HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-05 - Orange Coast PilotMurder-for-Hire Plot .
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1\ttaeker Slashed Mesa Girl~ 15~
---,\ y Own Vietim Resists Advanees~
In Coast Assault Struek by Auto
* * * 1oc * * *
VOL, 61, PllO, JI,, 2 SECTION$, Jt l"AGf.5
Murder for Hire
.Trial Ordered
For Mrs. Popeil
OI IN D•UY I'll°' ll•ff
Testimony in the preliminary hearing
for Mrs. Eloise Popeil of Ne1o1rport
Beach and her alleged lover. accused
of conspiring to murder h c r
multlmillionaire husbrtnd to assure a
piC'Ce of his $200 million fortune , has
led to an order that lhey must formally
stand trial.
~1rs. Popeil, 48. and Daniel AyCrs,
37. were ordered ti.1onday to return to
Long Beach Superior Court Feb. 19 ro
stand uial on one count each of
conspiracy to commit murder.
1~Iunicipa! Court Judge Charles S.
Litwin also set Wednesday as the date
for a hearing on a proposed gag order
to prohibit parlics involved from
speaking to the press.
Defense attCJmcys had ea r I i er
~cceedcd in having !he pre5s and public
barred from later stages (If the couple's
preliminary hearing in municipal courl
A cool, even-mannered blonde, Mrs.
Popeil. of 51 9 Hllrbor Island Rood . was
arrested at that location \'l'ith Ayers
on Jan. 8 in a raid by lAng Beach
They \vere reportedly tipped off by
two acquaintances of Ayers "'ho W'Clrked
wtth hi1n at Douglas Aircraft Corporation
and who were allegedly solicited as
contract killers.
Investigators claim the target o{ the
plot was Chicago kitchen gadget tycoon
Samuel Popell, 59, wOOse industrial
Mostly sunny Wednesday with
some .bi.ill clouds at times. ·('poler
days w!Oi highs ·a~ ~Cliea In
the low IOI. i'lslng to N Inland.
Overnight lows 45-48.'
MayOT Joaeph. Aiioto't. toi/e re-
turned h.01M foday afUr dl.~ai:r
!>earing for 18 days on (l "pro-
cn117ed vacation." Story Page 5.
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empire includes production of a
collapsible, JX>Cket-sized fishing rod.
The alleged plot was supposedly going
along on schedule in cluding a trip to
Chicago to case Popeil'li 10 • room
apartment when the alleged hired killers
became worried.
One of the men, idcntiried as Don
Reed, 48 , and Robert Peeler, 32,
reportedly called Popeil and warned him
of the assignment to.. take his life on
a conlratt basis, aCC(lrding lo police
ri.trs. Popeil and her male acquaintance
have pleaded innocent to the murdre
solicitation charges and genera 11 y
maintain a cool, nonchalant courtroom
She and her husband were in the
process of getting a divorce and if
he died before it became final, she
would have inherited one·lhird of his
$200 million estate. police asserted.
Mesa Girl, 15,
Spurns Advances;
Nearly Run Down
Orange Coonty Sheriff's officers are
today investigating an attack on a l~
year~ld C.Osta Mesa area girl by a
man who attempted to run her down
with his car Monday after she resisted
bis advances.
Investigators said the victim was on
her way home from school and was
less tharr a block from her, Canyon
Drive home when she was Orst accosted
by the motorist. She described him as
a ll)&n aged between 50 and 60.
Officer• said Iha' git! told them she
ran from the man towanb a . nearby
borne when he got out of hi.& car and
suggested that she accompany him.
The victim said that she resumed
her journey home alter he r<turned
to hls car, turned around and drove
Officers said the girl was then struck
a glancing blow from behind by tbe
same car moments later 11 lbe motorlst
drove bla nl>lcle onlo . the sidewalk in
an attempt to. run her down.
Deputies aid the girl waa treated
et a nearby doctor's office for cull
and brul116S .,-id shock and w91 allowed
to return home. " oocrtptlon of !he
allacker ...S Iii• car i.s being clrtUl•ted
throughout the county.
• unmen I
K11ils lier Om11
Lovely Lisse Jones displays
her do-it-yourself knitted bi,
kini as she suns herself on a
beach in Sydney, Australia.
B11ntingto11 Attacl~ Girl Pushed
Victim Screaming
Own Assailant l11to Trunk
BERKELEY (UPI) -The 19-year~ld
daughter of newspaper ~ x e c u t i v e
A man attacked by t~·o suspects in
a dark Huntington Beach alley early
Monday struggled \\'ilh one, grabbing
his kn ife and slabbing him in the stom-
ach, police said.
Medics Uncover
Ne,v Aihnent--
Pain in the Tail
\Villiam Gentry, 26. or Orange v.·as Randolph A. Hearst y,·as kidnaped from
treated at Pacifica Hospilal in her apartment Monday night by two
Huntington Beach for deep cuts on his 1nen \vho fired shots al neighbors as
right arm and side sustain ed in the they drove away, it v.'as disclosed today.
scuffle north of Pacific Coast lllghway on Main Streel. Patricia Hearst, a sophomore al
Berkele'Y. was dragged screaming from His attackers , l\ro men in !heir early
20s, fled. Police speculate that the man her duplex apartment in the Berkeley
v:ho \11as stabbed 11'ilh his OYITl eight·inch Hills and dumped into the trunk of
long knife \.11ilJ have to seek n1edical her kidnapers' car. Police said the two
help. They say they a re watching suspects were identified as black.
emergency roo1ns at local hospitals. Officers said Miss I-learst was in the
Gentry told police he was wa lking apartment with her fian ce, Steven Weed,
near the C<i pri Bar on ~1a in StreC't 26. v.•hen the doorbell rang about 9:20
"'hen a woman a sked him to escort p.m. and a white female said her car
her to her car. staJ\ed and asked to use the phone.
CHICAGO (UPI) -Doctors call it When returning to his own car, he Then, police said, the two men broke
"ischiogluteal bursitis," but it's still a claimed. he was pulled into an alley into the house, attacked Weed and
pain in the fanny. by the two suspects, one of v.·hom a neighbor who heard the commotion,
Jschiogluteal bursitis. described as a wielded the weapon. and tied both men up.
sudden onset or an "exquisite. relentless. During the ensuing fight. Gentry was They dragged Miss Hea rst outside and
a ll-dominating pain in the buttock,'' is slashed several times, police said, until forted her into the trunk of a white
the subject of an article in the current he managed to get the blade away 196.1 convertible. As they drove away,
American Medical Association magazine. from the suspect. followed by a station wagon, the suspects
The ailment was considered rare until When the wounded. suspect (ell to fired several shots at neighbors attracted.
a physician, Dr. Roy Swartout, developed his knees in the alley, Gentry, in what by the screams, police said.
the conditiOn and later with the aid he described as a dazed condition, The car, \Vhich had been stolen In
BETHEL, Conn. (AP) -Charles of Dr. Edward L. C.Ompare uncovered escaped. He walked to the seats Berkeley apparently earlier ln the
Ambulance office at Lake and Olive I found aba~--• a ball Mollett of Bethel got caught between 18 fellow sufferers. even ng. was 1NV1reu
the energy crisis and mass transit at '"The sufferer presents a bedraggled Streets, where his brother wor~. There hour later about eight blocks away.
he received first aid and was taken M. H t · of fi da ht a railroad crossing today. appearance from lack of sleep," the 1ss cars 1s one 1ve ug ers
Police said Moffett had been wailing journal reported. "Bending forward may to U1C hospital. of Hearst, president and editor of the
for gasoline since 5:30 a.m. in a line cause severe pain along the back of San Francisco Examiner, and chairman
of 75 cars that crossed a railroad track. the leg. He walks or stands with a p l Cl k G il of the board of the Hearst Corp. Sbe
At 7,30 a.m., as his car slraddled leaning of !he body toward the affected OSla er 11 ty and Weed . a former teacher at Crystal
the track, Moffett heard a whistle. He side. lie often will have to be belped Springs School for Girls, a private high
jumped out of his 1972 car just before to dress and undress." LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A postal school in Hillsborough, wh.icb she
a JG--car passenger train from Danbury The doctors prescribed three days or clerk, arrested last year with 80 first attended. announced their engagement
demolished it. so of total rest -preferably in a class and air mail letters in his lunch on Dec. 19.
Police charged Moffett, 35, wilh fa ilure hospital where narcotics can be given box while he was leaving work, was Police said It appeared obvioll.1 that
to stop at a grade crossing. by injection·to il\du~ sleep. -·-... convicted_. _Mo.n .. day • of stealin·g· !'!~~ ·····o--
t.~e HEAJlST, P&Je %)
'" J)f' ._,_....,...,rlritee• :', pj Ml,.;..;. =--=--=;;;::;~ '' ; •• ,.,.;::;;;;
Indians Win· One, Rout Cy~le Gang
VALLEY CENTER (AP) -It was no match for a motorcycle gang
of whites who raided the La Jolla Indian reservation.
When $he dust setUed, six of the cyclists were in police custody
and two were running in terror for the hills.
A beating given two Indians who ordered the cyclists to leave
brought other Indians.
The armed Indians rescued Michael Asher, 18, and Jerry Mor-
etti, 20, wh o had been thrown down a canyon side, struck with a rock,
jammed into a cattle guard crossing and kicked.
With pickup lrucks, 10 male Indians blocked a hilly road between
the "chopper" cycles and an abandoned tribal hall where the motor-
cyclists spent Saturday nigh!.
A posse of sheriff's deputies arrived and took Into custody six
members or the Hangmen's Club o( Anaheim.
A 5pokesman s aid they were jailed in San Diego for investi-
gation of assault with a deadly weapon and tres passing on an Indian
No one could catch the two whites who left ori fool.
The Injured Indian youths were hospitalized but listed In good
condition Alonday.
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Shutdown by Truckers
Spreads; Toll Climbs
Nixon Vows
To P1·ovide
Health Cai·e
Ry thr A&soclattd Prelis
More \ayoffs1 vlolP111:e and dlsruplfd
food and fu'l 11hlpmcnt s w're reported
tod ay as lhe independent 1ruckers'
shutdOYln spread furth er across U1e
,. Shares Grief
Negollator1 In \\'ashlngton, D . C .
<'Ontinued effor t" to find a co n1prom 1st>
pl&n to end the six-day proll'!l over
fuel prices and fr C'ight r<itcs. TI1c
:.hu tdown -or its 1•ff1·c.·\s -rc1.1chL'<i
at least 42 states.
UPI T11tPM10
President Nixon embraces Julie Chotiner at the funeral of her rather
Murray ll. Chotiner, a political ally and friend of the President fo1:
almost three decades. Chotiner died Jan .• 30 of a blood clol follow·
an auto accidenl.
. Co11troversial Sign Law
· Slows Up Mesa Cou11cil
' .
Of lht Diii~ PUol $1111
Coota t.Icsa city ('()un cilmen ~londay
night declared themselves unable to act
on a complica!t'd and controversial new
sign ordinance and ordered the decision
delayOO until ton ight. .-,.., The marathon pllblic hea ring resum es
a! 6:30 p.m. in the r.·laude B. Davis
r School auditorium with a paragraph by
paragraph examination of the disputed
document. If adopted in lts existing:
form the sign ordinance \vould halve
existing signs in the city by 1981.
Cowicilmen stopped on Page 9 or the
35-pag' sign proposal after it became
,... apparent that additional time w:is
requirt'd lo allo\v comrr.unHy and
... business leaders lo react to specific
' Comments during t.tonday night's hour-
'· long sign session were conllncd largely
.-to general remarks about the ordinance
1• by sign-own ing blL'linessmen and
homeowners interested in municipal
\· cslhetics.
l\tuch of that hour was taken up by
attorn~y Donald Smallwood . rC'presenting
25 business owners inclu ding IO Harbor
Boulevard auto dealers.
Smallwood said his cllents were not
opposed to either a s!gn ord inance or
\ the "noble objective'' or improving Costa
Mesa's appearance. but he reminded ~ · councilmen that the beautifi cation
:: program's burden would be borne
:: ~xclusively by one group -the bus-
:: mrssman.
" ~ "If you are going to pass an ord inance
~ that takes prope rty and impairs (sign
~ company) con tracts, it Is im portant that
• you pass an ordinance which is ~
'-= ~ I
' :: ~ ;!
T1li Or•• Coq t O#!ILY PILOT, Wiit! Wflldl
It c-IMd "'' N ....... "'"'' 11 Ml"""9d 1W
h Ort .... -= .. 11 Pvbll1~1 ... ("'*"'· .....
,.,_ ldll .... •rt Pl'bll•l'*ll, Mllndt~ lflf'Olllll
,,, ... ,, II< CH11 Mnt, Nt""'°rf •Melt,
""1Th"1't<I flttch/P'011>11tifl v1111r, t...-
a-cri. lrv.,.,h<ldltNc~ 1M iln Cllr'!Wltl/
"" Jw1n C1pl1'11no. " t ll'IOll "'lioflll
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.... ,..111cl1MI PUblllMft9 ~i.nl !1 fl uo w .. 1
.. ., •tr_,, <o.11 MKI, C.•tw.rnll, f1UI.
R1li11t N. W11d
P't"llll...i llftlll l'wllll\~ff
· .11,\-R. C'lirl•v
Viet P't...-.i •no! Gt-II MIMft'"
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Clri11l11 H. L.01 ll:ltli1rd .,. Nell
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c..11'-'!111. 1u111italttlfll ... c111rll<' n . .i "'*""""' ... """ U.11 __,,, f!lllltww ..,,..., .. ttM ,_..,_
enthusiastic ally embraced by those it
affl'cts ," he cautioned .
The ordinance, Sm<..1!l v.·ood nsserted
is po!t'nt iaUy uncoru;titulional in thos~
areas where il attempts to regulate
the_ type of copy and a mount of copy
v.'hich may be placNI on a sign.
. But the .sign reform proposal also
had its chan1pions, among them several
hon1eowncrs :.issoci:1tions, th e Costa
.i11csa \'_1om_en·s Club and lhe city Goals
and Ob1ecl1ves Co1nmittee.
Speaking for the Wom en's Club
!11arilyn Voyer encouraged the councii
to take. swif~ action on the ordinance
and sa id that Costa l\1esa 's efforts to
cl ean itself up has att racted the anention
of other commun ities. "The· eyes of
Southern California are upon us," l\1rs.
Voyer told the councll.
St rong endorsen1en!S \1·ere given to
t~e ordinance Uy GCQrge Hoos. of the
i\1esa \Vest lfomeo\\·ners A!!K>Ciation :
LouiS('_Napoli. of the Goals and Objectives
Committee ; Peter Viotto , of the ~lesa
del l\1ar J1omeo 1~·ners Associat ion; Bill
Ad ams. of the i\1esa Verde Homeowner s
Associ;1tion; Vernon Taylo r. of th e
Oceanvie w Park JI om e o \V n er s
Associalion. and th e students of Est.ancia
High Schoo!.
l·lowl'ver the Costa i\11~sa Chamber
of Com111crcc. v.·hich during the early
stages of the sign discussions ca rried
the lance. against loo-stringent control
me asures, hrid no ofricial comment.
Chamber President Eugene O.
Bergeron in for1ncd the five-man council
that he was unable to make any
statement be<'ause there had been
insu~ficicnt time to study the latest
version of the of\'.linance.
B'rge~ ~rlticlzed t.he city planning
sLaf! for 1ssUing a mult1pllcity of revised
ord l_nances . !~d nol mak ing them
available 1n time for e:xaminatlon by
the chamber's sign study committee and
board or directors.
Rites Wednesday
For Tcc11-age
Gunshot Victi1n
Funeral services ore s c h e d u I e d
Wednesday tor a Santa Ana you th who
died Saturday after a gun he was
hanCJling nt his fam ily's mobile: home
d.ischa rg c..
Rupert R. Marlin, 16. was pronounced
dead at Fountain Valley CommunJtf
Hospital after being wounded in the
residence at 413 Sandstone Drive.
Rlt~ wtll be 81 12:30 p.m. Wednesday
in the Peek F'amlzy Colonial Funeral
llome, Westminster , with interment to
follow al W'11tmlnster Memor~l P«rk.
Survivor1 Include hi! parents, Mr. and
Mr s. John Marlin. a sister Joyce Martin,
al!IO ot the home, plus a sister Mrs.
.June 1'yler, ()f Orange, and a brnther,
N. David l\1arlln, of Fullerton
Tht 11hootlng victim's father t1 chler
flee t auto mechanic for U1e Dally Pilot.
Federal e:n,rgy dllflf Win iam Simon
told members or a Sen atc ·Hou!e
conference committee he need e d
h•gislative authori ty to allow truckers
to p11 ss along higher fuel prices to lhe
shipping com panies they "'·ark tor. The
con ference chairman, Rep. II a r le y
St aggers (0.W. Va.), said, however. it
v.•as unli kely Congress would aj:.1. soon
enou gh.
Na liona.1 Guardsmen, on duty in three
states. esco rted som' trucks along
Pennsy lvania bJghways. A spokesman
said fou r·man Guard unit! ln jeeps were
11cco mpanying trucks carrying perishable
cargo and medical supplies.
Pennsylvania State Police said there
were 53 reports of violence -including
four shootings -ln the 24-hour pertoc::I
that ended at 8 a.rn. A spokesman
said 10 arrests had bt>en made.
liighway patrolmen escorted some
tanker trucks in Ohio.
Gov. Marvin ~fandel of l\Iaryland said
he would use National Guard trucks,
if necessary. to take food and fu el
to Uie \vestern part of his state'. He
did not actually call up the Gua rd ,
Violence was reported late flrlonday
night or today in al least a dozen
stales. Most of the trouble involved
sniper fi rings, tire slashings or objc-cts
thrown at trucks.
The Ohio llighway Pa trot said a
predawn fire destroyed a trac tor and
tv.·o trailers at a trucking com pany in·
Mine ral RJdge. •
T\-lost of the violence did not result
in se rious injury. An exception was the
\Vil mington, N.C. shooting ot a n
independent trucker manning a blockade.
Police said the. driver, James Henry
Kelly, 50, of \Vilmington, was shot in
the stomach and was seriou"sly wounded .
They said C. F. Andrews, 57, a driver
fr on1 tlampslead, N.C., was ch.1:1rged > v.·ith assault with a deadly weapon with
intent to kill. .
There wer e more layoffs in indus1rics
unable to get raw materials or ship
fini shed products.
Holly Farms Industries, Inc., one of
the nation's largest poultry processo rs,
closed three plants in ·North Ca rolina
for an indefinite period and laid off
3,000 employes.
"\Ve're in a heck of a mess," a spokes·
man said.
Layoffs elsewhere -many of them
in the meat packing or auto industries
-to talled over 75,000.
The 01vens·Illinois Glass Co. at Alton
laid off 2,000 workers at its glass
container plant, complaining it "'as
unable lo get supplies.
The Missouri Beef Packing Co. of
Boise. Idaho announced it will close
indefinitely becal13e it rould not get
truckers to take processed meat to
ma rket.
Agriculture Secretary Earl L. Butz,
in Karu;as City fo r a speech, Said thal
if the shutdown contin ues it will have
a serious impact, especially o n
perishable food . He said that hundrros
of millions of dollars: worth of food
could be lost.
Lag1ma Police
Arrest 2 Men,
Get Marijuana
Hot Stuff
•ti, 1 •• r r '
Uf'I Telel't!GID
1..a va and burning gases spew out or the Mt. Elna crater in Sicily on
the fourth day of the volcano's eruption. Officials say no inhabited
areas are endangered by the lava now.
Regent Brand Chocolate
Balls Pulled Fro1n Stores
\VASl·II NGTON (UPI ) -The Food
and Drug Adminislrallon said today that
1housands of candy chOCQlate balls arc
being pulled off th~ market because
eating them could cause fever, nausea,
vomiting and diarrhea.
The FDA identified the brand, made
in Canada und distributed throughout
the United States, as "Re i:;ent Solid
htilk Chocolate." It said the balls.
\\'rapped in ('()}orful Orristmas-li ke foil.
carried th e llegcn t name on packages.
The recall began , the agency said,
alter public health investigators checking
into cases of salmonella poisoning
uncovered several instances where the
chOColate balls were befleved lo ha ve
been the culprit. The 'FDA also said
the New Jersey Health Department
found ·a type of salmonella contamination
Jaworski, Nixon
Counsel to Meet
in a sample of the Regent chocolates.
Tne FDA said it did not know how
many packages of the candy are still
on the market or how much the
manufacturer hopes lo recover through
the reca ll.
1'h<> candy is made by llegent
Oiocolates Lt d., St. llyacinlhe. Quebec,
and dis1ributcd in the U.S. ~· Triumph
Candy Corp .. Englewood Cliffs. N.J.
Salmonella can cause fever, nausea.
vomiting and diarrhea. although the
sympton1s usually disappear in one or
tY.-o days. The FDA said consumers
"·ho may have the candy should return
it 10 the pl ace of purchase.
2 R epublica 1is
Attack Loopliole
Republicans have moved to close the
"loophol e" through which President
Nixon avoided pa ying any Cali fornia
WASHINGTON (AP) -\Vllile House state income taxc.J tor 1969.73_
Coun&el James D. SI. C.Jair and special The proposal was ma de Monday by Watergate pr~tor Leon Jaworski will
mee! later this week to try to resolve state Con troller llouston I. Flournoy.
a dispute ·over continued access to a candidate for governor who serves
presidential tapes and document!, the as chairman of the Franchise Tax Board
\\' ASHINOTON (U PI) -Pr~sident
Nixon pledgL-'d today lo assure every
Anu•r1can comprehensive n1cdlcn l care
~·i1h a 1ninirnu111 of federal 1nterfcr1.:llt:ll
and no higher taxes.
In a speech to the Arnerican llospital
Association outllnlng his forthcom ing
health insurance progr1un, Nixon dre1v
a round of applause ~·hen he declared :
"There are those who say that health
service! in Ameri ca can only be
improved and extended by thl· federal
government, and with that I totally
He presumably \\'8.S referring to
proposals by Sen. Ed\\'ilrd l\·1. Kennedy
(D-t.1ass.l. \\'hich v.·oukl provid1!
government financing of a cradle-to-the·
grave health it1sur1u1ce syste1n.
Nixon said the three-part progr.:im he
\Viii submit lo Con~ress Wednesday wil l
offer "balanced, dign ified hea lth c<.1re
prot ection " at a cost ev ery An1cricJn
can afford.
'"Let us not make 1.he 111islakc or
des troying the best n1edic11 I care syslc.n1
in the \Vorld that "·e <.1!ready have ,''
!he PresidC'nl told the 11 o s pi ta I
Nixon. accompanied by his \\'ife, 1nade
no direct reference to \V:1tcrgc"ll c. but
at one point rcitert1led his intention
to ser\ e a full eigh t ye:irs in the
'rhe President told the convention
delegates: "ll is health "'hich is real
wealth. ''ou who are members of the
American llospita l Association can Jea\•e
a legacy v.·herc Am eri ca. \\'hic h is the
\realthiest country, is also the healthit'ste
in the \\'Orld."
Nixo n spelled out principles hLo
proposals \\'Ould follow and said they
called for a progran1 """·here our doctors
would work for the ir patients, not for
the federal government, and that l.9
the key element at this ti me."
Nixon said U1e plan "would finance
virtuully all of the health protection
people need -hospital and physician's
care in and out of the hospit al. drugs,
laboratory tests, X·rays, m e d i c a I
devices, ambulance service, treatment
of children, catastophlc illness -end
even mental illness, inc luding alcoholi!fh
and drug abuse."
The plan would be financed throlJ8h
three methods, he said. and coverage
under all three v.·ould be identical.
-For v.·orker!I, employers \\"Ould pay
"the bulk of the cost of premiums"
for health insu rance . 'I'hc prerise ratio
v.·as reported still somewhat in dispute
""Jthin the Admin istration.
-C.Overage for people \\·i!h Jo\v
incomes and those v.•ho could not
purchase health insurance at a
reasonable cost because of poor health
or rlsky occupations v.·ould be sutxsidi zcd,
partly by the govcrnn1enl.
Tunis Thieves
To Lose Hands
1'UNIS (UPI I -Two men
convicted of theft have been
sentenced by a Libyan Koranic
court to have the ir right hands
cut off. the Tunis Afrique Presse
news agency says.
v:hich administers the state income tax prosecutor's office announced today.
W.guna Beach police arrested two men "This office has received a lengthy system .
and confiscated nearly seven pounds of CQmmunlcatlon fl'om White JI o use The bill will be sponsored in the
Koranic la1v provides f o r
ainpula!ions. floggings and other
corporal punishment for specified
offenses but the law is rarely
applied outside Libya and Saudi
Arabi a.
marijuana allegedly hidden under the counsel which will require clariri cat lon Legisla~ure by Republican Assemblyman
back scat of a car .il1onday nlghl as and further discussion between Mr" William T. Bagley of San Rafael. who
The agency did not say l'tlonday
when the sentences v:oul d be
carried out. rhey re.~pondcd to a call of shots being Jaworski and f'.1r. St. Clair," a said it would close "the residency
fired in the vicinity of Pearl Street and ,--spo __ k•_•_m_a_n_l_or_Ja_wo_r_skl_•_a_ld_. ______ loo_:_ph_o_lc __ in_C_ol_if_or_n_l<_,._s_in_co_:_m_c_t_a._la_w_._··-'='=-===:c-:===--====='
South Coast Highway. ~--
Patrolmen Michael Davis and Michael
Ferris reported they 58W the two men
si tting in a darkened car and stopped
to question them about the shots .
Arrested were George A. Denery, 2~.
of Buena Park and Richard J . Swift ,
25, of Vista .1 They were book'd for
possession of marijuana wilh inte nt to
The officers reported they observed
beer bottles in the automobile and asked
u they coold search the car. In doipg
so, a .22 caliber ca.rtrtdg' WIS found,
and the officers said they then believed
they had liceMe to seerctf for a weepon .
The marijuana was elh!gtd.ly pack.aged
in two kilo size br1ck8 th one large
plastlc bag end ln Bnother bag consisti ng
of 15 individually packaged emall sacks.
From Pnge J
t~ kldnapers 1ata who Miss Hea rst wu _
The llW1 Ol<dlo-h.-1 l>etn '"'"' of the ktdnaplng 1lnce shortly alter It took
place, but agreed to withhold information
at the .request ol .police 11111 Miis
Hoant'1 p.,..,,ta, wllo hop<d to make
contact with the kidnapers,
Hijackers Depart
CAIRO, Egypt IA,Pi -·'Mir .. gwuntn
who hljacbd a .lroilhter In Pakiltan
and were sent Id Caire . left the Egyptian
capital todoy for Jltt nelCbJ>orfnl Antb
country ol Libya, altport offlclal1 "Id.
The thni! arrived In Cllro Monday from
Karachi where they hijacked a 0t'ffk
frel1hter , held throe mnien hoot~
and demanded lbe relea1e of two
Palestinian guerrlll .. h<ld In Gree<e.
Let ·Us Put You on the Map
Neor tlie entrance, inside ou·r store, is o gi ant
new mop. We ore in the proce~ of identi fy ing
oll of the homes we hove carpeted since 1965
on this mop with colored pins. (A different color
for each year.)
Close: sc rutiny will delect some interesting
fact s: firstly, we hove carpeted homes on
virtually every street In the area. Secondly, the
pi n s ore I n bunch e s , indic at i ng
WORD-OF-MOUTH odver1i1i ng . Third ly. 1he
nuiober ~ol , hem.es we ho ve carpeted is
" ..
staggeri ng.
If you desire hon esty . el(perfence, and
' ' . recommend_otions fro m neighbo rs we hove
worked fa,, then Alden', is THE PLACE!
SIHCI 1957
1663 Placentia Ave .
Mon.~fhun. 9 to 5::101 Pri. 9 to 9; Sat. 9:30 to s
\ •
Ban Urged
In Laguna
ot 11'1• Dlllr ~u"" 11•11
California's crusading I e g is I at or
against The cigarette, Assemblyman John
V. Briggs (ll·Fullerton), has endorsed
a proposed smoking ban at Laguna
Beach Board of Education meetings.
A letter <:onveying B rig g s '
endorse1ncnl \\'i ll be gi ven to trustees
at today's 7:30 meeting at the Education
Ct'.nter. 550 Blumont St.
Bruce I lopping, chalrn1an of the health·
oriented Kalas Kaga1 hos Foundation , is
spearheading the srnoking ban proposal.
Hopping \\'ants the school board to
ban sn1oking at its n1cctings as an
example to the 3,100 students in the
school district.
I-lopping lost the Hrst round of his
fight in nlicl-Novcmbcr \.\'hen trustees
de<1dloc kcd 2 to 2 on im!X>Sing a trial
s1nokl ng ban.
In his letter to the board , Briggs
states lhat the United Stales Surgeon
Gent!ral ,;has published over;~1heln1ing
evidence lo support the fact that l\1nfined
rooms rilll'd with tobacco smoke are
hazardous to the health of non-smokers."
Briggs said that legislation was in
the v.·orks to ban tobacco stnoke in
com n1it!cc hearing rooms.
Transit May
. .......
r • ~
' )
. / /'
Favored Proposal Would Include• Mix of Fixed Route. 0111 .... riCle Buses and·Rall Tr1nsport1tion
-s OAJL'r' PILOT _,,:Jc__
on Ba·llot
Penny Sales Tax
Being Evaluated
Ot 1111 0111~ P'llOI U.+t
!hei r l·ffort s In develop or redevtlop
l;irgl! ~l·c!iv11~ of U1ei r rities.
Orange County voters may be askt>d Buu1nun :;au! that w ha l e v e r ,
to dcckie on a sale:t tax to fund rapid !'onfi~uration ls fi nally adopled for the
transit. pr1n1ur\' tr:ins1t system, a "saturalion
[f the way is paved by enabling h•\ el" nf reR\}lar bus lines will be needed
legislation . tlle issue could be on the as a feed~r sylltem for the mass transit
November ballot. The system under lines
consideration might cost $2 billion berore The front-running proposal calls for
a flf'el of 520 fiied·route buseE and comWetion in the 1990s. Orange County Transit n i st r i c t 11111re rh:in 1,000 smalJC'r Dial-A-Ride
(OCfD) directors l\londay scheduled a httsf'S !hnt would pick up passengers
.1! their homes. t-.1arch 4 pub lic hearing on a corridor Rouman said that the system he and
study favored by thei r staff and the ocrn staff likes best is actually
consultants. the smallest and least costly of the
They also authorized OCTTI Genera l four fin:ilists in the select ion process .
Manager G. J. ''Pete" Fielding to lay It s initia l capi lal cost would be in
the. groundwork that could lead to the range of $860 million C<Jmparcd to ·
funding from an additional' one cent $1.3 billion for the n1ost expensive type
sales tax . ,if )<\'~trm .
Fielding told directors any local sales COsts arc the most uncertain facklr
tax \\'Ot1ld require botll rn<ibling so far because the technology to be
legisla tion out of Sacraniento and a used has still not ~n selected.
vote ol the people. ~1ost likelv systems being studied now
He said ir the people authorize the include a fixed -rail system like BART
expen.se, rapid transit v.·ill be on its in San Francisco or the Disneyland
way. monorail, a bus express lane on the
··nie people ought to have a choice free ways or a special Dial·A-Rlde system
and I ~·ould like as soon as possibl e that hooks up to a guidance rail after
to get the nf('ded support for such c11n1i n~ onto the corridor.
a vote from our legislators i n Fielding said there is a chance all
Sacra mento," Fielding said. thr('e mi ghl be integrated into the
Supervisor Ralph Clark, chairman or system but the most likely candidate
the OCTD board , \\'as h1.:sit <•11t io go is rhc la!ter one.
along wi th Fielding 's request. saying Fielding said small buses would pick
he is "firmly against a sales tax hike" up passrngers at home on phone request
and doesn't "-'ant it to appear the OCTD ha.~i~ 111('11 pull into the special corridor
directors have authorized it . nnd link 11p 1o a guidance system -
Fielding assured Clark he v.·anted to tither a rail or elec tronic signal -
get some of the . groundwork laid in and speed to a pre-set destination. ,
case a countywide vote is called for Bouman said ~he favored svstem was
at the MaFCh -hcaring. <'hosen on lhe basis of speci8.l criteria,
Assemhly1nen Puff Away, SF City Hal,l
Has 'Visitors'
Jeep Plunges He said the special legislation and including such thlrfgs as cost.s. savings
all ot her red tape has to be cleared lo county residents, possible patronage,
up by the end of June to get !he envlronn1ental impact and com patibi1ity
matter on November's ballot. \1·ir h existing or planned transit systems,
Off Mountal•n• The corridor plan being pressed by tic said it also appeared to the study
' the OCTD and the consultant, Alan h1. !cam that the svste m would be easiest
Voorhees Co., was outlined in detail lo devcloJl in pitces to spread the co.st
SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) p I to directors Monday. out.
Empk>yes of the San Francisco a1•r n1•ured It is one of II original corridor plans ,\mong other things, the system
Reject Nicotine Cu1'hs
t'rom Vt'lrt Ser\·lces
SACnA~IENTO -Clouds of smoke
£ron1 cii,:a t·s. pipes and cigarettes v.•afled
across the chamber as the California
Asscn1bly rejected t-.londay a move
against smoke-filled roon1S in the Capitol.
The resolution by As.~emblyman John
Briggs. lfl non-sn1oking ltepublican from
Fullerton. \vould have banned smoki ng
in Assembly hea ring rooms. bu t not
in le.':islative offices or in the chamber.
"You a re fooling around with your
own heart and your own lungs and
your own good heal th,'' Briggs said.
Republican Assemblyman John L. E.
''Bud" Collier of South Pa sadena said
the legislature got rid of spitoons years
ago and prohibiting puffing in committee
rooms would be a logical next step.
"\\1ould you v•:int somebody sitting
around here spitting on you? Certainly
nol," Collier said, squinting through a
cloud of cigar smoke sent up by his
seatmate, Democrat Walter Powers of
Briggs' resolution "·as snuffed out on
a 32-:JO vote. It needed 41 \'Oles for
Three lav•makers smo ked cigarettes,
three lit up cigars and two puffed on
pipes during the IS-.n1inut.e deb1:1 te.
"I started to smoke a pipe when
I y..·as 18 years old and that "'as .i
..... ·---•·. ';,e ...J:.; • "
City Hall are up in arms over weeded down to follr last November. envisioned at Monday's meeting would :
very sophisticated thing: to do, and it's the cockroach invasion. Fielding said at least another year's -Co.~l nearly $2 billion to build and
a habit I don't look forward to giv ing "This building would b e study would be needl'd to start operate between now and 1990, compared
up," said pipe-puffing: Assemblyman condemned as a fosteT hom e for Two people are in serious bu t stable implementing the plan. lo an outlay over the past 10 years 1
John Knox (D-Rlchmond l. children or a boarding house for condition today after the jeep they ·were The corridor net"•ork envisioned by hy the BART system in -the Bay Area
Assembi)'man \\.illie L. Dro11·n J r.. II riding in skidded off a l''inding Santa th 1 · f of about $2.2 billion. the aged, the infirm, Ule mCflla y e consu lant consists o a cross-aiunty -Save about $83 per coun tian -..
a nonsn1oker and chairman of the \Vays ill or the retarded," fumed ooe Ana ~fountain road l\fonday and plunged "spine" route running from San v, ear in terms of auto use. impro~ed·
and to.leans Committee, said the measure employe Monday. 500 feet inlo a canyon, police said. Clementt along the San Diego J<'reeway frr Pl\',1,. no ..... · and other factors. ·p·~~I!. ,!ilerally wreck the committee But whether the problem ls Le!lle M. Ritchey, 24, of rr\Jstin and and Santa Fe Railway ri ghts of "'ay -Cost slate. and federal coffers about
seriol13 or just the squeamishness p '" k La "' f S and on through the central county by :;~1 ~r v. ear pe". coonti'an In -rat;-ld f I f . . ••-au1C wrence , .,,; o anta Ana, f h Id p 'f' I · ~ -·• He noted it \\'OU orce assemb ymen o some ~retanes IS a mal.Kr y,·ay o t e o ac1 1c E cctric corridor. l'tl~"idie~ 10 mrikr np an estimated $93
to leave comniillee rOQms every time for debate. are in Chapman Memorial Hospital with Branchin g off the main corridor is nlillion annual deficit.
they ~·anted to sn1okc and said it "City Hall hasn't got thay many, multiple injuries suffered in the crash an east-west ro ute running along the -Co<:t $7.1 mill ion per corridor mil e '
ultimately ~·ould lead to absenteeism really," Health lmpector Domenic along ruggf!d !\fain Divide Road above present and future Orange Freeway right 10 h1iild assun1ino a length of about 1 that would cripple the com n1itlce when Crocianl said. He conf i rmed , Silverado Canyon. o{ ~·ay, connecting with the Corona del ~!5 1nill.>~ total.
voting. howeve r, that the Mtbersome ?i.t11r Freeway in Costa Mesa. -Co!>t roughly JlJ cents per passenger Bro~n ({}.San Francisco) suggested insects have been sighted marching The driver of the vehicle, Randall A spur line also breaks off the ma in per n1 ile to operate.
1 that special sections be designated for across the marble floors. K. Unruh, 24, of Orange, told California spine at Katella Avenue and runs do"'" -Brin:~ in $42 million a year in fare !
smokers and nonsmokers. "Let them Highway patrolmen at the scene he Beach Boulevard to the ocean in box receipt~ assuming the 25 cent fare
(smokers ) get cancer together instead lost control going arolmd a sharp bend Huntington Beach . now in u.:c Is retained and up to 500,000
of going info lhe hallway and getting and slid off tbe dirt road. The remaining "anns" of the transn people ride it each day.
it alone," Brown said. E U d Stud t system run generally along th e -\\'oultl rarry as many as 167 million
Briggs said he n1ay author another xpe e CD S Unruh escaped virtually unscathed alignment of the Riverside. Artesia 11assengers per year.
proposal to provide for nonsmoker from the 11 a.m. crash, officers said. Freeway in the north and a short If predictions hold true and a sales
sections, as Brown suggested . Last year Returned to Class A CHP spokesman said today the segment along Katella Avenue in the tax is adopted , the consultant said it
Briggs authored a "Nonsmokers' Bill \'ehicle was apparenUy going too fast central C:Ollllty. would pay for 41 percent of the system
of Right s" that was killed in the LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The city Voorhees spokesman l\fartin Boum an over the next 15 years -nearly $1
Assembly. Speaker Bob t-.toretli is one Board or Education has voted to . allow to negotiate 8 curve Oil the rough road told direetors the Beach Boulevard route billion.
of the As.sembl y's many smoke rs. 12 expelled students to return to school, and tumbled over the cliff into Cold and the Katella A venue route, v.·hi ctl Other funding could be obtained over
Assemb lyman Collier said smokers including an 11-year~ who is the Water Canyon. form a right angle at the intersection the years from tht Urban Mass Transit
"are most inconsiderate of th eir youngest pupil ever expelled here . A U.S. Forest Service ranger spotted with the spine route, were added after Autho rity (up to $430 million ), lht
neighbors." If nothing else. he added, He brought a gun to school in meetings with HWltington Beach and National High way Act ($30 million),
they should blow their smoke upwards December and accidentally fired rt In the wreck and called in county fire Anaheim officials . various state funds ($300 millioo ),
"instead of saturating n1y nose with class. the board said Monday, wounding rescue units, sheriff's officers and the Bouman sai d those cities felt transit property taxes ($45 million) and revenue ,
cigarette smoke.'' himself in the foot. CHP. lines in those locations would hel p in sha ring ($31.5 million). 1
.-.il ~, • :.:;,.,_.· ___.,_·· .,~-;_ ~m~"-""''4"_ ... .,,. ....................... ..,.,.,.,...,,...,..,.,.,.,..,..""'"'""""'""""''°"""""'""'""''""""~llUliM~lt;t.,...,..,.""'"°'""''"'""Dll"""~~'WtQlllWU !
Wed ID the Conrtroo111
Marriage Conimissioner Perfornts 120 County Rites
,;t o11g not for robe, church and bell.
s tveeting: plight we our troth in wav-
1-11(1 poppies or by pl ea s an t
b rook.s ••• "
Ben Johnson
Ot tM D•llJ P'llot Jt•tf
The onl y bells J im Sipman and Sherry
Anderson could hear came from the
mufned tinkling of a court clerk's
typewriter in a nearby office.
The only ·flowers within a mile Dr
the courtroom were some bedraggled
pansies in a courthouse border.
And far from donning a black judicial /
robe the man before them was fresh
from' reading a county administrative
memorandum connected \\'ilh dwind1 1ng 1 supplies of to ilet tissue througOOut the 1 Santa Ana civic center. •
: N"ooe or that mattered one whit. It
1 was the wedd ing day of James Louis
Sipman, 39, and Sherry Lee Anderaon,
28 and they found all the background and color they wanted in each other's
1 " ••• mily you strive all your lives
to meet this commitment with the same
love and devoUon that you now possess,"
Intoned ll'een·robed Count Clerk WI!·
liam E. St John.
Jim wrapped his arms around Sherry.
A marriage bOreau clerk acting as a
wltneSl'I looked at the noor and fum bled
wilh her pen. A nearby joumsllst found
It extremely difficu lt to locus hls camera
1 at that moving moment.
_ ". . . authority vested ln me M
Now Mr. A Mts. Slpman
commissioner of marriage• of the county
of Orange . . . 1 now pronoWlce you
husband and wife ."
And while Si John beamed at the
completion of his office 's 120th such
ceremony, Jim and Sherry klsaed and
hugged to celebrate a union In a
courtroom that had shortly before ataeed
the sharp contrast of a divorce acuon.
"It was beautiful, hooey," Jim
murmured. "Oh. yes It was," Sherry
whispered. "It wa! very beautiful. And
thank you."
"You are very welcome,11 St John
smiled, In o voice that clearly proved
that %3 years of marriage don't
necessarily mean that a man· 11> longer
gets dewy eyed on ""'edding days.
And while architect Jim, 3'9, of 212
Pearl Ave., and Sherry, 28, ol 911 Via
Lido Sood, both of Newport Beach,
strolled off arm In arm in the February
sunlight -it ls the nrst marriage for
both -St John's cash rqlster J'Mi
up 110.
It has done that 120 times since Jan.
t when a new state law came into
force which pennita the county clerk
or hie appointed deputy to perform civil
marriage ceremooies.
"Three of us have taken on thls Vf!rY
happy chore," St Jam aaid. "And we
are firmly agreed tha! It Is the most
pl.....,l usliJUll<lll anyone could w1&h
"Couple• who marry In lhil way lllUl'e
us they nevor ... u..cs bow bolulll\Jlly
it wtM1ld turn out,""" St JOhn Ntd. "We
have our own opeclally -.led marriage
~rvice and all tbele mupJes are dellgllled whtn ,.. pnM>t. them wtth
a copy of lt."
"It sllilply bas to bo the btaeat
bargain in the man'la1• bullneu theJO
days," St John pinned. "W• conduct
ceremoake at 11 1.m. and 4 p.m.
Moodoy ihroulb Friday and we find
a """"'"' demand r... .... llmpte Uttle senieft.~
It 1.sn't cburch belll and an Illar
any more than It 'a •llVlnc poppln and
a pleaWll brool<.
"But It wu very, ftrY •beaut!lul and,
above all, It was stmple and llnctre,"
Sherry stpman munnunil. "Whal more
could J"l'.I want oo J"l'.lr 'ftddln& day?"
JJm Slpmen and Sherry Ander10n UnltM Unckr New State Law Pennittlng Civil Ce~let In Court
~ .................. ,.. .................................................................................. ~ .. -""""' ................... .,. .... ,,,..,..,., ~·
. ..,. ..,.,.,.... __
:_I · OAll V PILOT
Israel-Syria Battle Continues
As New Peace Efforts Started
lly Uniltd Pre'!i lnternlltional
Synan and Israeli ::inlllcry ba1tll'<I
in . the Golan llcighl.S today for the
tOlh eonstcull\le day and Israeli military
sourcl'.'s s<Jid Syr1;1 v.·as heoung up tht!
<iCClor in ho~.s of \\'inning concessions
in any fonhcon11ng ncgo1l<.1lions. !Ir said
Israel had adopted a pol ll'Y vf \'igorous
re lollalion th ere
A S\1l lA ~ 1n1l1!nry spokcsrnu n in
DanlaM.:IJS s.i1J Syr1 ;1n ;:ind lsr:.irh lorcrs
exchangl'd artillery flre along the central
sector of the front aod thal •·the enen1y
suffert-d several l'i1Suat11es in ttxl;i y's
fightu1g ."
Jn liimilar inc1dc11\.S ~lorl<luy, rnLl1lilry
spokl·smen said Syrian troops p~1 l 20
Israeli :.inillery and four heCJ1-y 111ortar
Pope Re1noves
Fiery H u11 ga1·y Prelate Out
VI today reti red Josef Ca rd i n a I
~\1 indszenty, the flint y prelate v.·ho spent
)'ears in jail rather than how lo lyra.imy,
as prin1ale or Hungary and archbisOOp
of Esztergom.
~1indszenty's 30 years in Nazi and
Communist jails a!ld 15 years in asylwn
aL the U.S. lcgaUon in Budapest had
ntade hhn a living symbol of resistance
to oppcession. But. coupled >M'ith rus
move to Rome in 197 1, the llungarian
archdiocese had been left \Vith an
absen tee archbishop.
THE VATICAN announced tha t Pope
Paul declared a vacancy in the
archdiocese o( Esztcrgom, the mai n
Roman Catholi c Church JXIS!lion in
Hu ngary, and named Bishop Lazslo
Lekai as "apost.olic eidministrator" to
run it pending (urthcr action.
ScRlrces said the Pope acted in spite
o( opposition from the 8t-ycar-0ld
Mindszentf. The cardinal hns expressed
his wariness a\, P~ Paul 's )Xllicy elf
re laxing Church-state tensions in the
Communist countries of Eastern Europe.
Vatican sources said the Pope had
plaMcd lo replace the card.inaJ since
"Jn various lcllers to the cardinal.
the archdiocese ,·acant, thus respecting
the. ca rdinal's point of view ."
1'hc Pope, in a Jan, 30 letter to
t-.tindszcnty, n1entioncd the cardinal 's
tria l in a Comn1unist court. The Pope
said he "bov.·ed in weal respeet" before
the lhmgarian prelate. lie said the
suffering the cardinal w1dcrv.·en l 1,1,•as
"a crov.'!1 of thorns'."
The v.·eU knov.·n llungarinn prela te
ended 15 years or secluslon in the U.S.
legation in Budapest when he gave in
to Pope Paul's urging and came. into
exile to Rome in 1971. In 1972, he
moved to Vienna to "live closer to
his homeland."
Cardinal f\.tindszenty, gaunt and
unbending, has always bt."'i!n wary of
the Pope's diplomatic rapprochement
with the Co mm1mist goverrunents of
Eastern Europe.
FOR A LONG time he hatl turned
dov.'fl Vatican pressures to quit his
isolation in the U.S. legation to help
impro ve. Church-state relations in
\Vhen he fi nally ga\!e in, he is ltnovon
to have insisted on rl'taining hi s position
as the No. 1 Roman Catholic prelate
of Hungary to dramatize his fiery anli-
Communist role.
llungary's Communist government ha d
asked the Vatican for "a suitable
suecessor" to Cardinal J\1 indszcnly as
early as 196-1. But the Vatican asked
for some degree of religious treedon1
before considering the request.
po!i llions Ott[ Of lll.'ll011 and deli1royed
six 1:ink.._, '!'ht' r ~r;irli rn1 l1t:iry t"Onunand
sn1d one l:.ra1,;h so\dfi:r 11.·:is k11lL'li and
two wound!·d in ;.111 arlllh·r)' c.(change
on 1hl• (iolan M•1igh1;; front fo.lundwr.
\\11!h !IH' l·~gy ptJan fron1 qu il·I and
l sra~I in 1t11· tturd phast~ of lls troop
wi1l1Jrav.:1I frqrn L:lfllllrNI ll'rrltory. 11e1v
di11lor11;1IR' t'llor:s V.l'ft,; l'l'J.IOl'tL-d und~r
; f.t
1-' I ,,,
Cardina l Mindstenty Pope Paul had explained to him his
opinion and concern about the peculiar
silwi.lion or the archdiocese, wh.ich has
been left without a guide for many
years." said a Vatican S)Xlkesman,
Federiro Alessandrini. Britain's Coal Mine1·s
"SINCE TifE ca rdi nal had no intention
to resign, Pope Paul decided lo declare
Skylab 3 Crew
Set to Return
Walk Off Jobs Sat111·day
To Eartli, Friday
SPACE CENTER, liouston (AP ) -
Skylab J's astronauts began packing a
record J,718 pounds of fi lm, tape and
biological samples today for return to
cnnh Friday.
The data, which may take years to
analyze thoroughly, should tell man
much about hin~lf, his sun and hi'l
home planet.
Gerald P. Carr of Santa Ana, \Villiam
R. Pogue and Edward G. Gibson
formerly of San Clemente. planned to
spend most of the day transferring the
cargo into the Apollo ferry ship linked
to one end of the I 18-fool·long space
Carr told rnission i:on!rol the jot>
wou!d11·1 l>e easy and said, ''J think
;1boul all \\'e can do 011 the transfers
is just dig in and stnrl plowing and
hope v.·e get it n\I done."
Capsule co111munica tor Robert Crippen
told him lhc transfer had pri ority and,
if any expc ri1nents interfered, they wou ld
lJc c:u1celed.
Carr. Pogue and Gibson are to splash
dO\l.'n in the Pacifi c Ocean at 8: 17 a.m.
Pl)T Friday In end their 84-day space
LONDON (UPI) Leaders o f
Bri tain1s 29.000 coal miners toda y
ordered a na~iorial mine5 shutdov.'11 al
midnighl Saturday. In doing so lhey
ejected an eleventh hour govemn1cnl
peace appeal and warnings the shutdov.11
v.·ould bring economic disaster.
Mine \Vorkers President Joe Gonnley
&1id he and other union officials \\'ere
meeting later today '~'ith Len ~1urray.
general secretary of the 10 n1i!lion-
mcmber Trades Unioo Congress tTIJC l.
•·To put him in the picture."
HE SAID the mlncv.·orkers wou ld seek
roopera!ion from leaders of th e
transport, railroad, electrical and pov.·cr
v.·orkers unions.
Brit.ain depends on coal for 70 pc'r(.'('nt
of its energy, and months long slowdowns
by 1niners <tnd railroad >M·orkers already
ha\·e put lhe country on a th ree-day
1,1,·ork v.·eck. A complM.e CO{I] shutdown
could br ing British indLJ."t ry to its knl'cs
and mak e mil!Jons jobless.
"The stnke vote (by the coolmlners
27-man exccu1 ive ; was unnnicnous."
Gonn!ey said. "Following it. the
executive sent out strike orders to all
union branches and se.t up a national
strike commit.tee,"
The decision was reached at a 3112
hour meeting of the execu tive al the
union's London headquarters.
Gormley said the on.ion also ha.~
deeided to start a strike fund "for
the purpo.~ of en11uring there is enough
c:1:;h 10 p.ay for th1• c·o c;1 of th~ stMke. ''
111-: SA[D !)!:fore the union leaders
met.. lie l\Totc E1nplo}1ncnt Secretary
\\11ll iam \Vhit ela1\; tuming dov.·n an
invilalinn for last minute pe<iet· talk.-..
"The executive is <1gainst fur ther
abortive meetings.'' he said.
Gormley said the WJion 11·i!l SCt'k t•1
make the strike hit producers of roking
co<1l too. This is tr.~ect for blast furnaces
that prod uce the 11a11un's vital steel.
lie said the :\lu1t!v.·orkers Union will
not provide n1en fur safety precautions
in the 111incs. Ho11.·ever, he said thal
in an emergency the mineworkers un ion
v.·ou\d "'help out."
Although he did not spell this out.
f:ormlry 's st:iremen1 appc1:1rcd 1 o
indicat,~ the _\tinc11·orkrrs Cnicn v.·ill n1)I
seek actively lo prc\'cnt s;.ifety 1111rk
being carried out by 111emhers of uti1•·r
c;orrn1C'y s:1Id pickrtin~ v. ill L<.·
"pcacf·ful in acr.'()rdance 11·1th th e la111
of the land,"
IN TllE last big coal miners' strike
tv.·o years ago miners pickets blockadN
pov.·e r 3tntions. Gonnley did not Indicate
v.·hether they v.·i!l do so again ..
The la st strike lasted seven w~ks
from lhe beginn ing o( January to the
end of Fel>ruary, 1972. It ended Y>'ith
the appointment of a government
commission 1vhich av.·arded the miners
pay hikes of 25-30 perce nt.
Most of Nation Shivering
Lnnsi11g, Nlicli., Records Minus 18 Degrees at Night
Ul'twt•MllOIO(:U t•
lf'I ,.,..., 5"WIM1r><t 1•1•1 !od•y, W'l!ll
lm Ant•'-• tlltlll"' 10.
Ti'lt lllfl'I MO<'''"Y I" dtw"lfw" let /11191111 WI• 11. I.If" 1J dlQrMI l llOVI
P1tcll11 Of lll'N (IOl,I(!) (ftVfr1CI IM'
tOl•t l~I• rn{lr"lllfl •"ti l o' .A~11c111 l"1trr11llOt11! Ah po<I ~ICI !O Ill' tfowd
!Mo(1u11 al'~• recrox!HI vl•lllllo!y Mo" 01 '"" wh••U avr+"CI fllt 111y, '-t~lt, Wlfl (!ty ll:liltlv~ ~YMlllll~
Ill l ot AnttJ.t.• r1"94111 I~ 1 I IO
)I Pl"Cl ftl.
TM Air ~lllutlotl COtl+r•I Olt!t ltl
r1oort9CI lltl1t or no 1'"'111 1eo1y.
11.S. Summary
(Old -1tMr tlv"ll to m(ll1 o!
1111 "~Uon from tt>t> ilt:Q(kl•• hl !llt All1nt1c lodt V IMI d•OYI l1mptr11ur1\
l"IO If\-lre1!~' :Xh ,, ,,, """'" •I 1111 l'l&rldl Ptnfllr.Oll .
Tiii mt•tv•Y ttt!IM 'O •11 ti
llntl1111, Mlt ll., MonGIV "l<Jlll lo !If
~ ~l·Ytt•.{)ld rttl>rd for 1'11>. ' IMr'
~e•dh'l·ll• '" m1 1lnt!1 !IQ11r•1 ch•11otd
1111 •n11 re "orth1tn lier o! ~!81••
''"'" Narlh D1-ot1 !o N e w E<\Oltf!d, 11m~r•tu•1• 1Ud ln1o !flt
!11wer 7°' from !he mlddlt Mlt1inlpnl V11i1y tllrOllQl'l lllt lflr;lnl11, 1ncr troll
or ftffll Wl tlllllQI Wl •I Ill tf!tcl o•lr"lont for no11'!frn Florld1. !now 1111td ln!o t c1tr1rtd er•••
t•or!'I """ lni.rlor •P1cllk Northwnl
ID '""' Grttl l•~·· llltl ,,.. 0 1\to
Y1lley. LIQfl! 1'IOW 1tto CIVl!ff ~mt
lnl•tld c&mm11t1!!l11 o• tht NO•l,..1•!,
l•l~I IWl~it.,.le• wer• 1111"11 lot' p1rh of NOrlll D1~ota !or up :o
4 lncPltl OI 1now. Gy\!y w!11<:11 •""
m_,111 ~l'"I ·-•Ito w11 ••Pl<lla 10 t111M ioc111v 11111roou1
cori'illlo"' I" """n•10M Cl11r ,_,.,, l1vorM fT\011 Ill I~~
'''"'" 1111 ra of 1~1 cO\lft!ry ~"'' '"" t1ro1a ro•olo" 1rom tt>t '°"'""e11 lo !Ill S011tll1t1t.
Coastal W eathl'r
F1lr ll'lrougll WtdM•dl 'f IXI! p.iltMI
&I to1•1•1 low c!OUdt or iov l" m~•"·
ll'!t. Gusly llOfll'l9rly winch 2'11 ta JO
m,p.11, IOl\IOlll 11\(1 Wt(l11tt.clt y. WlllCll
11 IO " 0.ncU• on euttr tMlll l Wllt •I.
C011t11 t1m1Mrt11rr11 47 lo 66, 1"11~11
!lf!IPtrlturt• '' to ... W11tr 1tmpt•I · tv•• )J,
Sun, Moon, Tide•
TM .. I)', "•II. I
Sttond MOii t:'9 p,m, '·' !ttOOd low l ,,. p,m. 1.t
WMIMtl•T• "'"· t 1'1~11 l!lgll t H I.Ill. • i I
f !rl! low ··~·' '·OS I.fl'\. 1,t
!ttono 111011 10;;1 o.m, 1,4
SttOl'ICI low t:Ot 1.n1. ·l.S
v.·ay to try t.o sol~·e the im p.!1sse tha t
hu!! seen Syria refUM: ro join the Gf!ne~·a
_i\liddle East peace talk.!.
A dl!fJ)atch rrom Demase~ said
!•resident Tito of Yugoslavia waa flying
th ere ionight, and Arab pr e 11
tXJ1111nc111Jtor1 said he may be trying
t:> persuade Syria n· leaders to attend
th{' G.;-neva <."onfcrcnce. Pres Id e n t
'.\'il'olae Ceau.se5cu of Romania fl.lea to
l>;nnMCU.! Sunday. apparently f o r
!.unllar talks.
~t:CR ETAR Y OF Stale HHl rY A.
Kissinger scheduled ne w m~tlngs today
in \\0eishington \Yith Svviet Foreign
\linistcr And rei A. Gron1y ko and the
~liddle East waa believed the tnaln topic.
i\liddl e East sources in London reported
i\londay that Kissinger 111a;: ny to
l)an1ascus, Jerusalcn1 and Cai ro next
Damascus reports s:1id Grocnyko "'as
expected 10 fly to Cairo at the end
of F'ehrunry for his first \'isit to the
Egyptia n capital si nee 1959. There have
been persistent diplon1<1tic reports Egypt
and the Soviet Union have applied
pressure on Syria to be gin
dlscngagcn1cnt tal kB with Israel.
Ne wspaper reports in Tel Aviv said
IsrJeli Defense ?i.tinister ~toshe Dayan
would visit Washington at the end of
the 1nonth, apparently for talks on a
troop wilhdrav.·aJ deal v.·ith Sy ria. Syria,
backed by the oil-rich Ara b nations,
has publicly ha rdencd its line on joining
Israel in talks to disengage their forc€'s.
''The Syrians are trying to fo rce a
ret reat on negotiations v.·i!h Jsr::iel by
heating up the sector." a military source
said. ''The Israeli northern rommand
is maintaining a policy of vigoro~ and
im med iate reaction to all S y r i an
agbrressive initiatives."
Texas Fire Chief
Slllin by Gu1imc11i
Iii Burni1ig Bar
ca .. ~DWATER. TeL (AP ) A
gunman hiding in a burning tavern shot
and ki lled the fire cltief of this east
Texas tov.11 and v.·owided two of his
men before dav.11 today, officers said.
SherUf's deptt tiel, poli ce and bloodhounds
( IN SHORT ... )
chased the killer Into nearby v.\lOdJ.
Firemen said they received a call
abot1t 2:30 a.m. from a man v.·ho said
!he tavern , Betty's Place, v.·as on fire.
The minor blaze was extinguished
quickly and then a man, who firemen
said apparently had been hi ding inside
the tavern, began firing at them.
Fire Chief Harold Potts fell dead .
e6as Plan
TR.ENTO:'i, N.J . (AP) -Gov. Brendan
T. Byrne h~ signed legislation granting
him emergency pov.·ers to i1npose a
g;1so linc allocation system In !\ev.'
The special µ:>v.·ers embodied in the
bill Byrne signed into !av.• ~londay nig ht
rc1TU1tn in effect until June 30, 19i5.
e llla11d1 Held
~.1.!GO\' (UP I) -South Vietnamese
f'"rnnH111dos landed on & sixth island
11! 1hr dis puted Spratly Group today,
mititan· source3 said.
'!'he "wurce3 declined to rewal how
many ~ took peirt in the operation .
hut they said a task force o{ about
300 n;ivy commandos and regional forcts
111ilitiamen now are oontrolling all six
e Florido Canal
Supporters of the Cross·Florida Barge
Canal are jubilant o~·er a federal judge's
ruling tha t President Nlxon did not ha ve
the authority to halt construction
Conservatlonista opposed to t h e
projected !hipping route between the
Atlantic Ocean and lhe GuH of Mexiro
called the n.di1lfl a minor eetback. They
predicted they would win a reven al
on appeal or that Congrese v.·ould junk
the project.
e Girl• RolJIJed
SEAT\LE, Wu h. (UPI ) -Even C.amp
Fir£' Girls .'!elling cookie• ind candy are
not in1mune from robbery. Pringl r ..
h!lller, 9, and MirAnda B. Dunlop, 3.
told pol i~ Monday that two men grabbed
their plai;tlc money bag conta!Nng $12.35
as the y were 3elllng In the northeast
part ol the <lty Sunday.
Dtllvtry or t~e Oalty Piiot
15 ouaranl.ttd
,,.......,.,,NfYI 11 f l<ol .. lltf ~tW ""'
''"" "t I• N ""'" ttlt 1"4 '"" fftlY ...... " '""'9111 11 ~. (Illa ll't ftlllll I 11•"""' ,.....,.., tM ...... ..,, H yw ,. _. ,......
W'Wf cm l'f ' •·"'· t•fllf'll•r· "' ' *·'"· lllM••· Cl ll lfltll 1 ''" 'lffl tit .......... M
yH. C•• '" 1111 ... \111111 H '·""·
l t ltpMM1
M.t1t or111tt c-1y .,,.... .••••• , M141
N.,..._.I "-"' ....... •1.P
'"' .......... 1w •• , .......... IUI
llA C.r.tl'lt~lt, (l ,lltrlN ·-~'
.,,. '"''" (.ljl!tlr-, OH• "''"'· ••• h¥111 Lltutll, l.•tllAI Nlt\llt •· • tt1•.,.
~,. ., .
Ul'I 'TtlH'Mtt
Shootout Was in Brooklyn Between W1 rring Group&
l1ater1aol Dis1•11te
M11slim Mosque G1111play
I\.ills Foi11· i11 B1·ool<lyi1
NE\V \'OH K I CP I I -Gw11nC'n burst
into a Black ~t usli1n tn osq ue in Urook lyn
~1onday nig ht and opened fire, killing
t~ lead er of the sect. police said. Four
persons. including both int ruders, died
in the shootout.
Bilal Abdull <ih Rahman. n1ini stcr ot'
the Yasin ~1osquc v.·as 1he lflrget o(
lhe attack in what secn1cd to be an
internal dispute. H.e died of mult iµl c
\.\·ounds in the foyer of the crwnbling
bri ck bulld ing on the borde r-of the
seamy Bedford S1uyYesant secuon.
HIS fOLLOY.'ERS racerl fronl the top
floors of the building and returned the
ffre. killing the gunmen, v.·hose names
"·ere not released. The fourth 1·ieti1n
\\·as identified as r..1otu1med Aluned. A
fifth t-.fuslin1, knov.·n as Jamil Haqq,
was In critical condition at Brooklyn
Jewish Hospitnl.
"l opened the front door and there
v.·ere just bodies sprav.·Jed o u t
everyy,·here," sa id office r l\like Didonna
of the Utica Avenue stallonhouse. "Blood
all over the walls and the floor. The
p:!Ople ln the mosq ue just srood there.
They shov.•ed no cn1otion, they wouldn 't
s.ay an}1hing. C'rOd, I just couldn't belie\'e
Police sa id two gunmen. armed v.·i1h
pistols. rang the buzzer at the mosque
and "·ere admitted about 10:30 p.m.
Alx>ul 30 minutes later an anonymous
caller notified JXlliCe.
ASSISTA!liiT POLICE Chief \\'i\Jiam
Sulli..,·an said, "\\'e really aren 't sure
how many there were. No one's talldng."
Detectives said JXlllce found a .22-calibcr
revol rer. a rifle , <1n automatic pi11tol
and a shotgun lnside the mosque.
Anoiher handgun v.·as fow1d outside in
a trashca n.
There >M'erc also so1ne !lmm shell.'!
Jving around the room, and since
<ict{'('!i1es coulrl f\nd no \1·eapon lo match
1lie shells, they spcculatt~d at least one
gunm:in n1:1y have l'Sraped,the carnage.
The shooting, Sullivan said, "was
apparently n factional dispute belwttn
ri\·al r-.1uslim fact ions." The Yasin
\los que \\'as affiliated 11·ith lhc. Sunni
r.1oslems. a prcdon1inan!\y b I a ck
In anolher incident of bloody inln -
'.\luslim feuding, seven members of the
rh·al Hanafi sect \\'ere killed at the
\\"ashington. D.c .. hon1e of professional
h;isketball player Kareem Abdul Jabbar
in Januar:-', !973.
AFTER TlfE SHOOTl ~G . n i n e
Muslims 11·ho had been on the second
floor of the building 11·1tlked out In single
file and refused to an~v.·er any quesllons.
But a me mber of the sect who v.oold
identify himself only as Ewari Mid :
"This is our business. nobody else's
business. It ha ppened inside and It will
be discussed inside . \l/e have nothing
to say tO anyone . .,
Rahman, the 3lain minl.~ter of the
SCl't, "'on a police dcpan.n1ent citaUon
last yea r for his part in developing
lines of com munication be tv.·ee n officials
and fou r tleavi ly 11.nned Black ~l us\hns
"'ho holed up for 47 hours ln a sparling
goods store v.·Hh nine hostages before
Red-ink Ri~hard
Nixon Defi cit Spen£li11 g Cha1np
v.·As f!INGTON (AP) -Once a firm
advocate or the bala nced budget. Richard
t-.l Nixon has tun1ed out to be thr
greatest defi cit spender in the Wh ite
Jfouse since Frnnklln D. ltooscvrlt .
J~is red-i nk. record is a product or
a funda mental change in his econo111 lc
thinking and a.n economy that is much
more con1plex, v:lth the dollar 1,1,•onh
much less, than a genent.ion ago,
SJNCE NIXON took office In 1969.
the government ha!I overspent its
revenues by $6.1.4 billion. The total red
Ink will reach about SM billion when
the f~cal 1974 year ends JW'le 30,
according to federal bud1et otflclals.
On top of th at, Nlxon's propo8ed budget
for fiscal 1975 caUs for a $9.4 billion
deficit, which would pu11h the ~I or
hU! defi dt !p<ndlng w $77.< bllhon by
June 30, 1975.
Lyndon B. Johnson ranks cloaest to
Nixon for defi cit rpendlng in the years
since the heavy Worid War II wartime
deficits. Johnson had federal budget
de!ld tJ totallnc a net '45. I billion from
• 11164 to i-.
Praldent Jolln F. Kennedy was In
offlte two n~• yean , 198'2 and 1963,
and had derlclls both times totaling
111.8 blUlon.
DUl\ING IRS ei ght yeais In Ille White
House, Dwiiht D. Eisenhower had
defldt> of 115.1 billion.
Harry S. Truman ove.npent Ftderal
reven ue11 by 1 net •t.& billion.
JohMon had the largest postwar ,
defldt, 125.I bUllon In fl>ca l llM8, a.
he trlfJd to finance the Vietnam war
and Great Society.
Even though Nixon has had two delk:its
reaching close Lo that amount, •2.1 billion
1n !local t971 Md 12.1.2 billion • Ytar
later, Nixon toc0noml!tS Aay Johrulon'!
1968 delk:II wu hi,tily ln/laUona ry while
Nixon's were not. '
The reason . Ull'y say, is 1hat the Nixon
defici ts have not gone beyond the amoimt
of money that would flow into U1e
Treasury if the unen1ploy111cnt rate were
4 percent. 1he unofficial definition o(
fttll employment. They say Johnson'.'!
did go beyon·J thls theoretical ba !atl('t>.
Nix on decided lo adopt the fu ll-
tmloy1nent budgJ•t coocept ror fiscal
!972. Ill' sai<l th <1t 2pµro:id1 ituarnnteed
that deficit s~nd ing v.·ould help achie1·e
hi~ employment Y.illle not triggering
THE INFLATI ONARY boom of 1973
led Nixon to return, tem)Xlrarily, to ~
''old·time religion of a batanced budget .''
But, by the lime this fiscal v(."(lr ends,
the deficit will still be $4.6 blllion.
By yefl.r. Nixon dPficiL'i were :
Fiscal 1970, $2.845 billion ; fisca l 1971,
$23.003 billion : fiscal 1972, $23.227 billion ;
fi scal 1973, $14.301 bi llion : fiscal 1974
estimated , $4.660 billion: fls<:al 1975,
estimated , $9.445 billion.
Slioe Shine
Was Extrn
ClllCAGO !UPI) -Undaroover
police Monday arrested t l v e
pesons at a recently opened parlor
ofrertng customers a manlcunt and
shoe shine from a naked woman
for Ill .
LI. George Bkek of Iho pollc:e
department's pro11tltutlon unit uld
the Arrests were made at the '
~laven Naked Manicure Par!Qr
after R pollce offlCilr paJd M for
a toplesa m1nlcure and a womao
employe starttd to pe1 forn1 1n
"obscene act" for an additional
~el manl cureA, a n o t h e r
fe1ture 11t the pnrlor IJ 1 chance
to play football , a popular Mr
ga me, with A topless woman fQr
Tuna Boat
By Fire
SAN D!EG-0 (AP ) -A fire
caused hc&\'Y damage as It
raced through a ne w $3-million
tuna fi shing boat at a shipyard
here, firemen said.
A fire d epar tm e n t
spokesman said the blaze
st arted In the OOld or the
218--foot ~ta rjorlc I and spread
quickly lo the main d!?tk and
bridge. It took five engines
and a fireboat more than an
hour to control it.
1be unoccupied vessel 111as
being outf itted at t h e
Campbell Industries Yard ,
where It \Vas launched Jan.
25. A company spokesman
sn id the boat has suffered
11.110 other flres in the lust
two n10nths, both of them
caused by the ignition or
pfa!.1ic insulation.
e 'l'mo 11 rrested
To R1111 l111ah1?
\Vilson Riles, state su·
perintendent of public
1nslru ctlun, is experted
to announce totl ay that
he \Vi ii run fo r re-elec-
ti on. 1-lis announccn1c11t
is expected to rontain
"maj or reforn1 of Cal i-
fornia's j unior and
scnit•l' ll i~h schools ."
S11bpoe1aa Setat
Judge Commands
Nixo11 to Testify
A California judge today seut
Presklent Nixon a voucher for
,700.48 and commanded th<lt
Nixon spend It on travel
expenses to telltify at the
burglary trial ()f Jo h n
Ehrlichmnn and two otlier
former White liouse officials.
The unprecedented subpoena
for "the llonorable lUchard
l\1 . Nl.xon, President of the
United Stales, a te!iden t of
the White llouse, Washington,
D.C, I' "'BS signed MOOday
afternoon by Superior Court
J udge Gordon Ring er.
It embarked the judge on
a head on coll ision course with
Nixon, and cou ld lead to
in1portant decisions on the
sco1>e and Hmltatloo or the
JXl"'·crs of lhe judiciary and
e.xeruli ve branches_
The \\'hite Holl!C h a 1
already announced Nixon "''iU
"respectful ly decline" to obey
and Attorney General \\'llllam
Saxbc suid he "''Ou ld ri ght it
to protect the slature or the
NO PRES ID ENT has e1·er
been compelll'd to testify in
any court. and R i n g e r 's
subpoena was the first for
a president ln 156 years and
only the third in the history
of the republic. Presidents
Thon1~1s J erreNOO and James
l\lonroe roni promlscd w1 lh
federal court summonses.
J efferson turned over a
subpoenaed letter. Monroe
answ'crcd que!'llions in writing.
$10 Million
A $10 million dan1age suit
fil ed by the late William Penn
Patrick and his Holiday l\1agic
fi rm against California Atty.
Gen. Evelle J. 'fotmger and
several Superior Court judges
was dltirnls.sed in federal court
~ DAi i. Y PILO T
Mayor Alioto's 'Mi-ssing'
Wife Back From Vacation
, ,
SAN FRA ~r!S('O fAPI -
t.·l e~·cr Jose ph I.. Alloto's .... 1re
returned htJn1e rarly tOday
nnd htor 81S!l'r .s.11d she had
disappea red for 18 d11y:1 on a
prolonged vac.:11ion because
"~ 'i.! tired nf living in n
flshbo\\'l and ;1 hlllc 1!red of
Angel!na Aho!1), a 58-year·
old petite blonrlt>. drove 011
in a rcntt'd v.•llite cnr J an.
18 fron1 :-i Paln1 S1}rini!s lu'lury
resort and 1vasn't hC'ard fron1
again until ~londay ni ght \vhcn
she telephoned 1\!1010 to say
she "·as a ll ri ght.
Alioto, .1 l)(lrnocr0111c
candidat e for gov(!n1or, hHd
c an ce l e d n t l rub l l c
appearances :nl{I f i n u 1 I y
informed nc"·sn1i•n of hrr
dis.appearance \1'1nd :i.v <ifter
a!I efforts to tr:1ck ht·r do\111
brought ho1ne by hf r 26-yrar-
old sun. John, hu t t he
s poke~mnn ref u9Cd to disclose
\l'trtr•· Sitt~ hnd b(';•n.
l)olice h11d issued nn all
points bulletin on ~tonday !or
1he M-yea!'-O!d P..trs. Alioto.
1vho "'llS last seen l>y her
8on and dau,ghter-in·Ja,,.,· "·hen
s he checked oui of the resort
l!l days ag't1.
Alioto. at his <'XJX'fl.~t'. hsd
ordered t~·o police inspc~turs
lo Southc·rn C'ali forni;i \\'hen
his 1.1:i!e failt'<i to return home
here. Thry "''ere unable to
loc.1te her.
Alloto. 11-no is st.'(lking the
Jl e 1u o cra1ic gubem:itonnl
no1n inatlon. had eanceled an
ca1npnlgn appt"nranc<'s since
J;l n. 29. An Aide had described
hin1 ~tonday as "\'Cry shoo k
ll IJ."
Afte r ne"'s or ~1 rs. Alloto's
db;;i ppcurancc "'·as rt>lea sed
~londay , Police Chief of
J11spe<:tor1 Charle. Barca said.
"I am sure she'll ca ll the
famlly after this vublic1t~·
She's quite sel!..sufllcie:nt. She
has traveled alone before."
At La,vf ords
With 'Pot'
llOLLYWOOD f ~P l l
Douj{las F. Drown, 3?:. \Vas
arrested i\londay at Pe te r
1,..1">11'ord's apartm~nl on
chnrg<'s of ma r 1 J u a n a
possrssion. L.a"·ford v.·as not
honl(' at the thne
Sheri ff's dt•putics Silid the~·
re{'(·i \'ed con1plaints f r o rn
111•ighhots 1h:it Bri111·n 11'as
shou ting front !he apartment
boys were erres1cd Monday ~~~--~~~~~~~
$1 Million
Suit Filed
It wa s Ehrlichn1an's lawyer
\\'ho asked the judge to
subpoena Nixon, contending
U1c President's testimony is
\'ii.al to Ehrtlchman's defense.
Yo un g e r an d s~a te
Corporat ions C-Onunls.'!ioner
Brian Van Camp in 1972
instituted proceedings to
restrain allegedly unlaw ful
pra1..1ices of the plaintiffs in
selling franchises. J o in i n g
Patrick and Holiday tlagic in
the suit were re la ted
Callforn ln and Nevada firms,
including Dob CUmmings , Inc.
Mrs. All o1o·s sister. Jose-
phine Terrancll n, s<lid 111
Dn llas, Tex .. th at "she "'cnt
to Pal in Springs to rest and
re mained 11·it h son1e friends .
She oversta)'l'd her 1i1nc. She
d~s that E-0111ctimcs.
"'ater Official
Nor111an H Caldwell of Santa
il.:1rlu1ra ll.'as reappointed by
t:o\'. H.onald H.eagan to tl1e
California Regional \\' a t er
He 1vas booked on suspicion
of 1)0ssess ion of n1arijuana
and nnrcotit•s p<:1raphemalia
:i1Hl released on Sl.000 bond.
J.>eputies sn id thAt 11cither
1,..1"iord nor his teen-aged
sou . Chri stophe r, \lo'rre hon1e
nt the time.
for allegedl y stom ping to
death Jamie Freeman, 16,
New Year's Day "'Pile he \\lils
in hls sleeping bag in his
camper wait ing for 1hc Hose
The jll vcnilcs, rroin El
t.tonte, were take n in lo
custody ancr 30 \\'itncsscs
were questioned. police said.
e Fort to Clo1e
Once the bus!ling reception
ce nter for hundreds o r
thousands or World War II
draftees, 8.'l-ycnr-o!d -F t .
~facArthur wi ll be shut do\vn
next year, the Department of
the Army annoWlced ~londAy .
Closure of the massi ve Sa n
Pedro facllll y is schl'dulcd to
begin J une 30, 1975, and 'n'ill
involve some 750 milil:iry and
l ,03fl civi lian personnel, tht•
Arm y sa id. Of those, 487
military and 31$ ('ivllinn
positions will be eli mi nated.
and 2&1 military and J2 I
civilian positions ~·ill b e
e Two (;/1arged
'TWo Sacramento men today
face murder charges In the
fatal shooting of 1\\'0 patrons
of the Torch Club, a do1vntO\l'n
Police r..tonday a r r e s led
Benny \V. \\'illian1s, 26, and
Bobby L..1wTir. 20, in !he
shooting, 11·hirh officers said
was apparrn1ly t rig~rrcd by
an argument et !he h .. 1r.
Detectives sold two men
armed •dth a pistol nnd se mi·
automa tic rl ned fircrl 11t least
_,ix shots into the bar froin
the doorway early ~tond ay.
esult Flied
federal govern n1ent rontends
In a suit that Standard Oil
Co. of Calilomia 1.s draining:
oil from the Elk Hills reserve.
In the suit filed In redcr<il
court here r.tonda y, the U.S.
Justice Depar1men1 asked for
an \nj lUlction p re v e n t i n A
Standard from pumping oil
from fields adjoining the
resen•e wi til lhe issue is
Kunkln, form er editor of tht
Loe Angeles Free Pre~!!. one
of the first and m o st
p r o s p eroLLS "undergr4uM
newapapers" in the United
States, was convicted i n
Munici pal Court Monday of
printing o b 1 c e n e material,
another ncwspeper.
Kunkin wns convicted as a
partner In Alfred's Printi ng
Co.. for publlca\lon or "The
San Francl1100 Ball:' Sen·
t.endng wu sdleduJed fo r
Feb. 21.
Spiral Sliced
POW Li11k
Eh rlichman, G. Go rd o n SAN DIEGO (U PI ) Liddy and David Young are
District Att orney Ed l\Ulle r a"•aiting trial on charges of
has f!l<'d a civil suit seeking burglary and conspiracy for Quality C.Ont rol Do a rd .;;============
about $1 mil lion in damages allegedly giving the orders ~.
"She lov es to go to spas
and relax. She gets tired or
!i1·ing in a fi shlXJll'I :i nd <1
litt le tired of politics." ?>.lrs.
Terranella S.'.lid. "It's a ht."<:tlc
life." und penalties from Ear I that I«! 10 the brea k-In al "'lfa;._ __ y. SIR WALTERS the office of Daniel Ellsberg's
Schei!> Inc. for a ''massive psychia tri st by the \lo'hite TllE FIR..'1S. which deal A SPOKES~1A~ fo r !he r.u1101 .. 11u•1 0t .,.wt.\t '"1w"'""'·""11"'
c a n1 Pa i g n o r fa Is e House investigators known as principally in cosmet ics and mayor said the Aliotos 'vere '"•,:~~~~ci.::~~••u• T: ~':;s
udvcrlising." the "p!untbe rs." vitan1ins, contend ed t h e i r reunited earl y today at !he 2052 Newport Blvd. •T 1011r do.•
SACBAi\lENTI) (;\I'\
Gov. llonald RC'ag!l n Sa) s he
has rel uctantly gil'en u1>
11·C'n ring his sill'Cr PO\V·l\!IA
br:1r('f('t, but still fL-els
strongly <llx•ut the fate flf
Ameritnns n1isslng in ac:tion
l\1iller also n..~uested in his Part of their defense is that t.'Onstitutional rights we re fa mil y's fashionable Presidio c:.... ..... 1 ...... ,, L•111~•·SHC11Nt11 .-.u oth•~
""' the ct'ng red e al 1 _ __:i~~-~~~~~ll~'_'.'.~_'.:::=========='-I'::=~'~'~'-~'~"~'~=~'~'~'~·'~'~"~ l\londay action an injunction Y "'ere a 1 as r violated by re.straining orders Heights home. ~1 rs. A oto 1vas
officers et the time. \l'hich Van Camp and by San against "deception, mis· Francisco and ~1arin County
' in Vic1n:11n.
lf'1l ding lnducen1cnts, fraud, superior courts en t ere d
ni i s r c pr e sen tat ions and Body F OUDll without prior notice o r
w1lawf ul and un fair business hearing.
and sales practices'' or the HA \'\\'.ARD ( U PI ) J>at rick claitne(l t :i c l i cs
Beverly llills basL>d national )\j'earby a body found floating taken by Y0W1ger's office
in a fl ood control channel on \\'ere ll.!ed to "Intimidate and
Dally 1 Oto9, Sat. 1 Oto6, Sun. 12 to 5
nl'aga11 learnrd s c v c r n 1
n1onths agG that the r..t..1rint!
cnpl:tin "·hose 11a1nc \\'as
.insC'ri brd on the br<:icrlet \\'[IS
dl!ac!, !hr !;lO\'ernor disclosed
ot n reporter l\londay.
auto repair and puinting firm. l\tonday ~·as a crumpled note harass plaintiffs and cause
1'he suit amend ed an earlier reading, "I don't J i k e them substantial b us In es s '' ~ th P. ast .....
action r..-tiller filed last year snitches." Poli ce \\'ere un able losses and terminate thei r c:JOU \0 11 6
against the Scheib fi rm. The ,l'•~·~·d~en~t~if~y~l~h~e ~'~ict;i~n~1 ~b~ut~sa~ld~~b~u~s~in~e:ss:e~s ~w:it:h:ou~l~d~u~e~p=roc:c~:·1 _ __:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-llll~~~~~~~~~ district attorney said he had it possibly 'vas a man . of law."
more than 100 customers
ready to testify about the
all egL•d deceptions. FOR NEARL Y four years.
Reagan \\'O re the brncelet of
capt. Stl'phen H;inson of SnntA
Ana. a ~1 arme pilot shot dO\\'ll
over L.1os in 1967. 1-fe re-
·"'e!lled for thC' first ti n1e l\lon·
day th<t t h(• h<Jd 1:ikl1n off !he
bracelet about t!rree n1onths
\\'i th the ccaS('fire a ye11r
ngo. Hf'ngnn said. ··1 can't
"'nit 10 take 1his off. If he
con1c>s hon1e, I don't kno\Y
\~·hcther to send th is to hln1
or tlU'v1v it ns fa r as I can
lh!'O\V it -J'!l be SO happy
tn sec hirn."
But lf;1nson 's 1\·lfc ;1d 1i~cd
hitn t1lis 11·1n1cr tl1aL a
retu rn ing POW told hrr hi.:
11•as certain her husband was
killed, Reag;i n sa id.
i\1illcr said he was seeking
$2 ,500 each for numerous false
advertising cl aims for each
tim e they had been published
or broadc11st. He also sought
$2.500 per violation f o r
pro mi ses not kept
cus tomers.
Among claims l\lill er said
he was challenging were the
st<1 tement. "I will paint any
cnr for $20.95"; that auto
pai nting 'vas guaranteed fi ve
years ngainst fadingj that
!here is "no better car
painting at any price"; that
cars re p ai nt e d were
ro1nplele.ly hand sanded : and
1hal .1ll bod y repairs ~·ere
prepared by expert body and
fender specialists with years
of experience.
Reag·a11 Raps M<ikers
Of X-rated Movies
Gov, Ronald Reagan. a forn1Pr
actor. said i\-1ooday h f' · s
e ~homcd of the molion picture
industry for prod uction of X-
ra\ed 1110\·ies.
decisions on a 11 e g e d I y
pornographic n101'ies.
The !'.(Ol'crnor sa id th at he
wns opposed to censorship
"·hen he l'i'RS in the mov ies
during the 19JOs and 1940$.
You may have your Federal and California
Ind ividual Income Tax Return s prepared
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at Mutual Savings. This free servic e is offered
to savers with an account balance of $4,000
or more. II your savings account is not with
Mutual Savin gs, we will arrange for tra nsfer
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that mature during th e first quarter of 1974)
so yo u may take adva ntage of th is valu able
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Savings office for add itional inlonnatlon.
Income tax preparatio n is just one of
the many val uable free services offered
to Mutu al savers_ The number of
available appoin tments is limited,
so make yours early.
"Frankly 1 j115t don't 1hink
the X·rated p1cture8 should
be made." the 62-ycar-olrl
governor snld.
"\\1e had a v o 1 u n t a r y ------------------------------
Nor is he sering ~ny o(
th em. Rragan addl'rl.
"I think they've broken !hrir
faith 11·1·th the J><'O plc in thf'
kind o pictures t h e y · r e
putting out.·· Reagan said
during f! questlon·nnswer
session 1vlt h 19 students fron1
Sacramento High School.
LATER, he told a reportl'r
he hnd not seen any X-ra!Pd
filnu nor did he ptan to. He
also said he did not Int.end
lo 9ee "The Exorcist," which
is rated "R." but ha s been
called by some reviewers as
too explich for most viewers.
One of the students askt'd
Reagan during the session
videotaped for c l as s room
vie"'·ing, what he felt abou t
recent Supreme C o u r l
censorshi p in the picture
busl nf'S$," he said. ;,I believed
in that. J didn't believe in
some go\'ernn1e11tal bo d y
Withou t co m m e n I i n g
spcclficnlly on the Supreme
Court rulin gs, the: governor
9a!d. "I would like to sec
the day come when Ure n1olioo
pict ure lndu3try would clean
its own house:'
REAGAN ADDED, '"[ lhlnk
il's poor thea ter. I think it's
lousy Uteater to ,10 some of
the lh lngs they're doing."
ltcagan was a six-term
president of the Screen Actors
No pe rsons under lB are
admltt1..-d to X·ratc:d movies;
an il rating means no one
under 18 can be admitted
wit hout an adult.
"So Good . , • It \Vilt
"Haunt" You 'tll lt'a Gone"
Spoclol Of The WHkl
GOURMANDISE •2&1 [Cherry) CHEESE ......... .
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Ontario Jetport Study
Despite inexplicable opposition from lhe board cha1r-
n1an . Orange ('ounty Supervisors gave the go-ahead
(or a low-cost, In-house study of Ontario International
Airport as a possible sol ution to the county's growing
<:om 1ner('ial. jet travel needs.
Supervisor Ralph Clark or Anaheim. wh ose city is
a prin1e backer <1f a new airport in the north (ounty
Chino llitls, fi red a stiff volley at the proposed study and
Its proponent. Supervisor J{o nald Caspers.
ular mari juana smokers than in norumoken.
In 1972, ProposiUon 19, an initiative that would have
removed criminal penalties for private use of marijuana
was defeated by California voters. An attempt to meet
the Feb. 18 deadline to collect the 325,504 petill<>o sign•·
tures necessar;: to place the issue on this year's. ballot
seems to be failing. 111 three months, only 17·6,000 iigna·
lures have been obtained.
• ' i
' i
I ~ i:. \
~~-'\•· I\! I ell ~· .U• · t I ·-'" .,,..,, -.-;:--. ... ;. '.,. ·.,·: '.t '' .... ,
Cl<1rk said lhe study is -nothing more than a thinly
veiled. a tt e1npt /Jy ('aspers to n1ove the jets out of his
noise.plag ued Fifth District.
A last-minute advertising campaign is planned by
proponents of the measure, but in light of the new medi·
cal findings, it would seem advisable to hold back legal·
ization pending further invest\gJtions.
. ~·'' -
Such a sho rtsig hted attack is hardly valid. ('aspers
'declares he is aware some jet traffic n1ust co ntinue to
use the cxi:;;tini:: airport
If son1e of the future needs for n1ore air travel
can he ab5urbed by Ontario. Caspers' proposal 1nay have
1nore far-reaching effect than a ny of the 1nan y studies
that have already been cl one on the airport.
·rhc study approved by the board will be done hy
county st;1ff n1en1hers, not by an expens ive consultant.
It could give county leaders a little n1ore needed dala
lo \VO•'k wit.h in resolving an increasingly sticky issue.
C::iark'!i opposition, and an unexplained ab!:itention
by Su pervi.~or llobert. Battin have no valid gr ounds.
Ma 1i j ua11a Resc arcl1
J\tten1pl s lo put a new 1nariiuana decriminalizat io n
initiative on 1he Noven1ber ballot are n1nning into
roadblotks and the latest report fro n1 a Colu1nbia Uni·
versity medical research team is not going to help.
'rll e scientist ~. a fo ur-1ne1nber team frnm the Col·
umbia Co llege of J>hysicians and Surgeons, maintai n
!heir findings represent the first direct evidence of cellu-
lar da1nage to man from use of marijuana.
The studies revealed that use of the drug inhibits
division of the white blood cells that fi ght viruses, thus
weakening the body's defense against disease. The cells'
ability to di vide was 40 percent less in a group of reg·
Judicial Power
The power of jupges to circumvent certain con~itu
tionaJ rights continues to surface from time to time.
Last week in Santa Ana, Daily Pilot court reporter
'l'om Barley was suddenly advised he could no longer
c·o ver the trial of accused child molester Joseph Reitano
in the courtroom of Judge Herbert S. llerlands.
The excuse was that fellow inmates of the. Orange
County Jail had made threats against the defendant and
it was feared further publicity would endanger hint.
Child molesters, convicted or accused, are under-
standably not the most popular prisoners in any jail,
but this should not co nstitute grounds for restricting
tile public's access to a trial. A simple order to the sher-
iff to protect the prisoner was wbat was called for.
In a similar incident in San Bernardino recently,
reporters were ousted from the courtroom when a prison
Informer testified in a case involving the murder of a
poli ce officer. Following a protest filed by three news·
papers, the judge's action was ruled illegal.
Judges are entitled to sufficient power to maintain
order in their courtrooms and to see that hearings a.re
fai rly conducted. Judge lferlands' action goes far
beyond that in infringing on the public's constitutionaJ
right lo know how its courts are functioning and how
justice is being served, or denied.
. ,, :-.. '~ ~:.:~:·:--
~ ...•• :.;
,. J'"''"'' . .~
/'\"\A"'"' \,..~I ,._.
Partial Tape Summaries Dispute Dea11's Testimony
\\.ASHING TON -The secret \Vhite
House summaries of the \\'1.11er~;dc tapes
di spute John Dean's explosive Se nate
t cs ti 111 o n y about his private
conversations wilh President Nixon .
If It could be proven that Dean !old
1hc 1ruth, the President t'Quld be
11npcached ror th\!
cr1n1c of obslructi n~~
jUSticc. But excerpts
1ron1 the key ta!>c.~
quoted in summaries
prepared by the
\\'hile House. i;uµ-
port the Presidenr.s
rersion .
\\'c ha \·cn't i:cc11
1hc s u tnrnari cs.
11 hich \Vhlte •louse chief of Slaff Alexan·
dcr Haig keeps in a folder under lock "1:nd
key . Bul sources \1'i1 h access to them
h~1vc tol<l us 11·hat rhe surnmaries
conta in.
1.-.: i\tETllODICAL . I a 11' y c r -I i k e
language. the sumrna ries quot e the most
damaging charges that Dean 1nade in
his Sena te test iinony <1 nd n!fule. them
11·ith lengthy, verbatim quotes from the
\Vatcrgate tapes.
Those 111ho ha ve seen !he ~u1nmaries
have no way of kno11'ing, of course,
\\'hat has been !cit out. In vie111
of the erased 18 n1 inu res or the vital .June
20. 1!172. ta pe, it is possible tha t the
\\'hi!e House su nunaries don 't dlsc\Ose the
whole story.
In their present form. ho\\•ever, they
support the President's contention that
he didn 't learn about the \\fatcrgate
cover-up until ri.1arch 21. 1973.
DEAN is quoted in the titarch 21
sumnlary as \\o'ailling th e IW ident:
··rrris is going to take you by SUfl)riSe."
Then De11n outlined the involvement of
the President's trusted aides in the
\Vatergate cover-up, Dean confessed that
he, too, was in1p\icatcd.
''Oh. John. you have no prohlem,1'
Cl1illl Sup11ort Pay1nent
Witl1l1oldi11g P1·011osed
lt ·s one thing for taxpayers to lend
a helping hand, by proxy , to children
\1 hose families have fallen on hard tin1cs
<in<l need public assist:inct'.
11 is ('ntirely '.'!Om<'thin!! tolSl' 11 llt•11
we arc for ced lo suppurl fan1i lics \\'ith
children because lhc f:itllc!'S fl'fU:.c tlJ
do So, e\·cn thou!.!11
lhC'y could -and
.sho uld-
Aµpro xinHJ11.!ly 1ri
JlL'rcC'nt ul t !i ,.
Calirorni.i ~an11l:l•;
111 th chi~drt'11 1J11
\1e!fan.' 1AFDC1 111-
\'oh·e absentee l':Jlli·
er;;: rne.n l\"hO f:ill 'l'
p1'Q1·irlc adc'l!l<lfl' -
<ii' ;iny -SU]lporl j(,f thvir kid s.
1"ha l tot:1ls :1bout 1 niill1 u11 t!u!<lrl·n.
.Jack Flnod£'rs. child s u pp o rt
coord inator for lhc state lk•pt. of Social
\\'elfare. esr1ma1e.s the annual taxpayer
cost for such ci1sc lo<1ds comes 10 aboul
$1 billion -includi ng admin1stralive
O\'erhe:1d and Jx:nefit allowances,
SO.\tl:: nf those d<ids ha\'l' just plain
skipptxl, h:ftvuig !lie wifl! nnd kids lo
fend for th en1selvcs. Others v.·erc never
married; those <ire the 11tay but not
pay boys.
The wny thing.~ are now. lh<: f:ilhl'r
"'ho wo rks C1nd sup1xirts his 0\1•n f.'lnl ily
is oompc llcd lo pick up part of th t?
tab for those who fail their morul and
legal dutie s,
The errant dad's "·ugcs c:i n tJe
attached or he can be held in contempt
My qu.,ker father did nol go to
pray~ (every day v.111s
holy btJ* ..,) but If he did, he
would hive said, ''Richard, the<'
mu!t repmt fil'lt1"
•"""'r .. ew J l?h -111llmlttN llf .............. Ml' _...,.,, rtflKI 111t
•ll'WJ .. .. ........... ..... ••• ,, "' ....... ,. .......,. .... o.ltY' , .... .
and lhr<111·n in the jug. Both or these
:ir.t inn s arc r:ither self-defeating. \\'age
<i\t~H:hrnl'll!.~ are often a barrier to
l•n1ploy1ne11t : a fella behind hars is
hardly in the position to earn a paycheck
so (hHL he cnn eon1ribute to child
Ahslf'r :\fcA1is1C'r ( 11·San Jose). Wiin1s
to stt !lung~ !'t raight. in that area. !!is
A$sen1blv 13ill 1946 \\'OU.Id au•hnri7.f' th e
slate to· dedu ct child support payments
from the absentee father's paycheck.
A SS E ~1 BI~ Y .\I AN '-lcA!istcr's
legislation provides that once an
atJsentee fathe r is l\'tO months in arrea rs
in his payments, child support "'OUld
:.1uton1at ically be deducted from his
"'ages. just as income lax and social
sccurlly levies are no\\.'.
AB 1940 is OO\V before Assembly Ways
& t.leans. It is a good bi ll. If gove rnment
can deduct taxes and other grabs from
a y;·orking man·s paycheck, ii should
certainly use "'il hholding to nail those
dads whose irr('.<>ponsibility is increasing
the size and burden of our taxes.
A SPLINTER fron1 the seat or
What with U1e probability or a
downturn in state revenues. some
-kgislators are not quite so eager to
buy Randy Collier's idea or lpending
$100 million for his twin towers of Babel.
Senator Collier (~Yreka ), wants those
shafts erected et the east md of capitol
park -one tower for the 1t1le RD1te
and one for the assembly, With public
roorTUJ and a reception area connectlng
the two.
A new Idea II taklni shape to provide
•ddictlooal eruce area for the l<Jlbl•tlln!
and executive branches.
Why not build a new ~Uve
<0mplex? I nsl...t ol pu ttlng the Gover-
nor's Mansioo oo the banQ ol jhe Am<:<·
ican Rivl'!', JS miles from dOwntown
Sacramento, put it near the capitol.
Build it ln concen with a new E1ecu-
<ive Office! Jlulldlng (EOB), oo the site
now tabbed for Hme Collier's towers .
said the President. But Dean insisted ,
"Yes, l have."
IN A referen ce to his former right
bo'l'!cr. ll R. "Bob" Haldeman, t he
President asked: "Is Bob involved?"
Dean gave an evasive answer.
Throughout the conversatioo. neither
Dean nor the President mentioned the
left bol'l•er, John Ehrlichman.
They discussed the possible guilt of
Jeb Stuart ri.1agruder, Frederick LaRue. er. Gordon Liddy, E. Howard Hunt and
other Watergate figures.
Dean said it y;•ould be necessar}· lo
raise $1 million to pay for the costs
of Watergate. "That "'ill be no problem ,"
said the President.
THEN HE questioned Dean about the
purposes or the money. Dean said Hunt.
"'as demanding money. The President
\1·antcd to know why he y;·anted it,
"·hether it \\~dS for himself or the others.
The Presid en.t also asked how they could
be sure ltunt's demands for money would
In the end. the President ruled out
any htLSh payments. "That we can't
do," he said.
DEAN also raised the question of
offering executive clemency to the
Y.'atergale defendan ts. "That's out," the
President is quoted in the summary as
sa ying. "\Ve can't offer clemency to
As Dean spelled out the detil ilS, the
President referred to the original break.-
in. """hat ?>ere they looking for ?" he
Of his aides \.\·ho \\"ere implicated.
he stated firmly : "E\'erybody has got
to go l.o lhe grand Jury."
~ARLIER conversations between the
Presiden t and Ot">an on Scpten1l'..cr Li
!9i2. February 27. 1973, and tiJ 3rch
J:l, 19i3. aL-a>rding to ll 1e \~'bite Ho11He
su n1n111ries, discl°'1icd none nf lhe det<1ils
that Dean testified he h;id gl\cn the
President. Dean didn't le\'CI \1ith tile
PreSident, if the summaries are accu rate.
until ~larch 21.
Our sources s:.iy the \\.hi te Housr.
has ·.rilhllCld th e su mmaries becausc
of the bad public reaction to his ta x,
!Ti and milk fund disclosures. But
apparently, the summaries have been
sbo\\'Tl to a few top Republicans such
as Senate GOP leader Hugh Scott.
FOOTNEYI'E : The sununaries give the
Presidenrs verbatim language. including
so1ne startling cuss wurds.
Although President Nixon meant it y;·hen
he S\IOX>re Ile IVCM.Jld "fig ht like hell"
against \\'atergate, he is losing hi s zrst
for battle and sho\.\ing si!,rns of strain ,
our \Vhite House rources sa y ... •le i.s
Would-be Canclidates Are Older
also driukin g 1nore inartinis. Son1ethnes
his fri cn(l, llcbc RebOzo n1ixes n sn1a1!
pitcherful before Lhey sit down together
feir ;in C\"e ning's relaxation . The
President's favorilc is "'hut he calls
an _"in and ouf' n1artini. He pour s
vermouth O\"er the rocks. S\l'ishcs it
around and dumps it our. Then he adds
the gin .,.
TllE PRESIDENT i5 or1l"n re!ille!'~
at night and loves to take off on
in1pulsive drives "'i1h his frie n d
Bebe ... The President fiert'\:lv reiterated
at a private breakfast "'iih Speaker
Carl Albert that he has no intention
of resigning. Nixon said he recognized
his popularity has plum1ncted, but hi! ,
11-asn't going to lf1 the 1)0pular1ty polls
drive him out of the \llh ile House. Th e
late Harry Truman fell even lO\l'C.r in
the popularity polls, while he v:as
PresidenL Nixon recalled. H+> Sw'Ore
to Alber t that he had committed no ·
impeachable offense , , .
Presidential Skirmishing Under Way
\VASHI:\GTON -Fonner Attorney
General Elliot L. Richardson is the latest
to confess that he may have presidential
a1nbitions. and this brings to about a
dozen the putative
candidate" making
An ea rly takeoff for
the \\'hite House .
Putali\oe is not a
dirty "uni, bu t
n1eans co1n monly
UlOught of, repuled
or supposed, and
th~t i:;; an undcr-
statc.n1 cnt f<.:r the.
aims of some \\·ho are feeling ttJe waters
at \Vatergate"
On the Democratic side are llenry
~1 . Jacksvn. George C. Y,'allace, ~·iud
;\1. Kennedy, George S. ~IcCovem,
\\ .. alter F. :\londale. and the.re no doubt
\rill be more as time goes on .
Among the Republicans are Vice
President Gerald R. Ford, Nelsoo A.
Rockefeller, Charles Percy, Howard J.
Ba ker. Elliot L. Richardson, and Ronald
Rea gan.
TllE PRESIDENTIAL skirmishing has
begun a year to ~'O years earlier..i.than
\rt1uld ordinarily be the case and it
A Mixed Bag of Fears "
I \1·as trapped in a stuck elevator
for the first tim.e in my li!e not Jong
at;o, with e:ibouf ·a do:z:en other people,
and the 20 minutes bet\\·een floors
seen1ed more like ty;·o hours' before v;e
were rescued.
flaving a mild fonn or claustrophobia,
l know I \Vas more bothered by the
C'ntrapment than so me of my fellow
pa ssengers; and it occurred to me that
the v.·ord "fear" should not be a generic
term, but must be used on an individual
FEARS are ralional or irrational: It
jg rational to fea r a grizzly bear com.lng
at you; it is not rational to fear flying
~in an airplane wtiile we feel sarer driving
a car, which is really much more
dengeroos. On the whoie, it is our
Irrational fears !hat tend to bother "'·
or even to ·-1'o IDd 1bia U.· no relatlooshlp to Whet is known as
"mwardice" or funk in Ule mill\ary ....... .
I remember the momlna: I werit ror
Induction Into the Army, and stood In
the medical line watCblai hult brutes
ol men faint dead 1way as a Uttle
neOdle was about to be plmged Into
their arms. As a veteran bay-fever
pitlent, the medlcs ciiuld have 1tuck 50
"""'11~ Into any p11t ol my body and I
wouldn't have turned 1 hair.
Yet, lhe men who fainted at the ne«tle
might' be far "braver" lhan t in, say,
a !'JUbmArine , where I would always
be feeling the need for •Ir and vmn1ed
. .
sick about never getting up to the sud.ice'
again. I remember, as a boy, pt~ylng
sandlot football and riever mindioi a
bloodied ro'le or a twisted antl~but
If fe< a moment I happened to' ·be
on the OOl'tom of a pile of boys, and
felt that my breathing was impe<led, ·
I v."Oul.d get Into an hysterical treniy
and claw my way C1Jt like a fmiUc
JUnONAL fear \I a form ofq:aelf ...
prcservatkm; irn.tlonal fear is a
subo:mcioua coodiUoning we can do little
about, since it usually cornea from 111R1"9
-or ~ In early Ille, which we have oonwnlently repressed !run
~. and returns only under
special oondltlons.
EVERYONE Lt a mlled bli ol f<1n
and fearlessnes!,.dependinji upon which
button In the brtln Lt prelled; and
th@ man who throwl away hi.I • sun'
and acampen off the field ti bo!Ue
may very w.11 tum out to bt the ooe
who gallantly rllkl hLt nr. 'to ....
a child from the wheels of a runaway'
ca.r. A.s we 1et older, we Ieem that
"fear," like "intelligence," la: cUffe~t
things In dUI....,! people· In dlUerent
is no niore than commoo observation
that the electorate is not electr ified
by the early activity. In fact. it IS
demonstrable Unrt the cn1y alternati\·(''i
to Richard ~1. Nixon who excite much
interesl at all arC' \'ic-e !,resident Ford.
Senator Kennedy, and possibly Gove-mar
Rea gan.
The strangest aspect of the presidential
fiCld is that some or them are
substantially older than the optimum
age for a firs\ ntn a l the presidency
In an er;i "'hC'n you th is supposed to
be asce nd ant. Tnis is true of For d,
Jackson. Reagan. Rockefeller, although
not of Percy. ~,c:Govern, Kennedy, and
Mondale .
Even so. the modem pol~cs or tll("
70s has not produced a Thomas E.
DcY1ey. John I-~. Kennedy or Theodor~
ROOsCvelt who, in the vigor of their
latter ~. began to flash across the
PQlitlcal spectrum. Teddy Kennedy is
the nearest thing to It, but with ~peclal
cqndltlons to 01;ercome which did not
burden bis young predecessors who won
prestdential nominations or went to the \Xbfte House in their ~.
IN 11DS AGE of yauth, men in their
· 18te 50s or evea mid and late 80s are,
or will be, teeking an office which
makes lncreasingly shattering demancb
on· phy.slcal and mental v I t s 11 t y .
Memorteo are abort . Dwlgbt D .
Eisenhower's second term was
con1tant1y·overshadowed by concern over
the state of Ms health after heart
attacks, surgery and vucWar problem
oveilook h!m In his 606.
Rea,.peraUve powers ol tbll country
are amazing, but Jt would strain them
lo ,hive· tour presk!eocies in a row
bn>ug)it to ruin as, in a ~11!.....,t way,
have been the Kennedy, Johnloo lllll
Nixon admlnB!rallons. The noxt prteldent
will talT)' the heavy burden of retloflng
faJUt 1n ~ national govenunent.
EVEN NOW, with President Nixon
61, there ta constant 1pecuJaUon about
hLt health and menial stability, not
becaUH ·Of evidence that lh<re ls
anything to be concerned •bout, bul
becauoe It Is suppcoed· that any ·man
might cr1Ck under the 1 t r a I n ,
Q)oleqoently , the White llpuse roacil
strongly agal"'t sny •tori., wblch·mlfiht
be Interpreted u evkteoee that be 11
ctacktng. \Vlth no roundatlon , the
3PK'Uiallon persl11U that he w 111
ultimately find -a health reason for
resigning, which Is more a case or
the wish as father or the thought than ,
o{ any clinical evidence. 1 The skirmishing goes on l\·ith Percy .
and Mondale selling up organlzatlo11.1
to test sentin1ent. with Reagan spea king 1
at key e\'ents in \\'nshin~ton and even 1
ven~uring into Ney;• England. with
Rockefeller ranging into lhe hinterland,:
and Ford carryi ng the political banner
as If he were Barry C:Oldwater In the
dark Republican days of the early 60s. I
George \\'allace :s1irs no\v and then
to let the nation knov.· hl' "'ill be back. 1
Senator Jackwn has in train a long '
series of activllle~ which will keep hlm
at the top of the ne1vs. ,
FORD is critlclzl'd for do!n,c: what 1
he has lo <10. solidifying his Position ,
in the base organization of the I
Republican party. whi ch is what '
G<ildwaler did to "'in the nomlnation. ~
Ford Is not, after all. a potential for !
the Democratic nomination and has i
nothing to gain by separaUng himself:
from ~ixon's resi dual support which '
persists in lhe Republican party in i
substantial degree. !
On the whole, I.be pre sl d e nt i a l :
skirmishing, except for Ford'!!, is 1
lackluster and premature. m e r e I y
underlining the fact that a man with ·
Ford's tem,per&n\ent In his position has
a head ·start on the nomination. I
'0.~Nel COAIT
Robm N. W••d.-ru&U.htr
Tllo!!lal Kuvil, U!!Ot'
Barbara Krt:lbich
Edlloriol Pap. ldlfur
,,,. edtb111 ,~ ot 1he ~
Pf1ot .lttb to 1nbm. Md r.ftmiliate
l'ftdtt1I ~ prnenttrw OD tbls pqe
divttte•C:ommesrtuy'on fOOLc. Ol ift..
tertlt by iYndJcated (dwnnlst• and
cartoonhita, by pmvldlrc a torum fo.-
readt:n' Vkw1 and b)' prurtrltl11f thi1
ntWIPIPft''• oplnlont and ~a• on
OJrTtnt topics. ~ edttonll oplnto.
of the Daib' PUot appelU' only in the
edia1&1 (Olwnn at the 1np ol tfM!
pea.~ dliit•d brr' the ceJ..
unudlts and ca~ Ind lttttr
wrtten are thrir own lftd flO ~
mmt of ttleir vl!!'NS by 1he Daily
Piliot 1hou)d. be ln.1"'"'1.
Tuesday, February 5, 1974
' I
. '
int o
It's I
in sip
a re
to lt
Lili. .,n
gi rd
Babysitters Find _ Father
Of famil y D'ead in Room
~UPI ) -A oouple l>abysl.ttiug
during a birthday party found
the body or a slain father
of seven who lay covered by
a rug tor n1ore than a week
in a closed bedroom "'hilc
his funtl ly appart'.lltly lived on
L. ltl. Boyd
"oormatly." iuthorlties say,
The victi'/l, CUroll . 0.
John.son, 34, wa!I found
Saturday night by ·l he
babyskters who wandered into
the room. Illuminated it with
a cigarette. lighter when they
could not find a· light, aod
Stnell ll~pered
sou'-rbt. to stratgil~ out a
rumpled oarpeL
deteriorated body revealed
Johnson tiad been shot once
behind the car· 3nd U1ut
another bullet ricochete<i off
his skull. The Berrien County
n1edical examiner's office Yid
Johnson, a tool and die worker
in this tiny so uthw est
Michigan comn1unity of about
100 persons, had been dead
a \\'eek to 10 days when found.
Jolmsnn's widow , Joyce, \\·as
admitted t o a hospital for
observat ion S und ay .
QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi
Stocks • •
\\'ASHI NG TON i l'Pll -Th" Scc1tri!~ and F: x ch ;1ni1•
Con1n1!sslon flll'<I !11\i1 to
prl'\ l·nt :l (:1·r111;111 ln1,1111•<;-.
group from Sl'lhnL! st(l(:k 111
a howf' of pn1~ti1u11011 tu
.A.mc ricaos.
'Ille SEC C-"On1plztint all<'ge<t
.\londav L~:it (;lobus Anlagt'
V e'r 1n it11tuigs~cscllsc.:h<1 ft
G:\tBH and its proprietors.
