly payments -n urn a c , t:arnatlon , ai.r...,11.1. SC01T REAL TY • waiiher & tle<:t. drytt, tailored to Your individual &Love/relrlg, utll pd . M'Ove tooa'-y'-">=llr~,'°tootp.=:=lex~
536-7523 Cell Anytime 11ftH1"""•"' n •• ftn for 220 air cond., kltch. requirement• E/slde. 1185. dtrunC nn &URK• p ••U¥,..'' ~ 7 clock, storage shed, land· Nq need to r8.flnance your $1»--Bachelor, turn. Utll pd. klO.M ok, .tSrKr fee.
•rvlne FEAlJ'CFIS scaped patio. Three yrs. old 4 UNIT AP_T_ B'.DG IO'IV intemt 1st T.D. with I E/slde. . Homef1-•·rs 547.a....1 • like nu. Located in new • ~ _ • NATIONAL ~IORTGAGE $14()..,1 BR tnplcx unf, nr •-n.
! REFRIGATOR GOES 3336 Vla Lld3 67:>-0123 adult pk. av.'ar from nolay Great rental area & good CO. Let your equity y,·ork beach .. Infant. Ctpt/drps, j lit(, i -Juli baths, c~.
Cost• Mes.I N•wmar+ Be•ch St. One-half b . from club-investment. Four 2 BR for you. Just give us a call· $20>Sp1c & Span sml 2 Br drp1. Lrg oack )'ard. O>V d
with this University Park C.:.:..:. house. $15,495. Call EVES. units. Coste. Mesa. Income No oblla:aUon ' hse, l child. Gar. Fncd yd. pauo. •1u wu.oa .st., CM.
Ay Home Hanover Model on GR.ANILO'-ENlNG_ 1>.~·~ _ _ $7,740 yr. Tcy 10'10 dn. CA;, $250-Lovely 3 br ho~ new •·'tut..MU. _ ""'-'L1fl9 ..._ -SWIM EVERY-D major greenbelr. ft hH 3 Ne rt Bo T CAN BE SEEN"AT· 165000 . N I ~ "1ag &""""lliPS, constil•r ~---· -""'-,
/Jn Nil fl
l'AlL!Y ~ ..
A55Ll Ci AfE5
Colonlal U--•-n MESA DEL MAR bdrm., 2 baths, dlninK rnom 41fl'O y owen CRESTMONT • W~sley N. Teylor Co. et onol Mortgoge Co. pet/child. E/side. 3BR, 2 lull ba. c:rpU, drpo.
--and atrium and ii priced at I & 2 BEDROOM REALTORS 835-2424 WE HAVE MANY MANY "'"'""' yro, w.....-jld, 6 lecll'OOllll 540 OOO .152,950. CONDOMINIUM HOMES ESTATES 21ll San J quln Hilb Rd 2700 N. Main. Sl\pta Aoa MORE!I ' $250 mo, Avail Feb l,
I Val.. ' CALL 552-7500 -·Hom" 111;1 Site Dr., Brea. !Central Newport Ce~er 641-4910 --...-LANDLORDS FREE '48_832Jl=.,--~-'----I foullfO ft Y lmaitne enter1alnlng guests &at Slips Ave. acro<s from Brea ---~ *3 HR 3 J!A 2 otoey town-
HI .. tne•. eurv.d walkwaY, al pooblde in this lovely VISION >"ull Security Hlghrtse Comm. H,.p.) Lot •46. IDLE MONEY PUT YOUR MONEY hse Hack .;.,, pool pr
. ..,1'11,'~'ha·
""'f,...t ~~:~·.'.!:~ .. qhoua~l"l;.,-... f!~~.-~-ltudlru.!. ......... -_ _ Steel I: concrete c:outnlcUoD CX>NTACT RAY, PK. MGR., GATIU::RS ~O JNCOAtE! TO WORK FOR YOUI C.D.M. Chamier -3 br. 2 ~-mo. m.i6b..Vsil;w14
'J eecu1•"""·' ~ ................... 11"" ..... • d h"i.-ll -->'ri2 .·:!!:·,Hal,:~,-,.per. wu·L for showing: This fourplex invites ~ur l~-Earn l O% or more on well-b&. -Old brick F.P.-$350 EMPl'Y 3BR -..le. dbl
pillared parlor with brick hard\lt'OOd flpors . Call now re --.. r---~ DELUXE 2 Br Fleet\\'OOd, spectlon. Prime locatiOn 1n secured 2nd Trust Deeds on LAGUNA Brand new • 3 No oi ab:t'er W t
hearth Huge banquet area. for an appointment to see Root top sundeck porch, awnings, tool shed Costa Mesa. Call • Orange County renJ. estate. br. 2 b a. -outstandiiig view :~bcir. ~ 5447-l!ios U
FEELS LI~ OLD SOUTH! -646-TI71. REALTY REALTilRS Unusual Opportunity to Pur· $5,900 Huntinaton By The The R-al Estate F11r SIGNAL :\tORTGAGE CO. -$350. --·--~ --·-
6 huge bcilrooms + den. OPENTIL&•rr'SFIJN10BE.NICEI \Jnlv. Parle Center Irvine chase Bayfront Proper.yin Sea Park, 548-2046 or 536-2551 139-6133 (71 4) 556--0106 N EWPO!lT Bay front 3 Br, 2 .Ba, frplc, tam rm.,
.2,600 aq. ft. ... Spacious I ' Newport &ach. 5S1-2851 4500 Campu. Dr NB To\\·nhouse -3 hr. 2 b a. comer k>t, Nr So. Cout
kitchen ·+ utility room. li~l'll'~ GORGE OUSl_I__ 310 .1'"'en18.Jldo ,Rd., N.B. WALK TO BEACH ·· · · Private alip -$425. P1aza s::w. mo 526-356'1. Huee covered patio. Call g • 67M55J ATI'RACTIVE custom bill c.O.l\f. . Shorecllffs • 2 br. CM ~.. 3 nowt ~2535~:I d Llke the best ot everything? Mobile home. 11x45, x1nt, lrg BRAND NEW 4-PU:.XES $5400. BUYS a $6000. 2nd 2 Jm .. Charm galore _ $500. 1 BR hou&e, • .,......., ~ -111.•• ___ 10 IE _ __ ·-· ·-•_, Take a look at thl.s beau!\· BEAUT DPLX-$79,950 -·· porch, all wood pan, awn-.~ DUPLEXES. TD note, 10% per annu1n. c.0 .1\1. _ Shoreclif:fs _ 4 b r. BRmll, J:IB, ,.~·F Sin•.~ ... ~ :
ur-"•....,.. -· ful home in Coller;e Park, Just 1tep1 from the ocean ings, nu cpt11. Choice La&una Caih or trade. $60. per n10. all due 5 yrs. 21,'ii ba. Ptivate beach r'a 1es • ._... ee. ,__,
Irvine. Everything deluxe! & the bay. Owner is very Beach Park. 49!J-2984. SCOTT REAL TY Call eve or early am $650. _ 2BR, crpta, drPI:-pr: 2-.mi
Call tor an app't. to see anxious & will oonakler any $3,995. FLAMINGO, 1 bdrm, 536--7533 c•ll i hytime 642-4603 Broker 67>7225 children Ii: no pets. Sl55
5 Bedroom or 4 bedroom + thll now! · offer. front kitchen, set-up ln 45"/o DISC v.·ell-secured Jst LANDLORDS! mo ~o;ise 1n c:ourt,~
tonnal dlnlnK + den + MORGAN REAL TY OPEN SUN ONLY park. Spa« rent 11 7. CORONA <1eC~1ar N Dplx baf $51, 113 pays 1512 mo 2 Bdrm, apt, lonoed Jd,
family rm. IGl.eriol' atrium 67J..6642 675o6459 1·5 PM Sunrl&e Resales-~~_ by owner. 3 BR.° 2.,:;2 BR, incl 10% all due 1979. Bx We Speelaliae in Newport $150. per mo. $50 ckpoliL : ' =e~~l.fpl~'fj C:,~ BRAND New Turtle Rock· 135 45th Stl'fff· NEW custom blt beauty in 2 ba. a11 bit-ins, cpt'd & .3 Apple Valle)' n 41242-3lf4 :ea~~ ~~s: 6C-895p1 ~
Only $64 ,950. Call 545-342.J Broadmoor 3 Br Twfthae, NEWPORT BEACH adult park on the bay. dtps. slumpstone frplcs, vice Is F'REE to You? Try UMI olnt
SouthC.o Realtors. tile, cpls, drpa, y,-et bar, Ocean Shore Properties $18,500. 6T;>--0723. Terms offered. 6'T.Hl3)'7. I II ... , Nu·Vlew! ==-'-='-----1
" .. MESA VERDE NORTH 4 •cross from University * 67S.2Jl 2 * BRAND NEW . · -, -NU-VIEW Rl!NTALS CLOSE "' oOna P o hl
BR. 2 Ba, tam. rm le sep. High. SS1,900 Priv 833-2"38 49J..ll.81 I~ 16 unit eomm-lndus bldg, 673-4030 or 49f..3248 Marina, new lBR. 2BA. ~ f landscaped or 832-7614 VIEW Co5ta Mesa. Fu.II c.ccup. ht Leait, $300 per. m o• ' .;: i:ntri:, · prin. only'. BY OWNER 3 Br, 2 Ba, 0 w n e r de pre c . Houses Furnlthec:I 300 2 BR. CM, $145. 2 BR walk 71~ l
$48,900. Phone 557-2775 wbl/din rmbea, ~-~·~ped· frp11.,: Fol'e\-er view of bay, mtns, 645--6177164&-6728 #!.---I IDHBbe2achB,RHB2-B3AB~·~t LITI'LE-MANSION, New 3 1
LOVELY 3 BR Monticello Um, ut ..... ........,.. .... &:greenbelt.lyroldBhills Acreege for u'9 ISO oANA POINT·BRANDNEW -r• · • • ~ BR 2 &tor)' Pl)/mo
EAST llLUFF patio. Orange crove at rear. Cando near pool. 3 Br or D L~~o RPLEXES Beach. 2 BR, singlel ok, 4~1331 495-44ll8 ew . }
Condo .. $26,91>0. !l<>i'• $41.900 551--063l 2 br & den. C..tom .cp.,, ATTN. BUILDERS UP '~950 min u$83500 $85-1115 UTfL. PD. Bach'• Npt Bcb. A<t. Fee, 979-M30 • ::i 4 Bdrm, 2 bftth home with financift&. call 6 ri 3-9 5 5 7 .-. at beach Laguna Ideal 2 BR 2 !iAi f:rplc aood view. Thia la an extra· after 6 p m. Legun• a..ch drps, bar. llght fixtures, Approx 3 ac nr Fairview Ocean views. 3.18lh. Co~ students. ' . ' S.lbN Peninsula oceaii view. No p$. A
n1ce home, in an area D•n11 Point LIVE LIKE A KING ~1;ri~~cyLui~ ~~'. Rd. & 171h St. In W. Santa Lantern. Builder, 60-49Cli $145 -BACH, sep kit bl& BAY view 2 Br, dbl rm, Feb lst. 673-7963, 493--6'DI. f
where any home for sale I =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;; New • spectacular, with ut· Buy direct from owner &: !h~~~cou~l :u:,:;; HOUSE + I UNIT S t lmieta, garaae. t.aiwui. thick lhag, draps, p.ra.se, founteln "•l•ey •
ls a rar:lly. $73,000. I ~ OCEAN HARIOI.. moltln quality; 3.000 sq. ft. save. 644-23.16. . for cluster development. New units at l'637 Elden, $174 - 1 BR •. frplc, pool, yard, ~~ block tci bay 1 f
arcbltecturally desiped &: SINGLE LEVEL 6-16-3928 or Eves. 64~4513. CM. lit user w/»J%· write deck, near beaCh, l.Aguna. block to beach SJZ;. yrly BRAND New T t b u r oa
VIEW custom bul!t. Overiooldng BLUFFS "LINDA'' Lachenmyer Realty off. call BullGer 6484414. S220 -1 BR, frplc, bit-in ava 2/ll 963-5353 Townhoule, fUlly crpt'd, .
2200 5CJ ft • 4 BR, . $66,900 panoramJc white water .I: ex-BUILDERS A'M'ENTION-5 NEW TRIPLEX · =~· gar, garde n ' OK POINT 3Br, 2 Ba, pet. drp'd,. aelt clean oven 6
l5,000 sq ft lot $25,000 tended coutUne-. Finest 3' BR, 2 ba, corner lot, deep ac. exchange for beach units 3 BR Houae + 2 Units at $250 -UTIL Pd. 1 BR hse, Child ok Newly painted. dlbwbr. Wuber A d:r)w. ~~=~ Bier. {714) 67>1414 area of" homes that can pile crpting, private patio. from Santa Mohi.:a to San 416 Hamilton, CM. frplc, bl• yard, Corona def Lie. Encl patio. 615-5152 3 BR, ~ BA. Muter BR = ""'"'"~"'""'"""'"""'!'"!I onl reClate H frill Might consider lease option. overlooks .JOO! A clubaoale. PICTURE 2 BR, 2 BA, atrium & 3 v.~8C:am ceillngs~hruo~l' $69,500. . ~f:ixi Fortin Co., Rl tr, Call Builder, 6464414 MNarU.VIEW RENTALS ON the point 2BR, tam rm., $330/MO. call 9 6 2-86 6 8
YOURSELF car garqe, wtr ooftener, ba t bd 1 ' CORBIN-MARTIN · 4-PLEX, good CM foe. Bltns • frplc, 2 car garage, 1335 wkdays be1r S pm. «
. cplS/drpl. $44,500. 496-5593. ;~t ~~ins: ':~·: ~:. REAL TORS ~7662 Ap•rtrnent1 + D!W. Forced air ht. 67l-t030 or ~-per mo. Yearly lae, 673-7496 49M196 eves A wlcrida. ·
moving into your immaculate El Toro ing area, vie\\' deck: 70 x --TH-E-BLUFFS--For S.le 152 ~~ER REALTY 556-QTI MOBILE, CM 1105. Ba~,llo __ y,_c_r_nt _______ 13 BR, 2 BA. ltv rm, din rm.
·new-home -i lh nothing to 200 lot; you mUlt see to NB $110. Houst, H.B., $lZ. tam rm, kitchen, frplc, :l
do except put away the SPANISH appreciate Its many amen!· Here is the most custom FOURPLEX for Sale H.B. 12 UNITS w/ pool,centrl CM Util Pd, Balboa. Aet. Fee, YEARLY least, 4 BR, xlnt car gar, nu lu.xurioul cpCI,
arocertn. Total prlM of ues. A y,'hale of a bey at 2 BR, 2 BA home in the $49,950. $toOO On. Inc. inc. $2170 mo. $180,CKKI. 979-8430 cond. Call for detallJ, drpl, 4 paint, all 1ppl, Ira
°"""nhlp can be ,.,..._ MISSION 1124,950. Bfu!CI. Over l'0.000 .,,.n1 $600/MO. 842-0389 or Owner. 612-~ Balboa Island Barrett Realty, 612-SiOO yrd wt block tence, i ·bllt to
FOii\" bedrooma, 2 baths. big In re.-Ung, beaut G"""' 842-4501 L for Sal l70 C •·• ... elem ""1~2 bllm ID Hl&t> -ldtcherr,-..-..-ltvtng room. Z.Sto~, 3 BR. den.-2 BA, • &--belt Joe., Owner leavmg· -p 154 oh e --orona~r --'"' ttM. ~ r-..... , , __ land 2 BBQ' + ... ; ~·-B 168 500 Buslneu ro .. rty ~•. -per mo . ....... _,..s pro1IUl'I: scap-fire ace, g 13, country, uynowat , . z;..;;. 180• View Homfflte CHAR.a.UNG bayfront for SEAWIND aft.'6or89.J.8533.
inc. Skinll)' prlcetag is just BI. 2 fountalnl, 25' x Call 833-9643 for appointment SfORE bldg, ~ Hwy, Nev.1J0rt Beach Back Bay winter. Aval! now until June r1untl""°" 8Nctt
$38.950. Call now Sf7-&llb. ~~ i;'1~ 31f'l:; ~~ to '""· CdM. Fully leued. Prln Pia"' _ ... stal approved. 14th. 2 BR, 1 BA. $300 Next To Spyglass
O'E#nt.t•ITSFIM101EMCEI Must see to believe! Only 4,4.5•71 4tt.tl00 HARBOR View 5 Br, 3 Ba, only. Write Claulfied Ad $3500> 645-61.TI/645-6128 mo. 401 N. Bayfront . VIEW NIFi'Y Bach $95 tum. I bUc
$47,900. Near I.Ake Forest! Somenet on comer view • 3:1, c/o Daily Pilot, P.O .... _:_.: • ..._ .. _ 613-3245 ocean, utll pd.. Pool
Call Realtor tor appt. VILLAGE lot. Profeaionally decorated Box 1560, Cotta Mesa, Call1. ~·••n, .__rt YEARLY 2 BR, $250 per 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home, SINGLES 2 Br $165 now. 64>6646 & landscaped w I Jr e en sa126. ..Resort 174 rqpo.4UJI Feb. Jst or IOOOet fireplace, formal dining, Huie fenced, klda I: pell.
MAGNETISM house, Ll'g treeds. 2 wood Commercl•I * 673-SnR * aeU...cJeanlng oven. EnJo>' XLNT 3 Br, 2 Ba $ZIO. pod
Hunt( ....... BHch decks A many xtras. By p lSI LAKE ARROWHEAD 2 BR -Clooe private community leMil ~ area Khil & lhopo.
~ ·1 REAL
;:~:::;~~=-:;;.::;~e;;otl-This hidden gem ha1 a view owner 1801 Port Carlow ~ Great for year ro~ living . · · to water. IWlmmlnt• pool · in thls SEAcitFF 4 br den 3 bl 1 Back deck. $225 Month ..,,_11 .•
n C • .Y'4 • -el'M.---r-----H -e f ...., hll ne-'ed ' ~"Old l!avarlan sruJe 3 levef · ••~ • R I ,_ -• $24 4,5 . • .... ~o "' ' •• -.on acre ranch with properties, center Coeta ~m "'th 0 ;:....,. . .a' l ·Br· _....,.. .,,. ·Lea.e rona del Mar. -per ALA onto I ... -,
-Jo. • ,_ 1 . . -in.aqu_let .r 't.s!~t:,ntil\J ·corral& bamr ·~ ·& Mesi!.,Owner:-..-_._ ..,_ ... :i!p't~·-...:.·t~,.""CT'"!:,..:::+ .. y·" '.....,..,,,,2."!' ........ · -... '.. month-Jeaae.6"-468 __ 1_. rom ,_,. . ..,,,~~1-:..•"f• -.~, Gentlemen, plant' your seeds!-., n ........ Condo.,'' iles&ablit .· nelghbomood: ,1 , blk-· from _.,pennl. "t'·ror tiorsei :-R1c:ie ·on ,.·~ .... ,,,:,. •• lll"\l"V\11 ., .,.-_,, lll:I. --. rn. lllC \;~.,,_. ., -~-·•--~-behind bade _,,, the communl"' -·"'--'-" 645.2020/~ completely finished base-615-3612 aft. 6 2 BDRM + den, completely 2 Ba home in finest -....... LI\; 1-.&ucn Jl'Ound level floor plan 11ii v. .. .... , ...... '6 Back Bay & shop in Fashion od led p d &: deck --lawn area with 1n1gatlon ~ars new, Freshly Painted pool, tennla courts, &: bland. Forced to sell Condominium• ment for playrm or S.lbol Penlntul1 rem e . a o , walk to ICh &: shoppmc.
l)'ltem, comPQSt box and with tastefully paneled and acbools. 2 Br. $67,SOO. $45,00J. Call owner, 997-5559 for Ale 160 workshop. lndry 1 a c. Available new. $310. mo. $325 mo. Call Red CUpet,
avocado trees. Rich fill soil mim>red living room, P1UJh DYN•"ITE HOUSE $36,500. (213) 451-3898 after 45' Bayfront pier, float, 5 Realtor 6447270. Realtora 893-1351
bu pnxluced an abundance wall,..pertd. dining uea, ,..,... EASTBLUFF, Owner, 3 BR, 6 pm or anytime weekends.. Br, 4 Ba, winter or yrly, ~--w.1.rg •-2 B _,ll1_,"' 1-· ba, w/frplc, LOVELY nel&bbCJrbood 4 tr,
r-OUDi Ex40 ffomt Top P*r--~'l~o ~'it.~' i~~'!'~~~~§o:;;~~f;:=:3 ---tennis court. See th1a area. drapes, oveniled pantry Dover ,Slli~ ~· .4 BR take 2nd T.D.~. low 1nt. 2 yrs old, cuatom finiabed: Corone cltll Mlir Po1119ettla bl tins, 1uper condltion. .
A. new Hating at $41,<DJ. area near schools, walking +. FM. )', qt, $49,500. or Leue w/optlon 2,llX> SQ Fi', 3 Br 3 Ba, 3 BR, 2 BA, frplc, crpts, Rent or i.. Aak for Diie,
COATS dlstli.ce10 Huntinaton ll90 Glenneyre St. 642-9666 $390 per mo. ~1932 2 trplcs, By owner Cn4) •CHARMING 1 BR, frplc, drpa, gar $350/MO. Call 962-44n~=----,
Cent..-SWtnun1nc pool and <9l-Sltt r.!9--0316· VIEW VIEW VIEW Duple~n/Unlts =-woode\l yd. BBQ, uW pd, °"'' & wknds, 873--0744 !MMEDIATE OCC\IPU1Cll. 3
& many' Park areas. FOR Quaint L.gun• Harbor Vb, new Montego, 111• 162 Ranches, f•rm1, $250. Adulta,1.opeta.833-897• 2 Bdrm, l ba, So. of Hwy, BR. 2 BA, bltm.; cuklmac R~~t~i~" -~~.~"=Lots of ~~~=-';. this 2 J!'."&~~r'Tu GREENTREE G rilVil --llO ~?!~ -1295· ~1"6°-B.-0~ ·~~ ~ ~ d: Ci
54' 4141-841.. bedroom home, with l n Slml*JI' Bkr., 552-1500. New Duplex lncome Home 40 Acre Avocado &: Lemons, Try thla, 1 Br, duplex $U5. Don't p qp the lblp' -~='==-===-=-,.-1 (~ E I ) IEACH LOVERS walking d1'tance lo the NEWPORT Cre.t, Condo, under comtntctlon at Beaut home, v;ew -KUii peU *'<les Ok. Brkr Have "'""thing you want "' SPARKLING a.EAN-. _,..., Yllfl ngs · ' beach I< lhoppq. Dramatic Popular no. 1 plan, choice 214 Knox St. CM xfnl Income. Approwd !or fee. -•I ' ,.111 OU.med adf do 11 2 ba. cpru, drpt, bltlna, Srl'5
_ _ Pe -$31.50!! -decor bu _pltched_ceilltJK location. 1...,ed_ oo cu p . . _Ca!Ulailtler, 646,4414 subdil'Wo!!. _$125,000 Xlnt1_:1:1=:ot:;m::;~:-:;"'=:""'=:';.=54=7=·=-""'....:•~~-fl~-=call::;;;.~N_:O,;;W.:;612=.56'18.::=:;::;;::::.;::;~;;;:;Carpet::=::;;Rl=:;tr-;:flfD-:';:3!11:::, I lilltia ninMl&I NEARLY ·NEW ·andGIANT with expoeed beams. Coi)' Prine. only, Owner, m · 2 BR UP 2 down · _..,.t..ua. terms. can Oou&~t.1 ..
of a house! Separate family tirePl&ce. Private brick I. 434-1743. Xlnt vaiue & ;,;:;::-By Stout &: Anoe., 147-5550
,VACANT. 4 BR, fam. rm., room· with hand polisMd garaen patio. $52,500. Call HARBOR VIEW-4 BR Open owner. Je95 Calle Paloma, Re•I Estate fp!, kit. 2-Sty. 187,500 paneling, tonnal dining rm, 49HIJ03, m ·-Manhalf Realty 6T.l-4llOO roertng firepla<e. Glau and TARBELL, RHlloro J..5 dally, 1142 Por 1 C. B. ~ Exchenge 112 S@\\~lA-/&t.~s· Corena cW Mir walnut garden kitchen has 1920 s. Q,ut Hwy., L.B. ~ Cir. Owner lncotM Property 166 TRADE N---B eacb patio pau lhru llJld big I_;:::;;.,:;:,;;;:~~~~---~·
panlcy! 4 Spacloul BR'• In-EMERALD BAY THE BLUFFS • Beaull!Ul 4 Plex • $79,950 ProBkrp .. \1~,~~town. e~P; Tltaf Intriguing Word Game with a Cltuclle
COl'ollCI del M•,
1 Duplex
Price Recl1111tlon rt )'OU are even vaa:ueb' ln-
Wrnl.ed In an exceptionally .r..u -'3 Bit 2 BA,
,.....S floor ownen milt wta, • $200/mo prqe apt. Ip 1111 ....U..t comer (o.
Oatlon near a park, YOU
CAN'T AJTI>RD to OVEJl. ~ THIS PROPERTY! r---to 184.500 ,; 644-7211
eluding a large milter with 3 Bdrma & 2 batbl ot French view, 3 BR, 2% BA, lots
vanity bath. Loads of decor-oountey charm. Oa1t lloon, of .. iru. $ 7 4 , SO O . Covington 1-~:0:::.;:::'-==~-~-O "°"'"'"" """' of tho
ator extra.a. You owri the beun ceiltn&, brick We & Owner/Broker 60-0000 Prime beach town location. SPECIALIZING in exchan-four 1CJG"1bled word• i..
land' lnl= this one to-hind cuved wood of • BY• Owner, Harbor Vu Covlncton Brothers built this rel· Irwin & Jmn Real· ioAi, to fonn four llmple word..
day.'Bkr sru. .. Z::.ty v'f:. ~~~i liomel, 4 Bdrm,~. 4 year old beauty. Earna ton, 644-Slll or 67M060 I E f A RO D I
COUA!cy kitchen " ........ Xlnt cond .• '"""'· -1190 mo. On cul de sac. I· RMI Estoi. ·Wontetl 114 l I r I I I WILL IUY $Ul.m DUPLEXES near tbe ..,,8n 3 Br., 2-2 Br .. and a I Br.1--------
FROM TURNER ASSOC Mil Lanon R altor Hard to Dnd value at $19,950. PVT. pAJU'Y WANTS TO
DIRICT • es e Don't betllate • call now BUY HOME D IRECT
OWNER 1105 II. Otul ff!')', Lqltoa. * 673-8:i63 * 833-!305. I I Ion FROM PRIVATE PARTY.
Call tor tr.e oppralsal. No 4'4-1177 Ne_. ':'!'"''" lnvutment D v 1 s.19-ml. I R 0 G F 0 I !J
"""""' -•• no loan BY owner: S."l.qano home BY OWNER FIXER UPPER I I r I •
---_,;,.· -14M., CIAY L toUAN -----
t· I> I . , ' < • •
-· . I BR + -rm w/-te 1 bdrm. I batll with ......t 1m••11•1J1 ~.'1tloli.~ ~a:;.::1~lifiV b [ n-jr-1
155,IXM> • 380I Uon '28.stwl. Shoft-n by 1.ppL ~~~~,,,.~-~~;-~·~·;-;-;.11·===~~~~~~~----,---l= R I M 0 N I 0 -.---lllll!~fl!l-~L;,;~~~N~!l':"uol~,,,,,.'0""-1-673-1658. i-UNttS lri 1-!y-klooll•l 1 1-1-~I 6
Ago fifty j 1 when ~-""----!----,. BY OWNER 5 BR + den, ·sm T E R au p 1 x • · area on' ~!boa's i>enm.Ula -· . C:. . out of tbe shower •nd you're llliiPO!iSiSSIONS beech tide Nlpel Shorel Rat~l~od. -~ pt1ce In Pt. 11200 per mo Inc. Opportunity _, I I glad tho mirror it 111 -
. . -,,.
.orlnlormatlonudloc:atlon 2 yn -·Guarded N .B . ,Mu•t ••11 · $138,000.C>wner.MS-$695. •AutoBodyAPalntSltop GEL F UN •• ,
nl c:-n1~ h VA -commtmlty. Rec. cOtlter 0.-/-t 6'1Ml4I 13 UNITS w/Pool In E/ildei · 8 eo.,,.111o ""' ch
Jl.I ~~ • . 'IC.i\sA C!AN wr-"Q..pool~ ~?r'.'! ....... CM. Inc. $1,l!O ~mo. * Auto Salu & Louin< . I r I I I by fill:'T,! .... :;-::~· ·~~~~~~~ , .. ~·&,:.~·· --·~ -.!!.fl~ jpuoo. Owner. * wallpaper & Deco!1ltinR you-.tcp ... No. -~ -" ~ •• --...... ...,.,..., • . A FRAME ~jljij;y IRON-ON TAPE TO . ··; .
..,.,SALE .. by -· l10 -Lido ''"' TllOUSER POCKETS ....... , RIVIERIA Rl!AL TY . 6 PRINI NUMIER!D lEm•s IN I' I'. I' I' I' r I
-• 2 BR. I BA, .· 40/o llT COR TO ICH Like -2 1111ry s Bdrm. -...., -· '1'hll w111 14J Ill'~ ._ c.~:. TH!S! sgu•us . _ _ _ . _ _
-pr. 118,IOO. Far Commlalon ii tbe total you I • • 2 ba la lot -from ttlnforce tlte podlets llJld 642-71117 •1311 -· -~ -I'-·--~ 4 BR, 3 ba wttlo .... ..-p!JOlj, tennis ,,_ clu-... ._,, tlte "'°""' of hol ... -===""*;;;-"::;--1 . 8 UNlSCO ,G...,,..ET l•Ew~w'°1~E Lnrus I I I I I I I ; 121 -4 :;' ~· ,;:;.pJ;i ;;;;; ltllte w/ba1 ¥low. Reel. ID $52.950. En1oY ..,.... cro.i_ spaco by "LIQUOR UCEN~ .S" " • • . . . . • • _
11> beoch. BJ -· 7 llttltlple Uatlttl -$l3UllO. 0... 8"11, 1-5 _pm, LTV a"don't need•" with 1. Oranl" on 10le·S21,9!IO 17M4111 .... -avalloble. Cbarle1 ::_~ 425 \rh Lido N...t. ~1414. CAYWOOD RIA 1 Piiot Outlllod Ad. 2. er.ii.. off tale $11,IOO
---.21tliyr. CLASSSELLS--* 541-12'0 * \YlnltlinColl.C213lm.Gl9'
• "
. . ...
44J Found (!no ;a,j 516 m n ums •:;::c:::.;::....::::.::.:::......::::i::!:::..:::::.:u:.;m.:... __ ::;36:;.5 I Apt. Unlvm pt. Unfum. .R . .;._;;;_.:.;;;..._.._ __ .;400.;. liU11_. Liital
Unfurn. 320 320 t • -1-----------------~ Ballloo loland Hunt!-leach Newport Beoc11 $125. Room .t. ba In llriv OmCE on .,.,._. Bh"d. FNQ; Mftl•, r«ldlsh-brown.
Newport Be•ch Newport'Bffch ' ~ hon1e. female cf good cha"' avail on ltUt. Pt\rl. turn, k>ni: .. halr, ~-10'' Mind I ~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~;~;Pa~~~~~•:m~a~-~~·;~;·~·~·~P~"'~,~~~~~~~~~=L~P~A~R~K~N!1;w~~5~T~1 -~-k-tn--~*--~~--·~-~ Otlu,. Btacfl YHrly du 1~<. Qoallt)• '""'°"·f UNDER NEW APARTMENTS C.M. Call 6111-1439. Approx. 1000 ~.. fl. Adams .t.. Jl!apolla.
. . ~~-~~~~·~Ui:l~l2"1~·~1~mo~-~w~a~":""""':!:'....~also~~~~~U56~-~·;::;~;;;;;;..,l;;;ojUi--.. e Fantastic ocean \'ie\v balcony, b.ltna. d/"'·· 3 Avll.il 111 . 6-14-4111, eve ' __ ,. T -"--··· 1 and n 0 . ho"' •• to -a.1 .. M •'o pe ti . .,...... ~ -~1 · ...... ,..;_ 2Blt Bl!"" ne1A•Judecora1ed "'"" O\\iwlll\WIC'11 o~~•! ' .l · ""-11 "~0~...,..6 e NewPort Beach ........ ~ v•.t-..uvi . __.,,.,..pl"...... . '"'• # • i-"t. $1.9-1.50 Open 9.Q Dnily ,.,.,.,. ,;~::;;:;'-'~=r.;,~"'°·---=,.-1 fenutle dog, llppro.x. I D'IOI.
• 2 & 3 Hedroo1ns, 3 baths, (many extras) ~ Utll. or A'M'RAC adt ~R upper, ~· fa~dJca;~~~ J:·~~ Sp3. Pools Te1111l11 m. NE\VPORT Beach. Lee~ oc -IOOO lill· ft. bu\Jdinw old : Vic: Costa ltle11. Hiah e Frunlly or adults .~c=:==-~-=~=-'I mllture I ). ~pets,...,.,, a chUd'• areanJ.-dote to Across trom Fashion lslar.d tum room Pvt entrance tor lease. Avail appf'OX , ~noot Call ~ lckntH1·
• .,,,. Monthly payment 132>1_,k YEARLY 3~~ 2BA.1% incl Utlli!. 6~1503 shOpplng & IC'hls. Children at Jamboree on San Joaqwn I. b4'th, paik>. 6(2....34.16 t.larcb 1. Prtscnt!y occupied ~n:> or 15-4188
"f'TVV . . n IO beach, ~<N yeer y, Coron• d•I M•r ,,·elcon1c. 84241$0; u no u ru11 Road. ROO by P.11'r Vac Electronl(:s. t'OUND· 2 puppies. twin e Never lived in , 3BH .. 2BA, 2 bJkl to btach, ~iiiiiiii~iliii~iiiiiii:J ans 347.1331. 1714) Mt-IM k P.tS $20. a ~k up, with 1.829 Nc,vport Blvd.., Ot fen1 ~liep.BcAKlet Mix~
Why pour n1oney dO\\'n the rental drain? ;:142-==;19:::1c:4cck:;.:612-3=:.:188:::... __ I .,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,,,-5-P·E· CTA~ULAR ~ S35~96f P apta. Phone ~no Va qch e r• po~. "'vtc. Rlvers\de Fwy
t t In N t u h I t 'th OuplexM, "" or · "!>IG-m<>. by Coal Can_von. ~18-G72 nves ewpor ueac N?a esta e w 1 Furn. or Unfurn. 355 nrS ~ ~ $220,-NEW OCEAN & HARBOR SLEEPING room • Prl' ent COMMERCIAL C· 1 oeyUm<. ; each monthly payment. A\•3ilable no\v. Tl' if ___ v . • 2 BR, J\is QI\ VIEW & ~th. ~l5-269S 990 S<I· n. hldg. 724\~ \V.1.,.:'ll"u"'N"'o=v-.,.-,-,g~,.-,.-n-. -1ri-111-1 I
I CALL 67S.6050 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Corona del Mir ,,_ ~· e Bltn11 + D\V 3 Bdrin., :; 1111., nt\1' 00111.lo . .a S 19th St. CJ\l. fl eavy ft Setter. Santa Ana Hei&hU' I TOWNHOUSE • Wei B11ir never Ji»~ in! OUi.posal, Vacation Rantalt 42 troftic + 1)1 gq, It.. prkg. area. Call 516-385& .a._ 5 LI
HouMs Unfurn. 305 ~o_usat __ Unfurn. 305 2 Bil duplex, So. of II\.\')'. , • Enclosed Gartige co1up&1>to;·, dlllh"·asber. : .. , $225/MO. $lilt. RE ofc, 1111 inn. _ _ l~li BA, t undeek, gar. Unf. 2 Br, fireplade, pool, pr'vate e 12 Dlock$· tt> Ucach pie .. :? pa tios, 2 cur i:nr. -• allei')' etc 646-6001 1,,<;;;;,=,.-'c,,.-~=--.1, I
, Huntington Btach Newport Beach $270. Furn. $300. 323\~ patios,_ f.'Olllifiental break· • Wfllk to 1na1·ket $550 J\lo .. ndult!I pref<'rl'ed; LIVE In the nll new Dnnn i; ', I · I •so BASS~'Tl' floond. Vic. of ' 1 La.rk!,pur. ?>.1r. 0 s mo n d, fa.st. Spacious grounds, near • No Kids O\' Pct5 cbUtlrtn ~i·ceplt'ff. G'i:>-GO:u. Point llarbor 31 t b c lnclu1tr11 k•nta , Santa AM lfelg:ht8, Jt~, ' l 3 Br, 2 ba.. bltru;, frplc, TENNIS BUFFS Days 521-2703', Eve•. shopp!r.g ~ fine bffch. Fur. Realtilr a36-88?.6 beautiful ~1ARINA INN .. ------... Jan. 18th. Must idenl:ttY I crpt/d~. S26.l mo. Avail. 96.\..4355 nl!hed or unfurnished, from Ntwpqrt tie,sihts l\1olel. 34902 De.I Obispo St. * C~TA MESA* M&-8180.
, Feb. 1. Call 536-0972 nrtcr Only steps to tennis court , Aptt. furn. 360 $250. Corona dcl Mar, Spac. 2 ~Ji,U~osed car. Charnilnc 2 br garden £496.-2353), KI t c h e n, El-680 S.F. 220 JIC)\\·cr $115" i..:.::F,:N:;:D::J;.r~is-h~Sct'""t-er-,"hn....,.L-
; 6pm. li\\·imrning P(l fron1 ?\'E\V ;::.;.:;..~:.;.:.:_ __ _;:.:;:l•644-!!!!!lln!!!!l!i!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I Pool & rec rni. $16S/mo. bungulon·, betun ccil, pool. t1ctencle11 &: Apartments. 1300 S.1''. Pt•iv!lte ~Ulce, Vic C.M.
, J BR ho C.\l $115 3 3 bechwn1. or 2 & den), B1lbol Ptnlrt1ul1 3 BR. $199. S'2"'o" , .. "'•let, P\1. S2J 5. ™Tustin lleated pool, direct dial pl enty ot parking.. Gl2·l201 or 645-nn • use, • · forn1 al dining, fireplnce, iieU d 1 .,,,_, • """' ,. ~ phone~. television, saty1a. I.urger unlit n,·ndRblc. $ BR. . 1.IB, $185. Singles ?r (.'lf'un ing O\'efl, beautiful Can-2BR + den. 2 BA, up e."<, s.12-4504. Ave. 6-12-.:r .. ,O D.·es, bath. 1 o u n d rc\: fAcillliea. ltea<l.Y Joi· occuna. acy. L.ott SS Fa1n1lte' """' Fee 9"" ,.,.,,. C"'lll, d rps . appliances, I • '"''' • 1~ yon vic\.\·/night lights. Im· $3S WEEK & UP g"i:fa.i;e. 6i5-G369. 2 Br, catpts draps, Bll·ins, LRC 3BR. \\'/ 11·nll·\\1dl 1 1neell11i;: roon1, ~ to San C. ROBJ:;ltT NATl'RESS ; Irvine n1edialcly available. Located e Sleeping Rooms carports, l blk lo sch crrits & drpl!. Sll'e !· l't"!rlg, · Oen1ente &. Laguna Bench. J!Ei\LTOR FD.!Al..E dog. Blondish 1n
1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 high on the liills of..J-larbot • llowiekeepi"" Rooms 2 B& 1 liA. carpels, drapes. shof>plng It tree\.\•ny, I child Util pd, $2?,.j per 1110. I ConlC pll\)' In our Cost<' t\ll$a 979-6571 color "'hile around fact ~
I• NEW HOMES \1ie1,· llllls. $495 per month. e Ocean Vie~;-Apts S~~tO~· 1>00r;-S75--0562 ok NO PETS. CAii 6Jl) .... J1f:6 6-l l-1554 spor1fWllng, 11hopping &. NE\V Bldg. Ptf·l.23 Units. pa\\•s'. R<:d collar w/silwr ~ 644-46$7. BAL.80,A INN or 545-0760 Sin Clemtntto 1u·:tnuran!&· $50 ~k ~ l}P· 12:'10 sq. IL $189.50/ 1no. i;lud11. 10 yn: old, "Ginaer''.
, : :~· d2enba~/'"' ' .. · · •· • ~: $275 -2 BR. frplc. bltns, ~fXj '-lain Street t BR LARGE .. living roon1. ! BR, w/w erpr, drps, bllns, I l~rfnr~ th1:J nd & , ..Te~IVI.! l Uni bo..J.300 .sq. U.-S230/n'IO. ConUncut1ll --1'wnhst:, ~. I 3 BR. lS 2' b....... . I garage ~·ard pat i 0 ·I 675-8140 SlO\·e. crpls, drps. $2j() n10. retrig, pr. Utll pd. r *NOW AVAILABLE* $aon on first 1,ireek 11 l'efll. 1 Unit 4((1() sq. fl . $650/n10 HB. Jan OOth. RMrd.
, , BR'!lam rni, 21, ~-· · · · S.I~~ ('luld/~t "'eic! · I .:.67"3'°·296=7~~~--~-$195/mo. 3 b !ks to beuch.
1 Hi~u"' Ne'v G.·11·1: .. u .«,its ¥ _ _ Front Offices. crpts, h:g ·968-m. , .. , an1 rn1, : ....... $41 ..i 1~ _ LRG • s• y-~. l Br apt-_l_blk ocean, l Blk. ~ .... ~ -, NE'•RLY NEW ".,., ~ ,..., iu" 2 BR, 1 BA. Crpts, tlrps, No dogs. 536-9j91 or Xh11 ~nn CIMncn.t> .\rca IJELUXE 4 BR Condo. Lake 1-ea1· doors. Anahcin1 I.: C\RDfCAN \\'elsh Coryt. blk
BR "' patto. child/pct, Co1'0na del ba.y. SJ;).) n14l. ~124 \V. X!nt locali,,n. 1220 )'i·ly. &36--0806 2 HR. '.! BA. ~·9:J
TnJI(){'. Close to st01>e & Ter111l1!at • \Vay Sts: Ci\t. ni..'1.lnly "·/\\·ht tan. ShOrt
, · 2 baths · ·•·· ···· · $280 l\Ja1·. Ba lboa Blvd. 6'15-A\'ttil tnld·fcb. 518-:.300 2 BR, 2 BA, upper lilln 3 BR. 2_ BA. 1rith .'ls.h11·1u· ~ki .,,li ft. Day or \\'eek. Day§ 646-~e,:c~ ti~~ l~s/lorig body'&. Iona tall,
: 3 BR, 2 buthi; · · .. · ·· · S39'J $39::i -3 BR, 2 BJ\. frplc, 2 Br. 2 00.. newly crptd. Costa Mesa. elee. range, cpts, drps, SljO !': f11·eului:c .. f.:!:)(I. . ti7J-~262 ears up. No collar or tag. ~ l BR, 9en, 2 bA. • .. • S-100 I hh·fns, garage, ~·ruU. Lido $235 n"KI. yearly lease. Call mo. 892-!132 A.ll 11nl!<. have pnl':.:.tc ratios. 1 arc BEAR. Nr skiing, 2 Bi· NOW LEASING Rc"·nt\.l or $100 for retum.
: 3 BR, bonus rn1. 2 ba. •. $42-::i s:·1rKl!i. I fi73·9j!)1, G1;;.4soo NF\V DIS' 2 B. 1 1! B. ' 1nnn{ OlhC!r ren111res. s~~ fil>I~. Also speclul lllld 1rCek Huntington Beech 20l C1tl!C' l\foliuo". SC.
I NU-VIEW RENTALS Corona dtl Mir dpl-..: nr. bch \)uns 'Ind.; I at GSG _Cannno !Jc L•1.<i 1 r;.ite. 714-866-3747. NEW M-l ·19'>...-536-· :.:"':..·~~~~~~I rl 11:!(! \•l!d. 6iJ-.10::0 or '19-h1218 • ' : ¥ l\fnl'l'S. JUS I SOUl!I uf Rri n LOST Siuall dO!:!, blk &. white VIEW 2 BJ:t, 1~; ba, Tennis courl:1, );'l.l~· 609 18th St. $26a/mo. Cl('nlC!nle GenC'1~1 I Hospita l. Rentals to Shire 430 9~0 Sq. r·t. &: UP incd. long h;Jr, n1ult, Flea
pool, Con tinental breukfiu;t a<t1Hi299 · : Use J·:slrC'lla. Off-l'a'np . llan\llton &. Ne1\·ja.11tl St. NE\\7 2 BR &. 3 BR Apli.
** * '193-0l•!l • .... \\i0l\1AN "'Ill sllfire fun1, _2 ff0.1970 .ti chain collar. 110 tqs.
$250. '19-H>J33, 494-1268 I $200 to $240. Adult 8:: lo'itni " ~lr 2 1:lit, studio apt, '"/patio Ansy,~rs lo '' Ra&' a •' S~IL 2Bn, lba, utll pd, quiel sectlon, pets. Palio. fencedj Apts., in /11csa Verde .. i~ rent $.1),j -i l-1 3010 Fi:""WCStn1i~ler. 499-1461. ---.·) l.1·11l!ur BRAND NE\V P1\LERi\IO
4 Bd1111, 21,~ Ba, crpls, d1-ps,
1nu1Tied cple, SZIO per 1110, yp.td, 111., bcl\Ch. 846-3166 Furn. or Unfurn. 370 t ~1~11. 'v/~-orkmg fC'm. 40 \\~ood y,·orking ok. Jl.E\VAll.D, fo1 relum of
675-3511 b<>f 6:30 pm ' e WALK TO BEACH lo .>J. 9'f9.....5897 Rfl 6. Call 89-l-S09l or black n\ale poodle, has pup-
"SINCE l9'lfi" g'.lrdener. p,1 S\\'im & ten·
lst \\"este1·11 Bank Jildg. Ill.Ii club. 6 1110. lsc.
Univci-slty Purk, 11·1·ine I $575. Per Mo.
Days ;!2·7_000 Nights I 13~0780 BOB 1 Br, furn . Atlj to cornplete PINECREEK B1lbo1 Peninsula \VORl\JNG .l..ADY betwn 30 · 962-8986 <''-"CS PY cul, n1l1U1ing froni 700
shopping area. $li.i nio. Gerl LIV.ES UP f!rand nu 1 &. 2 _!Ir. crpts, _ ~ &: 40..___lo share 3 BR hon1e · Blk \Vest Wilson, CM, call
2 BR., 1 h11rh ••.•.. S:!2::i :;oo I
2 BR, 2 bu. dcu. a ,. s:r;;.
3 BR. 2 bnlhs S38.i,"42J J
4 BR. 21; baths s:!00/4.i0/4i:1
2 DRI\I + guest, living,
dining, 2 ba, CID, 2 car,
p1i,·a1e bcli. $300/1110. l\lonlh
ltl n10n1h. i\l11ke offer.
_llello1rope. 83 1·1300. TO ITS NAME • dr~. bUns. gar. ~81.6th 1.?CEANF~NT STUDIO I "'isame. \\'eslminsler aret1 , 4001-BIRGH, NB m--0787 or 882-03§l
Co.I. M...
I St. 53&-0003 or 8~7-395 1 I Private & I 1'0teeted. I adult. 536-3588 bet\\'n 2·30 k ~ 3Gro sq. ft. S.11·5032 "''I 0 R K ' I . Yearly 673--6:!12 ~7-1988 J · a. .,.. AU. Black Y IE· -=~:...:.c.::c::_____ Over 500 tat,l trees and IO 2 B~KS Beach, 2BR. allrac · ' or 892-3810 aft 7 Pl\!. R.,,t1l1 W1nted 460 PO~f 1.tale-ans by "ri.fonkey
slJ:eams \\'dh ,\·ate1·falls bit-ins, llCY.' _cpt, paint & Costa MHI . I NEED niAlc over 30 \\"IBR 1\.f0t.Lore'', Vk-: l\tesa. lrvlne,
Rite. 644-8070/644-4221
Casa de Oro ct'ea1e a relaxing setting for tlrps. gar. $15.i. n10. 536-9638 , SC!t 10 share 1ny condo In YOUNG exec lives in San c.i1Ud Heartbroken! Please
ALL UTILITIES PAlD ·yow· spacious 11e1v 1· or 2-aft 5 & "'knds. Cl\1. $100. Biii, 5'$-2004 or l\larino, office in N.8 . needs cull ~45 Noon A: evH.
