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1974-02-03 - Orange Coast Pilot
' • fl SUNDAY VOL 67, NO. 34, 8 SECTIONS, 104 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SUNDAY, FEBRUARY J, 1974 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Bob Dylan Concert: Ticket Scalper's Dream 1111' 214 118 Dll AN AN D THE IANI SSCOlN AT THE FABULOUS PORU - I II I .,~.o 0 4 079101 .. CITY I • 17. 2 5 ~.~ TA)(.25 2 ii Ill' THOMAS PALMER Of lfle O•lll' l'llol Slaff A month and a hall before that rock ooncert exc1uslve 1n February WltS to take place, tickets went on sale. By mail order only, said the officlal, precisely worded advertisement. 'Mle letters stormed ln, exceeding many times over the $4,000 seats that the Forum in Inglewood could fill for three performances of the return of Bob Dylan as live performer. Natlonwtde, six-million t icket requests were received for the available 151,000 seats In the %1-clty tour by Dylan and The Band. Orders exceeded supplies ln the first three days' mail. ·Coast Gas Rush On Traffic S narled at Service Stations By CANDACE PEARSON Of ._ ~ J!ll.Jf Stiff 'lbO ps rush ol '74 tm.nsified this wffUnd, wilh police along the Orange Couc. reporting trafnc jams from cars line( up lnto the streets around service stltkJ!Ds. Cars backed up for almost a block M'Cltd service ·statlon!I that were open Saturday. Most stations had run out • .. of g~soline and were closed. · ,.. In San Clemente, police cadets were ... ;-;""Called out to direct trarnc as more , ..... and more motorists tried to fill up ::;~ before the 9·p.m. Saturday closing time. Police in Newport Beach and C.OOla Mesa also had to help move line's of Cllrs. Only 12 percent of gas staUoos in Orange County are expected to remain ~ today, Automobile Club officials said. The prospects for travelers are brighter in outlying areas, where about 42 percent of the i;;urveyed gas stations will be open today, according to the Auto Club. But many stations are running out this weekend , Auto Club official Dick Taylor said, because thelr monthly ~ •' ~·-' 3 Men Pirate Greek Ship, ... Want Con1man·doe s Free KARACHI. Pakistan (UPI) -Thn!e tna!ked men believed to be Palestinian guerrillas pirated a docked Greek freighter Saturday and threatened to kill two hostages it a pair of condemned fellow rommandoes in Greece are not freed, pollce said. T ed Kennedy So 1i Undergoes Tests, Cance r Tr eat ment BOSTON {AP ) -A spokesman for Children's Hospital Medical Center said Saturday that Edward M. Kennedy Jr .. 12, Is receiving tests and treatment aimed at preventing the spread of recurrence ol cancer. The younger Kennedy entered the hospital Friday. He und e rwent amputation of his right leg above the knee Nov. 17. A joint statement by the family and hospital said new treatment will use a powerful anticancer drug, metbotrei:ate, which inhibits cell division and thus reduces chances for the spread or cancer. 1be statement said there is no evidence of "persistence of the tumor." 'lbe. Kennedy family said the boy's treatment ii to include brier hospital ltllya every three weeks for a short period, Tho hoopltal said lhiB stay will end early next week. Al.rt.txrities discounted a thregt by the men to blow up the ship and other crewmen remained aboard. The three were believed armed with pistols and hand grenades. The ,Associated Press of Pakistan said the men threatened to kill the chief afficer and chief engineer of the 11,500- ton freighter tM.V. Yori if Greece does not release the two prisoners. They set a 24--hour deadline that was to expire today at 4 a.m. PDT. a spokeSman said. The foreign ministry in Athens said it had told Pakistan the two men held in Greece would \.be executed if the gunmen carried outlheir threats. Pakistani officials said, however, there were reports Athens was "favorably considering" rommuting lhe de a th sentences given the t'A-'O prisoners recently (or their part in a bloody airport. attack in August. Authorities said the three gunmen were believed to be Pa\istinian guerrillas, but police did not identi(y them es belonging to any group. They slipped aboard the docked vessel while it was unlaading its cargo, took the hostages end locked themselves in the captain's c.abin, authorities said. The captain was released almost immediately because of a heart condition. A Pakistani official said the foreign ministry attempt~ to negotiate an extension of the deadline on the-basis that communlcatlom between Karachi and Athens were poor. Ambaasadors from Egypt, Syria and Lebanoo were reported flying from RIWalpindi to talk with the hijacker!. Waterfront Shootout supplies are exhaw:ted and the"ir nef.i delivery won't be received Wlt!l, the beginning of thls week. That wasn't the problem Saturday .at the Urlcll statloo In Colla -· where at lea..!t one rel.M!Dd colllsion wu e1Uled by a jam of ,..-.;.· -on -Bou1evan1. n. wu """ o1 ""' iew sbltlms """" In Qlllla MeR, Manager Mike Danlels said hiS pumps carried a full load of 15,000 gallons Saturday momlDg and by 7:30 p,m. he had J01d It all to three tlmes u many customers as usual. Asked If the increase was caused by people panl<king becall30 ol reports ol diminishing suppli~. Daniela replied, "Peaple are just \oo ignorant to get the gas during tbe ·-(They) don't understand you can't .1!l·everybody Into a gas station at au. 4bne." wea:ry police oliiiig aot cout ftj>or!ed being deluged with pbone calls ftom people looking for open gas stalio"ils. "That's what 99.9 percent of these phona are ringing le<," Callfomla Highway Patrol offi<:er Cal Goorley said. "This desk is a bedlam." Gourley said more motorists than ever· are being stranded on the bigbwayi because they're stlD trying to lra'f'.el out or town without an assured aupply. Unhappy motorists stop at the San Clemente police station and ask the polk:e 0< firemen lo gg ps for 11!em, One officer said, "You can't imagine the people that don't think ahead." A Huntington Beach policeman satd callers expect him to know "what's the snow like between here and (Sec GASOLINE, Page AZI W hale W atchers Get S uµny Day Orange Coast residents will be greeted with sunny, 71kfegree temperatures today, a climate just right for whale watching at Dana Point, H a r b o r department officials reported. The annual migration or the gray whales is now taking place off the Orange C.oast. Officials at the Dana Point Harbor Patrol said tile clear weather, complete with three to five-foot rnrl in some areas, will provide for good viewing of the marine mammals. Strong northeasterly wirxb ma y produce small craft advisories, warnings that were put up along the coast Saturday. NaUonal Weather Service forecasters 11ld the wanner weather will last through Monday. Oakland.1 Police -Kill Rapist ' f OAKLAND (UPI) - A man raped him, Peters said. The gunman then a youne ma.ueuse, attemptM to rob ran Into the street, aaw poUce units, tho massage parlor and then . burst 11119 "1d hijacked the bull, which only had a ,Jlerkeley streel with a gilll·:~ a driver 1board. blnll' to · commandeer fa !bm•· , "i ........ i 'ce unU1 from nearby camnwottia mil leOd poU<e -.. , i'"lttid"'cliiA'.' ' -Ille Oilll6lT!ll-l!lilllftY'1'atml 11'!!'" ended with hla d .... · . .O 'llie~·Ookllmd · ,q; !ht tit.·untll It llnllly ltnlelc a]lOll<e watorlront . · '': , -• cor<j.litar the Oakland waler~.-'Ille e.i-toley pollce",'Ll. ·1\, J.\Pe(on 'lild. ·~n ran !tom the, bl!s and !Ired uie ~gunman,; idtlltlfi~ ·N ~--A. '1 ta.1~ at .police~ iomcets ·returntd the P'arlmn, ar, •ORkllil<l,.,.,,P<'l",i' »:,_,.. ·llre ~llfld the.' man'"1l11111bled Into lho old woblan afllr J>llYlng llO for a waler and sank. "regular" musa&e.. He,thtn aprang fr.om · ()jvera and dnidglng units TeCOvered the m1su1e room wil.b two plslbls and the body about u hour lrlter. Two 11hd for ,,_,, ~ ...... llld. ,,.Qhs were ro....d, a .II· automlttc In Wiien tile m.Djjpr reluled, be ihe bus and 1 .II-revolver In the waler. 11ir .. 1ened to lake two young women Ernest Dugar, 40, driver of the A.(; hostage, but they wouldn't accompany Transit bus, had not yet put his vehicle I But you can still get a Hcket if you've got the bucks. Your friendly Orange. Co u n l y independent ticket agency has the ticket.9 , little more than a week before the concerts Feb. 13 and 14. Sunday Special The only catch Is that for a ticket With ·a top face value of $9.60, you may pay $50. .. I saw a car with a sign on It advertising Dylan tickets," said Gary Oiabin, who oj:ierates Gary's Tickets in -' ·~ ' Costa Mesa, one of two Independent outlets 011 the Orange Coast. "I called the guy and they were $5{) to $150 apiece." So Chabin, who's been ha\.vking tickets for more than three years, Is not feeling any pangs of guilt for selling $7.50, $8.50 and $9.50 tickets at $20, $25 and $3-0. During several inq uiries al Gary's 'rickets, even 1n one c:ise when $10 was put down on deposit, no 1nention was made by the agency that the tickets v.rould be higher than the face value. Chabin said that is unusual, that It ls his policy to tell customers that there will be a charge fo r hls time and UPI Telwhotl NATIONAL GUARD UNITS CALLED OUT IN PENNSYLVANIA Troops Stand on Overpass Near Allentown as Truc ks Pass Below Trucker Tieup S preads To Mor e Than 20 S tates By The Associated Press Reports of temporary layoffs increased Saturday night as a shutdown by .independeni truckirs spread over more than 20 states, prompting federal oUlciaJs to ask the nation's 50 governors lo restore peace and commerce to the highways. Reports of scattered violence increased Saturday night and scores of truck stops reportedly closed in the shutdown that will have idled more than 10,000 workers by Monday. STATE DRIVERS BLOCK TRUCK STOPS -SEE PAGE AS Food became a major worry a s shippers of produce reported sharp drops in truck movements, .and at least a dozen meat·pecking plants a n d slaughterhouses reported they had.closed or CUJ1.ailed operetl~ .. Against that background, federal energy chief William E . Simon and three Cabinet members -Co m m e r c e Secretary F~ei:ick B. Dent, Labor Sec'relary· Peter J . Brennan a n d Trahsportatlon Secretary Claude J. Brinipr -emergea. from a meeting ZIGOIJRAT ZAGS -The deal with Ua -co...-.lbe,t,000,000.sqtJare.fool .Lal\IDI Jilauel faclllly was alJll!>'I llbl<k, but now the face of lhi• unuMd ltnactUl't ls ul)i in the air again. Sta.ff Wr!leT Jae_~ Chappell reports on lhe Uh1• «.the. thlna that looks_ Uke a llabyioni111 iemple. The slory Is on Page &; TOP MODEL'S 11PS -Those "perlect flCel'' top model.! wear are something they bllve ;1o put on ~Cn' day. spoct•I pillout~ve mt.ion in F i m l 1 y Weotty of!en cioceup' · view of just how Ibey do tho "pit ... ' Saturday night in Washi ngton and sent their <ippcals to the nation's governors for help. The four men signed telegrao1s that deplored the continuing v i o I e ii c e associated with the shutdown and said they ..,,·ere preparing actions to alleviate trucker grievances. They promised to encourage truck stops to sell diesel fuel on Sundays. to set up a tolJ.free "hotline" to deal with price-gou ging and fuel supply problems and to pern1it purchase of at least half a tank of diesel at every stop as February gasoline allotments become available. But the federal officials did not make any promises to lower the skyrockefing prices of diesel fuel, and that is the main grievance cited by spokesmen for the striking independents . In Los Angeles, an official of Overdri ve Magazine, one of the leaders in the move lo have a truc.kers' shutdown, said a recent survey showed the price cM diesel fuel averaging 47 cents a gallon ecross the country. Trucker spokesmen said they want diesel fuel prices rolled back to about 33 cents -a ·gallon, the price they said existed lasl May. OIL ON COAST -There.'s a rich oil Oeld off Orange County and the energy shortllge is focusing'new attention on ti. -Should -ll-""' drOled and "'1at' woWd happen if it '!ere? These questk>Q& are up kl red by ".itaff Writer John Zal!tr on Page Bl. THE UFO ENIGMA -Some recent research he s turned around Dr. Fred M. JoM.'!iOJI, physics prnlessoc at Cal Stale Fullerton, on the issue ot unktentificd Oying objects. tle !Bys wi had ficttcr begln taking · them seriously. Tbey could even helfl 901ve our energy crisis. His article is on Page A7. , expenses In running down the hard-to-get itenlS. At Gary's, they call it business, s upply and demand, and just doing people a service. Some J>eQPle caU it scalping, but that doesn 't maLter, because in California there ls apparen tly no law against reselling a ticket for whatever price the buyer will pay. 1lle sky"s the limit. California Penal Code Section 346 forbids scalping only at the event, but ticket brokerage is legitimate capitalisin and (here ts no city ordinance against the practice in Costa Mesa. "People come here and there are no lines to stand in. If somebody wants (See DYLAN, Page Al) Mes an l\.ills Attacker In Mexico A Costa Mesa man shot and killed an lntruder·who attacked him and hfs wile Saturday· on an isolated. beach. at La Salinas, Mex., about 45 miles south of Tijuana, San Die8:o police said. Frederick G. Stegmann, 32., of Co6ta Mesa, received a shotgun wound in his right ann and a dislocated knee. He is in satisfactory condition at Bay General Hospital, Chula Vista. Stegmann told police he and his wife. Dianne, 29, were in a tent and their four children were ·asleep in a nearby station wagon when a man anned with a shotgun entered the campsite. During a struggle, Stegmann said the gun Went off, wounding him in the ann. Police said St.egmonn llJen grabbed his ·own .gun and ltillod the man wllh three..... ' . . . \"':'"'-I ' J ; But ~ fight wasn't over .. ~ man ·OOili ttio· __ .._._~~ .• at . ~ · . ..,.;;;;;:;. '"' -. ~ • ~~am pist~i~whi~ the second attacker and then shot at him as he fled down the deserted behch. The four children, aged 8 through 12, weren •t harmed. The dead man wasn't immediately identified by Mexican authorities who said there has been a rash of attacks on cany>ing toLtrists recently. After the 1 a .m. incident, Mrs. Stegmann drove to a nearby residence for help. The occupant, who also wasn't named, drove the family to the border. No complaints have been _,. issued against Stegmann, pending f u r t h e r investigation by Mexican authorities. Newsp a p er Says Military Spying Beg.a13 in1970 NEW VOltK (API -Military spying inside the While House by as many as five high ranking officers reportedly began in lhe faJI of 1970. the New York 'Nmes quoted closely involved saurces as saying Saturday night. The Times, in its Sunday editions. quoted the sources as saying the spying was ordered by Rear Adm . Rembradt C. Robinson a few months after Adm. 1bomas H. Moorer became chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Among the documents supplied to Moorer's office, according to the Times account, were ''eyes only" messages for President Nixon and Henry A. Kissinger from key diplomats in South Vietnam and Cambodia. The Times said a White House official acknowledged that the piUering of National Security Council documents began under Robinson -more than a year earlier than has been previously reported -but said the Pentagon investigator told him "very little of importance was taken." Still uncleer, weJJ placed aources told the Times, was the euct role played by Moorer In the mJlitary spy ring. ' Iaslde S•nd!'Y At TM.~ " -.. ,,,....,-.......: .. • M..._ .. -Dl·Dlt M9'11n ... " ··-.. o,.....c...., .. -'""'" .. . "' .,..... .• ,. ..... ,_ .. SM ... .. ... ,, ... -....... • •aJ TllN!fft . ' .. " .... ,,, .... .... "',,,, .. ,. .. ,.,.,.""""" ... " Malllln " .... _ Cl Wlt""'r .. bin ........ , M Wltlll Wnlt " .... Qit'1t ....... •• •~·w•-•• S. I. K,,_.._ ., ._,,,.. ... .. M"91 .. M YI!' Hoffi!Mll A• DAil Y PILOT SICTIOftS • ' I -·. .--r 32 OAll Y PIL OT S.1turd.iy Autos, Used 990 A~ Used 1 -~---1 CHEVROLET rt'tJrtt:!I~ 2. lf"l74 9901 Autos,-U"""•ed-,----,990=~A·u ·-,.-,-.-U~sed·~---~990=T•~ut_o_s_, •u·-;;;i~---990=,_,..,A,.u"'to-,-.""'u"'...s....,----.990=.,_A,-ut'"o-,,-,.,u'"sec1....,.---,,990=~AS:u;:1;0.:.•-,2.:.U".:sed-::;-:..~_-_-_-_-_-_...,990~~=A~ Used ~-FO_R_D__ MERCURY MUSTANG PLYMOUTH PONTIAC PONTIAC 990 CONTINENTAL FORD '7 1 GRAND SAFARI WAGON '73 PONTIAC LEMANS '73 CHEVY NOVA MUSTANG •• HATCH BACK v.~. A1,1lll 1'rans, Radio, 1'11,cr Stttrtng, rarrory ,\Ir t'uurt. (93(){;,/V I. '71 L'ONTINJ-.:i'ITAL COUPE Stt to 11pprct·WIC'! Thi,; flnl• 11.\HO tho".,; thf' bc.'il 11f 1..'lll\'. li:i, !u~ury .~-1ui rn11·111 full 1~111 I'!', "Ill" ll•llll' '"II', ,\\! f \l ,11•1 1·0. l.n1vh11 rop 1972 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN JOOa fa.lton 4 l>r. Aulo. N1•¥1·!y rt>blt nitr. Ill'"' paint joh, ~-ood conJ . S 3 5 0 .~4&-0975 FIREBIRD '71 COUGAR XR7 Tiiis car i\_ \'ery ~hurp. SM 11nd drive 11 tu upp1~i11Le ~1.s pc r for n1n111·e and l11111dl1ni-: r ~ c ,. l I 1• n r (' . 1-;1..'1.l1\on\)' "'1th !I a I et ,\' . E11u1pp1'1'1 wl lh aulon1ul!1· lt'll.n.$1111,sMln. rt11.l10, hf·utl•r, l~'"'''r !!lt't'1ll11?, po"" f' hn1k•'·'· (a l' ! n r y ;HJ' 1967 FASTBACK Lo11· mlll'ill{l', fllCCh CX(."t"llf'nl !\tw 1111inL M111e~ & Mu·kry 'l'l1on1pso11 Lifi•i>. Air i>hot'kli \l1ist !'il'i.' co ttppr<.~i.atr. ~l11k1• ufft>r 6-16-60Ja. ATLAS Chryslor/Plymouth 0Pl'll Dttily & Sun. 'tll 10 f'l\l 2'J2!1 1 hn·bur Bl vtt , CO!ila Me11.& SAFARI WAGON V-l'i, Au1u 1'ran", Pu11,.1' Sh.'Cl'U\l:., JtatllO. F11~ l~u) J\il' Cond, t!l•U;JV I .. V-S Au10 Trau.s. Red Io . l',;,".r S!<'<'rllli.;, Poy,'er "'in· .tows, l'J.I Gtiu;~ f'tu!IOry • .,. 1,11. (',.nil, Bt~>f ltttck, 1-1!1.1· •f'I jBOB LONGPRE? ;uid 1111u·h 1ntH'I" tZIJ~'l'\'Ql-: !o;f';il 11;1~rin "r• t•i.11 pl li, .S.'i7'."i .John...on Au· Cut10!1l1•on111:: '67 FIREBIRD. Auto 1rans. p/s, plb, lo nulcnge. C:OOd (.'Olld . $750. 960-18'16 546-1934 111.11 ~ 52395 :, I t11 o•hnot;•' rr.i1i-1 $2795 1360Q Bl':il·h Bl , \\l·St11 1i11,tr·r :192..flli."1! 1;:i.o.1:~11J ----·~-~ '70 IMPALA CUSTOM Cn11r><· :>7 .. 101 i\11 1.Jo:S. Viny l IHjJ. \Ill~ I llll\'l'l"i'. t:11'fHl') i.11· ,.,,ndil1<1n•n1:. ;!(1l•1111:11lt·. ptl\\i'!' .'!OtlU1g, pn1•1'!' hr:tk('~. t'l"1l1ullH<'al ::;io \")! 1·11~1111'. :-p11tl1·~~ 1·undlll•irl 10:1 l,\S\' • Sl799 NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbo< lltvd. CostoMaso .540·9100 ,\ _-..,n. J.u,, ,,fn :'llt•1 i ur', 21;~ p,,11·••r ih•1· 111.11.•'' ll:irl~or , C":-.t.1 ,\fl'!>;1, ;,\[ lt.1o!I•: ."tlO-.i6:1U. ;\0·11 \IS\\ l~l'•''i . V1•1·\ l;()Qfl f 1111dl!lun '7u :'11/\HJ, 111. fo:,c,·1 L'Un<I Lu~·i.:;:~i· lt;11 k \ Oro~· ~·11r1t•t. ~2XJJ or Bl'Sl S139S ...... ,. c'"'o't''.v'· ETIE '69 COR VETT E ST INGRAY S.••• HI 11,\(I.\' I'll.II'!' 10:,\JPLO\"Ef. l'/\l!f\l:-.L; Lf ~T :>:«J \\',•st Hot}'. (;4),,\a t.lc!>a {Jl' (.'all !\larg;irt•! (in•rnnian • fi42-1'.;:!! • GREMLIN '71 GRE~ILIN, t.lk·k, pot;!· tr11cliun, 34,(0) rn i le s , 2JMPG. SlROO w Is fl3 re, 89-1-llJ:-ll l'Vl.'S ilfl 7 JEEP iiJndihoning, L.u1dau llJP 170\E:OJ 1. SI.ill• Pl'il.'•' $'._11;9~,, Johnsott & Son l.1n1-oln ;..1crcury, 2626 ll .1 r b<1 r , Cu.•la i\Irsa 5-10-.)6'.$0. ---'71 ~1i\llQCIS l~ROUt.;!!.'\:VI c1·1·: I i\·l l\1 AC U L ,\TE B1·i11i.: oflrrt."CI i.t a l'l'dUcl'<I price. Thi.'> = ha.s lll.'l'll rar1'1lL11)' l'a:.tl~1r-k. ::.-~1 1·ni;., ;<lUu , i••\11'!' .'-lt'V~'lll\.: · llr;dio'.; '70 J !~EP f'tcnE"gadc CJ5, xln! ni;uu1<1incd .. l';quipprd \111.li '72 Mere. Comet oond, i1·/xtras + ovcnJril'c full ''°1,<·r. fa{'tory iur, .~.Vii. 16.;')x\O Tr11•on1a 11n1s J..lu1dau 1·,,of t•I('. tJ:!IX.':-\\l i, ''"I S111al! VM It/II. AT, PS. ·rrat"l\Onitl' lin•s. Lo n1i, tt:n.-1• John:.on & Son ·n MUST fstbk, auto, fa~t hll', H & II, p/s, xi (.'01NI, llU lll't'S, l)l'l pty ~fi.14-1597 12'00 --~~-~--' 6"1 :'llu~la11i.: hrdt, 289, a uto, ;111·. Pc•rr. (.'Oni.l. 5:i7-6366 allci· 1ipn1. 1:10U-~I uS1='A7N7'C~,-;,-.. -, -,-,-,-,,7 .. Xl1l! con1!, air, PIS, l'inyl top, i.,'UOll g us n1iles 641).1715 '70 ~IUSTANG, aulo, PS,· IJas savl•r. EX{'('] L'(]!11I. ne11 p111111 & th·cs SlliSO 6T.;-t:IBO OLDSMOBILE 11 lll•l<Jl\S, \\I V\1'" 11!1 11fa.,•I. r;d)~ 1'.H'I., "UJ>t'J' 11111 111Jl<'1> Spnlh-...... ;..,':.l"'li> (',ul1ll.t\ Tt·.1rle-1n 17:1• J,\ \"1\ 1 $3999 F .... Air. 1'1tt1.'d 10 &>II. S2650 &.li--0027 Linroln i\l~·rcury, 'lG'lti :-.. i :->o. (ili:!.\) '69 JF:EP \\'ago11L•1'r, 4 11•hl dr l lal'lJQr, (.'u:-.tti i\J •' !> :i, Salt>!! & SP:v1ce $2795 11·1hubs, ;ill 1><111·Pr, xlnt S.10-~>ti30. OLDSMOBILE Cl-•\SSIC 49 P I y n1 o u t h 1•o n1plcte overhcttd l'l'flr10111ic !Int 6, runs great lks1 olfc r. 673-~40 'i3 DUSTE!t Slant 6 1po11·cr, air. A/trru:t.-r, RI•!. V/roof. fo!rl do11·n rf'ar :i.r·nt S~'900 fir111 494--16j7. =----'7·1 PLYJ\IOU'n -1 Salt'lhh· ~bring Plus 6.000 m1. 49-l-4101 PONTIAC ------·-'72 PONTIAC SAFARI WAGON aL•l 13000 Beach Bl., \\"estn1inste1· 89'2-6651 636-2.'JOO '73 VENTURA '69 GRAND PRIX HATCHBACK Full i.iowi•r ,r,,, Hir. NC'"' llrcii, Sprint Cus1on1. V·S, Au Io B<'Sl oHf'r. l\lu1;t s e 11 . Trans, Rlldio. Po11c1' Slt•1•r· 71 ·1-89'1-177!1. lng, t:zr Clas.~. F'tt1•1ory ,\ir, ----o:--:"":--;;:---Cu11d, ll1dlye II •1l1(·1•ls.1 · D 11hlll' ll•lte r ti1\··i;, 13!lGGS!l 1 T ·BIR $299 5 I ·l-!17-? -,-.1-IU_N_O_E-RB_l_R_D_, _x_ln_tl ('(]IHI, Brst off('r. !l7~·1M:iO or &tfl..()6611 '70 Mo~te Carlo I NAIERS-CADIUAC 2600H!ukr11Yd. J' SI r·.,nrl, S22'!(1 :~t.'.">-Hi7:i '67 C XR7 GMC TRUCKS im emons LINCOL~N~-rourc . A~~,~~1c. Fa1·1o1r.\ HO~DA CARS Imports · Air Coruh1 lu111ng. Po, 11 <· t' UNl.VERSITY OLDS \I -R, 1\u!o Trans, Jturlio, Pn11·r·r Slf'f'l'ing, Hoof l-t.11ek, 1-";u·tory Air Cund, Hl.'llFTDJ $3395 ·~7 T 1l1Rn. port ht)le top. ,\ut.i. full po11l'r, \'l'l')' orig. $:!::00. SJ,~-6~Sll !:0 "11i11ful BPlgf' 11ldrk lwn r,,,f !{/JI , P/S, ,\ulo) T1 :1!lS. Jo'.1l'. ,\ir -Like Nl'\I 1 ~1:J.\J:jFf 1 $2495 Jim Slemons Imports 1301 Q1·;11! Nr11·po1·1 l-k-<11·1J .'l.1:i ::i::oo 1·::\Tl~r{ 1-'H0 :\1 :lft·1\J:T!lt'Jl '72 VEGA {'j11 • , C:l'!'t'll II a I 1· h 0 :i 4' k , ··1:;1:-. Sav{'I''" ~llli!ll l'll:.,:1111·, (;.,rgcous l.i111dau Top , I \\'cckcnrl onl.v J 1 GOSE PC! $1895 ~j2 ~llF.V !\10\'TF:. C,\RLO I LCO:'\Oi\llCAL ~..if(• ,\: ;il!1·;ic livr, l1kl• 111•"' and <'C!Uipp<'ol \111h au1nn1;1IL<' 1rnn.s, n1dio, h1•;1ll'I'. f:it'1•n'Y [111' ('Olllf, full [IU\IT, 1'1(• 1.1,:1F:T!1. Ask 1111~ S:!;,j :,. .Jnhnson .~. Sun. LinC'11l11 i\h•LTUl'y, 2tl2fi 11 .1 r J\i)r, Cn~!:i !\lf'~rt. :~10--:-.1;::0. ~l()Vl l'\G, n1usl ~ell .ti!l ln1pula. I di·. ;11r, au10. :!:!7 C'll~. ·dn1 ('•1n1I. \j i\IPG. nu 11n•s. lir:ik<'s. ~horks. 4·lf':tll. Sli~l~). ,>;!7-7 1J:: ht•I li·S l':'ll. 1:101 Qti;11 J Stl·l'rin1-: ,1,; Hn1kt•s. L1·:<1tir1· 2S50 !-!arbor Blvd. ~ _ _ 1\i·iiJ~•!'1 ~:n·h 'Gfl l.INCO!.r\ ;1 i!r S~'flitn lnt('t'tur· · Sll:11·p g<)r}IJ Cos1a t-,.lesa 540 ·9640 ('(Jft\"l<'!YJ'E ·o::. f\11', l'/S, K\::-!LllO VEHY Cl.I:'...\\'. Luxury & /1lil('S IVZ\\'IY.ii•. ~-- f•/H, I'll\", 11!1 \\)10·•·1 E:\'TJ-..:1~ fo"IH):\I i\h·,\l~Tlll'Jt s:1ff'(}' ;1 ! :1 harga1n pri('('. Only $1 199 196:) DELT . .\ Girts ,1:8. pl~. ,.u._1,,n1 1 u111·n11r, L\JJ.::.::1~1· 11 .. s 111r ti n1·.::1 1·quipn1cnt Howard Chevrolet ,'~' r. rndi~ he1 1 •'•'t'. 1 ~ n n d n11·" 11 I r11d1al~. Silv .. r 1~1i2 FORn l'ountrv Si•d:in, throughout 111clu<lir1~ fn!J ll'l'S, traue ot' lu use !';11111, !~~Jll 11111 .. ~. l111111;1l· llin'" s .. ,11 SUttio!i \\'ai;vn JJ(l11 ct•, fa1;I01)' a ir. Landau l\1;1c,\rthu1· and Jarnho1·1:1• !r;1ih•1', n1cd. SL. olt!l·r !ype, Co,.. M .... 940·9100 'BfJ!,f.1/frPRi/ 1:1GOO Beaeh Bl, \rcstn1i n~ter S~l2·6651 G:\IJ-2500 S1:1110 _J•l'~'~2-'JS:!l llJO i•id V-R ~;11glnc. p011,,r run! l'tc. 1XXS1fi7l $167;). ~t-11·1;o1·1 H1•:1d1 J.12-0372 DODGE S10•1•1·111~. Polll'i' Brakt•:-. .Jvhnson ,'\, ~·n Lincoln :<\:t''.-uJ;,;, ti~ Olds Culh1ss, Aulo. runs 1\IUST CUJS!'.: F:STATE -----·~~ Dh" Fro111 J'u1rer Ht':ir ~lcrt•., 2626 Jl;irhor, Costa .71 i\J,\ltQUIS, 2 t!r hitnl!ur. i.:ood, need pain!. $200 or Hl7:! l'onti:it· C<tt:dina. ~ ilr, ·,,._ l'l)J..\1~.\. I dr•, :11 1· eond. \\nidqii , Honf Lug ga gi• i\Jcsa, ."1-10-."l(i:\(J. landau. fu!l,v loa1!1•d, xhlt brst offer. ~94-6301 hnrdrnp, lU,CXJ.J 111i, 1111 r1y. 111·11 11n•s. 5l:!:'i. llil!'k. \'1•w \\'hi1c11•;tll 1'irt·s. MERCURY l'(Jllrl. nrw tire . .;, T.ikr ()\o'I' PINTO x:l'l-fl~.1.1 ~)1'2--.1\""" !'o!r•r -li1·ay. Mi!cai.:1· Pflvn1en1s 1\1' 111<1k1• nffl•r. ----· i '""' 70.000. l.it·('n"c 7Gil F:LT. "' 'fif, C;\TALJ1\,\ Conl'P!'I. rh'l1 FORD .-.. -,7-J006, arr 1; .-)r1<~1J:\1l 1,.,11,,..,,_. ... ...... 1 ,,., •. ,. I'll• l'l11·c Sl.~11(1. f'_onl111•t 197:! PINTO "'I\\""", o,>t!n '···J• '>1"" '" '• ·7:: COi. 1 •-.T 0• l)Jl. ~ "' I I S > .\l:1n:::11·l'r {;1·1·l'nn1an, Daily ,-MUSTA"'G trans. 100()1•c f'n~. dist· P s, J.:O(}I <·one· L!"1. I .. , \\' 1 s Contpany 01\·11i>rl .t n 1 k c · !">f.....4S.i2 72 FURL> 'J'onn,) •11 .. t, .:.~> 1•s1 ~ay tn'ct, ira l.'S, Al , ('U~l(."1111 int., -cc=C""==-co-~ C 1n;Lintaincd like nl'w in our 1· -· ll:•rd 'J'wp l'"t~ 'osl~"~"~"~s'~"------·o· ,1 > t 1 I ·rl ~ L. 1·nek, !\Hc!n• 111 !h't's, '7'.I' GH,\NI) PRIX. Hlatk, 'I I . I I . I SCl"ViCl' dt'llt. Enuipf)!'rl \\'ith a J us ang, { ('11 t'I g:r1 "' 13.000 ,,,·.. l'•'"lllr'frrl "°I'. 11 k . I I I I I 'k 11 "11 · uxnrv i n\·rn < n" '' I I R I s1·-'I ~ " '-" > ac \'l11Y top, oa< ct ..• 1 ·1· ',. • 1 '" · • . ~ -• '69 ~'/\LC()~ Fulura Spo1·t autoniatit· transn1isslon, air lOtK · llllS gl · 1:i. -111 289 13\iOO Hl'al·h HI., \', t•SI ll\Jnst1•r ~'l-61j:,1 li:1G-2:1'JO '72 GRAND SAFARI WAGON V·S. 1\11rn 7'r1ins. B ,,_din, P ri111•J' Stcering-, 1'0111•J' \\'ln- d••11s. ('nrd,11•a Trop, EZ.! (~lass, Farlut',V ,\ir C'und. ('ruis" conln>l, 11 11 111i~·o•J, 1wl r;1ck. 1'\76 FB\'! $3195 VEGA CHEV.VEGA '72 WAGON 2:1,l~H• n1 lh·s l•Y th•· ufh!ln;ol f"oupr. (;Pis !;()()(I n1ileagr. cond .• po11·er s I c ('r ing , huy fo1· S1Jn1t'<)n(' y.·ho can 5_ 5. 6U-J6;i._ll lll'\I.'. 18,000 n1i, St.!00. 01\'IH'I' II h•1 ('a I' 1: r '.' I I ,I ~·uu f<Jl'IOl'Y C'f!Uip: Air rad i 0 ' h ca I c r. e t c . do J'C'p~it• ~7056 ·72 Ford Pinto Run;ibout. .\ 556--0149. '6·1 Tf'n1prsl Ii I',\ I ti:l,000 n11, '72 VEG" (;T Hntchback. l":tl111;1in1·il i1 . l·.q 111p1JL•d <'Ollll. pii'l'·Slrn:::. fl\Vr·bi·ks, Cornforlablc, ~afl' 11 nd Pu! yout• budgl•I hacK 011 spd, stereo, cu~torn i11\t'l'111r. 'fi9 VF:NTURA. :! dr. fac one own. Xlnl cond Air. tvnd. li•'<Jd,-.111. Lo n1i. 11•1th •111to111nT1<· I I'" 11 " · Hiii. Lui\' niile". x.·1o1 1~11 •. ccononiic·,1 137~HD';-l s:t27:i. I k · II 'rll · \l'idl' ovnls. !lfiS·'l~47 a !!, Ii, air, pl~. plb, lilt 1\'h!, vinyl nuto/t!'ans R/!I ;)1.~-00:l-1 ·I spd. tranf<. 52'.\00. ;{)6...ffili9 r;ulLu. h•·ui._·1·, fJ o 1\· f' 1· "' " u "-( \l' Ira<' · · ·Sf' 1 C' HC'1ns llu·u-out. Orig. paint. Ve ry Johnson .t Son Lintoln 11·ith a lo\\'-f'OSl Dail,v Pilol 1!171 PINT\) top, SJ','\5 />l'l'fl't'I. ~IG-S:),"iK 'G7 Virt.'bird Cor11'! "l'•'•'ll ~\-EC,,\ H'dan, X!nt ·'"'i•rin;..:. 'pc!ttl·r hro•l:es good rublX'r. s1.-.:.o. Or Best i\le rcu1·y. 2626 H a 1·bor, Cl11~~ified ,\cl! Cull 642-5678 Auto. air rotKf. Daily Pilu! \\"ant Ads have 1r/11·ht lop. :l21l \l·S :1"~pd . 1·ondition. 3-sJ>('f'd. 2:'1 rn 11g. ~~:~10'1~ 11~~~:~1~~· 1,~~::or~~~~~ Offer. Pl!: :).j(>--6l';gO Cl)sta !\l esa. ~11}..,"i(i::O. tl)(lar! S1600. Call ;>.IS·9SU9 !w.ri.:ains i,:Al11re s.-_m_._Ca_ll ~2-_;,o_1s_.__ lu n1ill•<ii,:r. $13.=.o. r~l:!-946:! :S2;"1T;>. J ollnsnn & son. Autos, New 980 Autos, New 980 Autos, New Autos, New Autos, New AUtos~ New tiO Li 111~ 1\ 11 ;..1,' l\'11 ry 2 li 1. G o-:'::..::=:...----------=-c::::--'=====---=---=---=::-::C-~~---.::.:_;_c.:c,;c;.;_.:..;,:;.;.:, ____ ;_;,;c_-'.-'..:..;!..;..,;.;,;,. ____ _;..:,;;__:.::,c:,:::,_;..:,;;:;_ ___ ._.;..::,:.:.,::,:.::,c_:.:.:.,::_ ___ _:.:c:_1 l l:1rlllll', Cos1:1 · '!\ll' s a , ;, UJ-."-U::o. ---FORD '73 PINTO RUNABOUT .\uln., j •u.~11u11 <';o.:1C'1'ior. Red 11 hla1 k in1crio1· 1Sl:lGIF1. ·Best of both worlds . from CONNELL CHEVROLET 1.,-0 C'llFV---;. . . . ,.-1. 1.~!ifY.l T~·:1«h Bl .. \\"csln1i11ster . '. . , . .,_.irn It• , ~ ' r , .~!l2-tiG."1! i;::ti·2.11.I{) :~~'.'(::1i1~ .. ·~:01~:i.·;:i-'i:.11;~~~-. ''/111\· I ~70 FORD MAVERICK ' * * " 11 cc I . ~ .. '\C<'I ""n•I, Sf()(). 6 lfi-I !GI '70 ~lorl!" C,1rln. 2 1J1·, 1'111)1 l<)p. J'/S, !'IH. nu p.1111! ,'\, lin·.~ . .'\!111 1·0111rf. S<•llin1.; , d111~ !" j<1l1 11·a11s. $l7UO . .-)>;fi-40 1:! I CllF:\'Y 'ti."1 !n1paln, '\l11t 1·1•nd., ~11.orJ• 111.~I), 1\ , .. 1 ~.;~1.j, 8~~--02Gt I I c •• ~.,,~1~>7.IP~.\71c~-·\ \'-:00: '.!C'V; ·I rh• .. rul1 1111 r. ;,1,onn ;\IL Xlnt I "!1(1. ~1100. :>11{-j•l'.11 !!JG~\ :->(1\·,\ S11p1.'1' S1 ~irt, X\nl 1~111d, ~lus1 ~l'•'. p1•t pl.•. ~"12-;,;.:~ I '71 CHE VY VEGA ll:llrlih;u·k Cpl'. Rrd 111111 Black iu1er101·, 1::::.10G1 $1 295 1:Arfcfr&m:\I COMET ·1~1 CO:'ll~T S1:1 ,\1 ;1._:. :\1•11 !'C'bll I'll!.!., lr;in~. E' <~111'!. C;ill Jiul til."r:.1~17, fi-~:::;i P.\l. C"~O~N=T071N.""E77N=-T A~L- '71 MARK Ill F1u·•111 .1 1d1 ,·,.11d. lull P'l1·,, 1, ~IC'll-<•. l<•H llll'I' IHl,11 !••p, 1::!(;\"l'V<. 1\,,111 '!'~ (.ulill at· "/'l,J•!• ·Ill S4799 i\ u I o n1 ;1 t 1 c 1r:in:-111issio11. r;,1!1". healf'r, !i l·vlindcr 1.·11g111r. 1~~1.'ll!P01 • $1677 .,P£oJtlwi4 V TOYOTA ~~ll:irhor. ('.'.II._ !ilf,...~f:O:l \ '71 TORINO GT 1 (l>IJl'(•)'tihh•. ,\ u I,, 11\ ;1 l i c ·I la1·1 .. ry nil, 1x11\1•1· str••:ring ,\, hrak•·s. Alll/!-''.\1 sh't'f'O, .~pnrt 1vhl•1·ls. Ln\\· niilcs. l!il ID\'~'1 11999 NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbo< ll•d, CostaMoso 540°9100 71 PINTO I (-:1'"1'11 , I •)I 1•1-!tll<•IHY Sjl<'<'lii/ t :O !C'TY I. 1:;1a:n il~·arh Bl.,\, r~1111in~1er l .'i!t:.:·~)1;,,1_ (;"1:-:::1i1?1 'SS Ford Ranchero $4SO · 1· 111 ti ~;.1::-:r, Iii FO!:n 11111.:nn. lr~·,ks good, !'\Ill' .:11•~1 1\!;1k1• i1t:o·1'' * 11 !!-'l~'tl-I * ' '62 Ford Wagon, s12S ' 1·.t1! •j'j'j l.!.'lli !II' :l.i7-11 If< s11•_• 11· 1.:.1111. LPTlun l)n\\·1. •~1 •• ,,,_.,, 1:.01•1 <•r ;11iv l\ind O•! I• 11\ I 11 111 St'li 11 ilh :t r •,1111 1 •11 .. 1 Cl11s.~ifll'll r\d! r: '..' ;;;~ Autos, New 980 Autos , New 4 <~.-·-·-'-··· ........ ll•~J. "U<Y 10 C><OOH ·~0"1 '71 MAIDA RX·2 '69 GR.I.MD PRIX 1,....,........,...., ___ ._ ....... --- -,. ....... -. •. 11oou1. 1 -. .... ---.,. 1Yc11N1 1. $1989 '70 COUG.1.R ..... t .,...r .,..-, .... I --· -,--..11¥11111.cftl, • 1189 '69 M.l.RK Ill LO.I.OED! .... _ .. __ _.., ,.--.... ,.---~· -·· i-..... ltlltfl l $2289 . CADILLAC LUXURY AT CONNELL CHEVROLET PRICES! BUY AMERICA'S NO. 1 MID-SIZE LUXURY CAR AT SAVINGS LIKE THIS: , BRAND NEW 1974 MONTE CARLO LANDAU Serial No. 423061 $ Stock No. 720 OFF MFG. WINDOW STI CKER PRICE Due to our tremendous new Monte Carlo sales, the fadory has delivered to us over 60 of these beautiful cars and now is your best time to select from all colors and options ready for delivery today! • ACT NOW' I I • LEASE THE ConneLLease WAY • GET THE STRAIGHT FACTS ABOUT LEASING YOUR NEW CAR! Call JERRY PERKINS Today 546· 1200 BRAND NEW 1974 CHEVY Y2 TON PICKUP 8' Fleetside. 6 cylinder. H.O. equipped, disc brakes, gauges, elc. (136491) (685) BRAND NEW 1974 CHEVY EL CAMINO 1\utoma tic, power steering, power disc brakes, radio, healer, 350 VS. (42077 1) (670) 5 32.99 BRAND NEW 1974 CHEVY % TON PICKUP 8' Fleetside. 350 V8, ga uges, power disc brakes, spare lire .. (133838) (6421 I -· ,,_~-- "' '(I , . ,., • , i ·~ .I .-·~ • Sa .<If .,.. .... ~-' I ... ·'C8 ., I .a :~: be .f~. ... ,. . . ' Ch Sa 12, al re of a " th u • -··~ -.......... -----· • • SUNDAY VOL 67, NO. 34, 8 SECTIONS, 104 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SUN DAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1974 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Bob Dylan Concert: Ticket Scalper's Dream lm' 214 108 DILAN AND THE IANI ~3COLN AT THE FA9ULOUI PORUA I 11 " I.,~ •o 0 4 018101 THU FEB 14 1974 Ill llLAI fOllU COLN .......... -i:-::.::.:::__ II 2 11 .25 2 ~.TAX.25 I By THOMAS PALMER Of tttl' 01Uy '11"" S!1tt A month and a hall before that rock concert excl~lve In February was to take place, tickets went on sale. By mail order only, said the o!ficlal, precisely worded advertisement. The letters stonned in, exceeding many times over the S4,000 seats that the Forum in Inglewood could fill for three pet{ormances of the return of Bob Dylan as live perfonner. Nationwide, si:r million ticket requests were received for the available 158,000 seats ln the 21-elty tolO' by Dylan and The Band. Orders exceeded supplies in the first three days' mail. ·Coast Gas Rush On Traffic Snarled at Service Stations But you can still get a ticket if you've got the buck!. Your friendly Orange County lnde~ent ticket agency bas th e tickets,' little more than a week before the concerts Feb. 13 and 14. Sunday Special The only catch Is that for a ticket with ·a top face value of $9.flO, you may pay $50. "I aaw a car with a sign on It adverl.lslng Dylan tickets," said Gary Chabln, who oj>erates Gary's Tickets in Costa l\-1esa, one of iwo independent outlets on the Orange Coast. "! ca lied the guy and they were $50 to $150 apiece." So Chabin. who's been hawking tickets for more than three years, Is not fee ling any pangs of guilt for selling $7.50. $8.50 and $9.50 tickets at $20, $25 and $30. J)uring several inquiries at Gary's Tickets, even iii one case when $10 was put down on depos it, no rnention was made by the agency that the tickets would be higher than the face V11lue. Chabin said that is Wlll5Ual, that It ls his policy to tell cuslomers that there wiH be a charge_for hl~ time and " • < By CANDACE PEARSON • Police in -Newpoi.!-~ .. ,..!!_. ~rv;' ... Costa..-·-supplies are exhausted and their nett'-~- Of .. o.llY ,11..11 St.ti ThO gas rusti fi '74 lntensifie<l this weeund, with police along the Orange Cout reporting traffic jams from cars lined. up lnto the streets around service ....... Can backed. up for alroost a block around service ·stations that were open Saturday. Most stations had run out ~ .GI. g~line and were closed. -~ . Mesa aiso had to help move lines of delivery won't be received .until. the cars. beglruiing of this week. Only 12 percent of gas stations in That wasn't the problem Saturday at Orange County are e:i:~ted to remain the Urich staUon In Colla Mes., where . open. today, Automobile Club offidals at least one rear-end coUWoo was cataed said. The prospects for travelers are by a jam ol gaHl!mgry motorlstl OD brighter in outlying area!, where about Harbor Boulevard. It WIS ooe ol the few 4.2 percent of the iollrveyed gas stations 3tatims open in a.ta Mesa. wilt be open today, according to the Manager Mike Daniels saJd his pumps Auto Club. carried a full load ot 15,000 gallons ~ In San Clemenle, poltce cadets were .. ,. ~•called out to direct traffic as more "•and more motorists lried to fil l up ,.,,., before the 9 p.m. Saturday closing time. But many stations are n1nning out this weekend , Auto Club official Dick Taylor said, because their monthly 'S.tunlay momlng and by 7:30 p.m. he had 30ld It all to three Umes as many customers as usual. Aske<! il the increase was couaed by poople ponlddng because fi ..,,..,. of diminishing .supplies, Danlell replied, "People are just too Ignorant to get the g&s .durln& the week. (They) don't understand you can't aet·everybody blto a gas atalion al (Dlt ...... " ~-~ ., .. 3 Men Pirate Greek Ship, Want Cornman.does Free KARACl!l , Pal<istan (UPI ) -Three masked men believed to be Palestinian guerrillas pirated a docked Greek freighter Saturday and threatened to kill two hostages if a pair or roodemned fellow commandoes in Greece are not freed, poli ce said.. T ed Kennedy Son Undergoes Tests , Cancer Treatment BOSTON (AP ) -A spokesman for Children's Hospital Medical Cenler sald Saturday 'that • Edward M. Kennedy .Jr., 12, Is receiving tests and treatment almed at preventing the spread of recurrence ol cancer. The younger Kennedy entered the hospital Friday. lte u n d e r w e n t amputation of his right leg above the knee Nov. 17. A joint statement by the family and hospital said new treatment will use a powerful anticancer drug, metbolre:xate, which inhibits cell division end thus reduces chances for the 11pread of cancer. The statement said there is no evidence of "persistence of the tu!Tl()r." nie Kennedy family said the boy's treatment iJ to Include brief hospital sta)'J every ·three weeks for a short period. The '-l!AI sold this stey will end early next week. Alllhorilies discounted a threol by the men to blow up the ship and other creY..men remained aboard. 'The three were believed armed with piStols and hand grenades. The Associated Press of Pakistan said the men threatened to kill the chief officer and chief engineer or the 11,~ ton freighter M. V. Vori if Greece does not reJease. the two prisoners. They set a 24-hour deadline that was to expire U>day at 4 a.m. PDT, a spokeSman said. The foreign ministry in Athens said it had told Pakistan the two men held in Greece would be executed ii the gunmen carried out their lhrealS. Pakistani officials said, however, there were reports Athens was "favorably ronsidering" commutlttg ~ ll e Ith. sentences gi ven the twv prboaen recently for their part in a bloody lirport attack in August. Aulhorities said the three gunmen ftlc believed to be Pall!UnJan prrlllu, but poUce did not identify them u beJonill>& to any group. They slipped aboard the docked v~I while it was amloadlnl its cargo, took the hostages and kicked them.selves in the captain's cabin, authorities said, 1be capt&ln was released almost immediately because or a heart condition. A Pakistani official said the foreign ministry attempted to negoU•te an extension of the deadlin e on the basis that communJcatlons between Karachi and Albens "Were poor. Ambaaadon from Egypt, Syrt.a and Lebenon were reported flying from Rlw•li>ll1di to' tal~ with the hijackers. . \ I Waterfront Shootout WW"/ ponce llOOi llie coast tti>oioi.d being. deluge<! with phOl!e cal\! from people looking for open gas stations. "That's wh at 99.9 ?ercent of i&se phones are ringing for ," C.Womta Highway Patrol office.-Cal Gourley said. "Thi3 desk is a bedlam." Gourley said more motorists than ever, are being stranded on the highways because they're st!D trying to tra'{el out of town without an assured supply. Unhappy motorists stop at the San Clemente police staUon and ask the polioe or lirem<n to I'! gas for tliern. One officer said, "You can't Imagine the people that don't think ahead." A Huntington Beach policeman sak1 callers expect him to know "what's the snow like between here aod (See GASOLINE, Page AZ) Whale Watcher s Get Sunny Day Orange coast residents will be greeted with sunny, 71k!egree temperatura today, a climate just right for whale watcb.lng at Dana Point. H a r b o r dtpartment officials reported. The annual migration of the gray whales is now taking place off the Orange Coast. Officials at the Dana Point Harbor Patrol said the clear weather, complete wltb three to flve--foot suif in some areas, win provkle for good viewing of the marine mammals:. Strong northeasterly winds m a y produce small craft advi90rles, warnings that were put up along the coast Saturday. National Weather Service forecasters said the wanner weather wlll last through Monday. Oakland Police Kill Rapist OAKLAND (UPI) -A man· raped him, Pei.rs ,.Id. The gunman then 1 JOUtll muaeu.ie, attem~ to rob ran into the street, saw police units, the muuge parlor and then :jlo and hijacked the bus, which only had ..-:Berkeley street with • iqn-;Ur , ·' 1 driver aboard. . ' . --~---·--' . "' ~-··-'ta ~-b __ ,,_,,,_ hind-to OOft11Tl~ ,·~-~.(..' ,~, .. ,·;., ~ ct ~U •·U\llU Diii y .. .._~Nl-- llld Jelld pollce on .• a ~~-_ . . · .o!he Calllombl lllcllwty· l'leivl · ~ ended wllh hil d.-, .. .a 'Clle~'OO"liad ·.-li(~tbe buo•unUln-INlly l!rllcl<·• polk!io wat«tront. ' ..... , ; .,,, · . cat.}aar the Oaklaild· waterfront. 1be ~keley pollca,U . ·R. J.,Pei>rs '11ld ·~ ran from the )Ills and ftred _Ill. •gunmin,• ldtoWiod ,1 u ~·A. ilw!\;11" al ,police: :om ..... ·returned the P&rtw.m, 2r, oiikltlllid,:Nped~ .• ,~Ya'r· fire · ahd the 1 man · 1tumbltd into the old. wotnan titer PQlng f~O for a water and sank. .. re~lar'' musaee-.. He.then aprang·from Divers and dredgtrlj unlta: recovered llie ma ... ge 1'00ih wllli 110-imu>trilld: -tlie'ooay-""®riD OO<ir..._ttt_ 'l'\wo ukod !« .,_, P.olln laid. -gum ,..... fOUlld, i .22 auiom1Hc In When the muecer refuted, he the bus and·~ .aa. revolver in the water. threatened to take two young women Em~t Dugar, 40, driver of .. the A-C ho.stage, but they wouldn't accompany Transit bus, had not yet put his vehlcle ·p • -' t ', . NATIONAL GUARD UNITS CALLED OUT IN PENNSYLVANIA Troops Stand on Overpass Near Allentown as Trucks Pass Below Trucker Tieup Spreads To More Than 20 States By The Associated Press Reports of temporary layoffs increased Saturday night as a shutdown by indetienclent truckUs spT'e'ad over more than 20 states, prompting federal officials to ask the nation's SO governors to restore peace and commerce to the highways. Re~rts of scattered viole_n~e increased Saturday night and scores of truck stops reportedly closed in the shutdown that wUl have Idled more than 10,000 workers by Monday. STATE DRIVERS BLOCK TRUCK STOPS -SEE PAGE AS Food became a major worry as shippers of produce reported sharp drops In truck ·movements, and at least a dozen meat.packing plants a n d slaughterhouses repofted they haci' closed or curtailed operations,,. Against that background, federal energy chief William E. Simon and three Cabinet members -C o m m e r c e Secretary Federick B. Dent, Labor Secretary· Peter J. Brennan a n d Trahlportatlon Secretarr Claude J. ~ .. -emerged" rrom a· meeting llGGURAT ·IAGs -The deal with U'l!la .,~ 1,ooo,ooo..q .. .,,.foq1 .... ;.....-. · --1.Cmty .... • ilmost llruct, but now the fate of this unused 1tructure ii tlfl;\11 ti!~• air again . Staff Writer Jec:t"~ qtippeJl reports on tbe otatua, ol the , ..... that looks like a Bo\iylonlan i.emple. 'rbe slory is on Page 86. _TJ)P MOD.EL'$ 'l'IP5 -Th<>se "perfect fiCti 11 top tnodell~ are something they llllve 'to put ;,'ery dily. Special pullout-end-lava · In F a m 11 y Weekly el!en cloleupvlew of Just how Ibey .... tht ......... •• I Saturday night in Washington and sent their :1ppcals !o the nation's governors for help. The fou r men s..igncd telegiams that deplored the continuing v i o I en c e associated \vith the shutdown and said they were preparing <1Clions to alleviate trucker grievances. They promised to encourage truck stops to sell diesel fuel on Su nd ays, to set up a toll-free "hotline" to deal with' price·gougi ng and fuel supply problems and to permit purchase of at least half a tank of diesel at every stop as February gasoline allotments become available. But the federal officials did not make any promises to lower the skyrocketing prices of diesel fuel, and that is the main grievance cited by spokesmen for the striking independents. In Los Angeles, an official of Overdrive Magazine , one of the leaders in the move to have a truckers' shutdown, said a recent survey sho\\'ed the price of diesel fuel averaging 47 cents a gallon ocross the country. Trucker spokesmen sakl they want diesel fue l priaes rolled back to about 33 cents a sallon1 the price they said ex.tste<f lasl Ma y. : Ott ON COAST -There's a rtch oil field off Orahge County and the energy ·stiortage II· fOcuslng new attention on It: Should It be drilled ind what would happen if it V!ere? Tl\ese questioq.s. are explored by Staff Writer John Zaller on Page Bl. ' THE UFO EN IGMA -Some recent research hRs turned· around Dr. Fred M. _Johnson. r>hYsics prolessor at Cai Slate Full erton , on the Issue of unidentified Oylng objects. He SR~ we had better begin taking •them seriously. They cnuld ev en help 30lve our energy crisis, Hls articl_e Is on Page A7. eX"penses in rwming down the ha rd-to-get items. At Gary's, they ca ll ll bu.o;.iness. supply and demand, and just doing people a service. Some people caU it scalping, but that doesn't n1alter, because in California there is apparently no law against reselling a ticket fo r whatever price the buyer will pay. The sky 's the li mit. California Penal Code Section 346 forbids scalping only at ·the event, but ticket broker.age is legitimate capitalism and there Is no city ordinance against the practice in Costa Mesa. "People come here and there are no lines to stand in. If somebody wants (~ DYLAN, Page A3) 'Mesan l(ills Attacker In Mexico A Costa Mesa man shot and killed an intruder who attacked him 'and his wife Saturday on an tsolated beach at La Salinas, Mex ., about 45 miles south of Tijuana, San Diego police said. Frederick G. Stegmann, 32,, of Costa Mesa, received a shotgun wound in his right arm and a dislocated knee. He is ir. satisfactory condition at Bay General Howital, Chula Vista. Stegmann told police he and his wile. Dianne. 29, were in a tent and their four children were asleep in a nearby 11tation wagon when a in.an anned with a shotgun entered the q mpsit.e. During a struggle, Stegmann said the gun went off, wounding him in the arm. Pl>Uce '8ld Sl.egmaM then grabbed his own .gun and killed the man wt.th three ~shots. I , , But U. fight wasn't over .. ~ man .n.-... -·Ille· --A....O .. a . .-.... -.:---;. " I~. 1'::: ;...-at ~ ~....,~ ::,uuded.~ ~ ce ~d ?egn;ann pistol-whipped the second attacker and then shot at him as he fled down the deserted be3ch. The four children, aged 8 through 12. weren't harmed. The dead man wasn 't immediately identified by Mexican authorities who said there has been a rash of aitacks on camping tourists recently. After the I a .m. incident, Mrs. Stegmann drove to a neilrby residence for help. The occupant. who also wasn't named, drove the family to the border. No complaints have been issued against Stegmarut, pending f u rt her investigation by Mexican authorities. Newspaper Says Military Spying Began in 1970 N'EW YORK (AP ) ·-Military spying in.side the \.\'hile House by as many as five high ranking officers reportedly began in !he fall of 1970, the New York Times quoted closely involved sources as saying Saturday night. The Times, in its Sunday edit12gs, quoted the sources as saying the spYT!'rg was Ordered by Rear Adm. Remb!'adt C. Robinson a few months after Adm. TI!omas H. Moorer became dlairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Among the documents supplied to l\foorer's office, according to lhe Times account, were "eyes only" messages for Pre.sident Nixon and ~Ienry A. Kissinger from key diplomats in South Vietnam and Gambodia. The Times said a White House official acknowledged that the pilfering of National Security Council documents began under Robinson -more than a year earlier than has been previously reported -but said the Pentagon investigalor told him "very little of lmportanee was taken." Stitt uncleer. weJI placed sources told the Times, was the exact ·role played by Moorer In the military spy ring. lasld.e . S•!!d!'Y At Y-s.mee 11 lie; a -.,. •• '""I . •trllh<* M. ·-.....Mt.n M CIHllfl.. Dl•D1t MnlM ..... •1 cat~ .u °'"It·~ .,, ....,,.,.,. C..Wls M ..... • ...... ' ' 0..c.t e,..,_. .. ._.. .. ~ .......... St1111 ~ 'IS" 'nlMIWI!..\. '! ' I'-IT ··~ .... -... .U •'ftt...,...~. .. 1""'°'91 Riliil ... IT ....:.. .U ,...._. Cl_.....,r M ,.,,., ........ ,., Ai W!rtlit Wnlt Cl ....... D9os' ,_.. lb 'U(lll ,.. Wll-41 1. I. M" .. ek••t A1 W-9"'t N ... t ~ Nldltl• VI!" Holm..~ Al 0,loll Y 'tlDl SICTIONI ............ .. ..... " ... lt '" .... • • A 2 DAILY Pll.'.l i Coast Roundup Expt'nsr: il c r 11 u n I ' for J.l ad1nlnl~tra1orii wt'rt' elt1111n11lt>d l;11>l V.'l'f"k by Truslt'cs nf the llLHlt ng to!I B1•:1r-h l '111011 111~1 1 Sfh .nl d1'i rr1C1 1'rus!t•t•.'), \\hO l1:1d .1ppr0\'11d ot i11c l':'IPo'll~L' ;u:l'UU!11S l!I j>l'!'\'lfJUS ~e <.1r~. cu11L~'<li:d rh<1 1 tli•· pr,1e11cc 11~.i.. .... 1 q; .. i...:s uonribl, :n 001nc o :i ! :. : r, 1· r !' Jnstt:dd {l f ;1lk111.u1g flat.. rnonthly n('('QUTllS -1h1· lu~hc~t Y.<1.~ $l5u for !hf' schoci l supt·rint r.nrlent --t ~ustci•<; ordl'rPd the adn)111i~tralurs 111 f1 l1· rnunthl\" •':'IP!'rl:Sl' reports :Hid \<.;11l !or rc1!11bursc1nl'nts. School pcr son n•'.l \11ll h11\'e to usl' d1str1 t t cdrs or rl;i1n1 1nil.,.~1gt• fur their per~onal l':IJ'5, l-...il 11 ill not be all0\11ed tu t'On lbl!n..' th.· 111•1 :1• they h:i vc 1n tht• p;ii:t. "" ·rwo men ""ert' killf'd in \'teslmin,ltr l:..5t \tond:.iy \Vhcn their hf'l1cnpl rc t:xplnd cd in nan1cs and p!ungt·d 10 tht ~round just outs1d(' an elcmcntnrv !>('hoo! fedtral inve sti gators nrt' still trying to drtl'rn1inC' the cau.-;e of U~·· accident , >\hich took the lives of L-Otus Brooks jl,'Jont~on1ery, of Santa Ana. <ind Don,1n1ck ~I. C<tpotzi Jr . 1•f Huntington Beach. 111c tnen, both 35, Srhoc>l~ Sec St11clents Have Full Sto111ach Bv JOHN ZALL.ER OI JM 0.llY "llol Sl•H The Nf'\\1>0r1.-~·•l<.'S:t Dist ri ct has qui etly program for fetding nutritionally bal anced n1orning .. . . llnifit>d School undertaken ll 350 children a breakfast each Reason fnr th!' 'progr<1n1 i~ simple· Officials S<IY children learn l>ct lcr wllh full bellies than \Vith eri1pty ones_ So for 2."i ccnls, childrf'n at Newport .. \\lhlttier, Wilson . and l~ea schools are offered a n1orning 01cal that contains one-third of thl'ir daily nutritional needs, Th e rnenus vary, but generally lhey alv.·ays include n1ilk. friut or fn1i! juice, meat or eggs, and cert'al or bread. "\\J'E AREN'T program" says services director district. pushing our breakfast Eve Crc111ers. food for tht: N('\\'port-rilesa 11 ,•rl" 1n1lll:ir. ::inr! r11·1t1 an p!lot~ 1'he. l1l·h1;uph r 11drf•lll !~ 1111.,st:d crcc.hlng irito H schoo!\<Jrd full -Of cl11ldren . ind a ht..,J ,1n~ \!al'! ;,11:1';..'s the Slrt'CL "" .lu1 i'nllr" \lh1• t111rRlariie to i:aln ~t:11us ;:1rnu111~ tht'1 r 1'1ty uf Ir\ irU! ;w .. r•·, ~ '!J''Pt't...~u t~' t·~t11nat~ of 111.:iruuan<.J uSt.· ;Hill so.du <l nd prt>d1ction rl1;1! J J'\ 111c Jll<•} Lit• 1 ··r,\' <1ttr':1ct1ve "' ~!:1 (1a 1n1•e.;;t<•rli l111t ('It)' counc1ln1en this 114·1'" to 111r-rv<1i'I' !h•• pQllte U1 par11 ntnl IJ1Hf~t:l ('o:-ta il·l c~:i Po\it'i' 1 IJ 1•·f Jlu~1·r ~l·th . 11 h~1"~ !Ol'O palrol !r1·1111· undPr h·r1n-1 of a tv.o-vear C!1111ra('!, will Pnnllnue 10 cl u sO at <in .H l't<lt•r::i!1,>(! r<Hc \1•;1rly $~00 .000 11•i!I he spent th i1: .vt'ar on ;1a roxp.1ndcd i)l'llltt' fore.· HI nrd1·r t" h11l c! 1he lint 011 n1a1or 1·r11111• a11<l attempt ''' r"dlll'!' dru~ us1· a111I traffic :u:cid+>nls. li>Unc1Jn1l'JJ \1 1 re told L.1111 1·nfr•rtcn1c11! 1n the ci\\' of ~rl'cntielts 1s not c;,'}· tht•)' cOncJUdcd. approving the ~l 51.1 M10 hud~:l't hlkt- V Onctirne con1'ict .l:1n1es St~ille . 28, 1v;1s schcd\llt'd for a r r a 1 R 11 111 •' 11 t Fnday. follo'.l·1ng 111" <> r r cs l ( I Wednesday by Costa r.fMa and Long .f.i.each police In tvnncct1on with susptcted statewide theft r l n g . Callfomla crtn11nal records show 65 burglaries o1· SMp-On auto parts 1001 distnbutors' trucks from San Uiego lO north o( Sacran.tnto. 1\Yt!rage merchandi~ load is $5.000. lnd1cating huge loss. S!eiJ/1! of 1517 Or<1nge Grove Circle. Orange, was booked for investigation o( burglary, possession of st-Olen property and drugs, a11d possession of a flrearrn by a felon. v A slak«iut by Irvine po 11 c' detectives Wednesday resulted in arrest of a young janitorial 5crv ice employe and recovery or $2.500 worth of alleged property reported stolen from lr\'ine Industrial Co111ple x suites. \l.'illi:un S. Alloway, 22, was booked on severi counts of burglary and one of possession of stolen property .. IA!tectives say they figured nut p:ittem after t\\'O suites were hit three times each. Alloway lives oul of u!d bus parked in ll unt1ngton Beath. Y' ·rem pers fl ared durin g I a s t Thursday'..<; unification n1cct1ng, nearly clesrroying the efforts of the six school districts involved. Ch;1rges of dPception \\'Cre Jevie<t <1 g a i n s t I-l untington Beach City Schoo! Distrlt'l by \.l/estminster District , when lt was learned that three d1!.tr1cts had met ~tly, earlk!r, to back a plan calling for wtlfication along di s t r i c t boundarl.es. The two u n i n 111 I e d dlstrlct.:s voiced suppon for a second plAll, wloog city .OOw:idaries. Finally , all districts agreed to ~nslder both plans, coming up with it compromise proposal at their next meeting . v Desp ite nagging jet n o I s e eomplulnt s, Orange Counly Airport rw.P<ls S:Z .5 mllllon worth of eKpan~ion ;ind rennovation to handle boon1ing passenger loads. Orange Coun1y Airport Comrnissioners decided this week to ask for enough n1oney in next year's budget to put a second deck on the parking lot and add on to the terminal building.. They say the current facilities are alre1tdl' h;indhng \\\'ice the load they Y.'l're built for. Stiff oppasl1ion to the expansion plans is cxpectL-'d from the noise foes , who fear that anv expansion will result in a push ro·r increased flights and 1norc noise "" The Laguna Beacb Unilied School Otstrict OOard of trustees got' a double shock with the news that a P!annc.'<i development around La guna Heach could add 11,000 studen ts to the 3,000 student distr ict if things go as planned. Then th~y found out lh:it because of an ovcre.\ltimate ..JI.. thls year's s~~pul.MUon. tbe dJitrld received ~ tbis year from r.he st:.ite that it a'houlckl'i lu1 ve and won't get next year. School board members W('re advio;ed that some of the programs will have to be cutback. v Death of a l-year-old boy near a cit)' p;,1rk has 5iparkcd a rnothers ca1np:iign for lov.ie red speed lim i!s, 1....-ro.<:s \VUlks nnd w;,irnin.g signs near Laguna Beac9's Bluebird Canyon Park.. The accident was witnesse<t Uy a nun1ber of persons at the p;irk, ::ind one \\01nan s:iid it has ch:inged the v.·hole a t n1 o s 1> 11 l" r ~ at the playground fron1 one of JOY to fear. 1'hc 1nothl'rS will take their pleas 10 the eity cou11e1! this wt..'C.k. "" Lairt1nan s g:1\'t' :.i hot lin1e to a proposed 1nastt:r pt:in for development of th~ 10.000 acres of v1rgi11 hloutton H:lnch lands during .i ·presentation in the Ar l Colony . Planner Johr1 Chap1nan ran into rlak in1mcdi:itely. pn1nar1ly U\'t'r a planned extension of a residcntial street the city council didn't wa nt l'Xtended.. Then it got \\'Orsc \lith rnctnbcrs of !he audience <]Ucs!:oning a ~15 n1illion public cx~nditurc f,)r ro:ids in the proposed 55,000 population develop1nent on the ranch land, and the effect the _pJaru 11t•ould have pn flooding. "' Real E11;;i1e brokf'r Charles Jackson Hinckley Jr., ~. was fOl"'mally charged with n1urder at midweek ~ i>°th Orange COunfy Municipal urun in the fatal stabbing last weekend of his son-in-law during an altercation in the Hinchley's fa! h Io n a b I e Short'cliffs homf'.. The broker, who allegedly slabbed 21~year-old Ronald Lawrence Shirley of Yorba Linda, was released on his O"'" recogniiance after hi s arraignincnt.. The defendant is set for a preluninary hearing Feb. 4. "' The f'ot•rgy crisis was blamed for a 30 pcrrent decline In La~una Beach's tourist trade du r 1 n g f)eccn1ber 1973 from the sa nie month the year before. A representative cf the town 's hotel-motel association said people are afraid of not bei ng able to get gasoline in Laguna and get !Jack home. A rerresentativc of the real estate board no ted !hat for the first time in years. rentals are readily . avai!ahle in the Art Colony and blamed the bad n1ark{'l on the conunuter's fear s about gasoline shortages and rationing. Jack son Asks Legality Of Nixori's Oil Policy \\'ASll!:\'f;TCl:-.i r ,\Pl -Sen. Henry ~L J:iek-.ilfl Saiurdny questionf'd the Ji .. g<11lt~; of the Nixon Adn1inistration's rt•fusnl tn placr a , ceiling on soaring domestic uil prlCl'S . Tht· \\':1,!Jingt nn l1cn1orr~lt tqld 11 h1.·;1n11~ of li1s. Senate Interior Comn)t!l{'l' that th1· nd1ninis1r:uion's pri ec ceiling i!Xf•rnpnnn 011 sO·l'!\ll('d nl'I!.' oil produced s1nee \!li:! ;u1d not regulated hy prlce controls, "111ay \\'Cll be unlawful" and :1sk1·d frw a full rrpo11. froin energy chief \\'lll1:i n1 f..' Simon Jackson s.iid l\\'O la \\'S gi\'e the admi;1istra!ion authority "to ro!I pric-es bark and 10 1'Stab!lsh reasonable price Ct'l lings." "\\'hat is apparf'ntly lacking is the ""'ill to in1posc son1 (' order and con1mon srn~e on an erflnon1.1· that 1s approaching chaos." he addt'<i .. domeslic fuel sou rl'CS and perpetuate l'.S. rrtiancc on foreign oil. 11101nas Stauffer of H a r v a rd l'nivrrsity's Center for Middle Eastern Studies said a rollback "could be good polities htit 1t \\'Ou!d be very bad "ro11un11 rg_·· .J11!111 r:n1erson of Ne\\' York's Chase :.1anh:itt;1n BAn k. declared , '"If we nrbirrardy lower enerb'Y prices ln the United S!tile'S, '\'C v.•!11 IGSC profitability, ""'e will lose the incentive to invest" The unusual Saturday hearing ended three days of con1mutee hearings on the rollhack proposnl. \\'hich received strong support last v.·eek at a Democratic Senate caucus. Fannin produced a tc~gram from C .. J<>ck..son Grayson Jr.. fonner head o{ the ad1n1n($r a1ion"s Price Commission .. "But whr.u lcachers or parents te!l us that some children flt their school seem to be coming to class hungry. we try to do soinefhing ," she sa~·s. "!fWPORT·MESA SCHOOLS LAUNCH PROGRAM TO FEED BREAKFAST TO 350 STUDENTS Sreg Hillm~n , 9, Garrett M~rl ino, 9, and Jeff Barnard Obviously R£-lish Pr ogr~r.1 Jackso n pi;ius to push next 1\·eek for co n grcs~1nna ! at·Jion on a prire ro!lback requtremen: by putting it into the ":nh.it:J .... <i f ;11~;-£erh:y e.1,..r,gy bill ;n rlace of tht: controvt•rslal \\'Jndfall profits Um.it. G,<\SOL INE . ( • • The breakfast program is aimffi at f'.1.•0 kinds of children. according to /'11rs. Cren1crs. "\\le hflvc n1anv children with \\'orking pRrents," she c!xplains. "Th<1 t mrikcs jt difficult for the parents to be snrc their chi ld gels a good solid n1e::i.l every morning. "With our breakf.ist progr<1m, though, parents don't need tn worry. They know their children are being well-fed," she says. The pro!!ram is nlso designed to S<'rve children \\'hose parrnts can't afford !o give !heir fan1ily full brc<ikfasts each morning. ACCORDING T 0 \V\·!1-established federal criteria, th ese ch1ldft'n qualify fo r free meals. The fcdcr<il government la!er reimburses the di.<:trict the cost of their food . i\frs. Cremers est in1.1tf'<: 1h:it about 20 percent of the children in the breakfast progran1 are given their meals frf'e. !)verall. the brPnkf;1st proi;rri.1n doesn't cost local taxµay crs :1 penny, /'11rs. Crt'n1Prs s:1vs "\Vr grt .. !':rven cents pl'r br{'akfa si frnm thr> [l·d1·r11l govi>rnnlPlll rlu." feder;il shipment s of s;urpll'ls fNid -such 11s n11ur ;\!Id fru it -II • l\1,Jp tlS OU1.'' \1 J'" f"rrn1i't'$ s;1vs "l~ul ;ifLt:r thfl! 1\1' ~1nv1• 111 bi· sclf-s11ff11·11·n 1.·· ~lrs. Creinrr~ says ptlrcnt<: at ~chool" \\'llh hrf'akfast progran1s :Ire cxp~c!.ed to help superv ise !he childrrn in the morning in of'Dec to save l<100r c0:5& .. SUNDAY DAILY PILOT Tl\e Or•n9e Coa'T 0"/LV PILOT, will> wfllcll I• comblnrd lhe 'ltw1.rru•. i< ouoli<hcd bY ll'!e Or,.nQt Co~'I Publl•hing Comp8ny, St!M• r11!f r<llHO!'tl ~·e D1JDl•1~ed, Mo~dJY lhrO'UQh Frid,y, tor Cp.i• 11 c1~. t-/f"'PO't Beilch. Hun!lng1on 8e~t!'t/Fn<JMa rn V~llev, La9una Beach, l•v•ttel ~o~~·t~•ck "'"' Son C•e.,.ente/ s~" Ju8n CdPl\ttA~Q. II 1:nQ1e •eQillll81 edition I! p.ul>!,.hM ~~1urn~yl .,.,d Su"1l~vJ. T~ pt;.,c;IMI l>Vbl·•~<"'I p1,. .. 1 ii ~! I)' \\le•I ll~y S1retl, Coil" Mt•~. C1•iforma, f1~1'. l\ob•rl N. Weed Pr••ICIOl\I .. nd P11n11~n·r J.1ck R .. C11rltv Viet Prt~irl•11• and r,•n••A' M~"~<J•r T~""'"~ l'!.tevtt Elloro• Tho"'•• A .. M 11r~~in 1 .-,1 .. n J .. o .. ~.,, ~un<l•r r~•1Dr Co•!J Me•~· J)) W••I 11~ ... ~"'"' Newpprl l'l•~cl'! Jlll N•wt>t"t Bn11'•v~rll L1g111 .. B•~{n: 771 Fo·•~t '""'" ..... Hunlll'>Cllon l'ltl<I'! 1111.s But.I'! BDll••~"•ll ~n Clemente· Xi) NQtln [I C•m•l'G 11.1•1 TM.,,e.•-1714) l42-4l2T c1 .. 1fte4 Alfffrthi"' 642·5671 .. ,..,. Ce•lf•I A•••t '-"111 iH Ll lllM .,_., 4,2 ... 420 .. ....,. Merit! Or•.,., c ... n,~ C•m-1111i.. $•0·12JO (pprtlo"t.. nn O••r'Qt co111 P11t>r.1~•rio Cnm1>o>nr , "'" n•w• t!ll•·~•. lll•'l•r.•l\!)ttl,, 111oto11•I lftlllt'r II' ~~~·•"••n'W'l'!!I n.t••lll "'"1 llttl rl!P'lldlK"" wnnOl.lt lpot<Ml l "''' "'"'-Ol COCl"t!Qf\' own•r, S..rcr>d (1•11 PmllO" Dt'l! I ! (0111 M•!A. C••••o<n141 5ui»cr.O••O'I lw ,._,,..., \) M ........,,,.,,~ ~1 ""'" ll l' "'°"'"tr; .... 11111rr ._,ln1•;'.,,., I? fj '"'°"'"Iv 1 ---- 'TI".:1 p!:i:-. cr.:T'.c ::nder ~~re 2,c:a~:i Great 1-,1·ain Robbery_ Figure Netted Snturf!ny from Sen. Paul Fannin of Ari1.on.1. the ranking n eptihllc;i n on the !nli'rior Cnmmittef'. i.aannin s>1ld 1he r .s. con.~umer "mav be hurt not only nt the filling statofi <Hid in hi!; pnt:kf'lbook, but n1av lose his joh if a half-b;iked price r01lback schen1e is cn:.iclrd into l;iw before the Congri·<:<; rnn ascertain \\'hat its rcal- \l'O rld cfirct y,·cnild he.·· ~!a!"'lmClth !'Ind no,.., mAny li;l'• staUons,- an_• open between here and Mammoth ." llcported cases of grisoline being siphoned from cars parked on the slrttt nt night have increa sed, a San Clemente RIO DE JANEIRO, Bra7il (API - One of the bandits in Britll in's S7 million Great Train llobhery is in the custody of Bra7ilian federal 1>0lice today . Ronald f!igg<:, 4·1, \\'as cornered by Scotland Yt1rcl dctcc111•1·s on Fridny. R1z years after hf' esca!X'tl fron1 ;1 London prison wherl' he \\':J~ serving a 30-yrar !Crill fur his p:.i rl in !he f:i.1ned 1963 robbery of a Rritl''h mfl il 1r;11n. Brita in and Bnt7.1! do not have an People In .1 el,...;il'I~ <•h~f"!ll'f' _o;t.11t'lll t·nl ::ihoul lh1' n-liH•1:Hlrr ,Tf \\'h 1i(''Jlnu~l' ofric:i.1ls h) d r..,l 1h~ l\o.t•·r1.:1:1· .1nd r~·l:1ted l~l'iH1·.~. }'r1 .. •1d,·1111,1J ]'r1·~.~ Sl'l'ft'!<1ry lton Zii'l!l~r t.1~1 11.-t•k :;;11tl. "Ir rnv a ns 11T rS SOllllll 1·onft1,1 11g .. J t111nk the}i ;i re confu~in,.! b!0l·;1u<.1· th e questions "!'tre con fusin~ and lhl' situation is confusing and l ;;111 nof in a position to clarify i! ·· Z1r~ler took thl' verb.illy circullous rourt• at a nr \1·s bri efin g on !he tredibilit.r (!f .J{l!1:1 Yt'. Dean l ! I. "" \\'atcrgate \\':JS ;1ff('ct 1ng 1norc than Ziegler's SJlet'l'hcs last week. Sen. Lloyd lknls1~11. ;i 111•11101·rat lro111 Tt>x<is. on !he politi1·:1I fund-raising lr<1it, said. "It's tough lo rilise money. From V.'hil! l hear .. it's bl'..'cn n1ore difficult for H epublif'·;in~ than for us but we sh;i re son1e nf the prohlerris. People are re!t1c1:1nL IQ f:ivr largi• ~un1s of n1on1'y hc causc o f \\'atcrgate." Y' Pr1•siden1 Nixon won'! he imp<';ir.hcd hy the House of ll.epresc11 taLives. rillow ing \1icc· Prcslrlf'nt C.ctald Ford to :iscend lo the hig hest orfice. All y. c:,·n William H. Saxbc said last week . "They'd rather have a cripplt•d Nixon lh:in ii1ieall hy, sitting Jerry Ford" Y' But J{cpuh!lcan Congressman Oiarles E. Wig.lllJ!s of California said hc feels Nixon will go alone with lhc lrnp<'achn1enl inquiry of the House Judiriary Com millec -to a point. "l th ink lhr Pr"sidPnt will cooperate u111es'.'i the co111n11ttcc backs a truck up IO th(' \\'hllr l lou~c. Then [ think he 'll dig in Jus hr:cls." "" /I f'lur as lu ho11.' lr \•ine youn gster!! Sll!JflO!'t~l~ '11 p/lf11 t :1 six-ton n n1onth marl/u.111.i hal11! nHI)' con1e from a look ttt ('oc.11:1 i\-lt·'il roli rr testimony f'x lradition reportedly agreement, but B 1 g g s agreed to return to Engiand to stand trial. Brazilian authorities also eould expel him as an undesirable ali~ A Scotland Yard spokesman said in London Biggs was "detained'' by two Flying Squad detectives V.'ho flew to Rio on a lip. London's Daily Express said it had provided the information. 1'he detectives surprised Biggs while he v.•as being interviewed by Express Quotes CHIEF ROGER NETH :1\ n l'f·ttnt. Irvine city council hearing. Chief Roger Neth said enforcing the ln1\' in Irvine is different from patrolling in Costa Mesa. Irvine klds ~:iy their peers "think it is nf'at to burglarize and harass police .. " Bi gger burglai-ies mean more status, Ntth said. Y' Sonic people feel it's almost criminal the way . the ecolltlmy is affected by the gas shortages. Cosp1 f'..'lrs:i City Councilman Alvin Pinkley lcl loose with a verbal slip in that direction last wei?k when asked about the old Office of Price Adminlstration ( OPA 1 gas and good'i rationing board of World War I I. He ~n1ggc!!tcd contacting Mrs. Dorothy Sulherland, onetime OPA secretary .. ''She"s with ti~ Mnrch of Crimes oow . • uh , I n1ca n the March of Dimes." Pinkley quickly corrected .. ~- ne\\'smen at the posh Ti~oca d c·ro llotr1 across the strcct from C-0pncabJ1u1 beach. They were accomp.inil'd hy ti Brazllian polic-e officer nnrt British consul Henry Neil. "\Ve had no idea he \vas goini:-: to be arrested," said report t'r Colin Mackenzie. Biggs was rer>ar lt-'d c1ad in red swin1ming trunks and his 22-yc<1r-oh1 Brazilian girl friend in a flesh-colored bikini when the two l<l'>I.' officers arrivt'<l . Scn:itc-Hn1l<;1' conferees are due to ron~idc-r th~ bill again i\londay. F<u1nin's opposition to a rollhark pro1·1s!tin \\·as supported by f o u r eCQtlO!lllSIS \\'h., told the Interior pane! H 11.·ould S\Cl" efforts lo find alternative SOUTH coasT ViLLaoe iS. I I eeae police office r said. ·• A similar ri se in such tapping Incidents h:u: been logged in other coastal cili cs <ind drivers who try to prevent a loss v.'ith loc ked gas caps are finding them tough 1-0 buy, one office~aid. The Automobile C1ub of Southcm California has reromrnendcd that people avoid or cut do""'" on drivin g late at n1j!ht and on weekend s. If traveling is necessary. auto cl ub officials said. if ~hnuld be done "from the top half Qf !he tank ." DAfLY 10 TO 9, SATURDAY 10 TO 6, SUNDAY 12 TO 5 ON SUNFWWER OPP-OSI'l'E SOUTO .OOAST PLAZA-WOK FOR THE FLAGS • ' v f h lo th ye • ' le s .. of at to da bu w ol ' • th fil d .. • m a • h ' n v a y ti 0 I • h c t ' • • VICTIMS TRA PPED ON LEDGE OF BURNING BANK BUILDING IN SAO PAULO ARE HORROR STRICKEN Many Burned to Death, Many Killed in Falls From 25-story Structure Projectio11 Error· Co st s Brazil Toll L 11a Scl1ools $252,000 179 But Many agu S till Missin g By Jo~REDERICK SCllOE!\t EllL overprojected in other areas. 0 1 ltll 01lly Pllol Slt ll Senate Bill 90, once hailt'<i as the financial cure for school districts. today has become a tough pi\! to swallow for offlclals in the Laguna Beach Unified School District. Both Supt. Donald '~'oodington and Business Man4gcr Clyde Lovelady s,,1y that unless SB 90 Is changed. Lagu1111 Beafh can expect continuing financial problems. Their comments oome amid diS('fosurc that a mistake in accounting of this year's enrollment -critical to the amount Qf money a school district receives ifndet lhr nt3°W ]JI\' -Ydl\ leave the district with a $252.000 revenue shortage next yea r. Under SB 90, the state guarantff's each school district a certain amount of income for each average daily a ttendance (ADA ). One ADA is equal to one student attending school each day for the entire schoo l year. During preparation <Jf lhls year's bud get, school officials pred icted La guna would have an ADA this srhoo\ year of 3,446. But by mid-December, figures !howed It would reach only 3,232. The 214 ADA shorta ge translates to a loss ~ $252.000. The state w!!I give the Elool dlstrict the monl'Y this year. NEXT YEAR, ho\vcver. when Laguna files Its money request, the state wilt deduct the $252,000 from what Laguna wants. Woodington explains the si tuation as a case In which Laguna is spend ing money thi.'3 year it didn't earn and losing the money next year. How did the ADA overp rojc>ction come about? Both Woodington and I. o v e I a d y a ttribute the error lo a Jilek of undentanding about the workings of SB 90 which became law last July I. The error occurred during the perlod in whl ch there was an administrative shake-up in the Laguna schools. The school district , they said, claimed 50 ADA that it should not have and RECORDS SHOW the district might have fared better if officials had stayed with a 3,216 ADA projection made one year ago by former, business chief Charles Hess. His prediction o f enrollment was 16 ADA off what the district has realized this year. lless was fired by the forincr school board majority a year ago. "I tell you, before the next budget comes out we will review those ADA figures very carefully," Woodington stres,,ed. On top of the ADA problem created by SB 90. Woodington said the bill has not made the right allo wance for yearly inflat ion. THE STATE next yea r wil l allow I,aguna to add about 5 percent of what it spent this year for i n f 1 a t I on , \\.'oodington and Lovelady said the allowance is too low . Costs of many items, Lovelady pointed out , are up 20, 30 and 40 percent. 'W'oodington said SB 9Q should be changed by the state legislature to "permit a more realisti c increase of r!.'ve nue in an Infl ationary cycle." Bo y, 15, Bitte11; Animal Sou gl1t George Wyman of Laguna Beach hopes someone will find the yellovi'ish-colored dog that bit him lwice Friday before he has to have anti-rabies sho~. Vt'yman. 15. said he was walking home from track practice at Laguna Beach High School when he passed two boys vdth a dog on Park Avenue. The dog, described as a mixed breed about 20 inches high with curly fur, ran after him and bit him once on each leg, piercing the skin, Wyman said. Anyone with tnformaLion about the dog can call the Laguna Beach animal shelter or La guna Beach poliCf. DYLAN TICKET PRICES RISIN G (From Page A I) 3 good seat, he can gel It : if he wan~ a mediocre seat. he can get lhat .too. That Is how Gary's explains its no-hassle service. "We keep records and 60 pc~cent of our business Is retum," Chabln says, though he acknowledges that a few people feel like they've been ripped off. "The way I look at It, it's ~n happening ever since the Roman gam~, when somebody buys somebody else s seat. There's a value and a price, and nothing Illegal about it," he said. Neither does Hun tington Beach have any regulation cove ring scalpl~g. At Ron's Box Off ice, located tn the Raspberry Roach on Beach Boulevard , Dylan tlcltet.! are a llttle less expensive. ACcordlng to manage r Ross Salvato, they range In price from $17.50 to $25, except for a few sets of four choice-seat combinations he ls handling · ' o n constgnmeot." These are 5th-t.o 15th-row -seals on the floor th at go from $30 to SSO each. · "Once a ticket Is bought for the race value thtre's no limit on the. price It can go to," Salvato said. "You sell a tlcket for whatever you can get and the price change,, depending on what you had to pay for it." SOtM habitual conc<rtgoen exp""'8 the fear that th ese agencies are prOIJ'eMlvely getting a hold of more tickets, d?lvlng the already rising price of watching rock stars up even rnoro. But O\abin says that is baloney, and thl't more people are using the mall ordtr route to buy them. However, he foresees no time when there won't be 8 marl<ct !0< tld<.U -•hooe who have the money and don't like the normal clntnnels or advance planning it takes to ket Into sellout perfo rmances. " Both of the Orange Coast ticket dealers say they add a certain percentage or a standard "service charge" to the price they have paid. The primary difference between tht> two is that Ron 's in Huntington Beach makes a PSlicy or giving refunds -if tickets are not satisfactory -on the $5 deposits. Gary's does not. What they are in absolute agreement on is that tickets have never been higher than the ones for tht' Bob Dyla n concerts. Prices are higher. they say, because tickets are harder to oome by. Where they get their stock of tickets is not as clear. Neither Chabin nor Sal- vato would say what their sources are, though they were adamant that they got no tickl'ts directly from the Forum. "They wouldn't even talk to you," said Salvato. "'"1e Forum is the hardest place in the world to get Llckets out of,'' accord ing to Oiabin. Jim Appell , general manager of the Forum, who supervlsed distribution of the Dylan tic~etst said that to his knowli!dge no tickets went out except by mail as spectfted in the ad: four Uckets per ord er . "Our box office people Oiled requests as they came In in sacks from th~ Post Office," Appell explained. An out.!lde finn was hired for security to handle ·the opening of tht -sack!, he .. 1d·, and maiLID.!pecwn .accompanled th,e trucks to the Post Ofnce for the two meilings, so tOOt no tickets w"re l~t or hijacked Into the wrong hands. Some ol those tickets had a wlld ride before arriving et the independent agencies, however. "They've g o n e through a few handa , judging from what l had to pay," said Sa lvR tO. ~Cha.bin ooncuJTCd, gucssin·g there were two or th ree lntennedlate sales, though he stressed some probably came directly from those who sen t for them. "I don't SAO '!"AULO, Brazil (A P l Authorities launched separate state and city investigations Saturday into the bank fire that killed at least 179 persoru;, including two American banker:;.- Unorfici<il infonnation indicated the number of dead could be considerably higher. Tbe Ameri cans v.•ere identified as William Frantz \Villiams , 37, of Denver, Colo .. and Lindus Cody Marsh, 43, or Bay Shore, N.Y. The official death count was Inched up from li7 to 179 Saturday night by the San Paulo n1orgue. But a reporter saw at least half a dozen bodies at the sile of the fire Saturday afternoon ,being prepared for delivery to the morgue. Bodies are not included in the official COilllt until they are registered at the morgue. A spokesman for the First National Citv Bank of New York , which is affillated v:ith the Brazilian bank, said: "Apparently the number of bodies Inside the building is sµu gTeat." I-le added that there were still "a lat or missing people." Williams was superintendent of credit at the bun1ed-oot ba nk, Creflsu l lnvestimento. An official said he was ki!\ed in a fall from the. 21Jth noor of the 25-story building. Marsh was the bank's c re d i t department manager. Authorities said he died of asphyxiation. Both men had worked previously in Brazil for First National City bank, which controls 33 perecnt of Crefisul stock. A morgue employe said earlier that a nu mber of per.sons were burned to ashes In the building's elevator! when the fire started, and on Saturd ay their remains were taken to the morgue in urns. The morgue director, Jaime Augusto I.-0pes, said the official death toll did not rise during the day Saturday bec3llse a recount showed that some of the bodies had been coillltcd twice. • • • know where they get 'em, and don't want to." he added. But they both say there are peoo!e that always have tickets, people dealers can always go to to buy them at some price. Says Otabin : "There are different ways of getting them. I have a lot of oontacts built up." Chabin claims to have had access to 700 tickets "at the outside." He says he negoti ated and fina lly went through "about 10 people'' to get the tick ets he actuaJJy so ld -something under 700. He got no more than 30 tickets from any one source, he says. Sa lvato reports he did not gt'.!1 as many tlcktts as Chabin did. "But I could have sold out the Forwn If I could have got the tickets." The majorit)t or his customers for this long-awaited concert, Cl"tab1n said, are 25 to 35 years old and established- the fans of the ea rly Dylan. when he was singing of the evils of materialism am money in the '60s. -... Bu t nol everyoo e's as smitten by the aura of the mlllton11i.re musician. Salvato, not an avid rock music buff, has learned 1bout most of the groups since he • entered the ticket game a couple of years ago. "I'd like to go up to t.he concert to see what it's all about," he said . "These guys came in hert months ago -ne tor Dylan Uckets. I W8llled tD know, 'Who's Dylan?' " ' Capote Release d PALM DESERT (AP ) -Novelist Truman Capot.e. who had b ee n hospitalized for two week.s, wa s released from Eisenhow er Medical ((enter F'Tlday. He was admit~ for treatment of a r«1plratory Infection, whict\ a hospital spokesmM described as not seriou.s. '7 S11nt1,11, Ftbruary J 1974 DAIL'( PILOT /l :J ~~-~~~~~~~~~- Caspers Tries Ag.ain For Starr Ranch Buy By WILLIAM SCHR EIBER OI l~t Dtlh' Pl191 Stall Orange County Supervlsor Ronald Caspers wi lJ try again Tuesday to win a majority 0£ board votes to buy 5,500 acrt!1' or the Starr Ran ch as a major wilderness park. The $4.4 million purchase has been stalled since December, mostly due to the efforts of Supervisor Ralph Diedrich. Caspers has been a prime mover or a pl1flthase agreement for the rolling, wooded parcel. located along Ortega Highway in the hills above San Ju<in Capistrano. The property Is now O\Vned by a conglomerate of ten Southern California charities, which has given the county until the end of next week to accept or rejeet the sale offer. The purchase was stymied two weeks ngo by Diedrich and Supervisors Ralph Clark and Robert Battin -the so-called "new majority" on the board. The three warned Caspers lhe Starr Purchase v.•ill be lhe last expenditure of count y funds in his Fifth District for a long time and he'd better be sure that's what he wants. At that mee ting, members of the Friends of Upper Newport Bay urged the money be spent {o buy Bay uplands instead of the Starr property because the waterfront land is in more Immediate danger or development. But Caspers coun\ered that there shou ld be no competitiop for the money because the Upper Bay is far more likely to get federal and .state support th an the Starr acquisition. Caspers also said he doubts whether any new development around the Upper Bay would be approved by the South Coast Regional Z.One Conservation Commission, of which he is a member. The dela y two weeks ago was the second majar roadblock put up by Diedrich, Clark and Battin. ' • o.llw Piiot S!•lf l'1wN In Decem ber, the three voted to cancel a purcha se agreement because the chari ties asked to retain 50 percent of the royalties from any gravel mined on the ranch in the fu ture. -The charities dropped that demand arter the board vote and signed the ag reement in ea rly January. SY CAMORES REFLECTED IN POND SHOW STARR RANCH BEAUTY Supe rviso;-s W ill T ry Aga in Tuesday to Buy Big Spre ad •S Pa rk Coilllty Real Property Services officials have tokl the board the pu rChase is a bargain. The 5,500-acres the coilllty would buy includes four top priority regional park sites such as Bell Canyon Flats and the Ortega Hot Springs. Those four parks, a total of 970 acres, would cosl more than $3.5' million by themselves. In effect, the COilllty would get all the rest -more than 4,500- acres -for only $900,000 more: The parcel is actuall y the southern half of a 10,000 acre cattle ranch once owned by cattle baron William Starr. Th e Starr heirs gave the northern I I half -about 3,900 acres -lo the National Audubon Society, retained about 400 acres bofde ring Co!O' de Caza for fu ture use and put up the southern 5,500 acres to the charitable trll<;t. TI1e charities have tried illlSuccessfully for years to sell the r<inch but all the deals fell th rough . Several years rigo, i\.lacco Corp. put $1 million down on the entire ranch as part of a $13 ml\licm <lea\ to buy it and develop it into a commercial recrealion area. '/'hat deal fell through when Macco's parent firm , Penn Central, went broke. Attorneys for the charities said the I tru& had hoped to clear S5 million on the property tO alrl their charitable works. But the property tax load - $120,000 <1 \'ear on the southem half of the r:.nCh -grew loo heavy and the count y's offer was taken. If th e ranch deal goes through Tuesday, Caspers will also ask for a task force to study the best ways to use the property. !·le sa id he wants to develop lhe lower portion in to an Intensive-use ca mping area and leave the majority of the land in a v.•ilderness statb, accessible onl y to hikers, backpackers an d horseb<ick riders. OVER 400 NEW AND RECONDITIONED PIANOS AND ORGANS ...... -·- ORGAN SPECIALS DfMONSTIATOIS t"ATI MODEL TIADIS HAMMOND Spinet J-111, Perfect ... $395 Spinet M3, New G11o)r ..• $695 Sointf au!o. rh'I': & teslie $795 01lu11t L 100. f-'re-~el~ . , .$795 ,iptr, w/l<\pe Cassene .$895 New Spinet. w/auto. i-hy. $1 395 fu11ConsoleAl 00 ...... $1995 Cl w/Pr. 40 Speaker , • $2195 OPEN MON. THAU FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. ••I lot~, S'~I"' lo '·••• S.•t lRA.Dl-INS-Rft"OS -NIW DfMONSlR A.TORS L flOO R MODHS fROM 10 Of OUI STOll S All tR OUGHT IN 10 OUR GIANT ORANGE COUNTY WAREHOUSE RITAll SHOWROOMS. HUGE Slll(TION AT fAMTAiTK iAVIJr+Gil ORGANS ORGAN BUY -OUT! SAVE $200 With one tinge•. play all your l11vor1\e rhythms, like Bossa Nova Rock, Wal11. etc. wl(h !he ne.,.. l!~tlus1ve Mag1c·cho•d . PIANOS USED USID SPINETS CONSOLES PRICED FROM "ICID ROM FULL CONSOLE SAVE 1100 lht b.g ..a" console woth 1 gr•nd p11no lone. W1nn1r of 1 S world 1ward' tor tn1rvt lous lone ind tuptr•or ~ r 1 ftsm1nsn;p. .l lOO w/leslie Spkr ...• $2495t----'--------' 13 w/olUIO. rhy ... ,., ,.$2495 $CJ95 • THOMAS Spin1f, RHY., Color Glo .. , $695 SpiMt, Auto. ·chord .. , $1395 1Jwrenc1 Wi lli: Spin1t $15 VS Othtr Modtli frtm ··~ .• $295 CONN Spln1t "'!/leslie . ·--· .. _ S39S Full Consol• ·.w/rhy .... ~ $1 095 Con1olt w/le'5lie spk , . $1 095 WURLITZER Spinet, with le311e ~. _ .. $895 Thealrt !ttintf·Dlx. .$995 Other MMth Jrom $395 HAMMOND AUTOMA11C JIHTTHM O•GAN NEW fUll- SIZE SPINfT $695 w;o~ """'"'e••< l'oTf~"'-O-ll~t•• '""'' .. ,,. ff.I .... •••I, Woloo_ ••<. (•"'' lo ... ~.,! ...... 11No1o11 tllf ~-..... ., .... RAN_DS •-'595 FAMOUS NAME llANDS Wu o f•,. 1.0,..pllt llt+etl leMw M R•lln,.~1d oftd R•buoT! ~lo~• Knabe 5' Baby (bony _ . , .. , , , • , , .. · .. $209$ Kntbt 5'8"' in Warm Wa lnv! .... , , , . , . _ $~4~S Khi\t S'S" in Mink Walnut ... , .••.. _. Sm5 Oiicktrint 5'8" Mellow Tone .•• ,.: •..... $HtS Stti nw1y 6' Otcorator Siylt ..... , , • , .. $47'5 St1lnw1y 6'2 .. ~11ri Ebony _., .. , ...... $&7tS (NlW ITllNWATI HOW IN I TOC1C) PENNY-OWSLEY ORANGE COUNTY WAREHOUSE EUCLID at SAN DIEGO FWY. • PHONE 545·0415 ll~MMfl~() roNN tUMRAI I THOMAS r;ulBRAN<;(N WURllT/£R lOWfH v 'll 1 .. WA1 • "" .. 111 ... ' I • t ' ---' • 4 DAILY ~1LOT Sunday, Frbn.tary J, 1q74 • • ---. " • --• - • New port Bay Witness to Nature's Life Cyc le • Tlictt '1Vice Little Lady' lt1<L)' H<tve Bilked Town ('!l!I \l,r) 1 I l'I -:\ l;l!'k f1rre or 1J11Flill i.;:11 !'!"!lf"' '11 ;11'· Jl!'i h 1<; h"!!lln 111\• '1'·~,;;nc •11 •. 11:l••r:n1011s of ,1 "llicc liitl•· I, th 1 h • n1;1;.· !•a1 t' hilli1·d 1hl' ))t'o11!c u! \!.1r:,Ji:..ill Ill . out llf 111ore 1h~1n ~I 111 1ibr·1: ;1 s1;1 lc orr;.·!;d said S~1 !'1trrl.1•· 1')11· 11 i~1:·1:1 I\:" id1•11ldl'•d <l" \lrs ~.1!.1.1 li11:i·r \l 1111111<:1•_ 11ho opt•rJtrd th•· .\l.1rsl1;1\I lllil!I C,1 111111! he r d C'<llh J :1~I ll!•t'. )~ ;1t lht' <H.!l' Of lij. "I! is 1hr 1':15(' uf !he nice l!ttlr ladv 11ho took !ht' tu111n !o 1he cleaners." s:-iid Thnn1as I~. Halt·igh. su1u•r1·isor of lh1• ron<;u1ncr rrcdtl division of the D·p:ir1 rne111 of FtnanciaJ ln;;;titu tions. fi;1h'ii..:h ~aid hi.' new 10 l\larshall. a !011n•hiµ of ~.2;;u t·lo~c to the Ind iana borcll'r scHlll' 21J'1 rnlll'S sou1h of Chicago, \Vt"'rlnr•<:rfr1\· :ind t:iU::r•d lo officials. the loan con11).'.lny"s rrc1•i1 l'I" and attorneys. '"f rf'ilhf'l'd t!1r·y (Juln'! t1nde:rst <1n d the n1ag11i!ude of 1he problt·n1:' H.nleigh said . and t·nl11·d in a 1.:i;;;k force of agents from 1hr Jllinoi ~ ll ur,.nu of 111\"l'sligation and tin· sl;1te l>t•pni'l rnent of F'inancial lnstltulions. Raleigh S.'.lid ~1 prt·lirninar1· :tudit showed S~5 l.OOU 1ni ~sint;. The ~ecciver, Larry 'l'ood:iM. ro!rl hirn 111t• r~nrnate v.•ould go o v~·r ~! rnd l1011. li.'llc'!gh said. Ra leigh s.1id ":~50 to ~fl() people" h:id money in !he ~l:ir~hall Lo:1n Co. and that ''approximall'ly 5.000 1nor1gages'', were in\l'olvad ... '.\1rs. Millhouse, dr~cr:b ... d as on DAILY PILOT DELIV ERY SERVI CE Dtllvtry of tht Da1ly Pilot IS quar1,ttttd M.-M••·""&••: II .... do not ~ ••• ,..,. '""'' a, l ·H '·"'" c.til '"" t•"' <•tt• ... ,n M •••"•"' t• pu. C•ll• ••• 11~1" unhl 7.JO ''"· '"'"'""' ond $un<11,: II you "'° ,,.,, <Htl•1 ,..,, <•tt• ~' I o.m , '•I"'""'' or I I "' Sund•¥ <•II •rn • copy win DI •••llflll lo you ~"'" "'" t•••n wnlll 1e •·"'· T tl"ptione~ M~>! Or1n·1< Ct11"1 y At1 •• ·~· ,.,,,1.., .... u. '"" <•·•~· • C•r l1••,.. II•"~ \•• 1 •' ci~r .. "" ~• , .. ,~ ~·~"n• LOf""" N"lw•• l*l1H r I :ittracti\·c gray.haired \voman. and her late father ran the husi ncss for 40 years <111~ pros pcrt'd 111 p:i rt heca use the i\1 arshall ba nks un!il recentl y paid 110 interest. Ne ith er father nor daughter had a sta le IJccnse to engage in the ]Qji:n busiRt1.'¥S . ~Trs. Mill house \1·as principall y ;i n1ortgagc broker and sold the same n1or tg<1ge as many as 10 tin1es. he said. ··she paid interrst fai1h fully" on sa vings acrounL<:, he said, usually at 6 percent. But Mrs. Mil lhouse "'ould subtract the int erest payment from the saver's printipal and sho"' it that way on her books. Raleigh sa id her book s "were so badly put together "'e ma y never know the exact amount involved ." He said he began looking into the situation when 3 woma n complained to his offi ce. ' Raleigh said he did not know what Mrs. J\1illhouse did wi th the money. "She lived well ," he said, "and she took se_veral trips each year." County Voters Ca.n Sign Today The Orange County Registrar of V'oters office in Santa Ana will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. today to allow voters to sign up in time for many municipal rlections. Only people registered at least 30 da ys before an election are eligible to vote. The central registrar's office is at 1119 E. Chestnut Ave. In addition, deputy regtstrars will ·be !'ta11oned in seven locations along the Orange Coast from noon to 5 p.m. today. 1 TI1c sit.es are: Alpha Beta Markel, 241 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa: K·Mart, 23&91 .E1 Toro Road in El Toro: PeM ey's Department Store in •luntington Center,; Laguna Hills Mall : Fashion Island in Newport Beach by the fi sh pond ; South Coest Plaza in Costa Mcs11 and Grants Plaza, 550 Camino de Estrella in San Clemente. A11aheim Police Vote Monday 0 11 Pav R aise -' An aheim policemen 1\'ill vole t-.1onday and Tuesday on whether to accept a ni ne percent pay raise offered by the r i!y to resolve months of salary disputes. "\Ve will start the ball oting f\tond<Jy morning an d finish in time to give the results to the city council at its Tn eeting Tuesday nigttf where it would have to be ratified," a spokesman for th e Anaheim Police Association (APA ) sa id Friday. The 20-month pay package offered by the city would make Anaheim patrolmen the highest paid in the county and even higher than the average office r in Los Angeles, city PerS011nel Director Garry McCrea said Friday. The pact would provide for a nine percent hike immediately. re troactive to Jan. 25, plu.s a raise of. 2.6 percent at the end of July and another one percent next January. The initial pay hike would put the average patrolman's salary at more than $1.570 a month compared to about $1,200 for a Los Angeles city policeman. The APA also won a reducUo n in the length of the con tract period from two years to 20 months. though policemen had been holding out for a one-year pact. The tot a 1 increase is virtually the same as a "final .offer'' made by the city four months .ago. 1bat offer would h~ve giv~ a 6:75 ,percent raise the first -year anti six peroent the second on a two-year contract. But APA attorney Steve Solomon said the agreement now up for a vote appears to be better laid Ollt in terms of ralsC scheduling; -If the voting goes in favor of the agreement, which has been endorsed by Solomon _and an APA negoliating team, it will end a long, often bitter battle between the officers and the city. The pay dispute has seen a wide variety of-pressure tactics used. Patrolmen tried for a week or so l-0 slow down on tlcket·writlng to cause a drain on city colfers dependent in part on traffic fines. This was stopped because of dangers to cith:ens. They threatened to crack down hard on drivers, citing them for every violation, however minor. That threat was never carried ouL ( You might see the•b!nck-n1~ckt'\.I sl ill. tiff' pied·bil!ed greb('. the pipcf1slt 01· ~n111t• pickleweed. Or th1•11 :1 1jain yo ur inleres.1 rnny be caught by Forster's tc1·n. tht• dn11·itl'll!·r a fiddler crab, sonic cordgrass. or ;1 C;ilifur111 .1 horn shl'll. These are son1e of Ili c ('rCa turrs and pl.in! life that n1ake up the life e.VL"le of L"ppl'r NC\\'port Bay, J. cycle that is expl:iinL'd in tours arranged by The Friends of :\e11 port BCly .. the Sierra Club .1nd th1,.• l'C Jrv1n1' Cooperative Ou tdoor Progr;1n1. On a rL'l'l'lll tour a group is sho11·n spotlHH~ ;ind photographing birds in the n1 ar..h. But on a tour you can al.<:o 11•ander off alone li ke Jerry Goldner, 6. of Costa \l1·s;1. right, \1•ho isyxploring for rocks :ind shell<;. There are si x s!ops on the 11111r 11iti1 ~''P~·rr-. giving short lecture~ on 1 ariou . .; :1sµ..·1.:ts (lf the ~-Bclo11· right. O('f'anngniph•:r l..1r:·1 Legman. 1vho te<ichrs :it 1;ullt•r1011 Junior Col - lege . gi\·cs one such talk. T"·o 1nore tours ;1rc pl.inned. on F1·h. 2:1 and March 23. frorn B a rn. 10 1101111 , 11J1h groups leaving every 15 n1in1it1•'>. 1'ht' f1)11r,-; arc free . ·rh ry sta rt fron1 F.nstbluff ;i11d /!..ick Bay Drive. No rcser\·ation is tU't't's.~;iry . , ' • Snow Socks Massachusetts • Soutlilarid Travelers W arried of .. W i1id lit ll1 ouritains -· 11.S. St(mmary A •Inter storm dum~ up 10 12 lrKl'l<n of srogvr 511turday o n Mesuchutalll and Ml~I lnch91 on ConMCtku! and.Rhode htand, giving 1111011,,.hunory molorlsls add e d llf'-.ms on Groundhog Dey. Heavy '"°"" •1rnl1191 were In 1tl~c1 for soutt>trn N1w Ylll'k srate, end '"°""" 11111 ond lrHrlng r111n rn11de driving llarardoln from !'.JW YOl'k OIV 16; ~Tlllrn 01116. SllOW 11so 1111 on 1111 upper Gree! Llkll reglon1 the upper M11$i1SI Jl!ll Valley Ind 11>1 norlhern P!tlns. 0 ,.. loot ol "'°"' w11 on Illa groun~ et MlnnepOllJ·SI, Paul. Mtffl(:ll1111t11 "''' Ille llanlesl hi! state In the 1torm !h11! struck soull~rn New Engllnd. Driving "''' hazerdou$ !hrovghou! the slete Sa!urday de .. ii1e p\O\lllng 11'1_d sanding or n1g11wnv1. No malo• 11ccld1nts were reported. but 1te!1 J;MJ'llee said m11nv rt11nor brtlkdO•n1 occurred on 1now coverP!I ,..,,, 81110!\. Worct,ltr. M1l(lf!n, Revere. Ev1rt!I 11nd C1mtM"IC1g1 wire 11mon9 th1 Me11M:huw1ts cl!l111 declaring wlnttr stor"' 1m.,.gencl11. The stor"' In IOll!htrn N1w.£_nqlllfl!I was "~red to contl,..,. toll1y, lh1 N1tlon11I We1ttier St<Vltt l llld. TOllll •ctumulatlOI\ !or the two d1y1 w11 lore-c11s! !or 12 tn I! Inches In Massachuseth 11nd elgM! to n Inches In Rhode Island and ConnecUcul. S. C:nlifornia Sunny, ~m we-ath"° Is lorece1I tor lod'1Y fn Southern Callfornla bul WH~ffid lnrvl.'fers wire e<J"IHd lo e•tttht c1ullOI\ CltM lo windy c1>11dillllfl~ In mounr,.ln 1re11 and tleftrbv ~1ll1y1, • -6 .. Wlnru .,,,,reci · ro so r11n1s ~ hctor In mountain area~ nnd coe1lll Piii~ Setur(llly. The '*''""' w«t expec;!od lo di'1i1nhh twny, The pre<!lct~ nigh lor lhl Los An!t'lts Civic C~t1111 'oday Is 1'1. Othllr p11dleltd nl9h& h~I~ 7J e! l of!O 0.,,.,,,, lQ •:u 511nln Mon!ce, 78 111 Burl!8n~, 6J '' P11lmdel1, 7J ~1 Rlvcr.iuc. l2 nt P•hn s~,in!l~· 7J 111 San Oltoio ~n<I 10 nt <,,1n!11 Berb~•~ Tne A.Ir Poll u!lon Control Olstrlcl lorec11st 1111 ~ l)r nn 1mOQ In the Lo, At>aetes 1>a1ln for too1v. COASTAL VALLEYS -Sunny wnr m d11v1 and ~l~11r cool nl(l!>ll t~rn~')l1 Mnnde.. tj\gh1 todliv llnd MondllY 105 ""d !ow t 01, Overnight lowt In the •Os. MOUNTAIN AA ("A~ -$1111ny and mild IOC!lly and MondlY •ltl'I hlQhl •5 to SS. Cle11r and cold nlghll wflh lll"fO trom l S to JO. INTERIOR ANO DESE RT REGIO"S -. Sunnv w•rm d•ys and clenr cold nigh I$ !hrOUQh Mon<.l1'V' Hlg~• todlly end Mond11y 60s upper deier!'I end 10i lowtr dtHrls. O.-ernlohr ltlws 25 to ~ u~r d.serh and ls to •S lower dtseITT. LOS ... NGELES -Sunnv warm days and clear cool n19ht1 Th•ou11h Monday. Loe8Uy wl""" 11111 amrnlM Hfqln todl'( and MOl'!dll'f nlllT" 80"; Ovtrn!ght 10....1 In lhe uPl)fr ol01. Sll.NTA 81\RBARA A':D VENTURA COUNTY COASTAL AREAS, SAMU. MONICA 8AV AREA: ORANOE COUNTY METROPOLl1'AN AREA - 1unnv warm_dpv1 end tll!~L _cool nlght'I th<OU!Jh Mondiv. (oceTTVWJifd~ throu;n this mornl~ will> w!n<b out ol the northusl 10 lo lS mph al t!m1'\. Mlali.1 fodAV ""'' MIY'd:-V ,,,. or low eoi. Overnl11h! lowi JS t,_ "· T e mpe ratu r es Albuqu•rau1 Anc:t1or ag1 A!llt'lll R~litr\l!old Bltm1rcli " "' " . 71 u .18 " ., I ·1 .11 80;111 c111ceoo C•nrln11111 ' ... .,.1 • .,ld Ol!l'Vlt Detroit Eurck~ F'ort Wor!h '~" /tnnplul" .. H<111~lon • I(""'~' Cl!y L•t Vtg~• Liil /l"'Wf"~, Ml•ml !leech Mll.,,•11•·1"1 l/oln1ur4poll1 'l~w O··lran1 'lew ..,,.,,~ (. ,, •• ,., j 0!1 .. hl I' '" Rn' 1~1 P 1 ~d~IOhl1 r· .. ~cn ·~ Pl '1Jhvrgl> P11· t1~1•f!. Qro, R"'I llluff R•m~ <,w•n~nlQ S:. L1u•1 Sil! La~e City s~n D!eoo s.1n Franc:lsco ....... T11t1m1! w11hl1>1;1!on .. " ~ " " n " " .. .. .. " .. n " " " n " " " " " " " " " " " " .. " " " " n " " u 16 .12 " " " " " ff .~ .. " .. " " 'l :~ .... " • " '~---"' "' .• ., Jl ·Cll " " " .. "' " e .. " .. ~ .. I l I l t •• Sund~, Frbfllary J, 1974 > Reagan "JY ominees Seen in Question DAILY PILOT A ~ . LA Truck Stops Shut Down From wtre Strvtcts LOS ANGELES -Many truck stops in Los Angeles remaiJf'ed closed Saturday and there were reports t h a t truckers were picketing the Wilshire Boulevard offices of Texaco, Inc. spokesman said the shutdown was unlikely to end soon. "It will not be lifted just be<.·3use we have n1ade our point. The only way it will be lifted ls for the governn1cnt to n1ake some concessions. And any solution will have to corne frorn the federal governn1ent fuel and gas for trucks be rolled ba('j to th& prices in effect May 15, 1973 (they were about 30 rents a gallon then and now the price i s approximately 47 cents a gallon in Southenl Cali fornia and highe r In North ern California). •the tank filled. It's a wa!le of time, rnoney and fuel to have to look around for another station to get the rest of the gas he needs.'' SACRAMENTO (AP) Gov. Ronald Reagan's tour nominees lo Californla's five- member antlsmog board may have trouble w i n n I n g confirmation ln the state Senate. The four nominees to the State Air Resources Board fa ce hearings March 6 and 13 before the Senate Rules Committee, wtiich will send a recommendation on their confirmation to the r u 11 Senate. The committee could send the four names to the full Senate without a re e: o m mendatio-n . Cenfirrnation by th~ f .u 11 Senate ,is required under law and ·board .members serve at !tie pleasure of the governor. Rules Committee Chairman J ames Mills, a San Diego \111k!mocrat, says he's op~d to the nominees. .. "I'LL VOTE against the whole crew," Mills said in a recent interview. Reagan overhaule<I the air Pago Pago Toll Rises PAGO PAGO, American Samoa tJPl) -The death toll in the Thursday crash of a Pan American 7rfl at Pago Pago Airport rose to 93 today when one of nine survivors died. · The latest viclim was identified as Ernest Muenster. 46, of Merc_ed, Calif. Six persons remain in crit!i!al condition, another is in good condition and an eighth person was released. The Federal Av i a l I on Agency kept a heavy guard around the wreckage site pending con1pletion of an investigation. board last December, forcing the resignation of one member and fi ri ng another . Immediately alter Reagan's appointments, the new board v~ted to delay for one year a previously approve d program of fit ting antismog ~· devices on 1966-70 model ~ 'I'. autos. The devices, aimed a t lowering emissions of ox:ides of nitrogen, had been slated for installation this year, with , the timetable depending on license plate numbers. Total cost w~s limited Jo $35 by state law. ,Critics of the devices,~ clai~ they oould f damage ~ngines ·and 'increase· gas consumPtion at a time Californians wtre facing. a•fuel shortage. ' .· ' l Hopes Dashed Charlotte Daigle, 31 , of Palo Alto ponders a phcito of her Russia n fiance after learning that her visa to return to the Soviet. Union had been canceled. She hopes to marry the artist and h'!d planned to fl y to Moscow over the weekHid. THE NEW board'S decision m e a n t that mandatorv installation· of the devices will not begin until 1975 at the earliest, a delay that angered Republican state Sen. Craig Biddle. He is from Riverside,----------------------.-.. -. one of t he state's smoggiest areas. "I would think there is a strong chance the ·R u I es Committee would recommend against CQnfirmation or make no recommendation at 311," Biddle said in an interview. The four nominees are: Charles Conrad - a 64-year- old former R e publ ican assemblyman from Sherman Oaks. He is the board's new chairman. David I. Kline -Also 64, Kline is a Visalia Republican. AugustUs ft. Batchelder, - Fr.om Sanl!I: F..ooa, a 70-year- old Republi can. Roger L. Mosher -From Palo Alto, 43 years old, a Republican. Former Highway P a t r o 1 Commissioner Harold W . Sullivan was the only member •Reagan left on the board. He serves as vice chairman. Alleg ed L«J.an s Dispuied In Air California Case SAN DfEGO (AP) Accountants say at least ,$7.2 million in loan!\ allegedly made by U.S. National Bank to Air California was never received by the airline. The accounting firm of Ale)l':ande.r Grant & Co. made the disclosure in U . S . District Court Friday in connection with a class·aclion lawsuit by Dr. Clifford Nelson of San Francisco, a 1nlnority stockholder of the airline. Air California is 79 percent owned by \Vestgate California Corp., formerly headed by C. Arnholt Smith, \\'ho is still the ma j or i t y stockholder. Smith also controlled U.S. National Bank, which was declared insolvent 1 a st October. Alexander Grant also said an account at U.S. National Bank was established in Air Califorp'ia 's name w i th o u t approval by the airline's board of directors. The accounting firm n1ade the statements as part of a re-.audit of Air California lor fiscal 1971 and 1972. But it refused to certify the audit, ci ting ''perva sive uncertainties." Judge Leland ·c. Nielsen then refused to file the statement. Hell's Angels Give Blood-Theirs Spokesmen a t five major stol?S said they were closed and had no plans to reopen while the shutdown was in effect. . and not f ron1 some assistant this or that it has to be from son1eo ne who can solve the problems." "ALSO WllEN a trucker pulls into a truck stop to gel fuel he should be able to get F'oote said there was a 50 percent shu tdown of general r reight trucking ln Southern California as of Saturday and by Monday "it will be much larger Wlless the government comes up ·wlth a satisfactory 1 proposal." "We figured they're just going to come in and blockade us so we're going along with the program," one owner said. "WE DON'T expect a set tlement right away," he said, "We kn o w the government will be for ced to act but we don't expect Jogger Dies at 106 A S p o KE s MA N for soinethLOJ.g rig ht away." S1\N FRANCISCO (AP) - Overdrive magazine here .said A spokesman for the Larf'y Lewis, a 10f3..year-old the .Pu b Ii Ca t io n ;.vas Aswci:.tted I n de pend en t former waiter who astounded ·"coordinating the shutdown by · OWner-Operators Inc., Ji.Jn bis doctors fo r years by relaying in f o rm at i on by F\oot.e,. said action, by Rrea jogging..., almost seven miles C.ti n • b -• d. but w irid,.;.,.,--'ent truei,ers has been I ze s 8\iu ra 10 e wr-lt\l I). each morning, is dead of acute are not advocating any "sporadic" and not ·anywhere ·violence. We a re very much ·near the' rnagnitu.dc of that pneumonia. , against It." taken by Eastern drivers Spokesmen at Halinemann One truckers p o·k es m an angry over high diesel luel l1osp!tnl said he-was admitted estimated that about 2 5 prices. Jan. 26 and died Friday night drivers were participating in He said the excculive lxnird -six: months short of his th h td h·1 th ·d confirmed at a n1 c et i n g es u own w 1 e o ers sa1 107th birthday. the figure was much higher, Saturday "that we d o A nondrinker and E f , ~ 1 advocate a stoppage by all ast 0 u..is Ange es on independent truckers. nonsmoker, Lewis could be Interstate 10, four major truck stops between Ontario and San "We're after two main seen most days in a sweat Bernardino were closed or things: that lht! price of diesel suit numing around Golden blocked in. At stops that were·-------------- not closed, it was reported that participating drivers were talking to other drivers, trying to persuade them not to buy ctiesel fuel. The Overdrive magazine Earl Warren Released LOS ANGELES (AP ) Former U.S. Chief Justice Earl Warren was released from Daniel Freeman Hospital Saturday, a week after being admitted for treatment of coronary heart disease, a hospital spokeswoman said. Warren, 82, was in good condition when he left the hospital to continue resting at the Beverly Hills home or his daughter and son-in-law. the spokeswoman said. Warren had been In Southern California to deliver Gate Park at 4 a.m. On his / birlhdays he would celebrate with 100-yard dashes, the latest of which· he finished in 17.3 seconds three years ago. Lewis was born June 25, 1867 of Jewish •Imm;~ ... t parents in the litf" ' .ent of 'Mahah.lri~. Ari ., Which bec;:.me Phoenix in 1870. The first of 13 children, he outlived them all. Once when he was offered a ride to work, he replied : "No. My legs were made to use, not misuse." • a ~ at CaJifornia State Long Beach. but can~!ed and SACRAMEl\'TO (UPI) -left Richmon<f at 7 a .m. in The blood-givi ng, rendezvous drive \Vouid put 50 more pints went into the hospital when People walked to the other the morning in order to reach y,·as called by the 7 ,500-into their ac("()unt, to be used he began feeling Ill. The side of the street Saturday Sacramento in time to give member Modified !\totorcycle for members who h a v e coronary condition w 1 s when members of the Hell's _a_pin_t _o_I _bf_oo_d_. _______ A_s_so_._M_c_m_hc_r_s_li_gu_r_e~d-th_e __ a_cr_i_de_n_ts_. _________ di_· s_co_v_e_re_d_af_te_r_w_a_rd_•_. ---I . . Angels, Wheel Lords and various other groups brought their ch r ome· s tudded choppers to a halt in front of the California Slate Capitol. Nearly 100 motorcycles finally arrived and were parked in a meticulous row. The riders had come not to blood let, but to give blood. "Oh no." one elderly lady said as she stopped mid·block. "l <A'onder what they are g~ng to do." "I'J\.1 NOT actually doing this for image, said Dawg, 23. a member of the Hell's Angels out of Richmond. "I'm donating the blood for a good cause.'' Dawg (the only name he would give) was dressed in a traditional leather jacket with an insignia. He said he Give the Gift that "Keeps on Giving" Back to YOU! ,,. • Wt don't belim th1t lhflll Should bt 1 one.way street. If yw contdbutt lo us, we think w1 should do somtthinc In retum th1t will 1Jvt you back more thin 1 w•nn fHlin( Ind I flJ; dedKtlon. • Now, wt hm found a most r1m1rk1bl1 w1y lo rew1rd you for your 11n1roslty. You still 1njoy th1 pl11sur1 ol helplnf your ltlk>w·m1n, plus the benefits of 1 l1x·dtd uttlbt1 Bank of Irvine 'IHE BANK IS NOW OPEN TOSERVEYOU VIP account which entitles vou to a number of special banking privileges, beyond our regular full-service banking. 12.77 Reg.14.95 Our ··Look Ma. no hands" good- time.buy. Oirect·read digital watches with colored faces and straps. Clear lucite ··cushion shape" cases. And the price is something to shout about. i' L \, . \ 1lft. lut ... rou don't llvt up the fulur.1 lln1ncl1I mu1lty JOU could h1v. tn/oytd • -Clle<:k1ng accounts, with no minimum balance. You mav write an unlimited number of checks every month at the Bank c:trvne ant:! pay no service charOe. even with a low balance. OU< staff wants to meet you. Our Friend Iv ex· perienced staff invtt:es you to visit our office to discuss hoW the Bank of Irvine can · ' I tlustration gnlarged to show detail. Sale ends Feb. 9, 1974.-• _.,,.. I j I by kttpln1 1our 1ltt. • As lon1 IS )'OU llvt- bt&lnnlnf lmmtdl1ttly-W1'll PIY JIOll I ftMrotn lllCOftlt out of the ttrnlnp of }'Ollt ct1nlrfbtrtfoll. 1ltut., It '*-a Ill lfMstmf!IJ fO JMOtlcl )'OUf future, 1111,.tht fuftlfl bf JOI" ftmlly. At the a.mt time, JOU •ill be Sl'flnr on fvturt ..Utt IUIS ~nd problfl costs. • Wiit! othtf Wlf Clll )'OU llSI JOUf ltttStmtnt: funds 1nd MCurl!Ms to do so mud! tot JOU In ao m11tY • .,.. for '° !On( 1 tlmt1 --WWfl(-Ol-Cfil for Fm lntGnnatloa Ill-Obllptloo tolo,h"o: (714) M>llGO Emosion 106 ••• ,. flt wrlter - Thom•• K. Sttdll"9« Hoag M1mori1/ Hospital Pr11byt1ri1n Newport Boulevard Newport 8111ch, CA 92660 ., . !t ElCpande<I banking hours. The Bank of Irvine is open -davS 9 to 600, Ff1davs 9 to 7,30 and saturdavS 10to100. nierl!~ drive-in banking too. for .extra conveolence. - VIP MCoUnts, oo'OJSto!rier 5eMce Re\nsent· • at!Ye wll OlQllal'\ hoWVOU can q\J3lfy for a special best serve vour needs. llmlk Of lrvlne 14322 QJIYer ortve lnllile. Clllfomla • 92105 17141 551 • 1600 Stop by ariCI neJp us Sl3l'.t ilie NeW -"" J1ght, ......... GRAND OrENING WEEK FEB. 4 TO FEB. t . . .. I• ·-- • J JCPenney I 123 456 789 0 9 . ./ MOOP~f" S14C'Pl'!ll c-.. < ........... -~ ....... _ . -• CHARGE IT' with your JCPenney Charge Card. . II you don·1 have a chafge. iust see how las! we can open up yqur new account . • 7l BUENA PARK ORANGE ....... o ..... ,. b c.., ........ -.. ..... 0,.. ...... t:JI .. t :JO ...... ....., 10 .. 1 0,.. 10.t ,_ .... ..., II .. 6 I l -· ,- • DARY t•JLOT EDITORIAL PAGE Legislators •· Ill Line • When a t:i.xp:i.ycr's bl ood pressure is sent soaring by wh at appears to be a questionable use of his money, he sometimes c:i n soothe his wrath by firing off a hot letter to his legislator -and maybe even expect some acllon. · Bu t writin ~ to his legisl ator about t he California Leg1s lators' llet1rernent System is practicaUy guaranteed to get Joe Citi ze n nowh ere. The 25th annual fi nanci al report on the pension plan reveals that California paid $863 ,221 in survivor and retirement bene fi ts last yea r for 116 fo rmer legls· lators and other government offi cials. \VeU, they ce rtainly deserve a retirement fund, and t here is a deductio n of up to 8 percent from the pay· checks of cu rrent officeholders to hel p support it. But that added up to only $124,090, and the stat e's contribution as an e mployer was more t han five t imes a~ much. A sturdy amount, when you consider that most priva te pensio n plans are based on one-t()6()ne employe- employer co nt ribu tions. Andyrivate pension plans usually are figured as a supplen1ent to Social Security upon actual retirement after extend ed empl oyme nt. The state officials can start co!lecling after as few as fou r years in offi ce. to be one or tile most generous or It.. kind, both as to benefit& for the number of years of employment and the employe <ontribuUons. It sure Is. But don't bother to write your legislator about It. He's right Jn line. A Real Spending Machine Ever since the days of the depressi on, money fig· ures connected with national spending, national budgets and national debts have had so many zeros they are in· comprehensible to the citizen. The administration a.sks $87 billion for defense s~nd lng, up $8 billion over the previous year. Who can visualize $87 billion! Or even $8 billion. Would It be enough $20 bills to go around the world 50 times, enough $50 bills to walk to the moon on? Would It buy enough oatmeal to fill all the oceans or the world? Next year's . total budget will be in the neighbor· hood of $300 billion -and Utat's beyond any scope of comprehension. There is a way .to look at it, though, says the Kip· linger Report. Th.at $300 billion means the federal government will be spending .$9,500 a se cond between July 1974, and July 1975. Now say your total contribution to the federal government -income tax, excise tax, indirect profits tax, etc. - comes to about $4,800. • '' ' And listen to the arnounts being paid out: Former Gov . Ed1nu nd G. Brown draws a $2,125 monthly pen· sion for his service as attorney-general and governor. Stanley Mask gets $1 .583 (and that's on top of his sal- ary as a justice. because the pension plan does not pre· elude other state or federal offices). Fonner Lt. Gov. Glenn Anderson. now a congressman, gets $1 ,266 from the state in additio n to his $42,500 a year as a congress· nlan. Publ ic Uti lities Co mmission member Vernon Stur- geon onl y gets $316 a month, and t hat's on top of his PUC sal ary or ~31 ,500. Your assessment by Uncle Sam is gone, completely gone, in one-half second. Jwt about the lime it takes to snap your finger or blink your eye. The contributions of everyone on the block have been spent while you were reading this. 'I fjUESS rr's AS iOUGH BEING A PRISONER Cf "JljE R)LLAR AS If IS &INU A PRJ<;ONE.R Cf WAR . I The Ca lifornia legislators' retirement fund is said U.S. W~ll Lose Selling $1 Tanks in Indochina WASHI NGTO~ -Le s Aspin. the .voun g Wisconsi n Dc1nocrat who is proving there is use ful work for a member of C-Ongress if he wan1s to do ir, has lea med that con tracls fo r Air Amcri C'a. the CJ A's transparently phony airl ine. ha11e doubled to more tha n S41 milli on. II is assumed by th ose who study the outfit's murk y doings the money will be spent encour· aries to muck aroun:l Laos anew. 0 u r ~ovemmcnt disguises what we a r e shippin~ into Laos, Cambodia, and South V\ctn;im with the same ca re lhe Russians use in hid- ing their m i I i t a r y expenditures, so only a spy or d e t e c l i v c can hope to kno\v the truth. Not only do we ap- propriale 1n u n i l I o n s under such catego ries as 'Food fo r 1~eacc. bu t si nce the Pentagon plnccs the dollar value oo our war shipment s, it ca n conceal enormous amounts by assessing tanks at a dollar apiece and airplanes at $5 10 a throw. The Pentagoo has tol d Aspln that the ln\1entory of what we're sending is classifuxl, and therefore not available 10 the unstable, national security ris ks v•hom the voters send to Congress. r-.;F.\'EH 1'11ELESS. hy the rnd of Fiscal \'ear '74, next July, !hnt is, our n1ilitary C'Os!s 1n !hat part of the world "'ill be runn111~ ;it :1IKIV1' f11ur billion dollars a year . This nece SSftrily means violating th" !';iris l\·;1~1· fin· Agree ment s \~·hich cuofine u::. to resupplying depleted slock.s. ( VON HOFFMAN J We are also breaklng our word by introducing a new oomba t plane, gloriously and honorably named Tiger JI Freedom Fight ers. When asked about this stepped-up bomb procurement for Southeast Asia, Alr Force General Jonas Blan k expla ined everyth ing by saying, "The requiremen t to a cc e I er at e production occurred as a result of the March 26, 1973, Secretary of Defense guidance v.1l..lch t a s k e d the Air Force to protect. a Southe3.'lt N ia contingency capability that we had not previously planned." _)n short, It appears we are returning t.6 OW' old winning fonnula of guns and military advisers, of which it ls now believed we have 20,000 sneaking about those dear, old familiar palms. Thus, instead of using our decisive leverage to make him abide by It, we are apparently egging Thieu oo to fotogtt the Paris Agreements whi ch wtre supposed to be our ticket out oC I.hat bog. S01\1E MODERATES or liberals or whatever you want to call the. wishy· v .. ashies in Congress ~em to be content to vote the money for the destruction of the Paris Agreements in return for keeping our people out or the nghting and because yill don 't want the Red! to take over, do you ! Of course, the Reds are going to take over anyway, only It will be longer and more rostly. 1'hey've go t most of Cambod..la now WI., ks 7he Prtlsfd.,,t seems to b9 regsinlng confidence.' and they 're going to get the rest' of It soon enough . Ultlmately, they'll get General Thieu also because we know that a corrupt , inflation-wracked. debilitated South Vietnam can't win without our armed intervention. The Justlflcation for what we're doing ts that the North Vietnamese are doing the same thing . Doubtless they are, but if they win, they get the other half of their country, What do we get lf we win? Honor? The President has told us we already have that. 1l'le. satisfaction of keeping the Reds ou t of Saigon ? Well, what's wrong with these Reds? They 're far less obnoxious than the ones in Moscow or Peking and being fewer in number and poorer in rt.90urces, are much less Of a threat. Even U v;e don't go back there with the big birds bot try to buy the vicfory this time, all we are going to 1e:t for It i.s a big debt. Thi1 Isn't 19&5 or 1965, and we can't afford Ir any more. Our in fla tlon rate is running 10 pen."eflt now, and il we have to pay for th.rff wars in Indochin~'"ind another one in the l\.Uddle East, it simply i.m't going to matter who wins. We will !05e, ' 'C heap Appeal to Public Jecilousy' Oil Firms Need Incentives To the Editor: Politicians' cheap appeal to lhe 'PUbllc 's rece nt profits will prevent the solutioo of a real problem. 1be high price of oil will reduce business a c t Iv I t y , em ployment, the real value of savings and fixed Incomes; It will increase deficits in international payments and Infla tion. IN THE PAST more taxpayers entitled to the depletion allowance t h a n politicians wondered whether t h I!! allowance was economically justified. Now politicians are jumping on the oi l compan ies when we need an lrnmedlate lncrease ln do me s t I c production; a temporary d e p 1 et Ion allowance as to new or increased domestic production, even larger than lhe 22 percent now in effect, Is needed to increase production during the period required for expanalon or other sources of energy. In the long run price control wUl make the problem worse. PMce control, If mntinued at all, should apply only to im production rates of wells already drilled. An excise tax or excess profits tax on production to the extent or rat.es of existing well! 1& proper to benefit the public and reduce windfall profits. However, windfall profits are not as grave a problem as the n~ for cheap energy and such taxes should not apply to new production. ~' rr IS a tribute to the free enterpri!e 1y1tem that, even though in the 2,0 yean Jut prior to 1973 most price! doubled and the easier to find and MAILBOX produce oil was depleted , the price of crude oil did not rise. During lhe la.st five years prior to 1973 cheap forei gn oil produced by America n companies (encouraged by tax incentives ! held the price down. Now that the forei gn countries expropriated a large interest therein and conspire to raise the price of oU (governments, unli ke the American companies, are subject to no. anti-trust laws which have helped hold pr-ices dn'>''TI here ), we should end the ~ depletion allowance on foreign oil, end the credit on U.S. ta xes for foreign ta xes on production, and tax exports of oil drill ing and producing equipment. However, to overregul ate, sociallze or overtax new domest ic producfion will retard production. Politicia ns sbould rise above appeab to the emotion of jealousy and offer Intelligent leadership on our critical need to increase e n e r g y production. ROY B. WOO LSEY 'Voya con Dlo1' To the Editor: No, Senator John V. Tunney has never experienced an Wl wan t.ed pregnancy. Of that we can all be ~. Nor, on the other hand , do I believe has Delores Ferrell of 1.aguna 's NOW or-ganJiaUon ever expe rienced any verit y of re\J gious thought. And , come to think of it, Je!us Christ never experienced pregnancy either. Yet, Our Lord <lid tell U! not to put asunder v;hal God hath put together. GOO l\tAD E all men (and \Wme n), Delores. And to belie ve that ~ would espouse to eliminate the "un v.·anled", or any individual of •Us creation, is to brink upon insanity . Thoughts such as these are grounds for "Impeachment" from our normal side of society. Not grounds for the "impeachment " l>f a U.S. Senator. Ms. Fm ell , our asylums and jails Letters fron1 readers are wel come. Normally, wrirers should ccmucv their messages in 300 words or Less, The right to condense lette rs to fit space or el iminate lib el is reserv ed. All lti.- te rs mu.st it1c/ude signature and mail· ing ad.d ress but ·nam es 1nay be with· held on request if sufficient reason is appart'nt. Poetry will 11 ot be pub· Ii.s hed. are overcrowded with many people who "did wtwit they wanted with their own bod ies." Even some doctors are there; fo r the bett.ennenf of society. THERE ARE IW? sides to eve ry story , Ms. Ferrell; the d1fferenet> ls that some refuse to lenm , or even lis ten to others. If we could Bil realize that we, you and me and the NOW organ ization are in so many other!! prayers, \'aya con Dios'. EDW AHD GRANEY Nixon Paradox Uses Peace to· Justify Arms Netv Blrdman1 To the Editor: President Nixon has used his au tho rity to block billions of dollars appropriated by the Congress to clean up the ai r and wate rways of Ame.rica . The reason he glves for holdi ng back these fund s ls that he believes the expenditure of such money v.· 1 t 1 have ;in ini l~IH•nar·y c..,eUcct. ~ forget fnr t ~•f' momcn~ the con- stitutional 4uestion whether lhe Pre:>i· dent has ti1r ri~ht . to rev erse decisions ti the Congress. For- get also fnr the mo· me.nt the related issue CQneerning the ract the the llrcsident ha s held back the Waterga te tapes on the grounds rhat he wants 10 pr eserve strict lines of scpara· tion betwee n the (!xecutive branch and the olhet bran ches of government, though he does not hesitate to arrnl{ale tG him· self the authorily to appropriate funds. Consider only the President's arguinent that he wants to keep dowl) government spend ing in order to flgh t inflation. Thui conside r the President's request to Congress for S99 blllk>n for the new military bud ge t. IN ASJ(ING Congri!!ss to appropr!Ate. all these billions, the President isald noth ing abo!Jt the fact that sky-high military spending has represented the greates t alnale caute of inflation in the United State1. Nor did the President refer to charges made by conueuional Jeadera oi both parlic! to the eff!ct Lhlit the set:urity of lbe Unl1ed Sta tes. ls be ing wea kened, not strengthf".Jl00, by .~uch marilmoth military ~xptnd ltureJ. These criliC1 have pointed t o • overlapping in the military services; to the disproprot!onately large number of offi cers romp a.red to enlisted men ; to irregularities ln procurement and maintenance; to discrepancies I n bidding and .spending ; to unlimited stock· piles of weapons of mass des truction despite the fact that we already have the power to destroy any enemy or com· bination or enemles many tlmea over. The President has pointed to his trip to Chin a and to th e dete nte he negotiated with the Soviet Union as measures that have subs tantial ly reduced w or Id Debating 'l)le energy crl.!lls may or may not be as serious as the oil industry indicates, but the fact remalN that too much time ls being spent ln debating the issue. We know of one ~ area in which there .r is no shortage al all -the area of waste. There C'ion bt no doobt that, especiaJ.. ly In An1erlca. we have become too ac· cu.stomed to 11bund· ance. We h 11 v t. tended to btlleve that there wu no Hmll to our .eneru ruourcu. We have gone merrily on our way In what turns out lo be a mls laken belief that we would have plenty of power ror every conceivable purpose for u loni "' we liked. • ( NORMAN COUSINS ) tensions and contributed to the prospects for enduring peace. He hu also called attention to th e SALT talks as setting the stage for significant arms reductlorui. IF ALL THIS is true, why is It neceS.'lary to increase the mi litary budget far beyond what it was while we were at war Jn Vietnam? • The President can't have it both ways. He can't refer to the Improvement in the world climate for peace as tM result of his inltt.tlves, and then uk tor more money than we have ever !!pent before for mUltary purposes. He can't talk about the need to keep America strons, and yet see no danger In the srottllng or prognms dealgned to strengthen America in the way It needs m01t to be sth!ngthened -by getting Md of the slums ; by Improving the quality of education aOO. health care; by protecting our lakes and rivera against poisoning and the air over America against becoming an open sewer; by developing new sources of energy, and by making it possib le for the American people to get from one place to another sensi bly, safely, swiftly. So long u we have something to show for the money we spend, we have the best hedge against Infl ation there Is. 1'le main cause of infla tion ls the expenditure of mammoth sums in ways that do not satlsfy consumer needs and that create vital shortages. Crisis Won't Save Power BARRY GOLDWATER Whether there Is . or Is not the kind ol shortage the ft.-deral government i! addris11ng, we know for certain that something Is drastically wrong. And we «!rtalnly ought 10 know by this time that If we do not have an energy crtsl! at the moment, we will In a very 1hort time unless something l.s done to curb the waste and Inefficiency with which we use our fuel . IN FACT IF the energy crisis Is not as serkius u It has been desct1bed, we are very fortunate. Such a •lh11tion would ' give l1' ti me to develop new 50urcu of oil aOO new 80Urce1 ol other kln,d> of energy whl<h will be serto .. Jy ·-~ .