Hans·\\'olf Pipt•r and '.1111111kn
!\nipple . f:ii!ed to Justify
clalrr1s that in1 t"1 ors could ~l'I
a 109 percent. rl·turn on thl'1r
n1oney in ··tax·frl'c profit&"
,,·ithin 10 tnonl'hs.
GLOB US Al)\'1':ltTISEO 11s
inve:!>t1nent uffcr i11 'l'hl' ~1'11•
York Thnes :i nd the Los
A n g e I e s Tiines uudc-r
hc-:idinlo('s. '·Double your
dollars in th~ I'~ u rope ;1 11
n1arket. .,
Tursd3Y, F'Pbru~ry '5, 1974 OAl l V PILO~ r
B1·otl1 el a No-No
public rorporalion
Relore· Globuci roll Id
dl<;lrihutC' morr 1h~1n a h·•t• ..
H• fol!C)11 up ;,id.., ~ .. 11 \ "' )\
slctll! l'VUft' Ul\l'I \1'lll"1 (11\l
\\l!cks ago
Tll E SEC rvllOllL'I.! up
'.lloudoy by f11il!!! the suit 111
!ht l ' S Oic;lnct Court in
Hult1morc-. purporling lhat
I ;)Obll~ {.lld 110( I n f () r Jrl
p .. h·1111al 1111 e-.\t.H " u! tlw ··ru.k
Jn\ ch rd ul n1.1k1n~ a n
If!\ t ~\Jll('nl In tlus UilU!IU:ll
lj pc vf \Jt1Stl\£:S.S.."
'Ge ri e ral' Meets
His Waterloo
S!\~ JOSE r \P 1 -()ffi<'<·r°'
s:i tutNt. doors ri1n'll1'd :ind the
rl'd car1wt ro11c<l fitll 11·hl'n
di s t inguishl·d. gra~ h;iirc·d
Joseph Francis \I L I\ ,, u 11
11;d ked into ·' r1·-.ta11r:1nt ~·r
drove lhrou1?h 1hr sc1·uri1~·
g111t•s of l\lufft:11 7\,1 \:11 ,\ir
~'"'~hr ~!IJC·•· f1rl . 11 \1•hen ht:
:1114 'C!tdl\' ..;U'odt into t~ Stan·
rr rd Jnri11s1rinl P:ir k hranch of
1h1· \\'1·lls fargo Ban k, rcsp1en-
d:u1t 111 a l1t·u1e11.rtnt genern1·-..
tu11ror1n and ('ashtd a b.1cl
1•ht·ck for S/50.
By D1·y Mai1ini Authorities said she has «.)K .. ,f" .. ,.,_!>r•""-•. Jn.,., 191"6. w •• 1~ ,,..,,, ........ ,J.
refused lo comn1unica te with """,•, E•' ,-.-.-. -~-! ,"'.·w·a·l-l-er-,-,:... a.;,);.'S;.h;.c;;a""p""p;;.r.;.ec;;;;.ia;;;l;;;es""y-our-..ef.f-or_l_s•t•o'
The SEC said µcrso ns 11'ho
respondt'<l to the ads rccei\1ed
a 1>rospec!us fron1 (:lobt1s
"'hich described the offerings
or brothels planned f or
S\\·itzerla nd . Bclgitun. It...1ly
and llolland.
Bul tht• gold l>r;11d ;ind ~d 11•r
st:JfS 011 :i.1el\l'Oll'S l!!llfOt'!\!
ll l'l'l' ;t l11! 1.11't1ISl1t•d he II ;'ls
arr(•stl'd b,V Pnlo :\Ito polit"\'
;uid 11a<> l1cld h1"'1• \lond·11
1111 feder;il C'h;ir~l'" •1 I
1\11 FBI spokr•1n:in :::ii1J
:\!vKc'1n. forn1erlv of P;ilo
\lln . rra\'cled exicnsh·e!y in
C:lliforni:i and Ar i 1. on ;1
rvprcsenung hi111sclf as !'In
,\rn1y genera l at n1ost pl<1ces. lfe \1·as a poel \1•ho didn't know it 11·as \Vllliam Whe-
\l'C'\I , rn his "El emcnlary Treatise on ?i.1echanics," he
si1nply meant it as prose 1vhcn he wrote: "And so no
force, however great, can stretch a cord, however fine.
into a horizontal line "'hirh shall be absolutely straight."
It's the best knov"n example in the English language of
unconscious but ~rft>ct rhYme.
anyone. conser ve fuel , but reels this just doesn't fit in with the
Au thorities said they comoanv· imae:e."
expected crin1inal charges ~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Globus operation 11'ns ll E AL.50 obt..1ined ii
A dry martini with an olive is apl to inhibit your sense
ot smell, but a gin and tonic . tends to
enhance It.
Reports J;enry J. ?-.lalino'?.'Sky :
"Everybody knows who the great Stan
"The ?-.Ian" Mus ial is. But ho\v many
kno\v the name ?-.lusial in Polish means
"lie had to do it?"
",\ \\'Oman \\ithout coquetry is as
insipid as a rose v.'it hout scent, cha1npagnc \\'ilhout spar-
kle . com beef \Vithout mustard." \Vinlhrop said that. And
you may recaU that ou r Love and \Var man concurs. Now
a feminine custo1ner ~ks, "How can a girl Oirt v.'ith a
man v.·ithout inviting some insolen t proposition?" Nothing
to it. Just look the o!d boy straighl in the eye and say,
"Don't speak. You tnight ~reak the spell." Then ainble off.
Q. "fn a horse race. how n1uch credit shoul(J go to the
horse : ho\\' n1uch lo the jockey?"
A. Figure 80 percent to the horse. 20 percent to the
rider. At least, that's the con1111on notion a1nong the track
IJarker the greens in the salad, the more ,·itainin A
said salad contains. He1ncmber that, if you drive at night.
\'itamin A helps your night vis ion.
\Vas reported thal the lyrics en titled "Lili l-.lartcne··
"·ere wriUen in 1917 by a c:erman soldier nanied Hans
l.€ip. Inspired by l\\'O of his Berlin girlfriends. one named
Li li, the other ~·farleen. Please note, our spelling of the
song tille differs from the spelling of the name of the
original Derlin girl. \Yhy? Because lhe Englsh copyists
identified it \\'ith t-.1arlene Dietrich, none other. So migh ty
\l'as i'.liss Dietrich's inf1uencc, in fact that the only popu~
lar ve rsions of the song have been sung by ...,·omen, even
though the sense of the \1·ords demands it be sung by men.
;\lost popular nc1v subject by far among physicians
\\'ho go back to school after entering practice is psychi-
Almost but not quite 50 percent or Ifie women .,.,.bo ...,·ear
girdll's c1rc di ssatisfied 11·it h the way said girdles Ch them.
The undergarn1ent makers came up v.1ith that [act. Can
you use it?
Address nini/. l.o L. 1'1. Boyd, P.O. Boz 1875, jVew·
port Beacl1. 92660 .
\\'OUld be filed .
"\.\'E'RE STILL trying to
piece it together,·• s a id
dclective Fred Reeves of !he
Berrien County sheriff · s
office. "ll"s just a kind of
conft1Siil.~ n1ess right now."
Reeves said the wife and
se\•en children. \\'ho ranged
in age from 3 to 15, apparently
li\•ed "normally" during the
tin1 e the body lay in the closed
Asked if he believed any
of the children knew of the
bcdy. Heevcs sa id . "I think
they did.''lle said lhere \\·ere
indications h\·o of the children
cllscovc rc<l thc txicly Thursday.
State Sen James Q. Wecl111orth .
of Hawthorne, a little-known.
eight-year veteran cf the
Legislature, h<ls becotnc the
seventh announced candidate
for the Detnocratic non1ination
for governor.
At a sparsely attended ne"·s
con ference, the Hawthorne
legislator said Monday he
v.·ould battle agairu;t the big-
money style of campaigning
and a~inst the cuinbcrsome
state t>ureaucracy.
\Vedworth said he had
$12,000-Sl :t,OOO for hi s
campaign and added he hoped
\\latergate taught people the
desi.ru,ctive effeet money can
have on the political system.
Wed~·orth does not risk
losing the Senate seat \\'hich
he has held since 1967. 11e
\\'ill not be up for re-election
until 1976. He is a former
mayor of Ha...,·thorne.
Lindora's unique program is a safe and practical method
for the entire family to lose weight and learn how to maintain
proper weight ... under the strict supervision of Medical Doctors.
Call for info rmation• Monday thru Friday 8 A .M. to 6 P.M.
188-4788 197..0378 385-1131 ·~36 531..2395
Arrow~••d Lo• Alto• MIMlon HllW1ho•"' Tuttln-Cl'l•r••" M1dlc1I Bldg. Mldlc;•I C1nl1r MHltll Blot, M9dlc11 C.n11r P1of1ulat'll 111dg,
426-IMt ' 711-H14
Pace Prot111io!\1I
Plue ProleHlon1I Bldg, KB·Prol"llOl111 .....
WlrMtNI_~ Mldlc11 Bldg.
sMfA llOlllCA
Dl-4•11 '''"~II" Mtdlcll ll<lf,
M•1V....S. ProlUtl0!\11 Bldg.
FUl.LDTOll .
170-9501 .... ._
1Mdlc1l IMdo.
M.olc1I Bldg.
Mldle .. ......
924-1741 °"'"M Pfo1-i011a1 Bldg,
·u.s. ·io•· You'
'E . ' R y· xorcist --uss ie1.v
r.toscow t.A.P) -A Soviet
governn1ent n e \\' spa p e r
considers ''The Exorcist ,"
America's ne~·est f i I n1
sensation. ''a mixture of
pornography and sadism" and
a coirunent on commercialism
in the linited States.
1T·s · NQT often that the
ne\vspaper Izvestia bothers 10
revie"' American filn1 s. But
its \\'ashington correspondent
"'as struck by the long lines
of people buying tickets.
1'The devil. changed into a
small de1non , 11•as put into
con1mercia\ circulation," he
\\'role in i\londay's newspaper .
The ccrrcspondcnt. S .
Kondrasho\·. said In an v
An1eric:in cr itics panned the
filn1 as ···frightening and
disgu£ting"' nntl "Ch ea µ
. ba sed on a legl1l n1ate \\'es1
Gcrn1an outfit distribu ting
p r· o spec t u s es liberal\~·
illustrated \\'it.h a n c i c 11 l
Persian erotic dr:11vings.
i111:)\'f!>(Jlli1!111i.; :10 ti I' 111 y
gcnrn.t l.
CIJAHl.ES \\'. H /t. ·r £ S .
!i~)CCia\ :1;.!t'11t ill ch;1rgc nf 1h('
FBl"s S:1n Fr:11H·1seo ofl1t.:t·.
i.;iitl .\lcl\.~· .• 11. 1;:1, h:1<1 bl'<·11
1nilit:i rv auto bun1per stickt'r !w;11·in~ a star and used 11
10 gt•i through the sec11ri1y
t.![lll'S at ;\loffett Fi~ld, 1vhcrc
ht• to:-ik a<h·an tage of various
Lf:1~c facilities. the spokesn1a11
s;_il(l TH1': GLOBUS 01x·rat io11
\\·as based 011 a st:he 1ne :~---------------------,
ulrca<ly under \\'JY by K ur1
Kohls. foundl'r or !he l\oh ls
Real Esta1e Ltd. the "11rld'_.
cn\y invcs!or-011·ned ch<1in of
bro1hcls. Kohls opcrales n 57· [
room "eros·· eenter in
Constance and a 76·roon1
brothel in Kiaserslautcn1, both
it1 \Ve::t Gennany. I
Kohls said la st Slunn1cr that
he might try · to sell shares
of· his con1pany in ·the t:nitcd
States. but has not tried 10
register \rith the SEC <IS :i
Personally Tough! By Catherine Ponder
i\lost :-.lH'l'l'"'" l'ou1·..,l'"' 1·11-.1 hundl'ecl s of dollars
~·l·t l'tl\l'I" o ll]\ 1 : tliv p-.~(·holo ;.:ic al. tll•;111~inB".
,·rca1i\ l ' ;ind ;1d\ d!\l't•d \:1''.., 111u nd 111 th1-;
IJrO:-.\"-:rit~ 1:11r111ul11 ·
Chl.rth of A~lqious Stitnte
2006 2 loquna Canya" Rd. 494·0490
Sat., Feb. '
9:30 a.m. • 4 p.m.
only 'I D
If your old car is nicketing ·
and diming you to death, see u~.
After all, if you trust us
with your money, why
shouldn't we trust you with ours?
.. If you're tired of.pouring
mOney into vour old car,\\'(: l1a\''2.
three soluti ons.
Cne. Rea.dy Auto Finance:
The:plan that assures the loan even
before you choose the car.
Two. SpeciaLease: A Security
Pacifk'Bari k leasing plan that ca 11
easily mean a large saving at down
payment time, and maybe at I'1x
tin1e too.
Three. Conventional financing
at our attractive bank rate s. And
if you 're already a customer at
Security Pacific Bank , so mu ch
the better. It only figure s; if you
trust us \Vitl1 yo11r 111011cy, \vl1y
shouldn't we tru st you with ours 7
; ·' ' '·
. ' '
FUneral services v.·e~ to be
held today ror Lynda GueJM'tl
l"llr1, the moth('r of trumpeter
Al Hirt. ~1 rs Hirt <!led
~tonday followlnR a lengthy
I.A JOLL1\ ! AP)
t-.leniorial s er vi c es are
planned \Vednesd:iy r o r
Gt.'Drge A. \\'hltn ey , vice
president in charge of Pacific
Sou thv.·cst Airlines' r a d i o
stations in four Caliromia
cit~!. \\'!Jitney, 66, di c_ d
SundHy a1 hon)e.
~1anball Gr•ydon Reardon,
82, a U.S. commi ssioner fnr
the 5<1n Diego <1rea for 12
vears. dled Sunday at Doctor,,;
i-lospllal .
LA\\'TON, Okla. tLlPIJ -
Stephen Woodcoy l\lopope, 73.
one of a group of Kio11'L1 Indian
artists v.•ho helped develnp
modern India n an, d ie <l
INGLE\VOO D (t.:P ll
Funeral services y,•crc to be
conducted today for f:f(or L.
Stones, 73, \\'hose 50 year:-;
of work with J\1G~1 studi1Js
included overseeing t he
building of set s for "The
Wiz.ard of Oz" and "J\.t utiny
on the Bount v.'' Stones, a
retired c h i e-f co nstruction
superintendent and !let builder
for MG~t. died Saturd ay.
Cornelia Gr.11.side, 86, a
wealthy patroness of the arts
who caused raised eyebrows
when she eloped with an
unemployed steambath janltor
40 yea rs her junior, di1..>d
Thursda y. 11ei husband, the
late Orew Chidester, \1·as co-
found er of the Gene r a I
Steamshi p Corp.
~lADRID (UPI) -Ju.an
Orduna , 66, a Spanish actor,
1novie director and producer,
died Sunday of a hea rt attack,
the ncv.'s agency Cifra said.
Deall• l\'olice.•
E.mil O•ltmann. Resident of 81y,id• VIii age, Ntwpon Beach. Da!t ot de•lh.
Ft or11erv 4, lt1~. 8elovtd ~11.oal\CI cf
Dorl• D1llm1nn. S•1vlce~ wHI ~ Mt!d
In s.lOU• cuv. 1a..3. ""'t •ICllll CMa~tt
Mortuary, ~-41.18, Forw1r<!lnv Olre<:lor1.
11_.1 R•ndOIPll Mlflin. Ape 111, o! ~I) !.ai•ohlpne Drive. S1nt~ Ane . O•Te
of <1e11r.. Februery 2. 1~7•. ~u•vlv~
by pwent,, Jonn •nd Joy«~ Marlin; ~. N, Da'°<I Madin: IYIO tilTtr1,
JUll'f Tyl•r e nd Joyce Merlin. $•••le~" W~ey, 1"l::l0 PM, Pt1k F1mily
C~on!tl FllMl'll Home.
CUlfor'd H. Ntrtoon . .Age !15, of 1.\4
C..::11 Pl.. Co11a Me, •. Di1t of de111h. F.tw"uer1 1. \'11~. .S11rvlvtd by wl1e,
y..._, fWD dl "Vhl"I· Mu!!lt Prou1t ,
of W1111\lnglon1 M1~1111 M<:G1vr1n. Co111
Mne.J motl'llr, Mr1.. Nini N•rt1on, Co•I•
Mew l 1l1Mr1, Mra. Vt rn1 Sul!lv1n1 '111111
Hl fbOUgft. Cotll M11e; Myrllt Q111mt n, •l'llrllllll! 1w1;1 or1r>dchlldr1 n. c11t111 t nd
M1•I,.., 5ot<vlC•• wtrt held Monde v
11 '"'I lroedw'ty Chepel, wllh Jlltv. lloper 811"9 ol'llcl1Kng. lntermon!, l-l1 r-
-..... M...-!•I P1rlt, a111 eroedWI Y
McrTutry, Olrector1..
lilYA!il WllU1m J. 11;1111. l.Sl Vlolt Mtdtrl,
N..-t llNCll. 0 •1• of d••lll. Ftb•U•rv
'· )'1.t.. Survl,,.,, bY wllt . Slllrl1y, of lhl hornl1 ll>tl•, Fred, of Enclnllo1:
Mlcl'>M!, Coolt Me1•1 deUQM1r. P1rrlcle
E,..,-, Oenvlf", ColoradOJ mo!ll1r, Cl1r1 lll:y1n, New YarkJ IJ 1ttr, E!l110.1h Gl~nl\,
N-Yar~1 Jour 11r1ndchl1<1r•11. S•rvke•,
Tl!u•-v, Fl'bru••y 1. ' PM, P1c111c VI...., CP11pe1. F1ml y IUll'Ue•ll memort11
Eontrlbutlon1 m1y bl m1d1 to 1 !lvorll•
c111rlty. Pt clflc l/ltw Morl111ry, Olrt<;tor&.
WAlllll!lil Ch•rlt1 Wt rr1 n. l~S $Mrl<111lcn l"lt(f,
N....,,.,.l B11cn. O•I• o! 0111~. F1br111•y
J . !t1l . Survived by nlt ct, Mttbt 8 Kfon.
of North (troll~•-~orvlt•• w!ll ~
hl ld 111 f d•,..n:h Funt•al Hetmt. Kin,,,,..,,
ll>r!n Cerolln1. lltl!l·l l'~l'O" F11r>1r1I omt . COl!t MHI, Forwtr~l~g Olrl(!ora
427 E. I 71h St.. Co11a Me1a
646-4888 -·-IALTZ·lllGHON
Carono d11I Mor
Coi ro M~lO -·-
110 B1oodway, Col!o Meta
548-3433 -·-DILDAY llOTHllS
1791 I Bt!och Blvd.
Hu11tingrcn !lt!och 84'1-7771
24 4 lled~rtd'l Ave.
long B~ocll (?13)438-11 45 -·-McCORMICK LAGUNA
1195 loguno Canyon lld.
494-9415 -·-McCORMICK
28832 Camino Cop•1troflO
S11n Juol\ Cap111rorio
A9,5.1776 -·-PACIFIC VllW
c.:.r~~)~ ..
3.500 Pod fk V11w Drive
N•wpart Beoc.h. Calolorn10
. 6 4"-2700 -·-PllK PAMILY
780 I Bobe Avf .• Wwrntn.itr
89J.JJ2.S -·-1MITM9' -TUMT
627 Main St,
H11111in9!011 S.oth
Tut~day, Ftbruary S, iq74
Free 81111 Rides Jui~e Cut ... County Okays LA Transfer l 'ounty Savi1ig Eriergy
S,\~'T,;\ ANA -Orlltlgt
Couuty 1'r::ins1t Di st r IC' l
!)1rcctors apµro\'t'Ci anot11rr
rn 1!<-~tone in r r g Ion a I
tranSi>Jrl;1tio11 ~1onday I} y
agl"t.'\'tng to let Los Angele$·
arl!a bus riders transfer free
on!o OC1'0 C'O<lChes,
The al(f'ffmen1. coocludfXl
l<.11't week with the Southern
I 'allfurnla llai pid Tr a n s I t
IJis1rh::t. alk>w11 OCTD riders
to tron!lfer onto LA btl8e'S frtt
bu t they v.•111 ha\'e to nlllkt
up the nJckcl differen<"c
bctv.'een the tv.·o fares .
OC1'D bl!~ cost U ~nts
to ride and SCRro buses are
311 cen t.s wHh an additional
diine payable each time the
bus g~s through ont of many
"iones" in the LA arl!a.
In makJn g the agreement,
Orange ~nty \\i!I have to
g1\'e SCRTD more tha n
$417,500 out of it~ Trensporta·
tion ~'und to offset the (.'OSl o(
tJ1c l...Ds Angeles buS(.'S <tlrc;idy
operating in Orange County.
Medical Hotline Calls-
OCTn Cil'lh.~ral J\f an age r
G.J . '"Pl'te" Fielding said the
money v.•Hl nol co1ne dlreetly
from lr:insit <iistrict corfcrs
but rnthcr thrOUKh revenues
allncr.itt..'Cl b.1· the Southern
Ga l1fonua ASSOl'liitiun o f
(ioven1n1cnts 1Sl'AC: 1.
Marijuana to Bad Breath 11ic t•!;Jim against ()rdn~c
C.Ounty is $105,000 h1gh£'r than
one filed last year due to
Increased cost:; of 1Abor fu<'I
fil!d insurance, Fielding said.
ORA~CiF: ~tarijuana.
sports tips. vn.s«1om ies and
b:id hn:;1th arf" lhe top four
program9 sought by callrr.;
f;oy llurt;
Face Suit
to th~ Orange County ~1ed ical tapes are catalogued and 1'he ugrcein('n! al so intludcd
Association's Tel-~1ed service, played "'i!houl charge to fJl'rnHssion to St"HTD to
program directors Sllid today. anyooe "·ho cails 8.15-2221 froJn oper:.ite ::.ix expre.-:s bus Jines
ritore th&n 30,000 requests lt · a.m. to 8 p.m. during the oul of Ornngt' (\,unty into L-Os
for I.ape recorded health regular \\"Ork \\'eek. Angele!. Sorn c uf th<' ex prC'Ss
messages ha\"e been made The tapes are listed by routes <ire suhscri be<l to h\'
since !he IMO"\'atlve program name and number so callers 1n a,io r C"Ornp:u11e-. for tht'lr
began six 1nonths a g o , ean ask for tapes on a subject ernployt•s :.ind others .serve
according to T e I -~f ed area or one ll<lrticular field . ;dtr11e!i1.1ns like l)1s nL·\·Jn nd.
cotnmittee chairman Dr . Am ell said a cu rrent listing --
Norman Arnet t. or all tapes is avail.n blc fron1
Tel·J\fcd has been cited by the OCl\fA.
medical a uthorltie.~ all over Statistics for the fi!'st three
the nation as a pionee r in n1onrhs of opcr<1lion sho\\'Cd
cC11nmunil\' health service, Dr. n1ost <.'allers "'ere iiltc restcd
SAj','T:\ ANA -A Fountain Arnett S<1id. in the medical facts abQut ~~~~1~:at~~r ~~ ~l:eim~fl~~! The program's original 8-1-marijuana us~ -tape nun1bcr
tape li brary has bee n 137 little boy's fi ngertips y,·hile · they .,.,, er e demonstrating expanded to !84 1 a Pe s • Sports tips relatlng to "better
s;i fely tec h n 1 q u e s 10 including more than a dozen health got 1he serond Iarge~t
on dental care contributed by ber of calls folio"·-·' b elementary school children num , n t"U Y
To1u·s al UCJ
High ~chool 111 t u d e n t s
interested i n efl41:\necri ng
careers "'ill be hosted by the
t:C Irvine S c h o o I of
f.ngineering Saturday.
Up to 200 student~ from
~ehool~ in Orange County and
portions of I.As Angeles. San
Uicgo and Riverside CoWllies
arc f'X\X"{"lcd to participate in
the cl;iyloog progr;un. Students
planning to enter UC I 1.1s
frcshtncn in the full also arL'
hein~ invited.
SANTA AN A -Orangt
Coonly 80Yernment buildings
used an average of 21 percent
11..~ electricity In January
than In December and most
of the cutback is du~ to
rnll.!slve energy s a v Ing
pIUj.!rarns. according 10 county
Building Senrltt'!S Dln.,"C"tor
Joseph Snlisek.
Smisek said the county's
clc."("lr!C bill for lbe pe riod
betY:ecn Dec. 'rT and Jan. 27
sho...,•l!<l n..'<luctions in meter
re;-idlngs ot 19 percent at ooe
pov.'er st..1tion and 23 percent
at the other.
"This really shows that our
proti;ram ot reductions has
paid off the Yl3Y we had hoped
it \1·ould." Smisek said.
Supervisor Ronald Caspers
said COWlty officials ha\'e
rc1noved thou.~ands of light
bulbs thnt ~re not needed to
kt..'eJ> the t'oun ty ope rations
,,·ork!ng and have red llCCd
heating and air conditioning
enough to save po,,.,•er but
r etain son1e level of comfort.
Siipcn1l80N hA\'e tndorlelll
the con1!11uifli ~ n t r I y.-
corwervALlon pn>1ram a n d
adop(ed additional outbacU. ·
They prohlbllt<I UJe of
porhable heating unit.I am
asked for a review o f
propoAAIS to cut olf bot watfr
to restroorn."' ard refrigerated
"'ater to drinking fOWlt&lh.s ,
in count y bulldlngs.
Ovt'::rall oonaun1ptloo of~ .
c~rgy, Including petrol&Wn".
re90urces , has betn cut by ·
more than nine percent l4nel
the county began Its prognm,
Smisek U:ld.
Waples }leads
Skeeter Board
GAllDE'.'l" c:novE -John
\\'ap!es of Garden Grove t1~;
been elected presiden t of !.ht'
board of director• of the
Orange County Mo s q u I to
Abatement District.
103 -Ftv1
has sul'd . the city and the the Orange County Dental Tape Number 1. entitled
rire department for $50.oo:l. Society. "Vasectomy - Birth Control Bc:ich STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR
Amelt said the Tel-?<.fed for t.len." ~ta lrotm Cast le states that'i --------------------------
thf' Injuries to his !tOn, James
Canleron Castle. occurred Oct.
11 at NiebW Elementary
School l\o"hile firemen were
utili zing the boy's services as
a "victim" in a fire rescue
castle claims in his Orange
Cotm!y Superior Court action
that the firemen negligently
handled the stretcher with the
r~ult that h!s soo lost a
finge rt ip in the mechanism .
Faces Trial
111 Accident
sA:-;T.o\ A~A -A motorist
'\'ho allegedly v.'as drunk at
the v.'hecl v.·hen his car
slamtncd into a motorcycle
at a Costa r..tesa intersection
last Sept. 26 has been ordered
to fa ce trial April IJ in Orange
County Superior Court.
Judge Jan1es Turner set the
trial date and a ~larch 29
pretrial session after Gerald
Dwayne Foster, 38, of 2019
Pon1ona St., Costa ~lesa,
pleaded innocent to charges
of felony drunken driving.
Foster wa s arrested shortly
af\er motorcycll!t L e s t e r
Thomas Duvall, 37, w 1 1
knocked from his machlne
nea r the intersection o !
Placentia and 19th Streell.
Duvall spent nearly three
weeks in Hoag ~lemorlal
lfospit.al, j'l;ey,·porl Beach, for
injuries that i nclu ded
concussion and fractures of
both arms.
~lakes 3
Coast Sto11 s
SA.,"'f'A ANA T h e
bloodmobile. operated by the
Orange County Chapter of
1 he American Red Cros! \\'i ll
be mu klng three stops in the
Orange coast area durlne
On Feb. 11. it v:i !I be. 111et
up in Laguna Beach at the
r.;e!ghborhood Congrege Uonal
Church. at St. Ann's Drive
fUld Glenne)Te Street bet"-'ttn
2:30 p.m. an<I 7 p.1n .
On Feb. 19, the bloodmobile
v.·111 be in Huntington Deach
at the College View School ,
6582 Lennox St. from 3 p.m.
to 7:30 p.m.
The las t stop in the coast
nrea \v!ll ~ on Feb. 21 when
the blood moblle I~ set up ln
Costa t\tesa al Fai rv iew State
J1ospltal , 2601 llarbor Blvd.
from 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
That's just one of the hundreds of ways \\'cs tern l'ed offers .
automers savings on financial se rvices, cntcrtai11n1e nt, lra,1cl,
excursions, theatre, movie and sports tickets, and the like.
If you save $1000 or more at We ste rn Fed, you belong to the
Capital Club and are clijliblc for discounts on lots of the
things you buy anyway, and some thini:s you 1d like to if they
didn't cost so much. For i11stancc, one c x c11rsi(Jt1 to Tijuana
and Ensenada leaves h e re Fehrua11· 16 and takes advantage
on every group rate available to bring every couple of mem•
hers s avin~s of at least $68!
As you1d expect, We stern Fed pays the highest rate available
9r in1ured savings, so you're •'saving mo11cy whil.c y.o\l.savc
money!' That's a. good deal. • WESTERNH ... FiDE.liL SAVINGS
... Offtm1 li1ti-. &. 11111, Downtown l o. An1orlor•/l~·irr1y ltillt/L1r.:hmr,n1 /lll-I Amo fiMM"l•I ~ntt r/LA tlabt• F•~hioo Squn/
Mw•'ta P.W-c....m-tr-Cioly/Clty cl Oran~/C~ dd M•.-/S.-1! IH:.ch/lnrPood/USC Offk:e/Holly,,..ood•VHmOftt
135-3305 .....
27-44 E. Coast Hwy., Jim Park, Manager,Telephonet (714) 644•7255
. ..
Sl!CUfllT"f' ' Nolt« 11
(>I , ... "'i
bVI~ ttenot
.... lf'f In
• "' m 11,,..1!n•"•• 1fl• ne
1tHI Intend
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"'''""''" 1m:;.:..I-
• 1141 IVl"lltOa COUlllT 0" TMI •Ol'ICI OP MAIHIAL S t•LI n.t.TIMlfltT 0111' AeANOO#MINT OI' tiilOTl(I lO t alOITOal ·~ ... It'" STJITI! o• CAL IFOlllMlA •o• M.<Y FltANCtl J ILL .... ll:OliAHT Ull °" l'l(TITIOUI l lJll•••• 111.t.fllll I Uf'llUOI CCWIT OP THI
tiOTICI TO CllllOITOll Of' I Ull( THI COUNTY 0 ' OlllANOI Pl•l11t t .,. LYDIA I INC 0.1,,..111 TM flllfowlno lloenoo! hit llMll'IOOnecl ITATI O" (.&\.l"OtllUA ""
lllANJJl'lllt ANO INTIWTION f 0 1111 A llOll Ne 101 )lJ ,,.. ""' ti lf'oe ftt l llw1 tl1ni"'ltl n1m1 THI COUNTY Qjll OlllA.NOI
IXICUTI MOTIC li Oii" IALl OF llv vlrtw ~ i n ••«.illor> lu lled Oii KIY TEMP 11 11\1 £ EOl"°O'' Av1 N9. A In I
I CUl lTY .... .,. ••• ,, AfiltllMliHT ltlAL .. ~liltTY J~ry 1. lt1t. tr~ !tit suo-nor (111,!l"t, Sult• 10) 1¥11• ""' (I 11 111ai1 GI CASTLI! CIU.IN o.:-ad Cl~ .. 61t14lh' U C t I .t.T l'ltlVATlf SALE Or•"l/9 Coo./111'( Ct rllr•I Jlldlel1I OIUrlel "Tiie Fltl ll"'1• b,/tlneu n'"'' '•,1t n tJ HOTICf. I) HEllll'I' a VEN 10 rr11 N"'1Ct b "'ftov ,1 .. "' '" ( td!tur1 Etll "-Ill O"'N iil It LEM IRE .u Coun•y o• Ott"'1• $Ull °' C1Ufot11 . "' lt!CIVt Wll fllfel r" 0 •"O• -•t atdlt•• ., IM •llO ... l\lmtoll MetlCNfll
'"" wll'hlrl '""'old Pl 11•• lh•I • D ... NIE L RAYMOND lEMllif" O• •• ,,., 1>91\<'1 • 1"'6g .... nl tM~t'd 111 ''"°' OI fWI A1411tl " 0 1 in.r •II P9filOl'I 116\1 nt c!t l"ll ... 1n1I ~ "' •le Ind llMo t •KOI Ion of • NOT CE 1$ Hl!lt l!I Y 0 VIEN m•• MAkY ,.liAN(l,i. ~Ill $.<iAOEAPfT II Thetr\11 a.1 •• n ltJlJ Elboo C••Clt Ill• Miii dkHtl'I •• ,.Qvlr.d hi fli t
ll'f' IM .... u I00,_111 t rt ll!O<ll llt U llll rilglltd will ""! 1 P' .,1 ._ lutlO n<1n l C ~too-1 Ml IQ~ o! L Vf>IA $ 1'4.illltllftoft ltlt(h Ca lif tllt,.., w Ill IM 11~._,.1 ' va..cMrt n
l>e rn1<1• on ""'"'n' 11•0Pttl1 .. i.. 10 lfw JllG)'.11! lliil<k• l.iblt el IN( •• l\ldij'mt nl Otblo• """"'"II 1 1,.!"vrdu:"t.lntn ""'' c-.. ~ tc1 t>v '" 1,._ ol'lltt ol m. ci. ~ 11' mi •l>O.,.
9fntf"l•r OtOCrl~ lo C'Ofltl tmitlon of 11 d ~uii.1 ')t COY I r>tt Dll tn«-QI It 1~1 If ..:tut I~ Out l~m•• 0,1,,11 tnlflltd ~°"" ~ It ,,..,,_ !Mm ...,"' ,.. ni rnt .,.., !.>II• "'K> •U<I en lff "" Of '"' !"9 lllfl <ll Y 1)1 Fib 11•r.,, on "'<I IU09 .... nl Oft lllt dllt OI nt 1/11 N<tUl•Y vauc:N t1 Ill I~ f
1111.....i..i ' t nti.ror 1roa nt•'l!IMI 1,7, 11 Ille ott ~• 111 M• llll G $l•PI• o<> "U•'1<'• ol w ld ,,twllon t naue It.,,"° I" 1 C "''"1 1100...-ti,....., i t l'ht ,11 <• o1 lllt •llOffltfl
cu «I 1>1r).,, 1 ' 1111'1 vlfltl &lvd ~II 100 T~I! 11 llP6<1 •I "" t lghl ll!le efld lnle t ll J llbf the<! Orinqt O.•r 0 • t.,, l'l!OI l(Alli;Nl #IND l(AllAtlA~ '°' Wllolllrt "'l(Ulll~.... P ROOU CTS 1' llllytl C1Utorfl . t 2'90 I ll ltl9 , oh! 1111• lnltrttl of MIO judgfl'llf'll debt ... n '"" P•-y ,;~:· 1 J, •r><I FtD<lll•f ' 11 tt 8oo.il•~·"' !>\I " N• !30 l M AllO••·· ~I c;_.o, Ro1<1 Newpo 1 ••1ch '"'° 111,1, 01 1110 otttd9nl In t t\d !J'I 1111 C0'1nly ol o •"II• s1111 ol JIO'l 7J CelllOrnl• tao t .,.,.kn 11 Ill• pl1c1
C.llt0o'n!6 '1'60 to 1111 •ti 111~r1v dt &C rlbt<I •• 1<>1low1 C1Ul0<nl1 d11crlbed •• ID low~ PUBLIC NOTICE ol O•H net• or l'>I unc1r1lgr>tO n • Tiit nt mt 1 Id Ou• llt•~ ..sdrl•• of RNI ,.....,.rty tllull ed In llll County Loi l'Z Ttt CI t 22t Ir; lllt c l y m11tor1 P'I 11 nll lo Int t lh t cl
In t ndtd lrt n!!t •• lild In•-• of Or•~ Sit 1 ot Ct lllornl• 011c1I-OI NtW!>Or1 811cn County o! 0 l n<,Je Ill' 7tf$1 tt la O•cot<len wl1n n lw• monll 1 1!!11
t blor 1 e Ii Sltlt of Ct llornlt I t l)lr 1 IP •«o deo IUl'llllOJt COUl.T Ofr THI 1111 I 11 Plllll ct llllft ot 1nlt Miki
C MllOE!..LEI NE M ,l\NOOJI ,',"",Hutt Lo! tt ol lfl lf l !.6 II .shown lnDOo•H1 pt~tL l~rOO(ln H cl11•~• ITATllO•t Al UllOAIO A(llOJI Otrt\1 Jonu•r1 1911 rete nUntnglon !octl Cl f'O n 1 Oft 1 M•p lht riJQI IC1>rdld In 800k ol Ml1Ct llt-t Mi~> n lh1 oH~t THI COU,,,T'I' Ofl Ol.AMGI \IAL1 ER )C#I Rlll lJatl
Oil Tax
Reve11u c
To Ju11111
01 !flt D•nr ,Utt u .11
Orangt Count) 1 .ix A'-St ~S<'T
Jat! \rallerg 1 1lt1nks the
assessed 1 alue of ol\ rnlnerJI
righ!s jun1p ~{)75 pen rnt ln
NASO L.i1t1ngs for Monday FebNory • 1974
lnt$ot QuOl.o\ION.l()qw Jon~ l'l
"""' •d I f I"" h A 0., • [)II I I ~ ... I l \\Q(ltl _,. ol !QuC(IMll I)
'wcu• I H ~. ... °""~ " u I •rb11>1Nll)lh•[••"'' !"I ,.,tU<I I>• OV•r ,. f.(on l~D .i. .,~,. dll••' o l~t M"'-1l O M ~\l)l i0l•.01
l •tflE1"'-"•H ,,,.. ..... 1. £ .. Q• \
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on un.:1 \It> n~I £
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u • '
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Th• 1i"' g''Ml1~ P1~ !'!' Ol•llni nt 101 P•o• I• to 11 ot M l t t 1n.0111 ol lh• covntY rt co•dt or >An cou "'' A llllO& E•ecuror 11' mt w I or
"'0, I '1f' n Q.,..., •• I ., MtP• reco 01 ol 16 d 0 4llO• Coun1y Commonly knowll •• lU1 Gt 1•Y "'OTICI 01" MIAIUtcJ 01' l'ITIT O• 1111 Iller•• n1mwd clt<:fCltfll 1 1 8 1 lull') '' m 1 ' c n I 11 d 1 ' IC -••ow• , 1•111 Ottft Orlvt NtlNPCtrl 8ttCfl (II to n I KAii"'' AND KAltAllAlt ov pm"'! HAJI BUliOElt tr>d h ornm~." " " ' NOTICI! IS HE1tli8Y Ci \IE'I 11161 •OJI f'ltOIATI Of' WIL" ANO •Olf
•tell ~I 106 McFHJOi n N""1i'0•1 ltl Ch Ann Pltct Ge di" G Ovt Ct I on Thundo• .. ~, •• , II 19,, O LITTlllll TISTAMIHTAltY -Wlltlllrt t 111l1v1 •
t i lornl1 Tt n • ot ll lt Ct lh " l1wlvl mot'le' .., t Etll e ~ GRANT Rl(HAll.O JONE~ !.111!1 1'11 UI
T'lltl 1111 i>lt C• wntrt lllt 111 tin of lflt Unllt d Sl~e• on con! m1 1.,,. 2 00 O clock I'M ti l1on1 ol Cou• 11.0u11 O.CtlMd LM Allflltl C•ll lMll!• ""'
\.1974 7/i hut hc dOt'!ln t fl cl
)\. \\ 111 h:n e a s1g11Ull au t
unpAct oo local tax revenue
• ' ' ' ' •• '
• ' • •• • • • " lbed b Ill. I o! t •lt or •I n av 11• t on! •Cl~ 0 l l'IQ• (Du~ly l'it•llor Jud ' t 0 •1ri<I NOT ICI! 1$ HEll:EllY G VEN 11,.1 Tll 111>) M'6 fll1 ~ wcu uly '1n~~~~:; !';:..::;;~·~ ror T•n oe•c• I (I)") bl t mounl Oki ~JOI nJ•~bOr~ "'1 OCllr ol ~N•wl)orl 8 EV!'llLY LOllRAINE JONE$,.,, li ed Anwn•r't..., l•t<•f ...
IWT>dlld 10 ta co11111mm•lfCI 11 '' tho! to DI <lfPOlilld v. "' D II ••~ ovn .,, 0 rt ngt 1'1' ot lie eln • Ml llOfl IO /> obt 0 ti Wiit H'10C: Ille.I of Or•mot cy ... ,_ Ctftl•ln~ 8 111 or olle<• 10 Ill n Wr lln:J ind~· 1°,;nl•,.1lt.twltl ~ •l PllPllC t.icl~n ""'tor 11u1nce of Ltlt, Tflll "'ltfl l 'Y l'ul>lhhld 011n11 Cc111 Oi ly ,. 01 •n w 6ill ~I l Ol Ar>11elr, Celllornlt w ll Doi tcev.O 11 !~ ••I" ottc11 ° 11 g • tr !()f'" ll Oll n lo 1i.e oet!I-ort f ll<• 10 wnlcll Jenut y '' !'t t nd flt•U•l"t l 11
o on 0 a lier Ft t;tulrY Jlh lf'lt 11 1n7 t n • 111.,. Ille nr,t pvb lc&tl"" ~~i1~111 ";1j"•,.'; 0:111:,,. J"1:ttr Slare1 11 m•<I• tor lu•tt,1 Pl flellll 1 '1•d l91t 1)1 11
So tir 11 Is -nown 0 •lid ~ II•• n1 to tnd 1>110 • ••<I'"" OI >• • •Id lll09 11
1 11 1
1 nle '11 01 tn11 the I "" I nd ll •<• <II h11rln1 l ·----P·U-B_L_l _C_N_OT __ IC_E ____ , !Ollow ng Mtolll .... •! bvtlnln n.,.,.. D•tltd Feb u~ y I 191t ~ lbed men t tO or n Ille IDOVf It.. ...... 1111 llffl'I It! ,,,, F•b 11 "" aoo 1u.e• uwd OY ••Id ~r!I•• Gwtnoolvn J D•\1 1uun11 •K• pr-r Y or '° mucn lne ~ol !ti~ 11 I ao 1 m ln Ille courl oom'l -----------·-----
l!hln lhe m t• Vtt • le>I P•ll 1,, E•~ul I• lor !he 01 I e ~• m~y Ill I ntf.tllt Y lo HlllllY l l ld ot Dt11trl ..... nl No J DI oak! COl/rl
8V ft]d tn1e11<1*<1 1 anUt ro.r Non• 01 Ot n el R Ltm! e ••• ~:~~ on "'111 ICcr.il!<I In U t>I o '4 11 100 C vtc Cen1 tr o e Wei• In
By St d l~•l!'f><l*<I atblor "'°"' D•n t i R'ymond Lemire ll>t City ot Sanl• Ani Ct l for n!1 Tltt
O•!t<I J1nutr"ll ?J ltl• 0 1ct1U<1 Ooltd J•nutry 17 1'74 Ot ltd Jt n ;~ 1911 01 .. •11111 Ht rbor IT A~ull &<• l"n'llluch Ml.llLIN 0 ITl.PlllON Olll#IRO O WILi( RSON WILL IAM E JO>HI T tn•ltror l.tl0<11•1 t i L•w COl/nty Clt rl
8 y IC ur l F Jafl1n11on Ultl lrYIM Bl•d lie lot Mtr1nt l Ort iwt Co1mty l&IOl:L CllAl l & Sl!ltlElt
M•Ollt!nt M AMOr Trt n•l•ret Twtll11 Ca '1MI 8V Mt rl""t L 8rown l y JOMW I l•IDf:l
It" Pulllhned 0 enge Co••I DaU1 P I~ Ot pV!V Cit k I UU Wtilctltf Dr Sit 2"
IAMlllCV •tClllOW COM,.ANT l"lbtut rY 4 J 11 !97• ' :J.1• C.,,.,. Slllclt Owtll a oavl• ~'"""" a ... ch C1lllttnl1 ttut
Tl Wtll Shl'h llnttt ----------l'lt llllUri All-'( Ttl (114) •u,....
....... It. C• • ._,... --c 0 nu "'""' ........... y SI• 111 All-r't ,.,. P1tlll-• P11bl thtd Ort nge Cw 1! Otlly Pllol PUBI I N TICE S•nll Allt CtlUol'lll• '2101 P11bl tiled Or•no. Caal! Dilly
tll"Ut y $ 1~7~ 401.14 Publll hed O••noe Co• I 01lry Pl o• Jt n lt .)0 •nd FtD ! !It
lollowlnt p.,.ton 1 dolnt t>u1lnt<.:\ •• LEMltE 1"1TEfilNATIONAL W NES
tt l NO lh Bt l1vlt 0 •"II• (1l t<1<nl1
... doll W Ltm~1 11111 El Roy SI
S•~ll An• c 111ornl 1 9110J
Tnlt t>u1ln tU !1 conduc!fCI by t n JnOIVIO~ll
A W l 1mk•
Th J •It t mt M wll I tO wltll !ht
31" IOI Coun V Cltr~ of 0 an111 Co~"IV ~
l9 II Ja 111 y 11 1911 IUl'•lllOll COU IT OF THI! Jt n ?l lt I nd Febo ~ 1~!1 1211•
Na AIU11 l----~~==~-~==~---·l·---------------·IJ~nlltr~ n T• •nO Ftt>rv1 ~ J 1 FICTITIOUS I UIHOlllS WOTltl OP HIARING 01' "ITITtON ft!tTITOUS 8USINl!SS "'OTC TO ll:I 191•___ l11 11 POii PllOt ATI! Oft Will l."'0 •0111 NAM I! ST ... TEMENT I E C OllOR' NA.Ml ITlaTEMENT Lr n ElllS TlSTAMllNTARY llOND IUPlllllO!t COU RT o• THI! 71'e lot ow ng 11e so 1 ~ • do ng Tlltl follow ng l!e non 11 doing t>vd r>e•• ST..,T• Of' CAll,Oll"'IA frOlt
VI nttJ II WAl\1110) ti T"I CO y ' ACCIMTS av AOflAICE 11.-UT E•lltt of OENE\IA W SMITH Thi COTTAGE COFFEE $MOI' S.J ~~TA ~4,0llAMG• l'ICTl'l'I OU5 IUllltlll
",,',',!'~,.•,·,.~ .• ~"1~, 0 Muntlnt1!"" ~o·~~..:1,, ,, HEll:EllY G VEN 11'•1 w lttn SI c ..... Miii Ct lllornl• ,l,21 E1!1. of l AOUlAUS v CTOll FODOR NAME ST ... TEMENT " ~"' .,... " Al ct Riii., •70 W WllMM CD1t1 t kl LAO V FOOOR e~t L VICTOR 11!1 follow ~ Pt ton •dong b111l!'le1s Jofln A OiMm l""f l.t<lolll Clrclt EllZA8E fH SMITH FANN ING hill II <'d Mtil (t i lorn 1 '1•21 FOOOR Ooceiie<I 111
t unllnotori 8tt<h C1lll0tl'lt 92~' l'ltrt ln I pet !Ion IO• Proo..~ ol WU! Tn 1 bu>lnt•I It conduclot<I by t i\ NOTlt t' IS HEREBY OIVEN Is lllil PANORAf.!,A ACCENT STlllPES 7JB?
Tl!• bv1ln11• 1 tOflducl.:I by 1 gtnt 11 100 IO l 1 te • T1!1lilmen ii 'f In 11\f Ind vldllill c I'd IOfl Of ll'>e Ol>01il "'n oO O-"o•O I.!~( I Gil at n Cirovt Cl lornll
6 ntr11'111 11tllt1or tr !Bond W~ vl!d) c•• "" ~ to Al (• Ah•• tllM 111 ll'f ""'' ni vlno , 1 mi ~g. 11·;, S mon 51enz \ll l&t~ No l
Adtltllll H Q 1mm ""!lien • maoe lor tu ll'lt Pl 1I U1 '1 Thli t!tltmtnl ,,..11 1 led wl!lt lhe lht ttld dt<:-o•O "' '''"''" 00 Oii• I unt nolon Bei en Ctlllo nl1 91&J6
Tiii• 1 '''" ent wa1 flted wi!fl tllt Ind '"~' 1n1 I me I nd l)ltcl OI n~arlnQ Counh' Clt •k ol o 1119, c~unly on J•r> thffl'I will\ the "nt ets5t r• '~''' , 1_ Th 1 bu1lne 11 11 tonduclod by 1n
Counly c ii~ of Ortr19• Coun!v 1111 Jt nll the I~"" n1i been •t fo Fetru1 V ""'Y 21 1914 lt\e Of/k t of 1111 Clerk ol lh• ,-•• ," ndlY dv11 l l"t 13 1911 19 1~ ~ at 9 00 I rn n Int rovr roo"' f"HMI ...... Simon 51tn1 ~lOtU gt Oepa !men1 No J ol ••Id cov I en 1.,.,, cou I or lo P'tlt nl 11...,, w 11'1 Tiii l lilltmt nl Wt l fl ed .,, t~ lf'I
f'ul> l1hld Or1l't10 Co.11 01 ly p lo ti 700 ( vk (en!er 0 Ive We n Put>! 1/>ed 0 •no• (o.'ltl O~U~ p of Ille nt<:t111rv ~wclltrl lo I It t Coun:... Clerk ol Or1ng1 COo.1111\1 o~ Fe~n;ery 5 IJ It 1, 197, :JU 14 !ht Cir,. ul San a lln• C~ 1,,. ~ J1n. 'n 79 1nd Fell S I? 1914 11~ 7t ....,...., llnecl ti 11\t office ol nl1 •Hcrnty Jan1.1t ry 1l 1974 \ OJteo Feb uarv 1 1971 I UBLIC NOTICE T....-MAS W HENDERSON JR 150 I' ,..,
WI'. AM c ' '0HN J E1f" l l!n sr ... , Suitt 111 Co111 Mo·· '"'' •• ~ P U BLIC NOTICE ~.. ~ ~ -,..., D 1nge '"''' Dilly Pl101 CwnTY (II•~ ----,=oc~T~•"T"•~o-u"s~,-,~•"•~•"•"•"·----t<•r\l,ftlt '2621 wlllcll It 1"9 i:il•c• Janu•r• 22 2• i nd Fet>rui r"ll s 11 8 VlllON M l(NOlll.UCH n! '>uslnts• Cl rnt uno:it" llned 111 t ll 1914 111 7t
NOMlltll• 1'0 1 l'Utl lt O•l"IC I
e la!lowlnt po1r1on1 h1vt b • 1 n om nl!fCI ,,,,. lht o!lk11 N rt ln1tt1r
l'tlt!ont<I IO lie llllfCI 11 11\t Gtnt ~
\unfclpe1 E l1tllon IG boo lle ld n lh•
IV ol Cc111 Mtll en Tut.O•V the
$1n <l•Y ol Mt ell "I•
11001 V1t11y Mtll jute Jill NI.loll STAT•Mt:WT ,...,.,,, i>trll nl"ll la the t ittle of ---~~=~~7.~==~---[ El Manie c 11 lam 1 t i HI Tne !ollOW!JlQ o• ...,, 11 doing but 11111 •• d llf(edenl wll~ln 10\lr monlh1 11!tr P U BLIC NOTICE
Ttl !llU «4 H2' a• IM "ir11 1111bll(ijllon ol 1n11 norlce Allorntyl hlr l'tllllontr THE '°AN lSHEO FOIC CAT ElllNG Ot lf!<I J1n111,.,, 11 197I
Pll Jll ANO ~A,NOWl(H SHOP 7096 $oo.ilh EL!ZA8ETH FOOOR • 1112
"'OTICI 01" IAll
F0< M"'"'lll' ol !ht C h C011t1cl1
Volt lor' Two
Publ 1nt<1 o 1noe Co• t Oa y P 101 Ci and "'~•n.ie San1a Ant Cl 11.,,n • E•.-c.i, ~ of rne WlU Of F~b v• y • s 1 191• tO• 14 61705 !l>e abOvt n1me11 11e<:eden1
A, c "cV•V end \ll1olnl1 McYev THOMAS w MIND•llSON Jll
117 W111 Colvmblnt $1n11 Ant ue •••11111'1 stretl 1u111 111
C.1 llorn I '111fJ1 Ce1t1 Mna Ct llhn1l1 9HJ1 Tll, bu•~" Is co"dvr:lld by 1 11n1 11 Ttl (7UJ s.a nu
fl• tnt •~ P Attw,..y f1r IXK111rlx
TAltE NOTICE lllt l ~n Ft b IJI .,,
T1 1''4 t i 10 OD A M •l !hi prtml~tl
ol Stnla Anl T-U.S South Si n I
Ft S•nt1 "'"• C1lllDrn 1 lht ulldtr1 gnl'd
... 111 111 1! 1111i>l lc b d 1n1 lot low ng
molor vt lllClt
Znu1mblnl STATl Oft CALIFO!IHHA •Oil
Wl llAllO T JOlllOAtl THE COUNTY OF OltA"'OI A C MCVtt P11bt lhld 0 llltlt C0t1I 01lty PUot
f tbrvt ry J 111 ,,
1971 Plyma11111 o u 1 ! t r No
Tiii• 1!1!1m..,! wt 1 I td w 11'1 1111 J1nu1ry 1J Li. °" Ind Coun y Cle ~ ol 0 1n~• C"'1nl.,, °" 19JI J1nua v 14 1911
1ne11mtioonl ,,.0 4 1't1J
VL1'C18J'l5'2SI Llct nlt No OSV t:!t
"ubll1htd Ort ngt C1111t 01 !y Piiot
l>lORMA C HERT 100 foto e or Of ME R It CHR Sj ANSEtl Pub l hed 0 1nQr Co.t i! Ol ll y I' lo F11>t~trt J lfl• w 14
P t,enool Owntr 0 Mtor O•cea•..i J•n 29 and Ft b ~ 11 1' 1'11 ~ll74 --------J~N p TORR ll 0 NOT ICE !5 HEQE8 V G VEN lnll fllCTITIOU$ I USl"'l!IS
W'lt1 lnol Moln1r .,.., 0 ~ ~W " a 971 ~ 1ne PUBLIC NOTICE N..,MI ITl.TEM•NT
RICHMONO E WEST LAKE JR lew o!!ce o! ltotnc Co M"<ht n ---------The followlng l)tflll<I 11 dot"" blJlnet• SL''"'" Stuclent Tutor :·1-----·· u E LEE .... .-l'l1!NNEY enn ng1 I. McD ~ d P Ole" on• Co DO aUJI SUl'l!lllOJt tOUllT 01' TH•
City ,,. • ~ '"' rol"" A fl)<'llfV • l~" Sul11 5)(1 Avco fl lCTIT10US •u s tNl!SI M AN A G EMENT INftOll:MAT ON ITATI 0, CALlflOllNIA f'OJt
Cit.,, Cf c.,..11 Mt•• i:: n•nd~ '"""" e7o New1><1rl Cen • "'"'Ml. STA'l'l!MINT SYSTEMS tO:!i2 0.:ttnwtJO<I Hllnllno•o~ TM• COUNTY 0, OlANGI
l'ub 1.,..., °''"~' Co.11 D•llV Piie! 0 ve New1><1 l!ea l'I C~ on a !ne TM 1o11.,,..11111 peri.on1 t • doing tttCh '2&16 Ml A 7..a ,10 ut .,, s ll lt l• 311 I• 11ndt • <;inell C't ~ ~ W rn ' ~n•e" • OU• ne\I ~ Oli n• J•on Yno en ffl5l Ott 1n ... "ON NOTICI 0, NIAlllWCI Ofl PITITION
----·-----1e•tcv10 O l~e W Of 1ne •!lO•t n1m..O TUTTLE PLl!!K ~:rlJ \\e1! Cot1! Hun!l"tlOFI tlttcfl '26.14. ,0. PllOIATI 0' WILL ANO l'Olt
PUBLIC ''OTICE Oec ed~n wl I ••I I 11 Iv • e t a t o Hwy Su It lr:)t N•Wpgr! l•K n Thi a bo,'ln111 I COnd\ICltd by ,11 L•TTt•S TISTAMINTA•V I" ne ll gl'>ei! •nd bo'• t><ln~ ~VblK I Cl ll '116llO lnttlv!du~! Elltlt o1 J MUNTEll $MITH
______ I<> Clltll rmA!lcn ~Y It d Sui. c Cou r RoM 1 H oivl.. T Mtrmlll llt D tne J Tnoten O.c111.r
P!CTITtOUI tOllNlll I I !lie IQnt I •le n f est •nd eJ • e l t nt Ntwporl Be.en <.t i ! 916'0 Tl'lls tt•t•men! Wtl flltd w In 1111 NOTICE IS HE llEIY Ci Yl!N 11111
NAM• ITATIMINT o! ~ad OtCl'<!enl ~I rne l mt o! 11 1 Jonn TU!lle 100 Vlt Lido N0t• County (e « ol 0 t "Dt CO\lnly Or'I CL.AltlNOA SMITH 1111 111fCI h•rt n •
TM f'OUawlr>11 perton I• oolnl bu• 11111 <lea n an<l • I me ght •I 1e and "lewport 8e.cn cillr 9?IMIO "lo•tmN• ' 1911 po1tlt1., IM 1'rotio1r1 tol wrn 1n<1 tor
1, 1111 t•I Int ell~ e l'I~• •C<IY td bv Tn 1 t>u~l11.,.., It condudMI by 1 fll't47f IUut tKI ...-llfl•11 T"ltrntnt•ry IO
TltENO>M5TElt C 0 ~MOO IT y ooe.-tlfllft OI ltw n O l'le"""I~ o!lle QNle t i 1>11rtner!Jl!p "llbll&hlod OrlP•G't Catt! Ot !ly l'llol ri. Plllllontr rtftrlnct to wl'llcll 11 FQRECA~T\ 000 Cimpv. Or Svl!t lll•n or In .adle>n lo ne of •8 d Ror>e 1 H OJ•ll Janut ry 11 Tl 29 '"d Flbr.ii rv I mM1 !or Nrlller ~•tleu!1r1 t l\cl lhl l 3" Nl'W"°rl 8Htl'I Ci ! I t'IUG dt<.0.nl In and to Ina ce a n real Thi' l llle'Tiln! v.Jl l!ltd with tN Jll 14 I~ lf'l.I I rne 11•.S piece of hH tl1111 !flt
l(li'lntlll A~ui! Zin-• , .. , "'"' oroPe !' lorMfo<I n Int Covn , o• 0 •not Counr.,, Cle l of O<t nll't Cw ntv' onoJ----~;;;"°-;:;-;:;::=:=-o:--'-C j 11mt 1111 bttll l ei for ,tb 11 1'11
Or No G I Ca.It ..,1111 Ct ! torn 1 5 ete Of Cal lo n • Ot\(J' Diil! as lo low• I'•~ I 1974 PUBLIC NOTI CE •I t 00 1 m In !!'It cour1roorn of
Lor Jl of T •" N~ nn n ne , 1!11''[--------01p1rtmtfll No l o4 W!d covr1 •I l l'lls t>ul lntu 1• con<l ucll'<I by an (oun!~ ot O al1\j~ St~ e Qt Ca orn • V!RTUIO & SCMlCI( f"ICTITI0~1-,,,,-100 Civic c ... ur Dr ve W11I ln ltit
ll'ldlvldut l •• per m~o tCll"G•d In Boo-61 ve 11111----Ctnltr Orht C.llv ol S1nl1 Allt C1lltc nlt Kl'llntlh A l nlit I w~o "'I.Ml! 'TATl!"ME NT Thlt 111 em.., ,..1, I lid w ti tnt Peoe lQ o• M • t!l~ne.1u~ Map< n Newport l tt cl'I C• '2Uf TN loll~..,1~11 Pl'•lllfl 11 do no bul MI H Ot twd Jtn l J 1971
Cwn!y Clerk ol OrinQt Cnun ..,, "" rn1 OJI e Inf Cou ,.,, R.ecotdt Ttol 17141 644-IO» 1; W LLIAM E ST JOHtl
J '""'"' 31 1'7t ol •~cf\ Cwn1v Artomty1 ti ~"' JO LOVE 21tll F Soulh Hirbor County Cter• ,JllN Ttll or~rl.,, IJ. r"m"'llfl v •nown Pvbll1Md Oringt Co.II Otllt Pllo! l lWI No i Coo!e Mtoi Ctll-•• 0 l(l"'Olll A"'O "'NOl!:ltlOM
Piii> slltd Ort r.;it (Wll
Ftb""tl"t 5 U 1' 16 1911
Ct ll'\I p IQ! Ind 1111 «I IO II lll11 0.111 StrMI Febru• y 5 11 lt 1• \tl4 011 74 ftd'I '"" lint Ntonf\ lrtad•l1
19'1 I• G~ dtn Grov• Cal lorn • ------1 ltnt• Ana c1Uton'1!1 ftftt
WAii.i• !.TATliiMIOHT
l he ..i e 1 tub •" 10 cu rtnt 11•11 ·-Sol•n11i V MortM nm P1rk Tit (11•} Jtl 7717
CD•..,.t nlt t ond 11""1 rt 1 I • I c I on • PUBLIC l"riiOTICE Ntwpe.r-I No '44 C1lllorn11 t'llo60 Attt .,,.YI hr l'tlillentr
''' v•t!on\ rlg~u rlghh of wav 1~0 -----------Tllli Ill/ti,..• 1' beltt0 ccl'Klucr.o by Puo •t>td a •no• c o11 D• Iv ........ n . or reo d f"1CTITIOU' 8USl1'1151 ... lndl• dutl Jt n lt :JO Ind F•ll s "I•
S 01 or ol t l •rt Invited tor 11 II NAMI! S'l'ATEMliNT Soltl'l{lt Mor•nd
P ""e i~ •no m.i, be In "'r 1 nQ •M T11t1 to11ow11111 Pl """' •r• •o ng This it1tamtn1 "'"1 fl l<l "' " I~• PUBLIC NOTICE
J?I 74
TN Pol low r>a 1)111.0n• •r• doing tu1ln•1 .. m~v Ile dt! vtrtd !o li>e 1111:1110 bu• nn• •• Countv Cl!<"• ~ D<t1111e Coun .,, on
prcroanaUv Of o !flt oft (' o( ~I~ ttlQl'lllY THAIF7Y AUTO SUi>PLV 1'-!!' Jtnui Y ~1 1•74 1----------------1
Tl-IE SHlll" FOii ,.A,."•G..,llO l.lll.I ll:ttnl O en 11 adsen J~nnings & 8Dl•I Cn lc1 Avt nut H11nrlnglg.n 81tcll Fl'lt'I• • ISJO V t Opgr!o Ntwporf l ttcl'I Ct I Mc Oona Id Prolt\Jlon~! (l)<'l)O 8! °" Sul t Cell! '16"11 Publ1111td Or111111 Co.ti Ot v Pl!or "'OTICI TO CalDtTOltl
tl"° JJCI Avco F nine t i low~ l'2'0 Nrw;>er! J rnmlt P ll1111tri fJlll B ttm.or Ji t1111 y 11 2t t r.d FtDl'Ul r, S 17 SU l'l!lllOlt COVIil 01' TN E
fl\Omt• H ll1kt r :n1n Mll<l11to CNllt• Od~t "1&Wl>O"l llt 8Cll Cal to nla Orlvt Hunl 11ot0F1 Bt•d • Ct If '2'-'1 lt74 ?Ol J~ STAT!& OF t ALl,OllNl4
Miu (In Vlt lo (A II '261J 0t meV lie !llt O n lf'le O!flct of Erne!! ( MAM>n 5177 Cl\ nook Drive,. I·--------------' FOil THI: COUNTY OF 011.AHO I
l tw1nl1 s lltktr 11111 Modttlo !ht Cltrk or mt sv~r\Or c ov 1 ,, H.in1lng1on 811c11 c11u t'l6t7 PUBUC NOTICE "'' A IMIT M H on y I 0 Ct l 1 '1611""'' 1ny Hml t lttr 11\f I rit puo c1!1on l ll t bul n111 Ii conduttld bV 1 lltnt t i E1t1!1 cl CiE OROE 0 STEl'HENS
l hh bllll"''' 11 conouctMI tw 1 o•ne ti or l'h\\ nollct ind t>e'c 1 tht maoln9,,.. ,,....1~10 "'0TIC'f TO CJf.ED,,oas Otct11e<1 Pt !nt '"P ol lllt tie J mmlt p Rogtro NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN le
TMomtl H ltkt r Ttrm' 1ntt tond 1 twl~ ct !.I e Cllh Tllli llltlmtnl Wt l Hied with l!'f IUPllllOll COUl.T 011 TM• lhl crfCI to • ol IM •boue nt MllO
l onn t 5 91,tr or "' 1 c1111 and p1rl crtol! '"' CllolnlY c e k of 0•1t1111• Counry on IT.An O, CALlftOltNIA 'Oil <!t<:tdtnl 11111 t it pe ion• llev l'Q t ''"'~
Thl1 11111.......nl Wit f11MI wllh !ht lt rm1 o1 iuth c HI t !O lit tcctcltb t Jenut n 2~ 1914.. TH• COiJNTV 0, 011.ANG• ~Ill n•I llw 11 d dK-111 1r1 rlQUlrtd
Counr.,, Cl.,, ol O 11111 CounlY on lo '"' undt 1 g""' •nd 1o 1111 Su1te lor , '"1J No. A 7Ul4 to Ill• !l'l1m wl 11 lite "f(:"''"Y
Jt ""l rt 11 1'71 Court "" oe ct o PO'•) or the 1 mwn1 ".iOlhl\t<:I Oranot C1>1ll Dilly ,.Ito! E1l1hl OI i-IELEN OOTEN SMILEY .-oucMr1 In ll'lt crlfk1 ~ IN cl•rk
l'J11U bid to t ccoml)lny n11 clter end m1 J•ll\IG y 7f •nd Flb•u•ry J 11 !t •k1 Hl!"LE"' D SM LEV Decet"' of 1111 l llm'• t ntltltd courl tr to
Pub1!111N Or1not C11111 Ot lly Piia bilanct lo bt Pt d ul)<;.n co1111r,,,1Hon 1•1• J:rl 71 NOT ICE ts HERE8V GIVEN lo ll'lt P""''"'' llltrn wllfl lflt nikt Utrv
f eOtul "P' J 12 tt H 1•11 lt).)j ol 1•1t lrY tl'>I superior cou11 Ttll•S ( .Oltor, ol 11tt t bov1 ll•mtd dtCtd.,,I V0<,1Clltr1 lo llHr undert lQned ti 1111
I ----------rtn ' DPt •ll"IO •nd m ~ 1 n I 1 ,. 1 n t ! PUBLIC NOTICE tlltl I ll Pll'l<lf'S n1vl1111 ct1 m1 111lnst office Cf Mr t llor....,, JOI-IN D
P U BLIC rrriOTJCE t •Plfl"• 1nd 1)<1mlum1 on ln$U 1nt 1 1"' w k! dtctdf!nl ••t re<;11lted to fl it HOLl..ANO 111 Wtil Antlle m Sh'"!
tot k:M "' i:ier ton !1 dot no bv11111u
oKCellllO 1 IO tl'>I gvrcl'ltlt Jhe I tit "'0TICI IWYITINO t tDS l'hlm wllf'I llle ntetss1ry VOllCt.tr, In Wllmlnglon Ct ll ,,,,.nll t07U, which
p D •*' II of !hi d~i. of rKO!'Olll9 M()llct • l'>lrtby glvtfl ltitt 1'11 8<11rd Ille otllct ~ !Ile cltrk O! tlwt t t>Ovt 11 lhol I) •ct of bv•lntu at Ill•
ot t tw1vnt t1tt s~ d 11111 wUI 111 n tO• of Tt1/llt11 ol me Co.It Cammvnlt.,, "''111td court or lo present lllli'n wllll llncltr1lgned In •II m•tlt I pertain ng
\lllOll tllt ulut l tic ow !frmr. Co "II• 011! cl ol DrtnQt Covnly 11\e ,_,,,,,.,, uo-ucner1 !o 1h 1 ID !flt "l•tt of 11ld dttO'dtnl w 111\n ..
tlt ...OCrl lltCh C~I f fie.D
Tiit l)rl!C)t v l~ 1o bot $<!Id "" •II Cal to nit ... 111 rKtlvt tttlld bid• uP l.lnd..,l1ned 11 lllt olllce •I lllt lr tour monlfl • 1t1tr 1111 II 11 pulJl!c•ll01'1
:11nd l ts , t>il, t•Cf~I 1, 10 1 tie I n<! IO 1 00 I m WMlntlllly F.iiru1rt ll •llll'l'lys MYEqS SMITH ,a N O of 11'111 not ce
!Ill undl 1 One<! ll.Oll "t~ rn. t Qhl lo 1'7• <I! the P11tch11 no Dt DI at 11 d J#ICICSON '10 Newporl Ctn!tr Or!vt 0 Utd J•nut rt 31 lf/4
~T El't41!!NS
1111 win l 1V1rn1 a l 1n.,,1111 UJJ F '"''" ~·~'• Ano Ce I Tn11 butlnei1 1 ccinduc•t<.t b¥ •n 11<1 YldUI
ra t el l llY t l'ld 1 t o l1' •ClloOJ d SI !Cl loctlld I I 1370 Ad1m1 Suitt llll Ni.wpo I llet<:l'I Ce ltMnlt RACHEL H
Dtltd Jinui ry J!l l~!t ..,~,n~ Coslt IMlt C1lltor'nl1 1t wlllcl'I '1'60 wh ch 11 lllt Pf•t• It! &uJlntH E•e<tUI I• QI
G..-t d w (h 11 8ni•n mt seld l>lds w I Ill PVlll er~ °"'""' ol 1111 underJ on.a ~ a I mltteri of l'ht t l>Ovt
E•ttulD o lht W !I o1 111d rt ad lo ll<J•ll nlll(I to lhe t i ti• ..t 11 d 4Ktdtn! JOMH D MOLL.ANO
nt,,..til dtc..:lt nl
l •V• ne II T~lt I I tmt~! l •~VCl'I Wt O lld w!~
O 1np1 County
Ohmt I( c;~ lo 8n•en O•C Mlscell1neou• Prln nc '""" 1 tor will n fw r montt.1 1 lt r tilt flrit 0 1 W11I Anttltl"' llftlt
ll'lf KElll• DION MAOIEN J'!NNIWGS 0 ~not Co.111 Collt09 Incl OolOltn Wt1I P<.1bllc1llO!'I ~ tnl1 notlc,. Wllml"lll"' t t l I tfll.4
(In & MtOON#I LO Co 'Ill 011td J1nv1 Y ll lf14 Tll UUI fll nu C0t1.,ry C t k ot
J1nv1 '\I Jl \t i• />°"ltHl..,11 C~tlllft All bldJ I e to Ill In 1ccO"'Cl1nct DAVIO T SMILEY ~nd All,,,,,., r.r Elt<lllrll ,11111 AlltrntVI11 llllf Wt/> ~e Inti ucl ont tnd Cond !lllft t t f!d ADRIENNE S k LLEEN Pul>l$11~d Or8t1Q• C051I Oi ly Piiot
f'.i!)l thld Orl /IQt (NO! DI , p lot Su II I» AY<t ,!,..nc!ll Towtr Sp~lf <If Olil wfllc h I I now on II t Co-ii•1ctllor1 ~ lht W 11 nl f fb ul Y l 11 19 26 197' 111 h
Fol>r ut y .s 12 19 26 ltll )Ill /I Ut Ntwpor1 C'tnttr Dr"' •nd m•v be •tevrMI In Ille olflct lf>t •bout n1me<1 dee1dtnl P U BLIC NOTJCK
-----MtWfl'lr1 •••ti'! Ct fornlt ""' ~1 n .. Pu Cfll• no AD'tnl er Mid tCfloDI MY•rtl IMITM ANO JAtKSDW
P B'IC NOTIC'" y,1,,no11t '"" l lfl d •I er Attt""V-•' L•w • UH LJ L c A!ltrMY tor l!ltCVIOf El t h b ddt r mutt I Ubm I W !~ Ills Ill NtWJl'll't tt~ltr Drlvt HOTlCI TO CltlOITOlll
--------Pvol 1~1!'d O •n~~ C~•I D• y Pi ct t>d & t t •hlM • ct\tck ctr1 tlt<I U•tck $11flt 11U su .. t:l.1011 COU llT l'ICTITIOUI t UJl,,,li:iS Fttwv8rv t i 191' 39, /I Of 11 0dt f"'I tlond rnldt PI YtOlt lo tt11 Mt'""""1 ... ell Ctllfffll I tiut 0' THE STA Tl Of t ALl,OltltlA
NAME ITATIM•"'T --------1~raer Cf Int Cotst Commvnltv Colleoo1 Tt l {11() .......,$10 ,Dll THI COUMTT o• Oii.ANG'! to !ow no i:ie 1011 11 01111111 bYs n1u D 11 ct llOl•O ol Trv11 .. , In 1n 1mo11n1 "'t!w11t¥• hr t 1 l •ttuttrll "'' A ,....2 .. P U BLJCNQTIC E nor IK1 Then lvt oerctnl l'"'l Pu!t!11ttd O •nv• C°'!1t Oi ly !"!let E$!tt 111 MAR ION WIN&MA.N
Mtcl'HE'llllS0 "' I OO Y SHOP 1Jl0°!--------ol !I'll IVM bid 11 t Ou t r1nlM 1111! Ji n.it V lf 22 1• 'r>d F1t>ru1,y S 1(11"NAli0 tkl MARION W KINNARD
A.,..n d• Ot LI !!1lrtllt ltt~ C • "'" •· 1 11.,17 ht Ollld•r will .,,'"' Into lht o DPOled lr7' 1 .. 1• Deceased
Ct lll '1'7? "'0TlCl TO C!lllEDtTOllS Cont t<:I II !I'll •-It t wtr'Otd It NOTtCE I~ HElll•V OIVl!N le l~t LH Offutt 1Mll Crtmon• l 1gu111 IUf'lll lOll cou•T 0 , THIE ~Im In lht t v..,.1 cl ltllur• to ""''r PUBLIC NOTI CE c....,ltori ti !Ill t ll&vt "'""" dtc.a.nt
HIU1, Ct UI t?ill STAT• Of' C'Allf"ORNIA ,Oil nlo 1ucf\ CO!'llr1cl IM procftcll ol tllt l t it Pltf'j,()f\I Nulng clt ll'fll tgtlnsl
T1t!1 tro..r1!nH1 It conclucltd by t n THI COU"'TT OF OAANOI he Cl'ltck wUt bl lotltlltcl or In IM Sl l' flfJI lllt 1tld oec..,..,1 1,1 ,._..1~ II tllt
ln<1IYl<1u•I Ito 1. ntn cis.e ~ • bond ~ tutt sum 11\trtol SUP••1011 cou•T 0, T"• tllt m with ltl9 ....:1111rv voucNr1 In
LH OIMI E1!1tt of RUTH CHATTER"TON wltl i,. for!tllltd 10 11!d <Choo! d strict IT..,Ta OF CALIPOlt"'IA '0Jt tt>t olllct ol tN clt,k t1 !ht l bOVt Tlll1 1l1hlmtnl Wtl llltd ... 11n Ille O.-ct t wd NO blddtr mt.,, wlll'odr1w fllt bl• for THI COUNTY Oft OllANOI 1t111111td courl or 111 prt wfll lllem Wiii\
County C. ... ol Orl~t County on NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN IO !hi A l)lr od pf !or!'( flvt 1451 Cll VI Iller Ne A 111" Int ne(IUtry vOUClltrl ro t h t
Jt...,.rt 31 1tl4 ,11111 crellltort ol IM •bOvt nt mtd dtctdent '";r!'"11 •el tor l'h•T-"'11111 ltl9r-of NOTlc• 01' Ha.AlltNG O• f'aTITIOM 11nc1111lgntd t i l'ht ottlC9 of lf'lt t tlc•ney 1~11 tll !"llOtl ht• no tt1lm1 IOtlnsr otrd of ruslttt ,_,., .. IM '0Jt l'rtO•AT• Oii Will AND ,Olt llOflEliT W AN Ol!"SON XII E !"Wlt..,td Or l l'IQI COlll Otlly l'llo! 1~1 si ld otcld•nl 1,1 't<lultot<I 1o flit ptlVlll!'QI ol r1Jtctl1111 1ny I nd t it t>d1 Llna•t TISTAMaNTl.llY Color•da 81\'d 5.illt !'02 Pt1edt<ll
l't br....,ry S 11 lt l• ltlt ltl It lh~m wl!lt lhe nert i!l ry VOIKPlt'I In or lo waive 1nv !rr19ultrllltt or I 11 1 ! 1 0 r M ,l A J 0 It 1 &: W Ci tltnrnl • 911Gl wnlcl> !J Ill• pie<•
PUBLIC Non,......., tl>e office at 1111 cl• t ol ttot 11xiv1 lnrormi llll" In 1ny llld or In !I'll OUACl(EN9USH Otc:lltfCI pf 1>utlA11t of th• lll'tllt n lQMd !n 11!
"o enlln«I courl or to Dl~tnt ltl9m ""t"' lll<Xllng NOTICE 1$ HEll:elY GIVEN tlltt m1n1r1 P«lllfll1111 ta !hi tt!t lt ot ----------------[the nec"'''Y .......:lier& to IMO NORMAfll I! WATlON RICHMOMO V QUACICENBUSH Jll u ld Otctcltnl wllllln four monfflt 1!1er
unOtrt!OIWd ., ltw ol!lc• of hit lllOl'nt"/S S«IY 80.t• pf Tru1IMI ANO JANI! ANN 0 u ... c IC E N ' u • H '"" llrsr r.:IJllctllon ti 11111 notlc• P~RICE lt 8EltG LOAO I. SOLDWEOEl ~" Ftlll"lltrr 11 1f14 11 • "' At:NVl lL!! ....... fil .O ,,.,tin I ptllllon Otled ...... ..,. II 1974
NAMR ITATIMl"'T Tiit lollowlng ,......,, t rt
bu1lnt11 ti
IU IK11,Jty 8109 P11eOtna Ctl lorn I ,.Ub! shld Ort"llt Ct11ll Ot ly l'tlol lo• Probllt o1 W ti Ind IOI ll lUl ll(t CHAllll!S ANTHONY ICINN ... 110
<1olno '1101 whl<I! I' 11\t 1111tt ol bv.111111 Jtnlltr.,, 1' t nd l"1brwry J lfll D714 ol L11t..-1 TtJltmtntiry to !ht Pllfllontri 1nd NANCY l OUI SI KINN~ltO
cf !lie undtrt gntd In 111 "'''"" ,.,.,•net to wnlch 11 mtd• for tu•ttitr E•11:ufor1 f'f 11\t will CHAll iiNGEfil Of" "'liWf'OAT '633
Ptcll t (NII t4 •llwty HtwJ)(H"I 811tll
o.r111n1no to tM 11t8t• at •11<1 doc.!1e111 PUBLIC NOTICE 11er!lcv11" end lh1t 1n1 11me tnd ,1tct o1 '"" '"°"' "'"'t<t dlCtd"'' with n lllllr mon!h1 1U1r lhl I r11 of ht1r no 1n1 .. ,,,.. n11 bttll itt •01•t1T W AW DI II ION
puOll~tl tn of lhl1 nQtlce NOTICI INVITIN• llDI tnr ,II) 1t 1,11 t! 9 ao 1 m In »I • ttlwtN l tYll
W11t 01t1<1 J1n111ry 11 ltl4 Nollet 11 llt 1b~ 11lv1n 11111 IM l o.rd !~t cou1troom oi DtPlrlmtnl N1 J 111111 7tt
LLOYD M CHATTri:RTON ot Tr111!1t1 of !ht Co.iii Community ol lt ld cour1 t i 700 Ct~ c Ci nltr '•1t•1n1 Ctlf '1111
1("'"'11'1 W l'rtmo .., ..
Broo-d1!1 Pl•ct f.ill1r!on t'lil1
Oal'atlly l l'rt rno 44' W11t
••oolid1!1 "1ct ~ull•ttor. t1631 11" t>ut!l\ffl II b'lllllt CondU<;lld bV
ltl!'lntlh W PFtPl\O
-:Jill• 1i.tt,,,..nl ll ltd with 1114 CcuniY
~r-ot <>r1not Cwntv Oft J111 l!
ERICll!Qr ol M W !I Cclltot Ol1trlel .,f Ort~ Coun1.,, Orl..,. Wtll In Ille City ftl Senti Ar'll Att1r1111 ,., •1tcvltn
01 tN 1bov1 ntmod de(tdtnt c 111!orn!1 will rt<llvt _,.., bid• up Ct 11.,..,,11 Publl1htd 0 ~"9• C11111
l'.t.al(la tlllO LOll.D To 11 JO t m ,tlll'111rv 1• 1t 74 01tlod J111 1S 1914 J1nu1ry U U. l~ t nd
Otl V .-lot
Ftt>rutr.,, S lJ! ,, & SOLt>WIOll. I Thu tdt y ) ft! 11\t Purchtslno 0 ... 1 WllLIAM E ST JOl1 N 1'7t
n 1 11c1r1t1 a 1llo of 181d •d >Ool 1tl1!f1c1 111e11tc:1 •t 13'° covn1y c 1• k 1----r=uu="Lcl~C~N=or=1"c=E~---
"•""""' C1tll tlltl Adlml Av-t Cotlt Mtst Ct! tor'nlt JOttNIO"' IANNON
All_,, ... a.ec:...i.r I I which 111'1!1 Wld bid• wlll be pWllCly WONlWIMO .. JOltWITON MOTICI' 'i'o c•iDrTOIS
PuOll•lltd Or11>Qt COISI Cl11ly P IOI OPtflt(t t l'l<I •tld !fir •II W lfJI II IUl'•l lff COVl.T Ofl TMI! ,Ut11 J1"v1ry 1J 21 'lt tnd Ff!Oru1ry S ,..,,,,, MOllO!'I Plc!u,.. lqvl11mtnt Lot .......... Clllfttnlt Mir I TAT• 0' CALIPOllNI"' ,Olt
1t7A 1.)t 7~ All ~fl t rl ,. M In ~cordtnc• TIOl1 1111) ~ TM a COUNTY Oii O«AM•a ,.1oa•1cw. T M.l.IOW 2191 I C"-"'" Al"MW No 1" , . ...,.....,, ...
1111 cn•1 '"'''ti Anonttt ll l..tW P\llllllhtd Ortlllt C~1t Ollly
Fttw\HI,., " U 11 2'-1'1•
1--------------1.wlll• fllt 1n1f!vtflOM w C:IMttl-9fMI """"'"' fir: ;r.t111""" 11 ... A ,_1 S11«l"c1fl!M'lt wtllth tr. flO'W Oft lilt Pllbll•htd 0!1~ c ... 11 Otflw llflot Elli .. ~ 104 I! CL.AllW. DKt1Md
•fld "11V bf llCll'l'.:I In !Ml 1lfl0t Ji n tt JO t nd Ft8 J U7• 3»14 NOTICE tS Hll.lt EI Y Gt!JCN to ""
1-----------------tol !!It Prchl1lnQ Alllnl ~ Mld tcllool crldlton. ~ tt>I ·~ ntmtd dttl!MM
Pllol t IJ.St dlllrlct PUBUC NOTICE Intl tll llt<'IOlll l'ltwffll Cll l"1t -Otlntl
4'20-1• ,ICTITIOOS IU.llNl!SI E1cll blO<ler must """"1.lt wUh ~11 tht ltld 6Kedenf t r• rtQUlrM lo tilt
------·--------MilM• tTAT'tM.IWT Dill t <t1hltr I Chick ftrtt"ld t llfi(;k I IM7 them wil'h f1>t MCttll!Y veuc:tw1 In
PUBLIC NOTICE Tiit 1'1Lll'lltrti11 ll'trWI• tr• 6111119 °' tl!dctlr 1 LWMMf l'flt dt P•Y"1• 10 1111 •ICTITtOUI 1011was1 ""' olllct ot IN clt rk o1 tM 1t>0v1
---------------l butl""t ti CM'dtr of ll\t COlll C""ITM.lnltV Collet• NA.Ml ITATIMINT tnl111td court II' 10 pr..,i lhlnl w!IPI
,ICTITIOUI tUllllllll t tJOU fll()llNITE 1 117~ S.i!.. l't Ohlfkl hlltdl °' Trvtl .. t In 111 11'*"'' Tiie loilowll'IO ~non '' doi"f twt.lllMI IM ntct u1tY voucMri. IO I h t NA.Ml ITATeMaNT Sky ,,,_ NMlh !twine Ct lltot"lt n<1t i.tl fl\4n 11 .... ptf'C'llll (t~) of 1M 11 lff'ldottt!tntd t i tho! offllt at 11\t!r
T,. i.ll•LflO Pl'l'""'I 111 dllllO f'l11lS \\IM l)lcl 1' 1 Olltft"t .. llltl llll blddtt LAii.iC INGl"1EllllMO CO IMC lll'l!m9Y M ll!Wl$ LIHMAN Q01
trr.nll'lllt 111 1n1ron Gtv Ht rmtn 1'']) ~vtr *'11 l<\flt' 11110 !Pit ll'#OtM COl\lrtel o, AMlltlCA U4 we11 llfll Sir"! Crton•l'l•W t lvd lo• All9altt. Ctl!tornlt
ICIY Tl.Ml' 11142 ll"Vl"9 t lvd No Plt ct Cotlt /Mft C1ll!ot"l8 '2,U If I'll U"" It t wtl"fftl If llhn lft HtwPOrl lttc.1'1. C•lllornlt t:l"60 wti!(I'\ It 11M pl•tt ot 11.nlM•t 01 !hi :no Tu.lh1 Ctl "* Dcrrl•ld Al•n Clf'OCca Ill CtbrHto 111t twnt of ftll\ll"t ta lfllfr llllt t \ICll Ltr• l rt11f11t1r l1>11 Co inc ... Wiit 1i1fld..-tlt nM In 111 mllt111 111rt•tnlnf
1 ... n1rd J l mtt l"!tttltr 2'301 l t Co-tit ,,..... C11!torn!1 '1427 conlrtCI lhol llf'Deffdl " 11\f cl'llotk lflh Stf'Mf N"""°'I IHC/'I Ct Uttll'l'll In 1111 t lUlt of tt14 Otttdtnl wltl'lln E'1trldt l1tun• "'loWI Cl '2•11 llt'I' 1!.1•111 Coblt I.MIO Oovtr Orlvt wttl bl forh lttd llr 111 IM CIM Ill '2UO four "'"'"'-I fft!' IM tlrll publ!c1tllft
Jt'"'" L" P'r1ntlho, 1..,, l Newport N""°'I lt1cn C1lllornl1 f1iWID 1 IJond !ht 11111 MHn lf!trl'llf wlll bf Thi IJ<JtlM t1 conchlctM by t of m11 Ml1te Av. Tlil'lln (al "6to Tl'llt Dllllnttt 11 bll11t1 conclv<:ltd by lorhlltd lo M1tl KIWllll .ittrlc1 1 II U OtlM' Jtnlllry 11. lt1'
Mtfrflff lttld 401 W LtYtlt t pt ,l'Mrtl>lp No ~r miy Wlthfrtw l!ll ai. "" t ll'tOrl I'"~ J ti ir Prtlldflll I LJllT C.t.LV1 W C\.AltlC.
Ortf\fit Ctl t*+ lh1ron GtY Htrman 1 o.rlod of lor1v !Iv. 14.IJ dtyt l lttr Tlllt ttt .. _t wit 111" wlll'I !ht WtlflOlD A CLAllW.
lPllt Mln"I It bllfllt CondllCltd by Th!1 1t1ltmtt1! I~ wl!n IM cavn,7 '";,:!''\;!\,letot"tr::'!' =:=~ f?lt (Ollllf1 C1trlt. ., Ortnot (fM!IV t n IMCllW. If llM W111 ~
t l h'1'1114111 Ptr1~trllllr. Cit I M Orl "9t COo./ft!y Oil J tn p l•I ... :i rtjtcl)f!CI l lW Incl tit Didi JI" JI 1t1• !ht ttlOYO llt l'flld d«ldtnl lbe!'l'•rd J , tclltlr 1'1~ PJ\IU M LIWIS L•MMAM
lhlt lltlttM"I 11llNI "'''" !ht CO\ll'lly ,,,,., -to w•IYt • nv 1Trt01,lllrllttl I II' 11•N AMO •1'.A"'T INCOllPOllATID ,. c ........... II~ C!ltf'~ of Ort Mit COii"!'( on Jt nutry A Lii ADAlll l~tor"'1tll!ltt In lllY Old 0t !fl llt AtTDllNIVI AT LAW LM A1t1111f, C .. Utrr'l'lll .....
25 lt1''-I v TlltrMI M W1rd 01pul.,, llOI Wtllcllff Or1~t ltt ll'O nlddll'IQ NOltMAN I WATSON IHlf ltlllt l'Mflltl tflllt~lrdl TM (11U HI fl:U
(OUfth Ctt rk "'..,..., tHCl'I t A t1"4 • I • ot T I L• ....... (111""111• ...,. Altiol'Mr ltr l •tellttn f'Jlf5t T•l (114) Mt tut ·~r o•r rut ",1 Tll UUI .,... P11IJl l1'111t °''"" (otll Dtlly f'llOI
Or•l'lll Co••' Ot!l'f 1"1111 Atltn1t~I Ltw o.uv l"llot r= ,!:~~· ~:~, 10l~Y' 1;' 1a1 Pl/tlllalitd °''"" Co.it O.ILr Pllol J1nu1rv tt '"' '•twutrv s. ll ''
•111:1 P'tilfulf'Y i u'J/'31:4 r::t":.~~·r"i J ~ 1
17'11 cf:,'1
1 tl9 l •J•n~•r: tt '"'° FeMv••~ s. lt7• lll 1• f"ttvu••v 5 12 lt 26 1'1• ~1111 1t 7• m ''
j WE llA\ E ~o f 1ctu 1\
1nformauoo on 11 but v.i: <10
ha\e hunches he said thtS
week 'i\ e know the ?)Sled :~
price and the Lrnrl s1r1cted .o.m
price of oil Is up From what
v.e know v. e can <'Xpec t
substantial Incr e a s e s 1n
assessed ':ilues
B ut 0 11 IS onl) a sn1a!l
percen tage of the coun!y
property tax rc\enue JUSt
over one perce nt Tht> impact
on the ta:t rates Is pretty
neg ligible though th1 cost to
t he produce r eou!d b e
In SacranH~ 1to lhts \\et.:k
Asse.111b!y S pe a k e r Rob e Dll co
r-.fortltl predic ted a '60 n11 ll!on &: '2.o~
OOon to local governnien ts 1n ~ .~ .,~,...,
rncreased property ta xes on El°"~ 1 l
f Id LI \lo'Cll Oil le S llM Cp
HE LIST E D s u bc:tantial
g.11.lns !IJr' the t\loo top 011
producing counties K e m and
Los Ang eles For Kern Cou n ty
alone r-.forettL suggested there
rnav be an add1tional $40
m illlon because the o 11
shortage has pushed the \n \ue
of petroleum to ne.w highs
In Los Angeles Count\
~lorett1 said the extra ta xe s
could amount to '8 mtlhon
or $9 m1\hon He h s tcd no
figure for Orange C-Ount)
\\ hich ts the third le ading
producer 1n the state and
Vallerga could supply no
estimate on 1 n c r e a s e d
I t hink It s real\)
premature to start counting
m:>ney Vallerga said Its
the kmd of stalement m a de
m an elecllon ~ear
A~10NG THE three 011
producmg Orange Coast cities
Hunt1nglon Beat.ii could gain
the most A 50 percent boost
1n the value of mineral rights
v.'OU!d gtve the city an extra
SJ'8 000 In tax retenue For
1973 74 Hunt ington Be a ch
expects to hn1sh w Ith $2!!6 000
1n property taxes fron1 tl>e
011 lands
In 1973-74 the Newport
I.lob t•
loo n "1p II e~(O
Dr n•~ n 11 e><.ll G• Bro .. 11 At
BIKkllf ... c.,, eu np SI
l..t!Wt ~ .. ~=~ ':l C•ol'>I Ctym~n CnM1Q O
c~n v1 1"> Cent n O C F~ Cnll cnmp Pl CM nc1 A Ch111 Co C114m Cp Cnl B r (l'I I lo!C
C !In~ U1 c !1 u A C. I ;, Ml C evepl< 't• l • c """ c. n C.oDe LdD
Cobu n 0 C1><.~C LA
Comrn c C.m Sh•Q c ... MI G\
cm .. t P Cpl ll u!o Cptrv I Conn Fd tnl Pall Con)ll M
(o•O • ((I
COil n• (JD\• Co Crutcn It
c~ 1 Ne 1
Om>n Oii 0An In!
Ot I Org 0..!I 100 0..ylfl Ml
Ol!tl• 0.. OI!• b .i.1t 0e II ln11
0e U•f C
0 '"' ,,, Ollrn Hc1
0 " 1 Sd ()D(\1111 Ckll Oen
""'"" Coren G1
Ma • '"' Ma v lty
Mt Cmc~ McOwl E
~· ' McQu•v ~6}U
"'~" ,.,...<II! n
llle ••Y :'J~;. Fe
M le HS. . ~ Ml)l1 Gts
' " " ' '
' . ..
' . ' . 11 • I• • • '° ' ' . " ' ' . 11 .11 . • • 11 !l ' ' " ' ' "
·~ •I I !} I
1• 1!
10 • t • ~ IJ • " . ~ ' z • 21 •
'" ' l> I O \."
f' n• I" .. "'. w
I' ". ~~N L~
f'~ n O::•P
Q .. Lh Quoe" w R~ n Lil ~ o
IH Vt m )11 ' ' . ll M r~c 1 l'i•(OQ l 'l
Re9 f "l
ll• Un v
llr P •• ll• n &R
ll ""' M( Ro~<! E • Ri>b C, Ro n II
Ila~., c' Po ... ~ I-1 11.yt.. 'l'I
Ru' ~1ov
• ' I • • •
U!I I ~•
U" I ~t in on ~pl unA r ..
U~ '\UQ
' • ,
' • • '" • " "
U!> 1 • L un ,f \H
<AQM '" V•nC" ..... \/~" 0 ~ .,,6,. Y.c•
Y <tO ~I """" .,~, \/ ... ~ "'
llo ~""'" • W• Lf\' 9 w.on ;c. t1
W••n I Woe!ll'n w~ y1 W'I
Wi: n l "'
• .. • •
• " • '
" ' . • > ' • " . " ' ' ' ;
' W• < ! Pl ~ W• Kvc.. I\
Wei Fd
I 19 !• . ' 11 u
Wl •ml I Wl •n I -I
W n~ S
Win P'T w" f'l1 WOO<I L n
WOr d ~u Wr QM W Ve O F I
l ""' U1h
11 > I • .. . 10 • 1
' ' ...
lS lt
OfL JU Alo•t ,.j ('f11 c
An ~ F " OI
A" E:•P
ll<>h•mt .. ~
TO 100
~ .. . "" ~""
Bid .... k~ (liq
I I 'r I • I 9 I•
PqnO 0 Q AO °' ., .. ~ ..
N~t l i,., ,.,,
Vda •l f.I
,f,qn to Eaq M w~ &6nC. n AO
fl y •~D YI AO
NASO \/nluM!! AO•~nc~\ IJll °"'' I~\ • 1 ¥~~~Iii~~ 119
" "" "~ '""' """ »""
•I U ..
'" • " " • 111o
'" " . •• . ' .. • U\o •
\OGdy 4 1\.1 500
f,t1111e r~ 011d LoJC"r•
GAIN t:llS A W Lfo ~u e J ..
l ntV deo Co p ~
J AMO•nJ•ob 1 • ... ~ co [1g e IC '><.:.iuC.0 11 ~~
&>la 1n R1 ~n ~,.
I \Ian Sll•Ck lB I 8 N0.,11 f>•! I lk I
9 S.O•ton Pod~ • IO !le k•lloEn 1
Wll ~911 •0 C 7 II C.on.., lomo-• 10
1l Rykot!S E. 10 10 ~+
Uo uo Uo Uo
"' u o "' "' "' uo Uo
"' "' I Ve c ond lO I • uo jMey Pero!m I • 1, Ull
1• POI o l e .. > l lo 11 Nft 0.11~ Co p 6 I o.nmen ~ 11 ,.
!(owCGp toa •-I• 111 luna MIJIH 1 •-,,
l McM len (led • -1 •C.lntelSc tn ••-~• \ a8tflP' w1 5 -\
6 E•e•u! •t. no 1-""
I L•l'ld Rt "°\I ( I"-% 1 11~9"•8 01~ 1'-l 9 n!e 11111 nr11 11'1-I 0 Lin II Old<••I •VJ--.. 1 O!\nllllr Oevlp 1 -1 E.nf•llY c. Ills 6 -~ l E11v tr O ~o 11 -I•
• A1~•C 11 11 ·-1,., I Ge<>r 6 ncl 11Q 24 '>-l
16 L~llCll8 ! Ind 2 -4 1/ ncorermCp A t i'.-'-11 KOii'• Pr-rt ll -IV.
"' uo
"' "' Ou
"' Ou
"' "' OH
"' Ou
"' "' "' Ou
"" Ou
"' Ou
.. ' " '"' .. " " " " " " " ,. .. " " " " '" ...
'" " ' '" " ' " ' " ' " ' " , " . '" " ' ... ... .. ' .. ' .. '
Beach r e\enue 1s $174 160 ~o •""'--------------------..
a 50 perccnl boosl m 1974-75 1 MUTUAL FUNDS I \vould add an extra $87 000
to that figu re Seal Beach has a much ..,.,.. ___________________ _.
smaller share $21 776 fo r ~W York -F=o fo'llfl"11h •ll1tol 1973-74 00 a jump In V3lues bd •nd •~~f!I or
I dd h $ Cf S on Mu111•
Oo<IQC~ l JI l J Dr~•e E I IJ I 1l
DllEVl'U5 GRP o.r, Fd t ti )0 ...
EQ!y Fd l II l rl 0yjLv J~1 1 81
Sp ncm 1 1' Ill
y,1JI on y a anot cr 10 500 Funds .. quoteo t>r
1\one of the cit) finance t11e NASo inc
directors are counti ng their
cash before they receive 11
but all arc a11 arc of the
potential bene fit
d1str1ct~ 1n oil rich areas
might bener1t the m o s t
because their budg('l!: are
smaller tax rates higher and
the impact of concentrate oil
holdings could be greater
The school districts which
stand to profit the most such
ris the Huntmgton Beach City
d1str 1ct did not have figures
available to mdlcate how
n1uch of the tr tax re venue
com('s from oil properties
In hrs Sacrftmento speech
r-.fo rett1 a 0 e 1n o c r a t I c
gu bernatorial candidate said
l\\O faclors the r1su1g value
or 011 m the ground and the
r e-opening of prev iously s hut
dov1n w ells will increase the
assessed v alue of 011 company
mean millions or dollars to
local agencies o ver lhe next
fev. ~ears
Grant OKs
Honie Sale
Monatr J•d Ont '61 10 13 ftllr"" v I 911 E&E MU ) 00 J 00
llld AU E1gl1 Gr' I 10 I II Adm Gw J BJ •ti EATON & Adm nt J JI J It MOWAllO Adm nJ 14" 81! l!~ln Fd 1 61 9 11! Ad• !oe• ~ ll • U Ciwtll F 108111 ll Aetn• Fd 1 I I I nt mt 5~1 ~Mo #lel111 In U lt 4 S2 Spe<.U F t 9J ISi
Allllu.. I 11 I U Stt~ Fd 10 IS 11 15 AGE Fd • U 1 lJ EOIE Sp 11 IJ 11 •l
l.lhl•lt t M IQ.11 E11rt1 Gt lOtD llll A l)lw Fd to., II 6C Ellun Tr1 1l !.I Amctp F ~ JI j I@ Erner~ l \1 l 0
Am Blrth t II 10 61 Entr11y I 16 11 16
Am O..r. Ill 1 116 Ftrl!d 112 In #Im l!qly t JO 411 Fm 8u 1 ICM 1o.i AM tXl"IU!SI Fed qR, / ll
'U"'DI 'IOl!llTY CtPl•I tJI fll GJtOUf'
In.corn 1 06 II 8nd dtO l t.r t 11
n••lm 1 Ill 11)1 C•o!•I ' I• \0 ~ SPt'<. • 19 I tO Con! • I 116 !>lotll 6 11 I •O C• ~Sec 6 6S Am Gr'tll •J 6"I t II [)e5I 6 I
Am ln11n I ~J • M E•-.~ I It
Am nv11 '''-1 16 Ev• ~t 11 loll 11 •1 Am MYI I Of I 11 Ful'd Jl 11 S Qj AmNt G 10' 111 Pun 9 U •1"1
ANtHDll !.<i emF J O l !I Gii.OU,. I end 9 ti 1 ll
G wtn 661 7 1~ Fll<C ... NC Al lnco11i 6 9'I I M PROG RAMS
At wv IQCMl 00 F nO•n l• 191 ~!>l'(tr J 'I? •JO F n no 1 81 J 81 ""° nv ~!Ill ll F ro lnr; Siii 118 W1 Nal 106' 1 10 Vtro J H J i
A11 on l n 111F<1 v~ o 1a lJ Aunt • F • 6 6 ,, Flll~T
AXIE INlilESTORS NOUQH70N 0 .r l=d 1 81t 'll f und A 1 1' 11;1 G h Fd 6 \1 J Fund B 68\ I ii ncom 19'1 ~t.11
Soc.• IJ.O 6 01 Slo<:O F ,100 /bl l.<1 !><. lllll 1 10 I~! Mu I I 111 fLl ( G111 91610 6' F m 8" 11) 1 13 8111111<1 10 IJ 10 IJ FOllUM GROUP
S.yror !. I} • :J'I 100 Fn<1 ~ J1o 9 J6
fL.11•• II Sil i'l 101 Fn<! 190 l'IO
ik'<nHI I ll Ill Co um I S• 7 S9
8e1<on • II • H ?S Fund S !lO s 60
8t '"'' J,. J 70 F!lll Gr 360 1 16 lom!s!k • 11 t tJ FOUNOEllS
Boll Fon •01 •" G!lllOUI' B own 111 JOol C..wr~ •60 jOJ 6rn~m 9 50 tso lncom 0~1 1 1 "1 CALVIN 'UNDS F MhW I OS 11!1
8u l FO I t l ll ll F Spoec l •06 •'IO Cdn Fd l1 Ml ll 66Fo.i i,oF l)l ll
0 • Sllr l 16 J H l'llA"'Kl lN N~1,.,.. 91• 1001 OltOUP
N.,, \M 1000 !D t S O~TC 1 O I 11
CCi Fund l •I '" Gwin ~· • I 6 16 Ct P T•ln t It 10 l).t Fr lncrn 1 116 l o.o
Cm t Slit 11! (r US Gv s 'I !Q&t
Choll Inv I H •ao Ulllt e '1' •Ml
c"'""'"l"'G Re • C10 s '° j w f"U"'DS Al Eqly l ti 1 OJ Amtr I 6 I l1 Fkl LH:q o SJ 10 •1
l!tlll(d t U 10 JO Fii Mt OP I Ot 8 0
8nd Fd t t l t It •UNOS INCP fq!.,, Gr' • 61 In OllOUP
Eqt1 Pr ?I' l OI C.omm ltl 83'1
Fnd Am ''" 111 •mci•c I l l IOS Grwll ~1••6J lfldu1 1r •'S 101 lnccm •II 7!6 Pi o! I OI 1 11 ~peel I 51 1 JI G1tt•1 S 1• s ~ Y1n!ur l it Ill (ii!!. 5 P 1896 A letter of Intent to s e ll CH..,11: Gtn s..c • u • 1 •OITOllll Clrll F"'m • tS 1 '!-I Santa Anita 1'-toblle Homes has FM Bo• '11 1" c,,1n 111<1 111 1 n
b h G 'on Cp 4 S' ·~ C....i d 71 0'11l O'I been signed y t e rant V.Tr l \ 100 7 6S NAMILTON OliP
o . ~ b i)dJ d Jn d Specl JSl 6 0! Fu"'!! J /S '0 1.Nrp uume u ng an n c .... m Fd 1 '' •,. a•"'t~ s 60 6 11 de\ elop~ent SUbsJdlarV 0 f t MA M"'G l'OI Ill< Om 6 11 6 ~ Llbr1y t II 4 et Hl'1 Gift I tt 1 Santa ta CoMohdated tnc """"' :r tt 1n HIM Lv 1• ,
1t was anoounced 1n Newport t~S: ::1 ;~f ::::0 :: 763
Bea h lod b I" TMR ... ',. 'JI He•ltoe .. 1 I S c ay y ,y 8 r r e n COLON IAl Hllr•Ce • JI II St
Tom an Grant executive vice 'u"°' 1M1>t1 co •" ••l Con\'tr • )1 10 01 I~ Gt • S' / 18 president EQuU, I" l OS lflt A"'1 11'!-Ill 10 f llf'd t 10 tO IQ Int l!O'I! S ~o 6 H An mvestors group beade<I Gr•t11 '" , t.1 tno F•m 111 1 1•
G d L l ll'l(Om ' JI 10 n 11IP9(111 I ... ., .. by erar e ou r neau \ltniur JIJ 2 n 111 nvti1 11 u 19 11 ~resident o[ Sant!!. Anita Colurn G 11 1'11 1S 111.,.rnc; 191 I t/ OOMMO!tWLTW tnY Co .., 11111111 tobUe tlomes tnc Is forming T•"•'•T 111w C.U.d • .. • 66
ul t it I 11 lft w lllO<' 1 t a new corpor1tlon to acq re~ 'a 1 ~1 111w eo. 0 91 1101
the m obil e ho me eom,~ 'It •rt ~~~ssTEL
manufaC\Urlng company ~ r. : .. i 1} c~1"'1v 11 {:I
Santa Anita Conaolldated 1111~ ;tt,'lt! 1~J't~f"o11b1uph
Inc , parent company of the ""~i'i !I n ;; •cs a 111 1 et
Grant Corp announced the l.:::1,i ~ 1t1111 3 :~o.1110 ~~ ~;~
decl1don to 1 cUsconllnue Ill f: C:1~ lt' ; ~~ ~~~a1 1, ~ ; ~
m obile home manuh1cturln! 0.11•• t o s.11(1 • Jtt 10 m OIU.WAll• Vt P~v 19 110
activities la st week and sal 011oup in~ Pt\ '•1 • ffl '· I f °'"'' f l0 1016 IS i negotlallons for tiltl sae o °""'" l"' '"' Orwth tie )Ot d 0.11• T "'~to ncem t 2\ 1"' the operation"~~ un er \\1'Y 0tv"fl11 ltti0 ~,00 r,.1 ~ ,0) Ortcf (OJ•I~ t ~ •
Sit Fnd TI ls It •1 Rt lf'Y f I 00 I 00 ~¥~ ~'!,~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~:••E: l ~1 : ~
Jtnu~ Fd {I) (II Soq•llft 1 01 1 20 Hin gtn 669 I 11 SCUOOl!ll ,OS JH1n ~g 7 4111 1 ntr nv UOI U GI John In 1 \lllll06 Bttnc 145-1 ~~ KE'l'~101'1t: Com e 9./ I ~· c~, 01 11 .-19 5-1 ~p,.c11 1•11 1•n C.<AI Bl 11t'I10 II Slld Ltv •I~ t NI Cu" 81 I 01 819 SEtURITY f"OS
Cu !l(l &!Jto llO Eo.i • lllll' C11,l o.'.l !OSI• nvel 6J 6 l
(.i1I SI 11 81/0 t.I UI ~ F SIM 6 •4
Cull !>2 •41 IO JI SELECTED FOS Co.Al SJ ... I l l e m 511 lo ll &84 Ctn.I Sol Jlt ltl Opa Fd It I 9
Al)ollo l" • 11 So Shr~ 11 ll 11 lS Poll•• l OI lJt Senl M t lJIO >ll Kn (kr Sit I J2 5.enl y F 11"'8 1110
Kn•r Gtn 'OJ '10 SMAAEHLO GRP Lndmr• 6 16 6 11 (Om t J 'll lS
LD EG• 1J t01'll En! pr ~Jl Sil Lin• Fii t flt 4 .. F el Fd •OI ••l LEX GADUI' H1rbr I ~1 I 0
Cp ledr ti ll t! 111 LtOll L 6 JO 6 '18 Grwln iU 6 1' Plct Fcl I I /~ lie\ en ti '°!] n SHl!"Alt50M FOS l ie In v 119 8 JCI Aoo c tl 8l 1~•V L nc Ctp 6 8 6 11 ncorn 160J IW LOOMIS n..elt u• II SAVLl!S SI> 0.1n 17 01 12 OZ C11> o .. !0 91 t091 sne Fd 0•1 11 Mul.i~ J 11 tJ ii llGM... FUNM lOllO "'II C•P !illr ~ l ~ 0 ... I I~ ~ll ... ~-q ~ qq1 Am Bil• 1f!IJOI> rq 1011111 Und do!ll q \60~S V•" o R I U Lune•n ~6~101~ <;n n A 1n1 40S
L.inn n tll lOO'l <;(I ~"'' 9 ~ MASS CO <;. c,..,F O O •l
F1e1m J n 1 11 ~.. "' "• 1 FnaoF I l I ~ ~w n•G I \~
"""uF OllOl &l '>.•" l~h \I~ """'l SFNCL ~ll"C I J&O • 6
M l 1n •110!! ~~f' nD \MI I M G 101>1 6J STATE IND c;pp
M Cl 1 •~ l61 C~m Fd • ~ I \ MFO I JO I l\ 0 w I />O 01 M(P 1?1>311R~ Pn<;t \ i J~I ,
M3 •• 11 I~ I IS '>t F <;r 'JJ ~ JJ /.I.J n~ 9 1 Q4!>F•~< S 1•S 1~ M O Am 16, )08 '>t•le Sir Jt!l l~:NOO
....,,n, FO & " • eo 5T EAD"""N FDS MSB Fd Ullttll A.m ind 216 II• Ml BnG 1'1 9U A1<.0Fd I ll I l MIF FO l t7 1 01 ln~I 1)1 11!
