HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-01 - Orange Coast Pilot-, • •
• •
, Wa .te.rg~te· ·Conspiracy'. Chari/es
' .. . · \...
5800~000 Blaze North. California
• l(its . Lake Forest ·winds~ Rai·ns
.Country Club Kill One Work1na,n
DAILY PILOT as e ers
* * * 10 ' * * * • • '··......._ ..
VOL.,,, HO. 411, 4 SECTIONS, U PAGEi •· I in es
Watergate Case
7 Former Nixon
I .!
Gasoline Hotline __ ___,,, ---~
Aides Indicted
Ha.ldert}Q.. John D. Ehrfichman, John
N. Mllchel . and four of• President
Nixon's former high White House and
. Y iolent Storni I ..
political 3.S.50ciates were indicted today
by a federal grand jury which has
been investigatiJ:Jg Watergate for 21J
Olarge's or conspiring to obstruct
justice 'were filed against all seven
defendants. AdditiOOal charges or such
offenses as perjury and destroying
eVidence were brought against six of
them. ! Kills W ork1na1i 1 Nixon IDmseU rwas not indicted. But
, _, . :.ai~ ·~ • · Wa!!l!l.ate special proseoutor Leon .. fl l.1 • \;U£ll Uf")ltU--J'aWllrillf tiirnicf" over· w-"Clll•r U.S.
. District Judge John J. Sirica a "sealed
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -One person report" from the grand jur):-
Wed in a fierce Pacific storm that . Its contents were not disclosed, but
bbttered Northern California wlth violent ~t had been reported that the jury·
winds, heavy rain and snow. mte~. to mate-..-a ~epara~ report
Highways .were blocked and thou.sands ~ 1ts views of N11on s posstble role
of people along the northern and central m Watergate and,tbe cover-~. ,
coasts were without electri.city for a ~ ~r Watertpte-rel@ted 1ndictm~Qts
·tJme Thursday. as-power Jines-snapped ~re_ !~.~tecf .fr6m o~r grand, Jury
in the itrong winds. mvestigations m'-' ~buse of campaign
"Sustained gustS reaChed 60 . to 70 · funds, . the lTI' atia1r and the Ellsbcrg
miles per hour on the coast and in .break-in.., :. . • .
the rilountains and were ne&i' 5$• mp b Haldeman was./NlXOD S duef of staU;
in the 'Sacr~to Valley •aiift'the '5m ~ '.Ebrllct;uban 1bis iiief domestic adYb'er.,
.Francisco Bay area " the Natiooal ·and~ Mitcltell wal his attorney general
Weather Service reporied. aild ~his campaign manager for bOth
Police said a crane · ()per&tor in successful presidential el«Uons.
Rictuncmd. just north of here, apparently Other deCenc.ants :
drowned when a 40 m.p.h. gust toppled -Charles W. Colson, former
his craM into four fee t of water at presidential COllllel, who -~ a1 leave
a shipyard. Rescuers \\'otked hours · of absence frcih his laY:ifimf upon
. Thursday trying to retrieve ·rtre · ~g indicted .ind ·declared: ."I know
f unidentified man from the wreckage.. tliat in the end my inoocence will be
1be weather service warned ooasta~lisbed." areas to 1brace for more southerly ples: ... -;Robert ,C.· Mlardlad,'"torme!"·assistari!
U lo 48 m.p .. b., t'lrough-S.turoll'l (See 7 INDICl'ED P'!fle II
Including gusts or up lo 78 m.p.h. no'f ' .
ol Point Arena. ·
UPI T.......,.
C·h11rle1 Colson
Call 8.14-2330 for Odll-eve1i Data
Orange County officials set up a gasoline hotline 'Thursday to
answer questions about the. new odd-e ven licen se plate gasoli ne
marketing system.
THE TELEPHON!;!mber is 834·2330. •
The Daily Pil ot at ted to reach the number for three hours
today before ~etting thr ugh. All previous tri~s drew busy signals.
Ten special operators will be on duty seven days a week be·
tween 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. to answer calls coming in on the special
Los An geles County al so has a special telephone swit chboard
to handle gasoline marketing questions.
THE LOS ANGELES telephone number is 624-7711.
In both counties, telephone operators will provide infonnation
~-v.::,..aboUt-lhe-gasol~~.~1• __ :~-• ___ • -·
Compl aint s about ·vi8l<ltions of the system will be re-feriecflo '"
1ocal police departments. or the county sheriff. Requests for
emergency services will be referred to the Californ ia Highway
Patrot. Complaints about gas prices will be referred to the U.S.
Internal Revenue Service .
$800;000 Fire Razes
Lake Forest C.lub1wuse
A roaring Cire of unknown origin equiplJICnt, and homco\\11er·~ssociations'
Titan !\fissile Fired "'"""' an estimated 1000,000 damage offices.
VANDENBERG AIR foRCE BASE lo the ~ Forest Country Club in "Doe to the early hour. the building
(AP)" .-A _Ti~· JI _in1er~Jifl¥~l . El 'J'oro.~r~:~.~·. .. • . . • ).~ .... -..t..!'.~ .~lE<!Jl the ,tilp of the" (ire 'balD.1t.ie' bti9ile"''W•.,t~ -<!Mm~ ·'I. '" Ne~ 100 'tirange · ~ff"'fffemin arid there were no injuries whil e the
"'.estern Test ~e early today, the battled tfie blaze for two hours after blaze was being fough t," the spokesamn
Air~Force announCed. ~ broke out shortly before 2 a.m. It said.
Vi.·as '1.sible (or 15 mliles. The cause of the costly fire is still ~with another storm front 300 miles •· .:..1 .r Cal~•mia •his m., n in g. 'Sauiia I forecqsten predicted another ·,u·r srol ' · ~ heavy ram and sno~ in the mountains· I today. turning to shov.·ers SatW'day.
Bath Saga' Heads ' "Firemen under the command of under investigation by county fire
Orange County •Division Olief Johrt' inspcctOrs: and they would oat oompletely diSCQU.Ut the posslbllty of arson. They
Thunhan were able to cootaln the blaze did. say, howe\·er. it appearl'd Unlikely
to the clubhouse itself and the.re was · the blaze was set intentionally.
In Sacramento, the Slate-Federal Rlood
Cootrol office predicted flood \\·arnlng
stages would be reached today on the
Russian River at Guemevllle, Sonoma
county. and on the Eel River it
Fernbridge, Humboldt County.
By late 'lburaday nlgbt, the weather iervtce reported three inches o l
precipitaUon at Mt, Shasta and l ~
ioches il1ong the northern ~ast and
in lhe Sierra Nevada.
'lbe s.n Franclsco Bay area and
s.cramento Valley each reported aboUt
a--one-half lnch ol rainfall. .
·Blowing and drlflilll snow u tow u
the 3.,000-foot elevation wUl mean p&>r
vialbllllY and hazardooa clrlving In the
loothllls ,.and mountains. Chalm were ,....Ind Ibis momitlr on U.S. IO ...,.
Echo swnmrt.
For Its Final Stages never any danger oC it spreading to
idjacent homes," a department
tpokeiman said. A light rain was fiilling.
The four-year-old Spanish-style building
Of ... o.ft1 ...... lfltr
An • Orange Countr Superior Court jury
began what eeemed certain k> be ill
last weellod ... at today ID 1 trial
that wu lab<lod 'lllundoy lly Judge
William L. l\llftly 11 the .. ....,. both
'Ille Jury, wtlil retuni Io hi& counr-i
Monday lot his f"'41 tnstruclloos before
going Oita the jury room !or their tut
ad in the tll(le-nlooth tri.1 ol Marla
_._ II nlllltoo landl qallllt lbe
llollday llMICll &pol(.,~
U tbe jurors go along with San 1t'a& ~ central recreation facility for
Francisco attorney l\otarvin Lewis Sr.'s tfie 'Llte Forest planned community and
fina1 argwnent. they will gjve his 50-ii situated on the 8hoces of' a small
year-old client SI million for lhe mWtiple taarumde lake near the i.nttrsection of
per-.Ut7 condition allegedly created Mulr"'1dJ Av<nue ard Ridge n.iiile.
when the WllS trapped in the sauna -.The department spokesman said
room on March 2, 1970. ~ were hampered in their efforts
It they agree with defense attamey ta quell the bla~ ,by tlie ~ /jle
Dlnl1d At Rmton's final sfa~ent; 1he roof ol the two.'.tfdr)''structu~. ~·
Anabelm rcdhe!id will get nolhln& !or • "Thal type ol r'l°' made entry ol
an alleged psychiatric condiUOn that water Into the attic very difficult," the
.-ty led her~• don IUJ' clothes 1pokesman uld. , .
and pick her bedmates from bar -·The building housed a .,.i.uranl and
tSee SAUNA, Pqe I) bar, a locm room, sauna hath, eurdlo
.-• •
M4N SP ILLS GAS, .. , .
· SAR~TOGA (UPI) -Edward ll. Morley, who had a reserve supply or
gasoline ni his garage. w a s pouring
it into the-car when some-spilled on
himsell ard the floor.
. }I~ went UP8Isl<:1,,lo. c).qa~ up. That ~'U fortunate for him beca\L,e the spilled
gasoline leaked under the water heater
and was Ignited .
~torley'1 house sufrered $ 2 O , O O O
damtlgt, but he W8$ unhurt. •
• '· •
Lined U1}
Eru·ly Toclay
Of 1!11 01111 PJlll 51111
About half of Orange Co u nt y 's
motoriSts "'ere out of luck toddy as
the state•s mandat.o ry gasoline di:.tti bu·
lion plan \\·ent into cfft_·ct.
But it took more 1h.1n :in odd digit
lo get gas toda y. It took a lol "of
The lines were ju:;t tis long as ever
in all coastal ('Om rnun111es. "1th h c
· PkiC1J.1e;=111.-rrcf RAffi'-·
8 CENTS IN MAR.CH . Page 12
exception of r-.tission Viejo. There fllr
the fi rst time in recent mc1norv. L.i.
Paz Hoarl was Mt blocked to iraffic
by au1os·lining up for gas.
Stale officials pr'erlict things wtll
smooth oul by next week ~·hen ser\•icc
. stations. beleague red by fewer
customer~. v.·ii! be able 10 keep their
pumps running longe r into the day .
Drivers \\'ho filled up tcxla y probably
will nQt be able to ge t gas again until
rSee GAS , l'age ZI
Orange Coast
Weather . ..
Looks like more showers are on
!he agenda.Ltonight and Saturday.
Little change in temperature \\ith
highs. at the beaches S5 riSi ng to
lht low .£Os inland. Lo\\'S toni ght
Jou buffs along the Ormtge
• COO$C ore awaiting next week·
end'.r Orange <;pa.tt Colle.Qe
Jaz.r. Ensemble Festival. Drum·
mer Lou~. Bellsr/n and trun1pet
player i\la111mrd fergu.son ioll l
per/Orm. See today'1 ~Veekcndtr;
...11#11 U Ml>l\111 PIJ!Mh 1f
L. M • ..,, 11 H1lllMI He'ft 4
Clfffrttlli•-•· n OfMll ,_,, • (111$111111 lt'4 ,._It , ....
Cef'lllu u •wt•tH•ll4 »-11 Cr9'1WWf 11 Syltfl l""lfl" 11 °""' Httlcn , ' ,_" f,.n Eliltrlll Pnl 6 Sll(k Mlrfltlt 12·U
Pl11-U·lJ T1i1•lt1e11 tr
Her..-11. TMll.n 941
Allll. l.IMllf't 14 "'"""" 4 Mlolllllf• f WtlTI"''' Newt IJ.U ~f 21•:11 W"11 ......,, 4
' ' W•f'-fflOtr ' t).af
-• •
' . . .
s r 2 DAILY P!LOl
Yoluilte€rs Exhausted . --
' Hearst Food Organizers May Skip a Day
tJ. the Rellrst food 1ive1way program
aim«! at wlMlng t!le relwe ol tldriaped
Patricia Hearst considered t o d a y
1 wbetbe:r to J)OStpooe the next dlslribuUon
day sdleduled lor Satunla}·. (Rel!oled
picture, Page S.)
The program's hend, A. Ludlow
Krall\er, said Thurday's successful
operatioo during V.'hlch r •ore than
$%00,000 .. worth ~r food "''a5 given to
25,000 to 30,00!') ptt10M ao exhautted
the volunleer staff that they· mlaht not
be able lo prepaie for Saturday.
"Pi1ost people are so Urtd we might
ak.lp Saturday and do Jt on Tuesday
instead," Kramer said.
'lbe. socond day of operation Thursdaf
\\'ent smooUtly, in sharp contrast to
the program·s fi rst day a week• ngo
"'·hlch dcgencratl.>d lnta._..lighting and
brawling. ~
Nixon's Hope
But aa yet there still wu .no i-eeponae
from Patricia's ~pen, tbe Symblon-
ese Liberation Army, who have held her
since Feb. 4. The St.A has maintained
an eight-day silence alnee lns~Unc Uiat
the food program e<tabJ!shed b y
Patricia's father was not bfg··enough
to show good faith . '
"Well, we're all hoping. God knows
we're hoping," said her father, Randolph
A. Hearst, publisher and edJtor of the
San Francisco Examiner, when a.aked
If the SLA weuld respond to the
su~ful distribution.
.Gui11'for Courts to1 Establish
Thunday's food recipientJ stood
patiently In line on a cold, drlu.ly day
at 10 distribution centers In U>e San
Francisco Bay Area, then came out
smiling with bags of groceries In their
arms. Hundreds more left without a
fuss when the food ran cut wilhln a
few hours. -·
\V ASl:DNCTON (UPI) -President Nixon is confident all Amer-
icans will join him in recognizing that his former White House
aides who were indicted today "are presumed innocent unless guilt
1-is:established in the C'Ourts," a spokesman said.
"There wasn't the demean Ing
spectacle that occurred last Friday,"
•laarst said in a statement tc newsmen
at his Hillsborough OOme.
"The President ha s always maintained that the judicial system
ls the proper forum for the resolution of the questions concerning
Watergate/' deputy press secretary Gerald L. \Varren said.
The 'tndit'tments indicate that the judicial process is finally
"J lhin.k, despite the frustrations and
the obstac es, food distribution today
approximates wh& SLA wanted , and
v.-·e're gtil'lig to do e can to keep
~ moving toward resolution of the matter, \Varren said, adding, "I.t-
is the President's hope the trials will move to a just conclusion.''
In advance of the indictments against forme.r aides I-1. R. Halder-
man, John D. Ebrlichman and Charles W. Colson !I.Rd four fOrmer
associates, a Nixon aide said the President was concerned that fam·
ilia and friends of some ot the defendants would suffer.M
our part of the bargain," h\! said.
Kramer, Washington secretary of state
and adminlstratqr cf lhe ."People in
Need" program set up by Hearst, put
It more bluntly: "Dammit. we've proved
t~ the Symbiooese Liberation Army that
this system works."
Laguna. Police .
Nab 3 Marines .
·· -In· Pottery Case
~ ·-..l.--------. -.
_ Lguoa..Beach police arrested I h rt e
1"'llli MAJjnes today following the theft
of an -led lt59 lo !200 Wllrlh
of -from t!le Po<tery Sha<t,
1212 s. Coal Highway.
The mm 'ftre stopped on a routine
.tzafllc dlect by a San Clemente
pllrolman -noticed a bad tall light
CID the-Marines' car.
.Imldt tbe car, plates and numerous
....me fiprinos ol rabbits and birds,
• all -t!le Pottery Shack pri<e tags,
were obeerrid on the car 1ta11, Lagan11
· l'lllft Sgt. David Aven Aid.
,,. Pallce-btld the mm on su.~ion of ·
-~ seolm pniperty. Arrested were:
' Wayne J. Gallagher. 2t ; 'l1loma3 I.
8nmi. 22; and John E. Plllllipt!, 21,
all ol Camp Pendletoo. .
~ men were arrested shortly before
, 31.m. after the San Clemente
, Depertmeot cmtacted Loguna Beach and ;,.Laguna ollicm cbeck<d out the Pottery
~ Shlct-lbe .... ~ been taken
-< from Ille outdoor cli>play ..... poll<e
. sal<I. -
Earlier, l.o1JU118 petnilman Terry
"Ttmple bad slopped t!le same ear, but
. at that time, there was ooly tlf.e Marine ! in-t!le vehicle, and no pottery. •
· Band of Gypsies
I Roams Country .
PIJOENJX (UPI) -A band ol 104
Y,...iavian gypeilli ""' dispersing
1--'-'"""'"'""''"'-'tbe_ V..ou.ed States after being ...._.. ~· U.S. -ilnJiiliiillon olflclils.
Gton! Calli.ton, district director , for
the bmnigration and Natmalization
s.ntce, llld Thunday the gypsies,
nJlmded up last weekend near Nogales
-~~--..mQl!il Into ttieUrtlled
States. were frte to travel anywhere
in the c:oiantry. But, he said, they mus t
rep>rt their addresses to t h e
Immigration ~rvioe within two "''eeks
and decisions then would be made on
their status.
Callison aakl many or the gypsies
proably •-ere-~'stateless per.sons '' who
cannot be deported to their home
county. But, he said, "it is unlikely
they will be permitted to remain in
thi! oountry."
fll9 OrMt1 Cem! DAll.T ,II.OT, wtltl -.tllcfl
k _..,... ""' ,.._,.,...., II -'"'* ltT .. o.-"'6•1 ~Wllnl ~-.......
..... tdOI.... .... "*"""'· _., lllA¥Oll
l"'rtlltJ, ,.,. C..!I M ... , ,,,....... IMdl, ....._!WI kldl/,_..119 ""•'"'· u.......
·---Jr¥hl .... ~ ........ (ltflwllll a.11 J-C.,lltr-• tlolllt ntllMl
.,""" i. ...,_... S.lllrH\'S IN """•l'I·
fr. "*'-l~ltltirll """ It ti hi Wttl
.. ., .tfr9et, C..'9 """"· C.ll!wfl... ... ..
l•ll•rt M. W-4•
."'"""' .... l'vtl.....,
J11k I . C11rl1v \l1u ,,_.,... M 0-11 M_,.,.
1\e11111 IC1nil .....
Th•"., A. MIH',illiM M ..... ""9Rllltw0
a...iet H. 1"1 ltkliM 'P. Htll .WllM .............
" -• Cllllt .--1 ...... .., """' ~9e9dll _.,....,. ............ U9llM. .... : ......... ,.,_ ........... ._,.I = ... ......... -~-Ill~--
•• 1111t1 ITI4t MMll1
·a rs•••s'ttuMWln ,,_ ---..... °"""" ... ......
....... .._ ..... c. ... _, ...
"""""" """ ~ °""' MllMll ~: ............. """'"' .... ..,..,'-' ~ .,. .....,,....,._.. .......
..,..y • r+ ••uslf _.....,. ..,.... .,.. ............ ~--· ..... cl• ,..... ... " c.... ......
c.11...,.... t a =• ~ •• t;'I~"' .. ~ "*"""I ... ...,. &11 I ,,.., ............ --..
Ft'Olll Pffflll I
71NDICTED. • •
attorney general in charge of the Justice
Department's internal security division
and· also a former campaign aide who
attended meetinp--at 1''hich the June
17-. 1972 break-in. Into Democratic
naUooat headquarters at the Watergate
was propooed.
-Gordon Strachan, a youthful \Vhite
House aide to Haldeman who from the
witnes,, atalXI a't Sen ate \Vatergate
hearings last summer advised yaung
.people to "stay away'' from politics.
Gov. Ronald Reagan , 1''ho urged needy
Caliromians to spurn the food and avoid
"aiding and abettj.ng lawlessness," said
be was not =trurJ)rued bv the turnout
because pe<>P,'e "love somethlng for nothing." .'-1
'Ille SLA, which snatched the J.O.year-
old lranddaughter of William Randolph
Hearst from her Berkeley apartm~nt
at gunpoint, has not been heard from
since Feb. 21, when a rerording made
two days earlier reached the .young
woman 's family.-·+
The kidnapers demanded that Hearst
personally provide another U million
in food ~tun 24 hours. Hearst ·said
he didn't hive the money but the Hearst
Corp. pledged lO provide it after the
girl's release. 1be SLA, which threatened
to "break off negotiations" if its
demands were not met, has not been
heard from since.
From Page I
-Kenneth W. Parkinson, attotney for
the Committee: to Re-elect the President,
·who lilce Col.soa iri..isted that ulUmately
''my innocence will be demonstrated.
....!.....'Jbe seajed report was presented Sirlca SAUNA • • •
in 1° manila envelope. He opened it, habltues.
read its contents and resealed It. Lewis pleaded with the jury late
ln its SO.page indictment, the grand Thursday to reject Ruston's fiery final
jury charged that Haldeman. who had statement and compensate his client
been ~i.xon's closest akle, lied before for what he said was the "destruction
the Watergate committee when he said of this once happy woman's life.·
N"'txon remarked "lt would be wrong'' ''.She. faces commitment to a mental
to raise $1 million to buy the silence ho!ipltal," Lewis-said. "Even if she is
of the seven origin.al w a t e r (a t e 4llowed to remain at home she faces
aefent!anti-. - , -COstly psychlatrtc counseling tbat W111
-Haldeman quoted .Nixon on the witness last for lhe rest of hef"life." .
stand July 30, 1973, after disc.lo.sing he · The angry Ruston contemptuously
listened to some tape recordl'ngs of dismissed the lswsuit as "a lavish
Nixon's Watergate conversations after production" in whl~h Mrs. Parson, her
he had left the White House. husband;-her family and her lawyer
The grand jury charged that "are trying to gouge $1 million out
Raldeman's statements, "as he then and of the Holiday Health Spa."
there well known, were false." The Ruston argued that a dtsintegratlng
•grand jury listened to the tape of the marriage in which Mrs. Parion was
March 21 , 1973 meeting where Haldeman urged by her husband to participate
said Nixon made the remark. In wife swapp~ and visits to topless
-At the White House, deputy press bars was the• real reuon for her
secretary Gerald L. Warren declined psychiatric condition "If she bas one."
to answer when asked if Nixon still And he argued tJiat ]tfrs .. Parson..,. was
considered Haldeman and Ehrlichman -~ abandoning her. husband and seven
"tWo of the finest public servants" he children and driving off alooe at night
--had known__ -• ---long before---the--&a:Wl&--Nem ordeal-
He paid them that compliment on allegedly created her "three faces of
television on AprU 30, 1973, the day Eve" condition
they resigned and presidential counsel ·
John W. Dean Ill was fired.
The grand . jury, _.iisting--40-op<clfie-~:J ~:;---Ji::-:-:i-
"overt acts.:• said the seven defendants i....eauer .:Jeratc ·~
compired in the Watergate cover-up by : -
-Using "deceit, craft, trickery and B S -Court dishonest means" to block lnvesUgallons y Upreme
into the Watergate break-in.
-Altering, destroying or concealing
documents and records related to the
-Paying $557.500 in Hcash funds"
to the original seven W a t e r g a t e
-f\Jaking Offers of clemency to four
of the original defendants.
All but f\tardian also were aa:used
of obstructing just.ice bv thwarting var-
ious invesllgaUoos.
Pi-titche.11 was charged l\'\th four counts
of perjury for making false statemenls,
Haldeman and Ehrlichrnan three counts
each on the saQle charge!, and Strachan
o~ count of making a false declaraUon .
The charges were in relation to
testimony at the Senate Watergate
hearings, before the grand jury, or in
statements made to the FBI.
California Poll said today t·h e state
Supreme Court scratched tr ~ leading
GOP contender in the -U.S. Senate race
when it barred Dr. S. I. Hayakawa
from running as a Republican.
The survey showed Hayakawa "hfd
a clear lead In Republican voter
popularity over two othe: Rep°ublican
U.S. senatorial candidates~ ,state Sen.
H. C. Richardson and former state
Director of Health and Welfare Earl
BrJan," the poll announced.
The poll sakl the survey was completed
just before the coort decision barring
the Japanese -Ameriean educator and
before James E. Johnson, fonner
assistant secretary of the N a v y ,
announced he would run for the GOP
•Muzzle _ Peop~~'
Bus Rides De11tanded for Dogs
SAN D!EOO (AP) -"Dogs pay their groupt!, lncluding Mercy Crusade,
fare." -:t Ft lend& of Animals and Pet Assi.1tance.
"Dogs have rights, too." Tom Prior, general manaaer of the
"Muul• the boon!." clly·regulated bus company, said the
The Signs protested a rule ~·hlch took policy was adopted after r I de r s
effect today forbidding dogs, except for complelned that dop occupied ~ti
thooe a.sligned to blind people, Jrom while they had lo stand. Olhe11 found
riding city buses. th<lr clothing aolled by dirty aniJnall,
To show I.Mir concern. a· half-dowi Prior 11ld. 1
pooches plc~eted the o!Oce ol the San lbe en<rJY crl~1 and moro lnlrtqutnt
Di'l!O Transit Cori> .. 11rolll!)1 Thul>day uoe of can have boooled the· bus line
with leasheo held tlghUy by tli'<ir """'"'· to a reo>nl petrooag•. • The men, women and dogi then But a spokee.man for lbe picket& sakS
paraded through a room where lflMlt the bin dllcrlmlnltes against people,
00.rd members we:re m@eltng. A e.$peelally the eldcdy, "Who uae. buM
spok<mnan ·said later he -Id meet to IOk• their pell lo the -rlnart.n
with ~tallves ol t!le pro-dog or lo porlcl.
' •
Let's Neek, Baby
Binnie Alwine may not be a secretary who bas to put up with an
over-amorous boss but she does have her problems in her job at
Lion Country Safari in Irvi ne. She fi"nds herself baby sitth:ig a giraffe,
rejected by its mother and· ~rought into the olfice to assure proper
Ousted Seal Beacl1 Mayo1·
To Ru11 Again for Council
flforton A. Baum, the Conner mayor
of Seal _Bptb who ""'ai-recalled by
\·~en in 1971 , is trying to w i n back
a seat on the city council this year.
Baum and four other candidates,
including three incumbents, wlll be vying
for three council seats In the March 26
el~:tlon~ The former mayor, 36, wUI f_ac
1llomas E. Blackman, 41,_ lhe current
mayor of Seal Beach and the man who
replaced him in the 1971 recall election
in the Third Councilmanic District.
Baum and two other f o r me ·r
councilmen, Conway Fuhrman a n d
Thomas Hogard, were recalled alter they
vatcd to flr'e the t ity manager, Lee
Risner, and the city attorney, Jim
Carnes. .
Baum, cf !15 Catalina Avenue. is a
ph&rmacist. Blackman, of 421 Beryle
Cove Way, is 4 teacher. District Three
·includes the area north of Pacific Coast
J1ighway and a small portion pf· Leisure
The race In the fll'St district, the
area IPUth of Pacific Coast Highway .
referred to as "Old Town": Ls. between
incumbent James W. Dunn, Jr .. and
Steven P. Kenyon .
Dunn, 4-4, v.-·as appointed ·to the council
In.. &>3'.!1-ol-W3 lo lf'!li a vacwicy.
He lives at 516 Ocean Ave., and II
a.buaJness executive. ·
Kenyon , 2;!, of 1201 Ocean Ave., Is
a bu!linessman.
.Going My
Way, Fella?
' VISALIA (UPI) -Tulare County
supervisor Raym ond Muller of
Terra Bella got caught in the
energy crunch when be ran out
or gasclin4? en route to a board
meeting In Visalia and had to
hitchhike ot the courthouse.
However, as soon as he sleek
out ·hi! thumb Thursaay his luck
change4. He was picked up by
the. first car tc come by which
happened to be drivin by fellow
superviSor D o n a I d Baird of -
Lindsay. • ,
,.,.._r .... 1
GAS •..
~ Tuesday, according lo the Alrto Club
which "J>Orta that !l=pilo the ....,
distribution syltem, OOly one 1taUon In
100 wuJ!ieopen Swlday.
The "evens" tryln1 to get a full tank
Sa1urday "'C.lrl't fare much better.
Auto Club olfldala say open stations
will be a rarity with Ofl!y 50 Jll!l'C<l!t
of the statlonJ lirmetropolltan areas
planning to remain open.
One C-Osta Mesa man beaded for the
mountains said the new distribution
system had forced cancellation or his
skii11g trip.
''i\ly tank· is three quarlers full and
lv.-'O stations refused to give me 11:as.
I can't make It to Big Bear and back on one tank. This just wrecks my whole
weekend," he llid:-
, Under the new regulatlons, custome~
will not be served unless lhelr gas
tanks are less than half full. Statktn
attendants may demand to sec the fuel
gau,e. .
Assembly Speake r Bob 111 o r e t 11
triticii.ed the ins_pectlon p r o v i s I o n
althougb he belie ves a ban on the sale
of less than half a tank is a "good'
"They (the attendants) are not going
to be sticking their heads in the windo\\'S
and ~king. s.aylng tum on the key
and let me look. The guy's going to
roll up your head in his window and
say, 'Pump unUI I tell vo:.i Lo stop,' "
1w1oretti said.
He predicted the attendants would
refuse to ~me policemen for the
Ted Crusslng, a food wholesa ler from
Huntington Beach, reported that the odd-
even plan · only appeared to give rpore
"odds" the opportunity to get in the
panic line.
"Yesterday I had to go to four stations
before I could get gas. Today the lines
are just as bad. The stations have+
cars lined up 10 to 12 deep.
"When are you going to expose· this
phony gas shortage~ I talked to my
brother in Minneapolis last night .and
they're actually having a gas war \here.
1be price! are •in' the low tO's. l coukfn't
believe it," Grussing said.
Tbe-manclalor)'-dlstribuuoo pW: wbld!
went into effect as of U.Oi a.m. aho
takes In Alameda, Los Anceles, Contra
Costa, San· Mateo and parta ol Rl'enlde
counties. ·
In the less populated areai of San
.--Bernardino and Riverside c o u n t I e 1
gl!Ollne Is said lo be In good-s~pply,
even on weekends. ·
Altboulb desert area .stations have
also been subjected to r e d u c e d
allocations, fewer motorists than last
year apparently are willing tc venture
out into the desert &ecause of the gas
J ewel Theft Prohed
Sheriff's d e p u t i e s today were
investigating the robbery of an estimated
$18,000 in silver and turquoise jewelry
from OJ\ Indian gem stop. ()iN-ner Vera
Baily told police she and her husband
were ordeied to the noor. by a pair
of anned bandits Thursday night v.-·hilc
the men scooped up most of their
merdiarxlise from di.splay cases.
I .
of E
II t
the •
30 a
In cl
'"JlO of t
tt, t
..• ---------1
The flemish Bombe cabinet shown here comes from our dra·
matic el cetera coJleclion by Drexel ... A 1eeniin gly end·
leis seleclio'n of design , woods end finishes. You are sure
lo get the feel ing that eech piece was custom built for you
··alone. •
1727 WESTCLIFF DR., 642-XlilSO
l l6-4t HAWlHOlNf ILYD.
(Open Sunday 12-.5:80) 378-1271
• . -i
t _ Your
" Got a problnn2' Tl!:n Pat UumL Pat
Soles J'ox Refund?
-DEAR PAT: I bought a oew station
wagon on June 30. 1973. Since it wasn't
registered until July, the State Board
o( Eq~alizatioo soaked me the additional
one percent sales tax, amounting to $50.
Since that time, the sales tax has
reverted back to five percent. I want
. to know If the glorious State of Calilomia
has made any adjustment or refWld
to those who can prove that they paid
tte extra one percent. Fif~y bucks !s
a lot of geetus In our home.
A. K., Costa ~1esa
The Board of Equalization says· ii
you have a refund coming, It must
be collected from the dealer or lodlvklual
who sold you th e car, not th e state.,
Yom-sales tax percentage should have
been based on the date you took delivery,
If the sales papen bear a July dak.
your only rtt1>une would be to request
the seller to change the date to June
30 aDd pay you the $511 tu re.fund.
'!\' o Refund Sent
DEAR PAT: I ordered a diet which
was money-back guaranteed frpm ~
Lydia Feldman Plan. 1 returned 1t
because I. was dissatisfied with it. I
never got my money back and my
letter to Lydia ·Feldman came back
unopened. What's going on?
J. B., San Clemente
The U.S. Postal Service won a decl1ion
In clvU court In November against lhe
Lydia Feldman Plan of Hollywood for
misrepresenting Its products I n ·
advertising. The nrm, a repea t At Your
Service compl aint subject, now is
prohibited fr om aceeptlng new orden
responding to Us ads. A representative
of the Plan ls permi tted to inspect
all mall and 'honor refund requests.
Tbe pos tmaster lo llollywood in tercepts
man anCI bolds 11 fo r 48 hours for
this purpose. If no ooe comes to insJ>e(t
it, the mail Is retuin~ to the seDder.
The inspector on t b I :-case said
complaJnts should be sent to the attorney
representing the Lydia Feldma·n Plan,
David ~f. Brown, 6922 Hollywood Blvd.,
Hollywood, !IOOZS.
Skidding and splashing, mentally retarded youth at Fairview State
Hospital in Costa Mesa shoots through the Adv.enture Playground
water slide. See Page 7 for the sixth installment of series on Fair-
view, a.,national pacesetter in programs for the retarded.
200 Youths w Enter
Saddleback Mathf est
'\'.J)Wl~sters expected at Saddleback
College"-Saturday have come a IO[lg way
rrom two-plus-two-equals-rour.
Students at intermediate and . high
Venezuela Skies
Get To<;;'Friendly
-A passenger kissed a tour guide
and a stewardess aboard an Avensa .
AirlineS ainmer and the pilot turned
the plane aroonG and made an
unscheduled landing and ej~ him.
Capt. l!:frain ·Blanco, pilot of Uie plane
en route from Ciuoad Bolivar to the
jungJe resort of Canaima, turned back
Thursday after 25 minutes in the air
and landed in Citldad Bolivar.
sehools in the Saddl$tck College dis-
trict, 'fue 200 young math experts. \\'ill
be competing in t h e IQ'.Jrth annual
Saddleback math contest.
Beginning at 8:30 a.m., 34 teams of
five members each will take a 16-
questiof'I exam.
Participants will compete by grade
level wilh other seventh, eighth, ninth
and 10th graders. ~ " ·
Defending champs are H u g h e s
Intennediate School of Santa Ana for
seventh and eighth graders and Tustfu
}{jgh School for ninth and tenth graderS.
In additiop to grand champion awards,
first , second and third place trophies
v..ill be awarded at each grade level.
Df. Bill Leonard, a mathematiclao
and humorist from Cal State Fullerton,
will speak to the group at 10:35 a.m.
In the college's televl~o~n studio.
/ ; • f ridM\,Marth l. •. 1_9_7• _____ .sc ___ o~IL Y PILOT 3
Caspe-rs. Pushes Parl{s
Use of Funds for South County Proposed
Orange c.otmty Superlvsor Ronald
Caspers strongly urged f e 11 ow
supervlson Thursday.i to commit,revenue
sharing and other r~ to local park
ronstructlon coffers in the south county.
At their meeting this i,1·eek, supervisors
refused to act on the fundin g bid until
after It is reviewed again by the county
Harbors , B e a c h e s aod Parks
"The recommended action is ool a
giveaway," Caspers said. !.'-It is a fair
shake for unincorporated areas which
badly need local parks."
Caspers said in most cases. anY ftmd s:
pu t up by the cooonty would be matched
by the local service areas v;here the
parks would be built.
The problem arose when the service
areas could not raise enough money
lo build their parks through regular
Nonnally, local parks are built in
Young Hostage
Escapes; Captor
Killed by FBI.
1'nL\VAUKEE . \\'is. IAP) -"He came
oot i,1ith ~gun to the boy's head."
an FBI agent said after a man "'anted
in the deaths of t"·o Chicago policemen
was killed here.in a volley of gunfire.
"1'he 14-year-old hostage managed to
break free and di\'e for cover Thursday ·
as Jacob P. Cohen. 30. i,1·as cut do'A1l
by l&--bullel.3.
The OOy, Daniel Brady. ""'as injured
Y.'hen the car he threw himself under
for protection apparently lunged forv.-ard.
He was repo rted in s ati s factory
rondition. • ..
Three or the 150 federal ..... and city
officers._ who .!OOk part in the tw9 stages
of the dr3matic sho\\'do"n Yo\.e r e
Y.oonded. one seriously.
Herbert Hoxie, special agent in charge
of the Milwaukee FBI oUice. said agen ts
\\'ent to a North Stowell Avenue address
after receiving a tip from Chicago police
that Cohen y,·as there.
Authorities said Cohen exchanged
gunfire withth the agents, seriously
wounding FBI · agent Richard Carr.
Cohen 'A'as chased between homes and
over fences for t h re e blocks to the
Bradford Street home of ~tr. and ~1rs.
Robert Brady.
each area vdth returns from property
and use taxes.
The county has $5()().000 In revenue
sharing funds and another $130,000 in
environmental enhanCl'1r.ent fund s
available for the park constrnction if
the board vo tes to use. it ttlat 14·ay.
The six servit'e dislricts ha\·e raised
a total of about $7511 ,000 !OY.'ard the
estimated $1.35 million price tag of the
Caspers said expenditure of tllo.sc
funds on local p<irks i,1ouJd be a brea~
from pas: tendencies to spend the 1nooey
only on regional fac1J1ties.
But he said people liv1ng i n
unicorporated territory compn~ JI ·2
pcrct.:nt or the county's populauoo and
so rar have received only 4.6 percent
of all revenue sharing moocy.
··The iflcquny resullS Partially. frorn
cities havlng empJoyc:s v.•ho can devote
much of their titnf;_ to Jobb;·ing for
the fund<t, 14•hile the un1ne•irporalkd d.feas
huve no off i c 1 ;. ! r•:preY:ntatives,"
Caspers said.
S6 uth counfy p<1rk o: bidding for tho_
fund1ni include:
Crov.n \'c.Jtey Communi1:• f' a r >: .
Loguna '.'\iguel . Soni;. \'nwr1c. Park .
l.aguna ffllls Rani:tr"'<".-:1 f'<tri::, £.I Toro
A;,pen Park. El Tl)rf.I; .\feKe!lzie Park
South Laguna Hi!!~: .\lonU.-r1~· Part
Sooth La guna.
Bigla Cost of itlaili11g
Inflation takes another. bite on Satun::!.a~· 'Uiilen :ne-R :'lE'• ?:r.-~;~
stamps come into use -10 rents for fu-St cla.~ D.i..il .i.L.i :S C'E-~:s ..
for. air n1ail. That's a two-cent JUmp rn.stead of ine pe::o.ilC.i.'. 6:Jr
cent shoY.ing that ...,:e·re ta.kul a hcfilg on
·~ 1-1----_Hamine!L:-r"-f---
soid he'~ ---~~1 ---
work for all ---·-tile -citv·r1 ···---·"
we .,.elected
him four years
• ago ...
We did and ·
he did. ,.
Now He1mmett ' says
he'll work four more
Let's put JACK BACK
H· En ..... .
Costa Mesa City COU{!Cilman
C"""~.M~":-'~·~·=1:1~1 POI COUNC& CM ..... COtl ,,,. C& nm C $'pt' a , ................ 11.iMJt., ..... C,?-.._
....... -· -.......
from t:af.Ta'l/-
Roll ('ll" I~ (1e.:"1 C(7~!
with f<1!Y. wJ
TIF 99¢ GREEN Roll
s 14?011
Casual Furniture
Indoor or outdoot
won '• @v•r ,.,.,,.
Creoled -for thrw<iy
people 1;.,.,odoy,
s rc. Sd
.... 1140"'
For Special Otcalion1
WlDDt .. GS •.• GIA.~D
MlfltHGS , , , PAITllS, ITC.
2 for the Pric• of I
. .
i .1 -
r '
' --
'# ·•": ¥. ~ ......... ~Pr:.o ·.· _.. . . ' Kissinger Carries Buff er Pla11
J'asi ·
. ,, ~'. . .·:~·. .':-'." . · ....
i c,I!'.·~ wiih :t; . .;•.
·r,;.,,{ •• Tom . ,) ,. .. Drl!.~
• ·•,:i.,
The Gas War · .•.
On New Front
see ooW. Today is for the -oddball!.
You've got.to end in I. 3, 5.. or 7. Seven
come 11.
From Wire Servlcet
TEL AVIV~ Secretl:lry of Stale llenry
A. Kiss~er today picked up l!raell
dlsengageR)ent piOposili fiW the GOian
Heights patterned arter the successful
Egyptian-Israeli troop separation in the
Sinai, officials reported.
This. would mean creation of a second
Unit.eel Nations buffe.r...1orce to patrol
between Israeli and Syrian soldiers
somewhere In the 300 square miles of
Sy rian territory captured by Israel in
the October war, they added.
BOTH SIDES V.'OUld have to thin out
tlle..ir rront line" troop! and fire power
T"' the limit on the Egyi>lian front "'as
30 IOllka apJece ~-rui<!would nego<late JJ'.Olltier 1<ttlementa .., land clplind
tor pos.!leUion ol strategic., poata on In LM'1. • -~lbllcal Ml. Hennon, the officials said. Kls8tnger'a medlaticm · el'iorts .. are
KWiiiger, wfiO.amved lri the Jew•h designed to IOften the eonftttt wtdll 'an
state from Cairo, Is taking 1. h e interim trqop seperaUon accord that
Israeli proposals to Damascu.s and will would reduce the danger ot lllbUn&
present ltlef9 personally to Pre!ldent during negotiations on a w Ide r
Hafez AS58d of Syria. settlement, prob&bJy at GenevL
Syria has demanded return ot all
Israeli-occupied Syrifll\..land -the Golan
Heights captured in 1967 as well as
the 300 square miles of additional land
seized in October.
'llle l!raeli9 have said they will return
the" land taken in October, but not the
"'hole Golan Heights or the 15 Jewish
10 GET .. TALKS for'-'ao interim
agreement 9larted, he persuaded the
Syrtans earlier this week to give Israel
a lilt ol 65 Iaraell war prisonerl held
in Syria and to allow Red Croes villtl
to the POWs. Red croa ...,... In·
O.ma.9CU9 said their ~
began the vlslta today.
·• Melnwllile, Pmldn Nilroa moy mart~
the ~ ol !U11 dlplom1Uc rtlatiooa betw.,. E~ and Ille Unltod
. Sllliliiltti ·• ·~ Cairo In the nm fflW monthl, accon11nii to Egyptian
am.Maldor-dellpate AWaf Gborbal.
Mmlniltratloa ol!lctals said U the
President dkl make a Middle Eut swing
tt would be logical to exped hlnj to
viait llrael M well .
. TUlO ,, .. 1 .... d.
If you end in 1, 3, 5, or 7, you
get the wonderful privilege of standing
your auto in one ol thoS<: line!. . Britain's Labor
ANNOUNaNG >1'.ffE """"'ptloa of
reiatlonl Thuncta.Y, Egyptian President
-Anwar Sadat said be bad eEtended an
Invitation, through ~ry ol Slate
Henry A. Kl!alnger,. for-tho Pmident
to mme to Egypt. The aemk>!flcial
Cain> --Al Abram said Ille trip would come In April.
Gbcrbal, at tho Whtie Houle for a
rec<ptloa In honor ol tbe lnternatlooal
lonun on wamm elven by Pat Nixon,
wiilSked wt.ether the Middle East
oil embargo against the United States
would be U!ted aooo. He aid, "I hope
Mrs. Pat Nixon holds hands
,with Egyptian ambaSsador-de,s..
ignate Ashraf Gborbal during
reception for International
Forum on Women given by
Mrs. Nixon at \Vhite House
·1'emember, Governor Reagan and all
our--wonderful leaders told us those
gilioline llner'wlll evaporate just as
soon. as the new Merchandising Control
Syatem went Into effect at all our service stauons. ·
l)on't loot ·now, but there's another
one ol those lines ..
Party -~ 'Winl)er? so."
Senate .Puts Off Voting
On Increases in ,Sa'4ry
Get to the end or it. The end? It's BUU..ETIN ~where near Carlsbad or C!rdiff-bt_· ... -~ LONDON IAPJ _ llarold wuaon'•
Laborltes held onto a slim lead today In
Jt1SI' REMEMBER.-· this Is a Britain'• general election, ~Prime
Merchandising Control System, Governor --rt11nlster. Edward Heath'• Co senatlve1
Reagan plead!. Not gasoline rationlng. were closing the gap 11 res ts poured
Don't call it rationing. · -in ~om rural areas.
mew,:;t does f\1erchand ising Control LONDON (Uffi-Labor Party
~ Leader Harold \Vil.son emerged today
It means somebody ·else . ha! the as the likely upset -·victor in Britain's
rr.ercbandise and you're supposed to cliffhanging general election bul with
control your temper. only a minority government to try to
So U today you had a car with a solve the natiOn's greatest eeooomic
license plate ending in an odd number. crisis since .)Vorld War JI.
or a plate without any numbers at
-~all (you-know;-the kind that·say SCAT·~
a11d-it you could find !he end of the
line !Omewhere near Cardiff-by.·the-Sea,
and If you had enough cash Jn your
~et to match t.od9y's new price
. inti-eases, and if you had Jess than
half a tank of gas when you finally
gQt to the pump, maybe you got some
WOE UPO~ THE hapless chap who
finally got to the front of the line
and . f<>WXI: he'd left his gas cap key
home on top ol the dresser.
Or, oonsider_ tile p!loht of Air Fo.-ce
1'echnical Sergeant Chuck · F o s t e r ,
' stationed back at Langley Field In
Virginia. •
· He got turned down for gas on both
· odd and even days ...
Seems his front license plate ended
in a 3 and his rear plate ended · with
a 4.
OR, YOU CAN ponder the predicament
of the Orange Coast motorist who is
odd today, but finds himself in the
tmhealtby condition of having more than
half a tank of gas. ·
It's his day, but he isn't allowed
to .buy.
l=----JJe-can't -buy Saturday because that's
the day for the evens.
He can bt,ly Sunday, which is an odd
day, but he isn't likely to find any
stations open.
He can't buy f\1ond ay, because that's
another even day.
LABOR. AND Prime Mlnlster F.dward -
Neiv Etliiopia1i
Chief Says He
Can End Revolt
ADDIS ABABA !UPI) -Ethlopia's
new prime minister expressed confidence
today he could end a foor4ay anned
forces revolt that has threatened the
aut~ty of Emperor Haile Selassie.
Prime '-1inister E n d a I k a c h e w
l\1okeimen said troops would remain in
control of the capital and the northern
city of Asmara for the time being "'hile
he' formed a new government...,
Army, navy and air force troops kept
their light grip on Ethiopia despite the
.emperor's decision lo name a new prime
miniSter and boost anned forces pay.
Even ai the 46-fear-old Premier spoke
at a news conference, sevet81 thousand
st udents 1t1arched p&st his o f.f I ce
chanting "Go to Hell Go to Hell." They
carried placards calling for his ouster,
new political pa,rties, freedom of the
press and land for the poor. •
"J\1y information is that most segments
or the country -including the anned
forces -are pcrpa.red to give me a
chance to govern." i\1okennen said.
l----1.0TSA LUCK, fella. ·I hope you make "I ~t ex~t love at first !ight.
it to next Tu esday. JI u·ill take time to test Ore conffilence ..
U you have any questions about this. Jf I am given calm, I can do the
call the 'Special government number set job.''
up to smooth • out your little gasoline As for the ann~ forces. l\tokennen
problems. Yoo will find the number is sa id, ''1'1n sure it "'ill not be too long
busy._" -before they go.back to ba.mlck.!. Their
And fin811y, your quickie gasoline quiz ~ presence at the moment b required.
for this first day in J\tarch : they have to keep law and order.''
WHAT WAS THE PRICE of a gallon . DAILY PILOT ,.----=----OLgaa~ ~Orange-..CO;!st_ ~ ··---~ -------
. the first day or March in the Year DELIVERY SERVICE of Our Lord 1968?
ANSWER: It was 26.9 cents a gallon.
Of course, they were ha\1ing a gas
war al the time .. ,
You remember gas wars, don't you?
Masked Man Shot
RENO, Nev. fUPI I -A suspect in
Reno'! "f\1asked ~1olester" case v.·ns
shot and 'A-'OUnded shortly after a "·ontan
was attacked in her home. Police CapL
Frank Better said Thurstlay the masked ·
man attempted to rape the \roman and,
when he left , a neighbor firl'd at him
twice with a .22 caliber pistol.
D.!l.very of 1N, Daly Pilor
;~ '}Jetonteed
Mono:1ar-F•.,,•1 11 l'Otl oo ""'~ • .,..our -11y 5.30
P •I. u.~ ....., '°"' oopy wi~ 1:18 """'0111 IP l'O\I. CIUI
... t .. ..,""'.11000111.
s.tur$vlno:IS..'l<ll• l!.ouao""'~"°""
i.. '."' s. ...... v."" 8."' S..lldl'I. Qlll ""'. OCIP1 "'~bit btaiglll lo )'llU. CllHI ... ~¥ 101-'"'
MoslO......,.Gountv ........... ..... ~ .... ~1
~~Plt 811di -w.i-.......... . •. ~ .... ' .. 641).112'0
s.~~ Oil>ISlt9f!ll81ed\ s ........ Cl--. 0-'°""' ' Soult'I ~ uoi-~ ....
•leath's conservatives \\-'ere racing to
a probable photo finish, 8nd everything
indicated Wilson would have~ to form
a govenunenl that "'Ould depend on
at least tacit support from the moderate
libe.ral party.
At . 3 . ...,.m. (8 a.m. PDTJ, party,
standings 'in the election to the 635-
House of Commons were Conservatives
295 seats. Labor 300, Liberals 11 ,
Jndependeots 19. with IO seats undecided.
Puffing hi.1 pipe; grinning and waving
to crowds ol supporters, Wilson returned
to his London home from Liverpool
and at once called a meeting or his
Labor Party shadow cabinet -the men
who would form the government· it labor
were In power.
He said a new government must be
formed at once to get Britain ba ck
to a full work week from the three-day
week imposed on indust'1'. t"'O. months
ago to !aVe fuel stocks in the cool
"1bi.s is of paramount irhportance,''
Wilson said.
TllE . LAST mtE Britaui had a
minority labor party government Wi1h
liberal support was in 1929 wxler Labor'!
James Ramsay AtacDonald.
But the MacDonald government was
overwhelmed by. the 1929 world ecoootn.ic
crisis and fell 8.fter only t"·o ·yeers.
It was replaced in 1931 by a coalition
''natklnal" government dominated by· the
Brit<lns, aiugbt up in th'eir greatest
ecooOmlc crisis since \Vorld \Var II,
were in no doubt about the .serious
politic.al crisis th!!:Y now faced. 'I1lere
were such newspaper f1eadlines as:
"Deadlock' Feared," "'W'ho Rules Britain
Now?"._ r"
The London stock market plwnmeted
nearly 30 points ·in the first tY:o hours
'Dear Mr. Heam We, the SLA,
have kid y~ur daughter
elp th people. •
Tijuana olice
Chief Arre d
For Na:r:cotics
WASH!~GTON !AP) -The Senate,
tom-by election-year jittel'! over raising
the pay of congreumen and other high
govei;ment ofHclal!I, bas put off any
votesi\JnUI Monday ..
was not damaged.
Police said Anthooy Shafrazi. 30, '"°no
identified himself as an artist, was
charged Y.i th criminal mischief after
(._. ·_l_N_S_H_OR_T._ •• _. __.)
~ under a ~mplex agreement
re.a~ Thursday night, It may take
mmt of next week before the Senate
dec¥ies whether to kill thO salary as
budgetedDY President Nixon or to accept he sprayed the words ''KIJI · lies: all"
a ~mpromlse. in foot-high red let.ten across the 1937
The agreement sets oo ttme ror a mural. He was releaSed on $1,IKM> baJI
Ii I vote and, because of a threatened and ordered to appear for a hearing
fil ter by Sen. Ted Stevens (R-on March 14 .
• TIJUANA. l\1exloo (AP ) -1be di;i• • ...--aska), to prevent a~on blocking the e Peta.aion Reform
of Baja California 's judiciary police in pay boMts, a vote was scheduled for WASHINGTON (AP) -A massive
Tijuana has been fired am jailed in \\'ectne:;day on cutting of debate. · pemloil ret'onn bill, changing key tu
'-1exlco City in a narcotics case, federal e IV1pe:achtne11t featur~ and providing new protection
attorney· Al!onso Lopez Quiroga said \YASHINGTON (UPI) -In the for millions or Americans: in private
Thursday. continuing verbal av a I an ch e oo retirement sa~ings plans, has pasltd
1'le charges were brought by military impeachment President N I x o n 'S, the Howe 375 to 4.
authorities against Capt. JesU! Torres attorneys hold firmly that he can only ~ Roughly 30 millioo . \\'Orkers are
Espejo, who headed the judiciary police be impeached for criminal offenses. covered by ~ pnvate pem1on
in this border dty for _ more than t\\'O In a 61-page analysi!, five ol Nixon's ~· \\11.ich have roo~ than $150
yea rs, Lopei Quiroga said ........... '. ..... _ attorney! argued Thunday for' a !trict billion in assets. The _bill pessed by
A military plane carried Torres off ·mterpretanon ·Of the Constitution, which the House Thursday would overhaW this
lo rtfexlco City three weeks ·ago and states a President can ony be impeached syst~m and f'!!fonn tax treatment of
~e ii being held there in a military for "treason, bribe!')' or other high pension progranu.
camp, said the federal attoiney. Torres crimes and mbdem....,.." e Bugging Sult
is• mUltary officer. • Pic!a11e Safe 1 WASHINGTON (AP) -Virtually final
Gov. Mitton Cutellanos said in NEW YORK (UPl)-An Iranian artist ~ment ha.s been reached on a
Melicali that "it b a military· matter" sprayed. paint oo 'Picasso's "Guemica" $775,000 out~f-Court settlement o( lllib
about which he had no details. He mural In the A1useum o( Modem Art arising from the Watergate break-in,
appointed FJ'Bncisco Avalos to !UCCeed 'lllunday bu museum technidam quickly Democratic Natiooal Chairman Robert
Tom!fl. removed the paint and saJd 1the painting .s . StrallS!I saysff
• ,
after_.,*. g. On *the foreig*n e<change HAD . E NOU·G H? market the pound . slip)X'<I t"·o cents
agalmt the dollar.
Actress Loses A R1 ~ v I'\ 1 •F E I"\ p -~--.~vu---.., ll ~ Wl -T H
Parliament Bid · --
In Ne,vham-E·..............i-LAGlJ.JtA!S_IRR-E.SP_D_NS I BI E
LONOON (U PI ) -Actress Vanessa
Redgrave. adVoc;:ate of "-orker pov.•er
.aod frequent crlli<.oLll.Lloi;oign_wJi,,,._ •
lo.st out Thursday in her bid for a
seat lg parliament from Newham East.
She also lost the $375 deposit \Vhich
every candidate must post as a penalty
for not getting at least one-eighth of
the vote. Of the 65,222 ballots cast
in Newham East, ~1iss Redgrave had
only 760 at latest oount. · .
The 37-year-<ild actress who oombnied
campaigning vdth nightiy appeafances
as the star of a h i t revival of Noel
Coward's "Design for Living," ran as
a candidate of the Workers Revolution3ry
Party, whidl believes Britain is pre-
paring concentration camps for dissent· .....
R:E. Prentice retained the seat for
la~, polling 24,2?'> vmes.
*Are You Fed Up With •• • MAIN BEACH BUNGLING ,
Snow Falls • Ill N. ~ockies
*Are You Fed Up·,With.
* Are You Fed Up· With.
*·Are You Fed Up 'With.
•• NO ANIMAL CONTROL White Stuff Stretches From Great Lakes w Coast-
' .
.. ............ w,.. ....
' I ..
von TUES. MAI. 5 • FOi
. I
I .
. '. I t
v . year
of r
A ··eu
• --
Judge Rules Free -
MaiJing . 'Misused'~
SAN DIEGO • .(AP) -Rep. "lll!Wlletttn ~ Jijs 1_!172
Bob Wilson , (R-Callf .), campaign at taxp.ayers'
__milu.sed h i s congressi(Joal cxpeme, -• iudte has rvJed.
franking privilege by malling-However, U.S. District O:ut
Ja~kson ·5
Member ·
year-old member or t h ~
Jackson Five singing group
has been cleared of a charge
of receiving stolen property.
The dismissal by Superior
_Court Judge Harry V. Pectrls
Was disclosed Thursday, the
day trial proceedings were to
have begun !or Tor\ano "Tito"
Ot the same lime, the judge
aceepted a guilty plea from
codefendant John P. Jackson,
22, who is neither a n!lative .
nor a member of the rock
group .•
A third defendant, Sanders
"Bubba" Bracey, 24, was
ordered to appear for trial
on the charges:He is accused
of participating in burglaries
of 50 San Fernando Valley
apartments. The thefts
allegedly involved stereo and
television sets·.
Judge Cordon Thompson·
refused I<> mler Wilson 10 ,
pay damaCeO _,, and
"W"tlton apparently acted in
good laHh. sinoe In <!otig .,
he, WM utiliting a Mom
Jr•cUced by nearly every
other congrewnan ill the
United States." • .
Wif>in was .....t by Frank
Ca irio. his Demoeratic
opponent in the 1972 election,
for $36.352.96. The nioney
r~ed the <mt of the
postage. Caprio said he s.ugbt
the mon~· for the taxp<l)'t!r'S,
not himself.
Wil!OO malled 2;17.412 ropies
of hi5 newsletter, "Bob Wilson·
Heports." alx>ut two ~ks
before the June 1972 prfmU'y,
in which he was unoppo&ed,
and 207 ,Im copies about two
1,1•ccks before the Noveraber
election. · ·
In both cases he used his
congressional frank, or free
mailing privilege.
The judge found bo t h
mailinJi(s to be violations of
an 1893 law governing
franking. The law was rei.ised
last year to permit unsolrited
mass mailings to constituents.
but they still art barvMd in
the last four weeks !Efoce
an election.
f. •
U'1T .......
Free Food
A recipient .of the
~{earst food giveaway
program checks the
contents of his shop-
ping bag and expresses
satisfaction over the
three cb.ickens, two
cabbages, two cans of
tomato juice and jar
of peanut butter he re-
ceived Thursday. The
program, aimed at win-
ning the release of
kidnaped Patricia
Hearst, began its sec-
ond day of o~ration at
10 locations 1n the Bay
Redd Foxx
Takes Rest
Two Mqre Depart
W orlditfde Church
PASADENA (AP) -Two church.
J ·-,. ., •
Reinecke l' •· Flournoy .
Battle Rages Over Royalty Oil
SACJlA.\IENTO (UPI) -A Royalty oil Is thDt which-charge tW'ice the federal the state can do SJmething to nl'ft"<'t 1nftation
divided Repubik:an S t a t e Call!omia r e c e i v e I for ceililC_ for Its oil, the 005t to hold dov.-n the cost of ln the c\"t•iit ;1 µrict' in<:rca-.r
~ C~~:: I~ of:= •llowtn& petrolam mnpanles of gaoltne ,could ro up as living," he declatcd. .. i!. {"Mled. HciO\.'Ckc s;utl
U6'.. to drill rd CalUomla ttdtlands. nu::h as tlree cents per.., F'loorooy dism'a~ , t h <' rnotorists should ~ .1 go'~ for authority to Union OU O>. bu waged gallon.· . . "''Rr~e.it. saying the qunnlil\" corrt'SJX1llding cut ~1l
sell ' state royalty on at a·v~campalgnilocelast "This ls one place where of fo)<1tty oll \\'as IJ\6ufficie1it ~asoluK.• ta:.:.
pttmium "energy c r I 1J1'' fall•to tirina: the state wider P'..._ ' federal piclrJa coolrols.
I f ~. ·Calllomla -did nol a""1d 1he
~ atando '° pin . al)emom -. h«auoe ol
$200 million or more annually, 0 prkr mmmkments.'' He de-
saJd State Cmtrolle.r Houstm nounced the meeting as
I. Flootnoy, comm ls s lo n a "8l.eenroller effort" and a
cbaJnnan_ He """'4 1t WU ·-npml ol 1 he
cr\Jy fair the state g e t tupayen." -
Board Backs .
Of License
"market value" for Its Fkumy annount'td he • SACRAP.1ENTO (AP) -The
• lldelanm royalty oil would Dy IO Wuhlngtoo, D.C ..
Butfeilowcommiaaion ~looday to "exert every
member and rival Rep.iblican pmRJle preaure" on Federal
KU!Jemalorial condidaie u_ n>qy lltrecllr W 1111 a m
Gov. Ed Reinecke warned that Slmoo to rt\'er'3e the state
if Callfcrnia was allowed to ~celling. He said a \av•sult~ -cash In on the International
Oil frenzy and raise lh prictS, WU ~ comidertd.
it would drive up the COSC.
oi gasoline to the consumer.
The two leading .0 0 P
candidates clashed openly at
a lands commission meeting
Thursday and battled to a
THE ADDmONAL money, Flournoy oald. -.Id help the
state make up for revenue
losses caused by the energy
crisis, and v.."OU.ld 3Uow for
greeter exploration of new
petroleum ICU'l'es.
Btrr n.otlRNOY quickly Gov. Rooak1 Reagan told a
state Alooholic B e v e r a g e
Control Appeals Board has
upheld a decision revolting the
liquor license oi\&b·s Gas
House in Guem~iile o n
ground.a il had permitted
prostitution. .
The boaro announced
Thursday that it agrees with
the findings of the stale
Department of A I c o h o I i c
Beverage C:Ontrol that the
establishment had been "used
flS a house of assignaUon, ln
that females were al lowed and
permitted to solicit a n d
arrange for a c t s of
prostitution.·• summooed the commission's news uderence Thursday the
third member, ft.eixJbllcan (ederaJ. price celling waJ
State Finance Director,.Veme "discrl~ry" a g a i n s l THE DEP ART~tENT said
Orr, to an wiusual second Qlllfomla. The A.!lsemblr. it made the decL!lon alter
session, ~ OIT sided with meantime, put the legislature investigations in 1971.
F1ourmy. on record a opposing the The trariscript or the appeal
'Ibe vote was 2-0 to take federal limits. hearing Feb. 7 said one of
"any action" needed to CalifO{tlia should get "fair the licensees. Rbbert E. Lee.
reverse a Feb. 21 ·oroer by market value" for oil just \\'as told by a dis 1 r i ct
the .Federal Energy Office as it does in sriling surplus attorney's in\~tigator in 1970
limiting the price California property er &n}1hlng else. "about alleged prostituti
can dnrge for royalty oil to • Flournoy said . n premises
an average of $4.21 pet' barrel. But Relneeke, who also Is during the Bohemian Grove
Before the . mier, the ·state· chairman or the State F..nergy encampment and that he
was rectlvmg up to $'9 a Planning COmcil, argued-that -should-te\Hhese-unidenttft~ ~.:_ ii c.attfunia was aJlowed to · girls to IC'ave th<' prernises."
LOS ANGELES (AP) -more ·administrators ave The two vice presidents also •
Ailing Rl'dd Foxx, the star resigned from the Wor wide had asked the Anru:trongs to
of NBC's ''Sanford and Son." Church of God, bring" g to restore to their former
.is not expected back for the 29 the nwnber of nihlit.n standing the ministers and
rem.iinder of t'he seasoo. and executives wbo have admini.o;trators wbo have been resigned or been fi in suspended or fired.
That was the word Thursday recent weeks. ~ Stanley Rader, g e n e r 8 l
from Aaron Ruben, the show's The latest depart were counsel for the mu\UmUlion-
producer. by David L. Antioa, dollar church and college, said
Foxx. 51, is slill in the or· church administrafio and the pair's propOsal was
hospital after undergoing tests Albert J, Portune, dir of "totally Wlacceptable" to the evangelism campaigns. 1bey elder Armstrong:
for a nervous condition that resigned Wednesday n glit 'Ibe 85~000-member church
has kept him out for three after church leaders Hlr1>ert has been torn by controversy
weeks. W. Armstrong and · son, recenUy. Si1 ministers who
Ruben said he was revising Gamer Ted A r m st r n g , resigned signed a letter to
refused to meel wilb r 1·-0 1 church members w b I h three scripts written for Fon, ....... c I ---directors to discu.ss aneged that the Armstroogs
who plays the role o( Frei they feel exist with. have been spendirig church
i Sanliionlj. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiPia~'i'!dieinia~·~)!eai_~d~q~-~-~-~-contributil'!18 lavishly.
· Besides. lowering eligiblllty r~
GUirements, now the Savers
Club offers you new opportu-
nities to save on automobl
ires, furniture, television sets,
home appliances. carpeting
and drapes. And you can stretch
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tractions., travel tours, restau·
1 rant "dining and purchasea of a
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_, ~Term certlflca81 are issued In
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Pull-0n panrs. Sleeveless shell.
Polyester in many pattcrnli an~l
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or;g;nally $60, 3'1.9'!
She:rv:yn Knies
d. Camel's hair. l.usciou'.
Panrcoat \VHh .!.1<lt: pockec!i.
back bc:h, rop srirch1n~. (.amt·!
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Order by m.iit or phone..
Sh..:r,vyfl. Co..it~
Shop.Monday dw Friday, 10'.00 '""· ro 9'.30 "'11-I Bullock:• Santa. Ana, J Faohion Squa_re, 2800 N. Main, Srre~. Sanra """ Telcph oi\e: )47-7211
. '"8nlly, 10.00 a.m. llO 6.00 p.111. Bulloclis South Coasr Pim, S.n Di<go Frm-:•1 at Briotol, Cosca M"'1, Teleph one_;, S\6-06J 1 -
. • •
• ·-
.. ' ~· DAn .y. PILOT EDITORI.U.. P AGE
• ' .
Brandt for Saddlehack
The key to the tutu~ or S.addleback College Is lead·
ershJp. Faced with a de-annexation attempt by Tustin
residents, which could mean seri~ous losses in both stu-
dents and tax revenues, the ·school needs the most
knowledgeable.din!ctlon it can gel.
' , 1 Among the seven candidates. on Tuesday's ballot for
~~ a new Irvine-El Toro trustee, the best choice to assure :¥• tho kind of leadership the school needs is Norrisa Brandl.
:;{\ Mrs. Brandt is a former teacher and bu had ex· t,:·~ tensive experience in community involvement. Most im·
~ port.ant, throughout the campaign she bas Shown she is
\,; concerned about -and knowledgeable about -Saddle-·
, back College. ~ She has attended board meetings, visited on cam·
·1 pus, done research. and asked questions. The changes
· t •h• calls for are sound. She has made it clear she will
ask for help from the communilty, student&, and faculty
to set a pc>Sitive directlop for future board policies and
work to llllprove the campus's public relations. She has
concrete ideu on how to do il
Saddleback College will be best se"ed by the elec·
tlon of Norrisa Brandt as its new trustee.
False Logic
>., The Orange County Harbor Commission last week
authorized the relatively small .. expenditure of $3,000
to add two night surfing lights to the Dana Point Jetty.
ExceJ.>t for its very minor effect on the energy short-
age, this item probably wouldn't be worth commenting
on except for the unusual arguments by which Com-
missioner Thomas O'Keefe, who is .also a San Clemente
c;ouncllman, attempted to justify it to fellow commis-
sioners. _
After a short statement on 'why the lights would
be useful, he launched into much more vigorous oratory
on why, u a local representative to the Harbor Com-
mission, he ought to be given approval for lo.cal projects
li ke this one simply for the asking. That's what local
representation means, be argued.
This, of course, is inherently false logic. The pur-
pose of local commissioners is to represent local nee'ds,
not to demand that other COJnmlssiobers suspend their
judgment on all projects that are stricUy local in nature.
We ~ disappointed that O'Keefe advanced this
specious ar~ument, and we are disappointed lh1t the
other commissioners -except C. C. Wooley o( Carden
Grove -did not set the record, and O'Keefe, straight
on um fundamental matter.
Tuesday Elec tion Choice
The Laguna Beach political scene has been clouded
by the last-minute emergence of two write-in candidates
for the city council nee.
This is almost always an unfortunate maneuver. Ten
official candidates have followed the accepted course of
a full political campaign. appearing at forums, answer·
ing ~uestions and .responding to newspaper interviews.
Candidates who choose to avoid this public exposure by
seeking write-in votes do not deserve the-consideration
of the voters.
The .Daily Pilot's recommendations for the Laguna
Beach City Council, as detailed in Wednesday's edition,
remain: incumbents Carl Johnson and Phyllis Sweeney,
and Jon Brand. . * * • For the San Clemente City Council, the Daily Pilot
recommends votes for incumbent Dr. Wade Lower and
James Straus and B. Patrick Lane. • • • In San Juan Capistrano, the candidates best quali·
fied for election to the council are Dougl~ Nash, John
Sweeney and incumbent Edward Chermak.
}he city parks override in San Juan Capistrano· de-
ser-ves. support, but the proposal to form a city police
department ~ premature and should be voted down.
1 ·
_J . . ...... -~---1
~The Real
Truth A·bout
Why Not Atlaenian-ityle Deinoeracy?
Alternative ·to Election· Politics
To the.Editor: or the loc~I elected state officials begging
the highwaymen to slam another freeway
through our area. People have sensed
something is going wrong in ravaged,
exploited, polluted Southern California,
and that the trouble begins with mega-
[ )
costs ~·ill. get out or hand. Actually,l
the reverse is the truth. For it should
be apparent · to all citizens that the
surest way to all of those individual
J05ses l'oold be to turn the town over
to the outside speculators led by the (smNEY J.llARRI~. .Wou]dn't It be a boolt to the energy
crisis if we bad all the energy
saved by the lazy and incon!ider·
ate drivers who never use their
tum signals?
J .C.V. .
....., 0" --.,. Mllltllttlf lor TMacbta at Lar1e : ,....,. ...,. ..... ....,..,.,,, ~ .. . ... '-t ~ .... __..-, '* ......... 1be only mnn about cbild·rearing lUil ""' • ......., can, °""' P•i.t. I am abllolutely positive of is the fact • L---~-------..J
that lf' a sufficient sense of ~If-worth ls not tnstil1ed in the child at ao early . by distorting the master's message so
age, even a lifetime of continual suocess that it l8 no longer recognizable as
cannot obliterate that penon's nagging hi! OM\. (As one may t,e sure that aecret senae ol inadequacy. , Plato did with the unwritten gospel of
"' • • • Socrates.) -t people, JI you, ask lhem to think
a!Jout it, would reply lhal "God" b
a noun : only the better lheologiaflSWOWd
aiaeet that, properly viewed, He is
a verb. • • •
Except for the very poor, it is not
what we eam absolutely but what we
earn relatively tbat determines our
degree of content or disoontent with
our kit: it ls euler to bear the thought
of a strqer making a hundred times
D'l)re than we do thao of someone in
our pew-group makiJl& ooly 110 a week
more. • • •
Trying to learn by other people's
mperience is CU8tomarily as futile as
1urnlng to swim ~wiLbout.-getting into
the water. • • •
• • • t EvU ·news travels around the world
In 1he IJme tt takes ll , good • deed lo·
get from-one door to another -and this
·v.·as true long, long before there·.were
any newspapers, radio, or televi~on. • • •
The people who are ao fond of prating
that we must "fight fire with fire"
are ignorant of the way this ls really
done-which is by containment, and not
by IOQflict. • • • •
What scholars call "erudiUon" ls
mostly plagiarism with the patina of
antiqWty upoo it. ~ • • •
To plant a tree whose growth and glory
you will.ne.iJU...see...is one of the most elo-
quent ways of demonstrating that you
think more of others thao of yourself .
.OJe profound difCerenct bet\lottn • • •
Europeans and Americans is that they ?fl.De-tenths of what ls called our
It is difficult to step back and take
an objective view of the world in general
and the United States in partlcular.
Maybe the Current disturbance5 are
nothing i:nore than ripples in bistOO'.
Yet, as a contemporary citif.en, It 'ts
ir.Dome, even galling, to endure among
other things the stupid chicanery 'Which
exists at the Federal level (let's not
foot ourselves, legislative as well as
executive), the state level (let's hear
it for our well-pensioned. legislators),
and of o:>urse the local level (we'll
mention no names). In fact, I\oe hid
it UP, to here.
IN ORDER to start somewhere, bow
about eliminating those w o o d r o u s _
~.~_tlected iwr~tatives of
the people? It is painfully obvious that .
the systen\ isn't · all that go o ct.
Occasiooally Y.'e seem to be able to
throw 30tne of the rascals out, but
another equally horrendo~ crop aoon
aJ)pears. ·
Alklw me to suggest an alternative.
Let's select-our representatives-by lot.
In the first democracy the Athenian!
did It this way. We gain some immediate
benefits. Tnle representaOon, for one
thing; men • and v.·omen · of a 1 I
ba~ ~ persuasions. _ __JI e
eliminate the asinine i n t e rm i t t e n t
political squabbles. It is entirely possjble
that the average intelligence of our
~-m-would-go up. -
Perhaps we could start out at lhe
local level -at the city level or maybe
the county supervisors (that wouSd be
a fine place to begin).
highways and the metropolitan 1. •
malignancy that acoompanies the~Lttters from readtr.t• are welcome.
Real Estale Board. '
JAMES W. DllLEY Normally, toriters should convey their
THE AIR is poisoned; there is ssages in 300 words or less. The Tmo W ron91 ~lief from noise and congestion, there right to condense letters to fit space
are degrading long lines at gas stations, or eliminate libel is reseroed. All let-To the Editor :
we cover the beaches with power plants ~ers must include signature and mail· At a recent ·Laguna Beach City Council
and sewage, we bulldoze down our green 1ng address but name, may be with-meeting the canyon Acres Neighborhood
hills, condominiums creep over the land ~eld on request if 1tif{icient reason Association suggested that subdivisions
in a bllgti d wa.mng sores. and there l.f apparent. Poetry will not be pub-be included in the urgency ordinance. ()Jr
are too many can and too many people. liahtd. 't reasoning being that there is still so
U a kid stands in an open field with mucll to be done in the implementa tion.
the wind in his face, he is a trespassiOg !I~ f;'Ome& to Lagmla w:ith.....JIJYdL_ of the General P1~ that the commissian
crlmltial, but if a devel r -digs up experience In the maintenance of and--~f-were--:-be~ needlessly ~eel
the whole field, he is ety's p r-. .>.~~~F..'olle 8 pp r 'f: ci 8 t e 5 our down w.!_t~-~1deratJ~s of subd.iv~S\OOs
ermination to keep 0\1t_ ·.._ V_iJlage -many or which ~'OUld ~ reach them SO MANY wieasy
governments have sai "
dehwnanizing and soil" re
freeways. But not we . sha:
be the last to ask for one. Freeways
are proven hazards to respiratory aoo
circulatory health. Their construction
11 1 death and disability certificate to
thousands along its path. AnYone who
lives near the esaalatlng qoise and air
pollution of -the San Diego freew_ayir!I
the crime and congestion it bas brought,
must ask, "What's in it for Costa l\tesa?"
to have yet .inotbef.
tmosphere in our residential areas. not at all were the ordinances m effect.
instaJJing sidewalks<UrbS-gutters. ~ut in "PARK CANYON" seems to require
our commercial areas. we must have so much ugly cut and fill -and adequate
safe walkways if we are to compete parking creating the oeed for even more·
\loith the automobile. cut and fill, a dangerous and dubious
So the offending trees have been street, hillside botdlering, and the
removed ·and a ban1er irutalled to wiwilling forbearance t>f all t h e
protect walkers, bushes have been cut surlounding neighborhoods that one can,
away, blacktop laid, and a retain.int.ii ooJy wood.er 111.t the enthusiasm of the
wall at Oak street moved back. developer .
.'!be Ulldenlgned, inveterJ1te -~ken, "Parl< Canyoo" staled that lb project
wtSb to express our appreciation to our will be no v.·orse than the Sllbdivision
· new public worn director, Stan.._ScbOii across the street . Two wrongs do not
and our .city ~anag~ and city attomeY make a right and old ordinances do
for backing hi1'n up m fol.lowing through not our, General Plan make. ·
on this project on behalf of the walken RAY UNGER
or our· community. We would hope that President, CANA
can have violent arguments and still "philosophy'' is our temperament; just
=> _remall4<>0d.JxWlds • ...w~\i4.:_...,._.i.-.p1 .r.~ cal~
every disagreement about Ideas as a tics" is our edonomic pofiltlon.
f't'e e1ca11 Blight
Both the Corona del Mar and the
proposed Newport Freeway a r e
"freeways to nowhere," tbe open~ed
Corona del Mar to subsidise developen
engaged in dishonoring open land along
the rout and covering it with the bitter
congestion of man at the expense or
anything wild, native or green; the
Newport in the' swnmer to be an iron·
bowxl dead-end parking lot.
this lni~al proje<l will be followed by
others in other areas of town where
the pedestrtan problem is severe. 1be
cumulalJve effects oo downtown parking
and traffic should ~considerable and
\11ell worth the nllifritena.nce costs.
R e be l
reflection on our personality, and our • • •
arguments are either repressed or, il For every one tourist who goes abroad
expressed, end ln estrangement. to savor the exot ic, a hundred make
• • • '. . 'the same trek merely to escape the
In the end, every talented disciple humdrum-and take it along, by seeking
turns against his master-if not by overseas what they have become used
promoting a rival theory, then eventually to at home. ·
To the Editor:
Sometimes it seems easier to build
a $50 million Corona del Mar Freeway
than think out the right lhing to do.
Recently, Costa ri.1esa has seen the
spectacle of the city council and Ill05t
Real Silent Majority: Non-voters
. -\ '
WASffiNGTON -From now until ( ) two doors. Whichever one yciu take,
April l!i, we shall Uhdergo a rising you wind up in the same room."
""'""ndo of TV ads begging us lo VON HOFFMAN THE UBERALS came to l h • r
give a painless doliar to the cost of conclusioii with Lynd00 Johnson in the
political cam~lgns by checklng a box '60s; the conservatives have learned the
on the income-ta• forms. Th.en in the: compensates for in felicitous bumper same from Richard Nixon 1n the '70s.
.. (all. we'll be subject· stickers. among whJcb are Voin the The usual response to this observation
ed to another bro"'· Boter Joycott; Vote for Sterile Hassen is that you've got to participate to
beating media__ bar--He Can't Get. You in Troublei and change it. Such talk has a convincing
raie ordering u~ to 'I1te Lesser of Two Evils -Is EvU. ring until one bas participated, elected
80 and register to (Mort information M the League can his man and then found out he might te be had by writlng to Box 1406, Santa just as well have supported the loller
voThose "'tro doo't Ana, Calif. 92702.) for all the difference it made. Thb
&ive and don't vote I is not to sa,y that more than a yery \Viii be .accused. or
BUT IF abstention S· too unacceptable few non· voters are disillusioned, dropped-th In\ cit a thought lo gel aoy cit that free public· out former participants. Most people
For the privileges of subsidizing the
dissolution of open land remnants. we
taxpayers are to pay about $100 million.
It would seem we are about to asSault
our land simply becaUse it is there
or that we build more roads: because
we can't figure out bow to stop.
Fear Taetlc•
To lhe Editor :
R_egarding the• emergency 1.0ning
ordinance recently paased by the Laguna
Beach City Council, it seems to me
the cooncil faced lhe Issue quiddy and boldly.
In the next few years, the Orange,
Newport and Coror;i,a del l\lar Freeways
are to be shoved down our throat.
Freeways can be stopped and these
will be. 'Ibey sl:iall be abandoned because
there is no good purpose for their
ezistence and there are a Jot of bet I er. THE ENTIRE city was on the verge
things to speo:l tax dollars on than of a ~peculative fenror the like of which
our own self~truction. bas caused such problems in Atch Beach
VERL YN l\tARTH Heights. Out-of-town i n t er ~ s ts
stimulated bY. our Gretnbelt effort and
"Dapp!f 'R!alkers Village preservation and Plan n Ing programs, were intent on capital.U:ing
To the F..dl.tor: on the lack of Ulning safeguards. To
People who like to walk to town along forestalJ this destructive frenzy, eo_coMly
the roast side of Glermeyre north of in ln<reiased governmental costs and
Calliope Street, have been pleased to so destnictlve of legitimate values in
observe a cleanup job in progrtSS these ·the town. the chy couhcll acted quickly
past monlM~ One stretch north of Gen~'s aod bqldly. 'lbe countil said "No" to
market in rti 1 · bl the outside JpttUlaton And said "Yes" pa tu ar wa~ trou esome. to the citlzen:s who 'setUed ~-, for
·TO the F.ditor:
J was delighted recently to read a
news item released by the Highway
Patrol to the effect that almost all
drivers are breaking the law by
exceeding the 55-mile-lh hour speed·
I have been driving at whatever speed
J deem safe for myself and v.·ill continue
to do so.
MY CAR is my private property;
the gasoline in the tank is my private
property and I paid ooe hell of a lot
·of money for the road that I wheel
up and down.
I don't need a criminal politician to
tell me how fast or slow to drive .'
'Ibe politiciw openly admit that the
new law is not for our safety but on
accoont of the pbooy gas~rtage. . 'Ibis small amoWlt of dlsobedience
Is no credit to the Am cln motorist;
for be is only doing what iS natural.
His foot is bea vy.
A row ol U..,. had be<ri planted In ~
the dirt walkwQ' as aome time p;ist the quality of llfe LagUna offers.
Cara were always parked at the curb, Wbat-is 1eg1ettab
~.er e "a~· service air lime, at le.Ml ti pen:ent catch on ear}y that what ls wanted
i-----.lh.,.,r;Wlhoo1rtC1hltu c.itt of the e!lfible voters taSl:..Do Milot of , tbr ii tbe appeara'lC't o 1
hey ate. tht)''U be bifue nied ..-JR.. 1972. Or, to put h In other temis, partldf)lllon, not the fact. Have you
that they have not the right to complain~t means that "the overwhelming ever thought about th6 connotatklo of
and that the !'(It~ government they're mandate" the Nixon people like to refer words mo&t commonly' used by the media
·going to get Is the one they d<>erVe. lo consisted o1 about one-thin! o1 lhe · · and lhe pollUclaos to describe those ~Such~l!OWever, ilesub]<ct-•iedora -who do more than-dlec\,of(..thelr dollar
to ~llky'a Flnt Law:--n wu Y Leon, ,who doubles as the pmklenl and vote? .Words like m 111 ta n t 1,
late creat Albanlao pollllcaL scientist ol rlgh~wmg Ramparti Colleg~ and ..utmbts or activists~ ••~ -.... ky ho d..!I .J cha~ ol the League ol Non-'Voten, · ~r _,,....ynl' ' w ar remarb that the "nlootyib,.. mUlion The primary fwictlon cit m a n y
Iha! oil unl....aily held polltical slogans -didn 't -for Nixon are the real American •lectiona is)l'l !tlecllon but
are ,tPIO facto Calle. So, ~though Yoll silent majority. They're 80 silent. because legit.irnaUon. irs an expemlvc valklaUon
"""t hear It oo TV this year, you they've got <Arpiloou 00 and they',. proceos aldn lo the anointing of kings.
can ~rve younelf and your COWltry Uatenlng .. One way to make it less or an Inherited
by abllentiocl. · 11 woUid be 1 mistake lo ......,. ritual -wuld be to adopt Sy Leon's
In [act, thb disreputable posltloo has that ~I poople who don't -do ,. proposal that we have ao extra bo'
found orgtnlpd ezpresalon since ,.mt for the same reasons. But whRlevir theiCI ~the ~ent1al ballOC, one lhat tt:ads
Jn a small group called 1be Lfague .......,, they obviously c:oncludod that Nooo of the above."
o1 NGfloVoten. ''lllere beln& • bli)I oa balance, the small expendltU:o ii: Many more people w•uld g0 I<> the
cor1'lalloo -...,.voters and ...,. energy II taket !•n'l worth ll, perhaps polls on Election Day U th•y knew
joinon, the Leque Is 1bo11 oo membert, be<ause they agr,. with Leon, Who~·· lh<!y didn 't have to ,·ote (or the
1tu1 llbat 11 -ls s. munbert tt "VoflllS Is lll:o going tblOuP one .or candldateo.
• • ;
so lh;lt ooe had to lrOI Olll· into the io that lhe loaJ R..I Elltate Boord, st eet awt peed' tral" · abetted by the Chamber ol Commerce r ag s mg uc gomg should side with the out.side s-"a•·-'. llOUth, and hope lo mate il lo wbert ... ,~ ~. the wa~. y picitd up •. aga"'1.. ___ ;_Wbeo put lo It lut spc1ng, "the boen1 , and'1he-clllmber-wouid....,.,.t a.pport-
COMPUINTS by resldenll .,.med to an afll<malloa o1. the Greenbell When
fall oo d<af ean. Maintenance ol roadi pul lo rt this last I Docember, lhe boenl
to "°""' •tho automobUe got all the · and th& dlamber -lo -the atteodon. Newport Investment Comp a n y • t
But lo and behold, our new publlc devtlopmenl projecl•f6r Syc:ainor,, Hills
works dlttclor bas heeded our pleas. by ' t...iullut on the day ol the bearing. Now, when put to it, the boan1 and
the chlmber :,tin aide with the oullld• ' Quotes ,
Ban E. SIMN, s .. t'dJsb Co11111l ~eral, S.F. -'11 am a t0tat"opUmilt.
I don'I kn6w the meaning ol Wt, but
I do know !iMt wt do does not go lnlo
thin air."
ln11<..U lo U ol tlfoJnc chaoo to
serve thl!m. . ,,,..
MM>, what i. ·moot recreUablo i.
tbLUle of ,the tear tactic by the Real
IOll!e Blil'll. AD lli<illertY-rlcbla Ill
the town, lo they say, are In J~,
taxes Will tn.,,...., and govtmrnentAI
' '' .
. '
' I
1 ·
Of .. OM1Y l'lttr S111f
(Si%th in a Serie1)
He is alone up there in
the.. sky, carefuDy plotrlng a
course down lhat cold corridor
back to earth, like a n
astronaut with\ a crippled con-
trol system, wl'lo nee(ls: helping
h~ to guide him down.
No helping hands are in
reach now.
His ootsize head, covered
with spiky hair the color of
bay, repeatedly a n d in-
voluntarily jerkl sideways,
betraying the m o m e n t ' s
leruion aAd challenge.
His white-knuckled hands
grip the steel sides 0( the
towering waterslide as he !its
down and eases himself intO
Altitude Is only IO reet. but
hi! splashdown is IO secOnds
away, because the hesitant
young boy brakes his descent
down the slide with curled
fingers and toes.
He finally bounces onto the
landing pad -a 500·gallon
rubber... _bag like.._a_ .ila.nt
waterbed -to the cheers of
his peers on \Vard 18 at
Fairview Stati" Ho$pital in
Costa Mesa .
l~e grins. He did it. All
Sliding dOMl tbe chute
una\ded "may seemf &father
tiny triumph to tho5e' .who
don't know thal it takes just
ooe si;nall $ltp at. a time t~
broaden the horizons for lhel
mentally and p·hy1ically
A ~eek before, specialists
ln the Child Development
Program literally had to drag
the handi~apped boy to the
waterslide, one or· several
features in the new Adventure
• Playground at Fairview. They
pushed him up the steps. They
pulled him down the Slide.
Now, he dared to challenge
it by hlmself when he lhought
no one was watching, an in·
dication he is progressing.
"Fantastic · •. • ." declares
Dan Ring, a lemporary
graduate student assi stant
iGSAI \.lo"ilh a master's degree
in th{'rapeutic recre~on, in
addition lo his regular school·
te!!ching credentials.
He is friendly ~an the fun·
and-games man, the archilecl
of the Adventure Playgrmmd,
an.intriguing fenced compound
behind Ward 18 lhat is ex-
clusively a chi ld's world. ,,.
Ring combined a f50 grant
from lhe Patients' Benefit
Fund. -which l5 financed
"R e ta r de d
11oungsters espe·
elall11 need · t.o be
fed will• slbnull
tehleh wlll 11ourlsh
1<11ouilerlge a n d
t.if the indi\idual's
and hls potential
lor ad-
Nothing is more normal
than for children to play. using
their own imai:inalion and in·
genuity. .