• ' needed Jn the yu11 ahead. What I am uyltlg Js that there ii no possible way tl'lat exLIUni auppllu can meet the world'• energy need.I ln the next one or two dtcMIM In vtew of the grUt increue in demand. Not only.,.. pro1 P• rou 1 1MttSons flndlnJ new recjulnmenta for exl.stlng energy supplies but many natlonl whJch prevlo113ly had ll!Ue UM for oil. and electricity are now be&lnning to develop enllrely new neecb. My reference ii to the IO-Called "Th1rd World" -made up ol thole natk>n1 that we regard u undeveloped or Wldenleveloped -whl<h Is quickly lesmlnf lhe way1 of rnod<m Jnd.,lry and oocnmeree. Few people 1eem to reallu lhat the Unit~ States, wftich h1.1 only e percent of the world's populatlon1, accounts for more than a third of the world'• energy .. requirement.. Thi.I la the... inevitable reault ol a •tandanl ol living '° high that mau tranalt 1y1tem1 ln the' United Slates have !lltlgUlshed from a lack of bustnw. IN THE W ASIIlNGTON, D . C ., metropolitan aria, for example, there are an e.stimated 1.2 million employed workers. A retent survey disclosed that bf thll work force more than one mtlllon drove to work In their own automobil es. Whatever the cause of lhe present shortage, th e fact remains that our life style needs some major adjustments. _Because of the problem that confronts the entire Western world 1 find myself loalng patience wlth those people who want to point the finger of blame at the govemmMt, the oil industry, ·the Arabs or 110me other cause for a situation which requires aclion rather than explanation. l Regarding the Preside nl Ni xon llbrary suggested in 1-&t Sunday's Daily Pl.lot resembling a pyramid surrounded by an lncan city: Such a design v.'OUld be an insult ro our good La ti n American neighbor&. It would be more appropri ate to house the library ln the now-defun ct Alcatraz Island. With a number of persons in the Nixon AdmlnistraUon having prison record5, such a site would be a constant reminder o( the type of administration America can do wtll without. I'd alto cut off all bo at service to the prison library. Only dedicated swimmers who Ille to swim In cold , murky waters WO\lld reap the 90rdld ben- efits or such a library. " ROBERT JACl<SON OU.M•I CO.I.IT DAILY PILOT • · Robttt N. Wted, l'iibU.llfr T"'"""' K«vil, Editor Barbara Krrfbich EdJrorlal Paoe Ed lwr 1 The editorial ,pqe of the t>atty Pilot .M!reka to lnlorm and f!tJmuLate readf!h by ~rw on thll ~ diwnerCommentary 'on tuples of !ft.. ltfttt by tYncttcatf'l;I _colwnntlta IDd. ~~~~:: ~per'• oplNllN and idMs OD CVlftnt topics. The edtt:ort&l opiftlaM of the Daily Pilot a ppear only tn Che «!llOri&l 'l.'Dlumn 11 tbt 1np ol tht -pece. Opinion.I C!!Cl'R'll'fd by the ool- umnfstl and cartoontN and 1etm' wrttm .,.. tMlr own and1no 61dotlli-' mcnt of 'ltletr v1ews by the DaJq Piiot thOakt bt lnfwrotd. Sunday, February 3, 1974 i, 110 ., th fr 0 i• m i• r e IO n SC a le • 10 hi it " in J. ' . ' s_"-"'-'-'·-'-'-""'-"-'_1._1_,_,. ________ o_AJlY PH.OJ A 7 • UFOs No Longer A Jol(~ng Matter superiority as well as the !l tranger.ess of the l ll''O.s that Is so lrtghtenillg to so many. Consequently, It Ls far more comfortable to ttject theJe sightings altoaelher lhan r.o adrnl t ignor<1n~e and e:ipose our baaic lnsecur1ty. Thi& ut tlludt! Is pttft"Ctly normal and to be elpteted from the bulk of 20th century "statu.t quo man.'' It JS aft~r aJI only 12 ge.neratJon.1 since GaU18o , who M!Ct!lved .similar reactions when he unslK.'C'eSSfully attempted to persuade h 1 s con lemporarles to look through his teletoope (man's flrsl) and examine Venwi and the moons of Jupiter In support of his theory. convinced that there is organlC! Ula t e r I a I in trrtam mt>h .. -oriles-a very significant discovery, long cont rovtrsial. ll I may be allowed the role of inlermedlary li1 this dilemrna, I would point out to tilt. public that sc-J t ntists are faced with so many tough problems today, wttlch challcol!Ce tht.lr lntellect.s to the limit.¥, that any addit ional and seenllngJy impos.,1ble dilemma just "Ult.s '' and OYt:rta.tl'S them. Let me mention just a few or the pn:wil unresolved controversies: pul.!ars, quuar.!I, blsck holes, sun 1pot cycles, a~nce..s of expectant neutrinoa fronl the tun, interste!lar dust aod polariiation, x·ray sources, interstellar chemls!ry, origin of the solar system, cootinenlal drill and, prior to 1969, origin of moon craters. by e.x:ttaterrestr1al Intelligent beings, and SlQ>PM8 that they are about to conclude their mlS'!Qon and disappear from our viclnily. What a unlquie opportwlily we then would have ml55ed In our llfellme and a! thlJ crltii;al JU!lcture to our U!l~ven , erratic e!VO lutlon from stone age to »Called cJvJllz.cd 1nan! We ~uld not ni iss thl~ unique opportunity to study these UFOs more intensely (even though it Is ted ious work.) in order to understand the apparently far superlor te<:hno!ogy of ! transportation, guJdan<:e, navlgalloo, energy sou~. life support, reliability and compactness of their systems. By DR . Fl\EI> M. JOHNSON The world of selcnce, particularly astronomy, Is full of unsolved niyslcr!es and enigmas, yet none are shroud\•d wnh as much controversy as unlde11ti.fied flying objects . recommend It, as ll is by a renowed astronomer and cootairu1 a wealth ol carefully .selected and organized information on the subjeci. According to Hynek , the data so far gathered requ ires more study and analysis. However, enough informatloo-ls given to allow the reader to a make up his own mind even now. The L.A. sighting is sin11lar to hundreds of others. ri-tost UFOs seem to ()Xhiblt p u r pos e f 11 I " intelligently directed motion. They are not n1eteors, aircraft, helicopters, balloons or stellar objects. If indeed the une.Iplained strange UF'O! originate outside the earth (we cannot completely discount that they are secret device! from the United States. Russia or Chjna, but that is highly U!l!i kely), they exhibit a far greater advanced technology than what we presently know. The typica l 16th century reaction to Galileo's request was: "You must be in league with the devil. we don't even want to look.." l3 that not too different fro1n the snJckerlng and contemptuous attitude CJ( 10me of the present scientific community when conlrooted with the UFO phenomena ? TO THE astronomers I would say : Since there a.re more Lhan 100 aatronornerJ who c:onsider black holes real even though no one has ever seen one, why not be a little generous to the more than J,000 who have seen a UFO and "''ho think they are real. Whereas the black holes ere strange theoretical constructs, whldt astronomer9 thing possible, UFOs are strange objects which have been seen by man y. Why riot allow the subject to be studled seriowly? lf Indeed we are being observt-d, should we not attempt to communicate and to make 1 il a tw1rway communlcatlon? How do the eartl1 dolphW react to ll.!, now that we have finaUy 11tte:mpted lO communicate with them? 111e present sta tus or UFOs may be summarized thus: Do you believe they are real or mental figment.s of over 1.000 observers' Imaginations. 1'herein lies the L·rux of the dilemma. UFOs and associated phenomena have been ob.!ervL"Ci by ~ snu11l frJction of the world's J'.l(>pu!ation and si nce ~cienlists compr ise a minut.e fraction of lt, the chance that a scient ist will obse rve a Uf<'O event directly is small . Of course, given enough lime and overv:helming evidence, these negaUve attitudes will gradually <'hange until finally UFOs are regarded as legitimate objects of study. The present negative view ha! Wlforttmately carried over somewhat into the general public, Dr. Fred M. Johmon. fornur skeptic, fs pro- f essor of physic.! at Cal State Fullerton. The groups that ~rhaps have done the most harm in frightening away the much needed scientific support are the · "fringe" types, as well as 1cience fiction in books, television and movies . Since the probability of world disaster via nuclear holocaust Is constantly with us, it would be a tragic ending indeed if superior intelU· gence and maybe ass1~1ance we.re close at hand wh.ich we choo~ to lgnore completely. Note one si gnificant aspect of UFOs : They seem to be friendly and benlgn-so far. Wha( ijlher than curiosity brings them here ? ('onsequcntly the N!ll (not invented ticre) factor Is para1nount , i.e., w1ll'SS an Individual witnes! makes his or her own discovery, anyone else's is automatically rejected. Each of us has to rediscover and ref('ttfn all the knowledge in exisl('llt'e, all th:it \vhi ch preceded us. Being no c,i:eP.ption , l had relegated UFOs to the world of !he fanci ful. At best I was neutral on !he s ubject and never took it scrlou.~ly-until rt>ccnlly. 'f.1y research for this article of a recent UFO sighting in Los Angeles led me to intervi rw a nu rnber of witnesses. Th jj {act ialone would make their study imperative. As an example, when we exploded the first atom bomb In 1945, no other nation had the technical d e t ai I s, yet we gave the bi gg est and most important secret away by flMlr elf showing that It could be done. with the result that not enough people have !he courage to rtpOrt their findings. This situation must be changed. Historically the meteorites went through the same stages. Ftrst no one believed that stones fall from heaven. Now there is M pr0blem, even though according to Hynek not a single astronomer has ever wllne.ssed the fall of a meterolte. The analogy is perfect since the scientific community will ultimately have to take the public into its confidence, since it must rely initially on the general publlc for these rare sightings and data collectlons. Science rlcllon tends to blur the real and the imaginary and brings on the twilight zone. It has made some or the public believe anything, . and others overskeptical. Reputations get tarnished very easily hy slt>pplng only ever so sllght!y over the bounds ol accepted and conventional science. UFOs have been depleted by some "scientists" as ro-nos. hence the "klss of death fear syndron1e " My remarks about the UFOs may be premature or too speculative. Ho11o·ever, l feel strongly that time may be running ou t bolh on ottr present state of clvillz.alion and on UF'O contacts. Jn our present state of insoluble multiple dilemmas, particularly the impending population, food and energy pressures , can we afford to neg lect or reject thi:;i flint~y reed of evidence of far superior technology and perhaps "'isdom? Is our feeling of te<'hnical superiority, sense of personal insecurity and fear of ridicule so great that we dare take this oslrich·llke stance' Let's be brave and take one giant step forward. The principal ~·itnesses were two police officers and others who telt!phonl•d the police. I happened to interview one witness ""'ho had uot reported his findings to anyone before and wno observed it fron1 sevf'ral mHcs' dis tance. llis di!sc ription of · the UFO trajectory was sin1ilor to that of the police officers'. I was lntrigUL'<L I nt•X l read a well-written book by J. AUen Hynek, "The UFO Experience." I SJM1LARLY, EVEN trough we do not under· stand the propul sion and power sources or these enigmatic UFOs, lt behooves us to study them H at all possible, since they imply a far more efficient, superior, silent, oonpolluling, fast- er tr:msport vehicle than anything we can 1nus- ter. It undoubtedly m es scientlfiC! prlnctples and technologies oI which we a re completely unaware. \Vould not our energy crisl.9 make such study, even ,though a long 1bot, possibly rewarding? It ls, however, lhis apparent technlc.al The public should be encouraged to make instant reports and use toll-free nations! phone numbers to a central agency, so as to alert the appropriate scientific lnvettigators for immediate followup and .study. Time seems to be of the es.sence. It took about 70 yeara for lciesitlsts to become Studies of the origins of life outside the solar system are now openly discussed by scientists but with obvious tongue in cheek at all times to ensure a lack of ridicule. However the time may be now for a thorough reevaluation of the miss of existing UFO data as Hynek has 1Uggested. I wish $o add a note of urgency: Suppose, as may be likely, lhal we are being stud ied 'lf e're OK, but These Authors ... > • YUKKY ! 1s nus STUFF f<¥ f£AL '? • Old Advice Under New Title By MELVIN MADDOCKS ' The American seems to go through ,Ire with a aelf-help book in his pocket. The title keeps changing: ''How to Win Friends and 1nfluence People," "The Power ol. Positive Thinking," or most recently "I'm O.K. - You're O.K." Bul that litUe bulge of hope -that dream-9Cefl.8.rio of a new ?tte -remaiM a perennla.l p<eO<Dee. The last-named happiness manual, by Thomas A. Harris, has stayed in the pocket so fOOj{ that we've all forgotten Jona.than -what was that bird's name? ~ When a book Jells over a million harck:over copies, like "l'm O.K.,'' you can bet that other authors with a soWKl typewriter, lots of spare t'ime and a maUbox full ol. bills will sort of get the idea. A mildly depressing spate of uplifting books Is the price we have lo pey (al»ul $0!.95 per), absolutely mlserable now, aren't you? But the Big Turn·Around awaits. Listen, come Into my bargain ba!lement. By the time you read the last page you will know how to be as happy and success(ul as you are now wretched and faUed. And its so simple." PERHAPS THE worthies! lmpulse of self:help ltt. b to fighl guilt. In what they subtitle "The Complete Gulde to Consciousness Raising," Jane & Edythe typkaUy begin with a kind of advertising tetUmoniaJ : "I had always thought there was something wrong with me for feeling the way I dkl -pretty much worthless. ln my CR group, I found that other people felt the :5-ame . . . I began to Jee that I could change, U l wanted." How to raise the pure-gold You that hides beneath all th1s tamWt of guilt? Here is where self·belp Ut. subdivides. Coosdousnes,,·Ralsers like Jane &: Edythe a.sawne yOY. get the 14-karat :telf to the surface by Talking It Up. One "plays roles" to end all playing of roles. the 19205. "I'm O.K. - You're O.K.'' makes sell-esteem even more instant through the modem miracle o f semantics. One drops the "not" from "I'm not O.K. '' and presto, one is O.K. If all Uli.!1 moral triumph seems too easy for you, you okt Puritan, "How to Make and Break Habit.s" allows you to work for it - a little. The Jhan & Dave recipe coml!!S out of the B.F', Skinner box 1 otherwise known· as Behavior Modification. U you overeat, fine yourself. Every time you're m~ give yourself a mild electMc shock. Reward-and-punishment conditioning worked with Pavlov's dogs. Why should'l it work with you? WJIEN Wil.J.. THEY end? -these shortcuts to ''happin es s•• and "s..1 ecess" that never bother to tell you what h.applness and success are. II would be wrong as well as ungracious lo assume that self·help lit. Is cynical- an act of exploitation. Grants Carry Obligations IS rr A CASE of trendy hUJ'T)'-hurry or sheer Jcnelinesl that drives the "I'm 0 .K." chasers to team up? Al any rate, here comes Mildred Newman and Bernard Berkowitz with "How to Be Your Own Best Friend'' and Jhan Robbin and Dave Fisher with "How to Make and Break Habits ." And Jane Sorensen and Edythe Cudlipp with "The New Way to Beaome Che Person You'd Like to Be." Where the older self-help hooks tended to be vaguely religious, the newer books tend to be vaguely scientific. But what all !lelf.help lit shares in common is an almost insultingly simple sense of what everybOOy wants: maximum happiness at minimum cost. Oh dear, how did they know? Men and women, emptoyen and employees, parent.! and children, black1 and whites -as they pretend to be one another, "hostUity" gets "vented" and the bad old "power structures" collapse, The "passive" team to "assert'' themselves and the "aggreS!ive" learn not to 1'overassert" and they live together happUy ever after. Could anything be simpler? Probably oo seU~elp manua1 ever succeeded unle.ss the author pretty much belleved in it and, furthermore, felt a genuine desire to help. The author is usuaUy his first and be!t cus:lomer: If he dkln't write the book, he would be buying lt. 'The great virtue of selt~elp lit. is that it gives hope -no mean accomplishment. Ils great vfce U that it gives too much hope -makes reformation and dominion seem a matter of a flick of the human will. ls what the Greeks caUed "metanola" (change of heart) and the Oirist!ans call "grace" ao 1ln1ple . so commonplace a thing? n; grove5 of fl<'ilde me are 11till buzzing 1\·11 h ind ibmalion ;i bout a proposal made a fe1\· ""tt'k..~ aQo hy oa .. i d Packard before the Co1nn11lh'C ftJr Corporate Su pport of A1ncnc11 11 Uni vt>rsilies that corporations should n.'-e:<on1ine their pohcy of giving ~1fts to prestige universi tit""S 1v1!h no sirings nttac:hed ~1r. Packard. forn1{'r a s s i s t an t sr-c.re!ary of def~·nSI.' and a truslee ..... of Stanfocd Unlvr-r.;1\y durmg the. period ot its 1\·orst lroubh:s, has long been a gen· erous benefactor of hi gher education. The committee , of ""'hich he is a mem- ber, has long believ· ed that corporations should he lp great graduate schools. As he said : "These major univerniUes gave important leadenhip to all ol higher education in America . . . These were 'bell cow' universlHes, and the lies!er institutions all across the t'OUfllry would do well to follow the lead o1, these distinguished lnstltutl.Or6. "CORPORATIONS !hen, by 9U]l!>Ol't\ng these 'bell cow' universities, could help raise the standard or all the colleges and un.iversiLles In America, a road clearly well justified f9" the corporate dolla r." Until recent yean the committee felt comfortable with lbe fact that 0:>11)orate donors placed no restriction.\ on the use made of funds . Today, however, Packard says, oondition.'t have changed: Almost every hoerd of lnlillees muot have Ifs members iJelected from a wide · array of COMUtuent.,: rtuderi ts, faculty, alumni, very ethnic groups, Md otherl. Moreover much of lhe power ·bu IJOM to the family, and too of"1l faculty decisions are dctcnnined by a ml.lit.ant minority or the faculty. '1 So what ha.! happened? In what ways have the "bell cow" ins tltut \o nll exercised their Intell ectual leadership in re'-""t years? Packard asks, "ls taking ROTC programs orr the campus U1e k.ind ot leadership we need~ l.!1 prohibiting bl,1slo~!:iS fro n1 recruiting on campus the kind of lcnderi::hlp we need?" Packard grant~ that a univcrsily (s. I. HAYAKAWA J shoold be a comn1unit y of scholars. HoY.'ever. "In a Wliversity these scholars are+ grouped together In.. schools and d~partmenLS. Somcli mes "·e f i n d grouptngs of schola rs within t he unJvershy v.·ho are hostile to bu.5i.ness and the free enterprise. system. "All too oftt..'11 these groupings tend to perpetuate them.selves. because they attract professors in the same mold. Deparbnents or economics a r e. particularly vulnerable, as are departmeot.s of religion and other areas of the humanjties. "I happen to believe that such holtile group8 of scholars are, to a large degree. respomible for the antibu.siness bi&! of many of oor young people today. And I do not. believe It is in the corporate lntereit to support them -which ii ~ what we do to a greater oc lesser degree with unrestricted funds. I believe we wUJ do 1nore in the inleret1t « our corporations and just as much for I.he un.iven:iUu: by being specific in de.ignaUng where oor funds go." Packard suggested oorpor1tiOD1 1b<Md by all means cootinue their 91_.i ol WliverslUet, but they llhould dootcnaie what the mcllllly Is .to be Uled lo<: pl'Cl(eosiooal educatklo, ldlools o I business adrNniltl'lltion, eoclal 9Cl.mce reoeirch ol lnl<reot lo the buo._ community (wbldt would help .trenstben cbanDeJs ol oomnum.lcaUon between lndus!ry and academia), ">Chools and deparlmenta whlcb c<>11trlbu"' In eome specific way ro our lndJvldual companies or to the general welfare of the free enterprise system." "FOULl" CRY tllo pror....,. (not all of them. Of course). The magazine of higher eductition, Change, 11y1 Jn M edllol'lnl, "Mr. Packard (believes ) thal money ought to buy lnllue0<e or not be given at all ... These are troubl ed times and perhaps It 111 not al all surprising th.al intelligent men ... attempt to yoie that freest or Amt rtcan lnstltuUona to their own Jdealol08)'. \ Dogmatic leftists ca.Mot have it both ways. lf they believe that universities sOOuld wlthdraw their investments from !inns that 00 busineS9 in South Africa as a prote5t against the racial policies of th.at nation, they cannot reasonably argue that il is wicked for American rorporations to be ooncerned about what use is made of the money they Jnv~t io higher education. ' - Maximum unhappiness is what self· hel p authors assume everybody ha s. They address their reader more or less thus : "Poor tp.essed-up ' person! You're- YES ''TRANSACTIONAL Analysl!," the sell-Improvement fonnula on which "I'm O.K." and "How to Be Your ~-n Best FMend" are based. For here one needs to talk only to ooeself ."Every day in every way I am getting betler and better" -this wu the motto of C6uebm, the seli...gugg~OO panacea ol Most of us -even wHh the latest handbook sticking out of our pockf'l.s -would say: "No." Adding, quite literally: '''Thank gociCiness! '' • Jackson Cashes In On the Crisis W ASIIlNGTON -The skill w1th which Sen. Henry M. Jacksoo of Wa.hinf!1oo is advancing hi3: presidential posture excites the envy, if not wholly the admiration, of hla colleagues. The former .Democratic n a t l on a I chaJrman has, in fact, prospered on both sldea of an out· standing Issue. He bu been ror the oil companies and •lalrut them and In both cases. he would argue, in the public interest. At about the same time that a permit flnally was lsaued for construction of llle Alaska plpe!Jue, attributable lo JadtllOll't leglslallve el- -· tile Wl3hlngton ..,,.tor -ho\d. lng up to publlc calumny the nation'• &eacllng oil company executives fot mak· Ins .. orbltlnt prol\ta_ Tllll WAY TllllY made lllcll profll$ wu by doing a great deal more busioess, whlch will even more ao be the case a tew yean from now when the Immense ~ftl ot the Alaskan north alope 'belin 111 now U\rouill lllO pipeline. Thi< l9 111tt-flre polll\cs. On the one hand, the Washington tenator overcame the paral)'llnc ettect of environmenlal opposition to the nece51ary Ina-ease in the nation~ ener11 supply, and wllh the other hancr he sl•i>Ped hard thoto;e who make enonnou1 pronls from the nallon's needs. And who can say the pubtlc'1 lnttrnt ha..! nat been ttrved? The p o 11 ll c a I Jnwardnea Is made h1m more dangerous than was thought. UNLESS Jacl<son sheds lhe vestiges of his conservative mantle, he might find hl.rn.,,elf submerged in the same kind of populist tentiment w h i c h 1Umething else. Senator J a ck son ' s nominatl!!d George s. MeGovem in 1972. presidential po6ture is threatened from Big buslne• does not want a rerun the left more than -the right. Like others of this issue In the W a t e r g a t e in a slmllar position, such as Rep. a tmosphere, especially with a stronger Wilbur MJlls ol Arkansas, J ackson has candidate than McGovern. moved toward the left -nearer, that Jackson -a blg armaments man ls, to the populist ideas curren( in the as well as senslble on such Issues as 1!171 pno~denllal campaign, and this has lhe A!ua pipeline -had a distinct callled oome misgivings lo arise about appeal as o Democrat who woold nol him In the greal corporale board rooms. rock "the looodallons ot modem cap\taJ- Jacbln hat failed tllose who would lsm." have had tum -take le.adenhip at a But the word. which now seeps out much oarller date Jn drafting and of corporale headquarters ls !hat poll!cal IPOll8Clina aa energy development and -circum.stancet may make J~ more c::imervatfcn program more In line with of a threat than was pe.rcelftd. This the ideu belng erpressed. in the all may be a smokescreen in. a skirmish oorponte board roonu. Thia would have to get Jack.900 back on a de.sired coune, Included dettgulallon of natural gu because when ail ls said and done, product.ion and marketing, rtductlon of the Wuhlngtoa senator is about as near envtronmental barriers and incentives to belng an acceptable Democrat as for the ""' of ooal. ' blg bu.slnea Is llkoly lo find Jn Ul76. Jac:bon looked for 8 1oo,g time like Unless Jackson takes a bigger plunge • Democrat big l:>u!iness coufd live with, tnto populiml than be .already has, the notwithstanding his alftnlty w I l h atrllnes, oil comporucs, and inns organlud labor. In lhls respect, Jack>on ,._rMnulacturu> Are not IUcely lo be wu something llke Lyndon Johrmn; scrambllng around to Und ways, evet1 industrial executives knew in their hearts lf Ulegal, to finance the opposition, as that Johnson's populism was n 0 t was the cue in 1171 when McGovern '• inoonsistent with Increasing corporate Populism scared them. profits. t Btrr 11' dots take money tn very lnd witry sources now report, large surn1 to run for President, with however, that the atta.;! Qf'I the oU no proopect of correction before 1976. oompanlts hns a.r()IJ.<S()d anxiety lhat If Jad.m de.litres to maie a real run Jack.m's poUt!Oll motlvaUon.s have for the pre&idency, dtsplte the fact that ' he will be 64 in 1!176, he will need many millions in campaign coorrtbutlon.s. The oi l people aeem in no mood now to help him out, but Presidents have been elected before without their help. In fact, their help might be a little embarrass.lng in 19715. How to Hal t Flow of J link What l9 Junlt mall to one person may be wekome lnformailon to another. But at least there ls, -acoordln& lo thl! Memphis Area Better Busine.u Bureau.._ a way to keep much of the junk from cluttering your mail~. Seys the BBB: ''Simply send your request with your name and address to : Direct Mill Advertising A.!lsoclatlon, 230 Park Avenue, N.Y. 10017." Thi• b supposed to ~ult In the ttmoval of your nt.rne trom a bout 85 ptrctnt of all firm~ doing direct mail advertising. Such flrm.!I, It Is said, are happy tQ drop you if you are wasted ci n.:ulallon. You 'll also be doing your bit to save paper. rrom the ciaL Appeal. Mtmphi.t Com~ I • A 8 DAILY PILO I Sunday, February 3, iq74 For tl1e Record 1'farringe LAS VEGAS. Nt v , -1"'.arriao• Hc11<1"1 l1•118d ht•e '"ti~ RIOIMGl·Alj;llN GS -l>tc I I. w11t111rn Rldl"91. 41, ol Oana Pt>!"'· rtmartled Ellef'f! llldlno1. •I. o• LIQ~OIO B~•Ch WIE~""'NOERSON -Dtc. 1S. G..i• Wiiton Wl~•e. ti. an!l Ro•I• Rl11 Atld An<let.on. 1~, bO•n o I W•1tmln•!tr O'llRIE.._MANGHAM-Oec. 15. Jame1 O'llrle-r>, J5, ~nd Vivian C M,.ngh<11n, 16, OO!h o!' .,ur••ngl~fl B~acn MOLLER PORT ER -Ott 16, Gtrv 1_ f.\Oll••· 7s, t>• Tu1hn. "'"" sn .. r1 Lee Porte~. ,I Q1 Hm•!motfl" ee .. cn COLLICA·A TW:!NSON 01t1. 16, Nlcnoi.1 Coll.r1 ;Ill •" Hu«li<'Qlon !ouch. Ind Pnvlll~ Nellie A1~•n1on, so. o• L1>no Fle•th MAXEY-FORD Dec 16 O•ca• Allen M.>•e"' 50. ol 0'"''1l ~~a Verno 8el1e Foul. Sl. 01 ""nh1>9lon 8eacn MOLLISON MAC fll!IOC 0e<" 16. W1Ul•m 0 . Mfll!llOfl II o! Irvine 1n!I Su1an F<'rd f/~rB rl(jn, l', <>f l 11 "'f911. Ntv OWENS RANK IN O•r 11 Ml<"hael Charin O.wen1. 77. ~"'1 S111•n K.a•o! Rank<n, 1•, DOrh of Caron• del ... SNOW·~E VNOL(lS ~r 1'. l>~bo!r! C•rll1r1 Snow, 3', ol Hun!1ng1on Se•rn. •nd Chery! l'!•vnul<l" 27. of Clll1a Mtsa OE V0RE·11UNTE:R -Oo< l•. Te•ry Eugene Devore, 1•. 01 An~heim, 11M "'lclo.le Lvnn !lun!et, 20, ol thm11ng!on lle~cl! P UTflllN5 BR•Dl=(l~f) -Dec IS, Gun~r1 Joe Putnlr1s, 47. Qf Co\!~ M•••· •nd ("ll~n Bra<tlord, ]I, ol Fooo1•1n Velltv. OUPLISE >I lvll'!A. Otc. 19. Rlch~rd r.11w•1 Dvoll•ea, 27. ~r Lii! Ve<;iA•. Nev .. ~n•! f<'••I Lynr1 Ma1a, ?I, ot Hvn!ln9ton Beach. 1)<1t1..-ooo °''""· 5.ov•!I L•11•m• ~tCl..OW $110011 Ot>~lll L•~ 71 ,ltil ... _._.. (!,flt """""II'"" e sec11 •nd ~nd•• '<•~, JO. 1)110? T1111fn E•" Ori,,., T11111n. BRAOl..EY·TAFF -Wllll•m L~~nv 41. MS. 8"1\•mln Orlw, H""'">11ton lttcn •"" Linet• S-... 31 !•~ 81n!t mln Drive, H1,1ntlr>(jl ()n Btlfn ROBIROS<AMP8Ell lie•'"'"'" Lloyd, 28, tl~ Wlntt r wood HunUngtO!'I fl~•t" ano No • r v ! 1!U1tbe-fll, 31, 416 M111!11 DrlVt, LVI llflO~~. (LAIR, JR.·L.YON -!l1rOld LUod"'I'>., 1(1, 94'! AIU Clrtle, Hu1,,ln~1nn l!t11<"' tnd Fr1rw:.11 Ctrol. 77. 9(•1 ll•ll (lt(lt, H1mliMIOll Btttl\, HIGGINS-TRUEBLOOD Mlcn11~1 L1monr, 19, lC36 Kl!lyb•ool't c.,.,., M••• tl'l<l w1nll1 00..01,,v, It, 3011 Fulmore Wa~. A~!. 1()9, C~ltt Mt•"· O.t. u 1,',All,TINEZ-P05TH -An!OnlQ O>un11, ii. HI?~ Hell"11n St Lonu B1<0cn tnd Det>o.-1!1 Sue, 11, HU I 66SS"'DL<I SI , FouMaln Valley HENNIGER·CU!.LEN -R an<lo!pn JeUtt">', 18, ~NV•• P lac•, Leguna 8eacn ar>d Corinne Marie, 18. 61S Balboa Ave , L•<;una Eh.,cn MESTRES·WHITE -Lee Gwy~ne JI, 119 Marine, 8a!OOa 1•16rtd •nn Ju"n• Cla!IOfl, 17, 1\6 Matin•, Barn•~• l•l•"d. MATHENY·MEYER -Curlis A11l•M. 7!, 2190 Colleot. A111. 17. CP\1~ r.•os,, all(I M.otcoa Elaine, 1•. ?190 (Olte<JO, A.p! 11, (~la Me~ l.IONKRES<OLE Doyle Riv 3'. J1"62 L" Celena sr , San Ju"'' Cao;•"•"" "nd Dl~n• I("~· JI. .11 IQ\ Pasto C•rolina. San Juan Capi•!r •M. NI CHOLS·BORGERSON -L•nnv P~ .. 1. 2;, 17062 Gr~n S!., Apt n. Hun!lnnton Beacn """ Jan L~ur,~, n. 17051 Gr•~n ~!., Ap!. Jll, Huntlnn•"n Be,.cn. 0AVIS·KE€DY -James Jullu•, ~2. 6S11 Veng..,ard Av'I!., G•rnen Grl»e 11n.d lln.dr•• Marle Josepti, 10, 7~0 Willi~""· Ac! 8. Hun1lngton Beatn QUEEN.JONES -Ph;IUp Le-On, ~), 78/-0 V11llpv View St. A1>!. lln, Buen,. P•r~ •nd Jvdi!h Irene, 7,, Sll51 Jone'!> Av~, w1,.trnin~•~r . GAMaLE·ARMSTRONG Er I c DtnnJ~. 1~. 1105 J~rn•cha. El C•lon dnd CY<l""'Y Lvnn. 13, '11 Aleppo, Newr>Qrl Beecn. P ·resident Supporte<l l1i Co1111t y • By O.C. llU~'T!NGS 01 Ill• D•llr l'ilOI $1•11 Orange C'.ounry Co ngressrnen are <'onspk'uous!y at>sent rrom fl li sl n( f:~ti(nrnla H.epres{•ntalives said to fav or in1reachment of President Nixon. A lJni!ed Press ln!t'rnation:il ~ur.•ev of !he Ca I i for n i a d<"le~.lrion ~uggests a major.i!y ()/" ('on gr ess1nen rrom Pres1d€nt Nixon's home st:ile \\'Ould no-A' vote to i1npeach hin1 Ntne-!een of !he 42 members of the California delegation told UPI they t'ither <A"ant the ,.,, ........ ... -=-n _ .......... -.. "Ooddy, my bo11oon popped. Will you blow it up again, please?" l'rt•<\ident lo resig n or face -------- tn;i! hv the Senate. A Dail v Pilot su rve y of Oranl!l' Count y Congress1nen ~h ow<; four oppose in1peai:hn1ent and two are unde<'ide,t" Man Jailed for Assault SANTA ANA A n1an Superior Court Judge James accused on arrest of being Turner and .,.,·as additionally TI IROUG JIOUT the state one of two men who raped ordered to serve three years there are 20 who say they a 21-year-old girl they met probalinn on rele<1sc. .1re und<'L·ided on the outside a Costa Mesa dance J !agan was arrested after in11xinrh111(•11 t issue. hall has been sentenced to being indenti[ied by the viclirn Saying they .:i re. waiting for four tnonths in Orange County as one of !he two men who n re1x:irt of the Hou se Ja il. hustled her into their car .. Thomas to Assume Personnel Control SANTA ANA Orange the board voted to abolish Co unty Supervisor$ the county dai'a services Wednesday are expected to depar1n1ent and c on t r a c I Cont inue a lrenff tow a rd with outside Cirms to do the c e 11traI1 z Ing co unty joh for the county. governn1t!nt by placing the The plan supervisors w I 11 be :isked to endorse calls for personnel depa rtment under Thomas and per s 0 n n e I the direct control of County J)irector w.E. Erickson 10 AdmJnistralivc Offirer Robert develop "a fully documented Thomas. <ind strengthened employment Under a proposal drafted by syslent based on n1 e r it Thoinas , he \.\'O"ld ronccpts to be approved by assume the boar<!." direct accountability for all 'rhomas' report to the board rounty hiring ~nd w o u I d will also outline plans to set ORANGE COUNTY up an ln1partial eppeah panel for applicants that w 111 oversee all recruiting and hiring practices. develop a "'merit system" for!;====~-:_=======; jj;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jj employment. ~ THE Supervisors have been J, working for several years to m 'II. nw 'S strean11ine the growing county \ ~ bureaucracy by bringing as · PIMrnDln9, M•lll"f Air (ONI, much responsibility as possi- ble close to the center of pDWl'!'. I . ' In a major move last Call , ' Tim• Sllrh at Yfll'" ooor L.a9vR•·iotdcll•b&(k AU Dlhff' 495.0401 642·1 lr,] ""INIATU"li:S OLD DOLLS OUR SUHDAY HOURS TWELVE TO FIVE CIVIL WA• OLD OUM ta k i ng a st a n d on of Long Be~ch, pleaded guilly and a gid friend had I e f I outh oast axa AAN0C71·A0tt.INS -O<'C ?0. Marlin N•il B~noc1I, 18, and P~">t'ln Kay A<!Hn•• 11, bo!h Pl Wenmin,te- Ml lLCR·COOl'ER -~c 70, Grego.,. Toll'\ /llllt~· 70. ol G~"'"n Gro,.., end Cnt1s1lne Elle" Coop~<· 11. of f1untonqMn 61"•C~ M!CHl':L·MC GOVERN -Dec. ?O, Denlet Jo•eph Mich~!. 21 .. >Qd F~v Junl" MrG<:vern. ..0, bOlh o f ,..,.~!"''""" a~~ch CO NNORS·FITZGERALD P ;au I Wllli~m. 28. 11562 E!lgemont Drive, Hun!lflg!On Seach arid Ka1 11teen Luclfle Holden. 2:1, 6~? Eagemon! Ddve. H1mtirtvton Be•Ch. Judij:i;irv Committee before Anlhony Namor llagan, 24, Maieh 13 shortly after 5he s Ci ,,. imf)('achn1ent are R c p . to lesser charges of assaul t n Newport Boulevard dance Richard 'f . llanna (f)..Cypressl -~w~il~h'_'a'__dd~e~adl~y-w""'-ea~poJl<'.'n~bO~l~o~re:_~h~a~ll~.----------'----='1111 .. ""'~,;,.-••••••111111111•11111;,.•1111111111111~--llllllllllllllll~~---and Rep. Andre\Y Hinshaw (R-,· ~-- BURN ETT-LEWIS -Oe.:. 10. Oav;d M Burnell •1. 4no J~•n V L~ ... ls. te, boln o1 Cost11 Me1a. l UC H(NB!Ll•P lrTS Oe<:. 20. Fr...io:rlc~ W L..c...,.nboU, :JS, of we,rm.nster. ano Sylvia P otts. Jl. of Anane1m 'l'ORBA-WELCH -Dtr. 11, Jack M•rvln Yorr>11, ~-of N&wocrl lle11cn. """ lei• Jean Welch. 51. of Casie Me•~. MC llll:IOE·LA RO€ -O<'C, 11. Denid lhCrnd• McBr l!le, 7~. and Leia Ann Lall.Ce,;~, ht)!h n! Newnnrt B'l!ach. SKIDMOPE-TREAT -O~c. 21. James Einrtoge Skidmore, ~;, an \I Elly Treat. •9, both of Wet!"1in11er NA UMANN·ANDREW5 -De.: 11. Tl>cmds llnll'ltlnf N11u•n.1nrt. 21. of Legun" ee,1ch. """ Heidi C11rol Andrew,, 16, ct Snn Ju~n C"tllslranu. KLEIN·EVANS --Der.. ?1 , fllber1 H. Klein, Jr., •1 , of Arc~dla, 11nd •telen A"ne Ev~ns, 39, ol Cc,te Me'" Wl\t'LIS·VOUNG -Dec n . w~vne Ber!•~m W.1111~. 11, ~"d J"r1e1 Mar!G You"'!, )1 boln ot Hunllnaton B~acn. 0AV1S.OLSON -Dec 11, Wl1Ham H~rr;! Devi•. AD o! Hu.,tinqtqn 8e•ch. and Ka!hlfrlne Mary Olson, 10, ol e .. en• Park. JULIAN·ALLEN -DP~ 22, Rlch:ard L. Julian, 16, ol Coron .. oel Mar. and RCl•ema•le Allen. 30. o! fr~ln•. GALLOWAY·LANGOON -Oec. 21, Sam~l Montgomery c;,110 .. ay, JI llnd' Jan;ce Lftngdon. ''· both ot Hunlln9tt1n Beach. TOCHU·VALEC lA -Der 11, le-.te,. H, Toch ... SO, end Vicent" Gr1t11Nia Vall'Cll!. 39. r:oo1h of co~11 M~~•· 00VE·Ll0N811.RGE R Ott. 21, Rober! Dean Dove. ,1, of Santa Ane. and Doris EU•!~ Llont>ar~er. •1, ol F011n•<"ln v,.11.v MC ClHIOY.(LEME NlS -D•c.23, (;ordon ,.,.,,... A.•c,.ur<N I?. ftnd Del'nne El;•aDe'h (l~nllnl•, )? 1)01!> 'l' r,,, .. 1 ,,.., • •: .. ,. WYMAN ·CUS µl~r; IJtr ')1, r>on~ld AH!son Wvm~n ?O, M"1 ~~••nn L.,119 Cu~nlfl<l, 1a. Poll• nl (o,to Mr•ft HARTMAN·H"-L"SE:Ll'[N -o~c. •1. Ranl1~11 E<!,,ard H•r'"'"n, l~. a l\(\ MM<i~·et M~v ll~v1icL0:1n. 7~, both 01 Hun1l11qton lle•r~ LYN CH MOLLOY ¥ DP<" )4, James Lee Lvncn. '9 nl Ehw•n<I ... ftn!I Lllllan Ann MQllQy. 11. ol Fountain Vftlley. MC INTOSt<-M( INT05" -De~ 16. Erne5' H. ,.,.<l1olo~l'I. ~I, remarried Evelvn ,,,..,.~ •.'c•~ta\lo, \.a ~~In ol Founlaln Vallny SCHIJlllNG ,,ir~<Al lQ • 0Pc. '6. Ronald Wllli"m ~c~u•lno :U. i n II Betty Ann /..',r"6u1 l', bollo cl Co•la Me•e. GRl5WOLD·tl(C><INGrll • °"' 11 Edger M. Griswold,•• nrou C,.!t•crrne 0"C~,r~"·· 71. t.n•~ nf Ldo~n• eear'I CHESMORE·GAUTR F:AIJ o~c 77, LIOV<l Alie" Cl>~•<r>r•r •1. and Ler•tte Jeanelle Ceutreau, '6, both 01 We•l...,lnst•• WOODWARO·L~ATHfll/, -Qooc 11, ~eter Ace WOO<l .... ,.r~, 71, nl NPWflf"! Beacn. ftnd D•~llnl cna•r~..,. 76. ol Bftl~~ DAVIOSON·DAVID50tl flee 11. W11Fam E Dl'•l<l1nn ~1 ~! v uc,.;p<J, reman•Nl Je'"~ ¥.a~ 01.,dvn ~~. of Co•I• "l ~•e M( GUii'!( QAY -OP..-'' '1\"h~'d 1.Jr->e• ·1.<(•u·•Q ••· <t./1 Lr.it~lnt Kathrvn 0~~. '8 o! Hv~longlon B•~cn f'ARIO(INl·FAGl l'H'.!FS -Dec 7a, O~v1d Fr~"''' Fa· '10~• 71' a~,l llel~n a f:~Qunt\•'" ;9, bil1h of HV"~in<;ton ll~•r• WINN.MC (I o\•1 r.i..A•l -O•t 1~. R~r A 11\'inn, Z• ''"" 1 1n~'1 P /llc(lan11n<lM. Z! b~!·1 oJ ~u"ll/•<aton Bt~cn OOOLIN·C A~LSOll -"'•r :is. Tlmolnv G~H DOO! fl. ll. ~! ~~Mii flt1~. and Leu•~ Su•~~ Ct rl•M, 19, o I H~Mlnn•~., n," 1 ~EWCQ'l,BE BAlC•1ELl'l" -Dt< 18. o~viir Y1•··t1•' •i•, ,,1•' 11 L~QWt1• e r•r" '"~ ~"'"i•v !l~IChP!I.• •l. "' l\U• • ,\ I>,,,. ,, • E!ASA PER EZ O ~-: 2A. (e•~r Di'l•on II ~•·· ;• "'l Je•mofer M Pere1, 28. t>o!h o! (tl'.la //';~'" 1.EA~ON·WEST -l'~c 18, Harvey Glen Lea~ •• Q, and N~r>ev Elelnt We•!. 36, ~.n•n a' NeW11o<1 Ur~Ch. J0HN5nN·E NGL I Sf! -Dec ~. L~rrv Gt,<;iorv J ~hn·nn 11 r' (·a•y ln'1. ""II ("t~v (11,., [n;h•.h, 22. of HU"'"'~'"" II• ••h ROWLANO·S:El·BOURNE Dre. 19. °"'"~'f p "''~' t:' .. hn'1 '• >nd Susen (ht1•ln<t1 ~·~:~•ti~. 21. bGI~ '' ... ~.,,.,, O(IVI F·l=1N" Of'(" 19, Ot1v•d C"8r!H ()Qyle, J I, ftf\d 6"'0• ,, Em•!"' f nn. 71 l>Olt\ o• L~quna "'nu~I ENGl EE!l>[Cl•T ,..,[<1gy -De~ ~~. l(e•in tn~l•11•~c•>1, i• ~"M lu<lo1M Arlene Chc,.v. 17 Min ut rr.,18 PAINE-BECl<M.AN -Oana Alan. It, 6052 8el'IOCk Ro.id, We•llnln•ler And P1!sv louls.e, 19, 8~1S Sou!nt:a11 S!el'lens St., Porllancl, OrO'<,IOn, 8ROUGHTON·FUHR -Ja~• Rober!, 2), 15375 Brookhur'1, ADI 68, Fo11ntaln Valley ar>d Shirle~ Jo. 73, 54'1 Scrlv,.,...r, Lon<;! Beach. OT1"UM·llERNASCONI Lawrer>ee Paul, JO. 2~1 w. Wll~. Apt. 8. Costa Mesa end H~yne Ellen. 2a, 1'1 w. WHson. A.pt, !. Cotta M•~a. AOAMS·MllCUGA -Aay Carlos. 13. 15116 LJlle Clrt1t, Irvine an<l K•thleen Jani, 23, 1'891·G New~1r Ave., Tustl11. MERRITT-STEWART, JR. -J•me• Heroett, 37, 710 Pearl SI., Laguna 8ea{h a nd M•ry La~. IT Lagunl1a Laguna Beocll. GOTO·GARBINSKI , -Lenee E!li~!t, IS, 319'2 Via Betarde!, Sa,.. Juan Cao;slrano and Patricia Loul•e, JI!, 319'1 Via 8e1aror.i, San Juen Capistrano OK. n, 197J CLARK·FLORENTINE -Garv l~e. 3"1, 19~•2 S11mrn•r Elree1• La,,e, HuntlnQIOn Be1ch ano Joan Clla•e. :n. 19,,2 Summer Br•Me Lane, Hun1ln11ton B••ch. PAULSON·LARSEN -David LN!, j7, 1135 S. Ha"er, Ao!. S1. Anan•;m an<l Judith Ann, ?S. 17311 Gurney Lane. HuMl.,.q1on ll!!acn, SCHMt0·8EEN.E -Kevin Jp,epn, 19, no s. Lyon, Aot. Jn, ~anta An6 and Bren<la Jo, 16, 10"31 Sl•!er A-.•, Ao• ~, Foun!a in Valley, JONES.O'REAA -l.larlin Lavell. 11, 7S?.S Newl>'YI Blvd . (O•I~ Me·~ and Sneryl Ann, 20, 632 hli'1<1 View. Seal Beacl'!. YOUNG-BROSSOIT -Ru•s.eil !leach. JI. 1711'1 Berlin Lani', Hunt<r>Olon B•&ch "nd Su••n Le•li•, 18. 11111 Ber1;n Lene. t.1unlin91on Beacn. TARANGO·MC VEY -At.el. 18. 1011 England .-....,., Hun!ln9111n Bead' and Vicki Lvnn. 1~. 11001 Hun!ing Hor~. s~~', An~ PONCE <le L€0 N·TllflCi-1 TENf\[PI"; -Lu,~ Steven. 1\. 919 Geo•11la St. Apl, 2, H""lln!llon !!•ach •nr! (11eryl Ann, 18. 11111 Ridrmond Circte, Hun!ln!llon Bea-en. McCAF!E-TERRELL -Lance th•I~. 2~. 1()21' N. Peciflc Coes! Hignwa~, A~!. ~. Lagun1 Beach and Trunv Lel~nd. 14, '.187 W. ll~y St .. A11I. a. Cos!a Mesa. RAMAGE·GIEISON -Edw~rd r:ug~nr. '~· 1;;91 Not,,, We'1mln•Tr:i-:; ,1n<1 Ger11ldine Mlle, ~s. l~ni N<JI'•. W~•!m!n,!er, MAC QUIDDY·SJAAROA -RuHell Rvner. ~1. in Doml~go O•l..,,., Newnorl Be~ch •~d Ro•e Ma•;e, :ti'. 1)}01 Epp\ng Wav, 1'usl'n. VA CKS-C INTY -1-!erDe•t Edw~•rf. S? 66S Par~ Drlv•. Apl 17, C•><I" llleo~ And Ed;!h .,.,'ilm~. J6. lllij8 Glooln;a, i=ouMaln va!lev l<OAG·.YERTZ -M•,hael laurrnrr. 3l 610 Grilll!n Way, L:ao,,na e~~c~ a"<! Janice Lools.e. 73. 610 Gr;m!~ Wav L~olln• Beach. CAMPBELL·POTTEll -Argyl•, 7S. 1713 We" Bav Ave , AP' 8 . N•wtlf>r! Bei'c~ end Pe....,IOP" Valent..,., 1), 19'!0-Mt~ s 1, Ne-wPo·• eewocn EARL·POWELL ~ E<!w~•<I JO~"• •~- 610·8 M~•guerl!e, C'lfon'I rfet 1'11"r and Penriv Irene, )I), S9S9 N~Olf! Pl11>d. Lnnq Be•c~ LA MQTTE·HUFNAGLF -~t>n~(p P~ul. 71, tJ1 V'I /..',"IP!:I•~ ~Ar. Clemen!e •nd S'lnd•a Je•ri. IS. ~11'1 L•V•(~. El T~ro. "'O"~l~·IV'YLF -<>~ul D•,•o~ ,, 1705 S~edngMn P•~(e, Ao• X TOJ. ~lewoo•i Be~<::n a<>rl Jo•n ,,.,,.I• J9, ~16 Vl•I~ Rnrnd, NeWPo<! B•o1cn. GUAll:N I F Pl -C ~AW~OPO -11 lr~~,.d P•!•• n ~1M El Sol J.v ... Fo""'~ln Val'•v ~nd S11aron Colle•• 1~. l"' E" ,P,.c,fk (<>"! Hl~nwav, N~w0<>rl l'o@'I(~ WI L50N JR .rLEVELANf) ~ CIOl~I,., L~~. 79, 1610l Sp•lngd~•e 11.r1 7n, Huntlnn!Ofl 0PM:h ~f\d S~innnP L~•, .n. ~18Z Sydr.~v Drl~e. H~<>lingtnn Fl••ch RA1Cl.!FF€-TAVLOR -~v e r•ll<; '<•"'· 1D. 1]QJ2 T1c\ P I,, r. o, We•!mln•!~r and T~'1'rr>1e Mdrlc. lS 11~17 T•o} nl~{~ W•••.,.in$!e• Mr.c FAR LAl"<E-Fl .... IN~l(I Ru•.•eTI Tl'l~ma; 11, P'N ¥.••1'~n N~. 17 f.l~nhn<J!On Be11cn •~\l Jn /\no• Lout•~. ;;a. 1)1] Wind~me•e Lnne. Tu>!ln. Dec. n , 197! CLARK·DE SJARDINE -O•nny R ~y. 1~. T.U Br"4d"""Y· Co~ta Mesn M•l1 Ct>tr;e Lynn, 18. T.197 Vel11:1eo L&ne, (Ml• Mt!IJ. FVllNS·B'1'01'.'ll -ow:qhl Vtitlldm, 11. ~31 Weni11 T~rrece. L,1Qond B•·''" 11"<1 Tam~·~ Sue, 7~. 6J7 W"'dl Terr~te. L~nun! B~atn MADRON·AOOES -T,molny W;ovn~. 79. 11)(11 Kee!SQn, Aol. /). Hunlin11'01> Beacl'I ~nd c·,nlllia Ann, 26. 17.101 Ke~IS<'ln. AO!. 7J. Hun!;l\910fl Beacl'I. ASMCRAFT-NORMAN -R and a I 1 •Vn~11e. 11. 1!1 e. MarlDO••· Ao1. I. San C!em..,1e and Ftaroc;ne Maro£. 71, 117 E. M&rlpO•a. AP!. 2, S~n (tcmente EVER:S·SAUER -Dougl11s Rey. ?J, 15191 Cann~ W~y, We$tmln•!~r ~nd YO,;~A·BROW" _ Oe" ·~ Geral\l :~:~I& Sue, 11, t.111 Junlotr St Po1UI Vo'1>1' 10. ·~~ N11!!1n• E ANDERSON·KONK OLF.WSKt -G•ry l Brown. 31.. !JO'h ~' (n•.tn '-"''d \1~war1. 26. 167B W. Ocean Frool, SCHflEFE~·llF f:O ti"• 7~. "'•Chllf!I flot, $. Newt1or1 B<MCh ~r>d M~ry , J~rnes Stliat!~•. I~ ,.1 )•n•~ ,411~ Paulin~. 20, 13201 Col<!broo~ Avl!,1 11n<1 Pa!<i~l.1 '"'" f'• r ~'!""" ll'rn~. Oownev. I,. ol (O•I• N.~~n CASPER~·LA VOIE -David J~rnml!, ore 1l 26. llS s~ P11blo. Snn c 1eme•1e .OSE·BU•TAMAN''' a ~nd O~wn i.ltlllller, 19, !IS Sen "n " v PaDlo, Sen Clemente. tiantel, 2,, 1~! W r,t1•g,•tnocp~ O'CONNOR·WELGAN -Jllr"nl!S 8r!•n, At>1 SJ. PIAr•nt.1> '~ J'«eC>hine, Jl 1700 Kl R d N 1 8 ti J\1ission Viejo\. Co u n t y representatives opposed 10 i rnpeachment or resignation are : Rep. Charles Wiggins (R-La 11abra 1. Rep. De>"Cla\li'SOn (R- D o \I" n t' y I , Rep. Clair \V . Burgener fR-La J\lesa I and Craig ll.os rner ( R · Long BeachJ. \\'hile 20 of the Ca liforn ians, in('lud ing nine.De1nocrats, are .stil l "und ecided·· there is reason to believe that nearly all of 1he D e mo c r a ti c members would end up voting for in1peach rnl'nt -barring procfof the President's innocence. Statewide, support for the President an1ong Republi<'ans is weak. Only five oppose in1pcachrnenl . Four of them represent portions of Orange County. the Presi de nt's birthplace. EIC'vC'n othe r Republicans are undecided, including ~linshaw. WllEN ASKEll whether the President should resign. 13 Republican.<: said no. including all o[ the OrAn"e Cou11\1• delegates to Con1;r~s.s. · "The President's resignation would 11\Jt be good if it were to he ctnne for political reasons and not. for rC'/lson of poor health." Rep. Burgener said. ·'A political resignation v,·oukl 1nean the pressures of public sentiment could drive a man out of office by a means other than due process . Sl)('h a re~·ersal uf 3fl eJ('i.:tion 11•ou!d be a d a n g e r o u s precedent for the country," Burgener said. "I'd urge him not to resign. if he were to ask me." Rep. Paul N. Tlic:Closkey Jr. <H-San l'.lateo l <A'ho opposed Nixon fur the 1972 GOP nominalion . fa\'ors h o th irnp('achment and resignation. ~ul all Den1ocrats who opi•nJy support impeachment ... .-an! the Prel!tdent to resign. Sr.me feel that 1You ld be the i);isy w:J.v out. ''I think ht• should face his peers and be !ricd by !hem," Hep. \•'.d1v<lrd H !~oybal t D· l.o5 Ang~lesl said. T~,, <A"ho openly support irri pe:Jchml'nt or hope for rhe l 'ri:.~ident'sresi gnat i ri n , generally 1ustified l h eir posilion by saying t he re aln:ady wa s enough evidence against Nixon. Rep. Robert. t .. Leggett (D- Vallejo 1 has said I h Q Pre~id<•nt's 01vn sratements have sho<w11 he obs! ructed justice <ind approved a "na!ional securily plan" that included burglary. Legget said "11'i! have him colder" than the Jus!ice Department had for1ne r \'ice President Agnew. STOP IURGLAAY ! Sompl• ln•truc!ll!f't 111• makt your DWn BURGLAR ALARM 11.Hovr Pro!Kllon f!lr H9mt, O!flte or F•cNlry. S•lltlacllon or Double your M•n•y a.ac-. Mtll t i.DO lo Secv1!1y Sy\l1m1, l•:tt tlh SI., S1nl1 Mon!t1, C• ft.IOI 21 , Utll H~ SI .~· ...... ,!~• II.;., N~ncv~~ne~8J4, )~~ .. r~~r; .... WADE·HEIOTKE -If •l'h o\10~5. 1S. Lan~. Aot. 11.(, Irvine. ''"-----------===-Ji 5Jlll l<eol Av•.. H,.,.,,n,•o" Beech ;~~;;;~~;;;;;;iii;;;~~~iii;~~;;;;;;~;~;;;,;;,;~~~~~~-1 ~rill M•rlt sneron. ,, uon Llplc\nl ~rive. Wfttmln.i~• O:RENAWALT·H'IOE -RGrt,1111 Ou~ne. .._ 1', \•JOO C""1lnu1 Al'! 206. Wtt!mlntle• and l •no, LH. >•· 1 l•lOO (hHlnt.rl Apl 10t Wt•lmln•ter £DOLEMAN, JR ll OBr~TS -James CUn•an. JO. l;tJI ~~Ir· lt vlne And C~n!l'll• Horloo, 1~. U~l7 1C1ran, lrvl.,.. NELSON lll·OeLAV -T.h<>m111 James, J7. 1100 Cerr!IOI Avt Ao• '' s1,..n1on and Jeanelle Ruby, lit. '111 ChlhOQlt A ~. We11m;,.51tr CONTRERAS·PIJLIOO -Fr•nclKo, 18, Im We1trnln1ler, Ant I S , Wtllmln1!9t" and Rob4••~ L~n. \7, .&n1 Wnttf'lnt1f• Aot I', ' ~trillM~. WINTEll:-IARltET1" 0-9>1. •S. •1'2 Hvntlnoton lea(h fli.t\, 3S. •S.2, tt .. n11no1an •e~n. l(enne th E•Ta C!rt!f. and Palrlcl• [•It Cor(!•, I TAVLIN·ELLETSON -Prt•10" B!eke, .0, 19«! l&lfl SI., Apt. (l 11).(, Nt..,00<1 I HICl'I tnd 8•rlha £!1111bettr, SJ. lt.0 1611! SI , Apl. 0.10•. Newpo.i llffch. MVt:llS.CONIC -LArr~ M••~1. 7], 11s51 e roo•11ur1r. Hunl!110tvn l\•Ar ~' t nd Jlldy Lvnl'I, It, 164$ R01:H•no1 °'1¥1h Costt Mn•. CON_GRA TU LA TIONS RE A·L T 0 R 1973 TOPS IN SALES, DOLLAR VALUE 1973 TOP LI STER, DOLLAR VALUE OF TH E NEWPORT HARBOR, COSTA MESA BOARD OF REALTORS FROM YOUR MANY FR IENDS AND CLIENTS AlEx.ANOElll·W•qN -[)owl10 LH, ». )OUI l)rlfrwood Drl"*-~uth Ltgun1 •rid iuw n P1trk111. lJ. lOll11 '"'---------------------------.JI Sale. Shorties tiers and cafe curtains for your windows. 15% off for you. Sale • Reg. .t.49, Chers platter shorty curtain is pinch pleated and all cotton . "48x30"' reg. 4.49 ..... , ... Sale 3.81 48x36" reg. 4.69 ....•..•. Sele 3.98 48x4 5 .. reg. 5.99 ••..... ,. Sale 5.09 48;w;54" reg. 6.49 .••....•. Sale 5.51 48x63" reg. 6 .99 ......... Sale 5.94 Valance reg , 2.99 ..•..... Sale 2.54 Sale 322 Reg. 3.79 Country Glngll1m ;, rayon/ cotlon. A modern floral print. Machine wash. 84x30" reg. 3.99 ,, •. ,, ..• Sile 3.39 r 84x36" reg . 4.49 .. ,, ••.•• Sale 3.81 Valance reg. 2.39 ........ Siio 2.03 Sale 271 68x24/30/36" Reg_ 3.19 Pamele noveUy curta ins are rayon sharkskin. Ball Iring& and no·l ron. With a variety of solid colors and decorator treatmenls.. 68x36" reg. 3 29 ............ Sele 2.79 BaJt fringe valance reg. 2.66. S.~ 2.21 Charge it! It's the quick and easy way to shop, pick up a bargai n on the spot. Next time you're in ask for a Charge Card applicatio n. Wa'lf do ttte rest. Chances are, you can Ch arge the same dey. JCPennev Sale Reg. 3'.9-6. Mod muehroom novelty- curtain 1s polyester and rayo n. Ma chine wash and tumble dry for easy care. And doesn't ne ed iron- ing. 68x.30'' reg. J,99 ..•••••.. Safe 3.39 68x36'" reg. 3.99 ..••• , •.. Sale 3.39 Valance reg. 2.49, •••.... S•'-2.11 Sale Rog. 4.lt. Dover Cover Is a cotton hopsack curta in with a collon knit fringe . 48x30" reg . 5.49 ......... Salo 4M <8x36" reg. 5.99 •••• , •••• Salo 5.ot 48x45" reg. 6.99 .•• , ..... Salo l.M 48x54" re g .. 7.99 •• ~. ~·· •• Sele 1.71 48x63 " reg. 8.79 .......... Solo 7.47 Valance reg. 3.29 .. , ••••• -2.71 We know what you're~ for. S~p Sunday noon to 5 P .M. at the following stores: FASHION ISLAN01 Newport Booch (714) 64+2313 . HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beien (714l 892·777 1. M"jtlOR ~TER, Cost• Mesa (714) 646-5021. ~- ' ( < • DI w 0 l le s b c u cl ' w ' fi ' R II \\ 9 w \\ Ji t: \\ 11 s c F II H n M 9 c H 9 c I I ' f ' \ c i s I a I r j t • Fairview Hospital Gets New Persorinel Office r • of I.aw and is "\,, cun!'>111tant Sc rvn:rs Adv isory Cornnu\\ee to the U S. /kp;irtint•nl tif at An1er1ean l<1vi;>r Collt•gc Jn Sunday, Ftbruary J, iq14 H .. d to ttilli r. so-M1 A .... 1119, l~•I .... ley !JffMll wllj 1tU111 1M ri.i.,, c-~ ... 11.1, of (..,,,,., IO·tn'J -I C COUHSliL!HG A MlnltlTY "' II, •1M1rew1 l"r••~•• C""r<-. A man whose ca ref' r includes sociology, b u ru an rl'lu11or~ inanagement ancl stn1i·profcssiona1 boxi ng has liePn selected as the nrw personnel officer at Fairvk·w t>t<itc l lospilal ir1 Cost<1 f..1tsn. rtsldent. Tadlock expects 10 cornmute to his hon1e u1 Sacramento until the end of tile current school semester when his "'lie Beverly and dau,i::htcr l.~ura will movt· tn the Orange Coast. Before that. Tttd!oc.:k \11:1!' nn the st:lff of th" Sta!t• Oepartment of Social \\'clfarc ll S a nianagement nnalyst and n1crit systems consultant for nearly three years. Sttcr11men10 ' liealth. P. d u c ,, t 1 on .ind ~;::::: __ ;;-.-.--;.;;--..a~~~i:-i:~~i:====:;~I \Velf<ire, for wlw1n he ~ l DIVERSE BACKGROUND Donald Tadlock College Finds New Locatio11 s Trn nrw morning classes will be 1unon~ the 2:j courses offered at o ff · t <1 ui p u r !ocalion l>y Go.Iden \Vest Col· lege, Hunting ton lle<ich, this spring . The classes are Clesig ned' to bring I.he can1pus lo the community. 1,1•Jth the college utilizing different sch o o I s • clubhoosC's and other loc:H1ons R£'gis!ration for sp r ing semestC'r off-canlpus classes. "'hich hcgin ~1onday will be at the loc:llion itself at thr first class meeting. Ne~· n1orning c I a !'is es include : --S t c nO Sl'rip t (1\BC shorth and \, ;it 1ht• Eader R c c r r a 1 i o n CL'nlrr in Hunt ing1on fl f' :ic h. un \V<'dn csdays and Frid;1ys fr001 9 a.nl. \') 11 <!0 a.111. for nine wee ks. --Sf'l f-<l rfrnsr for won1cn. <it \Vrstnli:1Sl lll' Civic Center on f\1ond~ys fron1 9 a.n1. to noon. --The Bible in America n litcratw·e. at l.ood Shepherd L:nitrd l\lcthod ist Ch u r c b . \\·cs tmins1t·r, fro1n 9 a.n1. to noon on ;..1ond.1ys. -VQice Training, at Good Shepht•rd L'n1ted Ji.teihodis t Church in \\'estminster oo Frid.1ys from 9:30 a.n1. to I L30 a ni. --lntermedlatP Oil Pa1ntin,::. ( Huntington Be::..ch Art Gallery, Thursdays from 9 a m to ll{l(lf1, --\Vcflving, Co m m u n l t y r.1ethocl is t Church, Hnn tl ngton Bcilch, on Thursday fron1 9 11 n1. ro noon . --Flower A r r a n g In g , Community :.1ethodi st Chu rch, Hunt ington Beach, f\1ooda ys , 9 a.m. to noon ; $15 materials ch;irge. --Creative S ti l ch c r y . Du11.ild L. 'f'adloek, 41 , of Sacrarnento. v.'as selt•ct.t·d 10 fill Lhe position left vac:1n t "'hen Robert Evett was hired il.5 assistant administrator nt J>atton St.cite J-lospit::il' in San Bemardino. A former Southrn California KEN CLEWE'r ·r. hospit.11 adrnlnis!ralor, said Tadlock has <i wide v<irh:ty o f JJrofcssional experience. Ile was a field per.sonnel consultant for the St<itc Merit Syst c n1 Servic 1'.S i n Sacra n1ento before bciyg hired for his newest role. ~ Pricel Honoted Through W.d., Feb. 6 Grode No. l lie has bet:n a field surv1•y worker for th{• U , S . f)C'par!ment of Labor and a drputy probation offirrr in Sa11 IJlego County. In :1dd1tion. ht h<is been a se n1i-profcssional boxer for nearly five years. A GRADUATE of San Diego State Uni versity with a BA degree. Tadlock is :ilso a student at LaSalle School BARE ROOT ROSES ''Many Favorite Varieties ~To Ch~ose From !" • 1 ~-.Wffol:il -I"''"''•" ltigrow. • finttt ,q~. (ort.,,•i• fi•ld·t•ow. roMt. • ludto.r d-., ~:.. tlHlfll (tlon & ••ielie~.• ·. , .. ' ... REG. 'l.39 ,, 99~. Patente4 Roses · RIG. '2.89 $24~ t' -·· f.l!UIT _ t-alS.: . "[fn~roolc's Best SeltctlO~!." , · "1 ~ ..... :,; ~ It i to • .. fop,HfityhMSOllllrMdv4'torfldf:. $'" 11·' I ,. • Tr-••' s1~tiu htd11d111ark!ti11·1f , 5 9 ,..(ht,,, l!p(itth, pl1o1111S,, ~•CJOiiPt•, ~ ..... · ' 1 "Ht llOW -Slllft ffley'U b#J bnti119 fruil. 1 REG. '2.19 .•0f:';;' dev~loped a t~cryear collcgl' course fo r Instruction 111 social COLLECTOR'S CORNER Y.Or'IC The new Fairvie w ~rsonncl STAMPS • COINS • SUPPLIES. rl1r11rlor 1s 11 mt•inh•·r of s e v c r f:I J p r o f ess ional org<i nitations and has held a variety of po5ls · in the California State Empluycs' Association. T!Mlfock ·s that transfer "' i J 1 resign his H uma n f•1ry!hi~9 fo1 Stamp and Coi" C oll e~!on ' SOUTH COAST VILLAGI - JllO SOUTH ,LAZA DllVl SANTA AHA SSl-'150 -!Clow, P.thuJ) Top Q ua lity GLAD BULBS -· - ' . ' 40 lb. Bog STEER MANURE • f11rili1t MW IM• reol1y grten spring on.I summ11 kl"'"· • Ctl11fl,ttd ltd -(llllptOtd and ogtd. • (;11und ind pulveri1etl -w11tl·ht1. · REG .3 ·9( 4'' log . ··-·-·. ...... "Super Color Selection!'' • Pla"I now for iprin9 ct~d 'umm1r 1olor . a Isl qualiry . l1esh new oop, a Guara"teed lo grow, REG. 7' 4~. 1-.akevie~· Clubhouse, !lunting:. -----------------,--"T------------------..:..-, ton Beach, Fridays. bc-~inninb April 19, 9 a.in. to noon. Munici1lal Coun(•il For Viejo? T h e l\1 i:;sio n V ie j o J~omcowners /l s~nciation is looking fur \'Oluntcers lo he lp circulate pel1t1ons urging formation of-" a munici pal ad\'isory council (J\.1ACI. No"· thnt the results of :i VicJo-wi.de survey on the council C'Onccpt are in and ind ica te supPort for a MA C. study committee members say !hey are ready t~e ahead. New legislation on forming a municipal cou ncil slates at least 10 pc rccn! of the registered voters mu st sign peti!ions favoring the cou ncil before it can be considered by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. If the supervisors approve the idea after a series of public hearings, an election ls scheduled to choose the council members. Anyone intere s t e d in circulating the petitions may call Ken Lederman, t h c homeowners president, or Pat Schubert, chairwoman of the ' MAC committee. Can College Bar Young? SAN FRANCISCO (UPll A dvil rights suit was filed lost week In behali o~ two !£. yeif'-01ds wtlo-saflhcy have been kept out of junior collese becauoe ol t!Elr age. Judge Alphonse J , ZirpoU U.S. District Court ordered the Sonoma COunty Junior College Dtstrict to show c11use Feb. 26 why it refuses to admit yol.Klg students "11o otherwlpe are quaUCled for admlulon. Son!A'·Rma Junior Colli!g• agreed to admit the two stu· -· (OR~HO) DICHONDRA WEED& FEED •ORTllO O.;llo11d11 Weed [!, feed ''Prevent Dich ondra Weeds How !" • Co"!fols all t~• majo1 "'tldt In dic~on~•o lown•. • App!.,.... ow 11 g1I o h1odslorl .._ on Wttd,. • fttd\ wi1h 1sl1w1el1011 nilrogen f111ilt111. 2500 IQ . fl. BAG REG. 110.95 SAVE'l.00! ( 5 Lb . Pkg . WILD BIRD SEED • Choice, selected seed for year 'round feeding. • Molte friends with all the western songbirds. REG.59c 79 ' Slb.log ' I lb. Con DICHONDRA SEED • Easy to vse shaker con. • Ab solutely wetd·f1ee. • for new lawns or bor e spots. 1 lb. Can REG. s '2.49 1 99 Red wood GARDEN EDGING • I' IM'lg rHwoetl ~lfttltr ~Mir~.)" "'idt . • fill ta1ilf 011und <urvts .,,4 <•'""' - "''.'' mowing ond f'dgit19 Oft toiitr iob. REG.6C 10' ft. ' ! OAJL v l'!LOf A Pneumonia Vaccine In Test SAN FRANCISCO IAP ) -- Within the next few week: the Ka I se r·Permanent ' Medieal Center here will begi~' testing a new va ccine a gain~· pne umonia. I>r. t\.1arvin f'ricd sai· last Wtc"ek that he hope· 15,000 persons wlll voluntee·· for the test. All must be ove age 45, v.-11.en pneumoni: usually is the most dangerouf The vaccine contains ex tracts from 12 types o pneumococcl that cause abou · 70 percent of the pneumoni. eases . Fried !'iaid. Half of the voll!nleers wi t be innoculated "'ith the vac- cine Ylhi\e the other hal' will act as a control group . he said. Pneumonia rate.: between the two wlll be com - pared to determine the vac· cine's effectivenesS. Fried said the U.S. Publir' Health Service has provided a $300,000 grant to test thr vacine, manufactured by El i Ll!ly and Company. "There is nothing really nev: about the use of vaccine to prevent pneumonia," he saJd . ''F if ty years ago . bacnriologist.s already h .e 1' developed. vaccines that were at least partly effective." However, he said interest in pnellmOOia vacdnes declin- ed in the early 1950s with the arrival of penicillin and other "wonder dru8 " an- tlb!otl<s . ••!Joc<oro tho\lj!bt that with t h e antlbkJtks, pneumonia ceased to be a problem," he said. "But they wt:re wrong. Pneumonia ts still as rommon today as It was then --lt just doesn't kill as many peo- ple." Cyclists Prohibiwd FRESNO (API The Sportsman Racing Assn. of Sou them CaHfomia has been barred from racing motorcycles In the Mojave Desert In Kern County wtthout a federal permit. U.S. District Coort Judge M.D. Crocker ls&Ued a permanent injWlCtion last week on a government complaint that the associaUon held two races without a permit and conducted a third through the desert tortoise reserve near Ca lifom la City on land not covered by a permit. Attorneys for the association signed a consent d e c r e e agreeing to limit racing to land f'Or wh ich the Bureau of Land Management Issues a perm it. Pig Po1.ver Percola.tes CORVALLIS. Ore. (AP) A microbiologist at Oregon Slate University u.ses pig manure to percolate h Is morning coffee. He says tllal if he wi!'ihed , he could drive to work in a car powered by cow manure. Arthur Anderson and three students are conducting expe.rtmcnts to c o n v c r l manure and other waste products lnto methane ga.'I. Purpose of the research Is to find. a mo~ efficient way of ~enerating the gas. The campus l!I an Ide&; place to expeMment because thousands of pl.gs, cows. horses and chickens live at the land-grant !K'hool. He says pig manure produces the most gas. PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOVI IVSIMISI M•MI ITAT9MllllT Thi lollowl"t 111rwn 11 drl111f bull-et: (11 SMAll -.l"l"llAHC! S!lllVIC,111 (1l 16l&Mr o. 1114' o.t Tr• Ln.,• lrvl.,., Ct , "~ I Ur1 •1r>Ot1 lTl•t Otlt T'" Ln., lrv!l'lf, C1I. n66ol T~l1 butillftl 11 (QrOductM W ·~ lnOlvldv.I. I u. """""' T~ll lft'--1 wt• fllM wltll -Ca.unly C!trt of 0••• C°""''• Oil 0..: .... 111, 11. 1'1•. ·-l'ub~"'*I 0rt"9' Cotil Dlllly l"ltel, ""'""'"' J. ,.. "· k. ltt• 1»71 ' • A JO OAIL V PILOT Beach By CANDA CE PEAll.5-0N ot ..._ 0111~ ~llot Stiff The presi dent or t h e Huntington Beach Union High School District board wants to hire an outside investigator to look Into reports of gifts to adn1inlstrators rrom district contractors . • Sund!y, .Ftbrvary 3, 1q74 School Chief Seeks Probe Into fellow trwitees, Since Logan TUI>: FOUR SEPARATF. askt>d or allowe<l to sponsor a pt."rsona\ friend long before t'OCktoill party was-given at wr<Ke the letter, the district Instances of-"favors from ;i free cocktail party for his c.ir hf.'r involvement with a large school b oar <l board o( t.rustees has held two district contractors" listed in adn1inistrators. the d1str!c1. a d rn inis trators' oonfereoce eel' bu ..__ h Logan's memo are· _ 'fhe !lhowing by a district "'where they invite a lot of m mgs, t rneffh~'" ave · "YOU llAVE TO use your people. It's not that unusual," taken no action 00 his req uest -Trustees and s t a f f audio-visua l employe or a copy feeling mon.: facts m u s t surface aud that an outside investigator, not a dlstr1ct official, is the righl one t.o seek them oot. members receiving gold pen of "Deep Throat," 1 he oy,·n discretion," he said, Bauer said, "although we lry to hire an outside investlgntor. arJd pencll sets from a district sexually-explicit nioviC'. at a e<ill ing acceptance Of s11ch to discourage it " "l JUSf DON 'T know who Dr. Ralph Bauer, a hig h architect. conference a t t c n cl t d Ly gifls H "gray area." 111e l)eep Titroa t cont rover· in the distric t \VOuld be Uie school di.strict trustet, said -A district caterer being admin.istr4ton. Bauer says the board's sy, Bauer said, may never be appropriate person to conduct the four instances mentioned asked or allowed to provide llauer said he didn't attach investigation showed that the reso lved and boils down to an investigation ," he says, in Logan's memo have all free catering 1.0 part i es any .signllicanee to the gold district caterer involved in the 11tlether you be lleve the film because the staff n1embers bttn diJCUS!ed several times attended by adntinistrat.ol's pen and pencil sel and adderl st'Cond instance w<is paid for "'<IS unsolici ted or not. He l>e· might be involved or lack the by the board. The <1 nswers to and t!UsteeS. tha t cases like that oftC'n his services. lieves il wasn't. ex pertise. reeomrnend ed that a specific and SU'ict ru.le be adopted f,rohlbltlng district olflcla!s rom acceptin& gifts from distric t co ntra c tors or vendors. The bo ard has a 1962 policy, drawn up In accordance with s t a l e instructional codes, which prohibits gra{utitlcs. Superintendent Jack Roper attached a copy of )t before distributing Logan's memo to the other trustees. "Basically, all I kn()W," Georgl! Logan s11id, "is 1hat in some instances gift.s or favors have occ:urred or that employes of the distr u.'l said they occurred. the charges, Bauer said, have :-A district architl!Cl being in\'oh•e a contractor who was '!'he dist r I ct architect 's But Logan is adamant in Lo g a o ha s also ''been more or less,1-~~~~~~~~~~=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-~~~~~~~~~=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- "I'd like lo find out the details," he added, "because some of the allegations are substantial." LOGAN VOICED his CQllt·ern in a memo circulated 10 his satisfactory" to the majority of the board. But not to Logan, who said. although the board h a s chetked into the incidents. "On none of them do l have enough facts lo say I know what really went on." Puke Steals Tire And B i t of Pride Once upon a time there y;as this veteran, seasoned -police reporter v.•ho had read a thousand crime reports and can therefore spot Pukes 81ld ' Scumbags a mile away. Those are unoffic ia l c1 iminology te rms used by rors and news1nen v1ho cover the cop.shop as we call lhe sta tionhousc. The)' are "'ords intended to describe punk s, purse-snatchers and other ~!'$W. ·-~ ge neral low-riders in the Chariot ~ ~ of Life. I NABBED ONE of them Mon· day night and th en ]el him gel away. I aln1osl apologized to him fo r ca tching him , in fact, although one colleague claims I didn't catch him: tha t t only interrup!ed him, He was going through a ca r v1NsEL near the rear of my apartment when I walked by and spo tted him molesting or heisting the spare tire. He ceased and took a step back as I advanced. "IS TlllS YOUR CAR?" 1 demanded cooll y in the best "UP AGAI NST TH E WALL YOU MOLLY-FE- DORA," m<1nner I could muster from reading many crime reports, paperback novels and seeing many TV police shows. ~·v eah ... it's mie," he murmured just as coolly. "I've got a s\ow lea k in the spare and was just taking it ove r lO the gas station to get it fixed ." "Well, that sure looks like my girlfriend's car," I snapped back. I also failed Lo realize that every service i;t~1tion in 101\'n l\'Ould be closed by that hour. t-.101 knov>ing 1\·herc my female friend had parked, pre£isely, <ind being un familiar wi th her new car's precise license numbe r. I figured maybe it was just a f<1miliar ca r I had seen parked there before. SUBJECT ONE. as it mig ht read in the police re- port, just stood the re somewhat scared and apprehen- sive as I glared up at him . Up. Yes, up. "\Vell, maybe ii isn't my girlfriend 's car ... but it sure looks like ii." I admHted diplomatically, givi ng him the benefit of the doubt. \Veil, as you may have guessed by now , it was her cnr. Herc. T had a felon in hand and Jet~him gel awa y, :in ignominious ndmission to make "'hen you are an cx))('riencrd police reporter and an astute observer of Pukes and Scumbags. SJIE HAS CONSOLE D n1e with the usual female bla1hf'r (li)()lll how <Jt lenst he did not re-style my hair \vllh U1c lug wrench . but none of that helps. Hr nnt nn lv sfnle h11r c;:ir's \Vheel and ti re, but vou micht Si'lY he ·got aw<1y with a piece of my mascuiine pri<l(' i\nrl vou'll neVPr i;u1•ss hnw cle.vpr]v it was that the Sf';'JSOOP<l 0 pol ice rcpnrl('r V.'hO has read a fhOll S3tld crime C":1scs r lcvcrly caught him in the fi rst place? I WA!' GOJ!';G OUT tom~' mother's car - she had drooprd bv. too-to RP! a gift she had brought down from :i \v('ekend visit to th C' old homestead up north, and \.\'hich she thou11ht I would like to have a'tain. I! is the lillle \.\"OOO"n horse and wal!"on tov J J?Ot from San!:i \laus lhe Ch ristmas I was 1 11~ ;.-ears old :ind ii 1~·it1 nov.· make a dandy holder for a potted plant in mv pad At lr;i ~t lh;it Puke ancl Scumbag only got my girl- rri('ntl's 1vhr(IJ nnrl tire. Tli· did nnl gC'! my OOrse nnd V.'ligo n. KO CE to Offer 5 New lnstr11 ctional Programs Five n ew ins~ructional grade. on all quilted bedspreads SALE 7.99 TO $26 Reg.10.9910 $31 Come take your pick' Every single quilted bedspread at savings. Choose sol +ds. florals, geometrics. Rayon/ acetates. polyesters, cottOns, other easy-care fabr:ics in th e group. Tw in, fu ll, queen, king sizes. ' -... -.... " /, . . ·---· ' ' SAVES1 on bed pillows Our be st·sel!ing Dacron• polyester pillow in sizes for every head, every bed. Standard SALE$2 Reg.$3 Queen SALE$3 Reg. $4 King SALE$4 Re g.$5 TO on shag rugs SALE 2 99 Reg.3.99 • Accent size 24x36" Polyester multicolor scatter shags with fri nged sides, no-skid back. 27x48" Reg. 5.99 ... ,, ... _ •.. ___ ........... _ .... _. _. SALE 4.99 36x60" Reg.$1 1 ·····••-······-····················-·SALE$8 4Bx72'' Reg. $19 ... ,,. _ ..... ____ .. _. _. _. __ .. _ ..... _ SALE $14 Polyester/nylon sh ag room si ze. 51\xB Y>' Reg. 16.99 _ ... _. _ ............ _ .. ,, ........ SALE 13.99 25%0FF our entire stock of novelty curtains 1.49 to 3.8.9 Reg. 1.99 to 5.19 Novelty shorty t iers in many terrific styles, with all the decorator trims that make them great buys at regular price. Now save 25°/o. And save 25°/o on matching valances, too. Easycare, no-iron fabrics in all the most popular sizes. Ch1rge it on your JCPenney ch1rge c11rd. Sale prices etfacllve lhrff day1 only. I televi~ion programs will be -"All About _\:'.ou" a broadca.~t over K 0 CE· T V , physical health progra.m that Ch11nnel 50, beginning "'1onday, explores the child's physical affecting 13,000 Orange County makeup, for grades two and elementary school teachers three. -.\ and !heir pu pils. -"I Can Read'' a linguistic The new programs are approach to reading for designed to teach 5 to 12-year-kindergarten and first graders: olds abo ut rea.4lftg. lilerature graders. and good health. "'The shows, -"Cover to Cover," a each about 15 minutes long. program that mot Iv 1te1 add another three hours of cblJdren to c~k ou t booU, TV instruction time to Cha nnel Cor second, third and fourth 50's present ~chpd ule. graders. Inst r urtional Television -"Inside-Out," a sei-les Service (ITV I is sponsored by that dea ls with s o c I o '1 , the Re g J on a I F..ducational emotional and p h y 11 I c a I Televi sion A u t h o r i t y . in problems that may occur In cooperation with the Orange • the minds and feelinga ol fifth County Board of EQucatioo and sixth graders. New programs incl ude : The programs are repeated -"RJll'Ples" a langua ge several times on consecuti ve arts ~ sulee: for g r a d e s days for teadlera to u,se L1 kindergarten' through second the cla.slf"OOltl. i • . ·, I I At Your· Service Got a problem? Then write Pa t Dunn. Pat will cut red. tape, pet the a113wers and octton 11ou need to 1olvt inequities in government and bU$into!S. Muil 11our question.• to Pat Dunn/At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily P)Lot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca. g2626. In· elude your telepho~te number. The column appears p1• Sundays, Wednesdo,ys and 1''rfda11s. Smile In Te:ras l\'ow DEAR PAT: Last July 20 a man came to my home and said he was tak· lng baby pictures for Smile Studios. We agreed to have him take pictures and he returned in a .w&ek when we chose the proofs we wanted. We were given a receipt for our $15 deposit and told our pictures would be mailed C.O.D. I never did get them and had no response to my complaiat.. to the firn1's postal box number in Orange and to the Better Business Bureau . R.B., Caplstraoo Beach Sanlle Stud.Joe · ba1 cloaed out Its portal ·oox In Orange and now ii doing bus!Dess in · Te1a1, according to an Orange post office spokesman. Wrtte to licllle Studios, P.O. Box 101Zt, Attn: G. Barney_, El Paso ,Tex. 7999t. En<:lose a copy of your receipt and mark "address correction requested" on the en· vtlope -just In case Smile Studios bas relocated Us operation elsewhere. Social Security Data Free DEAR PAT: I've seen advertisements by Good News Publishing Com- pany for a book called "_How to Collect Social Security At Any Age." Is this finn connected with the government in some way and what is included in the book? T.C., El Toro Good News Publishing Compar.,; bas no connection with the Social Security Administration or any other government a_;ency. What the firm offers with Ill book Is a form (OAl,..70041) used in requesting a statement ol earnings and available at any Social Security office. Tb~ statement Is a confldentlal report showing the total earnings of an lndJvldual that were subject to with· holding taxes and the total number of quarters worked. The statement does not lnclude a total of wlthbolding taxes paid to Social Security. The hook itself consists of information taken from free booklets printed by the Social Security office, according to a Social Security Admlnistraton spokesman. Thirty of these booklets' are now offered to the public and may be obtained free of charge by visiting any Social Security office. Refund In Mall DEAR PAT : l've been trying to retrieve a $12 deposit from the Waikiki Molel in Anaheim since October. My cancellation was phoned in 10 days prior to the reservation date. Each time I inquire by telephone, I'm told it will come "in two"\veeks ." It's been almost four months now and I need some belp. B.8., Laguna Beach l\lotel owner Don Sakamoto was contacted ln San Jose. He got In touch with you, and your deposll refund Is now being malled. A Toa•t to Garbage DEAR PAT: I read that a plant in Germany if using power produced by burning garbage. Has any firm in the United Slates started to use garbage power? J\1.T., Fountain Valley Yes, and you can use Its product to drink to the Innov ation . A Coors brewing plant Jn Denver, Colo. now pro- duces 1>9wer for Its operatkln from the .incineration of garbage. Food Coupons Adjurled DEAR PAT: I understand the government has changed eligibility stand· ards and coupon allotments for the food st.amp program. Could you explain what changes were made in simple "non-government" terms? C.N., Costa Mesa The value of the coupon allotment for a famlly of four was raised by the Agriculture Department Jan. 1 from $111 to $14% a month. In addition, the maximum lncome a four-person household can have and still be eligible for food stamps bas been ,lncreased from $.117 to $473 a month. Appropriate ad · Justments are made for other household sixes and income levels. For Hydroponir Gardeners DEAR PAT: I would like to find a class that teaches a person how to do hydroponic gardening. I've read up on the subject and think it would be fun to join other people interested in this method of growing plants. W.E., Laguna Hills The Saddleback Valley YMCA, El Toro, ls beglnnlng a three-week evenln-' class In bydreponlc gardening Feb. s. The practical aspects of this growth method, Including techniqu e and actual growing of plants and vegetables using nutrients and water, will be given. Phone ~ for further information. Chrlslmas Cards Welromed DEAR PAT,: Can you tell me if there is any organization, agen cy or hospital that can use old Christmas cards? B.A., Costa Mesa No, but Pearl Ledoc, 17f Avenlda Majorca, Laguna HUis, will wekome your Christmas and other greeting cards &oltable for entertaining child.fen. Mrs. Leduc made nearly Z,000 scrapbooks last ·year for delivery-to. hospital!, day care centers and church mlslkln stations. Cosmetir Surgery Sought DEAR PAT; Can you tell me 11 any doctors besides plastic surgeons do cosmetic surgery? They are 90 expensive and although ooe does not neces· aarily want to be beautiful, a little help would go a long way . E.G., Anaheim Talk to your personal ph)'lllclan about the surgery you hope to have done. Tbere ii considerable fee variation depending on tht extent of surgery re· quired. Although cosmetic aurgery reqoll'el a 1pedallst, your doctor may be able to refer yo1 to a qaallfled surgeon who would take you.i budg:el"llm· ltatlon1 ln~ coulder1Uon. Troable With Subsrrlption DEAR PAT: In 11'72, I ordered t'!'O glft subscriptions to TV Gulde. One came tbroogb, but the other did not. A similar situation happened to a friend of mine, too. I don't intend to have my $3.99 become a gift to TV Guide, but even though I've sent a photostatic copy of my .check; I've received nothing In return. • S.C., Dana Ptlnt TV•Galde llll ·beo bavlnc -le<-.. ~lq,Jo a .Triln&Je Publld-.r-epi-lallYO, majlblC ID f.llbh 1t ,_ -paymeall. YOn iacl ~OtlteA wltlf DOIMSellveey ·cemplalntl are 'bela1 ukell to tend eopfH of year cancelled cbeck1 to-lite oompuy at·Bei: ••Radnor, Pa. 1"81 for reprOc:ealq bf Ille DOW pnlptrl)< flulclloalq -paler. . '/ Crff> Staticlaru .Retlhed / DEAR PAT: I ~ber reading sometime ago that new safety stand- ards ,....,.. bdng ~ fer UbY crlbl .. llas aoy-1ctlm been taken on this yet? lf 901 what are the reqUlrementa and how can a peraon tell if he 11· buyln1 a crib that meets t.vbed •tandards? . -W.M .. Newport Beacb NeW. salety .1t1ndafd1 IOr crlbt bteante' \eflec\lve Feb. I. S11t1 mast be ao,."'8let daan '" lnc'9e1 'apart; eribl ID,lllt ·iONlform .to l&andanl 1110 and mu1C Uve ,~all(C.flttlng mattretlel; rallln& Mlllit mut meaive 11 ID. hm top of ralHIC to Jowert_level of 111attreM "'fllOl1 i and crlbt Must hive ufe aad ifafdy harilftrt, 1mootb wood 1tirflces, clear 1s1embly tn1tractlont and wornlng lltieil coo<emln( .. re mllllre11 Ille. Molt cribo meeUn1 revloed 1tndllrds CUTY llbelo IUllDI tlill'. --· YOU ' DAILY PILOT SEC llON B Slltlday, fttwuary 3, 1974 There's Oil Along This Coast, But Will It Ever Be Tapped? By J_OHN ZALLER .,~y ..... .,,, .,., ..... ~ The current energy sh . \ is expected lo generate strong . · ure from the oil industry for neW..«frtlling on the Orange Coast both on~ and offshore . , The industry probably will push strongest for new oil fields in the federally controlled tidelands between three miles and 100 miles offshore. Petroleum experts say the offshore area between Dana Point in Orange Cowtty and Point Magu in Ventura County could contain up to 70 billion gallons of crude oil. If these estimates by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists are correct, it means thi s area is potentially richer than the North Slope field in Alas ka. IT ALSO MEANS that new oil drilljng platfonns offshore from Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura counties could be producing five percent of the United States' total oil need by 1990. ln addition to this offshore area, local oilmen say there is potential for major new oil discoveries beneath the cities of Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. Since the market value ff crude oil has risen from $3 a barrel in early 1973 lo more than $9 a barrel today , there is little doubt that oil companies will find it lucrative to develop these untapped sources. ' The critical · qaestion is whether the government will rela-x current restrictions on oil drilling in light of the energy shortage . Most oil company officials believe more lenient government policies are inevitable, "POLITICIANS arc used to thinkin g of oil rigs as being big and ugly," says Carl Weaver, an independent Huntington Beach ,oil producer_ "But wit.P gasoline 50 cents a gallon and the Arab boycott still going on, I think they're changing their minds. It turns out that oil drilling isn't as bad as they thought it was," Weaver says. As far as the federal and state governments are concerned, t h i s optimism seems well founded . Earlier this month the Department of Interior announced that for the first time it will consider granting oil leases on the federal tidelands between three miles offshore and the edge of the cootinental shelf, about 100 miles offshore. ln the same spirit, the state Lands Commission, which controls drilling inside the three--n1ile limit, announced in December that it is rescinding the moratorium on new drilling it imposed after the '1969 Santa Barbara oil spill THIS STATE decisioo will have no 1i- rect effect on state tidelands on the Or- ange Coast, since new drilling inside the three-mile limit is still prohibited by Cali· fornia law from Huntington Beach south to the Mexican OOrder. There is currently no move to repeal this Jaw. But the Land Comrnlssion's decision WHE POINT CONCl,TION l Mlle line S.U...,•m Californkl federal Outer Cor~1nental lh•lf ar1•aJ nomll'!ated far oil ortd ea• !eating. LOS AHGILIS 1111 Nominated area I COSTA MISA NIWf'()ll:T llACH LAGUNA llACH Dll MAR D1t11 l'llOI N1w1m~• MAP SHOWS AREAS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NOMINATED FOR POSSIBLE Oil AND GAS LEASING to lift the moratorium indicates the state's ~·illingness to cooperate with possible new drilling in federal waters just outside the three-mile limit . Local government on the Orange Coast, however, doesn't necessarily share the attitude of state and federal officials toward the oil industry. ln Newport Beach, for example, there 'Any measure to allow oil drilling in this city (Newport Boach) would be squashed by the voters •.• it wouldn't even be an issue.' is an extensive underground reserve about l,!XXI yards off West Newport. In 1957 oilmen were just beginning to exploit' the field by means of slant drills under the ocean floor from sites on the mainland. But then alanned Newport Beach voters enacted a charter amendm~t that prohibited any further drilling iii city limits. THE RESULT, according to two independent Newport Beach o i 1 producers. is that a slzeable, known oil field remains today largely untapped. City cowicilmen in December discu.5sed the possibility of asking voters to rescind their prohibition on oil drilllng, but the)' dropped the idea. "Any measure to allow oil drilling in this city would be squashed by the voters," said Newport Beach Mayor DQnald A. Mcinnis. "It W'Ouldn't even be an issue." HWltington Beach, the Orange Coast's main oil producing city, has no comparable examples of known oil fields being l~t unexploited. In fact, Huntington Beach Mayor Jerry Matney met last week w Ith representatives from Signal a n d Standard Oil companies and determined that the city's present oil regulations are no impediment to further oil development. "The coosensw of our meeting was that our regulations are very good ones," Matney says. "BUT IF OUR requirements present any problems, I think we should consider making changes. We have an obligation to do everything we can to get koown oil reserves out of the ground," Matney says. Matney added that because of the energy shortage, he is asking the city to reinstitute an advisory committee YOU LIVE on Qil policy to facilitate relations between oil companles and the city. While ..e.i.Ues -whether they choose to exercise them or not -retain b]'OOd powers over new oil production within city lirnlts, they have aim.sot no direct voice ln oil operations as close as three miles to the mainland. Decisions about these federal tidelands are made In Washington by the Secretary of the Interior, Rogers C. B. Morton. Since last April when President Nixon announced that new national policiE8 were needed to cope with the oil shortage, the Department of Interior has been investigating the possibility of opening up its Southern California tidelands to oil production. .™~ F1RST major step in this' direction was taken in September when a special l~man office was set up in Los Angeles to make preparations for offering leases to interested oil com- panies. Tbe second major step was taken 'in early January when the Department .of Interior published a map of the offshore area on which it was willing to accept "nominations'' for leaSlel. Thi.s was, in effect, an .Invitation to (See 00.., Page B?) . Report Cha,rts Growth Areas, Warns of Blig1it 8y WILLIAM SCfffiEIBER Of, ftll Daily 1"11ol !11!1 Orange C.Ounty is headed toward a population of three million by the year 2,000 and there are already warning signs that . booming areas like the Saddleback Valley will suffer urban blight. Those are two of the numerous conclu:dons and predictions contained in a weighty "State of the Count " port ouUined to the Board of rs last week by the CoW1ty Ad Office. John Dedischew, associate the computer-.prepared d o c containing staUstlcs ranging f rates to minority population pet 'ges , was put tbgelher to giv&."j,1·' unty departmenl heads a data base for. -get preparations. Key findings In the document deal with population growth throughout the county and factors that could contribute to blighted condlUons in the future. CAO Robert Thomas· said the. report IJ the first effort made to coordinate all available data on the county and Its people. "THJS REPRESENTS the 11 rs t attempt to p r ov Id e comprehens1vc information on the state or the county's pe<'l!)le, eeonomics and phys i ca l environment," Thomas said. Acoord lng to the repart, the county wilJ grow on the order of f0,000 to &0,000 people a year . for al lea!'t the ne1t five -y~. assuming the ~irth rate stays about the same and migration into the area continues at Its· current rate. The biggest share of that growth will come in the Saddleback Valley, though the report indicates there are some factors beginning to show up -such as the energy crisis -that would concentrate gfOWth in other areas as well. The report predicts the greatest level of growth will continue to be in the Mission Viejo area. foUowcd by El Toro: Lake Forest, Irvine and portions of Huntington Beach. But along with the growth, these areas can al.so expect some of the conditions ~ of blight, the report not es. TIIESE INCLUDE such things as co~centrations of poorly-educated, low· p,aid people with high crime -and probation rates. Though many of Uiese !actors' may ~vet appear 8long most of the Orange Coast, the report notes that "P>cket.s" of blight .are .developing in seetlons of Et Toro, San Clemente, R'untlhgton Beach arid Costa Mesa. · San Clemente, • in partl<:Ular, Is rePorted lo have .the highest ~tage ol fllrnllles un<ler the poverfy line. The report not~ 'this relates to !Ugh concentraUon."l of tho elderly on fixed Incomes and large . neN."Cntages of Spanl,sh-speaklng. people. On a list of 16 study areas, the canyon areas d the SaddlebaCk. Valley rank highest among 0 range Coast communities in blight potential. Those areas Are in third .!I-pot ~hind the Anah~lm-Gardcn Grove and Santa Ana· Orange regions. Huntington Beach·Westminster ls in fifth spot, followed by North Irvine. ON THE OVERALL list , San Clemente, Dana Point.Capistrano, Laguna Hills, Newport Beach-C.osta Mesa, lrvlne, Laguna Beach South Lag~a·Laguna 'If the cost of buying new hou>- ing increases extensively beyond its current level, it will become in- acces~ible . to most potential mi- 9ra?\ts.' NigueJ and Mission Viejo· rbund out rankings from eighth to sixteenth. The study' also contains a computer m•P 4e,plctlng . the CQ~qtrallons ot lel\Xly crimes In Orange County' during 1972. It shows that a vast tnajority of !e1onle.! took place In the Saddleback Valley, particularly ,in Mission Viejo where 100 or more felOnles · w ere committed 'for every I·,~ residents. 'Phe' report II.st.. 1t number of trends that ihoijld be watc:lled ·1n coming year> lo detennlne how accurate current predictions are. ' Housing costs are deemed one of the "mmt critical factors" in the future growth of lh,e county. "If the C06t of buying new housing increases extensively beyond 11.!1 current level , It wUJ berome inaccessible to most potential migrants," the report states. SLOWDOWNS in employment opportunities, freeway construction and other such factors could also make the county less attractive to prospective new residents, the report noted. The repcrt also notes that such things as energy shortages, and land use restrictions could reorder the county in terms of where the fostest growth will occur. People could become less willing to move far away from employment areas. The report is complex and goes Into. mucl:l detail oo other factors affecUng the oimty and its resid ent.a:. Other stati.stlcs rontained in the report include : -The fact that Irvine tops the list of average aMual family lntomes at- 117,190, followed by Mission Viejo al 114,950 and Laguna Niguel at 114.250. N'ewport Bead!, t1'11dltlonalli one ol'lh•' leaders in this category, was combined with Costa Mesa , which resulted In N\ average family income of $13,230. -The "North Irvine" flOne, including E Toro Marine C.Oi:ps Air Station, has the highest percentage or bladt9 •t 11 percent. -Laguna Hills (Leisure World) ba9' the highest .percentage o( residents over' 62 years of age at 68.9 perei;!nl, followed! by :Laguna Beach at 22.1 percent. -Mission Viejo has the hlghm percentage of residents under 18 witW an ,average of 15.7 years of. schooling. followed f>y Laguna Niguel at 14.2, and (Set COUNTY, Pait' 8%1 ' I \ • TURN THE THERMOSTAT DOWN INTO TH E 60s AND FOLLOW HEW'S GUIDELINES OIL OFF COAST (Fruin Pa g~ U! I oil con1panies 10 specify their art:as of interest. About 25 of thenl responded. "I think it's important to point out th:it \\'~ havt' nut ycl aurhorizt.."li any drilling, not even test drilling," says Williarn Grant, head of !he Bureau of Land J\1cutagen1cnt t.c<i n1 in Lo s Ang1.'lcs. "\Ve'rc ~i1nply asking th e o i I eon1panies to h'l! us "'here they think they'll be most Jikrly to find oil," he says. In l\l:i rch. \\•hen th at information comes in , Grant's office will prepare an e~vironn1ent:il irnpact statc1nent on the possi ble eff ects of 011 drilling in the nominated areas. THIS EN\'IRON~1 ENTA L I mpact state1nent will then be put before the public in a series of hearings held along the Southern California coast. Those hearings are no w tentatively schedtiled for late 1974 or early 1975. All dat3: from th e hea rings will then be shipped back 1o Washington ~lu>re... a de cision \ . .,.ill he n1ade on v;hi chareas to put out for lease. Appropriate environmental restrictions could also be formulated. In about June, !975, oil companies will be allowerl lo bid on those pArcels which the Depart1nent of lnterior designates. Oil drilling could begin as soon nf!er that as the individual coinpanics were ready. At th is point, hov.·evcr. full scale production isn 't expected to begin until at least 1980, acco rding to oil industry officials. ll••IJ> for l 'ou • • • SINCE NOT one drop of oil has ever actually been re moved ff9m the federal tidelands, why are the oil companies so sure it's out lhere~ AS-Grant explains it , the basic reason is that the same geologic formations that underly the major oil fi elds of San Pedro, U>ng Beach, and lluntlngton Beach exlend sea ward to the continental shelf. Thus , he !'leys, it is a virtual certainty that the oil bearing sands also extend out 'to sea. Harry Morti50n, general manager of the Western Oil and Gas Association , says indications are that the offshore area is on the whole probably as rich as the onshore area. "The land formations seem to be continuous under the whole area," he explahu. "The fact that at thi! polnt in history the ocean happens to be covering part of It doesn't necessarily affect the llkellhood'°'of finding oil." THE ONLY problem, he says, ls that ocean waters make it more dlfflcult to recover ,.the oil becavse of the need for expe.nsive offshore oil drilling platforms. But what reason is there to believe that oil may exis t offshore as far south as Dana Point, where no oth er oil discoveries have yet been made? Grant explains that the fault system that acts as a major boundary of the whole Southern California area seems to extend out to sea somewhere between Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. Where exactly the fault system end s -and thus where the likelihood of finding oil ends -will be up to the oil companies to plnpolnt, Grant says. • HEW Tells Ho-iv To H a11dle Life At 66 Degrees It may not seem like fun turning the th ermostat down Into the 60s. but President Nixon says it's necessary and the Department of Hea lth Education and Welfare (liEW) says It's not so une-0mfortable el.her. A HEW report on how the enerrzy shortage may affect the nation's health and welfare says that if common sense guidelines are followed we can live com fortably with temperature! !n the eo.. •People can make themselves more comfortable with lower I n d oor temperatures by keeplng room hu midity as high as possible, wearing warm clothes. eating a balanced diet and being more active. •Temperatures as low as 60 deg rees In homes, offices, and schools will not cause the average person to become ill with colds, flu or pneumonia. •Only a few chronic diseases are aggravated by lowered l n do o r temperatures. Th e TllO!t common ones are underactive thyroid , arthritis, diabetes, angina pectoris (chest and heart pains) and diseases Involving blood vessels of the limbs. However, most persons with Lhrse illnesses can cope •,vith room te1nperalures as low as 60 degrees if they dress warmly and H the heat reduction is made gradually. •Most elderly persons can adjust comfortably, with no ill effects, to indoor temperatures of 66 degrees. However, since older persons' bod ies do adapt quite slowly to change, they can be helped by lowering room temperatures gradually. Good Deed P eople Boy Ha s 30 Helpers Jan Stephensoo, 24, of Newport Beach, is one of about 30 volunteers who help a six-year~ld Huntington Beach boy, a victim of encephalitis, develop his body motor skills. "We teach him ann and leg coordination," she ex- plained . "It means we put hot towels or ice cubes on him to make him respond to stimuli." The boy is given thi s physical therapy four hours a day, two In the morning and fv.'O in the afternoon . "I go one morning a week fur two hour~." Jan ~aid. "But his mother needs a list of about 30 people so th<lt there is al ways someone who can come on any given morniog or afternoon." Mrs. Stephenson, who used to work as a secretary, wa s given the assignment of helping the encephaliti~ victim by the Volun tary Action Center, Costa l-iles:i. She also spends from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. every Tues- day at the C'entcr. 207 Avocado St., working on the placement des k. finding suitable volunt eer assignments for others, "I reaJ ly enjoy it," she said simply. You Can He lp Ga s SL•>ri11g Ri sky Nursery Needs Hand ' J:"l't1r vf J.!<1~oli11e ralto nlng is cau~ing some Cali· forni:ins 111 ,q1irt' ex tra gt1 soli ne . Because the Consumer l'roducl Std•'!\· Co111n1issic•n reported last year !here Wf•rf' 1.1 .~011 1•,c1~vli111' rt·l.1lel! Inj uries requiring hospital lrt•:11n1 ent. l\i1 · St<t!t' n1•p;irtn1e nt of Consumer Affairs h:.i s n.:!1·<1~··d :1 s1:r11·s uf ~uidl'lincs for !hose people v.llu 11~11:d .. ;'1~1r1 1;.i 11li11L'. llL·r1· an• sn111•· of rJ1I' r11l{'S: • 'IJ, 1·{'r 1·;1rrv ~;1fl'fy i·:ins v.·ith gaso1i11e Inside the ('Jl l ' • Allov.• sp:ic(', \\'hen filling ·e can,-lor ,the gaso- line to rxp:111d v.·ii h temperature changes; • Ne\·tr .~tore gasoline or other rue l inside the h<'u~" or in the hasf'm"nt: • :-.,·, '1·r str.r•· J!:!"'11in" ll"t•r npen flames, pilo t " llvh1 ~. ~tr1\'t'"l. hcalt"rs. l'lectric moY+·ers or an\• other sources of ignition or sparks: · • Ne\'er use gasoline near an open flame. Never smoke near ~asoline; • Keep gasoline. kerosene. and other fuels and polishes out of the reach or children; • Avoid repeated or prolonp:ed ski n contact with ga.~Hne and evold breathing fuel vepors; ~ Avoid careless use of ga90\ine when cleenlng clothing. paint brushes, e.xterminating insects, primina: f'a rbu rrlnrs find startin,i:: or feeding fires ; and • If a <'hi!d nr odult !\wallows gasoline (one or the dan,i::r.rs or siphonin~) call A doctor or other medic11 l help immcdlalely. Do not try to get the per80n to YOmlt. , tf you have spare time oo }'Our hands and don't know how to fill the hours, the West Orange County Voluntary Action Center can help. Localed at 11411 Stanford Ave., Garden Grove, the offi ce has listings of many ways you can serve Orange County agencies. The office is open weekdays from JO a.m. to 3 p.m. Phone number is 53(}-2370. Some of the areas where help is needed include : A couple of strong colle-ge age boys or girls are wanted by an ar1e community day nursery to help clea n some outside b.lthrooJTU. An overall cleaning job Is necessary. The Braille In!titil te, Anaheim la Btarttng a new program for 6-13 year olds. Starting Feb. 9 on Satur- da ys from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. volunteers, 16.and older, are needed to assume Jeaden1hlp of craft!, games, gWtar. macrame and origami instruction!, If you have ever had to wait for a loved one in surgery then you know how slowly the time passes. Each minute seems to grow into hours and you become more apprehensive and need words of encouragement. You 8.3 a volunteer can assist the operating room staff at the Orange C.ounty Medical Center In bringing comfort to those waiting. Volunteers elso are needed in the Volunteer Serv- ives ofnces. Duties Include answering the phone, light typi ng, filing and an artistic talent could be put to use In deslgnlrig posters. 1 S:ea Otter Safe, But Not Abalone? MONTEREY (UPI I -A state Fish and G a m c department biologist h a s r ecomme ndf'd th at ta!ifo111Ja 's stil otter IJ e removed from t he "endangered species" 1 is t l>ecause it was reducing the COUNTY. •• nuinbers of COMtal !l1elltl!h P:iul Wild of the OPG said that a 1961 study showed~the ollers v.·ere depicting abalone. crab, ek1nl ru1d 01her shcl lfisl1. lfe sai d the otlt!rs were "interrupting the ecological ch.;iin." Before the rernoval of the otter's nan1e from the "endangered species" list, the state ~~ish and Ga me O:irn mission 1nust approve the (From Page Bl I <acction as well as the U.S. l.aglllla Beach and Laguna Department of the Interior. llills with 13.8 years. Mrs. Nathaniel Owings, Big Sur , opposed W ild's -The Dana Point-Capistrano recoinmendalion, saying Wild area • has the !eading popula-"' as · · a I w a y s more lion growth rate al 16.4 per-sympa thetic to the abalone cent. followed by Laguna J-lills than to the otler." The otters were almost at 16.3 percent. v.·iped out by fur hunters by • • Oiornond ond ,Jone UJ;tt11'19 • E•ptfl watch repoir jewels by jostp~ con 1ervice oll yo ur jewe lry needs. f1om tr•oting an original ond e1tciling ring lo opproi~ing a valued heirloom. Prolesslaclli Sonia byu•11lfnslilall jewels by Joseph ' • Jewelry de1igninv • C.m0log1cDl Olomood and iew•lry opprabok • Fu1e jewelry repgir All WORK DONE IH THE STORE Atl our 1kl1led <rof u m•n work in the 1tore. Your predou1 jewelry never leovel u1. J11111111 (~Ht• • A•ftl••~ f,,, ... l••kA,..11lu •' • ,., ... ,u .. , ,_ SOUTH COAST PLAZA .,,,,.,., 1 •• o..,. ,, ... _., COSTA MESA. MOUll1 lellr l•t-..... IM. Cl<o ........ Jl40·'°'6 -Only one otht!r rommu1lily 1900. fl owever, they have surpasses Huntingto n Bea('h rnade a comeback in the past ln lse number of people living 20 years and now number on a r1~sidcntial acre. But'na aOOut 1.700 in a range rrom Park has 18.7 and Jlun Unr.ton ·Sa nta Crui lo J\1orro Bay, Wild Beach 18.5. -~s~a~id~.""'""'""'~""""'""""~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~;;~;~~ -I•'ewcr people on the nvrr·il age Jive in each L.-i guna Hills home than any1o1tiere else; 1.8 t.B per l1ome. fo!lov.'ed by I.a· hruna Beach at 1.9. The report , endorsed by sup- ervisors, will TIO\\' go to coun ty departments as a found<ttion for budge t preparation. KIDS LIKE TO ASK ANDY ------· ~ award winning ~RON0<..:1-tA IJ~ICS PORTRAITS IN TIME "It's a Clock'' llf\l<llll' P1>o109r•~~ $hl~O tor youf OttOf Announcing Rudy Chavira for1nerly of Beverly Hills ''The Total Look" total creation . Ill ha ii· design & individual and imaginati ve 111ake up artistry co-o rdinated lo your personal expr ession and "the now look of you." 70 RS Fashion J ~land 644-2151 r l ,, ' I l 1 Store Wide Clearance Sale; I FLOOR MODELS AND DEMONSTRATORS limited Quanity DRASTICAll I REDUCED I SAVE FROM $2S TO $100 1111• -. ;'!I S I TRADE-IN SEWING MACHINES • Portables • •Zig-Zags Cabinets fro~29 95 - Some One of o Kind -Limited Ouonities FABRIC CLEARANCE! ·; · VARIETY 30o/o TO 50o/o .OFF .... ,,1 •• , .,f KNITS Variety .t DRESS WEIGHT - • ... $2.29 •• $2.99 :-;;~$ 2 • 8 8 yd. .... $S.ffyd. UpTo60"Wlde POLYSTER DOUBLE KNITS ..... "·" yd.to$7.99 yd. ONI TIMI OHL T 99~ yd. 4l"toW'Wlde -~INING'S AND INTERFACINGS 4yd~ ... $·1 •••. ,,. to$2.tt .,.i. REMANTS 50% OFF REG. PRICE -SPECIAL TABLE SINGER ' 2300 Harbor • Harbor Oenter • Costa Mesa Salo PrlcH al Above Addrou Only S49• 119 5 I I I New Biology: Potential for Second Genesis1""""RUFFELL's- / UPHOLSTERY w"'9 'to• Wnt YET O~F.( ~!\:EEIJ not !)(' n. .._, gu[1tu f l.uddism 0 r ltt? H•tb•t 11...d. ' c°"'·a rdJct to (tar the i.ld\•e:nt ._ __________ _, DAILY PILOT 8 :J (Peopli2tlea) makes FlltlDAY F.ditor's Note: Tlifs i.t the 19th o/ 20 ~.tsays by lead~ ing mtn in the world's acad.tPUc comniunity. The writer of this e1sa11 is tu.. tor at St. John's College, Anr1apoUs, Md . flerein he d £scu!.tes the Ne w Biology a11d it.! many applica t'it'.n1S fn modern life. AMERICA Courses by µrornised drugs to inOuence llll'llJOry, libido, llllt'lllgc11('c and agrt!'l.!llVtOt>SS; lilnd a whulc arr:iy of nicchaniL'tll ti pare pa r ts and the pos~ibi litics of n1an-animal and man-machine "hybrids." ' v ' I Co1t11 Mt•• -~1·02\f ul the~ unpreet.'lle.ntcd powers '-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;.. __ ~~----,.;;;;__;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;, which. can affect lh1· vrry I'° na ture of 1nan. And fl'.~rru1 or not, w~ ""'tH sur'tly hilve l to face n1any rhr(icult 11nd) profound quesllons as a result ()f these nr\v trrhnolo~r~ :tnd the powers they pl11ce in By LEON It. K~SS Once upon a time, dinosaurs and dodo birds played upon the stage of life. Today, they are no more. Like many other s~les the earth h a s carried-they came, they saw aM. they V.'ere conquered by the flux called evolution . in whlch extinction Is t~ rule, survival the exception. And how is ll lo be with man? AND THE FUTURE DF MAN ·Newspaper This is th• 19th essay in a 20-w•ek s•ries for the "Courses by Newspaper'' program fund•d by the National En· dowm•nt for the Humanities, develop· ed by University of C11ifornia San Diego Ext•nsion and distributed n•· tionwld• by Copley News Servic•. Daily Pilot readers appropriately enrolled with UC Irvine Extension 1re eligible for college credits upon successful completion of th• course. The Daily Pilot is one of 200 news· papers in the United States partici- pating in thi.s experiment in educa· tional enrichment. As with any other college course, "America and the Future of Man" contains the lesson materlal that eK· presses the personal viewi of its in· structors (the individual Writer of each segment). A kit of supplemental learning ma· t•rials, the Future File, is available with "America and the Future of Man." It includes a 320-page ,.eader, a stody guide, self-tests; and the Fu- tu,.e Game. Send $10 (check or money order) to: America and the Future of Man, P.O. Box F, Wayne, N.J. 07470. Whether ·or not rn a n 's biological nature needs :t ltcration, th(' pov•ers to effect rnajor changes in tile hu1 nan l)()dy and 1nind are c~rtainly lam1an hands. ('(}n11ng, and al an_ ever-One ohv ious qu\~Stion is, "In l11<Teasing fat e, It is worth whose hands should llieSl' noting that tbese powers an: powers lie?" A11y nt>w pow t>rs not being sought specifically of rnan are in truth ne~· fur the sake of re-creating powers Of 1nen. and lllOfl' n1a11, pn;.-cis£>ly , or only so mt> nl''" I They are lhe fnli'ts Qf n Do we wan t 1o leavP the less gr<indiose and more control of the n<'v.' h1op1cd1cull hun1ane pro j e ct . the powers in the hands of tht•1r conlinuing scientific tin d devcloptrs and pr<l\:lll1Un<•r:-;·· niedirat effort ro l'llre <ti!ieasc. Control hy a teehnolV).!l("i'tllv prolong lift'.' and re l i eve competent elitf' 1nny be :J sufft>ring. Thus, the new distasteful :ind frightf'nin1-t ll'<"hno\ogies are likel~· to be prospe<'L l>ut i<> it any tnor r v.·clcon1ed and u s e d -f o r so than c11n trol by ~ n would seem, greed, fea r, safe methods of contraception techniques to select the sex exan1pte, to treat genetic uninfom1ed or df'e1~ion \1'•~ary hatred and lust for power and abortion. test-tul>e of children, to pr o d ti ce diseases (by rep!t1 ci 11 g or fickle eli.:c torat11 • full l)f continue unabated. Perhaps abnOrrna\ genes), to relieve inflated hopes and ff':-1rs? ."Ind worst of all. ou r technological fertiliz.alion of tnunan eggs by n1ultiple copies of desire'I infertility ("·ith laboratory how optlniistic sltuulrt onoJ l:>t• triumohs seem to have hiunan spenn, and a growing indivldua!s by a ~fot1n of ferti tization and growth of abou t turning over Ilic project generated a society ,1 0 0 number of chemical and asexual reproduction k'no"'n as cn1bryos), lo prr:st"rVe \jfe for re-creating mnn to those complicated ror even the best surgical techniques lo modify cloning, and to retard the (wil h 1nL't'hanlca! organs), to in1pcrfect crcatures -nan1c!y, human mi'nds and hearts to behavior. frozn tranqulliicrs to processes of aging; and treat depression ( .,.,. i t h us-"•hose defectiveness is the fathom, let alone manage. co nditioning by dire c t me!hocls to insert, rernuvt·, or cuphoriant tlrugsl and to trc.;lt very reason the projl'<'I is electrical stimulation of the alter individual genes and !o i11troctab!e psycl11c disorders deemed necessary? CHOW MATE lr's,1 Krufe.,. /t 's a Fork .. _ lr's aSpoon ..• A ll 111 one It's .1 k n1f•·, foll.,, .1nrt spoon , .. ;ill 1n one. Per fect for O!i\r./001 s. Gr t."<1t 1or serv1nQ b11 ffc 1 r! inner 5, parties, lJ;irhctl •t!~ .ind n:i110 d1n1ng. Fur o1 fice or glove box ci t your t '11 Oero spoon, snarp but sale knife edge, ~1 11d lo1k hc1~ lour b1y \1 nu>, It's made of stainless stt)el t001 1 $ 2.49 Mon1y B~dl Gu•••nlN 6 $14,00 Ap11r<u!m11tly 12 $27 .50 I W•t~• o.hverv If humankind is indeed brain via i mp I ant c d introduce traits hi!herto not (\VL th elect ric stimula!lon of Even 1nore difficult than the becoming increasingly unfit electrodes. found in human beings (e.g., the br<1in). 1'h:n th ese question of "Who should Mail to: KO LETSCHE RT for survival, what is to be the ability to per f o r zn technologies could be n e r i t control ?" Js the question, "To P .0 . Box 55 1 Though he has been on stage a comparatively short time, he bids fa ir to be numbered among the survivors. Erect, self-conscious. speaking and reasoning, planning an d acting , by mind and by hand he has gained dominion. His v.·orks are everywhere in evidence. His surroundings display the trophies oJ his myriad triumphs over a sometimes pliable, sometimes hostile nature. By the use of his wits, and es p e c la I I y through technology, m a n appears not only to have won the struggle for existence, but to have emerged as the foreman or creation, if not as a substitute Creato,r. done? The answer given by IN THE FUTURE, we are photosynthesis or lo digest 1nany suffering individuals what ends should these po\vcrs Laguna Beach, Calif. 92652 some of our prophets is hardly promised all or the following : newspaper). \Ve are also cannot be denied. (See AMERICA, Page BK) ''----------------------• surprising. Human nature1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VET OUR STORY has another side. ~1an's victories have been expensive. He himself has created dan~ers perhaps more serious than those he has vanquished. Indeed, some observers warn that we hwnans ;ire, by our own doings, on the slippery slope , tow a rd extinction. Ironically, it seems that our predi caments are the corollaries of our greall'SI successes. In subduing the earth and establishing our dominion, we have polluted .:ind all but consumed the resourres v•e need to survive. Through improvements in agriculture, sanitation and medicine, we have made more likely the su rvival of each but have j e op a rd ! zed , through overpopulatiOJl, the survival of all. By protecting the infirm and the genetically abnormal to the age of reproduction , we are accumulating more and more harmful genes in the human pop ulation: extrapolating from current trends, some gloomily forecast a rapidly approaching genetic twilight for mankind. .. While our weapons of self- defense become ever more powerful, sel f-restraint and moderation falter. and it must be improved. Since man • and the mess he has made cannot be unmade, man must be remade. Not only must his deterioration be haired and reversed, but his native capacities must be enlarged and enhanced. The Ne w Biology and the technologies it makes possible are to provide the tools for a second genesis. WITH A _SOLID foundation in geneticS, biochen1istry and cell biology, the New Biology has greatly built up our knowledg_e of living things. Recent yea rs have s e en remarkable insights into the structure and fun ction of genes, enzymes, hormones. antibodies and vi ruses. Much is being learned about the nature of embryonic development and about the ~'orkings of the brain and !heir c o r re ! a l i o n s with behavior. Much more is likely to be learned in the near future, e.g., about the biologlca\ basis of memory, emotion and I ea r n i n g, or about the mechanisms oi maturation, aging and senescence. 1be technological powers grow in parallel with the scientific advances. Already avai•lab l e are organ Lransplantation, screening. for genetic de rec ts (including techniques lo examine a fet~ in lhe womb), effective and Helene Curtis perm sale. Styled for your cul At prices cut to your style. Helen Curtis 'Phase 7' perm with protein. Regularly 17.50, Sole 11.88. AH perms include shampoo, cut and style set. ol course. JCPenney •••uly S•lon. Sorry Be•utf S•lons clOHd Sunday. Us• your JCPenney ch•fge c•rd. FASHION ISLAND. Newporl ~h. (7\4) 64-4-23 13 HUNTINGTON CENTER. Huntington Beoch (7 14) 89'2-n71 - Hundreds of Jewelry sale, 20% off. memorable gifts to choose from. At savings you won't soon· forget. Sale 10.40 A. Reg. S13. Sterling silver charm bra celet. Sale 1.80 B. Reg, 2.25. Sterling silver girl charm. Sale 4.00 C. Aeg. $5. Sterling silver heart charm. Sale 2.80 D. Reg. 3.50. Sterling silver love ctiarm. Sale 23.96 S~ A•O· 21.95. L~dies' 17 jewel sporl walch, green dtal, chrome ~ase and leather strap. Sale 35.96 M. Reg. 44.95. Diamond rosebud pendant 1n 14K go!d setting. Sale 30.00 N. Reg. 37.50. Diamond heart pendant in 14K gold sell ing Sale 31.96 .Sale 39.96 T. Reg. 39.95. Litlies· U. Reg. 49.95. Ladies' 17 _jewel wa tch In 17 jewel dress watch sllvertone case with with yellowtone case matching bracelet. and bracelet. • E.~ ~F. Sale 35.96 E. Reg. 44 .95 . Two diamond pearl ring in 14K white go1d. Sale 63.96 I. Reg. 79.95. Two diamond catseye ring 1n !OK. gold. Sale 75.96 F. Reg . 94.15. Opal and garnet cocklail ring in 14K setting. Sale 59.96 J . Reg. 74.95. Synthetic star sapphire with dia- mond in 10K gold. Sale 62.00 G. Reg. n .so. Smoky quartz topaz in 10K gold. Sale 27.96 K. Reg. 34.95. Synttietic birthstone "(ith .. sp1nel 1n 10K gold mounting . ' . .1 ' 1 'l ~j Sale 19.96 H. R•g. 24.95. Cats- eye ring In 10K gotd selling. Sale 26.00 L. Reg. 32,50. Single diamond ring in 10K heart selling. Sale 4.60 Sale 18.36 Sale 13.20 0 . Reg . 5.75 . l4K l <1ilored ball ear rings Sale 27.96 V. Reg. 34.95. Men·s 17 jewel aulomi1l 1c calendar watch with yellow\one bracelet. P. Reg. 22.95, 14K gold lailored hoop earrings. Sale 31.96 a. Reg. 16.50 . 14K gold cultured pearl earrin gs. W. Reg. 31.IS. Men's 17 jewel day/date watch 1n yellowtone case wilh strap. JCPenney fine jewelry Sale 23.96 R. Reg. 29.95. 17 jewel pocket watch with yellow or s1!vertone case. Sale prices eflectlv• through Saturd•y. Shop.Sunday noon to 5 P.M. at the following stores: FASHI ON ISLAND, Newport Beach (714) 644-23 13, HUNTIN GTON CFNTFR. H1•nl1nn10n BPach (7 14) 892 -?n\.. • • • . ' Mai Yi[!~ McCa nn be lieves women need to gain skills in manage ment to compete in man's world. •• BEA ANDERSON, Ed;tor su~d••· ,,.,..,,,,.., J, 104 p.,, a.4 This [(ind Host ess R eall y -the Mostest f)EAR ANN LANDERS : The letter about the hostess of the cocktail party who excu sed herself. put on tennis shoes and climbed the ladder iu the roof of her house 10 get a lill\e boy's kite wa:; beautiful. fl rerninded me of another wonderful lady, J'I! love her to my dying day , · \1any years a~o nty little brother had <1 bike accident four block~ fro1n home He cut his foot b;irlly. He dragged himself lo the nearest house The .,.,.C"lman Y.'ho ansv.'cred the door \vas having a party. When she s.aw my kid brother she put him in her car an<l drove him tn the hospl!Jl. Then :-;he called our hou!=c-and found oul I ~·as home alone. So she came over and stayed with me until my parents arrived. The doctor sai d if it h:id n't been (or !hat woma n's quick thin king my brother 1vou ld have lost his foot. So God bless another l<1dy who v.·as "rude" to her guests.-GRATEFUL OEAR G.: Life can be lo\'ely when pcojlle ca re about each other. Thanks for a heart 1>1·arn1er. DE AR ANN l.i\:-.IDERS: What can l do abo ut a man 74 years old who keeps abusi ng n1e vcrha lly and call!ng me unprintable n.1n1es because he. is now imagining th ings l di d when t ~·as a young girl? We have been married for more ih an SO yea rs. There is absolu!ely no lnith to hL'i filthy accusations. I am a respectable person vtho deserves a !illle dignit y and peace of rnind in Lhc evening of my life. My husband was a notorious ski rt- chaser in hi s younger years. Could this ~have something to do with it ? I :im at a loss to un<if'rs!and wh y he insists on going inlo these rages. Hi.i; mind is perfe ctly fine 0Lherw1se. 111esc name-call ing epi- sodes Rre !he only symptom~ th:it he is not all !here. Plc;isc advi se -VitASH .. D.C. DEAR WASH: Sounds as If the ex- 1ldrt--chnser's r.onsr.le.ncf' mi ~ h t b e ..... t!ing bim nnd ht: hi cunvenlenU y ~ng bis gu ilt to yoa. 9'lllrt bl111 out "!'"you woulil a hl1 of ~" on lbr. radio or TV. f>on'I at· • tempt t.".I deftnd ynursetf or wa11le energy on denials. Accept the fact th:it In th is one parllcular area he Is hanan:is. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a falthfu! reader and I agree that people should get professional help v.·hen they feel they aren't able to cope. But don't you reahze that most people. citn't afford ii? I am the mother ot five children . r know I need to see a psychlatrtst, but I keep bump ing alung, dolng the best r can because there's no money for "profes!!ionar help." Millions of others are In the sa me situation. I hope you believe me because this is the way ii is Jn the real world ,- JERSEY SHORE. DEAR JERSEY: I re ceive thoiuands of letters every week from "the real "'orld" and I do believe you. But I am barned tha t a reader who desc ribes herself as a "fahhful reader" \\OUld not knoW> that I h•v~ addressed myseU to this very problem .doaem of t~e1. Here ls lbe answer-AGAI N. There.. are roany plactt, 11 pe:rton wUh llmltelf fOt" not fi nancial reso urce! CAO go for professio nal help. Por the nanu~• of tbcst' ·places clo1est to your borne, write to th e National loslll ute of Mental ffcaltb, 9000 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Md. The re arc hundttds of county and ~C ali: Mental Health Ai;so<:la tlon1 ~&Iler to help. Look In tbe phnne book. Al!o·look fo~ Recovtry, Inc., the f'arnJly Strvltt As· 11oclatlon, and the Catholic (..ltaritles. Good luck and gel go ing. Don't get burned hy <1 ··11ne" that'.i; 100 hot to hll ndl e. Play ii cool M-ith Ann l..nn- dl'.!rs' guide to "Necking an<I Pctting- What Are the l.imits ?" St'nd your rc<Juest to Ann. ·under!!, P.O. Uox 3346 , 222 W, Bank Dr., Chicago, Ill. 60654, trtelo.sing j() cents in coin and a \ong, sWn~. self-addressed envelope. Management? Interested • Ill Clnss Help s W onie 1i S tep to Ladder By AlLlSON-DEERR Of f11t O•llr 'llff Sl1lf Women seeking advancement in the business world need self-a wareness, confidence and skills to compete with men already holding management posts. Mai Ying McCann , and her husband Franklin M. McCann , have tailored their co urse, Developing f.tanagerial Skills for Women, to meet !hes~ needs. Sponsored by the University of Southern California, the 16-week course will be offered in Los An geles, Orange and San Diego colUlties'. The local course will begin 111ursday, Feb, 14, and conclude May 30. . "We had this idea several years ago." f.1 rs. f.t cCann said. "We felt that ~·on1cn needed lo develop the skills· to rornp{·te effecti vely for managerial positions.'' The course "'ill be tearn !aught. "\l/e feel it is important that l>oth a man's and a woman's polllt of vie1\· are expressed . After a!I, ~·omt'n are ye t working in a nian's 1\'Qrld ." The co up le dr<iw upon a vast educational and business background, EDUCATION CITEO Mai Ying ~1cCann holds a ba chrlors de~ree from Ca l Stale Long Beac h. and a masters from USC, both in bll!iincss education. She is in her sixth yea r of teaching at Golden West Collrge in secretarial science, accounting and word processing, Franklin McCann holds a BS in ind ustria l engineering and :i n1asters In busi ness adrrunis tration frflnJ the General Motors lp stitute and Cal Slate l.Qng Beach, respectively. .Among his management credits are marketing manager for fl,1 etallurgical Consultants Inc. and sales manager fro1n ARC-0-VEC Inc. He is an evening college instructor at Lon g Beach City College and Sadd!eback Community College. Both are completing_ doctoral \.\'Ork at United States International Un iversitv in Sa n Diego in th e sc hool of huin a'n behavior. ... A hurnan approach to business is evident In thei r course , "First, the students \vj/J look nt th emselves, their abilities and build from T hey J' ote for Liberation tlus self-awareness," she said. "The 1>.'omr·n 1\'ho take the course may decide they don't want 10 go Into business. ASSt..:SS SK IL LS "[(they fet~I they ca n't gi\'e the tinte to a Job th:it manage ria l \.\'Ork requires. then they niust rt•ally lake a look at themselves and decide if this is really \\'hilt tht•y 1>.'ant lo do," The class begins with an O\'erview of the change in the work and social environrncnt. "We talk about the rh<inging status of won1en, deb unk some 1nyths <111d talk atxiut some of the cornp<1nies which are supportive of \\'Olll!'Jl. I 'in doing research on that now." After the SPlf·asscss ment portion, 11•hirh rnay include videotaping volunteer p;1rticipants before and aft er the course, 11•ill come discussions of managerial 1hought and ph ilosophy, understandin g <'Ind n1otivati11g em p Io ye s and identification of leadership styles. "\\Iha! motivates a person to do good work " It isn't alv.·a ys money . If it's achieverncnl. ho1v can management help hin1 achieve?" She added that manag ement succeeds best .... ·hen the 'work situation is" "made p!easur.:ible." And. "how are employes involved in decisions abou t themselves and the con1pany'.'" ST,'LES GAUGED \ "\Ve also have developed an rdur<1tional tool for rneasuring leadersh ip style. Th is is i1nportant , because -<in c1utocr<1 t doesn't. y,•ork welt with se!f. nctualizing cn1 pl oycs. "\Vith a profile we w~ll determine if the style ls democra tic or autocratic or somewhere In between. The key b a)ways nexlbillty ln any working situation." The goats of a com pany and IL! management should be compatible with those of the employes, she usert!d And these should be defined ln aome way. • Communications skills will b e heightened through T ran.sac t Ion a I Analys!.s and studies of group dynamlC3. Mrs. McCaM feeC!I that ln a short time there will be a balance or men and women ln managerial po.sillons. "A few years ago, It was almost Impossible for women to advance. Not today. Many companies are supportive of women." She asserts lhat "men and women were created to supplement a n d complement each other. Many times a woman will have an empathetic understand ing of a problem, call It intuition if you l!ke, that a man won't. "Women don't have lo be what men are to achieve ln business. You c.an still be a woman, be feminine, and get the job done.'' Classes will be held in the Avco Financial Center conference room, in Newpo rt Beach, from 7 to IO p.m. weekly. The McCanns hope to have e concent rated course for summer lasting p-ertiaps one week or a mini -series of only a few weeks. Registration for the class Is open Wllil the ev ening of the first clasa, but class We L9 limited to 30. Information Is available from the Extension Division of USC or Mrs. McCann, Golden West College, 892-7711.' I Board Members Agreement • Ill By JO OLSON Of !ht D•llr 1"119t Stiff Talking to Tracy and Ed Booth Ls like gettlng caught up ln a JX>litical rally. , Be fore you know it you're agreeing eagerly that all people ind eed ought to be liberated, but you catch yourself ~fore yoo promise you'll join NOW and work with them. But wait a minute. W'hat 's this fellow Ed doing in the National Organization for Women, much less serving as secretary? It's because he ad voca r"t!s liberation for 1vomen as much as any female in the group and because he believes that •·you can't ge t people liberated witil you get women liberated." Tracy, who ls treasurer of the Orange County Chapter of NOW , and her husband, newly elected ·"' secretary, are the fLrst husband- 1vife te;im to serve as officers together in the chapter. ONE OF THE FEW According to Helen Lotos , fonner presld cnt, they are one of !he few couples nationally to hold crlfice together in NOW. Thelr awareness of I h e movement begt1 n when they lived in Michigan ;:ind started readlng a next door neighbor 's ropies of Ms. magazine. By the time they were ready lo move to California to take advantage of the wealher and join Tracy's parents, who had made the move three year.s before, they 'vere ready to look up the nearest chapter of NOW and get to work. This logically was the Orange County chapter, since they settled in Fullerlon. - Ed, a loan officer for a mortgage compuny, believes men are locked in stereotypes which only Liberation for a.U people wil l open . ' "If men were Ubent.ed they Wruld get rid. of all the traps they've been forced Into," he said. "like fixing toast.en and working . lf I want to stay home and watch my kid.s I can't. The moe:t Tracy could mal<e would be $:;IJO per moo th. SEGREGATION "There art a lot of things I'd like to do but can't. "When we have company, I shouldn 't feel prtssured to go Into the kitchen and have a beer wlth the men," He added that one of hl<1: goals Is to raise his two daught ers in a non -sexist home. Tracy, a junlur at Ca llfomia State Un!vel":llly, Fullerton, agrees. "You see ~xism every place you go, n 's only now that my consciousness has been raised." She is majoring in American studies and is rhinkin g of studying for a masle.rs degree in women's studies. She would like to "A>-Ork evenluaUy. Ed Is conccmed about getting more men into NOW, which also Is the national emphasis or the group. "I wish more people would be involved,'' he ccmmcnted. "I find myself always explain ing what it is." Erl is pf:inning to he.Ip the NO\V chaptP.r put together 11 se1111n~1r which would be given fo r husincs.~. TWO l'ROJECl'S "We would sit dDWn with ' 1, • managers and try to get Vr'Omen pron1oted.'' Ed said . "And we should ha ve a consulting service, •but this could be years away.'' one of Tracy's guals is to help the Image of NOW c h an g e n1Hlonally, ellmlnatlng the "bra burning" ,accu,,&tlon !Ometimes made agai nst the group. Ed rommcntcd that the real issue of men :ind wome n is not "who opens wh<it doo r" but who gets what amou nt of !Vlcia l security. lfe also Slrcs.'IPd th at "women 's tustory doo..~n't exi~t i111~ the Equal H1J;hls Amendment is l1 a v i n g 1l1 ffic111ty ." Bri nging tlle Issue to a mo~ pcr!!IO!lal level , the Boat ht Tracy and Ed Booth are working togeth er fo r liberation ·Of people, not iust women. They are both NOW officers. . . advocated that grammar IChool textbooka 0 shou1d be rewritten 10 boys don 't do .verythln1 and that <a'"litU• g1rll should be able lo ... Into Uttle League. It leeches teun effort." °""' Ed 1.i kidded !or """" ;m officer in • srooP w1u. .. women,. in its name, a iroup sometimes termed radlcal7 ''It's no bl& deal ," he .said. "I don 't l'I any· fl ack anymore ." With the Boolhl' enthU>lasm and dedJca tlon, lhoy may p.ve the w1y ror more huabandl ond wi ... ., join th< group together. Alter lil, liberation IJ • raml!J nl!alr. • Europe Trip ~h~ap In Spite of Crisi~ U~ll"' ,.,..,, l~ltn1ttl0fltl Energy crisis or not, the railroads of 13 West European countries arc still offering American travelers low cost unHrnlted firSl--<.'lass r a i J travel. Would you believe 21 days for $150, for instance. TRAVEL gone up $20 to $50 since the dul!ar cr1!'iiS in 1973 but they are still a good buy, particularly for An1tr1cC1n.'I who plan to travel extensively in Europe. In addition to the 21-day pass for $150, there's a one· n1onth pass for $190, two months for $260 and three months for $300. G'hildren 4-12 pay half-fare while those under 4 ride frt'e. • DAILY PILOT 8 § Montreal Offers Unde rground City lly S.TAN DELAP~ANE MONTREAL -Snow all 'over Montreal. A little slow on street clearing due to union seniority. (They have to call the senior man first and maybe he's out for a couple of hours. So junior man sit.s and wait.s.) J:sut thJs is an underground town (city of three mil· lion l should say) and rapid subway haul! you from one underground shopping center to another. Complete shopping cen ters: Department stores. Drug stores. Butch· ers and bakers and candlestick makers. Even sidewalk ca!es. Good restaurants. ln the downtown area you can walk In the subway from one center to ane>ther. While the cold Canadian w inter howls over head. In 1976 Montreal will have the summer Olympics. Tourist bureau man told me: "By that time our under- ground system will be three times what it is now." And that lncludes Europe's super-duper Trans-Europe Express (Tee), the high-speed extra-fare trains that link 172 key cities on the Continent Moreover, the same cut-rate Eurailpass en L i t I es the purchaser to free rides on certain stean1ers, ferrii!s and motor coach es as v.