Conip:ire before you rent bedroom ar.ian1nen1. io'ron1 Clean, qulel J & :! Br, nenrly LA t.rA:\CHA APT'S. 54!r3006 & leave number. a plACC 10 stay 2 nltcs a S~lAl.J.. wht pood 1 e ,
3 BR, 2 bas. shag ' drps, Custom dCGl•'fled, teaturing: $170. FW'llllure l\\'nila.ble. new bldg. \\ltr/ga• pd, ehilcl ~f~~.;~~"':!i'nc~~Lcin.~·l~r:-~ l\fALE o1· fC'tn. to shurc opl. y,•k. \\'ha! ha ... -e )'OU got? u n c Ii Pp e d Ca po
blt·ill!J, frple, ga rage • Sru•cious kitchen \VIiii in· Q{flt.-eopen 9:00 to6:00. 2300 ok, no pets. $1.Sj & $160. _, 11 ~.in P. 1• ,.1 21 Boat. guest nn, etc? Call lkh/P JI 1 • rn
\\'/"·01'k&l'IOp. Lr; Patio irh-ect ligt1flng }'airvie1~ _Rd., Cos1a l\les.a. S.12-1652. !~~te!:.uBt1~.i~~t1fiicJ.1·,t!fi~1~~~: ~'~r.n10Call ~Ii~~ I .aft. i~ l\b-. ~h:C.i.be 6-1.>--t.aJ. GP~f 4~: Area. ......
i. e red hi II if~~·:i, t~ blk, $39.i yrly. : i:o':~~~ed~~~:·~~ca l Plei =,::~ Mesa 2 ~ J~~L~rp!~r:~~~~ I ~:f 81~~1~B~n1ull ~t ok. I ,:~~ \Tl'' led f I N:~~H~ ll~~a.™'N~~e~v~r ii~: pto~T lrl;!b ,,sctt~t part
' REALTY ftl-~.\L.l'OllS BLUFF'S TO\\'NHOUSE Ele • l",liv tc patios ·.. 1 '' 1 · ? ~-.. · • 1 1 / • \\'lln · l'nla e 534--0;.)34 -r C'n · · nr 1 "an! 1 B ?i· · 8" · 1 • Cl ;_, I I 2 BR Apt., Unfurn gara~e. 308 16th St. !°J.~216:> I . -• ..: ;, BI~ Studio. I to share 2 BR, 2 ha apt llnrbor Iii Sehl. \Vbite lpOt
.l Univ. Park Ccntt'l', h·i:,inc '"'' ' r • -~ a · os .. -u 1'tl.rngc \\' J>torage . $l70. All Utll Pa"od or R·l'i<l957. I Priv. f'a11os nr Bru.:k Bay. ~11 on ll06C 5-IS-6&16
REDE:C. Pool vie\\•, schls. • i\lurblc pullmon I ' ~ . $160 lo $250 i\1 ~ r I~ .
I 2 BR CONDO f' s:i'.zo· $495. Call to se e , e K1ng·sz Bdrms No ('hildJ.·cn, No Pets NF..\\1 Apls. \Va lk .t? Bch 778 Seo -jpc( ~ o. F.Ei\!1\~ 10 i;hare 2 B.r . ~ PLEASE relum riforttmer..
_ $24ii. mo: 1~ · ronl ' 714--491--3973 e Pool . ll'.1.rbequcs . sur· 1~uo1 & Recreation Ba_ch, 1·2;.; B!;. F 1. $150. S:iJ;m · l. I house. 1n Costa Jl,fesn. S7.:>. I ritnle brindlC', Calm Terril'r .. !
. 2 BR c.'Ondo .... $26."i J11o.l lsc Singles. kids, pels Ok l Br. rounded \1·ith plush land· Garage t'or t-enl P'trl\S. 536-2.:>i9, c v e 5 ino. :>18-7200 Lost 1/19. Our beloved pet
3 BR Hon1~ ..• $285: l\fo/lsc I duplex SlJO. See no"·· Brkr scaping $17.50 111ont11ly ;,36--0:!69 TitE EXCITING I Garagff fdr Kent 435 I 525 for 13 )TS. G73-61l9
3 BR honu~ .... S300. !lto/Jse fee. Adults. No Pets 1959 ·Maple Av•, C.M, LRG 2 Br, l ,~ Ba studio, PALM MESA APTS Auto Tr1ntport1t on LOST M.lnk color male
' 4 BR hon1e : $425. l\lo 'lse Homtfinders . 547·9641 36.) 1\\~~~}~I. Furn. s::19~1 I Sierra ViHa-_csl~~.50?~~0. §~~4.io ('ouplc. !\llNUTF:S TO NPT. BCif. MINI WAREHOUSES NPT. AREA , ... Bev.· 1-uns Burmele cal in lrvine
RANCH REALTY 55l:20i'.X! Newport Shores -· . !Kin 1 "211-Bach, 1 & 2 BR. fron1 $137 STORAGE « \\'L.A. Dally W f-6P?\I Te_.rTaoe, ~ne".?ll11 mvard
BEAUT. Princeto1~. n1odel . 3 $35 WE EK & UP Small Adult Complex In Lush • $149 · 2 BR, 2 Ba · Pool. Adults. No ~Is. i\o ~.love-in 01· J\love-0ut flexible. 213J 273-8635 I 67.~I or a.11-a123.
1 .. Br, 2 Ba, 1rg riv & dtn 3BR. 1BA, gar, C(lve.red patio e Studio & I BR Apts. 1''01'el>t Setting. Located 5 1 s75. ?>.fo\i ng Ca!'h Rebate. · 1501. lolesa Dr. 1 ch11rges. Fri1n $7.50 Jk'l' (714) 'fiil-1303. BRO\\"N !1illor1-lailcd male
area, BBQ & patio. Xlnt Tennis, pool, ocean S:r25 • TV & l\faid Ser,>ice Avail. l\lin. fl'Om Beu.(.'h & 1'~nvy. 961).2004 or 61G·!lGG6 (5 blka b:om Ne_\\'0011 Sh·d.). nlOllth. · dog. Red col ltl.!'. Vic .
1 Unh·. i~rk \oc. $325inio. yeurly, ~29'Z4 • Phone S<>n•ice. Hid. Pool 2 Br, l\~ Ba $195. Gas & Lg 1 Bdrm, $12:>. nio. blt ini:;. 54&-9860 I Jlan1ilton &. Nt'\.\'lanrt St., llB N('\\·port A Jfarbor, CM
: Avail Feb 1st. !"152·7n5. • Shild~n & l'et Section \\'atcr Pald .. No Pets. Aval F!'b lJ:I. Beach & ~CASA \>"ICfOTtli\ * AL.LSPACE I ll•l ~"::.'1:.:-:::3658=.:·-------I
1 UN IVER S I TYPttk Sin J.uan Capistrano 231? Ne1~"!x.irt Bl~•cl., Cl\! li4 r;. :.::()th SI., <..:.i\I. \\'a~r area. 847-4440. J. 2 & 3 BR. furn &. unf ff0-1970 Pwunall 8 l\IO Grav & blk ~
' -+ ~S.91 fH.'>.3961 5-'8--01::7 or !Hti-·100.i I . . " · ...,_, f To\.\'nhon1c, 3 Br. fnn1 1111. FOR lea6e. adults only. NE\\' :.l.l .or CLO E . ·-Hunt1ngto11 H1rbour Cllrpets, drni>cs;._DJ\y, T_V S'fORAGE garage for l"ent KlltY, n1.3..le, Vic: Orchid
3 Ba . 2 }'"rplc, 2000 11q ft. 4 BR c.-ondo, * mi from $1 35/i\to. 1 BR, deluxe mob. S to shoppu1g. Nice, ant. Pool, C'lc. ;,~ V1ctol'lll $'..'O :\lo. llontingion lkat:h .~ 2nd St. OOt, Wht 1lea
$400. mon. 644-7770. !\farina. 1''ull drps & Cl'PI. tKmie. l\lature aciult couple. clean 1 & 2 BR apts. t\oj FOR rent or leatt, brand St. at Harbor C'.\1. 642-8970 area. .. 979-l070. ~7&t Persona1s 530 col, 673-10i9.
2 BJl Condo. \\lalnut Squ~rc. bllni:. 'frolc. $275. 493-8746 No pets. Quiet, sect.1re. pets. Bllrul,. ds.11'\~n;, crpts, new 2 BR TO\\'Jlhous~. swim LIVE Near !ht' Bcncl~! ,~,,::.A::.TCH.o::;::.. '-'La::::.d;-.,-w~h~it-,-..,-,d"I
$225/month. l or 493-3381 Ponderosa i'\toblle Esl, 1991 drps, "'ashing facil., closctl pool & rec. Close to 1 & 2 BR. r ron1. Sl•l.J. 12 x 27 oversize UJ. n10. ALL BOATERS Bulova. Bracelet w/ chain.
Call &1~11 1 S•nt1 An• ;~=:~~~=::~ & i.'":~W. UTU.. PAID• ~a~,f~~ ~;'.~~a!~t isJr~;~:i~1~1ts. No £ftoo2G ~a~ i:~.:~1~:>.1~1r;,11.r\ AnENTION,! · ~ ~· Pier. frt2.5969.
, L .. un• 8Nch Sl60 -l BR. $18.> -2 BR. 6 pm ' Office Rtntal 440 1..:.:=V=:::..· -----A horse OK 2 Br. ~ B11 $200. I Br's Ex,:eptioNlly Call 642-83i8 lrvina LliX. h·g 2 br. .\dulls. Basic Boating CoW"Se LOST DOG. Nr. Nbcons
$115 -UTIL Pd. Nice 1 garage; Kldi; ok, brkr ft'f'. nice.-2110 NIWport BIYd 2BR-, 1 ba "'""'! ~-u,, narden · Bltns. pool, nr shops, $165. · In estate. Sun. Jan 13th. Part BR bltns deck sml ""' Homefinders r~7.f64l Costa u-10 ......., ,.., .. 1941 Pon'IOfla 64~...-. setlmanship & boat handli11;: -Ille, '.. -·-~. ~·1 ' • ' · ,,-' -,... unit, shag cpls, d rps , 2 BR. Condo. Walnut Square. ~ '04" • \~.. b 1.v '""" ... -... u ......i ~ :aqun~R. 2 BA, deck, Wt .. miMter . -.-EL'.\1-GA°RoENS APTS. d~hl ''°!1!·1 inc.!~ pa\,:ut'°t' ":',~ $2'!5/n1oc. II 61' ~-1 Huntington Beach 1-i1~ Bcach'~~·er Squad1'0n s"'1GllectBlk. /:nh~t I L-'-•. _ ..
I beaut. ocerin vie1~·. Afiso FOR 1 d 1 3 B· I • J\Uults · !"'oul!dde $1 50 up cei · up• .... J u s ~ :rv. a --.w..i 1110..rts W Of>&' 111ur u:'t'e-n
• 8e""i>. sc c w.:e new I , • Also Chll rlrcn·s Section 2650 l:;Jden, i~o. O. 5:.:7-:a z;;. L e h Dl!.UIXE -nduit pool sid e J n nu"'"" ""th lit 7 pn1 n1ale cat. Pink collar. 11th , ..... 2 B 1 t c ... sl agun1 Deac gan.len bunga\o\\', lu· OC'ean , ~,, ..,.., Pl "" •792 I $300 _ C11ARl\11NG 2 Bit 1 a. s Y 01 .... <!• · int: fi7 E. Z'Jud St., C?.I 642-3645 TlltEO of sn1all 2 br apts~ I nt ' O I Q'ts-o • 1_ . •I cpls, cuslo1n drps, atr cond, N'D NE\ 2 .,_ frpl. lrtr patio, G · pools, ill · 111 I o .. hool • , frplc home. Victorin Be~ch. club house & rec a\·ail. $375 l Bit, lrg, t"1n beds. Adult BIW V 2 Br, °"• N~\\' deltL'>e t01\11house, sauna, lennis. S.!6--0259. 1 a1ina ~' ~ "' SCO'M'ISlf Tenier blk "" ," $350 .... 3 BR, 2 BA. hplc, nw. Red Carp<'t. Renltors Ideal tor Bachelors. $100. 1150 sq. ft. adult apts Nr_ 2~R 4-den, ,1·ct bar, ocean Also 1 Br. From Sl3J. Ft. Valley lfigh School 1vht, un<'ut. "Hookf'r." Re-
l garage, de<:k. No end. S9"-l3:il 'I 1993 Church SL 5'18--9633 20t h & Npt. $235-$250. For vie"" "'lk to beach. 1 yr • A r;"r:eat opportunity for .\1·urd offerM. 675-3423.
t • NU-VIEW RENTALS ··• · CQl\ reservations, ti7a-69t)) agt. le:asf', $400 per mo + Lagun• _Niguel * 11\10 }'REE REl\'T * 1nll hoaling cnthuslnsts L()"f neul.ered n1nle Black
' 6734030 or 49.J-3248 Condominiums i fPLE'I'ELY furn 1 BR. * EUI GARDENS AP'l'S. cleaning:, Ne\.\' deltL-.:e 1BR DehL'\"e offit.-cs a/µ:1 1·t full c:11.t. hf-en In rc('('nt fight : .... · Unfurn 320 apt.Adults only, no J>C\s· 131 • • ·Jul" • Pool•o·de ,150• up To"·nhott.'>C, ocean vie\,., * BRAND NEW * scn.·1,.c, aniplr parkin". t11!01i1111tion t'it4) !lGs.0 19·1 R•••·a-I. o•• •·.~ ,.1, 6 • . UNtlJRN llOUSE. Top ol • 1'10\vcr SI, Ci\t 6-16-700 '" ,.... . .,.., ~ " .,...,......:.= e Also Children's Section \\"lk to be.ac:h, ~ mo + 1 &: 2 BR, 2 BA. Fro1n l.61\"CSt rl\1(?11;. Fro111 I nn ~ -~ the \Vorld, sea vie!"" patio. Costa Mes• Nr.:\\iJ.>ORT-Blvd ti<:ar Del 177 B. 2'lnd St., C~l 6"2-3()4j cleaninr:: on lease. j.'JG.8138 J $19j Llnfum. Fumishl'd w1its to 1000 1'1. AlllO desk spat.1' * C ~-1 f * LOST, ~1111111 .Black cat. ~ -extrAs. $375. i\Iar l liH.. $145 n10. -~ . -Al'rlil ft'On1 $61).mo. &13-3223 9 to • ongr11v a ions niale, \T\c ~truigold It 3rd, ~.FURN APT. 0t..~a11!1'0nl. 2 Sty 3 BR Condo. 1~.; Ba . &12--0.SOO SPACIOUS 2 BR, 2 bes, :? Rustl~ Chermtr J CROWN VALLEY-Apts. noon Richard & Karen Cdltf, 6i3-G76.Cl nft 6 ~. deck. elegant, fplt:, s;!.IO. Encl dbl gar. ca 11 LGE 1''ULLY FURN 2 BR ear gar. t.-pt, drps, bit ins, l·Bdnn .. u1111 close 10 bea(.'h San Diego F'rY.'Y or Const NEW. PORT CENTER Noll ~-~~~~~~!I
CAPO BE.AC!·!: N,.1\· <!11plcx, !lolly 979-1633 partly furn, Adults. Singles & slwpp1ng In Sout~1 ~"llll[l.. fl•~ 10 f"lfh 1 ~7,1 * JAN 19 1974 * = fully equip~! \\'ilh IA"lrking. -· · or eves bllns, bm ceil, adlts, no ok, 646-4757 Sto\•e & re!rlg. incl. $17:.i H'J( ~ u!'S · "",,. 2 ~001\J orflcc \l'ith fantastic • • ' · I· 1-!. Sea vie\\'. $270. :J.>2....rn2 l pets $180. 642-9520. NE\VLY DECORATED 28R mo .. /\ti u1\I. ·lnclurfed. CAii 1 hu(~41 sit~el ,·1e"· of Ne\\•port llnrbor & ~~ IMtiwctiM .....-
t Red Carpet Realtors NE\\I 2 Br. Condo. Encl dbl I Huntington Bffch up-apt. Close to f)\\·ner for app·1. 499-3930. N Be h Catalina . ?6J !l<f. rt. $425 ·1 ~TC€r\SED ~P1Rrfl1,\l.ISTj;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~::.-~1 ' gar, Nr. S.Cst Plaza. Call ..... ewport ac -t d 1·11t· t ' 497·1761 l_f_o,n._,_. 9"7S-lG33 or eves $!5.$165 s h o pping . No Pets. 2 & 3 BR ocean \1.l, ne1,, .. ja-r 1 n10. 111~ u es u 1 1es. Splrit.ua readings 10 a.rn.
12 ~ $160/MO. 640-8823 1vallc to beach WO & $300
LIVE ON THE BEACH! 11 tor scr.·1cc, curpetlng -10 pm. Advirt' on all School• &
· Ocean 'ie_1v 2 Br, 2 E:lu, 2 .);)--11 J ".\Cll''Wl' <. t Bil, p11 & lot!: of free nurkln..-11 312 N El C · 1· slot)' $29:1. Brkr fl"f' I Fountain Valley i 0;.!ar, ""1au~d ""nn, adul ts. 3 BR., 2 V1 BA. 49'1-33.SJ & 494-23."";9 l Br. Fr. $180-$22.i f:STATE H.EALTY f.~1120 ~~nl~rs San cic~l'nt~~m}~ Instructions ~ Horuefinders 547.9641 ----... 1:?-78~. \Valk lo shops & schools. Me11 Verd• Bachelors Fr. $19:).S:?O.l I • NE\\' OFFICE Sl'ArJ.: • 1:1PPI C';tll 492-90::M, 492-9136 ......
; LEASE Oceun-Vl;-~ 1 t;13R. 2 1~ ba. Concio, "'ilh 1-llx)R.M:lbJock Crom ocean. No Pets MS--3524 Heated Pool. Sec u r 11 y near Orange County Airport PROBLEi\fli r e gn a.n c \."--:• * P lANO LESSONS *
, _ , , • • bont1s mom over 2 car gar. Redecorated I. l30. 2868 LaSalle, Apt 1, C.l\I. patroled. Lease. ~dulls, no "'/ . viC'\V, carpet11, drapes, Con f Id f'n t , 11ympathetie J\frt. P..al{h * 4~ i~ M~1~,·~J;l)6Q..Pave....!.=.., lr~·io'-, , • -. J> rofessi~na.lly decorated. 5-ltl034 ' R sq. fl. J~~~p;ivatc Aht:ir11on & ndoptions ~r. Snn J uan Cnplatrainoilii_'i---1~
: .. ••••qn . Vi•io~ . ...~. ·1 .lot:., ~ ... > ·w . -I Laguna. Befch . Garage. sm n10. Avail. s.;:u River Ave., NB office, a1nplc roo1n for 3 APCARE 642-44:\6 1 l~ f~·. FOil LEASE·4 Bl', 2 Ba., I 'sharp. l -~r, -~c8nt, "~.se BEACON RENTALS llO\V. 67J:.j()13. Ntw,SOrt Bt•ch ,. 001 ·642-2'.i66 desks ' In outer oW<:e. }~t "BEST P.IASSAGE IN N.n-:-S.... 8ftd "9pilrt
.. tam rm, crpt/drpii, viel\', ~o all shopping. A., I , ~"Una Bct1.C.h 2 Br, l b;i &. 3 br, l \ia ba, LUA'URY \VATElt FRONT 3 BR, 2 ba, 2 doors from ::;.onth 11 vrent free. ~ ~400 Jr\'lnc Ave .. S\1ilr t03B l'iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiil
' \Yater pd . Avni l no 1\·, .i44-.S6lS. 191·!»91 bltn rang:e, drps, crpt, pool, . Apts. ocean. Sharp. $275. mo. 5-IS-59.JS (at Bristol) Opc11 8 A!-1.l 1
$3))/nlO. 5.J7-J013 evcninns Newport S.ach elub1'l11, carport. Z212 Col· Via Lldo / Siinc A•·an. yearly. 6'13-2825 or-778--0709 OFfJCE SPACE }~QR Ann. ;;;17....{):;39, Babysitting " EFf'JC. api:s from $50 \.\'k ].,,.,, \"e "'" """" •·-RE·~ Co •1 H · on1y. · r-011 ~_ n..+ .. , .. ....i;..... or $110 n10• Pool, maid, .. .,. .. 1 • · :1"t1.>"Ull.u. I BR. 2 BA or 2 SR. 2 Apts., ,, 1 • sta "el!a, ar bor LIFE or DEA'llt· Let onr CHJL in ('hrislian :zsn .. '· a.n1 nn. ---3 BR -. t ,· ~y~·•rttry; Village *!rt .Clase tn.·.•llOM ~ .at ~~.' .. ms. Beaut ;l~-.1 ·"'1>l<."'1i ·x· ... fQ !J! ~ D ca~ ldtche~. crp\<>, drps, fenced i' llC\\" ...... n\·e111t'n 0 494-9436 s122.oon.10. ;\Jso Liu~e 2 to $600/J.-fO .• 8.13--9234. ~ UI ~i..-':.&11--1--1
"• .-1 !""-.,,,_ 011~ pool. f'arpetM & d r a fled' "· R_ $140/i\T_O_. -. ,xo pets.12-BR. 1 BA Apt. New -pts. F0Unt1in Valley jn.nltonnl, Oa!I~ A \\ ri lkrr LINE >51-5522 24 hrs '""'7 ....,·~ yrs. ;.-.r•"• """.1 per mo,...,,_ ·' outaide maint. included, Newport Beach 67 2833 6 st Uk ... &: Lee Bldg. Call Gene llill. -· · ' ~ -·--"'~-------I •. Newport Beach J $5i:i per mo._ 1st .1: las! ;i-or 1<>:"·~ ~··--bltn applrs, drps thru.out. 557--0136 or 546-5828. EXECUTIVE, 39 to meet BABYSIITlNG: J.ty home
;· & deposit •.• 64 4 _ 18 4 6 B,\CHEWR' Apt, }'early. At 1 & 2 BR. $13:>-$155. Sto\·e, All Ulil Pd. No petg. $195 .... - - - , OFFICE SPACE !':llm &_ ttim compelihle Tues k. Thurs. By the hour:
: NF:\\' e'.\ec I BR. 3 BA I eveS/\\"kendS !:;,~.h.$r~'~:~· 3+ s:~ ~J~i::~-~~: ~~~I. I ~~\.;~· H!:1s~~nJI· I CUT OUT 11arbor &: Adalll.'!, $210 total, ~~t~.pcaRt. Box. 1093, e'AB"'· Npl. Bcb. 615-l'l'(M. .
, w/180 tll>gree ,;e11-. rennis EXCITING Bluffs 3 br. 21~ 2 3 Bl ------I POR.. I npprox 600 sq It ronslstln.g [ YSITTING. Days only. ~ _ & pool $600 1110. Ei.'l's & ha, nr tennis club. l& n1o's. Also l BR. WJtU June ·-t, ba, crpt/drps BE,\UT 2 Je,-cl 3 br, 2 br1, of a reception rooni &. 4 A LCOHOLJCS AnonflUOUS Call ~791
: "'\ends, 644-17!11. -I $>!9:>/nio. Sale by o"'ller 15th at beach, $135/mo. No pools. pl ayground. $150 up. llt'\\'ly decorated apt. Dbl aUNDA•C• private oflices. Call J.trs . Phone 542--7217 or write L\ll'll. Kel!Ogg
. 1 hse 2 Br ., h't frplc $699!15 \Vill lake 2nd pets. 61:r283.3 or 675-0800 Call 66--0140 gl\t, patio, super location . 1 . ~ I llaze ~X"s30 P.O. Box 1223 Col;ta P.feM, B I <-• • 1 · · 1~.. '' 1 , er' -·· · ·~ · Bkr. · 2 BR rt" I f N h"ld Adults only 6'13-1158 . · • ---ut n•u -rvtct poo pnv, ,.......,, nio. .• 8!1.-8635. pa y urn. o c 1 ren · · l.iwift ~----DESK llpace uve1ll&ble $50 * PALJ\I & t;ARD READER . ~. ~l,;..,!nba . s,190. mo. 61''-2678 -~f°IARP l sty Bluffs condo. e or ~tsC $i1155:~058. •o BIA)'FRO~ :? ~r, :_Bill '"'-1 <rtwo tiiliUOll~ ... ~I -,no. \VIII prov\de -furniture ad "'/reducti0n_!f!3J1~ach p E Jt S 0 N AL IZ ED . u•....._,.,, ag .. __ 3 BR 2 Ba . Vacant. OCEAN lront 3 Br. 1 ~ a · -..., ~ p11ho, pnv ....,ac 1 & diJklned ~ wllh at $.1' mo. Answering service Blvd., Stanton.' ou •-""W· . bookkeeping -lnconle tax
j • 3 BR. 2 B.\. fan1 rn1. din SJ95/n10. S:ile by O\\'ner, Ba Aval l<"cb l, 74• lo JlDle NE1V 3BR-triplex all Pi c r · Sj:?:;/mo.979--0631, waU-~ "*1i r:r---:r.-ailable. 17815 Beach Blvd. Social Clubs 535 scrvl~. E.xpcr. ReuonaNe.
I rn1, frpl, y,·a!J iia(l{'r, bltns. $49,995. \\'ill take 2 nd l5, 74, no pets, $350 mo. exh·as. 2'12$ f'ullerlvn.' C.l\l. .!i l·l-l:i\O I Ing.di ,_:-. ~ I lluolington Beach. 642-4321 • •67W886.
; Nr pool & !Jll L'k. S i:~;. R:::J-8635 !213) 8Gl·426·I. 644--18G9. Nf..°'V deluxe :\ B~Ba. .J!'!-.li ;imq"""""' FOTt Added presUge IN Orange O>. tor an inslnnt Carpenter
; •. 833--389.: . ! r\E\V 3 BR. a BA, din. nn .. $3j per y,•k & up. I BR, 1 HR Garden Apt, unrum, upper. Lush cpts, Jrg d<:<'k. pan'™au V.1ntl •fOORI~ IOCtlte yoor office on tilt date. . cru11--'---------1
BLUFFS, ViC\.\', pool. Hrrind l rrpll', dhl gar .. epts, df1)S. 2 Br & bach's. Color :rv, frplc, d!jlhvhr. Nr. Irvine 3 blks to heh, yrly $37.l I warmcolaracc:.-Watts. I Penln' Lido Building now 836-6679 lfrfl 12-7 PioTon-Snl GENERAL ca rpentry 4
• • Ne\\' I~. 3 BR.. 2L~ ha.. many qual. e>.1ras. pool, inaid scnr, pool. TIIE Indus. area. Ca.II fl57-284 J 675-004'.! nr 642·0:l9G. 8 ldtch9' ful of built-ins has N
EW space avail to repair. •'ree e~ retl
1:1m. :~do~~it $450. 61~~.Zi~~ tennis. sauna. ~9. ~:~J.~·NB~l~JG..~.Ne\Vport 3 B~. 2 ~A. 0e1Uxe.:-C?f1'~~'1F~ql\'T-~1~·w 3 BR, I (ineludlllD ·dlshtuaiw). I ,;ult, 673-t1&6 I Loll ... '°""' ][gj se~~~ Frank. G antr
V..:ER. l' •ttr' nrtl1.·e 2 B. P. ·&'· 't San Ju1n Capistrano PAllK Newpo11 "2Bn. 2 BA, 4~~C °'60alorn1i ton. $26p/mo. d ....... 've!1:1~·, --.'"s'7;..__~;p1s: Meet aftd mln~e 'with BAY_ FRONT OF~ICES . * 0.1'--_... e. c-. .. o.»-o.i appoiuln1enl. _.,_.. ~ '-"":' ~ ... 111 , -··--•3 _.... I Prcshge 11..1't!n. 7•10, fi>(), :l30 · · C uo::rn&l'UV K ~··• *
Den. 1-lnrbor View hon1e. NE\\I 2 BR. pool, gar & pool. tenni$ etfl, 8 p a . 213R. shag, Ya~ J>QOi, • lBR, 11p1110IN1: llpl, s150 11111\r'W"!'-awmr "' fl. 3100 Newport 131\:d., #U1JC:l Kales, install•Uod' ..
Gt0-l£• ,
,., •·.JO p•f. ·~i~•. :::~·/y. $300. nto. ~ garage, $185, pl~!8., $20 30ulil., yenrh• I•~"· ~€_!!-N.B. 675-1220 Found (frff ads) 550 °'"'"· 963-2639
o 1• ~ !}V't 531-o'lll £;,-o~2LI 12 33rrt SI I lianJl:OOl'l'IS, ·-·-.1 Sl~ARE e~ce ocean view • * CARPENTRY * J:
HV llO~IE. <Pha!I<' 11 i\ Duplexes Furn. 345 STf.:PS 10 heh. l\lodem Lg -E-AS!"--Sl_D_E~2--'--'BR-ll~ 1 BDRl\1 penthouse. $185~ and -~ labe-suite & sCc on Union Bank FOUND PEIH Dachshund & All types big It small 9)'
bdrm. Pl\~, next 10 2 bTn1. frplc, ben1n ceiling, bltns, refrig., cPu. ,~ drp!J: nto. Jst .t· last. ques,by tndcl. I hldg, • N~~'J)Ol'I Ce n 1 e r . part Shettle. Vic. Pomona Stan 0. SJ6..l643 1
. ~k·~~ o~ w~>ilF· Balboa Peninsula ~21~.: ti2.i-1~e~~90~est, pool, no pets, $li0. 6-16;(M74 !~~?.:1-1~ I==== 644-~·IO. t a:~or~n. 548-6308, aft A=-l CARl'·PENTRPI y small job
. . ,. • . YEARLY. furn 3 BR. 2 ba OCEANrRONT APT. 1 Br, DIM Poiftt '.! DEDllOO~l . bltns, O\\i, t 0Fes~1poo n: Suitable . • • ,,_..__ fl L•I. -lOnl! Gordtin ! L 4 BR. l Bi\, ::: 11tvry . near l·long llosp. Adultl, 11 nnl Is I for d'octot:. I{ u n t I n g to n FO~ND: black It gold. dog, • I
to\\Tlhsc. Back Bay, pool, bral)d tie\\' unit. :1 doors winter 1'11.te. $16:>. lo June $l8S tG $2'10 per mo. &i~387 wtU'lycuinn;ld. Cnn:lens 84(i.J..323. CTOM-brt>ed, about 5 mos.: C•rpet Service 1
gar. S375/mo. ll.'l.'1-16.1.'l/ from ocean $&00 mo. (90i 281h. DANA Polnt ~· l BR 1 -,. -_.__... ...... . '-''le. Brookhlrrsl .t-Adams. ~
. 833-89i4. \\". Ralboa I 673-~ Agt. :>·'8-1930 r-~nge, c p s*'/ cf r ~~ s:g;,ER 3 br, 2 bu Near heh, , .... ,.._ .... I 1617 WESTCLlf f'.N.B. 549=0870.. JOl-IN'S C&rpet I Up~ * E.XECUTIVE View :> Br :?BR, l Ba. Upp('r -.·/ Vit"'w. 2BR. fron t duplx, furn/unfum ~78 occupancy. ~o House Ofl.-38;;1 .. lta tr•• Sl71.. 1Z1 sq.It. &: up. 541-oo32 FOUND: Small black pup. Ori Sh am po o, (SOU ·---•''-!· ll.V. hm. r am rm, dln rni, sr:1/TI1(1. inC'I. util. Winter 1 blk-ocenn; $210 a\11.il now 0 ,,., '"'.,.,: , ., RR p enu ""_,...,.,,. <"··b-'•·l ti••..._ IWllllllll all office space Cout beJ-nW'. kl-, Vlc. E. nh ~1tarrtru1t1). Deo'euen JI ·~ teiffii~ only;-€ Ii-. J.~11 . ..c '" -SHAGr-&W-4340.-~, .... spacY".IS, <#• ~ ,_ ... .,...,.......,.. -:;:!, · "~ . ..,., . tu kw b"''"'t r n" ,,.,.,.. ...,.,.,. OWl'ier. . :ft I -~ 2 BA. $280. mo. let ., lut July 1 t $Z)(I 2 Br ? Ba IJl'rtlllll1 wy, . ~-vu. A ChUl'Ch, C.1'1·. 548--8143 I co ..... ""'"ao ~ S10--000S Newport S.•ch 1 ~ll, fUmL'IMd, ~t ocean + $100. deposit. 400-3081. day 54~~9311 eve1 ~9592. I .. am& . 499-1070. FOUND n1ed liZ female.~ ~..=. ~'!:hr:: ~J:~;::n 4~~·P~~Pll~C: BAY VIEW $W'Yr~~~ adull. E11t Bluff NEAR beach, 3 Br, t &, Butlnett Rental 445 t:a~~:-Costa ltlONt Po.ii< by u.vtnr n10 b:tn.
$42.i mo., 64-t-1480 4 Bit, 2 8;\, Up""r. C01n1)!. DELUXE -e·n!ront apt ' • DI LUXE • new cpt, lg b<lrma. ~deck. AltT CENTER La r.-u n a -RED l" h Sett o.t VI Wrntll cl;anl 1
1'1 ""'st" rm,:..., furn . Rt"(I , ''i blkll to .,._ "' · Yrly. $300/I\IO. 67>""16 ' '"Year n5 l't'. "'° . c. i .. cv. ia .,, "''-" , "~r 1~1e;;, ~~~a~1;~ bcBch, 44th...jt.. Avail ini· ~~t~!d:11n:f~8675--8SOO 3 D'\. 2 BA apt tor IC'nse. * BAYt"ItoNT . SPACIOUS ~ ~~· 1~1•· S::,~· CoAst Back Buy. . s7.50• oouch s10. au
lease $635 per mo. &14-15:'14 n1ect Call C!\'H. 83i94i8. Apt. Unfurn. ,, 365 ~~12 •:iciar_m:,..st~ :~~~~-J Br, 1se. $l'.i0 lri<l ut.il . 2 I S.'Dilgof'.wY W llnJi .. I Hwy. $180. 494-lljl86, (805) . MS-2135 :!t Y~;1e~~ l• I~
Duplexes Unfurn. 350 al '""""' hlk from oceon. 6'm-'1397. tu9. liarll ti Wlrnl' 521-9665 CHIJ{UA1;1UA male b1'\\11 .\ my 11 Good nit
N3E~fORTlkftEtolGaltlTrSl!C~'--~1Ro, Bal•--Ponlnaul• ot,!"'on·~~.•.,v, J. Pool &Recres· LRO 2BR 1~1c "rpo .. rn•.. .a-a...-llllt=l·, .. TII>: Factory'' has a,..., y,i\lte V1~.'!:0l,~llege P1u•k, ~. Cl . I 1 °"'• wa •ivu • Corona del M 11911 ... • $19'i .e ad.Ila oniy;1
• ~ ~'.~~~ -fttj lf """' . shop 1tvall. $183/mo. in OM call i>l;~ · "'1 rpet Mn "I
' 14~/MO. 60-801t . ·~ -1 BDRM -n1110U ... -~115. 833·8447 or 64~ aft 6pm 1'1111. "'-= 714-• C•n""'" Vlll'iO 42; ilOlh St., TOUNQ' Large dog, Vic. ~I-Cara & Y(llndoi.isl I EAST BLUft', .4 BR, Vlcv.-, NEWLY p11lnttd, 2 •lory 3 ,,.. "1 86l i\nlit<Oll \\"ay. NB .. ll!IM .u...w. _.,, .te.a,, NB "' 960 t!ltt ' 0 C •t 0'" I •t ! •· '"
I .,, •177 mG. 111 &: last. •'!•••'"'_ .. "y ~ ... 1 ••w .741 Yo·•r older ""'..,.,.... ....-• _, , ~-1 , 1 ~.x nu,gc, . io • ule 1 1• n nt. -rv. ""'1·1 $600. n10. """"' or I UR. .. _dtn, 2 be, ttio. ...,..1.."\1 ,, ... ...., '"' ... Lift. 1 • -• ---646-mJ.
l !">86-4000 tU\)llhne. 497-2.l •.li 49-S..$).lj, or Mr. (213)697 .. J496 \VILLlA~·I \\'ALTERS CO. ·model car Is In big demand -Selling on)1hlng with a Onlly -• ' STE AM C I. E A N I . ..~Pilot. Oulln.d John90n &1-9173. ,\ny day II uie BEST DAY to .•. Sell It t11111 wflh a - -Pilol Oonlfled Ad I! a FNO: Kyd ra-Klt \~/contact SANtTfzF;! All dirt aut,
' ,... ._. run an adl. Don't dell,y. From treuu.ret to truh Daily .!'lot Ouaitled .Ad! Any daY 11 fut BEST Oi\Yfu shnple n1~t1er jual lens Vic, Beach at H.O. Al1dclltl HOUie! Ol ~. I • Aa. ~ SEu.s -6'2-G678 ceB today -1'llm thom llllo w!J SU-161~ NII an adl Don't dei.y.-. call 64:1-1"oml by tho Jctty. -!llT-1811 --·1
CALL 552-7500
-. ----• .---. .
_ -TllHd&Y, JMUlfY 22, 1974 DAIL V l'ILOT J7'
, ~ ·-•.-Mlle --;rn .... r11u1HOlpJi.-.._i!{_iPff1 ir;i,w ... ~.~i-1'716 HelpW1n...i,MIF7\6 ... 1pw•-,-•f110 M••p-•ntM,M•l'"I • --·
CDIE!IT lo Blodt wen. PART time wk. 1or .....oly CLERK !yp111 ..... AIR. EARN ElmlA 1-. We GROWING Senta Ana Mia JANITORIAL Pred Supervisor SERVICE-Sli.-Mon. bl ANTIQUE oHop .... Otll cC
Walla. ,.UC.,, tidlwalka. re11red man. 52 hKllh)t, lnvok:tnc. bo~ of need 5 lactiel ~ W'Ork trom Co. Now lnttrvnlna for Mature,v.'QJND, tlq>U pttfd. sa»ilcu Ptr. Mo. CW.. Top ~et +conun. bulilleM. ~All liMrilory "
'etc. 8¥ Ill'. or Job.1411Mll. alert.~ _...,, varied ~ lhelr-. p/Ume. -
g;;o'!_~~ ." Steady & ...U..ble lor nlJe MMO....., Yecht C9-~ ~-~ ""~ "::' by f.'-
fllkl.Ri.in. '1aw A , ~ r1r2256. ~ °" tile~. • Rt wk. 644-0606. ~~ch. 1 Erle. oak dnk. Austrlanil, -----
,._, tne 1aL II« 1911 NEED help at _, We Cocktoll Waltre11 ::..~ ·~:.:.~ 1:.:;;. JANITORIAL Service now RIAL ESTATE SE~R=N S dNk. Welsh .U.-, oak
PATIOS. WALKS. DRIVES. beve aldao, nu r • e • • Exoa. only Aooly &It !pm. INSPECTOR "BURROUGHS or NCR" taking applications tor !Ull SALESMEN In Your home, "wo supply table, Ira pub mirror, Oak
CONCl\ETE PUMPING h 0 u • ekpn, oompa.niotw.. Se'butl&n'1° W'•t Dttiner 5 Yn exper or equivalent txper 111elu!. xtm eo. ben. time experttnctd peraonnel. Why not work in lhe both. t au lnc1 mach" « ln our cbitl& cupboard " nuacb Call Dem &U-1514 Homemakers 1Jpjohn Pl~.· 140 'Ave Pklo, electronic achoolifta. Must T e lephone Larry !151""188 area. H:Wllin:rton Beach. Md&:. a;d $ tn4) 847-767$ more. 4~ ll4l S. C.OUt
p tlol, d I l 54T..es&1. San Clem be able to read tcbem&t1ct Streetsman. 546-Wl5 FOW\tain Valfcy. l.A!t m SEC I BOOKKEEPER tuU Hwy, Lquna.
I rvewa)'t a HOMEMAKER, comp, r.:......nloft. A be famlll&t. w/VMJ of KITCHEN 'HELP train :roy. Call Phil Mc-l i me d-l cta fhon e , ANTIQUE PIANO, Ens. akSewa1kl asoess unencumb. Xlnt coo·k , --''"r'."' iMpectloo equip. Good DAYS&NIG1n'S Na.m VILL.\CE RE'' Br0&dwood 1106 ~~r-drlvu 'ref For 1 Oltl• In HouMkoopor. llartina rote &· frinae~ · HOSTESS/ A_NCIENT MARINER-ee, ·-book.keeping, gd yptng ' ._~;..-...-'------·I ad hlth. 83'i..mo. ' for e1~•· co0pte, Jive.In. Equal Oppor. Empto~r. BOOKKEEPER ~"1 w •·-H ESTATE, 963-4161 .. ' •peed. mo.:1edKO o! office '"'2.v~6.. -k• ma~ .• ~ •-, -..y bltb M t Appl In Pe -.J • UJttSt wy . Drocedure&. 1 a;irl oUlce lW • eyi • "" ....
ACK Taulane, rap&i:: HOUiiKEEPER. reliable prtvate room If · UI r.-ny S rton Now taking applications for Ncv.•port Beach 646-0201 RECEPTIONIST f:tlease iu,bmlt r es ume . complete. SaerU1oe -.
1_ I~ remod, add. Uc. B-.1..ui;t aood worktr Call-494--i&d have car. Good Ja1ary for Co tm•n y1tem1 Hosteu/Bkkpr for soon to Apply 3 pm.S pn1 Non-Fri Full time. We need a aharp Write Oassllied ad .No. 60, '°'613-"'=1232::::;'=c=~-,..,---I M:r W&Y Co. 642-4103. after 6·00 ' i tflht pmon. Call 4Q.Qi65.--1sso Teller,-.Jrvtne--open · · · Um enthuilastlc gal who can ·Dilly Pilot, P. o.-sox-1560, MAGNIFICENT ant l q u e
• -
Eloctrlcol Hol W..;.._ M. I' 7it a>ll!l'ANIOl'I. housekeeper ELECTRONIC . Charlie Browns Roat. LADIES ID work p/ e handle bu'Y < lino phone Costa Mesa, Calll .• 9'J6'6. awaa 11a1>1. Solld brop>e. !· , , , for rettnd cenUem.an. live ASS&MBLIRS in J-l unt. Beach. Appllcanl Take orders from e1tab. Ii enjoys public contact. Co. STAT TYPIST · Muat aee to a.ppredate! I
ELECTRICIAN Uc. old JObl in, enJo)i readbW A drlvlng, , muat be wllling to travel Fuller c:ustomera. Earn up benefi ts. Apply in Peraon, 543-3014
new ~ Any jobl. /tn:;J Administrative Assnt woman 45-5.\ sci saluy. 8;.'~'i,!; ~ W~: for training tn Long Bch at to $75 wk. 542-0242. PeMy5aver l~S Newport Branch otc. of q , corp aceks AAli JKa.ce, m.-• ti you have 120 .......... lhort• MMI02"1 _1__ • ,_,__ Oiarile Browna for approx. LEGAL SECRETARY Blvd. ·C.f.1.' typi11t w/1tatiJtlcal exp. Lile A . ..:r:pp=li•:;n<M:;;=---~-;;.;:;'I
•·-•, 10 ~-• .::"..::te CONNECTOR DESIGN :,:::om330lerL Ave., Wes\W.11-.. ter, 4-6 wks. Applications now ' keypunch also Vet')' helpfu1. e ELECl'RIClAN e , ... 11.1 ~ ..... ..._.._.. typ. ~ be1 .... tak t heavy recent probate Receptionist le Gen'I otftce Sal'"'"' to $545 Call Coutal Llc. •0010 l.ng, auperlor'wrtttns 1kill1, ENGIN.IER -.... en 8 ' experience,· tncludlnx work. Good tM>ist. For an Pe~nnel Agency 279 0 KENMORE Gu drytT , ee 49'J.1J34 •• lull charge bookkffptnr ex-w·th 111 commetclt1 Ch1rlle Brown• Rest. accounting. So. Or an&' e accounting firm In Coata Harbor Blvd CM ~-Kenmore elec. dryer OI' G rdenl per Uma trial balance, &, mrue:;r·l"OftMCflOl'dnlgn. ESCROW OFFICERS 3030 Cherry Ave., Long Bch County. Send resume to: ?o.feaa. Please 1end resume ' Pen.ncrt1t auto v.•asher $tD
... 1 '?f 1tronc knowledp of EDP Applicant may apply _ at Experienced Only Equal Opper. Employer Write, Classified ad No. 977, to Classified Ad No.70, TAILOR made sa.lll la ea. Guaranteed le delivered.
ZUROPEAN Gardener, accounttnc ttdudques A get SAt Advanced PacUctn&, No tra.lnees need apply Daily Pilot, P. O. Box 1560, Dally Pilot, P.O. 1S60, Calta e x ~~ n d l n.g • v.'f: need *8672 M··-0~..i-along well wltb people, then """" _. __ .. Dr CM A ly , HOSTESS-CASHIER Costa ?'llesa, Calif. 92626. Mesa Ca 92627 qu8;lih~ sail cutten to "F:::Rl::,G;.l:::D::.AIRE=~-w-uher~-~ =~=.
ai.n\ vu,.. -would UM 19 ~ _ ~ n.u ft~ :• • • -' assist 1n our continuing: ~ Tree . V . . ~. . # •"" ture;-eaN~el-fli l::EGA:b Sttretary-Newpon ·Reeepttonbt-for.doetont ef or ta to build the Worid:e " .... -'! r
reuonable. evea. to,;_ lheS~~ 0~ .. ~-rtch10t COOK: (4) Harry'• N.Y. Bar N1tional Benk lng responslblllty &. author· Center Law Office, good i!J1:'' & sh req'd. Will Fa!lest Sails. 1634 Pomona l"'rigidalrc reu-.:. ,.,u. ..... ..... ... ,. -~ G C _,_ lty wlth growing restaurant """'-1 •••--f In ce k M .. A .. •AAt 6'2-Ml.4 EXfER. Gardener. Know· . $1000 Xlnt opportunlty It rtlL Nr O. . .......,... 550 Newport Center Dr. llon °"*'.111 • ~ or suran v.-or · Aw, Costa esa. ~· ~'-"~~~-,=---
hOw. Malnt. Trlmmlng I: Kindbo eend reeume tO Need exp. Fry cook, broiler Newp.>rt Center Dr. ~a:a~ ~· th~m ln ~;~ LVN or RN needed pl.time. 543--0076. TELEPHONE SALES, 'Taps, Rent W11her1/Dryers
clelnup. 96&-3486 President, P.O. Box 1810, man, A~ 4121 Westerly N~ Beach DELANEY'S RES'TAURANT, Nile shift. Beverly Manor Re c e pt lo n I 1 t, p/time. daily pay repeat deals, yr. $2. Wk. i;uu malnt.
Girden Miiftt/Lndscp Newport Beach, ea. 9'J663. ~ce, te 106, Newport. ~ FiU::!.af: o.c. airport terminal CCOeonv. HMospital, 340 Victoria, ~valescent H ~.~ .. P,l!.,a l. · round 0fc. Pros or will * 639-1202 •
Clnup. Sprtdr rep. 646-6852 • · s ER 11 ta esa. lure woman. w.>· train. Call 636-8995 GE 1'ficrowave Oven, new,
0-I Se COOK. exper. pref. Over 18, Equal Oppor. Employer H&_~. ~'ir..n. • da:.e ~t~'. MACHINISTS RN Supervisor, 40 hr wk. TELLtRS still in box, "°"' Jl10. WW
ro rvl-A FUN PLACE Full or part u.,.. 1-Private room & balh In EN GS Small !em. type Funlna Exper. & trainee. Malure. ..U $275. -
PLUMBING, ELECJ'IUCAL. TO WORK 18514 -ch Blvd .. HB I-• pleesanl Irvine home. ~ " OP ,IN. , bome. Call tor eppt, tn4l Santo Ano & Hunt. Ben WA SHE R , Dry or ,
CARPENTRY. Minor COOK,aUaround,topNlary Exec. Sef:retary' S700 child, 4 yrs old. Love for Progressive ·Irylne corp. has 494-8075. areu. l''ull time & \\'Ork dlahwalhcr,$15e~
adj u at men t 1 . Major call 499-2271 ask tor Chef Rece~lorust = children a must. Age no . Jmmed. openings tor: Sat Af.1 . Own transp. ~ss. Call M&-6M8
alterations. All ~ borne c:"'J/ I/) / bet. 3pm It lOpm. Girl lday barr i er, a l o v ing-· GEN'L GRINDER SALESLADY I Call Mr. f{elley , KENMORE •wuber, 1 i,t:
I repair&mnod.Uluabidl Jhe Ktlu#Hn COUNTER help. Male "~::p~~~Ofc = grandmother would b e cnmMAnCOPR CASHIER 979-3600 )'eM"old,PQO.Sota-bed$2U.