The tint Advenlur e
Playground that 1auncht'd tht'
concepl 30 yea rs ago is an
A Swedish architect built
difficulties. such a.s inability
to USl' their ';isual and
physical faculties in no rmal,
coordinated fashion.
"lie may ·see" \\1ith his
muscles," suggests Ring as
ooe way or explanation.
·~FAIRVIEW 15YEARS . • OF suvq
a COO\·entional park-like play A chi ld al this lc\'el v.·ill
facility, then waJched v•itfl n1ove his hand voluntarily and
!i(lme chagrin as the v.·nrld's follow it with his eyes instead
harshest and most f0<1hri1;,ht of using each sys1em of
critics -children -evaluated perception independently, or
his creation. • letting hi s visual senses act
They ignored it, preferring first. '
across his bed. It may be
cool. It may be \\'el. Tht' \\'Cl
spot is. darker than "the dry
spOt ... "
A normal child will feel the
difference and then perceh·e
that the dark spot 'means it
is wcl , with a different
temperature and texture. The
child wit h the sensory-motor
handicap., may not be ;ihlc to
associate what he feels 11dth
\\"hat he sees and thus d1f-
fere1:1tiate between t hem
visually .
The function of the Advl'n-
turt! Playground -in prin-
ciple -is to give the retarded
a small version of the larger
\\"Orld ou tside to explore and
learn abou t, \\'hile a I s o
instead to play by using their He has not yet learned that -----------
by friends and faniilies -ov.TI imaginations and his lef-eyes are for looking at the PUbLIC NOTICE
a lot of scrounged scrap lover scrap bu i Id i 11 g v•orld around you ; hands are sLp.141 .. -----1
materials, stacked or scat-for reaching out for things 111,t•uott cou1T oF THI! material and..,surp lus building -STATE OF CALl,OllNIA ,011 tered on a lot adj acent to you need to get along in it. rHE couNT'f o, OllANOI suppUes, and m u ch im· he 1 d I"· food hb h N• A'"" t new p aygroon . 111.C ' toys_ or a loot rus . NOTICE 0, Hti.ll;HG 0" .. ET1TIOH aginalion, to build a primiti\'e TI1e Adven1ure Playgrou nd Ring explains the motor· "011 1011oaAT£ OF WILL ANO ,011
d K ' B 1· k h LET1'1JlS l'EITAMINTAll1' Disneylan or noll s crry al \Vard 18 is .sontC'A'hal or sensory 1n anot crway. E••~1e or ~•ARIA ... uGuST INA
Farm. a human pro\'ing groun"d f-0r "A child runs his hand ~~t~[t5'1P'"'~"~:'Eav GI V£"oi< '""''
The "
·aterslo·de , a Big building better young minds UC 'OTIC"" 01EG0 "'· GON1 ... LEs AND -•cos
d bod. PUB N o:. t< GONlllLI'.:~ fl•Yt Ille<! fltr•ln •
h an LCS. Mtillo~ lo• PrOb.ill• or W!ll 1na tor Wheels pedN:ycle track w ere "'Retarded young s I e r s l'ICTIT1ou1 tuSINl!SS 1 .. 11aro:e 01 Len•" Te•t•ment1rv to
th th F ·~·,·ew 500 each N•ME STATEMENT me ~tlt!one• .. rtle<t1'£1 10 wfllc~ 11 ey rW1 e a .. • especially nc-ed to l:H! fed \I ith '"" 1o1tow!nu "'"""' ••t <1ol11o "''""' tor hlfH>tr p1rtlc.,11r" 1no •~••
week, a castle-like fortress, stimuli ""hich ~-i_ll_ ~~urish ~·1co1;0t•~55 COMMUNICATIONS . •;.1,,,,1""~11 1'!,!'~':e, 0',.,.."'·~i::.. \",~
a raft-like r o p e • a n d • I o g knowledge and ab1ht1es, says NEWPORT, Sul•• m, 1111 E•11 111n 19''· 11 •:oo • "'·· •n 'r. courrr_.,
R, $1rtel, Cot.I• Mtu , C•~I. '1$11. al Oop1r1rn .... 1 Na l ot •1l<1 cour1. obstacle COUC'Se and COn• Ing. Ftll• .\. Lllt'f tl'ICI Tftl l Yo~o,,,1. II 100 Cl•lc Ctnltr O•!vt Wt1!, In Phvsical and ml'ntal han-... P1•1f>t•VllP, !Ml cou1c1 Pl , ca11a 1ne Ci ty o• Sanlf ... 11,, c1111or .. •1. venlional swings are available. d. · 1 1 . 1 d Mo.,,,. c1111. n~u 011e<1 Fe11. 12. HI•. 1caps are c ose y tnterre ate '"'' iw11111,. 1, c-ucte.i 111 1 11...,.,.1 w1LL1AM E. s1 JOK!\I. The basic idea lies in the and the S50 fanta syland he l)4lrtner1n•1>. touMv c1er-Te<1 T Yotaml GENE R. Ml"ISKEW, so.called Normalization Prin-developed here is designed lO Tiii• 1111t,;..,,~, WI• lo!t<I wlln lht 1111 Wt1lmlft1Nr tlvd. . I t both c ........ v Cler~°' Or11199 C"""IV.:... Ftr.<v-Wt11mift1l1r, C•Mlornlt n .. J ciple of Dr. Bengt Nirje , a sl1mu a e areas. ,,.,, :it "" 111•11n-sn,
ed . Retarded persons generally ' !'.Jim A"-t '°'' 1"11111-• clinical Speciali!.1 in Sw en. Putilolllt<I Orano-Cotll O•ll y Piia! PubllV>e<i Or1noo Cot1I Olfl'f have motor·sen.sory syste1n M41•cn ,, 1. u. 12. ,.,. . 1111-1• F•o•u•'V 11, '"" M1rcn 1, 1. lfl•
I U ~eans allowing .the retarded
rnday, March 1, 1974 DAIL V PILOT 7
relallng better lo--Olhers. •
Physical exe rcise (ronl da il.1
nctr\'ily in the Ad\enturl
Pluygrount.I nlso enh11111·ts th•
pjychnlog1cal an<t' ernol 1ona
11nins through exposure to ;
group living sltuatlOn'.
"And if chlldren tram b•
Jllaying togt>lhl•r !O lhe \\'it.I·
Coupon Ad of Wed., Feb.
27 should show effectlYe
dates as Thurs., Feb. 27
thru Wed., Mar. 6.
t•ath olhl'r, to 1nnke th1•1 11'·----------,.
needs kno\.lo'll lo adults," s;I\')
!ling, "it bt'<.'Onlt's the riis·
step to1rards soti<1I ;ind l'Ct'l
n1unity hfe."
Uphokli1t9 Ht. Hillsidf. Ordinance
SO'rifMJ Ht. Citl1"s Policy Pia"
' .,
' l •
C•1t yow balof AGAINST thl dtv1lopn•"' ....
eitd FO.l City Govt'nlMlnt.l"fOMI•• to PMple. . '0"-
..... b l>t ~ 10 il«t 'fYO'l 0 H{OO;SC..E'l tol• Ao<!>OfO tole-°""'
lT.IO• o.ooe.-S...Nltl'-'-
. .
Wll( ~ARCH 5 Nonnolization in this sense1 _::.:~~-_:_:___:___-=.~~:..:::..:"'-------'---'----~---'---=-------------
Someone with care -ull vision lo live as <Joie IO out coocepl f---j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:~;;l!~~"°""~~al-as-poiSl~~~·b;~~.•~•~k,m·;1----~~~~~~~ I PMifatlrl'---1-vn.~00•• eo.iA M""' into CQnsideration the extent •
. '
' I
1 ·
' I
1974 MARANTZ . s 456~ s344.
TM 1U ~ Mlrann: 2015 AM/FM Stlfeo Ree1iv1r with 30 RMS w1tt1 of pewit" h11
M1r1ntz futUru like gyro 1oudl 'tuni"1 and FM muti,..r,0,9 ftistortion and othlt" f .. turn
Mar1nt1: is t1mou1 !or.,, Co"'f)letl with I !Hi'.9'f Son t EV~ B". 2-w~v Spukln •,nd •
G1rr1rd 408 Autoll'lltic Turntable com11Lt11 with bMI ind P1di.111ng diamond urtrid11.
A rul buy. (Marantz 2015 S239,95)
' -t
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•llt .·;.11.J ~ .~ '1 t ~I -. --~·-' .
I Tiii JVC C0 -1655 St•rto ea .. tt1
Deck 11 conv1nilnt 1nc1· tomM L .complttl with noiM 11.1pr1110r,
Upl 111.ctor 1wi1ch plu11.v1,lefy
of prof111io"1I l11turn. Wow ind
flutttr 1 ""''' 0.2% IRMSI. You'll
love tht w1lu1. ONLY
---GET-A ,
PHONE 17141642-9531
•SAT. lfOf Wfti.
·-· rmo ,
RfG. u.s .P•T.OFF.:
Growing beautiful roses is easy if you protect the lem·es and
buds from in sects and diseases. <Ind feed them fr equ ently to
replenish soil nutrients vital to fl ower production. Use these
proven ORTHO products for protection and fcc~ling.
ORTHO Systemic Ros~ & Flower Care is a combination
fertilizer and insecticide. Easy to use-just spread around
plant and water in. Sy~temic absorption through roots
prevents wash-off by rain or sprinkling. -
ORTJfO Spray-elle4-
Adjustable sprayer with
meteri'nK jct.<i to insure
accu rate mixture under
varying water pressure.
.Four·ycar guarantee.
ORTl-10 Rrn-e and
Floral Spray -
aerosol inserlicidt>/
fungicirle for !Small
,a-arden s or spot
treatme nt.
ORTHO Rose.and
Floral Dusl-{'Onlains
Phaltan fungicide f()r
rose milrlew and blal·k
spot control. anrl SEVIN
and Malathion fur
control of insects.
OHTHO lsoto:( Insect
Spray is a !(arden
insf'<'.t1c1rlc that kills
:i;uck1n!{ and chev.·1ng
L •
________________________________ ..J -----
Forewp.rt 9ord•nlng advice, otk
your deal•r for our''"· 32-pag•
ORTHO Lown and Garden Book.
See-these ORTHO dealers for lawn and garden advice. LOS ALAMITOS
s...si~ L\JM8;:~ CO•IJ'mY
j012-' lo1 A.oa....,01
lbt<l W•\I Koi.llo • ~
11 If Lo' Cem•ot • Cerritos
~?!q Coou tt.\y.--o Daro Point g'1?.~o'° ,._.,., · ~ Nlq.itl
.tll4 Lincolrl
18102 ,..,..l!I' C>~9 •
I .
' .
.Boai·d Gets . .
Land 'Gift'
SANTA ANA -Orange County, Parks
Commissioners ha\'e accepted 232 acres
of wilderness land that will increase
the size of O'Neill Regional Park by
60 percent. ..........._
The cost for the Sooth Orange County .
land will be $13,000 for a new fence
a~ forgiveness ol $20,000 in back taxes
ovaied by .the 'present property owners,
the Vedanta SOciety. \ ·
That works out to sicf-per acre.
County officials estimate the value of
the land Is at least $20,0CK> per acre.
THE COU~IY Harbors, Beaches, and
Parks· Commission l)eld a sped.al
meedng this ¥t'eek to approve a feaalbW..
ty .report on tbe project and ~
acquisition to the county · Board ~
Supervisors have scheduled a final
public hearing at 10 a.m. ?i.farch 26.
Ken ~psoo. director o( the Deport·
menl ol l!Brbors, Beacbeo, and Park!;
said the coUMy has been negotiating
with the Vedanta Society, an eastern
religious organiza~ for about two
Dr. Spectrum Maiclws
Wits in 4ny Language
01 ''"' 0111, .. ,,., ll•ff
ANAHEIM -Sounding suspiciously like an a'itbmalic vacuum cleaner,
Or. Spectrum roiled majestically into the hotel lobby, bathed in the glow of
came!a and strobe light!, enjoying every bit of his press cofiference.
He attracted a lot of attentloz:t because, as robotS go, Dr. Spectrum had a
lot going for h1m -a 48,000 word vocabulary, the ability to match wits with
newsmen on virtUally every subject from Watergate to Women's Lib, and a
fl00,000 price tag.
No wonder everybody who's anybody in Orange County joumali~m turued
out at the Disneyland ~Q.tel. If government leaders can't · ' ·
ans"er our questions, mayDe a robot could.
AND AFTER all, why shouldn't we have been there
Wednesday? The st.ate of the rolxit·building art does make
a guy like Dr. Spectrum possible, plus he was btiilt by
a top electronic gitmo manufacturer.
Besides that his Anaheim appearance was being hyped
by a big-time public relations outfit with offices all over
the U.S. and Torooto, Brussels, London, Geneva and P.aris
to boot. I must say that Dr. Spectrum lived up to his expecta·
Uona, He was better than your average rol:xit -had a
glib answtr to every ques~n. He wa,s just too good.
'"Ibey have .a._mooastery lhettJnd
bought land a5 an QPen space buffer
around it," Sampson explained. "B"ut
the taxes were apparently getting high
and Ibey wanted to lreep the °""' space • buffer while lowering the tuea." SO l sldled up to him and asked politely, "Or, Spectrum, h>w do we know
you're not a fate-?"
AFTER UNSUCCESSFUL ef!crta to That clearly was the wrong thing to say. Or. Spectrum chewed me out.
oegotiate an open space eaeement with reeled off an unintelligible definition or "fake" as opposed to "real," and
the <00nty, lhe VedanlA Society agreed lopped it off with, "WOO let this smart guy in here?" · • \0 give the Jand to the o:>Wlly with If you think talking to a robot ii pretty strange, imagine argtj.ing with one.
~ $6.5 Million
TaxFoods ,Retuni
' f ". +
To Orangt: County
SM'TA ANA -More 1han
$6.S million in local sales tax
revenues. were funneled back
to Orange Counl)" and its 26
$1.3 mi!Uon went into a special
fund ·set up to pay for loclt
mass trarWt systems.
citi es by the State Board or 111A1',.... FUND is derived
Equalization during the last quarter of 1973. from a one-quarter of one per-
The tax funds , which came cent sa1e.9" tax imposed last
to the cities and t'(ll.lflly this year for such purposes.
month, were part of an SM mil· A total of just over $5
lion total giVen out by the million went to cities.
state cov~(ing~ th~ l?st four Anaheim, the co. u n t y ' 1
months of the year. largest city, got the~biggest
TllE TAX PANEL'S newly-share at $740,000, followed by Santa Ana, $735,000; Costa released quarterly report saia M u90 ooo o
h ( esa, ,,... , : range,
t e unds were the third ad· $435.000 and H u n ting t d n
Vli!lCe paymept to cities and n h "'" ooo eac-, """"'• ,
<:ounties out or funds collected ·-;::=========~J from business £axpayers dur-l 1
lng those months.
tilore lhan $200,000 in
general stillt"" and use tax
l"l'turns went to the county
government and an addifiohal
l'l•Jllllt11t, Hvtlilt I
... ~ . .-...... i~~-I
495.0401 64Z· 175l
Representing no Special
Interest Groups except the
Citizens Who Love Laguna.
,,..,. ... b., 1 ...... , c.--(~ ill
Otr!ng the-11-...i at
donatiom belp in thia never ._.,. ....
• l'IOoNog ~-. Sdliolt1f, --
• For Sto-G.owtll, _.......,. --
of """ Refit""" of .... Cowwwiify c:i.ncter.
.SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ...... ..,~ .. ----. ~1111-lHN•--'--~
the stipulation that it be kept in We got into a fUll·bklwn hassle. · ~8am"p<Olnlll~.~~----"'------"'---'-~~~~~~~~~~~-J-t~---'
Saampson said the only improvements HE DEMANDED to know who I was, where I worked and fired off a bar-
and sale on pcrmitted on the property will be hiking rage Of other questiooa until I finalJy cried uncle ."I'm here to ask the qucs-
trails and a new fence to protect·· the Uons, mt y,ou. 'Ibere will be no further comment," I warned him.
remaining land held by the religlow "You IOUlld like JUcbard Nixon," he snapped. sect.-+~ · _ By that time I'd had enough and .stole away, looking around the lobby
Sampsm said a special meeting was for a ventriIOquisl But Dr. Spectrum Was ih hot pursuit ''Hey, When are
held to handle the matter because of you going to shave that beard?'·' he,growlCd.
escrow deadline requirements.
O'Neill Regional Park is located near I DON'T answer that question even if the editor wants to know, let alon~
, El Toro "Road in the Santa Ana Moun· a silly fiY&-and-•balf loot alloy oracle. Luckily another scribe got me off
ta.ins. · the book with a question about California's next governor.
"All you have to do ts go to the Hollywood casting office and pick a card,"
3,000 Cyclists
: Await Sunday
SANTA ANA -~of a bito+
thon benefitting the Orange Qiunty
. Diabetes Associatlon said they expect
: '.more than 3,000 cyclists to participate
in the event, which starts Sunday at
· 9 a.m.
·' The-roote-covers 38 miles ~ ~
through six clties, Including Allahelm,
· Garden Grove, Orange, Tu!IJn. santa
Ana and Stanton.
• Ten McDonald's ~burger ·~ in
cities aloog the-.route will aerv~ as
r checkpoints and riders can start at any
:.one of them..
• Entry forms can be obtained at any
Of the r¢aurants. Riders are expected
' ~? obtain Pledges from various. sponsors
for ~ach mile completed.
opined Dr. Spectnnn, adding that for governor. "any old ham will do."
The feisty Dr. Spectrum sped off in another direction to hassle with an·
other newsman. He didn't understand bis questlon. "Was that a question or•
the Encyck>pedla Brittanica,'.' he wanted to know. "Ask me again, and this
time speak up, dummy." ·
BY THAT time I was looking around the room for a man with a micro-
phone. Why was the guy reading a newspaper in another part cl· the lobby so
disinterested In the proceedings that he bad his back turned to the whole
Why was J..he guy sitting opposite him staring into the crowd so bored
that he l'OU.ldn't even conj!U' UP a smile over Dr. Spectrum's hassles with the
Indeed, .-by were the newspaper reader's neck muscles nexlng whenever
Dr. Spectrum-spouted oH? \Vb)'" dld_the_l_!Uln have.his hands U(tder a coat?
DR. SPECl'Rmf, you have been exposed. You are a fraud . Your plastic
beach ball bead.bas nothing inside It othe~ than. a twinkling_ Christmas ir.e __
bulb. If you had a brain, then some guy with a soldeFing iron must have per-
lcrmed a~ lobotomy. · -·
Your switche8, relays, motors and vacuum cleaner-parts couldn't have
cost· more· than a oouPle of hundred bucks. So where's the $100,000?
If they pay tOOse seemingly disinterested gentlemen in the lobby that
much, I want to get in on it.
Ctnuln'. C~llllred Pearl Earrinp. pitlt'd
stylt. m1ny styles. 1!1 ICK solid told .•••••••••••••• , $22
Lad•ts" Gt o~1nt Garnet D1nn'r Rin(.
tlusttr of 1arnus in .modern nuuer ~lyle •••• , ••• ,,,,, $89
Austra1llaR fire 0Qat Rin(. 3 tine 11p1ls $ d1~perse colo1s of rtd and blue, 1nt1Qut 1old ., ••••• 106
C~!1urtd P11 rl 1nd Diamond R1nr. b11l h1nt $
diamond accents lus!rous pe~rl, ·!CK 1old ...• , •••• , • • • 6 0
Gtnu'"e Blac~ Star Sappllire or r,,e Opal $75
Droo Eirnn11. many stt ltt. IC\ YG •••••••••••• ,,.,,
EXTRA 20% DISCOUNT on all "Star Sapphire"
Jewelry. You ¥t'ill find a tremendous selection in
Genuine Blue & Black Slar Sapphires and the
Lind e. Ladies & ti1en's Rings in Genuine Blue &
Bla ck Stars. Black Stars in Earrings, drop or studs,
lie tak-s, & Pendants in 14K Gold .
,_,. LEAVE ARRIVE • ._.j
·t----1)-. SAN'FRANGlSG0-$20.25-·..,'---I
,' 7:15 am Ex Sun • ~ 8:30am
"' 10:30 am ,~' 12:45 pm
· B: 1 o am Non.slop
9:25 am Non·stop
11 :25 ain Non-slop
1 :40 pm Non-stop
6:40 pm --Won·stop
7:45 pm Non-slop
Sun ',
ExSun· "l
I 5:45 pm
• 6:50pm
Sun ~ Dally .-.
Fri & Sun , ' --. '> SACR,AMENTO $23.00
' 7:15 am 8:55 am One·stop Ex Sun • ' ) ••
8:3Q.am 0:16 am One·stop Sun
12:45·pm 2:50 pm )lfa SF Sun ~
5:45 pm 7:35 pm' Via SF Dolly ·~
-PS.4 Glvt:S.VCU A I.I,,,_ .. _ •• t .
, r.. ,
Sale ·5.4-9-
·ale 1.19
1.88 ' Pecli191&t ro1t
de• ie. li-1 -q-Ode
Potenled a!>wrled
vori11ites. ti."'(
~ ocd pior1 row •••
· . .all f~f1e~ ...+ien pcx~oqed.
Ktlo9t'i t•io••••olkck.
n.. ;J,d "'!"'°' ploo-
linq mO: ' ... cive '(O'S
plonls a qood srm,
Kello<J9 's Gromulc.h
in 2 cu. fl. Qog.
W~ ~£~!J~:lngfor.
P•nney1 Ro•• Food.
For abundant blooms,
sturdy canes. 12· 10· 10
blend. 5 lb. box. Rose
Food in 1 20 lb. bag,
Shop Slll_!clay ll!)on to ~ p.m. at the follawlng stores:
FASHION l~LAND,-NewpO't Beach Only
·-___ ..
:l' c '" ... . .. ....
h ti
"" ·~· ... , ~re
·~ ... •••
'" Jlt;l <:1e•I I wll1
'" .. w .. w ..
~ wUI
~ ' .. ~-e.
An ••
'"' '
" " ..,,
M •• .. ...
" " "
" • (I
• '
rrlday MJrch l , 1974 ' __________ DAILY PILOT 9 . ,.
··--*· ll:fi __ !!: ..._ ,.....,.,. '-~ 'Wr'.::.-., ... "" ~.:.':id.-~~ Jr .. ~..t~#:i
Cher · Sues Sonny~· 'Clai111s Fraud I~~~~---
~:., "N """'°'~'1~~=1~111,!!; SANTA 0 ICA &.;;.7'0 "'-'"""""-... l!tu ~ M N... (AP ~--· her suit that Soony and at· datnages became kmvrn . knowledge to tri'ck her '•to effl&":-Ill--!, P~lk \llN Qier ~ ol, .. C-..,. and tomev Irwin 0, Spt-el ,......, UI and pl'OY!ded no payment if =-.. ,..,., ,.tdnc ~ Mw,_.,, -v 1 -• ... .,... Bono. 39. filed suit for legal signing a contract which con-she ~·ere unijble to perform
., ... xme~~=-"VI• .u.r1.--Cher variety team aad spired to defraud her and separation fromCher,'n,Feb. sli1utt;(J imposition of "in-and included othe r
w.t. L...-1;111.. o.i. ., ...,.... televilion lhow, bas ftled suit "unlawfuUv dominate and cM. 19 in a Los Angeles ('(IUtl. voluatary ser.,.llude" in viola-unreasonable terms, s h e •~ •• ,.,.. lwVIWld ..., wllt Al ...f I • ,J he J::i. •ic~"" IC~-kill 1Nct1i 8.1-.uin ber estnoced husband trol • , . her buslne9s-lnterests It was still undetermined lion ... t 13th Amendment clain1ed. ~ r:v·.£..'"'.t~·~, and his attorney_~ Superior ., and career." how it will affect the future. to the Constltut!Ot'I. 1-~---------I """"!"'· 111..,.,._,,-~inc vi-Court cont-..; .. ,. .• .._ t....J--' of "The Sonny & Cher Comedy 1l>e Stnger COOtended that .----------1 trr:"'io£ ''111. 1"1d 11e v11w Mort11erv, her ~to ~ ....,1 -L~eu. SHE SAID SllE fwd been Hour" on CBS. -Bqio had gradually iJven m.1 THE
U:ACN. .'6' ... '6 a ooatnttt NEPTUNE SOClnY 1 ,1111 H. h:f':11. 16611 L11 ,._1 0,1.,.. damagl.ng to her career and damaged ln an amount as CJI . creased eontrol ln the couple'sl -c1,.11,1,i. c ...... "°" 1,...,1c" ~'4':1u."'~VW: ~0.1111• "=..rv lnt~J,!. Yet undetermined, adding that ER CHARGED In her manegemen~ company. Chrr ... 1r11 ,1uoll\lft.1tlt11 ,, ... L.LHd\1 w.trw, Ort1ri t!!:i s.rv1e.'! suit that her husband and E Pn..i 1 Th• 0.111111 .. s•m••• A1i.t1ut1¥1 ~et '1!""*"..1 ,9(1flc c r, ,, C'ber, recently aeparated she would amend the sy.it OllCi! S . nte • .,. ,ses nc .• lo Spiegel. T• Tltt en11, IR¥t1Vfll Mt••t1•••
,,.._ ,..m11, 11t1e1111 from Sonny Bono,~ in the doll plegel had taken advantage The cootract bound her 10 """''''1 c1 .... r.rv '''""'
Costa Mesa·City Council
..... ., ... -.~·<•• • ,.,lwtion c-trol
• l ilic• Lar1h & troll• • eon-tion a.-
• P~ f'to.v•o'" • P'vbli< 0pe .......
l'a.cl l.:ir by ~'~'""'""'1 •'-•··t•:i·~, 1 1>~5 '.:>o~ool .. .,vJ, (o;.1.;i MnG ,
.....,,. C•l1 M9M.z 0 1 WMle M•1SI.. _.. --------------
ti C•t11MM~ :"' ... ':} ..== JI, 1t74 IW\llt111d , llY -. C. Wl•rM
-. lfll;, Cot•• .M .. , ....... ,..,, kltv t tl'Mt", Whi"lw1 llOf!Ole IMMI,_ Sac._.., ....... 91"~1 fol.i r,-11t~rancld>llC1re11. S...vlCM. St tvrdty, AN l•ll l r-•Y Cl\tptl, wllti ltw, Or. 19" w. llbtll officl1111111 •
•... ·'""""'· ~~"""'-' ~111 '"•rk. Btoll Br-•Y Mortu1ry, Olrectort. ,.ITlllllN
o.tlt '°"',_.,· AOt "; "-lldent ti .-.._i; ..._.,, D•~ of -th. "-vtry .. 1'74 Sur'<'fwd by .rstitr, l"D9b0tll • 1re1.•n. UQUfMI I H<nr .io111 nlM;ts
•,."", -. WI . S.rvl«s. 511\H"d&y, 2 ,.M, n...:lw1y O..ptl. ,.riv1i. '""""""""'· l•ll l t'Olldwty Mot'tutry, Olrtctor11. YAN \f09:1T Nlllq' LYTll! Ytn Von.I. 20722 ~
L..IM. H1111tlneton t...:h.. 0111 of GHlfl,
FlilH-illry 21, 1'7o&. S.Urvlwd b'f "''"'"-WJlll1n1 trfd M.,.11 Vt11 Vor1!1 1111., k t thl-1 ~.. J,.,..., Strvlc..;
S1tvrd1y, ll:lO AM. SS SJ...-a. J~ C1thollc ChU<"Cll, H1111!1ngloll 9ffc:h
Dlrwci.d by ''"-FtmUv Colon!tl """"''' -WlllT k ldtt rd Cl'lt("t!On WIMI. AOt 41 ol Jlf.1 CMllll• Clrcl1, lrvtnt. 011i ot t1t1th, Ftllrut ry v. 1174. Survl,..., bv
Wiit, AllMI two IStught..-1, Mn. Ntncv
Rost tl>d Mrt. Oeborth Tyle!", ""' "wt l ant,.1 A1111 "'°""'' Mr9. l lltlt n 111, Ntw Jtrwvi· 1'llrw br,,rlwrs.
Wt1'9t' ·11'11 ~t Witt!, o 1 ""'"9ylY .. lt l O.vld WIMI. N-.i.rwy,
!'J"'I Grtndchlldrl!'I. Mtn'M)r111 Hf'lktl •• I t. Mltl Sttuntey, Mtrch L 11 AM. s.ddlllbtcli: Clllotl, wlltl l!.w, W1ttw
J Wlnf effldt fl"', l<rltndl _, contrlbut9 ,. ~,.. c. Wlett M.nar1,1 l"l.lnd C.(:.U., H0119 Memorl1t Helpli.f, 301
N9WllOl1 lllwl., N.wport llHC:ll n66C1 Q~~~ $..tdltbKtt CMPtl, 220
AlllUCllU & ION
WllfCLIPf Mm'IUAll1'
<427f, 171hS1 .. ColtaMeso ........ -·-IAL1%--
110 Broodwoy, Cosio Mna
5'8-3<33 -·-DILDAY llOTHDS
17911 Beath 61vd.
Hucitington S.,IJCh 8•2-7771
2•4 Redondo AYe.
long Be1JCh t21 J) 438· l 14.S -·-McCORMICK LAGUNA
1795 loguMJ Canyon Rd.
494-9415 -·-McCOIMICK
28832 Comino Copislrono
Son Juon Capistrano
. 495-1776 -·-PAClflCVllW
.C:.l'!letery MOituo ry -
Chopel •
3500 Pocilic !Jiew o;r .....
N9wporr Seoc.h~ California
. 644-2700 -·-PllK fAMlL 1'
7801 Bolso AYe., Wesrininster
893-352.S -·-IMJTHS' MOITUAll1'
6 27 Main St.
Power is Preciou_s
Pho no
wittt Tape playll • ~
Your 1967, 1968, 1969or1970 model Zenith
23" diagonal Color TV and many other tube
type brands require approximately
360 Watts of power
We Service
What We Sell
We Sell !t-We
Service It, We Own
Our Service Dept. It
· Is not ·a leased
de .partment.
Satisfaction is our
r Unbelievably
1 · Priced•
Adntlral. No Defrosting
5 139
' .
"' ~ ..
Huntillglon Beoc.h
PUBLIC NOTICE 1 __ . "" ·-· M.Q"W: .. CIPJAUI QLl:l'.6'. ~-PllRONAL P•OPi•TY AS ,t, 'UNIT
11'1 tht Superior Court of tht SI.ti
of C1!1foml1. for tlM eountv of Or•l'll9·
IPI fN Mlllltl' of IM E1l1te of
WILL.AlllD C. THOMPSON, 0.C..ltd. Notlot I• htrellf al"'" 111at the Vl'ld~ will Mii ~• I unlt .t
.. 11 .... le H1f, lo IM '111ghfft Ind bnl
blddw, 1ubltd lo contlrmttlon of wld
SllPCH'1« Court, Oii or 1n.r !tie lllh
deV of Mlrch, 1'7• 11 !tit olflc1 ol
ASHWOltTH, 1111 l"t lr O.lt1 A..-iut,
SOliltll P11.tde111, Ctlllornl• tlG.10, tit ttw rltfll, tin. tnd Inter•! ol .. Id
~-It fhl time ol dttlh t nd
tM tht rivM. "fll 1nd llllllt'fll ttwil
"-Mhlt ol Hid dtocuted Ml llCq,.Jlrt(I
by opltlflllll of ·-OI' ofllerwllol OlfWr n.trl f/llT In eddltloll to IMI of w ld
•tot1...S. al ~ tlmt ol d t tlll. In
11'111 Ill 111 tht cerl•ln r111 11'111 Ptf10fttf ~ iJtutl9d l'I ll'irCouniY ot Ortngt, St•,. of Ctllfomlt, perllcul•r1V delCffbed
•• ftnowl, fl:»Wlt: AA undlvldld _.,,rt lni.rest lri tht
folloWl"ll dMCrlliotd rffi IN"llP'll'"IY: .an r101tt, tlttt 1nd 1n1 ..... 1 '' l.l!IM9 "'*'" llllt c"11ln l1&M dtfed Mlf
"' "'1, II'( t nd bttwMft THIE lllVINIE COMll'ANY, I Wnt '\l'.l r9ln l1
coroorttlon. II t .. $OI' •NI Htr1MM" View Hlll1 DIWlop!Mllt corp., 1 ~11on '' L.tute, rKOrdM on J-14 1tl1. 1n Sook 51.!EI .....
JM o1 Oft!dtl AICOl'dt of or.,..
CW!lty, C.lltomlt, tp; Lot SJ of Trkl
Nt. 3'Wll 11 """"'" 111'1 t m1p rtcordtd
In loot 1" ~· I , 10 & 11 of Mltc9fll~ M-l'llClll"dl vf 0rtl'lgt countt, c.nforn••· morw commonly knowll u : 1106 Stncllllptf
OtlW. c~ dll Mir, C1Ulornl1 ""' TO'llllltor wllll llft vndlvld.-1 -'Miit lri...-..1 lri MIKt11_,. HoltMllold
l"\ll'nltu.-. 1NI F"'"'Jtl!lnpt,
Tet'!'l'll of Mlt c•1ll 111 l1wtul ..,_., fJ6 ttlt Untied Sltlel 1111 tlll'll1rmtllon
ol ult , ot P•rl c11h ll1d Nltntt
1Vldl'f!Ctd 11'1' nole SICV....S by Mlll"f'Ot" -~ TIVi.t DHd on 1M ~V to
inlet. T9!1 ~rel'llt of 1m1111r11 bid to . bl Ottoslt.d with bid. .... ~--Jlilll--11111
wlll bl 11Ul'lld ti !hi tlorfftld oltlu
11 ,..., fl1M •"'"' !hi "'"'' pubUc.t!11111 hereof llftd bl'for• dlll cf Mlt.
O.t.d tllls 2"h dtV of
1'74 ' JEAN N. THOMl"ON
Execvtrfir-• tl'll WIH ..:o1-Ald Oleedtnt
ASM~TH • lilt P91t Olks •-w 1' Sowlll ,,...._., Clll"'*• ,.,.,.
Ul'I at-tlt6 .. ,.....,.. .... ·~""'• f!WllUllCI Orlf'l(le CH1l DtiJy:
Mtrcll I. 1. I, 1t7~
...... the --Si.riday& .
., the 9.gq;1q11
1974 Model
--· --.. ------~--r-~~'-...... -
lOO'l' Solid-State
Feat ur ing unique POWER SENTRY SYSTEM
Raauiras 00111ao wans
[ + 6 Watt Instant-On]
Little more than two 60 Watt light bulbs.
Conserve Energy and getthese New Features too-
• CH ROMACOLOR II • Chromalic One·Button Tuning r-~'lnstanlcl'icturr--tnstent-Sotind • Al'C-Automatic Fine J1 •ajngQ>ntro~
• 30,000 Volts of Pitture.Power [design average)
tAatrlx Bright Picture Tube, 1nsl<1-
matlc Color Tuniro.g, ln~tant picture
and sou"<t. Model WL801 UKP.
4 Speakers
Quadrasonlc s 129
~/FM.MPX _
Choose from a· complete line of stereo
Mondly lhru.Frl. 9 lff I
· Sltunley 9 tlt 7
&mdl)'l!Oll]l'lll 5
( .. • I
• ·'.
: l .. • ' • -·-• .
'.'\-r . • -
DAJLV PILOT ' ' • . • ' · Frldiy, Marth l , 1'74
~·BmY JOYCE,· ta ·,lele du Fraitce,
-.Is back auhe-CHEZ CARYi
0 YOUR Mon
.City Council of
San Joon Capistrano'
March 5th
•i111E FUNERAL lod ustry 1 ls ·characterized by a lack f' ~:at price competitkm, a lack
• jlfl coosumer Information and
ultbnately -oo. the bottom
Dne I -8 laet of • CCJDIWBer
cbolce," said I J, TbomaS
Rosch, head cl the ccm-
mis3ion11 bureau ol consumer
, protection. ~ · •
Although the survey covered
Only the M ftmeral homes In
the Washington area, "the
results are in general accord
with a nuinber of other cost
studies and esUmates from
-aroond the country," the study
' : -• f •
·.Pric .. $ Effective Ma.-rch .. 2nd & March 3rd,·1974 . ~ . . . -
Save 38~-, . -f'•lllJ Hose
0111hjze"fits Git! Mony
··colars to choose from. , .;'.:'" . -·2·11. 00
•.: . ' -""
-· . ! ~-· ·, ..... . ' .. ~.-.•.. ( . 'rt---
" . ;~ Reg. 69' ~
~·~; ..
.SAVE 70:..._
Men's· Knit Pant
' ·-' ' . Solid pi>lye•ter double knit dress pant,
Asst. colo1s.
ni, lody of 10,000
tong•, who•• feoth•t•
li9ht mastery of tfte
k~rd encbonted
Cher Cory guetlf
for so many, many
yeprs, wtnt owoy for
awt.11e -but Yost.I
htty i1 bock ond
j\ist as d.ilghtfvl o•
you remem,W her.
Com• in JOOn, ren~
an aid friend1hipl
Tuesdoy, through
Soturdoy, ,
beginning ot 9.
-~~--------.,-"-----"-----------------·~· •• -:I -
• ... •
·"" Swag lamps
.Reg. 9.99
·f,.joy ' creom.Y deliciOus
cherry che••• coke and cof-
.. fff. Cafeteria.
Pansey ' Parade
BUENA PARK . -. ...-.o. skpo .. .. -....... ,......., .... ,
. , .
6 Digit Calculator
BOttery opefated,-fits in
. palm ~r_poc_ket.lMM6)
24. 99 Reg. ·29.95
·oRAMaE . .,., .... ---· .... IM,_ • ..., .... ,
\ ) -..
. 'i~ . .. .•.. . ·s..:ve·40·
"' . -.
ACE Oil Fil TIR i
FITS-MOST ,4\MIRICAN CARS -;g9c · -. .
12~ 418 189 0 I -.. ---· --CHARGE I •
with jour JCF'l!nney Charge Card ,
Jfyoudon'thaveachafge '
just see how fast we c:at<~ • •
open up )'QUf" new .iceount_
• .. I
I . I
I I .
I 1--
Read Trade .Literafur·e?
• . ~-..
It Might Be Ded,uct~hle ...... 111 c. Plollll .. bas join-
ed tbc communlly r<lallom
and assistant general manager
of K\\iksct di\1slon ol Erubat1
Corp., of Anaheim .
rritth in .. s.n .. 1
U you a.rt an emplo)'e and
you read specialized llter.J,ture
at home . to keep up with
development!: in yoor job flekl,
this may help quallfy you for
an office-at-home dedU<tlon
under a liberal 1973 Tax Court
131 'MONfH
O• CAU•. t,,_1"41 • *1 ... Miii. C»1t11 ._
\Vhile the
IRS wot1't at.;
low you, the
employe, to
deduct o 1-
f ice· at·
home expen·
scs un-
le91 you are
required by
your employ:
er to maintain this. offict, the
Tax Cow1 is one of several cour1S that do not insist on this
empl~er requir!!menl 1ls a
prerequisite for the dl:'<luction.
INSTEAD, nlE Tax Court
will allow the dedUction if the·
r-------~---~--~ INOW OPEN I I · I · 1 America's Award-Winnin9 I
I Car Wash I I I
I Eleg~t • Automatic I I · Computerized :
I t I
I ~~ I
I •l' HE AUTO WASH "'..g I t-
4200 Birch lat Dove) %~ 1
1 • Newport Beach 833-0660 0.
I Bring This Ad !or a I ! FREE ~.Q! WAX i
I °"" Dally, $ooodayl • Holidays . I ._ ______________ ~
o;.1ice-at-bome-l! "approprlati tiberal:ized even In· cases
and helpful" In performing . where lhe IRS agrees office-
.your duties as an employe· / at-home ex-peMeS are deduc-
t•Ve!) though It's not required lible. Tbe court rejected the
by your employer. ms formula for allocating the
In the 1973 case, an IRS home expenses b e t we.e n
tax lawyer spent two or three personal and office ~e and
eveTilngs during the week and substituted it1 own formula.
three to five hours o n 1be difference is best un·
weekends at home reading derstood lf you look at the
various tax publicattons itbout racls and figures in the case
current tax devek>pments and itself.
completing wor~ be couldn't Mr. <lnd )tfrs. Gino were
get done during his regular both full·time teachers, living
\\·orklng bour:s at tb·e IRS of-In an apartment tonSisting of
lice. · a bedroom. living room and
The IRS didn't require him kitchen. They used 20 percent
to do these t~lngs at home of the apartment, including
d e part·
meot ot~n-e
1rvt .. Com-
puf as como
mun\ty a I · -' fain 1coordi-
He Win be
re.sp on-
slble for Ual-./ PMt&.1.1"
son activitiea with local
civic, philanthropic, cultural
and educational organiutkms
and will coordinate the com·
pany's speakers bureau.
He and bis family reside
in Huntington_ aeach.
and, 1herefore, it barred his the dining room table in the *
office-at-home deduction. But li\•ing roont and the kitchen Newport Beach resi d ent
the Tax Court upheld his table. for two hours a day Harry c. l\.f®re has beefnap-
deduction b e c a u s e the as an office-at-hc>me to help
technical reading he did at with their teaching. IRS pointed 8 kgislaUve mem·
home plus hls overtime work agreed that they used 20 per bershlp chairman for the Na-
at home made the otfice-at· cent of their apartment as tional Small Business Associa·
home "appropriate and an office·at·bome and that 20 lion, a Washington-based trade
helpful" in performing his job. per cent of their rent and organization representing 500
~UNY OF VOti similarly
bring home "-ork that you wan t
to complete and you also read
various trade, technlca3
papers and journals at borne
to keep up on development...
in your job field. This 1973
Tax eo.,trt case would seem to
suppo~t your claim for an of·
fice-at-home deduction even if
such an office is not required
by your employer.
A NO.TE OF cautiGn
though. you win have to fight
for this deduction if you take
it and the lR.5 checks your
return,. for th~ tRS w~ll
disallow your claim. Even a
dissenting Tax Court judge In
th,e 1973 case felt the decision
went overboard because tmder
it "there Would certainly be
n<l professional people and
very few ii any business peo-
ple who would not be entitled
to deduct as a business ex-
pense some portion ol the cost
of rental of a home or the
maintenance of e house."
UNDER AN01'11ER 1973
Tax Coart decision. the
amount you may deduct as
an office-at-home ex.pense was
utl.lities amounted to $4.92. But types ol industry and ·com-
since tl\ey used the 20 percent .merce nationWide.
as an office for only t\\·o...out . ._Aloore is California regiooal
of the' 24 hours of the day, dirtetor ror Gtaeral Ba.tlntt!
their allowable deduction was Setvlctt, a national counseling
only 212-1 of $492, or $41. firm specializing in aiding
small bu.siness a n d pro..
fcsslqnal people. THE TAX COURT said that ms figured this wrong. 11r.
and ~frs. Gino were away
£rom home eight hours a day
in full·lime teaching jobs.
They presumably spent
~er eight hours a da y
sleeping. That left only eight·
hours p day for possible use
of the CHning room and kitchen
In which their office work was
Therefore , the proper ratio
for the deductible expenses
is two hours of office use
out of eight hours of total
use or 218.of $492,.wtiich \\'Ol'ks
out to $123--a lot bigger than
$41-of deductible office-at·
home expense.
The IRS, ruled the Tax
C:Ourt, is wrong in using the
ratio of two hours out of the
24 hours of the day. The clear
message to you is k> follow
the more liberal fom:iula of
the Tax Court ln calculating
your office-at-home expenses
for the deduction.
BofA Gets
Scl1ool Bid
A Bank of Americ a
uhderwriting group W I a;
wccessful bidd<r of lhe 1.n
million bond Issue of the
C3llforrtia · State University,
Net interest cost was 5.3604
He had been Rl'\'lna a:i vi(...,.
president and u. IJtant gen
era.I manacer ol Kwlkset. llt>
and his famUy lh·e In Orange. ..
Utile c.
Corona de!
1'1ar, has
been named
gene r al
manager of
1'tov1e Land
\V~x Alu ·
se um i n
Buena Park.
Bruct was
former· ••uc•
ly senior marketing manager
at Hunt-Wesson Foqds, Inc.
Prior to that he wu president
of Career Learning Jnsli tute, a
private vocationa1 school. ••
n>e issue Is an offering of
student union revenue bonds.
Proc!eeds wilt be used to
finance a student u n I on
building, on which
construction is scheduled to
start this spring and i.s
expeded. to be completed ~1tbin 18 'lOOnths.
n.._c,,.,,..~·'-··--·-"""" -··-mon ~· ·"-~-·was-"'" '-~ o-~-.,.~-"':s: ~-·ovv 1 ·,---•u.._"f ~n1;""U\Jr' v r ·n.....-1!1Vl"'I:" 11.,-.11-..,t' ~IVl lll :',,
~s, hamburgers. the building. Since then, we've been serving .from a
limited menu. t'low we ore bock in full swing with our usual big orroy of
delicious, 'round-the-clock specials! To celebrote, we're having a ..•
MARCH ·4th
MARCH 7th ...
--~-.... .. 11. .. ,"......, ........... ..... .. ...... ""-"'*r· Ms.117. I t74
• • •
Any food order, be it from
our weekly menu or a
value-packed weekly or
' monthly special . . . We'll
·total the bill, then give you
(I •••
• l
t11rdPJ .. s .... ,
t:OG p.&. Z:GG ..,
-........... --~-~--'
'· (
L.1'1. Boyd
Biggest Reason
What's the No. 1 compelling motive for matrimony?
Our Love and War man says the forea:olng query, phrased
hoY.110tyer, ii the primary question retearched by those
scholars who study Ille among the mamed. Counlless
surveys invariably tum up the same results. What bus·
bands and wives alike value most of all In the marital
hit.ch Is that thing called companion·
Figure 90e out d. every 20 teen-
agers herea bouts owns a personal TV
set ... March is said to be that month
in which children ileep most soundly
. . . Now the men hunters only out·
number the women hunters by 16 to 1
• . . In a race between a greyhound
and a coyote, bet on. the coyote •.•
CuslOmers who don't pey their bills
said to cause 12 percmt of the ~ faltures. -··
Q, "Miat sort or mammal bas the largest number of
mammary gland!?" ·
A. The femal e pig. With 89 many 1s 28.
Q. "Who $3id, 'A woman's dllss Js not good unless it
inspiry:s men to want to take it oU her'? Or words to that
effect .. " · .
~-Lin Yutang, Theodor Reik, Francoise Sagan, and I
think I've nm across lt either in Abtty or Landers, too,
but can't be sure. Wbo !aid it? Everybody.
Over The Counter
NASllUslloopforn.r.doy:FobnwyJl, 1974
J: DAtLV PILOT Ftlday, M11th•].. 197 ..
.~Gasoline May Cost
Eight Cents More
LIASING -[i] Yo1r f«rorr A11ttii ... l1td
Ct..n.iot i.oml*t Doolof • Now '74 Yot0 Hatclribctdi: S6840 ~I!• MONTk •
Plin l•• & Lk. On .-.~r. C•9dll 2f Mo. O E L.
COSTA MISA 146·1200
'The Laguna Beach oftice of
J.~aln..~. Webber, Jackson &
Curtlg: thanks the 26 lndlvi·
duals "'h<'.J' d!"monstrated
lhl'lr confidcncr In us hy
Opl'ni11i; an accounl this
10· .............
.By United Press Jnttm1ttonaJ
t.1otorists hoping to pay only
three cents more per gallon
ol gasoline this month may,
have to dig deeper into their
pocket's before the end or
Sli: oil companies have
announced increases in the
wholesale price of gasoline of
up to more than eight cents
a gallon, effective kld~y.
'-''' T ........
Steel Cost
Gets Okay
WASlllNG'l'.jlN !AP) -The
Cost of Llvihg Council has
given the. nation's s \ e e I
\ndustry permlssio·n to
immediately ~ase prices
by perhaps a.s much as $750
Tile council announced
Thursday it was allo\4-'ing steel
producen kl raise prices to
cover cost Increases through
Jan. 31 and to boost price.s
once a month to reflect the
higher costs o( scrap iron and
Crude Oil
Imports of crude Qj r
ipcreased .marktdly last
week , while imports of
refined products slumped,
the American Petroleum
JnsUtute reporfs.
Taken together, l hf!
industry ofganiiatlon said
Thursday. the figures
showed that total
petroleum Imports
incyeased by 7 .8 percent
to approximately 4 . 9
million barrels a day -
about the predic{!'d le\>el
under the Arab oil boycott
against the United States.
&eel. -~~~~~-~~~
13 Brands
S~ray Ailhesive
Suspensio11 Ends
W~SlfiNGTON (AP' -The mutations, as once feared.
gov~rnment today lifted its '
seven-month ban on 13 brands A CO~IMISSION spokesman
of aerosol i1pray adhesives. 00 said the 3-t.1 Co. of St. Paul,
longer considered a public MlM. and the BOrden Co. of
hea lth menace. Columbus. Ohio are free to
The U.S. Consumer Prodll<'I resume production and sale'
Safely COmmlssioo said it to industry and consumer
received no new evidence to hobbyists who had been using
suggest that spray glue cau.s¥ more than a mill ion cans a birth defects and genetic
damage that could cause a year.
847-7002 IN ANOTHER development,
Rhode lslaod today became
J.'ne 15th s e to impcjge a
gasoline alioning s y s t e m
ba on matching odd or
ev'lfl numbers of license plates
'No Sl Loaf'
Agriculture Secretary
E~rl Butz declares at
news conference that
bread prices will never
reach Sl a loaf and
that food prices in 1974
will rise less than they
did in 1973.
IT ALSO directed. the major
steel firms to rsubmit
estimates ol anticipated cost
Increases f9r the Feb. l·July
31 period.
Russ Asks GM to Aid
Since the commission
announeed Jan. 25 ii.! decision
to lift the ban automatically
if no new sa'Iety information
was presenteil. it received
only t~'O letter!! l r om
individuals -one supporting
and one opposing the decision
and neither offering scientific
PROTOTYPES and PRODUCTION PriCes of scraP products
have risen 37 percent in seven
"·eeks since price cootrols
were lifted from them, C.Ouncil
Director John T. Dunlop•
In New Truck Plant
Stai"'ess-Cold Rolled·Alumlnum
Sheari ng 3/ 16"•8 ~et
hndin9 I /8"x I 2 Feet -l/4"1.90"
Band Sawlnq 16"x l6"
Hr.rieric.al Controlled Punchinq 4ft x any It
Round Holes to S" -Square -ReclancJle
Obrounds -Slots-Any. Slae
Permo. 36mo OEL
-----.. -..
dealer-direct -leases
Call for free orochure !
Hou1.• of lmpo1t1
•••2 Mon<ho1tor loulowatd. llM-Parti !714) S2l·12.SO
)llith odd <>r even days or
/the month.
v It "ill take a few days for
the oil company price hikes, ranging from· Jess than a ------------
penny to 8.4 cents per gallon,
to be passed on to motorlst.s.
They are in addition to
government-allowed p r i c e
increases totaling thr<:e Cents
a gallon, which are also
effective today.
Gold Rises
In Europe;
Dollar Too
Under gover nm ent
regulations, o i I companies
may increase Wholesale .prices
If they are justified by
increases in costs. Two firms LONDON (UPI) -The U.S.
have aMounced 1 o w e r dollar and the price of gold
wholesale prices. rose in European trading
ALTHOUGH IT will take In 1..A>ndon, the dollar traded
time for the wholesale price at $2.2875 to the pound,
•changes to reach customeri, gaining nearly 2 cents under ·
a two percent increase in the the impact or lht_ WlCel'.!i!!L_
price of retail gallOline allowed results of Britain's national
beginni?lf-·iooay:-....:.by the -eleclions.
Dunlop said that had the
ccuncil not permitted the ,piice
relief. the steel industry would
have to absorb some $'150
million in cost increases over
the past year.
TllE DIRECTOR indicated
that he agreed with industry
contenUons that h!gher prices
"we needed kl justify new
investment to e x p a n d
operating capacity.
DETROIT <UPI) -General
l\lotors . Corp., the world's
largest auto manulact,.yrer,
has been asked by the Sovlel
Union to help build a giant
new truck Pinnt in Siberia.
Nikolai S. Pato.liche\'. the
Soviet minister of foreign
trade, disclosed Thursday that
discussions are under way on
the project. which would rival
the. new Kama River truck
·complex in the western
A Sour Note
r;:e:;~t~nergy Office was Gold rose. by $7 OJ) the !;Ilg ., By tbe Associated Pre1s
The government allowed the London bulhon market to open Shoppers with a sweet tooth were out of luck
i ncrease 10 appease at $l70 ad then inovi-d up during F.ebruary as spiraling sugar prices helped
ind e pendent dealers by anot~r $2. --push the family grocery bill to a JCvel 16 percent
threatening a nationwide In Zurich: gold v.·a~ up $4 higher than a year earlier, an Associated Press
"pumpout." The FEO also al the opening, reaching $I65 marketbasket survey shows.
allowed a one cent wholesale an ounce. · S t · f ..th 13 T •·th the olfic' 1·a1 -mmerci'al ugar wen UR.,.JO. every one o e ct 1es price hike to give o i I ...., .. v checked in 'fhe §W\lef, rising an average of 14
companies more incentive to dollar -and the fin ancial dollar percent. Eggs went down in every city, bl.\.t the de·
increase supplies. used by tourists opened in creases were mor~ than offset by the boost in sugar The A1arathon Oil Co. of France at 4.8775 fran cs after
FindJay, Ohio led f irms closing at 4.82 on Thursday. prices.
announcing wholesale price The do1lar opened in The Associated Press checked the price of 15
· · ·1 · · Frankfurt at 2.6830 mar•·~ food and nonfood ite1ns in 13 cities on J\1arch I, mcreases, sa}'lng 1 s price 1s ...,, now 8.4 cents oer galloo compared with Thursday's 1973 and has rechecked at the beginning of each
higher. ...., close of 2.6G80. succeeding month. ..
---,.-----------------------------------------. The latest survev showed the total 1narkel·
basket up in every citY checked over the 12·ntonth
period. with increases ranging from 8 percent in
Los Angeles to 2~ percent in Philadelphia.
BOnl DE and GM
Chairman Richard C.
Gerstenberg cautioned that
discussions .still are in the
preliminary stage and GM's
involvement in the project still
has not been decided. Ford
Motor Co. tried to work out
a deal three years ago to
help build a heavy truck
factory, but was turned down
by the U.S. State Department,
partly because of the Vietnam
THE BAN WAS imposed last
August ·-on the basis of
preJiminary research by a
University of 0 k l a h om a
scientist. Dr. J. Rodman
Seely. indi cating that spray
adhesives might be associated
with chromosome damage and
birth defects noted among a
small number of persons ·in
the Oklahoma City area.
The ban prompted
widespread concern among
expectant parents around the
war. world who had been exposed
Palolichev, "'tio would not to the spray and who feared
reve.al where .in Siberia the their children wou1d be born
new· plant would be located, defonned.
said it would be similar .to AT ONE POINT t h e
the Kama River projecj,_1.hat --eommis.!ion advised ~xposed
complex can turn Out. up , to persons to consider delaying
-~59;000-trucks -and-450,000 pregnancies. •
diesel engines a year.
"We intend to build in
Siberia a major truck facility
and we approached General
J\1otors v.•ith a request to know
if it thought it could
cooperate." he said through
a translator. "This
cooperatiori n1ay i n c I u d e
eingincering, supplies, and
equiprncnt. much like the v•ay
\\'e cooperated \lt'ith the Fiat
Co. o( Italy."
and the Soviet Union "have
had discussions of po$ible
business transactions over the
past _Jwo years with the
encouragement of our
go~emment." t
Head Quits
SAN'fA CLt.RA (AP) -
Laurenf'e L. Spitters
submitted h Is resignation
Thursday as ptesident and
chief _ .e..xecutive of the
financially troubled Memorex
Spitters, a cofounder of the
company in 1961, said he will
also leave the company's
board of directors when his
reSignation becomes effective
at the annual meeting April
Complete -Mid-day American Stock List
Exclusive! Only al Ca117on Slllds, Palm Springs.
Enjoy singl&-family privacy ... over100 families do! ..
6 tennis courts, heated swimming and Jacuni
pools, saunas, putting 'green, cabana. No
Initiation tee. no dues. Lovely landscapiTJQ,
no exterior maintenance.
3 bedroom• (0!'2 and den), 2V.. baths.
2 btdroom1, 2 b1lh1.
3 oxc1t1111Jloor piano.
$39,500 up.
Pfivate, waifed patio. ~<er garage with
electrfc automatic door opener1 floor-to--celllng
wood-burning fireplace, 11 ft. cathedral
ceiling. 3 sparkling models newly furnished
by W. & J. Sloane.
'""',' -cA:mfac
cAnyo·n sAn~s
-· "'~ -an ld111 whose.time has come
ttwy.111~ nm: to Gene Autry Hot61
4300 E. Palm Canyon Dr .. Palm Springs
(714) 328-2185
1----------------,-------------;--•-•"''"---·-••••"'"'-•-----•-••••••-I ..
E141ganl, 1-11tory desert designs
with c:clorlul tile roofs.
'IOU. _,
CANYON IAltDS, i 1lt
~ ,, __ _ : '4300 E. Pttlm canyon Or., Palm SPfingt, CA 92262
,: ,.._Mnd mobrochur•andlnfonn&tlOC'I.
i ., __." • ' I ~ CM'fOM I
I _,.... INml I
<~ ft.LAI I
Cit)', Zip
' I ' ' ' • I
' ·~ I I ...... ~" ~ ._ _______________ ._ _ _. ___ ..._ _______ • ____________________ ; __ ._ .... _ ... J
' '
', • -
. .
""!: '"
• Thorsday~s
Year's High-Lows
Appear E\er y Saturday •
______________________________________________________________ ......, ______ Oiiiiii __ .;... __________ •
Nl!W VOii( (UPI\ -, .. krwlno ... ~:,._"' Ir. Ht>w Ywt1 •toc:k dc~noe
• Dow h1clex Lo ses
Seve1·al Poi11ts
NEW YORK <UPI 1 -Pror t taking pulled stock prices
lo"er 1n moder:.ite trading on th" !\e.1 l ork Stock Exehange
1 hursd11} dcspltl.' soinc encourag1n~ "'I1ddlc East ne\\"S
Short\} befor1-: tht.' clo.-.c the Do" Jouc!'t 1ndustri.al a\tr
age had fullen J ~Z Jllunt ~ to 859 90 It had ~n n ore than
six pomt.s Jo"er in the ear!\ going
Declines outnu111bt>red ad1anC'es bv about S<'\l'n to-sl~
among the more than I i65 1ssue111raded
Sales totaled approxim 1tl\ 13 500 000 shn rts 1:1t the c\O&C"
against 18 730 OCXl stulrt:s tr 1ded \\l-dlh sd 11
lo1C'Stors were bus\ 11kmg profits fol!o11 r(g 1t f.O.po1nt
runup 1n the Dov. during Februarv and appartntl1 took llrth:
notice of ~tiddle f rist nev.!'I
Pr1ct's mo\ed lov.er 10 light trad!ng on the An1er1can Ex
" )
'°' l
li> "
'"' -· " " "" ,,,.
' " " ' ' ' ) . " )
' ' ' ~ ' ' • n. ,.
" .. "
... ,,
" "' .. '" " -" . ~
" ...
' " '" ) • " . '"' ..
"' '" " "'
10 l"o•t Active
"' ' . "'
American Sale•
¥01 ......
Divid end at
~IcCarth y
• '
I .
• ......
· • J .f DAILY PILOT ~rldiiy, Marth 1, 1974 S aes #or ·Laetrile . ~ I
• •
... ,
I . •
' • ·'
• ~ erminli_l ancer ~Victim ·~-'==:.:-" -'· ~ .. . Kid Le • -o1 _,,. -••P iter SAN JOSE AP)-A Lot weet<r 40 to stop lllllnilllltor-at the r ._ -d'"'""'°" ~ several operations. = and mlaerals,ec:tin&
. En~rtainer.Eartha Kilt, Altos _,,.. wllb tenninal Ing tbe drug. the . n~--la Janua<J, 1111 ' . IT . SAID. se' E s I a rj ' , In the ~timt's bodr, the IUlt ~ A bearinl oo ~ .......-. The UM of 1.Mtril,e n a . . · ,y_ ,... in an open letter to cancer aeeb a court order Lil.~ ~~ .... tupplemeat under itt aenertc receJVlnc: Laetrile tttatmentl contenm.
earsrramily;-claimed aUowtng-.....in--.rt~b &lpe<tor O>url ~udg• ·JGNts;·•·liiiiie~ 11·1fi*f--:-Ja :io h'"" Dr:--111;... -,~8~E-RG~ .. ~,.,~RE=PORTEll===ru."'· ~--1---,-
the ethics ol the White Loo!r»e; a cqitroverslal drug _ Mcinerny. iD catllomla. But bolh 1111e JOI!"", a Palo Alto physician. · "Vined 1..,. and House could be to barred hy otate and federal The ;uit In Santa Clara and. f<donl law pni11ib1t Its 'Ille ..it Aid that the In-wl& bad ga ,... ,.-.
blame for terrorist acts · ,.. ... -y Superior COWt atks '* 81 a~ cure.: Experts' jtclkml ~ .J,.aetrUe, abO "felt .much bet1er t:-after "7'" -Cl:llCAGO (U PI) -An in-''0ff1 c i al behavior law rrom uie in cancer treat-:--;junctkln barring medical say .studies ihow that it la toown as Vltamln B-17, "were receiving the Laetrile in-
tr• u·~ e r 1 n e contractpcive, makes it positively cWc ment. cmter off~-.-0 m--io.-u.e1ea1 .,....._ cancer. not _~vided or admlninered jed.Jons.
described -lllf 99 pcrttnf et-to chea /' 1itiss-Kitt terlerlng with her treatment. -~'lbe auJt. drafted liy Mede!to to thio-plAi.ntiff as a cancer Laetri~ was -discovered by fective in preventing pregnan· .d ATrORNEYS ror Josephine tor,neyEGeorge W. Kell! said agent DIX' for lhe purpose or Dr. EtneSt T. Krebt al. San
Cy, has wori government ap-sai · ... Bergman, 47, filed the actiqn "JF TllE DRUG Is not ef· . Be gmao "has been told Intent or diagnosing, trfftiftg, ~~~ !Peam= J!t
proval and : will be on the ---------~ Wednesday alter :Stanford fectlve what have we Jost?" t . '. • , cannot expect allt;vlat~. or curing cancer!' the "-"' results in body pro.
market within weeks, it was University Medlca1~~ter said J~ Bergman, husband lO'IUl'Yive more than a matter IMtead. the i.Qj«Uons.,were ~~ odd.
announced here.. 1 ------~~~~~~-----~----~~~.."':'......!~~~~~~o~f2\he~~woman~~~w~hooe~~cance<~==~o~f.....'.'.moo~ths.~'-'~~~~has~;;un-;;:'~l...,'.=:......:e:xc~lua:;::;;";•;ly;--f:<lr:.._~lhe:;;;;;duel;;:~!Oo....-o1-jhydrl•""';--Yan_lc __ _ 'l'he oevice, called.CU-7,-is l-ul't T.i1111te1• ordered her physlcian two
manufactured by Gm. D .
Searle & .ca.. inventOr or the
birth control pill. It consists
of a small, flexible piece of
phannaceutical·grade plastic
shaped like the nwneral 7.
Portions of the stem nf the
device are covered 'A'._ith cop-
TliE DEVICE continuoUsly
releases tiny particles of cop-
per, producin g a contraceptive
'effect whltjl "approaches the
pill in effectiveness, .. the com-
pany said.
"Clinical studies have shown
that the CU-7 is 99 pei:cent
effective in p rev e ntin g
pregnancy wllhin a 12-monlh
period and that the efficacy
rate is maintained tor at least
two yean," said Se a rl ~
medical director Dr. W. Scott
Smith. '
~ARLE SAID the device
is t1-e first intrauterine con-
lracePtive subjected to-the
same requirements tor ~y
and efficacy as a n e w
'lbe device has b e e n
available in Europe for more
than a year.
It will be available ln the
next few weeks in this country
at a cost expected to be
"'similar to what physicians
now charge for inserting a ,
conventional intrauterine
device,'! lhe company sald. -
Sex Case
a.&rges against a 'n-year·
old man, including unlawful
sexual intercourse. I e w d
and lasciviow: conduct. and
contributing to the delin-
quency of a minor, have been
dilmi99ed in Superior CoUrt. 1
Judge Warren K.. Taylor
freed Rosalio Garcia of the
charges. on a motion by the
~-attorney's ofrice. -
Garcia.:-faced .a second .trlal
_QO. the charges March 26. A
JutY 1fi 1l1s -flrsMi'ial failed
to agree on a verdict in the
case involving a 13-year-old
Give the .Gift that
"Keeps on Givi1111"
Back to YOU! .
• • We dan'f belitYt that aiviaf
3hou1d be a ol'Ml·••t street If JOI.! contribute lo us, we
thin!( '"shoUlcl do somethilll • ntum thlt wltl tlvt rov
'blct: mort thin 1 w1n11 lttlinl
-I tlx de411ction.
• lfow, .. hl\'I found I
inost nm1rkablt w., lo reward
)lu for )'Otlr ftnerositJ. You
....ttll tnio1111e plelsurt otl!tlpirtf your. ltllow·man, plus tile
btneflts of 1 t:u·deductiblt
tilt a.t ••. )'OU don'! five up
tt.e foturt 11n1nc!1I securl!J t;'. ~ hawi tn)oytd
..... )'llUf tilt.
• As loftf 1$ JOU livt -
,.,. "" I flMtOUI lncom1 out ot flit t •mlnrs of riur contribution, Tiius, t becomu
• 1• hrveslmtnl to fH'Olect )'Our futm. atld tile Muri of )'Ollr
t.Mty. M !ht WllM timt, Yo"--.
wiN tlt-61vinf Oii lutur1 es111e
, WIS and probat1 costs.
• Whit othw wey can you uw ,.... ifMstlMnt funds ind
Mdlfftln to do '° mlldl for J: It so m1ny wan _ • lont 1 timer
1111£ aa cau 1or r,,. ·
'J h•tJol•1 --e. ....... ,oe •.. --n.-. IC. ,..,""
Hot1 M1mori1/
Hnpita/ Pmb,ytlri1n
• NNpOt't lsdrnnnl .... ,_.._....CA,_
--------. ---------
'1'. ~'-' r,-: .11, JI '1JI .-''lr•1 1 rfc.}Jr~Jr·
. -
· IS.T+i!S
TDHl6~f , ff).!n!'~c~~r .
.l \oO~ND ...... .. ,
J ""'""'<IM L,
Sure w• could hold it and
mak& the big profit. but
that's not our style. and
ain't never gonna be
(ao. my EnqHih is bad).
All We got ,,, in store arid
warehouses. , . at this
price .. , is for you.
l 5 year guarantee,
choice of color&.
• •
. .
U you're in the middle of
·a project or planning one
soon, we hope you'll take
advantaqe nf this lmt
oflering iit current prices.
The shingle ii quarantee·d
20 years. but the price
only until March 6-:
while it lcial&. •
• •
90 iB. BOLL
El Ju,iko Inc. called wlth
eometbing they whipped •
up to k-.p the price down.
but who needs it. This ii
lat quality. heavy mineral
coat, colors, and the best.
Don't get hot wilh JM.
look ~eeper into the well.
1 felt this feeling that fell
would be flipped. (Sorry
or the bad pun. I'm ·
looking at a loaf of bread·
for. 79c and wondering
how we got into this fix.)
We111ell you any
rea.onable amouii.I, but
if you're a dealer. we'll
know ii.
. SO·"·
Good 1tuH. interlocking
ribs, at PB prices
(pre-blackmail). What to
do. Th• 1upplier baa to
g•l mo~, hia people got to
eat too. So, whil• our
1tocb lmt. you can g•t
what you nffd balor• this
incteas• bila. (When you
r•ally get aWravoted.
talk to our Viet Nam
••terana, they'll tell you
about people who
couldn't get ahelter
at any price.)
8FT. ll.26" ..... 2"
10Fl'.x26" ..... 3''
12FT.x26" ..... 41t
14Fl'.x26'\ .. -.. $39
18FT. x28~ ..... 6 19
The Mingles ar• thick
and soon the price pte
latter too. So while 1upply
lCtstl and the ad ii good.
1ou get the old price.
' 00
100 SQ. FT.
BEA ANDERSON, Editor ,-naay, ~IQ \1 ltH ,_ IS
Everybody loves an auction.·· •
While auctioneer Dick Lane.
puts cruets up for bid,
Barbara Smith, 2, chooses
a doll at table sale.
• {
. . . ~
Margot Goodman ·
' helps the lamb she
bought at auction
adjust to a more " ..
elegant barn,
complete w}th
interior decor •
• __.. -·----~--.,-.. --..
• . "
' . --'
----..... --------·---------::----•
Gone for Charity ·
Of IM D.lltr l"lltl $1111
Alargo( had a little lamb .•. and 100 pounds o(
feed. She hoped her landlord wouldn't 1nind.
AficheUe and Greg, nc\\•ly engaged, took hon1e ~n
ice bucket,. bourbon decanter, book of art reproductions .....
and crystal cruets for their hope chest. .
After paying $300 for a wet suit and divin~-equiJ>"
nlent. Gorge Hansen of 1-luntington Beach decided he .. _ ... ~Would take up the sport.
' The items may·bc more exotic behind curtain No.
2 or No. 3· on TV shows but for sheer Americana it's
hard to beat the charity auction -like the sixth an-.
nual l·larbor Key sale.
Fiv~ china bone-dishes -Ufor finger-ticking gour-
mets" -went to the lady in the white fur coat on the
day when it· must have been 82 degrees outside.
A keg of brandied dates -"better than prunes"
-earned $18 for the cause.
An authentic Jogging yoke -"the right siie for 2
oxen or 2 husky men" -found new Life as a rod for
h~nging flo~er baskets.
' . The other 700 bidders must have \vondered how
1i.1rs. 0"'.en C. 111cCorkle was going to explain S205 in
oil paintings to her husba nd . Don't worry; he 's an archi-
tect who will appreciate therrt, lo.o_.__ .
But the turquoise. squash blossom. necklace???
·she was the most active bidder until the Jamb went
on the block.
· • ".i\t the price of wool the£e_ days, you ca n shear
once a year and get J'.Our mone.y back ... not to mention
buying four legs of lamb ... it's a she; that ought to
be worth double the price." quipped Robert Guggen-
heim who alternated with Dick Lane as auctioneer.
lligh bidder Margot Goodman thought the bleating
animal would be the '})erfect trademark for her Eieea.iit
Barn boutique in Costa ?ilesa .
-Later, buyers' daring got to such a pitch that llrs.
Jeanne Atauldin asked l\frs. Walter King of Corona ael
!lfar .to contribute the gold-plated whistle necklace she
was wearing .
• _ Biddin"g reached $135 before Airs. Mauldin actually
claimed it for sentimental reasons. . . --'
nussell Vittrup: 10, wa~ the ')'Oungest bidder. He
had mother's permission to top Off the, bargaining for ·
the people-powered vehicle at $225.
Other curious items, such as a chamber pot, papier·
mache \Vise Men. couture calfskin coa:t, cameras, astro-
logical Feading, broken egg (pairl.ting) and: fishing poles
found happy owners.
Harbor Key m·em bers ln keeping with the times, Porterhouse steaks went
"l for about $55 per dozen. · ~rge th e bidd in g '
high er as
~--..,._ . .:r___ ---
Mich elle Weav er
·and .Gr eg Ca rey
ha ve thei r ha nds
full , cartin g off
th ei r purchas es.
' Chris ty Tetley from the Balboa Bay Club wa s glad
her offer of $120 bought the 150 gallons or gasoline
to keep her· Chrysler Imperial from going thirsty in
the days ahead. ·
l\'frs. C. Edward \Volfe went home with the tradi·
tional quilt of luxury fabrics that typifies the patchwork
of generosity by donors, patrons, guild committees and
the successrul bidders.
.Child Guidance Center or Costa !lfesa i-eceived
$10,022 to further its low cost psychological counseling
for children lo 18 years or age.
, .
--·---.. •
' '·~1-$$$s s-illed
i Eor Schol a-rs
Presentation of the Athena award for outstanding ·
community service will highli ght the Dollars for
· :·Scholars benefit of Newport Harbor Panhellenic,
_to begin at noon Wednesday, J.1arch 6, in the Bal--
·boa Bay. Club. Providing a monetary "Life-saver''
,.. l :for students are (left to right) the .l\lmes. Shirlee
1 • Cobb, Robert Koehler and Laurence Danver. -1-
Lectures -Fi 11 Coast ··Calendars
' -
Series Evening College, tbe series
f will deal wli h a realisliC' A free (our.part lecture to . b t it' ter:ies, designed to prepare. afproach JO op~ un 1es
women for employment is bi tenns 9' age, tra1JW1g and
being olfered T u e 1 d a y s • need, .vocational and personal
beginning Marth 5 from 9:30 tests and ·test· taking
jo 11:30 a.m. in · the Boys tecbnique,s, making the most
pub, Costa Mesa. of-yourself and skills and
5ponsor<d by Orange Coast getting the right job.
Lecturers are fl.t a r g e
Sorenson, an OCC evening
instructor and Jack Whitesell,
an OCX: counselor a n d
as80Clate profess or of
Irvine Juniors
Jrvlne Juniors will sponsor
Social" 'Plus,' Safety Minus
column wbiCh contained "A Recipe for
Tragedy" prompts thla letter. You said, .
11Jt should l>e framed and bung over .y;.y bar ln the countcy." .
·As a blrteoder I agree 'with you ·-. ,
in pinciple, bot do-you-know..-.:Uiat.-1~Ute...!Tecipe" aarfaoed In C.Ufoml1 a ~t of all alcoholic bevera~ are few weeks ago and I'm 11b1mtd lo ~ tOr home consumption? admJt I .have mldald bl1 letter. If ht
That .. recipe" abould be framed and will write to me •R•ln I'd like to gh·e
bung oyer the private ban in people'! him tbe credit due bJm.
homes (or wherever the drinks are
miied). And it l!houid be read resuJariy
by -who tbJol: tbey are" being
--they load drinks and ....,.. doubles, •belher their guests want
them ... not.
~ are, ,Df coune, tryinf to be
~table, but lj>eyaren't doing anybody
I ad.Y fa-.. Please prinl this Idler in
tllO iDleresl <t lalmees. -ED IN. LANSING, MICH. f J>'™I 1!!11 B-IU1, oloog wttlLmy-
please tell women who adnilre a dress
and off«-a compllment to refrain from
~. "Where did you get it?" (A
man would never be ID tactless:.)
&ly husband and .-I 'are n o t
impoverished, but we aijoy browsing
in Goodwill, SaJvation Anny an d
~a.s.sab ~e shops. J . se.w well
and-can traMfonn a garment that C05ts
,_ -
4, in the Forum Theater.
Perrormlng will be Gary
Young, Lynda Sue Marx,
Mara Baygu]ow and Franz
Dote. Leading the vocalists
wW be Michael Kurkjian,
Lyric Opera director.
1 "'."" ... ._ ... ~ .. -•
I Allard: Philharmonic Finale
--~-----------------, I AT THE NEWPORTER INN 1 I . -
I of
• I Dobble Struble
ind Or. Mliur lce
Allard go
throwh their _
piteel In comic
oper1 for
'hllh1rmonic ..a-i.m. •.
=--===::-=-==!: PERSIA~ RU.GS RUFFELL'S : , Ollcl ..
u~~~J!!lY l OLD PERSIAN ,..._ I
'" H.W ltwl, COPPER • C--M--..... ,.. I . .
Robert Pe1111lngton
NIWPOlr llACH lllof441 R.P.
'--~~~~~~~~~~-'' . .
eirtretMly fine..,_..,. of.._ 20o "'ll
oll ... , with Cllftiflcete of •uthentldty
I .. M I
I A FINE SELECTION OF SliK RUGS I I c..t...,.. h-> I
: NEXtf!>~~_1NN 111 No--.Coli-1 I AUC110N: SUN., MAIOt 2 .. ot 2 p.m. I -.P10M12-. I I TOMS: CASH, OtlQ, CllOIT ~DS. I
I AUCOll INTllNA~ (m) ITD. I .
!-------~~~2t~~-.::.:..· ___ J
OVENS . " ..
0 G.E. o unoM
Y Clleck our .:O~ Prices
11 A.M. 'TIL 3 P .M.
Your Horoscope ,
Leo: ·~Enjoy!
SATURDAY L11111A (Sept. :zs.oot. Dl:
Your natural tail:llta, abllltloo , Ml\RCH-2 and delim oome to r...i-. T
By SYDNEY OMAR.R Ta•r•1 person plays
ARIES JMan:b SI-April If), aipllican1 niie. F a'm t I Y
Travel plans may beJub~ member "'1:es • l> e ~ 1 a I
to dlange or j)09iponement. request. O>mply.
You are called .upon t<> _ SCORPIO (Ocl. IS-Nov. 11), .
distribate or malte deliv<riet. The hue la ·not aol~ In the
TAtiRvs (Apr11 IO-May 20)' sky b!it may be mSim>"'j
Tb<re may ~ diJagreement Judgment proc:es1, too. P Y
<Ntr money matters. Mate.. ·means you are romanUc:lzing.
partner ts likely to be 'Jbat JJ rme, wtt.hln reuon.
Involved. Be independent, SAGnTARIUS (Nov. D-
creatlve. • Dec. 21): Obtain valid 'hint
GEMINI (Mlly II.June 20)' from Scorpio messa1e. See in
Cyci< is such tha_t you clo practlc-1 way. Pis-Vlrp
better by forming ow n persons ere in picture.
c:oociusloos. Coolultant or CAPRICORN (Do<. D-Jan.
partner may have head in 19): Many wbO lbare your
clouds. interests now are ready to
CANCER (June ti.July ~l: concede that yoo were right
Diversify. Relax. S o·c 1 a I . -all along. Thit'a fine but what
contacta now are m o r e oomes next should be the
benencial than might be question.
imagined. Sagtttar1UJ, GemlD.i AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
personJ play key roles. . l&): Good lunar aspect now ';..EO (July 23-Aug. Z2) · coincides With · chance ror Fn~ who daydq!_am reveal re In i or c in g personal
thetr game _plans._ H.ave fun re I 8 t i 0 n 11 h!ps. Personl!ll
without hurling r 1d1 cu I e. magnetism figures in "strong"
VIRGO (Aug. IS-Sept. 22)' ay
Be prepared to accept change. w ·
One close to you speaks up PISCES ( !'~b. l!J·March
and there are no mere 20): Home and property_ and
yesterdays. It ill tomorrow and flow to best 11 q u Id a t e
tomorrow. Let go ol put or asset~hese areas dominate. i! will throw you for a loop. Follow throueh on btmch.
&~t .A
Wnlcllff 1'1111
N..,_. SMdl
21' M1l1111 A.,.,
l11M1 111111111
-·-M-<o, 495 Cllloll , , , Ylfle 1J OI , -----140NlY. .... suo • EA.
" ............. t.t ... -.... '°°' tlM• ,.. ........ ._. ~ ... .,. '-'• • ,w. • • .~._ 11 aM Wdwioo w..-..
°'""" ... ~ .... -··
' I
ICE ·. •
An Ice 1k1tlng courtt of '"'°"'wilt! j
tt'lt t1mou1 ~ CfJl9dtt metl'MMt t IY• 1 you °'your oh11d pol11 ll'ld potture
1rain1ng, rtlyU'lm 1nd coordln1Uon.
·111G1m11 Now ••
' . . •
llMl!ti, C«JW
l !Wt A
PiC1lJ!16 (}F
'rtllJ '" lb()~ FOOT'WALi
HIV! co,141 MCI<
lfl!R!il'OIJ.!., I WAS
• '· ·~ .!
If I ..
~ AN11-6WSV!!l
IS _
1 Gemoan
Joel< ! 5 Pale -1-rcaued
~Sunday ....
44 large .. 8:.., 1 14 Tract
15 Foot
covering t 16 Of ahe4!P
17 Domineer
18 Sacrillce
19 Outer
seed coal
20 Forty:2
"°'"' 22 Kltol
23 Blow a
24 MM:es -25 Lise of ......
28 Gotoutof
32 Luty beet-
33 Folkways
ota"""" 34 MouU.: "'"L I JS Unctuous
36HaYo 3t= ! 3B "Bravof" ti
I -· : 311 Abstains
; from lood
40 King or J"""• -41 Gold
l ' •
" "
"'' .. 6 Sets --In
WO"b 4'9 Get4 in
53 Sep.-ates
54 lkilon
55 Muse of
SB JUfJl) for
57 At any
58 MoYe
59 Coins
60 Brewery
"'°""'' 61 fenci"lg ·-·
6 Laciclng In knowledge
length 31 "F __ lno_ • ""!I 7 Footwear --
~ SllH more 33 Walk sklwly
11 Puts Into 36 Soothes
praphic 37 SQuid's arm
Symbols 39 Wooded
10 Oppo.~ areas
l 1 Leave out '40 Subtle
12 k'l!Side: suggestion
Prefix 42 Gossip
13 Educator 43 Locator
2 1 Frigid ~ ·-..
DOWN · 22 Kln;3ton Leon
j r::u,.
3 Pianist Petw
~··· .
4 Tile of
wot1:2 '_.. s--n • c...-
or West ..S Accel«ated
Point men 47 Publie
24 Sea birds conveyance
25 Hollow out .a Calla lily, tor
26 ·--con one came· 4'9 Pine fruit 21 Chest 50 CJip-,, ~nds hOof SOUlldl
28 Defeats 51 ~"r,g°'
29 Mrt"T:rter 52 Boo1 p.rt -S4 B_oy·s '
3'.>Fal• ~~ ...,._,,,,....,,.--.,,,-'10 ·1112Q
. ,
~ ), ,
by Wm. F. INWll and Mel c-
I • i
Rl l Ger 11> ~fP
1)1£ !WS8!.£ GoM,
1(X) , c-r.:-Y ....._..;::.;
by Tom K. Ryan
--~··· -~
by Al Smith
by Dale Hale
by Emie BushmiHer
"'"'' ,~..,,u~, M~r""''MIAOl.Na ON -n4' r:;,t:'(
Tl<A1 AMlltl<'AN l:>At<<I
G.llfAXI ,tNAl.L'V
MIT JU",,,.. ....
• J
'l't;)l/L.L. SI!& >AOS11.Y'-
wM11"• COltJ'USCL.S:S ..• &u1" NOi"rcs HOW 1).;G
lllSC' CORPUSCt.65 Mil
OV•it1"Al<ING "f"l.(l!M.
by Ro9er Bradfield
by Geor9e Lemont
i PON'"f" "f"l.(1NK
CICowi..e:Y'S !!>Aro?
IS OP!!N Yf"J", 'J. \,.l.-17~. l70WN.ii"Ft WA.t'f.'
• by Gus Arriola
..,U.F--r! ~,,if,~
'SJ J> (sl/U,;
;:· ,.
~i •
l/IEL.L.1 l lM
'TO CH,t.NGc MY WAYS, 50 ...
Cr>cAM You
by Ferd Johnson
by Roger Bollen
by Charles M. Sc:hulz ' TH~ GIRLS
• by Harold Le Doux
_!:ty Mell
::c ~
by · Chester Gould
··or course, the thing I don 't like about a small
house I! I brought up my family in one and I
know "'bat an ordeal 1bal can be."
~ 3-1
'IF AU.'r c.\N 00 ISJJST SlT AN ' LOOK M61HE
WlllOOW, •. l COUl.ll IX> 1li4T AT hi:UIE ,''
-. ·.
' -.
, .--
\ ' •
' . I ,
• • •
' ' ---
' ·QUEENIE By Phil· lnterlandi .. Veto for Parents PIRANHAS
,PraW» (Xuelty ~ase Droppe~·
. .
oic-.r-....,...~ tt74 w..w,.... _.....
"l'm not tryir;ig to reliVe my yclitb-all my 1ult.s were
in the cleaners.''
Councilmen Left
Holding ·the · Bag
From Wire Strvtct1
Stockton city councilmen
will probably think twice
before accepting any more
• 11.Ubeon invitation! from
freshman Assemblyman Doug
Carter. .
Carter,· a Stockton
DelllOO'at, Invited .co u n c 11
memben to looch on two oc-
casions -once to get ac-
quainted and again to di.scuss
legial~tioo.. •
'lbe city later reeelved a
bill for the Cost of both lunches
from Carter. The Council has
yet to ·act on the bills . * SoJrano .Marta Callas has
added Boston to a worldwide
cornebeck lout, without a
Ml!8 Callas, 50, started her
. comebedc In Europe lut fall
with t.ncr GI ... ppe d I
Stefuo, 51. She told newsmen
be(ore the American part of
the tour that at the first con-
ceti .she'd been .so .oervoU!
she wouldn't gio oo ltage
without him.
But d1 Stefano had a · O)k:I
Wednesday night and Miss
Callas "-ent on without him .
Everything went
astonishingly well.
* Umberto ApeW, managirii
dlrectllr and a , m a J o r
~tockholder of the Fiat raotor
company, has married a
t'OUSin of hiS brother Gtanal11
wife, informed sources ,My.
Umberto and his first wife,
the former All&onel\fl Pla1gto,
were divorced last year. The
sources said he was married
secretly several week! ago at
Villa Petrosa, an alpine resort,
to Allegra Cara.cclolo.
Gianni Agnelli Is presideOt
of Flat. His wife is the fonner
Manila .Caracdolo. .
The Canlcdoloo are leadlng
memlim ol the NeapoliWI
nobillly, while the Plaggioo
are a big industrial family
In Genoa.
* i----~~· --· ------A-san--r'ra!t<Isco man-has
Eili.IOr, 23,
Atta eked
...,,..-led that the theft of art
objects from his Sea Clllf
home last December was
wort:ILmore than $1 million.
Police said thal .. _
--tauves -or ..11..i.-vmiiobv
filed an appraisal of. the C>ran-
tal artiracts stolen from his
residence between Dee. 22 and
MONTEBEJ.LO 'cAP) -A• ~~ lo the appraisal,
~wspaper editor was beaten Uree antique J a p 8 n e s e
1· m his office here shortly after scr.eens1 taken in the theft
the newspaper hit the streela were valued at $963 ooo
with ita editorial en-* ' ·
. , doDemellts in an upcoming Jeck D'Arcy ·staff asslslallt
-· -_...!...._.munidpal election.-----""to:-'Pre:s1dene-Nlmn-and"'"""a<J;-
editor of jbe Montebello News,
was tr~ted 'lbursday for cuts
and · bruises on !lie bead and
back al Beverly Hospital. A
hospital spolte.man laid the
injuries were not serioqs and
that he would be released
within a day or two.
Managing Editor Clyde
vance man at the White Bouse
for threie. yeani, Is leaving
to . relUrn to the bankln
liuslness March 15.
D'An:y, 30, ol Cambridge.
Mass. will become general
manoger ol the IAs Angele.
regtonat offtce of the First
Natlonal C~y Baok ol New
Leech said he believed the .---------. beating was tied to the
newspaper's publication
Thursday morning of Its en·
dorsement! for two City Coun·
cil seals. The News_had en-
dorsed two incumbents.
He Slid
-To -Death
"It's too much or a coin·
cidence," Leach said. LONDON (AP) -Wing
Commander Gr a h a m
POLICE SAID they knew. "Gardner of the Royal Air
of no definite motive, but that Force had ju,,t b e e n
the endorsement! were a good m.iccrssf'uUy · mediating a
possibility. dispute and getting some
The Id W had pe"°"" clooer together.
1 Y sa . agner ~one . As he left the meeting,
to the office ilfter rteel\11lg the 37-year-old officer
a phone call telling him . the decided to slide down the
office had been broken into. bannister.
He was beaten by two men He fell IK) feet to his
he, didn't ._,ecognize, police death. ·
said .
FROM Fash ion. Island
New.por.t Beach
' •
" by the anU-cruelly law.