•ell as othe r extras. Students under 26 a re eligible for a t1vo-month, second-class student railpass y,•Jth unliinited mileage for $165 . 111e student !la ss includes n1any of the side benefits offered by the Eurailpass. SWISS RAILWAY IS PART OF Luxury hotels are Hilton's Queen Elizabeth and Canadian Pacific's Chateau Champlain. I've stayed at u .. 1 T11"~"' both. Chateau Champlain is magnificent and expensive . EUROPEAN SYSTEM A GOOO TOURIST VALUE (I lhJnk $34 for a single room is expeM!ve even Ii It Is ' luxurious. So is $2 .50 for a brandy.) The Eurailpass has to rank high among travel bargains anywhue in these days of the noatlng dollar and energy crunch. European trains are among the 111ost modern - they are clean, con1fortable, frequent , fast and reliable. EURAILPASSES mll~t be bought in the Uniled States -they are not available In Europe -from tr a v e l agencies or local offices 11f the member railroads. The pass must show the holder's passport number with both being cheeked by train ronductors and border guards. To insure full value, do not get the pass staniped until the first train trip. The re are about 100,000 miles of IJ"aek in the combined networks of the member railroads in Austria, Belgium, Denmark. France, I ta I y , Luxembo urg, Th e Netherl an d s, Norway, Portugal, Spain, S weden , S w i t z e r I a n d and West Germany. Eur a 11 p a.s s prices have In addition to its low cost, Eu r a i I r ;i s s offers other dividends for Uie American traveler, By paying i n advance. he doesn't have to worry about paying a higher fa~e because of currency fluCtualions. AND THERE 'S the convenience of city-center .to c i t y -center transportation. v>'h ich eliminates the time and expense of getting ro and fro m outlying a i r ports . But probably more important, the energy short.age is expected to have only a n1inimal effect on rail services. 111e Eurailpass Executive C-Ommittee noted that most of the railways, "particularly the highly trafficked roul.e.'i ," are electrified and depend more on power generated by hydroelectric and coal-burning plants than on oil. "No curtailment in services are planned," the committee said recently. "As a matter of fact, possible.. additions are being planned to compensate for heavier demands expected as a r~ult of automobile and aircraft fuct curt.ailments." THE PASSES do not include mea l s or sleeping accommodations such as CQuchettes. But Eurailpass holders do not have to pay the · supplementary fa re usually charged for seat reservations on the crack Tees and other luxury trains. There now are 39 of the all first-class international specials, each Ziggurat Gallops Into Morass Deal Witli Uncle Sam Bogs Down By JACK CHAPPELL Of lfl• D1U1 "Ila! J!IH Laguna Niguel's ziggurat whi ch at lhis time last year was galloping tow a rd aC(luisitlon by the federal government has g a 11 o p e d Instead into a morass. The ziggurat is Rockwell Tntern::itlonal's huge industrial plant s-0 named bc<:ause of ils re~mhl nnrr. 10 ;in anci~nt Babytlonlan temple. It was designed and constru~ by Rockwell during !lie aerospace boom of the late 1900s. But, v:hile the plant was being bullt. the boom burst and Rockwell was left with a 1,000,000-square- foot facility it didn 't need. A PLAN WAS hatched to trade the plant lo Uncle Sam In exchange for property in Los Angeles C.Ounty which the comp.my now leases. After myri.ad a pp ro v a 1 s from federal agencies and finally the U.S. Senate. the deal looked as if it would be c<lmp!ctcd and federal workers would be inhabiting the huge plant hy summer , last summer that is. The final hitch, ho~·e\'er, l\'8S a required approval by the House of Representatives subcommittee on govemrnen- tal operations. chnired by Rep Jack Brooks (D-Texas\ Brooks has held u p consideration of the trade for h\., 0~11 reasons. some of which are reportedly a suspicion the building will in some way benefit President Nixon's Orange .Count y holdin&s or friends: IN A T ELEP H ONE Interview last week. Brooks \•:ould only say that "all of the factors nre be in g considered" in the federal government's acquisition of the big plant. He said the proximity of the Western While House in San Clemente to the Niguel plant was of ''no special bearing, but It might be worth considering." Asked if he felt the plant could b e n e r i t presidentia I friends, Brooks said, ' ' I Car Pooler Rates Do'vrt LOS ANGELES (AP) - Slate insurance Commissioner Gleeson Payne says CaBfomla motorists who join car pools or ride mass transit facilities 1 to work may be eligible for immediate reductions in aut9 insurance rates. Payne urged anyone who hu shifted from driving hi s own car to work to contact his \n.,,urance com pan y concerning lower rates. "As a rcsul l of the energy crisis. gasoline price~ are high, supplies 11re lower, and people arc using t h e i r automobiles lcs11," Payne said ln a statement. , '-' Dt lt' .. not Ut ll Phflt ROCKWELL 'S 1,000,000-SQUARE-FOOT FACILITY IN LAGU NA Ji 'UP IN fHE "R' 'GAIN v.·ouldn't want to comment on that." In response to a reference to the Senate's qu ick approval of the acqwsition last year, Brooks said: "The Senate v.·ould pas.s a bill to trade the Capitol dome for a v.·hore hnuse. No , .. I don·t want to pick any fights wtth those folks over lhere. they're fine people those senators." THE Rcr.::-KWELL plant is fi guring prominently in a proposal for a 5 5 , I) 0 0 popuJation development of the now virgin M o u 1 t o n Ranch lands. Situated around lhe pl.1nt arc clusters of high density !ow-cost housing and wh at the lnnd planners now c a 1 1 employment centers. Also nearby is a l,327·acre residential project, included in !he ~1oulton Plan, to be developed by the Presley Companies, the ninth or tenth lnrgcst builder in the nation, according to a corn pan y spokesman. RandAl\ E. Presley, of Nev.·port l::Seach, ts t he company president a n d chairtnan of the board. Paul Presley of S ;i n Clemente. owner of the San Clemente Inn. and civic leader hil ~ b<'en an ardent presidential supporter and friend. Btrr, D E S P IT E the similArity of the names, the two are not related, and are not related in business either. they say. But. the slmllarity of names may have added to susplcloM of Brooks' Wash i n I! I on s u bc(immillec investigators who arc probing all of the expenditures on the presidential estates. Those investigations even if they arc not I-ela ted to ihe ziggurate trade have ".~ide tracke<I " the acquisition. sources report. Brooks has assigned a hi~h priority to those investigations and placed them a b o v c consideration of a S26 million Orange County trade. What the ziggurat ~·ould house if and "'hen t h e government ever does take it over is another question. The Government Services Ad ministration (GSA), Uncle Sam's landlord, has in the past said it was interested in a high space. low employe use. And, GSA pointed to its own requirements for some 282,000 square feet for storage of ret'Ords. About 40 to 50 employes maintain the files. IT HAS ALSO been rumored lhAt the Federal Dru g Arlrrtin is trat\on would locate its \Veslern headquart.ers at the Niguel plant. Some figures tossed out by government sources ha v e pegged a work force at bet~·een 3.000 and 5 , 0 O 0 persons. Rockwe\l designed the plant and 91·acre site for 7,000 employ,s. RQCkwcll owns another I.200 acres adjacent to the plant. While only a fraction of the total Moulton Ranch plan acreage, the Rockv.·ell site is planned for 4.201 of the 18,612 residential units in the entlre 10.000-acre area. So wh ile losing a white elephant, albeit an attractive wh ite elephant, to Uncle Sam Rockwell stands lo gain a lot of housing, and people for it. Residents or the Ll!lguna Niguel area have expressed concern about a sudden influx of workers, and projections that for each worker, many entire families with ~hool age children will foll ow. INDUSTRIAL. or government jobs also attract service industry and conunercial business v.'orkers to further s we 11 the population oft.he area . In a series of meetings during consideration of an environmental impact report for the goverrunenrs purchase of the-plant, the Niguel Homeowners Association asked (or a grad u a I acquisition. 'Project Rabbit' to Teach ~ature Ril.bbits and earthworrns will be in plentiful supply at R obi nwood School in Huntington Be a c h this scme!ter, when "Project Ral?blt " -one of 37 mlni- projecls funded by the district th \J year -gets off the g1"9pnd. Creators of the project are ho)Jeful that it will teach the youngsters something about bus1ncss, science and noture, 8nd be fun, too . Beginning with a IArge, fenced rRbbil run, and two prolific rAbbits, the !!Chool is hoping to end up wilh lots or rAbbits, earthworms And fertile sol! -all marketable commodities. "Tl-IE FIRST step is for the kids and teachers·to raise the rabbits," explained Woodis Chaddick. the Ocean ' View School District administrator r esponsible for coordinating the mini-project proposals ae;1 final fWldlng. "Then. th ey'll take t1'le rabbit droppings to use to grow earthworms in," he continued. "Then. s i n ct' earthworms/ crea!e :i fertile soil . tbey'lt use the soil to grow an experimental garden." It should all result in the ,, sale of earthworm s (fishermen need them) and the excess rabbits and fertile soil. Mini-proje<:ts funded by !he district ha ve been going on since , 1970, with compelition- among tMi chera gelling more and dV)l'e· fierce, according to Chaddick. This yea.r, there were about 80 ptoposals presenled, each vying.for a chunk of the 14,000 set aside f_or the projects. IN 1970, most schools wrote only · one, or maybe lwo. proposals. This year, Haven View led !he pack with 11 projects accepted for funding. Projects must not ask for more than $400, end must Include c reat'l ve and innovative ideas. according to Chaddick. Some p r o j e c t s , written by lndlvldual teachers, involve onJy one clagsroom. Others, lhough,, sometimes written by lhe sc h oo , principal, involve the entire school. When all proposals arc subml.ttcd.,a rtvl~w team goe11 over them, giving each project a rating. Funds 1trc then alloted to the projects. ih order of their rating, until the $4,000 n1ns out. They told me many smaller hotels at reasonable running in two direclions r ates and l believe it. daily, In the Tee network. But T own of i:nany restaurants -~ey say .. ~.000. advance reservations still are \Vorth-waiting for and putting 1n your if-we-ever· a must go" box: "Restaurant guide to Montreal." (A good se- . · lection from the 4,000.) "Olympic Garnes, 1976." "Mon· Trains on the !llore PQ~u.lar treal and Environs." They're free. Address: Montreal routes gen~rally inc_lude d~ng Tourism City Hall M tr I C d (Alt ti B ·1 cars but it also 15 possible , . . . ~n ea . a~a a en on eno1 10 buy snacks and soft drinks Belanger-publicity might move 1t faster). from venders oo board. Food • • • and drink also can usually "WOULD BACKPACKING IN HAWAII BE A GOOD be purchased from stands and IDEA FOR TWO YOUNG PEOPLE?" Lots of good trails. shops at stops along the way. Lush rain forests. Long white beaches. And it's warm You can fix your ltinerary enough to sleep out all year. (You might get rained on as you go, stopping off so get some waterproof covering.) Government Forest wtienever and wherever you Service in downtown HonolullJ will give you a trail map decide. of all the islands. Free. How To Cut Your Tax To A Legal Minimum Here it is from the Doily Pilot • . Th only book that helps you e own 1973 Income Tax 1111 out y~ur b l' with the easy Form line Y ine ,, thod "Question and Answer me "'- uttlOrltJ ..... .., flllant• i\,merlu '1 ''""""' 1 """''"'"' •tdudlOn• illa•• yt• !It• to t•t ywr I •~d i'ltlid co.stl' erron-Mrt 11 '"""' 111 Id 1,1,,thlnt 11111'• 1n-lt ""'' J1lll • yov n• -r f-1rtl 1ncom• T11 Ll't llmt t~ lnOl!tJ, lft ftW • . "' •ac.tt con. • Here are just a few of the tax tips that will save you money low IO l<e credit or deduction for poUUcal contrlbuUou Tiit TOP rate on earned Income ID 1973 II 60\ IJbenlllld otnee u bome upt1111 deductlou In JOU? deduatlou compare wllll otllen ID 7our Income pvap In mucb wi JOU dedDct far . Cbr!IJ ~ prootT An mricace polnll dlducllbltT Stmpler •&JI or lllllnC J'lllll cbarttalllt OODtrlbullODI, dootm and bDIPllll upeaa Simpler ..,. or lllUq ,_ dltldendl In IO pnCeot JOlll uptllll _, dedueUODI Wbat IO tlo U JOU an t111aretll or ....,ued pannta Ill dtducllou !or can 111111 fer b1111D• and ,......,. Only $1.25 USE nns HANDY ORIER RJRM ....._.hSl .Nltl.ll~Jl't.r,....,._,._...,.._. .... ..,, •• ,,.....,....., 1•1i i.-ruw. ......... '"' . ...... ................................................. . ....... , •..... ----·-··-·. -·· ..... ·-.....................• c:;_Ht ·························••••i·-·············-······ • I i I I Send For Your Copy Today • ,. ,........................................................ i ,. 11, -··················································· I 1 °"""""' c ... 1 ~ ,,... tl'.o.M,.11'0 , c..t. ...._ c..lf. •t6J' I L..-----------'·-··----·~------···----·-····-----· ·' I • - . . • . .. 8 8 DAILY PILOT S...ndl1, Ftl>Nlry 3, 1974 mtl• .,, ..... ., ~~.!!~:~· Y 0t1r Horoscope Taurus Should Be .Tender ~ & HMIOl l lVO. COJf" Mf,A, S41·1SS2 IXCLUSIV (1 Wi111111 BfSI ACIR(SS Golde" Globe Award MARSHA MASON JAMES CAAN WINHlll 0 111 TWO GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS IEST ACTOR IUT ACTRESS MONDAY FEBRUARY 4 By SYDNEY OMARR .. (I.ASS'' -Ar 1:00 • llUt "lTJIANGIEJIS" -Al l t•I SUP<ID4'1' CONT. ,.OM t ,.,M. ,.~ f. LrvO ....... a..... Pn>d ....... plH I§ ARIES (March 21-April 19 ): New approach Is necessary If complicatlons are not to be compounded. Be direct, original, crealive -and assert yours~lf in dynamic manner. Fam.Hy members, ma t e , partner may look aghast - ~ JINAL WEik MATS: WI D. SA1, SUN. "LOVERS ANO OTHER STRANGERS" RDDh'i' Rl!Df DRll I See by Today's Want Ads • BOY'S 10 speed Centurion ,/ bike, light weight, finger tip controls. e 3 pure bred Lab puppies, mixed color, no papers tor $10 each. • COLORADO River resl· denlial vit>w lot, Slrt"et & utili!ies in, marina, boat slips, shops, bars, near c~sinos. ID .O:UMIAll .lllllNlllN P,,n,:i....,!>Ql® Techn'°*"l!I r.v;i 1<0<11 WJrner Bros., Lffi A WJ•r>e< Co<nmunoc::.ll()(l~ Cornoanv Weekdoy.,._6.B-1 0 Sot. & Sitn.-11-2-4-6-8·1 0 LI D 0 NEWPORT llEACH lfllfl.ANtf TO LIDO ISlf I'> IJSO EXCLUSIVE! His Story 11 ln<rfflbl•f ,.., ... w ........... "" ._ w .. -C..O.-Ollc••"""' co .. ,.~, W Try Satm·day's News Quiz NOW PLAYING · TODAY'S CRDSSWDRD PUZZLE ACROSS Andes coun!ry 5 Peeo snow 10 Vestige 15 Blueor1nt 19 Gem weign! 20 Durable wood 21 Synth.it1c laor1c 22 An9ers 2d Green sha de 25 Conduc led 26 Upon : prefix 28 Eternity 29 Qbl1 terale 30 F la~en fabric 21 A11endll'lg 32 Loose 34 Card game 35 Prelerence 36 Asia11 c bean 38 Decal 40 Wratn 42 Interior 46 A111red 4 7 Vault 49 Low shoe 54 Benefit 55 Inferior equine 56 lnfec1ive 58 Small candle 59 Cuo1d s ''weaoon" 60 P1av1ng group 61 And: Lalin 62 Son or Se1h 64 Jutlander 65 Compass POll'I\ 66 Canal bani< fj 7 Blossom 70 Ilk 72 Far down 73 Pre1udice 74 Ottender 76 Animal fat 78 Lively: music 81 Narrow inlel 82 Betuddled 84 Clergyman 88 Inclined " " • II ID • 89 Yu le song 9 1 Table seasonlno 93 Net 94 Brigand 96 Marries 98 Brownle 99 Landed properties 101 Haze 103 Co11on fabric 105 Slender 106 Heallh resort 109 Ardor 111 Map direction 112 Aud i1ory 113 Chinese pagoda 116 Employ 118 Meter race 120 As fa r as 12 1 Failure 12:<> Destroy 123 Watchlul 125 Throat lozenge 128 Intend 129 Hooded snak e 130 Want 132 Apportion 133 Srioal 134 Forever 135 Bowlike curve 137 Cooking ins1 ruction 139 Bro wn kiwi 140 Waler vapor 144 B~hold! 146 Argeriline ri1ler 1d7 Greek le tter 148 Oecan1p 153 Hobo 154 Fem1n1ne SU!I!)( 156 Brimless cap 157 Towel monogram 158 GarniSh 159 Pain1er's stand 160 Excuse 162 Vanquish 164 Ail 165 Only 166 Stlm1..1latlng drink 167 Reimbu1se 168 Dear: French DOWN Ancient language 2 Hibernia 3 Enthuse 4 Implement S Pass along 6 Enco11rage 7 land measure 8 Print measure 9 "Blil'lker" 10 Drip slowly 11 Egyetian god 12 Sailor's ~yes" 13 Frigid 14 Boredom 15 Excuse 16 Turidsh pound 17 Ah mel 18 Bullfinch t'>oml! 19 Mountain pass 23 Witness 27 Moccasin 32 Male party 33 Retain 37 Forwarcl 38 Wretched neighbornood 39 Estimate 41 Syntrietic language 42 Ford 43 Russian ruler 44 Weight allowance 45 Smi1e 46 ChOwder base 48 Color 50 Fleeting fashion 51 CachOloog 52 Western city 53 Sketched 55 Individual 56 Cease 57 Helix 60 Lachrymal 61 She: 11a llBn 63 BrP.ak. suddenly 66 Protessional: 2 words 67 Cons1ruc1or 68 Danisn coin 69 Projectile 7 1 Rigorous 73 Twls1s. 74 Crawl 75 Tanlalize 77 Reverie 78 Priest's vestment 79 Meadow 80 Swedish d!strlct 83 Indian mulberry 85 SQUat 86 Dollar bill 87 Cape 90 Cry of oain 92 ArK:ienl French coin 95 Advised 97 Hl1 snow sign 98 Milltary alliance 100 Move smoothly 102 Pace 104 Adorable 106 Herrlngllke 1,,,, 107 Slack 108' Er1s's bro1t1er 110 Aromatic plant 112 Norwegian Sllll'll 113 Bass horn 114 Breezy SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ANSWERS • I ' \ 115 Mallard genus 117 Siikworm 119 Rope circle 121 Touch 122 Squabble 124 Walk on 126 Applaud 127 1nlidel 128 Chinese noodles 129 Ois!inclive literature 13 1 Oral pause 133 Boarder 134 Assamese tribe 136 Shoe pla1 e 138 Girl'!! garment 139 Out ot oractice 140 Female saint 14 f' Mine car 142 Comfort 1•3 Bitters: French 145 European C1ly 147 Star In Cetus 149 Ready money 150 Go~em 151 Maple genus • 152 Encoun!ered 155 Misdeed 157 Aware: slang 161 Twice: prefix 163 Odin's bro1her but it is lmporltlnt to be you , not an imitation or a robot. TAURUS \April 20-May 20 ): Light tou ch could w o r k wonders. Tender, loving care ts essentlal. Older fa1nlly member needs encourage- ment. Give it and you will grow as a result. Follow through on hunch . Don't be sidetrBcked by one who sings the blues . GEMINI (May 2l·J une 20): 'Mlere are unusual ways to use material at hand. Your natura1 versatility, adeptness comes flying to forefront. Jf you suppress it to please the -linHd, you hurt chances for achievement. Know it and act accordingly. CANCE R (June 2l·July 22 ): Cyele ls hi gh -obstacle will break apart. You can step over debris. Check apparent minor points . Be specific, thorough . Step forward dl'spite protestations of o ! d e r , intransigent persons. You. will be vindica ted. LEO (July 23-Aug . 22 ): Be •' ready for change, including scenery. Your ideas, conceptJ· a.re subject to change. Know lt Cltld don 't fight personal progress. Gemini , VI r g: o persons figure prominently. See and perceive -greater illumination is at hand . VIRGO (AUg. 23-Sepl. 12 ): Money and how it gets that way is of concern -and should provide humor, too. Some frlends offer advice freely , whether solicited or otherwise. Tauru s, Li bra ~Id be involved. Associates who "act up" are crying out for attention, compliments. lJBRA (Sep<. 2J.Oct. 12): See ahead -avoid wishful thinking. Process of tearing down for purpose of rebuilding may be necessary. You make 1neaningful contact w i I h persons who can advance ambitions, career. P I s c es , Vi rgo individuals may be in pi cture. SCORP.10 (Oct. Z3·Nov. 21 ): Subtle <tpproaeh brings best results. One who s e e m s lndlffert-nl may merely be te!ting. Know it and accept challenge. Gain l!i indicated through wri tten word. Study and get thoughts, ldeas and ooncepts oomm.itted to paper. SAGITI'ARJUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 ): Friends and money may be an oil and water mixture -key now is to fin ish , to be rid of burden not rightly your own. Aries, Ubra individuals could be involved. H um a n 1 ta r i a n gesture will be repaid. Be kind without being foolish. CAPRICORN (Dec. Z2·J an. 19): Look beyond the immediate. Your c re a I i v e abilities can be successfully utilized. New contact ca n aid in proving that point. Leo, Aqu arlus individuals may be in picture. Be independent but also defer to speclal req uest by mate, partner. AQUARJUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Hun ch pa ys dividends. Learn and teach -share knowledge. Rise above Ute petty; be confident in future. Those who can perform ENTERTAINMENT special services will be available . Know It and prcx;eed accordingly . Another Aqu•rlan could be in picture . PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Creativity an d versatility combine oow to bring unusual contacts, challenges a n d experiences. Horizons will be broadened . What appeared a roadblock to progress will be remo ved. Saglttarian might figure prominently. IF TODAY IS BIRTHDAY you are "THE WAY WE Wt:lll" lrCPI cal10 "OH A CL~AR DA 'f" "TH( SfVIN·UPS" irGI • "THIS IS A HI.JACK" !PO.I Du1 tln Hoffm•n Jon Voight "MIDNIGHT COWBOY" And R 11th Gor don Georg• Sag•I "WHERE'S POPPA" Both in Color R•ted "R" and talented , 'frank to point of being insulting at ti1nes. You are zea lous in beliefs, often serve as an inspiration !~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for those Jacking in faith. I~ August .... 111 be key month . What /(ind of a Mother Would ~· . • By ERrt1A 80~1BECK There are six words that make my nesh crawl. I don't ev:>n hang around for the re!\l of the sentence. As soon as l hear, "What kind of a n1other would .. " I split. We all start out like ~1ary Poppins. But somew here along the line. the washer breaks down, the gerbils form a city. and you realize the high spot in your day is findin g your comb in th e toy box. It 's easy to be cri tica l when you d o n ' t know the circumstances, For some of the most -o ften .as k ed qtiestions, I offer t h e s e answers. "\\'hat kind of a mother wnu ld let a child go to church v•earing a sweat shirt ttfat .JtlllN \fJ\YNI~ AT WIT'S END reads, 'U.S. OLYMPI C DRINKING TEAM'?" r\flS\Ver: A n<other who Washes and irons eight days a wee k, who succumbs to pleas from her cbild lo "Let me dress myself" and is at this n1oment knocking on the door of the convent begging for an application blank. "What kind of a mother would 121 a child play with the produce?" Answer: A mother whe has one child in the cart eating a bar of soap, another one WAYNE ON WHEELS! SHOWING NOW! '-···---A• .. -e---~w ---.OOT Hill M ll'9I ---""'·°""'*'• .... ._,_...., ..... -IOOIN1«1P.M, <Woody:~ cAllett .... 'Kcaton "~I I• C" / CJ eeye... .. / "'-: """'· '· li'J. ,.,. .. 1..-. .... , ... ,,. , ..... . ...... tlltf ····-~ Your touqbffl Pftlleuor Juat ccn19ilt yoU. In his bedroom, with hla _dauqhter .. _ H•'• 9radln9 yow llnol •xom ri9ht now. Good luck. • ithis time the bUlletl ·are hilling pre1ly ~R1 clo~tohomel ,· . i CMltt ....... •D•CJ'llUij .. ............ • ..... f1lt ... .. r...-.. ... loll ••• ,,., ... r I ' $6 for a workbook ? vdth a hand caught in the gum machine , a husband \\'ho is going around the bloc k with his gas guage on E, and who has two items too many for the Express Line. "What kind of a mother \vould strap a baby into a ca r so that he can move only his head ?" Answer. The sa1ne mother who sent $6 for the same v.•orkbook for the same child back in September, who is realistic enough to know there's a li ttle larceny in every child. Answer: A mother realistic enough to believe the old adage that "God couldn't be everywhere at once so he made two-year olds ." Mothers aren't perfect. No one said they were. But what's wrong with co llaring your own chil d once in awhile and saying, ''Kid , on a Jove scale often, today you're a big zero." "Wha t kind of a mother would wr ite a l S-cent check for school milk ?'' Wh at kind of a .,.,·om an wou ld say, "What kind of a mother would . .,,, Answer : A mother who is shrewd enough lo hide her ba 11-point pen in the oven. "What kind of a mother would call the teacher to verify her son's req uest for P~sibly the woman who reads only the Ivory ads, watches the Brady Bunch , or who has forgotten what it ta kes to survive "the best years of your life." S01.1!1'1 C0111 Cln•m•s "Cl-INllOTS ()rlHE ooosr l~Golco'IGI NO •I Price No~O.y •• &tl ""'" . Motl..frl. 12:30 10 10()p.m • '.,,.., ~-00-1 O(l tO(lP.M, • a1.oo)~~ :'.~:·:·:·.· ·:·:·:·:.· 011~n ::;::' 0 11ly cuv ··: 12: 1011 C.tlll f -wc>NOER Of IT All"' "ISLANOOF H<E BLUE IX)ll'HINS" llo!~ in Colar' IGI Robert Redford .:jeremiah Johnson" A SYDNEY POLLACK FILM The man who became a legend. The film destined to be a classic! AOSERT REDFORD In A Sydtley Pouack Fitm '·JEREMIAH JORNsbN" A Joe w1zan·~nt0fd Producllon . Co·Stariln; wtLL GEER All YN ANN McLEAIE ·STEFAN G!ERASCH ·CHARLES TYNEll • An9 Introducing DELLE BOLTON· Mu1•c by JOl'lt1 R11bmsl11m anJ T 1m Mclntir• Scu:enplay by John M1H11s and Edward Anhalt· P1od11ced by JOI! Wilen Oi1ecled by Sydney Pnllacle · Panallitioo•, T&timco1oi• ••-••-.:•...,. 0 • ·-• c-:.e...noon c_..,, NOW-ONE WEEK ONLY! BUENA PARK BUENA PAR K CINEMA (522·28 16) 1116 l!IEACH 8t.VO. COSTA MESA CIN EMA CENTER 3 & 4 (979·41 41 ) HARBOR 91.\10, AT ADAMS COSTA MESA PAULO OAIVE·I N (545-33131 NEWPORT rwv. AT l!IAKER. Sf, HUNTINGTON BEACH SURF (536·93961 PACIFIC COAST HWV . & 5•11. ST . LA HABRA CI NEMA 1 (697·6781) 20• W. WHITTI EA Bi.VO . ORANGE STAD IUM DRIVE-IN 31639 7860) KAT£t.t.A NEAR STADIUM ORANGE VILLA 1639·0066) ru5'f1N AVE . so. oi: KAT ELLA TUSTIN TUSTI N CINEMA 1544· 1696) NEWPORT A T SANTA ANA Fwv , WESTMINSTER CINEMA WEST 3 & 4 (892 4493) WESTMINSTER AT GOl.OEN WEST I S~I Cl1t.l IN(',AGl•I CHAllOT Of THE GOOS "' -"' ~' ,_,_ .•.. ~I '""""'-..J OA l l0-1•1-Pa SP£Cl&l t:llC&GliMf.NT! "JllOREMIAH JOHNSON" AT PAULO DRIVE-IN HELD DYE•! THEATRE LEASED TO PRODUCERS NO-PASS ES .l'(:(;EP\'ll) •ON f'I O">t •:II ,,M. ; I ~u • 111 ... Of'lt< ''" P.M. ~WI Sl~ll o.•I e -· 11 NII .-&CltrlC THEAT .. •S D"IVE-IN SUPER SWAP MEETS HA ... o .. •LYD.Dr1 ...... , Sal • S"" ·lam !o 4 pm 0111.t.NGE DriYe-1" 1 Ii 2 r,._ Sat.• S"n -&•m •o 4pm ,..,~ F,,, S•nt ort ot ""'"''"' S10•1w• Family Fu"! "r ofil•~ Bar'<I•;,.. C•lore! ~ ...... , ,, at l•"'-St \2~ J~l• M cQ •..i, LAST Of SHI.LIA ""'1 l"'<O"' "- ""' o l ~ """ 111 1010 00.ll De!Wl·IOO ~ ,.l.ll Ml'llf_,, I _,., ·-· THf STING !NI CA•fY TllATMENT ,.. s.~ o ... . , ....... .. •• _ ....... ,s.1 ~·1 2•11 llQl/ll ro "iWl'f'I 11•11yo" CllNT I Atrwooo IN MAGNUM fO•Cf rtl BAD MAN'S 11\lll - ........ •···· .... ......... ~JI 1211 P\"'I I Pf09Gol t. Kon OAKLAHOMA. CltUDI ~ ''""'-A••· ....... •-t ~''·''') \,,~·· .... .. -.. -•ioto Coflooeo 111·,0JI j"t"4 ll'IOAOlMllNT IOllJJ tt~O . JlllMIAH K>HNSON ("°I "Otllf WMO (~( TO OtMNll l"° ,,., ......... .... 1.i ...... II•'· S•J·l~tl \on O••I• '"• c •• ,. ...... ~ on''"'' •t 1·454S ~' .,.(.ji7,~ THf S ~\ .. -t 'J :, 1061 '1Uj I P~U\ ~':WM.A>t SOMfTlft~~ A T f~Oi lON ""' I' • Cousteau Speaking At Cal Suite I j i : I i Oce1nographer -photogrn- pher PhlllpPe C o u s t i.: a 11 wW p~nt "Under\\·;:itl'r Explor1tlon" Tuesday at Cal State Fullerton. Ills present ation 1vill bt•l(in :-1( 8 p.m. in the gyn1 with tilt• 1howi11& of his film "Personal impression of the Anta rctic - least explorf'd cnntin1~n1 '' Tickets for the event, 1>•;hirh w1ll 1lso lnclude a question and answer session with thto audience, are now on sale Rt the AS Ticket Office located in the basement of thr Lctti·rs ·and Science building . Genrr:oil · admission is $1.50. The priC'P'> . -for fa culty and staff i,s $1 and CSUF students 75 cents. A rap session \vith Philippe and his wife, Jan, is scheduled from 3:30 to 5 Jl.tn, 1'ue.sday, Feb. S. JID IPlCllUI YlllT BllTll II .UCIDT TllUST IOWWI URPBOOF! I S.1«1 on th~ cont1ore(.sl111 book lh1r '111tt&1ed conrenr1onal 1"'-'tl .. of hfstory •nd 11rch110logy 1CHARIOTS OF THE •ODS? """"""'"". ~ a.11is. .... ,...,. .... ~ ~ELO OVER-FINAL WEEll; CIHEMA CE~TElll: 4-to11a M11a t lt·•!•I UA CINEMA 2-Coll• Mt•• J.n.os•• w•STalltoOK J-W1umln1!1r J"'4lOl LAl(l:WOOD Ct"!l!MA- Lo1>9 l••cr. •l~ l!JO lll:OIEMEAO 1·'-lltllm~td llJ 141!0 llll:OOll;HUllST-A~1h1lm 111·••'6 MlltAMAll-••n Clt mffllt dl·OOSt LIM1TEO llt.IGAOE:ME:HT O"!LY SUN INT, .. ASSES ACC EPTED • • • • • • • • • • . I i 1 j ~li g r:int far1n 'vorkers n1o•e back and fo rth acro~s the C'Ollntry in ovcrlnadc.d tars, work- ing 1he grc;1t, fert ile field.s. Front left to right. !)avill ('lennon. J,isa I .uc::i~. ('I fJ r i s Leachn1an and SiSS \' Spacek. y,•ith Dinuh l·:ni.;lund and i{0n I fow. ard in b¥·kground. st:1r a<; n farni!\' of con- temporary fari-n work· er::: in Tennessee \\111 · liarns' ···r11e i\li grants" :11 !) o'rlork roin gbl on Channel 2. • • • • Robert Redford ·"':Jeremiah • A Johnson" • SYilNEY l'OLL\CK Fll..'I • • • • llf£1Tl!£ TIIRff THflll!f fOUR MON.-fRI. MON .. FRI. • 7-9-11 6-8-10 SAT.-SUN, SAT. & SUN. (PG) • • • • • 1-3·5 2·4·6-• ' . ' ~ • 7·9-11 8-10 • .------------------------· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t;.RoM Fash ion Islan d N ewport Beach ' S1.1nda)', f tbruJry 3, 1974 0'11 V PILOT p 1 ~ ill .I_! Dave Brubeck Brings on the l(ids '111 ' Tbc tac ky F'•ftl" "'' the wh1•n the 03rlus Jt rul>'<'' :rl I nge of peg pilnts. rwnny l":n!'lf'mhlt' fwilh U:'.!J'IU.S (JI\ "IJ I ~ loafers. D.A. hslrru1 s , In the p1t11'IO und all li.~y!Jo<1rU v11;iht1· Thry romhrnt>d ja7 t. und 1()1 k ~nd fuu11d 11 ph·ll!i.:Jnt lh·11· u1usic·;1I 1111\\\lri· JllSt .:ts Jl;1•1r L1tt11>!' h11(j rl1·n11 li.•fore , ~ prnlytails. hulil 11 0 0 µ s. raw 111,o;tru ments) was l'-l·fl'Jlllf!·d / ~ f\1 cC.'.\r!hvlsm. ' I l .ovi· 1.uey," vn U1f' s.Hn1~ IJ1H \\'1111 tt •! 1r.. \ 11 •Ii.. i:r·•1,11 hn' ,, ' ~ 1tn<l ~ µl!tl(Ut· .-.tilt wii h IJ.!! Rex Reed n\· .... · Pil\'c bn 1bttk ~u.1rtcl, 'i cit lled rock t111U rull Bul out featuring Gerry Mullican. 1 ,, 1· 1111r1•t 1od r\1e\ 'r•' i..!. >,:f1!,I!,, ;111di• 11 •'S 'ij n cl f'r1t11·" •'\'r r~v.·ti"rc. 1v h 11 e I ).1 I • J1l~. t ~ 111 .: of this chaos, too, ca1Tlt': Lhe 1.:l!t•r tha t y1 ·ar. I J:1nny ' populurlz;d!t11l ur An r('J't('.J'~ ll!'tlhcck Ju111t<l las br11!lU.'f·~ J oul)' class(c>.11 1uu~1~'. knov.n gruup as a druuHIH.~r .ind ~. :1 as J&ZL. And in 19~2. Dave j8?Z to the kid!. yt>11rs. nnd Rlthough his hair (:hris Br11beek d~bUIL'<l /us '.\\-.. '\I" S \fl 1:1>\\' n!.i:;bt a~ 8 11 11 1 ;ir l.1n<:nlri Cc·ntrr, '"l\1 u (: ,. 11 •' r :i t i o n s or gl •1 1,..,.l,' \I ill kl·~ ,.ft ;1 ll••W 1·1Mu, r~ inur· 1vhh Jlave'.s 1·n111r"1. 11i..,·1rl1n p t,ri1h Gt rrr }.\ul1i1·;111 ;11•rl 1'~1111 I>1 ·5111und. L . 1 Brubeck. :i ta ll, ~pcctacled lie became the first jazl is t11ri~t rn as wh ite (h~ loo1k.'> nt:•Y.' ro\.·k group. pla\·1n~ _., .. ~,: pianist lrom the l'<l.ltlc country lll us I c i a 11 slnl'e !nui~ litr Hllf f:ilo R!l!, h·:·s Jlt~! fi•zuli•r bass and h :t s s { or Canfort11<1, U..'1'11i nt: lts high Armstrong to make lhe covt•r ns hfp as ev t>r. tron1bone. At firr.t, th<' !1:>t 111j · pries!. of Time, In 1954. Thr~·e of his six children Brubeck f.n se n1b\e took ils · Nu L'Ollege dor 1n or frat are ()n th r. hanrl.~tand \\'ith lumps . Critics y,•ere d1 sn13\'•..,I house was comple1c y,•ithout THEN, SUDDENLY. it was hiin <trid rhe v c:ill llll'ir' rh.:iv th;i1 the kid.~ d1d11'! sPund l11ic [L...; "J azz (;oes 'l'o Collf'ge " over_ Acid rock rcp\ac1•d 111 ,1 ''"l\i.·o ·c;t•nt·r.\tnuis ur their [l~d·s o!d swl1111\ng ~··x•l or "Adventurf'S lti Tl 1n1'" or sophisllcated music and 'l'uo much !nt.ha11 ruu.1 :O.lid!ll<' 'l'IH· IJh\"f' flr11I J1.•(·k Qu:i.rli{ 1-I •I n.,. f•r .L h.1 ·~ of tht• t.1!\, 111, u lla\.t' i11i11.-; the 1 llrubeck." On\.·e a~a1n, h1>'s "Red, !lot and Cool" a bums Brubeck retired to his r::-rstern hippie influence. tht.>y b D n •-k 1 1 · h the star of the li1lll·ge l'OrlCt'rl y ave nruut:<' y ng rig t Japanese-style ho u s e in circuit. b:1ck \l'lit·re it 3n crie d. 1,,,1111 fl r 1!11' ~t·t·und half. alonj!"side i1s dog-l'arC'd copies Wil ton , Connecticut to wrJte ..yf "Ileo\11ulf," '"l'hc Catcher serious music for tonct!rl started. in the ll~e'' and "'The 'fetnple halls. !t':o: be1111 a rii·h. ful l lifr. of f;uJd_" Brubeck. 1\•!10 didn't <ind Brub"•'li, :1! ~I. louk_, t.:1t k He was tired of playing 250 - 1 1 · • drink t1r s1no kc. h.:id \\'.'.liked on 11 \\'1\ 1 t H' s~1111· JOY :ulu one night stands a ye;ir and 1 1 h' oul of the niuhtclubs \l'ith their zest t iat t·n 1:111\.'CS is n•u.~it'. "' v.'anted to r;pend sonic ti11a· a tour joiucrl drunts last sumn1•·r. d111111~ uf the \\'c~I. l'ili 1.,; 1li•·n1 :ind J 1·1nn1 ·~ g.11c them .... 11"1 l•lfh \;)!''' (•111 1 ,,, .... , :111d , \II -, h t1. 1.Jdc·r ),, ~·n·dts. 11 11, ,. t .1111 111·1~11 .1nt~onc , r rlt. •. 'l>'P 1ru~rl' !!lo\1.s flvc-do))ar cnvcr cha rges and watching his Qwn children their stagnunt nir of haughty grow up. Now jazz i.~ back, M11fia decadence and taken in the glory of a new "T\\"Cl (~ES ER ATTONS of ""'".':'.'.::'~~~::::'.'.::".'::~~"""""'"""~ Brobeck." "'hi<'h i~ not flflly ~ --\ 1 0 0 0 § I / They'r" Still Co nser ving LOS AN\.El,f'.:S (APl - F'ron1 the minutes of a board 1neC'ting of n101io11 picture producers: "it was moved , secon dl'd 11nd u11anl1nously C'arried th:it the different stud io heads send a bullet in lt•lter to !heir directors and drpartmcnt heads in structing th em to conserve power in -every way possible." TI1e date of the meeting: June 24, 192-t:-• WQlt Dl1r1ey'§ ' "ROBIH HOOD" IGl + "MERLIN JONES" ' 11 "AMERICAN GltAfflTI" '"' "P'£TE 'N TILLIE" IP'GI "CI HDRELLA lllERTY" !RI '"' "VA NISHING POIHT" !RI "SERP ICO" !RI ' And '"BADGE 17]" (R I "JEREMIAH JOHNSON" !PC.I '" the group's nt•1v \o_Jo hut the renaissanc:e, and so i.'J Dave Brubeck. llc stil! doesn't dri11 k or smoke, he's beerr ·mmd..:tl to the same y,•oman for 31 title ri f tl1 l'l r ll(•\v At1a11 1ic jaz'!. , ·1 :1lhun1 as 1•.i·H. 1nade its dl'bUI ORDER ' / ;il n sclloul !'l.llll'l'rt i n , Beautiful t amegie Hall 1n ~lareh, 1972, This time the bu!lets are hilting pretty close to home! SHOWING NOW! CHnt Eastwood u IHPty lb"" in .......... Force F0ul'>iA1r; VlllliY.., . ' II -ORIV( I~ . ' S•n o • .,.. '""'· '' R• ... lohu•tt ) u .. b .. """'""d., "'''"'"S""' 101•!> •••• ,, •• ~""""'" f-nloin v,,..,. • K7·10ll ,_, ,. __ (;<l&~/J f,.,, •. .,.~J-.l~U• CO.HIT ?NI HIT llLUs e SHOAT "BAil MAI'S ill!i" ~1 l urt L;onc•sltr • ~v-.AN •ocll.'Wlu· -WIUDU\J U ••«>•"' I I J YOURS TODAY! Stick-on Personalized • Stylish • Efficient Order For Yourself l)r a F riend May bo used on envelop e ~ us re f urn .:i ddrc1s la bel,. Also very h.:i ndy as iden tific ation la bels far m<11rk ing person.11 items \uch a\ books, records, photos, elc. l<1bflls slic.k ori 9lass and mdy be u~ed for markin g hom e Cdnned foc.d items. All labch a re prin ted with stylish Vogue type on fine qual ity whit•· gummed paper. r -----------------------1 Fiii Jn tltis <Ou1>on. clip ~nd m~d w.tn U 1"1 to: I I Plitt Prlnring LUM•I O•~ .. P.0, e~~ B•G I Co1U Mr-1.t, C~lil. 1l'1' I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I . PILOT PRINTING I L-----------------------~ "THE THIEF WHO CAME 10 DINNER" \IU1 -l 0'0 P .... "SC0~,.10" 'orn 11 ,,,,_, •1 ~ •o90 ··- • --1- . _., ALSO FROM WALT DI SNEY TH[ MISADVENTURES OF MERLIN JONES ' cunt Easeweed fs DWty....,.R'I "a1num FoPCe. 2ND &UIT LANCASTER "SCORPIO" i•l ALSO 11WALT DISNEY'S FEATURETTE "NATURES STRANGEST CREATURES" HILD OYIR SYREISAND &REDFORD TOGETHER! THE WAY WE (O'G) WERE -THEATRE TWO- MON.-Fll. 7 :10-9115 " J.t.TUllOA'I' l l :4S-2:4S 4:4S-7:10 9:l0.l 1:1S SUNOAT PIOM 12:45 LANCASTER 0 .-I. "POLICE" -7-10'40 "ElfC "--UO SAT. & SUN. FROM 1:30 RYAN N" KEIO OYER " lHllTRf !WO MOi:.l.-THUlt.-7;15·9:00 JlllDAY 7-9·1 0:4S SA,T. 1-3·5·7·9-10:45 SUN. FROM • • • • • • • • Robert Redford .::Jeremiah • A Johnson" • • • • • SYDNEY POLLACK FILM • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -ll!EJTRE 1HRE£-'lHEllRf fO UR' • • MON.-FR l. MON .-FRI. • • 7-9-11 6-8-10 SAT. & SUN. SAT. & SUN . e • 1.3.5 2-4-6 {PG ) e 7-9·1 I 8·10 l!l!'!'!"!!'!!!!!I!"!!!'"""'"""'"""'"""'""' .............. l lT UITI II UCIUT TJallY 1011' WI HJtl PIQ OF! · ~~ CHARIC1'5 ~ ~/ !~-!1~~-1!!DSJ ~;;;;;::;,~s~A~T!<'!' ~&~SU~N~, -~1,;i-3~-~s.;-7~-;29:;.-1!,l0~::4~5~~~· -~ . IN THEATRE ONE' • Wl"NER llSl" ACTO• GEORGE SEGAL • n T 155 l~OMllD•l G ENO J (K~ON • • • • WALTER: •._.2.nd;,.;MiAi'i'i"Aiu,_'~Oitli!ioliAiUiG-.;HjlNjG .... 0.ljlCm!iMiAmNi'•' .... • •••••••••••••••• STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR ' ' ' " • BI D~ILV PILOT• AMERICA .. (From P11e Bl) be U!~'!" Whet w o u Id coostltute an Lmprovement of man? By what standards shall we Judge? TAKE WHAT might st:em to be an easy case lntelllgence. lntellige~, all else aside, Is no doubt a thing to be valued. But all else considered, what shall we say? Intelligence oan ~ used for evil and rouy as well as for good. ls . It clear that a 25 percent Increase in average intelligence would be desirable in today's world? Dbceming desirable ends requires not mere cleverness, but wisdom. Are we sufficienlly wise? But even with regard to ends clearly desirable-for example, limJtlng population growth-we s h o u I d be cognizant of the prices we must pay for success. For example, will the price to be paid for the birth of children free of genetic defect be the Increasing l r a n s f e r of procreation from the ho1ne to the laboratory and i t s coincident transfonnation into manufacture? Wil! the price of reducing competitiveness and vanity be a comparable loss in ambition and the desire for se lf-i mprovement? Will the relief of anxieties and fr,u stration.s through drugs be paid for by a weakening in human resourcefulness and fortitude? Wi!J extending the lif~span make life seem less precious? Will the price of pleasure through p I I I s be the abandonment of the activities and objects that men have hitherto found pleasurable, and even ennobling? At what price-in greater complexity of society or in our beliefs about what it means to be human-do we seek a technological fix for the <human condition? IN HJS PROPHETIC novel, "Brave New World ," Aldous Huxley shows us a society free of war, poverty, class conflict, disease, brutallty. anxiety, frustration a.n d signifi cant inequali ty. The price, it shou l d be r emembered , was the diS'appearance of thou g h t , love, friendship, sci e n c e, poetry, judgment, curiosity, sentiment and beauty. Some have argued that, like It or not, and risky though it rnay be, we must take the reins of our own destiny, that we have no other choice but to become as gods, directing the future course of evolution after our own images. To decline the use of these awesome powers and to spurn the opportunity to remake ourselves, it is said, is to declare ourselves cowards in the face of the grand challenge for which our entire past has been but a preparation. But would it not be rashness and folly. rather than courage, to embark upon so momentous a journey with no knowledge of o u r destination? ls the poY•er to do sufficient reason for doing? By seeking to transcend our nature, we may fall far below it. By seeking to redirect evolution. we may spoil the fruit of previous evolution. Creatures of human shape might survive, bljl human beings might be com e extinct. Thus, some ancient and enduring questions h a ve acquired a new urgency : What is man ? What is a good man ? llow is he to live? What is a good con1munily? The recovery of a concern for these questions is perhaps the best cont ribu ti on that the New Biology ca n make to thC survival of man. Next : Concl usion by Or. Paul D. Sal tman, professor of biology, University of California, Sao Diego. • California Air Getting Oeaner SACRAMENTO (AP) -The air is g~t~ing cleaner in California ..:.... by and large, says the state Air Resources Board. In its 1973 annual report " Issued last week, the board SAJd that concentration trends • of ox idant, carbon monoxide and suspended particles of fine dust in most heavily populated areas "generally I n d i c a t e improved air quality in recent years." . - Photocbemlcat air pollution, smog, Is still the major air pollution problem ln Oillfornla, the report said. This Is caused by atmospheric re•ctiord of hydrocarbons and ol:ldel of nitrogen in sunlight. ' It ·•kl that oxidant trends, which •rt a measure or photochemical SJtJOg, a r e downward In d c n s c I y populai.d air basins. ' ,. ,, I Sunday , Ftbruary 3. 1q74 Use lour Credit 11 Tiie Giant Boys MASTER CHARGE BANKAMERICARD IF YOU'RE-AN ACTIVE LIVING FAMILY, COME ON DOWN TO THE GRANT BOYS WHERE I I I •• COUNT ON THE GRANT BOYS TO • HAVE EVERYTHING AN ACTIVE FAMILY NEEDS!!!; .. -. . Remember ... We've Got It ... When You Need It!! . ....... MEN'S JACKETS • .::: j . ' . . . GREAT QUALITY MEANS GREAT NAMES ... PACIFIC TRAIL• SCULLY• LEVI'S ' Pacific Tra il Style M919 FLANKER JACKET Poly{Cotton Shell Nylon LinNI Me'1't Si1et Colon NQvy & Sand Pa cific Tra il Style M926 CONTENDER Poty;Co!!or1 Auyli< Pile Zip Ovt lining Men'• Si1et Colo11 Novy, Brown & Sond , •. FOR THE BEST IN LEATHER!! Scully ~~~!fJ!~J.e Leather Jac.ket _ ....... _ .$1·2 500 All Men'I S11e1 on Faded 81.ueOnly Levi's® Tab Shirt BOOTS!BOOTS!BOOTS! COUNTONTHEGRANTBOYS FOR THE LATEST STYLES IN BOOTS AND SHOES!! ACME Men's Antiqued .Leather -Boot With Cowboy Toe Si1e1 7 to I :l Come1 in Oar~ l row11 Wm. Joyce $0.11 P~te~t Leath.er ~hoe$ . Sire17to12 ;., Ne>vy, Blo<k, WhilP & 2·lo"e 9ro.,..,, Wey~berg Slip·Ons & Lace-Up Dress Shoes for Men Si:res 6 V2·t• 12 Astoned Colon ' ' -~-~~· $19 99 to $2495 Traditional Converse Deck Shoes s4es In Sizet Tots to M*M Colo~ Navy & White •••••••••••• •, •• ,. , • , •.••..• .. • WY. N 1 .. . • HEADING FOR THE SNOW? THE GRANT BOYS CARRY A COMPLETE •UNE OF COLD WEATHER GEAR!! Campus & Tully Lon~ Sleeve Turtle Neck Sweaters s;.., S, i.j'. L, XL ;, G""· $499 $699 &<0wn, Ton, Block, wi,,,,. & Na~y , . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . & Mr. Leggs JOOo/o Cotton FLANNEL SHIRTS SO.e• S, M, l , XL $399 in A'sorted Plaid1 .. , , , .•. , . and U~ BY PEDIGREE KNITS One Sl1e fits All A1M1rted Colo" & Patterns 100% Acrylic Stripe 99c to S10 99 Fru it of the loom KNIT SCARVES Ones;,. f ;h All $399 Thermal Underwear in Green, Yellow, Red & Black ., ..... . $209 LADIES WEAR JUNIORS lady Wrong/er Brush Cotton Lo-Cut Pant Com.1 with Cull o nd Front Slit Pock•! SilH J lo I 1 In ll. l lue, Gr•tn, Oort. II"• ... _ HIS for HER. ~~~~~~t;~.~r.~.~~ ~.e~.i~.~~~t .. $1600 HIS IM HER. ~~~!.~J~,~w~~:du.r~r. .~a".t .......... _,$J 49 LITTLE GIRLS lady Wrangler · ~!!')~~' ~~~~~.!~~ .. w!'~ ~Ill! ...................... $J 49 lady Wrangler Lo-Cut Denim Jean Si1H 710 14 1" led& NCl'f'f' . $Jl5 ... -........................... . HAISa.: llVO. " 1 - I .1 ! :I 11 . \. • • • '-. • ~uno,1~, Frbruary :3 1974 DAILY PILOT C f . Fate Spares .Mary Rand Toomey From Death Fate, <1 ~'Ord rornn1only 9.!:isociated With tragedy, misfortw1e or some other negative happening , was kind to the Uill 1'oon1eys this week . lt saved Mrs. Toomey's life. The story begins in New Zealand, where Mary Rand Toomey and husband Rill were viewing the B r i t ls h Co111monwealth Games. Bill, 1 9 6 8 Olympic decathlon gold medalist and forrner world record 'holder, had to leave ei.lrly, however, to he in the U.S. for superstars competitions. At his urging, ~1ary, 1964 Olympic long jump champion from Great Britain, stayed on to see 1nore of the Ca rnes und Lu rctw·u hon1e Thursday with a 1 Nicl\.laus Pulls Away From Field l lONOLULU (AP\ -Jack Nicklaus put together a solid. 3-under-par 69 and opened up an all-but-insurmountable six- stroke lead Saturday in the third round or the $220,~0 Hawaiian Open golf tournarnent. Nicklaus,. who has led or sha~ the lead all the way In this chase for a $44 ,000 first prize had a 54-hole total On TV Toda11 Channel 7 at 2 of 201-15 strokes under par on the 7,154- yard Waialae Country Club course and the lowest three-round total so far th.ls )'Car on the pro tour. "l~e'd have to back off, shoot 73 or 74 in the last round," for the rest of us io have a chance." said J.C. Snerid, v•ho shared second place with Gibby r.ilbert al 207. Snead had a 67, five under par and Gilbert took -a 71. Tied at 208 were -Rod Curl, Tom \Vat~n. Dwight Nevil, 21-year-old rookie r:ddi e Pearce and New Zealand's John Lister .. Curl had a 67 , Lister, Watson -li9 and Nevil and Pearce 7t s. "Anything can happen ," said Watson. who blew a four-stroke lead in the l.!st round of this tournament a year ago. ''l did it last year . "Maybe it11 be different th is time, bu( anything can happen." While Nickla us, in only his second start of the season, had things just about the way he wanted them in the brilliant sunshine and 80 d e g r e e tl!lllperatures, son1e of .the game's other grea t names had their problems. Arnold Palmer went to a (at 76 for 220. Billy Casper had a 74 and was tied 01t 215 with Australian Bruce Crampton , who matched par 72. Lee Trevino managed a 71 but at 214 was JJ strokes back . Johnny Miller. meanwhile, continued his st reak of subpar shooting. The young man who swept the first three titles of the season had a 70 alfd stretched his streak t;, 14 consecutive rounds in v.•hich he has broken par. Tlllrll ro11r.c1 1cores 1" I~ sm ,OOtl H~w1ll 1n Open: J 1c~ llllck!•u• J c £1>1'i1!1 Gollbv G•lt>rrl o .... 19M N~v11 Eddie Peerce RO<! Cud Jo11n Ll<I•• Tom WtlS<ln ~wl!! We~ver 80hlJY NICP'IC" Hele Irwin Andy North Gtne li111•r (\OIJ 01Ckl<>n .Johnnv Mll•er Curll! Sl!!Onl Jim Wllf(htr~ 8otJ Murphy .JI..., [)fnl • -New ZtalaDd lthlele Toomey bad recruited for hill UC Irvine track team. Mary was Grl.ginatly booked for ttturn via Pan Am Airways, departing from the New Zealand capital of Auckland. (1ettlng re&E'.rvation confirm:ition was proving difficult. however. because or I.he large exodus from the Carnes. So Mary turned the chore over to family friend Barry King. 'Chat move spared her life, and that of the yoWl~ athlete, Devid Green. King planned to stop over in Fiji. But Pan Am Flight 806 from Auckland to Los Angeles did not touch down at Fiji. So King decided to . .book the group on an Air Ne w Zealand sorlee, which did l'and at Flji. T'nurld•Y, Pan Am Jo,Hght 806 departed for LA. Sever•! houni later tbe: Air New Zealand group flew out of Auckland. WHITE WASH The tatter arrived sa fel)'fin lDs Angeles. despite engine problems and hydraulic system troubles which delayed it.s arrival two hours. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Flight llOI! 1ot as far as We.stem Samoa, where Jt crashed while trying to land during a violent storm. Ninety· three of ·lhe 101 aboard perished. When Toomey leamed whet happened to the Pan Am plane he was frantic. with worry, fearing that Mary was 011 it. "I knew that if I'd have been there . we'd have been on lhe Pan Am plane because i t got in earlier,'' Toomey reasoned. He called Pan Am to hav e Flight 806 passenger list! checked but even after he was told her name was not on any of them, he felt doubt, knowin g late boarding parties might not have the ir names recorded or an additional list could have been misplaced. "I was ot:ver rrally C'Cfla1n .$he w;1~ safe until :;ht! 1:ot llfr the plane at LA airport." Toomey admits. ~1ary, who adn11ttcd\y has grc<il itpprehcnsion ;ibnut flyin g, coocedcs that had King nut 1nade the reservations , she logica lly would have ll'lt-d to be on ~light 806 . She wasn't aware of what had happened 10 the doon1('d pl~ne u111il she arrivt-d in Honolulu. "l don 't think I've ever been so shak{>n up.'" M::1r}' told th is co!un1n . ··You reahze how close to death you were and 1L rnakes yuu really grate(ul tu be alive. Son1etimt~ a close call llke that he lps you tu stop taking th <! s\Jl)p!c tt11n~s in life for granted ." Siil• !Yinfl·s~C'S. 1l 1nay ht> a Jong tl mt \);-fore .~he Jl"A's any n)()re flying. And she tells of 1he last segrne ut of tt1,• tr1µ to l.os Angeles. hr1 \•ing knov.·n v.-ti:it h;1ppencd to the plune ~he aln1ost tonk ·•1 was seared lO dearh every till"\' I f1t•ard a noise on lhc pl:trll!, ;ind rhe trip see med to tak e fort!ver. '"l had apprchl•nsionl\ ;~bout this trip Uefurc v.•c left llfld the (act I had talktd ahout the l'hanrr<; or so 1n e t h i n g h;q.11n·n111g niadf' th1ll f:!I n1or1• real1st1c l don 1 1h1nk 1he1'1• h:1'i l'Vf'r Uecn a t1111c 11hl•r1 I 1Y;1ntcd to gt•t back to 1\!Til'fl(';J so llllll'.h " 1\nd h"> ·r~Jnit·y po111ts uut. "<i scare \1\..1• l!i,1l 111:1\..1·~ y1.a1 rt·<illll! !i uv.· 1nl1ch }'VI.I lovc you r 11ife." Trojans Extend No. I UCLA But Finally Succumb, 65-54 • U"I Tll ... ~1" USC"S BOB TROWBRIDGE ELUDES TOMMY CURTIS 122i FOR TWO. LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Keith Wilkes threw in 12 of his 20 points in a 1&-4 UCLA blitz that carried the top-ranked Bruins over the feisty Sou t he r n Califomia Trojans 65·54 Saturday night in a Pacific-8 Confe rence basketball game. The Bruins, lll-1, broke open the game on the shoo ting of Wilkes, Bill Walton and Tommy CUrtis for thei r 61st consecutive home victory. The Bruins. llJ..point fa vo rites, trailed 3&-34 at halftime as the Trojans, rated 11th in the nation and now l+J, shot a sittling 65 percent in the first hal{. The Trojans led 46-40 with 41h minutes gone in the second half when the Bruins went on a 14-0 tear in the next 5'h minutes and clinched their 4 8 t h consec uti ve Pac-8 triumph. Dave Meyers opened the surge with an 18-foot jumper before W i I k e s connected for three straight fi eld goals. Wilkes' third bucket at ll :33 put the Bruins ahead to stay 48-46. The Bruins, holding the Trojans scoreless for 71h minutes, continued pouring it on with Curti s hitting a pair of 15-foot jumpers, the fir st ctiming after stealing Dan Anderson's inbounds pass. A short hook shot by Mike Westra finally ended USC's drought but the game was already out of hand. Walton grabbed 16 rebounds and scored 19 points for the Bruins. Anderson led the Troja.M with 18. UCLA ls &-0 in Pac-8 play. The Trojans are 3-2. UIC 1541 UCLA (6S) ltmMtl TrowbrldO• We11T1 Wllll1m1 ... ,.,., ..... • ' ' • ' • It·• .. 0-1 • Mevers 1-l IS Wiikes D-0 I W11!on l.J• 1 Cunh 0-0 U Jolln,.,.. Treo~kll FDUled Out: Wesrr1 Tot1I Foul•: UCLA 1], use ,, Al 11,361 "-tt•I Ip 6 J.1 H I 4-S 10 1 $-4 1t . ~ . 1 1·2 4 1 1·1 4 1l lS.17 '5 Sports Clipped Short SD Now McNamara's Band SAN DIEGO (AP ) -John McNamara, a San Francisco Giants' coach, was n.a med Saturday to manage the S.an Diego Padres, getting his second major )cague ~anaging job. ranked Cal State (Long Beach) to an easy 9S-89 victory ovcr 19th-ranked Oral Roberts in a nonronference basketball ma'lch Saturday night. for the secmd-ranked Wolfpack, who lead the ,conference with a 6-0 record and are 15-1 over-all. It was the seven th straight loss for the Cavaliers. UCLA outshot thl• 1'rojans !H percent to 50 percent O\'erall and had a big edge in rebounds, JJ.:lJ, after Scx1th· em Cal grabbed four more rebounds than the Bruins in the first half. "I made 110 strategy change," UCLA coach John Wooden said. "We · ju~t played a little more intelllgcntly in the ' set:t111U hnlf didn't thin k USC eould 1>0-;::.lhly shoot hl'llt·r !han the} 1hd in the first half. but tht:'y can1(' l.~C'k out In the st'COnd half and hit s111111• more Thl' 'l'rnjans, leading by as much as six poi nts in a firs! half that sa.,i,· th•· ~tort~ tied seven )imes, just ran ou t of ~;is, said USC coach Bob Boyd. Dr~ving to Divi11g Sell Recalls Ruce Years Editor's Not e: Tile modern era sports vista is providi110 enter1.ai.11- me11t, quali ty a11d occastonally controversy 01~ a scale never be· fore attahied in tt1e world of athl.etics. Yet sports of days gone by also had great moments a11d star performer.~. Today OUT look at those days Jocuses Oil Loll Sell. By HOWA RO L. HANDY Ot 1111 DlllV Pllol i11t1 Dr. Lou Sell is a dentist by profession, a build ing contractor by avocation, a former sports car driver of championship caliber by choice and a devotee of underwater photography· by design. A man with a great deal of enthusiasm for any endeavor he attacks on the business a n d Going Back IN SPORTS professional level or on t h e recreational plateau, Dr. Sell is constantly looking for new horizons to conquer. Wh en the Monarch Bay resident began his racing ca ree r in 1955, it was an inauspicious start. "I had a car and a friend in San Clemente had one and we decided to go halves in a race at Palm Springs ." he says, "We were so broke we even went halves on a helmet and a set of spark plugs. I asked between races if I would have time to change spa rk plugs and when they said 'yes,' I immediately pullad the ones out of 1ny car. DR . LOU SELL of the television Smothers Brother group and after about six hours of talking, sold him the car. It was a profitable sale for both parties because Dr . Sell joined forces v.·ith gn1olhers as his driver. In 1968. this combine won the Continental 5.000 Series , post in g victorie.~ in all but one ra ce in the competition. After the Continental Series en<led, Sell drove an lndy-l ype car owned by S1nothers in a race at Hive.rside International Raceway in the Rex l\1avs 300. .:, was coming down the back straight about 190·mi!es-per-hour" he recalls. "r came in high and hit an oil spot tha t flipped the ca r over eight t1rnes and ! suffc>CL'fl burns over 40 percen t of my body ." li e was hospitalized fvr 10 week!J and the group had a $600.000. three- year cuntract cancelled after the n1is- h<Jf'l . Li.rrv l >rg!er Ok~ M~;I o.,., 8•~' hao .40~1 Gn•v McCord G1ry OrOll [ He signed n one-year contract. General manager Peter Bavasi said McNamara, 41, wUI replace the fired Don Zimmer. Coach Lute Ols:in, a fountain V.:i!!ey resident, called "the best basketball that Long Beach has played all year" in the lint 35 ""'"""'" .. the 49ers -to an ~ lead with seven minutes Thon1pson finished with 2.1 points , one more 1han Tommy Bui-le.son had f()r !he Wolfpack . Gus Gerard led the Cavallcn with 20. 'Virginia's rerord dropped to 5-11 over-all and 2-4 In the ACC. I "ro.1y fri end had jLL~l finished his race and we changed the hot p\uj!s to my car to the amaiement of all those who .,i,·atched us." S1111.'<:' that tin1e he has t1ri1.·•·n a rnrc car several times in conlfJC'lit1on but dt·cidKl to quit in 1971 aftf"r he was forced off the track by an erratic driver. 8•11<• F"lei•ller Lee Tr~vlno Fr•d Mer!I Tommy S1nders.on • Today's Sports On Television It a.m. (4) -Nm. HOCKEY -The Montreal Canadians take on the Red Wings at Detroit I l :30 a.m, (2) -NBA BASKET· BALL -The Capital Bullets meet the Boston Celtics. 12,30 p.m. (7) T H·E SUPERSTARS -Round two ot "The Superstars." in whlch top a!hletes put their versatility to ~e test. Included in the-ll!t of participants are UCT's Bill Toomey end Corona del Mar's Rod Liver. ' f "p.m: (21 '-CBS lll'OllTS SPECTACULAR -The tap rodeo cowboys in .. the U.S. and Canada match ·skills in the $120,000 Denver Rodeo championships. Also, the Prague International fiiure skating tournament. (7) -HA'NAllAN OPEN -Final round action, 1n the $220,000 Hawallan Open. 3,30 .p.m. (2) CBS EYE ON SPORTS 4 p.m. (7) -WlDE WORLD OF SPORTS -The "'"'Id's greatest drivers con\pe:te in. Qte' l!OCOOd qualifying round of "the World Serles o,f Auto Racing· fl\tematlonal Rice of Chami*>Oa from Ri ver~kte. Also, Olytnpfc veterans race ·aa:~nst ~ ~ clock. In the downhill compeUuon at thl World Skiing champlOMillpl° Jrom St. Moritz. Switzerland. SaJary tenns were not disclosed. Zimmer was dis missed after the lg?J season in which the Padres (inlshed last ill the Nli.tionaf League West for the fifth straighl year. e Lolcer,s Fall PHOEN IX, Ariz . (AP ) -The Phoenix Suns, wtth Dick Van Arsdale scoring 25 poin ts and Keith Erickson scoring 24, defea ted the li>s Angeles Lakcrs 11~112 ln National Basketball Asaociation action Sattirday nilfit. ., The Suns were playing their first game without fourth leading NBA scorer €ha.rile seott who fractured two hefts In hls lelt. forearm in a game the Suns lost to the Lakers Friday night. Scott fs expected to miss the rest of the season. e Kl .. • WI• INGLEWOOD -Jul/a" Wlding ltnd Bob Berry -tilled P!Orioif goals Saturday nigllt 10 ,.nd ca!lfomla down In Its 21st straight defeat on the ro'ia' aS the Los An'eles l{lngs trimmed the Golden Seals !-!. Wldlng rel>ouoded In .• 40-loot <lfort by teammate hldon Kanneglemer to ......, a t-1 tie with ll::ta remalnllig ln the game. 'Berry· added an insurance pl with \7 "°"Ids left when he put the puck Into an open net. . The v1ctOrY ~ Che Klnp to 1'1~1\ 1wo point> o! foulil> jllace Atlanta In the NHL w .. 1. Meonwillle, tho Inept• Seals now have !Ost 27 of 28 mikhes away from home let this year. e 4&er• Hot LONG BEACH -Freshman center Ci\Cton Pondexter scored 2.1 points 11nd hBuled down 10 rebounds to lead 10th· to ~ in the game. ORU then staged a brief rally, managing to pull within seven points, 9&-89, with 4-0 seconds to go. e Schur Suspended • LAWRENCE. Kan.·-Barry Schur. holder of the Big Eight hlgh jump record, was suspended from tile University of Kansas tr ack te8 m Saturday after a drug-buying maneuver by narcotics officers wound up at hls living quarten. The 22-year-old star from Phoenix Ariz., )Vas arrested and is to ~ arralgned on Monday on a charge of possessing amDhetamines. e ·Thom.,.on Stars RA LEIGH, N.C. -David Thompson npped North CArolina Snite from a IS.minute lethargy Saturday and the... Wolfpack went on to crush Virginia 105-93!" The Atlantic Coast C·o n f e r e: i1 c e basketball victory was the 13th straight e Irish Roll ' SOUTII BEND, Ind. ~John Shumate scored 26 points and Gary Brokaw added 24, paring No. 3-ranked Notre Dame to a 95-84 victory over Davidson Jn college basketball Saturday. The lr1sh bad pulled away to a 22-point lead midway through the second hal f, but the Wildcat! fought back--.coring Notre Dame 12-1 et one point -lo c1os.e to 7~72 on a field goal by Larry Horowiti with Jess tflan four minutes to go. Davidson was still behind ooly 91·-M with Jess than a minute rema ining before being forced In foul In get the ball. e Huskies Romp SEATTLE -The Wa!bington Huskies, led by the 29 points or Ra y Price ~ 21 by Cl arence Ram~~.: beat the Washingt.on -S~te Cougan wn Saturday lo win !heir rim Pll'cl fic..! b•skolball game. He attended dental school after lhat and built a practice in Anaheim before tuming to racing once again in 1966 . When the bug really hit him, he purchased a Lotus Super 7 in kit form. "It came In a big box and I had to assemble it," he recalls. Apparently he did all right with the assembly. lie won the California Sports Car C production championship with 15 victories in 2(l races . Turning to the pro circuit in 1966, he aga in assembled his own ca r. a Formula B Le Grande and ln 1967 purchased a ready·madc automobile. lt didn't arrive until mid-season of the grand prix series but he rlnished with eoough points in the second half to place second in the final point standings. At the end of the S'eason, he entered a race at Ri\terside and had decided k> sell the car. He met Dick Smothers "! v.•as walking back from tum seven at Riverside when another car was hit by this same driver and rolled ovl'r. I went over to try and help get the driver out and finally some corner men came along and hel;>c<I . "That cooled it for me," he says. "I figured that if you weren't safe in a st raightaway, trying to pass cars ynu had already lapped three times. it was time to get out. "The SCCA needs mo re than amateur help al those races. Some of the yo..yo's driving don't belong on the track and the corner men are there to watch the race." When he isn't n1aking dental plates for patients. bui!ding houses aJong the Orange Coast or spending lime at home in f\.tonarch Bay in South Uguna, he ls looking for underwater camera equipment to pursue his jatesl hobby of deep sea photogz;a_phy. Late Explosion Lifts UCI" 68-55· By HOW A.RD I.. HANDY Of !tie Deity ,.Mt ., ... a..pm•n College !ltddenly ran O\lt of gas, the fear ot every motorllt these day" alttt batUlrig -fa vored UC !Milne basketball team on even tenns to the five minute mark of the flnal quarter Sa'turday night In the UC! gymnasium. A 49-49 Uc with 5:03 left turned lnto I 13-point victory for <.'Oach 11m Tift 'I Anteaters. 18--55, ~s t'bapman scored only six potnt! to 19 for !he llmb In th.at final dash to the flnlsh line. Chapn:i.an'a Panthers u.wd a pressing Tllll\-to-man de(en.se and constantly htrrwed the Antcatm although they couJd never qulle get ln front. .But a pelr of frtt throw t<&es gr~nted center Scott Magnu.'IOn gave the Anteaters 1 50-49 tdge when he sank the !lf!'COfXI and the run fo r home was started. Jerry Maras' 20-foot Jump shot from the side and 1 pair of charity tosses by Gary Eubanks pushed the Plnthers on the downw8rd side of the. h.111 . Guards Tim Tivenan and Kevin Davis added ba!ket.. as wen as quickness to the. UO attack. "We.'ve been zoned In our 1asl four or five games." Tift said f(ll\owlng the Atruggle. "It made a dlf[erence when we faced lhelr man defense for the entire game. "But don't forget , they played a good game, too. 1 thought they boarded well ln th~ first half. "Our players hustled especially In the flrsL In our ione. h;ilf unt il we extended too far and ga\'e them oomt1 open shots under the basket." The Anteaters hi\ al a ~l pcrc:t."' clip frf'lm the nooc and were pact'CI by i\o1ar3 s with 15. VC Irvine !M) Cl'llpm•fl UU • • " .. • • -• !l~~e• ' ' ' ' tloll•"" • 0 ' " MArA' ' ' • " o~n!/ltr • 0 • • M~Q"UW" ' ' • " NY(U'" ' ' • " O•vh ' 0 ' " kafllon ' 0 ' • Tlven"n ' • " Wll\Ol'I ' • • • Eul'l•n~\ ' ' " Mutt1y ' • • ' M14ult • ' • C1b11 ' • ' • 111• •h 70 ·10 " ~ lollh " ' " • llAI' '°'~ \I~ l•v11•• .h 1• ~ . . - (; 2 DAILY PIL<JT Sunday, Frbru.J.ry J, l1J74 I~tutis Roundup Nastase, Gorman •• Battle Ill Finals Rlc:Jn10ND, Va. -Top-se-eded llie Na.stase of l{omania and ~crond-ranked Tom Gorma n. advanced Saturday to Uu• singl es finals or the SS0.000 Fidelity World Otampionship Tennis Toomarnent. The two fal(orites were extended 10 three sets be fore moving into their t-ncounter today for the top pr!Le of $10,000. Nastase turned b.1ck third·.'ieeded Nikki Pllic 6-3, 2-li, 6-3 Jn the second and fealured !!cmifinal match. Pilic, 11.·hose banishment from the Wimbled on tournament la.'it yrar touched off a boycott by most of the top professionals, was the first player to win a set fron1 tl1e fiery Romanian since play began Tuesday. The fi rst semlfinal s.<11v Gorman t'Ome from beltind to e!irn inati:: unr anked Pa- Lri<'C Dom inguci. of France, 2-6, 6-J, 6-2 . Before runr1 ing into G o r nl a n , Domin guez had sent lwo seeded playe rs to the sidelines -eighth-ran ked Eri k Van Di!!en. in the opening round and third-seeded Marty Riessen in the semi fina ls. Pi lie later Jll_ined a mea:::ure of revenge when he ~ with Allan St.one ror a 2-6, 6-4 , 6-4 trium ph over Nastase and Pier re Barthes of France in the doubles semifinals. The · other semifi nal douQles match was won by the Australian team of Phil Dent and John AleKander, who defeated the South Africt1.n duo of Criff Drysdale and Rob ~1aud , 6-7, 7-S, 7-6. e f'fllol Up~et DA YTON, Ohio -Raul Raml rez of Mexico upset top seeded Jaime Fillo] of Chile, 6-3. 7-6 Saturday in the Dayt.Ofl Pro Terutis Cl.i ssic lO gain a berth in the final s. Ramirez will face Bri an Gottfried in Hicli.ol\. Prize To Simpson; Ryan Third NEW YORK (AP J -O.J. Si mpson, "the sen<;n!ional running back of the Buffalo Bills who became the first runner In National Football Lea gue history t.o gain 2,000 yards ln one sea300, w1.1 named Saturday as winner of the S. Rae Htckok Pr<>resslon al Athl ete or the Year Aw ard. The 26-year-old Simpson won by the big(Ceftt margin am nlCeived the mot!t flrst-place votes In the award 's 2~-year history. He had 149· votes for fi rst place and a total of 5061h. points, out.distancing n,mner-up Hank Aaron. the Atlanta Braves slugger who closed with in one home run of Babe Ruth's all-time record of 71 4. Aar<>n had 17 first-place votes and 213 points. Nolan Jlyan of the Californla Angels, who broke Sandy Kou!ax' major league strikeout record by fantling 383 batters, finished third , followed by heavyweight cham pion C'reorge Foreman. golfer Tom Weiskopf. Miam i Dolphins' running back Larry Csonka, gol fers Johnny Miller and Jack Nicklaus . outfielder l~eggie J ackson of the Oakland A's and jockey Ron Tur cotte. Simpson is the fourth football player t.o receive the award and a diamond- studded, gol d-buckled bell, worUi more ttrau $15,000. The prcsent.alloo will b(> made Monday at a luncheon in New York. Simpsf\!1 finished the 1973 season with 2,003 }'ilrds. shattering the NFL rcrord held by former Cleveland Rrowns' star J immy Drown. The lleisman Trophy winner froin the University (Jf Southern California also brokl:! sel'eral othrr NFL records, including rnost rushing a1ternpts in one seasoo (332), rnost gan1 es 100 or more yards (1 1 ), most yards gained one game f250). most carries one game (391 and most games 200 or rnore ya rds 13). the champion$hip today . Gottfri ed ls seeded No 2 tn tne tollfney. (;ottfrll'<I, the 1973 prri tennis rooklt of the yca:r. knocked of{ Ru ssia's AleK t-.1etrev1:1\ 7-6. 7.~ in a h;ird-rought .semifiMl match. e Borg \t'lns OSLO -Bjorn Horg . Swedish teenage idol. won the men's singles tille for the se<.'ood slraigh! yL•a r in the Scandinavian Open Indoor Te 11 n i s Oiampionships, "ith a 2·6, fi-4. 6-4 . 6-l victory over Ray ~1oore of South Africa Saturday. Borg, 17, "'ho eamed $2.6:il. dmpped the fi rst set when tl1oore broke his service in th e fow1h and eighth ga mes. But he came bac k strongly in the second set after a service hreak hy Moo re in the four)h game. The Swede broke back immediately af1er a doubl r fault , bro ke service <1gai n in the ninth game. and blanked Moore on his O'.''n service in the 10th to wln the set. Borg continued his surge in the third set, breaking Moore's service again in the ninth game and blank ing him in the 10th and fina l game. The fina l set was one-sided, with Borg breaking-service in the first, third and seventh games en rou!.e to clinching the victory . e Khag Unfaappg WA SHI NG TON -Topseeded Billie Jean King advanced io toda y's finals of the $50,000 Washington \Vomcn's Tennis Tournament wl!h a di spute- marked 5-7, fl...2, 6-0 sen1ifinnl viclory over Rosemary Casals Sa t u r d a y aft ernoon . Later, second-seeded Kerry J\1elvi lle gained the other final ber th by downing fellow Austral ian Helen Gourlay, 6·4, 6-3. Miss Melville and Ms. K.!ng "'ill clash for the SI0.000 first pri ze aftrr :O.·fi ss Casals ilnd Miss Gourlay, 1vho was unranked., play for the $3 ,000 thi rd prize. Played before a capacity crowd of 2,800 at George J\1asun Uui\'crsi ty in suburban Fairfax. Va., the Klng-Casals match was plagued by !'ieveral disputed. calls that angered both players and led to changes of linesmen in tv.•o instances. At one point <luring fhl' first v t, Ms. King. had to he per.111aded by Miss Casals not to leave the cou rt. At a post-match news conference, Miss Casals joked that she deserved a 60 percen t cut of the prize money for keeping her opponent in the contest. e German Upset TOWSON, r-.fd. -Ameri cans Alex Mayef' and Clark Graebner will m('(.{ today for the championship or the $20,000 Balti more I n te rn at i o n a I Tenni s Tournament. Mayer upset thi rd-seeded Jurgen F'assbender of West Germany Sa turday afte rnoon, 6-1 , S-7. 6-3, wh!le Graebner shrugged off Ameri can Charlie Owens, 6-4, 6-3, Saturday night. Graebncr. a last-minute replacement fQIT top-seeded Jimmy ('00r1or~, hRd no trouble at all with the 24·year-old ()"·ens. 1\.1ayer dominated the opening set against F'assbender, br~..iking his servic·e three times. It seemed that r-.1ayr r, th e tournament's lone amateur, might hav e reached the end of the line in !he seCD nd set. when Fassbcnder :suddenly took charge, "'inning at love of the 11th game. But Mayer quickly jumped out ahead in the final set, mis:sing one ea rl y chance to salt things away with a double faul!. His powerful serve held the favored Fassbender at bay, but the amateur ralied for the victory. Redsl{i11s ' Thomas Feels He Sl1oulfl Have Played WASHTNG TON (A PJ -Duane Thoma.<: says he should l111vc played for the Wa shinglon Jtc:d~kins las t fall and not apenl the 1973 season as a spectator on the bench. , However, Thoma s, the ronlroversial • ~ut talented Natlonal Football League running back, said he is re~dy and willing to el•y .tn 1974. Jn an in terview in Da11a.c; JA·i th rhe Wash ington Post, ThorT'aS said: "I didn't play and we didn't win. "Jt 's nm. a physical reason that I didn 't play, nor Wfll It a n1ent al reason as rar a! knowing what to do." said Thomas In one or hil rare ta lks with a new$1Tlan. "Had It been my tcan1 l would have played, hot because It was my team , but because J ourplay1td everybody else on the team." The Redskins acquired Thomas fron1 the San Diego Chare:e r5 during preseiison tra ining camp, even though he sat t_>Ut the 1972 season in e dispute with managem,nl. He had been traded a fter the J971 season by the Da llas Cow boys , a.1Jo In • dispute with thf: club. I Thomas spent his corneback year as a 1nembe r of Washington 's speclalty tcan1s and as mo pup runn ing back late in the -game while the 1'l.edskins, defending National Con f er e n c e champions, made It Into the playoffs bu t losl to Minn esota 1n the fi rst round of the diVisional finals. "f knew I was going to play," he s~id, t.hinking about the trade that brought him lo Washingt1n for a No. ~ I and Nn. 2 draft choice. "It's not a matter of lhink I would play, I knew I wo uld play. I CQU!d n'l think of any other ·reason why !hey got me if I wasn't to play." The Redskins used La rry Brown and Cha rlie Harraway as the ir two runn ing backs. "t "'as co ncentrating primarily on the system and the plays," he said nf last season, "and there wa s a ce.rttiin k1\1(1! o/ util ity 111 not playing." ' Thorna::: 1s l0<ikin~ IQ neKI season \Yi01 nn 01~n n1if)d, buoy (:d by what he lea rned !his pa.~l Y•~ar. "I Oon'! think ;1bout what I dldn'I do. but wha t f'1n going to do.'' he ~id. "I'll be thi·rr when r<11np opens." ' ' .. ~· ' ~· ~:~ ;., ' ' ) NEWPORT HARBOR 'S BRIAN O'FLAHERTY DRIVES FOR THE BASKET. Frustration for O'Flaherty Ne 1vport. Su1 r l-la111pe red by Illness, lrijury Uy HOC:E R CARLSO~ Of tht O~lly P!lol St•lf careers on the varsity le\•el in high school a!hletic~ c.'.ln be mighty short in any sport-:Jnd \\'hen illness or injury cuts into an ath!rte's ti me it has to be especially frustrating. Suc.h hos J)(•!•n the c:isr for Brian O'Flah('r!y, :\l;'v;port !!arbor ll iµh·s flashy guii rd \\-'ho sizzled with al!-leai::u.! honors as a Junior 111 the Sunset c1rcu11. lie and hi~ ;\i•\1·00 :-t !!arbor rn:1!1·s "'ere billed as ~er;rilt~ <.'halll'ngl:r::: to the 1\larina-Huntington Beach com bine. in the race for rhe loop baskf'thall title. But fl u and :strep throa t at the ou tset of th e si~a~nn, rombint'd 11·lth a painful muscle pull in the lower back during 11lurr1;1m(•n! play, has h:1mpercd t~e Sailm-~· t'AUse considerably. O'F!.:ihcrty tni '>sr<! 11\'0 full garnes .:ind pl:t\"f'd (Jnh· sparingly in two others :.i ni o 11 g :\ 1' 1r po r t 's so n1 e ". ha I d1sappou1tlng 10-8 record. ''The deft·n~es have been keying on hi rn n1ore t/1is year," says Newpo rt Harbor coach Dale Hagey . "and of co urse the illness and injwy have slowed hi1n dQ..11·n. "But once he gets '"·armed up 111usclcs ~cl a little 1nore relaxed he plays hkc he can." the "'1d n 'Flah1'r1y·s immed iate goal is pl.:iyine; 111tli ..i ll·:un 111at qu:ilifies for the CIF' 4-A playoffs-and that means at leas t hni.~rung third in Sunset battle \\'ilh tiopes thot the CJF will offer three berths to the stron g Sunset cirCtlil And his long-range goal is to play tYtllr>giatf' ball. "I 've been trying to be more r:I a p:1.~~t:r thnn <i shoott'r this year," rcvc;.its '!.!!P Lettert11e11. Bflcl~ Fo1· UCI Ba se]}all Tean1? By 110 \,'.\RO I,, 11 • .t.NO\' Of t~~ oaov Pllol Stall A well-ba!anc('d comb1n11tion of youth and e.xjX'rience v.·1th considera~l c de rth will give co<ich Gary Adam~ another prosf}{'C'l11•c eh;;rnp1onsh1p baseba ll tean1 at VC Irvine this season. 'rhe A11tcatcrs. annexed the NCAA college cl1v 1s1on bu11T.i ng a year ago :ind wi!I build this ye.1r 's club around five l('t!ermrn pitchers and sluggers l 'crry Stupy, ,Jt1f[ :O.lal111ofr and Rod Spence. Several frcshn1cn also fi ,i::urc in Ada ms' plans 1nclud1ng young Jack \.\lh1tehcad who has taken ove r at shortstop for depa rt('(! Dan Hansen. ''The bi_ggest difference this year is that v.•e have more depth," the CQach says . "Our overall halan('(' is good <1nd we have good pitching, hitting wjth powf'r and good hase runni ng. "Th r on ly question ma rk \\'ill be our defense up the middle. Th ey have been doing great in scri1nmages but I don't know how they will react under fi re. GARY ADAMS the 5-10 senior. "because I'm sure 1'11 be more in a p\ayma king situation in colleg e." O'Flaherty end his coach agree he hasn't come up with hi.s best game of the season to date. "The loss of lime has hurt. Brian's timing ," adds ll;igey. Hagey vent ures that asset ls his abili ty to in all sjtuations. O'Flaherty's best keep his balance Coupled wilh exccllent peripheral vision and the outstanding ability to shoot from outside, M well u drive the tane, O'Flaherty Is an ucellG col!egtate prospect. "Even operating at 65 percent he's better than anyone else on the floor," .siYS Hagey. "There's. only ooe other guard in the Sunset League comparable to him, and of coorte th.at'• Huntlngtoo Beach 's Raul Contreras.'' In 13 game.<; when O'F1aherty WM al son1ewhat betler condition than usu.al, he 's ave raged 16.2 points pu game. But overall the stats are 14.3 per outing in add ition to three a.ss.i:Jts per tilt. And despi te the setbacks he's endured, ~ewport Harbor is still the best bet to finish third and possibly qualify for a playoff berth. lvo Walks Away Fron1 Fiery Crash PO/\.o10NA (AP) -Drag racer Tommy Tvo eS<.3ped injury Saturday when hl!I fuel dragster nipped and disintegrated at over 200 miles an hour In a fiery crash during qualifying for the National Ilot Rod Associa tion Winternationals. Jvo, 37, of Burbank was completlng his run through the standing start quarter-mi le when the powerplant on his rear-engined ca r exploded al an estimated 230 miles an hour and shrapnel slashed his ti res . The car flipped end-over~ and slarted breaking apart, bul tw ttayed strapped Into the steel roll cage and when the fronl half of th~ car came lo rest he scrambled out of the wreckage u!lhurt. Pressuring Pickford? J ust because a football coach ha9rl'l been fired at this latt date doe.sn '& necessarily mean all 13 we ll. According to a re liable 9CIU1"0t. Fountaln Vallty High's Bruce P1ckford 11 coming under COflSlderablc preMUre by a booster group for fail ing lo win an Irvine League cham pionshi p despite having the largest enrollment ln the entire CIF. It was the same kind ot prf'SSure \vhi ch cost Hal Akins his job at Laguna Beach High. After several hlghly STEVE BRAND successful seasons , Akins hit a streak of losers, ~ch may or may oot have been entirety his fault. Either way, Aldn.s lost his job. Disgruntled paren~ are nothing new. O:iming from the Temple City area., I know ol several cases of parents who felt Bob HJtchcock, the coach who has guided that to1m's h.igh school. team Lo four !traigh1. CIF 2-A grid tiU~. was wtlalr and should be removed . If you have strife in a successful program like th.al , even though It ls small , you can Imagine how it maenlfies when a situa tion like the.. one at Laguna Beach arises. Pickford hu been with Fountain Vall@)' all elghl years of lts existence, posting five straight wlnn.lng sea.t0n.1. But the Barons haven't won the big one aM that has one group rlled. A yuM:ad poll by • n.aHonally recopb:ed tnick m•g:•zlnt llsts former Newport Harbor High shot standout Jim~~ Neldha11 as the aeve11tb &op Yote-gettt:r fw prep tnct 1tb1ete of t.he yur. Distance runner Craig Virgin w1s Ne.i l . Neldbrl, wbo ..W lie IOlllD& lllo I" pond boll ....... Jim Bu•'• lJCL.\ a..m am r-. ..a • c.1111m11a ... to record last spring wh.h hil 69-3 ~'- TI the eronomy were growing as fssl ., the popY!artty ol tennl•, "l'Ocl•ll) parUclpant tennis, poverty rould ba Sri.ken from the dlcUooary. It's <'asier to get oo. a private golf rourse than to find an open tennis court these days. No sooner is a net st.rune across a new cow1 than there are players ready to utilize the facUlty. Private courts are always In u,,e. Only rain chuet the true buff and djehanb !lick around to practk:e serving with badly batlered tennl• ball• ii the puddl ... aren't lmpossible. The energy crlsls may have bothered the consciences of baseball and football. but not tennis . Lighted temls oourts are packed once the sun set!. And the boom con tin ues. Perh1ps lt'1 the length of the teaSOlt or m1ybe Just en Irritant, but cn't sometblne be done about the deliberate fouls in the final three mlnates or • basktlha.11 garnt ? l.at.eoUonal fouls are illegal, but offkla.b ire reluctant r.o call them. No matur wbJI the score, whether behind by two or 2ll, the losing team will foul a1 often as posslblt. Without the lntentlooal call, tht ptrsoa dolDg the fouling ~ for a ooe-and-(lllfl frte throw 1ltutlon wbert the free thrower mines bis first shot. Why not io1tlg1te a rule wbettby any foul committed in the Hnal two minutes of a pme woaJd carry •n aulomatk: two free dnWI? It WMld prtYent injury and do away wltll 1 &adlc tbat ,tve1 Ute tam wb.lclt toaJ1 aa ..taatare. "! think . as far as individual players :ire conri•rnt'd. v.:e have the best 1natcri}1l we hal'(' eve r had and we have the most depth. We're realJy deep in pitching and on the infie ld." ycnr with 18 doubl es, three triples, three homers and 53 rbi. ~econd bcisc-Craig Anderson from Saddll•back College has th e inside track over freshma n .Johr. E.~py !roin San ta Monica !Iii.th and Ron liughes, a junior college transfer fron1 ln1pe rial Valley. Am11itious '7 4 Schedule 'faking the squ<1d. posit.ion-by-position , here's the 1vay they stac k up : Catchf'r-Tcrry St:J py, a starter for lwo years, ~1 VP in the NC A ·A tourn nmen t 1vi!h a season b<1tting uverage of .3 11 ; sophon1ore Bruce Banning And freshm11n Kelly i\lcCrann from Es1:incia High School. Pilchcrs-Lc tlcrn1en Ray ltumphries (13·1. 2fi2 r..r.a.L Gary \l/heclor.k tll-4. 2,70 c.r.a. '·.Jerry Maras (9-3, J 60 c.r.a. I, f>.1ike ll ic kman (4-3, 2.93 e.r.a.) and Tad Davis (2-1, 5.02 e.r .a.J. Humphries . Wheelock and Maras were the mainstays of the staff '"'ith Hickman and Davis, both sophomores. used largely In spot assignment.~ and In relict NcwCQn1crs include two lcfl-handcrs. Bob t,oodycn r from Luthcrt1n l~lgh and n uss .Johnson fron1 Monroe High ln So n F'crn nn<lo Valley. Rlghl-hnndctl frpshr:n.-in hur h'r~ arc Mike Norn1a n from Sa n (;orgon10 ll ig:h and J in1 Cook frnn1 P:1 los Verdes lfi ,:::h . Firs t playinr. tqurncy bt1!lc-Jcrf Mallnoff ·will hr his final se,1son. l ie "':is A!l- al th~ NCAA . hi! .385 for the Shortstu p--Stcve \V hi t e h e a d , a frrc;h111an fron1 n ,1 mona lligh i n ltiversic!e "'ho was drafted high by the St. Lo uis Cardinals. has taken over rrom fou r-year starter llan:scn. Anderson will be hi s backup. 1'hird base-Dave Lyons returns for his senior sea!On. He hit .271 last season with 33 rbi and was one of stveral players !o appear in all 56 ga1nes. Outfield-Rod Spence, a junior, returns in left field. He was the team's leading bil ter last year with a .375 average and the slugging leader with soven homers, eight triples and IO doubles along wllh 61 rbi. Keith Bridaes, a senior, n1oves from right to center fi eld after hitting .270 Jn· 46 gan1es last season whlle alternati ng with Clark Schenz. John Palm er, a transrcr fi-0111 OrRnge Coast College Is ulso 11va'ilab!c for duty at any of the three. outfield positions as well as de.signaled hl!ler. Sophomorr Alan Bc!aSCQ and Jun ior C;i rl Prt"rnel are ticketed for duty In ri$,lht hl'l1l Awaits UCI Golf Team UC Irvine will play an amblUoua golf schedule during the spring that Includes home-and-home matches with the po werful USC Troja111 and lour meeting• with the UCL~ Bruin!. Coach Jerry Hulbert'• Anteaters open the campaign at Bel Alr Country Club on Feb. 4 agalnAt the Bruins, UC Riverside and USIU. Eich of the four parllcipating le.arm will host the othtr three in similar competltlon during the campaign. Aoother hlghllBht or tile slate IJ the annu al UCI Invitational at Santa Ana Country Club on Ma rch 4. The annual All-C.lllornla tournament wtll P. hooted by UCI nt Me1u1 Verde Country Club on March 26-~. Other homt matches a re at Santa Ana CC and lrvlne C.Oast cc. F.r> 1 -UCLA, 'tit Al.,.f•!Ot, USIU 1! ltl Air ff) Ft )), I -C1I S!1t1 !L•I t i Ctl!tot..t1 CC fl2;l0). "4'e. 11 -St~ P«tv0 l t1M 11 Coftoll......od cc (17•)11 ), ' Area Mat Re sults Kelhtll• Tourftam1n1 Final !tam 1core~! I. Mon!t Vh l& 150, 1. Calt•lco ~8. l (1u!le P•rk t.1 . .i. Cr•nl11 tH!I~ 611':1. 5. Patrick Htnty 61 , •· E1 tanclo 53vt, EU•r>d e f>lto(• w>nu•" I06-W1yne Pla1a (E) 11ln11ed Ded•tH 11'•11 Htn•y/ 1·11 tor lh >t nl•ce lll--Jlm Ma~av (Ef !lee Morino IG••nl!t Hlll•L /-0, J~r lhlrll place. !JO-Mark Miiie• !El !lni>htd lourTh 1f!tr IG•ino 10 Or.:.t awoll (Monti Vista ) "" 111-Mlkt Ptlt rlo" (E) flnl~lled tovrth allar IMln\I to 81•••1 (Auyall 1·•-157-Jlm Syl>ller fl:') Cite. lial1.ey (fr.die) IJ-.6 ror tilth ptace. Vl ,,llY •I OcH'~o (491 00) IJ"IVtrllty t i -G•orf CEI p1nnc'<I Gorda, ):10. 105 -FI Kh~I LEI plnnffl Yamada, J ·lL 111 -Mondi CUI p;nnl!<,I Ptlfucello, 1:11. 1:n -P~h {El dee Kemp, 16 ' 1'l9 -T hOITIPMHl (I,=) dt!( MarllN!I, l ·CI. 135 -W~ll•l•om (() dtC Hlrshc.n, 1•·2. 1..0 -Miner CEI dee Oa•ho!I, lo.fl. 1(7 -Armolron9 (E) pinned Re~. l .?3 I~ -JohnlOO (E ) dee Kiraly, ll.O. 161 -Crev11ln11 !1:) pinned DeLapp, 1;•1 lr7 -fredilrlclt~on IE) pinn~d Moo•1, I~. 11'3 -Sw~"~• IE') ae.; Sonner, lJ-10. tlwl -C01""y1r [Ul dee O~vls, 11·1. J unior V•r•lll' •I DDl'"•do lS4) (1} UnlYOr,ill' '' -La•kl' !Ul dee W<111,1rum, ,. lOS -Merri• !El plnnN Sn :.. o:so. 1 U -Hickock O: I won DY lor!elt 172 Mc:P(J)t:roOl'I !El plMe-d' M,.1.natlt, 1 1' 12' -Gorham (E) aec Qulnlon. •·l. lll -Moor• (E ) W<>n by forlel1 l«I -KlllV !El dl'C l>\cNslly, 5-1. -1'7 -v,.1t19nl1n (E) "'on bY forfeit. 1!6 -LeHon tE) won l>V tod!11. 167 -GreveH..ci !E l won by lotle•I. 1n -Mallon !El won bl' forlell. • I• -• 01i1v Pllol 51111 Pholt Ga11chtls Seniors Golf Event Siu·prise Gross111ont Under Way at SACC Ric k 'l';i tlev IOSSt->tt thr1)Ufl!i two clutch free throw~ v.1fh three seconds to pl~1 v Sat urd;J\' tught, [e a d I n~ SaddlL·b:ick Colll'g<' to <l stunn ing 7-J-i:! win o•·cr Cross rn ont 1 n Mission Conference baske1Uull play al ~1ission Vie!o High. Talley, a 6-3 r esr r \t~ forward v.•hose nine rebuurvt<; Ml\SIOl<f CONFERENCE W L PF P.Q. Rlvr r<l!le w O ¥1~ ~., C'1•1fe~ l l till 7•1 C.•·o~•m1>11I ~ 1~, 1.11 Palo"'"' ~ ~ 611.1 ~~O San !lernbrdinp • S 6:'11 6' ! saaaletw1c ~ • 6 n1 b'7 S•>ull\Wl'•lern Jr• 1 </ Cllru~ 7<!6 l \ Si>n 011!';10 ~ t>l6 /II) 111uro1~·1 Scores ~diPti..c~ I~ C.ro\'1t"'"' .'1 Sou!l\wt',l('•n 11 S,1r '.•·•·"II Rlve1si<11; OJ, LI\•" Sa11 Sarnatd1'10 bl.(""" 6S Wo'Clne$d,1y'\ C.•nl~• SdddidJIOC~ a• c.1 .. ,, PiilOmdr i>I Gri,.,moot S••u1rwe1tern di Ch~ll<!Y Sdn BernJrdino <ii S~n lllego ~·irsf round 1ntHl'hf's 111 1ht.> ~!'lllVl'S gulr IHU !"l l<1111t'lll :11 S<111t;1 :\n;1 \'ountrv C'l11lJ ~H'l' lllldl'r wav ;1·itl1 t·oinpl1•t1un st"t t)u~ Wt"·k'\·IHJ In !llf' lHrl ('rU\\' 1"1H;ht 170· :1 11U 01·crl, Cll'n V :1 r I e \' tll•ft:<.1t l·ll r.:1tl'S B11 rro11s ;111i1 l·:d ~\ l\'l'Sll'I' Sl!i)/µf•d Std Bh1C'kht•:11·tJ l t11t • o l!it'f fir:-.! 11 u1nd rn'11eh ll'111:11ns 10 l;1· pl;1~ t•rl \Ji•111·t't'n 11.i rry 1\1ylor :ind Ch:.irl1·s B1 !'>('{) 1\10 n~:\!('h(•S lll'l't' 11l:1l'1•d in th1• 60-69 a!ic br:u·k1·t 11·1rh fi 1 e oth(·r pl.1yrr'> 1no\ 111g to lhL· r111111<1 of !Ii "'1tl1 bv{•s ,\!\1). ,\J('l.°1~111 d ef ,. ;1 I" cl r.1 .. 1r!!.1' llur.,>nl and \\ikl· C:1r•t1·r 1!:1ll1•d l-:.1rl V1n<;<1 r1 Jrl eo1nplet1·tl 1natehl·S .\lo\ 111g uµ nn b"l'" \\ t'l'l' Pell' ~l:!lhf·1·, B11r! :-;1,;11"h111·1·. <:ror~e S1n11l1, r Jr !<cl ('r<llll' a11d n u~s \Jui,:h1•s. in !he last sevrn niinu t•':> 011!1-111'n 1n:1tche-; h;ivt' ht't'TI sparked !ln uphill G:iu t ho.~ r nr 11ph'h1(t in 1he i'>ll.'i'.) l1r:1t k1 •t in fi1·s t round !'0111p<•!:1i11n 1ncludNI Hart !\lcHugh, Hi?! \\';1Jktr, H:1rry l{Qand and .luhn l!o.1tt'n. In second pl:.ite at 40 were Bub Barinan. ll;1 rry l'f'rry. Pet1~ S111oot and <~i>ne P;t rker. '1';1·0 li·am.s tied for third <1L 41 incll1d1ng Hen Hizzotto. Bill 11:.incn, Ril·hard Broorn <1 nd L)l'\l't'Y Tacka berry on ont.' squad l)u the other wer(' l':d L.n,·. Torn Elliso n, .foe :Vl adl ;111d Jilt' Danley. In ;1 eonibint•d n~t or foursornc fo r nHXt•t! cuu plt-s :>:unrl:1~·. llarry D o d s on . (~arolvn ,\J ason fi nd ~l r. and Vlrs -John !)11Jon fln!sh~·d with <l 21!9 Sf'Or1! for first pl:;ice lionors. &:cond pl:1ee \l'l'nt to ~1 r :i nd r-.lrs .• Jc•hn Parr v.·i th ~1 r. :111d :O.lr~. ~·l~rk ~111rnure a<; p:1nnrrs v.·11h a SC'O!'I' of 297 . 'rho nobrrt Forbes a n d t :e<11·gl' \Voodfords flnisht:d thi rtl 11'1lh 299. ltflle .Square Terry Ferraro, an assJ..o;tant pro at Fountilin Valley Mfle Square (~If Olurse, is in Jl;iw<1ii for Uie ftawailan Open t.ournarncnt. Bobby Johns, ano ther assist.uni. parllcip11ted in the Andy Williruns San Diego Opt'n last V.'{'f'k. Ski1> \Vh1tt e1, head pro at the rourse, will play in the Los Angt'll..'s Op<>n Feb. 14-17 ;11 Ri l'iL·rt1 Country Club. 19th llole Paige V Sirnpson. president of th·~ Dank of Costa Mesa, ..... as a rlU'lnerup in the fourth annu,1! \n\·i tational go I f tournament al Lake Geneva, \V isconsin recently. r.lore t~an 250 bankers and their v.·lvcs from across the nri !ion took part in the tourna- rn,·n1 \11ith a chance TO win over $!5,000 in prizes for a hole-in· Favorites <!rive, v.·as fouled p111!ir1 ~ d1l\\!I a n errant :-iaddleback fi~lt! Hot1-;1on J<irr cl•·fc;1l•·d ()r1•!:1 goal al!Ptnp!. f 1·ank ;111d Hoy lltirt! ~111p111•d !lo)" (:r:1nk . Gros~1nont , v.•hich lJ (' ;1 ! Seribes Earl y S;iddlcback 11 3-75 the last ('f).'iffl lfleSfl A crisp scrimmage at ti1ne th1' tv.•o played, IOQh1'd ('1 1rOna del 11ar Friday, in like it v.•as 1J11 its Wtt\' 10 J:u·k S:1en7.. fur n1r r\~· :1 pl'O 11•hich Cd\1 ltigh athletic a similar rout \Vhen -,\•iih HI 11 1 ('ost;i :\lesa Golf :ind LhrcctQr Ron Davis \\" a s minut t's to go It \\'l.'nt al1l·ad c·oun~r v C'lub. scored a hol1·-1t1· knocked to the floor several by 21 poin ts. •1ne on.the 11t h hole rec1·ntly tinu~s by D1:1ily Pilot sports But with Dan -Nau. Rick .lark <.·uvcrPd the 162-y:ir<I v.-ri!ers. has made the scribes Bauer, 1·on1 lloffn1an <ind dit;JJnce \\'It h a five iron \Vhil•' early f;:ivorites 01·cr the CIF !"lave ri.taze doing the scoring pl:i\'ing: in the co'l1pany of in ri.tassacre II I. als11 at the scene. sneaking I-foot shots off at a bu cket v.·hi rh had been lowered to his level. •le was 2-for-43. 'l'he CIF and D11ily Pilot have split their first two _\\assacre duels with the t,>,·riters on a one-game win streak. 193 -no matcn, Hwr -Cr190 (Ul dK Sepo,olveda, 13-0. FOUNTA IN VALLEY SOCCER STARS DAN !LEFT) AND PAUL MacLEITH. IHKI 1'a\ley crashing tv boards, !\like E:<lclsl1•i11, Bill Bcthtt.'I It 'll take place Valentines !he Gauchos managed to slici' an d Ed \\'arncr. Day night at Corona de! Mar '!'he co-feature oo Massacre Il l night is a struggle betweep Corona del Mar coaches and their Newport l:l.arbor High counterparts. That m at ch. beglns at 8:30 with the first f'•o•h·5ooh El Dorldo CJ.JI (1J) Unlv1r•U~ t7 -G&rrwil (El <He C.re1,., 6-<I 105 -8en~Tt (E) d~c Holti1, •• ll• -Andrei ru l a~~ Rlcli ord. ... FV Brothers Unalike away slov.·ly at the lead unt il ltf e n<IOrl·lnrl-:. '"iLh two basketball ganles on wit h 41 seeoods to ptay. Nau tap for a buck, if you're an hit a layup to tr ! 111 !\leado"•lark C.-0untry Cluh of :.idult. or )lal f that' H' you 're Crossn1onl 's 1nargin to 73-72. lhintington 'Beach ivas lhe a stude nt Or chi..!d. Only net'ding to hold thP site of the annua l ScC'Jn<l The sports writers \\'orked tiff ;:it 7. 121 -Smlth \Jl dPC J am~•. J C. 119 -Tavlor (El de<: Lu~. (.(I. ~13~ -ll1>1•tc lEI won bY tc•!e11. ball to win. Grossmont tossed Cucsscrs g 0 I f rournarnen t J)a\'ls over without mercy andllr;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i 1CO -Ho•kl~• (El pinned tluol~r. 1:20. 117 -Sptcli. (E) dee Schwlclltenbery, ,." IS6 -L~'so (() pltinl'd Moore, l :tt. MacLeitli.s S11ark Barons to JVo. 1 Sr1ot it away and it was Saddleba~·k this \l'CTk . \Vere eyeing Tandy GilliS, Who SEE THE NEW 1974 which played for the last sh11t ·111 ~ Second Gu essers arr refust'd to partitipo~.:: when DATSUNS Talley hi t fron1 the charity a gr{ollp of p:1 st and prCS('nt he i>a w Davis clobbered fe>r stripe and Gross1nont's futil e b;:iscball r.rrsonalities. cuacheS the third tiine. COSTA MESA DATSUN 167 -8$rrer• I E~ dee Av\I•, 1·2. 177 -no match. 193 -Hana1i~ld (U ) pinn•d ca~1111, 7 :~. Hwl -no m 1•cn, V1-slly D1n1 Hill• I.ell Ot ) Brr1 ti -,11,r.ola !01 de<:. Wyall 10-e. 106 -St11cne1 lD) plnnfd Nav,,.rro : SI. 11i -H"rrh 10) <l!C. ll!lr<!d I 0 1D -Brown !e 1-O<'<: o·DannrU ,. 1J3 -Cfrr l O) D"I' ~I 11'1 -Crr .. nni>nk (II) dee R,1y ,,.J, 1'1 -OuGua,. (Dl dee. Grttn~an•· ):21. 111 -Sw•<'nf y !DI d~~ (~r1 tg.; 117 -M1ln<:>r {Bl 11lnnl'd n11n11,.·or1h 1:56. 16& -Brrn1lrom {9 ) plnn~ Anr rn 4:U. 1't -5~~" (0\ dee. Barne' ll-J 1t4 -llVd$anl !0) p1nnfd Ayr•\ 4:•l. Hvy -Grt Q!'IC>fl 10) WOii b~ lorltll. Junior .., • ..,.11v Dini H•ll~ (47) (ll 81'11 91 -Frf'dluml (DJ <Mc. Rom~n •·1. lilt. -Jarrrl! !0) plnnfd Flo;ucroa :33. lll Oav11on (0) dl"(. Roberl~on "' 17] Sanderson !DI dee, Jo/'ln;on 7.s. uo -Brrnar!I !DI dee, Himel "" 13' -Gll>l)y (0) wo,. by lod~lt hl -Bal!er~bY !Ol won by !oriel! l.18 -Oannn111er IOI drCN w1•n Oocll'y 7·1. IS• -Ravmo"d CO ) p;,.,nfd oa .. 111 l:l~. 165 -CGCht(l.n UH d<"c,-)!.l'Tir~v .. In -D~ell CD) dee. t11~r11nv .. " lt4 -boll\ ror!ell HVV -Camero" won by fGr 1rll Fro.n-sopn Dana H!I!\ (JJ t4l ) !Ir~• M -l.lreJ won bY le>rf~I. Jilt. o-Ltdd {Ill por.r>ed Sc~lricl>•r 1 ·1J. l!S -Mt•li~r UH pl11n!'d F~rm.1n 1 :111 \Zl -C•l,mo" 1e1 plnn!<:I A~·J;l"r ,,6 130 -FiQuer()a (Ell dK. C-1arJ ,. 136 -Joron,ce~ !Bl dee. P'~pp,1~ 1·0. H1 -Corter {Ill <le<:. l.l•c~ 7-0 H8 -l(lno 101 II« Fi\r rcr • 1 . 157 -E•rl IDI r>lllnt d Simon 5S. 1118 -5etio.Jrn (II• w~n by !mt~" 111 -titwkln1 !A) won by [O•!•ll I~• -8rewr• (Bl won bv tor !"11 Hv~ -Barne' ( B) pinned J"'1~on :•1. Free Thro\vs Destroy SCC • R)' STEVE Blli\Nl) 01 l~e OlllY Piiot ·511!1 Dan <tnd Paul :-.taeLc1th nrc brothers. That's \\·here the resen1l>Jancc ends. Oh . su rr . ll'f' t 1\'0 play for Fount<i in \';illf'\' lli:!h's Or:i ni;:e I ·ounty ! -~~'~ 1t1·· lf'1drr:t: s;,ircer l<'nrn, but odd" .ir<· Jll!l. l again~! a L°Jsu:.il v 1 s 1 t o r pick ing the1n ou t 'on o fi eld of play. O~ln , the :-:f'llior. h.'.IS a hush\' heat! of hai r ;u1d a sligh.t moustache. I !t· stands out becnuse there 1s no one on the clu b more ~1ggressive. F'ron1 his ll'fl h .:i l r back posit i::in. it's his job to stop tht" other tc:irn • ;inJ. if pos:siblt'. p:Jss to tj1e wings settin~ up a goal. Paul, a junior. is the left \Ving and 1hf' No. 2 scorer on the tca111. His hair is short rr and he hns no rncust..:lche. f111n1ed intcly you sense a rf"alry. Su:-C'ly Dan is jealous of lht• limt•light Paul en1oys . ··~ot in the least." sa\'S the morr maturr \taclei1h_-"I'm morr aggrc5.:-.ive thiin Paul and love to mix it. up. \\"hen I pass off <end th,1t player scorf's , v»hethcr Jt's 111 y hrotho;r or not. I fct'! jLL'>t :.is txcited as if I've scored.· Surel y D<1n prt·fl'r:> to pass to his brother. "l/r's on the left .'side, the s;unu ;:is I arn." s;1ys Dan, "but I pa s..c; to 1hr O\'lf'Il 1nan. l\·tust of the tini t: it'!' P:iul ht.-caus1• he's 1hf' closest. but I 'n1 nnl p:issing the hall to hiin j11.::t because he's my bmthr r." P:iul is lhe n1ore outspoken of the tv.·o. "Dan ·:> jr,b is lo get us wingm('!l the 0011." he says. "He plays his position so ~ell you wouldn 't COTl$.ider 1noving \\il1~n l',•c drifted into tht• rniddlc or the field and jltst happen to be in the right ~pot for a rebound." Coach Bob H.athmann notes son1e other diff~reuces . "P:.iu! is by far th~ more. f'Xuberant." he says. "ll l''s younger and really getting 11110 lhe game no\\'. l>an has n1orc experience and rclies on his knov;ledge. lle's also one to remember being tripped or n1akin g a bad play for a longf'r period of time. "Dan is the field general because of his position while Paul is a striker." But the two logether are invaluable to the team which has no rea l ind iv id u a I standouts and ha s been quite a surprise in stoppi ng powers Edison and Santa Ana wh ile tying dclending league champ, Kennedy. "The tv.·o wins over Edison were great," admits Dan. "Paul and I played on youth tt"Oms with most of their play- \\-est 5! M•r~·s 81. s .. n!• Cl••• 71 S•n Fr•nch.co 13. S!•!tle S7 San Jose SI 61, l'"re,no ~!. tlJ we,tmon! eo. Whll !ler 71 UC Rlv~•ldr '11, u. S•n Oiego $0. 1 11Ven1mc~. C•I Polv SLO SJ. r uqerion ~t. 51, o~~r!•m• (l\ltn St 71 , S•<:••menlo ~! 61 Sonom• S!, ea, H~v ... a•O s 1 79 C•I S!eTe (LO. An11elrsl ~Q. Pdclfic 69 RWIM•<11 75, P!. Lorn~ 7• A1usa·P~cllic !13. OcclOcntal iJ Ldl S••le ((l;,~er)f,elc1 lb, C.~I Stale (,.n•l~ridQe) 15 Fre•nO P•t•l•t ll, C.11 Lul!'ler•n 67 East 8•own ~•. O•rlmou!h ~ l.lmlon Col. 7•, Fwdhom "' LllJ ~. Au.!i" Pl!,tY !8 IOTJ H•rllord n, CCNY 51 Six free throws in the !in;:il hin1. 1 just happt>n to have three minutes gave USIU of v.·orked on my shooting so 11 I'm up front." Rllode hland 11, S.. Florldl 6J Svr•culf! 82. American bl M1rq...t1• 70.. D1P•UI S1 Conl'lf'(llCU1 ~3. Melne 71 Prlncllon 91, Cornell s.d San Diego a 49-43 basketbn Paul is also faster. victory over S 0 11 th e r n Fount:i.in Va ll cv's attack 51. John's I•. llrm~ 50 RU)VlrJ Mi, Navv SS Cr91gl\lflll 61, 011<1\lflne ,, C11!g1!1 J6, Bufla!lo St. v. 6' Pl!! 61, Wm. & Marv 62 !li;ll I MnaMllan Ml, Cl<>l.iu. lf 51le>n Hall 7~. H(l(y Cron t• California College Saturday resembles the EurOpean style night in a homecoming game of play v.·hich features the played in the Orange Coast College gyni. long, accurate pass over the Trailing 43.35 with five Latin style of dribbling the Old Dominion 9•, GI . SOUll!lrn &0 Midwest minutes left, the So Ca I ball upfield. Vanguards closed the m.:1rgin Speed, then, b cc o m·e s s1. 11on1v1nl\ln1 u, 0e1rp11 fl · h 2 50 I imperative. Iowa st. 78, Olt!a. s1. 75 to 43·4l wit : to pay "! worked •··d to learn D~v'"" 16. VM1 60 bef Us[u be 1 II 11(1.1 Tolrao 53, llCMllllQ GrHn 51 ore gan a s a . to shoot," says Paul. "L.ast s1. LCMJI' 11, w 1c11111 si. 10 Forced to foul l.o get Nor1hwe11..-n 1111. 01110 s1a1e 61 po•••ss"•on , the Vanguards year 1 couldn 't shoot well, Notr1 D•m• t5. D8vloson ~( ~ I ked hi " 1.__ Mlchlqe" SI. 1•. P11rd1111 1( gave up six straight charity SO \VOr on C pptng II\: c,,.,,~i Mich. to. M•rs1>111 76 tosse! in the waning minutes. ball and on comer kicks. Still . ~~~1~·~~~0\'."":~11:11 10 SoOal hit at 8 35 pereent 1 _m_os_t_o_f_m_:_y~g~oal_s_h_a_v_e_co_m_e __ •~·~"~'~'"-'~"~· ·~·~'~'~"-'"'-----I figW'e and USIU scored at 38 percent from the floor. Thj: full:-;;>Urt inan-t<>-man·prcssing defense employed by SoCal. ·hampered the visi tocs and kept the srore down. The lead changed hands frequently in the first half with the score tied fi ve tlnles. S. C•I C .. I ... 1411 ~ " kul'nf)e I 1 BUI H•lm ? 1 HMrron 4 I C•Ulte'f' 4 1 1'11'111rllllll ' 1 Tol•l1 IS ll Ht!fl!m•; USIU, 20-19. ~· tp . ' ~~ ' " 11 4l SIR WALTERS E~•'f' i. tH1 car1 "' Ws1h l<f' We~f cvtt !NII tell In plac• n1turelly, 2052 Nowport Blvd . C0tt1 Mf\~ e 5 .. -9tn VEf'.l I bl IE YAMAHA NEW '73 YAMAHA SALE RD60 Slrffl $ 359 TX500 StrMt $1122 L Tl Enduro $ 469 A'Tl Enduro $ 519 CT3 Enduro $ 619 MX250 Dirt $ 789 MX360 Dirt $ 910 SCSOO Dirt $ 925 AH Prtct• + Dttltr f'T ... + S.1'11 Til + OMV Jlttt • 34l42V2 Pacific Coast Hwy., Dina Point 496-1234 • 831 ·2720 (Toll !roe) SOMEDAY, YOU'LL OW.NA YAMAHA • ers <ind IL"s always more fun half-cou11 shot at the buz7.er '1nd others asso..:iurrd \1 1th Cdr-.·1 principal Df.nnis 2145 HARIOR llVD. C.M. 10 be.at SOTnL'(lne you knOI\'." 1ni sscd. ~iv ing thC' Gauchos the grinlt> who cuhnin:.itf' E\·ans. run1ored as an added 540-6410 "1 agITf'I' . ., s:i,fS Paul. "\\°c their fourth \\'in against si x inontlily ivinlc>r nieetings \vith 1.;•;"~lr~y~f:o;r~tl:"'~C~lf;·~li~v;e;, :w~a~s~~;;~:;:;::;;:;::;;;:;;;;:;;; league lo~ses. 1 11 t t couldJ1·t "·ait to play tl1<'n1 an nnnua go ourna1ncn . again (10 our fi('Jd. You know ••· 1 · DOES YOUR CAR IDLE ROUGH? WE thei.r 1novr s :.ind their ol~f '-''1111yo11 START HARD? strengt hs so it rc<1\lv hccon1es ~1l'nlh<'rs of tht' men's chib GIVE POOR MILAGE? CAN HELP a 1\'1dc-<11X"n ga nie " Since 1he tw •> ""''"on one "' B•g Canyon Co"n"y Cl"b THE CARBURETOR SHOP 11,,ng. ' ·1 sho,•ld '"-nnl""' lh"y sl<lged an age S\\"CCpst:ikeo;; L.Jt.' L'1 '-1t•t K•••Oll l lYlt .. cos•• MIU. Ml-11M are also Jn aceordanee on the Cl'l'l' lhr 1r1•£'k(!nd. •1• w..,k G-••M-• -·.., •.-lllili.. future oi socci'r. ,-J~~:'.'_'.".'~~c':".::~_:_'::__~T~l~ic:_-•~·~in~"~"~'g~i~o~o~rs~o~m~e~a~tl_".39~~"'."'. ... "'."'. ... "'."'.~ ... ~ ... ":"' ... ":"' ... "'."'. ... "'."'. ... "'."'.~ ... ~ ... ":"' ... ~ "In IU vc:irs." sa1·s Paul. "maybe 1S, soccer w·itt be as big in the l!.S. as il iii everywhere else. \Ve play because it's rioo-s!op action and roug-h. Any s i ze d lndi~·idu.11 can play and you can leant the g<11nc ln two or three yea r.<:. ''1'he U.S. is developing its ~n stars and '>l'hrn that happens, the sport will t:ike off.·· And l\\"O \'Cf \' u Tl I i k e brothers \rou!d ·like nothing betll'r th:m to be a p:ir1 of the a<:tion \\·hen th a t happens. South A!lbi'""it 7'. l'o~l>urn /..l r ~nn··~•ee s~ (.,.,.,o,n 70 Mdrylan<1 101, Du~e 8l N C~rnr.~A •I. Clem•<>" ~O M;<;!<sl!•P• 1~ LSU bl w '.'~ I), Vlll~nov~ 6~ Son\ll\vest M~l"1pnl; S! bl, N l~K. St. 6? P. 't'' 11 '>\' ll •Q Te~il> T e~h ~1. TCU 61 lPY~~ ?/, /l•i\~n'''' l• f\,1VI"' II. 1~·~' /l&M 01 l'or;>«na Q~. /lc,1on~ '>I 9() Hou•'"" Hl'/, Litflodr El Jl nckies \'l'vomlno n, BYU 7~ £101~ SI. "· 'N~ber S f •1 ld~hfl 71 N·n~tani> S1 97 "'"""'~ SI. 57. Color;>dO ~ utan sr 111. s Ml•• s• N>onlBnB 89. GQf'l1ag<1 }( LONG BEACH INDOOR RODEO LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA, FEB.8-10 FOR 'tlCKET long Beach Arena Ticket Office0 ,0 , .. 1.70 E. Seaside Ave. • •0 .•0 INFORMATION long Beach, Calif. 90804 ~ · ~ Co. NTACT· Area Code: 213-HE 7-2255 '••o ,,•" • C:-1,o,T10ti-• \Vir;ston tastes good GOOD, like a cigarette should. Waining : The Surgeon General Has Oe1erm1ned lh•l Cig81elle Smo~ing Is Oangeious 10 You1 Heal lh For a rree copy of the Winston Corral of Giffs Catalog a nd a "for Kicks See A Rodeo" bumper sticker, write Win$10n Rodeo Awords, Box 9007, St, Poul, Minn9solo 55 190. • "" • J , •U•OlH nlt.\eff .. 20 m9. n11t, l.J mg. nicc!ilie h'. PN tlp1u1, n c RIPCtl SEPT. '11 , , • -,-- 4 DAILY PI LOT For Coast A rea T ea1ns Checkered Flag Area Swiin Basketball Results 1·Game1 WITH HOWARD L. HANDY Or:inge UM.tnty International Raceway ti<is ('Orne up "'il h a sixth bracket for the Wefkly drag racing program. Brackrt six 3.'I lt will b(' known \1·il1 feature motor('y<:les exclusively with prlz~ money offered to the top four f1n1s h ers. Recently gcner::il manager l.llatnfl l.a!JlC uffer{'d the cycles oo a trial basis when riders indicated a desire to ('Ompcte among lhrms<:lvcs rather than <igainst the cars which dorniIU1te the five other brackets. The expt>riment met wi!h such overwhehnlng success tha t l.aw: put hon a permanent basis. Or1iaria Roce Ti111.etoble \\'hen the California 500 is run al Ontario ~toior Spced,~·ay on Sunday, f\-iar ch IO, it will culminate ulmo:it two weeks of ac- tivity at the track. There v.·ill be four d.'lys of practice ~tarting Tuesday, F1'b. 26 and continuing through Frid:iy. Practice runs "''ill be from IO to 6 each da y .,.,,ith an hour off for lunch. Time trials will be stc.gcd on Saturday, hf.arch 2 y,·ith the two 100-mile qualifying races on Sunday. After these e..,·enls, the cars will have only three more hours or runni ng time during !he carburelion tests with the rflce beginning at I l :30 on ~1arch JO. Cnn Cyele lle nt Hneer? TllE \'ELWW FLAG -Which is faster in the desert, a motorcycle or a race car? That question 1nay be answered next weekend \1•hen Mickey Thom pson presents the Parker 400 off-road race with 1nore than 200 race rs roaring ov er v<1ried terrain near r•arker, Ariz. A shortened course to create fuel savings of as much as 25 percent , is a!Jnost perfectly balanced to provide equal chances for either type of ve hicle to win. Shorter distance (360 miles), varied terrain and the fact that motorcycles start th('ir race against the clock an hour earlier add to the prospect of a cycle victory. With the shortened di stance, the cyclists wilJ be able to hold a better average speed because they won't be as tired at the end. The fastest riders wiU also be able to complete their entire race in daylight. The race will be held on two loops ot \veil -marked trails through the Arirona nnd California desert on both sides of the picturesque Colorado river. Carruthers in Ret lreme11t TRE GREEN FLAG - Ke! Carruthers has fonnally re· tired from the speedpaths. C.'lrruthers, 36, a native of Sydney, Australia, ts one of tile world's most acl'omplishcd motorcycle road racers. •; Jn addition to riding, he has served as a research and de- i( velopment consult.ant for the Orange Coun ty based Yamaha ~ racing tea m. ~ lie ~1ill now concentrate on pr eparing and transporting the rirm's Ocel of motorcycles lo the various courses and instnic· ~ ling other tea m members in the delica te art of road competition, ( \ Wit1ler11nlio11nb End The National Hot Rod Association's annual Wintemationals will conclude today at the Los Angeles County Fairgrowids in Pomona. Results M/ulefl Vlttt l""lll llOfltl II ~,rq.,.rllt S•lm C•ftHf "fE"'-M SCORES: 1. W"lm1ntt ... lS2. 1 Ml.,10,, Vlt lo 11•, l M..,..~rl 1+11rOoY 1J, i An1helm 10, ). fl u1>k1wi ioO, f L1gu,,1 l'lttch :rJ, 1 El Toro :10. I [U~l"l(lt ll 200 Mtdl•~ Rtlt Y' I. An•M•lm, 2 We11,,,1,.1ttr, l . NIW l>O'I H1tbo•. 4, L.••.Jv~• flttCM. !. RuOldoo~. l lm•: l "Li. 100 FrH ; I. Howt IMVJ. 1 J H•••t'f' !R I. l. JUOM fWm), 4 WUllarn• IA,. S, Ow1ler !NIO, Tl!"t= l •tt,S'I ,00 Ind. Mt<c:tl~: l . Goo'1tll IMV), I RIOg• {MVl. ]. Rt0t" !NH L l, IC.-•! (Wml, ). O'li:tlllY !MVl Tin\'' 1 Go J! "° F1t1· I. HWnllt y (Wm), '· W111l (f >tl. l O'T!IOlt: /W"1l. i. Aklon \A), ' Erle~>M (Ill, Tlmt~ 11.Dl, t::<! fly I Gusllh<l<I l.1.1. 2. Woe1ner lWml, '· M«ktY !R I, 4. IN>t!Gl'I tLB ). S. BU1" IMVI, Time: ,6,61. • 100 Fr•t: I. Htr .. v (RJ, 2. OoOrott ("iH). l . Howe IMV), 4. O'T°"'t (Wml. s. Hu11!11y lWml. Tlmt: .. II. ~ Fr .... I. Juc:tts (Wm), 2. lllUQt //AV1. l Lf'll (MVI. '· Gi mOlt CAL ~ Reo•n (NH). T!mt. •.S9.t l. 100 ll•d•: I. Go()lltll IMV), 1. Ken! CWm!. l. Wcie>n•r (Wm). 4. B!lli'I !MV!, !. Whlrt {NHJ. T!mt: 1;00 19. 100 8 re81I: I. Trlngr,.am (Wml, 1 ~IY (ET), 3 C1ntt' (NH L 4. O'R t lllr (MY!, s. SPlc•r (Wm), Tlmt: 1 08 :16. -00 "'" R•l•v: l . WH!mlft!I""· 1 Ml••IOu Viejo, J. NtWP!lrl, t , Anthtlm, !, f.lubl<l!IU~, Tlmt: 3:26.Sl. Dlvltig : I Gvld1!eln !Wml. l . Gfrrard (MV), 3 P1r~W (MV ) • .a, !!ell CEii). l , War• (LB), J>olnit : J¥11IW V1nl1V M'"'tlfl011., •t•Cll !HJ ! .. ! llrtt• Ane Ten1 !'l F 141 Bra .. n C•bhl (20) F {9) WoolJtV J•nu•n on C tll Sm!!!! A~el ><>n 121 G 10 'l")\grnp,.;in "'" Gorden l•l C. t•f Co••ts Scl><'lng wilt: ~iun11119to" Bt1d'I - T11<rrn10" 1. Tor•tt t. tt1l!!llne, Hunll"ylon BNch, 21.21. JU11!01 Vl1>lly M•rln• 1501 14,) L11r1 l ull h ) F (4) Tl10;hl•• COoll (~) F (IS) Cl OrlPllt L1wren.<1 111) C (I) P. Or1per U~11nd 06) (l (t) Ut111\ Wtnoell (Ol (l (6) S!tnlu" Starl~ 1ub1: M•t!n• -l1,...lt 1. lo.!•~ -Cl•WlOfl J, Pl•enl 1. Ha1t1om1: Marlh1. 29·20. ,,....,.,." 11....,.., 14') un wn•rN••M $(llw11r. !U F (111 W611t G1lty 00~ I!" (i ! W•1110..rn l lrd U I C Ctl S"uln c°••lo CIS! o C1'1 SQCklers Ward (ll G (0) Gt•t'<I! •cor!f19 1u-Wetlml"'"'" C•rlrnolo • lt•llllfllA< NtwPOfl \Vntmln1tt<', ~1-11. J•Alor V1nlfy ••t•!lltle UI) 1"1 c ... ..,, hi Mlt w.r~IM ttl F t4! c.""~""'"h UI DDI Oil F (01 ""tbtl AndtrlO" 110 C (1 1) Fr11n O'Connor (t ) G (ISi Nl!(ld ll•lh (I) G fi l Murphy 5(orlr.g 111t11-Ell1ncl&: l:OOI< 2. Cor0<1a dfi Mir: Mongtr '· C111lor 6, Terr•ll 1. ~ttlllhnt: Coron1 d.i Mir. 1J·U. .. ..... ~ Co.ill MIM ( .. l ti.I) SA \11li.y Junior \11n\1y Hg.tland (l•J F (U J Caricno Sift C1t mMtt IHI tn) IEI Dorld!I Ho1tm1n <•) F E21 Rllue tfunl (i) F tJJ) Wllherl Tamil" jt) C !Ii ) SIU<lderi Hu!Clllflll• Ill F (11 ) Slltrbe<:~ KnoA (ll G (101 ktg Rlrig1r (10) C (•) L0\/111 f'1I~• \)} U UOl A•alo' Hor,,..-(IC) G (10) L1ug/llar>d Scorlf!ll ,V11So--Cll'5t• Mt»: O.,ellotre 1. AO:Hm•" IJ! G (11 Gttter SA V1U~· Csmpoell 1, EOW4•<1' 2. 5.(0t1"11 •vi>•· So" Cl1mtnlt: 01111-Hell11mt: $A Vell•Y· 11·10. flam 9 Horva1h 7. R1tm11utn 1. Jvnlllr VlfljlJ H•lt11"1t! El Ooraao, 3?-li. El Toro (61) Ul) Cypr•1t C1pl!Tr•" (ol F !ii Owtn1 J\llllllr Vt"llY RlcKtr !Ill f llJ McR1ynoldi M11•lon \llt le 1411 Utl l!I '°"°"'"' G•ll.tl•a tlJ C U I Mu•ony Wo:rner 1¥) F Ill ~ti Wtll• n l ) G fill R•ndl• Henrv (11) F Ill) !!tide" M~l<>nef Ill c. (2) Nlc1>ol• R~'" (t) C()l 8rBn1Hn0..•11tl'" Scorlf!ll 1u01-e1 Toro; JIO, J ; CY· W11rn (11) G 121 W~ pr11s: LtlhV l, Moert 2. Ken"""y {6) G CUJ Er!n,1 HollHm1: El Toro, 'JO.IS. Scaring >~05' Mln lor1 VJe10 -l'· 80111e 1 ) Fr•1hm1n Hallllm•: E l M<>do'n~, 12·111. Unl111nJly Ul) tl$l Vl l•ocil 1-toltgt n UI f t~! Zttnora Junior Vlr\lly H•llord (41 f 00~ G1tr{la Newport ttlrlM!t UOI (JI) w15tmln1!tt Green (4) C (10) McColl WAllt"'S ~i ) F {10) Schlndltr Ml!{hell Lill G (Ol Wll!iam1 Kru~t (H) F !Ul Ja{Ob!~Pl lhorn•• l?ll G 14) Moreno E!rockmeYet' Ul c (6) p8rMer .Scoring 1vt11-UnlY.,ilty: !iycholdl ), v 1i.nc11 Tow-ner Slrl"I (7) G Iii Boiw•ll Ollvor 2. Ver.II~ Palrick (Ill G pl) P~QI H1llllmt: lJnlvt<',Jty, 2S·20. 3S1. T~~·., 1otore1 : I, Foon!ln V11Uey StO!"lf'9 ~Vbl : Nl'Wporl -L8~ft0" u , 1. El Dorado 60, ] . .!i0<1or1. "· Coo~• \0, FO'duclo 1. W1slmln11 tr iophomtH"I I 4 ~ ~ breaststrot<t -L f O<Jn!81n Clemon\ "· Jol'lnson 2. Ulllw.nlly Hl) UJI Vat.-i,1<1• Villl•• (MTllo' •omora. S. 11 8twunu1t. JQl\nson (101 F \l ay!cr Hal!limt : Newporl, 3"·24. Howett \I) F !81 Joh1uon Nelson). 7,1)6,6, 2, €1 Dorado. HArt t(>) c (I)) \'isquer • • 100 IM -1. Foonl•I" V&tle1 Janl!lf' Vlrllly MtClvrn<>nds l!Ol G Cll M1t11lbery (Mllltr, Nomura. 6. Bellashlf, M. Ke!· (Olll MHI (tt ) U ll j A V1!11y Alll..on 02) G (11 llarlrl• l~I, •:OS.9. e yers 10) F (1 41 Moralfs St <lr109 subl -Unlv...-.lly: C•hlll 1, 4 ~ SO butrutty -1. F!llJTll•I" We•! (1) F ISl Matt Hinck r..awrey ], Rnk k l. Vdlley fMlllH , B. 811>1,hoH, S. Omi" !11 C \l! Mor~ Hlncl< H1l1tlm1: V"l•tr1l1y, '4·1 4. M. Kelly), 1:46.0. Soiro!( (8) G (2) °'"'"" • " . 100 lrH1!vl1 -l . F"ount•ln 1tld•1rc:t1t>1t (10! G !•) Rev•• P•Hhm1n \11!1fy fM•lltr, a. 111.nott, s. S{Ofir>g SUI>~: C01r1 MHa -JOM<Ph· M1'1111 (IG) (11) LOlnl 8~~a1h<lll, M Kell1 l l •J4 •. "'" 6, "'ff.tlltr S, Harrl!ori ]. Slll'fTI"n (i ) F 10 Cv•I J unior Vl nlly H•lll!m~ Cosll ,.\fSI, 70-6. Torrt l llll F t11J Rocne Tt"" S{Oftl: 1. Favntaln V•lleW W•r11n (11) C UO) McC11llo11g~ oU, ]. E11>1••nlt SO, 4. Edl10n 11. Junior Vl"lly Wolle 1191 G !J) OO•l11aw;th t • 100 IM -\, f o.;n!ll" V•llew EOii.cn-(ti} C•fl Fountal~ V•llty Spac:te (11) Ci 121 LPYone lf11rl0flt', Br&mt n. Him!H, PuN l. Atdel"!l<t l'l F 01) Rh-Scorl"g s11bo.-Marl~1 !"!llO I, Gibb• o, t :?l.4. &11cn (5) F (12) Mllch~I BOQd•n S. • • so l>t'flsl -1. Fo\lntaln Valley Gomer (f) C tl1) Slund~" llallllme: Merfna. 31·36. l F!lrlO<lq, M<:Ad•m1, W I I n i ca 11 , Porlerllfl<! (SI G (61 Mllllor $Dpl>Gmotlt Braman) 1:11.9. Zlrbtl (11) G 13) OUf\kltbtrg1r Wtslmln1ter !Ill U71 N•wl>Of't • K so toul!erl•v -l . Foo,.tal" Scorl"ll win: Edl1oo<1 -Pr11!0<1 ~. 8ro<11rkk (Ill F (•1 Fr.le• Vallty IMtglll. Aldrich, Hammill, Wit"°" 2, Meeha" 2, Cowan 1, Am-Rodgers 14J F (41 f'earwn SutherleOO) 1 :Sl.!. broJlct> l . Rul>ldut 1. foon!ll" .Valley McGery (6) C ()4) WJlkiru.o" ~ x 5G mtdlty r1l1y -1. Foonlal" -Wooi.td A, M•l•"'ll l, Milll r 2. Slrlclr.l1no (lOl G {!) Lotim1n Vt l!tv 1P. Killy, Wln:t<:oll, Mayll!, Hall!lme: Fooota!" Vallty, )S-XI. ftomln• C11l G iO) Kev) D•amanl 1:S6.0. •. E<Jlson t Wor111. $<Mlnp 111Dr-Wes!mln1Ter' Sommers 2, ·-u.-. •MU (NI (4fl .,.~ T•Y'O!' 110) F (UI ll•ICIOfl Pl~t {llJ f' (Ot 01~11 l lllnl.-i {I)) C 1111 Wlf94Nt ..,kin• (4) G nn Jl•v-• l rfmbl• 121 G !4) WIUl1m1 k or1"9 'II~ -L1Qun•; O•M•k 18. Vl•l'l(l'l•rd 1 H•lll),,,_; 8rM , t•lt. ·-~ Elt1ftd1 (WI 1441 corona dtl MM" k•onnt•ldt ! ll) F l 111 81rry Cooltr 05) F (17) Gtrn Van H!ll'n (0 C !2) A.111!Jl~1 Bl•ll()Otl POI G (11 Sc:nlo.mer N .. .,,.,,, 1101 G (3! Oltdrkk Scorl"ll iVO. E1t1ncla : L•Ru.t I CO!'ona Mt Mar; A/\t•n 4. H1lttlmt Kort: E•!tncll 3'·20 Prt1hm111 E1l•ndl f._l !ti) c:~• WI Mtr AC11m• In F i l l L•k Cort..!! Ill) F (SI Al.ln N-mann 1Ul C !IOI SlnMk tt1v1 en G ru 01111so ()<-gill II•! G (0) LeGr1n<1 Scoring •ut1s--Cornn1 ~ Mer · T ~I 4, E11..,,lld1 6, H"'1" l . H•llt!,,,. JCOrt: E•l1ocl a U-11. NeJ Res ults ( ' • WORLD CHAMPION y THUN DERBIRDS l .,..-THE TOUCH PHILADELPHIA WARRIORS Blnl[ fOI fllST PLACE IN \NllllHITIDHll SI.AO~ CDNfClll\CE ONE GAME ONLY INlllDM CO\IVENllDH CENTEI (aero!>!. trorn D1 ~ne yl cnd l WCD., fEB. &, I i.m. nam ll ·~·ll ·Cli~ren "ff' \! -\Ii ~·· CONVENTION CENTER BOX OFFICE AND ALL TI CKETRON OUTLETS w_.cft e<1 •llnt 1~c ~•mft"" <h • ••••Y rt•d •'· 11 ~ '"· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • . .. . : WESTERN NATIONAL : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wflmtff'• Tennlt e • UCI (l) (II Cll STiit CU.I : : ""l-• • TIM W1tan•b9 LAJ dt l. Lindsay e e MorM. 1·6. •-J. Rtl. e tCAMO(S JO tAlAMMAMS.I • Jt~n N1d11nct fl) 111tr. J 1nlct l'rlct . •,-------------+--..:.:;;;;.;.::;..c.c.....;;.__;_;._o; ___ •, 6-4, 6-3. M~root TUI !LAI de!. Lt t A"n e e f'l•c~r. 6-l. 6-1, • • Terry (Obllfllt !LAI dtl. Anntlte • I Br°'""''' 6-0, 6-I • • Lor! l'lollal1 IL.A) dtf, Kvm Culver, • • MM : : Sh..-1 1'!1.,·~ /LAI di!. V•nni• Ventr•sca, 6-1, 6·1, • : Deubl" •. W•tan•t>e·Tllf (LA) dotf, Mor••· : : N~cll~nd, by atlaull. • • PriCt -<'.Oblehl! {LAI de! Flsthfr e e ·Broer,m•, 6-J. 7~. • • Beard llon~la (LA) d!f, C!llvtr-• • venlr!•(I, 7-6, 6·4 • : Pro Scores ! ft)ltm!IES TO OCLUI CIUISlRS) .•' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LAST ACCESSO RIES DI SPLAYS MAR INE ART SHOW C. Pickford, Kluck, lrvlM ) 2:01.l SOl)llOITI<lrt Jo~n1on l . NeW"P<lrl : Horntt1 2. N•ttonal 811k1!btll A•l!ld3Tlon 6 ~ 5G frtf -l. Edl!Oft !Cr0<1, F ouf!tlit'I V11lty 145) (15) Edison t;~l!llme: Ntwpor-1. l!.J2. P.Uanla 1!7. 1-iwston 107 DAY TODAY DOORS OPEN MEKENOS -12 NOON !Top Llgunl Afliull MARINE FASHION SHOW 0 . Rlley, CapdtvlUe, Kluck, 1rvl119, :Z!lmbO (12) F !ll 6yrna l'rtlhmtn N&w Yor~ IOJ. Cl1v1land 87 Worlhl 1:4.l.S. L~u~ 1£1 f' 01 H~r!~n I J t•>l '''' I 4 ll SG !It ek _ 1. EdllOO t Worll!. ' L~une llctl IU Cn!c~110 IOS. Pn ladelotioa S9 D ''' Y1«nglon ll) • 191 PadQ•!I M!ln!1 OS) F {81 Gramo..,g Phoen\, 119 Los Anot!t s 112 . 1y, FJne, lrvlnel 1:06.0. Burn~ (2 ) G (tl Sarnve!lan An<ltrocin Ii) F ()) Ha ngllt Golae" Slate 110. Ml1w,1vKee 91 f'niah-Soph Ho\l~nd ~6} G (101 Tlmmt r"'M' ~1.......,0.,ql'I [I'll C 119) t;8n y p I d 102 S !II 97 Team Scor111 1. Sorlort 80, l. Edls0<1 Scoring S!lbs---F'01Jnt1I" V~lltv: Powtr srron•OOlnf llO) G !1 •1 HOl>~s on dn ' N 1 6&. l. i!I Ooredo. A, T~siler 14. MtMa"vs (l6l G !Ill Oltlm~r N•llor11I Hock•r 1..tl9Vt 4 A 100 IM -J. Eolson (Ho!!m1n, Helltlmt: FOUnT•I" V11!e-y, 1.1-10, Scorlnv •llDl-LllOU111 ; Hll1m1" J. Chicago J, Pl!h l>urgh 1 Brick, Och,..er, S1ndCO.-nl, 4 ;~.7. 11tllllme: Bret Jll·l8. Plllladtlohla 11. Oe,•oll 2 6 -,,; SO F•t• -1. Edison (J(llo.I, So-phtll1'0rt Toronto 6, B~ton 1 Torodt, Glbtcln, M.. R.llt'I', Och\otr, MgntlnglOll Cit ) UJ) 5•nll Anl Stpf!Omort NY RlnQer\ ], Mlnno•ota 1 Mvhlnall:lt•L 1:1t.9. Sowers (1) F (21 .JenJon S111 Cle<Tltfllt 144) 141) El OorlOG NY lslinde'I 7, Vs,,cou ... e• 1 l • 5ll Brta1t -5. Edl1oo<1 (tfol1m1n, Tho,n!Ofl (l) F (6) 5..,lth El';s!rom (I ) F (0) H1 •eJ st Lovlo 6. ll ult1lo I Och1ntr. St nborn, 8rltK), 1'76.0. Flt>(n"mp 122) C C•I k lev..i El1m1nM lll F 11i l ha•ll r..o• Angflo\ l , (8lllorni~ 1. 4 • 5ll flv -I, EdlsOll {J!ll>fl, K~r<ul (9) G (J) S•on ""'""! llOI C lll Havtk Amt rtcin l••-•tb•ll An.a<l~llon ~~~~n1dt, MvMllluMr, G I o 1 on l' ~~~I~ ,c~~1-Hvn~ngt011 s~!~~:a~o:n~ ~-u~1,~,~1c:t~ t•> & 'i~i o~:;~~: C8rol1 n• 12s, New York 117 B p .m . daily; :J p .m . Sund1Yfl Time trials are se.l for 10:30 with elimina tions from 12:30 to ~to conclude the three-day event. Defending champion Don Garlits will be seeking an un pre- cedented fourth Winternationals victory. The Florida driver is the only one to win the event 1nore than once in its 14 years of competition. 4 • so l\ack -3. Edison !Hotlm""· 6, Waod1 J, H••D'5 n . WM 6, 0 1• 5.(orlng s uOr-Sa" (lf<"l\l',,le: M11111, 1. O<!nvor t:l&. Virginia I~ M. Ruer, L1r><11n111dt. Torod•l· 1:10.s. ---~~:''.· '.."~~~'...':~":_~':_ __ _C''~·~'~'~·'~"c'~'"~'._· ~~~~~.'..._ ___ c"'."~"~"~··~·~'"~'~'·~"c'~'~"~·~'~'~"~"~·~·---!.:============================= , A 100 Prtt -4. Edl!Of' (Stnoorn, H1llllm1': Huntlnolott lltach, 5ll·12 H~lttlnie w:ore : El Oorecio 10-19 51" Anl0<1•!1 110. Ktnlll(\ty 107 Brit•. LlndM1!1dl, To•od•) l :Ol.O. Mec:tlt t Rtlt V -L Edi10fl IGIOSott. Jone,. Muhl•huMr, M.. ltU!tvl l1s1.2. Fountain Valley's Tom 1'1cEwen is competing in the funny car and lop fuel di visions. GWCNine Alamitos Results Mi Opener F Oii: iATURO.l.'I' l'UtlT ll:ACE. 400 y~rO,, ' ye~r q1C1. <••lmln11. ou"e !1800, Jt1nn1 Coen. Knl11~T 5.60 3.80 3 40 Lt o V1ndv Girl, (MdO!I 6 iO S 00 a oclo.ln' S11, Dr..,. er 7 .40 TIME-10 6•. ALSO RAN -Ano!hfr L'uoo, Lu;i~I l ime. Ft1rtSI P•llto, BIMtl Toe. M1•lm11m Ellorl, J"" BrHtt, MY Pile -SCltATCH EO -Fr11!ob1, Ml~ 81ll1y, Olt1y J&t~. 0101>11 o.,,~. l1 EXACT.I. 6·Jt1,,n1 Coen & ?·Leo Vs"OV G\rl. P•ld 14110. SECOND 11 ACIL ~ y1rdt. J vo:er 010 malot "' pvrot 11(1()(1 l'rn1 Club, Myle' 4 . ..0 1 llfl ? ~ Wtmly S11, C&rc:to1& 2.60 ~ llfl !.Ir Rockft'I 1'11r. W1rd ) 60 T IME -11),6', ALSO RAN -Ell's Comln. \'/mcly 5e~. Bo L"" R OC~ft, Frtt to Go. l'lkr o..,~. Bold 1i B•1n. Re1tl•,1 (hft•Qt. M•1S ET!lbo. SCRATCtlEO -Cherge 01'~ Rocl<ll, llv Mo0<> Twoil. Rex~ 1'11r·1 ttonev. 'Jll t Copy, THIRD Jl.lCI!. l.Sa ~ard,. 3 yNr ol<O a uti cPa ln1lng, purl• U500 f'lel'I Coov. i1<1a1r 1 40 • 7ll •tic) 5oed1I Nolle"'<'. sm;1h 6.00 (.l<O S!l.ter Sann•. Or•~er 3 ..0 T IME -1190, AL SO RAN -SIO!'mln'. Chlllt,, Lu~~V Shilo/>, Jet Commander, Ml,IH Ptoled. Sharn LVl\I, No 1c1 a!cht~. FOURTH AAC li. Sia v~rd1. ! Yt•r nlo1 & vp ~llowaro<e our,e U'/UO Tt>t Tf!Ofo'tored Retlng r10,e ra. IP!~r. Drevtt ,7,80 11 ~ j M A Goin" Mllfl. Adair 6 Oii ~ M John'• Roo:••I. Mll~ud• J.SQ 1'1ME-•S oii. ALSO RP.N -Sne~• A!!ark. (hits ,.1,,, lie• f •m1, (;a D•t• Go, Ma"°elle KRATCHEO -S..•1nn1h'1 llO'f, ll)(TH RACI. l50 v1rd• ) ye1r olds & uo, {lalmlrog, pvo• ~)700 Palrl~lc Bob, Crf~l1f'I' !6,60 9,60 &.!fl B•d wno, Adtl• .f.90 • oo ll8rro" Bid, Trf8$Urt l.40 TIME-1!,1!. ALSO ll;AN -Go Dovt>lf Go, IJ\&,lttt!, Sul!Pd lJp, Ct>eoce Al, L8no Cnlme, Flt~! l'lull~t>, i tlol• C Trull;, "iO •CtA!thH. l5 E1t ... CTA i·Pelriclt Bal> &. l·l'lld Vlt>o Plld l28t.5(1. SEVENTH R.t.CE. Si</ y1rd1. J Vt•r !l!d• & up. pur>1 !10,IJOG...ided Tn1 4V'er IStcond Olvl,ion) Big C1n1;0,., KnlgM A"Cly Go, Lipn1n1 Oyn.tQo Get, Walson TIME-27 U. B.40 3.10 "" ,l,LSO RAN -Ole~!'( S lut Boy, Sirod, Burl(•'s Plslol, N t r c I no, Snamrockt l1e, Na ...:r•lt hf1, EIGHTH llACI!!. <IOil Y•r"lll. 3 year old•. al!pw&,,tt . our~ i noo Above R~belllon. B8lloull."' ~Ml J 20 Trul~ Blfn. Lloh1m 6.611 J 10 Ouplic•ll Win. Maht.ld• 2-"'1 l IME-70 21 ALSO RAN -1-11)1~! Miu, M11SOPld Roc•el, Guttr" Ctn1 1!'l&. Chi(!( Bruct>da lt 81)(1m, Oual 1(1p1vmvlov, e 11 ! 1 er, SCRATCHED -F.veterr Jd, T1~1 I Otclt. R~&I Jt1, w;,~ (1111, 11 EXACTA l-Atx:>Ye Rtbl!lllon & l·l ru1y Bll u, piild SlN,00. ('..olde9 W... Co 11 e g e's baseball t.eafn l aunches its season today with an informal game against a star-studded Alumni outfit. It st.arts at noon. Doo Rowe, who once pitched for the New York Mets and is now the tennis coach and 1:1ssist.ant football coach at Colden West, v.·ill pitch three innings fqr the V8ISity. lieading the list of former Rustlers now p I a y I n g collegiate ball ls USC pitcher ~fark Barr. Others include Bud Bulling (Cal Sta te, LA), Pat Cnrran ( Ch a p m an ) , Blaine Calder (Pepperdine ) and Dave Klungreseter (Cal State, r uUerlon). r:ight ex-Rustlers no w playing pro ball will also be on hand. MINTH It .I.CE', J.S(J yards. ).y!a•·oldl t. \IP . ci"'"''ng, P~•se 11ftm TI1ey include Jim Hogan , s~nlf!,. 11ar1 lt.!O 100 4 00 Dan L-Oomcr. Dave Paynter, F~u 7. A<!~!r A.ao • 10 No" s1ope,, watwn 1.Jo Gary f\fark s, Myron Pines , TIME-1s11_ A-lark Cresse, Steve Griffith ALSO RAN -Gill "'••t..n, P1llto d { P o8d, Mr JI\!'~ Z.estt f, WllO (ODv, an 1 ike [)odd, zo,011·, c 111, PH"ler Bot>.-Dool!"'' Lonnie Oausen, Art Spen· nme. nd W sc~ATcHeo -c1111<Vr1 Art, s1~y cer. Bob Elder a ayne c~argt. Sp~c8 No•e. waich EU Kiefer will also play for the l! E-XACT A 3·88ttltr &. l·F111 1, 0~1d s1ss.so. alumni team. ?IO 1 ~ -.-.-iiii-·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil J.'11 '101• l'IFTH AACI!. $-"' Y•rch l year old1 &. LIP. pUrie 510.000-.odld Th• •9'tr (Flr•! 0 1.,lslon) Plu/"dtlr Ba v, Trea1ur1 (20 Ct lun Otvll, Ad•lr ·~ A111re Bar Go. walson.i. TIME-7111>. ~ AUO RAN -J111!1ke P~. Jlldy'~ w oooer, 1110 StlOI B~n~er, G.llt~ Ol•lc:tel\d, Lillll 1..t<ly Re1r No IU"lld'\tl.. Saddleback Nine Plays VTCTORVILLE TI\ghl· hande.r Rick Percgud will ()pen on the mound for Saddleback OJllege fftond<iy \\'hen the Gauchos face Victor Valley Colli'ge. here, ut 2 o'clock in lhe,974 baseball opener. The balance oI the lineup includes Steve Wiiiiam.<; at catcher: either Rich Douglass or Carl Sandstedt at firs! base; Brian Hester at second : fl..1arlc King ot third and Jack Morse at shortstop. WANTED CAREER IN REAL ESTATE Berg Enterprises-one of the n•ti on's largest real estate companies (listed on the American Stock Exchange) is NOW in Orange County!!! We are E-X-P-A-N-D-1-N-G and need men and women to grow with us. If you are interested in a better than above av erage incOme and an enjoy· able career-See· us! Sales experience is not necessary be. cause we know how to train you •.• and ha:ve 24 years experience behind us. W e are interested in honest, herd working men & 'vomen who will not settle for an average income. For An Interview Call Ms. McC1nn THE BERG COMPANY REALTORS In the outfield, SaddJeback roach Oc11g Fritz ..,.,·Ill start Bob Moen ln left, Ji>hn Spring.man in center a~d either Doug Pryor or Kevu:i McGarry in right. The Gauchos return hoine Sttcc..-or l• co1-11 ,,., .• 111e. TI1J,rsdny, facing College of '2041 Bu•iness Center Drive, Ste. 106 the Qmyons at 2:30 In 1he Irvine, Ca. 92664 ~ round of lllo Orange Telephone 714-833-1931 Coast toumam~nt. , _______ ...;. _____________ , I I P"ALCDN, a u1c11_, FORD, CltE\I, "'ERCUll'I', PLYM. CORVETTE, CA-110, Mll\Tt.l'IG, DOOCii'.1. f AIRLANE, RIVIERA, PONTIAC, VW .I. YvLYO, FLREilFtO, MOST Ct.RS. 2••r29 9S 2,.,33 9s or $17 .IS ea. SIZES FITS cir S21 .IS ea. SIZES FITS Gll 1U Gl•.r.11 1.lh14 t ,UJlf or 519.IO ea, .SIZ ES FITS F71•H Ell•U ,.,,.,, l.l!•t• J.11•1• 1.11.u 2104495 or $24 .95 ea. SIZES FITS )111<16 H/1•1' t..U•I• l .l)J15 A1Ml•t or!tt'I Tu ti.int e1•c•w1i11-~-11""1 AU U 1or WnUtw1111-1'.E. T. 1.9' ... 2.44 I '-r•i<• BIG CAR OWNERS IN VALUES IN SELECTIONS IN QUALITY IN SERVICE HI-PERFORMANCE HEADQUARTERS CARS-TRUCKS ~2!9.~HOMES Ind STEEL WJoiEElS 40,000 Ml LE GUARANTEE LININGANDLABOR Cadillac & Llncolo 30,000 MILES • Etpw'I war-ma~•lll~ •Ow11lt• Rtpllt MMtlt P•<il • ~Pt<f•I LI• P"1:tt GUARANT EE 24,~-· llEO.tJll.U b.o pol., ..... ..._ -•IW., -._ - _ ................ ...... __ .. I .. --.,41-----l-..f-"•-......... -...-.. .... -.............. . -·--• .....-.-...i...,_,._,,Uriiltroll ...... -....................... --. WHITEWALL TUBELESS •;::: 3495 LJ .. tl _,, •IS.Ii P.11.T. Uf.M TRUCK·CAMPER MOTOR HOME SAVE 10.00to30.00A TIRE 1565 Guaranteed 40 000 ... -, LIF • .,, es1 ESAVER STfEL RADIAL SUPER WIDE 1--::~·:·-~~L~=~~:.~- "60" SERIES : WHEEL Jlll&: ... lt BIG SELECTION OP S!ZU 5\ZE PRICE SIZE PRICE _61•1S ••• ••• •• , 21 .95 I00-16.S •••••• 19.t5 11.s.1•.s •••••• 47.16 tSG-16.S,. •••• 56.75 10.16.S ••. ••• 4f.IS 12·16.5 •• ••••St.IS 70G-1• ••••••••• 7'.'95 750-16 .......... J6.71 F.IE.T. 2.M to6.41 An Slz•son Sare lJ" 14" 15"! ALIGNMENT 5s5 Tl RES I RA ISE D 1-----------------WHITE LETTERS 2roR 59 REG. VALUE $t.t5 AIR REG. 17 50 VALUE SHOCKS $23 ,. ... DELCO & HI JACKERS '.E . T. >.I• '°'"' ""'°!Ct 1:ii11Mt JONES TIRE SERVICE i " Phones 646-4421 540-4343 • -· • .. 'flCTO•IA - 2049 HARBOR ILVD •• I!!!! . (AT BAY) iiiiiiil COST A MESA c:i~.~~~0•"os HONORED -. ,---OPEN--~ 1-.a.m. to 6 p.m • Monday tttru Rlday S1turct.y I a.m. to S p.m. I I Th~ Week's Market Highlights NASD Qu.olations ..... , ,. ........ , 1'1• tild A.lit Aom Gw ).q1 •.JO ~ Ir>( J 4-0 ].1J ~ ln1 1.4, t.JI ..... !Mr 4.14 ..... MlM I'd l.:rt 1.'1 -• 'I·"' M.,1 ""'I"..... Ai t.41 AG f'd •.• •.II All1l•ll i 10.11 Ml.ts ~ ... 'I hl Ill ""'I! •.• ) .... Am •Ill '·"to.II "''" 0.-tl 1.1• f .02 ;: 1;1i ... -.1' •.ll ~~: •. 16 t .tt 'l\Com J,14 1.90 ln•11m 1.'6 1.U 9-<I t It 7,)4 Mot~ t .16 I.Kl Am Gr111 t .IJ t .16 Am lfll1!11 4.KI 4.tl Am '"•II 4.lt 4,lt ....,,, """' I.It .... AmNI Gt J.U 1.3' A.NC.HOit O"OU,_: Ci•wtl'I ·~~ At .. ,~ Sotllf ~'111 In~ W• "'all A•lron • 18 1,4) ~6.Q 1.1~ \0.0.. 11,00 4 a7 '·U .... 1.n 10 " l•.'7 ' " 6)9 6S8 Auila• f ... HOUGHTON: l'u'l(I A "JO 161 f u"" 8 6,1 IS1 Sto(O. SS4 ~OS A•t St! l .'loO •.2• I LC G!n 10.oa 1 un ·-10.30 !0,JO l•ytM ) 91 I .t i ll•Y•k ff S !4 6.0S Bfat n HI I 94 1, .. Br•t on 9 16 9,8!1 lltr0.11'1r J II l 19 Bond•!