, ~ 1: B Home Repair, female, full &: part time. MTST/f.'ITSR $600 great. Phone 551-0783. . , 'MAClill!iE OPR Mature & exper. wanted by TRANSCRIBER, X-ray ~ 1
642-1403. • Daya le mpta. Apply at Bkkpr/C.onstr $600 H o us EK E E PER/Cook. W!~ . meC~cal ability to relatively small food store -1 required Fu1l 1 ..:.::..:='--'-~~~-..,~
"THINGS" by MOOlt. Gen'l f> /) Burstt Kin&. 2015 Harbor, Design Engineer wanted for couple \\'/ 1' ""repair equip. &: run lathes not a supermarket. No Sat. ~.~a~ Ple8;»C OOntact ~p =· ~:
Carpentry, Repairs, C.,. oJ.ee Colt& Meu. Micro wave filter $933 schooc hild, Newport Beach A mills. Schedu1edovertlm~ nlte or Sun. ivork. Med & personnel office, s. Coast fM-&ISl
p 1 um b t n c. El e c , CUSTODIAN for church, 40 Restaurant Manager Open area, Exp In· ~asekeeping, -on ;a 5 9Et[. . basts. fC:n t hosp benefits. Unitonn Hospital S. Laguna 499-llll "'REE ~"'· u.M.~ Rcrricde11 .... 642-5Sl.3. hr wk. Hrs 3PM·UPM. can Jeannie Sisco cooking, servmg, Mu s t oP,_p o r . ot .stable furn. $2.25 hr to start. Ap--~ A.,...aip. ........... •
-II -NQwJild!!I -Good hMllh. Preferred.aae &-Sld Holtman drive, Rel nee .. Xlnt aaiacy :r::!"'i ymCen11 · -s · I ply Lindburg Nutrition, Un TYPIST EXECUTIVE Scrap MetaL Call
eu "I 3().50. Penonable. ca 11 .NEWPQRT A working cond., lm-2692 .,.,._ y o trnen y1 1m1 tear of~ World Stort' Strong Englisb ba"ckground ;6'1H258~~:,=~;;;-;=;;--· I
Y•nn, ••-·• c1e.n-u""', Bookkeeper 646-n47 tor N.B. Interview Po------I & .. __. HOUSEKEEPER/Nune for 18842 Teller. Irvine Lower So. c.oast \Ve will pay for quality. OLIVE TR.EE.s. 15• HlGl:L ~ ·-~ lnl 1 !Oam'pm ,_.,_ ~ ....... , 83J.-1810 PlazaShoppingCenter,C.~1. Call644-5TI1 <t.,..,..,f"OU YO"DIG remo\-'e trtts, dirt, tvy, appo ~ · .., . W Dover Of N 8 invalid lady "· llOl'I. $300. Aft 4:30 PM. 813-1811 ...., l:oft,l,,.I-.. ""
dr l ve way 1 , 1 tum pa. Relief DAY Help needed 4-6 hn. '' ' " mo. Mon thru Fri, 8 am Eq' ual Oppor Em"""'er SALES WA~TRESSES ,.546-Wl 841-2666. approx. _3 days wk. to 6424870 to 4 pm. Call between 9 · yov; TEXAS REFINERY CORP. Day "' nite shift. Age 21 & 27" WEDGEWOOD l'llllP w/
LOCAL moYlna le haullnl help care for teml tnvalld. am &: 5 pm. 846-3154 • Machinist Tr1lnte1 otters PLENTY OF over. Exper. pref. Apply in tu.ti ove~ X1nt ccmdltkla $65
by itudent. lMae truck. Penon on aoc. sec. pret•d. F/C BKKPR to $750 HOUSEKEEPER, Intelligent. Are you int e 111 gen t, fofONEY pl.ua cub bonuaes, pen;on Jolly Roger, 203 * 541-3.\11 ,
R.eu. Barry. SJ&.M38 or Sat ~=g~~ee'ttours Own traftlP. Wr5827. Fee1dpU~d. AM~~t becontroller Asllume responsibility. Cook. mechanicaJly inclined'! \Ve ~~~:a ~Ch ma=. Marine Ave., Ba1boa Island. Buildl-Mlteriala -
534-1846. Delivery IMlall &: Sales w u es. ~ ve con· Lrg home. Live-In, pleasant are ~Hering on the job Regardlesa of experience, WAITRESSES .-::c:="::.:!''W~===-'-•I
SKIPLO •nER .... -p -·-'" Apply 3'~ dally FULL OR PART TIME ~~teu!lon expeeo rtro. Al!o1 ca fee quarters. G' o o d Salary. train1lna0ur·to areqoeut~mfewen1Sw1'!' ainnall K F Pate n-.. Dinner & Graveyard shUts, .e Surplus . Bulltll._
""" • ....... \1"11\;11. N .--"" ons. n reer u d ~ C.11 675-""'""-" mee ... ., • · · • .-,~., A'pp'" In pe-·", Od•'" R••· ..,. worir. Concrete, aspbalt, 15 ME Employment Agency 3400 n er""· "'"-"'· want to learn a aecure Texas Refinery C.orp, Box <J 4
"""' MATDUAL • 1000'• oC Nd aawine, breaking. 8*-7UO. 151 ,, COlst Hwy. NEEDED NOWI I Irvine Blvd., N.B. SSS:8505. HOUSEKEEPER. E x p d. trade. Apply in person 711, Fort Worth Tex. 76101. taurant, 1400 Pacific Coast l'i't;MS! Doon, lumbu, JIQ'·
atOVING! Local furn. or . Newport a..ch NO EXP. NECESSARY FIBERG' ..o• & , Pray cook, adlt family, live in Kenne<iy Pla--sties-C.orp1:7372 Saleslady mature. p/tlme. HWY·· NewRQrt. wood, alum. abeettoe. mD!d-
32 E'O .. _ • ~ or out, salary open, NB Ea t ' SI J-"-e • •• 18 ~"-• ;s' WANTED malTied. couples ina wlQdowa, etc. sen-haullns. .:•· .,~... Equal Oppor. Employer START painter, boat repair man, 673-2459 · · s man ' ivui Toy City, JOI """""' .. er t, who would like to make BUILDERS SURPLUS
van. 548-l.8S2 557-2736 ~-$~&0-WK. exper. Permanent j o b-, MACHINIST . H.B. t1M-tJCXK1 Part or · ••-•-
TRUCK tor hlre. Haulin&. 41 An:t.• ·-•Y••·· ms . * * fringe ben. Call L a k-e H . 0 u s EKEEPER·EXP'D. ' TRAINEE SEAMSTRESS, exp'd Reggie ·f,~llme r .. ~;~.:.m their· ~.so . .IWIUI St., s.A..
IU.olU\.PI Arrowhead Marinas tTI4 l Se Habla Espanol._ Laguna Maker =Uin6 u.u Mon thru SM ~ prace clean-up, etc· Opportwllty tor •tr on c >.. per written agreement 337_2501 Beach. Call 499-4(Y..i 1·2 Yrs exper desirable. Out· Armstrong Sall s, · home. Let me show you ·114: 546-1031
Anytime, any place 642-7944 individual. New construction u .......... ment opportunlly st--••-g -.... e benetita. 642-1597 C.M. how.' Call Mr. Sm l th , --·---1
HA1JUNG AND MOVING sales. Draw & comm. .._._ ... available FRY COOK HouMkHper neeclM Di~IUllins~:nts, 102 E. Seamstresa to learn making 64&-6908 for appt C1merU &
ASK FOR DAVE 642-3490. C1ll For lnttrvleW Exper. & Dependable. Apply * 962·7705 * Baker St., C.M. 979-531Xl. of bot air balloonl. Perm. WANTED: Part time help. Equlpntent IOI
• 66-'254 • APT MGRS. -Older cpl . Jl.I CCI! u_ 20 -~~._.~.-~.J'.~· 5930_ W. Coast INHALATION Therapy Equal Oppor. Employer. 1/tlme position. 642-3MS. Men's store, man or WANTED
-'-Int No peta. 30-Unll' HBC 2 ... ililV"l'I '~'-'~~ _ Tech. C.rtlll<!I or <lig[ble MACHINE Sbop_JI e.lp__e_r -SECREJARY R.E ._ woman. m.9900 bet. l lf< Pentaa apolmallc -"'-~-'---"'"----I Br apt + Alary. M6-3927. DELIVERY·HOUSEWTVES FULL TIME employment for full time 3 pm-11:30 PQl wanted to do drllllng, Secretarial poCtion in active '"P,:cM~====--::--;; e Call ~1730 e
HOUSE OF CLEAN ASSisrANT llJf busy salon. P/Thne. Dental Lab. lite ~mbly . v.'Orlt. Good 2 yrs t!Xp. Can incl 1 yr tappl.n&, burring & 10nte Realtor's office. Beautiful WAREHOUSEMAN • $2.50 ~F~u-rn..::l:..tu:::.re==="-':....,a=lt
e DOES EVERYTHING • Richard Quellette, 1610 w. Call 646-5088 working conditions. Apply schooling. Gd salary + mill \\'Qrk, See at 1660 office in Newport Center. per hr. Exper. preferred but
Homes. Otti~ 642-6D4 c.out Hwy, N.B. sc.39?0. DELIVERY Men ~ ~-~y Mayv.'Ood Industries, 869 W. ·beneHts.1 PU!loa.se S '°eoesntact Babcock St, (bsta Mesa Conaenlal ataff of mature wtU bidn right bldiridual..-'"' ~· ••••SI NB• '·30 PM''--personne o ce. · t all-4·30 Mon thru. Fri ---1 A ~nl -~--·~ -8·'"5 pm KiTOlEN tbl A: dilJii:-dl:il DodlcotH CloMlng AUIO Momlg LA Times Home . Fri .. ~. ·-Hospital s. Laguna .... 1311 " . . ..---"" ~ ~ .. ~ . roll-•·wa.Y bod -· dbll
*WE 00 EVER~G * CAR LOT MAN oeu~ """"· M.,1 beve · INSPECTOR MAIDS-HOTEL position requiring good Holl·~ bOd lrame1 '"io.&.1~ ,,._..;,.:,;~leaf ••• 2 " hn FULL n. ........ bookkeeper for '. Phone for appt ...,., 8800 telephoDe voice, SH & IBM 3""""' Rell. Frtt est. &t&-2839 For New ear· DeaJenship. '-""""""' __., 71 ......... ~.. F I I llrm I o c ..,,... EM<:. abilJUes. Must be WEEKENDS w/headbOl.'rd, Hoover ,
ltOUSEQ..EANING hl&hl[ ~~:'ey8jo~.x&~~~i:!: :t~u! ~oor :if~0 ~c.;:n~uetm;ndin ~ :~~~~~ ~ ·or able to work Saturdayl. $"OO _., HOUR ·broom vacuum. .tildtal: cot. i
recommended wtre . fill. Good Hours. Apply in westrniniter GG HB area' to Classified Ad No. n, exper. Good workina conds MECllAJllCAL R.E. ex pe ri en ce not ~ rl&I\ 142-8382. •
dependable I: rees. 836-46l2 person. See Mr NeltBOn. 638--29'.24 ' ' ' Dally Pilot, p .0 . Box 1560, & be nefits. Applicant may . esae~,~~t h e I" P 1 u1 l · nemonmaton·wantid. Wortc STEREO, 3 pc. ?t t'M 1
lftcome T•x TERRY BUICK Costa Mesa, Ca 92627 apply at SAE Advanced Prefer ~ resident. or lnslde. Major lawn care new, Gun eabi:net Clllt DIW
DENTAL O~• ~n~. GENERAL OFFICE Packaging, 30llO ~.Dr. ASSEMBLER lnl.,... call Mn. Duhl. company h!rlng tor pert $460. Lellher --•
IMMM Tix Service H ~~!alnutch lJ&cklroUn!';... .e ..... -1.. e Good •--H~ --• •-C.1.f. 540-9256. ' Wesley N. Taylor Co. &4M910 Ume work. TnLinlng avail· ottoman. .... ~ ..... $500. ~ ~ Cir baal-un ........... Bea AJP a "'"" • u..... up & .......... is ...... ary "'"-avg SECRETARY able: Call 213~ 8"5370. offer, ·61..,..._. or r..-.'
23 Yem HaJllor Area AVON --.·alll<r.'f7plltg,-,,.avy 'YPlng ·& ex-er! Gl'OMng INSURANCE SALES Assemble preehtlon devices. , · -. _,,613-3424==-· ~~~~-I
(714)67""76 . CHRISTMAS MAY -""-' Eqlr. prel 'd. co! LOTSo!varlOly. Must nave l!Ovel'al yeanPro1reulve N.B. WHO WANTS TO WORK? WALNUT Drexel "Dedara· -BE OVER ~opea. H.B. area. J1son 8ist Aginey experience in electro-professional firm need• DRtVEA_CAB_ , Uon"2batchelotcbnta,cor-For Annnintment 11.-Brookh F VI N wbll ech 1 al Id ..1 ..... _,_,,._ dynamlc intellla:ent exec. · •-'!' ch
Pilntlfttl ::-Z lut, EftlVOM Still DE ?f TA L A• 8 11 tan t, swt:' 213 unt, 963.lns I~~ ';:rt e=e. ev~syo~ m ;; F: :;;:~ ruwia. :;~~~r.lllty w/to :~~ C:~~':1' ~':;, ~ ~. ~ ~~." eat
p ....hangf NMdt Avon Products. chalnide. Min. 1 yr exp. GOOD MAN to fill vacancy wknds, full time when quail· lndustrlal Relations cllenta; Xln t typinl lkilll boss. ~en or women. c.an BUFFET, Cberr)I' wood 1r=;= "I Yet, AVON dally care: pro-Expended duties, sood xray in beach atta. Affe Fn~,-,_,,_..,...Group · a MUsr. Salary open. be &lightly handicapped w/mln'Or, $50. Bu' ?llOIJY'K.
PROF. wall~ state ducta 1: cosmeuc;:s sell year technique le lie. Bch area. unimPortant, but Tl\8.turity "'"Ed ·~r;~1834 . (714) 494-9401 64()-1333. • Neat -Oeen Appearance top a: 2 comer cba1n. $50.
lie. No. 219514. lmur,. all .,.tlmundlo, &.~is lhe ':"~ Mt-2569. is. We lraln. Air mall, C. *•--• BooLL-vu .. rittred. Aae 25 lo 1062--.~1353;:::,.==~--~
lypes cC poper. 711 • e ~vme a ·-~~ DENTAL Aul chair •Ide 'P'. Dlckonon, pr es" TELONIC """JI, --r-· -Supplomonl -Income. ~QUEEN-SIZE -sullo, M2-C3tl6. aentaUve. -OU can make Lactm& Be.ch. Mat u r e , so utbwestem Petroleum, lb Relnden A&encY Drive a cab 6 brs' or more a dreaer, nlte _._..,, bdlrd, ~-·1 ~~In~~ -ble. Some exp. Fl. Worth, Tex. (58) INDUSTRIES' 40al Btrch S,,..I day. Apply In penon, ......, +WReo~ ~ "~ ""'~ ,_ ~--Call -Suite 104, NB 83Ul90 Yellow cab Co,. 186 E. 161h bod $250. 988-4195 all 5
C: -Ms.:Hl9 communlly, IDo. For mont _,,., GROCERY LOfU110 Beach Dial A Job 13U155 SI., C>11a M..,. * SOFA A LOVESEAT * ,
PROF-· --delall!, Call• 540-10ll. D=~ =I~ FOOD CLERKS INVENTORY Equal Oppor. Employer No Chargo To You WORKING Ccuple, -Neveru-·~i! vv3" reu. InUext, free eattmate. Babysitter wanted. Prefer exp Jftf'rd. Kl-«170 Safeway Stores has immed. Established 1965 weekday companion t or _..., me.
Refs. 54S-2ll8, 6G-33l3. my bome. 1 child. Call opealnp tar pem. I/time CLERKS MOd Beck Ole to $525 -Sectetary!Pulltlcal father. !Jle -· & ANTIQUE wicker le& cart
INT/EXT PAINTING 543-4638days, Evn-DENTAL A16111an1,N exp. employees~ are in Experienc<d. lnjectfon-Typing, SH, .beavy -own lnnL lloun flexible, good cood. Fnr ..........iaI
FrffFAt l Jim~ After5pm. onJy.LqunaBeach oS.L Orange Co. beach area. X-rayLlcen~~ exper preferred. Plea1e MS-48368-5 orhomeue ...... 1311,evs.
Paperbanetne I: pabrtl'c. BA.BYSIIlER /Howlekeeper 4M-8511 ~uirement. are good NEEDED IMMED. WESTCLIFF submit resume to Box 101, YOUNG Man to do pnen.I SMOKED alau dlnette Mt
21 yn Harbor area. Rm needed. Rtllable. Own ........ .,... ~ he lh ... ~y~~~ all hours Personnel Agency Westminster 92683 Attn: work at TV, Electron1cs w/chrome, $325. Wtr bed 8:S281 642-2356 tranllp. $5r5. CM. 97M671/ &: a wuu.ug•~ to \\'Ork (~lark Ill Center) M)>rna Myres shop. Some background at w/extras $15. 842-4191
furn. N~ oO. 556-8268. ~~ten to $953 ~=. :Ion ofl~ jo: 1651 E. Edinttt. S.A. SEC w/loan documentation knowledie in e~~ BOX S~ A ~
Wallpo--Int. Palnllrc BANK PERSONNIL Telepn>cetaing, 360 BAL benelilS. Exper. pril'd, bul VOLT MARRIED penon -over 21 or ben1dni< mcper. Salary-~; ~..".!!~-~---1 aood condl • '15 eacl>. E Call Col nc ~ Protramrner to $12K \\·e will train as food clerks. lnst1nt Persor,ntl & ho tl'M:. open. Call Mr. Brown be aeu. ............ ~· cu• 2110 Newport Blvd. CK.
t ,
• l
xp. ' ~ F /C Bkkpr/ Accnt to $12K Apply in pef'IOI\ at 24 Tempera I Service ~ to 8~~ ~· ..-... 838-7901 &lomabe!..' ,1to.~k ..__ wlonlhphocnues· G•r ... S•le 112 !"*+If-""-EX SR'Y/OI ---ea purltrc;-Buite-'1--=-AIW •• ww•. . '=~·x~~rlence. Teller ~rtna:$;c•y._ fo$750 Nlfuel, wfd. Jan 2lrd, NewportmBeach .• 546-4741 MOONUGKlal vice~BY~··~~cs s42-i82.-TABLE-t)'pedeikW/ ----'.!" )~ •· Statlment Clerk Secmarlet, to S7SO 9-noon only, Equal Oppor. Equal Opper. Emf'tloyer Want part ttme Door Man $754. to $918. Re1ponslble ' $2.50. Headboard, twin lhe
; Pl1ster, P~, Ir APPLY ~_1_~U to$850 Einployer. · for bar. To .,vork 2 or 3 temporary poeltion. Approx $1.50. Paper bide; booka 5c·
Security Pacific ~ ~ $650 WHEN BOILING EGGS IN WHEN BOIUNG EGGS lN nights per week. Should be 5 mos dlll'atlon. He av Y l ~~ 50c Clothes hangen lOc ckn. *_&A~.~~* Nitlonal Bank FSec/, /Uf I per ~ ALUMINUM POTS add a ALUMINUM POTS add a1 6' +,age 24 to 35. Call shorthand' Joad. Min. llO Miieti Ill , V &ck ~·-~.Play~~
vr• Y e nl. exper . .,...,..+ litUe vtnepr nu. will keep little v1.ne&ar. Thll will keep 83!>-1264. wpm, tM>in& 60 wpm. Must . · each. G-... are. wai~
Call 51).'825 550 ~ewport =Dr. ~~ to $500 pan from ~. UM!tul pan from darkening. Uectul h10TEL MAID WANTED be ' willing to put In ovtr baby dotbes and more. 21761
. . . ~G 0 .,,-,, .; ~~~~=~~·;,i~~~e"J'_atr; .. c rtmo.<~r~. • '-'~ .. ~ 100 =-..:·.;._~,'!<11~:2!
' L.R. OTIS PLUMBING Barbora ca.mmarene .,.,.,,., ....,.,,.,...... .Cluolfled Ad. 6G-6618. aus111e<1 Ad. ~18. eo; ''" -eon... Dtsinct. 13 7 o SCRAM-LET·S· ~f.ooi;:.;oo;;ac -"':1flt . ·-
I Remodel! A Repoln. Wiler Equal Oppor. Employer .,... • ..., r~'ll"IU. NURSES• Morgan N""°'i.,;;A;dama~;,· CM;:;:;,,.,--,,,=-=: healen, d!-1'. fto'Moel, ftDl.N"ttAU"n.lt"'V' Help Wonted, M. F 710 Help W11t1tecl, M • F 7lll Reg;,try, C.M. now t~ SERVICE STA. altendenl lo< ORIGINALS. ALVAR Lm!O
dahv.-'Uhn. 6C-Ql3 MIC I: BARBER: Some at;rl\rw, 5 ~"'-W_,..._...~ I 11.ppll;aUons for RN s, morning shift at Sheil Sta. ANSWERS $95. Picasso Etch. $125.. ~~~?:1191.~ ~1;:.';;u,N·~~ pay. CAU. 11USll HOPKINS . LVN '· ptac .. aides, !Jve Ins. Laguna. Perm. 30 hn Duly Eich. 1\35 .. ulrfllo JERRI WlllTI'EMORE EJEOUTIYES-IAIAIERS Ins. M&F. 548-9361 or or more wkly. 32342 Coul !Jlbo. $350. 353--
PWMBING REPAIR BAIUWD. 3 -• lunch 488 E. 11th SI. (•l lrv!nel CM m-2365 Hwy. 499-4141. MUST CLEAR BLDG
1 No job IDO amall hoUn. Apply In -The Suli. 2M 642-1411 "JOB 'OPPORTUNITIES" NURSING Aides & Kilenen SERVICE Sia. Saleemen. Fedora_ F•'IO _Minor--flxtul'ea. m!mn, I ** ~ ** '11n Lime, '152 St. Clalr Mo
M 0 "'V 0 41 help. Mature women. we t It Im e, day 1, 11 t e Engulf -FOGGED cub felltter. lll-ll51 91&
I r-•-~-~ lt01Nlr St, o.ta Mesa. · • .. , s train. ~2410, 60-8044. mechamcal knowl-'-, neat Age f1HY is when you get 7pm 718-0414. ' .,..,_ BEAUTIFUL ·NEW -DESIGN ---o~TORS . single needle, appear. Apply ~. 2590 oul ol lhe ohower and you're -Wfill'-;;A~P=IR~SA~IL~I~
I, ro1.0R-tv repo1r. Expert. COMPANY Sl5M·$75M Range .....,.. •• -" l'l.wport s1vd, CM -a1ad _... m1rror 1s all _ ___ _ reasonable oer.1ct. !'Ne , CHECKER oponawear. Top pay, 86S SUpr Bowl CollDn Bowl FOGGED up. II & 1 ... "Mll<Mll, ViiiUill
I . 'Eatlmate11-.. BERT SUPER WORlQNG CONDS Min. lO .._1__ SALA!Jla.NIM>TIAILI Production Pl. Newport n--ao:.,1 or eny kind &Stockwell8f7-8010.
I GALLEMORE TV a.2783 hr Electronic Allemblen yn exper. as...,........ Ar• You U11e111pleyM No-At• You S•eki119 A Ch-'-119• Beach. ~. ;,'f ... .:;,1 will &ell wtth a KAZAKH RUG CARPET, beige, ahorflhad
I fl•-w/u lltUe as 6 mo'a ~ ~-~1!!!.!;r ~ -:-Worried Abovt Your At-Tire .. of l roken Promi1•1-OUTDOOR work, must be Dally Pilot QusUlcd Ad! 5x8. $1300. 21J....E5&-4480 btwn w/jute pad, 85 1q. ydl. $100I
I ;..;;.,.;.... _______ I. ~-t ._ ...___ • , ... ......,, .._.., UMecl ..... A1 To A Pre per c • .;,,. of Action-' bl ~ Ult 125 1~ & be ••• -11 t 5 u• '"'0
" '-"•• Pft)' • .... QUI... poattlon tolerance le manut. a e ..... Ull ve _.......,1.. a.m. o p.m. """°""°""'
'i CERAMIC TILE NEW I: Dottie, Now! 540-4450 method.1. Equal Oppor . ARE YOU UNDER PAID? a clean driving record. -
remodel, Frftl ert. Sm jobs NEVER A FEE AT TEMPO Employer submit resume le' If Y• e.. A•.,. n. ,...... .. c..., • ....., Ii n. Uvlng qrtrs avail. Man·over -,
· wtlcome. 5.'J&.2428.. TEMPO salary hiltory to: AMtwll", w.14 L.ae Ai , .... , ... Wlti. Y•• 30 pref'rd. 557-5066 ~=;:=;;;~:::-".:"'.::--=:-::-:===:;::~'Ii I: fop loll -• T-ary Hell' Colemon Sytttm• IF YOUR ANSWERS ARE TRUTHFUL PART TIME, Ideal !or 1 ~ STAR GA~EKfC . .it BEAUTY Open.tcr • Excel· 18842 Teller, Irvine E OU Ktudents, Mon-Fri., 'Eves, ~ ...
•QUALITY* Jeni pay, Olhl!r opporlunlttes Dlahw ........ p/tlme -WE CAN H LP Y Set AM, E Z inside work, A12D Br CLAY 1. JIOLLAN .,...
I' *· llfULal A 10P SOIL * ·tor "'1"'rienced beaulldan no exp .... ed. call-At""'" M y..,DoilyM!Mtr°""" M ""·uQi r;m t930 with 10ll~. M-3678 or ~~· Ma~~~~ A1.,.oo youhh••• 1tro~9 "!''~101,.111. 4rl•e11 or 89)-2258 ~ • ....: ... ...,-.Atcwdinf te lhe Shirr. Y ocr' n 642--2311. tbte. A.1 -~ • ~..,..., . you ,,,. goov 11•t1•• 111 • 19•11c• P/TJ1'.'1:, Moms. folorrow's l\:!)lll·l•? ·.~ TodMlop 1nessog1 fOfWldi.doy, "'~" i rm 5i930 W. H'N}'., N.B. C Do yo11f••l1ufflci•11tly 11'\otl••tecf to ech l•v•1 C 111o41 --..1 .. .-....L. ..n.... -~ ;lo
I 11 -, Mm ~ ~~ A-i , L Nut House, So. o a 1 t a.5143 .-.-ox•ftPOI"""""'°,...,.._ ~:~ I" Din--· ~ ............ n!!"l DISHWASHERS tun a PT. D. Do yow h•·• th• ebllity tom•,;• ... ,1,10111 il Call J0.12 !:IST-1579 of Zodiocbirth.Ml;lr\ IF ••• ,, •• . .-·-.:a1111<~• _., Tap Wlllft a bnltl. Apply E. Ar• yo11 r•-'Y to •••• , •• 11.tlc ,_., •• , obl•ctl••' V' lage. ' . ~lAUlUI )'CU ,......
I • . Inn, BIAcb A Cout HwY, btwn I le 5
~ F. If yeu .,.,,. con•inc•" th1t help w11 , ... ,a.~I• wovl.. PRIVATE • AH,-Hi ~~ ~:::-~~:+ .. .t OC~'. U~ H~ 8eAcb •138' yeu •ccept it, wltho 11t d•l•v7 PATROLMAN ..,....,,. 10 JFrimwtr 33,.._ 6l lfM.11 ·-· w ................ -BUYER i\~-~J..3 A.W.. 3'10r MY-,, __ M ft I" ---•-DISHWASllERtor,cottahop. YOU SHOULD KNOW ORANGE CO. area. part ~ '°"'' ,.,.....,,, .,T..,. ""i:i·7"~~~
'l_',TOPLINE _A~U T 0 u.-~*r·-2611 W. Cout Hwy, N.B. entMtt.,lebt•t•not•dv•rtit•d ~~rW::.~~=blm; "°''"' t~"'" ~=" rr6..• ~u.TTAIM t MAHAOP ~l-CM-P" C.U IO-l41I e Tllird ,.tty ptofe11ion•I influenc • it 1ometime1 11•c••· a m""'t! lntcrviewl 10-6 ?j,l ¥A1' if 10.Cidl 31To "In \Ir 21 ~
Ha -DRA ...... .a... .... 1.J ' ' ,.. "390., .. ,, H ,· -. f!!'# I: miper. w • r 1 ~ ••"f h , 1 1 Mon-Fri. International City < c;JUHf toY-~ AO ..__ 70Wilh ..-Jt X n:f'L 12 )T, exper, in CANVASSER,. 13 boUt + ~ dnftlman needed e liH+tlnt h tltht llloor• op111, •t t • rlt"+ •v• re-Securlty, 6265 E. Pad.fie ~ --· 11 c;;:........, .. , L;.., 71 TMt ~-
So. Calif. MoYtnc' to boftu. Work.....,.., ct.11--aJt tmmed Min 1 yr explL ~.1,., frHh1tk ... • , Coast Hwy, Long Beach. n.7' 12-n--1 ...42~ n~ 72 ~ .. Ntwp(ct .~Avail u of 4:30tora£/olntment, T~ w/pmn pCltfno: •&.cut1 .. ,.iKt•M•reflllffthrov9h•1•culi••lnl•t• (Behind the Golden Salls CAMCll ~!'l:olltt !!-:....,. ;!:=-c..vucout
I l ~~1st.,;::. o;:nct ~vt, m .. 2311, -U&1. Plait pt>one. ~ ;·;·;n , ........ ,,..111 .. ,, I• not. t•t•l •111wer. upstall'I) ' tJiu~tJI 15~'"" "5Very "~ ~JI~
1' '• -;; O, QIILD Care: IDr ~ oJd llrl"--._,_. · 82T-20JJ, 213: 4JG..'1548 JUlYP 16"""r _..,_. 76,,,_. J•"ff H CaW am-• 17,,...... .o Wolll 77 Vlitlt • -~· ' ' Pl ---·-p·llll' Tlllr ms. JIND RESUMI OR CALL TQDAY SAVE . SPACE WHEN 1--·-"'" "'"" ,._ Jo~ I• ;JAPANESE 8ort arrMrc ""· 1111'.V. boine, IOme 11111 11• .· -FOR-MOVING 'b)' WrapJll lfi' r11.7·-• ,,-.._ ilfGlllf· 7',..,... _.,
IU.S. In April Desire Uta-.Gond..... NO COS ,. ECUTIVE INTERVIEW dllllct and °""" !reglle """" , ,._ MIO. -••••• -~Am• TI can fa mt 11 e L Pref. mdlft,.oldw 'tftlmM. '* mIDENTS -T aX Items In wash cloths, towels J.IO 2i ,_,.... 51 """ 11 '""'*' __ " ...
-bold .,_ bab1 0wn trana&'lrtallon •MILITARYPEN!ONNEL EJEClrnvm SERUl"ES, 110 · ai1d other lineN. you aol ~"'r" g~::-, !!:=..:"• -l!l::' ~··
l :t~, etc., ..... IVOID nt.tntet. I ... *·~~.£AY~D'L • llW~ llU 1 more apt.ce 1n the lan&e ;::-,_"'~'!' 24 ~ 5'4Thlld "t:; ':.'° ~1' ,a boortl. lHl-25ll I -..,.., HOME Ol'l'ICI and dolela 'by teUlng Idle '-~ "w "" -""" I •,. ~·
>....-.:T .., --t.o. ~ a·-" CLlltl-"L lNOOMEt ' ' --lie-• with • Dally _~t >6Mudl 5'AUN•llilw ..
-· .
~'"iiiwW AW A'ii. lmmld • ....-... Top * $15. * 1714) 547..ff2S O~lllcd Ad. Call 642-1618 ~~ i;~ ~!1...., , 1~::: ... ~':''!'
1.1 _._,.M • 541111S b1w as. !MW °'. -term. A> Per W!1-'Aan<men! ... N. Mohl St. Santa Ano 1-' ~.~ ~:;-== ,,:::i._.. ...l.•
Ciill -CALL -..cll !S!CU~ITY IAN( IUILDIN$ SUITE 7011 B~I time! Sell "Don'I • 1·~ .0. iO\ -()i/e::.i ~i.:;.;,.tti:...~ ~AT~.2_!_~ N~'<l1 '·t•t1"?t"1••anldl , .. ._ '"""''".," ' aDaJ~~W~t~usl~~~ WJ~ wn\2/Gcol \S/Aftml ---~
• '
Import Accessories
Warehouse cle-ri.r11noe 1ale
from Interior DeslKTI Studio
oocktallB, furs. jewerly, etc. evtl'YOC'le to IMm to pllcy 341 SIDE. ne 11 Pie~ call ~93U. ](). the OrJtn! Tom Dieterich . I S191 NEWPORT
5pm. T1,1e9oSat. ~ • in charge 642-2851. Coul "::.~ ~846-am '
FOR SA[E"'"c"'o-,-.. -tte~~12o I Mu&c, Newport Blvd. at '!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!~~I
. volt c•1Mtt• pleyer, ~-iiiiiiiii'iiCMiiiO'i;;;;;iiiiiiliiiiii ;
without tpookora. Llko PIANOS -ORGANS -J'-1 3166 w. ~2,_..!J.~ .. N.B.
new. S-. 6n.6615 Newll:Used.Greatsclecli9n--~ -..-..
CALL MR. FRY -Illini. Beac11
f'p,1:-Af.1-S1ereo ~ player Competitive prices. Open Y.'E PA y TOP DOU-AR
console, Curtis-Mathes $90. Eves. A St1ndavE. The best Cycles, lik• FOR TOP USF.O CARS 173.11 Beach Bl. 842..e666
__ Qe!I!! 1 Dt yf A WHk
1649 ?\tonrovia Stn.oet
completely flnb;hed halch deal• lll'fi atw~ at: If ls I --ME.-RCEDES BENZ '°"' coll" tablo $70. Call W allichs Music City Scootor_• _ _ 925 ,.:~; 1~~:. extra c oan, ~5':,:S-4c_:;:653::_ ______ l $outh Coast Plat.a 54Q.2tJ30 OSSA 250, '73. :; spd, BAUER BUICK 72 MB 250C Tobacco brov.-n,
(2) Ne"' " mattresses. $10 w/extras. about 8 hr$ on 29'l5 Harbor Blvd. stereo, ~000 miles tit loaded! Costa ~1ell3 6'1>6133
Hill House For-Herd
To Find Uud &
Antique Clothing 1
FUr O>ata $25-$100. l\Jen &
Womens Warn1 J ackets U.
$12.50. Pea Jackets $12.50.
Marine J ackets $15-.$17.50.
Old Jeans $2.50. Shirts iSc
to $4.50. 11XK1'1 of costumes
t--IJ-ol"-alH<indso-eom.-. 1
Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa.
(Oft 19th St.).
JJlIIUary ~th & 27th, 9 to
6 pm. Thousands or guns,
ammo, war surpl u s .
military Items, coins, Indian
jewelry. Open to public.
Orange County Falrgrounds,
88 Fair Drive, (Youth
Bldg), Col~~es:a-· __ _
each. See at 2079 Thurin, Sportlnl GocMfs 13o It. A&k'g $600. 496-3913 aft 6 Costa Mesa. m.-2500 Lease avail. 831-21MO Dir.
C-::.:·':::'-...:A::!P:::'·..:N;,:00,. =1'---~-~=.:.;;.:.<-.;:;.:;.:.::;:__.:.::;:I & wknds. WE lAJY IY!c MB ~E
fULL U:NCTI1 ~fiNK COA~1· NEW head PK03'•· 195 cm, 400 HUSKY Good condition. 1?.fPORTED AUTO$ .,., """ epe, auto
NEEDS MINOR REPAIR w/bindlngs. $53. * $585 * BEST PR(CES PAIDI ~aiiic ::Wini.1° 83~~ 1bf!'.
$200 ** 642-2372 Call 497-125.l 979-7382 I 91>~ .dt s Dean Lewis Imports LEASE MB 450SLC S30a mo.
Miscell1neous S-K I S· HE 'AD Std 180 l ·'TI MX SL 70 Honda, 1·'72 '~OJ Hr.rOo1·. C.P.I. &46-930.~ + tax & license (36 IJ106,
Wint.eel f20 w, bind~~~ I P.tX SL 70 Honda, gd cond Autos Imported 9JO OEL) SAVE $3800_ ~---I u .... .....,.. many xtras. 67~19X:t ' -
WANTED Player Piano & BRUNSWICK VIP ~atlon 'i HONDA 90, ,;rau, 897 mi, ALFA ROMEC' 50 USED ~· top desk. Reasonable, size pool table, 1 118 slate. Pedect. condition, like new -----MERCEl:JeS
--· DlIE'JTO Splder•-Af-~..._..,. ··o...iw-+ N1us 1cGI 1nsrrument1822 TV, R•dlo, HIF I, '72 TRIUMPH soo. Good MPG, $1000. 968-3483 ·-n u1Sfr
cor.t.PLETE set L u d w I g
drums, Ziljan, Cymbe.1s &.
all accessories $GO. 4924291
Fi.UTE, DeFord Elkhart
. _cl, OC\.'el' Ul:led,
Stereo 136 condition. SiOO & take over -BMW Faclory Au1h0raed U.str1Uu· , pymts. After: 6:30, 494-3549. tor .01· au i\'1e1 .. -eOeJ protiuc<11
ZENITil & RCA , color, B&:W ~ 250CZ l\-tx-late--;'12-lo hours ! ------.. t:.1 1.:3l'li • • ..i... ... • .. --•••
TVs & stereos priced to I like new Akl'om 'Must sen' Ask About Our Uniqu.
d1soounters w1t1t 3 yr ---~---BAVARIAN cl.ear. Priced less than Uw $500. 673:.oo-r& · · AU1ll. MM.lit '11 Uiti1d M"rc.,del Le1 1e I
picture tube, 1 yr parU & I 1973 Yamaha TX 500, brand , Pl1n1 I"'
O. :ice Furnlrvr•/ service. No charge fn1 ! new. Only seven mi's. (.,all M & i h owse Ui ihl nrJrts1 · delivery or set-up on 19" Paul, 492-0682. 0 11 r--~ ;t;11
Equip. 824 & larger. 25" Solid .Sl'ate Mob'I H 9· 5 T "'11 1...c ~··.J. ''11
-': •·•J· " .....;;,;!.;=-----;,. from $499. C&sh 00 Plan I e 0'!!!1 J_ c . . .U..,··~ I.
EXEC SWVL CHRS $l5/2S or terms. ABC Color TV, MOBILE HOME Fl ~i tl!auc.1...:~"'·· ~ucna ·~~
0 .... c•-$8/'/A, dlts. Pierce 9021 Atlanta or 190 46 FOR "ALE NOW O "'E'N .,,.,.; •u " Brookhursl Hunt Ing t on ~ : I .--
867 w. 19, CM 642-3408 Beach, oos'.= or 962-5559 SI LVERCREST $AVE NOW Ml11ion Vl1jo Imports
GooJ, USC<! furniture & P!1not/Or91ns 826 SHERWOOD 890f'A FM MOBILE HOME CLOSE-OUT SALE
appliances ur,;ill sclt t •r Jou Amp. llJ RMS watts.-120· x 53', ~BU:.! tlA, cary., We'll beat any legitimate MERCEDES" BENZ _
MASTERS AUCTION l'IANOS Pioneer PL 12-D tumtbl -.rupeo, ~ll·ms., reu-ig., deal. Xln't. selection avail-• J aJ,S~a ewport, L'.M &ai-8ii86 w J Em p Ire 86 REX wai,;uer & e1t(·t. Uryer, wira.J able. · FIAT ,,: . ~ -al f s nd ·• ORGANS ca.rtridtes. S ennh e is e r 1 illr :c4l 8.ll' conu., kltch. * · . . . . .. <>.U""'U'""' L ti or u _ AY ---HD--114 headphones. Dolby I \:lock. _JjlQl"41i:e_!lil~_. land-L.i11.~·\·" ... -.~~ t.: .:>.:.v .....
Behlnd Tony's Bldg. fl.lat'!. FULLERTON MUSIC AN 60 nolse reduction Wlit. scaped µauu. 'J.'hrce yrs. old . T • V111t Us Soon At .-.
BLACKOUT LIGHTING Our Newest Location CSM studio monitor spier&. • hke 111·•· Locared m new ~E: 11 ~ .......................... ;;: · ........... ,. 11:, · •
Batter.1 yo .. crcd lighll> !.: 18191 LUclld, :·ounlain Valley Everything is new, under uuwt. pA. U>'l i:tY Lrom lll?lSY ,V'"ll} m,~7 : . .J."'"''"" ', ......... _ . .., .. -_ '"" 1 •'' • =~mJS:o~~~~Yt::\,~-1 Bllc.:~o55j~icgo F\vy -~~1o~~· ~· P.1u:_t se~·, .,·,~~~~;~·~mE~~ ·~.tie.1 '"'"';,;~~~~~~s -· ~~·
reserve o[ JXl'ver to be 1_;cd R ntal fr $5 CE TV SERVICE ·-.-r-ru.N· ~ <luring ~ .. " o"1•~s. "'""" e $ OID RI 'S : CAM BE SEEN AT · ~'O'l M -·•r't .,...... tMl"VI< t >
0f" •-oao--.., li 1 · , .. t:n } • """ a1.,.....-1 e • ........ ay optiouaJ light fi::tcres & ac· oi·r lel' Y .. t • ::ii tl'.' ,, -tr CRESTMONT l\tisslon \·i~jo tftk:K. .:.llli:::I ~~·-.:£ ~i:.s. Call Bill ~.lcLean e. Pia"°' & GJ:il)ds . * TV Specials * . ESTATES 831-IDID e 495-434!> '¥ a ALL MAJOR BRANDS ti~, ~eo:~r 1'V set:i .. ihile 1051 Site ._ir., tf~a. (Central USE AVERY f'\, y EXIT. S~~:~ ..... ';~vl .. z:.
STOVt: $15., nefrig St5., Used & rebwlt pianos also toey last .. Color from S65 Ave. across from Brea ---__ _
\Vasher $10 .. Car sea Is, Uprights trom , . . $69 uri, B & w from $.15 up. For Comm. Hosp.I Lot #46 ORANGE COUNTY'S J1m Stemons
lamps, loveseal, end table Spinets " ... , .. ,. . $145 =call: or s..16-6003 L'ON'l'AC'! RAY', PK. A1GR., OLDEST Imports ~rt"t~:irror. Call 543-181_1 Players :: · · · · · · ' -· · · ;995 · 1375 Logan Ave., CM f04' showmg. 0 (We're lop 01.1yer for
Grands • .. • .. · $395 Motor Homos ~OAL-FOR SALE-e O 22" Sylvania console blk & · USt!d filer,,;eaes lienz.J
:tor fireplace or pot bellied ALL ~OR BRANDS wht Iv. $100. Sale/Rent 940 . ~-lJO,L ~wul .
·,stoves. Hiett Bros Feed Co, Oplignn demo $195 Call S42-3n9. RENT A MOTOR HOME -New~~ach
. 1'135 \V, 5th St., $.A. 542.1293 Spinet new s1rJ '64 RCA color tv console. MINI HOME OR VAN Excellent selection of pre-J:;N'1'Jo;H. FlWAl l\lacAH.rttUH.
CALCULA T ORS $28.88 frH Organ Lessons In good V.'Orking cond. $85. CONVERSION, I.JJW AS $9 price re-evalua1ion models.
Pocket size. Free home Ph-,·1~ ;)57-483'1 546-3718• per Day & 6c per mile. DEMO $ALE
demo call the Blz::y Co. FULLERTON MUSIC ltESERVE YOURS TODAY SALE.>::.l..itv H •. ~-1.....,\SINC ;:,41o ...... ~i;Ll.I, .ti.i'1 / J: .,.,
l'dWV, ~ll:C• bwl l\.OJ•, , .. ._,,
d.J'1 .>Lt:t'i Ot:'il 1-,.ai. ... ,_,,, .,l>..ll ·eves: 645-2071. 122 N. 11~rbor. Fullerton JI 894-3341. uVERSEAS UC:LlVEJlY
POOl.S tbb, antlque·style, 871-1805 ''"to You S 25' Sleeps 6, Sell cont. $J!i0 ROY CARVER Inc
slate, 4x8. 5355. \Viii deliver hrs: Open Nij?:.ts 'ti! 9 \<ttk + 5c/nule, lOJ nilles :lJ4 • • 1 lb ' • --~-ji~· ~-ij·~·'ji'ijiij~jii~i~Saiil~'-i'tjiU-~Sj'.JO~iiJ ~·il-ii~t ... 2 ~1 $"00. free, weekend rates, .a:.. ' :::. •• o.lO"O ,__.., -.-inn,--•· mes,-... 55 444
-~-~--------.--~-~UJ41A1$ JVZTL IL¥U7 >1'·25' Motorhome, Superio<, CREVIER BMW
4-PC BEIGE sec t ion a I Llietime, Open Road & Sales e Service e Leasing ~;~ ~4 ~1982 ~~1 B of A/MC acpL 3)8 W. I.st., S.A. 835-3' 1!
absolut. lop concl, iussy care
iu1· ..U,INIJ l1ll, ~·
~lU '=====i· 'ti9 Atercedea Benz 230.
Luxury plus economy. P is,
Plb,air cond, .t"uily equip.
Like new, $'t!OO. 4!:14-35!S7
1969 S,;..ta Mini motor USED BMW'S '10 250,~ 4 DOOR, air leather,
I home, 46,<m mi • sleeps '73 3.0 CSA DEMO stick. Al\Ill-'M, P/s, 1-'/B,
htt lftd Suppln 6, scl!·contained. good cond, '70 2800 CS , 45,000 mi, 673--4550 o r "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiii;;;;;;',;;~ _$3950. 54G-5397 '71 BA VAR IA -7309 •
23' AIOTOR home like new. '69 2500 765 Ml:i~m=s.-a-u-to-, ~ai-,,
854 \Viii &ell or trade for local '70 2002 tape deck, etc. Beaul. rnus1
;;..;.::;;,. _____ ...;;."" real estate. Ross 962-2811/ '68 2002 se11. ~WW l"um. t'Vt.
For on i d in Wo,...n't V.orld e PUPPY WORLD e 962-4471. Cl°"" SWlda)·s t;<H;S!.>==o-c~-o~I
Call Miry Beth 642-5678, ext. 3~0 L'hihuahuas, Tiuy Poodles, e oale's Motor Home Rentals --=c "A"P'-R-1___ '67 MERCEDES Benz 200 Amer. Eskimo, Pit Bulls, '73 23-26' M.H. & Minis sedan. newly r e bull t ,
For Outd-Men! BOoulbel TcrriSerh, Cockoapooch,. Freel 'lmiles T9 til 91, 838--0900945 ,;:nCAf,·-RJ-a_u_lom_ati_'c_:l<JOO_ .. , erooomlca!M~G
nnan, epherd, a · I r11 era. rne 16 000 miles Best otter over Leaders Look!
r 1
shund. lOU MIXED PUPS.! ·-• ·
Stud "'--·Ire Most Breeds. CAMPER Trailer. Must sell $2000. 673-3655 ~ v 1912 MGB Conv. White w/
Open Bves: 531-5027 Must be seen to appreciate DATSUN browu int Uke new ,
SPRlNGER Spaniei. Fml. 1 Best oUer. B3l-OOST . . AM/l-'P.1. 7400 ml. 27mpg.
mo. Papers/shots. AKC. Auto Service, Perts 949 '74 DATSUN 260Z's In Stock· $b(JO, 900-2315
Ll\'er/wht. Lovable. Cd Ready to Roll. During the 197 G MIDGET
w/kids $65. 646-9157 j l\1AG wheels + tires, for next 3 years or Jess, lease 1 M
· V.W 4 lug pattern. Low a different one every 12, 36,luJ
4 CERAt. Shep. puppies . mileage, ~7989 24, or 36 months Revolvlng l ----c~~---1
Purebred, oo papeni. $10. 1956 CHEVY 4 door body Le.,. Back. Alway• !he MGB
Good home only. 963-6939 & fram Xlnt oond $300 thrill of a new car. No
aft 6pm. (No Mo~r). 5e78S5. · Money Down makes It easy l---------
Springer pups, AKC, field, · to upgrade yourseU in car. '64 f.1GB wloverdrive, new
show, pet. 6 Wkl. "all Start.with a Pinto, end with engine new top, new ~ §] M E -"'" interior. 494-75TI 645-6365. • 1 = a et'Ced... '"'1wlge •~•
DOG obedience class to start Wei forW. .-. before you put on high OPl:L miles, rates include main-1 ___ ...:,._;::.. ___ I
in the Newport-Inrine" area. iiii•1I tenance--savlng no penaJty 546-4928 leases tor high mileage '69 OPEL Kadett
3 MAI;£ AKC lrlSh Setter drivers. ])omesUcs and im· mechanically, but nc«ls
12 ..... ho Sa paint. Very eoonomical.. pups, w...,,, s ts, c s available. Get rid of ti'fJ-l8l3 af t6 PAI e~I1'7 Jl.t.B~ cu-t.oday•+:==-:;,;;..;:,,;.;;;,,,..,..-.+
tra e. Street legal, xlnt without taking anY more big PEiJGEOT
cond, top & side CUr:.'...ins. ~do!Hhar I loss5 s· 6 Coals 171 Mr.
$900. 496-2981. '9':~. -or NEW PEUGEOT
842-5ll5 DATSUN, TOYOTA Complete Sai.es and Service.
· " ,_ .. 8_5 • •71 ~RD ~ton SP.!•· ~+ OR . VOLKSWAGEN ~~.1f~e;jj!G.l
• -M: .. party hu 'aiG ~~i:ie~~$2ioo. ~~ •-
BARGAIN on complete tank 892-1832 KENT ALLEN, 54()-0442. IMPORTS
PEUGEOT /SUBARU ~~·ca1 fish set. up! . CORTINA
'73 ' 4 WHL drive, Ford 15.'.>7 \¥ • .L.incoJn Ave.,
I cH;.:o.:;r'"=-----,;;8;:S6;: % T Pick up, XLT int. '69 CORTINA. Good condl· Anaheim· 533-8220
HORSE' __ , 5 many xtras. Orig price lion. Good "81 mileage:. PORSCHE "'" ~e, yn young, $7,:!00. Mal<e offer •~ ~13 979-3100 or 557-7511. --------
B. tull of perM>nallty. Needs -a;iu-J>J /...,, n lots of Jove & exercbt. call 1,:aJC'\,:06°'&=w"'knd=°'s"'. ~~-~ FIAT v1 ..... M 49:1-1558 '73 CHEV. P. U. 350, 1uto. ----·----
lle'll wear and wear and THOROUGHBRED Hunter 8:'11/fm, air cond, p/I, p/b, "72 124 Sport Cpe. Yellow,
1971 9ll1' $-speed, I th r
interior. Fact. air, AM/FM
stereo, Immac co n d ,
673--0360 days
6-20 9203~
enjoy this handsome jacket: far sale, ex p'd r iders only. tilt whl, camper window. -AM/FM stereo, mags, xlnt
, For outdoor men _ this Call 646-5844 Pvt party. $3250. 968-8801. oond. $3000. 675-8140.
l bulky, belted jacket with '72 FORD Pick 'up, lo JENSEN
t.., 11T1o11i .... 11Tc..1' ...
This slc.'1lk pantsuit Is the
Girl Scout Leaders' Official
Pattern! So good-looking, you
don 't have to be a Girl Scout
to weer It! ltas loll or dash
in checked polyester, too.
Printed Pattern 9 2 0 3 :
l\1isscs' Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12,
: 4, 16, 18, 20, \Vomen's 40,
• 42, 44.
for each pattern -add 25
cents for each pattern for
Air Alai! and Special H11nd·
Ung; otherwise third-class
delivery will take three
.. •eek! or more. Send to
'h1arian Martin. lhe DAILY
PIWT, 442., Pattem Dept.,
232 Wnt 1 ~ St., New
York, N.Y 0011 . Pr In I
Ztl', SIZE and STYLE J<IJMllEa:-,....