MtFGo J ill 'U Ocean •U 6 1' MUOm gl I IS ~SI ST!_ N llOE FM
Mll()m n I Jl • n 8.i •n< II ILJ I/ u Mu1 sn .. 16 II 16 11 C1p ! IA • I& M11UT 1 llJl lLJ SIM.~ 0 '4 \JMI
Hal n<lu 9 1~ t l t SIS GltOOP
HAT SEC FOS Grwtn S !.1 6 (M B•!~nc I es I 51 lncnm •I 8'1 I ST Bono Sr •O ~Oii Smml 1 12 1 }1
D von l .IQ Jn 1~~nn1 •Sl2 •lll Prtl SI~ 6Cl •l• Su ..ev F 1 1) ~'!-I
ln<om • II • 9J Syntro G s'" t )\ Stoc-Sr 6 l1 6 9 l•mtll G 1 •7 I tt
G w1n II 611 T••n C.10 112 1 01 NEW ENO LF T •v Eq •lllO ~J
EnuHy I J9 I• ll lu<lor H 10 1 10 J G "'!h 1 18 •'>t 11l111 CG J'>t 111
ncom i ll61 S!OlOlll CI J .,..,31 S <le IJ'!Oll l! Un !ed 751 I le
Nl;A Ml I t \ tu Un lUNI 6 41 121 Ml!u Cffl! I l • ll U"'ION Sl!"ll\l!Cl. flleYW11' 1 II 1 II QJIOUP
llleW'!<>n 1 JJ 1'1 en s v 11 50 ?57 Nw f't J 'I? 17 Nat !nv t loO l !O New WO 0111 IJ Un (ADI I U ~'!O
N cn .,, Il l SJ W~lll• 1 ~ 11>6 Ne, vi t 32 11 "1 U"' TED 'U"'DS
0 ..... Q.I '10 I JI A•tum ~· ot • 61 0 111~!1 d 0 81110 1111 f!~O Fd •l ~t 841 On~ W II •8 U 48 (.on1 0"" I f>j • 47 OPPEJrjHM FD Con! nc 100 •111
~ 11.m •11 10 08 n<om 11 0 1115 O!> i::nc1 • 1 6 6• Sctnc ~s to 141 Op Tme • SI '., V•nod ) 7'I J llO OTC Set • ll 10 51 USAA' C• I 41 I 11 P~a/1'11 ... 106 US G•15 1'6 10 I P<1u llt• ~06 .... lilllPE l'UMDi ~~SU>F t 71 ••! "'Pt • F 1 10 j 1Q Pl!nn M! ts ltS 8• Fnd 7 .1() IDt
l'renn ~ •~ 6Jt Com S" 10 11 11 16 Pit • FO < /1 i 11 VALUE UNI! 'DI PILGRIM G,. V• l ne s ,. ) •S
PH Fm ll) V•I nc 1 12 •SI CilOld l 21 J lot LI • (;tfl I Cl l J l
ntom 1 16 9 Jt Ila Soc. l ll JU P<Q Fit l ot Ill VA"'CE
P<ne St t 91 • 91 SA"'OEIK
P<n T t 1 50 """'I 6 79 tk "!0NEErt ,0 V\ Com 6 11 I j l
i>;on En 6 II I •I Sl!ICI t tO 6 '° Pltw1 Fii 1 I 0\ l 08 Vn.S bl! J 61 I 01 f'IOlll I ••J10 U v~~Q d I H IU
P<Mlll(I '7'I 10 II \l.1nt 10!0 S Cl PL Ciq0 IQ I] 1! /l Vd lo'(! l J '1t J .• Plil(E llOWE V kng GI'" 4 It tAI Grwl~ O 12 O 12 Wlll!ll fl I n 1 IJ
!nconi •9'1 t t7 W~t11Mll 10•7 11 'tf
1"w Er• 11 J ti IJ We n1 tq_ •IS • •} Nw Ho I 61 I tS Wll IHGTON Pro Fd 6 q I~ OllDU,.
PrGv dl IJJ •OI Eollllf Provd (,I 1 3' &tlll -.!
Pruo) P <!I • ''I Mo Qt> PUTNAM l •u•I FUNDS W., y
CIU'ltt 0 H 1 ii Wt I" 1!011 ll i ~I 9 fl;.) l'ol)lm"
Gtoro l o •ti wi...iw
vr .. 1~ , .. 10 ).I w.1, ""' "'om 1 1/l loO'M.(I Gr ny, •! I JI 'QI W 1t on1 111!1 F 1\11 ,. 7 '""'•
Air Cal ProJDises Soaring 1973 Profits '
By sn;vE MITCllELL
01 tllo o.ii1 P!101 S!llt
Air Clhfomia has bi.'t'n
Oying 1111 in::itrumcnts since
the Sccuril\' <1nd Exchange
Comrrussion. 1s:s ued a warning
!Cl brokers la.~I J u n e .
forbiddln.: ltif'm frorn c1~·1ni;
quotatlOOS on lh~ NCl'>pc>rt
Dcach.bast,-d fii 1n·s ~tork.
Since thRt lime, A i r
Califon1ia stockholders ha\c
bt'.tn );ept il1 a c I ou d
t11nct·n11ng the-:i 1 r 1 1 n e 's
rerform.:1nce for 1!173.
ROBERT \\". CLJf'J•Ono.
,\ir C:uli fomia pre~ldent. ~ays
Toil Se11ate Leadc1·s Seel{n1g
RolllJack i11 C1·u(le Oil P1·ice
\\"ASlllXC:TO~ 1L:l'l 1
Leaders of both µa1·t1l·~ said
ioday there was a good cha nl.:e
the Se nate \1<iuld \l•ll' for :1
rollbi:ic k in the prit·c of tn1dc
<."On!rovcrsin l propos;i l t o
contrul \1·indfal! oil con1pa11y
pi"Qfits. It \l'<lS th is prorits
proposi1l that had bogged
do\1·11 the cn1crgency energy
l1·g1 ~l:-ition si11ce b ('for L'
l'hns-t1na s.
L:ndcr J11ckso11·s an1enl'I·
m(·nt. prices tor c111de 011 ;ind
\"irtually all its produc!s, 1n-
the compsr.y expects lo report
profits of more than $2 niillion
for 1973 up from net
earnings of $i60.000 for 1972.
Clifford says that since the
report fron1 the ~uditors has
Cut 2 Cents
ArnQl"O 011 Co. has
,1nnouneed price
rt.'Cluctions of (y,·o ttnts
a gallon for ~asoline a11d
911c cent a gallon for ho1ne
hc<jllllg 011. diesel rue! ::ind
rt'siduat fuels.
The rl'<iuctions. "'hich
11•111 be n1ade in wholl's:.ilc
prices to gasoline deall'rs.
are scl1eduled to go intQ
eff~c! today.
/lousc-Srnatl' co n r l' rt' es
\"Oted ~lond:-iy 111 ta1ur uf
rolling back the ))rtC(' of
don1cs1ic crude 011. putt111~ a
ceiling of S7.9 iJ b:tr1cl \1hith
has been selling for up to
$10.25. The \·ofc 11as lhe fir~t
break in a deadlock lh nt has
been ho!Jing up legislation 10
give President Nixon po\1·cr.s
to deal 1\'ith the energy crisis.
clu1/ing gasol inl'. \1ould be ~-----------~
ba:;t'<.I On le\"t•ls l11st .\lay 15.
BOTll SENATE Repu blican
leader Jlugh Stoll o f
Pennsy lvania and Oc111ocra!ic
leader 1-like l\tansrield of
Oil Chief
Fears Gas
The possibility of gas ralioni11g
is n1oving increasingly close
because o[ panic buying hy
1notoris1s. says the president
of the American Petrolcun1
Instit ute.
F'rank Ikard spoke to a nP\l"S
conference l\1onday a1 the Sith
annual convention of th e
National Auto1noblle Dealers
The chances or rationing are
•·50 to 75 p<>rcent greater
today than they \l.'t're l;:1sl
y,·cek" because or pa n i c
pur<:hasing. {'Specially in th e
/\"ort hcast. he said.
But he said he docsn·1
exl)t'ct gas prices nationa lly
lo go to SI a ga llon and did
ex1>ect the price to slart
le\·eJing off soon . Proposals
to tax excess oil con1pany
profits or cut back s the oil
dl'pl cl.iun alloy,·ancc a r c
inadvisable. he st a t e d •
terming them po!ential sliflers
of capital investment ;ind
development of new supplies
and petroleum sources.
i\1ontana said todav thev could
support the c:on1prOrnb~·.
Confl·rccs \ll"lll back 10 \l"Qrk
Oil the bill tock11. \\"i th the
St.'llate le:ldC'rshiµ· supporting
!he price rullhack, it was
likely th:! bill \rould t.:\'ell!llatly
pai,:> the Senate. It s!ill \l'ould
have lo be 1)assed by the
Strong opposi tion 10 any
rollback came fmn1 Sen.
James Buckley (C·N.Y . I. Jlc
said such a n10vc y,·ould he
··a fraud on the An1eric:1n
consumer" and 1r o u l d
di scourage invcstn1ent needed
for the. United States Ill
liccome sc!f-suffic.ic11 ! i n
Cllerg j'.
provision lo roll back cnidc
oil prices - sponsored by Sen.
Henry ill. J ackson ID-\\'ash.)
Y.as substitut ed for a
plus prO\'able HlL1·eaSL'S 111
l"03IS to retailers sinee 1hl'n.
The price of crude oi l
:ic:tuall v L"Quld be as low ;1s
$5.2fl P:!-r barrel unde r the
;une11d1ncn1. bul the President
1~ given di~crl•tion to raise
it to $7.09 :.is an inccnti\e
for n1ore produ<.1ion.
Jackson, prL'<lictlng l he
rt·sulting retail gasoline saving
at four cents, said the
a1ncnchncnt may clea r the
\r:Jy (or Senate pa~s11ge of
the energy bill, :n•t horizing !he
President to ordc!· gasoline
rationing if lie sc-cs fit and
;1 long !isl of o t h c r
conservation n1easurcs.
Anahei111 Finn
Sell s. Pro1l11 c l
Plant Industries Inc. of
Anuhcin1 announced I h rt t
C;1rson Ch c n1 i c n I Co ..
Savannah, Ga ., has bccon1e
the fifth 1najor n1anufac tu rcr
to initiate national distributio n
ol" its persona l care products
utilizing Plant 's Selvac. self-
prcssu rized conta iners.
Bread Bisi1•g
S,\N .l''flA NC ISCO iU JJil -l.arraburu Broth-
ers. Inc .. is adcLing a di1ne to I.he price of both
French and sourdough one-pound loaves of bread_
The new price \Y iJt be (i9 cenls, the IJ:i kcry
said 1\1onday.
1-lal Goldstein. the fir1n 's ''ICC president.
bla1ned the incrca~ing ..:osts of flour, ~ay in g: ··It's
going up, up, up."
"A year ago we \.Vere payin g about $6 for 100
pounds of flour. Nu\v \\'e·re paying $14.40. !rs
catchup ti1ne for us."
Introducing the
new Coast Federal • savings
we'll pay you iliehighest interest
in Coast Federals history with rates
that range from SY.::<. to 7 Y,~~ ..
~ l1n•, ,. •11 "'' 11, ,. ·'" 111 :' pl..n~ 1 l····11•n• ··I 1"
,_!I\,. I I •II Iii'' h• ~I 1•"111111 I• <I \ 1 dP' •\ 111•:
Highest guaranteed rates
Annuill 1\nnuJI hlio . i\lin.
rJlr ~ield bJIJn(e 1e_om ___ _
7.soi;~ i.i9'":~ ~ 1 nno ...!\l',lf
AT&T Has
~E\\' YORK IAPl -The
A1ncrican 1'elepho ne &
Telegr:Jph Co. says [ts profits
in 1~73 rea thcd a record ~2.95
billion, an iricrc ase of JG.6
percent over l!}i2 earnings
that totaled 52 .53 billion.
AT&T. parent con1pany of
the Bell Telephone System.
reported ill on d a y that
earnings last yea r per share
of Mmrnon stock rose to $·t98
tompan.!d 11·it h St34 a share
in 1972.
111e con1pan.v also realized
a one·ti111e profit of $~6 rnillion
tn 1973 fro1n .sale of its
Con1 municat1ons Sa t e l l i l e
Bell sys1em re\·enues last
year increased by 12.5 percent
to $2.1.53 billion, up fron1 $20.90
billion the year before.
AT&T Ch:1irman John ll
dt'Bull$. a t t r i bu t e d the
irnprovcd profits ro ''incrcas-
f·d usage of telephone service.
cftectivu expense control and
rHlc rrllcf pro l'\ded by
r1·;;ul:itors aware of the effects
of J)('J"SiStcnt.. inflation on
tCll'Vhonc• <..'01np;in1e!>. '•
l11co1u e Up
For Pa1·ific
SA,\" FHAl'\CISCO (1\P) -
f' a c i f i c Telephone has
rl·JXl rtcd earnings of Sl.59 a
eo11u110n share for the 1973
C':1lend ar yea r. co1111mred y,·ith
SJA2 ;i comn1on share in l9i2.
The company said il s 1972
rr\'enucs \1•ere reduced by
1norc th:1n $84 1nillion because
1hc stale Puhlic Utilities
Cornmission orclerL'd refunds
I() custome rs. The order cost.
P;icific Telephone 30 cent s a
l'<ltn1non shnre in 19i2, the
eo1npany said.
l':icific 1'clcphone reported
1!s ;1\t,:r;ige plan t ill\t.:Slmt'.'nt
ru"C' frum ahou r $1.1 billion
in l!Ji2 10 about $.7 billion
Ill $!)/:J.
:\l"l inron1e
$2!9 .. iBi.\.1110 111
s25!l.-ti~.ooo in
pan) ~ .. 11d.
ro~c. f r o 111
IYl2 10 about
19i3, the com·
6.75 t..'18 I .I )I II) ! ' ! \'l"•H
~-\ "! I. 1:J [i]
J Your Fottory Awtltorlnd 6.50 h.72 l ,1!110 I \ PJ r
I l "r! --+------'!ll·d.11 .:;,7:;
. ,. .J •• ;J
I JI! ~I
nn n11n.
b1\1ll l ~ ,H l•ll/nl
I' .1 ,. tv 11 , I..
f •'dC'tJI re-..:1d.1r1on' rP(Ju11l' ,1 "llb,1.1nt1.1 I
1ntf'r•'-I pPn,111\ on ,111 r£•rtt(•( ,l lC .111 nun I
11·1th<lr,!l\,ol• pri111 II• nl,ofur11;.
The Insiders Club
l1i-l 11p\•n .1n ·" •1 )1111! ,11 Co,i,( lo)r $l.•l11n,
.oruJ \1 •II ( ,1 11 ,i.:1·~ 'P''L +.d lio\\" "'ln"d••t"' p r n·,.~
011ro1r1~u111•·r1-\Pl•d' .1nd ,1•111(1~, (f(/Ml
,111t nn1•1b1l1 ·~. ·•f"lplt,1nce~. ltrtlll\\HC' !<• r1.1vC'I,
1•11!••r 1,unrn• ·nt ,ind h! u111· dt'l • 1r,1t1ni:;-
l 1 u ,1 ~ 1,! tlJll .1< ruunt, \ oll gc1 f ,,..,. !1.l\•f'lf'r"'
rhPt~~-11l11t\l)' •")lcll'f', nof,111• 't•n•1r1•, 110!t'
{0!1('1""!1n11l ,,1 ,1") lfl 't, •111 ,, n11n111111m $2.~00
b.+1.in• ''. .i p••r,11n ,1t t..hl'c l..on ~ ,1rc11ur11 ,1 1 .1
m.q1" b.oril.., .ind .t -.1111 dl'p(!,d bo1c
Saturday hours
to,1~! •)fliC•'' ,irr• npC'n <;,u urd.1y~. 9 a.m, tn
1 p .111 Wt•••krl.1y•., 't .1 m to 4 p.m rrid.tyl ,111
Ollu .. ~ ··~(1•p 1 downh)\\ n l • ,. Arl}l{'IL'l ,HI'
np•~n \1) 11 p tn .
We want your money.
And we11 do more for it.
...... ,. ......
t l'1••
11.u .... 1
l tnll.!!•
Hl!nllflglon Bt•<h Office-: 91 ti~nt1n,,,rnn ( • ritrt r. 1·1) 11'1~ l!14i • l.A, M~+ri OUir.-: '•\h I'> Hill, f•! I· 1Jj I
(.on~··n1(·nt Ult111·~ lh1r111,.:h1,111 ( .1l11<Hn+~
1 Chevrolet Lec11l"'I Dea'-r • New '74 v.,111 Hotchbocll
S6840 PEii: MONTlf
Plul "Tall & Lie. On "'""'· Cl'"!'d1I
COSTA MESA 546°1200
place fl recel'ff
la,....rcar --·---·----·---No C•pitot 111••1""010
Mo11th to Mo11th lto11t•I lo1ii
0 11-1\GI rou•n
/l.\D/fH EL l l'HU•I
S£nV1 ("r .,.
401 S.Saol9Fe, _,. ..
been r~eh·cd, the firm hopes
normal resump1ion of trading
in Air California stock will
nol be far behind. The
ro mpany I.! seeking a y.•a1ver
of tile SEC ruling.
Last year the r j t n1 • s
auditors, Alexander Grant and
Company , y,·i thdrew
<:t>rlification of the 1971 and
1972 reports after allegations
of a nu1nber of irregular
financial transactions arose.
TllE CllARGES roncerned
financial ~alinb~ between Air
California and its J)<lrent firm,
\\lestga1e -C.11lfo111ia Con»
ration . \\'estgate's subsidiary,
\\'est Coast Properties. Inc ..
is the record holdt'r of 79 0€r-
cent of Air Cal's outstanding
eo1nmon stock .
'J'he allcgatlons, as outlined
h~' Air California , include
clauns that son1e off icers of
the airline, y,·ho "·ere also
officers of \Vestgate, <'Ae<:t.itl'.'d
three noles du ring 1971 and
1972 payable !o !he United
States Narionat Bank. then
0\\11ed by ernbattled San Diego
ftnancier C. Arnholt Smith.
Srnith is still the 1najnrity
stockholder of Westgalc. The
no!es were rene1vcd from time
to tin1e in Ilic na1 ne of Air
The proceeds of these notes,
\•:hich amounted to a
considerable a mo u n t of
n1oncy, \\·ere not received by
Air Ca\ifomia . according to
the com pany. The first note,
dat ed Aug. 27. 1971. \.ras fur
the aniount or $3,200,000.
A11ol11l•r, dated ~l arch 23, 1972,
\\":.ts for S3,750,000 and the
third. in June of 19n, y,•as
for S250,000.
T H E NOTES \l"Cre
appa rently de po s i I e cl in
acx:ounts in !he 11ame of other
subsidiariei; of \\'e~1gate and
then transfcrr'!d lo companies
~icir J\ir Cal S<J.1·s may or
may not be related to
Al exander Grant and Co.
ackno11'!L'<iged l ha t Air
C11ifornia's operations results
for 1972 :-Jrt> corre('f, but
declined t.o ex press an opinion
on the baiance sheets for 1971
or 1972 bccau~ of poss ible
'"extraordinary items.''
The au d i to rs claim
uncertainties exist in rl·gard
to an1ounts th<1t may be 0\1·i ng
to L"ni1e<l Sta te s Nation:i l
Gank. In recc l1·ership, :u1d
an1ounts 11 hiC'h n1ay be O\Ying
to those con1 panics \\'hich nia y
have ac!vantcd n1onies to Air
<!Xpressed uncertainty arising
from the outco111e of present
la\\'Suils against .o\ir California
as 11·elt as potential litigation
and the possible existence of
additional unrcco rd t:d
).Iax \'an Dordr Nhl eXl'C!I·
li\"t' vice president for !hc air·
line, is upst..>t by the auditor·s
decision . claim ing 1\lexandcr
c;rant and Co. ls un d11Jy
cautious in its opinion.
\'an Dordrcctn. sa\·s Air
California confirmed that ··at
n6 tin1e \l"t're Air Ca lifomiH
funds used 111 any 1\'ay in
!he irregulnr tran.saclions. \\'e
lost no n1011e\·. and as far
as e:in bl: di.:trrn1incct. 110 one
el:ii11~s thflt 11·e 011·e them
money , or they O\l'e us
fll{lllCy .. ,
i\"EITll ER VAN. Dordrechl
nor Air Cal president Clifford
i.~ an officer or director or
Van [){lrdrecht says tlic
audi t ors ''c hos e th e
conserva!ive route in this
matter. \\"c feel thcv arc off
b:.lse in not showing ::in opinin11
on the balance sheet, It's
unfortunate. but that"s tht•
y,·ay \1'e'll have to go \vit h
it. Hopcfu!Jy, the 197~ rrporl
\1111 not have that clause 1n
lh('re . .,
1'hc Air Californ ia execu tive
s:a)s !he fim1 's ]{·gal counsel
l°(-e!s lh!'re ure solid defenses
aRainst th~ charg('s.
"OUR AT T 0 R ~ E ,, 'S
opinion· is !h.11 there is no
ba sis fur liahi\ity as far ;is
Air California is cont'erned.
The triul Y.1il1 show that there
\\·as no illegality on the part
of certoin Air California
individua ls."
In the meantime, A i r
California has pr om i s e d
stockholders good ney,·s for
1913 in a final report due
in !\·1arth. Until then, the
cOmpany is asking for SEC
pc:orrniss ion to begin over the-
coun1er irading again.
Link Delayed
Capilot News Ser\•lce .,,
SACRA!\1£NTO -f\fotori sls
using Interstate 5 toward.!
Sacra~1cnto v.·ill have to
c-01111nue making the crosstown
jaunt thlough Stockton to
l'<t!eh Highy,·ay 99 for some
11 111e. A pr"Ql):>SCd eight-mile
link has bL'ell delayed indefi -
rutcly be(.i!use hicls for the job
exee!'dcd engineers' e~1lmates
Oy S5 n1illion .
Complete Mid-day American Stock List
\lol. N~t
~\1 C.h<).
("" Hm~ted 1 ~·, -'•
C.O" Mttr1ll •' lS-16, 1·16
(dri Ot'.tid!lt 1 171,,_ '•
(<ll>SuoO•I 10~~-1 1
(ana~•I '"ll I l 'lo C...PF<l .111> 1 1'•
C..p!lln .l3to I 8'•• 'o C...•e'w .20 • J .. , -• •
C••nilt .Mi 16 61',..... .. Git"P-o.Lpl s 110 t.l
(•ttol' 0.Y 1 J
C..sli.A 1l'O 17l'••'•
C...•U't"" +n to 1 •• '• C~t1ewd ltt l 111,
(•vii•"" C.p 1• ' , • , (f llU 0iit1 l l'o-" c ... .,,..<.0'!1> 11 •• ,......,
CenviltCom IG 1-.-'• Ce•l•nft Cp . • 1.1-\6 •I 10 cr.,,dMoll .oll) 1 }' ,_ ',
(l\mpH .tntt 61 4 • 'o
Cl'l,J<!et Nd \I •'•-'• Cl>mE•P .10 1 s• •.
(lle,,~8 -1• • 9>.,. '. Chrl~tn.o Co 10 1' •-+. cu:"" •. 1Clri 7 15'•-', (I Mlg#b. J l't ...
Cone••mor • 11 • •
Ci<c!e K 16 1' 1'1.-" C•llnMQ wt~ \l 1 •.• Cl F·ncl Co ~ ..... Cl••• (<NI' ) ,.,, • Cl••~e C..JO u /lot-'• Cl••~-.on 10 e .
(l••y U,.p ' 11 •• '• (Ml Inv....,, I 1'>•" (<""""'"" A ' Cot• Mat WI 1 1;,.,,_ '•
ecnuin .lltt ! l ·•· '•
C.a•! ln11 '"'-11 71, '•
Cc••Na!I ~I " 17 ·.,. • (Olem•n .u JG 8 •-• • (o•l•90T JO 1 i.·. Col!.oml 10 Tl ~ , " (Dlw•Cc.79 1 b • •,
Combe! Com 71 IQ•o. 1,
Co mb E<1ulp 1n 70 • • • c ...... <o 1 ici.. 1 J.1 . ComC,. IOd 11 6 _1 ,
C.O mlAlh JO 1 11 '>• '•
Com! M ~ 1 I' .. -'• Comm ~re 9 6.., • '• (ompoln ll I 6 • 'o
"""~1·· 11 ll • \, Camp QU•P • , .• ,..... 1.
Con<N' Cp n J l r-'• ('l'l""llY (ri 0 O>.-1 I
(O!\SOil G4'o S9 I • '•
(""'Re! .ill 7 11>0• '• c.,,, • .,.,.. (p l 61·'•' '·• .:O..lfel wlS 9 11-i.
(.ool( El .00 I 11 -'lo
C:OQPf'I' Ja•r 1 J~; .. , Cotoon lnU S 1'1-"• Co• (•Ill• • 9'..-.,.
Cr•lg Corp 1t 210-\~
Ct.....,rEI ll s 1 C.•eiltlve Mii 1S S't .. CteoleP 1.20 I 19b' lo
\lol. Ntl U\I C.h,.
P•cNW I \J • 1'"o • '·• Pall (Otp I-11' > '' Petom Flncl 7 71,, • .,.
PA<'4tl SHI t )'<-\o p,,.1,,.. HO\ I )1 o
P•twn .l'ol> 10 ll'o-~
P•t F••ft•on I !'\ P•!•p .10 10 I "--'•
P•toGO .10a IOI I ~ • '• P11•ick l't!I IDll ll'o ', ~I El <lr• 1 11.,.'
Penn O" <>t I~ 1 '•, 'o ~nn E .!oOQ 1 I '• "• P•R1Es 1.15 10 11'1-'\
Pep Sor• 1 7 16'•-'•
Pt,peom "° \ •'• • '> ~rin•C. 10a 11 6
~rlK (Otp I l 'o • \t p~,,f,I .~ ~ 11,
PhMni• Sii t l Pledm~I 71 1 l'• .
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Closing Prices NEW YQRK STOCK EXCHANGE Year's High-Low s
Appear Eve ry Saturda y
•9JL -Stocks Pluinmet;
• Dow ln<lex Off 22
NE\\ YORK (UPI ) -Stock pr1<'C'5 fell sharp!} acrosri:
a broad front r.tonda) on the New York Stock F xchangl
Trading v.as sl0\1
Tiie Dov; Jone smdust r1<1l a\erage 11as orr 2'2 i4 po nt:; f
821 00 The avcr1ge 1 <is sl ightly \\c1ghtl'<l ho"r.1t:r I'll.
cause id.t o! lt3 30 roinponent .stocks \\~re ex-div11h:ud and
this factor a1.:counted for 2 5 points 111 th e dechnc
1 he l&">U('s decluung 111 val ue led those ga1111ng b)
5-lo-I ratlo among UK! I 781 tr ided
Brokers sa~d the selhng pnn1arlly bv 1nd1v1dual~ rail rr
th<ln 1nst 1lU!IOi1S Y.as prornp!L'<I hy 11 c series of gloon1v
economic pore<.:asls and lnditators l~ u~ ti ! st \\eek and fresll
TC'JXlrlS about ll f th~ poss1h !i1v of g 1solHlc ration ng nd \2 1
an indeflnllc ro11t1 nu:it on of the \r 1h 01 1 embargo
On the American Stock ExchJngr prices also "ere lov.rr
u1 slo'~ tradmg
"<ii,, ' ....
J 2 DAILY PILOT Tuesday, february ,, l'f/4
f 'antll11 (,'lr r 1u
". , . ond \O the
poor doggie
hod none."
"So she hod to phone ond get o
pizza for him! Righ i,
Burt and Sarah:
Hi s Ve rsion
Q: \\'e kno"' the Nlxons mu st mail out tons of Christ-
mas cards. But "·hy do they ho\•e to be (ranked at our
expense? -1\1. Tellil. lodiaoapolis.
A: But they're not. The President and i\irs. Nixon 's
holiday greetings \vcre mailed wit h the same denomina·
lion postage stamps "'e taxpayers affix to such envelopes.
Q: What's !he na111e of the aukl biography l\fllton
Berle's been "'riling for the past six month!!?-l\1oe Brow-
an ick, 1\liaml
A: Tentatively the veteran actor-comedi an leans to-
v.•nrds 1\larilyn Gardner's suggestion: "i\ly Life \\'ith Mil·
ton Berle-by l\til!on Berte."
Q: We've read so many conflicting versions of the
Burt Reynolds-Saru h 1\lilell mess, "'here her manager
"·as found dead In her room. \\'as she or "·as n't she in
B11rl's room that night?-lrene S.T., \\lorcester. !\lass.
A: Though Sar;ih \\ishcd she \1·as miles ;111,ay. the
ans\1•rr is }'l'S. "S.1r<Jh was in my roon1 "'hile I \\'as getting
a n1ass;igc, '' Reynolds told writer Clair Sefran, in \11hat
('Glad You Asked That')
she describes as a '"!igh!. angry ':oice." "Massage.'' Burt
observed , "didn'l u!-ied to be a dirt y \vord. And no. I didn 't
V.'ant Sarah there. I askl'd her to leave but she 111ouldn't."
lie remembers the call for help after Sarah finally
returned to her o\1·n roon1 and found l)a\'id \Vhiting. her
business manager, dc<1d. ,,·Hh a c<1sh on the back of his
''If I'd found \\'hiting ,,·ith Sarah.'' Burt said hone stly,
"!hen bring the male ch;1uvinist pig that I am. I'd have
fought "'ith him. And if I had. he 'd proba bly be alive te>-
da y. He'd have been too battered to get up and take that
overdose of pil ls."
Asked 1vhethcr rumors about his having an affair
"'ilh thr .1clress \\'t~rc !rue. the 111ale sex svmbol snapped,
"[ \l'ould have lx·cn glct d lo say under oa!h lhat I did iiot
hnve an affair 11·ith Sar:ih. But nubOdy asked."
(~: Is it true that Bobt>y Rigg11 v.·iU now challe nge au·
dlences and play n night club date in Las Vegas '!-1\lrs.
Nadine 1\1., Brooklyn.
A: No. Bobby has rigged up another ca~r. J1e's going
10 be the tenni s pro al Uie gaming reso rt's fa mou s Trop-
icana Hotel.
POSTSCRIPTS FRO~I i\IARIL\'N: To t\largaret Staley,
Lake"•ood. Colo.: Sorry \\'C can't print the parody (on
\\'atergate l that Rieb Little offered on lhe Carson show.
It's special material , protected Uy copyright ... To 1\1rs.
Edgar E. Lynch. t\laccdonia. Ohio: There is no relation·
ship bet"·ecn llobert Culp and the late Hobert Ryan .
To Lill ian t\1. Fahizio. Farmingdale. N.Y.: Absolutely not.
l'rrr\' Co mo has never been in volved in cri1ne or r-.1afia
aclt\'.itif's. Nor has he had p!>ychiatric problems. Ile has
one of the rno st spotless reputations in the firrnainent of
stars ... To Cr<iig Sunde, Decorah. lo\1•a : \Vhen you St'C
a pcrfor111cr t\\'[(•r on !he sa n1e screen. closeup and dis-
tant, it's just a clever camera Irick.
Srnd 111H1r r11iesli(fl1s lO 1"/y Gardner, "G/ncl )rr11(
A.skf'rl Tltnt." cnre nf rl!i.<: 111?1V.~pnper. P.O. lJox 1560.
Cnsln f.1 es(/ .92026. r'luril!/ll ouri /-l y r.nrdnrr u·i/I 011·
s1ver 11s n1<11IJ1 11 t1cs11n11s c1s tl1ey cnn n1 their r'v/1111111,
/JIU /ill' !'filUHlC Df n1n1[ nu1ke:; /)C/'SOlll// rcp/iCS i111·
JIOll Slb/e.
Gra11d1notl1e1~ Held
h1 Ritual Deatl1
Girls Swing
Telling It Like I t l s
BEIRUT f AP) -!\11mi defendants and "fun·sl'tku1g
Shakib, a filn1 star in her Oriental guests."
prime, "'as accused in n1orals The going ra !e w a s
l'OUrl here of running a call-whate\'Cr the tra(fu.: would
' .
T\\·o de f<'nse l<i v.'ycrs have
been ;ippointcd for a Galves·
t.on, 'J'(·x. v.'Ornan accused of
11sing her 3-ycil r'{)!d grand·
d.1t1gh1 cr .is :t hurnnn sni:ri (ice
in a blHck n1agic reli gious ri·
dro"·ned in a bathtub because ~==~~~~~~~~~~~~:;:;::
she "·as possessed of evil I
spirits. 1
Di.,tr·icl f'ou r! Judge
(;;1rl:1 nd Pavv ~\I on d a v
appoinH«i [.lon;ild Bichard and
Ste\'C Ledet. b 0 l h of
t)pelousas, alter Ruth Daniles
Brou ssard . 39. sa id s he
rouldn't afford to hire her
/ . ~ ;:.oi!lj> 'lt-
r.1Rs. HHOUSSARD voas
booked on a charge of murder
in a case 11.·hich thu s far lacks
a body -a serious dra"·back
in a murder prosecution.
Officers say witnesses Told
them the child. Sh.1nna Star
Lovell, was killed in Eunice,
La. 15 months ago and buried
in a wooded area in that
Shanna's mo1her. !-.1 r s .
Debon'ah Lovell of Brf\\·ick,
La., a 21-year-old Ro · i:i o
dancer. s'liT ren d cred to
officef'!I two week! ago and
toJd the1n the child 11 as
f\IRS. LOVELi_, was booked
as <i nJ<l!eria l witness. So were
Richard Swain. 21. of ~!organ
City. La .. and Joseph B. Faul,
20. of Berwick.
Chief Deputy L.D. Ca rriere
said statements by Mrs.
Lovell and Swain led to the
arrest or Fau1.
Carriere said Ure murder
cha rge again st Mr s .
Broussard was b a s e d on
information obtained in the
questioning of her t h r e e
daUghters. The other two are
Hegina Lee Bush . 23, and
Anna Carr, both of Berwick.
THEY WERE picked up on
district attorney subpoenas
and later released.
Otis Lomenick, St. l .. andry
Parish legal advisor , said last
11·eek he is uncertain whether
lht• rase can be successfu ll y
prOS('CU led "'ithoul a body.
0 1s!. Ally, ~1organ Goudeau
said h(• thought indictmenlJ
v:cr<' po~siblc but convictl
"·ould be difficult to obtain .
Ei1ell Gibbon s • • • Gift Easy
1 Say It's Not So
DETR OIT i U f' I )
s9,35 GAL.
Freda .
GAL. •
~' • Point contractors , apartment .f.--'
owners, homeow ners! Here's your
chance to save on first qual ity
Lucite'' pa ints,
• We deaned out DuPont's western
warehouse & there's a great color
• Famous Lucite;> quality -goes on
last, dries even fast er & cleans up •
easily with soap & water.
• Covers most walls with just one
• · Buy it by the caseload -you'll wa
to redecorate your tntirt home ot
this super low sale price.
' '~
0 1 Wiit 01llt' "'1111 it11t
True to its billing, the train trip to
San Clemente by the Early Childhood
Education class from Canyo n School i
Costa Mesa certainly wai..!.'.a--:letl:Fftin( ex·
Arntrak learn ed th at each seat and
foot rest can be adjusted 346 times dur-
ing the 20-minute ride.
1'he co nductor learned there were only
28 youngsters, not the 900 he imagined.
Regular passengers learned there wa s
little chance of ge lling to the water
The reporter learned that 4-year-olds
would rather suck a thun1b or nestle into
a chaperon than express an opinion or
share t he wonderment. -
Bot the bi g, outside world was ab-
Angelically sharing two seals as the
tra.ins pulled out, each foursome of trav-
elers soon clustered at the window, notic·
ing cars, trucks, horses and golf carts
or sailboats. .
The children bad been studying trans-
portation. They took a double-decker
bus lo the station and previously rode
the Newport Beach ferry. .
Now they could see first han·d the dif-
ference between freight and passenger
trains. An old caboose was a bonus to
And who has more fun exploring than
They di scovered every possible posi-
t ion for the window shade and com-
mented on the new, blue upholstery of
the first car vs. the shiny, old leather
seats on the rel.urn trip. ·
After one girl exclaimed, "Sit way
Tra ins have windows for ·everyone to look out of.
They also ha ve loud wh istles so .you might want
to cove r your ears. On the wa y to San ,C~mente,
Tim and David adjust s~ets while clessma+es 9et
a drink of waler from teacher Sue Reilly. Two
young girls ere still awed by the train as it comes
to 1-.ke t he m hom e, o ~ do they not want lo leave
the beach?
back: it's fun ," it didn't take long for
someone else to figure how to roll over
on the reclined seat and talk to friends
Thus spread th e challenge in elc rn en-
tary p hysics -to bring a cup of wate r
back from Lhe cooler without usi ng your
hand to CO\'er the top.
Soon it was t.i1n c to grab the swea ter
of the boy or girl in front of you in the
aisle. wind your way around the baggage
compartment and down the clanky steps
for a picnic on the beach.
Standing on th e scats for a better view
on the return trip. the youngsters kib-
bitzed about the varied speed of tl1e
train, passing scenes, the sparkling ocean
water . or whate ver's ne\V when
you're four.
Plenty of sand on the scats was evi·
den ce that the children, too, had learned
a lot.
: ;, ,:;
--~ ,,, '
,' I \ I;
Feelin.g Fin.e? .Out.c.ome Could B.e Worse
AR ANN LANDERS: Here's more
y for one ol Your l'el Jopics:
drink-don't drive.'' And IJant.
to know my husband is . no· drunk.
ally prefen Coffee. ""
, was attendtng a we d ding
I was unable to be there.
led me about 8:30 p.rn. and said
be , home later, "Later" was the ~ay. ,
1 waited for him W1UI 2 a.m., 3
4 a.m. I wa.1 ~ing-out of my
when he called lo say, ''I'm tn
"I'm , nil dru k':' IiOn't worrY.
ye." BefQ_re be hung up 1 coaxed
to putUng tome0no on tho line
• , d glVe toe more information.
Wtnough, he IVAS In jail.
~I went down and paid the $100 bond
. -
but was unable to bring Cart home
until the oext mqming. · 'M!ey n!llr.led
to release 1 him -unUI he was legally
sober., It• took .sl~ .hollfs.
W_!, wire advlse~f by oUr Insurance comUny.o to. get. •-lawyer .. The-lawyer.
Is )!Oblj!•t<i charge ua ONLY l500 be<auoe
he haa helped. us. with . other .matters.
(Most lawyers . charge from $600 to
$1000.) Carl. will ' be lucky If lie '~
o!f with a $300 fin<!.
'Ibis state doesn't care whether you're
a chronic drinker or not. If they catch
you once they throw the book at you,
even if it's your first offen9e. Rotten,
Isn't it? -HIS WIFE
DEAR WIFE: Sorry, buf I'm wllb
Ibo state llull lilrowl Ille boOll. U your
lllllbold bad klJlod somebod y tt woukhf't matter( mucb &e daat Mmtbody\1 family
-Corl wu 1 aleldy bool<r or a· guy who prefen CC?ffee.
Any perso n who gets behind the ~·heel
of a Q r wbih! clnmk' sbottld be treated
as a crtmlnal because be Is , In every
sense of the -.,,·ord, a p&tentlal killer.
DEAR ANN LANDERS : I would like
to • say something to that man who
had cards printed up with a long list
of ailments. He handOO them to people
wh:> aaked. "How are you?"
l wonder 1£ that rellow also has cards
for people whose summer greeting is,
"Hot enouah for you?:_> Qr in the winter,
"Cold enough for you?" On rainy days,
"It's nice weether for ducks; isn't it?"
Granted, tl'lose'. trite greetings arc
corny and unimaglnaUve. So what? This
Is the way plain, ordinary peopfe reach
out to make others feel they are worth
talking to.
\.\1hen I say to a person. "Ho"' are
you?", I really do care hcl\v he is.
If he wanlt!I to hold me up for JO
minutes telling me about his gall
bladder, I don't ·mind. Apparently he
needs lo tell somebody.
1 hope that man whll had those cards
printed didn't go to the expense of
a large order. With his sourbalt nttitude.
he won't have toQ mal)y people speaki ng
to him about his he alth or anything
DEAR RE1\DER: You sound tikc a
P"'rson who likes people, end 1"11 bet
people Hke you. llO\.\' sad for the
ttnurballs who fente lhemM>lvrs in. Thty
don't know what they're mlssl11ro-.
Ccnfidcntial to !\.!other Of 20-Year-Otd
Rebel \Vith A Mind Of. Her Own: 'Jbl ... r~•-·r.."• ·
answer is simple. lt'!I this: "I ~
that the deci sion is yours to make and
not mine. You will reap the rewards
or suffer rrom the consequences. Sleep
'~1 th him if you want to, but not in
th.is house."
Discover how to be date bait wilhoot
falling book , line and sinker. Ann
Lander's booklet, "Dating Do's and
Don'ts," will help you be more poi3ed
and" sure of yourself on dates. Send
3a cents in coin along 'n•ith n long.
~lamped, self-addressed envelope and
your request to Ann L.1nder~. P.O. Bo1;
334&, 222 \V. Bank Or., Chicago, Ul.
6 '.654.
f.j DAJLY PIL01 Tut~dar r~uru.try ?, 1'11-l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Day Care Homes: A Growing County Need
Thtl't' 1 ~ a gro"'ing nft!'CI
ror da~ rare hoirl.l'S 1n the
coast area. 3<'cordlng to ~1rs
• \largaret O'Brien, day <:arc
plactment coordinator for the
Orange County Oepartrncnt of
Social \Velfare.
She listed the rP.q uire1nents
for th e home s and parents.
and defined I he purp:1se of
day rare ho1nes
'·F'amily day rare Is 1hc
care of Wlfelatt'd chlldrt·n in
Dr. Andre Noe. chief
pediatrician fo r the In-
ternational R e s cu e
Co mmittee, and a Viet-
namese nurse examine
a nine-rno nth-old Viet -
namese girl shortly
after her arrival at the
new 1nedical rehabili-
talion center for war
orphans. The 7-0·bed
facility serves the five
American a d o P. l i o n
agencies operating in
Vietnam .
a priva te fam ily hQrTI(' with
or 11.·11hout compensation"' ~he
A IJC'l'nse l.'l required,
accordtng lo state !aw. 1'hese
are issued through t h e
Ueparlment of SociaJ \Velfare.
Steps in licensi ng are as
Persons ihtcrested f i r s t
rnust aUend an orientation
mi·c tin,'t . These are scheduled
r1re limes throughout the
i"'ex-1 , an applicalt0 n 111Uj\
br submllled "1th 1 h rt-c
references from fri~·nds, other
than relatives or cn1ptoyc·r:L.
Then. an lnspettion l•:\11 be
made by !he fire departrntnl
for fire and safely clearan ce ..
Appl icants ;ire required to
submit a floor plan of the
residence, "nd an evacuation
plan 1nay be reque:>ll'd.
Cht•st X·rays or skln te~~
are required fo r all adults
, . .
,. ? !
' " i • ,
Yi 00 live 1n the hon'M". Th1!1
1.i to dl.'term1ne fracch¥n frorn
u1·t1ve tul>erculos1s All fa rruly
rnen1bers must Ix: ln good
heJ lth mt' n t a 11 y and
An o!Jit"'t' intervie w i!I r;et
up durmg which ·t I me
b1.1ckground Information I s
t.'Ollected . Hwbonds must be
present during this interview.
A nondiscr i mination
statement must be signed to
Ul'I Telepllolo
Pnsur~ that no exclusion takes ·· atmosphere and play areas
I be ( •-col"r "'·IU be evaluated. pace cause o r ....... " ,
ereed, naUQnal origin or LI~ are !!Sued ln two groups: not more than five
"ancestry. chlldren , when the age ran&e
' All applicants mwl be of the day cin!! children Is
fingerprinted . PerSOO.!J with a infancy throu gh 6, and not
conviction of sex orreruse or more than six when the age
felony with intent to do bodlly range is 3--18. Both groups
harm are ineligible for include the day care mother's
Licensing. own dtildren under 16.
The final ste p is a home The day care mothe r i.s
interview, during which the allowed to set her own rates,
space, n a pp i n g faciUties, and !s assisted by the
Your Horoscope Tomorrow
Department or Social \\'elf:ire
in r1nd1ng duldn'fl through a
rl'lcrral system
Part of tht> expeus('S are
income. tax deductible, and all
Income must be declartd.
Liability and a cc i den t
insurance L! available through
the Day Care AsSO!.·iatlon at
group rates .
Orientalion meeUngs for
those interested in licensing
take place each Tuesday <i t
10 a.m. at the Adoptions
Bu1Jdlng. IO!fi N. BroadW8)',
Santa Ana ; !ht> nr~1 Thursday
at 10 a.ni. at !ht deparll'nl'nrs
Anaheim office, ll70 N .
Anaheim Blvd., Anaheirn .
Al.!lo, the second Wednesday
at to a.in. in the Westrnin~ter
otrlce, 919l Westminster i\"e ..
\Veshninstt'r, and the firSt and
third Tuesdtty s at 7:30 p.rn .
1n the Adoption., Building,
santa Ana.
An)'one y;·Jshing more
·jn formal!On mU}' <'R ll 834-4321.
Capricorn Focuses on Money
ARIES (Mardl 21-Aprjl-!9):
Full moon position · n o w
coincides with outlet f o r
creative energies. Be ready
tor travel and change, for
decisions which a f f e c t
emotional stabillly. L o v e ,
romance are in picture -and
actioos affecting s pec I a I
relationship are featured.
TAUR US (April 2fl.May ~!:
Culmination of efforts ls
featured. Means concluslom
are reached. These affect
financial and security status.
You asked for opportunity
based on responsibility. Now,
you get il If 1ingle, marriage
questJon looms. Married or
single, you may be IOUl& into
business for younelf.
GEMINI (May 21.June :IO I:
need. Adjust ment on hoine
front is essential. Taurus,
Libra persons could be
involved. Be dipl001atic, but
know when to draw money
LEO (July 23-Aug. 221:
Cycle is high; judgment and
intuition are honed to raior-
sharpness. Take back seat to
no person -ride up front
and lead the way. You are
able now to perfect methods,
to refine techniques and to
define goals. Welcome chance
at new project.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 221:
What was obscured, dark -
oow "comes out or hiding."
Issues are faced which had
been evaded. Your fears.
doubts are given benefit of
light. You can deal from
poslUon of strength -know
lt and let oonfidenoe rule.
LIBRA (Se pl. 23-0ct. 12):
enough to appreciate
frankness, hont>Sty.
SCORPIO (Oct . 23-Nov , 21 ):
Lunar posilion colncldes with
authorities, standing In
comnnrnity, how you deal y;.•ith
professiona l superiors. New
approach brings chance for
greater independence. Leo,
Aquarius lndivlcluals could
figure In important ways.
Dec. 21): Good lunar aspect
coincides now with jowneys,
philosophy, education, gain
through written Word. Publish,
advertise. Strive to reacti
more persons. Spe c I a I ,
overseas correspondence is
likely to be In picture.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan,
19): Money of mate, partner
Is featured. t-.1oney that L! tied
up in savings for investment
program also could be in
spotlight. Check budget for
purp:r.ies of exp an si on .
Sagittarius, Gemini i.ndi\'1du-
als could figure prominently.
AQUAIU US (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): Emphasis Is on how you
relate lo those who hold
opposing views. Be frank
without being obnoxious. Be
truthful without being brutal.
Question of joint ownershi p,
partnership, mutual benefits
arises. Apparent 1ninor fl aw
r.eeds closer examlnallon.
PISCES (Feb. 19-~1arch 20):
Healtll, work, pacing -these
are emphasized. C h a n g e ,
tra\•el and a variety of
experiences dominate. What
was mild becomes definite,
excit ing and challenging. One
you respect offers to make
room for you at higher level.
wtie" Y•• W1111t ""' .... 1922 Horb•r llYd.
Cotto M ... -141·0Z5t
Relative who wa s
disenchan ted with some of
your ideas now want.s a second
look. Explain In dynamic
f.ashloo. Show reuons. Discu.'!s
J)otentia.l. Be analytical .
Member of opposite s e x
Flnlsb, round out, complete
circle. Leave no loose ends.
Friend.ship could blossom into
romance. Member of opposite
sex expresses feelings in ,::::~=:===:;::;:;:::~~~~~~~~=-=-=~ meaningful way. Be grown·UPl r
Golden Needle's thro~ bouquet )'O\ll' way. Be -;:::--::::;;;;;;;;;;:::--:-;:; gracklus. There is no need &':: ......,...~~ '&4" to kick toe in sand. ~ ~~ ~
~ CAM::ER (June 21-July 22 ): 3 Full Service
r~ull moon emphasis is on Locations in
income, spending, s a v in g, , Huntington Beach
ability to collect "''hat you .1 PRESCRIPTIONS
• CM1'9e ACCllll!h e Dell¥.,.l91 Lii 111 rlltlll '1'911f .,....,_,
I $~ "' tk 1fled I
Seminar, Fund-raisers Top Agendas
l 1:tle
. ~~~~.!..~.~;·-,'. ':. ; fTI1 Go! 1 'n '11 -0 dl •'_.·~."~.'.'.:..,H.•~m_"z"".""-""".J 1 LYI ltt.: 1..:'" e FABRICS . -....,,,~.:::. ~ &OUlH CO.C.IT 'l .C.l.C. • C.C."OUSEl lf\l[I,, ----'~•:-~~=• 0'1:111 f\l(~I I SUHD ... ,S
Lifestyles for Successful
\Vomen will theme the nex t
Women in Management all-
day seminar, scheduled to
begin at 8:30 a.m. Saturda y,
t~eb. 9. in the Airporter Inn .
Coordinating Lifestyle and
Ca reer \1•ill be dlscussOO by
the morning p;1nel, to be
moderated by f..lrs. Elayne
r.1 c C r u m by , chairperson ,
department of bu s ine ss
administra!ion. Citrus College.
Speaking Y>'ill be Mrs. Ther-
esa P. Hughes, PhD. edu-
cation project. specialist,
Califo1nia Commission f or
Teacher Preparation and
forme r assistant to Senator
f..tervyn Dymally; l\1rs. Lillian
Worthing \Vyshak, CPA and
Point Well Taken
attorney : r.1rs. Frieda Stahl,
l'hD. assO<'ia te dean o f
ncadcn1ie planning, California
St~lle Uni versity, Los Angeles.
1\lso on th e agenda will be
r.1s. Jean A. Kurth, enginee.r.
Boum's Inc.: Mrs. Erline
Loop. assistant vice president.
AVCO, and ~Is. , J anet
Earwood, assistant v ice
president, Crocker National
Needling Succeeds
Dy Jo:RJ\I/\ 801\IBECK
fl1 y mol/1er l\'On't admit it,
hut J've ahvays bccn a
dis.appoinlmt'nt to her. l1eep
doY>n inside. she "·Jll never
forgive herself for giving birth
to a daughter \\'ho rcruses
to launder aluminum foil and
use it over again.
waiting for an ansv.·er she
read, "ll expired .July 28. 1957.
What happened?"
"I don't li ke to be pressured
by a deadline." J said.
She shook her head sadly.
"You should be. d oing
something y;.·ith your hands.
\'ou doo 'l knit . \'ou don't
crochet. And I'll never knov.+
why you stopped se"'·lng."
11'('('ks ago and I scarcely
look('(! up . "Sec'!" I said, "f
an1 doing 90mething with my
How to be a Success ;viii
be the topic of discussion by
\\'illiam J. Teague. PhD, vice
president, manage rn en t
development, Purex Corp.
FV Women
Fountain Valley \Von1en's
Club will ha ve its annua l
membership tea from l to
3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 9, in
the home of t-.1rs. Robert
Orange District
Orange District, California
federation of \Vomen's Clubs
\~·ill have the annual portfolio
and art scholarship contes ts
Saturday, Feb. 9, at The City.
\Vinning art will be
displayed in merchants' "''in·
do1vs and later will compete
for the state honors.
Valentine Dance
Maxine Caverly Chapter,
City of Hope will present a
VaJeritine dinner d a n c e
Saturday, Feb. 9, in El Adobe
The dance \\'ill take pla~ r·"''"' -.. --... -... -........ --~ "-'""''"'""''"'"""'"'"''"""'"'"''"''"''""~"-""'''''"'"'"''"'''""'"'''"'"'"'"'""'"'"''""'"'"'"'
Saturday at 7:30 p.m. 1n !,
BCYC. 1 .:~~~~l.:1;~~:;,f~· i
raising party to be presented i
by the USC Cre w f..1otiiery' i
Club on Saturday. Feb. 9, m !
the Fort Ma cArthu r Ofrittis' i
Club. (
t El Camino
New me m be r s wjll be j
entertained during a tea at ~
I p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7. i
by El Camino Real Woman's I
Club. Mrs. Leila Wright, i
organist, \li'ili entertain during !
the event in the Dana Point ~
Community Clubhouse. I
A panel discussion oo cable •
television will be presented I by the Huntington Beach
Branch of the American
Association of univ e rsity
Women at 7:30 p. m .
Wednesday. Feb. 6, in Lake
Park Clubhouse.
Best Idea Since .
Shopping Car.ts
Now you can do a week's shopping
without forgetting a single
item! Use pre-printed
shopping lists
prepared for you by
140 s•parat• printed items,
plus additional spaces you
con fill in yours•lf.
Just check '•m off -
34 St1pl11
i ;
i i
I ;
i i
j She "·as definitely not
amused "'hen I he ld 1ny
annual "Breakfast \VI th
r.lomm y'' at Christmas lime
and passed out candy canes
to my children and told them
lo be good until ~lommy saw
them at breakfast ne:<t year.
"J stopped sey;.·ing, ~1other,
the day r j)'Jt my darts in
wrong and had to back in
and out of rooms to make
me look goOO ."
"llow long have you been
sitting at the kitchen table?"
she askf':d.
''1'wo days .. a week ..
n n"K>nth . . \\'ho knows? l
just y;·ant to do three more
rows and I'll pot it down
and get to my work."
lbeme of the year is
llappiness ls the Spirit of Life.
South Coast Coordinating
Council, Beta Sigma Phi will
have a Valentine ball
Saturday, Feb. 9, at El Toro.
Social hour wiU begin at 7
Speaken will be Joho Bate-
man, rep1esentalive of Po.blic
Cable TV Authority ; c;.,,.
Moon, Cablev;sloo a.me! 3,
and Marian Hutserpillar,
president of the Irvine Junlor
21 V.1etables
14 Frvlll
6 Bakery Items
S Bntra111
19 Meat and
fish tntrits
II Oairy Items 20 Miscellaneous
. l
~1ot her h8.! dedicated her
remain ing years lo bleaching
my di sh toy;.·els and getting
me ready tor a deathbed
conversion to ~omeslicity.
Ouring II recent visit she
pulled out a spice from the
r:1ck :ind 11 srnall envelope
drop1">l'rl to the noor. She
' picki'd ii up an d gasped, "Oh
n1~1 S11lll. no you have any
id1·a thr ex piration dale ont
lhis packet of yeas!?" Wi thout
"Why don 't you take up
needlepoint?" she aJ':ked . "It
\\'ould relaic you and at the
same time you could be
domesticated." ( ~1 oth e r
always makes me sound like
n cal she is trying to sand
train. I
''f 1nlght try it ,'' I 1nuscd.
"Aft.e.r all. Rosie Grier
needlepoints all the time."
"If she can do Jt, !':O can
you ." said Mot her.
She came over abowt three
Uut I lied. The needlepoint
ha!'. become my whole Hie,
I don't talk to the kids. I
don't "''Al ch TV anymore. I've
cancellcil three lectures and
I've engaged someone t!lse 10
type this column. As I told
mother, "You should be doi ng
something v.•ith your hands ."
"I am," she said. "I'm
wringing them."
l~ido .Isle and B a h i a
Corinthian Yacht cluhs wltl
co-host the traditional two day
Valentine regatta and dinner
dance on Lhe "''eekend of Feb.
woman's Club.
Wes tm ins t e r-Yountaln
Valley ·Braoch, ·Amer I can
AMoclaUon ot U n Ive r• l t y
Women will learn how to pack
luggage professionally from
a n American Airl i ne s
representative. ,
1104 11111)
in convtftient
te1r-off pad
for just St.OO
( post•c• prtpaid I
Send in
Mrs. Mim Strickler will I
presen t the program after a
lWlChoon at 11:30 a. m .
Saturdoy. Feb. I, In the
Alrportcr inn. . Coupon Today -
---------------, __________ ·_-___ , and Become A
--~~"-1,.-------------,1.,-----------.1! Super Shopper FR~CIS-DID YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY t:.~;:;;,:;:::~;:~-PLANS FIZZLE OUT? I ~lwithSl.OOto: \, 0 RR J' 1 Pilot Printinc Shoppmg List 11 ... ,.,.,. 1ttrt -ttr ,,_,.. ...,._ t. ..,,..... ""Y .-1.r ~• "'" I ~-.. 11er1 w1t11 ""'-' ,._Ifie._ ,... -•tt1c: Ellk...-. v•• ,..rati'" 1 Post Office 101 1560 ""'"" ''''" -H"' "·...,, . • _; . ' ., Cosb MfU,Cafif.92626 lllf-1111"*1 l'tfllll""ftll I• •"ll"lllMl#al, I fl~I 4i11 sf ..... -c..,.., •ltll .... lfl'lll ,,.....,.,... • ._,,., w+tfl etTl'wtllt" 1111 Ml"91 Mrll 'lr.-
fll•t ..ec1I .... ,........ ... ........ "'"'' wltfl ........ • .. "'"-'" ' Ml"Ytc. ................ ,!fer wllllkfl ......... .....,... ........ ....... ______ .;. ______________ _
VALENTINE Cell' ..... II ........ "' ....... 11111 I
Put It All Together
f or Fun, Populirlty, Conlldtnu
s.. O.r Ph•• S.•tlo• ~ r\.r R-... p I
l l11$
. .,.,
i '
'Cord• .. Olfh John R-L-~ ,_nw· ers r:."1:::..~· ......... --'"' 1------------------M---,
iM:hO(ll10fpltlOn1llmprOvtmenl fotetffJW9nlMI vu.rt •ftft ftC)tOft ----------------------
JllJ 1.t1111 .... ,, l lt•llll THE E,IC lPICUR.EAN ..... . .. ......... ~· 11,·-·· I I
Clllll Ml 111 c11v11111t rt11111 ORANGE -#J Town la CourJtry-547.&228 , MIWPOO llACH 111-9441 v •--·---------.. '-------------------'"""-~ ~---------------------.. -·-·-------------------------------------·-• • ''
. '
MIXED SINGLES by Wm. F. lrown anti Mel Cas1011 DOOLEY'S WORLD
800Alo12, I
J.ltA~ 'i(JL)'v'&
....... ,_,. .. .. ...
6efi"N ASICeD 1-.J..-?
10 ill~ITt AN ~
OF 'Ou !( f"OOT-
6ALL CAeae.
l'VE A Pf!.IGffll'UI. SURPRISE FOR YOU, t-:-------=---r GAN&!: our OF Sf!EE'R SE'l.Fl.E'SS
---,,,.::::;:--.....--. 10 IHE' l'OOHAWK ' '
rr ., l!I.,,., ..... ~-
Yesterday's Puule Solved:
~~~ I" ShL IC ST<EP ACROSS Yending again
• r Ass1un11r
1 01111cted 50 Coio ol Peru A M [; R E D T H G 0
~ I ~ ~ p ~ Q
r.i /. It 5 /. l E 5 R;inge cr1s:t 51 Ouck.s
10 --·-I V•S 52 Clubbed on the
14 F emmme head
by Tom K. Rya11
'fHe ONE' ~E' 60116
10 l'!Jll.11 10 HOOSE' MY
~ZE'P J'MV /.\'.)(CIE'!
by Al Smith
by Dale Hale
by Emie Bushmiller
H ,, •• ~i
H!fR!!S 1'0
lt..l"ff:1'1'.1A t..
fl"»' ·111E
f'LA)o OU JJD ...
'{OU!'{ HONO~ !
"~ 56 D•unlo.a•ds'.
15 Punctu111on Slang JUDGE PARKER by Horold Le Doux
m•• 60 o~e"~"1e 1n
1'1 8 0 YIOll ma0f111r
m1.mma1s 61 Equlvalenl in
17 "St•tl! your l!~l!C1
case · 2 64 Small ' Suf!t~
worcts 6~ Mor11 loyal
19 Sheep's cry 66 Flat·tDpoed
20 Demand !or h+ll
"''" 61 Sol•C•IS
2 1 Moves 68 Item •n a list
i;l\Jm1t1y 6~ Slared 1!
23 Cham ot
mountains DOWN
28 Man's
nick.name 1 Vt ry youn11
27 Accomouces child
30 Olvidm11 llM 2 Dutch length
34 God ol IOYt measure
35 Did 3 Bus1nea.s abbr.
lorM!hin11 .. S.nd1 1b1oad
31 Guldo'1no1e S AIJrl!e
38 Acm. 6 f'reflch kin11
39 Pa,.nts 7 Ow1rt
41 s1ame1e 8 E•hausting
42 Inhabitant· labor
Comb. lom1 9 Hinder
43 Arab litle: 10 Thlet
Var. 11 wr..er shift
44 Dtltyed 12 Bu!ld
45 Act of 13 Pi!lmlres
' E !!. I ' )j c P, A T
18 Eme1i1ild Isle 48 Form of
22 Sulk1n11 soel!s income
24 Reduce to 49 L)IJht m11t1I;
snreds At>br.
25 Confiscate 52 Deoariltd:
legally Slang
27 Become SJ New1oaoer
e•hausted seclton;
28 He1ponded to lntormal
reveille 54 Reoor
29 L11!als Edsel
31 Tran81erablt 55 Repa ir
design 57 ····Long:
32 Encowage U.S.
J3 APor1l111r senator
36 Soaring worde SB Noun tnding
39 Fruit 59 NatlYe
40 Egg dl!h Alrlc1n
Yillage .... Suppl• 62 Klr'ICI ol lnl!t 48 Dramatic 63 Third: p,.n1t
OR.DIN.-,R'f ClllZ.EN. eiE.LIE'1'E
A'\ERrT TO 'f'OUR l----~
CQ'l\P'LAIH'T s !
• j
! ;
~ •
f'11-"~INE1S At>VIC.~ JtYICE •
~O'/IC.f Fort I'll>{., ~A !Cit>,
JAS6D IAPot.i A l'lt>'S NAT~IZAI.,
llAIN I SC~OOI. YAll> IMSTilolC.T !
~-------· "1RS At>VICE I Ft~ T!llE1> "nlltOU611
'!WO PA ll!:~S I fOU~ 61l.4ND PMZiNW,
S£VlllA~ '!'¥'11Cllfll$ AllO A MTMllL
~!>4ill VATrY€. .MIN I C1ll It. .'
5"UU. siMTED Al.L
-AN' tlErfliR /\111'.NDANCL
Af Tl1~ ,.,,i 'xr t\\£E'..1 rN~;
by George Lemont .... ,..,,,. ... , .. ~ .... , ..
NUl:>ES ARE our--
.. ~<o ... -47 ... "1 6 ...
4q ,., 50 ... 5 1.
Gus Arriola
000( IJ
by Ferd Johnson
by Roger Bollen
4 EP ... THe:t;1RE
ALL HE~E ! ...
"Tllat'1 wbaL I should have -all I go tbroagb, each
morning, lrylng to gel Henry oat of bed.'•
~ •. ,
-. -... _
. .
Fresl1n1a11 's
Sl1ot Wilis
EAST LANSIN(:. Mich. -F'rc:-hman
Bill J1aterno 1111 a 1g..foot Jlllnp shol
\\ ith t"'o &'L'Onds left ~tonday night
to give third-ranked Notre Oan1c a tough
91·89 coll t·J.:e baskl)tba!I victory o'er
,l\Jich!gan Stale.
fl "'as lhe Fighting lrish·s 16th \JC1tJry
in 17 games !his St'ason.
,\!iehigan Slil!c. 11·7, had :i chanC'e
ID \VIII it. calling !11·0 l1111routs 111 the·
closing minu1e v:ith lhe g;11ne !it:d to
set up 011(· la!'l sho1. Jfo\.11.'V(.1", 'f1·rry
Furlov" 1,1 ,1s short on a JUfllj)('r vo1!h
nin(' S('COnds on !hf· clock iUld :'>otr(•
l>ame ended up gt·ttirii.: the ball out
of bounds.
TIX' Irish thrt·11· the hall 111 and pnsse<l
ii do11·n the court. Tht·n \•nterno broke
the Spnrtan hcar1.s, :i.s tin1c supJXlscdJy
ran out.
Offh:ials ruled one second rcrnainf'd.
hul it y,·asn'l enough lime for the
Spartans to i;:c!. off a dc spcr:llinn ~hoL
e 1110.:: R esi9115
PrTI'SBURr.11 Former second
basc1nan Bill MHzeroski resigned as
coach nf the Pittsburgh Pirates, the
i'."nlional League cl ub said Monday nigh1.
f\la zeroski. 38, played second base for
the Pirates for 17 yr..ars before retiring
at the end of 1he 1972 season . He was
nan1ed third ba!:ie coach lasl season
by forn1cr Pirate !'.tanage r Bill Virdon.
. .
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. -I.cc Fov.ler.
a 6·foot-6 senior. dropp<'d in t\\"O free
thro\\'s with eight seconds left f\1onda y T D { / l
night lo gi•C fiflh·rank·'<l V;rnde>·hilt a ea Ill e· ·e1u el
67-65 Southeastern Confer ence basketball
\'ictory over No. 8 Alab;una in a ba\lle.
of th e league's co·leaders. 'f e r r y R I t ' w th
Compton • .-·c Vandy ;,, fir.<t lead of a .S on s ra !he game Rt 64-63 "'ith 31 seconds left.
e .Borzov All lug
LOS ANGELES -\1aleriy llorinv ,
lhc Soviet Union 's double gold medal A• d t c
winncrinthesprints atthc rnnorympic 1me a onnors G1:1n1es "·on 't run in four indoor lrack.
meets in the United St;1tcs and Canada
as had been announced.
e H'olfpock 1Vhis
DLRl·IA~I. N.C. -David Thompson
scored 2.1 point<> and had 1.1 rebounds
l\londay night to propel second-ranked
North Carolina Statr lo its 25th
consecutive ,\tlantic Coast Conference
basketball \'ictnry, a 92·78 {'O!lqucst of
!Juke .
Tho1npson had plenty o{ help, .'.IS i·foot-
4 ·ron11ny Burleson flippc.'Ci in 19 points
and hauled dol'i·n 1$ rcbounds, ;ind fvtorris
ll1\"crs 1irorcd 18 points.
e Raci11g Cancelled
The quR rler-horst'S arr quick. but the
rncing program at Los AJ;)mi tos \\"IHI
al1nost as last
The track's tolalizat.or equipment "·ent
on the blink after the first race l\londay
night and the rest or the program was
rai led off. Officials said achnission
tickers \\'otJ!d !}(> honored through tJ1e
c-nd of the inceting Sa turday nigh!.
e 1\11ssies 1\tl1:1111ee
ST. PETERSBUl~G -The Australians
h;1\'C scored a clean S\1eep io the opening
round of the Rarn1ond Jan1cs \\'ortd
Championship Tennis Clas.~tc.
John Ne\\"('Ombe, Dick Creeley , Ross
('ase, Geoff ~-tasters and Xor111;111 l·lolme
all scored opening round victories
Ralston, striking back at crilics of the
Bogota bushwack. has criticized Ji1nn1y
Connors and wants anolher chance to
restore U.S. Davis Cup Ir n n 1 s
Ralston. in a telephone intervi!'\Y from
Palm Springs . v.•hcre he is the pro
at Sunrise Country Club, said he y,·;int('d
to continue as nonplaying captain of
the U.S. team in 1975.
And he said he wants critics to slO!J
blasting Stan Sinith and Arthur Ashe
for not playi ng at Bogot a. Colombin.
where the Llnitcd States \\•as cli111in:11t:d
from this yeR r's Da\"iS Cup cornpc!ition
by the C.Olombians.
"I don 't want to knock Connors,'·
Ralston said. ''bu! the knock is 1hcrc."
Ralston said th e <ibsencc of Sn1i1h
and Ashe \l'aS justified.
"If you n·ally \\'ant 10 knock somebody.
th(' facts arc there. The one f!UY \\'hO
didn 't h:ivc any previous cornmitn1cnrs.
Ui!f one \\"Orld class player \\"ho v.·:is
avail:.iblc. \\'ell, the knock is there."
Connors had been in\·i tNI to play for
!he 1973 1ean1 but declined. then offer('(!
his scrvic£>s for the fu1;1l round ;1l (:le\i:-
"lie s'!'l id to the press :ind t'l'i.'ryone
that he 11·antl'd lo pli1y in the ehallengt·
Against SA Valley
Broke1i Ja ·w, 7 Stitches
Price for Competing
Repeated reports of incidents involving
Orange Coast area athletic team9 and
students -faru; -athletes of Santa Ana
\'a lley High reached a low ebb.
The most recent oom plaints roming
to my attention in\"olve Costa ?.tesa
Jllr,h basketball learns.
nob Sorensen. !'.fess Tfigh·_, V&rsity
b..-tskctb.111 roach. tells that CM's
frl'shn1<in and sophomore basketball
players declined to shower after their
games at SA Valley so they could keep
an ey£' on their pl'rsoru1I effects, v;hich
player. Result : ii hrokf'n j;H\' fur
Cummins and an nhrupt end ~o his
prep career.
Santa Ana V:1llr.v ll igh's rcputalion
as beinjl a rou~h. rough place is
('{)nll m1ed bv a rrccnt n1urdrr on
c.:lntpus. 1\-tcri arc rcluct.'.lnt to accept
officiating as.si~nmcnts there and fan s
from Orange Coast arc:i. schoo ls have
been subjected lo various ;ibuses. from
verbal types to ha ving tires slushed
or rocks thrown at lhei r cars.
f\1erciJully. none or the Orange Coast
area schools "'ill have a rclAttonship
v<ith SA Valley ;:ifler this school ye.fir.
That will be of Jinlc solace lo c;u1n1nins.
but at least it mav save some other
poor chap frorn ti1c area a sin1il11r
* * *
row1d."' Halston said. '".'lly decision v.•as
to go 1\'ith the san1c 1eam in '73 all
lhc >A'3y. I eal!ed hin1 imrnediately aflt'r
Cleveland and asked him to play on
thl' te;im in '74.
lie said he y;anted to play. I c:<ptained
the schedule . lie said fine , he definitely
\\'<lnle<l 10 play," Ralston said aftC'r
he "d annow1ced that Connors 11·oulct
parucipatc, he l'i'ithdrev.· from the \tcam:
"Hi 1; manager said I rnisunders1ood nit•
i:onvers111\on \Vilh J immy." Ralston said.
ltalston also said the C.Olon1bi:ins
p!ayfd '"better than l thoughl" they
\rould . but "I don·1 1hink '"e rc;11l_v
under('stin1ated thcin·· u1 1hr shockini.;
4-1 dl'fl'<'ll last month at Bogota. In
l'Jrly J)i..'Cen1ber. Ralston's !cam lD.'>L
;)-ti to Australia in the 1973 final Davis
Cup round.
\\'hy didn"t :;irnilh or Ashe C"Olllpcte·.•
"S1ni1h has pl:i.ved in the l)<ivis Cup
six yf'ars for the Cnitl>d S1:11cs. Jf(·'s
s.1crifi('('(J a lot of time the l:ist fl'1v
rt•:irs and a lot of t.lic pri ie n1ouc.,1·.
to repres('flt thr United States. I I!' asked
me in the n1iddtc of last yc.:i r for
.1 res t. lied pl;n·l'll 11 ~ vears of solid
t·ornpc!iti\'e lrnniS. ·
"f felt it \\"<ts .'.l r1'asonablc reques!.
rhat he deserved a n"'SI. St.an stop1>ed
playing. and 1rhl·!l Si an stops for ;i
n1onlh. it takes him a l'i·hil t:' In g£'t
bnck in shape,
"Then !hcrl''s !he point of ,\she. He
11as just not1fif'd In '.liOl'l'!Tiht·r rhat ht·
""a.<> cligihle to ril~i~· IJ:11'is ('up. lie
1vould h:ive gone to &gota hut hnd
a year-standing C"Ontr<ict to be in 1\lian11
for n 1ourn;un1•n1.
"He 11·as 1\'il ling to le;1ve 1hc J)or~il
Country Club Sun<lay, ny 10 Rngnta
;:ind try 10 bi· ready 1o play Friday
But. I told hirn there \vas JUSI no '~a v
for a rn<1n to t;l1 used to the 8.700-fOOt
:1lr1rudr in five dn ys.'·
PORTI..,.\7\D. Ore fAP1 -Thad
Spencer. 30. furincr heav}"'eight ho.-:ing
(\lntrnder, \\•as 11'0l1t1dcd at a Portland
bar Sunday night in a shooting in l'i'hiCh
ano ther ma n was killed.
Dead on arrival at a Portland hospilal
\Vas Elvin L. Alexander. 34. Portland.
Spencer, a Portland resident \l'ho
reti red from boxing two years ago nftrr
a ring record of 33 victories. 13 defeats
an d one draw, was listed in serious
tondition with three bullet. wounds.
Police snid no charges h;id be-en filed
pending an investigation of the shooting.
Lil1 Leacler
Patty Joh1ISon
Spears Drive
:-;AN DIEGO (AP ) -Patty Johnson
tlu1·:::n't shun her label as "t/l{" Billie
.l l':111 King of track and field." But
11on1cn in her sport. she says, arc even
n1orc do,vn1rodden than \\·omen tennis
11t;1~1·r·..; USi.'d to bt•.
.. 1\1 ll'a;;t e1·1·rybody ha3 kno1~11 for
Y•'ars \1ho Billie Jc<i n l\ing is.·· the
2.'t-y1•ar-0ld hurdler s;iid in an in1cr\·ie\\'
:\lon<1.1y. ''The prrss and public :ire
1 111\ Hl!t·rl.!S tf'd 111 us rvt>rr four \"Ca r<;.
.\nU !ht·n 1h..:~· :-.<'l y. ·110;1 ror11~· our
1·.cun1·11 t1011'! 1\'in n1ore 1nedals "." ''
~!rs. .Johnson, a for1nl·r San
Cl!•nu•ntean. holds all thf' \1orld indoor
;ind 1\rnerican records i11 !he hurdles.
;111d flnishN. f<lltrth in the 19fil3 Olvmpics_
;\1nce hiAh schoo l sh(' had \vofkcd as
;\ si:crvtt1 ry. training in her off hours,
h!•fon· b\·1111~ n!fered a collf'g!' i;cholar~h 1p
IJ.1· !he La .JoJ!;i Track Club la.st !all.
"J"1n urie nf probably .'i() girls in the.
1·111111try 11·1th an athil•Lic scl1olarship.
nrHI illll' of n1:1vfX> fhe in !rack and
f1 L·ltt .·· shl" s;ud. ···r11c·r(' :1r" ahout 50.!XJO
i1!hll'IJe scholar~hips tn 111(•n e.1ch year "
.\l 1/1e beginnin g .. :\!rs. J ohnson s:iid.
she 11·as :ls nai\'i.' :.is nnv other Jfr-Y('ar-old
l'flll"ri ng bi r,:-tin1c com'pc1it1on. riut that
didn ·1 last long.
··.\ couple of ye:irs ago the AA V
nccus?d 111e o( being unlad) like on
tours.'' she said . '"All I 1\'as doing 1r:is
p(11ntin,!! out that the men y,·erc gelling
lhl' tr.11nrrs <ind ihe phy.sic;il eq11iprnent.
:ind if 11'l' got ;.1nr it 11as Jn afterthought.
".-\nd of .cou1s1: ihe wonten have lo
have cha1X'ronr<i . no m:tl!(•r hQ\v old
you <ll"l'. ;1 lthough thf' <JldC'r (lnt'S don't
gC'! hasslrd. I c;.in u11dl1r.-;tand \1·hy the
1\:\li 1rnuld \1;u1t ch:iµcront•s for J.i-year-
ol<ts. But I r l'scnt being told "'hen to
gn 10 h<>d."
Ano the r lhing th;l! trpsct..s h1~r i.~ 1hc
d1;;p;iri1y 111 pri1.c:-.
""The men gi:t things likl' stereo se1s
:llld radios, ;intl 11·1: gel these little
1rophirs that cost about a qu;)rter for
:1 !hou:;autl. lhf' • .,.-1me as the high school
lx\\'S." J\lr~ . .Johnson said.
·"!'he nll:'CL <hrectors say ihey're on
:i budgt't and nobody comes 10 "'·atch
1he \\"orncn . TI1at's the same rea!lQn
!hry r t1n"t afford to pay expense mon~y
ror more !han :i C'OUple of v.·omen, "''hilc
n1en ere being brought in from other
"'l.1.SI \"Car Francie L..1rricu .Atld I
nwde a P:ict lhaL 1\·~ \1·ouldn 't run if
the prizes y,·crcn"t comparable. That's
..,,·hy Francie dldn't run in San Francisco
last week. And some of the meets are
l'hanging. like the one in San Diego
Veb. 17 , "'here all the winners will
get ~he same watch.
"What 'Ye need lo make it effective
is for no one. to show up. But after
I rompl:iincd to the mcrt director In
San F'rancigco. he said ne:<t year they'll
Jllst ha\"C local girls and not pay anyone's
Didn't Win It
Alone--W alton
LOS ANGELES (Al') -Bill \\'alton
looked at the nude !tUtueue syrnbo!I('
of the Jantcs E. Sulli van A\vflrd fl11d
con1mcnted. "I ·don 't knoy,· >A'hnl coach
would say about his form ."
The 6-foo t JI All-American slar of
rhe defending champion UCLA Bruins
haskelb.1\1 tearn hRd just Ocen ;innounccd
<JS \\•inner of the a" ard l\londay as
the nation's outstanding :imateur athlete,
the second basketball playe r so honored
in 4'1 years.
"I'm not just receiving it for m)'St'lf."
he said. "We aU understand the media
tends to point out individuals. I happen
to be 6-11 and rL-d-haired so 1"111 the
one that's picked out.
'"I'd be in rea l trouble out there atone."
l)n:sldent David Rivenes of the Ama-
teur Athle{ic Unloo, announced the out-
t-on1e of the 1973 'IOI(•. Noting Bil!
Bradley of Princeton Vt'iis the only Ot.ht:r
b.1skctball player 10 "'in 1hc. Sulli\'an
i\11•ard co1np.'.1rccl to 23 tra<:k. ~11u.l ficld
;:i1 hletes.
Out ltivencs added:
··1 don't believe we have had a greater
athl ete or finer gentlen1nn win it than
the \\'inner this year.''
\\'alt on ca1ne to the ne>A'S conference
froin A date 'A'ilh the doctor >A'ho gives
hint shots to co1nbal ;i n allergy to bee
stings. He >A'Ore blue jc;i ns and sa.ndats,
ans'A·ered questions frankly and gave
full credit to athletic direclor J . D.
!\!organ. coach John \Vooden and his
teamn1a lcs.
"\\'ithout i..'OaCh \\looden I don't think
any of us v.'outd be assembled today."
the star from San Diego commented.
lie took slight issue v.·ith the AAU
president when he said. ··Some of the
things he's saying are questions to
debate, especially ''"'hen you·re 21 and
just starling to play."
Walton edged ruru1cr Dave \Vottle by
46 points. I.OO'l to 1,8.56. y,·ith record-
holding hurdler Rod J\.1ilbum third at
1. 120. FoJloy,·ing in order were 1\lcli.ss.a
Ilelole, swinuner, 761. Lloyd Kea@er,
1vrestler, 581. Teresa Anderson, swim·
mer, 460, Jeff Bennett, decathlon, 44,
Pttll !Boggs diver, 388. David Thompson,
basketball , 379, and Jlatty Johnson,
lrack, 338.
Someone asked \\'alton surveying the
award statue. how he "·ould like to
play basketball in the nude, and he
quickly rl•plied. ··1f the sun was oul.
I'd kind of like to."'
On the question or next season. the
UCLA senior said , "I don't think next
year I'll be getting any a1n11t('ur ay,·ards.
1 pt'Obabl y \\'on't get any awards. I
like to continue \\'hilt I like to do."
He'll get a n1illion dn!lar contr;ict
as a professional after grnduat1ng. lie
1\•as asked if mQlll'I' or thf' pla l't' he
y,·ill play l\'3S the bigger [<tl'lor in his
decision .
'"Place is a bigger f;i c!or than monev."
he rt•plicd. "'This isn't too b.'.ld a cL.1y
fo r February_"
The !en1perature \\"as in the high ;o·s
at the L:CL•\ ('a1npu:s.
111 Fh·st Cage Meetn1g
A rh·alry that may someday blosrom
into a full-nedged major battle \\"ill get
its baptisrn in fire tonight when cual"h
1'im 1'ifl's UC: lr;inc Anteaters entertain
Paul Peak's Southern California College
\'11nguards baskctb:il! te:un :it 8 i11 the
t:CI gym.
This 'A"jll nl.'.lrk the Orsi meeting of
the t1-•:o area schools on the hardwood s
bu! it comes in a down vear for Peak·s
\'angu;irds y,•ho sho1v an 8-14 record.
SoCal will thro\v a full-court pressing
defense at lhe Anteaters using a ntan·t().
ma n employmenl in the front court
and settling 10 a zone in Lhc backcoort.
Tift's squad has gone with a tight
zone in rectnt outings and is e:<pected
to remain in t11at defense for the
Vanguards. the first of three foes it
y,·ill face ,this v.·{'ck.
SoCa l tu1s had its problems in "'inning
this sea.son. although Saturday night 1hc
Vanguards held highly regarded NAIA
fr.e USIU in check until the final three
minutes In dropping a 4943 decision.
The Vanguards are paced by Ted
Berg'erson and Jack Causey in the
rebounding department. Bergerson. a 6-5
sopho1nore from l\1ichlgan, is also the
team's leading scorer, averaging close
to 17 points a game.
Causey, a senior, Is 6-6 but joined
·the team at th e semester break and
hasn't qu ite caught the others.
Ki p Hearron and Bill Helm hold down
the backrourt spots with Randy Kumpe
the other starter.
Tift will counter with Dave Baker.
6-8, Jerry Maras. 6~. and Scott
f\1ag:nWIOTI, 6-11. In tJte front CC1urt. This
gives the A11tea1 crs a dslinlte height
advanlaRe on the boards.
In the backcourt, freshmen Tim
Tivcnan and Kevin Davis 1\•ill gel the
nod wi1h r.arv Eubank.~. Ril·hard ~lrRulc
and Jeff f\ut!Cr the first-line rescrvrs.
.\l aras ts IC'.'lding tilt• tcn1n in stvrint:
;:ind rrbow1d111g y, i1h Baker close
Jipcho Rebels
Against KAAA
i'A!ROBI, l\t•nra (t\P ) -Bt'fl Jipcho,
the .1.000 meters steeple chase \\'Orlc.l
record holdl•r, said tod ay on his return
from th(' Co1nmon11·ealr h Games in
Christchurch. l\cv.· Zc:i!;ind. that hr
\\'Ollld no lonR;er be dic!att'd to by Kenya
sports authorilies on 11hich international
rrack. mrct s he should cnt Pr.
,Jipcho, 1\·ho ,\·un t11·0 gold medal.o;
and one hronzc ill Christchlu-ch, told
newsmen he V.'<IS "sick ;ind tired" of
being tQld by l\enya Am a1cur Athletics
AssOCinlion officials v.·hich overseas
invi tation he should accept.
It is "·idcly believed hrrc that Jlpcho
\•:ill tum professional \l'ith the New 'fork-
based ln tC'mBt ional Track Association.
rollowlng his stunning performances 81
Jlpcho threatened "! "'iii sign
professional forms tontorro\v If the
KAAA insists on runnin g my schedule."
One sports official said despite Jlpcho's
annoyance with the. KAAA , he has
indicated a personal desire to continue
running as nn amateur.
· He added. "J ipcho feels he could brook
more records as an amateur than as
a pro, 11•here money becomes the big
Jipcho '-'"On gold 1ncdals in the
steeplechase and 5,000 meters at
Chri5tchurch. also winn ing a bronze In
the 1.500 1nc!('f'S eve11t.
The despicable job..of Orange County
releaguing by Uni lligh principal Vic
Sherreitl and Canyon school chief Lou
Joseph, leaves the coun ty high school
athletic scene a shambles 'A'hen 11 comt's
to maintainin g long~standing lradltionnl
rivalries. geographical comJ){ltiblllty ood
logical matchups.
Case Demanded I-year Deal
Sorensen says were being pilfered at
an a.larming rate.
And when a .Mes..1 coach complained
to SA Valley athletic dlrecior Dick 11111,
the lalle'r Is Mid to have in' effect
blamed Mesa for the thefts because
the Mu•tangs didn 't firing locks.
That's like bJamlng a murder victim
for being shot, saying he should have
betn carrying a gun .
But fl>at 's only the prelud• to the
major event l"riday night when the CoRtA
Mtsa varsity entertained SA Valley. John
Qnnm.bu, 6-6 ~tor for the Mustang~.
wu elbowed in the eye and had lo
hate sevon stltchel. He 1130 lj>l'alned
an ankle. And tllel he JlU whet --d.aibes as a cheap •hOt from a Valley
Joseph and his CC1hort rallrondcd their
recommendations through Jegislatlon and
then got a helping hand from Col·onH
dcl 1~ar fllgh principal Ocnnis Evans
in scuttling appeals of thei r rancid
Evans repeatedly blew holes In
attempts to rectify one of the mnny
.,,.TOngs levied by proposed realignmenL
of league s.
The stubborn refusal by Joseph.
SherreitL llnd f~vans to S<'e 'the Jllo~ic
of their "'ill only reflec~ their la ck
of w\Ml.om and maturity In the mnn~r.
ALVIN. Tex. (AP) -Nolan Ryan,
"'ho uses thjj; Southeast Tex a s
comn1unity as an off-5e8'0fl hunting
base, has bagged the highest salary
ever pa id to a Callfomia Angels pitcher.
lie signed his 1974 contract with the
Angels ~1onday for an estimated $100.00J.
Bui liyan says he's taking aim at even
bigger game.
Byan stipulated a one-year contrael
beca use he thinks theire are more
phenomenal seasons in his sturdy
pitching arm and h(~ doe.!n~ want to
be fenced out of higher dividends by
a n1ultl·year oontract.
"I don't think T'm nt the fl0\n1 where
I've reached my earning Pot<'ntial, .,
Ryan said in a telephone Interview.
,;l might binder my earning potential
if t got tied Into a multi-year contract.
"Bu\ J was quite plea!Cd about it.
We had no trouble coming to terms.
I thought they were very fair with
It would be hard -to imagine a better
sesson than Ryan had ID 1973 or IG
imagine the Angels arguing over lhc
gold·plated rlghl·hander's contract.
Rynn set a major IP.ague Tecord with
383 strikeouts. compiled a 21-16 record
and had A 2.87 l'amed run average,
fourth best In the lengue. Ryan wa!I
runner-up to Baltimore's Jim Palmer
for tho American League's Cy Young
Ryan also pitched two n~hittera last
sea90f'J .
Ryan's career skyrocketed nfter he
went 10 the Aniels ln 1971 from the
New York f\.1et.s In a trade. Ryan waa
10.14 for the Mets In 1971 but WAI
19·18 and led the major leagues with
329 ltrlkeoull in 1972.
Last 1e11C111's Ryan's Blrlkeout rtcord
broke the mark set by fom1er Los
Angeles Dodgers pitcher Sandy Koufax
In 11115.
Ryan sald he hopOO to reach his
• •
earning potential within two yea:rs aiil
it t;ould take 2G-pl!M victory scasort
to atta in his goals.
"I don't set personal goals, I juA
try to !tay healthy," Ryan aakl .• ,
think bc.IJfg recognized ns a 20-gn"f
WIMer ii vi'hat counts. The reat dou1:':1
mean much If you doa't win 20 games.'\
Asked wh at he thought hll eamln•
potential might be with 1 couple mo"
outMandlng scasoM, Ryan said "Th elt:
are some pitchers up around the: $150,d
mark so I don't lhlnk that '•
unreasonable." '
Another season like 1973 and thf
Angels won't either. ••
.uua.,, Fl'brliary 5, 1974
Area Cage Stats CIF Bankings
HB 's Co11trera s Marina No. 1,
Maii1taii1 s Lead Oilers S till 4t1t
Jiuntington Beach lU~h's
Raul Coo treras cootinues as
the runaway scoring leader
in the Orange Coast area prep
blU:etball scoring derby with
tVr"O-th lrds of the season spent.
Coolreras has slu.led the
net.I for 467 point.! ln 19 ga mes
-32 more than hi! closest
competitor -W~stmins1cr
High's Dave \Val.sh.
Contreras has been held lO
leu th an double figures only
once in that span and has
been in the 30s six times.
Ort llft (Mii ArM Tep U Pw, Plt yfr, ,,.,., I ,,
I. COt1tru•1, Iii n "' 7. W1l1~. Wt llmln•tt• 20 315 3. Mt ltne, f 1n, Vt llty U l27
•. Ylld1r, Si n Cltme"!e 11 3•2
S. !w1I", Co.ta ,,.,.Ml 11 310 '-Conntlly, El Toro 11 lOJ
1. McC111gkey, Mtll r Oii 19 3111
I. Lovitr. Mltlflt :IQ 2a 9. A1nl1./n, Iii lt 2'2
10. Clt rl(, Raison II 261
CtllHll tfl M•r ll-14)
l ,,5
l~.1 18, I '" " ' 16.1
19.1 " . 13.7
I .. ti IJ t vg
Moll l~ 1' l9 U I 91
ke1m1!1 Ii SI 70 1l$ 9.0 EU1<1•~ IS <16 •1 ID 81
81~~ lS :II 35 111 7.~
'>h&11e" IJ JT ~ 61 S,l
Tuck•• rJ l• lt 39 J.o Qul119lf f I 4 :n 7.~
ll:el!y 9 10 1 n 2.0
Oe11•m•n • • • n ~ o E1rl o 3 I 1 1 1
A1Arnvu.n 2 1 l J 1.S
DIP4<>1.!do r 1 o 1 Jo
•w1ln ·-· Cummlnt
A un~lt
>Kk Sprl'lllllrMll
kllrev TMomt oc.i Hotfmtn
CW/I Mftl tU .. I
• lg " ,, .,...
11 17:1 "9 JIQ 11,! ll t'l n 201 tl S
17 " :w. 1.. t.• 17 11 :IQ Ill ~.l
11 Sl 2o 1JO 1.1
ll H 11 " J.6 9!1 1 JOJ.l
S J 5 I 1,9
J J 2 1 ?.6
J JO 2.0
S" J l 1.1
DIM ltllit tlM )
11 ,, :: "~ n 101 ~5 1~1 II IO 31 If! u .. 11 111
16 1S 21 11
1l II 11 ii ll ll 11 SI
10.6 •• •• ••• ' '
11-3 Victor y
To Gauchos
111 Opener
OOck College pitcher Rick
Peregud ello~·ed just one
hit in 6 2/J innings and his
teammates backed him \\'ilh
11 hits as the Gauchos opened
the 1974 baseball sea.son \\'ith
an 11..J victory O\'er Victor
Valley College, here, f..fonday.
Peregud , a sophomo re right-
'hander, struck out nine and
\\'alked just t"'O. lie ga1•e up
a two-run home r in the fourth
llov wu..," T<t11y
lt•"ll•! Tr1>~tll
"""JI Mllrt ngt
1?7.1?)6 10
Ull70 •121 J 7 I S I.• l dl-!11·11
1l .~ .~ ,!~ i:1
11 .. 26 211 1).1
.... ~1 Ill 11.4
11 ,, :t2 '" 1.l 11 4 'JO I ii 7.J
16 29 21 SS 5,J
11 ,. 12 .. a.1
11 ll 11 .Sol 4.S 1 4•12 4.0
I 1 0 2 7.0 I.I Tw. U•tl
Mdl\OO•v M. Ct11+11r1n sr.,Mtev
O.i~e G••e" Aic~tf
M<F10d.,. JtCQIHi
s. C•11l1tr1n W1it1
••"'''"" 11 IU JI 30J 1<1.1
U 12 10 178 10.4
lt 61 50 112 9.0
11 60 74 HS 8.0 lJ ilJ 12 91 1.0
l6 7'Jll9Si
11 11 I 34 l.O
1 140 37 •.0
)10 •1••.I
• 6 • 16 '' J J 0 ' 10 2 l , 0 1.0
1 I 0 7 1.0 r l o 2 2.0 Etl11td 1 U.f)
!ftll !p t"I McClo•~•v 1 IO 31 lt'l 17.1
Conlt r lS 61 7S 161 10.1 !>d"kev ll ~ 11 111 t .O Han~~" 1 • 47 JS IO'I 1 1
MoOde" I• 1• t ~1 • o Gr~l~ll 10 11 II 48 4.1
Nls!M'! 4 JS 1' •• ll.O Je-r•nkD / 14 12 (0 S 1
ICC<>IOS 6 11 I 21 3 4
B.il!ellng I O 11 71 70
Gl•N:ev 7 I 1 11 2.S fOU~ltl" Vt lll'y IU·SI
Lodt 11eln
Jell JOiiey Jerrv Jolley l roup
V~l t.1Jen1
Bis~ Vou
1 ft ll lp 1...., 11 !OS l1 )11 Ul
II 19 13 161 10.I
1• SI XI 135
11 Sl 71 I ~
16 71 1' l>O
11 76 ' sa ,, ,, lJ 'l
12 16 6Jll 1 • 6 11 J J 2 •
, 7 1 •
Hunn119I011 ••K~ 111·21
RA"~;" .. ~
Sc 1a.,..ln1~i 8~rrlng1r
Sc on
Jarvi\ Whi!a
I fl ft Ip
lf 196 1S 4.61
lt 11 1 '° 1&1 lJ 71 11 161
lt 6t " 166 19 6J 31 16•
l S 76 10 t 1 17 21 10 S7
10 10 12 J!
I I 11 11
1 • 1 It J , 1 s
' I 1 0 LllUl'lt ... C~ ( .. 10)
I It tT Ip 1"11,
l(len t lbetll 11 Jin ,, 1Sl 10.1
WrlgM la 11 72 23' 1l O
llt lht>un 18 ~ '1 l SJ I S St rrtno 16 59 11 1:16 ~ s
l(oeni9 17 Jl 11 16 '' McManu1 lS 11 t •S 3.0
Allen • 11 I •1 10.S
Wllleflt t 11 10 31 3 i
Pl'lfrlkll ' ' J 11 7.7 Cultin 1 2 I 11 1.4
Akll\A 170•4.0
ICi>eller F;c k 8rtnnlng
L111<!911I Jt t1kln1
M1r1111 UO.OJ
I It tT ,.r •~g.
10 ns :11 78t u ' If 110 'JI ,,. ll .O
10 100 :i. 239 11.9 '° 1t " 195 9.1 1• 51 ~1 166 17 lt 41 11 106 5.S
10 11 9 31 l 1 • 11 s ,, ,,
' • , 10 1.6
J 3 0 6 10
D•ilr l"not l"llolo bY L• 1'1ynt
f\.1arina lligh's \'ikings , lht
only u n def ea t e d 1>rep
basketball tea1n in Southern
CalifGmia , TCC'(.'1\'cd al! 20 fi r.1t
place vo tes in this week'!! poll
in c ont i n uing lheir
stranglehol d on the CIF ~-A
ranking s.
'I'he only shakeup among the
top four, ~·hich i n c l ud es
Huntlngton Beacll (No. 4),
invol ves Verbum Dt>i and
flaJos Verdes.
Verbum Dei's 1973 ctF
chan1plons w('re denlt a 61-57
loss by /.1L Carmel (!}-3) last
\\'l'ek, dropping the E:igles one
notcJ1 to third place.
1•a1os Verdes t 19·2) lake~
Verbum Dei's place, while
llw11ington Beach. d l's pi I e
anothl'r pair .of in1prcssi\'!'
victories. r<'m<i ins fourth.
Thus J\tarina's invasion of
EI Toro, MV,
Mater Dei
111 Ac tio11
Streak;ng El Toro H;gh
looks to tack on b:isk!•fh;ill
victory number t•ight to J!s
current winning streak \\"hen
it OOE:ts Heritage High tonight
at 8 at Mission Viejo High .
Meanwhile, in I e a g u e
activity, Mission Viejo is al
Saddle back for a Cres1\1ie w
Le ague tussle and Mater Dci
hosts Angelus loop rival Jlius x.
Both games start at 7
o'cloc k.
Coach Wendell Witt's El
Toro Chargers. hoping fo
duplicate the success of the
the CIF's I-A playof(s, are Ml!t r 011 C11·71 Challenge Accepted :;~::"1; ~:b~!rn'c:'rth a~~
~'.~;1~~j~ \~ i!: ~ ~ \~ ~ ~~;:i~~t tovi~!~ tt;:; a ~i~h~t~
l!trt inu.. 11 et u 201 n 1 1-lcri lage. a private .school De1n It 74 ,, 11• 9 I ~thvltl 19 '1 1s 1&1 11 ' M R ad F T ll T k from Anaheim,
Prl1•' 19 ,, " 101 ~J es a1i e y to lice a as Ect1es 1s 31 1 1J ss 1 1-l e r it.a ge comes i n t o
Stemm•~ 1 11 1 11 11 tonight's game with a 9-6
}luntlngton Dea<"h f r i d a y
nlght finds TH£ CIAtl.lE 11
a dupl1ctHt"-'.'\o. J against No
C l~ TO" 10 ...
"••· Tt t fl'I, ,,, .. , "'1"11 I. MArlf\t ll0·0) 100
' l'dlOS Vu•Ot l 119 '1 l'l
l Vtr1111m 01-• j lt11 1.0
•. H11rt!ll'g•ofl ll•1cn (l,·11 111
l. l1Hn1 (11·31 HO
'· Crt Sfttllt Vtllef (lt·ll 14
1. Pos..ot nt (17~1 ll
! P1clllt 11671 ~
t , Torrt~ct (18 JI ~?
10 El llft.,Cl'IO !ll'I J1
Otllt rs. Lii W1!1Q<1 OS-l) •~; Cmnptnn
(1:1-41 101 St nlt Daro••• 11 •·11 t
Ml Car...,11 IJI) l , Lo"'·•ll ~1 •·•1
1; Lft MllllW4n !l~·l l !; LB Po•·1
05'5) 1; LB Jordan !ll9J I, ,.
1 S•n Cnl)rl#I i;. 11 '.'1'1
l l~<l•nlOQ,t\le +11 J/ in/
l G~ne!hd ll8 ll 11,
• l·.,ll•rollu 11• cl 116
J, lngllwo<l<I 116 6) "6
~ ll;•!tll~ (16•S! ~•
I P""'rnount \16 'ti 11 e ReGOl\llull&•l ~~
~ PalfTl '>llt11\Q~ 116 SI 3,
\U Nor!n lli~tr,IOe (IJ.SI '.W
Ol ne'•· $! Monlta lll·J) 1J• Ci!•emon• 11\.S) ~ lu•rln (I • ~I
Arroyo llJ •I 6. Cl\1t10 (IJ J1 't: C.~lr~n
Ill·•) s; c.im«1rtl l ; S1nrlego (l• Sf
1. A9PU•.1 na.n 1U
2 \":ftlnu! i I? 11 I~~
l (e.,IM• (19,1) HI
• H~n•~I l!S-•l 1:••
~. l!re!"rtn {1'-•l ~'
6 AIUift /16·!! 89
1. M"•la•f (!0-$1 II
8.Gallrlll·~I II
9. Sant" Cl~ra (11·11 J~
10. El 001,,do 02·61 71
Ot/\er~: Mlr•lt llt p ,.ll H ; S•n
M•rlno 114·•1 9, Norooll I tl..il ~:
Yuc"'P" fl2·~1 " LA C•nan1 (11 -tl )
•· l<o~~I Oa~ (IJ·~l J, Sin C!t rnenTI
Ol·SI J.
• ' . ...
Yik es, HB
Remain 1-2
Unbeaten ~farina and the
17-2 Huntington Be.1th Oilers
cootinue to ru le tile roost in
Or an ge County pre p
basketball rankings a rt e r
another pair of Sunset League
l·luntinglon Bea.ch gets its
chance to unseal Marin11
Friday v.·hen the two collide
at Huntington Beach in TIIE
The biggest change i n
county rankings is at third
place, where Katella li igh's
Knights exited to fifth place
a fter a Crestvi e\v League loss
Mun"I" 6 • • 11 11
scn•i•fer 9 7 IJ 17 1' By ROG ER CA.RI.SON success 11.·ith his rebounding'. tlme v.·e've played J im has overa ll and 3-2 Academy •
Fli!(nt r Mlu lon ..,1:1~ !0,.,,~ 6 0 ' 0 1 rr.. 0 1111 P'llot 11111 Costa f..iesa is on it s \l'ay been assigned 10 cover that League record. Sophomores ORA NGE COU~'TY TOP 10
to Tus tin .
l""lg 'u ",l "" 'f11 ',~~; Usualy if you measure s-2 1.~ lo its best season since 1966 team's best offensive threat Brent King and Jim Martin, Pos. Team , record Poin ts
Fue•!\o" 11 ss '19 139 1 1 both 6-2, pa ct> !he Patriots. l. Marina (20-01 60 6~~~~~oti ~i ~~ ~ ~~~ ;: and someone suggests you after posting a 12..U mark regardless of position-guard , Gary Connally, who has 2. Huntlngton Beach (17-2 ) :>4
1•ova1 11 J9 u l!l.I 61 move to the inside and play through 18 games. forward or post. averaged 24.5 pomts per game 3. Lowell (14-4 l 38 Mtu<Of 1' 76 ll 15 ~ J Tus I ewe 10 u 1 J1 3 1 the post against opposition Swain has done it all for "Jim is only 6-2\~i. but in his last .two contests, is 1. t n ( l~l 37
Ht rrl• lG ls 5 JJ J s d ood 5 Katella (16-5) 36 ~!~,j!' : 1: ! ~~ ~: substantially taller and bigger, 1.·lesa an a g indicator he plays like he's 6-4 because El Toro's staWtical leader. ·
Pei,,_, ' J o 6 6.o the first reaction the average is his perfonnancc against of his ability to hang in the Mission Viej o alms to kee p 6. Fountain Valle y (13·5) 31
Miiier J l l 5 10 . h h Id 1..-Santa Ana Valley Friday a•·r." Saddleback as the only 9.'in!ess 7. Troy (13-4) 17 Ntwteia 1 1 1 3 1.s guy n11g t ave ~·ou ve to . h 8. El Dorado ( 12-6 l 13 N•wPDrt He,,_ !IM I n1g 1. H' · 1 h led team in Crestview circles and
Test Foes
Needing help now in order
to win the Orange U:ague
basketball title ou!right, San
Ch:n1ente Hi gh looks lO nearby
riv.'11 Dana tlins for aid in
a full s!aie of loop gan)e.'i
Aft{'r leading the league for
Sl'\'{'n games, San Clemente
L~ now tied for the top spot
11 ith El Dorado. In order
lo <'!,1in1 the outright C.Tovm
:-.01111· other tc·anl \\'ill ha~·e
In d('feat El Dorado vt'hile San
I 'll'111ent1~ goes undefeated in
thl· remaining six ganles nf
1hP :;eason.
Il ana Iillls takes its shot
;1( r:1 Dorado tonight at El
llOrado 11.·hile San Clemen1t'
ta kes on Brea ut Brea. ln
n011•r games. University hosts
Sonora and Laguna Beach is
at 'ialencia.
1\ll are sctieduled for 7
0'1'lock lipoffs:.
l)a.na lUll s. J-5 In league
pl:i.v, has lost t~·o of its last
three games, but neiUie r
ct('feat has been by more than
three points and the Dolphins
arf' capable or beatin g any
lf'am in the league.
Center Ke\'an Peck (6-71
\l'll l be counted on heavily
for rebotmding and scoring
l\'hi\c senio r forward Bill
Springman \\'ill likely d r d\I' 1 the crucial d e f e n s i v e
assigrunent on El Dorado's
J inl DeWeese.
Sa n C1emente, which took
a pasting from El Dorado the
last time out , hopes to rebound
against a Brea team which
has bttn among the most
i111.."00slstent Jn the leagu e.
C:uards Bill Rernolds and
J\fike Lowe and center Barry
\Veston (6-7) are the key
players for Brea.
Uni versity, in search of its
first winning season, can draw
to the .500 level for the season
and go a game above the
break-even point in league
play with a victory over
So nora.
Returning all-league center 1 Bob Hook (6-2), who averages
better than 15 points a
g<1 me leads Sonora w h i I e 1
forward Paul Simon is the I
key player for University.
University enters the game
with a 9-10 season record and
4-4 in league play.
Laguna Beach, meanwhile,
is a heavy favorite to keep~
Valencia among the winless
te ams, having taken an easy 1
\'ictory in the ftrst meeting
be t1veen the t11.·o sclx>ol.! this
Saddleback's Bob 1-J o e n
batted in three runs voith a
bun t hit and a single while
teammate Doug Pryor stroked
a triple and a single. John
Springman and Steve Will iams
also had two hi ts for the
season. O'Flaher!~ ,: :J !: ,;~ ~~ he.ave a sigh. then go about Playing against a front line for 1~4~un~!m:.s s=::.n on ls a solid favorite to do so. 9. Santa Ana V;il!ey I 11·6) 12 ~:~.!.'' A• l: !~ !~ l~ rn o the task as best he could. of 6-4 . 6-4 and 6·5, Swain the team behi nd Cnmnlins. !\'farly Zogg, 1.-il.ssion Vi ejo's 1:;;1;0;. ;Se~n~·i;le~i~12;-0~1 ~~~:;;l~O~;;:;;:;;~~~~~;,;,;;~
SPl"ll''' 11 s1 !1 151 :·; Not so for Cos ta r.1csa accounted for 16 points and Swain and his !\iesa mates 6-6 center, is his team's topll ~~~~r :~ ~ :~ '~. ~:t Jiigh's versa tile Jin1 Sv.·ain, 16 rebounds despite missing are currently ai1ning at a CIF srorer. having been in double DON'T DISCARD THOSE ~~~~~:·' : 1; 1: ~ ~ ~ the r.tustangs' do-everythi ng adl most1eoulighlrout mibn1utes of action <l·A playoff berth. but the fi gures in ei ght straight league ~~:;; ~ ~ ~ 1~ 15 baskelball player. ue to e. future past that in basketball games. OLD TENNIS SHOES ! ! o.v 4 2 o 1 i·~ Swain must move to the Again.st an Estancia zone is cloudy, although th e !\later Dci, me a n \Y h i I e w • ....,,.,-• ...--.... ,_"" ,... __ ,_ ......._ Wt>Odt>ec~." c~•• <\,.s~ ' 1 0 post to take the vacancy he clicked for 38 points, University of Pacific may be hopes to climb out of the ANTHONY'S SHOE SllVICI
Saddleback ret urns to action
Thursday, hosUng College of
the Canyons at 2:30 in the
opening round of the Orange
Coast tourname nt.
D"'o IC a IOI I
Dlllo Doug let
llo1>1rt1 51•~•0
1: 1]1 ;; ;~~ :;~ created Uy the Jos.<> of 6~ shov.ing his outside scoring in line for the all· round Angelus League cellar , having •WISTCLlfF,LAZA·LIDO•fAIMION tlLAND•COIONADILMU
n 1• n 111 9 s John OJmmi ns. \Yho .suffered potential . Mcsan's talents. 11·00 only one of its first four1 •-----------------------..
11 69 21 16s ', "Jim's a silen t leader,"-;::==:::========::, ;~l~oo~p~co~n~l~es~t~s:;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l r:;;:~'.;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:;~;:;:;;::;;~~;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;~;:;;;;:;;y
Sadtt ... c:k !111 .. '
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 '
' ,..,
' ' 0 ' 0 0
l! ;~ 1~ ~ ~ ! a broken jaw in the recent notes coach Bob Sorensen.
i; ~ ~ :! 3 s loss to Santa Ana Va lley. "He makes so few mistakes • SEE THI NIW 1974 DOES YOUR CAR IDLE ROUGH? WE
• 13 • '1 ~·~ But Swain not onJy doesn't because of his intelligence and ...:-•. SIR. WALTERS START HARD?
' ' ' ' 0 '
; : ~ 6 ;g blin k when informed of the h h · · • •w-cL DATSUNS GIVI POOR MILAGI? CAN HELP 1 1 , , 1 3 task that lies ahead, he w en e que.suons you 1t s u.n To 11Qar•01wlft.U
' ' . ' 0 0 ' ' 0 '
r i ~ ~ ~~ relishes it. a legilimate question . "'~.:.~~~~":~r COSTA MESA DATSUN THE CARBURETOR SHOP Unlvtl"lll~ lt-111 "Jim's observant and can 2052 N Bl d 2145 HARIOR ILYD CM
I .. ft Ip I VI cl·~~·~\ ju
st ha\'e ~O ~? some direct changes from the noor , c.. •• -... ewpo~ ..... ~ . 540-6410 ' ' ' '':~i''.:!',~:~.'~ .... _..~:M ' ' ' ' 0 0
' ' ' ' 0 0
Git" l(M~•ll•n
w nite
N 1c110l1 HtrdnglQn
Mu1Unl• M.,,O(d
Pvl,.dt 'K' EngulGll'!OI
:: : ~~ h~ l~ ~ a 1t1ona screening, says saving us timeouts. And every
19 '~ ·~ 11) 9 1 s1~·ain, "play a little post.-------------------i: 1~ ~l l~ ~ ~ defense and becoine a prime . ' ' 0 ' ' ' ' 0 ' ' ' JI 11 ·~ ,., '""!"''
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 ' ' " ' ' .. SMldleNc~ no xn 011-11 11 1
Victor V1lley OXI 200 001-3 7 1
Hoop Poll
n 1, 11 "' '·' rebounder. 961'76 ;7
11 10 J n i.e "It changes my outlook on ; ! ~ :~ : ! the g.'.lme somc .... ·hat, maybe ; ; ~ ; ~.g a litt le lcS5 scoring and a
4 1 l 1 1,1 little more rebounding and I 0 ! I I 0
•••tm11111wr n .. 1•1 looking for the outlet pass."