~ -.io • 10 Bost Fdn ·~111000 ll rown 1.11 J.11 llmllm f.IS 1.61 CALVIN l'UNO': e..11 ,d 11 Ill n ... Cdn Fd JI 16 ll.&J Ol w ~~, J.JI J.11 Nat .. d 9.)l 10,)\ NY v,n 101111.11 CG F....o 1.11 '·" Caci Tr!n f 11 10.21 c ... 1 ~f U.41 ll.lol Owl lfW (ll UJ CMANMING ,UNO'; Amt • B'lntd Bnd Fd E"11 Gt E41J Pr F"nd Am c~m tncom """ V"tn!ur CHAi i! a()STOM: Fno llos ''°" Cp 5PIT• 81 """ Chem Fd 1 11 1.1'1 •" Sl l0.J9 '·'° 9.n t .11 I.JI 1.lt J.11 t.lt 1,M •.l1 '·" 6 SI I.It 1 IJ 1,11 l .'1 ..... ~ ·!: ;·&l C"• MNG Ubr1, M.lnnl ~Chu' F I.IS I .II J.•l • \~ l .t) t .16 1'0$; •.IS '·"' l 11 J,SI I .Qt I.It t II I.AD 1.tl J.IS r~ ': ~fll•L ~*' ;:~ 10!:~ s:.. t k1 .II °""'Ill i 4l .fl lfK..,. ' )I I •fi """"" J.i.t 1. G I L)~ II. NWLfM ST , ... &. 110 1,1' C IM 1,U ""'' ~ J.t; •.fO ~p , •. 0 •. n c;;;: d ::!! TJ:· ~,,. •.IJ t.lb I lnw t .11 •.II tn 1• •I.• J.t! Ml ltt t.n )·" ~,,, c 11.!.l 1 ,)Cl -o•u s 10 •.n n Olw S,tl J.11 111 i.n .1. 0••141 •.11 •. ' OIU.WA•• O•ou,.: ~c•tr l·'J lt.ll !w , .u •.•I U• T 1.61 J.IJ dltYNll ~J.IM Jt ... Ot"tcf Cp '-" •.11 QciclQC~ U,~ 1'.IM gtt•tl E I. I.lb •al',US Q r o.r. ,d 10.11 'I·" ,, I Fd 1.6 .II Orr L~ 1J.84 1S.ll Sp 1111;m 7.lS l.M lt<I Ctinl t .M 10.11 El.E Mw J.Ool l .tlt E•Qlt Gr 1.Jl 1.ilO EATOM A l'IOWAll:O: 9•1n Fa 8.16 !·" Gwin F ll.Oll 1 .lf lfl(.rN S.tl •.•I 5oec11 F 1 1l I It Ste~ Fd 10 U !1.91. E0 1E Sp !7 If II.If ~?,'y~~ ~.\ \\:1: 11.~ Eme1g J.IJ l.S. ·~·11 11.J11j·" '•hi 1.70 .•J Fm 9urt l .U I.I) FfG RR1 1.43 .. ,.IOELIT'f GROUP: Bn<l (11!0 A,91 9.)6 '"'1" t .11 '° '10 Contril I.OS ... Cw Sitt 6.fl .. 0.11 • JJ EtW• l.'tl "" EYrrl! 11191161 Fund 14 .0l !l.ll Pu,.tn •.18 lO." 'MILtm F l SI l . .0 T•tnd 10 ••71.J16 l'"IMANCIAL l'•OGll.IMS; Fin o,n 4.00 1,00 F•n lnd J,96 J,16 Fin Int S.'lt ),,. V~nt J.)6 ),\6 1'1fd v" 10 ... 11.• l'lllST O~Yt:STOlll: . Diie Fd 4.'IS S.41 Gr1~ fO 1.6S 1,2' l'ICom xi.ti I ... SkM:• ' 1.10 7.lt UI Multi l.IJ 1.7) Flm Bf~ I.f l l.'1 l'OltUM GllOU,, lOO fno t .12 t ,n 101 f"" 9,0S '·°' CG1um 7.11 7 11 1S Fwno S.11 S.11 Fd'I C.t J.l<I 'l'tl FOUNOlllS OJIOUI': G•.,.I~ ln<:<>m F Mlu"I F Spttl! Fo..nq F •.61 s. '° 11 .<l\ 11.QJ I .JI '·°' t .lt 10.01 t .H l.'7 "ltAllllLlll G•Q\lr· ~•Tc 1.1• I ... 111Srt1'1 •.• ln<ITI )I.II 1,0I US GY S f .6'110 ti V!IUl<e ,,Jl •.n "-\ Ctt S.11 S.r: ~: ~.in ::~ ,;: ~ :;t!1..~.1.1t I.It e OiJJ.1 '" t.u "" I~ '·'" I.It l'ldl.r1 If 10.tl 11.71 &!, .. ~ ·¥.~ 1:01 s. p tt.tJ ... '·Ji .... Otll " '" 4, • '·" ~II Ind 11. Jl..tl •d n n,• MILTON G"I'; u'ld 1.0 4.1• Grwlll S.ll 6. I lnc:t"' t.li •.• H•rt Glf\ I . S '·°' ~erl lw !· I .Oii Hta.o . ,, '.11 H..... I .I) HtrRgt 1 1'l 1.• Hota<t lt.!9 11.'M lrnprl Cp •. lll t .OI 111111 Gr , ... 1.n In< Am 11.•I ll.11 Int .. I 1.10 6.2! Ind ,.Am )Cl llll lnl~9Qfl 8.•S t.1J 111 ln•<!l 11,19 18.11 lnvern G 8.11 9.11 In• C41 o 11 .'HI \J.01 Inv Culd 6.8'1 •.17 lflW lnlll( l .JO ... Inv !QI lC,l t 11.11 tMY•IT (OUMSl!L C•pom 1.11 1 91 (.i!pl1 I• 1,M 1" C"'f)•l Sit S.40 S.tl t NVEST GROUP: IDS Giii s.n ... IDS NO ~.Ori J.jlt '!OS Pr l .SO J.t 1 MulUll I.st l .IJ Sioc~ ll,6t 11.n "'"t i t .1' , .. Vir Pa, J,11 I .0 Inv R<\ 4.SI 4.'tl I 5 I: C.rwlll lni;om Tri! Vt '"' Sii h t<ll F'l<I •.~l •.~s 4.1, 4.Y l.91 .•. U.69 16.~ ... ,,,.JO.It j•t ~~';-;: ~::: ~:!! J&n<I\ Fd U . 10 11.10 Jl-i&n !!~ 6.87 141 JH.t'I lg l.S• 8.1S Jolln1tn 11.SOll.loO llETITOllE : Cust 81 IS,16 19.Sl Cu\! 87 19.00 lC.1:1 CUI\ 9' t .61 1.1'+ Cu\1 Kl ••.IJ 7.• Cuti Kl I.JS J.I! C111t S1 .1'.JI11.!l C"'t $2 t ,I S 10.» (111! Sl 6.K I.SI Cuti S.. l .•I J.tl Apgllo 4,CO I.JI Polart J. It l.•t Kn it•• S.11 t.41 ..:nt r (;tit l .Jl 1.92 Ln<lmf'• .... 1.116 LO l!d" ll.!? 14.46 Ltn• F<I !II IU Ll!ll GlllOU~; Cl L..., 1•.5• I! ft Grwlll S 81 •.lS AtVC~ ill.I' IJ.11 Lilt lnlv 7 .... I.), ... II<' c.. t ,31 t .'iO LOOMI\ U.YLI:\' C•P 0.0 11.1'1!11 Oil Mutual f u1ids This Week NEW YO ll._ -TIW -~ ! .. '"If# lot 1!1t •H~ Md .... Fe•. 1. 1'14" """'11<11 ll 4' ll ... S,.IK l q LU llol LOltO •••; '-'!..., 111 U1 Allll•I t 4' '·" t<UOOa• ,D$; Am h t l ,11 ).ot ln!r .... \).ft IJ,• ill'ld H D I.St 10.• B•l&nc U.12 u.n ~rn t .90 10.11 Com t .14 t .14 I.""'" In t .lJ 10,0'f S1»111 l• •I ,,_ti ""''s to: sw L•v 1 u '·'' "'""' '·'' I.JI s1tullllTl' 'P'• 1""9 I' I 11 1 t i 111t111 J )1 ).61 Mei\ ,. 10.l'l 11,IS lnv91 t.!b I·'' MASS l'NtL: t)ltrl P 1,0 ,6S MIT 10.JJ 11,JJ •«LaCTaO , '' M IG IQ." 11..., .. ,., Stir t.ts •. ., MIO II.ti 11.Jt OH ,, I.JI I.• MFO 11.S. 11.lol Seil Sht1 l).H 11.ff M(O lJ,tJ ti .II S.nt1,,.t t.tJ 10.1' Me\11< lw 1,7f 1.11 ~n1r.Y , 11.M 11." Methe• t ,l6 f.la Mtlt1tl11LO O"r : Mid Am ,.IJ s 11 eomw J.,1 j" MOny 'd t .JS I0.11 Enlrpr t.•t ,U MSO Fd ll.06 11.6' ,i.. ff •. n 1.11 "'II 9ftG ,.fl •.Jt l'f•11>< 7-49 I ... MIF FO .il .. ,, 1.#gll L .... 1 ... fi(lf Ore J . ., 4.11 Pt(.OI Fd 1,)(1 1.91 MuOm QI! •.n •.M ...... ,.SON "0l1 MuO!Tt rn t .•1 •.ll APll'' 11 tt ••.a Miii lill1'1 II. II It, II Inc""' 16 91 11.S! Mull r,1 1.U 1.t:I ,,,...,t t l-1 1(1.11 N•I lndu t .lS t.(! YI Det11 IJ,ll 11.n llAT tfC ,OS: S!Ot Fd 6 ll l.H l'ltll~ I.It 1.62 S!GM.1 FUNDS; frond Sr •.•l s.o. Cap s.l!r • 1• 6.81 Oi>ldn l.U >.IJ lnw t .11 Kl.OJ Prtl S!k t,~ I .till Tr\! 1.• 1.01 lncom I •.'I "'"'1...,. •.•I I.loll St<Kk Sr •.• I.OJ s..,;tn 8 '·'' 9.1! Grwlrl J.G 6.JI SB 1&"4' 10.17 IO.ll HEW ENG LI'; So GtnF 11.16 11.6' Equity 11.tl 11" 1::1 !nw t .11 1.tl G•wl~ l .tt ,14 Inv G !.!1 S.~6 inc.om H.11 tt.14 , In 10.n 11.10 ')I.,. U.10 11.4.l 5.QtU•t I.II 411 ..,E., Ml Ill u, J.lP lnO t.1111 Si.II Hew t t'lt 1.12 •.G lTATll •HO Gltl': Ntlf'Wl~ l.'1 I.~ Com l'O f.1! 4.M Newton 11 ,t! !),°' Olw•lt •.ti !.10 Nw Pt•! U ,Ol 11.n P109•S •.•l .... New W\d 10.91 tl." SI ,., Gr t,fl •.41 Nlchl'I 11 .11 II.I I St Ft Int 1.1.l 1.S. N~\\ l•t• 11.ll 11.U 11illt Sit 10.0l .eQ.. .. Ornt~ I.la l .IO STIA01"1AN "0S: 0 Ned Id 11.Cl \\,OJ Am In<! 1.IJ l.llJ Ont Will "·" 1•.I• Auo ,d 1.11 Lil OPPENNM FD: !nvett 1.11 1,7J 0,, Fnd t .l •. Sf[1N llOf "0 i Oo Al") 9.•j "·~ Oc.H n •. ., t·" Op T ~ t .11 •· &.t•nt 11.11 11, 11 OTC S.t t .lS Ml.Ml (""111 l .•I ~ 67 Partml 6.to I.JI SW<k 11.11 12.11 P.il"I R1Y t ,11 I.I• SIS O"OUP: Pga1u' , • lO •.11 G•Wl~ !,/((! •.16 .. M r.l 1.0ol ] Of l1'4Dm Ii l,lt Pff'M\ t .\.I 6 Sol Smmit I S.IO 1'1111• , !.81 6..JI lt<~nl $. t.S6 l"ILGlllM GI': 1>11 Ftm IJ.01 C•Pl"I l .)O J.111 lncom 1.61 t.•l Pllg Fd 1.10 I.II Pine SI 10.f!' t<l.OI' Pin Tit j·" rlONli!I!" 0 ; Ploo En 6.!8 l.Sl Pion F<I 11.\9 l?.?l Plonr II 10.1' 11.10 Pl•n'l<I 9 .• !O.J} Pl.I G llO 10.90 11.t 1 ,.lllCI ROWE: Grwltri II.OS lUIS •n<om t ,t l t ,91 Nw E•e 11.16 11.1• Nw Hor l.IO l.IO Pro F<I 6.U 6.lol ProvoGI J .IS t.MI Prow Gl '·'' I.Ji Prud SIP t .1t t ,tl ruTNAtlll rUNOS: con .... r 10.3' ll.1l Eoully I .OS I.Ill ~'9 11 ... 14.tJ GrwVI t ... IQ.S. lntom l.'D 1.6.l ln,,.11 l .•1 t.76 Yi\!• F •I.II t.J.1 Voy•O f ,1"$ 10.11 llr1ot• v F 1.00 1.00 J!e,,.,. F S.M t.1• l'ir"' ~ ... ~)/ ...:roGtllt ... .,...1G 1 •L0t Tr..., Ca9 I.lit I U ,, •• , f Q t .70 101>3 '"'°"' ti 10.'1 10 •l 10t1' CG l .6' J.n l'OI~ (I 4 ()1 141 UNhed I•) It) i)o'lllund t .IJ I ~ UNIOH 11,.YICE ••ov•' 11;0 S lw 11 1' 11.IS N•ll 1'1 • '"Ill ~,~:r' 1 ~·n ,;·: U"ITEO fUNOS: A(tUm • JS t.'lt 8nd Fd 1,/\ l.fS C..,I 9'" I.II t,IO ((l>ftl fro: • QI f.ts lncom 11.11 12.ft Sci1n< t 07 6.tS V1nQC1 S •1 s '3 VIA~ Ct l.•S l .6S U Gv!S t .Q6 10.11 USLIFE ,UHDS: •at• F 1.•l • .. e,.1 l'nd I 41 i .11 Com SIO 10 &4 110 VALU E LIHIE FOS: V,i L~~ S'\11 S 8/ V•I In( I .II ~ \7 L'v QI~ ~.19 t,58 V&I ~?le l 9l l 11 Y.INCE S•NDElllS: ln•e•l 6 ll t.tl VS Com 6.1~ /,)J Sl>i!tl 6\t I.II Vnd•bll J.IJ 4.08 Vtr1\j<d 114 1.36 ~:'i'~~ ~t i .i.i Vl~ng Gr •'II '·" W•llSI or l .tJ I.l s W1sn Mu 11.10 11.1• Wt<"'J tQ 10.0& Ill.Qi WELLINGTON GltOUP: l!•DI« 1...-.i ~:s," Wtlsly Wtllln Wst""' Wi"dsr Wf!I Ina Wllld Gr WllCllPI \ Zl~ltr 141,8"/ n .IS 8.()1) 8.U 10.U 11 Sl 10.•0 11.ll 11 •• 11.loO 1Q.1J 11.116 t '13 10.lh 1.01 l.t.6 l II ).OJ 7.0'I l.•J S.1S !,6J t ,11 10.7' Dow Jont>!i St<M:k. o,,.... "'lll 1. ... c... c111 JO tntlvil 11),~I 161. J IMJ.M Ml.•-111,4 20 l•fll• lll,•1 111.S.lM.111111.U-.t.-tl Ullh '1 14 M,11 ti.It J . l J 0 • 1 t tt k<ltkt fll.J1U).M 1 ..... ,.._.,_,.II Oow Jonf'r; llon1l.1 , o,.. ... ,_ ,.,. "" 40 9<h IJ.06 IJ.1S fl.ts lf.U+ t.tt h i llliih IJ.W U.M !J ... l.J.~ I ... 1'11111 •1t1 •l .4S ... OI 11,6~ II.II+ .JI ! ... Ritt 11 .tJ M.IO tl.•S '4.11+ t.n U•ti tt.tl tl.Q 'IO.t1 tt.H+ 1.M lllhll lt.10 •.12 1'.lt 11.U• I.ti llK. ""' U .11 t.1.Jlt n ... U.lto 1, .. t~h Wf'Ol'I •10(1 wol\t ..... ··'• tt,Mt..,. Vol-Wet~ '"9'f •..••••.••. 111, ... ,UI Onily Vulumf'• l'tU W-. . IJ,111.'ll .. 11,14', , .. ..•. , 11,116,He ··-··. 1',01,,J1• "'" Wll. u .•11,1t1 o .m.111 lt,ff1.Jlf ,,,,,, .... H,MJ.ht M,4M,l.Jf ........ 11,•n.Ht .. , .... H~''"° Wet"kly Sal et P••I Wiii. Yr . .Ip bNt w Yiir' SIO<'~ Ntw Yor1" '""°' """•i<•n S\0<k• /11t1Cl.,.9tl SIM•1 69.'49,oto ... ., . ,11,9~ \11,IH,000 11Q1,fSio ,OOll 11,Uf,UJ U,»0,8)0 •.1w.ooo s.110.000 Y ~arly Con111ari!!on W•. ....... N~ Low Allt O.c 1'•11. 1, !ti' 1t! SO 110 'II J .... 11. ltl' •1• U IO !t IH it.•. 2. un JI lCM 411 uo1 ,, •• 4, U/l 1tl; 14 lotll tlf 1-1'1>·7' Nlfll<Ltw Ut1C~ '" ,. •• "' IJS !Ml~nrl1t• U lllllrN<h "° l.llltill•• J.11 Stect1 ,:.~~ 1~.~~ 1~~'!-~.~' IJ.01 '1 .tf '1, '~-I.Mt •t.'1 41.:Ja 11.lf-4,)t '7.Gt n .u t!.n -1.>1 • t•·Gi•idt nd , f·un<iv•il•blf, • Whnt\i Nl;'w in Slt,.-ks ,..,. T"" Wtflt JM!. U-P••· 1. lf1' "' " " 1,1! ~f. '-'" '·~ l .W 1.SI '·" ... ,_.I rn l,l1 J.11 .~ ··~ ,,_,. ••• ··~ I.It 1.U '·" 1.!l J.01 ·~ J.11 IN C1tl!•SED O!YIDiNDI A!plll Pott. 1no.-lk lrom Uc: Amer, llr~nca-&tc from S~11K Amer. Home r roo.-11/c !•om Uk Al.flle'.nd OH-Jk from J111>( lloling-lk from IOc Cle•. El. lllum.-'O<:. from Sic. Coc:•·llOlll. l'l,V.-IOc tram t 'hc OtUown l'-•-ll'IK lrom IJ'l)C II.It. OllPllH'lltJ-lk from lit Fo•·Sl1nl1\-tc '"'"' It l'rtfftll!o-Oc !rom 1!)( lllM-1.71 1••1'1 1.11 Ltt Enl~rprtws-9< tram IV!< L•. PK. Cp.-10< lrom l'h< McG••w·Hill-12'1'1< !•om l1C MOiii! Oil-7k rrom 10c Pi-tr N.ilt. G•~-l1 117C lrom 7k Purqltlo•-7:k lrom llc , °"'"''SI. 0il-U117C !•om 11\l>c Rock_., ll•ot.-t< from '' UMC lfld.-11< from ltc U.S. 5ttfl-toc. from olOc Vuletin Mtte,,•lt--40<: lrom JSc WleDOIOI Starts-le t•om t'.'oc Sut'ldaJ', Ffbruary 3, ltJ74 OAIL Y PILOT VOLUME, HEAVY TRADERS '"-ttn """' ttll.,., '*'' S-l 1 .. -.,,. '" 11-..... iall'l ffilll'I L"* Clo.,... Cnt. too,'llO 10"' t~. • ,._ •• • ). I• »J,-u"' 1.,l n ··-, .. 1M,IOD IH o tlo I\'•• 1 .. H l • .00 17 ''• 1~ • ,,, 1,100 • ._ )... l-'0.-'" J,\00 "'" ,. .. ,, ... _ t, l,l'OO '"' ,..... • -"' l)J,IOCI /''I • t "--~, 111,IOO 1•1. ,.,, I , 1, IJ!,900 t )1'> )t'., ..0 -II..,, "' • '' ,,, . 11•. 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I M•wt 91lnt'd ti• ""°'' •nd IOfl IN .....,1 b.owd on Pt«•nl °' t"4"9R on the Nt l ...a r.;c"''• tl'lt"'I!' ••r Int dlftt••nt~ br _,, l•st -e~ I tlD••"9 l>"f< and !Mt Wffk'• <ID)•"'J P•k f , N•w VDt"• !UPI) -l tw IQ!IOwlnl II•! _,., IN •ID<k1 t"'t h• .. U••nt 1nt ..-t .ilnd lo ll ttw ~t 11.1-.a "" pj!rctnt Ill <Non90 "" u..., ""1et1<•n Slack E •<,.,.n91 New To ... !UPTJ -Tn~ lollowl1>9 11., '"""'' '"" •to:•!. tl'l.al n•,;e 901iw<1 ll'lt mou •M lost 11'>11 mo!~ D•ltD on l)lr<tnl O! t""P'IOO "' Ult Orir 11tt·CO...~ltt mtfkll in q.uqltd "' lM NASO. GAIHl!ll'S I Sl!•tr1ln Lin J t l''l 1 C.01 l>l~turo' ~·~., I'• ) H•r1rH• 10 ~··I l '· I qRtlC19 l pl )'·~ "• I Gn Steol Ind J'.o • !'o t (...-hiiWA J 16'.'o • l''o I GF B~' .11 o-.. .. t._ I l t •ll lndu>I \J'i• +-l" 9 Je pFO t.T•c ...... 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GAINilt!o 1 N~•tlt ltM l '· >-l"o 1 A•UllO•d In l'" t l'lo l .Arwooa Cp JI•• I'• I CCL rncoro <.. • '• S Am Ret Grp 1-... 1•, 6 C•rt"'I Ot• l • • " 1 Simons Hiil 1•. • •-• 9 Nau 111811~ 1•• · -.. i E>Pl!Y M!g l '• • I 10 Dover Ind .. 1 1 • "• 11 Tul!(D Cc•p ) • '• ll Yltwlt< fn< I'•• "' 1l CSE Cp 40 I•"•• l"" u Gen Ed Se•v l'• • "' IS l(on ArO Cp 1J 1~ • l ,, 16 Ma!R•.C .10 11 , 1'• II Aulo1n l)ld9 iv.• !' • 11 11.i1cr11T " 1"1 • "" }~ ~1n.':l 11A:..~ s~:1';; l l GrtAm In~ l).1b t l·16 11 M•ll<>•y Ad .... • '·• ll Md"ll" )0 61,o • , ... 1• M••k Conlrl b'.• 1•, lS .., ... ldr Mn '"' '• t Sl""'b"a '-..·1 1 (DX CAPI~ J Ribl~1 Prod 4 Ve< Upole In S Vulcan (D•D t Ktwte.6• WI 1 Em~•fll 1n I NellyODn In ' N~I Ind Inc l~ g~~~~m1l\d U C1n.i1vtl Intl 1l Cellw Cr•U :; ~1sn;s'\e~1~~ \6 Ru.co lndui 11 5.aunn• .10 18 Otv~fop Cp 19 Lto!i«•t To< 10 F110hm11n .10 11 G1>1h1•m Ld 12 Holm'"' t11d 13 Penl•on Ind l' Plym ltuD A lS Soecur Ml wt LOSIE"S V.-1·1• 10"•-3lr'o ' -' H o -'• ]'.-" 1'.-\' ,,.,_ .... 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'I">-1 n Brllwnd Mine' J'"-•1, ll lltlly Mtg .OlD 3~1'.-)"' U Athtd LflSUrt l -.... lS ...._.t~1Str ,16D 41 ~-"o 10 G~l ~•a1n .l •d 9'o-"'• \'I flrd!Htnr/ .ll t 'lo->/o 18 Nalnl CS Inc :n -1'11 !' lndM!9f 1,181> 6~-"" ?O Stn.o<mah El !Yo-"o '1 B•·LO !n< 10'h-"'< 110 .... w .. w 1 -•., IJ Oelni !nll Oil S'I•-"o (I Lt •<lr0<1 (CID J ~f 11 Siio lntD•p I \'t OH "'' 0" OU OU 0 " "'' "'' OU 0" "'' o .. "'' "'' "'' 0" 0" o" "'' "'' "'' o" "'' 0" "'' ~ .. 16.I 11.• !l.1 '" ... 11 ., '" " ' " ' '" " . '"' "' ' "'. " .. ., ., ••• .., "' '' '' .. '" " ' '" " ' '" 11.1 II. I "'' 10.S \0.0 '·' '·' ... " '' " " " ••• ••• .., '·' .., t ,I '·' Oil Companies ''"'"' TC -~oc!Ur'1g-,, ' 12 • U.S. Air Traffic Down 13% Explain Prof~ts ChriJtion Science Monitor Service NEW YORK -C omp u gr a phi c CorporaUon is a Boston-area company that make! tM photo type.setting eqUlpment used by this newspaper. Last year it.5 sales increased 55 percent and its ea.rnlngs were up l 11 percent. To ~ best of my knowledge, the company ia not belng investigated by any congressional conunittee, although from time to time Alan Abelson ha• scrutinh.ed \ls earnings i.n his column in Barron'11. But Compugraphic Corp<>ration UI not Involved In selling directly to the publlc_ a product whoet prke has risen at the pump anywhere up to 50 percent -If yoo cao buy it at all, The oil indu11try'1 1973 earning! surely would not have been the cause fo-r comment that they are. were if not for the Middle Se:S't war in October, the oil embargo and the resulting rise In the price of o il produc~ and the lack of ga-'Oline at many stations. SEVERAL Of the majors already hive announced preliminary 1973 resulls, lncludln1 I.he two largest companiei. Exxon and MobH. ExxQn's earnings were up 59 percent -16 pe.rCent in !he United Stales. 48 percent ill the rest of the Western Hemisphere and 83 percent ln the Eastern Hemisphere. Mobil'• were up 47 ~rcent -15 pe.rcenl ln America and 79 percent abrvad. (Texaco was up 45 percent and Cities Service n percent). Mobil went into some interesting detail tn releasing its ea r n i n gs, which unfortWla~ly little of the press had room to report. While fortlgn proflta amounted to $569 million, St~ minion Jn this figure represented profits from changes In the values of other currencies 1n relaUon to the dollar during the year. Or, put anothar way, of $269 million Increase in to~I earnings, fl50 mllllon, or M percent or tlle Increase, \ft! JU1t • peper profit. And th is was a profit that could be turned the other way this year If the dollar oonllnues to t1tnngthen relative to other currencies. It this t"Umney factor were taken out of the eamlnp, foreJ111 eaminp were llP ooly illi perctnl and total earnln1s up ll percont . Enon alto itl}t happened to have. $150 million In forei gn exchange earning• Iott year, altllough that would hive to be meuurld a1aln1l eomewhal h11her operating lljjurtt than MobU. When the: accounting effect of these currency realignments ls removed , the profit Jncreut! of the. I a r g e brternaUonals was still lmpret.slve but hardly starUlng. Where did the rest of this increase come from~ First of all, their domestic refining. and markeUng situation picked up beginning in l!f72. One industry analyst in the stcuriUes business explained tha t f'or the first lime in 10 years demand caught up with refinery capacity. For a long time tht refining operations of the major! had been little more than a break~vm operation, he says. This fact was one e1ement in the delay in building new refinery capacity in the late 1960!, although not the only one. 'Mlen as aemand caughl up with and overtook supply, retail prices firmed. Yet every increase that came down the pike in 1973 was approved by Uie Cost of Living Council and was in line with lhe government's controls program. The overseas profits jump is attrlbured both to hlghl!.T crude-oil prices and to better marketing conditions in other countrie! (where. there were no price eontrols). Yet the conditions !hat brought about such a .!!Wing ln. overseas profitlJ may have beoeTJ a one-year fluke: a.!I wlt~.!IS the profits taken in exchange- rale changet. SERIOUS NEW factors may limit pronls rrowlh oversea!. For the first time .!Jlnce the foUOO.lng of OPEC (the OrganliaUon 0( Petroleum Exporting Cowitrlts). the rnajors are not bargaining with OPEC on tlle price thty pay; they are being told what the price is. Furthermore the move ls on for b.l&her participation by most countrlu ln outright ownershlp of the oil production. When thl1 hapPcns, the oil companies have to negoUate to buy back lhe oil legally owned by the host COWltry. All the percenta&e of buy-back oil inc::reuu, two lhlngs occur: The compan~1 control les11 and le39 , of "lhelr'' oil, and they have to bkl 1t- lhe world price for the buy-back oil they want. Somt. of those interviewed teem to looll: on 19'14 u a patchwork of gueaatlmaln rtatit -· portly because they do not know where they ~ on biiy-blckl for this year ...__. · e1tbtr" Oil price or lhe amount ot partJclJ>ltlort crud• the host COU11trt11 wtll end up with. AJ lor 197! eamtnp, Jt appom the oil lndustry pulled a h e ad of ? "I\ I ~ ..... ~ 10 -1-Petroleum -I 8 ' - 6 - 4 ->-Rates of return -t----. ~ on Investment .1. 2-~ -I I I I I .... '"' l96t lflO " ' ~,,, r.,, HoT•t c~. lcri., ,,.. ... ~"'1i manufacturing earnings. Exxon earned 18.8 percent on its equity, or net worth, as opposed to only 12.8 percent the year before. Th~ accompanying chart, for which solid figures are available onl:y through 1972, !hows that during most of the pail decade oil lndu11try earnings have been lower than average manufacturing-Industry earnings. YET IN the next 10 years the Industry mU!t make up to a trillion dollars in new , inve.J1tment in exploration, tankers, and new refineries. This money has to come fron1 earnings, depreciation, and new loans or new cap!Lal. To the extent that earnings are allowed to ri!le to at least a 11 -l n d u .!I try averages, they will provide a larger chunk of the needed capital. Better earnings al!IO wUI make it easier to attract new capital or get easier credit term11. On the other hand, Industry officials fear that if Congress treats them more like a public utility, earnint!S wUI suffer and as a consequence impair their ablllty to attract more outside capital. Tht lmpreS1ion remains with much of the public that the large international oils are able to shift.. eamlng1 from one part of their operation to anolher willy-nill y. The companies deny this. One way to overcome this suspicion would be for them to accoWlt for the eamlnp in each of the vertical parl.5 of thelr o~ratloru -tram crude oil production on down to retail marketing. Exxon indicated it rtrardl itself as a highly efficient company but does not care to show its oompetltkm where its efficiencies lie. Offlclals of both Mobil and Conoco, oo the other hand , indicated soch • b~t ol profits mtgtil be leutl>le, V It llmlled 10 lhowlng the prollta on crudo oil prvdudton oa one item and ·all the downstream operations -U'anaport, !<fining and marketing -.. -...... Ev• a .breakout of. ~ produc- tion prallla mJiht ,. .om.. -to- wmf ooavtnc:blg tlJI ~-1llo in-clepmdents (tie oil oompon!N that de- pmd on the ma)ora•for their a'Ude) that lllef'e are no monopolllllc pncllces In-' volved on the cnide oil skte. OOllELLEASE Loans in County R eported 8 [i] '"' PecMry ............ NEW YORK (UPI) but lhat within the last month both a gr e e tha t the Thanks to the world fuel funk, they have been noticing about cancellations have not affected U.S. A1r traffic is down 12 400 a day fewer -almost peak-hour traffic problems to 13 percent and In 200 if'l!ls at La Guardia and n1uch. But the controllers say metropolitan New York -the that the slacking off in lighter bu ·.,, ol ti t termlll· at 100 each at Kennedy and s1 a a r hours should be used to step complexes -there are, as Newark. up classroom work w Ith one traffic co n t r o 11 er On a national s ca I e , trainees. remarked with a wry grin, according to the Air Transpo<t J hn Le d 'd t f ''!ewer periods of pure panic." o y en, pres1 en o A!sn. in W ashing ton , the Professional Air Transport Air traffic controllen have cancellation of flights -that Contro!!ers Organiza tion, says entered the popular imagery is, departures by the there were about 6.600 or 6,900 during the last decade as a airlines because of the luel controllerll in the system in harried and haggard group shortage hall run to l ,800 to • 1968=-~ when thc-"job action" FINANCE working at a frantic pace to 1,800 a day. A ver ag e started, and that today the keep you and me from butting departures las1 year totaled work force is about 15 ,500 in into each other while getting about 13,800 a day. the United Stales and outof townorbackin. ·==='The~~A~T~A~~a~nd~~ro~n~tr~rn~l~e~rs~~t~e~rr~lt~o~n~·e~s~·==============~~~~~~~~~~~~ TlllS IS not so . N o tl i any more, that is. The i r national organization claims they were in such a state, more or less, back In 1969 and 1970. That's when they staged the o perations "slowdown -by the. book." or "sick-out" or "controller illness epidemic" that brought three to four hour delays in most big temtinals in the country. Introducing the new Coast Federal A visit to their fa cility •t Kennedy Airport -a traffl<' tank that .services 22 airj'l-Orts . three of them m;ijor terminals in the New York !'Ylctropolitan area -diKloses ll cal m crew manning th e scopes a nd other devices that track and direct ai rcraft from 30 to 40 n1i!es out. TlllS "common lFR room" has jurisdiction right down to the flllal approach, when the various towe.rs take ovei;, IFR stands for Instrument fl ight ruJes . This room is, by a big degree, the largest ( 133 controllers) and b u s i e s t terminal complex in the world, with three major terminals -Kennedy, La Guardia and Newark on one radar complex. Daniel Bove, chief con· troller, says the facility 1 handles an average of 2,500 arrivals and departures a day '\: SILVER BARS Sn-Kn Ill•'" O'<tf 1 .... lft Vt ..,_ Otiirtnt nt ,ttl ,._ c"""""n.1c.~ .. ,,....,. ot M Mffr o.llw_,., • savings plans. we'll pay you the highest interest in coast Federal'.s history with rates that range from SY.% ro 7Yi%, ('1!01"" (rr11n l1\·1• •,\\•1't!" pl.1n~, cl t"•1gn cd IO 1:•1·•')•i\J !he I'"'' 11'1111n jor your •.1v1ng~. Highest guaranteed rates Annu.il Annu.il M in. Min. rille yield b.Jl.inct lerm 7.50"/o 7 .79"/o $1 .000 4 year cert. b.75 &.98 1,000 21/2 year cert 6.50 6.72 1,(l()(l ·1 year ce rt. 5.7.'i 5.92 11000 90-day bonu5 account 5.25 S.J9 no min. l'a ~sbook .account f C"dC'rill reMula1 ions r~uire a iubst.inlial intcresl pcnJlly on .ill certific.uc i!Ccount \v11hdr,1w.:ih prio r lo m~ltui ly. The Insiders Club J u~I ''P<'n ,1n .1c1.uunl ,1 1 Co.1~1 (o r $1 .()C)O, .1nd you 1 .111 ~el •Pi)(1.1l ln~v "ln~ider" prices · on con•urn<·r µood• .ind ~rrvices. From ,111tnn1oh1!es, Jppl1.1ncl'S, furniture ti) tr.1vcl, en1cn.1inrnen1 Jnrl hon1c decor.i!ing. , For J $1,00Q J c counl, you get hi:e !r.1vcle r·s checks. monl.'y 0 1dcr~. i;Mltary service, no1e collection'. Al~o (rC'e, fiH ,1.n1i nimum"S2,SOO-' h.ilanc", .1 prr~on.1 1 chcckin>t .iccounl ~t a n1.1jnr h.1nk, .ind ,1 ~,1ic dC'po~1 1 box. Sat urday hou rs C.:o.isl offi ce' are open Salurda ys. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Weekday,, 9 •.m. 10 4 p.m. Fridays all o ffic•~ except ctownrnwn Lo~ An11.eles 01re open 10 6 p.m. ~ COAST ' F E O F.n/\L !t/\VIN l ,! , During 1973 the western for the company's re1l eat&te homt office of tf.e Prudent!111-invertrnent depart men t , Insurance Co. d 15 bu r 9 e d reports that the entire 1mo1lnl I CllftreMf~ ..... city Tow and $50,lee,500 for I .. INTIRCONTININT~L INVllTMIN't COM, ANY . wa! for city prapertlet. $17,020,00f 1n real estate loan1 • In Callfornli., real e!tate 1n Orange County. loan disbursements amounted laaac C. Corns, Soo1hem to '309,167 ,990. Ol t h a I C.llfomla general manAger amount, $2M,2tl,4IO w11 for farm pros11rtle1. M ... .,. ....... HmMted The Prudenua1 d1tburaod ·, •u•o ; .. ·MO-;;. - f*,lM,161 tbroughoUt the 13 t'tvt 'T•• • Lit. °"' AW. Cr*llt •~tern 1t1111 durtn1 the put t• ""· 0 .1 .L, )'Ur. Of this • m 0 u n l, CONHI LL CHIYIOLIT 1312,sU,164 WU for city loan• 112• HA l lOI '"''· COITA MHA 54,·1200 and '65.3Sl ,100 for farm loans.,~---------~• ... N.-,.011 (."'!tr Dri .... ••It• n1 TM ll'l11111Clll t tnltr HtwNrt ltatll, C:t. 644·9410 We want your money. And we11 do more for It Hunlln~lon 8t1th OH\ct : c11 Hi.ir11lnRIQn Ci-ntcr (71 41 6'17 -1047 • l,A., M•ln Oflict : 9Lh & Hill, 621·11~1 Convrn1f'nt Olh< "' Throu11ho111 C•llio11"1i~ '1 • • • • DAJLY PILOT Real Estate Questions/Comment •w Realtor Randall Mccardle I understand th•y 1r• doing som• Ingenious and u.nu1ou1I things to double the use and value of expen- s1v• real est,at•. Old I read where they ,are building a stadium th•t converts from a football field to f base- ball diamond to • theater in a matter of minutes. How •re all of th• thousands of seats moved so quickly to form the various configurations necessa ry . . R. L., Costa Mesa In 1ust 30 minutes a 50.000-seat stadium can be compl et~ly altered to meet the viewing requirements of two maJor spectator sports -baseball and fo otball. t . Four 7,000 ~e'at sections \\411 pivot via a specially designed mechanism from the fixed portion of the sta- dium to form either the parallel stands needed for foot· ball, or the diamond·shaped seating arrangement nee· essary for baseball. I !J'vlne Tract Terrace Holds Grand Opening S t a n d a r d-Par.Jfic Corp. Introduces its first Irvine project with the grand CJpening cit the Terrace in University Park. The new $20 mill ion Oranll'.e County residential community brings the University Park development program near co mp 1 et ion 11crordin g to Frank Hughes. Vice President Residential Division o( the Irvine Company . The uniquely contoured 88- acre development will include 5ffl attached homes when completed, with 139 homes in the first increment being forma lly opened now. First move-ins are scheduled for March. • ' - QUEENIE By 'Phil lnlerlandl I The mechanism utilizes the so-called film air cush· ion principle, ~at is, a given weight supported and moved on a thin cu.c;hlon of co mpressed ai r. The seat· ing configuration can also be use.cl for soccer and the· atri c~I events. and with minor additi on~. for boxing and tennis as well. Phase II Spyglass Sets Pace Phase n Spyglass Hill ho n1es, priced from ~109 ,000 to $180.000 is setting the sales pace among Orange Coast projects according to the developer. Lusk Homes. In the weeks following the 1 ate Noveri1her opening , sales have amounted to $2 ,890,000 on 20 of the 53 one and two-story Corona de\ Mar homes. THE TERRACE offers four highly individualized single story floor-plans with two (If three bedrooms, all with two baths, pri vate fenced patios '".':'.'."':'----~-~o~<:••~'~-;::~":·:•:•·:··~'":;::·~"~':'·;•:···:"~'~d:";·-::;·:•J with C'O~te slabs, distinctive · formal entries and two.e1ir '.'I ~on:t c.are if she is back in circulation -l want the enclosed garages. Price range Think s1~n back up!" from $34,!190 to $44 ,500 with ----- The entire 106·acre si te planned for l·lawaii will be land.scape~ .t~ pro.vide a l u~h setting for picnics and family a~11v1 t1 e~ prior. to ~tad iun1 events. Parkin g around the stadium will be 1n conccnlric terraces; berms will separate parking rings. EDITOR 'S NCTE: Randall R, fl-1cCarc!le is a11 invest· ~ent ~na/y~t ... college lec1urer. and au.thur of .;Real £sta te rn California. Send your comments anrl questions to Rnn- dall R. McCardle. c/o t/J e Daily Pi/or. r~o Box 1560, Costa Mesa, 92626. Lone1·s Rising Statistics Oil Upsiving NEW YORK (UPI ) -Although 90 percent of Ameri · cans live in family homes, the number of person~ living alone is climbing rapidly. The Conference Board Study Group has reported. BOARD ANALYSTS said that nea rly half of the one-- person households are aged over 65. But young adults ac- count for an increasing share of the total. The number of adulls under 35 living alone has doubled over the last five years. In the over-65 age group. women livi ng alone out- numbe~ed. men three to one. according to the analysts. The pr1nc1pal reason is longevity. since curren t data show that women outlive men by almost seven years, the study found . · OTHER CONFERENCE board findings showed that 25 percent of all families have incomes of $15,000 or more. They estimated that this figure will reach 45 percent by 1980. The board predicted that even with zero population growth, there would 'be four million births in 1980. A figure close to the pea k number of births that occurred dur- ing the post-World \Var II baby boom. l(ids Like To St uart "RoQ t" Gordon. s tands near his new model horne in Dillon, Colo. The hon1e is made out of poly urethane roam. Gordon hopes to build triplex µnits at one third the normal cos t and market the1n all over tlle world. 1'lol1il e Ho1ne Owners .!-\clvisecl on Conserving Hr11r c:in lhe ave ra g e County, Shor<:cliffs ivl obi I e homC'owncr COpC' with the Countr y Club is a $2.S mill ion, rn"rgv crisis and cut down 201·space, all-adult community on po1~·er consurni;tion? nestled on ocean-view hills J, i k e c on v c n l \ o n a 1 overlooking the I 8 -ho 1 e ho rneo1vncrs, the Southland's ShorC<.'liffs Golf Course in San rnnbilehornc residents a r e Clemente. facing this qur.stion t-.ead on. Among its ~menities. the To help tllcm , Lloyd Lowry. park hils a $250.000 clubhouse, swimming pool, ex e r c i s e ge ntral sales ma nager for rooms, sau nas. kit c hen, Viking coaches :it Shorecliffs fireplace lounge. bi ! 1 i a rd Mobile Coll ntry Club, San toom. shu fneboard courts. C\ernentc, hi'IS come up with therapy pools, boat and seve ral suggestions. camper storage and a model ''First. I wou ld advise all village f ea I u r i ng sir. coach owners lo check the profession:illy de c or a t e d insulation in their homes. Viking coaches. Qualitv insula tion me;i.ns less The \liking homes. the first fu el is. needed for hea ti ng and and. to date. only coaches coolin g, th us cutting dovtn on to receive an ' ' E n e r g y energy consu1np11on as well Conservation Award " from as annual fuel costs," he said. Owens-Corn ing Fibe rglass for As a seco nd tip to conc erned their thermal insula tion, are n1obi leh on1t! O\vners. Lowry on di spl ay daily in a typica l sl1i::gests tearning up v.·1th park-like setting, Lowry s.1id. neighbors ·on shnrt shopping 'J'o \'isit Shorcc!iffs ~1obile tnps or j·aunt s to nearby Country Club, exit the Sa n rt·creauona areas. Diego Freeway at Camino de "ncsidcs saving g:1s. sutch Estrella and follow the car pools help to build a spirit dirC'ctional signs past San of c oo p c r a t i o n and Cleme;1te Genera l Hospital to c;.irnnrnderiC' in ci ny p:irk." 3000 Ca lle Nuevo. l..-0wry explained. "~!ere at ------ Loco ted on a s\opinR site \vith a view of Newport Center, Balboa Island and Lhe Pacific shoreline, "Spyglass Hill homes were designed to mar!1 the C_!!ll'!)in3tion of John D. Lusk 'S 25 year ho me building career in Southern California," say s a spokesman (or the developer, Lu s k Hon1es. "The s pa cious interiors that arc elel{ant yC't very livable and the :ibsolulcly superb vie ws seem lo be the main reason buyers continue to be attracted here." These three. four-and fi ve- bedroom homes range in square-foot age from 2,564 to 3,903 and have attached three- car garages. The 1 a r g c windO\VS and sliding glass doors in ki_tchcns. family rooms and olher living areas as well as bedrooms are view- oriented. All homes have large wood burning fi replaces in the living room and the family room. Seline plans also have a fi repl ace in the spacious maste r bed room suite. The $1 million specially landscaped and decorated six· home rnodel park at Spyglass Ill\\ Phase II rnay be reached bv taking Pacific Co a s t Hlgh w::i y or the SaR-Diego f' ·ee111oy to M a c A rt h u r B11ulevnrd and turning easl on San .Jonquin Hills Road. excellent c on v e n t i o n a \ finan<:ing available. Created by the 1 r 11 I n e architectural firm of Leitch, Kiyotoki. Bell and Associates, the community plan is designed around a I a r g e central park area \V h i ch includes two r ec r ea ti on centers \Yith swimming pools, therapeutic pools. open air cabana. brirbecuc areas and a luxurious comm un i ty clubhouse. Innovative architecture and cuxtom interior styling with many exceptional features add to the individuality of hom es at The Terrace. Th ere are high. sloping ceilings and window w.::ills of sli ding glass. distinctive decorator fireplace tr e atm~nts: contemporary breakfast bars and wet bars in various plans. Lavish baths fc::iture deluxe f; x t u re s cul tures marble pullman tops and cerrunic tilin g. AL [,..ELECTRIC Terrace kitchens include bu i \ l -i n Hotpoinl range. self-cleaning oven , dishwasher, disposal, luminous ceiling and pantries. Custom lighting fixtures and deep pi!'! carpeling throughout are more l~ feature s. and there are extra spaciou;; master bedroom suites vo'ith abundant clcset and cabinet space. The exteriors of the Terrace hornes combine brick, rough·sa11tn woods. wrought iron and textured st11C'C'O Roofs are or cedar shake with enclosed stucC'O soffits. There are large covered entryways and priv=ite access to oversized t\vo-car garages. Shorcc\iffs. for example. nlany ~ ;...--------------------:--------------...._ re~1dents :ire sharing rides to e !he grcx:t~ry sto re or for a ocean-or1en"ed A k A d dav or boofa'g at nearby Dona \: s n y p°3:,~ "~;'":~:;ml I u x u r y 1·1v·1ng ·1n a ____________ mohilobome pa rks m Oraoge _, 53 8o/o DOWN INTEREST NO SECONDS-NO CLOSING COSTS Come fo Villa Santa Ana in beauti· ful South Santa Ana , You can sel ect from a number of award·winning home-styles in bolh J and .4 bedroom designs. Some homes include land· scaplng a nd sprinklers, and a.re f~nced and draped. All homes are ca rpeted and many choice corner lols lire available. flOM 829,540. 0 , • • 2 • < ' , tOINGf ~ " § w ... •N!R • " • • , .. 01 rc0 (714) 541-9372 Villa Santa Ana ON EOI NGER JUST WE Sl OF GRANO AVENUE country setting In exclusive Huntington Harbour Now you can own a dis tinctive two or three bedroom Town- home in Huntington Harbour which combines the best of ocean-orienled living with the peace and privacy of a country home. 3 floo r pl ans and 5 distinctive exterior variations pro- vide individuality for each home. The Hu ntingto n Harbour Yacht and Tennis Clubs (mem- be rships available to residents), boat slips, stretches of uncrowded beaches, and shopping a re nea rby. Elaborate la ndscaping with olive and pa lm trees. graceful shrubs a nd flowers, swimming pool, sa una, and jacuzzi a re all pa rt of your Ha rbour Townh ome. Interior a me n ities incl ude spacious rooms, wood-burning firepla ce, a complete General Electric buffet ki tc hen, private front and rear entrances, patios, and special window treatments in master bedroom suites : all blended to give you a warm, happy environment 2 & 3 bedroom Townhomes ~ w~ From $42,700 ~~ ":::~ (213) 592-2268,(714) 846·1328 Corner o1 Algonquin&Boardwalk harbour townhome1 .Anotlw· LMcolft ,,,,.,_,., Co...., D111lop ...... . , t• I How Energy Cuts Affect Building By ANDY LANG AP Newsfl!ature1 We have already seen some of . ~e effects o( the energy cr1s1s on the real estate industry , al ready beset for some time by a variety of negative r actors , most especiall y high interest rates. Housing developments i n outlying areas. not accessible with a s1nall t1mount of gasoline, ·have found i t difficult to attract prospective purchasers over wee kends .. But what abo ut the long· range resul ts of the energ y situation on !he residential housing market? The questio n 1vas directed to architect Robert Babbin of Rolling f\.t eadows. 01., because he is frequ ently called on to address fclµ>w professionals a b o u t architecture, land planning and dev elopment. "There will be one set of effects for the next three to five years," said Babbin . ··and another set that will last 10 or more years. In the short range area. the time required lO construct housing projects will be len.,hrne.1 about 30 percent beca use excavators and some other items . "BECAUSE Of the nature of the. construction process. delays in the early stages of a project cannot be remedied by Increasing effort in later stages, nor can ooe genera lly 'work around' a problem : lh'.!"fefore. \Ve will likely s~c periods of weeks or months when projects become inactive wai ting for ce rtain materials. The possibility of substitutions is somewhat. limited by the rigid ity of codes and the i n t e r re 1 a t i on shlps of construction details ... How will this affect the cost of housing? "Between construci ion loan interest. supervision a n d general operating expenses , a three-monthly delay on a $!- million , one.year pro j e c t would cost about $40.000. Af ter the subcontractors I i v e through several of these slower projects, we wi\\ find them raising their bld.s to reflect their increased ('(l!l! so that, by two years frOm now, the increased ,cost of hou!ing due directly to energy conservation will range from nine to 12 percent." WHAT IS the long-range -... pi cture? "Although Insulation is ont of the least expensive elements i n construction. man y builders ha ve ignored the long-range economy ln fav or of minimizing original cost. In the fu ture, I believe we will double our insulation standarl!s as w e I l a9 si gni!icantlY increasC the use o( double and even triple glazing. Solar orientation and prevailing wind patterns will regain importance in plann ing. as we try to put nature back to wor k in the comfoft and control of our environment . The energy-eooserving aspects of landscape desi gn such as shad ing the west exposures and windbrea king the northern exposures will be brought to bear. ,''In apartment-condominium de!ign: the shape of buildings and individual units w i 11 change so that less perimeter is ~xposed to heat loss and sun load. There will be an e'ffec1 on th e locntion o r housing. Siles nea r commuter r?.ilrr"rl st<itions will increllsf' In value. THERE \VIU. be pressure on the subu rbs lo rezone the areas within walk ing distances of ra il road stations lo allow r 0 r moderate-to-high-density hou sing. TOe high price of commuting by automobile will stimulate many persons into moving back ta the cities, which will be revitali7.ed if they improve th e quality of education available in the public school system." Y.'hen will things im prove or al least return to normal ? "By 1985, housing design should be back to normal because, by then. heating and air-conditioning s y s t em s , insulation systems, lighting systems and coo kin g equipmenl will have been invented and developed that will accomplish their fun ctions at double and triple the e f r i c i e n c y or today's mechanical equipment. I n addition, the public utility companies will have devbed more efficient mean! o f producing heRt and power economically." Condominiums Place For Empty Nesters Cllances are efnpty nest are now living in houslng households -couplts aged 45-valued at one and a haU Umu M whose children have grown their earnings,'' said RLSA ~ ... up and moved oot -will president, RObert Siegel, a be your ne1'bbor in a rormer marketing Instructor condominium community 1f _and associate editor of Hot.M you move Into ont In the &...lfome -Maguine . 1'7f's. "Based on their eam!nr- Accordlng to a study by they. can well afford btfter Robert L. Siegel & AssQcjates. housing," he added. a New Orie.ans-based real estate research firm, more For lnstanee, the survty than 4.3 million househol<b ltt ohows ttrat many "1llltY neot the empty DtJt category and households are eamtng $18,000 over half of these couples arit or more, yet arc living Jn eamlng _more than $15,000 a homes valued at $27,000 or year. less. An additional 2.1 mnuon "Compare this wllh couples "potential" empty n e !'t under 25 years of age, who household s, a husband t1nd are struggtlng to buy a $1.0,000 wtfe wtth one child -U!Ulllly home on camlnRS of less than a teenager wbo wl\1 move out $10,000," he said. In a ·few years -ma1i:e the The study also revealed that empty nest Impact on the "special h o u s c h o Id s ·' - condominium market even \Yldowcd, d i v or co d or more impresslYc. the ii:tudy seearatcd persons -are noted . -'Qt'Com!ng another m • j or "Most significantly, 4 9 se,gme.nt of the ho u 1 l n g percent or the empty nes1?9 01erket. •• . , l "'"" SAN CLEMENTE PRESIDENTIAL HEIGHTS HOMES INCRE ASE IN VALUE Preslde 11t ial H e i g hts Ho mes Bolstered A combin<ition or ocean wind up the hillside past the views. cliri1olc nnd slvlish, dwellings where the buildC'r, fun c ! i on a 1 honits · has Douglass-Pacific Corp. of San I n c r ca st: d \•alui.::~ <it Clemente, has I a v i sh l y Presidenti::\ Heights. a new landscaped the strf'ets and townhon1c devclopn1cnt hi gh slor1es "'ith neprly 2,000 trees. above San C 1 {' in en le more than 10,000 shrubs and overlooldnp, south 0 r a n g c bushes and_ with vines and Counly's coast11ne . )t P'!""vcring plants. "Each ne11· phase or· The one and lwo-slory const ruction brings A hike in townhon1es in the fourth phase property vt lue." said Ch;ir\es of Presi:ientir>.l H e i g ht s P. Da y of Day Hl'al!y, Inc., construction include \Vall-to-+ sales agent. .. \Ve have seen wall carpeting , ca l he d r a I an appreciation fac1o r here ceilings in the bedroom suites, of $2 .000 or rnore in less than IYl to 21,l baths and tv•o a yea r." private fenced palios. Master All hornes !r1 Prrsid(·nti<.il crafted kitchens f ea t ,11 re Heights slu.1rc u n1agnificc.nt ccran1ic ~ountei·iops_ ai1d _ :\ vie\\.' fro:n tcrr;ired hill.~lde con1 plete line of quality butlt- lo!.s, some sho1vi11 g l h r in applia nces including a self- Western \\'l:i!e llPUSt'. olhtrs cleaning, eyl'-leve! oven. look north to J)e1na Point Attached private £<:1rages !cad Yacht Harbor ar.d ~o111c the directly int~ the hon1es. green strc1ches cf San The to _11· n ho 111 t· s ;ire Clemente golf co11r~e. Curved clustered in groups of si x drives \.\'ilh cul·de-s<ae strec·ts around a U-shaµed courtyard . • -val11e in Five floor pl:ins :u·c <ivailable in tv.·o ::ind three bedroon1 units. \Vhcn con1plrtecl, the $:lll nlillion O\<lStcr planned eornrnunity will con1ain JO heated S\Vin1ming po ols. Ninf' alrc:idy are a\•ail:iblc. All exterior n1aintc:nance i s provided by a homeowners associat!on to assure u11lform st.:?ndards of professional care. P r cs id c n l i a I Heights townhomes <1rc priced fron1 $29,990 to $49 ,990. depending on the size of the unit. A sales office :i nd decorated 1nodels arc open d:iil y at 57 1 Avenida Adobe v.'ithin the develo1>n1c11!. l''rurn the San n i ego Freeway. exit at El f:.:i n1ino Heal and turn left to l\!agda!c11a. Follow ~1agdalena past the colf course c\uhhousc .1nd up the hill to A\'enida Adobe. Turn right and fo\J01'I V a lley P r o ject . Fountaq1 Park T1~,1ct Now Open Fountain Park, the Wi\lia1n I.yon Company's to\vnhome f·om1n unitv in F' o u n ta I 11 \T:iJley, aCcorduig LO Wlllian1 Lyon. president of the Newport Beach developinent firm. 1'he $6 n1J!lion project, 1•1hich offers finely designed lv.'O story townhomes within a contemporary residential area, llas realized vas! sales sui.:cess based on the striking architecture of the hon1es. their close-in location and pro.-:1mity to the recreational <1.n1enities of the adjacent Mile Square Park. Another feature o! the community is its ''perimeter street plan" which allows homeowners lo walk through n1iniparks and greenbelts lo the F'ountain Park recreational facilities or olher homes wilhoul having to cross a street. 'fHE TWO AND th r e e bedroom. homes. which are µriced fron1 $28,99-0 to $33,490, Neiv Starts Take Drop offer unique ex lerior as-well as interior design features. Stucco and wood have been artlstically combined to achieve a d is t inctive appearance. And while localed in a country-like environment, the homes provide close-in proximity to business and residential areas of Orange. Los Angeles and Riverside cou nties. Offered in both one and two- story designs, New Sunny Hills homes are available in a choice of 10 e:icterior elevations priced from $38.990. They feature high cathedral ceilings and extensive window area In au~ent I he i r picturesque selling. Decorator fireplaces a n d wall-t<rwall carpeting are also offered in the hon1es. 'fl-IE FOUNTAJN Park community, which offers total n1aintenance of landscaped grou nds and -the home exteriors also feature a full y m a i n t a i n c d recreational complex. A large swimming pool surrounded by sundeck and barbcques, and a clubhouse offering a loung<". multi·purpose game room. 111eeting room and kitchen add to the amenities of ~ the i'\E\V YORK (API _ The Fountain Park development. nation's ho us in g recession The new unit, whkh will t:ontinued to worsen last ofier an additional 45 homes. month. \Yilh the pace of will mark completion of one- Oect>mbcr starts hitting a 3i,~ half of the homes within the year low. 193-home de ve lo pm en t. Sunday, Ftbruary J. 19f_·•-------DAILY PILOT C 7 everything within walk• dist FISHING .ITT~ _, . r~-_.@\ :~: l ~ tr-"li~~ ,......;;r ~ 1.vith a home near everylhing -employment • schools • beaches YOU'LL LOVE IT! (your bu~get will too) Build a ~ foundatio n lor your future with equity 1n your own ! .. • I I . luxury-carpeted home w11h cozy fireplace fountGift .8ftflc: Ta~e 1he Sotn Diego • 2 or 3 bedrooms • GE kitchen • 2-car garage • r .-or Garden Grove • professional maintenance . --;;f~,---=.:+~l''".:''~"'!!"!:!."1'£ rree\O'ay to Beach <> ~Ill S28 n90 : ~ ~ ~~v:~.~~!·r.e;~~h f T :> ~ List on [dinHer to •om ~::;:::::::~ "'""'oj..:.·--Models ar Euclid. CONVENTIONAL FINANCING *~=======~ fountiin park New housing construction in Fountain Park also will be Deccrnber fc)l 20.1 percent In t h e I i n a J to w n ho m e a seasonally adjusted rate of community to be built in 1.35 million from 1.70 million Fountain Valley. starts ir. November, the lowestl-:..:.::=:=_::=:..:_ ____ _:_ _________________________ _ since May 10. 1970. Building pc r rn i ts. an indication of future pace of new construction, were down 7.3 percent fron1 November, Corn muter-co nsc iiius go lft:-rs wil l be gl ad to know- a record 49 percent drop fron1 last year. Parkview is just a short drive away ' • -···- Greentree !~ WI.I I . , ! , ..,,., ... """" We're mldway between the Santa Ana & San Diego FteeWays. Take the Culver Rd . exit 10 Walnut In hvt ne-or foll°" the Horl>of View map to Greentree Homes! Green1ne Honres ,\ onaes In Irvine Six models of smashing p atio homes in tpe !!Vi ne Company's plan ned "village e nviro nm ent''. 1 & 2 stories with up to 5 bedrooms. Bonus extras galore like big "farm kitchens" filled with appliances, fi replaces, carpeting and complete fe ncing. Private recreation center with swim ming pool, 5-acre park , paseos, 10-acre school site. FROM ·$·33,995 ·- To NewPoft Beach To San Dleao --·-, v' --As a golf buff: moving to a , handsome Parkview Towne ' -,f"'-)C=-~§' T.11..L' 1l1v R11'1·1,ulL· FnT1v,1y rn ,~ .... I 1111"-·n.1 l 'ill 1.111111 .11nl lo 1lh 11" d1rl'ri11111.1 1 .,1~11' rn l';irk v1t•11· in ' ; ,\1i.llll'lll! 11111 ... Home is simply doing your pan to stave ofTenergy depletion . You can s/roll. no/ drive. w 1he Anaheim Hills Co urse in 3 minwes jla1. because Parkview overlooks thal em icing 18-hole challrnge' Even non-golfers enjoy this newrst neighborhood in the New Land of Anaheim Hills. Ti.w 10 four bedroom residences with priva1e.frnced pa1ios. dramatic Master Sui/es. grea1,kitc/rens. and r.vo-car garages with au tomatic door openers. All e.x1erior upkeep and landscape care is provided. Besides _qolf thcre'.s swimming in the heated Parkview pool. hiking. horseback riding. bicycling. and a rolling counrry- side for family picnickin_g . Soon. the selj:su/]icient Ne1v /.Jmd will offer a racquc1 club. equestrian cenrer. and slwppin,q plaza. Here's peacejiil hill coumry quickly rea ched via two nu1 jor freeways. with direct row es /0 employ- me111 cemer.5. umve1,i1iei-. colleges. and place.sfor jiunilv Jim . Naw's a wise tin1e 10 secure yot1r special Park'Vh'\.Y reside11ce. I 111cresr rares 1nay someday go down. bur jina11cial_(olk sa_v costs of labor <Jlld nu11c1ials will co11- 1inue to rise. Protec1 your handicap. Make your move to Parkview wday ! 2. 3. and 4 Bedrooms. 2 and 2 // 2 Baths. from S38,995 to S45.995 . Excellenr Convrntional Finan cing. Sales Office open daily 10 a.m. to dusk. Telephone : (7 I 4) 998-4830. ~-~ ..,,_-~ · ... __ .. _ .......... ;e•·7 ~-t : . .-. ~ .. -_.,_ .~'f!"!.: . ... · In the new land of Anaheim Hiiis .. I • Moving Up In Real Estate ~·our n1en prnrniJ1ent In tTh! Orange Coun~y huslnesii and civic t'Cnrununl!u·s h a v •' announced the formatlrni of n ncv.· planning l~)nsu!tat1vn firm; Beam, Ha"'·orth, Lafer. Pr lnc1 pal s ~ I~ organization pre James Ceam , p r e s i d en l ; H_r1bert J>. M ickelson, v i i · !' prC"sid,,·11 Edward E. lfa"''orth, and Steven Lafcr. Bearh has hri;-n v i (' l' president of the First !'.':ni1111:1l !JI.Iring the !•'"year !JY&n of ht~ dlrc•·tvridup, th~ 1..1iunty h:11I rnnre l<i rg" fl l ii n 11 l' d Clll rl!!IUIU\I' tlP\'t•lo pnlf'nt than :.inv u!lt\'~ ftli¥1i"' JU r1sd1rtion in · rhe n<Jfion J >icka~m was 1nstrt1m l'nJ.1l In dev ('loping the dr partment ln:o nnc of the n:di<>n 's rn !• r c proi.t res!'i1ve ajnn~11ng ~taffs. !i st nf~ often f·ons1di•rer! :i ll•:jrl1'r 1n the 11rb:'ln 1!ev1·!up1nent pl:i nning prn<'i,'~S. lxin \ .01k!ll11. presid~nt ot th,• ~:;1~·t llr.:in;.;1· (' n u n l ~· l!J\'Cst1ncnt :1nJ I·: x r h .'.l n g e l)1l'ill1(l1t lor 1973, has 11<iined Taller Buildings Key t~ .. 4:ity . -Future? Cl-IJ CAGO (UPI ) -To the respond hurn:inf'ly to U1c \~h<il is TIH\\' n~ingl:idi·~h. arrhitectural engineer who density Of !lie {'1ly." <1dd..:1 I helped put up the world's "Den<-1!} dlu ·s not hurt ;1 tallest building, 110 stories K HAN, Sl~ENORR tin d l'i!y. \\rh:it hurts Is 11 H Isn't enough -he's voting urbane, swiveled <'!round in hls Jn:1deciu;1lt d c s Jg n ful' for Urban buildings 150 stories blaG.k Jeathrr ehair in his dl·nsi1y," high. Qffice at Skidmore, Owings l\h;ir\ V.'liu:d UJ.,... to St"i' Fazlur Khan, whose idea fo r d 0 h fu!tJce ,,.,,.., divi·d ·~ ,.,,,,, an ti1errill ( S M J, ..;,· ere he i:-u framed tubular construction mrgablorks -hui:!c OP<'ll made the Sears towe r, the is ti p:irtncr .'.HHI chief ::irf"as \Vith onr narro1\' .01nd new height record·holder, engtneer. He lookt'<i out ar v1·ry tull huildin;:: rak\n~ up economically and technically Chicago's Looµ, anJ gestured only :i s111all part of the PQssihle, said: at a plaza ;1ctos~ !he strerl , ~round ~rnier The i;ur"r "The future of the city will bu!tling with a ll1nch hour huild!ng l'.'Oulct risf' up !("J to have many, n1any t a 11 er crowd, and insistN.I cl!Jrs most I.XI storit·.~ with s C' ho v 1;;, buddings. We can't becon1e open up morC' !and for "human npartn~'nLq, nffi('f" and rural again. We have lo activities." Khan , 44, horn i11 !ii ores. It w·ou !<! ho' ;1 vertlc<d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~--~ nei~hborhood, designed to foster a 11en:1e of CllmmunJty llclween noors rather lhan lktwcrn buildin~ that sPrawl over <tn cquiv:ilent four·block :ircn in today'! c i I i e ti • Hc~identa might work "up" instead of worklng downtown. i\10ST Of' TIIE megahlQ<'k v.·ould be parks. ~n space. plnza., and arcades. Are1ts wuul rl ~ designed specifically for children ;ind rrcreation. A f'l'!'e transport<ilion system "ou!d \irik up the megablorks in !he eii.y. Thin , Khan SAid , would brln«i back sun, trees and a Rrutt or spacioUane.u to tbe clly. The megablock, 1n use 24 houtt1 a day, would generate a serut of security aM community and draw life into decaying cllle!. Twenty 11 nd 30 -s t ory building! tha t each 1quat over one block form the "urban canyons of steel a n d concrete." ''It certainly didn 't create a ve ry h u m 1 n environment,•· he t1ald. Keenly aware of critic! that call such schemes vertical lhettos and .. .-.1 dba ...... and -·onlof.t •hi> tilame hlcJi n... tor m""!' urban m.. Khan cUlmJua them. "It's not Ibo Dvina 'hill>.' It's Ille Urln• melllod. Hel&ht f.t lrnllev .. t" LAllGEJ\ bulldlnp I rt lnnltablt, he aaJd, beclUlt 1M popul1Uon b blcreulnl· Land Cotti lfl IOOrinS. 'Ille Deed tor c:ltie1 won't vanllh and dwlndllnc ruoure<s will check urbln and ...- sprlWI , hi aald. BOU .\1 l' C i\ F F Ht.: Y ~s .--------------------- l l!.-M MICl(€lSO~ :.;;1lo..·~n1<111 Iii Ill•' .ve:o r :Sank of Orange County si!l!'t' 1965 and prior 1o that v.·as a partner in the Heal F.st:1 \(' brokerage firn1 of F.ckhoff al\rl Beam. He has al so scrv~·d as presi dent of the llr;in~1· Count y Ch;in11Jcr of Corruneree. "H"ti \\:1;11 ur.0J1 rd ir1 !'li•\'1 JI !!'I'll.;. a1 ·1n11,; !:1· r ,\'I '.'I]' ]';!fl I.' i!l V, frn11 1 n .i::ifl •• !~W) d11nl••X t•1 a ~.-,is.l)(IO . -!Ii U Iii I L'Oll\· MCAF,t;EY ph·x," ~1:11rs V:i111-:t1~1. "hi~ tc;. 1al s:ilc \'ol11nu• f11 r 197:1 \l'i:I ~ ovr·r 1 :ind 1 I 1nill i11r: "Ht.' ,1t~n servt·d as the \'ice t're!iidr nt in charge of n1<1rketin~ for the inv£'st 1nt:11t division for the 1'1ickelson h:is been rhe dire<_10r of the di•partn1ent of Development and Community Services and zoni n g administrator for the city of Or.'lnge,,and assistant director of the Developrncnt Services Departnient Jnd 7. o n i n g coordinator for Ana hein1. Ha\'.'orth has bC'en a CQnsultan t to the Department of !·lousing nnd Li r b a n Dcvelop1ncnt. a director uf general planning and srwcial pro~fll1ns for th!.' I r v i n e Co1npany . .'lS \Vt·ll as planning director for the cities of Tustin and Coviria. Lafer has been ilSS(){'iatC'd with the planning firm of Wilsev and l!;in1 nnd h:1d served ns an instru1'tor in continuing educa tion in urban planning at the University of California, Berkeley, and at the Irvine campus. and had 111erved as a senior planner for the city of San!a Ana befor e becoming president tof Jl a\vorth. Anderson and Lafer, an n ff i I i ;1 I e o( the ne\vl/ announced firnl. Ha\'.·orth and Lafer have recentlv been involve<] in develoi}ing \Vrit!rn guidelines a ~ procedures fur governtnrntnl entities in the a r ea s of environmental analvsis. A portion of this work involveg preparation of such guidt>llncs and procedures for the s1ale of \\lashing ton. They lirtve also hecn :icti ve in the private S<'C!ur, S<'rvint.: as planning cons11lt<1nts for the 5.500 cicre Bryant Ranch in Orange County, a1nong othf'r non-gover11n1en lrt\ proj{·C!3. FOREST DICKA SON of ~1ission Viej o former Orringc Co11nty planning director, has joined the Newport Beach architcct.urlll nnd planning finn of D.'.lnielicin, Moon. San1pieri and Ilg as director of plan111ng. As D.\lSJ plannin~ director. Dickason l'.·i!I fonnul:i!e nc1\· goa!s ;J11r! oh- jr«ti1 f'f; f(ir 1h1• pl:1 nnin ·~ d rpartrnrnl. (I.~ v.·1•1i itS (1 11 t I 1 n i 11:.t 1•::1 1·,;; rif r1rh· ir\ino,: lh•·1n. SMITH I l1 1·1i·•~••n j!~'t1r l I h ;· () r !I II II " (,An1n1v l'l:u1nini:! J)l'pnr11npn1 ~hnr1fy aftl'r gr:id11<ilio11 fron1 UCL,\ in J:)il Il e qurrkly ro~f' through I h P <ltpartrnC'nl '!I rank s. h cc o m i n g a s~is!;:int planninr.-d1rrc1or !11rr1· yr11rs l:i1t r nnc! :issuming the 1op po11t in 1~!64. past year. :\1cC:1ffr1·y is prr.sidi·nt of Orange County Apartment, l1 l'alr 11rs ll)catL·d ::il l'i l!i E . lilh Street in S:-1nta Ana, a con1p:lny specializing in the sale of ull sizes of units in a!I :ireas of Or;ingc Couiny. (:R . .\NT SULLI VAN h11s beE'fl nan1ed director of rnarketing and sales for l rvine Pacific J)evelopmrnt Company, the single-fan1i!y hon1e building subsidiary of the I r v in e Comp<iny. In additi on to nl n r k e t research an<l ndVC'rtising for Irvine l'ac.if ie, S11llivan will (!""'L'ffl)l ::!111 n1arl<lh"1' lli1• c o tn pnn\''s :;~!\('S f(•fl'I ' ;i r.d 1•nord111· ate pl<11111 11 :.; rt!ld devriop. nli'nt of J\!o- <lr'! h 0 nl c si11~. Ir\ in1• P;1. eifie was fornitd ear!ir·r thir year, marking The Irvine CotnP<Jny's entry into tht' single·f<irnlly h n in e hui!dinK field. CnnstrUC'!ion is under \\'<JY on JR 1vatcrfront hornes on f'rnn1ont0ry P,ay, Newport Reach. and sr.vcr;il olher projects ;ire i11 the planning stagC'. · 1'he Nation:il As~o('ialion of I loine Builders l1as se\ecied J()SErlf \V. Si\11'1'11, (If Lagun:i Ni guel , a mrmlH'r of the s;ilf's f>taff of Avco Comm11ni1y J)rveloprrs, lnc., at L11gu11:i .'JigueJ. as sfl lesn1a11 of the year 1973. Srnith \\'<is prr~H'nte(! wi1h !Ile av.·a rd at th~ NA J/B Convention in Jlouston. While th•· cmnh:i- :-.i'i In d1'1·id· in f! t h c ~11l'.1rd is on l'<llr ~ p+•rfnr- rn.'1 11re. 1hrrc .1 r c 1nnny nlhpr crih f · i~1 11:o:rd in i '..! d gi n ~. O!Cl(ASO~ ~,. h (' s e in· clune 1rorking rPl<ll ion:-h ips. 11·r1r·k fl'("OJ'd. C"ivic rr.~pnn1:ibi. li t~"· rir•1fess1on:ilisn1 respnnsrl lo nr1~· 1n.1rk•·l1llJ! 11 ll d) ml'rrhanr/i ~in~ idc;1 s. an d ' (1th1 ·r r·;ip,1ti1l11irs I S1n1th :u,:llirvrd his :>Uf'f'CS~ 11·1th s:1ll·-; of So·<-! Terr.ire 'fo 11.-nhuuses iind ~0r!h Vir.\.\· )¥uni ·~. n •· i ).( h )) " r ho 11 d dt'vr lnpm«nl.~ 1vithin Laguna :\11;url In Orange <.:nunly, St111lh1>rn Californi:i. His s<r1C!I 1·11lurne for 1!!73 rr.:1chi><! $:1.J rnillinn in home ~air<:. de:;p!te r·ising int<~rc"t rates ;ind the s1;11·t of 1hc energy crisis. L£1rg c l-Io1l1.es Offerecl At L<1 Li11(ll1 Project • La Linda JIOllll!S ln r·ountain Va lley oHer luxury living in large , con1for1 ;ihlr J1on1l·~. Three f!()Or pl:in.~ a r 1· represented an1ong the! 11 r emaining homes in t h e project, wll h prirt'~ ro n~!ng from f.4 2,000 to $ 4 9 . 5 11 o . Convert'llonal fin:inring l.1..7111~ are available. Walker end Le(' S <i I f' 1i Director John Manes said. "The largest plan Is the thP'C to 1111: bedroom Santa Barbarn. Which It an expansive, llµli! level home. It ha11 three bedrooms plus a large hnl111" room capa61e of being divided lnlo as many as t h r ee additional bedroonf! to meet &be need!ll of the fam lly. '1 "The Se nta l3arbnra'1 e rr priced from tb?,600 to S49.500.'' hce addrd "Three of theem have 14 foot side yards, l arge cnn11r:h for borl! or trailer -. ~!nr·:igc, One i~ al~o a corner l<lt. ,, 111 ;1ddition lo !he S;1nltt Barh11ra. iwo fivl! bedroon1 vlans are available. OR'! is {I twn !':!01y plan and onee 1l! a sln1tle s!ory plan. llit· horn('!'! in<'lude :i f3mily rrridy p;ickage of luxu ry f•,'(tr:1s such a!f c;irprting un<I drrtp1·ri e!l. J and .~ca pi n g , fencing, sprinkler~. <'OMC'r1·l~ drivel!. cornp!etc kitchen huilt· in!, !ircplal'cS. double f'nl ry front doors, forced :1ir heating antl f.'XJ)()Scd bC'Atn tc.illngs. 1'hr plans in !he project Ari' !he !amr ag offr.red in t"'O earlier l..a Linda lfom~ cornmunitiei'I in F o u 1i I a i n Vn lley, hoth of "'hlch have been .~old out for some !lme. A.fore than 2.'iO hornes were ~ld in the c a r 1 i e r devc loprncnts. /mi Loa fi!m.C 0<;e11n racinf} caram111an end fl19illy Si.KC1'5Jlv/ ve!e111n of /ocatand TransP11r:if1c yar;I!/ rac~s. A Limited Edition of 16 Newport Crest Condominiums Offering includes 7 superb residen~s with panoramic ocean views The s1x(een handsom~ residences of !mi Loa Court nt Newpon Crest go on sale tod:iy. Clustere d aOou t a spacious court. yard n<imcd for 11 famous blue water sciiler, 1hcse big bold hom es offer !:'le kind of Newpoft Beac h living you've atways drean1ed of. Loca ted high <ilop the western blulfs of Newport, seven of tho magnificent dwelllngt1 overlool< the vasl Pacific and o ft er a breathtaking vie w of lhe enti 1~ harbor area. You m;:iy choose lrom a variety of 2, 3 of 4 bedroom plans and the cost is surprisingly low considering the loc<il ion, val ue and Newport Crest lifestyle. All exterior maintenance is provided and \h e large private recrea tion center with 1ennis courts and pool is nearby, Don't miss !his opporiunity to become pa rt Of !ml l oa·s Inner ci1cle. Visit the Newport Crest Sales Information Cen1er today. F1 om Coast Highway, north on Superior A-Ye, From New- port Blvd,, !Oil lh on Superior Ave. . . Sale starts 10:00, Sunday, February 3rd From $68,995 to $92,995. Other modelt •I Newport Crest priced from $11,911to1111111. Hewpo11 Crest is a project of Pacllie N.C., Inc. Robert H. Gro'lnl Corpora llon, General Contractor .. •; .. ., . <}~ ·,.~, .... JI: .. .. • \ I • I 'Builder of Ye ar' W atso11 Charts Growth for 1.97 4 Irvine Company Presi dent Raymond L . \.\'atson, speaking at a brcAkfn.'\l in Houston honoring him a.s ··profcs!l"ion;;d bu ilder of the yl'ar," declarrd that "the YL'<J r 1974 rnay be the best year the home bu ilding industry has had in rt>eent times -not in .!C'rms of units built, but in terrns of cl earing the 111ay t'l \X'rrnit building in th e yerirs ahead _ Watson stated that the energy crisis may ver'' well shake the nation bark into reality so that it 111ilt seek sol ut ion ~ t o the e n vi ron1ncntali sl·<levcloper confl icts. Th e award to \Vatson. 1vhosc firm is developing th1• n:ition's la rgf:!st rnastcr p l a n n c d community on a:i .ooo acres. was nHictc Dy Profcssion;il Builder n1agaz\nc <l11ri n~ the Nationnl A.~sociation of I l~ln1e B uild e r s ('u11v0nt1on· Exposition. WATSON b!;i1nrd ll'h;it t:" lertned the publi c's t!\"l'r-r1sing and un realis!ic i.'Xpcrt:i tions for creating the "ha ve-ynur - cake-ancl-eat-it-too'' synd ro1ne. ln which thry wan ted lrnv dens ity. no gro>1·th a n cl personal afnuence at the sa1ne time. BEST YEAR AHEAD? Irvine Co.'s Wa tson -!Jc<ir dcrn and~ fi rst h;u1d <1nd u11tlcrst;:nd 1\·l1•il 1~ g•)lllg \111 answers to the questions they raise. but r c s p o u s 1 b ! (' envi ronm ent alists >1'ould li ke lo find solulLou:,," he :-.t<ilcd. ··The developer who l\Oi'k-; '"J )J~\'E LOP 1':H!' U'il"il to IJc 1vHh the cnvi ronnicnt:ilist$ t!J 1•.xpi•rt s ~tl undt ·rst r111d1ng 1h1' discover worka ble solut ions 1s t!t'V'"li!prnen! proC'l· . .;.c; !i11t th1s 1 the one who will not on lv 1" no loni:;c r tr111·.' \\;1('\0f\ survive and flourish, but l\'hO. s:iid "\\'e .'Ire in •1 n<•\'.' b.1 11 1 II f,<i n1e and the dc~·t·lu111·r 1nu'il I equa y irnporta nt. 1v i I I contribute to society's ni>eds e.ll"n to undl·rs!an1! 1h1 s g;i111P for a b e t ! e r urban HS 1vt!I <is he un1tl·rs!O<fd thi> envi ronm ent. old unt•."' h1• "·a rncd. The Jr \'int~ {' o 1n p an y, "The developer who l\"Orks \\'at.~on s:1i1t, ha~ found th;Jt at it can find solutions th e r ,. s µ on~1hl1~ 1•n\·1,·orHn('nt;il publ ic consi ders re;isonabl<'." i: J he stated. "The public is 110\'.' j.'.rOllJiS ii :int to "nr · >I t\ I lh··1 f ll"lll able to separate the cxtrrtn" A . 11 .,101,1" , f su• h ,. .1 l"" ' • I fri nge groups fr orn t h c \ · I ! legitimate, and is !ook inu for ("()opvr:itiun. \ ;itson l(l < llrl ., his fi rin's forn 1a t1011 of u responsibility on all sidrs " ,. 0 111 111 1 t 1 e 1• 0 f Watson presented t ii " f' 11 \'i r 0 n 111 <'11 tal ·~t s and ' developers with a '·how !11"' rP pr t'SC ntati v r s of list for \\'Orking with pubht gnvrrnincnt ul r c ii u 1:1 t 0 I' y ;1 n d g o v e r 11 111 en l <i l agcncirs lO ht·l p in forn1;itiou envi ronmental groups : of planning-roncepts ior 10.0UU -Work in your own a rcn;1 :11::rrs of undl'VCIOpl'd lr1·i:1c with local ci tizen groups; ( 'on1p:i.ny C'<1<1Sl<d I ·1 11 d . cnvi ronnicnt, eco noniy :ind Stop sending Yo ti r i nehaling t!1r cc-an d-Onl'·half gro.,.,·th . "This is th e _vca.r the attorney or you r pu b l Jc tTi ilf'S of coastl1nr, \1"h1l'l1 i~ pendul um \\'Jll begin to swing relations man to meetings a 11d a part of !hl~ firin "s Or:111gc l bac k and the extremists are hearings - go yourself; Cou nty :a·rcnge cu t adrift,'' he sai d. The Irv ine C o rn p a n y president pointed lo t h c energy crisis as only ooe of a series of 'crises t h a I develo pers have harl to face. the others including I he environmental crises, t h e I-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DAIL 'I PILOT C 9 HELP CONSERVE ENERGY ·.SAVE TIME, FUEL,~ MONE ., LUXURY CLOSE-OUT JUST ONEMI. FROM FABULOUS SOUTH COAST PLAZA 0 > " • • 0 -~} Pacific Park • ' = > • ' < 2 CO!NG[ll AVf " • ' w • > • • 0 0 • To u< <hon<• to enioy <o,e-h ee covntfy·<lub li wing OI "" .,.,i...liewob!y low P'"" '' ro pu;ly d0>oppro•"'9 (.,,.,.,""'today ond '""lo< you••eU ,.i.~ Po<oh< '"'" Momt\ in Sonlo A<><t o•• the bell hou1i"g .ol"e ;., Oto r>ge (o.,nty. ~p<><•Ou> l o• J bedroom, \' 1 bo•h. adult condomi""'"" feot.,re "" <ondoloon«•g. <Cl•Pe'"'!I & 1haper!e• H"oughout . ra nge, 01<en, d·•po,o l, pool '"'""''''"" '~""'"· garden f><'''"' & Y•C'" bulcon•e• und 1e""''Y go•• .,,.,,;.,,, l ••e tn o g<itOen "'""'!I where your o ... n homeownc<\ a <>O<iotlon ped o1 m \ all !A1erior ma+nlcno"ce. • • < • u ., ,f--~+---'w~·~·~"~'~'+::'~''~-~ • z w < z • i c• < " 50Jo DOWN •$16,950-$20,950 1114154s-s22' -l f(OO! 5\H • 0 -· "'°' OJ I<••• PACIFIC PARK cond~;iniums ... ' He blamed developers for wanting to enJOY the same syndronu•, in 1-•:hi ch number of units sold had become the onl y me asu r e o f accomplishment. "The question today is not 'how many units h;ive been sold' but 'how many un its have been :ipproved'.'" he told his au1He-nce ·.Of n10re th nn 250 of the nation's la rgest homebu ilders. "During 1974. the people of th is na tion may well bf> read;• to move away from confus ion and begin to face rc.i'litics , ., Watson . s t Cl t e d . "The E n v i ronmental Pro!ection Agency 's proposed fee on park ing spaces was ronfusion. not reality, just as the nn. growth mo\"emrnt • has bc>cn confusion rather than reality .. , revolution in !and use policy, and the multiple growth of government al controls and restrictions. "These crises can be treated as frustration or can be acce pt"d as a p;irt of the Cn\'i ronrnent 1n whi ch the rle1·cloper has to v• o r k , ' ' Watso n slated. lie told th e b11ildt!rs that they can no lo nger be fighters with v;ar chests aimed at comb;;tting en vironrnent a!ists or any other op1:.onent of lht• bu i l de r s ' ">1·e-know-best" plans, because that battle has bf>en lost -''p e rhap s deservedly so." hy$168000 is a sensible price WAST0'.'1; HEl.O our 197~ ClS the year in \\"hich the nation faces up to the ronflicting pr obl ems of energy, INSTEAD, HE he ld out the opportun ities v.·hich exist to 'A"o r k l\"i t h !h t• en\ 1runrnentalists. ''Don 't exp e ct t he environrnentalists to h a v e A Da,, in 1980 Bills Pnul Automatically? By JOHN CUN/\ilFF NE W YORK (AP ! -If you're one o-r the ma ny potential home buyers whQ is waiting for inte rest rates to co~ down y ou 'll be concerned 1~·ith v.'hat the Federa l l!ome T--0an fla nk Board has to say. It says you 'll have a very long w;iit. That forecast >1·as conta ined In an overvie1v of the indu"!rV in 19!!0, published in this month 's board Journal. The board is th e regulatory agPncy for the nation 's sav ings an1 loan associations. which \\'rite most ho1ne mortgages . Offering his vie w of condi tions in 1!180, H a r r i s Fried man , ch ief or eronomic research. wrote: . Interest rates \Vill continue to renect an innation premium and the chances for the level or loog -t.erm interest rates lo come d ow n slggnl!lcantly are remote." ASIDE FR01'1 that gloomy prediction . the ou tlook for users of S&U looks pretty good, even exciting, and by all means reassuring. The unbllanced checkbook, for example, might finally be resolved. Looking into "A day in the Jlfe of an ,<;&L customer - 1980," another board official Hsu some of the services being offered. The day begi ns with John Doe preparing to pay his bills. He reviews the 'monthly italemen' he has received ,,;,,,. 'the 10th fedenil s&L AalOClat\on. ~ r· -b.Ld · tnstructed his emproyer ~O, hla paychecks had b e e n deposlleP In his account. On the tOlh of the month the 1ssoclation automatlcally withdrew his mor t ga g e payment from his account. and hid transferred some other funds to higher yielding savings ac counts, ONE OF these, a long -term account paying eight percent will be used for retirement!! or college tuition. Another account, y\e ld lng only six percent , will be used for the family 's 11nnual vacatlon. He notes th11t lhe S&L received and paid his electric and ~as bi lls dunn~ the month. an arrangement he accepted \\"hen the co mpa n i e s e$ta blished a pre pt a n n e d budge t. enabling him to know in advance what each bill \\'Ould be. As he revie>1·ed h i s .~tatement. he no ted that his \\'ife had taken $2.111 for food purchases and other iterns during the month. She had acC'Qmplish"Cl th is merely by offering a plasti c ca rd to the foocl store clerk, who then in:1erted it in a gadget hooked up with the S&L. 1\-fAKE WTIAT y0 u will of this additionnl se rv ice: "The clerk also rould charge an extra amoun t so th:i.t his wife could receive son1e change for other shopping." Revie~·i ng his other regular expenses for the month , Doe simply totaled the bills, nan1ed the cred itors in a standard form and mailed i-t to 10th Federal in a ~I.age-paid envelope. Tenth Federal paid the bills. "With fir st-class posta ge at 20 cents. he saved several dollars a month by leUing his S&L handle his pa yments. Besides, he received a fou r percent in terest on his unused funds. In addition, the tircso1ne chore of balancing a checking account had be.en eliminated.'' DOE. ALSO liked several other services offered by his S&L, espec ially the complete prepar_ation of his income tax return. "He felt he was getting bigger refunds, and certainly a lot sooner with the S&L preparing it." In the same mail with the income tax return came a suggested budget for his family , which Doe immediately violated because of the enticement of still another ~ervice: easy mon ey from a dispenser. ~As he was leaving the off ice, Dow withdrew $50 from his account by inserting h i s plastic card in the cash dispenser. "Every off I ce buil ding in town-, fncidenlally, had such A cash dtspe nM:r in 1980." Grand Opening New SI n•llk.i model cornplex 61.:w lumish<"i moclels r Wllat can compare to the reward and satisfa ction of a fine home? What other purchase mean s so n1u ch to personal ancl fan1ily fu lfi llm en t ? .Wh at other inves lrnen t has so continually r1<:e11 in value over the yea rs as a fine home in a fine loca tion? The new Spygla ss Hill homes by Joh n and Bill Lusi<are perhaps the n1os t exci ting homes ever built by a develo peF-111 S(1uthcrn Cal ifo rnia. The location by any standard is extrao rdinJrv-hig/1 above Newport with a vi ew of hundreds of mile :; o f sf'.a. and coastline. A t night there is the sparkling d ra ma of count lL'ss-ligl1ts. Spyglass Hill w as b uil t fo r the family seeking its ultima te home. One wh o wants elega nce, plenty of inne r spa ce ancl that rare quality best described as "character." If you appreciat e thi s kind of c1uality and ca n afford it, you should see Spyglass Hill soon. Things so reasonably priced have a ~ay of being gone beiore you know it. Sp~ss Hill ~· Th e culn1 ination of 25 years of bu ild ing by John & Bi ll Lusk 15 Bodega Ba y D rive, Corona d ei M ar Califo rn ia 92 625 (714) 644-1321 Th e Great Character Builder I llJ ,.-\ !\ -WSK If 1l(JJA/\llES $109000 to $168900 • t • I • ,, r ' , .. oallv Pllct S!~tt P~oto C1·01v1l of EHgles 'rroop 10 fron1 SL .\ndrC\\"':-. l)re~by terian c·11urrh in Nc\1 port Beath Ila::. the biggest hatch of ne11· eagles in its hi~1ory -a total of 111ne. 'rhcy 1\'ill be pre sent- ed in J~aglc ('ourt 011 i·l:']J. 11 . Het:ipients of l~oy Su:iuting's hiµ:hc!'"t h ·.111or <U'P: i{o11• une, 't'itn l'an1p- 1Jell. Erie f{u:-:'. and J)r11te L<Juv icr: l{o1v \\MO. Hirh- ard P.lukai , Jin1 Lanclrig.111 : Hr11v three. l'hu(·k ('on- 11•ay. Hrad Alberts. John Hurns and Lyle llaskell. SL111set Heigl1ts P1·ojcct Allllroved Seiver :ind 11·,111'r I 1 J1l' ('011Sfrtll'!J(1 n ll'ill lit'"ltl 111 1hl' next ilvo 11•epki.; in thP Sun~·l'I I h~i ghl.~ J\ss .. ssm l'nt l)istrir t in 'f11nring1:1n Bc:ith. ;i city c•ngi11ePr n ·portf'd l:1st wt•ck . The $fi:iO.OOO ci1y prnjcc1 to bri ng full s:i ni1:iry and s1n'e t irnprOVl'n1 rnts to the 72-acrl! ;irea hns IX'cn approv ed hy 1he Sourll Co:i:-.1 11egional Zone Con "•'f\":"l tion Con1m ission. . \lurl' 1h;1n hnl f or ·lhe 72- ilCre di stri ct. portions of which arc out!'l 1dc 1hc co1nmission's J u r 1 s d i c t i o n , is still unrlevclo1~d. 'rhc rl'giona l co a s I a 1 1·n111111ission h<..1s a Ire a d y gra1\l1·d c·on strucLion perrnits to 72 uni ls in the area bounded b.v \Varnt'r Av!'nlll'. Prairie 5treet, A!gonq11111 Street ;ind BolsL!. Chica Strt·ct. the ul1irna1c population of 1he d1 stric1 1\·t1uld re:n;h ;in •'Sli· 1n:1tcd .1.1 00 person:-. \Val l !·/ u rt i c n n e . city enginrer. said that at prcsrnl much of the area doesn"I have any se\\"Cr er \\•;1trr irnprove- 1ncnts :JC all. The cit~'s project also will include sidewalks. s I re e l lights. storm drains, concrete curbs and gutters . ~lurti enne said ·work won't start on the s treet im provements for about three m o nt hs be ca u s e t h e assessn1enl disrrict, with its 170 parcels of land, n1ust be finalizf'd fir5!. Planners for the South Coa.<I f{egional Com1nisslon l a s t week recommended th.:i t all building pern1its for projec ts planned in the area be held up until the iinprovements arc in. Cl~•~~ in Deatl1 'F 1111 eral' Co111.pletes Conrse I.OS ;'\"(;El.ES IAP l - I lo\1 ;1r<I I i.·lanf'\"\ funeral \l'!IS the t·11itn111.1!1011 uf n1onths of pl:Hl!llll).!. 11·· liad l:dkrd ahout it \1·i;!i.1 u1 fl ln1·l11111.t for so1nr lillH' IH•fo•·1· 1111' l'l"Pll!. Jl1• hiid h(•lped 1n its pr1·p:1r:1tions :111d . 111 f.1et. nrl'll1 .. t1·:11t·d lhe r1·r·11l fr0111 ln~lrl•1 h 1~ r·offin !1 1~ .'-<111". \1111111. :1. ;inti r a1nc:k. 1:1 \\'i•rr ~iltin~ in lh•· fronr :·011·, h1n no t D. te:.i.r 11;1-. s11cd ""l'hl'I' ha1··· Hi l!l'I l):;t•j to this sol-t r•f th11n.1•·• f)p!;inry ~a 1rl af1 1•r !he "runcrar· la~\ V.'l'Ck . It \1·:i~ a f1 ·1inr; end to Dt'l;i ne:i.'s cour~r on t h c philosophy {lf d1·aih 1~hirh hP has t.:iught for three ye ars as a proff'~"'1r at Loyo la- ~l<11-1·mn•1nt l'n11·rr~i•1·. D~·h1ne} ':;: ~tudcnts · 111orked l)Ut thl' dPt:ii\s nf his f11ncral. UH'!lf\~1r4 t 111g id'~~ th1•y h<id lc arnrd in cla . .;s. A ~ J1cl<1111".1' ]:11· in a flo wer- covered coff i n itt a "grave-side"' sC'rvi re. s!udrnts spoke lin es common ly ht«u·d at ftinera!s. "lie 's lost a lot of \Vf'ight .~inre the lasr ri1ne I sa\v hini ,·• nnc studr-nt said. ··such ci sharne . h(' \1·:i ~ :i i r·1·•·d11 1n tbf' uni1·(·r~111·," ;..iddl'd another. · I /)cl nn ey says he tries to I j)t1·~"n1 "J 1·ir11· of dr,1l h .1~ ;1 n;ll ur:i l tcrn1ination of life."I fl•' t:i krs his stud1•nts lo 1·1:.1t hon1cs for the eJdcrly,1 n11)rl u<i ri l'S •·for I he business side of death" - ;ind thl' count ~' 1norgue. \\•here they see "corpses stacked three or four high." lie said he hopes his st11dcn1s ··can step back and look at death differen tly. \l3ny acquire :l \'Cry positive philosophy of life fro rn the d,.a•h 1·oursc.·· f)elancy said he tries to make. death less frightening. ~ind he said he h<is found '"the rnore egl)\islical a person i~. the gre<iter his fJfr of dcoth.'' Coll eg·e C1iild Care 011en.s in Evenings The child care crnler Jt Gold en West College has bef'n expanded lo include a n evening session so p.1rl'nts ran attend evening classes at the college. Children. aged from a to 10, may be enrolled in th~ center's eve n ing schedt1lr·. from 5:45 to 10 p.m .. Mooda;· through 'J'hursday. H.o w e v e r . c h i 1 d r e n participating in the momlni; and afternoon sessions, from 6:45 a.m. to noon, and from 11 :45 a.m. to 5 p.m , must not be older lhan 6. Ninety children, or 30 In each sf'ssion, may b e arcommoo~1 ed in the center. "'hich is operated al the Grace Luthe ran Church. oo the corntr of Edinge r Avenue and f'r0Jden West Street, across from the ca mpus. First priority v.'111 be given \(l parents enrolled in al lcrist si x units, with Gol den West staff members ' ch I I d r e n enroll ed on a space-available ba~is. Day fees range from $.10 monLlily for one child. one session. five days a week. t6 $90 monthly, two children, two sess ion~. Evening fees ra nge from $6 per month for one child, one night a week. to S.16 monthly for tv.'O children. four night's a v. r<·k On Sale Sunday Only New ·& Blemished Tires! TIRE CHAINS! PRICED SO LOW THE MANUFACTURER ASKED US NOT TO PUBLISH THE SALE PRICE All Ch a ;ns wdl be returned to the monufocturcr on M onday PLAN AHEAD NATIONALLY ADVERTISED UNIROYAL TIRES REGULARLY SELLING FOR MUCH MORE! ONE DAY ONLY- AVAILABLE ONLY AT OUR WAREHOUSE LOCATION! •our supplier has sold out thousands of overstoc.1< tires . ·We at SECURITY TIRE STORES have purchased 10,000 brand new, fully guarant eed· tires at tremendous sav- ings. This savings, we have passed on to you by offering the lowest prices in our his tory . Th ese tires must be liquidated from our inv'e.ntory ... Tigers Paws, Wide 115011, "60" & "70" Series tires, Glas-Be'lted, Steel Radials, cam per, van and truck tires, etc. ... all have been reduc ed to "must go" pr ices. Come see for your se lf one of the year's mos t fan tast ic tire sales . All pr ices hav e been slas hed for quick dis- po sal, all ti res are brand new and fully guaranteed.· Quantit ies are limited in some types ... so it is strictly FIRST COME, FIRST SERV EO. This is th e most exciting sale we've ever .. offered ... truly a bar·· gain hunter's paradi se-all at unh eard of savings to you. A( kintls of TIRES •'"All kintls of PRICES! UNJROYAt Comt to Coa1t GUARANTEE * . . NO TRADE-IN NEEDED • CHECK OUR PRICES! We welcome Fleet 1ire buyers • Service station dealers • Whol esale tire dealers. TAKE THEM WITHTOU AND'·~a~f- No tires mounted at the Warehouse• 'ree ~untlng at any of our 11 slores thru Mar., 1974 ' ''''"' Gt.,. ,....,._ ' f ll"1Ti AHA YES, It Wlll.-BE WORTH THE SHORT DRIVE.•• SAN CLEMENTE RIVERSIDE INSTANT San Diego Freew1y north to Harbor Blvd. turn-off. North on H1rbor lo Warn t r, right on W1rn1r to Yale, lefr on Y1lt to (a~tor , LOS ANGELES S1nl1 Ana freeway lo Grand Ave. lurn·off. Right 011 ldi'lgtr lo fairw lew, left to H•1w11d, ri!il hl lo Susan, to Castor . J Riverside freeway to Newport Freew•y, south to fd. in9er turn-off. R:9ht to Fai rview, left to H1rv11d. Rl9ht on Ha rvard lo Susan, right on Cauor, LONG BEACH Sou th on Sa" Die{o fretway to Harbor Blvd. turn-off . Norrh on Harbor to War"er, ri9h1 to Yale , Ith 10 CREDIT l/m.1 llffiOt l rrdrl ln1tf,1 /11rl11iii11F ,. OIL COMPANIE S SPECIAl CARDS DEPARTMENT STORES • ldin9..-A•t.' (1Htr ! -~ ~ { > ~ w""" -'••- I • ~ ~ . -·-l J ' • ' I • Sunday, F'ebruar~ '· 1974 DAI LY PILO T D l ''HAVE WE GOT A SALE FOR YOU?'' BRAND NEW FULL PRI CE 1974 FORD F250 ~4 TON Plt:KUP CUSTOMSTYLESIDE, 10 PLY TIRES, 6900 GVW HD FRONT & REAR SHOCKS. F2SBRT 41563 FULL PRICE BRAND NEW 1974 LTD 2 DODR HARDTOP BRAND NEW 1974 ''THI OltGINAl GAS SAVEi" V·I, auto. lr•ns .. factory •Ir,~,. tfffring, 2)()() engine, "4 Speed lr a nsmisslon,deluAebumper pOWer diso;: brakei;, he•ter, r•dl•I Whll-•lls, group, 11lny! Interior. Now at our tanlasllc ~ale tln red ol•ss, vinyl s.eal !rim. -4J62Stl11!1 L price: • ' .$ ON . $ 92 MO . EXC!LLENT FINANCING AVAILABLE Total cash price is 52606.25 incl. tax & lie. Deferred pm!. price incl. all finance charges. for 42 mos. is $3188 .75 A.P.R. 12.83% on approved credit. Order yours today. BRAND NEW 1974 MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP "A TRUE GAS SAV ER" Loaded including: Automatic transmission, power steering, 2.3 litre, bucket seats, carpeting, radio, heater, tinted glass. (4F02Y221274) FULL PRICE BRAND NEW 1974 TORIN O 2 DOOR HARDTOP Automatic transmis· sion, power steering, power disc brakes, radio. heater, whitewall tires, tinted, <:le luxe bumper group, sol id state. ignition. (4H25Hl32398) FULL PRICE BRAND NEW 1973 COURIE R WITH CAMPER SHELL AUTOMATIC T RANSMISS IO N whi tewal l tires, vinyl interior, ISGTAN K309S31 $298 8 Heater, tool kit. FULL PRICE '71 VEGA Hatchback radio, heater. Li cense '71 F RD Range r P.U. ··· . $1 3 8 8 V-B, auto trans., power steering, radio, $ 21 8 · 8 heater. #2S804 H , '70 CADILLAC Absolutely loaded. (366AKW ) '70 T BIRD V -8, auto. trans .• ful l power, radio, heater, tin ted glass, wheel covers. License #209BQH Catal ina Sq.· Wgn . V-8, auto. trans., factor y air condition· ing, power steering , power (di sc) bra kes, radio, heater, tinted glass, roof rack. #690EKZ '70 FORD LTD Brougha m V-8, auto. trans., fa ctory air condi ti oning, power steering, radio, hea ler, whitewall tires, tinted glass. H2YX737 '69 DATSUN P.U . radio, heater. License '73 FORD LTD V-8, auto. trans., factory air condition· ing, power steering, power ·(disc) brakes, radio, heater, tinted glass, whee l covers. Li cense -#831 HES '71 COUGAR V-8, auto. trans .• factory air condition- ing, power steering, power (disc) bra,kes, radio, heater, whitewall tires. -· '. . 5'EO{ '· •. • '71 TORINO Cpe. 4 speed, factory air conditioning , power steering, power {disc) b(akes, AM/FM radio, heater. #133COT __ '68 DODGE Cmpr. Van $1 2 4 8 Bubble top, 6 cyl., auto. trans., air $1 6 8 B conditioning, rad io, heater, fully equip· ped. License #WVH312 '69 RANCHERO V-8, auto. t ra ns., radio, hea ter . License #3S273E '72 ELDORADO Auto. trans .. factory air, full power, AM/FM radio with stereo tape. #848EDN '72 CHEV. Malibu Coupe, V-8, auto. traf(s., facTory a ir conditioning, .power steering, -radio, •heate•--1857EY,E . • • . . 'Y ' I '72 BRONCO Radio, heater, 4 wheel drive. #65000 '68 DODGE Van Auto. trans .. radio, heate r. #B92COT '71 CHRYS. Newport v~B, auto. trans .• factory air condition· ing, power steering. power brakes, r adio. healer, vinyl roof . #444CEZ '70 FORD Wagon Factory air conditioning , power steer- ing, radio, heater. #954DTC '71 F RD LTD V-8, auto. trans., factory air condition· Ing, power steering, power (disc) brakes, radio, heater, vinyl roof, tinted lass, whee l covers. License. #607EAD . '70 JAVELIN A.M.C . Loaded including air ccnd. License No. (l03JFR I '70 FORD Ctry. Squire Y·8, auto. trans., tactory'air condition- ing, powe r steering, pawer (disc) brakes; radio,..he:ater, ·whife'r'all tires, ·. tl11.t0!! g)a5s. Llqtnse jf8858HK • • • Sunday's Daily Pilot • • • Your Window With Many View ~ Plan tt1 HatJe Feelin gt1. Too ·-.... "" -· .. ··--··· ... ,_, ___ .... -·····-···-·--~-:::-=--='~ -.. ·--·---_i\lcoholisn1: Ne 'v Cure s 'fried -·--·--··-~-----·---'--• ....... -.--... _____ .,._ ... _ ....... ··-···----------· .. ::;,::;"'.=··-· -------·-·--·-·-- :.:::..::~---=-~--· ------~~ ::::.::: .:: !:. ::.:==..-.----·-------..... -----=-=-~it; .. .::.·:::. -----:i.- For Top County Drug Problem -~ ... -'" ............. --.._. ,_,__ .. -·---· ______ _... __ ...... ... ·-·--·· ----·-----·-··-.. _____ _ _._ ___ ....... , :.::-~~-": -·-··--···- ~~-.:.t'== ···------· --------~--·--...:.:: -~;:::.:. £-::=_ ~ •; .'.:':'.: '· '!'!.~ I ..... _ '· . . ·~ '" . ' "".. '... . . ... .............. ................... "' .. ... _ .... _L ___ ,.,., . ·-... -.· _,. .... , ""'·---······ .... . .. '""' ,.,_ .. __ "'' ......... _ ........ , ..... . ....................... ,,. .. .... _.. ........ -........ .. -·-• .__, ·••h"• "·• ,, ... , •• ~ ............ , .. , . ., .. 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"' ~ .... . ... .,.,, .. __ ...... · ... ,. .. ....... , __ , ......... , .... .. --· Selling Sex: Should It Be Legalized'? ., __ ... ...._ __ ·--·•-'-·--............. -... ,_, .. __ -. -.. _, ........ .-.. .... .. __, ·-... -- .... ___ _ ·---·-···-· ----·----· .. =:~:::·:f.t'==·: -·-··-·-··-·----. ----·-·---·-----·-··--··· -·---•... -----· -."::.":::.":".!~-~;.~~::0-; ;::z-77:...--=..-. -~:.::~ ...... ~-~-:,::=..-:::.:..::: •:;;;.:..:;-..:.-::;;...- ---·--·---~ ·;:-:·----.. -·--·---· 1?¥~~~:7.~:: ,., . ii) :::~ l tc''-.,, ~r ··:.~F .-.: -·----·-··--·--H--·- l1rn.~filldCJ f.11/1 II ··-·-·-·-... ·-·-·-····---· __ ,. ------ .. .. -·--·. ---·~·-···- ~-··-. ·--· 11.lUf PllC'I '""""' __ ,.., ..... .-............ ... ........ -._..., Everyone Has Potential for P syc hic Power I "--·-·-·'" ·--•.. ·---.... ----.-·--::~:::::-:=.::-:-:: ::.:...----·-... ----···-----·--·-~--·--·-· -------§"f=~:=:.:.::: ..: .:.-=.. ~ -::= ... , ..... -:-=~:..;.:;·:.-.-: -, _______ _ ... ______ _ _ ..... --~ --.. -·-··-·-,-----·-· . .. ·-·---~ .............. ..::. . .:.-~.:::-... -. .. ____ ... . ----·-· Economy Car Sales Soar, But Coast Still Cadill ac Country •. ""·'" ''"'t _.,_,_,_ °""" _ ....... ~· ......... . '"'"""''"_._ ... ..., ... .. '""""' .. _ .. -....... ~ .. '"""' .. "''"''u'"'"'"-""'-~-~-. ~-... ~ ..,... ...... _........, L._.,,__..._,.,__.,_,. ..... ....... ·---.... ~· .... ...,L ..... _.~ .. ~-..... ~ ...... __ ,. .......... , .... .,,., ..... -.... , ...... ·~·'' ··-· "'. """'"., ....... -. ...... ,~ .................... ... .. """'"~" , ... '"" .. , , ... , ... . ,... ................ ...._...,,., .... ,_,..,,.,. .......... ,.... .. J., .. .... . '"' ... '"' ., ....... "" .,, ... , '" " ........... ~. ,._. ,. ...... -... ~ ............. .. ..... , ·-,.......,_,._._ ........ , .... -~ .. ·--~--· .. ~·_ .. __ ,, ··~"'"''""·-·"·--.. -···---...... -... ,_ ............ -... .................. -...... .-. •¥ ...................... .._. , ... , .. ~ ...... " .. ""' ....... . ~··--""'" 1'""•.•·''""""'"""""'" .... ". '~ ..... <-•~·· ·-........ ... t" "-•<·~···· .... '" .•• , """"" ·'''~""'"""'~'"''""' .... ...... 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Eld ers Impose Code of l':\s l on Youn g l'"oplt· There ar~ many ways to look at the world 1n which Orange Coast area reoders live , work and play . -·--Thes.e sample features selected from cover page s of the YOU Section published in Sunday editions of the Daily Pilot ,hould give you some idea what you've been missing if you're not a subscriber. Tak e a new look ot !he wo~d through the window with mony views. Order the Oa;ly. Pilot delivered to. your home seven· dey• •week' for only $2 .6 5 a month. Parl-li111 c Al Ir,·inc Students Gel Involved Through Social Ecology .. • '!:"'.::.·:.··:.·• ,,.._,~·-··~-·'" ~_ ... _,,..,,_., --··-··-··· ~--·--·-' ·---..-·--_. ... ~ --"'·~-- .................... .. . ·:-:: ..... . _.__,, ___ .. ···-· ..... ~ ... ~··· -...... ,_ .. . ....... _ -•· --· ---· __ ., ...... -..... -" .. __ ..., ___ ,. . ........ . A Metric America ' ' - " .............. -·· .... . .... -······ ... .... '· -··-·· ,, .................. -.. ·-··· ........ . ·--·-... -..... ~ -·-· ... " .............. ., ...... -........ -... ·-...... --. .•. , .. -·--· ... -........ . -~.-...... -... :~~=~:';.: ·=~;?.:.:::; . ..... ,, .... ·-· ·-· "'~' ...... -... -._ .. , .... -... -.... . . ----.. ····-'·" ..... , ........... _.. Arc Oa~,;.of feel and lnchcs .\tunbcrcd? ,,1.li!,,1 ./iIT,,1.ITT.1.H!i.1.~: •. 1.1.P.,1.1.~.1.i.~.L1.~.r.1.R1.1.~.1.1.Kr.1.g.1.1.~.1 ~~~~~~ : :.=."ff'::_:.:=-.:~ -·-· ·-· -------· ----·--~:i:;:;~~~ -·----.. . .... --··: -~-.:.:--: -. ----·-·. --··-·---· ::.!:-?-::-··-=::~ .. ---·--··· ~-\----·--.. ---. -. --·-... . ·--. --·--.. ;;_-:.-=.:::::.~~~ ·-------···-·--~~~~~~~~ ~·-) ....... , .. -· .. D·l'J ··-----·· ···--· ·--·-----·-----. =;-;,,~:·-:·~~-:. ::;--. -: ?-:i.:1:.~-:.-~ -.:. :.--: :--• .. r··•--'""• .... -· ---------· -.:".";:. ·=-."; ·------·· ~:-~2.fil;z.:.::5-:::0:~{.· ·- . 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At Your Service • ~ ·--·--·--· . ·• ·-· • ' :_;~;o-::..::.::.:;.:_ -- VI/''''""''"' Ot/ --.. = ---· ·---. -- ---~-... ___ _ ::.:..:::.:::.:.,. -·---·-____ .. _ ·------· -·~--------··------~-------·---·--------·· ·-·------~---·----::-:..~"i.."U ---·-----·--- • • • clial 642·4321 or the Daily Pilot office ne arest you ancl o-rcler delivery for your home Take a good look ,_ DAILY PILOT • • - PUBLIC NOTICE P'ICTITIOUS I U11 Nl!'S "Al!IE ST,t.TEMENT 1,Tnt totlow1nv IN•-" 001119 D\ltlnt u INTEC..lel.TEO MANAGEM£NI, !JM P••IC•n l'l•l •, ((1111 M~'"• C•ollilfnlt Y?~l• Al1>•1I ~.t>o1 ~'>lld, \9# l'tlk1fl Orive, too1 M"''"· C1lllu•nl1 ~1•2• 1h" Mln•n I• <t1n<111tt·'<1 llY I ll !t1<J1v•llu11 /.1 ... r! ,_ 11...W T11h J11!'1t\•nl w•• 111.._i Wllll lht l'..ounty Clerlo; c.r O••~• Co~my <111 J•nu~•y 14, 1'7' l'llOIJ Put1ll1t>et1 O••nto Lu••' O•ll~ Pllo1. Jo,,u1ty 11. F111tu1r~ l. IU. II, 1914 2)~1• PUIJL IC NOTICE ll'ICTITIOUS I US!lol EiS lot4M~ STAT EMElolT Tiit •ollowl11g P<t\Ol'I 11 dolflil 1111s1n.ss .. Joi.MON l::N I E~Pl115ES. t ]I) Sur.rlo11e Ori••· Hufltll\gloo lletcll, c.111, ~1~•~ • John s,011 flul(ll~•"'· 9]81 S11nrl11ge U"•e. ft,.t"l!ln~lun Aed,11, Culit. t1Ull Tlh• bu>ln~•· I\ C"'1UUCIN 111 •n •r.lll •l<lual John S. Hul<llton lnls "•!~,.,~nl '''"~ t<le.J wim 1ne Cou'llf C lu~ ul 0r 6Uy• (<>uhl~ \Ill J •n~•r"'f' 10, l•lt PUDllsl'leJ 0•~"!1" lO••I J3nuo1v lJ. lC, //, on.I 1~1• Onlly P\fut February 1. 12t·I• PUHL lt.: NOTICI'~ P'ICT ITIOUS I US lloll''S lol AME ST4TEMENT TMt lol!Q.,.ln\I per .an I> doln~ QU)lnt··• .. SEAL Bf.AC!+ t.O.N WA~t~, Y11 l'.~tl•lc Co~sl ~iwy, Se,11 Be~'''· C~lll , 9Ci/AO Gormdn Arodr~.,. McOueen. 16212 Mon!orey l n. No. l'O!. h 1tn!lr>g!on Be•cn, ( ~1.1 916•9 1n1, t>u~lnes• " co~.iurtt<I ny 1n lodlv1<1u~1 Gorm"" And••w MCOu•·••I fl\11 Sl~!~l!<•lll w,,. 1.i~~ "''Tll Tl•e Cc.unty Cler• <>t 0•~nge Coy<1!t "" lonu•rv to. 1¥14 Punll•nP'1 Or•noe Cod>! J~•warv ll, lO. U Dnd \~/; f'·JOWI Daily PH~t, F•D•Uu!V J. 11]·7• P UUL J<.: i''01'1CE ITATEME1o11' OF AIANOONMIO NT Of USE OF F ICTITIOUS llUS!lol E~S NAME Tne 1011owl<>•1 o~r ~on n~• ~ll~n~o,,td IMt Uit 01 !ht fk l•tlov• b1111ne•• nam• INVESTORS AE/\LTY , a! 1197 Otlolt Or. CoS!a M•••· C•llf ~161• Tiie hCll!lo•11 lluoln~• namo tt!t ttt<l ro ac.ove w•• til~d in Or •~ge Coun!y "" Dec. l, !911 Jame< T. w,\I,, 1197 Or•ole Or , Co•I• M•••. (4111. 1'7a16 lhl• busln•1• WJI COll<lUClod by I n •r<l•villu•I J•me• 1 Well• PUbllU•Hf O•ange rod1I .l•nu1ry lJ, 70, 11. ~nll 1914 fl'·t1 1n Dolly Pilot r eo•uarv J, ~•·l• J'UHLJ C.' NOTI CE FICTITIOUS llU~1W£S'i NAME STATIEMENf Tne foll1>W1ng pe1•~n •~ doln~ l>Ylinen " CIVIC (£!'11 ('1! (LLAN[ll;S. 2571 N•Wl'Orl 81•<1 . (<>''Ii Mt•d. (•llt 92671 lng•dr 1>~·11 8<><1•n . .;.!.6 £111 16!11 51, C<l•T~ M;·-~. (Iii!, ~1~?1 fM• hu;!n~1., •• <Oll!IUCll!d DY ~n ,n<1lvlau~L lt1gv1r Pov! 8C'Oill Tll!o s1~1e...,ent wos lilt<! W•tn the (~unty (.It•~ ut Or~nge Count\o on J;1nu1ry 10. 197t Pul>f!she<I OriU•!;tP Coe•! J~nu••Y IJ1 ?O. ~I. and 197• F·)OUO OMly Pllo!, Fet>•uirY J 1"1 10 l'lJULJL ,\'U'/'J C.:t ; FICTITIOUS I USINf Si NAME S7 ... fEMEloll ln1 tonow1n~ n••'un r> ~~;,.._ l:ou<I!!~·' O•A.M0 N0 ~OOL SU l'Pl"'f', '/ 11.EA<ON & SONS ENT . 11~il 8 •uo•11ur.! St, Hun!lngtun 8~•Cll, (alit_ Ernes! 0. Rt~•on Jc., ; 11 S 1 ll n><>knur.•t ~t , ~tun!inqh>n Btd,h, C1H•. 1~11 llu1lnts1 Is cooduClf'O b~ 1n lodlYiaU<>I_ Erne;! lie~""' J•. Tl>i• UM•menl '"'"' lilt <! wlln In• c~u,.iv ll•'' oi (Jrdnl)e Coun1Y on J~nuuy 10, 1•1• Publl1ti~d Ot~ng~ '""'! J.nu1ry l:l, lO, 71, •<'4 191• Oa·I~ Piiar f<~1<1•rY J, 100·7• PUHL JC NOTICE FICTITIOUS I US'NE SS N4ME STAlEMENf ll\1 following ~r1on ;, doing bu>lnHs .. ~HIPSYSTEl.\S, 111) Rullan<! R!I , NeWP<lrl 8•1tll C1llf. 91660 Laro Cllrl• Han•en, II!) RLJll~'l(I ~a .. Nfwf)Or l lhocn. c .. 111 9161>0 T!lh llYJlne'1 15 cortduclit<I by an ln<1l~111ua1 l~rJ ( H•n,•n Tiii• "atem,nt w•• 1<1"° woTn lne Co..nl~ Cltrk ol O•an111 CounlY <1n J•nu1ry 17, 191 < Fl011S P uO+l•llell Orange coa,1 01lly Piiot. J~nu1ry lO. 11, ana Fehtu•ry ), 10, 191' 19S I• PUBL IC NOT ICE FICTITIOUS I USI NIE 5S NAME STAT EMENT The !011<:1wi11g 11~r.o•l< •"e dGing 1>usine11 ~· F=ORM.S THREE, 1310 L0<1•n Avenue. Co•!11 Me••· (.•l!lorn •. 1 91!76 Ot!f W 11111!, 190~ A lf15~J. Cu•li /./,e,,,, (~ll to•nl~ rl•,7~ Dl1 r(y H. flill, 11111 Tun•l•ll, G,;r.den Grove, Crlill<)(n•~. 91645 Howard 0 RettlN!rll Jr , 18JBI Colv.Ole S!rHI, Fcu11h l" V oll~ .... Cali!Ot!lld 97/0t T~ls bu<lnt " h conducrea llV I aeri.,•i l>drlner•hlp, Dale W, ~lalf Tlli• sia•e.rn""'' "'"" !11~11 w1!h 1~e Cu1in1y Cieri O! UrJ~<I~ COut1!y ori January 2" )97• F>1WI P ubli•he1l Orangf Coa<t Odilv P•lot. Jtnua•v 11. renru"rr 3, 10. 17, 1971 296·1' PUIJLIC NOT ICE l"ICTITIOUI I USI Nl!SS jjAMIE Sl ... TEM£p.IT Tiie toflow!11g .,.,Min• art dol"ll b\lslne·n ao. B1LCO ASSOC IAl ES. 1¥1 1 Cen1er StrHI, Suite 101, Ano~~lm. C~li!Orl'lit. GENE'1!AI. PARlNERS Wlllltm J Ml11$ap, 641 8 rlarwooi;1, Brei, Call!ornla PUBLIC NOTICE l'IGTlflOUI IU11111.11 NAME STAltMINT Tile tollowl"O P*'$Ol\t 1•1 I Ol"t t>Vtln1u •• ~OLDEN £NffllPll 1Sl15. ! I 1 4 l ll11cn 81~11 . 11unll"Qlot1 I• 1 c I!, Ct ll!Qt"I• •lj..16 lt..,.11<1 L ~'"'°"'.,,,, 1«72 1Clm\.l\ur1I ~1 . H""'lln'<l!on a ... c11. Catn '1U1 J.,.,,, O ~h•i:o.r<I. tin Coun1,-., (lrllt , Huntl"'illl)<o 801t~. C1111 "26-lt Pri m Inti, 6I02 L1wnn1v1n Orlvt, l!unt1ng!011 Btl CI>, C1U1, 1"16'11 Mtrlt E' C1ot. 1tlt1 WO<Ctller Lu ... ll Ul\l\flQIOll llttCll, C1l!I f'2, .. AOlltfl 0 M0trl•, lSt'I? 0Ytfl0/\ ST , fo..nt11n VtU.,., Ct lll. t'l1tf 11111 1,i.u1l/\tll II btoiflg conQ~ DY • \le<lt td( l>•trMtlllip, Prim Silt• ] 11!1 Ual~m•nl lilt <! ... 1111 Tiit COVl'ITY Cltt~ o! Or •f'lllt COVIii)' Ofl: Jl flll l fY 1". 1"7• WILLIAM£. s·r JOMlol, COU lolT Y CLl!l.lt, fl'll Tlllt""" M. Wtr<:, °"""'ty. fl'Sl1H Publl1n...i Ort~ Cot•! Dilly Pllo!, Ftbru•ry ), 16. !I, ?4, 197• )11 -11 P UHLIC S01'1CI!: flCflf lOUS I USllolESS lolAMI! STATf.Ml!lolT !t>t tollo .. lr>{I per~on• art lloll\Q bu1I· J1en •s: +.IE NEE, Jl161 Callo Del Ctmpo. S•n Ju•n C•i.>l,tt•no, Ct l:t. t'l•1) iluo LaMoU•. 31161 (•II• Oel C1mpo, s~n Ju•n C•Pl•tronn. C•lll, t'l•1S i.>en~ L6Mo11e, J1161 Ct ll• 0•1 Compo, San Ju1n C•,ols!rono, C•UI. 9167'1 l Mis buih•e•s " cor><1uc111<1 b~ •n ll'<llvlDudL Ren ... loMol!t TMI• sla1emenr loll~ lilt<! will\ ll>t CounTv Clerk of or .. n11e Countv on Jonu.H V 11, 191~ . f'Mltlt Publlon"" O•~•'lle co .. ,t Daily Pllol, Jot\ua•y 10. 11, •nCI FeDruorv l. 10, !tit 104-l t PVHLI C NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATl!Mf:NT Tl>• lullowlnll po"on~ ••• .lloll\Q b1"ln••• a• ~TRA TFORD 5QU4AE PRE·SCHOOL, 100b7 Cun1,,n11ham 51., W~tml"'''" Ca1norn1a ~?i.&J JuCll!h J, l(ror. %62 lnn~~ruck Or .. l!untlng!on Be•cn. C~lltornla 92~'6 Jeanine Murray, 5S02 £1slnore, BuHi• p.,,k, Calllornla llltlma Joy 11\cCon,., 1J711 Ctl Do• la P·n~>, fl•lnor.,, Cllltornl• ftol• bu11ne .. I$ tOtlCIUCIOll by a gene<-11 po1 !ner•hlp, Judilh J. l(rot ' lhi• oMtemenl wa• tiled V.l1n !he Coun!y Clerk of OranoJe Counry on J•nuarv ~I. !~7~ "llOIJ P ubli5ht<l Oraoge Co~>! Dally Piiot, J~11uar~ 21, "e~ruary 3. lO, 11, IY/t lCI0-1• PUBLIC NOTICt; F ICT ITIOUS AUUMES' .. AME 5TATEMEHT lne tollowl ng M rlon h doing ouslntH .. C f _ COLESW0'1!THY t. CO., U•S E11rt.>lult Odve, Newport llf~th. C1!U. •1&60 ' Cn••~ F_ co1e.wor1ny, 1915 Bery Ldne, Newport ao•cn. Call!. t'l6'0 T~l1 bv!ln••• Is conouttl'<I DY 1n lnellvldu&I. Cha•I•< F Cole1wor1t•v 1~·• •t•!ement WI> Ille(! wit~ 1n• Covut• Clar~ ot Otil"!;tf Covnh on J!n~ary 11. \914. F>OIU PY1>ll1ne<1 Dror.ge toa•t Oilly Pllol l•nv••V 70. 21. Ind Fe1>ru1ry' J, 10, 191• 111·11 PUBLIC NOTICE flCTITIOUS •USI Nl!S$ NAME STATEMElolT T••• follo-..1og person I> Cloll\Q buJIO~• " ~(l\ilft OF -uic llOltOE M llllPORT S. 1E• ""U• l'I, C.M , Ci lll 91111; P.O. llij• lllt, lr•lnt, Ca!i!, 91~ G".-~ De,,ni. C ••'~"'· lS4 l(~o• Pl., Cu"I M•1a, CaO!. 9'1~11 T~·> b'!•lnt•• I• cof\Cluo!ea by an 1n<1lv1<1u11 c.1~"" D C••l•ns Tn,,. '1•1~rnen: w•• lolf'O w11~ lht Count/ Cler• oi Ora"!!• Count~ on J;inu••Y 11. 1911. ' f'Jotll P ubll1tied Orar\Qt Cfli >I O•lly Pllo!, JftnUary 10, 17, Ind F~l>ru•ry 3. 10, 191• US-11 PUBLIC NOTI CE · FICTITIOUS IUSINE'l · "'AME $TATEMf.HT • T~• 10110 ... lf\g pero.on 11 llaln>i bu1T...,.1 I I: TtiE PET['1!501l COMPP.t.i Y, )6t Son Miguel Or , Newporl lleecn, Ct !lf, ,, .. '1toger V. l'tlerson, Jr., 11i7 Vlsll En!r8d1. Newparl Be•~l'I, Clllf. 9?6'0 Thi• ~uilne11 I> tor.clue"!&<! oy 1n ln<ll•llluol Roger V, Ptttrs.on. J r. 1111• 1111etfl1nr wa• lllea wlll'I rt>• CoonTy Cler~ Q! Or1nge County DI\ J •nuar1 \I, 191•. F:IOl'U .,ut>ll•l>ed O••n<,1• c .... r Dally Pilot, J1nuarv 20, 27, orta febru1ry 3, 10. 19H U&-1• PUBLIC NOTICE I ISll SUPE•IOR COU llT OF THE STATE OF CALIFOlllol!A FOi. THE COUlolTY OF ORAlolGE Ho. A•nt01 NOTICE OF HE All lNG OF ,.ET!TIOlol fOll PllOI ATE Of WILL A-HO FOil LETTERS TIESTAMENTAll"'f' Ell~te ot EARN IST McCCJ0<{ al•o O ~o"n d~ EARNl!i T M0$H£fl MCCOOK, Ot <t6lel.I ~OTtCE J', hE'1tEPIY GIVEN It.II LLIZABEfH McCOOi( Ila• lilfd lle<l ln • P•illl .. n !Of P<()tlar. ol Wiii •nO lor •SSUdnce or Lettero Ttlit mtfll1ry 10 tht oetl!I""'' rel~"<><:• lo whlth Is maoe tor furlner p1r!lcul1,., 11111 11\al tn~ Time •lflll Pl•t• ol Miring Int same na1 Deen sel for Ftllru•l"'f' 11, 1~1•, ~! 9 00 •. m .. In tilt covr1roam O! Otoa<!men! No, 3 01 Jtlll court, .. 1 700 Civic CtnTer Oriv1 We-sl, In tllf Ci!y o! San!• An~. Call!orlll1, Dalt<! J~nuory 7~. 191' WILLIAM E. SI JOHN Counh Cit•~ l.OHEllGJU,f. JOllOAlol, GRESlolAM I. VAlllol Ell By: Don1ld W. Jardi n ltl Wesr Fourtl'I ii. Stn Berntrlllno, CA n•01 Tel: 1111) 1"4·2111 Attomtv> IOI" ,.1111...,1r Publi1!lol!d Or1nge Coast Dilly Piiot, Jin. 11. 1e, 1n11 Fell. l, 1t74 31t·I• PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Collffn M. Millsap • ..a llrt•, Calllornla. Tne l0Uow•n9 pe<10<1 11 llO!nQ bu1lntt1 8r111rwood. ,11 1 LIMITED PARTNERS Rober! E. P1111 rwn, ll190 Htrbor Bl vd., Spac1 TJ., Gar<Joen Grove. Calltornlt , Jtult L. P1t1er~OI'. 13190 HIH'bOr Blvd.. Space Tl, Gtrdtn C.rove, C1lll01"nl 1 Thi" llu•,l11tis' IS condutl~ by a Umlted p1rtn1•&hip WILllflM J, MILi.SAP This s111emen1 w~s !l!fd with tne COW11V Clerk of Oraf!Sit County on J1nu.ino , •• 1911. SCHWA.llT2:, STf1N$APlll & OOMltM.1.lolN. Allyf. M04 wn1nLr• &Ivel .. SI• HO 1.0I .r."elt1, C1tll&t'"lt toO'i 1· · PUBLIC NOTICE I 1S10 SU"llllOlt COUllT OF THS tTAT• Ofl' CALIPOflNIA fl'Olt THI COUNTY 0,. OllAN$E Ho. A·117tt NOTlt• 01" MIAll:IHG OP' ,.ETITION f'Oll ,ltOtATll: Ofl' WILi.. ANO f'Oll L11:ne:1ts TESTAMENTARY E1!1~ of LILLIAlol VIRGIN IA P£f$CH, OKtlJld. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lht l SECURITY P ACIFIC NAT IONAL BANK, 1 fltrlOl'lll tMn~lnQ 11soc:11t1on 1111 111tll htrtln 1 pell!lon for PrObllt el Wlll 1n11 ror li•uaneil °' l..ttte.-. Te1l1rntnl1rv It> '"' pe!ITl.ontr ttlt•tn(t IO which !1 m/Hll for furllttf Ptrl)Cul1ri, i nd th1t th• flffll •nd 1111e11 of 1111rlno 1111 11mt hll Dttn set IOI" febru1rr 11. 1974, 11 t;OO 1.m .• Jn Int courlroom o! Ol!MrTmtnl No. ) of 1•ld court, t ! 700 (IYIC Ctn!tr Otlvt: We(t, In ll•t C!IY ol Stnlt ~111, (al\fornL•. 01iitd J111111rv 15, H7• Vitt.LIAM E. SI JOHN County (It<~ Mt KIH..,_, l"ITTINO &. l"I NCH 2HU 1 1 l ort •111cl, Sull1 UM T•I: (n.t) nt·S14t AllOf'MTI tori 1tOUllOt1tr 1 l"UDlllfttd 0<'11'19• COii! O•llY Pilot, Jin. V• lt. •tld Ftll, 3, 1114 l 11-h TU'1!LEY ENGINEEP:ING CO., t7l1 4d•m• Av1., Hun!lnglon II t •ch , C11llornl1 91646 St~pnen Anthony Tur11y, 97 Jl A111m1 4ve .• Huntlnq!Oll Betcn. C1!llornl1 t2'4ol lhls bu.,nes> ls conducted llY 1n lnll lYl!IUil. Sleplltn A. Turley Tiiis l!i•terntnl WIS fl ~ whl'I tnt (OUl'll'f Cltr~ ol ~ng1 County Ol'I J~nuary 14, 197t f1Jlt14 Pulll!SheU Orl"llt (\'Niii Otlly Piiot, J1nu1rv v, Ftb1u1r1 l. 10. tr. 1'71 tsS-74 t --cPccU711=L=lC=-N-ccOT=lC::cEc:--- '"1cT1T10us IUSINESS MAME STATl!MRMT Thi 1o11ow11111 pers!>l"I ls dol!MJ bv1lnna 11: HOL I0 ... '1 AEA O, )113 W. common-Uh fullt rlon, C1Urornl1. Jonn Grollal\I, •224 W. Asl'I. fu!l.rton, Ct llltrnl1 tl'3) This bu1!~i• 11 concluctld 'tty •n lndlYldUll. )fll'lfl Grodtl'lt Th.ls Jllltmtn,I Wll 111111 W\Jh,J'" CO\lfll'f Clerk of Ori~ County on ,,.. u1ry 1•. 1914. , ~'':~· Pub1lshfd Ott"'• Coa1t 01lly ,Ila!, JtnUVY 11. Ftllru1ry ), 10, 17, 1t7t tt1·1• PUBLIC NOTICE l"ICTITIOUS •us1N•S• ~A_ME STATl!Ml!MT Tiit follow1f'IQ per10t1 I• 6ol119 bu1IMM 11; NEWPORT HERB PORT, 27• Cl bflllo. Ao1rtm1n! "(", COl!I M9Mt, C•ll!. 91611 01vld (1nnom. 116 C •II r 11 IO , .1.p1 rn!'l•n1 •·c", Co•I• Mt••· c 1111. '1611 .. - Thll llu•lnt\J !s tondVCIMI '"' Ill l~dl¥'1<1u11, 01~111 ,.,,.,om Tllh st1111'!'\tn! .,.., !Tlfld wllh "" Coun!V Clfrk of OrU'ICill Cou"tv OI' J1 nu1ry 19, l t /J, P~bllJlttd Or1~t C041•1 Fwuary ), 10, 17, 11, 1t71 "1\11 011\y l"I~, J.0·71 JOIN THE .. 'SELLERS CIRCLE' • WE'RE SAVING SPACE FOR ~ r-;w-i ~ ~ ~ ~ If you sell'I! service and don't advertise in the ' you re doing DAILY PILOT Service Dir ectory, business the hard way. Th e Se rvice Directory (classifications 600-699 in the classified ad section daily) advantage you . 91ves you an get through no other adve rtis in g medium. It reaches customers who are ready to buy. Be ' "there when your pros pects come into the market looking for the services you have to sell. If your JJ!rvice isn't listed, we'll start a ? category just for you. Pi.ck up the phone right now and reserve your spa~e in the "Sellers Circle" Your Direct Line to Direc-tory Results .. . 642-5678 .. .. ' .. ~ .. ,,,. • " ' CLASSIFIED· AD . DJl!A~!MENT. DAILY PILOT ' . " 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p 1. L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 ·6 7 8 Sunday Feoruary J, 11)11 DAILY PILOl_D :J -~~~~~~~ Ttw Bt11e1t Marbtpt..:1 on the Or1n1e Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED AOS You Can ~I It , Find H, [ 642 •5678 l Trade H Wtth a Want Ad One Call Service Fast Credit App<OYal General General E R RO R. S: Advertise rs 1::::;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:::;;;;;;;.:;;;;:;;;;;.:;;;.:;;; I should check their ids dally & report e rrors i m m e d i a t •I y. The DAILY PILOT •ssumes liability for the fi rst incorrect Insertion on)y. General $234 PER MO! 7°/o 1'-tov,• ri.•"" ''" thl'i flnl·' AK~llnl£' 211,1)(.(1 -7•: -\'.A. lnn11. :{ h<.'dron111s h.1nh\i01.,,\ fl••>1's -s t111r11!y <.h:crir;itt d ki<ls pli1y y;i rrl -n•·<lr !'><'llr"'ls 11rul near shop11111g ('('fll ~'r. p ],I plly<: nll -!ak,• aJ~'\\!ll 11i::•· l 'all flti3-6767. JJnJa J f>/e PR ESTIGE WATER FRONT HOM ES S ll OWN 13Y APPOINTMENT Custom Home On L•goon (;raciOUS 5 l~drlll ., 41:?. hath home \\'i!h \VCll pl anned dining r n1., farnily rrri , dinette, & huge ma ster suite. 1,.,1vl!ly g.<irllens 1Nith winding stair to St!C'U lld floor Pier & ~lip. $297.500. 70 Lind• lsll! Drive l'rime --1 5' lagov n !ot -S 150,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3~1 Bayside Or., Suite 1, N.B. 675-6161 rfi· '"FUN ro " """~I ;G;e;n;e;r;•;;l;;;;;#;-;5;0=L;l;N;O~A=G;;IS;;·L;;;";;:;;';:;;I R;;;IV;;E;;;.;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;; ·A ' ~ Builder's Custom Home Clas~fie~ INDEX Actvert1s1ng fle;at Estate for S~e [ it!s J Nou••• IOr ~<l ll . ,. , , Mod11l•r/Pre-Bulll Hornes Mobile Homt• l"or Sale • Acr••ge for 1111 Apor1m•nh for ,.1. 8U1intH PrOp•r1r C•m•"'Y Loll/Crypts Commt rcl<>I Properly Condominium• lar ••I• Ouple~et/Unlt1 ••I~ 'Houst1 lo bt moYe<I Income P<•1>••ly Lnllu1lrl1t Pnipenf LOii tor S••t .... '" •• 110 "' "' "' '" "' "' . -l~ '" '~ '" '" Mobile Homt/Tr•ller "••ks •. MDUnl•ln, Oe1 ert, RHOrt ... Or1nga Ca, Pr•P•rlY , .•...• , Our of Sllle ,.roperty , , . , , , ft•nchn, farm1, Grove1 .... -. .. 1 E•llle E~(i'llnga "' m "' '" '" uo "' ft•ll E11il9 W1nlell •• ""'"'''' I~ flualntu OpportunflY 100 luslnel• WantPd , 110 tnvt\frnf"lll Opportun11y no lnve•lmtnl WlnlNI • , , ,, 1JO ,Manor lo lo•n •• 2.0 M•ney W1nhll 150 Mortg•g••· Trull Oe~I llO ~·"'_'''' _J~ Hou•e• 1urn11111<1 JOO Hou.e• unturn. •• J05 Hou1t1 turn. or unfurn. )10 Condominium• fum. . JU C1nllomlnlum1 u1>furn, :r.zo Condo, furn, 1r unfum. m T1wn"•U>t furn, lJO Town"•u•• un!urn, ,,, •.. , .... ll$ lownl'IOuit , furn. or unlurn ... l<IO Ouple~es turn. l<'J OUpt~es unlurn. . .. _ llO OupltXH, furn. or unfurn. ll' Apl•. furn. .. .. • . .. •. . .. l'O Apl. un•urn. ........... :US 4pl1 .. furn. •r unfurn •.. , ~10 Room•.... .. ......... •oo Room I. lo•r<I .... ... 411J Ho1111, Mor.is ......•..•.. , o o Gutll Hom• •.••• , •........•..... US 5ummtr At nll!1 , .............. •10 V•ct llon R1nl1ts ..... , ....... 4U Rtnl•ll It Shlr1 ... , , ....... , .. •JO O•••t•• !or '1t•nl •. , .......... 4U Offlct Rtnf•I 440 lnclu1lrl1I Rffllll 4JO Slorlgt .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . 4SS lltnlll• W1nled .....•.......... 4te MIHt ll•nt0u1 llenlal1 . , • , , • ,, 4tS An"ountemtnls (•rd 11 Tn•nk1/ln !. .. di lolGtlco• '" Memorlum JOJ ... SIO ~·"'_'"'''~I~ Aulo rrt n1par11llon .•..•..... JU ... roan1ll •. . . • ...... JJO Sot\fl Clubs .... ,., .......... ,, 5lS Tr•vel .......... s•o L._,_ .. _._ .... __ ....... _~I@ Found tfrff ~111) Loil "' "' .____'"'_"_"'_""' _ __JI 11• J Sd'oOols I. ln11ructlon1 ••..•. ,. !1S l"N!rltal 110 I ~·""'"'"'" l~ S•rvlca Olrec1ory .•. Job W101..i. Miit Job Wan!t<I, f 1tnale . , ,. Job• Wlnlll<I, MtF Help Wanl...i, Mt f .. - ' '" . .• 101 .. . '°' '" Antiqu•• Ila 4ppll1nctt ........... IOl Aucllon . . . . 1()4 l ulll ln; M1ltrlt l1 1()4 Camtr11 t. E~ulpmenl ... • lot Furnilur• -..• 110 G1r191 Sale , ................ 111 N•u•ellold Good• , .. , , , . Ill JtWfll)' ...... t lJ M•c"lnal)' .... .• 116 MIK•ll•"eou1 --· •.•..•.... UI ir.1r1c1U•"tou1 W1nlMI , ....•.• 110 Mu1lc11 l11s!rumonll . , .•...... Ill Ofl!CI Fu•nllu•1/Equlp ......... tl4 1"!1n1s/Org1na , .•• , .. , ..... , .. 11' S-Wl"'9 M-Cllln•1 , .. , , •• , , ... , . 1'11 Spor11nt Goads .... , . , .. ,, ... , • f)(I S•or•, R11laur•"'' ll•r .••.... l :r.I sw1p1 .............. ,..,) ..... 114 3 BR ., fa1nily r1n., maid's r1n . & billiard rn1. l'icr & slip, S250,000 . OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1-5 PRICE REOUCTION-$63,000 304 St. Andrews, Newport Heights OPEN SAT . & SUN . 12.5 hnn1aculatl! ho1ne ! Uurnt orange t:arp.; poolsize tot . DAVIDSON REALTY 5801 W.Coasl Hwy , N.8. 646·7767 3116 Newpo•I Blvd .. N.B. 673·9060 I GenerAI ,;;;*;;;O;;;P;;E;;N;;;S;;;UN;;.;;1;;;-s;;;*;;,I GREAT fAMIL Y 204 KINGS' PLACE HOME .. ·• Newport Beach Exet:u livl' honie w i 1 h panoramit: vit:Y.' o[ south bay,. Fashion Island & Paclfic ocean. 2 Bdrms. +- guest. $117,;,QO -lncludiiog land. Call: 673-3663 97~1!!() Eves associated BROKERS-REALTORS 1025 W Bcilboo 61l·l6AJ BEACH GIANT 5 + OEN $25 ,950 RAMBLING ltANCll riestled near s~'tndy ~horl's. :, hcdroorns, Slt'fl dn,vn dl'n, forn111l dinin1~. 1· nun I r y kitchen. Enten:iiners par1n. llET'ri::R HUfll{Y! l'all AgL 645--0303. ~-~~--Hous• & Guest House Eastside $39,900. Well located Ea s tside property. f.las separate guest house over garage. Large IOI almost ~~ acre exceUent value. See It , Call Red Carpet._ Realtors 64:>--8080. ACT NOW- FANTASTIC Best bargain buy in Costa Mesa. Won't last. Sharp 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Repainted Inside -beautiful new shag C.'l~t. HuITy on this one Only S32,000. Call Red Carpel, Iteal t ors 546-li&lO. LARGE LOT EASTSIDE COSTA MESA 75 x 165 with 2 Bedroom hon1e -large , dble car garage plus huge ~·orkshop. And room to build. S32,000. Roy McCardlet Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd,. C. M. 548-7729 BUY A BARGAIN Liquidation force.~ sale nf :l BR 2 BA NPwpn11 Hg1.~. llon1<', gas bltns. frp!r. lam rm., 15'x30' f.I ,(: F pnql Maki' offer. C:ill Prcs!igc Hon1cs, 64>6646. 3 Rll -dinini:; roon1 -extrA h1rgc f;~m1!y kirct11·n. y,·i1h 10111\s of cupbf1ar<ls. CO\'Crl'rl p:.tio in lnrg1..i yard, v.·r1 tk 1 ~ hlock 10 hnu1d nc~· MILLION S school. ;-,'~ar µ:;rk ;ind l't.)1nn1uni!y pool. \\·,..11 pnrrd 111 M;;i,noo :i11d j'UU 01\lrl fl\1• );in,\1 f)7~-R,')5Q, OPEN nl g • ll'S FUN 10 Bf NICE/ THE REAL ESTATERS LAKE ARROWHEAD Gl'eat for y<'ar round living & close to 1he village . 3 yr old Bavarian style 3 level home with open beam cell· ings thru-0ut, 3 br 2 ba + completely finished base- n1ent for playrn1 or shop. Lndry facilities. $36,500. (21'.J') 451-3898 after 6pm or anyli\'ne weekends. ........ ~ DYNAMIC DUO New England style Penin- sula duplex! Frpk:, bf'an1s. Ullns, plush <:Z'p!g Pv! patio, steps to surf! VIEW! Roomy owner·~ unit! Pnced at $84,500 . -lOr~ down or trade!! C11 ll . 645-8400. BEST BUY l !I $32,000 J large bedroo1ns, 2 spacious baths, rlin!ng room, new plush shar; carpets, new paint. Owner n.nxious new on rn.arkc·t this n nc v.•ori'I last. C;iJI Rrd C.'arpct, Realtors 645-8080 * IS UNITS * ;ind 2 Brlrms. Bltns. Carports. shopping. Loan $179,500. Unfurn. N r a r a v a i l . -GEM- Horses or Apts? 1:.m-r Tus1i11 Av1:., N.I~. REAi.TORS 6·12-4621 Small but livable 2 Br hQuse COLLEGE PARK-~·ilh horse corral on larg<' R-4 lot, Can hold 10 un11s SPECIAL Great invt"stment. 0 n I y 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS $33,9110. Ca.I! Re a I lo r, Beautifully kept hon1e In one &15-<646~.7'~~~~---1 of Costfl l\11"S<!.S 1n o st R°EDUCEO $4000. desir able areas. Park like By o"'·ner for quick sale. landsc:apin.g . Looks like a 3 BR, 2 BA home in model home Don't nii.~s Cl!ffhaven. 1000 Cll H Drive, this OnP. C'all Red Carpet, Newport Beach. $59,50()_ Realtors 66--8080. Open house dally. 5484192 * RENT* or eves 642-1122 * LEASE* HARBOR VIEW HILLS *SALE* Flrsl !lme offered. Elegant •I J BR, 2 BA, bltns, fplc, Br. & Fam r~. SJ0,000 In .in pnrn<' Joe ....... S325 mo. xtras inc pool. Beaut. yrd PROFESSIONAL, medical, TV, •111it. Hl·FI, S!•rM ", .... , IU , & pa!los. $95,00J inc land. recep + 5 offices $450 mo. I P nd Suppl' J["-'] 644-2':175 4-PLEX, prime Costa Mesa eti a lei ~ 2 Unl!s on R-4 lol. ()y,:ner annual inc $7440 . , .. $64 ,500 Pett, Gtni ral .................. t so will finance at 817,,. Great SoulhCo Realtors 54:r8424 c111 .• . ..... •St Investment opportunity. f'\JJJ f.':s ." ...... · .. · ....... · u• price S29,:DI). Call agt. For H~ri11 . .'.'.'.'.'.:'.~.' .. .'.'.'.'.'.'. :'.:.' :!! mo~ Into. 847-6010. Ll~•••etk ........... 151 WESTCLIFF I ·~·""'· ... Jr:i"l 4 BR. 3 BA, lam. nn., nr. --~ M.rin•"' Schook.-$67,000. Prln. only, 551-5736/646-0672 Gtflt••I ...................... HO 10111, M11n1.1s1 ... 1ce ........ fOI llo•ll/MlflM E~vlp, .......... t64 &0111, ,.ower ..•....•..•......• tot lotlS. llNl{Clil rttr ........ ,. tol ... .,, Silt ...................... "' a.11 .. SllP"S/OOc•1 • • . • . . . . •• . . flt IHI.. !,.._ & Sill ....... , •• ~ tll •••II, SIOrlOt . .. ........ , tU <-....,r_-_._·~·__,11•1 N••~ •pori1 •••IP11t•ntf BETTER THAN NEW ON THE BLUFFS Only 116 yrs old this spacious 4 bedroom 3 hath home is designed for entertaining 1and outdoor living . Beautifully landscApC'd with mAny lree11, and palio deck, every thing upgraded. Priced to Sell Call , Red Carpet, ReaJtors ~ . 27)1 BAYSHORES OR . 5 BR 5 Bnl, 3 c:ar garage, close lo priv. heh. S112.000 JAMES F. DAVIES R<'nllor 613-5020 Arrcr.tll ........ -.............. tU C•m""· S1l1/lltnl . • .•• . . . .. no Ctclf!•_, ll l-t1, Sceolrn ...••..• t:l:S 'El'(cfflt' 'CJ"' ...... ,.~ .... l' \". .. ,. """If• Hom" ............. ":"!.' t:at Mtltr Ht"'" , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . • t• lr1ll1n, Trl¥tl •. ,,.,,,,,.,,.,. tU CORONA DEL MAR Attention Bldrs! 2 PMn1e R-1 ~an & Bay View Lots. ·sno;ooo: ~t'(lt" 6*o4SlO , ') Tr.tiers. Utlllty .• , .......... , Id Aulo Stt¥1tt I. "•rh .. ~--:•flt o ... .,., ..... " .... " ... " '. . . . . .,. A,11<111tt/Cl111k1 ...... , ....... fll 011111 1"9111<1• .... ,,., .......... t5' SP<llrl>, lt1t t . •o111 IJt Tr11C-1 • . ,. ... .. ••• tt1 "•"' w Aul• Lt•ilno . , , .•.. ''' Au,. S1rvlct a l"•r1• , •••. ,.. AVf'I• w ... , ................... .... Auiet, lmPOrtlfl ,..... ., ''' Auto1, N•w ..... ,,.... .. •• tfO Aultt, UMll . , ...... , ••.•.•.• n o • For Clusifitd Ad ACTION c.n A DAllY ~LOT AD·YISOl '42-5671 5 Bedroom , 3 balh Republic l::lome~294).. ~ndplper, C.M. ' 546-705\ 0\\"neri ,'{{:t!tif. • - OIL DRlPPINGS FRO M YOUR AUTO can 'be ren1oved rrorh c<m~tl! by applying 11 c ommon household d~gT'!'A!ler. Utt !ltra.!ght tmm, the boltJl:l and let Sland •• , lhen 00.!e AWllY N'Sldue. End your ntoney slKlrta11:~ by .~hopping tM Daily Pilot Classified Ads. 642-5678. ' . ' '" I l I l n 4 DAIL V PILOT nera• SundaJ. rtbr'\lar~ 3, lq74 General General Wclt<>11C&C<)111pa11y I./ I f\. l 1 t \ I;> ,, ~ BIG CANYON * DEANE CONDO Spacious 3 Bedroon1 upgraded ril onaro 1nodel. Best location-end un it , right 0 11 10th fa ir· wa y, affording n1axin1um vit''"' of golf course. Completely landscapeli .,..,ith trellised patio. Immediate occupancy. An outstanding home in new condition , Just listed . 11 Rue Verte. Open Saturday & Sunday 1·5. * * * * * * 2601 LIGHTHOUSE LANE Top of the line view Cdrvt home, like new. Largest s ingle-story Broadn1oor II 4 BR., FR., wet bar, forn1al dining. Open .S unday 1-5. * * * * * * OLD CDM • OCEAN VIEW! Brand new 5 BR custom huine. 503 llazcL Open Sunday 1-5. 2845 E Coast Highway Corona del Mar 675 · 6900 General C.F.Colcsworthy & Co.· Healtors HOME & INCOME -CORONA DEL MAR Located on the ocean side of the Hw y,. - oversized lot. 3 Very lge bdrms., ·2 baths plus forn1al clining rm. Gorgeo us hdwd . fi rs. & lush carpets. Room y 1-bdrm. apt. over the 3 car garage. Out of tow n owner askin g $11 9,500. Newport Hel9hts Charmer F:njoJy 11 (1ill\t'r 11,1 ·, v!1tw and r,rlv11c~ E"xN"llen1ly m•lnta!ne-d 1 I>" i1 r o o rn n<>nlc. Ccn,y l\re/1lace t1rwl nice p11.tlo, 0 fl!f'M at $46,5((1, Call 646--05.')5 Assumable VA . Loan r\t"'"'/)Orf lll•igh!s liornt> with 2 btdroon1, 2 baths plus large farnily room or .1rd. t"Jle<lrnom. Owner moving. Asking $+1.900 t.all 64f>..m55. Desert Hot Springs 51' X 80' ;\lohl! lfomi.' Iv! in {)t_•sf'!'I C'f'('St J t1 St ·~ Wock rrom 1·luhhouse . Asking $4)00. Ca!l 64&-0)55 Th• BERG Co. SuccelSOr to NEAR GOLF COURSE ONE YEAR OLD This b~autiful Mesa Verde honH'-was custon1 built for gracious living. Some of the many features of th!.'! fine horne tu·f': :1 huge bedrooms, two fam ily roon\s, pool wtth Jacuzli, & exquisite carpel! and drf\pes. A\1 of this plus beautifu!ly land s caped grounds. f or further Herrell, McKenna & Co. Realtors SUNBATHERS DELIGHT Duplex-3 bedrooms each unit, 2 blocks from beach. Fireplace, new Carpets & nice big back yard. GOLF FROM YOUR OWN BACK YARD Delig htful 5 bedroom hon1e located on 1st fairway Mesa Verde Country Club. Open House l ·S S•t. &. Son. 2004 Kornat (Mesa Verde l, Cost• Mesa COUNTRY LI VING Sharp 3 bedroo m home, custom shag carpet, custom drapes, tinted windows, pr ac ti cally brand new! Owner anxious. GI assumable loan. Open Houle l ~S Sat. & Sun. 24166 J•gger, El Toro 2846 E. PACIFIC COAST HWY . CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF. (71•1 640.8484 General COMPLETELY UPGRADED Fantastic 3 bedroom home with plush shag carpets and i'.Us t om d r apes. "Decorator's Delight". Lots o! wallpaper, Close to Mesa Verde Gel! Course OJl a qu iet street. Another Coats and Wallace exclusive at $4 :1 ,9 3 0. Ca l l f or appointment. NO\V! Ne1v on the marke\~! General HUGE TRI-LEVEL 5 big bedrooms. Separ<ite entry. Gigantic living room. PALOS VERDES flreplace. Mirrored walls. Flocked wallpaper. Huge fa m i I y room. Luxwious carpeting! Country kitchen. Separate UTILITY R00~1 . Extra large master suite! Full wall of glass! 37 foot COVERED PATIO! Outside lig hting. OVER 2600 SQ. }!'.!•Tri-levels do n't last! Call now! 9&3-6767. ELEGANT BLUFFS VIEW CONDO Highly upgraded Trina model featuring 3 bdrms., 3 baths & formal dining rm. Custom VanLuit wallpapers & lush shag line car- pets. Xlnt bay & Mt. view. Special all elec. information. please ca 1 ! ~ COATS """''"· . c .. ' __........._.. · W WALLACE ,_.-· REAL TORS blt-.in kitchen. $75,500 . · C. F. COLESWORTHY 640-0020 WE HAVE RENTALS Lochenmyer Realtor Walk er &Lee RlAl f STA l f -. ' I I ~ THE REAL ESTATERS I ~;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;~G~e~ne;;;;' a~I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I R. 1 ~~PL~~ ~ ~ Y ~soo ..... ~1111'llll'111'111~ 2 BR Duplexes .$34,950 FRONT ROW-IRVINE TERRACE Open Sat. & Sun. 2-6, 2001 Baya dere Ter· race. A custom built hon1e by a builder fo r his own use. 4 bedroom s, 3 baths, 3 car garage. Finest jetty Yie w. 1'1any custom extras. $235,000. IRVINE TERRACE CHARMER Open Sat. & Sun. 1-S. 1537 Santanella Ter- race, Just llsl.ed , 3 bedrooms. 2 bath. in ex- cellent location. Many recent upgraded fea- ture.<:_ Super so uth fe nce d ycird and trees. l·lurry. $69,500. A BEAUTIFUL LIDO HOME Open Sunday 1·5 at 137 Via Venezia. For a fam ily that wants everyth ing. 5 bedroo111s, formal dining, 5 baths, large fainily roo m with fireplace. 52 foot lot. $1 65.000. IRVINE ESTATE Nestled just beneath the crest of the beauti- ful hill s of Irvine. Spani sh vil l<l , 5 bedroo1ns, 3 baths, vaulted ceilin g, air conditioned. A panorarna fron1 1nounlains. to sea. Large lot, rOom for poo l. ros e g~rden. Nun1erous custom features. $129 ,500 FEE. GIVE THIS A LOOK 4 bedroom with view in Bluffs. Invites com· parison. As clean and liva ble as they come. Nov,i pricea to sell at $72,000. OCEANFRONT SPLE NDOR 7 Units , . _$59,500 Beach Duple x .$119,500 Call toi· ai!1 iltlonal in ro f'i12·1771 17!17' Orant,;r. Ave .. C.!\1. *BY OWNER* HA RBOR \'IE\\', i\·Tonnco rrH'ldcl, 3 Brhm, 2 Bi\, bea1111fullv decorated s, l!1ndsc<1pt!d, 8 H ~ k e I lJ a 11 ro111·1 In hat·kvRrd. 19~1 Port i)'.ll'kslcigh Pi, NB. SG6.900. Vnc<1 n1 & re;:i,dy to move! 642-40.\'.l. PENIN. FIXER /'lfodi:r11 3 P.R. 2 BA, Penln· s11la 2·s:!nry h0me : Bltns, bean\ "rilinr;~. fi:nli', dining, IJVCf·SIZl'rl i,:ar. St. to 5(. n.2 lot VrH•;ir1t ~ ininnr \\'n rk re· 4ulrt•d: Vr1111n~tJc 1·aluc at $57.:-.00. l~ll\' dnv.·n TD's or trarlt.' OK'' C1dl 64;...IMOO. OFF! ER\'! • V. f.,. lto•anl & Co. Kr-.1 t:.a... a....,., ... Newport Hei9hrs $42,500 Grrrit :i hcrlrnom W l th fireptnrr on lnnzc Jot, easy room :ind pla1·es to f'xpand 1n or rnclost.'d breezeway for addi1in11;i \ rnom. One hlock 10 H.<trhor High. Open Sat/Sun l-5. 2:>07 Holly Lpne, s.n. -546--4141- (0pen EVcnings) MACNAB IRVINE FINER HOMES A LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN Perched on the edge of a glorious park, 2-- story, 3HR/FR cheery sunshine home sur· rounded w/used brick & lov e. Hurry!! $80,000. Lois Miller 642-8235. ·I F33) BAY & OCEAN VIEW Gorgeous 4BR, 31h bath, FR, formal DR. New carpet & paint. Beautiful pool & pa· tios. $135,000 . OPEN SUN. 1·5 p .m. IOI KINGS PLACE. (F34) DELIGHTFUL! 4BR/FR-sharp home w/lovely atriu1n. Best value in University Park @ $57 ,900. Laszlo Sharkany 644-6200. (F35) CONTENTMENT IS ... a home in Shorecliffs. 3BR 'Smartly done in custo1n quaJity decor. Gourmet kitchen w /fireplace. Private beach & you ow n the land! $98,500. Helen Hartley 642-8235. (F36) DON'T BUY in Big Canyon before you see th is magnifi· ceent 4H R/FR + study & pool home. $159,500. OPEN SUN . 1-5 p.m. #15 CY· PRESS PQJNT LN. (F37) SACRIFICE ON DELUXE CONDOMINIUM 4 Cu sto1n quality thruout. 3BR or ·2 + den. 2 fireplaces-1 in master suite. Expensive drapes, sh~rs & shades on all windows . A/C. View of Mnts. $6-0,000. Loi s Egan 644-6200. (F38) . . ORAMATIC CALIFORNIA CUSTOM Redwood & glass-in door/outdoor feeling created by Herb Brownell. Fanta stic fami- ly living w/children's wing & rumpus room. Secluded upstairs master suite w I den & fireplace. $160,000. B. Morphy 642-8235 . (F39) EXCITING VIEWll Charming 6 bedroo m. 4 bath hideaway. .. ..~o.rmqus glass-wal led living room captures~ white Water 1-80 degree vie\v . $349,500. · ..... ' ... .. Harbor View Spyglass!! Brand new!! Sharply decorated ! ! 58R/FR & formal DR. $94,500. Laszlo Sharkany 644-6200. (F40) '· . \.. ' "' ",:,, ''. " " 1,. . .. ' '-· LIOo' iSLE ESTAT.E Large 4 bedroom home on tw o lots near tennis courts, swimming pool wi th separate poolhouse. $149,950. . LAGUNA BEACH C·I Excellent to deve·lop for ' small commercial aricf apartment. Clear ocean view. $60,000. •. • 65' BOAT SLIP-LIDO To go with this large slip , an immaculate well designed 3 bed roo1n home. Excellent view from living , dining, kitchen , enclosed ]>Oreb. $195,0IQ ·-.... · LIVE LIKE A DUKE "'fo'antasUc Bayshores with 182 foot prime bay frontage . 4 bedroo ms, 41<!. baths, large d'ock, lpool, .f. car garage. Offered at $495,000. . . Open Sat. 2·S. 2692 Baysho" D,. ......... -- 644-1766 Coldwell.Banker ~ 2161 Son Jooquin Hlllo Rd., N.B. 5 UNITS PRI~1E LOCATION' ~ eln!!e tQ everything. Street to strcr>t grounds. BE'ITER HURRY! Call 645--0303. IOIU\I LOl\O\ !:' ,,. ,-: ' '·' 2199 Harbor Blvd . PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP $38,500. ThiA ra11tnsHc 3 bcdroont 2 hall1 home ~hows like n modcL J)ouhl1• b r I c k fil"t.'p!acr country kitchen. lorgr Hvln~ room nnd 11 for111nl dlnirl~ room, All thl11 iiurrounrlf'r'I hy pnrk llkt< ground~. •lurry Call Red C:i ri1f't, Rrnllnrs ~40. POOL & 4 bedroom & prtme location. Bnrgnln priced f6t f11 st 1111.le at $37,900. A real r.u tle~ Call now 847-«llO agt. "HIGHLANDS" DELIGHT 4BR home in Cameo Hl~hlands. P artial Ocean View. Sparkling inside & out! Beau· tifully )andscaped . $73,950. Jack Custer 642-.8235. (F4l) OCEAN & NITE LITE VIEW Model perfect 4BR + FR. Authentic Cap- tain's Cabin. Highly customized. decor, beautiful garden & fountain. $97,500. Helen/ Ken Hartley 642-8235. (F42) A ROLLS ROYCE WOULD FEEL AT HOME HIRE Smashing Newport Heights view home. Quality construction. Onl y $64 ,900. Lois Mill e r 642-8235. ( F43J IOI Dow' Drive 142•1231 1"4 M•cArthur M•·l200 Gener• 1-5 THIS AFTERNOON IN CAMEO HIGHLANDS -Active, artistic or both! 4 bdrms., canyon view , ocean too, only $87,000. Janet Lehn1an will be there. 507 Rockford Pl1ce1 Co ron• del Mt r IN OLD CORONA DEL MAR -Second week· end open, delightful duplex. Rai sed hearth, used brick fireplace, beamed ceiling, interior pa tio plus an over·the·garage un_it th~t is just as cute and clean. $84,000 and unpat1ent, Peggy Spiess wi ll be there. 