SEE ~ORE Qui c k
.. Fashions and dKlOSI!' one pattern tree trom our
Sprtng-SU:rnmer Catalog. All
sJ.M ! Only !IOc.
M!W todq, WV tomon"0"1.
JliNsrANT F AS lllON
BOOK -Hundnds of
deep shawl collar. big II~ I mileage, a/c, tool box.,,, ___ :..::;,. _ _;,;,,;:.. __
pockets,. buttoned c uffs. discounted tor quick sale.•'"
Crochet of tv«o strands ;:586-::;:.:288l::='--~---JENSEN
knitting \\"Orsted. Pattern 1971 Ford % ton pickup. INTERCEPTOR
TI84: sizes 3£..42 included. Good condition $1 7 0 0 . Large Selection
SEVENTY-YIVE CENTS Bolts, Gener1I 900 642-ll3T alter S:30PM ' Of Colors
for each pattern -add 25 --Immediate Dellvery cent. for each pattern for ALL BOATERS '73 FORD II pickup, auto. FUIL SERVICE
Air i\1ail and Special Han-tran1. air, 3,<XX> mi. $3,250 DEPARTM.i:NT dling: otherwise third-class A TIENTION! o< beat offer 831-1743 eve.
delivery will lake three Basic Boating Coune , . '55 DODGE Panel. 4 good
weeks or more. Send to in 1 snow tires. $200.
Alice Brooks, the DAILY seamanship & boat handling e :>14-3417 •
IMPORTS ', PILOT. l()j, Needlecraft by Vina 963 ~~n~~· ~~~ Hl Beach Power Squadron .:.:C~-----...:.;:;;1 3100 \','. C"rr•!: "t ')'., N.B.
lOOU. Print Name, AcldreM, s tarts '67 OOOCE van. Vinyl lnt, 6ft .. M05
Zip. Pallern Number. Januaiy-29th at 1 pm nu cpts •. c.nn mags, nu tires, --~~=;...,.. __ ~~._~1D LknE1,CRAFTt elc Free"l2! Marina Hi¢. School & ~olfr~~~ to sell nt best MAZDA
1.-n.IUJC ' ' • Val'-· HI•• I ' di""~ 50c, · Ft. _, ~· Schoo '70 DODGE St,,. Van, Ideal SEE THE ALL NEW
lruitut Macrame Book. A gre&t opportunity ror tor truck peddler, Iockable
Basie, fl\nC;Y knoll, pat· all boaUng enthWilasts storage area, xint oond, RX4
'"""'· 11.00 8,ooo octua1 m1. 540-1910 1.-DIATE """ Cnch« -_ lnlonnatlon (714) 9611-iJ.l!M ..,_ Learn by picturotl Pal-CREW for _.,. boot lo '73 GMC Van,16 cyl, Tac0ma DEUVERY
1ems. $1.00. La Pu, J.texlco. Experience whls, 5500 m ., Excel 'COfld, ~ lutanl Gltt Booll: neceu&ry. Spanish speaking $3.'m or ofr. 5.16-364T '73 nrun c· r•RANCE -more than 100 gfl[t -detb'able, 'm-J.!01 e v e , ~9 CHEVY Van, auto, 'JITI, UUllll Ull
$1.00. • 5~JM8 V-8.-air, map, panelin&, 1 Qomplel• AfahAa Book -;:.Boo= .. ::.::,p~0-W-.,----lots more! 11800. 518-317'(. NOW IN PROGRESS
11.00. . • ., ll,06 '65 000,.. Panel Truck lllanl SAVE $$$
II JlffJ Rq Boob • 50c. 6 I U S. "-rr.-ol 11 Prble Mrtwn. sr ~·~~ :1:: .. ~ ~.i::·~~ Mf.,,,.
ctaUI -1 • 16 pattorns. Xlnt """" 1795. 833-0729 Auto1 Wt-fii ~. ---· !iOc, a11" sp,., E I '
Haw iOIUZI IFC JV'l want to ..Uf Clllllflod otlo do
M-.n Qunt Boot t -Think of what you no longer CASH FOR. SOc. • netd, mike a list. then eell YOUR CAR 2001 E, Ftnf St., SMta Ar.a ~ for "J'Gday·~ Lkiq -ll10IO ltetnJ with a Daily 54rr1070 SM-1811
15" btauti!ul patte:ml, SOC:. Pilot Cluaifted Ad! Call The fMtewt draw tn the Wttt. Dally Pilot WfJIC Ads blve
.1 ..... --------------~I~. , , .a IJolly Pilot Cl ... l!led barplnt plore.
.......... --
'69 RENAULT 4 spd, Rill, 32 MPG. 16111l.
647-9879 --T~OYO-:,,T~A--1
Nt'.l\V Mollels • Ne\v Colors at
.Dt41l ltmU
1966 Hlllbor, C.¥.. 646-9303
Auto1, Imported 910 A•1to1, UMd HO
KENT ALLEN. 54<>0442 .
'68 Corvette, .&o ml'•· P/1,
plb, am/fm rad. U to
make oft.~.
'73 V.\V. Karmann Ghia cpe. 1972 Co""ar XST. Loeded,
Like new. AM·FM: w•w's, .... Only 9,000 ml., orig owner clean, low ~age. $3650.
13.300. 645-3455 --~"='-;:;.o'-=--
'1') VW, auto, Faotbacl<, like DODGE new. BeautUUI. Bargain __ _;:;..::.;:.,;;;.:_, __ I
$1600! Lo mi. Pvt. 64-HSIS
=54 VW, sunrool, .gd oond,
30 MPG, $800 or bst ottr
before 2-1·14. 962-0457 afl 6.
VW Bus, beige, 3 mo. old
perfect oond. long warranty.
491-15~ 5-7 pm. 00 vw-.Utonw=-u~ .• -. ~R/~H-,
asking SllOO.
1213) SQZ-29'17
Immediate Delivery
On A11 Model:
1m DODG£ en,.1'M)Od 1ta·
tlon wqon. Power ''eerlng
& .bfake11, air cond. AMM1
radio, lugitai:e rack. tilt
11teering \.Vhee:I, only JS,000
miles. like new. 6f4..4887
'70 DODGE Intermed 440 4
DR many xtraa vinyl air
pa It brks. A.lt!IFM orla
O\\'n. $1400 644--0662 Of'
~t:_.i _!I~ C.M. 646-~ Only 31,800 locally driven
1972 Sta. Wag, Auto trans. miles.
a/cond, am/fm. $4350. cau Cruisomatlc trans.,
673-4303 eves. Pm\.'er 1teerl.ng
'12 VOLVO l64E auto trans., Powef disc brake•
air, AM/FM k in superb Power windows
condition! 831-2040 Dfr. AM·FM stereo
990 Brand New While walls A,utos, Used Selectaire Air Conditioning
·AMC Dark Green Metallic with
Black Knitted vinyl inter.
Absolute Showroom Condition
'70 Javelin SST. P /b, p/s, $2295
auto, air, $1650. C& 11 SEE AT
--------1 330 West Bay, Costa Mesa
'73 Riviera 13,000 +miles all
extras, excel cond, best
offer. Call after 6 pm
Executive &
,Cpe. DeViDes,
l:IDorados and
Cill Margaret Greenman
• 642-1321 .
tm FORD Country Sedan
Wagon. P/s, P/b, air. Low
miles. Good cond. Sacrltice
$2900. Private p a r t y .
'72 FORD P.U. V-3, auto,
AIC, P/8, P/S, cab high
camper shell. 30K ml. A.a
new cond. $2815. 66-TI.22
'67 Ford,6 cyl 3 s pd. Low
mileage. Reliability + eoon·
om,y. $350, 494-3587.
"10 LTD. V-8 auto, 2 dr.
vinyl top. air, Fine cond.
$1350. 496-2401.
Seel. DeVilles TORINO ·n. Shlll'P cond.,
JO TO CHOOSE FROM clean int. gd. tires. Forced ALL ?.1 ---to-"ll-at.-t.t.otltt-646-2126.-
SERVICED AND 1969 FORD Wagon Call after
f.tAINTAINED 5. pm, air condition, ndio.
All L-Mileage ~548-o:IS7~=------All Fully Equipped FORD, '70 Galmde :!00, oJc,
tSer. 2~T;,90) as low as p/s, p/b, v~ top
$5888 $950 • 833-8246
r· ., ~ . .. . ·-.,. . t· ~ ' ~ ,, •,' '/' ~ ' ,/.' . . .
-• •t " ',, "~' ...
'72 A1A VERJCK, VS, alr
cond, PIS, Radials titts,
de1Wii6. iol... Nii baJlu. A
shocks, Jess than 30,000 mi.
$2700. 673-1839.
'68 CAD. E I do rad o, 1967 FASTBACK
Q)ocolate, Dream ca r . I ow mileage, mech excellent.
Loo.ded, Will take smaller New paint Mags &: Mlckl!'y
car for equity. 979-9165 Thompson tln-s. Ah shocks.
'69 DeVillc, leather, spilt Mmt see to apprttiate.
scats, stereo, Sentinal, ,~;;:!ak=:e.,;0:::":::"::.· ::.5's.=:11>!3=·--
ADJ . Steer. $1950 Nancy '73 MAot L P\\•r stering,
540-1006. front disc brakes, A?if/FM
'64 CAD, make offer
parU. could be fixed.
&U-2221 or ~9666
for stereo radio. folding back
seat. Many extras. Bst o!r.
• 546-3367 •
PDB, air, new ttres A
CM1ARO -'10, air, P/S, brakes. $1495 or best offer. Call Peggy at 646-6610 after ~uto
tram, R&Hood .mllMlch. Spm. ures. ean, g eaa;e .. ~--------551·9491:=-~~~~ OLDSMOBILE
'10 Camaro, 307 eng. $1500. ---------1
i · Sales a. SP:'v\ce
'73 CAMARO LT, $400 & take
over payments.
'68 CA'.MARO, 8 cyl. R&H,
auto, Fine economy car,
$900 cash. 545-0529 •
UNIVERSnY OLDS 2850 11artocrmw.
Costa Ml!'M 541)..tMO
. .. .
1973 PINTO Runabout, air,
radio, deluxe int.. auto,
des perate, Sl0-8840;
Pinto Wag, '72. AJC, Kttal
gal llfl, $2-GO
' I
' AtUST SACRIFlL'li.:. '69 OieV
Impala 2 dr hardt.Qp . .custom
coupe, automatic tra.nll floor shift, strato bucket eeals,
power steering. · Vin)'l roof
air cond Red with white
top. 644-4687"7-==-~
'65 IMPALA SS. XUii'
good economy &
traMportatiotl.-$350. w best
''lf PINTO, Must tell, Blue
w/Blk htL 34,000 nU. auto, 4
673-900l or 640-3487 CdM.
oUer. 962-3429. 1 PLYMOUTH
ATLAS :i912 El cim!no"Conqulsta"
Every avail !act. option. In
pcrf cond. Asking $3100 ar
bsl offe<. Call Paul 49Z-0682 Chryilor I Plymouth
66CH'Ev P.U. ~i ton Oeet Open Dally & SUn. 'tU 10 PAI
be<1 Auto, AIC, V-8, Vogue 2929 Harbor Blvd.,
tlre11. New front brks, gd Costa Mesa
'°'°!!'.$890' 64;.7!22 54L1934 i.964 CHEVELLE M:~allb"""u-c, 286"° -~~=~""-----! engine, Xln1 me&anl~al 1912 FURY nt 4 dr, air,
Cil>nd. S2'l5 best offer, P IS, P/B. Orig, owntt •
642·2389 21.000 ml. $19ll0. 6~709-
'72 roWNs1sta wag. Ult• P LYMoUfu-
.1 ... IU .... , .. C, sLocks, $25!£), ,..
pvl pty.!_644-.!3ll 1 9 1 0 PLYMOUTH
At~OIANICS Ideal, 1961 RoadruhflerSI-1 00 .·
Chevy Station Wagon, $100. Semkhopped 450 ~
548-523.l $1'!11. Coll 492-3735
'68 CHEVY Malibu. Good "l\J Dllm'ER, Good cont!, V·
condlUon. Best o I t e r a. auto trans. See. ao
-1873 ·~"'· S-132J
COMET, nimlnc cond, "12 T-BIRO Landau, new Un
Needs thoe'I A tune-up. A ma& wh!s, full pwr. Make
$106./b&t olt 91!8-3724 • ofter. M&-1313
'72 t'ON111100AL MARI< "B VEGA F..tate war ....
'V w"ilte w/wh1te let.tbt.--r cond, 6,CMX> ml, on ftlTlnty,
Int. Fully equip, In C 1. $290l1 557-«161 ,
AM/FM ........ ,_ mil Kim' TliE001 rolll OF
Jn mint cond. $1800 . ROUND WASTE BASD<TS
44Hta. • JI llll """"' cltan 1'y pll<ing a paper
499-2256. plat• In the bottom of the
Ha~ wtnkr .war you have buHL Turn idle ttfms but
outgrown? Sell n Wt with cuh ... •tth a _ I?a!lx_ PUot
1 Dt0y Pllot Clutitled Ad! Claalltled Ad ..........
• •
. I
'l'eday's Final
EDITION N.Y. Stocks ..
CUSD Superintendent Proposes Tax Override
. '
. By JOHN VALTERZA among trustees might come by the Unless the ovenide passes, Benedict almost a million dollars in e:11:tra income . ~ilcreby the district can increase il~ increases in assessed valuat ion could
~ .. Deltr.,....";~"'~"~lfdi~lry--IDl!!!\l·ddl~e~o~f~ne~x~t~mon~lli~.fi!Cir.lii!iicailooar-1sa~~~~llie~~dis~·tri~ct~'s'c;im!i11'~~·~t~ca~sh~--Ji:~;;f/:,~a~~~£1!:~-f.;~~~w~·~-t!:~l'!iJ&.Jbll..ll!~LllLIM...&ll&mill<J!.....~~~~~~~~s~ur[J:ll!esLi!inLm~·~stnrigct~---:~ -~·~·'New-state1lg111illm"'!W"CUt SO deep a ucat reserves · t be cut in and be committed immediately for the hiring he added. income \vere common.
"into the poteou81 income of the programs appear beaded for damage hundreds of thousands of dollars in cuts of perhaps 26 new teachers to eope If no override were to be proposed But the new laws set 1 limit on
C8pl.strano Unihed School 'District that unless the district can find some way would· be necessary to balance tbe with an anticipated 70()..pupil increase or if a scheduled one failed -the ainount of cash a district can spend .~ summer tax overrkle appears the to make up for the revenue loss imposed budget. when schools open next fall. the school tax rate next fiscal year on each child.
only solution, Supt. Trwnan Benedict by Senate BiU 90. "The legislation might be fine for "We have obligations to our et;nployes would · drop by about 34 c e.n ts, And if assessed valuation soars this ~d trustees Monday. The tu-reform measure sets a limit districts not faced with heavy powth, and to the children in this district and, administrators told trustees. year, the dis trjct. by law, must lower ,~though board mem~s took no to the district's income and that celling, but in our case, where heavy growl}t ftankly, ij is difficult for . us to face In the days before the legislation, its tax rate to meet the state-Imposed ~~~s~~~on ~en~~!~de~gr~ e o; ~~~~yiact~r :~ch l~~ec~~i: ~~r ~!~~~1J~ law provides nothing anXn al~~::t~::" =ic~~~~ters to ::~~~~~~~:.inancial picture would have ce~~~d conversation on the idea • dwelt
appeared in support of the plan. a vote finances. Although the district plans to receive approve by simple majority. a plan Before the tax reform w.as passed, (See OVERRJDE1 Page %) • •
Blackfin • Owner
• -1n Airplane
DMV . Offices 158 IJ.nlts
San Clemente Open Saturda;·
All Depaitment of Motor Vehicles
offices will be open from I a.m.
to 1 p.m. Saturday for the
~ ----. .
Four .Others
convenience of drivers who want ·· o · F1 ° ht Ak to renew their 11114 vehicle • n . _ .1g ro1· ect-v--~a=y~e=.~d·--·-::5'1~~~/-m~-~-s _:_-:_1 ,~~~~I~'---~
d-~nt wl~ -·'ties ls By .AIMON· LOCKABEY ~...-~ ......... Of .. .,, P;tltt ....
Feb. I. Air and gtouDjl oearch parties were
BJ' CANDACE PEAllSO!'I bY, the Soulb Cout Rtgimal 7.one ocourinJ 1 w~e area· of Sooithem utah °'., ---· Conservation C4mmlsslon, the Zill .today for a twin-engine· plane lliat
The. -portion ., • three plwe. Corporatloa projeet bad --D . 1 8. ~:durilll •·-Sunday nl&!>t
719....it development pi.-in cine 16 fnlm irl .-.;,.1n11.., untta lo 111 unl11. ~ . 008t' Jill '1 IUCliffrilln l!ligle, Colo.,cto Oatlinil. ~ ~-~·~·~~ Zl)l's ,;;q...i ·1o bulld the mill on ·OW!lft q,l'ilot'.af the··plan·e, 1·
approva ioin ~ ca..ino lllra Colla .. t ol Comlao s ks hr..,....,. Bnebaalt, was llstod· as cooatal com.-nlulGo _,. , c1e Estrena ... delayed 1ao1 _......., 111>.r Move ltl!D DOM.,..., ... FrincllcO;wktely
By the limo Ii was grllXed a permit J10JDO -objected lo Ill r-knowii larid cloveloper and .builder ·and
density ol 9.! units an acre. internsUooally llnown yachtsman.
Zita officlala -·working with the rro Cut Walks De Meuse la kpown in Newport Beach Allison Development Company and i 1 and other Southland areas . u · owner·
Robert H. Grant Corp. -had already skipper of llie '/$-foot ketch Blacklin
cut down their propooal to 173 units. · Strani indications lliat the 10le M_,,_ which has eompeted in virtually every
But Alllaon's 359-unlt slnile family """"""' long distance race in the world.
townhouae projeet and Grant'• 202-ol dleael luel to. the Clpistrano Unified Positive ldenUllcation ef the live
coodom!nlum uoit.t bad lower densltlea School DI.strict will i-t Its allocat!om OCCUJ>IUll.t of llie plane were not llnown
of 7.1 unlt.t per aero. prompled -.ir.tora Monday to ask but frleida of De Meuse in Ne.,P.rt
The three dovelopen worted logellier, trustees lo aborlen walking distances Beach said be bad ·been in Colorado
m-g the first limo IUch coonlination once again for thousands of district oo a aiding trip wllli hia 19-year-old
of aeparate project! bad been seen on children. aon, s..Grepry De Meuse, hia daughter
the regional commlsa:ion level, on Sbarnlb, • about 16, and t b .r: e e other
planning n>ads, bicycle trails and a But llie board cboso "' wait a· week peraoos.
3 • • before -·""" a final decision on the Ofbe · De M '• party .iracre par.... ·~ rs , 01 euse were
Willi the Zill niductlon In the prJlposal, proposed easing of the• bun!@ oa district bell~ved. to lie Gilbert Radzat, 34, senior
about .4 """"' will be addod ~to llie ,younpten. ' · · vice pm!dent of the Union Bank , in
S~lng -Th~ Sun ' . .
This young musician found a pl.easing way to sample some rare sun-
shine·-· the first of many days along the Orange Coast. He brought
his. guitar to the rocks of Dana Harbor's west jetty for a private
serenade. Mon~y's low afternoOn tides made for .some dry picking.
--park:-The-developen also have lo pay -Sinre··Jan,--7 ·the children have had San Francisco, and John Parks,-~ne --;-
. ::. per dwelling unit to a cily park ~ ~. !:..i~~m:t°~v':.a1 to.!: ':uer:". M~'s attorneys' and Parks'._ l\'Jf O.»fo Jo Uoftft ~m11.ggle Qln_ '
e pro1ects are Jy bounded by c s fi'Om the seecncratt Diike itt&.U.. U.U. U U. ~IIJJ'.----t
the, San Diego Freeway on the northeast, calls from concerned parents. . wu ~iVed at 7:15 ,P.m. Swklay when
Capis\rapo Beach Community a.un:11 on Supt. Truman· Benedict stressed that llie pilot radioed be bad been hit by
the northwest and open apace to the if the district's Jocations of bus fuel a sudden storm, was icing badJy and s h d o c
west ·and IOUth. !ro.m the Un!On Oil ·eompany steadily .losln8 altitude. ' · ·mas e on range oas· t Mel carpenter commlaalon erecuUv. increase, llie first area of priority would A Federal Aviation Administration · . ·dlr~r, -M..c!ay lliat re be llie •primary gradea where amall officer said the plane went out of radar ·
-. _-·. ~:;::::-· . -· "id' ·~~r~i~ .. ..-~?-~~;;;i;;_ ::!!ii· ""' >;::;!!IB:;:ys:.lA~i:K~CHAP~~-C'.:P::ELC:::. ~,,,.,,,,.,,,,,.J · Alan ~\;~. ~~fo llivera .,... :.e:·~t u:1~W:, acre and average tbe H~e ~added that in at-iwt one high 111e spokesman, .Bob Glascoci:: of the °' ""' ~u., ttu11 '''" arrested by agents in Los Angeles and
DellrNlt ............
The d.;,elope~ also have to sign an ~~,!'.!'a, lo the northerly FAA general avlatloo d~trict office, Salt Fede¢ aulliorities said today lliey has been released on !>,000 personal
agreement with the C&..J .. i--Be ch ..,_,_.:"".e co,_., O!-Shorecliffs, the ~lee City, said the plane was . on 3 have_ smashed a mai·or marii·uana r......ani·u1nce bond. . . .....,_ a ~s might roll agam aoon because Dfght plan from Eagle, Colo., to Las ---~-rrutary District to replace Jbout 2,000 pupils there mUat negotiate the muddy Vegas . It was -feturning to California smuggling ring, an organization tied to Those arrested were named In a
• --::DUD AT 61 -• ~ of , deterionttng eewer Jlne, which stretches of El CaminO Real to attend from a skiing trip. lmRQrtatiop of· tons or marijuana, and Federal grand jury indictment from
(See UNITS,, Pap Z) (See ALLOCATION, Paa I) Glucoct said the plane~s .number was . the death of a Laguna Beach man last Nevada, where in Las Vegas in April
MUilclan Waahliurno -
~1 and' u · ol aix months ago was fall tD oa'na Point. 1973, a car laden with 750 pounds of Wiuhburne Dies
Jn N~ort; .Tflp
ff usic Composer
• -~ 'lilU!a as .Qwnecfby Ptratt Land Company The alleged ring wertedly smuggled marijuana was stopped and two penoru:, P In R stud of" San Francisco. This is tbe name the illicit weed in boats, unloaded . it George Vasbinder of Stockton and Chillys . nners. . esuqi. e y ~~n~'st.c!ca:i1 ::.:.opm.w:t ~ In ,Dana .Point and Newport Har~~~ Safl~s~~~t~~n~:a :::;~today
--e then sh!pped it to major cities in un::1 f La y "·t Ibis ct! Initiated · · · · · flown . wllli De· Meuse -De Meuse st . rom • egas uw a on -~p~ ; suil ·'owned the plane · ealt 'was during an,InvesUgation of the the investigation Which then traced.
• •
Qf Condominium ·1nns M::-:ii.::·~~.:;l~yi:,d:;ia::.:: :~t.lln~. ~~v;:\ .. Ho~tst~,:~ (See SMUGGLING, P•1• I)
unaware·of a mlsslni plane. . Beach Qed a federal . agent attempting 0 C.ut , 1 Joe !'Country". W 11.b burn e, a
compoeer~musician whose -ca r e0e r ~ l!ralcbed batk to the 193111 dieil Monday San Clemenlo Plannlnc Commluloners edneoday will mwne dellberaUoo on in Newport Beach of an apparent heart a '.17...U. candomlnlum project proposed a.ttack . He was aa. ... •
• Washbunie wrote "Cloe 0oun ._.. ll!>Of the 11111 folrway of the Shon!clills
fnd "Oh Mona" and was a singer. Golf Courie. ,
mU1lclan on &Orne of the nation'• tnost 1110 _pW!s, delayed two w..U ago
-1ar .adio 1how1 during llJo 1il0s to •"9w-~ of an envlmunental
llod 40&. lp1pact report call for the development
The R!tired muaidao ,... admitted ol a ft,....,. porcel an lllld requiring
lb Hoag Memorial HoePltal iate Mcmday. aew Dlbg llGl1h ol citle Vallarta. The
'lie med lo llie holpltal emergency room COnlb' IDlornltlllilal Ctlrp. Is llie
It •:ti! p.m., olfEtala -· • deftloper. , . ,
' I Tbe 0nnp County Cotoller'I ollloo ~n beard ...... testimony·
'fl!d Wub!Jumo bad I prior hillory from do¥e1open II the la&t Miilon,
of heart tn>ublo. . but ti query from ..,. member .of the
Waahburne lived oa Balboa lllaod lo Jllll0(.111. the ~ pnctlees 11!1 lli<Y 0 )'ftwpm't Beach unlll I bout I year qo. ....le lo Ibo Qootllle Aarqote Prod:
' Bit followlog the death ol !Iii 1!lfe ucts plat llolled· a llnafdeilaloo. ·
• J'eanle-;De moved to a trailer park Deveiopen agreed lo laclude data on
, jn Santa Ana, !!IOI S. Fairview Road, the Cn!lflte 1-and the dull problem
........ he lived •Ione. in the ··-Ill report. • Servlm for Wuhbume will be held In ·~ ....,.le ICllano -Id
'll:uroday at % p.m. In tbe. cMpel of be req"""" -. 1 -....... 1 me
Pacific View Memorial Park, Newport permit to allow the ..,. lnwnhoulel,
Btoch. · an ..m-tel report llJlllOVal and
-"He WU I -rlul -nally ICcet)lanCe ol I tenllllft tract map. ~" ~ Andy 0.Ylnt ol The Condor project WU tXle ol. ....,.,
(lie COONTllY, ..__ I) 1111jor ............ ts bold over for ) .•. .
I >
Wednosdaflaesslon. •
Extensive plans for conversion of the
old city yards inlo a specialty .. bop and
restaurant complei: also will be taken
up at Wednelday's session.
Ei:tensm plans for cooversk>rr of the
old city yarda int<> a lpec!alty·shop
1'SlaUrint""<0mplex alacr will be taken
up at Wednesday 's session.
COmliilaalooers cboso IA> delay . I decialon
IWo -ago "' allow the traffic-
"""'"" -to peruse the plans. Other llellll on the -·s
agmda for the 7:st p.m. -ion include:
-A -and -permit lo allow the illltallatJoa of 'I -in dalrJ at
I die cumotlJ. -II a oervice lltatlpn lit tit. s. 111 . 'Cimino Reil. Blcm.,d
PnbleJ1 Ille llllltiant
-A ftqueit'fclr 1 ,U1e pennit to allow . the UIO ol if nlldentlal lot for I
<.'OIDR*dl1 •bufldloi at 111% Avenlda
Lucia. i11J Cllllpbel[ Is tbe appllelnt.
-Appronl ol a ..,,taUve tnct map
calling for -of • -oa Ill.I acra· ~ly ot Camino
di lol -. 'nle Sturjevant eel
Gorlwn DevelDpnOnl ""'1P"DY Is the
"There Is one: down. We are sure to serve a ltdoral grand Jliry aubpoena range
of that," ~ plaacock. and fell head flrSt from a Dana Point
. lleavy ...,, in llie area of Southern CUI! ·in late October. The -fall was fatal.
Utah hampered llie search for llie plane, Federal and . local narcotlca agents
even Wt.th a fleet of snowmobiles and arrested lhree south coast ·men lofonday
tractors. Search planes •were · having morning; and a Pico Rivera man
trouble geUlni oil llie ground beca""' Monday aftemoon. Othen were arrested
of low ceilings. in San Francisco and O.:troit.
De Meuae, U. first became bitten by Federal agents 1"!'11 the D r u g
the yaditlng bug in 11165, wbeo ho Enforcement Administration alleged that
purchaled the 13-foot lcbooner Serena Herman w. Landt, 33, of 34567 Scenic
and uiled inrthe Newport to Entenada Dtive, Dana Point, was the leader of
race. llie .marijuana smuggllni operation.
He WIS arraigned Monday tie.fore U.S.
Maglatrate Ralph Geflin in lM Angeles
and relteaed on a i&,000 -. agenls
said. . Acetao ll!lid char"" against Landt
ll'Cluded werted s mu g g II n g of
morijuaoa and continuing to eng.,. m
1 criminal eaterprlse. The last cbarge
carries' a m•ndatocy IO years lo' life
se:nttnce, if conviction 1follows. 1
Also. 'armted """ Ephriahl !Jolvan, ti, of SHI$ S. Coast !Ughway lil South
Laguna and David L. Lincoln, 211. of
472 !Ull ~ Laguna Beach. Both were
still In cualody of the Los Angoies U.S.
Manllll today ney~face....marijuana
amuallna charges.
• ,
It'll be fair aod wanner We<lnes-
day , according to the wire serv~
Ices, with high.> In the low ros
inland and in the mid-60s along
tho beaches. Lows tonight In llie
upper 40s. .
No karate or ku11g fu for
~lickey Spillane. Hb htro, Mike
Ham1ner. stilt blasti the bad
guys with a .45. Tht world11
top uUi11g author is inttr·
~viewed_ an Page 7 todat1.~
L. M. .. ,, t
C•ll1«11NI S
(lhllfltlll Mott C...-ilu lt C.-4 It Dl9fll flletlcM 11
lfhrt• ''" I 1111~\LU
fllMMt 1).11 .,._ . .... __ ,,
_AMiu..n 1
"""""'' ,.... 11 .... ~....., .. ,,
Or._. CW!ltv II
IYh'I•......, 11 IMm · Jl)<n
1"1dl ~· , .. ,; ,............ ll _.... .. ·-. ................ 11·11 ..,..__....,. .. 11
• •
2 DAIL V PILOT SC Tutsday, Jan1.1ary 22, 11:174
Vet.eran .County Aviator 'Fortunat.e' To Find Lawyer By GEORGE LEIDAL
01 Ill• 01ur '""'' $t1ff
"When I lalked lo him last night
he was a guy with a Jump on his
head and a bandage lying there tired
and disgusted, alert but tired."
The guy was Frank Tallman, 53, of
Newport Beach. He was hospit alized in
Golden State Memorial Hospital not fa r
from the ....... o/ a Cl'l8ll of h~ replica
Nieuport 28 World War I era biplane.
Frank Pine, general manager of
Tallm:intz Aviation Company based at ·
Orange County, said today, ';he was
Talln1an, co-founder of the fjrm which
offers precision flying srices to film
plus plane in a riverbed r.ear Newhall.
Silver .Sal1.,ion Placed
Pine lllld the vetene •'vi4tor WU
landing )he plane wblcb bu been. uoed
for the past four monlhs In the lllmlng • • •• or "The Great Waldo Pepper." ..._
The movie, a tarring Robert Redford .By JOANNE llEY.NQLDS eligible .19 r•i:e. IY..• aid from. th .. e_ nubl,fc .
and Bo Svenson·, ·ts about 'barT!StOrm.liig °' t11t o.ur ,111t ,,.., c'4fender. . . _£ -
-tbe death-defying living made by Daniel Ayers, the man aceu~ with According to hil atatement, .Ayers,
young pilots of the 19'l0s who flew about Eloise Popeil of a plot to murder her a property owner, potentially bat the
in surplus World War J planes, Pines wealthy husband, today cooUnues his
explained. long and aP,Parently frustrating aearch money to· hire an attorney but becall!e
AB Tallman was landing "a control for an attorney. · of his confinement he hi! nOt' been
bro ke and left him with no control Ayers has been be_hi_nd bars sinee able to "put his affairs in order" and
of the plane. He lost his rudder and his arrest two weeks ago along with raise the money to hire counsel.
the pedal broke," Pine said. Mrs. Popeil in her bayfront. home in Judge Litwin granted a three-day It is the kind of accident people who N t B h 1---.;_-----------------------------make-theiF-living-atuat-nying-leam-tto--ll~-t--+--I-~ ewpor -...:...fntlreitranged-Wtfe-COiitinuance™.ln the bearjng_.aandll4..1'lsa1a1u11 o<1.. __
I R • p dl live, or die, wtlh. of k!ichen giidget mlllimalre Samuel a court order that Ayon be lflowed n iver at en eton Tallman's partner, Paul Mantz, died Popeil of Chioago, bas beeg free since four phone calls IJWll 1"" Anieles
in 1965 in a plane crash c:lurlng the Jan. 12 when her attorneys p>&ted. the County Jail .so that he ~ find an
A quiet, closely watched river ruMing
through Camp Pendleton might be the
spawning ground of Southern Calitomia's
first salmon fishery -if 200 fingerlings
grow to adulthood.
The California Deparbnent of Fish
and Game quietly introduced 200 silver
salmon fry h1onday into Pendleton's
Santa Margarita River to see if the
fighting -and tasty -game fi1b can
Front Pagel
primarily on tbe ability of the district
to sell voters on an override.
·Trustee William Thompson, a key
volunteer in his district during last year's
•uccesaful bond campaign,. predicted
swift success for an override.
He cited last year's $25 million bond
vote which sailed by wilh more than
a t~tblrds majority or aye votes .
''The parent·teacher groups formed a
wtll-organlzed campaign and worked
very hard and very well. They did
it then with the worst of odds against ,
them ; they can do it again," he said.
If a vote indeed is agreed upon by
the board, the ballot would come before
the electorate during the June primaries.
filming of u.e "Flight or the Phoenix... n.nr PH•t ., ... ,.... $100,000 ball. attorney
Within a week of Manlz' funeral Tallman AWAITING HER TRIAL But the unemployed machinist who · • . su rvive long enough to try a spawning himself lost his left leg to a freak Mrs. Elolae Popeil police allege is her lover bas remained A s ma I l group of Ayers fnends
run upstream a year from now. accident involving his son's go-kart. jailed and Monday told Uing Beach attended Monday'• hearing and described
Th e fish -although doomed from Tallman himse lf guessed today he was Municipal C.ourt Judge Charles Litwin the murder plot CCHlefendant as "an
the start because no spawning beds "rather lucky, I guess we hit pretty that he has not been able to hire an extremely easy·going, likeable guy."
exist -will be on trial. hard. ·The plane was pretty bent up 11 D A at torney to defend him , a~ainst the They said he had ll'Orked at the
Spokesmen for the DFG said they he said. ' ump ccess charge of conspiracy to commit murde.r. Douglas Aircraft Co plant in Loog Beach studied several Southern California Pine wouldn't speculate whether this At Monday's court appearance , which . ·
streams and rivers as poss I b I e was the closest of Tallman's frequent was to have been the opening of the fo~ about eight years before he was
candidates for the salmon projecl and brush .. with tragedy. Accord Seen preliminary hearing for tbe pair; Ayers laid off last year in a staff cutbe<k.
San Juan Creek near Dana Point was "You never know what misses-you-was briefly represented by a special According to poUt.'e, Ayers, fl, and Mrs.
one poaiblt tributary. in tbe nigbt , .. when )'OU do the large counsel, Frank Karl of Los Angel" and Popeil hired an acquaintance of his from
But they chose the Pendleton river, amounts of unusual and irrei;utar·fiying F s J then by a member of the public Douglas to go to Chicago and kill her
instead, because of abundant water ""'e do, you . expect more close calls," or an uan defender's staff. ' supply-and-cl.,. game managemen~-Plne-said. -. But both·attorneys made ·it clear that estrange<Lhusband before.their-pending
afforded by the Marine Corpe, spokes- Tallman's doctors said the avi ator may they will not stay with the case through divorce ~me final. .
man said. be released Wednesday . The county road department has add ed even the preliminary hearing. Investigators allege that the>'. ~rig1nally
The salmon .Plon~rs of Pendleton will A cut covered by ~bandages Pine a new ray of hope ror an equitable Karl did .not specify his reasons for offered $25,000 to the unldcnt1~1ed Long
be kept conf. ined in . upstrea. m w.aters Pi.ne descn·bcd was closed wi"th 12 . vlithdrawing but Public Defender John Beach man and even sen.t him on a solution to a dispute with the clty of dry run to th wlndy city to stake for several days while s c 1 e n t 1 s t s stitches Universal Studlos spokesman Yzilrdiaga told the court Ayers is not e . determine their ability to witMtand the said. ' San Juan· Capistrano over access to out Popell and get a look at hia: 10-room
change ln water temperature and salt a crucial new dumpsite. apartment. · ·
content. Then the salmon w.m be released City il\1anager Donald \Veidner said y Co • The alleged plot was broken, police
to make th.Ir Own Way downstream od h . oung unt1an claim, when the hired killer and a friend C t ay t at county engineers have ho h bee ki 1 h him lied to the Pacific. • tt T w ad n wor ng w t , ca •gare e UX promised to study the iosts o I Pope"! to h"m of h" Jfe's plan A year fron now, the DFG specialists " n· f w d I warn I IS w . will be beck at the river to ... if Improvements of at least 1.000 feet or Ies 0 oun s i.<Jng Beach Investigators said they
any of the first 200 have survived. U • S k Ortega Highwiy at county 'expense. worked on the case for about a week
II the erperiment is deemed a SucctSS, p . in mo e· . And u that oller were to stick. tbe I K f F before they arrested the pair at the
lhe DFG proposes a I u 11 • b Io w n city might reevaluale its slrong stand ll ni e ight Newport home at 519 Harbor Island
introduction of salmon ln the ocean off SACRAMENTO (AP) A against the use of Ortega Highway as Road.
Southern California with the first major proposed two-cent hike in state the main route to the Pri~ Desecha A Both entered pleas of not guilty during
Stockina proaram involving 200.000 fish. ci•arette tales was snulled out disposal site easterly or the city. 1:>-year~ld Santa Ana boy is in lheir arraignment 10 days ago.
.. ~ s · 'O The present condition of Orte•a. a cu stody and a 17·year-old member of Accordin~ to 01·str1ct Atlo-·y Charles A few silver salmon already make Monday by a 3-2 vote of the " , • '"' their way south each Year to be caught Assembly Revenue and Taxation state highway, is the major hurdle to : k~rr:' fi=~~n i:an~:a1n~Y . following Sheldon, e preliminary hearing is
by ocean anglers. Newport Harbor Committee. a settlement wltlt the county, expected to take thr ee or four days
frequenUy is the site of salmon catches. The bill by Assemblyman John un~viot~se npe~~i~:Ut~:veth~pe~~~~ asp?.'~~:~. J:i~ ~( ~atl~n~u~~;;~ and ;t will feature the highlight! Of
And although in these days of pollution Briggs (R·Fullerton),' would have administers the route and has declined the chest in a fight with the unidentified tv.·o "crucial tapes'' made by the alleged
That, too, is specified under new state
codes which regulate the number and
-~U°"mln""~~al school elections. ~ Benedict ~ reservations about and"'tll"'V-0.treams--it-irrtare-occurrence-, -1-raised-an-extra-$5&-miltion-wh.,.,,.....,,+....:;~==""'~="'-='--"'"'-'==~-i'~~7''-"==-='-"~===~~kiwlle~rs.-1dentifled_onJ.y_as..Mr....Reed-DD,~d--1 .,, ., u:.. to improve 1t lor years to come. teenager. ?\tr Peeler an occasional steelhead trout bas been would be earmarked for cancer aut Weidner said that county aides Officers said the murder suspect was .Mrs. roPeti •s attorneys, Phil Petty
offering a school finance measure which
cou!d become buried beneath a mound
of partisan Issues during a heated
political campaign.
"Timing sueb as that worries me,
because the public wlll be bombarded
by partisan Issues. The cUmate for a
favorable vote might not be the beat,"
. , saki the superintendent.
Trustee Bob Hurst, b o w e v e r ,
0 1 think we might have a better
chance on a primary ballot than on
one during a special election when few
voters turn out," he said.
noted in San Juan and Trabuco creeks. research at the University of who met with local officials recently being treated for "serious" knife wounds and Robert Green, both of Sant:a Ana,
The new crop of silvers a r e California. · agreed to examine the ))OS.Sible costs at Orange County Medical_ Center. have not discussed the cpe 11_1uch._ Petty
representatives of a breed often used It proposed lo hike state to make the highway safer to increased According to police, the two are denied one report that they would be
in new stocking programs. cigareue taxes from 10 to 12 cents traffic. members of rival gangs and this seeking a change of venue because of
Western lakes, DFG spokesmen have per pack. N'me yes votes were "We got the distinct lmpresston that · momlng's fight had lts start Friday prejudicial pre.trial put>qcity.
said, are often stocked with the fish , r.equired to clear the 17·man they will be giving such a project a night at a birthday party in Santa Ana. He said a change of veil•' 11 not
and the programs have been deemed committee. lot o{ tbooght. At that party, "Potato" got Into a deltnite)y cootemptated ••at this time"
successful. Several committee members "And if they do , it would-reopen fight with a membe'r of the rival gang but be lndicated it 11 one· of 1everal
were absent during lhe hearing the council's eyes to the situation," and as a result;·pollce say,.those gan1 legal maneuvers that is at thelr·dispqal.
and three abstained, , lnch1dlng Weidner said. · members wtri •'but to get him.'" · Anoth•r'inlive that might lie ~
Assemblyman Frank Murphy {R· Councilmen late last year were Apparently two members of that gang of ·the two attorneys ll a moUon for
Santa Cruz), whose cigar created adamant in their opposition 10 the dump saw Potato on Edinger . Aveue th1s a "gag" order. Yzurdlaga uked Mooday
a large haze of smoke on one if Ortega .in its present state were rooming aild confronted him. that all court personnel, attomeya and
side of 'the room during the planned as the access road . Police say the dead youth apparently investigators be enjoined from discussing
hearing. The city has insisted that the. road threw his knife at the 15-year~ld and the case and hla motion waa backed
I From Page J
Registration Set
For Capistrano
Adult Education
whicti winds east rrom the heart of the two then got into a right which by Green and Petty.
town is winding and dangerous and ended when the older boy wu stabbed But Judge lJtwin turned him down,
should be realigned. to death. pointing out that as the motion was
' I
From PG§e J In the latest meeting between council made, It would pre..,.t the District
RegistraUon will be held the week and city delegates, the road depar\!Oent Attorney lroni discuallng the cue with
or Feb. 4 for the second semester or ALLOCATION presented several alternate routes and Front Pag~ I police. • Newport Beach, a movie personality who • • • corresponding engineering and coat ·"l·IDNDt the ~·1 said Yzurd1111.
worked with Washburne the Cs.pistrano Unified School District's studies. UNITS . "In that cue,'' replied the JUdp,
"Everyone liked him. He was the adult education program which will offer San Clemente High School. Two Ortega routes without the highway • • • "you will have to aibmlt a written
I • kind of person who would go out of 30 classes this spring. 0 We hope to Institute the changes improvements are the least expensive. moUon with affiadavita before I will
his way to do anything to help anyone, 11 Principa1 Gil Morales said the signups as 9uickly as we can and the youngsters said city aides, and they could be in could eQ:danger the blutf1 from erosion consider it.''
Devine said. k I t lh In I . . th prim d ·11 the $800,000 range. in its prtSent eondltloo. Washbume played and sang during can ta e Pace a e augura meeting in e ary gra es w1 be the first Several other alignmP.nts were
the 1930s with radio network bands on of each of the classes, and the priority,'' he said. _projected using San Juan Creek Road.. The only question Monday was where F""!'_~ .. e, I
·the Fibber McGee and Molly and the registration fee of ·$s··ooverS ~ill fees The board meets again on Monday as the access. Still another proposed ·to· put the .4 acres:,·Commissloner Art -
Great Gildersleeve shows, two of the for any amount or courses. night and President George White the use of the Forster Canyon dump Holmes, also a San Clemente City SMUGGLING
most popular programs on radio. Most of the classes meet from 7 edi ro<ld which already exists. Councilman. wanted the extra land • ·• •· ._ ___ .., ;.....;,.;,,.;;.-.-.._....,~k....,,,,..-'tto...IJn. ... .... "~te-and-Da pr · cted a strong favorable vote on ;.-1;..--::::;:.::;::;c:;:·;;:t;s'T.;;-;~=:r'::i::r:iT.:-------------,----·-e-a·Jso played bau horn tn the-'I'm ~-ro--na th 1 StW-Othe1s p1oposed--Aveniuo spread throu out the pro ec' w 1 e Weems orchestra during the big band Hills High Schools and several others e new Pan. Ramblas (that idea already has drawn anuggling activtUt.S back to 1971.
era . meet at community centers along the h-tonday's discussions on a last·minute opposing petitions from residents of the saJd would make the lower density more According to federal 1 u t b or t t t e 1,
Hls song "One Dozen Roses" led the South Coast. _set of 'staff recommendalions included area). meaningful. smuglllng ·included UH of. can loaded
U.S. Hit Parade for 18 weeks in the Senior citizens pay a registration fee one demand by a trustee for immediate In San Clemente, the study points But Holmes was overruled by his with marijuana~ and.~tJ, ane ol which
early 1940s. of $3, and no fee ls charged for students restoration of the old system tr to two roads which could be considered fellow commissioners, who thought the wu found abandoned but wltb marijuana
In the 19609 Washburne led hls own who are enrolled in citizenship or English f 1 t -ex a -Camino de los Mares and Avenida small pai'k coµld use any land it. co.uld rraamegta mueb in evidence off WUU'• t--~~~'"whil:lir~!tll~Jho.Qlll,Mll>~,,~,.d}_.Jt\;OO<k!~P.~~<;l.0¥1\§,,., U!Jlll·'<' .~~~-'Wk~.::.;:-.,, a"""'~• o~ ;tl\ifkr·•!!'{ot./;!\"'·-i.-,..UW:'!:~·~~l?n;;:~ W\lll<19f,. "'W li¥'"'1l' ~~'OlW'*" \.' -10 ra 1oanarerevfsnfi1·s11owr.r.w1u1 ~iir.,_,"tlen00,.pu}li1.l'f~wattr fr(fiji16i\1'.r' ~ .. -. . ~·-··s·~-a 1un ,. ..,,..., . -~~ · ·
Tilton. also are exempt from the fees, Morales and immediate restoration of the old
He was a member of the American said. . rules and said that if the di.strict's
Soc i ~ t y of Composers, Authors and Specifi c class meeting dates, times tanks ran . dry, the ensuing publicity
Playwri ghts (ASCA ~). . and classrooms can be obtained through could work in the district's favo Washburne and his wife had one son, the adult education office at the district •• . r. .
who died in the early 1960s. His only or by calling •96-4l65 any weekday ~~thing hke that would bring
known survivor is a brother J ames bet ween noon and 5 pm telev1s1on and newspapers down here
of Manchester, Tex. ' Extended hou rs to 9 p. m are offered and the publicity ~uld get us fuel once · · and for all " he said
'Tiie Or.,.. C0.11 DAILY PILOT,,wffll wflld'I
lt~ .... H-1"-.n.llPWINl .... lly .,.. Or•• c .. 1t ""'"'10111i,,. c..n.-r . ...,.
,.,. ... Ill•• ••• 111olllli1,_., .... ., ...........
Pr•r• fllr Coltt MWN, ~ a..cfl,
H~ lelotfVl'Dllnttlll V•li.r. ~ a--. lrt'lna/Stdll~ _. S... C"""9MI/
.... Jllfn ~ A. ..... ,.,leNI
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.. , Strwt, C•I• .,._., tllflllmle, nt2'.
ltoD.rt N. WeM
Ptt16"n1 •llf '°'*~
Jeck It. Cvrley
""' '"'""" .,.., o-.. MtM9lr Tho11111 Kee'fil
11tt111111 A. M1rplil11•
""-tlno IEf otw
a.rt .. ~· LH1 lticll1~·P. Na ll ~ .......... f.ittn
S-Cha 0•11 OfiftM
JOI N_,. If C•l!'lfte _le•J, '2672 --~ ... ! ,. *"' .. ., '""" ~ ._.i aa "~ -..i.v.,.
........... e.cll; '"'' ~ ~' ..__ .... ,., .... ,._
~••·· '"'' '4Jo4JJ1 C ,.,.. Mwa• t t MJ.J671
Monday through Wednesday. Dr. \V~tberg m~ved for such a
I School to Off er
Old Textbooks
Obsolete state tertboolcs will be o/lered
free early next. week at a special book
fair sponsored by the Capistrano Unified
School District.
The fa ir will be held Monday through
Vlednesd"f in the di strict's media
services office at 31481 El Camino Real
in San Juan Capistrano. Hours each
or the three days will be !rom-9 a .~n.
to 4. p.m.
The obsolete texts range fr o m
kindergarten to eighth . grade levels.
Individuals interested in obtaining th e
books should bring lbeir own bo1., or
sacks, aiats said.
Two Youths Plunge
Off Bridge· to Death
SAN DIEGO (AP) -Two 20-year.old
suburban youths died In plungea oll
the Coron-.de>San Dl•go Bay Bridge
about 2ll hours apart.
restoration, but it died for tack of a
Trustee William Enqu lst, whose
district i,Qcludes Shorecliffs, said that '
some parents are so concerned about
the situation in the ir colony that they
have offered to pay extra and charter
a bus which the ir children could use. '
"They keep complainin g that even
though it saves the district fuel, it
means perhaps an extra 75 ear trips
a day to drive kids to school, and
that doesn't help the overall energy
crisis a bit," he said.
Trustee Gordon Peterson, w ho s e
district includes the southerly portions
of San Clemente, • cited the peril to
children who have to negotiate streets
with no sidewalks.
"And lo be frank, the quality of
characters wal king the streets o( that
area makes it dangerous for small girls
to walk. long distances to and from~
school," he added.
Besides the walking distances, e new
plan by nert week could mean
restoration or some field tripa .
Since early this school· year all extra
tripa bave been cancoled for younpters.
The district staff IUQestl reotoration
of the jaunts "On a very limited bl1is"
and ii lhe round trip does not exceed
80 mlles during achoo! d1)'1 only.