~NTo (UPf) -I. ' WU amended Thurtday; Oil •
blll deslped to create 1p1..>eial 39-24 vote despite charges by
1mollln.c area• in California opponeota that iuch a pr<>-
hlgh school1 has been amend· vision could only be enforced
ed by the full Auembly to if studentll wore a sign decl&r·
glve parent.I the right to deny ing, ''I am got permitted to
PRETORJA, Sootb Alrlca
(AP ) -Special pr<eautloM
were being taken . to eDIUl'e
that 100 small but vlclOUI
piranhas at !.be new _Pretoria
Aquarium did not escape into.
the municipal water aupp~y.
an official aMQllDPed,. ·
BERWICK, ScoUMd (UPfl with UJ.tnallng praWN. She
-1be case again.It Eleanor wu accmed ot putting Jn.WDI
Dooaghy, ICC\lled ol cruel on a bolplat. and wali!ilng
treahn"'t o1 inwn1, ha!. been ~ jump anllllld and finally
dismlsaed beca!J.'le 1eiperta . Her· lawyer lodged an in-t~~."" whether prawna .-nt plea, co n t e n 4 I il'c
But Wednelday liie ~
curater fllcal'1 (proMCUW.&) oerice announced the cue had
been dropped.
. the smoklna privilege to th;elr smoke." i:. .
"Experta dilagree on the
quesUc:ll ol. whether prawna t
CIJ .. IUffer pain," a court
1pokelplan sakl.
youngateni. -A .final vote on the much-Miss Donaghy, a 1&-year-<lld prawns were not anlmall bu
fish packer. had been dlarpd lnlecta and henco not oovoria T6e measure (8871 ) by Sen. debated bUI is expecLed next
· Arlen Greaorto (D-San Mateo) week.·
. -
i •
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McMillen-Elmore Era-Nears -an· End
COLLEOE-PARK, Md.--(AP) '!'he llJ or more games ea<lryw, llld-are ~1c.Mlllen·Elmore 'era comes io an erxl CWTtDtly No: 5 ln the nation pr1o" r to Saturday, but coadl Lefty Ortesell views
It as merely the toc1 of the beginnlng next week's ~lantic COalt Conf~rtl'K.'e
for Maryland bu:letba11. tournament \\'hi.ch determines the
"They helped us recruit other playen league's NCAA playoff ~latlve.
we have here, and hopefully have gotten "'lbese players could -have gone to
a winlling tradition started a ' /\JCLA Norlh Clrollna Marqueue or
Maryland," Drleaell said ol Tom odler 'ICboola with winiung tradluOOs "
McMillen and Leri Elmore. Drtesell 'said, .. and it would have ~
The two ~niors~ plus RI$ Porac and easier for them physically a n d J~p . 'I_'rimble, ta"'ie the !1urt against mentally.·~ · ,
V1rguna Saturday \for their\ flnal home "I'm' DOt·uylng we're the best," aald
game, with McMlllen as Mat'yland'a all· Elmore a l-foot-9 center ( r om
time scoring leader and Elmore aa the Sprin~ Gardens, N.Y. "But we at
Terps' best rebounder ever. leut started lometbing and I'll a1Waya ~arylaOO achleved national ranking get satisftt<:t.ltxl out Of being a IOlt
dunng the past three seasons, winlling ol pioneer."
Rozelle Stays Cool
.Loss of Authority
No Worry to Czar
MIAMI BEACH (AP) -Pete Ro7A!lle ~ says he won't be overly coocemed if
he loses a bit or his ab9olute authority
as CommisSioner of the Nallooal Football
League in the upcoming players' contract
Rozelle's old 10-year contract, running
·through 1978, ~·as torn up by the league's
. ?Ji club owners a!>d a new 10-year pact,
good through 1982, was substituted with
· a lalary which reportedly rose from
$150,000 to -$200,000 a year.
1ile implication was clear: the owners
are Vert happy ·w'I t h their powerful
commissioner and woa't mind if the
NFL Players Association makes note
of that fa ct when negotiations begin
Marth 16 in Washington.
But on Thursday. as the owne~· lour-
. day meetings ground to ~ halt, Rozelle
was asked i( the owners, after giving
him the new contract and additional rDoney, mmight be willing, if neoeuary,
to deal away a bit of his power instead
of their own money to the players to
avoid a Strike. ,
The so-called frfedom issues will
reportedly be leaned on heavily by the
players. One is what has become known
as the 0 Rorz.elle Rule," whereby a team
Whlch signs a player wh> has played
out his option must adequately
compensate the man's Conner team.
The player\ sa,y the lu!e inhibits their
movement. It's expected the Jllayen.
many of whom feel Rozelle ls too much
ol an "owners' ftla.n," will demand that
he be replaced· by an outside arbl.ter
in non-injury grievances.
Rozelle wouldn't say whether he
believed the owners would pennlt the
players to chip away at his Power,
but hi} insisted : "l doa't have an ego
thing about authority or power. I don't
like the word authority.· I prefer to
call it responsibility. If dwges are
made tn my authority -responslb!Uty,
power, whatever you call it -I'll work
within the framework. I'm o n 1 y
~ about what might· hurt the
sporL "
' "I don't .know lfl go-a~With
Lennie's 'Danit! Boone' idea," ?ilcMUlen
<Cracked , "but l wouldn't go to any
other school , or I wouldn't have pe
to any Olher ac:hool ''
'!be rel~ by McMillon, a &-11
forward from Mansfield, Pa., was to
the <OOl(oYeny whicll lollo....t his
cl)ange ol mind after or I & In a l'I y
announcing his Intention to attend North
Elmore said recruiters from other
'acbools , trying to steer him away from
Maryland, warned that be couldn't be
a Qr on lhe same team wjtb MctfUlen.
"But I think we've oomple~ted each
other V6'¥ well," Elmore ukl. "We
• .. ' ~ . ..
Fla11ie P11t ·Out
eactl had -a Job to do , and "e ~·enl
at It."
~tc,.tlllen, \\'ho has been accepted as
a Rbodes Scholar, tops · Atarylancfs
M.'Orin& ·list with 1,723 Points and is
third m rtboundlng with 820. Elmore
ranks No. 1 with 999 rebounds and .
b I Ith In scoring with 9$4 poin~.
"The real secret," A1ct.1illen said, "is
that Lemle convinced me at a Christmas
tournament to come to Maryland . and
Porac was my roommate at a poetseason
game during my high scOOol year. 1
think that was conveniently arranged."
DrjeseU said Alaryland is recruiting
heavily for big men to replace Mc::~tillen
and Elmor<, and clalmed : "We're righ<
,.,.. .
• •
il1Uien for some ot the be-st in the
"\Ile think four or rive we have· In
miod could stl!!) right Jn and make
us a conte™ie~. and lf we don't get
at' least one we ought to kick ourM]ves
in the rur end t:iecall.1fl we have a
super selling point in that we have
the openinp."
At a farewell news conference ·for
the seniors Thursday, Athletic Director
Jim Kehoe pra ised the seniors for
"virtua11y revohrtionWng basketball in
th.is area."
"J 'm proud ol everything you've done,"
Driesell sakl. "Now, just get that
national dwnpionshtp."
' ' I : •
And a strike, he said, would definitely
1iurt it. Four years ago, during the
last contract talks, there was a brief
strike -the players called It a lockout
by the owners -which wiped out the
first few w~ks of training camp,
a!Uiough the ezhibition and regajar-
season games weren't affected.
But the damage which might result.
RozeUe said, could be indicated by what
happened two years ago, when major
league baseball players struck, cutting
-into the opening weeks of the season.
Al ?t1cDonougb Oeft) of the Allanta Flan1es falls
to the ice in battling for loose puck wilh Los
Angeles goalie Regie Vachon (center) and Bob
~Iurdock duri ng National Hockey League game
Thursday night in Atlanta. The Kings won the
game, 3-1, to pull within one point or fourth place
in the \Vestern Division.
--· -Valliuena
Join s WFL
Fonner Fountain Valley High
. -and Orange Coast. College standout
Gary Valbuena has signed a three-
year contract with the Southern
California Sun of the new World
Football League •. the Daily Pilot.
learned exclusively today.
Valbuena, the No. 2 quarterback
at the Unive.:Sity of Tennessee for
the past t w o seasons, also was
drafted by the world champ~
Miami Dolphins of the National
Football League.
"Southem California offered me
a ·better contract," Valbuena told
tbe Daily Pilot.
'Ille 6-3, 208-pG\lflder is the secoOO
quarterback signed by the WFL
team. Tooy Adams of Utah, a
free agent , inked a contract last
·Valbuena and Jesse Freitas of
San Diego State were the only
quarterbacks dratted by ~ h e
Southern Callfomla -team. Freitas
signed a contract with the San
Diego Olargers o[ the NFL a
couple of weeks ago.
"I think It's going ·to be an
outstanding league because ot the
players they ·ve !igned ~ far. ·1
, mderstand we're going to play
i.... -an\IUr'hante!-games' at Anaheim :-
"Both t1ides -the owners and the
players -lost out, along with the fans ,"
he said. ·"What happened is that the
public and media sort of said 'A fi e
on both ~ hou ses' 19 the ~
and players. Very simply, the strike
was destructive. Everybody got hurt, .
ooe.. way or another."
Palmer Has .Triple .Bogey;
F oyt -Hi1s -i88 _in P1·actice
Laver Beaten;
F avorites ... F ace
Stiff Challenge Then, only haU-kiddingly, Rozelle
addesf : "We've got a large clip file
of newspaper st.Ories on the strike --.i>ll what J>appened and what people
thought of it -and 1 think it might
not be .sum a bad idea if we sent
ropies ol them out to both the owners
and players ij lhings start to get tou8h
in the contract talks in ·J~.''
tntlmlitely, Rozelle suggested', money
could be a factor which averts rather
than precipitates a strike, in that many
ya!S-::migbt be besitalX.-to-use-the
threat of a boycott of exhibition games
83 a lever for getting a better oontract.
Between the per-game .salary and the
per diem expense pay1 a five-year
veteran gels about !500 a week -$3,IXMI
or more for the ~ games.
"There aren't that many playe~ who
can kiss off that kind of money," Ro7.elle
observl'd.-"It's not the same ,.kind of
money as for the regular sei.son, bul
it's not what you'd call a token amount."
The major result& of the meelin@:s
here were to assure New Orleans that
it still has next January's Super Bowl
IX, whether it's played in the hopefully-
ci>mpeted Louisiana Superdome or in
TUiane Stadium, and lo tell Honolulu,
Memphis, Seatile, Phoenix and Tampa,
Fla., that they're the · only remaiijing
candidates for expensioo franchises and
'lliat two .. perbapo four o1 them miJdlt
be invi ted Into the league for the 1975
season by the end of April.
ORLANOO, Fla. -Arnold Palmer
had to reach back 18 years in his
memory .fo fiOO rthe spur that kept
bim going after a triple bogey eight
on the first bole cl. the first round
o( the $150,000 Citrus Open goU 'tourna-
"I decided I was either gonna play
like hell or get up and get out," said
Palmer, who quickly wt el~·"3's" on liiS card, -1ashiooed a four-under-par
68 and pulled to within one shot ol
the lead 1b.ursday. .
The lead was :Dared by Jack EWin g,
who had one of the three hole-in-one
recorded on the mild, cloudy day, Jerry
Heard and Richard Crawford. '111ey
matched 67s , five under par on the
6,292-yard Rio Pillar Country Cltib
Australian Bruce Crampton had a 69
while Lee Trevino and defending
champion Buddy Allin matched 71S.
• f'O!JI Sl::des
ONTARIO -Veteran A.J. F0}1 turned
in the fastest lap for the second day
in a row before rain halted prncllce
Thursday for the l\1arch 10 California
500 , auto race at · Ontario Motor
Foyt, who ran 187 .134 miles per hour
Wednesday, cranked up bis Coyote-Foyt
First Routad Matches -~CM. Sets Pairings
KANSAS-CITY-(llP) -secOnd-ranked Conference champion at ,\he Palestra
Notre Dame will-play tbe winner of · In Philadelphia In East regwoal openers.
the ~o Valley Cool"""°" In the Oral Roberts was paired against
Mideast basketball regloolll tournament's Syr"""" and Creiahlon agajmt the
first l'Otl>d, the National Coll"egiate Southwest Conference champion in t h e
' Athletic Aasociation a n n o u n c e d ~fid\\-·esrRegional at North texas State.
nnn:sda)o, ~
to 1,88.496 mph for a 2\l·milc lap.
Drivers got in nearly.J:.hree hours of
. pract.ice. with one .timeoot for a \\'et·
track yeUow flag, before a steady
downpour hlt. ·
· Bobby u~ was second-fastest,
187.$74, In an Eagle-Offy; l•llowed by
1973 California 500 winner W a 11 y
Dallenbac:h. 187.5 l2, in an Eagle-Offy,
Steve Kr~k>lf, 186.~ in an Eagle-Of(y
and Jimmy Caruthen, 184.556, also in
an Eagle-Offy.
e Ka:n1tel' Hits Foul'
LONG BEACH -F or m e r Ne\\'PQrt
BARCELONA, ~In -Sweden's
teenage t~nnis sc lion, Bjorn Borg,
stunned C.Orpn.a de ~Jar's Rod Laver,
6·1, fr.I Thursday and advanced to the
quarterfinals of the \Vorld Championship
Tennis tournament here
Borg \\ill face Italy's Adriano Panalta.,
who moved along with an easy 6-3,
6-1 over Jun Kamiwazuml of Japan.
· In other matches, Vladimir ·Zednick
of Czechoslovakia defCated To m
Edlefsen. fr.3, 6--4 and Ion Tiriac ootla'lt.cd
-~in's Juan Glsbert 6-3, H . 6-f. Zednik
'lri.11 face Tiriac in the quarterfinals.
Harbor l!lgh standout John Kazmer e Tough ltlatcher
scored four points in a reserve role LA COSTA _ An unheralded Oiilean
in helping natimally-!'anked Cal State and . a tough Russian stand in the way
(Long Beach) to an 84..f)O basketball of .John Newoombe and Stan Smith
victory over San Jose State at the Long tooight as they advance toward a
Beach Arena Thursday night. posslble renewal of thelr tennis rivalry.
Roscoe Pondexter led the ~·inning 49ers The top.seeded Newcombe, of
with 24 points. Australia, whipped sixth-rated Brian
• T Gottfried, 8-4 , 'l•S Thw'tlday night to· NI Picks Four advance to the semi-finals of a SS0.000
NEW YORK -The National Invitation World Championship Temis toum~t.
Tournament, gettiog added oompeUtion He will oppose Chile's Patricio ~jo.
in ~-5eason basketball play this year, who beat Dick Crealy of Australia, &-2,
began as.wmbling Its field Thursday with 7-6.
the select ion ol St. John's of ~ew York, Filth-seeded Smith downed Brian
l\1anhattan. Hawaii and ~1assachuset.ts. Fairlie of New Zealand , 6-2, 7-i. setting
Their selections left 12 teams to "be uJ1 toi\ight"s qlJ:<lr~e!fl!Ull match against
named for the 37th -annual NIT at second-seeded Alex l\ etreveli or t h e
l\ladiaoo Square Garden ~1arcb 16-24.. Soviet Union.
a task that has been made harder The winner ol the Srnith-i\letreveli
because ol a new post-season starter match will meet third -.seedtd Raul
-the Collegiate Com m i s s I on e r 's Ramirez of litexlco, who continued his
A.s&oci.ation TournamenL impres_,jve play by beating 1evenUi·
seeded Dick Stockton, IH, 1-<l. -ARfJelr Drill
HOLTVILLE -All lhe camomia • Pille 0111.ted ~·
Angels are under i::ontraCt aM, With · MlA.i\IJ -Nikki Pilk:'s i1'8bility to
one ex~Uon, ln camp-where:-manager control his W!mper ha1 rost him a spot
Bobby Winkles Is putting them through in the semifinals of World Olarfl!)lonship
another stiff aprin!{ Lralnlng. Tennis tournament here.
Opening day .siw 4'11. houn ol workouts Tom Gorman needed only 43 minutes
:tnd the second day, Thursday, tbe Thursday night to elimlMte the 5e'-enfh..
Angela drilled for 31> hours; seeded Yugoslavln, tH., 8-2. ·
Sports Editor
SC, B1·uins
Face Cal,
By The Associated Pm•
UCLA and Southern California in,•ade
the Bay Area tootght and coad>es John
\\'ooden of UCLA and Bob Boyd of
USC say neither is looking be)'OQ<i
Stanford and California , pote nt i a I
spoilers in t.ha Pacific-8 Conference
basketball rare.
. The nationally thlrd-t"anked Bruins of
Ua..i\ and the loth-rated Trojans o(
USC are both 20-3 for the season and
share first place in' the Pac4 with
9-2 marks, one game ahead of Oregon.
California, UCLA's foe tonight at a
sold-out. 12,900-seat Oakland O>llseum.
is only 2·9 In the league and 8-15 over-all.
USC plays at Stanford against a
Cardinals team that l! only >{; m the
league and 11·11 overall.
The Bruins and Trojarts ·are favored
to take 11·2 marks into their March
9 sOOwdown at the Los Angeles Sports
Arena but Wooden and Boyd don ·1 expect
a Bay Area breeze; especially at
"I don't think we'll have any trouble
coocentratine on the tY."O games this
\\-'eek," said Boyd.
"Stanford is much better than its
record ind icates," said W o o d e n .
"Stanford's t~·o losses to Oregon we re
eacb by one point and I'm told they
could have and should have won both
of them."
Oregon beat the Bruins, 58-51.
"I tttink Stanford. in particular, ooultl
knock ~ off," Said . Boyd, ""'ho feels
the Cardinals, led by 7-foot center Rich
Kelley, were the' presea.son choice to
-be -UCLA~s -closest-J>F'suer-thl$ year.
"They've played~u&.good game!:," sakl
Wooden. w1losc Bruins beat Stanford
_ (66-52) at Pauley Pavilion. "I think
they'll try to hold the b.111 much or
the time and.use a zone defense. Beca~e
of ·the size they have, they match up
well against us."
USC will be at Cal Saturday for a
regionally teJev~ game. That night,
UCLA ls at Stanford . Oregon. 8-3 and
14-9, at Washington, 4-7 and 13-10, and
Oregon State. 4-7 and 11·12. at
Washlnglon Stat., U and 8-17.
Wooden said the Bruins. \\-'ho bot1nced
back from defeats at Oregon Stale ar.d
· Oregon with lopsided viot.ories over
Washington aod WSU last weekend, will
continue witb a starting lineup of Tommy
Curtis and Greg Lee at guarW, Bill
Walton at Center and Keith Wilkes and
Dave Meyers at forwards. Lee made
his flt'St start since t h e NCAA
championstiip game last year when he
opened against \VSU.
Marques JohMon. fro.shman forward
who has started some games for UCLA.
didn't make the trip because ol a
sprained ankle but he is eA:peded to
be ready by March 9. His spot oo
the varsity \\'as taken by fm;hman guard
Jimmy Spillane. ·
La> ANGELES (AP) .. -Carroll
Rosenbloom, who onee gave Don Shula
his first pro head f.ootball ooadl.ing .)ob.
says he 's found a better man : Oluck
The owner of the Los Angeles Rams
wants to keep Knox around after the
ex-Detroit and ~ York Jets auistant
directed the Rains to a 12-2 National
Football League season finish in 1973.
his roOkie head coadllng campaign.
Roaeilbloom tore.. up the three-year
contract which Knox signed 13 mOOt.hs
ago am gave_him a new fi ve-year pact.
lermS of i1l.ich were undiscl08ed
Stadium¥" • ,
Valbuena remembers the Big A
well. 'Ille last tJmc he played there
(against Fullerton College) he
-injured ..a....knee. and bad to alt
out !he la::.1 fi\'~ games of t be
1971 00C-
• Marqllette, the oatioa'• eighth-ranked
team, will lace the MiCI-~
Coofermce champloo In the oame ~t. scboduled r .. IndianA Stat.
Mardi 9. Chamberlain .Headed fo.r New York
Valbuena is the aec:ond. area
ptay•r signed •by the Sun. Ex-
l!Untlngton Beectl High, OCC and
Stanton! star .era lg Za~ inked ~ pact. as a pllllt rttwn specialist
.-otly. Val~na is tn Knoxv ille, Tem.
this wccl<end. but plans to rotum.
to Huntington Beach J-re his p...n .. reside) Tueoday.
Notr.-Dame and Marquet1e were two
of nhle •I-large 1e11m ..iected oarller
in lbe day to ca11ptU in fhb NCAA 'I
nallonll basketball cbamplonsblpa.
The olben are No. II -ranted
Plillbunlh. No. t2 Pro.-, No. H
South C"arollna and No. 11 CnlPt.n
and Syrocuse, Dayton and Orll -·
All flnt round -are Mardi I. Providence will battle the Ivy Loop
champion JI St. John'• In N.,. York.
Pillsbqb wBI _, the --Claal....,. dlUJI at Wea< V!rpU and
South <Jarollno will !1<0 tho -
. ._
SAN DIEGO (AP) -Wilt Chamberlain
ls alive .and well and beaded for New
Anything other than that, ho-say,,
b nobody's busln& but bis own and
Leooant Bloom' 1.
Jerry Gross, Jports dlre<lor of KFMJI.
TV In San Oltgo. ,.id he rtocl1od
Olmtberlalil by telephon< at his home
In the lublonable Bel Afr "-"'tlon of
Los Angel" Thunilay Dlih'-and uked
him where be bad been .since. M-y.
when lhe San Dl<lo COoqlliSladon or
lhe American Basketball Association last
heard from him.
"What J'm doing la my own business
and my owner's/' Chambttlain was
quoted u replying. "Why ii everybody
IO'COnctmed where lam?
"IJst.n, the people should b •
1 conctrned about my team, not me. We've-
won tlaht out of our last 11 and nobody
comes out • to Re u.a when we'.re. in
SM Dlqo,"
Tiie 7-foot·I coach said be was In
good lieAlth 1na would rtjoilt his t.am
-tonight in Uniondale1 N.Y., !0< a pme
against the New YOrJ Nets. -
Chamberlain has mi.Dtd the Qs ' last
l"'O games, and the team's players.
assistant coach Stan Albeck and Genc::ral
l\fanager Alex Groz.a Aid they didn't
know where he was..
Earlier Thursday, Albeck said In New
York that Bloom had called to say
Cluamberlaln wu 1tck.
Later in the day J Bloom saJd It \\-'ain"t
•11 li\•e blm doing 50IDO bwlness tor
\ . \
me, aome S<.'O\lti.ng and aome business,··
lhe club owner said. 4'lfe \\'Utl't fee.ling
well when • tht team left, but no, he
isn't lick."
The situation \\'&S reminb1cen1 of the
end of last season, when K.C. JOMC
resigne -RS coach of the: Q'c A!lked
to connrm the rtSllJUIUOn, Grou SBid
the teJ.m11 publlcily director i;alG they
couidn't..'and..Bloom lu.ued no statement
tor w.etks. <
' ._ ,, ' ·JO DAILY PILOT
Frlda1 , M;arch l , 1974 •
-' ..
• • . ' -I ' .~~F---'V, Millikan Battl . . . .... . '
~ritons vs, W alntit •
-----* * . * Oilers, Edison Clash "We.'ve got to slow the tem-
po down, fry oot lo get lrll>
ped oo the press, play our
game and cut off their fast
El Toro ~n Big·Test·
Big Brother
' .HB Tahbeil
In Playoff
Unberaklcd F.dison takes a
shot :rt its highly lOUted big
1 brotherfromliuntington
Beai:h High tonight in round
1 of the ClF 4-A basketball
pla}'OflS. ..
It gets s1arted at 8 o'clock
in the Huptinglon Beach gym.
The favored 00,,ts spQrt an
awesome ?3-2 record with
loses to Katella f62.f7) and
Marina (55-53). Huntington
Beach is the third-seeded·
team in the 32-team 4-A
eliminations and is ranJted No.
I in Orange County circles.
Coach Elmer--COmb's Oiiers
ha ve combined potent offense
with tough . defense to post
the flossy record. And heading
lhe .pawerful lineup is Raul
O?ntreras.. first team All-
Orange County, Sunset League
player ot the y~ar who
averages .%~ points per game.
And he has supported by
a deadly cast, each a gifted
scorer, each a str ong
defensive player. Mate ScoU
Ragidn made """'1(ld team all-
' '
Over SC
'Ibat, in a nutshell, ls OOw
Mirilla High oo..ketball coaeh
Jirir stephens a n a I y :re 1
~ight's opening r o. u n d
pl'.ayoff game against visiting
kennedy Hlgl\ It begins 111
FOt111tain Valley High, which a.Kennedy's Fighting Irish, NeWJ>Orl SAN JAC!N'ro-El Toro Wbea walnut High besRt-
seemed to be putting it all the third place team in the Hlgh's Oiargert march into ball coach Bill Murray heard
BaronSi' Hill
By Flu Bug For ,ET Five
togethet' down the Mich in Ft.eway Leogue, ls led by M t' St · lhe -.....i of lhe CIF lha1 San Clemente High went
pr<l"lratioo fe< the C l F forward Matt Pon.r, .. H , US op 1-A bOsketbiD playof!s tonight 1111 a 1~ acoring spree in.
basketball playoft., may be all<OOll!y senior who nerages against Banning Hlgh'1 Bntn-iu opening ntmd CIF basl<et-
in trouble r .. tonight's first-2u points per 'game. PV Gi"ant '°"· ball playofl game Wedneoday, roond 4-A game. Containing Porter is a Tipoff is at a at San. Jacinto be tried not to panic.
Tim HUI , the team's starting key defensively f« the Vlk· High School aod the DeAnza "If they do that to us,"
center ar.d No. 2 scorer, was ings. TORR C runnersup are favored to put sa)'! Murray, "yoo11 ftnd me
rOf'CCd to mlss pract'1ce all "We hav 1o •-hi A N E -Newport an end to coach Weodtll Witt'• e""';.....a on the ~ideUnes. We've e -....,.. m more H-~-"'""•Sall-,.·um' lo "'·-· --WENDELL WITT .,..,~ \\--eek because ol the flu. than-anyone else," says the · ai·iN& ~"6'' ..... ........6'"'" -.. never trailed by more than
BecallSe of that, the lrvlne Vikings .coaeh, "We've glll lo the C!F f-A b a 1 k et b a II Both ..... -!llllld 12,"
League champs rould be In keep him oil lhe boards and playoffs le< the lint time In outside shooting, l>K the ma-II doesn't ligure to hawen
IOUgh when Utey hosl Long fry to he aware of him on nine Y•"" tonlgbt and lint jor factor In Banning's fa..,. loolght ,at a· when Sa n
Beach MllHkan In the 8 o'clock offense." in Une for coach Dale Hager's is the rebounding of S-3 Steve Clemente OOsts Walnut High,
contest. Rebowidlng will be a major Bluejackets ls the No. 1 seed-_Slmpeon and the overall play winner ol 2fi out of 28 games
''Ti.Jn wil_I play...aiid...wlll ~ factor. ed team in the 32-team of Tooy Pryor, a two-sport this year, in the second round ... .. --' eliminations. All-cIF star. f the CJF 2-A J ff bably start," says Barons K~, a physical team, Palos Verdes Hlih's Sea Coach Ray Curtis' Broncos o cage p ayo s.
cdacb Dnve Brown. "We jUst has relied on the shooting of Kina•, with a 21..oame -•··•-g· like to run and have recorded Instead, the game figures don't know how effective he'tt Porter and Us board strength -0 "0 "'0 " to be a physical affair with be·1with -a week's layoff." to recont an 1W leUOn mark . stre'U.Sall. intact, play OOst to the an 18-5 season With four of San Clemente trying to hokl
Brown indicated Dan Troup, while H Bob Losner M Keith °" at Tommce High, , thooe losses to bigh(y regarded down the ~ favorite for
a g.5 rorward, would fill ii Koeller'8Dd s.s BUI Fick guide '11~( 1• set for 8, ' E= ::·: ~J''the G!F Player " th< Year, Kirk Hill were unable to play the the rebounding forttmes of n s a matcbup of l~'O highly ~ in years in tenns of Crist.
entire-contest. Marina contr13ting teams Jn terms first-year schools w Ith out OU'ist Is 5COring at 23.4
In addition to worrying Fick. spra~ an ankle a of style, pel'!Onnel and atatus. seniors. points a game aod the H
about his own players' health, week ago ·whlle the Vikes were Dlrteth•(• .. ,..,.,.llU Hltll The Ch g look forward dzzz~ Orange <:oast B •·-tried to " out TonW1C• """ •• loc•i.ci •t 2200 a r e rs rown ·~ ~r.. winning their 25th game In C•rton st. T•k• s... 01'" Ft-•I' Riverside's Notre Dame High area cage followers wheo he
a formula to stop Millikan's 26 outings, but Stephens SI'"' to ".....,. FrMW41v. SOut11 °" H•r&or apart with their ability to coo-led his team to the Lagwia
ace, 6-1 Jeff tifcHugb. he'll ---looight. "v "'INW'Y to c.......,,_ i-,._, "" Beacft toumey tltle, garnering llWl.ll. ,. Klloll. trol tbe game in ""'·---y'1 "We havell'.'t ~~ • ~--·~
county and f irst team aU-DAVE BROWN
league. Rocky Ciarelli is ----------
another an-leaguer while Doug
··~-~ • "we'Jl-sWtnim, oot Iii'• rtrSt round triumph. ==-->>!!!Y« oLtl!e.loomey ~ all year like Millikan," said mt 100 -t B eoa,c:i_ John Mibaljevlch's The outside..._.,_ of Gary -•TAN ~u •GGIO The balanced Mustan gs Bro\\11. "1bey take the ball · ,.... ~ · :' ay a.Q:lan .... cbam,.,._ from ~ and.....,..,,.Blll Ma~-·y, r ~-
Rabe and Jim Weir were
i trong 811-loop can<iidates.
"-Weir bas been .bobbled by
a foot injury and his status
is'still questimable. However.
replacements Dave Scza~Jnski
and • .P-auJ CaS11mAn have
proved-more than adequate on
Edison, ""hlch lost to Hunt·
ington Beach by 24 poinis
ln the season opener,· is not
without credentials. . Coach
Dave Mohs' lads operate
around a couple of All·lrvlne
league selectk¥'18, Jack Clark
and Jay. Wilson. The Chargers
cruised lo a 16-8 season record
and a -tie for · second place
In the circuit to garner their
first-ever CIF b a.s k et b a 11
playolf spot,
They m I r r or Htm.tington
Beaeh's style o.f play since
Mohs is a Combs protege.
And they came e11 strongly
the last two weeks .to finish
stb in the final county ratln!Js.
-Clark iS a solid-n!bounder
and a strong scoring threat
inside while Wilson plays
strong derense and hit.a from
Top Prep
At Foothill
•"' ~--~ -'f1 --------.feature a tall from line to intQ. tile-big man lMcHugh ) Offeq.sively, the Vikings Palos" Verdes rely on the ln-c ned with P.tlke counter San Clemente's
torlasy shots whenever possi-figure to have an edge. I side work of 6-10 ~Bill _Capi.1tran's domiDance with o·cc Nm" e height. Fonvard ~ Par-ble. Wliile Kennedy dependS a Lilffilief arij:J a Controlled, · rish • •) and s ,..,.._, play a man-~man ........,.t deal on the .COrtng of deliberate style of attack. ~~ jumpersllne provednear loothe · ~ (.,... oooter teve .. ~, •"" ••~ m~, Wiii (S.1) have dominated the
'defense. , like most o( the Porter, the Vl"'"'"!I present The Sea Kings are the No. ' -.u'6 for Notre Dame. backboards. teams we've faced. I juJt !xJpe a balanced attack with al1 I ra~ team ln the CIF ~A 'JWtve of the last 13 ,_ w• 64 San Oemente the Orange
the fact we play a zone will five st8rt.ers Over or near dou· and also feature guards Tom --· of El T ha ~ ms Le.,,m ... "__..,~ and wmr throw them off.'' ble, figures. Splllane and John Ever hard, .---oro ve ' · ~-· · ---· "' He's also hoping All-O:F Losoor lead the Viltes with who like ta lob the ball to t!IOr9eCharg~ problems with the of 19 or 25 games. starts three
forward Dan Ma lane will cOn-a 15.6. average, followed by ~imbeer. when the ~itioo Perhaps El Toro's best asset SAN M A RC O ~ ":"'" __ R_o_n __ ._J:"slor;_ i~~ -~-.doesn~~ sc:
tint.le his streak which bas Koeller (13.6), senior guard tries to front the 6-10 giant. .. 'is its ability 10 play under Swanson capped a three-run Led by 6-2 Bob Yode!' 6-5
seen the 6-5 star pump in B y r on Ko s i c t ( 1 2 . 6 ) , Newport counters with . a pfesaure without panicking. Upl'islng in the ninth inning junior Dan Dodd aod 6-6 ~r
34 points in. each of the last sophomore guard Ri._ch Bran-fast break outnt that likes.., At least that was the skua· rib a tWO::nm single, helping Ted Kalota the Tritons work
.,,,. r Ora Coun two games , nine (9.9) and Fk:k (8.7), to speed the tempo of' the• tioo Tuesday 15 Notre Dame Orance Coast, College lo a for the., ... • -•-ge shot ·r-cream 0 nge -"I'\.-plan i's 11'mple ," sa~ K........_· .,· a ---•--<--G d B · ~ ~ .. n-s...·1[ •--host • ..., • .--~-ty ·prep swi'mmi•• 1·5 on vw ,,., ~,. 1uu-cuargw• game. uar 1 r1an was--•....n..putdownafte!' V"'I~ v......,ryover Walnut is a fast"'Me"t.i""", d~lay Saturday -at' Foothlll ~· "We'll try to get the out!'rt which utilizes a full O'Flaberty and Frans Van Der ~t;";;Jfy. Palomar College, here, '11:11.rs-quick-shooting club:" ";hid,
Hlkb Where the Knight. host ~ibtole." Malanc whenever coon press, -Aa spark lhe Newpoi:t attack. Connally has averaged 2U day_ , , , means ti... shoold he qutte
the rourth I Or ,.......... "We haven't had much ol . And although Newport bas polnts per game in hl:s last 'lbe win evened the Ptrates a contrast in atuJes when the annua ange With Hiii ailing' , tbe B•-s a "-"'em aga•-the pre•• " te lo -·~--·--~ at "" _, County ..,,.,......ti,,.,.ships ... v.. .,..,.,. u.. ""' a , .-cen r , '-vw1~ eight starts. ~faboney has, .,.,........, i-a.V11.1 ""'· two collide. · · .... _, .. .,...., · co uld · use anotb'er this seasoo. except a little Laimbeer. the big bonus for been in double fim• ... s·ln the OCX! bad ~ the go-1be Trilons will have the
Prelims get illlde:r way at performance like John LOOe-bit .agaimt Huntington Beach. tbe Sailors is 6-4 ~fatt Ja,,t ·six games. e-~ ahead run mlDUtes before heme Court advantage . and
9 a.m. and the fiools In varsity stein's against Edison. He Kennedy's press is similar to Spengltt and 6-1 Brian Rermer The balance fi FJ Toro's Swanson's hit when Mark going against the second seed·
and Crosb-loph comJ)l!:UUon are scored 34 in that game. KateJla's but Kemedy is a up front, who could make the attack is made up from Dave Schrupp walked with ttie bases ed team m the Z.A playoffs
slated for 3 o'clock. Millikan bat the be1ght act-Jot better than Katella /' says difference in rebounding. Smedley (5-11), 1-3 rebounder full. San aemeote will welcornJ
Three-time ch a m pion vartage, especlally' if Hill is stepbens. Palos Verdes' <the!' two Jdm J~ and Joe Carta, The Bucs got & run in ttte every break it gets.
Footbill with super rwilnmen larood out of the game" The 'front liners measure •t. 0 ~dynamo wlto can spark first frame when 1cevin Mor-But the real key...,,,,, lo
Bruce F u r n i s s , . Peter Rams' front line is f.7, M Newport's succesa has been · the team Cl!)nling off Cbe row singled m Ray Crawford. be stopping Onist. No one
Spunem,,Larry Jolut,o<to ind and~ p Sc · ' conlined to finishing .;cooo bench. ' Je<rf llohler and Crawford has done ii yet Ken Wills, is the top bea•'Y ,The Ramo al0> have , a rO Ores banana to Sunset League had NH<Xtring bit. In the '
choke to .roll Jo_tbc .YWUWJ>t{~ ·~ willl1illj powers Huntlngtoo-lletch-an•<t----~--~ _foudJI__ ------
ti1,le again. i.ue, · • M~= ~,~:t'!.~'n.o. Marina. Volleyball' °'"" c .... "' , ~ Golf Swnmai-ies But in..the'frosh~·soph FOWll_!ll\ Va~ has al·! Go1c11t11si.t111t,,ott11Mt0t "We think We have·to 'up ' C•l'Nlord.ct ·~ ; 1 o·
classifica(ijm.lfs the Barons playolfinark,lolmgitssecond u'i':1::.11o!n~" oh$Kf•t1911 the tempo or the game," says ... __.. VllleYll•ll Kur..k•.c ' I I 0
of Founfain Valley and round .game to Up!~ three "'"-1 M«ti:.., LMt1le . Hagey, "and we'll be going AA _.=-u..:,·:, : : ~ ~
Marina's Vikings who figure Y~ ago after stopping La Mont"-' 1. l"llt=. 1 With our man-tcrman defense onino• c:o.tt dtf. hlldt111, c.u. M-. lb 4 l 1 i
c~ Mftl lb) n•1 MUIM
•I ~rtt Cwllll'Y Clvll
M1rty li:tndrek IM). 12. d91'. Tom lladclltN, H. 6-0. lo battle it OUt ·for the d\atn-~·~= l;het~fi~ ir~ .. ·~~::!r~ 2,:... c • U ·usual. IH, JU. A • !i'::';. dh ~ ~ ~· : n. -' Hea-ds pionsbip." :.00° y In e rs ~=r.;,~:=:1r~· J, lte . "Palos Verdes Hkes to ·nm 1:i~tldln9 •. M•"'tMrt, 11.0. ~=.~ ; : : ~ l.1UilD . Twenty schools are in the -a fOJJt-man passing game with flflltftM T--.t L-.n1, rt 1 o • o
Klrtt TllomhlM (M), 72. d91'. Giibert
GOnll;-7(, "°· ..
01.,.. Fonladl ~Cl. 1" dtt. M1rt Wilrv, 71, •I.
-. meet, beaded by Orange Coast .. Laimbeer in there and we ,.,. ~~ ' :r! ! ! ! lob Tetr.ult (CJ clef. llU T~.
Drag Field
area schools Corona del Mar, ,74 A 0 l,o k have to make the switches 1. s.rm. °"" 1. 0r.,.., c~ •nd sen 11y llllllhilp
Laguna Beach, COOta Mesa, rea ut 0 delerWvely against that tac-~.::''c!!:11. ';.Ji~""'' °''"""Cont · 11111 200 ~ ~ ~
ICI, ..0.
GCll"llol'I Gor&ld IC I dtf. IDl:t IKktlr, ......
Mlkt lumbetd ·tCt,· 71. dtf. Mlkt H•ldt, U, M . Edison, Fountain Valley •. San tic." ""' '-Goldlft Witt. PllOll'llr ooo 003 001_. lo 4 Cl e mente , Westminster, .. ' ,--:-:--:-----~~-----------------------~-----
Marina and Qui1Ungton Beach.
othetr,"'asidelrom-the host For Orange Nines -'--'WE HAVE ALL THE FUN" Jim Dum,~ a ~year-old -·Knights or Foothill, •re
fireman from La Mirada and Sonora, El Ptfodena. La Quinta,
!tar of the filril Funny Car Anaheim, Los Ami~, Brea,
Summer, wUI be 8 d Ii n e-La Habra, Los Alanutos, El
Saturday night's drag racing Dorado and Orange.
program at Orange County Top indivjdllals from the
IntemaUooo.I Raceway. Orange Coast area in varsity
The event, an invitational competition include C o s t a
funny car competition-that Mesa's-Richard Chacon;-Steve
also includes Fountain Marksbury and Chuck Bragg:
Valley's Tom McEwen, Ed San Clemente's Duncan and
McCulloch and Pete Everett, Malcolm Wilson and Don
will begin with a rounckobin Sewell : Westminster's Jop
elim ination at 7 o'clock. Huntley and Bill O'Toole;
Funny Car Summer was Corona0det Alar's Jac.k...l«em
filmed at OCIR and is the-and Marina's Jerr Edwards.
flhned vers.ioo of what has Other class swimmers in-
become a fairly normal 5€'.~n elude La Quinta 's Jeff Boss, f~ Dunn. He "'ill be dY1v1ng El Dorado's Riek ,_1iller and
hL5 latest funny car, the °':Inn Tustin's Sam Franklin.
and Reath P~y~lh S;lle.Jhte. Furniss, who.clocked a
tifcEwen will drive his latest l -ndou 4·34 a tn tne 500 r.1ortgoose O u s t e r "'ith reme s · · . . PtfcCulloch driving the fr~e !edn_esda~. will be Sw1m-
Re,·ellution Dodge Darl and ming t~e 200 1 n d ~v I d u a I
Everett the I.Jttle Demon medley and the 100 backstroke.
Winter discOOnt rates· still
apply at OCIR with any seat
on the spectator side goi ng
for $.1 for adults and $1 for
children under 13. .
Nine Falls
The comeruus last season
y,as that: Dana Hills High's
baseball teem was a year
away from becoming a
contender in the 0 r a n g e
l.A?ague race. That year 111
behind the Dolphins DOW, and
they're given a real sN:>t. at
beoomln'g the fint team in
school 'history to win a varsity
leag\le title.
Pltchll\jl """Id be ·a strong
point for the Dolphins and
if the hitting comes around
they could challenge perennial
league power Sonora.
To mt lhe 8eCDlld pitching
spot, ~IcKlbben looks to junior
left handt!r Oirls Doye and
junior rigbty Andy Cill~e.
Jn the field, returning
lelt.ermen Eric "Heard
(infielder) and John Kramer
(catcher) are _ probable
starters. Outfield ·probables
include jWliors Mike Serraoo,
Jim Reilly and Jdl.Johnson,
Besides Allen in lhe Infield,
Laguna Beacbt'will count on
senior Pete Cottam, who bas
swltc:Ded over after running
track last season, junior Bryan
Aitcbis:m, and seniors elf. -
caperton and Jim Annslruig,
E!Je.where, San Clemente
tries to leave its , mark on
the Orange League after
switchiN over from Crestview D '' R'l'-competilion, Urriversity' goes ana • ,.
tl\rough a minor rebuilding '\\tjtb a little consistency
program, and Laguna Beach from the pitching stall, Dana
looks for a winning HiH.s High baseball coach
comtuiatlon to go with one Dennis Nespor . f e e I s his
retumlng aJl-league player. Dolph.ins. could be a tiUe
A capsule look, by 9Chools: challenger.
Nearly every starter returns Laguna Beaeh rrom last season's team 1o
COactr Damll McKlbban has the secood-yur-s c ho o 1 , Gates open at 12 ::10 for aflcr-
n•· •n qnpel!Lion "'ilh the
L"'U~ rounds of the elfminn-
. IOf'J~ ftl!' the four funny car
.lrlvers at 7, 8 and 9.
5addl~k-college was held an all·league shortstop-and inctuding AJl.CIF th 1-r d
to just two singles by San one ol. his top pitchers from baseman Bill ~n .
&mardino Valley's B i 11 last sea.son returning, but In the all importanl pitching
Malberger in dropplhg a U there are plenty of holes to dei>artment, lhe Dolphins have
rAin marred, five-inning ~tis· be fllled on the Laguna"JJeach junior rigbthander Don Fowler
• If )'OU how a toftball !Kim
-the 'Neal's t1am are
~ ct.ollengm -Come
in and lilt your team·an aur
~ t;ulletin boorcl ' ~ NIAl'S FISH.0-RAMA IS
COMING "P Apnl 28th--th;,
ii o .bJn ocean boil boot con_!t't
with 3 boots full of eoger
contestonts -lots of· prize1 cm lo11 of fun . .
II you like lo.Rsh Join u1 ~ only
1 boot leh fo fill -.sign up of
Ol'rf N.a/'11tCHW.
• There is no gos thortOQt ~
fht Mammoth run ond still 3
·mar. rnOnth1 of skiing.
• flSHllMINl W• ho••
-11 .. bo;t boot -tickets -you11 ICM Y, "off
Beat the Energy Crisis with Y""' own sport program
in your back Yard -Basketball -Volleyball -
Badminton ·,-· Tether Ball -Tallie. Tennis -Paddle
Ball -Oort Gome• -Proctice Golf Ranve
Practice T erwiis Rebouod Net.
largest stock of •wim wits in Orange County
• Toom Orden 1nvited ·
New tackle arriving doily ·-drop by ond
see the new gear. " ·w. speak'Flshina"
• 1'A Neal's Fishing'license is luclcitrH
All slcls-boo1>-poles-racks-clothing-9I""''· ,
l k b sion C.on!erence baseball game tea m thla season. and Jtidt Hallsted returning, t-----1~as et 31··1 j---Tim.-)"'tlll-t-h~looeo"•-dia---'l'ba-<op----ls--jun«-their--lop-pal< ol-&--year --
mood. • · l!hortstcip Mickey Allen, who For depth, Ute~& lefty Steve
rtO· prict. Just stop ~ ond 1 -.pklc ~ your ticket -AJso
ha¥9 fret fishing foidtrs on
t«.r1t tlP• to catch bau -
trolilt -ond catfisk.
We've got the ---the new Head "Red Hood"
tennis racket and the fobulous , "Yone-Yomo" racket
ce11ttt ••i•uttw11 The game was played in hit .382 in g~ al14eague ~fiklOI aod righthanders J9T)'
"'"' KlmlMlr• "· s1. 1111''*''• a sieady drizzle and finally .hooors last aeason. 1bougb 'Enuy af!d Roaemead transfer • ...._ '!..!,~~ " called "11en It be1an r.ifning still hampered by a foot injury JOOifWillelle. , t"""" ~ r:i.~1:1M111 •~ heavily afW the fiflh tnnJna. fnc\ned dW'ing basketball. ' Springman, a .Jll hlfter last
----"Vitt~ 1 orttt .J._ ~ 4,1 -AllBr has lbown stgns ot.-.w:ason, ancbol 1 the mtleld "',.;i.-.. m• n .. , 11 "' retumlfC to last 9U10n't with seoion Mttcb Mt'Comb • Mtalco $1. 9'. NOrlll tt~I• 1 When •--• 100 _.._, ~ •nL..a -' ~-..o ...... n, AblMN Cl'lrl1""' " 11:1,.., :Jlt 1 • I • 1onn. Ult\:.. to at OllUI~ __ , UI ... -~
~ ... ....,.. ,., 'Mwnl"' ,2 Het.1..,, ,. 1 .1 • • peroi=nt, he may also lle-1p out and Mlklol at nnt b9e in
l,llllllrl a . coio. 11. n klrlllOIN!I< cf t • t • ~ Lolwl 9"cfl It. '" Sen J-St. ~ ........ rl J o o o in Pitd'dnt· , the teot.IUW. urtinC
•ue..s.n11 IM1NI'• "· ,r-_ st. :!!.".:.'"!'. c: ·: : ! ! In the way ol pitching, The outflelcl II_,_, ,
" DM~ ... 111 1 o o o Laguna Beach rttums senior but Str.ve Roberti and Al SIMI Olloo SI. 11, ,~Ill&: 75 Motl! 11 ' O e O ri •-nder ~ Quin • • •••• u-i _,,.u tn Porlll>l'llj 7J, Nl'll•M St. TI' • Toi~! d!I t 0 I 0 ght-,KO . unnny n {~ ~V~ NI ..-..-utel
14u.s. 111111'"''1111~1 '4. "•'ft r '-""' M11,.,,,;1t11 • ., • o • • In I~ Jul season J. Another . left and ricbt field wttb either
\.Cl\Ol•,.lttt •s. s1. l.OQlt~•s 1111•" 1~ 1 ' • hurler who wouldn 't h a v e 8rvce LMDil • Dll'rfl Ho"9 ::.t~~. t'H''t-~':"~~ J~Plllnlln• seen~ ...... l'M!lped, ams White, ncently In cmler. ~.9!._'lttoll "· Tn. cu ... ., • .,. ·--~· 1°' ,,~ ' : left f<r Argentina on an AFS • C.t.cblnc dudel ,,,.. be .rn ~~ MMV 7J, [Ill Wol!M IHI!;'""' .. 111-f t f Kh>llrllhlp. See 1A1DA•1 .... 11 . . . ,
' • •
• -r •
• Twit do""""-Hood .;._,_,_
!ZOO-c...tte-« --~ • 11-.loy--T-..-Jeclt
, c.-...... Pap ·It
relelatocl lo 1e11ion Boxer
,.,.,... and a...-· Women's Golf Vista ~!:"!a~~e ... y
. ' fa-for'Sfn Clemente Hl<h
•-~ \ thlt 9fllUJll, for although the ,......_vi.,, in> cu) •r c""'"''-1, -Trilal\A don'\ return any sUlr -1oe -1 . .>.-..: lM 1. l'•oa11 DotUe Fleer is the new Stipes the ·1er with 30 ,., AM Ward won D gross wl.lh -llber plai·•rs, • 0 1 • h lMJ..1 ll*lrw (Ml Tl,.,,J 11.0 I ~-llo 102 with • ~-w -.. cu.u "-.. "' tM)1 w....!l 1:11111111..:: i-4":1 I. .... ~ldent'• cm> champ&on at fo lowed by • '--R' ~t ~ emer wire: net ~farshall Adalr feels it'! the
.._,, T.11111 11111 1• Cook <M> J. lrvlne Coast Country Club 31" and Ca ll;r;edy vtct<r with 71. Jewel Wynn best team depth-wise ln recent
Flllltt <11 Tlmt: st.s. following her final' round al SS'iii . had 77.and Frances~ 1f..-"'8" ... ~~ -hool. 1~.iM11i1'¥1*1M:'~l.~ £•11111 tMI victoryoverKayJennllonthi.s In a moat t, Jane ' ~'"' -1 J1''tW.i~Wi=-r:r.f1~r.w.:~; week. Roderickwu~ wtth Jl llrioMl'lejo Solldtrytng a l,argely
t-Mi i. -1. Kl,odVl .. ton s1 t. Mrs. F1eer replaces NIUH'V. 15 In A flight J":r,.twau.. It was a -~-·, beti.;r llntJfOV!h pitching staff ~nd fM) I. ""'"" (M) TliN1 t :G.J ' ..... ...... oom1n& up wllb • cunbinal.ioo
wi1:! <~r 1.-._1·ci:=~11 1111;1me~ Newland, wife of UC Irvtne's AUceOerbyandN Grady ball event for l\lOlt day that Jl'Ovkfel a delicate 111~ lH _ i. c;;.....,...., fMi '· swlnuning and water Jdo tl«I for ~ wtth 'p_ 1moe cunpetition at Mlak:ri Viejo bllance ol nektJng and ttlttlng
5. c11ttn11t 111 l. 01.., 111 Time. t'Oadl , as champ&on. Van Auker .,.. Ann Pl>U Goll Oub this week as are ~problems to be worked 21·:..0 ... ,, ... 1. Miuion ·vi.i• Tl-: In the ~ifinalist roood: wer:e nnt with 11. memberl of the women's 'Coll out But u th»e problems ""~u. ltiH•r -I. Ml111ot1 \II~· ~klr!.3-f th deflleated Pat -J3Paw11 Wlloonth ..... ~»~~~ club eftte~-n are. solved, the Tritons could
Tr,...., 1:11.i .... ,ar,..,.., or e ti e. ........... '""'"""• ....... J ln the meuwu.guest lgbt, be a detennJ.nlng factor in
HJ -I. s-CM I 1. T ...... _k Otbet' final results included Terpstra, ,Shirley Jacbm and Anita lotcCSoud am Jean ... _ Or-e '~.m~ alter JM) ). •-11 ISf Height: M u....I U.., -, ...... __ u -1. wi .. ui 2. wooc1 cs1 Gloria ~1allory over 1'.b'othy Eleanor Green YQl at ll. Shabbot find a net &a to win. ., .. veral -·-ol -•-ran 1 De Phl111PI CM) Ol11....u: If.. """ ...._. IW9V" pv .__ 1. a.-1s 1 1. o·conne11 Bowen in tbe vice president's R--.. ~ • Flottnee Gardner and Lucy status Jn the Cres.Vlew. ''1~J·~"'1r''fi~~~111. 111c11..,. fliaht: ~ Kelter --.,.. Labgston finished with a TI> 'Ibe pitctUnc staff will be IMJ1~~~f.111)\J:.1 l~!;';'."~11:~1t defeating Yvoone Donaher in Sue Ewers and Fem SprouJ for se('()nd place. composed cl righthanders Joe
(Ml 1 v1i...11roe CSI Oh l•nc:-= 111.$ the director's flight. eadl flred M to win a best In the member t l le b t I Janton, Dan Dodd, J 0 h n J-. "•"'IY Joe_ Hartley won over Nlna ttne tournament at Rancho competition was on the three Hayden ud Jerry Nebon and ~~111_V•~· 't(~~i:11::" 2~1e=~ Hannahs ln the governor's. San Joaquin ~ Counie this and five pan w1tb half left-handrr Tom 1.anotti. All
C5lJ· ~~~' 'ti'Ji='c~~ ... 1. Pl•rct fiigbt apd Rose s I eight week. handicap. Poppy Ptekerlng. played last sea.'l)n, OOt only
<s1 1 Ao11111 cMJ .r1m1: rs.• defeated Julia Ferguson in the Margaret OeBach was the was the winner with 29, Janton aaw mtJCh pitching
(sf\. i.~l:.1i~11"W'rJ~k1~1 MtlMdAz Irvine flight. front nine winner wtth 48 aOd fo11owed by 'I\111 Sher (30), action.
11~ E11i1.~l~t1~!~~:~1.~lldd'"'Dfl S llff Kiy May oopped the beet Wey ~1cDooald (31) aJXl Junior Keith Marr has the
MH• -1. M11111 '\Ml 2. 11;. HUc1c1•111ori f!al!' aide aWBrd wtth 48 in A n t""'L Gldnda Guy (311!.a). inside track at the catcb1•"• (SI J. 5mltll IMI T llMl l •:U .t ~"II" '"6
2-mu1 -1. ~ !Ml 2. Moe11rl11111 lt was a flag tournament Uta Slmdorn toot groes ~IUon, with Mart Fagan, 15Jo3tt~· ~e'C::.,~ r~',.-i. 18:i~1e1 . for members of the women's honors tn B flight wtth a t7 .. a junb ttansfer fr o m <")L1·l~·~11'.MJ.~~:1~i,.02. Harri• club at Huntington Seacliff . 1J.J OrT won on the front R • Sink Mmtebe!Jo as beckllt. !Ml'l Clll'lrld (M) Tim.: n.• ~Country Cub this week With side ·with 47 ind t.Jarjory . a1ns The Infield ii fairlt'set '~th "'° Ael•r -I. oon. 111m1 ,.__
c111rC1u.1111t0 Rose Erick.son and Haul Thatcher tbe back side with ~f4AC stavro at first b.ue, Tl~~ J:RJ~•r -1. S•n c11m1n11 A1ollica th~ only players to 49. • s h du} Nelson at second, Al Sandoval
,:/1.J..!. c5:i1~;1~l ~ W•'1"-· finish on the 18th green uoder. Trudy Booe bad a 109 to c e es at shortstop, Tom Pike at tM~J l. Qui.~. c~ 0111!:,~, ~ ... l oper ruJes of the competition. capture C flight groM with third base.
PY -1. a.rwm1111 csi 2. M l•• In lbe first flight, wimeni Eileen Yraceburn hitting 55 Thuraday a f t er n 0 0 n • s Pike, a jl81ior transfer, and
(Ml 1. s1nc:111r c51 111111111: 1M p ·~-J .11 f --• •-Sandoval · a ~more are SP -1. P•1111lf1 CM t. Fr•POllo included atty .x;nu tm1 er, on the ront auu uo;1ty rainstonn. played havoc with • """""' • 1111J1~11~.c~1 1~51 ri~ii:~ ~~ 2. Polly Browning, Lo r r a i n e Poindexter ihe same score on. Orange Coast·~ prep spring newcomeni tO the infield .
M1rr1,,,.,, tMl l . w1111r !Ml 011tet1U: O'Neil, Ginny Lambert and the back side. sports teams, arid resulted in Janton can play shorstQP., first 111.. ,,....Slltll Kay 1t1oser. Betty Vaughan was the kine the postponement of base or third wherl not
11M111e11 "'''' t•u 1111 u. ~ In the second flight, Hazel winner in D flight with a cofnpetitions "-all sorts. pitching, gJ\'Ulg Adair a 1~'f ,.-~1"tr-n~1: ?i~ CrllPll'IO Mollica was tbe leader with gross 109. • In track, scbeduJed dual dtgree 0 f maneuverability
no _ 1. crl\Oll'IO 1M1 t. A1Um1 Rose Erickson, Nancy Ray ... In a blind nine eVent, Ginny meets between Long Beach v.ilh the infield alignment.
tsl.a i ~r'f' ~;..~:"(,,,,~.J t. Y•nc• and Edtt Nanoes following. Pepin was \he A winner with Wilsoo and Marina a n d In the outfield lettennen
{M) l. '°"Ml rime: ».• -J une ~allin won tbe .ttilrd .,..,L folio-• by Fem Sproul Kennedy • Ed 1s0 n were 2'.anottl and Steve Gates will 110 -l. vane:• IMI 2. tor IMI '-'' oJ•"n llfQl J'k I t of the 1. Tomllnoon cs1 Tl~; 2:11.1 flight, followed by Florence (38) and Kay May (40). postponed. No date has been 1 ,_ Y occupy wo cM~11~. K.11~'' '1:r~W~l:1~0 oirton Covell, Fran Summerville. Jeanne Grlfftn woo B flight set fOr rescheduling th e lltarting !pOls with i.eninrs Bill
t ·mU• -1. Anc1ena11 (Ml i . Turr• FIOll' a Moore and peg· wt'lh 36 with Uta Slmdom Wil90D-Marina meet, whlle Enqul.sl and Pete Mitchell and !Ml l. H111u111~ (M) Tl,,,.: 11 :'1.i t..~i...-J r--·J and p I
10 HH -1. •~• 1M1 '-?\.teacher. 8eCOOd '&l 31%. Charlene Edison and Kennedy will make I"'''"'"' ess '-"Au.co ez 8
~rr ts1 i s10C1<1~rt (Ml TllM: Pat Hood copped the fourth CoUlhs and Peggy Roberts tied up the rainout either Monday Nebon pushing (or spots.
no lH -LAl)CI•-. <Ml 1. 1 1 h M or Tuesday Hoov1r iSI 1 Sloddlrl IMl Time: f l i g h .{I W a r) at J8. • IJtal'l'f!rllt11 Iii~ LH -I. Alld-(M) 2. V:anderSommen, Irene Pare, Sue Iaer:I won c night with Termis--and:-baseball-1eama__:_~~-----~-Hoo>Wr 1s1 1. s1odd1r1 !Ml Time: Joan DeSutter and Jane Dehne 39 with Connie Dunlap iteCOlld also found the weather too Replacing seven graduated "·:.0 1t•r -1. S•11 cl«M!lt• ':'•mt: next in line. at 40. wet for play. letterman ls never a pleasing
'°;ii1, 1ttt•Y _ 1. Mi111on v111o p • ' 1be h>t tennis riv a I r Y prospect, but Unlvenity High
Time: •:n• Meaao1clark S•ttt•. An• ·-between Newport Harbor and bueball coach Ken Trater is HJ -1 · low !Ml '1. Hoowr de! M I ba k th""'~ul he h k l$l 3. u111 KreQh 111 •lld HallruP Helen ?ifoulton •'Oil a M ben o( the San Ana Corona ar was ae c <IJllU 85 some ey CM~.,.._lllht,: t',1truo tMJ '· cr111'lno i;elcctlve nine tournament at em la until Wednesday at Newport playen returning at crucial
I.''. AcM>ms csi oi111nc:• lM 1 k Country A b ol Country Clti> stag«! a match H-~ ~~--~-and F~'ll -'•:~. PY _ 1. '-"'irt11111m tMi 1. 111•1 ?i1eadow ar ..,,u vs. nar tournamenl tb1!: week. ha~.,~ ..:=..,~uled their=·• ..--~ Alll\•1• cM1 1nc1 c*"" 1s1 H•i9h'' H tingto Be ch this week r-. ·~ \CUIU One blg plus for the Trojans
'°tP -i. 1!1y111 !M1 '· H1rper Wl n a to ..i.:_ In A Olght It wu Muine malch for March 12 at should be retumlng all-league
1s1 J. F1""1"i cMi 01111nc:" •i-.·~ She had 28'h ca~"-Ougpn the winner, Z.Up. Estancia, and Huntington catcher Nick Peregud, who 01.....,. .... . H1rpor• !SJ 2. 11•¥•" the A crown Winni w ber ---• J '.' '. T-. I"' 01111nc:1: 11s.10 · e e was -.u~. · n ....... will host G-~-G-ve led tbe "--i.-r.. in hitting
Y•AltJ In B flight it was Jean IDgbt down, with Fk>reM:t Keller ~:.m, next ~y.~v last ~,.." ~ a .384
wn1mlMM on 1u1 PwtlllH the winner with 30. htarcella and VlrglrMa ())lfing tied for San ae"""nte's 0 p e o in g avera-.•He will be afuting
100 -1. 8-tFl 2. P•r.ing•r Crandall WOO C nigh! w!Jh tbi...1 .t..-• ·r-e~
!Fl J, P111.,.oon cw1. T1m1: 10.6. •w. 2"""""· baseball game of the seuon for"'a third consecutive season. 1:io1.o.~·1.;~~1':~ ,~:.' 2• st.cv 25 and Maz:ior'th .,,.Cleal was the Fran SC:hmtd flnilbed even et Mater Dei fell victim to Also returning are pitcher-
"" -1. Shlrt•v cw1 2. Beno D winner Wl w . for B nim.. laurels with Lolita the rain and has been cMlielden Pablo Sliva and (Fl J, Splll~ !F l. Tlnw! 51.I • "'6"'
11(1 -1. Shtrll'I' CWl 2. Flrt!OW co~-ASG Afabooey and Robbie Sylyester rescheduled M 0 0 day . A Scott Kafe!jlan. Silva v.·as 1Fkr~• G~"111~ 1r~·1 11r;:r '2~·'111.-s • .,.. ~ t t tied '°'second, l<lown. similar fate befell the baseball honorable mention all league,
(F) l. F~r•ro !Fl. Time: •~31.! In a threes tournamen a c·-~-~·u th c betw Foothill and and lW j'--post~ ,. . ,,:,.,.;11, _ 1, v.,.m111. tFJ 2. S111111bllfy Costa Mesa Golf and .Country 1Vf1-'\AUN was e game een es MUI cu 1ve wins
cFl 1 Thr"" CF). T1m1: io:ot.6 wimer at even par with Costa Mesa, no date for on the roound, both are right-uo ·1111 -I. PMlllll1 CFI 1. Wlllllll Club this week Aon Pappas aA~ h-~--lWl-l. khlllt1 cw). Time: u.• -:-1 . •-Ith Merilee . Dungan ~. l· maktng it up has been set: OJJ\l'l;lll,
1• lH -1. Scuiu cwi t. • -was lhe " flight victor w down. .Fran c.arter a n d 1n track, the O>rona del Other pitching proopeets ~oslhlll (Fl. J. Poss !W). TllM: 3JlJ.z
21.s , Tl Ii.-.. inc!·-'...a Marguerite Sean Ued for Mar versus Hmtmgton Beacb include seniors Nick Surico .u"fl Ae!•r -1• wesrmin 1••· me: Other ._.~~~e(rs321 MaUIJQl thtrd, 2-down. meet was .stopped after ooty and Mike Roblnsoo. bc'lth
~~'· ~·1·,~ -G~~ t.r~~· 1. Klmm!tll Dianna . ~ ' rr In D Olght it was Lois three events and rescheduled righthanders up from the
IF> l Perk•• cwi. 11 .. g11t: 5-to. Ti.nner (32111) and Sybil Werner ........ wianer, 1-down. Monday . Before the rains junior varsity. ' lJ · 1 e~w•ll (Wl 2. ,.oll•son F I (34") •~ IFl J.Pr1nCe cw>. 01111nc:e: 10-1 os er .n • • A tie resuJted for second place became too heavy, Corona del From comer to comer. the :~ -:,. Nf.' ~c~ro CF! '2. K11me• In B kfh~tA it :was ~th between Sandy Mestyanek and Mar's Brian Hunsaker ran a Infield Ls filled w i I h
tw ! 3. Hlcko" cw J. 011ttnc:•: so.io Van Au er Wll'C' wumer W1 Pauline: Whtte, 2-down. Marylu t :ll.9 two-mile to highlight newcomers. Jim Coryer ~·ill
Jllftl« vinitr 32. Norine Grady was second Ro le and u .. -. ,,____ u....i -'tl'hat little comp et It Ion be the·......h..ble starter at firSt wnt1nh11t« 1n1 u21.twt111ll tl2\I) wt'th •~y B-wn and W Y ~·-..;, ""~ Y1CU .,,._.._
100 _ 1 c;.11111 cwr-2. M«>r• O'C'u •v for the next spot Sodown. oocu:rred. - -hue, with . Surico and c~ 1_Fit ~~. T:~: ,~1·~"" 1w1 Jerry WaCatsonlitied at 33C. fi'ghl In a stroke pla). tournament, Atater Dei's meet with St. Robireon also available for
1 Goll<' cwi. TllM: z.-.,Joyce P s won t Connie Klmle was the gross ..._.John Bosco was cancelled, no duty. "° -1. ct_, iwi t. Jol!lllCW'I with 32 followed by Pbyilis vi· --with 8S In A ru••t reschedul e was immedlately Fresno t r a n .s f e r Bob 9IO _ 1. Atderm111 (Fl 1. Kutoler • I •~ .., ·
1 o. cer111nr cwi. Tl-= se.1 Barness at 33 Lee Merck e, u ...... Riley-...,., net '=:::: set. And El Tor~·s competition Sanchez is set at second., with
..0--1 ClelnlM IW) 1. JCIP>ll$0n (WI Ca I n -"" --1 ,.._-. .. r. k ........ ;/ .. _. --iiE"3 -.. ---....--0-.. ,..,.... J~r ~v1s and "OJpmmoi~' fW) l Ln Cf). Time: 2:12.J ro ·~ ana ......... ue l"es e with 72, rotlowed. by xaxme Jn we .-:iuuf'tY .:>llU\U .>.Qa;/.-ICl. Ucl -...
Mui -1. llr•ck•t• .!WI 1. cnn. tied for third with 34.. Duggan-fla)-&Dd Iona Mouron was also !8ined oot. _ ~ Robklson close behind. c~~i.K·~~.sttr~~· (F~2. 'S~tMr Jn D flight it waS Elise (74) 'l1iOie felays were fiOPCl'uT SeiiiOr-·Tfin ~·willi~fle
'"';1o"::Hlh~0·1.N~.%'.: 1w1 1. RomlM ln.B """'I •·Uta Mabon of being nm today, but El leading jwtior varsity hitter
T·--''' • ...., '~ ey --· di.. Cl'Q' J··• '· 1 · d (W) l . Ot!Ol'nt CFI. .. ... : . • ••• the·-'-with M . 1' -»·~ I.VIV. vision waJ -season, • a s 0 I
110 lH -I. AOl'l\1111 (WI 1. °"'°"'" E ·-w ~ third !FlJ. ~~':y"~.<eJn~rr:.:i:.··TllMl Bauer arns Harrison won oet with 74 with res:heduJed Monday. candklate at base. •~111 A.i•r _ "°' t111c1. EveJyn GQdber at Tl and Nel 0;-;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;,;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;; J
HJ -1. c1-. tW), llO 1tcllld Hughes tied with And a DOIS YOUI CAil IDLI IOUGH? WE crll~lr~ ~·1g:!;,,t! IW ) 2. ComplQfl All-"'11'. cm"t Livingston at 78. STA.IT HAI.DP IW~vl:...E~l'l:id~FI. Ol•••nc•; 11" ,·, -,,_, Inc night it was Marguerite GIVI ~ MILAGi ? CAN HELP
~p -1. llUNI (WI 2. Gr•v t Se·-the g-· winner with
',..,,,, ":..':~';;;' ~·"' Saddleback College's Rick 100".'"1.ee ~aart woo oet THE CARBURETOR SHOP
weitmhi•••r uai 1 .. 1 l"MllllH Bauer 'has been selected to with 77 with Harriet Hopkins '"' ....-M"'-cott• -..,....
1oo _ 1. G1gw1k1 (•l 2. s111111r the IO-member AU-Mission and Eda A11ller tied at 78. M•-•-·•·~•.._ .. .,..._
CFl '· Alld...son cFl. Tim•: •0.1 "-ference •··•eJhall team, HO -I. Gto.w-1 (W~ 2. TorMJ \A.Ill Ui20Sf>
ff) l. Arodt non CFJ. Time: 1S.2. as sel~ed by the Cll'CUl't r----------------, ---, .ci -1. 0onov1n (Fl 2. ltuu-11 ..._,
1w1 i. A111m111;1111 (Fl. Tim.: $7.o coa~ G , ~ t, . L
IFJ 1 D111111•tt• 1F1. Time: 2:1J.2 Bauer, a ~10 sophomore, · • ·~ = " .... IW> •. ,_,, ---ymnc· ast1cs 1-~ -" I
Miit. -I. Torrn (W) 1. Reed I 0 I
,.,, '· T_,, ,,,. ,,_, "'"' . was the Gauchos' leading I W'O C C .Al tn 0 H ,n I fJmue -1. Torrn 1w1 z. Gm.:n scorer this past season. He Olrt• o~lc• "11 r i;c;. (F) ). Turntr !W). Ho I IM • "'' 10 HH _ 1. Hu1Mf"4 (Fl 1. 81,1rn __ _.._.. 22 poiD· Js f-the COD-.. ....,.,. Maf1llr (ft.It), DIN I r (WJ l. Hirt-(Fl. Tl-= to.a. M;V1-cu "' lluitl, Tnttl 111,au I
110 t.H -c. 1. l•l•11111 1w1 2. Jonet ference all-ilats l:h a 112-M v111111,,....1. Klfll\lrl oo 2. Mutv11111 Chelsea's new Sun 6: Moon Clock'. One clock 1w~3. l~Tr 1~· T11~~~" Tlll'll: aetback to chaplpioo Riverside . 10J.!.:1~i. ~~o~~~~ I that tells you wbat lime it ii and when high and "~u. A•l•Y _ 1. wntn111111.,.. Time: Wednesday rugtrt. , .. , :a. tt-.n INJ. w1fllll1111 KOr•: I. _JQLtides are. Combined on one ~lnch dlal, color l;~} _ 1• 1todpln tW> t. M•"" Riverslde dominated the a.~l•nu bH...-1. 1'1" CNJ ).. s,..11t I codedToreasyre·adlni:
1w1 1. N~. 1-1e1oM: s.t selections with four players 101 :a. 1o11111111 1N1. WlMIN tc0t•: It's accurate to within two l«ODdl a day IF1'>.-N~iten iFl~ Jr.l.~ °;'~~,... named to the team. 1.2:'1oor e:~erc1-1. K1PMr1 fN> t. I (extraordinary for a battery-piowered timepiece).
PY ..:"°' 1111d. ...~..., c.i-.. "" 101 :a. spri.t (DJ. wiMI,... ICOn: I For boat or home, it's as perfect aa the
SP -1. Potter <W, I t. °']!llllWf,, '"' """"' c..... "'· Yr. 1.ts.. • ,......_lsea cra•·ma··"p that goes tnto It (F) 3. OtldY CWI. 0 1t1ll09: .... Boll KOO"•d!. Cllltt.y M s.. I ..,lie ''"' IJ:)IU •
11111 .v.on11v.i. 11.1¥'tr1.oe 6-J so. c-.., Mir • 1111.451 n•.»1 There are two .models: "The Tide Mate" with :n ~:,':', ~1=:, t! tt, ,,_ •• eni:.111~ s111n1i1, 1u1 I binge bezel and ~lick phenolic case at •109. '"The
Pr .. r• 11:11111111, ct.11ttr ~ s.: .,. 11"""""' 1u11. wR111•• 1c1. '·" I Tide Teller" in a screw bezel, brass c1se for 1175. llldl • ...,., S~ S-11 It. •1!1llC4I 11Nn1 -1. S11111~1• IUl
ow10111 Tyllf', ltlwnkM "' so. 1. 111c1W111 CCI J, se:11t111lnd., tUI. I Mlkt LllOlkt, $Ollllrfttltr11 '-5 Fr. et>d Oo1111 !U). f .,S.
TOl"'t Feldt, G!'OHIMlll U Fr. Untvtf'I ,.,,. .. Mn -I. J°"""'°" I
G1ry Cl1rt::. lllvwtldt t..1 so. CCl 2. w.wi. (Cl l. Hvtelllson IUl. [~:"'-.ot·.;. '~ ·.=·~ · :.o:,.:~ 11111 "~•1111111111 -1. JoMIQn !Cl ;: 111owtn I All-circuit
GWC Star •
Mu1l10111 Ullwrtkltl, !CJ I. 51:!ln-l1 IU ). 1.1. I
Golden West College's Taras.r==========::;;:======;-1 1 Young has been named to the
coaches All ~Soutkern Black '"elvet I Cal~omia Conference baskel· l' • I l=t:::;:::;:l>li!Rl:~'°i:i'clo·s Fred-ffaberecht ee'" g I was most valuable player. . ~ I
-"""""" Cel C"""-' I ... ,.. ....:."'' ,_ ... ... on you. -,
l..AiLY PILOT 21
l\o 3J t -rs t tter·
~ 'WitlJ i>ecuritp .
~ ....._
I FRfl~,! !!!»~~.~.!~$N7MENT \~ comber, foe·~· ond to~·ou~ to . , 95 _ , · . rnanufac:l\lt'9r'1 lnol spaoficohom, ·
,,11ing the mo• modern precision
' equipiMnt. , ,
_ Reg. $12.95 Value
1111 .,.,.... '-'>• "7 •klll•4 .,.,, M••119tinl
....... old.................. $229 .............
• ~ braa.. Jarfull ....... <-•
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Pitt ...... 1.-llO. N .ct tn,ff ....... b _ll......,
COU'°N 0000 UNTll MAI. 31. 191•
£~uD= Li[}{]~lfu
. proted you~
. t '" 1nvesl"'c1e~~.S~ I
11ME 0 "
(in less than 5 mi nutes)
Ho Min . Purchase Necessary _
U !S WMAJ--Wl-001 t3aa -_II' 5 qts .. Quaker Stet• (up tot
" Chas1i• Lube , _ _ __
II' Wheel haring Repack (ol.lter front)
J1' Broke Adluslment !except disc)
COU,ON GOOO UMtl~ MA .. :n , 197•
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the~. ':.~~~'~?:! .
ANY SIZE! $1500 Tu beltss Whl1tw1ll or Blac"' 2 . _ ..._ ...................... ~"'-for ~~
kid H~.-iu._._.,,_ M 141. I ll'll--WI"'--L.A--SMll,... "1 Jo. ~ "1.o;:::.,"~w.t .'it:: -I-AMlllt ,a .. ......,.
Dwo Otlllelt. lA HMbOr ... $0, I ' IJS.1110
SANTA ANA m1 w. '""' '"' TUSTIM m t t• s1·n1
llftl IEACft &
Wllf lOO«tL Ent LA Mk. tftSWT£1 JIJSI I H.
-smooth Ganadian. I Wllll CIOVE .,. w , 1 1 H
" I I llAWWN WOEJCS 11m c..11.
I Q.OC KS/llAAOMETERS/CHllOtlOMETERS -IOll llACK 11411 ... "'
I SM1A Alll 111 l llllli
COSTA MESA Ill t 111 st
COltO'Nl Ill 1. I> s..,
SAN CLEMDITE ml o Cilio 1"'
I ~ '1£ ~,L BP'4',u-• ~ -_, ~ !iii1iii1 OPEN DAILY 8-6•SATURDAY1-5
1 ;",. ......... Aa. • • lmiiil ID~---""" 1 riiil
l' 2«11;.;.\!.1=-'~-·u f ~· ~ .. ~.tp ~&•le .~Imes * ' tin Dnton Pll2ll · . --~-~----------·-T1.--~
' .
_I t
!. ..
DA1L V P'ILOT Friday, Martlt l, l"i74 • • • • •
• ' .
-. -,...
Dana Poi1tt lfandicap Series Openiii '\--\--l-Ospr_gy . ·Winner ~-t~Nis
NASSAU, Babamu (!,Pl :-and toot away two boun ct and went ID the oiher vesoel's third ~ f Woman , n\atch race ~ featur-No. \,all el~. Saturdoy. Series, Cal-!O, Suhd;ly:J•fing
Ing Exeallbur-2' sloops will CABRiLLO BEACH YACHT Serles, 110, Sunday. 1be Southern Ocean Racing the boat's finishing time that akt owned by ~Barton of
be otqed by Voyagen Yacht ' .CLUB -Multlbull Regatta, OORONAJX1'YACllT
Club over OCi!iri courses Olle-of·a·kirid, Saruta~-----= Juolor Winter s ·)
C.ooferenoe ha! scolded a were lost in a sea7rescue. \. "There were three boles ln Chicago, fourth. ;;
heartless <.'OIJlpuier end named . Tho crew o( the fl-loot !be aide ot the boat .below In class ~gs, A-dau
•JSIUed to a yac cu '
In Newport Harbor.
VYC will alJo dominate the
local weekend racing scene
with the Laiuna ''C" race,
the flnt feature of the Massey
Midget Series for yachts 30 feet
and under on Sunday.
In other competltlve action
"81ong the Orange C..St, Dana
Polnt Yacht Oub will in-
augura1'! i t s Performance
Handicap Racing Fleet Series on Sattrday. .....
Two Southland Yacht c1ub5
will combine their talents this
weekend for tM One-Of-A·
Kind MulUbull champiomhipo
to be Salted Jn Los Angeles'
Harbor. Sponsoring clubs are
Cabrillo Beach Yacht C1ub and.
Palos Vercias Yacht Club.-
On the powerboat front ,
Pacific Offslx>re Power Uoats
.Racing Assoclatio'n will the
KBIG-Bushnlll race starling
Saturday from Redondo
Complete 11.itng ol events
on the Southern California
Yadttln( Assoeiati(>n calen-
CL~y 5aikn SerleJ
mile Mlaml-~NWau aa · t "tilua~. owned
t CAL I F.o n ·N 1 A YACHT SOUTHWESTERIJ YACHT ' • ol M~. Ind . .., stopped !heir · F~her, sklppet" ol the Osprey. by Jae): ""'ter ot Ovsler Bay
-" CLUB -Regaterla de Savelle, BOATING race. _ racing to pick up the ti-man He ukl the Wlmoweb was -• "{• r~ · \ CLUB -Pt!alibu Trans-Bay P-Olt, Saturdav, Sun ·d a y; The computer had rated crew of the Wimoweh arter almost awash when he arrived N.Y.; B-clus vickir was Wind
race Overton Series (IOR); Spring Series, Tornado, Satur-'"-------~ America Jane of the Newport. the yacht broke up in stormy on the accne in rain swept Liese, waned by Wlillam Tanner Serles (C'CA); 1Com--<-..la G ha,,. ot "-'•• Bay [). RF Sa da y Soodav. ~ Harbor Yacht Club the victor .aea.s Monday night. by 30 .knot w~. a &•D vz•-;
modOre Series, PH hJr.. OCEANS I DE YACHT CLuB CLUB -Wllsoo Serles No. on ela~ time. But shortly The Wlmoweh, a 46-footer, America Jane,' owned by class winner wu GoUlwog,
day. -Winter Series, Sjlbot, Sun-.J J'Jurday. · after tne computer's findings hit rocks northeast of Great Georgl!! Tooby, ol San Marino, owned by Gr8bam ff a 11 , SANTA MONICA YACHT · ' --• --•t • -~--• Ny -~ the E-day. FERNANOO VAlJ..EY ~ announced Thursday, Jsaac Light during the race. was given ~""' OVo;:io.i .....:'\Ola1-·~ • •• 4llAI
CLUB -Match'! W l n d s1 NOR'J11 AND INLAND SAil..ING CLUB -Spring race officials huddled with 1be Osprey, a 41-foot Islander, placing whh Ligbtnin, ~ class winner was America ~·~~ni:~ro:~r~l-~SANT:::::~A::....:B=AR:.:::B~AR~A.:....:Y=A=CHT;:..:.__::Se~ri=es~.~Sund=:::~•Y~·------'m~e=m=be=~c:..o=f....:.Os~pre"-"'y~s-=ere~w"--~a=bendon==:.::.::ed:....::lts:....;.~=elng::;:,_eours::::=e=-~byc...:Tedc:::..~Tumer:.=.;;::_~«.:....:A=Uan:;;:;:~=''-'J~ane""-.-~--~· -~
Cl;lJ'R ~One •of-a-W nd
Maltihull ebampionship, IDday,
Salur<lar. Sunday. ·
ASSOCIAnON -Buslunill
race. power bQats, Saturday.
-Team Races, Saturday:
Laguna "C" race, l\.fassey
~fidget" Satur.day. · ·
CLUB .-PHRF Series No.
l, Saturday.
-Spring Series, ea<-25, SaJur-
day ; Three-quarter To n
Series, Saturday; Sm a I I
Serles, PC, Saturday; caliente
Series, Soling, Saturday, Sun-
day; Sptjog Series, Star.
Saturday, Swtday ; Bal ten
• •
{ 0 • ram. ..
Two Regattas Slated-
F-or Columbia Fleet • The c.o!umbla-22 .Jifational 2 'and the Sota Monica Yacht
Au;>ctalkln has !Chedu1ed two Club. 'Ibis regatla will be o'pen
~----=-reglooal-championshlp--Tegat--~to-all Columbla-212 owners
I ,_
I ·U1 for Southern Calilornla Jn residing from Newport Beach
1974. to Santa. Barbara who are
• -One will be held April 27-28 members ol tbe asJOdatlon.
In Marina del Rey co-hosted Tbe second regional cham-
by the Columbla-%21 Fleet No. piomh,lp ":ill be held in May Jn San Diego, co-hooted by
Fleet.No. % end th< San Diego
MCLellan Yacht Club. 'Ibis one ts open
to all skippers from Dana
' Poln~ Oceanside, Mission llay
and San Diego. -. -· Yacht Club Other regio••I cham-
, ) , , pioosblpo are planned In San
Co d· .. ~ -Franclseo, Seattle;. Houston, mmo ore Marblehead and 1n Florida. ..
Ha11 lloU•DM of Belmoa!, fi... ' • ~ .. :" :..-!!r i..:s.=. ~--uutrage
• II>!. ~111c v.ci.1 Club, ·wms· Cup . -Ille orglntzatton Iba! -.
Ille Honolul• and Tahiti n1ees.
McLeDan Is also eommoilore Outrage; a <;»29 built by
of St: Francis, Yldlt· Club; Cal lloeb, Cot!~ Mesa, end
8an· Franclsoo. owned and sailed. by Doug
Vice --·!or tbe -Sr., has been named 1'74-~")elln 11 Peter Davis, tbe . winner of. the ""eted
put eommodoee ·ol Newport Cbe;apeake Bay high point
Harbor Yacht Oub. '111e new trophy, the Labrol Bowl, for
ri!ar ClllDlllOdore ts Walter 1973.
HOftman of Oxnard, also a Hanh and Outrage also won
mmUr ol NllYC. . the trophy ID 1971 end missed
Dlr<cton elec:t.d in<lude by only-a lew points In 1972.
Chip> CI1!41')'; liewp9rt Beach; He is 00.· ot the few· who
+.. -a:iuet Bootht>, 1'11 ~-ti.ave won ..tlie..-lii>pby-more 1~;~---··-cy-tmette, llODOIU!u; · than onoe.
<:;rabtree, Sao Diego: Lou The bowl is awarded to the
Riggi, S.cramento; Ru g h most consistent winner in a
Rogers, Los Angeles: Wlnard series of.races on Chesapeake
Bell, Loi Angeles; and Oiarles Bay. Outrage raced 12 races,
.. Bud" Smith, JM Angeles. · WOil seven and scored three
Clrucl Kober. of Long Beach .aeeonds and two thirds. The
is the new raee committee· Cal-Z9 is 8 C. W i 11 i a m
cllalrmen, Lapwortb design.
Tahi'ti ~~e On
·Five More En.tri.es-V owed
The on-agallMXl-8gain Tahiti race woWd be cancelled, these
race Is on again. five skippers vowed they
·Conunodore Hays McLellan would get at least 'five more
or the-gponsorlng Tr-anspacific Ir TPYC would schedule the
Yacht C'?ub announced the race. The board agreed and
TPYC board or directors has t~e race stari was set for
had a chaiige of thinking after June 15.
announcing at the first of the The five !inn entries are
year that the 3,600-mile race Irving LoUbe's Columbia-57
••ould not be held for Jack Concerto, Richmond Y C :
of entries. Robert Hunter's Columbia-SO
Prior to the first or the ·Rapture, San Francisco YC:
year TPYC announced that Dick Williams' Columbla-52
the race would onJy by sailed ObseSSion, Oakland ; Robert
if there were a mlnlnwni o( Gosnell's 66-foot sloop Spirit.
10 paid entries. At the first C8 brillo Beach YC, a nd
meyting of 1974 , it was Robert O'Brien's 57-foot sloop
reported that there were only-Spirit, California YC.
five paid entries. Latest report is that there
are1two more~nti'ies but they
· · AFTER TRE report that lhe. were oot named. The required
10 entries are expected by
the deadline May 15, 1 ac-Coai.I 1" ...tiler cording to Chuck Kober, ra&
S•-. /ti-, Tides
Second Ntfl .......... •:I) -.II\ 2.7
hcalCI low .... ., · ... a:a .. "" t• SATUIDAY
committee chairmen .
mE TARr.11 race, known
in yachting circles a!I "The
Race to Paradist/' Is .held
Qn even-numbered y e a r s .
StMting date is timed so thal
participating yachts ani.ve in
time for Papeete's colorful
Bastille Day celebration July
H. FJ.r1t Ntll .......... ~:01 ,,,,,, ~.•
• fllrst '-.......... 11tlla p.m, 0.1 The 1972' race wiMcr '1.'as
f:ric Taberly's 'Pen Dulek
from France:. •
-Secotwl 111111'1 ......... , 1:0. p,11\ ).I
kc:llllCI low ., • , •• IO:ff p,m, 2.4 ...... DAT
,."'' "'"' ';7... ..... !I:• •. ,.,, $;1 'Int klW ........ .,., ll.IM ...... .o.4
l«9rld 111111 .......... 11.W p,m, >.•· ~ Ioli! u.,, ....... lt:1' •m. t i
""' ·-11 ...... ... •• , ... p ""· ,._ 11:1-11 :41 1.m ..... 1:ll p,m,
•• •
fn!ormation on the race may
be obtained from l<ober, 2801
Wllshlni B!Yd., Los Angeles.
Phone {Ill 386-71U. Entry ' roots mo .
Leam-how to-s
ift and steer a mot
The Yamaha Learn to Ride' Safety
has already taught .over 150,000AmeriCi)
fundam entals of safe motorcycling. Now
teach 'you. Yamaha and your local Yamah
eveiything: trained instructors,. motorcycles ,
The program will take you from a basic
a motorcycle works, to a riding·session. where
take a motorcycle through three different types o
You'll get plenty of individual attention, so even if YQU'ye
sat on a motorcyclir oefore, we'U-have)IOU riding In less·thOl'I.
an hour.
Learn how to maintain a motorcycle.
. Sirtce a motorcycle rider is only as sa fe as his mc.t.orcycle,
we thtnk you should know how to adjust the controls, t1ghten
· the ctiain, change a tire, and perform other basic maintenance--
tasks. Even .iLyou already own a motorcyc le, you should pick up
some usefu l pointers from the service specialists at.the Safety
Maintenance Center.