616 Iris, Coron• del Mir IN WESTCLIFF-Better hustle clean 3 bed· room, pool ho1ne with shag, beams, only $63.000 ! Ma rge Ell more will be there. 1215 Pembroke, .... , ..... Wtstcllffr N.B. IN CORONA OEL MAR -So. of Hwy., huge duplex exciting features, 5 bdrm. unit and 4 bdnn unit, $134,000. Pat Young will be there. 618 Acacia .............. Coron.a del Mar IN THE BLUFFS -Rare virttage "E" plan with total Back Bay views, 3 bedr1n s., family rm., $89,000. Dorothy Johnson will be there. 1959 Vilfa ,Ctudel .. · ...... Newport Beach IN CORONA DEL MAR -New listing that is vacant. 2 Bednn in charming area. Large enclosed lanai. Cute! R-2 too! Gil Ide will be there. 709 Marigold ............ Corona del Mar IN CORONA DEL MAR-New 3 bedrm home with all modern features and facilities. Cozy, -Unique inco1ne un its in rear. South of ~igh way. No\v at $110,000. Mar ri yn Shuff will be there. 424 Dahlia , ......... Corona del M .. r IN SHORE CLI FFS-GOTASEE IT! Charm· ing yellow 'n '"hite, board 'n batten, 3 bed rm + den, pe gg ed floors. beams, etc. $110,000. Marjorie Mahon \vill be there. 277 Morning Canyon ...... Corona dtl M!lr IN OLD CORONA OEL MAR-New listing on an older lot home -Lott>a character ! Beams, spacious 3 Bdrm plus charming rental home. Lot and a half for only $76,000. Zoe Ann Rhodes will be there. 504 Narcissul Corona del Mar IN WESTCLIFF-2 bdr1n , 2V2 bath condo secluded ye t conven ie nt to shopping. Amaz- ing Newport Beach value at $39.500. Vergi- lene I-lull v•ill be U1ere. 1061 Dover Newport Beach ON SPYGLASS HILL Comfortable ele- gance, delightful 4 bedroo1n, (could convert to 6) with pool. view, pe rfecflo1t~ $189,500. Vody Ne lso n will be there. •19 Point Lomf , Spyglass Hill, Corona del Mar Gener el /Jiu/~ feaft'I PRESENTS For Interested Buyers * OPEN HOUSE TOUR * THIS SUNDAY-AU DAY Stop In at THE BLUFFS "Main Re- sale Office" far tour directions • 2414 Vista Del Oro (Ad min bld9 I A Selected Few North bluffs plan "W"-4 Bdrm, 2'AI bath, family kitchen-end unit wiUt over sized patio-4\6,950. See John Sellens at 421 Vista Roma . San Bruno St. "1-lacienda"-r are single story end unlt-3 bdrms., 2 ba .. newly redecor. incl. paint, carpeting & Spanish fir. tile-- vlew to pool & greenbelt. Special offering at $52,500 . See Meritta Schwer at our off ice. Grand "E" plan-gorgeously decorated end un it with 4 bd rm & family rn1. Truly ele- gant at 187,500 including land. See J oy Smith at 507 Playa. Choice early area "Mini Vil la"-spacious 2 bdrm, 2 bath, pool side townhouse--j>rime Vista CaudaJ address at $56,950. See at our office for private showing. Big Canyon view home-new & exciting, 3 bdrms, 3 baths. Bordeaux Plan-very real· lsticall y priced at $108,500. See J oann Kenton at #7 Rue Marseilles. 2305 Vista Huerta-Bluffs Plaza-It's a super "C" plan. So popular. yet so scarce. OUr ·air sol ute leader at $45,500. Meti culously main· tained, tradit ion.ally elegant. 2 Bdrm. split· level, greenbelt view , shan1efully low owner· ship costs. See Don Fulbr ight at the prop- erty. 209 Nata (off Nob!iza ); _an exciting, new style of Bluffs living, plan "R" (2180 sq. ft.), 3 bdrm. home in a tri-leVel deelgn. Panoramic view of bay & city light s. Gour· met k.itch., formal dining r1n .. a sumptious mstr. suite. Offered at $87 ,500. See Gerry Llnquilti at the property. Space Hmits fi!ll invenrory Please stOp in & avail yourself of our personalized Open H o u s e Pra9ram. Bluffs R••lty-Adm inistration Bldg--644-1133 2414 Vilta Del Oro, N.B. _ Gen1ral General :zL, ) • l TARIEUR1Mi98S: ~I HARBOR VIEW HOME I EASTSIDE Absolutely immaculate! COSTA MESA Features 2 bedrooms, 2 : Just listed! Sharp 4 bed· 1 ON TOP OF THE REAL ESTATE MAAK·ET WITH THE baths. 1..-0vely den. Beau· roon1 , 2 bath ho me with NICEST PEOPLE SELLING THE NEATEST HOMES ti~u l su.nk en livin g '.o.om ,Jo vely front co urtyard. CORONA DEL MAR. 675·6000 with f1'.eplac~. J?1n1ng I La rge use~· brick ftr. MESA VERDE. 546_5990 • CALL us r~om . Big family k1cthen1 pl ace, Dining area off ~--~------=--.------with self·cleaning oven I the kitchen. Forced-air General General & dishwasher. Patio, heat. No dn. G.I. low dn. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;; lpa r k Ii k e ya rd . $ 63, 900 . all others ! Or assume FOR WATERFRONT LIVING Call 540·1720. 16o/<'l'c loan' Full price, AT ITS BEST .... 132.500. Call 540-1720. CHANNEL REEF APTS G.I. SPECIAL I SEE TO IN CORONA DEL MAR No down on this beauti· i APPRECIATE H, CEDRIC ROBERTS · BUILDl!R AND RESALE BROKER FM Purchale or Lease Information Call MARGARET CONNERS 71U7J.5170 2525 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar ful 4 bedroom with fami · Deluxe 3 bedroom, 2 ly room & large bonus I bath tow nhouse wit h room! Marve lous floor slate entryway. Lovely plan with warm, vibrant atrium. Rear living rm., decor. With fireplace, famil y room, firepla ce. built · ins, dishwasher. Builtins & dishwasher. Forced air heat. Water Swi1n pool, patio. Best softener. $40,500. Call lot in the area! $37·,500. V j 540·1720. Call 540·1720. <" 2955 .HARBOR BLVD. i COSTA MESA 540-1720 I . ~ ; I Otner•I Gener•I : ; ' .... .. . ~' ' .. * Balboa Bay Proptitfes * .. J ... BAY AVE. • MESA'\iERDE • ~ 4 Unlts-$75,000 Cust. bit. 4BR. Lux-(I OCEANFRONT urious pool w/jacuzzi. \· - Nifty duplex Best loc., 1 blk from $155,000 67>-7060 golf course. Bargain at ----1 $64,500. 1142-7491. OPEN SAT /SUN. 1-S General General BEST IN BLUFFS FABULOUS BRAND NEW CONDOS All with custom cpts., drp!. latest kitchens, lovely wide greenbelts, 4 great plahs - l ·LEVEL, lge. 3 BR, !a m. rm., 2 baths, prl· vate courtyard entry. 1900 Sq ft., $74,500 . E ·PLAN, bayfront, 2450' 3 BR, 21'2 ba., form. din., !am. rm. w/extra frplc. & wet ba r . G·PLAN End Unit , 4 BR. 3 ba, form din. Ca· thedral -beam. ceils. Custom thru·out. X·PLAN, 3 BR;"2\& ba, la m r m, form. din. A beauty, w/view, only $68 ,500. HELEN B. DOWD REALTOR il44-llll4 Daily Pilot Classified Ads for Action ••. Call 642-5678 1111 GISLER LIDO SANDS On the golf course. 3 3 BR. 2 ba. home. BR,' 3 ba. home w / Steps to ocean. Drive pool, 3 Car .gar. $79,500 by 4804 River Ave.,. ~ N.B. $49,9&0. 673-7420. Gener1I REALTORS • r'l1 4 Loc•I Olflc11 to 5,,,,. You Lil O.~.r•J __ _ SEA VIEW VILLAS Condomlnl111t1 OPEN DAILY 11 TO 5 Pre1ented by Nolin Reil Est11e, Inc. Great white water view from each unit, over· looltlng Monarch Bay. Starting at $68,IM. Early Mediterranean styling; 2 BR., 21'. baths to S BR. plus family rm., 2\lo baths; patio•· fantastic amenltle1 ! Directions: on Crown' Valley Pkwy.1 just off of So. Coast Hwy., In Laguna N guel. for further Information coll: 496-65$1 i • l . . ~I I I 1 OPEN HOUSES FOR SAT. 1 BR. I. FAMILY RM. OR DEN 536 Wes tmi rlsler Ave., Newport Beach 646·5938 $39,500 \Daily) 21 21 Tustin Av~ .. Cos ta ri.1esa 645·6646 (Sat & Sun 1·4) 2 BEDROOM 221 Coll ins Ave., Balboa Island 640-1120 $58,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2595 Crestviev.• Dr . (Ba yshores) NB 644 -1766 $59,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2821 Ocean Lane, Cor.ona del Mar 644-1766 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 607 Larkspur. Corona de] Mar 673-8550 $61 .500 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 301 Amethyst, Balboa Island 675-7080 $84 ,000 (Sun 1-5) I06 The Rialto, Newport Beach 646-3255 \Sat & Sun 1-5) 343 Santa 1\n:i, Newpo rt Beach 646·0555 $46.500 \Sun 1-5) •43 7 Seaward Rd ., Corona del Mar 644-7211 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1201 W. Bay . .\ve., Balboa Peni nsula 675-0123 $99,500 (Sun 1·5) 2 llR. & FAMILY RM. OR DEN 1860 Port Wheeler (HV ~Jomes) NB 640-1120 $69,500 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 213 Fernleaf, Co rona del Mar 640-1120 $99,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 112 Via ~lentone (Lido Isle) NB 673-7300 $94 ,500 (Sat & Sun 2-5) 27 Ru e Grand Ducal {Big Canyon) l\1B 644-8543· 640·0986 (Sun 12·5) ., 409 Columbus Cir. (Corona Hlds.) CdM 675-3000 $B6 ,500 (Sun 1-5) 1224 EsS'ex (Westclilf) NB . 642-B235 $64,500 (Sat & Sun 2-5) 709 ~1arigold Corona del Mar 675-6000 '$73,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) 2 BR. I. GUEST RM. 312 Poppy Corona clel Mar 673-8550 $70,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 3 BR .• 1939 Federal, Coita Mesa . 645-3822 (Open daily) 1717 lrvine Ave., Newport Beach 642-5200 $65,500 (Sun 1-5) 451 62nd St. (Newport Shores) NB 642-5200 $45 ,900 (Sun 1-51 1951 Port Locksleigh Pl (HV Homes) NB 642-4033 $66 .900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2006 Vi sta Caudal (The Bluffs) NB 675-3535 $82.500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2637 Vista Oranda, Newport Beach 644-2336 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2030 Holiday (Baycrest) NB 644-1766 ·$89,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) • 1120 \Vhitesail s. Co rona del Mar fi44-0228 $82 .000 (Sat & Sun 2-5 ) 2701 Vista Umbrosa (The Bluffs) NB 644-4910 $7B ,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 304 Otero (The Bluff s) NB 675-3000 $69.500 (Sun 1-5) 204 Kings Pl, Newport Beach 673-3663 $117,500 (Sun 1-5) 234 Palmer (Newport Heights) NB 644-766 2 $40,950 (Sat & Sun 1:3().5 :30) 1833 Port Barmouth, HV Homes 673 -B550 $67,200 (Sun 1-5) 292 Knox Place, Costa Mesa 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 547 i\liso t\ve, Ne\11po rt Heights 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2147 Vista Laredo, Newport Beach 675-70BO $53 ,900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) • 20472 S. W, Cypress, Back Bay 54().0804 $43,950 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2507 Holly Lane, (Newport Hei ghts) NB 646-3255 $42 .500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) I I Rue Verte {Big Canyon) NB 675-6900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 24166 Jagger, El Toro 640-8484 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2 Rue Chateau Toya! (Big Canyon) NB 644-4910 $139,900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) • 1215 PerribT-oke (\Vestcliff) NB 675-6000 $83.000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 543 Santa Ana Ave., Nc v.•port Beach 640-0555 $44,900 (Sat 1-5) 2716 Shell St. !China Cove) CdM 642-B235 $133.000 (Sun 1-5 ) 41 Royal St. (;eorgc !Big Ca nyon ) NB 644-1766 $154.950 (Sun 1-5) 3334 1 h-farlin Sptke, Lag una Niguel 644·1766 $69,500 (Sun 1-5) • •233 Via Lido Soud (Lido Isle) NB 644-1766 $195,000 (Sun 1-5) 33501 Binnacle, Laguna Niguel 644-1766 $59,950 (Sun 1-5) 133 Shorecliff Rd. (Shorecliffs) Cd M 644-1766 $125,000 (Sun 1-5)• 3~~ Lugonia ~t., Newport Shores . 646-7 171'.. . ' . ' . ' '(S1i'n 1·5) · · · •934.Junipero,. Costa Mesa , 645-0303 (Sun 1-5) 302B College, Cosla Mesa 546-2313 $32.500 (Sun 1-5) J BR. & FAMILY RM. OR DEN 1000 Cliff Dr., Newport Beach 548-4192 $59,500 (Open daily) 25631 Padua Laguna Hills B30-IB63 ' (Fri /Sat & Sun 10-4) 2036 Commodore (Baycrest) NB 833-39B5 $69,000 · (Sat & Sun 1-5) 26302 Saddleback Dr., Mlsslon Viejo 870·7650 $4B,750 (Sat & Sun l-5) 34022 Calle de Bonanza, San Juan Capo 493-9692 $69,500 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 3326 Maryland Cr, Costa Mesa 979.3585 $41,000 !Open HM!) 1721 Port Ashley Pl (HV Hornes ) NB 644-6480 $67,500 (Sat & Sun 1-4) • ••5 N. LaSenda Dr (3 Arch Bay) So. Laguna 642-299 1 $159,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3800 Inlet Isle (H.V. Hllls ) CdM 644-B070; 644-0818 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2033 Pt. Chelsea (HV Homes) NB 675-3000 $169 ,000 (Sun 1-5) 1003 Bonnie Doone (Irv Terr) CdM 675-3000 $146,500 (Sun 1·5) 2200 Windward Ln (Baycrest) NB 675-3000 $82,000 (Dally 12-5) •1100 Sandpipu (HV runs) CdM 675-3000 '87,500 rsun 1-5) DIRECTORY llHp l'tlh ... 4y .Hrwfory wtn ye11 rtrill ... ll:llltd • yo• 1• h•11t•ll1111tl•t· All th• loc•tl•"' lltf-4 klow •1• ,.., tcrl._ I• trHMr detoll It, •d•lftltlttt eiMWH'e h1 t•do.,'t DAILT PILOT WANT A~S. PetrOM tlrl~wlllf .,... •••'" hr Mio •' t• ,.,., •r• 11r1ff te 1'1t 1uch l11f•r-'I•" I• tlllt ,.1 .. "'11 -h ftld4'y, Set11rtlsy ••tll S1111dor. 304 St. Andrews (Newport Heights) NB 646-7767 $63 ,000 (Sat & Sun 12-5) • •65 Linda Isle {Linda Isle) 642-B235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1324 Estelle, (Westcli!!) NB 673-8550 $61 ,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1126 Goldenrod , Co rona del Mar 644-7662 $77,000 (Sun 1-5) 5102 Skinner (The Ranch) Irvine - 675-3000 $44 ,500 (Su ~ 1-5) 279 Brentwood Place, Costa Mesa 548-6032 $37 ,900 (Daily I-5) 1851 Pt. Tiffin (HV Homes) NB 552-7500 $72,500 (Sun 1-5 ) 1959 Vista Caudal (Bluffs) NB 675-6000 $89 ,000 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 277 Morning Canyon Rd (S horecliff) CdM 675-6000 $110,000 (Sun 1-5) •1811 Gisler (Mesa Verde) CM 556-BBOO $79,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 919 Arbor, Costa Mesa 642-4450 $28,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2784 Waxwing Circle, (Mesa Verde) CM 545-9491 ; 557-9267 (Sat & Sun 1-5) •508 San Bernardino (Newport Heights) 645-6646 $45,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 301 Orchid , Corona del Mar 644--7211 (Sun 1-5) 3423 Santa Clara , Costa Mesa 546-23 13 $42,500 (Sat 1-5) 2361 Notre Dame, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $34,900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3600 Sur!view (HVuHills) CdM 644-1766 $79 ,900 (Su n 1-5) 350B Surfview Lane (HVuHills) CdM 644-1766 $72,900 (Sun 1·5) 3414 Seabreeze Ln. (HVuHills) CdM 642-B235 $76,900 (Sun 1-5) 8242 Manderville, Huntington Beach 962-4471 $44 ,950 (Sun 1-51 •909 Ti ller Way (HVuHill s) CdM 644-484B $B6 ,500 (Sun 1-51 • 1112 Berkshire Ln. (Baycrest) NB 642-3600 $69,500 (Sun 10-5) 1130 Berkshire Ln. (Baycrest) NB 642-3600 $64,000 (S un 10-5) 3217 ~tinnesota, Costa Mesa 546-23t3 $42 ,400 (Sun 1-5) 3213 Montana, Costa Mesa 642-0200 $40,900 \Sun 1-5) • BEDROOMS *BBB W. 19th St., Costa Mesa 546-1168 $-l0,000 (Sat & Sun 12-4) 1726 Ocean Blvd, Balboa Peninsula 673-11266 $79,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5 ) * •2021 Bayside Dr, Newport Beach 673-6900 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 1721 Paloma, Newport Beach 646-7711 $56,950 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 5341 Strausborug, Irvine Ranch 646-7711 $42,900 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 2632 Vista Ornada (Bluffs Condo I NB 673-2222 (Sun 1-5) 4541 Brighton (Cameo Shores) CdM "644-1766 $279,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2113 Miramar (Penin Pt) NB 673-9060 $79,900 (Sun 1·5) 105 Via Nice (Lido Isle) NB 675-5200 $92 ,BOO (Sun 1-5) 425 Seville, Balboa 642-823? $97 ,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 101 Kings Place \Newport Heights) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1821 Tahuna Terrace, Irvine Terrace 673-8550 $137 ,500 (Sat & Sun l-5) 1707 Port Charles, Newport Beach 675-7080 $68 ,950 (Sun 1-5) 20251 Kraimer, Huntington Beach 675-7225 $61 ,000 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 17532 l.J.Jther Ave, Irvine 675-7225 $49,500 (Sat & Sun 1·51 18275 Foxglove Way, Irvine 552-0858 $59,900 !Sat & Sun 1·5) 1819 Beryl Lane, Newport Beach 646-0555 $57,500 (Sun 1-4 ) 4615 Cortland (Cameo Hi ghlands) CdM 642-8235 $73,950 (Sun 1-5) 410 Vista Suerte (Bluffs) NB 642-8235 (Sun 1·5) 3039 Carob (Eastblu!O NB 644-6200 $96,500 (Sun 1-5) 1007 Oro, Laguna Beach 675-1219 $52.950 (Sun 12-4) 1015 Oro, Laguna Beach 675-1219 $56,950 (Sun 12-4) 1248 Morningside, Laguna Beach 675-1219 $B2,950 · (Su n 12-4) 1396 Morningside, Laguna Beach 675·1219 $94,500 (Sun 12·4) • BR. & FAMILY RM. OR DEN 1627 Port Abbey (HVu Hornes) NB 644-8909 (Sat & Sun) 420 Kings Rd. (Cliff Haven) NB 642-5200 $125,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1719 Skylark (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) 215 Agate, Balboa Island 642-5200 $169,500 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 1320 Antigua (Dover Shores) NB 644-1766 $129,500 (Sat & Sun l·S) ••204 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB 673·7300 $249,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 14 Tor rey Pines Lane, (Bl~ Canyon) NB 644--0648 . Sat & Sun 1-5) 2421 Buckeye (Eastbluff) B 644-0047 (Sat & Sun 1'5) 20012 Treasure CirCle, Huntington Beech 962-4495 $37,900 (Sat & Sun 11·5) • 1536 Dolphin Terr (Irvine Terr) CdM 673-6900 (Sat & Sun 1·5) • •50 Lind a Isle Dr (Linda Isle) NB 673-9060 '250,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1812 Samar, (Mesa Verde) CM 546-5880 (Sun 12·5) 7 Twin La kes Cir (Spyglass Hill ) CdM 644-49 10 $125 ,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2951 Catalpa (Eastbluffs) NB 675-3000 $73,000 [Sun 1-5) 2201 Wind ward ( Baycrest) NB 675-3000 $85,500 (Daily 12-5) 186 Shorecli!fs Rd {Shorecliffs) CdM 642-8235 $229,500 (Daily 1-5) 27381 Vi a Prirnero, !vlission Viejo 642-B235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 283 :rvtorning Canyon tShorecliffsJ CdM 642-8235 $160,000 (Sal & Sun 1-5 ) •1954 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 644-6200 ·(Sal" Sun 1-5 ) •1933 Santiago (Baycrest) NB 644-6200 $ll5,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) •5 Torrey Pines Ln (Big Canyon) NB 64().1711 (Daily 1().5) 425 Via Lido Nord. Newport Beach 675-7Al4 $132 ,500 (Sun 1·5) 2567 Colu mbia Dr· (Co llege Park) CM 833-3200 !Sat & Sun 1-5) 29415 Vi sta Plaza. Laguna Niguel 644-7662 $47 ,500 (Sun 1-5) •3801 Inlet Isle, l:larbor View Hills 673-8550 $125 ,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 3002 Royce Lane, Costa Mesa 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1-6) 2907 Ebbtide (Harbor View Hills) CdM 675-7225 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 5 Point Sur (Spyglass Hill) CdM 675-7225 $139,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 5752 Oakley Terrace, Irvine 675-70BO $115,000 (Sun 1-5) 1300 Santanella (Irvine Terr) CdM 673-3663 (Sun 1-5) •3816 Key Bay (HV Hills) CdM 675-2015 $94,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3343 Nevada, (Me sa Verde) CM 540-4141 $47,500 (Sun 12-5). 653 Cove St, Costa Mesa 54().1151 $29,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2515 Blue \Valer (Broadmoor) CdM 673-3663 $110,000 (Sun 1-5) •2915 Setting Sun (HY Hills) CdM 675-2373 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2212 AraJia .. (Eastblu!!) NB 640-1120 · (Sun 1-5) 507 Rockford Pl (Came<> Highlands) CdM 675-6000 $87 ,000 (Sun 1-5) •• 19 Point Loma (Spyglass) CdM 675-6000 $1B9,500 (Sun 1·5) 128 Via Ithaca (Lido Isle ) NB 642-ll8B $129,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2515 Holly Lane , (Newport Heights) NB 644-7211 $43,950 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2021 Aliso Ave, Costa Mesa 675-0936 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 173 The Master~ Circle, Cos ta Mesa &ID-1151 $64,500 (Sun 1-5) 1976 Kornat Drive (Mesa Verde) CM 536-B836 $65,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1930 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach 646-7 171 (Sun 1-6) * 200 Via Barcelona (Lido Isle) NB 644-1766 $149,950 (Sun 1-51 1070 Pescador (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 $114,500 (Sun 1-5) 915 Till er (HVuHomes) CdM 642-B235 $97,500 (Sun 1-5) * 15 Cypress Point Ln. (Big Canyon) NB 642-B235 $159,500 (Sun 1-5) 25 Rue Grand Ducal (Big Ca nyon) NB 644-6200 $139,500 (Sun 1-51 9601 Jura , Huntington Beach 962-4454 $51,000 (Sun 1-5) 19382 Weymouth Lane, Huntington Bch. 962-Bl 49 $65,000 (Sun 1-5) 2601 Lighthouse Ln. (HVuHi!Js) NB 675-6900 (Sun 1-5) •2416 Les Parre, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $36,000 (Sun 1-5) 204 Via Ithaca (J..ido Isle) NB 675·0123 $124 ,,00 (S un 1-5) S BEDROOM * •434 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB 673-7300 $235,ooo (S un 1-5) 2004 Kornat (Mesa Ve rde) CM 640-B4B4 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 8152 Lancaster, Huntington Beach 847-6010 $44 ,950 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 5 BR. I. FAMILY RM. OR DEN 626 EV1erald Bay (E merald Bay) Laguna 494-7578 $167,500 (Sun 1-4) 305 Robin Hood L..ane1 Costa Mesa 646-1203 $69,500 (Sat & Sun 1-6) 1607 Castle Cove (S pyglass Hill) NB 673-2222 (Sat & Sun 1-4) 1 Linda Isle Dr (Linda Isle) NB 644-4910 $250 ,000 (S un 1-5) 14 Oakcrest Ln (Big Canyon) NB 644-4910 $295,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1337 Galaxy Dr (Dover Shores) NB 644-4910 $225,000 (Sat & Sun l -5) •5 Royal St. George (Big Ca nyon ) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun i -5) •B Oakmont Lane (Big Canyon) NB 64U200 $345,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1706 Port Charles, Newport Beach 675-7080 $77,000 (S un 1-5) 1956 Flamlngo (Mesa Verde) CM 546-4141 $54,500 (Sun 1-S) 384 Meadow Lane, Newport Beach 646-32.55 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 6 BR & FAM. RM. 1524 Keel Or. (HVuHills) Cd M 546-0303 (Sun 1-5) CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 2305 Vista Huerta (Bluffs Plaza) NB 644-1133 $45,500 (S un 1-5) •1061 Dover, Newport Beach 675-6000 $39,500 • Sunday ftbruM, J, l<J74 31156 Flying Clo ud !Jr , Lagun• Niguel 496-9406 $47 ,9UO (Sun 10-51 l OR l BEDROOM 33672 Blue Lantern. Dana Point 644--1 766 '79,500 (Sot & Sun 1-5) J BEDROOM 263 7 Vista Omada (Biuff>J NB 644-2336 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2221 Vi~ta norado (The Bluffs l NB 644-7662 $69,500 (S un L30-5 ·30J 458 Orion (Superior Nr. Dana.J NU 644-7662 ~8 .500 (Sun 1-5) 209 Nata (North Bluffs) NB 644--1133 $B7,500 (Sun 1-51 •7 Rue Marseilles (Big Canyon) NO 644-1133 $108,500 \Sun 1-5 ) 31423 So. Coast Hwy, •79, So . Laguna 642-llBB $89 ,950 (Sun 1-51 • BEDROOM 835 Amigos Way (Eastbluff Terr) NB 644-7493 $49,900 (Sat & Sun 10-5) 18275 Foxglove Wa y, Irvine 552-085B $59,900 (Sat & Sun 1-5 1 4 BR & FAMILY RM OR DEN 42L Vista Roma {N orth Bluffs) NR 644-1133 $56 ,950 (Sun 1-5) 507 Playa (North Bluffs) NB 644--1133 $87,500 (Sun l-5) 2424 Vista Hogar, (Vis ta del Oro- ftild a lgo) Bluffs 673-8550 $52,500 (Sat & Sun 1-51 6 BEDROOM 835 Amigos Way I Eastbluff Terr) NB 644-7493 $66,500 (Sat & Sun 10-5 ) DUPLEXES FOR SALE l BR & 1 BR 719 r.farigold, Corona de! Mar 644-7270 $77,950 (Sat & Suri 1-5) 123 4_3rd St, Newport Beach 644-72ll (Sat & Sun 1-5) 701 Acacia, Corona del Mar 675-5930 $75,000 718 Orchid, Corona del Mar 2 BR EACH UNIT 703 Carnation, Corona del Mar (Sun 1-5) (S un 1-6) 642-5200 $85,000 (Sun 1-5) 122 Opal. Balboa Island 675-4000 (S un 1-4) 300 Jasmine, Corona del ti.1ar 675-3000 (Sun 1-5) 515 Marigold, Corona del Mar 644-4674 $92,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 616 Iris , Corona del Mar 675-6000 $84 ,000 (Sat & Sun 1-4) 3207 Broad Street (Newport Heights) NB 645-8080 $51 ,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) --2 BR & DEN EACH UNIT 427 Poinsettia (Old Corona) CdM 675-7225 $129,500 (Sat & Sun 1-5) J BR EACH UNIT 109 Sonora, Newport Beach 557-2804 $108,000 (Sal & Sun 1-5) J BR & I BR 619 Acacia Corona del Mar 644-7662 '$89,950 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 504 Narcissus , Corona del Mar 675-6000 $76 ,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3 BR & 2 BR 118 Garnet, Balboa Island (1) 9B l-1123 673-691B (Sun. I ) 700 Narcissus, Corona del :ri.-Iar 673-4400 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 129 35th St, Newport Beach 673-3663 $99,500 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 407 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar 644-7270 $105,000 (Sun 1-5 ) 400 Jasmine. Corona de! Mar 644-7270 1114,900 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 3 & DEN & 2 BR 62 1 Narcissus, Corona del Mar 673-6510 $99,500 (Sun 1-5) 706 Narcissus Ave, Corona de! Mar $11B,500 (Sun 11-5) 3 BR & FAM & 3 BR 424 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-6000 $110,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) l BR & FM RM EACH 505 Acacia , Corona de! Mar 673-6510 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 4 BR & J BR ••1008 E . Balboa Blvd (Peninsula) NB 644-1766 $250 ,000 (Sat & Sun 2-6) **910 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Penninsula 675·0123 $1 54,900 (Sun 1-5) S BR & FAM & 4 BR 618 Acacia, Corona del Mar 675-6000 $134,000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) TRIPLEXES FOR SALE 3 BR EACH • •413 Via Lido Soud , Lido Island 646-633B $225,000 (Sat & Sun l -5) LOTS FOR SALE 515 Riverside Ave .. Newpon Heights 646-7171 (Sun 1·5) HOUSES FOR RENT 2 BR & DEN 1860 Port Wlll!eler (HV Homes) NB 64().1120 $450 per mo. (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2 llR I. FAM. RM. 227 Morning Canyon (Shorecllfls) CdM 675-722~ $500 month !Sun l-5) 4 Bedroom 2648 Vista del Oro (Bluffs) NB 644-1480 $400 month (Sun 1-5) • BR I. FAMILY RM 67 Monteclto (Spyglass HUI ) Cd M B75-7225 $\000 per mo. (S at & Sun 1-5) • , .. 1 * * W......tr•ll'f * * * WotorlfM!t & Peel DAILY PILOT 11 ~ OPEN HOUSE Harbo' Hi9hiand• Sunday 1 to 4 I li•~'""1111'. "r l Ii N r 1•·11 J h;ith:., 11 .... 1 .. d 1· .. ,1, ro1<.-.r•·•J I'~'k" l(.1r1i.;,. '1J •1r oµo'n .. r, lluJIT UIS 1.~7.j(Jfl 1HU! Bl·l")I l~111c, !\"\o.'J.l'•n l\c'IH')I The BERG Co. '-MOBJLE-HOME- FOR SALE , i SJLV ERCREST 1~'0 ~?,B~LI;> ~~~~·,,1·p, dr Ill• ol, !1ll-H1~, I• 11 IJ!, II ;, .,t ., I '· '·I•'' I !I " <'! , II 11 t 'o j fHI' :~·I 11 1r 1•111111 , \;ll•'il 1 I•" 11. -.11 •1 .i .:.1• '!" • l. lo111• I· "' .oJ·•··I 1•.i t1" Th···,. It·, i.1,1 -!1k .. 1111 Lo ·.i11U 0 111 111•11 1nll.ll p1, ;111 ;1y Jn .. 11 ll••l~'i )'! 11!)1 > !1.d[ lo] 11ull1 1·l11h· huu~·•' .~l'.1, l'.J~J. I ',,JI l:'.\"L:.; :n .:.1,:11 11:!JU CAN BE SEEN AT , CRESTMONT l 1n~,1 S1!·E ~J.~~~·~'. c .. n1rt1 1 ,\1 0· .•t'l'>ls . .; tr•1n1 llr't•;, c·,.01111 Jlu~p f J,.11 II !G t '••"\T \f'T I{,\\', /'l->. ;i.u ;1t f1 >I' '-il••\1!111£.__ __ Just Listed! Woodsy Canyon & Ocean View I lnt•'l'"~r111~ :1 h " 11 1· 11 " 111 , !;u 11!1,\ nJo-11n h••1n1 · 111 ru,;1io• ::1·r!11t1:. l \•'Al11<'1 I 1"•111111:.~. ('Ill if•• li.'ll' !01·;1tu•n f<•r l't'.'ll S\·o·lu~1011 ,•10~1· Ill Oca rh. tl7:~ '6~)\), OPEN TIL 9 • !r'S FUN TO BE NICC! 1 · ,· ; ~ OCEANFRONT LAGUNA..)U)~\Li:~ :..o. 79 Luxurious own yu11r 0..,."11 arr . 3 bdrm. \\'lth priv;1 1e \('rr:trr. Sun l)L'ck. SJ>('rtacul1tr v if'\\ s. OPEN SUN 1-S S!l'L~l level, South end. '.<t l-123 So. Cn;i st Hwy, Snu\11 Lagunit 499-30R3 OPEN SAT /SUN. 1-S 118 VIA ITHACA Lido Isle: 2-stv. 4hch111. ,i:, den. RPdPcor. shHrp rnrnily honie. $129,500 642-1188 Bluffs cunrlo, fee f,'l.nd; on lhP i.:reenbell. Less than 2 yrs old. ·1 &inns. or 3 + den; 3 b11tl1s. S84.500. OPEN SAT /SUN. 1-4 1607 Castle Cove Spyglass Hill; loeaut, view from 1nos t 1...-10111!-rif lhls ~ hdrm. hon1t>. fo'rplc. in !iv, & f;:1mily rm!!. ~~xquisi!ely d c .:: o ra t e 1! . $139,500. LOTTA HOUSE LITTLE PRICE $22 ,995 FULL PRICE ITh,.. 1ran .. rrrrt'1I n11·nt'r n1ust ~··II lhi i: 111 111Hu•11 l11t1· onf' , yt-ar old honh', \ 'on1p;u'ahl+' I nrw model.c; RN.· scHinij' ror S1-J,;-:{l(I; so ynu'rl bener hurrv nn lh1s ont:<' Call :.,.t=,..~i.19 1 Walker &lee ~t•L t JTAf I $25,750 -BEACH MOVE-IN-9UICK 2 .story 1vi!h · rrn1r11l /\ir Conrl 1t1f>n 111g. Prin1e beRi~h nrea. \\'alk 1'1 nil shopping, ~)l(l(>ls. L.1n:;t' J\\'1ngroom. .Sp11einus kitchen. Family siie bcdroon~,. _ L a r g e privntf' yarrl.~'>Slx:iat ion 1naintaincrl. Hurry on this one. Call 842-Z'lJS,. OPEN 17L 9 • rrs FUN 70 BE MCEI 1.======= ~~ CGND0-$27.000. 'fhl~ he11.utif.ul tanta!itlc 3 bedroom, 21,, hft!h rondo Loca.tt:'d in choice IU"en. Close lo everything. Form a I dining area nn<I ;i 2 car enclosed g11r11~€'. tnkes little <lown. J.IUllRY v;on't IAst. Cn ll Red Carix•1. Rea ltors >J&.8640. PERFECT family bQn1e near park & i;ch<lfll.~. 4 hclrm. 3 OOth11. r1unily rm ,t-_ living m1 \l.'/Ui;('{t hrick WOQrl .bumini; llN'plRet.•, Ulcated In i;n1A !l (!t'1'1•lopmf'nt on cul0cfr··~l\l'. C"luly 2 yn old & tns1r!11ly dr,·1•rl'ltl'li, B11 O\\'nt'!' l17,~)(l 1.~~J3 Parkv1sla Clrr lr . Cost11 ~\ l' sa . 6'12-lif~l .. _ -----so titf!•' $ ml)\'t'!t ~'f'U ltt!O 4 tll'<tn.V>1n plu~ P'"''I In r rlir1l' l l1Jntington J\f>rich. F'ull prlre 1~ S:\1 .. 100. t'11ll for dC't11 it' R17-8ltD llJ[t. 1 · ) ' . . • . D fl OAILY PILOT Gen.era I S¥nd<iJ, F"tbn.llrJ J, 1974 ener•I Genffal ~=== ~ral GeFMral WESL~:y N TAYLOR CO. REALTORS si nc!' I H46 BEST BUY IN SPYGLASS -$125,000 NEW & shi1ti11g ~ Ready for occupancy. Many extras. Fully ldscp. 4 BR "Nt!W Bedford" w/l<'ll, OR & Jge rumpus rm. Includes land. 7 TWIN LAKl::S CIRC . SAT/SUN l-5 LINDA ISLE BAY FRONT -$2S0,000 Be first to see this luxur ious 5 BR home. l''R v.·/v.·et bar, forn1. DR, great kitchen. Un· usual instr suite. Lge rooms. Pier/slip. l LI NDA ISLE DRIVE OPEN SUN 1-5 BIG CANYON SPECTACULAR -$291,000 Fabulous view of exclusive country club from this 5 l!R custo1n home. FR, lge DR & rumpus r1n Gorgeous pool in courtyd. J4 OAKCREST LNE. OPEN SAT /SUN 1-5 THE BLUFFS -TENNIS CLUB VILLAS Brand New! l·Slory models ~ Grt. location. End um l. 3 BR, DR. ""Linda" model. $74 ,950 End un it. 3 UR. OJ{, "Paula" n1odel, $74,950 Corner 3 bdrrn, IJFl. "Linda" n1od el. $78,500 2701 l(!STA UMU ROSA SAT/SUN 1-5 BIG CANYON "BORDEAU X" -$139,900 Prof. decorated 3 E\R condo home. View of ocean. Corner location. Outstanding kitchen & patio. Private nlaster bedroom terrace. 2 RUE CllATEAU 110YAL SAT/SUN J-5 DOVER SHORES -$22S,000 Finest conslruction in this go rgeous custo1n built ho1nc. 5 l3drms, fam rm, lge formal DR & 4'h baths. tluge jacuzzi. Air-cond. 1337 GALAXY DR OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 BEAMED CEILI NG BEAUTY -$91,SOO Sleek & shi.ny 4 & fain rm in Lusk H.V. Hills. The price includes the land too ? Big shady patio & lush ld scp. By appt please. WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. 2111 San Joaquin Hills Rd. NEWPORT CENTER, N.B. 644-4910 General ASSOCIATE OF THE YEAR - COATS & WALLACE REALTORS is proud to announce t h a t PHYLLIS SAL YER was named ASSOC I· ATE OF THE YEAR for 1973 by the Hunt· ington Beach-Fount- ain Valley Board of Realtors. This honor was presented to her at the recent Realty PHYLLIS SAL YER Board .<\wards Ban- *BALBOA IStAND * Elclusives l BR. +; oo full 1111, 1''ull price 157,5<Xl On <:holc•e block nr. NOt'th llf1y. Ideal 2-sty., yenr 'round home wl!h e:ottrfl lrpl1· In n'"tr. ~lrlrm . Lgc. 2·bdrm. tspl. ln ri!'ar. Llt11{' Jshuxt. Ye11r 'rourul 3 bdrm .. l~ bath home wit h vlew ul South blly, plus 2· Wrin. apt. 011 rear. Best posslble locri.t lon! Extra l~e., custon1, srurdy br1i:k home: 4 bJrn,.s., OP., den w!lh lrplc.; :xlnt ]Ol'.fl.· thin. Pnced below replac~- 1nent 1·os1. Set>. thlsl 2 Bdrm. front house ~·11h ex tra lge qualily rl!ar npl. with lrpll'. + lgt>. ~llCSI rni. & bath, Put10. shore n1oor1n;.;; fl'<tl' apt. & guest nn. ~orth Rsking pril'l' & get !'Ide r, good cond. 2 bd· rrn. !runt huuse free. Bay[ro11t. first time offerPd, prl11ate pier with roon1 for cxrr<i lgf'. bo11t. H11i;c t1on1e on 11t1: lots. Open huuse S11 t., Sun. lQ to 2: 1107 No. Boy- front. B{'!i\ 2 uni!:; R\';111. 2 RP... h\1tjSe + l·IlH. aµ! N••ar North Uay. Xlnt !oc. $88.500, Custom bayfrQn !, 50 x Iii~ ft lot; pier . bent h. 3 BR. + lge. gues! rm . ovl'r tnple garage. TI1e be!il of every- thing! Ex1r11 parkin~ for 6 cars. O~n Sat./Sun 12·5. 2021 Bayside. IRVINE TERRACE Custon1 home! 1 txtrms., den, dining nn.; lge. µcol : 11e1v 1'arpc!s & Uonr coverings. Open house Sat. & Sun. l to 5: 1536 Dolphin Terr. CORONA DEL MAR Fc·w steps to Ulg Corona Beach. Best lil'efl.. Rel'.e ntly redec. 2 BR. 2 ba : lrplc., patio. ;69,500. Solis bury Really 315 MARINE AVE. BALBOA ISLAND CALL 67:1-6900 MESA VERDE MODEL HOME ** ** ** Heritage Collection MESA VERDE EXECUTIVE HOME OVERSIZED 4 Bedroom on one level. family room, dining room, 3 baths, service room, new carpets, drapes and paiut. Beautiful n1ove·in condition. Full price $59,000. Call S40-11S1. NO DOWN YA 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH -Mesa Verde home. Great location~ Close to shopping and sc hools. Large added lanai complete \\•ith fi replace & room for pool table ett. Subn1it your offer on this one! CALL 546-5880. SURFER IN THE FAMILY? LET YOUR CHILDREN ENJOY life al the beach. Only 2 blocks to ocean or bay on pres- ti gious Peninsula Point. 5 Dedrooms. 3lh Baths, billiard roo1n, \vet bar, separate family room. $1191500. CALL 540·1151 . SPANISH VILLA 2.-STORY Adults only to\vnhouse, adjacent to ~1esa Verde Country Club. Park·like set· ting with beautiful pool and grounds. Offer· ed al only $39,500. CALL 546-SBBO. LOTSA ROOM 4 BEDROOMS, FAMILY ROOM -2 baths. big unfinished playroo1n, close to schools and churches. Lots of extras. Asking $29,000. CALL 540-1151. MESA VERDE 4 BEDROOM 1800 SQ FT OF LIVING fo r only $44,950 . lea· tures incluQe over size bdrn1 s, lge dble brick frplc, hvy shake r oof, beautiful front kitchen, AND covered patio surrounded by many trees. 4th Bdrm convertible to formal din· ing or den. \Von't last a v.•eek-CALL NOW! 546-5880. RENDEZVOUS CONDOMINIUM CANNOT BE DUPLICATED -again in NeY.'port Beach. Rare opportunity to live on the oceanfront for less than $100,000. Top floor \Vith sensationcil vie\v, security building, subterranean garage, elevator. 2 Bedroom, 2 bath 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, CALL 540-1111 TUCKED AWAY $71.000 $69 ,500 IN A QUIET CORNER OF COSTA MESA - neat 3 bedroom home, on oversized IOt, with plenty of room for boat, camper, etc. 2 Sepa- rate storage sheds (could be a v.•orkshop). Co mpletely fen ced and private. F'u ll price only $29,000. CALL 546-1880. TIH.' custom carpets und REA' "JQRS r!r;ipes are jui<I :1 Je,~c or ~1 L .. ,. /~ele Barrell f<eafty prejenb PANORAMIC COASTAL VIEW CORONA HIGHLANDS -Seller really moll· vated to sell this beautiful custo1n home. 4 Bedrooms, 31h: baths. Very versatile: can be 5 or 6 bedrooms, or 2-family in ·law homes. Fee land too! $145,500. CHECK LIST OF PLUSES ALL NEW -Exposed beams • For1nal din· ing room • Quality kitchen • Oversized garage • New and in Newport Beach, $64,500. 1717 Irvine Ave., N.B. Open Sun 1·5 SUNDAY MATINEE NEWPORT SHORES -No charge. take a leisurely look at this 2 story charmer full of light, sunshine and color. 3 Bedrooms -walk to ocean, pools and tennis courts. Only $45,900. 451-62nd St., Newport Shores, Op•n Sun 1·5 BAYCREST HARO TO FINO -all these basics : 4 Bed- rooms, fa1nily room, fornlal dining room. J...ocated in one of the nicest areas in to\vn . 2 Fireplaces and large yard \vith plenty of roon1 fo r a pool. 1719 Skylark, Newport Beach, Open Sun 1-5 DUPLEX • CORONA DEL MAR SOUTH OF HIGHWAY -Very attractive Genera eneral llAYCREST Super Sharp three bedroom, 21> bath horne. Open bean1ed ceilings, warm !am· ily room and new carpets are featured inside. Be.autifully landscaped and room for a pool. $69,500. HARBOR VIEW HOMES· , Popular "Carmel' Model. Three Bed ... rooms, Formal Dining Room, Family Jloom and a sunny kitchen. Well located , · and on fee simple la·nd. $69,500. NEAR THE BEACH Like new two bedroon1 home in Old Coro- na del ~1ar. L.arge living room, formal dining room, den and just steps from beach. Extra \vide lot with room for an income uo\.t $99,500. DELIGHTFULLY DECORATED Super Monaco ~Jodel in 1-larbor View Hon1es. 'fY.'O Be<lroo1ns, Custom Den, Formal Dining Area, Large Kitchen and as cute as can be . $69,500 or lease it for $450 per nlonth. BALBOA ISLAND Neat l\VO bedroon1 house \vith lots of island charin. Open Beamed Ceilings, t·ute Patio and located a\vay frorn the crowds. $58,500 EST ATE REALTY IJOl AVOCADO DR .. NEWPORT CENTE R 640-1120 sh in gl e arid.brick. 2 Bed room, one story ho use 1 ;;;G;;•;;";• r;•;.l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;G;;';";;';;':• l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; separated by nice pa tio and new 2 bedroom I• upper unit. Separate laundry and s torage facility. Excellent va lue at $85.000. 703 Carnation, Corona del Mar, Open Sun 1-5 SUPERB LIVING • KINGS ROAD CUSTOM QUALITY -over 3000 sq. fl. -3, 4, or 5 bedroon1s. \\'ith lovely pool and en- closed patio. Beautifully decorated, vie\v of ocean and bav. $125.000. 420 Kings Rd:. Cliff Haven, Open Sat/Sun 1·5 Office Open Saturdays & Sundays t PETE BARRETT REAL TY 1605 Westcliff Dr., N.B. 642·5200 SALESPEOPLE ARE YOU ENJOYING l , An excellent, liberal commission plan? 2. A very liberal bonus plan? 3. 'fhe best Corona <lei t¥1ar location? 4. No manage1ne nt competition? 5. Unlimited n1anage1nenl assistance? 6. No advertising expense? . 7. Representing a 25 year old company with a record of conlplete integrity? 8. Agreeable and helpful associates? _L/,,,,,~#/1.'.~ t!!"'_ ._ .•J/ ~ If you'd like to disc~1ss these reason s for en· n~ .;;;>""""" Joying your pro fe.;~1on please call 675-3000 quet held at the Sher- aton Beach Inn and is ~iven annually to recognize outStanding individual service to the Real Estate profession. Her many achicve1nents include Board Publicity chair- man 197:l, Regional Chairman 32nd District CREA 1973-74. Slate Director CREA 1973-74, Associate Director Local Board 1974. Phyl~ lis has been a 1nember of the COATS & WAL- LA CE team since 1970 and in addition to her n1any lloetrd activities has consistently sold ih excess of ON!~ l\1ILLION DOLLARS in l{c~I I::statc each yeBr. For profe ssional handling of your R.ea1 Estate needs we sug- gest you call PH\'LLIS. ~~~el!f;[(:~~ o~~e~~ea;t·~~~ ~ HERITAGE the many fearures offered tiy this f1nr homl'. Excc!lcnt ~:;:::::;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:::::;::::~I Mesa Verde location at a !! price Jes,.<; lhan you'd pay Genera1 General "' ""'""' 1111 REALTORS [ ;i.'""'"""'"' HOMES OPEN l310YE•g:l IPl.1 It g(l •• f.ldl .. ·. COATS & WALLACE REALTORS 962-4454 9045 Atlanta, Huntington Beach An l ndrpcndent I...ocally O\vned Company Se,.-v1ng the 1:5each area for over 10 years. Offices in J·lunt in gton 13each & Costa rvtesa ... for a ne'v hon1e in any o!h{'r Rn'.."a. Fr1r furth r>r ln !orn111tlon please call. 51:>-9191. 9UARTER ACRE 1 MINI-RANCH OPEN Trt 9 • IT'S Fl.JN TO 8( /'/l\.f.' Raise your own groceries - The oranRt>S and walnuts arC' already here. Extra building !or your farm Implements and extr a vehicle. Oversirle doubll' gnrage for workshnp 11nd hobbies. Enough~ Not yet - 2 brdrooms ;ind rlr n v.·ith 2 baths 1n Sp:inish s tyl" 11 t no extr11 charge. $31,750. Call 546-2313 I G•n•ral Genoral re ~ 1~~~~lU ~ CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX OPEN SAT./SU N. 1-l 700 NARCISSUS ,Ju~t listed, c·on1pletely rernodelcd. All new <1ppli::111cl.'s. upgroded carp. & drapes . A 1nust sec for the investor. THE BLUFFS lfcrc is the house everyone V.'ants, a spa· cious, yet cun1pact ho1ne ; secluded & scenic , yet convenient to everything. This is the Je\vel you ha ve been looking for . Immaculate in e\'Cry respect! BRAND NEW CONDO 2 1Jdrn1 s .. 2 l><.iths, den or 3rd bdrn1 .. wet bar: swimming, tennis plus all the appoint- ments for gracious beach living. WiU sell be\o\v cost at $65,000-or will lease/option ~ lease, or trade. Ready for an offer! Submit. HARBOR 2141 E . Co1st Hwy., Corona del Mar "'S.lllng Real Estate In Newport Harbor Since 19«" Gener•I 673-4400 General FOR EXCHANGE e A MOST ELEGANT 4-BEDH00~1. J~BATl-1 CHALET ON LAK~~ ARROWHF..AD GOl..J-' COURSE. e WAITT INCOME r ROl'ERTY OR COASTAL Al<F:A HF.SIDENTIAL. IRWIN & IRWIN REALTORS 1100 E. CoiSI Uw\'., COful\11 dlil Mdt . CA •l }fJ}'• I/ l 4J ti44·6111 e EXCHANGE SPECIALISTS e ,, && 301 ORCHID OPEN HOUSE f irst lime on m:i rket sin"" nr111. A bPautlfully rrmodt-ll'rl 3 BR homr >.1.•ilh huge mn.~tvr suite, 3 baths. and a family room only one block from Ocean Blvd. Opt'n Sun 1 to 5 $96.~ CAU. 644-721 l 7°/o Assumable Loan Near Beach & Golf Club Spaciou!I 3 bdrm, 2 bath, lovely Pflllo 'In beautiful Laguna Niguel. Sm;i!l down move! you in. 646-7711 - OJ>en t'VCS. -'"""- Walker &Lee lllil llTA!f ISSUME 1 % LOAN Only $8.500 down lo this VA loan. lmm1culate J..bdrm, ram ml, dbl fireplace, dllrk I'm, cul-de-llac street. Fine l ocatlon . T OTAL PAYMENTS ONLY $280 per mo. For this or others 24-hour phone. PACIFIC REAL ESTATE 642-0lOO l.O\V cash lo 11ssun1e 7'/c VA Joan with t o tal p11ymPnt.~ of $202 per mo. Shnrp & clean! r~ull price S29,9(X). \Yon 't las! -see now! 841-6010 ag1. Ariy day ls the BEST DAY to run lln sd! Don't delay. CI.ASS SELi A<; -&12-51i7R * * * * * * BALBOA ISLAND NEW LISTING * * Two 2 Bdrm., 1 ba. apts. in the 100 block. A1nple parking or r oo n1 for expansio n. 122 OPAL OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 TOP RENTAL PRODUCER 3 Bdrm., 2 bath home + 2 bdrm. garage apt. Xlnt. cond. Shown by appointment only. CHARMING WATERFRONT 2 Bdrm., 2 ba., 2 patios + sundeck. Ample parking for 3 car s. Dock for 18' boat. HELP ! ! ! ! V\'e need an energetic real estate rental & salesperson to work in our congenial office \V ith a true Balboa Island at1nosphere. CLARK SOMERS, REALTOR 306 Marine, Balboa Island 615-4000 * * * * * * ) General ,.. . ~ - IT ONLY LOOKS EXPENSIVE On Street of Elegant Homes but -$94,500 is the full price for this 4 bedroom, 2Vt bath waterfront with 1epar1te dining room, family room, atrium off master sujte, 35' boat slip. Hurry for this onel ·CALL SHIRLEY SHERMAN VALENTINE'S DAY Will be great if you buy your sweetheart thi s enchanting l lh story custom built waterfront home. Rustic interior, used brick and shutters lend cozy warmth to this Immaculate 2 & den, 3 bath home. T he garage is any man's dream. So many extras-a real "must see to appreciate". Step out to a unique 40' dock, complete w/water, elec -just right for Cupid's Chris.Craft. Drive by and lose your heart today. 3321 Falkland, H.B. CALL PAT SWAIN SHE WILL DART RIGHT OV~I;I WITH KEY TO YOUR HEART'S DESIRI':! Huntington Harbour Realty 4241 Worner Ave., H.B. M6 0641 1-s THIS WEEKEND 01 y 1 o ass1 1e IN CORONA DEL MAR-Walk lo the beach from this rustic duplex in a supt'!rb location on a city parkv.·a y. Front house has 3 bed- roo1ns, panelled Jiving roo1n and cozy brick fireplace. All new carpets, drapes, and wall coverings. NEW 2 BEDROOM UPPER UN IT has huge OOnus r oom for a future 3rd bed- room. $114,900. 400 Jasmine .............. Open Sit/Sun IN CORONA DEL MAR-Like th ings new and a patio too ?~ ,\I\ new wall, v.·indow and floor coverings in front 2 bedroom unit . Ove rs ized double garage & exlra targe one bedrm apartment. Priced $77 ,950. 719 Marigold __ .......... Open Sat/ Sun IN CORONA DEL MAR-Custom home and income too~ South of l-l ig hway. Large 3 bed- roo1ns. 2 baths. and separate dining roon1. On a woodsy 40' lot with a 2 bedrm apt over a 3 car garage. There is a large assun1- ablc private loan at Bo/o. A low $105,000. 407 Heliotrope ............ Open Sunday CALL 644-7270 2828 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar WE CAN HEL' YOU IUY, SILL, Ofl TitADE A HOME ANYPLACE IN THE NATK>N General CORBIN • MARTIN EXCLUSIVE LIST CdM -O.cean side hwy., dream house plus guest house .................... $72,500. HARBOR VIEW HOMES Somerset 4 BR. -t· family rm ....... $82,500 Harbor View Hills, view, pool, 3 BR., fami· ly rm. . ............. Reduced lo '11:000. Laguna Niguel, 4 Br. + fam. Rm ., Vu $47,500 • ' ' THE BLUFFS • Linda model (lease or sell ) ......... '69,500 Trina model, consider lease/option $69,500. Newport Beach 3 BR condo ...... ,48,500 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 BR, 2 ba, lam rm, lg lot .........•. $40,950 'NEW DUPLEX 2 BR, 2 ba each unit. .............. '102,000 CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX A real Gem!! ................... $89,950. TO BUY OR SELL In Costa Mesa, Corona del Mar and Newporl Beach Call 17141 644-7662 CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS I General General BALBOA GIANT 2 STORY $54,950 STEPS TO BE1\Cll -2 story Vermont farm· house. 4 bedrooms including hide·e-way master suite with master bath, separate guest facility with pri~~te bath .. country kitchen \'lilh bean1ed ceilings. Family room and for1nal dining \vith view. Private gar- deu patio and dance pavillion. Call 645-0 303. BEACH GIANT 5 + D.EN $25,950 FANTASTIC VALUE. Rambling ranch nestled minutes from, sancfy beach. 5 bed· rooms -1-step dowrr dW&. formal dining. Large country kitchen , datt.'-kraom and en· tertainrrs patio. IlET1'.ER '"'ti~" Call 645-0303. .,, WATER WONDERLAND BAYFROHT LUXURY "BALBOA COVES"-The utlmate in recr1>- etion, seclusion and luxury. Private sandy beach and boat dock in your own beck yard. Elegant home featuring unique archltec· lure and hand craftsmanship. Huge court- yard entrance. 4 bedrooms includ ing private master suite with 3rd bath. Gourmet kitch- en. Family den wJUt crackling fireprace. Large living r oom and formal dining over· looking entertainers patio, sandy shores and peaceful bay waters. WON'T LAST. Call 645-0303. ., ENGLISH TUDOR Sweeping corner grounds end towering trees embrace the elegance of a real English Tudor. Peaked roof 2 story with leaded. and diamond wlndow9. 4 bedrooms Including view master suite, coxy den and maids quarters. "PUB" TAVERN KITCHEN with buUers pantry. Gourmet dining. Leaded stained glass windows. Elegant parlor with crackling fireplace and diamond picture. window. Large patio and giant Engllsh lath hou se. BRAND NEW ON MARKET $49,950. Call 645-0303. FOREST E. OLSON , r~, 22tt Ho-llvd. MllJOS ' . ' . . • ,. ·- I 'M OCEAN & IA Y VIEWS Corona del Mar, great cmtom home, aboYe ocean & bay: all rooms with. breathtaking pano ramic views , Unusual forest & moat·like en trance. 3 Bdrrns., music rm. & artist's .<ludio . By app 't. only. $285,000. CAMEO SHORES SHOWPLACE ~~.xquisite 3 bdrm. home with large ramily kuchen plus 2 bdr1n. & family rm. guest house ror a total or approx. 4,000 sq. ft. 4,000 ~q. ft of Relgian tile in driveway & surrou nd· Ing hu ge pool. built at cost of $30,000. Finest drapes, ca rpeting & appliances thruout. Re- done at cost of $37 ,000 in 1973. By app'l only. $155,000. LUSK HARBOR VIEW See the fine views from this charming 3 bd- rm _, fa1nily rm. home, \Yith 2 frplcs. & pool. Priced low at $86,500. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 909 TILLER WAY Orange Coast 2600 E.Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar REAL ESTATE 644·4848 General Back Bay Co,..,. d•I i;t;;, Coron• clel Mtir CAPTtVATING HARBOR AND OCEAN VIEW OPEN SAT. & SUN. I TO S 291J SETTING SUN DRIVE A GREAT 4 BDRM., FAMILY RM.+ POOLI FOR A FUN FAMILY REDUCED ~ 10,000 RACHELLE ROBERS, REALTOR 3333 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR 675-2373 Corona del Mar ATTENTION DEVELOPERS South or the Hwy., R-2 corner property. 7 Bdrm. home hos open beamed ttll\ngs, lrplc:., lge. kitchen. A l-6<1m1. 2nd unit. Asking $75,C:OO OPEN SUN . 1-l 701 ACACIA l*II•U•J * 675-5930 * Coron• dtl M.r OPPORTUNITY! Thia grnclow 4 BR home Is the buy of a li!elime! Magnlflcent ~an view, beautiful landsc:aplng, all ln lip top cond!Uon -YOl.l can hone11tly make yuur own otter on 2907 £bbUdc OPEN TODAY 1-5 p.m. SPYGLASS! The Harbor Area's magic ~w name. Two brand new home11 . B ot h h ave unbelievable views -One, '1$7' one story -laJ'ldscaped a.nd de<."Oraled I.! FOR SALE tor $139,000 and the other , Npt. lch. l.ar9e Lot -T .... 11 4 lednn. SeautUul street. walk to all scllools, approx. 90 fl. krt. 4 bedroon1, 2 bath, Jarg~ ram.Uy room + spacious dining room. Lush rear yard with 2 patio!. sUfTl'.JW'lded by trees. 646-171 t Ope-n eves. Walker &Lee ··-l .. , ... FAIRWAY HOME ON ME SA VERD E COUNTRY a..ua GOU, COURSE. Big 2 11tory, 4 bed.rm, 2~1 bath, din nn & den. Panoramic vie\\', Orick fl.replace. t, as t po~kln. Priced to st'll, $65,t'.XXI. CALL 53~1136 Huntington 8e1c EXECUTIVE l• Cue1ta M4in1lon OVERSIZE POOL., formal din nn., lg l•m nn, l s:pac ba t hua:e 11:11.n1e rm. App~ 2900 MJ I I . Translrrred. OCEAN AIR PRICE HEDUCED -4 Br, lam rm \lo"/lrplc. UnJque ktlchen w/extras . Cath~ral ~\llngs. Sul)f!r cpt1 lht"UOUt, cu.111 dr1~. Owner trans!erred. $3',SOO VACANT -3 Br. 2 Ba, approx 1600 sq It . Fully crpld, drpd, cov parlo. New paint ou1~!de . Nr shops/frwy. VAi F}{A or terms to suit. BRASHEAR REAL TY 842-7411 or eves 968-11711 Meredith Gardens! T!IF: PLACE !O li\•r·. S/rikirt~ 4 BR 3 BA f')(CCU[l\!f .. S homt' wilh U1t• 111osl ilr.;1n1ali1· Uv1ng room you ha\'e ever ~N'n~ Gian! .scr~·ened patio, lar~1· !l'et".S, p;tnPl!~J cll'n. 'lO'l':>l Cralrnl'r -Oix·n Today 1-5 $61.000. Call 675-7225 Sunday, Ftbnl&ry l , 1~74 Dl.ILY PILOT 8 7 Irvine lrvlne Laguna Beach OWNER MUST SELL University J:>ark Condo, beautifully upgraded & newly decora ted, 2 story, 4 bedrooms. 2'iAJ baths, huge 1naster bedroom with beamed ceiling&: fireplace. Corner-location on green- belt ... Near large pool. Many builtins. Elec. garage door opener, s prinl<ler, Fee land. Only S23. n1aintenance. Owner will carry 2nd TD. $59.900. OPEN Sl)lj. 1-S 32641 MEDITERRANEAN LAGUNA NIGUEL All attr., nrarly new C'Ofl· 1emp. wllh 4 bdrms., 3 1 bn.thll, tormnl dlnlnl{ rrn. & famlly rm. 5;''1mmln~ p o o l jacu:ui, gent•ruus ould0<1r llvlnt:: with patlo!I & d~cks & a tu\\ ocean v\t,\•, Prlct-d to stll et .$129,500 18275 FOXGLOVE WA Y. 552-0lll OPEN SUN. l ·l 898 HILLCREST ___ '.\ Bdrn1.s., 2 bnths, remodel- Huntington Be•c~ 1 Irvine •'.'d. '"'Ith soartnK open iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiil I C ULVERD •LE ~t;c~:.11 c~'~t1~~~No~lh "'~~1 ~ vl t'"'' ll>l:ation. llcducl'd lib TOP SALESWOMAN !tPntHUully rll·l-ornt('<I 4 Bil $7!l,500 I two s1ory w·lth lal'.i;:t• p.11i~. OPEN SUN. 1-5 h•t~ t"lf 1·u.stun1 fl'a\ur\'.s a.nrl 946 QUIVERA lhP flll'l'>l .o .... nl'r.~ yuu 11·ill ;\ Bdrms;. l_ baths lge. llv· 1•1·c•r b•· in t'Sl"~11 iv\lli.; lng &"dlnl1'g flrl'As. Ocean HC'd1u·L·d tn $49,500. 1753. vlf:w·. A ~rC'at y,·ay to J.:<'l l.11fhl•r ~'"'·Open 1-5 11.111. s tnrl<'d [n l.a!:'llna. $56,500 l "11 G7:>--7ZZi COMMERCI AL The BERG Co. Succes sor lo 'T\;,·o slores \\·ilh surccssfu! busir11.•ss ICn11nr s. p!u.~ J npts. a1 .... ·11ys h illy rl'ntcd, inc.I. ndjnct·nt. vrttan1 C-1 In!~ lncorne, d1.•precia1ln n. plus !u!urc df'vrlnpmC'nl 1 011por tu11 ity. l..oc'Ati.'d on San Clrn1rntf''.s ml\\n .shop-) pin),' s trrrt. $99,500 WESTCLIFF AREA POOL HOME OPEN SAT & SUN 1-5 A· I Country Home 3 BR. litrge kitchen, SE"parate ri!nln~. huge yard, po o I , $·l:'l,9SO. 2W72 S\V Cypress. ,,.,._ 3629 E . Cit. !fwy., CdM Ope11 Home Cor011a del Mar Bachelor Pad a 2705' one story Is FOR ,'"""""""""""""""""'""''" I LEASE for $100l. a monl.h 1 · ..-::;.ill and the lucky tenant can Veterans No $41 ,000 FULL PRICE 'l'his beautiful pool home ls u rt•<tl vnluc on tOday's rnnrke!. 1'hc huge trCt'- sh1uied lot gives this home Nc\\'jXlrl atmosphere at othC'r area prices. For further: inforn1ation, please Call : 545-9491 81lboa Island NEW C\Jstom duplex. O~n housl' Sun 1-5. 118 Garnet. 111981-1123 or Sun. 673-6918 2 ADJOIN ING lots, 60' w/1 br house-7 hr furn. Owner, (71~) 673-5177. B•lbo• Penin•ula PRICED RIGHT Hanrlsomt' 2-$tOry 4 BR, low mainlenance homt', Sleps to bay & OCt'an. $79,500. Hollis Wood Rltr 673-9266 VACANT. 4 BR, ram. rm., With Pool A 1••<'11 rk-cort1t~ 2 OR 2 BA Home wlth spacious n1astl'r rulte :irw:l nc:cl"SS to prtvate co1nmunlty beach - only $f>!l,~i00 ·137 SF.A\VAHD no. OPEN SAT & SUN 1 10 5 Call 644-7211 ma I lge. kit. 2-Sty. $84,500 ~--~--~ ~--, Marshall Really 675--4600 ~ ·1 Baycrest WaJ.~~X.~.Lee owNERs MOTIVATED HARBOR VIEW I. Ty,•o exct>ptional rentals. Lovely Palermo model on ~real t'Ornf'r location next lo ~l't'enbclt, schools and pools, Only $525 m o . Speclacular Portofino in Pha.c;e 3 -orft'red way wxlcr tht' market at only $475. * VACANT * OPEN HOUSES J BR, J BA. '"'"' paint & lovely cpl. 2 used brick SUNDAY 1 ·5 lrplcs, lo n1alnt yard, big ,~';;;'~'~ ~!rCT.;~~; * BALBOA PENINSULA 1'!01 W. H11y Avr., Supl'l'h &iv vir,11. ('u1r ~ tilt .~ 2 llA horn1· \\I /hu1:e yard. On 1{·2 "orr\f'r k11. $99.~>m. * LIDO ISLE 204 Via lth11ca. Gn-at family holTlf!. 4 HR. den, ~ BA . Many ot tu•r f e .'I I u r c 1 . $124,$00. * OCEANFRONT 910 E. OcP11nlronl. Nt•11.r nrw !'lupll"X. 4 BR k 2 BA tip. 3 BR & 2 BA down. Outst1tncl lni:: \'itlue. $154,900. '3tlttingh1m Rc1lt9 FEACTCAs 3116 vm t .ido 6750123 LEASE · OPTION BAYSHORES $2,000 Option n1011ey & $395 per month hOlds thl..s 2 + bdrm. home for fl year at a aelling price rif $.'ill,ro:l. Consirler rent also. on n1onth to month ba sls. NEED A DAOOY A Mom & some klddlrs to make lhis truly lovely, \'ll(';inl h(•1nc happy ' : ! Harbor View Hills, top C'Xec. 11rl't1: !nr l. de co ru !o r rlraJ>f's/ca rpcts ... clcan, too! PM>l<'ss la ndscaped garden. .t 7X,!il)') HOPE GERRIE RLTR. 644-8070 644-0lll FOURPLEX $82,500 Delu:.:e units •vlth 1)1vncr's J Bcdroonl, 2 bath hnnle + 3 rc11la.ls, 2 bedrn1 ca{·h. PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP, OE:LUXE 1-IOME a. nd trplc, vt>red patio, 1130 Berks $64,000. RHODA MAGIL, RL Tit / 714 : GU-3600 College P•rlit 4 BR, nno crpt, paint & drl>s. WU! l'lna.nce. 2567 Columbia Dr. 8l3-Jl00; '56->7"1. Corona d•I Mar 610 HELIOTROPE Open for a few minutes stanlng at l P.M. Sunday. Come prepared lo make a bargain. SSS.500 Univ•rslty Realty 3001 E. Cs!. Hwy. 67US10 JSR, JBA, pool, 40xal, Prof. \lllldscpaed & x t r a s , Re'Cfuced ro S82,tlXl. Prine. only, Open Sat/Sun l.l20 \.'t'hitesails, 644--0228. READY TO MOVE 4 BR, f.am nn A 5uper pool on FEE land ln Harbor Vlt>W HUl11. A "Ek-st Buy" flt $94,500. P11.c. Prop, 675-2015. 2 SEP. houus on 47' R-2 lot, beaut gardens, gd, Inc, So. ot hwy $89,~. PS Rlty, 644-8616 2. The best huy of a big 5 BR home on the market loday. Like new condiHon. p r orcsskin.a.l larn.l..cnpln~. Itt land, anri a cooperativf! Sl'ller. Only $81,500. Call ~= Th• BERO Co, Suc:cffsor to Quiet Please!! It's A Slffper For an active family that wou.ld value a nearby gr&S!y park and teMls courts. A well plannf!'d 3 BR 2 BA. Home with formal dining, beam celling 8.fld protttable rental producing $200/rno, Motivated seller hu redlJCftl price to only $83,500. Call 644-7211 ~NIG EL ElAIUV !;, ASSllCIAT[S DUPLEX: 421 'f'olnsctt!a, 4 YOUR VERY OWN blks to beach, By owner, PIECE OF QUIET $69.500 . 675-8402 eve!>/wknds. Nestled on a quiet ·canyon, D~u~p~le~,-. ~b~y~o-w-,,,-,-. -,h~,-mU~-.. -1 high atop Cameo Highlands. scparalt' 2 BR house Ji l l...arge5t of formal dlnlng BR garage apt. Open Sun nru., :.& bdmi.o;. $74,500 1--6, 718 Orchid. University Realty UNFURN, charming 2 BR, 3001 E. Cst. Hwy 673-6510 l b.ih hou ... Privaoy. $285. INCOME TODAY 718 Orchid, o~n Sun I--6. SPYGLASS Fantastic v1ew. Retlrement home + Income tomorTO'l'V. Chamtlne 3 BR, 23 HALF MOON BAY l'Ai BA housf! w/FP + :se:p. * ~ or 644-1152 * din area. 1 BR apt over NEW 5BR, Spectacular vu, dbl. gar. l.A'a.sed yr!y to 5113 H;i1.el, $125.000. Ooen tine tenants. $545 lo!/\\ inc. daily, 10-4, Bldr, 67~>-'.\5'.\9 $84,900 By owner, 673-8D79 DUPLE:X 2-1 BR. "'One unit Have somethin~ you want to nu." Open housf! Sat Ir Sun •117 ClualUed adl do it 1-5. 515 Marigold 644-1674. well -CAil NOW S42-5f>78. select carpels and dra~. M D OPEN TODA v 1.s s Polnt oney own Sur and 67 Monteclto. l big bedrooms 2 baths, SHORE CUFFS! Coral tree!, private beaches, and charm galore. Gracious older 2 BR home with dlnlng room, den and 2 baths. Sorn', only for lease a l $500. a month. Alice Clark who lives I n ShorecllHs Is there today on open house. She also lmaws of several t I n e ShorecllHs properties for sale, ZZ1 Morning Canyon 1-5. Call '75-7225 Th• BERG Co. Suc111or to CORONA DEL MAR * NEW DUPLEX * * BY BUILDER * Charmlng l BR, 2 BA/2 BR, :I BA. All blt-lns, bea.uti!ul- 11' crpt'd & draped. Buy .&: beat h.lgher building costs A: rlalng ln!la.tlon. S118,500. OPEN SUN U-5 PM 706 Nattiasua Ave. SPY GLASS mu. Catalina view, gla.nt Joi, pool, landscaped, bf!aut. dee., 4 BR. 3 ha..,, 2 trplcs, By owner, 644-0136 Co1t1 Mesa 3 BR, 2 bas, Back Bay area, 1300 sq ft, newly rd'urblshed, $34,900. B y owner , 645-4938 4 Br, 2 Ba Lrg fenced yard, oversized rarage, near S.A. Country Club $34,950. Npt Pia.cf! Realty m-3600 MESA Verde, pool, 3 BR, 2 BA. 2 yn: old. will .ell VA. .$47,900. B ro ke r 54S-77ll ; nlle 557-4617. CATALINA Vtl, 1-story,5 BR, 4 BA, $60,001. Owner. Prln. only. 64.>-3638 Open Sat & Sun 12-5, 1861 Parkview CT. ME.SA Ven:'le, 4 BR, 'l BA, cul-de--sac strttt, $42,100. Broke:r 548-ml; n l t e 557-4617. 893 OAK St. 4 BR, 2 BA + fam-dln-st'w nn.s. $34,500. Broker 548-77ll . 5 BR, 4 bas, 2 .story. Sep gar. lge Fam-rm, Open d11.Uy 1 -6, 646-1203 BY OWNER: 4 BR, 2,CKXI ft, Has everything. Ui.500. 3096 Warren l..anf!, 54~2758 SU PER Bradrord Pl. Condo. X\nt loc. Buildf!r's son's home. $32,000 ~7-7758 BY Owner, 4 BR, 2 yrs old, manv eictr11s, $42,900. 1';1--loan 997-7'.\0l JUST reduced: 3 Br 2 Ba, family nn, Eutaide by owner. $37,900. 548-6'.Y.i2. tireplaCE', in very desirable a.s~a. Call &46--77U. Walker &Lee lll•l ltTAf l IDEAL BUY Sharp Cinderella home 1vllh hardy,"Ood fl oors, 3 bedrm5, tam nn, lanai, ni c e location, O"-'Tier motivated. Will consider VA offers. 83J:-.Jl80, Re<I Ca r p e t • Realtors. MESA VERDE 5 Bt'droorn or 4 bedroom + formal dining + den + family rm. Interior atrium w/waterfall. Huge master bcrlrm with frplc & 3 car gar. Only S&t.950. Call 545--8424 SouthCo Realtors. PERFECT family home near park & schools. 4 hllnn, 3 bath.s, family nn & living rm w/used b11ck wood burning UreplaC'e. Located ln sma.11 development on cul-d~sac. Only 2 yrs old & tutefully dttorated. By Owner, $~7.900 . 1853 Parkvllta Circle, Cos ta Mesa. 642-1060 LEAST EXPENSIVE IBvt not cheap), Prestlgiow Coll~e Park home with high assumable loan. Geo. Mezel, agt. 646-SBU or 557-43)3 ALL THIS & ORANGES TOO By owner, eustom 4Br & den Lra: ram m . nr good 9Chools It neighborhood. tmmed poss. am Aliso Ave., Open H Sat & SUn 67>-<19Ji. HOUSE with commercial wtes. Conlf!r lot exjXl!IW't'. 888 West 19th Str~t. corner Monrovia & 19th. Open Hou.se Sat & Sun U-4. CJS Real Estate 518-llGS OPEN HOUSE 3 BR -lge Jot -10 settle f!State. Sun Feb. 3rd. 1939 f0edera.1 , C.M. For addilion- al info 645-382'1. MESA VERDE For lease-lcitse option exec 5 BR, l UA, fam. rm., $525 mo. Own C'r /A gl 546--7051 By Owner, 3 br, fam rm, lrplc, atrium, 2 ha tile, mast. Roman. 1 yr old. 1900 sq ft. $4),000. 33'li Maryland Cr .. CM. 979-368.5. MESA Verde, builders model 2 yr old, 3 BR., 2 BA, 2 tplc, $45,990. Broker MS-Tru: nlte 557-4617. EASTSIDE -by owner 4 Br, 2 Ba, trplc. brick pa.rto, 20th/Santa Ana $ 4 2 , O O O 64;.m; -------Dana P oint INCOME all In on e package . See }'1)Ur accountan! on this tax snver. Buy now for full year benefit. $©\\.otllA-lG £~~· CLOSE to Dnna Pt. tl1arina. Builder c\O:'le out. New 4 bdm1, 2 ba, lndscplni:: inclrl. Price S:i4,950 & 2 BR, 2 BA. SU.4JO, 5"1. down. Af- ternoons (213) 333-6.522. Thol lnlriguing Word Gome·wilh o Chuckle OCEAN HARBOR VIEW NEWPORT WEST Hard to Iind, single le\'t'I ~ bt'droom model, located 2500' to ocean. Atrium entry way, spacious mas I er bedroom, pantry off kll ch<'n, .service porch, automatic spr in k l er !!)'S i em . P rofesslonal!y decorated, new paint outside. S-12,500. Price Reduced $1000. 2 Bdrm. + Pool $23,995 2 Bdrm condo., desirable ground level floor plan, 1 ~ years new, F'reshly Painted with tastefully paneled and mirrored livlng room, plush wal.Jpupcrcd dining area, shag carpets It custom drapes. oversized pantry area, near school.s, walktng d!Btance to Hun 1 in g to n Center, Swlmming pool and many park areas. Price re- duced flC:OO. Now $500 below marl<et value. Call today NEARLY NEW!! 2 lfr Year old Exec home. Thick. thick carpets, very cu.siom decorator drapes, woven woods & valances. Vaulted ceilings, candlellght fonnal dining, crackling adobe tlrepla«, la r ge family area. P ayments way les3 than rent when you assume this gov. loan wJ Con1ri11ula!io11s ro Ann Bran-Clean Your Fe•t nigan for being rhe lop Wear Whita Gloves snlcs111on1an of !he V11l ?~t: Immaculate Inside and oul 1105 N.CoasT Hwy., Laguna. Real Estnte Adan1s off1_ct·. «nd !onded Y.1th eKlra.s. 4 494-1177 Ann had 2 S<1lC's 0111d ~ llsl- 1 bdrm. 2 lµith. f;imily room lngs sold for a total o f SC'Vl'n nnd v It',.,, , E:verythlns;"s OCEAN 1-'ltON'T 1101'.IE lransfll'\tons of a lotnl clol-includt.'<i /or the price of 1-'inest pnnor;1n111 /lOs.~ibli• <ll Jar amount ~r S.1~1,500. If I $76,500. La~una·~ Hivi('r;i C oa s 1 you a~ looking for. a !OP , C ALL 552-7500 outlininl! Ir.~ 111an~' hcautirt1l professional. who \\'Ill give I , snndy cove.~ & l:i;1 ck~round you top 1·c'!Ul'.s, nsl< for Ann VISION hill~. 4 Bil. 4 hn. 2 slery Brannir,:an. V1Urtge Rl"<Ll Es-1 tiomc. Vaulted r;C'illn~s in tate, 902-2456, R865 Arlan1s laJ'J!l' liv1ni.: l'nl. \\'/lrplc Ave. at Magnolia. • red hill Openln~ Oil viC\\' deck. • Dlning rni. O)><'nl'l In inshle TOP SALESMAN REALTY REALTORS patio. 1''a1nlly stylr kitcht'n, Univ Park Cenler, Irvine scr.rl.t•e area !t i::: o ()jt l '"'""""'""'""""'!!!!!!!!!""'""'I stora~. lluge st urt Io W ALNUT w/Irp!c & bar opening c1r1 I ocC'anfront tl'rrnce. Ltt::r snUARE protcc•t'(t patio .,.,.,~arr1('11 1 ~ rm & pciltin~ shed. 2 l'aT I T .... ·o t01\•nhouses, 11C'Rr':y new gar. W/l'lectric door. Spcndi & .sharp! Poot & ret·. area. your I' v en in I~ hou~j E:ach 2 bd rms.; only $25,000 watch In~ l-1\ i::: u na · s• each. To buy or sell, Set' magnifi ce n t sunsets: M et h'.iddle. $285.000. j CALL ~ , .. ,.1•1• OPEN llOUSF. AT '267. 9 't:il ~ cn.ESCF:NT BAJ' Dr. Sat ' tdNd#L & Sun 12 noon 10 4pm '. R EALTY MARION J\1lLN1;; flEAL '. N11r )'(,wporr Po1t Offlc• ESTATE · 618 So. Coa.~t lfwy 1 IMMED. POSSESS. Lngunn Beach, Calif. j I Lovely J bdrm .. 1 %. bath!!; !7141 494-~ I I .spaci.oos t~miJy rm. wlth SUPER 3 BR + den famUy)' Spanish hnck frplc.; huge home. priced to sci!. Close I tiled brkfst. bar, F'.A. heat, to school• & mlnutes ro1 CHRIS RICKETTS 1 bit-ins; poolsize lot. Auum-beach A mop. $41,950. I Congratulations to Chris able V.A. loan. Call now for * * * Ricketts, oI the Village Real app't. Ocean & Canyon views, J I Estate Brookhurst ottlce for MORGAN REAL TY BR + fam. rm. home1 being top salesman. Chris 67J..6'42 67$.6459 w/great kitchen. 2 ho~s ! sold 6 properties for a dollar to chose lrom, brand new,· value avt>rage or $29.000 Laguna 8NCl'I $46,500 each and had one of hls listings sell. giving Chris a total combined dollar vol- ume of $198,500. For the monlh of January. II you have a real estate need, \lo'hy not call a true professional. Olris Rickens, Village Rt>al Estate, 962-4471, 1 914 2 Brookhun>l, H.B. MISSION REALTY LAGUNA BEACH Has •n Opening For On• Full Time Sales As1oci•t• We offer you : l. Flnancla.J opponunlty! to 80% conunlsslons • • • Emerald Bay r ed u e eel $60,(XX). This I u x u r Io u s custom home w/5 BR priced for lmmed. sale at j SX15.ooo. I * * * I Emerald Bay completely J remodeled 2 BR 2 ba home ) ocean vlt'w from new sun deck $115,CXX>. I up LINGO REAL ESTATE 494--&'.l86 49S--U97 "'Y down ... pl"' owner $2000 DOWN may help you finance!!! 2. r n nova ti v e training Lerge Flx•r·Upper program for the Over J,000 sq. ft. ot view experienced, and the new home, v•hich ls rundown & liceraee beat-up; will take a stout. Only $38,950. You own the I Buys sharp 3 bedrm + hind! Bia 962-5011. enclo.!ed patio in best area. Upgraded and sharp, 7l/r% E xecutlve Appe•I ..• · Interest -FHA. On I y A beautifully ma Int a In e d $23,500. quality hOme In a prestige J. Extensive advt>rtis!ng 4. Ample !Joor tlme hearted handyman to tack.Je! location. Gracious living I' room wi1h corner fireplace, 11!age Re al Esta te 5 : Ex c ellent assistance this one! 2-Stortes wHh ele-\ valor. which b broken, has ' 4 lge. bdrms. + separate managertal oHlce oc recreation nn. We C.ij'stal dining, garden view t•Z·+171 ( :".:~) §4t•·l10J kitchen . Famlly room think It has lots ol possibil- ities at $69,500. opens to enterta.lneni patio I "'""'""'""!~ ... ~~ .... ..,~ 6. The prestige! ol a highly ""' woell m•"''""d *JUST LISTED* '"'Mdod "CO MPANY -~zl grounds. Private r£'s!dentlal Gorgeous mOdel-llke J BR, IMAGE" w It h in the pa rk nea.r by. Price reduced lam. rm, Many extras . community. to se1L Cflll $41 .950 The Real Estate Fair OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 1. Pleasant working condl-4t4-5671 4H.ltOO S36-l551 or 839·6133 10022 SPAR CIRCLE fJons with amiable & hclp-l--===.,-70===- JOHN P. CAREY I !ul """"'""' OPEN HOUSE MESA VERDE VIEW LOT R!trs 646-7411 968-7287 If you ha.ve TI!E DESIRE Builders Clos•-out 4 o;0 'I_'() SUCCEED we would 7 Cus1om modt>ls to chooso.> Build your O\l,TI Jr. Estate home -;idjacent to Mesa Verde Country Club with great view of Valley Harbor lights. 962-2456 l' illage Real Estate 8&,';j At.lan15 ah Mae:nolia, l1B 88fi5 Arl11ms al Mflgnolla, HB ... ~1•0 5l;E;,SIONS .i·· !nfor1n;•1ion nn~ 1-,calion n; llH•J1e ~-II .A & VA homes. l0: ... 1ct - KASACIAN . I like lo .talk to you . For from. Sewer bond11 in & Comn1lsslon ts the total you confidential ln1ervlew. paid for. Prices range from p;iy 11•hen we ~lst vacant Call FRED REDICK $44,750 10 $63,000. F"inancini: or OWfM'.r· OCCUJJ}ed home.s. Phorie-t94-0131 avaUable. Will be shown 1 Multiple II.sting boards OPEN 12 lrom 10 AM to 4 p M available, Charles Quintard, •4 Saturd11 Y1 i,_ Sunday · ., Realtor, 28th yr. 642-2991 . Builders 6 LaRUna Homes Feb. 2nd ,f, 3rd Hu ntington t-\arOo ur I 4 Arch ~eat·h 1059 Santa Ana St. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-2 B1ueh!rri Canyn1_1 3 S; 4 lied-l\rch B<"iich He!ghcs • roorns1 Sep. dining rn1s, ~Wl&. &11.ch view to thf! Islands. pick Appointments may be se- your 1:o lors IC you hurry, cured bv t·elllng 49-t-0001. ~ ,HH, -WATER VIEW lake lots iu down payment. Ow l\'On't last n Your Own 1007 Oro $52,950 Apartment 1015 Oro $56,950 Only $31 ,750 for this Laguna 1248 Momln~e $82.~ Charmer with 2 bedrooms, 1396 Momlnislde S94,500 dining room. kitchen builr- -------l4i!M .. , C\Af I. POU.AN------- • R~rrang• tli• 6 tcrO"mbl,d words below lo mole• 6 timple words. Prinr ''"'" of eocli In lt1 line of tquore1. 15,000 sq ft Jot $2S,OOO Real Estate 962-6644 Watch ttJe boats rro1n your dining room or ~eek. Enjoy the m11rtlnl pit lconversallon area) and its cht!f!ry fJrcplace. A block lo lhe beach Condo for just $24.500. 911 Balboa Ready Soon ln.s. Patio, sJiake roof. Clos!!' 2094 Cortez Ready Soon to the beaches & shops . Sun/Eves. 646-SISS SUPERMONACO Ttred of looking at the back ol your nelghbor"s lence.? How about twtnkllng ci ty 11.ghUI by night and rolling areen hills top~ 91f_ by t1now capped M't. L id)' by day. The home lt1 a 2 BR, convertible den wtth lonnal dining only 2 dOOr.t from community pool. jecuni. And tennis court~. High on lht; hlll.s of Newport. Only $14.500 FEE. or Lease f,or $500/mo. Call 644-nll rJX>.NIGEL El AI L[Y f,, ASSIJCI ATES I REHVIT I ' I a u c· o N E I I I I I' J I R 0 6 T 0 F I A lypicol Americon is 1-. ~-~~~~--!· someone who hos a doily I r I r I ov•r the c1gor burn. an ,__..__.__,__...__._~ armchair Otifer ihe wine I M A R D 0 R 1 •pot, a picture over o hole i--.1.......,.1--.r-,.,l ·-lr-1 in the wall and gels ln- ._ .. __ L _ _. __ L. _. _ _, censed when he. she I 0 U L D E p I roods obovt -t•·:"r"' TW~~.:.o~E h1,....rri1,-.. 1 _,1.....,rr-1_ ~ E2S!.~~; E'. Thll M ii kept duplex ll a °"'' _....., ..., ~~~~.~~~pf::. ~·~: • i:~l.~:a"u~~,s r r r 1· r r I' r 1 otht'r luls a 1\11\ deck 1 ovorlooklng IM golf ""'™· ! ~:Cw'.'f"'f FOi I I I I I I I ] Tot11lly upgntdcd, ~ly _ • • • • , • _ • _ t>11'•"•· .IJURRY eon Rect SCRAM·•-s ANSWERS IN CLASUFICATION 800 . CarpC1 , ftimlton 546-8640. '------""'"-'------------::+:-+-------~·- .. Bkr. !714l 675-7414 TO BE MOVED: 2 Br hou.'lf!, 4 Unlt apt. duplex & J br house. 5.14-1696. E11~t Bluff EASTILUFf BY OWNER ExquWtf! view. landscaplng &: decor. 4 BR,· fam nn, 211 BA, Lu!k, pr1me qu\el rtrett -Buckeye -Walk lo sdx:lols. 6ff.0047 Fountain V •ll•y Southern El .. ance In A New Orlan• "French Quarter'' 1 tyle. Garden courtyard entry, 1weeptr11 circular 1taln to 3 spadoua b@dnm lnt'ludtng muttT •ul t e with veranda overlooking azure blue pool. Gourmet kltchfn, h u g e faml\y room, coi;y de n. cry111al dlnlns. A houte tor entertalntrv ln the true Southe:m m&l\Tll!t', For an !PP' to aee,c8.ll The Real Estat. Fair 536-USI or ll'MIU Huntlntten IHch BY Owner, Fuhk:ln Slm'H, 4 BR. 2 BA, ram rm, din rm, s.um>-Prine only. Appl oi1'J 968-~789. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR RfALlY VACANT WALK TO BEACH SURFSIDE CONDO ONLY $19,900 Sharp, clean -MU5t Sell Ir 17214 COAST H\YY . SCOTT REAL TY 714: 846-1384 & 213: 592-2845 536-7533 call anytime ~~~!!O'"'"'!""'""'~~ I LUXURIOUS wa t e r f r on t EXEC horn,, 3 hr, 2 ha, condo. Pvt boat sllp al your crpta, bltins, fenced yd, door. Spectacular ma In hlJ.&'f! fam rm, frplc, 2 car-channel view. Beautifully P1't -'3500. dowTI, AsnJm:o deoor. 2 Br, 2 be, frple, GT IO!ln. na qualltying 1714) patio, gar. 846-1530. 547-7500. Irvine 4 br , formal din rm, fam ---------- rm, bAaement. Tri level. tmmac cond, Cu at OJll drapes & crptlng, ~.000. Bier, 962--8149 IDEAL locaUon: short block lo park A lake. Mod. l BR, F111m-nn, + Jge cul de uc lot. By owner, '38.500. 847..Jl&t, 847-8831 NICE, lge J BR. 1~ bu Condo. frplc A; blt-tn gas BBQ, In pMv. Pftlk> new cpts Ir: drp!'. Walk 10 beach. Owner, 5J6-.5051 ~ BR, 2 story, lgt yd lovt-ly home, S 8 O 2 NIRhttnl{11le t Ma gnol l;i. I G11 r I ll•lrtl $43,:,00. Open Sll t I S u n _ 9fi8.&15 Owner 2 HOUSES on 5CbcJXI' lot, (2 BR 6 l BRI S..12.IXX>. By owner, m-1671"' TURTLERDCK, Plan 3. New 3 bdrm, family nn, dining rm., 2\1 bath.s, trp\c, shake rool. Xlnt location. Qn cul- de-sac, Nr, park. $56,990. Owner will lease at $450 mo. DAVID 0 . CARLSON REAL TOR 833-9293 WAL.NlIT SQUARE!; Alpine Conrto. Cozy 3 BR, 200~. sha.g, drApeS, pAl\<:l, "Ir oond, pool. cable T V , dlshwshr, !>l<1r11.g<.'. $.)J,9$0, By owner. 642-J7'11 SELL brArul Ill'\,, '"2" Pinn hon1e Turtlerock. J BR, 2 .BA. 11·c1 twir + cicr _rn s. Lo~\y ,(( prlre:J to !!ell rn.111. 8l1-82!l2 TURn..EROCK-Jte11dy r 0 r ctpt selettton. 3 br, 2 $49,500. Ex. 103n . 64~ Transpac Ent With poql, "bl' TV & lovely laiilscaplng. Move In condition! Call 494-8003 67>-1219 TARBELL, REALTORS PRIVATE • • • • • 192!1 s. Coa'1 H.,,, L.B. • .. rt!aort; the ocean side A DECK AWAY ot Coo.Bl Hwy. contaln.s this FROM THE OCEAN 2 lxlnn. ~ndomln!W'I'!, ln A private beach and pool. !he seclusion of a private Thi.s brighl, cheery 2 comple.x on a beach cove bedroom own yoor own ls Owne:r ha..s aece!l.'I lo the for your enjoyment of heated pool a.s well as the carefn'e living ln t.aguna · 1ennis courts A: t h e Beach. Actlvltltt of tl'le: Pa.elf~. Red C•rpet, Rtalton S88.000. 497-1761 ~Ian, REAL ESTATE CEDAR & GLASS BY OWNER 6 mo. old , archlt~I design custom home. Psnoramlc oce.\11 vu. 1190 Glenneyre St, Master suitf! w/Roman tub. 494-9473 549-03l6 + 2 BR t\i.ll bra. il fam. WOODS COVE nn. ~ btams. Mex. tile, A rea.l charmer on a 166 ata.ln. ala.p. 8 I t ~ I n • , Inter-com. C~ntral VSC'UUm. rt. )( 5 S ti. wooded lot. Great lrplc, decks .t gl'lt. $1$,000 potential. Asldna: '61.SOO, 4!J9-.3775. but make oUer. ~"'==-..,--.,.,=,-.,,--LOW<R 3 ARO! Bay SPANISH VLLA Olrl L111 gu n.. Owtrm. unbellevable ~w , CCftll'I' , lot. tst ti.me oUer"e'd tor I 1,ile. A mu!lt ~ kir Ow f most dl&crtmlnaUnc bu,yer, Sl59,oo:>. Arc Rt.ally Sfl&.5111 WlllTE: \V,4TE:R VIEW l. u :it u rlous tnlertaln~nt It 'll n brttte. _ • geJI your l'lomtt,·-3,BR. 2~~ bil. OWner 1tem~ v.11h t"ll91. wte Onl\y wUI ~ or tnide for crvltlnit: I H"1 ("J;1~~lfirrl. R12·~· yAchl. .OOJ. fTI41 494--3129 • . • ., . I Dr-~a'---o-•.1L~V-Pl~L_or _______ sunda1. Frbruary J, 1974·"'°-.::::;c---~c:-='7=......,----r-:----------,-----;--;---;=-:-:----:--:--"7,..,..,c:--.-:==-·----ru.:7.::::;o.;::::;:;i;:;;--,Ml •guna Be•ch Lavuna Beach l-;;N;e;w;;p;o;';';;;;B;e;•;c;h;;;;;;;;;;;;;N;;•;;w;;;;:po;;;';';B;;•;;•;;<;;h;;;;;;;;;;;;;; South L•guna Acr••g• for ule 150 ln com• Property 166 Re al Estate Houses Furnished 300 $167,SOO -EMERALD BAY !• Exchange lS2. Genera l REOUCEO s:W.ooo GRASS VALLEY 4 PLEX ---'-----116 EMERA LO BAY OPEN SUN. 1-4 f\o 5 No La Serxia Dr S'>l'lm JJ.:111.1 -Fish . n.eflre• l'O:O.tMEltLIAL & l n t1 s , Cha rming 5 bdrm .. 3 ba . home on choice ltg. llrN>'s yvur llunun .. r hHltlt' No t1d~:i-IL", rto Pollutiuf1 2 $79 ,950 ifl('i)fl)t> ln <;an Btrnafrllrv>- level lot; den, spacious liv, rn)., frpl., dining ur .... ·eekt!nd retn.>at ·<.hi.·• k be11uulul. wou<lc<l acres Pnnu: llunlington 1$l'iu h 1,,-ll1iJ!r11 • .i .... \\llt tradl' 111' S!J~tJul 1 ..... 1trh. lb~Ullll Pd. Jl•Ch near gllrAgt\ ya rd , rm., playrnl., Ire patio. Room for pool 1n \.\Uh "'l'urU)' 11ut1r•I 111 J $4JOO Ajj:1•n1 t71~) &l.2·9666 cRt l(tn 15.; do\\n h) n•·"' •Ir 1!i.1111 t.i'J..-0:17:!, 111 A l . l , In I Art'h B:\y t:11 re 1)~11 l·~ C Ivon J i.i>ot l)t'lll"'~1t•I 1·:;,111~ '•~i-\~1i'i>.. Ow ccess to e 1 nn1sdcour s, S\\'lmm g poo S. .s<1t. St S1,111 A ramhll~ eme tery 57~ P"' rnu. gro~!-1 l'nli£·,11• ~PJ·'.l'l.\Lfi':!N(; 1n .;xc·hRn· $1 7~U ul Prl .,rplc + t:h11rm Palin, 11+-;lrns l.&!,:"umt ner trans erre . HAPPI S hr1ck frvnt horn" ristr1dl.'" 2 Lots/Crypts JS6 iibll'" value . ri·J,lJlir llui!Jt'r ~i·~ 11"'1111 & Ji'\.\tn J1<·11l· •A IO"e ly 4 b~•rooNnE1 s.~l'•l ler' n.10.". 1'n II arbor Jots at o.·r1ln . all roon;s ----------C'al1 fi.s1 -~·:i.:AA/. Jol'l->, t:·l 1-fil 11 or li75·60ti0 $2ili-:.! Ult. Frplc, carport. !Jeninsula I blk beac:h, Ba I ll oa $77,SOO -GORGEOUS WHITE WATER VIEW 671 ALTA VISTA WAY OPEN SUN. 1·5 Glamorous decor. wood & J;la:e;s_ mission tile fl rs., Dea1n ceil. liv . rm ., 3 hdr1n ., 2 ba . • cu . mi.ss1vt> 3 tl{lnn & den, dir1 . 4 Cemetery U;ts 1n \Vest· 1 ------ View llomcs. Least expensive 2·story hom e & 3 batbs -in1n1ed poss. 11Hn!o.11·r 111 the Gardt'n ut ~ NyESIMENI DIVJSI ON R eal Esta te Wanted 184 l'enlnsula PEG ALLEN, REALTOR 1095 N. Coast Hwy., la9una in U1e area. SAC l~IFI Ct~ S LE. Submit! Ope rl ~ ~~2~1 . Quintard Rc11Hy <~00:1 Shi:ph~rd. :i31·3726 111 ' ·, ~ house Sun . J-5. I 7U7 l'nrt Charles, Newport Com mecc;al _ WE BUY HOMES !~each. Westm inster Property 158 SZSO-U!ll Pd Nicely turn 1 -+ dcu. Beaut!lul View, l.ai,:1111<1 NU.VIEW RENTALS 6734030 or 494--3248 494.7579 GRUBB & ELLIS CO. Laguna Ba~ch Lido Isle REALTORS 675-7080 All Op•n Sun. 1-4 VICTORIA BEACH. 125 Sun· sci i·err. 2 Bunk rms., nlce LIDO ISLE-$65,000 l·N_•_w:_po_''_B_•_u_h ___ I Newpo rt Beach Pine Trees & t"Hn!ng rm., Slone trplc.; Jge !IC'~ is your ch11 n!'C !U hVC' B" c d~L·k. 3 ear parking: furn· nn Lulo & .en}l.Jy p:estige _by I g an yon ished $56,00J. lht' st•a. \our O\.\"n Sp.1n1<;h Casll!'. Just steps 10 the Thi! M A G N I FI C E NT NF.:\.\' DIRECTION CON· b!':1ch. Vacant & the i1v.·ne1 Redwood Honie crea ted l.ty CEPT for lh•ing! Panoran111· v.ill f'vt'n ca.rry the lonn. the architect. owner Ls one views of the ocean & r.11 Herbert llawktns RC'ttl!ors ol true beauty. Hand·cral!ed Baldy. 8,000 Ft. o! rt'dv.uod 81~\fi(j(J or 963-5681 finish through.Out k careful planks used !n the C"onstruc-Mesa Verde selection of appointments & rlon ol this unusual 3300 sq mah:n11ls used, Wtth the tt. home 1305 Skyllne Or., 111-t~tAf'. 3 Br 2 Ba ho me greatest attention to every $148,500. 11•/frp!c. & lovely ~an:lt>n detall, gives one th e w /frua trees. Nr. schls. luxurious feeling ol superb 4 BEDRt.f. Specta cula r ocean ~G-5652 Open house 1·5 Sat qu11!i!y. Th!s 4 B~lroom view; 1007 Oro St., Arch & Sun. home, on 11 park creates Beach Heights. Corner lo!; -"-"'=-------i!s own rural atmosphere frplc., dl n!ng rm. Trarle Mission Vielo !n the he111·t ol Newport your !ot in for do11·n payn1L ;.:.;;.;:c:;,;.__;,c;;,.; _____ I Reach In Dig Canyon. S&2,950. POOL HOME l\1odeslly priced at $2.\J,IXXl. If you want i;;i\.e-frce l ivin~ DONALD M . LEASE · OPTION. NE\!.' 2 ll'l smog·fr<'c t.1isslon Viejo, B" d bci'rm.. 2 ba.. 1ge. dining this is the home for you. 1 r area + 25 ft. !iv. rm .. mas· Ww malnlf'tlf\ncc y11rd wi th sive beams, frpl c., quality beautiful pool & jacuzzi. J ASSOCIATES HEALTO"RS dr11 pes. w/w carp., 3 decks: BR. air conditioned. ran1ily 832-8800 25 x 40 lenced yd. Sl.000 1"00n1 with fire-place, tennis 17802 Jrvine Blvd. Tustin Option depo< + ls! .t Inst club n1emhf'rship. All this 4 B D months rent ol S350 per mo. for only S.18, 750. r. + en """'' 1'""°· Ontu~ Newport Aei9hts 494.7551 1000 N. c,.,. Hwy .. Ls'""' 21 Open Hause ~. YPS 1he 5!r!~9 ~~Q r11rrr1•!. h.ll.~' (e rr;<><'.) t.Gl.ft•r 1031 Ro!ecrans Ave. Come out an<! Sl'C !he best Fullerton 1!7(}...7650 buy in lov•n. and hring your WHAT A VIEW 4 BR 'PLUS POOL rheckhook because t h 1 s value can't last 2515 HOLLY Thi.a custom designed home We have It & that"s not all. LANE combine! the warmth of One. yr old, low down. As· OPEN SAT & SUN redwood , with expansive sume 77,, loan or lease WI 1 to !'; windows to capture a op!!on. Call & we 'll show CALL 644-7211 breathtaklng v1ew ol the. you. Ask!ng $43,500. C-21, coast & ocean. Wa.!k out ~49~5~-4~1o21~._4~9~3·~02'XJ~.'--=--M!lln onto a wide redwood deck BY owner , 2 BR, 1 ~;, b11s. from the lge. living rn1. View lo t, cpts. drps. trplc, V' 2 Bdnns. & a convert. den, patio, room for pool. Excel. I , ' all command an ocean view landscape. Assume 6~ loan. ~111111~~~~~~~::'. for $82.500. $33,00J. 837·3896 IT'S BE OWN BOSS Newport Beach O Clean up on this business NEWP RT Beomed Ceilin9s and only l'~ blocks to the surf. one block fl) R hu~e poxil. recreauon room. 01ll' o! the most upgraded 3 bedrot>m homf's 1n Nel';p0J1 Shores. Ju~t listed n.t '4S,50l 1'o see is to appreclatt". Call 641>-717L 2·R HCA EB ESUOH By the time you read our heading, this beach house 2 blks to Beach~ will ))(' sold -on Peninsula . Hurry, only $49,950, reduced rron1 $,_r,.j ,000. G46-7TI1 open eves. 01-'EN HOUSE SUND A 'i 66 Balboa Cove Waterfront \\'/boat slip -PATTI • ... WALKEe . ,,AL l l!Af• 1n11 Bach Blvd .. H.B. CALL 842-1418 PENIN. TRIPLEX 1 Blk . to oce11.n & bay $112,000 DUPLEX Fr:i r good income'. Open Sun. 125 28th St. BALALIS & ASSOC. It's 3 bedrooms 645-3343 644-0562 oppo<twilly. Ideal for '°"pie DUPLEX HEIGHTS to Opt'rate !his laundry & 6 DOORS TO dry cleaning service. On It's updated BAY CREST. n cw I y It"s got boat room remodeled :ic· BR ,. Fam It's got big trees rm w/!rplc, 212 bas, Jndry It's expandable rrn. ne\\' cpl thru out. busy Coast Hwy. Only BEACH ss.ooo. wm '"1 yo" '" OPEN HOUSE business & you can take Open House Sun 1-S l\1ust see this lovely 2 story l0\.\11house. C J o s e to freev.'ays for L.B. llJld Orani.:e C'oun!y a re. as. D1..•siratile C1tn1tiridge nl-Odel. Can be illlt.."'<! El.!! 2 •lr 3 ))e{Jroon1 arrangement, Great assumable F1lA loan al 7r1r int. Sec-at 1'.\'972 ~'ti l u n , E \\ps\n11111>ter, S Holsa Chica. in We5trnu1- ~tl'r 962-2456 I' 11/age Real Esta te 886.5 Adams & Magnolla, 1!13 Mobll•Homel Mobile Homes For Sa le MOBILE HOME FOR SALE' SILVERCREST MOBILE ·HOME 12S 20' x 53', 2 BD 2 Bil-carp., draped, bH·ins ., re[rig., w11sher & elect. dryer, wired for 220 n1 r conrl., kitch. clnck, stnrag:e shed. land· Sl·apeil patio. Three yrs. old · like nu. Loc11tcd in ne1v adult pk. a11•11y trom noi!iy St. One·h.1lr bl. from cl ub- house. $15.<195. Cal! EVES. 213-694-4690. CAN BE SEEN AT , CRESTMONT E STATES 1051 Sit(' Dr., Brea. (Central AvC'. across frnn1 OrPa Comn1. Hns p.l Lot #45. CONT1\C'l' RAY, PK. J\IGR., f<'.'r SIHJll'ini:. GREENLEAF A private 5 star adult community. 17;,Q \Vh ittier Ave., C.M. has available a 24x52 Key \Vest l\tobi\e Home. open lo offer. illus! be seen lo be appreclatrd . beautiful~ 6·16·796J. 9 am IO 6 pn1 . It !rom there & grow. YOU'LL LOVE IT Tie a yellow ribbon 'round this little charmer & you'll have yourself a shingled cottage w!lhtn w a! k Ing distance to the beach. A frplc., beam eel!. In the living rm. & Fren c h window!, make this 2 bdrm. & den couage hard to resist. A secluded brick patlo Is tucked Into one corner, all for only l 47,500. Don't pay high ~ummPr rent It's vacant Lattice & tile patio. $69,000. when you r:an collect it. a.nd It's $47,500 Owner, OPEN JtOUSF. S,\T. & ~U:-1 . ~fill reserve the best pc.r1ocl get details at 646-7\TI OPEN Sat, Sun 1 IQ 5 NE\.\'PORT \Vf\TER1',P.ON1 SHIELDS REAL ESTATE ~118 Thali& 494-8093 L•guna H ills ASSU1'1E 7lf.i ~: LOAN for you and yi1U rs. J BR 203G Commodore PARK ['.!OBILE HOi\tE 2 BA down 2 BA & 1 BA OPfNTIL9 • IT'SFUNTOBENICE1 Call 673.9.103. 833_3!13."i \\llTH CABANA, F' ! RE · up, $84.:.00 FEF: t~-··· .... ~. PLACF:, !-'.\TIO. POOL. RE· 123 43rd St. EASTBLUFF CONDO DECOH.ATED. \\'/\'/ CAR- OPEN SUN l"S 3 Br, 2 ba, 1 story. C<>od PET. $8,600 ADJACENT TO w-location. !Vlust sell our 2nd DELA Nf.'i.··s REST. 700 Call 644-7211 home, like ne\1". Beautif11lly LIDO PARK DR. NO JL GRANO OPENING tu~tlo~\z~ t~ruo~t~ c ~\l~li' SUPER BUY! 2 4 X 5 6 I Newport Bay Towers S1!11ercres1 1972, fully set-up. I i • 1 & 2 BEDR6or-.1 fin<1nce. l68,SC(I. Owner, Porch, Awnings, skirting, = CONDOr-.1I'NIU M ll.011-IES 1;)44-l80'il. landscaped. Jn 5 star park Bayfront ]Jomes DUPLEXES near the ocean In Capistrano. Priced to NEWPORT SHORES :l Bdrm .. 2 bath home. Frplc. \Valk !O be<lch $48.500 OPEN SAT/SUN. l·S l28 LUGONIA Jones Realty 673-6210 ?-.1iles Larson P.ea.ltor sell Boat Slips * 673·8563 * 'c II 531 1~0 ORI Full Security l llghrise a · -vUl.J ~ Steel & concrete C!>nstrnctlon Newport Heights • QUALITY e Private Balconies I--~---"'-----'.MX&I GOLDEN \\'e s t 2 garage spaces per unit. OWN i·ouR OWN PARK Aquariu!l. v•/many a.-Jdl'd Roof top sun<leck Charming ! BR collage top·quatity features. Good Unusual Opporninlty lo Pur· nestled in big trees. Den buy. l\·Tust see to apprec. chase &iyfront Proper'_y in with Franklln stove. $39,500. XJnt adul! prk. 830-!1170 C-1 Lot $17,500 51Yx140' Kear 19th & Pon11Jn11 AVP. C.1'1. Pri~·cd !Vw at $2.50 P•:r Sq. J.'t. Wes ley N . Taylor Co. REALTOH.S 2111 Sun .J<1aqu1n Hills Ile!. Newport Ccnt('r &14-4910 fl,'E\VPO RT 13each. Near Hoag Hospital. Ocean \1ie1,._ 100 It frontage tin r:.1r rh Nev.-port Blvd. through to \Vestmlnster A1·e. ~ IOI~ over 27,00) sq. ft 434 .t ~38 N. Ne\.\'porl Blvd. U\.\·ncr G·l'l-6622 NEWPORT BEACH Prime Bayfront Sltl' F or Wilt rPpair & Si!ll.'s Bill Grundy flltr. 67J4i\61 T\VO adjointng 1 n com t' properties, center Cus!r1 Mesa. Owner. 64S.2020/fi.l2-li560 CondominbJms for sale LAST CHANCE $19,950 160 NEAR the beach bU)'S all this. Sc-c to bel!eve· <Tpl~. drps. "'all paper, air cond, mirrors, pool, gas lights. patio slab. inclsd garages. & more. Adult living at its best. .E:'uclid at i\it:· Fadden 77~-1~20 Open Ilse Sat ,f. Sun 10·4. ~ BR. DSH\VSR, Stnve. crpts, 2 car gar. disposal, rec. faci lities. $20,500. 6·16-563 2 Duplexes/Units sal• 162 BUILDERS Sale in c·arrlilf 2 luxuryTo v.·n b ouses, ·s.[1'.500. Open Sat/Sun 11 ·4, :lBR. 2BA. ocean vu , heaulilully landscaP<.'tl fro;>nt yards, decks off every room, many xtras, take treev.·ay to Birmingh11m . i.:o towards the ocean & r iJ'.(ht on Somerset, !o 1824 & i:-\j_lji, 7J3--4718 GREENTREE New Duplex Income Horne under conslruclion at 214 Knox St. C7'ft Call Bailder. 6-lG-4-ll \ DUPLEXES HTG BCH :-Oe\\' 2&3 Br d!x heh unils. 15th & Acacia, open rlni!.•· 1·.'l. s:llJ-<1022. e1·e f7J41 539-67j9 Income Proper ty I 66 $111.750 TEN UNITS HJ i'nit Apa rtn1enL 2 tit'd· room uni ts. Prime (ln111ge County area. Ean1s 13 •I'~ c.z1 dov;n. Over SIS,[)()() ~ross Inco me-Very low \"IH'(!TlC)". Hurry -take arlv:iritngl:" l'f alrnosl full yt"ar "'rite off <•r n1ore i\"O\\'~ Call · !IJ:l-3;:10:). v THE REAL ESTATE RS 3 BR., 2 ba. condo. Pool, garagf". S27,900 Capri Realty 644-7525 VIEW lot, 3 BR, 2 BA. den, dining area, trplc, cpts & drps, prof. decorated, lrg. patios. Ca.II 830-1863. NC\\"J)Orl Beach. 536 \Vestminster N . B , 310 c· d Rd NB 646-5!138 Owner PRICED TO SEU.. 4 UNIT APT. BLDG. "eman o ·• · · 24X60 beautiful mobile home 3 B<lnns., 2 baths & 1-B<lrm . ~==~6~7~5-~B~S=S~l===,.. Newport Shores in Capistram"s finest 5 star Great rental iirl'f\ & S!,.,J CHANNELFRONT PIER & FLOAT L.-guna Niguel BY Owner-S pa c iou s Condominum hlgh a t o p Laguna Niguel. Gracious adult !lvlnl!" & ocean view. 2 BR. 2 Ba. M any a men l!lP.~. ln1maculatc. $49,700 496-9403 BY O\\.'llt>r 5 BR + den, beach sld~ f\lguel ShQrcs. 2 yrs nC"-'. Gt1il rdcd communi!y. R1•c. ("('!11Pr w/1ennts courts. poo!, et<·. v.·a.lk to beach. $79,500. 496-812'2. NE\.\1 4 br. 21, b~. FTt., North V!ev.•. 2100' split lvl. 555.950 4~.1.;,19~ • .. ;2.lii.ll Lido Isle > d G I f -investn1en!. Fovr 2 RR en. real pat o or \\'ATERFllONT CONDO'S pa rk. Fully set-up ,r.,_ C'n!ertainlng. Sl15,000 *WATER.FRONT* landsca""rl, 2 RR, 2 BA, un its. Cost,a i\Jp o;;n . Jur, NEWPORT BEACH CH N 2 b 'b 2 \ ba ,,~ Si,740 yl?ar. Try HY:; dl•\.\l!. A NEL Reef r 11 4 BR., 1 ., din. rm.. lge den. Re11uti lul view. ~fi" COO REAL TY 67>1642 security·p:>ol·jecuzz.1.merina brklsr, area. 2 Waterfront C;i!I ;,.11-l!X'"'i DLR ~ •'-· $97,00J ro $1Ml,OOO decks. Comer lot. you OWN Wesley N. Tay lor Co. H a rbor View/Carmel the !An<l! SR'l".950 LAG UN1\ Hills club. custom REALT()H.!'i · 38R. Fam. Din. Qual. cptg 1'\E\V 3 Br 3 Ba. 2300 i;q . ft . CAYWOOD REAL TY hit, li.,·1~1. 2 Br, nu 'cpt<;, 1111 ::;,i n Joaqu1l'l Hills H1l, and drps, Lg. CO(Tlt'r yd. lirPp!ar('-har-ma.rina. lri: f1 n r ch· X'ln! 1•ond, N('11·pon Cf'nt!•r 6.\4-l!:.110 0 -·1 1·d, Do0 "'"• lmmac'. $114,000'" $165,000. * 548-1290 * 411!1-2!l'i.\. .,.,... ., •... DANA PO!i\"T·BRAND ~F'.\V Xlnt-cor111n, pool. sch. pk San Clemente NE\V r.11~tlln1 IJJI he11ut y in Dl'Pl.E:X . 4 PJ.f:X O"·ner $137,500. 1721 Port NE\V 2 Br 21 ~ 811 + Sauna ilrlul t Pttrk nn the bay. oA~•hl=ey""P~l~M~<~-"~1~8'1,_~~B~R"I sc<·~7~~Y~~J.j~cli:i-s~ar~r111 N\~~hou~~.c Ne~V ~ s ~~.r ~ $1'-:.~. 675-0723. Oce:inS·~i~<;. t~,1]~12'~:~pprr BIG CANYON new 2 SllO,'~ 10 !'"".llOO Si\CRJF"lCF: $7450. 20X·15 LantPrn. [3uild1'r. f.,.l:J-lfllf.i + I "'"' """' BA viev.· homr. \V ! 1 ! fam,,. rm· (.'{)Rmlec 11 °!. Call .Jnhn Shearer exf"hange emuty for rfuplcx 1.lrln 11•11 ti•r!Mn! park. Pool. HOUSE + 6 UNITS nr. go course. es o er C RFY -TO S ,-5 :r .,. 2 ("il l'f"11"1~. 675-R22'l l0'7~ DP. Open I-louse Sun, -" -Hl·,AL R 1· ·· ·1·~5 "r Sf'I! for $37.95() ;,~: ,•,111·n iiiiiJiliiiiJi Nc11• units cit 21):{7 f:ld<'n, 21 P.ue Granrl Duc a 1, New Oc:ean O.K. CM 1~1 usrr 11·/~IXV~ 11Tltc OCl-:1\.J'\J\'IEW REALTY ~ oft. C11 I\ Builder 646-4·114. 614-8543. 640--0986 F D I SC ,71 41 4~--0-lOO Rt1I Est1te, ,a * OCEAN VIEW * ront up ex or 4~7788. Eves. General ~ Ea.c;tsirte CQSta i\1esa . 6·2 New cuslrim 4 BR , N"Jl l 4 berlMOms 2 bath -3 bdnn w/poo!. nr 17th S'l. b " 2 h '" h "".f S·an Juan Capistrano !106.000. 3 units 1·3 b.lrn1, 1-/eights lnot a eondo 1 2 c .. room aui, rac ,.,.i Acreage for sale 150 ~lin to J!oa" & f(•St. rn\I' has a firppl:i c••. an fl 2·1 lll"lrm $62,(J\)(l Tom Iller • f l l I I I JAl\fl DRA~1ATIC 1¥12-4.0:.11 F<111li1Slic: Asking $79.000. an a,,~ 1,',,'",·,'·,',11 v ew. 'fVU rnNTF:r-lPORARi" 91:! 1\C!l.F: OP.ANC;f.: fiROV~~ -~'==~==~=-,John Carey, Rltr. 64&.741·1 sq. · ' -· ARClltTECTURE Jl1vrr~1c!c. Pr1n1e location NEW T RIPLEX ENJOY the bt•au1y, lu.1tury, comfort & presti~I' of hvini; on R Lido bayfront V.'llh 2 additional fenant1> sh&inng your cost. Triplex, nn 40 fl . of the bench with apprux 4000 sq. ft . of h1·autHul s truc!ure. All 3 un1 !~ h;1vr &v.'eeping bayvle•.'I. r>lr;<;trr unit of 3 Brlnns, :! R11i; l"e· cently decorated avail;;ihlc to new owner. Lher11 !ly a steal et $225.000. Open ~;11 &. Sun 1-5 al 413 Via Lido Soud. Bunster Crecly, Bkr. 646-<3.'lll SPECTACULAR 31m sq [! nr Dana Polnt su11abl<' fl)r Apl s, Condos 3 BR llouse t 2 Units at VIEW + BIG CANYON H11rbor, 20· high open hean1 fl n s s i h l" nci~hburhnod 416 fiamillon. Cilt . W lk & L ·1· · 1· & f shopping. fP S 1 5 7. 5 0 0 . Call Builder. 646-4414 New 4 Br. 21~ Ba. 2 frplcs, a er ee ('Cling in iv rm . orm R1 ~=-=~=,-"""7~C"C7 *MEDITERRANEAN J BT"s. fa mily rm, dini ng rm . 211r ba, beauti!u1ly appointed. $89,500 *VIA LIDO NORD Older home on valuable 50 n Jot. 1285.000 LIDO REALTY •· I 1•; I " I .,j • ' I! landscaped, 14 Torrey Pinesf.2:=;:;~~====:'.:;=::'.. din rm. n1assivt> frpl('. ~~n:'.!~·15 0,. '"2F7ind[. ~ly, ~ dlr. 4 PLEX C.M. 2-1 Br. 1 11i 111A1 tS TAT I spiral staircase leads to .,...,....,L • ..., JI: ,-,a o, Ba,2-2Br,assumeVAlostn. Ln. 644--0648 By Owner spectacular library-study & 1-0"°'an~•o..:.Po.::::l"~!.'-------YE AG ER B. EAL TY TOO BIG, MUST SELL BEST VALUE sundeck, lr~ rn n de r n APPL\' IRON-ON TAPE TO 556-GlTI Linda {sic. 4 BR, fam, 4'~ NEWPORT DUPLEX kitchen. ser utit rm, 3 Ir~ TROUSER POCh'ETS when ==~cc---c==c----ha~. pier 8: slip. Only Sl95,· 2 BP.. & 1 BR .. nc1v eupper hr 3 ha. i~r-: finanring. lmu~f'n: Arf> nPw. Thi11. will DUPLEX ...... SJ3,500 001. Call L1cnnison Assoc., plun1bing. lo m:iinrenance, $fi'l,500. Oncn house Sat/Sun reinforc:e lhl' pocket.~ and F'OURPLEX ..... S~.S.!XXJ fj73-7311 xlnt aff'll. S('nsiblc Invest-12-~. Takr Camino Las lessen the r.:hant"I' of hnles. 12 UNITS, .... SJT6,000 60 FT BAY FRONT ment. X!nl !lnanclng . R11mbl<1.1; off ramp, So. of Enjoy more closer space by YEAGER REALTY 556-GlTI • $45,000~ ! 1 Call 645·8400. San .JuAn C<1pli;fr11nn. fo selling '"rlon"t needs" wlth 12 UNITS wt pool.cenrrl CM B!'st v!c\v. pif'r ,t, slips. 3 :14022 Calif' de IJonanza or a Daily Pilot Cl<lssilled Ad. Inc. $2170 mo. $180,000. Rrt. :1 bas + i;uest ap!. ,j.J~'~"!;flt.>£6'1/l"-lru'CQ'.Oflf.lJU.. cl!ll. 4~:\-9692. 642-5678. Owner. 642-9520 S.159,500. Call Dennison As-• V. E H rd srws. f)73-7311 • .;._. r!:~i....:!. Co. HARBOR VU J\.10NTECO f ':::::";:;::::;:~~;:;:=:::'_ $71S i< ;"'\ """" """"'ded 4 BR, "' 2 DOORS OFF r.;;','•. STAR GA'ZER:l<l'1'1 new. Open !-5 daily. ).\\'~ 1742 Port 1\lanleigh Cir. OCNFRNT By CLAY Jt POLLA N Liii.A Owner, 644-6249 Duplex · just llsted, 3 Bl'l. fin ~~~'.'], H Yovr Oa!l1 Ac1J~i17 C..id• ~ strr. 21 t"h. ~E~A~ST=B~L~U~F~>-~C~o~nd-"'o~. ~O~wn-,-r·.1 2 BA, ea., nrw\y remO<I.. ~J.::...,.A/~. ,, -V-.According 10 rh1 Slan-. ocT. 11 ~~~ F'orm~! D.R., 3 BR, 2~~ cpts/drps, Furn. Carden lS.lf To dev•lop ml!ssoge f04' Mondoy, ~~>~2!~-~~·~ Ba, fam rm, patio. Spilt patio. Move In or rent. ~76 rl!OCIWOt"dJcornspondingtorunbtrs .IJ7 lrvel. Incl. rE'C. fa c 11 . $108,000. of your Zodioc. birfh"slgn. Kol.PIO $67,000. ~32-51!88 OPEN SAT & SUN 1·5 1 Yau'~ 31 K~ 61 lwwJ ocr.11 * 109 Sonor11, NB k 20ldtlme 32 E.,..., 62R,,_,,..,t,11 1.::=:N~E:;;W;;::;O<;F~F:;E;;R;:Ii;N;<G,.--I BY o~·ner 4 BR Mon!ego REAL TOR 551.280-l J New 33N.Quointance6l Per~ H11rb. Vu Homes. 1627 Port A A 34 And 64 v-Brl~ • h 4 bdrm 0 VIEW 5 Being 35 Nt~ 65 And *673·7300 * 6 .. t °' C eery · Atihey. pen Sii t & Sun 6 F•lend 36Moy 66For home wl!h special chenn-644-R909 7 Go J7 Be 67 You U.GITTAl.IUS ~· patio, det. gan.ge , -"""-"~· ~·-------1 Forever view of bey, mtns, 8 A/..-:1 38 8..,ni..t 68 Brighi!)' Hor. 11 ~· -otly palnled ln &: out. N E WP ORT S h o r e ~ , & gN!en belt. 1 yr old Bluffs 9 Or 39 5111» 69 N>Peo•ooc• , ·-· 800 2 BR, 2 BA. Dl.'n. rrplc. 2-Condo near rvvol. 3 Br or lO(h.toctJ •0 1, 70 Tt.e O!C. ti J .. ,1 '"r 10 beach. $92, ·~· '' 'I~~~~ " sty. Oprn S11r 'Sun I·S. 2 br & den. Cus tom cpts, 11 lktt« Al Thar! PiecoutioM ~1 Gl WALKER 12 MI.-Al.Mot." 72Promotiom §lOO $·19,5('(), JO.l Prospect S! drps, bar, light fixtures, 13 r0 AJ Re11.11n 73°""'tloe>f. CA,llCOlH REAL TY 675-OPEN H1Jusc Sal & Sun 1_5 miTron:, V1.111 Luit wnllpapcr, 14 eon.ldotrld A4 Mok.t 716 ~ ••••VI Lido NB ''" Pn'"''Y & ,ec .. ~ly 15 L··c• •Jin 75Mood OtC.21..~ ~~ • ' ' ' 290'i V,(o;;!a CAU<!A.], BA V Vu '· ~ c • u.•' · "'"" .. , I • ""Y di''"' lrom , .. -,, " 16 Fdt A6 M 76 Fl"91'I ·'AH. lt. R11rti;ron('lo'.\br.2b11 . " ... .. •• 111 17flthM -47 Pos,lbl• 771n1n ;,. .... .,..~~ 2 STORY BAYFRONT Jtn: dn. P.2,500 Agt Gr::.--:1535 .~11ve. 544·2336. ll G»d AB S111,.,.5 78Gl•l"!I liQj;~~&,;~ 2 BOAT DOCKS ' 48 R, !BA. THIS HOME 19CMI A9 Atiov. 79TN ~(). by tam nn w/frplc, Uv OPEN Sun. 2·5. 403 Vi~tn . 20w11t. 50Yau''• llOUr>deiMbl~ AOVAl.IUS nn. -. R<, Slt5,()()0or Rflmll. Blufl~ rondo: :lnr, SAYS WE LCOME 2 1 ~ Sllnl\1 Bl Up JAll,1fA 2 H L, Lo rl $4~ r.No 22 ~ldenl 52 For 82 Gn"'pt ' I~ .,man.. Sy owrie r 711 1 '"'.11 ' w P t'!', ' .. 11~•. On Sf\t. Imm t-:1, 193'1 Port 23 M .53 FoYO" 83 l'on1blt ,, •. 11 Ba)'11hore Aw. LonJl: Bl'l'Ch Ken Smith Hllr. &l<H.121 5 Provenrt o .<:Peery t,, 24 p"°°" .54 Go•n 8• Tn 1-31-34-1! IAl.mltoe Bsyl 438-1748. 2BR. exp.:indah!e: 2 & .. lmmntul~1f' :l l>NT'room, for 2!iPlon• 55£ort 8.511...,,... 58-6/). ] $65 ~ 26 Connot ~ W•th 116 IM•cot.d (J6.6261. _ ch11.nnel. l"ll!'r 1>l1p. '97.~ on Y '.. · 27 been~ .57 frlenrlly 87 lns,/y lllST COR. TO .SCH. /I. Sand & Sea RH.[. 675-8800 University Realty i 1esr"' ~er-eeT"" 3001 F C If 673-<510 l,J"l\AU~,f 29~1ty .590n 89 Cllono<:i 4 BR.! bA wllh huge m111ter }lave an extra i;pRN! hea.ler ·· irt . · wy. · Jf,~s~ir, 11 JOll«.nt @Thr<MOh 90fli•I suit" w~ view. Red. 10 you nil ·_IOng<'T u.~? Sri! II EA!ITBLUFF 5 Ur, lusk, 21 29-j1 /'O>.. 6\ 2{' f JU2,!IOO. Open Sun, 1·5 pm, now With a Dally Pilot acroi;s lrom pnrk, xlnl ram. 2.). • r.,1o1~Good Adn ue U Nt\ In. C25 vi, Udo"°°" f?5.f{}4. O assilied Ad ! 642-5618. ho.0m='·~-=.:295=1..:B;,>c.ownc=='-----l'--------------L------------..q,. •I~ ( TRI.Pl.EX. Nr So. Coil~\ Plaza. 2.',1 I.Jr, l·l 1,1'. Frplc's, sha1i: c r 11 ts. i::ar.1gi:-s. S•IJf1. 1110. iuL~1111t· X!nt 1nvcs1111cnt, JU' t· 1!1.11' 11, S·l l i:JO SA:-!, CLEMENTE-Ni'"' un n1arkct 5 urllts on the !1lulh u1\·rouk1ng tt1~· h I u •' Pac1 f11'. 1·2 hr. 2-1 U1', .'.:· s1ni;l•'S. Crpl.s. drps. !k •1I, i;arag<'s. ( 1uts1.1ndll11; \'lt'\1 $1 :!'!,0CXl. DAVIO D. CARLSON REAL TOR SJJ.9293 ~~'1;\J:J:"l;\VI :s1:0ttS CASH IN S CAYS FREE ESTIMATES I 11 'I·:\ !•.\'l::H ''I),\ y & l~\'L:: l!tu11 l\1•;1rl1/~\J\lflt \lall1•y !,,1; 'i~ ~; .. 1· i-:-ti!-:&ll Bkr. j•\'T ]',\HTY \\",\:\'·rs TO 1q·\· l!Oillf 111!{ECT ~·]{11)! J'Hl\'AT!-'. )'1\ltTY • .:1~1..:1jJ:1 . ---\\".\~1'1'./) utuJ~. cnn111w/'l'l;d "r \ ,,,-_,rit 1•n•11 :-;;,n t h·111. to llu111 J>.·h. hi~-\i372 , 1 11 ~1s7 1:1~,s LJ!{J..:,\)[ I I I ~ !2 nut"-bdrn1 apt:; (1•111'1x1rt financial • p.1rk11w,1 !.ikc 111·1\, <111:0111,1• ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;;~ <"'nsin,rti•in. lrl!?i•l r•'fltJ•I lot•., eornt'r lot, 2 lolk :; fr.111 2 111u 1n sis. Appru~. $:1 1,0li!l B usiness (:ash required. s1dt·s 11n~·,· Oppo rtunity $1 27,500. S\•, 111:.11 a1 •1ll 200 L·ash spen<111hl•· J>l'"J'"\"!••d ••l'l.'l' IJ ': l'li~S U!IP i'llll'I l:o ~t. l11qUIJ"t' 'l'~:n ll \l,\N!1!.Jl\'1: 4\1 11401 lr\'1n1· !lh·d .. ~Uitt' I\ Tu!'>tin. 171·11 s:i.~-:o-1 10 SUPER TAX SHELTER 12 UNITS Westcliff Area Takt• i\llf !IK~I . drtVt> 111 l\r nllil•"l"1 t•l lC<t. l"f\\,'11\, (;l'O\\"· 111l! r1J111r•' .\:.kin~ $l:i.;{!ii. ( ~" 11t•r 1\'\ll hl.'lp fina11c1'. ~nr 111 f11l'HH111nn, <·11 !1 Enrh 11111t h;ls 2 ~dl'QOlllS. + S u1111s h11vi> a s••p11r;.i1,, 11a1io-y:1rrt :ircn. G r ca' I Co~ta i\!1·--.1 location. Close ..... ~-~..,,..~..,~~ ,,. shopp1ni.: S.: p u b J i c V & S R · 11·a11 s p v rtai inn. L i\v T tereo epa1 r \·at"ani.:\' rrt,lnl. Cr.11 1101\. \\°t>ll 1•1.t. · rnust sell! DAVlb BOURKE Rttr Auto Body & Paint 546-99:;0 11wnrr !e1:n·i11~ sr;;r~· RIVIERA REALTY CLOSE TO BEACHI 1 -1~ lirot\dwa~·. 1·_,,1. Brand Ne1v DcluX!.! 3 ,'(r •I * 642-7007 * BH. Dupk•x. 3 BA. (!ill ~ar cu. ~~IJ.utkl, 51 1 l~!h !-I !1.0. C::ill 13ulltl!!r, S·17~:1:6j ·I SE:P.'\l{ATF: lh•1l~t·s-111H~ Atta,•hed r:<1 ragP, SO.l.~:ill, 011•11cr I: 1gt /~l-l:'l--07al Indus tria l P roperty 168 WAREHOUSE 10000 FT . 0\f•r 10,(/1"() ~q II -+ lSl~l ft. 01f1L·e .spa<' ... ,\Ir • ••n.]111011· i11g-.·4 !oadint?; 11,,,,,.~ 1iO:l :1n1p (>l)•\·t·r <11·11r I H•'l" I 'rin1I' Orrtnl!'•' t 'ntUll~ 1.1,·aii.111 \'•W· n1•r l"r .1.: nt•ar '.! rr1 .. 11·av-.. .'u1>en1 1;1!ue 111 ~r: ... 1~·~J· 1 !uri·y -C1tll SJJ.:;:111.1 IMENI DIVISIO) .Jl"lCI< 8.\R AT TI·lf. Pll'.H To•!;~l ori.::uil1". J);1rn 1\1X"I l11h1t"io1·, \\'lt1«rl:wx l 1 ,, r ( . ha1hnk•111 1<hower. \(ii' tn 1';ilcr. S'..WI. f1r1n. ·l~l2-J::~~;. I 'RJ·;.;-;CH & kin<11•n1::1r\t'll. l.11 7'!. Co1n'l acrl·. i'••d. f~l ··d~' \\"1tlian1s ll I l r ~1:1.'1 filt"''--=-c--~--c= Business Wanted 210 \\',\\°Tl-:P !\l ()tor c.y r J e 11 .. 1!t'rsh1p. Ora11)!1• Lo . 1;j:;.r;::o~ •. r 11 1 :~'\;-1~s., Mo ney to Loan 240 1st TD Loans UP TO 90 IO 6'4'c INTEREST 2nd TD Loans TERRll-"!C ~tO'.\'E Y l'l!Al{Elt lowest rates Orang e Co, & T.\X ;,;Jl1-:LT F:n I Sattler Mtg. Co, 1Sk!(' hy Sic!(' I 642-2171 545-0611 $ LANDLORDS $ Let US rent UR proµertles. \\'1• .~e1•vir·f' Rll the beach C'i t1••s & inland Orange Co 1',l;:F: FREE. S;iv(' Tin1e & SS $ALA RENTALS $ Ne-wport ,'-. Bax,_ ('~1 642-8383 1 flit. lln11sl',$115, utll pd. f' ~! AIMI 1 BR. &. den . l "d~l Aa1..h Unit, NB, S90. Ag!. !-\••·. 979-8430 Balboi""lsland~--- ~nr l••J t'Arly to resen.•t' ~111111n•·r '111·u 1io11. Ualbot1 l!<land llilyfnllll 4 Br, 3 Ba. J11l~· $2\l!Xl AU){. $2500. AIS<1 ,1 \a1I June & &•pt. Call 1;1: ... tf.12~ !.!\'!:; 1.n BallXJa Island l3;11 fru11t. ~_:;-;,•ru!lve 4 BR, '! (\;i SiOO. rnnrnhly til June l'.llh, ('n il fo7'."i-0525 ( '(Ji\-TPT rer!ec.'Ora!ed 2 B r, trµ!r. 1mt10, g:Ar .~ washer, ) rly $300. 673-9-133/673-6900 Yf<J.i'. 2 BH, nic~ patio, $~:111. 1\\•ail. 11111l1Cdiale]y. i;.1&-:i91.."i :lHH, CtJI.)' 11r 11a\\•r & beach. l:.!7 '~ (}pf"I S300 nio, Year 1 .. 11~t'. r.1:1-228.~ B~boa Penin~ula 45' l~ayfront p!er, flout, 5 Br, 4 Rn, winrt>r or yrly, 673-2039 Costa Mesa :-;1-:("I.L:J)J::U I Br ·rriplex. $1jj_ ,\JI util paid. Homefinders S47-9641 H unti ngton Beach \\·_,\1.K In l~·1tch 3 br r.tollill! llun1e. $185. K1d!t/pets ok. Homefinders S47-9641 ~a g~ Beach F\11{ n·nr l\fnnttrc·h A<1y, South1•r11 Cal"s finest beach, :\ !lr ;,. P.n, hotnl., eompt !11n1 ]l/\V . t'O!nr TV, \\'ID, 1711 1 i!iO-SIO'J or (?1 31 ;:::.-1f.11J ask for R. E . .\lluu~l1am. "------'! BR, 2 BA, close to do" 11to\1·n & hcach. Yea.r ·.-.•un1I S1:.0 mo. 642·0844 4'• l-'¥J1Ji Lido Isle \\"l'.\'Tr:i~ leri.~e. lx·aut. So. 1.11yfr"tl! ll<>;i1e: 4 UR., 5 tia , l.caut. !uni. SJndy bch. l'1•T , . fl·111t Slfi50 f\.tonlh 1.>ill t;ru11.!y Rltr. 6'5-0161 Ne-;porl-Beach -----12·1 13R plus l"oJn\tTH·r«1,d ,.;c•i·i·in1.· !larillH' art"a ~I 1 r.~. lt·H~e. 6-1 B !~ plLtS ,·o i11 n11•r. --··-· £1.\l.!l(l.\ !~I.I<. lovely 3 Br ,•1111 IP11.se. M ort9ages, 2 Lns. S·150 mo. 3 21 Nevrr .1 1·;1('".1nev f,11"hll'. Trust Deeds 260 ,\ ni ''Ch Y st . 213-7~5fi BUY nNr. nrt"H<Yfl! _ 1tMnrr1 !\lark II. Dunn 1 :1•al t11r~ ~.......,,,,.... Hous~e-,~U~n-l_u_m_, --l -OS 492-Cl':l''" J•l')_ -~"1 l ln• 1" 011 !lt'r~ 1------------' ' . ·"" ' -' . CA$H NOW G~nera l FOJI. SALE nt•;1rly 111'1\ .. fl 111as<111r} hid~.-ln•'lud.•s z SJ.1~10 . !•) ·S.f), •11 lots. ;\pprn\ lj!I() ~Cl fl. s 111 I !~1;111 ro1nn)1tn1•'lll~ h,v phllne in 2 IJilrl~ c;in he U~l'd S11lqr.·1 1•1 I• ril!t· •rlnn ••I fnr l•lfil'f' & i;1 11r:i.<e. l.u!~ l.1•·1.-. ~l,,n1 1;1y payu:,·rl!~ ol 11;irking. Citll fL\<ln.1~,·r ~a1lorrd ,,. ,\-our ind1\1~Juul 1;1:1.111r,2 · r1111u1· .. 111C"ot.~. J'U t1•"•·d l•I l'P·f11111nrl' 1ouur l ots for Sale 170 l·•11· l rilt'l~··r lsr T 11 ·"·i1h ----------'-" \ \TJ11;o.;,\l, \IOl:l'(;A(.!, ALA i.ENTALS ATTENTION t '!l 1. .. 1 ~nur t'i1uity 11tuk NfW'°'TitJ.Y,C.M.•42·1llJ BUILDERS f.,r y•111 ,l ust g1\·e \!);" r;1ll "Tll[iJn r 11100 I S "I 1 · ;-..,. vflh··,;lion · •1r nice 1{11 n .a n ~ rmenh•; . prime '"' r· 1 li1\CH fpr siudcnf $110 both lnts with panoran1ic or•c;in . ALI. !urn & ut 1I pd-Nnv.! \',lt"•''·?n(•blr1ck fron1 ~:1c!1. Nat1o na l.,.M,o rt9age Co. f'Hl\.\t"Y 1 hr g;ir apt Sl.65 l.r(ld~ tn. h111l•I ,on. I r1•l1111. I L i.c ,:.i·~l2\ I furn .~. hill~ µ.!. ,\\'all. plans:1\"rlllilhl>' .ni-Sc<>nd(•~ ~ 'Lrrn, S,1nt:t An.1 H~,\l.!.Y~ :! hr $115 E:/s!de $125.0!}1') ~ ;irk11l11·r ·•t S!")l1 po·t ok THE FOX CO. 1 I \~~\"I 1 'nr ~25o :>:R 0 llgts. Realtors 673-9495 . 2ND TRUST DEEDS ,-,,.11. hit·rl. Ra r. µi:t ok. --.••. --.--I" l••rr•1'I" "n )'flllf P.1•;1\ l.l~\'l LY ."\ lor ~·K 2 ha S295 Hl.rNl l,"1;(., f (I:\ H"ilf'~l ]rJlo;; /·:~!fl!(', 1n1·o>~! fnr g:ond :tppll fr pl l)"Ltjn 2 l'llr frv1n $r10!111 Ill' I: I. ~. ·: ,v. :.1,,fd. nr ~ .. 11 f'.\lst111g 111J!••. l<'lll·; L •1 3' ,· c•it ·3 b l C•ll \>'> n·.,. ~,1• I' • , II . • " • rllll Irr , I\ " I •·1' ... . •. ,. """' l ' IJ S ·"11.;11;il i\lor1i.:",;f.' (oi, ~''2' II ·k n II I . Blir -11 "fi ,11 ~ -.1 ,,, 11y. a l:"(X)( 1es I A(ll"\'A J'.,.:;;·11 17'1I11ff ~ znrH•c! fur 13·ph·x. Sl2(),1)1).J. ({•ff .. r1 f.1~-01!.j.\/IQ I 'l!~l7 172 TH1\ll.ER P;1rk. ~-~ sp:ic··~. flrilni::r Cnu11t\', $1().<MWl f"<l'h ~/)('IJdt1hl(', •)!1 $j/),()(IO rl1\n. prier $19:i,fXXl , .'\\Int f I 11 a nr1n~ PRJi\"rtPLES Orily, Ag1. cvt"•!'> ~l'IG-f.261 Mountain-:-OeS l!!rt __ _ Resort 174 1.AKF.: AP.RO\l/l!l-"':AD GrPal fnr :vea r rQunrl li vinf{ & rlow tn lhc> village. :l yr old Bav.:i.riAn stylC' 3 level home with Ol)f'n ht>am ceilinl!s lhru-out, 3 hr 2 l1a -+ cnn1pletely f\nli;hC'd baseml!nl for playrm nr 11·1trk~hop. Lndry fa c. S.16.500. ~213) 451~ 11rt1•r 6pm or anytln1c W('ekcnd~. iJ1c BEAW . br, 2 .,tory shell CRbin just oft lakl!. Clo~e 10 main h1vy, $2:.!,7!'/I. \\ill !lcccpt lg. 2nrl 1rui;t dcPd, Dick Seay, 645-38131 ilys. COLORADO ltiver r.esidenfiAl view lot. Sl/u!il ln. marina. boilt slips, shops, hara. nr. casi110s. Ca!h or sn1 . lrlr. 536-4664 ARRO\\'}-IF:AO nr11· c11h1n Grizily Lane. 1900 Sq. fl . ~·ab . viev.· or lnke & v:illey, $52.:iOQ. 557·1'\52. 'rB.AlLER. 10'!, Cnlo H.iv, septic tnnk. •11111 in. rerirly tor hook-up $:ro'I. 531>-olr"(.\ Ranch•s, Farms, G rov•s 180 6 ACRES AVOCADOS Bcnut. ~n1v1• \\•lrh hld1-t . pnrl, fanta11til• vl1•w. 9=r21 'llUll R \VHJTF. RF:Al.'J'O!l 2901 N£WPOR1'. N'PT lil'H 675-4630 or 640-1066 -··· I I I .> '\-J! ~' '."r1\I' I•' r lJJ:)C WC.ll·SCt'Urr!I ]St bal S:1!, 11:) /••1YS $:'1\2 mn 11u·l 10~~ -.J! dLJ(' 1~!7~. B\( :: _2!iple Vnllry 71-U24 2-:;\.l 1 Mo ney to Loan 240 ,:::.,,\·!·: ."P,\r·~'ll EN '.\HIV!;\'(; h_, ...... r:1 I.Ip in r: rhsh"o;; ;1 nrl nthr·r fr11,i.:il1• iH•n1s in "'llSh rloUis. fl'll\'Cl~ and othPr linf"n~. yflu l;C'I 111nrt· SfHH''' ln the gar <11;e nn<I closets by scllini:: irllc Hem.~ 11.·J1h n Oaily Pilot f'las!<ifird Ad. Call 642-5678 now! Mone~ 10 loan Flexible MONEY -Policy~- We at Tooa l~nll & loan hava terta1n la1!1 ud~s 1n to~n•n g montv whereb~. w~ handle al- mo~t ~n~ type 01 tlnant.l~I !rans· a"•on Jlld 1al!01 our sir~~•s 10 thf 1n~iv1aua1 Riied W• Jo1n on 1eal e>lat1. lumf. lure automobiles. boals. ~foc;~s ~lld bonds. oll•Ce t Qulpmefll. ett .. etc, or ~ i;omoonalion ol any al lhe abQve. We wlll llt ~e,., ~!east1 lo ad· Yist yllU wh1n 11na~ci;il ne1p 11 r~Quirtd in any situation. Give u& a call lo ,pp!y; wa can h~Mfl 111 ~ness by mail and phont. SANTA ANA 1222 So. Moin St.1 92707 (714)557·6484 NEWPORT BEACH 1617 Westcliff Dr., 92660 (714)646·3281 El TORO 23 6 84 El Toro Rd., 92630 (7 14)586·1060 f'lt.\lC\l!N"f; r, hr d1•n 3 bA S 1 . .0. l\e.11 burnt'! (i•w'(i ar••;'\' ( l!i-f:{) .\l,\..'i \' (";111 ALA Rl!!ntals l'llORE~ - 433 W.111th COSTA ME.IA SW to 5141) • Bach's, fum ,I!, unf. Singlci; ,to Srudent~. $1 50 -Nice 2 Br . Crpts, 1lrps, stovl!, t('frii::, garage. S\7j -CIC'Rn 2 Br. 1 ~ Ba Studio. Sn1l tot & pcl ok. S225 -3 Rr. home. Garage, yo rr!, \Vil! consider child & ""'· S:!il • .1 Br. :2 bn. Frplc, garng1', yard, kids & pets. \VE: 1'1AVE r-.tl\NY, MANY MORE!! LANDLORDS FREE LANDLORDS! We Specialize in Newpor. Bench • CoroNl del Mar • k_ Lfl.~na, Our Rental Ser.. vice I! FREE lo You! Try Nu-Vie\v! NU-VIEW RENTALS .6734030 or 494·3248 3 Br. View Lngunn $350 3 l::lr. Baylront-Boatsllp $425 '.l Br. "Olt'I CoronR." '425 4 Br. Spyglass-Tennill $475 2 Br. FR. DR. ShoreclUfa $500 4. Br. HRrbor View S525 4 Br. "R.fln l $pyglaa1" SICXXl Bkt 675-7Zl5 FOR RENT Chorm!ng r e m o df'l e d 2 lledn:io1n hou~. with 200 ft . IJilC".k ynrd, good for storage ONLY $.'US.00 month bkr. wr;..8&11). 2 BR & Den .CdM 2, BR, Cri1 &: HB, 5150. 4 BR Horse ,lt nn1"h, $175. Agt , Fee 97H<l0 Claeslfled alls sell blg ltemR, 1malt Xem1 or any itl!!m. Just call 64~! . . -;;;:;:;.----;:;;;;;;;;:;;---:;n.tjjif,;;;;;;-;:;;;;~;;---;;n.::;:;:;::;;:::---;;:-;:::;::--•n.·~:-'.:T:-C:-::C'To-.-".:'.:-0.:<",_,'.:'.;~-:-00.C'.'1'.'.""--..-;;-;-7'-:-•cc------,,.,-,""-,-,~~----Sunday, Ftoru.iry 3, 1974 Hou••• U_nf_u_r_n_. __ 3_o_s_ 1Houses Unfurn. 305 Houses Unfurn. 305 ITownhouse Unfurn. 335 I Dupleices Unf urn. 350 t:Ac;!:P..:";:.·..:F..:"o.:'.:."c.· ___ _:3;:60:l:A~p:.;I:_. _:U::"_::':_"::_':_:":_· ___ -_:l6=S 1Afit:-Unfurn--:- O.\ll 1 PILOT 365 ..\pt. Unfur-n. lrvine N 8 k 8 1 Gtneral •wport Beach .1c •Y I S•n Juan C•p i5fri1 no Costa Mesa Selbo• P.nlnsula Costa Mesa -;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;~i' ~1-~~~~~~1:..::...::.::::.;_;;.:::.::::.::_~ LEASE Be11ut exet•utlvro hom e overlo<iklng Newport &y &. r..:t>r1.n. 2 Br, 2 Ila, &_ Library, fornial din m1, 11!cture y,'\ndow11 In !Iv, rm. Will lsc mo. to rno. or yri~'. IDJ Ocea.n Blvd . Corona ilfl Mar. 546-2332 o r ~16--1224 Belbo• lslend 3.l7 £. llayfrunt, 2 fir, :i le11el, lrplc, pier for boat. $800 mo. yrly, avail r-.1ar. 1 673-6900/67:>-333! 167J·47G6 CITTE: l Br +den, house. mo. to mo, yrly, $300 + ut!J . 673~!JOJ Balboa Peninsu l11 1-'0 INT-11h blk to oceH n or hf1y. New V.'/\V crptg, 3 J3R. 2'~ Ba, frplc, ntl pt•l11. )'r\y rl'nt SJ75 per mo Owner r113J 88~!Kl or 799--5158. BAY view 2 br, din 1·m. thick shag, drps, ~:ar. yrd, i,, b!k !o bay, l blk t11 heaC'h. $325 yrly. A11l 2/11. 963-5353 ON the point 2RR, !arn nn., trp!c, 2 car gnruge, s:13:i Pl'r mo. Yea rly lse. G7~· 7495 Corona del M a r J BR., :Z. baths ••••••• " •• tjj!O l BEL, 2 batha •••.•...... S'.i!Kl 2 BR ., den. 2 Ba ......... $400 3 BR., 2 baths .......... ·Sil(Kl J BR, IJunws nn, 2 /Ji! •• $425 3 BR, 2 baths ........... $435 3 BR, fam . rm., 2 ba, •• S450 4 BR, tam. rm, 21,, ba. , $475 r-ll11li'"l 'i1llil. - - -'l l.1111llor 1st We,lem Bank Bldg. Uni11eni1y Park, Irvlne Days 552-7000 Nights 2 BR., l bafh .......... SJOO 2 BH, 2 ba, den a/c , . S275 3 BR, 1 ',~ baths , ..... S300 3 Bf{, 2 bath! .... $385/425 4 Bil. 2~ b!J1hs $300/4251450 CALL 552-7500 V ISION e red hil l REALTY ltP.A LTO!lS Unlv. Park Cenlt'r, I1v1J1e -:r an. J BA. dbl . au;1et11't! I , ... Ll..hl:. NI:'.\\ Casa de Oro CHARMI NG 2 Dr ~1u. .,. 11:ar tned pslio, p '' 11 I , ch1ldf't'11 uk . .$3 2 5 Su~I!· :..tor) pri\Jt), 2 ,t-Al.t. lJ111.1Tlt:S PAlD shoppifli It bPll<"h Yrty-WHY RENT? Lease With Option To buy Ho111ts 1111allab!e 2-3-4·5 BNroorns &i~3bl5/S40-I7:,,0 ~1 Iii' ... f-1111 rr11 µr!\ )d.. ('"n1ii.:i.rt> tx-lor(' you rc-nt f't'n1111 :ill E t!.1lbo:i lll\•l 11111'· f'.••• •i.:· ~. ~l<I\! 1i1 ..... 1.1 ( 6Th-IM2ll Ut' ( 1 j ~~Ji:!~ k· 1. ,1, t Il l' I ),on , 11111 Loi, 'ust .. rn tl1'~!~;11t'cl, fe11t1Jr1ng . colle.ct. • Spal'lous kitchen with in. ~~="'--------1,. l'iou \'I• IO ..... J.>1:! Ol11.1oj,1<J 6r_ - Lo\•ely 4 BR~ 2 U:\, uca r !'alli • ,\,fl•'ro. 4:11;,g:ifi:i direct hghung Co1plat rano Beach swtrnnung 1,.-(1]. l'11ls. itr\1:-. BEST DEAL IN TOWN • Scparnrc din 'g are<1 rt•llr 111:1tul. S2'h Sec J .Jck, • Home-like l'!ton•gt' 9'19-163.:\. Apts, Furn. J60 • Privr re pa1 los COM,.ANV [ • Closed garage .,.,,/storage Huntington Beach -e Marbl" pu!lmun RE . .\LTOHS ,B~a~l~b~o~a_;:l•~l~a~n~d'----e Klng-s1. Bdrm!.! DELUX1'; nu :I Hr 2 lin. u1•t.,u1 \'iew, dt'('k, D1W, i;&r. S:!55 493-1!187 Ur 67:,.376(), Corona del Mar SINCE l94·1 CLO SE TD BEACH I! -673-4400 Brand New Oelu:..:e 3 & .i l 1r.1.t 'XI·; 3 Ur 2 Ha all • Pool -Ba~he<1ues -sur-I BR Apt with g11.r sf'rO!is l ""~~,.. ... ~ ... ,.,,...,,..,11i1<. 3 B,\, 1!hl "ftr, •II J,ll11s,. <'f'ltor 1'V, lr1·11: a,•I rounded wllh plush land· trom park arid tennl~ -"' .. SC'nplng J • ·11 b I I . · TENNIS BUFFS hl1ns. Close to rel·rl·atin11 1111» ol .h111e 15. S3751rno A lulls N p t 11.'a rn C<'l ngs u t -ins. &schls.5l418thSt.IH7-3\);,7 u~il !Ml AL"° a\! v.kly ttu'U 1 uDnM.'F~.eS~OO. S200/1110. a.gent . 644-721 1. Only steps 10 tennis court. -N ewport Beach i>urnrner_67f>.:_2099.-"'~----c 365 \V. \I/Uson G-12·1971 2 BOR!\1 + den. t'Orupll'tely swimming pOOl ll'Urn Nl'..:\V ~Al.H'''' Ji.:J,, Channer, t ren10dt!led. PQtlo & drC'k 3 bedroon~. (o~ 2 & denl, 3 Bf{, 2 ha, hltus, carp, Bl{, s1u1de1·k, $200. mo Util.11 UEAUT FURN ] Br Jots A1111llitblc !\OW! $29J. ino. lor1nal dining, llreplQC:e, sl.'ll drps, refni:. prol . 2 •'ft!' p;1id {i7J-3560 of bltlru;, pool, walk to 2:.eal!oc'~&1~4~-~777=0·'----cl~anl~ ov 1 o 1 n.,1><'• 11 utUul c 1 an· g,1r Adlt. rouple. $300 Nr 1 Balboa -Pe~n~;-n_s_u~1.---shopping, m1 from t>t·h $150 LARGE 1 bdm1 11111, n~·w Y n View n g I ghts. m-Hoa g llvs. Rl•r fi42-~3:r~ mo. 931 W.19th St. s.1S-M92 drps &. crpt, lg" rrl)\d p;1tlo. mediately available. Located . high on the hills ol llarhor· San Juan Capistra no $35 W EEK & UP Adults. no Pl't:.. G l !"l a SJ 1 n,~ Huntington Beach--i\largucrite Viey,• I-fills. S495 pt>r rnonch ? "R 1 200 1 1_.n ~ l.'l'P ni.: " • ...,n1s _""c'c..---~--644-4687 ~ n , pou. $~ . (.I us "'' • ltuusekt>epuig ltooms 2 BR, 1 BA, l"Rrpt<!s, clriljil~. · cleaning fee. ~ e Der.an Viev.• Apts $155-$165 !ireplace. Pool. 3 Rdrm -2 Ba. near ocean, •••~9~10al••• I BALBOA INN BACHELOR & 1 BR, Pvt S2'25/t-.10 . 67S--056'.! Iced !he duok• O" ,,, .. D F 1·~~ l"""d -· d I<• " • I 345 10:; ~l ain ~treet ""'· .,..._., '''" '1 u "· 2 BR bl · I du! -ctuu1rwl, ini;-1dc pa t \ Q, up exes urn. 812 7S·I!!. ., 1;11u1, lX>Q . A ts, l"tnn1n. pool, t e 1\ n is , B p . ___ £75 8 .. 7~40'---~= -no pets. $225 -Le~ .Ibo. .nlnsul. r - -I nr., v.-/w crpt, drp•, s111 SEMPL"' R.E. s-• ... clubhousl'. riuiel cine-way I :l BH, 2 h:1s, nl'W l•p!'g s~ L l.>-V'rl.! & refr. $140 mo. Olrl,·r s ni·J !ilT!!i!I out side View, stl'ps YEA!{LY, furn 3 BR 2 ha 1 n1•1._. Yr's \,•rise. ll73-!l'j9l or l'plc only. 5..19--0luti, SHARP t iiR Apl w/priv lo the blu.: pacific. l..t:AS<.' h nd neiv .1 .,' d0< I' fir h75--1600 ~27_3284 tennl~ crt &. pool. $190. mo, S1'.M1 1no. 646--7767, &12-llf..iO. ri:n ocean $fOO· ~o. (~~f Yl:.A rtlY-l cB~ll~.-,,,,~-,-,-,-,-.0-,~d. 8:6-3TIO, 640-S'2'.l'2 &16-4172 11 Lagunll Be ach · \V. Balboa ) 673---2058 /\gL ill !s,. 1~<1 ,).)Ct~. r1r J1hrary, 2 13R, large li11in!( t1J('>tn. 2 BR condo ........ $22()..$225 O~EAN VI E W 2l3!t, 1 Ba. Upper w/ Vi~.1 __!_!7.1, ti7.~l~l~r 673-8224 EF'F!C. tipts from S50 \\'.~ yard, gasage. $2:-xl a month. Mo/15e. NE\V PORTOF'lNO $2:JJ/nio. in1·L ut JL \\'inti>r Corona del Mar or $170 mo. Poo l, 1n::iiif, l\73·2957 3 Bft condo ... S2\i5 r-.to /Jse. 4 BR, 3V: BA, 2600 sq fl ; t:a!l ti75·R5.1L I r1h. ldry, Village 1 n n 1 ·c~.-,-,-.-M-.-,-.----- 3 HR ho1ne ... S350 r.to/\sc. crpts, drps, gArden<~r . 2 A -·J 1 J BR. '~ blk to ocean. •194-[).136 4 BR hon1e ... $425 Mo/Jse. Private pool & tennis c.lub. BR, t 13 ' tnc U(CS util. · SH0/n1n. util J'ML No pets. l.'."..'-"-=----,--,--IRENTAL condo, 17111 & RANCH REALTY $6'15 l $215/nio. \V 1ntcr. I :t~)'J s , CdM BR complete y urn P l N EC REEK LIVES UP TO ITS NAME 011e r 500 t!\11 ·r~'(!.~ 1111d II! i;u· ... a n\S v.·11h w11f11rldlli; c:realc a re!a>.lnl{ 1>t:t!1n~ !11r your i;pacious new 1· or :» tw>d room apa1't1nt•n! I-t"•11n S170, r·urniture il\'<1d ;d1l!" OlfJce open 9.00 tC• 6:00 2,1110 F'airv1c1v Rd., Cu.~la J\lt:s 1. Phone: S.~2300. ADULTS 2 Apts. a'allubli'. 1111/J tnr. 1iets, drapes . blr-ins .t en.·! l,;ll1'a.1;1•s. s11in11n1/lj; f."''\ll. 111trr1"11Vl' St'11111i; "ith l•ol~ Of tn•ci. · 1;:,s & l\':Ui·r p.1l\l, 1 H1:1troorn · St70 l\11• 2 llt>druom -$215 fl\o SH-: 2311 E lden A\'f' Or call t-.11,rr. 645.j7i!O HARBOR fU::AL'!'ORS SJNCE 19-1! 673-4400 *** ,\11.i1)11·r lt1 npt BNfh~11 L!r•\ ··l•1 pn1r-nl MEDITERRANEAN VILLAGE 1\11 :i·lc!r•-<s 1\I ,!lllllncuon In L'"i,;ta /\1P-~.11. adjact'111 Ill New- 1..cort U»11r!1, Jlnll'•li•. 11 nd Ch•: ~111!hl11ntl"s fuu:i;t 1·0111rr1un· Jiit'¥ l ''."F'URNtSH!•'D l n~·tl1"M1n fl'Grrt S165 I U~dro ivin & Dt.!n ln1m S195 2 Hcc1 r0o1ms lrom S:?IS 2 Ur Tu\\nholl.St!~ f1 11rn $250 l 'l<·;L .... ,·J,! fvr ,\\01l;1li1 l1n~ 1'iL1· 1·h.ui11 of ~Jlrl World S11ain av..11t~ you in ("oota \l,•'i.1 a • lt111i-: Jlrt>th••r.;' f\!1'(!11crT01nean \'1ll;1ge. The ~\•unt ry is th~ ~tuni,: \\)u•r" 11ua1nt <•1lthtc,1rn1" l'QUt1· yard~ and rau1....,,..iys 1v1n•! Ol"t•r st n·;orns :u1•I p.-.~ 111 the rl•••r (l! ~·•i!r villa a p.mmP11t. -l•'Jl't•pl 1h~eS, W•·t IJ d r 5, l ~·ci rn•~t c:clhngs, 11·<>k! pan. .. 11ni;. -Fasbivn dcs)i.;-1111! oolor-ro- orrl1n.1 tL...:I 1ntt·n(lrs, with 1·;trpe!s an<! rh ,.,. .. ,. -J'1ivate pa!IVl> and hal- ")nil's. SEA WIND Next To Spyglau VIEW SlJ-018; mo,, ease. L E N C111! 675~11 ' · ~:_w~. __ , ~----.. iegant duplex. Frplc, ocean Tustin Av~ .• Newport/Costa ** 5S l.2000 ** . . Newport Be<iich ('l!TL hal:helor apt on beat·h, vu. walk to !own $300 incl. t\1€.'sa 1u-ef1 . 2 Br, 2 ha , '!::'~~""''""""'""',;,;,,,;,;,,!!!!!!d BLUF'FS V1e'ol.•-£11terta1n or Quit·!. JJerson iln!y. S17J. Utll u11l. 4.97-2920. frplc & lg bad!" yard. Newly BEAUT. New 3 Br, 2 Ba, sun on !~e pvl. balcony off BAY VIEW incld. 67'.>-_736G ______ fURN. bachelor apt., near reJurbished, 11ll appliances. U1uv . _Pk. Gold shag (''""IS, Ii\/ rm/ rrplc din rnl .,,,,/ C t M •• h ho · ur t .,.1 S300. mo. Ca.II 645--1827 for You can look a lo! hur yn11 ELBOW R DOM I .-(~on1n1uni1y CL·nll·r 1vlth ~pacinu, loun~. !;lilliard f; p1ni:: p(!ng roY1rns J Bedroom, 2 bath homC', lireplace, formal dining. self-cleunlng oven. Enjoy private community tennis & swimming pool in this pr1tstlglou15 nrea a b °' v e Corona dcl l\1ar. $495 per month -lease: 64·\-4687. BRAND New J BR., 21~ Ba, vaulted ceilings, bltns, lrg sundeck, encl garage. J\.fust see to apprt'ciate S350/MO. CRll alt. 6. 6~1076 NR. NEW 2 BJt, Dt·n. 2 BA , sl'lf clean o 11 en, d!lhwhr, c.--1rncr loc. 520 Dahlia. S335 n10. Op!!n Sat/Sun. 6i~2132 • BIG Coron.'\ Dcnch·l.\ranrl new 3 Bil, 3 fJA. furn. rrn.,OC'C'a n 11J,•w, 2000 sq. It. dbl gar. At::l 67"f><.:;:;:900"-.. __ HOt-.1 ELY 2 BR. Avail Feb 15th. Carpet, drp!I. e!<'C range, Yd 5111 Ja.sminl', $260. Call &1-1-1291 LRG 2 Br, 1 R..1, ne"'' crpts, frplc, garagC', SZ15/r-.10. Aft 6. 30, 6TJ-~'25 COZY rustic 1 Hr ro1t age, beaut garden, S225. Adults no pets, 673-1169 NE\V Spy11;lass }~ill hon1c, t-.111.gnlllcent vu, 4 Bil, 21:i ba. 19 Tiburon Bay 2 Bdrn1. 1 b11, So. c;f l·i'ol.')', S295. per mo. Cal! 673-4171 11ftPr 6 rm COZi" CO!tnge, 2 SH, frplc., So. ol l-lwy. S215 Hal Pinchln RUr. 675-4392 NE\\' lrg 2 BR, hA, w/frpl c . view & dishwasher, 500 Poinsettia. Costa M•s• SO. Coast Plata & Bullock's, walk dist. 3 BR. 2 BA. Llv Rm, frpl. din rm, lam rm, dshwhr, self clean o\'en. Greenbrook Home. 9 9 2 Carnation. C.!'11. 675--0m 4 BDR~1 . 2 ba. all bltins. hardwood fin thru-out, new crpt, clrps. \\'ood burning trplc., no pets. SZ5ll. mo. 1213 1 835-7319 Sharp 4 BR, 2 BA Mesa de! J.1ar home. Close to e11erything. A11a1I now. S350 mo. incldg g!lrdener. Call Larry S.16~5$@ 3 BR w/ garage. f1•nct><I y;lrd. crp!!I, 1lrps, r.111g!' ,!!.: service porrh. Wa(er pd. $225tn10. Cnll r>-l&-5358 art 6 p.n1. 1:.1MAC. 2 nr. 2 Ba. crpts, drps. cl••r. dbl J;ar. shllrc 1,·ash/dry. S2•10/1n0. Adults, no pels. &1:..-3363 !lfl 6 & "'·lmds. BEAUT. 3 hdrn1. 2 ha, home. Lg. fam rm. 2 l111lc, crpts, rlrps, bltins. S:~50. mo. 673-1200. 2 BR, gar, enr.l pntio, adults only. Newly crpt'd .t painted. Sll:I0/1no. 187 E. 2151 St, C.r.t. 642-1960 • 3 BR, 3 RA, 2 story IO\•tn· hse, Back Bay, poQI, gar, S325. mo. 833-165.l /83.1-897 4 1 BR House, $U5 util pd . 2 BR., $150. 3 BR., S185. Agt . F'ee. 979-8430 4BR, F11.m R1n, hlt lns, nll lenced, near s h o p p I n g & ~hools, S335 mo., 545-7645 SHARP J Br S2'25. Fncd yrd, kld!l/pel/s!nglcs ok. Hom•flnder s 547-9641 4 BR. 3 BA, Dbl. gurnge. Btt-tns. Many ntrns, Cpts, Urps. $295. 540-4649 l BR HOUSE, fenced. S150 mo. Eastsirle Costa Mesa. 642-2225 BOA~ It Tnlller Stoni.ge. 3 Br $290. Sngls, kld,./pe:ts. Homeflnder1 547-9641 CLOSE to Narlna. New 3 Br, 2 Sii, crpt., frplc. IA'nsl', $.100 per mo. 7t4-828-97T1 Huntington Be•ch VACANT 2 BR, S16(l. J BR, Moblle, $U5. 3 BR. Nr. beach, $200. Agt. Fee. 979-84~ 3 BR 'Townholl.!le, frplc, range D/W, encl p11tlo, g11 r. And carport. Pool. S2'J5 mo. Ph. 847·4074 F'OR lease unlurn. 4 Br, newly decorated. $285. mo. 1142-5197 .,. • ~ 4 Bl{. 2 BA. uµpcr. Cnrnpl. c~·~·~•:,_;c.;.:•~•~•c_ _____ I ,,..ac · s pping. 1 • ,_,._.. h · won't fiud 11nylhu1,• tn 1n.alching drps. lrg patio, pvt patlo. _J R ~t. $185/mo. !urn. He-dt:C. 2 !Jlks 10 -$145 tlio. R e a Ion om l cs -'-'~w-'~"~•-· -------" atnuin . $425/mo. Leas". Lease. Ph.644-1 Jl9 beach, -Hth -"t. A"'· n io>· $JS W E E K & UP tii5-6700 FOUR SEASON'S APTS. co mpare wilh the lnr-.::t: 0W<l"". ""8813 O" ·-~·=. -· 2 2 "R JI' roorns. great lix'a!iun ,\· "' .,.,,... ' .J.).)---v.NU BEAUTIFUL 2 Br, den, med. Call e\·"~. 8'2·"'78-. e Sludio & I UR •\pis. ,,-,, QCEAlNFRONT, J 13", spaCIOUS slory 0 • ~ ... ~ -"" ., ' BA · · I garden setting here. 2 rH-t Ll'.:ASE brand ne11,< ''2" Plan lfarbor View 1-lome. r-.1<1 ny [) I U f 350 • 1·v & i';faid Ser11ice Avail. inc. ul il & priv parkin". • pnv. patio, poo • neiv + De I 1- 1 .,1 •• ,, o~o llo>C''' s.·>t /S"n up exe s n urn. 1,, .. shag, drn•. Conv. loc. No n, ge 1v1ng areas, home Turteroek. 3 un, 2 ... ... ,.~ u • hnn1.· St-1..,•h:c · lltd. Pool 729 Gaviota 494-1TI9 Sl70 ceramic kllchttns, 2 IJa~. & BA, V.'l'I bar plus extras. 1-5. 1860 Porl \.\'heeler Place Balboa Pen· I • r hildrl'll .~.Pct $ecUon l-N====B-"-'-'h=---pets. · outside fher1!'s floii •·r~. U.i vcly & priced to lse. last. G4~1837. •nsu a 237fi Ne111pvrt Bh·d . CJ\I ewpo rt ea c 735 Joann St. &l6-l4JO putting , pool. chi 1 u r cu 833·8282 1t"tlr BLUFFS. 4 BR, 21A ba£. BA Y rRON'f, Prhi. ht:al'h. ~-='"".c,'·~97~'~'~0='-6~<=5~-1~96=7--1 ------~I BR, carport. p11t patio. V.'elcu1ne. ~o pt-ls. Your~ TURTLE' Rock, lease, New Fam·rm, Din·rm, priv pa· Delu.xe, Yrly. 3 BR, 2 ba. 'LltG 2 Rr t!rluxf' garden o ----, B--:-f ~ New crpls, drps. All elec. !or S21 5. cean · ay 11iew rom Respon. adults only. No JAH, 2ba, fam n n. frplc, tlo, S400. &44-1480 $600 .. 2 RB $500. \\.1ll !un1-apt. G J\!in to bch . Car, sundeck3 Brfumorunfum. chi!drn/rv>ls or \\later bc.'<ls. THE VENOOME nr UCl & all schools, Newport Heights i.sh. 67'.f.664(. p:itin, \\':.ilk 111 clost:!IS, bltns, Ne"' decorations. 913 W. S l~/MO,... 548-lJ22 1845 Anaheim, C.M. 833-3201, 64().-3600 C d I M dsllwshr. Adults, no pets. Balboe Blvd, 67~5204. 1~-~~-~-----54&-2726. UNI\'ERSITY Park 3 BR COZY & v.·arrn 2 BR & bath, orona e a r I ~1~·, .. ~776 Wallace. Or cal! ~ 3BR, xtra Irg. l '~ ba, chil d El Puerto Mesa 2 Ba, atrium, redecorated patio, beaut. yd. gar, nr. NF.\V 3 BR 2-story, So. o f ~·='~~"=·ID::c.. --~----2 BR I b . l·blk 1 ok, pri pat10, nr shopping. & clean. $375 fflO./lsc schools, Avail 2/15. $260. Hwy, near sh o fl p i ng· I STUD IO Apt I Room & bath, " a.. · 0 ocean. 2 ml lrom beach, cull l BR Apt., Unfurn '"·2-8'~"-mo.645-6625 or673-12.15 Garv Spacious & sunn_,, all elcc furn .. util includecl,$115/mo. s.285· 4· ~R., 2 ba., bay fA&-3572 ah 5:30 Ii. wkcnds " ~ ' I & ocean view,$~ 7l..1 Shalimar $170. All Ut il P aid L B h 2 or 3 br, drps , crpt, gl\r , kll<:hen, entry hall, trplc, t11ust he over 40 'Rr. sohet. Ask for Mike l ccO'o=c;o;=_~----No Children, No Pf'($ a guna eac llrl ltR, ho pet~/ S25CJ..$3oo. p~t10 & lo!s of storage. 2l:!l ll&rhor f.\!l'd, Ci\! JONES REALTY 673--1)210 LRG lBR, 4·plt·x, crpts. Pool & fleercation $135-Util Pd. Bach apt. 2501 E. l6tl1 St. 64~l04S evl;'s. Rll-ll.\4/646-6075 [-(A cross fronl !{-Mart.) $35 PER Wk & up 1 br, drps, refrig, d/w, 1l? pet,, 1959 M•ple A ve, C.M . Sto11e, refMg, garage, yard. New port Shores Costa Mesa s·100. to $145. Nice 1 BR 2 br & hacb's, color Iv, $1402m 120 C Sha 11 mar, Sml pet 1ri11lPr.<1. nlw Apl. Adults. mnid serv, pool. THE ~-~=~3~===~=~-I Sierra Village s:.'OO·Util Pd.1 Br. near beach 3 RR, 2 BA, gar, co11ered SllO., 1 BR Du'.ilex. M.:i.rried 110 P~'!,s. 132 W. \\'i!son,C M r-.t ESA. 415 N. Newport * ELM GARDJ::NS AP'TS. Sntall Adult Complex Jn Lusli & town. Yard. Child ok. patio tennis pool oc-ean couple, 110n·sn1okf·rs. no I c"='·l~>-17"'0~ .. 0'=~~~~-~ Bl, NB 646-968). e Adults • Poolside Sl50 up 1',orest Setting. Located 5 $2'.!>-Rroec. 2 BR. Bltns, 13~/· y 1· "'"'' """' . pr.ts. Deposit & refs. 9:H BACllELO!l APT 1 d 11 V I al I e Also Children's Section M' f B h & ,,,, mo. r y. ~c.:u.,, \~' 17th 'i4S--0J[i8 . . a u , EH.Y. sm ~h rent . or 177 E. 22nd St. CM 642_3645 1n . rom eac FIW)'· garage, sml pet. Neax 2.'iO 62ND ST. $J:25. Near Sq~ '' '? pets. UILI Pd. SllO/mo. 1 gtrL Quiet, working, . • 2 Br, 1\4 Ba $195. Gas & beach. ocean, pool, etc. 3 BR, 2 . I ~:"c~&l~2=-~1~96~<l~-----clean. matur€'. Must bt-able SPACIOUS New 3 BR. 1 Water Paid. No Pc!s. S:.!40.-Woodey & Secluded. 2 has. 673_2654 e,·es. Huntington Beach [ 1 STORY, 1 bdrm completely 10 type. $120. mo. 556-8181. % Ba, patio, fr p I c, 114 E. 7mh St .. C.l\1:. Br. Gar. yard, canyan. I Jk' di 548-0131' "A" A095 S300-<.'harming 2 Br. Frplc 5 Cl LR 2 2 funt. S145 mo. Adult s only. STIJDIO apt. 1f.i blk from poo , • wa 1ng stance to or .....,.... home. Vic1ona Beach. an emente & Gdrps,B~.260 ~;. ~·~!yep~~ I 7""'7'~99!~-~~~'='....o""=5-_5=297='-___ ~ean. S175 yrly. Share kit. shop g. $325/t.10 . 64&-4067 NEWPORT S3:6-Util Pd. Loft, sep. FOR lse San Clemente 5 S225 mo. till June. 5-18-4802 I BR, furn, near [)oy,•ntown. V.'/me. Call Judy a I 2 Br, 1 ba Ir. 3 br. 11,i APARTMENTS dining rm. dbl sized !1v Br. 4 Ba, fantastic custom N 1 B h oo pt'tS, Call 54S-1024 !or 675-6737 ba, bltn range, drps, crpt, 2 BR Unt. $145 rm y,·/ frplc, big yard. built house on goll course ewpor eaic appt to f:I'('. NE'WPORT TOWERS pool, clubnn, c.arport. 2212 UT ILITIES PAID Ocean View. panorama ocean v i e II' l·BDRt-.1 .. carp., drps. range; J\.=,F.=.=.=,P~OR~To'-=R7J,~d~o-c-.,-~Del 81h floor bayfront 2 BR, 2 ba, College Ave. 646-6032. Children'' Seclion NU.VIEW RENTA LS 492-774-3 g;.irage. Mature adults. no 1 t11ar 1 l~R. $1,IJ mo. 642-8931, 64&-8316 ONLY S145-lncludlng utll. l 2450 Ney,•port Bl11d. CM 673-4030 or 494-3248 SJ-IORECLIFTS 4 Br, fam peLS. Sl35 Mo. 306 Catalina 642-ffi90 2BR front duplx turn/un!um BR. Apt. Crpts, drp11, bltns, Call 646-1038 3BR, c:onh'ntporary honlC', rm, on golf course. priv l)r. Graham R!tr . 64&-2414 11'1~1/\CULA'fl:: 1 br S125 util l blk-ocean: szio a11ail now reirlg. No ~ts. 2013 Charle TIRED of small 2 br apts? fantastic coast !ml' view, b ch~ I u b • S 3 5 0/1110. 2 BR, 2 BA, frplc, crpts, pd. Sng"i sty. c pt/clrp, priv 128 46 St, SHAG, 644-4340. St., CM . 646-0lll BRAND NEW 2 Br. 2 Ba, Jrun1 Dana Point -Long i213J -3453 stove, rerrig. Yrly. Blk to pntio. Quiel adlts. GT.~~. OCEAN front, nearly new, BEST VU ~PPER BAY 1150 sq. ft. adults ap!' Nr. fJt•tu.:h, Tropical garden w/ University Park b.<1y/bch $270. 