Weekend tripa would sill! be QUI.
---~AND_HAVlEXPA~D.E!LfVUl\'IES A . THIS "'LO~C~A.:..:.To.::10.:..:N,_. ---,----I
1663 Placentia Ave.
• ._ . The body of Lori Elizabeth Fite of
La Mesa was found 200 y a r d s
downstream Monday night. John c.
McCabe of 0.1 Mar died in. a similar
plunge lhe night before.
Replacing "very expensive charter
buses" ,for athletic transportation with
dlstrtct coaches, l!Ould bt anotber •
proposed change ii inereued fuel
arrives, administrators aald.
Tuesda 's
Closing Prices
Appear Every Saturday
Stock P1·ices Up;
Trading _ Moderate
• •
' I
·. ..
.If DAILY PILOT T11esday, January 22, 2q74, l
er inven or .
nes '
Sale prices effective starting 12 noon,
Wednesday, January_ 23rd.~ome~in for
the biggest savings of the year.
Sale 190
Re4. 2.49 Po1yesler/cotton knit shirts. Sizes 6·18.
Sale 1•
Reg. 2.00. Short sleeve polyester/cotton shirt. S.18.
Sale 278
Reg, 3.49. Potyester/cotton shirts. Sizes 8-20.
20% OFF
Men's casual pants
Sale 63'
Reg. 7.11. Baggy style western jeans wlih
cuffs. Polyester/cotton denims or c::ham ..
brays. 28-38.
Sale 798
Ree. UL Culled alacks for men. Dacron•
polY9'1Jec/acryllc. S.izea 28-38.
Women's sleepwear sale.
20% off.
Select your most
flattering styles from this
exciting collection of
popular sleep styles:
·nylon tricot gowns in
mini, shift and full V 4®\
lengths. Pretty trims and "'· =v :=::
colors~-Misses~and junior-_
sizes P·S·M·L.
Women's blouse sale.
20% off.
• • • • • • • • . , ...
• • '"--'"--.&...:.-...:
We're offering big savings
on our wide selection·.of
shirts and blouses. Exciting
styles in an assortment of
fabrics. Choose from.solid
colors, prints, patterns.
Sizes for juniors, misses
and half sizu. ·
· -. JCPennev
We know wh1Jit you're IOc*ing tor.
Shop _s'un_day noon to 5 p.m.. at "' folowhlg stores: ..
. -' -
Pantihose sale.
Reg.3for2.'(7. S-leg
pantihose. Reinforced toe
and panty. Many fashion
colors. Sizes short,
average. long.
Queen sizes. short, tall,
stout. Reg. 3 for 3. 77,
Sale 3 tor 2.11
20% off girls' pants.
320 to 480
Reg. $t to $1. Save on a wide selection of
girls 3·6X and 7·14 pents end Jeana. Many.
in easy care cotton or polyester/cotton ·
blend._s. With widtt..cuff@.d flare Ilg in
fashion plaids or solids. 20% off el Jr. ti
jeano llld ponll II llrgor Pel.,.y -
- -
FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beech [714) 644-2313. HUNTINGTON ~CENTER, Huntington Beech [ 714) 892-7771. HARBOR CENTER, Coste Meso [714) 646-5021.
• -I
• f
:r '
' I
" .11~ "I
'h•tt· .,,
'-l ~-···· • Js·•f'I
. "
" .....
Ta::l (11
,1•, ,,
ll11• '
.'1.J Iv
!JI) I'
Lumberyard Wins Approval; Bazaar in Doubt
--Wldle the P"I' aoed Lapna-Villlft-Plan · Oev.Jopme•I Company_w.il.l'-t.!~~~~~~..;5!.'r!.~H~!-~will~·~~~~~lr~adi~·~1ional~l!wood~-~:!f--{J~l~ar2k~G~um~b~ine~rk,~ali,.,&P~ac~ili~1c:..;Coas~~I'-_!!! '~ii.iri~n~~.iii.i.iiiFi"'"..-----1 Bnur nn into a aea of trouble at technicilly be 56 .spaces below coastaf told the commlssioo Monday tn Long smoke stack, eipt residents sat th ay Bue yon was .h o were mm o ers
tbi reglonaJ ·Coastal oommission Monday, commiSaion standArds. Beach be expects a decision on where a day-long meeting to oppose the ttt continued for a vote until Feb. 11 after Hayes, Carmen Warschaw and Don
uotller collunerclal pnijecl uiled on .eomm11110n planner Bob J o s e p h to put the lira! structure wilhln" the mlllon center. VUlage Bazu? abopping eo hour·and-a-haU long hearing. Phillips.
tllrough wlth unanimous approval. origiaally recommended that t be next 90 days. Center. ";' A-straw vote of the commission showed C:Ommlsslon · planners recommended
'l'be Lumberyml, up lo 40,000 square Lumberyanl 's .12 on-site spaces be Lumberyml developer James Schmitz Ollef complaints of the speQerl were Iha!' of the nine present, live would approval of the 75,000 square loot pniject
feet ol ...... mtaunnls and a beok removed In favor of lees lo be paid said he would negotiate with the city · that the center would Increase traffic have voted against IL ' 1£ II was cul to about ha!( its siu
lo be located, on the site ol the old -to the city's proposed centralized park-about a possible ·parking structure haaarda and congestion, that II -·t Expressing a p r o v a I w e r e and 1£ i!S parking .. ouldn'l encroach
Laguna Beach Lumber Company in the · lllructuris. • adjacent lo City Hall before, be builds serve local neecls and that Its 33kpace Commissioners Ronald Caspers, Don on the canyon. · do'!Vntown bruin, was approved with 164 11ut the commiasion wouldn't buy .the his 12-off site spacei nest to tt. parking structure would destroy' part Wibon, RUM Rubley and Art Holmes. Architect WiJJiam Blurock s al d
pl\-king spr4cel. idea ~IA!e deVe}opment of t be While no one spoke against the $1 .5 of Bluebird canyon. They were slightly outnumbered by Judy reducing the 1.8 acre plan, which would Jbt ~~ at 381 . Fcit'esl Ave. by strucblres Is '° far orr. million . Lumberyard projl'CI -which 1be project proposed by developer Rosener, Louis Nowell, Don Bright, (See COMPLEX, Pace I)
3 Arc~Bay
On Lockers ...
CM .. Detlr Plllt INfl'
The reoiclenls ol private Tl!ree Arch
Illy In SOuth Laauna can't replace their
beach lockers rf~ht now because they
1POO't open up their strand and their
streets lo the public.
The South Coul Regional 1.cille
Conservation Commission Monday turned
down~ jbe c o m m u n i t y association's
request to COMthtct 71 new beach lockers
ifter It refUJed to agree to the staff's
auggested cooditlons. Those were:
-'lbe &S90datioo agree to not .restrict.
lateral aci:ea acn>ss the beach to lhe
public at least 25 yants inland ol mean
liib tide line.
-No . pennanent struc111res, Ii k e
lockera, be bullt over any or the aandy
-1be public -.1d have free entry
thrvoF Plivale -and Ir~ uae
"' --tralla and· lltalro. : Al -five ......-.... tllouc!!t tPeniJW ap Ille private. u-411ped
bOocll a little WU i JID1i!I idel. ,
r.eJoolan aiatrmaD Donald llri(bt
at ftnt voted for a substitute motton
that _,Id appreve the pn>ject With
lbe oondllicm, but then abstained.
Comm1loionm Rob<rl Roonoy of ..
Huntln(ton Beach, Rimmon C. Fay of
Marb1a de! Rey, Don Wilson ol Torrance
and Judy -r of Newport Beach lOled for allowing In the public.
But Conlmlalonen Ronald Caepers
ol Newport Beach, Art Holmes of San
0em"11e, Louil Nowell of Los An(eles ind Ru8S Rubley ol 1-Beech were
qalnll it. The motion failed on a split
) A second vote was tuen to approve
the locbr m>lacemeot alter CUpera
argued lhet ' there are enough other
(See 'LOCKERS, Page IJ
--· ~BJackfin Owner _Feared
Dllttr ..... ...., ......
Newport's Frink T1llm1n
T «llmau H uri
In Ditching
Of Airplane
Lo.st • Ill Airplane · Crash _ ____,
4 Suspects Held
Federal Agent~
Crack Pot· Ring
Four Others
On Flight
Of .. et.itr '"" , ...
Air and ground search parties were
By JACK CHAPPELL . . Magistrate ~lph Gelfln in l4a Ancelea 1oouring a .. wide area of Southern Utah
-,.aeni ~~r' ioo:;-tllif··=:~·~~ !5·000.~ ~ :!~!'r..i:-C-:"J:,=.::
have smashed a major marl~ Agents· aa!i dlol1ii lplDll Lmlt on a Oigbt from Eagle, Colo., ti> ~ana·
amuunnc rinl. an -·iutim lied to (lee' -'GGIPIG ...... I) ~ and ..... J the p I a De-, • ~ ''" Iona of ...ni-. · 111d • • ~~· ........ .. 't the deatll of a 4-lleOch man last lwbHng!ne ll!!eelierlfl, WU llMI as
ian 1n oana Point. O •z E b Km 0e Meuae.o!.ian Franc1aco, widely .,,. m argo Mown land developer and builder and The alleged ring asaertedly smuggled internationally !mown yachtsman.
the llllcll weed In boats, unloaded It De Meuse is !mown in Newport Beach
in Dana Point and Newport Harbors L • f d s and other Soutbland areas as owner·
By GEORGE LEIDAL then shipped ii lo major cities In the f, te oon . skipper of the !Moot ketch Blacklin
Of tM o.llY """ s11H .east. • which has competed in virtually every
"When I talked to hh;n last night It was during an investigation of the • long distance race bi the world.
be wa1 a guy· with a lump on his smuggling activities that Brent R. K • • -o..ir "" ..,,..,_.. Positive Identification of the five
head and a bandage tying there tired Angell, 25• of '341 Holly St., Laguna •• lSSlnger DEAD AT 61 . octupants of !he plane were not lmqwn
and disglllted, alen but tired." Beach fled • federal agent attempting Muai<lan Walhbumt but friends of De Meuse in NeWJ>ort
lo serve a federal grind jury subpoena Beach id b bad been I The· guy was Frank Tallmao, 53, of and .fell head fll'St from a Dana Point WASHINGTON (AP) -Secretary of sa e In Coorado
Newport ~. He wa. hospllalized in CUii in late Oclober. The fall was fatal. Slate Henry A. Klsalnger said IDday 11'./' ~ .. h· 'burne n .·:,,$ on a skiing trip with hls 19-year:0ld Gokien State Memorial Hospital not far he expects the Arab oil' embargo against D' Ua a.c. son, S. Gregory De Meuse, hil daughter
froin the scene of a c~h of his replica Federal and k>cal narcotics agents the United St~tes . to be , lifted before . • .. ,· Shannon, about 18, and t h re e other
Nieuport 28 World War I era biplane. arrested three south coast men Monday Egyptian-Israeli milttarY di~fement 1· · N . ' • persons.
Frank Pine, general meoager of morning, and a Pico' Rivera mao Is eootpleted alon( the Suez . ,.. • ewport,· Top others In De Meuse's party were
Tallmaiitz AVialion Company, ba·"a t' · Mon<lay .. aftemoon...Others were amsled sn;;••.•·· al a news-conference, " believed to be· Gilbert Radzal, 14, ..mor ""' In San Francisco and Detroit'"· ---~-· · Orange County, sajd today, "He was ( the 0 Kissinger said "I have every reuon vice J!resklent of the Union Bank. in
• fortunate ." Federal agen!S rom rug to believe our succeaa In negotiations Music Com oser San Francisco, and John Parks, one ftlWt-c~bUQleS..-~;:if~~~~~~~~~~~-E~nl::or~ce~me~nt~Adminl::·;s1~ra~tl*on~all:eg~ed~tha~. t-;~~;,,;jjor_s•ep tmr ' . .. . of De Meuse's attome s• and Patts'
Development of
Moulton Ranch
. ~-~~:rit;:~iif'~ ..,·
l!anch dev.tloPlllent in the .. bills and
valleys behind' Laguna Beach will be
~wed by the Laguna Beach City
Council at 7:51 p.m. Wednesday a( city
hall. : !' : . ..:
Tenlalive plans for )he project will
be iw-oted by planners-.wi!h the firm
Chapman, Phillips, Brandt and. Reddick
ol Irvtno ..
The plans,. In their ·present form , call
fOr' 18,000 dwelllng unlll on the 10,000
acres of Molllton Ranch land. About
113 percent· of the lend would be held .. -·opeot.
'l'be piano C!ID for a scenic parkway
lroa\ the Sin Diego Freeway to Laguna
C."100 Road and •a six-mile lgreenbell
and recreallonal area aloag AlllO Creek
~ . ..
Two Dlljor employmen\ 'cont.rs 'ire
plallned, Including one-llUrl'OtlMling die
Ille of the North Amtrican Rockwell zlQUret. · ,
Pl&D!*I with the Chapm~n firm have
eald In the past that a final plan Is
a lont way off and lhel even with
~ approvals development ls
oavera1 )'Uri 1way.
DMV .Offices
O~n SatUrda)·
1 All Department of MOier Vehicles ' offlc:;ea will be "I*' from 8 a.m.
• to . I p.m. Sahmla)' for the
convenlence of c1r1-. who want
·lo ._., their 1'11 vehicle
· , 1'be llnal clay lo bring or mall . r-wat payments to the
i!ePlrtmont without penalties Is
'ob, h ·. .
. . -~·
often precision flying services to film Drive, Dan.a Poini, w~s the leader of oil embargo." Joe "Country" W a I b bu r n e • a w1 e.
makers and. othefy,. ditched the $15,00().. the marijuana smuggl\ng operation. He wa.s not speclftc about date!. Last word from the Beecher aft . Duke plus plane in a nverbed r.ear NewhaJJ. H . ed M da bef ·US (See KISSINGER, p Z) compoeer-mulician whose car e:e t was received at 7 ~15' p.m. Sunday when
Pine said the veteran aviator was e was arraign on Y ore · · ace stretched back to the 1930s died Monday the pilot radioed he had been hit by
landing the plan~ which h8S\been used in Newport Beach of an apparent heart a sudden storm, was' icing badly and
for the put £oul"""'11hs in the f::-.Ailming J _ • n .0 Ji. !lack' H • losing altitude'. ~f"'IbeGreatWaut:_!.ep~r."...,._ .. :r-'Jl,.;~'l"l'ln.JeJH~. ~~'l,r . nl'n 8 ·~8888·_.. • 11 A F~~l Aviation .. Administration
nd .. Bo s . • ~-~~._.... ~~~,~~-,~~~t\l;\ill;A\l!-Ml.WY!,\\flh"'l 1'-·" ,, ... , . a venson, ls about barnstorming .... -,ou<g<;:•· contac sOffie eTg6t""riittes west · --
-the Cleath-defying living made by mus1c1~ ·on: some of, the . nations most of Bryce Canyon.
young pilots of the 1920s who new about Popular radio shows dunng the 1930s The spokesma~. Bob_ Glascock of the
in surplus World War . I planes, Pines Laguna Sc L ~oz Trustees and'l'he40s. ired us! . dml led FAA general aviation dbtricl office, Salt explained. f UJ ~ !" c~ w~s a t Lake City, said the plane Wlf on a
A& .Tallman was landing "a control to Hoag Memorial ~ospttaJ late Monday. flight plan from Eagle, Colo., to Lu
broke and left_ him with no control He died rln 'the ~tal emergency room Vegaa. It was returning to cantornia
of the plane. ·He lost his rudder and 'Ille Group Against Smoking Pollution Laguna Beach Issue. at 8:03. p.m., olllmals said. , from a skiing trip. . .
the pedal broke " Pine said . -olherwtse known aa GASP -""°" One area that will be explored at The Orange County Coroners office Glascock said the plane's number wu
It is the ,'kind
of 'aocldent 0peOple who ' · the mee''"•, Hopping said, 11· a little 11\d . )VUhbUrne bad • prior history N35D, and. as o1 six months a~ was · k the,. n••·· w'1lf be nos;no Into the smo.lder'·· -.. of hoar! trouble. •• ma e ~ • ..,. stunt . flying learn lo -... Jo-. aectlon of the slate Penal Code . . listed as owned by Mark Land Company
(See BIPLANE, Pece I) Laguna Beach school board smoking whldi outlaws emission of noxious and WilhbUrne bvecl on J!alboa Island m or San Fraoclsco. 'Ibis ts the name
ban Issue. _. __ aubotances Into the . Newport Beach IOltil aboul a year ago. ol De Meuse's . land cleveloprnent and
Two GASP olllclals will travol from ,.._ 11r. But lollo"l!>g the ~th of . his Wile building firm. Local lrlenda wbo have p: Ii S kin San Frariclsco lo .Oran,e County Feb. Jeanie, lie 'lllOvecl to a trailer park flolin with De MlllSO ,. said De Meuse 0 00, / Ce g 2 lo meet with Lagunan Bruce Hopping In · Smita '.Ana, 13101 S. F11rview Roa~, (Se MJS8JNG Pece IJ
and hla altomey, William Sheffield of C • T where he 11'ed alooe. •
M 1 .. --·f ' Santa Ana. igarette · a.x . Setvlces for Wasbbwne will be held 0 ester 0 Hopping, chairman of the health 'll:iil'sdiy at 2 p.rn. In the chapel of Or .. "e
oriented Kaloa Kagethos Foundation, U • S ke Pacllic View , Memorial Park, Newport "
Wanta school trustees to beo llllOking p in .. mo Beach. . --.. Lagun, 8 Boy, 10 at their meetinp because of the adverse "He wes a wonderful person, really
effect of citarette smolte on nonomokers SACRAME!fl'O (AP) _ A wonderful." said Andy Devine of
1 "'"-'Jk di" Ii · · as well as arnoten.. proposed two-cent hike in state Newport Beach, a movie pefaonality who -.w•• a po .. today are.seeking Hla ortldnal requeal for a smoltlng ben worked with Washbume
a mall for molesting a !!).year-old boy went up lit smoke Nov. 21 when trustees ·~~':" b':"": ;:• ::'1eu11e; : "Everyone liked him. He was the he picked up hitchhiking in the To2 •--"--•~ _1 to 2 on the q .. ~•-kind of peraon wbo would IO out of
of p~:-:. :!;:= :!i~":"dinci ~baa sent two i.Ue: to Dr. =~~.Rev.nu. aricf'-Tantio!1 hls way to Clo anythiiig to helj> anyolie,"
was not Injured, and ...,.peel fnim the Norman llnnme, acbool l!o&nl presidellt, The bill by Auemblyman John Dew::! played and -during
situation ~Y, telllQg 'the driver "That's uldnc for reconsideration of the vote, Brigp <I!·~), would have the 193tll with radio nel-k bondo on
my hoooe, ibla i. where I get out" but baa ~v.d no reply. raised an extra fStl mlDlon WhJch ' ~ M---and Moll end he
as the two drove through !he hill•!. Aeconllnc ·to Haiiping, legal action lo wOold be eaimarted f1lr cu.er the Fl-(•-· co'~y .._. y I) I
resldenUal commlllllty at atioul !:30 p.';ri, force a amotlng beo now appears to reeearcb 'at the UnWenity of -vmn, • • ...
The · driver " the car wu cleacru.ct be. the only alternative. · caillornll.
u being -t :a yean of age 11f1o1 ''Lela! ICllon will be 'dlocusaed at the It prapoaed to hike 1 ta te
having medium length blond hair. ~ meotJnc with the two GASP officials, elfuttle taR& from 10 lo II cents
vehl·•• was eald to be a fOUl'4oor -. 8GllP!ilf aid. 'l11ey "" Bruce Shourt, per poet. Nine yea votes were
red ,,.,_... • -, ' .,. GASP pnaldent 1111'. the caulomta rqton. ~ to clear the 11<neo
The y,u.1g1!er told Police Officer Norm and Dona-Mlrllle, an attorney for co111pllttee
Blandel that the car driver picked him the l'f!UP· -Several committee members
up on Temple Hills Drive and drove GASP bu lilp\IOrted 1 bill Introduced were 1boent durin1 the bearing
Iowan! Top of the World. in the otate leciilatUN by Assemblyman and tl1ttt atilla!ned, lnclodlng
While driving, the man bqan to John V. Brlgp (R·FullertonJ, lhet '110Uld Aseemblyman Frank Marpby (!\-
engage In ·obscene action, pollco said require 11Hmotlng areu In theaters, 8allta Crull, w!M>le cigar created
and then reached over and grabbed large restaurantl, holPlals and public a large haze of smoke on one
. the you1h. , buildings. • olde ot ,the room darlnc the
The boy called out and was freed Hopping said the GASP ol Ii c 1111 hOorln,. · · •
on Alta Lacuoa Boulevard. ~ ·~ conolderablo lni-t In IM
;\ •
Two Youths Plunge
Off Bridge to Death
SAN DIEGO (AP) -Two 21).year,old
suburban youths died In plunges off
the Coronado-8an DlefO Bay Bridge
aboul JO bourl 1pert.
The body ol Lori Elizabe!h Fite ol
La Mesa waa fomd • JOO y a r. d 1
downstream , Monday night. John C .
Mj:Oabe of Del Mir died In a similar
phmp the lllCbl before.
Weadter .
It'll be fair and warmer Wednes·
day, acconling to the wire eerv-
i .. s, with higbo Iii lbe low 'IOI
Inland and In the mid.-is along
the beaches. Lows tonight In the
upper 409.
No kanite or k•ng ,,. for
Mickty Sp;U.... 1Iil ""'°• JIU.. , liammtr, 1tiU bialls tllf bod
gu~1 with a .45. Tht to0rld'1
top 1tll~ng cmtl\or ir if}ttr--
viewtd un Papt 1~ fodav.
L.M.~ f
Cd"""" J ,_ ....
c-la '' -" ......--.. 11 ....... ~ .... ,,,..., • 1n1 IL ti ,......, , ... ,, .,._ .
.... UTWI II
Allll '-Mlllfl 17
• I
-.. __. ...... II
............ 4.11
--c..tJ 11 ..,....,.. ,, ._,. . »n .............. 1. ,........ 11 = ': _,..._,,. ..
_.._ 4U
. -
Test Sco1·es
Of Children
To Be Given
Results of state tests given to Laguna
Beach Unifjed School District students
last year will be presented to the Board
of Education tonighl.
Trustees will meet at 7:30 in the
district Education Center, 550 Blumont
The report will present scores of first,
second and third grade students in
1---<eading;..iixth..gradM Luderits..ino.Feadlng,,-------,
language, spelling and reading, and
twelfth grade students in reading,
language, spelling and reading.
Scores of the Laguna students will
be compared to other students in the
state and the nation.
Finally, the report will be given
preliminary scores of state reading tests
given to first grade students at the
start of the current school year.
While actual scores will not be released
until the school board meeting, Asst.
Supt. Robert Reeves said they show,\
good performance.
In other matters on the lengthy
agenda, board members will be asked
to :
-Approve-a-request-to hold summer
schooJ classes for students and adults.-
-Permit 138 Thurston Intermediate
School students to participate in the
annuaJ Colorado River trip from Big
River to BIYthe. The trip is scheduled
for ?tfay.
-Reduce the J>riCe of milk from 10
to . sev"en cetb1 per hail pint. Recent
1---ehanges-in-state !lubsidies of milk costs
allow for the price cut.
-Approve purchase of three small
wood frame buildings for $300. Business \
Manager Clyde Lovelady said the
buildings would be used for _storage
and extra classroOm space.
From Pagel .
CMillr Plltt Stiff PIMt.
l:'.ear Of_l'he~Tiger.
As of Friday, for the Chinese it's the year ·of the
Valiant Tiger -and to gel in the mood, new ~Uss
Los Angeles Chinatown Bettie Kim Young, 21, of
Newport Beach, took a tour of Lion Country Safari
Monday. Miss young will reign aver the new year
parade and celebration in Los Angeles Friday -
and may see her new friends again. Lion Country
tigers are scheduled to b' in the parade. ·
' From ~agf' I
However, Kissinger said, "I think · in
more ambitious terms," when he asked
if the oil embargo would be eased after
disengageme.1t is completed ..
According to the pact signed by Egypt
Diesel Boost
Sparks Move
To Cut W al1£s
and Israel last week, the separation Strong·indications that the §Ole supplier
of forces must be completed "not later of diesel fuel to the Capistrano Unified
than 40-60 days after it begim." School District will boost its allocations
From Pllfle l
public beaches in the area, including
Ali.SO, Salt Creek and Dana Point Harbor.
It failed 7·3.
Because the project would have
covered up about three to four feet
or sandy beach, it required at least
eight votes for approval under the 1972
coastal zooe act .
'lbe start of the disengagemebt has prompted admiffistrators Monday to ask· James Smith, Three Arch Bay asso-included asserted s m u g g I i n g of marijuana and continuing to engage in not been announced, but diplomatic trustees to shorten walking dist ances ciation attorney, said the association
a criminal enterprise. The last charge sources have indicated the process may once agliin for thousands of district couldn't "grant what we do not have,"
carries a mandatory IO years to life begin as early as Friday. child~. . explaining the association has an oral
sentence, if conviction follows. In another development, President But the board chose to. wait 8 week agreement with oceanfront landowners
Also arrested were Ephriam Galvan, Anwar Sadat of Egypt praised the Unlied • io Jet comniunity members sunbathe
23 f 31125 S Co t HI h · So th before making a final decision on the ' O • as g way in u States' Middle East policy today and on the beach. Laguna and David L. Lincoln, 23; of h. ted h th ht th A b .1 ba proposed easing of the burden on district Iha C72 Hill Street Laguna Beach. Both were in · e oug e ra 01 em rgo yoongsters. . · "I'd rather you phrase it t you on the United Stales could be altered. don't chose to," ll~""t sa. id. still in custody of the Los Angeles U.S. "! · · I th h · Since Jan . 7 the children ha·-had ''"" . I oda Th f .. CM now sincere Y say at t e ... "We've loogbt •• y~~ to k-i·t Marsha t Y· ey ace manJuana U ·led States has d led li to 1k f be boo! "" ~., ........ Un ~A m a op a new po cy, wa art , r . to sc or to the private," Smith said at one ·point of the sm.ugg II l,;110rges. that there is a significant, though not b d ob/ · al •--~ Alan .Pulliam, 27, of Pico Rivera was 1 b " Sada Id us stop, an pr ~ in sev~ areas ~i.
arrtllted by agents in LO! Angeles and tota ' c ange, t sa at 1 news of the district have spurred dozeri.s of· · l:awrence W'tlson, vice president or conference in Algiers. the association, said the beach is used has been released on $5,000 personal Asked if he thought the ban on Arab calls from concerned parents. by 2.000 to 2,500 residents and by more
recognizance bond. oil shipments to the United States should Supt.· Trum3n Benedict stressed that people with summertime gi:ests.
C'•po District
. •
Sees ·Override·
By JOHN VALTERZA But the new laws set •a. limit .., \
01 "" Dfl.!Y ""' '''" the amount of cub a cliatrlc& can spend.
New state legislation ha!I cut so deeply on eachr child. I
into the potential income of t:he And ~f assessed valuation soars . Ulls
Capistrano Unified School District that year, the dlltrict, by law, must loyer
a summer tax override appears the its tax rate to meet the sta\e-impoeed
only solution. Supt. Trwnan Benedict ceiling. •
told trustees Monday. Board conversation on the idea dwelt
Although board members took no primarily on the ability of the district
formal action on Benedict's urging of to sell voters on an override.
en override t h e a k.e
appeared in support of the p an. a vo e volunteer In hla district durlpg wt year's
among trustees lnlpt come by the succesaf\11 bond campaign, ,~led
middle of next month. swift. succen for ail override.
Benedict said the dietrlct's educational He cited laat yeari1 '25 nilllton bond
programs appear headed for damage vote which aaued by with more than
unless t~ district can find some way a two-thirds.majority of aye vote•.
to make up for the revenue loss imposed "The parent-teacher 1fOirpa formed a
by Senate am 90. . well-organized campailJI. 'l!ld worked
The tax-reform measure sets a limit very hard and very well. They did
to the district's income and that ceiling, it then with the worst of odds against
official s say, is far less than t~e them; they can do it again," he said.
inflationary factor which affects district If a vote indeed is agreed upon by
finances. the board, the ballot would come before
Unless the override passes, Benedict the electorate during the June primarits.
said, ·the _district's important cash That,too; Is specified under new state
reserves might be cut in half and codes which regulate the number and
hundreds of thousands of dollars In cuts timing of special school election!!.
would be necessary to balance the Benedict expressed reaervatiorui 1t.;>ut
budget. - --------,offering-a-school finance-measure which
"The legislation might be fine for could become buried beneath a mound
districts not faced with heavy growth, of partisan Issues , during a heated
but in our case, where heavy growth political campaign.
is anticipated, the law provides nothlng "Timing such as that worries me,
for us," he said. because the public will be bombarded
Although the district° plans to .-.ctlve by partisan issue1. ')'he climate for a
almost a million dollars ln extra income favorable vote might not be the best,"
' next fiscal year, much of that-will said -the !luperintendent,
be committed immediately for the hiring Trustee Bob Hurst, bow e v er ,
of perhaps 26·· new teachers to cope disagreed·.
with an anUcipated 700-pupil inttease "I think we might ,bav• a better
when schools open nelt fall. chance on a primary blll~t the on
"We have obllgatioos to our employes one during a special election when few
and to the children in this district and,-voters turn out.'' he said. frankly, it is difficult for us to face
any alternative," Benedict said.
An override, asking the voters to
approve by simple majority a plan
whereby the district can increase it.s
tas: rate, is the best of the alternate!!,
he added. ..
If no override were to be proposed
or if a scheduled ooe failed -
the school tax rate nest fiscal year
would drop by about 34 c en t s ,
administrators told trustees.
Jn the days before the legislation,
the district's financial picture would have
been brighter.
BeCore the tax reform was passed,
increases in assessed valuation could
be tapped freely and surg,. in district
income were· common.
-~ ·\ .
llromP .. el
From P .. e I .
Include 40 ahops and two restaurants
in a vlllage-type cluster, would be
economically "foolish." ,
Blurock presented parking atudles done
by Richan! Roil and Associates Which
contended tralfic wouldn't be ·a major
problem and 330 spaces waa ·aotficient
Depending on '!!!O wu ~aking
f!londay, Bluebinl ~·'!'• .wcribed
as an,._eyeso~ ~ a ~ gully or
beautiflll ariil the beCinninl of a rural,
ruSilinesiilent!al ·arU. · Mark aiamberialn of 1550 Glennyre
St., a p!"fesslonal photographer, pus«!
out color pictures of the canyon area.
'Illose arrested were named in a be modified, he replied: if the district's locations of bus fuel Wilson said the area wtuld be too
Federal grand jury indictment from "For every change in the American from the Union Oil Company steadily crowded and too devoid of parking for live, or die, with.
Nevada, where in Las Vegas in April position, it is necessary for the. Arabs increase, the first area or priority would the public to enjoy anyway. Tallman's partner, Paul Manti, died
Others s}ieaklng against the project
were Evelyn Gamon. Joyce Duaenbeny,
James · Dilley, Bell Cbalmen and her
daughter Camille. Gertrude Tresselt and
Leonard Scheu.
1973, a car laden with 750 pounds of to make M identical change toward be the primary grades where small Joseph Edmiston of the Sierra Club in l965 in a plane crash during the
marijuana was stopped and two persons, the United States." children ha ve been forced to walk much spoke in favor of the planners' recom-filming of Uie "Flight of the Phoenix."
-George-VB!binder of-Stockton and Chillys Sadat arrived Monday in Algiers as farther to reach their schools. mendations, which he called "utilizing Within a week of Mantz' ftmeral Tallman
Sandberg of Santa Ana were arrested. part of a tour of Arab states to explain He added that in at least one high the mechanisms of ~tion 20 toward himself lost his left leg to a freak
U.S. Attorney Devoe Heaton said today why he agreed to disengagement. school attendance area, in the northerly the greater aims of Proposition 20 -accident involving hls son's go-kart.
h'om Las Vegas that this ·action initiated Despite ·Sadat's stand that the Arabs San Clemente colony of Shorecliffs, the :~ °!, ~~ch~~.'~creasing public ac--Tallman hirmell guessed today be was
the i~stiga.ti~~ ~hi~ then traced should reciprocate in some way for U.S. bu ses might roll again soon because There is a small, quarter-acre pubLic "rather lucky. [ guess we hit pretty
smugg · g activities ac tohl971 .. . policy, Arab newspapers were reporting pupils there must negotiate the muddy beach m· the area, but the two publi·c hard The plane was pretty bent up," According to federal a u t o r 1 t 1 e s . th 1 th A bs I stretches of El CalTUll· R al I ti d f d a e ra apparent Y were not o e o a en accesses lo it cons1·st of a sheer cliff he said smuggling included use o cars Joa ed b d · f h · ·i San Clemente High School " · ula · h th this
boa f hi h u gmg rom t e1r 01 embargo. · that can't be cli·mbed and a steep, Pm· e wouldn't· spec le w e er with mari1'uana , and ts, one o w c s d "We hope to 1·nsr1·tuie the changes
f d b do ed b . h . . a at came to Algeria after talking treacherous trail, Planner Bob Joseph was the closest of Tallman'• frequent was oun a an . n . ut wit mar11u~a. _ wi~ King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, the as quickly as we can and the youngsters brushes with tragedy.
fragments muc~ in evidence off Lagunas ruler of Kuwait and leaders of other in 1he primary grades ,.,,ill be the first sa~ private beach is a "wide stretch "You never know what ~ you
1 Emerald Bay in 1971· oil producing countries. priority," he Said . of sand with picturesque rock in the night ... when you do the large
: Algeria, another oil eroducer, has The. board .meets again on Monday outcro in ' s" and tidal Js1 be said. amounts of tmusuaJ and irret;ular flying
Bazaar add 4-M
Mildred Hannum. a major opponent
of the project who has passed out
petitions againat I~. sat in the audience
but didn't speak. !
A Cew residents, including Councilman
Charlton Boyd, spok~ in favor o(
the project, which Boyd said COllld add
$80,000 to f!00,000 lddloaal annual rev-
enue to the city.
Com ton Youth Slain ----+----=---::---.1:----~nreathe embargo blit with tittle night-and-14esiden~or.ge.....-Whi osep so . porn o e , e From Page 1· 1 ff . predicted a strong favorable vote on p· ·d · Id prac 1ca e ect since petroleum expor ts oceanfront miles in Orange COunty, only me S;al • SAN PEDRO (UPI) - A 19-year-o
MISSING to . the United ' Sta tes were sma ll. the new P,1an.. . about 23 are publicly-owned. Tallman's doctors said the aviator may Compton youth was fatally wounded in
• • • Shipments of natural gas, however, have ~o~da~~fdis=~~: dnra las!-m11n~~ The association can now appeal the be released Wednesday. Peck Park here Moody in an appartnt
continued. ~e ~ s r n a 10~ me u. regional decision to the state, ask for A cut coyered by the bandage!! Pine gang-related shooting, police saJd. James
still owned the plane. .Sadat emphasized the disengagement r~~or~~;d0?Ythe t~:~ :::~mme:~~:: a reconsideration ,. a~ee to the CO!lditi?05 P~ descrl!>ed was ~ with 12 Wortham was dead on arrJval at . the
J Associated Press q u 0 t. e d officials of ~~~rd was . purely . a .. mili ta ry pact fuel or not. Y . or keep the 46 ex1shng, but deter1orat111g sti.tches, Universal Studios spokesman ho3pital: Police were see.king eight 1 ~"""'"'i!f.~~{;rJfl;f.t~:<'!!':-1'~:';~,~~~;;~"~:m:~:~;~~~~/";!i!.e,iL~m~~'°'""llf)lf-91;-'l~~~""r;.;;•~"''·~---~--.,..,~~ -·~·
' I
"The~? i~. one down. We are sure F rules and said that if the district's
of that, said G.lascock. rom Page l tanks ran dry, the ensuing publicity
Heavy snow 1n the area of Southern C .-could work in th e district's favor.
Utah h~mpered the search for the plane, 0 UN TRY• "Something like that would bring
even with a fleet of snowmobiles ~nd • • television and newspapers down here
tractors. Search planes were having Great Gildersleeve shows, two of the and the publicity could get us fuel once
trouble getting off the ground because most popular programs on radio. and for all " he said. I of low ceilings. He also played bass horn in the Ted or: W~tberg moved for such a
Weems on.:hestra during the big band restoration, but it die<l, for lack of a
Tiie °""" C-1 DAIL'I' PILOT, wttl'I wfl~
.. comblnld 1M W..W..Pr•i, II MlflMll 11y
~ or•nve C9'1t PUDll11'1"'9 cllff'lll9n'I'. ~
,.M •Uioo!J ftf Plitllitlled, Motld1r tf1rwo11
FrlQy, fW Co.11 Mt .. , N1wpot1 IN<ll.
HvntlnotOfl · 8eM:/\lF1Wnt1ln Vtllty, u.-
h9c:tt, l,..,l~Stddltbeck end SM C""*''-1
S.n JiHfl <''l•~lrtrict. A 11111111 t'9lotltl
lldHkl!I Is Pllbt!""'9d St llll'P'(t W $undfy1.
rM prlnc~I PVlMJ.11'"8 1i.nt Ii ti U1 Wat·
hy Strttr, Cost1 Mna, c.111om1a, mx.
Roffrt N. W,.,J
,.,..,ldtnl 11'111 ,.llblbfl«
J1cli II. Curlty v'°' ,.,.111""1 •rid o.r-11 MMlflf'
Tllom11 l<tt"if
Thtin11 A. M11rphf11, IMMtlnt h llW
Chari" H. Leo1 R1ch1nl I'. Nill AMl1t1n1 ~ £0jlll'I ........... °"".
212 ' F1N1t "'''""'
l!ltlflltf A.M,.1u l'.0. 101 66.6, 92652 --°"" ._, .. WMt lt'f'Strwi ~ ._.: aw H......-t •ou1tw1rt ....,,.,...... lwdt: )117S ltktl IOll!t¥1rt1
left ~; .. frMnll 1 1 Cfntlllt ... 1
.,.,,,., •• • (7141 '42 ... lll
CS lfl;4 .Wscsthh I '42•1671
a.,.. ..... Al D''*'"'"'' , ............ , ....
~ 1'n, 0rtllf9 CM1t P1J11111~1nt °"'"""""' "9 MWI lfOl'iel1 lllllt1ft!IOfll,
................ " .. _. ...... fl, ht•t lll ,_, .. 1•1•IOM' WI"*" .,_t.I Ptr· """"" .. ...,..,.. .... .
...... ~ ,...... ...... c: ..........
~. 1'01 """" 1W U tliw UM ......... • 11111 11.1• "'9111111¥1 fllllltl,.,. .....................
era. second.
His song "One Dozen Roses" Jed the
U.S. Hit Parade for 18 weeks in the
early 1940s. 1
In the 1960s Washbume led hls own
band, which played on the Curt Massey
radio and television shows with Martha
He ·Was a member of the American
So c I e t y oC Composers, Authors~ and
Playwrights (ASCAP).
Washburne and his wife had one son,
who <lied in the early 1960s. His only
known !IW'Vlvor is a brother, James
ol Manchester, Tex.
Water District
Directors Meet
South Coast County Water District
directors wi11 examine water service
problems aJong Bay Drive, Three Arch
Bay, at a special meeting Wednesday
nig ht. •
Director!! will meet at 7:30 p.m. in
the di!ltrict office, 31652 Second Ave ..
South Laguna.
General Manager Raymond Miller said
minor slippage of a bank a.Jong Bay
Jlrive ha!I raised questions as to wh et.her
the water lin e along the street should
remain where It is or be relocated .
A geologist's report on the slippage
will be presenied to directors at the
Young Countian
Dies of Wounds
. In Kriif e Fight
A 15-year-old Sa nta Ana . boy ls in
custody and a 17-year-old member of
a rival gang is dead today following
a knife fight in Santa Ana.
POiice said Juan R. Vaienzue18, known aS "Potato," died of s tab wounds to
the chest in a fight with the unidenUlled
OUicers said the murder !IU!lpect was
being treated for Hserious'' knife wounds
at Orange County Medical Center.
According to police, the two are
members of rival gangs and this
morning's fight had its start Friday
night at a birthday party In Santa Ana .
At. thai party, "Potato" ..aot ·tntcr a
fight with a member of 1he rivll gang
and ns a result , police say, thote gang
members were "out to get hlm.11
Apparently two· members of that gang'
saw Potato on Edinger Avenue this
m0111ing and confronted him.
Police sa y the dead youth appar.ntly
thn1w his kn!le at the l~year-<>ld and
the two then got Into a fi8ht which
ended when the older boy wu stabbed
to death. ·
1663 Placentia Ave.
• • »
, --
VOl. 67, NO. 22, 2 SECTIONS, 2s::.,->:6ES . . -
Sex Orgy
HOUSTON (UPI) -The .Urv!YW ol
i peint-mlllln& sex oru said today $at Deon Corl! asbd ll<CUled mass
111.aY« Elmer Wayne Henley to shoot
!•Timothy . K\!l'ley, 20, told a pretrial
bearing' that Healey llhot Corll to prevent
Ille man fnlm 'rapine Kerley.
11Jt'1 gane far enoocb, Dean," Kerley
~ llenley.
,"It "lilppened almultaneowily, Dean
JMthped up and .ran at Wiyne," Kerley
said. · .
-;•'ICilf me,. Wayne. Kill me, W1yne1"-
lterley quoted Corll as saying. o.tty, .............
Newport's Frank Tallman Henley will aooa be tried for one ot ab: kllllnis ln a three-year string ot ,., and iadiam slayinp !hat claimed
the lives ol 27 teen-age boya .
• Henley. and David Owen Brl>ob, also lbdictec\ for murder, clslliled Col'll, 33,
masterminded the to~. -
K«tey said that . he, Henley, Corll
liDct -Willlams, 15, bad been drlnklnabeer mized with bootlea whisky, ~ lllilrmg acry~ during the pre.<lawn
~ at. Oorll's bcne in Pasadena, a H..-suburb.
;'Henley oatd he killed CorD, then ealled
golice, whid> led to the unearthinc of
bodiei al three Tezu locations.
Tallman Hurt
In Ditching
Of A irplf,tne
Of tfle o.llJ l"lltt St.ff
' '
• Today's Final
Owner Feared
Of .. Dettr ...........
Ai~ and groWld search parties were
scouring a wide area of Southern Utah
today for a twin-engine plane that ,
disappeared during a storm Sunday night'
on a flight from Eagle, C.Olo., to Oakland.
Owner and pilot of the p I a n e , a
twin~gine Beechcraft, was listed as
Ken De Meuse of San Francisco, widely
known land developer and builder and
lnt~tionally known yachtsmaIL
~ ~euse-iSknOwn in NewpOrt-Beacb
and other Southland areas as owner-
Cruiser Burns
skipper of the 'TS-foot ketch Blackfin
which has competed in virtually every
long distance race in the work!.
Positive identification of the five
occupants of the plane were not known
but friends ol. De Meuse in Newport
Beach , said he bad· been ln Colorado
on a skiing trip with his 1&-year-old
.:m, S. Gregory De Meuae, hit daughter
Shannon, about 16, and t h r e e other
Others in De l\feuse's party were
belleved-Wbe Gilbert Radzat, 34, senior
vice president of the Union Bank in
Mesan's Dream-
'Up • Ill Flames'
San Francisco, and John Paris, one
ot De Pt1euse's attorneys' and Parks'
Last word from the Beechcr'\.ft nuke
was received at 7:15 p.m. Sunday when
lhe pilot radioed he had been bit by
a sudden storm, was icing badly and
losing altitude.
· A~Federal Aviation Administration
officer said the plane went out of radar
contact some ~Jght miles west southwest
of Bryce Canyon. •
1'te-spqkesman, Bob -Glascock-nf-the
F kA general aviation district office, Salt
Lake City, said the plane wu en a
flight plan from Eagle, Colo.. to Laa
Vegas. It was returning to California
from a skiing trip.
Glascock said the plane's number was
N35D, and as of six months ago was
listed as owned by h1ark Land Company
of San Francisco. This ls th& lUlme
of De Meuse's land development and
building firm. Local friends who have
flown with De Meuse said De Meuse
still owned the plane.
Associated Pres,, q u o le d officials ot.-
(Se MISSING, Page !)
For Maria
Detective Carl Siebeneicher, bis voice
Jiarely audible, testified earlier that
Henley led officers to the boatshed, "When I talked to hlrii last night Canadian Alwm· Teuteberg had a . , By TOM BARLEY
· where the detedlve found the body of
bi1 COUlln. lie said Henley refused
to ICCO!JlpMY ~cer1 into the shed.
.. "He said he felt responaible because
he introduced some ol these boys to
Deon," Siebeoelcber said.
. h 1 h' had been working on the boat's °' .._ o.1w ..... ,...., he was a guy wit a ump on is dream fOI' a long time. construction for two years. Maria ParsOn's psychiatrist today
head and a bandage lying there tired The new Costa Mesa·resident watched He said all the money it cost was criticized ·newspaper accounts of his
and disgu.,ted, alert but tired." that dream go up in flames Monday paid in cash and he bas just learned patient's illness and reminded her lawyer
"I dim't lmow for sure it was my
cousin (burled in the shed), but I bad
a feeling it was," the detective said.
He said bis coulin, Marty Jones, and
Cbarllea C4J!lble Wei)! lied together and
' . -bead to toe. .llMley-la dlorged-with-klllinl Cobble
July 17.
Siebeneicber said he mot Henley later
at polico headquarten, and quoted the
youth as saying, "I put it all down.
I told them what happened." '!be c1e1..... in the ,., .. th day or
pmrial' bearings, IOUgbt to suppress
spoken and written ltalemellla made
by • Henley dorlng the eirly hours or
(See SURVIVOR, Pate Z)
The guy was Frank Tallman, 53, of afternoon. · that his insurance will cover the financial in Orange County Superior Court that
Newport Beach. Be was N-r.jtalized in Teuteberg's voice trembled .as be told loss.. . several ol her sexual escapades e-lp(l8ed ,,_, 1 lcblng bis ~·root b' · But be said he doesn't know what her to considerable danger. Golden State Memorial Hospital not far 0 wa ._:. ca m cnuser he · · do "Her husband got m· •· a r...... with bum to the water line about five miles is going to D01V. w ugu• from .the scene of a ~ of bis replica off Newport Beach. "I still can't even believe that it another man over her at the Newporter
N. rt 28 w Id w · 1 b" 1 is gone," he Old. "I'D ,_..•bly sUU Inn on one occasion and bad to receive 1eupo or ar era 1p ane. "II bad been. my •--·-, all my U!e, ,._ w·caui . go down•to the slip.and look for il" hospital treatment,"1 Dr. Deane ~· Frank Pine, general manager ol to build that hOal," sald Teuteberg who of Santa Ana testUied in the auna
Tdmlnts .W?Mm~t 4 1 based at m.c11111J-~ ... ~ •• to 1111-M'lt •T. '·\ • ' .i bath trial. · .-.. r--· sald ~-• u u_ -· home at 2450 Bo Place, Costa Mesa A.:.J-:S!tnb "On ·-·•----~, he M~ ~ ;;;;;:~-;:-'"'-..,.,. ~ ~-justliilopUigfijml!dmonlOD;Altiirta. ~if, ri '. a, TtT; ~_,.to_the~klnf'loi7°aNe;;;;;-me:;;;
Tallman, co-founder ol lhe firm which "I ...... here bocllllO thla .. the 0 D· Aft A-T :·:----resta4r1111 and -her klsaini another boat buildlaC capital of the world. The """ -mon ," Benton Aid. .
oilers precision Dying aenices to film people 1 needed to help me are all L;fted· Soon 'Muslc:I,n,WO?hburno "That also led to a fight anc1 we
makers and others, ditched the $15.~ here he said. ..., are fortunate that she ha! not come
plus plane in a riverbed tear Newball. Teuteberg, 38, said he was giving W hb · D to any harm in nearly four yean of
Pine said the veteran aviator was his still-uncompleted Sail-A-Vee a trial 0S. UTlle · ieS this kind of thing," he added.
landing the plane which bas been used nm when the ftre broke out. Kissinger Benton claims the psychiatric condition
for lbe past four months in the lilming "Alanns and btmen weal off," he •• . • · · J N · T ~s w:!"U.::-..;!; :.:=
of "The Great Waldo Pepper." said. "l cbedied one engine WASHINGTON (AP) _ Secmar)' ol U ewport; . Op her alleged entrapment al the Holiday ~ movie, starring Robert Redford compartment and fotmd nothing. 1 • Health S~ in "-••e on March Z, 1970. , '"" ned the other and smoke 1·ust poured Stale Ho>n"" "A. Klsaln•er sald today M -·...., Y Co • and Bo Svell!O!I, is about barnstorming ope __ , • • C · Mrs. rson, -wants $1 mUlJoo Oung UiltiaD -the deallHlefying living made by out." :be-= ~ta~b.: :'~ ~::~ USf,C omposer In damages from the spa, testified that
young pilots of the 1920s who flew about Tetiteberg said he blindly ~ptied a Egypt· 1 raeJ' ·irtary di t an already-defective sauna room door
in surplwi World War I planes, Pines C02 cootainer into the compartment "but is ~:iet!t a1!.n';1 the Suez S:f.~ Joe "Country" Was b burn e . a jammed when she tried to leave the Dies of w OUlldS explained. it did absolutely DO good." Speaking at a news conference, com~r-.musician whose care er 170-derree area and that ·bhe col:lpee:d
M Tallman was landing "a control He said be readied his lifejacket and Kisitnger . said "I hav·e every reason stretched back to the 1930s dJed Monday after the door handle broke off.