Wt llh J 1lf n :i!~ r:J \\lith that sort &( attit ud e
~~~'::', ~ 1~ :} ~!; 1~~ and a straight A. avC"rage
~~~";:i"oo H ff l: ~ s.1 academically, S\\•ain appears
H•l.,..rM>n is 11 10 "" !:: to be a bright prospt.X"l for
J 1r;a1 10 11 J 's •..s colleg iate pla)'. LorCI U IS t 39 7.6 ~.~1i:o.i 1~ ~ J j~ 1.s Addi tionally he's the tcam·s
ICYn•r • 1 3 1 1:~ leading scorer wiU1 310 point s
TM TOP TWtfl!Y, wl!M flr11-o1e1;9 :~":~ ~ ~ 2° : /:~ !n 18 gan1es for 17:2 average,
¥Olft In "ren"""'· ... ., r~cord1 Sc111n1111r 1 o 1 1 1.0 1s the team's leading slx>oter •I'd to11! l!Qlnl"
1. ucLA * 16·1 916 at the free throw line and ~'. :;,.~:oi~:. sr ~t: ~~ has clicked from the field al
" Nor111 cerouna 1s.1 ... , Colle~~e Golf a 52 percent rate. J, Vtt!d .. l:lll! I 1'·1 507 ...... 1
,, Ml•Q...it• 11.2 "' lte s th ird on the team in
1, ,..,.rvt•nd ,,., •24 assists and has been b' •. AllNl'l'I• lS-2 m ua.A .... TOlJmllMftt a 1g
•. L" .. •cl'I st. 1'"2 m 1. vs1u !dOJ, i. uc 1rv1r.1 1•'9L factor in the Musta n g s •
l o. ,.llllbvrl l'I 17•1 U! 1 UCLA ("71), 4, UC lllvanl!M tn !,
11. ,.,...,kltn<, 1'-' 239 UCI 0 (10.t rt: G•r•t'd. 101 Olbb 71:1 RAB
11, lndlt ne 1w 117 l"oattr 16 1 ltoblrbon n: Wis~ n : RITT
11 kvll'I C1rotlr.1 lW H S S!f!O'r ti ,..fJ 14 use 1"3 110 ....... 'w..t 14t) l•I 01'91111 <••ti ...J.' AUTO-MOMIOWN•llS 1$, Uol/ll\11119 l'-J 10! fet M!llftff"""' IMc:lilf) •
16. Mlc~IO•" 14..l 71 l i'OW11 IGl dtf Horner, D.76, •·1. • --INSURANCE 17, 1C1n .. 1 ll~ 42 Let lGI cMf, Mlrl!I', 1W ... H .
11. Tt~••·E I ,.110 lf.J 10 J r11111 (CJ del. WOOdcKk, t'·fO, • _ 1914 H.n.r ..... yffd
lt. Oral 11-"' 1"J 13 Giu~d fG) dtl. Hotlvtr11d, eo.a2. r::'l COSTA MIS.A & 10. Mcl.·Ei ll. Shor• 1t.O 11 1 \~ /
Olke•.t r~•lvh.g vote,, I I t I• d 4• p.,.Otr IGI ll ld 11 .. nlff, IUS, J.J. (,ji::::3 548·5554 /
•11'Nlllf!C•l1"1': Arll<l!ll, Arlrone Sltlt,1--~°'~·~m~t~•:• !"'~· !'~·"'~"~""~~"~·~·~·:.· -'=========~-~~~~·1 C 1 nt t 11 1 ry , ir 11 rld • St a t e ,
Ml• .. chllMlttlo McN-Sltl9. Ntvldl· • L•• V'911, Htw Ml•k:O, l'vrdu., SI, 1"0h~t. t.H,Y,. 1t1.r1t1etn 1111 no I1,
i:;I Y!'-c-; Ultll, Wl~ln,
radio pager VEi I I LA E YAMAHA
Chevrolet Caprtce Cla.5.sic. Why settle for something else?
• --.-n .. -... ...,.~
Mr.::i ao~ltoa
CHdlt approval
f)!f ''.'f, f f'fJUNT\
1:,1l1f1r1111 11rn'l1
\/ lll'll'I I'd
RIMO StrHt $ 359
TX500 Stroet $1122
L T3 Enduro $ 469
AT3 Enduro $ 519
CT3 !nduro $ 619
MX250 Dirt $ 719
MX360 Dirt $ 910
SCSOO Dirt $ 925
All f''*t + D1M1P Pr-. + hlft T•• + OMV ''"
34342~ Pacific Co1st Hwy., D•n• Point
496-1234 831-2720 (Toll lrHl
In a time o! t urned-back thermoatats and
lowered speed limits, some say we must also
turn our backs on elegance, lower our taste,
and settle for something else.
Why settle for anything else when you
can settle into a Caprice? If your needs incl ude
spaciousness and your pref erenoo dictates class,
Caprice should make sense fo r you. Caprice,
the uppermost Chevrolet, is ad istinguished car,
soft and comfortable lo sit in, smoo th and
quiet on the road.
Why settle for something else when you
can enjoy t he Caprice C188S ic at your local
Chevrolet dealer' st ...
. '
... -··
. Alamitos
"• T_1,, l'ffnl.llT I.
l'I"' '°"' J1•J 'l"lll:IT •Ac• -a r1r111. J Y••' •Id m1hl.n1. Cl1lmlng. PYfM t l,bQo,
c111m1rog prlc• u .oo:i.
C1!1 II IS Tr ........ 1 1
IC1!1..,._wl-fT, Llp111m)
TMT\I (D, Mort1$l
,_,.,,,., air MhJ (L . l•llC~I
Flwt l rnft (J, Rld11rdsl
SI. JOl'>tl'I Fl1•~ fO, M!IC!'llll)
Pllltev O!lle (I( Cltf111r>
Fly ,t1w1y'1 J1ck""' (J 0.0'Vt r)
Summ1r Jun.t>I,,. (J. w11oon)
Tommy'• Luck (,,i . W••d)
Al11 •U1lbl1
'" "' '" '" "' 1:1
"' "' "' "' Olo. F1alll-(J. Crt1g.er) 111
ll111non Deck (l . Mylts) 122
0c>t> R1plOO ll. WrlQlll\ l?J
Sllel~tll1 1!11r1 fJ. C•11ger) 111
l•COND ..... Ca -110 Vl'dl 1
Ye1r oklt & up. Cl1lmlng. l"UrJt
1111)!1, Cl1lml119 ll'IC't tl,600.
Tok111'1 Ctiltk !E. G1r11l
MICllCIU"" IL. '"'"'-d Ooglect e..., (J. W1 ra l
Dl•I llrlll<!Y (l WrlQhl)
l!l"Y'I ,tlrl CC. SmHll)
Ht nrv tl'>e 9Tn (J. 8100~11
s~ SPorl co. IC11lgM)
Gimme Bar U Wll>Qn!
l!!llt lll'll
Fl llfY Wiiiow fJ. Rlclllrdsl
Wtlch Rocke! IE. G1ri1)
Lcrw Slgn1I CJ. Cre111t d
Ch ... Ollee Dunc1n (D. Ml"l'llll)
'" "' '" "' "' '" '" "' '" "' '" '" TMUlO RACE -(00 v1rd1. J ye11r
olo;I mald1ns. Cl1lml1'19. P urH 11,'°°,
C11rml11U plrce 13,000.
' .
One of lbe: most iinport&m thi"JI
in g¢1( il good (ootv.·ork.. Without it
you cannot hope to have good
tempo, balance 01 tim ing.
Yet many golfer1 play in ahoca
with ru ndown ,piktt. ·rhcy waste tit-<i) ·~
ergy trying to retai~ finn footi.ng lhal ' i) (£)~
they l>hould be using to swing the W ~
club. I also btlievc lhat poor footiug Cf>
crcat~ a subconsoious fear of fall4
ing. This cau§Cs the player to hold
back from ma~ing a full, free swing-
ing motion.
l\'cw 1pikcs might be just what yoa
need to take top money in )'Otlt fOUf'o
i;omc nexl wctkcnd. ~-..... -·
Le111 Iron' from Th• Rough. F'tieh1n1 fl"llm·Woedt Uphill ind
Oo•ntrill Lies-th111 ltfld othet ahoa 1r1 dli.il9d' tor JO'.! ill
Ar l\Okl P1lm1r'1 booklet, "Trouble Shots." For your topt', 11nd
20t end I tlamped, Mlf·lddrUMd en'tl'°Pe to Arnold P1lm1r in
c1r1 of this newspaper. '
Basketball Sumn1aries
D1ndy Dint IT. Ll1J111ml 121 ,...,1nm1n
Date Nears
?.ta.ssacre 111 news runs on
lht' heavy side today a!I lhe
four combatants gird for the
gala basketball double header
Valentines Day night a t
C o ro n a de I Mar
' -High. Newport Harbor High
coaches held two I 11 e g a I
weekend workout' at the
YWCA in preparation for the
Feb. 14 8:30 duel witll Corona
del Mar tutors. And CdM,
reconsidering its b o a s t f u I
stand that it will beat Newport
wilhout practicing, has ~ted
a scrimmage \\'1th the \Uaily
Pilot sports staff \Vedncsdav
afternoon. ·
The sports writers. looking
to settle an old score with
CIF adversary Lou Joseph
(releaguing culprit), tuned up
for their Feb. 14 7 o'clock
confrontation with the CIF by
crushing an AAU team, 103-67,
Monday. The AAU squad was
a v.'heelchair group.
Trap1ca Bir to. Knr111111
Don'I De Tiii! (J. Ma!svdal
Redd! M11Td U. Richards)
1i1 Clltl• M1•• {f•) 1J1) s .-. V1Uty 111 D1•ar1 (ll~ F ll! Lorntllus
111 w 111. 11 1 F en F••a111on
0 1111 Mllll 1'11
~otmala (61
Ml~ll!\'ilcz (11) ' ' ' 0
U'J '""Br• (91 Fs1io
(O> Wt l>l
Ne\vport coaches added Bill
George to the roster, kic ked
B-Ob Hailey off the lea nt for
sassing an official and plan
to dedicate this game to Jules
Gage, whom they say retired
Win's RtlOICT (E. G1r1a)
Argo Qulnon• (L. Wrlgl'1)
P1mpered Doll (L. MYlei)
HIPl)Y El'OUOh l R. Adtlr)
z • .,., Sun Deck (It. C1rrt&Co)
E rldlcalor (N. P111lol
Alie l lltllllt
122 (QCK (l) c (9) Fldvc<I•
ITT Mulllgon (6) G 161 Dim••
l U 'Vo1tnQ (11 G (1 1 Zlllullo
112 C:M .. coring Wb" Flon•o~n 4, Ar-in rnent! 1, Chubbuck 1.
122 HsU!lme: MtSll. 25-10.
Olck.-, Bllll1 Joe fJ. Brook.1) 117 Fttlhmen
Ru!1rk'1 Von cs. TrNIVttl 122 Cllll MtMI IUJ (n ) CdM
wri A C•ech re. Smlt11J n1 0 AILM> ear (J, OrTo't rl •>> y1or1 !16> >' 1791 Black Wiiis (!D! F (01 A~in
,.OURTH I.I.Cl! -5.it y1rd1. 3 Cook !91 C (!) !.lmie~
Ytllt okh & up. "'"ow1nc1. Puf~I /Aylligin (() G (51 [•isr111a
11,700. M11lf\o H ) G 1.S) LO'Grande
SP111l11! Lova (J. Dr~) 1\7 Scaring tY!JoS: Cost• /\'~• ~ Flfna-Fleel Bid CO. C1rda111 nz gen 10: CdM -ElleM~· 1, H1111ht• J.
On lteqL'tll {T. LIPhl"') llf Halltlmt: CdM, l'l·JO.
Mln1lrel {M. Blcl<tll 119
C«ky ICld (R. ,t1d1lrl 122
Cr..rglng Ckarllt ID. M ... rl1l l!t
Ml1• G<>llOClo {IC, Hert) 117
Bre•llng Cr1ek CL. Mylt1) 11'
CorM On 0.Ck {IC. (lerbMI 1!1
llllocle1l•n tJ. W•llOll) 119
"'"" ll:ACI! -150 1••dl. I yrar old1. ,t11iDY1a nc1. Purat I ,:ioo.
little Kid 5111 ... (IC. M1rtl IC1lll Gold CD. ICnlghl)
ROdllo (L. Wr!ghll
cr..rnpe.g"" Ch1r<;i•r IC. Srnllhl
Holst Boom CD. Ml!chftl)
Sl•BW Solo CJ. Wilson)
Flr1t llo (5. Tr11wr1)
CY!t In Clever {D. C••do11}
Mls1 81r Lott• IJ. W~rd)
Mr. Thrtt S!raws (T. Llph1m)
Also Elltlb41
"' "' "' "' '" "' .. ~\~
'" "' llrV<:edal• (0. (a•da11) n'
Gu•••• c 1 .. tln• ro. Morrl1 119
To lie (J, Wilson) 121
Jel's R«kell1 (IC. Hlr!l 117
Jl){TN lt,t1CI! -o100 yard• J ~ar
old• a. VP Cl•lmll!ll pun• S2.SOO.
Cl1lmlrog price 1.3.000.
Sy .. n•1 Run•w•V (IC. H1rU 117 Oulck reltlMI (R. Adt lr> 119
Mr. M1r1 l11r (J. W1rdl 121 Atlas Mile-Pak.
Agull1r (8\
Cr.1p0 (61
Wahl> !5) G
(U) H•rnunde>
Ill Rff'I
<01 s~••
111rl 2, HYnn 2, HH!wr 2.
H1lllme: Sonor•, 22·21.
Sop lie more
Ml1•lon Vlt lt (111 Ull •I Mllll•ftl
,tldi•T1r> •lD! F (12) Jol>n•on
CYnn!n9llam 11.i) F !ll (Ody
Zoog 1111 C :•l t'od1on
Ross Oll G (11 Tlv~nan
Ha11n1" C\4) G 1111 Es1r~a1
1"11!1Tlm1 scO<"e : Mll'il)n V\e lo, 11-:6.
Klc1pu QuHn (E. G•rJ•) 1l7
Mr. Ol1mond Moon !S. Trta~~•I ) 119
f lrKllarge ID. C1r<1011l 1\9
Joale S1!ln Bir (N . P11tla\ 117
Cllk kel\I Chick {D. Knlghl) 117
"'"'' llC. Clerriqe ) 119 Oo'!'I Look Bick j J. W111on) 11 9
Sl!VENTM a,t1CE -400 y1rd1. l V••• oldl & llP. Cl1lmlng. PY•!e '3.100. Cl1!mlng price IS.000.
~"~O "'·"·Tu tor 600-13 tub1le11
blt cllwall, with lf1da-in.
Truly Tried IT. Llp/llml
El Tora P1rkt• CL. MV!ts\ "' "' "' '" "' '" "' '" '"
• A good economy lire wUh four lull plies ol
slurdy nylon cord.
Rick On Man rJ. Rlchtrds)
°'1 Tllr HOUS• (S. Trel•vrt )
Turl'I Rt~ CJ. Ward)
TV!inl11m fN. Pilllal
St. Pete (D. Morris!
Big Jedd fl . Wrlghll
Noor Moon (0. ICnlQhtl
Ari Pippin fR. ,tld1lrl '" AIH EllJlblt
Wonder How IC. 5,...r111) 119
H1rvesl MoondYSI {l. Myles) 119
~IGMTM 11: ... c. -~00 Yl rd1. )
yur olch. Clalml"'ll• Pvrs1 12,00Cl
Cla!m lng price 1),00), ·
Oroo 0' Honeymoon IL. Mylrt) 111
Ga Rid Fo){ (J Rlchadsl 177
Roc:kln' 001 {J. Orertr) 111
Shady E~Brttt (C. Smltll! 1n
V1ley Fl-B•av (T. Lfi>111m) 119
MOOn LlpMenlng (J. Br<>0k1) 119
Zorbll's Dandy (R . Adair) 119
Superscn (S. Tre1111re) 119
Dl"'W Diii (D. MorTIS) 119
Moon MlstlClf'I OC. Har!) 119
HIMTM ""''" -400 v••dl. ~ Yt a• o!ds J. up. Claiming, l"Uflt 11.600. c11lm!ng price 11.400.
lil y WI• Cl>lc'. (l. Wright!
Roc~el J"" /J 111,1>1rllll
The Ellmlnl!Pr ((. Smllh)
Rock•! lri!un CJ. Drt vtr)
Trvd<llll Angef (l . Myles)
1"111 C1rln'. CJ. Srooks)
~light lley CR. Adelr)
Zorll!t's C1M IJ. Cr1ag1rl
Nttr. Rodi~ Poo ID. IC11lghf)
Lii Amigo (J. Wit.on)
"' "' "' -1'1 '" "' "' "' "' '"
Roller Derby ·
At Anaheim
For the first tin1e in the
history of the t<>am . the 1\·nrld
champion Los A nge l es
Thunderbirds v.·ill cpen !heir
roller derby hotne sea<;on at
Anaheim ~·hen they meet the
P h i 1 a de l ph i a '\'arriors
Wednesday at An a h e i m
C.orn·ention Center. Action \ltill
get under way at 8 p.m.
aL.lt •WAll •lD. l l. 1Al
4•110 1fl d•lnl _!!!~tor•) $-14-;-95
$ 6.95
.. ,,
. --.... .. , •' """"'-. ; ,
·'· ··~-. .--'-~·
2 .15
. -· ~_, ( ...
<... ' -
""'-· '"'
from athletic director's duties
lv.'o years ago.
Pro Basketball
,t1m1r1Clft •1sk1lb.ill A11od 1li0!0
Ulln 105, Vlr11ini• 9&
Iseri Collects Bole-in-Qne
eoor ... Lloyd bert flred a hol~in
one oo the slxlh bole at
Rancho San Joaquin Golf
lie used a lhnle-iron lo
cover the 110 yards.
MakeW•dne1d1y 11lght your night to e•t out. Al Del T1eo,
Wedn1sd1y night 111 Taco Night You get threet11ty Del ·
T_acos !or Ju1199c. This Wednesday, drive thru !or 1 famlly
11ze meal you won't torgeLAI prices yo"'ll find h•lli to b•at.
lrl1tol 1 PollsadnJ 4th $tr"' oH
et Ca1t1p111 Nawpart fwy.
lad Hiii ...-
Sat• AH fwy.
5156 W•rMf §, ..... , .... ,. COSTA MESA
1155 .. w
9' hl"~w
Belted Atlas Pacesetter."
s29~~"" ''Tu 101 E78-1 4 lub•le11
bli1Ckw1ll, wi(hU1d .. ln.
Two reinforcing bells of fiberglass cord
over two polyester cord body plies.
Full, wide 7-rib tread.
11!1 euc~w.u.l WHITIW.lll , .... 1 •. 1 .. f••I~ !••~~·••\ """" lrl~•·IA)
E78-14 29-;-75 34.00 2.33
F78-t4 31.45 35.70 2.50 ----G78-14 34.85 39.10 2.67
G78·15 35.t O 39.95 2.74
c~.-k ou• ~•lu•• en on.u 1lu 1.
'\lednc~ay's game will also
be another "first'' (or
Swthern Ca lifornia as it will
be the rirst game ever of
the new super lea~ the
I n ter n at i onal Skating
C onfe r e n ce . Oil change wvice. Atlas batterie$ for dependable power.
Rulgen !!I, SYC~r\ell 6f
Detroit 95, St. P111r''· N.J. 17
NlaQ~r~ t3. llvtf•lo 91
N. C1rollna SI. "2, Ouk• 11
IC~ntvckv 1J. LSU 70
Ml11lulppl Jt, Gt!l'f'lllt S5
Md.-Ee<I s~ore 96. Howtrd 16
~. Carolina 1&, (ft~lslus SI
T11'1nt.U~ 81, ,t11,1bllrn 10 Rlcl>m:>na 9J. App1l1elll1ft St IJ
WUl i1m I. Marv J,.4, The Ci~dll ST
V•ll<lffblll 67. Al•1Mm1 M
l'l0<1dl 18. Mls•i"lppl !.t. 1S Tula,,. IO, lllrmf"9'1t m S.OV!Mt'n 6J
A1nt1n Pe•Y 11. Murr•v ~I. IO illolrt 01..,. ti, Mic~. $1. It
_ <l'llcl9() LoYo11 11. l t wh. Ill 11 Crel91'>1on 11, St. ThPm1s Ml'lll. 41
1(1nw~ SI. 61. OOl1nam1 SI 4 9rlt Rotwtti 71. e awll"'ll GrNn 72
~lftMIOll W, Oklo SI 51 l:IMll II, Colort do 6'
C..-ilefllr v •1. S. 1111111111 ~s
Drain crankcase and add up to
tour quarts of E:iocon Plus Motor
CHL (Or we'll put? In Unfflo4'. OU r
very best motor
oil. foionly 15¢
mor• per quart).
Install two new 'Wiper blade refills.
Check washer 1ys1em.
• Refill wlnd1h'9kl washer aupply.
GQod Vllues, rfilrt in pr nef&l6whood.
Exxon atations displaylng the ValueCenter
sign are ready to offer you a wt de eelec-
tlon of quality automotive producta and
Mrvk>et et good value prices. Right In
your neighborhood, you can at-op for a
tire, a battery, get an oil change and much
more. Stop by your nearby Exxon Value--
Center and check out all the good values
Al offers end February 28.
!conomy power.
Alia. PA-;1,3, •llh 111'..s.ln.
ON -
At!11 PH0·2J,
wlll'l l11d•ln.
Look for the YllueCenter sign.
Blue V1lueCetater lip Identify ierviCe
stations operated by Exxon Company, U:S.A.
Price• and off era 1hown above are avaUable
et theae aervice 1tatlona.
'Rod YlluoCefttor....,..ldenllfy participating
Independent Exion dealera. Pricet and
otters may vary at thete atatlona.
' TlnlW1JS IDcMllltwlt'll 11Cs:ll:c
fUltUARY 5
Moe111'1 Htrou
Tlt1 Aillbtelln
Nia:ht C.ll•IJ
Sl•rn•trt. M1ri1 -Hetlppodp L.Mp .... ""' l:lO Dt1Mr'1 Ctiokl ·MM!t: (C) (90) "lfa Alivt"
(dr1) '68 -Tommy Ki!k, Sllirit1
Bonn&. lo~~~::-_
lMna bSJ
M11ndo Utlftt
hitl1 Thtttre
7:00 (])Og;)Nn 1
lowilil1 to1 Dollars I lltlt RIKlll
fllorit': (C) (Ziv) "l1lt World in
Ar1111" (dr1) ·~z -Gre1ory
Peek, Ann Blyth.
Gl11" Juoll ltobt(dl'lft1111'frl&ht·
fllH Id«, fr"*, Bein, ~wtlOle
OM1-fln1ilhi. 'CMll'• hD *" •
d"1iMPlltd by 11cohot 1nd lt:n.
Shltlt1. Knll;hl tfo,ii.i~I ,CQ-allll IS
his wlla C•or1M. wrio is hflplut
but r11liillc 1t1eut Iha + 1t111111hl
tnd wNkneua at htr llinb1nd.
GIOrp ltluJt~ portrays: 8lfnll
Dodd, ti!• 1u,..anfldu1t dlrldor
'll'hD 611111 £11in wh1t.ctuld bl th•
lul ctt111(1. to re i1h1 hl1 statui1
11 1_per1ormt1.
0 '117l Cll 'll"" ··--' (t) (IO) "Cl• lJlu h ......,.
(drl ) '7l -ltsl\e Nle!~n. ic.thr
Cannon, Mk:h11I Pllks, Johll SIXflO.
loulu Fletcher. Wh1n th1ir dttilll·
h r runs 1w11. lrom honi• 1fld be·
come.s t/le h1p.J10tlc prisOntr cf •
stnnre rellt iPUI s•tt. htr dis·
lr1u1ht 111r1n11 turn lo 1 1111n
whim job is lo ruc.ul ind 1tlu111
run1wly te1n11N1
I Mtt'I CrHlh1 $1w9
Hlgli ta1p1ml
Coiimull111 With JIMmy Mlftl
"°"'' "'° il Thi lolll 1)1111 tonlen
H11111nltltt FM• f1111111 "Thi
Cr1n11 Ar1 Flyln1" (Russl1n, 1957)
A war lilm locuslnt on 'lht holftt
front r1ther 111111 lh1 bettlffitld. I Saflri ti AdwtRtu!I
Whft'1 My Uni? I Lm LllCJ t:lO II (Cfil rf)) (i) " .. ~ .. Blllr Jim
Mod Squall Hawkins findslilmsell 1motlon1llf
(1.J) CIJ I 0111111. Bf }Unrril inwlved in 1 tou1h murdu tlst W Cs•t111dt when his 1o111-110 swe1thurt bert
(2 (6j Dr1pet him to dtfend her 50n ln lhl !1111 '~:fiE::= 11bb=o~1=~MKtr.
, llrild J 11 Plffcil le Hilu
Tltret stoo111 . flltfvitl .Aulc.IM
l :JO .. Tllllllfl H•I 10::00 O @ @ !RI m "'' ··••rlt 3 H1t111'1 KtTMS "Tiit J1hn WiiO C11an1td Iha N....,. ..
(JQl Heltywood Seu•rtt A profile ol ~miral Elnlo R. Zu11·
tMlp Tllr Mt!Pber · wilt. Chief of fbr1I Optntioni. re-
l Bibby CtWsbafl $Mw Wll!S !hi chanill BIHf lllW 91)(~1
Mlh $ Movie: (C) (Zlw) philosophJ undelWI)' 111 this aldnt
111111"1" Memnr (dra ) '56 -ol m'ilit1ry sarvices.
Esthtr Willi1m1, Ceorp N1der. "m 11) 9 fhn ~ lftfttlltt1 lil""r'!I C1Thi1J CIJ Ta Ttll thl Trull! G1J (}) fD M11a11 Wilby, M.D. 00 llt'I MtU A Dul na•l•'s Ni1htm111" A 15·Jllf·
;fJ DEBUT Thi HtlfMllallter A 1ix· olJ Me~lc1 n-Amuie1n 1lrt, runnlna: Pilt fU lde to the pith ll1 and pit•· 1w1y 1tlu btlnr: riped b1 the nu11
sure s DI bu1int 1 koits• In Los who ueks to 1dopt lllr, i. b•
An1el1s. fritntl1d by Dr. W11by'1 ~um, Coll·
a;')SbMUptlldClllll w 1IP ~ TM Chou! C1111 III On.,
7:45 fJil '"''"' ' Mtll!Olltt l :llO 0 <5 ([)) 00 M1ell1 Florld1'J 10:31'.1 llwlllfht Z....
hu1b1r.d. Henry, gets a pmmohon · Cortc11tr1tlllt
• which mt1ns florid a can quil her Bllt Cosby
Job 11 1 house~eeper !Dr the Find-Spi~l1ft ~
l1ys and be 1 fult·limt housewitt · MinKtl ltpl(Wclllaf
for htf family, but sh• doesn't • "r•IM IM Ltnl a.
lnow how to bre1k th• new1 10 11:00 I 0 Q '-ma>,. ... Maude. , 3 (j) l'19J ;J)'({l Mfwl
D @ @ llOl m All111-l? Twllir;tit °"' "trasb" Ma1lil1 bu1s 1 new cnl t "'"' M•toR which 1ets hit when he ind Rttd Mt¥\t: (t) "Cllltef Shllfl ...
le1ve lh! tar to 11unue 1 purse· (mys) '5&-Rithlld lodll.
sn1tcher Pn toot. Ill Mlsllo": hnp1$111111 Q MMle: JCl (2hrl, "A Con"•~I Moril: "SM+! Sflor:r (!Ira)' 'i4
With Dtatfl (mys) 6/ -G1crae -.hach Diderso"
Mahtns. [~rl Hollim11n. i Ci' Liwl"& Easj B THE HAPPY DAYS 'Allrtcl Hlttkod. ,.,.,.1111 * THE NOSTALGIC SO'S . D!! •t Ni1tit 0 [fi'; (J) al Hippy Days "Guess (i& (f,) Tbt PKH111 .
Wllo'.s Comin~ to Visit" Rkhi1 and ll:JO 1J (.'Ji @) [J1 CIS Litt Mn:
Potsit 1r1 willing to pa1 tht con· ("C} Oifi1 l~ri" {idY) '51-
seQuences it they'1e c1u1ht smak· Alan ladd. [rn1st 8or1nln1
Int oot .to ,see Fonzie drivt in I/I D ~ Ci).(fij]. m Jeh11111 . Cartel
lll11al m1dn11ht dr11 uct. Alben Brooks r uests.
IDMllr'I Cillk:t ....... : . ..,..ltftlM INUift,.
Dr111et . (Or1) '~Joh• Bentlt1.
la Stt.tr• S-11 D lftl (3; m WW. Worlll .. [•·
Mtrll: (C) (Z-r) "ttll Ille MM· irtlli1111WI "Cll111! o1 Sll1nc1" (R)
, .... (mm ) '53 -[lhtl Mtrmt n, Tht 1lory of 1 i~yilcktr wl!o par•·
I IHI llhrtn' .ltumal thutes to Jahty and posts 1J 1
Q1llR! novice morik in 1n lsol1!td flew
Coil!tdy Mexico mon1U1ry.
blltr C11MS 1:>0 &t·~rn>oo M•••1 1 r1 • ..0J J.Z.'ODW::._~'"Z"9" .. M~urett c1Us o~ 11t1n~tive HPD, ~111• ~~.~ l.Mra (iom)
JK>liaiitomtn. stnl(lr off1ters and
scientific lechnoloo wltrn lhe l:OO (})D (l). l~~Jlm
FiYt-0 forte 1s conlrontrd by 1 D 09J m _..,,....,
tents of live rape-murden..
D Hallmark Hall of Fame * THE COUNTR Y GIRL
Jason Robards, Jr.
Shir~y Knight Hopkins
0 Q.i 00@) m I $PIC IA& H11J. •tit H.il ff FtMI "The untryi
1:15 0 HiPWaJ '""' l:Ull,._.: ...... , .. ~
(mys) '5l-J11nn1 Cr1in.
Z:tO m Nl..ftlPt Sllow: "'Illy Un:
"'Th lml lat. .. •ti Albd
J:IO II Movie: "Acnu !Ill lrWI'"
(df1) '5&-Rod Std11tl'.
t:OO m "T1tt ....... h""' (com) '51
-Oan Murray, E. It. M111h1ll.
IHI (C) "Reel •1tt If MtR\1111"
(tdvJ '52--R!cltttd Wldm.uk, Jeff.
rey Hunt11.
l:JO fl (C) "Dr•• el Ahia " (1dv) '131 J:OO (J) .. Alt Ablvt [yt• ~•rt I (!111)
-Fr1nkie Ava lon, Uoyd Bochner. ·50 -Brtlt D1vl1, MM Bl•llf, MtrilJll Mon1oe:
ID:OO CD -n.· M&npd Min" (mys) '651 @J (C) "ltttl•pnd" (•d-) ·49
-Ul(l'l(lnd O'Britn. Ve11 Miles -Vin Johnwn, Jolin Hodial 8 °'P'J' W"itlleut Min" (111¥) '43 -liridl Darnell, [dp r Buchi"'n. '41-Sus.in H1yw1}d, 1 11,,.9..,,..., ,.,_<Cl t""1_1.,... • bslr111Nlrf" (susp) ·ss Mr Su•111tr 'hulNI'" !•IN) .,7_
' kl~tM(m8,,!)nt1.1,· ~It,,,!' t!Nd l C.. Rtblrt W11ner, l'tter Ltwl~d. ,. .,.,,1r 001. Q3 (i) ...,..: (C) .(illf) "llpt"
l!:tt e "'l'all!!OM" (1om) ·s1 -An· (1X1111T't12 -J1tkit Gl•Mfl.• .
Ulon} Dtx!er, [te1no1 P11ktr. · 10 (}) Mftlt: (90) "T'e "-4".M•'"
l :JO 0 ..,.,rb 9'1111 .. (dt•) '6l-P1u11 (!&:O ·g~. -'.'dmond · 0'81110. Jitwniln, SUlll)' Poitiu, (Qt Cf»'lll'fi\: (tit 'fl .... <ila>
"" •• WE ...
"" ..
-ll$1 ICIRIS$ Golden GloOe Award
(?('\'I•., ...... ., ~":.~~~:~~ ...
"CLASI" -Al 7iot • lf:lO
"ITllANfflli" -Al 1:4J
.AJDMph E. WM ..... 8nll f'loodw:Dont
GeOrge Glenda
!Segal Jackson .. ,.Md.., F....i._r"'"A
M A'taJ[..,i.....,"'-r-.-...·p--•
pl111 lw.l
.DCIDffiWf .....
I 8#M/ 0n IM contfot'•li•I book
lltllt .,..,.. ed oonNntional
1'"°"'" °' ""*"'""" l/fCheOlogy
' ..... ·--· ........... ·····-= ••• .,
• •
'Forum' Funny Thing in Clemente
The Lenn "musical comedy"
.aa genenJly practfeed in the
Ameriran theater is a
misnomer. 1n 90 percent of
the B r o a d w a y productions
thusly l abe l e d , what
"cornedy'' there is exists only
for the purpase o( bridging
the gup be.tween ooe musical
nu1nber and another,
Which ls why it is guch
a sheer joy lo encounter
another version of ''A Funny
Thing llappened on the Way
to the Forum," no matter
how many p r e viou s
productions {in this case,
four ) remain fresh in the
"A Fwmy Thing" i s
precisely that -a continuous
collection o( funny things in
an ancient Roman setting
concocted by Burt Shevelove
and Larry Gelbart with a
musical assist rrom master
con,pose.r-lyricist Ste p h e n
Sondheim ("West Side Story,"
"Gypsy," "Follies," etc.l. The
vehicle was so successful it
v.·as revived last season in
Los Angeles and was reborn
on Broadway.
TllE LATEST place that "A
Funny Thing" is happening
is at Sebastian's West Dinner
Playhouse in San Clemente,
a relatively new theater which
opened last fall with an
attractive "Oklahoma " then
played to continually sold-out
houses with an extended
''Fiddler on the Roof."
Sand\viched in between such
giant s as "Fiddler" and the
upcoming ''Man of La
!\1ancha," "Forum'' ma y
seem like lightweight fa.rr,
v.·hich is what this wild and
v.·acky show is intended to
be. Though hurried I y
assembled in a dozen
rehearsals by director John
_.,._._ -.... ·'
CINEDOME 20 . .'.
' ~·~·· ._ ·~ Li:I.: •ti.J
.... _,.,, .
CtNIODMI 21 :..:, •' .~·. :-:.-· ~·:.r'I.: _-...~.-,
fine voices, are particularly for a recurrlng cameo as a Sundays at th e d i n n t' r
tmpttl:Sive ln the Sebastian's befuddled old man. playhouse, J-40 Avtnidn Piro.
West production. Ernie Colliru San C1emen1c n~serva1lous.
plays the young man with CIJORECKJILAPHEK Duinr at <i92·9950, arc rt>qu1rl'<i.
lnt.nniaalon gutsy eagerness, while Charan Lovella has given the ,---
Levitan ha! the well-rounded courtesans -Denise Dales. J!~· r~erLacca , there. is Ii t t I e comedy sense "'ilh which to Di ane t.turray, Lissa Bell and
ampll.fy •-role as the C.1ltistine Jenkins -son1e ' eviden<.-e of laxity or oomer 110
cullinfl in the 0 v er a I l vacuous vi rgin . pleasing dance routines. and ~.'f«Y: • A t do t " o 1g l h e Miss Bell ts ch~arly the nlost flN.tJ. WEIK production. s an u am 1 On the contra.ry, "Forum" ~'Upporting perform~rs i s memorable. Kasey Crosby and RPlll!h'f
is a comic delight from start Christopher Coddington (\Vho Doug Manes garner many
10 finish, with some high-gloss appeared in both "Oklahoma" quick laughs as the ubiquitious WMDliURll
touches of imagination in a and "Fiddler" I, s h aven· proteans v.1JO , li ke the •
show which suffers from about headed and lisping (or hi s courtesans. have no lines but
as much artistic restriction latest assignment as the put in a goOO deal of work. ......... ••
as a tag team wrestling match courtesan procurer. ~I i k e "A Funny Thing Happened • .........,_
or a spirited Roller Derby Scott, a replacement , has th e on the Way to the Fourm" ....... DN
contest. stature for his role as th e is far and away the funnif'SI ....... .
swaggering v.•arrior, but both thing thal has happened in p,,.,.,.,,'.>()Oe 1ecnnocob'9
AT THE OORE of this his youth and hi~ 1i1nited voca l Orange Coast theater this rrornWau..::,, B<os.. ~
Roman circus is Patrick Lang, range v.·ork against him season. Pe r for m a n c es A. Wamet Communc..>tions Compan~
a cherubic-looking butterball . George Donk:a reaps applause continue \\1ednesdays through Wfflday-6·8·10
who oomes off like a younger ------------Sat. & 51111.-1 2.2 .4.6.1-10
edition or Zero Mastel, who liriiiiii!iill created the role or the ,.. G
scheming sl"'e Pse udol"5. 0 ' ame1 Lang has the timing. the
energy and the pure physical .,. r:~
dexterity to keep the show ttJllf-r -ti
rolling at a11 tinies. and he , e· ~ · WORLD CHAMPION
doe s so with aplon1b.
Joe Fletcher ;s h;lar;ous as , • ;:-:,.,a' THUNDERBIRDS &
~:~.~~~w ~~1~•, !'Y'~~~;·~r r THE TOUCH PHILADELPHIA
loosening to fl esh out his role. WARRIORS
u;s com;c "lakes" are well
executed and the "funeral"
number at which he is the
center Is outlandishly funny,
the high spot o( the evening.
John ~toran is a bit too
robust for his part as the
''dirly old man," but he
performs it v.•ith skill and
relish. Blanche Mickelson, one
of Orange County's top
musical performers. expands
the utilitarian role of the
suspicious wife.
THE RO!\.IANTIC leads,
usually s t r a i g ht parts
requiring only good looks and
McQ-he's a
busted cop,
his gun is
and his story
Is incredible!
Sii""• MCOll"" & l>nti11 Hoffrn.111
umE fO. ARST Plltl IN
llWlllM CDHIOOlotl tllHEI
(dcross lrom Disneyland)
WID.. FU. ~ I p.m.
TICllTS ll -14 ·13 -Clillt" 11dol 12 -!'1 l'ria
JOSEPH £,LEVINE ,..... .•.
GEORGE c. scarr,,,
THE. Di\Y J\'l.E P9,lll-f IN, . j,,,, . ,t ~ ~ ..... ~ ' ............. ~,,~,,·~ .... •• J ............ ,,~,·>1~ ..
al~o '"ON A CLEAR DAY "
..,r:J fOUNTAIN VALLIY ·~(,tf,)-P.-..o.. D ~~;;:;;".~;-;;;:-(;fl
"THE SEVEN-'uP~·: t!'G) • "THl'i IS A. Hl.JAC!(" !PGI
for this most s<>phisticatcd,
entertaining. and delighL-
fully satirical comedy
about changing sexual
mores and the efforbi, of
couples to keep pace."
-William Wolf. Cue Magazine
If your wife or husband has
never seen an X-rstcd
movie, 'Le Sex Shop' is the
one to take her or him to.
It is wholesome, refresh.ing
& deliciously funny satire."
-Stewart Klein. WNEW-TV
-.. ' ... SIAD/UM I . " "A.MEllCA.N GIA.FFITI" ... iU5H~""Dl\Ul£ NA.SOIVINO ~Rl rlV.lA\'ll IUSl.Ptl Lll\1NL
~iilEAU Kiti.'ii>sv.....,. M:C'KilENllY iOif.RTE.1tEL'r'fA
,_..,.... . . .... =.=~.o@
CIHIMI. CENTI.It 4-C .. I• loWw '1'·00
........... ,._, ._, .. _ ...
--. -···· SIAD/UM 2'
t. ,.,,, "·' •.:.hr"•
"CINDIELU. LllllTY" (RI ...
• _,,.. _, _..,. MIKE NICttOLS .___ ,..,._. • IPG! -=-~·:::~ .\""""", .. ~_.,, ........ A :
'(JHeof'th Best
A Sidne1 Glcni• Produdktl\
UA CINEMA 2-Cnl• Mn.a !4-0SH wrsta1100K t-WKlrrlln•ttr "'"'*1 _ ..... --....
L .... ••-ell
ao51!MEAO , ...... 11avrnel"lll
MlltAMAlt-S.~ Ctem..,11
• • •
' lpl( 1HIEE
MON • .fll.
SAT • ..SUN.
' ' 7°9-ll
STADIUM ·3 :;,:: .. ~~~c ·.:.11
TllEl!l[ 1111111
"SE•rtCO" IRI ...
WED. FEB.6 •.•·
• ~ ! "" ' • • '
at both , ..... , ...
WAY '"'> WE
llllllll 011
7:10.9:15 ....... ,
9:20-11 i1J ..... ,
'1'0M 12:45
(PG) • •
')'!l!:'.~~ 'lol>IWILD NEW CAn-~TOOflebdN· FEATURf l~J~'~"~"~~=~,.~.~ .. '..,~I
"' ~NC.AStElt ltVAN , .
THI Mi!IAD\11~
Of MUUN .-Cl
"POLICE'' -7· 10:40
1:30 ••••••••••• •••••
A Jim Mclride Film
" COlOI {X)
No One Unct.< 18 A.dmilled
tl!Alll 1'18
_.: ....
~.·THUl.•7t1S-9 :00
JllDAY 7·9·10:4S
SAT. 1+S·7-9·10i4S
1 P.M.
DAIL V fill OT
. • 9EA~H
l h llAtlC'f •'0 1100 1\1 I
•• ' 1)~0
Mi• Stoty i.t. hw.r•dibl•J
''o'" w.,,.., Ille• A ., ........ ~-·C..O.•"r W'
OAILY: 7:15 -•:40
$AT.-SUN: 1:00 • 3:1) -5:30
1:15 ... 10:00
l'lu1 n.11 Chlltlon.i;,..
Short 5~bjecl:
. c
Sil SU~
1l0.)lt .'~
I Jl.1:11 T •r 111 cWoodY
fi;T\ I
2 & 8 pm
n,,...T MliH fOt ~VIOU•l HI
J(llP,IJCll Willll II •vAIU.IU I
1\UTllU '91tf(JUWoKU ONlT
''''"'~ 1NOACM•HT Ct4A.llOT Of THI GODi • -·· .. , .. ,_ .....
..... -•l • ...... -••.• , ...
,, •••• , 11
el l -St
Of<lf Ol.v<GI COUMTT ll>l ~
M<Q •
I •n< oin ••• ......
111 •Ol'O
ONl.t •"'· .. ....,,_.. , ..... ..,_,,,. ' -" ._._
CA•IY Tl:EA.lMINT .._.
~.~ o •••• ,,., .. , ..
''-""'" iSo.) 91>1 1411
~OUll IO ._fT KAlllr'
CllN f 1-.srwooo IN
llAD MAN'S llY(l IN!
·-···-.. ·~ ......... , ........ ·-· 111 1"1
....... ntt!UICI • llOlftJ lllfOl9
l--···· _ ..........
WAlt DtlNl"T'I •AlllllflT SHOW!
WHITE WILDllNESS !fl '-:=:'"::Ullffol s J....ouGH 11, ... ,._, ...... ··-···"" S101•C. ....... \51·1011
W••-• .... -·· ...........
M J.J!o'tl
l'lllS l,lUL-
• • • • • •
• A Johnson"
• • • •
• • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
7-9-11 • SAT. & SUN.
e 1-3-S
SAT. & SUN .
• WINNER • 1. • ••
• • A li.luch Of Cla~~ • \',A • l't • :..
• • • WALTER • 2nd "'""TTH.e..u "THE LAUGHING POllCI N" • . ....... '• ....... .
T11esday, February 5. 1974
G•n•ral Gen•ral G•n•ral G•neral General ~~~~===I ;~;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;~
UNIQUE HOMES has opportunities for 2
sales people at their J\itesa Verde office. Neal
place to \\'Ork . ,\n aclive office specializing
in pride of o\1•nership properties. Phone Og-
den Sogn or Jim \Vood 546-5990.
Gen•ral General
IN TOWN LIVING with real country at-
111osphere. Good 3 bedroom ho1ne on large
135' deep lot. Close to Newport Back Bay.
Jlardwood floors. Double garage and screen-
ed patio. Priced 01lly $33,500 with a ssu1nable
6%'10 l~an, payable $185 per mo. including
everything, Call for complete details S46-5880
l'I~ Sfflitli ~
-Pride of ownership property in high rental
<irea. All units have a vie"' JUST REDUCED
TO $129,500. Don't \\'4lit or he.sit:ite! Call for
appointmen t to see.
CALL 644-7270
2828 E. Co•st Highway, Corona del Mar
UL&.. 0111 TAAD! A HOMl
General Gen eral
* Balboa Boy Properties *
4 Units-$75,000
Nifty duplex
Cust. blt, 4BR . Lux-
urious pool \\//jacuzzi.
Uest Joe., I blk fro1n
REALTOl{S Sl lll't' l!J·lfi
NE\V & shining ! Ready for occ upancy. Many
extras. Fully ldscp. 4 BR "New Bedford"
\'i'/FR, DR & lge rutnpus rn1 . Includes land .
211 1 Si n Joaquin Hills Rd.
Ge ne r a l G e ne ral
l~ve l y 4 bdrn1., 4 bath home on finest large
view lot. Forn1al dini ng room , family room.
May also be leased. $149,500
341 Bayside Or., Suite 1, N.B. 675·6161
2-STORY Adults only townhouse, adjacent
~ Mes.a Verde .country Club. P a rk-like set-
ting \Vtth beautiful pool and grounds. Offer-
ed at onl y $39,500. CALL -5880.
$155,000 675-7060 --MESA VERDE
golf course. Bargain atJ~ .... -'l"-•••••~·-~•••••!!'I
SH-4 ,500. 642-7491. General General
'""'!:""' HERITAGE 546-5880
Open Eves.
Golf Courie
11th Green is right at
your back door. 3 BR.
2 ba. home w/pool. 3
C a r g a t . $79,500.
3 BR. 2 ba . home.
Steps to ocea n. Drive
by 4804 Rive r Ave ..
N.B. $49,950. 673-7420.
S82,500 m REALTORS m Deluxe 11ni1s \l'ilh Oll'nrr's 3 J~edt'!X•lll. 2 ha!h ho nv.:
4 Local Offices to Serve You + :1 n•nl;ds, 2 bedrm ear:h. 0 NE STO Ry ""!!!!!!!'""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-I p RIDE 0 ,. OIVN E RSlll p .
General General
General DELU:'\f'. 11o~u-; i-t nd
MONTECELLO I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I _G_•_n_•_••_I ------, :1~~~\~ i< e '.111 ~.~'. ~.~:1~
CONDOMINIUM 5 BEDROOM "''"'""'""' "" ""' '"' $22,500 BIG CANYON Jl/i BATH b~'.;~:;;,""" now lod"ii Y'"'
<-Jnd just a short ~·nlk to $29 750'
lhe pool and cl ub rooms. FAIRWAY LOTS • • Ev0>·y th;ng yo" n'ed in o"' JOG TO BEACH
c: o 11\ P ac t condom!niun\ 'T'.. Unbelievabl• i>"t tr u" '·
This beautiful pool home ls
a real value on today's
markl't. The huge trN>-
shadcd Jot gives this hon1c
Newport atmosphere ut
other area prices. For
further information, pk·asc
Call :
· > Jud· g I t • "'O Ldc;'ll side by :;Ide sil£'S -= u ~ u c rn arge ni as er l p,,·n>" •·-,,ch a-a 1-nt•'on. Ld h 1 ht h ful or custon1 homes in Ne1,1•. " "" "' ..,,_ '-"'" roon1, r g c eer Fa mil•' siz('("! hf>rlc-n>•.. Sun /Ev•1
mod''" k'lc"·n p•' t port's ne1vest and niost e!e-.Y '"' ·' • " 1 ·~ • ·iva c Sc11aratc ~tolher-in-' -111's 64'5855
P''t'·u and 2 ""' ai•· h ct 0 ant resklentlril area. Each '-"' • , ,, .. ac e ~ quart e r s _ s fl c I u d c d,,,,;,,;;;;~ •••• ..., g-o•• A rar• 1,·,,d C ii overlooks th!! fnlrways and "-' b~-.. • a vcget ulJle garden. today! 546-2.113. greens of Big Canyon Coun-L 0 w _ L 0 \V 0 0 \\/ N
Walker Slee
lllAI. ••fATI
U!•;1ulifully kept hon1e in onr
11f Costa l\lc~a·s 1n o s1
dL'Sirublc !lrca~. Park likr
l:ind:-;capin~. Look,.: like I\
n1odcl hn1nl'. Jlt111 '1 1111~s
lhi!' nnl'. Cu!l Rc.:t f':orpL·T.
Hf'altors 645-l\080.
G e neral
OPEN TIL 9 • fT'S F1JN 7tl BE NIC[! ra ~
LO\V Ca$h to l\Sllunle 7'),.
VA loan \\'ith to tal
pnyments of S202 per n10. Shnrp & clcnn: Full price
S2'J.'.l00 \\'nn't last
11n1\·! i!47-6010 agt.
G eneral
L(trge 5 bcdroon1 and den borne. Great l<>-
catlon on street to s treet lot. $167,500.
bcautiiul horn l'Jl; in L'niversity Park. 3 bed.-
r~n):-., 21 '.! b(11hs. lamily room. \Vet bar.
Prime greC'nbclt location Offered for $61 ,950. •
Lov!IY 6 bedroo1 r1 tradi tional home. Cozy
fam ily room ,,·ith fireplace and wet bar.
Bonus roon1. S•1;im1ning pool gazebo view ,196,500. ' ' .
try Club. $69,!"JOO each. p A y r..r r: N T . T a k e
ESTATE REALTY udvantag~. Call no 1y !
2 BI-t + den -r 2 suprise rooms. Sprinklers
& low maint. yard. Soft decorator colors.
$68,950 . Betty Kerr 644-6200. (F26)
Gorgeous 4BR, 3'h bath, FR, formal DR.
New carpel & paint. Beautiful pool & pa-
tios. $135,000. Har riet Pen-y 642-8235. (F34 )
I.n JI . V. Hills-Lusk built. Warm & spark-
ling 3 BR + F R. New landscaping. Pool
size y ard. Qu iel st reet. $76,9t)O. Ken/ Helen
Hartley 642-6235 . (F22 ) ...
[Irvine I
The transferred 01vner must
S\·11 this in1nuu·uhite one
year old home, Complll"able
ne11' models are selling for
S:.!-1.51).J; so you'd better
hurry on this one! Call
Walker Slee ~l•l ft I A II
Help From Above
TI1c inconie !rom th<' l
bedroom apt. above the
garage helps tl1e fin;u1cing
or provides a handy guest
suite, So enjoy life in this
3 bedroom BeaMn Bay
hon1e. Private hl'Rl'h, rlo~·ks,
tennis rourt. Just rNlueed
to $85,000. Call 6·16--05:i5.
Tho BERG Co,
Successor to
On a 22,;£1() square foot lot
II l1h UL'Cl'!'S lo a potential
nui.rinu . 'l11rel' solld newer
2 !wdrOQin homf!:!I and ll
three i'.M'droom 2 bath tiomi:
in a i;w d residential are<1.
Grxxl in(·ome while the
n1;orkt•t 1.0<•1ns! JuJ;t listl'd
11.1 $fi7,51JO, Call no"· 67.1·8550.
OPf N /Jl 9 . 1r·s FUN TO IJf N/Cf !
Ge ne,. a l
'T'h!1 beautiful ~leill Verde
boine wa11 custom built for
rraciou• llvinr. Some ot the
n\any teat~& ot this fine
home are: 5 huge bedrooms.
twu tamlly ruoms. pool ~1th
J atunl, & exquisite catpetll
and drapea. All of this plus
beautifully lands ca ped
gt'OUndll, For t u r t h e r
Information, please ca 11 54;}-{»65.
Walker Slee
ll lA~ llfAlf
Giner al
Spygla.11 Hill's belt buy •
Lovely 4 br. hOme with ~
teulonnl landacaplnr and
top qullllty docor&t1111. Nu11.·
vacant and lh~ seller y,•a ntJ
action' A~kln& Sl39,000. t~tt
Harbor Vkw fl1ll 'a cleanttt
BALBOA PENIN. ho"'"'. "''"'""'. br. l\om• , . beautiful Channt'l Rd .,.,.Ith beautiful )'tlt'd d!vld~
bayfront · with pier. A tux-into ndul! area, n chlldll
urloua CUlltor11 bit, home 1u-ea antl u. i;prt•iul u.rea oU
v.·llh bll-ln• you cun't be-lhe mastrr bedroom. Lovel)'
Heve! A 32 Ft. \iv. I'm .. paneled den 11.nd a dellgl1t·
1uuoked glu11 • overlooking tul Orif'ntfll then1e thruu_&h·
the buy. 4 Bdrn\S., 4 La .. o~t th<" home .. AsklnK $91,500.
Jonna.I dlnlni rm. Designed Fee land .
by Bluwnell & Uult for pres-E , 1 • ent O\\'J\er.11. l96J. A pleasure astblulf s O\..,.ellt pnct'd
to ~w By ap .1 . 1 ho1ne · Spark.111\i' 3 br. hon1e
through 'thll'I off!~ · on y, with fot-mal dining a~a,
$Z% 000 t e • · · lo\•ely lamlly room v.·lth m•
' · formal eating urea, great
,~o~"~'~l~Y.~~'~"::':-:::'!":"1 I yard and vie .... ·. Hun')' on this! You v.·i!l be sorry 11 BAY and BEACH you don't. A<klng $6',500.
l...-..l6!,,Lil,,;.i,ll,ll,li0:__..J I 1-lart..or Vie11·'s n1ost desired
..,,"l'l~!'!'!''!"'!'!'!'!'~•~I s!rt.'et ~ a L'ha11ninK t:ul de YOUR HOME --= MOBILE HOME site • Hleh autumn (.~Jlora, the n1o~t ~pular 4 br. floor AT THE BEACH FOR SALE : pl,n, oort '"" or custom
In the coveted slngle tain!ly SILVERCREST 1te<:oraling features. Plu~,
residential fll't!a South of !he MOBILE HOME rhe bei<I IMd~capl'!d yard
}!Y.')I in Corona del 11ar. 20' x 53' 2 BD 2 BA, carp., 1111d patio you've evt-r let'n ~
An approximately 2iOO sq, draped, hlt-lns., refrlg., Asking $!161750.
fl. 3 BR J BA hon1e with v.·asher & elec. dryer, 1l'lred
family roon1 & huge rna~ter for 220 air cond ., kltch.
suite only one block from clock, storage sh~d. land-
Ocean Blvd. scaped pulio. Thn>e yrs. old
It can be }'Outs fo; only · like nu. Lo"ated ln Til'll'
The BERG Co.
Successor to
$96,5()(). adult pk. aw11y fron1 noisy
Call for Detail! f:L One-half Ill. lro1n cluh· 1 (':;::-f~
644-7'l11 hous~, $15,495. Cnll EVES./'
_ ESTATES, lcJ!!!!~~~'l 1051 Site Dr., Bref'_ Central OUTSTANDING .,.. ""'" from a~,
Buy Comn1. l-losp.) Lot #·16. DUPLEX: -lZl Poinsettia, -4
CONTACT RAY, PK. MGR. blks lo beach, By owner,
Brand ne\v duplex -Great I iii'°io';;'io"°ii"•'ii'""'""· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiol $ 6 9' 5 0 O · 6 7 5 -8 4 0 2 ta.x sheller -Each unit 31 • -"-·'~'~'·~~~n~d"'·-----I
Br. -dlnlngroom -2~:, baths LQTSA ROOM NEW 5BR, Spectacular vu,
-excellent carpet -South of .--503 lfazel, $125,000. Open
hlgh1•.'ay -reduced $5,CXXJ 4 l3EDROOMS, FA.\1JLY daily 10-4 Bldr 675-3539
d rket · Call ROOl'tf -2 bathi; big ' ' ' ~io~ 67~ price -unflnii;h::d playroom,' close Costa Men
OPlN TIL g -rT'S FUN 10 Bl NICE! to schools and churches. J;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J
* 6 UNITS*
Huntington Beach
Xlnt loc., 2 blks. from ocean.
4 2-Bdrm., 2 ba . to1vnhous~~
,'I;, 2 2-BR. 1 bath units.
Call 673-3663 979-4190 Eves.
101t, W Rolb1>C t.11 lt.ll
li',!k ol """· A•king FAIR WA y HOME
~~>?.f.· HERITAGE
COURSE. Big 2 story, -4
btdnn, 21} bath. din nn
& 1len. Panornn1!c: view,
..,,."':!~~~~--~I Brick fireplace. Fast = ELEGANT ~~:;.~kin, Priced to sell,
Bluffs View Condo Highly upgraded Trina model CALL 536 113'
featuring 3 bdrrns., 3 balh!I
& fonnal dining rrn. Custoni
VllllLU!t 1,1•allpapers & lush
shag lime carpets. Xlnt bay
& !\It. vle1,1·. Spe<:ial all
e!ec. blt·in kitchen. $75,500
C. F. Colesworthy
R•altors 640.0020 ..,..a.;;;&,;OI,:;
Only 11 :i YI'8 old this spacioU!
.J bt'<l1'00n1 3 hath home Best bargain buy In Cos ta POPULAR
is dt'signed for cnlertal nir1 g !'lles.:i. \Von't !1\~L Sl1arp 3 3 BR, 2 BA ho~ in prime
and outdoor 11 v i n g , hedrooni, 'l hath home. residential area. Ftt!lhly
Beautifully landscaped with Repainted inside -beuutUul painled, all bltns, cm:y
many trees, and patio deck, rx;w shag carpet. Hurry on Urtplace, fa mily rm ~
everythlng upgraded. Priced thh1 one Only $32.000. CaJI large yard. Close to major
to &!1 Call Red Carpet, Rt'd Carpet, Re a! tor 1 park a.nd a.II BC:hools. Be1it
He11.ltor.; &15-Sa50. 5-16--8640. value · $38,!:60. Call 5-lf>-342.J
4 Bdrm-No Down G .I. IMMACULATE SouthC'o Realtot"ll.
Low doY.11 all others. Or Plan-B Condo in \Valnut ALL THIS & ORANGES TOO
assame 6%.% loan! Great Square. Highly upgra~. By owner. custom -4Br &
family home \vlth large \\."ilh cumn1 drapes; close de.n Lrg fani rm. nr good
u!ted--brlck firepla!'E'. Dining to pool &. park area. Priced sciYJols & nelg:hlxlrhood.
ar\!a off the k 1 1 1· ht' 11 • to sell at $.10,950 In1n1t'd po!!!. l!Zl Al \SIJ
For(·ed-air heat. ;\rul Jovl'ly MORGAN REAL TY Al'e., Open 2-~1 Sat & Su11
front courtyard. C ho I c e 673-6642 GT~ ,•::15-00:;:::":c·c,...,,=~---~;u1t 'Costa to.lesa locntion! SPACIOUS LIVIN·G-LEAST EXPENSIVE S,12.500! Call 540-1720. TARBELL, Realtors Fabulous Fountain Vallcv /But not cheap). Prestig ious
home. 4 br, J be., &· niuc:h College Pflrk hon1e 11·ith
NEWPORT much more. $54,900. By high assumable loon. Geo.
HEIGHTS Chl-ner. 839-4690. Mezel. agt. 646-8811 or
Large 3 BR, 2 ba., family Balboa Island _55_7_...,~:m=-------
rn1. Newly decor .. \1·/lgel ;:.;;.;..:.:..c..cc==----IBy 0\\11er. 3 br. fam nn.
lot. f'lnt time offered &t 40;0 frplc, 11.t1·iurn , 2 ba Ille,
$40.950 mast Roman. 1 yr old. l:JOO
CORBIN.MARTIN Com1n!sslon ls the total you ~q ft. $-11..00>. 33~ ~laryland
REAL TORS 644-7662 pay when 1,1·e .list vacant er .. Cilt. 979-368.1. or 01\·ner occupied homes. -, 2 UNITS on R-4 Jot. fh.\•nl'T 7 j\lultiple listing hourds l\1ESA Vertle .. hnmac. 3 Br ~
\\'ill finance Rl 8 pe~('nt, available. Charles Qui ntard. H,a hoinl' 11"riy!c. & lo\'~ly '
G reat investn1enl Realtor, 28th yr. 642-2991. g-;irden w1fruH ll'te&. Nr.
po t ·1 F JI I schls , ~5652. Open house 0 P r uni Y· u Pr c e Balboa Penin•Ula 1-:1 Silt & Sun. S29,500. Call agt. For n1ore
info, IW7..@10 VACANT. 4 BR, lam. rm., CAT"1-JNA vu, 2·story,5 BR,
lgc, kit. 2-Sty. S84 ,500 4 BA. $60.000. O"'ner. Prln. ~!ar:shall RPulty 67'.">-lGOO only. 645-3$;38 Open Sat tC.
C d I M
Sun 12·5. 1861 Park\"ie\\' Cr.
oron• e ar .:.:~c.:...:.:::..:c.::::_ ___ ILovely :.tonlicello Condo J
hr, 2 bR, ne11.·ly d~:HI', !'I()';
Fine, S21i,!0.1. ~-ner 67:1·9":lJ"i
j BR, 4 bas, 2 story. Sep
J,!11.l'. 1~ Fani-nn, Open :
dally 1 -6, &16-UIJ
Corona d•I Mar
Bachelor Pad
With Pool
I c
~"' yC'I
II I\]
t11 st
"'" 10
"" '" ,,.,
'" Qu;
'" ,,.
'" IT)>
~ :<Bl
" l' !62
i-:;..: 1
\\" .• !
' ch
'" $21
T\ l;
Ii> I
1·u .,
"' DY .,
•• Ca
i1 '
1utsday, FtbrUArJ 5, 1974 DAILY PILO T
Unfurn. 320
Newpol"t Beach Newport Beach Lots for Sale 1-70 \Houses Furnished Jbo Houses Unfurn • .::;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;=I n ~;S O ll T \' r op t' rt y, 8-;tt;".l.i;~---Costa Mew
l'111ct;;;t'nl'Y su t>. 2 bw1111t•ius 1-:c.;c...:..-.-.c;.;.;..._____ Costa Met•
L•k• For••t Lake Fore•t
'R' RATED HOME Laguna Hilla
Ioli>. $1500 I Luke vu, $\SOO. NO'r fi)O t•arly to rt>!W'f'\'C 4 BOHM , 'J bl\, all bJUn.'l, NE\\1 4 UR ho~. cpta-, drpt., ----------
{M•ybe tao emotional for children ) hurry, 6ll2-89'J8 !l:11n1111<'r \'/1t•1.1titin. Bal!-.J.ll tuu1hruorl flni thru-out, nt'11t d1$hwshr, !ned 111 y 1l z STOH.Y, 3 bJ.·. 21 1 lia. lllil
\Ve have a Ueanc \Voodglen availabi• now LAGL'NA Be11ch 170 (11ff n•· l!il!Uld b.Krhvnl 4 Br, 3 811. crpt, drpJ. \\'ood bur1ung i $335.mo 5-10--5(0) l'x-t 4~2 ch·rt, ,;jo\'l" r1·rru.:. crpli., C thed I 11 ' " . wned for 6-ple:i..:, S141l,OUO July $2000. Aug. 5:l:JOJ, Al~ h·pJt·. nu pcli.. SZ50. HIO. .,.,,kda:i bt:tore -1. 67:; O'.!!; tlri~ i\111 r11.r, .... l\1er Jid . a · ra ce 1ngs, dar~ open beams, loads iultei·~ 6.Jl--084-l./-19.i-9007 svoU Jur1e & Sep!. Coll 121:11 SJ.>-7JlY wknds=---___ s:r.a. :l-llf-!9'!6
oC_glass, and huge rusta: deck . Right in the ·• -----/ 6Th-ffi%5 11\tr-.JAC' 2 Br, 2 J~. C'J'Jl!.a, 2 Br l: dt'n (",,nd". P'.,.,1. 8 ~:A lJ 'I' 1,. cu-· ~L-,-,-.-1 ,
n11ddlo of the "\".'oOds" of Lake Forest. Only BEACH HIDEAWAY I Mobile Home 1.1\'i.. 1111 f\lil1 )f):t l!<l.111d drps, elt'c rtW i;c11r, ,,;/1111·1· dbl garhit.'. 1n;,i1r11 pd S'!:.:1 J1.:w1iill"(I .; Ult. 2 U..\ in 3~2 yrs. ~Id. (.;Onlpletcly charniing & hnrnacu. RR.ANO NI.:\V DUPLEX~ I-luge 3 bedroon1, 3 Traller Perks 172 B11y1ront Ext1\'ul1vc I Bit. waM/d.Jy, ~O/nlu. Adults. Ms-w!):; ur 21.;..l ;• ... r1-a1~ lhl' :-.lciv {lrl•·iHll ('Ondo...;.
I t I' t b I & b"lh I I a ked t I M · f' J 1~11 Si(J(I n10111hly ti l J1111e-no pets. &&:>-336l ~It 6 & L N I , 1 1 1 li7J !I"-" ll ~· riv a e eac l · tennis club included. .. pus c 1 rm pac ren a . ass1ve tre· 'fR.i\JLER l'nrk, J.I SJl-11.r<'s. Eiih. Call 675-0525 .,.,.lo1dt. •9una •yue ( ll 1
'§ un ~~-~ -'---
Price, '59,950. places, dis hwashers, custom cabinets, finest Oru.ni;e Counr~·. SIO,O\Xl cnsh . 1-J\STSIOE ~ 3 BR deep shag carpeting. Stroll to beach, bai· & 1'pendablr>. un $50,000 d .... n. Balboa Pen1rasul• 2 BH., gar; ef\(_'I pa~'.°· .adults -i HR : I•.•, l1v. rn1 & din. Condo, dbl i;:llr. Pauu. 1711
TOLLE REALTORS & ASSOCIATES h , OCE V d 111·11·c S \9~1.0CXI . :'\Int . • . . . only. Nt'wly (1 111 .t ~ itl'f'11 , t1v1,·, 11 It/ in~, Tui>lln. Nro children under
586-8500 8'" '773 s opp1ng, 'AN VJE\ ! !St user eprecia· f j II Ii nctng l'll lNCI PLl·:.-5 l..fl~tGi'~ ~ Br, J. Ba .. Illtt~S , paint~. $l80/r;io. 1~7 E rpt~/drr..-. pn1in, :!-<-nr ~:1r 15. r\gl 6-16-3255. ~=.,..,.----1
-lion. Ju sl released at !jiJIS,500. 'fry a trade! Only, Agt , l'ves :14l~Z6l Crp/t11ns .. frpl:, !'i\ltxlet.:k, 21st St, C.M. &12-1960 \111rk .,1~11,, vu•1-1·. ln1111;1v -:
Huntington b•1ch Laguna Beach GRUBB & ELLIS CO. g11r S\00. l:i75-7:-il3. •3 1:11{. 3 Bi\,? !itOry iuwll· $:'1itl J,1, 1,L~I .& dPpos11 Newport &each
1----------·I Mountain, Oetert ------l!"l!L?'".H I Resort 174 4.1' Httyfrunt pler, rlu:.it, J hsl", l:iack Bny, pool, g11r, "'7..CC~-~-~---'TllE ULUFF'S, Oul.lih1nUiui>
Price Reduced
2 Bdrm. + Pool
2 Bdnn ~·uncJo ,, •'l'sirab!t•
i.;1'0und lev1•I floor 11l11n, I'~·
yr;1rs llt'"'· ~-l'f':ihly J111lnrc1!
1\·11h tnst1·rt1l!r pan!"'led 11nd
r11i11ured lh·i nA l\l01ll, 111u ~h
1\allpaperf·1I 1t111h1i,: arcn,
$11.'.t~ t'<l.l'JM'l.'I ,':. l'llSIOH!
drarcs. ovr?·s:l1rd p11nu1·
11 1"\.'a, near 1-1 ·J11x>l:-1, 11.1lk1ni.:
ihstnn1·t• 10 II u n t 1 11 i:: 1 u n
Ccnrer, Sll'11111111ng: pool 1u1d
rnany park 11r"\.'t1s. /'rh·1• r1·-
1luecrt SllJ~l NO\\' $:-.00 h~low
n1nrkrt \'aluP. \:111 1od.1y
1\ CIAN'f or 11 "i.l111'h•r
l~)llll'". l.(11'11!t'd jlJSI ll ju111p
10 beul'h! ll.1•111()ftf'lt'rl l!J
li1clu<fc·. il T3JG f a 111 \ J )'
e11 tC'r!a1r1111en1 1·oon1 .. <.:unnv
rounlry kllch<'n tin.~ all ii'1~
1Ate.;t cx!ras, :J h I i.:
hedronn1:-;, '! h11lh!', plu~h
shag-t'ILil)l'!. Ra111hli11g-trt'\'
s!ur'f<lr>!I !01. As.~unic 01\'lh ·r·.~
!01v i11 lc1~·1>1 lo11n or vnu
niunl' thL• tt'rn1s! \l,\('A~T .
1.\l~IElll.\'l'J-: l~(JSS~;s .
SIO~~ ! Bk1· 962-:::.511.
Southern Elegance
In ft Ne\\' Orlrans "Frl'n1·h
Quar1er" s 1Yl<'. G11 1~!" 11
!'OUrl)'arr! f'n h1. J>l.l\"Cl'Plll~
circular sl11irs 1u :l 1ilJUl'.U111s
hedrn1s inrludi11~ 11111~t··r
!< lJ i 1 L' 1-1' J I h \' (' L"i1 11 da
overlookini.: :11.11n• !1h1l· 1u1L
t;1111rn11'1 kll el1t•n. h u i.: c
f0n1ily n)Cln1, rr,zy dl' 11.
1"1'_\'lltlll d1ni11~. /\ h•lllSf' f111·
cnll'rt11ining 1n thf' 1r111'
Soulllf't'll 111;111ntr, For an
Appt to scc,rall
The Real Esta te Fair
536-2551 ., 839-6133
3 8cdt'OOn1s -+-bunus n~un
"'ilh 210! bnthl'I, (11~10111 llHIJ·
J11t~·rs .. "-l'lf l'leaning U\ l'f1.
a11d !h11·I.. ~httg. \\"u11 ·1 lu!<!
l' 1llage Real Estate
"Z-4471 I~::.) 546-8103
J-:Xl·'!C hurnc. 3 !lit. ~ h11 ,
~'l"fil", l1!tit1s, r1·1w1•d ,Id.
hui,;c !tun nn. rrpl r·. '.! 1 ;11·
l,!11r. S:i5LIJ. clO\\·n. ,\s~1111w
l;[ !nan, no rrualifylni,: <il11
Huntington Harbou r
NEW CUSTOM REAL TORS Hr. ·I Bu, 11•i111('r ur yrly. S:!t:i. 1110. 11:!3·16J:i,SJ3-S~7·1 Newport Se•ch 11c1\' J fill., convenient to
Ot'C'fHI Vi(•11• hom1·. 1\hnns! 675-7080 l.Ah.'"E AHRU\\'llF.A[) 673-2039 1 Brt House, $11'.> 111ifPJ 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; l!Qfll, COl'JH•!ed &. drupeJ, r~1n1 rih•h·1 I & N·ady ror G d I C I M " HI< 11•,J ·1 "I< SI "· WHY RENT ? wui!de 1n1unt. included.
"l'l'Uparwy. las 3 Br. 2 lla, _o_w...cp_o_, __ o_o_c____ & t'lOsf' 10 thi· \ illngt•. :i " A.gt. t-~cc. 979-8t)(} $575 IJ\'I" 1110, .;r tasl I N I B h I M.b''lo Homos .rt•fi1 for y~·o1· rouu lvlng os a 15.S " .. . .. o ., ...... 1 &
11: 111·1111-: rn1 \\', v11u!1ed GRAND OdENING ·--~F~o~'-=S~a~lo::._ ___ __:1~2~5 yr olu r{r1vun:111 ~Irle 3 le•\ el \'.~t_·,,~·T., I 8 1· 1Jvlx,$1W, t-:1\,..,ISIU~B -,-d-,-,-,-,,, ,-.~~>U•J~•IWl"~'t~ Op'' ·,',,',• •. ,"hi•' ~\·e~,~i~~\; 6·1-1 -I S 4 b i·l'ilin.;-; .~ frpl1·. Cheery r huulc 1vJth open l)l•;in1 (1.tl'Ugl·. lot ok. ht1ui.e 01. 2 & d(•n. 2 hinh. '"' v"•~ ,,.,.,
kitrhell 1-1·1111 lrm1i~ ()I Newport B•y Towtrl NE\\I cuslon1 b!r tx-uuty in eeilini.;s 1hru-<1u1. 3 hr 2 Homef1nder$ 547·9641 S.300 A~Pnt 6-il;..J~l 2-3·4·5 Ht'Clroorns ~:XCITINGH-1-of71'-:l-b-c.~27'•
"lon11:1· & b1·cakl;1st nr<>u . l & 2 BEDROO~i 11du!I park 011 the llay. ba + l'O!llJlli•1ely linisin'CI --~ , . ---·'---ba, nr lc1uus club. Lsc
All bt'1h~·~11n; hal'I' 11!\rl!ng CONDOillNI U~1 Jl0~11':S SJ S~)(tl. 6i:'i-072:.~. tiui;<•t1ll'n! for plnyl'nt 01. STllf)f~NrS-!'inJllf'~ ok. I Br LARGE 2 BR lO'>\'nhousc. 1 1 ~ $·195/nlO. Sale hy o<A·ne r ~lass <A'U!Js lo pnllos. Luis B.1ylt'Onl llonies .-.;,\CH.IFJCE S7 l50. :.l()X'.XJ \\'oi·kshop. Lnrll')' ht l'. 111ulilll' .hurll('. Sil~-BA, aH_al'h ,i::11r.: c·1.11:-., $69,!ffi. \\'ill ti1 ke '.!nc.I.
"' \\(ll:.CI S· ~lrt:.~. An Sofli Sl liis Lido ii•alei·fronl purk. Pool. $36.500-~21JI '151-:1898 af!i·i· Homef1nd1rs 547-~l drps, $195 1no. 642-:i.32'2 tlil-1<6:15. ,.,,r·/•llt•nt huy " $"".=. -~ ~ --·c...~---~.,..,. "",,.,., ruJJ Ser11rity lligh rise 2 <·11 rpor1 ~. tiT.'t-fl220 .tip111 or u11ylin1c 1-1·('1•kf'nds. Laguna Be ach ·llill, Fani /tin. bltu~s. !ill :! 1 ~ U..\ Tov.nt.vusc·. S1\i1n
mfl.W~ Steel & <..'Onc-rele ronstruc:Hon H/C; BEAR-l hr, '1 stoi·y ~hell -fl·nced, n~a~· sh Up~ 111.11:_ & Ht·.AL'f\HtS I 'uvl. 2 l'~•r t'ncl ~a.r.1 ""-~ Prh·atl' Uu!c..'On1C1'1 ~ t:ibill 1·u!'I off lakC'. fl"Sf' 2 Bit, 2 Ur\, f'IO!'ie to S1:huols, $335 nto,, :.la-76-1.1 S:tlJ/rnu. Q.'6-01·11 .....,.. 2 .. ., SJ.\('J::. l~I l{arage spa(·e~ Pl'r !Ulll. A••I Ettl!.. ti) 111ain h11·y. S'.!:!,7~). \\Jll i.tov.nlol\11 _& h•'lll'h :. ,Yl'.'ir o ana-Polnl Si.11 .IUiUI CHpli.lJ'lll\fl
Roo f tor 8\.l!ldeek Gtntrll lil'l'PPI li::. 2nrl !r11.;1 rlf't•d. n1u1uL_ S3,i(.I llllJ, til'.!·Oll l•l1-----------673-4400 l'ABI\: I.J OO T un ii; nA
-i'1-4 -5b1 1 -4'1'1 .llOO UnusunJ Oppor tunl!y to Pur-Dl1·k S£>ay. !Hj-;~GI dys 1~11·990 1 CLOSf~ to l\larinn. Nr\\' ;: fr/pl, rll'C ~.1r d1· opener.
--------~he~~~ah~i;.'X. Proper'.y Jn Acreage for •ale 150 R I E t t 1 Bl~ ll•lUSt' S\70. Salaru·rl Bi','/. Hn, c1111 .• frrlc. l..l'11s•·, TENNIS BUFFS nu t·pfs 1!rps. 616-til36 OLYMPIC ... ,,... :.:.:::c::!.::...:.:.:_:::;.;::..._=! ea 5 a• 182 nrlull. no fll't:-: 01· •'l11ldn"1L $300 per mo. 71·1~~9i77 Only sle"s tu te111us <:ourt , -Tow-nh-ouio Unfu,n.
1.,11 Id l 310 Ft.'runndo Rd., N.B. Exchange I( f '"' "l"U " ' il~L·: fl .nguna ,;,. 675-8551 GRASS VALLEY __!_.El'l·n~·i•s. 't:N-•~ ' •'\·e~. Fountain Valley s111111nuu~ l~IOl U'0111 l\'r.\\
lio·ri!lo!.:l' is ~ours in this :! S1A•!n1 . Boflt . Fish. Retire'. ~P~:CIAL IZ I N{; 111 r .,1·h;1n· Houses Unfurn. 30S :-t li~·dl\Jl.111 1. !or :! ,\: ilen1, H_untlngton Bea ch
li<t1·111 hn11i-:•· ii> ,, 1.1-.·1········ II . ,.,.,,. 1· I -·1sn Of] I I I I I I II " ... BAYCREST No 1i11s11le, no po ution. ~ g1•:<. 11'1\in .i:: l1'\v1n H•·:il-1 :. p11.·111uu~.-., , ~,. u1·11u1 tu1111g, 1rep<1l'c, St'
·'('•"1"u ul th!' •·iry. \'11'1\/1 of bi·uutlful, \\'il{)ded iu·i·es [!,rs. (i41-fill1 or G75-ti~i0 Genera l rilu.~h 1T11ts & drps 1hr"ou1, 1'1l'llt11ngv\L"ll, l01.«11111lt1l l.'<111· CLOSE TO BEACH II
Iii<' \"'1'Hl1, t•an~o11s ,1,, rwliv1• $59 500 !!'·'l(J \gent 17141 f:i.I" "'"'" ---------hllin"'-:;\11ln1 jJIJOl & rec fa c, ''Ull \ll"1\•/n1~hl llght:l'. !n1· D•·••"d N"w ,~, .. , .• J , •, 11 ·~··1 t111n ,,r tllis 11n•1t. 1 C "' · 1 , 1 "'"""' '· Real Estate Wanted 184 JlLA ltENTALS lt·use~·(·11. SJ'..!:> uu1. t11ilrlri>r1 fi,1t'clla1ely H\'IUillLIL'-l.1/c1tt1·d !\]{'_' 3 M, ~1bJ .. ,,1u" "'ni'i 1 ~·")'·'){I I II . f I ommerc:1a \\001«•0 >".. , ... ,, .. 0 1 1 •1" I I I I II I " ., ...... r . .;~rge v1ng roon1, on1i;1 ·-.. v .. " " .. .. .. ui.;11 u11 I lL' 11 s 11! un1•n· l)ltns. Close to recreation ! ~,,Ill' i'.:11~1;1~ ~1;~~ ~~;~:h~1~t'l~~:1~ Property 158 WE BUY HOMES w1 ~"c1.1ouz1 •N ~1•¥1C1 'll:~l1S-1i;19;:. af1 5: :10 v 1t·11· J [ills ~·!~:.i Jlf'r rn1u111 1, ,>/,;. schls. 514 l!Hh St. x.17_3'.J.)7 .,,,,/'T"O/a~ 1111r1 pnl11t. ·1 lx'•Jnl(uns plus NEWPORT BEACH f ~it HOusrs Huntington Beach tl'li·ll!:-O. OupleXff Furn. 34sl
Sl. '16" ' ... '"' I'. " { I s· CASH IN 5 DA s ;i IJ<inn -'..!BA . nc~Lr U<'l ':Jfl, I REAL E 'A'l'E l'Un1pus \\,.i1n. r~risy C!il'C' nn1e uoy 1'011 1le Y I J o'u",',·s. ~ Bdr. 1~~ lia. l1lr-ins. 1\' n " ·' I 1 "' ,. •·· 1 · & 1 lel·rl till' dllcks on Ille Balbo1 Penlnsul1 )lllu, l'tX1n1 nr poo. r 111· OJ' uull l"t"Pltll' Sa l's FREE ESTIMATES <"pt ~. !-"pie. '"'\' p.-i110 2 r;u· C----~ 1 l!KJ (;lt•r111,·yrf' St. a r<u'C valu£> cal! 6-16-1171. Bill Grundy H!tr. 67 .• Hil61 <1l'EN 1'.:VERYJJA\" & vvF:. NfW'°IT & IA't c .M. ,,.2~1313 gar. No li-c $:lOJ n111 . ~~~::~~'1 • 1~J:ile t L,1',~ 1;: ~ .· 1 Yl::AltLY, r~ll, 2 l>a
IJl !lli:\ :H9-0316 O•fNTLO •r•ru T0"0 Tll.0 d ''. ' ' ""0 =93 1 • ., N ""NICE• a ;01111 ng 1 u co n1 L" Hurl! Bt>ttch/Fount Vallr·r \' (J\1-~ Ba1.:b uni! s~u no·.i.1-''~"'-~~=~· ____ o:luUhuust•, f1u1ct uue-\\Lly b!'und nev.• un it. J doors
EMERALD BAY ~ JU'OJ)l_•rtk•s, center Coi.ta a:JG----88?~i or ~42-~l'll Hkr. \I Ol'kiri~ m(ln, util paid. QUIET eouplc-2 Br s1;io. 1..rg street ou1s1de v1t•11·, slcps froni 0<."ea.n S-IOO nK>. t90j
3 Url1•111s. & 'J. balh!>, of n l\lesu~.,l}._~~/·l'li·G=" _.,..,...,,....,.,...,,...,.. ('U:'i!FY 1 Br hse Sl30 ,1vttil. }Td. fruit trc<'S. <u Ii"' bJU.c l''-'1·u1L·. L<-·11:.v \\'. IW.Jhoa J 673--205S ,\gL
fr«11eh Counu·y Chru·n1. °', l \H,,,,v-<u , """" PVT. PARTY \\IA~'TS TO stv r<'fr. pct & i;ingle ok. Homefinders 547-9641 S§iO n10. 6-16-iit7, fi-12-3.i)(}, Niilwport Beech
~;1~k.11r1J;: ;~~1~-:ulc~.i/1~~!i l ~===''='='='='==' Ouplexe5/Unit• ~U\' Hfl\U::: ~l~l!:.C:T ;.;1c1·: Srurlio_ Sl-t5 yearly VACANT 2 nn. SlfiO. 3 l{fL li!ti--ll•l. c.c.;.c...c.c--------! sale 162 -.r_HOi\-1 l RIVATE I AHrY I L.1guna, D :., C & 0, gar· J\lobile, SIS."!. 3 UH. 1'r. OCEAN VIEW--BAY VIEW 1-1·111~1 of n 11u,1l11y· th:-it is ,J.i9-97I5. <igf'. be h 1200 Agl , .. 1"111'1• 1od11y uct•an \'Li~11._ NEW OFFERING! 0 . C b .... ac: , . . et:. 1'1~'>1/ hJHTOFINLl I Bl!, ~ HA, upper . Con111I.
Chl11"n1111g (viun1 1·y kit\·h~·n OPEN WED. 1·4 GREENTREE :-.; h:ulnl'l 1 r rtplx Sli;;i 979-8·130 .\ DH, l~i HA, ~ s.q IT, /urn. Re-ace. :l lilk.-; to & li•rr;ll'i'> S\2'J,500. ~ yrly, hhns, C & D, pet ok. EE TOD y 2 B 200 ert-l", uq;!'I, g: 11ruc 11 er : ht'111·h, +tlh St. Av11 il iin-
1806 Pt. R.nwl.Ck Pl. ;'\c1v Duple.-.: Jnco1nc llon1C! I L:N IQUt:; 'J. bl" !150. ''"•1 .. ,·,0 e S A ! . r $ · "•-·'. •'"II , .. , ... "'''·"'18. TURNER ASSOC ~ ·1 • •-• G 1 -~1 kd 1~r1\'i1 tep00l.1<.1enni.sclub ............... ·~ ~""' · under ronslruction at r m•ncit stv C & D sml pel & child ar. n ... u Y•u or 1 5·
1Hl"1 :'-!. Cn<1sr Jll'.·y., Laguna 1 ~:1~~~1~-m~t~.-4 ho"~~~: 21~ Kno.'C: St. C:'-1 ';mmmmmm~~-~•KE\\'PORT i-lts 2 br S235 1101,.: Homefinder5 547-9641 8~ti~07':Q' HK.I., lease. LEN buplexes Unf11rn. 350
494-1177 :1 1~ ba., forrnu! din rni., Crill B:.iilder, &16·.t·ll'l I fqill·, h!tns, fn1 ·d, pet ok. Irvine HARBOR_V. IEW_H .ILL-S Balboa Peninsul•
C ustom-On 11:·,--A~c-r-e l fflni. r111 ., bonus n n.. Busines• NU paint 4 br :! ba SZ75•1,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= I l;,~1~ of nriva<-y in lhis 1-1'/frple. Ucaul. r.1t•x!c;u1 DUPLEXES HTG SCH Opportunity 200 rrph·, kids & J)('ts, 2 t·11r. 1 BR "· lh 1~0
I tilccl ""U·yway ,• 1·nn•· &· "'n1•· 2,'·3 flr 111' h1·h u"·,1··. --.-!..'-----'----"';_;;. SELt-:CTION OF NICE · ., -uH s · ·· .. ·· ·· · · ""' •: •·i,:11r11 :1 ndn11, ne;u· the "" " ...... "' " " "' 2 Bil t b h 1·100
I I • lrnnt ru:.lio.~. Lo1v mr•l••I. l:'ith & At•acin, o""n d;ii!y J.;1, J!Ol\IES , u tn ouse · ·· · · 1<"";1t• 1 '" ~h,,pp1ng. l::xcf'.llenl rn• "' 3 BR 2 b th IJ'"I fl1•11' 11\;11 1 \\'l!h 'A'!ll'nl, .Ya l'd. $1m,;,uo Incl. lund. ~"{6-402:!. ('\'(' (71 11 5~9-67"i9 .. H.l·:TA ll..• CALI~ us FOR lNF'O .... 2 f I ., I ",~·A··········,,~.
GIB WALKER .cos·.•11.:·1·1c SALON • ALA Rentals 642-8383 1{.,<en. DI• ....•.... ··.ru ,·111n111t (IC'l'fll'. 2 baths. lnc:ome Propody 166 -3 BR 2 "· h $"1
. I l' "Q REA''TY 67'5200 1\-linor ily nAJ"f!l{'l'S l\''•'''''''· ., na.I s ....... · .. · "'I ir"p on•._ atio & Bo . i.. or •-· 1 BR I 2 I $'2" ' k f " P1·of«• 11,.,,1>••·" "\l>'l>"I>.'"' • , )(lnll~ l'Jll, lit ... , .> .~ti:• l' 1~~1 • .·\n,, i11~riri nK 3355 Via L "do N B ' ' " " .... v... 1 BR " b I •• \\l\1te 11H11·r \'it"\\'~ $86,000. 1 ' · • BUILDERS?. 11·unll'll, 1\'ho h11vc $51.X:IO. as · ·" alts ........... .,..::;:·1
Call •lf»-.'\U{)3. VC'nlurc cupilll!. Past sales 3 Bil., fani. n n .. 2 ba, .. S•l;"..0
TARBELL, Rea ltor' VIEW Sohd \\'£'stv ... id(' p o 1 t>n t ia 1 r>xceull\'(' for l\fl•rle Norrnan 4 BR, lan1. 1m, 2'h. ba .. S4 75
'f'IJJ'0.1o:ima1ely 1-1,735 !"'Uare Co•n>"l>•s .,,-,.·'"'' •I · l~lt) .s. Col!St H11y., L.B. Forever \'lCIV (If buy, n11ns. "'i ·> ~ ... •. n' • ("l1 Ill _ _ "-I 11•1,1 zonl'd County lt-4, v.•ith O""·r11ti1'" rclail eosmt•li"
PENN-5 ----· --~ gTcrn .,,_. t. I yr old Bluffs 1 "' ~ 0 Y L VANIA H ~r1'Ht r1~nt11 hnuse on it stores, ls S1'('k11l" up to five Condo neHr pool. :~ Hr or ·, 000 • •
*SALT BOX ., 1 d ~ 1101-1•. Al'king .SJ~ .. Ct1JI \\·onicn purtn('rs v.·ho c<lll 4l3W.1tlhCOSTAMESA " )r ,'!t en. Custon1 eris. ii'l(;-iJil. k 1 11 1 1 A ,\dd u 1uUL·h or spil'c tu <lrp.~. Oar. light tlxtw·cs, OPENl1Lg .11 ·sFUNT08£N/CEI .,.,-~r u .11°"1 pu.il 11n~··. Seo;;() 1o $140 ·Bach's, furn
llu . .; :l hPdrn1 plus gtJC'Sl nun'Ors, V11n LtHt 11·fttlp11.p1:r, Sil on 1-1·i Jc ocu c .111 & unf. Singles&. Students
"I l11 l1 'I1i·lld,
. ---·1 \ ,;nl l11r
HltANU ne\'/ ft1ontego
·IB~t. :!Ht\, ~~95 rer rno.,
111clds pr1 pool & tennis
<!lull, :>41-l'.!-k1, .)jS-:;(X):J
l:hHIS .j g1·., ~1-l lja,
J{r.LJt::l.., pvul, view, st·hls.
$-4~5. Cali 10 st!c, 7 l ·l .. J94·30fi 3
tr 'I BH, 3 HA, :: .!!!Ory
to1-1·nhse, Back Bay, pool,
~··i·. :)Ji,1 !Jlo,), 11,sl·lb:JJ
h.i.i·ti97·1.. ______ _
Nf_;\\I I-IV hornc. 3 br, 2
Oa. fam rm, crpts, drps,
'J car gru:, pool, tcn111s rir111.,
$4~ n10. ti4~~llt
rx:cn n, rresh paint inside Buy dircct frorn 011.·nc-r & , act a!; a triuning: L't'ntcr drps, sto\'c, rC'frig, garage.' ls! _Wes~ern Bank Bl?g, NE\V-c-xec--1-Bl_t._J_B_A 11111 1. Uhk:k a11·ay fm1n 111e l'li;. Pnval'y & security. ~ Laguna Beuch .a.rca & \\"Ill $1.10 . Nice 2 Br. Crpi.s
& IJUt. ;\ludl·111 kit., ocean !iave. 6-l·l-233G. for a sn1all c~1n or salons $17.i .. Clean 2 Br 11~ Ba University Park, If'Vlne i1·~.1so de~l'C'C v1c1-1·, tennis
\'it:\\. -------_ .<11.ong lhe C<ihroi:iia roast. Studio. Sm! tot & ~t ok. Deya 552-7000 Nlght5 .\: pool ~.HJ. tuo. C:\'l'S ,\:
Red Carpet, Realto r5 BIG CANYON \\·e, t~avc ,.'" 1'",11_10rta nt, s22.·, -3 Br. home. Garage,l°::::=:i=:i=:i=:i=:i=:i==~ v.·lu1<ls, &14-1791.
497 1761 This rn:t~n1/1eent 4 Bl{ 4 UNIT APT. BLDG, exc us1ve 1ne o s ·in car<: y<.1rd, \\'ill eonsider c:hild &I i '--=~~
• Ht•rl1-1·i~Jl'I honu~ crt•utNI hv (;/'(';If rental arf'a & good & bcnu!Y produC'ts. Prcvl~us t. 2 BR., 1 bath .......... $300 DELUXE 4 Br, 1866 i'ort
CE!),\!: .~-GLASS llY the HtThil1'1·t ·n11nl'r isor1;: 1nvPs11111:.nt. t ·our 2 UI{ c..'Osmet1c or hea u t l c 1a11 S~I "Br 2 ha Frl 2BH,2bu,denaic .. $275 C.:ai'IO\\', nr club hse, $JIX.I
(J\\'NEH. Ii 1no. 0 I J' pf t11.1c llf'l\Uty. ilhxlestly ur111 s. Custa i11C'SH, lne. training he!pf11t. g1:1ra~ .. yard kids & pet~ C, 3 sn. 1~ baths •..... $300 010. 641-6146 or 6-1-1-1295
1trchheet desi;;n cu~toni fH'il«I at $235,000. $7.i40 yl'al'. Try 10'" do\1'n. Russ Anderson, 493-1700. \\'E 1J.vE r.°!AN't:', r.~Y 3 BK, 21 baths .... $38.5/425 3 BR-.-,-B-A-, -c-pt-,d-,-bl-ln-,,
11111111•. l'anon1n11c ocean \'U. D0:'-1,\LD fool. RIRD A.swr. SliJ,000. TV & Stereo Repair MORE!! .J Bft, 2 'I baths $300/425/450 dbl. gar., fncd , \valk to ~la.~h·r su11t· 11· l"<.01111111 tub, * 832-8800 * W esley N . Taylor Co. \Yell ci;t.. must ,ell! LANDLORDS FREE CALL 552-7500 eve1')'U1u11!:, l:i'l3·l.fl71 tn~lfi:i.-t
"' 2 HR f111J bu. & lain. li802 lrvin<' Blvd. Tustin !{!'.: \LTOHS A t Bod & P · t 4 R 2 'h b !
nu. Open beams, !l>lex. till'. BA y C n EST, n c 11 1 J' 2111 San .l~uquin Hills Rd. O~·~cr lca~·in~ s~111~ LANDLORDS! VISION Sd~~;gR ~m: club a, ~~1~:
i.laln. "la."s. Bl I -l n s, '">•·1-•'I C<•t•I"•· 0 1' ·\910 " 1\·n10tlf'lcd :~ Blt • t-';un ''" "' ' u-"f-' RIVIERA REALTY ~Vl• Specialize in Nt!wl'Vlr: Lennis, $•1!>5, &144186_~~--1111,•r-('0111. Oentrril var-uury1 . -H • --~ -Jrplt'. dcck5 &_ gur. SiJ,lOO r n1 \1/fr pll', 21 ~ bas, lndry unt1ngton Beach J 19 Broaih\·ay, c.;.1. Beach • Corona del l\1ar • e red hi 11 .... BLUF1''S, ·I Dtl. :.P~ ha,'!.
B1\Y ~·1tt)NT, Prh·. ben1·li.
lJ1•!u;i:c, Yl'ly. :l Bit. 2 ba.
SlitKl .. 2 ltJJ $$Of). \l'il! !Ul'll·
ish. to7J-66 ·1V
Corona del Mar
NE\\' 3 BR 2-stoi·y, So. OJ
/l11•y, nrar 11h o pplng .
Spnl'.ious .~ sunny, 1111 C'l('e.
kitchen, <'ntry hall, frplc,
pntio & lot!! of storage. 1
Newport Be•ch
l..RG 2 Br , 2 Ba, nu cpts
& drp11, $21.iO mo. yrly or
S22.) 1no, till June. 548-4802
Apt•. Fu~. 360
Belboe Penin1ul•
$35 WEEK I. UP
• steeptng Rooms
• liousekeepln&' Rooms
• Ocean View Apll
105 Main Street
Costa Me1a
·ID9-:tn:,. ~·n1 .. ne1-1· _1cpt .thru
ouL WALK TO BEACH * 642·7007 * ...: Lt1Jo:~~R· EOEur Reyntal Ser-~·tim-1111, Oin·rn1. i.inv pa----~,----.a111ce & tie patio. i!l,000. \\'iJk 10 schools a 11 ll ~--~~--~-~0 1 ViC'e 1s r to ou! Try fio, $4W. M1·l<l~U I"'" Laguna Nigu• 011·nl'r, Money to Loan 240 Nu .vi.,w! REALTY ltEALTOltS 'lllLHH-()pen \\lt>d lhMJ Sun l·J snopping. Brand n I' I\'. NU-VIEW RENTALS Univ. Park Center, Irvine OLD Charn1 l Br dplx v.·/
Casa de Oro
Cump:i.re be fore you rent
Custom drsi~ned, fe11turing: ~ HY n\\'n~·r 5 Bil + den, '..!036 Conmiodore t"ourplexes und Duplexes. 1 t JD L ~W"age. $.180. Fresh R!!int.
!>1.•at·h suk· ;\:igt11·l Shores, C II 611 •101 ,.,3 3;,r. Eal!y !cnns. l\-loney n1akers. s oa ns 673-4030. or 494·3~~-omefinder s 547-9641
WATER VIEW 'J.-vn; ne1-1" Guarded ;i ,·,· '''·,.a SCO'IT REALTY ~T»-'.:3 3Br.Vie\\'Lab'1Ula S3.l02BRrondo ........ $220.S22fi ---------
1\"at,·h !hi· !ll)ats ln•111 \"1ir l1)1;unun11y . H . .,c. ttnt(•r -TOO BIG, MUST SELL IJ1\."-'A POINT-BRAND NE\\' U P TO 90% J B1" Bayflunt-Boatslip S425 110/lse. BAYFllONT lovl'ly 3 br/2
d1ninit l"Ofllll 11r de.·!... i::·nJt"I\' 1\"/l1•r1111~ courts, ponl. l'fc, Lini!a !.~le, ~BR, F1un, ·111 UUPL.i:;X . 4 PLF.X 8V.,,7o JNTEREST .1 Br. "Old Corona" $·l25 3 BR condo ... S265 twlo/lse. ha nr ocean. p(ltlls/lennis.
1 hi' 11111 r 1 i n i 11 1 ! \1 :ilk Ill licuch. Si9,500. li:is. pier & slip. Only Sl\l.l.· $·18.950 to $8.2,950 2 d TD L <I Br. Spy~!ass-Tennis }175 3 Bil ho1ne , , , S350 Mo/lse. $400. Np~hores._548-1722
1 Nln\'f't'.!'ati1111 urf'n 1 nnd 11~ 1:1!.1-.'1!:..'".!. O!JO. Cnll De1uibou 1\SS\11.'., OCT'nn \111'1'.'l'. J.3861 Copper n oa ns '..!Br. YR . L>R. Shorecliffs S:iJO 4 BR home ... S425 Mo/lse. Newport Hefght1 __ _
rherry fil'"f"IA'''' ,\ hln1·k Lido\-,-,.-------,6~;~]·~1~31~1-~-~~--Lantern. lluildcl'. &l:l-19U'> I. Br. lfarbor View $525 RANCH REAL TY
ttt thf' tit>11rh Cnndn ror Just ----'-'--------: 60 FT. BAY FRONT -.\ U1· "Real Spyglass'' $1000 ** 551 2000 ** NE\VPORT 11 eights 3 ~ E.,sts1dc Costa f'.ft•sa. 6·2 lowest rates Or•nge Co. · Bkr 675--7:.!25 .. bedroom, 2 bath home.
s21.;-..oo. BE OUR GUEST Bf'st vir1\', pi<'r & i-lips J hdnn \\-/rool, nr 17th ~t. Sattler Mtg Co B ii · dra HUNT!f'\ICiTDl'\J HARBOUR ~~t' ttus s.hal"Jl 2 & drn, RH. 3 b.11.s -r ~uest :1rt. Sll)i,000, 3 units 1-3 txlrin. 642-2171 '545~06l1 _FOR RENT LEASE brand new "2" Plan iv~tlt·~~a~:J:lSJso. ~1'.
RfALlY '/. l111th, n1<1~ter sui1e. Pru11e $1:J9.SOO. C11H I:l\!1111 ison .\~-'J.-i lldrn1 ;>ti:!,UU0Ton1 l\lilfcr Servin~ !!arbor art'a 2_1 , Olflrm1ng remo~el e cl 2 home Turtlenx·k. 3 BR, 2 month. 64 6-0555 l\lr.
\ol('Hll·. S1nart deror. Si8,500 socs. li73-73.J l 642-4811 _ )I'S. hedroom house, v.·nh 200 f!. BA, \\'et bar plus PXtras. Burnell.
li21-I rOAST 11\\'Y ---GEM-EASTBLUFF Condo. Oivnl'r. ~H~o=u~S~E~+c-~6c-cU~N""IT=s-I Mortg•ges, hack yard, good for storage Lovely & priced to lse. fast. :'"''--~~~--
• Spncious kitchen with i.n· 1
direct Jighllng
• Scpara1e din 'g 11.1't!a.
• Home-like stor1•gr-
• Pr1v_1c JllHios
• Closed 1:1<1 rai::e \lo0/storage
• l\1arhle pullnu1u
6t King-sz lktrms
• Pool -Uari.M.'<1ues • ~ur
roundt'd 1-1·!th plush land·
Adults, No Pc111
1 BIJH .• \I. F'u111. $190.
365 W. Wilson tH2-1971
111 · )o.·l&-1:'.'<-I -~· 211· ~·,•2-2"1°• +, t·.1nnn! n R, ;1 RR , 21., Trust Deeds 260 ()N LY SJ25.00 month bkr.1'3 ·=~~8=2'~'-------COZY & warm 2 BR & halh. l'...'1!·~· Tusiln 1\ve., r>;.H. • New unit.~ at 26~7 £ld1•11, ;;;:;;;:;;;;::;;:::;;;:;;;;:;;!i'~'S-t;,"86~40~.'n:::--r;wc-;;-;;n l ·u'N tVE"'SfT'° f'"'k ,1 l'R palio, be<1ut. yd, gnr, nr. $30 WEEK & UP !t l·:.\LTOlts 6-11-1()23 Ua, farn rn1, patio. Split Ci\!. l!>t user l\/ll!O',;, \1'1'1\(' ............... ......,.----n.. ~ " . ~ ~hools. Avail 2/li. $260. --le\~·\. Incl. J'l!C, ra cl!. olf. Call Builder 6.\6-4414. ~ 2 BR & Df'n ,CdM 2. BR, 2 Ba. A!rium. ri..>dcr.onitrd mo. &15-6625 or G7:!-J23.5 Gnry • Studio & 1 UR Apts. Irvine Lido Isle $67,CXXJ. 832-5888 ----l!oinl' 01-1·ncrs Ci\l & HB, $150. <I BR Hor.se ,'1, !'lean. $3?.i lllO./lsc • TV & M11.id Se.l'\llee Ava.II. N Sh CLOSE TO BEACH ! CA$H NOW lt a neh, Sl 75. 1\gt. fl·e 552-8155 'l or 3 br, drps. crpt, gar, e Phone Scrvice -Htd. Pool
Use Yovr Talents SUMMER NEAR-w eweort ore5 u1•1111d Ne1-1· Del us(' 3 .~. 4 'J7'Hi~30 "'-"-'='--------1 ndlts, no pets/ S:.!50-S:SUO. • Chl!drcn & Pct Section
i11n\'i' lu -tlf's1 prieC'd hon1e WATERFRONT Bl't Duplex. 3 B1\. dbl Sl .000 to $20,000 ' ' L•guna Beach 2f>Ol J::. l61h St. &1~104~ evr!;. 2376 Nev.·110rt Blvd., Cf\l 11• 11•·rs•1ni1l1lr lhls h1\1•ly 11••11·
T11rtle /{ock •"Olldo. 3 hdrr11~ .
:!. h11 !hi;, for11111I r!1111nl,! 111111
l+!lrnt'!h'<' pultt> 111'1'~ Sl~•.!~11l
1111 one of tht: hirgcr lul.'i. * * gHr CA. ~)jO.i.JOO. ;,11 l:S!h ~t. l/"lan c-onirni tn1ent ~ hy phon~' .S.\1. 'l l!lJlt iii l'CIU', 3 blocks S Cl t :'"~18-!J7!'J:i or 615-3967
I I f 11 2 1 1 I Bit., 2·~ hn, din. 1·111.. 11 I' C 11 U 1 ! s4_, 3!1'7 Subjt•c t ro vt·t·ifio:.:;dio11 (.If rron1 ocean no pets no child . • _ . an emen • :; \ {' uni Y rrn.. iar '1s. brkf~1. area. 2 \Vn l\'rf"1111 . , u u1 c er, '. i-, .. 1 fuels. J\t11nth!y p11yrnrn1~ S16..':i. 53~~. s1.:rr-ur11 '·)d. Barh apt. 2 Bil. Sl7:i. r·p1s, drps, bit·
CALL 552-7500
~j(i.:.r() r1<'i"ks . Cnll\f'l' lnT. you O\\'N NEW TRIPLEX---1ai!o1:ed 111 )'Olli' indi\'iduol Balboa lslind ~tov£>. rt'frig. garage, yard. 1--oit lse San Clen1cnie :·l Ht~, sini:ll· l'!y, bca.n1 ceil ,
TRADE ONLY \ht' lunrl: ~J·.9;111 3 BR House + 2 Units 1-1! J"l'QUH'en1e11,s, ~ml ~I Ur, 4 Ba. fantastic: cuslon1 !nCtull or sclL'Cted pet ok,
VISION Cl r>111· . :1 Hit .. :t bu . l;oo1 CAYWOOD REALTY ·llti Hanillton. Cilf. No lli•erl tn l't>·flnAn!'I' )~iur :137 E. ll;iylronl. 2 Br, .1 S:l00-U~1l P~t. ~ IJr ~eur lx:ac·h built house on golf c..'OUJ'Se 2TJ.19 \V;i l!Ac<', Apl E.
10•111:.I his11111•. Si:..():)() \\'ll! * S48-l290 * Call Buildl'r. ti·IH·4'1l4 Jniv intPl'C'.~t ls! TD. ll"ilh lf'vel. frrlr, ricr ror boat. ,I',: lnl'.n. 'iaut Child ok. punoran1a ocean vie \\l Mfi-9243. fi46-AAS2
e red hill
1·.,11:-:1rlf'r flritnge Coun1y In-'1 r•LE:'\-C-.-~l .-2-_,-. Br, l 1 ~ NATION,\!. MORTGAGE: $1>1()() 1110, yrly, avail l\'lar. I. $22'i-Rt~d('c: .. 2 nn. n1111s, 1-'~9~2-~7~74~3:._ ______ BACHELOR APT, 1 adult,
l'Ollll' prnpt'rly up to Sl:t5,0lk> South Lagun1 Ba, 2_2 Br, assunic VA loan, CO. I_,('! your rqui\y \\'Ork 673·6900.6i:>l't.iL·GiJ-47Sf; ~rafl', sntl pet. Nr.ar no pets. Ut!I Pel. SUO/nw.
LIDO REALTY c:.::.c....-.:.c.::.-..c...____ y i:: AC I:: It RE ALT y !or yr.u. Just give ui. a 1:ull ; lb P ac 1• TIME FOR Call &i2-1960
PANORAMIC VIEW '-"''"Ill ,xo obli~1.1Linn, Ba oa enin5ule $24().Woocley & Sf-eluded. 2 :7c-.,.---.,..,.-1 OCEAN . HILLS ,}J<J""'U CA! I Br. Gar, yard, canyon QUICK CASH Ii\-11\11\C, 1 Bit. niC'ely tum, 11-:\,.,j,,t .. '\II SpA<'iou.~ exel·ullvc -I BR. 2 DUPl..EX ...... S3J.~ National M~~tgage Co ON the po1111 ZBR., !am rni., $300-Charm\ng 2 Br Fi·plc: THROUGH A ~~1~';j~~~75idults,
lj,\, dining 1111 , l:irgc fain FOURPLEX ..... $5..i,!lOO SJ5-'J.424 • lrplc:, 2 c11r garag~. ~:t:J hr1!11e .. V1ctona Jkflrh. LIDO ISLE-$65,000
*673·7300* REALTY HEAL TOIL':i
t.:nh·. l'nrk Ccntt:r, Irvin~
ll't' O\VNI-~lt . On SUjK'r
greenhelt 1-11/bikf' I r in 1 ,
aw11rd·\Yinnl111.: AppAlom11 .
Cathedral ceihngs, 4 llH.
111 BA. din. rn1 .. r11n1. m1 .,
beau!. hK!!!t•p"<I., in 11re11 of
rnore f''lf"Cnsl\·I' hon1r,,,
1\lnsh•I' J.llan. 1'()111111. s:l"l,000
rni. rrplc, atriurn, 2600 sq. 12 UN ITS .... ,$17fi,OOO 2700 N. i\1aln, SH11la Ann per ino. Yearly lse, 67J-j495 $32dl >-I UW Pd.dbl~flt._. se,p. DAILY PILOT Huntington hech
ft. Owner. Principnls only, ''EAGER REALT'' 556-61 71 ~ Corona del Mar n ng rm. ~ z""-' iv
llcn.• is your chance 10 li\'e 493-18•15. $61 ,:iOO. TRl.PLEX nOcn l'."/VI frplc. big yard. WANT AD $155-$165
1111 Lido .i:: <'njoy p"Cstigc by 2NO TRUST DEEDS ean ew. BACHELOR & I BR, Pvl
1111, s<"n. Your ov.•n Spar\ish Unlver5ity P•rk 3 BH. 11~ has. fireplace, h\'O SEAWIND NU VIEW RENTALS 642-5678 gar, \aw1d rm, adults.
C11s1lc. Just st('ps to the .:..--'--'-------I 2 BR. Crcfll C.l\t. lac., To l.iom>\v on your H.i•al 6~ or 494-32 18 842-7848.
hetu:h. V11c11nl & the 0\\'lll?r u NI v I': Rs IT y Pu r k' YEAliER nLTY, r1;i&-617l Estate, invei;;\ for good Next To Spyglass ~~~=~~=~~~· :'..c==========J..~=========I
Ill II l Ch11nc:elor Home, 5BR, fain 4 s ···P '.RATE 110,.00, ••·Ith yicld, or s£>11 existing no1e. \I' C\!en curry 1e oan. r:. " ,..,._ C JI S' I ~t VIEW l!erbel't llawkins Realtors rm, 2 i.;. Im. nc:ms11 fmn1 l'" I crl I'! noon a u11 igna o!"lgage Co.
pool, tcnnl11 courtr>, grt•en ~~ .. :~/ogt/~nlm.' ~1'00· 11 """'• (il4) 5.i6-0JOl:i J B-•--1, 2 b•th horn", WA.I.N UT SQUARE: Alnin!' S3!l·1600 or 963·5681 .. -11 _, lo! '' I v"'"'' .J' ,,..,, "''""'" .. .. Con 1 c 3 BR 'lb 2 STORY BAYFRONT ,,.. ' ... ., · · e w Y d • I p fireplace, rorrnal dining, co. 01.y . , -ns. derorated, by ov.·ner, $56,500 In ustr1e roperty 168 45% DISC \\'eil·acc:ured !st !le!!-<'lenning oven. Enjoy
shnr;:. drnpc~. pntlo, air 2 BOAT OOCl<S, 4BR, 3BA, principles only, c:all :.!13-bHI $[ii, 113 JlflYll $:it2 n10 · l · & cond, pool, cnble TV. lrg fan1 rn1 w/frplc, Jlv 4 2 2 -4 9 9 2, alt 5:30 FOR S1\LE nearly TIC\\' incl 10% ull du<' 1979. Bx private1C'Oznntlln 1
1Y 1
rt\shwshr, .~1oragr-. $30.0C)(). nl1, dinette, Jt,1. SllJ,000 or 714-552-9610 rnu90nry bldg.-includes 2 3 Apple Valley 714/242-214•1 S\\'lmlml 1ng poo 11 this
By O\\'ll<'r. 642-.1i81 lcuse optlou, By owner 2111 ~~~~~~~~~~ lots. Approx 2700 sq ft . Spilt pres g ous llt'Cfl Rb o v e
SELL brnn<I ne\\· "'.!" Pinn l~yiohol'C' i\ve, Long Beach In 2 parts. Can be. uSt.'CI ~ Coi'Onfl rl1el ?\>lar .. , '.'!~5 per
home Tu1·tl<'1'1'.M'·k . 3 nn. :i! tAIRmilo~ Bay) 438·17~8. ...,.."""'-lr;:;;1 tor olf\r.c & storage. lilts Rentlll I .& month -ease. 64.........X.7.