675--8475 I s ,oJling 1111y!hing with a Daily luxurious 3 BR 2 bas 2 Br lower m f-p!ex, pool. 20th & Np!. $23rS250. :For lri:: sec 1 u de d patio 6.ny day is uie BEST DAY to Pilot Cl assified Ad is a $350./ Winter. 646-3114 ' $185/mo. 2453 Irvine, 548-1729 reservations, 675-<i!IOO agl. 011crlooklng ocean, $350 per SPACIOUS 3 Br .. 2 Ba. :un arr arl! Don't delay. . srrnplf' nia uer , , • jusl 1 BR, furn, pool, block to EXTRA Lrg 1 BR, nr OCC. IMMAC 2 Br. 2 Ba, r,;rpts, ni\1 . 494--21 9'1 ·rownhouse w/larn1ly rm. call today 642--5678. ! c.111 64.2-567S! beach , •ingle adult. yearly NO PETS. $145/MO. drps, elec. dbl gar. 'Sh1tre LEASE• .. Qrean View Horne. ~ sq. It. Avail lmmed. ----------------~~ 1 97" "'~A washer/dry. S 2 4 0 I J\.1 0 . ... $.190/mn lsc. 5:i2-92CJ9. Apts. Furn . 360 1 A pts. F ur n. 360 _1~1~55~.~-,.,.,~26~96>_ _____ J,=="",;';-~~,.:;~~....,.,,.--,,-c Adulu. no pets. ~3363 olt 2 BR. den, l 1Ai Ba. $350. EASTSIDE 2 BR l " BA S.11-8270. 342-4466 Da11e. Westminster BAOIELOR Apt., no cook· ' . • 711 • 6 pm & v.·knds. Cost• Mesa Costa Mesa ' ing lacils. $11.lO mo., util& bltns, refrig., cpls, dn"is, OCEAN ,.;e'ol.", 3 nrch bay, pool no peU. S110 64&-0174 SPLIT level 2 Br. 2 Ba, FOR lse deluxe new 3 Br, included. &1.S.7288 ' ' · sh•.,. crptg, Illa/MO. ,..._JI -3 :..wirnming p1A •ls, outdoor wlurlr~..ol. 4 night·hghted i.•nnis courts. -llt>,Uth spa "'i th gym· nasium and sep.trate men's and womt"n·i; la.:'lh11es, m- ('!uding sauna. baths. -A St'<'Uflt)' systl·rn to insut'\! your privacy. -A Sj>('("IA\ section fo r ttl09e wiTh small ~s. -Convt"niCfltly lo<'aterl to all of Southern Call.fom ia, j'J3t rninutl's fron1 the Pa~ilic flt·••an lilld Newport Bt"ach 01·C'rlooking the Cos t a ~l!·sa Country Club. OPF.:N EV'l::RY DAY !!OURS: 9:30 10 5:30 Dir'el.1ivns to Mc..litMTaneen Village: Frorn the San Dil'go Freeway: Harbor Blvd., Sooth 2 111iles. Or from NE'\lllXIM 8!11d., turn North on Harbor Blvd. MEDITERRANEA.N VILLAGE 2400 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, California 92626 · F'air HouMg - 'felephone (TI41 ~~7·8020 IMMACULATE 3 BR. 2 BA, custom apt with lowly cp!1, drps & bltns. Private covered patio. V.8.cant l'IO'N. S235. Per mo. Call Alt. ·546-4141 2BR duplex, elect bltlns, some furniture, walking distance shopping, suitable lor m iddle aged couple, no pets, 646-4224. S195. Redec ~ br. 2 1-~amily 4 pleK w!pool. SC Plaza. 55&-7093 Da n• P o int ba. N,, 2 br, lg. patio, frplc , ,..._ h 2 BR I"°' St ,...,. ._ ...., $350/lse, Owner. 499-11 30 2 Ba, 1 sty v..ondo, s a~ ,San Clemente · ......,. ove, re .. '6, 566-6361 wkdays aft 6 , All cp!s, custom drps, 11ir cond, ---'---C.:..-----1 cp!s, drps, pool. Adults, no day Sat & Sun. 2 BR, 1 ba, New carpets La guna Hiiis club house & r r.c avail. S375 San Clemente Resi~nt Hotel pets. * • 645-11965 & drapes, i mm e d la te mo. Red Carpet, Realtors $79.50 Per Month LRG 3 BR, l BA, •hag crpl, NEW l BR. Bltns, drp6., 1185 3 BB, 2 bas, air·cond. 2 893-1351. -Quiet -Secure encl ~atlo, nr. OCC. $195 crpt&, pool, frplc. gar, ~~~· mo ., car gflr. Htd Po o I , Hou ses Furn. or Furn-ulil -wa.llrine dlstancr-mo. 5.57~ -adu1a, no pets. 376 W. landscape<l, ?.lnture adults, t _ .. hi~.. Bay, CM. 2 WEEKS FH.EE RENT. 3 ' ?--"~"2210 Unf ur n ° eve • .!'._. ... ,... 2 • 3 •• ba c-/d BR 2'" BA J' I I v1:>. mo. o.-,.,... • SAN CLEMENTE °' ..,..,.. .• , .. rps. r.tAKE !un out of apt living . -.. .. spit e11e, 3 nR 2 b d t c pools. playground. Sl::.O UP. 1 & 2 b f f \/lt'W, f""IC ., bltns., garag•, · a. con °· ep..,, Laguna Be ach HOTEL Call 645--0140 · r , WT! or un · pario, l~1~Mry. 496-49'10. drps, gar., pool. $265 e 114 DEL MAR SC 1,..::=-""'-"'.:::..---~-Pool, rec. hall lt-gu Bar-B· Capri Realty 644-7S25 A-FRAME 2 BR, loft & deck BRANO NEW ' · · e LRG. lBR, stove, crpt. laund Ques, C.all 64.2-4470 2 BR, patio apt. w/w cptg, 2 Br & den Condo. pool, Ocean vu, \ease, adults $325 \Veekly Rate for Single Apartinent Apt. Unfurn. 365 rm, drps & carpoM, mature WALK/BIKE to work. Beau!. stove, dswhr, lndry fac. no dbl garage. malnt. pd , $235, lst & I~ 830-5225. ad.II only. 995 Valencia, $140. 2 br triplex M quiet strf't't. pets, S195. mo. 493-6U5. S.t!t-6595 or 213-379--9808 Condominium s Special 1\fove-ln flate Gener al 3 Br, Bo.th & ~~ Enclsd gar, adlts, S200. 2 BR, l~ BA. patio, fenced Lagun a N ig uel U n furn. * Flff'llld1M s11191tt * Air Co11ditio11•• I BR Apt with gar ac.ross 7RJ S~imar12or 0.1: 673-8364 or 64.UJ 247 · yard. Olild or small pet * free Utilltle1 • Woslt•~ a, Ory•~ fron1 park and lennis -<6-45 S165. UNFURN or $175 Furn. OK. 49fi-1306. 4 BR 2 ha, Hv, rm & din. Costa M eta * Kltcllet1 F«llltiH 'Ir Recr~tio11 110 0.., beam celmgs bu i 1 t -Ins . $1 8{1, N!'dec J br, 2 ba. 1arn.lly single 'ty, beam ceilings. 2 BR, 2 BA apt. Child 0 .K, are~•. frplc, bl t I in s , • U1tet1s F•i•hlted • Ample Parlti•q S200/mo. agent 644-72U. 1 plex, nr. S.C. Plaza. infant ol' sn1l pet t'Onsidered J hlo1:k nrt Coast Hiwy, cpts/Jrps, patio, 2--car gar. BE A U T I F U L * Maid Se,.lce " Jocunl Ttterapy f'oo l B•lboa lsl.llnd 97~9272 2049 \\'al!ace No. E. 646·9'243 Da.11.1 Pt. 496~1345. work shop, view. lmn1ac. det'Oratcd 3 IJR. 2 BA in * H~ted l'ool * Meeti11q Roo1tu =cc.:c=..c.:c.:.c.:c _____ A t U I 365 A I U f 365 Apt. Unfu rn. 365 S3(i(I 1s t, la~! & deposit. -'P::..c·~~";_"~'c;";.;· ___ .::..:,:;_;_:.cP;_·:....:c."::.:.";_'"cc·c_ __ .o.:;:..:2C'-.:::.::.:.:..::: ___ .:::_: thC' Nr.w Orlcn n.s condos. \Vater }~alls-La t:roons-Fou ntain s \VATEP~~~RONT 3BR. 2BA -4!fil--Z:--Yl4 Adul1s only. 673-11.">R V " ,1,~r. Jrpk , crpt., d~,,·, Irvine Irvine_ Stay A [lay, \ eek, Month or \Vh ateve r .. ~ M esa Verde 2 BR, 2 Ba, gara~e. bltins, gar, $450 mo. yrly, ad t.s, -----------------------'---------! Irvine ""cp\s & drp•. Ad"'"· 1275. DAILY RATES FROM $9 00 64&-l2ll. 1'1\IEll OCC'?-3 Br 2 B,, 546-8397 . • s:HO. Option possible, Brk. ~255 YEAP.LY 2 BR. lHA, S'.l.8-634! 3 BR, 2 Ba. gara~e. bltins, stove. refrig. cpl'! & drps. nu cpts & drpli, adults. $300. RC'dec. 673-94fi6/675---453.1 Miss.ion Viejo 546-8397 Balboe Peninsule 2 BR, New Barcelon11. Crpts, NE\V PORT, Sharp 3 BR. I I d d ,BA f • I l llDRi\f. 3rd Door. drps. /\IC, b tns, nc yar . , am rm. rec ,,. poo , $240. !S30-5!!91 S285 per n1o, 833--0328 !nl.l. l sl & lasl. $185. {213)697-1496 365 Nowport Beach Fountein Va lle y A I pt. Un u rn. BLUFFS, view, pool. Brand I STY. 2nd 20x20 Bit, over -'------------'------------'----------11 new lg. 3 BR.. 2~ ba.. dbl gar., elec door opener,I ~G;•;";";';';I ;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;G;;;;e;n;e;r;a;I :;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;G;e;n;;•;r;•;l:;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;ll fam. rm. Only $450 monlh! elec kitch pool, lcnnls crt,1 1 H.B. Dowd, Rltr. 644--0lJ.I sauna, 4 miles from ocean BLUFFS TOWNHOUSE. Spa· °"llci-'5i=.c0543-~~l6'-o?C'<.~64&-'6~="'"'·~-ll cious 4 Br., 2~ Ba. CONDO Stud io 3 BR, 2 bas. rtEDEC .. pool, view. schls. patio, pool, encl. gar. S28S. S495. Call to see, 714-494-3973 Q 1Udren ok, l -727-2675 NEW eicec 4 BR, 3 BA I :.:N~e~w:!po::.:r.:.l _:B:;•:::•:::<::h;_ ___ ll w/180 degree view. tennis & pool S600 mo. Eves & THE BLUFFS. Outstanding wknds, 644-1791. new 3 BR, convenient to pool, carpeted & draped, * 4 BR. 3' BA, ~ l!tory outside malnt. Included, townhse, Back Bay, pool, $575 per mo, 1st & last gar. $37S/mo. 83.1-1653/ & deposit, 64 4 -1 8 4 6 833-8974. cves/wkends NEW HV home. 3 br, 2 EXCITING BluUs 3 br, 2~ ba. lam rm, crpts, drps, ba, nr tennis club. Lse 2 car gar, pool, tennis priv., $495/mo. Sa le by owner $450 mo. 644--6918. $69.~. Will take ~2nd. DREAM COTTAGE, sml ~. 1 BR. new lihag & PRTME' Ocean Vu, Newport appliance•. adlts:, no peU, Crest, 3BR 2~ ba, wet $175. 6'J5.-l124 bar, frplc. s2txii xtras, pool, NEW 4 Bedroom Harbor Jacuzzi, tennis, $475 mo. View Home · · M ontego optk>n lo buy. 96S-4254. model" S 4 9 5 f month . 2 \\ BA TownhuUse, Swim 6#-0686 Pool . 2 ear encl gar, 4 Br •o•'<' p $335/mo. 646--0147 DELUXE • ~ ' oM San Juan Capistrano Carlow, nr club ~. $500 mo.·~146 or 644-1195 PARK LIOO 3 BR 2Y, BA 3 BR. 2 BA, cpt'd, bltns, lrfpl, elcc a11r ctr opener, Luxury Living in a Central Location DON'T GIVE UP LEISURE TIME ACTIVITIES BECAUSE OF THE ENERGY CRISIS! PLA Y _ bllllarch, 'ol f, fef111l1, card1, pl11qpa1t9, er YOlteyb•ll hri eur c•'"flt.M rec;reetlo11 oriented project. WORK _ J u1t ml 1111te1 ewoy afl 0111 cr•ssro.d1 of Mewoys IG.G., Sa1N A1141 , Sa1 Dleto 011d Newport leCKlll . SHOP -I" THf CITY Shappl11q Ce11tre. Watk te dOtet11 ef fh10 d ... •rt-11t 1tore1, bo11tlque1 011d sp.-clalty theps. ENTERTAIN 111 yo11r l11111ry op.,.._t ..-., •N •f the -•Y ft..-. -rntou!Ollti. tileat,.s er ctclitelJ I••"'" wltti ht THI c1n . RELAX. -hi .... Mt'ltlllf'f .f ,~, .,..._, ... ltl ... ,..11 -p 4"1 .. yaur ,.... llome. ALL THIS I~ O!liE LOCATION! LIVE _ 111 prl,ocy. wc:11rlty 124 hr.}, •11d Mowty wfttle11t tl•l11t ., f91f left11,. ti-.ctl,\tl••· 10 11 ... GALLON Of You• PllCIOUS 5 AS ll Why drive, when all th is can be •t y our doorstep al f ·'k nu cpt• drp1. 646-6436 dbl. gar., ncd, w"--' to everything, 673·i417/67~8733 Sin Jua n Ca p ist r•no T A rtment SUPER 4SR. 2 liO be, fe mlly. ""sA_N_J,-a-n -Ca--'-pfs_tt_n_no-Vl-lle•ll err ace pa s • N dining nn, club w/pool, Townhouse, 2 BR, 2 BA, 20 0 Cl 1y 11 ,ci W•11 TH E t.~ tennis, S495, 64-H,186 2 patios, frplc &_ Pool. -..- • • EASTBLUFF 4 BR . $.250/MO. 213-59&-5617 e.ve:s C ITY VIEW. $500/MO. 556-6177 Condo. Furn . or GRANDMA SHOULD KNOW. Ballet classes aside. Park West Apartments represent an unbeatable value lo Marion. She shoul d know. She's a lirsl·rate real estate salesperson, en expert on rental values. That's why she selected Park West, in the village ol University Park in the new City of Irvine. Marion kn ows the value of living in a masterplanned community. For today, and for tomorrow. Because her children and grandchil dren are frequent weeke nd and vacation vlsi!ors, Marion chose a two-bed room apartment in Park West's fami ly section. The kids have lot lots and a wading pool to play In, plus a Junior Olympic pool. And tor Marion; there ere card rooms aod a health spa, as well es art, brtdge and yoga lessons. Of course there ere separate livi ng and recrea!lon areas !or "adults only". Marion values the generous bulk storage space that comes wllh her apartment -and the priva cy of her ba lcony. All the lhlngs !hat Park West means. And all the lrlendshlps that grow there. If Park West sounds like something you'd like to know more about, come see. Separate sections tor adults and lamllles. From $180 monthly. On Culve r Drive just off the San Diego freeway. Look !or 3883 Parkvlew Lane. Or call (714) 552-9200. NOW: Two bedfocm one both. family apartmer(s oow 111ailable. From $220.00. 1i:J' NEAT & ClP11n 2 Br. $1riO Crpt1, drpR. lncd y11rd. H om ef lnders 547-9641 l.OVELV 3 Bil, 2 BA, nr. beach. $715 mo. le11.11e. Sin· &let OK. ~!t/964-4471. or ~ 1t11ytlme. Unfurn. BA \'FRONT lovely 3 br/2 h11. nr ocean, ponls/lennls. Nf'wport Shores. 548-1722 lfavc somMhlnl( you want to Sl"JI? ClRMifled Rdt do \t weU • CAil NOW ?· 325 Hunting ton Be ach 4 ~DRM, 3 b11. di;hwsr, frplc, newly redec, 2 pools. 2 cnr gar. $300/IM! 968-8872. J.om sl ss .. s325 71 4/639·3027 Models Op en Daily PARK WEST APARTMENTS Owned end managed by The IMM ComPM.J ' .. • • ' \ D I 0 DAIL V PILOT Sunday, Ftbruary l, 1q74--------or-:--------.-.----------· ------------------------....,,-,.,,-".:":~:::'-----; lpt. UnfUt'n. 365 Apt. Unfurn. 3'S Apt• .. . -· •. Ali",, Aft.!~. , . --ltet'tt1lt to Share. 43010fflce Rent11I 440 P•r10nals 530 Carpant•r· 1· 1 -.'",-,- 1 - 1 u-ff ____ ..;c.::.:; furn. or Unfurn. 370 Fum. or Unfurn. 370 FuM, .,. Uftfurn, 270 1----------!----------CUSTOM WOODWORK M1wporl 811ch Coit• Mn• L•gun• Nlguel Laguna Niguel ROOMMATES PRIME ALL BOATERS Cablnl'ts, pan'tg, Patt r.•, e DELUXE e l BR, 1 BA apl for ICBM;' IN'ld 11.a.I". mll,ter 1ul1t•, rlln rm & dbl gar11~ ... Auto door opener 11vali. Pool£ l{('('.rea- llon n tt'R. PARK NEWl'ORT Wanted 10 1hatt beuutUul Out•tt1n~l~C~~~O~ st'rvlcf! ATTENTION! D~~~adurka 646-7598 APARTMENTS 1 BR ~furn!J;ht'd or un· location on Old Nt'1Yporl Oaslc Boating COUI~e JaC"k Rerxm•n 846-M95 • $?9'7 . ba WHAT You N • t h• turned! apa11ment1 a1 0ak-Blvd, N1:wport l:kfu;h. In GENE/lAL c llrpentry & on the y ices t Ing wood. There's $1 mJl\ion In * llfi(I sq. It. seamanship & boat handling ri'1wtlr. f'"ret' es!. rt-I ttlll l .uxory 1_1p:i.rtint'nl llvlni:: • l"f!('rea1ion: Swimming. lffl· * Nea r H<Ml.l: Hospital & Blly by rvnlly Frnnk. 67f>-5436 alter nv.·rlool.:lni.: !ht' water. En· nls, billiards, health clubs, * Cenerou.~ On-Siie Parkinl:I lit. Beach Power Squadron 6 pr,1. jqy $750,0CXl hea\lh spa, 7 GET IS f ll IUIUNUI, i;:oll drtvlng range, * Ltirge Sign Arell Janu,....,•~s at 7 pm DOORS, windows, formlca, 116:1 Amlgo:i W11.y, NB Manag~ by \\'ILLJAM WALTF.:ns co swln1mln1? pools, 7 ll~hted 0 . a t'olor TV lh(ll,tre k bf>au tUul * l R"lmoms + Storage -~ at !hi'lv!ni;:, E:qJert 11 n Is h . tennis couro·, plu.• mllrs ol . ; • • pArty room. PIU! activ\fy Please call 497-1215 Mnrlna Hl<>h School & 839-2956 eves. hll'ycJr trails, pulling, .~huf· ALL YOU'LL w dlrt.'Ctor, pa.rus.'s'Q· spor15 NEWPORT BEC:A~C_H_ Ft. Vall•y.Hloh "·11001 cu~oM Wood .. -·k, 1-n-~ .• fli•hoard , C:fCXJU('I. Junior 1'~ e rent tOUJ'TlQmentS, 'S, din• ~ .. ..:>\: .;)I -u• .. IVU from $194.50 monthly: al~ I ners, ,•omplimentary tennis Law F lrm to rent 11.ltractlve A weat opportunity !or pant•llng & repai r. Vince :i nd 2-bedrooni plans ;inil • lessons & Sunday Brunch. o!flce with sec r e ta I' I a I all boating enthusia11 ts Lenhoff, 536-8·17:> .. ___ _ 2-story town houYo<.'$. J.:li•r· NEED \l/e'll even help you tind 11 11pace, Including lell'phone Infonnallon (71 4 ~ 968-0·194 *CARPENTRY * Huntington 8e1ch ON BEACH! 2 RR Unlurn. Fr. $245 Cove~ P&.rklng. L a r g r Heated Puol, Saunas anrl RPCtt&Uon Room 1Mc kitchens, private patk>I • •• Before now. if You wa nted to live roon1male. Sorry, no one Rnswerlng, ret'e~t!on LADY rlVl'r :t~. l;yn1 n!l lYpt'S big & small By or b;ilrooirs, carpetlni::. dra-h under 21 & no pets. services, cOhlplelc h~rw-y, Jnslrueuon, lntelllgenl, dy· Stan O. 536.··~164~'~·---- YIST near t e ocean. you didn't h ave Model."S o""n Dally 1,1 COflfer<'nce room privilege!! 1 . _ pC"ries, Suhrrrrane:1n park-A "'II Eh Can"64~05:'>0 II' l~M copier too~ Cit II namt' alli'llcflve. co· CEN1':RAL CAnPENTRY ing wilh r!l"Vators. Optional many a erna!tves. II er you paid 833--0730 ordlnatini:: HC\\' huslni•s.~ C\Jslom Finish Work m11iil srrvir l", Jus t '!Orth or a JOl Of rent money for something NC\\.'PQl't Beach/North . venlure to n1l'l'l gen1len1an Small jobs ok. 894--4858 HUNTINGTON ,ACIFIC Fai;hi••n lslanr\ al Jamloort."(' DEL tlrvtne & 16th St.I of means tor social lile &/or .,Art San Joaquin llill~ Roar!. that COUid at best be called Shelter. or ~2-11170 advice. Sint'erl', discr{'{'!. GENI-:RAL CArt.f'ENTRY T~·lcphonf' (714 ) 644-19('1() Or, if you wanted quality, you put Newport Beath/South \Vrite Class ad No. RI, CI O AND REPAlfl nt OCEAN Al'e., H.B. 1714 ) 536-1487 tor r l•nlal tnfnnna!ion LAGO 1!6th at Jrvi11e1 Dally Pilot P.O. Box 1560. Tfo:LEPllONI:: fi7~5111 a lot Of money down, purchased a See our larger ad In the Costa Me!<l. C11.. 92626. d · · d · d 1111n11.1ncnt sel'llon. Carpet Servlc.e Ore. open 10 am-Gpm D111ly WILLIAM WALTERS CO. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 2 BR., l ba., Channelfrn! ... , ... , .. , .. $300 J BR, 2 ba. Newly decor .......... · .~ Lido 2 Br, 1 ba unf. , , , $300 associated BROKERS-REAL. TORS 10lS W Bolbo~ 611·166) :.! BR. Bltns, llL'Wly del'or;ited, t'ncl ga rages. lk;iutiful land1c11.ping. Lrg play f\1"<'11, n child's drean1. Close to shopplng & !Chis. Chlldren v.·elL-o me. 842-0480; If no ans 847-DJL 1-"""'"'"""""""'"-"'"'"""' I 6 UNIT Rid!'.:". net·d~ r-,1~r 12 M. · R Ivery litt• tlut!esL Deluxe o. ent Guarantee 2 Br, 211~ Ba apt. ftcols Wllh Ad . 2 & 3 Br, 1 11'1 rnr S:t20/nio. Will pay $170 up, pool, kids ok. $70/rno for mgr. brins::in~ 11®11 Mora h:lli Ui (E. ol rent 10 $250 644-4WS. Beach oft Garfield I 962-R!l91 Luxury lakeside adult living, ronlfort and pr Iva c y , al!ordahle rt'nlals, seCurlty, boatin1;. swirnntlng, tennL.;- handhall, 1,rym, :>aunas and Yacht C1ub. E llicicncll"S, I, 2, 2 & Oen lron1 $175, wlth everything you need an npa rtn1c-nl to be, MESA VERDE EAST AND ADAMS AVE. COSTA MESA 540-1800 * NEW DELUXE 3 br. 2 Br. carpts, drapes, Bit-ins, 2 ba, upper, lush crptg, carports, I hlk to seh lrg deck, 3 blks bch. Child LA r-.1ANCHA 1WTS. shopping & h'ttway, I child ok . Yrly. $375. 675-0642, NE\V Lu;>1.ury Apts, r.lose to ok NO PETS. Call 646-37fl6 64:.!-0096. shop'g & beach. Gas & \Vtr or 54H760 ----------Pd. Adults only or faniily WALK TO BEACH-SEACLIF'f' Manor Apts. 2 w/tt'l'n. Blt·ins i11cl.1lsh1>.·hr. Br, l~~ Ba, studio. $1 75. Shag (Jpts. Small pel ok. lg~gB,r,..£i~~h d5r1ps~~!31hns65• Pool. Ask aoo1 ut o u r Pool. Gas BBQ. · ""° · .JJ<r d Is co u n I pan. 1525 I, 2 & 3 BR Sludio. or 847-39;)7 Placentia Ave., !'>48-2682. Prlv. Patios NEW Trl·plex, 2BR. 2BA, San Clemente $160 to $250 per ftfo. shag, bltlns, wet bar, patio, 718 Scott Pl, C.M. mlm>rs thruoot, I nlile to *NOW AVAILABLE* 642-2007 beach, Vacant. $110 968-71411 Brand New Garden Apts l::ii::i:ii:ii: COn Om1n1Um , an S llll en ed Up VfVACIOUS, artrat'live i,:al, paying a IOI of money each month. QC('anfron!. pd beach -furn . mid-20's lo meel unencum· J O!IN'S Carpet & Upholstery Bdrn1, \Vil\ share with bercd, dynamil', :n.ict~ssful Ori Sh a 111 p 0 0 , <Soil Thanks to all of us a t C ro wn Valley mature male 01' female 25-l ==*=l =M=o=F=n=E=E=.=n=E=N=T=*= n1;in 1vho enjoys sai!lnj'.;, l'tctnrd;ints l. Uc"rt.'asers & 3.1, Must be sa la r i cd , · I & f 0 Apartments that's changed straighl, Lag'"'" Dea•I•, {)('luxe ofl k·cs n/1i<1rl, full tebonl '"otrave & 'a com o11· Rll l-olor brightrncrs & 10 ' · "" ., · 1 kl a e unn radsli-cct n1inute bh.•acl• fo• '"hit• 4~-007'.\ s rvice, a1up ~ pa1• ng. • .. ~· W e've got one and two bedroom Lnwest rate:;. From l rni raTjng, Reply to Cla!isllled carpets. Snve your money . LOO l\:!NL: for 1 nuti:::oing to 1000 Fl. Also desk space ud No. 14, Daily Pilot, PO hy .saving n1e extra trips. u ni IS With shopping, beaches and personable .t· n•spo ll!iibk· froni $60-rno. 833-3221 9 10 Box 1560, Costn Mesa 9'2626. Wiii clean living rm., dlnlng Dana Point harbo r nearby. T h ere's fl'lnnll' lo Shllrl' ll(';\U\. '.I noon. LICENSID SPIRITUALI ST rni ., ,t, hall Sl:i i\nv 1·n1 . f 1 I . I bh d -I hdrrn h11ylro111 _ linn1l'. Call BAYFRONT -Spiritual readings 10 a.m. $7 . .":oO, coui-h $!0. Chair $5. a an as IC C U ouse a n p oo. 67:\-J~l)i Sat ,1;: Sun. OFFICES 1:J i•rs. (')(". i~ wl•••I c-un1,. ~-~·I p · -10 p.m. Advice on all ,.. ~ ·" And . since we a re a part o f Laguna MAN ·;-;;--~hare-3-BR condo rcstige area._ 740.5.')(), 330 matte1·s, 312 N. El Camino not 01c1hod. I r!o work N iguel, memberships are a va1·lable in Costa r-.tesa. $ 10 0 . sq ft. 37oo Newport Blvd. Real San Clemente ror _n1yself. Good rcf. 531--0101. 't"20"' 12·2 or ·'·6PM N.B. Phone 67:>-1Z2'0 • , --....... -___ _ · El N . I C I Cl b .,. <>-J't ., l\J>PI. Call 492-~. 492-9L16. Mesa ClcH.nlni; Se r v l c e. 1n 1gue oun ry LI . weekdays. Business Rental 445 • PALM & CARD READER I C11rpc.1s & Uphol. steam Inside' the un i ts a re r ea I ry f i rs t GlllL v.·ant ed to shr 2 Bf{ OFFICE N ad \\'/reduction 10831 Beach c_ l enn l'rl I Shfl n1 p 0 0 e d . apt 11•/olher girl in i'!B, · ~ on elvport Blvrl. Blvrl., Stanlon. 527-:1406. 1 5:,7~742. _______ _ class. Extra large. W ith thick s h ag Kood !oc Sheila 842--6564 avail on lease Part furn, · "'-7-300'.l • carpe!crl air/cond prk'g $ · I Cl b 535 * Dlberr.ardo ,{-Soos * carpeting and custom tile. Butche r ~~o:.CC'~-----~~1 Approx.' 1000 S;I ft .. OCla u s C-.irjX'.1 sales. i!1stallalion & block Cabl·nelS and qual1.ly appl·1-MALE lloonirn,11<• w.intl~I. :1 $250/n10 Wa ...... I I I rcpo:1rs. 96.1-2639. . · ·~ iousr 11 so IN Orange Co. for an instnn11-- ances. Front and rear balconies. Bil hou..<>i•, hu·n & utils. pd., ava!I. Ideal for con!raclor. I dale Cnll Carpet Clei111ning· $150 AJl;.•rl. :{>li--0611 c'l.I. C;:il\ 54!1-2616 . • F Open b eam ceilings. Color a ccent 388, 9-5 -------RJ&.6679 Hrs 12-7 r-.1on-Sa! loor Care & Window& "-----~--I F'OR Lea Se Con1n1l'reia\ Dul •h M . t S SJ walls. l'lOO~I mate wanted fen1. Bldg. on ninjor Blv<l. cloS4' ' nin · erv. 7·150.11 !2'1·281 lo share 2 Br '.! to new civic eenter in Ir?)\ Cement, Concrete And the nicest thing of all -we Ba. apt, Nr Back Bay, $110. Hunlington Beach. Olfice Loit and Found L:iJ rent . 556-83l7 spate & storage area. CE!'.fENT: Patio dr ives, MALE to s:hlire beau!. Beach Approx. 2300 sq. It. 53&-6561 walks-Repairs, 'saw & C home. $110. All incl. no Fon Lease, Retail Store, I Found (free ads) 550 rcn1nvl·. Vree l':il. 544-R99s. 3rd ROOt.f!'.!1\TC.: fo~emale 1\3 East 171h St, CO!lta FO.UND: 1 honun~ 1•i;::i•on walks. Con1mt•rcl-U & resid rovvnMalley drugs, So. Laguna 499-4~ 23x40 in shopping center, , . PA1"JOS. clri~~ways & side Needed to shr 3BR, 2BA, Mesa. $275, 6 7 ;-1 -o I 4 o , 11't1 h t;1g .No. 2 un l 11 •;::, C11.ll JS&-AA68. · .,_..,. i)(>ach house, fi73-30<H 675-0711'7, 64:r2450. green taping on oll~er l~g. b .... From $195 unfurni shed. Furnished Call To further u!cn11 fy PATIOS, WALl{S, DRI VES, SPACIOUS BDRMS Xlnt San Clemente Arc a 2 Br, tr. $149-$179. 3 Br, 2 BR, 2 Bi\, $195 $209. CID, closed gar, pool 3 BR, 2 BA, \.\'ith 9Sh\vsr & tee rm. 842-6389 & fireplace, $250. ALL Utll. Paid-2 BR, din Al! ap!s. havt; privnte pit!los, area. 11~ BA. Crpl~, drps, many other leutures. See bttns. $175 . 8143 Mcf'adden, at 61!6 Camlno De Los at Beach Blvd. 1192-28Z4 Mar<'s, just south of Sun NEW Apts. Walk to Sch. Clemente General Hosplfal. Bach, 1•2.3 Br. Fr. .$l50. Use Esi rella Off-ramp Extras. 536-2579. * * * 493-0J.tl * '* * • $15.9 mo .. 2 BR, 2 BA NICE apt lor rent. 2 Br, POOL, cpls, drps, bllns. 2 Ba, \iv rm, kit wl pantry, Kids OK. &12-2211, 646-9666 din area, gar. 219 Santa Barbara, Apt B. &ll-6732. 365 HUNTINGTON BEACH etrrtE. l-BR, l ·sty. Carp., NE\V, large 2 BR, Extras, $195. per mo. 105 Ave. drp5, Infant 0 .K .• no pets. c •lo So SC 4~2619 $140. 8ll--lll6/536-8!0J arm... • . . JQ-• NEW 2 BR, 1 % BA, close Huntington Harbour to shop'g. Ocean Vlew. U'.Xllmo. m-4695, 548-2575 LUXURIOUS wa ter r r on t Sant• Ana condo. Pvt boat slip at your door. Spectacular ma in $200. mo, Adult Condo apt. channel view. Beaut decor. 2 BR, 1'/i ba, pool, clubrm, 2 br, 2 ha, trplc, patio, prim~ Joe, 557-7838 gar. LeMe Option. 846-1530. fuR rt>nl or lease, brand Apts., new 2 BR Townhouse, swim Furn. or Unfurn. ~70 pool & rec. Close lo <>cean, patkl & very private.. Balboa l1iand call collect, 213-322-4421 alt LARGE 2 BR, l BA Apt . 6 pm Frplc In \Iv nn. Fam.-Dln. Irvine rm. New ap p I Ian c es . Garage avail. Yearly. S300 BROADMOOR, Turtleroc k. per mo. Util incl. 644-9279 Plan 4, 2 story, 4 bdrms., Balboa Peninsula 21h: ba, lam rm, 2 frp\c:'s, I =.:.:::.:c=-c...:cc:.:;;:.;c;.. __ _ shag crpts. Nr;Apark. Dose 2 BR, 1 be.. Untum patio, to all schools . .n75 mo. bit-ins, fl){) , Yrly ALSO 2 DAVID O. CARLSON BR, 2 Ms, Furn. new cpts, REAL TOR llJ..9293 $aJO Yrly., 673'-9591 or Agt . 675-4@ :.L;..•V"":.11c.•:-;8:..0:..4:..'_hc_ ___ I Corona de! Mar NEW de\tL'(e Townhouse, ZBR + den, wet bar, ocean FEMALE only, lBR, my view, wlk to beach, 1 yr . home, overlooking I us h least'. $500 per mo + !topical patio & Newport cleaning, New dt'ILJ.'<l'! lBR Bay, ja cuz7.i, \aund tnivl. Townhouse, ocean vll•iv, 1,1.•Jk pvt ent, no kitchen, rare to beach, $.JOO mo + find. 673-2793 or 675-2297 cleanlng on lease. r .. 16-?.803 ( ans\vering service ) OCEANFRONT :t:i' Hv rm, I CC~o~s;..t•:_cM_;;•:.•:.• ____ _ new duplex, 2BR, 2 lh ha, JJ{)O mo yrly, 494--5502, 644-8494 Laguna Niguel ON golf course, 2 BR 2 ba. lease $350 Colony Realty 494-6517 LHte l1le LJOO bayfront apt 3 hdrms, J bas, all rooms or spacious dimensions. 40 II riJ?"hl on bea.ch. Open Sa ! f, Sun 1.:,. 41 3 Via Lido ~1rl . S"e il and fall in love 1>.'ith ii. Bunster Creely b r k r . 646-0338. Mesa Verd• HOME ATft10SPl-fERE-Dlx 2 & 3 br. Renti:.I ore. 3095 Mat'e Ave. 546-1034 Newport Beach * BEAlIT. 2 Br, 2'·: Ba ll65 sq. fl. Plush rrpls 1lrps, frplc, pool, patio, 2 r.i r !!llr. Nr. Fuhlon IslDJK! r .. 'J&-6~0. POOL Side Cottage, lwan1 ce.il, quiet, private, wlk lo shoppmg centers. 52151 mo. 73S Tustin Ave, 612-9270 l'VC.~ APT' unrurn lrg 4BR, 2BA super bayview, yrly, 1623 ~ West Balboa Blvd. $41~ ~mo. m-8038 * CASA VICTORIA • 1, 2 & 3 BR. furn & un i Carpets, drapes, D/W, T\:' ant. Pool , etc. 525 Virtorla St. ;1t Harbor. CM. &12-8970 LTVE Near !he Beach~ l & 2 BR. from. $145. Mature adul!s. No pets. 1887 Monrovia. 645-0926 Apt. Unfurn. J6S .Newport Beach ADULT 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH APARTMENTS IN A BEPIJTlfUL OUTDOOR SETTING. $280 INCLUDES GAS lJrlUTIES. · Siil.ES OfFICE OPEN 9•00 AM. TO 5:30 RM. CALL: 644-5555 'll, -r•• un1·ts ava1·table. Garages for Rent 435 t "l.1!1'.: Ft1cl(.ry' h;.is ;:i Jn~ X·l&-62·12. CONCRE.IE PUMPING ... ·~ shop avail. Sl85/mo. In C11 1! Don 642-R5 14 '-M-IN_;._l _W_A_R_E_H_O_U_S_E_S_I NC"1i'.",',n,_. 1~01'. ge 425 ;10th St., BLACK Cockapoo fr.n1ale Cf - -~ 2 nt c Townhousr. frplr, San Diego Freeway or Coast Highway :ro puppy round 111 19!h & .MF.NT & Block Work frur11 SZ!'l(). 1 Bit, fro111 Sl!l~,, t.O Hillhurs t. 23734 Hillhurs t, Lagun a STORAGE S ·r U 0 0-Orange. Costa r.1 e sa. \lo'nlb, fhil ios, ~tl!ewalks, . . I -11·orshop-buslness-548-5921 etc. By hr._o• i'ub. 646--691 ~. l'voJ. 11·nni.~. l'1111tinl'nlal Niguel, California (714) 831-0730. :-Iii Move.in or Jl1lov(·-ou t 21~ rrns, pr·iv. enl Ba. Const " hrcaklast. SC'p.'1.l'llt~ lami!y ch.<irges. 1-'iVJni $7.50 ix•r H\.\'V .$1 15, 494--70S2 LARGE: pt•\ r;1!,hit v1'r.>' Child Care !<<'l'tion. C.:!o.o;c lo ~hopping nionUi. -·--.---fr i t'nd ! Y found vie . _:_;::_;:.:_.:_ ____ _ & fine beach. fM-.Wll I c--------------------Jlamil!on & N«1>.'land St. JIB Industrial H.ental 450 Brook hurst & Yllrk1o1Yn, 2 yrs & oldrr. Must he potlle !rained. r-.1y home, da)'s. Le. fnct1 .Yd. 642-7H07 TI~E EXCITING PALM MESA APTS. MINUTES TO NPT. BCll. Bach, l & 2 BR. from $157 Adults, No Pet.s. 1561 Mesa Dr. <S blk5 trom Newport Blvd.) --F•mily Fun Aptt. Awn.rd winning 1, 2 & 3 br apts w/(am\ly mu. No lease. Sorry, no pets. From just $175. OUR TOWN Family Apts., l.250 Adams . Avt. (Adams 111 F'alrview l, Cosl;i Mes11., 557-4 785. Huntington Beech Lagun11 Be1ch CHOICE RENTALS STUDIO APT, With frplc., mlnl·kltch. & ocean view from pa tio. $175 -furn. CHARMING Cottage w;!rpJc. 1 . bdrm., ide11l for older couplt, garden setting. Only $175, fw'n. LARGE 2 Bdrm., 1-ba. or 2 bdrm .. 2 ba.: oet"an view: incl. cable 1V at .$250, unfurn. .• AND MORE .. WHAT AVIEWI OUTSTAN DING 2 Br., unJ. house w/magnif!cent viev.·. Only $350. DANA POINT SPACIOUS 2 Bdrm. apt,, i,mmac., cheerru!: only 118.'l unlurn. EXTRA LARGE 2 Bdrms., 2 ba., w/ocean view. Thi!! np!. ls a r!l.ll find. only $215. un turn. SHIELDS llEAL ESTAn 31R Thalia 494-8093 Apts., Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Apts., Rooms '4001 ALLSPACE , HlJN-flNGi-ON .BEAcH Huntinglo11 Beach. 91;;~'.IJ Furn. or Unfurn. 370 ---------96G-1970 fouND. Cat, B!k 8: \.\~ite, Lagun• Beach A~~~~~~ lik~~~~~~ph~~ 12 x 27 ovei:size ~30. mo MULTI-UNITS {\?i~~ ~i~il~J~~ ~~~h~ Cont~_.:._ ____ , located very nice section 2176 Placenna. ~ in r('arl , . fiql).5869 JACK Taulane, rep a Jr, DELUXE adult Po o IS id e Costa Mesa Ladies only call Call between \-;>. 636-41.20 ~~ . 1200' .l,~75: VIC: Fairvie•'• & Ba.k remO<I, Rdd. Lie:. B-1 269072 garden bungalow, nr ocean, 979-9656 $25. mo., 9X20 ne1>.' !<ec11re :.!100 & _h4(} er ,.,1y \\'11.y Cn &-;2-4703. frpl, 1rg patio, 6 pools, -2003 Anaheim St, C.t.1. Sec Comer of Go1hard & Hot"il i\l11llard duck. E le<1,,·,.1· ------1 S&Wla, tennis. 846-Q2S9. PRIVATE rm &. bath w / then call, 4941763. or r-.1cF'adden & Pnxlucet' 546-2464 Also 1 Br. From $135. trplc, retrlg. Utll Incl, tJO!;e to San Diego Fwy CHICHUAHUA adult, md in =:--------- $100/mo. Eves 640-1837 or GARAGE FOR RENT Please call Bob Langer . Costa Mesa. ELECTRICIAN Uc. old jobs Newport Be•ch LIVE ON THE BEACH! I BR Fr. $18(1..$225 Bachelors Fr. S195-s:2ffi Heateci Pool. S e c u r I t y palroled. Lease. Adults, no pets. Asst, Mgr. Needed. LAS BRISAS APTS. 5515 River Ave., NB Call Gtl-:2566 Sanra Ana CHOICE LAKEFRONT LOCATIONS VERSAILLES ON THE LAKE At South Coast Plaza. Pool · Acapulco Aqua Bar & Jacuzzi. Spectacular 8 Acre Lake "·/Towering Fountains -'h Million Dollar Oubhouse, Gym, Sauna, TQtal Security. ADULTS-SINGLES 1, 2 & 3 B.droom1 from $175 per mo. 3700 'laza Dr. Next Santa Ana to South Coas1 714-556-0466 TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 675-&!88 918 Ealm St .. HB R.16-9129 oew jobs Any jobs, Any ROOMS $20. a ""k up, with Call 536-4678 A shwill-Burke & Co. ~'ND 1 . h Se -~--place. 836-7689 kitche n S..15. wk up apts. Slng!e st0ry g 11 rag c , 714 : 997-2100 St.~ C~~. lier, Vic. l9th -ELECTRl(fA~ 548-9755 or 645-3967. Eas!side,CM. $30/mo. £ve.~l *C0STA MES~ I * 642-1413 * Lie/I~. 545-37RO LryE at the Beach. S25 wk. &ro-l 837 or 675-6488 G!lO S.F. 2'.lO po1>.·er $11 5 FND Gray male m !n i Gardening Pine Knott Motel, 6302 W. ENCLOSED GARAGE ror 1300 S.F. Priv·~te office Schnauzer Vic. Jnmboree & _.;.:c;:.c:.:;c'------ Coast Hwy, NB. 673--014-0. rent, Newport Blvd & l.5th l plen!y or p:-.rkinq:. ' Ea!tbluff , Call 644--49.17 F:UROPEAN Gardener BA L Isle quiet malure man, St, N.B .. S.30. Rn--01.2.1 Larger 11n11:;· av;ill::ihle. S.Y!ALL black dog, hark stop-t.,111in1en;1nce -Landscaping: $15 per wk, winter, shr Off' R t I •40 RPady for <1r·cun11nl'Y 11 H ho VI 1 ree Removal. Very kllch, ba, & TV 1m, 61S--3613 ice en a ~ · C. ROBEftT NA1'fnESs per, on <;o~oJr r ew, rea~nable. 642-5329 eves. • .NICE B.drm, k I t c h en NEWPORT CENTER ~.EALTOlt EXPER. Gardenc.r. Know pnvlgs opt1onaJ. Pvt . adult . . . Costa Ml'.sa 979·6571 F'OUND: Bla ck puppy "·hlle how. Maint. 'l'rlmmlng !.. home. Near all. Q.f 548.~271 2 ~OOM ol,llce with lan1a.~t 1c !eel. cleanup. 968_3486 ...:c=:c.:.=:...:::::.:::::..::::o:..::"I view .or Newyort Harbor & NOW LEASING ~==--'":::'::·6:c7.::lllle_~~-l =~"'°'='°::..,o::= __ _ ROOM for rent, pvt, showt!r, Catalina. 565 =. ft. 1425 H 1. I B h ,.;;,UNO f 1 ~ COMPLETE Garden &!rvlce "" un 1n9 on I · v -ema r "prlni;:er Cl R kit. privlgs. Older person per mo. includes utilities. eac S 1 ean·ups. eg. f\.fa.lnt. (.a!J NEW M 1 , panic, chocolat!' brown & at 4 OOP pref'd. $17 wk. 646-Z340 janitor service, carpeting -\\'hite, youn~. Call :>16-0l::i(l. ter : r-.!, 645-198) LOVELY room in good & lots of lree parking. 940 Sq Ft. & UP Garden Maint/lndicp residential area. $11 0 . ESTATE REALTY 1>40-11.20 llan1iho" ,'.. :-J1•11•land Sr. l.ost 555 Clnup. Sprklr rep. 6~ Newpon Beach, 645'-15<Yl LEASE/OPTION 960-i 97o Lost T hurs night v Jc : General Servlcei ROOX & balh ln private Professional building · 2 ~ . Ne.,.,-port Crest, 18\T old home, female 18 lo 25. Near adjacent medical suites. NJ;"=~ BLDG. [l-,J,2.1 Units. Bluepoint Siamese,· named PLUMBrNG, ELECTRfCM:' CX:C. 557-~92 One occupied • o t her 12:'°. Sq. ft Sl 7fi t f\tO Boo, heartbroken family, CA ll. PENT RY . Mtno~ I ROOM f •too excellent for Ol'.'ner/user. 2 ~nils l500 sq. 11-$225/mo. Reward, 645-7786 adj us I men ts . MaJo• or rent, ~ R 1. 1 < 11. F root Offi ce crnts \a roe I · h · f ·i 646-'5647 ecep ion pus " o ices · ·,.. · . ., a leralLnns. All types home mont , in a ami y, Call S45-8424 BKR. · rear doon:: Anaheim Tennl-LARGE long haired cat, repair & remod. Let us bid• Vacation Rentals .(25 OFFICE SPACE FOR n11l \Va}" ~t .. CM. Days reddish tan, bushy tail, F' & B Home Repal,· -';;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 646-~lJ. e\·es 6~fi.66,!!1 . fan1ily pel. R e w a rd ! ,,.2 403 , • RENT. Costa Me!KI. Harbor :..52-7024 ""' -l · LIVE in lhn all n"W 0,., at Adams. Be au ti f u I "TIIE Factory" h11s a lrg "TH INGS" by Moose. Ge"'I ... ' --' · · shop 11vail SIR5Jmo I f'Ef\1 German Shepherd. Blk c " Point Jlarbor At 1 h t' m""'1em air m u s 1 c, · · · n • a r pen t r y Repairs hcautiful r-.IARINA INN j11nitorial, Class A WRlker Cannery VUlpge 425 30th St ., & 1vhlte, nan1ed Truda 6~ J' I u m b 1 n g .' E 1 e. c · Morel, 34902 Del Obl~po SL & Lee Bldg. Call Gene Hill , .!'1E.:._642-1000. ~~:81Ji.9th & r-.tnnrovia. RcmOdeling 642-~13. . (4 96 -23f•3l. Kitchen, 557--0lJ6or54&-582S. 4001 BIRCH, NB DRYWALL TAPING ErticlC'nt lf'~ & Apartments OFFICE _ SHOP 3600 SQ. Fl. 541-5032 LOST, 10 mo male Iri~h & R•pair, R"'·'· °" ,~ II I I -1· ,. I Seller , Vic. Monrovia & J9!h ~ " "'l<>-V-""' · ralC'( pno,. t 1rcct u1a LAGUNA OEACH Storage 455 phones. ll'lcv1s!on. .5'.1.~na 'Top corner location St .. CM. 64S.1312. _H_a_u_1_;n_9"--------I b;1!h .. laundry lacil1 l1('s, Oo--sile parking WAft 1'~HO\JSE & s tora~t:. C2. LOST, l r 29. Black fern l.Jlll YARD, mcet1ni:: room, close IQ S;in 525-800 Sq. ~-1. Ulil pair! DoWTitown Cns1a'1 fltcsa, $l20 , Vic Pac1f1c & Wllson C f\1 garage ~:can-u p!., Ocmcn ic & ~.:1guna B,..neh, Cal! Rea!onomics 675-fi700 .li'.t up, ~\~3-lDI & l'Vl'S Please he.Ip 646-.%27 ~~1;1~vec l!.'Rt~s , dirt, ivy, Corne play rn ou r sport-c.Ao_3270 AFGHAN H d I d · ' 3 tum ps. f!~hing, shopping & r{'stau-OFFICE SPACE .n<J • oun · hone, M:,'~-26=66~·------- rants. sso week & Up. Bring lOOJ.5000 Sq ft avail. in Rentals Wanted 460 ~~c~~in~~" C. Mesa. LOCAL movlni:: & hllullng !his ad & receive $5 off on Landmark Financial Bldg. . · · by student. Large !ruck first week'1 renl. located In new Bristol Town VERY . conscien!lou~ and I Reai;. 8 1\rry. 539-9438 0 ; :"'"'~,..~~..,..,..,~~I & Country Center. S.i\. Call respons1hl~ \~ork1n.i:: motht'r I JrrK'l 534-1846. Rentals to Share 430 r.lr Kelly, (714t 9i9-;111()(_1_. _ i:~~~~~ut!~1:1;,.. ~~1~1 O~~;·~ lnitroctionlf!J Sl\:IPLOA rJF.R ~clump truck 2 BR apt 10 share, male OFFICE SPACE 1'11<•1 by i\1arrh lj rh. Space work. Concrctl', asphRI!, or female. SIOO m 0 _ Harbor le Ada.nu, $210 .to~<il, tor some ilo"·c.rs and a Schools & _!~n_g. breaking. IM6-7110. Hunlington Beach 9S3-6!I05 Rpprox 600 sq ll consisting gar<le.n .very rlesi rablc, plus •'nstructi'ons 575 MOVING1 Local turn. or """°='="'7"="~;:.:c..:o=c.1 or a reception room & 4 perm1ss1on to have tu.-o lady gen. hauling. J"2 f't. turn. WANTED-MATURE male lo private offices. Cail Mrs . ._ .. is v>ho hnve been oti. BRAhLIAN PORTUGUESE van. 548-1862 557-2736 shr 4 Br hse & uti1. Close Haze. 8:tl-330~ pets for many y('ars, Prtce r.10VING---:;:-Delivery Jobs to beach, HB. Sl05. 962-8668 . CIVIL l'.:naineecing firm to category'! off . SdlT:i.I NPlease private lessons By Reliable Stud<nf - A t A t •· "''' c ""'' ,, " Speaking 2 or more lanrn1ag· P s., P I rent office space Newport c '"' ~r 0· nl, .,. big step van. Reas, &i&-1346 Furn. or Unfurn. 370 Furn, or Unfurn. 370 center, Sccty .~ Bkkpg !)ally Pilot, P.O. Box l560 f~ :°3urd cda~,.,,,'"'0.,0',"·.' Awon ',.,1,d Ho I I -------------'-'-"-service, Con!er{'nce room _CGSta Mt'sa, Calif. 92626. ,, __ u_•_•_<_•_•_n_n~g'----· 1 h teresting method will be in- Newport Bue Newport Beach priv, Xerox co pier. call 644· traduced to you w/out ob-HOUSECLEANING 0563 I llgation. $20 a Day . Own JVo Rent Raise v11arantee NEW ol.fi r:e for a!t'y, CPA ~· Call Flav10: 646-2937 tran s P O r lat ion _ Call in existing law office. CLASSES Chi p 543-2313. Librar'y, conference room. ' na alnting, J~A-P_A_N_E_S_E--,-.---- secretarla l space, etc. 1300 Announceme nts 500 bread baklng, pre ss ed h o'u '' w o 'k' .' Nlo• ":!", nower pictures, b r e a d = Quail, NB 54CHi473 Reas. NOW FACTORY sculpture & c h t n c 1 c transportaUon. 5 4 O -l J J' ~ FllltNlSHED orrice ror rent. DIRECT cookery, ~3 cve.ri. Ready to go! lll60 A GF:I' !he jump on Spring, WTU. do cleaning In your Newport Blvd., CM. Call Padded ~rs.: Custom or .:r:enn!s In str u c t I 0 n 18 home by hour or dll)'. $5 646-3928 or eve. b73-45n. SKllalnhda rn;iica. WOr cheflper wll.h 8 friend . hr . 0 w n tr an 8 p W.E. Lachenmyer;-Realtor. ~ en ounters, ' 548-1577 213/920-1420. ' NEWPORT Be h . Murray Products, Jnc. , ac ~irport 15i'.l1 West Ortingewood ·Ave., .e VOCAL. TEAOtER .• . DedlcatMt Cle1nlftl , area. ~ Sq. ft. office $250 Orange f71 41 liJl.7010. James Kenneth Chapman • WE 00 EVERY111INC * BAYFRONT 2 Dr, 2 Ba v.•I lrg paUo, prlv be11.ch & p I er , $525/mo.979--0631 . 644-4510 • OCEANF"RONT -New 3 Br, 2 Ba, frplc, blt-tns, ~~ drp5. yearly lse. In these.times ot.eoonomic ur.certainty. Oek· wood Ga(den Apai1mcnts is ollcring all new residents our "No Rent Raise Guaranlee ."' We will not raise rents tor a minimum ol 12 months fr om the date you move in. In addi- tion, you may rent Bl Oakwood on 11 month-lo· month basis end have lhe rlghl to move oul el any time. giving proper 30-day notice. Theta's $1 million in recrealion: swimming, 1ennls, billiards, health clubs. indoor ~oll driving range, party room, elc. Plus a lull-t1ma 1cttvity director who plans partiea, leclures, BBO's and comf)limenlary Sunday brunch, There are beautilul singlas. 1 & 2 bedrooms, lumished & unlurnished, wUh an the e1t1ras . Renla from $145. Price• vary by location. Softy. no one under Zl and no pots. Models open dally from 10 to 7. Incl u11l, janitor. Mullan I ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1• !:""'1~°jlZl~,Jfi"~~]lijj·-fj'37~-5!1~10~ Rcls. Free est. 646-21139 R<nl l>'. 3"'° Irvin<. S4f).2960 I, LEARN GUITAR DESK space <i.va1lrible $50 I .1-~-H 0 USEC LE A NJ.~,_,.,..,,,i.9 W·11 Id t ltu --on"• raJY & fast, ~tm ,. · Jlpr&neW IAdy; ... "DqP. •· mo. i prov e urn re ....,.. • transp. 646--3528 or 546-0724 at S~ mo. Ans\vering service 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii available. 1737J Beach Blvrl. 1 ~ Income Tax 1 BDRM penlhouM!. $185. mo. ht &-la~t. (2131697-1496 SPACIOUS Lido J11le Bay frmt, wtlh prlv. be11ch. :i BR. 2 bu, $500. 67:>-7687 * BA YFRONT • SP AOOUS 3 Br, lat. $350 Inc util. 2 blk from GCeM. 675-4.197. IMMAC. 28R. 2 bAs. pa.Oo, Quiet edult>. atu<1. I""', m1.~1C-1m 2 BR. 2 bu, Nrar llo;1g Hoopltel, $ll&. mo. -Doa"I ..... _. the ahlpl tc.w _.1 • t I ,_. .. n1 In "'1? 0o -~It -.... - ~~ ~ Bty~ ~ S/oJll ..()f\OUIN ffJ..S """' PACIFIC COAST t-N/f, •Full det•ll• av•K•b&e 11 Oakwood. Ollkwood G•rden Aportments ............... , *"" ir.......•1• f114l t40»0 " .......... lldl/ ... , .. _ ...... !11"lM1.fl~ •Huntington Rt>ach. S.12-4~~ Personals 530 ~Ind~• Income T11x S.rvlc• OFFICE tor rent. Carpeted,1-----------· all ulil pd, MacArthur Blvd. PROBLEM r~ r ~ gn 11n c y . per10nal or buslnn• Cost11 Mesa. $47. mo . C on t Id en t , riympalh1-tlt' App II a nee Repair 11 1•7•1•,r•1 ,H7•5r'f:.., A6<0• 567-37'.in dnys, 968-2208 eves pregnancy co un s e I Ing, & Pirtt ., v ._, p n 0 FI M E o I C AL HB~ Abortion tc nrlopllons rcl. _c::..c.;.:c:.;::______ For Appolntmtnt Prestige loc, Harbour 11.rca. APCARE 64~--4436 APPLIANCE serv. Was her/ Matonry Am ple prl,·g Jo ren t . BEST MASSAGE IN N.B. d ry e r/dshw1hr/dispo11nl11. 960-1248/53().5085, 3400 Jrvine Ave,, Suite 103B . All makes. Reas. 646-58411. Brick-Block-Stene OFC Sulle, 100 H. Sult1'ble (al Brlstoll Open 8 AM . Babysitting • 645-8266 • lor doctor. H u n ting 1 on ~A:::":.c"·c.=55~7--0.Sl9..::::::..· -----Painting & GArdcns. !W&-1323. LIFE or DEAnl: Let our MY home loving care by P1perhan9lna OF F'J Ct: SPACI·" l~Xl 1 bahles live. For alternRllve11 the day or week. Wetl _ ..;.J: 4 lo ABORTION C'.8.\1 LtF£ NcY.wrt . 67S-17!Xi • QUALITY L.O\V COST • Newport Beach Pcnlnrula LINE 551"'5522 24 hrs BAB"SrmNG, my home. Resldent!RJ or comm. palnl· Agent 67J..6Zl0 • · .1: MASSAGE/DATll Fenced yard. Wiiton St. CM Ing. Ext. lnr. All or pArt. 1617 WESTClfF F-N.B. A !ouch ol CIRsi, Conlplete 646-8551 Cell Lye, 642·1$69, 64&8319 1 72J sq .ft. It up. 541-50.12 privacy. • 64.l).C860. ~Be:ABo:;V;:,S;,;1:1 =11"N"G,.---,-M'"y"""M~et.a PROF". walloowrlng, 1tate f'."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l -'°° __ oqi_lt~$~9S~Mo!.._._c_M,.:._ ... 11 ~lly PilOt Cfaglfled Verci, home by the week. lie. No. 27961.4. lnlur, ._ -• fi4S.21:1tl • Art. 6'12•-5678. -I ~'-------typn p#lpet'. 7 /M~J86. I ~-• I · • ' t I Sunday , F~bnJi!lry 3, 1q74 OAllf PILOT D f I ,1lntin9 &. Hol p W •n t.d, Mi F 7 10 l-;;P.:1po:;;r;h;:1;:;nv;::l;"';:;;==;j .__~EMau:RS tor l.st .t 2nt1 H•lp W 1 n tod, M&F 7l0H 1lp Wanted, M&F 710 H1lp W a nt .. , M i F 7101 H1lp Wanted, M&F 710""1'1""1""'l p-W"""1-nt-ed-:-,-:M.,...-&-;;F 710-He lp W a nted, M & F 7101 Help Wo n ted, M & F 710 I• 'lill1r 'fu 'fit'Ch'O.olll' "!trn!. ~Willer.I' P1lntlnv Night premlym o!Jer.d, l'fll C " ~-* Up req. Apply ln penon on rl C1vrl Ptltter It Bnunllf.old Div CUst'OM: OM~ AMF lnoorporattd COMMERCIAL CLEAN ING LADY Night 'M.)l'k. otttce iiOl\ei, NtWJJQr"t Beach. 40 tu-. week. Uene:tlt1. MUii bf.o •leady & ~lia.ble. Phone 044·0600. Finest Cre.h:llnlen llll!l Avt . Aeropuer1o I C •~ OOO San Juan Capiltrano CLERICAL na. overll&'!. ~. M/F ""U&l oppor omplo• .. r Call For Estimate .... , J'- *~21H 640-113'* ATI'RACTIVE girl , n l l' e State Lie. No. ~1038 figure, n1odel l &ttemoon ~ a we-@k, Terrific p Ii. y , CU-M HOUSE •-1 Privacy t d I I c re t Ion .'.>JV pauit Iii & auuted. Send detalled letter ' repllir. tnt~r\or ll[>eCllLHst, to P. O. Box 10516, Santa acoustical spray. Winter Ana 9Z7l1. rates. Tlme Cermak Painting Auto 547-3296 OMV /Contract Clerk ' ALL POSITIONS AT .AAMES Bureau of Employn1ent Agency COOK E vening1 Apply In Per.jlln lie!ore noon or 1t.lt 2 prn REUBEN'S Airport R estaul'ant 4~7 M acAl'thur, N.B. Equal Oppor. Employer n1 /I COUNTER MAN J.:LECTRONIC,Assl'mbl<:n;, HOU..SEK EEPER/ JANIT OHIA!. r u11 te NURSES \nF'.Al.F:STAT,.: Falrvl1•w & Jlakrr a~r COOi( vuPt·n·1y.,r •n11111'•' v.•hnt~l ~lr·r~n r-.ur.n H~i .. tQ, * Great Opportunity r'-1 Pf\M t1nu·. II~ 111 111 WAntf'd fl)C' eoupll' .,.11 ;l.tu.i;t b;-~ti.hie 111 at'l:'a, c l\I . nu~' l•kln..:I New or 1·~perlfnef'J rt»I }'Ullr lchedul,. St 75 per hr. achoo! chlld, Nf'wport Bch 1nust ill! ..,,•\lllng 111 11.•ork applica.oons !or n N ' 3 , ""'!/\If' fWOp!e Yn1 1r f)wn [IM· f lnC'l'ntivcs l'All 979-<Ml:i lln>a. Live in/t.rul F'>i:i-..c>r hard Salary uµCn It )OU L\':-;'$, P1·a1.·. ,\11.lt~. U~e vAifl' 1tc<>k II: phnnr, ~ood 1'1r Bul'Kcner. ln t.ousekeeplng, coo~ln1t. 11utt!ll.). ~·all IJ.l'J.('t'i.~l •<-Ill.!! r.t.~F ')4,~9JRJ hr 11.1\lk ln, fret• urlvrrlls\nft, ~rvin.g. r.1u3t drive Rt·f~ le11\'e nami: t. µhi•n~ Ni l'C {i-?Ji;5 657 \\'. 191h , Suit(' ~n1.> Jo ,,·11.11nn HI y~. Call f /C BOOKKEEPERS nee. TOP TOP Salary & If you tlv r~•l Qu11!l ly, o.lv U, L'M lor in11•r\'1r\\' working COndll. 6~2692. no! ansv.·~r ait NURSES -we hl\vf' CIL'l.e5 \\' J.: LA('Ht:N·r..tYF:R HOUSEKEEPERS, !tinlton;, J ANl'rOJt , p~111 111 111~1 !1111r -on!y i«rr rnmm1.'Ss)on Ace 646--3921 or Eve. 673-45n Maintenance Men & Nurl!Cs ~)wn t'."l\ns1• St,irt .$:.! 1·1 hr :"llurses 49i)..-066l. Rl::AJ. £ST ,,TI=: ~Al,~S Aides, lmmed. opening!. ttll ti44-483_2 _ _ NU!'i];ES ,\Ir\.~-.. :tll stnfls. Well .~i;t Nl'wpc>rt ollirP siufl.S. 8ayvh!w Conv11h·s· JR. SECRETARY C1u1v~1!esc.:••11t l!n~µ!tal, ('all Call for apJi'L ti'/5-1642 ASST. BOOKKEEPERS cent llosµltal, 2~ Thu1111 Thl'; jYt'li ~Mln I!: l/'l!• "'"1ry rA2-ll:1!1.~ Ave , C!\ot. 642-3505. !t•vt'l JV!1 f<ir the b1i~ht c11,'CASIU-,~,-,,~t.~N-,,~.h-1_o_"~U-r1-,1. R ECEPTIONIST HOUSEKEEPER 1nd1~·. r,1. i.~ ~r,1wing 11t Sl!ter tnr lyr ol~ boy, ,NB. lnd O!!lrr ,!rl for Salary ope.n. Care. for 2 fine a 11'1'11 ptiC'I' & promotPJll al'CA, ('all !1fl_!i.. ti15-821_,_ llY·l.()N\> ('lNV l\OSP. e:hlld~n in flne Hun I rttp1d!v S1t.1riry ,,., i500 Cal! OR DER D ESK ln1ta'nt Per1onnel ACCTNG CLERKS VOLT E X TE R 1 OR f Interior GM dealer1hip seeks mature Painting. Al!kl Land1caping. experien~ applicant for Pr o t • 1 1 Io n a l re-aul ta key permanent position. 100% FREE •","II)' 11"'"· <1() 6():"1:'>, \~Ol\S11'11 In \\'t'~ln1\n~!f·r T) pf n It, Harbour home. Ll\'C·in, 5\i "" .J' t ! • ~. f Exper. rental ya.rd rounler 'j'eniriorary Servii·e days.S4G-{XHI lorappt. Pl'l'~inin'! 1\ccn1·y, 'li!!O \\·111 !rau1-e\J'l•r. lt' ps l 11tr~ ,.., ~rn'I r1 •' 1t!'t1vlt1.~s. ma.n. Knowledge of a.tr :!848 Cainpus Dr Suite 106 INHALATION H11:rtY>r Bhri, C\1 l't11.lrtl' al1iH1y .r.i. typing r1·nn~lrl•·rabl!' puhl\r r<'ontar t, guaranteed. C11.ll 645-6282 Leading soon to asslst11.nt "lO' ;_, Ofo""F' office manager. Outsta nding Or!lJlie Count y loc&.Uon. GM Wallpe.pering -lot. P11.intlng ex~rlence prefel'M!d, All Exper. Call Coll. conditions excellent. Write 714/536-~ without delay to ad No. PAP ER HA N G I N G & 80 c/o Dally Pilot, P. 0 . painting. 21 yrs Harbor Box 1560, Cost&. Mesa, Calif. an>a. Rers turn. No. 183281. 9~26. 'M>-2356. A VON INT/EXT PAINTING CHRISTMAS MAY Free Eiit Jin1 67.>-3559 BE OVER PRO!''. painter, honest work, But, Everyone Stlll re11..s. Int/ext, free estimate. Needs Avon PrOduct•. Refs. 548-2759, 642--3913. Yes, AVON daily care p~ =p=1a-,-1-.-,-.-P~a-tc=h-.~R-e_p_a=;-,-I ducts & cosmetics sell yettr around. & nov• Is the perfect * PATCH PLASTERING * time to become a Repre- All types. Free estimates senlaHve. ':.'ou cen meke c an 540-6R25 money at your own paC'e & meet new people In your Plumbing community, too. For more L.R. OTIS PLUMBING details, Cell: 540-7CM1. Remodels & Repnlrs. Wate.r BABYSITTER heaters. disposals. furnaces. On Larkspur So. ·or Jlwy dsh\\·ashrs. 642-6263 MIC & one 8 yr, old boy, goes R/A. Co1nplete P lumbing to C<lM elcmenta\'y. Need Service. Lie. 2726:M. some eveni ngs & some PLUNIBING REPAffi on weekend. Lite ilouse· No job loo small keeping. 673-~70 CV('S ** 642-3128 * * or weekends. Call Carol. Te lev ision Repair BABYSITI'ER wanted !or P e n tho u •e Position• ·Numbe ra Game $850 Creal money for F I C co nstructlon bookkeeper. Beautiful pluiih N.B. oles. Must have exper. in tract home construction. People Person $575 Leam to work In !he fRSCinatlng wo r ld of peI'llOnnel. Secretarial skills needed .ft a genuinl? liki ng for pe<tplc as :you will be talking to potential employees. Wiii train In personnel 1t you have the skills. SPECIALS JnsurMce Sec'y Bookkeeper Medlcal Claims Payroll In~. Rater 556-1100 1700 $700 !6'10 $525 $650 tomprcssors & related tools. Newport Bt!ach ' 54&-4141 -n•·\•iled. \;1>0tl s t al· I l 11 i; ·•.Ali lo\ 11!\•1!11' I.· ~n .,1111·e. El I • l T H E RAPIST KEYPUNCH OPR. _. '...u"'"' l'tM.i"· 1\,fr 111111" eel too s. (.'Ompact on Equal Oppor. Employer :-<1.1 , ., e q u I Jl . p er man en 'I "'~~~~~~""""""~ :r.1ust have certifirat!on or ~·N· l,;1ld. 1..·:1<11ni.: nt1\11"~!ll!_, Jason Best Agency s<J2-G61\6 employi:ient & opp1y to F /C Bookkeeper 2 yrs e~per. Salary 10 S9'l1. k1,,1v.·n l1rn1 1;.:,;i:,1 t~:,;;·11tl !il()J Ur'OQ)<;h\.11"11:t, f Vly ~row Wllh company. Apply Call 64~1,8 Ca.JI Ed Wulf ~i055 yrs c~q1<·r. •1 ~" " ' !-iu!lc ~·13 l'Kil --fiii:> RECEPTIONIST in person, Hartley & Ntxon ;{[ Coastal Person1:e1 Agent.·:.-< ~;~u;l,in~u ~!1 ,,1~\nri~.~~ l'.\Jll~!Nt: all. tu!t o; µ;i-;.t Rentals Int'. 1900 W. Antt-FEM E Beautlcians 001211 2790 Harbor Blvd., Cr.1 P<··itl•'"'· c,,ll Sall)' ll'1l't llrne, npply in pflrkini,: \ut H;inrtl" hf'avy pl1 .. 111-.,. & heln1, Long Beach. w/some foJlo...,·lng, 1n te "' '-1 d1 -;1..,1tPh n1r'>~a~c' to I R33 2534 INHAI..ATION The r n JI ~· j.jj)-f{(.5, ('•>a~l;il \\·r·;111111t•l .1! I !00 l ':H·if\.-l'1111s1 l\\J . !<alt'~rH•·n. I .I\• (ll'l'lltlll<' COUNTER GIRL sa on. . ' Tech. Certified or eligihlt> Ai.:cn1·\. 27!1() !!arbor Uh·d, N R. ty111nll &. bubbly P\-•r:i;onlllt\)' 11Atll102Ptl·!Tues&Thurs FULLCharMcbookkeeper lor lull time 3 pm-)1<!0 pm ('~! · l'AltT~'~rt=,~,.-.. -"-,.-.,-,,.-,-."T~•7l•c i!Ulllll1~s you !oe" this flu!' + son1e eve & v .. knds. AC'countlng llrm Jn Cost•t 2 l"" e<p. Can incl 1 vr -• , I I ' 1· ,,. '" c t ,,. • t-.1 Pie s nd resume h I' Gd 'alary ·, LUHI-. :<.!AN 1~·/n\l'<'lHtlllC<L I' \(lilt' "ll'I I .... ''"; ." ,.-l>.•Sl!l•lll. ('all L1i'1d1t 1'.t1y, Sizzler }"\1mily Ste~k /louse csn; ase e ~: ... ~1,.<1.~ig. · Pl""'•' "'<ll•r•t hn"k"'"''und ,I(: t'XIR'I'. A. 1,1,1,v ~·ornn1 . \'11· ll a!'!lf>r & \\'ii 5-IO-fij);)."1, !'1.as!al !'i•r.,.111nel 185.'):l Beach Blvd., H.B. lo . (J11s,~lf!er! Ad No. 71. '"'"'" " ".. ,_.., "'" .,,.., ''' '" Apply in person Dntly I ilo t, P.O. Box 1560, personnel olllce. S. Const in Jl\!fSO!l. ~.!"~t~ ~f·nt:r son. C'.~t.. ,.,.J '~ t~·1·ncy, 27'.ll ltrirb<•r Ul\'d,, Tllon thru Fri 2 to 5 Costa Mrsa, Ca 92627 tlos ital S. Laguna 4~131 1 Au\nn1nt\11e, l.!ti I: •. llith St. J'/1'rMI:: no ei..p, t-.1/r'. ~~~-,-~-- GE Co TER p Costa ~lt•sa. r;1cs. ~a\ 1\!\·l, tnl;\(\1', 1d1•;1l RKep t ionist to •650 COUNTER l,0 1p & cook . _ L . A ---636 '775 ' ' ' s Shift I INSPECTOR L\'N', Slll'l-:f{\l[~''I{\' ··~i .. ·r for students. -, . . f (•I' r•a1rt. Al~" f~ •.. r J•1b,< Apply Kentucky Fried .xper. wing • s on Y· "" ,,. M G Y ht Cor p Pl\1 shift. ,\ls11 flt ht! r s~,..,..::!JS. I i\!ll'at•ll\(', \\'ell <rl\~>n1t>". Chicken, Laguna Beach. ac r eg or a c '" 1• ,, CM Al . 111 openings. 642-2·\LO. G4'2-.~1>-\•I. p A It T . 'l' 1 i\l E (11-'~~in~ I ~houlrt hl\\'l' hr;i1•y phonr COUR'f"SY bu' dr ·iv"'r lwl Pl111·en tla, crt,aggressivept>rsonw 1 ---,-.---.--. :--0 l IS II , 1 1 k "-... experience in chcckinr.: LVN s, n1g-l_1! 1'h1 1t (un,1ll l'.'S· \V RI.:. lvtr . wr train •• v n·1 'ep1on r··~ "~l'lf'r. (fe01,ll.le) needed for local G ENERAL OFC $-450 n\aterial 10 standards (l l cent Hospllll!. fl"li<-7479 1 1\·pi!l);: rdiili1y. l:r._·~·t l'l1cn1s beach are.a auto .de11.ler. Full rec Paid. Yuung gniwlng in process, 121 packnge ti12·0f"19io< 1 111 lovely life or part time. J1~ Slemons lirni ln C.fl.1. n e c d s L HtrTH !!Yi\:\' r\f;l·~:-;cy Jmports 1301 Quail NB goods, (:ii custon1er MAC HINI STS PERSONNE -q · · or~united pc<rson. Lois of shipments. TEC H NICIAN 11.:l Nl'11·1ior1. !'\1. 1;,11;-1.1\.').1 f)AY wai!ress 11·2 Mon thru PR. lite typin11:. Also Fee Excellerlt benefit package Min. 3 yrs expl'r. fnr );i't\f'l':il I !~~131 Bcar-11. ll I'). ,l\·li·00l7 Fri. Dillman's Restaurant, Posi1ions. Call Con t r o 1 lathe & son1r n11ll \\'1irk. 801 E. Balboa Blvd, Balboa Cart>er E n1 p l 0 y men I PRIMARK s~.75 hr. 5-17~175. D ~,;NT AL ORTHODONTIC Agenc)'.,. 3400 Irvine Blvd, nnODUCTS MANAGEME NT Quiil\11t•:4t1on~ ~;h ~(I w.n.111,. ASSISTANT. Exper , for N.B. 356-8.">05. rl\ T RAINEE 1ypi11!.: GU w.p n1 , ·I Jrs olr ethical high q ua l i I y G ENERAL OFFICE Fan1as!ic np11ortunity t" cx~r. dPsirahlt' Pf•1.,,;nn1v•l E_tlgewise pr actice In. the Fillng & phones, xerox, mRil 21520 S. Susan <.'00rdina1e 1.01!11 ufhc•• li\J1n 1•.'>:pcr. hl'lph1l. ,\ppl11•;i!,,1n~ City o! Ora~ge. Full lime, rooni & typing! A little of Santa 1\na, Callf. "into out!" '.'-1<. .. •d a\'cra!!e rnust bt• suhn111 1l'11 llll la!l'r no Sat. Starting Salary $~00 e 11 e r y 1 h in g ! G r eat Near Harbor & \Varner Ave typing, friendly snitle & lh<in 5 ptn, i\1,1n F<'h. ~th, to SRIXI pe.r mo . Family snlary! Great benefits! 17141 5'!-0-4020 ability to Jenrn. 1fl7~ t•~ 1hr Fo1111t:1lH V:i \lo·y I $672-$817 P er Mo REC EPT-TYPIST Thru A!)rl l 16th. Apply in prrson (Qp('n ? 111\y!i! 2.3.161 ~:I T1wo H.d, l·'I Tn1~1. 1 J-.:1 ·roru Prof. Bldi;. Suitt'. JU:ll P;on time fl an1 10 2 pm, :\Inn lhru Fri. l-'11JI rime 2· 1n pin '" 9 pn1, ~Ion thru 1-"ri ,I',, ~a l 9 IO 5. active 4 yr old Mon-Fri COLOR TV repair. Expcn, 1::ID am to 4 pm. O'vn reasonable service. F'ree tranll. & ref. req. So!T\e Ute 2706 Harbor Blvd E s i ma t e s . B E R T hollsekeeplng. Salary open. Suite 707 Costa r.1esa health ins:urance, paid sick J ason Best Age ncy Equal Oppor. Employer J ason Bes t Agen cy Sch<'•ol District. ~". 1 leave. untlor ms & 2 .'•'•eeks 17400 Brookhurst, F. Vly. INSPECTOR 17.400 Brookhurst, F. V\y. -Lighthous1• L;,nc, Fo1111t:iin Reception\!:! &-G<'n·t Office GALLE!\-TORE TV 968-2783. 499-1733. 600 No. Euclid. Anaheim Call 776-81-W paid vaeatlon prov 1d e d . S H 713 !163-GTIS S t 21:1 963--67i:J Valley, C<tlif. An Equal \\'fl rk. Good typist For an S"ntl resume tn DGMC 1~5,_·,."iiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• Machine Shop specializing In UL c · 1 Op""r. En1ploi•cr . .. 1, 1~ accounting-firn1 in Cni;ta Re m odel & Repair BABYSITI'ER needed ~ • i ::=::::ll=:l=:l::::::::::::lz:l=:I::::::: llpm, my hO me pref'd.11 South Bixel, Los Angeles, GIRL FRIDAY plastics hes opening olr ··e·· 1 ~==~===~;~tj l\.1cs;i. Plrasc i>rnd rrsume Ca. 90015. Inspector. Must have MAR IN E ME CHAN IC ERK to Onssif1NI Ad No.70. ==cco-=c--:--;-c-:-:-c:--1For president o[ nu go!! knowledge of Blueprints ,I',, Eio:pertenred with al! typrs PERSONNEL CL !.)l\ily Pilot, P.O. 1560, Costa TILE, Formh.:a, Roofing, Transpo r tation avail, CLERICAL Patios, Ca binets + More 642-~. llcawnable rntes, refer-BANKING DENTAL O ffic~: 1 n slid~ eqlllJ>t Co. 0 u I go in g basic precision tools. Apply of engines; I n ll oa l' d, ;\1ust be good typ1~t. have J\1<'Sil, Ca 92627 bac:kgroundinAb 0e lob hkan e personility, S/H. typing, in person Kennedy Plastics outdrive & small diesel. a plc;:L'>ing pcrsnn<1hl y ,!}. tX' I ------------.- encf's, ~18·R7·19. NCR OPERATOR Ti le Pa'rt time. i.:xp'd or not. Call A. P ,'\, A "" ac up ba•. ,·, bookk••1<<·,,.... Now 12 E s II I I lt[CC~JON IST pAr! lime f. 1• · I ·' " "' Corp. 173 · asrma11 t., Perm. position. B Oil t ah!1' to \llOrk \\'t' v. pc'<1p r-. 1 " ·• 1 • · · front of ice. yping, icavy office coniplc:ic nr Orange 1 · F.'•, -·. ,·. prrsonnf'\ wnrk n.". tempnrary basis for Real phones. C"'.xper. prc r 'rl , rv1ne Specialists, Inc, 645·0!JiJL "'"' " } 1.1 !fl l C d I NEVER A FEE CERAMIC TILE NEW & rcn1orlcl. Frt>c est. Sn1 jobs 111clcornc. 53&-2426. M.r. He!Oey 646·05(i3 Ke-ypunch to $600 Sal H B Co. Airport. Rcsu n1e & JN SURANCE "irl needed, 24J9 \V, Csl fl w')', Nt'wport pr('f'd. Xlnt fringe~ieni!fits. .s a e o C:P n orona e 8ry open. , a rt'a. salarv re(I Position open " C•al"Ot ,,_., I'. d w .1 rd R, Tllar.. Typ111g-40 \11 Pm """ ~""71 .,, eio:per in ...,..rsonal lines Beach v " '·' 1 1 s 11 ''",,.....,., · IMi\l ED. \\'RITE Classllied ,.-. r'P.rsonnf'l [)1•p1 .. L.l\1. C~1x requ1r,e< · 'hone · n Y G irl Fri to $SSO NTAL RECEPT P'I p 0 rating, typing & general :-!33 l!lll fo I t DE • ad No. 6:.!, Dnily l ol. . . Insurance duties. 64~28 1 MARlllED per:!On over 21 M1111uf. OJ., !:iOS E. \Van1f·r. . .. , , r I\ lJI . Se In The Drivers Seat For This Co. Secretary to $650 Laguna Hills, 3 yrs e.xp, 13ox 1;.60, Costa I\lesa, Calif. car & phone nec~s. $123 S. RESTAURA NT Mana g ~ r Roofing ROOF for less, repairs, shingles. rock, romp tree ext. Ll r. 16 1 16 3 541-3388/830-5020 Top Soil •QUALITY * fl' t-.1ULCH & TOP SOIL * 58&-6930 Tre• Service REASONABLF:. Competent Trr(' Trimming, Removal. Frl'e E:.s t. 5R6-R76t 54~28 T u toring 1\LI~ subjec!S ls1·9t.h , Masters de~rees reading 'math, your homr., 96R-OO!IJ afl 6pm Steer Into C'\Jstomer serv. position. Pleasant phone volce a must. Gen'! Ofc dutiH include lite math & credit rating.Call 54{).....44;,6, NEVERA FEE AT TEMPO TEMPO Temporary Help BILLING CLERK Co. involved in fascinating field seeks sharp pe rson accun1.te typing. L ove I y wllnvolclng exp e r . & location. Start S47'J. Co. will pay Li. fee/Also fre jobs. Call Sally Hart, 54(1-6();6, Coastal Personnel Age ncy, 2790 Harbor Blvd, CM *Bkkpr/F/C $650 Oppor. w/CPA firm * Cust Serv to $850 Exp. In order proce-ss. e-tc *Teller to $425 Some bank or cashiering PRACTICE m•I• 0 u". *Pub I Rel to $700 would Uke lo care patient Knowledge N'tall biz 700 in yQur home $90 p/J days *Penni Sec. ref. & Exp. 638-2tt9. CO~N"ST"=R°'u°'CT=-1000°'N,-"~l,,_lm-."'u-.,.' I to $"6 7 5 at my home In Nev.•port Beach. Evenings, S«-5142. Pertmmel or 1R exp req:'d Job W ant1d, F1m1l1 702 *Dental/Chrsd to $500 HOU S F. S JTTER. Aval!. K I d ot• nov.· e ge x-ray .... Approx. l\1arch L Non-~moker. Ex . character. *Madlfnist Cl eAn . A -1 r els . h $4 52 542-19611541-""· .,k '"' r. . Barbara Engine or tuITet lathe NE~D hP.lp at homer We HELEN SCHAFFER have a ides, nur ses · PERSONNEL AGENCY ho us ekprR, eompan!ons. 4262 Campus Dr., B-4, N.B. II o n1 c n1 a k er s Upjohn 557-2711 ~7~L WANTED -Pa rt time SCC'rt'1arla1 N.B. area -8 yrs exp, ""c i.hthnd & typlnt.'; call 673-51 ~0 or (213) 581-8564. COMPANION, riy day or '-''eek, good ('()Ok & driver, F'ree to travel. 613-1586 H1lp Wonted, M & F 710 BOOKKEEPER Full charge, -Girl Frid!!.y for South Pac.Uc Tour Co. In N.B. ofc. S 1 la r y commensurate with exp. Travel be.ne flt!I. Musi have good rels. in p 11. s t employment records a s well as d~lre to accrpt re1ponslblltty. Mail resume I mmediat ely . Wri te A/P Cieri!, Conslr. S700 C1anlrted ad No. 58, 0 11.ily Purch11 s. Agent to SlOO'.I Pliot, P .O Box 1560, Costa Machinist Ass!. $5 hr Mesa, Ca 92627 Men. Front Ofc $500 SeC'retary $600 BookkMPeci/G . Ofc L VN $500 A/P, Payroll, post journals Ex. Sec'y to pres. $7SO & be good typist. 10 Key Recept/Orange $500 by touch. Ans~r phones, Legal Secretary lo $650 lots o! variety. To $61)(1. Oentfll Oisir.1lde $500 RUTH RYAN AGENCY Dent•I Assistant Sales Dartnell Per•onnel Service Agency Call 640-8470 547-1694 CLERICAL Don't s\1 at a desk All dayL SomP package handling, some typlng--order desk & variety in busy mRnuf. WRrehO use offi ce. Ja1on Best Agency 17400 Brookhurst, F. Vly. Suite 213 963-GTI5 COt-.1PANION, older \\'Oman to live with shul·1n. Minor duties. Call 64 2-5000 CONNECTOR DESIGN ENGINEER With exper. in commerc.ial &. military connector des\g-11. Applicant may apply 011 SAE Ad"anced Packaging, 3080 Airway Dr., C.J\l. a40-9256. Dental hackgrnd. Salary 921526 ~ wk . to start. ~94-8000 Equ11 l Oppor, En1ployrr. wanted. Must haV(' exp. for open. Replies confidentiAl.j '!!""'!"!'!"!~~~~~..,,.I nc111 restaur<i nt npenini::; In P.O. Box 444, El Toro, Cn. G IRL FRIDAY MATURE \Vonian 10 ni;i nage the ne.!(! !e"'· weeks. Writ" home & children 7 & -~ PRfNTING h 92630 Busy controller of C. Me~ · PO Box 1::'08 Laguna Beac during tl-lothers extended 1! 497 1300 M Ft! DENTAL ofc. Assis tan I , firm seeks all around !ndiv. Rbseni'e. Live in 962·1·11l! ti..·t OFFSET or "11 -• on-' exp·d on!y. l\1ust take g-ood lo assist him Jn his busy 9 llm, 2 pm or ;if! 8 pnl . 1 ch<,;,t=·~9~&=''c·--~-~~·I X·Ttays, e:-;panded duties, schedule. A/It & able lo I HETJRED 1nan for pickup lluntington Beach, do stallslical typing. Salary MECHANIC PRESSMAN , .~. <lelivery 2 day~ week. 846--0697 lo $550. Call Sally Ha.rt , Air & electric tool repainnan Good driver. BedA! Machine 540-6055, Coaslal Personnel to m1tin1ain S.:. pcrforn1 Toot c.o~ ... ,1 ....... , Ill E. 16th DEf\TAL offi t't', front desk =•v .. .. office inanagcr. Exp'd in c\_~6ency, 2790 Harbor Blvd.. needed rep<iir ,,;ork on I 2ND SHIFT St. c. r.-1. s.;s~m or Ins. Rcurenient benefil s.i--"-' --------industrial tools. :<.·lust have IHG-7966 salary open. • Huntington GRO\\'ING quality sailb?at ™NE PERSONNEL own tools. Oflerini'.: good PAY ... iioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Beach 846--0697 bluldcr has the following CCD\YJCES&>AGENCY & company benc!ils 10 right K ORD 64 and 1250W Robinson's -. , . . f II openings for ma I u re , ~ /"\ n111n. ''J>11ly in person with T-51 two co lor DEN1 AL chair assistant, u responsible individufll:o;: llttrtley ·"-Nixon Rental Inc, Fashion Island ti.me, Newport _ C en I c.r1. Finish carpt•ntcrs, 2 yrs eio:p. Design Engineer 1900 \V. Anaheim, Long unit. M ust be able t o i'-Xper. no smoking. 645-036 Boat plumtJer. I yr e.x p Micro.wave filters to t953 Bench. mainta in uniform col- D!lAPERY Mfg needs exper. &12-8!!61 ~Electro Mech. to ~:!?K M~E=C~l~l~A~N~1c=.~B~ir-l-.,~1,-.-E=,-,~.cd or b alance a nd hair· over lock, blind·stitch & HOSTESS days apply aft V.arehse. Super. to Sl-,600 Pull ti me. l\.tis!'lOn Cyclery. line r eg istration on finished ('nd operators. Good 5:30 a t ' Petile Auberge T('leprocessing, 360 B,\L 21672 Crown V&Lley Prky, coated litho la be ls a nd v.·ag<;s. Beach Draper Y Restautant, 3800 So. Plaza. Progra.m1ner to S l2~ Mission Viejo Senucr , 900 w. 17th St, CM. Dr, Santa Ana, SJG.-0556 Purchasing /\Rent to Sl 21 MECHANIC be a ble to setup a nd Supervisor/Retail to $.q:,a pr int on 40 pound lite· Dome st ic He lp Needed • S.3.25 per hr. & up. * Pan & full time in Npt. Bch., Top performance & ref's rcq'd. O\vn transp. a must! 714 : 675-2854 i24 hrs) HOSTESS for dinner house. Ext>c, Secy'/Ofc mgr $800 + F'oreign Cars, 642-5133 weight stock. We need Some l'OCkt a\!s. Mu5t be l:l. Enmneering Sec'y to S750 MEN'S SPA "" w 19 h CM ... a c raftsma n who Is a ..... 1 · • t • · Secreta.ries . lo S750 F/tlme Masseuse. 1..lcen~erl. HOUSEh'EEJ>ER; Spanish Med G~rl_ Fri/ Salary & eon1mlssion. Apply self sta r te r w ith 2-4 speaking woman to live in l\.l v.ieJo. to $700 l\.fon thru Fri. See Personnel years e x perience in and care for two pre-school (()mm 1 Ltnes/ Manager offset pr ess work. Ex- Has Opening For Cosmetic Sales I·:xper. only nl•cd nprly l'ull • Tin1c. Xln 't hcnelir s Appl y In person 10-5 No. 2 .Fnshion Isle., NB Equal Oppor. En1rloyer SAL ESMAN CONST. a cc o u n tan t ·I :::::=zz=== Newport Beach. II ca \' y exper!~nce & typing req'd. ~~~~8." 5~~03 Beac h· s:.;~~ire ins. exp 1~~ Ba1~a Ba y Club cellent ben efit pack· HOUSEKEEPER. m 8 tu re A/P Payroll, G.O. to $600 12Zl \V. Coast Hv.'Y. NB a ge and star t ing sal· woman live-In, care of Girl Friday $500 S OR ary. 1'-:xper. rental yard salesman to call on ronstruction & industrial Accounts. Must have lrnowledge of ronstructinn & industrla.l r11u1p. Car lurnl.~hed, wages open. Cood c o m pan '} benefits. Good chance for right person to work up !n company. Apply in verson, Hartley & NLX"On Rental Jnr., 1!!00 W , Anaheim. Long Beach 540-8<33 COOK ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS s e m l -invl'llld & lite Insurance Clerk toS500 MT T OPERAT hou!lekeepimg 496-2722 for Typist/GO/~ Vle}o to S475 Needt>d No\\·: · Challengin~ nppl. P.T. Girl Friday $J hr position '~/progres~ive C'.l. CALL TRISH HOPKINS Top Pay ,r,, unlimited future. 1-IOUSEKEEPER/Siner 3 to JERRI WHITTEl\,ORE Call ~!0-4450. Fast fry cook, full time, Bob Burns Reslaurant Call J ulien, 644-2030 COO!{ EKperienc:ed Conv. Home>. Santa Ana Ave. Call 5'19-3061. 1:30 daily or possible live-4Sl! E. 17th $t. (at Irvine I Cl\f NEVER A FEE AT TEl\.1PO Asst>mblcrs needed v.•/PC in. 968-2245 eve or \\'knd Suit e 224 642-1470 Tempo1·Rry llelp hoard & soldering ex pe r. H k /Ii in S<ln)t' 1ntinee positions open ouse e eper Y• -~._____..._I MUS IC T E A CHER Permanent employment in SJ~5 v.•k 962-7705 -v-v---v--- COOKS. Qualified. ex peri- ence necessary. call 642.05i5 for appoinlme111. pl('asnnt surroundings. He lp W an ted, M & F 710 Help Wa nted, M & F 710 Local chilrlrens n1usic school l li~mmmmmmmmmm~mmmmmmmmi[ needs f'.'<!)Cr. leuf'hcr \11/BA \1 in nHl~i('. IM2·1R44 Oil! f'or Appl. Industrial Rclnuons COOK Conv. Hosp. 642-0593 STICKY DRAW ERS ca.n he ntade easier to open by applying candle wax or SOAP on drawl'.'r MJnners. Whv store son1cthing you v.ron't ever use? Sell it 111ith A 1714) 494-9401 TELONIC INDUSTRIES Laguna Beach Dally Pilot Classified Ad. Equal Oppor. Employ~ Call 64~. 1..,,...,...,...,..., ........ ~~j H1lp W1nlod, M & F 7 10 I Help Wanted, M & F 710 EIEOUTIYES-MANAGERS "JOB OPPORTUNITIES" $15M-$75M Ranq11 SALAlllS·HIGOTIAILI INOUST RIAL • Hughes Helicopters Has Immed iat e Requirements Ar O ur Long Beach Facility FOR : Stationary Engineers Pressure High NE\\' Vr\ennary llnsp11al "'an!G i\>lcrl1C!ll Rereptinni~1 .r.ic AssiStitll T, 16161 Brookhurs!, in \Vt'slhi:iven Shnpplng Crnter. Fountllin \'flllcy, no rxti nee. \\'rite Class1hf'd /\d nn 9Hi, r{- !Jnily Pilot, P 0 Baio: no 15GO. Lo~ta i\·lesi:i . C;ilif, 92626 NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TRAINEE P OSITION NOW OPEN GB lnrlustril's of So. Calif. has immedh1te openings fnr trainees in d i s p la y , marketing <listrihution & credit merchAndlsing, G new locations lo open In im- mc>dia1e future. Many posi· tions now open for full time permanent peo ple. * XLNT T!tAINING PRO- GRAM. Apply In Person or Call: Oona L everett (714 ! 5-t0·3000, Ext. 2;i0 HYLAND LABO RA TORIES 3300 Hyland Ave. Costa il>fl'~a. Calif. 92ii26 Equal Oppor. Emp!nyl'r Sales, gre;.it lnn11: run oppor- !11n!ty 11·ith Lingo Real F:~r111e in l'()ndomlnlum ~n !es. Scckini.; n mature In· dividual , ~·nntA.c t Ken J\1f1Cht'.11 , •19J-\920. SAL1'.:S Girl for fabric shop. PHOTO LAB TECH Apply in Jl•'r""°n, l\lnn. C, ABBOTT'S for fl.lapping firm. Salary OJ>f'n. H. Clifford Thorn &. 261() t:. COflS1 1-lwy. Cdr-.t Assocs .. 540-4481 SA VTNGS .~· Lo.'.\n needs iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio j f'"l(per. person to assist P latform Se cretary Manager in brl\nch office. l'.:xperienced i11utual Savings & Loan Apply A~sn. Salary romn1<"nsurafe S•rurity P a c if ic wilh exper. Conlact MISI "" l\1nrselle <193·5651. N a t ion .. ! Ba nk Equal oppor employer M/F 5:iO Nc111port Center Dr. SF:AJ\l STRE!=:S. younii: &: Nev.·port Bellch 6~4_0113. ext 224 exper. Pfttlison Sail Design. Joan P. \Vil\iams 836-l757. Equal Oppor. Employer m/f S ECRETARY PROGRAMMER to $82S l'"ec Paid/Also F'ee Jobs System~ 3 Disc, flPG Call Jeannie Sisco 1793 Newport, C:M. 646-4854 & Sid Hoffman 19731 ~ach, H.B. 847-$17 Ar• You U11•mpl oy•d No-A•• You Se.~i"'il A Ch •t'L9t -Worrltd About Your Ag-Tir•d of Bro~•n Promi111- U"dteided A1 To A Proper C.,..i11• of Aetio n- Three year§. ~iler ex~r l~n~e re- quired. N~·ltcensed md1v1duals will be required to obtain license after employment commences . Air conditioning background a plus. Must be willing to work any shlit. Military or civilian experience will be consider ed. WORK ALSO AVAIL FOR lll Gll -SC l-I OO L & COLLEGE STUDENTS Ex pel'. only jYESTC LIFF Branch office ol corp. seeks l!table person who can take on responsibility. l\1ust h1.1ve son1e sh. S11b1ry to S600. Cnll Llnd11 Ray. 540-6ffi5, Coastal Pe~nncl Agency, 2790 !·!arbor Blvd., CM. NEWPORT Per1onnel Agency Bkkpng/P•yroll Clerk 133 Dover Dr., N.B. Ca.II 64i-8338 '41·3170 CARPENTERS. Min. 2 yr1 e x p , cont inu ous A I COUNTING CLERK employment, top wai eS & I. beoetlt1, Apply Willard Boat Costa Mesa firm aeeka works, 1300 Logan Ave mltun!, reliable i nd I Y • (mla Mesa ~"'- adder. Li te accurate typlnc. i ,ia;.;;;,;~lll~~i;i;iii"'_, WfA/P, AIR It 10 key CASHIER 1d~er. Lil• occurat• typlt11. Sl]ary to $500. Call Jtelen Maaon, ~. CoA1ta) Personnel A&ency, ~ 1 9 0 We have an Ideal Polltlon 1 iiHil"'ioboriiii.iB&l.;,vdii'i;' iiCMiiii.,.•• I for an lndlvtdual wllh lit~ 11 flllng & cashlertn1 Accounting Clerical eicpt.rlence. Job has loads • S t I ot public eontAct. Must ha\.'t "' ecre •r •• eic~llent public penonllllty. RUTH RY AN AGZNCY Exctllent beneftt1. rm NeYIJ)Ort, CM . &46--4854 17931 Boldl, M.B. 8'1-1•17 THE IRVINE CO. ----=-==-=-=------=.: A / Roc1lv1blo to $700 Exper. In payroll, 10 key Adding, figuring o! eomml• aion11, type min. 45 w.p.m. F'ee Neiio. AIM> Fee Po11I· tlon11. Other 'PO!!ltlons Av•ll. NIGUE L P e rtonnel Agency 27635 f'orbes Rd. ~na Nl1tUel 1.11·1477 C1ll Mrs. '11ld1r M4-»lt, 9•m-Noon Equal Oppor. Employer <..r uin C!U'e, live-In, age open, Ma ture, ChM1tltn, IOVIOI ,rrandmother. Pvt qu11.rter1 t·n N .8. l Oilld 2 mo'1. Love tor children a must. Mu1t drive. Refs. No houJekeeplna:. Sal&rY open. De.YI, ~1-96051 Alt 6 644-5928. ARE YOU UNDEP: l'A!0 7 If Y•• Ce11 An-TM r..llewl"t C•'-t•rles, 111 Tlle Af'fttM.tln, We'lllil Lil• All lllhnlew Wltfl Yo• IF YOUR ANSWERS ARE TRUTHFUL -WE CAN HELP YOU • A. Do you ''""' 1tron9 ¥oc •l;o"•I dr:.,,7 ,.- 1. Oo yo" h••• oood n•fi¥• i11t1Ui9•lie1f -C Do you f•el twfflc1i"t1y mot1.at1d to 1ehi1v1? D. Do y111 )'•"•th• 1b_ility to mi ke d1~i1l ot'L1 . E. Are y•lll r11'v t1 t•f a r1•li1tic c•re1t obj1t1lv1 7 F. If y1u wi re co11vl11c•d tl11t lielp w11 ,.,,f1,bl1 would y111 •••t ,t it, wllh•ut 41l1v7 YOU SHOULD KNOW e Thi b•tt•r lobt •r• not 1d¥•rti1•d e Thlul pMiy pref•ni""'I l11flu•11c 1 it 1om1!i1T111 n•c1t· 11ry e G•tll111 tht rlght doort op•11, 11 the rioht l1v1I ,,. qvirt t t1c.h11l qu•. • l1ec11tl•• po1ltlo111 1r1 fill1d t~rou9h •••t.utiv1 i"t•r• .,; ...... 4 Mttt ft t um1 m1ill 119, i1 1101 1 tolAI '"'''"'''· SliNO RESUME OR CALL TODAY -FOR- NO COST EXECUTIVE INTEltVIEW EXECUTIVE SERVICES, INC. W N. -HOME OFFICE - 1714> 547.9ns M•ln St, Sa nt• An• !S ECURI TY IAN I( IUILDIN6 SU ITE 1011 ... ,., COlllUlll"' ~. Nit.,. Mt« It"'"*''"""'· . ( • Plant Protection Firemen Three yellrs mllitary!tndustflaJ· or civilian f.ire fighting experience re-- qulr!d, Must be willing to work any shill. EXCELLENT RATES & BENEFITS Please Apply In Person by contactlng Mr. Soderquist at our Culver City Employment OUlce, Weekd ays 8AM·Noon & l.SPM. Work site for above positions located in Long Beach. Hughes Helicopter Dlvlalon of Summ• Corporation 11940 W. J1ff1rson Blvd, Culver City, Ca llfornl• U.S. Citizenship Required Eq ual Opportunity Employer m/I • COMPA NY BF.:NF;FJTS FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW CALL : SJ/>.2591 Call Mon. & Tues. Only 9a m-5pm NURSE RN CMG.-('IURSE P /tlm e Days LVN tt-7 Shift Pcrso1u1t>l Agency IMMk ltl Coaler! SECRETARY 16!";1 E . J·;dln~cr, S.A. Pleasant working conditions, 5'!2-8836 shorthllnd neces~.ry. Xll}t PRODUCTION en1ployPe benefit s. llaub, DESIGN Bein. Frost &. Assocs .. 1401 Sailboats Quail St, Newport Beach, Several yrs. e,xper~ in prod. c8=33-007Q'-'~===7'=--boat b!dg. doing detnil de· . -s &-CRIETARY sign or prod. cngrg pref'd. Be happy In hA pp y Xln't luture \V.ift1sfe!lt grow· surroundinp In beaurituJ ing mfr ol tieauriful cruising olflce1 of top Irvine Co. 4 yAchts for younj;. hard work· GreAt be~f!ls, great boss, Ing lndiv. CAii 642-8824 for top S S $ C11.JI 5-ID-44.50. appt. NEVER A FEE AT TEMPO WESTSAIL CORP. TEMPO Ttmporuy Help PUBLISHERS *Sec'ys, BookkHpon Par t o r F /tlme ll\~-LOND CONV. HOS!' \VJ..:S"rMlNSTER Xln 't fringe benellts R E PRESENTATIVE Uz Reln~er!I Ag£"ncy &: Uberal Arts &ckground. 11020 Birch Street Sates exp. nee. Part time 1 Su!te 104 , Nil ~190 Con1petUlw !ilfllAry 1trAngemen\5,, Phone Mr!\. Hu!h Turner ,,,__ NURSES RN-LVN-AIOE 11 -1 ~ other shlf111, 1'op p\11 duty pny. hnmcd. pny for flonr duly. Co un I y wd lntervw~. Mon-f''ri 9 • :'! . l.e!lcou\!€" Nurs('s Registry, 35\ llospha! Rd, N.B, {Lobby Park Lido Bhlg) &12-9955, 51()-99:>4. ' PoSSibll lty. Write Btllen> Dia l A J o b 133-0&SJ phoo Boriks, J53 Steuart St., No Charg e To You Snn Francisco, Calif. 94ln'i. E!ltft b\l!lh@d I~ R EAL ESTATE --SECRETARIAL SALESMEN Put time oUlce tw 1 p . Koowlr.dgf! of reoe.ral otl)oe work & bookkttplng. P..flll1 be 11blo to type. Apply tn per s on Ha l't ley A NIX"On Rent11I Inc, 1000 W. Al'IAhflm, Loni Beflch \\'hy not work in tht-l'IOth nrea · Huntln tlon Oesch fwntnin Valley. Let us t!'fl [n yoo. Cnll Phil f.ft~ Nnmet', VllJ. \GE REAL };STATE, fl6.1·45f;1. 8ill-p11,ylng llmr? Sen "Do~'t nee(!~" f11.st &..nd eRl'I)' wHh " DA1ly Pilot Oa11aifled Ad! • Soc'y /Bkkpr Comlie t Gi rl ofc:. F'Rllh. lsla!Kl. Ade lor Mr, Schne.kler. -..WL • • ' "' 0 J 2 OAll't' PILOT Sunday Februar~ 3. 1974 HelPwa nt;d, M & F 710(Help Wanted, M & F 710 1 H el p ~w".-,-,-ed",-M<-. &7 710 I Cameras & 808 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; i , E qui pm ent SECY./RECEPT. R.E. Systems Analyst WSA,:~tl.t:S:-> 1'111111i:dl '001rolm Se~al poi!Ul)n In a.•t1vt1 .w un1 (O IUll -· 1r HONEYY•il.L p~:-.;·rAX Ill 1iealtor s of!Jct.'. llt'&utlful P rogrammer Surf ,t, Si.nd Jl,)tel, Ulg JJW:\tJU.id r•th1~·111•1I n1{'t •'r ofhl't' in Ne...,•port tl"nto:-r l::.11prr EDP systrm~ ~1urly, B<'h <'1111 Js1·k1,. 4lH 1;~11 . ~ :>l>-'i3Z1 Co""''''". 1 •<aJ1 01 '"''"''' ".•·•?l:ll t· programnnng Mt:1n ~·r1 !it"lor•· 3 I.Kl ,,.,, " lti :';IM Vlt'Wlng f'dt\•1r. S-\U ~rS£111n.:I I\ fnin[ 11ff11•r Xln 1 ~al.ir~ .~· U.•rwflts WAITRE SS Co~t $AJ Hardly used position °requ1r1ng g u •1 t.l Jtl 'Tll H \'i\.'ll Ai:;E:NC'Y Ulnner hOlli>t! cJI.µ. pref'd. 5-JS-723-1 ~!~'.Klt~b~ti~~'. Sl~1!1 JBi~'. ( 1~J::l1 l?;~~h.~~ ~-t>! ~~~:,~1 ~~sl be ZL 8·1:l W. 19th, SPEl::D c:raphie 2~.x:l?'O . 1thle lo \\"Ork Satur11;1 v~. ha t'kl!, tillers. A"'roqulp ltE t• l( 11 er 1 enc c n,11 Tl:'.LJ::PHONE \Vork !n our V.'ARF:lH)l!SE llt•lµer. Jo~ull :l5r.1!\-1 si\de tans. tWi-8528 f's.'it'nlial. but hr.lp[\;l, •)!!1,·t'. !\-lust ha\·e nea _i time !\-1ust Ix 11e11L AJ.:c F u rniture &lO Prefer JOC'a.I r<'Sl<fent. l-ur a1,pc11r11n<'P. s;ood pay & 'l:i or ovt•r. Apply 1n r>e rson int!;'1-vu •·all Mr~. l •uhl. b('11el1 ts, call 5:.G-6147 only F'tl, :-:111 or !\-10i1. 8·30 , FURNISHINGS '" .. < N T 1 ,... . ~''IO 1.1111lu 9.10 ,1111 . 1.. 1 .. es.iey ay or \.<J \l44-.\.o Linv .. lll'f• l.abJl'ldury \tngs ze sµr1n g ,<,, rnutl Secr•t ary to $850 TELLER, E XPER 21 18 Nl'W l)(Jl"t Blvr!. c .:-.1. w/ltnens & rus!orn. spread: SAFE DEPOS. CLERK Jt. Prov. i,:anH·/d1n1ng !lb Fabulous opportunity to join STATEMENT CLERK \\'F:U. r11·i;f1nl'l.t'd I a rn 11 y & chairs, kJ rcht'n suiipl\f!!, elite Irvin!!-hrrn Jn new nt"1·d~ houscket>per 10 h1·lp silver servire, l'H me i·a plush (JJric:~s:Co. takes good Security Pacific Bank 1nntht'r 1n whccll'hR1r Prl'-l;'(!Ulp, tu\Vt'IS & bcd(hn~, care of you w/r«.ises, fer h\e-!11 Vic~ l-'l'urvic-w & tu"''ll"t'. '">'· 0 r f ice , .. _., & s< k , !\,..,,.port Beach branch. ""' "' .......-'"'" s uc op ions · Eillngt•r. Span. sµkng nk. r E & s..x;n, F'ec Pa.id/A.l">O reo: f\'el~·n El\sY•orth 64&-11951 5-l&-!1766 _ supp 1e~. ere. .ves ,Jobs. ,\blgai! A h b 0 1 1-_;qual Oppor. Employer m/I 1!.'kends, tlT:>-6116, 3 1 4 \\110 \\"Al'TS ·ro \\'ORK? Orchid. Cd!\-f. Pel"SOnnel i\gt:n<:"y, :!30 \\I DlliVI:: A CAB~ ~"Ccc~~~~=o Warne r , Suilc 209, S.A. TEMPO'S CHOOSE Y""' )<ours, v.•nrk ESI'AT~: SALE ELE,\NOR ~7-6122. ., ('RJSP r.tahogany china SECRETARY JR-.-for yo1u-:<ell, Ile your 01!.'n close! t'X(' ThPtmf• Mas- This prisition al!.'alis !he hnght beginner who wanrs rn1;id advarx..'<'ment. !\lust ha.ve good typlll)l: & sh skills. Co. off£<rs outstanding benefits. Call Sally l!;i r!, 5-10-00lS, C•)il~ta! P.-.rsr,nn£'l Agency, 2790 Hartx,r P.lvd, CM SECT'\'. -RJ~CEPT lhus111s1 ir, :illr., y(1Urlg Indy, nc;:>r!ed ror sn1all r<'al i>S!11tf' firm, nr. 0 . C. Airport. Goorl skills l"l'tJ. $550 Mo. 833-9293 SF:RVlCE St llt1on Attendcn!. full ur part 1imP, Appl y in person, 990 Eas! Coast Hwy, NB SE\\1ER, exp'd prtNlul"llOn & sample makf'r. l..'ldies !!portswear, Apply in person Monday, g to J. 77,1 Newton Way, Cosla Me5a. SHIPPING CLERK Ex per. preferred Permanent posi!ion av11il. v.1/ growing mfg. t'I'). Good sill- a1y : benefit program, i111'1. 8 pd holidays, co. pd med/ life lns. pd vacs & sick leave. E . O E. Ap~ly In Pers.in 8-3 ~loody Sprinkler Co .. 11\l'. 3020 PullnHtrl St., c ~1 SHTPPING/Rec·vg CI erk Par\ ti1nf'. Hi"s 12 noon 111 4. Elcctl"cnics hack .r. r n ,! desired. Sn1ul! El,,ctro111r.~ dl~tb. C.i\1. area. Ca!\ 979-0IJ"'.I Tl1r Tu1Clc Super Girl Friday Neerle<I for l gal ofc. Exper. in all phases of bookkeeping, payroll, !yping & sh. 642-8080. hoss ~lr>n or womrn. Ca n sai;:e f'ha1 r . on guar11ntet I D• I A J bl ttt~ slightly hlind1eaP{Jed. sewing mcirh1nt'. ,\!I I he la . • Q • Nr al -('!e;i n AJ1pet1r1tnr". househv!rl guuds. Vts., r«tired. Age 2J !o 70. Sat. Sun. 21"1 & 3 l-5 'rl·:~1P() offf'r~ a mJly uniqth' & !111'\e s;1v1ng op1i0rtun1ry fur ~k!llL'l1 . KEYPUNCH SECRETARIES ~\"h•) 11·an1 d1g-n1flcd & sli111ul&l!u~ l1111g or sh1a·t fl'l"ITI hSSl):!l\ITif'll!S -fc1v d;!y.<;, couple \1 eeks or f,.111 Suptilenil•nt yuur lnl'Dme J BK :-;, <Jf Ad,1nls. Drive a t•nh 6 hrs r1r n1ui-e a 1 Bk. E , of r.tagnoha day. Ar11ll y in j)('rsun, 19862 !.oil.is J..an~. li.B. YPJ!ow C';1h rn, 181i E 16th St , Costa !1-!esa. FIRST ql1'1.lity ~1 cd l t . furniturt>, !1kl' ne\.\'. Bdrm \VOJ\IE~-TELEPJ !ONI-:: work sC>ts, k1ngsi·le !· ai.:eeswries. lrorn 0111n hornfl. Srcure ne\Y Din rin set int'! thle, 2 a!'cls. for wf'll knnw11 store. ca ptains th~lir,; .{. 4 side Cl'lll collect (2l:l1 Q70-44S7 r•hall"s ,i:,_ Jong Io1-1' hoy n1•in1hs 1uu lk·c1c!c! No1v ""''""· i[ I~ ~~1P~:4.1~Y& ~~Ou~~no·A· 1 ~iiiiii-iiiii"ii"iii""ii'iii.,;~~iiiii buffet. !\1a11y 0rhcl" lovely Hems. Call &ll-'.1951 or 847-5962 . ~~~~~~~~. 2 dining s~·ts, b ect i.orulrlerl chalrs.-li~hl otik nr iron, c;old leaf !op-marble colfce, n1aple t\.\•inlbunk & chcs1., freezt.'r. Uet>r t<i.p ftig, 11·h;1\ \'O\U" ~kills arc. No 11 n•"..-i !(i ron1.~ In pcrs-u111Hy -Antiques 800 1111111 1~·e h11ve lhe 'Just right' I------------ spot for .\IOU! ,'\JJ-:'IEH. A FEF: AT TE:\fPO. Tempo Temporary Help SCRAM LETS 5-1H-33-l)\ • BEA UT F"""'' ch.-s, >facbrn ANSWERS lamps, Beauty Rest .1 ..... i n TRANSCRIBER, X -ray man. & &ix springs, like rerininology required. Full nu. French dresser .~ time days. Please contact Vanish -Invert -Bounce 1natching chests. End tbls. per50nnel office, S. Coast -Forgo! -Ra111rod -Pud· 548--6259 Hospital S. Laguna 499-1311 die -COVERUPS I i\'-1~0-D_E_M~.--,o-u-,~.,-. -,~,~. -. , TRA \'EL AG Er\ CY opening A typical A1nl•1ican is custom made by Frank for exp'd saJe_g agent. call someone V.'hO has a doily over Rros. 2 Danish F"ritz l-lansen Betty or Millie, lhe cigar hurn. an artlll"hair c h airs .• Li k e n e v.·. Harbor Travel. 6'FJ-1311 over the l!.•ine sµot, a picture Rt>aS-Onable. 494-2:104. UNDERGROUND Installer, over ~ hole in the wall <ind 7' Gold & \\'hite Sofa, $100, exper. Trainee considered. gets Incensed when he sht Pr C~\d Vl'ivet & 1!.UCKI Teleprompter Cable TV, re;ids about COVERUPS. chairs, S9::i, Black Naugh 2ti:!4 v.· Coast H ..... ·y, N.B. Antique Show & Sale recliner, $25, 54&-1575 Equal Oppor. Employer. S Cl I I I! J Df':·A-BED sof:1-d1n~·tt.• WAITRESSES a n e m en e nn ~t·t, !:unµs, INornl'nS 11othes Doy & nlte shift. Age :n & !-'P b. '.!~. 23 & 24, 19i4 si1.e 8-10, TV can. l!.·icker l'URLJC Jt'.VIT>'.O t>.1by !;'Ible, mis{', 552-02!11 over. E:xpe.r. pref. Apply in person ,Jolly Roger, 203 Gener11! Aflmission $1.2~ 6 PIECE rwin bed con1cr T'•l<trine Ave., Balboa Js!<1nrl . ANTIQ UES group, Avocado gree11, xl11t Vacancies cost money! R~t 8 l~al! '!"ees, take your r cond $150, 642-8323 your house, apt., store I tho1ce, s1i1toons. co~per coal 1 + SO!o~A & LOVESEAT • hlc!g ., etc. thru a Daily Pilot ' bask~!s. <;oflee d1sp:enser, Never used e Very gd. qual. C!as . .,ified Ad. colfec gl'lnders, \ 1ctrola f Usuallv home. 968-7S10 Oak ice chest, 642-S187 ~--,~=· =~~---,~·15" ROSE\VOOO round Dan- ANTIQUE t~IANO, E.n g . istl i\lod. dining/gan1e table. B r oa d \VD o d l 8 U 6, Hiddt>n leaf. S65. 54~-4337 rectangular, mahog. case. 2'X5'6'', k eys & ""orks cornpletc. Sacrifice $485. 673-1232 '.? BAR stools, walnut naugahyde top, S20 ca. 962-]707 b.'lSC, 1V."f) H1=w=·c,--,1-.,-,-s.,-c),-m-,,c.;c,.-g 'L"';H.EE:'>I <;(!fa. in ~ooJ sh:tp;_' light f!lclures. S:\O, $4:.. :1 I S.10 .. Coffee lablr. !1r<J11·n Ant1q. Uilk r111 rrur fr;unci.. fonn1c<t top $1 0. 54~571-1 St5-$20. 497-2'.!:12. Garage Sale 812 DINING table opens to 15' For •n ad in Wornan•s ¥\lorld 4 hlk. leather <;ide clu·s. ESTATE SA.LE ELEANOR tall book..:ase. pian'J. Dansk. CRISP C•ll Mary Beth To Size 48! ' '"'". ' .... ' ) . ( •', ; 64 2-5678, •xt. J~O Fashion Success 7239 niisc. Mal"k 5-1()-3490 DINING rhnlrs, !lost 121 side P.aln or Shine (6) 18!l0 Tutlur. C1;1r vcd Or~;,n / Al"CO rol1&n :'llll S!¢ / w/ lea!he1·. SllJOO se t t-urs / Crystal i'hi11;, I 6-l·l-1H56 orig, e>ils. Tonls ('hnirs I ANTIQ UE Vi c t orian plilnts 'be<ls. Furniture I Dresser, bl!aut cond. s:)()(} elPr appliances-· or best orfer, 67:r-:t422 E\'eiy1hing goes Wfu~TED, r·1011·cr Vase used Sal. Sun 212 & 3. J.;, in limousine.o. in 1he 30"s, l Bk. N. of Adams I JSt>-8773 t'\·cs 1 Bk. E. of :.t.agnoha 1S862 Lotus lane, 11.8 , ANTIQUJ.: rkiuhlr· bed v.•Jth =oe=-'o,,CC.C.,="'°"""~ I 1natl"hll1K pnn1·~·ss rlrcs!;Pr. 1 SU~ER GARAG~ SALE 5 $4::,0 fi~440 Sailboats, SIOO-S500. SalKlt. Snipe, ~\!1ld Fires, Ausl ral- Appliance!I 802 I ian IS looter. Enormous gold carpering & pad. desk, FLOOH & DISCONTl:'\'UED chairs, tables. e ouch . iv10DEL Li.EAH.ANt:E chi ldrens turn,. Playpen, Rc>frigeralors, \\'aShC'rs, elnthes. childre.ns clo1hes, Dryrr~. clishll"ash,,rs. Kneissr! skis. Lange Boots, Save up to $:'!(), fl()ll'~ .~. t>ir11lings. R.: other C:i.ragt' door opeper $j9 RS f'1ntaS!il' h/U'gains. Sa! & S1•;i r~. Roeburk f, Co. Sun only, ;'\32 Marine Ave, .1\dnrni-.t 1\-lagnoHa B:lltl"ia Island 962--77SI r-A I \ G ,.~~,~-~1-- ----,, {1 "'~ a e, We'r~ No Beauties 1 \\"11sh•T, l1ryf'r. H ~,f r iii:, .. our ~rolurs don't ni;111•h. rl rP~s,.rs & lamps, rlishP~. htJt 1ve 'n: a 1-l'.Md \\"h1rlfH10I odds .fr. enrls, Complete ;1ut11. II,' asher .~· g11s <'lryer J P. "d I" o om sf' t . v f' r y 'f()u •"<1n h11\'r b•llh nf us f(ir .rf'>isonable, 83:'.--0'.!85 Starts S"i5. 1 ';-ill Ii 12-35~'.l het. :-.· 30 I ~mm('d ,\: .; iJ!r1 !Oser Gt\R,,t~F 5,,LE, hedr11on1 hT.Ni\'IOH l-: w:ishcr $ 7 ~' furn, V<!l"'U\l!TI, r!rsk, chair, Ki·n1n1J1"l' Pli·c. d1"\'<'r $6~. l!hr ehau· &· dla~nn11l line \\"1'Slini..:h(lll~,. v•a~hl'r Sfr.'i. otton1an, misc i I em s, \\'estingho11st• t•lt•t'. dry.-.r rl(lth<>s. Sal/Sun 9-:i, 951 $35. G U.'l r11n 1 Pc-d & So111or11. Rd, C ;\!, ~l:i--72 15 deliv,..r·~d. a-lf>-8672. * Garage Sale * 1>1A YTAG 806 Dl')•er $140. t:: ver y th tn g imaginaDle. l.E "':·asher SSO. Convri;. Sa t/Sun, :'>/<;On. Ba I boa GE D1shv.·asher $80. 20 1 Pcnin, .;24 54o'ville. 675---3~77 Vol. Encyclopedia $80. 3069 --------~~ G1hr:'lltar. C.M. 545--2665 GIGANTIC Rum~aii:c Sale f eh. 2-lOAM-;,Pl\·T Rent W ashers/Dryers f"eb . :i.12Pf\1-4Pi\I The o•n ,.;-hered dre~s with 1 $2. \Vk t \1!1 m<iin1 Ne\vport II.arbor High Si:hwl 01;cnl!.·ork is la.shion right. * 639-1202 * 15th & Irvine. Newport Bello. r .ery pineappl.. yo k e . REBLT \Vashers, Dryers, SAT-Sun. 1'!891 .i\ n r i o ch, sleeves t11p smoothly curved Dishwashers, $50 & up to Irvine. R.1.""-Hl729. 14' ski dress. Crocbet of 3-p!y l yr guar . 546-~12 18, 8.19--7620 OOat. Dresser, mi r I" n r. So quiet, unclul!Pred. y11u'll fing-t>i•uir. yarn in one piece KENMORE CLASSIC Gas vibra!or rechner, misc. fcel like a nillllnn 111 this t !~(.;~1 neck do"·n .. Palleni Stove, $69.50 as is. 548--0515 POOL tahle ro1npl-,~,q-,c,~p lov.'-\\'aisted spring i;h~•l"· 11_l·•1 si7rs 11).l6 inchidetl. '"'1ornings or evening•. I l 70 Bo ; ~~~ h.k l '"' S1z" J? 1bust 3.;1 " · ys ·' ·-1~• 1 e, ·"'· Sew it in paslt:'l ~nit f,,r ~l·'"w>'NT\'-:,..V·E («N'"' WA SHER & HANCE. GOOD (;irt~ 3 s1il! bike, S 1 5 , day, crepe for gala nighis · .~ · ""' • , .. , '" . · . ~i4&--0163 Printed Pattern 9 1 j ~'. . for i>al'h patt,-.ni -add 2,1 working eond1 !1on. -·----------- w • SI .,A ~.~ ~" I r"nt~ lnr ench pAllern for •847-9879 • SUN ~ALE llonst'hflld, fool~. omens zes ,,.,, ""' -i'. . 40, 42. 44, 46, 48. Size '.'Ii ,\,r :.1:111 '1nd_ Spec~al Ha.n -r.A~ .~love, 4 hu rncrs & oven nio1\'ers, tabl!".S f< chair.::, lbus! 40J takes 2 yards 51-•il1n1:. fi1hc-i:vise lhird-clrt~s Good condition. $15. much misc. 544 Vi rloria. inch. iJ .. 111·•·ry will take thn..-e 67~967 0Cc"c"o·=-=---,~=-ccc--o s•;VENT·V-m'lll OflNT~ 11' ~ks or more, Se!ld 10 14 cu. FT. uprlgl;tt frttter. GARAGE SALE, Sr:it & ,for each paltem -add 25 ./\li•e A~ks, Lhe DAILY W0<kt good . .$75 Sunday. 10.5pm, E\'Crythin&' tents !or each psttern for Pll.OT, 105, N~lecntft * 646-5266 • must go, 506 Poin.~ettla, Air MBil 11nd SpeciRI Hand-fJo ·r11 · Box !63, Old Chelsea Cdl\ol, 673.;)391 Jing: otherwise third-rla~s St:itu+n) .Ne"':' York, N.Y. GF: built ln oven $75 &. range delivPry will take three .H.!011 I r1nt N~me, Addre""• $50. Both $100 perf •"- ks Or more Sf'nd lo Z11 °. t·~rt••m N11m'-*'r. in1mac. 846-4668. wee · :'l FI'.: D L F.CRAIT '72! GA!lAG!·; S.'llc : 1\1 o v i n g - !-"urn, ;ippl. TV. stereo, rlo1hc.'i. rtr, SGOI Dor emerc, H B. 963-2611. Marian Martin, !he DAILY <; I '. PILOT, 442, PeUem Dept., rn".'"'· knil, etc. Free 232 Wes! 18th SL, Nt>1Y <l1rP( 11nns. 50c. York, N.\" 10011. Pri n! ln~.tRnt Ma r rame Book. NAME ADDRESS v.•ith ll:i. ir, fancy knots, pat- z11• SrzE and BTYLt-:: lt-rn.~. $1.00. NlrMBER l n~lllnl C'r™;hi'I Book _ SEE MORE Q u ! r k L1·a rn by pictures! Pa t-r-J hi nd choose o11.-. t1•n1s. Sl.O(l. \VA SllER-DRYE:R FRIGIDAIH I·; $200 BRONZE e 644-2694 • GARAGE sal£> bargains. 9am f''RIGTDAIRE deluxe washer till 5pm Sat-Sun. 2 9 6 1 .. . Crofldon SI. 01 h I w & rlry~r about 5 yrs old. All Fairview-Bristol. electn c! $45 c.>ttch. 640.8288 11& Musical Instruments 822 Russell & A sU)ci1tts SALL: Brand new Peil.Ve.} Stnndanl P.A. $-MXI 2 Suul"l' 1 •&5 !>lic.'S S50 each. S•Jr:ni;i acousuc guitar 1 hlirll.d1,,U l"ltll<' $1~. Also, Sunn S..1h1r1 .. A1np $~1«1 Sonic I Ba~s hl'IHI sr;,. Call 557-1'1151 1:1.!1 !il':'il Re•I E1t•t• OPEN HOUSE ~\·hru.ary ~. ~10 Pl\l ~·cn!Unn~ Pm lnlUols b) ~1t~rti 1\1ar.;l•lla &.l!i-0 Pt•rSQnahzcd 11arne 1il;111ues Office Furniture/ 824 • 1''rar11ed 1ien Ji. 1n k; Equip. sketl."hes • S1at101n·ry e -----------:! rlimensio11a! \I I,.! o r !an HANDSQ1>1 E Executive desk houses + variely . uf 0L11cr .~credenza. Custont quullty. P".I'S(Jnal!zed pa1nt1n~s; _ Near new. Original cu.~t Pr1ees range frnrn S!:i 5<! S55 ~1 . iOO \l/11l s•·!I f!Jr Stl~iil, 2'231 1 Brookhursl St. Call Mrs. J-laze. 833-33(}5 llunting1011 Beal'h before 6 J~J\l 714-962-771'7. DJ<S. $15 up Exec S\\Vl chrs TV, Radio, Stereo H I F i, 836 RICE'S TV SERVICE !fon111·rly ln /'nntrv !-i l'ntri * TV Spocials * I ..... 11 ,t I • .. 1 .. r 'JV M-t 1 \\ tul~ Iii•·~ la~r" t 'r1!ur !rnui Sti5 011, II ,\ \V rrurn S:!5 up. Jo\,r '-l"/"\"i<'{• l"o\IJ 5-16-6002 l).r 511)-6003 1375 Ln~an Avr, C!\-1 ~-'-"'_1_, v_'"_~][ S J Lines, 2 Ti me~, $2.00 I BUY!! $15/25 Sec chrs $.11/24 \\IAN'l'~:l • i::ood p;'rn1ont'11! Pierce 867 \V . JS. Ci\1 )~Jn1» [Qr lr1vahle c• 11 1 . Good, used lurnl1u1·e & 1,.,60420-034c08-'c--,-~-c----spr1;.t'(! long hair C:il!t~>. appliarH·r.~ or 11·1!1 sell for vou EXEC dt>sk & lull s1-1 ll'f'I 492->i71)J. MASTERS AUCTION chair, 1 yr. old. Ask ing $27:. F'P..Er.: 2C-=ac1,,-,.c,~,-,,~"-.,-1s-.-c, !or hoth. ~-1238/J.12-3.179 I I I I < 70751,:z Newport. Cl\1 G~ti-8686 1oos w il\c.> ca , ~ yr~" 839-097•1 aft . 6 for Sunclav !\-1AIUNG TUBES 1'!>:" by Need h11r11e. !100-11::.ii -----Behind Tony's Bldg. f\1,1t'l 2-P']". Caps. 000+ at 9o.: Ff~i\1,,LF: s1111.yl'd JJOOllk•, LHG round du1 1111, \\' 5 l'hrs each. 4!»---8898 Lai,'Ufla. dark g1'('y 1n11ut1ture. Fri'(' & leaves, 2 Ill-Lu !\\Ul hell P ianos/O rgans 826 -'-"-'-"-"-I _11+~1·_Jlt_H_l5"1 __ _ !il'IS Deluxe, hunk hrcl .~ers.1-----~------1 l'f.l\l~l~ESI·., 11llll•I" feni. Boats, Power 906 Tr•ilers, Tr•vel 94~ 'fiJ 3-r CllRlS Connie TS, t'Oll. Ole srnnll Cfl r & j•11~y <aulv 1uJ01, J50 wan SS. lu1"h4> 12, l:l & 15' travel VIU·... CB. Of", 12v/11Qv trn1ler.o:, S800 & up, Ml·sa rt•frig HIJ~... many xlnls C'1u11pt>r &ili:s, 200& He.rbor, JI].SOO l'a!I 55Z...7·l3G tevl!'sl Cc•sl11 1\-l··~!l 21 SEA Ruy. '7l, Cutty<·ab\n, Auto Service, P•rls 949 nr-.1c :.!3.i 1/(l, covers, VH~-. trailer .. d<tys 5$-1610 or * * WANTED '* * eves .'1 1-1·kends 544-J~74 6 or· 8 eyllnder motor Boats, Sail 909 to Ii i 1960 l)()DGE p!ekup ___________ 1 or 1:111y rRr mo1ur !hat would SACRIFICE~ Evinrude :!1 -''-1.-4'_2-006 __ ·3_. ____ ~-1 11.P, Outboard f\1otor . Used 'GO CORVAfH IOI' fJll!'1S dOf•s unly :I times. $2£5 new, l r11n, not fW ~uud, $4() • \V<l/11 $1:.?5, Call Dennis 548-4192 5.1s-xJC~,1~~. ,~~;.~r<;~i I ~111111~~~~~~~~~ 14' 110 u 1E ('AT, 'T.f model J§] t.·lanv xtr as. !las trafler. Auto1for Salto .Q $1::':"''6. 213/287-7262. i 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~· ~.,;, !101:118 Cat, 14' 1Yilh trailer.I I -.;lnt cond. $950 f i rm 5-19-r73X aft li11m Recreational Veh icles 30' Ll1ioes" Junk. S2lW Qr 956 best uffcr r~r info cull DUNE BUCG '{ !or sale or Jnn11•s 494-5350. trade. Slrcet legal, xlnl ~LnATfl:OS~. S7~ill. Slip ro11d, 101> & side eurl..il ns. t1\'lUl;1bh· at $'.10 tno. \Viii $900. 4~29Rlc·=~~---! rra1lc ~IS-llS2 '67 SANDRAIL la...,·n s .... ·eeper, Sl'ott"s m1111-• PIANOS. pur•· hn•d, lovely il£'l tu t>r, ~ silc111 rrru 1~·indow ~"···~! h·uHt· frl-Hii'f~J Boats, Slips/Docks 910 au· cond, pair of nr nu hidl" • ORGANS l·'Hr:r: Trucks CALL af{ 6prn, 645-3865. a-beds, 10 key udd1nK maeh R I $S \VA:\""!'f~D; Hi Sctil !f'A Ch(•r All pnced 10 Sl•IJ. !1 17-371~, enta S from !'tngsl"11'" blrlo:ks. looking lrw humo:> for his :rl.~-47:i:i 41' 11•psa1! kl'!rh. Live . SALE SEARS gas range, nr 11e11.-. l '!ii'~!!i!!!ll~~~~~!!i!!!i!~ I abo;trd \\ ""! f('t'llAge sons. 962 w/broiler, $~. flla Y !a g e Pianos & Gra nds 1 J[E] H<'f's, !71·11 .~.13-897\. v.·shr $1 '.:!5. Nr n .. 11· 1p1c1•r1 ALL MAJOR BRANDS 11 Pets ~rwi Supplie5 "L..i size · sp1irigs, n1a111~~ss & Us.:-d & rebuilt putnils <•hi• .. T" 110 1'1'. Slip ncar chann('l ho!lywood f1·a1nc Si :i. r~. l 'J,righls fn ii n _ ....... _. ~li!'l '.Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;iiiiiiii; I entn1nce & H. Y .C. Avtt\! 1974 GMC hookcus•· v.•/glas!; dwr S7J Spuil'IS ....... Sl ·l~i • un1i! July L. 5~4_-_1_1'_., __ _ 645-425-1 F.ves. & wknds. Players ........•... ~.~'.!'.• _P_e_ts_,_G_e_n_•_,_•_1 ____ 8_5_0 Boats, Speed & Ski 911 TRUCKS C REW CABS F'ORGF. for 111cffll 1~'urki1\g, Grands ............ ~J~:1 7" diameter, burns roal. has e Orga n s 1 \\lilt~ l".'lhhlls, hn•d dul"s 18 F1'. Dragon l'rafl 600 H.P . A!C blo\\·er 11'/v11riablc ALL MAJOR BRANDS $H t.'a. 20:lOl .S.W. Cyprt'ss, ,1_-,1 l"hev en~ .. ve1y tt1<l11·nl 4 WHEEL DRIVES VANS e SUBURBANS sJ)(>ed control & DIC blo11'\'r Opiigan .... deino •... s195 :.;; A H~is, ~o of ;orport. kx•king, Sell or trade. C .~1 . w/2 spd <..'Ontrol. Ideal !or Spinet ... , .. Tll"'\\.' ••...• S l!l~I Dogs 854 979--58-10 cnifis. $75 S.10-3719 e FREE e We're No Beauties Organ Lessons -.-P-U_P_P_Y_W_O_R_L_D-.-1 Boats, Storage 912 NOBODY BEATS OUR PRICES! . our colors don't ntatch. Lo1~TPY theater \n('1-1•I $2!¥.l;). but 1-1·e·re ti good \\"h1 r!1~1 FULLERTON MUSIC auto. WRsher & gas dt1•cr. 18\!ll Euclid, :-ountain V;i]l,•v you c!n have ~th of us fur 1 Blk. ~o. of Si.r Di('go FwY S75. Call 6~2-3589 IX't. );JO 557.4936 · & 8 pm to sec CUSTOl'll lo~·l'~l':\I, snl1d Oilk antique bus1 nrss de s k , Dr!'.xcl !\\'in t.i1·rt fran1•·~. cah1nel bt'<:I. ~ .~-,~ .. t'hih11<1h1111s. Tiny Poodles, A111(•r. J.:ski1110, Pit Bulls, Bull T1:rnrr. hccsbonds, Cill'kll p..JU, [h.1h~·nn;1n, ~hep h•'rd, Da•·hshund. 100 :\l!X- ELJ Pl"l'S! ! Stud S<'r1·1t"l' J\l(1St Bl"l't"dS. (Jpl'n .1::"1·cs. 5Jl-50:l7 =~-----S(."i!Zl.ALTZER pups, sho!s, pl~'Yi'OO<I shC\'t~. also tTIIS{'. 6T~ H,\:\l!\I OND T-WU o r >;an, B.,l ~!.;IJ·:.'-'i J\1·~1:r1Jl p11pp11•s, rylhrn,~.t>she htJill 1n tri·t~•l()r, s:i.l i\lale & 6-~ .,,.,,. !1•111 .. ll'. ~11;2 :jl~iO. EVEllYTIN~ for tJ ah v; /.}-,-,,~ · ---- childrr:tft SJ)indlc 1•nh -,'(., L"PRIGfl_T_, --f:-,-,.-e-l_l_e_'_l t 1 )(.[' i".11i.:!1~h ~hc~·p.h•g µups ea11opy, playJll.!11, strolll'r, l')r!gin;'ll t:11nthli1111. S 5 11 u. Al\C r•·i.: l't\011~. 1'nrn11·'L chani;1ng tablc.>, Jump s•·at, ':;li}-l:t-ti $!1") 1~1 1 1101 ___ _ l.taby at:ct:ssur1cs. &10-lU~.:... YA~l~\HA J\l2R C•in.~ule. '.\r l ti ,\ \1J•!1! .'i Li 11 l1! ,. n 4 Spd Queen & Nut"l,(t' eu111 nc""'. 5 y r . hal.f!\ct. 1v.1rr. f{e1'.·10·'.•'I""'. Ii_ .,...,,,.k~. shc1ts, oµ v.·ashers, S50 t'<iCh. Apt !'.lust Sell $!J'J5. 6·15-$i~,7 I \I ~· ~ hh~l 1 ---- sz elec. range S2'5. ('hcst 1\J~~!'IQUE Knahe--B,,f , \" l'I J{t··1:1:1 11 lr1~h ~l'ttl'r dra ..... ·crs, 2 ratliHl t:1blt'~, Gnu1d. Early lSSO"s, s;.(\;1 ~·up.,, II•\ p,ljX'r-;, s;c, l"1 <.:. 67:).-6060. 5-1.2-5021 eves ···ill ~lfi-l ~ll:I T1nES, F'our Unlroy11I lil'.l-15 Sporting Goods 830 r::-\\\'"-(it'n,11--11,,n,-·-1-... -,.-,, black wall s, ?UOO mi. 11•!t k'"111\•' p1·rs, l:~Xl'f'I 11·:.ir h l}rl trt·<1d. S2S 1f1kes alL 185 CM. gla~~ slos 1;r11nd .J,.l'.", l:.-.i-. 1''1'11·•· '.•i~-~~11 1 9118-2052. Prix bindings S~ll f,n·11i1•·1· {'!I.\\!!' 1,\•·1 1 :n~l1• \inld;n Oil\' Storage: Sail boaL~ to 11'1 It,. launching incl. some park'g. Ne1\'P<>rt 673-5070. TriinSpO<IJlion I ~ Campers, Sale}ltent 928 [©l?:M~ '73-'74 CZ SALE ~·or limited tin1e <1nh ALL :\IX"s r"OST 'f' $5'l K110'1· St'tup Tax & Lu· 13 cz pl r r.·n<t i ~l2.9;,1 ~-: 9'J ~·vr ,\(.•1·c.i<s. Sale Info S CALL &1;..soo.; • 10 ~l""t:•I :-;ehll'111n 1·.11111u• 111 lt•~I ~I :,;,, ~"II $~0. I.',• cnnrt Ii i~ 11S~l TOT,\L CLO!'F: OIIT PRICES (IN Nt::\r 'i3 :0.100.!::LS HUGE TRADE ALLOWANCES RENT A MOTORHOME LOW RATES Mike McCarthy G.M.C. lfl."1:-0 13Pat·h Blvrl. 1 Bl. N. S!in D1egll f n\'Y· \\1•.~1 111insil'r 894·3 341 S31 ·2450 '73 G'l!C li TON P!CKUP f':•r )lr 1· :;1 ~ •.·1al. Aur omatlc !r;,n ~n11.ss1n n, pov.·er stet·r1ng, VS e~ine, lo""' mllr>s . 1.l982JN 1 $3677 :0Wl lewiA -VOLVO \\/ANTED \l'"Qden ki teln'n ski IYxlts. m.~n·s .Sil.!' I\ S'.!11 j{1·11·i,·1.1 , .• 111 .. ,.!J .. 1<.:, '!~\l ltnr11,.r, (' !\l. 646-930.~ '11 FORD V1 TON L. • 510 •1-0 II l'Jo::\T(J;-; l2.'. nl'I' !''.'!. "abinets. cedar shin"lf'S, inua '<J--t-1.1. 11••11111"1, 11 .. •1,rk, !1j~jj~f1 ' " ----_ _ pl1:1st1c Ii.Ink. p (' r I" l' 1 ' ,, "-kup. ONLY Shag ca rp t't . 17l·hsr;:1S,Fisrhe!'Sup1·n·l·1 ·~:!f\l Al\{' .(i"nn:1n Shf'pher dl e_oo_d111on. S37J._96.~--J789 _ 1 ~··.1111 · · \18, 11uro-8'16-1069/(213• 4}\-Jmi r n1 S11 lnn1nn b 1t'ld 111 1• ~. " k , I -'"' t ' "' · · 111111Plt>~'. "' 11•·s, rci..:1s l'rt'<, 13(\\' s ]I) sp<l, CC'ntu ruui, •:r· l• · •·•·a ter, ... est WALL PAPER polrs. excr! l'OT'ld .~1°0 sh•·T' .. ~·l-l 11 ! Lile 1-1·eu;h l nni..:f'r lip \ ,.·i~' ,.,. :t 'l nger Cus- 1; & !ess off l\lilchell's,...£!.2-0821 :~ l'l"l~l-: t\1't·11 l~•h riu11s. "t•rHri1ts, 1 ·,11·:~1)t-4110 1 1'·" r·~'lt ' 1~;.ti,.!lt95-IJ7J1 o<'"kw,11 ,, \"anLuu, 5 SPEED bike, l\tln1t·11 ·s 1 1 l lO "~ ..,._ mo<iel, xlnt cond. n~l\l'f '"'~> r~•_1•a.,e1·s, ,O.:('Jl\\'JNN ]H ~prl. ~.:'c"l 11 •. .• R.;7-8010 s3;. 1• 1 II.I~__:._.\~ 1!t.l ;·•~d, <11! ;i~·c· ~~lrit·S. $JfJ . -·--. ' \"" I'" h I 'ti 9G3--l5.'!6, 11 " l' " I ' ' ,.,. ., wel's ""11 nf'I!.' P.\f"l!:<:lll'~J), •k, ~· 111•1s ... 1·;im.;,\'"·-"·h· 1· , . F. IO"> ~ ""' ""I< d"I"'" POOL TABLE:. o·oin "'"·r;.to·d II •I•··•·. I 1 ·-1 . ., • ires .. e .-u,,.. .,._. "u.. ,. ~ ,\ , • <.n;1yt•1. ..J ·-;:1 Ht);o.,'l)A (1. Iii;}, 9:) :\!Pr.. ~~~i~~"s:iii~~J 8-14. ~~-9d~~~·· see & makf-nff._,r ;,:,j 1;2.-1 •W !I~'· L'>.i:I\ '.l,fj()(J nH. ;-.:!nl rond, niu1>I ~~~·~~~~~~~~ T.f'.ATJIFP. ~ki lm1!>. St1.e 8 ~~"'<l Llnri11 !).l')-11\~~ CAnP~;T I:J1 i, ;~. p:id w,rJ cond , :\7 yd~ Sl '.-.() pi>r yd, 67.)-41)'.lO. i-:\'CS, G.:lfi.-l()li] l\1Nr.SJ7.10: n1:1!1n·~~ ,I',, hnx srn ni::s $10 H··fr11.:••ra.t1Jr \;10 G7'-, .... f',2:J!1 R estaura nt, u1.r1 En1.:l1:::h Shl·~·11 1kig. .1.(•J! A-.k111!! s:;'.;Cl ,\·ri-2:0>1 . 77 BRONCO 1\ 1\l' ·n K,'\\\',\~,\h:I l~Jrc rra1 I hi.kt•. X!nt cond. $.j()(). Like 111·1-1 ~-!.j...O J!S Hftc.>r J:30 '71 SL70 Xlu! ,,.-H1r!111on fl7:l--1f1!t~ Motor Bike S0-100 MPG \'-II. ·1 11hl'el dr1~·e """llh Jock· ing huhs s, radio. PONTIAC ~ll:) 84&-1177 11600 Beach Bl. \\'c.>stmlns1er Mobile Homes 935 89~-66~1 fi.16-2500 JSJ./\NO freC'?.l'r. !I' r .. m,,1 .. 'fi-t f'()F!.D Falt~1n c I u h · SIOO ,... · MOBILE HOME wa"nn, Ii ''l'I, J ·'-1 '"'''"'I, AfJll:ir111111. :.1~-~ifl (~1~ll'r!l \\"•~1!1 ,-.. n1i·io·tr" s:11. unit . ;:,hq1vca.~•' 4 , Ho rs es SS6 ,.. '"'' " u S100. Rot:'l t1ng ~hn11.,.i'l~i· FOR SALE : $-!~ii. AND '70 t'rirr!, 'Ji. T S125. 54:0:-9314 A.~k !nr SILVERCREST P.U~rili!~ tn!y 8 ryl. J!;ir<Jld Hl·.r; A•·,i '•i 'ui .\1-irf'. l:ray, MOBILE HOME J .~pd m;inu11l fl<)1h rlean 7 11 \] ,, II .,n. -· . f)ri11: (1\\'nrr, l l!i(() Call t>lr BARBER Shop eriuipn11'nl yr.~''' -,::~1~1~r~ i'r, "'', x: ,,:i, :.! BD 2 BA, ,·;irp · Aro1,·11 s:r~-{l(l70 or see at F. v F.RYTll!'.\'G rompl•'lt• !~~~".""".""".""~~~~~ ;.raped, hh-111.;., 1rf!'1g, 1401 Quail ,,.:.B. · f'()!lT,\RLF. H;1r. a.~h l1n1:-li. !or 2 chair opera ti nn . 11";1shC'r t,, elert dry~·r. 1v1rpd ---' :-lair tnp, t'li('elln1 (•1111d $'1J 1146-3678 [..C J fnr 2'211 nir {'fJfl(I . kitch . 1!172 FORD l'ouricr Pick-uJJ. '"-·12-'HMl 'T~V-cR-~.---,.~Fc.----11 Boatsand rloek. storage shed, land-/\M/F"fll Slt'rPQ. U.S. J\>lags. , ad10, H1 1, Marine Equip"'"' scaped paliu. Three yrs. old goorl lnr mileage. Excellenl NF:WPOltT 8f';H'h Tt•nnis Stereo 836 "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiil l -like nu. Lo<·iil ed in new CQnd. 645'--0283 befori-JOA !\! f'!ub l\·IC'mbrrsh1p. l!eason-1------------1 1 900 <1dult pk. away !rum noisy or alter 8:30 PM. REASON· ~'ohcl'=~"c'~·0_2'cl,---~-. !7.ENITH & RCA, color, H,~\V Boats, General ~t. One-half bl. Imm club-ABLE! Sl'tGF:R Zig-Za~ in l"abinet TVs & stereus prircd 1" house $15 495 Call EVES . .,.~~,ro=01ico""P~--~~--I clear. Pri~d Jess thH11 !hr> ~ · ' · ~ · irit11p. V-8, air, S-1."1. Yrrl s1vl'erwr $1 :l. 236 BOATERS 21 .. -691-41i90. stick, ric1v hrks, ton! boxes. Tulane C.M. 5'10-?.fi:ll rliscountcrs \\"i!h ~ Yr ALL CAN BE SEEN AT: '7•1 ta~s. be~t olfer owt picture tube, 1 yr parls -~· ATTENTION' CRESTMONT 121:,0, ooo ~"J CLEAN dirr, FRF.F::. U-h1111l. :sen ·lcc. No rh:irg-,.. fl')r • ;;--=~=-~-,c~~~-c l Ahou1 10 cu yd . Mi>sa Verde rlclivc'"'' or sr.t-11n on 19" ESTATES ~2 t..."H EV, 1,2 T. P.U., g· Call k d 9-!J.4786 '' " Basic Boating Course ' wee en S, l'Vf', 1 & largr-r. 25" Solid Stal,. in IO:il Site Dr .. Brea. ICen!ral bed, fi <."}'I Ruto, R ..t: H, Fll-IG !DAIHE:, 17 cu. ft. 2-dr, rron1 $-199. Cash ~ Plan seamanship ,t, boat handling .'.ve. aeross [rQ1~1 Brea dock bumpl'.'r, some extra.s, -rrfri~epitor. \Vorks. $:!7i, ·2 . nr ll'nns. ABC Color TV, by Co1nm. JJosp.) LoL •6 Excel cond, low mi ~38-9199. J\'loclern !his. 115. J;,~-91 ,IO 9021 Atlanta or 1 9046 flt. flf'llCh p 0....,.l:'r Squllt!ron CONTACT RAY, PK. MC.i t , SUPER Sharp '69 Forrl %T. Bro o khorst, Hunlington starts for showing. C11mper Special, looded, D cc k, Beach, 96R--.1J29 or 962-5:i~1\1. January 2r!th at 7 pm '.JJ'x45' Double wide part. shell camper. '70 Malibu Desk, ROBERTS 990 4-track srereo at furn. Laguna Hills P11rk. Cpe. 552-0046. rnEF:ZER. Tarw per f e r t. 20's Collec tables, Yl!l-1Rlf.t -~-tape recorrlcr. Orig. $400. M:irina High Srhoo! & S. Laguna $12,500 See owner '''6"'9'cc11cEcvoyc-oyc•-.,-.-,c1c1-x-,-,-.,-.1 needs P<>IVer cord $7!1. FL V11lley High Schoul Spttce C-5. trade tor 4 wheel drive OAK FIREWOOD 995.3.~97 545-6]21 A gre1t( "Pl>fl1111nity for M cooctcocr-"HcC-o-m-e-1-----I truck ol same vnlue. 646-6814 Bii hooting l'nlhusias!s aft 6. CASH REGISTER SHOW CASES 171 41 9~-:i700 GARRARD Syncrotah !}:1 record chRnger, Shu r t' c11 r1ridge, good ('Onr!. $5(1. 833-2165 Miscellaneous SPEAKERS, ~ad or ·Sl'ereo, Wanted 820 folded baffle cabine!ll, Must -----------1 sell, 847-£641 • PRIVATE party 1-1·i"he~ lo SONY RE<X>RDER TCl27 buy old or unusual silver . , , · or china Items, no coins. UsC'd once. Llke nev• .. $90. If no ans pleRse call alt • 8.U-3110 * 6pm 714-839·5!119. s· MEDIT'TERANEAN AM· BOYS 10 speed 111anted. Can FM Stereo. Ga r ra r d pay $25 or $35. Phone changer. $195. 645-5657 675-2449 after 5 pm. COLOR TV, P o r r ab I e, SILVER COINS Excellent cond. Sl25. Infoonalion !714J 968·0494 Sale/Rent 940 CUSTO~l i\larine WoorlwQrk -CQllllJlete in(erior & exter- ior carpcn1ry. \Vesrerl)' t.ta- rlnc MS-4871 . Boats/M1rln• Equip . 904 \VA.i~TED : !\larine Engine, pref Diesc.>I, for s m . ~ailbn11r, tip to 35 H.P. 494-9546. ELEC. fi sl11ng o u I ho a r d, Excel ron1t. u.<1ed only 25 hrs, SfiO., 673--0:182 '7:1 CHEVY "* 1on pickup, 23' fl10TOR home like new, c11.mper speckal. 454 k>w Wiii seJI or trade tor local mil. Rel'tsonable 4~ oi-re a..l estat e. Ross 494--0077 962-28111962-4411. =c=-7..":::-~=--c---I , • rono 70 '4 T w/c&m(>l!r 20 -25 l\-1otorhome, Superior, shell. Auto. }ID everything Lifetime, Open Road & 12xl6.5 tires. Aux. tank. :t7 ~~~l. B of A/MC acpt. M ml. Mske offer. 67H782 RENT TI-IE BEST ,73 '59 Ford 'Ai ton pk/up, Ma& , • whl, 3.52 V8 eng w/auro Executl~e 25 . All extra!\. tram, R/H $500. 64S-nS7 f'ree miles. 979-9056, 5 lo·l°"";-;FO=RD"'°'-C-c='-7.~=-! 8 pm '.rt 'i1 T, V~. auto, ="--~-------1 rebll eng, tran.s, good tires •Ollie's Motor Home Rental& &: body best offer 6~18 '73 23--26' M.H. &: Minis ' . ' . 55fi....1687 evcs PnyinJ<t 140"/r over f11ce. Calt i===='"'-=='O"'=~-~~ Boats Power 906 F'rce miles 9 tll 9, 838--0900 1960 F'ORD, % T P.U. F-1001 as ons a. '~•n111h·h· ln"tant Gift Rook J)'lllem free from our -· ; Spring-Sum rner Catalog. All -niore than 100 gifts . On! .,11-s1.m. GARAGE sale. Lu rn be r , Building Materials 806 closet doors. furn. TV, ~. mlsc. 9031 OceanW()(l(J, Hntg e Surplus , Bulldlng Bch. MATERIAL -lOOO's Of NEW G_A_R_A_G_,_E_S_A_L-f."-.. -g,,-1,-& ITEMS! Doors. l u~ber, p!y. Sund11y. 362-B-Rochester St. worxl, alum 11her.:t1ng, mold· Costa Mesa 962·3646 C'ves. SPEAKERS, 3 way, 12" ' .7'-"'--'~-~--~=,I Woofer, S9'J n pair. Musical Instruments 822 847-8010 23' CABIN M11.rlne TB, n111sr si··ll, 64~224,1 crui~er. Gray sip~ 2, moving l\111ke off('r, T 'I I 945 Economlca.I 6 cyl, Exel rono ra1 er,, T rave S750. 83G-3719 ='--'c='==c=--1 27' STORAGE trailer with l9n FORD PU sizes! Y ;,.1t..:. t ' I t Al h Book INSTANT SEWING BOO!< ''''nl' c e g 11" - od t Sl.00. 11w t Ry, wear omorrow. Ill ,llfly Rug fl:01lk1< . SOr:. $ iNSTANT FA S J.f I 0 N J;/~•k nf 1i r rh.e Afghan". BOOK Hundnd• 0 t '1t1:1u Honk 1 _ 16 pallC'rns. fa.'Jhlon far.ts. f1. sor. l fll~ an extra space heater IHu.,...um Qullt Book 2 _ YoU no longer use? St-ti It 50r. now with a Dally P\lot (loll!.' for Tod11\".t1 l,h,ln~ • Otl&'llrled Ad ! ~. l~ bl>autlful p11tterns. SOe. \ ing, wi ndows etc. I ""~"'-=o'=o'.~~~~~--, BUl LDERS SURPLUS II PRICF .. "1 .. e, M•ro'" rhriff Shop, 57J West lSth St, Cosla Mesa 2400 So. Main SL , S.A. "11on !hni Sal 10-5 714: 546-103:1 \4fl glass boAI with 30 hp t:venni<le s t ee ring &· <:tln1rol~. S.100. 673-7370 I Nrerl a "P11d"~ 1~1 .. l"f' an ad! Miscellaneous Ill C!lf:F:N & g-olrl flo rul sofa. gnod rnnd SlZ). Go Id •·rushrr! vrlvrt ch111r $R5. 641'1--:'121'1 J ' C OMP LETE set Ludwig ZE:NITII ll"'.COLOR CONS. drums. Ztljnn. Cymbals & W/\l..NUT, SHOWS CARE 1111 a c c e sso r ies, S:uxl. S95 64fi-'R4!)1 492-4291 131G Lance.rs Speakers, Xlnt E r~ ECT R 0 N f C rhythm l.'Ond. S17J m<tkf'r $250. St>l!s nrw for 546-1575 $160. 2 ffl\Or TV'ii· ('nn!':Ol~/ • 6411-fM•lO • riort11hle holh gri xlnl Jli('I, J.IATNES (;ranrl P 1 rt 11 o, 109 Via Waziers, Lido l.~lc.>. Rf's!IC!n 1'rumpf't, Jli5, Hu11lly Daily Pilot Want Ads hava Clarine! SI?!, W>-0077 bargains rslore, ('.J·li\RACTF.R Tul{ Boat, 17', $0()(). Call 494-0062. 31 FT. rhrls twin, sips. 6. OrtnA Point 111i p. $ll,500 CAlJ.. 494--Sm zontAC Tnf t11111ble f:x1·cllrnl mnd!tlon 64!>-4~ Sun. Bool, loading ramp. Ideal lor job LOADED. , $2500. site, de11ert proper t y , Call 493-9687 movfng, ete. $1995, 646--2607 '6S FORD P .U. auto, air, 11· SIESTA. stove, refrlg. P/B, P/S, ca1nper special. heater, 3 way lights, b1hrm, $28.'iO. camper $500. 64S-6632 crpt. Must Sac. $950. Ph. l!l60 FORD Pickup, ~ Ton, 548-8.r,.,<,6 good cond, R.6ck, $499. '13 PROWLER, 23' Self ____ 6~44-_7_8_95 __ _ ronta\ned, sip~ 8, tub & '60 OIEV. 6 cyl, 20 MPG, shower. xlnt cond, T.0 .P . with or without Cl\mpW, 842-X\'38 Good cond.$695. 642.--8998 • I • • r;:;:;;-----~;;;;-;-:r.;;;::-;=:::::::;--c;;;;,.,-,.-,,--.,--,-,.--,=-.-.,.-...,---,-,--:;=-;:-.--;-::-=-;;:--;;=r.-,---;-:::--.:--.---.=-,,.-,--.,.,--,,----_.:.s~;~11<1"f r roruary J, 11174 DAIL v PILO l D l ~ T~ucki 962 -"u'-'t"'"'"'c..:.;l mex,po.::.:rt:::•:::d~_;'10.:.:I Auto1, Import.cl '7'0 Auto1, fmport.d 970 Auro1, lmporl•ct f10 Auto1, Imported f1t Auto1 , Used 990-A!Jto•, U19Ci---~990 1 Auto1, Ut•d ____ WQ t;;;;;;:;;:;;;::;;;::;;;;;:;;:: DATSUN JENSEN MERCEDES BENZ TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN i--C-A-D-IL_L_A_C_ CHEVROLET 1::-=====I ·n >~ORO %ton· !iipls c;us1 DODGE Rad. lllT New l0x16.S u,.. DA TSUNS Uke oew, '2,000 orig. mil., ' JENSF;N !NTERCEP'TO!l Large Sel~Cflon vr Cvhu~ Immediate Di-·llvery f"VLL SEHVICE DEPART!'ttEN1' ''98 MB t50 ~ Claulc cpe. Metta.Ile pa !nt. Superb, w!!I lr~rJ~. 8.31-2040 Dir TOYOTA l 011tnl'.!r,S2IOO. 81J2·1::~2 da)'ll NEW '74s 1973 CHEVY LUV t~l{iO ml, Tat'Oma wheels, Giltes 1lre•, fl!.('. wnrran11>e , :Xlnt concl. $300'.>. 49J-4658. NOW IN STOCK IMMEDI ATE DELIVERY THE ALL NEW NEWPORT IMPORTS '71 MB 220 Sedan, hU{f)' a.ir , pwr. str , £. lo rn.ile.s. Can trade. 831-»MJ Dl r. MG • T•rms to 48 Mo1. • A"'&ll a bll' on Any NEW OR USED TOYOTA O.A.C. Van1 963 '71 FORD YAN DATSUN 710 IS HERE tnol ,:,vpn se1c11 on T.V. yet) MIDGET. '66, good body, good engine, $fi00. or ofter, 548-376$ '7l LANDCRUISER 6400 »9U 3 •pee!d tr11nsmisslo1i. VS entlpc, radio and he11ter. t7'907J) ... WE FORTUNATELY HAVE THEM IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DE LIVERY 3,100 W. Cl..last H1vy., N.B. 641-940S MAZPA '62 MGA , 1600, needs paint, Make otter. 53&-41Ei6 '72 HI-LUX-CAMPER 84tiF'TD $2177 ~f.Olt ltwiA -TOYOTA 1966 Harbor. {'.J\f. 646-9303 '71 DOOG-E VAN 0 300, Auto 1'nws, (76255.J J. $2395 /IJt;f.9/ 13600 Be11~·h DI., Westml11s!er !192-61151 636-2500 '12 DODGE Van, 127", p/b, p/a, 31 & Pllg, ~tl'rOO, unique wood panelling & ln~ulatl'd . Bel;t offer. 645-4-lJO. '69 DODGP. 6 cyl~ paneled Cl'ptrl c o o k e r !teel l'r. r.1JO<i L"Qtlc1. $1."SQO or near ofr. fi.12-6163, 1966 ~'ORD Econo/ine V11 n, 6 cyl, good run.cl. Carpeting, bed, icebox & magi. S1200. 644-2513 '13 CHEVY Vn n. Bed, sink, Ice che11t, f<1coma rims. $2600/belt offer ~13 "66 FORD VAX, xln! , ~ m pg, 6 cyl, paneled, nu tlrt:!, xtras, 64&-8722 Auto L•asing 9&4 YOUNG LAv.•yer !Bolt Grad) nttd11 B~1W auto leas<' co- signer xlnt cred, ref1 + #w!ll sl!'Cure w/promlssory note l! ncr_ 675'--53~1 Autos Wanted 961 TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR AU, FOHJ::IGN CARS Cal.I or come in to see us. NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 \V, Coa5t llwy., N.B. 642-9405 I ~tPORTEO AlITOS BEST PRICES PAIDI D•an Lewis Import• J!;.66 Hr.r !ior. C.l\T. 641.i-930:: WE HUY CASH FOR YOU R CAR 546-7070 Auto1, lmport•d 970 AUDI AUD! ·n 2 dr, 21,500 mi, 4 nu radi11ls, A/C, !'.unrool, auto, 24 mpg, $.~950. 646-5210 '12 AUD I 1001..S, loaded. 25,CXXl miles. $4-1!)5. 646-1955 BENTLEY 1955 R Ty!H' Bentll'y, :io:Jnt cond. pvt party. 673-0619 all 6pn1. BMW AUTII. Df.AIEll FO• BAVARIAN I& i 1974 BMW's ARE l!Jo~!lt-: N(JI,;." re11 dy !01· !!\.1,\lE DJ,\Tr; DEl.J\'l·:HY 5 yr. or 50.(00 mile watTanty avai.la ble On A.II new 197'1 " '73 BMWs. E::I 23402 Mnrgucrltc Parkway 1t1111lon Viejo 831-2040 • 495-49;19 USE AVEH.Y PWY EXIT. ORANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST .G 1974 BMW's In Stoel< ready for Immediate delivery. Excellent aav!ngs on rem1.lnll"li 1973 models. SALES-SERVICE-LEASING OVERSEAS DELIVERY OY CAllVEll; hie. ROLU ROYCE BMW 234 E. llth St. Co1ts. Mesa • · 546-4444 '74'1 Are Hertl lm,,,...l•to Doll .. ry,I S.ve On Rtmolnlnt 731 CREVIER BMW Wet • Service fi 1Ae1lns n W. 111, S.A. 835-3171 O oeed Sunday• CAPRI BZlO's lhru 260Z modei1 Over 100 new & used ECONOMY CARS ON DISPLAY •· OCT DATSUN ""'" .. ,,.,..,, .... " _,..._,.,.., . ...,., .... ' ''""' ' '" '"'"' "1' DATSUN 260Z. Jusl lo nan1e tne of the many fine Imported cars we offer! But why buy or lease 11. uaed Import with 110 guarantee? You can lcasi a brand new one with a lactory watTan· ty and save on mr1!ntcnance too. Leasing !or you could n1ean driving a t.lifferent new car every 12 months for !he next 3 ye.a1 .;. Or L<lw Buy Back I bring b11.ck ~ Leasing features No Down P11.ymenl with 11.n Intended ri!saJe value 11.I !he end of S500 regardless of n1i les or condtt\011. Or if you choose !!JI revo!vtn" lease. '74 DRt· sun 260Z $119.00 monthly. No Down Payment 3fi n10. 0 .E.L. 556-0571 or 99A-4560. '7l DATSUN PICKUP 4 Spd, 11.adio, Economy 4 cyl, {913CJ!l 1 Mjtfft'!,PRI/ 13600 Beach Bl., \\"eslm!nster 892·fi651 636-2.500 '71 l40I 4 Spei-'(], l\\;igs, AJlil/FM, Afr Cond, Red with black i nt e r ior , go rge ous ln1n1aculate, l\.1ust See j 163EA1::> only ~4,000 miles ..... ' ... ,,.,, COT DATSUN .... ~. ·~ ........ ·~ ............... , ... H "40•044:1 .~ ...... .. PRECISION SHOW CAR OPEL SEE THE ALL NEW RX4 '70 OPEL GT. 45,00'.> ml, Nu clutch, shocks, brake IMMEDIATE pad,, Vlo< t\co,, Lie . No. DELIVERY 510 DFC Prl' ply. 67>-ll:WS. '73 DEMO CLEARANCE __ PE_U_G_EO_T_ NO\V JN PROGRF:SS SAVE$$$ NEW PEUGEOT DEALER ~--------. Complete Sales and Service. --p,\'c:~~~~T~TOR 2001 E. First St., Santa Ar:a PEUGEOT /SUBARU 558-7871 1557 W. Lincoln A.,.e., * Mazda 74 Rotary * Ana.helm 5.13-8.220 36 Mot~1 1~g~JNH LEASE PORSCHE \Vil! accept trade·ins CALL MR. FRY 842-6666 Hunt. Beach MAZDA 17331 Beach BL 842-6666 PORSC1TE: GS--9115 Targa, Le11ther interior, a lo y v.·hee!s. AM-FM , :>lOOO M, Rebuilt engine & trans. Best offer; 642-7521. 1961 PORSCHE Model 1600, xlnt cond, $2100 new paint. call aft 6, 638-4039. RENAULT '73 MAZDA RX2 1-,%4-R-,n-aul_t _Sed_an_.-,-,pd-, 1 speed transmission, radio, heater, imn1acul11.te condi· Uon. (lOlHEUJ. $2977 xlnt body, eng, tires, ooisy high gear, '74 taba , Over 20MPG, $250 firm, 5'18--0337 ROVER ROVER 1969 TC IDOO 4 d r, Radials, prestige wl - . ;ow. LtwiA '''""'my. 111..,. 96'-S6G' VOLVO , __ SA_A_B __ "72 SAAB, 99E, auto. Rare. 1966 Ha rbgr, C.M. 646-9303 Burgandy color, 2 dr, new 73 MAZDA r11rlials, 32,000 nii, Orig. RX-3 WAGON ov.·ner, $2850. 551-2321 Silver with 4 speed, radio & TOYOTA rool r11ck. t703!£TO l. ONE YEAR WARRANTY '7l TOYOTA $2777 '70 MK 4 41114 $1988 '7l CORONAS Your Choice $2988 '72 CELICA ST . 224F.'.Kll $ll66 e OTHER IMPORTS e '71 VW 411 SEO. 6.'.lODNT $2377 '71 MAIDA RX·2 158FLV $246' '61 FIAT SPYDER XDC4R4 $1166 e DOMESTIC e '61 OLDS CRUISER VH D6\8 $1218 '69 LE MANS CPE. 767AKY $1218 '69 IMPALA H.T. ZLH<l-08 $1444 '70 HORNET CPE. 290CCK $1777 SANTA ANA TOYOTA 417 W. Warner 540-25 12 '7() Corona deluxe 4 <lr, $12!!(). Call 673-2319 CORONA SEDANS '70 TOY OT A Corolla. Sta Wgn, Good cond, 4 spd, yellow, S895. Call 5'1()..-0111 '72 · 240Z, l\tetallic Black, 13600 Bea('h Bl ., Westminster se ... eral nice ones to choose TRIUMPH sunroof, te!e11hone ext, + many more extras, lhis tar 892-66!>1 636-2500 from all equipped with aul1> ---------- ls ""'rfect. i\.Iust Se,.! '71 MAZDA 2 d · I matic, fa.:l ... ry air cond, '69 TR6, i d oo-', -bl\ eng. ,..... '" . . • r, air, ow radio, etc. All priced below uu '" 644-5010. ml, high MPG," Excel cond. the cost of 8 new 197~. nu rear end, $1400 WILL BUY YOUR $25SO.or Best 645-3?$l SEE THEM NOW .. , DRIVE -=~~6eo7>-00'="~l27-c=~ DATSUN , TOYOTA *'Tl RX-!* ONE' . BUY ONE''' VOLKSWAGEN OR VOLKSWAGEN R & II Clean, good shape. 64&-4671 afl. 5 PAID FOR OR NO'T. WILL =~""'-C'c'-7"-'c--1 '71 VW BUG PAY TOP DOLLAR. CALL '?l RX~ Mazda, lmmac. Clean ltttlio: car, buy gas by KENT ALLEN, 540-0442. condition. Stereo, Mags, lh e pinr 1263CIH J $22.00 494-5000 '69 D11tsun Pickup, Xlnt ""~~'-"'"'--~=~~I $1895 ~ cond. new !\mog & '74 lags. NEW '73 1'1azda RX2, alr -=~==~=~~ 28 + ,., "S89 rood, ndlo, cadlal lir", '74 TOYOTAS mpg. '·. · 838--1683 afler 7PM ., COT DATSUN '71 240Z Xlnl condition. All ""'"='='="''=--"cCC...=~=1 LEASE BUY """·silv.r. blk. 101.wm MERCEDES BENZ or "• ' ........... ··~ ,. u ... . . .,, ·~·' ' ·~·.-....... .. Mcrlllce! 548-8820 New Models -Ne1v Colors '69 DATSUN PICKUP ,'70 MERCEDES BENZ Runs great. Hu&tlc on this one. lt won't last the v.·eekend. (i'ZM048 J nt '70 VW Bu!\ Excel lent Condition Inside 11.nd out. G<K'>d m!leail:e. one owner. Trailer hitch. $1fl00. 546-4478 '71 SUPEn BUG. Dyno-tune. mags, new r11dlRl1i, m11ny options, SiSAZZY . 642-7315 $2100. $1395 .... ' ,_ CDT DATSUN ....... ,.,...,.. ..... ,. ~ ........... ,,,, ......... ~-C>.... ,~,_ .... ,, '12 2402 Datsun. JliTusl immM. Ne11,• rndials, S4:r-7803 FERRARI S{'\l air. '66 FEH.RARI 3.10 GT, Km. 54.000, 1At reg. 1970 -orig. R:l l-2040 Dir. 4 ,,,.,.. 2,~~"'~~"on, a ir 9'eror~~ conditioning, Al\1-Ff.t radio, """ C , 646.9303 both tops, !ow m 11 e ! , l::ioo Harbor, .1•I. (395CIB) Shipmant of New MUST SEE TO 1974 TOYOTA 'S APPRECIATE JUST Arrived! Immedlall' delivery on most hard-!1>get models: trucks, SR-5's, Cororia wRgons, etc. '57 VW, 40HP eng, wood paneling inside, $250 or best ofter, 646-1072 1969 VW Kombie , clean, xlnt cond, reblt eng, new tires, $1,995, 644-6988 '73 FIAT 128 WAGON 1966 Hnrbor, C.M. 640-9303 '73 TOYOTA CELICA '71 SUPER BUG. Auto AM, ----~---~ Yellov.', economa:a! 9 cyl en-Nu tire!. Top cone!. $1750. 50 USED glnc with '1 spd trans, radio. e 557-3391 e 4 e~·l , 4 spd, radio, roof rack, g?.s econon'ty 111! !he \V<lY here (6i!HISYJ. ;.lloB LONGPR1/ 4·1¢11fi1. 13600 Beach BL. V.'estmlnster R92-ti6:.J 6.16-2500 f.'IAT 'Tl, 1.24 BST, t'tlnvcrt, 10,000 ml. Prtv. pt y , 714-558--0393 -li3Z-8981 eves & """krids . 'TI Jo~TAT 850 Spy<ler convert. new radials. A MI F J\;[ , Super CQnd. $.1500. firm. 491-2436. FIAT '72, 124 Spt Spider, Excel cond, Orig owner, $30951 Bst offer 831--0768 ·n FIAT 128 21,700 mi. 32mPK· $900 979-8800 HILLMAN '59 HILLMAN Husky, Good condition, $300. JHi.3449 '67 HILLMAN seda.n Automatic * S200 'MERCEDES 1423GNOL '73 SllPER Beetl e. sunroof, ON DISPLAY 492 ... 4911, 61~~524 . -~---L------~ yellow, perfect CQnd. $2500. '73 450 SL u~ei1 ~ti n1n (},E.L. ~-= '68 V.W., 39,fllJO nil, needs $129 mo + la,i.; & lie. !783· :::-="!! -help. $6$0. GHB I. 13600 Beach Bl., Westm!nstl'r 962-8900 892-66.11 636-~00 °•55~·"'v=w'". °'1Juc--•.°'/o~o~m,.,.-,.-Good°'""°" '69 280 SL custom leather. ,68 TOYOTA CPE gas ml, Runs good, (;,!J2AO,X I. f100, 960-1851 Extra Oean gas saver , '70 280 Cpe Rcls!r, like. new, (XUA033) NICE VW can1pf'r hus. New I 011,•ner, lo mUes 1765BNB). $995 engine'. & tires. $1100. CaU H f I after 5pm, 548-£,081. OUSe 0 mports "66 VW Fstback w/sunroof, 523-7250 eng compt reblt $ 6 5 O. JIM SLEMONS .~::o BUG N•w ""'· IMPORTS '73 TOYOTA COROLLA lo mlleage, xlnl . COlld. MERCEDES BENZ Economy 4 cyl with S •pd, ll!i60. 847-0033. Alfl'HORIZED HRAdHio, Mag wheeli, {576-'11 SUPER Beetle, Perteet! SALES & SERVlCT. 0 ). $1850. Prl.,.ate party. --------., 549-0>98 Jim Sltmons &L""°""'iJ/~ '68 vw Bua. , ... aoo<l ,~;. Imports ~IJf. f dltlon. $9D1. - -833-8224 (We're top buyer tor any ==== wed Mercedes Beni.) 13600 Beach BL, Westmlnater The fastest dra.w In the Wt-st. 1301 Quail 892.-6651 636·2500 ••• a Daily Pilot Cla11sitled N'wport Beach 8,13.9300 EN'l'ER FROM MacARTIJUR E R U • "'8-0006 • NOW OPEN c ft A __ J_A_G_U_A_R ___ 1 Ml11lon Viti• Imports fe:lturing 'Tl JAGUAR XJ6 oow.r MERCEDIS BINZ 1 leering, alr-cond!Uontna, & AM/FM stett0; A: only FIAT 18,Cdf' rnilet. $7400 caJl Gleflll 'IM--1503 (Dir.) Complale Sales & Service ·sa JAGUAR Coupe XK 1'oO, Visit U1 Soon At wire apokt rlrt'lf, adaptea 28701 Margutrlt• Parkway tor .~ Chevy eng $500. Mission Viejo 495-1700 ~2841 (USE AVERY PWY. EXIT) 11166 JAGUAR 4.2 XKE, 4 '70 MB 300 SEL. All options, 1pd, chrome· wire whcel.1, meta.Ilic pail"ll, a 1teal at aunroof. bh1ck llu:que:r, tape whl1. ltll-30«> Olr. dttk, very low miles. Well '59 MB 190.C)L H.T. X1or. cared !or. $'39S. 673-1658 $ave 831-X).1(). 1973 V12 ROADSTE R. 5000. 'TI MB 2'JO Sedab , auto. L H D E ·n CAPRI 4 •peed, i4 mpg, mlle1. $8200. A lo mil11. Ctn trade. air, lot11 of txtnui. $2250. 642-1725 • tran1,, air, power 1tffrtng. 492-7528 Eve1. &: weekends. JAGUAR Ms.rk IX aas.,tc. 1 .,;llal~·.;;:IO«>~;;D,;;l•;;,· ==~~~1 '13 CAPRI V'6, Z mPI, f.. Near Concourse. Beat otr '12 MERCEDES 280 S.EL 4.5 1pd. AMIFM etereo. Xtr11. ,ov=er""'S2'l00"""'~''=9'1-"'3"9(M!='",=-= fully ~ulp. Xlnt. Otlg. 1_,,S:;h"P:xlc..!:1329S=:..· ::;&-.::.;,:'13::21"--I Jag ·59 XK 150 Cftsrl.c rn °"'9'"~'~"-'-"9-~_4_94_-3684 __ . __ , CORTINA Coupe Xlnt, nu lnl. •ee Men:edes Benz :tlO, xlnt 844-7638 oond., new tlrtl, $1900 or U otter. 499--3729 E HARBOUR v.w. Can Solve Your Economy Car Needs OVER 80 USED GAS SAVERS IN STOCK HARBOUR vw 18711 Beach Bl. 842·44ll HUNTINGTON BEACH WILL BUY YOUR GAS SAVER PAl[l .FOR or NOT. \'/ILL PAY TOP DOLLAR. C.ALL KENT ALLEN, 540-041:!. VOLVO '67 VOLVO 4 DOOR Automatic transmission, air conditioning. !UEP745) $1377 · ;Dwi Lewi& -VOLVO 1966 Harbor , C.tvl. 646-9303 '73 Volvo 144E air cond. & lac. 11•arranty 831 -2Q40 Dir. '74 VOLVO'S HERE NOW Immediate Delivery On ,\JI l\·lode!s BUY or LEASE :Owi LW!i& -VOLVO l9GS Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 Autos, Used 990 BUICK '70 BUICK ESTATE WAGON RI H, P/S, Auto Trans, Fae. Air, le.ss than ~.000 miles {554 BLR) $1795 Jim Slemons Imports 1301 Quail Newport Beach \133.-9300 ENTER FROM McARTI{UR BUICK '7l REGAL Dynasty red with white vinyl top & red vinyl interior. Fa.ct. air cond., p. steer., p. brakes, auto tran!. R/H, WSW. Super low miles. 106ZFMY f Nttber Cadillac tr<ide-in . $3399 '73 ELDORADO ~7 1'"'1111 pu1.,11•1\ t1tr1ury uu·, t1H ~ v.•ht•el. Afl!IF)1 s, .. r ,. o , t:1600 Heat h Bl, \\l'!-ti11 1u~1··r J•iwt:r dqur locks. 1500(;J U! R92-GG51 f.'.IJ>-2:"11)('1 $5899 ' -'73 SEDAN DE VILLE 70 IMPALA cu.sTOM 1 L Coupe. 37.;j)(} !\11 LI:.~ \ 111) I \i1nY,, top, 1~11 ~t·Ht h_,·r, full lvp, \Hlj-'I uih~!"hJr, !&L'l!!I')' l)UV.(r, l:v tn.r;. lt Jr , tilt llir \'!H!clll1"nlr~. hU!11n111!h'. 1\·hl'~·I. AJl.1 /~,\t s1 r 1''''1· P''""'C'r i.••·c'nn~· p1 •r l>O~•'r door l~·k~. 1 1.~:iti \\'Y ! bra.kc.<, l'1"t1nrn','l·tl :i:J~ \ . ., S4899 1·nK1rie, ·'f"'11 .. ~~ 1·1.11r1ti"1n '72 ELDORADO \lf.AAS\·1 . \'Jn)l t.ip. \('1t!h,·r int"r., lull $1799 1972 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN J •P;i! \\Ill./,\!!\. /\!I' ("1 111r!1! 1(111111): l '111••·r •I!~· l•J ;ikc·~ A;\\ H..id11. Nt'w V."S\\' nr,·.~ v .... ~ (~1 • .. 1d ("o<ntl•l l•lll L11k·i.:,!i.:r I' ,.·If ll l9S s.-.. , ·•l [),\!!.\' Pll.1ft' l.\1f"'l.OYEE l'."11-:.r.:l\L I.~ •I pov.Pr, fncrriry n(r , A~1 /~·)1 ,.,..,..,,,.,.,...,,.....,... strrro. 1J741JTZ~ · • ::Ill \\l' ... t 11,,_1 1,· ... "1 )l t·~;i S52tt , C-t1-"r •72 SEO•N DE VILLE ~.2· . ~~ C.1!1.\!.u ·.,.1n·t1:r•t•11ma 1 '"' \, " . I • Iii~ 1 'I • Vi nyl tujl , l.-·.1\h•'r, f u 11 Co'st4t ~•it0~9'100 --~ --- \ • 4:.' l· ~ 1 I: i ' I ;-;-'' '" pov.•('r, actnrv .11r, 111! ----____ _ 1~·heel, A1\l/J-"i\l s t e 1·eu , ,70 Mont• C I l!•i-.J l"f'1 ,• cruise l.'On!ml. t•I06EA EI ,.. ar 0 :O.t.d ~ll•· ju,111), •·l"l\P!1 •'nJv ~3999 &>.11111!11! R~·ig1: v.ldrk hrn :"•.·~~1 rutl"~ I"· 111' uni:il"l.;I '7lCOUPE DE VILLE ,..,Jf 1:111. P tS. ,\ut•r •1111wr 11l1u 1 ,1•,·t uJ J y Tt·••>• ,,. \•r \ ik ' 111•11111dn1·.t 11 l .•1u1·,•1•;I Vin~·! top , lr11thor, f u 1 ti ,. ··~ 1·' • t·' '"1' po~·er, !actory llir, Al\'l/F\J 1.>.)ltllF !1 wlth aut.,1111•1.· r r a 11 s. , stereo, tilt Wh«•·!. 1 6U l E:A~ I $2495 j",\ll\•l. h'"'1' l . \>II w" !" ..,,,.,•J'lllJ; i~''lt I" 11 I ,, k ,, ,.. SJ999 Jim Slemons 1•111.,r .,/n.1 ... , .. 1 .. ·11•1·. ;11r '71 SEOAN OE VILLE 1 11• 111:..'t;111 · .\1 ·1 i.•t:1y Vlnyl cop, 1111 111h1·1:l , ful l Imports .r~.1/ 1 ,Jnl 111 '~111 .·.-·""fl , llO""'er, !af'lory 11lr, flfl\\'"!" i::iit Clli •ll J,l11l'•1l11 l\11!'1'1111. Zii 2.t.. door locks, 1111 1\l1e1•I. ;.;-1 • ..,.T.,rl 11.~a i'h 11;,l'l•!I', l .. -.\ 1 \l" ~ .1 , Loaded. (826FBC'1 :-::1:1 '.l:;(~I ~,jl) • ..fi:;11. $3399 1·'.:-.''l"~:!t Ffl()7'>! ;\l\•;\ll'f"ll!11t HIT.! FOltri \"•1,.r11ry-:-:7.,1.7;;°. OVER 70 QU.·\l.!'f Y ---, 1!11'<'•' -"•'11 ! . .;~.111"tl \Vr11.,1n CArJ!LLACS TO Sr:t F'.t'l" , 72 VEGA 41tl i·id V-.~ l· n1;u .. • f'ow•·r ~'ROi\1. l P'' · (;l'"•'f\ H '1 !1· !• 1'11 <· k · St•'t't'11n:. l"1111·r L~rl\kP~ 1 "(.;.,~ S;iver "" sn1<1 ll l'u~:ll1•'. [)1~-~·ron1 f',.wi•r !tea; .- . · ,, • c_;,wgeous 1.al"l•laLL T o p . \\lirnhlil . ll<·•f t.u r~g;i g e ..._ • ~.. · ~\\'eekend$o1°18>91 •560.~t . .."!'Ci Hack. N1•w \\"hitev.·atl Tir1:~_ ., ('fll•1r -ljl"ay. '.\l ll~fl KP . 70.00"\, I ,1r .. n!e ii;~ El .T . 1913 CADil.J .• Ac E,l~~o~'\clo. Lr'kJE!W§!faj ~'.;::~~ar<'~1 ·1~~::.cn1~1~1~.11 g~~·1; Fully loaded. Bl•tl'k un ~JI--~--··--~ l'11nt, :l?JI \\"l"!"1 Bay S1rl·e1, Black. Musi s.;l\. E.'\c•~llent __ _ _ l ·.,st,1 i\ll"~•t cond., rl!r l!iOOG\\"\V L $6!195. ·72 CH E\' i\111:-.Tt I ,\/~Ll) I-FORD '73 PI NTO 892-4444. EL'ONOiillCl\L !"\:i lc ,t;, ~~===~~---< l\ltractivf', l1k1• HC'N and RUNABOUT '73 ELDORADO. Bl <1ck on equipped v. ill1 11ut.1n1atic A11!0., (•Us!.,t n 1·.'(te1·ior. Red ~~~~5 $6~. ~:· le;t ~e ~?{9r. t~ans, l'ildio, h<'alf'r. lac1nry 11 !Jla1·k 1111 .. 1'1,;1·. 18IJGIF1 . ~ · , -ears, ~-· air eontl, full powr, etc Perteet cond. Cal! eves (431ETl l. Askin!': $"1.3 75 . jBosL ;Ji 499-ll69 J ohnson ,r, ,'-.:.11 1. L.111,..;ln ONGPR. CADILLAC 1973 ~~:~;~u~~~s;;:..~~t~~~/o~· 1' IJ 1 ' • 4.1,4Mlt· t E:irPcutive &. Demonstrator SALE ·cpe. DeVilles, EIDorados and Sed. DeVilles 10 TO CHOOSE FROM ALL METICULOUSLY SERVICED AND tlIAINTJ\INED 1~9 NOVA Super· Spon, Xl nt cone!, Musl St'.{', pl't !Jly, !.itiPJ8,-l4 '64 IMPALA 2 dr., a·c, Gab air shocks, very clean, !'tin! !'.Xcel. $345. 548-8556 CONTINENTAL '71 MARK Ill Factory 111r c.:ontl , full po1\·cr, stereo, leather, v111yl fop. t393VPV I, l'abers C11rt1llr1c Trade-in. $4799 1:1r.oo l\enrh Bl., \'Jf'Sln1 lnslf'r S9'.?-fl65I ti36-ZiOIJ '70 FORD MAVERICK A u to nl a t l e trAn~n1!!sion, radio, heKt<'r, 6 cyl\nclrr Cl\!:;lllC'. 12fillf!P01 $1677 All Low Mil•age All Fully Equipped (Sl'r. 24759()) 11~ low as .,Pw. Lw.ii.t W TOYOTA !'I 1900 Harbor. C.~1. 646-9303 $5888 SPECIAL DISCOUNTS 1ce==~="=c=='= DURING JANUARY '71 CONTINENTAL COUPE INVENTORY SALE SJ>e to apprerlitir! This fine auto sho1vs the h0st or car1•. Has luxury l'qui p1n~·11t full power, auto. temp. nlr . Afif·F!'tl stereo, Landau lop and much 111orc !292CYQ 1 Spccta\ price $'l775 .. Johnse n --~-~--C...--1 & Son, Lincoln tl-1erc11ry, 2'126 Harbor, Costa M <' .c; a , 540-5630. CA MARO '69 CAr.1ARO; J llpd., 6 cy!., '70 l\lARK 111, F.xcrl rorll\. 52,000 Miles. G(JO(I cond. Orig owner, $28:!0. 11r B•~l $1500. 548--0750 AH. 6 PM offer. 536--4981i. '69 CAt11ARO conv., red, CORVEnE R & H, air. auto, Good ----~----roncl. Good mpg. 586-7594. '69 CORVETTE CHE 0 STINGRAY ____ V_R __ L_E_T __ 1 F"lbaok. 3'0 ong., '"'', 0 power steering -brake~ . C RVETTE '73 \"'intk1.,.;s. Ai\-l·F~1. Till v.·heel, Coupe 350 engine, 4 speed, rally rack, super lov.• miles. AM/FM radio, pov.·er steer-Spotless. Nabers Cad illac Ing, radial tires, loc11l own· Trade-in. !734AVA). er. n1lnt C'<lnd {Ser $3999 #405697 \. $5795 '71 TORINO GT Convertible. Auto m Rt I c , fa ctory Rlr, power steertng: & brakes, A~1 /FM steroo, sport v.•hcel~. Low miles. (614DVFI $1999 '71 PINTO Gret.'n, 4 1·) I CL'o1101ny spe..:ial t404CTY l t;,t.;r:tjj J.JGOO Bc11:r h Bl .. \\.e.~1mins1er 892·6651 6:\fi-2500 '69 FALCON Futura Sport Coupe. Get~ good mileagr.. Full r11 r.tory e11uip: Ah· rond. pwr-.~trng, pwr-brks, R/1-1 . Lov.