I Knif F• h broke and left him with no control dinghy, and tried again with another to believe our success in negotiations in Newport Beach of an apparent heart She testified -that no one heard her ll . -·-e 1g t of the plane. He lost hiS rudder and extinguisher. marks a major step toward ending the attack. He was 68. repeated screams and beating on the
-the-pedal-broke," Pine said. "But it didn't seem to do-anything, oil embargo." _ Washbume wrote "One Doi@ Roses" glass door.
A lc..,,.i,....,.n Santa Ana bow ls in It is the kind of accident people who either," Teuteberg said.. He · wu not specif" abbot dates. and-4.. "!Oh }Iona"· -aocr-w.s 3 ci~aer:_ Dr. Benton today identified the three ""J-... 1a J k their li . I I fl In I to · ___, women in what he calls a "thf'ee.fac:ee __ .....,, and a 17-year-old member of ma e vmg s WI Y g earn ' Teuteberg Said he made for the din""'Y However,· tti...i .... er said, "I. think in m us1Qan on some of the nation's most _, li ' die wi·lh. "" ·~.. I dlo sho d · !he -of Eve" mental condition as Maria, y fciUawing ve, or • arvl row: watched the more hmbitlous terms,"·wben be asked po~ ar .~ . ws unng llm! · ~"
a knife fight in san:a Ana. 'Tallman's partner, PAUt"Mlntz, dted boat erup;'.'!t';.in~D~am~et, .• ~ . ..l!!W!!!!~i-!!:!!L-fi~~o~ei!im~~o~w~or.;,.{;~~~~-8;.;i::4ji..:.i:=-=:::.:_;:.:::~::;..::::...-1"!l!\cit~id.J~~:.,.-~~----...;..I
'Police said Juan R. Valenzuela, known in 1965 in a plane Crash during the A p8ssing C.oast Guard helicopter disengagemi1t' 1.s Ciihipleted. -~-·The " rem-eq m~Cia~ .w.as~ ~tt~ t.,JdenliL~Mar.a as the ~ •
U "Pdtato," died of s t a b wounds to fil!f11!Jg of Uie "Flight ~r the Phoenix." spotted the smoke shortly before 2:30 ·According to the pact signed by Egypt ~to Hoag 'MemorlalJJospital late Monday. • ~; t~:1cf ~~~~ v~~er:!rt_~ _ .... ~ ··~·. 1 the chest ID a fight with the unidentified ~1lhm a week o.f Mantz funeral Tallman p.m. and set down minutes later to and Israel last week, the separation He died in the hospital emergency room tight lowcut sweaters and heavy tnakeup'. ~-hnnself lost hil; left le~ to a freak pluck Teuleberl! from bis dinJhY· ol forcez must be compleied "not later al &:O! •p.m., officials said. "Thal is Maria," he oiald. And he ! Officers, said the murder suspect was accident inv~lvmg his sons go.kart. The crew radioed for assistance and than 40-60 days after It begins." · The Or~e County Coroner's office explained to plaintiff's aUorney Marvin $'Jletedfor "serious" knife wounds Tallman himself guessed todar he was a Coast Guard cutter responded and 'lbe start of the disengagement has said Washburne had a prior history Le · Sr th t Bett the lltful -~1'~,..._,.,;\l!!!IJt!!!'.h1!!lilt~'.".;-,:!iMlibt~ . . . . of~ '·" bifle!*,'il' l"lil.\!'lifiit:i'i. "HmiF·-r'!!!'!'wi~·lll'~·...,· u· ;;labt;'~,IY·~~"re!i'morl' ... jla._""',q
According to police, the two are hard. the ptaneias prttfy-· beOt .up, names but not befure -the boat. was' ··aourW: b8ve iridiCated the. process may ~ ' ·Ma.tie .'liei,·!!QmeWhete. '.in titwmi . ~hers of rival gangs and this be ~aid.. -' gutted.' begin as early as Friday. NewpOrt Beach until' 8.bout a-year ago. two per!K>nalities.
Ijlomlng'• fight bad ils start Friday Pme wouldn I speculate w~ether this .. Teuteberg said the cutter began towing Jn another development, President But following . the death of his wile "My job is lo end this conlllct and'
night at a blrthday party in Santa Ana . wu lbe ~kllelt of Tallman s frequent what was left of his '180,000 cruiser Anwar Sadat of Egypt praised the United Jeanie, he · moved to a trailer park make these three persons into ooe A~ that party "Potato" go\ into a brushes 11111h tragedy. to shore when ii sank about four miles Sta~· Middle East policy today and in Santa ""'8, · 13101 S. Fai...,iew Roa~. again," Bepton said. And w h 11 e
fi&bt with a meiober of the rival gang . "You never kmw what misses you off the c.orona de! Mar jetty. hinted he thought the Arab oJJ embargo where he flived alone. newspapers like to stress this aspect
and as a result, police say, those gang m the night ... when. you do the ~!Bf Teuteberg was flown to Orange County on the United States could be altered. Services for Washbume will be held of her psychiatric . condition, there is
members were •iout to get 1*n.'' amolUlts of unusual and lrre6Qlar. flying,, AJrport. "I can· now sincerely say that the n .ursday at 2 p.m. in the chapel of much more to her illness that that."
Apparently two members of that gang we do, you expect more close calls, The retired . land developer said he United ·states bu adopted a new policy, Pacific View Memorial Park, Newport Benton is currently being led by Lewis
aw Potato on Edhiger Xvenue this Pine aald. that there la" a •lgnillcant, though not Beach. . through the. notes he compiled during J!!Ol'l1inl and confronted him. Tallman'! doct0l'8 said the aviator may total, change,'' Sadat aaid at a news "He '!IS a wonderful person, really 152 counseling sessions with Mrs. Panon
"Pollc:e say the deail youth aj>parenlly be released Wednesday, p fs S ki · conferonce iIJ Al"'-.· . woodeilw," said Andy ·Devlge of from AprU 1970 to !hep~ dale.
Unw bjo II:nife al the 15-year-old and A CUI COYOred by the bandages Pine aren. . · . ee ng AsRd if he U.::Jt the ban on Arab Newport Beach, a movie perlllllality who He has testified that Mn. Parson's
die In theii · flOI into a light which Pine described was closed with JI oll ablpmenb 10 the United States should worked -With Wasbburne (See SAUNA, ra,. I) elided -the older hoy WU slabbed stitches, . Uai•ersal Studios spokesman . "Everyone liked him. He .... the
lo death. said.. 'Aid May Need be modified, he repued : kind ol penon who. would I'! out of , · . "For every change in the Amerlean hla way 1o do· any(bing•to help \nyone,"
• .pooillon, it ii. ~ry !or the Arabs Devine said. .
Irvine Chnneellor Asks
CdM Roul,e Completion
£.UC Irvine OianceDor Daniel G. Aldrlch for bigbway and transit systems,
bu -ltale Deportmeat of esllmated reduced Pl Ill Incomes and
nsportatlon omc:tall and blpway h)· recoininendaUon ol the slate highway
"'" " I engineer, MudJow said. , ~o·mml11loner'. ur..,., eary In leUefs IQ both .DOT of!lclals~ tmpletloll" ot. 'Ccnlll def Mai r.-. the blibnr· comm1as1on, Dr. Aldi'Jch
,.,. • pointa out bow tile fl.IS million portion
nie c•wlor'1. llad on t11e tlreat-aloal MlcArthur Boulonrd flotn lloaita
ftd fl<toQ project WU Included ln a ClnJtlll Rood to 4-._ Boulevlrd
.etty of .lnjao -nport _lmne....,. aiuld ~e lrllflc near. UC!. ,
'ell-q w• lllllClll-·• Alcbidl· •YI 1lbcAnliolr--Boulnlrd ~~~M::. 0:.:::1~~ ~ no..:..i~:b~ ~~
oo=-helrlnp In ~ 11\ia tho winter monU., thereby giutly
-...... a siall IUllNtioI> the Ocmia ~ tile _...... of thla Cllll-del ...... ,,,..., COllllnictlDD lie delayed pua.'
Will· be iinder ~ ' Aldrlcb qed the •tote to "proceed ,,,. Plojec:I lo deloyed due to with lhe developmeot of the Conina
dllllpt la Ille flmdlllJ l)'ltAlm del MIU' r-11 11 qllickJJ u ~" ) .
To. Show Returns to make an Identical change toward Wasbbume played ilnd sang during
, . the United Stales." . (See COUNTRY, Page Z) --
Parents ol UC Irvine lllUdents who are
!lefking ~81 aid -loans or scbolar-
1hlps -may be asked to submit copies
of l)lelr 1972 !edersl Income lax lorms.
OC Financial . Coordinator Ted D.
Johnsloo at Berl:eley said tcday letters
have been sent out to a random 10
perc.nl sample of aid n!Clpients al all
nine UC ca-. The le<ters ask !or
return of the lax lonns.
JJloome reported to the . fed<;r~
...... ,_ wlD thin be used to cbecll:
-.. -.. '"'.• -t·s 1jllliicatioll
!or financtll aid, -said. ·~ 1111 i.. .... evidence that
10me poNnta ilnd lllUdenla ellher through mtao-.illldlnc or dellberate falsehood
bave uodentated their lnoomes," b e
said. .
Oepeodln1 on • reoulla of the = IUl'V!Y, tbe llli.venity may IOOl1
cop1es o1. -ta• retum1 11otn an ft-'al lid applicutl,...IOlmlloo ....i.
Irvine Planners Support
University Park Units
Clly pllnnen have 'recommended
approv.I by Irvine city councllmen of
1 lite plan !or 214 apartment units
Jn ~ u~ Part near aisling ~ ...., ID elementary
_., -., 11111_ dly part.
Councilmell ore expected to act on
the matter -l!ler meet lolllght.
The aparlmenti; ... ject to C!Olllroversy
In n<enl --. ~will be plpd eight
feet farther . ••1. fl'9ftl ltreetl which
form 'the -• of the pniject. They
are: U-11 Dl!ff, Gold...,... Street
IDd Beec:b "'" ~ '!be ll)ra • Tf ll' ,,..,. ..... nicm for
bike trails, city aides point out.
Major changes in· the desl81' Include:,
-R<loeallon of the adult and family
~ -Heductlon. from the original .._.
a! of m units.
-Separation of ,the adult and Wiilly
unils by greenbelt. • . ·
-Division of traffic so that. family
units exit ,<r1to Beech 'n-ee and adull
wllts have access to arid f r o in
Requiremenb suggested for the site
plan , include a 35-!oot building beigbl
Umlt ilnd sI111 restricllons.
I .
It'll be lair and wanner Wednes-
day, according to the wire .erv-
lces, with higbs in the 'low 'roll
iniand and ln the mld-«ls alolli
the beaches. Lows tonight Jn the
upper 40s.
No ·karate or kuna fu for
Mickey Spillane. .fl;, hero, Mike
Hammer, 1till bla.ltl the bod
gu11s with a .45. The IOOrld'1
top 1elling aMUM>r it inter·
viewd on Page 7 today.
• ..
• • .
A quiet, closely watched river running
throogh Camp Pendleton might be the
spawning grow1cl of Southern California's
first salmon fishery -il 200 lingerlings
grow to adultllood.
The Callfornia Department of Fish
and Game qulelly introduced 200 1ilver
salmon fry l\1onday lnto Pendleton's
Santa l\iarga rita River tg sec if the
!ighling -and tasty -game fish can
.survive long tflCIUgh to try a spawning
Tursday, J.inuary 22, 1974
Fund Aids
osp1 .... AA
The innova tive equipment available to
patients when Saddleback Commwlity
Hoopltat in LagUIUl Hills opens Monday
will be due in large part to a trust
fund don1ted by the E. R. Merlwelhtra
or Laguna Hiltl. •
Money from the fund hu bought a
"Kila" operating table from Sweden and-
a "laminar a'lr now" ¥eO.Ulallng system
r .. ultra-clean air durllic .... ,..,. .
DMV Offices
Alt Department of<Motor Veblcles
offices will be open from a a.m.
to I p.m. S1tunl1y f« tho
convenience of drtver11 who want
to renew their 1974 .,,. h i c I e
registrations. • The nnal day to bring or mall
11newal p1yment1 · to the
departn1ent without peh~Ues 11
Feb. t.
.(,, t . .t
-sparks Move·:~
Over the years, the Meriwether fWld
1---J!'.llJ~iw:iluuUual.tlOOAllO !JI modern
equlJ>111'1ll for the lilt).bed noo.proflt To But-walk·~ The filh -allhou&b doomed from
the start because no spawning beds
exist -will ~ on trial.
Spokesmen ~or the DFG said they
studied several Southern California
streams and rivers as p o s s i b I e
candidates for the salmon project and
San Juan Cretk near Dana Point was
one possible trlbutary.
But they chose the Pendleton river,
instead, . because of abWlClant water
supply and close game management
afforded by the Marine Corps, spokes-
man said,
The salmon pioneers of Pendleton wilt
be kept confined ln upstream waters
for several days while s c I e n t I s t s
detennlne their ability to withstand the
cliiiiie in water t:ernperature and salt
content. Then the salmon wtll be released
to make their own way downstream
to the Pacific.
A year fr on now, the DFG specialists
will be back at tho river to see if
any of the ftrSt 200 have survived.
If the experiment 11 deemed. a 11JCCess,
the DFG proposes a full·b lown
introduction ot salmon in the ocean off
Southern catlfornia with the first major
stocking program Involving 200,000 fish.
A few snver salmon already make
their way south each year to be caught
by ocean anglers. NewpGrt Harbor
frequently Is the site of salmon catches.
And althou&h In these days of pollution
and dry streams It Is a rare occurrence,
an occasional steelhead trout has been
noted in San Juan and Trabuco creeks.
The new crop of silvers a r e
repre1enlatJves of a breed often uaed
in new stocking programs.
Western lakes, DFG apokesmen have
said, are often stocked with the fish, and Ille programs have been deemed
DlllY P\ltt Iliff PMh
Year Of The Tiger
As of Friday, for the Chinese it's the year of the
·valiant Tiger -and to get ili the ·mo6d;new Miss
Los Angeles Chinatown llettie Kim Young, 21, of
Newport Beach, took a tour of Lion Country Safari
Monday. Miss Young will reign over the new year
parade and celebration in Los Angeles Friday~
and may see her new friends again .. Lion Country
tigers are scheduled to be in the parade.
Leisure World's
Musicians Set
H ospiuil Tours
From Pqe J
?.lark Land Co. as aaying they were
unaware of a missing plane.
"There is one down. We are sure
of \hat," said Glascock.
Who Will Pay
For Woodbridge
Flood Control?
Leisure World muslcla~ will entertain Heavy snow in the area of Southern The question about who will pay for
Isl•-•-ddl ba k c It Utah hampered the search for the plane, v wn to .-. e c om mu n Y even with a fleet of snowmobiles and ftOO(I control i m l' r o v e m e n t s in
Hoipital during the open house and toun tractors. Search planes were havin·g Woodbridge Village in Irvine remains scheduled Wednesday through Saturday. Coordinator of the volwtteer music trouble getting off the ground because even though supervisors v o t e d
corps la Leota Pete·non. of low ceilings. unanimously on the issue today.
Providing piano music Wednesday will De Meuse, 42. first became bitten by On· motion of Filth District Supervisor
be Ka"-~-Moul ~-•-0 ,_ the yachting bug in 1965 when he ~.u1e ton, Laua:f avlil .... l. •• ...i th r boo Se Ronald Caspers, the board approved a s-•-d OU M M pu111;.1~ e 83-oqt sc ner rena ,,_ an Ye ay m . · and salled in the Newport to EnseDada county flood control ~ i s t r i c t Tlwnday LaVeme McDermott will • play piano, -aiong with ~ Devroye race. rerommendalion to proceed with an
and Leola Peterson on vlolln, Juon agreemenL
hospital. •
The Klfa table bu interchangeable
topo f0< 1peelrlc operatlon1 and wltl
allow coordinated mOucih during surgery
so that the paUent will never have
to ~ moved off the table.
For delicate bone surgery, the laminar
flow system,• filters bacteria and dust
from the air.
Residents will have. an opportunit'y
to view the Meriwether donations and
the rest of the 'IS million facility tn tours
beginning Wednesday. ·
1'he following ochedule IJ suggested:
-Wednesday, 10 a.m. to $ p.m. for
r e 1 I den t 1 of Laguna Hills. From 5
to 1:30 p.m.. the Saddleback' Valley
Chamber of Commerce, Saddleback Area
O>ordinating O>uncil, and other business
groups have been invited for a special
tour and reception.
-Wednesday, 1· to 9 p.nl., El Toro
and Lake Forest residents.
-Thursday, 10 a..m. to 5 p.m. Laguna
Hills residents; 7 to 9 p.m. ~lission·
Viejo and Aegean Hills.
-Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Laguna
Hills residents: 7 to 9 p.m. South Laguna
Hills, New World and Irvine residents.·
Saturday from tD a.m. to 5 p.m. has
been deslgnaled for children and their
The opening of the hospital marks
the completion or the fU"St phase or
what eventually will be a 500-bed medical
facility on nine acres.
Frank J. Schaeffer of Laguna Hills
is chairman of the 20-member board
of directors. Bernard ·Ingram is president
of the board and Harold Gano is the
hospital's administrator.
W1neflltler on c.Uo, and Ellen Tulltn, Typically, the county pays for regional
, Juno Judooo and M&r11ttl Dayton oo From P .. e l flood channels, Irvine Company officials
Laguna Studies pi~tallJts for Friday .... Robbie COUNTRY have contended. ·~"-•-~ · Al~ ~ · • • • Today, clrcumstanees c banged .,_ ~. pwlO; ~· ~vtoy• ... .,,..1,
· 1 D l t £ and Leota Peterson on YioJin; Juoo the 1930s. with radio network bands on somewhat. The clefenee was given permisaion -, e ~e Op fil en (L -~W,__.,lnetnget, c.Uo; and F;llen _T\lllUn, -the-Fibber-McGee-and-Molly-and-tbe-~A"--"le,,,tt.,er'-'f"-'ro"'m'-'the""---"Dood,,,,,__,,c:o~n,,.tr_.,,ot'-'dis"'-,..trt,,_·-c,_t _lilooday_to_brllli-~da-Willlaml-19
LaVem MeD<rmott;"1iil!Ollve 'L<Oiiird Greil Gllderslee . hom , 1 t'the suggested the ltvtne Company pay for the bearing. _
M ult R h on piano. Ye 11 • wo 0 tt.e '3 million channel Det'eSUI')' to "She is a necessary "'itness to this 0 On . 8llC The Saturday music group will be most popular programs on radio. proceeding," attorney Will Gray told
June Judson, Devroye, Leota Peterson, He also played bass horn-in the Ted contain a 1.8-mile stretch of the San the court. .
Plans for the 43,000.person Moulton Jason Wineinger, Ellen Tll!ilin, and Weems orchest:-a during the big band Diego Creek through the proposed 27,~ She has never told her story to the
Ranch development in the hillJ and Robbie Schellenbach. era, person Woodbridge Village, public. (
Refreshments will be served by the His song "One Dozen Roses" led the The defense has contended that during valleys behind Laguna Beach will be Saddleback Hospital "pink I ad I es'' U.S. Hit Parade for 18 weeks in the the first hours of Henley's confinement,
reviewed by the Laguna Beach City volunteer auxiliary. early 1940s. lrv:ne Cont:nues bis c:on.stltutional rlghta were violated.
Council at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at city In the 19ti0s Washburne Jed his own 11 11 Henley's attorneys have asked Judge
Strong indications that the sole suppfier
or diesel fuel to the Capistrano Unlfled
School District will boost its allocatlons
prompted administrators Monday to ask
trustees to shorten walking dis tances
once again for thousands or district
But the board chose to wait a week
berore making a final decision on the
proposed easing of the burden on district
Since Jan. 7 the children have bad
to wa1k farther to school or to the
J>us ~top, and problems in aeveral arus
of the district hav.e spurred dOiens ·of
calls from concerned parents.
Supt. Truman Benedict stressed that
if the district 's localloo.s of bus fuel
from the Union Oil O>mpany steadily
increase, the first area of priority would
be ·the ·primary grades where .small
children have been forced to walk much
farther to reach their schools.
He added that In 'at least one high
school attendance area , in the northerly
San Clemente colony of Sllo...cllffs, the
buses might roll again aoon because
pupils there must negotiate the muddy
· stretches of El Camino Real to attend
San Clemente High School.
"We hope to institute the changes
as quickly as we can and the youngsters
in the primary grades will be the first
priority," ~ saJd.
The board meets again on ?tfonday
night and President George White
predicted a strong favorable vote on
the new plan.
P..1onday's dlscu55k>ns on a lut·minute
set or staff recommendatlonl b\chxled
one demand by a trustee for lmme<Uate
restoration of the old 1ystem -e1tra
fuel or not. .
. Dr. Edward Westberl wtflelled I full
and immediate retton:Uoq of tbe old
rules and said that If tbe dlllrlct'1
Janks__,ran-dry, the-"1llllna-11!1.W.IJ
cotlld wor~ in the district'• faVor. · · '
"Something like that would bring
television and newspapers down here
and the pobliclty could get us fuel once
and for all/' he said.
Rites Wednesday
For Ira McGee ban. V h S band, which played on the Curt Mauey William M. Hatten to refuse the
Tentative plans for the project wilt iejo Hig ets T'ut.and television shows with Martha v ot,ef Signups ::".!'on~=:: ~~~u:.:
be presented by plaMers with the Clrm He ·WU a member Of the American during thia time. Memorial aervices are ICbeduled for
Chapman, Philllps, Braodt and Reddick Course m" Photo Society or Composers, Authors and Voter registration continued at city 2 p.m. Wedneoday at _Slle!fer Loguna
ill 1rv1n1. Playwrights (ASCAP). hall In Irvine this week In anticipation Beach Chapel for rra Curtis McGee
The pllll!, In their present form, call Wasbburne and bis wile had one aon, ol the Feb. 3 deadline. From Pqe l or ~ -Hilb, who died Saturday.
for 18,000 dwelling units on the 10,000 And Silk· screen who died in the early 19605· Hls only Residents who wish to vote in the SAUNA H~ ~au~' or Lucerne. Mo., Mr. McGee known survivor is a brother, James h acres of Moulton Ranch land. About of Manchester, Tex, March 5 city COlmcil election must ave , • • had lived in californla 28 years and
63 percent of the land would be held Techniques of photography and registered ~Y Feb. 3, City Clerk Carol in Orange COunty the pall IO. He wu
c ilkscreen are two courses available for • • -Flynn said. today, ~~ cotirution today remains unchanged (rom a salesman for 40 years with the Bankers
-as open spa e. 0 f -1 kw the winter term of adult education at Off" • l S The-League of Women voters is the-Severe neurosis which elisted When Lire lnsurance Company.
The plans ca or a seen c par ay . boo!; lClll UJ\'.8-p!'bvJdlng_ a voter registrar lronV'f"lo she became Maria and encouraged at Mr. McGee 1J 9W'Vlved by his widow,
an Diego Freew••)'-'kH6ag,...~~~m_;lliiinl~~;INl!L""I'I =-,f =,----~~~~~~~~'.;t1--~~---~~'.!p~.1~11~. ~wl.ecb::.,;1esd::i:a::.y-a:O:n:id~F~n ... d:.a.Zy~oi'.:-.:'.-,...:...,;_--l1e!:a;.st.'.:2::;4;:be::,::r~ho~b:::i:;h1::es.::;:to en§e1-heHexual Fay· _ ·
Canyon Roa4 and a slx·mile greenbelt 7 ';1: 1rp~~~?~~~ cl:0;1Y :1ginn~~ CUS1J -"l'l'l': d --~....-200.afTOWn Center,_f20LCampus DriYe. ravorc over the last three years. •. grandchildren ; !'Mi se erat· nieces· and
'and-recreational area along Aliso Creek Jan.23 1nRlloi11403atthehlghschCl>I. ' · · -.. 11ee S --. --• -.,.MYone,Qvti:-J 8'.bew. to 11\e fily,_or, '.'She could' have come to harm ~t -nephew"" _
canyon. It will include film pr 0 c es s Ing, who didn't vote In the last general any · time,••' Berl.tori said: .. Thi11 11 ·tlie ' ' ··Burial 'Wlll be ~rn Palin SPrirl11. nie ·
te printmakin" and camera techniques with .r· ax Override elecUon should register to be able to factor that seems to be entirely family suggests memorial contrlbuUona Two major employment cen rs are e vote in March. overloo.ked in any analv..ls of her case. '1 be made to the American Cancer Society_
..i; .. ,. the color processing as an option. ,, .. planned, including ~ surroun .... 16 Silkscreen will be offered Wednesdays
, ___ sit oLJheJio[t Al!lerltao Rockwell from-7-to IO p.m ·n-Room-403-an10--~-By--JOHN-VAL1'ERZ'A----t--1-------------------------------'------~---~ll---
zlggurat. will cover hand cu t stencils, photographi~ 01""' p.11y P111t 11~tt •
Planners with the Chapman firm have stencils, and tusche and glue technique.. New state legislation haS cut so deeply
said in the past that a final plan is Both classes will be taught by John into the potential income of the
a Jon"' way off and that even with Clayton, 8 high school tea cher and Capistrano Unified School District that o freelance photographer. necessary approvals development is More information may be obtalned a ·summer tax override appe3rs the
several years away. by calling Adult Education Dean Robert only solution, Supt. Truman Benedict
Tiie Ot'•* C-1 041lV PILOT, Wllll wl'llcll
.. _.,IMllll tl'le M-P~1. It puDlllf!M '°f tl'le Ot-1 .... (NII Publltllll'lll CM!Nny, ""'9-
r•I• 9dlllon1 ''' Ml .. "-d, MOl'!d1~ ltofWllfl
Frlf1y, fltr COit• M111, Ht-1 '"'°'"
Hunlfnftoil llttc:ll/'"-l•ln \1111.,., l'9llNI
hKll, lrwlMIS~ •I'll S.n C-.-te/
ltn J....,. C.11l1W-. A 11119!• '"'°"''
talfllon ii pulll ....... fllnl•J'I ""' s..N,..
TM prlnci,tl .-illhllll .... ft! II •I DI W1!1I
!11., Sir .. !, tos11 Mttt, C.llfornl1, n&K.
Rob,rt N, We.d
rrttldel>! 11'11 Plllllllfler
J11k R. C11r1,., ~ rmlHll• w 0-•t MtNttt
n'"''' K1•wil ltill<' l\'"''' A. M11,phh" MtNtlnt Editor
Ch•lt•• H. loo1 Rich1rJ '· Nill
Atlbftlll M1"'91f11 f:fllWI ......
Cllll MtM : DI Wttl l l't' Sl•nt N......., htcft: JW N~ t1111WWf L-.-Mffll: m Forni ,._
"""'11111911 lffdl: 1711J I Ndl ...,..,,.,...
ltfl C"""'"'! al Ho<tll 1!1 C.mlM •ffl
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Cl•tl:flc4 A•w11Ma1 '42·1671
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Colfrrllflt, ,.,,, er.,.. C:..11 flUllllallfllt
CIM;Nlll¥. ... ...... 1tl!'ie., llhlalf•l--
...... i. ......... ~ """''~ '*"Ill ""' ._ ........... wlthowt IPICllf ,.,.. _....,.,......._.,,
...... dlllf ..,.... Mil 11 C•I• .....
Ca11Wft6e. ......... "" u"W •M
.......,, "' """ u .11 ~' •111wr ............... '"""""·
Wisgerhoff at 837-6270. told trustees Monday,
Pot Luck Dinner
• Set for Helpline
The saddleback Valley Helpline will
hold a pot luck dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Friday at Mount of Olives Lutheran
Church Jn Mission Viejo.
Members and their guests will honor
33 new counselors who re c e n t I y
completed their training in an eight·'l\!eek
courSe dellgnecl to give In.sight into such
problems aa drugs, suicide, a n d
The new volunteers, along wtth veteran
counselors, will spend at least one four·
hour perind a month manning the
helpline telephone, which operates on
a noon to midnight scheduJe seven days
a \\'eek.
Calls made to the line (830-2522) are
kept anonymbua.
Farin Labor Bid Dies
--SACRAMENTO (AP) -A secret-ballot
farm labor proposal met Ila death
• Monday In a Senate committee arter
receiving little support and much
criticism. By a J..3 vote Monday 1 the
Senate lndustrlet RelaUono Committee
scrapped the Tumlten-blcked secret
elections bill spollJC!r'd by sen. 0eor1e
Zcnovich ID-f'rtsno).
Although board members took no
formal action on Benedict's Urging of
a possible 24-cent override, t h e y '
appeared in support of tht plan. a vote
among trustees might come by the
middle of next month.
Benedict said the district's edue.itlonal
programs appear beaded for damage
unless the district can find some way
to make up for the revenue loss imposed
by Senate Bltl 90. .
The tax-reform measure sets a limit
to the district's income and that ce lling,
officials say, Is far leu than the
inrtationary factor which aUecta dl1trtct
Unless the override passes, Benedict
said, the district's important cash
reserves might be cut In half and
hundredJ of thousands of don.,, in cuts
would be necessary to balance the
"The legislation might be fine ror
districts not faced with heavy growth,
but In OW' case, where heavy growth
11 aoUclpated, the law provides nothing
for us/' he II.Id.
Althoush lhe district pW.1 to reeotve
almost a mllllon dollars In extr1 Income_
next fiscal year, much of thil will
be commltted lmmedlately for the hiring
of perhops 21 new te1chera to . cope
with an anticipated 7QO.pupll Increase
when schools open next fall.
"We have obllpllonl to our tmployes
end to the chlldrtn In this dlltrlct 111d,
frankly , It ii dllllcult for uo to foce
any ellemellve," Ben.diet said.
J •
' 'AtD.EN'£
1663 Placentia Ave.
. -
.. '
' 1
Buntin ton Beaeh Today's Final
Fountain ·Va •
, .Huntingto~ Ponders .Cat
·• By TERRY COVILLE $70 a month to S350 a moath. We had never support a penny more for another
Of,.. DMlr """•••ff to ~t Jhe shelter," DeilniJ Smith, license unlll we have it."
Hwttlngton Beach· city councilmen president of CAC, told the council. At first , other councilmen laughed and
' I'll vote for the cat license tonight,"
cha1lenged c.oen. "One-thitd of their time
is spent on cat calls (the audience
te Into loud la ter . The ro r
Tags Again
contract expires, with specific figures overall costs.
on what revenue he might e~pect from The council did take one specific action
cat licenses , and how much the city to change the licensing period. Animals
y n on~ aga w lb '' lie offered the eit M-Mur-1119ica-scofled at Q>en'•' mmment., the possibility of a mandatory cat license In return but a1Jo wed for an lncreue tbe bitter bearlnp a few month! ago approach is to cause a m atory 1cense
or eloe prohibit CAC from responding
to cat compl8ints."
might have to subsidize the program: ii} Hun tington Beach ar~ currently
-1 e e c1 y musr set-r-slll:l.,..,OOOM--lllicensei:Hrom-ApriHo:-April,whil~the,.,_---t
. tn the ,price of dog tags from the current when they tned to impose a c,at license. to help ofbet the rising cost of anunal annual charge of $7 to flO. But after Sm.1th gave more details
control. Councilmen balked at 'bolh lbe higher on the rising costs. In the city, and
•'Jbey were asked by California Animal budget and the )dea of charging dog told councilnlen lf they rettricted flls
Control (CAC) to ral!e the agency's owners more money for their license. budget to its cunent $123,000 he would
blXlget by $82,000, from its current "The obvloua ariswer is a mandatory have to cut out license inspectors, a
f123,000 tO f185,000. · cat license, whether It's politlcany wise night officer and a weekend officer,
"The price of dog food is up 60 or not," suggested Councilman Al c.oen, cat tags became more of a reality. ·
percent. Our telephone cost• went from a longtime supporter of the idea. "I'll "If the rest of you have the guts,
Coen also suggested that the cat
license should be set the same as the
dog tags, at the current $7 level with
a state required '6 percent reduction
for spayed or neutered animals.
Councilmen finally asked Smith to
return Feb. 4, the day before the CAC
budget, or whatever figure is reached, cities do it from July to July,
CAC attempts to make it self·supporting Councilmen will switch this year by
through revenue frm'n license, fines and establishing a 15-month dog tag good
impound fees . . from April, 1974 through June 30, 1975.
Smith also warned councilmen the 24-The price of it will be $10 -half
hour service he wants to providf' depends off for spayed or neutered dogs -
partially on the cities of Fountain Valley but that price will be lowered the next
and Seal Beach contracting with CAC time to its current $7 when the city
for a similar service which Yl'ould reduce goes ba ck to a norma l 12-month license.
l\jangers Suing_ Parents · Committee
Tall111an •Lueky"
I• Stunt · Flier Survives Crash
Of fllll Dellr Pll" lt1H
. "When I talked to him last night
he was a guy with a lump on . his
bead and a bandage lying there tired
and disgusted, alert but tired."
The guy was Frank Tallman, 53, of
Newport Beach. He was h°"J'ilalized In
Golden State Memorial Hospital not far
from the acene of a crash of bis replica
Nleuport 21 World War I era blpiane.
Fra'nt Pine, general manager of
Talimantz Aviation Company, based at
Orange County, sUd today, "He was
T•llmln, co-founder of tbe fum which
ellm predlian flying 1!1\'icea to lllrA ·
1111i<n-ad-others,-dJ!dw! ...... ~.QQ!l,
plua plane Jn a nvorl>ed r;eor Newhall.
Pine aaJcl lbe ftleran malllr WU
landing the plane which bu been med
for the put lour months In the IUrnlng
of "The Great Waldo Pepper."
The movie, 1tarrlng Robert Redford
and Bo Svenson, ts about barnstorming
-tho deatl><lelying living made by
roung piloU of lbe lllZOs who Dew about
m surplus World War I planes, Pines
°""' .............. E~UDES DEATH AGAIN
Newport'• Fronk Tall""'"
Huntington Beach .Niles
·MWB-Y ard at ·Bolsa Chi~
Deep Throat
Spark Suit
Huntington Beach Union High School
District Trustee Dennis Mangers' object
of a recall attempt stemming from the
"Deep Throat" controv~y, bas filed
a $500,000 civil suit against recall
In the lawsuit, Mangers c)Jlrns lbe
recall group -Citizens for Parents'
Rights Committee -conspired to
slander him and damage his reputation.
He ia 1eei<ing eiempiuy llld punitive
TMlstee Ron Shenkman is also Involved
tn ~ nan .ucmit.llUt 11e bu .......,ec1
not to"f!Je I rUH anlill tfnle. ~
upla-. "I )1111 aon't want to take
the Ume to pt ........ ln alilts right
now, even dloaall· '1"ft &bl plenty of
ammtmitJon beb1nd me to do so.
"II the maJicious and false remarks
eqntinue, however, I may see fit to
file a suit, too," he continued.
"¥angers ls in a 'little different
position than I am , since be Is running
(or public office and is being slandered,"
be asserted.
The civil suit was filed last Friday
along with a suit requesting a restraining
~r on the recall petition drive.
Mangers, who filed both suits, requested
Judie Claude"o..n. bold up lbe petition
driye ~ a bearing could be beld
to 'deterlnlne nlldity of the charges.
A court bearing· has been set for
9:30 -.1D .. Jan. 30 In S<jperior Court.
Both Mangers and Shenkman have
lilOd rebuttals to -the allegations made
by the Citizens Comrnlttee denying ail
Ye~r .Of. The, Tiger
As or Friday, for the Chinese it's the ·year oL the
Valiant' Tiger -and· to get in the mood, new Miss
Los Angeles Chinatown Bettie Kirn Young, 21, of
Newport'Beach, took~ tour of Lion.Country Safari·
' ·Monday, Miss Young will reign over the new year
par~i:i!?J. and ce;Iebration in Los Angeles Friday -
and may see her new friends again. Lion Cotll)try
tigers are scheduled to be in the parade.
asked to help Huntington Beach light complete in two ""'ks and indicated lraudulenr--of tax money, neglect aria • in anger
llie poilible develilpmint of a 35-acre P':,° bas l>o Intention °1 ch.anglng its• ofAnduladdy, and lack of fiscal responsibility... . • " _ . , . . . .. . -, ,
Metropolitan Water l)lslrict (MWD) · itlonai charge of coollict of R L,;, l · B · k' ' · Ed Kerins, chairman of tlie city Interest waa filed against Mangers. Out;r ur e s ..., .--' .
1.llillty swltcbyard Jn the nortbem section planning commission, told councilmen Recall proponents claim Mangers and H p h • • s
ol lbe Bolaa aitca Blulls. MWD bas refused to cooperate at all Shenkman ahlrked their_ respdiisibilitr er . s c ·iatrist . a s M h n· cu.,_.,...,n.,.,, adoptal__a.poli'-' .... ~ _.lll'illl~~ea':;ra~o";;1 -~·~~· ons.~it"iras~t riiA~"citQ<wif.ben~o;ithe~·1aii1t~"l!'-:ll-=::...:::...:._:.::..:....:...1-....:...:....::..:..::...::..::..:.....:...:..::._..:_.:..:...1....:_ ____ ~~o~t~~e~r'...· ~· ~I~e'.:s~-----l~I staunch opposition Monday night to "MWD bas taken no concern with SM ego erence and failed to halt .
MWD'• plan to buy the .site · from Signal what the city of Huntington Beach the acreenlng of the sex movie "lle<p -' • 1 • Mis. Mabel' Caroline Burke, mother wanta " --... 1a1nec1 Councilman Henry· Throat." By TOM BARLEY are fortunate that she has not come 0. 1 '•··emblyman ·Robert H. Burke of on Company. . • >NMfl" • Of ... Deltr '"" '''" h 1· 1 1 1 ~ Tbe city' I 1.... mils' b Duke. "I'm aorry they have that kind Botb trusteet deny they viewed ~ to Sf, ann n near Y our years 0 Hwitington Be8¢l, will be burled ·-•~ the 'MpWDanp.to,. ~Ider ""'a· slaste of attitµde, espiriaJly ._ for a public film and aay_ they assumed the Maria Parson's psychiatrist today this· . d of thing," he added. 'IbunKlay ·following memorial services ~ --ag " adml .. '.-.-to,.. we g · to th aitictzed newspaper accounts of his Be on claims the psychiatric condition farther -•• aloos the bluf'·. Planners ency. ~" • re omg see e ., , illness d ml d d h 1 at Smith's Mortuary Chapel Mrs. Burke -..w L1J -, • movie •t 1 !heat pauent s an re n e er awyer in which Mrs. Parson, 50, of Anaheim object to the current site because It Mayor Jerey 'Mainey aald . the dty ~ . er. In Orange County Superior Court that has become three women , sterna from died Swiday at 78.
would place , an industrial use within still t.a time to stop development, several of her sexual escapades exposed her alleged entrapment at the Holiday A native of Iowa, Mrs. Burke ' lived
a ... 1c1e11u11 zone. Tbe commission thougl! there II apparently no way. it Women Protest her to considerable danger, • • . Health Spa ln Orange on March 2, 1170. In lfuntlngton Beach for lbe past 10
P-1--Id put lbe lwitchyard at COllld bait lbe aale of lbe land. "Her hl!sband . got Into' a · fight with Mrs. Pal'S()rl, wlio' ·Wanis 11 million years and suffered an extended illness
the foot ol the bluffs, 9epar11ted from At that point, as suuested by Jack another man over her at the Newporter in ·damages rrom .the · spa , testified that before her death.
homes In the aouthem sector. Green, councllmen deddid t'1 ltOd their SACRAMEN'J;'O (UPI) -Members of Inn on one occasion and had to receive an already-defective sauna room, door She was active in-the Huntington Beach
Ma)'Df.rd Anderson, MWD'• assistant protests to the state Legislature, tbe Uie Natimal Organization for Women hoSpital · treatment," Dr, Deane Benton jamnied "When she . tried to leave the Senipr Citizens Club and was involved reneraI manager, told c o u n c i I m en state Attorney Genenl and the federal carried signs Monday on the Capitol of Santa Ana testified in lhe sauna 170-dearie area and that ~he cot 1psed with lhe Christ Presbyterian Church.
Envinmnental Protection .Agency. steps in support ~( the right of women bath trial. after the door handle broke of(. Mrs. Burke leav.es two children,
1111 ~!air llld Wlll'IDer Wednea-•
doy, aecordlng to the '!fire serv-
ices, !'Ith llilhl Jn., the low -1111
lllllnd llld In the -alq the belebel. Lon taallbt Jn the
-· 4111.
No 1caralc or kvng f1A for JI_, Spil/ont. His lino, Nike
Hommer, 11111 blcrll U.. bid
llVf' tolth a .45. TM """ld'a
top •elllflll aalhor Is i•ttr-
l>iftDC<I .. Pooo 7 lodaf. --.
LM..... ·-= D c.tflftlll • ....... " Cll .... ... .............. ,.
c..-. '' -c-.r 11 Ctwu:-s•• 1f """' ,..., " ._.. 11 ....... IHI --,.. .............. . .... , . 17 1t. • ,..... "
,_ t>tl ftlllllrl II
... .._. • -4 .... s 1t _.. .... lJ.11
Ama..-. '' -.... 4,UI '
The swttchYLr.d ii neceSsa~ if MWD · lo ~hav_e abortions. \A spokeswoman for "On another occasion, he followed her She tesUrie_d that no one heard her AMtmblyman Burke and Miriam Knop
ever builds Ute ctnee-ProJ>med $700 the group. said ·the primary purpose . into the parking lot of a Newport Beach repeated screams and beating on the of Portland, Ore. Other survivors include
million Bolsa Island pi'ojectofl the coast of the informational rally was to observe restaurant and found her kissing another .glass door. . four brothers. Roy Anderson, Harry
of Bo)la Otlca State Beach. the anniversary of the l973 U.S. Supreme man," Benton said. Dr. Benton today identi!ied the three Anderson, and Carl Anderson, ·au of ..
British Miners
Hint Shut.down
LONDON (UPI) -Tbe leader of
Brltoln'1 ...... COii m1nen tlreatened
todoy to bit the country's lhucly badly
lhalten economy with a crtppllntl mine
abutdaorn. •
•• 1 am sure we ahall get an
overwlloilml"I ballot In lovor of on alkut
-. • Natloaal Union ot Mlnewwkm
President Joe Gormley said.
Tbe llllnorl bove been on a pnduCUon
slowdown since Nov. 12 to prtu clem-
lor hlper pay.
Combined with the Arab oU -
to tho Weat and an ove~ bin bJ
a,ooo railroad enaineen. the mine
slowdown oporhd wbot Prime ~
&!word He1th bu termed Britain'• .aro...i crflls since World Wor II.
CoUrt decision ll~alizing abortion law~s. ~That also Jed to a fight and we women In what he calls a "three-faces Des Moines, Jowa, and F..dwin Anderson
Capsule Council Action
Here• In· coplllle form are the major actions taken Monday night by tbe
Huntincfoo Boch City Council:
CAT TAGS: ordered reconsideration of a mandatory cat license to offset
rising animal control c6sts. Tbe iasuO will bO heard at their Feb, 4 meeting.
GOLi' COVRE: Set aside l&S0,000 from the city's federal revenue shar·
l Jnc, -r lor the pooolbl~ purcbaae ol MeadOwlark Golf. Course. .. . " " ll1JNTINGTON HARBOUR: Set Feb. 19 as lbe date for a public hearing
CKI lbt llddlllan ol 4' boat slips lo the Davenport Maripa. Nearby homeownen
-the marina 'Oq>anSi<>n . •
llOLiA 'IllLANll' Will aak for state and federal help to fight Metropolitan
Waler Dlalricl plana·for a 35-acre land purthase ln tJie. Bolaa Chlc4 ,rqion.
TOWN LOTS: Pissed 9everal l'elolllU°"' )alDICblni a 11.5 mlDlon ·......-
rnent clialrlcl ... stnet improvement ul a pc)rlioo of the old Town· Lots.
or Eve" mental condition as Maria, of Phoenix, Ariz. She also leaves (ive
Marie, and Betty. grandchildren.
He identified Maria as the woman Assemblyman Burke said. be h::>pes
who became known in several bars for to have both the Rev. Don Roberts
her tendency to wear very short Skirts, of Christ Presbyterian Church aod
tight lowcut sweate~ and heavy makeup. Pastor Tom Overton, of First Christian
"'nlil .ls-Maria,'.'.__be aald. And he (See BUI\IAL, Page ti
explained to plainUfrs aUomey Marvin
Lewis Sr. that Betty, lhe remorsetul
projection, is the real Mn. Parson while
Marie lies aomewbere in between the
two penonalitlea.
"My job is to end this conflict and
make tbeae three persons Into one
again," Benton said. And w h 11 e
newspapers,. like to stress this aspect
or ber p<ycbiatrlc condittqn, there is
much Jl'Klre IO her illnesa that that."
Benton is currenUy bein'g Jed by Lewis
through lbe notes be compiled during
152 counaeling .... tons with Mrs. Parson torn Aptjl 1970 to lbe present date .
He baa testified that Mrs. Parson's
condi,tlon today remains unctiangeil lrom
the severe neurosis which existed when
(See SAUNA, Pip I )
DMV Offices
Ope1t Saturda~·
All Department of Motor Vehlcles
offices will be open from I a .. rn.
to I p.m. Satun!ay !or the
convenience of drivers who want
to renew thelr 1974 v e h i c I e
registrations. .
Tbe final day to bring or IDlll
renewal p a y m t-n t s to the
department without penalties ii
Feb. 1.
• I 2 DAll.Y PILOT H Tursday, January 22, 1974
Before ,Disengagemettt
1ss1nger ees
End ·to Embargo
WASHINGTON (AP) -Secretary or
State Henry A. Kissinger said today
he expects the Arab oil emb3rgo agajns t
the United States to be lifted before
Egyptlan-Jsraeti military disengafement
is completed along the Suez cana .
Speaking at a news conference,
Kissinger said "I have every reason
to believe our success in negotiations
marks a major step toward ending the
oil embargo."
He was not-specific abou( dates.
However, Kissinger said, "l think in
more ambitiou,, terms," when he asked
if the oil embargo would be eased after
disengageme.1t is completed.
Concerning the Arab oil c!mbargo,
Kissinger said today that lhe failure
to end the restrictions "in a reasonable 'tr 'tr 'f:l , time .. , would raise serious quesllons''
Nixon · Not
Considering ·
WASHrNGTON. (UPI)' -President
Nixon ls not considering reslpin& and
ha1 every lntenUon 9f aarvtnc oul his
remaining three years In office, a White
House spokesman said todiy.
Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said
Nlxon "knows he has not been involved
In any wrongdoing" in Watergate and
~efore is "not entertaining at all"
Attnrney .
Sought by
} Of 711t 'D1!b' PUM I ...
I • I •
Daniel Ay<:rs, the man accUsed with
Eloise Popell of a. plot to murder her
wealthy husband,. today cG>Unues h\s
IOl\f and apparently lruJtr•Unl oearch
for an attorney.
Ayers has been behind bars since
his arrest two weeks ago along with
Mrs. Popeil in her bayfront home lo
Newport ·Beach. "Ii f n · i.Jl1!J!1 en ab sta u. 1---"lr-..~.,,tq~°''ll-J"-"e-<r-s,,.---"'"!'A~cco""'nling to the pact signed EllYP
" f and Israel last week, tbe separation .
t--Mrr.1'ope11:-"', ll:-1lit ·eitrurpt-..He---
of kitchen gldget millfoealre Samuel
of forces must be completed "not later
C. • p f •ts than ~ days alter It bej!11>1." ite ro l ' The start of the disengagement hu not been annoWlced, but diplomatic
Rlclcoeer Brille
Navy Cmdr. E~eonore Bed·
nowicz, 43, has marri~ Adm.
Hyman G. Rickov~r in a quiet
Chicago ceremony. The new
Mrs. Rickover is a nurse at the
Great Lakes Naval Hospital.
Ri ckover is a pioneer in the
development of the nuclear
Dellr, ...... , ... ,... .. Popell of Chicago, bu been tree llnce
Jan. 12 when ber attomeya pooled the
$iOO,OOO bail " : •
'No Bonanza'
WASHINGTON (UPI ) -Executives
of the nation's seven biggest oil
companies told a Senate subcommittee
today that thelr profits increased
substantially list year but that they
reaped oo bonanza.
Members of the Senate permanent
-.L investigations subcommiuee grilled the
executives for the second straight day,
questioning high profits of fuel grants
in light of the energy crisis. -
'"lbue Is no use kidding ourselves
where your profits are," said the
suboommittee chairman, Sen. Henry M.
jackaon (~Wash). "Quit going aro'f."1
the mulberry bush."
'lbe bearing -one of several
congressional forums on the crisis -
wu conducted as the Labor Department
announced that the price of fuel oil
and coal rose 44. 7 percent in 1973. lt
went up 11.1 percent in December alone.
The department's Bureau of Labor
Statistics said price increases for
gasoline, heating oil, electrcity, natural
gas, coal and other energy items
accounted for more than one-third of
an overall 0.7 percent rise in the cost
of living in December.
, An early-December survey by the
government -prior to sharp increases
later in the mooth -showed the rost
~f gasoline at service stations had risen
4.4 percent over November. For 1973
as a whole, gasoline and motor oil
, went up 11.6 percent. .
t Shell Oil Co. Pnsident Harry Bridges
told the Senate hearings that its
members had been llllfairly comparing 1m oil profits with •:a very low mz
performance. Looking over several
years," he said, "there is no bonanza
in these profits whatsoever."
Bridges said Shell's net Income the
past five years had gone up an average
of 7 percent -which he said was
a normal gain among large corporations.
Jackson and Sen. Abraham Riblcoff
(~.). questioned how the oil
companies cou1d justify "perferential tax
treatment'' they get from foreign credits,
the oil depletion allowance and write-
offs for drilling costs.