Anaheim Stadium,
Saturday and Sundal ,
MaKhindandird, -
anyti1ne between 10a.m.and Sp.m.
Lcam the answen tO all ·
your questions about motorcycles.
· The Motorcycle-Information Center is the place to
go to find out whether you should start out with a street
motorcycle or a street/trail motorcycle. Or how big
a motorcycle you should buy. There'll.also \>e information
on motorcycle insurance, environmental tips, and a map
of local off-road riding areas.
Sec an exdting •monstration of trials riding. ' -. . '
We think you'll enjoy watching ah expert trials rider
take the new Yamaha TY250 Trials machine over logs,
-oo urders, and other obstacles. He'll1ilsoiltravatlab11.r---~
to answer any questions you have
about off-road riding. Come to the
GardenGrOll9 W'I
g Yamaha
'ii Q Anahe;m • Learn to 0 Sl•d•um Ride Safety
2000s. p
StateCollege rogram .
81••.. • It's free '
and it's fun. ·
" . • ' ~ ~~--------Clllomln011R>mcrOll S---=-------:
Under 12, be oa:ompaniecl !llla P'!rent. Under 18, bring pa rent's written
permission. You should wear i)ants and sturdy shoe> $1.00 PARKING CHARGE
• contact your Yllllllba dcda Ior more liifiinMtlon.
I . •
• • •
, .
• • '1 :-.. • •• • • . • I -. ~ .• ,,,._ ....... ..., ______ "'!""" _____ .... ~!
. ' • •
~i~rts I Dining Out •
. ' •' . ' I I i ;
' . ~· -.
·OraJlie Coast College's annual ·Jan
E\'&Semble Festival will take place
'l'l!Utlday throup Saluroay, l\!ardJ 7-9.
One al the largest events el Its kiod,
the jazz fesllvel will include two cooct!!U
by professionals Louie Belbrm aod
Maynard Ferguson. 'Ibe two will appear
in separate concerts in tbe OCC
tours al tbe U.S. and Europe.cFerguson
has perfonned in Sweden, Holland.
Gennany. Jlaly, Belgium, Hungary,
Ctechoslovakia and ·'(ugoslavia.
1be ...,.;oo.,. of the festival , .Web
IDcludts'. elementary. high ad>ool and
oollege competition, is free to tbe jl!lblic.
AOO.itorlum, 2701 Fairview Road, cmb Oft.ANGE OOUNTV hlgh sdi>ols
Mesa. entered in the fest include Suney Hills.
~ORE 111AN 50 high school and MiMkHi Viejo, Western, FoWttain Vlilley,
college bands will compete in the three-Costa Mesa, E.!tanda, Edison, Corona
day affair. Q>mpetltion will begin~ at del Mar and University.
8:40 a.m. Thut8day em Friday; March ·,,~ collegll e entrants Include Orange
• 7 ~ 8, and at 9 a.m. Satunldy, Maid! ~. Fu ertoo, Saddleback-.. •1>d
.. Qrritos.
Drwnrner Loule Bellson end his . All Festival judges include: Jimmy Lyons.
Sfars will present a ·two-hour coocert ·general manager of. the Monterey Jai.z
at 8:;1) p.m. Friday, lttarch .a, while Festival; Leon Breeden, d1rector o( the
trumpet player A1aynard FergUson and North Texas State Ul)lversliy Band; Jotm
his Orchestra will appear at the same Carrico, founder of the Reno · Jazz
tlme on Saturday, Marth -9. Ticketa Festival; Kim Richmond, a mwical
for both concerts are $3 and are now director and i'rranger; AU Clausen, bead
available in the college bookstore. of Karl eigh A.iusic Co.; Herb Patooe,
FERGUSON appea~ at4 OCC's director of bands at De Anza College.
fe$t.ltal last year and played to a and John Prince, a composer and arranger. completely sold out l, 2 0 0 ·seat
auditorium. Bellson Is inaU!g hi.!I firnt SCHEDULE OF A CT I V I T I E S ,
appear.mce at the fest~-Tlllnday, 8~ a.m.-5-:20 p.m. -
Bellson, who wa. recently labeled "The Elementazy and High School Jazz
World'& Greatest Musician" b)! the Enaembles ; Friday, &:ti> a.m.-3:20 p.m.
d~tinguished Duke Ellington, leads one -Elemcnlary and High. School Jazz
,of the top big bancts. lte ha$ .been Ensembles; 8:30 p.m. -Louis Bell.son
playing drums since he was three aOO . and ·His AU Stars. Admissioo, '$3.;
is rivaled only by Buddy Rich, who a~ Satlll'day, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. -College Jazz
pea.red at ·ttie OCC 'festival two years Ensembles;. 7:30 p.m. -a Wards
ago. ceremony and 8:30 p.m. -Maynard .
Ferguson, known . for exciting trumpet _ .Ferguson and His Ord!eolra. Jldm)ssloo,_
llOUDlis, has taken hi.!I group 001 Dwn<n>US 13, •
. .'
• •
, ,~
" ..... .. •-'""'''• 1·: ' .
. .and :All
\ .-. . . ..
• •
--. . .
Frlday:Marth l , 1974
Drum mer Lou ie
Bell•o n'• concert
will be Fri da y ni ght
attraction at occ ·.
J on En•e mb le Fe•i t val.
Maynord Fergu•on a nd
his orchestra en-core
on Sa turd ~. Student
mus1c1ans compete
for three da y•.
l;l.oyal Concerted Effort Wins
Bedlam Tee na ge .Pia nist Says Enjo y, Don't Worr y on St agf:. . .
Re tu rm '
To Stage
~The W~t Coast premiere ot an opera-
that was. los~ for. two .~tll;l'ies .. will.
be iitven at UC lrVine--begliminjj niesw.1.: ·
The 18th Century comic o per a
"Arcilan!ano, King of Fools" or .. It's
Always Too Late to Learn" Y.ill be
st8ged by the Sc~ of Fine Arts ~r
c ----tllif dil'etttdnot"Fll!e-Arl.s DemrOlfl'lolr
Gilrrl.son and _\'!siting .lecttn=-N....U
Jenkins. Performances "are scbeduled lot' • ,
tlie Fme Am Village '111eatre at -a ·
p.rn. Tueoday through Satunlay.
Jenkins, music director of C1ariori.
~rts in New York, located the Karl
Dittets '-vun ... Dlttersdorf-""'Opera · -in·--tP;."--
archives of a Budapest library in 1961
aQd directed Clarion COncert.s in a widely
praised New York premiere in 1965.
The New York premiere was the first
fuQy staged performance of
"Arcifanfano" since Fram J ·osep b
Haydn's diiy. Haydn, a friend ·o1 the
00lll[l090r. had cooducted tbe-Clj)el'a in
1778 in Esterbaza, Hunguy, but it
subsequeoUy had vaniabed.
·-~ UC! PERFORMERS RE\<IVE LOST OPERA Maurl~ All•rd, O.bor1h St-rubl9 in Duet
Ot "'9 OMtr ,.1...-111tt
ln• November Valerie Pilille!'.' paid · her
first visit to the Los .Angeles l\1wic
Cen1er to see a plitY with · her Newport
Harbor IUgh Schoor Englisli clas~.
The----plily was staged in the Ahmanson
Theatre. But what really impressed Miss
Afiller wer~ the high chan~lers, elegant .
. mirrors, and rich red-cafpellng of the
~Dorothy Chandler ·Pifusic Pavilion.
''Some day," the IS-year old told· her
~ :·friend!l;.--'.l'm,gging..to perfor~:thert.!! ··~
·~ ,·
AS IT HAPPEN!). M1.js Miller Is the
pianist wifh the Ne~ 1Harbor High
School orq,estra. and ·tre:.next day she
was told about the anillJaJ competition
___ J,,._ lh;_Alb';outl]!'rn,_ ¢<ililomia High
-Schoot; oOOr t:>T~il'. The winners·
· ~'Oldd ·perfocm ~in..11le .MMtc C¢nter. :
"I'm just a sophon1'1fe. ·so I might ---->not even have-trted -od.~·..-~1iss -MJ!lcr
recalls. "·But I thought; ~at if I really
wanted to play in the-! ~lusic ~ter •......
I might ·as well start trying ·right away."
. ~Ier instinct. was .. a•i&id tine. becau!e
~Us.s Ji.lill~r .,,;on that competition to
become the' top-rated' high' school piani!t
In Southern Caliromia.
A!'ltD AS A RESULT, the first concert
she ever witnessed \n 1 the Doro~y
Chandler Music Pavilion was one in
whicjt. sOO ;played the . parts ror the
Voo Dittersdocf, a popalar and prolific v1ennese compaser, had. set his rnus;ic
to 'a libretto written in 17~ by :the
Italian poetodram&llst Carlo Goldool.
Following Jenkins' discovery of the
Ol)era, the origioal libretto w a s
translated into English by tbe late ·poet
IV .,'Ii. Auden. The translalloo retain.ol
the ~it and broadly bwnofous rbyme-
entertainment that features a lmatic of Palos Vert;ies .Estates; Katherind
_king.in a lunatic city who ,invites another Magill ol. Ojai, and Donna Fuller of
Such honors do-not come-easily. -
Miss litiller has been 1 developing her
skills as . a· pianist since ~ she was five
years old. In recent· year{, .she has
practiced tv.'O or three hours a day.
"I never miss even , one day," she
es.plains, "or J lose more than I gained
the <lay be!Q"ie-:-lfs >m\etrung that ,you
have lo keep wofkiilg if ~Uy._"
Valerie Miller/T op High School Pianist
scberiie or 11>e original -•
''Arcifanfano" is a typical ~
set <i lwiatfcs to join the.bedlam. COsta Mesa.
The tiUe role in the UCI perfonn.ance set and costwne · designs are by
will be sung by Dr. 1.\.taurice Allard, Richard Triplett, associate professor of
associate professor of music at UCI. drama at UCI. ·
Others in ft.ti cast are Hayden..__ . Tickets !or the opera are $3 and
Blandlard, member <i tbe Mt. San may be obtained from the Fine Arts
Antonio Collese faculty; David l)Jnlap Box Office, UC lf"vine, Ca. 92664. For
of , Costa M.tsa; Jom Anll>ony _Sheets Information call the Fine Ans l!ox Office
of HWllington Beach; ,Deborah Stzuble 833-M!7.
.( ·' • .......... ' . ·-
TIDS IS NOT to say-that she finds
practicing a chore. -
.''No one ever · forces.. me to practice,
because [ enjoy It." slle S<(YS. "Now
· thal-l'm ~ plder I sc:imetimes \fish
I didn 't ba:ve to woi:;ry about other ·
. . .
classes at school·so I could concentrate
just on music."
Miss Miller plans lo graduate early
from high school. major in music
in college, and become a concert pianist.
"1be performances arc "''hat make it
all exciting," she says. "Not that I'm
so great. It's. just that I get the best
. . -:'.
'·U·ps tairs,: Downstairs' .Writer N~ Floored·
By JAY SRARBUTr clssses in_ an F.dwardia...,.a household.
ot • DlllY ,... ..., t" ~l\ proved a big hit when It first appeared
NEW .YORK '(AP) -.ie.n MOrsh on English oomrnercial TV in 1971.
aJipeared puzzled when !Old it'1 • .U-Thirteen. episodes from the series -
iiilpoSSlble-tor' unknown writers !<> sell-26 in-all have been )nade -currently
a TV aeries Idea -..-U. and. m> llUlki!'~ the """"" OI\ JlllbiJc TV proctucm feor plqjorillm .ais. m lhe. lfruled stoles.
"lleca-tbe7 tblDlt -y will lOrange Qlest viewer• pl r .... chanc<o to follow or catdi up with "U~
have plncbOd the ldell!'"lbe-l.olldol>l>6m lllln. liownstairs." KCET <liannel 28 a~ w.d. "F\J\11'11· I dldii•t !mow ""'8dcssls lllasletpiea: n...ter at I
aboot thot at allJ' • p.m. -ys. lt -that Sun-
lt's Juit u ...U. Four yeah ago. day~ on FridaYB •t I o.rn.XOCE ~~~-w and ·~ .... ~'"" c1resS Eileen !l>amel 50, '!lridl ""'8dcalla the pre> -ano~ .......-1 ' . .. gram at I p.m. WedDesdal'I aad f'ridaJ'a,
All!l_ns, had .a~ Ides for a TV ..,..... ts ooe -bobind KCET in. -lini
It .,.., ber ' first llUch Idea ~ Ibey tbe IOriel.) • •
sold """ ,.-lpt on the llnl 1rY. _ ' 'lllq'~ getUhJ ucclleot '""""·to The l<ries la "lfpllalrl, _.. the dellpi ol 14111 llanll, • -
• li'<ly saga about Ille -and_, wm1111 ID bl a.
"Well, I wasn't' surprised because on ' -. the first time around YQU don't know
how difficult it is," she sald in her
so(~ lilUOg accent. "It ali happened
v~ry easily." .
, The idea for :the series ,sprung from
a brainstorming sess'°'1 Miss "Marsh aod~
l\iiss Atkins were havinj one day. They
were ~-to lhihk ·of some new roles
to portray.•
'1 had aiwayl pla)'ed 'upotaln !Mies'
like Lady Marjorie in· the tcrlet. AJ
we •ett talking Eileen and I disrovettd
that v.· had lirililar working class
bilcQroondl. Jjotb al )IS had had a parent
in aervloe.
"So we decided lo "1ile a leries
about IOIDlllllng we ·-. The U!e al
Jen'ID&I in ID F..nglilb bauell>ld.:1
When she and Afiss 1 4 Alkins first
conceived the mas~ ot'1 ror '.'Upstairs,
Do~if?·" and ·J>Ut_ if! OP paper, they
took tt>e' stanc&ard ... pt'ecaution 0 r
copyrighting tbe_acript. .Theo Miss ~tarsh
shelled out a \_ew. coifts to JOiJr lhe
Wriler's Guild' 1n Lobdcn.:
'Ille next -plobfem, • ol -course, was
whom to ... about ,.i1ng the thing on tre·tdly. I ' ·.
"We thou&bt if we ~ ft ourselves,
with °"" names on it, girls, actresses.
· 1o·a·<:Ohlpany, they;U lhinli, 'Oh, thooe
silly girls,' and lt'U be read by a reader's
reeder." ahe aald, referring to the lowe!t
ol" the low in television's script
depertm<nls .
'So t udd, /"1'1' take It to thls roan.
Job! Whitney with whOm I'd worted
lhe pmolo"' year and ~-, lcnew had
' •
a television 'production company.
"And when I I old him about the idea
on tf\c tc!Ophone, he and his partner,
Jotm Hawke!lv.W'th now Ute-.9e'rie:S•
producer, liked ll immediately.
"But the funny thing is that wtien
they toolr iL to London Weekend
Television a commercial station, the
person who bought it was a Y.'Oman."
But 1\11.ss· A.1arsh, y,•ho, appears In !tie
series as Rose, the bead parlor maid,
said she lmi't unhapp)' about ·her
intennedtaMes. Although she and ~liss
Alkins only own 50 percent of the sho\t,
:'I'd rather have so percent ot something
11\al 100 percent of no!hing al all."
Prior to her tint and blggeM s1i e ..
she said llbe'• written poetry for her . -
{Set UPSTAIRS, Paae ,,
. -feeling ~·ing that I'm u·orking to-
gether l'l'ith other musicians to do a ·
good job.''
In simplest tenns. she cxpla!M, "J
just love to perforn1 for people.''
Paradoxically. hoy,·ever, ~liss ~f.illef
says she ne\'er 1hinks about the audienct
(See PIANIST, Page %i)
Engl•nd's Jt1n M.rsh.;-_ -:
' • •
' .. • .
• 'J DAILY PILOT • • • • --
. .
• -•
' . ..
• •
• M<>1hrti1tru1e-brU1herwlrerrpointing1:-, --------:-
but Mox Gimblett111e1"1"1ller1--bi9 onl#.~,--~--_:_ ____ .:.__ ___ _;__-:-----1
little •• os he i1 doing in his "New York
~ ~
City studio. His con¥aue1 bring up to .
$2,500. ..
-He Finds R ·trCan .Get a Sensitive Touch
Samuel Work . Premieres
. . l The Los Angeles Philh•r·
-· moric, under the direction ot
Zubin Mehta, will present the
world premiere of a new work
by Gerhard Samuel entited
"and Sllddeny It's evening" Re-
quiem for Survivors, at the
Music C.enter concerts on
Thursday, )..larch 17, at 3 p.m.
monic with thi help or a grant
from the National Endowment
for the Arts. The title -"and
suddenly it's evening"-is from
a poem by the Nobel pr lze-
winning author Salvatore Qua-
end or the t97i-73 season, has
bad three of his compositions
performed by the orch~tra :
"looking at Orpheus Look-
ing," "To an End," and "Into
Flight From." Before taking
hls post with the Phllharmon·
·ic, he spent 12 years as l\luslc
Director of the Oakland Sym·
phooy Orche!tra.
The work was commi!Sloned
by the bas Angles Philher-
Samuel, who waS the Phil-
hannonlc's 8190Ciate conduc-
tor for three years until the ----
· ·triv~ia: unimportant matters: trifles much
of our research is wasted on.
Triv·ia: New Daily Pilot Saturday feature
triviaddicts can't live without.
. ' I
The definitiog you get depends on who you ask-
·webster may think trivia (small t) is ... well , trivial.
But Trivia (big T) is a .fascinating feature 'that iickles
the brains of some of the Orange Coast area's most
sophisticated newspaper· readers. Can you name Jack
Armstrong's high school? How about Judy Garland's
dog in the "Wizard of Oz" movie? The name· of the
"Star :rrek" silaceship? If these are the kind of
Questions that turn you on. you're a triviaddict ... or
you could be one if you 'd just let yourself go. Check
out "Trjvia" (with a big'T, by T.T .J in next-Saturday's
~ition of the .•.
. .
········································~····························································· -· . -. ·--. ----. : : . • • • • • • .. • •• • • • •
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:warm, vibrantlybuoqling water, including •
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• • Open 9 AM to 7 PM Monday through Sunday. . . .
: Come see it now.
• • •. • •
• •
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Phone(213J 645-0071
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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..
• • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • \
-. . ' • • ' •
• ~---~ -
F'rlday, March 1, }ij°j4 DAILY PILOT Z
_Many .Cur~ins Going Up in March Along Qra~ge Coast
'"ROlflld Four oHhe 197l-74-Arrh1ng1>0~ sct'ne next
___ .,.....,n oL llving-theater-00 Wedne5da ii-the one many
.., the Orange ' Coast begftt.s· theatergotra up and doWn the
tonight, wilh a mixture or coast ha ve be<11 awaiting all
brand new shows and oldies seasoo-''Man of 1..(1 1'1anchn'"
but goodies on the playgoer's at Sebasliuo's West Dinner
agenda. Playhouse. This will be the
Starting things off thlJ moet' amibiUous show yet for
weekend will'bi.soulh ~st the new San CI e m e h t e
Repertory's production of one prodlk1n1ft-iroUp and, rui he
of the more popular works.-· haiS beeo for the last two
in the S b a k esp e ar ea n musicals at Sebastl:>n's,
repertoire. "The Taming or . Orange Coust College drama ·
the Shrew." SCR is going first instructor John FertL\f.!ca 111'11!
cabin with this one, ifllporling be at the helm.
. Intermission
Tom Titus
·~ Pl•yhouse is tuning up for
Us second muslc11I ln ILi ·
nearly nlne year1 of activity,
''The Apple Tri!e." A
~paralive slrMger lit" (Inly
other staging· was in Tustin
~\·eral years ago 1, th.i s one
Is u trilogy by· the creators
o! "Fiddler on the Roof" and
is being mounted hy resident
dlrcc:tor Pali Tambcllini f-0r
a a.farch 16 opening.
dlrecil!<I by Rictwrd Andersen .
nnms11 t.'Om<'dy 1tl$0 \\'ill
reign _when the Lido lslr
Pl11yers lift lhc curtnln on
their sprin(;! pro1tucUon A)lril
2 -pol hug tht' d!l•hl•rcl first .
nighters 11\\'UY fron1 the Osc:ur
ceremonies on 1'\'. The sho1v
is "!low the Other Hnlr
L<lves." un(lcr ·-the dircetlon
of Randy Kc-cnr. and It'll 11l:1y
ror fivt> stniighl days, thro11;;h
directed by Hc.rman Boorin1an
nl 1he UC Irvine llu1nanJties
!loll Playbowie.
If any sort of puttcn1 C"Jn
be derived from th is ~l11rrh·
April llnt!up, It may b..: rhat
thl' hl'avy ovcrron<'S of s1·rious
drnmn which h111c don)1n:1h·d
this slot in lhti p:1st h.1vc
fnllt•n off a bit.
!>Cht.odUil-d tor uus p3rtlcular
1in1c :slot, only three -
L:1!(11r1a 's "~ILss Beardon ,"
1-lunt .,~ton Oeacll':s "Rain"'
nnd 'lr\'1nc·~ .:~!ond:iy'§ Hero"
l'IUI be l'l:tss1 ht'd Ii!
alto~clhl'f ~CfJOus rnrt•. An_d
l'Vt'll nt lh:tl. t~rt· urcn't ltry
··~trcl·tc·un;," ""'iAll'~1~1ari&' ~
"\'1ri:.:1nlrc \\'oolts" on !he c;{Jt
• things oJ! on the 12th \viii
be lhe Lag~a Pttoult o n
Playhouse and tbt Orruige
County premiere of ''And .1\1i ss
Renrdon Drinks a Utllc~·
under the direction o f
Manhella R:md•ll.
_Directing this Ol'Ml is Jeaq or. th~ eight prdduct1ons board !his lirnc amund. ~-. . ' Koba, \\'ho's had an 11ctivt>
seaso n s tag i n g ''Ah,
\\'ilderness" and starring In
"Life \\'ith Father," both ot
Laguna. Jean will be
remen1bered at lluntington
Beach for her fine producllon
ol "Cat on a Jfot Tin Roof"
a couple sensons ago.
Nalllng dn1vn the horlor of
presenting the pill}' ~·ith the
!hyrtest title of lhe season
\\'ill be !he San Clcn1rnte
Community The.::aler \\'hen it
takes the \1·raps llff ··Eh?"
on r-.1arch 21. This Brilish
comedy-tarct>. a · first for
Orange County. \\'ill be
. ~·
Lincoln Center director Dan
Sullivan and Old G 1·0 b c
Theater actor Carl Reggiardo
for lhe leading role o f
week of
th re e
~farch will find
community theater
svi'inging into action.
Opening on the l~th al lhe
Huntington Beach Playhouse
will be a revival of the musty
but meaty classic •·Rain." The Costa ~tesa C i v i c
,April 6. . .
• And as Lido close.,. the
Irvine Comrnunitv Thcu1cr
11·ill open tht• fburrh produc1ion
of its ··premiere St.•,ason" or
Orange Cow11y firsts. Thii:. onc.•I
i.;; nn originnl drarnn entll k•d
"~fondn~"s Hero." b c i n gl
~atBJZ?W!tM~111:~t111&1 '·
With This Coupon \. i
-I -·--....,...~ ... ..._ ,_,_ . ...__......._.,_.._.
' _ _..._._. ............. .. Spring Series
Orgunist <•t GWC To1iight
Ori Stage
Ars Nova Offering Door
To World of the Arts ~-i-1J~t:yi~11Jg.,~,~~~-~'1i~!j
A series or six sprin g concerts at 'lloldcn \Vest College will
be launched tonight. ~·ilh a recital by infcrnationally-known
organist Dr. Rol?crt Tall . touring artist with the Roge rs
.Organ Company.,
Jn addition to Dr. Tail 's recital. lhe series \1•ill present
• Douglas Lawrence. baritone. March HI; Beveridge \Vebster,
pianist,~ April 5: Marvcllce Cariaga. cootralt.o, .April 13:
Pacifica Piano Quartet with strings, April ·30; and the Cal
Arts Faculty Ensemble woodwinds and piano led by Leonid
llambrid, a.tay 6. ~
DR. TALL WAS lNTnboucEo lo music before the age
of five by l'lis mother v.·ho was accompanist for many silent
movies on the Wurlitzer.
Well known in lhe Los Angeles ~ for his rrequent
recitals on both pipe and electronic o_rgans. Dr. Tall has
made several European tours perfllQlling on most major
pipe organs in Europe. For many years he v.•as the regular
organi!t at the l\formon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City and a
frequent recitalist on the great organ.
IN lllS RECITAL. at Gold en \Yest. Dr. Tall :1!1 play se·
lections from the works of Vivaldit. Jlandl'l. Purcell, Bach.
Vier'ne Vaughn \Villiaffis. Young. and \Vidor.
"T~ Taming of the Shrtw"
OJ)i!ning Saturday for a six·
week engagenlent is the South Ars No\'a, n new school of !he \\'orld of T~catcr. 11·hi1·h fil'st cl.!lss 1vill h<• S4 J:K'r
Coast Repertory production of the arts: has opened in Corona introduces history and sl'ssion; the se<·ond l'k1~s. $:1.50 • de! !Har v.•ith a winier quurlcr · ' h J Sh a k es p e are's con1edy. class schedule ()f 65 classes. t~ncepts wi1h en1phusis on per session an d 111c t ird. !<<I.
playing \VednC¥1ays throu gh , Ac c 0 rd i 11 g lo r-.-litrh acting technique. s e I f • There ar<' l\vo c1as~t·s whii'h
Saturdays at 8 o'clock in the Teemley, diect.or of the school cxprt'ssion, voice and mime combine the arls. Crl'<llilt>
Third Step Theater. 1827 and . head or the thea·tci-tchildrrn's \'ersion includes RrE:innings is for prl'~t'h<-..ol
department. al>Out 150 persons S1ory lhr.att>r and puppftryl. t'hildrt·n. It n1l'l'ls t'lt·rr
Nenrport Blvd ., Co.sta itesa. are already enrolled in !he The bc~tnner n1ay take 1he ·111orning for !wo l1ours :1n~I
Rescrvalions 646-1363. classes y,•hich range fro1n introductory sur\'<'Y ela~ses <lc;ils y,·1th crr:1tn·c 11r0jl·(·1s
"The First Fish creative dance for children to nnd then find the nrea in in all arts. Chilrlr1·11 1na~ r the more specialized classes ~·hich he "'Olllld . like to atlrnd Orte to rll'e fl:l~:..
Closi~ perlonnana: of this in drums and guita r. concentrate. po ints out Chris Cummins. 11ho has a
Irvine Community Theater As an "iristitute of the arts," Tcernley. "'ho holds a RA nlaster's degree in .in from
coinedy will be given tonight Ars Nova offers r our degree in theater and music the Otis Art Instirutl·. is head
· I odu t I from Cal Slate Long Beach. I I"" rt d I I d and Saturday at 8:30 in the in r c ory sur\·ey c asses o ,..., a l'p:ir nlCn ao ror all ages: Jhe \\'orld of The school operates on Ille .JosCph Pir'(). for1nc r director
Commun ·vof Hun t·n'1·onB•'_J ~.
Inv; Ip, "'0U & \I.JU'" .:.n j
to io:nu fnr1~-'" .. b· i· .,,
H'"' DAVID VILLASENOR c •· .. 11,, I ,,. .
• 1u1· 0~i1 y :elihow!n-:l;'Jn p,,...ri11.,,. / r·· :1
1h"" Bohoi f,..,.,.,
Ent ~rto nm . .,,.,. I ~'J'urin1 MYD WILLIAMS c)I , ...
<;.~'):., & Cr.ofr Cl)
Saturday, March .~nd, 8:00 p.m. llun1anities Hall Playhouse on Dane&, a course in the basic quarter system •a I th o ugh cif the llohda1· on I ct'
lhe UC Irv ine cam PU s. techniques of ballet. jazz. lap !>1udents may join _throughout orchestr<l. is he:id of th<• n1u.sic
Reservations 557-7297. and modern : the World of !he year. There is ?n initinl tlep:irtment. Mur:lyP'Jrl (lubho•J>~ Hu "'·.,i''1 n8r., .,
..1\ Funny Thing Happened 00 Art, the. basic elements ol enrollnien t fl'C of SI~ and The dance dl'part1ncnl is Go·.:J~n'N •" 'J' .V J "''"
tht Way to the Forum" art. line, form, oolor, paintin.c: C\'t•ryone fro1n Pres c ho o I headed by Da wn Sarr., ivho and· sculpture: the World of children to adults~ are llt.'ing has a m:istcr's degree from ~Of Inform J'ion -Fr,.,,-, L ···•'Jr'J'•
This comedy musical \1•lll ~fusic, an in!Mduction to ndmitted for a fee of S2-t. UCLA rind v.·rites the dance 968-6238 Or 536-30 J 4
.give its closing performances music concepts which includes per lesson in each quarter. curricu lu1n r or CJli fornia
Th~ second eonce rt•at Golden West on t.1arch 19 1\•ill fea·
lure baritone Douglas Lawrence, a native Califom ian
known both as a recitalist and as an opera singer. ha\•ing
made his debut with the San Francisco Spring Opera The·
Ad1ni ss ion to the sprin g concerts is Sl.50 "iU1 any ·as-
sociated student card. or $2.50 genera l. adrni!>sion. Series
tick ets for the six concerts arc available .for $8 v.•ith any as-
sociated student card. or $1.2 general admission. Tickets are
available at the college bookstore and by mail.
tonig ht lhrough Sunday at 8:40 learning to play the recorder. Fam ily discounts \\ii\ be Stale Uni\'ersll\, Loni! Beach. FREE ADMISSION
follov.·ing dinner at 7 at __ :•~l~i1~tl~eJp~i:ano""..~a~nd"_]g~u~i1:a~r.~a~n~d'--!g~i•~·e~n~. _::_A~'...:'."'~'-="~"~'"~l~>l~e~. ~1~b~e--'a~n~d~l~A~n~g~l~h~·,~>e~h~C~'i~1,~· C~o~l~le~~~·~· .!..':=====================~ Sebast ian's \\'est Dinner
Cl1ap1rian Presents .
'Farewell to Arms'
Films F'rom Around the
World. Ch a pm an College's
Great.. Film Guild -. ·ipring
seric:r,continues S rtttr d-a-y
night with "The Birds, the
Bees and the Ita lians."
The 1966 fllm directed 'by
Pietro Germi :ind starring
Virna Lisi is a comedy which
.won best picture of the Cannes
Film Festival. II will be shown
at g-p.m. in the Chapman
College Memorial fl a 11
Auditorium, 333 N. Glassel!
St., Orange.
. Also sho~·ing will .. be
''Farewell to Arms" (1932 1.
the original version of
Hemingway's classic novel
which stars Gary Cooper and
Helen liayes.
Screening \Vcdoesday and
Thursday at the 0 rang e
Theater will be ' ' J u d g e
Priesf' 119341 and ··11le
Po\\'er and the Glorv'' j 19~1 !.
::-Jotm-~me.riCa 's.most
honored di:reetor, d i r ec t e d
.. J udge Priest," a rolksy tale
about mid-western America
starring Will Rogets nhd Anita
Loul!ie. Spencer T r a c y •
.Colleen r-.1oore and Ralph
l\1organ sta r in "1'he Power
arld the Glory ."
Adniission to individual
showings on lhe Chapman
Campus is $1 for adults and
50 cents for students. Guild
n1embcrs r e c c i v e free
admission and d i s c o u n t
admission at the Orange
Theater . Information
.rcgardin_g_.mem~rslJ.ip_ and
future showings in the series
is available Jrom. the College's
Cultural Events Office. (114)
611-8821, ext. 309.
Orange Exhibit Looks
At Adult Educatio11 --.-.
PIO}'hOUSC. 14tl Avenida Pico.
San Clem ente. 0 pe n in g
\Ycdnesday v.·ill be "ifan of
l,.a r-.1ancha." Reservations
·Paul Anka
In Vegas
Anka and -Guy r-..larks.
CASTA\VAYS -fl_usty Isabel
and Denny fo\1'lcr.
and Jack Ca rter.
r>ou glas -and Th.e
Conspiracy. •
Fl.Al\fl NGO -Connie Stevens
and Fats Doinino.
FROi\'TIER -Robert. Goulet
and Carol La~Tence.
HACIENDA -hlay Nutter
Show and Barbie Benton.
Jones Re\'ue.
LAND~IARK -1.ella Lehr
ends Ji.tarCh 5, Horace Heidt.
Jr. Show starts March 6.
h11N1' -:--Beverly 1ilton and
Jack I.Jolla
RIVJEJ{A -Dionne \Vl'.lrwickc
and the Spinners end Marcil
5. Burt Bacharacll starts
March 6.
SAHARA -Totie Fields ends
ita·rch-4. Jerry bewis starts
The world of Continuing demonstrations on s a f e ~tarch 5.
Education . what it is and boaling will be ctlnductcCI by SA~DS -Sammy Davis, Jr.
"'hat it Offers the student -the. U.S. Coast G u a r d slarts ~larch 6.
will be on ··rusplay" Friday, Auxiliary. Upholstery students THUNDE RBIHD Jim
Saturday and Sunday at the will demonstrate techniques of Bailey.
Orafl.ge Mall. tbelr trade and display pieces TROPICANA -Ann·l\largret.
It reaturesi exhibits and of furniture depicting various m..'lON PLAZA -"MUsic
demonstrations depicting over -;;'t;;•:;ges2:;of~-;:'°:::::m::pl=e=_1ion:::::;.;;;-;;;;====M=a=o="=""='="'=g;e:. ===;;;ii 50 of the educ ation al,,..
recreational and scll-
enrichment programs offered
iir Santa Ana anti Orange by
the Continuing E d u c a t i o n
Division ot the Rancho
Santiago £ommunity College
Among the Continuin~g
Education ins.true Io r s
participating is 19-ycar-<>ld
Bobby Snyder, the youngest
teacher ever employed by the
district, who will conduct a
simultaneous chess match at
1 p.m. Saturoay .matching
moves with 25 opponents at
one ome. ~i1J1caeh
advanced chess during the
Continuing EducatJon spring
term beglnrung March 2S. Ha PHOiJiOGRAPHY 1 is the lop-ranked play<r In ..
Orange Coonty and holds the
Mas1cr rating of the United Recent Phot09roptv b\I /e"len ArUJt1
. States O>ess Federation. h A f 1'2 Other activm .. planned Jor morch ~ ThtOUQ Pll
the th""""Y exhibit includ• -Robert Rdomt . ffi1choel Rndtewt auto repair demonstrations ,11 f<oturjng the 1klll1 or both Lew11 Boltz · Lee f rledlonc!er • Geol! w1nn;119hom
male end female &lu<lent Rntho"ll H8fnonc!e1 · Henr~ Weltel k. mechanics, arts and crafts
production, llnd d Is p I a y s. Ca11logue of tha~Exhibitl on Is Av•ilabtt •.
\I e m on'$ tr at Ions -Jn Send $2.50 plu1 S1 .00,fo r postlgeri i-
II'• 1 reilll African riverboat ride compl(jte 'lriltl real Alricln 1nimal1!
Ju.tone Of the many eiu::iting rides in Lion Counlr(s Slf1r1 camo
Amu58mflM Center.
• t\lLIC>N
See Alric.I do5a uo. LJOt'I Country Is •
s;nc.'U3ry lor counrteu ~ ot 1n1mals 11ld btrtb S9'r
eye-io-eye WITtl ostriche:S tigefs. cheet11'ls. h•POOI. ,,.,,1'1()$
IJlepNn:a. zebf..s, goralles. ehonlOllVees, llaflllngos. 1ust
about ar.y"Mld ammal you could Nome 1nctudoog,ol GOUfM,
tus ml!05tY tl'>e t~
...,.,,,10_ ························································ i 71~-""'¢;·1 71~-'"'"'¢;
: 0!1 on.e • on one
: UOn Counlry S1tll'l 1k:kel ! Lion Country Selll'l llclet
• lor child or lclult • fOr chlld °' 8Cklrt
C0uoooo-b9-: ~t.IMOIMCOhitilo'ld -Ol--OI~ ' ,..11>--orol!..-. : ~-.. ...,.,, . ., .. ~, : ~__. ........ "'"'~· ····························"·························· 1 71-··~; l 71~-•N>¢;
: on one • on on.e
: Uofl Country s.tll'l lld!et : Lion Country Selll'I Mcket ! b cNld or IOUlt : lot dild or ldult
: ~-titOOl'lllfll9d ·: co.--ii.cor6 .... -~COllDlll'llOI~ : -""11<--orall9"
: r • .,-.. ,..,.,,.,., ... : ,.,,,.. .,,., ... ,.,.~_,,: ...................................... ········· ......... .
• ·-
photography. metalurgy arid (iA-11_cR¥ __;.__;1ot111nJrconstrue11oir. jA-CK-a-eNN t\..~ -11----.,------;----~-
.A , motor bOat will be ~131 l.aST ~Sf IOOl4Jl,&'f, COl'OHA Oll MA•. t*llrolllitA f(71t) •».-ZO ir&I • •
po~tkmed In the Mall where L ------------'-------'t I •
\ • l
' ' . "
• -+ ------•
28 J'f:_fL Y PILOT Friday, March 1, 1974 • -
• --Bothwitha -'
' -----·----1--1 · -uc1 Presents Ttvo Germlln Plays
Roswitha of Gandersheim. v.·ho wrote plays J.,000 years ago, will be
rommemorated In a ~pecial program at UC Irvine tonight. Old · ·san Francisco Alive
"Roswitha can be described as the £irst emancipa'ted 1y,·oman of the
1.iiddle Ages, the chnmplon of women's rig hts,:• said Dr. Bert Nag_el, UCI
professor of German. ilUtbor of several book~ssays on ftoswltha
and editor of her worl? in a German translation.
riR. NAGEL JS PRODUCING two of Roswilha's plays-Eor the program
comme~ting the millenium of her death. And Well at Baxter~s Street
Dr. Nagel also will speak on the hlstorlcil importance and the person·
a\lty of the 10th Cen tury poet-dramatist at the UCI commemoration. Music
from the ea rly Middle Ages and pictures of he r home cily of Gandersheim
will introduce the audience to lhe culture in which the scholarly German
poet lived and wrote ber Latin plays. ~
The program, open lo the public without charge, will be held il) the e
Fine Arts VIiiage Concert •fall at 8 p.m.
"DULCITIUS" AND "ABRAJIA~1,'' the plays to be presented by UCr
drama students in an English translation, deal with (Wldamental problems
of human exis tence from a distant-yet-timeless perspective. UCI is lhe
only uniVers1ty campus In the United States or Europe known to under·
take the challenge of P,erfonning the plays. · ·
Dr. Nagel, an expert in bdth philosophy and drama. has been awarded
the Grand Cross of 1.-1erlt of !he Gennan Federal Republic in recognition
of his contr ibutions to Gennan culture. He delivered the address at a cele-
bration of Roswitha 's millenium in Gandersheim, Germany, last year. A
commemorative volume tilled "Wahrhelt und Sprache" with contrlbuti;fns
by-noted' Germanists in the Uni ted Stales and Germany was issued on the
occasion of Dr. Nagel's &sth birthday_in 1972. .
(From P.age 13)
O'ATI amusement, DUI never tried lQ sell
"I'd always say . 'Oh. I'm nn actress
and tha t's that .' " sh!! said. "But once ·
J'd sold 'Upstairs, Downstain,' I started
to get commissions to do things in
Miss Marsh winked. "See, I'm your
rival." She laughed , then explained thnt
this Year she's doing articles for an
English telivlsion magazine . and a
newspaper and hrui done a shorl story
to be published in April.
·"I'd ·like to write more,"· she said
without hesitation. "But I don 't ever
think I'll give up acting because J really
think of myself as an actress. But
' \Yriting feeds you as an actress
How~ ,.,.-
''! had · a \'e" bad education." _she
said. "I come from a really very poor
1\·orking-class family and my education
ste>pped An I was quite young.
"I'm not Wl<.'Omfortable about the use
of language, but >A'ritlng Is a department
, that I never llX>ught I'd be able to
do. So the t'Onfldence of havinf! things
publislied in newspapers actually feeds
my t'Onfidencc as an actress.
"I t's difficult ..to explain . But Say.
somebody stopped you in the street
and said they'd like you to play the
lead in a film.
"I think in a way it would inake
you a better writer because you'd feel
so good.'"
!tEo/tkWRAtE ·
San lra~isco is everyone's favorite
ci ty.
And nothing says San Francist'O more
than good food _in a good atroosphere.
Those o( you who are naturally attracted
to anything that even suggest! San
fo"rancisco will enjoy an -evening in the
new Baxter's Street, a restaurant'
recreating of tum-of-the-century San
Francisco near tbe Orange Coun ty
Airport . • IT WAS SURPRISING to the point
of dumbfoundment to take leave o( busy
MacArthur Boulevard and enter a totally
different .\\'Orld. NOt ooly ln appearance
but seemingly in time as well.
A1GM. in fact, provided no better
backdrop for Clark Gable and Jeanette
MacDonald. A staggering array of
artifacts, furnishings and decorative
touc hes have been combined to create
a setting of visual splendor. Y~ name it in · the wa'9 of some
curio or piece ol furniture that existed
aroun4.. 1900 and it's bound to tum up
somewhere in the two-story premises.
It's going to take several addltional
visits jilst to absorb the wealth of di!play
items like old books; movie posteni,
sheet m~ic and photographs.
handi work or the .e n t erpri s Ing
restaurateurs operating under the banner
or Far West Services, Inc. In Orange
County those are household ~rds
identifying the locally-based chain of
places: ranging -from -Reubens, _.Coco's
and the Moonraker to the Reuben E.
Lee, Plankhouse aod Isadore's.
.Baxter's Street is actually a change
over from the earlier Reuben's Airport.
The other Reuben's spots in the area
will continue as before. This departure
cantonese Food
eat here or
take home
111 21st Pl.; Newport Beech ORlole 3-9560
Spaghetti, Lasagna, Italian Sandwlchn
Hot Pastrami. Wine & Beer :::W~ I h ...
OR AESEAVA TIONS 548 3172 . iq:?' AND FOOD TOGO • • .; ..... ~ •. ,
2574 NEWPORT BLVD .. ccisTA MESA ~ ' •• Hours: Tues lhru Th uni. 11 a.m. lo 10 p.m. ,,,,. ~ •
Fn & Sar. 11 am. to 11 p.m .. Sun. 3 to 10 p.m -M~ ! ... ·~1
The Original "Honey.drippers"
Wednesday thru Sunday
l 1nq11tt fo1ci1itit1 LP to 450 Potopl•
1 •712 GRAHAM AY£NUE IA.t W•nier}
• •
JotUNTINClTON lfACH 17141 14•·111-6 12131 lf2·1f54
OPEl!ll!i MARCH 4
Showllm": t :.lO f"m' ood 11 :lO p.m.
-Nightly for dancing and en ttrtainmtnt
: lt'.1 all ha.pp•ning at · (
.. •
o,.. ·'"'., ..... Delly 12·12 -fil. ........ 'tll J ....
-~~~~~ llEAICFAST LUNCH DINNER =-rnw.55 m1•80 rn11.JO
GAll:LIC •ll:l!AD, CHOICE 01' lllCI!' ,IL.I.Fl' 011 !"OT.I.TO
CH ILD'S P INNEii: , ......... tk SEA l'QOD COM•IN.l.TION .. t.41
(Mon. S....C. 1.tll t .41 lttl STE.I.I( ....... LU
NEW YOllK STEAK .......... 1.41 SIEAK·.l.·809
CATTLEMEN STEAK ....... t.n tr ... ,. SPK. l.fJI t .d
CH,,TEAUllllAND ISl<'ltl tMI/ ........ Pet Peoon l.IS
94~1 C.A RD(N {..JIO'l'l Bl'l'O ~10 7S40
From 11 :00 A.M.
Monday and Friday
• • I
is responsible for one ot Califomia!S
most authentic and dauling "theme"
restaurants. . l
' You can winder open-eyed through
Baxter's Street, upstain and down
including the cocktail lounges on both
levels. The dining room. of the ground
floor re1emble& a scaled-Oown version
of the famous Garden Court ol. San
Francisco's Palace Hotel.
Out 'n. About
Norman Stanley
THE NAME JS derived from the
person bf William Heller Ba:r:ter (1883-
J949), a legendary resident of San hOice and the fresh-baked bread .. old and new like "Swannee·•, "Both Sides
Francisco who founded his ow 11 Additional entree possibUIUes here are Now", "Toot, Toot Toots.ic'', "Soon It's
"Baxter's'' years ago in an al!Cy behind saucy spaghetti, $2.25 ; spaghetti and Gonna' Rain". "Come Back to Sorrenlo".
what was then the largest music hall fresh muShrooms, $2.95; spaghetti and "On A Clear Day", "Irish Lullaby"
In the west. Far Wcsl has endeavored meat ba11s, $3.ZS ; clam 9J>8ghettl1 $3.25; and "Cabaret''.
to recapture the sparkle of that once .spaghetti and Italian sausages, p.zs. GUIDING IJGllT of the group is
popular place In Its newest enterprise. Each of the three a la carte Items Michael Ash, musical director. singer,
The dm.il"U menu leans heavily to well sampled are all h e a r t 11 y piano player, arranger and composer
the Side of Italian specialties but there's recommended. They are crispy fried (each show opens ·with his original
also provision for other tastes. Entrees artichoke hearts, $1.35; crispy fried composition. "Baxter's Street 'lbeme").
number an even dozen. muShrooms (with soya mustard ), $1.15; A.sh ls backed in the musical chores
Among. the satisfying entrees sampled .· baSket of onion rings, •1·35· by. bass player Charlie WaITen.
were scampi, sauteed in a rich garlic IN KEEPING with the spirit 'and Soloists and ensemble singers are
and lemon butter, $4.25; sliced steak, appeal ol the mu.sic hall, San Francisco's Debbie Thomas, Laurie Probasco, Jan
Far West's justly-praised plank steak,. Baxter operated his sidewalk cafe with ~ard, Jerry Faragalli, Dan Solirt and
broiled and sliced just ns it's served, strolling musicians, singing waiters, !k>ng Vicki Budd.
M.ZS; spaghetti and chicken li\•ers (tbe and dance. So Far West is inrorporating If you want to take the kiddies along,
livers delicately sea!Olled and saut.eed some o{ these feature!. The result is Baxter·s Street has a special junior
in butter, served on freshly cooked some of the most bubbly entertalninent menu. At the uni(onn · price of $1.75.
pasta.). $3.15. you're likely to encounter ln Orange. there's a choice of five entrees, all
THE FIRST 'IWO selections -offered
under the menu beading "For the Robwt
Appetite" -'A·ere servCd \\'ill1 a choice
of antipasto salad or thick minestrone
soup, spaghetti and (re~h-bake<l bread.
Other choices in this departm ent include
teriyakJ beefkabob, 13.95 ; barbecue beef
ribs:, $3.25; chicken cacciatore, $3.95 ;
top sirloin steak, $5.25.
County for some time to come. served with milk and ice cream.
A -group ol eight talented and The lunch menu offers nearly 30
whoi.eso~e YOW\& perfonne~ engage. i~ options. These ~xtend from a wide range
everrthing from the production of ~1· of hamburgers and othe\ Sandwiches
vei:s1ons ~ Br°'!?w~y ,r,nuslcals 1 My to omelettes .and past.a dishes.
FaU' Lady and Oh\?er were t~ two -~ Baiter's Street is open seven days
we ca'!$ht) kt conducting old-fashioned a week · for lunch and dinner. You'll singalon~s ("I've ' Been Working on the find this bona fide breath of Baghdad-By-
Railroad '). The·Bay at 4647 MacArthur Blvd., just
Selections "F'or Pasta Lovers'' are
served with the same soup or salad
Soloists further s_lep und~er the spotlight short cf the lift-off ramp at Orange
to render exciting arrangements of songs C.Ounty Airport.
lrande Brandon D..0, Tue.·Sat.
Monll S'"""blott
Sun. & MOI.
Ut C-VllM't Pll't!Wly)
Join Us Sundays
From 11.00 a.m.
For Our Full Servite
Evary Entree Features .. ,
~OPEN DAILY 11 :00 A.M.
l unch Served to S p.m.
Dinner Served From 5:00 pm.
59 Fashion Island
Newport Center Drive West
I CllSll . .
• 296 E. 171,h STREET•·
• '
•• 11·
---=-:.-ann ers
• 1 ta 4 SUNDAY
Op•n 7 01'(1 --11 :JO 1.m.-l I :00 p.m.
3800 S. Plaza Drive
South Coast Village
!Adj1c•nl lo ~o. Co11! f'l11• I
s..-v1"'-n A.M. • 2 P.M. SEAFOODS, STEAKS,
4-1 WARNER AVE LOISTl ll , ANO" COMPl.&Tli TU • WltOHT WATCHl llS MENU & HUNTINGTON BEACH Cll!ldr1n'1.Menu II Pl!Mlllr Prlcn.
French Farce Begins
Cal State R:un Tonight
A French bedrOClll farce
begins a two weekend run
at Cal State Fullerton tonight.
George Feydeau's "A Flea
Jn Her Ear," tile first
production of the s pr Ing
theater season, relies heavily
on vaudevil l e . s t y l e
manipulation o! the plot.
Showtime is 8 p.m . tonight
and Saturdny with a 5 pm ..
matinee Sunday . The r
performances will ·also begin
at ~ p.m. Friday a n d
Saturday, ~tarch 7 and I and
at 5 p.m . Sunday, March 9.
All P,erformances take place
in the 1Llt1le Theater.
Set in the Gay Nineties, the
plot revolves around married
life and il! ramifications.
Some criticl have called it
one ol ihe~st farces o1 · the modern ter.
D~ecllng Jl'Wu<:jioo is
Edwin.. Duerr, profe550r or
theater and a veteran Cal
State director. Costumes are
by D. Richard Odle, associatt
professor ol theater, with set
design by Tom Targo"''nik, a
theater major. and lighting
bv Darrell F. WiM, assistant p~o!essor of theater.
Re~rved seat tickets for
the lnHlal spring show may
be obtained by telephoojng I.be
University Theater .Box Ofrice
nt {714) 870-3371 weekdays
betv.·een 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Ticket.s may also be purchased
one and one-half hours before
each performance.
Organ Series Begins
I n t e r n a t i o nally-lcnown
• • ••
Continental CuliiM'.
Luncheon and 0·11111cr
A-fonday through SQturda11
Closed Sundays
The first lecture on March
n ·~· G,Jn¥i3
107 W .It .. It.
C•1t• MIHtl
1511 , ... ., St .
C•lt• M ...
OP'IN 11 t• t
w, Wovld lik• to 11111ounc•
1111 op1ni119 of ""' 111 w ''''' •I
@N6Sie Re•taurani
• l uncheon & Din ner D•Hy
ISH AD.4.MS l.t H•rHr>
~· .. a!\'fi 540-1'17
AM, 11 5•rtt. ...,_
Featuring Exotic
Tropical Drinks
. 12211 IROOlHUIST
IA.t Cli9"••) 6Jf.JOZO
' r
---------Chinese Cuisine
714 846--9656 Cocktails • Margaritas We •re located next to I~~·~"";;~'~·~·~·~*~"~·~·~'~""~~~~·~•;;,,,,,"~'"~·~·~~··~··~·~· ~·~,.~·~·~·~·~·~"~·~'~""~·~·11 the May Co. in So uth I r Coa st Plaza.
JJJJ s. lrist ..
Norma Zinnner. fea·
tured singer· on the
Lawrence Welk show,
will appear at the grand
o'pening of Maranatha
Village, !rom 2 to 3
10 A.M. to 2 P.M.
,1 ll~~c....~~~w~ ... ~~~~~,.~·~·~l•~·~·~11
-p.m. • Saturday. T h e
Christian bookstore and
artisan center is· hr
cated at 2400 Sunflow-
. er Ave., Santa Ana.
(From Page t.i) ,, .... Gilt.,, Y.c•I•
y,'hiJe she's on stage. folk • lec:lr: • Stndord • DaK•
Fro1t1· 5 P.M •
"The time to y,·orry about TMJ. ''"' s.t. your audience is y,•hen you,'re·I~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~ practicing. when you're goingr
over and over the piece to
le-am it right. •
"When you get up on stage,
the best thing you can do is
just enjoy the mtisic. ·• she
Miss P.fi ller's most recent
concert was In S~n Diego,
where she played the feature
part of BeethO\'f'TI'I Third
Piano ())ocerto with t~e high
school hoOOr orche5tra.
Her next perfonnan<'! y,1ill
be March 29. \vhcn she will
play a solo C&prict•io in F Mhi·
or by OotmAnyi ss part of
Newport Harbor ~Ill?h School's
instru menta l concert.
.?J/fe Cl';1ivlle1y .C!Jlr.J lttf6J'a11I
_/ Also on S11"cl•v
.J()/(') Q'r#?''l/e,
.Ato/tf"11/ gjr.acd 6'73-:J777
(?,jh Mobile
ILl!!'ILt"~ Ovem
offen FAST and HOT PJZZA,, 0..11 .... d IO your door!
5·10 P.M. SUN.· THUR. • 5·12 P.M. FRI. & SAT • •
' • l •
' ,; 410 E. ·17tll St.
WMll: D.rs: 11 :JO A.M. tt112 P'.M. COCKTAILS Fri. -.II ht. 1 l:JO A.M. t. IZ:JO
S111M1wrs: 4:00.12 MIDNlaHT
«Eating out" is not
~ · necessarily: dining!
f'rldQ, M~rch l, 1'174 DAIL V PILOT %7
Daily TV Log
I '
' ' 1
• ;·~
' ' ! • •
• • '
' •
. '·
28 OAIL Y PILOT F'rlday, March 1, 1'174 ' ' .. ' •
KMPC ·Presents_L~e ·and -Son_gs of , Cole Porter ·-""' Six oc.nl staliom, KFI,
and ~ET along .,with 73
stations 1n 22 slates succeeded
in raising S3ai699 in /hi!"
·year's Radiothor\.
current. 'campaign is Late He Led." II too>: nei.rl~
"Conserve Energy "· w h I c h a year to pull tbi.s one
ends March 31. II wUI be togelhcr. You can expect !he
foll~ed by a repeat or 11 best .for It's a .true Jabnr or
"St Smoking" ciunpaig n ~ve. Noon-3p.m., KMPC.· Try
throu hOut April. The 1~uy It. -
c;amp.tlgn is "Lose Weight " Sunday also bkis well ror an~, lhroughout ,,June it's 'lhe musical buff, KCSN (88.5
Turning on
Scott. Manchester
F'unds are earmarked for
research by the Leukemia
Society or America. Off.thc·air
pledges may v.·ell swell the·
iotal past the $<100,000 Cigure
"'hich nearly doubles the
amount raised last year. A
thank you is owed t h c
hundreds Of people W· h 0
worked so hnrd behind·the-.
"Cure Inson1nia " FM) '-ti 1•-1· t • ui prescn ng . ,,,. .11~ 'sto_ry, lyrics and music:
JOIN.. K~IPC's \\'ink i\tar-broadc~,st of a ne~, rn_us1c~I . ."The Bl:.1ck Expcricnct" is
show. Roundheads will _ <i1r the latest topic to De added tindale al noon !i.t on tJ a Y from 1-3 p.m .. with 20 musica l to KFI's Service 640, with
t,.bep . he launches a 15-hour, nwnbers from ballads to
five-day audiobiographv li!led, comedy. Composer Robrrl
"Cole Porler: The Life That llanson is responsible for --;;..;;~~:,,,~,,,;:;;;::;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;,,....;;;..;;;;.-;;;;;;;;;;-;.;;;;;;;~
scenes along "'ilh the thanksl-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;..
lo the more lhan I 5 O
celebrities who gave tinie a.ad
l\.1aqy Southland spo.rts fans
were saddened to leam that
KABC Talkradio's "Superfan "
Ed Bieler was sentenced to
a· year In, federal" pri son
!he11 do his time on Terminal
Island ) for defrauding the
goverrunent , durini: the time
he co-owned the J . 0 .
Transportation Company.
BIELER llOPED up to the
last minute thal he would be
able fo Y.'Ork out a payment
plan with the governmen t. He
said he pied guilt.v only to
avoid a Jong trial -one that
would have cost him SSOO daily
in attorney fees alone. One
can only hope lhot when
Bieler ret~ he can begin
his career again.
KABC will continue
"Sportstalk" ahow. The
management is hoping to find
another nonprofessional type
who is both knowlegeable and
entertaining about the sports
world." 'Ille "Superfan Fap
Club" will continue. Members
will be hosted Tuesday by
the Lor Angeles Sharks at
the Sports Arena.
Jack Siegal, KE z M •·s
general manager, has Hned
up atalion 's Communily
Involvement-prog'rams. The·
Fnn11/y T vvin (1nL'illO
.. . ' .
' ' . .
4 ..
llG wm
JOHN HOUSllMAN , ......... , .... CHAH" ~~' -,
,C 'I ... '" IQ. ! LJf.~~0'>
c-r • ~· '" ,.., O r• \ '' ., O' H
•A llo<kin9 Chair Theatt••
• &•Ibo• 151,0 ~t M 11n •
Pi.~n• 61l·•Q41 Optn t 4~ • •
no-... ......
fltOM 7 P.M.
ELinllMSTNER ir~ A.ROBfRI' AUw.N f~ ,, ..... _._ -.... ._ EWOTI GOULD ·-··m•• --""'"' ' "
l ..... !'!!!!!!!!~!!!!W ... U ... KD!!!!A!!!!Y'S--7: ... JO ... -' ... 'J ... O ... · !!!!!!!!~I "THE WNG,GOOD.UYE" i= .,., Sat. 1<s ... 2 .4 .&.1&10
.... "THIWT
~= :.lifmloi~u. A
""Awto E111t.., ...._ r.._.,.
(c..,-.-. .. ....., ... _
*~,,,,..II( ftmlll OOOIA"~ a KWAM m ..._. o lllDti . CA1D. ml1Y • mr l:fXlll · MIU smocs
Sllll!Yllf!llS ••JOUJISOt MLISIAU!JI' llflCllXllNU flCW.l•LEllllOllN1ltt. 111CM:J .. lil -..1r1•w
..... ~Oii ~-~RLl!Mlf•Jt vu •!tiM~Pli1"1C --.O.•LlllS ,.... -·--~
ORANGE COUNTY rOUHTAIM VALLEY F'ountaln Y1l1ey 11 (714'1J9.1500)
COSTA MEJA U.A. (114-~) CARO£N GROVE: H1wty 39 Di'i"f·ln (71+~1
GARDEN GIOVE ~rove. (714'$31·6600) LAGUNA Niguel {11.._.t2S3). '
W[STMINSTCR Cinema West #3 (114-892-4493) '
LOS ANGELES COU~ LONC BEACH. U,A.Clnem1 !437·12'7) LONG IEACH ,._ (0301ZI
ALSO "-At'lt'IQ llT OYtt(lt THU.TitU TijltOOOHOUT SOUTM!AJI CAL _ ... _____ ..
"'GOODIYE" At 7 t. I O:JO '"TURKEY" At 1:55
· Dolly bcopt s..diiy. S-, Coot. ,,..., 2
., ... ,.....,,su-
CON,__ ..... )3N
DAILY: 7:30 & t 1JO
'f"'KINDS11:30, 3;30, 5:30
7:30 I t:JO
j ._
I . . .
. . .
<;:m. ' ' . .. °""' .,..., ........ . ,,_... . ..., . ...,
2n4, FIATUll1
.• '4;· ~EMUSICAL/ '·~> ·· ......... ~~==-:=.==:::::=::-.·
TH.I SURF THREATH-H .......... IQ -5J6-H"
-SiAD!lill I "
~ ...... , '. . -~ -,, S14DIUll l.
~ .. "I' I I •
"'7 •• -····· StADIUM,4 ;.:
~ ........,,ll'LL.1" ·•' •
~..,,..I LONG GOODeY~ ..
"SllPICO'" fll ....
"P0511DOH ADVENURE" (G) . . ...... . .
lM'TlANC"I TO LICO l\l I . <
6'1 ll~O
f•w t'otlon 'ktures C•n loClst the
Excitement, Adlatt ond Adventure of "McQ"I
N•w Yor.t FilmCritictCiitl
Summer Wis Winter ·
...... Bl~-=-
-.. .•. --.... .., ....... --\._.....,__ .... _
0.11.,, ,, ...
t:•~.M. .
SAT/~11: 1t• :t:Jl:J1Jt ,, .. ,~
_:~_ .. , .......... , • .__ ... 1.:..~
....... 11• ... . "'SOJI OP l'LUlllll" l•I
J:M-6: ... :M ._.,.,
,,,,...., IOIJ ... IAIN \IAlll l ,,.f.!'~D .o;v,~;,.-;::;~.oc,c.c"
\'OUNO PEOPLE hf..,.. "IN flfillfl II a. .....
,.,.. Moll Mt.,...., Ill
...~ ........ ., ........
All ,._(S ADltMD
hlM!ll ""'•• ~ .,..
'[!!] llflDICUD R IJlldtl' 17 1'1111/•P'fl ICU .. ~ '"""'.,.~It iov.rtli.11 0
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P&af'IC TH•ATR•• DltlYa-IN
SU"R t*AP 11•11T11
NAll80R M.VD.Drlff·•
s-.•.s~.-•-1o .,...
ORANG I Drlwe·ht 1 & I frl..SM.I Su .... le111 to •PM
l'tt• F'"s..A,t 11 ,__.s,.,;.,. F•mlly Fun!
l'foflt•l ........ caotorel
"':~ '
10 ACAOIMT NOMIMlTIOMll: . ......... .-.--
THI mNO 11"11°
S•ft ~~· ,,_.y •t
"-""'" (S..) 962.2411
:a ..w::~.:::"°""·
THI WT DITAll flll ·
Nm1' .._All II A,IOW •
hft °"""' ,...,
I <-·-°'' ..... , ~·•••s .. --_, LOOll -Ill ......... --·
. .· . : ..
' 1.
Leonard Pennarlo
In Laguna
Pianist l..tonard Pennario
will be heard in C'Ollcert at
3 ·p.m. Sunday in the Laguna
Beadl. High School Auditorium
on Park Ave, in Laguna
He is third in a concert
series spomored by th e
Laguna Beach Community
Concert Association.
P!918flo made hls debut at
the age of 12 with the Dallas
Symphony.' As a professional
concert pianist he h a s
perloimed in all the major·
colieert halls of the v.uld both
~ as a recitalist and as soloist
,With some.of the worJd'a finest
' -
• '·'.. . . -Discounted
· Specia1 low-priced pmiews ·
for Center Theatre Group/
~1ark Taper Forum} 1974-75
seasoo open<r' "il.,.,let" by
William Shakespeare w 111
begin on SaturdaY through
Mareh 13.
-• Stacy Keach ii appearing
in the title role of this
~kesperean classic, directed
by Taper Artillc Director Gor·
don Davidson.
Christ's Fam.ily on Sruge
The Stan J?rew's Repertory \Vritlen by i..enore Coffee throughoot Orange County,
Company of St. Andrews · and Williani Joyce Cowen, the "Fa1nily-P-Ortrait" includes
Preabyteri~ Church w i I I play depicts the life of Jesus Patty Thompson as l\1ary,
present the New York Christ through the ·eyes of-mother of Jesus, the brothers
production of • ' Fam i J y his family. The New York: of Jesus are played by Jom
".Portrait" on Friday and. Tlme5 has called It "A stirring Wr~an as Joseph, Paul Evens
Saturday, March 8-9, and play, ·exptressing a slmple, as Sunon, Steve ~ohnston as
Friday and Saturday eloquent and reverent pic;ture Jan:ies and John Still as Juda.
March 15-16, et 8 p.m. at St . pl the family of Jesu!." · Tickets are on sale for ~
Andrews PreSDyterian Church Directed by BUI Fucik four performances at the St.
in Newport Beach. noted for his repertory work And.rews Church office. or by
. .
-Joyce H1ti.r, LA. rimes
calhng 646-71~7.
• Potter's.-{:hoice
The ceramic works of potter Beatrice \Vood are on
exhib!\ at Collector's Choice Galfery, 666 N. Coast
Hwy., hrough Atarch 17. The exJlibit is concurrent
with a retrospectlv~· exhibit at the Santa Barbara
Jtuseum of Art. Jlours: Daily from 10 to 5'30 ex ·
cept Monday.
1111..1--,,,,.__ ..... --,,u .,.",..
ACAD • .JrrlOMI...._ -
. 11$l IOUND J(llifJ'tl El1NINE·-• GEOR6E ci scarr,,
' -• •• , • .,, H •
ELLS\J &J~1N :: ':<' '.:' ~·~':(;/~:El mai · li!TY\)'~f.JN ·JI{'( Wo:ff)f.C.f :<
tl~'..LE~r.~,.('(,.!: L ~~&-\SJ ~,,.Nl P...tic·:"'1X~U.lf~1.', lit~ B!}JTY !~i\Ctlfv'A~S1.1Af
"""""'"WIW.11\ ITTER 3Jill'~'"""' 1~ ... >.Ci)A'""C.-...c,.,.;jRJ-.::.'S.'t:::--1
-.. Perform.once Schedules
~~~~~~;;;:;;~#3 MON.-FRI 7-9·11
11 :4S AM, 2:00, 4:20
6:50, 9:20, 11 :SO
9,20 AM, 11 :4S AM, 2:00, 4:20
o:SO, 9:20, 11 :SO
j' I ~.;~,'I. \1 f.>,',; R
', 'J , • /. •.• ( , .\ • ·, '·, ~ I ~ I
AT. & SUN. l-3-S·7·9·11
#~ON.cfROM 7:30.9:
SAT. & SUN. 1 :30-3:30
• •
•SERPICO" e KUS •fll
M':lemniah • JOlinson"'
.. ... ,..c--.
• • • •
I MA to. Of'.....,. .-owl rwr.
ar tSanaaa• .. •••. , ..• P LI &f ~" .. raa
-. W T°'"ATnACTION ' • •, • • • •
.u ..
•II 81R•
RICHTER SCALE",.,. ·--=-="~
mvE llUSTll lltlP"lDR•
, IV.: •l:..lW•'ll• .. PllllJ.111 Will
Plv..alSJ PICTURI .fo..
Ottorge S.I • Gle'nde JolC~ton
Ii 111l·h
( )f l'la,,
Also Golelit Hawn &
E1letn Hackart
f'rlday, March l , 1974 DAILY PILOT 29
HARBOR c1~1:~ I
MAlllOll l lVD. AT Wlt.IOM 11.
Ul·05TI '4t·:l.IM
t:OSTA Jll•aA
llfl OUJM Of Dll GO
. MON •• f•I. 7:00.1:45·101:)0
S.l.f, & SUN .• fltOM 1:30
• • •
. "
~ ,.
~ '
1 • I-
. ;
DAILY PILOT F...,.y, March 1, 1974
-· . ...,
Bfgla f'l9ers
Preimere.,,.m>rmuce~"llf"'tifo , ew-wor ,
"Elll~" and "Quasi" will be included .when
the alti Lascoe Dan~ Company performs
at Chapman College at 8 c·m· Sunday. The
Orange County-based, i eig l·lJlember dance
company will .rrrform in-MeD)Orial Hall Audi·
torium, 333 . Glassell SL, Orange, as ~art
or the college's artists-lecture series. Tic ets
are $3.
anne Woodwar
Best Actress
(BEST ACTRESS \ of fhe vful
N1 Y°!._lflfm!.(iticsCitck ; . J _:.
't" . __. •
Best S~pporting Actre~s ·• . ' , .
Summer Wishes,
Win(er Dreams
.. A 1Cn•itiv~ touching and
beautiful mo"i~."
"A penou.1 triumph (or
Joanne.Woodward." -..... ,. ____ _
..... Clty.C...
0.....•97.GIJZ -.. ':=::::::::;::==:::::.::==::::=::::::'_1 .~-',,
' ,.
A MA•-..r •LU.R
·--~ pt'ftioN•
some say he's dead .. , ~say he never ..,ill be.
~ AL PACINO. ,.':Jerem · h 11SERPl£0• -.iOtfilSOl..,ia~--t·tt-~---,
lATfD (R)
• • •• •
• • 5Al •• SIM. : ~.olMWt' : i h00-J:1 .. f:O.S
'• '••,, •, ••, • • ,,., • • •••,, •'' "ll'U'ICO" 2:U •UCH ll ll'tl. At lWS. m , C041T IN'\' 1:tO.ll,_
& Mii OlfOO 'WY~ IMfTINOTOfl IEM:t
••7·99H • -7 -9ot7
Repla cement
Sale Prices Honored
Through Sun., March 3
' ·~·
....... 2 ··-""-"' -...... ,.,,
' • '
• . : ., . -· '
• •
• .
• • •
1st TIME TOGETHER :~~E ...... ...... I '' . • • I
' '
..... -. -,,..,.II .. -......
. • s..tn.t s,.ce ·,_ M pin• teWt IH1tw1tt1 .
• T.Wt ts •111ft ler •r•I'-.
RIG. '65,,,
. ' . '
. .
. •
a. CHAISE LOUNGE . I -• lli11t-til• ...... with rtftf1iW1 c1stitM. s3299
• Sir Ml ..i ,_..,..1,1
RIG. '37,,, C1Mpltt~ Willi Cnlilffs ~
c.CLUB CHAIR • Su..,., fw ••ff• , .. 1.,1 ..
, • ln1rsiM1 c1diiN1.
• · f., recta;.• I .... u.•.
• lftw--4 ft1.w _ r1Yfl1iille cnhi1111.
RIG. 'll."
• .l..11Mily 11tr11 Sffk .
• ~n ... ktftrf ... &4rilll.
RIG. 'l.,,
• ,..,_, t9l1l1r1111ct.1 & iri ... 1 •
• P1rltct II t1llln .,, l,H '4riM.
• S.li4 rHwM4 fir 4urMility,
.REG. '10."
• l.-l t-'il1 witll J , ... , HtKIMs,
• l"I t.11i111 r~wtH, IM-Me4 ler e1tti 1tr1~tll.
'RlG. 149.ff '
.C..,1111 Wilti Cnkiff1
73 Ft. Roll
"T• lri .. fflt UpA.,flati.!"
• (Ml ... r~ Nyl .1rJ,i.. ii•
lthllltiU t.i. ~ ..... . ........ ," ,, ....... """'' "'"' ..... ........... .~ • S.., reel ,tl11k •m, <MMrff t111 & Hck
••. cW..k-'iR..W•.
RIG. 'II.,,
llG. 'It."
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Sf99 SI 599
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DAil V PllQT :J J
At LA Airport
_! outh Fights Long, Nightmare
-Wrong ·Person .Identified • zn Robbery, Sex Threat
' Tht accusing finger pointed at
George Morales. The robbery victim
said she lOQI sure he was the man. ~ B11 chance the law discovered that
Moralea looked like two otller men
CJTesttd for rape . For 15 months the
ca.se wore on, pickitJg to piecei the
life of an innocent man, one of at
least 435,000 American.s wrongl11 ac·
cusll!d evi!'ll Ytar . _
. NEW YORK (AP) -. The judge had
reviewed the case. Now he palfied and
looked down at the sli. figure of
the defendant, who had protested bis
innocence (or 15 Jong, costly months.
"I hope," the judge said carefuJly.
''rather than lose faith. In the . system
that this somehow can renew the faith
he has in the system, which after all
b comprised ol. human beings, with
all tile fallibilities that human conduct
ts heir to •••
"And the court will plaoo ,on the
· record that .you are an innocent man
who was wrongfully accused of a crime.
George Merales waJked out ol the New
York state Suprl!me Court a free man.
yet even more aware of the vulnerability
ol that freedom.
It all began on Oct. 4, 1972, when
a young man accosted Marina Danzjg,
a wanan in her 30s, in the stairwell
of her apartment building in Greenwich
Vlllag"e. He threatened her with a
knite, made-sexual advances and· stole
her pocketbook •
SJX 'DAYS LATER in . the same
neighborhood,, she thought she saw him
again. She called the police.
George Morah!!, then 18, had returned
to the Maritime Trades High School
to see a .school doctor about an earache
and to get permission to go home. ....
NJ he was about to leave, he saw
a woman and two men out of the
corDel" of his eye.
come to you, and they start sort of
shoving •..
"U you give 1n, you're in trouble.
So '\\'bat happened .ls I goLinto this
fighL I didn't win ... Then it ~·as
time to go to bed, ., they slQppe<I ."
The guards didn't interfere. Alorales
says they seldom do.
The deaf-mute got .his licks in.
Morales, bruised and 1blackeyed, shut
away his pain with sleep.
The next morning, desperate~y, he
listmed -10-am~er. tn vatn .
I was afraid 1 was forgotten. 1 was
oo the edge moot of the day. Then
at three o'dock in the afternoon I finally
heard my name . . • I was to get
ready. I was bailed out.''
lfonday, court again. Mrs. Danzig \.\'as
there. Morales remembers the tallish
brunette sitting on the opposite side
al the courtroom, looking at him.·
"She ~fed to see me in the back.
so I stood up. I asked her if she
was still sure I was the one, thal
she was making a great mistake. that
I was not the one '\\'bo bad robbed
"But she insisted, and she says, yes
I'm sure. Sbe told me she was sorry. -
test, Goldberg would get him off.
Goldberg blew the Bronx D.A. u.sed
lie detector tests routinel y: to v1eed
out '"bad and faulty arrests."
Then, out of the melaR€e or the New
York courts. came a new development.
the case of La1i1.·rence Bersoo, a 17-year·
old Baruch College freshman, arrested
for a series of rapes . He "'as identified
in lineups by .three rape victims and
held on $60,000 bail
Two weeks after he was arrested,
he was freed . Police found another man,
nearly a 1\vin to Berson. Richal\l
Carbone. a 20-year-old_ taxi driver,
pleaded guilty to the crimes. ·
The picture of Berson and CarOOnc
\Vl!re \\"idely displayed in ·New York
City _nc"·spapers. Both men strongly
resembled George :\lorales.
like my guy," Goldberg said. "And the
fact that in ·George's case there were
sexual overtones, and this guy ~·as a
rapist ... There "'aS a good p<W>Sibilhy ·
that this kkl was being charged wilh
a crime somebody else had committed.''
Aoother thing bothei-ed Goldberg. ~lrs.
Dantig had described her assailant as
6--foot·l , I~ pouod.$, red hair. fraiJ
• . -
'I asked her it she '""• •till •1tre I u:as the 011e,
that •he "''" t11akb1g a great' ntlstake.' . --• She thoufht I bad been punished enough.
But she still made her accusation which
is kind of irenic." ·
With an attorney hired from a
storefrorit office across from th!!
courtll<me, Morales stood *before the
George Mo"rales was ~foot·IO, · 130
pound.g, brown hair.
a.ie3.nwhile t\-loraJeSdropped out or
sdlool and took' a messenge r's job to
help pay for his defense .
Goldberi took the new evidence lo
Eric Toppin. a black assistant D.A.
In the weeks that followed, the Mora.Jes prosecuting Morales. "He was relatively
.. case wallowed from procedure to new ... and be "'asn't about to make
prooedlire. Morales was beginning to ill' d · · 1 could ··-• rstand h' have some doubts about his lawyeJ, IS easion. uuue . IS
punished. She didn ·1 care v.'hether or
not he went to jail. But nevertheless
she felt he was gililly . . . His image "\
at that point y,·as cemented in her n1ind.
She coukin't help it."
Nothing he tried would 'break the case.
Now he askOO for a lineup. lie wanted
carbone aOO Berson in· it. Berson·
wx!enlandably m""'1.
scheduled and canceled. Eacb time
t\lorales shov.·ed up and v.-ent home
again. The ttquest was first made In
May. The lineup ./tas .finally held on
Sept. 6 -C<lrbone, t\lorales and three
<>t;hers who diQn '\ resemble either. One
look at Carbone and Goldberg was
shocked. .
His face had changed tn prison. His
hair y,·as cut short. He did oot wear .
glasses. "He had gained more weight .
He •·as now up to about 220 ~Jds·
He looked a Jot healthier too. I ~dn't
concei'te ci her picking out a 220-pound
guy with , my guy standing there too.
She came up to that ooe--v.·ay mlrror.
and I wuuld say that a "'"""'1 didn't
pass before she identified Gf.orge
i\Iora les.''
But sOmcthing did hapj:>en that day
that eventually1>rok:Mhe~:-Goldberg
talked to Detective Nat Laurendi , a
trouble-5hooter and lie detector expert
~in the O.A.'s' ci'.fice. Laurendi looked
at the BersOn-Olrbone pi~ures and the
polygraph test. He promised a clell1er
For l.forales. behiOO the mirror, there
v:ere a few words with Carbone, pleading
his innocence. Carbone said nothing.
"I saw the lady and she ts pointing
; --&1-lhe:-81E-1S"''iat-·ot-~1,,.~-0 ...
whimpering .•• And · this detoctive, be
wt» be (fft dit1n'.t-C2 At a"""•I lb" ~lem. He had a complainant who . .r -_-!_"::;,. -WI .• -l3 -beltevc~ L -) 11 ~ .any-dou3l~H:at.-George---
ttme, a cousm,. Jose ~iorales, at 24 ~·as guilty ... He wouldn't give George
Meanwhile Goldberg kept dle<:king
-with Laurend i. The detecl.i.ve said he
was doing something. asked Goldberg
not to press him on it. 1ben Laurcndi
asked to see ~torales alone, "·ithout
Goldberg present. Goldberg agreed.
took oot a gun and told me to stop."
Morales didn't realize what was
hamening. Al fir.it he thought the man
with the gun meant someone else. He
toot a quiet step back to get out of
the line of fire.
nn.ts began a very penona.1 nightmare
in bis tife. He began that day as simply
George Morales, born of a Cuban mother
and a ~ Rican father, a wellare
resident of a south Bronx slum, trying
to pull himself out of poverty, an hcoors
student with dreams of college.
He ended the day a prisoner.
AND rr AU. HAPPENED because
be looked like SOJllOOOe else.
The detectlves bandcuffed liforales and ·
told him Mrs. Danzig had ldentilied
him as her assailant. They took him
to a small office and searct)ed him
la< a ilnife. They loond nothing.
He was taken to t precinct station
house, fmgerprinled and put In a oe11
to a1'3it night aiurt. The charges were
first degree armed r o b b e r y and
att<mpted rape. He kept Insisting be
was inooQelll. that the woman was
"""'I· He was told by the detectiveo
that lll06t likely he would be releaeed
· without bail on his own recognizance.
He was tram:fttred to the Tomb!, w.
the city's main detention ccnler. Mug
smts. A public defender". Then he was
taken be[ore tbe Jud<•· m. mother and
brother were In the courtroom.
The judge lonnally charged him and
set ball at •1.000. Jt .. mlght as well
have beell a mUUon. Morales protested
that be bad never been arrested bcf<n
a well-knoWD pamter visited New Yorlt. the lie detector test either " They bad grown up logether. ·
Jose Morales talked to George's So Goldberg took step! to get a pri~ate
attorney and recommended he find test. On a.larch 29, M~~es was given
another. Through friends, they .fmmd a polygraph by a prestig101.t'J Pltanhattan
Jact Goldberg, a yowig lawyer woo-fi~. The man v.'ho ~ave t~ test,
clients were mostly SpanisHpeakjng and Richard ~· bad trained pob ce and
black., prosecutors m its use. He told ~torales.
·"It's negative. You didn't do it." ...
GOLDBERG enla"eCf the Morales case ' Now Goldberg added the lie detector
a mmth. al~ the ~ It was at test to 6is other evidence. He thought.
a standstill. After one d19CUSSion • • • "Certainly now I had enough ammunition
'he lociked to me to be tgtally innocent. ,to get the prosecutors to give their
He ju.st sotnled like \t. I also spoke own lie detector exam."
to his parents, who told me where he Again the p~tion r e r us e d
was the day of the crime. He w_a.s Frustrated. Goldberg ~·ent to Mrs:
.. borne. There were at 1east five affidavwi Danzig and asked her again il' she was
..-Jrom people '\\bo were with him at mistaken. "I told her about the test
the time." and hQw we felt about George and
For the fll'St time, l\lorales felt some his infucence. She d'isplayed at that
hope. Goldberg reasmred him. He tQld time a disposition that sort ·of got to
him if be could pass a lie detector me. It seemed she didn't want · blm
Law-end.I grilled ~forales for two days.
He wanted to know everything from
the day he was born, sizing up not
just Morales the accused, but ?ttorales
the man.
HE CALLED in the ~loralt>S family,
intervJewed them separately. He cajlect_
in Richard Carbone. He ordered lie
detector tests for both Morales and
Carbone was now admitting that he
had attacked ~lrs. Danzig. \Vas he telllrig
the truth1 Carbone, in fact, seemed
to kmw ·thin'gis that only the attacker
woold know, for instance th.at Mrs .
Danzig had an Italian accent.
There were a number ol thin~ to
worry about. 1be resemblance 9e1ween
carbone, Berson and l\toralcs -1'!18 not
unique. ~forales has a fraternal t"\\in
brother. l\forales' home in the Bronx
was only three blocks away Crom the
Carbooe home. Did the two fa1nilies
know each other? Wa.s there oolluston ?
Did enyooe contact the Carbones to induce'" him to cl.ear ~1ora1es? After
all •. cattione was serving eight terms
of 20 years each. What was one more
chargc7 Or \\'as ~just trying
to make a good impfession oh the parole
ooard by Calsely admitting to the crime?
AU Detective Laurendi ll'OUld tell
and, mn.idertng wt.ere Tlit,·e-;-tMr·s' __ _
saying aometblng." · ..
_Goldberg was~that things looked better
and" better for Morales. Then in
November 1973, Laurmdi c a I I e d
Gokl>erg: The case """1d be. dismissed.
Just a matW of time.
He ..... reimnded to the Jail
••lllor!U•. frillJt-.I and cooluood.
fie -tllen -CO I large pri9on Oft JUDr~ llllrxl and WU JM Jn • cell --1oac----dimer, he Iii! u.. other . Pi lswatn Wit blck to tie... cell blDiS
.. sit .. their tiers and lwatd! the
lole -&<I In ibe center block.
lie -far t'wo houn. ,
When he ~ up;"be -----. ....... 1 ol the "l!llar
-tel, 1"dudlni I delf-mut. up for
murder. In priloa parlance, MoraJes
He tell• !be~ wHb ...,,. c11mcu1iy.
sUll trying 10 umllrlliad. "I WU IOl't
ol llko wllon yoa'rl -and llley nnt
to ... mt yau'rl .,. o1. liD 111ey
. '
ON NOV. 2', the court released ball
and eet-Jan. 1, 197:t. for .the dismissal
or ~es apinal Morales, IS mooll\s-
to die day lhat Mn<. Dam.Jg's 8CC\1$lng
finger poiMed elk!: Jaw at him.
4 Thinking beck ,to Jt, stlD shy, aware
ol hil lajury,~to..bt.loiJ>, IJ«alos
vacillata ~ ... -tndenWtdlng and
blame: "You're Mappoeed .to have a
speedy trial Thal'• -the law SR)'S.
It -15 months • • • fu' system
I lotnl oat has many -OOool.
lJws ll'O boctced llP• ""°!>I• hoVI to '11111 lor ,_ lltd montlta. lncr<dlble. n r'f!rlll)' ICS!!I JOO.,,
' •
Arrives .Safely -
Trans World Airlines 707 y,·ith
80 persons on bonrd roastrd
to a . routine landing at Los
Angeles lntemational Airport,
ounldst fears that it s nos€! ~ear
failed to lock, otnclals said.
The jet. Flight 62. cirr!OO
the airport for a y,•hile
Thursday night, before
officials decided to attempt
tht landing.
Emergency procedures were
Invoked and fire retardant
foam \.\'as si)ra}"ed brfore the
huge jet toucht.'d do.,.,·n ~afely
and y,·as escorlt'd thr lt'nJ:lh
of the run.,.,·ay by Fire
Depa rtment trucks.
e Bite• lle ld
OAKLAND (AP ) -Ci\'ic
lf!aders and t owns peo p I e
thronged to funeral services
to mourn late i1ews.papcr
i m Pe aChm(lnt procecdini::~
quickt~· against Pre si de n t
Nixon has been issued by the
j!fl\'ttning boord of t h ~
National Council of Churches ..
1'1e group repre se nt s
Protestant and E a s t e r n
Orthodox congrl"giltion~ y,•flh
memberships totaling ~ 1
ntillion .
The 250--membtr board ol
the NCC voted over-....iltlmingly
to adopt an impeachm ent
resolution Thursday. \.\'indini.: ..
up a four~ay mrrting hcrf'.
The hoard Silld in1pt'arhmrnt
is nel'<INI "lo re s Io r r
ronfidl'n{'(' in the office of the
President of lhe li n it e d
e ll11ghes · Ca•e
attomcy r£'[)rE'senti n g
biltionnire Hov.·11rd Hughes in
Slate r\'idence llt'ili be produced to ( J
11 Sl7.3-mi11ion libel suit says
sho1v th at his former
'---------lieutenant. Robert t.l 1:1 h e u,
executive and former U.S. actOO dishonest.ly wh ile in hill
Sen. William f . KnOv.•land. employ.
The first floral offering to Alaheu's attorneys rested
arrive for the Thur sd.ay their case against l:lughes
service was fronl President Thursday, c a 11 i n g only tv.i>
and Pi1rs. Richard Nixon -v.·itnesses and r e I Y I n g
;i n arrangement of red and primarily on a film 9' Hughes'
1,·hi1e·• chrysanthemurns and telephonic ne\VS cooference in
gl3dioli. 1972.
Know1and , 65. editor and It y,·as dur ing I ha I
publishe r of the Oakland ronversation with reporters.
Tribune, was found dead of !\laheu contends, that ilughcs
v.·hat authorities said was a slandered him by saying
self-inf1ictl'd gunshot v.·ound t\faheu stole from him wh ile ~ Saturday at his "acau&;oome in charge of the industrialist's
near the Russian Rive r in operations In Nevada .
Sonoma County. e No ~feeth1g .
• Two In Race LOS ANGELES (UPll
SACRA!\fENTO (A P\ -t~t. The director of the Veteran!!.
Gov. Ed Reinecke arid state Administration did not me.el
Controller Houston Flournoy Thursday with . a group ot
are today both ~ ofrlcially Ill protesting disabled velerans.
the Republican race f 0 r camped in a senator's ofnce
governor. be<'ause neither side y,·ould go
Flournoy. trailing Reinec ke to the other although both
in at least one poU, filed his were in the same building.
fonnal d e c I a r a t i o n GE VA Director Donald l\f.
cand.Ktacy Thursday at the Lo! Johraon insisted the veterans
Angeles Co u n t y registrar· meet him in the VA office
recon::len office. on the Sevent~ floor of the
A 1 most simultaneowly, Fl'deral Bui Id Ing. The
Reinecke filed his declaral,ion veterans. v.•ho have occupiOO
document at the Sacramento the office ofi. Sen. Alan
County Clerk's office. • Cra1\5ton {0-Ca~il.), for two
"'eeks demand.mg to .meet e ~lolle Baeked Johnson. demanded he com<
LOS ANGELES ti P) - A to tl\em in the senator's office
...call to CGagre6I to imlitute oo the 13th floor.
Mache~ Death Case
Stirs Up _Floridians
ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla . Lindsley nearly decapitated in
daylight with the mail she
had just taken frOm. lier front
porch inail box under her
·(UPI ) -The case 'or the
mild·looking county -official
accused of using a i azor-sharp
machete to hack to death a blonde former Broadway -----------
actress on her front porch PUBLIC NOTICE
steps has-hit this town like·l-~,.~,~"~,-.~,~,'°'u"•,-<>"<"'•"u"•"'""'•o-,~-
a bombshell . NOTICE IS HEREllY GIVEN -· ' n.. C!ry CovncH <If .,,. Clry ol N-1
Und.emeath the~ 1 m 11ttc11. IMll 1>o1a • wt>!lc ""'1"9
atmosphere of the tour· t·lined ~~:~~":T~1~:1 11:~w~~~c1~lf'eT~g~ streets in the nation' oldest GENERAL Pl.AN; REVIEW OF THE • • f t . • the NEWPORT 8EACH TRAFFIC STUOY. city IS a ermen a . PHASE 3; ANO ... cCEP'TANCE OF 12 352 year-round idents ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT
bo• th Ath I' p 11 EIR/Nll 1)-0.&j. a ut e a 1a onse NOTICE IS HEREBY FUllTHElt
Lindsley murder case. G1vEN ""' TM w1<1 putoi~ _,,1'19 will oe llekl on ·~ 11111 <11 .. of ~rc11.