· rniles. )Ont cond. thni-out. Orig. paint. Very good rubber. $1550, Or Best Offl'r. Pl/: 556-6880 1 1963 raJcon ~ Dr. Auto. N!'wly rcblt mtr. new paint B L ~ joh, ;:001d t•u nd. $350 . lJB OND/1111 84&-097~ _____ _ 111 Kl':J:::P TMI·: flOTTOM or ff•f•)ffll• CORVlt""'.T"TE '7~. Air, P/!", ROUNO \\11\!'TE 13ASJ<ETS 13600 Beach Ul., \V~i;tinin!"i!fr f'/R, l'/\r, 1111 vd1•..,...I "lr11n h~· r lR<'l!l•! 11 rnrier 89~·6651 S.~G-2:ioo cus1n1n Interior, Lugf~ilg:e p!al•~ in lhl' hCl tl l)m o! th<l r;i r k \\'/I rarll11ls. Sll vr•r basket. Tun1 idle itcn1s Into '71 CHEVY VEGA-.Paint, 9()')() n1iles, lmn1ac cash wlth a Daily Pilot ~~C="Ao-=Dc:l-:-L""'L-A~C=---1 Hatchback Cpe, Ile(! v.•ith $6100. pr/pty 642--0821 (1::i.ssitled Ad . fi'12-~78. Black ln!erlor, (3J'10G ) Autos New 980 Autos, New 910 '69 SEDAN DE VILLE $1295 l--''---------'----'------1 Vinyl top, full leather inter· ior, full powt.-r , lactnry air conditioning, dual comtor1 seats, lilt wheel, AM/FM 11tereo, power door locks, cruise control. (ZYP82.'"I) $1899 SELL or trade for motor honie '69 or ·73 Cad Coupe de Vllles. De sperate . 548-830•1 y s - L .... , '' .... COT DATSUN •u,,. ••-no.~U ---.~' ... '"""'>- ""<> '...,, , "''" 7 l't.!1 MOVING, must sell ·69 Impala, 4 dr, air, auto, 327 eng. _xlnt cond, 15 MPG, nu l1res, brakes, shock!, clean. $699. 847-7453 bet 6-S PM . l.!170 O IEV Ca.price, 2 dr Executive Gray, vinyl top, PS, air corn:!, PB. PW, tilt w h" e I . Ell:cel cond, $900. 646-1464 '70 flfontc C:irln , 2 dr, vinyl top. PIS, P/B, nu pnlnt & tires. Xln t 1,.'0nd, &Hi ng due to Job lra.ns. $1700. '116-4-012 '70 Oicvy ln1pnln Alr, outo, rarlio, vinyl new !ires. Sii))'.) or oUer . 546-4178. top. J)(>st '72 VEGA Ha1chbk ape. a uto, 12,000 ml, Hkt new, IOQ(I nil. sm;, 49'1-~ 0 r UH<>I. TAKE ovrr payment s, Sptclal l'urcha,. '73 PINTO 52189 ..,... ............ -......... -•. tJ• ..... ... ,., to tMOOU,.,.. lmp1Ja C\lltom '7l, Low m1.\f:;iiiii Blad<. Mag wheolo. 646-5308 '71 MAIDA lll·J '6' GRAND PRIX '64 Cl~EVELLE, '70 eng, 4 •--1--.....,-,__, ,..,,__,. _....,. dr, 6 cyl, allck, nu 11hocks, _,.._ ..... 11•-.... .-. •• --.,ffe*tL S.300. 646-8716 $ 1989 189 '&; CHEVELLE, V-8, au10.1t---:...;..:;.:..:__-l--...!r,.!,.' .;,!!!~=- map, w/wide 1lreJ1, Good '70 C '6t MARK HI LOADIDf MPC. u:IOl'l/Ofter 5S7-lf"•. OUGAll -"'" .......... ~·~ ··---::;4: '69 CH£V Klnglwood wgri, _.....,.,.,,.u..a.. . --..:=-w.--;1=-: '9,000 ml, now 11,..., over $1289 $2289 hauled eng, air. 67J...4466 1 '6~ CHEVY N o va , mkhanlc '~ special $100. * 645-5259 • 'TI El., CAMI NO, PS/PB, AIC, atlto, nu llrt!i Superb, Steve, days, 548-6;rt3 '69 CORTINA, 4 1pd. R&H, Good cu ml. G oo d condition., fl'i.3109, MiT-7511. It'll • breeio. , . .me )'OW' -"='-""-'~-----I ltem1 wllh Clt.9e, U.19 Dally Any day II the BEST OA y to Pilot Clwltltd. ~· run an ad l Don't delay ••• CROSSWORD ruzzLE ANSWERS '64 Ch!vy Station Wagori Maa Whl s, Good co~ $495 or make oHer. 64+-71(1 'r I • • There's a new dealer in your neighborhood: The Orange Coast's only AMC/Jeep Dealer! Featurin9 an Excellent Selection of AMC ·cars * Ready .For Immediate Delivery! GREMLIN'S ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• e HORNET'S · * JUST A FEW EXAMPLES OF THE MANY FINE USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM * '68 TOYOTA LAHDCRUISER Red, 4 \'/heel Drive, New Top. $AVE '72 JEEP CJS y,,llow. 4 whe~I drove, and low low moles. (bJJi= LU) $AVE .'70 CHEVY IMPALA Silver o;iroy Cpe . ou!o 1rons .. power 1teering, ond oir (Ond1t.on.nq. (482ACR) JO Doy Unconditicnd Warranty. $1999 '69 CAMERO 4 speed (YXUblOI $1499 '65 GMC VAN SURFER SPECIAL! (IW,.,873) JO Doy Unconditionol Wart'anty $1599 '71 HORNET SPORT ABOUT Auromoric. t1on~m11sion. power sree1tnq. ord air cond1i.on1ng. Mechanic Special. $1699 '68 CAMERO Automo1ic lron(m<~>ICl'l, power 9ee<mq. JO Day Unconditional Warratdy. $1299 '70 DODGE RT COUPE Au1 a '' irl, p.~"·i;-r ''·'"""'l <Jrd o:r <ond.t ,-.11:nq (! lb!!r\Pj JO ,Dciy Unconditioncll Warranty. $1299 '72 PINTO 2000cc !luiomari.; 1•an1mi1~"'n a' ! :ir J,1,r1r•·f'·1 j.'· 'f AL) 30 Doy Unconditional Warranty. $2199 '73 CORVETTE J"i.l Pf";'1t:", !I'd, 4 ~f"'-J, 11r l f •,• t-\\ ''l-i"'!. iG1Z·i 1'') $AVE San rue o Fw Friendly eep n o .0 1ii . Authorized Sales and Service 1969 Harbor Blvd./64ji 7770/ Costa Mesa * t.utos, Used FORD -------~/Autos, Used MERCURY MERCURY JEEP MERCURY 990 Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used 990 Autos, Used 990 MUSTAN_G_I OL DSMOBILE ---P-IN_T_O __ PONTIAC '72 Mere. Comet '71) JEEP Rrne~ade C.i5. :<Int cond, \11/x1r:is + overdrive & Vii. ll\.:i.~10 Tilcoma n ms. Traction1tc Orl's. Lo mi, S26.'JO fi.12--0027 '71 i\-l,\H.QU IS BROUGHA\1 '73 COMET 'l IJr... Company own.crt & maintained !ike nC\\' in our service r1ept. l:::quipped 1vi.th au!omatic transn1i!:>slon, air l-'Ond,, po1Ycr st cc r i n g , rad io, heater, rte. Cornfo rtablc, safC' a n d economical !37ll11DEl S327;,. Johnson & Son L1n('Qln /lolercury, 2!i26 1-1 n r b o r. Cosln !lles;,i 540--5630. '71 COUGAR XR7 THIS car is vC'ry sharp. S"" and rlrh·c it la npprcciarc> its pl'rfnrmance :1nr! hanrll'lng 1· x r l' I I f' n c e. 8L'Onomy \\'1lh s :i fl' t y. Equipped 11·1!h .iu1on1atic transn1ission, radio, healt'r, MUSTANG Snlrs & St>:-v1t·c 19~'.! Pl'.'JT!l ~ \\->:n, ·""' '71 GRANO SAFA RI :--;,·r! Sn1nll \'~ H.111, Ffl•'. Air. Prit.i:>d Ser Nt.>. 66279 AT, PS. to Sell. $2795 Jim Slemons Imports 1?.01 Quail Nt•\1 porl Beach ' .~.11-~~!TID r\-rr"T: r J:! 1-.·1 !\lrARTHUR ·1:1~\lfcr•11;'-'..'•11, l\)(lks good, r~u1~ J.:•J<Jll \T.ikP offer~ '69 JEEP \\';1goncer, .\ whl dr \\'/hubs. all po1\'l'l". xlnt con<i, S229:1 5-15-167;, LINCOL."cNo-- CPE lflfflfAC UL ATE &in~ offered at a reduced price. This c•i r l1.1s bcrn careful!y n1aintaincd. Equipped \\'ilh lull po1vcr, factory air, L:tndau r~)o f c1c. (136C'.\'Vl, S227:i. Johnson & Son !.in('oln 1\lcrr.ury, 2 Ii 2 6 I !arbor. Costa t11 es a, ~ l!'v.>6:\0. ==~~-~- pO\\'f'I' stef'rhn::. 11 o "' f' r hrakf'.<;, f ;1 t~ 1 or}' air conditionin~. L.:111<i ;1u !op 170lf::UJ J. S<il<' PriCT' S2695. Johnson & Son Lincoln fltcrcury, 2G2G l·I n r b or, Cost<i l\1csa :~1G-."i630. MUSTANG 1967 FAST BACK OLDSMOBILE 1r·111". 2111m.·c •'U1•. <!,,, V/AGON l.IJ\\' m1leai:;r. mt>rh ,.,:,·"!l!'n! GMC TRUCKS hr .. kc::., .'\JC, 1·u.,ru111 11u •• 1 \'< 11110 1,. ,, 1, ,. ,. . \I L " \f' I I I . '11 ·• ,;ii.in, "''1v p;nn1. -:u.;s X· \li•hi·y HONDA CARS : ri.i·"· • Jc icui u ~,,, .. !•n11f'f"''•'"nn", !•n1\·rr\\1n· '\'hurnpson t1r~s. Air ~~1111·i..~ UN• l.{,00() n11 . J.t•au!1fu! ca1·) .,1 •1• ,. •VERSITY OLDS s·~= ,-·~-lr-s ''"· 1·' 1• "!~~. r ii•lt>ry i\lust s1·t> tu ap).tr1:1·iall'. • • ;,,,, L i;>; \,,. 1 •!\i:. 1:,~·l Ji ru•k, 1 !~I· f'.llake offc:r. 6'16·B05a. 2.~30 Ilnrbor Blvd. PLYMOUTH )Ii.: · '72 !l·lUST fsthk, au!o, fO«I Cri~~ :'ll";;a 51~9640 $2395 air, R ,t II, pis, xl 1·1111d. l~IG."1 !)EL·~,\ Olris 8~, p/o.:, '73 DUSTER nu tir\'S, p\·t pty ti-I l-l~J~7 n ,.. r11111" h!':1h,r. ~ n n d , . . j L v S2500 11ri><:, 1rn1\f' ft•r )1<1U ."i e6 C'iL. ~utom;~l1c tra11". SOB ONGPRE '6j i\lustan<.•• hrtll. 28!1. 11111.,, 1 "'~1111·1·, 1ncd s1.. uld1•r l\'Jie pov.·e,.r. s e e rl 111 ll;·1 A1r • 1 • "' -i~-n .. -,, · · · t''"l{ 1t101uni.; ..11\l' .. , 11 ;1• , · nlr. Pel'!. conri. 5J7-ti::t;t; -~ • ·''-n11t.~s. Like nt:'IA.'. :-:'.1711E\' \ - afier fipni. PINTO Howard Chevrolet! :.·.',:_:.·,' .. ',.,',1 1•'i\f'h nr .. \\'t'st1" •. '·.o','.',s!:·,·1· 1970 i\JUSTJ\!'•.'!; just tun<"d. , . " XI d · !'IS I :\[llcArthur and J n1nl•>1'1'l' * r i:.! :121i.1 * -;62-For-d Wagon:TT2f '6!J LlNCOL:--1 4 dr !'cd;in \'F:H Y C'Lt:/\t\. l ,11:-:11ry & saf,,ty ;1t :1 hflr;::a1n pricf'. 1-!;\s the linrsl 1•quip111<'nl 1hroughoul inchulin::! lull power, fric!ni;.· :11r, L;111dau roof etc. \XXS1!i7\ ~Hi7:i .Johno;;on ,I;; Son Ltnl'ro ln fl·lerc., $26 llarhot, co~1~ i\!t•sa. :i-IO-~fi'.IJL '71 !ll.'\J{QUJS, 2 dr hardtop, hindau. fully loaded, xlnt n1nrl, UP\\' tires, Tak(• Over Payn1~'11ls 0r n1ake offer. ).Yl-5066, alt & :>l~J989 ,\ !)AR UY 1-'E'TH.OLEU!ll ,l!-;Ll.Y :1ppli1'd 1'1 !hr 1l1f•'ads of [1ni.:rmail pnli!<h '61 Cougar X R7 Coupe -Automatic. Faetory Air Conditioning, Power Steering & Brakes. Leather Interior -Sharp -good nii!cs ( VZ\V057l. Only $1199 . nt Cfln . air. ·. \'ln~ 'i2 f nt'<\ Pintn H1111~.1~111!. 4 N I I t J) good ·a ·1e 640171-1 ('\\'fl':'.r1_}l'aei I '69 GRAND PRIX '6:i i\lu-:1;'1 /l,.,., drnlcd grill & 0 • !.: s 1111 _s__: __2_ ~rd. ~t rrN, r1ht11n1 llll••rinr ,,, 0 ,5 h0fld. H.1n~ gd. ~1 7~,. X\n1 OLDSMOBILE l\1d•' <11 .il~ %'\-~1\7 1+f1 "· ,.,,,_ ' 1 .~---1"1 1! 11111\•·r .t: air. 1"0:1\' tin'"· GREMLIN ,I I :• ';., ~Ii• I;, pn~i· lr ••·11•11•, . 1,1~~1 n1 i I es, ~· .. 111·1., ~· 111• 11 /s 11arr, ~~11 11"''. •\''.'I; l\'1• arC' h;1\'1ni; .1 ,T.11111:11-y 1111.I J.!hl•' l~1lllc~ ""·11! k"1'P • 11."h11l' Spn1 (•"sale _~·II tli•· lids finrn ~tickini;. Try s11n1cthlng _1~ith a , J );~1l.\' I " l!:iol\ P1ln1 C!as1"1 f1cr1 ,\d Pilo1 Classified Ari. (nll, ''' h1i.v. sell 1)r r r n t f.42-5f>78 Nu11·~ I <.,pJIJ+•1ii111)!. Autos, New -~ 980 Autos, New 980 , Autos, New Howard Chevrolet lllacAr1hur ;ind .Jambrlrcc Ne<1·pnrl B(•:-11·h fl'.13-05.'l:, dn l'!'l•fl\r 96R-i0;i; 64 Olds Cut!til'S, Auto. run~ Auh'.1. ;1ir ('(l11r!. '7! 1 "i: • ·~,'. buy f,,r i.:nnit'fl!lf-' \\'ill) can 1ri·1 l'l\Tf 1 AT LAS 11:,.,, "1 :• r ·'lu~\ s l' 11 · ·70 i\ll'.STA:\I., au10. !':), g()()d, n~'<'d p. :11.~1!. S~L(I (•I' I -._.---.!H' .. '.''.t j ··II !'1 ~""'~11·._1 __ Chrysler/ Plymouth '73 PO N-TIAC-LEMANS ti;i<; ~;11·('r E'<''l'I cvt11!. ne1v >ii'"! off1·r 89H:il01 1 l'INI I I . . ~ . -. . . ---• . \) :1111.'t ~·111, !JrPllll,,(lp•·n !lilll\' .~· S11r1. til J!I r·:11 1\ny d<iy is {he SEST DAY to _p~t.· !Jn'.~ Sl6, 0 ~7.~ I'hr f11s1est dr;nv 111 thr \Vi>st l ~··r!. l~: !I, r ,,f 1·•··:{ {;•••ioll :!~1:.~1 l!art,11· Jil\·11, I . SAFARJ .:VVAGON nin an ;trl! I)(ln't delay. • CL.\S.'i Sr.I,!-"-1'1~·~-,f,7!> [ ... a nail\· P ilot Cl:1ss1fil't1 I ""ll·l S.~1 :~1 '.1 C'.1-.r:i ,\J,•..;:i \ '· \••In lr:111... 1'"1\'f'T 980 Autos, New 980 Autos~ New 980 A~New 980 I Autos, New -980 , 546· 1934 ] ,;_'."1: ·;i.,1 :1; l 1: "i'.';j';,Ji 1; ,i,·liJJ·y 1-~~-~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~·-~~~~--~~~~~~~~~-I' , I••~• ,1'1!11 USED CAfS ~. i'· '~ '). ~ '69 P L YM TH SATELLITE v 8. ~l';!I -,. ~,., "'~"'~' Site"'~· " (<WU, 1 Vl>~\tJi S1 099 '69 FIREBIRD P.S., R,,dic. H•1ter, Au:o ~za1:n•91 S999 '72 IMPALA • Pr Hll'O!Op, V-1, Avltl Trans. Air Cond. (147f1Cli!J $2099 '71 CHEVY KINOSWOOD WAGON V-f, AUIO T"'1H, Powf'I' Slffrlnp, A!r , S1fi ' '72 MALIBU COUPE Y-8, Au1o Trans .• P $_, Air [Ot\11 , Vlnvl Roof, Lo"' Mlle• (Plitl $2299 '67 CHEVY IMPA LA WAGOl't /Iulo. Rlld!o, Hteter, P.S , Alr (VFJ909) S499 '70 CHEVY CUSTOM CPE v t. A~•o tr~s. Po- ~1een>19, Air Lon<!. ("1>9AFV) $899 '65 FORD FALCON P.S .. ll•41o. Heuer, JIY!O. Aor IREE116) $399 NEW CAR DEPT. • 4 Cyl. O{H C•m. Ent . e fl" Wl'l!ll (11~ e Fvn Colt Su1poin1IM1 e Blended Air Htaltr e eucktf Sti h e DISC: Drvm erakn e P1111dtd Da,h e Oual W}S WIPI" ~538 $199 $71.51 DOWN r El MO. i17tt 90 Is !he lol~I cash prlc• Incl. '•• .. '14 lie. !ft.ts. Dlf1rrld pymf. prl<:1 Is Sll)J,4 lnd<Jdi119 ta• & '74 lie. ltts & ell cerryln<;1 c~~rges for d monl~J on APPROVAL ol l'ilU~ tredll. ANN UAL PERCENTAGE llAlE IS,.,.._, ORDER YOURS TODAY WORKING MAN 'S GAS SAVER LEASES '74 VEGA Hrchb~. turbol'lydrametrc, ,.,. dio, c~r!lf'!lng, wM1e wells. PEii MOHTH s75 '74 Malib• Classlc Power steerln11, POWer disc bre~eJ, J5(! VI, tvrbollydr11m11tlc, wheel covert, belled wt1l1ew11Us t I n !t d 11less. PER MONTH s99 '74 MONTE Carlo VI, •"l•I WM!f ... alls, lurbphydr11m11Uc, pew. 1r 11eerr~. po'l'ftr dl" .. llr•kn; tint.ct ''"'· . ' PER MOH1'H s99 '74 NOVA Auto rrens, 6 cyl ~ng, Pow•r slrerlng PEii! MONTH s75 '74 CAM.I.RO" Power s1eerln;, p0wer dlK brai:t,, J5Q VI, t11rb0hydr1tma lic, wheel covers, belled whiTewall" lin!ed 11l1s~. PER MOHTH s99 '74 CHEV. Pickup V. Ion, 6 cvt 1nglne, 2 •PMd ir~on._• !"Ill MONT" s79 DON'T UNDllSTAND lfA51NG1 PHONE: 847·6017 U Monltl 0-IE/Id L1a11t. 01'11r Y"'"° Todey Ht o.-P1ym111I ltequlrllll W1 Will luy YOllr .. rnenl t1r •r Trvi:t All CrtcUI Must•• Approyef, PllK T111 NEW TRUCK DEPT. • Iii Ton Pickup e F1"hldl PICkllp 8011. e I Fl, a" e t Cy-I. ... ~2890 · $99 $85.55 DOWN Pl'lt MO. JJl\l.so Is lt!i! total cast! •l«I Ind. l•K A ''' lie. flft. Def1rred pymt. price Is S'10S.«I Jnchld/119 111.: & '1• lie. fen & ell c11rrv1"ll cl'llre-fllr 4 montlls on APPROVAL of your t rldlt. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE llAlf 15,9"1.. ORDER YOURS TODAY LOW~)~it.O:Gi 1 '73 ' " Q.JpOl'.fS'J'IATORS Priced For Quick Sale 121 IMl>ALA Custolfl Coup• •... SJ299 82 IMPALA c ,sto111 Co11pe .• , .SJ299 JJ1 IMPALA Custom Coupe , .•. Sl299 328 IMPALA Custa111 Ca•IN .•.• S]299 52 IMPALA Custom Ca11pe •••• 51199 16 IM PA LA Cusra111 Coup• , .•. 53199 189 CAPRICE Caup• , , •....•.• 53499 125 CAPRICE Sport Sedo11 ....•. 51499 124 CAPRICE Co11pe •......••• 515~9 72 CAPRICE 4 door Sedo1t •.. , 51599 ·-·-. ~- EXAMPLE * 1973 IMPALA * CUSTOM COUPE $3299 No Down $90.33 • ., Mo. IJS15,9S °' 1he !o1el cit~h prlc1 Incl. I~~ & •74 Ile, fHS. Oeierred ~ymefll price lCJS.14. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RAlE 11.1,... Slk No. 111. for 43 mos, ·:-:; nL'STl·:t: :-:1;111! ti ;"1111 :· I :1ir, A/tr:u1~. l:/!1, \0/r,.,,f fnlri dO\\'n r[';tr St•fl\ $~'~11' 1 r1nn .;9•l-1fi~. __ _ '71 Pl.Y1\JO\ITH S.'i!l'!Jtl•' -:1•hrttH.: J'i1JS lo.llflf/ JlH l')!-4101 I $2795 t9i00trsTE1< ___ 11.,:1;'1.;.!:••;n·h !ii .. l\'cstminstrr Clr~n 211 niv~. Ai\.l/F:\1 '1· 1·" ,1 G36-:l'l{10 ' -•~1i_rn_·_,=:1&-~"7~110 af\ fip_11_1. __ PONTIAC 72 PONTIAC SAFARI WAGON v.s. Aulo Trans, f{;idi", PO\\'f'f ~l eerini;:. Rf)r1f !111,.k. l"actory /\ir Corid, !GHJt-rn 1 $3395 '73 VENTURA HATCHBACK Spru·.i l '11~·/r)fll, \'-.~. Au t <) Tr~u1~. 1:ad10, PO\\l'r Slcf'r- i11i:. tzr r:ia~-. l"n(·!f•t')' Air Cr:ond . f:.d/.\(' If 1\·hrrl::;, 1rhU!! ll•i1l'r lft..,s, (396GSI<! $2995 ~B~ LON~PRv l:,~::! 1.1600 Beach Bl .. \Vci;tmini.:ter ~f!2.6f •. il 636-2500 892-6651 6:16.'.!500 'ITT F'irehird Convl. green "66 CATALINA O>nvf'tl, nnw \\'/1A.•/Jt top. J:l6 V-8 l Spd. battery, good tires, p/b, s,-,75. Call !!62-5018. p/,, good COl\d, $425.1---cT:;-·-:B:-:l"R"Do-----5'1~>--1852 '7.1 GR~D PR1X. Bla~k. 1972 TIIUNDERBIRD xlnl -b/a(!k.v1n,yl-top,-,~..lfk ~~t~tl1f'r<¥.---t--.• ne,.w. 18,000 ro1, • $1200. 979-&15Q ~ .. -or Leasa foi-$113 per rrici or ...........,_ lor 12 nios. 556-0149 '57 T BffiD. port hole top. '69 VENTURA. 2 dr, fa c (\u!o, fu\I power, very orig. air, p/s, p/b, Ult whl, vinyl $23CXI. S3S-6988 !Op, 1885 perfoet., 54~8588. VEGA '64 Ten1pesl 6 cyl 83,IXXJ ml, one 01Yn. Xlnt c nn d CHEV. VEGA '72 auto/trans R/1-f 548--0034 WAGON '72 GRANO SAFARI Kamrnback. &!aut. Harvf'!lt WAGON yellow w/111Adrile v I n y I inter. 4 spc.'f?ff Iran. F actor)' air rond., radio, heater, disc broke.,, rndial I Ir e 11. Spotless! Nnbers Cadillac trade-in. (76EELG) $2399 . ' --mwwl--COSTA MESA SADDLE BACK LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE SAN CLEMENTE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 3 -FEBRUARY 9 = AMERICAN MOTORS Friendly AMC/Jeep 1969 Harbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa 645-7770 Ward S. Lee, Inc. 1234 S. Main St.. Santo Ana 547-5826 Roy Carver Inc. 234 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa 546-4444 Crevier Motors 208 W . l st St., Santo Ana 835-3171 Saddlebock Valley Imports 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 495-4949 CADILLAC =-Nabers Cadillac ffi 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa 5 40-9 100 CHEVROLET Connell Chevrolet 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 546-1200 DATSUN Dot Datsun 18835 Beach Blvd ., Huntington Beach 842-7781 FORD Dunton Ford 2240 So. Main St .. Santo Ana 546-7070 .Theodore Robins Ford ~ 2060 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 642-0010 University Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa 540-9640 LINCOLN • MERCURY Gustafson Lincoln-Mercury 16800 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-8844 Sant.a Ana Lincoln-Mercury 130 I No. Tustin, Sonia Ano 547-0511 Connell Chevrolet 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa OLDSMOBILE University Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa S-40-9640 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 3. 1974 == = == ==- = = == = == - = = PONTIAC Dave Ross Po ntiac 2480 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa 546-80 17 PORSCHE -AUDI Chick Iverson Porsche-Audi 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 673-0900 ROLLS-ROYCE Roy Carver Inc. 234 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa 546-4444 TOYOTA Deon Lewis Imports = 1966 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~ 646-9303 = = VOLKSWAGEN Chick Iverson Volkswagen 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 673-0900 VOLVO Dean Lewis Imports 1966 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa = 646-9303 : == • § I ~ z::: ~ §. = == = EE = 55 =--= == = == = ii5i ::::'!' == ;;;;;; = i -i?I = ~ = == s = == == == == i !§ 3i §I == e ii = ~ !5E = = ~ ;;;;; ;;: ::::s I! = ~ = = = = == :;; = I == ~ -= ;;;;; § -a! iE ~ = n == == 5 iiS ;;;;;;: ii I : ~ :~ 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 ll:OOAM O (lQ) NHL Hockey Montreal Canad1ens vs Detroit Red 11:30 12:30 1:45 2:00 3:30 4:00 Wings. 18 ) l l ) NBA Basketball Capital Bullets vs Boston The Superstars 3 Howard Cosells' Sports Magazine a ) CBS Sports Spectacular C:!. Hawaiian Open Golf Tournament BS Eye on Sports @ (3) ABC's Wide World of Sports Qualifying compet•t•on in the International Race of Champions. and the World Sk11ng Champ1onsh1ps from St. Montz, Switze rland. 5:00 (~ (81) CBS Eye on Sports 8:00 O American Horse and Horseman WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 6 5:30PM O Jerry West Show 6:00 O Qi Lakers Basketball Lakers vs. Atlanta Hawk~. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7 8:00PM 6) Boxing From t he Olympic FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 9:00PM O USC Basketball Trojans vs. Oregon State 11:00 O UCLA Baskett>.11 Bruins vs. University of Oregon SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 12:00N O Prep Sports World Los Angeles City Girls' Badn11nton and Volleyball. l :00 0 ® Coll~e Basketball Long Beach vs . San Diego. 2:00 0 !'A (6) ITT>~ Bob Hope Desert Golf Classic 3:00 " '.26 Pac 8 Basketball Stanford vs. Washington State. 3 :30 @ Professional Bowlers Tour The $70,000 Fair Lanes pen, from Baltimore. Md. 5:00 0 (!t@ ABC's Wide World of Sports The National Figure Skating Champ1onsh1ps. and the World Sk11ng Champ1onsh1ps 6:00 I ~Kings Hockey Kings vs. St. Louis 7:30 6 Boxing From the Olympic 9:00 Jerry West Show 10:15 UCLA Basketball Br111ns vs Oregon State 11 :30 USC Basket ball Tro1ans vs University of Oregon Drivers George Follmer (left) and A. J. Foyt e•cll•nge hot words abotlt crowding on ttie curves, durln& the Goodyear Int ernational Rue of Cham· plons, on ABC's Wide World of Sports, Sunday at 4PM. • * * Carlo, a wandering California coyot e, i~ befriended by Sa lly Watson (Jana Milo), a young environmentalist in the high sierras, In ''Carlo, the Sierra Coyote.'' an animal •dventure on The Wonderful World of lJlsney. on Sunday at 7 :30PM on NBC. HAVING GAS PAINS? Get Your 2 Wheel Delive rance NOW ! at HARLEY DAVIDSON of WESTMINSTER 9306 Bolsa, Westminst er Between Brookhurst & M agnolia 893-6274 531 -6440 COoMd Sund~y & Mo~y) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 3, 1974 INCOME TAX ...,. -s-u. -s... -c • ., ... tt.4 T• Senk• WESTERN BUSINESS SERVICES INC. HJ W. lM -COSTA MESA 642-0212 A-1 TAX SERVICE 2100 HARIOR -COSTA MESA 545.1551 -IAllAIU.ICUD -You may be eble to get your tax refuncl lm- med&.t.ly -loaned to you by Avco Thrift wl~ out lnterelt charge for the first 45 days. Alk us •bout tt. TllED OF CAA PAYMENTS? LEASE! ORDER YOURS NOW 1974 MODELS All MAKES CAll OI Slf e GEORGE JOIN E R e DON CROSB Y ~~ ESrArES Proven Succe11ful Management For Over J 2 Yeanl IT'S GOOO JO /l.r<OW YOUR lf<VfSIMENr IS SfCURf - N (ne•qv Cr1\1\ H1t1u1 • N,, Ne.,·J Tn frovel F"r I/wet.a.,.. tio-;t" l>IAI t A 6U~ •f' llt""" I (J ~· •••Ur 11 '""'' H,.,.. t• 41111"""•t• .,,..._, °""' ~ • c .,.....i.1. "'°--nr • a..."° '-"''~r 0<1,.,d .. , • s-1w.g 11>«'°' '°' •• ...,..,... • J l-''"° ,_ ... . c-.,. ,,..., '•·"'9"" ,_ <0'1 ,Al/ ol ri.. .. pt.,. ,_,,..,,., ""*•• Slfl~A DAWN fSIA JfS tit. S-... Woy to ..,..,."' Happy •.i....-1 ..... '-Ill ... I~°"' 4ltl & llNAI. JO AClll .-t • '"" The• ......... ' •• , ....... a-a.c. ••••••••• ~Ice• • V,tlh.S·on urW r1t• Dept [JP ~sos vO• ...... l1em~• (,I '>2l•l I" ..,e ••• ·n~ 1o501 Now Available at NO Cost BEnER BUSINESS BUREAU 16 PAGE BOOKLET "FACTI ABO HEARING Com«' "' or W11t• lor Your 7777 Ed inger· Hunt ing ton Beach · 892 -6611 P• e 3 Page 4 JIM COOPER, MODE RATOR Cong. Craig Hosmer Cong. Charles Wiggin s Cong. Cla ir Burgener Orange Cong. Andrew Hinshaw Cong. Richard T. Hanna Cong. Delwin Clawson County•s CONGRESSMEN AIR THEIR VIEWS On Constituent Voiced Concerns On Upcoming Congressional Session Mo nda y. Feb. 41h al 7:30 p m Thu rsday. Feb . 7rh al 6:00 p.m Su nday Feb I 0th al 6 .00 p.m. M ade poss ible by grants from The Burns Family Foundation The Harry G Steele Foundation & The Sergerstrom Family 6 :00 6:30 7:00 9:30 11:30 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 11:00 I 1:30 6:30 7:00 7·30 8:00 8:30 11:00 11:30 6:30 7:00 1:30 8:00 8:15 8:30 9 :00 11:00 11 :30 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 11 :00 I I.JO 6:30 1:00 7:30 9:00 I l :JO 7:30 8:00 8:30 9·00 11 ·00 11 :15 11 ·30 5 9 11 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. FEBRUARY 3, 1974 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 (C) ''A Time for Every Season"-outdoor film "T he lncredlble Shrinking Man" (sc1·fi) 057-Grant W1lllams "C9rblne Wllllama'' (wes) '!">2-James Stewart, Jean Haaen. Wendell Corey. 6 "Red Dust" (dra) 032-Clerk Gable. Jean H.trlow 7 17 J (C) "Smlle, Jenny, You're Deed" <mys) '7J-Dav1d Janssen. ll 7 9 l1 13 7 6 9 5 John Anderson. Andrea Marco111cci. "The Marx Broltlel"S et the Circus" (com) '39-The Marx Brot hers "Godzilla vs. the Sea M onster" (sco lo) '67-Akora Takarada "Another Part of the Forest" (dra) '48-Fredroc March. Ann Blylto Dan Duryea. (C) "Berserk'' (susp) '6S-Joan Crawford. Tt Hardin. "When Tomorr.:>w Comes" (dra) '39-Charles Boyer lrt'n e Du11n•• M ONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 (C) "Dr. Cook's Garden" (dra) '70-8 ong C1osby, rranlo. Converse. Blythe Dann er . (C) "Pillow T•lk" (com) '59-Dorls Day, Roell Hudson, (C) "Stolen Hours" (dra) '63-Susan Hayward, Mlcha"I Craig. (C) "A Co11enant With Death'' (mys) '67-George M3h.ir1s, Ead HolHman, Katy Jurado. 26 (C) "Call Me Meet.me" (con1) '53-Ethcl M erm.in. Donald O'Cc;rnnor 4 23 6 (C) "l(aleldoscope" (adv) '68-Warren Beatty, Sus.1nnalf"York 7 17 3 (C) "The Big Bounce" (susp) '69-Ryan D 'Neal. Leigh Taylor Young, James Dair,. Robert Webber, Lee Gran t 10 (C) "Warning Shot • (dra) '68-Dav1d Janssen 9 (C) "Anne of the lndlu" (ad11) '51-Jean Peter ~. Louis Jourd.1n 13 "Plund erers of Painted flats" (wes) '59-Skfp Homc:1er 2 (29 9) 9 (C) "T"e Last Challenge" Crom> '67-Chad E11erett. vh""' ford, Angie D1ck1nson 7 6 9 5 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 (C) "It'• Allve" (dra) '6S-Tommy Kuk, Sh11ley Bonne (C) "The World In His A rms" (dra) '52-Gregory Peck, Ann Bl'(lh (C) "Unguarded Moment" (dra) '5(>--fsther Wolfoams, George Ndd;,r (C) "A Covenant With Death" Cmysl 067-George M<1h arts, fad Holhmar• 26 (C) "Call Me Madame" (com) '53-fthel Merman, Donald O'Connor 7 17 3 (C) "Can Ellen Be Saved7" (d rd) '73-Leshe Nielsen Kath~ Cannon, Michael Parks John Saaon, Louise Fletcher 9 (C) "Coast of Skeletons" (mys) '56--Rochard Tedd, Dale Robt>rtso•1 13 "Shell Shock" (dra) 064-Be<1ch D•c kerson 2 (29 8) 8 (C) "The Bedlanders" (ad11l '58-.Alan Ladd. Ernest Bore nine> 5 "Submarine Seahawk" ldra) 'SS-John Bentley Brt'll HCll..,ey WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 6 1 (C) "The Gun Riders" (wes) '69-Jim Davos Robert D" 6 (C) "100 Rifles" (drM-Jom Brown 9 •'Man of A Thousand faces" (draJ ·51-Jaml'S Cagney. Dorothy M;ilone 26 (C) "Call M e J1hdame" (com) ·~J-Ethel Merman Donald O'Connor S (C) "A Covenant With Death" (mysl '67-Georgt! Milharos (111 I Holliman 7 17 3 (C) "Cry P•nlc" (suspl '73-John f'orsylhe. Anne Francis, [IHI Holl1rnan. Ralph Meeker 4 23 6 10 (C) "Sam Whiskey" (wes) '69-Burt Rl!ynolds Angie Dock•'' son, Cl1n1 Walkei. Ossie Davis, Rick Da111s 9 (C) "The Day the Hot Line Got Hot" (dra) '69-Charlei. Boye1 I 3 "Playgirl" (dra) '54-Shelley Winter\, Barry Sullivan 2 (29 8) 8 (Cl "The Asphalt Jungle" (dta) '50--Sterlln(I H11yden, J.,me' Whitmore, Marilyn M onroe S "The Women Who Cam e From the See" (dtal '64-D11wn Addam~ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7 7 (C) "Trlal Run" (dra1 '69-James f'rancosc;us Janis Rull' l>• ""' Saker. Leslre Nielsen 6 (Cl "A Song I& Born" (mus) '4S-Danny Kay• Viraono<l Mayo 9 "A Hard Day's Night" <com) '64-The Beatles 5 (CJ "A Covenant Wllh Death'' (mysl '67-Georg' Mah&"s E11rl Holloman 26 (C) "C•ll M e Madame" (com) '53-Ethel Merman. Dofl&ld O'Connor 2 (29 8) 8 (C) "l<anus City Bomber'' (dra) '72-Raquel Welch. Ke111n M cCarthy 9 CC) "R1ven1re Is My Destiny" (ad11) '71-Chros Robinson Elsa ln(lntm 13 "Samson & the Vemplre Wo~n" Chorl-Santo. Lortnill Valesquez 2 (29 9) 8 (C) "Marlow e" l susp> '69-James G""'"' 5 "Underground" (dr<1 ) '41-Jellrey Lynn Ph•ll1p Oor n 7 6 9 2 2 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9 (Cl "The Sh•klest Gun In the Wut" (coml 068 -Oon i<nolls 8 .,,11~'" Rhoades, Jackie Coogan (C) "The Siclllan Clan" Cdr<1! '70-John Ga111n Ali11n Dt"lon (C) "A Lovely Way to Ole" (susp) '6S-Kor~ Douglas. Sylv" Ko<.r "'•' Ell w,.11ach (29 81 8 !Cl "Dracula'' lsusp> 'n-J11clc P,•l.>nt e Pitm,.la Brow" N igel Davenport Sim on Ward (29 8) 8 (C) "Wiiiard " (susp) ·12-Bnt<.t! o ...... ~.)I\ r ,., .. ~I OO•l!rl""' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 9 (C) ··Isadora" tdrJI '69-Vanessa R~dg1a11e J;om es r rJ> I.""" Robards 11 "Air forc;e" t~dv) 43-John G11rf1eld, G•8 V0 1Jn(il Harry Cl'n·y ' 17 3 (Cl "The Ele11ator" (SU">P) '13 Jame<. r.u~nl•no, CM nl ly11i~y Rocldv Mi>CDowall Myrn .. I o y Trres .. Wro11t11 flo11 Sl rn111t <:r 111: Sle11ens Arlene Golonka 4 23 6 10 (C) "The Omega M 11n" (dra) 71 Chilrlton HP~lo11 II • lhony Zerbe, Rosalind Cast• 23 6 (C) "Four for Te11a~" l adv) '63-fqnk S1n111ra, Dt'11n Marl•n (29 8) "The HMder Th ey Fall" Cdra) 0 56--Hum p11rey Bogart. Rod St,.1,.;r1 l (C) "Gypsy" (,,,us> '62-Nal aloe Wood Ros.~lond Ruu!'ll 2 (C) "The lpcress Fiie" (dr~) '65-M ochael Ca•nl' Nigel Grren 6 "S1nKing Guns" lwes1 '4C)-Vaugh11 Monro!' (llA RMnes I (C) "Spirits of ttie Dead" (mys) 'G'J-Brog•llP R;ordol Janp I "''<'·' Ala•n Delon lt>rPnCP Sti\m O Pt>ler f cndil 10 ICl "f"our Hor-.emen of lhf' Apocalypse" lclr I '•' r;1 .... 11 r nrrf II " .. ''· ,, r k "' I rl y " I! 'Y I " ,, " '" Iii " 1 , ·' ,. " •y II' ... ., MORNING 6:00 O (.f ) Sunrise Semester O Knowledge m University of the Au 6:30 O Odyssey O Not for Women Only (6) Daybruk Educ1tlon1I features (fij) Garner Ted Armstrone m Bullwinkle 7:00 f) (ei9' ( 8)) 'l61 ral News 0 !l~ @ (fOJ m Today Show (i) Cartoons O Futures (:J Garner Ted Armstrong * Is the Auto a slave? O Garner Ted Armstrong m New Zoo Revue ff) Stock Elchenp EID Sesame Street 7:30 Ci) Jeff's Collie ONews O Piunne m Bugs ' His Buddies (F) Sllip ' Woofer 8:00 O ((j9 (8 ) Captain Kangaroo (!) leave It to Beaver 0 Relph Story's AM il l Sunup Mel Knoepp O futures m Dennis the Men1ee 'l~ Bozo'1 Bi& Top EID Hodgepode1 lodge 8:30 (6J Ouie ' Herriet 0 Jack la Linne m Yo(I l Friends @Gumby '~ (3) Public St1vice Films ';l~ Manna €r) Yoga lor Health 9:00 I ) The Joker's Wild J Ses1 .. Strttt · (_i) m Dinah's P11ee The Gallery 6 Ben C.sey News I Love Lucy C1rtoons Cl) New Zoo Revue r.atures 9:30 I (~Cl)) (i) $10,000 Pyremid . ~ {j) : 0 m Jeopardy futures @ (3) Movie: See Daytime 10:00 Movies. I Ptlllbin r. Co. Andy Griffith Romper Rooni ! (j)) Gambit Movie: See Daytime Movies l# 00 0 m Wl1ard of Odds 6 Run for Your life Hazel C4ty Kids Stodl uch1n1e 700 Club EID Educational Features 10:30 O (~ (i') 'J) love of Life 0 ~ @ Jo) m Ho 11 y w o o d Squ.ares m The flying Nun @Futures Ei) News/P1n or1m1 del Valle 10:50 1 (I} Joe Baratta Health Show 11 :00 0 (~ 00> (I) Youn& & Restless 0 ~@ ®) m Jackpot (6) The Fugitive mNews @Features [7) (3) The AM Affair tr) Electric Company fl) lilfS' Club 11 :30 f) (Qj (i1) (8) Search for Tomor· row 0 ~ @ ~ m All-Star Baffle O Movies: See Daytime Movies 0 @ (j) fl) Brady Bunch m let's Rap @ Petticoat Junction m Stock Exchange EID Mister Roien' Neipborhood A rTFRNOON 12:00 O Noontime 0 m Three on A Mitch @ Hazel 0 @ (})fl) Password m ({Q) IE ~ @ News 0 Dr. Joyce Brothen m Movie: See Daytime Movies 26) Tennessee Tuxedo EID futures <ei9 (j)) Ann Cutcher Show 12:30 I (~ 00> 00 As the Wor1d Tums · fi)@®J mD1ys of Ou r es I Trvth or ConMquences @ @ G) Split Second Ft1tures~mmunity Service Dillln1 for Dollen Bullwinkle 1 :00 I (~ (i)) (j) The Guidin1 Light · @ (!) ()Q) m The Doctors 6 Anythin1 You C.n Do @ @ a) All My Children Phil Donahue Show : Edue1tion1I hvinms 1 :JO I (~. ~) Ci) [dft of Nlpt · ~ 6 ®) m Allother Wor1d 6 Miki ~jiu @ CV m Lers Make A Dell • Movie: See Daytime Movies (F) G1lloping Gourmet 2:00 O (~ (j)) 00 The New Price Is Ri(tlt 0 @ @ @) m How to Survive A Marrill!_ 0 lrn lV fl) Newlywed G1me m @ Movie: See Daytime Movies 2:10 m futures 2:30 I (~ fi)) m Match Game . (U (!) li21 m Somerset News @ a) fl) Glr1 in My Life EID Yogi for Health 2:40 m Ben Hunter Interviews 3:00 O (Q9 (j)) Secret Storm O Truth or Consequences O Hiehw1y P1trol @ C.111M>ns 0 Q1J (J) a) General Hospital 00 ®) Movie: See Daytime Movies m Mothen-in-l.lw 1jj @ Three on A Match I Day at Niaht Mi Rival Cinema 36 3:30 Movie: See Daytime Movies Mike Dourtas Ozzie r. Harriet 6 Superman -. (l7J (3) fl) Ora lite to live Mike Room for D1ddy Green Acres Nanny & the Professor ~(!)Movie : See Daytime Movies ij!lfeatures (~ (!j) ffi Cartoons •:oo The Rifleman 6 Dennis the Menace @ fl) love America n Style F Troop Ho(ln's Heroes Get Smart Los Toms Beverty Hillblllies : Sesame St~et . Dr1m1 ff) Felix the C.t 4:30 ([) (f,tt (j)) Movie: See Daytime Movies. O Father Knows Best I ~~~~e Lucy Flipper That Girl Batman 00 Butch's Back Alley I Bull- winkle I I love Lucy Wild Wild West Underdog 5:00 t10l News The Big V1lley 5:30 @ Gilligan's Island I Drum of Jeannie leave It to Beav1r Bewitched 1 (j) Green Acres Natacha Stu Trek : Mister Rogers' Neighborhood · Sube PellJO . The Pioneers · • Hug(ie Boy Entertainment Kimba O (j) 1 3 ~@Cl) News 6 COOrtship of Eddie's father • Beverty Hillbillies Dennis Ule Menace I Dream of Jeannie : Electric Comp1ny • Don Wiison's Town Talk Three stoo1es ®rirntal furopran .American PORCELAIN -GLASS SILVER -ORIENTAL RUGS FURNITURE · JEWELRY · PAINTINGS ESTATES BOUGHT 494-5816 i--1 494-7847 • 1235 N. COAST HWY. LAGUNA BEACH Page 5 -" THE EVERYDAY HOUSEWIFE Mitzi Gaynor stars in a one-hour musical-variety special, "Mitzi . . . A Tribute to the American Housewife," on CBS, Monday at 9PM. Suzanne Pleshette. Jane Withers, Ted Knight and Jerry Orbach are Mitzi's guests for music, dance and comedy vignettes, all keyed to "an up-to-date look at the life and times of the American housewife." Jack Bean is executive producer of the special, Lee Miller produced, Tony Charmoli is director and choreographer and the script was written by Jerry Mayer and Charlotte Brown. THE MIGRANTS Tennessee Williams' "The Migrants," the star~ and sensitive story of a desperately poor family of present-day farm workers, is the second presenta- tion of the CBS Playhouse 90 .series. on CBS, Sun- day at 9PM. Cloris Leachman stars with Ron Howard, Sissy Spacek, Cindy Williams. Ed Lauter. Lisa Lucas and Mills Watson. The drama focuses on Lyle Barlow (Howard), a teenager caught in the despairing, end1essly tedious cycle of a migrant worker. He rejects with disgust the lives his mother and father are living, and fights to get away from them to find stability in a permanent home and job. y n e y d k ,, I, d ~ f n s e t r THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 3, 1974 ''THE CUSTOM POOL BUILDER" IF YOU CALL TODAY SUNSET WILL PRESENT YOU 2000 BLUE CHIP STAMPS JUST FOR LETTING OUR REPRESENTATIVE IN YOUR HOME TO TELL YOU THE SUNSET STORY!! NO OBLIGATION ( OF COURSE! ,,, DISPLAY POOLS -ORANGE COUNTY 1237 SOUTH BROOKHURST AVE., ANAHEIM .. CaU coHect or direct-772-6866 .,, 38362 Mar9uerite Pky., Mission Vieio Call collect or direct -4 9 5-6 5 0 0 ,, , ,.. ~~-:. :' .. :·. FIATUIH SwiMlrTi iQUIMINT AND LAAIS HIATllS "THE CUSTOM POOL BUILDER" nset pools 18 Years in Oranee County Area 1237 So. Brookhurst, Anaheim 92804 PHONE 772-6866 · SIRS : I am interested in getting your free estimate or a :>unset Poof for my home. I understand I am under no obligation to buy but will be entitled to a Sunset Pool buyers guide and 2000 Blue Chio Stamps. NAME .................................... TEL .........................••.•••.. ADDRESS .............................. City ........................•.•...... (CSJ -231841 ) Best Time To Cal I ................................. Zip ................... .. 38362 Marguerite Pky .• Mission Vieio Call collect or dire-ct -495-6500 Page 7 SUNDAY FEBRUARY 3 MORNING J6 Governor & the Students <59 ~_@))Amazing Chin al Musiu y P1l1bru 10:00 ft Commitment · Live More for Less "Housing" 0 ND CONTRIBUTION * TO ''STOP ARTHRITIS" BOX 7 Los Angeles 90051 6:00 O Arthritis Telethon Continuous Home Buyer's Guid~ ~Arthritis Telethon cover age until 6PM Jane Wyman 1s , 3 l<id Power this year's campaign chairman 8 TV 8 Looks 1t Learning 6:15 1 Christophers/Bible Answers 0 Movie: (C) "Secret of the Purple 6:50 10 Church of Christ Reef'' (adv) '60-Jeff Richards C WI Sin Oie10 Happening 6:45 8 hristopher Close-Up '26 Christopher Close-Up 7:00 Bailey's Comets (~ '&') Camera Three . The Chnstophers @I) Esta Es 11 Vidi 0 oday's Big Show to 6pm 10:30 fJ ((j9 CJ)> Iii flee the Nation * ARTHRITIS TELETHON Vice President Gerald ror<1 is 1n Hobo Kelly-Sheriff John terviewed. D Arthritis Telethon 8 ~ Meet the Press 'el Rer Humbird J7 (3) OJ The Osmonds I Government Scene 101 Insight on Religion Unit Two lD Tony & Susan Alimo (6'' M1rd1 of Dimes Telethon flj@ Much of Dimes Telethon Continues until 7 JOPM Continues to J·JOPM 26 Wmen Roberts l(W Mideast Analysis 7:30 f) Amazing Chin m P1nt1ll1 Dominic•I 0 This Is the Lile 11:00 f) Newsm1kers 0 1 M~vte: "City ol Misslnl[ Girls" Q 110') ED NHL Hodiey Montreal (mys) 41 -Gale Storrn Canadiens at Detroit Red Wings. 0 B.il~y J. Hargis 0 ARTHRITIS TELETHON I V1s1on On £1ement1ry Ne.n * MUSIC COMEDY STARS Sacred Hurt/The Christophers NOW ON KTLA-5 STAGE @ ) Gospel Singing Jubilee D Arthritis Telethon 8:00 §Dusty's Treehouse '6l Movie: "Crashout" (dra) ·5~ · Spukin11 Freely trthur Kennedy 0 J Nf WYMAN Presents Q 11!1 rJl (L) H.R. Pulnstut * ARTHRITIS TELElHON .at Th's Weell in the NBA CALL NOW 520'-0212 ~ Movie: "Marti of Zorro" (adv) . . • 40-Tyrone Power D Arthntis Telethon Continues un m Church in the Home •II 6PM . ~First Baptist Church Q It Is Written <et9 '81) Hair Bur Bunch 8 Limp Unto My Feet ll:30 ~ (~ '81) '8' NBA Basketball 0 Herald of Truth ~. IB '..!" ' ~ ' 10) 16 Old Time Gospel Hour Ca pl!!f B~llets at Boston ~ Wondmmi 0 1!7' . 3 ' ffi Mike A Wish Revival Fires 0 M~vie : (C) "Scarlet Angel" 8:15 (3 t si cred Hurt (adv) 52-Yvonne DeCarlo 8:30 A L1rnp Unto My Feet 0 Campus Profile (8' Let There Be Light AFTERNOON O Meetin' Time 1t Calvary al KATHRYN KUHLMAN 12:00 * (IN COLOR) 0 TODAY: Welk, Hope, Roz m Kathryn 1<uhlm1n * Ru ;se ll, Phyllis Diller i7 13) rt Is Written Lorne Greene, Ann Blyth J:i '6) March of Oirnes Teftthon 0 Arthritis Telethon Continues to Continues to 7 JOPM 6PM Ctl9' (8 l Town Hill Meeting 0 Ut 3 OJ Directions 9:00 Ii Look Up & Live a) Your Government Today · Ch1llen11e My Sermon :26 Sunday Celebration 0 A I Star Show On 5 l 2:JO '61 The Rifleman * Jane Wyman, Norm Parker 0 '1-1 J ' CD The Supmtus I!) News Heston, Story, Crane ~~ r6l March of Dimes Telethon O Arthritis Telethon Continuous Continues to 7 JOPM cove1age hi 6PM m Pu'>lic Service (6) Real Estate Open House 1 :00 Q Project Amigos 0 ARTHRITIS TELETHON ~ i~i1s0~~::eonberts * Jane Wyman, Jack Rourke ~Voice of C11my Norm Parker, Ink Spots 17 3 Reviv1I Firu 0 Arthritis Telethon 26 Bob Wells Hour (61 Celebrity Bowling (~' (il) Day of Discovery O Movie: "At War With the Army" 9:15 :\ Problemu Familares (coml 51 Oean Martin Jerry 9:30 fl Today's Religion lewis r3" Acc1on de la Comunfdad ID 01ktari O Serendipity W Here Come the Brides fJ Domingo 16 Reviv1I Fires 8 Your Doctor Answer5 1:30 0 ED Discovery (Rl Alexander O Amazing Prophecies Scourby narrales a film made on 10 D1y of Discovery 1J location in the Holy Land @ 1i 3 1 Old Time Gospel Hour t 61 Roller Games Page 8 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 3. 1974 '101 Movie: "China Seu" (adv) '36 -Clark Gable, Jean Harlow ~~ Billy I. H1rJis 1:45 0 (i1l CIJ ffi How1 rd Cos e ll's Sports M1eazlne 2:00 II (ljil 00> CBS Sports Spectlcu- l1r 0 TURN ON 5-NOW! * WELK, HOPE, RUSSELL ARTHRITIS TELETHON 0 Arthritis Telethon 0 UNITED AIR LINES * Pres. Hawaiian Open Live from Honolulu 0 t (]) OJ H1waii1n Open Golf Tournament i::Jnal rounds of play from Honolulu. (ii Zoor1m1 m Outer Limits m Movie: "Francis Goes to the Races" (com} 'SI-Donald o· Con· nor. QJ (6) Much of Dimes Telethon Continues to 7 JOPM ~Filth for Today m Hum1n Dimension 2:30 0 Movie: (C) "Next to No Time" (com) '59-Kenneth More. 3:00 00 Movie: "Messaae to Garcl•" (adv)-Wallace Beery. (i) Action Theatre Oif Fires ol Evanaefism m Christopher <Close-Up 0 LAST 3 HOURS-ALL STAR * ARTHRITIS TELETHON CALL NOW 520-0212 8 Arthritis Telethon Movie: "One Min's W1y" (dra) '64-Don Murray, Diana Hyland \10) Meet the Press m Chiller Q} @ Mardi of Dimes Telethon Continues to 7:30PM. ';26 Jimmy Sw1u1rt Show m Human Dimension 3:30 f) CBS Eye on Sports (lO) Newsm1ke11 4l) The Vir1lnl1n fl) Alert1/Greetinl[S From Germany ~~Religious Town Hall (eif (i)) Movie: "WKliest Ship in the Army" (com) '61 -Jack Lem mon. mm Insight 4:00 f) Medi• A filmed report on rural medicine as practiced today 1n Lakeport. Calif O Insight "Roommates o" A Rainy DaJ" 0 NOW! SEND PLEDGE * TO "STOP ARTHRITIS" BOX 7 LOS ANGELES 51 0 Arthritis Telethon Continues to 6PM (i) MOYie: "Lecion of the Doomed'' (dra) "58-8111 Williams. 0 rfT, (J l OJ ABC's Wide World ol Sports Events include Qualifying compelit1on 1n the International Race of Champions at Riverside; and lhe World Skung Champion · ships from St Moril1, Switzerland &l Victory 1t Su O Hee Haw 6i Tony & Suun Al1 mo : Consultltion · Toros . This Is the Lile · • P1no11m1 L•tino Campus Profile 4:3'> f) Tom Brown's School Days Part 111 Dr Arnold holds a meeting to tell his stall that he is determined lo relorm the school; 1n particular he wants to stamp out bully1n8 0 Sunday (i) Stir Trek m Movie: "M1d1me Curie" (dra) '44-Greer Garson. Walter .Pidgeon EE l<ore1n V1riety Hour ~ 00 M1rch of Dimes Telethon Continues to 7·JOPM I Pattern for llvlni Black uperiente Mow le Coron• Now 5:00 f) World of StirviYll 0 LAST HR. STAR FINALE! * ARTHRITIS TELETHON CALL: 520-0212 8 Arthritis Telethon The World •l War '"Ptncer~ .. (Aug. 1944·May 1945) Eisenhower advances to the Rhine @J fENews Q1 Daniel Boone IHour ol Dellver1nce Will Street Week 00> CBS £ye on Sporb Roller G1mes Three Stooges 5:30 I It likes All Kinds 6 l<lep America Singing OJ Issues & Answers 8 News O Movie: (C) "And Now M11uel" (dra) '66-Guy Stockwell (jt ffi Mowle; "f laming Feather" (wes) '52-Sterfing Hayden EE Ko111n Dr1ma ® Rl(ht On EJi) WashinJton Week tn Review (fi91 (ll) Cnero ~ lnsicht ffi Roller Games 5:59 ED Superm1rket Top Ten EVENING 6:00; (~ (ii) C• J Six ty Minutes 3 The Vlr1ini1n · eDNnn 0 LASKAN ADVENTURE! * "A TIME FOR EVERY SEASON"-WORLO 6:30 TV PREMIERE! O Movie: (C) (2hr) "A Time tor £very Se1Son'' (outdoor) A true life adventure 1n the Alaskan tundra O Movie: (90) "The Incredible Shrin~ina '-'•n'' (sci f1) 57-Grant Williams ti) Niiht G1lltry ~ Akko-Ch1n's Secret ~J (I) March of Dimes Telethon Continues to 7 JOPM ~ Casey S1ntos Show ~ Storefront Vi1jando por el Mundo Limits of Man 0 KAL KAN PR ESE NTS * "ANIMAL WORLD" BILL BURRUD HOSTS "THE WORLD OF BEES'' Q Anim1I World · 6 World of Surviv1I O Ouie's Girls Owe runs into a conversation lag wtlh one of Su11e's boy1 riends and decides to take a crash course to prepare h1msell for Brenda's upcoming date m Movie: (2hr) "C•rbine Wil· Iiams" (wes) ·s2-James Stewart fE The Stlnset EI1) Cvening It Pops 974 med cular g (dra) eon thon cers ower uel" her" lor -lite ra ible rant thon o a 1e's e a lo• ii- rt I Fanl1rria falcon perately poor family of present day Beau James Show farm workers stars Clom leach Celebrity Bowline man, Ron Howard. Sissy Spacek, 7:00 ! News Cindy Williams, Lisa Lucas, Ed Lau . m Wild Kin&dom ter and Mills Watson. The drama 6 Movie: ''Red Oust" (dra) ·32-focuses on the teenage son who Clark Gable, Jean Harlow wants out or the miserable hie and m 1 Am Somebody fights for stability, a permanent Latin Profile home and job. Passport to Travel m Oral Roberu m Golden Voyage I S'!CIAL ! Golden Globe Awards ~Dalkon "o Hana W1nderin2 S.mufli Voiu of Victory ~6' The One W') (j)) Talk to the Ma111ger Eil) Masterpiece Theatre "Upstairs. Teatso del Domingo Ell Noche de Gala I Estelar '74 .Oownslatrs"' Part V. Pentecostal Temple a;) International Variety 7:30 IJ <~Cf)) I $,lc1AL I Cinder-90:30WORLD EVENTS AHEAD ell• (R) (90) This Rodgers and Hammerstein music.at version of the * Garner Ted Armstrong c!ass1c la1ry tale stars Lesley Ann O Garner Ted ArmstronJ warren as Cinderella, Stuart Da O 'THE KING IS COMING' mon 1s the Prince. and Jo Van ASIO OF Fleet. Pat~ Carroll, Barbara Ruick, * "INV N THE Walter Pidgeon. Ginger Rogers and STATE OF ISRAEL" Celeste Holm DR. HOWARD C. ESTEP 0 (l~ (6) (JQ) m World of Disney m The King Is tomillg "'Carlo, the Sierra Coyote"' An an1 Alternatives mal adventure drama about a young The Big Question couple in Catilorn1a·s High Sierras lO:OO I Diy of Discovery who befriend a wande11ng coyote • Community feedback 0 ~17 (3 ) ffi The FBI "The Be i:::T:1 News trayal' Inspector Erskine trres to jfo Club save an escaped prisoner trorn mob ~ Firing Line vengeance. hoping the lug1t1ve will ~living ttlt New Life On~~:~r~=~~lt Presents fE Lou Gordon Show a) ThrH Pusports to Adventure 10:30 fJ The Protec1ors '6 Lissie r31 News Special "N11ton·s Seventh : Los Aneeles CQllectrve Crisis·· . , Sports 0 KNBC Special "The Silver 1tali1n TV Hour Ghetlo'" Will Geer narrates 8:00 Americ1n Horse ind Horseman 0 'THE KING IS COMING' Safari to Ad'lenture * "EARTHQUAKES-WHY?" Nippon No Ut1 OR . HOWARD C. ESTEP P1ul Bowman Show oi:T.'\ O The Kine Is CQmine w One of A Kind O The Evil Touch A successful ~ Chespirito (El Armenian 1V Hour businessman buys and closes down 8:30 0 (jl 00 0 m N 8 c sun d a 't an amusement park where he Mystery-Hee Rimsey (2hr) '"Dead used to work as a freak, but hrs Heat" The mysterious and sudden 'friends" from lhe past have other death of a healthy 25 year old ideas Ray Walston stars ranch lore man leads Hee Ramsey S r Police Surgeon 1 ~n Diego Panoram1 to suspect foul play. Jackie Cooper, Mission: lmppsiible Sheree North. John Anderson ind ~ (j)) News Russell W1gg1ns guest 0 Power-Thriller! New TV 1 ~~~~~Cat * Hero~ Does Jenny DIE? .• Dul World David JANSSENs BEST Nashville Music 0 I CV rn ABC Sund1y Movie: 11 :00 ' CV 0 0 ®(Jg) News [fj (2hr) "Smile, Jenny, You're Dr. 0. l. lluers Dead" (mys) '73 -David Janssen. 6 Seymour Presents John Anderson, Andrea Marcovicc1. I Normu Vincent Peale Howard Da Silva . Martin Gabel Clu Kathryn Kuhlman GulaRer Zalman King, Tim Mein ~-(])A Discussion With ... hre. Jody fosle1 An 1nd1v1duahsllc (acr OOl Spanish Movie private investigator becomes emo-al) Trinity Bible School l1onally involved with a cover girl m It Is Written marked for murder by a deranged 11 :15 (3) Problems in living photographer and finds his own life 11 :30 f) rbme of the Game at stake D ~ Sunday Tonight Show 0 Hwr of lnsprr1tion Pat Boone 0 Movie: "Godzi111 vs. the Su 1s host, and guests include The Monster" (sci fl) "67-Akira Taka New Crealions. plus Bob Ve rnon rada. m Movie: (90) "The Mll'1 Broth· 0 Movie: "Another Part of the en It the Circus'' (com) '39-The Forest" (dra) '48-Fredric March Mari Brothers m Movie~ (C) "Berserk" (susp) @I bm•l] Thii Is l om Jones '68-Joan Crawford Godfrey Cambridge. Bobby Golds @ Mo vie: "Whe n Tomorrow boro. lain1e Ka1an and Jo Anne Comes" (dra) "39-Charles Boyer Worley Ruest 12:00 i Pacesetters ED Rel igious Ame11e1 12:30 I 6 flipslde t:l) Movie: (90) "Blullwell's Is· 1 :00 · Spe1king rreety land" (adv) '39-John Garlleld Movie: "Thunder O'ler Tangier'' 9:00 IJ (t29 18~) raJ CBS Playhouse 90 (adv) '57-Robert Hutton. "The M1granrs'" Tennessee Williams' 1:15 1J Movie: "Stop T11in 349" (dra) stark and sensitive slory of a des '64-Jose Ferrer IHEllAHYPll U I Iv N fl-K H BRIJAllY I 1'174 'DRAMA OF INVOLVEMENT' The hard·h1tt1ng Emmy nominated TV Senes Insight, seen locally on KNBC·TV. Ch. 4. Sundays at 4PM, 1n half·hour dramatic episodes, explores 1n depth such di...,erse topics as the plight of the working man, prison reform, genetic manipulation. the battered child syndrome, mental retardation. the middle·age crisis and t he challenge of loving. Paulist Father Ellwood E. Kieser, a 6'6" Catholic priest, 1s the Execut1"e Producer of Insight, the world 's most widely seen religious TV senes, now in 1ts 14th year. When queried about Insight's popular· 1ty, Father Kieser said, "Most American telev1s1on rs the drama of distraction. Ours rs the drama o f invol...,ement. We're trying to drama tize the problems faced by the man in the street and involve him 1n the search for the solution. People are looking for meaning, freedom and love. We're trying to Illumine that search." Another reason for Insight's success is the caliber of talent Father Kieser has been able to recruit. Stars like Bob Newhart. Michael Learned (The Waltons). Carroll O'Connor. Martin Sheen, Anne Francis and Clu Gulager contribute their time and talent. These top-priced stars work for union scale and in most cases, donate their check back to Insight. Jenny & Vince are roommates. He likes the arrangement. She wants more. A sensitive exploration of the meaning of cDmmit-men~ • Stop a11n11r1s he/MP 1r slops you Arthritis Telethon SUNDAY, FEB. 3 11 :30 p.m. Saturday to 6 p.m. Sunday KTLA& All-Star Benefit Arthnt1s Foundation Box 1047, Santa A na 92702 Page 9 MONDAY FEBRUARY 4 For morning •nd •fternoon listings, pluse see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, ue the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:30 0 "Man on A Strine' (dra) '60 -Ernest Borgnine. @ ''Boss of Big Town " (mys) '42-John Lite!, Florence Rice. 10:00 r31 "Parrish" Part I (dra) '61 Tra y Donahue, Claudette Colbert. 0 "Allee in Wonderland'' (fan) '33 -Charlotte Henry, Gary Cooper. 11:30 0 (C) "Hiawatha" (adv) '52 - Vince Edwards. Keith Larsen. "Crosstrap" (mys) '60 -Laurence Payne. 12:00 ID "Border Incident" (dra) '49 - Ricardo Montalban. 1:30 0 (C) "It SUrted With A Kiss" (rom) ·59 -Glenn ford. Debbie Reynolds 2:00 IE "Kansas City Confidential" (mys) '53-Preslon foster 3 (C) "Anne of the Indies" (adv) 'SJ-Debra Paget, Louis Jourdan 3:00 (j) (C) "Drums Along the Mohawk" (dra) '39-Henry Fonda o (C) "Doomsday flight'' (susp) '66-Jack Lord. Edmond O'Brien l :30 B (C) "The Borgia Stick" (dra) '67-Don Murray, Inger Steven s t;2~ @ (C) "Deadlier Than the Male" (adv) '67-Elke Sommer 4:30 @ Same u lMM listing (~ (j)) "Walk East on Beacon" (mys) '52--0eorge Murphy FVFNING 6:00 B 0 0 CJ) mm ail m News 3 ®J@(i)Q)@(~ (8)) News Bonanza Hogan's Heroes The Lucy Show The Flintstones Night Gallery Simplemente Mari• M0¥1e Hodgepodge Lodge Speed Racer 6:30 6 Dealer's Choice 0 Movie: (C) (90) "Dr. Cook's Garden'' (dra) '70 -Bing Crosby Frank Converse, Blythe Danner • Dick Van Dyke 0 Merv Griffin Show Andy Griffith 1 CI) Hogan's Heroes : Zoom! • living Easy • • Charm School Desert Theatre EE little Rascals 7:00 ! (3) Q rn News Bowling for Dollars 6 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Pillow Talk" (com) '59-Dons Day. Rock Hud son 'ID Wild World of Animals I Wha t's My Line? I ll>ve Lucy Page 10 Mod Squad (]) I Dream of Jun11ie Esmeralda THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 3, 1974 f4(i) Dragnet Q a~ 1~) ID NBC Monday Movie: : Washlniton Straight Talk (C) (2hr) "Kaleidoscope" (adv) '68 ( ~) Bobby Goldsboro Show Warren Bealty, Susannah York, TUESDAY 1£1 Primer Amor Clive Rev1ll A professional gambler Comedy has foolproof plans lor winning a Three Stooges fortune in the gambling casinos of FEBRUARY 5 7:30 B Jonathan Winters Show Bill Europe . . Cosby guests. r6) The Bold Ones For mornrng and 8fternoon listings, a) Hogan's Heroes 0 17 J Cl) ABC Monday Movie : please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. I Police Surgeon (C) (2hr) "The Big Bounce" (susp) Below, for your convenience, are I Help Thy Neighbor '69-Ryan O'Neal Leigh Taylor· the day's movies. l,!_I New Treasure Hunt Young James Daly, Robert Webber. U Million $ Movie: (C) (2hr) Lee Grant A trouble prone d111ter DAYTIME MOVIES "Stolen Houn" (dra) '63 -Susan and a beau11ful bul unstable girl Hayward, Michael Craig pldy a se11es of dangerous games 9:30 0 (C) "The Far Out West" (wes) I Wild Kincdom that turn deadly '67-Ann Sheridan. Ruth McDe~1tt Bewitched 0 Movie: (C) (2hr) "Warning t!Jl "Alias Mary Smith" (mY\) (3) To Tell the Truth Shor' (dra) '68--Dav1d Janssen '32-Blanche Mahaffey I @ New Price Is Right EE Roller Games l(W). hts in the Abyss rn Entre Amigos lO:OO (3 I "Parrrsh" Cone! (dra} '61 -Troy Donahue, Claudette Colbert 8 > Nashville Music 9!30 I News O "The Min from Yesterday" m Jimmy Dean Show ~fari to Adventure (dra) '32-Charles Boyer ([!) Hollywood Show . l1 Hlen.1 EE The Ghoul Gang . , Variety 11:30 0 "The Old Bar.~ Dance" (wes) 8:00 B (~ (j)) (1) I sh(IAl I The l it· ·~8-:Gene ~utry As Loni IS You tie Mermaid ~n animated special 10:00 e (129_ 8 ~ 8 I SPECIAL I Coun· Live (dra ) 64-Mananne Koch • based on Hans Christian Andersen's try Music Htt Parade Eddy Arnold 12:00 ID "And Baby Makes Three" (com) classic fairy tale about a beautiful I\ host for this show from the '49 Robert Youn~. Barbara Hale sea creature tn search of a soul Granri Ole Opry House '" N ashvill~. I :30 O (C) "Funny race" (romi '5 7 Richard Chamberlain narrates Tenn Guests include Danny Davrs rred Astaire, Audrey Hepburn and the Nashville Brass, Patti Page. . .. ., , 0 BILL BIXBY IS Cha rlie Rich. Lesier fla11 and the z.oo IE Trauma (dra) 63 -John * THE MAGICIAN Nashville Grass the Sroney Moun C_onre Lynn Bari -~ ,.., CY\ . ""n Ctoggers 11~d Tammy Wynette 'Ul "Along the Grut Divrde" (wrn ,... '.!-~ 6 _o ~The M1 g1cran '51 -Krr~ Douglas Vtr g1n1a Mayo "T~e Illusion of the Queen·s Garn 0 CLETE ROBERTS WITH .l.00 8 (C) "GI Blues:. (m sl &O c1 bit While , the magician. Anlhony * NETWORK NEWS NOW! vis Presley. Juliet Ptowuse Blake, IS lev1tal1ng a lady and n m m -N 10 (C) "Because You're Mine" making her disappear during a 76' Ni1ht G{il~ry ews (mus) '52-Mario La111a benefit on the Queen Mary, a group ~ Los •na•Jes Collect1v• 3·30 £11 (C) "The lrvely Ser' (dra) 64 of robbers 1s heisting the funds " •' • · ~ . 0 Mo~ie· (C) (2h ) "A Co t Orama -Jdme"i Darren Pamela T1fl m With Death" Cm s)r .67 ~enan ([!)International Variety .ll 6 (C) "Wild Season" (dral Y eorge , . . 68-Jo Stewardson Maham. Earl Holliman 10:30 6 Tw1hght Zone 4·30 r3 Sam s lOAM II ti 0 1 (3' rn The Rookies 'The I Concentration • -' e ·~o . . s ne " Teacher .. An aging ex ronv1ct lead Bill Cosby i;:s) ~!>~-Re:~~~~ h ;~11Sundown ing three young men 1nlo c11m1nal : Thutre 1n Arrter1u June p hie. successfully eludrs the police Moon" A comedy classic by George until one or the "students' bnngs <; Kaufman and Ring Lardner. and an adventure -seek1n11 RHI into the stamng Jack Cassidy, Estelle Par ring. sons and 5tephJn Sonclhe1rn I Dealer's Choice ~TV Mus1c.1I Dragnet ([!) Pr1ise the Lord Club L1 Seflora Joven . 26 Movil!: (C) (2tir) "Call Me Ma· I 1.00; Q 0 erJ W ~News dame" (com) '53-Ethel Merman 3 I~ [Ql EE ~} 6 · News ED I SPECIAL I Queen of Spades (R) r ~:;ngfl~aZo~e (2hr) A repeat or the Tcha1~ovsky 0 6 M "! so.. . .. opera about an elderly counle~s · ~vie: (C) Anne of the Indies who's adept at gambling (adv) 51 -Jean Peters, Louis Jour rn Nosotros Los Pobres dan . . . a;) Miguelito Valdes Show ID M1ss1011: Impossible EE Movie: (2hr) "That Hagan Girl" m ~ovre: "Plunderers of Painted (dra) '4 7-Shirley Temple f lats (w~s) 59-Skip Horne1Pr • _ 17 J Lrv1ng Easy 8.30 e (129 @ > (J' I SPECIAL I 0 r . ':26 Allred Hitchcoclc Presents Seuss' Horton Hears A Who (R> (~ a ) The Pioneers Hans Conre1d narrates this an1ma _ _ led special 1n which the bighearted 11 :30 tJ (:M 8 ) 8 CBS Lite Movie: Hcr1on fights aga1nsl elephantine (C) "The last Challenge" (rom) odds lo preserve the Whov11fe 111 67 Chad Everell. Glenn rord. habitants' rrght to life Angie .,?1c~11son m Ml!rv Griffin Show 0 23' (6 10 rn Johnny Carson The Bold Onu Joey Bishop 1s guest host Novela 0 Movie: "Private Pooley" I 9:00 0 ft 3 ffi Wide World of En· f) TONIGHT'S BEST BET tertarnment 'Who Killed Lamb 0'"1 * KRAFT SPECIAL 11:00 '6 J One Step Beyond with MITZI GAYNOR tD Movie : "Texas Rangers" (wcsl _ _ _ 51 George Montgomery e ((59 8 ) 8 I SPECIAL I Mltz I ED Day at Night . . . A Tribute to thl! American I ·OO D ,........ -'61 N Housewife Suzanne Pleshelte Ted · J ~ '8 23 6 ews Kn1ghl. Jerry Orbach and Jane 0 r1~ m Tomonow Wither~ are M1t11 Gaynor s guests 0 Hrghway Patrol fur lh1s spec1<1I featuring music. 1 :45 B Movie; "Rock Island Tr11l"I dance and comedy vignettes. all (wes) '49-fnrresl Tuc1'er keyed to an up to date look al 3:10 tJ Movie· "The Golden Age of lhe life and 11mcs ol the American Comedy" (coml 58 -Laurel & house.,.1fe · Hardy EVENING 6:00 B 0 Q i"J mm a:> m New! (3 1i)o1 17 (~h~~6l(.l9~ 8~) Ntw) Q Bonanza 6 ) Hoean'' Heroes I The Lucy Show The Flintstonu Night Gallery Slmplemente M.,i1 26 Movie ED Hodgepodge l odgt ra Speed Racer 6:30 6 ' Dealer's Choice 0 Movie: (C) (90) "It's Alive" (dra) 68 -Tommy K11k Shirley Bonne Q Dick Van Dyh ~ Merv Gnffin Show w Andy Griffith rt 31 Hogan's Heroes I Zoom! living u sy Mundo Latino ffi Desert Theatre ffi Little Rascals 7:00 U rJ Q ID News ~ Bowling for Dollar& f 6 Movie: (C) (2hr) "The World 111 His Aims" (d1a) '52 Grc J(ory PPCk, Ann Bly!h 8 Safari to Adventure m What's My liner I l ove Lucy Mod Squid 17 'J , I Dream of Jeannie al Esmeralda -ll l 6 Oraentt tI;}_ Book But ( l9 81) Hee Haw are es) I v11t Y~) _j 1y" es) You m) te 7- hn e:.) 0 [I t" ra> n" ws s t" ey tn I\ . El Primer Amor traught parents turn to a man . , Usted y 11 Polici1 whose job 1s to rescue and return Three Stoo1es runaway teenagers New Treasure Hunt I MeN Griffin Show Ho11n'a Htl'MI Hi1h Ch1p1rr1I (10) Hollywood Squares Novel• Help Thy Neldlbor 9:00 i The Bold Ones Bobby Golds6oro Show Gonion Million $ Movie: (C) (2hr) : Humanities f ilm forum "The "Un111uded Momenr' (dra) '56 -Cranes Are Flying" (Russian, 1957) Esther Williams. George Nader A war Mm focusing on 1t1e home I Bewitched front rather than the battlefield (V To Tell the Truth 9:30 1J (Ci!, (j)) (!) Hawkins Billy Jim (1) let's Mike A Deal Hawkins finds himself emottonally DEBUT The Househunter A six· involved in a tough murder case part guide to the pittalls and plea· when his long-ago sweetheart begs sores of buying a house in Los him to defend her son in the I at al 7:30 Angeles. stabbing of a pretty dancer. m The Ghoul Ci1ng Safari to Adventure m Sbnd Up Ind Cheer I News 7:45@) lm11es & Memories LI Hlen1 1:00 I)(~ Cl))(]) M 1 u de Florida's festiv1I Mexicano husband, Henry, gets a promotion lO:OOB ~f6J Q:Q)mNBC Reports which means Florida can quit her "The Man Who Changed the Navy'' job as a housekeeper. tor the Fin.d· A profile of Admiral Elmo R. Zum- lays and be .a lull time housew1f.e wall, Chief of Naval Operations, re- fdt her family, but she doesn I veals the changes and new social know how to break the news to philosophy underway 1n this oldest Maude. of military services 0 Q) 00 (fQ) m A d • m • 1 2 0 CLETE ROBERTS WITH "Crash" MallOy buys a new car * NETWORK NEWS NOW' which gets hit when he and Reed • leave t he car to pursue a purse· ~ gJ ID @ News snatcher on foot. 6 N11ht Gallery 0 Movie: (C) (2hr) "A Covenant @ ffi ffi Marcus Welby, M.D. With Death" (mys) '67 -George .. Angela's Nightmare" A 15-year· Mahar1s. Earl Holliman. old Mexican American girl, running UTHE HAPPY DAYS away after being raped by the man * THE NOSTALGIC SO'S ~~ond!~e~~ 6~ ~~f~:·s hne~~s:s c~~-0 (i7' (3) ffi Hippy Days "Hard suelo. ' ware Jungle" While Mr Cunning . Drami ham has his to.nsils out, his son, 10:30 6 Twilight Zone R1ch1e, runs his hardware store Concentration alone for the l11st time. with dis Bill Cosby astrous results Sc>anish Comedy I De1fer's Choice . Musical Espemcul1r Draillet · • Praise the Lord Club LI ~011 Joven 11:00 Q 0 et) El:' ffi News ®·~vie: (C) (2hr) "C•ll Me Mid· 3 00@) EE ~@ News ~me . (com) 5 0 3 -Ethel Merman. Twilight zone I 8111 Moyers Journal 6 Perry Mason Quien? B Movie: (C) "Coast of Skeletons" Comedy (m~) '56-Richard Todd. g.30 (R:!!e~9Ga)~ae~ H .. f . 0 m See Barney's f ace lift • ...,.~ '-"'' L 1wll11 1ve-O M' . I "bl McGarre tt calls on attractive HPD * n ISSton mposs1 e policewomen. senior officers and m Mi~ion;, Impossible , , sc1ent1f1c lechnology when the ID Movie: Shell Shock' (dra) 64 foe O force 1s co nfronted by a -Beach Dickerson series of live rape murders. (11) ffi Living Easy 0 Hallmark H a ll of Fame 1" Alfred Hi~chcock Presents * THE COUNTRY GIRL ~D~)~!e;~oneers Jason Robards. J r . 11 :30 0 Cei9: OC> (i) CBS Late Movie: Shirley Knight Hopkins (f) "The B1dl1nders" (adv) ·5a-O ~ ~ 0 m I ,,lCIAL I Hill· Alan Ladd, Ernest Borgnine. mart Hill of rime "The Counlty 0 ~ {j) 0 a;, Johnny Carson Girl" Jason Robards stars as frtght Albert Brooks guests ened actor frank Elgin, whose 0 Movie: "Submarine Seahawk" once flourishing career has been {dra) '58-John Bentley. d1ss1pated by alcohol and tear 0 @ ~ ffi Wide World of En· <;h1rley Knighl Hopkins co stars as terUinment "Chant of Silence" (R) hts wife Georgie, who 1s helpful The story of a sky1acker who para but realistic about the strengths chutes lo safety and poses as a and weaknesses of her husband novice monk 1n an isolated New George Gmzard portrays Bernie Me~1co monastery Dodd, the super conlident dtrector 12:00 {j) One Step Beyond , who otters Elgin what r.ould be the m Movie: (C) "Latin Lovers" (rom) last chance to regain his stalure '53-Lana Turner. as a performer 1:00 i U 00 ~@ News 0 17 (3'l ffi ABC Tuesday Movie: · [1_9) m Tomorrow (C) (90) "C.n Ellen Be Saved!" 1:15 H1ehw11 Patrol (dra) ·73 -Leslte Nielsen, Kath~ 1:45 Movie: "Dangerous Crossing" Cannon. Michael Parks, John Saxon (mys) '53-Jeanne Cram Louise rlt>tcher When their daugh 2:00 m All-Night Show: "Billy Liar," fer runs away from home and be ''The Devil Bat," Bi1 Att1d comes the hypnotic prisoner ot a 3:10 B Movie: "Acros.s the Bridge" strange religious sect. her dis (dra) '58-Rod Steiger THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 3, 1974 Why Rent A Color TV? Because 1n the long run it's cheaper than buying, just look at the facts! When you buy you pay a down payment -delivery and installation ore included in the purchase price. Then there's the monthly btlls, and the carrying charges. and th e service contracts, and the charges for ports and labor. Gets to be p rett¥ expensive. right? When you rent, on the other hand, from get free delivery. free and unlimited including all ports and labor -all for monthly rental charge us. you service. one low That's the difference! What's 1t cost? That depends upo n the size and styli ng you wont - anywhere from os low __ _ as '12.45/mol'th to l!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!,lm '26.95/month with the option of buying the set. Who ore we? One of the largest Color TV Rental Services on the West Coast, and one o f the best. We're from England. where rentals for o utnumber purchases -and we improved on the idea. Coll us -we'll gladly give you all the informot1c n you wont - prove that renting is really cheaper than buying. CALL NOW RENTACOLOR TB.EVISION RENT Al SERVICE 220 North Cre!>cen1 Woy Suite C Anaheim, Col1forn10 92801 Call (714) 991-1550 hi• 11 WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 6 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:30 O (C) "Drums of Afric1" (adv) '63 -Frankie Avalon. Lloyd Bochner @CI) "Desper1te Curo" (a dv) '41 -Ralph Byrd. Carol Hughs 10:00 (V "The Hanred Man" (mys) '65 -Edmond O'Brien. Vera Miles O "City Wlttlout Men" (adv) '43 -Linda Darnell. Edgar Buchanan. 11:30 O "Stolen Asslrnment" (susp) '55 -John Bentley. ''Cult of the Co- bra'' (mys) '55 -Richard Long. David Janssen. 12:00 m "V1lentino" (rom) '51 -An thony Dexter. fleanor Parker 1:30 O "P1ris Blues" (dra) '61-Paul Newman, Sidney Po1t1er. Joanne Woodward. Diahann Carroll 2:00@ "The Btehelor P111y•• (com) '57 -Don Murray, E G Ma~hall ~ (C) "Red Slies ol Montln1" (adv) '52-Richard Widmark. Jeff rey Hunter 3:00 (j) "All About Eve" Part I (dra) ·so -Bette Davis. Anne Bnler. Manlyn Monroe (fQ) (C) "B1ttle1round" (adv) '49 -Van Johnson. John Hod1a~ Page 12 EVENING 3:30 iJ Movle: (C) (2hr) "How I Spent My Summer VKltion" (a dv) '67- Robert Wagner, Peter Lawford, Jill SI John, Lola Albnght, Waller Pidgeon. An advenlure story about a young opportunist who devises a scheme to blackmail a millionaire. Mike DourJu Show Ouie ' Harriet Superman @ CI) ff) One life to Live Malle Room for Daddy @ Green Acres ' Nanny ' the Professor ~ @ Movie: (C) (2hr) "Gieot" (com) "62 -Jackie Gleason a;) Action Chicano (~ @) ff) Cartoons 4:00 The Rifleman Dennis the Menace @ (J) ff) Love Amerrun Style F Troop Hog1n's Heroes Get Smart Los Torres Beverly Hillbillies Sesame St reet Drama Felix the Cat 4:30 3 Movie: (90) "The Hanged Man" (mys) '65-(dmond O'Brien. Ver~ Miles. Fattier Knows Best ~I love Lucy News Ripper That Girt Batman !µ t::Jl Butch') Back Alley/Bull· winkle THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 3, 197-4 Ct29 1 81) Movie: (90) ''Tulsa" (dra) '49-Susan Hayward, Robert Pre~ ton 1>-m Wild Wild West ff) Underdo1 5:00 0 ~Q) Newt O Twilirht Zone t; @ Gllli11n's lsl1nd 11 Dream of Jeannie leave It to Beaver Bewitched (3) Green Acres Natlcha Star Trek : Mister Rogus' Neigtlbortlood · Sube Pelayo • The Prisoner · • Huuie Boy Entertainment Kimb1 5:30 iJ 0 (() @(}) ~ @ ff) News I Jerry West Show Courtship of Eddie's flther Beverly Hiiibiiiies Dennis the MenKt I Dream of Jeannie Electric Company grJ Don Wilson's Town Talk m Three Stooges 5:59 ff) Supermarket Top Te n 6:00 ~~8r£~fi5~00"; News IJ~ Cikers Basketball lakers vs Atlanta Hawks 6 1 Ho11n's Herou I ~: ~~j~:o:, Nicht Gallery Simptemente Maria Hodcepodce Lodce Speed Racer 6:30 @ De1ler's Choict O Movie: (C) (90) "The Gun Ride11" (wes) '69 -Jim Dam. Robert Di•. Scott Brady, John Carra- dine A Western gunman seeks a v1c1ous murderer who has been gettin g guns trom a renegade and then terrominc the desert country 8·1 Ii~ (61 ({jt ) News O Dick Van Dyke !lOJ Merv Griffin Show m Andy Griffitt! (t7} (3) Ho1an's Herou m Zoom! m llvin& Euy a!) V1ried1d ~ Desert Theatre ff) Little Rue1ls 7·00 iJ (31 0 EI) Ne.n '6) Movie: (2hr) ''100 Rlllu" (dra)-J1m Brown 1 1 Journey I Whirs My line? I love Lucy Mod Squad Esmeralda r.2~ 16) Dragnet ED The French Chef (~ Bl) Worid of Survinl rn El Primer Amor a!) Aaron Berger Show ff) Three Stooees 7:30 0 New D1tln1 Game (J\ Hogan's Heroes 0 DON ADAMS TONIGHT * SEASONS COMEDY HIT! O Wait Till Your flther Gets Home l 8 The Thrillseekers O Miiiion $ Movie: (2hr) "Man of A Thousand faces'' (dra) '57 James Cagney, Dorothy Malon~ W New Price Is Right Bewitched (3) To Tell the Truth IL 61 Holl,.oocl Squares Storefront (j)) Police Surreon OtJler People, Other Places The Ghoul Ganr 8:00 iJ (~ ) Sonny ind Cher Jim Nabors and Danny lhomas ~est O Q1 00 ®) EI) Chase "Vacation for a President" Henry Darrow guests as a carerree foreign dign1 tary who causes Chase and his ~n dercover unit many frustrating moments in their duties to protect him from an assassin Arlene Gol· onka also guests. 0 Hit MOVIE Now BOLD * ACTION Series-You'll LOVE "THE COWBOYS" O (JJ)(f)ff)PREMIERE The Cowboys "David Done II" Seven hard·riding boys, from 9 to 17 years old, help a widow run a cattle ranch 1n the untamed New Mexico Territory of the 1870s In tonight's episode the cowboys· re turn tram their successlul trail drive 1s spoiled when two thieves take Slim as hostage to torce sur render of the $25,000 cattle money, thus threatening foreclosure of Mrs Anderson's ranch. Moses Gunn. Diana Douglas. Jim Davis, A Marti nez. Robert Carradine. Sean Kelly. Kerry Maclane, Clint Howard, Mil ch Brown and Clay O'Brien star m Deale(s Choice m Drainet ffi LI Sellora Joven ~Movie: (C) (2hr) "Call Me M1· dame" (com) ·53 -fthel Merm11n, Donald O'Connor ff:! Washington Conneciion ro fhampionshlp Wresttlnf ff) Japanese llngu11e Pro1r1m l :l5 0 Movie: (C) (2hr) "A Covenant With Death" (mys) ·57 -George Maharis. Earl Holliman a:3o0@(3)ff) ABC we.dnesda7 Movie: (C) (90) "Cry Panic" (suspl '73 -John Forsythe. Anne Francis, fart Holliman, Ralph Meeker A man acc1denlally runs into a pedestnan and kills him. but alter a search for help. he tinds that the body has disappeared and the townspeople are h1d1ng a deadly secret about the v1ct1m 9:00 m Merv Griffin Show Hlah Chaparral Theatre in Ameri~ (21/,hr) "Cyrano de Bergerac" Edmond Ros land's romantic play about the man "with the longest nose 1n Ch11sten dom." and his love tor the beault ful Rounne Peter Donat, Marsha Mason and Marc S1nRer star a!) Novel1 iJ WM. CONRAD-CANNON * TV'S TOP PVT. EYE! iJ ((l9' ) (ii Cannon "'Bloo!l Money"' Peter Haskell guests as flamboyant criminal attorney Thom as Jeffe~on Baron who defends a youn11 doctor charged w1lh the murder of Baron·s financier client In an awrent j!il escape attempt 0 (lJ (61 ®) m NBC Wednesd1y Movie: (C) (2hr) "5'm Whiskey" (wes) ·59 -Burt Reynolds, AnRie Dickinson. Clint Walker. Ossie Dav 1s, Rick Davis A saddle tramp and his tadyf riend plan to recover a for tune in gold bars from a sunken riverboat (]) The Bold Ones EI) P1p1 Corazon Safari to Adventure · LI Hlen1 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 7 9:30 I News · • Curusel del Mundo 10:00 EJ (~ ) @ Kojall Guest Tina Louise portrays a drug·addicted prostitute who holds the key to the men responsible for her enslave ment. as well as for the murder ol her talkative roommate and a cru For morning and afternoon listings, pleue see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movie$ sading television reporter Jess Walton also guests. 0 CLETE ROBERTS WITH * NETWORK NEWS NOW! DmlE @ News (6) Nipt Gallery 0 JAMES FRANCISCUS In * DOC ELLIOT-WEEKLY BY POPULAR DEMAND 0 1 • (£0 Doc Elliot "A Small Hand of Friendship" Beverly Gar- land guests as Bonnie Ames, an unmarried community schoolleach er. who has her 1ob threatened when 11 1s learned she 1s pregnant Leonard Stone and Clint Howard also guest ti) D Tomillo €D Drama 10:30 I Twili&ht Zone • Concentration Bill Cosby · £1 Show de Walter Mercado · • Praise the lord Club 11:00 I~ Rt;~~:::~ Twlli&ht Tone 6 hrry Mason • Movie: (C) ''The Day the Hot line Got Hot" {dra) '69 -Charles Boyer. Robert Taylor m Paris is Down and Out * On Mission Impossible m Mission: Impossible Q) Movie: "Ptayfir1" (dra) ·54 Shelle Winters. Barry Sullivan '17' 3 Livtn& Easy 2 Alfred Hitthcocll Presents m tnterf1ce (Q°9' ) The Pioneers 11:15 @Ii) Cinema 34 11:30 fJ {Q9' (1)) 00 CBS late Movie: (C) ''The Asphalt Junrle" (dra) ·so -Sterling Hayden, James Whit· more Rei} @ ®.J g;, Johnny Cmon Movie: "The Woman Who time from the Sea" {dra) '64 -Dawn Addams 0 (IT (3'\ G) Wide World of En· tertainment "The Great Folk Rev1 val" ID Reli&ious America Movie: "Ten Tall Men" (wes) 12:00 ~One Step Beyond • I -Burt Lancaster. Gilbert Ro land ID Day at Night I :00 l 3) 0 @ ~@ Hews 0 (fg) m Tomorrow 1 :45 fJ Movie: "Hide and Seek" (dra) 64-lan Carmichael DAYTIME MOVIES 9:30 O "Bride of Yeneeance" (mys) '49-Paulette Goddard, John Lund. 1 (1) "L1dy from Chun(llin&" (adv) '42-Anna May Wong 10:00 ~) (C) "That funny feelin(' (com) '6~Sandra Dee, Bobby Darin O "Men Without Names" (mys) ·35 -Fred MacMurray, Madge Evans. 11:30 O "List Train from Madrid'' (dra) ·37 -Dorothy Lamour. Llw Ayres. "The Min Who Cried Wolf" (mys) '37-Lewis Stone 12:00 m (C) "Pandora and the flJin& Dutchman" (dra) '52 -James Mason, Ava Gardner 1:30 O "One Man's Way" (dra) '64- Don Murray. Wilham Windom. Diana Hyland. 2:00 IE (C) "Mark of the Rene11de" (adv) '51 -Ricardo Montalban, Cyd Charisse. ~~ (C) "Clll Me Mister" {mus) '51 -Dan Dailey, Betty Grable. 3:00 (l) "All About Eve" Concl. {dra ) ·50 -Bette Dam. Anne Baxter. Marilyn Monroe ®J (C) "The Nilled Spur" {adv) '53-James Stewart, Janet Leigh. EVE N I NG 3:30 fJ Movie: {C) "lhe Notorious Landlady" (com) '62-Kim Novak, Jack Lemmon, Fred Astaire An American in London rents an apart· men l from a beautiful but mysteri ous girl whom the police suspect of hav111g murdered her husband g Mille Douetu Show ~Ozzie and Harriet 6 Superman I @ (1) ffi One Lile to Live Mike Room for Dlddy Green Acres Nanny & ttle Professor Ci) Movie: {C) ''Tell Them Wil· lie Boy Is Here" (dra) '69-Robert Redford, Katherine Ross. a1) Educational Proerams (~ (!)) m Cartoons 4:00 The Riflem1n Dennis the Menace @ @ ffi Love American St,le F Troop Hoean's Heroes Gei Smart Los Torres I Beverly Hillbillies Sesame Street Orama f elix the Cit 4:30@ Movie: (C) (90) "That Funny feelin(" {com) '65 -Sandra Dee. Bobby Darm 2:00 m All-Night Show: "front Pa&e Story," "Eiefit O'C1od1 Walk," Bi& Attlcll I Father Knows Best ~I Love Lucy News flipper That Girt Batman (Continued) 3:10 fJ Movie: "The Brass Le&end" {wes) '56-Hugh O'Bnan. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEt<. FEBRUARY 3. 1974 INSIDE ~ the tube OUTSIDE hollywood BY BILL MAHAN One of the many guilds and unions in Hollywood 1s the Screen Extras Guild, more commonly called SEG. This is an extremely d ifficult guild to get into-it is very nearly a closed shop. Maybe, however. 1t should be opened up some to give movies and television a bit of a break. Take for example a half-hour pilot I saw recently-its title: FIRE· HOUSE. The pilot film had considerable exterior shots of the fire that the lead acto rs wo uld eventually put out. There were shots of fire engines. police, featured players in the episode, and extras standing around watching the fire. If you looked carefully you w ou ld see the same extras 1n t oo many places at the same t ime. In fact, if you looked very carefully you would see two particular extras almost every· where there was a crowd of people. And, worse yet. those same two extras turned up walking ahead o r behind the featured p layers, no matter where-they were or what part of the film they appeared in. This is the kind of thing that makes large. gaping holes in t elevision. It can be bla~fl ~r:tJy on the film editor for not editing the film 1n such a way that these extras are cut out o f the places they do n't belong, but many t imes he i s locked to the film the director has shot and there's nothing he can do to save the sit uation. You can't blame the casting directors, either, because they don't hand-pick t he extras. They just put out a call and take what comes. The real blame hes with the extras themselves. They should k now better but their egos won't permit 1t. They think that by being on as much film as possible they have a better chance of being seen and possibly discovered. They apparently don't realize that all they d o is infuriate the exec· utives and directors when they turn uo too often. It seems to be just another of those unsolvable situatio ns that constantly plague a mot ion picture or television company. On the other hand, maybe 1t really isn't a problem. I know the faces of probably all the extras in the business. This makes it much easier for m e to spot them on film. Maybe t he viewer who doesn't know therr fac es never notices how often they pop up in the wrong places. If any of my readers are so inclined. drop me a note c/o TV WEEK, 544 W. Colorado Boulevard. Glendale 91204. Page 13 THURSDAY (Continued) 17) (l J Butch's Back Alley / Bull· winkle (~ ~ ) Movie: (90) "The Hudei They Fiii" Part I (dra) '56 Humphrey Bogart, Rod Steiger (!) Wild Wild West {!)Underdog 5:00 I q) News The Big Y1lley 6 ID Gilligan's Island L8 l I Drum of Jeannie I luve It to Beaver Bewitched (.lJ Green Acres Natllcha Stu Trek I Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Sube Pelayo The Prisoner Huggie Boy Entertainment 5:30 0[8)(f71(3l(j~(6)(i) News ·· ~ Kimba 6 Collttship of Eddie's father Beverly Hillbillies Dennis the Menace I Drum of Jeannie Electric Company Don Wilson's Town Talk Three Stooges 6:00 0 @ ~ a;, Ciii) ffi News 3 ®J{j] (}.ltl:J@(~·(jl) News Bona nu Hogan's Heroes The Lucy Show The Flintstones Night G1llery Simplemente M1ri1 ':261 Movie I Hodgepodge lodge Speed Racer 6:30 Dealer's Choice O Movie: (C) (90) "Tri1t Run" Page 14 (dra) '69~1ames Franciscus. Janis Rule, Diane Baker, Leslie Nielsen A ruthless, amb1t1ous young lawyer allows nothrng lo sland in the way of his d11ve for success-not even love (!) ~ @ <Cf! Ci)) News Q Dick Yan Dylle t1Q Merv Griffin Show ID Andy Griffith lIT CI) Hog1n's Heroes I Zoom! living Eny Nci;ela ffi Desert Thutre El) little Rascals 7:ooe m omNews 0 Bowling for Doll1rs @ Movie: (C) (2hr) "A Song h Born" (mus) '48 -Danny Kaye, Virg1n1a Mayo, I Secrets of the Deep • Whit's My Line? I love Lucy · Mod Squad ~ (3' I Drum of Junnie ~Esmeralda ~@ Dragnet ff) Psychology Toda, 'Develop ment" i ._6_) lassie El Primer Amor Tele-Revista Musical El) Three Stooges 7:30 EJ Orson Welles' Great Mysteries "The Power of Fear" A young worn an's hie becomes fraught wrth ter for when a crafty plumber l11es lo f11 a leaky faucet and her wagon [ Jl Hoean's Heroes B New Price h Riehl Help Thy Neiehbor THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 3, 1974 C_l 1 You Asked 101 It EE Gorrfon 0 Million $ Movie: (2hr) "A Hlfd ED I s~ICIAL I Journey to the Cen· D1y's Night" (com) '64 -Thr ter of the Mind Or Thelma Moss. Beatles head of UCL.A's paral)sychology unit. (10 let's Mike A Deal talks to 1ournalist Donald Carroll ID Bewitched about her controversial research 1n (17' (3) To Tell the Truth to psychic phenomena. ESP, faith C2l (i ) Wild World of Animals heahng. ghosts and a RuS51an ~Accion Chicano method of photographing energy 18 ) Jimmy Dean Show forces called Kirhan pholography Jon1than Winters Show ~ Y1ried1des Yereel m The Ghoul Gane 9:30 I News 8:00 · · la Hiena EJ THE WAL TONS IS THE · • Variety Hour * SEASON'S SMASH HIT 10:00 O ~~ ®J m Music Country EJ <09 ( 81 ) (8) The W1ttons "The USA Dean Martin and Dionne War Fulhllment" The Waltons inv11e w1cke 101n h051 Tom T Hall and Steve, a child lrom lhe Jefferson guests Jerry Reed. Doug Kershaw. County Orphanage, to slay w1lh Wayne Newton. Lynn Anderson. them Steve doesn't trust anyone Donna Fargo, Charlie Rich and Mac and f1gMs with the other child DaVIS ren. Wh en Grandma catches him sleatrng one of !-.er freshly baked 0 CLETE ROBERTS WITH pies. he runs away Tiger Williams, * NETWORK NEWS NOW! Ivy Jones. and Victor French guest ~ m ID @News 0 ')~ (i) (\Q) m F I I p W i I so n Night 61flery Show flrp's guesls are Steve Law trf (!)Sheets of San fran· rence, Richard Pryor, Ketty lester cisco "A String ol Puppets" Steve and psychic Kenny Kingston Keller endangers his hie by g•.11ng 0 GEORGE MAHARIS AND uridercover to learn 11 a parole of * GENE HACKMAN IN f1cer 1s using his power over ex A GREAT WHODUNIT! cons lo turn them into crack rob O Movie: (C) (2hr) "A Covenant bery teams Claude Akins. Ha11 With Outh" (mys) 67 -George Rhodes and Lol a Falana guest Mahans. Earl Holliman, Gene Hack ED The Advoutes man al Dr1m1 0 (17 (3 ffi ~.hopper I "The Boy 10:30 (6) Twilight Zone Who Cried Wol f A young rnvahd I Concentution ham radio operator disrupts the de Bill Cosby part men I with f~lse emergency Tutro con Osw1ldo Cilva c.Jlls Michael James W1~ted. M1t11 . l•s Diu rellces Hoag. Lawrence Montaigne and . , Praise the lord Club Bruce Kirby guest I De1ler's Choice 11 :00 = 0 0 €I) m ffi Neu Bo1ine From the Olympic .3 11J1JQ) Ei) ill (6) News u Sellora Joven Twilight Zone '26 Movie: (C) (2hr) "~II Me J•b· 6 Perry Muon dame" (com) '53-Ethel Merman. 0 Movie: (C) "Rev1nee ls My Donald O'Connor. Destiny" (adv) · 71 -Chris Rohin ff) Evenine at Pops "Mei rill & son Tucker Night" m Butterfly's aren't Free eIJ Jueves de Gala a:;) C111nna Musiul * On Mission Impossible El) Movie: (2hr) "British Aeent" m Mission: Impossible (mys) '34-Leslie Howard ID Movie: "Samson & the Vamp11e 8:30 0 (i7J (3) (!)Firehouse "Trapped" Women" (hor) -Santo. Loren a Alt er saving a man's new dump Valesquez truck from lire. Capt Ryerson and 11 CJ ' livinll Easy his men rush lo a tunnel pro1ecl :26 Alfred Hitchcock Presenh endangered by explosively high gas ff) Dir 1t Nleht levels and gets seated off rn a ('29 ( 8 ) The Pioneers tunnel .section m Merv Griffin Show 11:15 m Cinema J.4 Ciii) Novel• 11 :30 EJ (:l9 1 8 I) 18 CBS l ate Movtt: 9:00 EJ (1:29 1 8 ) (8' CBS Th u rs d 1 y (C) "M11lowe" (susp) '69 -lames Movie: (C) (2hr) "Kansas City Garner Bombef'' (dra) '72 -Raquel We lch, 0 -ll r6 J 110 m Johnny C11son Kevin McCarthy K C Carr 1s a Bobby Goldsboro guests rough and wild ~kaler whose looks. 0 Movie: "Undereround" (dr~I slvle and compet1t1ve spmt ma ke '41 -leltrey Lynn, Phillip Dorn Im a crowd favori te on the derby 0 17 l CD Dick C111ett circuit II also puts her 1n the Rood 12:00 r 6 One Step Beyond graces of te am owner Burt Henry, m Movie: "Boys Town" (dra) 38 whose 1nle1esl in the ''bornber" -Spencer Tracy Mickey Rooney quickly turns t_o love Gene Reynolds 0 Ill ( 6 (\Ol m Ironside "Cla~5 of '40" Death fo1ns the reunion of 1:00 l l 0 8 (l~ (6 1 Hews lrons1dl''\ high sc hool gradua11ng 0 (10 m Tomorrow class Jackie Cooga n, Anne Francis, 1 :45 EJ Movie: "love Hippy" (corn> 50 l e1f Errckson. f ay Spain Marshall The Marx B1othe1s Thompson and l.\snn £11e1!> guesl 6 The Bold Ones 2:00 m All-N1eht Show: "Hurt of the O '17 3 CD Kung Fu · In Un Matter," "Five Came Back," Big At certain Bondage" Caine geb 1n tack vnlved 1n the k1dnapp1ng of a young 3:10 EJ Movie: "The Joe Louis Story" woman by her serv;int\ Cb1n) '53 Cnlty Wallace FRIDAY FEBRUARY 8 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAYTIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:30 O (C) "Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed'?" (com) '63-Dean Martin, Elirabelh Montgomery. l!T CV "W1terfront" (mys) ·44 - J. Carrol Naish. 10:00 00 ''The Bank Dick" (com) '40 - WC. Fields. O "Hideaway Girl" (mus) ·37 - Martha Raye, Robert Cummings 11:30 O "A~che Chief" (wes) ·so - Alan Curtis. "Never S1y Die'' (com) '39-Bob Hope 12:00 ID (C) "The Golden H1wk" (adv) '52-Willtam Holden, Barbara Stan wyck. 1:30 O "At War With the Army" (com) 'SJ-Dean Martin. Jerry Lewis. 2:00 @ "Ricochet Romance" (com) 'SS -Maqo11e Matn, Chill Wills ~"The Mudl1rk" (dra) 'SI-Irene Dunne, Alec Guinness. 3:00 ~ (Cl "All in A Night's Work" (com) '61 -Dean Martin, Shirley MacLaine ug) (C) "The Art of love" (com) '65-James Garner. [Ike Sommer, Dick Van Dyke EVENING 3:30 tJ Movie: (C) "Bick Street" (dra) '61-Susal\ Hayw1rd, John Gavin, Vera Miles, Charles Drake. Fannie Hurst's drama about a woman who sacrifices everything for the love of a married man. Mike Doualn Ouie l Harriet Superm1n @ (I) Cl} One Life to live Mike ffoom for Daddy Green Acres Ninny & the Profusor (I) Movie: (C)• (2hr) "Tri1I Run" (dra) '69-James Franciscus. Diane Baker. ED Black Elperience (~ (}l ) m Cartoons 4:00 0 The Riflemen , r61 Dennis the Menace . @ CV m love Ameriun Style F Troop Hoaan's Heroes Get Snmt Los Tones Beverly Hillbillies : Stume Street . Dr11111 Felix the Cat 4:30 (J) Movie: (90) "The Bank Dick" (com) '41l--W.C. Fields. ! Father Knows Best l ~;~:'ey Batman ~ CV Butch's Bick Alley I Bull· winkle "THI! SMALL CAR EXPERTS". FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES -SERVICE -PARTS PERSONALIZED LEASING -All MAKES I. MODELS A flllE SELECTIOll Of USED CBS 842-7781 540-0442 S erving __j/.f/ Bea c/, Ufiej 5 M INUTE5 50UTH OF 5AN DIEGO FWY. 18835 BEACH BLVD. l~•ghwoy )9) HUNTINGTON BEACH SEE THE ALL NEW ELECTRIC VEHICLES! ~· 1([' 30 MPH & only Jc. per day to oµr•r ,ire , Up to 50 M ile::. of Continuous Qpprr1t 1on FRANKLIN & COMPANY 629 Terminal Way, Suite 27 COSTA MESA, CALIF. 642-055 1 . y. WASHERS • DRYERS AUTHORIZED SALES & WARRANTY SERVICE DEALE~ Admiral & Kitchen Aid -h w. S••v•« Mo" Mohs 11 '(,, (,p,_,,,.n<e J. appliances end 494-0582 • 888 GlENNEYRl -. 494.0506 Page l 'l HI£ DAii \ PILU1 IV VVfflC ffBRUAll) 1 111/4 Page 16 1"Hf DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. FEBRUARY 3. 197'! 11:30 8 (l'.29 _8 :) l.l l Josie & the Pussy-Fire" (dra) ·5g..:_Arlene Dahl , Jack SATURDAY cats Hawkins 0 (~~(()Jg) m GO! Youngsters 2:30 E.J Steps to learning from l to 15 race mini cycles in t3 ) Campus Profile the National Motocross Champion · ~Movie: "The Indian Fighter" FEBRUARY 9 ship at Mansfield. Ohio. (adv) ·55 -Kirk Douglas. (i) Movie: "Buffalo Bill" (wes) '44 8 Grutest Sports Legends -Joel McCrea, Maureen O'Hara. Movie: (C) "Sitting Bull" (wes) 0 Movie: "High lonesome" (wes) '54-Dale Robertson, Mary Murphy. '50-John Barrymore Jr , Chill Wills. J:OO 8 learning Can Be Fun 6:00 (j) TV 8 Classroom IB ~~~~ "The Kettles on Old Mac-(3) Sketchbook 6:30 i Sunrise Semester Donald's Farm'' (com) .57_Mar-0 ~Pac 8 Basketball Stanford • Consumer Profile jorie Main, Parker Fennelly. vs. Washington State. let's Rap ~ Championship Wrestling 0 Celebrity Bowling 7:00 i ll.j @®J m Lidsville . 00 Movie: ''The Falcon in Holly· 6 Tennessee Tuxedo wood" (mys) '44-Tom Conway l.!l.I L!', ' El Juiclo 8 TV 8 Classroom 3:30 Camera Three MORNING I ~~:~~~: Roller Games Rick Ward 's Rock & Roll Kimba 5:30 Johnny Mann's Stand Up ind Cheer Bobbie Gen!.11 guests 8 (l~ Ci)(~ L., I) News Untamed World "The Ever glades" II (jQ) Movie: (C) "Deadlier, Than the Male" (adv) '67-Richard Johnson. Elke Sommer. I ~cion Chicano Three Stooges 5:59 Supermarket Top Ten EVENING '1"" '3) Bugs Bunn" I Carrascolendas • Movie: (C) "Joe Dakota" (wes) 12:00 ft <® ([)) 00 Pebbles & Bamm lmpicto '57-Jock MahOney. Luana Palten Bamm -@ (J) al Professional Bowlers 6:00 iJ 0 (8) m'm News m Brother Buu 0 Prep Sports World Los Angeles Tour The $70,000 rair lanes Open 0 ~ iClngs Hockey Kings vs. St 7:30 Sunrise Semester City Girls' Badminton and Volleyball. trom Balt imore. Md Louis. . Q} @ @J m Addams family ;@ (J) a) American Bandstand ~ Science fiction Theatre . The Rea! Don Steele Show Mormon Tabernacle Choir , O family Classics W The Virginian Night Gallery Ultra Man lancer a} @ Film Feature Cine Como en Cine (j1' (j" Yogi's Gang I @ World of Wonder rn Electric Company @ National Geographic Elementary News : Mister Rogers' Neighborhood ( @ > Safari to Adventure The Advocates Championship Bowling • U.S. Navy Movie ( _ (j)) Americ.an Horse Show 8:00 I (ei?:J.!J) (if) Hail Bear Bunch 12:30 EJ (ti9! (,@]) tJj Fat Albert 4:00 Bienvenidos ~ed Ricer · ~ ~ liW'm Emergency + 4 ~ @ Eduution at Work What's Going On 6:30 llJ News John Wilyne Theatre fr) Sesame Street 6 Wild Wild West Sports With Bertka -~ Movie: "Out of the Blue" (dra) m Kipi Cosas Soul Train KNBC News Conference '47-George Brent. Virginia Mayo m Adventure Cine Como en Cine Twilight Zone M@ ~J; Super Friends 1:00 fJ (®J 00> (8 ; c B s Children's I@ It Takes A Thief Cl) Reasoner "eport Movie: "0.0.A." (mys) 49-Ed Film Festival Mr. Wizard Box de Mexico mond O'Brien, Pamela Br itton 1) You1h & the Law (j)) Untamed World lassie ~Voice ol Tokyo O ~ c 0 11 e g e Basketball 1 ong Panor.ma Latino little Rascals ff) Sesame Strtet Beach vs. San Diego. m Voice ol Agriculture 7:00 Other People, Other Places 8:30 fJ (Qi ' 8 1) ,~ Sabrina _6' Movie: "flight to Mars" (sci-Ii) 4:30 f) Just Natural Peter Graves narrates a film tour 0 tU 6 161 m Inch High, Pri-'52-Cameron Mitchell, Marguerite 0 Inquiry 013"1 N~~dGK\~eg~·om vate Eye Chapman C8l Dragnet '" 1 0 Movie: "Midnight Story" (dra) . 0 Suspense Theatre "The Sare 0 Outdoors With liberty Mutual ~Truth or Consequences 57 C • R · ffi Psychology Today fA Other People, Other Places · -Tony urt1s. Marisa Pavan. House ' ( ) An Israeli agent catches (= '&") Ctiallel'lgt.Jlg Sea News Gilbert Roland. up with a notorious Nazi scientist l-'Y \.!" 1 a) World at War (9 Movie: "The Black Sleep'' (mys) arut spins a web 1n which to snare S:OO ~ ~~~;~ NTor~il The wagon train 0 Victory it Sea "Guadalcanal" '56-Basil Rathbone him runs out of water and Callahan m (~ 181) m Lawrence We I k 9:00 I (~ ~1) Scooby Doo 0 Mo.vie: (C) "The Sundowners" proves that a rainmaker can be Show . n ~I 10' m Sigmund (wes) 51 -Robert Preston John all wet. ~It Takes A Thief Movie: "A Medal for Benny" Barrym~re Jr · Bob Sterling. 0 The Mouse Factory (3) John Wayne Thutre (com) '45-J Carrol Naish . Oorothy 10) Insight O Pinbusters Ci) Dragnet I amour 0) Combat (i) ~our Presents a;) Teatro del Sabado Q (ff 1 j ' lus1e's Rescue Rangers @ land of .the Gian~ , 0 (11) ~ Cl) ABC's Wide World of rn Police Surgeon 8 I Elephant Boy !J1 C1,J Movies: (C) Swingers Par-Sptrts Events include the National m Three Stooges ED Mister Rogers' Neighborhood ad•se (com) 65 -Cliff Richard, Figure Skating Championships from 7:30 8 Wild World of Animals Wilham ,. 3 ~ -'7'> ·= &n . Susan Hampshire. "Girl From Mon· C d f'I d d f :11: 0 · '1.J ~~ 1 101 1:.1.:J P1~k Panther terey'' (mys) •43_Armida Jack la· Providence. Rhode Island; and th e onra narrates a 1 me stu y o . 6 Movit: "The Gunfighter" (wes) Rue. · World Skii11g Championships from ani mal behavior. 5~,..Q_r~y Peck, Karl Malden n Ci) Voice of Agriculture St. Moritz. Switzerland. 0 ~ 00 The Thrillseekers Q 17 ~ · Gh~st Chasers gn Futbol-Soccer (8) Stu Trek [6} Boxing from the Olympic 8. Dus~y .s 1 Tr11I , ~ ARriculture USA 0 (~ (j)) This Week ii'! the NBA 0 (3) let's Mike A Deal m Movie. 'Tra~satlilntrc Meuy-Go· . Film Feature lfO) News 0 Mllllon $ Movie: (C) (21/zhr) Round" (com) 34 -Jack Benny . . m Movie: (2hr) "Air Force" (dra) "l51dora" (dra) '6~Vanessa Red · Nancy Carroll 1:30 (3) University Dialogue II) The Persuaders grave, James Fox. Jason Robard s f'O Sen1J1e Street 0 DEBUT Brainworks Barry Martin '.43-John Garfield. Gig Young. 10) Ozzie's Girls 10!00 I (~ 8 ) re Favorite Martians ho~ Is this new series abo~t l~e 123 Ci) Other People, Other Places (Continued) . ~ r 6 fcj) m Star Trek stt. lents, professors, and hie in ----------------------------ITT (3· Brady Kids Rel eral on lhe campuses ol the • Movie: (C) "Istanbul" (adv) ·57 sm.111 independent cotleges of ______________ _ -frro l rlynn Cornell Borchers So_11th~rn Californr.a • f lEJ Cosper Jubilee 1~ Hr11h Speed l1'11ng ' 1 QOO leallflhal LABELS 26 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 23 (i) Farm Show • Sticlt-011 re Roller C1mts ff:) Mis~er Roge.r~· Nei11hborhood ' ORDER Order For YourMlf er I Friend t 10;30 I <129 '8 ) ( 8 Jeannie m Hoh~ay Pacific t t,~. May ba used on •nn lop11 u ,.turn addrHS label\. t . '2l 1 6 1 ;10' m Butch Cassidy ffi Movie \, Al•o 'V•ry handy a• ident1t1ca.t1on labeh for ITT 3 rn Mission ! Magic 2:00 0 Dusty's Treehouse YOURS m•rkin9 personal Items such II books, recorol, : Mister Rogers' Neiahborhood ·3 Problems in living t photos, etc. Labeh slick on glau and m•y be u•ed j " m ~ &I'\ for markin9 home canned toc.d item•. All labeh ' 11 :00 ((29 i ) 8 Speed Buggy 0 ~1..611101 ~Bob Hope Des-are printed with •lyftsh Yo9ue lyp• o" fine qu•lity ' !ll f6' fo1 m The Jelsons ert Golf Classic Pros and celebrities t TODAY I h•t "' d e t O Movie: ''Northwest Mounted meet at Palm Desert • "'r'~!'.:'-"_!:!' ~·--------------..., Q "" I" lhl• OUllOl'I, clip •ftd ,,..II With tl.lJ IO: I Polite" {adv) '40 -Gary Cooper Head On t 1 1'1101 "''"'i"' w1H1 oiv., P.O. 1.,a 1ut I f Madeleine Carroll. Paulette Goddard 8 t lnternation1I Hou1 I co.s11 Mn•. c1111. nm I 6 1 Tiiuana: Window to the South m Movie: "Dark Command" (dra) j I I t 0 -ir r3". rn ABC Superstar Mov• 40 -Joh n Wayne. Claire Trevor, ' .... "01\GliHd I I ie "Popeye ann the Man Who Hated Walter Pidgeon I I f Laughter" @ Movie Classics f • Styli.it 1 1 m News m Roller Games I I 26 Roller Gilm\!5 ff:) Sesame Street f • Uficie11t l1 __ P __ IL_OT_PRIN_TING . --.JI f ED Seu me Street ({29' (i )) Movie: ''She Played with . --..-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paige 17 ·Sca r~ 'l'ru -Ear 27 Behind-t he-Ear llearing Aid ,,.,,, ... I II\\ l'rt1·1• ~•\',II 11 '11 1 I !l f Ill).' .tld 111. li 'Ii• 111 ... \\1'1 ltl I I I ' ' I J l' · 111 11111 ~I ·d 111''• , 1 111j1 "l11wrtl •, • r 1 .. •1~. 1 1 h11111 \ '1·1· II 11 1 Ill! id I ,,, ti t h f 1 I ti 111 I '. Il l• \ ,,, \ l111Ul 'l"H 'o llfl \ I 1111 !If j I l 'rllf l 'l;tn' lt1 d Ill ' \111 \i o \\ 1tl11ftl1 I I h1 I 1110 I '" ., .11 ~ • '•" I e 18 1\11. ' ' 11.11 I I ,fl 111n t t f l 1 ll" I 11rup11111 I '11 ' "'" I I \ 1111111 1,11 1111111 I 11 ~.!ll•\\111111 I H!llliol fl ilh I 1111 ~ 1\1• H'h \t11lhr11tc1 I P 'l•l1·11a 1" " 11 n 111111.111 I 1ittdtr1i1 '''"'h t ,,,,, l'I "" I,.,' tO•' \ I Ill'\ THE DA ILY PI LOT. TV WEEK FEBRUARY ~ 1q74 SATURDAY (Continued) m Queen of Spades (R) Bobby Goldsboro Show The Ghoul Gang 8·00 0 (('29 ~8') (8 All in the Family CBS Nelwor~ programming 111 New Yor k failed lo supply us wtth a sroryline on this week's episode. 0 f» @(LQ) m Emergency "The floor Brigade" When an elderly hermit (Pat Buttram) fa ils to pick over the weekend trash al • local w peimarkel. a search for the old fellow. trapped tn a cave·m. is set off by the market manager 0 'i7 3 CE The Partridge Fam- 1ly · Danny Converts" Danny weaves a !angled web when he's smitten with a Rabbi's daughter and lells her he's of her faith. m Movie: (2hr) "Air force" (adv) '43-John Garfield. Gig Young, Har ry Carey. Arthur Kennedy, faye r me1son ~ C~ampionship Wrestling Cine Como en Cine Super Sh ow fE Movie: (2hr) "Manpo~r" (dra) '41 -[dwara G Robinso11 George Raft 8:30 O ( 29 8 ) 8 M0 A•S0 H An en ergy c11sis descegds on the unit wh en U S supply lines are cut. and the first casualty or the fuel short aiie proves lo be Col Blake's desk 6 , Combat ' .i mic hael caine's ... numbe r is up unless he finds t ho key to "t he ipcress hie'.' 11 :30 p m sa turday cbsS 2 0 '171 (:fl G) ABC Suspenst MGv· 1e: (C) (90) "The Elevator" (susp) ·73 . James faren\lno, Carol l ynley, Roddy MacDowall. Don Stroud. Myrna Loy. Teresa Wright, Craig Ste't'ens, Arlene Golonka Du11ng an ~scape from a da11ng robbery m a high 11Se office building, a thief ~els caught in a sr alled elevator and his accomplices ra ce against ner's murdtrer. lhen Is himself O The Nancy Wilson Show Nancy the police and an emergency crew charged with murder when he ac Wilson hosts 1t11th guests Sen. John 1n a11 ellort to rescu0 the thief and c1dentally kills a youth 1n sell-Tunney, au thor William Peter Blally the money IJrst defense Scott Jacoby, Pat Smrth. ("The Exorcist"). Jimmy Wither 9:00 0 (Q9° (j)) (8) Mary Tyler Moore Richard Anderson and Tim Mathe spoon and Quincy Jones Show Ted Baxter always dreamed son guest. 0 Bob Boyd Show/USC Buhlball lhat some day he'd meet his idol. 0 ERIC BURDON ON DON Trojans vs Univ of Oregon newscaster Walter Cronkite. and * KIRSHNER CONCERT ~)Movie: "Sincing Guns" (wes) lhal the meetmg woul~ lead to his I Don IUrshner's Rod Concert '49-Vaughn Monroe, [Ila Ramn own fame and fortune in New York m News 0 Movie: (C) "Spirits of the Dead" Well. Baxter does m"t Cronkite-. , MelodJland (mys) '69 -811g1t1e Bardo! Jane but the occasion is not as ausp1 Lou Gordon Show fonda, Alam Delon Terence Stamp cious rn reality as 1t is in led's 10.10 t:e'I M 1 f l h/J l Perer fonJa dream. . UI . us c II apanese anguare a, star Trek 0 23 r6 10') m N BC S1turd1y Mme l:'la Tony & Susan Alamo Movre: (C) (2hr) "The Omel[a Man" 10:15 0 John Wooden Show/UCLA Bu-ic)i Movie: (C) "Four Hommen ot (dra) '71 -Charlton Heston, Anthony ketblll Bruins vs Oregon Stal e the Apoulypse" (dra) '6l'-Gltnn Zerbe, Rosalind C11sh. Paul Koslo A 10:30 6 Yesterday ford. Ingrid Thulin went 1st ooe of lhe survivors of News §The Untouchables a nuclea r holocaust. is hunled by Nashville Music Rock Concert plague stricken mutants who believe 11:00 ~ O O ~O) News 12:00 Movie: (C) "Joe Butterfly" (com ) he personifies lhe technology th at 8111 Anderson Show '57-Audte Murphy, George Nader destroyed them--Miuion: Impossible m Movie: "Kronos" (SCI It) ·57 O Jerry West Show Tony l Susan Alamo Jell Morrow. Ba rbara Lawrence ff) Humanities" Film f orum lhP 1 , lJ) Rock Concert 12:30 (1 1 Movie: (C) "Ont Million Yem Crane~ Are Flying" (R) ~ 1J) Movie: (C) "Four for Tens" B.C.'' (adv) '67 -Raquel Welch I Premier (adv) '63 -frank Sinatra. Dean John Richardson Happiness Is Martin 1:00 0 Flipside Guests include Neil Bo 9.30 ( 29 8 ) a· Bob Newhart Show ;idi 700 Club quart, Curtis Mayf ield and Ciha N~ Howard Borden instantly falls head ffi One of A Kind Na ov~r heels in love with Bob's s1sler (129' Cl}) Movie: ''The Harder They O Movie: "Stolen Assiiinment" rltl'n Unfortunately, men IS getting Fall" (dra) '56-Humphrey Bogart (mys) '55-John Benlley Pat11c~ married-lo someone else---0n lhe Rod Steiger Hott wrekend Pat Finley guests m Cinema 34 @Movie: (C) "Cavalry Command" 6 Allred Hitchcock Presents · • Trinity Bible School (adv) '63-John Agar @Minority Community · It Is Written 1:15 m All-Night Show: "An Inspector 16 Hee Haw 11.15 Movie: (C) "Gypsy" (mus) '62 Calls," "Affair With A Stranger." a!) The <Ahfom1ans -Natalre Wood. Rosalind Russell ''The Bigamist" 10 00 £) (1j9 18 ) '8 Carol Burnett Show 11:30 iJ fabulous 52! (C) "The lpcress 1:25 iJ Movie: "l ove Nest" <coml 'll I Carol's guests are Joel Grey and File" (dra) '65 -Michael Caine -Ma11lyn Monroe Wilham Lund• I V1ncenl Pnce Nigel Green. Michael Caine slars (!!1 0 17 t 3 ffi Owen Marsh1ll "A as a Bntish agent 1nvesllgaling lhe 2:40 U Movie : (C) ''The Americano" Killer With A Badge" A police of k1dnap111g of scientists detained be (wes) '55-Glenn ford f rank I ove f1r.~1 1s de termined In find his par1 hind the Iron Curtain. 1oy Ursula Theiss 'COUNTRY GIRL' "Pleasl', Cl'orgie, don't he mad at me I kni1w I'm m• Jamncd good but I'm worried 10 <.1ea1h .. Jason Robards wa:. !>peaking 1he line) in a Ju~ty hallro9m ol :111 olJ New Y ork City notel. The ballrol1m haJ been convcrrctl 1nt l1 a rehearsal hall for the new H allmark H all of Fame proJuction of the Clifford OJcts play. "The Country Girl.'' a drama <;pccial airing on N BC, Tue\da} at ~:JOPM . In it. RobC1nh play'> a frighrcned actor. Frank Elgin. who:-.e once-Ooumhrng career ha') hecn J1r-)ipatctl by alcohol and f car. Shirley Knight Hopkins co-s1ars as hi~ wife Georgie, helpful hut rcali-.tic ahout the strength' and wenkne.,.,e, of her husbanJ_ Grorge Grizzard a-l'>o co--.1ar' a1; lkrn1c DoJd. '>Uper-confideni director who offer~ Elgin what coulJ hl' the l;i,t chance to regain his stature as a performer. Robards read his lines in the nlcak rehear,al h<ill under the watchful eyes of the rest of the ca~t and of u irectM Paul 81,gan Aho looking o n was Si<lney Carroll. the veteran television writer wh11 atluptell the Odel:-. play for television, Said Carroll: ''It\ nn adventure ru \\ utch R oharu~ rl'hearsc He ne\cr does the same thing twice with a line or a movement. H e's always thinking alwa\' "carching. ~carching, -.carching for thr meaning . the rea!.On' . behind the dialogue." Robard"i said the cnnden'iation 111 I he pl a~ . necc,\Ct n for lclc '1'1on, ha~ L'hanged h" approach tu the role. "For 1.:kv1,io11 . l\ c got to m:U..e line line. one expre"si011. take 1hc place of '1x I would use on ~rage. As a rc"ult. I find totally new value' in mr characteriza- tion The compre'\,10n of the play forces me to !!L't deeper into thl· character Std C~1rrol11'\ right I never 4111tc J1) lhl' ,;,me thing t" icl· .. Grinard, too, i" no slrnnJ!Cr to ·"The Clllllltry (tirl" Hl.' '~ml . "l 'hiS is lhC lhirJ trme J'VC p):.l)'L'd the part Of thL' UITCl.'IOr: the l:l\I t11ne wa-. w11h Ja,1>n in 197'2. M} fir\! llml' wa~ 20 year\ ago with the Washington Arena Stage group in the nation\ capital I had ti) grow a mus1ache 1n orJer to look older than I wa'\ .. Co-starring in the special are Larry Haine\ a'> Phil Co11k, thl.' fH1• ducer: John I 1thgll\\ ·'" Pa11I Ungrr. the pl;l\wngh1 .• ind C'hri,10pher i\turney a~ Larr). !he stage manager. f eatured 11\ l.1<.a Pelikan ·"' Nanq, the 1ngcnuc ·1 hi\ prnd11ct1t1n marl-.. ... the 1t'iev1~1nn dchut fM l 1thgow, a f on} Aw.1rd winner a'> ··Bc'>t Supporting Aclor" fM ''The Ch;.inging R(lom " II al-;o mark\ the prnfc\-.ionat :11:11ng dch11t hit !\II\:. Pelikan. The <;tor~ beJ!in!t lrn ;1 d1ml~ lit New York ... 1.1gc when~ Elgin t ~nhard'I '' thnl\I lrnm the Jut~ of umler'>lud\ u1 tht• leading part when the <;ta r dc.,erts a play in rchc:1r-.aL The din.!C.:lllr IC1rinard). who rcmcmhcr<; l:lgin 1n hill prime. 1-. sure there 1" ... tardom left in the performer and <;Ct!-him for the leading role <le~p11c t1h)l'c.:ti11n, f n1m the producer .ind the 1a•p1Ja11on' of the llctur\ wife. The conflicts which follow threaten the actor, h is wile and the d1rec10r. This prnduction wa., taped rn Tornn10. C'.rnada. All 'l.'.t'nc' whic.:h lilkc place in n thL·a1re ;ic111alh were performed 111 I nronro·, ~race ful Ro~ al AlcJrnnJra The.1tre In the 'tudio l'nl' of the wenc-. i., '\Cl 1n Sardi's, the famous Bro:illway re~la11rant in the 1hca1ne:d J1'1nct Ben EdwarJ~. art Jirecror for . "The Counlr) Girl." rccrearcd thl' exact det:or of the restaurant :ind he al~o wa<; ahtc tn b11rrow o;<1111c nf the authentic, original a11h'gr.1phcd car1c~1ll1rc' 1if famouo; pc r- ~nnall 11cs which h.1\l' hung nn rhe '' ,rll-. ol l;)arJi\ lWer the 'car' ''The Countr) Girl" is a T alent Assoc1a1c,·Norton Simon. Inc prPdu.:tion 111 J\~oc1.1tion with FCH Production' Duane C l-ic1g1l' " c'<ccutivc prollucer for F('H ProJuc11on' f M thi' ~hm'. hcH\C\ c1. he will have dual crcJ11<;. Bogie abl' j, 1,cert ,,, 11ne 111 1hc .1<.tl'r' 1n the plil~·\\'llhin-;\·pl.1\ \Ctjl1L·m·e It all h,1ppencd one qu1c1 1m1rn1 nl! .rt the 'RO\ .11 Aln~111dra 8o~ie nnd other., n<isodated "'-tlh the ~pccial were '1tt1n~ 1n the Mchcstr.1 \qHch1n~ rehca r .... 11, "hen J 1rCctor Rng;1rt 'uddcnl~ turned .111d lo11kcd :H tho'e -.eatcd 1n the u11:hL''ltra He '"id: "We ncL•d one more pcr'\nn tn pla\ an :ictor for th1" 'cenc " He pnin11:d at Bng1l· .ind said "Y n11 lt1ok right for 1 hc part ~.1, "'nH~t hing-' c-.. Hill ,ound ri ght Ylll1'vc gor the part Mcmnri1e three 'pccchl'' .. B11~1c ~miled and replied. "I'll never live 1hro11gh 11 .. Rut he did .111d appears .. ., :i hc,pcclacleJ gr;i~·-haired ac.:1nr in nne uf the on ... 1agc ... c.:cncs of "I he (t111nlt\ (i1rl " THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. FEBRUARY 3, 1974 KOCE-TV ORANGE COUNTY TELEVISION THIS WEEK ON CHANNEL 50 SATURDAY: F£BRUARY 2nd (P.M.) 3:00 Love Tennis (C) (PTL) "Singles Strategy" 3:30 Love Tenn is (C) (PTL) "Doub les Strategy" 4:00 Louder, I Can't Hear You (C) (PBS) S:O:> £venine at the Pops (C) (PBS) "Boots Randolph" 6:00 Arts and Crafts of China (Spe· cial) (C) (PBS) 6:30 A5 Man Behaves (C) "Modern Diagnosis and Treatment of Psy· choses" 7:00 Or1nee eo·unty Review (C) 7:30 A Matter of Tu 8:00 Theatre in America (Otbut) (C) (PBS) "Enemies" SUNDAY: F£8RUARY 3rd (P.M.) 3:00 Sesame Street (C) (CTW) 4:0J Hodeepodge lodee (C) (PTL) Exploring the wonder1ul world or nature 4:30 Sesame Street (C) (CTW) 5:30 Zoom! (C) (PBS) Children ere ale their own show 6:00 Omnibus SO (C) "fhe Outward Sign" 6:30 As Man Behaves (C) "lnte th gence" 7:00 Humanities Film Forum (C) (PBS) "Hamlet" 9:30 Focus On1nge County (C) "Un wed Mothers" (MONDAY: FEBRUARY 4th (P.M) 3:00 lo11e Tennis (C) (PTL) "Jargon, Scoring, Answers ' 3:30 Making Things Grow (C) (Pll) "Ar11hc1al Lighting 4:00 As Min Behal/es (C) "Changing Relationships" 4:30 (lec:trlc Company (C) (ClW) 5:00 Sesame Street (C) (CTW) 6:00 Artists in America (C) (Pl L) "Rober1a flack" 6:30 focus Orange County (C) "TV Education Magic" 7:00 Peter and the Wolf (C) (PTL) 7:30 Orange County in Washington (C) 8:00 Evening at lhe Pops (C) (PBS) "Boots Randolph" 9:00 The Turnaround (Special) (C) (PBS) 9:30 As Man Behaves (C) "Changing Rela1tonsh1ps" TUESDAY: FEBRUARY Sth (P.M.) 3:00 As Man Behaves (C) "Changing Relationships" 3:30 flntJsy in Mime (C) (PTLJ 4:00 Hod1epod1e lod1e (Cl (Plll "Nature from A-Z'' 4:30 Electric Company (C) (CTW) 5:00 Sesame Street (C) (CTW) 6:00 Orange County Review (C) 6:30 love Tennis (C) (Pll) "Jargon Scoring, Answers" 7:00 A-Rab Summer (Special) (C) (PTL) 7:30 A5 Man Behaves (C) "Changing Relat1onsh1ps'' 8:00 The Tribe That Hides from Man (C) (PBS) 9:00 Our Energy Challenge (C) (PBS) WEDNESDAY: FEBRUARY 6th (P.M.) 3:00 love Tennis (C) (PTU "Inter views" 3:30 Making Things Work (C) (PTl) "Mending Books" 3:45 Umbrella (C) (PTL> ''Manly Ba con, Unholey Crust and Two· M1riute Mousse" -Hosted by Ruth Garvey 4:00 As Man Behal/es (C) "Pre1udrce' 4:30 Electric Company (C) (CTW) S:OO Sesame Street (C) (CTW) 6:00 fantasy in Mime (C) {PTU 6:30 Religious Amerin (C) (PBS) "Lighthouse in Loleta" 7:00 Artists in America (C) (PTLJ "Roberta Flack" 7:30 The last W1gon (Special) (C) (PTL) 8:00 Masterpiece Theatre (C) (PBS) "UpstarTs, Downstairs" 9:00 Bill Moyers' Journal (C) (PBS} 9:30 As Min Beh1ves (C) "Prejudice· THURSDAY: FEBRUARY 7th (P.M.) 3:00 As MJn Behaves (C) "Prejudice" 3:30 The French Chef (C) (PBS) "Trip a ta Mode" 4:00 Making Things Grow (C) (PTL) "Artificial Lighting" 4:30 Electric Company (Cl (CTW) 5:00 Sesa:r.e Street (C) (CTW) 6:00 Orange County in Wu hington (C) 6:30 love Tennis (C) (PTL) "Inter· views" 7:00 Orange County Review (C) 7:30 As Man Behaves (C) "Prejudice" 8:00 Focus Or1nge County (C) "TV Educatron Magic" 8·30 Woman (C) (PBS) "Woman Atone" 9:00 Firing line (C) (PBS) FRIDAY: FE.BRUARY 8th (P.M.) 3:00 Book Beat (C) (PBS) "Oitterent Woman" 3:30 Woman (C) (PBS) 4:00 The Tin lady (C) (PTl) "Shad ing, Strokes. and Stnpmg" 4:30 Electric Company (C) (CTW) 5:00 Seume Street (C) (CTW) 6:00 A-Rab Summer (C) (PTL) 6:30 Washington Connection (C) (PBS) 7:00 Religious America (C) (PBS) "Lighthouse in Loleta" 7:30 Making Things Work (C) (PTL) "Mending Books'' 7:45 Umbrella (C) (PTL) "Manly Ba· con, Unholey Crust and Two· Minute Mousse" 8:00 Behind the lines (C) (PBS) "Conflict or Interests" 9:00 Masterpiece Theatre (C) (PBS) "Upstairs. Downstairs" SATURDAY : FEBRUARY 9th (P.M.) 3:00 love Tenn:s (C) (PTL) "Jargon. Scoring, Answers" 3:30 l ove Tennis (C) (PTL) "Inter· views" 4·00 A-Rib Summe r (C) (PTL) 4:30 Fantasy in Mime (C) (PTl) 5:00 Evening 1t the Pops (C) (PBS) "Boots Randolph" 6:00 Zoom! (C) (PBS) 6:30 A5 Man Behaves (C) "Changing Relalronships" 7:00 Orange County Review (C) 7:30 Washington Straight Talk (C) (PBS) 8:00 Theatre m America (C) (PBS) "June Moon · 9:30 The Turn1round (C) (PBS> D u m 4 I[ H Atlantic & PIONEER~ GET IT TOGETHER The very best in stereo systems at a never before price. ~ :1<!'1 ·<!t 11 Cl ~ ,,~-1'1 (!J~. r3' :~ SX-828 AM-FM Stereo System Heavenly sound 566670 COMPLETE SYSTEM INCLUDES: • • 'jtH "-•' i \4Q</ 'I'> • '}1 II 500s lie<) SJl9 90 • Gnrrord 40B bov• 11 .. 9 S.!>5 90 •SnureM44 l lleq Sl99!:, Reg. Price S89S.70 WntU ·• c JfT\t11nJliun1 The tanesl J <1cu1°('H't fr1·e mu~1t ·eo1oduc11on ;.1t s Jn ,,;t'\bt:lo·. t'bl¥ O"-Ot•Ce Tht" , I'' 1n<1,nq P,.,,., er SX 818 AM-r M •'Mt-O •e-re1 ... er ~th(' l\~y f • C-01 hdliV D(l\'\'Cffu ~t1h 1 10 w.>31ts (60 t bO w~ll' fiMS Ma~P~ "'''' v fM ... l..1l•11t1 fJf H tH'lt <,,()ond 1ii.., ... •t' Huvn~ thP '-O'ne • Conl'\(>th(')I'\~ for t•\•l'\t DHH'lfi'm 50urce rni1•.e ,, err· t t tf ~ rnv~• vCf'\.a11lfl untts a1ound 1th«". e 11:rrllt'"' rece1\'('t deo;,.1vt"S fr'P tu••.t ~"\ \IYt 1,. h11rM1"Q ti YO V111th .1 0111f ul ·lhir19'V JJ,o"etr n ~>00 pPa"-rt -.~··f<'m11 Act~ timro o., lhc c ttt•t ~ ir1<'1 "'"\1~J1•.--•.11 '• .mdfJf'''" t• •r tt 10s' '"•' 1•nt1t•' .1 1c11~ ~nrr111.1m lti1\ P•r Pflt"nf mu\~tol po<~o~,.. Ql\o 1n< lud~, o Gorr· Jt•i 406 nnd '""'Shu"'< o• 1r.dgt> at a down-to-earth price. ®PIONEER. SE-205 Stereo Headset Head 1nrr .. dobl1> low-. and h«li•on1 h•qt,, Th,. log lllwPoghl Sf '}05 " v>h and < vddly 10 SALE Regular Price $24.95 $1695 The honest sound is the original sound. @PIONEER. CT-3131 Stereo Cassette Tape Deck Prove •I yoursell RecOfd you• l avorote doSC on me CT -31J1 fhPn compa•e reco•d and cass41Jte sound reproouchon You II neve< <l•Sl1ngu·~h between tf.e two Heres every ree lu1e you -...ant tot distortion free ,ecord1ng playback on tape 8ulomaflc end of tape shuloll dual 1ape b18s selector long hie Pl'1malloy lape head pause c:ortrol no•se cut hller 1nd1v1duel re~ord playback slodong level control:. tape run ning •h<l••dlO• 3·dog11 t8pe counler lw1ri loQhled recording llhl'I mete• s somph••e<I poano-i.ey type COf'ltrols skip buf· 1on memory 1eco1d1n9 te"'el mar"e' walnut cab1ne1 Reg. ®PIONEER. PROJECT 100 ---.. 0 9 11.. h-. "nbP.l1fll'YQbl~ who• P·on~' hcl\ och1f!'ved w 1lt1 '"'~ \vp,.1b boo~shMI •1>eoler Sy\tem 199. ~rice $129.95 Sp•c1tk:allori1 Enrtn,tp(l A.u-s.u~n11f'l\.10I"\ l\Pf' ,p,,14\P•"· 10 .,.ooler ~·~·" ... or p , •• ai aom•· "' 11t, .1nQ<' lw"f''~' fmCJ4'•l,1"f t> fl Jl1rrp 1, r''"""', Rd•1<1P JO 70 t)O<J 111 t.,i,11,•mum r10 ..-.Pt lMJhJI J'• _._atls SALE 575 MEW HOURS: Mottday tflru Fri. I I to 8, Sat. I 0-5, Sun. 12·5 • 445 E.. 17th. COSTA MESA @PIONEER OKOSS > z 0 f/l (!) a:· w cc c z ~ , !J Our Beauty Special: How Top Models "Put on Their Faces" · DAILY PILOT FEBRUARY 3, 1974 The Still, Deep Waters Of George Peppard, TV's ''Hanacek" ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ''Medicine Chest" -An Inside Report On Medical Science sk Them Yourself Want to ask a famous peri;on a quesl1on1 Send the question on • poetcard, to "Ask." Famll)I Weeki)!, 641 Le•inaton Ave., New York, N. Y 10022. We'll pa)I $5 for published questions. Sorry. we can't answer others FOR ANTHONY QUINN Don't you think a clu'ld should grow up tmd then decide for himself what religion he believes inP- F. R., DanvUle, lU. FOR IRVING WALLACE, u11tlior How long docs it take you to research a book such as .. The Wo rd"?-John Newlin, Santa Rosa, Calif. • lt touk mt· lt-11 yl'ars-lwu years full-time, eig ht years part- t1111c-whic:h int·luded 11i11e trips tu Europe. 58 interviews witl1 13ihl · ex pt·rts, and e11clless pokiug aroun<l thl' back !ilr<'<:t~ of Europl'. I kid to b1.•c'Oml' :111 e'<pcrt mysl•lf in Dible publi'lhing. archaeo logy. Jesus. carbon Jating-allll !>till re - incmlwr I was " rit111g a l>mpt•nsc thriller. It was harcl work but grc.it fu11 .uul .l 11H..'mon.1blc cxpcrienC\.'. FOR CAROL BURNETT l rend tbnt you got straight A's in school. Did your grades come ensy?-Barbara Cunningham, Pocatello, Idaho • l was a U st11c.lc11t. C ra<lcs came easy in subjects I liked . The others came hard. FOR GOV. Ct::<>RGE W .ALLACf: Do you h~n e any hope of ever walking again?-Mrs. R ita Hurst, Luncnstcr, Pn. ~_Ffom what 11c11ro,11rgeons havl' told m<'. I'm afraid I can't ..,.. l'>.pcct to walk ngJin. FOn ARTl/CJn O'CONNELL, actor I rcm<'mhcr you ye;irs ago in "Citizen Kane" with Orson Welles. What wns be li ke to work with?-S. Vogler, San Antonio, Te~As •Wt· all rcalizNI h~ wa~ a l!<'nius. And he was \"Cl')' pnlient .111cl g\·11tk·-11ot a t .Ill tltt• opinionatcc.I man hc'c; he1•n mad<· 011t l11 he. Ma11y tinw' w1·'il do .1 scene a11<l hc'cl get back nncl c;cc it through tll(' cam1•ra a nd l'ay. "( was all wrong!" a1fd we'd start o\ t•r. I le \\'~l~ vc1y11pe11-mincie<l. H>R Pl·ffl':H RODINO, JR. (D-N ] ). //ci11w· }tuliriflrlj Cnmmitlc<' Chnimrtw \Vhy docs your commiltN' need $1 million to figure out whether or not President NL,"011 should be impcachcd ?-D . A. L .• L<>uiw illc, Ky. • Any 1mpcac·hm<'11t 111q11iry-h11t particularly one concern- ing the Pre.\iclC'nt of tllC' llnilr<l Stat('s-i1wolvcs many un- charted ancl 1111k!)fc •d i~'>llf''i. It's nl'ccssary to assemhlc a staff (1f the hight•.'it c1uality :.llld re<:tit11dc, including pe rsons with c·xtensivt• judil'ial expcrit•nn>, to assist in carrying out n pro per and complete invl'stigatio11. An<l this costs money. Cowr Photo by Frank Zagarlno e No, I don't. I hdievc you must know the Conn of a thing before you dt·<.'itlt• anytlcie1g abo11t it. Children sf\ould learn a reli gion so that they'll have a foundation from w hich to spriug, from which to l'hange if they so decide. Althoug h I'm 1111t Catholic. rny l'hilJrc11 arc ht'i11~ brought up Catholic. Later on, if thl'y want to d1a11ge reli~ions the way I di<l-fin<'. f 'VR BAR1' S1'AIH<. f om1l'r f 0<1tliall star Would you e,·cr come hack to footb::.11 as a coach?-Lee Pollard, Bethel, N.C. • I'm 11ot parti{·11l:1 rly plu1111i11g to get into l"03chi11g, h11t the right 11ppor1u11ity might c-hange my mind. FOR SUSA.J SAINT JAMES, star of "McMillan & Wifr" ls it true that you 5ew most of your clothes?-Mauri Fors· berg, Yuma, Ariz. • I used tu. hut I don't liavl' time nmv. what with the s1•ril.''i and my hnb). J w<·nr hluc jeans a lot. /."OR. Jt IDl' CUl,,LINS, folk si11gt·r I've heard you're goin~ to quit folk singing and one-night concert tQurs li ke our friend, Joni Mitchell. Is this true?- J. 8 ., Buffalo, N.Y. • I will not 1piil si11gi11g, but J will c1uit touring for a while. I want Ill s1wnJ m ncc· liml' putting together any records and w riting 111'\\' \1111go; I a lso want to cievot1' mor<• time to my fril'llcJS . l•'OR 1"£LIJY SAV Alj AS, star uf "Ko;ak" Is it tnic that you slanve your head daily?-David Comin, Middletown, Ohio • 1 \h;l\ l' ii l'\'t'ry day and h..t\'C donl' sn C\'l'r since I played Pm1 l1t" P11.1 11' in "Tltt· Cn·:ite1ot Story Ever T old ." If I didn't ~1ia, 1• 1111nw. 1111h11dv '''111ild r<.·t·o~ize mr. FebruAry 3. 1974 mm#(V M{1eldy The Newspaper Magazine MORTON FRANK. Prealdent and Publisher LEONARD S. DAVtOOW, Chairman PATRICK M. LINSl<EY, V.P.-Ad Director MORT PERSKY, V P.-Edllor-ln-Chlef Sid Layetsky, Marketing Dir . Gerald S. Wroe, Reynold• Dodaon, Manag111g Editor Eastern Mgr.; Robert 0 . Glick, Assoc1ale Richard Valdatl, Art Director Eastern Mgr., Joe Frazer, Jr., Chicago Mgr . RoHlyn Abrevaya, Women's Editor Richard T. Flynn, Detroit Mgr. Marilyn Hansen, Food Editor PU8LISHEA RELATIONS· ROBERT D. CARNEY Joan HenrlckHn and H•I Landon, Assoc1ale and LEE ELLIS, V.P.s and Co·D11ec1ors, Editors; Glori• Brier, Pictures Robert H. Marriott, Mgr.; Robert J. Christian Contributing Editors: PMr J. Op~nhe.Jmer, .. UBLISHER SERVICES; Robert B•nl(•r, Hollywood. Larry 80ftsleln. Spons. Promotion; C•ryl Eller, Merchandising; Loul• PROOUCTION : Melbourne Zipprlch, Director, l•r•I•, Distribution. Richard Wendi, Mgr ; Robert. Collln1, Makeup Headquarters·641 Lelllington Ave .. N.Y .• N.Y. 10022 ©1974 FAMILY WEEKLY, INC. All rights reserved A publlcatlon of Do'"'• Communication•, Inc. Edward R. Downe, Jr., Ch/111 EHCUllYt Officer Aolend 9. TrembMI, Prt11ldtnt , ,. .. "" I Warn ing : The Surgeo n Ge neral Has Determin ed That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 18 mg'. 'tar:· 1.2 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Report Sept'.73 The Top Five Women Golfers: Style, G~ee And Now Big Money, Too V eteran golfer Patty Berg, a stocky, grizz.leJ, gray- haired lady who 1umcd pro in 1940, remembers 1hc old days well : "W e had only three tournaments, five professional women players. and the total prize money was about $500. In the Women's Western Open in 1941 , we played all week fo r $100 .. To<lay, l:idy golfers win small fortunes in tournaments spon- !'ured by la rge corporations and receive abundant television exposure an<l publicity. For j close look at today':. live top LPG A money winners, FAMILY Wf:.EKLY interviewed the gi rls as they awaited the up- coming $100,000 Sears Wom- en's Classic, to be hel<l February 4-10 a t Port Sr. Lucie, Fla. So move over. Arnie and Jack-let's hear wha1 the girls hav.: to o;ay. KATHY WHITWORTH (1973 EARNINGS: $82,864) Kathrynne Whitworth. 197 3 top money winner. io; so111ctimcs c~tllcd the J:ick Nicklaus of the women's tour. She ts ramrod- straight and lanky, 35 years old. .ind walks wi th an easy lope. She has the face of a pioneer lady and speak<; directly, with .1 Texas drawl. Kathy. the perfect example of the longtime pro. exercises great discipline in her game and has a low tolerance of 4 • FAMILY WEEKLY, February 3, 1974 By Belen Dorsey anything that may interfere with it. 'The most important thing is your attitude about the game and what your purpose is out there. T o be a good player, you must be able to concentrate . well. You don't always hit the ball perfectly, so you have to be able to learn to adjust. You can ·t let outside things interfe re with what you're doing ... Kathy enjoys the company of men. Her tastes are definite. "f like mature men, men older than I am. I like sports-oriented men, but I think it's more im- portant that a man be a strong individual because I'm so jnde- pcndent. However." Kathy add- ed, ··r don't like men who arc overpowering to the point that they arc obnoxious. I h;ive a ~trong personali ty, :rnd to com- pkrncnt me .rnd respect my views I need a strong man. I'm not trying to wear the pants. And I'm certainly not a Wom- l!n'c; Libhcr. 8111 1 want to be treated like a woman. At the -;.une time. I'm not helpless. be- cause I c:rn do things for myself. 1 hereforc, r think mutual re- <.pccl ic; 1rnportanf. I've found 'iCver:il fellows ltkc that, but they :ire very rare indeed." Sltccess has given Kathy the opportunity to huy two homes one in Denton. Texa~. the o ther on Padre Island, off Texas, where. <;he enjoys her hobby of "I want lo be treated like a woman."-Kathy Wh/tworlh digging for old Spanish coin'i washed al!hore from <.hip- wrecked galleons. JUDY RANKIN (1973 EARNINGS: $72,989) Judy Rankin. the second big- gest winner. is the only married girl in the top five. Petite ( 5-1) and blonde, the 105-poundcr has hccn calk d a ''Nordic spark plug" because of her power- hou~ swing and deadly c rup shot. The 27-ycar-old. who also lives tn Texas. started playing golf at age five . ,__ r-- "I used to cry a lot over m1 golf." -Judy Rankin Judy is very emphatic ahout her reasons for plHlluing the the tuur. "Money. Of course I cn1oy the game and I really am addicted 10 the competition. But I certainly wouldn't do 11 to the cxh:nl I do or work as hard at 11 or put my family oul 1f ii were not for the money_" Judy'5 husb.ind Walter. or 'Yippic" as she calls him, and their five-year-old-son Tuey arc a gre.1t support to Jui.ly, accom- panying her o n many of the tours. ''I'm ama1cd how well the married gi rls arc able to play because o( all they have to do before they ever get on the course." says Y1pp1e. "Judy has lo ~c that Tuey :ind I arc both red and worry ahout getting baby-sitters." Yippic -a former tootbnll player. now an tnsurancc exec11 t1ve -1inderstands the g.1me ol golf fairly well. but not the mental concentr:it1on it re - quires. "You have to keep your composure. At first, I used to Wjnl 10 tell her, 'Stomp 'cm in lhe ground!' It took me a couple of years lo gel over that." Judy and Yippie do a good cleat of Monday-morning quar- tcrb:iding nva her mist.ikes after shl··s had time to cool off. "So metimes I welcome what he has to say." says Judy, "but sClmetimes I can't seem to get my head together ;ind we have a conflict simply because I'm not open to any discussion!" Judy is a patectionisL "I u~ctl 10 cry a lot over my gulf. 11·, alw:1ys been a very seriClu~ p:irt of my life. It was a hari.lshi p on h1y entire family, l!ven Jown It) my aunls and grJndparcntl> But my fat her's idea was that if I could do ~omething well, 1t W\)llld enable me 10 havt: a hel- ler life." Still. l>ht: looks to parll<il re- ti1 cmcnl-or at least the lll\Ur) some<l.1y of '>aying, "I don't lct:I like playing this week." SANDRA PALMER (1973 EARNINGS: $55,439) S.1n<lra Palmer, third top win ner. '" compact in build and .an cxl.'.elk nl all-round athlete. An· other Tc,an. Sandy rank' with the ~sl shotma~crs in the. game. A pretty girl (she was a bcouty queen ani.l checrlc:.uJcr in col- lege). she is very direct, alm~t "If you're Jual lnterealed In watching pretty glrl1, you ought to go to • beauty contest or • burleaque 1how." -Sandra Palmer tc1 \..:, uni ti .. he s11e., you HP ~hl' ,h.1rc-; an .1partmcnt with nwm- lllJtc:. in Dall:i~. Sandy tries hJrJ 10 p.K..: h..:r- .;clf ''Tr.iwling takes itc; toll And I lcnc.J to prac11cc too much. which is pretty exhausting h~ lhc enc.J o f the ye:ir. But I reall y do enjoy the fame and I can't think o f anything else I'd rather C n11ti1111<·d StarCrest famous-maker pantyhose give you fantastic fit and long wear. Are elegantly sheer. Come in all the most popular styles and shades. Are 100% guaranteed. Yet they're incredibly inexpensive -because they're sold directly to you by mail, avoiding high retail store overhead (clerks' salaries, rents, etc.) and costly TV advertising. You be the judge. Are you paying too much for pantyhose? COMPARE PRICES OF THESE NATIONAL BRANDS TO STARCREST PRICES l'egp Brief Panty Style $1.39 All Nude Style $1.49 Burlington a.net $1.39 $1.89 Hanes STARCREST Buuty Mist Styles 101. 201 $1.69 59~·· $1.69 59~·· ><per pair in lol!l of 3 You must be 100% satisfied with StarCrest pantyhose. If not, return them within 15 days for a full refund. Order today! TWO MOST POPULAR STYLES Style 101 -Sheer with brief panty. nude heel, demi toe Style 201 -All sheer, all nude, toe to waist Alfl)ilable in all shades but WH -Nurses White. THREE SIZES FOR PERFECT FIT SM -Small 4·10·-s·r 90 .1201bs. ME · Medium LO · Long 5·r -5'6. 110· 140 lbs. 57• -s ·10· 130 · 160 lbs. STARCREST INTRODUCTORY PRICES 3PA~s1 77 6PAIR~348 12PA1!684 A $4.17 Value An $8.34 Value A $16.68 Value StarCrest Fashionable PANTYHOSE SHADES • SU -Sunglow (Pale Beige) • TA -Taupe (Pinky Taupe) • RH -Rhapsody (Warm Beige) • NB -Navy Blue (True Navy) • SP -Spice (Lively Cinnamon) • BM -Black Magic (Ott Black) • CB -Coffee Bean (Deep Brown) • WH -Nurses White (Sparkling White) I STYLE 503 SHEER QUEEN SIZE STARCREST LOW PRICES large seat panel, LA -Large XL · Ex. Large $1.29 PAIR nude heel, demi 5'2". 5'10" 5'2 " ·5 '9 " toe. Available in all 160-190 lbs. 195 -245 lbs. 4 PAIRS $5.16 shades but Sunglow and Taupe. Hips: 45" · 50" Hips: 47" · 55" STYLE 402 SHEER SUPPORT STARCREST LOW PRICES Nude heel, demi·toe, SM · Small ME · Med. LO · Long $1.99 PAIR control top 4'10~•5'1 H 5'2"·5'4 " 5'5"·s·r panty. Ava II able 85·110 lbs. 100-125 lbs. 120·145 lbs. $7.96 in all 8 XL · E~. Long, 5'8 "·5'10", 140·165 lbs. 4 PAIRS shades. •-----Detach Order Form Here -COMPLETE AND MAIL TODAY'----- YES! 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Mega-Vitamin Reducing Plan Is Guaranteed To Work: ... even if you are a big eater ... even if uou are not physicallu active ... and even if you've got a Blow basal metabolism rate! Tremendously More Potent than All the Famous "Popular Diets" Far More Effective than All the Advertised "Inch Reducers" More than 85,000 men and women have used Mega. Vitamin ReduEing Plans. And scores of delighted users from every state in the U.S. and Canada have enjoyed fan- tastic success wtth this outstanding weight loss plan. NO WAITING! TRIPLE TABLET PLAN WORKS QUICKLY! You lose weight fa ster and more permanently because you tailor the Mega-Vitamin Plan to fit your body thus maximiz- ing your weight loss within the briefest possi ble time. YOUR COMPLETE MEGA-VITAMIN PLAN LEAVES NOTHING TO CHANCE! Now, because you make the Mega-Vitamin Plan adjust to you (rather than you adjusting to it) you can avoid over- stimulating yourself with wasteful supplements and un- ne~essary foods or nutrients. And, as importantly, you will not understimulate your weight loss. After all. you may be among the many wh o require a greater body jolt to get your weight loss rolling. THE MEGA-VITAMIN FORMULA HELPS THE CELLS OF YOUR BODY TO WORK EFFICIENTLY IN THE DIGESTION AND METABOLISM OF YOUR FOOD! These newly developed Mega -Vitamins were created espe· cially for this reducing plan. And although the formula of a dozen important ingredients contains more than the daily minimum requirements ... a normal. healthy adult may enjoy them without any side effects when taken as directed because you r MegaNitam ins are not ANOREXIANTS. POWERFULLY POTENT FORMULA WORKS EVEN WHILE YOU SLEEP! In addition, your Mega-Vitamins contain laboratory tested ingredients that will help appease your appetite and coun- teract hunger. Your Mega-Vitamin formula is combined with one of the strongest diet aids available without a prescription. SELECT THE SPEED OF YOUR WEIGHT LOSS! Before starting, you will actually determine the speed of your weight loss. You can speed it up or slow it down ... whichever you prefer. Because no two people are alike - your ac tual weight loss will depend on your body metab· olism 1 daily l1v1ng pattern, etc. EAT HEARTY! EAT WELL! NO DRASTIC CHANGES! The Mega -Vitamin Pl an encourages you to enjoy many of the same foods you now ea t. Mouthwatering rneats. scrumptious salads. delicious veget ables. hea rty potatoes -even breads and luscious desserts are definitely ac· ceptable. LEADING MEDICAL AUTHORITIES PROVIDE CONCLUStVE EVIDENCE! Yes, ask your physician about this Mega-Vitamin Plan. Doctors know that a successful weight reducing plan offer- ing a PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS must provide for a well- balanced program of protein, fats and carbohydrates, And, you must maintain an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals. Your ¥ega-Vitamin tablets help you achieve your goal by supplementing the diet regimen which, of course. plays the major weight loss role by restricting your calorie intake. 