BA , \\'Ct h;ir + 1•x lrfl.~-4:16·li2til.~ of 1mrki11g. CAii n111nagcr, ,,-tlOL\tJo.:LY 2 BR. Avail }'eb
Lov£>1y & priced ~o sell fn11t. -B~E~S~T~C~O~R~. ~T~O~B~C~H~. l .liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii ::"::'-'·8::;2>;:2~ . ....,...,..----: l e!iii!~iii;ijijiijiij~iij~ 15th. Carpet, drp11, el~ : &l\.8282 ~ S range. Yd. 518 Jasmine, 4 HR, 3 hn with huge mnstl'r Mobll• Homes Lot.a for •I• 170 Hou1e1 Furnished 300 $2'l:i0. Call IH..t-129l ttft 6 i leguna B••ch Rulle w/lxly view. Red. 10 for Sala 125 , · $132,500. Open Sun, 1·5 pm,
; .,.LOWER.3 An.CH BAY 425 v ·-. Lkk> Nord. 675-7414. MOBILE HOME
Old Lagu n a Chnrn1 , ------'-----SI VERCREST
unbellrvable view , '°'"'" 4 BR PLUS POOL L lot, lit time offered for \\it: hA ve It & thnl'i not aJI. MOBILE HOME
ule. A must 11ee for 1he One yr old, low do'A'Il. A"· 20' x 53', 2 BD 2 B> carp., ·~1 dlscrlmlnaUng buytr, ~unll' 7% Joan or Je!Ule w/ dn1.ped, bll·ln1,, retrlg.,
'"9,000. Arc: Really 5116-511 l option. Call & v.'t'll llhow WRJJher & elect. drytt, wired
A BtG ONE you. Asklng "1,500. c.21, for 220 air cond., kllch .
BR d I ·~4121 49'0290 clock, storage Ahed, l1LJ1d·
1 , en, am. rm. w/11.'l'I -~··~··-·~·-,.~~-'..-· __ _ •·-be •-1 1q liCaped pat.lo. Three yrs. old •1a1: &ma, ..... ·• un uc Newport Beach • like nu. l.l>cated In new bl~ln kltch. Approx. 2300 --~--------I sdult pk. awa)' fron1 nol~y .ft. rt . lfnttre IJl"Olrtld!I 2 BR. expandable: 2 Ba., St. One·hall bl. trom clu~
.,SPrlnklernd l w1ttlert. channel, pler /111lp. $9'1,!\oo. I-""" SIS ~ r .11 EVES
. Best Buy -$67,500 A Sn nrt k Se11 Rltr. 67:t-Afl00 "'"""· •"""' ...,. · ••ss o 21 l-694-4690. m• f N REALTY 494-<\131 CAN BE SEEN AT:
. laCJUna Broken ou~\~r:~r R~h~t~~&n CR'ESTMONT
.,.,_ OPEN 11·3 * &73-8563 * l!STATl!S
1001 Oro $52,!r.10 ---..C."-'=---1051 Slte Dr., Brea. (Centrnl
1015 Oro S.'i6,9!'10 Don't give up tht 11hlp\ Ave. e.Cl'Olls from Brl'f\
l"8 J\lon1in.l(J>lde $82,950 llave son1ethlng you WR.nt tn O:ln1m . Hn~p.) Lot •46.
1396 T\-1ornlng1dl'ff' $91,500 11ell! Claulfled ads do it CONTACT HAY, Pl<. l\fGR.,
67~1219 v.-ell • call NOW W-5678. for 1howln1ir.
lD,200 sq, tt. C2 100 It. fmn·
tage ('ti\ g()Qfi i!ll'l't't. $.1.92
~'. ft . Ready to build.
l-IUNTlNOTON Bel\ch lots
from $9000 up. R·l, 2. 3 &
'1 , Cn.11 Art e\•l':s. 5.16-·ff)!)S
Ht1.ve an extra spRt'f> h£>flll'r
)'Ou rti' lonaer use? Sell II
now wllh a Dnlly Pllot
Cl&Sll.lrlt'Cl Ari! 642-5678 .
NE\V• Spyglan Hill borne,
S13.'i--Utll Pd. B"ch n1•nr f'.11&gnl fh.'f!nt w, 4 BR. 21-,
b£>11c:h, g-11.rage, ya rd , ba, 19 Tiburon Bay
Laguna. 2 Bdrm, 1 bit, So. o( H11.')',
Sl'l>UU1 Pd. Frplc. + Cham1 sa . per ' met.• •
P11tio, henm11, La1n1nA ' · Call f13.4i71 alter ff pm.
$20:",....2 BR. Jo"rplc, carport. CO y 2 BR 1 Peninsula Z rottage. , frp c .,
I blk be h Ba I b So. of H"'Y· $275 Pt"nlnsulfl I\~ ' ou fi n\ Pinchin Rltr. 6T."l-4392
$l5(}..Ufll Pd. Ni cely furn 1 NE."W 1rg 2 BR. 1 ha. + den. Beautiful View w/(rpl c, vlew $<
Laguna. ' dish11.·11sher, $00 Poinsettia .
NU-VIEW RENTALS l Ar. 2 Ba, trplc. & gnr.
673-4030 or .f!).h32'18 S350. 1tft S or v.•eekends,
1 BR. 1-louse,$115, uUI pd. 673-0744, 712 Larkspur.
C.r.1. Al11a 2 Alt. & Orn, Costa Mes•
CdM. Rnch. Unit , NB. SOO.
Agl. l'~ee. 919-1430 I BR HOUSE, fenced. S150
Balbo• lal•nd·-----n10. Eatttsldc Costa Ml"aa ,
3UR, Co7.y nr \\•1\lcr & \)cfH•h , 2BR, gor, nr bu11 & 5'oN>.
127 ~ Opel S.100 n10, Y<'Rr El111t11ide. Nu paint & crpt.
lcn ~e. 67:\-2288 Arllls. ~>lft-..'1681 ah 3pm
'. I I I' I
llll!ttl llr ClA't I . POllAN
' Q Th~re's " new rock group
called The Fa llies -not much
'r~-,-N_A_H_Y_L_l~I tock,--. ,.,
I I I I: I e Compl•t. tn. thuck1• qvotlld L-~-~-~·'--'-· -L. --' by lillln~ In th• mini~ word• you deYtlop from step No. 3 below.
e UNSCRAM8lf lE.TTE~s 1 I I • ..;:_~FQ~!~A~NS~W~ER~~~.-l......J.-
·· ~.F um. 360
l BR .1 block fron1 oc'an.
redecorated. pool. SI ~o. 960-
., 1"2'1l8=='--~-~---~
L19una B e11ch
i::rrrc. apts fro111 S-AI v. k
or Sl'iV nK>. !:.tool , n1111•l.
ph, 11'ry, Vdh1gt' I 11 11
....... 36
$175 OCEANFll.O~T. 1 Ur,
inc. util & fH1v parkln;:::.
7~ r:av101.t 491-171~
f>"LilL~ liachr!ror 11111 ~~
, br~rh, shopriu1:: Lill! pd 1 Sl30 rito ,\i:;1•11t lij\-670!1
Newport Be1ch
Ocean -~-r..11' Vtl'll' fron1
suntleck :: n r lu1·11 or 11nfurn
!\'eu: dcror.1t1011s. 91 3 \\".
B;i.Jboa Bl\"d, 67~'.)2(}.I
I'..' BR, l l!<l . 1-b!k 10 Ot.'i'an
$1SJ I RR., '! li<l , l;;ly
.\: OC.'f'-111 1·ie\l, $.ljQ
A~k f,1 r t.hkt'
,JO:\J-S l~EAI. ry G7:l_.i~1ii ----s:;:;-J>i;I~ \\ !. ,\ up 1 Jr,,
~ br .i:. h.1l h· ... 1,)tor t\',
11itlld ·1 1i.•, rlt)()I "1'111·
~Ji-.: ... \, \lj ;<.: l'\C'\\ jl\JI I
1,;J, :...·u 6ili-96S l
, -NF.\VPOR'T 'l'O\VERS -
Sth fl(l(rl' li11\ fr'1,r1t 2 Bl:, :! !,.1, i li l2-8931, 6-16-8316
~D R, fro11r duµlx. fur11 1111111 111
1 blk-oc,e11 n: S'l\0 a\ .111 11J)I\
J'.!8 4\i St. SJIAC, li 11 4;>10.
OCEANfrQn1, neariYr1e11 ~
luxuriou~ 3 l~R. 2 bas,
l l'iG I \\ 1n!er &'6-311..\
l Bn. furn, pool, blOC°klo
beach , single adult, year]~·
. i tJJ, &lG-2roi .
t BR t11n 1 apt S18:i n10
including L:llh;. re11· sh'!!1s
lo the beach 642--3G9~
San Clemente
San Clemt>ntc Resident llole l
Si!l GO Per :\lonrh
Qutct -Sec111 t
Furn-utll -l\'alku1~ 1!1sl1u1<c
to e1t"rv1htn"
e 11·1 DEL l\1An. S C e
Apt. Unfurn. 365
General >
1 En Apt 11 1th ~ar ;icl'n ss
rro111 p.1rk and 1e11n1s -
hea1n celings l1 u 1 I 1 -111 s
S200/Jno agen1 G 11-7211
B11lbo11 lsl;nd
.-\T1~ \C I 1;1 ;lJll. cri~
t inge.( IC'l11t.;. ,u!uh~. n"
pct .. , $1:..0 n1n l ~l ".J ~lli-::llL'
'lon-f>-11. G';';, n· :9 1\ keni..!s
\"Ef!Y AU1-ar ! Br uppe1
\"1 I) !\o jK·!~ \\'tr pd
C1·p1~, drps, s I I' / I' c f
E \LBQ,\ Isl.inti • attr. :'·
ER , unr apl Nr . 111
.. \ ea1·!~ Cpl only. S:!2~1
f!ltr. 673'-47ti(i
Tot sday , r,bn13ry 5, 1q74
.t.pt.Unfvrn. 3'l Apt. 365 --'--------Unfurn .
Co1ta Me1a Newport Be•ch
2 Bit., I t>u ,
01itnflf'lr111t ....•....•••. $300
3 KR, "l tia
i\'t'11 ly dec1.1r .......... ·.S:..00
UJu 1 llr, I hn unf , .. s;;oo
101~ W Bolboe 61J 161.)
1 Re n t11 l1 to Sh11re 430 Apts.,
Furn . o r Unfurn. 370 1
I().'' 1nl1\Hll • 1'11 1,r,,,•h • fUl'11 ·
li<l1111, \\ 1lJ 5h.'.l.r1• \I llh
nmfutt' male or h·nutlC' i.>
:t'i, l\Iu,1:1 tlf' ~R !11 r l et! ,
•1r<U¥)11, La1c1uWi fit.'<lch,
494-00TJ ___ _
!\IA.~ to ~11.:ire 3 Hit l"'OIKIO
111 C'u~la ~l('i,,, S I I) 0
~,1f,....21't."1~ 12-2 ur l-61•'1
Oifi ~Rental 440 I Found (free •ds} 5501Cement, Concrete !:T:.:H!e -------:
Nfo;\\'POJtT &:al'h t<U,x>rl t':\O Gray kllh•n i.lll,.·I h..11 r, PATIOS. \\.\LKS, DHl\'1-:S, CEl~\;\1J C T ILi~ :\l:.\V &
81'l'll 6oO &J, fr 0Cf11.~ $250 F1•111, Vu, \l"'~n. \.'.·ri.le J\vll', CONCH.t..'Ti:: PU?.1PIJ'\C 1·r1110..lt>l. }')'e"' <'"I :0::111 yi i.,.
lrl(:) uul, ja11uor. ~tullan rornl'r ;\lc~.1 \'i:-n!""" .~·1 C11ll Dnn 642-851 4 11 t'h,.0111 ~. :.:'.ti-~,126.
Ht-11tly, 3400 J1·vin('. 541}.-2960 A•ltt111'> "'':.!-"131 1 1!11~~. Contr•ctor --R fl
DESK space .. va11Iable $.'itl ~I~ ('\'CS,
00 "I
1no. Will provide ftu'nltunl S~IAI L}oun~ r r it' 11 ti J)·!QUALITY conlllruclion u1 fiOO f' lor \~~-T't'p;lli'i.,
Ill f;i nlo. Ans11>'er1ng servt~ G1•r111.u1 Sh1•ph1•1\J Ul k & 1.111 un1ql*,01iJ;inal l\f.'IJ pltHu11~t !1.hl11~1,.,,, Nl'k , L'01n11 frt•
a \aila bk-.17875BeachB\v1I. n1ale, \'1 r So. l u,1~! l'lt1i.1 1lei;1gt1i1. Hl)llle ln111 & i".~l L 11 . 1611 6 3
lluntinb'10n Bearh 6.tZ-4321 1'he1tlri" Br11<lol & .SunROY.e1· 1-eniodel \\oocl m11."'. C'tll\C, 541 ...J~l!/:itiO--WJ}
B usin ess Rentil 44S S:it nlxhL ·1~ etc 1\sk for Ken: 612-lnO, To p Soicl=.:::cc..----
f NO (ir r111 r111 Short llafr ~·~·'"--=~-----~ 1 .:..::!:.::.:::~------
0ff> ICE on Ne\.\'J)Ol'I B1vtl pup. Vic :ll,.:t (' i\1 , l~·t, J.ACr: Taulanc, r e P ll 11 . •QUALITY • PINECREEK
TO ITS NAME · 1.....,P-'""AR_K.,.NE'"'"-w-Po .... li'""T-"" 1 ALL YOU'LL
lll"1.'ktl<1):. --,,--~...,.~
~1 ALI-: fiflOIH!IHtlf' 11 an1 ... 1. 'l
Ull. hou~•'. lu111 & ulils. pd .,
$[:,0 All!'.11 , J56....Qill t \L
~. !J.;,
:\l.\LE lc11-,cl-1<>_1'_<'ci,-.-,,-,.-.. -l"l<--,-.c~h
u vn!I 011 lease Par! furn, 01ru1gt> ,o,;_ Nt"11i:~1·1 1\\'l'• 1·cn1ot\, ad•I Lfc B-1 260072 k ~I L:LCll ,'(,_ TOI' :\OJI. •
t\U'f)('t.W, azr/cond, prk'i:; U."lg ht•s t.1ild. !i l2-:.!820 l\ly \Vay Co hl2-470J 586-6930
Appros. l!UJ Ml. It . unvlln1e D ft' I'!!!!!!!!!!!! S:l:Jl.l/111n \V arehQu.o;e also -, · , . ra 1ng ]~ ][jJ] 0 \'l l JO() t.ill 't'Cl'\i nud J1J APARTMENTS 11 !1 ct1 1ll~ 1111h 11ntc1!11ll~ J~i..t lu•l(•l' ! rir '1 Beil1wn1s NEED
c1c,1te ,\ reJ,lxln;: ::.o.:111111-:' f>il' ,au! Toiiilll\()USf'I> • • • I
ho111c. SI !O :\!l int·l 110
tl1 u"~· Su L;11tu1111 •l!J'J-IJ2'J
Jrd Jt(.l()i\J:\lATi:: f>\111111~·
t'\.,C'dcd lu tihl' :IBH, :!BA,
111111 11 td.~ar t<1r contr;H·tor 11-0UNlJ, Ca l. Blk & l\ll1!e,1----',0.-_ ------1
Cull -~is-~16 I )•111 ni.: v 11· !\L1 11l1 1.ic1111~1·n l.'OJ\lPLE 11:: u 111 1 t u1 g
-• \\'I.Ison & \1lt tl•riu, L'.'11 1 'h Sc-1v1ce & Design to )'1ur
Yt•lll" ~p.1i.:1tru:. 11~11• 1-or 2· t-r SIUl,jQ Opt'll 9-G 0.11 lv
IH..:d1'uu!n ,lr1art111~111 ~1 u111 Sri.i Pool'> Tenn(<;
$17U. J.ur111IUl l' ,11.111,dol \'. ,\,t\IAA frcini Vn~hlon lsla r,Jf
l11 (11:'-' VJ>t.H !:l:oo tu 6:uu. 2Jtlll o1\ J11n 1l~11 • c un san J ua<..111111 ~ «Ll'VlC'1•1 ltd , C:os\,1 !llr•s,1 Jhll~ \{l'J!hl.
J'hune ;Hj.t;;vrJ, ----1714 ) 644-1900
Sierra Village STt:PS !u bca1·h. h .c: r11uJ
:;111all ,\duh Cun1plex In Lu.'>h ~!.It . l,.·11:-11 1-c1l1u~., lt·ph"
F o1ci;t Sc1t111g Ult.:a te11 ·, ull 11!1111". ,sn;,. N1•111 .. 11
ahn 1ro111 Uo.:,1i.:h >!< 1>1 11y Crl·s1, Jl:lt JBA, ~l.11. ~rh,
2 Hr, I 1 ~ lla Sl~:J (.;11:. .-. ·~ 11.,; l!!O \\:.dcr l'<ilrl l'\v 1-"eJs --------1,l x1 r1~Y \\ .. tit.' 1r .. u ,\p.s l ll C.: :!\;1!1 :-.t, ~II · I' \'ut LHlu/Sh;ls ,\\o~ ,1.
•1111 ,)I Ul •• ,,,.l(iJ I 1 l 111 . '.! ]_., "' 1 Bi '..' 1:1,
l'l l~/o'.[J u( s1u,dl l lu ap1~' l1l'l'IJlt1ll l1,1lf~Jt\I' $:i~1 l•l
Ul t.\E\U Nl-.\\-2 81, '1 1;1,, SJ:il.J/l\Hl ~ .• :-!J2,I
J 1,JU 1><1 1t ·•l.11111 s "I"" ,,1 ---'I U,1.--n'll K I r e l * Nt,\\ 111. • •• :1 111 , '"" 1 ,\: 1 111 -·~l"'"~.JIJ. ~lit :l b.i, 11 p i11•r, lush crptg,
J('St'l"lnl1ur\s, bi HiWIJ «.,ii Ii ;.: ii• <'k, : hlks hth. <..:iuld ~L\KI'.:. tun uur ol ,1p l l1ving, 11k , \'1 h , S :7;-i ti7!;-!JG.1:l,
l 11<. 2 h 1 11.u n or uru bJ:-11·~11i
l'uol, ll'I' h,,!J ,.,,_ i.;:,lS Ua1-U
(JUL'b, (.:,di Ii 12-1-lill
'\ 1\Lh 111i..:k tu 1•u1·-,-u-,-,.,-,,
.!. Iii' t1·111h '.'\ un ~JUll'I s[ll'Cl
t.11t bd ;.;.r1, c.i1lh~. ::..iuo.
67.i-;:..';hl !!I ,,._: U:.!!1 ---2 BR, I V2 BA
li!O Joann, Apt t a 1S-~Ji3
2 Br 101\('l' ln I p!l'.'\, j'l!'.11 •
$lh.J lllU ~~jJ Jt"\1111:, .Jl.l ]1~!
t-.::>;l Jl\-Li-:;J)~H. 111;-0cc . ,-.;o PET~ SI l:J/.\10
~~~_,_97~lJ I
J·:.\:'.1/'.SIDJ>; 2-BR,-11 J LJA,
bltns, re1J"J6., tpts, d1"11~,
pool, nu pets, St'iu b-U; .. -01, I
1 UH $1:.i.J Stuve, ref1,g~
cpl ~, ciqis, pool ,\iJults, uv
pets * • 6 J.J"'"l:i~
2 & :; Bl{. ba, t·rpL/d1 p~.
I/I.IOI:., pl .. .' gTuu11tl ~ L.i0 L J'
Call li4:Hl I clO:._ ___ _
POOL S1d1· .! fir Co11 ~1i.;r"
li<'11111 11:11, qu11•1, pr11 uh'.
II 11, l•l sho11Jil!ll.; CC'lltC'l ~
$!1 °1/11111 ;:is 'l'us1111 A\{'
ti l!-n'.!11 1 (\I'S,
\\ I .~TC'LI rr· -2~ch-,·-/-, ,--h,1
t1111!1st', ,1r l11~ onh , no Jll.'IS
~:.!.' .. / 171.~ l';ctlfvrd Ln
-~~~~---l~AYFl~Ol\f 2 Br, 1 Ba\\/
11 :! p,1!111, fll '!V IJ.citi.:h ,\:
p I e r 5;1:lj/1l10 9i!'J...-0!1~l.
ti~l---l:l!O ~-~--~=
1 BOT-!\] pen1houst' S\S:.i.
nio. !st & last.
• 2J"H697-1,l!l6
SP.\C!Ot:::i -iJ(101c,1-c~B~,-y
f1·111Jt , 11 1th pl"!\' hc.t<'h :.
Cll, 2 h.1s, $.KX1. r,7;1-i\i.l\7 ---* HAYf.'ltO:'\T -SP,\CHll :-.
I Br· l~c . $1.",(I 1111 11111 !
hlk rt n1n (W('.,(I\ 6i:,..\:{9i
:l l3l!, l "ppCl lllHl 11 pl I
11.1!111 $2.l\) 1110 y!ly l-i(,\.-lli~7
121 :1 ilh·lil~
San Clemenre
SMQP spal!l'S i1 v.ul.1hlr> ~ll I fll!i·~~'iti·~ IClJUh"C'1nenls Apls, hO!lll'S, .111r~u·lfvl' Arcadci>, 1:.· f1'0111 f'OUND bl ·k 1 111 r 11 1 oudo11 Sa\'e o v e 1· hr a d J b Wint·•, Mile 700 h c n u t 1fu1 San Juan nc 1 0 1 '.i.13-TJGI .. o::.::_:::.::::;;-::.::c.::.=c=--:..:.: :..L\LJ·: 111 !>hu r1 • ;; IJ1;--2-t;;; (" ,1 ll 1 s l l' un !\tis ion I 11/son1e n1oney Octobcl' '7:1.. --.-~------1'
!1tlt1sl' 1111 i~dt1<J,1 l1>J.iiirl 1,~:;.J\-1 l v ' s lh1ner ulr·1111fy. 5.lli-5JlS E~ectr1cal CONS'lltUCTION est1111ulln~
b7:r.'ilil:; -
11 B Pollce 1.>cp1 -111 1ny ho111t' ln Ne1:j)f)l1
JIOUSE In flo,,n· 1001,, •-:0.10\'I!: )Ollr ufl' or sho1i tu GI-ll.J\I \N Shf'l>henJ nui•ll;_-ELECTRl(li\1'1/ Ii<.". old J"hi; !;:1·ach. Eveuu1y~. 6+1--j ·12. " "' a pl'l!!!llg(IUs .._'01111'1 \JI! l'\11 . 1 ' ~ •· • ne11• Jobs Any jobs. i\ny ---------
l11m1'L i\b1l1! 11011 1>1L1111tht 1-011._1 lhiv 111 L.u ;: Btu•·h fr•n\ale. nrun ~ll:-i1· \111 1Jlaee 83(..7689 Job W11nted, Fem11le 702
l1t'.11'h hOllSt', ti71-JOO.I VISTA
LAGO ,\,U-ll'!ll'i l':\I. L 111 r~1 jZl}S~O si;i, rt ,1·)!· I S;1111u ts.11)(!1 S1 S:1111.1 An11 , -----------C\I 61" '"'"" ELECTRICIAN NEt-;u 11~11, at hon1e! \\'e
Lu.'IUI)' l<tk('> .. 11tl' adljl1 11\Ult:;, Lfl\'1-:LY 1-:.1slsull' C:\I .1pt '"! 11 llrall•/10n111s, tiT:l--fiiOll ___..:__~ --"-'·------1"l1lll•ll'1 •111,\ )11'1\'"l v, 111 sh,11 •' 11/ 11u•hll\' 11.1111,111 FO l~--Ll'a--1-1 ,-1 ,1-,1-:-1, I F()llNI) ~11u11:.: 11•h11" rn,1 lf' l_ll'/lns ~..i.-,-3'iSO huvc aitles, UUl'~t'~,
.i lfoiil.i hlt• ,,.,,1.,,1,, ... ,.,, .. ,,,, 1 ,,. 1-,11,1 -1 ~ ''""I • ~C'. t .. 1 . 01 . ~· ''' l .,1 1,,, 1,11, 1 G d . ho u Ii ekp1 s, Clllllpil:fllOlli. .-... ' .i·J ~ ~ ,),,-,;uo ''-.:10 u1 5[l,1pp111.-. t••nll!I' ,,:, •·l '1 ·· ar en1ng ll on1c1n11kC'r ,. Upj0h11 1 ~1.itir1.: ,111111•111n·:. h run' (; --43 S I :'"::.1 E 1 17 1 St C 1' !'Ol'll'flOt'L C11i<~a :\Ir sn , ll,11ulh,1ll, !.'1111 ... 11111,, ..... nil arages ror Ke n t '' """ 11 · ' os ,t •:-,__1100 < l~tt-6•!7 I l·'l lHOPI': \N l ' a ~ rl c n ·I' ~~!7-titiHl _. --------.. --I ,\]l'Sol, S27j, tii '.J-U J 1U , .,, ' _ ' tl I , ! ,
Y1<(·l11 Clut. ~ 1fu •rf'n•·1•''· I, MINI WAREHOUSES ti~.i-uiOi 6 IJ-'.ll:;o I F'l-.'.\li\LI': 11 i~h Se1t•·t" yn~. ~lntntcnance -La.r1dscn11u1~. LVN (!(•i.u e~ 1101 k 1\•1th
:!. 2 ,\ IJt•n rr .. 111 S.lT.i. 1111h s -II ·ll-ll 'l\11(.'J \'J(.' ~l ·1rrr " lr····· ltcu1ovaJ v~·r y Pl 'lVatc h.•.tnunu l patient
a.11;,u·1111cut 10' bi,· :\,i i\h 11 1•·!11 01· !\!111 .... ni t !'hu11 .ova ii SllS.'l/111•1 In ~ -· " 1' ~ _._ , ,..; ~s . • . ---, :ii7-l&'ill cit ~J2-1 711i •'i crvth1n .: 1,111 it<•t•d ,111 TORAGE I "TJI L ~·actu1~" h,:1s ,l lt ~ \\i.: ,1 'rv1·ft f' ~-'i r·!fl" 1e,1sonalilt• 1,11~;:,:;29 ev.,s \Inly. l-.:1;i.:l'llc ut rcfcn:ncci<
111 111.:<'s t-t\ll ll S7 jO ,,,.,. t".111n••rv \1tll age 425 30th St fN I l· ltahb1t tn B:iysho1es J \~ ,\., E~.I'..: {.;Cal 1 tJ" 11 111 ~ Help Wanted M & F 710
1uu111!1 NH f\42-19110 NI:\ s.1 11 i c e <'••,n u_r . ,
II I ' I I ' /1/1 67~-~111"• l.0\fllSll ll.rlo fll'~H Ca![ hltfl
'lllll lor1 ,\ • •'11 ,tn( ~I., STLIJJ(I . 11 u1l,shnp hu ~llll'~S· '''"'" ;1fl to pn1, 493-5.$70 ~
ALLSPACE 21_. 1111 q, p111 . l'n! 11" t'on~1 I lJ,\!tLl~C 11h1tr flu1 1\' k·ni --. -, ,:2..;:.::::oc:e:__~-960-1970 Jl11 v $1!.'i H)-1-70$2 I !ll•:.: Nr llf'1l & Al ~t 11q111n, L X! 1::1. Gair1en_ei h.111111 i\eeounl1•11t ----.----1113 l!IG-().J-G hOll l\1111111 1 1•1n1n1111f,! & l.J(;si~n ~nhlllecr
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._h,•J..: C1J1t"' S11i,llt Pl'l ok, L~CL0:-1::1} li.\Jt.\GF. for 1 C'o~1,1 :\le~,~ !li'.l !i.iil }-l·h llh A11s11l·1s lu CAHl 'l':>N TI'\' \1,',"·•' c'' li.
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I ' 3 Ill S I <I ;, I' ""0 ""~ nl"I NOW LEASING Pll•as1• cont.it•! ·l!:ii-'200" or ' · l' • 1 llj( St.'<."~ ~ ll' ins. l':O.P .;><NU t
Pr·i,·. Patios .-;l:\GLJ: 1•,u i..:.ir.1g!', i'.:ds1 Huntington Beach 11iH-6S:i~, .t C',l\l"' 111L ~:..ii.:• ll'pa11 & 1t>n1od Let 11~ bid' l:ir! J·1 i;1 .. y s:....o · -·' ~. !U(IO __ ,...__, ,,., · ...,,......, ----1 , -1 ,'. ' -,. ",. alterahons All 11pcs hon1<" ,\ J• J'1t\t ull. Lf.U ru SGtJ{l
$160to S::50pel'l\lo. ~u tl', C.\l s .. o 11\U E\lS NEW M.-1 1-l'~a rr . . r & B llunll' HCjJflll', l11s1u·aul"t' (.]e1•k to $."J()O
j"'j'i; &...-.1t Pl. C:'<L hllJ..18;7 Ol' hi:>-b~li.'\ I '1 111 Sq Jot & LIP VIC !\h•.:;;1 \1'rd£' \ilia.~ Sn1I ~12-1 103. l)plst/LjQ/,\l \'l('JO tu sr;:;
!J.l!-2007 '1 s1nglcs ,01 a d'Ouhlc garage llainilton & Ne,1Jautl SI. l OJ~n~e ~gci.' cnt. IH .. lic. 14rn .. TllL~GS'' b) ~lousl' Gt-11J i'.1 G11l }-1·1 bkkvng S.i lu
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.:JIS-7!'1{)' ~.l.'."Y :~~f('{'llOll.lh' Ans t•' Plu1nh1ng.' !':le e Jl'.:HRI \\'JllT7t.:\IUHE
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11;:,o Sq ft ~116 1\'10 1211. B!k ~'lb, n1all>, ti nio Hauling .._ y
PRIME ~ Unt!s lJOO s<1. ft !2'!5/1110 Vu· Jlnrho1 S ]'1th h• fund SERVICES ~ I
LOCATION Vnint Offue, 11pls, lu1gc D LC'111s To~ol.1 1\ns 111 YAI~D. g111•ogc ':,·dn-ups-, 4X!lt-. 17thS! \Ht!iiint•I C'\J
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~\O':l Hede<-;, lu', ..! h«
I< "/llll) I j1lc:1; 11 j~11I N1
_sl.'_l_'l_<1z~·-5k,·. :..:'c°"c::c_ __ _
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loL1d1u11 on (JILi :'\tllJ11Jll 11,d \\,\) St {:\I fJ,l)S Siil 1f'11 110 qucs1 k111s <1~k dr1ve1111ys, '>l U!Hp:.I
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: 11t;o :-11 11 c1.101cF: kll'.i t1ou r-.11~~1011 IA1'4t Thul's 111g111 \~!LOCAL n101uig & h11 u11n~ AccouNTING CLERK ~t'<J Hu,ig lh,:ispit,il ,\ 1:,ii \1t•Jo .11110 pl,1ia IHlO s4 ' "''11·111.w! l1't'sl llhr vld b1 s1udcn! Laq;e t1utk
H1·.111d ~Cl\ (;,11dr11 1\pt" • ( o! ll•'l Ull~ On :-.JIC l '.il k111g ti ~llfl1\ 100111, 3()00 sq fl t Bllu.~po1r1t S1,1111'1•s/', 1111111cd H.t:'ns Ball). ~1:1-91 iS HI Cusl<I \Jcsa fll 111 S( t•ks
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I &. ~ l~I~ Yi u111 Sl Ii
l,/,dl!IL' ,11J1J)I ~ ]\!) l!llS.
'.! ER, J ba, [\;!'.'\\' carpets
.r,,, drapes, t 111 111 c d 1u 1 e
uccupanc.:y, $1s.i 111 o .
J.SG....:>17s -------E'1st Bluff
J BTt. 1 B.\ i.ijll IUI' 1 .... a~c.
lncld S{!<.lC. 11\USll'I :.ulle, d111
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ILUll .11 e;,,
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SW i\nu;,u~ ll.11, :\1;
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1S>l7 i\lon10\1a 615-09!6
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i\ll ;rpl!; h,i\•' pi iv.th• p,itiri~. NICE, bti;, ! 13!:, O!e!lll NEWPORT BEACH · Tll F. racrory" hns a lro::-polu·l' h:idgt> 1..;~r ,11 s<11\111g, b1cak1ng SIG-7110 !\lason, ~. Coastal
111_.11v olhC'I' ff'allUl!S SC'c V1C'1\S, S l ~/.i lo S .. '20. hu1u111' 1 .. shop il\ail. SlS::./1110 111 \\c.uh111J.<1k l;nlf 1~·111 ~c 1,11 ~10\J~G? Loctl -f~ur l"C'rS1..1n11cl 1\t,:t'll!'), :.i7~ll
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Clen1e11re G1·n~ral Jlos1>11al Huntington Beach .111~\\C-nng:, r P <· ,, 11 t 1 0 11 4001 Bl RCH, NB ' .~ 11•h11c I'·'""!'. .u1s f'n lz. ~10\i~G""+Dc1~1 c11,'J;.hs ,\ I' Clerk, Co nslr. $100
Use Es!1 e-Jl.1 Off-r11n1J1 DF'.LU'.''E ad It •o l »I. ~~r\l('t'<S, con111lelt' hhrar), 3600 SQ. t"I ~H\-~J01'.! \'11· :\l~t·1 s ,\ \\1!~1)1\ SI, Uy 1lt•l1.1ble Student \1Jth ~',ui <·nu· .. 1•1
1!-:C'lll *** <IQ3·01H ••* ·" u p .. s ( <·onf!•1ence 11l0rll P»•1lr"r.s 6Hi "l'!G '·1g I' ll 6 "'1316 .iihini~ 'ssl .,, .... ,,nbu>• I ., ... Storage 455 >-... ~·~~PV1111 _eris._....-___ ·,,-1,.11 ''"·>>I tlfc ? .... '"· ;.:a o11-, n1· oc1•,t1 . IB:'<1 <'OJH<'r loo' C ;i 11 --I v !'\TCE .1pt fol' rent • Br. frpl, If'..: patio, h JXIQl~. R '3--0~'Xl l.(JST sn1.1JJ ff'n1 .1IC! II re<l lla\e R' Pick up 101 ha uling, .S.1..:1 1·1,u y
2 Ba Ii\' 1111, kit '1 I pa n!rv, ~auna, tl'nnis 81\i--O:!iC) _'c' ~c"~-------! \\'AltF.l!OUSf>: ,II,: stor:n:C', r '!. rlu,.: 11 rlh l.11"0,:t' e.11 o;, pt 111"1 in~. 1.u1ll'<c<lp111g llc,1~ L\ ,,
ch n arr..i :;:ar . 219 Santa J\J..,'11 Br 1-'iuni SJ;!'i ! !)o11n1011n Co ... ta ~l(·~.1. Sl~l C'h1huahu.1 \11r nt ~lct:,1 1ll"'I l'11ll Bob t>lb-!79-1
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•·:\ ::il't y lo pn.•s.
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S.>W -'""''
\11 .blil!J Apts., !{l .... r. I 211. Bt.ul;: 11111 J,•lo \1 ----'-CC.."----
'\E\\' 2hr :-pht IC'\', 11111 Furn . or Unfurn. 370 * BRAND NEW* Rentals Wo.nted 460 \·1c P:11 1r11· .~ \\1t.w11. C :\1. Dedicated Cleaning
' " f'f> ? "\ " -----------l'lt .. !M' lu·lp li l!i '\l;:_lj .. \\r: fJO J::\'1-:f{\"THll\\.t .
c1v1:; ,(: tJ1ps~ J b!ks [1 0111 B Ibo d "' -• •· -n. ~ron1 \·EnY r'OnscJf'lllHlllS a11d II 1 F
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Huntington Beach --
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Ut:l llo!! LJ1f\U'1>l•1~·
C,dl Jcnntlll' S.si.u
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Personnel Agency
833 Dover Dr., N .B.
3 1 Jsc MANAGEMENT Fi pie in !iv rin Fain _0111 CROWN VALLEY Apts. h(<rlt'OOni hou~f' nr:1r Daily st . C :\l f~ll-L112 house"' o 1 k ;.., e ~ti~
I nn Apl II 1th gar a r ,;;s 2 Ull Hlt11s, ni.:11]~ ciccut .ttl'•!. Ill\ Ni II ;\fl p 1 l<.111 r (.' s S-in Diego fl'l\'V or Coast I =========~~~ Pilot Uv ~larch l~1tb. S p.ICC LOST Collie pup • l 1110'<, lt.11l1'p.1t l,1t1on ;i-t 0 -I .l., ~
fro1n ll.Hk and !f'lllll" _ l'.nt:J ~dldt(U' Hc.1uuful 1,,,1fl >:f' a i <iil Yc«t h ~~on H11 v t11 ll1llhu1~1 :t;;j~I fill son1e flo11r1 s nnd .i ~~l H\ ,\: 11h1I•'. \ 1" ~,f s1,11<•1 c'c'o'c'c_ __ _
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$200/nio ai;ent li·ll-i111 .l t:htltl s ll1c,11n . Clo!>C hi 1"1141 :-i ll O'i :tJ '2 l:<lO\I 11fru t: 111111 f.1111 .1 ~l i(' pt•l'll11 s!,;I011 ttl ho1\l' 1110 Jarly ---Q\\'.\ TH.ANSPOHf,\TIU'.'\ ,\SSE~I BLl::HS fOt J ~I .~ :tnd
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0 LIVE ON THE BEACH• .... "· ' '~-~ 1 1 ie;;, c.1tt•l!n1"'\ or $17.") Pie.ts!' · 1 1 · beach, Qu1c1 $110 1110 1-... ..,..,..,..,_____ lilt-in<:, S'.!.":oO \'1ly AL.SO 2 • 1 .. · I ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hy ""'· 01111 tran"" ~12 e:-.:11 lt'<I 'l)IJ ':I 111 Pt.'i ~on
I I •.. 2 J,1111 01 S('J'\ It f'. 1 :1rpct111g \\ 1·11C" ( lassiftC'd .id J';r1 s~ . .,,. ~ I' '· ,, I 673-:DGl 12 Mo, Rent Guarantee BR, 2 h:1s, Fur n 11(!\'o' cpts, I ~~ rl Sl~OS2 -) J ! r f k" lJ11y s::.ti4;6JS 011e1 ->: oJ'Ulll IC'lrl Div
$100 \'rl), ll'i.~-~jl'll or AJ,1 r.achC'lors Fr $19:l-S2Q;) ~~·y"1'T~. R'1'.'1
1:·1111.:0' 'I ll.i il y l'iln!, PO T~n:-.: i·Jl;iQI S h I & -0 -C-------,\i\IF illl'Olpot a\l'<I
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drps & Cljl!. lgc crprd pa11tr $171) up, f,«ll, k.icls uk pati>ole<l Lease Adults. no o rt-ICI:: SP,\f 1::-Ycl1l X!~FlJ snl inespenqi\e hst' ! instructions 575 tla.1 Oi\n transpor1ar1on S.i11 J llan Capisll'itllO
Adults, no 1iet'-6 I;:, 1.''°I '• '"'" ···,,, L•• IL'. u/ Corona o'e i M a r Rl 'N' 1· C••·1·· ,,,.. 11 1 L':il l ·,1 ,.'1Jl 1 'II " 1 I ,......., " .. "' jJets 1\s .. 1 .\lg1 ;\ecfh'd ·' • ,, .. "~·.~,1. .11 )01 1n rf'nt :\o (·h1t1!.·r>n, l .10<..: -----'· ' r t.~1uu opµor e111p v_1er
:'lla1 g ucl'ite l:t'.lCh ufl Gill llclJ) \:162-S~9-l LAS BRISAS APTS. ,1! Ad llllS H l' .1 u I 1 f u I ]'If',!~(' c .111 artrr 411111 I • \"QC.\I. TE.\nlF.f'. • Income Tax I -, HP. 1 B' I -----111ode111 ·ur Ill'''' c I l•1111f''< ht'!Ul<'!h Ch.t11111rin 'rr1: \C"l'I\ 1: ~a l . n I l' I' -" '" c;u1ict:., l rapcs, 2 13t'. c.1i 1i1s, (h ctJX's, Uh·ui~. J:,,1:; R1\e1· ,\ve., NB 1 ' · %2-9!1!t:. -16--0l 2I .t<12-!';2tl; 63 .. ,10 ft~UIC', n1utlcl l .dtc1110011 fireplace. Pool carports, 1 hlk to sch ...... Call 612_2166 J·•IHton n. Cl:1~s. ,\ \\,1lk1·1 J · • ~. , 1-J. Income Tax Service k 1 f l'c"-~-·1_,clc0_. _____ 1:7j....()j63 shoppmg .(,tree•")', l ch>l1I n;B -. "' -~ I.el' Bldg Call Gen(• 11111. t:i DEf:LY gcnr lrn1;in l\11uld ""rsonal or business a Ill'•' ·, l rl le ti a).
v / Santa Ana 5:)7--0136 or 5-IU-j828 l1kC' roorn & OOard 111 thC' I ,,,,... Pn\'aly & d 1s1· rt> t 1 on 2 BR, blt·ui,, pool ,\duliS. ok 1\0 J.>E'f::.. C,dl 6.JG-Ji'lo•li 11..-l~ .. r.<_s__ Cnsfa ~1esa/Ne\i t>0rt a.rea.,, . I~ .J 'J ears Ha rbor Area a.\.~111 l'd S('nri dl t;i1le<l ll'lli!J'
no pets $2".,j -Lease 01· 5.J;,-()71itl ..... _ .. ... CHOICE OFF ICE -SHOP 1 612-19"15 I Senic:es and ~tJ*rs (714) 67S-6676 I to P () Box 1u;,1G, San lo S~\!PLE I-:. I': GiJ -<;.1r1 WALK TO BEACH l.AGU:\A Bl::1\CH Fur Appo1n1n1ent 1\11.t 9'Jj J\. ~ Il l-: Tf111n hl)U:;1• {i plr, LAKEFRONT .1. 1 ~ --SHARP I. r;R Apr 11/p1iv 1 & 2 lil', Crprs, chps, Blln,, 1111111 s::;~l 1 Bi t , 1111111 s1111, '1" c><•i ner ocaimn Masonry AUTO SALESMAN
tennis c.:11 & pool Sl90 1no. garage ::Ol'i ltith St .5'.:.:6--:!lw 1.,.,1. 1,.,,,,1,, ,,,111 "'''''' 11 .,-Uu-c:ii_c p.u·kin,i.: I J[~J Appliance Repair ~
S LOCATIONS ·'-... ~(ll.1 :-,,I ~1 C11_1_ 1"_1111 I p.,, •• ,1, & p ts Br1·k-Bl··k-Stone ~x~r i.-nclr1 ul Ill' i1·111 rrt11n ,;;1-:;110, Gll)...l.129:! o r B 17-:~-~007c,.______ 1,, ,.,, .. ,,,,, ,,., 1, ,, ,,,,. ,,,,,,,1,. C " a r "' -~ ~, .. "I >I o I · II .-" ,di ],l',llil!l<JIJ ll('S b1 l-tilOO 6 ~ """' '·" " " I t' ) U ('fl)ll ~
:\!Cf•; 23P.., laun f,1c, $2'.'-::iJ _A_L_L-i7l1!. P111d-2 !lP., din ~,,,,.,11 Cl•~•· tn ,]lupp111i; VERSAILLES --------* l~'t.., * l~orlt :'\c11 ttud L~(·d
1no , 11111 pd Adi!', ii.i P"'~ a rea 11J IJ,\ Crpi ~. (!ip,,, s, 11nc h··a··h Gi i-X i! OFFICE SPACE I I APPLl.\:>;C~ si'r\· \\:i~lle1·/ Painting & • Es<l0ll c111 1A·1110 J'J.u1
67".)-21.i63 l:illu~ ~17.1 1'1Jl': 'IL"F nddL•n, n:-,' l'llF LJ\l~I· JOIN.)-."iOOQ Sr1 ft t1\·a11 1n 1 Personals 530 cl i 1•1·1 rl sh11sh1 d1spos;1ls Pinarhainging e Jnsuuinl t'
'· BR, lac.•e 1'''''•' , •• ,,,·, al ~.1l'h Bii d .';i{J2-,;.'\2·1 Cos ta Me•> La nr!ni.11 k !"111.i n('idl Aldi:; All 111;1kes H"aS filf,....c~l!I~ .--e J'iud \;i, ,il\•lrl "" 1\t :oi:uut h ( •'·l'"t 1~1.1l:\ I 1 I I\ I 1· I I "\' O>"' ,. I',, '' -e
., OC ----o.c:c.:.......,,;;,:_:______ 1Jc:t t'f 111 n1'11' r•tsli • u1111 ~' ,, ~·1 ,,), •. 1 Carpenter 1'1\1f11 Sh,•i m.· ~arc , gar,1"e. _,..,a n1on111 J BL KS TO BEACH -I" I 1 I I fl I I ... Ll'X h.: ::' r:i: 'I Lll•'!. r~•il ,,., ~n pu<•) ,q11 11 111 ,\ Cuun11 .1 C('nllr, Si\ Call 11-r1u1h1l , 1nll•ll1;;cn!. •I"· *Willard Painting ,\f'/'LY J:'-1 l 'E H~UN
li'i 3-2:(•7 : Er '.! (;,1 11/flplr:, ~1jll I I I I I .'i: J.u uzzi ~Pl'• I u q] •! )\ :\J r l\!'ll\, Iii 11 'J'in-:'.li~)'1 n •• 11111 .it!rki•fllC. f'H · CUST0\1 \\"QOr1\\0 l'K c t * ,\l !:i~ Ch1) .. ll'l'•l-'l)no'l''"'
Co.I M I 11111 t1J! ~11, ''· •.••.•• >JIJ'> 111 • ~1 1•;; <lltJ •II' '' 11 1~ ,\<'I•' 1 ~1k1' ,, 1•11\"'''''" ----~-1 1 1 · ' on ractors a e s r " .. , .. , I 11 I' • -OFF I c E S PACE--(II ( Ill.I 111~ 11''\\ lU~ll\!'S" (' 1bll1l'I" 1!'111 I ' I" ' ' ' ..! •.l'I I !.11 •.. ,. Ill• ..
r:i-.:.iTAL ~ vnill). l';'!h i.
·111~1in ,\\(', KP11po1 11(·0~1a
'\lc~a a1C'.1 '! Hl'. 1 lo 1,
frplc & I:; hark rar1! r\"" h
rcfurb1~hc1J .111 ;ipp!1.1nrr"
S~f.10 n10 Call li l.">-IJ\:27 f•)r
sho\.\1 n~
2Hn duplex, r ice! lihin',
);'llfTI(' IUTT111Ul"C, 11alk1ni::
dtslance shopping, !<Uitable
tor n11rldle aged CIJUJ>[e, Jiil
flf'I ", fi ·lb-·l:!l l
l:\lf.L\C 2 Br 2 Ba, <'rpts.
rtrp~. ,.,1,,,., •!bl ~<tr Sh,11 C'
1\a~her/dl> $2 10/ ~I 0
Adults, no.prl~ 61J-.3363 <tfl
6 p111 & 1\k1 uls
J'DH. x1ra lr:;:, I 1 J ba, ehiltl
ok, pr1 JiJ!10, nr shoppin,;.
'.! n11 frtt111 lor.1ch, c,111
&ro-3.:r72 :i tt i :IO f.. 11 kends
1.-~1 Shal11na1
l::A ST -: !l)-1:7·: =-r=11=1=P71.cE=x--
:! BJ::. , 2 h:1, blt-111'. incl
r!'1rig r..1n1;t" l\'.o chil<lren,
no pets s:~)J Per mon1h
( \1.1,· 111h-1 ~r.1
* EL.\! G,\rlDF.:\S AP'J'S
e Ar1uH~ -f'r()ls1de ~1:~1 up
• Also Ch1J1Jren" Section.
177 E 22nd St., C:\f 6-12-3&1:.i
31. &. p:1t10, fr pi i-,
pcw:il · 11 al king rll~1.n1eP lo
shop';:: ~?.!'1/,\IO 61&-1())7
2 Br, 1 ha &: ~ hr, 11j
ba. bltn rlillgt, i•rps, c11ir.
pxil. clubrn1, t fl.l'JlOH . 2212
Co!IC'ge A\'e 6'6-0032
SPLIT lr:vel 2 Br. 2 6.:J.
l'lhag crptg, $16."1/~IO Call
~1 '\\1c:da)S all ti , All
day Sat & Sun
$U0-1 BR duplex ~l::im,,<1
couple, non·rmok!:!r~. no
pets. Deposit & ref~
OCA \\', 11th St. ·~'8-03:)~
------~ ~!n.) nl"i-1.~~ U 0111on1 t-•)lll\l r111h·'·,\lil h<>>>llnll•o I ' ' ' '" '1 "·CL:ST(J:\l l!Uil!J..S , ~ v 'l"''>fll' Cr1 l" 1l1p 1 1•nl11tr 1" 1111't'1 2en1en1.1n ,.,.,,,., c·,,,1, ,,1 ... ,, ~ "'""-'• J ·" '· ~ 111 <', II I l' I I !110 I ' IJ k"N1; I k ,.,., .... ., C:O\l,IERCl.11 •----"-7"7" "
1, 1 1• 1 1 1 Apts ('l11hh1.th1', (;1111, S.11111r1, UJ'l()f' · 11 1 n1~. ro1 a ol nu•,1ns roi ~ftt:t~l lifc .~ 0 1 , ""' '•,, -1 --~---
7:.'ar·h '"i,' S;a~ ... \l'~l~j~1 :~: Fu-;n , o r Unfurn. 370 1111•!1 :"it'l 'l!l'l!I .ippl'0.'1: tiOO ~q II 1.:ons1s11ng .1d1 11•r "llHl'I"!', tl1 ... 1~·l'I. ,~:kc n~~r~~~~(l;: ~1rt~·;0j ~1'1111·~ct C1afl~n1e11 AVON " ADULTS 'SINGLES ''1 '1 t rt·l'ptu)n J!NJlll !:.-I ll I I I " 'I :..__ ' -ns ovcra"e, $500,0CKI l::i\J(>\' 'l".'.fl,L', Pl.'Ol'L'' />C1 uk .~J2-D:~:l, l'l:t-1,-iO I -l'tl l' .l~~ ;'1( i~(! ~' I' 0 l'"''l'll'I < l ll t.' "'" r r c. . ---------Founta in Va lley 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms p11111rc u/fu'1 s C,:11! !\It ~ Jl.11lv 1'1l11t P fl R<i'I: l"otll. ,, .. 1 ". ''' rpe1111 v ,. 'i ror 99r~srun1tte ,\ il f,\KING \JO:>; Er~
NE\V ,\pl ~ \\"«lk 10 Bch Jl,11,1• Xl~-:t;o,;~--o---Oi~la i\t,,,,i,\"a 11:z,;21) repair Ft'f'e e~1 1·rf rt"lt" 644-21 640-1136* Ue1:(J n1e <in ,\\'ON
Ha1'h, 1-:l-3 llr. Fr SIJO from S17S per mo. l'l\'IJ. l .nuinl'f'JUl~ firni In l"('.ul-. J-~1ank 6i5-j l'..:6 .1f1cr Slate Lie No 281038 1epresrnrarii e .~ do both ,,,r r.1~ :>Jt>:.!::.7!J 1---j 3700 Plaza Dr . t1cENS1·:n sP1n1Tu1\L1sT GP~, l:'."'~~~,.·~.,.;,.;;;,.~I " "'tlt f\Hl{'C i;pace. ;>;l'll""l'I 1 0 n.Utl your u1111 bu.suie.~s. --· CUT OUT ,~-Sp1n1u.1 readings l a .111 00 1 • S 1j9 nm -2 Hit 2 B1\ I Santa Ana < l'nlcr, Sr r ty ,1.: Bkki1l.' 1 . OP..S , I\ 1111lo1t s, f11rn11ca. E X T E R I O R / In t e rlor sc 1cdul c ~ uur 01111 11orJ<lno ~ -JO J1 n1 ,\dv1ce on iii I 0
l'()()l., cprs. rlrps, bltn" FOR I ~l'"' 10 S<•ulh C•i,isl srrvu.:e, Confcrt"nce rootn ni:i1ters, 112 N El Canunn shf'h1ng. E:>.:!)('11. f 1111 ~ h P a mting AJ:o;o Landscaping 1ours .~ 11·e'lJ help )OU
J\1cis 0 1,, 642-2'121, G.J6-<jljt_j{j t'l,•1•1 11111 .. Xc1'0:>.: copier. cal l 6 1,1 8.1~2956 C\C'S. Profess 1 on a I results l.xuld .roul' s.1les ten 110-, 714-556-0466 itP:tl, Sun ('len1enle, for C -.,,
CUTI£ I-Bit, 1-sty Ca1-p,, SUNDANC• ffl63 aµpl Call .tl'l2-!IOJ'I. 492-!H?.fi CUSTO~l \\'oodwQrk, re1nod, guaranteed call 6.Jj....6282 all: .).1(1-,011.
drps, inf.int 0 K., no pets I Rooms 400 * 1 l\10 fREt: RENT * PltOBLEl\l r~ I e ,:nan c Y . pa.nehng .~ repa1r Vint"<.' JO'" orr· BABY S I Tr ER , niatw·e
SI.tu RU-11(Xi/:>.16-8900 Live in 3 SUITl)tUOUS ant Deluxe of<'i'I nr au-por I, fu ll f d h l..e 11hoff, -1::16-R47J \\ Stllpapt>r1ng -InL Paullin~ 1101111111, 2 ~111 r hildren,
Huntington h a rbour er two bedloom air art-I HAL l!ilc quiet n1a1urc n1an, ... cl'\ i1 ,.., an111l<' 11k~ Lo11es1 ~r~~~nc~n ~ ~ 1~~\~~\ne~c * CARPF.:r<.'7RY * I:;xpcr Cull Coll . S 30 Ail! -·I· ::o P:\1, \\o'ed ...__.~ with Sl:i fl!'t 11k, 11 niter, sh1 1'.1l+'S ~ 1~J111 1 nn ro HJOO FT. ,\"-rtion ·f· ar1opllons ref " ' a ll ti·""s hlg & snuill Bi· Tl l,f1J6-0.-~IR ,\;: Thu1 ~-)"our hou~ or
"'"""_, kuch, ha, ."1 TV mi, 67,)-36 13 "1°• I k f !"" ..,., .-.; ··~ • " \I l ·' '' ' F'OR rent or lease, brand MU-1-._ __._ """'' (l'~. ~pace ron1 "'r 'AJ>CARE &12-1436 Stnn D. li36-16-IS PAPER fl ANG TN G & iu .. e. · u.s ul"l\C . ..,.MJ.--0908
2 "RT g'"V _,,.. I LOVEL'' I"' ood r11n ,<'.'31'L'l 9 >o ''""" af\ :. nf'I\' ,, 01\'flhou~. s1\1n1 k'lg.~r:JJZi~ ..,.,111 111 }.! ·~r """'' *EUROPEAN GENERAL CAftPEN l"r:.Y 111llnt1ng 21 Yl'l"i Harbor ---·=-----
1.ool & 1ec. Clo!!ie lo panellild living room, rcsulenltal <irea $ 1 I 0 NE\V olfJce lo r 11U 'y, CJ~,\ ANO HEPAllt ~'fa Refs fw·11. No. HC281 BAB'J'Sll~r r~f! n!!t!ded 2 .
ocean, patio & 1·tty pn\'11.le N1•11port J~1uh, !J.\-,-1;,o2 111 e. ... 1st111g Ja11• orrice. READER* Tl!:LEPJIONE 67-.. -,211 6f~-23t:r6 11µ111, 111y hon1e pref'd
eall collect, 213-322-4127 ufl wanna ~O/luaccentll of buwa1.ltJ~ I ltOOl\TS $20 a 11 k up, 11 •th L1hr,1ry, conference 1'00111, ="="='="~"'=e71="~"7'"~"~"~'~~71c'9~2~-IC f 5 Y1 PAINTING . Neat q u 1 c k T inn 8 Po r t<i. t JUll avall. 6 Jllll 1U1w111;u ....,.., k1t1·h1•11 SIU 11k u11 apts SL'<.'l"t'tarlal space, etc 1300 RF.ST !\IAS.~AGE IN NB •rpe er c:e Reasonable. ea11 ' S t !:!vc'.1_&_l2_-c"'60~c· ________ I
Irvine (lnclUding dishwasha"). I ;14g_9755 or 6115-3007 Qunl!, NB 54(H).173 Hcas. 'MOO lrv111c Ave , Su!lr 1038 JO~tN 'S Carpel & Upholstery 644-6:>10 or 491-8236
Meet and mingle with Vacation Rentals 425 FURNISl!F:D oft1ce tor renl (at Br1stoll Open g Ar.I Dti S han1p oo, (Soll PRO•'-i\al!co,•erutg, state
B1\B)'SITI'F.:R, ~· r 1 day s
8 3011n1-6:30pn1, Our home,
infant & toddler Ca 11
:-tl4-2117. 4 BllOADi\IOOR. ·ru11Jcrock neighborsatJblgswi~ 1 lteady to go' 1860 A Ann. 5."17--0.1'.\:i Retardants). Degreasers & J1i.;. No 17!>51,I. Insur, nil
2 1 ~ \Ja , fa n1 rn1, 2 h1Jlc's, ,.-.-.-" ' " • 6-l&-3928 or eve. 673-4:>77 bable!> l]V('. For altf'rnat1vefl n1l nul'! bl!:!ach for 1\'hile . -
P li111 4, 2 story, 4 bdr111s , ni~ pools, ""'~i·, bil-LIVE ,. 11,. •II ,,,, .. Dn••n Ne1v1xn1 Blvd , 0 1. Cnll LffE or DEA11t, Let our all color brighteners & 10 lypes 11aper 71 ·l/8'12-l.i86
~hai; C't pts. f\r park. Close Ii rooms,pa'ty rooms, 1 l)oint Harbor al 1 h 1• \V E. Lnchcnn1ycr, Realtor. to ABORTION call LlfE carpc.ts. Save your nioney PH.Of . painter, honest \.\Ork, RABYSl1 f Elt needed 8-jpm
to all schools S475 1no mdvoUeyball .. At biwbe-ht•11ul1fu l l\f,\RJNA INN BAYFRONT OFFICES 1.INJ-.: :)5l-5.'12Z, 24 hr.1. hy saving me extra trips. reas. Int/ex~. free eslln1at<'. toi· sniall chUd. Reier
DAVID D . CARLSON ,. ... kl•••hh.u .... br~.1 j\101.-1, 3•1902 Del Obispo S1 \VIII clean hving rni .. clinln" Ref~. 548-2759, 642-3913. re<1u1red. fi.Hi-9113 alt 5pm.
REALTOR 13•9293 ~"'1-"lil ~ ( 4 9G-2J53 t, Kltch'1'n, Preslli;?e 11.rea. 740,350, 330 i\11\SS,\GE BATH " INT/EXT PAINTING ----~ • ~ l<:U11."1e nl'K'S ,ti, Apa1 rn1cnrs i;q fl 3700 Newport Blvd A !ouch of class Co11111lct!:! nli · & halt $l!"i Anv ITII • BABYSITIER, nly home,
l•gun• Buch rent Is Het1.1M pool, rlirect dial i ..:".::·,,B:.-:_P.::ho:.:oe::..:6:.:1'::.r..:m>=--privacy .• 64-i-MGO $7.00, couch 1$lO. 1 Chair $5. Jo'ree Est J hn 67~. 4 ~Jlil-1.JO A).I. Mon-l'ri.
i\'f>":\V deluxe To1111houS(',
2Bn. • den, \1·et bar. ocea n
v1e11·, 11 lk to beach. l yr .
IC'a.sl', s:iOO per 1no +
clraning, Ne11• delu."<c lBR
T(l11•nho11sc, ocean v1ev.•, \Vlk
!o ~ach. $.100 n10 +
C'lca.n1ng on lease. SlG-2803
C.K.1':ANF P.0NT 35' liv nn.
n('v.• duplex, 2BR, 2 •,;. ba,
~100 ll'\Q ,\.Tl)', 494-550'1,
~_,_,_._,_~.1c _____ _
SUPF.R I Bft collage, \Valk
fo l"JPach & shOp Avail.
3-1 SI% Broker 493-::till
~yui Ml' mind. I phones , telev1s1on. saun11 OFFICE roa· rent. Carpcl1Ml, * PA.L.\t & CARD READER ;!lyn~-5
1'\I ~ ~;: Plas .. r, Pateh, Repair -•,1~~-:-'-;~",-..,--.,..---I
wtu1 bflth, In u 11 ti r v fnc1llt1es, II 1 1 pd •1 Arth Bl ct ct 1-• · 10831 Be h n. In The Drlv . a u 1 , 1• ac ur v . a y,• •"'-'Uclion ec n1yself. Good re!. 531--0101. • PATCH P Li\STERING * 09 er1
111.,.llW --'• 1 ~~~~1~~1:,l''~"Gt~~~~ ~::~'. Costa ~lesa. $47. 111 o Bh•d., Sltinton. 527-."WOO. * Dibernardo & Sons * All types. Free estiniates S.at For This Co.
•••II lrl• .. 171. C<111u· play in our spot'! s:;7-3i.10 days, 968-2208 eves Soc1•1 Cl.ubs 535 Cnrpel sal~. lnstallat1on & Call 541Hi825 Steer into customer ZleJV
l•lrllJ f•tall._ 1 fislnng, Hhopping & rc:o;lau· SllAR E Ocean Vie1v Exccu-repnlrs. 963-2639. Plumb!-position, Pleasant ~
f t :.n •· & U B th·e Suite In Union Bank JN Orange Co. for an 1ns:fAnt • ._. volct' a mwit Gen'I Otc a11arlMl•t• r1• i·:uui;, "'"'"'PC" P nni;i: Bldg. Ne1\port Center. d;:ile. Call ~iesa Cleflning St!; r v 1 ce .1 ----=--------1 dutlefl Include hie math & ... 7.M. e this 1111 & receil'c $5 off on 64l-9-l'10 8.'16-6679 Hrs 12.7 l\fon·Sal Carpet~ & UphoL sleam LR OTIS PLU?><IBING credit ralln,g Call 5-ID-4450 1 ~1~".,.'1 ~·~·'~'~'~',.."~"~1.,..,...,,_1 p RO l' I ~1 ED 1 CAL HB. C'lcnncd/:o1tu1mpoo«I ~157-67~2 Remodels & Repairs. \\la ter NEV~H.A F'EE AT TEMiio Ci';,l':t Cleaning heaters, dU1posa.ls, furnaces, TE1".1PO Teniporary Help
Rent ails to sh.re 430 Presligc Joe.· llru hour at'ea. j[g) d!!.hWaShrR. 642-6263 1\1/C & -
1\n11ile vrk"x lo r e nt . 1.a.t MM1 Found Floor •re & Windows BIA. Coniplete P lun11Jlna: BILLING CLERK
2 GIRLS nel'd 3rd mon1nmtf'. !J60. l2-l.ltt539·508~ ~iiiiiiiiiiiim~i:~ I Dutch M11.in1 . Serv. 537-l!iffi Service. Lie. 272694. Ca. h1vohe<l in fa.aclnatinsr
Sanrw-.c..u. ID-· 1 10 14hnrc 2 br hsc on llalbc.~i. OFC Suite, 100 fl. Sultable I Cement Concrete PLU~lBING REPAIR field seeks sharp pe.non
_...,, "'1· i .. iund. 6T.r-jt21 fol' doctor. If u n l 1 n gt o n Found (frH ads) SSO ' No joll too 11111a.U 1o1:/ln volcing ex PI! r , 1-
i NE'V t an. Bltns, drps, ! crpt::-. pool, frpt,c. gar,
I IHIUlt1'1, 110 pell!. 376 \\
M ission Viejo
110(\lE A'f?>fO.C:PHB f{E-Dlx '.!
& 3 hr RC"nta l o re, 3005
!\I/lee AvC', ;-,16-J0.1 1
llnl, riar1h MllDleW~ar•. C!Rl.S to share J BP~ Penln Gardens. !H6-132.1. CD.IENT : Patio, drive.!!, ** 642-3123 * '* fecul~le ~yplng. Love I Y laOfllfl'all ~ 11pt hc h1een bay & be:i('h, Ot't'ICI!: SPACE 18Xl•I GOLD \\'lltch. 2/3 Edl!On 1valkt1-R.epa1rs, llll\IJ & T I I • R I oca on · lnr t $41.>. Co. -111 Park. Phone: 714-2· $!i0 r.ar Child ok. GT..>-8220 TC'nni" Cr1u1'll4 call Io rcniovc~ 1''rce est. 544-8998. e ev llon ep• r pe,y i,,. f~/.l\180 fee jobft. NC'll'JlOl"l Bcneh Penl111>uln Cnl1 Sally llart, ~. 1202. Models optl1 daily \VANTEO-l\1ATURE n1a\I..• lo Agent 673-6210 idenlify 5.16·4130 PATIOS, drlvewRy" & 8ldc COLOR TV repair. E)t;pcrt, Cooslal Personnel Agaocy,
Lm. shr .i Br hsc & u11I CIOfle 1617 WESTCLIFF~N.B. BLACI' & white neutered "'a lk .. Com 111(1rc h1J &. resld. re a110nable ttcrvice l<"ree 2790 llnrbor ll lvd, Cl\.l • ' Bay, CP..t. ! LRC 2BR. bllhll'I, crpl.it, dr pR,
: S140 mo , Near IChools, :,, ~
Don't l{i\l' up the l'!hlp'
.. List" It in cl1u;s1f1erl, Ship
lo Shore Rei.ults~ 6.U-5678.
- - -10 hco,r..h, HB $10'i DGZ.866.'\, l11fllt' 1-.11 -long hnJr • Call 556-0868. 1-: s I mate s ~ BERT ~~==::...::::..:::!..:::::'-
:.! l3R epl 1o llhflt'C, rnHlc 72(1 llq ti, & up, 5'll -_,"°~3c2=~ 64:r-0072 a ft fl·30. CEMl!:NT & Block \Vork. GALJ..EMORE TV 968-2783· •rnve son1ethlng you wa. .. lo II'• a bree~-... sell Your
itc1nt "''Ith t!ll.8e. USC' Daily
Pilot ClaqUied. &l2-567t.
or ff'n1alf,", SlOO n1 o . 600 sq ft $95 Mo. CM Any day n; u1c J!EST DAY to \V111te, p11tl011, .. 1r1ewaJks, TI1c fartest draw 1n the W~st. !M!ll ? Clar11dfled ud11 db It
Jlunlln5{IQJ1 E:.t!-11ch ~91Ji • 616-21:-IO • rw1 an ad1 Don'I delay. . • elC'. By hr or Job. 646-6915 • , .a OaJJy P.iJol OassJtled \\'I'll -cnll NO\V ~sma.
" I ,_
1 I
' r ' ".
" ! " ~ ...
) ~·
Help Wonted, MlF 716 Help Wemod, MA F 710 Help Wonted, MA F 71 0
Bkkpng/Payroll Clerk DENT1\L Otrlce: 111 11 u r -CROWING quality sailboat
Call &12-83:~ ™ckgrowid, Able to handle builder ha& the toilowhll<:
CARPENTERS, r.tin. 2 vrs
C X p , CQO l lUUO.U!i
employment, top wagf!!ll &
beneDtl, Apply Wtllan:I Boat
Works, 1300 Logan Ave
Costa Mesa
CHlW Catt, t1ve-1n, age
o~n. Mature, Christian
loving grandmother. Pvl
11uarter11 in N.B. 1 Chlld
2 mo's. Love for ctilldren
a mu.st. r.1uat drive, Ref11.
No housekeeping. Salarv
open. Duy11, 557-~J. Ail
6 &1•1·592B.
AJP & A/R & buck lll) opening• lor mrt tu N' ,
lrunr offlc~-'fyplng, heavy r~i;ponsible lntllviduala:
phone&. E:qier. pre i ' d -J.'ttUah oarpenttn, 2 yrs exp.
Salary open, 1·1.B. area. Boo.t pluml~r. l yr t:>.:P
962-&ffi_ &U-8961
(l!!:N'l'Al. l)IJ1~; Jn rs u r -llO!:."TESS for dlruw-r house.
background. Able to handle Some cocktail!!. Mwit be 21.
A 1~ .!f.. AIR & back tip I ;ll<l;:..,W;::,· -':l:Jth~,~CM;:;;:·--,,--~. front office. 'l'yping, hcu.vy 1'10USI!KEEPER; SpanUlh
phone.... Exper, P re r ' d -11peakiug wolTUlfl to live in
Salary open. H.B. ;u'ea. and rare for t'A'O pre-S<:hool
962-6671. children. SeaJ Bea c h ,
DENTAL RECEPT. """1318, 590-4303
Lngu11a J·lilla, 3 yrs exp, HOUSEKE'EPER, nt at u re
l.l('nral backgtnd. Salary v.·on1nn live-in, care of
open . Replies confi<lt•ntill.I, !I cm 1-i n v a I id & lite
P.O. Box 444, El To1'0, Cu , housekeeptmg 400-2722 for
9263() f1ppl.
DENTAL ore, A 1111 is tan!, HOUSEKEEPER
Help WontOd, MA F 710
NEW \'otr~UU"Y • 1-losplltil
\\'8Jll5 J\.tedlcK\ J~ption!111
& A s !Ii I tall I , 16llll-
Brookhurtl, ln We.11thavl'll
Sh(IPCJini; Cml~. FtlWllaln
~allliy_, -no exp nee. "'rite
Cla1111tJed Ad no 946, .-;
Dally Pl.ti>t, P 0 Box no l.500, C~tu l\h:i>u , l';d1 11 ,m;
11-7 & other shifts '/'11p pvt
duty puy. lmnied. IJU,11 for
0001· duty. C1)Ull!}'\l'd
intcn'\1~. Mon-F·rl 9-~!.
Lcs1:oulle Nurses Re~istry,
J:.L Hospital Rd., N.I!.
!Lobby Park Liflo Bid!; I
&l2-9!Y->5. 540-99!"~1.
Hel p Wonted, M & F 710
s 1t£s. Lac unf\. u omc
r)(>l·or . !)hrt rh1)1\ t)01ut11blt"-
n1ust be good w1th ptopl1•
H('ply l'.0. UOx ~S4, l~11;u1111
f u~sd.1y, Febf'uilry ~. 1914 DAILY PILOT-Z!J
Help Want94, M & F710MTlce;11'-•n_e_ou_1 ___ 1=11a~orting G~oo~a~·~=!SJ~O~I~~~~~~~~~
\\'Or--1AN. 1iaM tlnlf', v•·r~ I ll:'f 11 ® CM. ~ ~1;. Crard I If I n~•111 hand v.rl lln~. si1111t• U •• P!·L"<" bfndin~s !So L('llthrr" 11'WllP~
bkkpg kf1(1wledit" hi>lptul, t1+ aid boolll, n1rn'I!" ~ttr II SW ~------...J. ~·rl!t· contn,<:tl! u1 J't'nti1! Good, used furni ture & Linda 541)...4171_1. 13 Lines, 2 TinMI, $2.00
:1!(1l'l'. Apply n1o rn lng r1 ap11tlan1·t·~ or~·ltl~f·l)f,l!:)'~U St R t I •••••••••••! 1•1(•1-:·s H.J·:NTAl ... ..;, MASTERS AUCTION or•, •• auran ' /
SE;CRF.TAR\' 1930 Nt'.,.,-port Blvd .. CM 2tl~\t Ne"·port 0.1 M6-8686 B •r 831 1 rC-J'~fl>:S. J m&l'-'11, 1 f~
SR . SALES SEC'Y ~~~~~~~~~~~I S:llJ.0974 ntt ti' tor ::hinda . rn+d,., :I ""1l11tE> & ln'O~'n , 2 • "'.'.'. ·~·•h , 1. ,. Bl·'• •. 1 ¥1 BARl1Ell .... h11p +'qOlf"lmrnt I !•"ll'.11, f',{17 \I.' Bay, C.\l.
\\1!1 work tn IHJI' sal11li m;;.r I II ~] .IX 1nu uny .s ..,g. ir at . Ev F:11.'lT!tJ.\(: i·••tiip!t•!t• I ;11.-. . .ir/\ll
k1•Uni.; 1h·pt • .;, 11·i-x•rt 10 ..,dlandi._ FORCE for 111l·lo.I \1-'0rk!ng . tor 2 rh;11r 11111> 1,1 1 1 un --'"'-. -------
\\·('~lt:rn HL"t:l{11u1J Sn l l' :> 7" dhl1ne1t•r, hllnl!i coal. haa IS46-JG7tl r k l-:l''. 111 ""od hontt!'·Yr. old
tlti:r Put!•·.-. 1n1·!iul~·· cu~· AIC blower w/variable TV Rad·! HIF' ll!1111k Sh,.phered/Lah lo'"'~
!on1rr lit11"nl1 , l'll1h~l'I 1,-,k· ~ -trol & DIC bl ' o, 1• 1 I 11 < . '· 800 S1'"" .. "' tun owe1· St 836 (' ll c 1't'n • l'Qon1 to 11111
1ugs, inh•rl<h'C 11· c&StC'rn Antiques w/2 S[XI control. Ideal for ereo R~l 027?
,-orp. 011·, gen"I co1Te~p. L"l1•, crafts $75 KID-3719 -~-------
Shnulr! l_J(_I a h](' 1n 11·111·k !11-ANTIQ UE PIANO, En~ . . Fl{l':l'; (_'O(;kfl.pi:>t> pup h;1d f)('rl"11df'!llly: I\' a nlin u 1. OH ri iv 0 ,1 ti 1 .''Io6, We're No Beauti•s ZTEl~mf -~· P.C,\. 1'1)flll" 13.~\V 1 ,,J ... ts 11'1"::. , ti lldn 1n, dui.:
I . our 1-o!or.1 1lon't nl"i"h s & sh•r('o>s price" 10 Ill.H ts<' H!l'I, ;i [li:r ~ '''''· ll!n\JUlll 1H s111.,.·1...-1.,1r.11 :! l"l'1'1t111gu ur. rnahug:. l':tse "' 1 ' •)·~···" k ' k ,, •. , ''""'''" ,..~,• \\'h•"i!•••I c •·<ir. Pr11·t"! lt•'l"s th;111 1h+• .:>.'J!-6670. ~'l"S "\"l\CI' .:Je~1l'(•1J. -_,,.(," ·f>ys •'I \VI\!" ·s .. , ' I .~," ,· .. diS('l)Un\('11( \1 \lh _] .> r ---------rnn1p!('\t'. Saci·iflcl' $-185. 11u o. 1111s it•r •· i;:us ( t)'t'I'. plt lun• rulll', 1 ,.r p·irr.~ ,{· Fr :\\,\LI'. sp:1_rrd piA!lt<
(i7:{-\:!:i2 you ~·rui l1ave bo1h o( us for Sf'rvic('. J\'o <'.hrirj(~ fo i· dark cr<'1' n11111111ui,: .free
\VALNUT Din111t: Table, S2'"JO, S75. CnlJ G4:.!·l5.'l\~ bl'!. 5:JO 1ll'l1v1·1y or ~r-1-ufr ()ll 1~1"' 1")~P•'!' 1~11110_:!0-0JX,1,
Night \\'Ol'k, (lffi<."<! suites,
Ncv.1)0rt Beach. 4Q hr.
wN>k. &nerlls, r.tust be
steady & rcllulJ!e, Phone
exp'd only. Must take i:i;ood ·1 11i·s, 5 dftys a \~·k. $.1
X-RhY!!. expant11'd du!lc.s, Pct· hr. Lido Isle. Call
Pnsition rC'rj's g:uod rypir1;.:
.1;; sli skills. i;h~1ts:1nl pln111c
1JCr~o11111i1 y. \I' the dei;irc Ill
NURSES ~ro,1· I'., 1'()111pu1t•1· nr11·n11•t1
4 hlack ll'athl'r sillc chal!'i<, & S pni 10 s~-e. & l.11·ger. 25" f.o ll1! >:1111 +·, Vltl':!·: fJUpp1~~-: to i.:l!Od l)o"'f1lf··
$1I.0. Tnll lxiokeusc $·!00, Si':ARS i.;11s range, nr 11C--1\I , !t\.1111 S4~J. C:lsh !~l 111;111 S h•'I• 1 ~•11 . 256~
Hunllngton Rfoach, 642-6S30. Mol'gnn Nurses Rf'g1stry, f1n11, Good fr\111.:e bl'nC'l11s &
C. M . now I tl king 11h·r v.·1wking r•11nrl.<;, ,
l lf'sk, rHl!>C'. ~h1rk, : ... 10.3400 \1•/liroiler, SK;. J\la y lit R <Jr lt'l'll\S. AHC Ct•hw •r\'. ''"''111 1111'\h'r Ii r ... 721>1
Appliances 802 ~~~.·:r s$p1,;~;g,N.'r n~=~':rc~~f'•'~1 9021 Atlantfl or ! 'I I! ·I \I ~ll 1\!;G\.-L\l!·kai:;J()-,~-,-,.,-~' CLEANING, LAlJN r)RY, 2
OFt J 1'1!\11'.:S \VK, 4. hrs ix·r
cb1y, own trans, COM,
67H160 Pve!I & 1.vkench1
DENTAL l'hair assistant, full Housekeeper/live-in applications for RN 's , ::ie>nd Hc~11111t• Or Apf"lly
LVN'11, Prnc., AidPs, Liv~ Standard Memories, Inc ,, • "'-Rrl")<)k!1ur's1, 11111111nl(l••t\ 1'111+• .~. fr<'t' 1•i ,, g1~'11"l hon11·
lint!.', Ne\\/Xll'I c ('11 t ('I'. s:~o--~ v.•k 962-7705
F~xprr. nu sniok!ng. 645-0367 HOUSEKEEPER/ i1L">. M&F. 54R--~:~il or A Sub~i1!lan• uf ~33-23ti5. 6.'l7 W, l~lh , Sulle App!ii~! .\1H~ncii(:s. C•<t'I).
We're No Beauties lloll)''1·110d tr11n1f' S7::i_ ll'l! Re>ar•h, !lt-'"-:l'.12'.l n1• 1.,;:_i . H'll , !ioi!i~!llll5
. . . _ . , . hOOkC'l\Se v.·/glnss door $73. -----1 -~
, 11u1. l(do1s <lon t f!l·•lth, GI~ Eves. ,r.:, i\•knrls. DJCE'S TV SERVICE ~
CLERICAL Drafting Trnes $SSS COOK D, 0.1 :1:1:!1 S. Anne S1 !J1t1 11·r re a grxid \\h1rlp<J<d " Jl ~I ;1U\\J_ wusher ,\· ~'1" dr'yf'l' C'.\t:PETJ_N(; in~!Alh'I' h1:: l f0rm('!"l _v 111 1•,,11~1·y S ('n!r!' [ Peta and Supplies
fn1n1c11. Ass!gnn1ents. Top
S$$. Lor1g er shol'l ll.'rn1 .
Call :i.10.'l·l:il.
:{ Scnlf'StCl'11 drnf!in~. 2 \\'Rnl1•d for roupl<' w/l
si:1n1•slf'rs Rlr,chni req'c!, schnol t:"hild, Nev.'jJOl'I Bch
NURSES -\Ve hnve ('!tS~·s S.:uitu Ana You i'1111 ha\<' l•1tl1 .. 1 11" ( .. r ~!111 plush .S: sh,1g y111.,lu1:.• * TV Specials* Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-~~~j
WESTCLIFF n/'1:11. Live in/our. f.:x!>f'r -only 8' ~ t:or111111~s10!1. At·e 1·:qt111l Oppor. F:n1p11 ,~<T
Nul'SC'S 49&-0tilil. I"""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"' I S7:'1. Cnll f.42·3~)(!_1 11 .. 1 :1: :w \11 11.t'fl\lt de1·n_rator 1•0!'.11 ·~ t.:f'l'd ,i;, c 111 .. 1· ·rv ~\·111 • \\ !1)!P 1 •
NF.Vl':ll A FC:f.: A'r TJ::i\lPO
TEi\11~ Ten1porary Hel11
\\'hl1 cxper. in 1:01nn1t•rclal
& 1nihtnry connc~·1or llt!sign.
Ap1;li1·unl rnuy apply at
SAE AdvanrrrJ Pucki+~ing,
'.l(l~ll 1\lr\\'t1y Or, C'.i\t.
5~0-~l:!.)ji, .=-------CONST. arc o u n ta n t -
1\1'\\'f"li:'l'f H•·ach. H ra v y
<'XP<'l'it:nec & typing T('{f 'd.
Apply In Prrson
Bl'forc noon or flit 2 prn
Airport Restaurant
4647 MacArthur, N.B.
EquW Oppor. ,En1ployer 1n/I
l'<'rsoiinel AJ.!P 11,-y in h0u11ekrepll1g, cooking,
!,\l11rk Ill Ccnlrri scrvinJ.!. J\-lu~t dri\11"•, Refs
1 ·-• nee. 'fOP TOP Salary &
\i.il i~.;~~~i~~~Gl'. ::;.;\, v.·orking runds. 6~2692.
o=rr7A7P7r~ .. R~\7' ~M~!~g~n~,-,07,-,-,-,,.,-,.· I I!OUSEKEEPERS. Juniturs,
l'.iVl'I' loc•k, hlind·stitch '" !11aintcn11ntc !\ten & Nurses
finlshl'd C'lld operators. Good Aides. ln1n1ed. openings, all shills. Rayvl.e1v Co11val1's-\l-'<tges, Heath D ra p c r y &>tvice, 900 \V, 17th St, CM. ··rnt Hospitul. 2055 Thtu'ln A1·,~. Cl\!, 612-3:!05.
Domestic Help Needed HOUSEKEEPER * s.12;. 1-.er hr .• ~ up. * Snlar:v open. Cart! for 2 fine
Pnl't & full tlmc ln Npt. rhlldrrn In l ine 1-11111 I
]!th., Top pe1·formance llarhour horne. Llvt:.·in, :>1'l
& rl'f's req'd. <lays. S4G-0011 for appl.
(lwn lr:insp. a must! 1-1 OUSEKF:E'PER. f/lin1e.
714: 675-2854 (2·1 hrs\ Apply, r-.tcsa Verde Conv.
'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•I Hosp, 661 Ccn1er S t ,
Preferably experienced, age
2:.).3~1. f."or 11·0/'k Fri thru
r.1011. !16.1--15:l2 Ask for Mr.
Assemblers nec<led ·v.·/PC
board & soldering exper.
Sonic trainee positlons·open.
Pr rn1anent cn1ploymcnl in
pleasant i;urroundl11gs.
Call Fnr App1.
lndustri11l Relations
C.l\1. 548-:i58J.
HOUSEl\:EEPER 1vho car£'s
tn keep hospilal s h.!ning. F/
tin1f'. Sorne p/time avail.
&12-8lH-1 or 642--2410.
Machine Sh.op spe('ia!lrlng in
plashes has opening for "B''
lnspcl·tor. Must h :1 v e
knowl(!(lge of Blueprints .t
basic precision tools. Apply
111 person_ Kennedy Plastics
Corp. 17372 Eastman St.,
INSURANCE girl needed,
exper in personal llnc.'s
ratin~. typing & gener al
in!'lurance duties. 644-42111
NURSES Aldcs. all sh1f1~.
ConvnlCSl.'Clll llo~p11ol, C11ll
OCCASION/~L Night 1>r 0 :1y
Slttct tor 4yr old bny. N,U.
area, call afl 6, 67J-X::'l_!__
\Vil! train-expcr. h 1· I J) s ~
PhO!li' a bilily .~ t}Iling
needed. G\IOd s 1 a r 1 1 n g
J ason Best Agency
li400 Hrookhursl, F. \IJy.
Suite 213 96:)--()775
**PAINTEn • *
Exper ie>nced Prcft·rrcd
1~honc ·l~l-Gll5, alt 51-'tl-I ---_PAftKING alt. full or part
Li1ne, llJ)f)ly 111 parking lot
al l1W t•<1l"Jf11.: Luast owy.,
I' Alf=r71=·17'71t~:-. -"-.,-,-,,-,,,-. 7'17·,~1,.
pt1one solli.:1tu11,;:. ~u1ury +
L'U1nn1. Vic. J--larbot· <1: \Vil-
M\11, C.J\ol., 8:l~·ltitl2
P/TThlE 110 exp. l\I/l'.
r.l'CS. :)al 111\I, u1,,1<JC', Jueal
Ior s-tudenls. 6 3 6-X77~.
ll~:l-~. --=-----l',\]{'I' uinc, Jun ,v. 111tt·rcst1n1>
Juu _111 1r~1ni.:. 1\lu"L have
Lal", ;xJ:.!-~14U or 11.i.l-.!·ltl~J.
t~ni;t rry cook, full 1in11.',
Bnh Hurns Reslau!'ant
Call Julien, 644-2()](} 1714) 494-9401
COOK Te('h for pyffilysis dl'\'elop-i\l\Jst be good lypisr, h<1vc
Conv. Hosp. S.12-0:i93
COSl\lOTOLOGIST wa n led
for n1e!Jo1'i Balboa shnp ·
Seis"°r <'Ullin~ onl.v. illtJS1
bf' in!o nrirurnl !rip. Cnll
Bill, G<:.-1616
rnenl in\·olving hcn1ing sys-a pleasing pcrsuna111y Sr. f>e
terns, eumbustion 1•quip. K· able to v.'OrK Wl'I! w/peoplc.
Laguna Beach
F:qual Oppor. 1':1npl1J~rr
instrumenlfltio11 . l1;u·kg!'nrl } •. ~pC'l'. 111 )il'l"Mlllnt•I v.•()rk
shnulrl int·l•1d" t·iukinc srl· pre!'d. :-.int t·r111:;t• bt·r11.:Uls.
11ps \\'/piping & f'1cr1 1ica! 1..\1111at1 ;\1rs. t.: o ..,,, <11' d s,
··1 11111x1nenlh. • l't·l'sunncl Ut.•pL L.l\l. t u:<
Ct::->rO;\·t t'Qlor IJrinter. HHnd
enla!'hrin~ fol" prof1•ssi111111I
photo lab. Exper N"qulr{'(I.
Cati l\f'n, 5'1.>.!J.150 days.
1 Design Draftsmen ~l auuf. Co., I!:>W E. \vani~·r,
' ·1· I ;,:.u•(• ''"a.
1-.xccl!ent Oppor1u11 it~
J1nn1t'dln 1r 0f}l•nin1:~
./F/C Bookkeeper
./A/Payable Clerk
./Payroll Clerk
I , 11 n11 1ar \1· prcssu1't' 1·r.·s~r s, I 1·.,1111~. pun11)~. hen! l'X· l -~-"."."'-UO.pO.po•r•.•E-mO.p.IOO.y.'.'·~
;·/,1,~111~~'. ASi\IE'tode sec· PHOTO LAB TECH -
Expe1-. n•nlul yard coUilter
1nan. l\nowled~e of air
r·0n1rrr~sors .~· relaff'rl !O<)ls.
F:IC'\'1 !M]$, .~ 1·n1np~1l'T if)I!
e>q111)l . f'ern1a nf'nt
emplu_v1111·11! ,;;., oppty 10
~1v ""'ith , .. :11p11ny. Apply
in perMn. H:i rllr.v & Nixon
Rrntal~ Inc, 191Jll \\' ,\n11·
h~·in1. long f:lc1u Ii
11 ,\!>I 10 2 I>~t Tue•:-. g Thur s
+ ~ome el'C S· \l"knds.
Sizzler t-nn1!Iy Stt'ctk l lnuse
185~2 Bf'11 rh Blvd., ILil.
Apply Jn person
~!on thn1 Fri z 1., ;,
Extra l .oni; Tern1 As~il.'ll.
Office Overload
372.1 Birch SL N.R.
Model Shop
Expl'r. \\" tit<initun req'd.
i\('f·urAIC. Fainiliar \\" 1en.ci-
Jk'l.'ri11git·hemistry tt'rn1in,...1·
ogy. P ltime ro s!11I1, \\'illinJ;
In \\'Ork lull \\'el'k i! neccss.
Barber-Coleman Co.
1882 l'lfeGa11·. lr\i ne
Call 979-147'1
Equal Oppor. E111ployrr
LIVE-IN con1panion V.'Rnted
for lady. Liie houS('v.·nrk &
('O()king. P\e11sant IO('Rti(ln
ne:ir shuppinc;-<' f'n t <' r
6,\2-4630 Counter Personnel-
r·u11 ,t; Par1.·rin1e
Apply In Pe>l'SOU
2-5Ptl!, TuE"S thru 1-'ri
VOLT LVN. Sl'Pf-~R\.ISORY e>xix·r.
f'i\1 shHI. i\lso o I 11 r r Instant Personne l r.P"nin{is. 6·1~-2410. G·12~Q.M4.
Trinporary Servir1• -~IS Cfln1pus Dr., Su ilr l!Y> LVN 's. night shift. Con1·a!c~·
'.''.101 Newpo11 Blvd, N.R. -Ne1vpor1 Beath 5-16-4741 C('n ! tlospf!AI.
COU RTESY bus 11 r i 1' l' r Equal Oppol'. E mployer 612·0598
jrp11111 lel necrle>d tor locR 1 1 ,.....;~~~"'!'~....;....;..,.,.1 MACHINISTS
hcach al't'A auto droler. Full F / C Bookkeeper ~fin , 3 yrs exprr. for g<'nrr11l
1r pn1
·t ii1•~0o1. Q.11n:
SN>;1~111ns c11ll 6~2-83.~~ lnlhe & i;:"11r niilt v:ork.
n1po1 i;:, •• uni, , --------•• -· l>l' -_,_ ~·--
o-:\y \1·aifrcs8 12-2 i\lnn u1ru GELCOATER '"·1
'"' '.,,,-• .., •• ,.
· II F .. "1-c. s·,\·\ng Shlfl' --ly. l\·lAN1\GF.P. ~·r1. 01 man's ftl'st:1ur<lnt, ""' · " u" B Ibo ~ii E. Balhoa Blvd, flalboa MacGregor Ya cht Corp a a Bay Club lfi:ll Plneenlla, C.l Ji; desirous of obtalnlni:: <1 DENTAL nff iN'. front dl'Sk • -~=".C,:~~'='~:C:.:,=-!Ir tl-t ! c ,. GENERAL OF.ICE 1n1e anai;:er nr •• roi:: ofl iCl' 111:111ngrr. E-xp"<l in r Shop. ti-tu.~! bf> rxpcr. in
Ins. J:C'lil'en1cn! bi.·nrfi (~. Fili11c & phon<'~. >:('rox, mall £;ift shon ore r RT 1 n n ~
salary open. l lun1ing1on rr.o111 & t~'Ping~ A little of purch;:islni::. invrnlocy &·
Bearh, 114fl""'{JG97 f' \" r r y th Ing! G r1>a t c ont ro 1 s , r.1u~1 h1u·1•
DENTAi.. Rl.'Cl.'pt. 111·.,k only. ~:11111)'! Gn-'~I bf>nel\1s! 011ts1nndlnr: l)('rn•nnlity & bC'
1 yr, 1!rnt11l expcr. nf'1·. Jason Best A9ency ahle to met>! the p11hl iC'.
t'ringr. henefi!.!I. Somr. Sats, J74(Wl 1~rookhurst, F , Vly-Srf' Pcr~nne>l J\lnn:i l!'.rr.
H.R. RN'fl. R4&--?M1. s11 i!P 213 oo:t-fim BALBOA BAY CLUB
Help Wanted, M & F 710 Help Wanted, M & F 710 12'll \V. Coast lllvy .. N.B. pi~--~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiii~iiliiiiliiiiiiiii I MA R I N E ME c HAN I c
$15M·$7SM Range
Art YooJ UntM ploytd Now-Are 'l'o u S11kin9 A Chan91
-Worritd About You• Ag t-Tired of Br ok1n Prol!'i1e1-
Und1cld1d A1 To A Pro ptr C .. 1Jr1t of Act1on-
U You Cn A1uwer n.. Pollowl1t9 Cctf9terte1, I• The
A~lr-tln, W•'d Liii• Ari lrit9n-l•w Wltlt Y•u
A. Do you k1v1 1lro119 \'Ot11iontl dri ve?
B. Do yo u ht vt good 111tlv1 inltlli9enet?
C Do you f1tl 1uffltlentty l!'ollv1ltd lo 1chiev1?
D. Do you h1vt th1 ability lo rntkt dtci1ion1
Ex-perll'ncNI \1-'i lh nl! lyprs
of l'ngines; I n b oa r d .
outdrive s,_ small diesel.
Perm. position. Boa L
SJl('Clalist~. Inc, 645-0001.
24::19 W. Cst H\vy, Ne,vport
MA.RRIED person over 21
car & phone neces.~. $125
"'k. to start. 894-ROOO
Air & electric tool repalrrnan
to maintain & perloml
needed repair V.'Ork on
industrial tools. tlust ha\·e
own tools. Q[fcring good pay
& company hcnefll!I to right
man. Ap nly in person
1-lartley & Nixon Rental Tne,
1900 \\'. Annheim, Long
for i\lapping firn1 . Salary
open. H. CLlffurd Thurn &
i~SSUCS., 541}-+J/ll
Platform Secretary
Security Pacific
National Bank
'.:130 J\e1~'fN!"t Ll'nlel' Dr.
l'!c1\·purl Ue111·n
lj4.j.Q1lJ, 1',\I 2~·1
Juan t-'. \1 ulian1~
I:;qu<11 UplX)r. E1np1 uyL'I' n1 1 r
L1hera.1 Arts Hai:li.growid,
;:,Hit·s exp. llf'e. 1 •art uinl'
pus~1U1lily. \1 r1tl' ticll~·1-o-
1111u11 l..:0<1Ks, 1:~i ::;tcua1·t ::;1.,
::.vn r rnllt:lllcu, L<1hl. ~.jJ\J;i.
I \\"Ould like to 1n1c1v1c1v
a !IHltl or v.·oman i1llcrcated
1u public relalions tclcpt1(1ne
\\'fJl'K. J JU'S ~I U!i:f l\'lJl"IU11g
ln r·ashion Island, i\ev.·po1t
l.ll'Hl'l1 Cali illr. \Vr1g111,
_ti-111-lliJO ______ _
\\ hy filll ll'UL"k Ill llil' hotll t
:il'•'a -Jlwilln ~t\Jn !)each ·
Vvunlain VallL'Y· Ll.'I us
11·,i,n yuu. l.'.a.Jt Phil t-11.:·
1\;1111ee, VILL.\Gt: JU..;\L
1~S"I A J t:, !;!ti:Y<IJ67.
K l':i\L J::STAT"s-· -'----* Great Opportunity
i\l'W ''r CXpl'l"ll'!ll'l'd lt'lll
t:>lct lt· people. 'iour u11n f.Jl'l·
l'!llL' llL'lcik & phunt•, guull
11;1l>\·Jt1s, tree 1tU Vt l'1JS11t);,
s;1111'-' loc<1l1on 18 yrs. l'oU
lur 1nterv1e1v.
\1 . t.. LAl"l lEN'.\lY J.:.R
646-3928 or Eve. 673-4577
J-lanu1c heavy pllOnes &
dispatch n1cssages to
sull:'S!lll'll. l..itc UtClU<llC
rypuig &. bubbly persona.Illy
1.J11aliues you lor this line
position. Cail Lincla Ray,
o.J(}-ti(););,, Cow>taJ 1-'('rsonnel
l~gcncy, 27~ Harbor Blvd.,
Thru i\pril 16th. Apply in
person lUpen 7 days/ ~I
t:l Toro ltd, El 1'oro, lEI
Toro Prof. Hldg. Suite 102.1
Part Ume 9 am to 2 pn1,
Mon thru Fri. Full Ume :.l: JO
pm lo 9 pm, Mon thru Fri &
Sn! 9 to 5.
& ~ Piii !n ~f'{'_ ;1 1 d1St\11111t p1:1cf'_ P11dd111j.! tlir·v j · •!', r·o• 1. f!1 sr-852 · .~. 1n~1 :11li11g iuc. ti·l5-~1 \2 · '" , , ·' 1
,. ini , "1 Cats KF:NNIORE 11·asher S 7 5, --. Up, l~ .V \\ !11•111 .$,\.1 Uj•. l·or ..:.:...:.-------= SEC Y./ REC69.J. R.E,
:-\;•rretarlal posi!ion in ac11vr
Ht•<i.ll or'~ nf!irl'. ilt'au1il11l
41frlt"t' Jn Nt'\1·11(11·1 Crr1l<'r,
C1,ngc11ie1 I sltifl .;f 111a1111-e
pt 'l".''i1nnt•!. A h~Hd 11fr1<•r
fM•s111011 rt•quirl11c g "n ct
10l4•phunr voir·r. Sil & IB'.\.1
l·::o:l'I". abiti!1+'S. Mus! hC'
ahlc tri 1vrwk S~lurdavs.
R.E. t'Xper]Pn Cl' f1<lf
l'SS('ll\iaJ. hut hf'lpful ,
Prefi•1' local rf'sirll'nL 1''or
lnlc•1v11 !'all !\ilrs. Duhl.
\\"l'slt'y N. Taylor Co.&14--4910
l\cnni•><'t" C'I,'• dcye>· $(;~, 3 r\·. rrlf"k n1aple t·nff"l' A-S•·r\'11"1• 1•:dl !tEG !~tin''''~" J-i:itl"•l< " "-· .. l 1 ti J'k Sl!~I 541' \(.(2 ''f'i(I('' '· ' " '. \\'"slinghouse \1·3shcr Sfl5. ~·11r_,,a1£'$, 1 f' nt·.11·. · J·~~! nr ·•,Iii· l.l 8 \\'{'Pks .. 1t1, l\lalt'>i $90, \~Pslill.1:hnusc Pict .• dfy\·r 2-J,, flrid~~r nu\g;~ fir•'~ ,\'. __ i.1~, lt 11.:11 11 1\1'•'. t':\1 ~ ff'niRll's $1 Ill. &ll J..!78·1
S.1n Nv1·i::l· nr (;. 1',. l'l••1 · l'.lni~. , $,:..i. 11 iv I 1) l.A~r~: 1111~1·•! 1!1" cn!nr ·rv . I Do s 854
dl')'I'!" s:J:i, (JU a I'll !l ! {' t• d .~.~4J(l.l, L\f"d, ('Hhi1ll11 \\ /t\l)<)l'S, roll --~g'-~------="-'1
& df'li1·er<"!. 5-l!J.~1i72 LIVl~C. 1·()()111 I 11!'p 1 t 1( r r n1'011nc1 s1111u!. 6 rno, ll.'f1 e PUPPY WORLD e
~-T'\\"rAG 806 Dry1•r $1 •lfl. rxflf'!lS!Vf' .\1'hi;>11 ..• nr \1·; o:1 o p•11·1.s'.,, ,l,:d•lr 1-1·a1T11 1lly ('hlhuRhUAs, 'l'lny P(ior\1<'1',
(,f•: \\'!IShPI' $110. Cllll\"l'f'L l~('<llll 1ft1l ni;-.1 ~h-H.; !1.ll' _sr..i ~-~-.lb.t __ --A111er. Ei;kin111. Pil Bu/L~
CE Di shll'u:•l1rr s:<o_ in 11"11!1·al t,-,1,ir. anx1o lis . ::.r1<H1;;r1.1\lt l't' 11 11,.h·\ i\l"I Hull ·rC'1T11•r, t\('(·shoncf'~:
v(_IL l·'.11t·yclop1'C!ia $80. 306!1 (il·l-77&1. 1?1 1'1111 .. J' ~·ld ( .. r S~!tj i C<>!'kapoo, L1ohe1·n1l'r!I, ::ihcp-
G1 braltcil', C.r.1. J45-2fi6!'1 NJ•;F:O 1·olun!t't~t·~ a l Girl" nu.. \\'ill s:11· fur Sl:~l. hi •t\I. Oa1·h.~hunr\, 100 i\>llX-
C!uh, esp1'rit•ncP \\1lh i:irls 6i:µU11L JO:D P UPS'! Slue! Scrvit·c
Rent Washers/Dryers over eight G1r(' ~n1etl.\iru.: STEREO, Craig Anip, Ai n-i\J<,i>t Bre,,··ls. Open Eves:
$2. \\·k. Full 1nalnL gr>I a lot. 'S<Hl1r\ Ana C.u·t~ F111 \a.~sf'tlP,llSH ']'11111tahlP 5JJ-5027 * 53q.J20'l * Cluh. :"fli 'ilkrr.; ~95. ii 4 ·1-li:; 1 0 I S-.A-,\-l_O_Y_E_D_.-n-,-,,-,,--,-,.,.,-.
Pli'asant ii"Orking conditions, F RIGIDA1!1E deluxe 1~·ash('r STER EO P nt1al1ll.', (:1~11·anl 49"!-SZ\6 {>ltfJC'l'S ,t, hl~tory. to gl')()(I SECRETARY
shorthand llf'CC~s;try. Xln! & <lryrr ahoul 5 yrs olrl . Chan)'.:l"l' $):J], l\ odll k j' \tF:O!'l"!'ETlA'.'JF:A~ A'.\1-hon1e $511, or best offt'r.
enip!oyre bcnefils, rta\lh, AH electdt•! S·!:i ('<it h Cru·ot1si>l Rl'Xl pmj1«'!or SiO, F":\1 Sterr-c. Gal' r:I rd CNo'l~ck~·c5"~6-l=""~:c~'•-----
nein, VMs1 s,, Assors., 1401 f~l{}-SG.11.8 nirns i1Tist\1 atl'h. Luci('rt ch1uu.:rr. ... l ~f.i. &IY.ifi~7 ~l·fNAUZElt pups, shots.
Q11ail S!, Newport Bcat'li, APT, .<;i"/.C Gas Rang(' P i('l'ard, SGO. fH~;.1n9. rOl.(IJ{ TV, Pn r ! ft 11 I,,, studs scniL'f', i..'TOOniini;. 811--007.0.~==~=--Ext·('!lt'nl Condition GOOD Ad1niral I'.~ fr i J.!. F ... xccl!ent ro111!~ Sl2J. I Ter1ns. 1'7\-S\ii:? Ot' !°l22-X366
S-ECRETARY $40., 49Z-K385. 492-97:17 1v/hotton1 free>zrr SG.1. 14!. :i:-6---1~7 e>vcs aft .5.
Be happy in happy REBLT \Vashers, Dryers, ~'~'2'7!1;!~~~~ S\\'ing ~ct $l;i. DANE PUPS $50 & up. AKC,
surrouncling:;; in bf'autiful Dishv.·ashers, $50 & up to · · · f.le1•lr, Blnt k, BI u c.
nHiL"<'S of iop Il'Vine Co. 1 yr i::uar. 5-1fi-5218, 839--76W 2 '!'V 14" \\'heels \\"\th new I I/ I Pt•t-show. 493-4581.
Ci·eal benrfits, grt'al bo~s. HOTPOTNT \Va t er ne<lr FiN>slonc super ~It deluxe free lo You OLD English Shecpdoi;:-pups
!opSSSCall 540-·14:il. ·1· si ' ' champion Tires ET 8-1'1.,L ______ _J "°C o
W ~1111 s
· 1ght use, $ 1 0 0 . Both for $35. 64£....9076 1
....,, 1-r!'.:. Shol.<1, \\"iJl'n1t'd,
NF:VER A FEE AT 1'Er.1PO .~-v<J'.I Lines, 2 Times, $2.00 $100. 4t14-1401.
TEMPO Tl'mJXlrary llelp nc DECORATOR h:is lf'riffic " A \Vasher & rlryer gentle huy 300 yrds ilC:I\' Jlust:rl••••••••••I 3 PURE Bred Lah pupil,
SECRETARIAL :~£?,_nn1~,, 'Yf.:R cSy
Jes; 1en1p. Bro\\'11 carpet. .short shag. PART :\lin Collie ,t, inix. n1i:-:ed t"O!ors, no papers, $1 0
Pnr1 Un1e office hl' I P · "" ""° i-i ice · G42-22ti5, 548-4654 grl y.•ar ch dog & 011tsirlt• l'a. H.B. fl9J-J795.
J\1101\'le<ige or gent'ral 0Hic1• B ·Id' M t · I 806 d 1 k.d 2 ~ P P 6 k AKC
k & I k
, u1 1ng a er1a s F ORCED air f"rnaec 100,"'1. og, ovcs 1 s. 54 .OO:ii ug ups, w s, •
\\'or JOO keeping. i\-lust " 9250 l;l' able tu tvp•• '1>1>ly ,-e S I B lldl BTU Payne !11n1£1t·e. us('{! 6 I\.-101\'TI-I old 'rt>rrier. sn11tll. 83~. 839-9!!~ pe~son ~ia~:1 )'f'y & urpus . u ng onf' yeur. S7S . .">."il-37,"!S lo1·f's kid.~. 'ho11sc !mined. TO\' Poodll', Al-i:C. J{eg .
Nixnn Jlenr111 ·1nr. 1000 \V. M~TER~AL · lOOO's of NEW Trvint>. Very friendly. f¥16--2111 ~'e>malf'. ti nios. $ 35. 11 F:tl1S. Doors, lumber, ply. T · I j ··7 n-.,,. r1 • Anaheim, Long Bearh v.·ood alum sheeting niold-CLR TV, beds, chests, Bk. Any day Is tne BE.~ DAY to ra qei -::i::i -vlua '1 · "·
*Sec'ys, Bookkeepers in!? .:V'ndo\vs etc ' caSI', l-f. Jay,nn1011·er & run an ad! Don't delay. . J'he fastest drnw in the West.
Llz Relndrrs A.t:eney BU.ILDER·s SURPLUS niore. 138 E. 18 cr.-t caJI today 642-5678. 1 ... a Daily Pilot Clessifierl
Suite ~~~~;:-ch Stre~\~-R190 2i~n S~~·l~i~i ~-~· ~~neous aJ'CaNbP ~Od:zC't1T
Dial A Job 833-0855 TI4: 546-1037 'Wanted 820 ,:;!,,'\,:1--''""11t:=--=-=--
No Charge To You 1~.frt 11:lnss boAt 1~·i1h 30 h&p· PRfVATE party \i•ishes 10 ~ ' ~~ Estahlished 196.J ~ l-":ven1·1u!P st('(' r [ n g · · '/~Mi.J-". buy old or unusual sil\•cr ~
SF:CT'Y .• RECEPT. F:n· controls. S.100. 673-7:l70 ,..,.. chm· a ll<m•. no mins, ,;;
lllusiastii', atl r., young furniture 810 ir' no ans please call art -~'...\ ACOHVrN1£NTSHOPPINGAND Jnrly, Jlet'rlf'd for small 1-rn! ___________ , 6pm 714-839-5919. -c:7 SEWING CU10€ f"O R THE
estate firn1, Ill". 0 'c -FIRST quality r-.1 cd i I .1...::c:::...:.:.:..:c::.=.::_____ '•-C.l.L ON THE GO.
Airport. Goorl skills rrq. furni1ure, like nc1"'. Bdrn1 SILVER COINS
$550 Mo. 833-9293 sets, kingsize ·"-' actr_ossories. Paylng 1oor' over face
Sec'y/Bkkpr Combo Din _rm St't_ incl tb!e •. 2 ~alue. cau 962-3646 bef 9artl
For an ad In Woman•s W"orld 1 Girl ofc, Fash. TslAnd. A>k cap!ains eha1rs .~· 4 side & aft 6p1n. chairs ,i:, long Jo1v boy ~~="""---,-,.-~-I tor l\1r. Schneider, 640-11!11. buffet. fl.Jany nlhf>r Jovel}· Sil.VER coins wanted. Pny
SERVICE st.'.l. needs ~1eeh11n-items. Call 645-3951. or $260. for your!! $100. P <iy
ii'. Class A lie. r.-1usl h:ivc S.17-5!Xi2 $:l.i 3 for rlol!ars. Buy1ng
tue-up & t•a rbur11t!nn cx~'r. l\TIOLER g 1.: Gold VPl vcl gold ~31-0769.
Cell Mary Beth
Ta Size 48!
642·5678, ext. 330
Entertaining Hit!
Pl't'!er 5 yi'S exper. Ar(v, Si:Jfa, used vel]' little, $1J;i, BOYS 10 speed \'.·anted. Can
l!!th ,t_ N,..1\·port. C:\f. l\le!'llterrancun GHn1e Tbl<' pny S25 or $35. Pl10ne
St:rvice St.'.l.tlon, Pump Island .t; t•hai1·s $125, 2 Blur S· green 675-2449 altt'r 5 pin.
M]csman. Sat & Slm ofL velvetl\tedltcrranean chairs, SILVER COINS
GOIXl hl's &. pny. See' Stan. S75 for both, 641--9399. Paying 140"/11 01·er face. CAil
2S01 E. Coast t!l\y, Crli\1 J\1UST SEU.., lovely pumice 962-3646 eves.
SE\\'fNG MACHINE OPR. l in is h Br ('It k fr on I . Musical Instruments 822
I tr11vy duly lelllher se1ving. purchased from !he ·.:.;::.:.;.:.::...:.:.::.c..::c:.:.:.=:.:=-::.=
on lockstitc h m11ch. So1n r !slanders Sacrifice $500. SALE: Brand nev.· Peavey .,o1
1"qi. pl'f'f'i'd . Ful! er f>a11 ;,i-111-5-138 StandArd P.A. S400. 2 Shure T'
tin1e Hoyt Hols!er Co. 790 s· DO\VN Sofu, xlnt conrl, P85 1\-fics $50 each. Sigma .-.
Nt>\1·1011 \\"ay. C.l\l. f>45-2850 S.~00, Coff~e t nblt~. $75, acoustic gllitar + hardshell l.
SHIPPING & REC. overstuffed chair, v.·ool Ul'f'a case $150. Also. Sunn &Jlarls l".Wll! ~
Fri-Pairl . Rapidly groi\·ing: rug, stereo tape. console, An1p $WO . Sonic T Bass heQ.d >l:?{''"
Costa M"sa firni. Gren\ !\lust go, 673-6226. $75. Call :.37-8131 nft. 5Ptl-t. I*~··
charier for ndvancemenl. FRENCH chrs & fi·f'neh Office Furniture/ ,
Start S476 \1'/lsl rni.st• in \\'ing chr, Magnavox ste/'eO Equip · ' 824
'.lO dn~·s. Alsn F er Job~. .~. radio co1nOO. like nu. -::.o!""~·-____ _.:.;:;
CalJ E~I \Volt, 5'1Q..60:i1. C11est, !ltnrbro li1 n1 p s 2 !\-1.ATCl-ITNG y,•aln111 F.xcc .. 'I'
Coast11! PC"rsonncl A~ncy, ~ 54iµ;zs9 clrsks. nf'v.·l,v r e r in is h c rt !§.::,
2790 1-larhor Blvd, rM. \\'ANTE~ to bU:J Pecan Din. tops. l·metal sa.lrsn111 n d£'sk ~ ~
Super Girl Friday UJI & ('~rs-. 4>" round .-.r 1v/r hAir. Rf'11son;ihlr. Ca lli ,,_
Nl'eded for 1 gal ofc, ~ q5fl Ovnl. appmx. Gd btw. 9 & 5pn1, 675-1920.
in al J p rond. 548-3.150 aft 5:30 DKS. $15 up Exe<' s1\;rJ chrs
hookke!'pinJ:?", p·~roll, yping I llEAl.. buy, Wrou~ron & SJ;i/25 Sec chrs $8/24. .li
& sh. fi.12-8080. v.•OQ(I tbl &· 6 chr.;, gri'!'n Pierce 867 \V, I!!, C:0.1 :....