197-'. •I the "hOuf" of 1.XI P.M. In COUNTY l'tfANAGER Alan '"" couNCIL cHA.M1e 1t s oF THE . CITY HALL OF tHE (lfY OP G. St.anfon::I Jr. p I e Ii de d NEWPORT IEACH, CAL IFORNIA, ., · T sd t fi l wl'llcll !I..,. tn<I plf{f tn~ 1nd tll innocent ue ay o 1rs • P41<M>n' intTrHt.-1 m•v ,_,, •n<I w
degree murder charges in 11Nrd ~""· • L"UllA 1.AGIOS l\frs.·L1ndsley1s death and was c 1TY CL"E:RK oF tHE released under $20 000 bond CITY OF NEWPORT 81;.ACH ' • . Put>ll1M<1 OratrH (11111 Deity P llol, to return home lo his wife M•rcn 1. 1•1~ 1si.i.
and three daughters on quiet
t\faMne Street. PUBLIC NCYl'ICE
Stanford, 49, on a lea'te of P'ICTITIOUS IUSINllS-. --
absence from his $20.000 job NAME SfATll!MINT
nonding the outcome o( the T~ lol!owl""°" .,.''°"' 1rt dol"9 r-. 1M,111n.,1 11: case, has denied any part 1n 1,,..,.,c;Es. 31111 1roo1:1 s1., So.
the J 23 d f the Liou .... c.1. '2671
an. mur er o Jirwt M. A"°"· 31121 ''°'*'' sr .• ~"ear-old former actress and s... Lll!llM. ea1. 9'11617 1 .,__ . Pats¥ c. v .... r. nm "'-'• Powers modcl who nad . been o.., Min ion Vt•lo. C•f. n•IJ his neighbor for about two Tlli• tiuU••u 1, cOt1C1uc1..t ~ • ..-•1 P,.rl<Wn.lllD • years. J•n"' M. Alt""
• Thi• 1tl!-M w•• 111..S owllll ""' "1 am totally innocent ·ol counrv ci.·-ot O•l<ll!f tounrv on
this thing· and I'll put a Jot J•nU1rY 10. itu , '*'s
of trust in .the Lord." Stanford P111111~ or•RQ• ,,,.,1 0.11¥ 1"Uo1
said from his jail cell shortly Ft'b. u, 71 •..a March 1' ·~~
before his arraignment. PUBLIC NCYl'ICE
FACl'S ARE hard to come Fl~!J:~o~:,,:~~1:::~
by around t~ St. Johns TP'lt 1o11°""1119 """" 11 ""'"° tllltl~• County Court.hOWJe where 11: Sheriff D.Jdlev Garrett. and SAllA"S MARINE SALVAGE, 411 lOTll I $1., NtWPCM"I &Baell 91660 five deputies have been ·-nc11er1S G. Muell..-, 7611 •-Pr., •~(n d he-d k Whlll[e<"", C,,,I f'0602 j w..,.. g aroun t oc AUOrtV P. MUfll••· 1411 ._ Dr.. I
investigating the L i n d s I e y w11i11:.,. c.1 ~ \
Tllll buill'lff 11 conducted DV • ''"''"'' case. . o•rtlltf.Jhl11. ~ -r Garrett refuses 1 .. confirm i1Jc111rd "· Mu.Utt IV Al,lclr11 P. Milt'!~ .4
or deny a repart In the local T1111 art••-1 "'' lllff Wit"' ""
dally -wspa-r the S I CCllll'll'I' ,..,._ °' Or11>11t ,_,r .,. ·~ r-' · -FtDr'W'T 1, lfl• " Augustine Record that he has P')IU.
._,_.1 .t.L.. ~· and blood l"vDllsl'IM Orei"Ot CMll Otll1 11'111.i IUUI-.& \Ill: rna ... ~-..e . Fib. u. 22, lfld IUrdl \, I, ,,,, •
stained clottd U9ed by, Mrs. PUBLIC NCYl'ICE Llndst~'S killef, P'ICTITtOVS •'ISIM•.tt
"J can't comment one way JIAMS STAtTSMINT --~·'-• Tlw fol~ ,,..._ -• flll'll or GIJUUfl:r on that stoce I ...,.J,,.., ••· wljl be-glvlng testimony on "l"EltSEPHON£'S PLACE". JJS
the evidence when the case ~,.. ''·· .. .,... 11tldl. C•IH.
c:omes •· lri•I" Camu said. ·ee11v .vtm, •roo1t.•. 1n11 ""°"'"" "' ' _ ,.,_,.., °"*""V• Ciilll, tt'.11'4 ~E SHERIFF adntt'ts ·~t ,,.....,,, H~" .&.M~. 1 ' , 'S 1 •• 4 UM A-"-fJW '1., Ctrrftot. Ctlll, t01tl Mr1. Undsley had some nm-11111 ""'"*" 11 clftduet..i 11'1' , oe-11
• "--"rllllt'111p._ lllS wltb 1iet" nelghbon about 111iv w.1111 eP001u
the dop aht kept in her yard! tr.11 • ~~~,.,. ,,"!. .. ::!t with ""'
barking during the night. But C-1¥ Cfm ot 0r-. Covntv ..
Garrett wUI not tpeCU)att Jtl'IUMV 2'' '"" •
about .a poall>Ze R¥>tlve for ...-u011''*' erw,.... '°''' Diii~ 'ml the attack whldt left Mrs. ~tbrll•rr 1' i). n. •H '-'•~ 1' ·~
' '
·~ •
1.1 OAILV PILOT . Friday, Marth 1, 1974 • PUBLIC N011CE PUBLIC N011CE
lf'NtNa CUltlf fOll: THE
QAl ON THl CO. -
For an ad In Wom1n•1 \\orld
Call' IMry Bet~
• I
Sleek Trio
THIS ii the way to look.
AttracUve and at eiue ln a
sashed pantsuit or dress! No
waist seam -whip up this
642·5671, IXI, 330
Look-Twice Tops!
It's fun to makP t.verybody
look twice at trim vest•.
Pop them into vivid vests
to go. places! Qu.ick, easy
crochet -girl's vt !lutt)",
novelty yarn, boy's o.f wor-
sted. Pattern 7310: girls'
sizes 2-12; · boys' 4-14 in-
.. «Qr. eac.ILPAtt.mi~ Jldd ;s_ cents tor each pattern for
Air Mail and Sped.al Han-
dlina: otherwise th!rd-clus
delivery will take three
weeks or more. Send to
Allee Brooks, the Di\ILY
PILOT, !O'S, Needlecraft Dept., Box 163, Old Chebea
Station, New 'i'ork, N.Y.
lOOll. Print Name, AddteA, Zip. Patte~ Number.
Cl'ochet, knit, etc,
dlroctlona, 50c ••
"Printed Pattern 9313: Wom· en'• Sizes 34, 36, 38, 401 42, 44,
46, 48. Size 36 (bust 40) takes
• for each pattem -add 25
cents for each pattern far
Air Mail and Speclal Hand-
ling; othetwl.se third-class
dellvuy will take three
weeks or more. Send to
l'\larian Martin, the DAILY
PILOJ". 412, Pattem Dept.,
232 Wm 18th St., New
York,-N.'Y 10011. Print
NAME, ADDBE88 with
ZIP, 81ZE and B1'YLE'
SEE MG'.!i'. Q u I c k Fashiont and cl1oose. one
pattern free from our
Spring·SununP.r Catalog. All
Wea! Only 50c..
_ stw today, wear tomonow.
11. ·-·
BOOK Hundreds of fashioh facta. $1. ·
QuUts tor Today'• Uvtq -15 beautUuJ pattern1. !'iOc.
, • •
""'° lutut Macrame Boot. Buie, fancy knots, pat·
tern~. $1.00.
lntut Crochet Boot -Leam by pictures! Pat·
terns. Sl.00.
Complete lnltant Gift Boot
-"""" !ban.JOO gila--~ $1.00.
Complete Afa:haa Boot -11.00.
18 Jiffy Jttts 8Goll • SOc.
Boole Of U Pthe M1hut. ~tit Book 1 .: 16 patterns. 50c.
1'linemn QuUt " Book S -
• ·-•,
. "" fllOTICa TO C••1KTCMt1 su,11110111 COU•T 01" TH!
ITATI Of" CALIJl'OllltlA 1'011:
Ht. A·r•m
ll;'A MAY JENw.A,
• I
'" •
• ..
, D
El bl
• -•
\ --
... : .
• .,
• ~ ••••••• 500-$)1 • ....
• loafs ...... " ..,... .900 -914
• ···•"*If ........ JOO -"'
financid • • • • • • • • • lOO -299
~ for ,. • , , , , • KIO -'24
• Frtdi)', Marcll l , 1974
.\DS -'
* DAJL V Pl>DT 33
Mobit HoiNt tor w. . . . n.s -149
~-•..•••••• s2s ·S49
~ arid SuppEiH • • • • • • l50 • 199
Rtol (\'°'9 ~ • • • • 1SO -1'99
a.ntol . • • • • • • • • • . • . 300 • 499
Schoob ond lnlt1uc.1iolt • • ' 57.S • 599
' Lott & '°"""' . ... • . • • . S50 -S14
You Can Sell It, Rnd It,·
Trade It With a want Ad
One Cal I Service
Fast Credit Approval
S..,ic:et arid ~ • • • • 600. 699
Tr~totion. • • , , • \ , 91S • 949
I' • • . -• ' •·
' •
UYING ..... Preaented by Nolin Real E1tat1, ,Inc.
2 STORY -4 .BR Great White y,•ater view £rom each un it over·
!h Block to the ocean • 304 E. Balboa Blvd.
Has everything, 4 Bedroom>. i Baths up.
3 Bedrooms, Z Baths down.
FROM S129,500 to S115,000
3 Bedrooms upstairs, 1 ~oom doy,•n,
spaclom In every detail.·
~"4tbe StHid ~
Sharp. 3 bedroorn, 2 bath home. \\lith cheery
stone fireplace ~d vaulte<l ceiling~. 2 Patios
and a large pool sized rartl. Roo rn for boat
or trailer. Hurry, on ly S4 I ,500.
CALL &44·7270
2828 E. Coast Highway, Coron• deJ Mir
----_T~ ~~t:i ~ P:~hlte lookin.f:i. li!onarch Bay. starting at $6s,tso.
picket fence to the .hl'auutul E,arly "Mediterranean styling; 2 BR., 2Y.a
sha1 carpeting 1pells back baths to 3 BR. plus family rm., 2Y.i baths ;
C9rner 16th & Orange, Costa Miu
To beautiful to describe. Call after you have
driven by and we'll desciibe it.
General General east charm blended with patios; fanta~tic amenities! Directions: on · 1-------------SALESPEOPLE
Calitomla suns.hlne. Alt of Crown Valley Pkwy., just olljof So. Coast
thi& nestled on a huge lot Hwy., in Laguna Niguel. -· with room lo park your
e-lnda Jjfe NEW or experienced men or
women. We o((er PERSON·
geD1al. oUlce ln the best
' Corona de! P.far locaUon. A
• f top commission plan and
superior bonus plan. There
~ ample parking facilities
for your customers and con-
sistent advertising support .
For your confidential ap-
pointment. Call:
. John Allard, Manager
'\ 1
...,, . _:, -/'/··· '" '' . ' '
boat or camper. All ol this For f~rther inform.at ion c-all: 496-6551
plm anyone can take over ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•I ~~~11~~uer Gener•• General
642-2800 * Balboa Bay Properties *
BAY AVE. WALK TO BEACH UPPER ASSUME Walker &lee BAY v.A. LOAN I ~~·;;;";;;;"~"~·,~· :;::: i BEAUTY . S229 rm 4 Unit~5.,000 . J Super sharp 3 . BR., z I• I This is. II! Assume v.A. JQf\11 ·OCEANFRONT . [ ba. EnJarged llv. rm.
Newport Beach 3 Bedroom f~ily home 0~ S229 · 101a1 Pa Y men 1 ! Nifty duplex I Pools & tennis. $48,500.
. Big 5 · ~~~ ~~ ~~g~ta~= :a_~f~i!n.~ooj~~ $155,ooo 675-7060 642-7~91.
• . Custom Home On Lagoon
Gracious 5 Bdrm ., 4'h bath home with ":ell
planned dining rm ., family rm., dinette, &:
huge master suite. Lovely gardens with
wind.ing stair to" second floor. Pier & slip.
$297,500 .
3000 Sq. ft. home ready for kitchen. 7% 1oan avail8;ble FIREPLACE, country dze -~-------1
POOL-VIEW quick -~•Ion. 3,,., Bath.11, to anyone, regardless of JOb, BEDROO~tS, HUGE COR-MESA VERDE Corona ct.I Mir 70 Linda Isle Drive , _ ~--.. e creed P-NER .lfil, ASSUME LOW Goll C D pl "'"'5"· home with exec. 2 fplcs, 5 bedrooms, kit-• race or . · -ay-veA.: payment -$229 PITI. · · ourH u ex Prime 45~agoon lot· $150,000.
entertainment ~ter cherrette area, p>d size :!~~~ aonmo~~~ :!~~f $40,500 Jotal price ,call 11th Green is right at Ocean side of Hwy., ;r~~e:~. ::e Coa. '°Q'::ereddel family room ""Ith shelves $2'1000 Full price just 963-67S7. your back door. 3 br. 3 close to shop s. 2 & 1. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR
for all your books. Wet bar ' .S31 500 Ol'fNTtt.ll trSFUN10BENICEt b h / 1 3 C J ed d 341 Bayside Or., Suite 1, N·.B. 675-6161 at $TI,OOO and built In vacuum. Great 1 • a. ome w poo . ar ust r uce to $63,500.
, ..
~~~~~~ ,H~l~:!!~y '"""°"" '"·"";:OATS 2211 ~,.!!; ~ ' . li~ljlttl gar. $74,500. ~~L;~~~· Mesa Del Mor "-G.;..•"-•"-'-•l ______ I
YOU WANT A ::. N~ ",;;:· .;"~ C t. ~t()46-~~-~J8!!ft1J~~~~~-~-~-~-;·~·-;"~,..~~!~~~~=;;=;!:::!;;;~~~T~r~o~·p~ic~a~l~P~o~ra~d~1~·se MOBILE HOME 1-,-Cf.'---MOME-? ZOOOi-1-s<o.;9'0 ·W -WALLAC: • ocaUlfflces to s..,,._y Exollo hea100 I In h• +--·FOR-SA~cEEC.-:--l---1
S"'U-ARE-FEET? CORBIN-MARTIN • REALTORS ~·'::_'l.E140•... 4 BEDROOMS Generel Generel priv:.,,., ~.~':';,.,...., ";"" · SILVERCREST I'
.,. REALTORS "4-7662 ---"54"1 .. 4141-~ Nr. South Cout Plam. I ;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,J back ynrd. Open beam MOBILE HOME ..
TWO STORY (~n Evtnin9s) ::';'.""'~:';~::"'":".~I (oil Sun"····•• oouth .,1• ~"Oml ~"000 ceiling in .... , "''3' 2 BD 2 BA
' · : This home .1.5 better than
-· ~ · custom crafted family room "" x "' . • c~., 4 BEDROOM? . I •-;:=::::;:::~::':""I ~~~~~~~:"""~ Private Beach & Fuchaial in thC Grttnbt"olM -. WE'RE' BRAND NEW! with used brick fireplace. drapetl; lilt-1n11 ., rclng., I Jmmediate Sale I tract in Costa ~1esa'1 Gounnct Island kitchen washer &: elec. dryer, wired COSTA MESA Launch fastest growing youn1 fannal dining. Walk to ali for 22) alr cond .. kitch.
Ea1t1ide Costa Mesa FOUR Both Itri! yours with this couples community. Vacant NC. WATCH schools, park, shopping! clock, stor:aa:e 1hed. land· new, only 11h years new.
I , Sprinklers troni and rear,
park like yard. Large
redwood covered patio, 3
baths and .much .more . Only
$49,500. If It isn't what yOO
want then don't call Red
Carpet, Realtors ~
Beautiful Ht.ate ·home. 5 ·PLEX Peninsula 3 bdrm'-jUAt h · at once occupancy. . US Call m rlibt away 546-2313. scaped p:LflO. Thme )11'1. old
Bedrooms, 4 bat b 1 , Just listed, a top money block to the bay &: ocean. CALt. ANYTIME -Jlkc nu. L0"•11 lc<l In new
Beautiful pool. ManY trees. maker In an ex~Jtent v.-est· With 2 bath#.• 0 en, ~ Eves: 646-4543 GROW Ol'!N'flL I · "~ IUN m BE NICE' adult pk. away from noisy
Lots of extras. price sl~ location. All 2 BR unlls ·fireplace. Chef's kitchen. • ~ I ~ Et. OntHlnlf hi. from clul>
reduced , frpm s101,ooo to baCking to a golf cOune. Separate utility nn v.ith SPKi•lizing in Homes of distinction · · ·~~~: 'l:~I ho!J.Si. Sl.5.495. Call EVES. ·
$75,000. S6C6 monthly income could storage. Mas.oilve patio And HUG. HOMES, REALTORS . , I 1 :~ 1, 213-6f.l-4690, _697-7152.
Roy McCardle Realtor even be more. Only ;£1,500. undercover boat slDrage. : --·-!·-··-~ CAN BE SEEN AT:
1810 Newport Blw. CM CALL 644•7211 1'14.950. Call M<Hlro. 567 S.n Nicol11 Drive, Suite 102 ~RESTMONT
~7729 r-ftlllElL.J Newport Center HALF ACRE ESTATES, ·I llRD I .... ~~~~~~~~I 640'4050 ~ 1051 Sllo1"., Bree. Central
PENINSULA PT. . ~ House Of Glass G I Ge-ral f'tV~s:~~~r.1 ~~n,i.nc=p.) rro~t ~7; /Jn NIG[L
• Elegance & livability com-
bined in thLs 3:200 sq. fl.
home. 4 Bdrm»., -4 bathl!I:
format'dfuing + sep, family
·nn. Secluded upstain ml!lll'.
-L!lW.l>U"""""' . p . B h enera ... 4~2 BATHS COf\'TACT RAY, PK. MGH. 3 BR., 2 baths, beautiful nrne eGC This ts a heautlful home fol' shov.11\li:.
cond. 2 Patios; _dbl. car I iiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiiii ~ HarOOr Blvd., Cl\I. Area Pool I CALIFORNIA in a beautUul setting. 5,000 -~~-----
t suite with adjoining den or
,. 1tudy. Not leased land.
• .... Qukk -· 177,500. ' Eastside . * BAYSHDRES * "'· It. o! lwrnrio~ family Call: 673-366.l 613<688 E~. VlllA GRA. NADA Magnificeot "°"'"' al gla." ' RANCH STYLE liviog wllh .. ,.. !omily Don House on quiet cukle-sac street. t lj)uarter Acre
Mini-Ranch Reduced to S115,000.
• C. F. Coles=
: Realtors .
1~1>; W Bolbo<" 1>71 ll>ll
•• •
.• •
Gener el General
"IMAGINE" 125' ~ of bayfront w/facilities for lg. power boat + beautifully decorated 3 bedroom, 3 bath
home w /formal dining room & lg. family
room. Private, quiet area · ample parking.
Excellent!~ priced at $163,500. Gloden Fay/
Bob Owens' 642·8235. (Kll)
Channing &: immaculate -super location.
w/private beaches. Compact yet spacious.
$67,500, Martha .Macnab, 642·8235. (K12)
Well located 4 bedroom home w/fine quali-
ty carpeting • like new • immediate occu· ..
pancy. $139,500. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1·5
p.m. # 25 RUE GRAND DUCAL.· (K13)
· EASTBLUFF TERRA-CE Elegant entry leads 11ou Into New lil!ltlna _ Lge home fot' 4 BR ; 2 BATHS :=;,m,~f 1orm~ 4i~g room, s p ectacular TRI-LEVEL tfftl lam]ly or "JD-Law•" S31 500 ruLL PRICE 11 u JXlO ' many ,--,-1--li~Formal--llanque ~~th . · ~-oW.-bo~Ja. oU'fr featun?s that only.~ P.aise ):'Our ov.-n groceries -
Just listed -razor shnrp,
rambling duplex. Jo"uss
owner . • like new crptg,
newly painted, prime comer
loc. Rents should be rni,sed!
Priced-for qulck sale at
-$49,900. -temll or trade In
your present home. Ca I I
& I
v. E. ilo.rard & Co. ... ,__
POOL + 4 bt'dn>omJ, Pretty
neighborhood close t o
"'"""''· """'""'· parl<. Bargain prlel'd at $37 ,900.
Call agt. 847....fiOIO.
Oe:uxe oWnhomes Separate lie!ta roont, FA he11:i, oru.t . Fam room: a real value on todAys ~· ;in:tcariblf_er.
A vleW oriented, totally .,unnets Idle~. Custom wet bar, l bdrm and balh market. This home oUers For furth~r-in!orma!Jon
main t . -fr I' I' gar d I' n pool, Huge master suite. O\'er garage. Extra lgl' gar, carpets, drapes, gas built· picalll' call 54.'>-949L
community in one of Step out ·balconles. Beamed with beach 1hcw•er -priced Ins, dishwMher, firepltu~.
Newport'l!I most desired ceilings. Boat gate. Can't only sn,ooo. double garage, and m.any ~-,
""" Call .,. .. ""2535· * BAYCREST * •lhe• '""""'· ,....,~,,.,.,, Walker & lee 01'£Hffl.t • ITTlFl.MrdBENJCEI owner mUlit go and will
exe<:tJtive. 3 bdrm, 2 bath 'nformalion please c a 11
nger-anr..i• \\311101.0:
are already twre. Extra
'buildini.: ror your farm im-
pleme11ts and extra vchlcle.
Oversized double g11rage lor
u·orkshop ,t, hohbi<'ll .
Enough? Not ye! -2
bedrooms 11.nd den ~th 2
baths In Spanish alyle at
110 extra charge. $31,T";J(l.
Call ~2313. ~ sell-with no dn tennl!I. to '::::==''=''::'C:' :'"':':'.:"'.:''=='.'. II ~Ideal home for the young Vets . For furth er_
Elec BI klloheo, w<I bar. '4~9491 . TIME FOR "===:::=;::=:;::::: F"m. Rl\.f, attract Ive I y ' OP£NT1LI>• "'S FUHT08ENICf;I
_ decorated. Shake roo!, elec ~ ~
Clea .... Day Special gar. door opener. H/F Pool, QU IC. CASH ' . "
A For•••• v1.w 1•• '""'"" 1"'110· oNLY Walker & lee K · . " 3 BR.. 0vel'llize Jot $73,500. RIA~ 111•11 .
SEE' 3JM °" .. " BIW. "C" THOMAS -
. CURTCoo"'o""sHdel MRar Ito . v REALTOR TAHITIAN style. TY.t> 1tory. THROUGH A f1X II l\nd save! Big fivl'! IT'S YOURS ea r ,.. w Cot H . S<S-5527 Fomily mom. Comer lol. ""'""'m + fomlly room. Got boat" Uk t rt • ' N · wy ~Siiil Walk to beach. $44,000. Call . BJ·ing paintba'\lsh and steal livh~g? ~tter ea": ~~n~ 642-&aTl fj7j..3468 Evl'I _e.wporLBeach Eve. >. #47~0. DAI LY Pl LOT at $40,500. Gall a Kt .
Vacant 3 BR with beams, 1730 W. Coul Hw)' .. NB c•"c.7c.-<O=!Oc... ------1
firepl, bltins; new Cl'j)tg. 50 BUY ME VA FANTASTIC VIEW N~:,ew~,xe+c u,~~~~
~ S~5oo Ea~~l ~~ I'n,i a cute 3Bf:t dollhowe 3 BR home. 2 % ba, fam Tripi~ garage. Walle' to go.If WANT .AD 4 + family room . \'l!f')'
spacious lloorplan: Fan·
tastic pat\o areas. $44,900. 11 ' U-acte C fl with marble fittplace & rm, 2 frplc'1. Sets upon murse. Call agt., &17-6JIO. ~any · a double rara~ ln Eastlldl' Kings Rd. overlooking aH , ---------· Call 847--fiOIO agt. lifOTIVATED IO ge]I & ready•· "tl!A!i!!0!t!l!l:.!l!!!!!l:!, Colta Mesa. I have a great of Newport Bay. riTust see
.:ii: 1.5! , backyard with play arra & I.his one. $129,900. By ov.-ner. v. E. I~--~·& Co trel's, concrete drlVn·ay1 & £45.2231 • IW ;::,~ ' sprinklen. Only $34,950. Ca.II ·
· Prestige Homes. 645-6646.
to 010\."I'. Lots of glass. Pool. J .G~•;;;"";;;;:";;;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;G;;;•;;;n;;;•;;;• •;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Exeartiw area. Call now.11
Agt. 847-6010.
Solilaires . ,· . $~\l~l~-""Btr~··
That Intriguing Word Game with a· ChucJ.le
-~i~~~ SEEK& FIND
D P E R I A T I L 0 -S £ G A B. B I R C
-----~ ... QAYI.......,.
•Reouanoe len.n of 9hra
four KTGmblt<f words Mo
l&w to form four simplt WOl'ds. ,
L C .. S N A N I A .R' II A
From the kitchen, family room and master
bedroom of this 4 bedroom , 21h bath Ii.arbor
Vh?\V home. Land included at $89,900. . . -.
IMMACULATE BEACH DUPLEX Sparkling 3 or 4 beroom home w /bonus
room, family room & dining room. Approx. R A K•S I E -
• 1''ronl unit 2 bedrooms_, 1 bath plus fir~
place. Second unit 2 bedrooms, l bath. In4 2600 sq. ft. 181,000, _incl land. Jea!tn~n~e-11L----""'r-'i==i-~i:=ir:::l--l
Newman, 642'8235. (K14) .E>J."'-N-t-+-1-A-~J'.-/ol-C-
~ estors please check this out. Sec andb "'u"--11----I
Beautifully cared for 3 bedroom. 2 bath
home. Landscape<!, ~led " draped.
$137,500. Betty Kerr, 644-8200. IK15)
Cw<urlous 4 -m. 4~ bath bome---w/
uSed brick patlo1 formal ovthdlning room
l VIEW. $147,500. Martha Macnab,
1142-8235. (Kl6) ...
[lrvlnal ....,..,,..,.......,c. ;; ....
"' °'"' DrM IQ•l211 ...... .,,... ....... •
' ..... T_A..._F_.E_C..___.I jtl _11'11.
.__,,,R_Ar-D-r-1 .,c,-il ! ,.. I' I I J A winier IP'l(I 11 anyone ':~· ~-::;~·;::;~· ~-, who ptcb up 9bJr -at •• r ski resort. ,.., tLOIMJ
RYGTIE I 1--rl;.;...;,-I .,l'....,..I "Tl-1 8 ~:::: ~ ... ~ -=t
1....1. . ....J_'--L. -1.. -'·-' ,... -1--No. 3 bolow.
I P11Nr NIMflED unus' .. lHJSf SQUA!ES
• ~ AIOVf llffiil TO ANSWll
!lltll '{
. .
~ • • To ordn 1ny Of all of lhr rxp.indtd "Sttk .l Find"' houJ....,,
numt.ri l 1hf0a&h 6. wnd SC> cr11h for rxh. •his clh.'<l.\
r.:yaf)ll' IO ''Sttk it. Find," Staf·l cl~ra111 5.)-.lk111I', Addr'°'\
• nrri 111 ta of Oils •~·Pa.IM"I •
Large 4 bedroom home on two Jots ne~r
t .!nnls courts, S\li'imming pool with separate
poolhouse, $149,950.
Over 4,000 square feet 1n this custom built,
near new, exquJsltely decol-ated home. !5
foo•!rontage on exclusive West Bay. Dock
facilities. $300,000.
4 Bedroom•, 4 baths vius formal livina
room, dining room, and den make this 3900
sq. fl. horn ' Ideal for a large aclive.JamU;y,
· near boat, garden & club. $189,500 •
• DIAL 644-1766
2l61 S.n Joequin Hills RAI., N.I .,
" 'I • . .. .. .... • ..
GOODBUY. HIGH TAXES Lar.,..t Tew1•1UJM * * * * -* ·* ··--~· -~ I Your choice of two smart, now Sproul huilf
duplexes. Enjoy first u..rs tax reUef. Just
starting at 617 Poinsettia, 3 bedroom, 2 bath
home, 2 bedroom, 2 bath uni~ 4 llrlflOS. 304
Larlurpur Is comple\ed ·"-ready for mov .. in
day. Best· IOCAUon & price. $125,000
TO $4',900
OWNER lt anx&ou.s to .ell
and hu redUOMI bis Elricel
This ta a lU'fl lam.llY'bome
-"'~ >""" 014 • and tut~fully decort.ted. Four
in Unt,'tfttty Park. Supet
greenbell looatb1.neu· .
New PAR'r and paint. Thll
• bdrm .. 2 bath 1' quallly
lnlkSt and out Don't waJt to
see: Ii u they're &1klna onl)'
Heritage Collection
NERl· BeaqtUul 3 bedroom, 2 bath featuring
an out.ttanding Palos Verde :;tone fireplace,
remodeled kitcllen~lth new llooring and tile
counter tops. Hom cent~r& aroy.nd very pri·
vate pool area wit man}' fruit trees, bloCk
"'all, and covered 3tlo. \Valk to all schools
and shopping. CALL 546-5880.
OUTSTANDING HOME-in beautiful Costa
Mesa . 3 Bedrooms. family room and over·
sized bonus roof. Shake roof, Lireplace, all
the extras. Full price $39.950. Loan ol $32,200
can be assumecl by anyone. No big loan
fees, $278. per month pays all . Those are the
facts-you better see it!! For details CALL
540-1151 . .
$45,000-Cheerful and sUMy thruout. Fea·
luring 3 bedrooms .. 2 baths, heavy shake
roof and front kitchen. Lovely ,decorating in·
eluding beautiful built in book shelves. Good
cuJ-de-sac location. Only steps to Back Bay.
Just listed, CALL 546-58'10.
UNITS • UNrtS -_
JMtauties, 2 bedrooms eac h, 8 garages. Every-
thing in excellent condition. Lots,,.of green
area. For more information call us quick at
IN TOWN LIVING with real country at-
mosphere. Good 3 bedroom home on large
135' deep lot. Close to Newport Back Bay.
Ha.rdwood floors. Double garage and screen-
ed patio~ Pr iced only $33,500 with assumable
6~ % loan, payable $185 per , mo. including
everything. Call for cqmplete details 546-5880
3 BEDROOM -dining room, bltns, forced
alr heating, block wall fe nce, maby nice ex·
tras. No down, VA terms available. \VO\V!
ONLY $28,750. CALL 540-1151.
4 BEDROOM. ~I-BATH. Great location! Both
to shopping and schools. Large added lanai
complete with fireplace and room for...pool
table etc. Asking only $35,500. Submit yo ur
otter. All terms available. CALL 546-5880.
A IJNl()lt toll:
Homes is proud to present one of the finest
horws in the Newport Harbor area. Widely
accreimed by local ltealtors at a recent pre·
view showing, this property is a landmark
and deservingly so! It's a lam1Iy home, yet
elegant; it is a large home, yet easy to
maintain; it has a spectacular Catalina
view, yet is just steps to a loveJy beach; it ~
is colorful and exciting, yet not a monument
to 'someo11e's personal. preferences; .it is
priced at $325,000, and \vorth every penny.
Jf you arre in the market for a fine home,
contact Uniqu~ Homes for a descriptive bro-
chure on this property. Tours conducted by
UNIQUE HOMES Ru ltors, 67s.6000
2443 E. Coast Hwy., Corona ctel Mer
Herrel, McKema _at Co.
Realtors ~
Big 4 bedroom, 2 bath ho1ne. Fireplace,
family room . New carpets & professionally
landscaped. 2912.Alta Vista, Newport Beach.
3 bedrooms each . unit. Electric built.ins,
new dishwashers, big back yard .. Just a short
walk to the sand.
Take over this big 4 bedroom home. Yacan.t
k read}' to go. _.Darkroom, brick BBQ, patio.
·near Atlanta .& Ne\vland, Seabury Tract.
Huntington-Beach. -Asking $42,500.
CORONA DEL MAR, CALIF . (714) 640-1414
1_G_a_na_ra_l ______ ,G_a_n_o_r_al __ ~~-~
3001 E. Coast Hl9~way
Corona del Mir \ ~
~. Ull'M baths ud 2 Bdnn condo., cksinble a 1afl'C t&mUy room malre ground lew1 floor plan. 1 l'i
It a tr*t da;lrable ho!M. .Yetzs new. Frnbly° Painted
It ll located ca a ClO!"Ml" with tutetully paneled ud
--· ·-·-In ···-mlm>red lJvli\o ...... """' '""' _. NC JU\ a q.....,t, waJ.lpoper.d _,~-"""· amtJJ c o111munlty 11Ut-._ ..... roundlni a park. Owner it *'c carpril A CU1tom
166.SOO--CALL 552·7500
• red hill 673-65 1 0 wlll ltig to lak.e back a ..,. drapes, ovenlled "'1tr)'
ool}d· for the rtaht party. ""'"· near tchool•+' walldna ~""'!!!l!J!!!!!!l!!.,.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'"l'"!!!!!!""'~~!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!OI Call ov.·ner at M2.-..1000 disU.nce «> H u n t I n I t o n REAL TY REAL TORS General Coron• del Mar· totllly! . Center, Sv.•lmmin& pool and Unlv. Park Center, Irvlne l,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.j many pe.rk attas. Price""' l !"""!!"''!!!'!'!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I \ OPEN SUN. 1-5 * EASTSIDE * d"""'ll000.Now$500below Ter"''
422. GOLDENROD:_ Xln1 loc.; 3 Blt., l~ batha. market value. c..u today ~~:ii tt, air ~· • EXCLUSIVES.-
CORONA DEL MAR 0 T2l-7Zl~ii rERNLEAF !Shown by a pp'l.I
i'.Z0.720"' JAS.\lINE !Open Sat. & Sun.>
_ 121 C:ORAL 1407-14071,i: N. BAYFRONT
Dupl •-O{ H r dining rm.: 1unpor ch: 147-3095 ·•---•-IOI', 4 BR. 6, ~. wy, vttat be1u,1l. 100.Cpe. $.15,000. .,.~..,"11""
ownen unit. Close to beach. Ontu Extra Parking ??? % ba. 3 cir p.rw/auto door Asldnc SUS,et» $27 000 cw~ lot. H•• opmtr, 2 d frplc'1, wet bar,
OPEN SUN. l·S ~ btit 'tenced tront ya rd buae patio, PTo:I. lncUcpd.. 2711 SHELL ST. 21 · w/boe.t cate. Hup oenwnt auto. iprlnlden, )ifan)'
!China. Cove, Cd~t 1 dri...eway leads to dble 1ar. upersdt1 " extru. OY.-ner
Coz)' 3 Mnn .. quiet . beach! 2 u.drm. 2 Jifile1 beach. occup1'cf 6 mol. SUPER
All new appilance1, freshly BU"" •"IITE RE··-:roR Redec.ln '=QUI, Vacant. CLEAN. $125.CO>. Open Hae,
painted. Jl09,500 20011N°EWPonr. N'PT' BCH CALL SJ' Int ~ ~=· T~..=e. tit 6·
675-4630 Of' 640-0166
4 BDR)I, Cott course home.
Lrg living nn v»/frplc,
dlnine rru, kilchen l>B.rbeque
&: eatJ,ng are.a. Qt!tached
retrig &-f-ri>lc. U>\·ely patio&
Opon T.F.S. & Sunday
14m Grovevle~'. AMwnahle 1r,, loan. No COits. 3 Yr.
2 Bdrm, 2 baths, ~
also new cpta & drpti.
$37.950. or IHI.
,QUINTARD RLTY 642--2991 game rm with wel bar/ I~~~~~~~~
It gardens. l\lasrt>r Bdnn -suite lnclude1 offil'e :\re11., 4 bdrm • No down G I A BEAUTY on s u Per Corona del Mar S79.500 or trane $411.000 &auU.tut
home with hea;ed. .greenbelt, 2~~ yni. prestige
1011·1011 \~ N. BAYJ'RONT 1 -------~-I
:)22..;)2'11 ~ S. BA Yf'RO~"T'
214-21'11.: APOLE.i'IA
:U·l-3141,1 OSYX
310-3101-~ S1\PPHffiE
lll-llJ.',1 CRY!:>"T';\L DO NOT ·
Pleue cal us to show
'«!qully for'r0\\.11~r. 5f.).-'26HS. & flltere<t n1m pool;-cov· exe:cuUve....arel!l..Yel')'.9barp,
ln uest nt red Uo II t 'I 4 BR, 2\~ BA, liv. nn., .,, me GI OR CONY LOAN e pa · •. u~~ ami Y rm tam. rm., form. din .,
Open hou11e Swulsy l to s SM.500 E-Slde by o"'l\Cr. 4 & !h..,place. Duung nn, ~~11 beaullfully I and 1 c_a p ed ,
P.1\1. I'll 715 f\1arguerite. Br. den i: lge tam rn1. bulJt.Jn1, dllih"·•&her. No studio darkroom, great
GQOd io\·cstment tor the Im· ~laii:ter Br It den upsll'!I. wax -tile. $39,950. Ca 11 inve1tment. $57,500. 51>1-3916
al:"lnatl\·e, 2-one bedroom. Open J.S Sat & Sun 2021 842-2S6l. CONOOMINIUM
brick fireplace Pi.US 2-one BY owner Mesa Verde Pool heart ol' Central lrvtnf bedroom ''GUEST'' -O r 3 •-•
quarters offered f $82 """ home. 3 BR, 2 frplcs, encl. range uro\'es. ~'-.,
one bath units, one has AllllO 61:>-0936. ( TARlllL) An Alpine retreat in the
Call 646.-05.55 or ,:iuu. lanai, very shllJP. Open . ~ Bath, al r condiriomng, REAL TY · house 1·5 Sat & SUn_. Wkday -community a.uoc. pool &:
315 ~J,\RINE AVE. ~ appts. $44,500. 1n4J557-M77 17945 Magnolia park acrou the meet ;
BAl.OOA lSLA.~O EASTSIOE, 493 Abbie \Vay. Owner. $3l,500. 5r5l~l5L • '
CALL: 673-6900 TH• 1soo Sq. 11. 3 bdrm•, 2 Loan Assumption By o ...... uoiv. Pk. home -
BERG ha, hugr. yard. Fabulous . + Pool 3 BR, atrium, maint. b"H ENGLISH ACCENT ~ rond. $46.liOO. 10% o....·n. yd: Trff1, quiet loc. Near
F bd 'amil ' = --Bkr. >tS-7711. '"'-557--4617., Seller Is Ready.' pool, """"·. ""'-old. """ -our rm., y rm.. sell $61500 552-8696 frplcs. Beaut. cor~r loca-COLLEGE Park 3 BR, 2 $38,000 for a Pool Home! ' ·
tion with room-for' a pool, -~ BA, dining, trplc, comp. Swnmer fun ahead in Ud• _L_ogv~n-•_BN~_•_h __ _
Qule\ country chann. lWtOIS redec. by OYtner. ~ 2 ~ar old 3 br beauty. Walle
$82,500 Succe~r To or 546-TIM7 to lhe beach. Call 842-4455. Opportunity!
OPEN SAT/SUN. 1.5 COLWELJ. ,Properties, Inc. Dani Point This II a ~ -m.i. that
1514 DOVER DR. Swimminn Pool ::;:;:::...:..;;:::;.____ a "'°"' """'°"' owoer m"'t
L.;AS£/OPTION & ';I EXPER. Real Estate Sales w lk I! L _ resolve Immediately. Thia
Ready, ~ow to move right men needed. We 're a new B er ... ee. ~~ ~~~ ~~~
1n. 4 Bedrooms, 3 baths, Private Beach .office v.;u, a ranta.stic .;:;.. .... ~·~ .. ~·~·~·~"~'~'iiii..;;:;1 r..tusr BE SOLD. You can with FamUy Room. Wh 1 ·ruturc for sllles people who make a real "deal" on lhl•. 1ll5 OXJ."'ORD LN., \l.'estclW at more l'Otl d a person v.'ant to work. Interested'? Open Sat/SUn:-1-S want? How about a chllrm· Call A93-:8j)3l -· _. ThL 3 P'L •.• ...,_,.__.. Great views of the.l'OIUlt and
LAGUNA BEACH lng,~y,·ell deconltetl 2 BR DanaPaclficRealEstate PATCH, PAINT, PROFIT -Laguna, aiant go urm e t
2 BA home OJl a ---ieru:3l!J3 •• Dana Point •• $$$$ with this 3 bedroom kitchen, very good tinan-Three bedrooms on-----utree 60 x 100 ft. Joi in Corona de! home, added on tam 11 y clna'. Rtduced to $45,000 for '
levels. Attr. country home :!\far. The entertainers Fount1ln Valley room. Ytith huge brick ACTION.
wHh canyon view & room dl'l"am. Only $(J,500. Call fireplace, extra Jong kJt. 675-7225 to add. Sales contract BIKE OR J~ •~ BEACH auumable. Ml-7211. BY O\\INER. 4BR ,2BA, vv"' · $56 000 Fam. nn. trplc. ~EW plush Near shopping center. Only
OPEN SAT. 1·S cpl. l!Jj() i;q. ft, Pool size ~~R;:/1 Estate F•lr
0C Airport industrial area. Zoned C-C. Lot
• size 50xl35. Fantastic buy, just listed a t
'32,700. Hurry, CAlL. 540-1151.
'-"--l=="'"'~lt'-L~~+ ·d. \VALK to all shops.
--910 Bl bl d --D nelpal>-oo::;~~-1:;UM;;;-~l;33~-o~w;:;3";2~55~:t~~ ua r anyon r 963-2181 -""============~I-~"""'-~~~~
Beachwalk bas only u few J:;:==;======;;==:=;::=:=:=:=:=:~J luxury no-maintenauce tov.·n-Gener•I Gener•I homes available. Right now 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 we're oUerlng you $100.00 11 a month off your monthly HARB.OR VIEW HOMES "''m'""-Immediate oo-cupancy. Prime humes in
a prime loeb tion, and a OPEN SUN. 1-5 pnme oU••-Come clalm you r Beachwalk Bouuty to>
1806 PT. RENWICK -PORTOFINO MODEL day, before somcoi;_e cl~
Immaculate 4 bdrm.1 31h baths; formal din. does. •
rm., family rm.,oonus rm., 2 frplcs. 260!T Sq.
ft. 2 Years old. BeaulUul Mexican tiled. entry-
One-story no-maintenance
townhomes from onl)'
2 Bedrooms, 2 baths, Goo d
terms, will trade.
1/:z Block to the oC:ean.
304 E. Balbo. Blvd.
Hai everything, 4 BR, 2 BA
up. 3 BR, 2 BA ®"·n.
FROM $129,500 to
Ontu Attention Si~nles! Huntington Baach BHullful s,,-nlsh -~~~:::::{!~ Ill' ~ Extremely emotional home ... llALTOR5 "'21 Tu'O -unique opportunities to VETERANS AD'-flNISTRA· "·Ith decorator wallpapers,
buy one bedroom t"tnlals 'I10N SALES BROKER mirrors and leti.s than' one Succeuor to ,
_,.€txt have addl~l rental H~OUNG BEACH AREA year old. Adult occupied. COL\\fELL Properties, Inc.
lncome .. in charnung "Old PROPERTIES. for your One of a kind. * * *
Corona.· Tu •be,ter, ~P-inspection: Giant 2 story If TI!ERE'S VALUE HERE, predation, 14•ay of life, pride Exec type home. ,sunken one ol the few remainin
of ~'JK'nihlp, and potential !iv. m1., "·/hoge brick beach cottage.Iii left in ~ a~ltkmal rec:~rating. floor to \"Bulled cellltg ftrp, f61-447l .( :=J 54 .. llOJ Lagun&. Once here,. forget
eie l"TJ · ine P~ fornlRI din., step do~11 fam ' ' the eJ1ergy crisis. Tht' erlles this weekend. $72,000 nn sv.·eeplng stairway to k 1 J
and $82,900. 4 hr!, Incl. a step dov.'n 4 Bdrm-$3495· Down ~:o!!i~us~ihi~~·=~ 675-7225 ma.ster "·/walk in -closet. Immaculate! With forced air .,,,.&.lk. distance. Mountain
Good si2e 1 04, all heat. Kitchen built lns. 2 Rd. 'tieac:h Is only across
landscaped. Repossessed bath.11. Rear living rm. fire-the Coast ""'Y from this _
vacant. Avail for inl~ction. place. Carpets, drapes. Lota 2 BR home, Ideally suited
Bkr 962-5511 of clipboard1. Patio. Full for wlnt'r weekends or
'4 Plex (•'"' 134·"'°· eau "' ... j,,_ tlr:Go r:E"J.t rs-nTE On~~l~ .. !001~~,~h.11 ~o~. 1 -~---·-· ......c*~.,._-');"''--
ren1N1. Excellent ai"Ca. . ~~ • L•guna Charmer
$99,500. Call 842-445&.' Vtty private 2 bedroom
·--~--~~-mnUL.rlir-llJ~-XM.-11>-I----"~ cno-·-Many outsbndlng features & you own the --~l:jilll
First tlme ottered elegant
4 bedroom home ...... with
panoramic Harbor and
Ocean view. The most
diacrimlnat.lng buyer "'ill
appreciate this Cabulou.a
home. Dramatic formal
living room .\\1th l<'rrazzo
throughout. Secluded pool
and &:ardt!n. Perfect for
indool'-outdoor entertaining.
M exquisite cu11tom home and you o~:n the land. Call
now for a private sbo"'inl::·
$218,000. 6'13=8550.\.
Successor to 161ll Beach-Blvd., H.B. hon1e with an aburidanee
COL\\'ELL Properties, Inc. dWNER TRANSFERRED of greenery, Secluded brick
. -
618 W LKER REAlTY 675-5200
"A B1-eeze trom the Ocean"
Furu.J11hecl models opt:n loda,y
l(('AM f714J 5J6.6557. like new crpt thruout, sep --the boaUli. Return at sunsf't. 1 nd brl ams. \\ralk to the beach!
l~!!!!!!!!!!!!l'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""· Directions:
Genaral BARGAIN OF From 1""' Aogeles ""' oc:
Oceanfront lznl'. "~ Ftw TO a-, MCfl~ ~)1J!"!nt~l~~~;k Wa.l.~~.{,~,lee 4Bi "1~~~. ~~; ii.im. fu!e~E~tn p1u~ctii~~JJ:. •
~II one Short block and \\•ateh Spacioys Hvrni & dinnn, ~tched ceiling "'itti .,.......,.,ed
DISTRESS!, RU ry no, ·oozy <k !pl m500 Call•"'~· Take llt1 enrl)-' n1orning jog 30' covd patio. Nr schools -. · ~
on lhe beach. All this c11.n MOVE IN FASTI & shopping. Th\1 """'t Jut, [~) • .,.. "°""""· 41); to Golden
THE WEEK West Ex.it lHuntington
Beach) then South 5 miles Price Reduction 10 Beachv.·a.tk, 1-tuntington
Charming 2 bedroom home. Scacll!L
3 f>e;drooms upgtltiJ;s, l bed-
room down, sp&clOU& Jn
e\.'cry detail.
Strictly Newport! Large R·l, home plans included. Owner
Rflklng $17,500. -~fay sub-
ordinate or may take TD
as ®"'ll paymt.
be )'OW'll "''hen )'OU .buy this Big "Franciscan Fountain" c:a.11 today. BKR. 84i-3584 ~=1~ ~~·e l~~~t~r~~ just blocks to beach. No I BRAND NEW
d I I qualifying. Just assume
room IUl O"'· ow upkeep. 7%'/0 Fl-IA loil'n and $2891
Only S96,500. l;,'()1' appt. call ptt mo. pays everything! e Paint , in11ide & o.ut 19'a) s. Coast Hwy, Laguna nos IS IT for ramuy living.
·Sharp 3 bedroom + family
+ extra. On cul-d~c:.
fealuret too nwneroua to
mention. bonus loft room with skylight in garage, pool
\\i lh decking, "'atcrfnlL Clme to beaC'h. \Ve tri
harder at Tri-Harbor.
Well located on •n.;1;J::)j desired l}-2 lot in '?!
de! J\.1ar With plenty of room
for second unit. Owner "i ll
finance excellent terms.
Priced n::iw at $58,000. Call
'10\Y to inspect fhbi bt1t
buy of the "'eek. 6TJ..85::4.
$169,500 644-7211· • Nearly new plush Exec •Brand new carpeting ' Beach
home loaded v.·itl1 model 1•4 or 3 and.a den FREE RENT /Jn NILEL
extras. Transfm'ed owner • 2 baths, fl.replace
3104 Ocean Blvd .. Corona dcl Mar
642-&172 $165,000 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
2012 Port Chelsea, (Harbor View) N.B.
842-9371 , 847-2757 (Fri.10-2, Sat. 1-5)
1742 Port.Jwmleigh Cir., (11.V. Homes) NB
844-6249 $71.900 (Sat & Sun 12-5)
304 Larkspur, Corona del Mar
673-6510 $125.000 (Sal & Sun 1·5) -
Corner 16th & Or•ng•,
Too Beaullful 10 describe.
Call af1er )'GU hRve dri\.'en
by and "·e'll describe It .
James R. Gill
& Co~
9 • ! LEAVING NO\V!~ Bkr • lge comer lo.t w/block Ll\.'e rent free ln one unit .t
V. E. J~11rd & Co. 96z-.5jll fence, vnga_nt $33,900. n1an11-ge the other by pur·
""',_....._ ~~~~~~~~"!l;:::..'-":==u'"T"l;;:F;;U;;-L--BRASHEAR REAL TY chasing this duplex on a ,'::';~~~~===~ REDUCED $20,000 BEA 842·7411 knoll in Dana I->oint. Each
INVESTJ\1'ENT opportunity. · $99,500 POOL HOME Evts: 961-1171 unit ill carpeted & hai;
Auume fllA 7-11:% -mo. Extrn special J bdrm., den, 4 large· bedmU, huge fam ........................... J drape11, 11. "·~I u an ocean
payn1en11 $199. Total. Full 2 baths, 11e. patio w/BBQ, rm., cozy fplc, Immaculate, CASH 24 HOURS view, S&l,500. '
price only S28.900. Low cash 0'1lze garnxe + sparkling 'vilh many other extras. ~ -·
outlay. Call a.gt. 8~7-6010. nev.· 2 bdrm. apt. wilh Owner tr1u11. Must &ell! For Your Home '(). I,,, -
5 BRAND ne11o• units. Only ever Y I h In g. lmmed. Easy tenns. Fantastic: No hidden cos ta, delays, &-k,,16'
$19,950. Shows good locomo. ""'""'"''Y-V'1u•. No-obllgatlon" 1.1 yn exp, REAL ESTA':fE
TI1ese "''On't last. Call agt Unlyerslty R111ty SCOTT REAL TY BRASHEAR REAL TY 1""
S.17-6010 now. 3001 E. Cit. ""'Y· 673-65lO 536-7533 142•7411 l.l90 Gleru1eyre St.
B I•--I 1 d 49+94TJ M9-0316 a -I an ** DUPLEX ** VETERANS EvH: ffl.1171 so. or HWY .• 182,000 " ""' "'"" "'"' c I 1 -:::;-:::~==~'.:' I OPEN HOUSE BALBOA ISLAND
-3 Bdrm!!. + Cholce klcaUon
wi_.th public pier juSt 1itep1
awa,y on South bay. On full
eligibility prior to .!\lay 1. I~ ' SUN. 12 TO 4
()mu 1968, you may buy anotba CAP151RANO BUYER \VMts 6 Custom homes to chodlt · .., home, no down, up to H.B. 2 BR: 2 BA, T~n-lron1, BeautJlul ocean 'Tl21 S 5 0, 0 0 0 . For more hOU.'!e/Condo. or ?i1in, Maint. views. 3 Bclhn.~ "'OOd bum-infonnaUon -\ house -to S40,000. -Bkr ~ 1-lcs., tully insul8.ted. • CALL 968-.+U o;>.55U/84&< "'
* C-t Realty 107. """"' pold. ,,_ • •• DUPLEX 1-3 BR, 1·2 BR. available. ·
Wood warm family room ,
race• beautiful l11nd11c:aped :::::::~::::::::I pool!' Atrium like entry
6Th-4630 or 640-0166
DREAM HOME I yr old, oear beach. 1059 SANTA ANA ST.
• .._. 500 $55,000. Owner. M8--M46 or Arch Beach Helghll ...,..., 194-6364 eve Laguna Beach 4~1
large family an'.!ll!I. O'Bckl· I ---------1 1"" llreplne<, """"1" ~.. BAYSHORES Salisbu ry FIXER·UPPER Immaculate 3 be<lnn. 2 bath rn.ANOSCAN F'ountt\!tUI 3 Southcout Pacl!lc C»rp.
Work out ~·our frulltrations home. Modern bltns, plush Br, fam rm. Beautitu.I cond. VA AND LEASE-
kilchrn 5 BIG BEDROO~ts. bf.ft uUfUI Ol.YSTAL. CLEAR
POOL. \V1.rm r A l.f I L V
R001'.04:000 totnl down <211
MW 003-6767, ~
Ol'fN 1U. f • n"S FUN 10 BE HICE1 IMl;lf11
on this nice 2 bdrm., 1 L'l'Jllg, dellL'\:C fan1 rm. ••5 """'-... b.!W Rib' REALTY bl\th home-, So. of Hwy. Sparltllng clean. l\f:tnicured ;au iom er. · OPTION BUYERS
2 BroMOm~. d1nlng 11.ttll, Walk to the beach, stores yard. ~ flexible · sce ='='O=-~-=--\Ve have an :::n"'" tlorlal W'ga..llvlna-room.-aepa''1!::-J--"'n·'1;::iMiOARJNE AVE. &: 1111•hat have )'OU! 0..'Tler and helleve. Call a&Mlt OWNER Lrx. 4BR. +FR tn~ntory of right ctd 3 aue•t qunnen, secluded ...-,SLANa---anxloU1. Offered-fol • OJ Realtors, + 2 BA, frplc, Auume VA, &: 4 bedroom famil)I "'''°· hanl•.00 noon """ 'CALL: 67M!90 MORGAN REALTY LEAS!.OPTION 9Sl2 Woodlawo, S5H;03. room l>om<s. A,·au tor
fully l'quippcd k 1 t ch en. z_. ADJOINlNG Cl IOU, l 673-6642 675-6459 3 BR, 2 BA To\\.'nhoule. $10Xl BY <Nrner, 3 BR, 2 be., pme lmmed 0 CCU pan c Y ln
$6SES.OOOT· AJE REALTY ha. 28R house, olher bas HARBOR VIEW HILL s Down • .usumo FHA IOM-~ ~ uswnable 6%. ~:,~!'ft':~ 2-1 BR "°""-''• all .,..,«><!. LUSJ.i Lacie 3 BR den FI ro p la co' oew •baa 4'7 1761 aell I or both, SM.000 eta.ch 2\i B~. Tiburon l\todf.t .,1; carpeUng 4 PJ}nt. N~ Huntlngten H•rbour ====·==~==I
6401120. 16~1000 trplci. beam clng11. Like door lo large ahoppins WHITE WATER VIEW ~ SO BAYJ''HONT 5BR,.38A. nt!w. Quiet 11:treeL View. %11~~r ~~:~~rent. 7% G. I. \JllLn. 2 B<tmi . .t. Great location. $96,000 OnchtdCR la n 6->. ' ...,. • den, a bt.11\a; lot~ or deck-_____ ..., .. ...,,.1 LoMl Vaht'e. Rltr 6'73-.JOOl 324 Prtn. only~-OPEN JTOUSE ~H& In;. Stle or le.ue. $19,500.
ll,t111rlne Av., Bal. lsf. BY O\\'NER 3 BR. 2: BA \11ew this 2, 1tory beauty! GE.~Mit----~ Block off 17th s1.. F..aat-Disgust.cl Ji\J:l\IAC Dupltx, 2 l\r hl:lmt. prof. dee., mint oond .. 1fV t..\'i:Udrm~~~ ~,1 ~f~ l»F TusUn A N 8 11lde, Cl\I. Orleiina Co!l<lot. Landlordl, aeparate_ l Br Apt, Ideal Home1, Prin, cnly. Days. f.:0: m, ~ bar. l\~~y \'t,, ' • 1741 1\111tln, 2 a:·3 bedrm. loc. $97,500, 67W!N2 64().0464f640.8341. eves, iXTRAs• ~ BEACH CONDO ~RE!!!-~A~LT0!2!RS~--~~~
lmmed octUIM:\n(:Y-For aJ1 Euy to ~ve tenant prob-B.tlbN 'Paniniula 644-0XJ · ~ Bkr. $24,500 full Price or lt=Plf. Walk to shopptna. lem1 !orcet 11ale or this JlARBOR vtEW HILLS ~ P.far l·~far 5.1.S Pm. and fUJly IUniiAh«t. Only 4 BR. l BA, FR, 14..t bco'
P. 0, llbroazy le llArbor HI. ~tccted ,Penlnaul1t Oupiex-1 VACAl'lrr;"t 4 Oft. t El t 4 Br A f'. $2500 down ~l. Why 2f<M) sq. ft. Ntwly dee
Wotry ha-at Trl-llarbor-O..t llxer In '"'" nt s;l.OXl. 18'. ,,._-· :Z.Sly. 1311~' """ ~:;& '" .iru ,;,_.m ,:;:;J: REPOSSESSIONS "'"" C.11 l:Hi~tlo, 16',000 °""'· Fii O_L · takl! ov~r pvt tSnanclht! ! lllanha.ll Really ' 615-4600 $92,500 Inc land. 644--2975 F'or lnlormatlon and location ~ tw80Jl
liil IC: i~1~1 !l••!l~fl-til!:i!!!l!l.;.m!Jru.. Coron• def Mar Cotte ,.... of theM FJlA &. \'A h<:111M11, ot.&l'TV r: '. -(l\lnt4CI • .,..,...... l '< E. l .... rtl le.Co. s~'t'l.UDISl>'PVT BEAOI DY ow,,.,, l Br 2 Ba, mn KASABIAN • 1021• COll!fr HWY. .,..,_......_ Oet!an \.'lf!w, 1811 Sho~llU rn1, lrJyrd $M.OOO ·14 8-16-lJM A 213 •~M,. iiiiiiiiiiiimaiiiii!i!ii.,...,. 4 8' '2'JS,OOO, m-3539 Bide &i2-G603 Rnl Ett•to "2""44 ' : · : w~-
Buy • new '14! \'our
modtl car ls in bl& de
• • • Sell tt tut ••IUt. ~Uot CW.Ultd
• .. r •
' • F'tld-'~, M°'rc~ 1 1CJ74 OA llV PILOT :;:;
L•quna 8e1ch---~:::;:::::-;go::::::::---0.:;oo=-::-==---·-:==-=-==-...::-'--=-'-.,-;-.,.r----,~=-,,=-r----~==:-:-===-~·----~-----~~-~ d--.. ~'--=·;;:.;,..cc__ L1gun~ Nch Newport S.•ch Newport BHch .. New~rl &Men ~bUt t-(omei nc.arn• Praparty 166 Rt1I Estate ! Houtt5 Furnisht .100
EMERALD BAY JUST LISTED M.fnlli-t ' Bdrm ----------..-For S.le 12.5 Uke 3 Uttle Exch1nge 192 Newport Be1ch 3'~., each with lta own ln-tbe-.~Oowa Polnt Jwn.~ )'ftt'lold! With fam-"MOBILE HOME \\'A~T MOUJ\'Tilll RANOl
tni!h, archJtectun.Jly p&eu. ~ or North 1.quna: Uy nn nrepta.c.. DLntnc rm, FOR SALE: Houses · At t'OR 2ilt< EQUITY CO!-! ~.;;~~~~ ~~";':.-~ ILVERCRES'l'--o--.+l.6,650 EacJa. DUP'-';',,,_ .. ,. .. lardtns. l· It. to 1.eMla di. •Pldool ~. b:t. livq ien front 4 rtar. Tni.U~r MOBILE HOME 3 pntioif \ t:XCl lANGES it 1;pec1ail)' ':("oo":t~ BA • dlnlna: nm. wflh "tone M:ttM P&Mled rana-e And 20• x 53', '!no 2 BJ. csrp., 3 )'Vdt -lr-"'ln & trv..in. !kalton
'i:;M_.__ y frplc, Wann hlmUy rm. Off k>ts ~tt1 $75,900. c.11 dnl.pM. blt·im., rt:fril., 3 entraOC"es nox s::s. 001 "4-Glll
.. .....,me Mont~y •b'lt chHPy kitcben. Let., Hp. S40-1720. w:Witr & tlect. dl")'ft', wl.rfd ('UY can' land fl ln5:
lnfl: lat. llvtna" rm. with 2 ear pnp with door open.· lor 23> air coud.. khch. mtl lioChrdulr $~8.J.00 Real Eatate W•nttd 114
OPtm bramtd. cathednaJ er. Privat• yard. room tor [ 'Pftaaa '] clock. 1to~ '1hM. llU'l(I· A ~ lnvt'S1mcnt siarts nt
swtmml~ \pool ; ovenb.ed '11'~11 k>coted property ·Ilk"' 11u. l...oc·ntt'ri in new 0NNTIL"·"SFIJH1DBENICl' WE BUY HOMES 1 Ct'll.: 3 b4rnu., 2 baths: pool. An exttUent plect of ·~I~· 11.'ffJl('tl p.itu•. Thn.-e )'~ old 64&-7ITI.
·;t~':"e°"'AY TERR. • ......... •I 182.!!00. . /) fi !. •rlult "' "W"Y lrom "''" ~~ ~ CASH IN 5 DAYS ~'CIM:\~-li-,.._ L1·a l~11tan~ iio ~t. Qnc-hatf hi. lroni f'lubo I FREE ESTIMATES A floely detlliled 2 bdrm. fl:&aw:xe.. 2%5 ll arlll'lr Blvrl. ,-houM·. Sl5A~3. C11!1 EVES. ill'ES E\"i'::ttYJ),\Y & E\'r:.
home, ~ntly ~111 for lhe ~ NE\VPORt HEICllTS . . •• ALWAYS appreelated, but rarely found. :!1 3-G,!j..J..-ltiOO, Lo'9i-ilj2. -,, . ll11nt U••n.rhl ~\i11•1r \'n ll••y prevent owner. Complrlely Co:ty & att.:ictlve l RR.'l ~ · CAN BE SEEN AT: · . S"I Bk wood paneled, oak nrs.. 8 1 Life is full of compromises, but not In this CRESTMONT
1 536--8836 842· ~ r . h~ 1orma1 dlnlng nn ., •••-s~• •••·2•00 ...,A. fn·i>I, '111~~ Qugl~!s Ba\,·crest classic. 4 Bedrooms. 21/2 baths. den. ESTATES S UN. 1·Js 111.nilly rm.~. ooldoor !Iv-r open• 10 ga.-uen. "'1 l'\"f, l'.\flTY \\'\'lTS TU Ing llf'efl.S, fl.Ill ocean ,1ew. Laguna H lllt rJE\~ S4RT3.90011E.IGllTS dining room, spacious kit che n. P'restlglous 10.'l1 Sitt· Dr., 91,.11• 1c<'ntt-:i l 1111y 110~!f: !) 1 n r· r T
$145000 ·•·v location. O"'ne r anxious. $124,500. CALL A\'c, n"r""'" rmn1 Brcn [ ' i.'Hl)~l l'\*r l''l'Y .i.:'.)..~:•~2
OPEN SUN. 1-5 . ASSUME r;. LOAN NcRr Clltl Dr, Q ua li ty For Appoint1nent. A gent. 642-7408 , 646-11 24 . romn1. lh.lf1J1\ L••I #}6, L Th 6 x G ~------1 BR. 'l bas, f "ltll'l·rtn, paUo. l'()llst. l..rg llvm1. ll')( dln.fatn CO:'llTACf R,\ Y. p1.; .\IL:f.t., ess an ross llOL'Sl: 11 Jnh'll. l'\"t ply 11 Ill
32641 Mediterranean t.:.Xqulliitl'I)' 10!.lldscaped, area. 3BR. l~ .. BA. J car ~~ f(lr shoJY.lru: P,.l) ull ··:i ·h f,ir IV'.-.11
LAGUNA NIGUF:L. An attr., $37.500. Sll"l'ssed ~ar~e. wilh toxtr.i N a. h Newport &.ach ))('(lJ>"r1~·. t:lll-IJ'n'\
T ... rly ..... w M, '""""'., Bay ASSUME 7\'J'Yo LOAN gu~r ""• .. 1000' 0 " ... " ewpo•t IC wx~~99ST5 ,.. INCOME $770 mo. err. me 0 IK"flr 3,000 3 BR 2 "·.. Co "t en r)'l'o·ay. ~. · LIDO CLASSIC " "' II(). fl. 4• Bdnn1 .• 3 baths; ' ........... nlnlUlu >' l' Kini.;uard Jt.E. ft4't·.:222 k SJ:T l'r 1~ PAR!.: fonnal dining rm., fitni.ily pool . Onl)' S25.50CI. Ol'l-:N HOl''I·: Bae Bey Beeuty Ora111111h.· Ci1~·Y111 honie .t ltl::.\DY TO \10\.E 1~ L"1l'1!<1 \n~: .. r ::Bil. ~BA t1(11l11'
rm. Swtlnml~ pool , derk.,, FOR RENT! l-:i S.\T .~ Sl.iN I L~e 3 llR, "ll~to1n hvnl<' .in Qtriun1-llkt' gardt'n. lliJ?h f..O\\" ltf~'\T I ,\ ~·'.~11~';:~_11111~~:~~;,TOlt' jacuzzi; generous outdoor 2 RR, 1~ baa .•...•... S22:i 2tl:S-I TI.:STIS ,\\'E. I "ul-dr.sa<', nn ••stull' s1t1• ecil'"., 4 BR .. dt-'n, dlh. m1. Bf'i<t H111 Ju IJt-:in'te Count\
living & a s-."l't'plnx ocean 3 BR. 'l 005 ....•..•... $'265. ~1 RH. fnni rm, 3 BA, rl(!'ii· all lot .. l>t·ta( h~..-1 3 eur gar.. A n1u•1 10 5('f". S159.500 Org Co. :\I. 1-1. Centei-_!3~-0121 _or 646.7414
view0.PS12E9N,500SUN. 1 .. REX HO~~~~REALTY nuxt kit, l'OV J)Rtlo. Lot ';O" x ' ~~ood1 plaoie.~ga.,,,.1 bo,1en· FOURPLEX f7l .J J:t7-NZ>.i PRIDE 4 PLEX Busi nes'
200 ~ ===,..:;~;,._;~=~==i llO' la;. yd .. nn. for olympk • c.....,..~ ri'ar ~ahi. • lill)' U.'I:· Bttll».'l P.•nln. C'.oo.I tfl.\ 'OH ~all,-R;-o.,.,1er. 1•i~
916 QUIVERA H.ECE.'\T CANCELLATIO;>; pool $rill~ 6~-6 ury lf'atures. Only slK'lll·r. $125.000 Clnrk>n !Bit, !11m , J:?x;;.·1 $65,QQQ. * TY/Sh rt•l r.cpnir
3 Bdm1s., 2 bathS: b~e. Jh·ing 1&ve. $1200. Rustic 4 BR, ~-., "4 ' . $71 ,000 wli1JX111 exp:sndo. R H11ngt·. T1i1t· J•1'1d1· ,.1 ''""''fi-h1r• u1 :i.1u,1 N'\I' ......•.. SS.OCK!
&. dining areaJ. OcellJl V\I"\\'. 2 B .. \. Custom d e si gn c ,,,,,d -.... It' c rt"bl 6~2<>7'..•1. ~ffi.)1;1.0J. !hi~ 1rr~\ ~IHol'p I ph•\. '"'I" .. ra-r J.',.,,[ T:tk(•·<JUI
A great "'BY to R:el started .(.~th~I\ be~~ c ~~~c. . JWJ,,_.:~--_.. S Onve I e f•'• I r .. 111111 n1·,.a ;..1-;1 r •ltnl·-" C.:.U.t lo..:·,11 J<•a ... , ... , $;),900 In La.iuna. $56.500. -·... ""=·---"--"---J-lonl•' or du!)lf>x .. Qualily built
,'.· (r\•••1111):.. ,\~· .ii n,d•lo· • :\llti• 1{1Jd) ,\ Pu int Prime lot. $37.750. Sl;'li :-. bt.'rlm1 horne or u~c ;1s 11 EASTBLUFF Lmk " Bit a..1rEsllle, Ii'.,· ~-IL\ lu;ui . ur. SI ,,(11).1 \\'i•ll r.~1.1h ......... r:o,ooo
Do'4°n. Laguna Hills. Jusl 3 .t· :.? h<-dim dupl<'x. Only li.n1 rn1, For "!lalf' by o"'lll•r. Gener., ,1.,1, 11 ~ro lh'W " ,·, !n,,11 . * .\Ill" ~tit·~ ,t Jr 11~intt
off San Die1,>0 F'n\y f.: PALERMO s1t•1>s !o s1;1nrly beach ond Call IH~-->l!IOS Sill I!• 1 nu• .. \11 :! ht•t11··~1·1l :Jll 'l"1 'ii) l ~u ' 111 ....... i!i,000 ff Paz ~~4) ~l~uck BY 0\\'Nl::ll •·h11nnel. On latl:;e ~'1m1·r Newport Heights U•lll:>. E\t.ll :.tur;1.,1•. So•P t•J * .1 .. , • 11 1 "1"1'"
ampson, llarbur Vlt-'\I' Hcn1es lol. .;i!m •tery 1~,he1·l· C.1ll rn .. 1 ti.J,; •. ~11.i:, Nd··~.~· 1••p:11r .' .. S-111.IXJO
Laguna Niguel ·I Br, Farn rm, 21 ~ Bn, $119 ,500 . O M • Lots/Crypts 156 -r:· RIVIERA REALTY
BAI.BOA li.Je-lo\ely l Br ..
2 Ba S..SOI n'IO. n I A nll!th¥ft
213-19J...t856 <Ov.11t:fl
Houses Unfurn. J05
~ 11tt ... 11u I'> u .... a
NfW'<)IT l tAT. ( M 14l•ll1S
.o;J1\<;J.~:.' I Br ~12j, 111il J•L
s111! r"n1pl\·S-11Ul1 lurn-n1111o
!.'l'Tt; 1 1,r h-.· Sl'.V.I h l'I
••!•1 ~10!111!,t~ ~h'/N-r-1,,•1.
~;s1n1. ;_• h1· s1~t:1 111111 ~s1·
~IOI'!'. l"i·O, 1~·1. \\""l't li1H
\'.\('A:-<I l hr t"!t :1ba S2i1l
1"'1 ! 1l1ll•. fpl. -· l'l1 1' l
..... ,~ 1·1.,,.~ 1 !11· :1 b1'
s~ frpl, llf\\', ('lo'.111'), .::1o.r
lllt•'t .
Ht:.\I, uio~· ~ lor 2 h.1 $.'IJIJ.
~Lh. f11I<'. ;ipph '· ~ru· :"H
fEE FIU·;~: C' ,l! r~ T0tl<1.>
~,.y,-lll'•M J. Ito\, fil~"'ll".RJ
'.! RH-\'lt!11 Jl1,.·1f11 •1t --S:ii
:1 Bit \'11·11o• l~•..:u r;;1 S ~~.,
3 l\l~.l'-1<\, & l'o·1~ S3!•;i
t Ill: \'t•"\ B11h.-.nt•'~ Sl(l!1I
1 r1: !111 rl.r·r \'i,,11· ~17:i
:! I '.It "''"l ""I 11!• $ \!1'1j '\ BH l\.1\ ~·1,1111' .'t l'j·1
·i J:H r 1,i'1•") 1 1 1~111,,nds s:1;:;1
,\ HH '; .. !J.1 °(•111'~" ~;.~!
I llH .'py~!.i~~ $1()!~1
OPEN SUN. 12:30-4:30
\\"Al.K TO TI1f..: BE.\Cll -:;(\
i;harp, it's h:i rd 10 belle\'e.
Thi11 cha1m1•r has 2 BR .•
lgc. 1'('n101J,·lt'<I harh, de-
Deck & extrns wner ov1ng ~ . • . . . 1 ~ti-· ,,·. 1 t'I H1••h•111n~, r ~1 'l BDR~t., 1 t;.i baths: priv. Large' tomer lot Ontu \lu.~t St"ll thl~ f':>:p1111d•'l:I I ACIF I~ \i lE\~. c~h\'I , 5 * 642-7007 *
area & beach. Near tennis 174,500 ~"'21 Ni•i\~""'i'I l!l'i"htll !J<nlli'. ·.i 11l•11S, $.!(t) t'll1'J_,. S,('ll one 01· -----/,) courts. Like new! Owner i\'o ngt•nts plC'a~c ti.-di~na, z bilh ii!us l:irg(' ,,!J. l)111~r. 5Ui-4.11 Bottle Water Route \.:)_
· an:dou..,! Has purchasctl (i-M-42:19 fnrnily rmni or ::r d . Cominercial 01111 \ .. u1· "'\:1 !>1111!.• 11n!"r THE"\.
ot her home. $43,500 lx'<lmoni. ,\!JC'~ rn·!'r,~. r"r Property 158 '.I :\!-:\\' fl\jrt.~::-.:i:.'-l'n11 :. 1 .Ii 11.1111 11 qti .• IHi,.d. BERG
" I Vision Vic Stuar; .... ,, CHANNELFRONT <'1111lfV'r "I' 1,....~11 ~1rorn5:'" B DA:".\ l'Ol:"T ' B,,,1 lf1 ,.11-:" '"'· ,\ L A A '
lighlful k.itch. Dining area
opens onto secluded brick
. patio. }'rplC'. & small ocean
view. On one of 1.el;'Un1t'a
quiet charm sLreets. $55,000.
r.~al)' " .,,,,, 1·970 C'.\I 6~2 1'Ti1 1 ! I t '~OOO I \··1 1· I \\II 1 ljil'I --DUPLEX ' range.. ._,_I .1·~•ro~11r~-< l(l,,,, .l:al NEWPORT EACH r.\B\'IJ1\·,1x:r •. \:'11\"IE\\'.5 ,,, '"·" ' " -/ ,. .............. ,v Q\\'XER de"""'ing sacrif:cl' · . ti4l;..p,jj.·, tJ~'i.'~•l tn ~7:~.!f"1 '''1:11• :.J"' I•• hi ;\"111· ni>"d' -"\.-..>:.,...~, -..;::::;.
3 BR on &;It' rourse, Hnd Pier & floal. 3 BR., :.I b.1. 2 + DEN j l'nn.1• H·oylt"Ul\1 Sitr l'.~JO mu-1·11•"· t:1.ri1 tr~111 Ji<." 11\P p.,11 •0· i .=..,..--::::....__ •
unit Condo. $-1 {j O O Q ]')\\'er; l·lill. + den u;1, ,,un· I Fi•r l#•til r"prur · !<~dl'' r 1,,111 ~il)()f) th•\i 11 11:1! u11lh111r1·•l. "ll\•'r S1u1111!• .. "i~i~-~
' · " k 1· I I hi · SURROUNDED Bi_ll c;ru1~.,. HJ_1r. 61,,..lilf.1 1, ,. 1, 493-5768 nCC', pa JO, rp ct., l·rns. · 1 1•1 .. 11, .. ~ S"l .'1;.,~ •t1.!+ll .. 1h·r, !•.I •'· >'1!11\La.
· \\'ALK to shops & boJ.11·h. BY PARK I Duplexes/Unit:. tl!fu··· "I~ ,1 ~·r7 . .;u11 .il (11.111-..:1· -.., 1 Sn.' "'''"r 1'' 1 LakeFort_I ,11,--1 162 1 ,.,,. , 1 ,.,11 ,,_,.,_., ...... ~1 c.1 ,\'.l 'Ll.!'n•r~·i·w, n ..... .~. I sa e ..:::...:,1 <-•'il!J<'l° .;111t»n1 . ~ ... ,
rnE SUNNY SIDE of tbe NEWPORT BEACH \\'hel a neat lOC"ntion'.! ,\ Ph0 1111• .\31-tiOI 11 lln.~ I
PROTECT YOUR slreel is \\'here you will REAL TY 67S..1642 park on I\\'() sidPS anrl Ctn _ DUPLEX \\lltlAys l'rtll hu1l1f,-.~ &-12-100'.i eMach Sh.op $1 bOM yr Th:H C'rrt;11n
• .. _ in tbis 2100' A/C 3 nutlook to rr!lin2 hill~ titr! I OLD COM "" 1"1 I I ~ 1 11 e l · St SJ02•' ~mtthing PROP. VALUES "" . 1 ° -------~ "'· ,.nn~ 11 fl')fJ . r .. •"~'" iquor ore M yr E1\'l"lnnr .. \\';1111s I KOO..\• lhe people tor ii horn BR, 20' F'am·rm. + Conv. SINGLE LEVEL I t'll~ lsht.s. ,\nrl on the 111-1 -•fALTOIS --...;:;;;:;..., 3 Br owner's unit f",\! rw.u' l';lh St. Slli\i.f".-it:\ i e Cycle Acces !i;.3~2M yr C'.\t.l. ii n ·Hr;uul Xl•11 h•)lllt' rlen. Deane home. Beamed. BLUFFS "LINDA" S!rl(', 3 tx-autifully upg-r:11'1• 1 ... Ut'('i'~'ll'I!' 1.. S84 900 l~lrni. P 1 l '~•lh llnplt•s e l · l' LA I ' I
'·uu ... ,·11 ,·or• lh•·, Tu-Thi• 1 1 k h Cl b 1 , >quo> •< on s• I!' 1111 1 ,+ \ 1•>11. a .-"fl\"li1r · " ' ,.. Bt-n tlc. u mem-
horne 1nthl\ara.sti.\n1·:ttill't, ('f'l\',\\'~:L!1 Prop1 ·rt11·~. lni· • lll'fllf'11·. E~~''''" ('10.nJll. 7 is a very inWQ11rint ('Jection. bershlp Incl $52,500. 3 BR._ 2 M, CQrne r lot, deC'p 1 1rn!rs.~ionn ! dr(Yli-alivn ;uid ------------833-0780 (BKR) RON Tr.tn ,\Hllr r. Ai.:t. til2-1~1 l HOLLAND BUSINESS 1•'11111 ~ i~1ur1 f.: s.,.·unnun.:1
II i11 cTu<:lnl to ha\'e the TOLLE R_callo_ni & As9ocs. J>lle crpr1n~. prl\IR1e
pal10 ,,,_1 "'""' po«.·t'bl,• •• ,,.0,, NEW LISTING NEW 'DU LEX--~ ----:i11hf.Jti\ · S\l F~ 1;1:i.-117H f""I Ju.~! ~trrs n.,.·ny llr · •1 hi Id I I "" "••; -·~ "•· p Industrial Propedy 168 · r-; •• ••• ·ill 11·1111~111·1• 2 6"!ronn1 11~hl people rt.'prl'SCnt }"OU :;cw:,_QjOO
,. 9tgr-""' COH.S er ea:ll! OpllOO n,·e>'I.,, hi". ,\ >O!> i·:ilt•<' '•l .\lt1'1ll•f\\'l' .. 2 Hl-l hon1r, 11 l 1 ' · '
C1 C II "'lY"""' ~ " " " ~ µ • ,\• do'U Jo•f .~ l>1·dl~•llJll 1~111\l' onyoor ty ounc .Jfyou lr'do I I C o>I ~·~)!"""Ft"' 11u:::" 1'1.11 npu~ 1111, 01.11'nin:.:3 Bn, '! B,\ llousP + 2 l l4Yrt~··~tl\h n1"iuty~alnn. --"I · II • • ORBIN MARTIN 1 Y .,.,..,;J!J'r ,. I · k I i.~ il.,.,,, f,-,,.,n,,I ''''''''" '~'''· n ......... , rans. to vohng po s, • C>ll 6·11·''·11 '" _1n1• 'f'( 111111 .... '"'fl111rd Bit '.!'.· BA ·'"'· ~·riil"',;, JSOO SO. FT. TILT-UP j (i St;\\ion.~ $12.000 C :\! "' I I REALTORS 64 6 " " 11 r I ,. · ·· · J11·1·ptra.·r. lu.>;ury rorr~:ts •. p ease 1·n I us at 4!W-8093. 4-7 62 1'1' tn~~. 11) C', bll!n ·har.t,. ~11.r's, patlo's, ~;t.rd's. e!c. GfVl!l . nren 1,f Sion1,1 A.nil . 111'l';i A S1i.nd .~ S.•a H.lty. rlrarics. or c.ill l! the onr
__ SHIELDS LIDO ISLE-'65,0on I------------= ea ~1~1-,l':....v, 01'; l~r.,·1: ,.1,··,1~1::1 n"1"1 ;\, r-<r\1'·""'11 H"'1'rtu.:h1s, .... ,. A !IA j IJ Y<'11rs Qld . s:l7,j()(), 011'nc1 !17",-.,11,!1()3. • nf u kin· I with a sir!,... ynrrl
; REAL ESTATE ., u. '' . r ~·"""· u.>.S ' ... r, 11 lll l'T, ,,., • ., '1 ~ \ll!l t'Orry ls! Tru'il rff'C'(j ~ I Money to Loan 240 1 illl)(C f!n<111i::h TO ~tore ''Ol.Jr
4"' 0,.,.,~ !Jere ls your chance to live ~ .>i •93-16. R oy Mc:Cardle Rtllltor I motor hon1e, bonl or
318 THAl,JA iJ't"OU<>.> •-~~~,.,..~~~~~~J ~N~e~w~po~r!t_S~h~o~'°~'~~ DUPLEXES HTG BCH JSIO ~eii rJ{)rt Ul\'il. C:\I · 1 1·11nipr r'. IFlf'tttl'll l11gh 011 l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil on Udo & enjoy prestige -• -...--~ :'11<'1\' 2..t:1 Br lll"> bt•h 11n!t~. 548 7729 1 t TD Loans lhr hill rd.,I'(' Cnron.1 Del I• by the sea._ Your°""'" t-1ini BIG CANYON Newport Heights BEST BUY T:'ll NF'''POJlT 1:i111.1,; ,\<ll••·•·"i"-'11 !!,d l> 1.;, • S tlt;ir !n :"t'll \Jilrt Jkach
0 f t Castle. Just steps to the c -aut. ~ BR horn•, ,.,.,,,, d 2 BR o--2 •·-... ,r .,,,, 171 , "~" .--9 I L'I ro t' h 1 r I ~ Cean ron ~-~ v •, ~ • • 4 Be room •· ~ ... "'" .,,,. .... _,c1·c:. .......... ,,1, 1.1~t' a~1ur1 1nn1 .,,11.• . ....,,.. ... ~,. acant t e ov.·ner on 10th raiN.'ay. Just listed · 2r. G:!nd Sr. 548-70C\0 \FOP. Sa1r · liOO:I M[. fl-, 11"" UP T O 90% bf.'ul'.h .t · st<'p.~ 10 renni~.
\VI.JI even carry the loan. at $119,500. Opt'n D11lty. Bar9ain $13,500. $5,000 0..1\\"l\ Income Property 1661 T•lt·u,r "1"'1lrt1n1' ,~1~. J,J/01 a114 i;-;, INTEREST S\\"inuninJ;" .i: .. J:1C't'UZi. Call
C d Herbert ~~·~1 Realtors 11 Rue Verte. Call 61;Hi9((1 OPEN Sal/Sun 1-::i j ~•1 t. 0 '"~ · 1 ' io ... n d_JD L It )Our UC'Xt home Tot , ____ o_n __ o_s ___ , -FANT-As.r.7e-aU¥--*..!AYSHORES * 11-obflhly th~~:'~,~~:sh·1• Principa.IJ On ly .A . Sl•llrr Ill pri,vidc 9'; :n l a oans .!_easr _ Cn!l·>(011--1r.;i;1 .
Back door to beach \\':Ilk B.iyshore Dr .• \.pprox . 2600 nea·ch 11·ith fli.'l'h paint in-San Clemente EXCLUSIVES \\'II. D,\t,::i.t ,~ STAFF l 1 t O -t j _
, Direclly on lielsler Park.
"Di\'ers Cove & Pacific
Oce11n. Hui;::e, luxurious.
, quality CN;iden('('s. Formal
l dinin!; roon1s, fireplaces.
. <le<.'ks. etc.
.,..1 tennis court' adj 4 BR Sq. ft., 4 BR & tan1. rrn. side 11n1! ou1. 1\ ith a se.1·in~ 1 * Ca!1 ::.ir .... 11117 * owes ra '' ratt9e o. -'
+ bay \'\I Lo-A· I a·x es & Step!i 10 beach. Sl.30,000 Incl. roon1 f11r /JIU!ll, J•Xll iiLC<I PVT. PTY. !iellln~ ~BR, 2BA S-19,i :il. l!<'dul·erl s 111' fJ fl ll rn~ ',r E . ]I: if)') ··1 I! Sattler Mtg. Co. l . . . moorlns: & 28 fl. dle!ICl ')".lrrl fur ki1L~ :ind •,·.u .. 1:..-<! k rlen hnnie, hltin!'I, v."f\V llu1ldrr ~pccj~I ~ btlrm '2 .. r' ·1' 1'· ·1dl s . . 642-2171 S4S-06ll cozy garden pall(!. NO\\ sport• f;•h••. 'lon'ly-o_ .. ,1,, r rpt drps O<' \'I e w · " · " • . n.~11 1 t·111• ll.ll n~ n" itO,IXXl less. }_furry! Open CAYW-00< o "REA .. LT'"y' \\1'Jl'kshop f.,r 1l;\1l. ll t"tn'I u111Crc,1 a;cn $1 R :JOO . IKC 1 h1ln~!. I hit: and ) .lflJty} ""I rt of ]:11111. I.fl\\ 1S.·1'\ltl:.., IJ .. 11-·r ;u·1·.1 ~I >I'. S l S 425 v Udo Nord last at only S·L·•.90'.l. c,,,11 ·'""I ITI ' · '· · h;1rhclo r un11. Snle Clln t..-. dnwn . ~llrr rn provide ----=-~-hi •
' $92,500 to $185,000
nr.;·7·t14: ia · G-lt.w::.3 5-l'\.1290 6~1-721 1 QUICK. .._. · l'\'e!'I. "1nditin11i1I on 11ripm,•al tv 1 )tin" f!'rr,;·finnn(111•. I ~.Oi\.'\~ :llaL\;a e, :uiy5~·~
San Juan Capistr•no hu\l[J 6 rn<•re unit!!. ,\Jri.kc \\~II nAt:~f ,\. s:;.,,rr nny\\hrr,.., ony ~izr .• · 4llW.181hCOSTAMllA
Mission Vleio CONDOS . \\'l"!ilcllff 1trca ea . Ofll'~. Sall' flt l'XChan~e~ ' .• 'cnll ~1·v;...'nii7 • I up. r>lr. Taylor l107 12.l!)-4l'I() $.-IO .. $1!0 • furn hn.rhrlor1. -----~----r ... ·alk Iv i;hop!i. 3 IJP... 'l~ 1 S'l3.950. col\·00~11Nrut11 _ . 7 Money Wanted 250 111• • 1 1 rin·s '; .
\'All Y __ 10 AM to' PM
BY Owner upgraded rondo. BA, To11·nhousc, fJ1)1c-, ,.luh-f ' • Vle11o· retired t'OWJlry !Jvlnt:. Sl <.).OOIJ. Slep 11p to lh1~ 12.