100 WEIGHT REDUCERS REPORT POUNDS AND INCHES DISAPPEAR ... READ THE PERSONAL STORIES OF THESE SATISFIED MEN AND WOMEN! 1 lo\I 2~ pc111nds ...... ., ....... lei ........ ca. 2. lo•I 11 pounch urrr .._. 9-t'911, a1c11 1. Wtnl ''°"' 714 POV""• lo IH *' Oli" Maltls•. ,_,..., "· 4 "'' •uM>•nO u71 I'm 1 MW wo-~n Loil 11 pound• .... Wet..i WIN .......... ....._ S. ~t~ OfM I. Alr~.,7 IO\I JO _...is • Un1 .... ..-. c,_ .... ' I. loll 1 PDA1nd1 ...., 1" .... Ced ....... an.-... n.. l . lO'll 15 llOUMI• w1tll0fl ,,.. lirJt 1u119ly lln. , .... llb St., ......... ~ I. o.u,tll•r IOSI 11 ~I -I IHI 2l --91 ..... Wnita & ..... , ........ CL t . Mo will p0wer t ill IO•I It llOU'ldl Mn .... la.Mr, .,......,., ...... "· 15 Po•..,cb -11..i oll @,..., .-....... u. v.s-..... 11. Loil n l>Ol>nds. "'-nr ~""'"' 111"' Of crou s.11.C-., Let ........ ea. 11. W*nl "°"' • 11te II to 1 17 lln. s ....... , It. .......... IJ. IO ye111 old 11¥t11M dt-d ltom 141 lo 120 llO'lftd1 ...... cw. , ....... tltJ, ,.. 14. Ooc:to• •ocommenOed Me1•·V•l•11"n Plu . I lost 14 INMlftds ..... .._. ........ --... .... IS ' lost I~ _...,I. , .... '~ lhP\ ~ )"' on Ill• ,..,,, .............. ......,_, '"· II. toil 10 DOolnds ••l-1 slroct d1tl '"l """ '~•. Ct~. •LI 11 lou 11•<l•es .,.,_ •••1t 1u111111y • tlulft1 will•out .y lryi•I lh. C. ar.u. .......... 111. II lO\f 10 "°"""' •nd llun1•r •I It mond AtlOMtU 141i... ,_. S..Yk• •lt9Ct•. llWTh ... .Cle. Miu_, It. rcwl'ICI • G1ll•••nc• a11udy c°"' llltl•IJ u111l..O It--..,..1 lo nu t .... .....-. --.,, lllCat'9 19. loll I• pounch and M .. t l•ll bt t ''' 1_.w•u..1-v111 ...... f . 11 A... IO\lftl bwl11•1 ,_, Nolll•nc tl\t -•tel •.............. ~.·-· n. Ntnr lost 10 "'urh ....... , \0 ... , ~ ........................ . 7J All my '"'""' '°"'"'~"Itel on ~ I IO\I °"''1111 Mn. S. C.C-1 rr111ee ...., • ........_., c:.... 1• ltltl• V•llmln l"l1n tllKhft lo1t 20 "°"""' tt. ~:: c':':.-:'lo~~~~i1!": 111t1•·V•t•"''" ,1111 0 l.81Cllk ............... . Je. W••lll 1~ pOU"Cll lt n \•"Ct l•'•"t IM lllltl>Yil• '"'" ,,.,, ........ , ....... ll,..., ... 11. Tll1nk1 lO•I 11 POUnd• Mn. kopre WIUJ, ...,.. ..... 9"1. JI.loll 15 pOvllCll I"" WOWld hh motl Ye11·Y1ll"'""'' l,.. ..... ......,.,,, na. 1t IO\I 10 pounch • ..., l\OW ... , f1le drtts..i I 1lw1rl want..i ...... ~. "" Ulk.,, Ca. Je. lost 10 P011...S1 1...S ""I huSb-1011 IS ,.._. -11'1 , .. u, w ll" 1y.--•• ................. u.c. ,.,., .... JI. St1rtH ta 1n1 "'""' 1111 Mcl""I Y .....,d,~1 ~\ ................ T•. a u. Hoofay' • '""'' ... P<O- ··-11111 ru llr --1• ...... -......... a.....-.ca. U . lOll 15 pOvtlCU "° Nt'fOV\MU •nd ,,., I01t ''"'· f'rilctlla n.-.. l .. -..... ea. M . 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""*· ... •· lost JO POVllds °"' I~ 11t1a "''' min 1><01•-e I.wry ......... UIM. W' \ 41. Don't •1H ti unlll you l'Y 11 Lost II pound• ..... ~. ... Loh ....... Ca. U , lo1t 7~ l)O<lnd• •...S ltll ""' ...., ·-· ~ "-·· Ca. .. Al ·~~ "''''"' ,.,, .. fosl I~ OOV"CI• .......... ~ ..,.,., ·-M . Sino llk•nl '"''"· I ~••t 1011 It l>OOINI• .... fttl ,,, .. 91 VI", '"'"ll 1•11 IYvt WOrltCI Sue> ply .. -" ~\lbl• lln. W . ....,.,, Unle (altw. I J Uc7 , ..... .._,_.,ca. U . l01f S pC>UftCI\ My dlUlfl· ,,, .. ,,,, -· ..... , ......... . -..... , .... .... I>. O..na rut well-1011 141,1) _,,.,, ..... ,_. 11 ....... ~-••••. M . \ltllMltt •..,l• 1nulh' lost 11 e ,.,._. l ............ 111. H . lo1t ~ ..-, wtlll IM ...&.-VllM l11 Diet. .......... -.-. w11· a •· t.J. '9. Start..i t1W ..,.1•Y1ta.,,., ,.,,,. 11 ltf ~IC.ti e.-• lOSI IS_..,., Mo ..... !tit """'" 9 1 .. 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It loll 2!> POU"ll\ '"'ct I~• ''"' of lllr(ll • ca......,. Qluip ... 1t, DoclO< \~Cl fOIMWll •U 1U lly lood .., , ....... !let """"'· At\. 11. llullf 1rut' 0on·1 rtt t1v•1ry 11 •II ... W "'°"J, sac:r-te, C.tlif :~) "· ' -· llld INI """''' IH lt"I lest IHWlh I "-~ , ... , .... ' ..... c..1r ... ·-......... ._ ,.,., (1. U So lar IO\I IS POU""\ •no I .,.. PIOUCI a.wy ~. ltip l.,1.,.-1. Ju 14 Ads \r'lou'O ,tr•~\ ,ou1 J''OlltJm '4>e~• vp lllt_ .... ,M Ion•""''"°'' lln la.lfi_, ...... St L-., M;u 1S s"'" h1~f'lds Dtt Mf'S• v .... ,,,.~ Pl1"' lo\I 8 llOUncl\ "'1 O•<CVtf to OtOft' •t' vi.ca M. w11111t, l•i•. ~· U . II -h II°\ itoflt i.o m..c~ lo• "'' '" \0 lttllt l1mt • 18rWal8ttll,l.M .... tla1.C1 11. Tllt t 1u111 dO •~• tm\ I lttl llfll lln A ltut~ lict...d. YI 11. '"' mosl 111tcrulul hm* ol "'' l•I• LOii l6 00-\ ........ ~ ............ ·~·-·s •• lhey --~ LOil XI PO<llld\' ...................... '-"•· •.. I I. MJ ~w\0-IO\l '2 llOUlld\ • .... wiMi..s--... . Sler1"-'· .,, 12. ~ 1•• baO into "'' 111•1 lovt IM lnb10A Worto . ................. , Q ,....., 101 ,,.,,.,,, .. , .. ,,, -·I\ Mk•, ........ '-· ..... M . INy lie IU lly lfHl '-....... ftte. ,. IS. lo11 IS -.lids -10 '"' ..... ..... Cteft•, ...~ ... •· CMI l\lfCllJ O.l•t•t 11• I 10\I I> _...,, flia..tll -.. CIMtle•. '" 11. """" I t111 1011 I lost 20 oouncl' ,,.,,.' •• I(~ .. '''"'"' -..~ ........ lt ..... a.C1 •• Wilt IO\f 16 001111Ch1 I •o•I 1~ • 1.1.lllldtr ... -.iu.~ • LO" I~ """""' 11n I . Wld1, (~ ·-· , . •· 1 ,..., • ·-•\Ible t ut '"' .. ,,.v ...... ,,. '"" ~t "'~' ""' ,,,.,", IOU MOCUUfllf ~, ...... , .... , tt '"' Mtl• \',t-..n, lft ,.,,,,,.,. 11\ef "'" Cufbff "'Y IPOthlf --~---.c.i. I) t1 loll 16 powrwll •tlhnl<I 1~t1'"I ftvncry '"'"~ .. •••... *' l ........ ~·-··-· tJ. 1 1011 14 oou••cl\ ,_, ~ ... -."' 0.11 M. I ••' \k~Ohc•• M6•f •Irr.Or o,. I~,, fO tO\f •f'll 1'f' a-t lM ,.,_ ........... t• " I--N<"•rl .. ch Ol t ,..., IO\! u """"'' UH Cr-, ........... •I •. '"•"' m~ luCl y ~t••s lh•I 1 ,,., •our ad lo•I ll oou"ll• I . •II"-, ,.......... Ollla t1 tt.rtt lovl'<I -.1 1 "••r t>•t" 100• '"' '°' lllolh1n1 rtu '"°'''c ..,...., ......... ¥1111. Ga M t W,f\ ''~Uht •I fht\ •\ '"' ''' \f f1lf't ' d tf l OI'" ft.I\ WOt,f'O 1111 •• ~ ....... '"" ., • ft I "' IP'\4" P'l4~p1f'\I w(lrtt •fl l l••t lo•I ~ 00""'9• .. ltttll .... I• I • .... C• tll ... 1 "''"'bf' ot thr v.o"" '"'At'"" Coro. I MN•C to IOU ···•"' '"' Mtt•·Y1f~•" Pl.tn war,•d '1nd t h.tvf' f'ftOt• •~rn ._ W1I-, Arlie&.... YI ~'-1 ... 9-rt• ............ "' Q fl LOii lO OOUncl\ •"G ~fr•'< .. ........................ ... ---P'OITAIE Fl& lfTVU IOVICE--•-1 I 2o ftal. MONU HCl Ult CUA.UNTU II, alter try1n1 UH! Me1a-Vitamln Plan, you do not lose every single pc>und you set out to lose. return the empty package for a ,_.,. row 111eHJ back rtfund. That's rllht. the Meca·Vitam1n Plan wi ll promptly refund twice the amount you pay. lo ftal MON£Y IACK Ult 'UAHNTEl You may inspect the ~eca· Vitamin Plan rn the comfort and privacy of your home and at your leisure. If, for any reason, you are not sa t· t1sf ied, return 1l for a full ind p1ompt 100% refund. A SPlCtAl MHSAC[ FOtt ,HYSICIANS: The Mep.Vitamln Reducln1 Plan has been formulated to satisfy the demands of many welcht·loss patients without sacrlficln1 nutritional benefits. Simple Me11-Vit1mlns and • Diet Re1rmen will be sent to you, without char1e when reouest~ on your stationery. , I llAIL TO. Vlt111ln E•1e1tta1 l11ttt1t1 Inc. I I p 0 Bo• 5879. Dept MW·S I I SherrNn Oaks. Calif 9141 3 I I Pteise rush MfGA·VITAMIN Plan cher.ked below I : O Enclosed 1s S. 95 for 1 O day S4JPply I I O Ellelosed is S9 95 lor 30 day supply I I (I save S-490 I I I Name ______________ _ : Address ------------- I I I I Si.tt I I City IP I L-----·---·----•••••~ The Top FOO \\Omen GoUers Continued do. I'm smart enough lo know that you cao"l do it forever, so I try to work hard at it while rm doing it.'' Touring, she says, makes marriage pretty well out of the questi on . "'It wo uld take an ex- ceptional man, someone who would not be too demanding. Because if you're going to play •I competitive sport, it has to be an all-ro und job. And if you're married. that's another full-time jo b, too. Besides. men do n '1 want you to be away from home. If J could find someone wealthy enough who could go with me, 11 might work out nicely. I likl' ;llhletic guys, guys who like be- ing outdoors, with some intelli- gence. I like people who have some compassion for what I'm trying to do." Sandy feels :.ume of the other women golfers work too hard to project "the feminine image on tour. Of course, people en- joy coming out a nd watching attractive women. I mean, who wouldn't? But sometimes that's overdone and detrac ts from the game. Most people come out to watch good golf shots. Jf you're just interested in watching prelly girls, you ought to go to ;i beauty contest or a burlesque show." Sandy does, however, enjoy dressing up off the course, en- 1oys going out and meeting peo- ple. "Sometimes people get the wrong impression because they rhink you're in ro wn to have a good time. That can be over- llcaring and strained. But most of the girls know how to handll' rhcmsclves very well." BETTY BURFEINDT (1973 EARNINGS: $51,030) Betty Burfcindt, fourth big- moncy winner. is Irish and red- headed. with a 1empcr 10 march. A creature of sunny and stonny moo<lc;, the 27-year-old New Yorker (she lives now in Palm Springs) gives herself pep talks on the course to he lp her im- prove he r gam l'. "Some of the words I can't repeat;• she says, smiling slyly. "Jn a sense, I kick m yself. as if to say, 'Get your- -"Some of tM words I c.n'I rep .. l In• MMe, I kk:k m,..lt" -BettJ Burlelndt self in gear and get goiog!'" Betty is a determined com- petitor. She entered the ranks of professional golfers after winning a mink coat in the 1970 Sears Tournament. He r great- est test of courage came in 1972, wh!!n she nearly died fro m a thyroid condition. She is also constantly fi ghting attacks o ( fatigue due ro a metabolic conditio n. Betty claims having a temper helps her game. "If your temper takes over, that's no good, but I think if you get m ad enough at yourself. you can do what you want to do. I just don't think you can go along staying only on one level." Ben)"s interests beyond golf include going to the movies, dancing. and decorating doors using decoupage (the practice of gluing pictures to wood and then covering them with layers of varnish). Like many o f the girls on tour, Betty feels a need to be alone. "I socialize with the girls. but I don't hang around any o ne particular group. I def- initely have lo get otf by my- self sometimes." CAROL MANN (1973 EARNINGS: $47,734) The Vcruschka of the links, Carol Mano stands 6-J. SM just misses being pretty, but she makes up for it by her kooky personality. She lives alone in a Baltimore suburb, loves music and finds therapy by strutting around her apartment liste ning to rock music. She thrives on driving her Mercedes ''as fast as I can," and would someday just adore to "put a knapsack on my back and roam the world." Ten years ago, when the 32- ycar-old blonde turned pro, she longed for "fame, fortune and travel." Now she finds golf ''the best way I can express myself. I loolc on it as an art-a c reative action. It's wonderful to be able to play golf skillfully and beau- tifully and to have the self"isci- pline while you're producing these beautiful shots." Carol is introspective, and s he admits this hinders her game (she has had to sto p read- ing so many psychoanalytical books). "I've been coming out of an emotional funk. I was full of doubts and fears about every- thing. M y confidence just got "I look on golf H an ar1-a creative actfon."-Cerol Menn shattered. It affected my game to the point l was not able to put mind over matter. Now l feel that rm ahle to do tha t. and my game has improved ." Carol, predictahly, is self- conscious about her height. "I used to walk into a room . and when someone would remark about my height, I'd want to fall into a hole." U ntil recently, one of Carol"s chief diversions was playing the flute. But she lost "the damn thing In a car. I've thought about taking up the piccolo. The thought o f me playing a piccolo is so wonder- full y "incongruous!'' FAMIL V WEEKL V, February J , 1974 • 1 Stop kidding yourself! Doesn't it strike you as strange that somebody as down-to-earth as yourself would think that if you close your eyes to serious questions, they will go away? Yet there are plenty of people who spend their lives kidding themselves about the things that really matter. What things? Well. religion for one. For many, religion is like electricity. They know what it is until you ask them. And even when they can define religion. they don't see it as the most basic relationship o f their lives. If religion up until now has meant little or nothing to you. isn't it time you stopped kidding yourself? "It's all make-believe'.' you say. But what if it isn't? Write for our free pamphlet: "Religion Means God and M e" No one will calJ. r-FREE-Mail Coupon Today!--------------1 Please send Free Pamphlet entitled "Reltg1on M eans God and Me" This offer is limited lo one free pamnhlet Name Address City State fM 18 Zip CATHOLIC INFORMATION SERVICE a KDIGHT§ OF COLUmeus ·v · P 0 . Box 1971. N ew Haven, Conn 06509 .... _____________________________ _ FREE TO 'IOU! 1-... -.. ,,._., 40 RED CHINA .___ __ STAMPS .. •-.. , .. flnl 10 fll •'-1-1na11ng pm•• U.mpt Iron. Rid Chj111. wtiou 1mpon111on •• for· bldd111 for a flMr.rion by Ille U.S. Go•'l We'll MM llltm 10 vo~ f REE. by wry ol 1nhod11t1"11 you to tht world'• m011 ,....,dl"t h~by Slamp C041t<tl"9, 1Wt11 1bo 1nch1dt oth11 t xciu"g stamps !or you 10 u1m1nt fnd comldtr l>uv any or non1. "flum b1hnce, c-4 WMQ 11 "'V umeJ Send Hk lor rnlifi119 tQllJ -lod.YI Kenmort, Milfort! RC·541, N. H1mp. 03055 "Magic TV Pole" I I I I I I I Brand-new offer from Columbia Record & Tape Club for only$ 97 If you Join now and agree to buy as few as eight selections (at regular Club prices) during the coming two years. •411) AN EXTRA BONUS GIFT! This attractive, solid-state TRANSISTOR RADIO This compact, all transistor radio fols In the palm of your hand -yet enables you to hear your favorHe programs with 11ma.z1ng cle11ty. Colorful. high-impact styrene case Complete with b1ttery, swivel wri at stri p, and earphone too. It's yours es /1 glfl for Joining now! r.15739* MARIE OSMOND LIO@ PAPER ROSES 234872* TRAFFIC ~ OH TffE ROAD 23'7$7 -:-~ I •.::::-~ ... --- ™9t4 • fMON YOUNG ~ _ .... , ......... 2*62 • .llM CROCE IJj[J I GOT A NAME Just look at the wide range of recorded entertainment you have to choose from-;not only the best and latest from Columbia's huge catalog but also new releases and old favorites from A&M, Bell. Dunhill. Epic. MCA. Mercury. MGM, Parrot, United Artists and many, many other labels1 And with this exclusive otter from the Columbia Record & Tape Club you may have any 11 of these stereo tapes or records for only S 1 97 plus an all-transistor radio as an extra bonus. To order your 11 records Of tapes just mail the aopl1- cat1on. together with your check or money order for St .97 as payment That's a// you pay for your first 11 selections-there are no additional membership dues or fees for joining (Be sure to indicate whether you want cartridges. cassettes. reel-to-reel tapes or rec- ords ) In exchange .. You agree to buy 8 more selections (at regular Club prices) In the coming two years. That's right-you'll have two full years in which to buy 1ust eight selections . so you are not obligated to buy a record or lape every month. or even every other month! And you may cancel your membership at any time after you've purchased your eight selections. Your own charge account will be opened upen enroll- ment. The selections you order as a member will be mailed and billed at the regular Club prices: cartridges and cassettes. $6.98; reel tapes, $7 98; reco rds. $4.98 or $5.98-plus processing and postage. (Occasional special selections may be somewhat higtler.) You may accept or reject selectlons as fo11ows: every four weeks ( 13 times a year) you will receive a new copy of the Club's music magazine. which describes the Selection of the Month for each musical interest .. plus hundreds of alternate selections from every field of music. In addition. about six times a year we will otter some special selections (usually at a dis- count off regular Club pnces). A respense card will always be enclosed with each magazine ... If you do not want any selection ottered, 1ust mail the respcnse card provided by the date specified •. if you want only the Selection of the Month for your musical interest, you need do nothing-it will be shipped automatically .. .if you wi.nt any of the other seleclions ottered, 1usl order them on the respcnse card and mail it by the date specified. You will always have at least 10 days in which lo make a decision. If for any reason you do not have 10 days in which to decide. you may return the regular selec- tion at our expense and receive full c redit for it. You11 be eligible for our bonus plan upen completing your enrollment agreement-a plan which enables you to save at least 33% on all your future purchases NOTE: All appllc•llona .,.. aubJect lo •ppronl •nd Columbl• HovM ,.. .. ,,,.. th• r'9flt to reject •ny •PPlic•tlon. ,----------------------, I COLUMBIA RECORD & TAPE CLUB I I I I I I I I I Terre Hallte, Indiana 47808 I am enclosing my check or money order for $1 .97 as payment lor the 11 .selections listed below. (Include a transistor radio as an exlra bonus gift.) Please accept my membership application under the iarms outlined in this a.dverttsemenl. I agree to buy eight more selections (at regular Club prices) during lhe coming lwo years -end mey cancel membership eny lime afler doing so. I 8m lnlereai.tl 111 the tollowlng type of recorct.ct •n .. rf•lnment: .. . . O 8·Track Cartrldg" (Ol -W) 0 Tape CaaMll" (RJ-X) O R .. 1.10-RMI Tapes (TJ-Y) U 12H Stereo Record• (T4-Z) S.11d me tti ... 11 Mlecllona - •nd • ~•dlo, tool 248 MY MAIN MUSICAL INTEREST IS (check on. box only): (But I am alwa\13' lrae lo cl!o()fe lrom any cateoory) 0 Euy Uatenlng 2. 0 Tffn Hitt 7 0 Cl ... tc.I 1 0 Countf)' S § :;:; ........................ ······-··-· . . . . . (P t .. 1e ,., ... 0 tr1nt N•m• (nl•t•t Lawt '1f•~ A.1111'9'11 ................................... , •••••••••••...••••....•....•.•••• , 1 City ...•••••.•••••••.••••••••• ·•••·•· •• -· • s ............................................. li,. c.. .............. . Do Yo" Han A Tol.,-.011a7 (Clteck 0110) 0 YE:S ..... , 0 NO I l ~P~ ~o~~r~~ w:!_t".!_M .:_~!_o".: _______ ,.Ml~ _J J , Canyouspot the camel Filters smoker? In this picture, everybody has a gimmick ... almost everybody. Try picking the one who doesn't go .__.__ _____ .a..._...:a_ __ ..u._L.....IL-...J along. 1. No way He's Gerry Atr1c. over-lhc-hill hippie Irons his hair twice daily. Cigarettes taste just as flat G1mm1ck · Watching bowling pins "do their own thing. man ... 2. Naomi Glowsoul Gimmick Uses so much body engl1sh that police have raided the place lour trmes 3. Nope It's Angie "The Arm" Kugelman. Throws so hard three automatic p1nse1ting machines have quit. Smokes cigarettes so heavily filtered, he's like a man giving mouth-lo-mouth resuscitation to a rock. 4. Right He just likes bowling, not gimmicks. likes his cigarette honesl and no -nonsense. too. Camel Filters Easy and good tasting. 5. Zooty Smith. Gimmick: Has worn same good luck clothes since he broke 125 in 1942. Smokes war surplus cigarettes and saves the tinfoil. 6. Wh iz Kid Pringle Developed math formula to bowl a perfect st rike. Unfortunately releases ball on backswing .. - camel Fitters. CAMEL They're not for eve~ (but they could be for you). Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 19 mg. "tar:' 1.3 mg. nico11ne av. per cigarette, FTC Report SEPT.'73. • • Models have perfect faces, and there isn't a thing you can learn from them, right? W rong! Like all of us, they're not at their best in the morning-until they "put on" their faces. Let top model Sunny Griffin show you what she had to learn the hard way! You Can Correct Your Faeial Flaws (Top Models Do!) By Rosalyn Abrevaya, Women's Editor "Before." Cover girt Sunny Grttnn looka like this untH she "COfrecta" her fe•turea with makeup. You may not care that you weren't born with an aquiline nose, sculpted chin and prominent cheekbones -the ultimate model. But if you've ever had a hankering to improve your looks, what a malevolent delight to discover that top fash- ion models have feature imperfections! Sunny Grif- fin (left), a super-model known for her perfect girl-next-door face. says that often people don't even realize she·s a model unless she's had 15 min- utes with her makeup bag of tricks. "On my first job, I arrived an hour early without any makeup and sat down quietly in a corner waiting for some- one to tell me what to do. Nothing happened. Then I heard the photographer frantically calling my agency to complain that 'the model' hadn't arrived yet. I was too embarrassed to tell him it was me! I never appeared without some corrective makeup again." Sunny describes her problems as "chronic dark circles around my eyes, flat cheekbones, a bump on the bridge of a too-long nose, prominent chin, sparse eyelashes and an uneven skin tone sprinkled with freckles." Herc's how, working with Wayne Continued "After." Sunny'• Yibr•nt good lool(a emerge, the reauH of beauty atretegy that minimizes d•rk circles, ft•t ctieekbone• •nd an uneven akin tone aprlnkled with frecklea. Tum the page to see how It happens. FAMILY WEEKLY, February 3. 1974 • 11 ! c • 0 ... .£> • .. .I:! 0 0 ... 0 0 ~ ~ " • .. .. :I Special Off er for Collector~ AUTHENTIC MUSEUM-PIECE REPLICA OF A RARE MEDIEVAL ·CANDLE CLOCK INVENTED BY "ALFRED THE GREAT!" • Actually works exactly as it did in 850 A.D.f • Hand-crafted and hand-~. weathered in ancient- look real pine wood! • Commanding size-full foot tall-over 3 I 4 foot wide! • Shows hours in both Roman Br Arabic numerals! t bebo\de 'l'bee will oo ·n hunte a b•1'181 so rare \de over-tbe wor f ye lttance o a rnere P Here 1s an exciting conversation piece and rich decorat ive accent for your home or office! Used throughout the middle ages by the Nordic and Anglo- Saxon countries, its inven tion is cred · ited to Alfred the Great. The principle seems primitive, but IT WORKED then and IT WORK S now. As "time candle" burns, it casts an ever·changing shad- ow on the plaque behind it, telling the hour of the day! Ancient parchment look achieved on the time plaque adds to the authenticity of this exceptional piece de st ined to be a provocative focal point wherever it is placed. In- cludes both candle and instructions! Limited supply, so order now. ~~lust<· 11 ____ 7 1 ~ 6 ¥ ' '=="---~ ' r----2. --1 r-• MAil 10 DAY NO lllSK COUftON TODAYl-1 I GRIEIENLAND STUDIOS I W52711 Greenland Bide., Mia.nl, Florida 33059 Rush "Candle Clock(s)" .tt 14118 ta I only $7.98 + 75~ postage and handling each I Enclosed check or m .o. for $ ____ _ I NAME_ : ADDRESS __________ _ I CITY ____ ---·------ ' I I I I I I STAT __ ZIP ___ _ O SAVE $1.50-Drder 2 for only $15.96 .. Can· die Clocks", and we pay all postage & hen· dl•na. E•tra clock is impressive alft lor some· one special! You May Charge Your Order ~ct. No. BankAmericard O Master Charce § Diners Club Interbank No. American hprus I (FIOICI lllon '"'" .....,., Good Thru ___ _ Good Thru Acct. No L---------------~ Cfleq_,uty &16i Con1in111•d A --Map., of SUJuty's Makeup ~ta.gi(~ ~ Like en ertltt working on • canvea, Sunny daubs strokes of color In strategic pieces, aa outlined below. Franken fro m Coty. Sunny makes up her perfect photo-face. She uses sev- eral shades of a rich protein founda- tion and cream blusher. 1) To hide dark circ les around her eyes, she applies a very pale flesh tone (but not white-it looks 100 owlish ). 2) To even skin tone, cover freckles and the occasional blemish, a .shade of foundntion that perfectly matches her complexion is applied. (Sunny always tests her makeup near a window to sec how it looks in clear daylight,) 3) To create high cheekbones, Sunny uses a darker shade of fouRda- tion below her natural bones and a rosy blusher on top (as shown ). A touch of rouge around the hairline and 12 • FAMIL y' WEEl<LY. February 3. 197A on the chin adds sparkle lo lhe face. 4) To sculpt a p e rfec t jawline, the dark foundation is applied in broad strokes under the chin. 5) To fix that too-long bumpy nose, she uses dark foundation down both sides and under the tip. 6) To dramatize eyes, Sunny uses brown eyehrow pencil blenucd along top and hottom lashes ancj shaped in an arch across the hollow of the eye. (She recommends the pencil for eye liner because it has a softer line and is easier to control.) 7) To make the most of skimpy lashes, Sunny applies coats of mas- cara alternated with p ats of powder. which acts as a fixative. 8) For an appealing mouth. a light daub of the darker make- up shade is applied just under the center of the lower lip. (Check your makeup again after you've dressed, advises Sunny. The rouge that may have seemed too bright-after applying mascara, eye shadow and lipstick-may need height- ening.) "An important part of my beauty routine," Sunny tell s us, "has nothing to do with makeup at all." First, she always thor- oughly cleanses and moisturi:us her face morning and night. Second, she's a fanatic about health and exercise. Eating a balanced diet is one of her chief tenets. Here's her prescription: "My workiog--Oay breakfast, which I never skip, is high in protein. I make an eggnog of skim milk. and egg, and add fresh fruit, when available, or va nilla flavoring. With this, J have one slice of whole wheat toast with honey, no butler, and drink decaffeinated coffee . Lunch? I carry it with me. I tote raw carrots and celery, sometimes with a bit o{ spicy dip, a piece of cheese and an apple. This way I get protein and crunch. Dinner is usually fish . (My only problem rbere is that my husband bares it!) Snacks? I never keep sweets in the house-they're too irresisti- ble. But I do indulge in a candy bar occasionall y so I won't feel dcprivect." Sunny has a com- plete physical every yt!ar and exercise is a way of life with her. She skis, plays tennis and works out in a gym. "I never ride when I can walk," she adds, "and I try to walk at a blood- c irculating pace." 3 Trieu Professional Models Use 1. The best trick for making lips "apartde"; super-frosted lipstick or. over your favorite lip color, a finishing touch of petroleum jelly. 2. If you forget all makeup rufes, remember thl1 one: A corrective dark daub diminishes flaws or helps them recede (as in creating attractive cheekbone hollows). and a light makeup application en- hances (as in pastel eye shadow to bring out small eyes). The only ex- ception: the lip area-dark lipstick will draw attention to a wide mouth. Reverse the rule here. 3. Three tiny dot1 of blue mateara or moistened blue brow pencil placed at the lower outer edge of the eye will bring out the whites of your eyes. Tl1e ABC's or Hand C;11rc Good nails, on well-kept hands. are an essential touch of beauty. But they're not easy to come by' Many nails arc needy and show 11 in splits, breaks and other troublesome signs of weakne.\s How to get them in shape? Artt, your diet. If you have vitamin, calcium or protein de- ficiencies, they'll show up in un- healthy looking nails. Check with your doctor: then you might supplement your diet with a daily vitamin or a packet of gelatin. Do try to 11pend 20 minutes once a week grooming your nails, taking the opportunity to treat bands and anns to a bnsk cream massage. Between mani- cures. use a terry-cloth towel to gently push cuticles back each rime yo\1 wash your hands. Use hand lotion and nall-euti- cle cream to nourish the cuticle down where the nail takes root. If your nail!! are too soft, you'll find nall hardeners on the mar; ket, some fortified wi th protein. Other helpt: buffing or mas- saging the fin gers toward the tip to improve circulation. Remem- ber that the cold winter weather Continued FAMILY WEEKLY. February 3, 1074 8 ta • • THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT DRINKING GELATINE. r----------------7 c ---------------, 7c( 7c 7c --------------,-----STORE COUPON ·----------------- • • .. has a definite effect o n your nails. They be- come more britlle in winter and therefore ncc<l cx.tra-special care. Start your own "'nail security !>y:.tcm." Al- ways carry a smJll e mery board in your purse for o n-the-,pot repairs. Don't use your nails as tools! Use •he end of a pencil to dial the phone. Grasp objects especially hairpins, wirh the cushions of your fingers. Pry open the tops of containers with kitchen gadgets Cover up your hands with rubber gloves when you do your heavy household cleaning job-; such as hand-washing clothes, painting or deaning silver. Turn light switches o fT <tnd on At 38, I got rid of 10 pounds and my gray hair, and went to work fur a decoratoi: Over 1 ht· pac;1 few ye.tr<; J"d go11cn a 11111<: I attn and a li11k grayer. \'car hy rettr. Ma}'lx· lx·o1u-.<: my liu.,hancl h>\'<'<I mt· 100 muth. Bua dc<•p down I kne w. And ht•re I wa'i nearing ·Hl. I didn't want IO u<;c: .1 p<'•ox1dc dye 1ho11gh. I wouldn't /ml(/i my h.111 ull l l<lttlld our abo111 l.ov111g C.11 <'~ lo11cm. It\ nor .1 p<'n11.111c1111 i1H111 ch<· 11 \ .1){l"tllk1111111 wa~h lk fo 1·e wh<:n I'd had I h<'S<' kding'i I'd work it ulf clc:a n11115 a dC)~t·t or 'omething. rim time I knt.•w I h.td 111 renew m_)vl/ II w.h p.1inf11I bur I W('nt lookin~ fur ,1 JClh It\ differe n t from mos! all nrhcr h,1i rtulo1 brands becaui.c 1t dcx:"1 't h.ivt· peroxide! Ami it doesn't 1 hang<.' your own n.1111r.11 <0101 Just the gr.iy goes .iway. I dc'(·idcd one thing I didn't net'<! wa-; grnr hai1. Every time I looked 111 rhe min-or it was depressing. Thar gloomy gray-brown color jus! wa<;n 't m e!._. !'Jow I'm <l<1ing t.hings. I like mysdl. Ami who kno~:. what'-; ahead! 1 lrcl a1>a per'i(>l1 l'v<"only j11-;t lx-gu11 ,·rncl f(lny i~ going Ill Ix.· fabulous! You're not getting older. You're getting better!q IDVlNG CARE. .. ··- ... . am.I push clcvalor buttons with your knudlc.., rather than your nails. The fact is that, by practicing a little "nail consciou:.nl.'.ss" every d ay, you can manage tu get away with spenJing a minimum of timt..: :.111d cffurl on basic care-and still have beaut1- I ul hands to show for it H()WtoGive Yourself a t>erfe~t M11nieurt• T herl.'. probably isn't a woman alive who wouldn't enjoy the luxury of a profes- sional manicure once a week, but few h:1vc 1hc time. the money o r a convenient ~alon . Herc's how lo succecll o n your own, illustratell by the experts at Cutc.t . Begin by removing every l:ist trace of polish with polish remover, u~ing cotton in a gcnlle uutwarll stroke. The n rinse fingertip!> With an e mery board, filing in one direc- tion tow.ird the center, shape your nailc; .. 1irn- ing for a m edium lenglh (about 1,-1 inch be- yond fingertips) and a broad oval shape ~~t for rc'>ist1ng breaks and bruises. For the mol>t professional-looking m:in1- curc. anglt..: the emery board al -t5 degrees. Then proceed as follows: After •h•plng n•ll•, b•the your hand• In a w.,m, suday solution, gently scrubbing nalla clean with •good h•nd brush. Loosen cutJclea by nudging them back with • manicure atick llghtly wr•pped In cotton and dipped In •n olly cutlca. removar. Then rinM with warm w•ler. Co11ti1111rd 011 pa~e /lj 14 • FAMILY WEEKLY. February 3, 1974 Three 1trokes-th•t'1 •II It 1hould take to epply a co•t of poll1h perfectly. Always poll1h your handlett hand first, leaving the leH deatroua one bare while lh working. Stroke number one _ goes down the middle of your nall; strokes two and three down each side. Always 1tart at the base and work to the tip. Ward on dlahear1ening smears The final, perfect manicure I For a neat flnl1h, run a manicure stick tipped with cotton and dampened with polith Old you know that- 1. Use nf J mclal file c,rn weaken and <;pht nails (rm emery ho.m l is recom· mended}. 2. Nails ~hC\ulc.J not ~ \hared too llecply at lhe corners. Pointed nails will break (aster than oval-'lhapcd. 3 . Tohacco stains can he re mo ved by rubbing the areas with a wedge of lemon or cotton sonkcd in hydrogen peroxide. by beginning the pollshlng proce11 •t the thumbnail and then working your way back from the pinky to the Index finger. Two coats of polish usually do the trick. Allow one minute for the first coat to dry before applying the secood. Finish with a final protective coat of "colorleH" polish for extr• shine and staying power. remover along the outside of the cuticle and fingertip to clear away any smudges of polish. 4. Digging Yllllr nails into a c:ike of M1,1p hl'forc tad.ling 3 S•mJcning chore will keep them clenncr, protect :igai nst hrc:il.ing. 5. A complete new nail grows every three 10 five months-faster in <>um- mcr than w inter, foster on lhe right h:ind (if you're right-handed ) and middle fin ger, and e ven foster during pregnancy. FAMILY WEEKLY, February 3, 197.. • 15 Cucumber and Beauty by ANA MAHER Every woman, at some time in her life, face s the spectre of an aging skin. Most women never solve the problem. and finally become resigned. A fortunate few find the answer and are rewarded with a complexion that remains fresh and youthful all their lives. Ten years ago, I had this skin problem. Nothing very serious, but when I took my mirror over to a bright light, I could detect evidence of dryness and tell-tal e signs of advancing years. And I didn't like it. I knew that these were danger signals that warned of an aging skin. I was also very bewildered. I had always taken the best care of my skin. And no matter what I did, my complexion showed no improvement. Finally I became resigned. After all, everybody gets older and most of us show our age. Then one day I had a visit from an elderly widowed neighbor. This charming lady was about seventy, but she had the most beautiful, moist, youthful skin. I remarked about it and mentioned my own skin problem. She told me she used a marvelous cream which had been formulated by her late husband, a physician, and that she made it herself. "Try It," she said, and then she left and returned with a jar of this cream. So I tried using my neighbor's cream. In only three weeks, I begart' ro see a marked improvement My skin was fresher, clearer, smoother. After two months, my fo rmer dry, dull skin was revitalized. My skin now had a youthful, almost translucent quality. I was thrilled with my neighbor's fonnula. For six years, this kind lady kept me supplied with this cream. And I want to tell you that my skin was more vital and younger looking than it had been when I first started to use it, six years before. Then my neighbor died suddenly-and with her went that wonderful cream and its secret ingredients. I was saddened by th e loss of a good friend-and dejected by the loss of a miracle cream. Her family told me that her personal papers revealed no formulas of any kind. I was desperate. But I did have three jars left from the last batch she had made. So I took the cream to one of the best known analytical COSfl1etlc che mists. The cost of the analysis was enormous, but I got what I wanted. I had the wonder cream formula. It had a base of pure cucumber juice, two super-moisturizers, three natural lubri· cants, and a special component to keep the cucumber juice fresh. My chemist told me that the fonnula consisted of only safe, pure ingredients-no hormones, estrogens or steroids. I made a batch of cream for myself, following the chemist's instructions. Then my friends and relatives began using it. And in every case, tha results were absolutety astounding. Soon friends began insisting that the cream should be made known and available to all women, since the problem of aging skin is universal. So my cream was put on the market four years ago, with the financial help of an uncle. It is called Cucumbre Frost. The same wonderful results experienced by me, my friend s and relatives were re· peated time and time again by women all over the country. I have In my file hundreds of letters from grateful women telling of the remarkable re sults obtained with Cucumbre frost. Treatment is not a complicated ritual. I don't have time for that and the chances- are you don't, either. You apply Cucumbre Frost at bedtime. Leave it on all night. It feeds, protects and nourishes your skin while you sleep. I know what Cucumbre Frost can do for you . Therefore, I offer you this UNCONDI· TIONAL GUARANTEE. Try it See for yourself in your own mirror how, after a few treat ments, Cucumbre Frost helps revitalize dtJll, dry, aging skin. How, when used tegularly, Cucumbre Frost helps facial skin to regain lost smoothness, moistness and freshness. Many women wrote me of astonishing results after only two weeks. Some take longer. But I say this to you: If, for any reason, you are not delighted with Cucumbre Frost-return the unused portion to me for a complete refund. No questions asked. You have the opportunity to have a vital, youthfu l, lovely skin-~t no risk. CuCtJmbre Frost can be purchased only by ordering it directly from me. Sim ply fill out the coupon and mail today. @ UH-ANA Ml.Ml• INC 19 !UST H TH Sf . NlW TOI « N . T I OOJI r------------------------------1 I ANA MAHER Inc., DEPT 2402-R, 19 West 44th ~New Yort, N.Y. 10036 I I Please rush Cucumbre Frost t o me. I must be completely satisfied with I I the results or you guarantee prompt and full refund upon the return of the I unused portion of Cucumbre Frost. : O I enclose $5 (check, cash, money order) send 2 ounce-regular size. I I O I enclose $8-send 4 ounce-double size. I I Name I I Address I I City Stat• Ip I L------------------------------~ l.Medieine Chest: At-a-Glanee Bulletins from the C AN SENILITY BE CURED? Yes ... maybe .... In the past, senility has been treated with drugs. But now there·s evidence 1hal some senility. in early stages, can be hclpe<l by a de - qua te nutrition. Given the proper vitamins. minerals. trace minerals (minerals needed in minute quanlity >,ant.I food thal is lhoughtfully prepared. \Omc so-ca lled senile symptoms :m.: often much reduced. One se- cret: Older people necJ an a de- quat e caloric intake, hut car- bohydra tes s hould be re - duced a nd pro teins in - c reased. This i' according to Dr. T. G . Taylor of the Un1ver- ... ity of Southampto n in Eng- land. Anothe r thing lo watch for -d ental proble ms . Olc.ler people's dentistry mus t be maintained to assure a varied <lie t. DO "ANTACIDS " REALLY WORK? Consumer interests o t. ten claim that medicines adver- tised on TV are indTcctive :111d that some arc even dangerou-;. Not so. The majority prohahly serve a good purpose. For ex- a mple, a recent .irticle in the "Journa l of the American Med- ical Assodarion'' l'iy Oro;. Daniel Hollander and John Harlan reports rha c antacids (o;uch ao; those on T V commcn:1a ls) ai1• effective in helping lo hc:tl and relieve stomach ulcers. Of course. many docrors have pre- scribed antacids that way for years. Still, it's good to keep in miml : "Consumerism" io;; one thing. cynici'lm is another S ON OF VITAMINS C AND E? Vitamin B. may he rh e nc\t rage a fte r viramins l· and C' Warch for it. Ano ther name 101 Bo; is pyridoxine . 01; h.1s a num- ber of funcrions. including pro- tection of the nervous system agains t convulsions. A few years .1go, ca-.cs were rcpl,rtcd in w hich . 1n rhe processing of a h.1hy fooc.1 . Ar. was IO<it. The 6a- hics fed with thnt food c.lcvcl- opc<l convul~ion<.. In .i recenlly puhl1'>hed hook ("Vitamin Bn- Thc Doctor\ Report,'' by O rs. John Hit~ a nd J:imcs Presley. H.1 rper & Row, N .Y.). 8 11 is re- 16 • FAMIL '( WE:E KL Y, Fcbrnnry 3, 1974 C l1t111ging World of Medi(~itl Seie11<~e ••• purted lo be meful for impaired c irc ulation, rheuma tism and ne rve affections of the hand5 But mo re study 1s nccde<l. A NEW FLU. The rnffucnza vi- rus has a new look this year. Last year's flu shot alone will By E rwin DiCy an, Ph.It. prnhably not pro rcct you. rhc new flu is the old Hong Kong flu with a face-li fe the ~a me. hut differenr e nough to make a ne w protective s h ot advl~ a ble . The new flu vaccine is given a few weeks aflcr lhe cus- to mary fl u s hot. With the energy 'hort<ige this winier. heating may be low. As\uming rhat 1h1s makes o ne mo re su ccpriblc to the flu (a point o n w hich !here is controversy among doctors). it is doubly advisable to protect older people and those wirh res- piratory problems or chro nic heart disease. Warning: Since these vaccines are cultured in eggs, those allergic to e ggs should avoid them. DENTISTRY MOVING UP? Look for dentistry to move in the direction of gencrnl medi- cine. A rclalivcly new concept called stomatology looks at the mouth a s ;1 kind of mirro r of the hody. Ccrcain sign' in the n11111th, suc h as changco; in color. or rhc presence of s pots. can indicate a c;erious medical con- dtlio n le uke mia, cance r, jaundice. Even measles s1 ..... wc; 1h '•gn~ in the mouth before a general rash occurs (spots in- side the checks, called Ko pllk's s pots ). Whal it all means : in- uca">Cd st a I us for dentists ( :in<l ~rhJpS hig her hills?). CYCLAMATES MAY RE- TURN. Remember three years ago wh.en the ~wectcning :.igcnt, cyclamatcs. were nrdered off rhc market in o ne weekend? Many scientists c.lisagrce<l wirh that step. T hey did nor believe cycla- matcs harmful. Since the n. a uoL.cn different stuJics in m.iny parts o f the world have indi- cated cyclamates got a bum rap. The manufacturer who 'iponsorcd those studicc;. Abbotl Lahorato ries of North C hicago, Ill.. ha-; made a formidable 15- volume petitio n to the FDA lo restore c yclamates to the market A decision s hould be forthcoming soon. DOCT OR S AFRAID OF DRUGS? Doctors fear drug ad- diction so much that they arc rcluctanl to prescribe adequate doses of narcotics even fo r peo- ple w ho need them. Thi<; i'i the finding o f .1 survey by OT'\. Richard M. Mark'! :rnJ l·dward J Sacher of Albert Ein!\te in Col- lege of Medicine. The c;un·l·y tound ".i pa ttern 0 f undertreat- ment o f pain leading t\) w1dcsprca<l and significant pa- tient Jist rcss." T his ~omctimes takcc; on <.lrangc anti illogical forms. such a~ the fear o f <:omc docro rs lo give generous pain re- lief to termina l-cancer patients because it might addict them. Or take LSD. Experiments show that I.SD comforts patients dy- 111g of cancer and enables them 10 face death with little or no tlistn:ss. Still, doctors • .!fuse to use it. LSD has bad connota- tions. This is the kind of thing critics point to when they com- plain Americans are not being allowed to "die with dignity." TWO NEW CANCER TESTS. (I) You·11 be hearing more of CEA (which stands for carcino- cmbryonic antigen) as a test for cancer. Developed by Ors. Phil Gold and S. 0 . Freedman of Montreal. the test is particularly promising for finding cancer of the gastrointestinal tract- the digesti ve system. It's not as useful for other cancers. The test is done by taking a blood sample from patients and put- ting it in contact with serum from rabbits who have been in- jected with scrum from known cancer patients. The amount of CEA, if founJ, is calculated. This determinel> likelihood of By Rosalyn Abrevaya F ~ ~re-(,~.~, Catching ::{_ Classi(·_~:A: · \ (--<_/"~'\ )\-\ ~ '·ffi ) J r--., Th. ,, ) 1s easy-to-wear, easy-\ to-slip-on silho uellc 0 ~ will span the seasons. It features an interesting top- stitche<l yoke, pointed collar, .ind pocket detail. M nke it in short sleeves or without sleeves in a cotton, linen or lightweight blend. Size 12 takes approxi- mately 3 yards of 44-inch fabric for the short-sleeve version and 2~ yards for the sleeveless one. Standard body measurements for size 12 are: Bust 34. Waist 25 Vi . Hips 36. I A PRINTED PATTERN u Send lo . FAMILY WEEKLY PA TT ERNS. Depl. 5083 4500 NW 1351h SI., Miami, Fla. 33054 PLEASE PAINT Be sure to give ZIP Code NAME_-------- STREET~---~------ CITY F·1825 ST AT'°---------__ ...L.ZIP __ _ Send $1.00 plus 25 cents for postage and handling; cash, checl<. or money order. Sizes 10, 12. 14, 16 (new sizing). F-1825 State Size FAMILY WEEKLY, February 3, 1974 • 17 cancer. (2) Up till now, breast cancer has usually been con- firme<l by a biopsy taken under general anesthesia. A small por- tion of the breast is surgically removed and examined. When the material is found to be ma- lignant, the breast is often re- . '. ........ ,. ........ --•.. ~ -' moved while the patient is still under anesthesia-with the pa- tient having the shock of waking up minus a breast. Now there is a simpler method. T he biopsy can be made on ma- terial that is drawn out of the breast by a nee dle. T his does not require gener:ll ancsthesi;\ and the results can be had in an hour. . -_ .. One of the "little old ladies" who uses Silk&Silvei Eighth in a series: She's Betty King Barker, ind us- trial designer wh o can list among her credits 4 careers. 3 grandchildren. 2 sons. and 1 hu sband. She also manages to find time for tennis. golf and looking after her good looks. To keep her silvery hair bright and beautiful, she uses Silk & Silver. Clairol's long la sting color lotion in Sil very Pea rl *# 14 . "So easy.'' says Mrs. Barker, .. I just shainpoo it in ever y f e\v weeks . ···· -it colors away the yell ow. · adds lots of body and won- derfully rich deep color." And it has no peroxide. "Gray hair looks so young _-4 Mr. Barker <1 pproves. !1) on Betty." , ~ < ' Silk&Silvercolor lotion · for enhancing gray hair, from Clairol. , .... - - -. . - ,, t l't George Pep_panl, TV's "Banaeek~: •ity Temper Is Like the Onslaught OrtheleeAge~ George Peppard arrived for brcakf u~t looking like George Peppard is ex- pected to look: his nearly white hair neatly c ro pped (he started graying a t 30). wearing a white tennis outfit and a healthy tan that m.1Jc his eyes look an even lighter blue. H is a ltitude was one of studied sere nity a nd p;.i- tiencc. H is voice: low and perfrc tl y modulated. In shorl , he seemetl totally in control of h im- self. Yet 'Jo mehow it was like sitting next to a flawtc ... ., hollle-with the cork rl!ady to blow. FAMILY WEEKLY: You have the reputation of being very sclf-confitlcnt and wry self-suffi- cient Do you com ider } o urself a lone r? PEPPARD: I probably am. But to sny I'm a loner is fil..e t::ilking about the weather -what CJll you do about it ? It l'Xist<;. Period. And r don't consciously think of myself as that. It's uni)' an cxrcrior ohservarion of myself. FW: Do you feel this 1s a good allitude? PEPPARD: Not e pcdully. It certainly is a handicap in rela ting with other JX'Ople. FW: Doc-. being an actor have :inything to do wi th your feeling ;iloof? PEPPARD: Being in this busincso; and famous a111um.1tically isolates you. The work itself crcaw ' this because you spend 12 hours n day _ sc1.:h1d t•d un loc.1tion or o n a scn1nd stage. and you're never in contact with nnyone. A lso. the hour~ prnhihil '>Oci.ilizing, so you tlon't meet new peopk. Thl.!rc's 'imply no opportunity. FW: Y1,11 were Ltn only child Do you think that c:w sed you fl) be a loner? PEPPARD: Probably, to some c"tl·nt. Out not wholly. II was also because \)f the w:1y my par- cnb were. They had a greater <.,cn.\e o f privacy than mo-.r people They kept things in the fam- ily. There were certain things they didn't talk about to other'>. I'm also a private person. FW; How docs 1t show? PEPPARD: Fo r instance, l don't allow a ny pic- tures ro be taken in my home. Ever. And no pictures of the ch ildren-you know, the typical "at home with the kiddies" thing. [Edito r's tll • Ffl~l l Y WEEKLY Febru1vy 3. 1974 StarCJtilt B y Peer J . Oppenhein1e r George Peppard: "I ke.p my ~ineu Hparate from my private life." "Please understand, and let me make this clear: I have no com- plaints! In talking frankly and honestly, there is the danger that I sound grudging. I am not. I picked the profession, they pay me well, and by my own choice I want to stay in it!" note : Peppn rd has two children-Bradford. 18, and Julie. 14-by his fir~t wife. Helen Davies. He has a nother son-Christian, s ix-by his sec- o nd wife. Elizabeth Ashley, from whom he is also d ivorced .I Naturally, lbc children a re fa- miliar with publicity, and I think nothing o f taking lhem to tennis tournaments where flash- bulbs pop off all the time. But that"s different. I keep my business 'eparalc from m y private life. FW: You 'lccm to have ex.traordin<iry self- control. Don't you ever get angry? PEPPARD: I suppose I bottle it up to some extent. J do n:t o ften get angry. J don't want to . because when I do, I get very angry. FW: How docs it show? PEPPARD: It's been described as "the sudden o nslaught of the Jee Age_" FW: Then how do you let off steam? PEPPARD: Tennis helps. I really enjoy it. And I frcl good afterward. even though I'm tu"Cd. FW: D o you have any oth er ways of getting rid !)(your anger? PEPPARD: I can sublimate my ange r by listen- ing to music. I love classical music. My mother was a music teacher at UCLA. Besides, I don't get angry as much as J used to. rm 44 now, and I've m atured. I used to be neurotic about things 1tw1 dtdn "t really mailer. FW: Did you ever undc1go analysis? PEPPARD: Yes, several years ago. FW: What m ade you do that? PEPPARD : How shall t put ii'! I'll have lo be m ore vcrhal than l want to be, I think, to try to cxpl;.i in. When you're unhappy, and there's nu realistic reason for it, or when you fi nd your desires are being frustrated, and you're lhe reason for it-then you realize you need help. FW: So you believe in a na lysts. PEPPARD: I tlon"t believe in oil a11Jlyst!>. Y ou have to have a good one-one you can com- municJtc with. I tried six. analysts before t got one I could communicate with. Jn fact, l'tl tried to undergo aoalysis twice before. I failed. A lot o f so-calkd "analysts" just hand you :ill of lheir probleml-and inadvertently compound yours. That"s what happened to me. FW: If you work all day, then go directly home, isn 't that tiring-and fru11trating? A nJ uidn'r frustrations cau-;e you to become ne urotic in the first place? PEPPARD: Yes, yes, you"re right. Frustrations do builJ up. For example, in relating lo a wom;i n : If you live with a worn.an, she alh!vi- atcs some frustrations for you. Or rather, she can, if it\ a goud rcla1 io nship. If not ~he o nly incrc.1-;c" them anti ~comes a parry tu them FW: Would you want your children 10 become ~ctors? PEPPARD: I would not strongly oppose any- thing they wanted to d o. But the two older youngsters a rc not that interested in acting, hJving wirnessed the effects :ind consequence~ of the profession. FW: If you feel this way about 'ihow bu,ine<>s. why do you remain in it'! PEPPARD (quic kl y): Ple:1sc um.lcrstand, ;ind kt me m ake this clear: r huve no complaints! In talking frankly :ind honestly, there is the danger that I sound grudging. I am not I I pic ked thc profession. they pay me well, and b y m y own choice I want to slay in it! lo fact, I have my own c1.1mpany, Long Rifle Produc- tion Compi!ny, a nd I arn looking forward to c.Jin:cling hefore long. FW: I.e r me change the subject a min11tc. What Jo you think of Women's Lib? PEPPARD: h has some goo<l points. I think women c;houltl h.we equal politic;1I, w.lgc Jnd JOb opportunit1 e11 I thinlc wt: have to recogni7e women as "people." FW: But whnt a bout women in your life? Wouldn't )Ou li._e lo get ma rried again? PEPPARD: Yes .... FW: You don't sound convinced. PEPPARD: Being married to an actor who works as hard and :is long as I do is a difficult job. And tha t's what ii has to rJtllt be-a full-time job! lilJJI ddvert1sement How 9001· Horoscope ean bring you wealth,Io"e,sueeess and happiness. by Norman P. Kennedy Did you k.now your horoscope could mean the difference between happiness or sorrow; between success or failure? · Picture a long room with doors at each end. In th.is room there are money, attractive persons of the opposite sex, books that teU you the secret of happiness and many other valuable articles. But , also in this room are bottomless pits, traps, hostile persons and dangerous beasts chained in various places around the room. You must walk through th.is room, but you may take ou t of it anything you can. Now if you had a choice, would you choose to I) go through the room blindfolded or 2) go through the room with your eyes open and with written instructions on which places and people to visit or avoid. Of course, all of us would pick the second choice in a case such as th.is. lsn 't it ridiculous, then, Lha t we would choose to go through life, the same situation, blind· fol ded! Even when there is a means to go through life wilh a map and our eyes wide open! The means provided 1s Astrology. The map is our astrological horoscope. How docs ii work? Nature's cosmos imprints each of us at the time of birth when the umbilical cord is cut. We then become ourselves. Until the cord is cut, we are part of our mother. Why or how we presently do not know. The movement of the large solar bodies then rimes ' potentials for events in our lives. Astrology does not cause events but is timi ng of events. But, it's not fortune telling. It 's a predic tion of potentials which free will can override. What does a natal horoscope anaJysis by a qualified as trologer contain? A na tal horoscope analysis contains the best psychological anaJ ysis of yourself that you can get today. Because, in a controlled experiment in I 960. astrologers bea l psychologists in predicting case histories. In addition. a nataJ horoscope analysis includes discuss.ions on the following: financial outlook; taxes and mheritances; early home environment; relationships with family, relatives and parents; lovelife and marriage ; Astrology Today PRESENTED BV THE AMERICAN ASTROLOGICAL ASSOC IATION .. The Nation's larges~ Astrological Society .. 0 1973 "-lan ~ ,.__ o1 Ohio. Inc, children; career and occupation; hopes; wishes and goals; and subconscious altitudes. In a major analysis, a one year forecast is also included. Ma ny people th.ink that astrology only appeals to "way ou t" unscientific people. Nothing could be farther from the truth . ln fact, studies show that astrology appeals most to intelligent and logical people. Famous scientists GaJileo, Carl Jung, Johannes Kepler, Roger Bacon, Tycho Bache and Albert Einstein all believed in astrology. Your horoscope can help you be in the right place al the right ·time. Your horoscope can hel p you avoid disasters while guiding you to your beneficial opportunities. Did you know that astrology helped the allies win World War II? The allies employed as trologers. The axis powers started out employing astrologers. But, this was ceased early when the famous astrologer, Karl Ernst Krafft , predicted the exact time and place of an attempt on HHler's life in 1939. 1-ljtler thought the astrologers were conspiring against him, so they were imprisoned. Hitler turned back to astrology too late. He read his horoscope in the las t moments of the war as Berlin burned around him. More on avoiding disaster. came these stories from a recen t article in the Miami HeraJd newspaper. The article tells the story of Mary Kelly, a Miami computer programmer, who heeded the advic'! of her horoscope wtu ch warned her of a wrong medical diagnosis. She avoided an unnecessary operation that would have left her a cripple. 11\e Mi ami Herald also tells the story of astrologer O ifford McMullen, who is George McGovern's personal astrologer. He warned McGovern tha t 1f he ran for president, that he would win the Democratic nomination. but he wo uld lose badly to President Nixon in the November election . Your horoscope can bring you wealth. Famous business tycoon, J. P. Morgan, used astrology to acquire his fortune. Morgan did not make a financial move without checking his natal horoscope forecast. From an article in the Miami Herald came th.is story: "Stockbrokers on Wall S treet are as likely tu coll an astrologer in this decade as Hollywood film stars would call a psychiatrist in the last. David Williams, a 75 year old retired financial experr who lives in Clearwater, has made $150,000 from the stock mar- ket in J 1 years by using astrology as an investment guide." Your horoscope can show you the way to success and happiness in love and marriage. Horoscopes of Grace Kelly and Jackie Kennedy predicted their current successful marriages, Grace Kelly to Prince Rainier lind Jackie Kennedy to Aristotle Onassis. Princess Grace and Prince Rainier have recently had their horoscopes done together by American astrologer, Keith Clayton. As with these famous people, your horoscope can help you find and keep a lasting and meaningful love relationship. Now and through the ages a good na tal horoscope analysis has meant success for many people. In other cases many men have missed their opportunity; some with tragic consequences, such as Adolf 1-ljtler. W.ill you miss your success opportunities? Wiii yuu <;tumble into pitfalls you could have avoided? Today, right th.is moment, you can have your natal horoscope cast and anaJyzed. You can 1et it for only the cost to make your duplicate copy{ You get the expensive casting and analyzing process FREE. The article belo w will tell you how. The means are available, but the choice is yours. ,1ow TD lill YOUR NAiil HDRDICDPI FOR ONlY THI GIST Of llllNli CDPllS. by John F. Ford Send me your exac t time and place l'lf birth. 111 cast and anaJyze your nalal horoscope for research purposes. You may have duplicarc copies of your horo- scope for only $3.00 -the cost to make your copies plus postage and handling costs. You get the expensive casting and anal yzi ng process -FREE. because of the fact that we must produce your horoscope for research anyhow. Your natal horoscope will consist of nine pages and over J .000 words. Your natal horoscope will contain your psycho- logical analysis plus a discussion of the following: your love life ; financ ial outlook; marriage , family and children relation- ships; career and occupations; hopes, wishes and goals; and subconscious atti- tudes. A ho roscope of this type would cost up to $300 if done by an astrologer. J will cast your horoscope wtth the help of our 360 · 65 1.B.M. computer, which contains ove r 24 million bits of information. Your horoscope will not be the worthless type found in daily news- papers. Your natal horoscope will be cast from your exact time and pl ace of birth for you and you alone. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO CATCH. I need this information for my astrol og- ical research. I am looking for certain planet configurations. If you are chosen as a research subject, I will mail to you a research questionnaire. If you fill out and return this questionnaire. you will be entitled lo extra bonuses. There is no need to worry about find· ind out about an unavoidable coming disaster thru your chart. M mentioned, astrology deals in potenu.als . Your free will can overnde potentials if you ll!low about them. In any case , the policy of qualified astrologers is positive as trology. If there is something negative in your ch<irt, you are told what you can do to make it positive . To get your horoscope thm this special opportunity, simply fill out the research computer form and mail to the address given on the form . Include the $3.00 copy cost for each horoscope or charge your credit card. There is a limit of two per family If you don't know your exact time of birth, fill in 12:00 PM. If you have any questions, call me , I lllbmlt my birth dat1 for rctea1ch. John F. Ford, president, The American As trological Association. Telephone me at (216) 478-2171. Thank you! I am now etislble to promptly recd11e my 3,000 worcf M W horolOOpe for only 1 U.00 COit to n.te my d11pUca1e oopy. ~-Pl'fi:IZ~D.lll•lm~!iJIM§~ml One or nro name• from my houtehold ~ may be eubmltted. CLllNt of 2 · no u· oeptioru) I J CHECK ONE: De.sh. dleck or moM¥ °'* tndOMd. 1'3 ff -cw~. M If 1wo e><o.ndl O..,. It to mv: O Anwrlcen e.iir-0 Mtlter a-.t 0 lank Am.ical'd Qip and INil thi• form to: TM Amerian Altrolavlc:at Aaoc. Research Div .. Dept. No 219 4965 Weil T1ne. c.nton. Otiio 44708 ---.---------SATISFACTION GUARANTIED OR MONEY BACK ----, Th C ke \,. l D~pt. OH-207 \ e rac fil,;1ane 01 C.bot ~t,.ttt,Wn18 .. bylon,N'Y U704 '..,_ IN HARMONY WITH THE ORIENTAL LUNAR CALENOAI{ Pit',.,.. ~nd "'"' th<'St' ~nJJnlS I h.tvr ,,..1,. .. 1 .. J I unJr.r>t.md th..t 11 I .. m not cnmph•trly '"''"lu:<I I ""' rrturn lhr P""''""'l~I ''" J full 11•luricJ NO SIGN t,OU J Sil VCH 0SAV[ MONEY: L111.kr 1wu or mc.1n-l'f'"°""" lnr ,,nJ y 15 .-.. 1 h l:ncl••St'd " S _ ( hr1 I... ''' M l) I -+-------·1---4--Addr"''-'------------ n ,... <> ~ ... .. ~ ... .. ... " u • ... u Q --+---------__.,-CllY------------- --+----------+--S tatt _ ___ Zip ______ _ _ _.__ ______ _._ _ _.__ New Yori< SI.ah• Rnidenh Add S•lu Ta.x L--------------------·--·••••••••••··~--------••• • 1r '" July S Aug 4 RESERVATION 7. A~5Sep4 ~A1£. UNDERSTANDINC ~ 1~ 8.SepSOct 4 CONTIMPlATION ,. 9Ck~ !!ti ~ 10.NovS Drc:-4 ~RE vrrv 'f 1 11. Dre:-S Jan 4 F1tEEDOM 12 Jan 5 Feb 4 APPROACH ~· EXTRA BONUS For each 1nd1v1dual sign you o rder, you wall receive a com- plete profile anal- ysis. Order your signs today A11cie11f Wisdo111 Of China Blended Wifh Co11fe111porary ]e1veler's Art. T he Twelve O riental Birth S1gn s.L designed from I he ancient C hinese cclll1graphy. are now yours as magnificent pendant!:>. Each is metic- ulously crafted in either gold to ne o r silver tone finish, and linked to a 24'' chain. A perfect fashion accessory ... for men, too! O rder your sign today or, o rder o ne for a friend. Thesf pen- dants make beautiful g ifts, and if you o rder two o r more you can take advantage of our special money saving offer. cotn TON£0 R SILVER l ON[ FINIStl 14" CHAIN 2 for 510. ~HIPPID RRST Cl.ASS MAIL PR.fl' AJO FOl FAST OEJJVERY People Quii By .John E. Glbso• The Weird Ways We Reaet to the Time of Day True or False: You are most susceptible to infection at a certain time of day . (See JJumber I) T hings are different at one time of the day than another. Just how diffcr- enl may surprise you. This True--Or- False quiz goes into it. TRUE OR FALSE? 1. You are most susceptible to infec- tion at a certain time or day. 2. There are two times in the day when most people's "mental clock'" works almost as well as the one on the wall. 3. There's a best rime of the day to take medicine. 4. If something o f importance has temporarily slipped your mind -a oame. where you've put something, or whatever-there's a best Lime of day lo lry to remember it. 5. There's even a best time of the day to get rid of household pests-such as flies and roaches. ANSWERS 1. True-according to the recent find- ings or a team of specialists at the University of Southern California School of Medicine, which showed that susceptibility to infection-par- ticularly colds and respiratory ail- ments-is appreciably greater in the late afternoon than at any other time of day. The study showed that a sub- stance secreted by the body-secreto ry immunoglobulin-A ( lgA) -exerts a major protective function against con- tagion and disease. Tbe body pro- duces this substance in the most gen- erous amounts between midnight and 8 a.m., with prO<luction at the lowest e bb from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. 2. True-according to research find- ings cited in a National Institute of Mental Health study. Investigators had asked hundreds of people to tell them what time it was without look- ing at a clock. When the results were evaluated, it was found that people's time sense ''was most accurate be- 20 • rAiMIL Y WEE~L Y, Febru11y 3, 1974 tween 8 and 10 a.m. and again around 4 p.m. During midday, people typi- cally misjudged the time, thinking that it was earlier; while at the end of the Jay they assumed that the hour was later." 3. True. Research sponsored by the U .S. Public Heath Service reports that medications taken at one time of day can have far more beneficial re- sli Its-with fewer side effects-than 1! taken at another time. Laboratory tests showed Lhat drugs administered ;it one hour of the day produced un- desirable effects in 78 percent of the cases. When dosage Wal administered .it another hour, undesirable effects occurred only eight percent o f the time. The best time o f day to take a given medication depends both on the type of medicine and the person's in- di vidual response to the drug. 4. 1'rue. The best time is during a rest penO<l. when you're stretched out on ;i lounge or easy chai r. Studies show that your memory processes function most effectively when you're as re- laxed as possible-mentally as well as physically. 5. True. Don't laugh, we're not kid- ding. T here is a best time of day to rid your house of such pests It's four o'clock io the afternoon. In studies conducted by rhc U.S. Department of Agriculture, scientists discovered that insecticides are much more effective o n Aies and roaches in the late after- noon than they arc at any other time dunng the 24-hour period. How did the scientists find this out? Th0 y studied the insects' daily biological rhythms, sprayed them with insecti- cides under controlled conditions at various hours of the day and night, then collected mortality statistics. The time when the pests were found to be most susceptible to the insecticides was in the late afternoon. TEACH T HE WORLD TO LOVE! SIX INTERNATIONAL flGUIUNU IN A SHOW -Off SHRf 6 beautifully c aryed flaurlnes, each In ow n native costume, authentic headdren . Lovely 2 1/1 " Irish, German, Dutch, Chinese, Jap11nese. Spanish girls on walnut patina I 11;. x 6 1;. • 11/1 • shelf 1s w arm, col. orful decor A delo&ht for col-lecto~! ~eady to hang. 14132-FlgurinH & Shetf SS. 98 PERSONALIZED-B LUE DENIM "DURANGO" TOTE BAG. Stow your gear In this seemingly boltomleu tote bag with wild west styling. So roomy, so groomy Accented with belt labs end run·around saddle st1tch1ng . Two "back pockets'" keep small Items. 13 " 10 x J 11 •. In dic ate f irst n11 me choice P12623-Tote Bag Sl .98 H...S. miftecl ~ ( urli oo q:1orli The colorful little cuckoo peeks out to sweetly call tho time every quarter hour. Au· thentically reproduced to took exactly fille the 1640 museum original. A precision time- piece made with the skill of generations of f1no clock mak-ers. A gently swinging pen. dulum, a ra inbow of soft colors on walnut brown wood. 14 inches hogh. A rare decora. tive dream 10440-Cuclloo Clock S9.98 E a rly American COUNTRY STORE ORGANIZER COPIED fROM TURN -O F-THI -CENTURY ll'OST OfflCf ORGANIZERS Copied from the organizer found In early American coun. try stores where the postmas- ter sorted the mail Into pl· geonholes. You'll find It perfect for envelopes. post-cards, bills, and letters ... alt on their own slots. There's even a drawer for stamps and personal items. Warm colonial finished wood. Hang It on a wall or stand It anywhere. 7'11 x1Ox4 1;1 ". 1322.8-0rganlur $4.98 L AMP SPRAYS A CASCADE OF COLOl-<ED LIGHT Romantic tamp sends up a spray of bright· ly colored tight. Two tittrs of miracle ltght conducting f ibers cre- ate 1 tamp so graceful It's a stunning decor- ation even w hen off. Turn It on and hun· dreds of red, green, and gold beads of light rival fourth of July fireworks. Create a romantic mood. Uses 2 "C" batteries. not Incl. 14'/2 " tall, a g r acef ul 15" w ide. Plastic. 13784-Llcht Fountain $5.98 ROLL OUT CARPET GA RDEN F~~~~s Th11ll to cut flowers all summer virtually v.1thout d1~g1ng, \tedong or back-breaking labor More than 1.000 seeds In this • mdp1c carpel" buost onto d dalllong dis· play ol ma11golds asltrs. zinnias and other llO'i 'Ous flowers W"d resistant e1rpel 1s bog 10 feet long, btcome\ your lovelie\I \Ulllmer u rden 5l37-~rden Cupe! teC-2 for $ t.79 GOLDEN BIRD INA GILDED CAGE GOLDEN . BIRO IN A GILDED CAGE! Music boll pl ays "Oh What a Beautiful Morning"! f eath ery, yellow cana ry perches Inside cage; bennth him is a "garden" of pretend flowers. Wind the key, not only will your canary ''whis- tle" the t une, but he"ll do a lilting , bobbing dance. 4 '!. x 51.1; -. tlA36-Musk: Ca«• $7.98 ALL ITEMS . SOLD ONA MONEY BACK CIJARANTEE ! Bride & Groom MUSIC BOXES "Here Comes the Bride" or "The Anniversary Waltz"-per- sonalized with their weddlne date. They're formally attired, posed atop a red pedestal re- vo;vlng to your choice of "The Wedding March" or "The An- niversary Waltz." A golden swag on the base will bear your special date. PLF~1cr PRINT MO./DAY /YR. 7 t a Music Box. . . . . Ea. $6.9S Pl3719-Weddlng P13720-Annlvarsary ENGRAVING PEN CIL WRITES ON GLASS, CERAMIC, M ETAL, PLASTIC. Permanent tungsten· carbide tip works like a pencil but never need5 sharpening. Protect valuables-personalize tools, keys. stereo, tapes, etc. Carbide tip etches like a dia- mond & lasts fore11er 6" long 11370-Carblda Panell $3.98 "ANTIQUE" CAST IRON STOVE STlRS FOND MEMORIES. A forgotten friend ..• arandma's black cast iron stove reproduced In m lnla· ture. For an added touch of realism t he oven door swings w ide and damper lids llft off. An oldtlmer set of iron stove utensils Is also avail. able: a skillet, 2 pots. coal bucket and shov- el. Stove is 4 >;. ~3>f.1<3 % ". 12774 -Stove $3.98 i 2ns-Utan111 Set $1.98 MULTI-LEVEL DEACON SHELF WALL UNIT The warmth of tradltlonal design in the multi· sized compartments and shelves is woncferful for showln' off curoos. floral dlspl.>ys, statuary ... everyth•n$ looks more beautiful against the dark walnut t1ni5h. You might 111sual11e two pair teamed together to occupy an enlore wall. Curios not included. 13804-Shelf Unit, EA. Sl .98 2/$3.49 Victorian e eAT RAeK There are I 5 hooks on t his black cast iron reproduction! The o riginal hung in an 1850"s formal hall You might use 1t in your bath· room to hold colorful towels. In your hall to catch coats, hats, and umbrellas. It •s 14" wide and extends 7 1h " from wall 12856-Coat Rack $3.98 TO ORDER-USE HANDY COUPON ON 3RD PAGE OF THIS AD ~ YOU MAY CHARGE EVERYTHING TO MASTER CHARGE, BANKAMERICARD, ~~::1~Ac;~~p~~ss ASTRONAUTS 100 YR. PEN SELECTED ) Writ•• BY NASA. Thrs re. Side markable pen was / UP· n developed for use by pow LIGHT A RE RAINBOW OF COLOR. Darken the room-c reate a sensuoui. hght show. fls !he bulb warms, a prisr11 tn!>•de !hrs unoque lamp revolves. slowly. sending a romanl•c movement of shadow;. and color lo dance across walls, ce•ltng ;rnd floor~ 11 .• -tall Pl 1>t1c 13348-Ralnbow lite Sl.98 REMARKABLE FIS H CLEANING BOARD -FUSS FREE! At la!>I the forst fuss-free way to clean and l1tet fish! The power ful noc~el plaled 1aw grips your carch flrmly by holding the head or tarl whrle your hands remain free for lhe task at hand. Tough, wood.grain styrene board has deep ··v" g1oovos lllat prevent shppong and sliding about. 8•24" tong MAGNETIC GRIP WINDSHIELD COVER! Tuple sl rength m;igners hold lh•s cover snugly, wilhout tres o r tape The wondshreld :>lays clean. e11en in the worst weatllerl N o c hipping snow 01 rce Just clop the co11er across the windshield: powerful rubber magnets grip t he hood 11nd roof without marrrng t he frnrsh 48xJO inch S•Le frts all cars. 4555-Wlndshleld our astronauts and rs approved by NASA for.space trrpst Writes in any poSI· lion ... upside down. sideways! Teens will love it for doing their homework . . even In their f,worrte p<>- srtion -on the floor. Produces fine, even strokes; never skips, blotches In k lasts and lasts! Never drres up, can be used then put away for yearsl De11eloped to func- tion for at leBSt 100 yea rs! Brushed •·sll· ver" flnlsh. 7613-Space Pen Each $3.98 DEFROST REFRIGERATOR IN MIN· UTES! Eliminates harmful ice scrap- lnif, messy hot water, drippy pan:sl Just plus In Infrared defroster, place it in lree.zer compartm enl. All-around radiant heat reaches e11ery corner In minutes, loosens Ice accumulation. melts away frost before frozen foods. thawl 6 cord, Saves food and time 10441-Flsh Cleaning Board $6.98 Cover $1.98 2/$3.79 2/$6.95 6/$18 5063-Defroster $4.98 AMAZING NEW ZEALAND'S ~~ .. TOMATO TREE .......... ~ Ha,., .. t Up to 40 lb1. Of r,.. Tomaloe• Per Tree . . Hundred• of Tree Torn•loe1 A Year FROM 1 TREE' • Gorgeous Blossoms For Monthsl • Blooms Yearly In Any Climate! • Grows With Tropical E:ase! • Gives Tree Tomatoes 5 Months A Year! NOW ... GROW YOUR OWN TREE -r:oMATOES! Amazing SU· per-hybrid varrety will harvest up to 40 lbs. of tree tomatoes a year ... FROM I TREE! Blos- soms & g1 ows indoors or out. anywhere in the USA• Grows up to 4 feet tall indoors, 8 feet tall outdoors! Imagine the fun your farnrly wrll have watching your tree tomatoes grow & bear fruit. Enjoy salads, sauces! Get a full season's supply of seeds! 7376-Tree Tomato Pack $1 e 110 lnstall1tl0fl -con11ects In s~cOflds! lttlPS FlllM AWAY Rll· Bye bye lhmsy, una11ractrve. get·rn the-way tables and s tan els' Now you have ama1lnf new "Magic TV Pofe" All you do s wed11e pole between lloor and celling (1prl11c tension llelds 11111 •lst) .. loop handle of set throu1h super-support hooks . . push rubber-covered "extra security·· brace against bottom of set . . and ifs showtlmel Actually improves re· cept1on and prest l"'IU Ille of picture tube sl nee set doesn't wobble, doesn·t shake! rully, easily adjusta· ble to your favorite viewine position. Handsome bronretone finish at home in any room. Fits cellln1 up to 8"'1 rt. hith. Dt3t5S-"M1tlc TV '•It" .. $12.11 TAU Ml nllllllU Worid'• Flrst Home T,.mn.nt that COST MERE P£HNIESI This home facial mask employ~ gentle, deep vibrations to firm. up lines. improve cl..-culatlon. aod skin tone. Fac e, c h in. fore. head seem to loven w1tll l he lu• urrous feeling of 11 p ro I es· sronal facial. Lace trimmed, ad. 1ust able elastic stnips, wash· able. zlppered cover. On.off cont rol has Its own c ase. "C" batt. not rncl. One stze fits ell. 14164-Fece MHk .... $9.98 END M•SBY CL•AN-UP POR•V•RI New CAT Ll'I"I'ER BOX KEEPS LITTER IN ··"~· ~....._...._~ Sc1en1t1rc1lly des1cned cat box keeps litter 1n ... no more messy floors. 01spo~ble liners are held securely by a hlnced fold down lop. Recessed haodles make clunlnc • snap! Heavy unb1uk.t>le plasllc bo• measuru I 5Jl20". Six dlspos1bte Hners included. 12 pacll av1ll1ble. DllSl7-IOI Set $7.M DUSJl-lteflll $1 .41 MYU LMKf Y'OUll OVH MAIMI ~INfkable ra111Hcip 11111 dtlklouslJ 1- pnperes bac:Oll, stub. cllops wfllle alltomatl~lly drtlnl~ 1way lflY 'rtuy ~! Now ... With the flip of a wrist. blm it °"' altd It' 1 Pfffect l1t ~ f .. Mf11ct IOr &0Nen pancMes. FIHCll tout. llUfccllr fried 'IP. Mc.. Ult .......... for '"" "Ht. Stly cool haftdlt. DlahUlltr sale. tau7-'"'I .. . ... fl..tl ' ... . l • Will Panel • TOltcl1tll HAND -LOOMED ''TREE OF LIFE" PANEL-MADE IN INDIA Hand-loomed and colorfully block prrnted by skilled Indian craftsman. Its branches teem with magnificent birds. wondrous blossoms ... a veritable Garden of Eden. The panel has many uses: as a tablecloth. wall hanging, or a unique bedspread to dau le the eye. Completely machine washable or unbleached linen·llke .cotton, pre-shrunk and colorfast. Two sizes (twin) 72xl08" and (full) 90x108'". 14019-Tree of Life (Twin) 14020-Tree of Life (Full) $8.98 $10.98 MEDIEVAL 15TH CENTURY CLOCK TOLO COLUMBU~ THE TI ME~ ANCIENT TIMEPl~.u: MOO EL REALLY WORKS • lllHWled fhllstl • l•l••ct• Ceu•t.rwe1111ts • Classic ••-Nu-r.i1 • Mar•lflce11t I Vt ft11 Nel1llt Do your clock .,.1tchin1 wrlh ltlt trmeprtce that wu 11rtidy an antique when Chris lopher Col umbus ""IS sallin1 itross the ocun. This eiposed wheel t111,.. lype model Is 1 perlec t wor~· ln1 repllt1 th1t keeps time. Of courn there Is only one hand bt(•use Ille minute hand WHn't lm1ented unhl • century later, It operates with balanced counter· wel1hts. Classic old style Roman numerals on a 7" drat. Toned In tradltlon•I rosewood hue, 18" hi&fl excludlnc 'wel1hts. Assam· bles In less than 1 half hour wlthou t atue or Rt lls. 121M-Mt-.9"f Ctedl $1.11 ALL ITEMS SOLD ON AN UNCONDITIONAL 10-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. .. MIRACLE ADHESIVE -ONE DROP HOLDS A TON OF PRESSURE! Make imp0nible repairs from e single t ube withou t ml11ln& or clamping. Bond virtually any b reak in porcelain. ceramic, rubber, plas. tic, glass. or wood: an invlsibte bond that dries in seconds and is FOREVER! rl11 virtually anything, One tube-up to 132 appllca:ions. 13057-Adhftlve ......... , . $2.A9 PLAY CHORD PIANO IN 10 DAYS. These fabulous new instruction un-lock the secrets of rich piano sounds. In a few days you'll be "chording" like a professional. Play "pop" tunes with your right hand while your left Is creating the Irresistible rhythm of major, minor and 7th chords. An llluslfated chord dlctiona ry included. SHAG RUG ATTACHMENT FlTS All VACUUMS! It gets deep down into the thickest shags and lu xu ry pile carpets, Specially designed to fit all vacuums. Instead of J ust sk im. m ing off ~urface dirt an dust you can now really get down deep. Shaes and pile carpets will last longer end look better! Hi-impact molded plastic. 11 • long. 11708-Shas Rue MAGNETIC BIKE GARAGE. Save those bicycles from rain and any bad weather. Powerful built-in mag- nets hold the bike ~arage in place securely without string or ties. Re- inforced plastic to f it all sizes; most motorcycles toot Folds Into small space when not in use. En-courage youngsters to protect be. longings. 5426-Blke G.arage $1.59 2/$2.98 PET ALWAYS HAS FRESH WATER! While you're gone all day do you worry your pet doesn't ha11e fresh waler all the time? This gallon water dispenser keeps water at drinking level. Add Ice c ubes for . cooling. Sure to be appreciated by any pet. This sanitary, easy-clean plastic holder is guaranteed leak- proof and rustproof. 8570-Pet Spa . $2.98 13046-Chord LH!M>ns $3.98 Attachment .. , . . . • . • . . . .. $3.98 • RARE CIRCULATED and 1964 SILVER MINT CONDITION SET .,µ... U.S . Coins Cert ain t o Inc r e ase in Va lue ! Obsolete set (A). When was the last time you saw an Indian Head penny, Bu ffalo nickel, Mercury dim~, liberty quarter and liberly hall-dollar? ttere, In one set, are all of them ! And. each Is In ewcellent con- dition! Set (B) is an unclrculattd mint set from 19641 The last year for pure sll11tr coins! These Include a penny, nickel, dime, quarter and t~e scarce Kennedy half-dollar. Both nts will Increase In value and are wonderful gifts. Mounled in clur soap.lock pre5enutlon cases. Also available In 24kL Cold Plate. Set (Al ....._ (#1Ufll . . . ...... kt (A) '91• "8tH (# 12222) .... $1..N Set (I ) Utlclrntall• ( # I 03 Ill --.. ,,_.. Set (I ) Ael• 'latff ( ;t 12123). --$ 7 .11 3-Shelf HOME TELEPHONE CENTER This attractive coloni.I dtslan table Is the best place for your phone and all lk acceuorles. °rile phone Is crldled on t09, theft's 1 receu for dlrec· tortes and 1 shelf Inside to hold pads, ~ns, notts, etc. Perfect In bedroom, llvlna roo~ ":!:;:r f>ortlblt. ,,, ........ ..... You Can•t Name Anything This Saw Won•t Cuti lt(VOLUTIO .. AltV ru1u;sT[N CA1t•10 1 SUPER SAW cun TNIOUCN: HICK, CLASS, flUHU, llASS, Tll~1 CUllDfT, ,USTIC, 1u11n. co,r£t, sun, nc., nc. SUPER SAW CUTS THRU ANYTHING -N ew "space age" tunasten carbide saw Is indispensible for home handyman. Incredible! Ad1usts to 3 Positions; cuts through anythine . . . even cement and g len! C ut & tnm brlcks, slice rubber like butter, shape marble and slate for patio, cut glass, crockery & hardest woods. Never needs sharpenina. Nothing can stop fierce po wer of tungsten car- bide imbed- ded in blade permanently 16". 1370-Saw $9.98 1J.4n-o.1uxe Saw lS- $12.98 arrs THROUGH ANYTHING POTBELLY STOVE LAMP Grllldma's stove has been 1tven 1 whole new ceramic personality. It's been wired to radiate 1 soft, wum liaht, and has 1 1111hlte china hurri- cane lampshade decorated with 1 &rand American eaale. Makes a fine nl1htll&ht or lln extra lamp. The bulb and cord are incl. 11". 125'1__... -... -......... S.S.11 ALL THE BENEFITS OF A REAL STEAM SAUNA $1298 Rillht in ~rOwn Home Enjoy real steam sauna for a fraction of t he usual cost. An aid In -l&ht cont rol. relief of tension, ',better sleep, easi"" of tired m uscles, stimulation of clrculatlon, pluas Into any out· let. Has automatic shut-off and p rotec tiv e viny l floo r mat . Steam generator Included. A6571-st .. m s..,.,. .. $12.98 A S££.TffAOUGH WORKING MOTORIZED SCALE MODEL OF THE REVOLUTIONARY ROTARY ENGINE THAT POWERS THE MAZDA! Tr1nsparent1 fully operational 1/5 scale mode . See the rolors turn, the flash of spark plues, hear lhe hum of the powerful motor. For the dlscrlmlnatlne kit builder. this Is NOT •-toy. Complete with all pre-painted parts, motor dis· play stand and instructions. Batt. not Incl. 114"-lf .... I £11• ltlt .$7.11 la4I WWM 1'9b .. TY _, rafle rec.,tlM. lllnr SllJpf9'e •t illms •-Hll,.ctleHI tecMl .. H tllat •••., • fall 3t0•. '911 '" sllerJI 11icturu, Yillf•t •••• ,,_ •HrJ area ltrN'"st stetl•. Amazing eomponenHnh!Crtted antenna Is just 18 in. hi&h, weighs Just over 2 lbs. No more hazardous super-structures ttiat sway in the wind. Installs in minutes with a few screws on roof window ledae. Helpful for apartment dwellers. Never deteriorates from rust or cor- rosion. No assembly-it's ready to hook up at once. Twin lead·ln wires for color, black·and- whlte, UHF, VHF TV. For AM·FM stereo radio. Try it 10 days without risk! Test it against the ,local TV or radio station t~t you lite "et now receiving but should. Its fuli ran't probinJ In every direction of the airwaves will brine 1t to your set NOW! 01514-SkypreM A11t1na • . . . . . . .. $12.M YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED GREENLAND STUDIOS 5273Greenland Building, Miami, Florida 33059 Ptease send me Items listed below. I understand if I'm not completely satisfied with any item, I can return it within 10 days for a full and complete refund. How Cataloe Name of Item Price TOTAL Many Number Each MINIMUM OllDH $3.00 POSTAGE AND HANDLING CHART Total ,., Wt'rtkMldlH l"o fiaure. total order, and use chart. Include correct N 'I tnd f11 Rtt ch•~ to avoid delaSo This Is a small part of the cost UO St•lt hit• In . -. e pay t he ...st. rry, no st•mps, No C.0 .0 ·s. S~1ppln1 An• Ord•• $3.00 to $5.00 95~ Ordtts $10.01 t• $I 2.00 $1.95 •t.1ndl1t11 OrMn $S.01 bl $7.00 11.35 Offers $110t 11 $15.00 $2.00 ~::'::,~~::~·lo, Ordrs $1.0t to $10.00 1,10 Ordt<t Onr $1 S 00 $2.25 TO CMUGE-Pl.WE CHECK ON£ & SHOW NUMBEI lOTAL ENCLOSED 0 DINERS CLUB J I 0 MAST£R CHARGE 0 AfllHICAN EXPIUS Good Thru --I I o BANOMEllCAltD 1 ._•_cc_._...,_. ____ -=------' IACC "° I ! IN TERBANK NO. 0 0 0 0 . · · . GOOD THRU _______ _ ' NAME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t ADDRESS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Ctll STATE ZIP CODE - liiiitMOD =Aa:1.g1Jhii;iiHfi;Jiii);fiii.IW0:1151.1.yn. SHOP 'N SAVE THE EASY WAY ... BY MAIL FROM GREENLAND STUDIOS. USE HANDY COUPON ON PRECEDING PAGE ~< , RID YOUR HOME OF ROACHES- KEEP THEM OUT UP TO 5 YEARS! Never see a dead roach again, never see a live one eltherl 'This ex:citmg new product completely eliminates roaches and waterbugs. Non.toxic, odorless, no O.D.T .. no. waste applicator. Works silently up to 5 yrs. to prevent reinfestation. 5 ozs., enough for a 5 room house. 13097-Bug Off . $2.98, 2/$5.49 LINCOLN PENNY with KENNEDY PROFILE. What a unique colnl There's President Lincoln, but also stamped on the coin is the profile of President Kennedy looking at Lincoln! Historical profile list ing as- tonishing coincidences surrounding their lives and theif deaths Is incl. Legal tender coins. 14026-(Two Coins) $1 (Six Coins) . $1-98 (Twelve Coins) $3.98 PISTON NUTCRACKER ... SHELLS NUTS WHOLE! Pampers nuts with tender. loving care. Just push down the handle , . . remove the nut intact ... one whole delicious piece. Tough metal mounted on 9" wood base. Controlled pressure action will delight even a physics profes-sor • . . you will enjoy the results. No more crumbling pieces. 7228-Pfston .Nutcracker . $4.98 STAR OF SIAM-SIMULATED STAR SAPPHIRE RINGI A fabulous tooler set In solid sterling silver. The Im. ported stone Is a deep sapphire blue with the famous star design prominently centered in the stone. The raised prong setting enhances the drama of this lovely gem. PJease state size 5, 6, 7, 8. D12677-Slam Rl"C $4.'8 Now You Can Enjoy A New.Way to Slim Your Waistline At Once The Amazing WAIST BELT TRtMS AND ARMS Wear the new waiat· trim belt next to your skin wttlle you sit, walk ... Normal body heat and t he aentle nvs- saee action of the ~It helps trim and flrm midri ff bul ge. Get amazing results even if worn while sleepln11! Soft composition rub- be r with adjustable velcro closures . . . Comfortable trlmmln1 while you 10 1bOt1t normal activities ..• Gardenlna\.joplng ..• even watcnlna TV. nts sizes 24 In. to 46 In. tt.45-W1l1t Tr1111 left , .... YHE E·Z WAY TO PLAY THE HAR· MONICA -INSTRUMENT INCLU. DEDI Receive a fine quality 10 hole, 20 bronze reed h•ITl"lonlca and "play·by·number" Instruction book. Amaze everyone by playin& tunes instantly! The book even teaches professional chord methods. A variety of familiar songs is in. eluded. Book and Instrument-com· plete. 13622-Humonlca Ktt $2.98 DESK TOP CALCULATOR FOR HOME -OFFICE. Now &et fast and accurate solutions to math c hores at home or In business. Adds, subtracts, multlplles In an instant. Totals to 99.999.99. Helps you remain true to the bud'let. figures out tax problems, bank bal- ances, etc. Lowest price ever for this tried and tested calculator. 5 'hx5x4-. 8098-Desll-Top Calcul•tor $4.94 SHOE TWIST • Holds 10 Pair • Only 12~ Wick CHECK BLOOD PRESSURE AT HOME. Keep • c4ose watch on health of loved ones by taking blood pressure readings et the doctor's requHt. Medically accu· rate, preclsion·m ade sphygmoma- nometer. Stethoscope is profeulon. ally deslaned for doctors and stu. dents. It maanifies •II sounds. 5605-Meter . . . . . . . . . $1&.98 2531-StethCKC:e»pe . . . $3.98 YOUR OWN PERSONAL PRINTING SETI 116 letters, characters, sym. bols and numbers ... Personalize stationary. greetln& cards, checks, even print your own slans and pie· cardsl A pocket-size little wonder with endless printina uses. 2 notched printers, an Ink pad & metal tweezer for fast, easy han. dlina. Ideal for clubs, school. church. An aid to better sradesl 11812-Prtnt Set $1.-49 Two 111nt rous In shades of hot pink with hundreds of wb py wtllte fll .. menb bur1tln1 forth from each multi· petaled bloom! Turn oft the ll1hts, the tip of uch fiber suddenly comet to llaht! Clear pastel areen luves & 1 graceful stem, black pl11tlc base. lJH un. Uses two "C" batt. (not Incl.). 141~ ....•.•....••.•... $7.11 PROJECTOR ENLARGES TO 4 FEET; IN COLOR TOOi Enl•rae any Illustrated material up to 4 ft. wide. No films. negatives needed. Mag•· zines. newspapers s napshots, stamps. ell project cleerly In color or black & w hite. Uses house llaht bulb. Adjusteble lens. Handy carry c•se. 12· " 8-" 4 1/i-. Every boy or alrl will treasure this projector! 2517-Protector $1.91 CAST IRON MATCH BOX • VICTOll~ 1m11e1 • MOLDS ll'tTCHEN MATCNU • A UNIQUE IVY nAltTH • H•ncs In ClcKet S tore shoes in sc uff.proof. dust. proof clear vinyl pockets. A twist of your wrist brings shoes to your fin· gertips. Hans from your closet rod In only 12 inches of space. Rid yourself of boxes that take up floor and shelf space. Golden vlnyl with crystal clear plastic pockets. sr long ... only 12- w lde. Fits any- where. 138-42-F,..me Tree • flr111 Mtncl11 • Brr all Oen rat Tati. a peek at the ch1rmlng Victorian er1 when big wooden matc~s were • kJt. chen necessity. The black cast Iron t'lold· er will store an en· tire box of wooden matches. If you ire looking for an ti• gent end unusual planter, this old• looklnii match boJC Is 1 positive dellght filled with trelling lvv pl1nts. 7 x 3JA 11 2v2"· $6.98 • lncrn111 lKal 81Hd Cirt11l1tle11 firm up hips, thlehs, and abdomen with 26 double action pads v1bratin1 2,000 times per minute. Wur !'he belt around your arms, le11s. walst, wherever you want to lone up. One size fits all. 013421-ltlt ...... $21.H 12901-Match BOii $2.98 --GIANT EASY-TO-TRAIN "Clim bing Strawberries· RIFLE-ACCURATE CASTING with AUTOMATIC FISHING ROD Plant now and in 6 to 8 weeks eat Succulent ..,~..._......:R~ed Ripe Strawberries right off your own vine. 'These are the strawberries that you buy in the fancy e•pens1ve vegetable markets. Real show strawber. rres for that strawberry shortcake, f1lncy fruit salad, plain with light sweet cream or In a fancy dessert. Truly they are a mouth.watering delight , Bushels of Strawben1H All Summer AIJTllENTI£ C4ST IRON MEatANICAL BANK Alm for a spot. then press the lrlaaer for cas11n1 up to 80 feet away! Like a bullet, rour llne zooms to the area. Perfect to hook the really bl& one who alweys seems to 1et away. No more worries about back-swlnr on crowded pier, busy bOolt or under tree llmbs. Now you can anal• wl lhout crampln1 your style. Great for fishermen who love the sport but should not over-exert by castin1. Rtl.t11tlon at ita best. Flberalass and aluminum 42n Ions. fits all spln<utln1 reels. Plant r ight now and in 60 days you'll pick red ripe strawberries and continue to do so month after month right up to the first frost. Simple planting instructions make it easy for anyone to have a green thumb. even if you've never gardened before. Nol available In California or Arizona. N8897 . 4 st,.wberry ..,.nts $1.98 N8896 .. 10 St,..wberry "'-nts $3.91 Priceless Early American orl1inal of "Rajah's Elephant 8'nk" Is falthlully reproduced from authentic antique mold, and llke the orl1lnal, meticulously crafted In cast Iron and beautifully decorated In brilliant reds, 1olds and blues. All you do Is place coin In elephant's trunk . . . pull his I.all , . . watch trunk swln1 coins Into Rajah's seal 5" bll, 7" Ions. 13Ml-l.., ... t ......................... $12.N 1124-~lc n1"91 I• , ............ $12.N ALL ITEMS SOLD ON AN UNCONDITIONAL 10-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. WHY RIP UP YOUR LAWN? PLUG IN ZOYSIA GRASS By Mike Senklw II'• true the thln&5 people •re s•y1n1r •bout Ameroy Meyer Z-52 Zoy\la Gren (Re&. T, MI II 1rows Ml Ihle-1nc lu•urlous ,,.., ••l-1n1 on II 1, unforaell1ble . llke ""•lkln1 on • thick, plle cu ptl Your loysl• lawn ''-> ZFN, 1974 drl•es out cr1b1rau and .. reds 111 summe1 ton1. It stays ire~ and buutltut In bfistt1ln1 heat. wllen other crus bums out. It cuts mow1n1 bF ~ .•. It's Ptr· 1ec1 for summer homes and "prOlllem" arus. There's no nttd to rip out your old crau Plue 1n Amazoy Zoys~ wan '"" let it s1>rt1d onto beautiful turf that never ne~s rtplatt· ment II wlll neither lleat kill -winter Ull . merely SOfl off Its 1run color after lluvy frosts altd re11lns lrt'11 nt• beaut)' every \prtn1 1 true ptrtnnlal! h t ry plu1 fully ruaranteed to 11ow In any soil In your aru . ---------------. r To end '°"'" problem•. •end /or Fr,, I I 1nlnr•llllf {«ta Olld low {>TIU• of I I A "llLIO)' Lllr Pn·utuon Bmw• O/ln Nn obl1•"'"'" Mai/ roufW>n ro I Dt't. MJ zon1a rum 10.r 1tt11,..1 a.wa1 Offices a. llett I I ._. .. h lshfst.n •• .• Ian ... 111•. 21215 I I Nanw 1 1 AJ~"""'------------------1 Coty & Stet.e Zip _I RELINE YOUR DENTURES FOR A PERFECT FIT /.' ~ r., ({·~ ~-~ ELECTRl ... IED I ndoor Green- house with "weeks-ahead" action brings forth h t:althier plants, beautiful fl owers. C o ntrols m ois- ture, ventilation, soil temperature at 70°. Plants respond! About 21/i 'x 1'3". H olds Yi bushel soil . W ith herbs. tom ato, flower seeds. S 14.9 5. From Plantabbs, Dept. 401 . T1mon1um, MD 21093. Weeke11d Shopper IS)· tynn I l(•ndlc·)· ROYAL FORGE 6-piece stain- Do your loose dentures slip ur less steel c ut-ea use t;orc gums'! BHtMM'S PLASTl-LI NER r('lincsdenlure!. lery set with s nugly without po"'dN. paste or tough blades pads. Gives tighL,comfortalJle fit does all your fo r months. YOU C l\N .. .:AT ANYTlllNC. Simplv 111}' sofl carvin g, slic- strip of PLASTl ·LINER on i og, dicing, denture. Rite and 11 molds per· fectly. Easy t.u u:.e . harmless lo mincing, o r chopping w ith slick, den lures und gums MunE',V·back sh arp perfec tion! Each knife guarantee from mfg At all honed to a razor edge. $13.98 t.lrug counters. 9iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiPiiiiii'~i1 plus $1 hdlg. Bris kin, Dept. FW, 55 W. 55th St •• New York, NY 1001 9. BIG Posters in colo r o r B&W! Send color print o r slid e (no negs). I ' x. 1 lrl ', $4.95; ] 1-2' x 2' $7.95; 2' x )', $14.95. B & W posters, send b&w o r color photo. 1 lh. x 2·. $2.95; 2' x 3', $3.95; 3' x 4 ', $7.95. Add $1 if B&W from neg or slide. Rush B&W J~~~~~~~~~~~~~ only. add $2. Pho to Poster. Dept. X550, 2 10 E. 21rd St., New WHEN YOU ORDER BY MAIL FROM FAMILY WEEKLY ••• Please allow up to four weeks for delivery on items ordered from companies that advertise •n Family Weekly. Sometimes unintentional c1elays occur. If they do, just wnte: Lynn Headley, Family Weekly. 641 Lexington Ave . New York, NY 10022. York, NY 100 10. .. AMERICA The Beauti- ful " stamp collection to v a I u e i o 1!5i0:...ll-..--..-..-..... beauty and ownership. Includes ecology stamps . I 0¢. Also, othe r stamps to examin e free. Buy aoy or none, return balance, cancel service anytim e. H. E. Harris, Dept. E-2 16, Bosto n, MA 021 J7. Sh'j'"• ., Meil I• 111•. ,.,.,,,,./r1tt. ••d n 11 All ef/rro /,. tlit r<llt•rlal ,,.rU01t el tltc Wultr1td Slt•,IN• •r• not ro1n11outl ef ,.,,, otlrwrlul1t1. Plr•« """' ""' eltu lt er .,o,.•1 ordu, 11ot to 11•, but to tltr ""',.•In ll•t«ll. Reoc • 1tltt N>Hlt l Now you sec Iler • 11 That's how easily d-CON" ~use-Prule may rid your home of fom1l1es of mtCe. Mice accept 1t readily They eat d-CON hungrily ; --·--:: _ and. when they've eaten enough. they go ' -~ owoy and die' Cleaner, easier. surer than mouse traps. d-CON tv\ouse-Prufe is o high-potency lorrnulo, now better than ever with on exclusive refined ingredient -Wincon.' .. tv\ouse-Prufe hos been used by mil lions for years with excellent resuhs No wonder d-CON tv.ouse-Prufe outsells all other mouse killers combined. Now better than ever with Wincon•w anti-coagulant. LEARN HOWER ARRANGING at home Ma ke profe ssional corsages, arrange· ments. wedding designs. Unusual spare, full tome money making oppar1unot1es, or hobby free onformatoon on e1<c1l1ng home· study course Nu Ja/nman w1// rail L1fet1me Career Schools.Oept.B 52 2251 Barr; Ave .los AnReles. Caloforno• 90064 ,,.c bl11,i. bt11IJM $10.88 lnltoc1uctor~ offe r •rrular S 14 !!l Hill BROTHERS u~pt 4; = 241 Cresctnt Street W11!1\am Mass 021~ So Simple. The "PAPERLOGGER" m•ku 16" long logs out of old newspapers end ma1•zioes. Make ilS many as you want when you need them. Easy to operale no more wet firewood burns long and clean ... low cost compared to wood Don't moss this opportunity to have a "real" fore on cold winter days and BEAT THE FUEL SHORTAGE. Send $3 00 plu s 18t Pennsylvania Sales Tu 11 Pennsylv<lnta •esldent Order extril log binders I 00 for $I PAPERLOGGER DEPT. 10 P. 0 . BOX 545, LITITZ, PA. 17543 PantY.hose may cause your itching torment. It's 1rue. P antyhose may seal heat and moisturt' m ... lock air out. S<.> you itch. Sensiti\'e \'a~inal and rectal area~ nC'cd special care. T hat':. llot'OZENF. C reme. (Say it "By-Co-ZC'('n!') nil OZl-.NF. helps rt•I l('V(." itching fas1. Quiets your urge to scratch ... even helps promote healing. . Bil'OZENE mrtJm special care for sensi tive vaginal and rectal membranes. A sk your druggist about Bll'OZEN .... • *Restricted to TALL GIRLS who want the greatest looks in fashion Shop by mail from the Tall Girls Cal· alog. the only fashion catalog wit~ a complete colletltion of eye catching clothes in 2 proportioned lengths fALL·B(-TWEEN for the _girl 5'7" to 5'10"; TALL UNGTH for the girl 5'1-0" or over. And there are shoes and sandals, too, size& 9· 14, AAAA. to E Money back guarantee on everything you buy. And you may charge your purchases! SEND FOR FREE TALL GIRLS CATALOG TODAY ! Tall ;irts C 7 4·315· 5 Indianapolis, Indiana 46201 Please send me FREE Tall Girls Catalog Mou Mrs.---------------------- Address City State "Then l found Esoterica. The rnedic ned cream that works below the skin's surface. in the ptgment-fonrung cells, to help lighten and fade age pots and other darke ned skin dlSCOlora· uo ns on hands and face. In a matter of weeks. my skin looked younger and clearer:· HELPS FADE EMBARRASSLNG AGE SPOTS. advertise ment Now, a blunt promise by an eminent dermatologist: Every cell of your face has a ''clock'' in it! Here's how to wind those clocks backwards! Revealed by an eminent dermatologist (see his word-by-word statement below)~ How, with the proper scientific instruction, you can literally stop the biological "clocks" in your skin ... actually look ten to twenty years younger than your real age ... erase wrinkles, blemishes and coarseness ... and do it all using nothing more than such simple ingredients as water, soap, and (especially) salt! Thi! b, quite !rankly, a vital musaac about what ts ~rbaps the most revolutionary homc:-medlcal-1111ldc ever pubh,hed on facial care ... facial beauty ... renewed facial youth. 113 results arc so spectacu- lar, its documcntauo n is so overwhclmina. and ats me11\.>cb are so v11al to you~ future hfe tbat we must repeat, in full, 1wo more quotes fro m 11.S openUlll pa11cs: "As a mall er of fact. we have only recently ac- quired the ability to really do some1hlng about the more sc:nous changes in appearance 1hat accompany a11in11 ••• .. In the past, the avcra.gc person 51ood very !Jule chance of bean& able 10 look younger. Without wealth or the right 11cnu. there wsu very little hope. The advent of modern skin care bu chanacd aJJ I.bis. Now 11 is no lon11cr necessary to pamper younclf o r be born '6'ith good ~kJn. The Idle rich no lonaer have any tufv1lnta11c .. ll>c 11cncs you inherit arc no lonaer a limiting factor. because we can no w compensate for ·even delicate, a ge-prone skin ... Thanlu to modern research, we no w know wbat causes man,y of the WI· 1111ractive problems Lhat appear with a,e. With this kind of lmowlcdae. we have b«n able to develop methods that arc effective in combanlna or aolvlna these problems. "The prac1ical application of these met.hods can produce spc-ctac ular results. A person can easily look 1cn,.co twenty years younaer than his or her actulll age, and this CIUl be achieved wilh a mlnJmum of etfort. My own intcresl in lhis subject was tint stimu-lated by an eminent dumatoloabt who waa one of my first teachers. He wa.s nut o nly an early advocate of these new methods. but he practiced them hlm.~lf. The results were truly impressive. Ar almost clahtr, yeou of aae. he appeared to be In has early fifties. ' This, Then, Is The Startllnt New Promlse That lies Rilht At Your flnsertlps! And Here Are The Discoveries That Are 6oin1 To Give It To You! For eitamplc- ""' is no lon1cr a barrier to a flawlus complelllon, brcauu rhr ouur la> u o/ your shin nrvu slops Krowtn1! And, if you learn the riaht way to utilictc that aco wtb, yo u may actually revuu lhe dreaded a&in1 proecsa. and arow younacr-lookana. not older. The ultimate moisturlur' Ho w It can chmlnale moisture lo.u Instantly, and actually repair the rav-aaes caw.cd by yurs or facial dryl\C&!. The three in.sldlou. structural changes lhat create "old" skin. and ho w 10 stop each at iu source For example, master this simple technique ol pro· !Kling the all-important "inner layer" of skin from da.maac, and )'OU ""r// nt1·u nud rhr """k n of a p/astlc sur1,on. H ow your klrchr11 :l/ovr can make you look old, old, old-11n/rJ1 you learn bow to use It-like 1h1s. Ho"' certain ho usehold a.ids (that you use every day) actually poison your 'kin Get rrd of thcm-no111 H ow 10 keep 1hc 'un from 1urn1n11 your face: into a wrUlkJcd prune. Ho:,.. to protect ynur \kan aaaan5t au polluuon (Otherwise. If you live in a bl1 eaty, be prepared lo ABOUT THE AUTHOR have pco{>le aucu you're ten ye~ older lban you really an.) How to banbh blocked pores and blaclthcad3-/or rood. The Number One Rul< for protcc:tml your fac~ a11aJnst oil the bazatd3 of the environment. Follow it Cailhfully (sec paae 36), and when your friend& look as old as Methuselah, ,.ou'I/ htudly ho"' chon1rd aJ o.11. ln~lsput.able Proof That It Wou~ Title A Century For Your flee To lotll O~. If You Didn't Abuse It like This ••. How to "quick<lean" YOUI face ao t.horou&Jlly, and so fast, that you take ycaD oft it, r atbcr than pul them on. Invisible sources of skin lotlammarions and al- lcrgjeaf tbal may be rwnana your complcaloo ri&ht oow. n o ther words, bow to practice modern acne Lherapy, rltlu In your olo'n Ito'"'· Why you may never have 10 spend a cent on com- mercial face"<are producu aaam. Fo r two reasons; Because most of them arc actually harmful to your skin (tee lbt on paae 67). And bc<:ausc nuntt o/ 1hm• could ever do as much fo r that skin u the olmoJl- C'OSllrs.r prcparallom ¥1ven to you on Pate 11. For e.samplc, the best daytimc base Ln the world (&Ad you abould wcu It •"'"' aliJlutc ol n1rry day, to keep the youth-force scaled In yous &kln) cosu only 84-for a 'ix-month supply. And the be~t nl1ht cream you can buy cost.f tUJhtly more-about 91tt for a sh1·mont.h supply. And the bnt face ma&k in lhc world cosl.t 9' • rreatmcot. And the but skin freshener probably CO$!• a penny a day. And not one of lhrtn conlafm a sln1lr l"trrdin ll that w/11 unknowln1lr u1e your Jact or dry out yc>ur /au, or lrrltat<t your Jae;-,. All 1hq do l.s pull tl1t filth ou.t o/ 1ha1 fou, at lht some time 1hrr lral in tht youth. But What About Thi 01~ Skin That's Marrlnt Your Face Rilht Now? What Dt You Do About It? TIUS- Herc, on paac 72, is (in our opinion at leL\I) the really startlina brcak1hrou11h in !acial care 1n this gcnc1at1on. 11 I! C"alled, "Skin Thlnnln6". It takes aboul two minutes of your rime a week, and at coses about )' a 1rea1mcn1. It'' bu1c ingredient is 1011. P1aJn ordinary table salt . Bui uud lt1 Juch a 111ay 1Joa1 II almo11 IMlaJttl}' C'ul1 do wn 111rin1'.ln Oprn> clorrrd po rn. Helps prri·rnt a1, spo11 nnd wh/1r- hlod..r. /ltay actually ha••r yuur l11uf>and roolnr wflh dr//1h1 1hc ''"'>' {irJI day you uJr It. And there'• slill more-much more-like this l-low the wronf( vitamins can p()oon your ~kin. And the rl1ht vllamin thcrap'/ cause 5pcctacular chanacs overniaht (Sec pa11c 10 ) How dry, $Caly skin c an orccn be eliminated by a simple change in your dirt (Sec paac 107 ) The "Yo un1J-Face Style of Life" Or how 10 erase ten yea" !rom the look ol your slon, aimply by ad- justan1 \he way you wor ... play and $lccp. {Ser pasc 11 2.) Ho"" >·01u Jkirt can warn you of the '"''daous de-velopment of disease• or 1hc heart, circ ulatory ,,._ ttm, lunp, blood. 1hyrold , pancreas, SCA 1lands, liver, li:1docys and much more, all by 1/mply 1'.nowln1 how II) rrad lht don1rr 1l1ttul1 ii JtrtdJ Out. (Stt pasc 10~.) Two easy .wlutions to hand and nail problem!. (Sec paac 140.) How to save your hair. Why you mu11 nol over· brush 11. The one overlooked cause o f 99 per cent of all severe hair dama&c. A 11mplc immediate lest that tell' you, ror sure, the rate of halr lou. Why the wro n1 use of ~ltomlns may be cau~ln1 that 1o ... Mrdlcal mnltods (your husband wlll bins you when you. show them lo him) of rrolly cOmfWnrntlnr fur lhul uf(ly UUJ . And Much Muell More. At last All You Neelll To Never look Your Ac• Acaln! AND WE PROVE IT TO YOU WITHOUT YOUR RISKING A PENNY! Remember! Good skin can Is onr o f 1oday'1 brJr Pl.US THESE THREE THRILLING BONUS SECTIONS! Break throosh all thar mlsinlorma1!on and hocus-pocua 1Urroundln11 1hc use of such rld1c· ulously hi&h-pnccd cosmclic •( Jili•cs 83. royal jelly, placenta, hormones. cucumber. proteins, sca~cd and all thou couotlus other "miracle in1rcdlents" lhal arc simply cauain1 you 10 5'juandcr your hard-< arncd dollan! Correct structural chan,es 1hat cause visible akin problems, ~event cellular build-up, dry. M:aly patches, blackheads and blocked porcs- forcvcr-all without rC"Ortln1 to the tcrvtccs of a professional! Learn the hidden d~n11cn of sunlamps, cruh-dlclln1. hot combs 11nd cu rlc:n. hie.ch «cams, 1ihconc Injections! altDFORD SR.BLMlll.E. Ill.. sraduatcd from the Unh•c~lty of Chlca10 School of McdJd oe. He Is a former stafJ member of rhc American Hoapltal In Paris and the Columbia· Presbyterian Hospital In New York. Dr. Shel· mire Is a dlplo mMe of the American Board of OcrmatoloJY, a member of the Amctican Academy of Ocrmatoloo, and currently Ar.- 113'an1 Profcuor of Ocrmaaoloo at the South- wntern Medical Scbool of the Unh•crshy of l'nu. The author of many attkies on skin p11,_iolo1Y and therapy, he live• and practiceo medicine In D•Hu, Tuas, IMPROVEMENT BOOKS co., o., .. UOI, 134IO N.W. 45dl ..... °" lecb. ,..,.. 33151 bu~lmu . . nothln1 rbr 11vr1 )"Oii '"rh a h1fth rrlum fo r •urh n •moll ln1·c11"''"'' 8u1. YOU MUST BE-G IN N OWt The clfecu of a to ns llfetamc of n~11lcc1 and abuse can NEVER BE C O MPLETELY RE· VERSED! Vou owt It to yoUr'lCIC-•nd 10 thal spcC!al man 1n your llCc-10 rr1urn lhr No-Ru4 Co11ru" TOVA YI r -· MAIL NO RISK COUPON TOOAY --, IMPIOYumn BOOKS co .• Dt•l ~ 13-490 N.W. t5da lwt., 0'8 Loeb, Fl1. 33059 G entlemen. Please ru•h me a copy of TH£ ART O F LOOKING YOU NGER, =80101 , by lkd!ord Shclmil"l', Jr., M.D.' I un1lcntand the bvok Is mine for only S6 .98 complelr I may c:Aamanc 11 a full l O dayi 11 your r11k o r monc:y back. Enclowd Is check or M.O. for '------ YOU MAY C HARG E MY O MA STER C HARGE Q BANKAMERIC' ARO Acc'I '----------~,,.-.,---(Find above: Inter Bank '--------your ftlUTIC ) Eaplnllon due ot my car.._ ______ _ NAME PltoJI P""' ADORE.SS C ITY STATE ZIP [ ~in the World! MR. AND MS. ROBOT It's ao hard finding help .•. I The answer to a liberated woman's dreams is a robot-especially one that po11ri. tcJ. The two robots shown here wen· inve11tcd hy \"il•nm·sc engineer Claus Schol1.. T hey t:an answer tele- phon(·s, open doors, ,·acuum floors, shah· I.ands, intro<lm:~ themselves and pour liquids from u11t.: container to an- oth<'r without spilling a drop. "Ilul this i-; 011ly tht• start," says Scholz ... What I cvt>11 t11ally want to bu ild is a machirn! that t•.111 virtually do any 11orrnal <:hore. I want to reproduce mcd1anically and l'le<:tm11ically the thinki11g proc·csscs of tlw liuma11 brain to arrive at a machine that can think for itself." Thl' drawback with these robots is t ha t they a rc uper- .1ted electrically und thndort' must h<· plugged into the ''all by a human lw ing. One J ay Scholz hopes to invent 1 o hots that n111 011 batkrics. The ques- t ion remains: Will they be able to turn themselves off-aud on? DONNY OSMOND With titter Marie, 14, and brother Jimmy, 10 It's the teenybopper Idol's biggest problem : \vhat tn do wht•n yo11r voice lwgi11s tu changl·. Dv1111y Osmond. 15. 1s lac111g tha t prohknt 1111\\. Lloyd's of London may insure n(•tty C:rable's kg~ or Van Cliburn's hands. b11t it w1111't insure a boy's voice-even w hen it's worth $1 million. Can a haritonc finc.l happiness in n tenor'~ world? Will girls still swoon? Wilt money ket.•p rolling in? Who knows? Uut Donny's keeping a stilf upper tonsil. "l prcfrr my new \'Oit.·e tu till' old 1111c," ltl· !).11d a·t:<.'ntly. as he a11cl his family tuok tJll for six weeks' wdl-p.!icl work in La!) \'egas. ''1t's-l don't know-110t as M/IU:aky " The college freshman wrote on bis exam pap<-r: "Rather than bluff, J'cl like to CX>nf ess that l did n't read the assign· ment." The professor reh1med his pa- per with a big red ''F," but over it was a halo. -Gene Yasenak THROUGH A CHILD'S EYES Kids see life differently. Send original contributions to "Chi ld," Family Weekly, 641 Lexington Ave .• N.Y .• N.Y. 10022. $10 11 used-none returned. Recently we had company for d inner.While we were eating, our three-year-old <laughter looked at them and said, "I love my mama. She can d o everything. She's really smart." Her daddy said, "Well, what about me, Janis?" A puzzled look cam e over her fa ce, then she repliod, "H ave you got 3 njcJcel?" -DoLores Manwaring Bl.ackf oot, Idaho Doctor to obese patient: "Follow that diet, and in three months T want to see three-quarters of you back here for a checkup." -1.ucille S. llarper By Frank Baginski LITTLE EMILY "No, kid .•. I am not Tlny Ttmr• FAM ILY WEEKLY, February 3, 1974 • 27 ll's the Panama 20 Balboas The largest and heaviest silver coin 1n c11 - culat1on anywhere in the world It actually contains more than a quarter- pound of solid sterftng silver Size 61mm (2 4") Weight· 2000 grains It's legal tender in the Republic of Panama. with an olflc1al exchange value of 20 U S Dollars Minted for lhe Republic ol Panama by The Franklin Mint. the world's largest private m1n1 Flawless proof -quality coins -representing the ultimate achievement of the minter's art are uvatlable for a limited rime only, at th e olf1c1<ll issue price of $30.00 each All orders lor Proofs must be postmarked by February 28, 1974 Selec1 unc1rcula1ed cu1ns can also be ordered 1n rolls of ten ar $250 00 per roll Available until authorized ltm1t has been re<Jcl1cd --------------------------------------, r OFFICIAL ORDER FORM 1974 PANAMA 20 BALBOAS COIN Orders tor Proof Coins must be postmarked by February 28, 1974 The Franld•n Mini Fran~lin Center Pennsytvan•a l'IObJ Plea<;c send me PROOF COllJ', (l1m1t four) @ $30 00 each plus SI 00 per coin for postage and handling .. $ Please send me rolls o f TEN SELl:CT UNCIRCULAH'D COINS @ $250.00 per roll plus $4 00 per roll for postage and handling .......... $ Total amount of check or money orcJer enclosed ...............•...... 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Includes The Diamond Necklace, A Piece of String, The Will .. Each volume is clothed in a hantlsomely·woled binding of antique ecru rt.at has both the elegant look and feel of le:i ther, a binding that should last a lifetime. The page tops of every volume h.1vc hce n gilded. And, as a delightful added touch. each book has a permanen tly nttachcd page marker of c.rimson ribbon. You will enjoy reading these liook~. ju~t :is millions before you have. Your friend~ will admire them, perhaps l'\'Cn l'nvy you for owning them. 1\nd your diildrcn wall gain a real ad\'antage with hoob likl' thl'SC alw:1ys close at hand. Why do we nfft•r ynu thr<'t' booko; of th1~ Lalibrc for only $ I each? \Ve simply want to introduce you to our new Colden Giants Series. We think you will be irnpr<'SSed with the books we send you. And we hope you will want 10 own othl'r' in the Scrir'i, as they become :w:iil:ihk. 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Out through our direct·to- thc-publ1c method of book distribution ( wlrn. h we h.:1vc sp<-'Ciali.lCC! in for over 30 years) we an• able to make these volumes available to you for only $4.89 each, plus few cents for mailing. Send no money now. Simply mail the coupon to ge t your first three volumes for only $I each and to rcscn·c the privilege of examining f uturc volumes as they come f rorn the press. You will receive advance descrip- tion of all upcoming volumes. You may reject any books before or af tcr you rCTcivc them. And you may l'ancel your rt•st:rva tion any time you wish. Blac k's Headers &rvicc. Roslyn , New York 11576. 4 -PJ Black's Readers Service ROSLYN, NEW YORK I l~i6 , Plea ... rese~ on my nunC' 1ht h1nc!.on1t'ly bound volumn ol tk """' , • Gokkn Cr.an!! Sn>n Saw! nw a1 OIX't the 61"\I 1h1tt 111 .. &u•ruRI!, &1PLIHG ' and o.; W.AU PUUHT. I rnclo... no money m advanc-t /I. wed. al1n <CC'tl""'ll my : : boob. I will tllM ~um 1hnn one! owe nu1h1ng. 01 lttp 1lwm For 1hc <p<'ciol : • 1n1roductory price of only SI .-.ch. plu• • frw ttnl> m11lmg chu'll""· 1 : in.,,,, a< 1iwy ""' rnnred, I w1U M .... urkd 10 te<T•""' add111Druol volumn : ; nn aprrovol. fa< only $-4 89 et1ch, plu, a frw '~"" m11l1n1 charxn I 1m lo : ' n:cd vc: adva ott deoc n pt>ntu of fu1u"' ¥'0lu inn t ma 1 "'jtt1 1 ny books bdort • : or after l m-tivt them And I may c1nttl my racrvauon at •nr 11mc. (Bool1 ! : .hipped In U.l ,A. only), I I : ........ t : MU. --------r...--- 1 Ml .. I : .ADC> ..... .__ __________________ ~ t I I : CITY 4 rrr•n 1f P I ~-----------------·---------------------------~~-~--j / ' Orange Coast. * * FINA L SPORTS SUNDA Y, FEBRUARY J , 1974 . - . -. L --· ;.; •. .. ·- .. ,/ -·~.;r .,,.., I-IA! I KNEW '(ou'p FORGET!! DAL(LIG l-lT 5Av'IN G llMS START ED A GA IN !!! 1T '<;; NOT SIX. O 'CL OC K .. IT'S SEVEN O'CLOCK!! EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COAST NEWS l(OU M /§fie[) l(OUR 5Uf PERT! ME!!! l/ ?~ . SUPfERTIME ~ 5UPPERTIME ! 014, HE MISSED HIS SUPPERTIME! ~ iJ .rJ n.IJ THE CLO CK [J)A? R.EAD'( BUT ' HIS ?TOMACH 1JA~ LATE! IJIJ ;-; nJJ r SUPPERTrME! ~VPPERTIME ! l/EA/./ !! HE MtS5ED fl Al-:; 5UPPERTIME !! ., -------;; .. ·'· 0 ""2 c;; I T t-!INK i'LL GO DOl.J NTOIJJf\l , At-lD STA'( IN A HOTEL FOR A BOU T A Wt;E I< ... NANCY By Ernie Bushmiffer l 'VE GOT THE BLUES TODAY ----- . ' 'i HERE'S A NICE BAKERY Wll"IDOW -·-THAT SHOULD ' . r---~-·'--~~ Cl-'-! EER YOU UP . " LET 'S GO WINDOW-SHOPPING ---T FEEL • • 1-HAT Ml GH -r CURE YOUR BLUES B E T TER ----- W HAT'S ~/ TH E 'MATTE R ? ' '"I o·.,• '" '' 'O~I' '"'~'•ed ' ' ''• '" 1<• I I ~•"• • . '1·< •I~ ' BAWW \\\//;/ ' t ALREADY --L I A L WAYS C R Y AT WEDDIN GS . ~ I KNEW YO U WOULD -_·· ~' - I . --"""""- .... J •. -• HOW COM E NOBODY fE:V ER: IN VI TE.$ M E TO PAl<!T1E:S , Yf:T e:v e: i<:Yl30DY '7 AYS 1'HE.Y l..lf(E' ME ? 'I I / .... ' ' ' ,,. ""! -• . --< -.. -. , c... ),·3 ~ TH EY N E.VE!<: INVITE YOU 9E CAU$E YOU 'l?E ST(,IPID AND OLILI..., E!UT fH£Y LIKE Y0\.1 13 ECA U5E T H !:Y FIE.Ii! 1... S U PE.1<'1 0 ~ ,-o YO IA. DENNIS THE MENACE , S O L. E 1"'5 ~fe ... IF I 8ECAME. INTE.l<!E 4T ING1 PEOPL! WOllL.D ~UO"EN L.Y FEE L. INFEl<!IOR TO M E1 AND TH E.Y WOUL.DN 'T l.IKE. NIE. AN YMO~& ... N ICE : VE'R:Y NICE': -BUT T H!Y'D INVITE M E: TO PA~T1E.S . 13 U T l 'l'IOULD NOT L.IKE NOT BE ING L.IKliiD ... ' ON Tl-le 01'\.1£~ HAND, L.&io;1'1!'R:, l 'M 1NV11'1N6 'J'OU. Ail:1'1-1tA IZ, THE.1'~'5 ~OM!TH I NG AEIO UT YOU j. L.1Kt:.: ,-o MY PA li?TY ...--... '~ l I • "\ , I 't_ .. I SATUl2DA'{ N IGi-iT ! . . . -.. - CAN YOvt 'UG6'EST AN INTE:'R:E5TIN6 EIOOl<- IHAT I CAN F°IN l?H 8Y SAIU1'DAY, WHICH WIL.l 6 1VE M e INTE."°EST1NG THINGS TO SAY AT AN Y PAR TY . TH AT NIGHT, TO WH IC.\.I I M IGH"f Ell< INV11'ED? HOWEVE.1', IT SHO ULDN'T 9E .SO INTE.R:E:STIN~ THAT r WO N 'T i:oi<c,e: 'r Al30UT IT ~y S UN DA Y, AND 01:COM & S"T"LAf'ID AN D DUL.L., BUI L IKAeL.E., o Nce ,,,--~A-G~A~I N~.~ .. ....-.r::::;::;:::::: ,11//, ' · · · r1 . ' '. ..... ... By Hank Ketcham .-~~~~~~~~~--. .!?UT MY 'ME P GENCIES MAY BE A LITnE DIFFERENTFROvl HERS. 1>1>1> JIJDGE PARKER <i <J <J W E LL '...EA'vE 'IO U A LONE W ITH THE OKAY, SAM ... DIST RICT ATTORNE'I, "°LADE.' IN THE • HEL LO, KEN ! SLA D E'S IN THE RE WAITING FOR YOL.1.1 I TOLD HIM TO TE LL I ME A NT IME, J'~L FIND Ol!T WHY AR TI E DEYON WANTS TO TALK. TO ,\i\E ! WHATA B O ~T THE-~E-'S NOT QTHE R MAN 1 . '•TA LK ING AT · UNDER .1 ( A LL ! JU ST INSISTS AR REST ? ,,1 1 O N CA LLI N G HIS • -1) '--, , LAWY ER! , }"' .:;J y/ , • • YO U EYER'ITH ING .' / ( I A LAWYER BY TH E NAM E O F G ILDER! I 'M. EXPECT ING HIM TO SHOW UP WITH A WRIT AT ANY M INUTE! I! HOPE '" HE DOES! THE LIEUTENANT SAYS .YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME, DE.VON/ I 'LL CHECK W ITH YOU TO BE SURE HE HA S ! RIGH T NO W I 'M GOING TO SEE ONE OF POOLE 'S THUGS! MAYBE HE 'S INTERESTED IN SOME PLEA BARGAIN ING! I ,,. I JUST WANTED TO THANK YOU FOR PULLING ME OUT O.F • THAT CAR •. , ' '\_c-· f ( \ • MUT~ YO URE ALWAYS COMPLAININ G HOW COLD THIS .HOUSE IS, RI GHT? --....-----; \i I DON'T 1-\AVE ANY FLl5E . lLL GET SOME --- Tf105E ARE OLD FUSES ANYWAY.' • /Tis BEAUTIFUL! MOTHER NATURE IN .ALL HER .GLORY~! WELL, I IN VENTED A NEW LITILE DEVICE T HAT I GU ARANTEE WILL HEAT YO U!< WHOLE HC LJ S E 8 YGEOR~E, Y E'5 ! You C,AN S E'E ITIS TRUL.Y WINTER! J SE'E' WHAT you ME,AN , PLUSHIE ·· IT IS 1<1ND.A PRE' TTY DOCTOR SMOCK ,. A RATHE'R I N COt-JSP/ CLJOLJS 17 /SGU/SE'. IF' :>: MUST SAY SO M Y Se l-F ~, WHY. DR. SMOCK .' ;>; NIEV!eR THOUGHT ;J:'P F'(Nl7 YOU GOING To AN · X-RA'f'eP MOVlfa! E'R ... t-.10 ... ;J: JUST W At-JTE:P TO ' use YOUR 1-oeeY CA>-<PY MACHI Ne;'. ..• 1T seeMs To ee "TH E: Ot-.1 1-Y Ot-Jril lt-J TOWt-J THAT HAS "E'I-FF?APPO COCOt-.llJT CHE'WS " •, REALLY? HO W DOES IT WORK? (ff,,. NOW PLUG IN MY HOUSE HE ATE R' /\C~A I N . ' :. ",, ' •• '"" ._, '"<-..... I "., .. , ...... .., N.OUJ Pt.."°"YING HE'H -HS:H ' J UST PLUG IT IN T HE E LECTRIC SOCKET ARE YO U CRAZY ! !HAT T f.l lNG WI L.L S HORT r.1 R<:U IT i\ ND 'PUT OUT ALL 'THE LIGHTS A G AIN! B .\' .-\I ."\rnith' HEY, IT B LEW OUT A LL THE FUSES ' S O W-HAT? A IN 'T Yoll +-1E ARD O F IHE ENERGY CRISIS YET:> - 1"1 ((' ;;._ I ~ 0"1 ' -,../.< ' B,ACJ< To PE:A LITY, DRI;AM BoY • l ·J I I I HMM. SO t-.IOW ;J: Kt-JOW W HAT MISS A /K E:t-J DOE'S F'OR A 1-IVlt-JG _y--& ~ --------- 0 ~ ~ ,r-1"> If ''ol•"l ·•''''-nlf•{~'• I., • .. I J: CONT CA12E 1"02 Tl-<ESE CAt2=TS, MOMMY '/OU CLE4 1'l IJP l'HAT PLATE, /OIJNG r"1A N ! -- T~•ERL ARE. THO.JSANDS or-'"=-... IAQV~l,IG CH\LDRE.i-..l l~l CHINA WHO'D ( ,1vF /'IJ'-l'/ rf-~ING TO f'L>S TC: l>-10SE C t\DP0 1-s / ·. • T-0-~:SL::E.i~:E::E:::CS by Tom K. Ryan --~-----:-:--:-~;;::i f-------~-i J3f'I N& llV\BUtP WJIH A tlfRCE coMPf111iV£'. 5PIR,IT ¢ f}llRL.Y srr f++INlf WITH EL.AN, I HAVf OPl'f.P 10 A11ACI\ fHf. fO Rf . 5 Cl'll'.>fltf S Cl'l881.1' SCRIB~LE. ~. .. " .. I ., SIG N!OP' 1lff 1015A cUCK 1'XPRl"'i51 !"SQ. ''" . , . \ \ ·® ,, ·.· ( I '~) . , " ' . . " • ~ . ,. • > • • } ' ;( ' . : . ' ; ' '. ~~-•I): . . ·•' -··. -~·-· \• ., . "·-·~ ............. .. • ·. ' . • I ; . I r,1 RH~P,1 f 5fRIP>f'il l l'M GRAlir lf P lO Rt:PORl" \HAI l'M · SJ100f lfl8 A RATHER Rf~1'ETf A!3L.f. · 500 2·? FASl£ST MOUS£ INTHIO Wt:-6T ! ' ,, CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There are at lea.st alx differ· encta In dr1wlng: details bet"een top anft bottom panel.I. Row qWck.lr caa yoa ftnd them? ChMk &JU'llVera wttb thoM below. ·1 u"'""'" ·~ f'JO:"I 11111•1 "!l "J;>)Jfftjl -~! Pll!Off "<; ·1u,....11u •1 '"l"lf 't' 'lUOll .. J llP '1 ''"'P"lM ·c 'JU .. JOIJJ!P ~! i>Uff11~1N .l "l1Uf1<!<1UI '1 ll"e ., :~;>~u;UJIJ\Q MIXED SINGLES Hal Kaulmah i- • ----BULLETIN BOARD • SUt.-1 NU1'1BER! 'J'h1nk or a number. Tlo uble it. Add eight. Divide by two. Subtract the original number. Wha t's left ~ '1lll1" •,._,,,.,~UI ~!Ill'" . .,p .. pr~ .. J"f!lU"U i>(l1 Jt•ll ,A ...... ,. ~1 1 ....... ro •.. ,LL ·m u._:4 • fi1rldlP·lo.1e.'l'h1 ~: Wluch e1tru~ fruit can't sit down"! l~1vr up? Why, Lhe ~ratle&S gr11prfr11it , nalch. e Sec> if you can t.rans\11te lhi.~ quaint F.nuh.~h Ppl· taph : "Hert in S X I lies; killrrl by X S I dies." PEAK·A·AOO! A 1?ia11t ~01111>· Answer quickly, if you can. lhin~ srrms to hP chasing ou r ,,.,. .. ,p 1 ,;s .. J,..., "" !'·•11''1 :~ .. 11 1 "~""'"~ u1 .. i~11 .. rrirnd rlo.,.,·n lhP mnunlain . Whal ean ii be? To find nut, l'onnreL • 'J'oni:uP '!'angler: Sixly squaw_.. with ~1>.:ly saws cut dots in numPrical ordrr. six score stron~ cigars. Rrpritt rapid!}, HALS PALS---------___, ) Mucret Beach. 9 Yum1, A.ril!on1 PUTI!I• l..st~rl•·, 8 ,. ,. flr,twood , Pi . I> Morur.1 L~ro. l 1 Hntuton, Tel. Ct<UI ""'n&bt. '> Pottstown, P1. Kua Yium Hou11to n, 'f.,l. ~IL/ll.. ~\,.sl IC 'JY~ AK'NO L.l7, YOU K'i'JOW l l-IATE' 1\~\V< 0 ~ 10 t-1€AK' Af\JY1500Y Wi-JISTL f ! ~ ilND Ti-lf:K'&S NOfl-llNG WORSE Ti-JAN Tt-1l'-" NOl0f OF COQDUl20Y PANTS ~ A\.IR~<CIHI II IE ANO 1 CAN'/ 5TAND Ti-IL SOUND Or S/'J1rri1NG .' WUv' DON 'l YOU AN~WE £ ME. 7 I ,F. <\ i\J I,( 1(11..;;' .'\rlrl I h••<.1· l'nlr1r<. 111•;i i ly f••r ;i <.urpnl>t' p11·t urf' a hove 1-Hf'rl . 2-Lii.:hl hhJf'. :1-Yrllo1,·. 1l-l.1cht llr11wn. ft -1-"h•<.h t1 1ru·~ 6-l);irk hlue, 7-1,iJ:hl J?rl'Pll . J,•'tl\'I' un11vmhrrt•d r1ro<1 ~ hlank SPEllBINOER! SCORE IO points for using all the ----+---- letters in the word below to form -----+----- lwo complete words: POULTICE ----· ---- TlfEN score 2 poi nts each for 111\ ----+---- word111 of four letters or more ----+---- found among the Jetti rs. Try t.o ICOFfJ •& ltul 50 point&. -----+---- •1no1 •:.1 d3 ;andwu• 9[q!...,"rl BoB ot-1, r CArJ f ~EAR TO LISTf/11 TO SOM[BODY C~l f W ll\/G WITH ~llS MOUT I~ OPEN ! l'M '.?OfZk.'Y, AK'NOLD. DID YOU !JAY SOM€TWING 1 MON7ANA- l\OT GOING HOMl ? T HE:Rc'S f\ NEW COM tl VISIBLE Al _ NINE TONIGI I 1.1 WELL , HAVE FUN.' i=~----- 1 'VE_ W.l\i-1 I D I IVF YfARS fOR fHI S --- /\ND Tl· It 11 If Vt-Nflt'.AIOR/ 11 LE /\DS 10 Tll~ ROOF.1 --~ --- I, ., ALM0S l l IMC-; I'M YOUR SUBST I T U TE TODAY. M R . FLUTESNOOT DIDN'T S HOW UP .' ~OOF DOC> R' '.3 LOCKI D / !" ..... ~.•·~~ ~:··; r., .. ,.,. ~ -~ ,., I- ·~ IT ALS.0 CLE'A'2!D )'OlJ OF 1NVOLVE- Ml!t-JT IN Y OUi:l l-lAL~-8ROTHEQ'5 SU85EQUEMT DEAT~. The airtiqh t a\1 bi is that guys spec ialty. ----;;>~ Here he comes. ·~f'/;~~-R·~l GORDO l ·1 l"OLICE A SP1RAJ-..IT'S \.Y'l·ULE AWAIT· ;r' • I~ AS51C. ... MENT, C.A fN VA LUAB LE : BUT 1 WEN T BEflSERK -LIZZ -l'M SO SORQY, Where is Stubbs z l quess ' I Is he late again 7 so, ( Sarqe .. ,...______ -~: :,~,-"C-Sd" -. :B~~ \ "'"'.]~ \..,_ ,/ ""- Hi, quys I brouq ht the coffee ear ly toda y 1 E>CPEQ1ENCE 8Y \lo'ORK INC. AS A STORE '• S£:CURITY GUARD. ' i.:/rfWll!l[J, AT TME SCENE OF TME SKULL DISCOVERY. I Tl-llNK (] told tl:at litt le shr·1111p J the nc'-l t1111c ~h i s / l1appe1 1cd he~ out 1 i \ l l know. ?ii~ §i MISS RINKL!S. TMI POLYC;AAPM PROVID YOU L IEO WM!<M V()U OENll!O YOUR MA.Ll"·•RO"T:M l!R B l!MEAOEO MI S RIVAL ON VOUR GUILLOT1N!, BUT- ir: THE GUlllOTlNE TRACY A'EASONS WAS NT useD TM.AT T ME ANSweR W~AT WAS? MAY BE B URIED 00WN IN T~T ,J.4~>-,M-.:U:_:D, TOO. Business 1s lousy and the payroll needs to be cu t anywav. eh Boss: Right. ,- 1. PREVIOUSLY SETTING HISUNDlill WATER LIGHT NEAR Wl-lfRE TME SKULL WAS FOUND- Jf he doe snt / have a good excuse Ile s had 1t 1 /' Do11i \V01'1 '\'- li.ili 11;iv, 'lep Show mr the hook that 11 tt!e ~ shrim p cant w10qll' off of 1 , · __ / r· -- By Gus Arriol a 17 ... IT S TJ;:AN.:::EI. y t:'RA\1\/5 A1E <':~!d_~~..)--.;.:...--------~. i...,. " ' ' '0 '• •••• ,.~ • " ' '·"· •••••• ,, ... ,J ... FR.ANKL..'>'1 5CAR1.E1T, ,• I " • • • • " • ' • • A kick was nigh with La year ·~ at poln an was al .na Po = 10,hl1 .:J ' •be I to . I-