TELEPHO~F: \\'erk in n1tr vrlvet ~enls. SZOO. Xlnt 26~·1~2-~34~08~"~----~=
oUicc. l\lust h::i\'" 111· .'.l t 1·ond. 5'18·3350 Rll :1::10 Pianos/Ofgans 826
:1ppP.1r:1nr e. f;(J(>d f'.ltl Y & \\1000 rlin'~ set, snl!1 hed,
ht•nt'ft1s , ("fdl 556---(;147 '.', rr ,virkPr !'-CT, nl l ~("l()CI
··01111 ,i:, ct1enp! I'll: 111:11)',
644-4360 * SOF"A & LOVESEAT *
Ncv<>r used • Very ~d. quttl.
Rentals from $5
Usually homt'. ~~7910
2 BUN!< bf>rls -v.·/box spring, • P ianos & Grands;
mfltlress. $15 ea. ALL MAJOR BRANDS 9340
'' t
Security Pacific Bank
Ne\\'pclM Beach br11nrh
Evelyn Eliswur1r1 &16-89:>1
Eq~1Rl Oppor. Employer m/f PINEAPPLE her! comp1f'le. U~rights ,r;1l11 · · ·· · · · · · · $69 3~ . i_(
~ !">,
i I I 7384
Call 646--f;:207 Used & re
hulh pianos alsn SIZES 1_,_,-.. "'•
Double (Salem Ma ple 1 S.10. Spinets ,, · · · ·· · · ·· · !l 'l~ ,.
TllAVEL AGF.NCY opening 138 E. 18 CM 5-18-448:1. Play(' I'S ,, . ' .... ' ''.'' .,,99;:i 1:,~ · Brightl'n ""!lo, p 0 re h.
fnr exp'd s11lcs agent. Call Grands ............ $395 .~
Berty or Millie, Ml1cellaneou1 811 e Organs kitchen with g r anny f_ . ."flT ..f'IT matchn1ates~
l-l;1rbor Trn\'f'l, 6i'.",.J:t11 Sl\IS. Dvnamir u n 17's. ALL MAJOR BRANDS "'I ,,.,,.,.,, ..... 111w..i'...... Add·A-Square Accessories e TYPIST .Markt>r bnrtg11 $60. Lurhvig Optll{an ·•• • demo ··•· S195 a re greal for e ntertaining!
Part dn1e, various offl <'<' 14 x 22 drum cas ~ new Spinet · • · '· new • · "· $4!'f.I Crochet 4" square!! of thrifty d"tle!!. ~5-.1754 S"O "1° ""24 ri 2 · t' • FREE • Long, side d:i.rts nlus n1crceri2cd CQl[on in S' coloni. " ., · ,)-.,..._,., a · · 0 L sca111ing that• streaks <IO\\"Tl UNDERGROUND l nst11\!er. 185 CM glasll skis Grand rgen ••tons the front mAke vou look Pal!em 7381 : runner, mats,
cxper. Trainee oonsldered. Prix l)indin12;s SSO LindA. Lowrey theater (newl $2995. ipou11tfs Ith ln n e i·' Sew napkin holder, C'ha.Jr pad.
Teleprompter C<lble TV. 54&-4478 . FULLERTON MUSIC gr::iCT'iully collared. dreSs. 8EVENTY-nvE CENTS
'.lf\'24 \V. Coa~t ltwy, N.H. LEATHER ski boots, J\len's 18191 Euclid, :-'ounlaln Va~ll'y pantsuit now. .!or each pa!lm1 -add 25 I
F411al Oppor. Employer. ~ize g S2iJ. LindA 1 Blk. No. of SRr Diego Fwy P rinted Pattern fl ~14 o : cents for cuch patte.m for
557 •••• v s· .., I .,,, "" ~\Ir l\lail and SpeclaJ llan· ! WAITRESS 546-4478 -\ onlen's i:l.es ..,.., .-..;i, .-.o. dl lng; otherwise third-clus 1'
D. h u P"'f' I C,\RPETING, , ~•I ,,_.--3 122 N. llarbor, Fullerton 40, '12. 44, 46, 48. Sizl' 31; d•llve-w,.11 take '"--inner o i;c exp. -1 --"'-,... h'-""'' 871~1IOS (bust 40) lakes :l 5/8 yar cls .. •J uu-.:..·
Must bo zt. 843 \V. t!lth, cond, 37 yd!I. $1.50 prr yd, O N'-h , II M 1 " f tiri(' ~·eeks or more. Send to ( cr.--t 675-46.'lO. Eve!I, 646-106~ pen "' ti t 9 S;f~v-ftv"E (JENTij Alice Brooks, the DAIL'' l
\VAREHOUSE Helper, '.Full CLEAN dirt. FREE. U·haul. Sat: 'tll 5:30, Sun, 12-5 .for each pattern -add 25 PILOT, 105, N~:Ueori!t
i ' E, Ate yo1i1 !••d'f to 1t.t I teeli1tie ~erttr ~b;.ct1~t7 ~
F. I( yo11 wt,(e cony1nced thet,help '!W •• 1w~~eble Wo""'I
you ecctpt II, whhoul'dtl/y? ' ' '1" "1 1
MfCHANlC, B!cyr.le. Exp'd
Full time. Mission Cyclecy,
..,_71872 Crown Valley Prky,
., 5ilialon Viejo
doctol'I ofc. 'l'yplna: i. llh
req'd. Wiii train for
il"l!iuranct'. work. 548-0076.
wanted. MU8t haw exp. fOI'
ne\v restaurant opening 11'1
the next few weeks. Write
PO Box 1Xl8 Laguna Beach
()r call 497-1300 Mon-r~ri.
btl.9&3 --SAL_E_S_MA_N __
time. Must be neat. Age Abn11t 10 cu yd. Mest1 Verrle cent! for each pattern tor Dept., Box l63, Old ~a
23 or over . Apply In '*l'!Ol\_,_ CAii \\'eekend&.,.cve. 97~786 PIANOS~ ORG4NS Air Mall &nd Special Hand-Station, New York, N.'Y. •
only. Wed., 'niurs.·, oreir:r'f: OAK FfREWOOD N~w A Used. GreAt telecUon. 11ng; otherwl~ thlN.1-clijss i~~P!i:~~:=~~· r l ,.
' ' J ••
·' ' . j.,, • . "
) O'
' ' ' '
' •
YOU SHOULD KNOW e Tht btlter iobt er• not 1d¥trllted e Th!r .. p1rty ptof111lonel influ1nte It 1omttlft1et l'ltCel· .. .., e e..ttln9 the rl9ht .. 0011 open, et fht rl,ht le¥tl re•
q11lrtt lethn1que. e EwetuflYe potftl11\1 ere flll td throu'llh e•1c11tlvt lnltf•
• M11t rtturnt m1lH n,, It not e total 1n1wt r.
17141 547-9625
188 N. Main SI. Santa Ana
ISECUR.IT'I' 8' Nt< Bl Ill DING SUI TE 10'1
Fff for" ~l!lna 1trvlcft. Not 1n ofl" et tl'IJllO
Foreign Cars, 642-5133
Ffttme Masseuse. Licensed .
Salttcy &: commt111lon. Apply
Mon thru F'rt. See Penonnel
!Nlboo Boy Club
1221 W. Coed Hwy, NB
Needed Now! Challenging
pl)!!ltlon wtpt'Of{f'e's5lve co.
'I'op Pay&: unlimited future.
Cnll 540·4450 .
Te>mpornry Help
1.()(nl c:hllt11'1!nt11 mu8te school
nccrl~ ei1:f:l('r. teacher 1v/BA
in 1111Js\r r,~2· 1844
Exper. l't'tltal yard salesman
to ca11 on conatruction &
induttrlnl account.a. MW!t
have know l~g e of
conslruclion & industrial
equip, Car lurnlahed, wages
open. Good com mm Y
bcnPrits. Good chonf'C for
righl perwn lo work U!)
In company. Apply In
peoon, ll:n'llcy & Nixon
Rcnh1I ln1'. 1900 W . An~1hf'im, lJ11Jg lk111·h
8:30 am to 9:30 am. O>mpetttlvt! prlce..-. 0J)(!n dellvery will take tine NE DL
Ll!T'A-1lco Laboratory 99f>.3..197 Eves. ~ SUndays. The be~t weeks 01' more. Send to E ECRAIT '12!
2148 Nei,yport Blvd. C.M. CA RPET !..flyer, Ins1allati0n, dell.ls are always al: Marian Martin, the DAILY ~~;lS, ~'. etc. Free
WELl.. organ1ud I.am I ly Re~t·· yuuMJ o~"mtne. O!Jl 'W.Uicht; u~ .Ci~ P ILOT, f.U, Pattern Dept., ln111la•t 1'1a~ Boot.
needs liousekeeper lo h<"lp Dean .'60-TltJl. -r• ' l""'~~' .• ~-'I., . m 'lVHl ,Jlth ' St.. New BIUllC, fancy knots, pal·
tn wht'e1Fohal
r~ Pl~ BR.ONZE Refrig like nev.', South niast Plaza S«>-2830 ~~Mi!;.N .YADb~p r~.~~ tern11. $1.00.
fer ve-n. Vlc . !I ro. .. t<w '" elect RoR11ter, Rotisserie, FREE OR GAN LESOON' ZE d ST U' lnflta•t Crochet Book -~-Span. 11pkng ok. wme fUJ'tllture , 54R-5l0l long aa YoU like! AJul~ ~~m:~ an l ' ' l.Ran1 by pictures! Pal·
· Vacuuin!I, work good $11).Sl~. welcome to attend Tuesclny SEE .MORE Q u I e k t~·J:.:i:nstUll Gift Boot
WHO WANTS TO WORK? TV. older tbl mN!el $15, night &I 7:30 PM. We wAnl F Rshions And r.hoose one DRIVE A CAB! k ood 642-5666 -nioni than 100 it1ts ~
Cl!OOSE ~ur hou·-""'rk v.·or " g · everyone to learn to play parlttem<" ~ .. ,!:Om, OA\ll'll tt.OO.
J V ' .... n v J ACK La~ Health Spa the organ! Tom Dieterich Sp ng-~ummo ....... ts og. C<t111 plflte AtrU. Book ~ [~_ yoMurseU, be' yoe"n' OW!lC nlf•tn~rshlp for !tale. Lf'nv· • In char~ 642·2851. Coast Sll•N•STs! OnNTly '°"sEW!N. G n~K $1.()(l.
IJVtOll. en or worn . an ini;t l\l'CI\. 646-146'1. M'ustc, Newp<Jrt Blvd. al A rn,.1\..1 19 Jiffy Rttr Boob • 50e,
be 111lghtly handicapped. J-h\rbor, CM. !lew today, wefU' tomom>\\'. Nt'flt • Cle<1n Appearal1 ('e. tl-1AY1'AG wR!lher $.t'). Knduk SJ Booll uf II Prtae .&r.-... v~.,n!:t1~.Age,2S I070. ('ftmt'ra,projcctor ,~i:rllCf'r,UPRtGT11T, F.xce$l~en1 fNSTAN'T FA S l·IT O N 50c.
Rupplement yaur lncom('. $.50. 557-121? -----oMl{in11 condition. 0 0 , AQOK -1-lundreds o f :r1u Book 1 -16 pe.Hetm.
Drive " C'ab 6 hrA or more 11 YOUTI·I Bed $25. 1'\vln lx:d !!6.1-:1285 _ -fniihlon tacts. $1 . ~1;19t'nni Quill Book I _
. ACpphlY,....A in1116 peE '"'i6tn
. $1 5. Ice ~~t~:JJ· YAM~A J:t2Bb 1c,on!'I01 l". Nr. Tr~ 11 hr~7.t' ..• sell your 50c.
e ow n .....,., . 1 <><1w-.oo.r• nl:'\V, " yr, a · BC', "·arr. \t('lll!I 1\·ilh f!'tlM!. 11!11.' DRiiy Quilt# for T~•J'• UTllc.
St .. CoRta Me~a . . .a Dally P ITol Classilled l\1u~ Sell f.!95 . 645-~i7 I Pii ot C1n~l flcd . 6'12-..i618. 15 ~autl_!ul patten.. 5()c.
Cl.ASS SELJ ~'l;j -642-5678 A~. 642-5678. ~ .. I'd :t ' l'11rl"~ ,•: ... " .+11 ad' ·-------·············11
I ,
llioah, General 900
Bo.ts, Sail 909
Boats, Storage 912
DRY Storage: Sail boats to
18 ft., launching incl. some
park'g. NeY.'I)Ort 673-5070.
C1mpers, Sale /Rent 920
'68 Nli\1ROD C11mper Trailer
· \1·/Add-A-lloon1, hearer, it·c
box, stov1.•. Good condllion.
$050. or n111kc offl'r. 96.S·249.-i
11 F'!. CAi\IPER -Needs
\\"Ork On interior -$2:11). * 544-3417 *
Cycles, Bikes
. Scooters 925
•73.•74 CZ SALE
l'or litnilcd lirne only
1\LL l\l X's COST + s~..o
P.al'C Set UJl Tax ,.,,, Li<·.
73 CZ pl f /t>nd !S\2.!1:>1 S4.95
For ,\c«ess. Salt' lnlu * C1\LL 645-8008 *
l.973 XL 250 Honda, 850 miles,
extras, complele. fenders,
. '
·n F'ORD 1,iton spts. 1·u~1
Rad. lllr. New 10xl6 5 llrl's.
Like n~•w, 32.0XI orig. 111ilr:-
l OWTI('r.$2100. 89'2·1~ .. 2 <l<i):«
FORD '66 Xlnt 20MPG, 6
cyl, panl'lf'd, nu ti1·rs, ball,
sho<:ks, :i.:tras, IH6-S722
OOrJGF: ·r.i, J\lust sell, 111 11);:~.
custon1 paint, Orig: ov.·nci•,
BC'st offer • .&t:>-()7?g
Auto Leasing 964
YOUNG J_.,.'\\\')'(.>r I Boa 1 t
lirad) needs Bl\1\V autQ
lease rosig:ner xlnt CT'Pcl.
Reis. + "ill securl'
1v/pro1nlssory note iI nee.
Autos Wanted 968
Call or con1e in to SC'l! us.
3100 \\'. Cons. HI\')' .• N.B.
Dean Lewis Imports
1::61.i I lr .. rhor , C.M. 6·\fi-930:
\\'E HUY
CASH 1-'0H.
YOU!t CAlt
Autos, Imported 970
h ead l i t es, tack & AUDI ·n 2 dr, 27,50) n1i,
speedometer, gasta11k & 4 nu radials, A/C, sunroor,
seat. Eng & trans rninus auto, 2·1 rnpg, ~9~1(}. Q.lll-5210
head. All for $700. or offer. ·72 AUl)l 1001 .. s. Jnadl•d,
J in1 Allen, a-!S-7132 or 26,000 111 iies. 1449;1,
5;ti-;)g44 646-1955
Fon Sale 305 Honda su·ect BENTLEY
Bike S150. ~ l\lontessa Ou·t I -''-_.:=~~~--~ Bike S300. 5:"~·1863.
'66 SUZUKI 100 CC. GOOll
c.-ond . just tuned. SU'Cel
legal. $85. 536-1350
1955 B. Type 8P11tlcy, xlnt
rond. pvt party. 6i3-6619
;111 6pn1.
, Mobil• Homes 935 BMW
MOBILE HOME j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
20' x ~i.r . 2 BD 2 BA, 1•11rp.,
:!raped. blt-ins., refrig .•
\\•asher&. elert. dryer, 1\·1rCIJ
for 220 ;iir l"Ond., kitch.
clock, stor;ige shPd, la nd-
scaped patiu. Thrt.'e yrs. old
• like nu. Loi·a!c>rl 111 Ill'\.\'
adult pk. a\vay fl"Qlll nuis)
Ft. One-hulf Iii. fro n1 1·lul1-
housr.. Sl:i,49~. C;ill EVC:S
21 2.-G9'1-4G!:IO.
10f1l Sile Dr., llrca. 1 Ct•ll1L',\l
t.vc. across frnm Bn·:"I
Co1n1n. Hosp. I lnt .:t -16
CONTACT llA'l.'. PK. :\lGF1 .,
fnr sho\ving.
Motor Homes
Sale/Rent 940
·71 Dudge J\Jin1 Ironic f'l.Y
conl'd. Air Pond. tape deck.
lo n1i'g. S}500. \\"ill lradt'
!or pnJµ or ;1ny t hi11g .
54!!-3~..Sl ;if( 3 fllll.
20'·:l5' r-.101orhome. Superior,
Lilelin1e. Ofll'n Road .~
Ua11h, B 11f /\ i\1L acpl.
flENT TMt-: BEST. '73
E:i.:el·utiv~· :/j' 1\1! extros.
~·rec niil.:-s. !li!l-90~, ~1 to
!! pn1
•Dale's Mnlvr \i(ln1~· f{cnt;1Js
'73 21-26' '.\l.H . & ~linis
Free miles !:I ti! !I. s:1x--09((]
'Trailers, lravel 945
'73 PROWLER, 23' Seit
contained. SI!)!; R, tub &
shoy.•er, xlnl ro11d, T.O.P.
CAMPING trailrr CnlC'man,
sips 6, 111ov~. irl' hrJx. elrcl
waltt, cpt11, t>:1sy tow, xlnt
cond. 962-6783
. Auto Servic•, Parts 949 ---'--·~~~~~~~-"** WANTED ** 6 or 8 cylJndf'! mo1or
to !It 1960 DODGE pickup
Or any car motor lhat v.·ould
tit. 492--0963.
AUTN. Ollllfl fOJL
~ o-~ Y:f T R 0 K
1974 BMW's
AR.1~ , :'it ,,y
n •;u.1 l11r
Il\1:'11EOIATJ ; !11-:LIVEP.Y
S yr. or 50,()(l(l n11h~ 11nrr:1nt:
nv;iilalilr on nll Jlpw !'~'
,\: '73 Br.l\\ s.
~·102 Ma1g:ucritc Park11·ay
Mission Vi~·jo
831-2010 • 4~:i-4Sl 19
USE AVER\' P\\"'l'. F.XlT.
1974 BMW's
in stock ready for in1mcdialc
delivery. Excellent savings
on remaining 1973 modrl!;.
SALJ::S-SP.RVIC '"'.-LJ'.:A.<:il \'G
·234 E. 17th St.
COflta l\1eM e 546-4#t
'74's Are Here!
Immediate Delivery!
Save On Remaining '73s
~11le" • Servk.'t" • Leasing ni \\1. l s!, S.A. 835-31TI
Cl~ Sundays
'72 BAVAR IA 4 sp., air, AM/
F~t AIPreo, mag?; & lo n11lcs.
r J
r,:;:i C.n lense. 831·2040 Dir. AutMfiWWt~ '72 1::1:'11"' 3.0ST Cpe. & '73 '-"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiii l 3.0 CSA Cpe. Both loaded! I Saddl•back 953 Vall•y Imports
'S7 JAG XK 140 fl.f.C.
rct>tortd. $UX> or bflt oUr.
Prtv pty. Day 5'3-(633, eve -Avth. l)c·r1lrr R31-2040
Hll\'e 80mt'thlJIJI: you want to
~II! Ouslfled ads do II
Wfll .. ca ll 1110\V 00 5678.
. '71 Landcruiser
LO" '"'ledQe Hd'"'(I" ..... ~
• wll•d oro~e ~<>(! •ooc.I
r.ick (?6IOL01
ilvTO•"·ihc. lo m>le Tnyal~
St<l " 1~~10 Pl~nly
~f 'fl•i•, a. ~mole} 1~11
I l tll1'>(11
'71 VW-BUG-
j;vr•v lot 111,. <,/\a• p, O'l(l()(I
f unnono, C• f C..000
mll~~Qt' •lC•o, pr~llV
yellow, (76~(1(.,
Gle.iimlng v.n•lo Tovo!d
Wobhie vonv l top, dV!O,
!~er. a;r ton .. r<>diO
Far De.low P•ke or new
'I•. (216HSO,): ==--~9DATSUN
6r•ll•.!nl yellow 1VA rd11t
w rad•O A real tUT•l'!
Ge! !Ir~! PK~! (ZNS2<9!
'70 OPEL WGN .
AT!ract1ve Or.lnge, Aulo ..
~ir ~on<l • , 5.lve ~ In gA'
anu lllleri>loOn. 198llltl K1
S1><1rkling 5•1ver TOVOli>
tut'l. 5e(!,,n, •<>die, run•
, l•~e d •op o~~B1:01
5n~rp, ~~~·P ro;'(I, au•o,
'lOtO.:t ei9 , a0r too1d, •~·
d•O -.• Hurry: !TOCCEVl
Ve" L•.!•• ,.. ar·~nd New
'I• Toyo!<t (O•Olld 1200
Std~n W•lh lull !~t!orv
11·nd-rd e<111011men1 to.r
o-lv .l~S 25 11er mo
J6 mo<iln ooe" er.a lease
QVml 1llu1 htfn5' 1ce a<11
You !010 rn" re<tl m1l•~9e
ma-~r on a~prov"<I cre<11!
Save doll,,,~ on 'l'''• m 'ln.
l~n •nee
•••• BUY
Yo ' ~' c·-.. --
".. J . ' , ~
-., A•• --
Tow w•lh ~ vw UP !O a
Callll!Jc. Par~ l~ Vovr
.., -· -. ~ ,. -~ ..
Petf•CI lot Mono·Pictcuo•.
Sl••P5 Four, Sit!Q Oln"!I,
Fully ECl\l•PPfd,
!(!NG-\.'_..,,..,, D
One Usl!CI c amper lor
Mini Poctcup-U~ed 1uU ~
couole lime•. Buy ii for
Gnly l.lfS ln5t.illl!CI.
'G9 CORTINA, o\ ~pd. R&H .
Good ga.~ mi. G o o d
l'On1!11ion., \179'3109, 557-7511.
'69 CORTfNA, auto t~·anfi:,
i;.:<1.~ .~nvcr. good cond. $j()(I,
·-· ll,\TSUi'" ZOOZ. Jusr '''
11;11111• 1 ne ol the n1any lint·
in1po11ed c-ars \le uffer! l31Jt
,, t1y huy or lease a 11.~t·1I
lm1x111 \\'ilh no gu11r11ntt'\•?
You (·an lease a brand oc1v
Olll" \l'Jlh a ff\l."tury 11•arran-
1y 11nd saVl' cir1 niain!rnatlt"l!
ltl""I. Ll!as1nK fur you roulrt
11a~:1n cirivu1., :i difft•t't•nt
!\t•w 1·n 1· i.'Vl'l'Y 12 n1on1hs ful'
llu· nt·)o.t :: yl't11 '· Or Low
Bu.v Ha1·k 1 h1·111~ lmt·k !
l.t»1~l11i.: fto,•1!Ul't•S Nn l)u11•n
P;1v11i(·n( 11·ith :111 inlC'ndl•tl
r1•;:1lf' v·nlut> HI lhl' 1•11d of
S~iOO rl'i.::1rd!t·i.:-> or 1nit..:s or
1·u1hlH111n Or 1f .1uu rhms~
IJ'V J"t•\'uf\'111" lf'<ISl' '7.J l);,l-
s1i11 :.~;oz ~11!1.f)O n10111hly.
;,:,, IN1\'ll f'Hl'lll!'tll J!\ 11111,
fl.1·7 J.. :i:..:\-!fi7l .ir !19.'!·'r)l~I.
'72 . ':!IOZ, J\!t'!:11tll' Black.
:-11nroor. ll'!rpl1unL• 1•.\t., +
llH1111' 1111))'l' l'.\lfilS. lhi>. f'<:ll"
is ·/X't"ft.'l'L ,\lust .See !
ti I l·!"iOHI.
p ,\!O FC)H. OR NOT. \\"ILL
1,;1~NT Al..1..1:-:N, :YIO-Oll':!.
'7 1 i;oz X.lnt c.undiLion. All
ex!ras.Silvc!'. blk. int.\\'ill
s<icrifice~ ;;.1s-ss:ro
~7:: !Ja1.~un 510, 17.000 niiles.
Q ua <l ra p h on i c 1'ruho.
'7 1 ~"!AT 118. 22.000 n1i. ::'.!
111pg. $!i00. e 979-6.s~O e
'ti7 .Jag-. rto11rl sl•'l'. xl nr ('flnil,
11 ll't' \\'hcl'IS, A i\1 / f" ill .
;\l ake orfel\ ti~f>-l!l':.16 evf's.
":ii HlLLi\l,\N Husl.-y.
Good eondilion, $300.
"G9 2AA SL cu:.1on1 Jeathl'r,
'10 2'-0 Cpe Rdstr, lik·· new,
I 111111t•J", lo 1niles (76:iBNIJ !,
House of Imports
Jim Slemons
(\\'i~·re lop l1uyc>I" lnr any
usl"Cl Wl'l"<"t'dr•s BL'nt.~
1:'.0! Quuil
N1 •1\lKlf l Bea.:h
[~TF.H F'lt(J:O.J :'llacAR'l'l H JR
Mission. Viejo Imports
Co1111l:<''" .~;1lt··; & &rvil"c
Vis it Us Soon At
2'S701 :O.ial't:llL'l ltc ]'1trkway
:.1 1.~Sl••ll \"11•JIJ ·1:.f;-l7(J()
1USt: i\\'J<!{Y Pl\"Y. EXITl
('lassie. 2 Dr, Cluh Coupt.',
aulo !!"ans, P/B, PIS,
stUU'l'.lOf, n1etallil' li11~ hlue,
1, .. t 0111· owr $6600. 6-l()..-0.177
a f1 ;.,
:-61i~·1~-.,.-ee-1~le-,-&=,-1z"""23~0~. -,.,.-·lnt
cr1nd., 11e11' tires, SEOJ or
offer. ·l!)IJ-:J72'J ------
'70 OPEL GT. 4J,OOO n1i,
t\u clutch. shoeks. br ake
p11tts. Vint lll't"•s. Li('. No.
;,10 DFC Priv ply. 673-82-15.
C'nn1plc're S;iles tind Sc>rvi C<!.
:10 t·tt:11pacts fln rlisplr1y.
ll.'i7 \\'. Llnc•>ln r\\'l' .•
.\nalil'1n1 5:a-,l\?20
11fi6 J,\CU,\fi 4.2 x1..::t::, <I l!l7:~. 91 -1 2.0, B!a!'k, .~pd, ehronic \1·irr 1\·hcels, a1n/fn1 l) track ~tert'<1. l..::oni
sunr•oof. bl;u•k lac1111ei·, lti pt> sh<H'ks, t1l lov \\"ht't~J.~. slahil·
di>t•k, VC'ry lo1v 111\lf'S. 'Vei l ill'!' IJnr~. ili.-cor g1\1up, Sa:i<XJ
('••n'd for. S2.~9:i. 673-1()58 frl2-tl-11:l.
I\( a.:/11i r.rru·k IX C..1:issil'. I -l!lG_'_l _P_O_P._SC_ll_E~,-,.,-,-,.-1 -,-600~.
i\"t•ar Conroursr. Be~t ofr xlnt ffind, S2100 nt'.'11· pain1. .. ,.,.t· st_'OO, 499-:':00S. l·;1JI a f1 6, 633--1039.
JENSEN '72 Porsche 911 T Tatl:A,
L;.ir~c Selection
u! Colors
lr1n1ert i1Hc Deli1·e1y
:':100 \.". 1~,., ~.t 1!11")'.,
:i;n\ .. ]\; !'l!OGR::s~
SAVE $$$
_111!] , •• ,;·q ;;1 • f .. 1n!:1 1\ a I
-7"i7: * Mazda 7 4 Rotary *
::r, :'<IO~~TIJS OPE'.\ LEASE
\,ill :1t'<"l'pt 1rade-u1s
f"t\LL !\lit. FHY 8·12·6Gfi6
['~ ll[J t. Be ~e ~
l i":'.:11 llt'.1"h B!. R 12-666fi
II s;1rc>.f lransn1issioo, r<1di1J.
l11•11 1cr. 1111maculatc condi-
!11Jn, 11011 1F:u1
:1 ~pd, le<1thc1", sterro, lo
rni. Fae. n1ags. 552-79~1--1
P.OVEH. 1969 TC 2000 ·I <lr,
l{adio. healrr ;11r, ni.-.1·
Radials, p 1·e stii;c 1v/
['{."(/Jl(;/11)', ~119."i, 962-:nil
~r1·cr;il n.ec onl:'~ !o 1·hoose
!rum a ll equipped \\'ilh 11uln-
n1a!ic, fa·• ··y air cond .
radio, l'lc. All p1'i<"e(! hclo11·
lliC !'OS! of a llC'll' 197-:.
Sl·:E; THi:t>.I NO\V ... DlllV!:'. I
W C Bl'Y O~E . , •
. TOY<l>TA
l"~l·BE,\CH·BL\'D. '17---
HCN'Tl'.\GTO~ BE,\Oi
l\c.~ ill ndo•I-. -i\t 11• C11lors
~erutlewiA W TOYOTA
1%6 llnrhur, r .. \!. f-,.l'i '.l~.n~
Shipment of New
JUST Arrived!
fm inerliate itcliver:v on 1:1os!
hard-lo-get r.10<1cls: 1r(1•·k~:.
SR-;;·s. Corona 1\•ar:on,·, c" ·.
~lllaru111r. lllutors
!lltVn & llCWI ~I~ & Slli\1l ~· '' '"'~' ""'" ........ ~'· .. ...., "'"' ----'69 LA NDCRUISER, \\'arn I
SPECIALS! -....i ~
peopM wnk aftff
weH .,.. fWliftg °"' ..... MW!•
~.o,..e 1, tM
ploc• to Hy their
wrl MW cor
becousit we .......
it when we MIY
"nobody beats ow
* '74 OPEL
.... .,., .. 4
4 c•I .. "'ie .. • .. ,.1,.nJi.,~kJ
J ,J. "
Au'""""I"• I""""' Ye-"' l ,!, 1"~··· ()• ,,.,,...j "''" ··~\. '"'t"'.
''"IW. & c •. • /, , ....... ~ "'°'~
~ .... 1 .... 1
P-.,.i.::i 10'••1 rt,.11. .... ~ o;e~
l.ri('r' ,,. v;h· •"C<~ r '"''
!>'lll""-d•r·•)>W>"!(!\:o"~ •Llt,t.31
s 159085
r •<I !"
DISCOUMTlD s 165707
s 142762
.... 1.'..IJ
Inunediate Deliv~ry
On 1\ll i\lodels
~tolt lwi&
19C5 \!arbor, C.tlt 6·16-9:103
'i"O VOLVO-Xlnt shap e,
;111!01na1ic, oir, 4 r}{'w 11res
Cull 837-2532 or 5.l\6-W51
Autos, Used 990
E xecutive &
Cpe. DeVilles,
EIDorados and
Sed. DeVilles
ALI. ill ~:T!CULOUSL\'
All Low Mileage
'12 ~~OHO Toriao
Hard Top Cpc
!\lid slze luxury, driven only
25,000 niites by lhe original
O\\'l\t'r \\'ho c a I' e f u 11 y
niain!airu.:d , it. Equipp1 .. 'tl
1\'ith autontatic I r a n s . ,
radio, h~ate1', p o w t' r
slL't'l'ing, po\\•er 11 r a kc s,
POI\'('!" 11•i11dows, {a C\Ol"Y <ti\"
t•tc. (112GHC ), Ael 104"!i1y
S:l:17J. Johnson & Son,
Lult'Oln l\l~reury, 2 6 2 6
J larbor, Costa J\le s a ,
1972 t1"JRD Country Sednn,
three Seat Station \Vagon
400 cid V-8 Engine. Po11·1·r
Steel"i11g. Po11·er Brakes,
Di:.c }"1-0111. PowC't" Re:1r
\\'lndo1v. Roof Lu g ga g <'
B.al'k, Ne\V \Vh!te\vnll Tires.
Color -Gray. MilC'ag1•
70,000. Licf'nse 768 F.LT.
Pl'ice Sl.295. Con ta 1· 1
J\targaret Greenman, Daily
J'ilut , :uo V.'est Bay Stl'('('I,
Costa J\1esa.
'70 J Et-:P Renegade CJ J. xlnt
·n~ JE.l'.'.P Wagone£>r. 4 \\'hi 1t1·
11•/hubs. all po11'<'1", xl11!
conil , $229:> 5-15-1675
All Fully Equipped .69 LINCOLN 4 dr Sl'1la11
(Ser. 2-175901 ns lu1v as \rERY CLE/\N. Lu.xu r•y ,t $5888 s11fcty at a bargain pri,•t'.
Has lht· li11esl L~uipn1('nl
SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ttu-oughout inl'luriin:-: rull po11·er. faclol")' air. Ltnr!au DURING JANUARY rool etc. {X..'t\51671 $11i7:1.
INVENTORY SALE J otu1son & Son Lint"()l11
l':!:i!T.!m!!'!"I !llt'l"C., :!62ti Harlxlr, Costa
l\l t'sil, t>4Q.....j6:i(I.
ECO:\O:'lflCAL sarl· & 1967 FASTBACK
ato·11c·t1vc. l ikl~ Ill'\\ ruicl 1.,o,,. 1nilcagc, n1ech l'.\•·eJIC'n!
f'l/UipJl('d 11"i!h aulo1n;1!ic Nc1'' paint. illai;s & i\IL1·k1•y
t1·ans. radio, healer, fat>tory Thompson lil"CS. Air ~111x·ks
air cond, full po1vr, Ctl' !\.lust sf'e to <1pprC'ci<i!oe.
(•tllETI I. Asking S :! 5 7 5, i\1akc offer. 646-fi0~1:1.
Johnson ·~ Son , Li ncoln .68 r-.tustang Calif. Spec. Low r.1c1·cury. 2626 H n r b o r . . Good nd 01 .... u1-..
C >J C.ff>.::0<."?" lllJ. ('O •o " ._.,, Os la h CStl, .J"ttr.iu.;u. li·lfi--580 1
1972 J\lONTE Carlo. deluxe 'il Fst'~,,,.~,~.,-.-,-,,~,1-.-0-,-. ~loa-·~u-•ul'. a..:l'c~soril.'s, lo 1nlic;i,,, .fist offr over $19!6. n1inl l-ond. !"rited lo sell. ,\[I 5 pr-,1 551-:lll~ Orig. 0\1TJr. 4!!2-081i7.
'70 i\tUSTANG, au10, 11ir. '70 Che1")' ln1p<1la PIS. Very l'lc>An. Jtun~
Air. auto. radi<1, \'inyl top. b'T'Cal! 5JG-6.\59
111'1'" IJJ'<'s. SIOOO or best -"'-"'~~~"";;:c.~c;;;:-
oll<'C. •''"""" OLDSMOBILE
'Tl VEGA lla!chbk etlC'. au!o, ----------
12,000 n1i. like new, good Sales .l Sr.v\ce
m1. S2Wj, ·19-l-:hl02 o r OLDSMOBILE
•1 1-S4~1. GMC TRUCKS
"f.G Cl-IEVELLE, v·-8, auto, HONDA CARS
"'""'· · ... ,,,,, ""'· Goo<i UNIVERSITY OLDS i\lPG. $G.)(J Olfl'r 557·1501.
'l'" Cl lE~'\. N Si IV 2850 Harbor Blvd. 111 ~' 1 ova a . gn. C 1 l\i . 5-10 9640 6 cvl, auto, xlnt confl. s.-).j(}.1_0_,_a __ ,_~===:c-----
673:1,,.1 PINTO
'6-1 11\.lP. J\/C, r & H, RUNS
:i.:111!. Vt'ry 1·lean. A 1 r 1972 PINTO Sq \\"r;n, aulo
shof'ks. hitch. S2'!15. ~l~-s:-~·J6. lr<1ns. 2000cc l'nK. rl1 se
CHRYSLER hrakes, A/C, cu~101n int.,
L. ruck, r-.·!ichelln lin•s,
1:l.!XXl 1ni. Beautiful ear.
'G:i Ch rysler. V8. nll p11T. $~95. 673-1658
r-:l'eds :-rarti•r ·~·. tune-up. 'i2 Ford Pinto Runahout ·1
(.'()()(! tran~por~aoon_ 1100. spd, s!crro, custom inter;or. s.~· ;irt 5 :d 607 ''· Bay, \ .. ,,,,"al !JG8:1:.11 ·11 " ('..\-!. Call 5 1~75.o;;. ' "\ s. ~· •1 u.
C OMET '72 PJNTO Rli11about. b!"O\vn ,
.\ spd, llS:ll. roof rack. Good
----------·1 Ctlnd $:!1:'i0. 5-18-0944
·73 <'Of..fLI 2 Oil.
Cornpany 0 1~'n e1! ,t PLYMOUTH
maintained lik<' nrw in our l-----------1
ser\'ic(' dept. Equippt'd y,•i!h '73 DUSTER
automatic tr11nsn1ission, nir G CYL. automatic tran~.
con<I ., po1•.'<'r s t e er I n g, power i; t ee r i n g . Air
radio, h e at e r, e t c . conditioning Low L oy,•
Comfortnhlc, .o:afe an cl n1i!es. Like new. RJIBEV
ccono miC'al (37SIIDE I .S3275. Howard Chevrolet .Johnson & So n Li ncoln
Mercury. 2626 H ll r b or, J\1acArthur and J amboree
Costa Mesa 540-5630. Nc\\'JX)rt Beach -
Super Clean
Cars At
Super Low
'73 PINTO , ..
Suro:or rr .. .., ... .,~"'· «•i.:.>. de! ... ,, 1rw & b· lo( ~d'"(G\lfl
'72 PINTO w..-
$2 49 5
lAe r..:., • •1~J. ''"'°· fT'0'1' ~ '"''Lit •Bc,•11[.
'71 MAVERICK , ..
(~r"~'~bf ,I 0><'".'<'..>Li l. ,, ... ~(,h,•11 1 •
~, o ,,.., >\ & f'b ''"''''' \,~ """'
L.. •i.<l•• ~!
'73 TORINO G,_,s,t.
(f""'"~'l• OYtoo.-dm.,i:l,">(.•I!
i..;. ·~ac..vA
GrCllOd TorWo
• [) ,.., '"'" ·~ & ~~-~ l;o ~11001~/\
·'72 MONTE
\~~,,.. .. ~· .... ·~; v'°"'
.... "~-•"l·> ""~
~'4"'" rl,..,.,, "·'•l. "' V rc'Of ..,,,,~'"lo; :1 0M~/I
· ... ,
'72 NOVA
$2595 C~''·"""' '" ... ·~.., "'"''" ro-~"\ !..... "' ... ~ ••••
'68 CUTLASS c ...... , ..
$895 ':; ,y, -~· '~-'""' -..:er h:v i<.,.· .. '
'71 VISTA c,...;5..-...,..
., ,.,.., r . • rn ,..,,,.1, u•.
,, ... , _ z I 1"l>''1.I
L·-""~ '" r·'-,..,,.,,,. ·~,. "p"" L·< ~ '~..t.i.L
ll2 Cpt
$2195 (~; i~·•·) ,_,.., ~(•e """'
L' .: 1 /1(. ;i
'71 Chrvsler T&cwo+-
L·~ ,.,...A 1 "''"" "' 1•., f•i1e Lo , •• ..,,. ...
'70 LEMANS c ..
'-..r•~ "" ' ~,,,_.,. .,. ,i, ,....,. l, ~ .. ,o••j
'72 OPEL
$2295 s'4"-<~"}~ • ~-r<>J-.> o.,J
""'" L..:. • ~ J 1£1 (
~· $1795
!ivpe. cl.an, o•, W'O, rock, en:! ""~·h "'O'~
See to appreciate! This fi ne. Chrysler/Plymouth ·
auto shows the ~st or C'are. Open Dally & Sun. 'tll 10 Pl'.1 = i:c~aa.;rroouio. <ado &
hubs. J)('rfect body & xl nt. I
mech. L'Ond. \Viii trade.
Kfl -~·IO Dlr. 1--------f
'7[) Corona dc.lu.'(e II di'. .
!Ins lu."ury eq~1pmcnt 1':111 2929 Harb.:ir Blvd ., ._----------! power. auto. temp. n1r. Costa Mesa AM -}'l\~ stereo, LancllHI" too 546 1934 '70LESABRE
~m Lwi&
trio,; r r~u.,JOr, c .t>.r. G4G·9303
'TI MAZDA • 2 dr. air. low
mi. high MPG, Excel ('Ond,
S2S50.Qr Best 645-3751 * '72 RX-2 * R & 1-1 Clean. good shape.
&16-4671 aft. 5
NEW '73 Mazda RX2, 11ir
Call 673-2319
~--'70 TOYOTA Corona, aut.
4 dr. 5€!dan. Xlnt rond.
VOLKSWAGEN --·----·---, '57 \n.V, '10HP eng, Y.'ood
paneling inside, $250 or be11t
offer, &16-.1072
'73 SUPER Bcct!C', su1u·oof,
yellow, perfect cond. $2500 .
492-4977' 675-3524.
cond, radio, radial tiN:'s, '69 J<~ASTBACK 48,000 ml.
838-1683 after 7Pl\.1 ! Excellent • $1500
'73 J\tAZADA RX2. r-.tui;t sell , I ~4~76'14 * 673-SWS I air cond, vinyl top, ;),000 1973 SUPER Bug. AM/FM
mi. 557-9185 stt'reo. 20,000 mi. Xlnt cond.
MERCEDES BENZ Make oft.,. 673-9749 Brook.<
'TI VW Bus, Inunac, Must
l $ .. !!<'IL Getting married Des· m lcs 15,99a .,AA 1'1!!1.1 11 5 30 perAte. V'ITV<rJ ll :. pm 4."iO SLC 48.000
lease avail.
We 11rc having a January
.. While Sp11ce" sale ... Sell
soniethlng "1.th n Dll lly
Pilot Oassified Ad! Call
&12-56jfj Now!
'71 SUPER Beetle. Perfect!
$1850. Privall' party,
TWO 1967 VW bugs,
and much more (292CYQ) •
Spec ial price S2T75. John.i;o~ 1970 DUSI'ER
& Son, l.1ncoln MC'rcrry, 2J2,, CleBn, 20 m pg, AJ\.1/FM. ~~-Cos ta M e s a , Sl600. 636-mO aft 6pm.
,---1 Ill E l nd '.;..! ?lyr.i. Se~: .. H:--s '':'4 1·1-:-s,
0 .MARK , • xce co · needs v.-ork, running cond. Or ig owner, $2850. or Best $65. 545-I~
of.fer. 536-4986. 1;-;;,;:;;;;.::;..:~'::c--";:;:::c-:~= '66 PLY. Fury. New radial COUGAR t;i•,,, mach., & body •Int.
1---------· -$395. or offer. 846--61511
TIIJS car 111 very shurp. See
and drive It to appreclated-----------1 -----------1 lt1 performance and '64 Tempest G cvl 63,COO mi. TIME FOR handling exce llen c e . one own. Xlnt cond
Economy with a a f e t y , _ au!'JLlrans R~ 548~ _
QUIC K CAS H Equipped with a utomatic '64 TEMPEST Wgn. VS full
\ -·lnlnllmlasion, radk>, heater, PoWer, air, clean, prt.' pt)',
power 1teering:, po wer $295. Call 846-2123
brakes, f acto ry air
THROUGH A oondltlonlng. Land•• lop T-BIRD
(701EOJ). $$le Prtce $2695 .. 1----------1
Johnson It Son Lincoln 1972 THUNDERBIRD,
WANT AD Mercury,\3626 l:larbor, oond,Be11totfer.
Costa Mesa 540-6630. 979-8450 or: 640-0668
642-5678 '64 FORD wagon, looks good, '74 VEGA, 11 MPG, full
runa .,oo. Make offer! warr. 1400 mf. Only S2675 * 642--2264 • Incl. 74 lie, 499-3636
~ cle-o~ ca o \Je«it e>1 ~\
p>ee Lx ~411ACT
: H:,,,, ~ ,; 'i.1nJie .. 1!"1
. . . .. -.
San Clemente T oclay's Final
Capistrano EDITION N.Y. St.ocks
San Juan Candidate Battles Ouster at Fo r um
By PAi\1El.A llALLA,\l
01 ,~. DtllY P llOI sun
A candid<ile for l'ilY council -angry
over his ousll'r fro111 a weekend
speaker's forum at Y.'hich he and t"·o
othc>r unin\'ited candidates v.·ere bitterl y
attacked asked the San Juan
Capistrano city fathers for he.Ip fo.1onday.
Charging "dlscri n1ination and unfatr
pol iti cal practices ," .John S1vccney risked
th e council to dclcr1n lne how n1uch
cont rol mobile home 1nanagers have over
lhe cont ent of 1ncctings th;1L lake place
• S liares Grie f
in their parks. The city attorney was
iis ked to look lnto it.
Sweeney, planning co in mi ss Ion
chai rman. v.·as referring to a ca ndidates'
foru m held Saturday at the Ran cho
Alipaz Mob ile Home Park.
"'11lc meeting v.·as bill('(i as a 'meet
the candidates' night. Yet I v.·as not
invited," he said ..
The ciindidate told the council that
he, fellow comm iss ioner Douglas Nash
and Yvon Hrcksher had been exclud(.'CI
fro1n other forums as well.
ur1 Tt lft>llol•
President Nixon ~mbraces Julie Cho tiner at the funeral of her father,
~·turray 1-1. Chot1ner. a political aIJy and friend of the President for
al n1ost three decades. Cbotincr died Jan. 30 of a blood clot follow·
an auto a<.:cl dent.
CUS D Votes to Adve rtise
l~i ds f 0 1· 2 New School s
C..ipist r:ino Unified S<'hnol District
1rus ('e Pres ident George \Vhitc wamrd
frtlow members ).londay th:d al ready
ha H of Inst yea r's S25 milho n bond
issue has l>N:n comm illcd and tha t new
sC'hools should he carefully st udied before
going out lo bid.
Bu t in spi te of the "aming. !he board
voted strong ly to ::id1·l'r\ise bids for t1\·o
nc1v elemen tary schools in the fastest
grov.·ing po rtions of the dist rict.
The two can1 puscs. ctich costing about
1.5 rni llion. 1~·ou td be the rc,pl ace mcnt
to !l.'iission Vil'jo's t(·rnporary Castille
School and the nc\V J\·lot1lt.on L::lcrnent ary
Srhoo l 111 l..;1~1111;1 :-.iigut•l.
\Vhi!e stressed th :1t hts c1lnctr11 1\as
ove r the proJrCh·d ~u.~t for building
l'ach of thr ne\v ca mpuses.
··111crc has 10 be a Jes." expensive l\'ilY
to butld sthools." he said.
\\'hite cilcd other s<:hoot distric ts where
ca mpuses only a few ye:irs old were
being closed fo r lack of pupils, and
stressed that the district shou ld keep
that phaenomcnon in mind in plann ing
new ca mpuses.
Ever since voters approved the major
bond issue l:ite last year the district
has maintained a busy progTam of
plnnning and build ing new schools in
order 10 cope with a heavy growth
\Vhite joined other trustee s i n
approving the bids fo.londa y, agreeing
that the bid process was simply a search
Orange Coast
f\1otitlY sunny Wednesday w!Lh
son1e high clouds at nmes. Cooler
days with highs at the beaches in
the low 60s rising to 66 inland.
Overnight lows 4M8.
hlauor Jo1a>h AliQJ01• uhte -re-
turned h<»ne uxtau aft.er di.lair
pearinQ for JB ctaus on a "prir
t(Jnged1Xll'ation." Story Page S.
L, M. •"41 f c.i1ion111 )
CIHNll.O »t4
CtMk1 It cro .... r1 u
IM•lll Miitie" t ••n1ri.t "•" 4 E111trtt111m..,1 It
"'"'"'' 9·11 Hy Otrd11tr 1' ....._K_ 14
AMI L .... A 11
-.. Mlltval 1"11...tl 11
M•lltMI MtW1 4 or--. C.."lt I ,...,.,. lt-11
It.cl: M9ft:fls 1•11
Tfftvltloll 11
TllHlen It
WUllltf' 4
W""itfl't NtWI l).lt
WffW """ •
for offers from the building ind ustry.
Truste€s disagreed v.·ith \Vhite on the
prospect of some district schools facing
n. fate of early closure for lack of
"\V e are so far from saturation in
this district that il seems inconceivable
lhat v.·c will face the same problems
of other districts that are closing their
schools," said N1guel's trustee Bob
He "'arned that I.he board "shouldn 't
play games" with the bids and bu ilders ,
un]('SS it was comn1itted to honoring
its invitation (or bids.
\Vhite cited the $400 .ofil cost for the
canlp"us at Castill~ where more lhan
a cj(lzcn portable huitd ings have been
erected lo accommodate new pupils.
He hinlt'd that perha ps the di stri ct
might examine th e modular approach
1n future school planning in order lo
conserve the bond money.
But Director or Adm in i s t r at i ve
Services Joseph Wimer said that portable
campuses n1ay not be thal much
"Castille is only a half-sized school
and if v.·e '1•ere to apply the same
costs 10 a full sized school it might
come to only $1 a square root cheaper,"
he said .
The difference, then, between lhe cost
of a JXJr\able school compared to a
permanent one is "not that great" he
Trustees also briefly discussed the
long-range prospec t that the s~tion or
Mission Viejo served by Castille might
someday become part of the Saddleback
Unified School District under proposals
wbich· began recently to realign district
But Supt. Tru111an B e n e d I c t
recommended that trustees not concern
themselves 'with any Druriediate «!:Hect.!
Crestlite Manager
Unhurt in Accident
Kenneth Teel. the manager of San
Clemente's Crestlite Aggregate Products
plant, escaped injury MOnday afternoon
when his expenatve German sportscar
hurtled over an embankment near the
plant site.
Teel , ·39, wa!I driving along the private
road leading to the: plant at a speed
which palice said was abou t 70 m.p.h.
or more when the car left the roadway.
The resident of 209 Calle Tcna)e was
1-Ie questioned the legality of a mobile
home park's management selecting
11·hich candidates their residents y,·ould
be allowed to hear.
"I object lo activities that marshal
mobile home residents against an
"unseen enemy'," he said.
At this p:>int Councilman Edward
Chermak, who is running for re-election,
"I oppose this. I consider it a politlca\
sJ)(.'CCh. It is out of line and I "''ant
the official record to rcOect only that
he '':anted us to look into the
n1anagen1ent of 1nobile home parks," he
sai C.: angrily.
Chermak's objection stemmed from
Sv.·1..-eney 's assertion that 1wo mobile
home parks manage rs had agreed to
invite au the candidates to a forum.
He then listed the dates and places .
CoWlcilman Thorpe agreed that it was
not a time to list other meetings, but
said the coun cil should look into general
l:J ws on ca1npai gn practices.
.~'layor Roy Byrnes \\'hen questioned
later admitted that at one point he.
11·as asked to IC'ave the mee ting S1\C'Cney
referred to. but. V.'!l! allowed to remain.
Byrnes added that citizens 11•ho reside
in mobil e home parks in ti.Jc <Xlt'ifllUnity
should kno1v that an atten1pt is being
made by those 11·ho 11•ish lo be in po11·l'r
to isolat e m<>bilc home d1vellcrs fro1n
the issues of the campaign .
"The mecha nism ls w i th ho Id i n g:
information by presenting on ly CL·rtain
c<inc1idatcs," ht· sa id.
"People sclllc in a s I r u c t u r c d
enV1ronn1c·nt for goo..1 an d sul ftcient
rt>a.~ons," l'Onlinued the ma}or.
"Th~rc arc fe v.cr annoy01nccs, bul this
l!t\('S hous111g management the right to
1'l!StriL1 access to inforrn:Hion.
•·\\'hat 11·e ha1·e nov.· is a traveling
road show in which seven candidates
are presented unde r the guise of fr1..•r
1..·xchange ot opinions of all ca ndidates,
1\'hcn they don 't represent the full cross·
~t·c1io11 of all the issues bt•111g prl·sc n!ed ."
There arc 10 cand1d:Jll'S for three
co1u1('ll scat~.
Hearst Daughter Pulled
From Home by l(idnapers
In San J1ia11
Council ·Begins
Battle of Noses
Residents of the Dana Marina Mobile
Estates may soon know the sweet smell
of success.
San Juan Capistrano City Councihnen
vowed Mooday lo "do all Jo our power"
to locate and correct the source of
foul odors which may be coming from
the city's sewage treatment plant.
Responding to a plea in petitions signed
by · ;111 full-time and most part-time
rt"Sidenla of the mobile home park, lhe
N ixon Urges
Health Ca re
For One, All
\VASHINGTON (UPI) -President
Nixon pledged today to assure every
American comprehensive medical care
with a minimum of federal interference
and no higher laxes.
In a speech to the Am erican Hospital
Association outlining his forthcoming
hea lth insurance progran1, Nixon drew
a round of applause when he declared:
"There are those who say that health
services in America can onl y be
improved and _extended by the federal
governm ent, and with that I totally
He presumably was referring to
proposal& by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
(0-Mass.), which would pro" id e
government financin g ol a cradle-to-the·
grave health insurance system .
Nixon said the three-part program he
will submit to Congress \Vedn esday will
offer "balanced, dignified health care
protection" at a cost every American
can afford.
"Let us not make the mistake of
destroying the best medi cal care system
in the v.•orld that we already have,"
the President told lhe h o s p i t a I
Nixon, accompanied by his wife, made
no direct reference to Watergate but
at one point reiterated his intention
to serve a run eight years in the
"The legacy I would like to leave Riter
my term ol service in lhe presidt:ncy,
eight years . , . is a legacy of peace,"
NJroo JDld his audience. . ...
'Ille Presklent was :?pplauded six
times during bis ~minute appearance.
council agreed to a recommendation
made by Public Works Director \Villia1n
~1urphy to ask the plant's designers
-Lowry Engineering Science to
locale the jlf'Olilem_
"Lowry said this wouldn't be a
problem," said Councilman Jim Thorpe.
"Lowry owes us a solution."
Murphy said he met with about 20
residents of the park last week and
learned that the odors seem lo be
strongest between 2 and 6 a,m, when
the air i:s still. Representatives of the
Water Quality Control Board could find
no measurable odor, but he said he
did not know what time t h e i r
measurements were taken.
"We will measure intermittently' until
v,.·e determine the source of the
problem," said Murphy,
The public works director added that
perfwne devices had been used at one
lime, but they did not prove satisfactory
and were discontinued. The Dana Point
treatment plant uses a dome lo cont rol
odor, but San Juan's process is different
and a dome would not be practical,
he added.
Anger over the odors. aet.'Ording to
spokesmen for the mobile horIJC park,
slems from promises made by public
official s that v.·hen the San Juan plant
(See ODORS, Page %1
Acapulco Yacht
Racers Grouped
Near ]sla11ds
Leaders in the 1,430 mile San Diego
to Acapulco Yacht Race were bunched
northwest of Cedros Island al the 8
a.m. position report today .
Light winds have slowed the ra~
John Scripps' 79·foot ketch Miramar
from the host San Diego Yacht Club~
was leading the Hi-boat fleet about 300
miles from San Diego after 44 hours
of saillng. Miramar is the scratch boat.
Second was Bob Beauchamp 's
Colwnbia 57 Dorothy 0 from Newport
Harbor Yacht Club, fight ing a close
bDttle with John MacAllister's Standfast·
40 sloo p Mas Alegre, SOYC.
Mas Alegre was reported as the
corrected lime overall and Class B
leader for the secQDd straight day. ;tie
· race .startt!d Sunday al noon from San
Tunis T liieves
T o Lose Hnnds
TUNIS (UPI) -T1vo men
convicted of theft have been
sentenced by a L.ibyan Koranic
court to have th eir right hands
cut off, the Tunis Afrique Presse
news agency says.
Koranic law provides Co r
amputations, floggings and other
corporal punishment for specified
offense! but the law is rarely
applied outside Llbya and Saudi
The agency did not say li.tonday
when the sentence.! would be
carried out.
Coun cilmen.
Face S urplus
La nd Dis pzite
Of tllt o_.:1y .. lld Sl1ff
San Clemenle city co u n c i 1 m e n
Wednesday will face a second round
in a controversy over plans to develop
a small piece of surplus freeway
properly into a view park. '•
Residents along East Aven i da
Cordoba have opposed the proposal to
develop a lot on a dead-end street in to
a public viewpoint on growlds that traffic
fl ow would be' a problem and pri vacy
to some dwellers cou!d be threatened.
But one of two commissions w h i c h
ha\.!C exam ined the idea sin ce the council
first dealt wilh the resident opposition
has cndJrsed the idea.
The traffic-parking c om n1 i s s ion
re cently fa iled t.o muster enough votes
for a majority of ayes to endorse the
park idea. Abstentions ki11ed a definitive
City parks commissioners, however.
have :strongly endorsed the proposal to
(Ste PARK , Pace%)
BETHEL, Conn. (AP) _,-Charles
Morfett of Bethel got caught. between
the energy crisis and mass transit at
a railroad crossing today.
Police said Moffett had been wailing
for gasoline since 5:30 a.m. in a line
of 75 cars lhat cl'O!Sed a railroad track.
At 7:30 a.m., as his car straddled
the track, Moffett heard a whi stle. He
jumped out or his 1972 car just before
a 10-car passenger train from Danbury
demolished It.
l>olice charged Moffett, 35, with failure
to stop at a grade crossing.
2 Gumnen
Fire Shots
h1 Esca pe
BERKELEY (UPI ) -The IS.year-old
daughter of newspaper e x e c u t i v e
Randolph A. Hearst was kidnaped from
her a partment Monday night by two
men who fired shots at neighbors as
they drove away, it was disclosed today.
Patricia Hearst, a sophomore at
Berkeley, was dragged screaming from
her duplex apartment In the Berkeley
Hills and dumped inlo the trunk of
her kidnapers' car. Police said the two
s11spects were identified as black.
Officers said Miss Hearst was in the
apartment with her fiance, Steven Weed,
26, when the doorbell rang about 9:20
p.m. and a white female said her car
stalled and asked to use lhe phone.
Then, police said, the two men broke
into the house, attacked Weed and
a neighbor who heard the commotion,
and tied both men up.
They dragged Miss J·learst outside and
£orced her lnto the trunk of a white
1963 convertible. As they drove away,
follov.·ed by a station wagon, the suspects
fired several shots at neighbors attracted
by the screams, police said .
The car, which had been stolen in
Berkeley apparently earlier in the
evening, was fowid abandoned a half
hour later about eight blocks away.
!l.1iss llcarst is one of five daughtE>rs
of Hearst. president and editor of the
San Francisco Examiner. and chairn1 an
of the board of the Hearst Corp. She
and Wc!Xi. a former teacher at Crystal
Springs Schoo l for Gir ls, a pr ivate hi J:.:h
school in Hillsborough, which she
attended , announced their engagement
on Dec. 19.
Pol ice said It appeared obvious that
the kidnapers knew who Miss Hearst
The news media had been aware of
the kidnaping slnce shortly after It took
·place, but agreed to withhold information
at the request of police and Miss
Hearst's parents, who hoped to make:
contact with the kidnapers.
The kidnaping followed a recent series
of incidents involving prominent persons
iu the San Francisco Bay Area and
apparently random killings of while
On Nov. 6 Oakland school.!
Superintendent Marcus Foster as shot
and killed and an aide was critically
wounded by two men who identified
themselves as being from tbe
"Symbionese Llberalion Anny." The
group subsequently sent a letter .sayfng
it planned to kidnap prominent persons
to finance a "war against the
Establishment." .
Two men~ both while. were later
IS.. HEARST, Pa1e !I
""".,....,....,..,,,,.,......,...,..., ... .._...,,,........,...,."""mz""""..,_..,.~.,..,...,.......,...,,"""'.,.......,.....,,.., ... ..,.,._~...,
I n dians -win o•e" ·nt»u1 · c1~1e
V AILEY CENTER (AP) -II was no match for a motorcycle gang
of whites who raided the La JoUa lndlan reservation.
When the dust settled, six of the cyclists were in police custody
and two were running In terror for the hills.
A beating given two Indians who ord~red U1e cyclist.. to leave
brought other Indians.
The armed Indians rescued Michael Asher. IB, and Jerry Mo r-
etti, 20, who bad been thrown down a canyon side, struck with a rock,
jammed Into a' cattle guard crossing and kicked .
With pickup trucks, 10 male Indians blocked a hilly road between
. t '
the "chopper" cycles and an abandoned tribal hall where the motor-
cyclists spent Saturday night.
A posoe of sheriff's deputies arrived and took Into custody sh:
members of the llangmen's Club o! Anaheiln.
A •r.kesman said they were jailed in San Diego (Dr invemi·
gation o assault with a deadly weapon and tre.spassing oil an Indian
No one could catch the two whites who left on foo t.
The Injured Indian youths wern hospitalized but listed in good
condition Monday. •
, •
-Missima. Viejo
Action to Annex
Schools Delayed
Ot lh• Olll J PllOI \IUI
A. proposM annexation of t w o
elementary schools and one high school
site in Mission Vle)o appears t& be
in limbo today a!ter trustees of txi1h
school dlsirict.s involved toolt no ~::~ioo
• ~londay and urged caution 011 the move
ParenL11 of students in the Capistrano
Unified School Dislricl portion 11f Mission
' Viejo have urged Saddleback Valley
_.., Uniflfrl trustees lo annex them.
. , They say it detracts from community
ident ity for Miss ion Viejo to be split
between two schoo l dis tricts.
They Point out that one of tile t~·o
elementary schools in the Capistrano
district in Mission Viejo Is some 14
miles from the district headquarters.
They also object to their children
having to attend a different high school
from their friends in Mission Viejo.
But after presentation of a financial
analysis of what a transfer of properties
. and equipmen t would involve, , 1
: Saddleback trustee Chet Briner said
-"1'his proposal is Impractical , to say
the least. It would impose a bu rden
. on the district:"
The cost analysis of the proposed
.. annexation of Casti lle. Elementary, Viejo
-:-Elementary, and an unnamed high school
Peter McKenzie
New 01airman
·.For Boys Club
San Clemente stockbroker Pe t e r
McKenzie has been selected drai m an
of the OOard administe ring the South
Coast Area Boys Club.
The resident of 4015 Calle -&ienvepido
,.,, sueceeds local bank executive Dan
""Phillipbar. Phllliphar was c r e d I ted
· recently by the board for increasing
the finan cial base of the club and the
implemen tation of several new
:· programs.
~ Another recent in novation \\•as the
·· expansion of the board's membership.
Besides the selection of McKenzie to
r serve on the panel, tive new men in
the community have been selected to
}; serve as dir ectors. They are lawyers
·· Bernard Allen, insurance agent Chuck
Bartok, Marco Forster ·Vice Principal
• · J ames Hender!!On~ radio s t at I on
e:icecutive Kirk Munroe. and contractor
•.· Ken Needels.
Officers sclee1ed lo serve v.· it h
McKeniie for the eoming year are Dr.
... Robe rt Beasley, vice president; Tom
Ax tater. secretary and M u n r o e ,
, For Convalescent
Hospital Given
Beverly Manor Convalescent 11ospital
in Capis tr a n o Beach luis won
accreditation fro'fi\ a joint commission
':on lxispital accred ilation, administrator
• Be rtil Froeberg said this week.
A representative of the accreditation
group recently toured ihe hospital and
determined that it met the standards
set by commission which operat~ under
:o.pqns6rship of the American College of
Physicians. the American College of
Surgeons and the American Medical
.. • "The accreditation," Froeberg said,
, "means that the facility has voluntarily
~en to operate according to standards
~by a profession11l , knowled .'!;e-3 b!e and
.,ationally recognized g roup of
(lil>rofessionals. ''
,. The hospital joins about 1,800 other
'l!foog.term care .facilities in the nation
ill'..ciccredited since the panel was formed
~ ti" ~ .... -;.. ·-,_ -
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site Wll8 presented b~ John Coo~r ,
Saddleback coordinator of research and
He cst.imatod the Saddlcba<'k d1str1tt
\lr'Ould be required by law to pay
Ca pistrano $2.8 million, the total amount
spent by the Ca plstrano district so far
on the three sit~ involved.
The proposed tr~nsfer would afrect
so1ne 1,100 students, one-tenth or the
curren t Capistrano Unified student
population .
It would al.so mean loss of $"20 mll!ion
in assessed valuation, or one·tenth of
the valuation of lhe Capistrano district.
Meeting at the same llme as the
Saddleback boord, Capistrano trustees
speculated that the finllil cial implications
of the transfer are "far too complicated
to be successful."
Board pT'f'sident George \Vhite warned
tha t the $25 million bond issue passed
last year is already haU spent in
commitments to new schools.
The reason the transfer would affect
ne w school construction is !hat state
law proh ibits a district from selling
bonds equal to more than 10 percent
of Jls assessed valuation.
Bonds pay for school building.
If the Capistrano district transferred
$20 million of assessed valuation to
Saddleback, the amount of bonds sold
so far would be more than IO ~rccnt
of the remaining valuation, and the
district would ha ve sold bonds illegall y,
ln a discussion on whether to authorize
going to bid for a permanent building at
Castille School, several Cap istrano tru s·
Ires questioned if Uie matter should be.
postponed Wltil the transfer question is
But Capist rano Supt. Truman Benedict
said he fel t the trustees should put
lhe needs of the students over the
uncertain transfer possibility.
Follow ing his remarks, the trustees
approved going out to bid for the
permanent Castille facility. At present
the school ls held in portable buildings.
Sadd/eback Supt. Willia m Zogg told
his board "If we do pursue this, the
people who "·ant to be annexed should
take the initiative, not us. It's their
responsibility to push for the legal
changes required by the proposal.''
The annexation report '\l."BS accepted
by the SaddJeback board without further
From Page I
of lhe annexation issue.
St r~ssing that the matter Is only lh
the infant stage. Benedict suid th e
com~leidty of such a change would
require years of study and negotiation.
.. Anyway, Saddleback (whose board
reetlved a preli minary study that same
night; hasn't made any decisions yet,
so we should treat it as a very
preliminary issue,'' Tlurst added.
LA Laundromat
S11spect Killed
suspected of breaking into some coin·
ope rated machines at a laundromat was
shot and k.iUed by police early today
after he wounded t\\'Q officers \vho tried
to que.stion him.
The man , armed wi th an offi cer's
service revol ver that he grabbed during
a scuffle, ,.,.as ordered to surrender
several times, aCC'Ording to police.
Fingerprints identified the man as
Fran k flt. Leiter, 22, No rth lfo!Jywood .
who pollce said was once was committed
to Camarillo State Hospital for drug
Can.did.ates Set
For Toro Forum
The seven candidates for a single
opening M the Seddleb.ack College board
of trustees have been invited to speak
to the Saddleback Valley Republican
Women, Federated.
The regular meellng at 9:30 a.m. Feb.
2fi is open to the public and will be
in tbt community room of Peoples
Federal Savings and Loan in El Toro.
Each candidate has been invited to
mak:e 1 flv~mtnute speech.
Also schfduled for th e program Is
Dr. Earl Brian, former st.a~ secretary
of Health and Welfare under Gov.
Capistrano Chamber
Hears Caspers Aide
Robert Nelson. a drn I n i s tra t i v e
assistant to Fifth Di.strict Supervisor
Ronald CIJpen, will address members
or lbe Capl•lrano Beach Chamber or
C:Ommerce at a monthly meeting next
The Wednesday .aeaalon at l he
Maraartta Inn will begin at noon Rnd
ls open to aJI in terested members of
the community. Nel.On, who represents
Caspers in the Soulh Coast portion or
the dist rict. plans to discuss roads, parks
and se rvh.:e a reas with the chamber
' Nixon's Staff
Gets Pep Talk
WA~ HIN G T 0 N (tJP!) -
Prt!sldent Nlion !tu btto giving
Wliite llouae at.afters pep talks,
assuring them ht will b •
exonerated Jn the W 1 t e rg1 t e
scandal, aC'Ctlrdtng to an alde.
The aitlt? said Monday Niion
himself appears more confident ht
can \'·ard off demands for hU
resignat ion or 1 mp eac h m en t,
despite a recent Gallup Poll
showing on ly a 26 percent approval
of Nixon 's performance,
Another Gallup poU made public
Monday showed that if given a
choice, a plurality of voters wo...ld
prefer Vice President Gerald Ford
to Nixon in the White House for
the remaining years of Ni:iron's
Capo Bay Area
Chess Club
For1ning Up
Eighteen young chess buffs from
several Capistra n o Bay Are a
communities became the ch a r l e r
members of a new junior chess club
when met for the first lime this past
weekend at the San C I e men t e
Community Clubhouse.
The activity, sponsored by the San
Clemente Optimist Club was deemed
an instant success by adviser Edward
.. Tierney, who stressed th at a ny
youngsters interested In the game are
wel come to join in the aetlvity \\1hich
is scheduled every Saturday afternoon
at 1 o'clock.
"\Ve have youngslC'rs enrolled £rom
5 years old on up and all they have
to do is show begi nner's knowledge of
the game and a willingness to learn '
more," he a"tided;
Instruction by older, more advanced
chess players is part of the day 's
informal routine, he said, and if enough
interest is shown, tournaments might
be organized in coming weeks.
Youngs ters are encouraged to bring
the ir own chessmen and boards.
Tierney said the junior group is an
exte nsion of the senior club which n1eets
each Monday evening at Con('Qrdia
Elemen tary School.
Specific information on each activity is
available by calling 492-6731.
Adult Education
Now Under Way
Registration began Monday for the
spring semester of the adult education
program sponsored by the Capistrano
Uni fied School District and signups will
be held at the beginning of the firs t
session of each class through lhe week·,
C.ourse offerings -several dozeri. ln
all -cover a broad range of interests,
including art, craft, cooking, sewing,
auto mechanics as well as c(lurses
geared to assisting etdults obtain high-
school credit.
Information about specific c 1 ass
meeting places and times Is avti.ilable
through the adult education office .
The number Is 492-4165 during the
evening hours. Daytime infonnation also
is available through school dlslrlct
headquarters at 496·1215.
'J'uition fee Is $6 with no increases
for ext.ra classes. Th~ fee is cut in
half for retirees and eliminated for
studenls either working for credit or
enrolled in citizenship classes and
English as a. second language.
Front Page I
ODORS • • •
wus expanded, odors would be dis pell ed.
Another source. of lrr:itation ' -one
counc.iln1en did not discuss -.... was an
automatic triggering of alarm bil.zzers
which are sometlmes allowed 19 sound
through the night and are pot shut
off until morning. -
Murphy reminded the council tha t
there are thr"ee sewage treatment" plans
near ·the park -San .Jl.J8D 'I, ·Dana
Point's and Capistrano Beath's ...
''We're still not admlttina: that it's
our plant that's causing the problem,"
he said. "But If it is, we'U correct
Cultural Program
Set at Dana School
A ~ ~b!ic 8'rvlce r.rogrirn wllh lh<l
title ' Unconscious Cu tural Clashes" will
be offered to parents in the Ca pi strano
Ull!tled School Dlolrict lonlgbl ol Dana
Hill& Wgh School"s Porthole Theater.
SpoDIOred by lhe C.piotrono Unllied
Counoil of PTS As. lhe I p.m. ]lrOl!r•m
will Incl ude lhe showing or two films
and a talk by local specialists In the
field of contact between ethnic groupa.
The public Is wclcome free of cha rge
to the program. spokesmen said.
Postal Cl erk Guilty
LOS ANGELES (UP!) -A postal
('!erk, arrested last year with l!kl flr•l
class and, air mail letters In his lunch
box while h~ was leaving work, wu
convlCted Monday of stealing mall.
Shutdown by Trucl{ers
Spread~; Toll Climbs
By lhe Auoclated Press
More Jayorts, viO\ence and disrupted
fOOd and fuel shipments were reported
today as the independent truckers'
sh utdown spread .furU:ler across the
Negotiators In Washlngt(ln, D . C.
continued efforts to find a compron11se
plan to end the six-day protest over
fuel prices and freight rates. The
shutdown -or ils effects -reached
at least 42 states.
uled an urgent meeting "'1th President
Nixon's C'hief of staff. Cen, Alrxar,drr
Haig. The move indicated the talks reach·
ed a critical stage wilh both sides hop('.
ful that an aareement could be worked
out quickly.
National Guardsmen. on duty in. three
s!ates, escorted some trucks along
Penn sylvania highways. A. spokesrnan
said four·man Ciuard Wills in jeeps were
accon)panylng trucks carrying peris ha ble
cargo and medical supplies.
Pennsytvania State Police said there
were 53 reports of violence -including
four shootings -ln the. 24-hour period
that ended al 8 a.m. A spokcsn1an
said 10 arrests had been made.
Highway patrolmen esrorted some
lanker trucks in Ohio.
Gov, .Mar...-in tll and1'I of ~larylnnd s:11d
he \\'Ot1!d use N;ltion:il Gu;1rd truck.~.
if necessary , lo !like food ;ind fut'!
to tlH.: weS\t.'J"!\ Jlarl Of his Sl~I!.!. lie
did not actually caU up the Guard .
Violence >l"~s rcponcd !:ill• !\!onrllly
11fght or loduy 111 al lr.ust a do1,t•11
st<1les. !\·lost of the troubl(· 1nvolvl'd
s11ip1'r firing'l. tire slJsh1ngs or olJJ~·t ·1 .•
thro11n ::t trucks.
The ()h10 J1 1gli"·ay Patrol s.11J ::
prcda"'n fire. destroyed a tr:i.ctor and
two trai11'rs al <i trueklng eoinp;lny 111
~lineral Hidg!!.
to.lost of the. violence did not J"csult
in serious injury. An exception \\'3S the
'Vll mington, N.C. shooting of a 11
independent trucker manning a blockadl'
Federal energy chi,r William Simon
to!d members of a Sen ate -House
conference committee he needed
legislative authority to allow truckers
to pass along higher fuel prices to the
shipping c.'Ompp.nles they work for. The
conference chairman, Rep. Har I e y
Staggers ([).W. Va.), said, ho wever, it
wa.s unlikely Congress would act soon
Later, trowever. the Senate Commerce
Committee approved a resolution lhat
"·ou!d clr:ir the \\'llY for the .Inlerstate
Commerce Con1mission to pennit the
truckers to pass oo increased fuel rosts.
Sen. Warren G. 1'-fagnuson (0-Wash.),
the committee chairman , said he "'ould
do everything he can to lnsuN! quick
Senate action on the resolution .
Mrs. Popeil Will Stand
Trial With Her Boyfriend
t\.feanwhile, negotiations in the truck
strike moved to the White House today,
Top federal and state mediators sched·
From Pagel
PARK • • •
convert the park into a viewpoint.
A standing offer of $1 ,000 by the
Kiwanis· Club to help toward landscap-
iag had been formally accepted by the
council three yean ago. but thus far ha.!
gone unspent pending a fi nal announce-
ment from the State Division of High·
ways that the land is availablt>.
Were the park not to be built. the
land eventually ~·ould be placed on t'he
auction block and developed privately.
Besides the parks iss ue, these ite1ns
are included in the agenda for the 7:30
p.m. session:
-A letter from local resldenc Duane
Hinkle urging the council to reiterate
its opposition to the loss of two· local
passenger train stops and replacing them
In Sa n Ju a n Capistrano, Hin kle ~aid
the city should urge the restoration
aC the Io ca I stops of the mornin.1t
northbound and evenlfli southbound and
still keep th e new service in San Juan.
Amtrak spokesmen have said lhat ti ght
scheduling would not allow the change.
- A letter fro m C.Olony Coves
spokesman O:larles He.!I urging the
<'ouncll to ta ke measures eli minating
the acrumulation of earth and boulders
on top of a crlb wall Installed two
years ago to stem collapse of the bluffs
along ,North El Camino Real. Residents
of the area have deemed the collectlon
of fallen 10U "a dange rous situation."
-A request by San Clemente High
School cycling adviser Con A. Rusling
that the city install a series of bicycle
routes to ease the problem for local
-A. request by the South C.Oa st Area
Of ""' O•Uv "•lot si.tt
Testimony tn the preliminary hearing
for Mrs . Eloise Popeil of Newport
.Beach and her alleged lover. accused
or eonspiring to murder h e r
multlrnillionalre husband to assure a
piece of his $200 million fortune, has
led to an order that they must formally
stand trial.
~Irs. Popeil, 48, and Dan iel Ayers,
!17, were ordered Monday to return to
~ Beach Superior Court Feb. 19 to
sland trial on one count each of
conspiracy to commit murder.
Municipal Court Judae Charles S.
Litwin also set Wednesday as the date
for a hearing on a proposed gag order
to prohibit parties involved from
speaking to tbe press.
Girls' Softball
Signups Slated
Registrat ion ior South Coast area girls
Interested In joining the Bobby Sox
Softball League of San Clemente will
be 'held starting tonight.
Slgnups for girls aged 9 to IS will
be held at the San Clemente High School
Little Thealer tortlght and Feb. 19 from
7 to 9 p.m. The location "·ill shift
to the San Clemente Safeway tllarket
f'eb. 16 as .,.,·ell as the Voo ·s ~larket
in Capistrano Beach. Hours at both
locations that day will be from 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
All girls must bring proof of age
and must be accompanied by a parent
or guardian at the regislration.
Norway Travel Fil.in
To Be Shown Tonight
Jaycees for permission to strlng a The Jeclurc·fil m 'Norv•ay ... in Four
banner across a city street heralding Seasons.. will be shown at San
a candidates' forum in the city F'eb, Clemente's Community C ! u b ho u s e
26. The group also asks the city to tonight as the latest offering in the
cosponsor the event SQ. that fees for Rotary Club's Adventures in Travel
the re nta l of the communlty clubhowe series.
would not ha ve to be paid for the The 8 p.m .. shO\\'i ng is part of a
lraditiona1 event. year:long project calculated to raise
-A request by the San Clemente funds for the club's scholarship program.
Garden Club for waiver or the same. Admission Is by season ticket. The film.
rental fees for the group's annual plant showing the "magnificent. year.round
sale, Parks commissioners have beauly of an enchanUng country". will
Defense attorneys had ea r I i er
succeeded ln having the press and publi c
barred from later stages of the couple's
preliminary hearing ln municipal court.
A cool, even·mannered blonde, Mr s .
Popell. of 519 Harbor Island Road, was
arrested at that location with Ayers
on Jan. a in a raid by Long Beach
They were reportedly tipped of! by
two aequalntances of Ayers who "·orked
wit h him at Douglas Aircraft Corporation
and who were allegedly solicited as
contract killers. +
Investigators claim the target of the
plot was Chicago kitchen gadget lycoon
Samuel Popeil, 59, "'hose industrial
empire includes production of a
collapsible, pocket·sized fishing rod.
The alleged plot was supposedly going
along on schedule including a trip to
Chicago to case Pope i!'s JO · room
apartment when the alleged hired killers
became worried.
One of the men. identified as Don
Reed, 48, and Robert Peeler, 32,
reportedly called Popell and warned him
of the assi~ment to take his life on
a contract basis, a<X,'(lrding to police
.l\1rs~ Popeil and her male acquaintanl·e
have pleaded innocent to the murrl r·'
solicilation charges and g e ne r a l l y
maint.ain a cool , nonchalant courtroo1n
She and her husband \\·ere in 111<>
procl'SS of getting a divorce and 1:"
he. dil'd before lt bccan1c final, s/11·
1\·ould ha\"c inheri ted onc·lhird or hi;;
S200 million estal l', poiJce assertl'd,
From Page I
arres ted in ronnection with the foster
death, and a third , a whit e female,
remains at large.
On JHn. 28, fou r \\'hile persons were
shot and killed in San Francisco and
a fifth was wounded in a.n apparent
random se rirs or ~hootings du ring a
two·hour period whl<'h police s;.iid werf'
commlttcd by blacks. 'rhe l!~xan1i11er
offered a $5.000 reward for information
leading to the arrest and conviction
of the killers.
Police <1re also tnvestigatlng whether
there v.·as any connection bet"·een the
four San Francisco killings and J'.l
apparently niotivelcss killings in ihe Bay
Area in rceent months. recommended denial. be narrated by Its produ cer. Ed Lark. ~--~~~~~~~~~--~~~-''-----'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
Let Us Put You on the Map
Near the entra nce, inside our store, is a giant
new mop. We ore in !he process of iden1ify ing
all of the homes we hove carpeted .since 1965
on this mop with colored pins. (A different color
for each year.)
Close scruli ny· will detect some interesting
fac t s~ firstly, we hove ca rpeted ho mes on
virtually every street in the oreo. Secondly, the .
pin s ore in bun c h es . I ndi c ating
WORD.OF-MOUTH odver1 ;,;ng. Th;rdly, tne
numbe r of ho mes we hove corp eled i1
If you de•ire honesty, e-:perience, ond
r1commendofion1 from nei ghbo r1 we hove I
wo rk•d lor.1he n Alden"s ;, THE PlACEI
I -·
SINCI 1957
1663 Placentia Ave.
.l.11<><1 l 0
Al f 10 2 .0
AC It' ~~
A<1 D 641> t
AoJ E f1 '°" /\llMll1 1'0 7 Aa.i e• 9Q 4 A<l I el (1.1 o Aa~ '"' 1<l
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AmHrs lOQ 2 A 1-1>~ pt JI~ AnAF 44 12 An Al nr1
A TI IM O. 1'0
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'"" Bl<IQ lJ 1 llnCJn 2:1Q I llC~np I\<
11.CnMI 7'>d I AC111 n .lO 6
A C•en I~ 9 tm 0 /1tl 1 110 ,1tel q I& AmDu1 v,1 •Df. Pl ''' ,l>m lK1 l'09 A FnSv 1 lQ 9
1' F n pt '"' '&nlld 31<1 A nSc 44<1 Ann•li0 6 A Gnp 1~11
/.ml-lo •I ~6 I AmriD'1 JI JO
A Home pf 1 AmHo•P 18 J.j
Am""' 5\1 ~ 111:'.~lco 1~ ~
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AmSnll 10 6
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AmSo 10 1 Aml&l JUH 10
Aml&Tl' ' Allo!A l 1>4
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T uesday's
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"l0 1:Kl o-... .. , ' . ,
'° • h • • • • lo n • " • • ,, •
"' flltJT JI
Year's High-Lows
Appear E' ery Saturday
Stocks Seesaw
As Voliune Low
NE \V YORK !UPI) -Stock pr11.:es closed lower Tuesday
Oil the New Yor k Stock Exchan ge-Trading was light
The Dow Jon~s ind ustrial aver 1ge ..-.h1ch \I.as up about
rour points at mldsC'ssion 11,ns vf! 1 16 at 820 32 nunuh:s
tx:forc the clo~c
l s~11e! dcclm111~ n1 1>ricc outnumbered those
rnarg1n of about 7 to-J
\ olurnc total d ibou~ l~ 7,, 1n 1ll1on shares
111th J-t 38 n11lhon traded ~londa \
ga1n1ng bv
co1npo rt't.I
Brokers said ba rga n hunl!il!; :;p irked the n1 1d sell~1on
ups\11ng bcforc :;elhng rc.,urncd •A~ 'l h cDow had fnllcn
al111ost 41 po n!s during lht> prc\Juus three scss 1011s
On tht Amt:rtc 111 SttH..k l x~ h 111g pnct s also 111.:rc lo1 er
11 slow trading
• ll • ~ .. ,_,
' ' -' . ·-" " ' " " " " -" .
39 -• ll _,....,
' " " ''"
American Sales ....... _
~· ...,,,
3 u .... S2 0'/4
_ ..... __.
J2 OAILV PIL01 Tue~day f ebruary '5, 1'114 ~~~~~~~~~~~
F atnlly Clreus
......... , .... ····--··•'"
" ... and ~o the
poor doggie
had none."
b 11 Bil Ken11e r--:.:
~ ,--r
r r r-' r • •
c •
"So ~h e hod to phone and gel a
pizza for him! Righi,
Burt and Sarah:
His V e rsion
Q: We know the Nixons must mail out tons or Christ-
mas cards, Hut \\'hy do they ha\'e lo be franked at our
expense? -1\1. Tellit, Indianapolis.
A: But they're not. The J>residenl and hlrs. Nixon's
holiday greetings "'ere mailed \\•ilh the same denomina-
tion postage stamps we taxpayers affix to such envelopes.
Q: What's the name of lh!! autobio~raph~· l\lilton
Berle's been \\Tiling for the past six 1nonlhs'!-!\loe Bro\\'·
anick, i\1iami
A: Trnl.:itively lhc ve!Pran attor-romcdian leans te>-
\\'atds riiarilyn Gardner's suggestion: "I\ly Life \Vith t.Iil-
ton Berl e-by r..Iilton Berle."
Q: We've read so many conflicting versions of the
Burt Reynolds-Sara h !\liles mcgs, ·v.·hcre her 111anager
Q'as found dead in her room. \\'as she or v.·asn't she in
Burl 's room that 11ight?-lre11e S.T., \\'oreester, !\1ass.
A: 1'hough Sarnh \\'ished she \\'as miles a11·ay. the
ans1\'Cr is yes . ;.Saruh ~·as in 111,v roon1 11·hilc I 11•as gelling
a massage," Hcyno!ds !old 11-rilPr Clair Sefran. ln 111hat
('Glad You Asked That')
she describes a.c; a .. right. angry ·:oice." ";\1ass;ige," Rurt
observed. "didn't used lo be a dirt y 11·ord. And no , I didn 't
11•ant Sar;ih there. I ::iskL'<I her to leave but she 11·ouldn't."
He remembers the call for help after Sarah finally
returned to her 011•11 rootn and found IJavid \Vhit ing. hrr
busi ness manager. dead. 11·ith a :;ash on the back of hls
"If I'd found \Vhil ing 11·ith Sarah." Burt said honestly,
"1hcn being the n1<1le chuuvinist pig !hat I am. I'd have
fought wilh him. i\nd if I had. he'd prob<1bly be alive to-
day. He'd have been too battl·rcd to get up and take that
overdose of pills."
Asked \\·hethcr ru1nors uboul his having an aHair
1~·ith the nctress 11·c rc lruc. the ma le sex symbol snapped •
.. I wou ld ha\•e he('n ~l;;d to say under oalh thal I did not
have an affair wlth Sarah. But nobody asked."
Q: Is It true lhat f_\flbtJy Ri!!:;s will no"· challenge a n·
diences and play a nig:ht club date in Las Vegas?-:'ilrs.
Nadine !\I., Brookl yn.
A: No, Bobby has rlg,l!;cd up anorher caper. lle's going
to be the tennis pro al the garning resort's farnous Trop-
icana Hotel.
POSTSCRIPTS FH(l:'i1 ~IAHIL,.N: To l\largarcl S1atey,
Lake1~oocL Colo.: Sorry 11·c can't print the parody !on
\Vatcrgatc) that llich Little offered on the Carson sho1v.
It's SJlCCial material, protcc:ted by copyright ... To ll·lrs.
Edgar E. Lynch , Jl;!acedonia. Ohio: There is no relation-
ship bct~·een Robert Culp and the late Robert Hyan .
To Lillian ~I. fahizio, F;irmingdale, N. Y.: Absolu!rly not
J>errv Como has neve r hren invol1·cd in crirnc or lllafia
ac tiv-ities. Nor has he had p.~~'chiatric problems. 11!' has
one of the n1ost spotless rt•pu tations in the firmamf'nl of
stars ... 'l'o Craig Sunde . Decorah. lo\1·a: \\'hrn ~·ou sec
a pcrforn1rr \1vicc on 1ht' s;:1n1c screen. closeup and dis·
rant. it ·s jusl a clel'er c;:in1t:ra trick.
Se111/ v1111r q11e~l1trH.\ In f lt/ Gor<l11c1· ... (;/nil Y1J11
Asked 1'/iot," rarr of //•1~ 11c1r.~paper. T'.U. /lr,r· /;)fiO,
Costa /Ue sa .92fi:!(i. ,\/11 rll•o1 un1i //11 (;11nl11r r 1r1/I 1111·
sn•er {IS 1111111,11 1/IH's//ur1~ u.~ rhr:J c1;11 ''' 1/1c1r r·11/11111n,
but the r;o/1011.c /JI /l//j1/ )11(1/.,1•.;, /lf'f3uJIUI lf/)/ll'S 1111-
Granclmotl1e1~ Held
h1 Ritual Deatl1
Telling It Like It l s
BE IH UT ti\l'i Jl.luni defendants and "[un·~ct>k1ng
Shak1b, a f1!r11 star 1n her Oriental guests.·•
1)r1nlt'. was <1ccused 111 n1ora!s The going rate was
n• u·
OPELOL.S:\S. La . I AP ) -
T1l'O defense la"·yers have
been appotnted for a Galves-
ton. TeI. 11ooman accused of
using her 3-year-old grand-
dar.tgtUr a.s a human sacrifice
l'l a blad: magic religious ri-
tlro11ncd In a bathtub bccause 1 ~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~==:;:
she 1.1·as possessed Of evil r
Dt•·-:1'..~ f)·J1..r Judge
G1r'ar,r. Pa·.~· :\londay aw, r.r~ Or'..c.aA R1cha,r<! and
<;<e• ~ t.rG"'c h o t h of
~ (•.~· afll"f' Ruth Daniles
P.-•1. -.:trt1 39_ sa id s he
''"~ •:n · af~r.<d tr1 ture her
t?1 ... ""1 'lfl a charge ci murder
1n a r-'!Y "'h1rh thus far lacks
a b<lfly -a V'riou! drawback
ill a roorrl<'r prf'.>".eCUtion.
Oflicrrs S<i\ "'"itnesses told
thtm th<> rhi!rl Shanna Star
l.ovtll, ~a~ kil!f"'1 in Euni ce.
1..a. 15 ITIOfl th<i .il(O an rl buried
11n a wooded ;rn·a in that
Shanni1 '.-i 1110! hrr. !\I r ~ .
Oeborrah l_,o\'C'll r1f 8cn1·i1:k.
l..a ., 9 21 ·,\'('<lf-flld g 0 -g ()
rlnnrrr. s u r r 1· n d e r c d 10
()fric<'~ 111'0 wr·ek~ ""° and
told th •rn the l·hllrl 11·ns
~IRS. LOVELL 1vas book ed
;i~ a n1;1trrinl v.·itncss. So we re
H1chard S1.1·ain. 21. of Morgan
('i!.\'. La .. and Joseph B. Faul,
20. of Bl'rl\'ick.
Chit·f [}('put~· L.D. Carriere
said s1n1emrnts bv Mrs.
Covell and Swain Jed lo the
arrest of Fau l.
Carriere said the murder
cha rge againg t Mr s.
Broussard \\·as b a s e d on
information ob1ained in the
questioning of her t h r e e
daughters. The other two a re
Regina Lee Bush. 23, and
AMa Carr, bo th of Btrwick.
TIIEY WERE picked up on
district attorney subpor1tas
an d later released.
Otis Lo1nenick, St. Landry
J>arish legal advisor. sairl l<1llt
week he is uncertain whe1hcr
the case can be successfully
prosecuterl \\.'ithout a bod y.
Dist. All y. Morgan Goudeau
said he thought indictments
were possible but conviclions
1.11ould be difficult to obtain.
Eu ell Gibbon s ••• Gift Easy
ToSwallo·w ' Say It's Not So
s9_35 GAL.
• Pa int contractor s, apartment
owners, homeown ers! He re's your
chance to save an firs t quality
lucite •paints.
• We cleaned out DuPont's weste rn
warehou se & there 's a great color
• Famous lucite •qual ity -goes on
last, dries even laster & deans up
easily with soap & water.
• Covers most walls with just one
• Buy it by the caseload -you'll want
to redecorate your entire home at
this super low sale price.
. ~
Laguna Bea~h
To1lny's Final
N.Y. Stocks
-Removal of 20,000 Population Limit Urged
Of tfle Dalty ,1111 Slall
The 20,00()..person populallon limit built
lnto the Laguna Beach General Plan
should be removed and more attention
given to quality in d e velopment ,
according to a planning department
report released f\.1onday night.
The report from Planning Director
\\layne ~toody is the first step in re-
evaluat ing the genera! plan's land use
element, adopled by the city row1cil
in 1972.
" To limit permanent population,
as a goal in i1self. seems to miss
the point," Moody stated. "!Ne ought
to be talking about quality, not quantity.''
"We really shouldn 't concentrate on
a person number," said .~toody in
expla ining the report.
"We should concentrate on the
qualitative aspect and concentrate on
the neighborhood aspect. So m e
neighborhoods, for exa mple, can handle
new development better than others,"
he said.
The three planning commissioners
present for the study session received
the report without comment.
Figures compiled by Moody 's staff
show that Laguna currently has 7.995
housing units. including both residential
homes and apartments.
Using a factor of tv:o persons per
unit , based on census data. Laguna has
a pcm1anent population this year of
Tl1e figur es show that Lagu11 a has
about 300 more housing unils and liutl
more persons that it did v.·hen the land
use element was adopted as a way
or maintaining the Art Colony's "village
The report states that on land already
subdivided, the city L'Ou!d gain another
<1.416 housing unit s.
Combining the ('Xisllng units 11·ith !he
potential on1's. Laguna's population could
top 24.BSO. 11iis figure docs not i11cl11de
the popula!1on lh••t co1ild arise i[ the
1.150 :icres of un subdividcd hind 11'ithin
the city is developed.
ti.toody's report states that there is
increased pressure for nev.· de.,.clopmenl
on vacant land in the city and that
an increase in residential aparllnents
in cornmcrcial zones can be expectt.'d.
Due lo the tight economic situation
and the energy crisis, it is niore
profitable l:i build housi nf;( units 1han
<:on1n1crc1al shops, ~loody cxpl11ined .
Another dcvclopn1ent !rend, hf'
ft'(>orled. is that older rcsi den\1al hon1e-;
in arc<1S zoned lur dup!rx1'~ <Jlld
ap:1 rtn1 cn ls arc bt·ing <len101ished 01ntl
rrplrirf'cl \1 1th tught·r den s i l Y
!\lood~· 111fhc.11C'd tho.! all of these
fac-tors rl'Qllll'C a dcta!lcd review of
\/i(· l.1n<I \l"l' 1•l1·n1('nl.
1'1) h•·lp g1'I !he job done, fi\'e UC
lr\'ine .-...x·1ttl l'l'Ology studt'nts have
JOl!lf'd !Iii• pl;1nn1ng staff 1o s<implr local
fc1·l u1gs un how L<J~unn should handle
furur1· dvl't•lnpn1t?nt.
:'lloody SHHI lie cxpeC!<; thl' s;impling
to be eo111pl t•ted in 1\1·0 \1·ccks. The
rl·Sult~ 11111 1h1·n t~ pa ss1xl on to the
pl;1nn1ng co111rnission .
Hearst Daughter Pulled ~-~"""-'•f'~· ........ ~-% ... '",.;,..--"t" ~(c_:'"
' '
From Home by l(idnapers
Tried S11ieide
Laguna Suspect
Flees, Captured
Tiinis Thieves
To Lose Hands
TUNIS (UPI ) -Two men
convicted of theft have been
sentenced by a Libyan Koran ic
court to have their right hands
cut off. the Tunis Afrique Prcsse
news agency says.
Koranic law provides f o r
amputations. floggings and other
rorporal punishment for specified
offenses but the law is rarely
applied outside Libya and Saudi
0t w. o.11y r11" 11att
A 26-year-old Laguna Beach man,
arre!ted by police in connection v.·lth
a $1,300 jewelry store burgl ary, and
"'·ho attempt ed to hang himself in jail.
escaped from Orange County ~tedical
For Safety
An angry group of Laguna Beach
mothers and others concerned with the
safety at the city's Bluebird Canyon
Park are pl ann ing a show of strength
as they bring their case for red uced
speed, and warning measures to the
Laguna cily rouocil.
The council will hear an appeal by
the park people al 7:30 p.m. Wednesd ay
at the city council chambers. The council
will also consider a package of staff
rcCommendations to i1nprovc safety at
the area.
The staff recommendations fall short
of some demands -a 15 mile per
hour spc«i zone, flashing yellow lights,
and increased off street parking.
Staff recommendations incl u de
installation of cross walks, prohibition
of parking on the south side of Crw
Street next to the park, additional
sidewalk and a double center line to
prevent parking.
The action was triggered by the death
of 3-year-old Colby Shields In late
January. The tot was run down as
he traUed after h.1s mother crossing
the streeL
Rodney Ander&o nwho lives across from
the park has been a coordinator in
lhe prot .. t.
'Mostly l\lnny -.oc1ay wilb
IOllle high clouds al tim<s. Cooler
days witlt blghs al Ute beaches in
Ute low 60Jo .Phi! . ... .. ·lnlud.
Ovemlghl '°"' 45-11.
• MCIJI01' JOiepll AUoto'r wlft ,,.
tu""'d home !Oclav ofkr dbop-
peorlng for 1 B days on a "11'<>-
kmged vacation." Story Page 5.
L M. .... ... _ ·--·· ·---............... .... , ............ ·-.. , .........
' I ....
" , 11 • • " ...
-" ,....... ...... ,. :=.: :
"""' '"'" Si.di,,........ 1 .. 11
"""""" u -" -. w-·1 Newt IJ.14
Center authorities who had taken him
t~ Vicloria Beach to go .swilnming
The man was subsequently recaptured
early Monday mornlng unharmed at the
home or a friend after Laguna Beach
police and Orange County Sheriff's
deputies searched the town and issued
a county-wide broadcast for the escapee.
Robert White, director of the Orange
County Medical Cente r, said today that
no normal procedures were violated by
his staff me mbers, although the man
1\las a suspected felon and had attempted
to kill himself in the Laguna Beach
City Jail.
White, asked if such an escape could
occur again, sinct no procedures were
violated said. "Yes. one could make
that conclusion."
"It's not a daily, or a weekly or
mont~ly occurence," \Vhile said. adding
that during his five years at the center,
he could not recall a similar Incident.
The incident is unde rstood to be under
investigation by officials of the Orange
County district attorney's office, v.·ho
were irate, as were local 1 aw
enforcement officers.
The individual Involved was absent
without leave from an Indiana hospita l.
and was a client with the Laguna Beach
~fental llea l!h Center, which he gave
as an address.
Officials there declined to discuss the
case as did Dr. John Crowder, acting
chief of Adult Inpatient Se r v ice ,
Department of Psychlatry at the Orange
County "-!edical Center.
Dr. Crowder. declined e om nre n t
entirely other than to say that he shared
respoasibilitles for mentaJ patients
bro"Ugh{ in by law enforcement agencies
with other people, and he listed the
OCMC director, the Orange C:Ounty
sheriff, ward physicians, and Orange
County Mental Health.
The patient involved was arrested by
Laguna Beach police patrolmen after
the display window to Russ Hinda
Jewelry, 1273 S. Coast Highway was
smashed Saturday night and $1,339 in
jewelry taken.
PbUce officers arrested the man
several blocks away. They allege tnat
he had in his pos!ession nearly all
the property taken, wllh the exception
of some tie tacs.
. The agency did not say ~londay
when the sentences would be
carried out.
Nixon Urges
Health Care
For One, .4 ll
\\'ASHlNGTON (UP I) -President
Nixon pledged today to assure every
American comprehensive medic.11 care
with a minimum of federal interference
and no higher taxes.
In a speech to the American Hospital
A.ssociation outlining his forthcoming
health insurance progran1, Nixo n drew
a round of applause when he declared :
"There are those who say that health
services in America can onlv be
i1nprovcd and extended by the rCderal
government, and "'ith lhal I totally
He presumably "'"as referring to
proposals by Sen _ Edv•ard Jl;I. Kennedy
t0.t¥1ass.). which would prov i de
government financing of a cradJc-to-thc-
grave health insurance system.
Nixon said the three-part program he
will submit to Congress Wednesday will
ISee HEAL TH, Page Z)
BETHEL, Conn. (AP) - Charles
Moffett of Bethel got caught between'
the energy crisis and mass transi l at
a railroad crossing today.
Police said Moffett had been wnlting
for gasoline since 5:30 a.m. in a line
of 75 cars that crossed a railroad track.
At 7:50 a.m., as his car straddled
the track, Moffett heard a whistle. He
jumped out of his 1972 car just before
a 11>-car passenger train from Danbury
de1"01ished It .
PoUce jailed the man. and contacted
an Indiana hoopllal which requcsled the
indlvldual be lallen lo tlto oeareot· II.lie
meatal hospital for transport back lo
(See ESCAPE, Pa1e II
Police. charged Moffett, 35, with failure -
to 1top at a grade crossing.
Indians Win One!)
V AU.EV ,CENTER (AP) -It was no match for "motorcycle gang
of w~ltes who raided the La Jolla Indian reservation. .
Wben the dust aelUod, olx·of the, cyclists were In police cu·stody
and two were runnlni lo terror for the hills. . :
A beating given two Indians who ordered the cyclists to leave brought other Indians.
The anned Indians rescued Michael Asher, 18, and Jerry Mot>
ettt, 20, who had been thrown down a canyon side, struck with a rock,
2 Gu111nen
Fit·e Sl1ots
In Escape
BERKELEY (U PI ) -The 19-year-old
daughter of newspa per .e x e c u t i v e
Randolph A. Hearst was kidnaped from
her duplex apartment and dumped into
the trunk of her kidnapers' ca r. Pol ice
M id the l\'10 suspects were identified as
Patricia He arst, a sophomo re at
Berkeley, was dragged screaming from
her duplex apartment in the Berkeley
liills and dumped into the trunk of
her kidnapers· car. Police said the t11"0
suspects were identified as black.
High School Senior to Reign During Festival
Officers said ~1iss Hearst was in the
apa rtment "''ilh her fiance. Steven \Vecd,
26, when !he doorbell rang about 9:20
p.m. and a white female .said her car
stalled and asked to use the phone.
Liz Shanklin Selected
Then. police said, the two men broke
into the house, attacked \Veed and
a neighbor who heard the commotion,
and tied both men up.
Laguna F esti,val Queen
They dragged ~1iss Hearst outside and
forced her into the trunk of a white
196.1 convertible . As they drove away,
followed by a station wagon, the suspects
fired severa l shots at neighbors attracted
(See HEARST, Pagt %)
Laguna Police
Arrest 2 Men,
Get Marijuana
Laguna Beach High School Senior Liz
Shanklin will reign as queen of the
annua l Art Colony \Vintcr Festival
sponsored by the Cha1nber of Com1nercc.
~1 iss Shanklin, 17, was selected on
the basis of charm, poi se. sociabili!y
and academic standing, according to
Larry Campbell, \Vinter F C's ti v a I
She maintains a 3.5 grade point
average. A four-point is straight A.
J\<1iss Shanklin is a n1cmber of the
Laguna Beach Police Explorers Post
and the National Cha rity League.
Interests include modern dance. She has
appeared in past high school productions.
Upon graduation. ~liss Shanklin plans
to attend Orange Coast College in Costa
!\1esa and take OCC's ste1vardess course
and then becozne a professio nal airline
'fhe \\'inter Fe,.tira! runs from
Saturday l~eb. 9 to Feh. 24 1111t1 includes
a craftsn1 c11's fair , d tral'C'l fihn fC'~111':1l,
a visito rs tea. the P:Hno\s' Dav Paradt',
a 1vine tasting, and bcarh ilC!1v11ics,
~n1ong other evC'nls.
l\tiss Shanklin \\'ill appe~1r al teas,
11·1!1 reign ovrr the P;1t r1ots' P<1rade
Feb. 16. and \\'111 reprcseut !he
eon1n1unity in Winter Ft.!Stiva! activities.
Laguna Beach police arrested two men
and confiscated nearly seve n pounds of
marijuana allegedly hidden under the
back seat of a car J\.1onday night as
they responded to a call of shots being
fired in the vicinity of Pearl Street anc!
. South Coast Highway. ·
Patrolmen Michael Davis and Michael
Ferris reported they saw the two men
sitting in a darkened car and stopped
to question them about the sh<>ts,
Mesn Council Nixes Church Bul
Arrested were George A. Denery, 24,
of Buena Park and Richard J . Swift,
25, of Vista. They were booked for
possession of marijuana with intent to
The officers reported they observed
beer bottles in the automobile and asked
if they could search the car. In doing
so, a .22 caliber cartridc~ was round.
and the officers said they then believed
they had license to search for a weapon.
The marijuana was aUegedly packaged
in two kilo size bricks in one large _
plastic bag and in abolher bag consisting
of 15 individually packaged small sacks.
Rau:t Cy~le Gang
' the "~bopper" cycles and an. abandoned tribal hall where the motol'
cyclla!I spent Saturday night. .
A posse of sheriU's deputies arrived and look into custody six
members of.the Hangmen'• Cl ub of Anaheim.
. f,. sw.kesman said Ibey were Jailed In San Diego for Investi-
gation ot assault wJth a deadly.weapon and trespassing on· an Indian
reservatldn. · '
No one could catch the two whites who left on foot.
Rule at 215 E. 23rd St
But councilmen ruled that :ill churches,
no matter what their drnominatlon. must
provide ample parking and that the
parking Jot at nearby Lindbergh School
could oot be used to make up the
space deficiency.
Rule, who told the council that he
was una;•:are inviting his friends over
to study the Bible and rap was illega l,
said he had permission from the
Ne"''port-1\.tesa Uni fied School Dis1rlct to
use the school lot.
While councilmen based their rejection
on the parking shortage and alleged
building code violations at the church,
a representative of the Central Bible
Church squarely addressed t h e
underlying issue of homosexuality.
Herbert Burnham said not only we~
the racililies inadequate, but 11 gay
church "is not In the interest or welfare
of the entire comriiu.nity." The church
offici~I added that homosexuality is
illegal In CallfomJa, contrary to the
teachings or Chrtsthmlty, ttnd that he
stands opposed to the Mttropolltan
Com munity t"hurch buudlng a house of
wo rsh ip anyw here In Oost.a Mesa.
Rev. Rodger llal'Tisoo of the
.... , 1 11 .. .._. .. ..
" --. jammed into a caltle guard croMlng and kicked, .
With pickup truck!, IO male Indians blocked a hilly 10ad between
, ..... -. ... _,_,.1o r }•
• The injured Indian ' youths were hospitalized but listed in good
• : ' . Cillndlti(j~,!of<tDll.ly. -' . . . . .
l\fetropolHan Church accused council
members of holding a mecm. 1tntegy
meeting at city hall to cteny hotiii{ill1el
. • -lilUl ~ I ) IS.. 'GAYS,' Pap !)
• -~ -• '
% DAIL V PILOT LB Tursd11y, f rhruary 5, 1q74 ---
Bo y's Fall
Of lt1t OtllY Pita! l!tll
Proseeution witness Sandy Rockwood
today adm 11\ccl that her 3-year-0ld son
fell dJ'.''n a flight of stairs at her Orange
home a week before he died but flrn1ly
denied from the witness stand that his
injuries then played a part in his death.
I.ooking across at defendant Larry
\Vnyne Cobb, she told an Or,.nAe County
Supenor Courl jury that Todd Rockwood
"had onl y a bump on his head to show
!or the tumble he Look down six steps.
And she testified under c r o s s
. examination by defense a tto rney Robert
• Brodie that only a bruise remained from
· .. that incident a week. later when she
, came home from wor k to be told ~Y
Cobb that her tittle boy had died in
her absence.
Cobb. 22, is accused or innic1ing a
. beating April 11 that caused th e chil d's
r..tiss Rockwood . 18, has testified that
; her paramour innicted many such
bf>atings on her Son in a t'.'·o-year
relationship that was severed several
~ t im~s bt<:ause of his alleged cruelty
,. to"·ards the child.
She has testified that Cobb forced
,. her to remain in the Orange home
, for 24 hours after the chlld's death
t· and after he had shown her the body
.. of Todd Rockwood where he had placed
1 -Jt in the child's crib.
It is alleged that Cobb then forced
her to · notify police that the child had
1 disappeared and that he confe ssed to
.. the killing after police and volWlteers
·scoured the Orange area for five days.
Investigators aceompanled by Cobb
.. unearthed the child's body fro ma se\•:er
" line on Anaheim area construction site.
Miss Rockwood has pleaded guilty to
being an accessory to murder. She is
. currently serving a one-year term in
county jaH on that conviction.
l She agreed with Brodie today that
, she shared Cobb's desire for her son
1 t-:.. defend himself more vigorously in
his relationships with other children.
\. She had earlier testified u n de r
·questioning from prosecutor Pat Brians
.. that her little boy's passive attitude
· often angered Cobb to the point that
·lhe defendant would beat and humiliate
her son.
Brodie expects to conclude his cross
examination of the prosecution"s key
~.witnes5 later toda y.
From P1111e l
offer "balanced, dignified health care
'protection" at a cost every American
:.can afford.
· ··Let us not ma ke the mistake of
_destroying the best medical care system
1 in t'he '.''Or)d that '.''e already have,"
'the President told lhe ho s p i ta I
i\i:<on . accompanied by his wife . made
, no direct rercrence lo \Vt1terga te but
at one point reiterated hi s intention
.to ser\'e a full eigh t years in the
' presidency.
"The Jegl\cy I "'ould like to leave after
»1ny term of service in the presidrncy.
eight years . _ is a legacy of peact:,"
1\'.1x-on told his audient·e.
The President was 1ppla11df'd six
·timeoi: during his 25-minute appearanct:.
·Cultura l Program
·Se t at Dana Sc hool
' A public srrvice program with the
title "Unconscious Cul tural Clashes" \\'i\l
• be o(fere<l to p:iren ts in the Gap istrano
·unified School District 1onighl at Dana
-Hills Hi gh School 's Porthole 1'heater.
: Sponsored by the Capistrano Unified
t:ouncil of PTSAs. the 8 p.m. program
\..·ill include lhe showing of two film;;
}Ind a talk by local specialisls in lhe
11eld of contact between elhnic grou~.
ITTie public i.!I welcome free of charge·
~o the program. spokesme11 said.
'...--~~~~~~~~--. t OUN•I co.ur L9
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Mii aussa UM n.iM.