Lots for Sale · I 0 " '" up · urn · ·
3 BR. 1 1; ba, sh'!§ crptlng, house le PoOl. $49,SOO. ~ San 'JWl.n Capo. 'lBR. plui1 unit {'f1n1plrx 11o i!h ~O': lST TD LOAN, 65"i or Sl,10 -La". 1 Bl~. uni. I child /\~sutnabte 7 ~J ,, FHA ALSO 2·BR, 'l\2 e,\ Town· _ patio, !l\\'ln1n1ln~ pool, & tlOl'o",!1. Close to stiopptft~. Red Carpet \',\LUP.. 10·: J~TEREST .• ~~-· ~r. ~~~~(,:. w", 1,, bo,
.,.·/pa)'meuts at $228. Open house, lrplc. PQOI & 1/z BLOCK TO .lawidn· a.vaiJnble. Si.950 per ll!O· lnron1c \\'J1h E I • 1!:12-4 .. 3',.:7 __ ~----" r 496 Cliff Brive
Laguna Beach
49S..5572, Realtor
Sat. & Sun. 1·5
313.1 BONN
Temple l!Uls to ~tountain
View left lo Bonn. This has
got 10 be lhe place for
children! \Valking distance'
to schools; 3 BR. upstairs.
m s lr . BR. & den
do'4m tairs. ~e. sunrool &
backyard \l"Ood dccll:. BeRm·
ed liv, & din. ·rm. Con·
-ventcnt items incl. ne;v
'dishwshr., elec. garage door
opener : plumbing for soil
.\\'ater, i;prinklcl's, e t c.
Aimunable V~A. loan, too.
Vision Vic Stuart
Really 494-T;i.31
3 Bclnn. Laguna country
ho1ne, 01·e1·loc.Jd nli the cl\;\.
yon & only o ~hort dlst un1~
, to the beach. $55,000.
}!OUlle, Sat & Sun. Call for clabhouse. $52,500. Lease GAS. STATION Call llrnry \Vnll Rl'altor-prc~nt rents. I xc us1ves M t gor. appnt to see Eves. Dys, Option.6'16-123lor64:HJ9JO ~1966 C: I c · t 1.i;,·11 11. 1r r t or gage&, .SLLU • 3 E "o., 1 ,",,~ ~-po'"4:! ro14~ SlWl,OOl. 10 u nit~ just 2 ycat"ll , ·,·~. ·, r,."1 s ,.\1"1.' Mn :i;;~ Trust Deeds 260 NIC • 546-2524, Tena. v e s O\VN YOUR O\VN PARI{ One \\'8.Y anrl '~ block lo .-...1 • " .._.. .,.,... .~1 o!rl. SUpcr dc-hL>.:e 2 brlrm , .S<'flJ,( '' n. .~;i I' r,r e);------.....
8.'ICHi359,.Princ. Only. Channing 1 BR. oottagc besch lhe other \\'ay. 2 OPEJ~ S_UN. 1·5 NC\\' ·I.BP. 'h·. M o ••. fl. •pr.•. ld"n: t'llll.llt:C. 510.0(..() pr r llf'l"". I I Sl!f;,. 2• '.I .~ 4 UR
ti-• · bl " l7.Af "' ·• ~·.. T S 1sf"~. Fnn1illl's OK. VACANT 4 SR or 3 + den, nes "'"" ·1n g.. tret>g. Den bedroon1 lal'ge firt>pl aCi' ':ie,vpo1nt , Ocen.n V11!11·. t!~nl units cl11l-v.·here being r~io Arf't'r r nllon, Nrv. ~take 2ND RUST DEED \
·, 1ioJ"'(l enc Io !I e d ) ~;Ith Franklin slO\'e. $37,000. home v•it h ini:on1e unit Xlnt ICM·. Cpt. l:.'l: lol. Ry con1·ertcd to rondus. an ii/!rr. Ndr or f'X('IHin1.:e. T" 1.l"Jn.,)iv on >·our Rl'<il \' ·: llAVE :ll.\l"Y, )IA:\Y
Comp. landscaped "& beaut. Q!lers considered. 5 l 6 abcNe the ®ubll' ca r n.,.'ner $6.1,900 3.1922 Calle Esi:i tc. ln\'eSt fl'!r ~ )ltJRE:
tlecoraled. O\\'tler 58&-1592. \lestmlnster, N.B. &J6....5938 garagl". Call TIO\\' 616-1171. Borrego 8.11-06-t2. lu..d Carr~2~~estml"nt 4 t)r 5 unit 1 .. 1 ('(}<tn :\les,1 vir!rl. or ~ell r":i<:1in;t ootc. ll--L_A_N_D_L_O_R_D_S_F_R_E_E_1 N•~·~w~po~r~t~B~·~·=c~h----lr~""iID~iCi'·o:.-Bito..,J;om. ~.500. I ~~~~~~~~~~~!----------s1:i.ooo. 'N1 lt"' nr C''\t'liani;e. I Call us Si~n l :.1ortgoge Co. -CHOICE 3 BR den home ,..,.,,... ... 19 -·~-.. -·,I' ~ 6 UNITS r-;111 ;)~'6--0106 LANDLORDS'
You Wouldn't ~i~:ilushticre~T%~e~st ~1;~~ ...... v...,.... • "".L"" "'· ·""""' . I .....,_ "I Jii111P BEACH SPANiSH P.cd eiw~2~~c.stm\.'nt l '-!!;:!;;::i;;::i~! \\·e SPf'riR1lze rn i\'('y,~r'~
W • 'fil S carpet. sharp throughout. II I l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil·ii;iiilj BLDI ..: "PECI \I ' Beach e Conina de: )lar e a1t I ummer f\n opportune buy at 169.500. . 111 l yenr old. 3 blQ('k~ II) bPac-h: R, I ' . :H.. ,....... 'I': ·I I & Lal{l1na. Our R~nlal ~r-
Tiny vie1r uf llluc P11cifi1·. , · .. 0 Jn un 1,";,on ':"'
• ~--~~~--~~ri,1·,.f' i!' 1''Rt:E tn You! Try To Buy . A Bkr. G-IZ-4Iii '::~;=~;;~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~I Mobile Homet Gorgeous 2 siurv _ 6 unii \\1!1 lak(' 4 uni~· $1.i,OOJ..__. .~11.y,,.,1.. ..
• I II HARBOR \'u Jfomes, 3 BR .: For Sale 125 -. t''L~hf<1rqulckact10n. -1 NU VIEW REN S ·convert1b e.. f'.R. C·-· lully , •• ~.· N\VPT IIGHTS -1U EI -----::-.----1 ~1>11rtn1ent Sp1:1n!sh mo1.11 . CAI.I. ~1·11 I . TAL Vl '""" ........ ~ •1oo 3 hrl 1 ha .,. Zero \'111·ancy ·l3ar,.a1n · F · hed 300 '!i-'-IO.",O '1Sl 3~r So ,,·hy "'alt for the inflated Fee land. Prof. decorated, " ena, rm., s :-.1.ALLER monile honle brarh tl'!wn 1111iie nl i.i:-.;tr * Crest Realty Houses urnis .!.:!:.. ___ or · -,
Prices of the swnrner IO landscpd._many xlras, 2 yrs (.'Qltage. Lot 50xl27. A real 1.-'0mplclPly tum. l..u..·at<'tl !11' 000 T llY " ' '"" 500 1. l'ham1er. Ckean vu $39,500. Lldo 'Vlll•"'e Traller Park, • :i, '. ry . '. V'J"'"·; 1 A<'r ... ,,.., . .,., 'if-11•. ?1)11"<[ General S LANDLORDS $ boy· " profitable summer-nP."'· .,,.;i, • co_mparc, J.U.,.. S-7711 --7 ~i "" F •·Sil a r 1 t .,.·inter re:nta l property·. Call mil l'.lrfer. 0 11oT1er f>lH.189 Bkr·~ 1 · e\·e. ;),') ...,,, ~ No. 21. iOO Ltd.., Park Dr C a;; .. ~·00c. l~~~t'~~.100 11 ca. I 1:-1 1•1,11,;.d,·~. C1nio:rrn11fl 1 \\'e ="ii'l'd Yriu r Li ~l ni>:"
WI ahout this 11o·ell located EXCLUSIVE Dover Short'I. HARBOR VIE\V HO~IES $4995 or ... 11 leAse for 3 rn. '1 ay <>Vo:l'·"J"J. n (•H h. \\',!1 t:i!..r ~·111 uni!~. s1:0..1·Tu. P · 'i•·1• B.1r.h, S<i lle!J• L'~. \\'e·n Iii Ip You
3 BR dov."11, 2 BR'4hp du-Cornt'r lot ; 4 bdrms., ·3 12 'l BR + den, 2 ba, f11>lc. $350fmo. 646-6900 fr s·i0,fll'l0 I> f'ir1dl:i.y R"<il· I f11ll "1t. lr.; I•1'11-. •lct·k.-~ .t-n\·•· !in1,. .!.· Dollnr~.
unique landscape & inlerior. SA-CRlt'ICE 8'xZ1' t:en-.klll 1nr. :!lli:!7 Del l'rn1!11, !Jnnu 1.._~L:1111~· I $ALA RENTALS$ plex, only 6 doors to IHI• baths, 2 lrplcs. BeautHul S&I 500 f I r I I S l Pninl ·1~· ll li 1S!l1;-! 1 IL Prl J Er. hl!n!,
beach. Now only $79,900. pool & patio. $154.500 .. 011:nrr'. ~3..~ se op ion, Tnti er, attacht'( 's 1 ' 1 • • • • , 1 .i·tl. 2 blk!i 1,. . .11..-I;, l..oi.;;,.'Una .1 :"e.,.·po11 & Bar. c:-.1 &-12-8383 HY,"~ Do11·n. Vision \o'ic Stuart Cabana. tllust be movcrl . . j PROBl~.'TT. ~.Al .. 1-. 3 R-1 Jr,f, SlJ>-'l Br. fl'fll<'. ,11111 JlP!,
Call 644-7211 '!cnlty 4fH-Ta31 J-l,\RBOR Vie11o', fl.Iona c o SI&r.i, ~'060 Newpo rt Blvd , _ nn \ n!enrHt . Pl., Dn1111 1 ll!I\. b .. •.ich. Corona drl
1 UR Hnu~P. NB. Sl2j, ('~!.
BY ~Trer, Bayshorcs COi· l\Jodel. 3 bcdrm, 2 ba, super Costa tllesa, SPACC 35, Sc<' Pn!nt. Ocean. ~·1r\\·, Sell ''!1'.' t \l;ir. $115. 2 BR's, C~!. $140. l-IB.
tage 3BR, 'lba, I blk rro m upgrarled & Lnd~c pd . n1una1:r·r BRAND NE\\'~ Qu11li 1.~· nr .f111. L1"10~ TlA~h , NU-VIEW RENTALS S150.:: Bl'!, $11Q. Agt . rtt.
\ , • bay, open house S!i!ISUn S.12-9371 8.J7-2i57 DQUBL~:. \\'ldr X·IO' + den. 1!u11!~...-. nt tht' !)('11."h. l'l~i~h TP..l ST DEPT I 2 1 ., 1 r,-·1*4IP.O ro . >ll'\~.J'.t l~ I 9iS-IM.1ll hC 1·5, &&:W:-11 , 2631 Crestview HAHBOR VU ~tONTEGO As At lhe beach, on the l,'{IH f'!H'fX•luig. 1l\<1~s11e f11·C'· l 6.117.1'-0lG, --" -· ' Balbo• Peninsula
_ DRS79,500princonly ne...· 4 BR. by owner roursr. near the pool. pl:.1.:es, l.incsr ht1illu1~. 1le1•.
0HE!;O;\". 'iO ;'l!rrl'ul r Jll'!nf".l \\',\l.K II) Brnch: Hach$~----------
2 Sto~ Ba~ont BAYCREST 2l3l Snnl ini;ro 644-62'19 Opm 12-5 11·lo1d. Drif!11·ood. $10,000. Phonl" Su.'011 trr ~tt··h or ~fly , l:! \ t~I -1 BJ{. 2 RA ~-urn 1\l".1 ,1 , lilt hou~"· _ $1:!.i B,\YF'P.Oll:T rrl. ~ach, lfh:
Dr jo long bak bay 1742Porl i\lanlcighCir. 536-J824 0\\11C'r. Pnl'f"rlliybu1ld1·r nt SllS •. iOQ. Sf.f!ft•, or !n11I" ror Or·;1n:::" ,r.,, 1 UI. <:':I I. Sll;i." Bit : le."" 2 11r: s,·m1 or '.I nR
Ontu PRIVA E D CK f\£\V ~ ~R, 2 c,~ ba: BE,\CH HOUSE best area. \\IATt:R1''f{0NT Cah11na. Try ii tn1rie~ I l 'rr, r.ox 141, !1llo·yl1l J''nr·k .. 1'-!rrhrli:_. s1s;;, 11.li. A~gt. Fre. t S6001 duplex. Yrly or mo, llJ" 4 BdJ.m , 3 ba, 2 trp!C's ~paciou~Z:xJOsq Jt,$87,500. 5\eps tn OC'l'lln. $50,(0). Adulri; only. $1 3,000.. BROKER 67S.7080 j Orr.. I !1•~~.i_;o , tomo.Dock A1·all.61.l-ff>IO. "'21 V.'/therap.eut1c pool. Builder,&t:>-1600. 0 \1'TlerCall 67:>-U15'. Call5-1~1or6i5'-1996. _ -ATTN : Bl.ilLDE~I Balboa Penlnsule---1.l'XURY Lf:ASE SI~,000 STARTER DUPLEX S31.9:;(). ttAYCREST 0\\11C'r 4 Br. 2~2 8s~-Gfti.:E1iVOOO. SliOO, "WANTED" !711o;!o;i~" C:·''; 2 Bn !Is.-, 1 BL!\ 1.., heh. 2 BR h.._q•. \ l(hh & R~'"· %cwtJ _hy 11f'Pt
Xlnt cond. O\\·IK"r'1 apt vac. Ba, F. R. 2 fp . asswne '1191 Harbor Space 2. Cosla INCOME UNITS IJ•! r,., :\ 27'1 tn n11 :.JI•·>· ,1 ·h 1 1 J 1. 11~ 1 h> U\\1'\t:l. -'~\. ~-1•-6-=c -'"'"' ., '•"•· 114,9=. ~·a :J>•A \le·a Y. 00 r lfl I 't • ar• () llnt' .), ,;>.
1 BURR \VllITE REALTOR v"·n ·~· ,.......,... ..N _,..,.....,.,... s · Oit•11t 1\i!<he~ to lnt,·PSt in /I~ or 111~ •• "" uni~. rnl'!. $120 \\'. r~alllla B11·t1_ Corona del Mar
BCH 21 N I B h N pot B a h s111allcr h1t~1mr 1111115. Co~1a Pnn. onh .. Cl.r.1114 ----1901 NE\\lPQRT, N'PT ewpor eac •w r e c ;o.1, . ._a, nrra. lh.1s adl'.'fitH1tc --r•i:r;Ti,\TF: ~ALE Corona del Mar
'675-4§30 ·fi46-Si05 E\'l!S. ~ t'l•~h d1111·11 und 11o1IJ!n2 II) I P;:<'ifi<' Cn~;~! 1.1"·:0. J);u'la :--E\\' '.! an. z n .\'I SEA WIND
BY Ol\'l"ll'r condo, Blue · Jlrt_Y l"qui~n~•lC' p_urcha;>e .' ~1n1 11 111 __ S11 r1 r .1 d L~hiia,;hi:or, lrflle. 11,·;1.<;h('r, I Next To Spyqlass
Lagoon VillM, So. Lagun11. BURR \\!HITE REALTOR pnct:. C<ill .,1~8424 Soull;Cu,, I ~ IO'll' H.\'\K. . TR US T I dn.·i·r. x e,il.i· furn. CX·can VIEW
Bf'ach .,.·/all fumifl.ln! & 2901 NE\VPORT. N'Pl' BCH GR1'ND OPENING Re11Jton;, _ l_?~T •213• fi.\l i..fll\6 liE'\\". Ocean ~igc h.,.,,, $-IOO. appliances. Incl "irt bar, 67~630 or 6"°'°166 J
lo', •obi• tv pvt ~ach EAStSIOE TRIPLEX x .n . ''11·1~· 1.nT !l'!r 11ale. I S.17--0'39:! or -19&-tm. ;; Betlroom, 2 hl'th h•l111c,
co ... .. ' "" ' . * CONDO * . •·."' ~ " ~ n I T -r· 1 I al II I 2 heated J>O()\s, tennis, elec-All 2 BR. 1 BA units ... ~.,"~\. ".,;,:' um ni.: .C"r . ,\r'lt 1 . '.J1111•' 1.5. 2 BP.. 1rerace, orm 1 ~ ng.
ironic guard gate. For qy.lck Spllt·level.3 bdrms., 2 bath.'I, NEW' PORT BAY ·TOWE RS w/prlvate patios & yards. Bili! C11n)11n 12111 271'-7•111 or 1~! +m: .-11! f)Al\o. 1 hlk ~~f-cleanJng O\'en. F.njoy sale now $57.COJ or rent hobby nn., laundry nu., JCl':t 1lo1111 f i n.i. n r i n ,11 12l':J-~2.1-6ifili he.irh. \~,110 in'>. ;; :; o 1 fll>i\".d•· t'On11nun11y ll"nnl~ l:
$400 mo. t<.fr. \Vas.aor\ rrplc. Dbl. garage. RecenU)' av11i\;ihle. $.i l.000. Also ~ MoUntein, D•strt Sc:a\'h'l1. t:,1•r. 67.~-:;.1;20. ) l'i"·•·unn1lnr.: prnl . in rhi~
C2 13l 868 -6 261 0 fi rcdecor.Nenr pooLS43,l80. n1ore101"J1oose lrorn.lnv('11f R t 174 C"l"TE l '01T\C~· _<!HR flf"('Stlglou5 are11 l\bove
CTI4l59:.-J.toL GIB WALKER \\'ii;rly • t'rrr c0unscUng. esor ... ·. · '· ··1 Corona de! :\lar. ~-~'l~ pe:r
Y 67 .... _ "'-JI Prt'stige II o ni c , , 1
1 plf : :\J . 1"'1' ,c1orrin~ .• S27REo:i. n1011rh -l•'asc. 6-1•....,IGJi •.
"A \VORLD STOPPER!" REAL T ~'-J & 2 BEDROOM 64' 6646 · 111'1 ~ ren 11.. ngaaru . -·-4 BR., den, fam. rm. '"''"-el NEWPORT SHORES ' 5-.' MOUNTAIN DUPLEX r,12.2'JZ2 COZY Ca1.ie Cod St)le 2 lxJr,
bar, beams. frpl.. wiiquc-*-'"' ~-9010· Net Net Net Sl7 500 -C -t M I ' l1;1Th unf11n1i~h1'd hou M!.
hl'-ln klrcl1. A""'r'OX. 2300 A·F'rame,3BR ••••••. ,,. ..... 5uu co . OMINIUM HOMES r• I I • ... I Iii~ .. u ., ii Ot:o'I esa , :'l/ .. 'lr llC'nrh P.n1I 11happlng, "'' 0 h ' Bd ND 10 le XI t I 5-... .,,, n11 . o I~ ~1n ""rnar< oo r-· I . sq. fl. Entltt grounds n t e water . ., nns .. you )'tctu• fl~ .• n OC, uvn~. ~ltn, 1 :tl'llllon ~JoOL !{('Ill STt lJl.:-<T .t .. iU!!IC"!f: 1 Jlr. r 11~p '.\Cf', ~Rrpo'l tfl.<.:. 111ovr.
l!prlnkle.red & \\'81lt'd. o\\'TI U1e land; \\iU trade l~n11.u1, fl111 bor lUvd .. C.:\f. 1 l~nit &: l"f' ('T"\"I' rhl' t'llll<'r :\i b'l • ll.o $II' ltil txl 1 1..,..fnk( ,~,,,.,, l\nfl r e n <'"' d
Best BUy • $67,500 for N.$. ............ $79,000 $175,000. Prlnelf)tlls only. on•· r,,r )0t1~tiltl1N111o'1)' In H o i If' dmr. _.)547 9641. \'nrrl~-$200 )lo. t 1 ft
?iflSSION REALTY 4~1 We l~ve rentals ... S32S Up • 8A YFRONT HOMES BREECl.fE;R the pin1'11 . om• in ers • ~<i rtis~u~ -Pit 675'--~
BUILDER'S 3 Arch ~ CAYWOOD· REAL TY e BOAT SLIPS Ilo.VEsr~rr.r.;TS 962.~456 Irvin•. ~l_!!~s and2!'.:·ktnds.
fixer-upper. $65.00J. Beamed * s.48-1290 * l G RISE 54J...S46.2 COZ)." C'OTT/1.GE.. 2 BR. lpl,
U II "&:I ,__ e FULL SECUR TY HI H BR.;\ND Nfo::\\' 4 Unit. 2 BR, •. ' I 11 ~ lJlk"' 10 bi.·h S7il n10 ce v. rm! c:, OC8n OISTl!'ICTIVE 3BR, 2BA. 2 e STEEL & CONCRETE CONSTRUCTIO.._. Apiil 1•1 to ~p1. 1a. . HAL PIN.CHIN . vu. mod. kt. ' " 100' block& from ~Iartner1 Parle, i,. 111 BA &n Cli?mcnte, nr Furn. <I BJt. 21, bu. s-c>$ "
lo ....... -•.m 'I r c/opl e PRIVATE·4ALCONIES path to beach. $U,OCXI down. .• j n It 6 .,_ t. v"uu_ •. ,. o.y .s • cwtom carpets &: drapes, t."OnSlder trade. ~li'l'k .ff. 886.'i Ad1tm al ~la.gnolla. JIB lnl·hxl!nt: ;amener. _!!_Qr ·~
49-1-0ISJ or Abb)', CentW')' .,.ood parquft Dooring in e 2 GARAGE SPACES PER UNIT Du R1 131 ~ 1 F C'.l'i11JC11') thru ,\~'\l.' t CL"IE 2 BR home, ~ 214~979.J tam rm. inside laund, e . ROOF TOP SUN. DECK nn trs. ~ • · r. o fs ~P 178 F'um 3 nn .• 21, b.'l. ssz J trplc. p:tUo, ;t&J'A4'11· .so. Oi OPEN SAT/SUN sunkftn tub In ma.stet both, C".anuno Rt nl, &n Oem . .' ut 0 tate roe. r mon1h lntr. a:ru,1i·ni'I' H~,. JOt Fl'l"\kal. m .
BRAND, NEW cornplate fil'ealarnt 1)'1tem, .o1!j2.99'20, -492-783.1. ~f;\\\t,,tl K"l'IA C~t Prov . u11J.•C11/I <Zl41~_ -bltin st('J"tO •pea.ken thl'\I· Unusual '°'C"lty to purchase OLX 4 unit y,•/!11:0 1)\1 Contnct Don llnrt Bo\'. 2.1l5 l f:On·. R.u<llt: So. "' ll'A'l'•
4 BR out, by o•,1 .. ner. prlno only, lay Pr-nt ropftty "-. N•wport I-ch owners spl, frplc, -3 .Br, Klillua~ui. RQn Bm'lii ~ 1 Hit !X'JO ut. ii:arrieon. ilQ 101) Om s:iG.950 \\'t'tkda)'S 6¥).8112, Sat A v in -2 ~ +3 • ......,. 2 Br a11ts. A -Rf" I .. '1 •M 9SO ~.--... ........ •. '"'I iJC f'mld. SJJj mo. ' lU8 r.1orn lng91lde .,_, Sun &w.1422. Enc . glll'agtS w/eoervlce ,..
TRANSPAC 67S.121t BY Owner llarbor Vk-w Aret11. Rltr SU..m2 •or Ranches, ferm1, ~73-4-='J~M'-, ~-=,-,--I
llno -NEWPORT BAY TOWERS ~I Grove1 llO NE\\
SJ:iYa:lnu 1111u hOmt , AU.IOST F I N t S H E 0 • Homes, POr10 • "°""" l<I f lfl t BR. 2' $43,i,,O Fully in.Wo.ted, ~ ft. 4 BR. 3% ~ \\'alklng: • COVINGTON +t1ll!X, lnconlO RA..'jCJ IO 'alllornll', 1 '• l&t \\"r\tcru Bank Bid~. , 1' ai:-n Ttnt ''I.I, , ~
BR. l ba. fl'Plc, walk ln dbtAnc:e to •ch o o 1 •, $76S. mo. Prck'd OC!ow.!l~I. acty.~ fl\'tl'looklh; •·nllrc Unh'f'l'lit)' Pnrk, lt'\illl' l>a. lit ~Ba)~-·--~
rloscl. akyllalit'l, b •am ehu.rchel, '1hOPPln(, Olympic llO NINANDO IO. Only l~ Do\\n. Pll{WOn \'&llry ()f h<mc t1UK':ht'I, Days 55'2·7000 Nights I ~10: 2 Sr. I Un on ground
t.-tlllnK, lot• of 11ronc~~ 1025 community pool. #\,900. NIWPOIT lllCH lnw1tment c.o .. ~. Pil\'Ccl road, Wl<lt:rgroui)(f fi1.ir, ttu•ai:t, fUP"r l'lrf'A,
Oro St .. 0'4'Tltr 4SHm 640--.1047 s..I e DELUXE 4 Unll•, 3 BR utlb, hou.to pnd \\'/la.ntastlt.' Jle1Jilhr "hortfl.IC" prob\en1! .S2'Pi/n10-. Gi3-29t',. an 6;JO.
Dnn't dmp the bl\lJ ••• QM. rutve Wlntu ~oear )'OU have •7 111 111 .. RA. t31 2 BR's, 2 BA, \'U, St~.lm \\'/Xln\ ll'l"mll, ~ l lcll• llc-m11 with R ~II)' NE\\'lar. 211 BA, l11)lc•
a job ~·Uh 8 llJW'<Oll o.ny outcft>wnf Sell It fa'1 with Cl'f'nl loc1t":>11. li'.rr Oil. c-n ll Keon Obc!n ~7·11:,, Pllht OftM!tl<'d Ad . CaU Kllr, !lu~r 11tl~ht~·H·ti1 «1:
Pilot Clu-lficd Ad! &t~78 a Oail.9' PIJot.Cla•lned Ad! '\'EAGER RF.ALTY.~n 1\~t'kdnyt. 6 ~f.(l~. ~-6~~·----
• •
' •
, Coste ~--Apt. • W AptL, Rent•• to re '*430 i::.:=o.;~===----,L!!f!'!! 8:'och · .c ....... del M•r Now~ lloKh \.;:;:=~==~----HURlt!'f!!'! _,. hn C.......,te' ' Fum.Ol'Unfvm. 370 WORKING -with
Unfvm. p " Uft1um. : 350 !PS 'um. uo Apt. unlurn. " 3is lji. "\iil);ft; 561 Ui;,;;;;; I $i; : -I SI DAIL~ PILOT
1~-l"-'l!BR, t Bath..,. ttory ..... ~i!!tl.c,_ o......, LARGE S llP tw' ........ A S!'j PER ~ 6 °" 1 br U _ ll£W -opte. 2 111., !-"!-Nlfuol = ~k"'":.. ~ '
1n ,.., .... Hclu<Wd Eaatalde
~ "" •• cuotom beach. $350/mo. • 2 "' • bod!'•· ....,.. .. : ND.ER NIW 2 BA. SIJll" s BR. 1 BA * a••~o NEW * .M-v----.
I .,.. •Cl..,.,._ pool ---"-~~ 81'-ll«. ll4Mm maid "'!:'".,_ -THE EMINJ. dlh ....,, ~ .... ~te tree lined driw. ~ r"_:-__ • ,. __ --"~. -.· Cott• .....___.. • MESA
. N8' .. ~ _..N;-'Wewpr:irl -· --...... wsr: ~~-Stt at l 2-M ' BA.-From ldUlt be :,rerpc.-.lbie ~•---1 ""' .....,.. ~ '-'-u .... _ u1 ....,...--,,_,_... 2 BR. Blw, .pewJ)' .., camtno ue Loi aret, $195U11f\lm.FQtDltbe d lilifR'd~m,-~ no petJ:, adult.I, Blu'. L . HIM E ' detotltfd. end ~.,._ ICJUtb., of San Qemente ··-"'-U plf.y ln ud • eo-m5 !I!!!' • N w DYNAMIC Ja. OOtanfrotll 3 Btaut1fU1 lt.ndlc•ptnr. l.l'I 'Holpltal, IB-O)fl.. UIUUI AY& . alJUOIPhert tD lhlft.
I MESA VERDE. xlnl"""' ,
BA -NEAR BEACH BR, 2 BA. yrty. $400. Avail DlaY .,.., a -ehlld'i dream. 2 RR, 2 BA • .......,,.,, """" CROWN V~LLEY AplL Ruth 546-44Tll-•
. loe..J Br. 2 Ba; F•"' rm, N"'·World, i.oC1JM HllJ.0 4 BDRM., 2 .BATH ~,,£;•Y -T103. Nile Cloie lo -~ aehla. orated ....,;,.fria. °"'San Oqo h..,. 0<· Cout WORKING -wl>yr
, D/w,,R/O. CID: dbl lrplc A erptl, dr\>O; 2 car •" ,,,.;. Walk·ln cl-u, dlthwuher, Qlll~ w~""''· '42"'80: •mail ehlld O.K: 1190. mo. liwy lo R!Uh-. 23734 old aon would !Ike tD obon i ' alle. gu. l3BS ,,., 'm.<5TS o1 pool, compl ..;.,., bll1na; .,..... w""'1' • S!MU. Baeh. Sllldlo apl. or PINECllEEK _. 1t no"" 841-7331. -u. -t. """ llW""'(.fj4~1~1. ...,.. ' BR, 2 ha 1'lmt wl
, att ~:30 wk d.,... 8»9602. ' -r ...... dbl. car aar. "'°"'· beaeh, °""· One LIVES UP • '"' 492-4795. "°"""' .. l ...U ehild. i· ' 3 BR. BATtf & %, E. Side lagun• Niguel p1.,;b brown c r Pt. lully ~ only. SSS le .... TO ITS NAME '•'. •• lrvlno 'Santo Ano NewflO'! Booch Nr. So. °*" P!aU. i..
C.M· .. nu cpb, nui, palntod, dTII .... 13"'. mo. Drive by " ,...d, piden. pell di.
' I 2 car-· .patJo, 171~ mo. 4 BR, 2 baa. opaclouf unrum 16th & ~· or eall BIG ~ON·•Ul>I .... lux. Over 500 tall troel Md 10 PARKWOOD N Retlfl . ' • -or '157.SSU , 548--44TI . tiocne. AvaU now thtu July 64.2~2800 or 64)..; 164. 2 BR i golf.. count. 3-5 ,_atl.'e~ jllh wo.terf..U• Nw Adult & F•mlly ~~-2" S 'BR~~ P~~.;ik; D YOUNC Ftmale d (iii r ~ • :(~rer..,.N~il~•.81li1v'. 'fui~J'"~FSrATE :::'.'":':~. clooe to N:~:,';;'~;:'9· , ~~f.,l'.1! 1-3 13R'a~ Nsi;.. ~ .. !':<Pa";,'~~i '~e =~~;o;:f.::i!~ ~ ard, Quiet $275 Lido Isla °""""·Newport Shor ... <LEAN 1 or 2 br odl $170. Fumll.,. avaUabl•. Bit.In rango. 1arbage lo'4,-0aaAWaterPd.Shq. :,yi ,&4(>-~1856~c...,c=--.-~~.
Adult le.mllll\ no pets. Refs. no pets lge kit Si*-~ OUlce open 9;00 to 6:00. 2300 dlspotal, dlhwbr. Deluxe drapes I ao forth\ • Bl( ~' i°tALE •y tie , led
3 BR, 2 BA, FIR, DIR, BF.A\!T. Bay ""nl Exoe. Loe. $225/mo. 2 II . B 242'1 E' 16th NB 64.1--!0li Falrvlew,._Rd., Clnrta MOSIL -erpt'I· Orapertoo. Slartlaa at l19'l + def). I sh or f en; BR w~ WR. New G r"n brook Crdor, ml3'3. eve1 ' Phone1 ,.....,., 17'80 Jordan A~. SOi.<!900 Newhopo Moodowt • n~ .=eh "'J:, Lat1ma: ~992 CIU'nallon, CM. J:::: ~ <~Y~y Aph. Furn. 360 Af.t.· Unlum. . J65 IAfuM Beed. Ai!'•· ' L'I .,:49'--0al!==--~--~-
TRY Th"! 3 BR, $115. 2 Minion Vlolo ~ hlond Balboa laland ADULTS Nl!:W dolwc• T-. 2 '1T S.s'$4.";;;• S.A. .:_ Ger-for Roni 43S
' BA. PaUo. Gar. Kkls/~ SEVllJ..E B Only ooe left. 2 BdnTtl., 2 Br + den. wet bar, oetan J.IVlla. Homefinders 547-9641 SpectAcul.} ~,,; ~ LI TTL E 1 s LAND 2 DELUXE 2BR apt inclur:fuw baths, .baa C8J"P., blt·iDI, view, \ltlk to bW:h. 1 yr, Apts., $ MINI WARIHOUSIS
.asnbome nrSo·CstP1 .-,,.,.,.N6 --Bedroom, 2 Bath, bol.tdock on Grand"-~-• ~-· Guth·.•Nw0a1er1•poa•ld•. ~·1 .... S400.N•w""oe1·-"'°•1 B+R ' Fum. or Unfum. 370 446 STORAGI
'" • · aia. ..,.,.,. mo., --"""'· <WOr-..:i $275/ZMnth. Wlnter. Avi Uttle aaiboa lll&nd~.:'y' ~ """'........ ..... J.1 No Move-ht OI' Move-out $28$ month. Avail. Mar 1st. Newport &e•ch . Yrly. m-n78 S350 per mo, no chili:..:__ required. You wW enjoy the 1'ownhQuse, ocean view, wlk Coron. del M•r charges. From fi'.50 ._. Heritap Realtors. MG-llSl w-a• trees "' garden aetHl:w, to beach, PlO mo + I iiiii~~~iiii~iiiiiiiiiiil At OakwOOd Garden APlfl· .--
1 BR ho~. "
11i, Also' NB NEW Harbor View, SS75 mo, >.TRA u.RGE, lBR apt, or pets, owner 67J..Oa)T patios ol pool. cltanina on lease. 536-2803' ment1 u~1th1,;_ ' N-i--• St., KB ......... now ti! June 15tb bU1n appl SO •--2ll ELD GAEAT RECREATION: 1Wlm· n.cuu ""' "' .... iU1'CI
fl25. 2
BR'1, $150. 3 BR's 2 11ty, 3 or .4 BR, 31n bu, aMe /drye ' wo' llfH SSA 3BR 3BA. JpJ ~-1 EN OCEAN1-'1l0NT' -ming, saunas, ne111h c111t1s, ALLSPACE •
$185. Agt. Fee. 979-~ 28XI sq ft, f rplc, ~Iii .J ~ ~ ' bum cell'I, gplral ataln: l\HldenrMir; ~TIO CHOICE 2 BR, 2 BA Apt. ~"'"v biMlards, -leMls, pro & pro <MAI-
ha coovema.Uon plt, din rm. ~· · ba.)i view paUo, mi•, ~ Ha• Elevator to bll!ach. .....__I m "-If dtl · "" 7-ll:'• ~Npt-,_;l&J;1a-8.h.'si\t"'.:. lam__on, + Igo honu• rm FURN or Uni 2 BR. 2 ha, S.pphU., 675-l171~-0 P EN "'"90R S<curlty, Matutt adU!:"°,,.; "' ~rt11 :;;;;.;;,';'~. ""'"""'·""' CLEAN Gange !or """
548--15.rl.mKnoxSt. ~t~t.or~~ ~bai!!ieii:::.~~T:Z:r;JS:~~~trp·
be U C"~:i&.~ Hwy, 2 BR. Townlx>utie, frplc, ~~!!:t~~i,':~~Zai~:~~n~ ~~~or~tB.7 Mesa
3 BR. 2 ball, f'am·rm, frplc. 586--S:'P-t , 6'Mr1500 ext. 1465 923--<l>t9 ' • c, am ce : I $250 880'1, trips, parties. and
' dble gar. Clean, no pets, HARBOR View pool 00..., Bllbot . Penfnsule ~lpa&Uo""', G .. ~~la~~~ OilDn ~f!!.!R aopnt. 00..IUI ~. ~. te~l~R, !:.°ntml.,!~95'"'. morel DBL. garage on alley. $35 $265. mo 546-8226 •Ac.ti Le 0 ... 1....... '""' --... ""'¥• .._....... ...,,. b #. ... ..,., '"' BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS: mo. Newport Beach, euy ' BR HSE '"' _, _,., mo. ue or ..,.._., ,)6'.>~ Sapphire, ~ Yearly. 675-4048 reakUl&:l. Separate family Single• 1 & 2 b dr ooms acces. First &: last. 548-2928.
on P• 1V rn....... 3 BR. 1'"am-rm, trpli:.t 2 $U WEEK • UP OPEN SAT & SUN· Mese .Verde sect.on. Close to shopping Fum. & 'unlu1n. w~n 1!1 1n8 SINGLE ·m. ...... e, any ..........
_lot._dbJ a:az:. bltin .~~lJZJO· ba&., 2 + iueSt_nna: . .r.;ncl e siee ... 1,.., ·Rooms ' 337 I ,·~li~nei!!jbe~a!iieh!ii.!!i6#-i!26ll!i!!!l!~1 exlras. Models open TO 10 7. ··~ ._ ..,,
mo. Avail 3-l5. f>1!S-tJb!IU, -• poo~ N~:Jf ~~~ e Howit~pln&' Roolnl ieJ.' ~;~r2 ,'/;• -=~ .,..,..![!!!~!"'~~!!!!!"I HOME ATMOSPHERE-Dlx 2 r~ Sorry, no pe1s or chlldren. ~~~ .. M~· 183
AVAIL. 3/2. 3BR. SDl. NI'. pa • • e Ocean View Apta speci. vlew, avail Mar. 1_ COAST APTS. & 3 br. Rental Ofc, 3095 Cost• Mm•• aehl • shopo. Contact Ken-HARBOR VIEW-HILLS BALBOA INN ii73-6900/675-3331/6'J3.<T66 FROM $16500 Mace Ave. 546-1"!4. ~===----1 Oakwood Office .Rental 440
neth Brown, 1128-%182 BRAND n.w Montego JU; Main Sbiffl · * NCYW RENTING * No;:;.=:o...:""'.,::=~'°'---Guden Aportments 2 BR, $1$. Fenced tor pet. 4BR, 2BA. $495 per mo., fTU'lto Capistrano 9ffch NEW 2 BR. 2 BA townttouse wport .,.._ch w Newport _l etch/Nbrth FIRST MONTH
Homoflndor• 547·"41 cl~ • .£'.! •• l""J,. •3003'"""' 3 BR • oonv. d...,, Frple. IBEE 1 MO RENT! New apt£, 125P•tiosM 't enelooed gar-PARK .. NEWPORT HAT YOU •••M"' "" .. ....,, FREE Dan• Point • ~· ~. -2 BA. Vl•w ol Ocean • ocean view 3 BR, 2 BA. agea. 'ody In. OPEN Nowport h a<hl .-"""tige office •pace In N.,..· BL U FF S TOWNHOUSE. Bay. pg)/mo. y r I y • wlk.. to bch. s n d k . wkld83-'~ 4-6, Sat Ii Sun 1·5. • APARTMENTS·. '"" ai 1.-.N
70 port Bch. 915 lfCI· ft. i\'all.
'Spoe""' j Bt., ~ Ba. 6'&-82110< ...,_ ""'· <Br~/6'!5-3760 I GET IS immed. $410. A~~~ "'rf!: ~~· ~· ~ ~;0BA. ......... = eoron• dol Mor ,•} 1:." .. •I,, [t 1m:n .:!:.!'tlivl•• W~'fJi~':t·-...~;iP'W
HORSE .........,..!> Ae.
· srumo ~pt w/kiteben. SISO • ~ _ 1 .. ._ tho watu. En· ALL YO l *LA PARISIENNE* ll ~
I.JTn.E' manikin. 3 BR, er boule w /pool Nr. Back BAY VIEW-2 Br ~ utll mo, Utils lncl., days GT joy $750,CO> health gpa, 7 · U' l 2 BR. F\irn & Un!. $195 & trp!C, Dona H.-, IJXI. Bay. Over 30 yn.onty apply. pd. Adi!•-Deb, pier.• P'ki· . ....-. ext 46. Ask ror A ' """'° awinuni•og pools. T Ughtrd Up. Ail elee. fireplace. Hid '337 Newport Blvd .• N.B.
495-4416. m..im. $265. 20181 Cypress. OW'fler. 300 E. Edgev;attt 1-871-2866 Paul. Eves 675-4825 GRAND OPENING tennis COUl'U, plus miles of Pool. Adults.
NEAR Marino. 3 BR Blt/lna 644--$66 CCJta MeM $175-1 BR, bltna, crpts, drps, ALL UTIUTJES PAID bicycle ttalls, putting, sbuf-979-1268 Frp""l'~= yard. NEJVHad>orVu,$47538R, t~:..w'':J'~d 70011 2 .. ~~m"':'~·J;,.=i::r" ~'°jlt91~~~·; NEED,,, ·~~~~'::"
c. -fam nn, frJ>lc, 2 ha pool. Unbell•v•bly S.•utlful . "'-'06" • 99'13 eves. refri;erator, 'l't1J11e & oven: and 2-bedroom plans and
Hunti""9" lteech ttnnla privl. 6 4 0 -1 32 1 y ~ D'ISERE Garden Apts. * 2' BR., bit-ins, pool * Walk-In clolet, pa t Io s , 2«ory town hou~-El.-c· Santa An1
All amenltlH It utll. inc1
400 Sq. Ft. &: UP.
27992 Camino Capistrano. ~3 2
586-5'124 ..,_1500"' 1465 Adult• • no pet1. Ftowen $215 ·Lease ..,..... ShaJ< elU'pell. Opeo tr1e kltehona, private potloo VISTA
--Sr, · • pl, pet HARBOR ' VIEW HOME-4 everywhere. Stream & SEMPLE R. E. 673-6445 l·S.. 1915 WALL ACE or baloonles, carpcling, dra~ CHOICE Avel'')' Parkway & SD· Frwy.
131·1600 ' papoollio, play · fiktlda, tennis, BR. 2 BA. Fant Rm. Frplc. waterfall, 45• pool. Rec. Rm. BA YPORt" STREET, or call .CJS Real perln. subterranean park-DEL 1 • nr mt .A·d am.s Water & Gardener lncld. Sauna.· Sgls 1-2 Bdrm. ADULT 2 BR w/ FRPLC Estat~.r >&S-1168. -Ina: with elevators. OpllonaJ • LAKEFRONT
, It Brldult.__M9: or b e. WUI Call,. •• "146 ~•• • ...,., ~ -~id ~ belji-jou rii:We. 6i5--002l, -U'ft"V or ......... .uow. -F.urn-Unlum from sw: . ., ....... 1r.10. 644-1774 ..P•n• Point ,_. .service. J wst :JOl'fh of L n I . -NEW -View Monaeo SE IT: 2000 p.,...,.., * • 2 BR I ha "'" ..... ==--"""-----: ~--hlud-at-Jamhoree • ···GO - -9CA or.is -""''=='==o-~~-~~ Model 2 BR +Den. Tennis. &G8670. paint. wianpap6, aduli.: DELUXE 2 BR, 2 BA, w/ and San Joaquin Hi l.11 Road. UI VERSAILLY
3 BR, 2. ha. ~· ><f, vie. A Pool. J>tjv!s. $425/mo. .$30 WEEK l UP _1225 mo, ..._llOll. ,-oc~an view. f<plc. din rm, Tolophotl• tn<l 644-M> ,IC,~ ~ f:61~ll~. :._.~ ~N ~ 6"--86 tvH, m-8761 days. e Studk> & l BR Apll. 2 BEDROOM, 1 bat h . sun deck, $275. Thompeon for rental information Luxury lakeside "ad.ult living, .
Pat.962-I0'6:attepm. NEW""" 4 br, 3 ba ••/ e TV&MaldSeNiceAvall. <:arpel>, .drapes, Pool. ManagementCorp.<9'-0l4l. *2WEEKSFREE* eomton and p<ivaey, ON THE LAKE .. ~ -/ w , tennil & pool, • PMne Service -Hid . pool $715/mo. ~ 2BR apt. w/balcony overlook· Vista d-' . M--atfo~able ~ntals, &e<:Urity, At So·uth Coast Plaza.
3 BR +din rm. Seabury S5r50 mo. Eves &: wkndl, •Children & Pet Section Cost "---Ing Dana Harbor. Cpl!/ .. •-boa.Ung, sw1mmlng, tennis, Pool • Acapulco Aqua Bar tract. $35G. W&Jk to beach. 64G-l'J91. .2376 Newport Blvd., CM a ,.__ Orpt/Blt·lns, $2'10 mo . ADULT GARDEN HOMES hand.bell. gym, saunas and & Jacuzzi. Spectacular 8 Super '. aharp. 962-7859, "'~" "''''"" 673--814S mVINE AVE AT MESA Yacbt Oub. EUlciericiea, 1, Acre Lake w/Towering , 983-4495 * 4 BR. 3 BA Townhouse. '1'IO"":l1.,., or 645-3961 LARGE 2 story ?t1eaa Vel'de -""""'"'-------2, 2 &. Den from $175, wtllt Fountalr..s. ~ 11-tillion Dollar =:::====:=
QUIET <Jnuple-l Br (.plex. $395/mo-leA oo 1 ..... Pool. HOLIDAY PLAZA 2 BR, 2 BA. new epts i. l ·BR ga~o apt. ,.potios, l ~ove~.w/depoolt. only eoerythlng yoo need an Oubho"" Gym Sauna DELUXE one office. 11tl aq
$125. .. , °"" . ..... 833-1553/833-8974. DELUXE Spaeiooa 1 BR tun paint. Private potio & gar. .1165. Older lady, Day l N;ght s.aJ:.·~ apartmem to be. Total ~ty. ' ' ft, In Ambro8ia Bldg, sa;
Homol:ndors 547·"41 3i!!;·~25ea. Beaut. Yriy ::·~Pool.Ampl•l)&ri<· ::=.i:r·~~t~ ;;~epl..:-""· J oeuul, Ree. Bldg. MESA VERDE EAST ADULTS :!l\'8'i!T'·~M.Inclu~ 2· llR Houle. Dbl ..... 4 ; . . . ~ ta, no petJ.. $175 mo SouthCo Realtoh .l"it le • cpts, patio, w/exerclse rm, billiards, .a.ND •DliMS AVE. B•ctt.lor,-1, 2 & l Br's •• -nd',.,...,.,.tJot. Igo""';_,_,, •-61';)-(13()3 1!lfD Pomona Ave,, C.M. S6--842'4. • , -~~·gar. 24521 Alta Vista color 1V. Ea. Apt. ha.I "" "" f $l7 .. v "'.,.. wu....,... ~~! ... ~ .. .&~ :.~ ~~ .. ~ :·~ ~: *5US CASITAS* QUIET PLEASE! E='7"'"","', m"'B"°i'vff~----~lsh~~""p.::,""'.:'1.: COSTA MESA j7'0o ;i:~'."D~. :..=P'& %.ir.::" .~.
NEW 2 St.y, lrg 2 BR, 1% Pt/tum or $«» 615-6623 Fumlshed Bachelor'•&: 2 BR. 2 BA in 8 unit 545-4855. . 540-.1800 Jnuned. occupancy. UOO per BA Q>ndo . ....,. lndry. Nr. Son J 1 Bdrm'~ Exee-complox. At> utraa & e DELUXE e Sa~to Ana mo. i..t • '"~
all It bueh. $Z'A). 96trMl6 uon !'.felllroM nlee. 2110 N•wport Bl, CM , ....... mo. Adulta, no 3 BR, 1 BA apt for 1..,. 1·BR. 1 ha. FUln. Yeorty. !> Next to Sooth Coast Piau NEWPORT CENTER
BEACt area--~ Br, $150. Utll NEW 4BR. drapes c:rpta e TROPICAL POOL e ~ 2126 Thurin St . lncld apac. master suite, dhi Incl. util. Nr. be.)' •••••• $275 -~---''-----! 71
56-0466 2 ROOM o!tlce with fantadic
Pd. blilna, tryle. comm. pool: 1 Br, 111 Ba, a p I r a l rm & dbl ......... Auto door 3 BR, 2 ha. THE EXCITING Rooms 400 view of Newport HIU'hor l .
Homoflndort 547-HCI nr manna, 49H746 0.t:. •talre.,., trple. pat lo . I.GE 2BR. studio, 1 . Ii ha, """" avill. Pool AR=•· Nowly deeor ••.••••••• ·.$300 • PALM MESA 'APTS. Catal;na, 565 1<1· ft. 1425: 493-3.181 Water A Gu-Pd. ·543-1168 patio; gar, d/w;-bltin range.-tlon at"N.(Ph: 644-8(164. Udo 1..Br,_J .ba..w.!f. ··~-$300 MINUTES 'I'.() NPT. BCH. FURN detached llv-bdrm, per mo. includes utilities,·!·
Co.nclomlnluma -BEAUT FURN 1 ·Br Iota own, lon:rd aJr heat. nr • $29'1 • <BR ..... apt. Yrty ••.• $400 Baeh, 1 & 2 BR. from 11>~ CdM.-Pvt -.,,...., .. 7 -TV; -Janitor '°""'" CIU'petlng
of bltina l)OCl] walk to shopping, m.anied adlts, no 865 Amigos Way, NB ~ Adults, No Pets. a1:1to. heat, tile BA. refrig. & lots of free parking.
1 Un urn. 32C 5hoJ>Ptna.'mf
rotn bch $150 cliildre~ts. avail 3-20, M~ed by 1561 Mesa or. L1mlted cook'g. Re f s. ESl'.ATE REALTY 640-1U>
Cotto Mose mo. AOO unlUm $135/MO. 22'll Fo am, CM, 64&-3485 WIU.1AM AL1J!:!IS CO. (5 blb lrQm Newport Blvd.) 673-!253 . OFFICE SPACE FOR
931 W.19th St. 348--0t92. MAKE -fun. out of adult-apt,-Huntintfon Beech 546-9860 SLEEPJNG room for rent, RENT. Costa MC!sa, Hart>or l
RENT/LSE 3 Br, 2 Ba eon-LRG. 2 BR cl<llie to living! 1 & 2 BR. furn Ot' I ;~~Aii~r.~if; I ,,:~~==~!!=~ * CASA VICI'ORlA * kitchen prlVgs. Close to at Adams. Beautlful•moilern) lrv'.ne do, everything nu lmlde & shoPPlng, ad.ill, no pet• unturn. Pilot, ree. hall & I, 2 & 3 br, furn & uni. aehool• & •bopping center. a;r mu.ie, •janitorial. Oaas I 1:;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; out. bus.&: shopping JiS blk. lnq~ 119 in Rochester Pl Bal'-CallB-Ques. No pets. ON BEACH.I . _ Sec. gates, crpts, drpa, $25. ~k.. S«)..8083. A Walker&: Lee Bldg. CaJJ,; I• · Children 16 yn or older. ,,.a;;. 6IHl10 CHARMING o% BR poolside D/W, pool, ete .• No pela. ROOMS $20 Wk up '¥Ith 557--0136 or 546-5m, ~ 2-~~····••»•-43'5 E.SlaeCM:----/ .. -1 Br lt!I. """·
.,,-Adi". $170.-41 2BR.-l \I ba, pr1 _ 2 BR Unlurn. Fr. S2'5 cottage. Beamed ceiling, 525 Vietona St al H.-kitchen S30 wk up "'lpt. ACCOUNTANT, Llee ..... '
1 3 B 2 Ii Iha ···iiiJ"' 2 & 3 BDRM Wiiia ..,.ty Ideal lor Baebelon. 1993 ~~· I bllt 17th eov.red PUitlng. Larg< oew ~ "'"' & -· C>I . .......-io 548-9755, 64.1-!0iT. would like to share office ! i&. ,l('':;:th;·:: .... ~ decorated. l"'lk-ln e-ta. Ouaeh.-543-ll633 adlta 715 i; ~lb Pf11t>lc, Heatrd Pool Saunu and ~".:._~·walk~ 17th Dono Point LUXIJRIOUS "PVl Costa will>_!l<a\~t~
<BR.2balha •••••••••• $3'1{1 Adutta • t>lder children. l BR Ouplox. turn oewly ,...00.. r o. Ro<reation Rl>Om PLEAsE STAf·~~~'y . Baehl 18 $140 Mesa, maid"'°'""· no '/,;.,'°""~ ar •.
4 BR, :z~ baths,;;::-:-:, U50 ~-$215. ·,5 46-8 397 ; dee., Adults only. $hs.. mo.
BR, HUNTINGTON ··-•--.....,, ,._ !BR eOl' R · $!65 &moken, 54&-7197. ~\-_:.ax.,.~=' <BR. 3 balha • $425 _,,_ Ava<! now 5l3-4lEO pallo SH5. 2 BR, w-,_. _, a """""' P'•~P' -~--· ~·~
CALL ss2:750o MESA-~.'."'· beaut. ' BR, 2 BR Trailen far "'"" .., ~,, .. u~ ~ ..t.!:i PACIFIC ~""'t:' o;_,7;~ ~~ 49&-m>Eve ~p BJ!:~M;J~~~~ :: o: wr"-~~.:i.: ~t1 ... s2f5. ~tio, pool. children, ~~ ~.:.. ~~ ..... ~oor~ E~o ru ~ ~i487 H.B. ~~M~ .!., ~E" peoTusptin~· SHARP. furn. l, BR w/petlo, Avail 311. $85/mo. 64&-2042 at is mo. ~ aervice VISION , • ., --~· -•· ·~ Unlum. l BR nesr Martna ROOM w/kiteh pri•I. $95 available. 17875 Beaeh Blvd.
Huntington BNch O.n• Point 1 &; 2 BR w/drpa, crpts, ·Wtc~ 10w~kRs:D~ Ave. · 4934676 & 49&-6077. • mo. 1\1ature employed fem, Hwittngton Beach. 642-4321
LRG 2 BR, 2 BA. 1.,,,,. stove, dshwsr, inc. gar. SAVE Gas. Beaut 3 br, 2 Huntington ·BNch Rnr bch, HB, 5J&.8l!l5 OFFICE space a~il. for e red hill
We presently have a fine
.eleetlon of 2, 3 Ir 4
bedroom rental.a .from $2fkl
to $450. mo.. U well as
resaltl ht the area. W~ are
here to llOlve YOOR houatng
"""'' r-1 i I · 1 ' I ' I I 1 l I ' ~ I I ' ---I 111•11ll11 ~
l!t Weslem Bank Bldg.
UniVft'lity Puk. nvtne
Days S52·7000 N'9flh
2 BR OONDO .. $220 mo. l!Se.
2 BR CONDO .. S2'l5 mo. lse.
3 BR HO~fE .• $315 mo . t:;e.
tt, 6oo 1q ft gaUo~to=: :;~to~~ SECURITY-LU'SURY-:X:·~dec&2 r;\,~. oom&Bo.rd 405 attorney at law. llxl.6 Kt.
relrig, Iaw;ictrY f&c..11. $350. $150-$165. mo. 646-1461 . OVER~ complex. Walk to st~ & I Ori.UXE adWt Po o 1 s Ide attorney's otHce, recpt. It
mo inc utll 1. $160 3BR. 7BA. SHAG CRPTS, rest. Adults only. Phone garden bungalow nr ocean WOliofAN desltts pvt rm ha nn. for pvt. secretary. Call 49J.8001 DRPS. BLTIN KIT, WSHR 67$-:1158. . frpl lrg patio. 6 pools' & board 1st nr Jwf. ~me $250 Mo. Call 6?5-271l
NEW Condo;, 2 BR. l be.. Dana Pacltic Real Estate Upstain, quiet & clean. 2 & DRYR IN UN IT . TOWNHOUSE 3 BR 1 % sa~a tennis ~9 ' vie N~. 548-:i656. ' * 1 Kto. FREE RENT *
2 Story. Pool, nr. hadlor, •• Dana Point •• BR, laundry fac, incld gar PAR KL1KE GROUNDS. BA new cpts .f...!s 8 Also l Br From $13.i · G 1 H Deluxe 1 & 2 rm. ofJJca hoal6""":ft' ·-mo Call
BR SPAN! w/sto,.,,.,.. mature adlts no NIIUJON $ REC. CEN-' • .... t'' ~ · · ues ome 415 adj. Airport•· Hotel'-Rest . • .,_.,., ·• . SH VILLA wl ..... -. ' TER POOLS · G y ,1 plianes, 2-car gar., poo1, 1 QUIET shady & cozy 3 unll • "'" Q<
NEW 3 Br, 2 aa. condo.
Patio, carpeted gar. $215.
53&-1685 .or 551".om
Huntl'ngton Harbour
=213~Ztall ·~ ?e~>'~J.li~v~.0930$150 .. No pets.6441-<llBET!ID.RM. BILLIARDS HosBY blk. from Westc llff. bldg. 1&2 bdr!I. $1451$I70 . ---SJ:kl2239ToNoon ..., ......,. CRAFT ru.rs. 'TENNIS 646-27'15 · 7772 Ronald Or. 962-9977 5F·pnvate. room m pvt.
L•gune HiR1 Huntington Beach POOi. Jitcuz:d. Rents incl: all O.OSE TO SHOPPING &. SEACL..IFF MANOR APrs om e for e Ider I y OFFICE space avail., heart -utll, retrlg, ~cl. garage GOLF. I MI. TO BCH. ALL 2 BR, l% BA STUDIO; Pool. Apts., . ambulatory lady. 556-1531. of Corona del Mar. Ideal 3.:,0~'l!A -· poo1; 540 WfiRLV -$180._ Adwta, No "'"· asi FOR ONLY $300. 962-l9T3. Ask about our dlseoum plan. Furn. or1 Unlurn. 370 NEW concept In living lor for CPA, Eng;neer. ote. 1200
<&2"$2511. lo ~.part;y . ...644-. Executive Suites Hamilton. 645-4411 I $220-NEW l.525 Placentia Ave,. N.B. Fo ta• v' . ,, seruor citizens, see to To $300CALLPer ~:ml _...
· r 2 BR $165 Crp drps • 548-2682 • un in a •Y appreciate, SU-9278 'II,.,.
Newport &..ch ·Yorktown Blva. . b!tns.' Sngl ·,ty, be"am· _,.,·. e 2 BR. 1% BA EAST Blull y 1. R BEST RENTAL RATE.S tor Beach Blvd. at Yorktown ..... e Bltns + ow .spacious 1 Br. - - -aca ion ent1l1 425 1 Uon ~ SJ6.04ll Nu pa.int. Selected pet ok. •Wet Bar nu cpts I:: di'ps:pool. adults. l , ,, top oca , A1rport area. Park Lido Ooodo. 3 er., &16-9213 or 646-8882. • no pel> ~~ ··~~1 m CUT OUT 600 & 12llll aq. n. avail. 2% Ba, P':'Ol, frplc, bltna STUDIOS & 1 .BR's, Encl<IRd Ga.rage . "__,_ <H'r"_,,, LIVE In the all new o.{na Muu.AN REALTY, MOO ;~=::.:
::;-;i~,!Jt= 2Eo~'"..,.,.~~~ .. "ri;; :~.;r.'";'01ta.,;:,..':,"" o~"':'..:.2.3 bedrm, I POR I ~~·1.w~~im1! ~ trvtne.540-2960 .;..;,======-=. • Laundry JaclUUes !m: ........ ~. C ": o o d land . • Kids &: Pets o .K. from ~ mo., fpl, hllns, SU•DAllC• Motel , 34902 De.I Obispo St. n.wrn. Occup. O.C. airpcrt
;.;H.;cun;.;.t;;.lnt=l;;on;;..;:BNch;.;.::;;:.:.__ : ~ r~!" ;;;·;.. .. 2 BR., adw", Re~~LK TO )IE:c:' ~ Hoag Hoop. Adwta. I 1.1v1 In I u\11111•• -1 kliet~i!.5 ~J A~~~: if~ ~~~ft'. !lii:d
2BR. 1 % ba, frplc, pools. • T.V. &: ma.Id tel'\'. avaU. nopd pet11s, $100. Gu & v.'tr 1 ~ 2 Br-Cpts cfrp! Bltna, * EASTBLUFF 2 BR. . I tl'twl bldnllll * cm-1 lleated pool, direct dial S10-5601 washer/dryer, refrlg, child e Bar·B-Que · 4 E. 20th St., G'I. ga1tg 308 ' • Pool Frplc. Adults S265. = .;s:tnli'l wtlh phones, televi!lion saunA -~:;:.=~===~ olt, $0'5. .,._71156 eves & e Pho<oeservice 54S--013!or&i6-ttl95. ..., eP,..., 1~Jis ':; Ms AMIGOS WAY lhlg.,.. bath, laundry faeUltJ.,,.BAYFRDNT OFFICES
'<'£9ends .... • t !\file to ocean 2 e!~ie s:fy_ >'~· 0'}FS'1~ 847-3957 · , .497-1997 &l4-<l900 1-~ UR»"wOod-) O~m~e7~ :fe~ ~JF. nOO~e~~Bt~
San Juan C•pistr•no 1 BR. $155-$165 n10. Call aft. 5 PM. 642-tJis7 ~VELY 3 BR.. l~ be. ~ -r!;:!· e!:1 u!t .Br.tio2 peneUed ltvJng room, Co~e play ln our spon· N.B. Phone 675-tza:I.
FOR LEASE , NEW NE\Y DECOR. PrlVfgarage. $18G-l BR 2 BA nr South Condo., Nr. lhop le schll, pool, adult&.~· tS.imo: I IWlllcalarcelf1lwahs, I tishmg, shopping&: restau-NE\V OCEAN·VIEW OFC'~.
3 BR, 2 ba, Nr. adult .......,f. T ....... 3 BR 1" ha Lndry nn Ne~r Spanish '"---t Pl' F ' I cor. Golden West & ~WS/777 Or. I klld9' Ml af huUt.J.w m.nta. S50 v.·~k &: Up. Bting Cat Hwy, H.B. 1100 1/f-lgr.
$325. per mo. Ph One ~·A'~ther ext.ras."/a $m5: Adult Co~plex. 2 ml So. ~pets ~rnily 4-p ex. Wame.r, S240 mo. 8(2.....4222 I (R:kldlng dishr'iiW~ .. , thls ad & reoelve ·SS ofJ on · Can Divide Uons Estatel
f<l>2..00'l\l g A N D c A ST LE R.E. ol San Diego Frvrf. 17301 ' mornings, 84Hi9l all 8 pm OUPLEX1. 38R, ~A. ail K foi<t week•s rent. 53&-'5'1\l · •
•·-ch "' -Keel'°n Lo HB. 842-71148 2 BDRM new erpt., d>'ps NEAR BEACH bl~ns, bU< "' beh. XI lg. 11111 lnd :nln~ll with _ -•~· • · & pamt. 's1ss 757 S»<i11mar Y1'-md Nice $325 ( 1 l • LIDO ISLE SMALL omce 1poce avaU
RANCH-REALTY * 551·2000 *
:::.it::;:::..::=::::~---l oupl••••-Fum. 345 AT BEAOI 2 BR, golf, 646-351i . . Brand new 2, 3 &.4 Br, cot ~-2382. I ~3 o•...-1 Avail JullBTu~ba.., . N.8. $60 per mo. We1tctuf
CHOICE 3 BR., 3 BA., Jrplc., sauna, adults, $180 with NEAT ~ l!r!>a.511 !'J~h St.'.:'!1 J:!T 16th 2 BR ·.·-•• -~••.to beae• !=mt, 1111-11200., 213 ~· ..... ~ ....... -,.,_~1'!_1'.; ~a,;.._, Call Gene H 111.
ocean view; 1n cl~ln Newpor t Beach utilities. 644-4325 • . .... n IBA, blti1121, tn"·s1 .. .l.Oi m1~ ....,....... ....... ... Hard room&. ttJDrM. •l»""V'M
\,.oUI -~ ~ arta, $350 A: $375 un· Laaun• leach patio, ,ar~f adlta, no $1'9-2 BR. Ctpts, dT'pl\ •t~. ftr·-~¥.tuYNy, Avail I Md . •. tat. I Rentals to Shire • 430 PROFESSIONAL SUITE
furn .... OCEANFRONT '24BR.2BA.up ...... v~ .. % pets.SlO. 752 ...,.0.....1 1.,.,ML"-• 11y.........u.~ ""l!FVl Uo. ~ BR. .. _., ha~ ~ ~· 2BR~-t •-t::a·_1·~·Sl•~,,• .... y,"}1',0nr,3BR,l"ba.--r~-1,._ Wlfl"'w.I WANTED-2 Females to"n •· oca n, exain
• """'' ·• .. .,.c.. of bfU!. Nr 44th St. Avail. EJo"FIC. apts from $50 wk ......... • crpt, .... .,... p11v. ac: ... ,. "' .... -...,.. '1S ""''"' ......_, • room• lab pvt otnce tta11blne
OCMll v1ew, (.'OU& lmmed. '350/mo. 6'1!>-49ll or $1'10 mo. Pool, maid patio, gar, bltins. cpl pref. pet Ok. 842---0389, 842-45C>t s'ot beach •• "UXI. 106 Olive ==== =-r ~ch BR. ~~. nr l"tttPl• room.' A/C. ~'
tty a1~:4!.i. rnanY emu., Bkr llh. ~· vwaae IM ~518-S~,,,ru====~.,_..._1 ,,... .... ~u -... ...,........., .. Only RW un furn .•.. Dup .. dl Unfum.
49+-94.36. $195. REDF£0RATED 3 BR, '-L.c.tll~, quiet 2 BR. nrty OCEANFRONT 1 1 ·-• I FEMALE noo OFC Suite, 100 n . Suitable QV.R.MER, oltehed. hoaJn. IJ.35 Utll paid rum_ apt
BA. pool, no pets. .,... bldg. Wtr/gaa pd,chlld blliM erpta :!' ~ wlllyau In llllnd. ,_ .to shr 2BR !"::"/: ~rd for doetoe. 11 u n tin 1 l on ~2 ~ ~~·~ 2 BR. DUPLEX. carpeta. Older .;..pioy.d gontl•nwi ff>G..7093 1!'2-1:..pe•• $160 l 1165· ..... : Cail G15.16.' 1I1111MZ11llllll ..... 1 del Mar,~ eves a :ro;: !t;~ !l&t'
A dicy vtl!w; will-kl town drt.~ pet.I. 1 Child onbi, ~ 4M--Jl0!. DUPLEX large 2 BR, att. NEW APTs. WALK TO 011(1 THdJE BA.t 3lijt. 28A, •Mii ,,.. 1171. 2H~ 1 ~A .. ~ apt Nr. Atr: 17301 ~ ~ 'Bdl:
beach, $37$-Un!um. ' OK~ 1 BR remodt,led qute1 walk pn.&f. 2118 Placentia. nso. BEAOI". 1 ' 2 SR. From p' w,. c I 0 It! to 1 '...., .......... I mo ..!....: ...... ui:umt. C.M. $90. 8.f.2..-2834.
• • Bolboo ....,._ ro town • beacli. pi) Incl. month. 54>-'1983 $150 1 -~ •• ,,.,,..,.,. $425 6™Il9 I 1111 II r~ ' "~=· ' ~=""""===~=,.-.!
-MAN'l .MORE avoilablc \,\ utU. --2 DORMS. Ill Ba. Avail
-· ~·~ . . ' ·~~~·· ••• MALE 3'0"" ft m Mo. CM
tllol .. looatlono. WALK TD THI OCEAN BEACON RENTALS March ll. $175. Cail 6TS-«HI ::.-::· 1 Br N ~ P2A"Ji, U:.,' ~ 2 "'~ 191.a • S BR =:':,"~~ '/:, • 6*-~ _
SKIELDS --· c.pt. Btodl 491-&49l afttr 5 • ""''"""'· Soe Mgr. a · F,"":Js ~m; ..... t. llOO. ~-' 67>-1'13 1'17 WESTCLIFF-"1
fr"TI!ua , ..... ~ • dr11s~·· blUnl. ~ • • • r • No'--LARGE 3 BR. • ha .,..1 St. JD!. 53&-~. SPANISH 3 er,~ ea. trplc, J ea,tront • o.i.an v..... 545 oq.tt. & up. !141-"112 • __ .. 4 ·~ -....... paUoL •hair ept' m.W. Nr SPAC 3 BR. 2 ..... frpl<, 125(). ' BR. 2 BA. $190. Flan.
Br .• ' Ba. Slipo. Ihm-Ront•I fii/IJtiL Pd, llnail but 2 M. $400 NICE Baeholor pt !11 O.C.l:.! li!lS mO. !ST~. . potlo...1.. c:hlld ot. "' ...... Nr. -· Adultl. 644-2404 11'1'l. 6'W742
mco> er. ylU'd A potlo. 3 IR, 2 BA. $350 • Call • .,.;. · · w. J BR, ruo. °'"· """" 8*-1848, -Nowpo<t He'""'i I --~·...,.1 MALE1 !IS, hal 2 bdrm . ...._ RESTAURANT . _,.beautltule~-~nw-1 beach, DrWt b)' lOt E. BaJboa Blvd. . 673-2223 nr M:hl•, Jddt OK. No peta'. ~· l ~ .__ -........ ---w guy or tlrl Bolaa-and BAYFRONT •-· am pet olt 6~71711 ~·~ I ' 2 Bt, 2 Ba. SPAMOUS 1 er ~"· --. -• -••· Beaeh. 119'.1-1~
1325-CHAllMJNQ 2 Br, lrpl~ 4 Ill, 2 BA. MOO JELLY ·sled to Iba ·~ .. -Dix poolold• apt. Nr. Beh. ,, • •m•·~ I""* .. 11111 S:aml~ ' al • .,,,. Balboa. 673-1.., tbYd/pot, 3 Arch Bay. 3 llt, 2 IA. $350 t-of ...... u polish CLEAN ,_ !!BR. clooo lo $180. ml FloMda. -=·~· cpt .. drpo, Plllt. ,._. 714-982-N~Cf A'r;., prtvato -FOR LN.,.Retatl , 1
lm-LARCE 3 nr, 2 Ba, 301 35tb St. Call 642"2800 and )lut1 tiOtt n win la!ep 11th, -$165. 16'11 Santlt Ana ~~ ~t~ Bd
r ttaJlfl70 Quiet bid«, Ad~~· ~""P: 12D2. ........ _.. dilly w:=. H.B~. ~ ~ ... 1•7 23x333<0E.1•111.._b lnl center:
fl'ple, dbl_pr, JOr<l..J"'tk' tbe Ilda !tom otlcidns •. T"J'. Ave •• ah 4 pm !14~ w~ ~-1 311 Alaba -41J11 &c.m\ o peh ti ..,.... ~ .b Si. CM ~
1111-VIBW RENTALS ~i.;!. .. ~~. Li'll'~ ~fl '~ ~.Olllllflrd Ad 2 Br, epta, -·bit!,"!', pool, Hun-Baa!!t. ma N1CIC ",!°"BR. I.IL --ROOMMATE·""'"' wlnttr m.<>t<O. m.-O>iT, &fW4oo 6T3-4m ., .... ., ._ "1.utto1 ~p ., ~· -or r tn t odulta, oo petl, ..... ll9 Any MY 11 lhe 8Ellf DAY., oar .,:_ ~ ~· l:'"\,,°~ Bol~nd. BLDG. with tumlture otrlp tomtthll'lg. Monte Vista. 646-6353. run an ad! Don't dN.J, sl!IO. ·~ ... ,.. • nor••· -P\~0,;;ifted dJ Call 1T1 · -... mo. v•'""""" .. ~' pin; tonk• lot l4!ue ar sell "2-«71 N~l 1~t Clmlf1rd1 641.!A~ ~1c,:_1'.l':.'Ml l. =:.:;.,.__.--j.
• ! • • -: -. .. -. . . -. . . . -..-. ,-
• -r au;r ..... Rent•• +'5 F · --= ~ :~ · . - -F'4dat.MM'f:i.-1, 1~74 • DAJLV PILO r S-l
; ound llTW odal 550 Go~lng ' i=, , . fill HelpWan1-.... a f 710 --·-•n-.~ffi"lf Wont?, M&F 7 10 HOlp WantOd, M&F 710 j ROle Wonted, M&F 7!0 QUAINT~ OLD BLDG. ~~~~ n!.. = ~ ~-=-.~ . ., .. , all ltl!J B&AlTl'ICIAN Mm& IQll:IC, 'rui G&NERAL OF'FlCE N!U'llna SAU~ 1u..,-..w.,. i....ra,o.t '"'.'~ w.,,_u.. .... 36IO ..... "' PoOd!e. ft!.. • i..no.ea . Mootloly 1= -=~-~ ~· .. '!.!· ..,:,.°'.-~~ .. ~.a""~!~ ~ * . New pkM• ,,...,., "" • craft sq, u. • lflTific sdmtiil.in -.rllln ~--viii' ifii1D !Cal:rit lo ;)ilnrwer-~ "-U'--E WJ} iu·ni ... • ~ ~ _ _ _ rctaill•r net.>dl s h a r p , r-~--1,'-t, ~-VU1!_c._ _ + malt~ ('OCk,f,~ a. Call W-8649 .loll Wafttilef, Me&. 700 M&-U tn -yach~ Kflii I .-' . -•~w sa.ll"SITWl £.:
,. :-PETE BARRITT =u..t.;;;:• ~ Mala=-~~· SCRAM LETS !::.~"r':" ~it' l:'kS..~m'ar.~ MACHINl<"TS Saddleback ;~~~'.·" •. ~~.~;
...,-REALTOR-SMALL lft)' kltltn wllh 1"e RefM\•al. VerY -Must be Mel a dean. ~4 ptr. not nettU. Wlll traln. J c . ~vdp(.'~, lrl-1 Nellpoct
I '42·5· I ~ ~ t!uar-= reuoaable, ~ l!Wt. ANSWERS =~y~~r.· Blackie s ~= 11!'" ~~1':J! Clln~ • ommun1ty SAui Stll oon ~lrOll!WI\ I "' -v1ow aomes; o-•• s.rv1c:os~ BOOKKEEPER. CPA Jh'ol. ,,.. ... ean 6'>-1066.. Experienced H 't I . .... pn"'"''" s" •., .. Oa'!l.~ °l!..!!~ =· 644-43'n.. CAfTAINS CAR Kalset -Fll.1.'C't -Acrid -F/C tbni T/B, Permanem..' GIRL FRlDAY, general of-osp1 a Producui, 8'.U·!S-t~l e\'M. -
I,. carpeted, atrtCond., prk'a'. 7~~lt, (Do b e.rman) H.and}v.·a,;inlj: .l ...vutdn , 1,n. E:idlty·-Cl-fECK ~ ... ar:'(.J650U'-• ~2. ~ Phone Dcot, mu11t haV:e driven lie I --..a:_._ SECURITY GUARD _ A.Plll'OX-· 100) eq ft w u-:, Ina than )'tllJ' -lide & out~ Free p Up .A v.lntvr 1pon ls anyone " · no:: .,,, __...,, &: ~ fomUw v.·iarea. srn.ul'llTW RN's..;Jor ICU-O:U. i;~IAI Exper. 1-·1;1!111!. Co11wct
P5Q/mo. Waretiouff ai.O {4&-~ V'M NC\VpQr'l Blvd. "6: Ptllvery. Ji~O't' appt, call whO picks up YoW' CHECK BOYS &. GIRLS machlne f'XP detlrt.ble but penings ~~h!~lt. ntl'dil·aJ, 11uri..ti-~lr .. 1-~111\I, Su111:l'vlAor
avail. ldtal 1 ..... contnctor. oaL..t::..,., ar St., C.M. $4f-1791 nr &16-3632. •I a ski l"\.'IOl't. ' N._.._ .. ,.... carrien,· mli1. ~·ill 1r&in, part l1n1e. non· . A'--1 -•t Balboa Bay Club
Call MS-.261 ..,,. ~ ~ .. ~ ...... __. amok ~S4ll7 A I In ...., mm .... alt-ope11lng11 tor · 6 FND ' • ptjJMmNQ, ELECTRICAL. YOU !llC man w/2 yrs age 10 yn. kit Nev,.J!Ott er8 · PPY 2nd Shift JPM-llPM OR t~hnlt·lllns. , 1221 \V. l'uni11 ll'A')'., N.U.
I. OFFICE or 1t0tt bldg, over mark~vk8t ~~ CARP~Y. No job too college rn1jorfnc ln business Beach, Newport 11~1.,-t:ta .\ person 17 \Vest l7th St., CM 3rd Shift . 11 PM--7,AM Beaulltul ~· o 1n 1n u n l t y
900 Ill· n. Cptd. ·paneled Ba!boa IiJ nd . Needs _.e snail. F l 8 Home Repair, lnto. S)'5 woold like position Nev.•port Peninlul!,1 Cont•Cl GRINDER OPERATOR hospital ~•It'(! In LU$UM ~CRl:.'Ti\l{Y • i....~ . divided 1185/mo 326 horn Pl a · •"' M2-1403. aa a C'Omputer oper trainff ?.tr. 1-{y~. ClrculaHon Dept. TO OPERATE Hlllsl minutl'!t trom tht' SR. SAL ES SEC'Y
I MIJn St.,· Hunt. B ch , 615-~e,_ ease eon ta C't "TlilNGS" by Yao&e. Gen'I ot d.ftta proc. or key punch DAILY PILOT. Cllll 642-4321 Far ID g:rlndingr Sm.all ocilln In n-s n1 o g . Ir I'! e \\'ill v.•ork u1 uur 11ale1/mll1'· ~ ~. c .. ~.-. Re~I-, Pl··--trnillf'{', 89'J...32-IO. It lell\'I! u,pllcaUon. manuf. firm. p I e a • ant atn~p"--· · FOUND lr -r--~ r-•• ... ,... v.-onting ronds & good 'co ..... ,.._..,~ kcung dt•pl & report t\j ! REl'AD.."' shoot avail ai pa. of pretCri.ptJon bing. EI e c. R.l!:rnodellna; MOTEL-llotd ma na i er CASJflERS. ~1e~or fem. Pftkl benefits. Tapmall~ ExL-ellent sala1)' & b<>n<'flt11 '' cin.:n1 Hl·i,:1onal S ii. I es
I tnlnlalwl! mall In "Cannery =--Vic. Of Briltol A &ll-5613. "-'OUld llke employment. F.llll or pltlme. u cu:hll!n Corp., 1851 Ket 1 er l n g. * MillS av.·ait ttK: c·areer-nt.ludo~d ~t11:r. lJuC1t•io u~lude : cWi·
VUla,e'" SllO lo l tMI. f25 Call 557~ Ana He!pts. HEN 0 ER SON 'S stereo XIPt rel1 I:: keeps bualneu In M.'ll sttV. ps 1tationll. Irvine. 979-6080. lndlvldw:il lnl''"-'lited i n tonit•r lla1:AA1, sale:-; book·
30th st. N.B. _.. -or n< · aeivice* St'tvl""' n-..a.--up. Npt Sch, 0.~•r Laruna StlU1i--,.1. .... ..... hr lfE Ch k pnwldlng the (uiest of 1111.:s. 11111·rfal~ w1ealitt!111 ... ·-··~ D w i-. ,_ .... .-..... ...... ~ ., .. "!""' .... .µ r-· -LP! "'omnn v.·riter/ ....... t * UC ers ~· I ~-
oo"",, pup, Ya')' .. ., ano,a. 613-2002 • area . .....,... ,,.1 or ~. v.· /regu l a r I! a r n e d ,._,.. nM.'"ll'B care. . L'(ll p. Oil'. i,;t'rl l l"l"Tc!lp, etc. l~nd7.~==i:ri=.,,l°'R,.--~~-~,I te hr w/blk • "'1'Ute tuie. H J b W t-• F ,_ 702 inc-l'E'..., '!In 'i• 18 needs \vlWtteer t¥Pist. Ph. Takl' San Diego r~""• south 11
.,., I . tfttll 450 VI• .,. ____ • c1-~-. 1uli-0 In WU,1 ema.. . 'I' • yn. 8»2b'21 I ~oou I lie a\Jlt' to work ln-1:;;;;:::::;~~~;;;;:;;;;1 ~~-~~-~~~f§L:·:..::::~:::::-··• ?ofust be bond.a.hie a: neat • *lathes 10 the r.i Tom Rd. 1um-0ff. dependently w 11. inUi. 1• C.M. 96&-7729. YARD, &&rage cleao-upa, RESPONSIBLE 1 tu dent In apPear. A: enjoy-wmidna; fl.EL?! HEL.P! Cause m'eds 2J5i61 Pa.seo dt• Valencia ruuou11l 01 su~rvision. 3
NOW LEASING FND: Wire famed glalses remove trees, dirt dl!Sire1 part-time o f fi c e v.•/lhe public. For lntervf~v volunteer lor pollllcal cam-714: 837-7121 )'l'li \'Xl.1t'r: dc111n."<I
Huntington Buch Vic. Llltle CdM beach 2-2-1-d r Ive w• y s. st u' m ~: 'A'Ork Jn CoslA ?ottta. Can Call Collect, p e I' IY . paign. 83().2627 *Grinders NURSERY TRAINEE i•vs1t1on l'el.j'io KOUt.i typl~
NEW .M.J 7-t M7-2i66. type and tAkl! aborthand. 213 9'?5-0431. Hoiteas, f /tlme , To v.·ork 111• Indoor plants In ti< ~1 skill:;, plc1i:<t111l pnonc
9«> Sq. Ft. 1:: tJP 63&-0709 t.IOVING. DELlVER'V .. & MH240. CAR WASH HELP Apply in pe-rson only, *TOOi· Maker ret~.1 our.wry. ~pply In pt•r· pt·n.uniihty "' t11c dl'!lll'e to
Hamilton A Newland-St. P'ND: Black C.OCkafoo or HAULING, Have a bla walk NEED help at home! We F/lime d r Iv 11 r', ps Delaney's Sea Shanty ,son Ohly, mt Jo t1.lr .. tl ..... ' Rd , "ro"' " run111utcr oncntetl
M0.1'70 poodll'! • female • very mat· in Vl'ln. Rea.a + rellllble. ha\•e aideii, nurses, anendanls. detallen & 630 Udo Park Dr,·N.B. Colsht '.\-tesa. 11rtn . W11! 1rull>~ he1iel1t:i & 'll~i"i:iiiiil''l.i''i"~':T.;;;::'l~h~~~·~-~·~fnd~=~~San=ta:_~Jsa:"':'_J· 646-1346 ~~~s:~·ke~punkm9.w...: gencra.l help. 6 J.oca(~. ltOUSEKEEPER. II you NURSES AIDES -All ii.hifl!I. l\~~li.l"~:,~:u~1~"~~JJA Jplr ' INEW BLOG li-1-1, 12 Units FN . . • UX'.:AL moYirlJ: & hauling St7.fi681, ,..,.... Gl'O'«lth co, good~· w!Jh to ·become part ol a Long Term En1plo)'n1cnt ~lodcm Con\'alet;t.'t'nl hM-S I' ~.
1250 Sq. Ft.
• 22(1.J ph ' D: Be.1ge !t wh1~ shaggy by student. Large truck. Metro Car Wash klving family v.·ith 2 With ·111A1ory Of pit al. 642.f69.1. tandar d Memories, nc
Front Offire, crpts, 1arie -~Terrier Vic H.B. ~~Barry. 531-12.15 or ~~I~ Zi,e~t. :l!atm~~: 2'J50 llarbot Bl, CM =Jlghtlu.I children, ~his may NO LAYOFFS ORGANIST ne.:•d1..-.;I for Luth-Apvli~'.t/~~~:~~1~1~·~i>~~orp.
rear dooni. Anaheim & · · ope-t•• h ,.._ CLERICAL .your opporturuty, ex-cran Churi:h In Snn Cle-''''I -\ ·1 Terminal \\lay C M l\.1IXED Col.lie male -Vic: GF:I' RID OF"UNSTGHTLT ... u., w se. man.""°""; 1 f."d t'CUll~·ecoupleroq,uiresome-.... , .,. 11n11· ::i . Days 646--5033, eves 64&-00si Han11lton & Brookhurst TRASH & DEBRIS 112 labor. t.l!ke -530-4375' Z!~ Lo. Asslgnmhoents. Top one 10 manage the In Our ~taru1factu..1 .... Area nil!nlt". <19'1--61,6-1. ·192·7746. Si1n1a ;\1111 1 ~10;;i~jf~f"~~::'.1~·~-~-~·~~~ "'~"1'-_:_--~,:_ I'~I look;•• to• a -n'I .,,... ~ or !I r1 tcnn. houllt'hold rve"" day r-m •u06 ORTIIODONTJC ASSISTA.~T E4uuJ Uppor. 4!.lll!1luycr
1 1Dc PER SQ. FT. ..__. ,.......,.,... · ~i~fNT 5-l8~~LEGE housl'<:ll'!a~ing ;;,h. y h~ve NC:~E~A~~E AT TEMPO nooo-Tpm, ~~aft 1Pm -E-xcetlent Working Part tinic poioltion 11v.UJ. in
1 .. 39)) 1/t 4001 B1rch,NB Lost 555 n:·fcr. 1 get $20/day. Call TE~tf>O T ~ pl!!ase . Conditions Newport Beach olficl'. Some SECY./RECEPT. R.E. I-Bauma;a.niner 54.1-,5032 LOST lWftle cat. looks .like t.tOV~Gf Local furn. or aft. 4. 962-0510. -' cmporary llelp HOUSEKEEPER I BABY· C ortOOdonlic ex11. n cc. Secrctaru1I pui.1110n ln acuvi.:
I COSTA Meu. lJOO SQ ft plu.s Blue1X1lnl Siamese, but gen. hauling. 32 Ft. tum. EXEC. Sec. U yrs n:pn CLERK • TYPISf. Pe.rm. SI'ITER ?.Ion thru t'ri 7 ompany Pahl Ben.fits ti-1~t3. ill.•allor ll 0111<.'i'. l:k.•auttlul
1 fenced yard. Sl'l5 pr month. w/white nose & white feet. van. 548-1B62 557-2136 Sho rthand 80, typing, 60. part lime I.. temponry run to 4·30 · ov.'11 trans N. e & Shift Premium PACKAGERS OUK~ '111 r-.ewport Ccntc1' .
. I 642-0851. BKR. Ans to Bandit 3rd Island SKJPLDADER•dumptruck P.R. (213)79()...535la!t5pm. !~~le in ~Umml!r.,$2.3:1 hr. Ref.·~. 644-~7 aft -t 'o~ SATURDAY ,_. p I L'01tgt•nl11I 1111.11 of nu11ure
If H b
--k C -~ ~-•t n antm11.ture "P d k _,., u>'lne hamiaet>utcal ~lfl{I" , ... ,-..•• , .• 1. A 1_,,, ulfl-
1 R~tals Winted · a r o Ur . Needs ~.,. · OiM.:nne, a,..,._. · H.I W eel ' · "'' l'nus 0£'ed5 pockagers ror 1heir r-........ '" .. ~ i . 460 medication. 846-8104 sa~·ing. bre&klng. 846-nlo. P Mt ,MAF710 Call 892-8344 · .. protiuc1\on dl'!partmenl, ........,11i011 l'\.'\lliU'111i.: good
J WANTED: 2 or 3 bd-hom• LOST ?.Ia" 0•~"--""'ky. HouHCINnlnn CT.ERK • Rl!Kervatk>ns 8-5 HOUSEKEEPER INTERVIEWS O""ra!e 50lTI(' ka · l!dt•phone Vl'.IJl'". Sil &: lilt.I
0"' ~·-· "' Off S < 'I '!··-" n',-a-hm· & """1 ging 1 l:.11-in.:. ubll1t1<'.s. l\lust b.: •, in Costa. Ml!Bll or near by. mack & >n11ite. w/panda ACCOUNTANT/ un ' "on. " ....,, delaU For molht'rless home. 2 lttn· ~ es per or m
· onl : ' No children or,peb 551-9244 race, 17 mo old, Vic: RESPONS. Bondable .. -oman BOOKKEEPER l\h~t 1~'Pt'. •·~lilt tr 11 In · age l'hildren, private roon1 manual packaglni; Good tt\Jll'!