"Isn't it a fact . . . that the real
' profits were ab~?" Jackson asked.
· "You are shifting YOUr profit base from 1 crude to refining and marketing."
1 The executives from Exxon, Texaco,
Gulf, Mobil, Standard of California,
: Standard of Indiana and Shell said that
1 was not the case.
·tax break," said A. M. ~. vice
ncesittent of Texaco. . .
He said the oil firms' tax bills on
all ope.rations were higher than much
of the rest of the Industrial world.
sources have indicated the procesa may
begin as early u Ft klay.
In another development, President
Anwar sadat of Egypt pralaed the United
States' Middle East policy today and
hinted he thought the Arab oil embargo
on the United States could be altered.
"I ca n now sincerely say that the
United States has adopted a new policy,
th at there is a significant, though not
total, change," Sadat said at a news
conference in Algiers.
Asked if he thought the ban on Arab
oil shipments to the United States should
be modified, he replied :
"For every change in the American
position, it is n~ry for the Arabs
to make an identical change "toward
the United States." •
Sadat arrlV<!d Monday In Algiers as
part of a tour of-Arab states to explaJa
why be agreed to disengagement.
Despite Sadat's stand that the Arabs
should reciprocate fn some way for U.S.
policy, Arab newspapers were reporting
that the-Arabs apparently were not
budging from their oil embargo.
Sadat came to Algeria after ta.Jklng
with King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, the
ruler of Kuwait and leaders of other
oil producing countries.
Algeria, another oil producer, has
joined the embargo but with little
practical effect since petroleum exports
to the United States were small.
Shipments of natural gas, however, have
Clothes .Really
Make the Man
LOS ANGELES (AP) -It dldn't take
sheriffs otfice,._ 1oog to pick Avion !.\.
, Gilrriaon out of. a crowd of pedestrians
in West Hollywood. He was the man
wearing a denim jacket with "L.A.
COUNTY JAJL" stenciled across the
back. ,
Deputies were so taken by it that
they asked Garrison, 25, where be got
. Then they escorted him to the sheriff's
substation where he had leaped a chain
link fence and escaped about 10 minutes
earlier Sunday night. Garrison was an
inside trusty serving 90 da ys for forgery.
Lyndo1i Johnson
Died Year Ago
From Page I
As Tallman was landing 11a control
broke and left him with no control
of the plane. He lost bis rudder and
the JM!1lal broke," Pine aid. ·
It is the kind of accident peeple who
make their living stunt flying learn to
live, or die, with. ·
Tallman's partner, Pl!Ui Mantz, died
In 1965 in a plane crash during the
filming or tloe "Flighl of the Phoenil."
Within a week of Mantz' funeral Tallman
himseU !0st his left leg to a freak
accident involving his son's go-kart.
Tallman bimseU guessed today be was
"rather lucky. I guess we hit prettX
hard. 1be pJane was pretty ·bent up, '
he said.
Pine wouldn't speculate whether this
was the closest of Tallman's frequent
brushes with tragedy.
"You never know what misses you
In the night ... when you do the large
amounla of unusual and lrrei;ufar flying
we do, You expect more cloee calls,"
P.ine said.
Tallman'• doctors said the aviator may
bereleasedWl!dneoday. '
A cut covered by the bandages Pine
Pine 'described. was· cloeed with 12
stitches, Universal Studloa spokesman
Moon Plots Sell
On UC Campus
Musician Walhburno
W ashburne Dies
111 Newport; Top
Music Co1nposer
But the unemploy.d · machlojst who
police allege Is her lover haa remained
jailed and Monday fold Long Beach
Mwtictpal Court Judge Charles I.Jtwln
that he has not been. able t'o hire an
attorney to defend him agalnst the
charge of Conspiracy to commit a:iurder.
At Monday's court appearance, which
was to have been lhe opening of the
prelitninary hearing for the pair, Ayers
was briefly represented by a special
COW'l.Sel, Frank Karl ·of Loa Ang_eles and
then by a member of the" public
Joe "Cowit.ry" W a sh burn e, a defender's staff.
composer-musician whose career But both attorneys made it clear that
stretched back to the liJOI died Monday they will not stay with the case through even the preUminary bearing.
in Newport Beach of an apparent heart Karl did not specify his reasons for
attack. He was 68. Withdrawing but Public Defender John
Washbume wrote "One Dozen Roses" Yzurdlaga told the oourt Ayera la not
and "Oh Mona" and was a singer-~ eligible to receive aid from the public
musician on some of tbe nation's most c'<>fender.
popular radio shows during the 1930s According to his statement, Ayers, Mansfield refused today to join a number a property owner, potentially hu the
of congressional Democrats calling for and 40s. money to hire an attorney but because Nixon's resignation. 1be retired musician was admitted lne be •--not be"
"I don't think he should resign," to Hoag Memorial Hospita.J late Monday. of his conf ment UCl3 en
Mansfield said. lte died ln the h:ospital emergency room able to "put his affairs In order" and
The question of presidential resignation fl lal aid raise the money to hire coUMel .
h h t k d . . al 6:03 p.m., of c s s . led t•-, "is a matter e as o ma e a ecis1on Judge Litwin gran a ui~ay
on himself," ~tansfield said. The Orange County Coroner's office continuance to the hearing and issued
Meanwhile, Vice President Geral.d R. said Wuhburne had a prior history a court order that Ayen be allowed
Ford said today Nixon offered to show of heart trouble. four phone calls from U>s Angeles
him documents that Ford said he was Washbume Jived on Balboa Island in County Jail so that he can find an
certain could prove Nixon innocent of Newport Beach until about a year ago. attorney.
Watergate wrongdoing. the of his wil A s mi 11 group of Ayen' friends "'lbe President volunteered to show But following death . e attended Monday's hearing and described
them to me," Ford said. "It was part Jeanie, he moved to a trailer park the murder plot co-defendant aa .. an
of. our discussion we had yesterday, in Santa Ana, 13101 S. Fairview Roa1, extremely easy-going, likeeble guy."
but I have not had time to see them." where he lived alone. They said he bad worked at the
Fon! told a news cooference the Services for Washburne will be held Douglas Aircratt Co. plant In Long Beach
docwnents are those Senate Republican for about eight years before he was leader Hugh Scott referred lo Swxlay 'll.ursday at Z p.m. In tbe chapel of laid off last year In a staff cutback.
in saying the While House bas -Pacific View Memorial Park, Newport According to police, Ayera,"37, and Mn.
inlormaUon that it bas not released Beach. Popeil hired an acquaintance of bis from
thal coold show the President was "He -a ~ -· really Douglaa to go to Chicago and ltill her innocent of lome ~allegatioos in the wooderful,:• i.aaid Andy . Devfna.,,, of estranged husband before their pending
scandal. ~· r· , dlvorce'8tcame final. · ScOtt 88id he bu not been a~le lo Newporl'8-il! 8'movte per-ty who Jnvestlgaton allege that they ortginally
convince the While House Inner circle worked wttlfi Washbume offered 125,000 to the unldeiitified Long
tc, urge Nixon to make public the HEveryOne liked him. He Wu the Beach man and even sent him on a
material , described by Ford as a kind of peraon who would go out of dry run to the windy city to stake
the transcripl. his way to do anything to help anyone," out Popell and get a look at his JO.room 1be information ls in the hands of apartmepL
Watergate special prosecutor L<on Devine aid. The alleged plot waa brok•n, police
Jaworski "and he and tbe judge have Washburne played and sang during claim, when the hired killer and a friend
an obligation not to release that the 1930.s with rad.lo network bands on who had been working with hlm, c.alled
Information pending Indictment and trial the Fibber McGee and Molly and the Popeil to warn him or li1a wile'• plan.
of those accused," Ford saJd in Great Gildersleeve shows, two of the Long Beach investigators saJd they BERKELEY (UPI) • -B a r r Y ezplalning why Nilotl has not released worked on the Cl5e for about a -k
McCardle, 24, of. Carmichael, appeared. the teanscript. most popular programs on radio. beCore they arrested the pair at the
on the University of ca!ifornla .campuS 'lbere have been reports that the He also played baa horn in the Ted Newport home at 519 Harbor Island
selling certificates for one-acre plots transcript is of a oonversatlon between Weems orcbest:'a during the big band Road.
· oo the mooo for $1. · NillOD and his -iime counsel, John era. Both entered pleu of noit" guilty during
McCardle, clad in silver boots, veit Dean -Ill, whose testimony before the His song "One Dozen Ro~" Jed the their arraignment 10 days ago.
1 and cap and wearing aviation .simgJasses, Senate Watergate committee linked U.S. Hit Parade for 18 weeks in the According to District Attorney Charles
sold more than $200 in certif1C1.tes, Nixon with the Watergate·.cover·up. early 1940s. Sheldon, the preliminary bearing is
Monday. Ziegler answered questions today about In the 1980s Washburne led his own expected to tate three or four days
"What I'm trying to do is put the resignation auggestions and related band, which played on the curt Massey and ~t will feature the highlights of
credibility back in the land business," matt.en, and emphasized Nixon "is radio and television shows with Martha t"."o "c":'cial .tapes" made by the 111tleged
AUSTIN, Tex. (AP). -There was he Wld-the campus ~t~~~f.· ...._.;...~ determined ·not to ~ conswned ™' _ Tilton. killers, identified only as Mr. Reed and
a s i 111 p I e wrea t h or w h it-·••---------.....:.C-...:::. __ .....;._.;a;;noOO>mi.ieri'yiii!raa•r:;,bf;n,!ll.Jenwoiaiiit>iergmatr>e'lm""atter." He was a mefti~r me A . .
chrys_anthemums today for the great ... -:-.-Ziegler lndlCi~ N~ abaQ.dooed a s c l_e t y of Com~rs, Authors &p4 _ Mrs. P2Pfll's attopieys, PhlJ _Petty
ru;u · or the L)'lldon. B_,, Johnson : • ,Fro.tit P .. e : · ' , continuation . o1 irisweting-J'consunt,' , Playwrights (ASCAP). . · . .·.and Robert· Green, both o! Sanla Ana,.
Library to mark the death of the nation's A constant, constant unsupported cbargU Was~burne and his wile had ~e son1 hav~ not discussed the case much. Petty
36th president a year ago. SA UN • , , against the .President" because be said who died in the early 1960s. His only denied one report that they \YOUld be
No public cere mony was planned. the White House would J>ec "coilst.antly known survivor ls a brother, James seei:un~ a change of venue becauae of "So long as the oil C(lmpanies are
unable to generate enough capital, I
1---·cannorsee-thaH t ---a-great-issue;,.
said Z. D. Bonner of Gulf.
How~er, large num~rs of visitors she became Maria and encouraged at consumed in proving the negative." of Manchester, T.J!X. preJudiclal pre-trial publlci{y. •
were expected at the library to see least-JC bar-habit.uu..to.enjoy-her-~,,;j-+~~~~~~~~~~;ioiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiliijii~iiiiiiiiiiii ............ ~~.;..~;;; ... ;;,;;;;;;;;~r.~-~ a const:am rerunofa-tCFlfilftlJtefilm-favor: ~ver the last three y~. "" . -•
of t~ ceremonies ~hen Johnson'! body ''She could have come to harm ·at Ribicoff persisted "Oil companies are
reaping the greatest profits in their
history," he declared . "They enjoy the
lowest effective tn r a t e of
manufacturing concerns. While the
r collSl.Uner is suffering, the \ndustry
seems to be receiving a bonanza."
TM Ori"'" Colt! DAILY PILOT Wll!I Wiiiet!
la G01n11h1ft.m1 H1-Pr1n. 11 po,obllll'llllll llr
111e Or•"9'9 co.i.t P!lblltlltno Co~11r. s.,..
All lllllllOnl , .. ,.ul)litllfd1 Morodly lhrwtll
FrlNr, for Co111 MtM, NtwPOrl •••di.
HUnllf'!llon llHCll/FOUfl!t ln \f1llt'j', Ylilnll
l•ch, lrvlMISlddltbKlr. t ncl k n Cltmfnltl
Stll J11911 C111111r11111. A 1\ngl1 r.,l_I
Mll!lwl la pWl!111td $.llllf'ffri ..... '""'""'
TM ,rlrocl!NI putiolllhlflt plffll 11 If Uf Wal
a1., •trtli, Coll• MIM, C.lltom11, ,... .-R•\i•rt N. W11d
Pm'lllMI •NI 'ubll!Mr
J•c .. I . Curl•v
' !
\'Ice Pmlffflf •NI GcMrl l M•NtS
ThOll'ltt Ktt¥11'
Tliem•• A. M11r.hi11e
M-lffl'I tCllMI'
Cfoi•rl" H. Leet · l ich11ol '· Nill
"4t11t1fll M.,._.'"' IEdl*~
Terry C••lUe W..t Of'11191 ~IY E.itw
................ QHke
I 711S l14ch k wl1•1"1
M1lli11i AllldttHI ,.0 •••• JtO, 926-41
°"'"'°""" 1. ...... I.Hell: m '"'*' AY411W t.MI• M-: sao West ... ., ltrtlt
N"""'1 -..eri: nn "...,..,, 1eui.v1,.
$M1 C:itlNll .. l -Nl!'ltl 1:1 c."""" • ..,
tll ... r• 17141 H2o4121
Ct•WIM Ut•ll• '4Wln ... ,... °"""' C-"f ""-11111 -•m ~ 1m o....... c-1 .-llli11t1o1rtt ~.,,' NI ""'" ,,., ... , lllvllrtrllnt, -Ill INftlr f' ~1..,_,. Mn!fl
.,. -,...,..... .......... NOtC.111 ,.,..
........ Ill' ........ --· .._,or. ...... •Nel C..t1M1M, ~ ......... w~a.111 ,_.,,1 llt' -II $J.1J .,...,..,., 17\Nll.,,
a I ,..,. G.tf """""'"·
la.y11m sttabete at the lt1hbrary. 1t1rs. Johnson ci.ny time," Benton said. "This is the
"''' no among em. factor that seems to be entirely~
overlooked iD any analysis of her case."
Church, officiate at the service.
The exact lime or the service has
not yet been set
Also officiating at the service will
be the Rev. Emil Bergen, 96, the family's
pastor from Des 1tfoines who is currently
visiting In Santa Ana.
h1rs. Burke will be buried at Pacific
View Memorial Park In corona de! M.ar.
Solzhenitsyn Raked
MOSCOW (AP) -The official Soviet
news agency Tass resumed its attacks
on novelist Alexander Solzhenitsyn today,
ca lling him a "traitor and renegade
rejected with anger and contempt by
all honest people ... " Tass a>mmentator
Yuri Komilov wrote about Solzhenitsyn 's
statements responding to the official
criticism heaped on him after publlcatlon
of the book "Gulag Archipelago."
8.8% lnerease
Prices Highest in 27 Years . ,..
WASIUNGTON (UPI) -Sharp increases for food and fuel led
a surge ol O. 7 percent in consumer prices in December to ~tall llv-•
ing costs up by 8.8-percent for 1973 -biggest rise since 1947. (Re-
lated story, Page 14).
The Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics, in an·
nouncing the December statistics today, said last year's Increase in
living costs was greater than the previous two years combined.
Prices went up 3.4 percent in both 1971and1972.
Th e bureau said the December price rise of 0.7 percent was
the same as In November. After adjustment for seasonal varlitio~s,
the rise last mon(h came out to 0.5 percent compared to a compar·
able figure of 0.8 percent In November.
Gasoline, heating oU, electricity, natural gas, coal an dotber
energy items accounted for moni lhan one-third of tbe December
increase. Food and mortgage interest costs accounted for much ol
·the remainder.
1663 Placentia Ave.
• • ·-ClllY ,lll't Sl•lt PIMMS
Congreu m1n Andrew Hin1h1w'1 S.nta Ana Office W11 Chos.n Bec1u1e of Pend ing Constitutional Change
0 1mo nstr1tor1 Were From Pro-life Political Action Committee of Orange County
·Abortion Pros, Cons Contested in Santa Ana
By WILLlAM SCHREIBER amendments that would make abortion
or -. DellY l"llitt '"" akin to murder.
Abortion was the issue on picket lines A spokesperson for NO)\' said they
Jn front of Congressman Andrew weren't actually picketing Hinshaw but
Hinshaw's Santa Ana office Monday and chose his office because he ls their
"the protesterJ liter~ took stan<b on local legislator ..
opposite sides of the striel-:-·----'lb..-anU .. bortion-tfOllp,-made-UJ>-of~
Hinshaw (ft-Newport Beach) was in meri'l~rs of the Pro-Life Political Action
Washington when two dozen abortion Q.mm1ttee of Orange County, set up
.. proponenls and a half dozen abortion a line across the street from lhe NOW
opponents ¥1 up lines on the sidewalk marchers.
at 811 N. Broadway. Cathy Sullivan, speaking for the anti-
The pro-abortion group, made up abortion marchers, said she couldn't
mostly of members of the National fi~re out why ~w was ~in~
Organization for Women (NOW) and picketed by pro-abortion people smce
the Women of Irvine, said it was ·the congressman has blready taken a
marclUng against proposed Constitutional stand in favor of abortion.
"We are definitely picketing him
because he has written and told us
he feels abortions should be granted
on the advice of a woman's doctor
-that's literytlly abortion on demand,"
said Mn. SUilivan .
Helen l:.otm; of NOW sa,id she wasn't
aware of Hinshaw's position but that
it wasn't him they were picketing,
anyway .
"We are marching with other groups
around the country on the anniversary
of the Supreme Court decision that gives
women a free choice on unwanted
, pregnancies," she said.
Constitutional amendments b e i n g
J1Ushed both in the Senate and House
of Representatives would overturn that
ruling ..00.dl'lUe abortion a criminal
offense punishable as manslaughter.
A spokesman for H1nshaw said the
Congressman's abortion stand has not
changed since his campaign -women
should get abortions on the advice of
a doctor.·
"He hasn't changed his position since
ai.d is one of many Congressmen who
ha ve refused to sign the measure that
will bring these amendments to the
floor of Congress for a vote," said
Chip Cleary, Hin shaw' s field
representative in Santa Ana .•
Cleary, contacted while the women
were still marching in front of the
building, said he wasn 't even aware
tber.e..Jill.PirulivK going...Q.o __
The Presence of the pr~a~foup
mystified him even more, he sR.id, until
he le.arned they weren't really picketing
1:1inshaw personally.
The §igns carried by the two groups
ranged from the colorful ~ the grue_.
Ant-abortion marchers, including ~
year-old Stevie Sullivan. carried signs
bearing photographs of bloody , aborted
Another sign read "The Silenced
0.1 the other ·side of the street, pickets
handed out pr~abortion literature.
They carried signs reading "Back
Alley Butchery or Clean Hospitals" and
''Our Bodies, Our Decision." -
The NOW marchers claim abortions
wiU continue, even if they are illegal.
They sily that many women will die
as a result. ·
Ms!' Lotos said her group will present
petitions to Hinshaw personally when
he ca n be contacted supporting their
position -and his -on the abortion
State Urged
To Get Nixon
_ To Pay Taxes
Mercy Killing Contested -
Ciga rette Tax
Op in Smoke
Sex Suspect
'Made Plea
To Be Shot'
SACRAMENTO (AP) -caJllomia's
Income tax board w... .-.questeil"!ormally
1 by a Democratic state official today
, fl> bill President NiJon !or &late income
, taxes.
A 24-page complaint claiming Nixon
owes state ta1es was filed with the
Stale Franchise Tax Board by William
M. Bennett, an elected member of the
Stale Board of Equalization.
The WlUte House declared in December
that Nixon paid no state or local income
, tax since becoming president in 1969.
His tax attorneys contended he is not
a resident of califomia for tax purposes.
''Their atatemenls that he is not a
resident of California for tax purposes
· are r-." Bennett told reporters.
Bennett's complaint cites news reports,
• White House statements and N'txon's
own comments aa evidence1 the President
· is liable for state income tazes.
·~ There was no immediate comment
1 from Franchise Tax Board officials, who
have refused to discw Nixon's case,
including-those involving the President •
-are confidential. · · • ... . ' . .
prosecution charges that Dr. Vincent
A. Montemarano administered a letal
injection to a terminally ill cancer
.Pftidt.ln "a murder of convenience." A1']iuahed C(JUJ'jroom heard Nassau
County Dist. Atty. William Cahn declare
Moodly in bis opening trial statement:
· "The people intend to prove this was
a murder of convenience - a murder
for the convenience of Dr. Monte-
Cahn, personally trying a case for
the first time since he became di.strict
attorney 11 years ago, abandoned his
earlier description of the' cancer patient's
death as a "mercy killing."
Montemarano, 34, was chief resident
surgeon at Nassau County Medical
Center in East Meadow when he
allegedly injected a fatal dose of
potassium chloride Oec. 7, 1972 Into
Eugene Bauer, 59, who bad incurable
neck and throat cancer.
Bauer, a former Loog Island Rail
Road worker from Hicksville, at the
time was in a coma and bad been
given only 48 hours to live.
Montemarano's defense lawyer, J.
Russell Clune, saki he had not heard ..
of convenience." "I'm shocked that
a!'yone. would bring such a. l';ase. against
Police Arrest Santa Anan
In Gang-type Stabbing
A 15-yeBN>id Santa Ana boy Is in
custody and a 17-year-old member of
a rival · gang Is dead today following
a knife tight in Santa Ana.
Police said Juan R. Valenruela, known
as "Potato," died of s t a b wounds to
the che!t in a Dghl with !he unidentified
Nixo1i Holdi ng
P erso1ial Quiz
President Nixon is conducting a
penonal investlgaUon fl> determine
if hil clonatioo or more.. than
lli00,000 worth ol vice presldonUal
popon fl> the Nallonal Archives
met the .-.qalrementa ·of the tax
Ian, a White Houle spokemlan
said today.
In response to questions, pren
secretary fto\lakl L. Ziegler said
the President wu · aware of
published report> thst the -transfering the papers w a 1
backdated fl> ""'lily Nlx911 for an
lri<ome tu deducUon.
, .
"The President Is, of coune,
aware or that charge," Zlq:Jer
Nixon bas been wtdely eritlclsod
for talctng advanlap ol the tm,000
deduction Of nonllPbfe lnmne • • ""11t 0( the lift ...
Officers said the murder suspect was
being treated for "serious" knife wounds
at Orange County Medlcil Cenler.
AccordJng to police, the two are
members of rival gangs and this
morning's light had lls !tart Friday
night at a birthday party •in Santa Ana.
Al that party, "Potafl>" got inf<> a
fight with a member of the rival gang
and as a result. police say, thoee gang
members were 11out to g~t him." '
· Pa~nts Seeking
Aid May Need
To Show ·Returns
Panmls ol UC -llludenta Who are seeklnC financial aid -loons or scholar-
shipa -may be uked fl> submit copies
o! their 1'12 federal Income tax forms.
UC Financial Coordinafl>r Ted D.
Johnaton at 'Berkeley said today letlers
have been sent out to a random 10
percent sample of aid reciplenta at all
nine UC campuses. The lettera ask for
return of the .tax lorma.
Income reported to the led.ral
government will then be uoed to <heck
income shown on a studentli application
!or financial aid, Johnston said.
"There bas been .,me evidence that
oome porenls and studenls either throuih
rnlsundentandlng or deliberate !al>ellood
have undentated their incomes," he
a practicing physician ded.ic8 ted to
healing," he said.
Clune said an investigation of illegal
drug lraffic al !he hOspital had begun
be<:ause Montemarano's wife, Jeanne,
accused another 1 doctot'' at tHe center
of selling drugs. As a result, Clune
said, "there was pie on a lot of faces ."
11le defense attorney said the charges
against his client "were brought to take
pressure off the drug investigation and
put the spotlight on Montemaraoo."
When Your Kid Utters
The Forbidden Word • • •
proposed two-cent hike in state
cigarette taxe! was snuffed out Monday by a 3-2 ·vote or the
Assembly &venue and TaxatiO!l
The bill by Assemblyman John
Brtgg• (R-Fullerton), would have
raised an extra $50 million which
would be earmarked for cancer
research at the University of
-it proposed to hike s ta t e
cigarette taxes from 10 to 12 cents
per pack. Nine yes votes were
required to clear the 17·man
Several committee members. were absent during the hearing
and three abstained, including
Assemblyman Frank Murphy (R·
Santa Cruz ), whose cigar created
a large haze of smoke on one
side of the room during the
HOUSTON (UPI) -The llll'Vivor ol
a paint·sniffing sex orgy sald today
that Deari Cotll asked llCCUled mass
1iayer Elmer Wayne Hmley fl> I.hoot
Timothy Kerley, 20, told a pretrial
hearing that Henley shot Corll to prevent
the man from raping Kerley.
"It's gone far enough, Dean," Kerley
quoted Henley.
"It hnppened simullaneously, Dean
jumped up and ran at Wayne," Kerley
"Kill me, Wayne. Kill me, Waype,"
Kerley quoted CorU as saying. ·
Henley will soon be tried for one
or six killings in a three.year string
of sex and sadism slayings that claimed
the lives of rt teen-age boys.
Henley and David OWen Brook.5, aJso
By JOANNE REYNOLDS indicted for murder, claimed Corll, 33,
or 11111 Dell'I' '""" 11ett masterminded the torture killings.
As all parenui know, children and the adults who write books on how to Kerley said that he, Henley, C.Orll
rear lbem have fomented a cons iracy which has as its targets Mommy and and Rhonda Williams, 15, l}ad ~
a ~ otijkr"'of the' conspira.ey"»Slfihf·1b'.6e .. Id' hltlilili;lli the foolish-adults""" ~ aftd siliffiiii aC'rYucs· duTing tile pre-<ta~ ·
·who-read books ·by·pediatriciaM an!!__ps_;-c!lOlogisls. The books !ell !Jl4'm -how Smas h MaJ'_or hours at Cor!l?s home in Pasadeoa; .. a easy it ia to raise a child with a mi.DimUii\Offrauma: and a maximum of good Houston suburb.
· vibrations that induce politeness and superior intelligence. Henley said he killed Corll, then called
• 1n reooit yean, children have been aided in !heir M arii' uana Ring police. which led 10 the unearlbing of
plot by the book writers who have fostered a change from bodies at three Texas locations.
-!~e'·~~-!®,;~-J!e,:~~-~~-~-~-~~~~~~ho!!u~t4'._---,..~ .,=~---.,;;De:;.;tecocl°"iv;.;e Carl Siebeneicher, his voice to_ the laissez 'faire, tJe.sure-he-is-having-a·total-experlence A"CK'"Clt\l'P are y auai61e, es.irtea' earh;;;er.-'""r---11
philoaophy. · °' "" oaur l'itot ,,.,.. Henley ·Jed officers ·to the boatshed,
Take my ZZ.month-old son. I have discovered that, Or. Federal authorities said today they where the detective found the body of
Spock and clµ1d psY,.chology notwi~in(. ~ best way have smashed a major marijuana his cousin. He said Henley refused
~to.get your point across can be with the-Oat of your hand. smuggling ring, an organization tied to to accompany officers into the shed.
importation or tons of marijuana, and "He said he felt responsible because
•IYJe!'-DS MOST BOOKS I have read on the subject advise that the death of a Laguna Beach man last he introduced some of these boys to
when JOUf child gets to that age when he ls saying dirty words you can do fall in Dana Point. Dean," Siebeneicher said.
ooe 'bf two things. Either ignore lt and when he sees there is no shock The alleged ring assertedly smuggled "I didn't · knOw for sure it was my
value to the word he will stop; or explain to him that you do not use the the illicit .weed in boats, unloaded it cousin (burled in tlie shed), but I bad
word and do not wish to hear it. 'lbe second alternate is usually recommended In Dana Point and Newport Harbors a feeling it was," the detective said.
for older.children. . then shipped it to major cities in the He said his cousin, Marty Jones, and But 1 found that nothing could 8dequately prepare for these past few east. Charli~s Cobble were tied together and
days when my beautiful baby started greeting people with that basic four· lt was during an invesliga,lion of the buried head to toe.
letter Anglo-Saxon.ism that is used as ·a descriplion for sexual intercourse. smuggling activities that Brent n. Henley is charged \Yith killing Cobble
Talk about shock value. lt's tough to ·keep your cool when he greets the Ar.ge\I, 25. of 341 Holly St., Laguna July 27.
boss' wife with it, not to mention all of his grandparents and aunts and Beach fled a federal agent attempting Siebeneicher said he met Henley later
uncles and then enlarges the audience to ·include just about any public gath~ to serve a federal grand jury subpoena at police headquarters, and quoted the
cring be finds himself in. and fell head first from a Dana Point youth as saying . "I put it all down.
Cliff in late October. The fall was fatal. I told them what happened ." I
AT FIRST YOU THINK he'a just experimenting with sounds and you en-Federal and local narcotics agents The defense, in the Seventh day of
oourage him (as the books direct f to say other words that sound similar like .arrest~ three south coast men r..1onday pretrial hearings , sought to suppress '~k" and "frog." No good. He's saying That Word ....,,ause that's what be spoken and written statements made .,,... morning , and a Pico Rivera man
wants to aay. Monday afternoon. Others were arrested by Henley during the early hours of
OK. Plan A. Ignore JL That may work with some of the swear words and in San Francisco and Detroit. his arrest. j
obscenities, but not t.bla one. And it's even more of a atrain when non'e of the Federal agents from the D r u g
fainUy uaea it. (He learned It ft'om 1a playmate whJ learned it from his Enforcement Administration alleged that Dadd .)" -. ~ ..• ay . Hennan w. ,Lanett, 33. 'Of 34567 Scenic My definition of humUiaUoo is standing in a crowded aupermarket dieck-Dri ve, Dana Point, was the leader of
out ltDe With other .mothers and their progeny ~d having yours lay his fav. the ntarijuana smuggling operation.
orite word.on them . Not once but several times in the piercing tone only a He was arraigned Monday before U.S.
child in the mldat ol embarrasaing a parent can use. ~ Maglstrak! Ralph Geffin in Los Angeles
and released on a $5,000 bond , agents so MUCH FOR PLAN A. Plan. B came nexl. I made r .... and said The said.
Word was icky. l said t didn't Want to hear it and said "no" every time he Agents said charges against Landt
saJd Jt. ~ fesponse was right out of llill the books that told you to ignore it. Included asserted s n1 u g g I in g of
Al tooa II ,J made a big deal out of it. I heard it more often. marijuana and continuiqg to engage In
That's when I instituted plan C . .Utterance of The Word resulted in a • criminal enterprise. Th:e last charge
iinack on the backside Ol' whatever waa handy. Three times we repea(ed the carries a mandatory to years to life p~ and then·The Word was heint no more. sentence, if conviction follows.
Granted there were a few sllpe but he knows ita a boo-boo and I no longer Also arrested were Ephriam Galvan,
have to bear lt in tbe supermarket or the doctor'• office. . 2.3, of 31425 S .. Coast Highway In South
The only problem is that he now runs around lhouUng "shot." I don't Laguna and David L. Lincoln, 23. of
quite know what Ir means, but 11 I 11ked !or a trwlatlon it -kl p~bobly 472 Hill Street Laguna Beach. Both were
be quite cloee fl> Thal Other Word: Biil at least "shot" Isn't on the black sllll in custody ol the Los Angeles U.S.
list. Marshal today . They face marijuana
smuggling charges.
Mi1ikOilF raud
Ne ts Jail Term
Yugoslav immigrant has been
. sentenced to priS90 for fraud tor
selling $500,000 w o r t h of
distributorships for mink oil which
was supposed to remove wrinkles.
Feta Kadriu oC Canoga Park
bought the mink oil locally for
25 cents a bottle and aold It to
Investors In California and Hawaii
for $10 a bottle, aulhorillts said.
He was '1tnlenoed Monday to
up fl> .JO yeors lmpriJonment.
4 llAILV PILOr Tutsday, January 41:.t!, ,.,, ,
HOOP HOLLERS (Conlinued): JUJt
a short Ume back, I was lamentlng
In this opace tbe predicament ot orlil
Larry T. Smilh ol Newport Beach, a
chap who put up a basketball hoop
for his kids. The saga continues.
Smi u will recall, lives out on
3 Oekmont Lane, W C IS
conlin<o ot Newport's caayon Hilb area.
S. it was be put Ibis baekdball
backboard up over the earage door so
his youngsters, Laurie, I, and Gregg ,
9, mold shoot a few buckets in their
spare time.
Certain shakers-and~movers of the
Canyon Hills Community Association,
however, figured the backboard violated
the association's architectural dictums.
So they ordered Smith to take it down .
Mr. Smith politely declined.
SO THE CANYON ffiLLS Association
filed a laWIUit in Orange County Superior
Court aimed at forcing the Smiths to
wt-na1l their basketball apparatus.
That court action, of course, abruptly_
burlt!d · this whole weighty issue into
p.lblic view. Since then, however, Canyon
Jlllls Association le aders have mailed
oat ballots to members and anolher vote
has been beld. II was a tw .. part ball<>!
and the issue, as S'tated, was a trUle
On Hijacked
Jet to Cuba
BOGOTA, 'Colombia (UPI) -A )'OWlf
man armed wilh a carbine hijacked
a Colombl1n airliner carrying a group
of American Jehovah's WI t n es a
mlssiooaries Mondl!y and forced the pilot
to Oy to cuba.
Four American male mJsatonarles '
were ,.ported 11111 aboard when the
plane landed In cuba.
COLOMBIAN aviallon officials said the
Aeropeaca prop-Jet n
before mtdnlghl, but aulhorttles at
Havana's Jose .Mart I International
Airport refused to give detallJ by
Colombian police said lhe hijacker
commandeerf!I the plane, carrytn1 45
passengers and five crew members,
durlni a ntgllt from Pasto I n
soothwestem Co I om b 1. a to capital
Airline authorities said the passengers
included lour U.S. missionaries and their
)Vives on the way to a Jehovah's Witness
conventioo in Bogota. The missionaries
had been living in Pasto.
The four couples were identified as
David and Sonia Burgos, Riley and
Janelle Morris, David and Dana Millan,
and Lawren« Sorrels, whose Colombian
wife was not named. Authorities said
Burgos was from New Yotk, but they
haclno U.S. addresses for the others.
11---First, the homeowners bad to vote
whether or not they were againsC
basketball ·backboards over garage
doon. On this, moot members said Ibey POLICE SAID ihe hijacker, Identified
were against them. as Jorge Raimundo Tapia, 23, who had
Secondly, however, they were asked recently been fired from a job with
if they would accept such ~lders· an oil company, smnaaJed the carbine if they were painted the same as the --trim on lhe house. Here, most aboard the plane in a towel.
homeowners said they would . The hijacker forced the pilot to first
SINCE THE SMITHS' b a c k b o a r d land at can in w;ste~ !'Co~~~ f~~ happens to be. painted like the house a refueling stop. n a 1, a 23 women and children off, including tripl,_!!_M!y interpret this Jastest balloting the wives of tbe four missionaries.
as being 48 to 39 in favor -of their· The young man then ofdered the plane
type of basketball apparatus. to land in Barranquilla on Colombia's
Wi11s Case
Mrs. Jo Carol La Fleur was
informed Monday the Supreme
Court ruled in her favor when
she was forced to take unpaid
maternityJ e11Y.e in 1971. The
court ruled Cleveland SCnOO!-
Board was wrong . to force
teachers to leave school with-
out pay while children are
10-ton Shipme1it
Qf Horse Food
Experimenu CurtaiW
SPACE· CEN'l'Ell, -(AP) -
Skylab !'a aetronauU ·canceled an earth
reSources survey today aJ an atllng
gyroscope !attered three ·· times and
lhreatened to break clown •.
almool dlntlnually elnce you turned ID
last night," the capwlo C<!IMllllllcator
told the Utronauta. "We recommend
you cancel thla momtnc'• ear t b resources pap."
ONE OF THE three gyr<111 , llled to
control the poeltlon ol the IJ>IC" llatkln
hu atr.ady !ailed, and .,ofllclall said
the incr<ue 1n· vartatlonl ralled the ·
chance lhat lhe ~ aro would fall. •
Even U the elabllWng de'llce did fall,
Mission Control said backup control
systems would enable Gerald P. C¥rr
-of Santa Ana, William R. Pogue and
Edward G. Gibson, !,,,_y of San
Clemente, to · compleie ~Ir ~..:iay
mission. But experiments would . have
to be curtailed. ·
Montana ·Ratifies ERA-
Six More States Needed _
THEY WERE in the ll8th day of
the maralhon mission today. . Flight director Neil Hutcbinlon called HELENA, Mont. (AP) -Montana ~-p&U-0\'e<~~~~ to ratify
U~ited Stales a!ier lhe gyroscope, a Thirty .. lght llllea muet rattly lhe
splnnillg wheel used to maneuver lhe propooal before I~ beconi., the %7th
space slalloo, exhibitod ita th I r.d Amendment to the U.S. ConsUlutlon.
fluctuaUon of the morning and 10th m .Montana's Senate voted 28 to 20 on
four days. Monday In favor of the ERA a!ler
The resources pass would have two Democrats and 1 Republican
required a spacecraft maneuver that dropped their opposltJon. The state House
"'oukl have placed added stress on the pa.seed the' measure by a 73 • 23 vote
gyro. last year.
"The gyroscope has been in distress The ERA provides .. Equality of rights
' T I
under the law lhall not be denied or I
abridged by, the United. Stales or by
anYJt,ate..oo •ctQ11nt "
Coniress would be . empowered to
enforce t)le provislona Of the tunentlmen~ ·
which would lake eflect lwo yean after
In Montana, one factor 'tbat helped
break a long deadlock on the luuos
Was the recent 1doption of 1 new It.ate
constitution with a strong provision
barring sex discrimination.
So lhat brinp you up to date on 1rpor V B 'fl 1 J lhe Smiths and their baskelbatl problem. Caribbean-ast-oo--a t_aews_l:'-O J'-, l=USS--i,.Oui... .. --+-1-----=---But you may still ask, "Well, do they stripped to the waist .at the hijacker 's .
get to keep the hoop ? ls the lawsuit orders, could repair a blown-<>ut tire. WASHINGTON (AP ) -F Jlo . The hijacker let another f o u r 1 • . ~ wing on or off? Are the Smith kids sh:>oting passengers off ln Barranquilla before nagging by Sen. W1ll1am Proxmire, the drbe1tvleerW11y~. '~ 50' percent from the flying on to Havana with the five Air Force has ban:ed the sale of horse
• ~washer-and-dr-ye1r-.-1-
in one compact
·and lh 17 I · feed at lls commissaries. I can ~ JOU that the Smith crewmen _e rem 1 ~ 1 n g Proxmire (0-Wis.). annoWiced today
youngste(S. me doing okay on the home pa~ng~~· :cl~lhe m!j!~•e~.he that the commander of Moron Air Fbroe
court. R.ls llllllnown aboul lhe lawsuit. . l8 .er ho~~ laJie ·c1 Base Spain, bas been reprimanded !or
II Is knom C1J1al the,.·Cabyon Hilll' • photolra\""" w 8ul'" ill , } &;1~~ · "us~g a ..,.emment Vehicle to transport
C.ommunity Association will hold a a! the P ane ~t manqu 8 1 some o( the horse chow from the
general meeting this Tb~y, wherein iurport, bu~ llllSS~ corriinJssary to private stables tO~m.Ues
we caa .all .Jiope The ~icati W~ · .-.:. -" •· "1ler h'1 '-rses we e k 1" will primil. Whatever~tltJt means -~ H'E US ED 'f HE p 1 a n e ' '• awpay .., e I .Jrll . ed air ebep: • Id
Meanwhilei I've been gettin ·cards, communications system to tell a roxmire comp am ter , mg to
lettm and phone calls relativ~ to the Colombian ndio staUon he hijacked the that 10 to~ of horse c~o"". \\:ere nown
Smjth Problem. The public voling seem aircraft "to protest agaitist the system from AddJS Ababa, F;thiopia, to ~1oron
to be heavy in favor of kids having which oppresses Latin American peq>!e last August for feedmg horses owned
a place to shoot baskets if they want. in general and Colombian people 111 .by th e base commander, Col. Gerald
rticular" L. McKay. pa · The senator said the Air Foree ONE CHAP NAMED Scotty Roberts,
from out in lrvine, wrote to suggest
that I didn't bother to· do much research
on community associations and why they
have "conditions, covenants an d
Scotty's absolutely right, of course.
But In my deferae, I didn 't do much
research on basketball either. Othenvise
Porrw Theater
Asks Donation
I wouldn 't be hobbling around today FORT WORTH, Te1. (UPI ) -
on this game leg, created by a dribble· ·A movie theater which was raided
confirmed the chow v.·as flown from
Ethiopia on mllitaiy aiicrart and Ufen
was transported the final 10 miles aboard
a Spanish vehicle under contract to
the U.S. government.
One resuh, Proxmire said, is tha t
the Air Force has revised its guidelines
to ensure that sales of pet food will
be limlled to that Intended for household
drive without prior warmup. last week for violating a statute
Also, Mr. Roberts says without such which prohibits exhibilingo~scene A .. g_J!eW Backers Pay
r I
-· 1u_
iG_ . .
·~.··1 ~~
•. .l
' \•
Frigidaire Laundry Ctnl1r. Runs on
ordinary hol.isehord current {separate
15 amp circuit). Washes and dries
tamily'~tzed load$, ytlt 18 only 24"
Wide. Fits almost anYwhere there 's . ' . proper plumbing, wifing and venting.
Regular and Oellcate Wash cycles; 4
Water Temperature combinations;
1-piece Ag i-tub (exclusive with
Frigidaire) gives gentle, thorough
washing. Dryer has Flowing Heal,
. "Sorting Fingers" that help separate
tumbling clolhes: Timed Drying CY.c;t..
(up lo 140 minutes):
-;--n~~des~, gw'Jhai.tlirwoumlTd.;s,UtopH.· •;.:of,me""1body~;-troU,O:m;<:.· +..,m~at;;:er;;iaj::ltjl;;or~.;;com;;.m;;:;~~ic~ia~t ~puirpc!;se~~~~-~· :_.:_;, _
place? ~fonday and dill~-not charge "Sa:~ed~·C-Agn~~ew:· -;C~o~m~m~l:;;ll:;:ee::;,-:-. ".!pa~i~dtf-:---~f"----------J-------
llllAGINE 'l'llAT. NoW'SCOtl)''lCgetting • · .adr!lissi<Jn. -·. · · a .$2,000 fine, three days late-, !pr JiliJ)g . !.
personal -he's attackin' my hobby. All cqstomers were · aJll:ed tO' a nn·ancial report which e·xa.ggerated .. "', ... ···
Finally, ~tr. Roberts said I was remiss make a "donation upon entering the success ·of a 1972 ftmd-raiser for -~ ".
in my duty as a columnist "for not the theater. ho\\-ever. the former vice president. A check for
having presented an equally biased view District Attorney Tim Curry said $2,l'M9 -covering the fine and court 95 in-behalf--0£-tbe-othu-homeo,.,,ers...ID._l....Ch~e~lS studying the situation to costs in the misdemeanor conViction
the association." se.e 1f-tlleCIOlmimtS V10l!tet~ . -was n ~de'-t-1!~----------:-41 ·~ I don' kno la"'· ' · • ~" t w. Scotty. I thought County Circuit Court Clerk · Garrell it was a pretty biased view. Larrimore.
Snows • Ill Colorado H~avy
Idaho Seeks Disaster Funds for M.assive Floodiiig
to norft!Wftt ID lo 11 ktlOtS todlV.
l lgl'll v•rl1bt• wllldt lonlght. HIOll Ii>
d•'I' 11POtr 40s.
C0111t1J .. mot'r•t11rtt r•nee trcm u to ...
lnl•nd tllll'll)tr•f\lrtl r•ng1 from u lo 61.
Wtltr tfft'!Plf•l11r1 JS.
S un, ltloon, Tides
S«ond 111911 IO:lt pr11. l.t
SKond low 4:14 pm, ~.6 WIDNllDAY
Fl"t lllgll t:27 t .11'1. J.t
Flr1t fll1fl 3:31 1.m. 1.t Stcond trlth 11:01 p,111. l.1
StcOnd low •:• ,,rn. ~ .•
S\/l'I rlM1 1:U 1.m. Smit t :l4 p.rn. Moon-r1 ... 7:19 1.m. Stts"-s~n p,m
Delive~ ol !he Dai~ ~lot
is gua1antee<I
...., .... i ,. ... "'" ,. ... ~ ........... ,..., ..
II lftlilM Iii ra ta a1.tU ..
1:• .... -•S.O,:N,.••-
fll' "" ., t ti. '*"'· • ' .... ........ .., ... __
ya Clls •• 1111• lld 11 a_a,
feleillOOes .
lloll ..... _, ~ ....... 142-4121 _,........... .
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Plus 3800 S&H
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Act now! Limited time offer. • FPCl·170T ·
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Frigidaire 17.0 cu. fl. Top·Fruzer
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model has big-family frozen foo.d
storage in the 4.75 cu.-ft. freezer
section: 4 full-width shelves (3
adjustable) and a 7-d~y Flowi ng
Cold Meat render irl th'e refrigerator
section. Smoked onyx a ccents_a~d
teakwood trim)a(e elegant toUches.......-
Automatic Ice M8ker Is available ~.,. •
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Today's Final
.VOL. 67, NO. °22, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES
:7C~uinbling Cliffs Threaten Bay Ho111es
By JOHN ZAU.ER Christmas vacation, asked an Qminous
Of -. De11J """ setff queaUon. • ,!lit the momtog ol D<e. 16, Mn. "Mother, did "the gardener change our
Barbara can, woo·-tives ln a cJlff home fl~er bed.I?" she .uked. "I don't see --...n~rtliy.-llmtt-them:' ..
a low rumbling oot..e and felt the earth Mrs. Call then ·nllbed into. the back
tremble beneath her. yard to find Iha~ the flower beds bad
"It sterned like a small earthquake," indeed been,..,.,,..,. They had crumbled , ~ now recalls. "I thought notblng of over the cliff and were now 70 feet
1 ' . below. on the muddy west bank of. Back
Cklt a few hours later,. her teen-age Bay. ....
daughter I home rrom college ( 0 r Tht! entire rim t"o( her yard, in some
of the natlm'.J aeven b!ueol oil
companlet told a Senate subcommltt.e
tdday that their profill -
substantlllly Jut year but that they
re!POd no bonanza. (Related picture,
Pe1e ~ · .-.
Members of the Senate permanent
lnvestlgaUooa aubcommltt.e grilled the
executives for tbe 'second stnight day-'
questiooing high profill of fuel grants
in licht ol the energy crisis.
-"There iJ DO use kidding oursetves-D91tr , ........... wt>m your profill are," Aid the ELUDES DEATH AGAIN --Wliaiinliilt~my-Mr-. ---'Newport's Frank Tallman
Jacbon (D-Wa!h), "Quit ao1ni ~
the mulberry bush."
'Ille hearing -one ol IOVer&I •
o:iogressioN) forums on the crisis -
WU oonducf<d U the Labor Department
OJ1llOlll1Cod • that the prtee of fuel oil
ond coal .... 41.7' pen>llll In lrrJ, It
went up tU percent In ~bar alone.
The ~1·1 -.. Labor ltatlltlca l&ld price Inc-for
pooltne, heating oi~ eleclrcily, noruraJ
gas, coal and other energy ttan•
accounted for .more than one-third of
an overall 0.7 percent me in the cost
ol llvtng in D<eemher.
An early·D<eember """'1 by the
1ovemment -prior to sharp lncreues
--in the maDlh --the -ill .guoline al M vlteclla-had rllen
4.' percent Oftr llcmmber. For 11173 .
.. a -· ........ ond -oil ""'t up II.I pei<tlil.
• Shell Oil Co. Prealdenl Harry Bridget Wei the Senate bearlnp that Ha "'"'"berl ·1-d -tmlalrly '-paring 1113 oil prvllll witb •a ftf1 low 1912
' (See PIUlrlTS, Pqe l)
Frank Tallman
Elud~ Deat)l
In Plane Crash
Joe 'Country' Was~m.n~ . ..
Dies in Newport Beach
Joe "Country" Washburne, a
composer.muaician whose c • r e e r
stretched back to ·the 19308 died Monday
'in Newport" Beach of an appmnt heart
'attack. He waa 18. •
Wubburne wrote 110ne DDlea Belei"
Ind "Ob M<ma". and RI a &ca'-
mn•idaq en IOtne: ol the natloo't JDQlt
~ radio &bowl cl'!flnC the ltl:iol
Ind 4tlo. • ' ~The retired musician waa ~tied
lo ffoag 'Memorlal llalpila1 late•Mondoy,
· He died In the hoipltal -room
at 1:03 p.m., officials said.
The Orance County Coroner'• office
liald Washborne bad a prior ~ry
of heart trouble.
Wubbume ·uved on Balboa llland In
lltwport Beach until ai.rt • )'IOI' ..,,
"lul following the death of bl& wife
Jeanie, he moved to f,. trailer park
-'In Banta Ana, lltOl S. lf!lrvi..,. Road,
lrhel'e be lived alone. • Service& for Washbume will be held
111.unday at l p,m. in ti. .._... GI
Paclllc View »ernorial Part, lltwport
Buch. iJ<
uffe wu a waoderfut ~ retlly A-\f ~ '
, tlao COUHDY, Pap l~
places as much as 10 feet or it, had _ "Sometimes we feel the earth tremble four other homes near the Calls, and
simply fallen away. . 800 go outside to see wliat felt~""Says one family has even discovered a crack
"\\lhen that fence goes, l go."
Another neighboring woman ~ays that
11we've all become very good listeners "I was dwnbslruck," Mrs. can says. Mrs. Call. "Or sometimes, we just nolice in the foundation which could be related
"It was a place where many times that some more slid away but don 't to earth' slippage.