UPI Ttll'Phtll
Slaares Grief
l)resident N1x1)1l e n1 br<1l'C!-. ,lu!ic Chotlner at the fu neral of her father,
r..1urr.:1y IL l'hot111rr. a pfJlit1c;.il ::illy and fricnrl o[ the President for
al1nos1 th ree clc c<idt.:". ~·!1·1t1nc:1· died J.:ln. 30 of J blood clot follow-
an Jutu at't:1dcnL,
Nixon's Staff
Gets Pe11 Talk
\V A ~11 l NG TO~ (L'Pl 1 -
Fres.idenl Nixon has been f.l' ing
\Vhite I-louse stafrers per !.'.!.lh::..
assuring them he \\'Ill b c
exonerated in the \V a t c r g <t t ('
scandal, according lo an aide .
The aide said l\·tonday :\'ixon
hi mselt appears mo re confident he
can ward off drn1ands for his
resignalionor impeachment.
despite a recent Gallup Poll
showing only a 2fi percent npprov3l
of Nixon's perlormance,...,,
Another Gallup poll 1nade public.
Monday shO\\•ed 1hal lf i.:ivcn a
choice, a plurality of voters \VO .. !d
prefer Vice President Gerald Forti
to Nixon in the \\1hi!e llou.~c fr:i r
the remaining yc.:irs of Nixon 's
term .
Laguna Cou11cil
Faces Variety
Of City Iss ues
Boat storage at Boat C~nyon, o rhange
in city pnrklng requirernl'nls. ll rl'<JU":<t
for a sp1ritualisl business li t:en"t'. ;111d
wrong-way parking el!<il!ons hi ~hll~hl
the agenda f1f !11l' Lagu11~1 Bt·aeh L'11y
Council rncet111g \Vt.'d nt•sdny .
The council \\'ill stai·t l'Cnsider:ition
or a 54-itcm agenda ::it 5::iu p.m in
chambers at City !!all. The. public
hearing agenda will begin af1t'r the 7·30
p.m. mothers· proll'St <ir s;1frty hai',(l rds
<it Blul'bird Canyon P;irk.
Other iten1 s to l'onlro11t the council
-Seuing of regular City Council study
-Salt.' and distribution of the t11y's
Se'.'·er billin~ isl.
-An urgency ordin.'lnce malqng the
l'ily's parking rcqu1ren1cnt t.:onl:.1~1 e11t
\vith Coastal Com m1 ~s1nn stand<1rd~.
-A policy on dr:1H1agc fc1 ·s fvr
dl'Vl'lop1ng properties.
-A rcqUl'SI to rt•builrl and oper:ill'
:i busin('~S du1naged by fire ;ir ;_i.i,=;
Can yon A<.'n'".
Liftin~ of Price
Co1itrols 'B<1cke<l'
\\'ASHlNGTON rlJPI•-Despi te public
dismay ovor soaring gasoltne and hl'.ittng
nil pri ces, Chairman Herbert L. Stein
of the Council of 1-:conomi c Advisl·r~
said today !he mr;od of the rountry
is more favorah lt• now for scrapnin!!
;.,·age-price cont rols.
"Business is for ii. k1bor is for il
-.•. the people and Congress don't h~11·
a great deal of confidence In it," sai d
Stein at a business L'Onfercnce.
Anolher official. Roy L. Ash, Presldent
Nixon's budgot chief. :i<i id 011 lhe CBS
morning news . progra1n Lhe Ad-
ministration favo rs cl1mir.a1ion of
wage and price rontrols wherever
possible so long as il docs not cont ribute
further to inflation. Ash is director of
the Office of Maoageinc.nt and Budget.
Gas ContJ)llll.J
Aids H ospiuil
South Coasl Community llospilal's
"bum tht mortgage" campaign wa."J
bol.!ltered this "''eek with a $3.000 check
from Southern Callfornla Gas Cornpany.
James Decker, L.1guna Reach gas
company manager. said th at th e gi ft
\\'<t.5 par1 of a $22.000 pledi;::e m;ide
tv the South Laguna hospit(ll in 1972.
The money· "'Ill h<' usrd to off~l
th1' hqspilars $3 million deb! incurrM
d11ring the rurrcnt e:rcpan!llon program.
ll 1f.'pi1al off1ci;1J3 \\'Unt !o clinlfnale the
c'•·ht in 10 y~ars .
The gift en!ltlr.~ !he ga~ company
to n1t·n1 lwrshi!) in !he hosr!la!'s "gr;ind
socirty," <in honor g1v1•n ;iny lndiv1du11I
or firm conlribuling 1nort> !han Sl .000.
l 'rom Pagel
'(;A YS' ...
ll11•1r rights and to force 1hem to attend
a gay chu rch in Long Beach.
lit• told them that during the five
~l'.irs !he toletropo litan Cllmmunity
Church has been in existence, five
buildings have been burnl'd.
"Th:it's one a year. \Ve 're going to
build in t'Oncrete from now on ," said
Hl'v. Jlarris<ln, "'ho has identified hin1seU
;1s ;111 ordained Baptist minister.
"The clly of Costa l\1esa has failed
th e 7 ,000 gay people of Costa ~fesa.
f \VUn't go into these things nO\V, but
it's p1:ctty terrible \\'hat you do to th em,"
/JC' S<l id ..
.lay J\1urley, co-chairman o[ the Orange
Counly Cha pter of the American Civil
l.ibt·rtics Union, said \Vhen the planning
t·ornn1ission rejected thr variance 'vi1h
an identical 5-0 vote two weeks ago
'"there \Yere overtones of potential
d 1scri inina ti on. · ·
After the meeting Afurley told
rl'!>orlers 1hat the church had "avenues
of rc<lress.'' but declined to be specific.
li e said the problems encountered by
the gays was in many ways similar
to that of !he Jews starting their first
neighborhood synagogues.
F rom Pagel
During this time. the man attempted
lo hang himself in his jail cell by
L1.S111g his jail shirt.
Police officers transported him lo
OC!\1C where he was placed in the
rnental ward and a felony lock L::ler
pl:iccd againS1 him. An officer then again
placed a felony lock order on the man
;11 the Orange CoWlty Jail.
In some cases of individuals suspected
of mental disorientation. a 72 hour
observation period is administered at
f>C:\IC. If the individual is round to
b1.' able to care for him.self. be may
he released either on his own, or l.O
11thl·r nu1hori1ics.
The Jock order is to prevent a patient
rrorn bt•ing releas«I.
t\lth(Jugh the Orange County Jai l has
.i psycl1iatric unit , n1orc serious cases
:irt) t:iken to the hospital. Indications
:-ire !ha t the individual did belong in
!ht• hospi!JI. au1horitics said.
111 nther \\'Ords, L~guna Beach poli ce
!uok !he proper <iction In taking their
pn$oncr to the l\l edieal Center mental
\1 ;ird, r::ithcr th:::rn lo Orange County
llrJ\l'ever. according to \Vh ite. the
n1edical center lreats persons in the
n1cntal 14•ards ;.as patients, not prison-
I le said that while at the hospital,
the patien1, apparently without regard
ru criminal tendencies, is "caught up
1n rhe normal therapeutic procedures,"
1'hosc therapeutic procedures invol ve
\~·eckend "outings" and mental patient.!!
;ire t'Ommonly I a ken to the beach,
apparently without letting local police
This lime Laguna's suspected burglar
look off, and mental health authorities
from the hospital reported the escape
1o police at about 8:30 p.m. Sunday
In what police call a "concentrated
Sl'arcli"' of Laguna by city police and
the fugitive squad from the Orange
County Sheriff's Department, t h e
cscapcx was found four hours later.
LA Laundromat
Suspect Killed
LOS ANGELF.'> (UP!) -A man
suspected of breaking into gome cotn-
opcratcd machines at a Jolll)(fromat wa.ci
shot and killed by police early today
after he wounded two officers who tried
to question him.
The man. armed with an otflcer'!
service revolver that be grabbed during
a scuffle. was ordered to surrender
S('Veral times, according lo police.
Fingerprints identified the man tl.!1
Fr::ink M. Leiter, 22, North llollywood ,
v.•ho police said wa s once w.1u1 comml!t~
to C<1marBlo State lfospital far drug
\ ..
Shutdown by Truckers
Spreads; Toll Climbs
By I.he Aaoclated Press
?iolore layoffs.' Vlotertce and disrupted
food and fuel shipments were repc:rrted
today as the independent truckers'
lihutdown spread further across the
Negotiators In \Va!tjington.-D . C .
conti nued efforts to find a compromise
plan 10 end the si:t-day protest over
fuel prices and freight rates. The
sh utdo,,..'n -or its effects -reached
at least 42 states.
Federal energy ch ief Wifliam Simon
told members of a Seo a te~H o us e
conference committee he needed
leg\11lalive authorlty to allow truckeni
10 pass along higher fuel prices to the
shipping companie~ they work for. The
conference chairman, Rep. H a r I e y
Staggers (0-W. Va .), said, however. it
was unlikely Congress would act soon
Later, howev('r, the Senate Commerce
Co!n1nittee approved a resolution that
would c!r:ir the '.''ay for the Interstate
Commerce Commission to pemlit the
truckrrs lo pass on increased fuel cost!.
Sen, Warren G, ~fagnuson ()).Wash.),
the committee chain:nan, said he would
do everything he can to insur,. quick
Senate action on the resolution.
Aleanv.•hile, negotiations in the truck
st rike moved to the White l~ouse today.
'l'op federa l and st.ate n1ediators sched·
uled an urgent meeting with President
Nixon"s d1ic f of staff, Gen. Alexander
Haig. The move indicated the talks reach·
ed a critical stage wilh both si des ho?e-
fu l that an agreemenl could be \\'Orked
out quickly.
National Guardsmen . on duty in three
states, escorted some trucks along
Pennsylvania highways . A spokcs111a n
said four-man Guard units in jeeps were
accompanying trucks carrying perishable
cargo and medica l 11upplies.
Pennsylv'ania State Police said there
were SJ reports of violence -including
four shootings -in the 24-hour period
lhal ended at 8 a.m. A spokesman
sald 10 arrcsls had been made.
Highway patrolmen escorted some
tanker truck.!! in Ohio.
Gov. Marvin Mandel of ~1aryland said
he would use National Guard trucks .
lf necessary, to take food and fue l
to the western purl of his stat£'. lie
did not actually call up the Guard.
Violence was reported late ~londay
night or today in at least a dozen
state.!!. ~1ost of the trouble involved
sniper firings, lire slashings or objects
thrown at trucks.
The l)h10 Highway P;:itrot said J
predl:!Wn fire dt•stroycd n tractor and
two lrililers at a trucking L'C>111pany u1
!\'lincral Jlidge.
ti.lost of the violence did not result
in serious injury. An ('XCeption was the
\\1ilmington. N.C. shoot ing of a n
ind ependent truck('r manning a blockad~.
Police said the drh·cr, J;JJnes Henry
l\ell.V. 50. o( \\'tl m1n~tOn . 11';\S ~hOI in
tht:' stonlath ::ind 1\'as seriously 11·ounded.
They said C. F. Andre"·s , 57, a dri\'t'r
from H<1mpstead , N.C.. was charged
wirh assault 1vith a deadly \Venpon with
intent to klll.
ntere \.•:ere more layoffs in industries
unable to get raw 1naterials or ship
finished products.
!lolly Farms lndustril's, Inc .. one of
the nation's largest poultry processors,
closed lhree plants in North CRrolin'1
for an indefini!e pcriod and l<iid off
3,000 employes.
"\Ve'rl' inn heck of a mess,·· :1 spoke~
man said.
Lavoffs elSC'\\'hcre -n1a11v of th('nl
in the. n1ent packing or auto. industri es
-totalled over 75,000.
The Owens-Illinois Class Co. at Allon
laid off 2,000 workers at ils glass
container plant, complaining it was
unable to get supplies.
From P1111e l
Mrs. Popeil Will Sta11d
bv the screalT\.'I, police said.
-The car, which had been stolen in
Berkeley appa rently earlier in the
evening, was found abandoned a hall
hour later about eight blocks away.
Ti·ial With He1· Boyf 1·ie11d
Miss llearst is one of five daughters
of Hearst, president and editor of the
San Francisco Examiner, and chairman
of the board of the Hearst Corp. She
and Weed, a former teacher at Crylit.al
SP.ring.!! School for Girls, a private high
school in Hillsborough, which she
auended, announced their engagement
On Dec. 19.
Hearst, son of Willi:ir.1 Randolph
Hearst, founder of the newspaper group
that bears the family name, was flying
back 10 California from Washington. o.c.
Police said it appear:ed obviOU! that
the kldnapers knew who A1iss Hearst
The news media bad bee.n aware of
the kldn~ping slll.ca shortly after it took
place. but agreed to withhold in!onnation
at . the request .. of .p:illce and ri,tiss
Hearst's parents. Who hoped to make
contact wilh the kidnapers.
The kidna ping fotlowed a recent series
of incidents involving prom inent person!!
in the San Francisco B.ay Area and
apparently random killinis of white
On Nov. 6 Oakland s c hools
Superintendent ~farcus Foster as shot
and killed and an aide was critically
wounded by two ·men . y,"ho identified
t he mselve s as being from the
"Symbio nese Liberation Army." The
group subsequently sent a letter saying
it planned to kidnap prominent persons
to finance a "war against t h e
Establishm ent.·•
Two men, both white, were later
arrested in connection with the Foster
death, and a third, a white_ female,
rema ins al large.
On Jan. 28, four \.\1hlte pen;ons -n·ere
shot and killed in San Francisco and
a fifth was wounded In an apparent
random serie.!I of shootings during a
two-hour period which pc:rllce said were
comm itted by black.!!. The Examiner
offered a $5.000 reward for Information
leading lo the arrest and conviction
of the killers.
01 l~t Otll~ Piiot lltll
Test imony in the preliminary hearing
£or t.Irs , Eloise Popeil of Newport
Beach and her alleged Jove r, accused
of conspiring to. murder he r
multimillionaire husband to assure a
picce of his $200 million fortune, has
Jed to an order that they must fonnally
stand trial.
t.trs . Popeil. 48, and Daniel Ayers.
37. ,.,.ere ordered !\londay 10 return to
Long Beach Superior Court Feb. 19 to
stand trial on one count each of
conspiracy to commit murder.
•'-lunicipal Court Judge Charles S.
Lit'.''in also set \\'ednesday as the date
for a hearing on a proposed gag order
to prohibit parties involved from
speaking to the press.
Defense attorneys had ea r 1 i e r
succeeded in ha ving tbe press and public
barred from later 11tage::i of the couple"s
preliminary hearing in munici pal court.
A cool. even-mannered blonde, f\.lr-s.
Popeil , of 519 Harbor Island Road, '.''aS
arrested at that location "'ilh Ayers
on Jan. 8 In a raid by Long Beach
They were reportedly lipped off by
t"·o acquaintances of Ayer! who worked
with him at Douglas Aircraft Corporation
and who were allegedly solicited as
contract kill ers.
ln\'CStigators claim the target of the
plot was Chicago kitchen gadget tycoon
Samuel Popeil. 59, whose industrial
empire includes production of a
collapsible, ix>eket·sized fishing rod.
The alleged plot was supposedly going
along on schedule includ ing a trip to
Chicago to case Popeil 's 10 · room
apartment when the alleged hired killers
became worried.
One of the men. identified as Don
Reed . 46, and Robert Peeler, 32,
reportedly called Popeil and wamed him
of the assignment to take his life crn
a contract basis, acrording to police
btrs. Pope.ii and her male acquainlance
have pleaded innocent to the mu rrire
solicit ation cha rg es and g e n er a 11 y
maintain a cool , nonchalant court roo1n
Sht.' and her husband \\'ere in the
process of getting a divorce and if
he died before it became final , she
11'ould have inherited one-thi rd of hi.~
$200 million rstatc, pohee assertl'd.
Plan11 ers Hold
Study Sessio11s
011 Arch Beacl1
/\ special sllidy session on troubled
Arch Beach Heigh ts v.·as de!nycd an3
finally continued for one "'eek during
tlfld absence-riddled meeting Monday of
the Laguna Beach Planning Commission.
When about " dozen Arch Beach
Heights lando1\'lll'rs and dev('lopers
arrived at the 4 p.n1 . ~hicly session
only two <.'omm1ssio11ers, ilogc r Lanphea r
and Sally Bellerue. were present.
A minimum of three commlssioners
is nN:dcd to hold a meeting.
\Vaync Moody, city planning staff
director, said Commissionrr Ja ck
~tcDowe!I was dela\'ed bv bad weather
in Qi i c a g o ; Commissioner Larry
campbell "·as busy "·ilh \\'int er Fesll\'al
business and Commissioner Michael Way
\\'as in Los Angeles.
f\tay arri\•ed about 35 minutes late
and commissioners informally agreed
to reschedule the Arch Beach Heights
discussion for 7:30 p.nt. ~tonday at city
Before leaving the meeting . del'clopcrs
once again urged !he city to drop the
controversial J.250 square foot max imum
for homes burlt on the 25-by-100 foot
lots in the helgh1s,
They also urj!;ed reviC'w of all new
buildings by an nrchitectural rl'vie"'
board and swift ci ly ac:11on in wrapping
up a specific plan to guide future
drvelopment on 1he hill. -----
Let ·Us Put You on the Map
Neor the entronc:e, inside oui' slore, is o g ionl
new mop. We ore in the process of identifying
oll or the homes. we hove carpeted since 1965
on this mop wilh co lored p ins. (A d ifferent color
fo r eoch year.)
Close scrutiny will detect some iriteresting
fa cts.: firstly~ we ~ave carpeted tiomes on
vir1 uolly every ~reel in the area.'"' Secondly, ·1he
J)ins ore i n bunche s , indic atin g
WO~D-OF-MOUTH advertisi ng. Th irdly, 1ne
number of homes we tiove carpeted is
SINCI 1t57 If you desire honesty, experience, and
recommendotion1 from neighbors we hove
worked for. then Alden'> Is THE PlACEI
1663 Placentia Ave.
Mon.-Thun. 9 ,. 5,30, M. 9 It t i Set. 9,20 ,. s
Today's Final
N.Y. Stoek.s -
Trustees Lambaste Saddlebacl{ Car Purchase
Ol~DaltJ l'Uoi SIU!
A 3-2 vote to purchase a new car
for the Saddleback Valley Unified School
District has prompted charges of
"irresponsible spending" and ' ' a n
arrogant disregard for t"xpayers" by
the school trustees who voted against
the purchase.
In a joint statement re leased this
morning, Saddleback Unified Trustcrs
Dennis Smith and George Henry said
_Monday's action to initiate purchase of
a six-cylinder sedan is "a shocking
betrayal of public trusL ''
But school Board President Vlncc
tvlcCullough, said he felt the statement
by Smith and llenry \\•as "just another
;Hte1npt to disregard Supcrintendl!nt
Zogg and the district's administration."
Purchase of the car \\'ill bring to
fi ve the tota l av ailabl e to dist rict
admini strator3.
McCullough 3aid he understand s the
cars arc available lo anyone in the
district who needs them and are not
assigned as personal vehicles to top-level
adm inistrators.
Smitn said the cars arc used by upper
ec;helon admi nistrators. "'ho make a base
salary of $27,000 to $30,000 a year.
A spokesinan in the superi nte ndent 's
office said !he four existing cars l:lrc
a s s i g n e d to Supe rintendent Z o g g ;
Richard \Velte, depu ty ~uperlntend.~nl
of instruct ion ; J .£. Sc h u n' a k er,
ad nl.inistrative services su1)('r1n1cndcn1.
[1nd Ilobert Matthew, supc rinlcndent uf
business services.
The only member of the so-c all ed
"superi ntendent's cabinet '' wJ10 did nut
in herit a car in the uni fica tion fro m
the Tustin Union Hi gh SchtX.11 district
was Gary Shinkle, personnel services
In the board's agenda, th e car \VOS
list ed as a pcrSQ1111e;l d~'pHrtinrnt
··&. far rhc1'l' 1 ~ no \\l'lltt'il pul1 l''·
on 1he us~· ol t•:ir:>. ' thL' ~po kvs 1n;JJl
::.aid. She -u I! d C' d tll•' ;1dn11111··t1·:•1ur~
kL·Cp the di slri\'I c.ir:: :t i l10n1 l' bl·c·,1u~··
it is considered ii:1f1·1· 11.,111 k!'l'Jlln~ 1)len1
on dis trict prcrnJ:'iC.S Ol'l'rn1ght
"Our district tU ITL'Jltlv p:tyS till' !Op
;Jdn1inistn1tiv1· s:i l;1n1·' in lhc c·uun:v
plus <111 lhe 1 n111111111;.;~. frin~e b\'nt•fit S.
bra nd new ofllcc sp;ice :111<1 furni:-;h 11lg~.''
Srn ilh t"Or111nL·n1 rct.
"\\le hrn\• the highe.-.t ::eh0o l prop1·r1y
tax rate in l )t·ang(• Cou111y . 11 (~ ;1rl'
11011 l:1cu1g possible cu th::icks in td11ca·
11on:1! prograrns next )'L'<-1 1', In !he tace of
this. !hl' act ion of 13rincr. l'ctc rson.
;111d tl lcCu!lough constitutes reckless
sµeud ing:."
:\lcL'ullough s:1id ro hiin ~111\·idin~ !ht'
e;1rs ls c11 rry1ng out "<1 11 clhica! pro n1isc"
Hi ad1ninistrato rs lo give thein the satne
~tdv.:i nld gC's they had l11 th~ Tustin
d1slrict before un ification.
\Vllt·t hl'r the po!iry is "'titten or 110!.
1\leCuHough s<1id . he believes providi ng
the e111·s is "a n1a ttcr of l'Ollrtcs.v."
Sn1ith said he h[1S tx·cn re<ruestin.c.
!hat a wri llefl polley Uc written on
the subjcr t si ne('_ last. summl'r.
..That 11·ay the issue would be brought
oul 111!0 the open for discussion." SnHth
!'l(lirl. "As i1 i<;, we ha ve been discussin" ' 0 1t 1n t•.1t:t'l'.U t1ve session ;1s a n1attcr or pcrs01111t'L"
i\IcCullou gh said the mauer \.l.'i\J
probably b'--' n1:1dC' off1cinl 11·hen contacts
(or the Saddleback dis1rict arc re negoti·
art•d la!t'r ti ll~ ve;ir,
"The Zogg ·adininisl ration and th<'
boa rd n1n1onty are pushing this dist rict
lo the l>ri11k of disaster.'' Sn1ith said.
"It 's tirn i::. the people of Saddleback
Valley 11cake up.''
oun arr anc
Hearst Girl l(idnaped
Two Me11 Nab Newspaper Scion's Daug·liter
BERK ELEY (UPI) -'fhe 19-year-<ild
daughter of newspaper e x e c u t i v c
Ra ndolph A. Hearst was kid na ped fro m
her duplex apartme nt and dumped into
!he tnu1k o( her kidnape rs' car. Police
said the two suspects were identified as
Patricia Hearst. a sophomore at
Berkeley, \\'as dragged screaming fron1
her duplex apart ment in the Berkeley
!·fills and dumped into the trunk of
her kidnapers' car. Police said the two
lrvirie's Zonin g
Cod e Facii1 g
Council Action
suspects were identified as bl ack.
Office rs said ~•liss Hearst was in the
apartment wi lh her fiance, Steven Weed ,
26. •,vhen the doorbell ra ng about 9:20
p.m. and a v..·hHe female said her car
stalled and asked to use the phone.
Then . police said, the two men broke
into the house, attacked \Veed and
a neighbor who heard the commotion,
and tied both men up.
They dragged Miss Heant outside and
forced ber into the trunk of a "'hite
196.1 conv ertible. As lhey drove ;-i1va~·,
followed by a station wagon , the suspects
fired several shots at neighbors attrac ted
by the screams, police said.
The car, wh ich had been stolen in
Berkeley apparently earlie r in the
evening, was found abandoned a half
hour later about eight blocks away .
Miss Hearst is one of fi ve daught ers
of Hearst, president and editor of the
Sa n Francisco Examiner, and chair1nan
(See HEARST, Page 2)
3-school Viejo Annex
Bid Remains in Limbo
SJ1a1·es G1·ief Irvine's "unique" zoning code. touted
for its mechanisms to keep farming
alire for as 1 on g as po~sible. fares
revision by cit y cou nci lmen tonight.
The hastily drafted 2oning law bans
sale of agricultural produ cts from stands
suc h as the one run by the Irvine
Company near the Sa nta Ana Jo"reeway
and Myford Road interchange.
A proposed annexation or t \v o
elementary schools and one hig h school
site in Mission Viejo appears to be
in limbo today after trustees of both
school dist ricts involved look no : 'ion
Monday and urged caution on the move_
Mee.ling at ihe same tirne as the
Saddleback board, Capis!rano trustees
speculated that the financia l irnplicatlons
of the transfer are "far too ..-on1plica tcd
to be successful."
Board president George 'Vhitc warned
that th e $25 million bo nd issue passed
la st year is already half spent in
commitments to new sC'hools.
Preside nt Nixon cn1braccs .Ju lie Chotiner at the funeral of her father.
1'1urray l·L Chotiner, a political al ly and friend of the Preside nt for
aln1ost three decades. Chotiner died .Jan. 30 of a blood clot fo llow-
an auto accident. 1;e 1vas a Jongtiinc Sou thern Call[ornian.
r..tayor John Burton said today. ··1
guess the rad ish patch radicals wanted
the produce trucked to Los Angeles
so it could be brought back to be sold
in the rompany stor e." He indicated
he would support Co u n c i l v..• om an
Gabri elle Pryor's bid to amend the
zoning code.
Burton said he believed t he
Parents of students in the Capistrano
Unified School District portion of Mission
Viejo ha ve urged Saddleback Va lley
Uni fied trus tees to annex them.
They say it detracts from comm unity
identity for Mission Viejo to be split
bet"·een t11ro school districts.
They point out lhat one of the two
elementary schools in the Capistrano
district in Mission Viejo is son1e 14
miles from the district headquarters.
The reason the transfer would affec t
new school construction is that state
(See ANNEX, Page 21
Barbara Con11 ,
lrvi11e Con1pan y
Aide, 35, Deacl
E. Ra y Qt1i gley Sees Need
To St1·ea111li11e Planni11g
discrepancy in the zoning ccxle came
to light when the Jn·ine Compa.ny asked
to ex pand its stand from "h1ch fresh
ranch vl'getables are sold.
r..t rs. Pryor has for s om e t i m e
indicated an i n t c r es t in encouraging
location of such stands in the city.
She cites the energy ronservfltl on
advantages of marketing prod uce close
to where it is produced.
She also said she favored preservation
of farming in Irvine to continue supplies
of fresh produce,
"It won't be the only mistake in
the :roning code we'll be c<Jrrecting,"
Burton said.
The correct ion \\'ill be made by means
of an urgency · ordinance proposed for
adoption at tonig ht's council meeting,
7:30 in city hall, 4201 Campus Drive.
The city's zoning code which puts
into effect the new general plan, was
adopted at the close of. 1973, to meet
a state deadline.
Shortage Increa ses
They also object to their children
having to attend a different hi gh school
from their friends in l\1ission Viejo.
But after pres entation of a financia l
f f Ba rbara Storke Conn. an lrvinc analysis of what a trans er o properties c 0 m p a 11 y p u b 1 i c i s t a n d 1 h e
and equipment would involve, dd h gi:an. au~ ter of a Pulit zer prizc-
Saddleback trustee Chet Briner said winning Journalist, died Monda y night
"This proposal is impractical, to say in her Newport Beach home. She was
the least. It would impose a burden J5.
on the district." !\!rs. C.Onn. 2442 Vista Nobleza. ""'as
The cost analysis or the proposed found dead th is morning of ap parently
aMexation of Castille Elementary, Viejo natu ral ca uses after co mpla ining of
Elementary, and an unnamed high school illness.
site was presented by John Cooper, Mrs. Conn was th e granddaughter of
Saddleback coordinator of research and the late Thomas M. Storke. noted former
development. publisher of the Santa Barbara News-
lte estimated the Saddleback district Press. She "·as a ninth-generation
would be requiret:: by law to pay Californian.
Capistrano $2.8 million. the total amoun t tltrs. Conn worked n1any years in
spent by the Capistrano district so far journalism before jonning the Irvine
on the three sites involved. Company as a co rporate publicist. She
The proposed transfer '''Ould affect also \von several professional awards.
soine 1,100 students, on e-tenth of the She is survived by her husband ,
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Motorists current Capistrano Unified student Edward; a 4-yea r-old daughter, Carrie;
can expect end-of-the-month gasoline population. her parents, Charles Storke II and Rar·
shortages like last weekend until the It would also mean loss ol $20 million hara Storke; two brothers, two sisters and 0~11Y Pnoi S1•11 ~1101•
Arab oil em~o ends, Shell Oil Co. in uaes.oed val1!4tjon, 0< one-tenth ol a matern al grandmother. SEES PLANNING PARTNERSHIP
• offlclali predided M?n~ .. -.,;._.... , _ ~f:ke viluation of the P!PL!trano district. Funerlil serviCeS ir~ peoding. Candidate E. Ray Quigl•y Jr. .. ,.,,..,llll..,. ............ 111i ............................. ,,. ............... ..., ......... _::e~ .. ~ ~.,-~.,-::.-:'.:'~~'7..: .... --."'~j "::?)• ""i
Indians Win ·One~· ·B@n~~;:-·~~yele Gang
VALLEY CENTER (AP) -It was no malch for a motorcycl e gang
o! whites who raided the La Jolla India n reservation.
When th e dust setUed, six of the cyclists were in police custody
and two were running in terror for the hills.
/\. beating given two Indians who ordered the cyclists to leave
brought other Indians.
The arm ed Indian s rescued Michael Asher,'18. and Jerry Mor·
etti , 20, who had been thrown down a canyon side1 struck with a rock,
jammed into a cattle guard crossing and kicked.
With pickup trucks, 10 male Indians blocked a hilly road between
_ ... ·-
the "chopper" cycles and a n abandoned tribal hall where the motor·
cyclists spent Saturday night. .
A posse of sheriff's deputies arrived and took into custody six
members or the Hangmen's Clu b of An ahein1.
A spokesman said they were jailed In San Diego ior investi·
gation of assault witlt a deadly weapon and t respassing on an Indlan
No one could catch the two whites wiul..le!t on foo t
The injured Indian youlhs were hospl!aiized but listed in good
condition Monday. '
• --·
Of l~l 0 11!1 Pilot S11tt
Jrv lne. CounC'ihnan E. Ray Quig ley Jr.
st:cs a need for the ci1y to streamline
it s planni ng, and approvals process as
a v.·ny of cutting the costs of
The incumbent candidate in the !\larch
5 election in which all fiv e Irvine council
seats are up for grabs, is not critical
of the planning staff.
"l am most proud of what I consider
to be about the finest city staff anywhere
- as far as we have gone," Quigley
said. "I recogni2e that we have
signifi cant gaps in lhe public safety
and planning areas."
The 40-year-old United Air Lines pilot
loo ks for development of a planning
staff thal is capable of forming a
partnership with developers.
'"fhcy have a lot or expertise from
\Vhich we can benefit," Quigley contends.
.The cooperation should begin, he said,
"1n the earl y planning of a project
providing a mechanism that people ca~
go di rectly to our staff without perhaps
a formal filing of a zoning or permit
aJtpJication. ·
"Staff would be involved in an
Interpretative basis, helping deveiopef3
big or small bring their ideas, hopefully
innovative ones, into confonnance with
the basic standards of the city general
plan and zoning ord inance," Quigley said.
Such a sys tem would save the city
n1oney in hiring planning staff and wou ld
savr developers time sometll!lcs wasted
as they work on a plan certain to
meet with disfavor when it is brought
to the city.
Ray Quigley oppooes housing subsidies
In any form . but believes government
has a responsibili ty to avoid forcing
thr cost of housing upward due to plan-
ning con fusion as occurred in the Vi ll age
!See QUIGLEY, Page %)
$4 Million
To Obtain
5,500 Ac1~es
Of Ille Dlll'f Pll•t Sl11f
Orange Coun ty supervisors yielded to
a large outpouri ng of pub!ic sentiment
today And agreed to spend $4.4 million
to pu rchase 5.500 acres of the Starr
Ranch in the hills above San Juan Capis-
In a one hour public hearing.
supervisors hea rd remarks from groups
ranging from the Girl Scouts of Orange
County, the Y.'.\.1CA, the Citi2ens Direction
Findin g Commi ttee and others strongly
favoring the purchase as a major
regiona l wilderness park -the largest
purchase of its kind in county history.
The action. which came on a 4-t(r.1
vote \\'it h Supervisor Robert Battin
abstaining, ended two montm of delays
over variou s aspects of the purchase
and it s priority in tenns of open space
in the county.
Supervisors Ralph Clark and Ralph
Diedrich. \\'ho formerly ob s tr u cte d
efforts by Supervisor Ronald Caspers
to buy the ranch. decided fina lly to
go with the purchase .
The agree me nt with 10 charities now
own ing the property calls fo r the rount y
lo pay $1.5 million down and the
re-mainder s p r e a d out over the next
five years.
Last week, Caspers took Diedrich on
a heliropter and land tour of the ranch,
\Vhich rambles over hills, valleys and
pastures between Ortega Highway and
Coto de Caza .
The property includes 970 acres of
prime land that makes up four separate
top priority regional park sites on the
county's master plan. Purchase of those
alone would cost $3.5 million.
Anot her S000,000 in the agrl'C'ment
\\'OU!d cover the ren1aining 4,500 acres
of the ranch .
The property is one of the largest
pieces of virtually untouched wilderness
left in I he coun ty.
Running up the center of the parcel
is Bell Canyon, a stream-cut vaJJey
dolled with towering sycamore and .live
oak gro ves interspersed with green
swards of pasture land.
During the winter. there is a good
deal of running water on the land and
several windmills still pump water from '
the ground into ta nk3 for livestock.
Caspers envisions a wilderness park
on the land reserved mos tly for hikers,
backpackers and ho rseback riders with
(See RANCH, Page %)
Mostly 3\mllY Wedneaday with
some high clouds at times .. Cooler
days with l>lgbs at t& ·beaches lil
the low 60s rising to 66 inland.
Overnight lows 4!>-48.
i\fayor Joseph AUoto'1 wife re-
turned /l ome today after disal>'
pearina for 18 da y1 on a "pro-
la1tged vacation." Story Page 5.
\.. M. .. .,. '
C1NttnM1 I
Cl1111fl.. Jt.Jf
C-lc1 II ,,_~ u °""' Notlc" • .....tlat ..... ' l•ttl1 .. lllMlll If
Fl ... Mt "" M'I' G•,._. It
"'"' l.Mdolrt 11
M.-vi.t " Mii,... ......... It
"''""'-' Newt 4 Cir•-'-" • s-i. l•tt Sl9dl Mlorh11 1 .. 11
T-10 -.. w-. .__.. ,._. I>-.. .......... .
... .. . " . ... ----.
-2 O~l'r' PILOI IS lut'\da,, Frbruary 5, 1974
Restaurant Parking Real Challenge Nixo n's Sta ff
Gets Pep Talk
8)' I,.. PY.T[R KRIEG
01 lft~ 0111 0 l'llol s~111
There's a new aport 1weeplng: the
bu.,,tncs,: <'lrcle5 around Ornngc County
Airport .
Jt"s c3 1IL'd "1'rying ro f"ind a Plat'(!
to Prirk \\'hen You l:o 10 L1u1l·h."
Jt"s quite a challengl'.
''l'hcy ncc<.1 trafri c cops }jround these
plnces ." gn1mbled one harried rnark('\ing
n1~1age r v.J10 cl;.urned he !ipent JI)
Irvi11e Okays
In Deerfield
'.I.lod e! homes ror the first single-family
development to be built in Deerfield
Village have been approved for
construction bY the city of lrvine .
A condit ional approval was given to
the Irvine Comany whi c h w..i gtrt a
use pennlt to biuld four detached model
homes .
. The ho mes are .e;(flected to sell for
. more than Lwire amou nts projected when
the projee1 ••·us prcsl'nt ed lo lhe city
as !he Village of \!'alley View. That
,.. zoning bid to provide rnodera1e income
homes pri C't'd fron1 S19.{J()(} to $25.000
\Vas revised by ~ht' City Co\Jllti\ lo
1 lower densities.
The models \1·ill be built several
hundred feet away fron1 Culver Drive,
midway between the Santa l'~e Railroad
crossing and r.toulton Par k wa y ,
according to cily zoni ng administrator
Cla udet te DonateHa.
Cilizens may appeal the use permit
approval until Feb. 14, when it becomes
finally approv ed.
Tr11ckers' Strike
. Spreads Furtl1er
Across Nation
By the Associated Press
1'.1ore layoffs, violence and disrupted
food and fuel shipments were reported
today as the independent tr uckers'
shutdown spread further across the
NegoJiators In Washington, D. C .
contin ued efforts to find a compromise
p!an to end the six-<iay protes t over
fuel pr ices and freight rales. The
~hutdown -or its effects -reached
at least 42 states.
Federal tnergy chie[ William Simon
told members of a Sena t e·liousc
conference co1nmittce he nee d e d
legisla tive authority to allow truc kers
to pass :i\ong higher fuel prices to the
shipping compan ies they work for. The
conference chairman, Rep. Ha r I e y
Staggers (D-W. Va.), said , however, it
was unlikely Congress would act soon
enough .
Later. ho"·cvcr, the Senate Commerce
Committee approved a resolution that
"'ould cll'.1r the way for the Interstate
Commerce Commission to permit the
tn1ckers to pass on increased fuel costs.
S:en. \\'arren G. f..1agnuson (0-Wash.).
the comn1i!lee chainnan. said he "'OUld
do everything he can to insur,. qu ick
Senate action on the resolution.
l\·tean~\·hilC'. nC'gotiations in the tn.ick
strike moved lo the \\1h1te House today.
Top fed eral and state mediators sched·
uled an urg ent meeting \vith President
Nixon's ci1icf of staff . Gen. Alex ander
!f;iig. The move indicated the talks rC'ach-
ed a critJCa l S1age "'ilh both sides hopt.'-
ful that an agrcen1enl could be. worked
out quickly.
National Gunrdsn1en. on duty in three
states. escorted some trucks along
Pennsylvania lugh"•;iys. A spokesman
said fnur-m;in (~uard units in jeeps \Ve re
.. accompanying trucks cR rrying perishable
.llcargo and n1edical supplies.
'JI Pennsy1vania Slale Police said there ~wi:re 53 reports of violence -including
11four shoot ings -in !he 24-hour period
'i-lhat ended at 8 a.m. A spo kesman
:isaid 10 arrests had been made.
ir·,....~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...
JO .. 01.AN•I COAST "
'""'Ori-COjlfl DAILY PllOl , wllll 'fllMcllt
It c.f"'fli-ll!t NI""'·"'-• II llUllli.Mlf frt' llM 0••"11~ C••it l'lilbll>ltlnl C...,1>9,,., ........ ••le •1100~1 1rt llUbU.-, ~ty llvwlfl
f rkl 11. lot C.01!1 M1 ... , NtwPOf'I •llKI\,
Hun!lr.oton ll•oc:lllF°""tt"1 v111,y. ll9U'IA
l•cll, trvlM l!1<1dl•bock ,,..; S111 (i.......i11
~'" JuM C.:•pl01r1no. 1' oTnol• ""91-1
edition I• pyn1"""" s11 .. ,d••1 trol ....... ,.,
r~~ pfln<•p•I 1><1~ll~lll'"OI pion! 11 •t J J() 'o\'ftl
Boy S!tft'I, (°'I• M''°• Ceiltornl1, tM:N..
~ob1•I N, W1itd
Ptfl.0«11 tlld l'wllllt"-r
J t ,k II.. C11rl1y
Viti Prukl.,,1 11111 ~11 MlnlOl'f'
1\011' .. I IC11J'"il
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Mlf'l9111t ~IW ., : .. Ch1ii11 H. L111 Ricl!1rd '· N1ft
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..._.f!lftl M-tlnl E>fl"°'t
Co1tt Mt.a: lllt Wt;!,.!!.1 '""' N .. _, l et(lo: J)JJ N tfu .... aff
L., ..... ft••Cfl; m ll'11<n t ..,_
N""'Ur.otool ll•tc"• llf'J lelfll $0v .... I ..
kft (I-If': JOJ N&Hll Et ~.,.1n9 ~I
t.i.,... •• 17141 642-4121
C'"'""' Aft...tW11 M2·1•7t
S.. c--.. AIJ l•ert-•u
T...,.._ 4f2 .... H
C"'1'1fllt. 1'1J, 0rtfl91 ec,.., Publfllllfll
Com.-...... Ito -HOl'~t. lltwt••I .....
•l•i.t '"'~ or UVtrl!-ti 1\.1"'1"
,,.., IM r~ '"lll"lovl -Ill -· 111luloll ol C:Oll'l'fieM o-.
k(lolll Ci.ti ....... Hill 1! COlll Mt .. ,
CAi i_... a..1too.e-1..i1o11 l!Y tt•••• H ti
,,.....1Mr1 W ll'lelt IJ 1f ftOO<tlll .... l PlllllWf dfttltW1!ior..•1).I& ...... 1111'1.
mlnu141 JU!! byin1 to drive tl11•ugh
the parkln& lot 11 the ntw BJ.ackbeard 's
R .. t.aurant in Newport Place.
Hi round the nur•t place to leave
hla ur wu 1 block away 1n a email
ahopploi oentar In the middle ol the
1llll·uneomplettd 200-acre mas I er ·
planned "bWline.sa park" bullt by the
Emkay Development Company J~t south
or the airport.
Etnkay President Robert Alleborn
From Page J
of Valley Vie\\· situation, he said.
"Basically the city has a responsibility
to make possible through Its ordinances
and general plan the competitive
dl'.'velopment or housing for all kinds
of people. big and little, rich and poor,
but just primarily people," he said.
Ray Qu igley su pport the rrvtne Com·
pany propc>5<11 for scattered, r.ioderate
C061 housing in high dens ity clusters.
1'te opposes "concentrations" ol any
single group of people. "Until it is
demonstrated thal government funded
and subsidized projects can and will
u•ork and it is likewise dcn1onstratcd
that innovative private approaches
cannot and will not work., I will not
support government subsidies." he said.
Here is a sam pling oI Ray Quigley's
views on other issues:
-"Bike trails are not a part isan
issue. they arc universally needed by
this city."
-An internal bus system link lo
county transit routes is needed
-The coastal sector annexation must
await resolution of the Irvine Company
?>.1ulti·Agency PlaMing P r o g r a m
iTICMAPP) group.
-Irvine's juvenile problem Is an
example of the need for great.er attention
to the public safety rol e.
-Maintenance of cily amenities
shouJd have laken budget priority over
planning. Lack or attention to street
cleaning resulted from cutt.acks in the
capital proj ects area to fund an expanded
planning_program, Quigley contends.
A native of Oklahoma, Ray Qui gley
was raised in Orange County and was
graduated from Cal State L<lng Beach
with a degree in speech.
A veteran of the Marine Corps he
has been a commercial jet pilot for
seven years.
He is a member of !he Friends or
UC !nine and has served on the board
for three years. He was a director
of the Irvine Ranch Water District,
was active in the cilyhood drive and
served as a director of the Greater
lrvine Industrial League.
He and his: wife, Denise, have li ved
in Irvine for five years . They have
two children, Elli,abeth, 14 and
Oiristopher I (I,
From Pagel
la\Y prohibits a district from selling
bonds equal to more than 10 percent
of it.s assessed valualion.
Bonds pay for school building.
lf the Capistrano dist rict transfe rred
~20 million of assessed valuation to
Saddleback. the amount of bonds sold
so far y,·ould be more than IO percent
of the remaining valuation, and the
dist ri ct would have sold bonds illegally,
In a discussion on whet her to author ize
goi ng to bid for a permanent building at
('..astilte School . several Capistr<tno tru s·
tees questioned if the matter should be
postponed untll the transfer question :.;
But Capi strano Supt. Truman Benedict
said hl' felt the trustees should put
the needs of the students over the
uncertain transfer possib ility.
Following his: remarks, the trustees
approved going out to bid for the
permanent Castille facility. At present
the school is held in portable buildings.
Saddleback Supt. Will iam . 7.ogg told
his board "If we do pursue thi!I, the
people who want to be annexed should
take the initiative, not us. It's thei r
responsibility to pmh for the legal
changes required by the proposal."
The annexation report was accepted
by the Saddleback board without rurther
From Pqe J
or the board of the lfearst Corp. She
and Weed, a fonner teacher at Crystal
Springs SCbool for Glr!.!I, a private high
school In Hillsborough, which she
atwided, announced their engi1ement on Dee. 19.
Hearst, SOD of WiUi:i.r.1 Randolph
Heam, founder ol the newopoper group
that bean the family name, was fl ying
back to California from Washington,
!'<lice slid It appear<d obvlowi th.It
the kidnapen knew who MW Hears t
The news mOOJ11 had been awart of
the kldnaping since shortly art er It took
pin~. but agreed to withhold Information
at the requeot of police and Ml.!a
•rcant's parenLs, who hoped to make
contact with the kldtlapers.
The kidoaping followed a re~nt aeries
or lncldenu lnvotvJn1 prominent perlOM
In the San Francisco Bay Area aOO
appe rent/y random klllinp of white
conctde1 that there's a bit of a prob\ero.
"I've seen eome people pull up riaht
Mhl.od another car, &et out and 10
lo for lunch," Allobom uld.
Bui h• lnllsled the problem will eue
when the new r11t1urant next door 11
completed. The two will share pnrklng.
"Con.struc.1ion around that restaur&nt
blocks a lot or the traffic. lanes ,"
Allcborn said.
The new restaurant, Harry's Bur and
Grill of New York, lt bf>htnd schedule
'1nd won't be done tor at least three
months, however.
And there are aome who are skeptical
that It'll belp much. l f It's as successful
at Blackbeard't , It ju1t might compowld
the problem.
The alteptiC!I point to th(' n{'arby El
Tor1lo Mex.lean Restaurant. \Vh1ch has
:i f:ltr-sizcd lot th:lt s~n"I! 10 fl!! up
before noon .
Allebom tn1!st.s !he p.1rk1ng lot~ 3re
b1~ t:nough , althou_gh olh1.:r.it say the
city code• &hould be stricter,
Nl·Yl'port Beat'h fire Marsh:1I \\'. H.
"Bill'' Noller says the parking standards
-\vhich re<1u1rc one pa rking spaec for
c:vf'ry three allowable µatr ons, plus one
pt•r en11Jloye -should be toughened.
"If you !!:O out 1hcre and look. you
see an average or ;ibout two persons
per car -and a lot oE pl-Opie driving
\\'A ~Ir 1 N r:ro N IU l'I) -
President Nixon hai been g1v1nij
White HoU!t 1tafftr1 pep talks, assunn~ 1hrn1 he will b e.
exoncrnted \n the W 11 If'rg,,1 l'
:st:andal. aceordin)! to :'Ill 111dc
'fhc aide s:1id ~1ond1·1v t\1~00
hhnself appea rs 1norc <.'onf\dl!n t h4!!
r::in ward off ttcrnat1tlS fur his
r~ignation or i nl !Jc 11 l' h 111 l' n I .
des pite ;1 rc<'l'rtl l;;ill up Poll
showing only a 26 percent approval
of Nixun's pcr(orinancc.
CUSD Votes to Adve1·tise there &lone. planning to 111 ec t
somebody ," Noller said. •.
But the people \•1ho wrote the parking
~tandi:lrds. the city's Com n1 u n i I y
Development t>cparlmcnl, suggest th:1t
pc.rh<1 ps the re.stauranlS :.re allowini;
loo 1nuny people inside and (X'rh:1ps
the fire marshal ought lo check up
Another (lallup pOll made pul.Jtlc
Monday sho,ved 111.'ll 11 given a
clu>il't'. ;i plltrali1y (If \"Otcrs wo .. ld
pl'Cf('r VJt·c Presiclen~ t:eruld l•'oril
to Nixon in !he \Vh1t e lluu:-e for
1lir r1·111a1ning ycurs of N1x(l11 '!
-Bids £01· 2 New Schools
Capistrano Unified Sc hool District
trustee President George \Vhite warned
fellow members i?.londay that already
half of last year's $25 million bond
issue has been rommltted and that new
schools should be carefully studied before
going out to bid.
But In spite of the warning, the board
voted strongly to advertise bids for two
new elementary schools in the fastest
growing portions of the district.
The t..,,.·o campuses. each costing about
t.5 million, \vould be the replacen1l'nt
to Mission Viejo's temporary Castille
School and the new Moulton Elemen!ary
School in Laguna Niguel.
White st ressed that his concern was
over the projected cost for building
each of the nev.· campuses.
"TI1ere has to be a less expcnsi\'C v1ny
lo build schools.'' he said.
'\'hitc cited othc.r school districts where
campuses only a iew years old were
being closed for lack of pupil s, and
stressed that the district should keep
tl"rat phaenomcnon in mind in plann ing
ne"' campuses.
Ever since voters approved the major
bond issue late last year the district
has maintained a busy program of
planning and building new schools in
order to rope with a heavy growth
\Vhite joined other trustees i n
approving the bids M"onday, agrCEmg
Irvine Officer
Finds Lost Bov •
--Rather Easily
One thing can be said for the
policemen serving tpe city of Irvine:
y,•hen they go out looking for a particular
individual, they go \\'ilh a good
description .
Palrolman 0\1.•en Kreza had his down
pal Monday when he scouted out and
found Steven Michael Robinson. son or
Huntington Beach dentist Dr. Larry V.
Robinson and his wife J an, of 18981
Glenmont Terrace.
Officer Kreza's report Listed lhe name,
plus the fact the little boy is male,
~·hite. bom 4-3·70 and wore an orange
sh irt with white trim, plus orange, white
and brown plaid trousers.
With a good description like that on
a mis sing kid, who could overlook him
\\'hile cruising through the Tuttle R0t:k
region of Irvine?
"Located and returned to o"'Tl<'r." the
report ended.
Candidc1tes Set
For Toro F oru1n
Tl1c seven candidates for :i !'!ingle
opening on th e ~~ddleback College. board
of trustees have been invited lo speak
to lhe Saddleback Valley Republican
\Vomen, Federated .
The regular meeting al 9:30 a.m. Feb
26 is open to the public and will be
in the community room of Peoples
Federal Savings and Loan in El Toro.
Each candidate has been invited to
make a five-minute speech.
Also scheduled for the program is
Dr. Earl Brian, form er st.ate secretary
of Health and Welfare under Gov.
From P09e l
mly a ;mall portion set aalde for
Intensive-use type camping. Jte said land
could be leased for cattle grazing to
make the county 11 little money.
Caspers ran into his first roadblock
earlier from Diedrich over another of
the land's resources -sand and gravel
~epoe:lta valued in the range or $2 ruiUJon.
The charities In Deoember -,id they
wanted to withhold &O perctnt of any
profits ever made by the county on
tholC deposits.
Diedrich •ucce<ded In can«llng the
county's offer to buy the ranch but
It was subseque ntly resurrcttcd when
the gravel contingency was droppOO .
The land is ac tuany the southern half
tif a 10.000 acre ranch once owned by
ca ttle. baron William Starr.
His helrs gave the northern half to
the National Audobon Society and the
r e.Rt to the charities.
The late.st purchase negotiations are
part cf a Jong string of efforts to
liqu idate the land, most of which fnllcd becau~ of bankruptcy on the pllrt of
the buyer.
on lhczn .
"There are th ree basic problems."
that the bid process "':ls s1n1ply a search sa id James Hewicker. a s s 1st an L
for offers from the building industry. l'Ommunity drvelopment director.
Trustees disagrctd with \Vhite on the "One of thenl is overcro\vdini;,'' he pr05peet of some district schools facing
a fate of early closure for Jack of sa.i~nother is th e fact that the standards
Jiupils. don't anticipat e the tremendous success
"We are so far from saturation in of the resl aurants." ~lev:ickc; said .
nus district that it seems In concei vable "Of course. the tlurd problem is that
that v:e "'ill face the same problems the res taurants are brand new and
of other districts that are closing their \Vhcncver a restaurant opens people flock
schools," said Nl~uel's trustee Bob to it to see what it 's like." he said.
llurst. "JI enjoys .'.l Vl'l"Y good business fnr
I-le •varned th;"tl the board '"shouldn't n fC\\' rnonths or so. Aft L·r i1 "s bt.'cn
pl:iy gan1es" with the bids and builders. OJlell for :lll'hlit'. things S{•!llt' dov.•n to unlC"Ss h was comn1i1ted to honori11~ · · · · f b.d norn1al." he said. 1t.s tnvitallon or 1 s. Jlevt'icker did concede th<1t's not a!v•ays
\Vhile cited the $400.000 cost fo r the !he case. .Jusi <il'ross 11.lacArthur
campus at Castille \\•here more than Boulevard arc 1wo restaur:.ints in the
a dozen portable buildings have been city of Irv ine th:it in fjC\ make a
erec ted to accommodate new pupils. shambles of that theory.
lie h'.nted th,•t perh0 ps the do.strict " "' They 've bc<•n 01x·n fo r 1nore Ulan two might examine the modular approach years and "'ere ,..,...·rhaps responsible for in future school planning in ordt'r to r -ronserve the bond money . initiating the nc1v sport.
But Dire<'tor of Adm; n is tr at iv e But thcrt', adjoining -0£fice complexes
Services Jose ph Yi1imer said that portable offer enough extra parking I o
campuses may not be that n1uch accommodat e the spi llover.
cheaper. There's nothin g but dirt and
"Castille is only a half·sized school construction ~quipment surrounding the
and if we were to apply the .same restaurants in Newport Place. The only
costs to a full sized school it might completed office building nearby has
t-ome to only $1 a square .foot cheaper," gntcs gua rd ing its 1~ntry and tlrivcrs
he said. lll'C<I <i e~1rd to orien thc1n.
The diff erence. then. between the cosl Al1£'born. hG1VL•1·e r, said 1hC'rf' wil l be
of a portable school compared to ;:1 a ne•v office bJildi11 g finisht'Cl later th is
permanent one is "not that great·• he year that "'ill make its parking available
:1dded . :11. nigh t -evening diners are having
Trustees also brieny discussed the s1n1il;ir problems -but he L'flnct.'drd
long.range prospecl that the section of that "·on't help the two-hours-for-lunch·
Mission Viejo served by Castille might bunch.
someday become part of the Saddleback The people who run Blackbeard 's and
Unified School District under proposals El Torito are reluctant to complain
which began recently to realign district about the problem publicly.
boundaries. But the managen1ent of bot h
But Supt. Truman Bene d i ct restaurants disclosed I hey are
recommended that trustees not concern negotiating with Alleborn to case the
themselves Y.1th any immediate effects problem.
of the annexation issue . "\\'c\·e been gl'tting a number of
Stressing that the mailer is only in com plaints,''· ad.n1iltcd Frderico i'.tura·
the infant stage, Benedict said the t.:illa. ass1stn11t nianag!'r of E! Torito.
co1nplex.ity of such a change "·ould 13lackb...:a rd 1nana;,:er Eli<is r.,J ;:inolakas
req uire years of srudy and negot.i3 tion . ronfirmed that negoLiations are "Any\~·ay, Saddleback (y,·hose board t w1dt!r way, but otherwist he said he
received a preliminary study that san1e had no cornnient.
night ; hasn't made any decision s Yf't. ",J u.st look at it yourself :u1d decide
so \\'e should \real it as a very if there's a problem.'' he said.
prc.li n1inary issue," llurst added . And El Torito own('r Larry Cano
Tract Expansion
Wins County OK
An expansion or recreation fa cililics
at the Coto de Caza Planned Community
in Traburo Canyon y,·as approved by
the Orange County Planning C.Ommission
The addition will include four ne1v
tennis courts, an observation platfonn
adJaccnt to the courts, bov.·ling a \l('~s
'v it h ball machin es for teaching, a pro
shop and classroom .
Th ese facilities y,•i \I be added to a
clubhouse, swin1ming pool. oth er tenni s
courts, and othrr rctr.:!ational f<1cd1tics
on the 12-acre recreational development.
added . "\Ve"re very happy it"s a problem.
But we are negotiating for more parking
and we'l l have it .as soon as possible."
Plann ing offi c.ia! llc\vickcr and fire
offici;il :\olef said they are plannrng 10
meet tills \\'Cek to review !he problem
and try 10 find som e ans"·rrs.
Ne\vport Be a c h planning
commissione rs have talked about the
problem Jn 1hc past. But l he i r
observations have been far from
"Our standards arc \'l!ry adequate ror
unsuccessful rcslaurants. But Newport
Beach dOf'sn't seem to have too many
(lf these." Planning Com m is s i o n
Chairn1an \lt'illiam Agee has said
P!nnning s!aff membC'rS suy mo re
pressing problems . like work on the
new general plan, have kept them from
performing a 1horough review of the
parking standards.
Plan11ers 01,ay
Upper Aliso
Zone Co11trol
J\ 7.oning {!esignnrio11 1\•l1ic h \~ill c:ontrol
land use of along t11,, 1nilt?s of lhr
flood p!<nn of Upper Aliso Crt!e k 1\·a ...
;ipproved ~lundny by tuc Urangc, County
!'Janning ConuTiis~ion.
Th<' new zone designa tion . ··vr.1." no"'
e:rtl'nd.s along both sides or 1\1!~() Creek
fro in Cook's Corners north of El Toro
to the southerly boundary of lhc llal\
Rnnth in El Toro.
This section of 1hc crt•ck has b('cn
subJN't to rcpc<1hxl flood1 nl!. E:I Toro
noad ~·inds along ii 111ost of its route
from Li\'e 0<1k Canyon Hoad to El
The flood plain zoning is parl of a
county effort to qual ify and partici pate
in the nationa l f'lood Insu rance Program.
To 'IUalify for the insurance, the county
must p u rs u e flood control measures
ln areas dt>signated l:y th(! U.S. Arn1y
Corps or Engineer~.
The PF-1 d1•slgnalio11 nican!) that nny
new dcveloprn('n t in the ;lrea must
include protective flood cnnlrol measures
mret!11g fedi.:r<il st11ndarOs.
FP zoning previously nas been applied
to l\Jiddle Aliso Creek . J...aguna Canyon .
and Santa Ana Canyon.
El Toro Road has been pinpointed
as a scenic highway in the county master
plan. County planners sald they felt
ihc restric tions of the flood plain zoning
Y.111 help retain and enhanc(' thr natural
beau1y along the nilld and crrekbed.
Irvine Cit y llall
To Have Pcrnut~
Beginning 1.-('h. 22 building pcrinits
11 il! hr avail able nt city hall in lrvine .
~avin;::: rrsldenis a trip 10 Santa Ana
fur pnL io cover or hon1e <iddition
,\ representatlve of the COWlty building
and safety depar1n1ent \.\'ill be assignrd
to Irvine city hall every Friday , ci ty
administrative services director JJmes
~larringlon said.
Pcnnlt approvals for commercial
construction projects \vill continue 10
be handled by the Sana Ana off1ce1
llomeov.'llers may have plans checked
<tntl be issued permits in one Friday
morning stop. ~la rrington said.
Postal Cl erk Guilty
LOS ANGELES (UPl l -A postal
clerk, arrc.~trd l:i st year with 80 first
c:.Jass and air mad letters in his lunch
bo x while he \Vas leaving "'ork, was
convicted Monday of stealing mall.
Let Us Put You on the Map
Neor the entrance, inside oui' store. is o giant
rrew mop. We ore in the process of identifying
oll of the homes we liove corpeled since 1965
on this mop with colored pins. (A dlfferenl color
for each year.)
Close scrutiny will detect some interesling
locls: firstly, we hove corpered homes on
virtually every street in the area. Secondly, the
pin s ore i n bunch es , indi c otif\g
WORD-Qf.MOUTH odverlisi ng. Th irdly, the
number o f homes we hove carpete d is
If you desire ho nesly. Cl(perience, and
recommendolions from neigh bors we hove
worked for. lhen Alden's is THE PLACE\
SINCE 1957
1663 Placentia Ave.
Mon ... fhurt.. •to 5 ::101 fri. 9 to 9; Sat. 9:30 to 5
t I
' ..
• ;i.
. , ,
Huniing:ton Beaeh
Fountain Valley
Toduy's Flnal
N.Y. Stocks
Huntington Beach to License Cats
01 !!Iii Di ll' ~net St1H
fluntington Beach will becc>mc lhe first
city in Orange County and only the
second in California to try to collar
Council to Charge Same Fee as Tags for Dogs ~l;iyor J1;1·rv ~latncy. prrv1011sly u
harsh oppont111l of cat 131-!:'. srt thr·
tone for lh1· llll'Cllllg 11h<·n hl' told 0111·
Ol>tCl'IOr .. , UC\l'r Sil\~ th\' bl'lll'l!I 11!
c;.it hccns1ng bl·IOrl', but lhl'_Y h;n·c sho111n
llH' in bl:iek ;111d \1h11 ~· ho11· \\'l· :1r1'
subs1ct17.lng 1·a t ~ l 'rn :;1011· hut C'VCr.
.t n1oron could ~t·r 11 ·•
City councilmen unanimously agreed
~~onday night to eslablish a mandatory
cal license and charge cat owners the
sqme as dog owners to offset the rising
cost of animal control.
They also raised the price of dog
(and cat) tags to $10 for an unspayed
animal and $5 for a spayed pet. The
old price (dogs only I was $7 and $4 ,
but the new license will be valid for
15 months instead of 12 months.
The longer licensing period \\lilS
established as a onc.-shol effort to sv.'ltch
Dragged Serea111i1ag
Gunmen Kidnap
Hearst Daughter
BERKELEY (UPI) -The 19-y('a r-old
daughter of newspaJX!r e x e c u t i v e
Randolph A. llearst was kidnaped from
her duplex apartmrnt and dun1pcd tnto
Ute trunk of her kidnapcrs' car. Police
said the lY.'O suspects v•crc identified as
Patricia llea rsl, a sophoinore at
Court Recall
Move Irks
Of "'41 D~Hy ,.li.t Slaff
A court refusal to stop a recall effort
disappointed one of two trustees who
are the ta rgets in the Huntington Beach
linion 1-l igh School Dist rict. The second
trustee today called it "fair."
"I y,·as truly di sappointed by the
outcome of ?i.1onday·s court hearing,"
Trustee Dennis fo.i angers, an Assen1bly
candidate. said today.
"Il's clear that the recall concei ved
by Doris Allen and her so-called 'Citizens
for Parente; Right.~.' " ?\!angers continu-
ed, "is merely a political smear attempt
carerully designed to torpedo my
1.fangers is running for the Democra1 ic
nomination against incumbent Robert
Burke (R-Hun tington Bcachl.
!11ange r's angry response wa s
contrasted by that of Trustee Ron
Sh eM:man. v.·ho said the j u d g e
"C'xercised good judgn1en t."
The decision of Orange County
Supctior Court Judge Lloyd E. Blanpied
J r. was ba sed on ··C<lnstih1tional la\v
rather than the validity of the petition ,"
Shenkma n said.
:\!angers objectro thAt hls atlorneys
l\'eren't allowed to call wit ne sses to
refute the charges of the recall
But Shrnkman agreed \\'ilh the ruling
of the judge, saying he didn't listen
to lengthy testimony because it y,•ouldn 't
have mallered. "The decision wasn 't
tSee RECALL, Page 2)
Shares Grief
Berkeley, was dragged screaming from
her duplex apartment in the Berkeley
Hills and dumped into the trunk of
her kidnape rs' car. Police said the two
suspecls v.·ere iden!ifled as black,
Officers said ~Iiss llearst wa s in the
a'partment with her fian ec, Steven Weed ,
26. \.\·hen the doorbell rang about 9:20
p.m. and a white female said her car
stalled and asked to use the phone.
Then . police said, the two men broke
into the house, attacked Weed and
a neighlx>r who heard the commotion,
and tied both men up.
They dragged ~fjss Hearst outside and
forced her into the trunk or a ·wh ite
1963 convertible. As they drove ay,·ay,
followed bv a station y,·agon. the suspects
fired seveial shots at neighbors attracted
by the screams. police said .
The car, which had been stolen in
Berkeley apparently 'arlier in th'
evening, wa1 found abandoned a half
hour lat.er about eight blockl away.
Miss Hearst is one of fi1·e daughters
of Hearst. president and editor of lh e
San Francisco Examiner, and chairman
of !he board of the Hearst Corp. She
and \Veed, a former teacher at Crystal
Springs School for Girls, a private high
school in Hillsborough , which she
attended, announced their engagement
on Dec. 19.
Hearst, son of \Villi~t.1 Randolph
Hearst, founder of the ne\\.'spaper group
that bears the !ami ly name , was flying
(See lrEARST, Page !)
BETHEL. Conn. 1AP \ -Charles
Moffett of Bethel got caught betw een
the energy crisis and mass transit at
a railroad crossing today.
Police said Moffett had been .,.,·ailing
for gasoline si nce 5:3{1 a.n1. in a line
of 75 cars that crossed a railroad track .
At 7:30 a.m., as his car straddled
!he track. ll-1offelt neard a \Vhistlc. l1c
jumped out or his 1972 ca r just before
a 11)..car passenger train from Danbury
den1olished it.
Police charged Moffett, 35, with fai lure
to stop at a grade crossing.
President Nixon embraces Julle Chotiner at the funeral of her lather,
Murray H. Chollner, a political ally and friend ol the Preside nt for
almost three decades. Cholincr died Jan. 30 or a bl ood clot follow-
an auto accident. He was a longtime South ern C.lifornian.
the city's annual licensing frorn April
to July, so ii would occur on a fiscal
hasis. The $10 license vt'll l be issued
!his Apri!, but y,•ill be valid through
July 1975.
At that tin1e. councilmen may reduce
the f1•c to a 12-inonth standard.
UPI TllHl!Olo
Hearst Girl, Fiance
Irvine Officer
Finds Lost Bo'Y
--Ratlier Easily
One th ing can be said for the
policemen serving the city of Irvine :
when they go out looking for a particular
individual , they go with a good
Patrolman Owen Kreza had his do.,.,·n
pat l\1onday when he SC<luted out and
found Steven Michael Robinson, son of
11untington Beach dentist Dr. Lnrry V.
Robinson and his \\'ife Jan, of 18981
Gll'nmont Terrace.
Of!ictr Kreza·s report !isled the nainc,
plus the fact the little boy is male.
\1•hite. born 4-3-70 and \\'Ore an or<inge
shirt with \Vhite trim. plus orange, 11•hitc
and brown plaid trousers.
\Vith a good description like that on
a niissing kid, who could overlook hin1
while cruising through the Turtle Rock
region of Irvine?
"Located and returned to owner," the
report ended.
Jaworski, Nixon,
Counsel to Meet
\VASHINGTON (AP) -\Vhite House
Counsel James D. St. Clair and special
\Vatcrgate prosecutor ~on Jav:orski y,·ill
meet later lhis week lo try to resolve
a dispute over continu ed access to
presidential tapes and documents. the
prosecutor's office announced today.
"This office has received a !englhy
communication ff'Om White J·I o use
coonsel which will require clarification
and rurther discussion between 1Mr .
J aworski and Mr. St. Clair," a
spokesman for Jaworski said.
Exxo1i, Gulf
,'( ,~~e rrices '
HOUSTON IAP) -Two mo,.
major marketers. Exxon Co. USA
and Gulf Oil Co. US, increased
gasoline prices today.
Exxon announced an increase of
3.5 cents a gallon, Gulf 5.5 cents
a gallon.
EarUtr. six major oil companies
a!UlOlloced gasoline price increases.
wh.ile Amoco Oil Co mpan y
Rnnounced Monday that it was
lowering its price for gasoline tw()
cents a gallon.
Councilmen al.~o verbally agr{'{d 10
renew tbe city•s contr11ct \\'ith California
Anin1al Control 1CAC1, 1h1s titne on
a three-year basis.
A for rnal contract. establishing the.
cat li cense. nc1v fct'S, and terms of
aniinal control, "'ill be broughl beforC'
!he counci l for for1nal apprO\'ill Fl·O.
An expcctC'd c<it fight f;11!ed to
niaterializc IVt ondJy night. There "'crr
se ine conlpla1nts . bul ntorc residf'nls
spo ke Ht f<i vur of c<it tugs th:.u1 <ig<nn :-.t
the111 .
Hunti11g a
C1\C ll1rcc1or l.IC'nnis Sn1i1h had told
col111t·1lnitn !hi.ii ta!s con~t tlLl!e <1but1r
01J1J·thi1'd 01 111;-<.1geni;y':-ll'1Jrk !0:1tl.
1:\c(' (.;1\TS, l'agl' 21
Huntingto1i's Cliaritable Divorcee F£1cing Eviction
Can a di\·orccd mo1hcr with five
children find an apartment for rent
in Huntington Beach -at $200 a month,
or less?
Susan Allen. the woman ·who rounded
up 70 old bicycles as Christmas gifts
for welfare children, is desperately
trying to answe r that question -for
herse lf.
The rent on her tw o -b edroom
apartrnent on Kce lson Lane has been
raised to $210 a month -a su m she
can't afford on her .,.,,elfare benefits.
She faces im1nediate eviction and says
she can·1 find another dwelling th::it
v.•ill accept five childre n.
Ironically. sbe claims her Christmas
charity put her in the IXJtential position ---,
Kill-for-hi.re Case
of bei ng homelC'ss.
She c!ai n1s her former rent of $1 59
\\'as raised because in articles about
the Christmas bicycle drive, she referred
to the apartments on Keelson Lane as
"a slum and ghetto area."
The apartment owner, Ray Lewis,
c()u]d not be reached for cornment but
his manager said all the rents are
being raised and r-.lrs. Allen's charges
arc not true.
A tape-recorded \'Oicc on the other
C'nd of a phone num ber l!3tC'd by Lewis
ft>r apart1nen1s for rent. ho.,.,·cvcr. tells
the caller there arc 1hree tv.·o-bedroon1
apartments on Kcelson available for $149
a month.
The mother of five still faces eviction
\\"ith no place to go. She says :<>hr.
1rould like to re1nain in !he Keel.son
neighborhood because she hopes lo
establish some type of you th center
The neighborhood has n1any broken
families and youngst£>rs either withou t
a father or mo1her. Sus<in. currcn1ly
jobless. hopes to ob1ain a job \Villi
the C<lunty mental health department,
\l'ith a chance ;it .,.,·orking \\'ith lh c
Keelson area youngst~.:1. ·
~l can1\'hilc. a hon1e for hC'rsclr <1nd
her O\\"n farnily is the fu;;:t pr!orlty,
<'Ind anyone ,~·ho can help is asked to
phone the LYNN (Lore 'l'our Neighbor
!'-.'011J) Ccntf'r in do,~·nto1vn Jl unling!on
Beach a! 536-0614.
Popeil Trial Ordered
Of fM Delir Pl)OI Stiff
Testimony in the preliminary hearing
for ?\lrs. Eloise Popeil of Nev.·port
Beach and her alleged IO\"er. accused
of conspiring lo murder h e r
multimillionaire husband to assure a
piece or his $200 million fortune, has
led to an order that they n1ust fom1ally
stand tri al.
il-frs. Popeil, 48,, and Daniel Ayers,
37, v.·cre ordered Monday to return to
Huntington Beach
Police Hunt Wounded
Man in Alley Attack
A n1;i11 attacked by t11·0 suspects in
a da rk 1-luntington Beach alley early
J\!ond ay stniggled 1vith one . grabbing
his knife and stabbing him in Ille stom·
nch, police said.
Wil l'ian1 Gentry. 26, of Oran ge \\'as
trea ted at Pacifica llospital 1 n
liuntingfon Beach for deep cuts on his
right ann and si de sustained in the
scuffle north of Pacific Coast 11ighway
on ~1ain Street.
1-lis attackers, two men in their early
20s, fled. Police spe<:Uiate that the man
\\'ho was stabbed with hi.s own eight-inch
long kn ife \\.ill have to seek inedical
hel p. They say they are \\'atching
emergency rooms at local hospitals.
Gentry told police he was walking
near the Capri Bar on l\1ain Street
\\·hen a V.'oman asked him to esco rt
her to her car.
\Vhcn returning to his 01vn car. he
clai med, he y,•as pulled int.o an alley
by the tv•o suspects, one or \\'hom
y,·ield ed the y,•eapon.
During the ensuing fight, Gentry was
slashed several-times, police said, until
he managed to gel the bl ade a l\'ay
from the suspect.
When the wounded suspect rel1 to
his knees in the alle y, Gentry. in what
he described as a dazed condition,
Judge Rejects
Gay Court Suit
ABERDEEN. Mi... (UP!) -U.S.
District Judge William C. Keady has
dismissed a suit accusing the Mi ssissippi
St.ale $ludent newspaper of violating the
civil rights of the Mississippi Gay
1be organl2alion of h o m o s e 1. u fl 1 s
brought suit after the newspaper, The
ReOe<:tor. refused to acceet a paid
advertisement the group bought.
Keady &aid Monday he did not have
jurisdlctkin •under the civil .Jightl code
lo rule In a CQO d<allng with alleged
deprlvaUon of rights o! a private person
in an individual capacity. Keady ruled
!hot the Starkville-based Gay Alliance
would have to pay court eoist.s.
escaped. lie. \11alkcd to the Seals
Ambulance offi ce at Lake and Olive
Streets, u•here his brother \.\'Orks. There.
he received firs t aid and was taken
lo the hospital.
Police Capt11re
Fountain Valley
Robbery Suspects
T .... ·o men accused by authorities of
robbing at least eight businesw.i at
kn ifepoin t and gunpoint. including a
flori st shop and dairy in Fountain Valley,
have been apprehended by Garden Grove
\Villiam F. Dasher, 26, of 13071 Casa
Linda, Apt. G, in Garden Grove. and
David James Hull , 28, of the same
address, were arrested in Garden Grove
on Jan. 31 while using a credit card
obtained in a Long Beach robberv.
according to Fountain Valley Police oCt.
Robert McClain.
Dasher and llull were brought to the
Fountain Vall ey jail on Mooday while
detectives investigated thelr C'(ltlnection
with the fiorist shop and dairy robberies.
They were taken to Long Beach Pelice
0opartlnent leday. ·
Founlain Valley police swipect th< two
men or robbing Dairy Fresh, at 17050
Newland Av~., on JM. 38, and Mile
Square Florist, at · 18:501 Brookhurst St.,
on Jan. 31. The dairy lost '138 ln the
robbery and 1100 was taken fro m the
norist shop, according to McClain.
Police in Anaheim . Long Beach,
Garden Grove , Plaeentla and F'ullertan
alsdo suspect the pilr-of helng Involved
with robberies In their ci ties.
Dasher, who Usts his occupation as
a carpet layer, and llull, a laborer,
are being charged with armed robbery,
burglary. recelvin& stolen properly,
illegal use of credit cards and forgery.
Oct. McClain claimed the tw() men
\\·ore ski masks or watch caps during
some of their robber\es, and used a
knife and a short barrel rcvol.v~r.
Long Beach Superio r Cou rt Feb. 19 to
stand trial on one count each of
conspiracy to comm it nlu rder.
r~1uniCipal Court Judge Charles S.
Lit\Vin also se t Wednesday as lhc date
for a hearing on a proposed gag order
to prohiblt parties involved from
speaking to the press.
Defense attorneys had ea r Ii e r
sUccecded in having the press and public
barred from later stages of the couple's
preliminary hearing in municipa l court.
A cool, even-mannered blonde , il-·lrs.
Popei/, of 519 flarbor Island Road, \vas
arrested at that location wifh Ayers
on Jan. 8 in a raid by Long Beach
They \\'Cre reportedly tipped off by
J1,1•0 acquaintances of J\yers who \\'<lr ked
11•ith him at Douglas Aircraft Corporation
and \~·ho were allegedly solicited as
cont ract kilters.
Investigators claim the target of the
plot "'as Chicago kitchen gadgC't tycoon
Samuel Popcit, 59, \\·hose industrial
('n1pire includes production of a
00H ap sible, pocket-sized fishing rod.
The alleged plot \VHS supposedly going
along on schedule including a trip to
Chicago 10 case Popcd"s lO • roo1n
apartment whe n the allege-cl hired killers
became worried.
011e of the men, identified as Don
Reed, 48, and Robert Peeler, 32,
reportedly called Pope.ii and warned him
ol the assiimment to take his life on
a contract basis, according to police
1'lr3. Popeil and her male acq uai nta nce
have pleaded innocent to the murdre
solicitation . charges and g ene r a 11 y
maintain a rool, nonchalant courtroom
She and her husband \\'ere in the
process o{ getting a divorce and if
he died be fore it became nnru. she
\1'ou!d have in herited one-third of his
$200 million estate, police asserted.
Orange Coast
·Mostly sunny Wedneaday wit?... •
some hJgb clouds at times. Cooler
days with highs al the beaches ln
the low 60s rising to 66 inland.
Overnight lows ~
!tfayor Joseph Alioto's wift re·
turned home today after di&a-po.
pearing for 18 d-Oys on a "pro--
longed vacation." Storu Page 5.
L, M. •l'f"ll 1 C1lllwlll1 I
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~oy's Fall
De sc1·ihecl
At Trial
By 1'0f1 RARLKV
0 1 Ille O"IY 1"1101 Sti!I
Proscrutlnn v.•itn~·ss S:1ndy ltoc~'ood
loday adrnltttod th:lt her 3-ycar-o!d son
fell d.:i\\·n a flii;ht of stairs at her Orange
home a n'eek before he died but fi rn1ly
deoied from the 1•:itness stand lhat his
injuries then played a part Ln his death.
Looking across at defendant Larry
\Vayne Cobb, ~he told an Orange County
Superior C.ou rt jury that Todd Rockwood
had only a bump on his head lo show
for the tumble he took down six steps.
And she testified unde r cross
examination by defense i!littorney Robert
Brodie that only a bruise remained from
that incident a week later when she
came home from work to be told ~y
Cobb tilat her 1itt le boy h11d died in
her absence.
Cobb, 22. is ::iccu~cd of inDlcti ng a
beating April 11 tha t caused I.he child's
dea th .
l\llss Hock v.·ood. 18, hus testified th::it
her par<1mou r inOicted many such
bi'atings on her !'>On in a tv.•o-yea r
rela!io nship that was Sl'Vl'rcd several
tiines bC'causc of his :.illegcd cruelty
tov.•ards the child.
She ha s testifiL'd that Cobb forced
her to remain in the Orange home
for 24 hours after the child's death
and after he had shown her the body
of Todd Rockwood where he had placed
it ln the child's crib.
It is alleged tha t C.Obb then forced
her to notify police that tile child had
di sappeared and that he confessed to
the killing, after police and volunteers
scoured the Orange area for five days.
Invesligalors accompanied by Cobb
unearthed the chltd 's body fro ma sewer
line on An aheim area construction site.
Miss Rockwood has pleaded guilty to
being an accessory to murder. She is
currently serving a one-yea r term in
county jail on th<1t conviction,
She agreed with Brodie today that
she shared Cobb's desire for her son
I'.. defend hin1self rn ore vigorously in
his relationships with other chil dren.
She. had ea rlicr lrstified u n d e r
questioning frorn prosecutor Pat Brians
that her little boy's pa ssive attitude
often angered Cobb to th e point that
the defendant 11·ould beat and humiliate
her son.
Brodie expects to conclude his cross
examination of I-he prosecution's ke y
\':ilness later today.
Frona P119e l
CATS ...
but none or the revenue.
The CAC budget, accepted b y
C0W1cilmen Monday, will rise fron1
$l28 ,000 to $200,000, partly because lt
v.'i11 cover 17 months instead of 12,
and in July, CAC Yolll begin 24-hour
animal control.
One opponent of mandatory cat tags
comaleined about the city continuing
to press the matter even though it
had been defeated ea rlier.
The nc"' feline license rC?Ceived the
support of the Animal Assis tan ce League
of Orange County, v.·hose president, Ruth
Frankel, praised !he work of CAC as
the "best in the county" and said tags
y,•ould actually save !.he lives of cats
now destroyed because the o\\·ners can't
be found.
Smith also assured some v•orried C'al
01mers that CAC does not set ca l traps
and will not be attempling to round
up stray ca ts. He said C1\C only accepts
cal5 already e<iughl by someOOdy else.
Smith, ln rompromising vdth the city
over his ris ing budget, also promised
to establish a low-cost spaying and
neutering clinic in town.
Councilman Al Coen, the strongest
proponent of a ca t license, was absent
J\fooday, but his vote wasa ·1 needed
as all si s: other councilmen agreed to
the mandatory license.
Tl'>• o ... ~o· (011! OAIL'I' PILOT ... r111 ""'k"'
11 umbined lfl.e New1.J'r•11, 11 llUbll ..... by
1M Orel!Qll (Dl•I Publl1l'>lng Co""""nr. 5--
"" ftl!lon1 ••• llUD!lt~td. M-•r !~1'911111
J<tod•'!'. fl>r C0t11 Mne. H_,, 8•e<PI.
Hli!l1111g!on ••• ,~,~ ..... l••n v111~r. Llll-
811c~. lr~lnt/Saddltb.>t~ or>d Si n Clemeni./
i1n Ju.n (i~••"•nD. " tlr>Qlt '"'11~1
M ilktrl k 11<1bl"~"° Sllu•d•y• •"" Svrw:11n.
TIM prlr1CID1! l'ltblrlh•ng pla~! l1 •I UCt Wftf
81y 5!rttl. (O>I~ M•1•, t~llfornl•, U•M.
Rob•rl N. Weed
Pr..,,od•nl 1rw:I Pllllll1ller
J1,~ R, C Mrley v;,, P•n"'"'' 1r1111 "-••I ,,,..,.....,
Tllolft11 ketril .....
1\o"''' ,._, M~l111 , M ......... ~., ... ~ H. L.11 l1Jdl1r' P. Had
ANit11n! Mtftatlnt Ef"9r1 f.,,., Ce./111
'Wnt Ot•net C-ty l'dllef
H•fi.,1 .. IMdtOMc.
17171 l11ch h11l1 .. 1f'll
M:elflitf A4.ir1111 P.O. 101 7t0, tlMI
°"" °'""' ~ &ttcri· m ~vat A-
c..11 Mfte: HO Wnl 11, 51•.i
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J,fn CllmM!t: JOt 1'""111 (I Clmltwl hit
, ... , •••• f714J ,41-4111
a-lfW A'"'9tMrrlf ,4.1°1671 ,,_ _.. or...,. <-.ty c--11w
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*tPIMfleM UU ltWlf!llv.
• ·-
Tutsd11 y, Ftbru11ry S. 1~/'1 ...
Indians Win One~
VALLEY CENTER (AP) -ll was no match for• molorcyrle gang
of whites who raided the La Jolla IndtJn reservatio n.
When lhe dust settled, six of t.be cyclists were In poU ce custody
and two were running in terror for the hJlls.
A beating given two Indians who ordered the cyclists to leave
brought other Indians.
The anned Indians rescued Michael Ashe r. 18, and Jerry Mor-
etti, 20, who had been thrown down a canyon side, struck wiU1 a ro<.:k,
jammed into a cattle guard crossing and ki cked ,
\Vit h pickup trucks, 10 male Indians blocked a lull y road between
n··· •r:r"'C!':
Rout Cy~le Gang
the ;.chopper'' cycles and an aba nd oned lrlbal hall where the motor-
cyclisto •penl Saturday night.
A posse of sherUf's deputies arrived and took lnl<> custody six
members of the Hangmen's Club of Anaheim.
A spokesman said they were jailed in Sa n Diego for in vesti~
gation of assault with a deadly weapon and tresJ>:issing on an Indian
No one could catch the two y,·hltes who left on foot.
The Injured Ind ian youths were hospit:ilized but listed in good
condition Monday. ---·--...--~ -.... ..--~ ' ----=· '
Nixon Vo,v s
Healtl1 Ca1·e
By llELEN Tll0:\11\S
To Tr11cker
Fencing Public Beaches?
\\'ASfll NG TON I llPil -l'rcS1dl1nl
Nixon plcdgt><f tod~y to assure c·1·trY
An1criea n con1prehc11$1Vl' nicdical carf'
v.•it h a 1nlnin1u1n of federtl l in ttrfcrcnCI!
und no high<'r taxes.
In a spect·h to the An1erican Hospi!a l
Associa!ion outlining 111~ forlh C-Onlllli,:'
hC"allh 1nsuranec progr•un, Ni.>\Oll dre\v
a round of applause \l'hen hl' declnn:d .
Strike Sot12'.ht
By the AsM)Clated Prest
More layoffs, violence and disrupted
food and fuel shipments were reported
toda y as the. independent truckers'
shutdown spread furthe r ar..ross the
Negotiators in Washington, D , C _
C'Ontinued efforts to (ind a compromise
plan to end the si x-day protest over
fuel prices and freight rates. Th e
shutdo1\1n -or it s effects -re:.ichcd
at leas t 4~ states.
Federal energy chief \\'illiam Simon
told members of a Scnatc-llou se
conference committee he n e e d e d
legislative authority to allow truckers
to pass along higher rue! prices to the
shipping companies th ey work for. The
conference chairman, Rep. Har I e y
Staggers (D-W. Va.), said, however, it
was unlikely Congress would ect soon
Later, however, the Senate Commerce
Committee approved a resoruiion that
\vould <''""''" the way for the Interstate
Commerce Commissio n to pennit the
truckers to pass on increased fu el costs.
Sen, \Varren G. Magnuson (l)..\1lash .),
the commiltee chairman, said he ,,·ould
do everything he can 10 insur" quick
Senate act ion on the resolution.
~feanwhi!e, negotiations in the !ruck
strike moved to the White House tod.:iv.
Top federal and sln!c mediators sched-
uled an urgent mecring v.•itl1 President
Nixon's chief of staff. Gen. Alexander
Haig. The move indicated the lalks reach-
ed a critical stage with both sides hope-
ful that an agreement could be worked
out quickly.
National Guardsmen. on duty in three
states, escorttd som e trucks along
Pennsylvania highways. A spokesman
said four-man Guard units: in jeeps were
accompanying trucks carrying perishable
cargo and medica l supplies.
Pennsylvania State Police said there
were ~ reports of violence -including
four shootings -in the 24-hour period
that ended at 8 a.n1. A spokesm<in
said 10 arrests had been made.
ilighwa y patrolmen escorted som e
tanker trucks in Ohio.
Gov. Marvin l'.fandeJ of i\laryland said
he would use Nation::i! Gua rd trucks.
if necessary, to take food and fuel
to the western part of his st.ate. He
did not actua lly call up the Guard,
Violence v.·as reported la1c l'.londay
nigh t or loday in at least a dozen
sta!es. J\lost or the trouble invol ved
sniper firings, tire slashings or objects
lhrov.·n at trucks.
The Ohio High,vay Patrol said :i
prcdawn fi re destroyed a tractor and
t\l:o trallers at a trucking romp.:iny in
ltlineral Ridge.
J\lost of the violence did not result
in SC'rious injury. An exception v.',1s th('
\V1!rningtnn. i'.'.C. shooling of ii n
utdri>endent trucker manning a blockadP.
Poli ce sai d th !'.' driver, .James llenry
Krlly, 50, of \\'1/m1ng1on, w.r ;:; shot n1
the stoifiach and y,·as seriously wow1dcd.
They sa)d C. F. Andrews, 57, a drive r
fr on1 llampstead, N.C.. was charged
with assault v.·ith a deadly weapon wilh
intent to kill.
1bere were more layoffs in industries
unable to get raw materials or ship
Iinished products.
Holly Farms Industries, Inc., one of
lhe nation's largest poultry processors,
closed three plants in North Carolina
for an~ indefinite period and laid of[
3,000 el!lployes,
"We're in a heck of a mess," a spokes-man said.
Layoffs elsewhere -mnny of them
in the meat packing or auto industries
-totalled over 75.000.
The Owens·llllnois Glass C-0. at Al lon
laid off 2,000 workers at Its glass
container plant, complaining it was
-unable to ge t' supplies.
The Mi.ssouri Beef Pack.Ing Co. of
Boise, Idaho announced it will close
indefinitely because it could not get
trucker• to take processed meat _ to
Agrioulture secretary Earl L. Butz,
h: ~ City for a speech, said that
U the abutdown continues ll wlll have
a ltrioul impact, especially on
perishable food. He said that hundreds
of rnillionl of dollars worth of food
could. be losL
.Five Die in Fire )-
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. <AP ) -Five
cousins whose ages ranged from 16
mont hs lo 5 years died early today
in a fire at a home "'here they had
been left unattended. police said. Police
.said the 21-yenr-old mother of three
of the chltdren. Atattie ~fclntosh, was
localt'd at a nearby bar after the victims·
bod1tS were di5e0v~rcd et her home.
H u1iti1igto1i Mayor W a1its Legality Researched
·'There are those v.•ho say thal llcuhh
services in America can only bl'
imprO\'t'd and e:octended by the federal
government, and \\'ilh that l totall y
The possi bility o( fencing public
beaches and charging an admission price
-like an t'ntranee to the wo -w"s
raised ~1onday night by 11wl!ing ton
Beach ~tayor Jerry J\1aln('y,
\\'j th consent from C1the r counci lmen,
l1e asked th e cily attornry to research
the legality or such [II) ;ic!ion.
Matney s:iid today he is not proposing:
fentl'S and admi~siun for public beaches
but he is \Vorr ied son1e state legislators
Tv.'O Assemblymen, John Rr iggs tH-
Fullerton 1 and Dani el U.oarvvright ( IJ-
Concord ), !old r('preseni.:iti ves frorn
coastal cities r..tonday that adm ission
fees , not state subsidy. might solve their
fin<1ncial woes.
•·I'd like tile e-0mmunity lo know how
F,..,m Page l
based on Ille \•alidity of the ch arges.
1vhich, or course. I consider to b~
absurd," Shenkman add~.
Doris Allen o(. the citizens group said
today, "We're e:octremely pleased" with
Judge B\<1npicd's ni!ing 'thal there are
no grounds for halting the recall. "\Ve're
going to go full steam ahead."
She expects the group to file its forma l
recall petitions with the e<runry clerk
this week.
The citizens group now plans to file
a federal court suit. against !\!angers
alleging violation of frcedorn of speech,
11.rs. Allen said today, because of a
15-<iay restrain ing order placed on the
group but dissol\'cd l\l onday by Judge
Blanpiecl also denied an injunction and
$500,000 damages sought against the
citizens by 11angcrs' attorney and said
the trustee's r cc ours e against ..,,·hat
he considers libel is ttirough a civil
l\lrs. Allen today denied the recall,
which stems from the t ru s tee s '
appearance at administrators' convention
1\'hcre the .X-rated film ''Deep Throat"
\V as shown,'' is an attempt lo thwart
!\!angers' Assembly bid.
"\Ve have Ix-en accused of being a
right wing element and of being
political," she said . "We are what we
say "'e are -just a group of
parents ..• concerned about our kids
and sclloo!s.
"I've been accused of be ing ;..tr_
Burke"s pa1\·n." she added . cl aiming,
"l"ve never met the man. l 'm in As-
semblyman Ken Cory"s district.''
fvlangers says he thinks the "right
v.·ing element" stud ied his qualifications
for office. and "decided that for !he.
first rin1e since 1967 their ullra·
conservati1 e assen1blvn1an had a r1 ablc
candidate lo 1\·orry about."
Ile sees "Deep Throat" AS a poli!ir;i!
red herring, a phrase his opponents
v.·ant 10 link to his name so "'Pf.'Ople
v.:ould have lingering doubts about rny
character and n1oral turpitude.
lie. and Shl'nkman are charged \\"i!h
1nis11sc of taxpayers' money because
t),e filin \vas sho\\·n on distriet equ ipment
~1t the Augus t conference of educators
in San Diego . Both men say they weren 't
present for Lhc screening.
From Pagel
back to California from Washington.
Police said it nppcarOO obvious that
the kidnapers kne1v \.\'ho Mlss Hearst
The news media had been aware of
the kidnaping since shortly after it took
place, but agreed to withhold information
at the request of police and ~Uss
lfearst's paren ts. who hoped to make
contact \\'ilh the kidn apc rs,
The kidna ping followed a recent series
of incidents involving prominent persons
iu the San Francisco Bay Arca and
apparently random kill ings of white
LA Laundromat
Suspect Killed
SUSpected of breaking into some coin-
operated machines at a laundromat was
shot and killed by polJce earl y today
after he wounded two officer• who tried
10 question him.
Th e man. armed with tin nfflce r's
service revolv('r that he grabbed during
a scu ffle , was oroered to turrendcr
several lime.'!, according to police.
Fingerprints identified the man :\S
Frank M. U lter, 22, Nor1h Hollywood ,
who polict said was once was committed
to Camarillo State Hospital !or drug
those h\"O ding dongs are th inkinJ::."
~fatney said today. "I'd like to put
soo1e heat on their backs."
The mayor and City Administ rator
!)ave Ro1~·lands appeared \Vith other
beach city spokesmen before the
Assembly Revenue and T fl x a t i o n
C<nnmittee fl·londay with pleas for state
hel1> in financing the upkeep of public
"I think fl'nting the beach and
f'ha rging a user's fee is illegal but
I'm not sure. 1 \Vant it checked," Matney
"I th in k it \.\'as a dumb idea. bul
I can't really call it dumb until v.'e
l'x plore tile legal ramifications. Beaches
arc one of the few things left where,
regardless of your financial condition,
you can sit on the sand, watch the
"'aves and hea l your min<l and so u1.··
fl-fatney and Row1ands told th e
Assembly Committee that it costs the.
city abou t $'700,000 in unreturned revenue
to clean and protect the beach for the
use or people who live outside Orange
Thal figure is based on an eslin1ate
lh<lt SG pcrcl·nt of the people usi11g
the rity I.teach .Jrc fron1 outside the
(;oi'ISl:li citi1·s arr a!lt'1npt1ng to Sl•cure
s1atc lt•gislation !01· u st:.ite ~ubsidy of
eity :ind county beaches used on a
regional na!ure.
Assen1blymcn said they \\'OU\d study
the issue and file a report and
recommendation on st:.ite aid oroposed
bv Assemblyman Robert Burke l R·
liunlington Beach).
Pay by Pound~
Pet Lover Un-eeils Dog Fee Pla1i
During ~londay's discussion or a
mandatory cat license, one pet lover
suggested that Huntington Be a ch
councilmen consider a more equitable
fee for dogs.
Glenn Kimmell said the council ought
to charge by the pound .
"I cannot see the log ic in taxing
at tile same rate a five-podnd dog and
across the fence a St. Bernard,",
Kimmel said.
"Small dogs are less trouble. On the
rare occasions when they do get out,
Postal Clerk Guilty
LOS ANG ELES (UPI) -A postal
clerk. arrested last year y,·itb al first
class and al r mail letters in ttls lunch
bOx Y.'hile he was leaving ·work. was
convicted ~1onday of stealing mail .
yo u can clea n up after them with a
p:iir of tweezers."
Kimmel also objected. to the city's
proposed hlght!r license fee. $10.
The current fee is $7.
··r vc enjoyed introducing him in the
past as my $1 ·a·pound dog," smiled
Kimmel. "l know prices are going up,
but gentlemen, $2 a pound?"
'Cheaters' Arres ted
SPARKS, t\ev. (UPI ) -Sparks police
l\1onday arrested two employes of the
Sparks Nugget in a crackdo\\'Tl on
suspected cheating. The alleged cheating
scheme used "'hat police called a Vegas
pa s.so rt. f\·an Lang. 30, of fu>no. and
Hoy Ashv.·orth, 30, Sparks, were arrested
'.lith Michael lialey, 34, of So.lit! L.ai:e
Tahoe on investigation o! bunco steering
and swindl ing charges.
Capsule Council Action
Herc in capsule form are the major actions taken Monday night by the
1-luntington Beach City Council.
CAT TAGS : Verbally agreed lo become the first city in Orange Count y
with a mandatory ca t license. The fee for both cats and dogs will be $10, or
$5 for a spayed animal.
BEACllES: Asked the city att<>mcy lo reS<'arch I~ legality of fencing
beaches and charging admission for all users. not just those using the park-
ing lot.
GROWTH: Ordered a joint study St'.'ssion v,.ilh the. plann ing commission on
on a proposed gro1vth poli cy y,·hich l'.layor Jerry 11atncy termed a ''mish-
mash me ss.··
l\rtNORITJES : Ordered a staff report on !he number of \\'Omen and minor-
ities employed by the city in super\1sor1al positions.
He presumably \vas referring to
proposals by Sen. Edward 1."°I. Kennedy
(l>Mas.'5.), v.•hich \\'Ou!d prov id c
government financing of a cradlc.~the·
grave health insurailce .!lystem .
Nixon said the thre<!-part program h<'
1vill submit !o Congres.~ \Vednesday \\'ill
offer '"halnnccd. dignifil'<l health car<'
protection" al a (·ost every Arnerlc::in
e;111 afford.
"lA."t us not rn;1kt' the n1istakc of
destroyi ng the best n1edi cal care systein
in the 11'orld 1ha1 1\'l' Jlready ha ve."
!he !'resident tvlcl the hos p it :i I
adtnin ist rators.
fliixon . accompanied by his '>''ife. made
no direct referl'nce to Watergale but
al one point rl'itcra!ed his intention
lo serve a full cish t years in the
··Tue legacy I \\'OUld like to leave after
my term of service in the presidency,
eight years ... is a legacy of peace,"
Nixon told hls audience.
The President "'as pp!audL>d six
times during his 25-minutc appearance.
The President told the convention
delegat~: "It is health which Is real
. wealth. You who arc members of the
American Hospital Association .can leave
a legacy where America, wh ich is the
wealthiest country, is also the hcalthieste
in the \\'Orld ."
f\ixon spelled out principles his
proposals v.·ould folio\\' and said lhcy
(·;1l!rd for a progran1 "\\'here our doclors
\1·ould v.·ork for th eir patients, not for
the federal government, and thal is
the kC'y clc n1ent at this t1111c." •
E.-rperts Attack
Nuclellr Reactor
Seif ety Progra1n
WASHI NGTON (AP ) -Inspection and
quality-assurance programs of t h e
Atomic Energy Commission have been
criticized in a report , released here.
The report Monda y by nine AEC
experts called for expanded efforts by
the commission to assure the quali ty
of nuclear reactor component.. during
manufa ctu re. It also said reactor designs
should be further evaluated to see if
any safety fa ctors have been overlooked.
Also called for .... ·ere Increased efforts
to make sure !hat reactors are
constructed and operated prope_rly.
During a 17-month period beginning
Jan. 1, 1972, the report said the nation".s
nuclear reactors experienced 800 ··.sa fety
related abnormal occurrences."
The primary causes of more th an
one -quarter of the abnormalitise were
design or fabrication errors. the report
It said the rema inder "'ere caused
by operator errors. improper
maintenance. incorrect construction or
a combination of fJC'tnrs.
For t\.\"O years, cri!ics of the reactors.
led by a grCM.Jp of scientists in the
Camb ridge. l\1ass. area. h~ve alleged
that re:.i ctors arc not !'il fe enough .
Let Us Put You on the Map
Near lhe entrance, inside ou'r store. is o giant
new mop. We ore in the process of identifying
oll of rhe homes we hove corpeted si nce 1965
o n this mop with colored pins. (A d ifferent color
for each year.)
Close scrutiny will detect some iriteresting
focts1 firstly, we liovo corpeted homes on
Virtually ffYe<Y •!reel ·In 1he area. Secondly, the
pins ore Jn bunches, Indicating
WORD-Of-MOUTH advertising. Th irdly, the
number o f ho mes we ho ve carpeted is
If you d esi re ho nesry, eKperience, and
r eco mm e ndations from ne ighbors
worked for, lhen Alden's i$ THE PLACE!
wa hove
1663 Placentia Ave.
Mon .• 1"Yn. f to 5r301 Fri. 9 to '1 Sot, flJO to S
' '
County ~Agrees
Kal11abach Says
Milk Fund Used
In Dirty Tricks
UP I Toi.Mia
Ni xon Attorney Kalmbach ____ w_ ------
From Wire Services
WASHINGTON -The White House
set up a trust fund in 1969 containing
$100,000 contributed by milk producers
and it was used for campaign spying
and political dirty tricks, according to
newly released testim ony by Presid~l
Nixon's lawyer.
The attorney, lferbert \I/_ Kalmbach
of Newport Beach, testified briefl y about
the secret fund before the Sena!e
\Vatergate Committee last sumrner. lie
said in a new co urt deposition he now
lx-Jieves nearly $2 tnilli on was channeled
through the fund .
Jn Newport Beach, sources close to
Kal mbach said the trust. fund cont.aincd
a total of $1.6 million at the titne
the dairy contribution -y:hich "'as
in cash -wa s received.
Kalmba ch swore th at if. R. "Bob"
Haldeman personally authorized hlm to
receive a secret $100,000 c a s h
contribution from the dairymen in 1969.
to Buy Starr Ranch
\ ..
~ ... ,,,... _,,,, .. ~. ~ '
I .
" )
$4 Million
To Obtai11
1;y "'ILl.IA1\1 SCllflEIBER
01 lfl• O.tllw l'llot Iron
Orn nge {'ou nly supervisors yielded to
:i la rgl' outpouring of pu hl11' sen timent
1od:1y llnd ai:reed to spend S4 4 million
t" p11rrhase 5.500 ac r e s of tht' St;'lrr
H:1n1 h 111 tire h1Hs abo"e San Juan C~i ·is
! r:inri
In a one hour public hearing,
~upe1·visors heard ren1arks from groups
ra n ~ing fro1n the Gi rl Sco uts of Orange
1 'ounty. ~he Y~1CA , th{' C111zens Direction
J•'inding Con11nittee and others st rongly
f11\·oring the purchase as a 111:~jor
rcgion::il wilderness pnrk -1he largest
pur rhase of its kind in ('011nty history.
Tiie ac11011. which c:an1e on a 4-tcr l
vot(• 11·it h ~upcrl'isor HobC'rt Ba tt in
ahstnining, l'nded t\10 n1ontlt'i of delays
O\"t'r \"arious as pects of the purchase
and its pr iority 1n terms of open space
in the count y.
Supervisors Ralph Clark and Ralph
Dledrith, \\'ho fo rmerly obs t r u ct e d
efforts by Supervisor f~ona!d Caspers
to hu~· thr ranch. decided finally to
go 1vi1 h the purchase .
The agreen1en1 \\'ilh 10 charities now
011·11ing lhl· properly calls for the county
10 pa~· Sl.5 million do\1n and the
rema1ndrr s pr c a d ou t ov er the nexl
fi\'e yl'ars.
Last \l'cek. Casp..~rs took Diedrich on
n hcliwp!cr and land 1011 r of the rallCh.
\1'hieh r11n1hlcs O\'l'r hitJ.c;. valleys and
p<1sturl1s hl•twccn Ur1 C'~a l!ighway and
Ll->to de Caza.
Ca11dy Bc1lls
11le fund was used to pay for campaign
spying carried on by retired Ne11· York
City policeman Anthony Ulasewicz. the
political dirty tricks of Don;ild Segretll
and a $400.000 secret contribution to
the opponent of Governor George C.
\Vallace in hi s 1970 A I ;i b am a
gubernatorial primary, Kahnbach saij.
Kalmbach's deposition "'as given 111
a ci vil suit filed by Ralph Nader chargin~
that the $427 ,500 the dairy industry gave
to Nixon's campaign v.·as in rctum for
administration decisions to raise price
supports on milk. Kalmbach denied
knowledge of any such arrangement.
-Favored Proposal Would Include 1 Mix of Fi xed Route, Dial-a-ride Buses and Rail Transportation
Tht• property includes 970 acres of
prune l;111d 1hal n1akes up four separate
1op priont.v regiorial p;1 rk sites on the
('ounry ·s n1aster plan. Purchase of those
ulone \~·ould cos1 .~3.!i million.
Kalmbach said the fund "·as set up
at the direction of H. R. Haldeman,
then Pres ident Nixon's chief of the V.'hite
I-louse staff. He said he himself "'as
under orders to make no disbursements
without Haldeman's appro val.
Rapid Transit on Ballot? Another $900.00U in the agreement
11'uu)d cover the remaining 4.500 acres
t1f !he ranch.
The properly is one or the large.st
pieces of virtually untouched wildern~s
left in th e county . . Called Bcick
and Drug Administration said toclay that
thousands of candy chocola te balls are
being pulled off the market hrr:iu!"e
eating them could cause fe ver. nausea ,
vomiting and diarrhea.
The F'DA identified the brand. made
in Canada and distributed throu ghout
the Uniled States. as "Reg ent . Solid
l\olilk Chocolate ." II said the balls,
wrapped in colorful On·istmas-!ike foil.
canied the R£>gent name on packa~c.s.
The recall began. the agency said,
after public health inves1igators chec king
into cases of sa lmonella poisoning
uncovered several instances v.•here the
chocolate balls were believed to have
been the culprit. The FDA also said
the New Jersey }leahh Department
found a type of salmonella contamination
in a sample of the Regent chocolates.
Tne FDA said , it dirt not know how
many packages of the candy are still
on the ma rket or how mu ch the
manufacturer hope s to recover through
the recall.
11w candy is made by Regen t
Chocolate~ Ltd .. St. Hyacinthe, Quebec,
and distributed in the U.S. by Triumph
Candy Corp., Eng le"·ood Cliffs, N.J.
Sal monella can cause fever, nausea,
vomiting and diarrhea. although the
symptoms usually dis appear in one or
two day s. 1'he FD1\ said consumers
who may have the ca ndy should return
it to the place of purchase . . . -. -""""'• ............ __ , ...
"Under the terms of my trust. .it
was understood I would not do anything
other than at the express dirclion of
Mr . 1-laldeman, or others that stood
clearly in his shoes," Kalmbach said.
Nixon's Staff
Gets Pep T<1lk
President Nixon has been giving
White ~louse staffers pep talks,
assuring them he will be
exonerated in the W a I e r g a t e
scandal, according to an aide .
The aide said 1'1onday Nixon
himself appears more confident he
can "·ard off demands for his
resignation or i m pea ch men t .
despite a recent Gallup Poll
showing only a 26 percent approval
of Nixon 's performance.
Another Gallup poll made public
Monday shO\\'ed th11t if given a
choice, a plurality of voters \lo'o .... td
preff'r Vice President Gerald F'ord
to Nixon in the \\'hilc !·louse for
the remaining years of Nlxon·s
Orange County voters may be asked
to decide on a sales tax to fund rapid
If the way is pavt'd by enabling
legislation, the issue could be on the.
November ballot. The system under
con.side.ration might cost $2 billion before
completion in the 1990s.
Orange County Transit D i s t r i c t
(OCTD) directors ti.1onday scheduled a
ritarch 4 public hearing on a corridor
study favored by their staff and
They also authorized OCTD Genera l
Manager G. J . HPete" Fielding to lay
the groundwork that could lead to
funding from an additional one cent
sales tax.
F ielding told direct.ors any local sales
tax v.'ould require both enablin~
legislation out of Sacran1cnlo and a
vote of lhe people.
He said if the people authorize the
expense, rapid transit will be on its
·'The people ought to have a choice
and I v.•ould like as soon as possible
to get the needed su pport for such
a vote from our legisla tors i n
Sacramento," Fielding said.
Supervisor Ralph Clark , chairman of
the OCTD board, was h..,s; .. 1nt to go
along v.·ith Fielding's request. saying
Jie is "firmly against a sales tax hike"
Wed Ill the Courtroo111
Marriage Commissioner Perfor1ns 120 Cou1ity Rites
"Long not for robe. chu·rch and bell.
SlDeetillg; plight we ()11r troth i11 wav-
i11g poppies or by p I ea s a n t
brooks , .. "
Beil Johnson
Bv T07't BARLEY of "'-Dallr PHal Stiff
The only bells Jim Sipman and Sherry
Anderson could hear came from the
mufned tir:ikling of a court clerk's
typewriter in a nearby offi ce.
The only flowers wit hin a mile o(
the courtroo1n were some bedraggled
pansil'!S in a oourthouse border.
And far from donning a black judicial
robe, the man before them was fresh
from reading a county admJnistrative
. memorandum connected With dwtndli!lc
SUl>IJllet of toilet tJ>sue thrOughoot tbt"
Santa Ana civic center.
Nooe of that mattered ope 'l!bi.L It -.. :i;m_, ... ,,. .,..,'WllW,'Uiif
Sipman, 39. -ancr Shmy Lee And<r-
28. •nd thcr found all the backl!">und
;ind color they wanted In each other's
.. . may you strive au your lives
to meet thla commltmen~-wtlh the same
love and devotion that you now posatsl."
Intoned 111ttn-rnbed Glunt Clerk Wil·
ll•m E. St John.
Jl01 wrapped hi' arms around Sherry.
A_marrla.a:e bureau cle~k acting as a
wltneu looked •t th< floor and' fumbled
with her pen. A nearby Journalist founH
it extremely dUficult to focus his camera
at that movtng moment.
". . . authority vested in mt u
I •
. . .
·s1.Atl0 W1TM A KISS
New Mr. & Mn. Sipmen
. .
commissioner of marriages of tJ;Je COUnty
of Orange • • • 1 now pronounce you
husband and wlft."
And while St John beamed at the
completion of h11 office's 12oth such
ceremony, Jim and Sherry kbsed and
hugged to celebrate a union In a courtroom that had llhortly before st.aged
the sharp contrast of a divorce action.
"It was beautiful, honey," Jim
murmured. "Oh. yes: It was,'.' Sherry
whispered. "It was vory beautiful. And
thank you."
"You are ve.ry welcome,'' St John
smiled, In a V()ice that clearly proved
that 23 years of matTlage don 't
necessarily mean that a man no longer
gets dewy eyed on wedding days.
And while architect Jim, 39, of 212
Pearl A~·e., and Sherry, 28, of 916 Via
Lido Soud, both of Newport Beach,
strolled off arm in arm in the February
sunlight -it is the first marriage for
both -St John's cash register rang
up $10.
It has done lhat 120 times since Jan.
I \vhen a new sUt.te law came into
force which permits the county clerk
or his appointed deputy to perform civil
marriage ceremonies.
"Three of us have taken on this very
happy chore,'' St Jolm said. "And we
are firmly agreed that it Ls the most
pleasant assignment anyone could wish
far .
'"Couples Who many In tlllJ way...,...
us they never realbed how beautifully
it would tum out,'' St Jom said. "We
have our own ispedally worded marriage
service and all these couples art
delighted when we present them v.ilh
a copy of it."
"It simply has to be the biggest
bargain in the maniaa:e bu'ines' these
days," St John griMed. "We conduct
ceremonies at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Monday through Frld&y and we find
a growing demand for our simple little
It isn't church belh1 11nd an aJtslr
any more than it'1 waving poppies and
a pleasant brook. .
"But it was very, very beauUlul and,
abo\-'C all, It was simple and sincere,"
Shf:rry Sipman murmured. "What more
could you want on your wedding day?"
and doesn't want it to appear the OCTD
directors have authorized it.
Fielding assured Clark he wanted to
get some of the groundwork laid in
case a countyv"ide vote is called for
at the March hearing.