\.\urk ~al ayi;. ' ~~~I Ed Inger/Edwards, HB, will do hou5eele· ... 1 ..... · ror '*9-1-1!52I Hl'!l. 8 & 5. ,r. bath. ~B. 673-912.) 6iJ..i;iS.J M1rch 2, 9am·noon lringC" benefits & · l<.i:.. exp1.•nt'IK"~ ''°1
cs· • ..,_
..., ...... ..,. Im.n\ll!d. opening in Newport lacilit)' 10 work 8A"'t.,., !;l'Ullal, \Jut 11clpful. l'rcf<'r ' I ~ . .-. jjiijillj ""'..:d "' 5 36-5015, !:'.,'"it~~ :13la.';: .>::,~',/•~,.?.; = ~~!168--r~~~~t~· "x1~U"'~~gEEP~~-.li1.~iB: Apply In Person ~';.,f)(!~~~w~r~·s f-:tl ! ~~'~i':..~ut~~i .r ur u1tervu i I ;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-:.ii· :1MED. Sz black Lab. White "'~ alt 7P~I. Wed·Fri. t>xper, to mana g f' ac· r.1-Call Mon thrU Fri. 839-3773 Gilit'uc, lrvlfi, nc.
"" .. ~cslcy l'i. 1Hylor OJ.&4"-"910
on chest. f1ea c 0 11a 1l. anytime Sat-Tues. counting fW'ICUon lor sue-OOUPU.:. Work lull lin1v. -BERT EA L".·ual o ......., 1 1 •
· "Colonel''. Left car accident HOU SE·\VO Rk . Exp. ~sful de\'t'loper. SerMt manage 62 unit ap l IMMEDIATE "-"i p,.., .• uniy empoy£'r1 S£CR£JIDY
uto r1nsport1tion 525 at Pomona &: Wtlson, C.M., Dependabll'! .• Ownr transp. resume 10 Walter ~ut ,•5:i5 compl~x . Costa 11.1 e sa . • -OPENINGS PART Tl:O-ti·; s c {' r l' r a r Y . -KA I SAi, RewlU'd. 546-4413. Rels. NB-CdP.1 are a . California St. SUite 2780, Salary &-romlortable Ill!~' * 't'EU.ER ~ CORPORATION v.·anted. To ""Ork for a
I NMCI car pool from Sin ini SIA!'11ESE & % Burmese ~7-4287 aft. 5PM San F'rancilleO, Calif. 94161 · 2 BR , 2 BA apt. Sorry w •" P\CKAGING • dynamic }oong real esli1ll' t.:ood vµpor1u111ty to learn I I __ ,, .no ~·•~ or children. M,;-4411 * 1"1.1' 1 _, ln\'C'Slment fln11, 1oca1ed in Ul<' wt IJIZ. T) pln.i; r;,, 1h
Juan Capistrano to the . ca .' ~f. A tl'!n::u. Declawed RESPONS. College Studl'!nt A Savings & Loan exp req'd 1!001 V K hvlne. Plea.w rontac.:t Suzie 1w. ..:.-.-.• ,--.· ,,,, .. _,0
Arches In Newport lront paw!. Oilldren upset. "•ill do fa.~t & efficient ccounting Clrk $600 DELIVER\' men. over ,:n APPL.Y IN PERSON on arman !ll3-23-l9 · ""'""' ..... .. Harbor Vlev.· Hom ey.. cleaning 4 hrs mln.13 hr. E.x<"ellent Company )TS. Pern1. pltimt'. 1-:11rly MARINERS SAVINGS Irvine, Calif. ~,,,ii.1'li "'0 1td i~u. -ki c 0
Beech, Working hours 644-TI!ll "Bobbie" 548-4868 Fee P~trl l,\Jso Fl't' Job! d Ii 831 1424 29 PRES$MAN U;u!y
• i•.u . liox
· I AM t 5 PM I mor,n. ne~·spaJK'r c v .. 1(11 1515 \\'esfclifl Dr <1-, ext 4 Lui;l1t ,\1,.si1, C<1hf. ~111.116.
O ca I i.oST J.1'13, Male Husky JAPANESE lady. wishes to WESTCLIFF NB ho~s. S3YI per ino Nl'!"'JlOrt Beach \\'ho. can opcrale AB Dick j ., ________ ,..,j -4-tt;.3~ ~~lemute, white & m~t do hou.wv;ork. Needs P er!Onnel Agenc-y + bonus. 642-4800. Equal Oppof\ Employer m/f Equal Opp. Employer &: n1ult1 125i'l. Do not apply -~ -11i.Jured leg:-vlc Goldenwes lfansporlallon. ""50-1:02 !l\fark Ill Centerl !>ENT AL Assb1t1U1t, NeWporc INSURANCE CO. needs I unle~ you have se-.•f'rnl l r & \Varner 540-ai08 Income Tax 1651 E. Edinger, S.A. Beach 0 11hodontlc oUlcl!. tale! agents & Ill g nl I MAIDS HOTEL I yeartt t>Cper. 122·1 So. Lyon, Prol~·-~i-11..111;11 ~·•H'et'r oppty t ~·· lf ,, U)ST 5 mo old sable & ---------~ 5'1~ chairslde. Approx 4 da.ys trainees. Sa lary lo $800 + • , Santa Ana. (71~1 ;,-rz-3171. 1 •or l>~l'Y \.\'11111\! t:xcc & •i;_ fllnonlfs .wl\lte fem. collie puppy. -Income Tax Service per wk, Top salary. liberal bonus, no exper. necessary. Phone for appt. 67J....8800 , . i;J10r111auJ t'-"I•· ."o!Jn1e malh
If . Vic. Walnut & Yale, .Irvine. personal or business Accounts Recejvable Irtiige hf'nerils. congenial 1138-8791 l\tAN \\'anted lo at!lst in 1 I rintlng apu1udt:. !\hu lnnge benc-
R.ev-•ard..,551-«;50 23 Yea~ Harhor Area Typing k 10 key, pegboard e)lvironment. ortho exp req, INTERVIE\\'ING F Sha. _ 111anufact1.1re of i< .. 'ft·rc,1n1 fu1 IMMEDIATE , lils r.: lJh:111>11 111 uln1usphl'!1'1'!.
Personals 530 SMALL black female poodle, (·714) 6754676 • expl'!r. helps! Small, lricnd· no smoking, age :n,30, poo Girls, apply .°fle<i.dy~. local lc<'crtan1 Shop. Pan I t ur 111tt.'~~n·w call 1\I r 11.
' [ wied lo v.'Orry about _not cl!pped, Vic: Har:bOr & For Appointment l>J f>XJ)Ort ro! 642·2826. %447 East Pacific Coast Hwy T1nu.•. cl!Jl r-.1r l\htril,IO OPENING I ~·1L-e a-I•·-·~""'=·----
everything. Not anymore. y~~· -~s to Pickles, LanClscapl""' ason Best Agency DE~'TAL ASST. chalrside, tfL • 1t'" 1r • 1I ftt:J 'A'\'C!kda)'l'I, 8a:ll ~ i St:CHl::fAlt \'. Grnernl .oUice
Not since
di·-·•~ th• '"""""""' .... ,.,, ··• 17400 Brookhursl, F. Vly. sit-dov.TI: Exp. 5 da)'l'I 8-5, ---· -E:x('lf'riel'lft'd illho st . 1
~·/l•n1plu1s~ on .1ih1pp1f1¥ ir.J ..... .,. •cu LT ORANGE Suite 213 96~ Sal open. Nwpt Cl!nter -MANAGEMENT large presSCl< . 36~ptpeo '60?.r in\·01c1f1¥. t.lust bl• ~ood
Secret of living. If you lll'e · yng. tom cat LANDSCAPING: Sprinkll!n, -6-lO-{l300 · typist !mOrthand pref liood i : a 'A"Orrier and ~·ant to w/collar. & Dea · tag. vie. la'A'llS, 1-ototillins.:-, e t c . ACCOUNTING CLERK ' As s I 1 tan t n1 an ~ers, 0Bnllark ~nd v.·hite I~~ v.·ork starlu'ig salary. l'le~ call
change, !et me li?lp you. Nan=issus, CdM. 67J.-0337 reason. $-6982/673-0012. DISHWASHER management trainees & y. No tolor Pl'OCC'S..,. ikalnl'r l.)JISY 1n L.aguna
Call 540-4844 BLK. & WHT. part Peni&n P•1'nt•'ng & Nat'I Sailboat t.lfg. has Exptr., dependable, neat & ~. cashier positions av a 11 . • D•" •hilt' N•guel !or inter u,ppot.
h!m. cat vie: Lido hi d opening for A I Pa ya b I e I A J Surf & Sirloin • --• 1'"/time. Growth ·co, 6 J UCENSED SPIRrnTALIST · · 8J1 • Papo•h•n••'ng clerk ~11 -c ean. PP Y ' ~ locations ... ......i • 1-·r1nge Benelh.s --=~'~'~~'~· ------
spiritual .... d~-10 a.m. REWARD! ~-. • R-'..,:.U.::, g 10~.:.. ... _~ e cln. 59.," "' "~A•t H-N B , • •""" ~:. "'6" .,,.,.,,....,., o ........ ·-e. .... ,, .. .., "" ·.....,.... .,~, • • • -· Metco Cir Wish s~:L'Y1 ANALYST lor 11m. NB
-10 pan. Advice on all LOST long hair fem gray cat April. Apply MO w. 17th Dish~1sher-Cook Trne 2950 Harbor Bl, C~l Martec olt" 111or11. 1nvolvt'll 1tnalyrinK
matters, 312 N. El camino with white paws. * Willard Painting St. c .M. 7A.\t'·2PM. Mon thn.! Fri. ~1A ..,AG<'R Reproduc.:ons·, vttrious 1 1~w·el1. S1au1i l)Jr
Real, San Clemente, for 96Z-3473 Contrai tors * Equal Oppor. Employer Dick Churchas Rest. i rw• "" • exper, for newer '' in,g, soml' 8horlJw1w.J, 50llk'
' appt:'Call 492-!Km, 492-9136. LOST 1tt C.M. area, Red RESIDENTUL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 2698 N'ev.-port Blvd, CM . IDlllfll.fC' l'rnt",....,...._rl 10 unit apt b.h:Jl:. Sa.n 01'!+ l"C .sales forecastlrJJ>:. fo1· 11.ppl.
"TIIE ATii DAT IN G male cat, 9 lbs. 7 ~ Call &: CO MMERCIAL N 1~ al ~-'Id I • d DISllW,,Sl·IER, wttk-d•. '"YK ~I:. l"'~"U'"<CL mente . .t9'2-4339, 2.13-434-66S6. ""11 Pia·:.:..,·,.,, A•·-. plrasc cull, tiTJ""':1553----
-GAME'' 548-3021_ . aft 3 Pw;r-Fin••! C-•lt•m•• -!~~"~ !-':"_.!.',. Coo:~ t"'1>c_ . "'" CCD\IV"'CC' .. ,Art:.,,Jl""'V MAN ted I II ti . .., ~.... ' -:;.;::_ ~ , ., •¥•" ""' ... ., '"' P.tt'!i'I. VM'dl! Conv. HO!!pilRI, JIU\I~ ~""'-1 wan U me In Nev.-<>-a,·h, C<<i<I. St;(;Rl:.-l'AJl \' for mai·u'IC 5'>«>YR.gro"p From thow-F -"~ 1 D~·•ll \I'll rl ltenlal yal'd. Nea t l"'"°" .._ _ _. , •c 1·1 b"'· · ''" em UUl,ll!'l'n1an·no co· •1 •1' a ~pe ng req. Penn. position. Call r.61 Canter St, C~I 543-5585. SEE OUR t714l 6·15-1111 .,,.,...,..,, . ., c • P· 1 c -PG· • privacy of your telephone. Jar, Vic. Del Mar & Elden. Acoustical Ceilings for detaUs/appt. Mrs . appearance, with very neat occa11. 1y111ng, s I lg ht • P.O. Box 743, G.G. 534-4622. 543-6;42 REWARD Please Call For Estimate Thompson, 714: 979-4550 DISHWASHER SUNDAY LISTING hand wr111ng. Own cran11p., An l'(lual opportunity knowll'flge of 111tillng. Call
24 hrs. .~ *642-sns 640--11~ Conv. Hosp. &12-0593 CAf..L TltlSJi HOPKINS Will train rls.:-ht man. l'mploy~r fur ap1Jt. 6·12-2932, 8:30-4:30.
"THE ATHGAMEI?, AT IN cl,~., I~ Stale-Lie. No. 281b.18 ANCIENT MARINER JERRI WHITIEMORE Apply 1930 Newport Blvd, PUBLIC HELATIONS SE."\\'rNG:--your ho1nl'!, your
"'----'-----NEEDS DRAFTSMAN 488 E. 11th St. {at ltvi.neJ CM C.l.I. 9, !lm to Noon. !\ton, machine, p/Hmt'.-~ Z . --50-60 YR. group. From the s.rw,._,_,_. , DAY kitcht>n help ' Suite 224 642.-1470 Wed, Jon., · Agrncy SCl'ks a'ssistantt. Apply !l.J62 llam11ton Avl'.
Privacy Of ,.......,,,. telephone. -COlitPLETE House nainling, · 1'.1edicli.I asliisl t back ff' strong 'A'rjting skills a H '"·h ·"I -· ~11
'I-.-.---NIGlIT BUSBOYS ~·~.,~-=~..,~·-~·~:i-~··"'.'.'~~·~·1 . nn . o ice must. Back«round io publi,. uni. i;x; ., or C•u ......,..._, , po Box 743 G G 53+-462'1 • custom Inter weather proof Immediate o·p I! n In g for w---··· -'" = 5W girl in 11.U. "'tile Cla1&Sificd ,.. .,_ ~I.
•• ; hrs .. -, . , -Babysittl-exte.r. Acous.ilc t.-ellina•. No· Ad ~ ~ D I relations pref. Send resunw ·'.iiiiiii'-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiil , u. ... .... Apply in Person 3-5 Pl\1 Dntltsman wllh minimum JANITOR p/time $l55 to · · o. . c/o Bl Y Pilot, & writing samples 10 P.O. •
PROBLEM pregnancy job too small. 2607 W. Coas.t Hwy., N.B. ot>--3 yean expelienre. $210 mo• iiu&rn· ior jwrt a J>.O. Hox l.560. Costa ~tesa, Box 2'l98 N.B. . . Silkicre9 n Printer
~ent. • y m pa the tic BABYSITT'ING in my home. Tlm Ce~Malntlng APT. r.-rgr-Retired Indiv. or Knov.·led,ge ot pla11llc or die few hrs in the morn. Lile CA. 92626· 1 Capable of 11u\~rv111ing entire
! pregnancy c o-un s e 11 n g, Fenced yard & Refe1-ences. cpl. 12 units. Write: Grove, casting helpful. TY.·o yean cleaning lN.8 .J before yoo NCR PROOF OPR. prucc!lS 1or l'!ll'!ctrunk: or·
Abortion k adoprtons ref. Costa Mi?!ia area. 642-<1'384 QUALITY pa.lntingr \~ &. -~.9th. St. Manh. Bch. of Engineering or "'Jath &O to won or school. Start Exp'd Only. Apply Real Estate Assoc. 1enLt'Ci co1nµany. '\..,,_
APCARE 64H136 Carpenter ext. All I~ -lsh. :11.1£00 course-er equk·lftent--re--m:arch i.-~our -aank of Newport -Red Carpers Fashion Island" STACO-SWl.fai,-aNC.--····-"~
: I.JFE or DEA'IH; Let OW' stain. Ii rolor t~a I c hl; n dg' ASSISTANTS in tableting & ~~:1: 'Call for Rj:lpoin l· more. W.C.B.!'11., 548-852'2. 71fi6 I::. Coo.st Hv.·y, Cd~l ollke in Ne .... ·Jl9l'1 Beach has li:r.:t IJ!Ulcr, COst.a r..tesa
' babies live. For alternatlV(>S CARPENTl}Y ··all types • Co~ cResce m~; 4~ Shipping dtpts. Apply In JANITOR Hel p Wanted: 5J -==Eri""·~c~C~ru~·I~"'~"~·~~-immedl:ite opportunity for a-1~JV.ll • to ABORTION call UF'E g"=· qWU. S"""'ialize in . . ' pe-n1 8 '"9 ~ AM (Il.a) 54().4020 l!Ves ....... wk 2 -' '--NL'L'D I' rt T II I --• c·., I Op•~• " lo •
lJNE SU·sttl, 24 hrs. . re-1nodelirti. F~~est. local PAPER HA NG l NG & f'rl;""Sa~ f• ifu;-Llov.ilcO c.ouP1esP:..e1e~: Can 'J~ c;,ks a & 11
Deri;:rs r:i:·s.0~~xt:~~=: "-"i a .--.... nip y r
BEST MAS.SAGE IN N.B. ttf. 497-294.5 bel. 10 afl. painting. Z1 yrs llarbor Labs. 2148 NeWpOtt Blvd, , PRIMARK S. Hernanoez !W:l~. with over :JO or1ices nation-* Special of Day *
3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 1038. 6 pm. -!~8.;..,~e. ts tum. No. 183281. CM. hfusl be neat. PRODiJCTS ... ;;iiiiiiiiiiiii ... ioiiii'-iiOfCall!. driver8 lie., over 21, 'A'ide can offer the proles-... •l<o lurc Cl.:1ic.
0 8 AM W
_ _, . .,.._..,_ LOAN OFFICER hours ~12 eve,;, Neat & lo I h & pen , Mon. c:v., Fri., No job too small or large, A~JSTANT Indonesian cook, COMP. ANY I na gro..,.·t ;idvance-Lile s11.1Hs $480
Ann. 557-«>39. patio covers, remodeling &
HERExBS A 54~561 ~___,..,.,°!' lull time. Phone One of the nations tinest ~~~~e.S1..6ts~·r-.1e~~ f:~f0,•01 "°'+tunitiell1 You're Li~ ltL"1nders Ai;e ncy
* PALM &: CARD ftEAi ·E.H l'oom additons, our specialJ.-nt., t., vrg room..,..... ""='~.;:~~~~---2620 S. Susan or an x nt con1· . 40 .. '0 Uu'l'n Strl't.'l ad w/reductlon l083l Beach ty. Lie. Re as on ab I e Acoustic $12., 20 )'J'!! exp. AUTOMOTIVE Santa Ana, Ca111. ~vlngs .& loan associat~ns NEED 2 -expd power mli;i;loo 11tructurc. Conlal'I ' suite l!J.I, J\li XlJ..8190
I 81
.,.,., Stanton.'
_3406 646-3156, 645--6488 EXPERTENCED PAI.,.,...,,..R. (Between Harbor & J"air· 11 Si'!ekuig an aggressive, .ma c h in I! seamstre1~. Thoma..'! E. Mancini. man· Dial A Job llJ.0855 "'~ LOT M N I So f W sell confident indiv. to join short hOurs 4 day W(!(!k aoer 640-8672 1'1ASSAGEIBATH CUSTOM Woodwork, remod., Ext. & Int. Free Estimates. A v ew, · 0 arnerJ our lending staff. Real 675-6730 sii-4300 ' ' ' No Charge To You
I A touch of class. Compll'!!e pu~ling & repair. Vll'lce 646-5289 or 893-5370 Immediat~ opening. One of An Equal Opportunity estate lending ex.per. & NOW INTERVIEWING ~ t:s111ol1:.11cU 1';16.')
' privacy. • 645-IB30. Lchoff, 536-8475. EXTER. $32Q & up. Rooms Orange County's leading Employer mi l knowledge o( the Newport
, FORTUNE TELLING GENERAL CARPENTRY $30. Neat work. Alrleu Import Dealers. See Chuck l~'!'!'~~.,;,~,..!!!!""~I Beach area is re q 'd, fry cooks, counter glrlR, lull • CUSTOM FINISH WO.RK spray. Call Roy, 900-1407. t-stanton _ DRAPERY Alig n eeds Preference will be given to time days. Thi'! Burgl'!r 4501 I palm, cards, etc. 539+7492 -Smn!l jobs OK 894-4858 PROF. v.·nll covering, slate DEAN LE\\'IS IMPORTS experienced overlock & those w/S&L or 1>3.nking West Coast lh:y., N.B. _ I Tr1vel 540 Car..,.1 SerVI'• lie. No. 2795l4. tnsur. all 1966 Harbor Blvd., blind stitch operators. Good backgroWlCI. We oiler xln't -types paper. TIC/842-t186. Costa Mesa 646-9303 wagt!:S. Beach Draperies, working ~· star t i ~ g NURSING
• OLDER married man \\'hose JOHN'S ea;;;t&-uPbotsiery PROF l 1 "--I k Auto 900 W. 17th St .• Costa Mesa aalaryPI &CallfrlnoeMrboneliR "·
wife ls unable to spend Dii Shampoo; (Soil . pan er, •N•"-" v."Or ' SERVICE CAS''IER ease . OCl New
j a I
• . -
?i<lediu1n 1lzOO p u b l 1 c
company ill l!lee king
assembly i;upervi&or !or [!!""!!!!""'"'"""""""""""I new tecilnlcol product line J Summer at ranch In Utah Retardants). Degreasers & reas. Int/ext, free estimate. M DRUG & C 0 SMET 1 C Rohrer, 83J..J600.
v."OO.ld like aome other nian all color brigbtenen & 10 Refs. 548-2759, 642-3913. & PBX OPERATOR O..ERK. Exp'd. PARK GLENDALE
,..ilo enjoys ftshlng & hun· minute bleach tor white INT/EXT PAINTING Saturdays only !1:00 AM to ~pt:~~ &i2-l580 FEDERAL -SAVINGS
ting to spend summer aa CiU1JelS. Save your money -Free Est Jim 6T:J-3559 4:00 Pt.I. Call Mrs . Brant 500 Newport Ctr Drive
I companion. ~fay thru SeP!· by saving me em-a trips. • · · et Johnl!On & Son Uncoln Newport Beach
P leaiie write, P.O: Box 365. Wlll clean living rm., dining *Wallpaper H••r * Mercury 541).56.:l) Electronics Auembler E.qual J9Ppor. Employer
Corona del Mar. P.so. &coo~ ra: ~ ~: ~1:,: P•tch, Rr:;;~ "Al\mtnou~~~NTHusrAS-~~~~:!l~1c:2 LVN M~1cAT10Ns
I la] 15 yn. exp. is 'Nbat counts TIC! You ""'OUld makl! a able 10 v.'Ol'k from ~ire Full time; llpm-7am,. RN· Liit Md,._. not method. I do work PATCH PLAS'l'ERJNG perfect Avon o--.. nta· ICU lpo>llpm, RN atall
ell Good f ·~ ~01 All ~ I '""'" "'""" lists and assembly draw· > mys . re .~........... . typts. r•-.:-c est mates"' tlve. You can run ....... own •·-T a1 · k llpm-7am. Xlnt salary &
Call .. ~,, .,......, ~ --"''6"· _op qu 11y wor re-. esa Cleanl.ng Se r v Ice . ~ bW!iness, scheduh~ your Ov.'11 u!ted benefits. Call person n e I Carl, POstt:.:ms Avail.
Found (frM adt) 550 Carpets & Upbol. steam Plumbing houn & !1lakl! the most or a .q S~ra Systems • dept, <n-4> 89J-.5ml. Stanton f or The Jo'ollowlng :
clea.n@d/shampooed. 557-6142 real earning, opportunity. ,.....~. Hospital, mo Kate I la , '
FND: lO~ol a bllby stroller LR. OTIS PLUMBING Call ""70II 9'ra--3400 Stanton. * ICU-F/t lme RN's
-navy )ue • whit• c"-k Cement, Concro"-· ,,...,,. ·. IA k 1 J-"-1v~ ) ar '"""' •• Remodf'ls &. Repairs. \Yater 8.~A-B~Y_S_J_T~T~E~---1 or '-'"u• ... ..,en LVN'S, Nights £.: PMs. 3-11 & 11-7 tun
Vic. Fatihlon laJand 64-H115 CEMENT " Block wark. heaters, d1.sposa1s, tumaces, R-reliable, Electronic As1embler1 <»nvale .. ""nt Hospital. ·Call * SNU-F /timt RN'1
dsh .. _,, mature V.-"OM!Ul. Permanent, ......
I FOUND: Siamese, Male cat. \Valls, .patiol, •ldtwalkS, washrs. 64--.:o MIC & J.-4 dys, 7 hrs a day -:., Soldering ·req'd. Day shift, 642--0593. • 3-11 & 11-7 am
fixed, nea collar. E. WI.son, et~ By hr. or Job. 646-6915. BIA. Compl~te Plumbing 90me eves & occu. over Pal Electro'nlcs. 6391 West-* Med. Surg. Floor
C.M. 543-1005 CONCREI"E Patios 400 sq Service. Uc. 272694. nl~ht ...-wkend. 3 1 Ptt-ICh minster Ave., Westminster. Itfact!.inist Asst. S5 hr RN 'll, 7-3:30 & 11·7 am
FOUND: Long-haired calico ft or mol'e 6Sc ~ sq IL PWMBJNG REPAlR child. Slllary open. Own 894-3301. Secretary $600 NW'lles Aides. Acute Exper,
female k1tten. H.B. area. Don. 64l-8514. No job too .11mall tran.1 .. Refer. a mu.1t!. EXPER dental at11istant, Ex. sec'y to pm. 1750 1-3:30 & l1·7:30 am
96J..1931. C t -** GU-3128 ** Spyglau Hill area. Call Part time. a.1on & Tues. Ftle Oerk -S500 * Operating Room
FOUND: Young dog. , Vic. on r Roofing wkdays eves only, &«-8891. 4 kn a day. 846--0617 · R.eceptidnisl/Ana.heim i'roo f /time 1'fl.:hnlcian
of Gothard Ii Slater, Hnt&JACK Tautaoe, repair BA.BYSIJ'I'ER wanted , CTOR Ex. Sec, mktng, adnt Beach. 841-1032 after 5 pm. remod. add. Uc. B-1 mm Roor tor le-. repeln:, mature. full time. 7-5:30 FA J Se<:uritiet. Oc:,rk $fiOO New hospital nl!!llled in
mo old fl'!male M,y Way Co. 6CM1m. thlrwJes. rock, comp tree Mon-Frt. my bome. lrvtne, Dictaphone Opr. $475 beautiful l.a.lruna HWs of-auiett Howid. Fnd Mesa Electric.I , :_..~ ~~ ... '°~15020c. 1611 3. • own3 •.• ~~-2 _1ovtty7 ~116, WORKERS Girl ~ S500 fe9'1&' ou1'tandlnc' benctU.1 Verde_ 541).-91.55 ...... ...._,_ • , • «--• n.cua. .....,l3S1 ..... , _ SaJn Clrk, Laguna $2.50 ht &. WQr1':ine (.'Ondltiol'll.
I I u•TURI WOME Calf Jea.nnle 'Sisco FND IN>I Sel1'r puppy, lml, ELECl'RICIAN, lie., o 1 d Sowing A tor.111ont BABY Slttor • ..... ..l];{ -N a, Sid Hoflmao Apply d•liy Mon-rrt
Vlc. ~Mal.~'~-~ ~~~-Joi<&. Vl.OCl'S Od21nals .......... =n..f1. Y1' w'tR .~• .. PERMANW~;~or<s p NEWP,ORT '(714i'~1?il'21
: "" e ...... te mU1 . .,,..... t.alkr ":'t.!N{ i: alter ~1351 1 rwa.. Agency Take San Dkgo ~"'\y,·ty elk>. Vic CdM Spy Glas• ELECI'RJ_QAN·1..JcenieNo. ~ 3%i • .,:BABc:;,,Y.,:S:::t;,,l'~IE~R.-~M-ua_t_dri_,.-\ 132 0.V... Dr., N.B. ~e1~aro R'". ~·-ff,
. '
~e1I Estate
Sales opening Jor a brokl';:i
or a11sociate. ReKidential I
resale. Relaxed atmosphen-.,
proles.,ional a p p r o a t' h .
Private orfict'~. Best bonu!
plan! Call Al Rlack, ~:>-8424
SouthC'o. Reallors.
\\'h\. nol wQrk In !he hot•t t
area -Huntin {ton Bl!ach -
Fountain Vallc•y. Let Ul!I
traJn )'OU. Call Phil t.tc-
Namee, \rllJ .. \GE REAL
ESTATE, 963-4567.
RN's $65 mo. p1.1y 11\ffcrcntiill
for adverti!ICd 3-Jt, 11 -7
shifts. QI{ HN'S 7·3, .3-11~
ped1 ICU RN'S 3-ll, 11·7.
~p. onl)' .
21802 Puerta Rt:al, ~tissiOn
Vl•Jt>. -· 831-2300 APPi)' bet. 9 & 4. Xlnl
btneflls & 1v or kin g l
rondiOon1. Ah E q ua I
al nt!W plllnl 1n San Juan
Capistrano. "'111 be In
rompil!te clutrge of small
allSembly group, allSCmbl.ing
small elec1ro 1ncchanical
devlcc•14. ~l uitl be
l'!Xpencnced v.·uti so n1 e
ltthnical backgrou nd .
Plea.!it! send resume to
Clasit1f'l.l ad oo 39, ',(: Daily
Pilot, P O llos la60 C.OSta
ri.1csa.ca111 9'l626
"'11.ntl'!d Cil1i;11 I drivcr lor
Cl'OS.'l-COUntry boAI hauling.
Apply In pl'r.!011 Clipper
t.1arine Corp. 1919 E ,
C.X.-cid1tnl1:1~. '~· ~S~•~· --~=
F'c>e Pnld. Keep up the cyplfti:
for 1>1..u;y l'nglne•·rs. t.tu~1
be flex1hle type pc.t!!On
v.·/good typ!ni;: skills un
IB.\t exet. Allll'I 1-'ec Job!.
Call Sally Hart, !>~.
Coastal Pel'50nnel Ageney,
~arbor Blvd, C~J
lllll ~ 2331-Cll. Small _jobs; "lnl1Dl I: u ann YN's ""'··•~-'""-•..._.,, Be Utt macb. "--atn.. prod, ~ --1v • "' 1w·1iu nm: Fml Irish Setter 2m repllln. 5t8-Sm. ~ des1~;'~~:! own Clll'. ai.-all U.?pm, 1987 Placentia. Aw., 1 ._....,., ..... V\.3 ~1~. ()pPWf.unl1y eniploycr.
V1c. H.B. t )ftl' Wei. Small G1rdenlnt 8?S-Gi8. w• .... ~-=r 7~· 1 Child. Cost.a r-.1t1a I ~~i\'il~:::::;"'i'i'::T.i~l..:E<t~ul~O~p;por~. ;E;m;ploy~•;• ..
t;, q . IC7-7M3 T:n FRY <DOK. fvD w p/time I MAaONE ahop t ta i n e I!: nm· Yowia fml Cbllie mix MOW&. EDGE. Ct.ENiUPS '-":;;•:...------B~R I. l l te Dper. Cottiae<:bUM Shop, al C.M. MFG coocem. Gd NURSING CARE ~;;~tSeattleHB. =~ =~~Lii~)>~ ~~2 :-~ =·=~:."! E':ual<rtM=;.'~: ~·~'t~;'l~~:;
l'OUND: 2 kf!'YI on ~ hOW ~~~ ftloome. SJ&..2136_ BANK.UJC •tructkln ofnce eXJl'.ft'. Jftf. MAIDS , ~· per day. G"l3-3561 or
• chain, W/=lon. ' eJ...;,up.. 91Ma. Top Soll Two positioris optn 493-2141 or &11-0172'. 11,,,...7%)4
Yamauchi Garden SeMc:e: '* QUAUTY * Teller. •le deposit, c$erl(;al GJ.RL.U k> 25, t 1trl ofnct. NURSES
FOUNO 9o)'I bl~lt. c. a.ta. ueaa .. N-Bch -IN(Kic, F.xp JnTf. Apsity at Some booldffitplna:. ~· Mal~1 mUll be l"XpfT· Monran Nun;fl R.."il!J1try.
of NtwlAnd &: tntna.napot~. ~ *"eM * VULOf. TOP SOtL * Secµtity PldfJc N•UOnal 147..ftat ' Pitta.. SN P er•onae.I JiNTS. LVN'•, PraCI. ~
I tlunllnl'lon Beach. $36-400. L by _ n-a.." _..,., Bank, 11622 MacArthur HaE .. ~......,."==,_,-)'00--,...,-n°'t""°to Mer· • duty pakl wkly. 657 w. 191h
Tho 1.uttlll. dn-. ui tht WesL awncare • _.. Aa. ~ ~ OUdllld Blvd., trvihe. $8-2138, An te-ll! O....uteel ad• do · U l•llM• •v Ch• st, Suite o, C.M. 548--9361 . .._ o..ny PUot .,Cldltned Mow/~ 6U-t90'7, F'.qu111 Opply. EtnP'°Yer~ ~ -call NOW~ 1221 W. O>.at Hwy., N..B. or il33-23M
-. . -
...._ • . . .
RENTAL ACEN'l' r>o.itioo
awll.lble. CaJUomla. Real
E4tate Ucense ~· Opportunll,y v.i th energtilc.
aro-1"¥ l."Clrll.patl)'. $1..bmlt
rt'JWUC 10 Un.RO Rflll
Elt1tex 1 11 o Gltnneyre,
IA.eun' Beech. 4SW!Otl6 VOLT
RF..s:PONSWLE l.'1'11. ft.rt. to Tt!:mPll"'ry Sarvlce !
fn st•nt Personnel
~'Ol'k 11t Bukin ROb~lnlt 3@IS CAmpu1 Or .. SUlte 106
3421 Newport mvd. ND Ne~·1iort Beach 54&-4741
67:\.9696 )ton-r rt: at 11 A?lt, EQuiJ Opp0r. F.'mplo)'tl' T~lk lo Jtan or Nancy. '
• • • ' • , ..
·~::::~~;:;;:..i"i-....,fti:::':'fr.:::=,,--~'~"~d•~l~·=M~'"'~h~l~,~!9~7;4,-"'C".::~,..,-~-.r:; -olpWant ,M ·::i:~~~;:;;;;;-....:::~r,;;;; ... ;;;ll;an;•;••;-;;;;::;~';fl~'Mgioc.~-·~·1~M~•~~~M~;;;;A~l~l~I Ofli""~ .. ~~~F~.;;;;....,.;;..,~·~.~;·>-......,~Doft~"~-~~.~.~~~IS4.,_,C~yc-1~"-·~•~1Gt:,..-~~~~.~Mo;:;:lo~r•HOm;;i:::::;-~~--,~uWhiih."=1rDnr~l .. :;;--.~,,..n1
IV A T T R E S S , I Equ\p. 124 e PUPPY WOR~D e Scoot°" 925 ·Salo/Roni MO -'11 B RONCO
EXP&RlENCED o NL v. P1bllc ' Fumltwi Ir Estate A-.ct!On oKS. 115 "' Exec ,.,., '"" °'"'........ T1nY ~ ... .'.13 ~1m..• ·n oJAMPION, 21· ,..... 4 Wh<tl orl ... Y-'. """"·
Apply Cann.i's Dlnhw " * 'IUOAY, MA-CH lit 1130 P;M. .~ IU/'15 _,,.., dl1's IS/Jl, """'· E>kltm."P11 Btilh. _.,,. by Mtllco. R1hm liom<, all 11..i-irom.. !lW'YBI +---Re Shoppe, '28:-N-r -C.O...t Shop ouNu.P·s tor reooo.. ~ ~ 8S7 w. 19, C?.t Bult' Tmitt, St . .Btmudt tendtn. •id• ~ell. tlllUI)' &. dash alt, S,00'.I KW l.~«_wy~·~1.qu7:7~""=.Boa""'th."" __ 1 111U<infd appliaQf.:fl, f~ht PART OF LARGE ESTATE HERE, 60-30 O>il.-Mapoo, JapitnHe s..n., otMr '?'Hpp pUta. 1rnm11e. aerw:r1tor. 100 pl 1u tank.
WAITRESS d~.t new rloo' MORETRUCKSS'!1LLARRIVING Pl•not/0....... 126 1.1.111. D•chlhUlld. UIO MIX· ~.:......""'' stJ. 18 00 . """"....,..,..1, TV onrenna
Shilt ~ aan1plet. · MANY ANTIQUES & z.:..c;: ED Pl.JPS! I Stud SttY1ce ~r1 It more. Alldng SU,8IXI.
Pick C~urc Rott, DUNl,.AP APPLIANCE co. OLD WOODEN FURNITURE . • PIANOS Moot . e-.. °"°" Evto: LADIES .. MENS ·~ 1p«d n.....,.'IUI aft 6 ' .........
.. ~Newport \~, CM l81.f Newport Bl\.'d., CM ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST 531·5027 wUb lllf'flte ahopofnl basket. •DALE'S Motor Hom'
WAITRESS p/llmo ,,. .. , • "'"'77!JO • PARTIAL UST!NG: • Anllqu•s: Lincoln bed, • ORGANS Hor... 854 195;.,!:.:,..-iifrto N·~ .73 :J:'<.:!6'°:."W'" M!itls
Cottaice "cOrrre Shoj,, M2 \v: Build ing M•t•i•I• 806 drop front desk, -Salt chest , server, chest or ~n Nf~l• 'tll f SORRElJ.. mare. plw tack, : MAR e&E s.3~. 3032 •'roe mUe119 ·lil·9, 838-0900
!9th ~t. CM~. e Surplus . Bu ll.d int d rawers. old dining set, tbl w/8 chairs & S•t : tll 5: , Sun. 11-5 9 ~-ean old, ~nue, pt Coast Hwy. CdM. &tG.0911 Trallen, Tr•vrti 945
1o·or· ~1~~~~ood & M..\TERIA-L . lrfA's 01 NEW buffet, Vanity w/mirror, Duncan Ph1ffe tble. Rentals from $5 '~f c=6 $325. or best D l STR Es s SALE ·73 l-".;;_"-.-"".-----
1.'0<:ktall.s. exp. only. 642-827~ ITF.?ifS! D:>on. lumber. ply· Violin, Queen Anne Cedar Chest, Sheraton ° .... _ Yam a ha 6 5 O, i m-'13 ~ 4 ~uol'tl • 25' • s.dc. IA~, alum tbeetin,e. mold· drop front desk ··k couch e· Pl•no• & O 'ando RE STER ,,,.. A~, mac. helmelA It th'dd. Ji;t • A.C., awn. JmrMc con .• \VANTED! !! lnJI', windows etc. 1 Wh. er · r b i rldlrtr m!f.1'. ell tlm., oUertd. J>rlced r ln park. Spc 5, lli60 Whit·
MEN 1~30 BUI LDERS SURPLUS * ALL MAJOR BRANDS tndond ro' <XII rider. quleil 11810. -. u.,,,c .M.
~~~~:;~~~::;~IN~:.. mi So. Main, s .A. •&
Dlnelte1s, BVR.
Sets, Velvet &1H
ercutolon Sofa New Spinets trom ..•. 1595 reg. 8 mo oolt. 673-.2l9l LATE 'il ruckman w/Crand "T~ •• ~1"'1.~,~,~. "'U"t,,;11"'11y=---,94=1
A\•lntton, hf 11 c h an 1c 1 , f\lon thru Sac 11}.a • ovesea s, e vet swags. re r gera rs, re-Used from ····~·· ···•• S95 Prix Zundapl\ C"f\i'. Mati,Y
Admlnlstrauon AND MUOI . __ n_4: MG-_1_03_1 _ cliners, occ. chajrs, color,TVs, corner group, ~~= .'.' ::·:·:::· .' fm I _.,. ,,.JP J :!.~ Xlnt rond. $40 0. s·x ... ·9:... BoNxutrall11_",· ;~x1n.,1
l>IORE. C.amer1s .& Ml paintin gs, old radios, stereo, poker tbl, NO DEALERS PLEASE ...,..,.fq,,,,..... 1'. 1m-....... ' ..... . .. 1 PH
ALONG \YJn1 11 Equipment 108 decor. lamps, asst. color wigs, speakers, mat· e Or ... ans '69 HONDA CT !Kl, Low ml. · beilt oUer. 673-6743.
Rapkl Advancement tresses, books, misc. A1any, Many items too ALL MAJOR BRANDS St Ir trail Excel eond, S11S. Auto Service, Parts 949 Good Pay-$326.10 a nt0nlh 1973 KODAK Carousel aHd e Boats, General 900 495-47m
F ORD '7 1 'l.t TON I
Ra.ngtt r.W1tom campe.i: .1hellf
Spoi"t Cuitom Pickup. Only
21.3':6 miles. V·8, automuUc,
mdlo. tie111er. \\1e1t Coast
nµrron , =).
to tart numerous to·mention. Wurlll:ier w/rhy !New) $499 I=~~~----= ~ TON Ford end Inte~t~" ~f:;~1~d· 1~~~t!5° ~: Come out&: brow~e around,)ltems subject Thomas ···· <Ule(jr · ··· Sl95 1 "'1am1na Mobile Homes 935 ~plete Ford ~~pindle 'ti FORD coURJEn.
DO YOURSELF A FAVOR trot 1\\·ttcb. Xlnt cond. $125. to pre-sale. We honor B of A & t..owrere wF'"""ReE'N•ew' S2.695 "'·AolsTh mtt ~ per tin .. ~, "&: "-brkl • eomplelc. Misc. 7.roJhl m5t, auto. 0!!'!!"· .. ~1 U. S. NAVY 54ft...3Ifi7 or 54f>..1044 A1aster Charge&:: F'ood available! Piasil~ pj;1 2706 Ha...'~: MOBILE HOME p&rt• Ford i Pontiac. ;ia!, R ne& 1; .. ~f:3 1
642-42n or 646-563' 35 r.~1 Canon, 1.8 lens, & MASTERS AUCTION Orgen Lessons Qma Mesa 556--0900 FOR SALE: ASl'IOrted whla, aome w/ C&Q'lper w/ dual Inside
FULLERTON MUSIC . . . SILVERCREST 11"'· Coalpl. SIOO.bak"' r h & bov """ \YHO \\'ANTS TO "°'ORK! 1.2, JOO to 200 MM 1.oom: 20751h N t Bl d C t M I~' GLASS over 11.'0od fi"l~lng MOBILE HOME eng. hlake oUer or trade ig ts et ...,. s gr DRIVE A CAB! $400. or be~t otter. Call · ewpor V ., OS a esa 18191 Eucl!~. rn11ntalh Valle)' i: i;kl .boat, 100 hp Mere. for all or part. 2lCI cabinet~ ta.gJ. Private
CIIOOSE your houn;, woa·k Diays, 5$7-31.Pt (Behind To ny's Bldg. &1at1ls.) 557-4136 Great buy. 962-4569 20' x 53', 2 BD 2 BA, carp., PrHV:Jent Place, Co tit a party. ; 64&-7915 aft
for yourseU. be )'OUt own Furniture 810 Costa Mesa ** 646-8686 • 12'1 N. 11,.rbor. f''ullerton Boats Power 906 draped, bll·lM., mrta:.. &te.u.. &t&-3124 "5"P'°M,c·:,,--,::=-.,,.....,..""=
boss. ?11en or ·wun1en. Can r 171 -1905 ' wu:her & ele<"t. <lrYei::, wired JEEP, 6 eyl, 11 up er REPO'D '73 Fonl t -250
lie sllghll)' haiidicapped. SOLID ~ Ch In a COAST MUSIC f tor 23'.l fir cond.., kilcb. H .. ~----• SIOO Call Rangtt, xlnt cond. P/S.
Neat · Clean Appcaranc-e. Cabinet, A;;t~te, Bird9eyel;G;•;;•;;•;;g;':;· ;;5•;;';;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;12 Mlscell•neous Ill . 'TZ Sh1PJACK 24, 225 omc, clock, slorage · 11hed, land· 64~"" 657,.;Beach Sr., P/B, A/C, Afr, aux. Juel Vt& .. retired. Age 25 to 70. maple dresser w/nilrror Newport Blvd at Harbor !lying brkJge. tandem 11caped patio. Three yn, old 1Coata Mesa. tank, etc. Now taldng btd•.
Supplen1rnt yQur lnconie. Blondt> full bed, spring J; Collta 1.fesa traller, ball, covers. radio, • like nu. lot:aled In new -=-------1 uking S2!195. Call Mr.
Df'lve a cilb 6 hrs or 1nore 11 muur,;ss, r.laple Twin Be<l, SU R REFRIG, $15 .. Hoover m. 612-2851 lo..1dcd. $8500/ottr. Eves or adult pk. away from nois)' AUTOMATIC transmissiom, Me go rd en (n4JM7-419.)
day. Apply In rterlOn, llpi1ng & inattress, 1'-Iaple old l)'pewriter $10.1 Drum YamahR Plaoos & Organ11 wkend11 646-2226 • , ~t. One-half bl. tmm clulr co~I. rtblt Chev P.G. I: ~""="=:":,,!'=~'°''~=~~~. ---~il·.Yellow Cab Co .• .186 E~ 1G01 riffilller,l'leW-brown-JOf'danl---"'""'""-~._. aeLS'JS. Record. pUiyer ·.$15, ·Featuring Koh I er &. 36' CHRIS Twin, tu I\ y house. $15,495. Call EVES. 'Fo o. $4$. each. 900-1726 ·50 CHEVY Pickup. '56 6
St., Costa 1.fesa. Patio 0.11.lr, Elect sevdng FANTASTIC new tape recorder $25. Can1pbell & alM> Everett e(JUlp'd, Excel concl., 11li11 213-694-4690, 697-7152. H.B. c)'I eng. H. D. truck 4-speed
YOUNG Attrnc Females tor machine, 673-7040 Gultllrl. $10. T.V. $15. PlanDll Incl. N.B. Prlv. Pty, days CAN BE SEEN AT: 4 t'lrestone SUp-r-belt G78-15 trans. 12 volt system.. Mil
Public-Relations & sales. f Dinette table $15. Reclining 213-471-3117, Eve1 & wknds CRESTMONT Delted tires. 1300 mil $100. or trade for Dune buggy
Call far apt. 675-4114 RF;DECORATE, Houae-hold GARAGE vibrator $15. Fri & Sat~· PIANOS -ORGANS TIH~9507 ESTATES 60-<Wl88 oU road or 1tN.>et Bl~eond. o( stuU, refrlg, chairs, new · 140 Cabrlllo, C.M. 1 s.· B u ,.,._., couch, coffee tab I e 11 , New&: Used. Gre11t se ecllon. 1''lllh &: Ski boat, motor & 1051 Sile Or., Brea. (Central or '8 Ui" ca -·""'"·
j I/~) Spanish desk. game tbl & s L c AL c u L ATOR S Competitive prices . .{)pen trailer. USO. 3712Haverlord Ave. across trom Brea 1§1 •rl TOYOTA HI-Lux Pickup, . lllrctienclM · · 4 chalni, new Webster &r-A E INVENTORY CJearanct. Eves. le SUndaya. The best St. livlne. \Vkenda & eves. Comm. Hosp.} Lot #46. Awllll flfwl ~ ·3 mo old w/5800 mllt11.
. . lHju!!, lamp tables & lamps, brand nu S-dl~t. 4 rle,,ls 11re l.lway1 at: Boats Sin CONTAC'! RAY. PK. hfGR., . color matched fibergla.sJ
shop vac Misc, most like functlorw. \llel&ht 8 oz. . Wallichs Music Cit): ' for ahow1ng.
5 shell, bkt seats, 3 11pd aulo
ne111." &46-3642 Moving out of state I apiirox size of dollar bill SOuth Coast Pilla .54Q.Z830 27, DUTCl Sloop, salty, 1 ~LIABLE. mature couple Antfque1/Clnsics tmo:;, 24MPG, SJ 2 5 0.
FOR Sale, Gustav Becker
Grandftther Ckd. Original
Condition and in perfect WOt1dne order. It lt a lovely
,dar k oak c lo ck
approximately .even. teet
taU with ornate f a c e •
lft'eight• and face. For those
w~ know the valuit of thl1
clock the prit.-e ls ll steal
al S650.00. To aee, call
LIKE NEW Standard-size this WMkl l 1 ~~ thick. S29 .95 of kind cruising boat wtll take OVtt pymls on 0~~~~""'""""--,.-,
Salem htaple bed, Includes LIKE NEW \\'/~ed' "go anywhere': your dbl wide in .eatab'd FORD 15, Brass Tollring '65 FORD PU. RWlll xlnt .
•head and footboatds. frame, Dur to ~ cos!J, mUtt DECORATOR Hu terrific Hammond M·l $600. 536-tl9l.O North' Sea Construction, pk. 64G-&Ki0/99&-1435 aft Very fine cond. $3300. Auto, lnlnll, new over alud
slats, Innerspring mattress. aell thfft' items cheap! buy 200 yrda Ginger Bark IErlc~or better quality) 6pm It Sun. (HClSOil ·• * 492.1348 tires, complete camper shell
f'int $95 takes. See at 756 Stereo-A1'1/FM combo SS. nylon short ahq carpet. JOO Sp0rting Goods 830 Mot H w/dbl bed, refrtg, sink, 31 w. 18th, Apt 60 Qt vacullf'Q c leM er ss, ynh 2 tone creamy sau-fully 'ooed, w engine. or omes 1954 JAGUAR XK 120 M ga1 water tank, $900 .
642-o6840. ' beau,tif\.11, carved wood 1 b 1 ., • ., -=c LIKE new, 12 gauge Pump double life line, pulpits, Sale/Rent 940 Completely restottd, tH&-2567 · ·""'='-"'~~~--~1 decoupqet S,S..$25 ;ft size en't(!, pu m rTOrl, U'U',......,, G lop light, spreader .lights, $2600 64&-M28
1 Fr. Gold velvet .Ofa, ftl S25 •..; ___ •. • 5484654. Shot ... ~,.:,,..,. al 6 -"'· w'"" •-•i•·t--•-k e SHARE l''"""''-BAGO •. '69 Chevy, 1 T. Utility 00:</( ~ re g. • ~r . teW• ~ I pm ... wu, UIU lllU .... u•,"""" • ·•u•l•I'. READY TO RESTORE, 1926 R/H IC p s matching Grten v1 e I Ye I ing machine ~ TV tray• 19 cu. rt. ~trlg/fneezer, drps TV R d i HIFI barome1er.· cushions, shore o.,11 w.~ Int • fully equip. Jl.1odel T Ford 5 window pa~. N .. .:1 A XI· / · •
chaiNJ. f t rockf>r • coffC'C 25c ea., 2 tluffed chain & de<.'ora.Uve rods, kn" 11z • I o, • raft, etc. Elega~t vamWted Use 10 "'ttks per year. Con· COU"" "~/olt ... -$2500'"·. "~" ~~1• · nt. run.
"'end Jab)e~ .King hi.ad. ss -each, antlqiie dishes ·go1d bedspnt, kit, liv 1'lt1," Stereo 136 ·mahogany tntenor. Slps ·4, sider only responsible party. ..... ........... '~ in ...........
.oboerd, office· chair, Like s1._i1, lots & lots of clothes, BR turn. ~ 18152 San· Full keel, 2800 I b s , Cn.JI 64-1·5·162 t.1-F ~5. Recr eetional 1960 G~1C V-6 ~' ton pick-up new, must •U. 979-arnl men'• & 'Mlnleo'i, 25c-$2, la Arabella, FV. ZENITH. RCA & SYLVANIA ba.llaster, eng crula l n g Vehicles 956 w/camper shall. ·XI
GLASS Sale. &: show. 40
dealen, . Cam b r W:I g e,
FOii.ton, Depreaslon,
Htl1e)', more! C01mlc Age
Lodge, 1117 S. Harbor Bl vd ,
Anaheim , {N e x t
to Oitneyland) Sat 10-9,
'Sunday 12-6, free parktng,
adml.sslon $1 . Sun 75c
w/this ad.
OVERS11JFFED beige divan toaster $1, Iron $2, towel11 1973 KODAK Caro~! slide television&&: 11tercot1. Priced ,i;pecd 6 knots +. SU500 RENT m<' '73 Explorer 24' ------'------"'-condltkin . 557-4951
&: cbnir $60. Red t.faple & 'sheets lOc-$2, gOJd oval projector, model no 750 H, lesa than the dl&eounters flrm. 01,1·ner moving up. sleeps 8, lowest ral<'s '69 CHEVY Long V•n ~vcc.~ •• ~~=~~--.963=
11i118le bed ft · chest S?S. 9 rug with trmge $ 2 . 5 O, standard lens, remote con-· iA>ith 3 yr picture tube, 1 "Tomorrow the W or Id' ' 552-8292 V-8, a uto, a/cond, r&h, ~
x 12 Wilton wool rug $60. bathroom rug · aet S 'I., trol switch. Xint cond. $125. fa; parts I: service. 19" & Located In front of the Jolly '70 SHASTA 17' lo mileage dowa, Rats 8 or ·11ps. 4-6. ·n DOOOE. Stick 6, panel·
673-1645 bedspreads Sl-$2, <111'pe11 5417-3167 or 54,>.1044 nrger color set• a All" 1Roge11 ,r. on alpl •,clfic M~1!"-~' many .extras. ' xlnt. cond:· Xln't cond. Pvt ply. $1500. ed. crptd, xlnt condition.
WROUGHT !roo dlrung ,.,, 50c, candlehold<r 50<, card deliwrod & ••I-up. g way. c oe ~~" $4500. 548-2991 6'>-4914. $2315. 00-3:<71 _
Maple chest, mite table&, table $1.50, Place mn I s' DRAPES, WOVEN WOODS, models In stock I.:. on J TI4) 544-9470 days, (TI4) L'f fl 23' self I l ed -~13~70~s-1 ... -t-"'&~-a1--~12""'01='=EVYc~,Cv00."""6-~~
Hatch cover, waterfall, bbq, Mlveral set!, 25Q..75c, pJc. F~:~·, ~;11?~1~:-d display. Cas36h 00 thPlan ""-~I fl44.5504 eves ~ tw".1egen air cond:do~g, Dune Buggy, S815. . an, ~I, pft, beer tap refrlg, 548-3348 lures, 50c-$2, shoes 1.0c-25c, terms to mon 11. '--HI I~LANDER. JO 1>1ark 11 63~2981 *** 495-5797 *** p/b, aodulo,4,!;~.,m · Llke
Kl I c h en ware 1 10c-S2. Decorators. 5 4 8-8 9 41 • for our prices on any model. 1cPuasycali 2 yrs old, fuli)'~.;o==7,-~---= new co · "M""t"t •
Lillian's Antiques A gallery.
Opening Sat. 10.S, al 423 :n.t St, Cannery Village,
N.B. AIM> f eat urin g
Mlchelle' ... eu.tom Shirts.
ANTIQUE l.890 u p r I g h t
piano, newly refinished ,
ortg, stool w/glaN cutm.
~HUlT)', lt.'i>!l't la.at
LG. gold naugh. recliner, planters 25c each. Jar g e 1/621-4769 ABC Color TV. 19O4 6 cquipt for racing. Xlnt rac· Autos, Used 990 Autos, lJ&ad: 990 Autos1 Used
rocka A. swivels. Xlnt cond. vase with ar 11 f I ct a I CHILD'S beds. INorv dryr, Btookhunt or 9021 Atlanta, Ing record. Inboard &: -~ "
ANTIQUE 1ent lemen ' s
dreuer. O&k, lg. beveled
mirror, $140. Antique iron
crib. $11. 673-0019.
~~~~-552-7263 ews 0 r vegetables $1 .. MMY baby Maytag wshr, man g I e. Huntingt.on Beach. 968-:µ29 special gean. Over SZl,roJ ,...,~~.,...=-....,.-,,..-I 1temll, toys, ~. bottle RCA TV, Hoowr sw~per-or 962-55.59 invested. $17,000 644-ffi67 '* LDVeseat & i;ofa. Never warmer 50c, eamt'll 25c-15c, $15 ea). Maple cof tbl . 107 RICE'S TV SERVICE HOBIE 16, wf trailer, like used. Very gd. qual. Cul!tom punle1 25c, dishet 10c-25c, Coral Av., Bal . Ji;!. P S ~ ) oew, O\\'f'ttt transferred , made. Usually hm. 963-7910. brand new human hair wlj, (fonnerly in antry .... ntr
.,...,. """" $5, double 6' Port Bar \\'/Casters, * TV s-1al1 * must sell, 1.take 0 fr. KING Size jV,atcrbed triune. stalnleu 1teet ~ &: mix r--9fi8...8627 headOOard, bllg & liner Hlbach1 Sl.50, knick knackJ holden. Formica top, & Used It Colc.r TV set!· \\1\lle ""'=="=~~--~-1 •
& bedsprearl. SJBO. 673-3.560. ~!;4113. 0M1u<h.1muAth mocre!!! fttted canvas cover. $250. they las!!! Co!or from soo 1~'1,H00Blx~-~t xi':', ~oder, ..,, ymp e ve., 0111 642-0888 up, B & w from $35 up. For 4 .. 1any • ....... n .. u •
COLORED TV AND Mesa. Neer White Front on 11etvlce call: 9:J.-Ol30
SLEEPER SOFA BED Bristol, tum on Paularlno, STIJDENT detlk Xb;(S, DI. 546-Qm or 546.6003 FREIGlrt' damage Venture ==,-,0'-7-=~-,:-.,I turn right on Trinity, follow C.B. I: short Wave radio, U75 togan Ave., CM -• ~· comp\. w/s.ails &
ANTIQ Dining nn set w/ algna to fantastic savings. Sea·Snark 18.ilboet, make J\fUST SEU. P..f a g n av 0 x trailer. Repaired. 546-ni2
bul!et. 6 O!airl. $ 7 5 Saturda.v A Sunda)' ohly! 1 offer 586-5.191. home entertainment center. USED Sabot ftbergta.ss over
M2-732J. SAT , 1 A t 1 12" PORTABLE Color TV. Am,Fm 1tett0, color TV & wood, gd cond, $1!i0. WROUGH'I' Iron gla~ top ' on y, n q u ~ 1 i UGO, Kine bed $98, dbl bed phonograph. Medill. style. 644-«i67
!bl • 6 ~ .. A.i...1 "1.-nn camem. 2 wood lhldtt 3 ..:11 All near. new Pool .-,.._., 540 -NB ft
' AFTER YOU BUY! ~KENMORE" washer It gu ' .,_......._. ..... _. Jong lge Habachl new --· · ' ....,.,, '-<U&. <r"'1JUO • • a &oats, Slips/ Docks 910 dryer both for S 12 5 . &42--0888 P1nK Pong table, ne'.w., 19': table, fa.Ir, SSS. 842--0400 6 pm. 1---'--'--'----, 1 __________________________ _.
Guaranteed & delivered. KING 11.w mattttu 1et, $35. Blk & wht T.V .. O!emlcal FlaEWOOD! Se a 10 ne d, SACRIFICE I \VANTEp: .. SUP for 22' Sa.ill I j, 546-8672~ ~:g.;.d1~sk SlO. Bureau is-, PoftaJ)OHY, Motor name ~1m1 a!.!:; &moonta1 -~.':,., pl~; hiovlng, mill>! sell! Brand ~7 t1.338Pret Balboa lsle: I 7 2
V.--0,, :>.-comer sink, &: '71. Pol'IChe ....., ve • ..,.. s 8.U<.CU. .,...a oew P••-St--"•nl PA. ~ • G.E. Side by side 19.7 cu &. $80 .... "'•69 ··~ .., ... ,
CHEVROLET IMPALA $1 .899 tO. H T,~<~ .. P.S .. P.8~~qo•)OU1omo1it:.
Thil.<•Q !•-rdoua bw. (9" l ft froat· free refrig. Gold. KING size Medi!. BR set. side view mimlr, mJ3 E. ·.........,.. · + 2 new n1IC!i. $400." Cil.11 \VANTED, boat slip for new
2 yn old w/auto cube complt. Boy's f\otedlt. BR Ocean Blvd, Balboa, .Penn. H.0. train set. white !00-8151. JO' sailboat. Call 64(}.. OOll, 1"--------------------------..
, maker. $295. 8J3...87S8 M!t, oomplt. 968--0766. 5 FAMILY lale, new GE \\'l'Ought iron ehandeller. Af.~l/Fl>=~,-,.-.,.,.--~·tra-c~k-tn-pe. 1 ~"-''~'"-'=l<-•_•_1•1 .. ~,_•m~'·= 17 3 MALl•U 6 PASS. WAGON 52999, Rent Washers/ Drprs MO'llNG • Couch,& loveseat, ·n:frie, couches, ch il Ir•. VW bus seat complete ~Plus tapes. S125. ca 11 Bo1ts, Speed & Ski 9!! ~ ...... VB !~) ""'omotic. °'"cord, P.S., P.a .. '74!Dpaid Al ' $2. Wk. Full main!. 1 mo old, xlnt cond. $125. speakers, PJ'Uf. standing 5$1~27. · ·673-2757 after 5:00. -
• GlS-l~ • or offer. 5U-0'1'h hair dryei:, coffee Ibis, an~ BRAND new . Davis Classic SACRIFICE 14' Sid boat & 1---------------------------..
\VAN r E 0 , . Dr exe 1 tique 1.rame tbl., carpet, II Tennis racket with cover, trlr w/65hp outbrd mtr. I 7 2 VEGAGTWAGOM 52499 REBLT ,walher, dryers , "Declaration" bedroom linoleum, rnlac. &: many 5medtiim~p .. usedo~. 1r1 Xlnt cond . .$500. tlrm. 1st .~~"!'•'·w~-~·.'~:~~S50~ ·~~··-~'!..~P"!::~to~ITI'f.""';;;'·;;"'~42'~'·;919-"", !803""'c;C;::.iMf2. mCd•.re1 ·.,5'!1.!!un. 420 Dahlia, $45. ~1671 after & pm. ~-'_,.._,_,_v .. __ J come lat served 673-2616. ~· ' '""'""".l.O u• _.. S 2 " · .>'"UUIM· • LARGER Ford Van Seat US. · \~INGHOUSE, '73 Har-Garae...,: ale II GARAGE SALE Formica Top ·Wood Table 3Fm>O>Llno. '.,.· 2 .. T,lmo'om''. ~$2.,,00"", ,~~~iiiiiiiiiiiil~l·~~I I 7 2 vest Gold, 11 cu' It, $150., fANTA.Srtc Garage Sale, of Moving 1 ea v In I ma, $10, Set Barbel~s. no. All I T,..llPOltttlclll ~23ll, or \g-3607 eves handmade gilts, by Betti, everything· mu.st go. A little good colld, 548-9583'
green, like new ccnd. Best Beach, March 2 & 3, lG-4. crib, used ,bed. other usorl Etching, $'15, Bndbury Oil mice. 675-1564 rcra t
AM IFM rodo. Oo.lo. 20.cm m<le1o
llibicoifne.,.. 17l9FWAI
CHEVYHOVA $2599 4 ~ b ~. o~·~i~ cio .. e, (.tt,.,.'}
Ar-c:ec00".1621~1 • '
APT &ize gU'Stove, olive 1396 Te1Tt1ce \Vay, Laguna bit of-everything, like nu DALI Etching $65. Renoir O\\'Jl contain<'r. Cute pet 915 I
7 2 offer. &T.:>-6010, Carol IBIS sat &: Sun 1C62 lnlants items. Some store $150, Brandl \Vatercolor WllITE Shepherd guard clog, HOT Air Baloon Club Now
FRIGIDAIRE Elect dryer Concord, Qlsta Me• a. tixtun;a. Sat only.· 241 $350, Pvt ply, 53.N5% & pups. % Doble, doc>s not tonning So. Cali!.. New ht lr----:-:-::-:--:--:-~-:-----------------1 llke nu $65. Clothlng, many items for Vlrg:ima Pl., C.?il. 54S-Jl3l. RARE, lmp_ressive chesl!ii set, like children. 645-1® cln.ss equip. only. Profess.
962-0957 entire house . BIG Garage Sale! MjS(' w/espeelally mai:le 'Playing GERI\.tAN -Shepherd, male. training. cn.n &12-3545. I 7 I
$2999 VS. o-'omoht. ocr.o• 11eeti:1. ~ b<ol:e ... ~ ~Or.riq.r.-tvfi.N><:e. 121G1U\
GOOD CLEAN GARAGE Sale. Snt & Sun, dishes, kitchen . wares & table. Pl~ ove~ a foot 4 Id Good .th kid C S.I /R t 920 $1799 A dDroTi<", •ixh 31,316 milM..
(SC.C~U) REFRIGE RATOR s4o tMipm, 296J Baker, c .M., clo!h!!a large 11:r.e utlUty tall. 641Ml576 Mike ~f e~ei. or :nds. s . .!!!!per1, e en -·~·
5..1&-WG!l ckllhing, furn, cam P Ing table. Jus1 a little of eve~ MULTILITH lZ'iO . Rebuilt. 8 1''7 CABOVER. Tillin· 1-----'::"".~-:-~~~'."".'~'":"-------------..
GE HF.AVY·DUTY GAS equip. Misc. -thing. Sat & Sun, 14 Like brand new· n 250. Call Hllton camper, very clean, 17 I CORVETIE STIMGRA Y $4299 DRYER $75. FURNITURE & lots of MSOhaVmrock Lane, C~. 545-2590 aft. 6 p.m. 1 P9U Ind SuppMM sips 5. ~· Call aft 6, * 646-1715 * itOodlet. 463 Elmhur:at l.aue, ING SALE: Apt. full CARPET Layer, Jnstallatkln. . 962-2011
•' 1---------Costa Mesa, Sa(&: SUn. ' of anl!qUell, 18th 4 19th Repaln, yours or mine. Call iiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;~ 8 IT. Bed Cninper Shell century American, bran ...... 64• ~01 • 7 1 f?UICK CASH HOUSEHOLD Jtem_s. Jots of lampa many pictures etc .....,,an, .,...,, · Pets, General ISO $50: Hl'rn. •
potted pl1nta. Sat & Sun. Sat &''Sun 3/1&2 11.t '415% OVAL tube-white p I a s 11 c * MJ-3691 * THROUGH A 4!13 Flower. CM. Dahlla. Cdl\I. 675-0309. roll·up shade 12' wide. $10. *Security Pe t Prod.* '10 C&bover 8' camper.
1!t0 VII, Oll'IOIT'Q•i~ PS . P.!1 ..
m.1f1-J. roOO. It 1-IHEOl
OPEL GT COUPE $2499 4 IOIM? !•oni."'1,ion ,CX"J:o,
Sum· Wni j(.6q{)C(I
Sal 9 AM . 2538 Fairway 3 piece aectlonnl Sl.10. COKE Machine, 3 fiavors. lb. D.H.L.'1 $2.50. 10/more C.all Mf>-1716 PONTIAC LE MA~S CPE.
Rollv •""IMil. .o&r, PS P.1 . oor rond. DAIL y PILOT ANTIQUE furniture &: mlsc. GAR.AGE sale l''ri s.it Sun: &12-3163. Beef 28c lb. Cott. ch. n:: $950 • 7 2 WANT AD Dr. CM. 548-2887 Ladles clothe• 14-16, Y..t<.'n~ carbonated, stainless steel $2. 547-3977 1•118 E . CycLes, Bikes
BLOCK long sale Sat only. clolhln~ all excellent, ~luch cab., nr. new 557-2439. Wllshltt, SA Scoot.rt 925 .. ------~~----------------------.. 642-56 78 Alh\nta tr Queens Park, HB. ~ 3162 Sicily 556-6296 10" Radial sav.', like new. PARR.OT·AMAZON \'ellov.· ---------! 3
52699 ~· V1 1"12HCfl
Vll. l IOMd .iC1'. t4,Sb4 ~ l''um, pict, clothes, elc. GARAGE Sale. f'urn.Uure, Orig, price $357, \\111 take Head. '69 SUZUKI TS 250, set up • I 7
Antique• ;; 800 Antiques 800 pool !Able, misc Hema, Sat. S2SO. 5.l&fi989. YOUNG AND TAJ\.iE. lor dirt but includes all
1:..:==:.:..-----"'-'---'-------1 J\111rch 2, 10-5, Sun htarch SERVEL Gu/£l~t R.efrig 646-7607, ask for Pa.ul lights & accessoriH, S30J 1"---------------------------.. ruJMUUljJNVIMnOflll/JfolJOflJJ'O,,J(fl•JlJUIAflMtl 3, 12-Sv, 1~ Pltcalm C.M. $50, G.E ......... SIO. ,, ... Oogs 854 ., ""'' o!I<r, 54&-3642
52899 "°""'· 1'1JHOOI
~~:n.~ l\1esa er_.). lawnmower, $35 64~74. 250 c e \'amaha, real
I · EJ\RLY American print Mia, STUD service • net'd a fem, clean, Uil Model, take oftr 0~~11 ?.~.~ Nit~~.~!.~~.~. 1~~~:~1;:hl::: 1 '1"'9"'r";"~=lt~=T~=~=;~-h~-'5be<>wn·.'d._~_"v-:~-· ~-:-~; ~~~:~~~~~~ ~j~::~: • 7 3 CHEV. J/4 TON PICKUP
botlles & jewelry, v.·ashcr ~·~'"~"~lte_m_•_·~----~~1 ~~~~!Calm Pct. 46 MPG, $900. A·nm:itit.V8.P5 :'! $2899
LOCATION: Gr•nd tfott l In tht crr,stal lafl-& dryer, 1'V, A much more, COUCH, gTttn L,shaped 10' 1,:;""'=c='·=°"-':-,..,=== 494-9860 ot 499-3088 17,f1.'JJmi.M.!88mNI
Automatic:; !rans,.. VB (reg. gas). Power steering, power brakes. AU ldss than
21 .000 miles. H1 n.J!:tber. Ford..(;MC·Chevrolel 's. EXAMPLE:
room (off H1rbor I Yd., An•· lOOTI Sparrow Ave, f'V, 145. AIWA 2. spd recorder, Pl.!REBRED SA ?.f 0 YE D e MUST sell-'?2 cz .,.;n 1-:;:::-:--:::-:::::'7."":~"'."':'."."".'.".'"''.".'"'-------------11
htlm1 Ct lU.) (Opposit• Main 968-J656 good cond $3(1, 968-'1536 puppies. r.1ale $75, Fcnlnle $650. ....,, .~7 I CHEV, l/4 TON PICKUP
Gai ta to Dl1n1ytand) MUST SELL; co n1 p I el r MisceR1neout $50. 6 wks.-old. 64~7450 * 8.17-3199 * A; tord.,,~ .. P6 Wo. vs 20 48'l'1'1"-' s2 6 9 9
stereo, '00 Honda • 305, tun! Wanted 820 l\UN. SCHNAUZER, PUPS. ·n HONDA 150. . 71 Thi' ~.c.~Qe.,. ... f7f1S ll1J \Ve h!l.\'C ~f'n commis.~lnned to 11,1uidatc-stock -t !JI ' ~ d t ----------1 AKC -• 11~ ( I II I Gell ) •• . h ~""""· X punor rum !W , reg, u1amp. '""'• Kawasaki 500, Good concl. 1----.... --------------------;;...--
rom i\I tchc s Ant que cry ocato.'\I tn I e Nlshlki 10 apd bike. 548--6280 SllV!!r Coins Ava.II. Much 1st. 6'4·2432. Call 497-89 • 11 F.ORD ''•TO., Pl.CKUP La ClencgtL Dllllric . of Beverly Hills."" CX• •-k fo•Ke ! "II 1350 f <a.., 1' "" s2299 ) ,-tl, 'u ' n. ""' pay ' or -;-•• REG 'O DachlhuOO, 11 JTlOI ,.,,, HONDA SL °" Good --C -~1~r~1~1• h~~·~r ~~n ';!,1n~l~~r1;u~~ti~!s~ Q~~~ . Household Goods 814 'voi·th.af dimes, qtrs., halvea old, 1.lu1t sell, $%>. ~. dt t Ion. P l~ • t 'iv'~Jll-'""'iOiiiiiiiiii·.,h<~'i:i''O'l'l.'""'~;:::"'"·;;;,;":;1~"';;~;:..,...._.,·_~_-_,· .. '"',.-,.'""_, ..... ,...,.....;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;==;;:tH·..,---f rcstor<'d 10 mint ""ndllion. htnnv beautiful !lfiZ-3646. 7 lo 5. l /f nd ..-.--.-~ .-., METAL d k ·• l 4 •-.. COINS "' •· "·'ore. •• tor even e ers ~ ................ hand cn.n·C'd 'plf'l.-et. es • '"''' r. Ul... O'I f =... ~ 77· SAt.10YED, fem , 4\i mo, '67 HONDA 250cc 16 9 GMC 61/J FT. IED · • file cab. Sac. \\'lsher ' n .s .. Sl.55 or muWS. c AKC. lhott. Con\acl Stan, RUNS l'!N~ $300 • • s I 7 9 9 It Is to )'our t dvantage thlt YoU collectors, dry~. like new $160. Conn for quarten:. 3te for dlm.ea. ~ ~..o VS~•~ Ket.
lndlvlduols. dttorttors and deale~ do not Orpn Deluxe Cap r I ce 962-16.!9. 962-0709 2>4Mlh St., N.B. lt::'::".::""::"""":"::tm'::"""::-::-11-:"I'=-:-""".""."'""."'"""".""""." ____________ ..
mlu 1hl8 iJ:tll\ u enllque1 or this condJtlon model.~ new. 499-~ Llf>~ 1: Look tnag'llzlnell, \~~tMARANER pup!.tei 3. '74 HONDA Cl,300. New, ..... 7 0 CH•v y TOHP'IC UP'
!Ind quohty arc not vrry often 1vallable to buy e\·e. yn . 40'1 It 50't, alto papers ""C, g mos, 2 m11.1et, mint cond. Red.' Make otter. '° J I( < s 1 7 9 9 '
al auctions. ~ · J 'ii 115 from. same era. 5'$-2-fM: femalcs..-Call831H1S8. Call 61S--172S VI. worro"-Gxxf bo.,. i' '"'°'
e w !J C\.'H. BEAUT. AKC • Dobem~n '73 HONDA CB 175 Twin. hlSJ~ "
CAt&Joinit'tl lis.tlnA" each j1em will be distributed
ed on 11aJe nltc.
Cocktail bar In ballroom for your f)lc11sure.
• AJI r>ul'\"ha~ mu11 be f)l.ld for a nd rf'movtd-
fron) prt ml1es on night or !llale.
Doon CJ1ien at 5!00 P.~f. Sale Night
WllT COAST AUCTlf>N COMPANY '°' lnfo-J~14) t2M51t
RINGS Ellato 13le dlomond WANTED' Gu dryon. worl<• puppln Fo' pet or -·· Only <IO ml'1. lmmac. ~70 l-":1":7=-3=-~l::L:-A:-:IH:::~4~W~H::=&l.~":0'."!R'."!l~V~E-...;._...,:_.;;._.;;._..:,....::;_I
cluitcr SIOO. Ruby diamonds in& or not. Reuonable. t.111y let by appt. 548-7300 m.p.&. S&rn1'. s4199
$200. Muonle $50. ~ &tS-SS48 ST. Bernanl puppies, pert. 'Il KAWASAKI 125, 2,.500 ml, ~'<.'·' <ocio."'°'-. M(fdln~ bands. ~2-$841. OFFSET Plat" Burner and m~lng1. Male a. fem. c.D 't"rwy lepl, Exe. cond. 75 1r-----'---""""""---"'-'.'"'----------_;;_:;_.:;._:_I llA..~D made turquoise ll gllt t•ble wanted. ,,>4S-7T;,8 aft 5pm MPC. $3'.!0tolr ~
jewr1>1 lncludln< l<fll••hn . • 61"''~• * PUREBREOmal<LABpuJJ' IOSPEED~hFollb._ox· CONNELL CHEVROLET · ~lust •l'.!11 496-40'1! --N "" Ct'llerlt cond. $75/ofter. Ull¥ 11 8 \VfU.. PAY CASH fo r py. 0.f"'-~795• $48--2314, nltc 83)-022,I 1----~----n1rrchandtlt', old tumlturo 1 "AMA"''• ....,. ......... DtsK, 7 drawel"$, white & anllques 4gg...2394 AKC CtrmAn ShOrt Hair ' O ~ • .,, "'v "''11.1urv. "...,.8 HARBOR BLVD '"""'· 5ol"x23"x 30" high Polotor Pufll', CHAMP lh,.1, All dirt equip, lo aood rood. _,. ,
fl5. 9G~ • ' . Muslul lnstrumonts 112 6 wlu, !lll1·3M7. A•kll\>C !300. 5'><•l<I'. t COSTA MESA 546· 1200
OF"t1Ct oe.k .l .sw1\.t1 HARPSICIT~D rWUllAl'l'la BEAl/T. mink co Io red '68 BSA fliO, lmn~la.Wr
cha.ir, lxlth me1al, "Int cond, Spl"'t) port . xtnt cond. P~ colllo l u PP 'Y • DePl!Dda~ ~1ri..lnMP· •••11111•••••• .. •••••••••••••••• .. ===:::.:=:c..:175, ~= $330. Stan. 566-7370 · Musi' ocl\. 5.5i.T47 . 5.5t.iPG, -• •·~ •
' I . '
' • .. -•
, I -Fl1day, Marth l , iq74
., Vn · . Ml Auto<, lmpomd m~ .... r§i'.lffiil ,. , m · Autoo, Im~ f7i !¥i!I; lmi>O@ ffl Autoa, lmpomd ffo Au.tot, lmporteil 970 °Autos, i:;;"portod
970 Auto•. lmportOd
39 970
:Th,~Jr'"~°?___..DATSU~ M.UDA ..; ' MERCEDES HNZ ~JJW"~..,,~ ROW RPYCE TOYOTA -TOYOTA ~~·-1
...,."'"IOiATSUNPICKUp Si"ITHirAD.-NO-N,..W OPEN -~-~= '7nlOW'lfoYO:sn.v.:'lt '71TbYOTAMKll ONIYEAR
............. Call -be! ,.,.,.. -"""I*"· rt.cl. RX4 '"' -· ... -" llOl<L SHADOW -Sedan. HAltDTOP WARRANTY 5. or llHll7 aft 8. 4 cyt, ' 'Pd. ...UO. """'»' Mlt1 .... Vloj9 lm•1rt1 . EnJoy more-,._ h> Only 1·364 miles. comple<o!y_ Only 31,912 mll11I '73 TOYOTA
'67 GT B. Triwnph, $900 r\nn,
eng A trana recently ~I . ..,._,....,
.,, DODCE v•-•IT . ldnt. !1155!7V>. 1MW01ATE te.turl.. ..au... .... , .---with •ux...,. .. ui,,,... ,,IE ON-Fmot bl ... with'°"'',,,... CORONA SEDANS Dtoel--CUI!. Int. Low .... ..,..y MERCEDES llNZ a Pilot Cl-Ad. ~J~VER-MINK•-•lN ~1'1E black cloth 1ni·•·r. >"'<· ~ ml. Xtru. $nlO ar bttt W.WWlll\ a v 1..-11 .c.1.1 .,, ·~· ""'"" ~veral nice o"" to~
offer. 5t&-25l9 '73 -Cl' r11••11_NCE '"''hffl haw toot J'Hlll tory Air l.'Of\d., blK-kel 1<'811, fro111 -.II fquippnl "11h f!IUIO-
'00 TR, GT -4i plus. Good
cond. ExttUent MPG, $1800.
6IH4J5 .
P UN f I AL. ... -LUUll-_ FIAT POUCHE lllrtlbt y,uJ carpelJ. ~tc. 4" A...\1/1'"~1 4ndlo, nrw \\'hlt.i 1ruttlc, f11. !f~-y alr rond,
Com-piete Sa.IN. Sef'vke #note tn le,nith lnrkte than ~allJll, elc. Truly II. fine l'Offi· rradlo, etc. AJl Priced bekrw
' Vlllt Ut Soon At l9'T1 PORSCHE m .T, $1UD. l"flU}IU' KUYer shadow. Ex· l)l.r'(&tloo of quality 1.1K1 ~'On· !two Miii of 1. ne~· 19i~.
28701 ~e PUlrWay Mq wbh, lather •atK, ecuti\'fl drl ... -en. LRA 13019. omy. t99M>Sl\1~. SEE TI IE..\! NO\Y .. 1DltIVE '73 vw
Aflsalon V11jo 495-1100 AJC, AM/FM, Stmperit Phone stl-2525 Dir, $2>95 ONE . , . Bt"Y ONE , , .
!USE AVERY PWY. EXIT) u .... s"""'' point, 112.000 TOYOTA
Only 6128 mlle1. Like nt'""
Po1to•dt•r blue with blk lntrr-
ior. PEUGEOT mil,., xlnt '°"'· Many
.i>ther extru. Call Fran
Sanders, Sf0-099 5 or
TOYOTA Fantastic Savings
m--rm '74 TOYOTA " ' ' ,1 11 • ' • .. ·" NEW PEUGEOT
DEALER "8T TARGA 912, reblt el\&'. '55 Spd1ter, '65 eng. nu top
tonto I: tlret. Very cle&n .
Both $3900 $f.S.llt6.
Be1t Deal Anywhere! '69 TOYOTA Corona 4 dr LEASE OR TRADE Air, tow mil. Xh•I oond.
All Modolol 1-"1""°=-'4"'"'-'29'-'1-"4·----
I !•'""' I,~ .'11
1969 1'0\'0TA, net>ds n-·
1'lutrh & hody 1to'Ork. L\1nke
offl•r, 666 Sen11t... C.L\I.
3100 W. COft&l ll1to"Y., N.U.
. ··~ . ' . ~ , .. ~
'62 • DCpe, 1600 s. hdtp
c&br1ol.et, nev.-paint, eng
& traM rood. Good mi. 543-7240
0EAN LEWIS '70 TOYCYrA. 4 1111d . 4 dr.
¥!<Ian. lJJ milt'11ge, xlnt
sha~. Be1t oft>fr. "9-1·0078.
TOYOTA Outdoor "1Xlr1 s Jost 11 5 1961 VOLKSWAGEN
Vacancies cost money! Re'nt 8ppeal~ Sell your equipment $1,l;(I. Sleph~n. 59'1·2415 ' ·.
' .
1960 PORSCHE . Ne"' paint.
Clean. Pilust Hll. CaU (TI4J
87H;49. .
your hou&e, &pl., 110~ V:lth ,p lo1to·...cost Daily Pilot
b.ldr;., etc, thru a Daily Pilot Classlfle!d 1\d! &12-5678. '70 Sqbock. l"lf'lt.' pnlnl, Extra
IMMEDIATELY l.9'lll :woz. at•. ma•._
l966 llarbor, c.~1. 646-~··J .c-"''C ... =ltted7.'~·"·'-· --~=I ~~~~---~,..= I cl~an. 75 M.rc $1650.
I---------A_u1_00_.,_N_1'-w ___ _.;.910;;.;;.;l.;A.;;u;.;lol=·-N=••::..--..:."°::.:·Auto1, New 980 1Auta1 , New &~9193
FOR AU. FOREIGN CARS am/fm, tuned exba.Uft, Jo A u lo ma 11 c tran1mtulon.
Call or come ln to .ee us. m\leqe, must 1ell, 673-36$4. a1r condltkmlnc, llke brand •n new. Economical 4 cyllndtr NEWPORT
240. z. Ataas. air, etc. model. <4S9HGBJ .
xtn• .-. ,, .. ml. ""' $AVE ror Frank, 496-'5Z
'73 ""'-air. AM/FM, ...... make ofter.
SlOO w. ~..\!:"'--N.ll'. * 4!6--0~ * . """••11 I • ...!. -£-~ '71 Datsun truck Xlnt coni;i. -WA UllY
Top CA"'-H $$$ N•w "'"" v<ry cl•an, oif. ' Uftl 'VO •.JI heater, radlo $1995. 496-6m. IUI.
paid tor used-AAIC or Jtt!Jll 240Z. 1972. 14.~ miles. Fully 1966 Harbor, C.M. .... ,,.,
FRIENDLY~! loaded. Immaculate. $4(0). SU-5329 eves.~ 50 USED
1969 -:: B~~ C.M. ,!]3 FIAT 121 .WAGON ON DISPLA y
IMPORTED Atn'OS f cyt, 4 ~ radio, roof '11 Old.I •talion~ Villa
BEST PRICES PAIDI rad<, KU """'my all tho =•·>owner. tow mll'f, ft---L I I rt way here. l679HSY). ce &ale l37SBTC) . ...,.... ew1 mpo 1 _
1966 Horhor, C.M. 646-"'°' a· ,1 •• '73 MG Mldg<t, low mil~. WE wouJd like to buy your , • _ , Jl.ke nev.-, AM/FM (Set No.
okl can, please call thla -• • • 6921). ,
nwnber A1onday -Fnday -~m for tmmed " ffte 13600 Beach Bl., Westmlrulter '73 TR-6. Like ~. prlcfid
p!.cltup, 547-3007. m-$)51 ~2500 for quick aalel (700VQ).
. CASH FOR ·71 "'' 850 Spldor, nu top. House of Imports
YOUR CAR paint " clutch, reblt ·ena 523-7250 546-7070 & diU. Xttiu $1800. 646-857{1
SAVE $$$
'74 Coronw WatO"
'73 Mork II Coupe
'73 Coron• Coupe
'73 COl'ONI Sedan (54452) .
'72 Muk II w._
(030561 .
'72 Corona Sedan
'72 Co'°"" Coupe
AD Can Are Fully Equip.
ped • MOllt haft Air Con-
ditioning. Balance or Fac-
tory Warranty or 12 Month
Df'aler \\'a.rran~ on E\·ery
Cnr. -
There's a lot · more
to it than gas economy.
.S!Hl 8t~N
FIMJ-t/ P!t r utt
WAmFD<-"<7..-'68-W.~. 'n:Fr.\'1"=121'-WAGON-'70-MfRGfll£S-BEMZ Bua: or Sqback .. Private 4 cyl, 4 Spd, Radio, Roof
t ------;·,,.,7-Ciiiiat~-
pony, 894-1983 aft 5 Ra<k, (679HSY). 280 4 DOOR 1 .. Haroor, CM.
' IW1r &lmpw Sp/1111
Autos, lmeortod 970 ll'flm'rl/ Autos, Used
Au tom at I c transmlulon
Order any Mokt IT power ateenng, air =•1'. UNIVERSAL CAR IN EUROPE lJ600 Beach Bl., Wealmln•t" ~n.1''w" •indow•. · .
ne. 1t1nerary Planning· 892-titl51 .,..""' $4977 AUTO SALES
All d4:u~~urooean HILLMAN 2026 HAUOR II.VD.
' '61 HILLMAN H ... ky. """" ""••11 L • • E-Z TERMS 673-4550 Sia. Wgn. 25 MPG, Rura -WA ti.DU e NEW IN STATE?. OK
Bay Udo Bldg .• Sult< 102 good, fl2SJA._G....,.,.UAR '10!.YO • NEW ON JOBI . OK
3700 Newpbrt, Newpt>rt Beach e BANKRUPTCY? -OK l-ii':~"l'i:~~~'"'i-;:;;--;:==-;-;-;-J~1966~Hu~bor~, ~C-~>!:..,· _,!!646-~!t:IO:t~ I • DIVORCED I • OK
11011t I R11r
S111bJ~zff Sift
,.s,,.~ "''""'' r ,.,,.1111u 1on -Fully SyrKhtonlzHJ, 110« MOtJrrltd
St1i.d SIH/ w11'e1lt
With everybody talking &boot (and working for) gas economy, along
comes Capri, the sexy European. It not only has European 1tyllng lo brag
about, bul European ideas on gas economy are buill right into It.