•bod-run-or-played-wttli-the-dog-and-imow·wben-euetly-iHl111P1ieiie"'.P."----A: 1-o thi&-has used--col11lderabl
for anything that might sound like an
now suddenly, it waa all gone." Newport Beach building inspectors say concern among the owners of the $175,000
But that experience wasn't the end that the home or Dr. and ~trs. Justin to $225,000 homes. -
of her unsettling ei:perience. For the next Call, 1958 Galaxy Drive, isn't In "Every morning when I get up I
six weeks the backyard cootinued to immediate danger since it is still about cheek to make sure the fence in my
~ble, a little bit at a lime, until 50 feet back from the cliff edge. backyard is still there," says one woman
now an estimated 500 t9 l)O square But in recent weeks, cracks have been with a crack in the cliff behind her
feet has fallen away. discovered along the cUffs of at least home.
"I don't think any of us sleep as
well as we used to."
So far, however, nearly all the .serious
slippage has been limited to the Calls'
Dr. Call believes that the slippage
(See UPPER BAY, Page Z)
Blackfin Owner Feared
Lost • Ill Airplane Crash
;;J..~..,.,~~~ ........... ~"-....~-,------~----~~~~---~-1
Winds Rip Boats
From Moorings·
Wind& whipped through Ne w po r t
Harbor lhia morning ripping at least
two dOlell boall lnm plen and
The winds also uprooted a large tree
at. llOI Sea V1ew Ave., Corona del Mar, brl"""' ii ~ into utility wires andthoaioltClla-.•
Soulllorn ~ Edloon Company
.,..... ..... al Ille -lhlJ ~"' tl")'iaC lo.....,. lie wlrol. The amo1D1t
of ciama&o It lflo -t 1' a I undetormboed.
Fin Dip -oflldaiJ said they wn banitl ,,_... tryh!c to locate
. .
loot Ownot Tautwbarg
' • Farm· Labor Bid "Dies
.~.---! 1 --~'l Judge Blocks
~ ·Bay Shore
It'll be fair and warmer wec!M.
day, acconHnc to·~ wire .serv-·
Ices; with bl&be ~.die· low 'IQo
inland and in the mii!-«11 -alone ~ the ~bes. Ins tmictit. In ll)e upper !Os. .
No konlle-or ~l<tm{I f• tor
Mick<y Spllkme. His hero, Mike
Hammer, llill blast& !he bad
guya with o .45. The. world'•
top •tU ino ""thor is int~
Nwed an POQt 7 loday.
~...,.. : =: ..... :
( ........................ 11 C.-0 ,,, ' ~ ee.r 11 (,_.,., " ,.,..,.. ,.., 11
Deel' "'*-,, '""' ... .......................... ,,
............ 11.• .,....... ,.
,..... l>lf ,.....,. •
..,....., I ...... t ..... ~ ,. ....... ..... '""" '"'-"-" '' ........ ,,,
' .
DMV Offices
Open Saturday
All Department of Motor Vehicles
olfloes will be -from 8 a.m.
to 1 p.m. Sa~ for the
convenience of drivers who want
to re~w their 1974 v e b i c 1 e
registrations. The final day to bring or mail
renewal payments to the
department without penalties is
Feb. 1.
Sought by
01 ,,.. o.11., l"lltl '""
Daniel Ayers, the man accused v.•ith
Eloise Popeil of a plot to murder her
wealthy husband, today continues his
long and apparenUy frustrating aearch
for an attorney.
Ayers has been behind bars since
his arrest two weeks ago along with
Mn. Popeil In her bayfront home In
F,....P .. el
' becausi
of low "' lng1. • De ,Meuse, 12, first became blllen bf
tbe yachting bUg In 19'5 wben hf ~ the IJ.lool IC-flonai
and 111led In the Newport to -·· race.
In 11115 and 1961 he llllod lbe Serena
In the Transpac race from Los Angd~-
to Honolulu. , , I
In 1969 be had the late BUI Tripp
design lhe 7:J.foot kelch Blackfin, wlllch
be had built by Rabeking a 'n d
Rasmussen., Her first major race was
the Transpa.c in which she fini.lbed ene
hour behind the record b r e a k I a g
Wlndward Pauage, but was lfven credl•
for first to finish and a new elapsed
time record when Windward Passace
·was penallud two hours for fouliPg
another yacht at the starting line .
Newport Beach.
l---==--~~------.llrs-l'opeil,_il,.....tbe,,,ealr1111<tcL.!~---f~~~~ For Freeway of kitchen gadget millionaire samue1
; UCI .Leader
Backs Ca.ll That started ·a long and aom<Umes
biller rivalry between· De MeUM and
' the Robert F. Johnaon famll, ...:ioy ~of_,Port_.:._·,,_-J ..-.1..WilodwW~
UC !rvlne Oiaocellor Daniel G. Aldrich
Jr: has written stale Department of
Transportation officials and -highway
commissloners urging "early
completion" of Corona del ~tar Free-
Popell ol Chicago, has been free aince
Jan. 12 when her attorneys po5ted the
$100,000 bail.
But the unemployed machlnlst whO
police allege is her lover has remained
jalled and Monday told Long Beach
~1unicipal Court Judge Charles Lilvo'in
thai he has not been able to hire an w~ chancellor's stand on the threat-· attorney to derend him against the
ened freeway project was included in a charge of conspiracy to commit murder.
city of Irvine status report Irvine coun-At Monday's court appearance, which
cilmen may consider tonight. was to have been the openinJ of the G: Brent Muchow, city public works preliminary hearing for the pair, Ayers
director, said he plans to attend highway was briefly represented ·by a special
commission hearings in Monterey this counsel, Frank Karl of Los Angeles and
week where a staff suggestion the Corona theit by a member of the public
de! Mar Freeway construction be delayed de[ender's sta_ff.
will be under study. But both attorneys made it clear that
The project is being delayed due to they will not stay with the case through
changes In the federal funding syslem even lhe preliminary hearing.
for highway and transit aystems, Karl did not specify his reasons for
Year Of The Tiger
As or Friday, for the Chinese it's the year O[ the
Valiant Ti ger -and to get in the mood, new Miss
Los Angeles Chinatown Bettie Kim Young, 21 , o!
Newport Beach, took a tour of Lion Country Safari
estimated reduced gas tax Incomes and withdrawing but Public Defender John
by recommendaUon of the stale highway Ylzurdibl. agta told Uie coud ~ Ayersth ls bnlot • . From Pnne I
l\fonday. Miss Young will reign over the new year
parade and celebration in Los -Angeles Friday -
and may see her new friends again. Lion Country
tigers are scheduled to be in the parade.
In the 1911 'franaP!lc race W ward
Passage waa !Int IO linlsh llld beat ,
the record held by Bla~ldln.
Bealdea local raceo . such u the
Ca!Uornla Cup and the Paclflc Ocean
Racing Conference, · Ile Meuse sailed
Blackfin ln vlrluaUy every major Jong
distance race in the world . ·
Under De Meuse 's command she has
been first to fmish or runner-up in
such races as the San Diego to Acapuleo, 1
Long Beach to La Paz, Los Angeles
10 ~fazatlan, Newport, R.I. to Bennuda
and two Transatlantic races. ~
Blackfin is listed as the scratch boat
in the San Diego to Acapulco race
scheduled to get under way Feb. 3.
FromP .. el
engineer, Muchow said. e1g1 e o receive a1 uvm e pu 1c -D M • pl-d • D wonderful," said Andy . Devine of ·--In lelters to bollt...00'1' officials ~nd ~ender. •-tp ER' D " v -· aria wee . in anger, Newport Beach,. movie _.iity who
the highway commission, Dr. Aldrich According to bis statemenr,Afers-, -er ·P C-:0-fl: .1-•----.--• ~ worked with Waabbume·="-------
polnts out how the $7.23 million portl.on a property owner, potentially bu the 11Everyone liked him. He was the
along MacArthur Boulveard from Boruta money to hire an attol'naV but because may be caused by underground springs H p h 0 0 s kind of peraon who would 80 out of Canyon Road to Jamboree Boulevard ·--~ · · ' . f f Id lm)ll'OVe traffic near UC!. of his cnnfinement be has not been and he says he IS allemptmg to get er SVC la ris ays his way to do anything .to help anyone," --~~Alai':lch says~hur-Botrtevard-abte-to-"'put his11ffairs~in order" and Irvin~ Com~. which . ~.eyelo~ .J_ -~ Devine said.
ls not adequate to handle traffic and raise the money to hire cOUMel. the area, to tHe respons1!51h Y for ~~w",."'hburne""'=~-·~prla-y~ed'=a-nd=~sang durln.g ....-.
~ .
the road is "subject to flooding during Judge Litwin gr&Qted a three-day correcting the problem. the 1930s with radio network bandl on .U!~ winter months, thereby greaUy continuance to the hearing and ~~ Newport Beach Building Director Bob ~ !°:!u~~1~~~! ~th~~I. Ana testified in the sauna the Fibber McGee and Molly and the
~pting the operations of this cam-~ou~U::ho~~de~a~t;at tr!~rs r! ~g:l~s ~:~: ~~d e~~~~:esla= ~~~Ji!i Maria Parson's psychiatrist today "On another occasion, he followed her ~~~tpo~~rrs~=a:!°::·ra-::. of lbe
Aldrich urged the state to "proceed CoWlty Jail so that he can find an throughout the Dover Shores area. criticized newspaper acCOU{lts of his into the parking lot of a Newport Beach He also played bass born in the Ted
with the development of the _Q:irona attorney. !!In a natural condition the land on patient's illness and reminded her lawYer restaurant and found her kissing another Weems orchestra during the big band
del Mar Freeway as quickly as possible." A s ma 11 ~uEe;~ Ayers' fri~nds top of the bluffs gels ~Y 10 or 15 :v~:,n~r h~~ua~::c"~~dc~~:J man." Benton said. era. . ·
t attended Mondays mg and descr1.~ inches of w~ter per year," Fowler says. her to considerable danger. ar~n:!~~: l~t t~.,; ~~htno~dco~: His song "'One Dozen Roses" led thC ·, the murder plot co-defendant as,, an .. But suddenly people move In and U.S. Hit Parade for 18 weeks in the N W tr J asy lng likeable guy "Her husband got into a fight with to any harm . in nearly four years of 1 940 ' ewport oman. exn!r;e ~d b~0 ~d worked ~t the bring the equivalent of 100 inches of another man over her at the Newporter this kind of thing," he added. ea:ny J.e i. Wasbburne led his oWn
i Douglas Aircraft Co. plant in Long Beach r~4i per retar to water la~ Th~~ inn on one occasion and had to receive Benton claims the psychiatric condition band, which played on the Cm1 Masley
N Iii S • h for about eight years before be was wa er as go 0 come ou some ere, hospital treatment," Dr. Deane Benton in which Mrs. Parson, 50, of Anaheim radio and television shows witb Martha e e Dllt laid off Jut year in a staff cutback. Fo~e~~:-)'!l lhal about OO feel beneath has become three women stem.t from Tilloll.
. Last Rites Held
1 Funeral services were held today for
Nellie V. Smith, a resident of Newport
Beach tor 52 ye;us who died over the ·
weekend. She w89 73.
The woman originally came to Balboa
Island in 1921 as Mrs. Conrad Shook.
Her first husband, who preceded her
in death, was a contractor in the Harbor
area in the 1930s and 1940s.
She later married Steve Smith.
Mrs. Smith was a past president of
the Ebell Club, a member of the Harbor
Star Chapter of the Order of the Eastern
Star, and a member of the Community
Congregational ChW'ch of Corona dcl
Mar. Mrs. Smith died at La Mirada Hills
Convalescent Hospital in La Mirada after
a lengthy illness.
Services were held at Pacific View
Memorial Park In Corona del Mar.
. · Siie _.....med ·by thrtt daughters,
Constance· Cameron Of Whlttler;-;J~e
JUltioe · of_. Moi,mta~ Ranch, a n. d .... , · -·· · ine
_ .. ~ildren; ·:oo two ~~(l11lldchil·
. . . . ' ' ''
1972 Victim Found
LOS ANGELES (UPil -A body found
twQ wee s ago n heSand-arthe
beach was ldelltified Mooday as that
of a 1972 murder victim, police said.
The victim was Donovan R. Ashterberg,
32, 1hot to death in 1972 at a· borne
in Canoga Park: ·A warrant for Frank
Rubkowsky, 28, New York, was issuedi.,
in connection with the slaying. r-
1llt.Of"•ntM: CN1I DAILY ,ILDT, wltll wlllcll
•• coinblntd !Ill Nr.w1.f>rn1, 11 Pllbll ....... by
lllt Ortngt U.11 Pllblilllll'll C~t1\'. kflt-
r1tt tdl!10111 ••• ouOli1fled, Mond•I' lhrOllllll
fr'"¥· for C0.!1 Mt1&, Newiitrl 8Hd\,
Huntlf19!0fl 8tKlllFovrit1l11 V•llty, la~Ulll
fluU., lrvlt1tlS..Odlte&t11 Md Sin Clemt11ltl
1111 J11111 C11til•••110 A 1!rivl1 •l'Dlonil
..i11iofl 11 Pl>!lll11'.cr 111urd1y1 •l'ld SUrld•rt.
Tiit prl11el~t PllDll1lll111 P'l~I It 11 UI W11I
••r Strtt1, tostt Ma., c1111om11, m».
Ro~ttf N .. Wttd
'""'"""' _, "1.0lilfltl' J1clr R. Curlty
\/kt l"r•ld..,t tl'ld Gtiler1I Mtowger
T~o111;, Kttvil l!altor
T'htl!lt1 A, Murphine
M-OffS IEdltor
l. P'tltt Kri1q Ne...., lttdl City Edltw
........ IMc• OHIN
llJJ Ntwptrt l1ult¥1rd
Mt Uirtt Ad4rh11 P.O. lo~ 1175, 9li•J
~-(Oat1 Mtw: nt West f11y Strffl Uflll'I llldl: m F«•I A¥tnut HUl'lllNftl'I ltKl'I! l711S llKfl IOllltvttd 5M CltlftMl11 ~J fllrtrtll l l C.lfllnt ll:tt!
., ... ,, 71 (714) '4J-4Jll
Cl111 ... Al•th ... Ml-1171
~I, tm °'"tllff (.ent l"WHtll"" ~. ,.. ....._ '""'"'· lllwtr1tloM, • ..,.,. _.,.,. ... lt¥tfTllt!N!t!t """'"' _, .. ·• ···'*' wlflrltul ..-!M .... ....... .. CIMf'l'fllll ._.
hcell4 CIMt ...... •Mi ti C.lt ,,...., ~ -.11 "'41M t1r urrltf ttu
_,,_..., "' _,, t&.lf """"""'' Nill.,,. ..,.,., ....... --.w.
• •
Acconflng to pollce, Ayers, 37, and Mrs. the •~ f the clifl . IS.Inch la . her alleged entrapment ·at the Holiday He was a nnemher of the American
Pope!! hitt<f an acquaintance of his from ""'· 0 s ~ an ~er Balboa Boulevard Heallh Spa in Orange 00 March 2, 1970. s 0 c i et y of Com)JC*l'll, Aulhon and Douglas to go to Chicago and kill her of moist, waterbearlng clays which Mrs. Parson, )'l1o want. '1 million Playwrights (ASCAP).
estranged husband before their · pellding appear 4o be raponalble lor the alldlng. • " " 1 • • In damag .. from the spa, rtestllled that Wishburne ·and hfs wife had one IOl1 dl~~~sti':i~ea~1:!·tbattbeyoriginalty co;{~~~g~:r 1~~o:e__.1~~ u:: Widenin g--Gi\r@D-j~~~:::.A8:.8i. r:."'ve:!-=-:~:e·.1~~ ~ ~~:1~
offered 12$·,ooo to the llnldentjflOd Long steps are taken," Dr. Call says. ·111kfegree aree and that'·~ cotlp!ed of' Mancbelter, Tu. '
Beach man and even sent him on a p }'-A a} after the door baDdle brokeJoff.· ~1:::-
dry run to the windy city to .atake ane '8 . ·pprOV She testified that no one beard · her
out Popeil and get a look at his llkoom 'Woman's Place -repeated screams and beallng on the
apartment. The widening of part of Balboa glass door. ·
The alleged plot was broken, police Boa.levard in Newport Beach was Dr. Benton today identified the three
claim, when the hired killer and a friend Jn Literature' approved by the regional coastal women in what be calls a "three-faces who had been working wlth hlrri, called of Eve" mental condition as Maria, Popell to warn him of his wife's plan. ,. commission Monday. Marie and Betty.
Long Beach Investigators said they To Be DISC. ussed The $184,71> project lo widen the road He idenllfled Maria as the woman
worked on the case for about a week from 44th Street to Pacific Coast who became known In several ban for
before they arrested the pair at the Highway was unanimously granted a her tendency to wear vfil-y short aklrts,
Newport horn~ at 519 Harbor Island "The Place of Woman in Western pennit by the South Coast Regional tight Jowcut sweaters and heavy makeup.
Road . Literature and Philosophy" will be the Zone Conservation Commisslon. · "That is Maria," he said. And he
Both entered pleas of not gullty during topic of a disCUMion Wedneaday night Don Webb of lbe city o! Newport explained to plaintiff's attorney Marvin
their arraignment 10 days ago . in Newport Beach. , Beach told the oOmmission the city Lewis Sr. that Betty. the remortefUl
According to District Attorney Charles Th.e discussion will begin with a 30-·comJden the plans to make five lanes projection, l5 the real Mrs. Paraon while
Sheldon, the preliminary hearing iJ minute movie presentation and end With including a left turn pocket on the Marie lies 90mewhere in between the
ezpected to take t h r e e or four days a SO.minute discussion led by two women booulevard a "safety project." l\liO personalities ..
and it will feature the highlights of professors from the . University of Because of heavy beach traffic, the "My job is to end-this conflict and
two..!..!crucial tapes" made by the alleged Southern C8lifornia, -commission's staff report stated, there make these three persona into one
killers, ldenti~ed only as Mr· Reed nnd Purpose of the forum, which is have been at least 32 accidents in the again," Benton said. And w h 11 e
Mr. Peeler. . sponsore4 by the National COuncil for four years on this stre(cb of road. newspapers like .to stress this as~t
F,....P .. el
performance. Looking over 1tvenl
yean," he akl, "there ii no boning
In these prolllt 'IJha-ver."
Bridges said Sllell'• oel lnoome the •
past five years had gone up an average
of 7 percent -which he said was
a normal gain ..,_ large corponUons.
Jacklon and Sen .• Abraham Rlblcolf
(D<:onn.), questioned . bow the . oil
companies could juatlly "perferential tax
treatment" they get from foreign credits,
the oil depletloo. allow811_~ and wri.te-
offs for drilling coits.
"lsn'I It a fact . . . that the real
profits \Vere abroad?" Jackson asked. ' .... ope1sa , e owrnei u 1 , e ec
and Robert Green, bOth of Santa Ana, to show the relationship of t h e way from 65 feet to 90 feet and "·ill much more to her illne,~s that 'that" crude to refining and marke!ting." ~a9e not~discus.!ed the'case much, -P.etty humanities · to · oontemporary issues, ,. include· 'asphalt pav.ing, sidewalks, curbs c Benton is currenUy being. led. by. Lewis . · The_ eJtecu.UveJ froin E~, Tq.aco,
den ied One report that they wouJd ·be aCcordlng to USC offi cials. and gutters, storm drain moGuicatiOns through the notes he compiled during Gulf, Mobil, Standard of CaUfomI'a,
seeking a change of venue because of The program will begin at 8 p.m. in and installation of a traffic signal at 152 counseling sessions with ,Mn. Parson Standard of Indiana and Shell Wd that
prejudicial pre-trial publicity. • · the Island House at Fashion Island. 47th Street. from April 1970 to the preseut date. wu not the cue.
He said a change of venue 1s not ____ IFPOiii".Poiii.-:r---t=F;;~;;;~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::iJJ deUnitelv ·contem lated "at this time ''
but .. he indicated 1t lS one of-slvttaI fig
legal maneuven that Is at their disposal. r
Another move that might be expected BOAT FIRE of the tv.'O attorneys is a motion for •
a "gag" order. Yzurdiaga asked Monday
that all court persoMel, attorneys and
investigators be enjoined from discussing
the case and his motion was backed
• •
by Green and Petty.
From Page l
As Tallman was landing "a control
broke and left him with no control
of the plane. He lost hi! rudder and
the pedal broke," Pine-said.
It is the kind of accident people who
make their living stunt flying learn to
Jive, or die, with.
Tallman's partner, Paul Mantz, died
in 1965 in a plane crash during the
filming of U1e "Flight of the Pboenlx."
Within a week or Manti' funeral Tallman
himself losl hi> left leg Jo a freak
accident involving his son 's Rt>kart.
Tallman hirnseU guessed today be was
"rather lucky. I guess we hit preur,
hard. The plane was pretty bent tip, '
he said. ,
Pine wouldn't speculate whether this
was the closest of Tallman's frequent
brushes wilh tragedy.
"You never 'know what mines you
In the nigM ... when J100 do lhe large
amounts of unusual and lrre1;:ular flying
we do, you expect more cloae calls, 11
Pine sakl.
Tallman's doctors said the aviator may
be relealtd Wednesday.
A cut COV<red by the bandages Pine
Pine described was cloeed with 12
stitcb<s, Universal Siudlos fPO)tesman
and rowed away as he watched the
boat erupt in flames. .
A passing Coast Guard helicopter
spo tted the smoke shortly before 2:30
p.m. and set down minutes la ter to
pluck Teuteberg from his din~y.
The crew radioed for asslStance and
a Coast Guard cutter responded and '
eventually was able to put out the
flames, but not before the boat was
gulled. •
Teuteberg said the cutter began towing
what was left of his $180,000 cruiser
to shore when it sank about four miles
off the Corona del Mar jetty.
Teuteberg was flown to Orange County
Thc retired land developer said be
had been working oo the boat's
construction for two years.
He said all the money it cost was
paid In cash and he hu just loamed
that his insurance will cover the finlDctal
But be said he doesn't )mow whal
he ls gol"i to do now. .
• "I still can't even believe tbat it
Is gone," he· aald. ''I'll probably SliU
go down to the slip and look for It."
Solzhenitsyn Raked
MOSCOW (AP) -·The official Soviel
ntWS agency Tass resumed ita attacks
on novelist Alexander Solzhenitsyn today,
calling him a "traitor and renegade
rejected w\th anger and contempt by
all honest people ..• " Tass commentator
Yurt Kornllov •wrote about Solzhenillyn'•
slatemenlt responding to the o!Oclal
criticism heaped on him alter publication
of lbe hook "Gulag Archipelago."
1663 Placentia Ave.
• Today's FllUll
N.Y. Stoeks
. '
.. . . .,. __ ~ ..
~ . •-.
;ElaDies· Destgeoy Mesan ~s
ll . =::.::-. --
·nream Boat~
..... -... . .
Canadian Alwin Teuteberg' had a just i.st •pring from Edmonton, Alberta. dieam ·(or 1 loai time. "! moved here because this Is the
The new cc.ta Me.. resident watched boal building capital ol the world. The
that dream p !up ID (\lines Monday people . I needed to· help me are all
~~moo~.~~~~~~~-:--:-~her.-be-.ald: ·
Teuteberg'• ....,. tnmbled 11 be told Teuteberg, 1111, said he W'lJ giving
of iralcblilg · bll 115-lool c:abln •crullef hll"llill-uncompleted Sail-A-Vee a trial
buril to the water llDe" abOoll ftve milel nm when the !Ire broke out. ·
off Newport Beach. "Alarms and buzzers went off.'' he
0 1t had beei.t my Ceam, all my life, said. "I checked one e n g in e
to build· that boat." aaid Teuteberg who compartment and found nothing. I
disclosed that he moved to Ilia new opened the other and smoke just poured
hooi~.at 24!0-Bowcloln Place, Costa Meaa ·out." . .
Teuteberg said he blindly emptied a
C02 container into the compartment "but
ii did absQlutely no good."
. . He 1aid he readied his lifejacket and
' l!lhrgaln-wttJnmolllt
"But it didil't seem to do · an)'tblng,
elther," Teuteberg said.
· Teuteberg said he made for the <l\n'ghy
and rowed away as he watched the
boat erupt in names. ·
A passing Coast Guard_ helicopter
spotted the smolre shortly before 1:30
p.m. and !let down · minutes later to The retired land developer said he
pluck Teuteberg from his dinghy. had been working on the boat's
The crew radioed for assistance and construction for two years. a Coast Guard cutter responded and ventua1ty:-wu . bie-u,-pui-ou th·~-'""--&aid-alLthe-mone.y: .• it cost-wa---<
flames, bu~ not before the boat was paid in cash and he has just learned
gutted. that his insurance will cover the financi al
Teuteberg said the cutter began towing loss.
what ·was left of his $11JO,OOO cruiser But he said he doesn't kno}V what
to shore when it sank about four miles he· 11 going to do now.
off.the Corona del Mar jetty. '-'-I stil l can't even believe that it
Teuteberg was fiown to Orange Coonty is gone1" he said. "I'll probably still
Airport. go down to the slip and look for it."
Bl3ckfin Owner FearCd
o.tly """' Stiff .......
Boat Owner Toutebort Lost • Ill
t ~ Cahle_TY_fJil--F-irms·------+-
fn A h . ~d . ut or1ty [~ Costa Mesa has become the first city Confirm
• ~
F ~·· lge ~ off · ~'o~
l Od.
to withdraw -from the Public C8ble
' ' ~tate Auto Repair
Jutos ~erp.O'J)ed
~ .. ~. . . . . . . Aide to Give Talk '
: Lyman Mundy, • a repr~..O\aUve ol'' J:'l_T·_-0·.:..:.. _Pr· ·_-'!ne. r* N_ _ Ille stale Bureau ol Automotive r,epalrs, E l .,., . r: ~ _
' will address C9sttt ?desa iteJ'.'Vi~ station ~ 4 ... -.. ~ ••
. Ind garage owners Jan. 29 at the HOllday A. Cast& .Mea ;,,.,, bu. beOn "'ven .
I Inn. . . 10 c1aya to i:emove elgbl 1nope';;.b1e
· 'His 7:30 p.m. talk is -ed by vtlbltkil or to -lhem'...-ed for I qi. COota Mesa Qiamher ol commerce blm-ot Ii charge.
Od ia -to the. public. For dinner The order wu --'ill' Coita Mea ~rvalloaa call -· · . _ ciij ~~to Piiat_Jlue,
1'0 :W,. Wllllla SI., ....., \lit l!lllwlty ol .
the nlOllllly enHted juDk -ordinlJlce, I . .
, : DMJ' Olfices . . . .
l!peri Stµurda .y
' . All Department ol llfotor Vehicles
•offices will ·be open from I a.m.
to . · 1 • .p.m. Sa-y . f«· the.
convenience i>I dr!ftis whO ·want
tO .renew their 1974 • e b'I c l.e
The final day to bring or mall 1
reneWal p a·~1 m en t • to the
department ' thoul p<Mllltl 11 •
Feb. l.
Bzue, wlloi lppllNI be Io r.e· = 10:)11..:.: et:'~
cl11r )\la properlf ''ill' fri!ay, WOil the
Ume elltwlon cm a W vote.
-Aid be· .... wortdllg u qul~kly
11 • ..,..i111e ID reotore lbe '9blclel to ble condllJon . and . lied that oeera -lbe .Jll'l!ID .. __ , __ bi· -id move m lo .-..,..,. Collloftila. J • .> •
City cOundJmen, who twice before
onlend Brue'• ~ for
malnlalllllll a "public! nulaance n m'!'h
It cleat that the IO 'la)'I wu the lilt
~ en.a o;ould obtain.·.'
"Wltal JOU ... beariDC totllcbt ii the end," 'l!lntld Ml10I' Jatk11ammf1t: -
Airplane Crash
-. -
, F onr Others
~ . .
-'DIAD . A'r'"';tll! ~--w .~ .... ·~·-·-: Mullcl1n 11h . •• ·--· ' . -d:llli • Wubburne played and -~,
the lt30a with l'llilio net-a bindi 911 . lbe Pl....... ..,.,,_ and MGIJir ad ..... \Giu\,~; . .,_ \1la ' "~
. . (5'j Cllllllml1', 1'liw . ., .
State Commends
Mesa ·Campaign .
To Clear Lot,s
A continuing campaign to clear vacant
Costa llfeaa lo!s and private backyards
ol-junk. bu _, the city 11eauUfication
Committee 1 commendation from a state
The plaque from the Cilllomia Park
and Recreation Soclefy wu turne6 over
tu Muiw Jick Hammett during Monday ' ni&t.t'• "city CowiciI 'meeting by· Mrs.·
Ellxabeth Cowley, chairman of the
'1Clelnup Spree Jn "73:" -...
The -Y pralled lbe city and the
oonunlllle Ior rtlllOYblc trub, junlt and
clebda Iran Iii' loll llld public rlgbl-ol-
Wlf ciurq 1m aod for Iii ecumot
campaign to encoura&t roalclents to clean
llD tliolr 7Jlf'la ..,. ~ their refuse ·~~'pickup
Dlltr ,... ..........
N1wport'1 Frank Tillman
Tallman Hurt
In Ditching
Of Aitplane
Oraage Coast
Weatlter .
!I'll be !air and ~er Wednes-
day, according , to-the wire aerv·
i~s-'-· _with b!gM in the low 70s
lilland-and In the mld.fOs along
· the beaches. 1.-0ws tonight In the
upper 40s.
No karate or ku11g fu for
!tfickey Spiltane. His hero, .&1ike
Hammer, still blasts the bad
guys with a .45. 'f.he world's
top selling author is inter-vle!"ed an Page 7 today. ·
~. ~. kyf . • ',· ""-. ClftelffM JI.ti
Clfllkt 1' c,__. 1•
DMlll ...... ll . .,..,.. ,... '
•""'1•11'111MM ll. D
'""""" 1 :J.15 MY..,._r I
..... ... 11 ... Llllftt'I ,,
UC1 LECTURES -''Sc ientific
Medicine for the t..ayman : Cancer,''
Freshman Lecture Hall, Medical Surge
t Bldg., 7~to p.ffi. "ProressionarPtactices
in Housing Jndu stry. '' Room 1 6 1
Humanit ie s Hall, 7·9:30 p.m.
"•Iappenings in . Creative Awareness,"
Rm. 510 University High School, 4771
Campus Irvine. 7·10 p.m. Drive,
Ttlflday , Jan~rr 22, 1974
For Maria
By 1llM_B~8U!Y _
Of t!tt Dal~ ~Ott Stiff
Maria Parson's psychiatrist today
criticized newspaper accounts of hls
patient's illness and reminded her laW)'er
in Orange County Superior Court that
several ol her sexual escapades exposed
her to considerable danger.
I ~·-... -
J ,._ ..... )
rllniin1 or u.e "Flight o1 the Pooenls.'' 1
Within a week of Mantll' !w>eral Tallman
himleU loot bi> Ie!t lea to a treat I
accldtill InVOivln8 h1I ...,., sMarl-I
Tallman hlmsel! gueued today be was
11rather lucky. I guess we hlt pretty I
hard. The plane WM pretty bent up," •
· he said. , 1
Pine wouldn't speculate whether this ·
was the closest of Tallman's frequent
brushes with tragedy.
·•vou never know what millel you
in the nlghl ..• when you do the large
amounts of unll!llal and frre'1Jlar ·flying
we do, yoll expect more close calls,''
Pine said.
Tallman'a doctors said the aviator inay J.
.. be .. releuecLWedneaday~-~~~--_,_,
BASKETilALL -Cosla Mesa High
at Los Alamitos, -7 p.m. Magnolia at
Estancia, 7 p.m. Newport Harbor at
Huntington Beach, 7 p.m.
t----lrlb-EHl·IHl-irH\M-LECf,IJRE -
"Alcoholism-An Addictive Disease," Or.
Robert Schmitz speaker, Raleigh Hills
Hospital, 15'11 E. 16th St., Newport
Beach, 6: 15 p.m. Information 645-5707.
"Her husband got into a fight with
another man over her at the Newporter
Inn on one occasiOO and had ~to receive
hospital treatment," Dr. Deane. Benton o Son1o-Ana-l4llli!~1ec1d-lmll-l·1~~·_allllli"---ii
bath trial. "On another occasion, be followed her
Into the parking lot of a Newport Beach
restaurant and found her kissing another
man," Beriton said.
A cut covered by the bandages Pine I
Pine cleacribed was cl<lsed with 1% •
m I
UC! LECTURES -"California: Myths
·and Realities," 178 Humanities Hall, 7·10
p.m. "Fundam~tals of Animal Care,''
Room 167 Steinhaus Hall, 7·10 p.m.
Hunt Widens
For Attorney
For Ayers
"Thal also led lo a fighl and we
are fortunate that she has not come
to any hann in nearly four years of
this kind of thing," he added.
Benton claims the psychiatric conditi.~n
in which Mrs. ParS{)n , 50, of Anaheim
has become three women stems from
her allege~ en trapment at the lloliday
Health spi'Tn Orange C1n March 2, 1970.
lifrs. Parson who wants $1 million
in damages fr0m the spa,· testified that
an already-defective sauna room door
jammed when she tried to leave the
1}0:.d_egr_e_e_M_ea ang· !hat ~@ _col: lp~d
after the door handle broke orr.
She testified that no one hea.rd her
By JOANNE REYNOLDS repeated screams and beating on the
ot ,... etnr '"" '''" glass door. ~A.a 'th Dr. Benton today identUied the three Daniel Ayers, the man accu31::\ol Wl women in what he calls a "three-faces
Eloise Popeil of a plot to murder her or Eve" mental condition as Maria,
wealthy husband, today continues his Marie and Betty.
Jong and apparently frustrating search He identified Maria as the woman
for an attorney. who became known in several bars for
A s bas been behind bars since her tendency to wear very short skirts, ~er _ . tight lowcut sweaters and heavy makeup. his arrest__!wo ~eeks a_B:~ along Wlth _ ''That js Mari '!_i" he said. And be
Mrs. Popeil in her 'bayfront homeln exp lained to p1aintiff'88UomeY-Marvin·
Newport Beach. Lewis Sr. that Betty. the remorse~ul
Mrs. Pope.ii, 48, the e~tranged wife proj~ti~n; is the real M~s. Parson while r ki hen _ d t illi · samuel Marie hes somewhere 1n between the o . tc ~a ge m onalre tvoo personalities. ·
Popeil of Chicago, has been free since "My job is to . end this connlct and
Jan. 12 when her attorneys posted the make these three persons into one
$100 000 bail. again,·• B e n t o n said. "And while B~t the unemployed machinist who .J1ewspapers li.ke . to st~! ·this aspe~t
poll all · her lover has remained of her psychiatnc cond1tlon, there JS ce ege 11 • much more to her illnes5 that that." jail~ . and Monday told Long B_ea~h Benton is currently being led by Lewis
Muruc1pal Court Judge CharleJ Litwin through -1he notes he compiled during
that he 1:¥ oot been able to hire an 152 counseling sessions .with Mrs. Parson
attorney to defend him against the from April 1970 to tbe present date.
charge of conspiracy to commit murder. He has testified that Mrs. Parson's
At Monday's court appeara~cc, which condiUon today remains unchanged from
was to have been the operung of the the severe ileW"Osis which existed when
preliminary hearing for tile pair, AyerS she became Maria and encouragtd at
was briefly represented by a special Jeast 24 bar babitues to enjoy her sexual ~. rounsel, Frank Karl of Los Angeles and favor:: ov·er the last three years.
then by a member of · the public "She cou'ld have come to ~ at
defender's staff. · any time " Benton' said. "Thia is the
. But both attorneys made it clear ·that factof that seenis to be ' ~tlrely
• they will not stay with the case through overlooked in any analysis of bef case."
even the preliminary hearing.
Karl did not specify his reasons for
\Yithdrawing but Public Defender John
• Yzurdiaga told the court Ayers is not
eligible to receive aid from the public
-<!0 fender .
According to his statement, Ayers,
a property owner, potentially has the
money to hire an attorney but because
()f his confinement he has not been
able to .J'put bis affairs in ord er" and
Ziegler Claims
Nixon Has No
Plans to Quit
-raise the money to liire coWlSel. By HELEN THOMAS
Judge Lilwin granted a three-day WASHINGTON .• (!lPI) .Ins.mt con~he-trearing-Und-"iM~eu ,
Dlltr Plot Slaff PW•
Year Of The Tiger
As of Friday, for the Chinese it's the year o! the
Valiant~Tiger -and to get in the mood, new Miss
Los Angeles Chinatown Bettie Kim ·Young, 21, of
Newport Beach, took a tour of Lion Country Safari
Monday. Miss Young will r~eign over !he new yea_r
parade and celebration in Los Angeles Friday -
and may see her new friends again. Lion Country
tigers are scheduled to be in the parade.
From Page I
unaware of a missing plane.
'11Jbere il_ one down. We are sure
of that," said Glascock.
Heavy snow in the area of Southern
Utah hampered the search for the plane,
even with a fleet of snoWIDQbiles and
tractors. Search planes were having
trouble getting off the groW1d because
of low ceilings.
De Meuse , 42, first became. bitten by
the yachting bug iri 1965 when. he
purcha!led the 83-foot schooner Serena
and sail~ .in . the Newport to Ensenada
Ambulance Service Rates
Residents of Costa Mesa will pay more to increase their base charge from $30
for an ambulance call, but they can to $35. Th e base rate is the amount charged expect better service than they have by the ambulance company to make
received in the past because of a new a run to the requested location. The
ambulance agreement approved by the ride to the hospital costs $1.50 per mile
city council Monday night. above that. ·
The agreement, approved by all five City councilmen, however, tied the
memben of the council, allows both ra te increase to a_ promise by_ both
race. Schaefer and Seal's ambulance services companies to improve the quality of Jn 1965 and 1967 he· sailed the Serena service.
in the Transpac race from Los Angeles Nwnerous citizen complaints centered to Honolulu. . -L:-• Jn 19'9 he had the late Bill Tripp A mbl around twQ basic ~uurtconungs: It was
d .. ign the 73-fool ketch Blackll!>, w!>ich . sse yman either impossibfe lo gel an ambulance
he had buill .... . Rabe•~··, a n d or the ambulance was loo long in "'· ..... R be B k ' arr1v1n,. , .· RasmuSsen •• Her firal Jlll,j0r ~l!<e was ' 0 . rt· Dr e S The new agre<!menl negoli~ied by City lhe Transpac In which abe !inlshed one hour ~hind the reconl b r ea k I n g Manager F.red '6orsabal mandatea ai>-
WindWard PaSsage, but wl!i given .. Cridit -M. · -ih ,. D -:--""' -ambulance reiponr;e time bf hot more
for first lo (inlsb and a new elapsed 0 er 1es than seven minutes be tween the' hours
tlrne record when Windward Passage of 7 p.m. and IO p.m. and not more
was penallzed two hours for fouling Mrs. Mabel caroune Burke, mother than 10 minutes between 10 p.m. and
another yacht at the sllrling line. of Assemblyman Robert R Burke of 7 a.m.
That started a long and aometlmes HunUngtoo Beach, will be buried Further, the pact stipulates that at
bitter rivalry between De Meuse and Thursday following memorial services 'least one ambulance must be available
the Robert F. Johnaon family of Port-at Smith's Mortuary Chapel Mrs. Burke in the city at any given time and,
land, owners of Windward Passage. 1 died Sunday at 78. ii the ambulance makes a run, a backup
Jn the 1971 Transpac nee Windward A native of Iowa , Mrs. Burke lived unit must be positioned in Costa Mesa
Paasage was first lo finlJb and ~I In HunUnglon Beach for the pasl IO immediately. . . .
UCI Leader
8acks Ca.ll
For Freeway
UC Irvlne Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich
Jr. has written state Department of
TransportaUon officials and highway
c omm~issioners urging -"early
completion" of Corooa del Mar Free-
The chancellor's stand m the ij1_reat·
ened freeway project waa Included In a
city of Irvine status report Irvine coun·
cilmen may consider tonight.
<r.-Brenl Muchow,-clly public works
director, said he plans t6 attend highway
commission' hearings In Monterey thia
week where a staff suggestion the Corona
del Mar Freeway conatructlon ~ delayed
\\:ill be under study.
The project is being delayed due to
changes in the federal fllnding system
for highway and transit systems.
estimated reduced gas tax incomes and
b)· recommendation of the state highway
engineer, Muchow said.
Jn letters to both DOT officials and
the highway .comm~ion, Dr. A~
points out how lhe fl.23 millioo portion
aloog MacArthur Boulveard from Bonita
Canyon Road to JamOO... Boulevard
could · improve traffic near UCI.
Aldrich says MacArthur Boolevard
is not adequate to handle traffic and
the road is "subject lo floodlnc during tt-, winter months, thereby · ~tly
dis"!ptinl 1the operati~. of this citm· pus.
Aldrich urged the lllate lo ''pn>ceed
with the development of tbe Corona
dcl Mar ... Freeway as quickly u possible."
Animal Shelter
Pact Renewed
the record held by Blackfln. _ years and auffered 80 extended illness Ambulances also are prohibited. from ~id~s local races such II the before her death. ~arryin~ advertising . g1vmg t h. e '!be County ol Oranae bas agreed
Calilorrua Cup _and Jbe...l'aclllc~-s~was CUvel!nlle HlmUnm•n-Beach--JJDpression_ -Ibey provide.. paramedic lo--renew-a-'9-21JO-contract wfth~u,. Racmg c:onference, De Meuse sailed 8 &"" 1 ed services an driyers and attendants are . ' 1 · 1
' I . I
Bjackfin in...,!..lrtually~ev~ry major.long Senior a:izens Club and. w~ invov ~l~JNm~~d ivtna c1t~.of Costa Mesa ~ animal sbeter
1Sla'iice race mtlie~d. wlllr11i<'eim.t-Freib1 yterian--e!l~,,; the impielswnof a higher 1r~-sl!!'Vlm,-51ijlel'm0r Rlllll!llr-t;uijff'!r!l;t--'1!
Under De Meuse's command she bas Mrs. Burke eaves two ~ren. than actually held. said today.
been ftrst to finish ~ runner-up in A&semblyman Burke and ~rlam Knop Caspers said Costa Mesa will continue
a court order that Ayers be allowed Nixon is not considering resigning and
four phone calls from Los Angeles has every intenUon of serving out his
County Jail 50 that he can find an remaining three years in office, a White
attorney. House spokesman said today.
/( s m a 11 group bf Ayers' friends Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said
such races as the San Diego to Acapulco, of Portland, Ore. Other .1urv1von include .
-Um.g Beach to La Paz, Los Angeles four brothers, Roy Andel'IOn, Harry Pl C JI d B k tu ~.tbc ,C>range County Animal. Shelter
lo MazaUan, Newport, R.I. lo Bennuda Andenon , and Carl Andenon, all o! 8DC a e 8C • lactltltes although :11 .provides . its own attended Monday's hearing and described Nixon "knows he has not been involved "an irr-4fmy wrongdoing" in Watergate and
I · Iii< bl )' er ore I'! extreme y easy·gomg, ea e guy. . _ . , 1 ~.ri'wilii:::-. ~-· . • They said he had worked at the any_ ~ggeSttrutS· o. re .. ~6 .. 111g_.
Dotrglas Aircraft Co. pla·nt in Long Deitch ---Ziegler a1so -wd ·NIXOD"lS· con,vlnced
lo~ about eight .years ·before . he was DAUGHTER KEEPS CONFIDENCE latd off last year 1n a staff cutback. According lo police, Ayers, 37. and Mrs. IN NIXON -Story, Pago 10
Popeil hired_ an acquaintance of his from that an 18~-minute erasure on a While
-----lllO\lgla&-t.o--g0-oto-ChicagG-3Dd kill her House-tape-of-one-0H be-President1
estranged husband before their pending Waterga te conversations was not a
divorce became final. deliberate act.
Investigators aUege that they originally "We do not knmJ how it happened,"
, offered $25,000 to the unidentified Long Ziegler told reporf'en. "Tbe Prmdent
· ·Beach man an cl even sent him on a does not know how it happened. If ·
dry run to the windY city to stake we did, we would say so."
out Popeil and get a look at his l~ro.om Ziegler1s rare White House news
apartment. . conference -be has been concentrating
It cwnl!IMd fht ...,....Pr•n , It 11111111"* tw
l'hl Or• .... C011t PUOllt.11"'9 COl'llptny. k!N·
r•lt eo:llllon• 1r1 P\lbl!Jhed, M.,.,..y th~
l'r!Uy, for Coi.t1 Mtt.t. H..,,.,, lllcfl,
Hvnllntton l ttcft/l'Ollfll"n \11llly, L.,un.
1.-dl, ll"<'lnt/~dl•tk llld Sin Cltll*lt9/
Ian J.,.n C1pi1!rllW). A tll'IQlt rtvlonel
ld!llon " pu111i1"9d S.turt1ey1 11'1d Suriuvs.
The prinCIPll llUl)ll1h .... pllnt It 11 131 Wftl
e1y STrKI, c .. 11 Mtl', Cllllornll, fMJL
ltolt11t N. W1H
Ptftklenl '"°' l'll!tlltlwlr
J1c.k R. C11tl1y
Vin l'l"ftlcl..,I llllS GIMfl l.Mllllltr
The11ut IC·tt'l'!I
'Olol!i11 A. M111phin•
M1~gh,g £dl191'
Ch1rl1, H .. Loo• l ic.h1,J r. Nill
At.•1111111 M1111t1N EllfOU
)JO Wtlt f1y Str11i
M1llin9 A.r.rr1n:·r.O. loi IS•o, tJl26
...... """"
T ......... (71 41 64.1-4111
Cl-"'N .u..rtl .. '41·1671
on his new role or presidential assistant
-came in the middle of increasing
calls for the President's resignation.
House Democratic leader Thomas P.
O'Neill Jr. said Monday he should resign
in the "best interest of the nation."
Some others such as Rep. Wilbur Mills
(0-Ark.), said resignation would be
better than impeachment by the House.
But Senate Democratic leader Mike
Mansfield refused today to join a riumber
of congre~lonal Democrats calling for
Nixon's resignation.
"I don't think he should re!lign,"
Mansfield said.
The question o! presidential ml8Jlatlon
"is a matter he has to make a decision
on himself," l\.1ansfield said. ·
1.1eanwhile;-Vtce-President Gerald R.
Ford said today Nixon offered to show
him documents that · Ford said ~ was .
certain could prove Nllon lnnocellt of
Walergaie wrongdoing.
"The Pr,.ldent volunteered lo lhow
them to me," Ford Mid. "lt was part
of our discussion we had yutmtay,
but I have not had time to see them."
Ford told a news conference the
documents are tho•• Senate Republican
leader Hugh S<oll referred lo Sun41y .
In saying lhe White House h a •
Information that it has not released
that could show the President was
innocent of some allegaUont ln the ·
Scott said he baa no1 beon able lo
convince the White HOll9e !Mer clrtle <• ur1e Nixon lo make public the
material, described by Fon! as a
lhe trapscMpl. •
and two Transatlantic races. Des Moines, Iowa, and Edwin Anderson CHICAGO (AP) -A Uhited Atrt.i11es ·-animal _ tn?l. serVICe!. Pa~ent ~ the
eiackfin is Hsted as the !"Tl'cb boa' of. J?aenil,_ .4.rii. Sti1 alao leava-live je'-beood fer &aA &;>ie1a _'ff& ~ "' 1. . .li.!Low uiu .... wlalli>'telnll.__:4_~-I
-in the San Diego to Acapulco race <>grandchildren. back shOrlly after takeoff froril~cago or -; ........ -·-· ---... ...,. · ·. s~ul~. to get undet way f'.eb. 3. _ ._ ~Jyman .~urke., sa!<f .~e _ ~ Mq~~iiy ,fo~ow_IDg ~_veraJ . ~u~lciQus_ .~Tl)~,:._ a,dd!Uo~~ re~~~ helps .th~.
to have both the Rev. Don Roberts telephone calls, Including two bomb coun~y Aftd tt'le Shelter servlceJ are
From Page I of Christ PreJbyterian Church and threats. A one-hour search of the plane, provided to the city of Colla Mesa
Pastor Tom Overton, of First Christian passengers and luggage failed to tum at a cost . Jess lhan . If they were to
Church, officiate at the service. up any explosive d4vJce. provide their own," aa1d Caspen. COUNTRY-·------· ----
most popular programs on radio.
He also played bass horn In the Ted
Weems orchestra during the big band
His song "One Dozen Roses" led the
U.S. Hit Parade for ·1a weeks in the
early 1940s.
In the 1960s Washbume led bjs own
band; which played on lhe Curl Massey
radio And televl.!ion shows with Martha
TiliOn. He was a member of the American '
S o ct e t y of Composers, Autbon and
Playwrights (ASCAP).
Washburne and his wife had one aon,
who died In lhe early Ill60s. His only
known survivor ls a brother, James
o! M1nchesler, Tex.
Edison. Promises ' .
'Straight' Joh
. -
On Utility fole
'lboy -·t neceaaariiy be prolll bo\t
~ will be rewer of lhem, and the Edllon C4mpany will do 111 best • to
... thal lhey 're pul m 1lral1ht, Coall
MHI city councilmen were Uliired
Mondly qhl. .
'l1le ailbjecl was utility poles. •
Councilman Robert M. Wlllon llld
be though! there was no need for them
al all and sugesled lo Edison Company
Manager Jim Kennedy lhat Ille utility
lines on Fairview Road be placed
. .
. .
llNCI 1t17 ~
1663 Placentia Ave .
Bui K!nnedy, whooe !Inn II opendlng
$186,000 to npllce lhe pol., on Faln'lew
Rold to accommodale a wklenln( proj-
ect, said pulling lhem ~ would lliloot !be COiis up to $U mllllon. IL ________ -..,:. ________ ;....;.~--------------
( •