I-le said the special legislation and
all other red tape has to be cleared
up by the end of June to get the
matter on November's ballot.
The corridor plan being pressed by
the OCTD and the consultant, Alan M.
Voorh~s Co.. was outlined in detail
to direc lors Monday.
lt is one of II original corridor plans
weeded dO\\'n lo four last November.
Fielding said at least another year's
study would be needed to start
implementing the plan.
The corridor network envisioned by
the consultant consists of a cross<0unty
"spine" route running fro m Sa n
Clemente along the San Diego Freeway
and Santa Fe Rail\olo'ay rights of way
and on th rough the central cotlllty by
wa y of the old Pacific Elect ric co rridor.
Branching off the main corridor is
an east-west route running along the
present and future Orange Freeway right
of way. ronfiecting v.•ith the Corona de\
Mar Freeway in Costa Mesa .
A spur li ne also breaks off the main
spine at Kat ella Avenue and runs down
Beach Boulevard to the ocean in
lfuntington Beach.
The remaining "arms" of the transit
system run generally along t he
alignment of the Riverside -Artesia
Free\\'BY in the north and a short
segment along Ka tell a A venue in the
central county.
Voorhees spokesman Martin Bouman
told directors the Beach Boulevard route
and the Katella Avenue route, which
form a right angle at the Intersection
with the spine route , were added after
meetings with Huntington Beach and
Anaheim officials.
Bouman said those cities felt transit
lines in those locations would help in
their efforts to deve lop or redevelop
large sectiorui of their cities.
Bouman said that w h a l e v e r
configur;\tion is finally adopted for the
primary transit system, a "saturation
level" of regul ar bus lines will be needed
as a feeder system !or the mass transit
The fr ont-running proposal calls for
a fleet of 520 fixed-route buses and
more lhan 1,000 smaller Dial·A-Ride
buses that would pick up passengers
at their homes.
Bouman sai d that the system he and
the OCI'D staff, Ukes best is actually
the smallest and least costly of the
four finalis ts in the selection process .
Its initial capital cost would be in
the range of $860 million compared to
$1.3 billion for the most expensive type
of system .
Costs are the most uncertain factor
so far because the technology to be
userl has still not been select ed.
Running up the center of the parcel
is Bell Canyon. a stream-cu t valley
dotted "'il h towering sycamore and live
o:i k g:·ovcs interspersed with green
s1vards of paslure land.
f)uring !he 1vinter, there Is a good
deal of ninn ing \~·ater on the land and
several 1,1·indrnills stitl pump water from
the ground into tanks for livestock.
C.'lspers envision!! a wilderness park
011 !he land reserved 1nostly for hlkers.
!ini:kp:1ckcrs rind horseback riders with
onl.1· a sn1a1l portion set aside for
intcnsivc·u~e type ca mping. He said land
could he leased for cattle grazing to
111:1ke 1he county n little money.
Crispers ran into hi s first roadblock
ea rlier from Diedrich ov er another of
the IRnd 's resources -sa nd and graveJ
deposits valued in the range of $2 milliotl
The charities in December ~:i d they
\;·anted to withhold 50 percent or any
profits ever made by the county on
1hose deposits.
Diedrich succeeded in canceling the
county 's offer to buy the ranch but
it 1v3s subsequently resurrected when
the gravel contingency was dropped.
The land is actuall y the southern halt
or a 10.000 acre ranch once owned by
cattle baron \V illia1n Starr.
ll is hei rs gave the northern halt to
the National Aud obon Society and the
rest to the charities.
The latest purchase negotiations are
part of a long strin g of efforts to
liquidate the land. mos t of \\'hich failed
because of bankru ptcy on the part of
the buyer.
Jim Slpm1n •nd·SMrry Andtnon Unfttd Under New St1t1 l1w Permitting Clvll CtrMnOnlts ln Cour1
:9£ 221 l
I •
. j OAIL 'f PILOT Tut '>d.i.y, Feb1 u~ry 5 lt//4
Israel-Syria Battle Continues
As New Peace Efforts Started
By United Pr~1 Interna tional "'ay to try to solve the irnrasse that
has seen Syria refuse to join the Geneva
r.llddlc 1.-.:ast JX'<.ice talks. > Syrian and Israeli ar1illcry 0011 l1'd
in the Golan ll tights tod ay for th~·
10th consecutive day and lsrnch n1i1 1t.;.iry
sources said Syna 1~·as heatu1g up tht>
~cct.or in hopes of v. um ing concessions
in any forthcoming nl·i::otiat ions, lie snid
Israel had .1doptl"<I a policy '.ii 11go rous
retaliation therl'.
/\ S\'RIAN 1n1li1ary spokr~1nan 111
l);unascus said Svru1n and lsr:1t!I~ forces
r xch<ini:1..'<I artilti.:i-y fire :'lloni:; the t'4 •ntr~1I
~ector or the front und that ··1hc cn{'n1y
s tifre rl't.! SC Vl'r<ll c;1.\ua llil'S 1n ILM.l:l ~ 's
f 1i.:h1111g .• '
positions out of ::icnnn and destroyrd
:-,1x t~Jnks. l'he Israeli n11htary L"Ommand
s;ud one lsr<aeli soldier "·as killL.od and
111·0 "'ounded 1n an artillery ill'L"hangc
un !he Go!.1n lle1gh1s front ~tonday.
A dispatch fron1 Dan1ascu.s said
President Tito of Yugoslavia y,·as flying
there toni ght , and Arab p r cs s
rommentaton; said he may be trying
to !>('rsuade Syrian leaders to attt:'nd
the ~ne\la conference. P res i den t
Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania Oit>s to
J):i mascus Sunday, apparently f o r
similar talks.
~ '
ln s11n1l::i r incidents ~londay, n11l11:1ry
~pokesmen s:iid Syn ;.i n 1roops put 2U
J:.ra.:!i arlilll·ry .i11d fvur hl'<J I)' 1nort;ir
Y.'i1h 1hC' Egyptian front qull'I and
J ~racl 1n thf• third phase of its tToop
11 !thdr~11~;1 I f1 01n l"l1ptured lcrritory, new
d1plo1na u(' 1•!forl:$ 11crc rcportlii under
Pope Removes Cardinal
Fiery Hungary Prelcite Out
·vr today reti red Josef Ca rd i n a l
~\tindszenty, the Ointy prelate v.·ho spent
years io jail rather than bow to tyranny,
as prin1ate of H.ungary and archbishop
of Esz.tcrgorn .
1>.1indsz.cnty's 30 years in Nazi and
Communi st jails and JS years in nsylum
at the U.S. legation in Budapest had
1nade him a living symbol of resistance
to oppression. But. coupled \1i th his
move to Rome in 1971 , the Jlungarian
archdiocese had been left with an
absentee archbisOOp.
'l1IE VA TI CAN announced that Pope
Paul declared a vacancy in the
archdiocese or Esztcrgom, the main
Roman Catholic Church position in
Ji ungary, and named Bishop Lazslo
Lekai as "apostolic administrator" to
run it pending further action.
the ;1rehdioccsc vaca nt , thus r('Specting
1he earctinaf"s point of \'icw ."
The Pope , in a Jan, 30 letter to
l\11ndszentv, nienti011ed the cardinal 's
trial in a" Con1n1uni st court. 111e Pope
:<:.<lid h1' '·bo\1·C'd in b'Tcat respccl"' before
th~ ll ttngarlan prelate. Ile s;1id the
.-:uffrring the eardin::il undcr\l'Clll \1 ::ls
•·a cru11·n of thorns."
The "·ell knO'A'n Iilrngarian prelate
f'ndl·d 15 yenrs of ~clusion in the .U.S.
legation in Budapest \1•hen he gave 1n
to Pope f'.'lul's urging and cam~ into
exile to Rome in 1971. In 1972, he
mo\'ed to Vienna to "live closer to
his h<lmcland."
Cardinal r.tindsU"'ll.ty, gaunt a n d
Wlbcnding. has aly,·ays bct..""'fl wary of
the Pope's diplomatic rapprochement
v.·ith the Communist governments of
Eastern Europe.
FOR A LONG time he had turned
dov.n Vatican pressures to quit his
isolation in the U.S. legation to help
improve Church-st.ate relations In
\ ·7 -
SECRETARY OF State Hen rv A.
Kissinge r scheduled ne\Y meetings 'r.oday
in \Vashingto n \\•ilh Soviet foreign
1'1 inister Andrei A. Gromyko and the
l-.tidd\e East was believed the main topic.
Middl e East sources in London repor1ed
1'1ond ay I.hat Kissinger ffWY fly to
Damasl'us, Jerusal L·n1 and Cairo next
Dan1ascLL<i r1•por!s .i;:iid (;roniyko \l'as
exp11C!cd 10 fl.I' II• C;1iro ;'It the C'lld
of FebruJry ror 111~ first v1~il to the
Eg~·pt1n n cap111il Sll\L'C 19!"19. There htL\"e
be1•n pL·rsistcn1 1l iplon1a11 c rcpcrts Egypt
and the Soviet Union have applied
pressure ()11 Syria t-0 h c g i n
di stng<Jgemen! t::ilks 1\'ith lsracl.
Nt»,o.·spaper reports in Tel Aviv said
Israeli Defense !\linislcr :\lo.she Dayun
y,·ould visit \\'ashington al the end or
the. month. apparently for taJ ks on a
troop 'A"ithdra'A·a! deal with Syria. Srri.1,
backed by the oil·rieh Arab natiOJl'I,
has publicly hardened its line on joining
Israel in talks to disengage their forces.
"The Syrians are try ing lo force a
retr~at on negotiations with Israel by
heating up th e sector," a military source
said. "The Israeli northern co mmand
is maintainin g a policy of vigorous and
immediate reaction to all Syr i a n
aggressive initiatives."
Texas Fire Cliief
• I, • • 1 ' '
Shootout Was in Brooklyn Between Warring Groups
lnter11al Disp11te
Mi1slim Mosque Gu11play
l(ills .Fou1· n1 Brooklyn
NEW YORK (UPJ l -Gunmen burs t
into a Black ~tuslim mosque in Brooklyn
Monday night and opened fire , killing
the leader of the sect. police .said. Four
persons, includi.ng both intruders, died
in the shooloul. •
Bilal Abdullah Rahman, minis ter of
the Ya si n f\1osque "'ils the larget of
the attack in what se<>med to be an
revol~·er, a n ne, en eutomaUc pistol
and a shotgun inside the mosque.
Ano!he r handgun was found outs1dc in
a ! rashcan.
Sources said the Pope acted in spite
of opposition from the 8l·year-0ld
f\1indszcnly. The cardinal has e:tpressed
his wariness ati Pope Paul's policy of
relaxing Church-state tensions in the
Communist count ries of Eastern Europe.
\Vhc.n he finally gave in. he is kno"n
10 ha ve insls1cd on retaining his posi!ion
:is the f\o. I Roman Catholic prelate or l·/ungary lo dramatize his fiery anti -
communist role.
" internal dispute. l!e died of multiple
There v.·ere Also some 9mm shells
lying arotrnd the roon1, and since
dete<'tives cou ld find no "'capon to match
the shells, they specul11 ted al least one
gunman may hnl"e c.c;c:i p<'<i the carnage.
'rhe shoot1n~. Sulli\"an ... sRid, "was
apparenlly a fac!ional dispute between
ri1·al l>.1uslim factions." The Yasin
~1osque \\'<IS alfi!ia1ed \\•ith the Sunni
!\los!!'.'ms, a predominantly b I a ck
Vatican sourc.oes said the Pope had
pla.Med to replace the cardinal since
"ln various letters to 1he cardinal.
Pope Paul had explained to him ~is
opinion and concern about the peculiar
situation of the archdiocese, which has
been left without a guide ror many
years,'' said a Vatic.an spokesman,
Federico Alessandrini.
"SINCE THE cardinal had no int~tion
to resign, Pope Paul decided to declare
Skylab 3 Cretv
Set to Return
To Eartlt Frida y
SPACE CE~'TER, Hous1on (AP) -
Skylab 3's astronauts bega n packing a
record 1,718 pounds of film, tape and
biological samples today for return to
earth Friday.
The data, which may lake years to
analyze thoroughly, should tell man
much about himself, his sun and his
home planet
Gerald P. Carr of Sant.a Ana. William
R. Pogue and Ed ward G. Gibson
fonncrty of S.111 Clemente, planned to
~pend mos t of the day transferring thc-
ca rgo into the Apollo ferry ship hnked
to one end of the 118-fooi.-long space
station .
Carr tnld n1 1s51on l"(1ntro\ lhe joh
v•ouldn't be ea sy and said, "I th ink
:.bout oll 11 e i:a'n do on U1c tr;l.n sferi:;
1s just dig 1n and start plov,.ing and
hope we get it all done."
Ca psule communicator Robert Crippen
f(•\d him the transfer had priority and,
1f any experiments lnterfered, lhey would
be canceled.
Carr, Pogue and Gibson are to splash
down in the Pacific Ocean al 8:17 a.m.
PDT Friday to end their 84-day space
l·lungary's Communis t governmcnt h.ad
asked the Vatican for .. a suitable.
sucressor" lo Cardinal MindS"ZCnly ;is
early as 1964. Bu t the Val.lean asked
for some degree or religious freedo m
before considering the req uest.
Cardinal Minds:tenty
Britain's Coal Mine1·s
W alli Off J ohs Saturclay
LOfl-1X>N IUP!l l..caders of
Britain's 29.000 coal miners !oday
ordered a national n1ines shutdo.,.,,n at
midnight Satur day. ln doing so they
ejected an eleventh hour government
peace appeal and warnings the shutdO\ITI
"'·ould bring economic disaster.
il·llnc \Vo rkers President Joe Gormley
said he and other union officials v.·ere
meeting later today wilh Len Murray,
general secretary of the IO million-
member Trades Union Congress (TUCJ,
"To put him in the picture,"
HE SA.ID the mine.,.,'Orkers Y.'Ould seek
cooperation fTom leaders of t he
transport. railroad, electrical and txiy,·cr
.,.,·orkers unions.
Britain depends on coa l for 70 percent
of its energy. and months long slowdO'A'TIS
hv miners and railrond 1o,rorkers already
h3ve put U1e country on a three-d;iy
ll'ork \1'et-k. A complete coal sht1td0\\1l
l"Ould bring British indus1ry to i!s knL'CS
;ind make 1ni\Hons jobless.
"The strike vote (by the coolmincr<:
27-m;:in cxecu live ; .,.,·as 1miln!n1ous.''
G-Ormley said . "Fotloy,·ing it, th e
exerutive sent out strike orders to all
union branches and set up a national
strike committee.''
The decision was reached at a J'h
hour meeting of the executi ve at the
un ion's London headquarters.
Gormley said the union also has
decided to start a strike fund "for
the purpose of ensuring there is enough
cusl1 10 pil y for lh i.: cosL uf tile strike."'
llE SAID before thl· union leaders
1net. he \.\TOie Smployn1cnt Secretary
\\""illia1n \\ihi1el~nv turning dov.11 an
invitation for last minute peace ta!ks.
"The cxe('Ut ive is again::;t further
abortive meetings." he said.
Gormley said the union ~·ill seek to
make the strike hit producers of coking
coal too. Th.is is used for blast furnacec:;
that produce the nation's vital steel.
He sald Lhe f..11ney,·orkers Union will
not provide men for safety precautions
in the mines. Hov.·ever, he said that
in an ehtergency the mineworkers union
1vould "help out ."
Allhough he did no t spell !his Ol.l t,
r.ormll'y's statement appeared lo
ind ica te the ).llney,·orker.; Union \\"ill no!
scc.k uc.-tive\y to prevent safety \.\"Ork
being c.arril:d out by members or othL'r
Corrnl1·y said picketing \\Ill
"pracr.ful in <iccordo.incc v.·11h 1hc
nf the land .''
l;1 1v
lN TI~E last big coal miners' strike
tv.·o year.; ago miners pickets blockaded
powe r stations. Gormley did not indicate
y,:hether they 11,ill do so again.
The last strike lasted seven weeks
from the beginning of January lo the
end of February, 1972. It ended with
the appointment of a go vernment
commission which ay,•arded the miners
pay hikes of 25--30 percent.
Most of Nation Shivering
Lansing, ll1icli., Records Minus 18 Degrees nt Niglit
-· -,_
MAllOMlll ........... •1t v1e11Qet(Al l I• 7AM '''
In motf So/!Plll l'l<I ••••1 1en1y. wltP!
Los A~I l'MClll"t 70
Tl'lt high ~·v If\ Cl~town LIM
.A~lll Wl l "' Cl'" tl dt11tMI tbovt ""'"'" ""'""" OI 1-!w tl0Vfl1 cov~·t<l tll t ta.,1 111•1 "'0'~"'9 •"Cl l t • •~q..,1,,
lllltf llt!IO'll l Alr_.-i 1110 10 !II> (10 .. d
~ ..... OI •N tlel'IX..l"CI ¥!1oafl<IY
Motl pl fl""! wll'\Ot Ov••"V I~ CllY, '-"~•. •••• 01~ ll t11t1v• 11um!oa~
11'1 lOt. AAO<lln f~ I~ 11 to
•··· &;iQ•~ .......... ~MIOWl"tl -, llOW
~ polr(eM TM Air PollullOI! (;Ofllr&I O!f!rltl
tl OOr!lll 1111\t .,-flO MftOll toc111.
V •. ~ .. ~11mmery
(Oil! "'"1M• clvnQ lo m(l!ll I'll
"" na11on lrom tM lloc;-ln to IM A!lt fltl( l(lodl y 11'\0 (JrOvt tl"'ptrt!ut~\
of\lt tht lrottv ll)t. II !t r JOVIP\
11 Tl'lt f·lorldl P1flhlndlt. .._
l l>o! "''"~~·v 14tt1td •o ·11 II LI"""°' Mien . Mond•v fl •<lhl lo Ile
• 67·Ye••-old r~O<d for Feb. • !hclre.
Re11dlr.gt In the 1lno1t tiou•e, c~lllf:d
!l>t' entir1 l">O<lh••n ll•r ol •1•tt1
fro"" No.-!h oa~ot1 •o N e w
Enql1nd. lemJ)t'•ll1irn sllCI Into lht
lcwer 1Qs lrom the mlddlt Ml1.i111op1
V1lltlv throuon •ht! v1 r;1nlt1 , tnd trot•
or frtul wt rnlnQ1 -• In l'ffecl
O¥frnl9M for r>0l11trn Flor1t:11.
Snow 1lltecl 11\to IUll•r td 1r111
ir-om '"' lnlttlor P•clfk Norll'IW911 ID "'' G•H I L•-" .,.., II•• On!o Vl llt y. l lgtll VIOW 1114 CIUlt.d IOfne
lnl11nd commucil!itt ol !ht! Nor11>t•1I.
Travel 1dvl10tl11 w1r1 ltlUld tor
""''' of NO•th 01~011 for uo to
4 Inches DI snow. G!JSIY wind• '""
mod..-1te lllOWlr.Q 1now t li.o W~\
fJCl)e(lfl:l lo Clul• loc:1Uy hlll f!J0\11
corld!!lon1 In Mlll"tlOlll.
(lftt 1~le1 t1...ortCI IT'Ot! ol !11~
••Jttrn 1nl•<I of !ht (l)O,lfl!rv """ the !!road tff.!lon trtm IN ~•hw11I
IO tilt $0vl,..11I.
Coa•tal Wenther
Ftlr lhr0V9h Wtdntto':lt V !xii PflCNi
ol ~ftf<tltl low CIOVdl or IOV In tn0rn-I~. Gutty ncf!Pltr1Y wlfld• 10 te JO
,....,o,h, 1on19111 •lld Wtdl'letd1v. Wl11d1
11 •o ·10 '"o" ~ wttr co.t1t11 w111r1.
(0111•1 lemfltr'•IUtll 41 IO 66, lflllfld
''""~r•t1.11tl O IO ... W1ttr t1m1Jt••·
tu•• " Sun, Mo011, Tide#
TIHt.Oty, Piii. I
S~Dtid hlllPI ';4' p,m . I•
Soconc1 law 1;1'9 P m. 1,6 w.....,..-.y, p.., •
F!~I hlqh f ·14 Im. • I
Flfli! low •. J:O' • m. 11
!.f(oncl hlt l! 10·'• !l.m. 1 •
Stoe:Cll'ld 1-, 1.0. t.m. -1.S
Sl • b G wl)Unds in the foye r of tile' crumbling attl J ltllmU It brick buil<Hng on the border of the
seamy Bedford Stuyvesant section .
Iii Burning Bar
gunman hiding in a burning tavern shot
and killed t.hc fire chief of this east
Tex:as tO\\'Tl and v.-ounded two of his
men before dawn today. officers said.
Sheriffs deputies, police and bloodho unds
( IN SHORT ... )
chased the killer in to nea rby woods.
Firemen said they received a C'all
about 2:30 a.m. from a ma n "'ho said
the tavern, Betty·s Place. v•as oo fire.
Th e minor bla ze was ex tingu.ished
quickly and then a man, \\'ho fi remen
said apparently had been hiding inside
the taven1, began firing at them .
F'irc Chief Harold Potts fell dead.
•Ga• rra11
TRENTON. N.J. (AP) -Gov. Brendan
ms FOL.LO\\'ERS raced from the top
floors of lhe building and returned the
fire, killing the gunmen, v.•hose names
were not released . The fourth victim
"·as identified as J.fohamed Ahmed. A
fifth ~Iuslim, kno.,.,'ll as Jam.ii Haqq ,
was in critical condition at Brooklyn
Je"·ish Hospital.
"I opened the fron t door and there
11,·ere just bodies sprawled o u t
c1·erywhere,"' said office r lo.fik e Didonna
or the Utlca Avenue stationhouse. "Blood
all O\"cr the walls and the noor. The
people in the mosque ju.st stood there.
They shov.·ed no emotion, they v1ouldn't
s;:iy anything. God, I just couldn't believe
Police said 1 .... ·o gunn1en. armel1 ~'ith
plstols, rang !he b11izer at the n1osque
and v.•ere ad1nitted about 10:30 p.ni.
About 30 minutl'S later an anonymous
caller nolified po\iC('.
ASSISTANT POLICE Chief \\'illiam
Sullivan said, "We really aren't sure
how many there were. No one's talking."
Detectives said police found a .2:kaliber
In anothe r incident of bloody Inter·
'.\luslim feuding, S<'Vcn membe~ of the
riva l llanafi sect were killed at the
\\'ashington, D.C .. home of professional
basketball plnyer Kareem Abdul Jabbar
in January , 1973.
AFTER TllE SH0011~G. ni ne
;\tuslims \\•ho had been oo the second
noor of the building \\'alked out in single
file and refused to ans11i·er any quest.ion5.
But a member of the sect who would
iden!lfy hin1self only as £...,·art said:
"This is our business, nobody else 's
business . It ha ppened inside and it will
be discussed inside. \\'e have nothing
to say lo anyo ne."'
Rahman, the sla in n1inisler or the
sect, v.·on a police department citation
last year for his part in developlng
lines of commW"licallon betw een offlcials
and four heavily armed Black Muslims
v.·ho holed up for-47 hours in a sp>rtlng
goods store with nine hostages belore
surrendering. T. Byrne has signed legislation granling
him emergency poy,·ers to imtxi.se a
gasoline aJlocation system in New
The special JXl""'Crs embOOil.'d in the
blll Byrne signed into law Monday night
rema in in effect untll June JO, l9i5.
Red-ink Ri~hard
0 lda11d• Held
SAl(;O.\ 1U PI 1 -South \'ietnamesf'
<~111111i,1ndos landed on a sncth island
nr lhc <lispu led Spratly Group today,
1111l1tary wurres said .
·111c wurccs declined to reveal ho1v
m;iny troors took p<1rt in the opcratlon.
hut. lhf'v said a task force of about
300 na\"Y commandos and regional forces
rn1liti;imcn flQW are oontrolling all six
e Florida Canal
Supporters of the ~-Florida Barge
Canal are jubilant over a federal judge's
ruling that President Nixon did no t have
the authori ty lo halt construction
Conservationi sts opposed to t he
prnjocted shipping route between the
Atlantic Ocean and the Gul f of Mexico
called the ru ling a minor setback. They
pn:xiicted they \\"Ould win a reversal
on appeal or that Congress would junk
the projecl .
e Girls Robbed
SEATTJ E. Wash. (UPI ) -Even Camp
Fire Girl s selling cookies and candy are
not inunune from robbery. Pri ng} L.
l\.lillcr, 9, and ~firanda B. Dunlop, 8,
told police Monday that two men grabbed
their pi3sllc money bag conlalnlng lt2.3S ·
as Ibey were telling In the northeast
part of the city Sunday.
DttlvtrJ of Ult Dail)' Pllol
1$ 9U<1r11\tttd
MMoH¥·,.•ldt " II ,.._ .. M'I ,_..,. _. ,..,... .., •1• ''"'"' t•ll ..... ,..... ftllY '""' " ........ , It ~ c:11i. ••• '''"' .. 111
l!M '·"'•
i 1fWtltf '"' ..,,..,,,, II "" .. -,_......
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y11. C•lto 1r1 11111111 t lifM U 1.11'1.
"'"'" o~.,.... c ... 111y A•-.. , .... "1·un
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Nixo1t Defi cit Spending Chcimp
\VAS H l~r.TO'.'l IAP 1 -Oner. a fi rn1
advocate of lhc b.i lttnct'<I budgl'l. Richard
i\L ;.;ixon has turned out tl} be the
greatest dcficil spender in the V."hite
I louse since Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Mis red -in k record ·1s a produ ct of
a fundamental change in his econom ic
thinking and an economy that is much
more comple x, wilh the dollar worth
mudJ less, than a generation ago.
SINCE NIXON tool! office In !Ml.
the govemment has overspent il'I
revenues by $63.4 billion. The total red
Ink will reach about $68 billlon when
the fiscal 1974 year ends JWle 30,
according to rederaJ budget officlall.
On top of that, Nixon's proposed budget
for fiscal 1975 calls for a $9.4 blllion
deficit which would pu!h the total of
his de,£ic!t spending to $77.4 bilUon by
June 30. 1975.
Lyndon B. Joh?l!K>n ranks clo&elt to
Nixon for deficU spepdlng ln the years
since the heavy World War II wartime
,de!Jclls. Jorn-had lf4tral . budget
deficit. tolalilli a 11111 14(-hllllon lnlm
1964 lo 1lit.
Presldont Jahn F. Kennedy was In
of£ice two n!c&l years, IK2 and 1963,
and had deficits bo01 times totaling
l it.! billion.
DUJ\ING IIlS eight years In the While
ttouoe, Dwight D. E~enhower had
deficits of 115.8 billion.
Harry S. Truman ovenpent federal
revenues by a net SI.& billion.
Johnson had the largelt postwar
dcflcl l, 121.1 bUllon In !~cal 1968, as
he tried lo flrw>et the Vietnam war
and Great Society.
Even though Nixon htll had two deficits
reaching clo.sc to that amount, U1 billion
in fuc81 1971 and $23.1 billion a year
l•ter Nixon """""'1llt say JabMon's
J9!8 defici t was hlply'lnflallonary while
Nixon's weie not.
The re-ason. Uwy s..1y, is that the Ni xon
deficits have 1101 gone beyond the amoun t
of money thal "·ould now in to the
Treasury' if the tmeniployment rate were
4 percent, the Un(lffi cinJ definition or
full rtnploymcnt l'hey say Johnson's
did go tx>yond this thcorrtical halaOC('.
Nixon decided to adopt the full-
cmloymcnt bud get concept for £!seal
1972. l ie said th.:it ;ipprooch guaranteed
that deficit spending would help achieve
high employment while oot triggering
inflati on.
led Nixon to return, temporarily, to the
"oJd..time religion of a balanced bOOget."
But, by the time this fiscal \ol:Qr ends,
the deficit will still be $4 .6 billion.
By year, Nixon deficits were:
Fiscal 1970, $2.845 bill~; fi.scal 1971,
$23.003 billion: fis ca l 1972, $23.227 billion :
fiscal 1973, $14.301 blll loo ; fiscal 1974
estimated, $4.660 billlbn; fiscal 19751
estimated , $9.445 bilJion ..
Shoe Sliine
Was Extra
cmcloo (UPI) ' -uoo.m..er
police Monday arrested I I v e
...,,,. al a recontly opened parlor
otferinl CUJtomen a m1nlcure ~
liloe Mine from I naked W1llll&D
for Ill .
Lt. Geor!11! Bicek of lhe police
department's prostltuUon unit nld
the arrests were made lit the
Haven Naked Manicure Parlor
afler a police d fl cer paid M for
a topless manicure and a woman
employe started to perform 111
"obscene act" for an addlUonal
Bes'ldes manicures , a n o t h e r
feature at the parlor 111 a chance
to play football, a popular bar
ga me, wilh a toplets woman for
. •
• •
I '1
' l
T oday's F inal •
N.Y. Stol'ks
Hestaurant Parlaing Can B~ Heal Pain
01 ttl• Otlt~ Piiot Slaff
There's a new sport swet:ping the
business circles around Orange Cowtty
It's called "Trying to Find a Place
to Park When You Go to Lunch."
It's quite a challenge.
"They need traffic cops around these
places," grun1b led ooe harried marketing
manager who claimed he spent 10
minutes just trying to drive lhrough
the parking lot at the new Blackbeard ·s
Restaurant in Newport Place.
He (ound the nearest place to lea\'e
his c.ar was a block away in a small
shopping center in the middle of the
still-uncompleted ZOO-acre m a s t e r •
planned "business park" built by the
Emkay Development Company just south
or the airport.
Emkay President Robert Alleborn
concedes that there's a bi t of a problem.
"I've seen some people pull up right
Dragged Screa111itag
Gunmen Kidnap
Hearst Daughter
BERKELEY (AP) -Patricia
Campbell Hearst, 2 0. ye a r · o Id
granddaughter of the late publish?r
\Villiam Randolph Hearst, w.is kidnaped
from her fashionable apartment !\1onday
night in a barrage of gunlire, police
sald toda y.
At least four shot s "''ere fired at several
people on the stree t as Miss Hearst,
screaming and pleading, was blindfolded
and tossed half naked into lhe trunk
of a car and driven away by two n1en ,
police said . The men 'ft•ere identified
.i~ black.
Nixo1i Urges
Hea ltli Ca re
For On e, .4 ll
\VASHJNGTON (UPI) -President
Ni xon pledged today to assure every
American romprchensive medical care
with a minimum of federal Interference
and no higher taxes.
Jn a speech to the American Hospital
Association outlining his forthcoming
health insurance program, Nixon drew
a round of applause when he declared:
"There ore those lJ.·ho say th al health
services in Amer ica can only be
improved and extended by tbe federal
government, and \\'ilh that I totally
He presumably \\'as referring lo
proposals by Sen. Edv.·ard 1~f. Kennedy
(D--~1ass. \, v.·hich \.\·ould p r o v i d c
government financing of a cradle-lo-the-
grave health insurance system.
Nixon sai!l the three-part program he
\\'ill submit to Congress \Vednesday Viill
offe r "balanced . di gnified health care
protection'· at a cost every An1erican
can afford.
"Let. us not ma ke lhe nii:;take of
dcslroying the best medical care systein
in !he \l.'Orld that v.·e already have,"
the President told the ho s pi t a l
l'iixon, accompanied by his \.\'ife. made
no direcl reference to \Vatergate but
al one point Teiteraled his intenti()n
to serve a full elghl years in the
"The legacy J would like to leave after
my tcnn of service in the presidency.
eight years ... is a legacy of peace ,"
Nixon told his audience.
The President was pplaudcd six
times durin g his 2!>-minute appea rance.
The President told the convention
delegates: "It is health which is real
Y;ealth. You who are members or I.he
Am erican Hospital Association can leave
a legacy where America, which is the
wealthiest country, is also the he11lthieste
in the W()rld."
No one wa s hit, said Rlchafd Berger,
press officer for the Berkeley police.
One bullet struck a car and anoth-:r
shattered a window in a house next
door ,
'Some witnesses said they heard as
many as 12 shots as the sandy haired,
5-foot·3 , llO·pound 'wl.'Oma n was carried
()ff from her twe>-level s h i n g l e d
(jpartment wllcre furniture was toppled
and blood splattered in the kitchen.
"No ransom demand has been made
to the famil y as far as l know," Berger
J~e said the ~·oman 's father, Randol oh
A. Hearst, president and editor of the
San Francisco Examiner, was informed
of the kidnaping and rushed to California
from \Vashington , O.C.
f\fiss Hearst's fiance and a neighbor
\\"ho rushed to her aid \'.'ere badly beaten
by the men who smashed !he hea vy
sliding glass doo r to the apartment,
about a quarter mile south of the
L'niversity of Cali fornia campus here.
••we heard a scream, then three shots.
\Ve looked outside," sa id Sandy Golden,
21, who Jives next door to ~1iss Hearst's
t w~tory building on tree-lined Benvcnue
Aven ue.
"Tu·o men were carrying a girl. She
Wll.S struggling. She was half-<lressed .
naked from the waist up. She screamed .
'Please let me go.' She seemed to be
blindfolded," Golden said .
Steven Andrew Weed, 26. Miss Hearst's
fiance, said he opened the apartment
door about 9:20 p.m. to a young "11ite
V.'Or?Wl ~'ho said she had been in an ac-
cident and needed help.
"That is when two black men
IS.. KIDNAP, Page %1
Acap ulco Yacht
Racer s Grouped
Near Isla11ds
Leaders in the 1,430 n1ile San Diego
to Acapulco Yacht Ra ce were bunched
nor1hw est of Ccdros !stand at the B
a.m. posi tion report today.
Light winds ha ve slowed the race.
John Scri pps' 79·foot ketch ?11iramar
from lhe host San Diego Yacht Club
was leading the 16-boat fleet about 300
miles from San Diego after 44 hours
of sailing. Miramar is tbe scratch boat.
Second was Bob Beauchamp 's
C<llurnbia 57 Dorothy 0 from Newport
Harbor Yacht Club, fighting a close
baltle with John MacAl\ister's Standfasl4
40 sloop Mas Alegre, SDYC.
l\Jas Alegre ~·as reported as the
corrected lime overall and Class B
leader for the second straight da,y. The
race slarted Sunday at noon from San
Beat Deadlitae
.behind another car, get out and go
in for lunch," Allebom sa id.
But he insisted th e problem "'iii ease
\'.·hen the new restaurant next door is
completed . The two will share pa rking.
"Construction around that restauran t
blocks a lot of the traffi c lanes,"
Allebom said.
The ne\Y restaurant, Harry's Bar and
Grill of New York, is behind schedu le
and won 't be done fo r at least three
months, however.
U"I Tll1Phot1
Hearst Girl, Fiance
Trucker Stri ke
Spre ads; Nlltio 1i
F ee li11,g Squeeze
WASHINGTON (APJ -President Nix·
on thi1 ati,rnoon orde red an Immediate
freeze In the retail priee of diesel fuel
ln an effort to ball a strike of 11\depen-
dent drivers.
By the Assoelated Press
f\1ore layoffs. violence and disru pled
food and fuel shipments \~·ere reported
today as the independent truckers'
shutd(lwn spread fu rther across the
Negotiators in \\'ashlngton. D . C .
continued efforts to fi nd a compromise
plan to end the six-day protes t ()Ver
fuel prices and freig ht rates. 'n1r.
shutdov.•n -or it s effects -rC'ached
at least 42 states.
Federal energy chief \\1ill\am Simon
told members of a Se n a tC'·l[ou se.
confC'rence commi tt ee he n e c d e d
legislative authority to allow truckC'rs
to pass a1ong higher fu el prices to the
shipping companies they W(lrk ror. The
conference chairman, Rep. H a r I e y
Staggers (0.W. Va.). said, ho~'ever, it
was unlikely Congress would act soon
Later, IDwever, the Senate Commerce
Committee approved a resolution that
would ,..i.,.,,. the way for the Interstate
Qimmerce Commissi on to permit the
truckers to pass on increased fuel costs.
Sen. Warren G. ri.1agnuson (D--\'1ash.l ,
lhe committee chainnao. said he \\'OUld
do everything he can to Insur,, quick
Senate action on lhe resolulion.
Meanwhile, negotialioos in the tru ck
(See TRUCKERS, Page 2)
And th ere are some who are skept ical
that it 'll he.Ip nlut:h. If i1's as suc.:t'cssful
as Blackbeard 's, it iust 1111ght con1 pound
the problem.
The skeplil's po int to the nearby El
Torito titexican J{estaurant. which has
a fair·sizc.'CI lot that seems to fill up
before noon .
Alleborn insists the parking lots arc
big en()ugh, although others say th e
cil y codes should be stricter.
Newport llc:ith fire J\larsha L \\', n.
Popeil, Ayers
•·n111" Noller says !he parking standards
-"hich re<1u irc one park ing spare fo r
C'vC'ry rhr~ allo wable pairons , plus one
pc>r 1·rnploye -should be to ugh1'nc<I
"If you go ou t there and look. ~·ou
see an average of about t1vo persons
pe r car -11 nd a lot of people drivi ng
there alone, planning tu n1 ct· l
somebody," Noller said.
But the people v:ho \\'rot e the pnrk ing
standards, 1111' eily 's Commun ft y
l.kvt•lopn1cnt l'X'part ml·nl . suggest !hal
1~:thaps !hi> rC'St:lu ran1s are al101\1irl~
100 1nany pC'oplc inside aud 1x.•rharrs
!hC' fir(· marshal ought to check up
t)El !ht•m
··r h1·rc are three bns1c prohlr.ms. ··
said J ames !lt.>\licker. a ss i s tant
e<in1 nlun1 ty devC'lop ment d1recror.
"One of then1 js O\'e rcro1rd1ng," he'
s:.i1d .
'',\no!he r IS 1hC ract that thl' :-tanctards
don't t1n11cip;-1\P the trenil•ndous succe~s
tSi:(• 1'1\llt\l.\'G, l'aJ,:t 21
Duo To Face Trial
ot ~ t»llY root si.u
Testimony in the preliminary hearing
for ?llrs. Eloise Popeil of Newport
Beach and her alleged lover. accused
or conspiring to murder he r
multimilllonaire hu sband to assure a
piece of his $200 million fonune . has
led to an order that they must !(lrJna!ly
stand trial.
Mrs. Popcil, 48. and Daniel Ayers,
37 , were ordered ~'londay to return to
Long Beach Superior eoUrt Feb. 19 10
stand trial on one count each of
conspiracy to commit murder.
1;..tunicipal Qiurt Judge Charles S.
Lit\l.•ln also set \Vedne sda y as the date
for a hearing on a proposed gag order
to prohibit parties involved front
speaking to the press.
Defense aUorneys had ea r I 1 e r
succeeded in having the press and public
barred from later stages of the couple's
preliminary hearing in n1unicipal court.
A cool. even-mannered blonde, Mrs .
Popeil , of .5J9 Harbor Island Road, was
arrested at that location ~·ith Ayers
on Jan. 8 in a raid by Long Beach
poli ce.
They were reportedly tipped off by
l\l.'O acquaintances of Ayers v.·ho \\'Or ked
1Yith him al Douglas Aircraft Corporation
and who \.\'ere allegedly sol icited as
contract killers.
Investigators claim the target of 1he
pl()t was Chicago kitchen gadget tycoon
Samuel Popeil, 59, v.·hose industrial
empire includes production or a
coll apsible, pocket·sized fishing rod.
Barbara Conn,
l rvi11e Com p any
Aide, 35, Dead
Barbara Starke Conn . an Jr v111C'
Co mpnn y publi cis t an d th e
grn nddaughtrr of a Pulitzer prize·
11·inning journ alist. died tl1onday night
in her Ne \l.'port Be<ich home. She wa:;
"trs. Conn , 2442 Vista Nob lcza. was
found dead this morning of appa rentl y
natural causes after complaining of
illn ess.
~·~rs. Conn \'.'as the granddaughter of
the late TOOmas M. Slorke, noted former
publis her of the Santa Barbara Neu's·
Press. She "·as a ninth-generation
Californi an.
~1rs. Conn worked many years in
journalism before jonning the Irvine
Company as a corporate publicist She
also "'On several professional awards.
She is survived by her husband,
Edward : a 4-year-0ld daughter. Carrie :
her p11rents. Charles Storke I l and Rar-
bara Storke; two brothers, t">Q sisters and
a maternal grandmother.
Funeral services are pend ing.
The alleged pl()t v.·as supposedly going
along on schedule including a trip to
Chicago to case Popeil 's 10 -room
apartment \'.'hen the al leged hired killers
became v.·orried.
One of th e men. id entified as Don
Reed . 48 , and Robert Peeler, 32,
reportedly called Popeil and v.·arned hirn
of the assig nment to take his life on
a contrac.1 ba sis, according to police
tl1rs. Pope.ii and her male acqu ain ta nce
ha ve pleaded innocent to the murdre
solicitation charges and genera 11 y
maintain a l'ool, nonchalant courtroom
She and her husband "·ere in the
process of getting a divorce and if
he died before it bccarne final, she
\1•ould have inherited one.third of his
$200 n1illiu n estate, police asse rted.
'Life in Jeopardy'
Juclge Ta hles Ali1no ny R equest
CIIICAGO (UPI) -Circuit Judge Hyman J. Feldman today declined to
rule on a request from l\'!rs. Eloise Popeil th at her es tranged husband Samuel
J . Popeil, Chicago millionai re, resume alimony payments.
"TO GIVE HER ANYTHING at this time 'wl.1luld he like paying for hi s own
as·sass.inati()n ," Popell's attorney, Samuel Rinella, told the court. "llis life
is in jeopardy."
Mrs. Popcil, 43, ()f Newport Beach, and Daniel N. Ayers, 37, of Santa Ana,
arc under indictment in Long Beach charged with conspiracy to murder Popeil.
Charles D. Stein, Mrs. Popcil's atton1ey. asked Feldman to restore the
·"·oman 's $4 ,250 alimony and child support payments because of her need to
support herse!r and pay legal fees.
FEL.Dl\ti\N SAID HE declined to ru le on !he request until after 1'-Irs.
Popeil and Ayers appea r in lhe 1.-0ng Beach C'Ourt J.~eb. 19.
The man and the \.\'oman were accu:;ed of hiring two men and paying them
$.50,000 to kill Popeil, a Chicago manufacturer of kitchen gadge ts and pocket
fishing equipment.
"I i\1\1 ASSUl\IlNG she is not guilty but suppose I am v.Tong an d she is
found guilty?" Feldman said. "\Vould l be Y.'rong to grant ali mony now ?"
Taps on Donald ,Nix on
'Business, Not De fe nse'
I.OS ANGELES CUP!l -The. \Vh ite
House got the Secret Service to
inveslig-a1e business al'tivities of the
Pres ident 's brothe r. I". Donal d Nixon.
and put him under eJcctronic surveillance
at a tl me when aides were -v.•orried
Donald's affai rs \\'Ol.lld hurt Nixon's
1972 re-election chances.
The Presidl'nl !old a news conference
last fall he authorized e lee I r on i c
surveillance of his brother because ()f
a "national security" matter.
But government sources report that
adm inistrati(ln concern about Dona;d
began with his dealings with an associate
of billionaire lloward flughes and lat.er
included his trips to the Dominican
Republic, Switzerland, Ital y, Greece and
liawa ii.
Former Whil e. I-louse aides fl. It
llaldema11 and John D. Ehrlichman were
reported among those concemed. One
sou rce said th e anxiety v.'as so
\Yidesprcad lhal "Dona ld wasn'l even
al\o\rcd in to see his brother."
l Atlen1p!$ tn cont11ct f . r>onald Nixon
for con11nentary at his Nf'1\•port Beach
home were of no av.11i1. Nixon has a
recorder ans\YCrin g hi.'J telephone ).
"People 1rere alY.':iys trying to use
Donald's na mC', and quite often the
businC'ss deals i n v (I I v e d -v.'ere
questiona ble," a source said.
An cxtC'nsive UPI in vestigation into
Donald Nixon 's business a c I i v i Ii es
revealed he usually worked for
rompanil's doing busi ness wit h the U.S.
government or foreign countries and
recci\'ed '·consultant's fees." He
some!imes owned stock in the companies
in \'Ol\'rd, but there is no evidence he
madf' "subst antial" sums of money as•
all eged by Senate Wa tergate Committee I
The \Vhite J.louse investigation of 1 Donald Nixon began in 1969 and ended, J
(See OON NIXON, Page Z) j
Orange Coast Nixon spelled out principles liis
proposals would follow and said they
called for a program "where our doctors
would work for their pat..ienls, not for
the federal government, and that is
the key clement at thl! time." Council Hopefuls Qualify School Overtllne
Action W eig l1ecl
We a dler
Hike Prices
HOUSTON (AP) Two more
majoT markeien, Enon Co. USA
and GuJr. Oil Co. US, lncrtued
sasollM prices today.
Exxon announced an increase of
3.5 cents a gallon, Gulf 5.5 cent.
a galk>n.
Earlier, slx major oil companies
announced gasoline price Increases,
while Amoco Oil Compan y
eMounced Monday that It was
loweri"8 Its price ror ga!Oline two
cents a gallon.
Two Newport Beach city council
__ ....., who goored in flling tl!elr
-·~.popen inanaced to scramble
end beat today'a nooo deadline to tum
In papen wilh tl!e proper number or
City clerk 1Aur1 Laglos said both
Mra. Lucille Kuehn end Jooeph Stewart,
c:andid&tes for Corona del Mar's dlstdct
six sea~ had mlstalolnly obtsined
slgnaturcs from penoos out81de their
"[ discovered Mn~ Kuehn's error last
night 11nd was able to call her then ,''
Mrs. Lagtos said.
She only had 19 signatures from within
her district. Sh< needed 20.
Stmiwt had even a rougher lime of
it. He ooly had 16 •ignatures and he
didn 't rile u n t i I thlt mom\ng. lie had
less than (our hours lo start all over
again and he breathlessly beat the
deadline by only riine minutes.
f.1rs . Kuehn retwned her new papers
at· It a.m.
Mrs. Lagios explained that election
law doe~'\ allow candidates to file sup-
plemental lists of nomlaees so both bad
to start again from scratch.
"I'm embarra~,'' Mrs. Kuehn said.
"But 1 think the whole experience was
of benefit to me. What started out
as a niehtmare turn ed out to be
"I received the molt ex lrnordirw ry
cooperation. l called a few people and
asked them to call a few others," Mrs.
Kuehn said.
She '8id Mrs. Lagi., had called Mr
at 5:45 p.m. Monday and "people began
coming to my door by 7:30:'
She said she even got a bonus out
of it.
"Several people voluntttred to sponsor
coffees ror me so I can meet their
friends," she said.
Stewart's papers were returned by
his campaign manager, Frank Rose,
~bout 11 :30 a.m. 1od he anxiously await-
ed SleWBrt'.s 11rrival 10 sign them.
"It's like pacing in a mattmlty ward. '1
ROie Wd. "I'm right now Ju~t short
of a coronary.
Stewart just sho(>k his head and
laughed over the whole Incident and
said he had no comment.
Stewart and Mrs. Kuehn will be
rtlMlng again.st plaMing commis.~inn 'I Chairman William F. Agee and John
C. Eaker. an Insurance l:roker in the
April 9 election to sue¢<d councilman
nichard Cfgul.
Trustees of the Newport4 f\IE>Sa Unified
School District tonigh t will consider
disciplining nlne employes ~-ho allegedly
falsified time cards in order to claim
unearned overtime.
Jt was originally r@por1ed th at the
empl6yes were teachers. But dJstrict
officials today denied thls. They declined.
however, to say who Is lnvolved.
Also on the agenda for I~ 7:30
meeting at COsta Mesa City Hall is
eonsideration of a $400,000 remodeling
project At E.'ltancla High School and
A pollsible resolution ~eeklng state
Dep:irtment o( Educalion permission for
pl11clng more students in stat~upported
clas:!ies for the e duc ation a ll y
~los1ly sunny Wedne3day with
some high clouds at times. Coo ler
days with highs at the beaches in
the low 60s rising to 66 inland .
Overnight lows 45-48.
f.1ayor Joseph Alloto's wife re-
turned liomt today af ter disap-
pearil'ly for 18 dayJ on a "pro-
longed vacation." Storu Page 5.
L. M, IWf ' ...... " C1)1M11I• • Mootw.I ...... ..
t'.llHlllM .... ,..,~ ....... • C1mlc• " °"..,.. c_,-, • ('"'"""" ,, ....... '"11 0.tll NltkH ' Ii.di Marl! ... 11•11
•d111,IM P1111 • TtllVl•llR " 1!11i.n1111111oMt .. '"""" " FIRlf><I ... w .... ' "" o.,.,,., .. w-·· ...... t)-14 -w-.. w--• .t.11n LlllCHltl "
2 DAILY PILOT N lutsday, Ft~ruarv 5, l 'l74
Hunting She's a Hol1le • Fro111 Page 1
Hu ntin.gton ·s Charifu ble Divorcee "!J' acing Eviction ol' t~ restaursnts." fle\A:ickc.· sa id.
"Of course, the 1hird problem is thal
the restauranl:I <irl' brand ne\v and
whenever a rcsu1urant opell.') people flcw;k
to it lo see what 1t's like." he sa id. Can a divorced mother with five
children find on apartment for rtnt
in J-llml ington Di:Jch -at $200 a n1onth ,
or less'!
Sus;in All1'n the 11n111:1n who rounri"'-1
up 70 oltl b:(-::rlf'~ ;~s rhr1s1rnt1 s g1f1..;
for welfar e ct11ld1't'll, 1s dt·spC'ratr!y
trying to an~'rl'<'r th:i t QUl'~llon -!or
Thi." rent on ht"r 11\·1,1 ·l)t'd r oon1
No Death Li11f~?
apartment on Keelson Lane has been
rai3ed to $210 a month -a aum silt
can't &!Cord on her welfare benefit..
Sbe--f1te11 Immediate evtctkm ·and says
she can't find another dwelling that
will 1u:cep! rivt-children
Ironically, she c.!ain1s her Christmas
charity put her in lhe potentlal pos111on
of he1ng hon1cless.
She rl:iuTili her former r('nt of $!J~
Mom Acl111it s Bo y's Fall
On Stairs i11 Testimony
By TO~t BARtf<_:y
01 tl'I• 01i!"!' ~llot Sitt!
Proseculion witness Sandy Roc k\\·ood
today adrnilled thnt hl'r 3-year-Qld son
fell dU\.\'ll a night or s1;1irs ~ll h£'T Orange
home a \\'£'Ck before he diC'd but firnrly
denied f:·o1n lhc \Vl\ness stand lhat his
injuries !hen pl ayrd :i pa rt 1n his death .
Looking across <ll defendant Larry
\Vaync Cobb . she told an Orange County
Superior Court jury th:it Todd 1lockwood
had ()n!y a bump on his head lo show
for the tumble he took do~·n six steps.
And she testified under c r o s s
examination by defense attorne y Robert
Brodie thal only a bruise rema ined from
that incident a v.·cck later \Yhcn she
From PAge 1
strike moved lo lhefi\Vhlte llouse today.
Top fed eral and state mediators schrd-
uled an urgent meeting wilh President
Nixon's chief of staff, Gen. Alex.:inder
Haig. The move indi cated the talks reach-
ed a critical stage wilh both sides hc.:ic-
ful that an agreement cou ld be ·worked
out quickly.
National Guardsmen , on duty in three
slates, escorted some trucks along
Pennsylvania highv.·ays. A spokesrnan
said four-man Guard uni1 s in jeeps were
accompanying trucks carrying perishable
cargo and med ical supplies.
Pennsylvania State Police said there
were 5.1 reports of violence -including
fou r shootings -in the 24-hour period
that ended at 8 a.m. A spokesman
said 10 arrests had been made.
Highway patrolmen escorted some
tan ker trucks in Ohio.
Gov. Marvin t-.tandel of fl.1aryland said
he would use Nat ional Guard trucks.
if necessary. to take food and fu el
to the western part of his state. 11e
·did not actually call up the Gua rd ,
howeve r.
Violence was reported late t-.tonday
night or today in at \ea~t a dozen
stales. I\1ost of the trouble involved
sniper fi rings, tire slashings or objects
thrown at trucks.
The Ohio J1ighway Patrol said a
predawn fire destroyed a tractor and
tw o trailers al a trucking company in
li.1ineral Ridge.
?-.lost. of the \'io\encc did not result
in serious injury. An exce ption \vas the
\Vilmington, N.C. shooting of an
independent trucker n1anning a blockade.
Police sa1rl the drivC'r, James llcnry
Kelly, 50. of \\'1!rn1npton. 11·a~ shot in
t.he stomach and 1v:.is seriously v.·otmdrd.
They said C. F. Andrews, 57, a driver
fron1 llan1pstcad . N.C., 11·as ch;irged
v;ith assaull with ci de:idly ,,..·enpon t,1·ith
intent to kill
There 11·ere n1or.-. 1<1 \'offs in ind ustrif''>
un able to ~cl r;iw 1Tia ter1iJls {lr sh1r
fini~hf'd producl s.
Holly Fanns lndustrie~. Inc" one of
the nation's larges t poultry processors.
closed thr ee plant s in Nort h Carolina
for an indefin ite period and laid off
J,000 employes.
"We're in a heck of a mess,'' a spokes-
man said.
Layo[fs elsewhere -many of them
in the meat packing or auto industries
-totalled over 75,000.
TI'l9 0Unt• (()11! D,.ll Y PILOT, "'!Ill wlllth
.. (~lne<! !ne "''"'I P•'>I. I• bUbllV. ... DV
Illa 0••-Co.it P~bl11~ln11 Co.._nv ~-·
t11t lldll'°"' ''' 11uDll1hlld, M""l!oy ttlr-11
F•ill•v. tO< c..,.11 Mu~, N.,.P9•• 811<~.
1-<unlh"'"" fl••C~IFo<ml••n VI iif y, l~t\11\•
flllc.11, lrY lntl~•O<t!~MCk ar<I $•n Clt ,.,.,_!t/
$111 J~•" C•P•tlroro J.. &1~g1r •1!11•0r'ld "'°"'°" i• 1>1>bh•-!.lhird•r• •"" ~u..O•V1.
Tr.. pdnc:l<Ml l wa111~1"9 pl1~• I• .i Jl) wnt
fl•Y 11rttl, Co.!• M1i... Cahro•nlt, tkU.
Robtri N. W••d "••lll'•nl •• l"l'llllllltt
·~ J1di L_ <:;llrley
Vic.e P'r•lckolt wriG>-11 M•11•cw
Tit-e1 Keevil
Tho'"'' A. M1.1r,liiflt ""-lflll E•l!er
l . , ... , 11:.+.,
"'-' ._..,. Cl.., t:d11or
--· 0'!!<" JJJJ Ne ... por1 l1 wte~1rll
M•ili119 M'r•tu P.O. 101 1175, •166) .,_ ......
Ctnte M'°'"': l)O .,,.,., 11~ $1•"1 .. ,. ...... kid!: m F.,_., -"• ....... """'inOIOtl flH d ll OVJ , .. ell ao ... _ _.
,S..11 C..,...,i.r JOJ HOrth 11 ~"'" ....
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c...,,.i,M, '''" °'""" to1•• ,.....,11..,r,. C-OfflOlllV, "9 llf:•I 110!''-t. lllw1111I"""' .01'°'111 ...,.,ttt OI llCl~trtl•'"'"" 11trt111
fN1 M r~ll •lll'Wf N!'Kltl Oii'·
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~ c• ...,.,. N ld 11 C11h Maw.
(t ll ..... \1, SWU•i.11o11 DY <..,.._r tl.at
rnon!lll'o l a,, -II ll It mor>trllYl Mllll1 ....
•1111111 .... ., u fflO~ll!lr,
came home from work to be. told .:iv
Cobb that her little boy had died ·in
her absence.
Cobb. 22. is accused of inO lc ting :i
beating ;\pril l l that ca used tl1 i:' child's
r-.liss J{ockwood. 18, hns tes1iflrd lhill ,
her paran1our inflicted n1a11 v such
beatings 011 her son 1n a two-yea r
relatlonsh\p that \Vas S{'V<'red SCVl'rill
ti1ncs because of his alleged cru elty
\o\vards the child.
She has tesli£ied that Cobb forced
her to remain in the Orange home
for 2'4 hours after the child's death
and after he had sho,,.,·n he r the body
of Todd Rockv.·ood "'here he had placed
ii in the child 's crib.
It is alleged that Cobb then forced
her to oolify police that the child had
disappeared and that he confessed to
the killing after police and volunteers
scourt'd the Orange area for fiv e days.
lnvestigalors accompanied by Cobb
unearthed the child 's body fr o ma sewer
line on Anaheim area construction site.
f\-1iss Roc kwood has pleaded guilty to
being an accessory to murder. She is
currently serving a one-year ternl in
cou nty jail on that conviction.
She agreed \1•ith Brodie today that
she sharr.d Cobb's desire for her son
l'. defend himself 1nore vigorously in
his relationships with other children.
She had earlier lestificd u n d c r
questioning from prosecutor Pa t Brians
that her little boy's passive attitude
often angered C:Obb to !he point 1hat
!he defendant 1.,,ou!d beat and humiliate
her son:
Brodie expects to conclude his cross
examination of the prosccution·s key
\vitness later today.
Frotn Page 1
anned with rines, maybe shotguns
burst in 1he door," he said . "In seconds ,
they had me face down on the floor
in the hallway. They kept kicking 1ne
in the face and for cing me lo keep
my face dov.'TI .''
\\'eed said the men demanded money,
and took his v.'allet.
Berger said the men ''beat the boy
up pretty badly."
A neighbor who heard the commotion
rushed in and also was beaten. Boty
the neighbor and \\.'eed \\'Cre in good
condition at n Bc>rkclcy hospita l.
Police said two cars sped from the
scene. Sonic witnesses reported seein i;
three kidna(>t'rS an<l !:caring gunfire fro n1
bo1h \·chicles .. <\n all-points bull etin \\·as
issued for a v.·hite Chcvrolel Impala.
Berge r said a 1963 white Chevrolet
convertible, believed to be the kidnar
\'C'hic!C'. \\las found abandoned sC'11c11
blocks a11111y.
lie said it v.·as re gist,,rcd 1o PctC'r
l~t·ncn:;on, 31 , a Berkeley rad1atio11
laboratory cmploye who had been lnc<it -
('(J and v.·as s.1fe. lie did not cl ahoratc.
Fresh groceries were found in the
car and groceries also were found stre\\'n
outside lhe front of Bc nenson's house
about a mile from Miss Hearst's
News of the kidnaping was wi1hheld
for several hours by news mt'dia at
the request of police and the FBI who
said it was feared early pubLi city might
j('(lpardize A1iss Hearst's life.
A reporter at the scene said lbe
aparlmenl was a shambles, wilh blood
<Jn the panelling nea r the kitchen and
a bloOd soaked towel on the living roon1
floor .
Musicul Program
Slated Thnrsdciy
At Jlarbor High,
A mixed program of classical and
popular music will be played Thursday
at the 10th Ann ua l 1 n s t r u m en ta I
Scholarship Concert at Newport Harbor
High ScbooL
AU procttds from the concert will
go to pay college scholarships for the
top music students.
Performers at the concert will Include
two pl8llQ soloists, the school band, and
the school orchestra.
One !electi on will be a piano solo
performance by freshm nn K a r e n
Bradford, of Donald JJhillips' Concerto
in Jan.
The other pia no soloist, sophomore
Kenn eth Tellolan, wUI play Beethoven's
Sonat.t No. 17.
The perfor mance will beg in al 7:30
p.m. In tbe Newporl-llarbor tUgh School
Auditorium. Thf: $J tickets may be pu r·
chased at the door.
.. ...... " ....
wu railed because tn articlea about
th• Chrl1tma1 bloyclt drlv11 1he referred
to the apartments on Keel.son Lane as
"a slum and ghetto J.rea.''
Th e aparl1nent ov.·nc.r, Ray Lc,,..•is,
couJd not be reached for comn1ent bul
his n1anager said all the rents are
being ra is ed <ind ?-.lr:s . Allen's charges
nrc not lruc.
A lape:-recorded voice on the other
end of a phone number li.i ted by Lew is
for apartments for re.nt, however. tells
1hc call<'r th ere are three two-bed room
apart ments on Keelson avallable for $149
a month .
The mother of five still fa ces eviction
with no place to go. She says she
\\'OU!d like to remain in the Keelson
neighborhood because she hopes to
establish some type or youth center
The neighborhood has many broken
families and youngsters either without
~ fathe r or mother. Susan, currently
Jobless, hopes to obtain a job with
th.c county mental health department,
with a chance at 1vorking with the
Keelson a rea youngsters.
ll1eanwhile, a home for herself and
her ov.·n family is the first priority,
and anyone \1'ho can help is asked to
phone the LYNN (Love Your Neighbor
Now ) Cent er in dO\vnto\Vn J1untington
Beach ;_ii 536-0614.
Diiiy Pilot Pholt lly P1!ritk O'Oo11nrll From Page 1 WHAT LURKS IN MIND OF LINDEN LAVENDER?
DO N NIXO N Only Thos. Who Di•I Li nden's Laughlint Know
• • •
sources said. \\'hen the Secret Service
romp!ain«i it \Vas being used lo "play
nursemaid." The Secret Service was
take n off the case and the wiretap
was ordered after a meeting of
llaldcman, Ehrlichman and then-
Attomey General John ;...iltchell, sources
said .
Lavender Laughs
Newport Cornie to Start }<iil Rap
Pres ident Nixon told ri ne"'s conference
last fall he authorized th e electronic
sur veil!aJlce because of a "nationa l
secu rity" matter. The \Vhite Hou se did
not elaborate, but it is believed to have
involved Donald Nixon"s deali ngs with
government leade rs in the Dominican
Republic and Greece and possibly Italy
and S\\'ilzer\and as \Yell.
During the period the invesligation
,,..·as under wav, a nun1ber or the
President's persOnal friends also were
asked to "help keep Don out of trouble"
sources said.
These included Charles G. "Bebe"
Rebozo; Richard G. Danner. \\·ho nO\\'
"·orks for Hughes and int roduced Rebozo
to Richard Nixon ln 1950; Herbert \V .
Kalmbach. the Pdesldent's personal
lav.·yer, and Arthur Blech. a prominent
Los Angeles tax acootmtant v.·ho later
made news as the man v.·ho filled out
the President's controversial lax returns.
For more than a yea r. the investigation
centered on the brother's business deals
\\•ith John J\lcicr, a 1-lughes "scientific
advise r" for mining claims now under
indictment for income tax evasion.
Hank Greenspun, owner of the Las
Vegas Sun. told UPI in an interview
in Las Vegas that "Ehrlichman sent
Kaln1bach to sc-c me in late 1971 to
find out wh.'lt Don Nixon ·was doing
with Meier."
01 11!1 Diily P'l!ot Sl11l
Linden J . Lavender subscribes to the
olcl philosophy that says, Laugh and
the \Vorld Laughs With You, Cry and
You Cry Alone.
The trouble is, not everyone always
laughs with him.
Nev.•port Beach police did not laugh
last November when a laughing Linden
Lave nd er led them a merry chase at
70 miles per hour on n motorcycle
he bar<'IY knC\Y hO\V to ride.
!·le hit the sandy beach. fell t~illight
over handlebars and y;as nabbed.
Judge Donald Dungan did not laugh
1\·hcn he peered over his bench in Harbor
Judicial District Court thi!. \Veek at
a somewhat contrite Linden J . Lavend er.
"He gave me-lO days in county
ja'1l. I check in Feb. 6," says Lavender,
a colorful character \\'·hose antics partly
involve his being doomed by a chronic,
dPbilitating disease.
His defense atlomey prob ab 1 y
laughed-all the way to the bank-with
his $1 ,500 fee for presenling his clienrs
negotiated plea to a reckless drivin g
"But, with the way inflation is going.
1 gei a lot for my money," quips the
former TV romedy writer. ''You lake
Cl iff Haven Group
i'leeling Set Tonight
Greenspun said he could 1ell Kalmbach
lit1!e because he. had rarely seen Don
Nixon in Las Vegas. But hl! said he
since has begun to believe Kalmbach
thought hr. was holding something back,
and this "may have inspired " the pl<in
b~· lhe \Vate rgate burglars lo break
into his safe. The burglary \\'3S never Beautification programs and election
ca rried out. of office rs t,1•iJJ highlight the :mnu;il
Blech said 11on Nixon came lo h!n1 mee ting of the Cliff Haven Community
v:ith some tax probl ems. Association tonight at 7:30 in the nlulli·
"Don \\'as ha\·ing trouble \\''ith the purpose roorn Qf Horace Ensign Schoool.
!HS. no thing really serious. but he'd The inee1ing is open to al! property ov:nl'rs .:ind residents. 1'hcv will also lcl il go 011 . .':Ind the IRS \\'.'.IS lhr<'a l cn in ~ 1 1 · · 1f'ilr pmgrcss repor s on various proiects lo as:;css," Blech said. lie said he
reached a SC'ttlement v.·i1h the JR S in ~o~v ing the neighborhood .
a couple of months. and Donald Nixon
<iskcd hin1 to become his business
$1.500 for IO days' free roon1 and bo.aJ;d
... that's $80 a day."
''I gel to turn myse!J 1n Wednesday
at 6 p.m., says Lavender. pointing out
that friends v.·ho want to keep In touch
v.·on't have to ,,..•nit for visiting hours.
They can dial L'indrn's Lflughline.
"Every day. there's a different piece
of bizarre humor . l v.·ouldn't ca ll them
jokes," he said.
The Laughlinc consists of a $400
le!ephone rerording device so busy il
rnust have parts replaced tv.·ice a v.·eek
nov.' due to the volume of calls.
··1 told JO people about it to begin
\Vith :' says the r!o .,.,·n to whom cost
is no object. "and v.·ithin a "'·eek it
was up to 500 calls a day."
\\'hat do yoo get ,,..·hen you dial
548-3273 in the v.·ay o( fr e e
Friday, it was a soH!oquy putportipg
to be an interview "'ith restaurateur
Sid Soffer ai>out business at his Blue
Beet. with the sound of a toilet flushing
in the background .
There are a few words of "'isdom
<Jn Napoleon's elephant, some thoughts
on the sinking of the Titanic and ?-.1iddle
Ages religious "'ars.
All are Lavende r originals, with the
exception of one sound effect. the
Newport Beach Police he liropter fl yi ng
Selections are changed daily , with new
routines added occasionally.
Linden Lavender's rnotivations may
be as complex as the decor of his
clutlered cottage. but the fact he was
given onl y perhaps 10 years to live
l l ycarS' ago now probably counts.
"l just like to make people laugh
•.• for free,'' he says.
On C! mn re clue con1cs In a comment
in a short story manuscript among the
01hrr n1crno rabilia ln th e home of a
111an \1·ho hns gone to many foreign
places and done many unorthodox thing;;.
"Columbus discovered no isle as lonel y
as himself ."
"It enjoys a very good busin~s for
a fev.· 1nonths or so. After il's hc<'n
open for uv.·hi1('. ~hings settle down tu
nornial," he said.
Hewieker did t"Qllt:t<le lht1 rs 1101 t1lwa v~
lhe case. Jusl across t-.1acArlhu1
Boulevard are tv.·o r<'sta11rants in thJ·
city of Irvine th:it i11 fac1 1nak e <1
sharnbles of thal tl1cory
They've been open for 1norC' than l\vo
years and v.·ere pe:rhaps responsible for
Init iating the new sport
But lht·rc. nd jolning off il'C' c.un111lf'.\1'~
offer enough ex lru p:i rk1ng l (I
accommodate the spillover.
There's nothing but dirt ,1 n <l
construction equipment .!lUrrounding th('
restaurants in Ncwporl J>lacc. The only
completed offi ce buildlni;l nearby ha s
gates guarding i!s entry and drivers
need a card to open the1n.
Alleborn. however, said there will bi.>
a new office bJilding finished latl'r th1s
year that will make ils parking avallab!r
at night -evening diners are. having
similar problerns -but be conceded
that won 't help the two-hou rs-ror-luncl1-
The !)<'Opie \\'ho run Blaekbcnrd's :ind
El Torito arc reluctant to e-01npla 1n
about the prob\cn1 publicly .
But the managl•n1t:nl of b o t h
rcstaurnnts disclosed they arf'
11egotiating \Vith Allcborn lo ease !he'
"\Vc\·t· be<'n ~elting a number or
l'onipla1nts." acin1ittl'd Federico till1r;1·
w1lla. assistant nian::iger of El Tor11 ci.
Blackbeard manager Elias Manolakas
ronffnned that nego tialions are
under way, but olheN'ise he .s.aid lit•
had no com ment.
"Just look at it yourself and decide
it there's a problen1,'' he sa id.
And El Torito owner Larry Cano
added, "We're very happy it 's a problem.
But we are negotiating for niore pnrking
and we'll have it as soon as possible."
Planning official l·lev.·icker and fire
official Nol er said they arc p!anning to
meet lhis week to review Lhe problen1
and try to find some 11nsv.·ers.
NeWporl B e ach plannin g
commissioners have t.:1!ked about the
problem in the past . But t h e i r
observations have been far fron•
"Our standards are very adequate for
WlSuccessful restaurants. But Nev.·port
Beach d()(~sn't sc-crn to ha\'c too man~·
of these." Planning Co n1 m i s s ion
Chairman \\'illiam Agee has said
Planning st.:1ff members s.1y marl'
pressing problen1S. like v.•ork on lhe
new general plan. have kep t thc.m fro n1
performing ci thorough review of the
parking standards.
C roivbu r-ar1ne<l
Citizen Catches
Burglar Suspects
A crowbar-carrying citizen w a s
credited today ,,..·ith ca pturing l\\'O
burglary suspects .who ~re allegedly
on their way back to a Ne.,.,-port Beach
realty office for a second load of loot
when detained.
Rob S. Loudon. 20. of 469 N. NeY.'pCl rt
Blvd.. and Ro y D. Lindsay, 23, a
transient, were arrested and booked on
susp icion of burglary.
NeY.'flO rl Beach Police DetL'Ciive l-.tike
Sullivan said patrohnen a!ertt'd by Dcrftit
Carter, v.·ho had confronted the l\\'O
suspects at 2 a.m . tovk 1hcm into
They were arrested whil<' hiding nf'ar
Prestige Homrs. 300 N. Nr wport Blvd .,
and $1,700 v.'flrth of 1!r1ns tr:iccd to
lhc firrn , including a l~'f>C\'rTtlt'r and
oil paintings. 11·ere found in Loudon 's
apartment. police said.
Blech said he called Kalmbach , ;i
business friend, to see if he shou ld
take on the president's brother.
"Kalmbach said 'Good, tha t's great.
keep an eye on him and report back
to me. We need someone to kee p Don
out of trouble,' " Blech quei.ed Kalm-
bach as saying.
Let ·Us Put You on the Map
Blech said he did just that for about
a year, but finally severed hi s
re lationship with Donald Nixon when
the brother went into a business dea l
Blcch advised against.
The deal .... ·as \Vith llallan1ore Homes,
a small Santa Ana nlanu factu rer of
1nodular housing.
, Secu rities & J<:xc\1ange Comniis~lon
ISECJ re<:ords showed J)onah1 Nixon
and his wife Clara ov.·ned J,000 shares
of stock in Hallamore Homes. Do nald
also was a member of the bonrd of
directors of San-Bar Electronics, "'hlch
owned most of ·HaUamore Homes. ~
SEC records show that ~ of the
firm's major projects was an $8 milli on
Air Force housing contract.
BOSTON (UPI ) -Santa Ana , CaliL
and Scarborough. Onl., were named
grand av.•ard winners for the United
States and Canada in the 1973 nre
prevention contest conducted by the
National f'ire Protection AsM>Clatlon , it
was announced today.
11le annual conl~~t. now in ils 47th
yea r, is based on year-round commllllilY
effor ts to reduce fires and educale the
public in fire prevention practices.
• ,_
Near the entrance, inside ouT store, is o glont
new mop. We ore in the process of identifying
oil of the homes we hove carpeted since 1965
on 1his mop w ith colored pins. (A different color
for each year.)
Close scrutiny w ill detect some inleresting
focls: firstly. we ~ave carpeted homes p n
virluolly every street in the area. Secondly, the
pins or e in b u nch es, Indicating
WOR D-OF-MOUTH odverrising. Th irdl y, the
number of ~ome1 we hove corpeted is
If you desi re ho nesi y. experience. and
recommendolions fr om neighbors we hove
worked for, then Alden's is THE PLACEI
SINCl 1957
1663 Placentia Ave.
COST.t. MIS.t.
Mon.-Thu"'-9 to 5:30; fr!. 9 lo 91 Sot. 9:30 to S
t c
T oday's Fin a l
N.Y. Sto cks
Mesa Council Rejects Bid Froni. Gay Church
A somber congregation of "gay"
parishioners left Costa ~1esa City Council
chambers Monday night after being told
they will not be permitted to continue
their Wednesday night Bible studies at
the current location.
Councilmen rejected the z on in g
variance application by the l\.1etropolitan
Commllility Church v>ilh a $-0 vote on
the basis thal lhe homosexually oriented
Christian church did nol n1cct city
parking rcquiren1ents .
2 l(idnap
Daughte r
Of Hearst
BERKELEY (AP) -Patricia
Cam p be 11 II ears t , 20-year-0ld
granddaughter of !he late publish ~r
\Villiam Randolph Hearst, was kidnaped
from her fashionable apartn1ent f\tonday
night in a barrage of gunfire, police
sai d today.
AL least four shot s v•crc fired at several
people on the street as l\.1iss llearst.
screaming and pleading, "''as blindfolded
and tossed half naked into the trunk
of a car and drivC'n av:ay by two men,
police said. The men \Vere identified
as black.
No one v.•as hit. said Richard Berger.
press offiCi!r for the Berkeley police.
One bullet st ru ck a car and anoth~r
shaltered a \\'indow in a hol15C next
door .
Some witnesses salrl Oley heard as
many as 12 shots as the sandy ha ired.
f>.foot-3 , 110-pound v.·oman \\"as carried
off from her hvo-level sh i n g 1 e d
apartment where furniture v.•as toppled
and blood splattered !n the kitchen.
"No ransom demand has been ma de
to the family as fa r as I know,'' Berger
l~e said the woman's father. Rando!ilh
A. Hearst, president and editor of the
San Francisco Examiner, ·was informed
of _the kldnaping and ru shed to California
Deatla Plot
'111e \'atiance .,_,.ould have allowed the
church to maintain its Bible and "rap''
sessions at the home of Harry John
Rule at 215 E. 23rd St.
But councilmen ruled that all churches,
no matter what their denomination. must
provide ample parking and that the
parking lot at nearby Lindbergh School
could not be used to make up the
space deficiency.
Rule, \vho told the council that he
\\•as una\vare inviting his fri ends over
UPI Tt!t Pllttt
Hearst Girl, Fiance
from \llashington, D.C.
1'.1iss Hearst's Hance and a neighbor
v.·ho rushed to her aid v.•ere badly beaten
by the men \Vho smashed the heavy
sliding glass door to the apartrnent.
about a quarter mile sout h o( the
Universit y of CaljJorni a ca 1npus here.
"We heard a scream, then th ree shots.
tSee KIDNAP , l'age 2)
Mr s. Poileil Will Stand
Trial With Her Bo yf rie11d
01 ltll Dtllr ,.llol Sltll
Testimony in the prclin1inriry hearing
for l\1rs . Eloise Pope.ii of Ncv.'J)Ort
Beach and her alleged lover, accused
o! conspiring 10 murder her
mullimi llionalre husband to assure a
piece of his $200 1nillion fortune. has
led to an order that they mu st lormally
stand trial ..
Mrs. Popeil, 48. and Daniel Ayers,
37, were ordered f..1onday to return to
l.oog Beach Superior Court Feb. 19 to
st.and trial on one count each of
conspiracy to commit murder.
Municipal Court Judge Charles S.
Utwin a1so set Wednesday as the date
for a he&rin g on a proposed gag order
to prohibit parties involved rrom
speaking to the press.
Defense aLtorncys had e a r I i e r
succeeded in having the press and public
barred from later stages of the couple's
preli minary hearing in mw1icipal court.
A coot. even-mannered blonde. illrs
Popell. of 519 Harbor Island Road . "·11:-
arrcsted ~t th at location \1·ith Ayers
on Jan. B in a raid by Long Beach
police ..
They \\'ere reportedly tipped oH by
t\1·0 acquaintances of Ayers who v.-orked
\1·lth him at Douglas Aircraft Corporation
and who were alleged ly solicited as
contract kiUers.
Investigators claim lbe target of the
plot was Chicago kitchen gadget tycoon
Samuel PopeiJ, 59, wtiose industrial
empire includes production of a
collapsible, pocket-sized fishing rod.
The alleged plot v.•as supposedly going
aloog on schedule including a trip to
Chicago to caSe Popeil's 10 -room
apartment when tbe alleged hired killers
became v.'orried.
One ol the men . idenlificd as Don
Reed, 48, and Robert Peeler. 32,
reportedly called Popeil and v.•amcd hi111
1See POPEIL, Page 2)
•Life in Jeopardy ~
Judge Tabl es Alimo1iy R equest
CHICAGO (UPI) -Circuit Judge HJ1l1:an J. Feldman today declined to
rule on a rtquest from Mrs. Elolse POpeU ttiat-htr eslr81Ji«fhujband Simuel
J. Popc11, ·crucago·mtllionalre, resume aJlm:my payments.
"TO GIVE.HER ANYTHING at 1hla llme ••uld be like paying for his own
. assassination, .. Popeil~a ~.-~~;~Ua,. to1d tbc JCOart;. "WI life
is In jeopardy." -· • · • ·
Mrs. Popeil, 43, of Newport Beach, and Dan iel N. Ayers, 37, of Santa An11,
nre under indictment in Long Beach charged with conspiracy to murder Popeil.
Charles D. Steln, Mrs. Popeil 's altomey, asked FeJdman to restore the
~·oman's $4.250 aUmony and child, support payments because of her need to
support herself and pay legal fees.
FEI.01\.fAN S,\ID 11£ declined to rule on the request until after "1rs.
Popeil and Ayers 11rppe11r in the Long Beach court Feb. 19.
.The man and the wom1n were accused of. hiring two men and paying th@m
$50,000 to kill Pope.ii, a Chicago manufacturer of kitchen gadgets aod pocket
fishing equipment.
"I A.~1 ASSUMING she is not guilty but suppose I am wrong and she is
found guilty?" f'eldman said. "Would I be wrong· to eranl alimony now?"
to study Ole Bible and rap was illegal.
said he had permission from the
Newport-Mes.a Unified School District to
use the schoo l lot.
While COWlCilmen based their rejection
on the pa rking shortage and alleged
building code violations at the church,
a representative of the Central Bible
Church squarely addressed t h c
underlying issue of homosexuality.
tJcrbert Burnham said not only v.•ere
the facilities inadequate, but a gay
church "is not in the interesl or 11't'lf<r rc
of the entire community." The church
official addt'd that homosexuality is
illegal in California. contrary to the
teachings of Christianity, and that he
stands opposed lo the Metropolitan
Co1nmunity Church building a house of
"'·orship anyv.·here in Costa J\.·lcsa.
Rev. Rodger J1arrison of th e
fo.letroJX!litan Church accused coun<'i l
1ncmbers of holding: a secret strategy
1necling :H ci1y h<ill Lo deny huniophilcs
thei r righ!s and lo rorce 1hen1 10 nttend
a gay chu rch in Long Beach.
li e told them that during 1hr fi1·e
yrars the ~ll'tropolltan Corn cnun11y
Church has been in ex1stcnt·c. fnc
build ings have been burned.
··Th<11 's one a year. \\'c're go1n~ !u
build in concrete fron1 no11· on, .. s:ud
Hev. llarr1son . who tur.s i<]cnlifit..'<l hilllSl'lf
.:is :1n ordaine<l Baptist niinistcr.
"'The city of Cos11:1 ~l tsa h;1s fai le d
t!11· 7,000 giiy }l1.'Qplc of Cos1a i\\('Sa.
I 1ron·t go into these th ings now. but
it's pn•uy 1l'rr1b!c \\'hat you do 10 11tc111, ·
ht' said.
Jay :\lur)ey . co-chairnian of the Orangl'
Co1u1ty Chll\)ll'r uf the An,1•r1ca n ('11 ti
Lih(•rlit.•s lin1on. said v.·h<'n The 1>l:1nninr::
romrn1ss1on rrJC'Cted !he \'artanec 11•ith
;111 1drnt1c:il 5·0 vole 111·0 11·eek..;; ago
·'there \1·ert' overtones of putl·n\J;.d
1IL'>erir11inat1on '
1\ft\:r lhE• llll'('ting .\lurlt1y lo Id
tSrr ·(;A rs: l'agc :!J
Sign Ordinance Ruling
To Re si1me
Of '"" "•llT 1'111)1 51•11
Costa !\lcsa city councilmen ?o.1onday
night declared themselves unable to act
on a complicated and controversial new
sign ordinance and ordered the decision
delayed wHil tonight.
The marathon pt.iblic hearing resumes
at 6:30 p.m. in the fl.1aude B. Davis
School auditorium with a paragraph by
paragraph examination of the di sputed
document. If adopted in its existing
fonn the sign ordinance would halve
existing signs in the city by 1981.
Councilmen stopped on Pa ge 9 of the
35-page sign proposal after it became
apparent that additional time V.'as
required to allow comrr.unity and
business leaders to react to specific
Comments during Monda y night's hour-
Jong sign session were confinl'd largely
t~ general remarks about lhe ordinance
by sign-0v..11ing businessmen a n d
homeowners ·interested in municipal
~l uch of that hour was taken up by
attorney Donald Smallwood , representin g
25 business owners including IO Harbor
Boulevard auto dealers.
Sn1allwood said his clients were: not
opposed to either a sign ordinance or
the ';noble objective" of improving Costa
f..lesa·s appearance, but he ren1inded
councilmen that th e beautification
program·s burden would be borne
exclusively by one group -the bus-
"If you are going !o pass an ordinance
that takes property and impairs (sign
company) contracts, it is important that
you pass an ordinance wh ich is
~See SIGNS, Page 21
Costa Mesa Girl
F lees Assa ilant
111 Ai1t o Att ack
Orange County Sheriff's officers are
today investigating an attack on a 15·
year-old C.Osta htesa area girl by a
1nan who altempted to n1n her do,vn
with his car Monday after she resisted
his advances.
O.lty Pilot 51•ft PNI•
Hearing Continues at Davis Sc hool on Law That Would Affect Signs T hroughout Costa Mesa
Care Vowed for One, All
Nixo 11 Pledges Co1n11 rehen siue Meclicc 1l Assistl111.ce
By HELE\! Tll0:\1AS
\\'ASHING TON IUPI f -President
Nlxon pledged today to assure every
America n comprehensive medical care
with a minimum of federal interference
and no higher taxes.
Jn a speech Lo the American Hospital
Association outlining his forthcom ing
health insurance program, Nixon drew
a round of'applause \\'hen he declared :
"There arc those l\'l'lo say that healt.h
services in America can onl y be
improved and ex.tended by the federal
government, and \1•ith that l totally
•le pre:-u mably \\•as referring lo
proposals by Sen. Edward 1'.1. Kennedy
(D-~1ass.). \Yhich v.·ould pr ov.idc
government financing of a cradle·to-the-
grave health insurance system.
Nixon said the three-part program he.
will submit to Congress Wednesday \\'ill
offer "balanced . dignified health care
protection'' at a cost every American
can afford .
"Let us not make the mistake or
destroying the hcst medical care system
in the v.•orld lh;'11. v.·e already have,"
the President told the ho s p it a I
Nixon. accompanied by his v.•ife. made
no direct reference to \Vatergate but
at one point reiterated his intention
tG serve a full eight years in the
"'The legacy I \1·ould like to Je;i.ve after
my term of service in the presidency ,
eight years . . is a legacy or peace,"
Nixon told his audience.
The President was pp!auded si x
times duru1g his 25-minute appearance.
The President told the convention
delegates: "It is health \l"hich is re::il
v.·ealth. You 11·ho are niembers ~f the
Acapulco Yacht
Racers Gr oupe d
Nea r Islana s
American llospital Association cJn lea\"e
a legacy v.·here Arnerica. v.·hich is the
11·ealthiest country, is also the healthiest
in the world."
Nixon spelled out principles his
proposals would fol101v and said they
called for a program "y,·here our doctors
\\·ould work for their patients, nol for
the fed eral government, and that is
the key element at this lime .. ,
Nixon said lhe plan "\1•ould finance
virlualty all of the health protection
people need -hospital and physician's
care in and out of the hospital. drugs,
laboratory tests. X-rays, m e d i c a I
clevice!', ambulance serviee , trea tment
Qf children, cataslophic illness -and
C\'en mental illness, including alcoholism
and drug abuse." I
Orange Coast
Investi gators said the victim was on
her "-'BY home from school and '"'1as
less than a block from her Canyon
Drive home when she was first accosted W the ttPOtorltl She descr~ hlm as
' a man •ged between SO 9Jld 60. • ·Exxon, Gulf
Hike Prices
Leaders in the 1,430 mile San Diego
to Acapulco Yacht Ra ce were bunched
northwest of Cedros Island at lhe 8
a.m. position repo rt today .
Mostl.Y sunny Wednesday With
some high clouds at times. Cooltt
days with highs at the beacl)Cs in
the low liOll rising to 66 Inland.
Overnight lows 45-41.-
Officers said the girl told them she
ran from the man towards a nearby
bome when be gOt out of his car and
suggested lhat she accompany him.
The victim said that she resumed
her journey home after he returned
to his car, turned around and drove
Officers said the girl was then struck
a glancing blow from behind by the
same car moi:nentl later as the motorist
drove his vehicle onto the sidewa lk in
an attempt to turr het down.
Deputi~ said the girl waa lreaWi
at a "'1\eart:Jy doctor·s office for cuts
and bruises nnd 8hock and was allowed
to return home. A de!lcrlpUon of the
attacker and his car is bei ng circilated
throughout the cowity.
HOUSTON (AP) --'IWo more
• major marketers. Exxon Co. USA
and Gulf Oil Co. US, increased
gasoline prices today.
. . .
Exxon announced an increase of
3.S cents a gallon, Gulf 5.5 cents
a gallon.
Earlier, she mojor oil companies
announeed gasoline price increases.
while Amoco Oil C ompa ny
announced Mon'day that it w11s
lowering lts price for gasoline two
~ts a gallon.
Light winds have slowed the race.
.John Scripps' 79-foot ketch Miramar
from the host San Diego Yacht Club
Yi'as leading the 16-boat neet about 300
miles from San Diego after 44 hours
of sailing. !\lira mar is the scratch boat.
Second was Bob Bcaucbamp 's
Columbia 57 Dorot.hy 0 from Newport
llarbor Yacht Club, fighting a close
btittle with ,John r-.-1acA\lister's Standfast-
40 sloop r-.-1as Aleg'fe, SDYC.
Mas Alegre wa~ reported as the
corrected time overall and Class B
leader for the seccnd st.ralghl day. The
race started Sunday al noon from San
Diego .
Mayor J oaeph Alioto's wife re·
tJ.Lnled home today after disap--
pearing jot 18 days on a "pro-
lunge<l vocatlo11."' Story Page 5.
L M. ._... I
O~..,._ I c......... 11-14 c-1u u
c-d 11 m.... ftOlkH t
a.t.rr11 Pitt I
..... ,,.1ft11'1tfll 1t •-.nee ,.,,
My Otr4nw 11
MfrtM:OH 14
AMI Ll!Mkft n
Moo~lt\ ,.
Mytu•I l<llMI 111
N•lltul Mt'fitlll t
Of•-c ... ftty I '-1• ... ,.
Sit<\ M1~ 1 .. ll
TIM\'f\IH 11 ,,.....,. ,, ·-. ._ .. Nt>wS 1>-1•
w.w -~ •
" J
~;l Cf\I LY t'!LO\ l llt$lldf, f ebruary ~. !'174
City Snys No
Mesa Residents
Hit Restaurant
A rcst~urant within \\<liking distance
might be <111 asset dul'1n g rhc S(' gasless
days, but not !(1 thr l\J,·.;a del l\1ar
neighborhood 1n Cost" ;..1e~a
R.Csidents tur ned out 100 stroni::
Pvlonday night IQ pl ead for , ;.ind
ultimately "''in, from ('1ty counc ilmC"n
a promise that 110 eatery "''ou!d be
buill there.
They based U11•i r objections lo the
24-hour restaurant on inereascd traffic.
noise, and smells they claim v.·ould
disturb their residential tranquility.
Councilmen agreed, and \\'ith 3 4-0
vote denied a zone change request by
Barbara Conn,
Irvine Company
Aide, 331 Dead
Barba ra Storkc l '.onn, an Irvint!
Co mp any p ubl1c1sl and th e
granddaughter of a Pulitzer pri1.c-
winning journalist . died l\londay night
in her Newport Beach hon1e . She \Vas
r-.1rs. Conn, 2442 Vista Nobleza, was
found dead this morning of apparentJ y
natural causes after complaining cir
illness. ~lrs. Conn was the granddaughter or
the late Thomas M. Starke. noted former
publisher of the Santa Barbara News-
Press. She v•as a ninth-ge neration
Cal ifornian.
Mrs. Conn \\'orked many years in
journalism before jonning the. Irvine
Company as a corporate publicist She
also won sever<ll professional a"'·ards.
Sh.e is sur\·i\'L'<i by her husband,
Edward; a 4-ye<ir-old daughte r, Carrie;
her parents. Charl es Storke Ii and Bar-
bara Storke; t"'·o brothers, two sisters and
a maternal grandmother.
FW1eral services are pending .
Musical Program
Slated Tliursday
At Harbor Hig1i
A mixed program of classical and
popular music will be played Thursday
al the 10th Annua l I n s trum en ta l
Scholarship Concert at Newport Harbor
High School
All proceeds from the concert will
go to pay college scholarships for the
top music students.
Performers al the concert will include
tv.·o piano soloists, th e school band, and
the school orchestra.
One selection v.·i \l be a piano solo
performance by freshman K a r c n
Bradford, of Donald Phillips' Concerto
in Jazz. The other piano soloist, sophomore
Kenneth Tclloian , v.·ill play Beethoven's
Sonata No. 17.
The perforn1ance()Will begi n al 7:30
p.m. in the t\rv:port-!rarbor Jligh School
.Auditorlum . Thf' Sl tickets mny bl.' pur-
chased at 1he doo r.
H.a d iator~ lli pped
Front i\lesa Autos
Burg!Jrs r~iid(-d a Cost;i :\lcsa rt1pair
shop and ripped the radlal ors out of
~seven older vehic les parked at the lot.
company spokesmen told police J\1onday.
J\U ch.'.lel l\1odlin, of A and A Engine
Rebuilding. 20.17 Harbor Bh•d., esti.matcd
the loss at more than ~400. including
a tape deck assembly in addition to
the radiators, J\1odlin told police the
cars were all either older domestic
vehicles or foreign cars .
T~e O••rov-C.w1t OAIL Y PILOT, will! .... l<l'I
" co"1blf'olld ll>o "'-••·Pr•u. ;, """II•-W t"• Or•ll04' Co111 Publ»"•"ll Corn~ny, S•IM-
.. 1• todl!111<>1 .,. p,,1>li1~ec. Mond•v 111,..,111111
Ftl~ay, 11>t Co•I• Mf•f . Nowporl lh•tft,
Hl,Hlr1"9'°'1 llolC~ J"o.,.,••l" \11llt V. l •l!Vn•
e ... cr.. l•~int1So<101•t>Ot• ~"" 5 •n Cl•mo~r•/
S•" J..-n C•?illr•"6 . .A •i~O•• rl{llOfllll
..,,!Ion h Pllbli>i.td S1•uro•~• •nd $...-.ci•Y'I·
tl'I• prW:lf>ll ""llll1l'llnt fll•nl J1 11 lJO Wul
kY $11MI, (01t1 N\•11. C1ll10rnlf, 92'2'.
Rtb.rf N. W1•d
Pr•-l 1r.i Pub!ll,,_, J•c• l , Curl•y V1c:t Pm.lffnl 11111 Gt~I MtNfW
th.111•1 1Ctt¥i\ l•n_.
lJia.,.•• /I.. M11rpllh1a
~lno Editor
ct. .... , H. 'lal'I -i<:lutil ,, Nall
Au!rt1 nt ""*"-ti"' EOI"'°
c.t9 .. _~
• JJO Watt l1y StT1at
M•ill119 Addra1t1 'P.O. lo1 1560, tl626
OtMr OHie" H•.,.,,.,,.. t..-c11: u n ,._..,, eo..1e.1r•
uti-llHtll: m J'ortit •• .,...,.
tl ... !ln!llorl flHt ll: 1111' ll.,.cl\ "'-'1 .... t rd ~·~(!-It : J01 Nottll El Ctl'fll"6 ll:H I
T .. .,.... 17141 642-41JI
C ....... A.t•••tl .. 64J-5611
'°""""'· It,,, °'-'-" "tAM""'~ c...,..~,. Nt ,,.w1 110ri., ltlvl!nlloN,
.,.1..,111 """'or ., 1H1vm 1.-n 11trll11
fNY l)t r$<Cllf\oUolf wlfl'IOUI t411'111 ...,.
"'1u i.n ti cOHrlOM -·
~ <1911 -'"' ,..1o111 ., , ... ,...,
(•llMr11Wo, 1'*9«ipl1M 11'1' c.n'lfr ll ...
..-lllh. 1:1'1' "''U U.IS mwtt!llYI "'!!~,.-,
ennn.1..,. a . ..i "*""'~"
Jc-rv-T·I Enterprisi'S tor the odd -!-.h<JJ)('d
101 at Presidio Drive and Bristo l Strei'!.
\'ice J\t<.rvor \\'illard ·r Jo rd :1 n ~bsta1ned frorn the discussion of the
applit<itlun .. nu fro1n \'Oling becaus11 h{!
rt'prescnted the de\'eloper's lnll·re:-t in
the ·1.one change. Jordan is an urch1t<'ct.
Both rouncilm<'n and hon1eo\v11ers
r1gr1..'<'d there appeared to be n1c·r1t Jn
rcw nin g the residC'ntial land t u
administrative-prolcssional (AP), a
zoning designation which ·would allow
more acceptable uses such as doctors
But th e restauran t idea was severely
criticized by the Mesa de! Mar
homeoo,1,'Jlcrs despite the assertions of
a developer-hired acoustical engineer
that a v.~oll behind the restaurant would
have the effect of red ucing existing
traffic noise.
Attorney Rodger llov.·cll. reprl'Senting
Jer,,.,·el. Enterprises, pron1ised to
rL•stri('1 lhc hours of tl1c rest:1u:«1n\ frn111
ti 11111 11! n1idn1g!11 , bu1 !11(' "0'1t't·~~ion
di<l 1101 \1111 ovl'r the l1on1co1\ncr:-.
Rites Wednesday •
For Tee11-acrc ti
GllllShot Victin1
Funeral services are s c h e d u I e d
Wednesday for a Santa Ana youth v•ho
died Saturday after a gun he w<is
handling at his family's nlobile hon1c
Rupert R. r-.tarlln , 16, was prooouncC't1
dead at Fountain Valley Con1munlty
Hospital after being wounded in the
residcncr: al 413 Sandstone Drive_
Rites \~:ill be at 12:30 p.m. Wednesd:iy
in the Peek Famlzy Colonia l Funeral
Home, West1ninstcr, with interm<'nl to
follow at \Vest1ninster !\1 en1orial Park.
Sur vivors include hi s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Martin. a sister Joyce J\I<irtin,
also of the home. plus a sister !\frs.
J une Tyler, of Orange, and a brother,
N. David Martin . of Fullerton
The shooting victim's father is chief
neet auto mechanic for U1e Daily Pilot.
From Page 1
We looked outside," said Sandy Golden,
21 , who lives next door to Miss Hearst's
tv:o-story building on tree-lined Benvcnuc
'"Tu·o men were carrying a girl. She
was struggling. She "'as half-dressed,
naked from the wa ist up. She screamed.
'Ple.ase let n1e go.' She seemed to be
bllndfo!ded ," Golden said.
Steven Andrew \\'eed. 26, ~1iss Hearst's
fiance, said he opened the apartment
door about 9:20 p.m. to a young \vh ite
"''ornan .,.,.ho said she had been in an ac-
cident and needed help.
"That is when two black men -
:inned with rifles, maybe shotguns -
burst in the door." he said. ''In seconds.
they had me face dov.'n on the floor
in the halh\•ay . They kept ki cking me
in the ft1ce and forci ng nic !iJ kee p
rr.y face do\\'n." l
\\l('cd said the men demanded 1noncy.
and took his v•allct.
Berger s:dd the n:f'n "beat the boy
up pre!ty badly."
A neighbor \vho hl'ard lhe co1n1nolio11
rushed in and <•lso \\·as beaten. IXllY
the neigl1bor and \\'eccl v.·rre in good
condi!1qn at a Berkeley ho!'ipit nl.
Police said 111·0 c<Jrs sped frorn the
scene. Some witnesses reportrd seeing
three kidnapers and t.caring gunfire fron1
both vehicles. An all-points bulletin was
'iss ued for a white Chevrolet Impala,
Berger said a 196.1 white Qievrolet
convertible, believed to be the kidnap
velticle, was found abandoned seven
blocks away.
lie said it was registered to Peter
Benenson, 31, a Berkeley radiation
laboratory employe who ttad been locat-
ed and was safe. I-le did not elaborate.
1-'resh groceries were found in the
car and groceries also were foW1d stre\\·n
outside th e front of Bcnenson ·s house
about a mile from ~tiss llearst 's
News of I.he kidnaping was withheld
for several hours bv IH.'\1'$ 1nedia <it
the request of poli ce-and !he FBI who
said it was feared early publicity might
JL'Opa rd ize Miss ~lcarst's lire.
A re!)Orter al the i;cenc said the
apartment was a shambles, with blood
on the paneling near the kitchen and
a blood soaked towel on the living room
Seven Appointed
To Mesa Force
Seven citizens '!''ere appointed by &he
Costa Mesa City Council ~1onday to
serve on the new Southwest Costa Mesa
Task Force
The task fOrC'e "''ill 1:onct>rn IL~lf with
the confrontation of blight. zonlni;t
inconsi:;;tencies. trafflc problems and
crilnc west or Newport Boulevard.
Appointed were Mr:1. Shi rley Warner,
21 24 Republic Ave: David Salcido, 954
W. 17th St.: i\I Gaudenli, m Hamilton
St.: Ken Niles, 18.SJ Park Vista Circle:
J1arry Johnson, 2121 Placentia Ave.:
Archie Mann. 640 deach St., and Wallace
f'hill ips, 824 W-19th SL
• '
D•ilY Piiot Sl•lf Pl!O!t
Frot11 Page l
SIGNS • • •
enthwduUcally tmbraced by thc>Se It
affect.a," he cautlooed.
The orthnanee, Sn1allwood asserted,
ls potentially unoollllitutiooal 111 thooc
lr'MI where it attempts to regulate
the type: of copy nnd amount of copy
which may be placed on a sign.
But th e sign reform proposal also
had Jts charnpions, amoog tht>nl sev<'r<il
homeowners associations. the Costa
J\.let!.a Won1en's Club and the city Go.'.lls
r.ind Otijectivl's Com1nittce.
Spea king for tlie \\101nen 's Club,
~larilyn VO\'er ent·ouragcd Ilic CQuntil
to take S\l'ifl action on t.he ordinance
and said !hat Costa !\lesa 's efforts to
clean itself up has attracted the altentlon
of other coinmunities. "The eves of
Southern California are upon us,:. ~trs .
Voyer told the cotu1cil.
Strong endorsen1ents were given lo
lhe ordinance by Ge<irge Hoos, of the
Mes a West Homeowners Association ;
Louise Napoli, or the Goal~ and Objectives
Committee; Peter Viotto, of the !\1esa
de! Mar Homeowners Associallon; Bill
Adams, of the Mesa Verde Homeowners
As50eiatlon: Vernon Taylor . of the
Oceanview Park Homeowners
AssoelaUon . and Lhe students of Estancia
High School.
Sl•a l~nrl..: to Ne1v Nest
tlowevrr the Costa ~1esa Chamber
of Con1111erce, \l'hich during thr tal'ly
s1 agl's of the sign disl'ussions carried
1111~ !a11c.c against 100-stringl'll! control
n1e:1S11 rcg, haU no official conunenl. l'u~hcd 11111 nl 1t:-.. l1 •tl~llrne nest at 2:30L Newport \Va y necessitates the 1nove, according to n1anager
Hl vd .. ('o:-..l a ~I L'~a ·:-. Sea I.ark l\1ot or ll otel in 1nov-~lrs. Jo Jarrett. Shakey's Pi7.za Parlor 1nade an (..'hun1ber President Eugene O .
1n g to a 11('\V 11cst . just across the .-,trect. State pur-identical 1nove across the street a year ago because
1.'.ha ~e of 1hc property as i'\lc\vport Fl'CC\Vay right-of-of future frec\vay construction.
Bel'gernn inforn1ed !he five-ma n council
lhat h~ \1·as un<ihlc ro ni;ikc any
~1•~len1 ent bf.cause there had been
insufficient tin1e to study the latcsl
version of the ordinance.
Regul or niecting, Costa l\tesa c.·ouncil
chan1bcrs, 7:30 p.m.
OCC Lr;CTU!{I;: "Behind lh e
lleadlinrs." Dr. Giles T. Ero1v11, Forurn.
i :J0-9:30 Jl .lll.
UCI LECl.'URES -'"Professional
Practices in !·lousing Industry, Rm. 16!
I'. um an l tics lla!l, 7-9:30 p.m.
"Happenings in Creative Awareness."
Room 510 University Hi gh School. 4771
Campus Dr .. Irvine, 7-10 p.m. ''Scientific
Medici ne for l he Layman : Cancer:·
Freshman Lecture Ha!l, Medical Surge
I Bldg., 7-10 p.m.
BASKETBALL -QCC vs , Cerritos
('ollcge. OCC Gym, 8 p.m. Costa J\1esa
l-li gh at Edison, 7 p.m. Estancia a1
Fountain Valley, 7 p.in . &-1nta Ana al
New]X)rl Harbor, 7 p.m.
OCC Lr:CTUR1'~ -"Open ~larriage,"
Or. Charles Le viton, Auditorium , 7:3-0-
9:30 p,m.
"AJCQholism-An Addictive Disease," Dr.
Robert Schn1itz speaker. Raleigh •lills
l·lospital, 1507 E. !6!h St. Newpo rt Beach.
6: 15 p.m. Information 645-5707 .
'·STICKS AND BONES" -South Coast
Repertory Th eater, \Ved. thru Sun. 8
p.tn . ,
UCT DRAMA -"Ring Round the
!\loon." Fine Arts Village Theater, \Ved.
thru Sat. 8 p.n1. Tickets $3 . 833-6617.
UCI LECTLillES -"Fundamenlals
of Ani1nal Care," Rm. IG7 Steinhaus
ll\111. 7-10 p.n1 . "California: !\lyths and
Ht':il1th .. ~ ... B.x1n1 173 llutnanities liall.
i-111 p.nl.
Florist I 11j11re<l
l n l 'osta Jl1 esa
St rongarui The ff;
Cost <i r-.tesa norist and Chamber of
Con1merce activist De!\1url Tosh suffered
sli ght injuries r.1onday night v.•hen she
\\'as mugged by a strongarm robber
near her shop and home.
The 9 p.m. incident at 2438 Newport
Blvd ., resulted in scrapes and brui ses
plus loss or $30 in cash from f\.lrs.
Tosh's pur se.
Investigators said the victim was
grabbed from behind .by a tall skinny
111;1n "·ho phisicall y lifted her ()ff the
ground and . shoo~ her in his arm:s .
Officer Jnn ~ arlry satd !\lrs. To sh
told hin1 she thought al first it was
some acquaintance playing a joke. un ti!
she rl'alizcd th e robber really n1canl
Fron1 Page 1
'GAYS' ...
nporters that the church had "a~~u.es
of rt'dress," but declined to be specific.
He said the problems encountered by
the gays was in many ways similar
to that of the Jews sta rtini their first
neighbclrhood synagogues.
Burglar Gets $1,600
In As~orted Tools
A bur~lnr who used ·a welding torch
ti. cut his \Vay into the 'building looted
a Costa ~1esa Industrial firm of mart!
lhan $1 ,600 in asso rted tools. polic~ ~·ere
told ?-.1ondav.
'the breAk·ln at the W.'f). Adams Co.,
630 \V . 17th St., occurred over the
weekend and was di!icover~ when
en1ployes arrived <it work rt.onday.
Preside11t Orders F1·eeze
In Diesel Retail Price
\\IASlllNGTON (AP) -President Nb:·
on this afternoon ordered an immediate
freeze in tbc retail pri('e of diesel fuel
in <1n effort to halt a strike of indepen·
dent dri\•ers.
Ry the Associated Press
!'\lore layoffs. violence and disrupted
food and fuel shlp1nents were reported
tod:1y as the independent truckers'
shtl!d0\\'11 spread further across the
i\cgotiJ\ors in \\"ashington. D . C -
1'ont1nued efforts to find a compromise
plan to end the Si,ix-day protest O\'er
f11el prices and freight rates. The
shutdown -or its effects -reached
at least 42 states.
Federal energy chief \1lil1iam Simon
1old n1embcrs or a Se nate-Hous e
conference committee he need e d
legisla tive authority to allow truckers
to pass along higher fuel prices to th e
shi pping coinpan ies they \.1:ork for . The
conference chairman, Rep. li a r 1 e y
Staggers (D-\V. Va .), said, however. il
v.·as unlikely Congress would act soon
Later, ho\l'ever. !he Senate Commerce
Commitice approved a resolution that
,1·ould r' ... ~r the \1-ay for the lnterstate
Commerce Commission to permit the
truckers to pass oo increased fuel C'05ts.
Sen. \Varren G. Magnuson ID-Wash.),
the committee chainnan, said he woul d
do everything he can to insurr> quick
Senate action on the resolution.
Meanwhile, negot iations in the truck
strike moved to the White liouse today.
Top federal and state mediators sched-
uled an urgent meeting with President
Nixon's chie f of staff. Gen. Alexander
Haig. The move indicated the talks reach-
C'd n critical stage "'1t h both sides hc'le-
ful 1h;i1 ;in agreement could be v.·orkcd
out quickly. ·
were ~3 reports of violence -including
four shoot ings -in the 24-hour period
that ended at 8 a.m. A spokesman
said 10 arrest! had been made.
Highway patrolmen esCQrted some
tanker trucks in Ohio.
Gov. !\1af\.tin Mandel of r-.taryland said
he wou!d use National Guard trucks,
if necessary. to take food and fue l
to the v.·estern part of his state. He
did not actuall y call up the Guard.
Violence was reported late l\tonday
night or today in at least a dozen
statC's, l\l os t of the trouble involved
sni per firings, tire slashings or objects
thrown at trucks.
The Ohio High"°·ay Patrol said a
predawn fire dest royed a tra ctor and
tll'o trailers at a trucking ron1pany in
1.·!ineral ftid ge.
r-.tost of the violence did not result
in serious injury. An exception was Ule
\Vi\mington, N.C. shooting of an
independent trucker manning a blockade.
Police said the driver, James Henry
Kell y, 50, of \\'ilmington. v.·as shot in
the stomach and was se riously wounded.
They said C. F. Andrews , 57, a driver
from Hampstead, N.C., was charged
v.·l!h assault wilh a deadl y weapon with
intent to kill.
1lrcrc v.·cre more layoffs in Industries
unable to get raw materials or ship
finished products.
!lolly farms Industries, Inc .• one of
the nation's largest poultry processors.
closed three plants in North Carolina
for an indefinite period and laid off
3,000 e1nployes.
"\Ve 'rc in a heck of a mess.'' a spokes-
man said.
Layoffs elsewh ere -many of them
in the meat packing or auto industries
-\olallcd over 75.000.
Bergeron criticized the city planning
staff for issuing a multiplicity of reviSt'd
ordinances and not making them
available in time for examination by
the chamber's sign study committee and
board of directors.
From Page 1
of the assiplment to take his life on
a rontract basis, aC('(lrding Lo police
J\lrs, Po(X'il and· her male acquaintance
have plcadt'd innocent to the murdre
solicitation charges and g e n er a 11 y
maintain a cool. nonchalant ('()Urt roon1
She and her husband \vere in the
process of getting a divorce and if
he died before it bcca1ne final. she
would have inherited one-third of his
$200 million estate, police asserted.
Scl1ool Overtime
Action W eighecl
Trustees of the Ke\vport-1\tesa Unified
School District 1ontght \\'Ill consider
disciplining nine employes who allegedly
falsiried lime cards in order to clai m
unearn1d overtime.
It \\'as originally reported that the
employes were teachers. But district
officials today denied th is. They declined,
however, to say who Is involved.
Also on the agenda for the 7:30
meeting at Costa J\Iesa City liall is
con!iderat ion of a $400.00CI remodeling
project at Estancia High School and
a possible resolution seeking slate
Dcpartment'cif Ed ucation pe.rmission for
placing more st udents in state-supported
classes for the educatlonall y
Postal Clerk Guilty ~ational Gu;irdsmen. on duty in three
stares, escorted some trucks along
Pennsylvania high,,.,·ays . A spo kesman
said four-man Guard units in jeeps were
accon1panyi ng trucks ca rrying perishable
cargo and medical supplies.
Penns}1vania Stale Police said there
The O\\'rns-lllinois Glass Co. at Alton
laid off 2.000 \.vorkers at its gla~s
container plant. complaining it "'·as
unable to get supplies.
The Missour i Beef Packing Co. of
Boise. Idaho announced it will close
indefinifrl\' because it could not get
truckers to take processed meat to
LOS ANGELES (lJPI) -A postal
clerk, arrested last yl'ar \rith 80 fi rst
class and air mail lC'ttrrs in his lunch
box while he was leaving work . was
ronvicted ~tonday of stealing mail.
Let ·Us Put You on the Map
Near the entrance, inside our store. is o giant
new mo p. We ore in the process of ident ify ing
all ot the homes we hove carpeted since 1965
on rhis mop with colored pins. (A d iffere nt color
lor each year.)
Close scrutiriy will detect so me interesting .
facts: firstly. We hove carpeted homes on
'virtually, every street in the oreo. Secondly, Jhe
pins ore in bunches, indico rin g
WORD-Of-MOUTH advertising. Thirdly. t ~o.
number o f homes we hove carpeted is
11 you de~ire honesly. e)(perience, o nd
reco mmendotlon~ from neiglibors we hove
worked for, then Alden's is TH E PLACE!
SINCI 1957
1663 PJacentia Ave.
Man.~Thw,.. 9 to 5130; Frt. 9 to 9i Sot. 9130 to 5
' I I
J· '