SUI!, these aren'l lhe only reasons why Capri sold m'lJni cars in Its first
three years In America than any other Import in hislory. Shown above
are 16 otfler great reasona lor making your nert cir Llncoln·~ercury's
Capri, Everything~ S&e Is standard on the Capd-everything. . . VERY UNUSUAL '71 Jaguar XJ6 JIM SLEMONS e PAY DAY
'73 Avenger, custom built. Sable with natural interior-IM. POR. TS· PAYMENTS~ OK
Must see to apprec. Best Only 27,130 milts. Automatic ••t PLYMOUTH
•facflometlf,1twtdom1let, (with trip odomtl1t). p11.1g91 lot fulf, 111111111 f1mptr1ture, oll p1111ur1 and belilf)' cl'lll'plllfl,
ottor. 30 mpg, all 6 or trana, fActory air, ,..,.. MERCEDES IENZ •
weekends, 675-0046. wlndowl. Refitcts pride of fury. A11to., P .S., P .l ., l/H.
AUDI ownenhlp. May be -at ---------! Newport lmporu. '71 AUDI $6495
Jim Slemons
· lmllClltS
(We're top buyer for
Uled Mercedet BemJ 1301 Quall
Air, fWVP5971
Now.,Yo,lter. fulf powor. fW.
any WA004t
Newp;,rt Beach -'68 CHEVROLET
13100. 2 Door .... autome.Uc
trans., air condlUonlng, red
with blk interior. Service · recorda avaJlable. This car
la for the particular buyer
& muat be Hell to be &Po 3100 predated. ,. N.s -~Fll0833-M9300 . lmp1l1. Auto., P.S., P.I., 1ir W. Cout Hwy., • ~,J.~n M&eARTHUR. cond. tWOK2221 -
$3695 642-MOS . '73 MEllCEDES Bera llll, $688 '72 JAGUAR XJ6 huveat belae. fi!r. ots,
4 Dr Automatic Air Cond p/b, au t 0 • AM/Of '69 COU•AI
yelliiw-v.ith llllic1t LeatbU mu It id I e.x. gu dual VI, •uto., P.S., P.I ., >,;r. IYY.
(471FVYJ overhea cam 6, pvt. pty. K567l . BMW !8800. Ji,.. 0ox, • .,,.. CREVIER ~-nl ... !183-HOO .. $688
Our SERVICE DEPARTMENT Will Be Open for Business With
SERVICE on SATURDAYS =.~1:.' :::~;~1.'!! ~.~ .. ~:; NOTICE:
••-W ~--H N.S Sal,. e ~ e Lesatnr WE'U. Rll yoUr -MB
,)-WU • UJllM wy., · n w. 1st, S..A. 835-lln fol' yoo!' Exclusive ~-642-MOS ~--~-~·-· '-;;;;:m;c;ts:"Tdr:"";;d0".11=~~°"""~~-~;;,..~-.;;:::I ~ area .....,.g .. watttne. -1'72 AUDI, LS, 4 dr, auto, ,60 XK 150S Roadster Xlnt Call 8.'ll-*O Dir.
sun root, low mllet, Sell condition. $ ZG'.l. '58 MB 300SL Rdstr. XlnL
below Blue Bobk·or trade e 968--1865 e O:lndJUon. Will trade for property, dn. pymt on 831-ztO Dlr
houR, boat or car. Dlr., Vl2 ROADSJ'ER. '73, 7,(XX) _,ciic---i>O,IER""'CE:;:· =~-~ 536-5824 rm. $:83)0. or best oHer . .,... DES Beru: 230,
Call ~"-""""'!Jl'.• lo ml, P/S, -~A~_-J>:-:u.:. ~ JENsEN -~'!.; ;~t--~~
557-1441. • ........... -·
'72 AUDI, std. trans, low JENSEN ~'= oU~., Call Stew,
mt, Exoel '°"'· $3900. or INTEllCEPl'OR
beet otter. 551-3425 Larle Selection
MW of O>lon B Immediate Delivery
'59 23:1 s, reblt, radl&ls,
am/fm, xlnt thruout,
:l>MPG, $1400/ ofr 548--5200
'58 MB 300SL Rdstr. Xlnt
Qmdltion, Will trade
831-3).a() Dir.
'64 ~RD•
VI, 111to., P'.S., Air. t Rl6l221
Auto .. • cyl. I ~X~Ol I
• cyl., evt.., R&R:--IK1Et7tl
P'lcki.rp IUllllfl
lii!I llNCOI N
2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540 .. 5630
Autos, New 980 utos, New tlO Autos, Now 910Autos, fltew 980 Autos, New tl0Auto1, New
3100 W. Cout Hwy., N.B.
1974 .BMW's '73 JENSEN
In 11ock r .. dy tor lmmediai. INTERCEPTOR Ill
delivery. Excellent savin&s Air Cond Full Powu Equtp-
on remainina: 1973 model-. ' with natural SALESSER\1IC&l..EASING ment, maroon OVERSEAS DELIVERY leather, low .mileage, (188-
ROLLS ROYCE BMW Salet e Service e Leasing ~ 11234 FJ. 17lbe St~ D W. h:~. S.A. ~n
....,,_. ea ClOl!fd Sund&ys ·
s74•1 Ate Hefti KARMANN GHIA
lm"'""iet9 Dellvoryl ------S.W On Romolftlntl '711 '72 KARMANN Ghia, 13000
CREVIER .MW ml. :U MPG, 1 .. ....,., xtnt
cond. Call 873-7Ull aft 6 pm
s.tet • _.,. •""""" MAZDA :a w. ht. s.>:. • 113>&71, -------~·II CIOMd-,.
WE'U. Mil yoUt' ........ 1l tMldo '74 Rotary *
BMW 1at yool Exctuatve · $77 MONTH -"°'"""" Coott-...._...,... 3'-MONnlS-OPEl'hLl:ASE
waiting. call 831-2>40 (Auth. wm acctPt irade-ins
deeler): CAIL MR. FRY 842-6986 ~=~£ ~1fu'i:~ Hunt. Beach
' .,, BMW a.o CSA Gl•amlng MAZDA Vtr0na wtth EbonY 1nter1or
1!1-20fJ Dir,
Sil-Ml Dir.
. ' CAPRI 1'1331 Bncb e. -
"71 CAPRI. alr '°"'· decor '73 ~ RX.J
lft!Qp, bit ottr. ~ __. n .. .n.. ~leo8 all\'tl', 4 cyl, • .,...., ._,
'71 CAPRI AM/'!"1 A/C, RDol Rack. (1'111TO).
map. xlnt cond. \.:atl after
......... nds4!11'>-llllt
'ff Ol.DS
~ 11-lnt, Alr
CDNI. Auto Tr111t,
Vl111'9 lloof IYWllMO)
'ff l'IRlllRD
,.S., tt.dlo, H•ffr,
Alllo CZA111oltl
'ff' CHEVY
VI. """ Tr111a., ......,. 5t-"lnt· A!f c...ri., tOKOTI
S&99 .
'67 T-BIRD ..._. . .,.,...,... ---"'' c:;.M, II.Mii. H•*'• Alllll T,_,., Vll!YI "'91 (UW't4J
•6f PORO
ci-, (ITltllOOA)
"VI. AW Tr1n1, Air Corid, ,_ Slt1tlnt. , ....... ,
'S1 l'ORD
'ff fORD
4 Or. 'IL .-.,,. TrtN. --0(1.Y•)
NEW CAR DEPT. _.,. -
.. 9 4 C'J', O/M C•M. •nt· . ,, ........ ..,.
• ,.. CtM • ,., .... ....... ::,ri. . .....
• .,. DnoM .,... ., ... ~ ._ ..... ,......,.,,
'719~ Mt.
..... , ... "" tetet ulll otttt Ind •....
"1• lie. ..... DlftfTW """"' il'ke It t.)4Q.'° ~ 1111 & '1• tk,, ,_ & 1M t.lf"fYllll ~ flr:lt • ,,_Wit Ill ,_,,ltOYAI. of ~ Cl'llfl. AHHUAL ,.ICINTAH ltATI
turtdlydt1m1tk, ri-Au~ 1r1m. 6 c)'I tf'ltlt
'74 n•A Htc.,"-I ·14 NOYA
=l1t.C1tptf!1'19, 1"'11111 '°"'9t 1! .. rlnt
... MOHTM SJ& ....... ,. SJ&
'74M .. C'-k
,...., 1""'1'ia. ,,._.
dlllC llr•t•. "° VI, _tyr11e11ydl"11Nllc, Wh..t cwwt, bllllllf
""'lttonll• 11 "" d Ollh. ,
"llMOHTM ..
'74 CAMAlO
,_ tf'Hffllo, .,...,
d!llC Dr1t1S, 150
VI, fW•bOll'f'dr1m1!1~1
........ COYl ta. bllt"'
whliff'1u1. 11n111c1
PHONl1 147-6117
......... •• '---.,. ~"*" ,.,.,..,.,.,........,.
Wt ""' .., y-,,,_, ~ .. .,....
Alt c:r..I,.... .. ~ ..... Ta
Priced For Quick Sale
12l IMl'ALA Cllt9nt c.,,. , ... SlJ:tt
)21 IMl'ALA c""'"' c.11,. .... SlJ:tt
52: IMl'ALA Cut•M C••,. .... SlJtt
I• IMl'ALA ClllteM C.11,. , .•• SJ)ff
EXAMPLE * 1974 Demonsbator *
Impala Custom Coup•
$3958 .
. '11313
NO DOWN Per Month
Ml)0.90 11 "" lot•• cU'I llrice ""'· , ••• '1• "'· '"'· o.-twred DllY!MM #l'tc. UoQO.U. ANNUAL Pl!ltCEHTAGI ltATI u."' '"' .... n. ,., ·-
' .
. . The.BIG .· .
1 i I .. . .
·"¥' ·t·~1 --•. . .
T~KE (16)-~ran.d New· '74 ·CU.TLAS~
,_,_. -
All Have Air
. \
NEW '74
TAKE '68 DUR · -·
CHOICE Ca~~~:ac
. ,
OLDS $37 total'Cln. pymt. S37 total ino. py'rnt, incl'. tall .' lie .• & all oar•
rying charges on appr. credit lot: 3 7 mos. Si 369 deferred pymt.
price incl. fax,& tic. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE,AATE!1 3.69%.
Total cas~ price S1Q50 .
~~~~:.~sLER . -s977· . ~~·_JWNNE. ·s477 • ~~~ tf~ s6· ~"'!'I
.{17721)) . • .{8blJS8) • • • • {VVE0121 • • I i 11
Royoie.f'Vt .•
vinyl !op, p:iwer.
-J838N<SI ·-
. ,'69 PONT. WAG.
leMorot. R&H, !Ji. •
cord., out<>. hO"a.
(YQJl18) • ..
I ~
~!of;!MOUTH .s1· 777
h4I powa.. & or
f«W'lli (OSOHOT) r-s777 . .
'69 EL DORADO .s 1977
• •
. .
NEW 1 7~
$'i"8'"'99~ ~NEW 74GREMUN
t-,-7._2_P1_NT_O_.-... -·s 59 M~. 3~.~
~ ........ -...(mG.J
. -•
' '
Friday, MAl'th l, 1974
910Au~s. N-9IO-! I ,t.utoa, UMd 990 Auto1, u-:ti 990 A'u1o1, UMd ff6 Au!oa. OMii
'-"-""'"-';P;;;INT:;;;O:--= 1:.:..:...:._:_PL..:_YM_:.,_O_UT_H_ -PLYMOUTH
...... 990 1 ~01,
ATLAS ATLAS ··· A. TUS ·n DUSTER K'OflOm\cal 6 '18 ftlUSTANG loUOI I, °" ·n PlNTO. • gpd.-~·ftun.-a. -cyl. eftllM; auto. tranl,, = Jet. n:: =: bout .... ro> mt. Xltrt aood. ATUS ~ whetla. Xlnt ftnanctne Chrytlet'/P~ Chry1lor/Plyinoutt, -· 0::: 1&.,. lnvated ,;S:;::I"":;;;..,;-~~· ~~~ Chry1ltr/,.,.,_ IS! Dir.
7M01 ~mcaOaLETlo. '68 Ford Cwntry = c.°il':l'.'l;; ... ':."'"' ~~ •• =i.:~ .~~NllDr/PNlyinoutt,EW '74 '72 PLYMOUTH l __ ,_o_NT1_A_c __
"'"' .. ·Sedan Statlo• ~• >rusrANc n' ~ , ,,:•=ms="'.:.;;,.·~--""" . SEBRING 2 DOOR ..,. PO!mAc sf&. w....,.
VI, • ......,. .. , radio, h<ater, Wa"""n cy!, air. auto, tm lllH"ll FORD -'12 Pm., llW>obout, -DUSTER . H).RDTOP · equ11a-~ •• ~thcond•.u.""!!.11.'.',· _., •~ne. power ~ party, Will taU small auto, \\'bite, $2150. Pvt Serial No. VL29-C4G 119036 ......... ... ....~" brakn. er 11iindows, V8, autornaUc, radk>, heater, , sports car ln trad e , t "-::·==alt=,."'5.:,P::.M:_~--I 52595 VS, aulomatic, radio, beater, steerin&, p<l\li't'r b-ra k, 1,
l'l'hlte side I lif'ft, vinyl pc>\l'er 11tC!('rlng:, powe r 961--0656. . · PLYMOUTH pov.·er •leering, Powe r radi>. heater, etc. Vrry
top, alr · 1Uontn1. (578-bl'l:lke1, while side \\"all tire., 1971 Mu.&tanc G r a n d e . HUGE SELECTION brakes, white side v.•all tires, clean 1XSP(M2 •. P r i c'e
CXY). . air condJUonlnr. (ZUCi20). Alrcond. RAH. ·•···I top, '74 DUSTERS Wr conditioning, vinyl top. reduced to S975. F.x~llent
Sl 195 $795 ··~ ATLAS 1301EOHJ. and ••I• famUy •ml ut!llly
• "'~1 "'il Perloct '°""· Giant . Savings! $2295 <"· Jolu""" • S<m. •»• Open Dally & Sun. 'HI 10 Pl\I Open O.Uy &: Sun. 'tll 10 PM S2350. :U 'Ceptury Pl., Open Dall~ A SUn. 'W 10 Pl\I Harbor, -COtita 111 e !I a. 2929 Harbor Jii.~.. 2929 Harbor BIYd., C.M. 540-4481 ,. Chrysler/Plymouth . ......,.. ~Blvd Open Dally & Sun. 'til 10 Pl\I ~-
Colta 'Ateuv.. O.ta Mesa 1969 MUSI'ANG, VS, air cond, '68 PLYMOUTH ~~ ~.~M... " 2929 Jtarbor BIYd., -"'"-"'=-----
5 .....,., Costa Mesa '68 PO?l.'T. Tempes1, PS/PB, 546-1934 46•1934 !'.,;.5• P/B, auto. trano., VIP 546-1934 546 1934 AM /FM, A/C, l950.
0 to ~;,,t?;,~ °""'te. eau'· >f.'!t~Tl -1977Pi;;;;;;;;;..-• 833-m; -~o• " ,.,1 ,,_.,,. VB, automaHc, radk>, heater, 1972 pt,mlOllfh •73 GRAN AM·
u...vN MJCAL. Safe &. &I· V-8, Auto Trans. Radio EZJ1.,.an"". ~5-,'p'O.mO:,.. ~=,,.,;~-pov.·er· steering, white Ude f ATLAS =;;!d ';J:, ':.."'toma"::;! f~{'ct"" AJz ,c..... OLDSMOlli:E :::, '::;,'.· ,~;...,~=: Custom Suburban ..,R."""A' M.8,LE,,.""'R
tranl., radio, heater, lac-$895 1 3 Seat Station Wqon Chrysler/Plymouth
lory air cond full powt llLQ it' . 400 cld, V8 eniine Open Dally & SUn. 'ti! 10 Pr.I T~~>·.~iu:g :Jfl)!lr '~:,'~~~ ~· ~ ()penl!tn;"ri!i!~~11~.~~~PM ~~~t'!~'°n 2929c!~~e:\/d.,
Mercury, ~ Harbor Costa -3 = ! dltiOnlng, 6 way pov.·er seat, O>rita Me!!a Power Braket, Dlac Front 546·1934 Mesa 549-.5630 Ml ~t 11tereo, landau top, 546 1934 Air C.Ondhk>of!r · · 13600 Beach QJ., \\'estminster tilt \\'heel, full lwrury ~ul~ • A~1 ·Radk> •
'62 Sed. Rambler. 81111 run!I
good. Pvt party. $75. Call
T-BIRD CHRYSLER 892-6651 Di-2500 ped. Unbellevabb' pr\eed at ___ A_T_L_A_S__ Vlnyl Split Seals ATLAS '72 PINTO nm. (926KEJ). '"""""' • El""""' lgntUoo ... THUNDERBffiO
ATLAS Son. Unc.-mn l.fercury, 2626 Color. ~stnut tiletalllc Chry1ler/Ply--·...t.L Ex_,~~1ia.Uy clean, lux-Harbor. Costa l.f e 1 a, Chry I /Pty th Llcense 3l3EOJ nNVm Ur-llJU.'W)' equipped with full
Aut om•tic trammt'"""· 54lhl630. '71 'p'L'YMOmouUTH $J 695. '72 PLYMOUTH """"· fa....,, .Ur '"""·· Chrysler/Plymouth air-.COJ1<lltk>nfh8, roof rack, Sale•• 5r.'vk:e DUmR t>tc. lfBs hn .tht> l:k-!111 of '69 · CHRYSLER rad•o, """'· 11"""'1). OLDSMOBILE FURY .Ill Sec" DAILY PlUYT Em· """· "'1e oed 1161:;. <2377 ~ GMC TRUCKS l.. p\oye Parking Lot, tifonday V1, autoniaU r, mdio, henter, .foh.nson & n, Lincoln Town & Country f HONDA CARS 4 ·DOOR lhru t'riclll.y. Call 642-4321, pov.·er steering, power ;&,~··~~~•}M!!;'!!,.~~H~'~'_:•_:0_:'J' .-,-ask for ~In. G~'nll)an. brakes, \.\"hilt .side 11i'llll tires, .:: Station Wa90n 1\ I•·-'· UNIVERSITY OLDS HARDTOP •12 PLYMotrm o u, t , r . .1, oooditlooiog. cu•tom .,.
V1, automaHc, radio, heator, -'41l Lal1ll 2850 Harbor Bl\·tl. \'~. autonialir, radio, heater, Unusually cle11.n, only 15,0CKI tertor antl Interior, \inyl
power sl.f!Cring-brnkcs-v.•in-TOYOTA . Costa 1tfeu MO-!l640 1 PO\\et" steering, power n1lles, VB. air cond., po11'er side mouldinp. ~296E01f}.
dow.sen.t-door locks, t JI t --• , lirakes. white llde v.·all tires, sleerlna, po\.\'er hr 11. k I! s. $2295
steering v.·hee\, root rack, ,,,.,, '68 OLDS Custorn 98, full u\r t'Ond1tloning. {928BS.'i:). radio, heater, landau top.
alr <:Ondltioning. 1490El-IK). '""" llarbor, C.!11 &Wi-9303 power. $450 $895 (96SEXXJ . Ex c e 11e n 1 Open Dally&. Sun. 'tll 10 Ph.I
$1095 '74 PINTO-WA°GOH 536-0112 -and penonoaooe 29'l9 Ha-Blvd.,.
'61 T-BIRD. 'Vt>:ll mnlntalned
& many good l'(llles to go.
$250. ca.'lh. MS-3148 eYe1,
s21 s9 , . ..-.---.-.... ....... 11.~....., .. --
MIW t•74 OODGl
53989 .... -..... ..-.~ .. --.-~.,~_.., -. ..,..-.... .,~
t LU ~·---..-.-.....
___ ....,. __ _ --.-..-·-·-·-h•-
Bronze, 4 cyl, Auto Tran!!, 14 l\1PG '68 TORONADO air, Open ONiy &: Sun. 'UI 10 PM $2815. See and dri\/e today! Costa tilesa.
Open Dally & Sun. 'tll 10 P?if RAdio, Rool RA.ck, (.f4?JNKl sharp. $145(); Call an i P l\I, 29'2!1cH.,ar,."!•1_!~Yd., JohMon l Son, Linroln 546· 1934 $i'O(IO'ib:'i::si:::'ii:i~ Ir:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;\ 2929 Harbor Bl\/d., ,..,., ""11 """"' ~lercury, 2626 Har ho r , $1000 •-1 Bl Book Costa Me~ .~-=~:::.:.:~~~--,.-.. rv 546• 1934 Costa Mesa, ~. Turn fOOr golf clubs into 119 OW Ue 546 1934 lb L~ '68 OLDS Cutla.11 "·~ a stereo. Sell them with LATE '72 Toronado • fully
''73 IM;ERIAL a:E"WU• ;~~·~ :ns:· top. ~ ~ak':~ ~ ~~fi .. 2.:'!!!:..~.:~*' !~~~ ~~t ~~or A~ ~~~:1w.i~ker$1~w be'fo'; ~ * 'iOTORONAOO * those 1tem1 with a Dally ,... _ _,__ stereo! Call 642-5678 TOO&y. Blue Book). Luxury car lor
LE BARON 4DR H. T. 13600 Beach Bl., Westmlniorer Fully E:qulpt Xl.nt Cond Pilot Classified Ad! can ~;:::;;:::;::::;:::;:::=:;:::::::::::::'. Daily Pilol Classilied Ads f'l'OOOffiY price!! Pri\'ate Only 16,031 miles I 8!!2-6651 636-2500 Sl800. * .t 492-1498 642--5618. -~SELLS _ 64.2-56'18 642-5678. party. Lee Webb 514-0393
•••Still only$ 2.65 a mOftth
deli vend to your door 7 doys a week
Gamet l\lelal!U: flnl&h ""·Ith "66 tilustang hol :ziro, 1'.lallory Autos New 9IOA -i~ulolc..c~~~ ... -.-.----9'0= Autos •. New MO Autos, New -.. 1 Au·ioa, u •. _
color keyed Yinyl top and ignition! air sboclc.'I, traction • ' ~ ""' R9W
matching leather lnterior. ban, h\)'-du1y clutch &, 1,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~ Dual comfort seats, full rearend, bad body, $225 or
power, lactory alr, till a bug lhat runs. "72
wheel, stereo 1nulllplex, RANOiERO PU 23,000 ml.,
cruise control, e\'ery ron-air shocks, $3IXXI Into I!, .
cel\/able option on this s.:n> equity. take over ·
pampered auto. t963GWY). payments. 646-8361
Aut~, New 980A"utos, New 9IO
.ATLAS '10 TORINO sta. wgn., R
&:; H, air, hvy-duty shocka Chrysler/Plymouth traM. cooler. S1550.
BRAND NEW '74 ~-~3259-----t CHRYSLER '64 Golaxi•, 2-0r. HT, Firm . $250 cash. Good ttansp. car.
NEWPORT Gd. lire" p/•. p/b, R & H. '74 lie. 6-15-3955
2 Door. Automatic tran.vnb-,70 MAVERICK....air u.t
-alon, radio, heater, pcJ\l:er lo mlle ... by""""'. s!~· -
steering, power brakes, alr 6U-Ci691 • • •
conditioning, white aide v.·alll~~~"'· ==~=~,.,tires, vinyl side mouldings. '72 RANCHERO 500, . Air, ~al No. Cl..23-T4C·l31477. PIS, P~B, A:l ooncbtion. $3995 31,"'1 m<. $249'> 4M-1387.
I -l97l 1URINO Sla Wgn, amaU Open Dally & Sun. Ill 10 P?fl: V-8, air, xlnt rond. $1995.
2929 Harbor Blvd., s-t!r3895
546.1934 t ~~L~IN~c~o~-i;==N--
'73 OIRYS. 6 Pa.Ill· v.·agon, tow tack, dual muJners,
loaded, superb. 586-0849
•73 COMET 2 DR 4 Dr. Towncar. Xln't cond.
Company owned & ·main· Fully equipped. Lthr inter,
talned-like new In our vinyl roof, speed control,
senrlce dept. Equipped with 6 ~·a.y pwr seab, am/fm
automatic transmlnion, aJr rad. w/lllereo tape. Will sell for $5495. Contact cond, pov.-er steering, radio Penonnel Manager
heater, etc. Comfortable, Bilbol a.y Club late and economical . <378HDE) $3275. Johnson &: 12'll \V. Coast Hwy. N.B.
Son Llnccln. -· :1526 . Harl:lof, · Costa ~t e 11a • '62 Un. Cont. Xlnt' body, 5t1J..5630 White leather· inter, runs
CONTINENTAL •good, $300/ottor 645-47GT
I----------I 68 Uncoln. Loerled. 14 mpg, ~ ,..,.0 .,. $600. or beat otter, Good '72 CONTINENT 11UU'Y'lo condition. ~43
IV. This beau u1 car ==~c,..;'=~'=~-
renocto exoelleot caro and MAVERICK
hu all luxury itemt. Auto.
temp, a Ir cooditioolng,.1----------
AM/FM stereo radio, tilt '70 MAVERlq< 6 cyl, a\Jto,
steering wheel, 4 brand new 1 owner, new tires, sharp,
Fire!ltone 500 steel belted 6-16-600J
radial 11re11. Individual 6;i,,:,,,7'cMA~°'VE=ru=CK=~a-rb-r-.-v~.s~.1
Way pcl\\'er sea.ti!. (887EADl R&H, auto, PIS. 14 ,00)
$6275. Johnson i" Son Lincoln miles, 842-1739. $2700.
Mereury. 2626 HRrbor Blvd.,
CDftta Mesa MG-5630. MERCURY
'70 t'ONTINENTAL, 4 DR ·n cOucAR XR7 LUXURIOUSLY oquipped with factorY a 1 r co~ TIIIS c~ is very sharp, SEE
dltlonlng full power AM· and drive It to appreciate
FM 1ter«,. Extra cle~, see its perfo rmance and
and buy today (288ASH) handling e_x c e 11 e n ce.
$2475, JqhMon ' Son Un-Economy wtth s a f e t Y .. c:oln Mercury, 2636 Harbor, Equip~ wilh automahc ~Mesa 540-5630. transmilsion, radio beater,
· p ower steering, pov.·er CORVEllE brakes, 1actmy air .,,..
dltionin&, Widau .t 0 p
'71 CORVETTE <701E0Jl. Sal• f>rioe $2095.
S I F lb k Johnson Ir Son, Lincol~ t ngray •• K Mercury 2626 H a r b or
1 · Only 25,205 mllul c..ta Me.., 54>-5630. · '
Exciting Roman Red lacquer •n MARQUIS BROUGHAM ftniah with black vinyl in-•
tenor. Economical 350 cu. · CPE
In. VB with automatic trans., IMMACULATE beln& offered
factory alr cond., full power, at a reduced price, This
tilt wb*I, AM/FM radio. car bu been cartfully
Thi.I sleek beauty wU1 win maintained. F.qu)pped v.ith
your heart at first . sl&ht. lull powr, factory alr, Lan-
(0l3DNP), · dau roof, etc. (136CXV),
# ' ,, . • .....
Console, power eteering,
radio, heater, sport
mirrors, tin ted glass, full wheel-b:ivers. (1F08704N160340)
--STle< VEGA
•speed transmission,
. linted glass, white
aide wall tires. deluke bumpers, bumper gutrds. (IV77A4U2740otBJ
'74 NOYA
Automatic transmission. pcwer steering,
decor group, linted glass. heavy duty radiator.
Coupe. (1X27D4L173590) 0
. ' ' ... > ~· ~. , 4 I
$2'l'l5. Johmon " Sora. Un-coin Mwcury, 2626 H.utor,
Coola M .... 540'5630. ..------.. --~
• J • .,,.
um MERC MX VU!oaer
1.A>aded with extras. JO.nt
cood. $2700/0fl'. 6C-47'TJ
";ib".'@1 ~; !;:'.' .;'=: MUST~NCi
auto. Gm w!blk inter. Lo mi's. Aft.er &pm wkdyl, '68 MUSTANG, .6 eyl, tuptr
6f4-.19CI'. clean, rd lifts, radio, ltf'Ut
DOD ""-E. °" .... 1o m1, • 1925, • .. 675-3764 aft 5.
,68 DODGE Monaco g pus '66 lifUSTANG Con v.
-oil Radlah, tfew roo£., e!C. wan. .,,....,, or er. rroo. 56-6&'3 betwern 2·
Call M7__, 7PM.
FIREllRD =·10~ .. ~usr=.,.=a~. ~s~1 .. -,....,.. p/1, 1
p/b, a~, xhrt, $1'50. M,_
flREBIRD '67, 6 eyl, S 11ocl. Pawn Shop·. ~. •17'3
Runs txce:I. $475. or od,r; Newport Blvd, C M
~4!rl.-1244 aft 6 Ii. wkndt. '68 MUSTANG , ah', auto,
,, ·1
' •
• AROS •
Au1om1uc. power
!lteerino. oower .
brakes. cq.nsole. radio. hea!er. rally wheels. sport mirrors,•
(10870'4N 158340)
Automatic transmis!llon.
white side wall tlr&s.
tinted glass. bumper QtJards. ( 1 V1 1A4U27 1189)
·n LTD BroUiham, vinyl '65 MUSfANG. Gd. ... ml.1 .. -------------~~~----............ _ _.._ _________ .. top AM•FM '""'°· Good Nu paint. WlllP" dodc. 1• ...;.it $1400., !5IMlil9 . -67$-119:1 ' •
-. '
I . I
" ,,
. .
. . •
FrlUJ, March l , 1974 • •
• • • •
. I.' . .
. ·I · •.• NEW 1974 PINTO . liiP~2Door . ' .. • . i$ 2~g-Includes al! vinyl bucket · · ONLY ·. •seats, d1sc _~ak~
. 2000cc economy engine,
4 speed, ~ynchroinesh
manual" transmission, &
more I Order Yours
' .
• -•
· That's ,right! Check oqr drastic price cuts .&rrord cars & trucks and
see for· yourself! CQMPARE ANYWHERE! We've cut All prices to the
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UDllO ... IUI • OUllll~TYIS.M ... Ylll•YIACllll IY
OVll 5.2.YUllSOf.SllVICl•mta .... 111 •IHllAlllllll
• ,
Mus,lV~ fiEWA~DroP . ..
. .includes fro"nt disc s. 2· a·95 brakes, all vinyl' bucket"
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instnimentatian, .full
w!ieel covers, fUt pile
·carpeting & m<>re. Cjjrder
y o u r -s t a d a y •
' -'74 FORD
full price!
includes all destination
. & prepoo:ofi'On ct.,.-gei!
lncludesr c:rvi....o-motic trans., power
front disc brolces, power steering, 3 waf
door gate w/power wincbt, spore tire
eictroctor. •ledric clock, wheel cCM!f'I.
diJOI focin9 reor seats; conYenience
grou'P, Jocltoble side .storage
comparttMnt, carpeted c°'vo area.
· ~xe bwnpers, oir concitioning, AM
• .a.. -· """"'i;o" .....,,, FULL PRICE tilited •ass, complete light group, --· -. .
Oloctric ....... do« locb. dolu ... ply ~ "$3995 -s11DER. DISCOUNT-S · 11'~ ;, ' · ··NEW '74 F-100;PICKUP
The All New Mid-Size Luxury Car
Ready For Immediate Delivery.
:~1ewatt ~m & ipore1·73 demo:. Stk. · . 11"68. Se<. #3J765233972.· -
' 238 36MQNTHS ltlclude12300ccengine,41pudtrort1.,
. +,~;EN END ;!'.;,,"'.~";;11 ';;: ,,~..:=;. ';';:;
MO. ·occalOries.
"· H. 4sp:l.(557CCf)
It, H, AT, P/S. (YCP147)
' •
'69 FORD
3006<yl. eng.", H.D.W><k" 5100GVw
paekoge, pk.11 all stand. fad. ecp>ipment.
(Stk. #T883J (Se .. #FIOBRT60125)
'68 FORD'
R .. H. AT. P/S. •"!",
·-'72 FORD
It, H. 4 Wh. Drift. (859FZG)
. .. . • :see IT TODAY! ·. . .
BRAND NEW '14 ~,.,;::--:~;:;,,,,
1.-;ludes color keyed carpeting,
· 250 CID eng., auto.· tranS..,1
645xl.C tjres, front bumper
· guards, Calif. emiui9'1 .. Order
'7-2 HORNET ·--
\ I , H, AT, P(S. 0.-, {631EGI)
l .H.-'lpd .•
'69DATSUN · ' ~.., I, H, 4sp:L.(Z1H706)
-............ 775~
!1 ·074
AM!f-M, oil' COl'ld., -...o. "--• flOWll" ''-'no.
· ~ btoket.,lcr.i.iln. (-'76eTE}
@! ________ ,, ----lw' I• -IOllNl 11. ...
NW M"I', ._. ....... M ....., ._.. .. ...., ....... ...
Heft llnla ...... p ...... ...,-? ......... ... ..... ... .. ,, . .... .. .... '
• •
' /'
. '
· 1 .ci
! n t
"" . . .. ' .... . ..
, '
San t;Ie1oente ·1-
~apis.trano .. .EDITION
... .. -.. -
"" • --
• • • x-IXOll I e·s
CandUlates ' .
Air Views
Of ,,. °"" Pltet Staff
Eleven candidates -including two
incumbents with long records of service
-are vying for three seats u.1 the San
Clemente City O>uncil in Tuesday's. elec·
And although ihe aspirants started
their campaigns slowl y, many have said
iJ) recent days that several key issues
are coming to the fore in the city.
Among them are long-standing ,city
pl8.ns !O build -a new m.unicipat_ •. goll .
Course at" San Onofre State Park; the
expenditure of $2.1,000 in fees for
consultant serVices on downtov.TI parking
problems; limits to high-densit1 blufftop
development and improvements to city
water-treatment facilities. ·
Bus~ and professionals -
active or retired -fotm the bulk of
the slate of aspirants.
uowARo AlJSTIN, 41 . "'orked 13
years in the city's public works
department, specializi)lg primarily in
Loan Rate Cut
,/ ~--.. -Badha••• Meas11re
Quorter Point
National City Bank, the nation 's
sewnd largest, ·today annount'ed
a reduction of one quarter point
to 8.5 percent in the prime interest
Bill Aids Park
rate effective Monday. •
The prime rati is the amount
banks charge biggest and most .
creditworthy borrowers. It has
been dropping steadily from its
historic high of IO percent that
prevailed last ~otser and briefly
in December.
Buy in Clemente'
Citibank's move was expected
to touch off a new nationwide round
Jf reductiOns· in the rate.
Sttl90thing Seen
An as'Sembly bill which Ytould mean
that San Clemente OOu\d buy an 18-acre
park site at a bargain-basement price
became law early today amid jubilation
at city hall.
The n1easure, AB 431 authored by
Assemb!Yn1an Robert Badhain ( R -
.·Gas Lines Long as Eve1·
• ' .
For Debut of Rationing
Of fM, 0.llY l"llel Slill
About lialf· of Orange c· o u n t y ' s
motorists were out of luck today as
the state's mandatory gasoline distribu-
tion plan. v.•ent into effect.
But it took more than an odd digit
to gel gas today. It took a lot 0£
The lines were just as long as ever
in alt coastal communities, with' he
NeWport Beach l means that San
Clemente can buy the acreage near
Shoreclilfs at J.he price originally paid'
by the Califotnia Division of ~hwa#"' ...
-about $50.<XKI.
Before Badham 's bill changed the
rules, the city faced a purchase price
of. perhaps a half·million dollars for
ttfe surplus freeway acreage deemed
a-perfect spot for a large park. ~-
City 1.1anager Kenneth Carr today
praised Badham's effort on the measure.
Badham had predicted several w~ks
ago that his bill stood a good chance er v.•inning approval in the governor·.s
Now )hat the legiS!ator has succeeded,
San Clemente could easily commit
revenue-sharing funds or other money
for the purchase of the surplus site
on rolling hi1\s near the San Diego
Free\vay. '
And. in coming months. the city then
could apply through a county grant
program for funds to help develop the
acreage into a park that could serve
as a regional recreational facility .
i '
H. R. '18ob" H1ld1man
Today's Final
N:.Y. Stoeks
J111·y Name s
El11·1iclunan ·
! :I
\\'ASllT NGTON (L'Pll -If. R..
Haldeman. John 0. Ehrlicbmqn, John
N. htitchcl and fo ur or President
1'\ixon's former high \Vhile House and
political associatC's were indicted today
by a fed eral grand jury which has
been inrcstig:itlng .\\.atergate for 20 ,
n1onths. •
Cha rges of conspiring to obstruct J
justice v.·erc filed again.s~ all seven '
dcft;>ndants. Addil ionnl charges or such •
offenses as per jury and destroying
evidence "·ere.., brought ag<1inst six o(
th1:m: ,
· Nlxot1 hiIDst-1£-"-'35 not Indicted. ·nut
\\'aterga tc spec ial prosecutor Leorl
J a~·orski turned over to Chief U.S.
District Judge John J_ Sirlca a •·sealed
reporr' from the grand jury.
Its contents were not disclosed, but
it had been reported tha t the jury
iritended to n1akc a separate report
on its viev.·s of Nixon's possible role
in \Vatcrgatc and the cover-up .
Further Watergate-relatt..'d Indictment~
are expected from 01her grand jury
investiga tions into abuse of can1paign
funds, the lTT affair and the Ellsber{: break-In. · ·
Haldeman was Nixon's chief or staff.
water service. He
also served a dozen
years as a volunteer
fireman. for San
Clemenfe. After Iav·
lpg the city employ,
Austin toot over the
Senicr.·. Donut Shop
Blaze Destroys · 8 CENTS IN MARCH, P090 12
exception of MISSion Viejo. There for
the first lime in recent tne!iiary, La
Paz Road was not blocked to traffic
by autt>! lining up for gas.
For the past aeveral years city officials
bad -the pro!pect of rmc1mg a hall-million don.rs to J>)lfduisc the
parcel at the curtont market price ol
almost $30,GOD an· acre.
Ehrlichman his chief domestic adviser,
and 1'.fltchell was his attorney general
and his campaign manager. for both t suceessful presidential elections.
Other defendants:
. i
! ·~
t I
· on North El Camino
ausT . The resident of 612
Calle Canasta· cOncedes that his formal
education does not includEY"many high
degrees,'' but said that he.still benefits ''fr0.m. a practical, working knowledge of
our city."
"Having lived and worked here t have
Watcl>ed it grow fro01 a population of
8,000 to one nearing 21,000 persons.
Major improvements in w a t e r •
treii.tment an replacement ·of obrolet2
steel water mains, Austin said, are his
greatest goals as· a cou nci lman.
"Changes have to be made in some
of the management practices o( the
. city," he added.
newsman 8nd now a pre-press foreman
for the fll'Dl of Avco in Laguna Niguel,
is 39. He and his wife Marilyn, filive
three children .. The family borne is at
209 Pelayo. f •
A candidate interested in improving
youth programs in
San Cle1nente, Broe-
ioUs cites t h e s e
issues in order of
· importance to the
-'A strong local
·~. government coul d ~! ' r:J:Srai~ag5!:~s~ """""~•octous"" ID effort to ease."un-
fair tax burdens," primarily on persons
with fixe(I incomes. O>unty government
also could be prodded into upgrad.ihg its
· services to local communities.
-A balanced approach to growth is
to be preferred. Effects of changes to
' ' the environment must be dealt with.
-Existing rules banning dogs on cily
beaches sbou!d be upheld. '
-Rallying of "all available resources"
to improve services for the community's
youth. ' .
. . .
Cou1itry Club
At Lake Forest
A roaring fire ot tmknowg ori gin
ca\l5ed an estimated $800,000 damage
to the Lake li'orest Country Club in
El Toro early today. -
Nearly 100 Orange County firem~
battled the blaze for two hours after
it broke out shortly before 2 a.m. It
was visible for 15 miiles.
"Firemen under the Command of
Orange County Division Oijef John ·
Tbunnan were able to contain· the blaze
tO the clubhouse. itself and thete was
neVer any danger of it spreading to
~djacent homes," a d epartment
spokesman~said;-A light rain was .falling.
The four-yeaN>ld Spanish-style building
was the central recreation facility for
the Lake forest planned community and
is situated on the shores of a small
manmade Jake near the intersection of
Muirlands Avenue and Ridge Route.
1be department spokestnan • s a i d
firemen were hampered in their efforts
to quell the blaze by the Spanish tile
roof of the two-story structure.
"That type of roof mllde entry of
water into the attic very difficult," the
spoke5man sa'ld. •
1be building housed a restaurant and
bar, ~ker room, sauna bath, exerciSe
equipment, and homeowner associations'
''IJue· to the early hour, the building
was unocCupied at' the time of the fire
and there were no injuries while the
blaze was being fought," the spokesamn
'nte· cause ·or the costly fire is still
under inv(!Siigatton . by cowity fire
inspectors and they would not completely
discount the poosiblily of ar3on. They
did say1 however, lt appeared unlikely
the blue-was set iotentioot lly.
Elsewhere in California, the mandatory
odd-even plan..also failed to deliver the
desired results.
Lengthy lines were -reported In Los
Angeles Cot¢y and the San Francisro
Bay Area counties. Police said some
persons \vho were allowed to buy gas
today feared that. they woutdn'l be able
to get gas again· until Tuesday.
"A lot of people figure Sunday isn·t
going to happen, so Tuesday is the
end of the world." said motorist Ed
Yatka , of Los Angeles.
One station owner in downtown Los
Angeles refused to open today unti he
received police help to sort out eligible
and ineligip,Je drivers. Another attendant
said he was "too busy ., to enforce the
half.tank minimum purchase provision.
State officials predict "things \fill
smooth out by next week when service
slations, beleagUered hj' f e w e r
customers, will be able to keep their
pumps running longer into the day.
·Driver& who filled up today probably
will not be able to get gas again until
'Jluesday, according to the Auto Club
which reports that despite the new
distribution system, only one station in
100 will be open Sunday.
The "evens·• trying to get a full tank
Saturday woii't fare much better.
Auto Club officials say open stations
will be a rarity with~ only 50 percent
of the stations in metropolitan areas
planning to remain open.
One Ciosta Mesa man headed for the
mountains said the new distribution
• system had forced cancellation of his
skiing trip.
"My tank is three quarters lull and
two stations refused to give me gas.
I can't make it , to Big Bellr and back
on one tank. This just wrecks my whole
weekend," he said. .
Under the new regulations, customers
will not be ·served unJcss their gas
tanks . are less than half full. Station
· (See GAS, P0;ge Z) •
And no 50lid method had been found
to raise that amount of cash.
"This gives us In obvious boost . In
trying to -establish i park to serve
the needs of the tesideots in the
northerly part or hhe city." Carr said.
In lhe entire north area whe re the
la lest gro\vth has taken ·pl act o~y a
few developers have made sign ificant
commitment of lands for parks.
San Diego Bus
·-Ruling 'Unfare'
To Canines?
SAN DIEGO (AP)·-"Dogs pay their
"Dogs have rights, too."
"i\1uzzle the board."
Tbe sign s protested a rule v.·hich took
effect today forbidding dogs. except for
those Msigned to blind people, from
riding city buses.
To show their concern, a ha1f.Qozen
pooches picketed the offire of t~ San
Diego ~nsit Corp., strolling Thursday
v.•ith leashes held 'lightly by their own~rs.
The men, women and dogs then
paraded through a room where transit
board members were meeting.• A
spokesman said later he would meet
' with representatives of lhe pro-dog
groups. including 1'.tercy C r u s a d e ,
Friends of AnimalS and Pet Assistance.
Tom Prior, "'general manager o( the
city·regulated bus cernpany, said the
I policy was adopted after r i de r !Ji
oomplained that dog s occupied seats
while lhey had lo stand. Others found
their clothing soiled hy dirty animals,
Prior said.
The energy crisis and more infrequent
~use of cars have boosted the bus line
l9 a record patronage.
John Ehrlichm1n
Gas Prices Take
AllotherBoo st
As Supplies Di p
Gasoline prices ·sho t up I .5 lo six-
cents today and some oil companies
reduced their supplies even further.
(Additional story, Page 12 today).
Here Is what the custOmer can expect
to pay more on each gallon of gasoline
as a result of price increases, authorized
by ~ Federal Energy Office :
Union 1.5 cents
Exxon 2 cent5
Mobil 2 cents
Shell l.5 .cents
Arco 2 cents
Chevron 3 cents
Texaco 6 cents
At··the same time Texaco and Union,
already 80 percent .below their 1972
volume, announced they ytere cutting
Qack supplies even furthe r.
Exxon and Mobil deliveries-will remain
unchanged and those of Arco will
intrease slightly.
-Charles W. Colson, forme r
presidential counsel. who took a leave
of absence from his la"· firm upon
being indicted and declared : "I know
that in the end my ·innocence v.·ill be
-Robert C, ~fardian, former assistant
altorney generai in charge of the Justice
, Departn1cn!'s internal security division
and also a former campaign aide who
attended meetings at V.'hich the june
17. 1972 break·in into· Democratic
national headquarters at the Watergate
"'as proposed. .
-Gordon Strachan, a youlhful \Vhite
}louse aide to Haldeman who from'. the
\\i lness stand at Sen ate Watergate
hearings last summ er advised young
people to "stay away" from politics.
-KeMelh W. Parkin.son. attorney for
the ComiTiittee to Re-elect the President.
"'ho like Colson insisted that ultimately
!.'.fny-inoocertee-writ-be•dt:TtrottSl t aced.
The sealed report was presented Sirica
in a manila envelope . lie opened it.
read it5 content5 and resealed it.
. In its SO-page indictment. the grand·
jury char~ed that Haldeman . who had
been Niw:in 's closest aide, lied before
the Watergate committee when he said
Nixon remarked "ll would be wrong"
to raise $1 million to buy the silence
of the seven original W a' t erg ate
Haldeman qootl'd Nixon on the witness
stand July 30, 1973. after disclos lng, he
listened to some ta pe recordings or
Nixon's \l.'atergate ronvcrsations after
he hadJeft.the \Vhi te House.
The grand jury charged t h at
Haldeman's statements, "as he then and
there "·ell known , v.'ere false." The
grand jury listenl'd to the ta pe of the
~larch 21 , 1973 meeting where Haldeman
(Sec '1 ll'li't>icrED Page!) '\
• • -A strogg comrajtm~t of fUnds .to
the police department in an effort to
minlmize thefts and curb narcotics
abuse. . .
ANnlONY G. "TONY" DiGlOVANr-..'l,
52, is a bwineslnan olJOOg standing in
San Clemente. His firm oUers lockSmith
and in officer training programs in the
resident was educated in the Midwest
Capistrano's · Can,didates Fire Shots . . .
Looks like more showers are on
the agenda tonight and 5aturday.
Little change in temperature with
hi ghs at the beaches SS rising to
the low 60s Inland. Lows tooight
45-55. and in officer training programs in the By PAMEU HAU.AN
South. His local actlviUes include offices ot ""' ~ ""' """
with the chamber or commfm, ·South FJeven candidates for city council l.o
• C_o as t Community Sa1'1 Juan C3pistrano took verbal pot
Hospital, baseball, shots at one MOtherl'Jbursday, but most
programs for yooth stuck to the issues. during a aometimt'!I emoticndiarged meeting at Marco
and in the f~ati.on • Forsttt Junior ffigh. \ ~
ol the rntetlauh Speoking in the standlng·room..nly
5ervlcttnaD'S Cen-crowd for the nm time Wal wrlte-in
ttt. candidate G«.irge Frled.rk:h who
A resident with his 1taned 1be 0011lrove,.y this -k with
famlly 1t 909 Aveni· a malled pamphlet ln which he •1ratff'1
,.,._ da Pmidlo, DIGi.. oll the candidotes and ""'°""" two. Olli~, .... , , v1nnl ls a strong Fritdrich Mid he did not have the
cr1tlc of tbe city expenses for parking cooperation of any ol the candl<lattS
consultanU. in putting out the pamphlet. j,This was
As a means of r1tsm, MW revenue. an exerclSe of my right of free speech,"
ho hos coUed r., a tboroucb c<ty.atall he said. "If the moyor (Roy B}lrnel)
1lud1· on • op«ial .,.,,.... which could· !<els lodignatlcln and lbame, tlJen that's
!See 11 aJCMENTB, ..... I) what I Itel -. be conU.U.. .to ·say
there's no coalition." . recently from the Alliance of of the hillside ordinance, but· It v.'Otlld ..
He ·said he was not against John Homeowrien.1 aod )Vas "tired Of articles he only one of 2SO ordinances to
Sweeney' because of, his m i I i ta r y accusing me of dirty politics when J'm administer and he offered bimseU as
bacqroond, nor 8~ Yvon Hcck:Scher not involved.!!-----the-most experlenct<I J>C.rSOn for 'the
because he is an altOmey. "But_you She reiterated her stand that no Job. "
~!."the ol~ story, yo1,1 P\'t three la,ii')'ers project should be a·d0pted -open spa<:.-e, John Bibson also based, his candld~cv
lD any room and you won't get a police. parQ -unless the city can oo experience saying Ind I 't Id u a I ,.
deoiston." • aU-of'd it. candidates are more important tnan
At that point -amid booing -tbe ·Taking a similar stand was incwnbt.nt $l31KI$ on current ls.tJes l>etausC'. most
modttator sttpped Jn an w a r n e d Edltard Cbl':rmak who said all the Issues current issues will be gone •t the .end
FriedrSch not to .IUICk otbet can<udates boil down it the "dol:lar-~ts value ol the four years.
by name~ ot wbal citizens want alld v.'hat v;e Yvon Heckscher ralt.erat~ his stand
FJ1edrfch c.'Oncluded his rerrn:irkn by •can allord." On the Issue of lfOWlh th.it the most important issue Is gt0w1h
saying be bad no connection with anyone • ChernlU challenged the au d I e n ce : and thJit he ;upp0ns the new general
who can make him money throygb real 'Some 11y runaway growth has taken plan and the? hillside ordinance. At one
tstate a[ld that and he oppoees Sweeney, over. An you ant ~ thole ,responsible,, poln~ he said t~ mqst ba!!iC lss~ is
Hdschtt and Oouglu Nash "becauae would you haw It ID)' oUw way?" money; that mllliw :Of dollars are at
\bey' are nmnlog 1s a group." · 'lbomas A, '"IU13\'" f9ftt.u . allO stake In the, city's ondevcioped acre&g1 .•
During formal remarlls, Mrs. Joell ~ tbe '-of ...,.nb, 11ylng' At tiu. paint a listctlCI' jumped up and ·
8t1&1 said the resented Friedrichs It can1t be stopped, bu\ it can be said the candidat~ was east In g
.. nilln(," mmtec1 matt<1al received ~u.d. He oald he IJVW«I the lnient tSee CANDIDATES, Page 11
' • • "
Jazz. bM/fi-atu1lr1 thT b rm1oe Coost are awpltinQ 11ezt week-
c1td's Oro11ue Coo.st College
Jan E11se n-tble Festivnl. Drttn1 ..
mer Lou;e .. Bel/so n and trumpet
plauer !i1oyn.ard Ft1'gttsm1 will
parf?rm.. See today·s \V-etkendtr.
• •
.... ,, -I , :! DAILY PILOT SC Ff!day, March 1, 1'174
F ...... P .. 6J
;reveal substanUal lncrtaSC ln populaUon
-hence new state tax rebates. "I. pledge my actions tU a councilman
toward orderly business and rffklential
.develojlment wltb ~ that all!>wa
compatibility of the environment and
provisk>n for schools and services with
a sensible tax structure," he iaid.
B. PATRICK LANE i's a local lawyer,
enlcring private practice in t h..e
community after a stint as depufy
district atlorney for !he cow1ty of San
'Ille 36-ycar-old resident of 200 La
Cuesta spt>ciallud In English and
German Literature in his bachelor's
program and during service In the Army
security Agency was
a specialist in "1e
Czech language.
....iec11oo -In his ..,. • third teiin.
The former plaruitq commlaai-r
practka low In Santa 'Ana lllCI boldJ
ci.cr ... &Din Loyola Unlvorirty and th•
Stanford Sd>ool of I.aw.
Mimed and tbil father of three,
O'Keefe 11 v e 1 at
15$1 Canllno Cap! ..
tr a no.
'Besides service on ~ ... ·ri3'1!t professinnal groups,
O'Kcefe cite! h i s
1ervlce as a member
of the county's ad-
visOry commission
Harbors, Beaches 0'1<••11• and Parks and chair-
man of the county's ocean and
Shoreline Planning and , Ste er Ing
• •
Dope --·.....,=-~~~~~
Guilt for Courts to Establisli · -•
WASHINGTON (UPI).:. President Nixon ts eonfident all A°mef'
, )c1ns will Join hlm in recognliine th•t hi• former White Hous"
aides who were iodl~ted tod1y "ore pl'OillJlled innocent unless ~ullt
is establiShed in the courts," a spokesman said. ~
. "The President h.as alwaya maintained that the judicial system
1s the proper forum for Uie resolution of the quesUons concerning
'Vatergate," deputy press,.sectetary Gerald L. Warren sa,Jd.
The indictments indicate that the judiciill process is finally
moving toward resolution of the matter, \Yarrell said, adding, "It
is the President's hope the trials will move to a just conclusion."
In advance of the indictments against former aides H. R. Halder·
man, John D. Ehrllchman and Charles W. Colson and four former
as¥Jrfates, a Nixon aide saJd the President was concerned that fam-
Uia and friends of som~ or the defendants would suffer.
Lane said recentl y
that his candidacy
was spurred by a
re<.ient case in which
he represented cri-
lics of a high-density
bluff development
O'Kcefc. c~aracterizlng hlmself as an
in<l•pe•dcnl •mce holder, olt•• has San Juan Hosts sparred ~'ilh the chamber of commerce
over the issue of city tax IWld.s used
From Pagel
GAS ... for tourl.Jt promotion. W k d Sh "I am never reluctent 10 state my ee en O\V
oplnioo on the hotter lssUes that come ·-
'-""• '"hlcb he termed far
too severe for the clly to bear. Stiff
regulation of high-density development
is aniang his greatest concerns. Lane
also has spoken out against any removal
of post office serVices to the downtown
area and feplacement •·Ith a new post
offk't on Avenlda 2'co.
up before the counc11, even when tho!e At Dana Marrn· a opink>ns are opposed by powerful and
influential vested Interests in the city,"
he sakl. .
• O'Keefe said he fa vors dowi,town
parking· improvements, storefront
beaullllcaUon ·and the eradication of
"visual cltUJer caused by eScalating sign
"I have no commitments to any
lndivk!ual or group," he said, "but I
seek the puslJ,ion far the sole purpose
of. dedicating my time, experience and
knowledce in <k'der to attempt to assure
far San Clemtnte fiscal responsibility
and lmaginat1ve government " ·
compeititlon. '' ·
11RIS" RISLEY, wbo
was educated at sec-
ondary schoob and
colleges In the M!c!-
west and hl!I been iDR. WADE F. LOWER, a retired a local resident , for
oral ·surgeon and the council.man with Uie past lt' years.
the lqest .tenure in city history, aeeka He cites affllia-
a fourth term to the council. The 82-year· tloos wi th 'the local
old· retiree-was educated Jn Ohio and Masonic I.Jo d g e.
-to San Cleniente. Zl years 8 go. Orde"r of the Eastetn ~
Re has served three •tSL•Y Star, several lhrine
terms.as miyor... . . groups •. t~~ Klw_a!lis. Club:Md ,the 5:0uth
. hfi alfill . 0ra·nge Couilty Board of Realtors. Risl1t)' Among I ~-cite!! his bUsiness background and his
Uons are the-Amert· ezpertence as a realtor as a strong factor
can Dental Assocla-In his ability to detennlne the comm·un-
Uon, Rotary Interna-ity'1 needs. •
Ucnal, tbe chamber lltl beUeve that the erpertenCe can
of commerce. E~ks be applled to the dttlslon making an.d
. Lodge, the Preal>y-managemebt responsibUJUes Inherent-in
ter_i,.n Cbu!'Ch and the office of city councilman.
the Sister Clfy Pro-· "Ai an American and as the cjtlzena'
representetive, f pied~• myself 14 the
conduct of public business in an open
and public manner" be said.
The new San Juan Csplstrano Art
Association \\ill host an art sho.w
Saturday and Sunday from It a.m. to
5 p.m. at the Dana Wharf Jn the 'Dana
Point Marina.
At thelr last show the, group voted
Steve ·Seagal wiMer of the award for
the most origina( work displayed. Second
place went to Muriel Burch for her
oils and third, to Richard Hamilton,
~ oils. Seagal paints on wood.
This weeJrend's show will. feat ure
seascape!!, boats, bowers, por!faits,
animals, historfc scenes and som,e
nosta lgic pictures of . old houses and
F ore1isic ·ream ·
Reaclies Finals
Eight members of the Saddleback
College fon!nsic group reached the final
oC the annual Riverside Speech and
Debate Tournament recently.
attendants may demand to aee the fuel
gauge. . •
Assembly Speaker Bob M o r e t t I
criticized lhe inspection p r o v i 1 I o n
although he believes a ban on the sale
or less than hair a tank ls a 1'good
thin~." -
"They (the attendnnts) are not going
to be sticking their heads in the windows
and ~ecking. saying tum on the key
and let me look. 'I)e guy 's going 10
roll up your head in his window and
say, 'Pump ·until I tell vC~ to stop,' "
·Morelli said. ·
lfe predicted the attendants would
refuse to become policenlen for the
Ted Grussing, a food whol~aler from
Huntington Beach, reported Uiit the odd-.
even plan only appeared to give more
"odds" the opportunity to get in the
panic line.
"Yesterd ay I had to go to rour staUons
before I could get gas. Today the lines
are just as bad. The stations have
cars lined up IO to 12 deep.,
• "When are ·you ,going to expoSf? this·
phony ' gas shortage? I talked {o my
brolher in Minneapolis las\ night and
lhey're actually having a ga:S war there .
The piices are in the low 40'1. I couldn't
believe it," Grussing said . .-
The mandatory di stribution plan which
went into effect as of 12.01 a.m. also
takes in Alameda, Lo.! Al)gele.s, Cootra
Cosla, San Mateo and parts of Riverside
'Brave Men' ' ;
Coast Panelists
' .
Face oJveiopers
Oi "* Otllw Pf• .,, ...
·Two elate coutaJ comm.Laion officials
today brought not a dove of peace but
il mesaage ·of cooperation to members
ol the Orange Counly ~tnJcilon
"'Jbls isn't a peace offering today.
"'e. want . to tilt about common areas,"
~1elvin Lane. chalnnan of tbe State
Coastal 1.one Conservation Commission
aaid at I.he 'Airporter lnn lQ lrvi.oe. ·
"The lawsuit you brought agalmt us
h.. been settled," Joseph ·Bodovltz,
commis81on exeCuttve director, told the
board of dlrectora of CEEEO (CoWl<il
for Ecoooriiy, Empio~ot. Environment
and Development). I •.
"And at leaiit tn the ·opinion of Orange
County Superi·or Court, we're
legitimate," Bodovitz · added; reftrring
to lhe decision that ruled the 1972 coastal
zone act constitutional.
"We may still be bastard!, but we're
legitimate," Bodovltz concluded, as he
and the buUdeni., bankers and realtor.1
laUghed together. '
Like two Daniels going into the lk>n's
den, Lane and Bodovitz faced a polite
but antagonistic audience 1t t h e
breakfast aess:ion.
"U nothing else," CEEEO Executive
Director Gilbert Fecguson <.'Ollceded,
"they're brave men."
Bodovitz who said m a n y
environmentalists have "read us out of
the race" for supposedly granting too
many permits -told the 35 listeners
that those same statistlcs~w "the
gJ!nt!ral fear that l:t\.6-wot would be
Slopped (by PropoalUoo 20 is just not
he Is oppooed to A&!<mbtyman Robert
B;ldliam·s (R·Newport Beach) blll I<>
split tbe Soulh Coast commlasloo and
create a eeparat.e panel for Orange
Cowity. "You'd find in practl~ It
"·ouldn't help/' he sald.
The <Nnge 1llOUld do "WJtokl damage
to the planning," would add ''tremendous
p~ure" to already critical deadlines
and finances and woukl "slow everybody
(!own to add IZ ne\V people," he
Predicting that "it •ill be \·ery hard
lo get two-thirds (approval of both
houses of the legislature) for that bill,"
Bodovit1 added ~ current Sooth c:oaat
commissklners _are more aware of
planning issues because of their year
with permits.
The commiss~ will be asking for
additional funding . to r e 11 e v e
overburdened planners, he indicated.
"I'm going to recommend," FetgUIOl'I
said, "we go on record in fa\'or of
more money.'' He paused, and added,
"because we don 't want you to ba\'e
any excuses for not dolng a good job."
•·Fair enough," Lane responded ..
f'rt.tm PG9e I
said Nixcri made lhe remark.
At the W}llte House, deputy· prtM
secretary Gerald L. Warren decl1ned
to answer when asked If Nixon still
considered Haldeman and Ehrlichman
."tw.o of the fioest publlo servants" be had' knoWn. ' .. =. R • ....
He paid-them that c:Wnpliment oo
television· on April-30, 1973; the day
they resigned and presidential counaeI
John W. Dean lfl was fired.
The grand jury. listing. 45 spedllc
"overt acts," said tbe seven deferidanll
Reaching compromises between public
interest and private property rights
"may be painful," Bodovitz sald. One
of h.is examples was the s t a·t e
commission's most cootroversial action
to date -the initial denfal "and
subsequent approval Of the expamlon
of the San Onofre nuclear powet plant.
. compired In th( Watergate cover-up by:
-Using "deceit, craft; trickery and
dishqpest means" to block lnvestigatioos
into the Watergate break-in.
-AJtering, destroying or conceallng
documents and records related to the
Lower stresses tbe accompllsbmenta-
mad< ·in the city tturing hb !$-year
stint u cooocilman,
A lf>rt1 defender of hll record, Dr.
tower •. ad(l4 .that piuch more still remains.
to bi ddoe.
FAl\REIL E. Sl\Um, a 62-yeaMld
buslnea:s con.sultant Jiving at 4119 Calle
In 119vice men's competition, four of
the finallsts were from Saddleback. Ken
Duke was secood; Randall Lund was
third and Bob Gill ·and ' Bob Laurence
had honorable mentions.
In the less populated areas of San
Bernardino and Riverside' c o u n ti e s
gasoline is said to be in good supply,
even on weekends.
Although desen area· .stations· have
also · been subjected to red u i; e d
alloca tions, fewer motorists than la.st
.year apparently are willing to venture
out Into the desert because of the gu
lie said San Onofre "typifies what
this is all about," that development
which is consistent with protecting the
coastal environment will be annroved case. .-rr -Paying 1557,500 in "cash fund&" ... 1
"I bdJOore tbat al\ the 1ssu.. In lhll
campaJgg, · are dittdly related to
probleini ol continued growth," he Said.
He said a city policy of conseniation 1 and sound fiscal policy is sll\1 '"the
keystone of his campaign. He cites the
recent early retirement of civic ctllter
I bonds u an e1ample.
Among the future matters to be
I addreaed by the council, he said, .•re
modem sewage transm.iislon facllilieiJ;
a ftltratiOn plant already budgeted to
impme water quality; djywide atreet
improvemeiits; continued ~vements
in public safety services and new parks
and recreation developments. ·
I ADRIAN NAVARRO, a 4~year-old
: businessman, is a resident of 314 E.
·1 Ramooa. A high school and junior coll"l!• .
graduate, Navarro aerves as this year's
exalted rU!er of the Elks Club.
1 • The veteran and S·year resident of
San Clemente sei-vea in the Army in
-,the· South Pacific. ,. His affiliations in·
-elude the chamber
. of commerce and
the Optimist Club.
He is married; the
father of three ch.ii·
"H elected to the
clty councll l wll I de-
-""""'"" vote every possible moment to better civic government," he
pledged .. "I am a fiscal conservative and
I will do ev_erything possible to lo\ver
taxes and to coo serve· the taxpayer's dol-
lar. As a local homeowner and business·
man, J am very much interested in the"'
betterment of San Clemente.
' ,
second of the tv;o incumbents
' •
is the
JUne, attended
schools in Tennewe
and Columbia Uni-
1be seven -year
resldent of San Cle-
mente said he has
followed civic mat-
ters closely. "I im
v~ aware of 'local
IMITN problems.'' ...
Jle aald ·that by lieing aemitttlr!d,
• be woWd. have , the time to devote to .
tbe job of city councilman.
Smith bas been an outspoken critic
oftlie plans fora-second city g.,u
courae and has stressed that despite
his afflllaUon with a foundation planning
a major residential center for. the elderly
in San Clemente, be has no conflicts
of interest. He vowed1 not to, take part
in any city actions related to the
project. •
.Smith's business background lnclndes ,
past ownership in a building firm and
eight years as the owner of a steel
importing oompany.
RONALD STEEU\1AN, ·47, is a
practicing attorney In San Clemente and
a resident of'll4 Avendia de la Paz.
He is a graduate of Los Angeles
public schools;' IM Angeles City College.
the Univcr·sity of Permsyvlania and
llarvard Law School.
"ln t7 years pf Jaw practice, both
private and as a depa
uty cowity counsel
of Orange O:lunty. I
have had experience
in many fields of
,municipal and gov-
ernmental la\v," he
Citing extensive
experience in mat-
sr1:sLM.1.N ters relating to con-
demnatlon, coastal conservation, incor·
poration and zoning. Steelman ·said he
could bring all those experiences to bejlr aw city coUncilman.
"l\ly oilice and residence are in San
Clemente and I qwn income property
here, having lived in the area for 10
years," he sald.
He has been active In community
assoClations1 the Light Opera Q>mpany,
the PT1\ and Lions Club. lte and his
~ife have three children.
JAMES R. STRAUS, 28, is In the
midst of a !eCOl'.ld campaigl) as a city
councU candidate. He flnt emerged on
a slate two )'t!ars ago. The inSurance
agent holds a bachelor's degree from
New York University with a major in
eociology. He has credits from a
graduate program In
A veterJn nf the
Marine O;irps, Straus
was wounded ln Viet·
nam action and re-
turned from Vietnam
dtcorated for valor
lo combat.
A reserve police
1ru.us ~ offictr ror several
years, Straus Jiv's with his wife, ~tary,
and the couple's 5-year-old daughter at
23a Avenlda Cabrlllo.
Str1t.11 hll exprtued strong concern
fur the loo of old Sponllll manllona
and their rcylacement wllh hlgl><!enalty
blulll<>p oondol$1ums. ~· candidate
cllallengca lht wi.aori1 of an at-aradc
In the finals of the \VOttlen's oral
interpretation, ttiree of the finalists were
from Saddleback: Valerie Bodiford,
Dorella Moore and Joann Weeks.
Chirlene Hengesh reachlld the finals
in exJ>05ltory speaking.
Advisors are Carolann J.lessner and
Doyle McKinney.
and that whJch isn't, won't be. Bodovitz and -Lane both strongly urged to the original seven Watergate ·defendants. · the CEEED members to take part in the planning being done by the South -Making offers of clemency to four
Coast regk>nal commission as ......,,. of of the original defendants. ,.... • All but Mardlan also were accuted the coastal master plan du e in the of' obstructing justice bv thwarting var-
legislature by l!nt. ious investigations. 'K• • IA' C ? Lane assured the skeptical crowd · he Mitchell was charged with four counts 18Slllg , ourse. believes Ille commissions "will create of perjury' for making fal;ie stetements,
MOSCO\Y, .Idaho (UPI) -1be more jobs than we cancel out" in the Haldeman and Ehrllchman three counts
University of Idaho has annoweed that long nm. each on the same charges, and Strachan
studertts will be used In an . experiment Planning for more u.5e of the coastal one count of making a false declaration.
to detennine the physiological responses zon_e by more ~p_J~ m~ btpl_d~ -w• The charges were _Jg. relation -~
to ki!Sitig:-· ----related facllltleslilfe OOtels, ~. bil;e testimony at the Senate Watergate
shortage. "
The participants, according to the paths, Lane said. hearings, before the grand jury, or in
.aspersions. The audience ~ and the 8Choo1. v..-tU "smooch for science.'_'_ Under_quesUonlng, BOdovlfz if19jcated sta!ements made to the FBI. becklersardOwn.-,.c--=-=-=-=.-=.~-==e=:"'=:::::'--~-:::::=-=c..::::=:::::::c::::::::.._~-=-~'---=""'""-=-===--=.:..:.:..:.::...~~
Hecli.scher condudedoy recommending
the establishment of a "corfstant
presence"· at the county level to keep
the city informed or projects proposed
·by the county thaC Will affect ·San Juan •.
Gerllld Horton reiterated hls stand
of past weeks oo Community
involvement In decision making and
giving each proposal a test to determine
its value and its eeonomlc feasiblJjty.
Douglas Ntsh \\'ent over his stand
on growth and the need for~ slowing
gfowtTlto eliminate "Imbalance." He
used a graph to illustrate the city's
growth curVe which he said could booot
thepopu]ation to 20,000 in a year and
a half. •
Robert Roark said there are M\\'
"slates on the right and slates on the
left" and people using "pt'cssure groups
and scare propaganda to get elected."
He called the n e w general plan the
"great wish book" and point out that
it doesn't say how or where a city
can support bonded indebtedness and
increased taxes. He said the city needs
a reasonable and viable gener.al plan,
one that will provide more. local JObs
and showing.
John Sweeney reiterated hi.t stand on
favoring ·the hillside ordinance and the
general plJUI. Jle cited the scarred hills
behind the golf coun;e as an example
of what the ordinance would prevent "™ se\\·e r system Is better planned
than our school system," Sweeney
charged. "We can grow to 18,000 and
the se'.fers can handle it, the schools
can't". During a quesllon·and·answer
period Sweeney proposed· the adoption
of an ordinance that \\'OU.Id require each
new home to carry a IO.year warranty.
'"Mlis v"ould eliminate the fly-by-night
· Kenneth Vise reiterated h.is vie\\'S
expressed theoe past weeks that he Is
againsl the "mayor's coalition" and 1hat
he ran as an independent because of it.
He said the hillside ordinance "needs
lightening up" and apclogized If he has
oftended anyone during the campaign.
He said his "pressure group" .amount&
to the residents and voters of San Juan .
During the quostlon·and·ans"·er session
Robert Roark cha rged· that tht city'•
planning CONultanJI often disregarded
the wishes of the people as expr-
in the citizen's Interim policy plan.
Sweeney countered that the plaMlng
conunlsalon has tried to resolve any
CD'lfilcts between eons u 1 tan ts' ~
rteOmmel1ClaUons and the c I t I z e n 1 '
1uggeatlon1 but aQmitted compromlaea
couldn't always be found.
pier' croMlrlf, because of safety reaaons.
lfe cites keen Interest Ind activity
in }Ga) ltrvice oraantutlona, Including
the !lolJlb Cool! J1yc<a, Ibo dllmbtt
of commerco, San Clemente Amlp,
the Amorlcan Legloo and VFW.
. .
A S/,,ow #·.fl/) .
0f · C.legan·ce
_The flemish Bombe cabinet show·n here come.s from our dra·
metic et cetera collection by Drexel .. ;-A seemingly -nd·
less selection of design, woods 'and finishes. You ere sure
to get the feeli~g that ea<:h piece was custom built for you
alone. ·
1tll11111 • INTER I 0 RS
1111 WES'lQ.ln" l>I!., 6'~
LA'°UNA SUCH e , 345 Noam ooASr HWY. _,
1 lMf HA WT HOlNf ll VD.
(Open Sundl.y U-l:30) 378-1279 ..
.. ••
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Closing Prices
New V ork llJIS and
• I
• •
Year's High.Lo ws
Appear E ver y Saturday
Profit Taki.t1g
Dampe11s Market ,
declined 1n hght
10 llfo•t Aeth>e
• -'.
Ameriea,. Sahli
Wines Up
-• • ..
• . .. . . • .. .. • .J
Terminal Cancer Victim Sues ·for Laetrile . . •
D • Kld•ap Letter SAN JOSE AP)--A Lo& weeks.,. tq stop admlillster· or the p!lllC?ftl wu dlagiaed c1el100< ,.veryil _.uoos. pijrpooe ;;, •re>IDdng ~aln ·· evice AllO! wilh 1 . 1 . the•~·· 1nJanuaey, 1l7S. , -vitan11""Md mineralsladtinc· E~tertalner Eart
thta Kitt, woman emuna '"1 he,;;i;· on the · BergJnan The use of Lael rile 11 a rr SAID SHE • t a r t e d In the. paU<f!!'• body, the suit
in an open e er to cancer seeks a court order suit ls set for Monday ..before supplement imder: !tis' Jeneric rece.iving Laetrile treatments contends. .
Approved ·Hearst family, claimed aJJowin( treatment w 1th Superior ~-~ Judge John s name <t amy"'•'ln ,. legal Jan. Ill ,,,... 0.. Stewart M.
the ethics of the \Vhite Laetrile, a. cootroversi_.al_ ~ VNl • • in Califomla. B;' bot~, state Jones, a Palo Alto physician. BERGMAN REPORTED his
, House could be ID hoJ'red-lll'-1ll>le ail<! !eileral M~em,!;j1 in Santa Clara , and federal law pnii>iblt tts The suil sald lhat the. ~ wit< ~ gained wfChl and
blame for terrorist acis. Colmt use as a eaocer cure. Experts jectkms fl. Laetrile, also "felt iTibCh better" after
qflCAGO (UPI) -An in· "6 ff i c I al behavior law from. use in canceritreat· an m{~~g ~: say studies show that. it ·is known as VUamln B-17, "were receiV)ng the Laetrile jn..•
tr au le r I n e contraceptive_,.. makes it pqsitlvely chic ment. center offlC~ls from In-welest against cancer. not provided or administered jeettons.
described as 99 percent er· to cheat," Miss Kitt i In with her Ire tm L Thesuh, drafted by Modesto 1f the plaintiff as a csocer Laetrile was discovered by fectlve in preventing pregn
an-said. • A1TORNEYS tor Josephine ter er g a en attorney'George w. Kell, said aa:ent nor for the purpose or Dr. Ernest T. Krell! of San
cy, has won govenunent DJ>-· Bergman, 47, filed the action "JF THE DRUG ,is not ef· Mrs. Bergman "bas been told intent of diagnosing, treating, Francisco' in the 1920s. Tht
proval and "Will· be ~ the \Vednesday after Stanford fectlve, what have we lost?" that she .•• ·cannot expect alleviating, or curing cancer." Laetrile tht'OI")' contende that
market withio weeks, 1l was University Medical Center said James Betgman, husband ·to survive more than a matter , Instead, the injections were the drug results in body pro.
announced here . rde ed he ph 1 . l or the woman whose cancer of months." She has un-given exclusively for the dutlion ot bydtocyanic acid.
·The, Ile.~ calli:sl CU·7, isl~~~~~~~·~·~·~,,~,.~~~"~·~~~~~~~~~~~~o~~'."'.'.-".~':__il"'!:y~s:ci~a~n_::w:o'......~.::'.:....'.:::'.::'.'._::_:::...::::::::~::....:::::::::::.~_::::___:::~==::-''--~~--:::::::':--:~~-::::::=-~~-;;;;::~~~~
· manufaclured by Gin . 0 .
Searle & Co., inventor or the
birth control pill. It consists
of a small, fleiiblfl piece of
pharmaceutlcal·grade plastic
shaped like t~ nlimeral 7.
Portiom of I~ stem of the
device are covered with cop.
per:. e 'tHE DEVICE continuously
releases tiny particles of cop.
per, producing a contra'ceptive
effect which "approaches the
pill in effectiveness," the com·
pant said.
"Clinical studies have. shown
that the cu.1 Ls 99 . pert'Crlt
effective in ·preventing
pregnancy withi n a IZ..n1onth
period and th.at the efficacy
rate is maintained for at least
two years," said S e a r I e
medical director Dr. W. Scott
Smith. '
SEARLE SAID the device
Is. the first intrauterine con·
traceptive subjected to the
same requirements tor safety
and efficacy as a n e w
The device has b e e n
available in Europe for mote
than a year.
It wµJ be avail.'lble in the
next few weeks in thls country
at a cost expected to be
.. similar to what 'physicians
now charge for inserti... a
con v e ntional intrauterine
device," the company said .
Sex Case
IS T+ll s
'TA ')('PA'/£12-7
~--ll 1-f! ...
~g~,,!,':~.!..Jl~Y'"'>e1...----~--·--~--~~~·~-~~ ___ ABSOLUTELY NO SAi.ES TP DEALE~
charges oo a ·motion by the ·· -·-=-~~ .. ~
dlstrict attorney's office. @ : / :" . · . ~G::~::s aM~nd 26~ r:/?-:1:·~;_
jury In his first trial failed /: ;f; . · , /•
to agree on a verdict in the-/ ·f .1
, ,'I .
case involving a 13-year-old . :. · ,,' ·•···. ·''
Give the -Gift that
"Keeps on Giving"
Back to YOU! -. --
• Wt""''"""" ""' ""'' si'lollld be I ont-Wlf stJetl
It '°" contribllt• to us, we think we should do som1ll'llflf
In return thal wilt rM J011
~ mon 111• 1 war111 fttfin(
Md I Ul dt4actiot\.
• Mow ... flM fOlnld •
Most t111t1rbblt Wrf to nnnl
JO'. for )'Ollr ttntl'Ollt7. You ltMI 111joy tlNi plelSUl'I of Ml pin( C ftlJow..mal\'" plus tht Mflb of 1 tax'ileductlblt · ti(L'.:ht: ••,)'VII don't (iYI UI'
tie fU1ure flnanci•I MCllrltJ'
)Oii could havt enjoyed
111 kttpinf 70ur 11tt.
Ii Al lon1 n ,.j. liv. -
Sure we could hold it and
make the big profit, but
thal'a not our style, and
ctin't never gonna be
(so, my English is bad),
All we got , , , ~lore and
warehouiea • ... t this
price • · •• ii for you:
.. 15 y•cu qucucmtH.
choie• of eolora.
II you're in the midctleof
a project or .planning one
soon. we hope you'll lake
advantage nJ this last
offering cif current prices.
The shingle i1 guaranteed
20 years, but the price
only until March 6,
while it la1ta. '
,El Junko Inc. called with
something ltley whii:>ped
up to keep the price down.
but who nuds it. This is
lit 'quality, heavy mineral
.coat, color1. and the bnl .
Don'r'get hot With JM,
look ~••per into the well.
1 Jell thia feeling that felt
would be flipped. (Sony
for the bad pun. I'm
looking at a IOaf of bread
for 79c and wondering
how we ~ol into this fix.)
We1t11ell you any
reasonable amount. but
ii you're a dealer. we11
know ii.
Good atuff. interlocking
ribs. at PB pri,cd
(pre-blackmail). What to
do. Th• supplier has to
• g.t more, his people got to
eat too. So, while our
1tocks Ja.t. you can get
what you Dffd before this
increase bits. (When you
really get aggraYated.
talk to our Viet Nmn
••lerana, they11 tell you
about people wbo ,
couldn't get sheller
at any price.) 4
Tbe sbingl•• ar• thick"'
and aoon th• pric• we•
lotter too. So whJI• supply
la1ta and the ad Qi 9ood.
you get the old pric•·
belinlll111 lmmed'1tely-wt'll
1111 JOll • generous Income out
et the earnlnrs of ~l)Ur
tontrlbullon. Thu•, bfcomes 97 • IMStment to PfO!ICI your-47 97.
SQ. FT. 00 '
8FJ'.x26",..,, 2ff I
10 Fl'. x 26" ..... 3" Mire, ind th• IU\Ull of your f"""7. At 1111 same Om1, Y'OIJ
111111 be »Yinr 011 luturt utatt
• tDIS tnd,prnbat1 mts.
• '#bat othm' WIY ttfl )IDil USI
JOlll' hwes!JMlll fltflds tftll
acuritlts lo Clo so much !or
yo. iii '° 1111rrr wm for• b'I •time?
11111( Ill till ... '"' .... _ -Ollliptioo
T1l1~ho11e1 54U65D r.-....1 •... ...... : n.-. It lta•111r
llHg M111101i1/ •
H11p' 111byt1ri11
SQ. Fl'.
1 •
SQ. Fl'.
547 200 •
-12Fl'.x26" ..... 41t
14 Fl'. x 26" ..... 5at
16 FJ', X 26'', "L' 6'' 100 SQ. FJ',
1 7
I B ; .
" We
mt'I p or
" [
' • • ; •• . . -. • •
-. ·' •
Laguna Beaeh
'Today's Final
N.'/ Stocks ..
( -.
. linpaet o,f Moratorium ,,on Laguna Discounted
Of lllt Dallr l"li.t Stall
Orange County Assessor Jack Valler:ga
said today the controversial building
moratorium on multi·fanlily residential
properties · would have ' • m i n i m a I ,
irQmeasurable" impact on the city's
current· assessed valuation.
Vallerga's opinion is contrary to that
voiced by representives of the Laguna
Beach Board of Realtors who recently
charged the city council's action would
strip $75 million to $100 million frOm
the city's tax base.
••A four-moo th moratorium would ha\'e
a miniinal impa':'f.' on the total ~ed
value of that area," Vallerga said.
However, he noted. lha:t if tlle zoning
eventually resulted in reduced proj>erty
market values, that could have an
impact on the city's assessment.
VaUerga said !he amount of money
properties sell ror largely determine the
assessor's figures.
• ()oo \Vard, president or !he' Laguna
Beach Board of rcaltors. last \\'ee k had
charged that by imposing I he
moratorium. the city council · had
devalued Laguna Beach by $75 million
from its present $294 .niillion assessed
Tue council's moratorium stopped
building on R-2, R·3 and Commercial
wned properties for four months, exCC'pt
12 Candidates
·Laguna ~utlay
Now Over $6,000
Committee for the Friends of Laguna
Beach backing write-in candidates Paul
Stuart, Fran Hall~r and formal candidate
Wayne Baglin.
:it le\'cls one half to twG-thirds less
than the zone code pr~sently calls for .
The moratorium tA'as i1nposed by an
urg(?flcy ordinance kept secret until
passed by the council.
ri,1ayor Hoy Hohn s3id it "·as clamped
on the multi.family residential properties
in the face o~ "surge" of apartment
and condominiu building in the to wn's
older reside ·I neighborhoods
historically zoned ror multi-residential
• I ·e.s
uses, but currenUy built up \\'ith single
famil)' hOmes. .
The city h1¥1 determined that if all
1he sin~le family homes on multiple
ll·2, R·3 and C ,.zoned properties were
de\·eloped, the Laguna .population v;ould
increase by 8,000.
The largest opposition to the cooncirs
action has-come. from the real estate
Thursday , Lagunan Larry Kronquisl
riled a $70,000 claim against the city
for an alleged devalu11tion of son11•
property he O\\'llS.
~layor Holn1 co1nparccl the claims of
redul'l'<l assess1ncnts to sin1ilar one,;
made during the Coastal Conserva!ion
Act 1Proposition 20 ) election -in 1972.
Vallerga said that after a full year
or market action under Proposition 20,
the ac·t ~erally increased the Vah11·
of dcvelo~ property, but hampered
unde\•eloped pr<>pct1 y \'alues because of
delays to developers .
Ji1ry Names
\\'ASlfl NG TON ! UPI 1 JI . R.
Campaign spending in the Laguna
Beach City Council election has topped
$6,000 as 12 candidates vie for three
positions on the council.
! Biggest · spender in the election is the ; . Georgia Gill; Friends or Lagwia
treasurer, said the <'Ommittee had raised
$3,795 and &!I of today had bills for
11.520. Mn. Gill said the donations for
the committee came from .. over a
wide spectrum'" ol the commtmity, and
were railed in only a few <14ys.
Haldem<in .. John ~D. Ehrlichman. John
N. ~1itchcl1 and four of Presiden
Nixon'!! former high \Vhit c House and
political as~iatcs \\'Cre indicted today
by a federal grand jury \\'hich has
been inv-::stigBting \\'aterg:1te for 20
. Ride Bus Free
. On Voting Day
On election day Tuesday Laguna
Beach's little blue and white mini-
buses will provide free
transportation to voters returning
rrom pcill~. -
'The-rares, normally 25 cents for
ordinary passengers and 15 cents
for senior citizens, will b e
elim inated for passengers who
show .the driver a voting receipt.
The .receipts may . only be used
CtndldJtes olber than the write-In
contenders were required to file an
expense ~ with the city clerk
showing funds raise4 and spent as of
Feb. 23.
The reports filed by all but three
. candidates show. only three cani;!idates
have spent more than $500. ~
-Acc:orolng to the reports:
-Phyllis SWeeney, inrumbent council-
woman, r~ised $2,162 and had spent
-Jon Brand raised $1,194 and had spent $1,006. -·
Carl Johnson, incumbent
councilman, raised $765 and had .spent $430. . .
Candidate Wayne Raglin reported he ,
Charges of conspiring to obstruct
justice were filed against all seven
defendants. Additfonal charges of such
offenses as perjury and destroying
evidence were brought against siic of
them .
Nixon himself was not Indicted. But
Watergate special prosecutor Loon
Jaworski turned ovl'!r ~ lo Chief U.S.
District Judge John J. Sirica a "scaled
report" from the grand Jury.
It s contents· \\'Cte not disclost'd, but
it_ had been rcportrd that the jury
inlenClcd to n1akc a separate report
on its 1'ie\1·s of Nixon's possible role
in \Vatcrgatc and'the covC'rup.
Further \\'atergatc·rclatcd indictments
are expected from other grand jury SUPERVISOR RONALD CASPERS WANTS CRESCENT BAY POINT SAVED AS PARK investigations into abuse of campaign
. break-i n.
' Prior to today's developments. 30 pcr-
Coast . Officials
Reveal' Message
011 Develop:Pient
had raised · less-thm--;KIO-for-his ----
campaign, however, he is being backed
Reviewing Pla ~s with Caspers are Councilwoman Phyllis Swuny (l~ft), Helen Pin~es funds .. tije ITT affair and the Ellsbcrg
P ark··-at-er·esce·nr--BJIV~ ·~·~----~;!~~~;.~"L:~:-·--· _ · .. . . · . , -~ J .. and James W. McCord Jr l. Z2 pleaded
and James .. W....ML'C.ord Jr 1, ~? pleaded
Of t1te DIHJ Piiot St~!!
Two state coastal commiSsion officials
today brought not a dove of peace but
a message of cooperation to members
of the Orange c.ounty construction
intlustry. _
"This isn~t a peace offering today.
We want to talk about common areas,"
rvtelvin Lane, chainnan of the State
Coastal Zone Con.servation Commission
said it the Airporter Inn in Irvine.
"The lawsuit you brought against us
has been settled," Joseph Bodovitz1•
commission executive director, told the
board of diredorr of CEEED (COuncil
for Economy, Employment, Environment
and Development).
"And at le.ast in the opinion· of Orange
County Superior Court, 1'"e're
legitimate," Bodovitz added, referring
to the dec.ision that ruled the 1972 coastal
:zone act comtitutional.
'"We: may still be bastards, !;rut we're
(See MESSAGE, Page I)
* * ·-.:.
by the just formed Friends of Laguna.
11lree candidates, James Gillenwater,
Bedl Leeds and 'll1eodore Sparlruhl-£ailed
to · meet the Feb. 26 deadline for the
report filing.
Gillenwater filed his report Thursday
listing llls. than $500 raised or spent.
There is a $10 a day fine for failure
to file reports.
The write-in candidates and supporting
committees will be required to tile
expen.5e reports after-the election.
Since they were not candidates tmtil
Monday, they mWed the latest·fonnal
expense filling. Jifl:s. Gill voluntarily
supplied the Friends of Laguna Beach figures. .
The election will be held Tuesday.
Polls will be apen from 7 a.m. to
8 p.m. Election returns will be pooted
at cily halL Tuesday night.
The present city council will meet
Wednesday aM the new council will
be seated March 12.
Titan Missile Fired
(AP) -. A Titan II intercontinental
ballistic missile was launched down the
\Vestem Test Range early tedAy, the
Air Force announced.
'Polite' Introduction
Waived at. Irvine Meet •
\'ou could tell from the start it wasn't
1111 going to be smooth sailing today when
I.be coastal. builders and the bureaucrats
met Over breakfast in lrvine.
Peter Remmel , president of the Board
ot Directors or CEEED CO:nmc:il for
Economy, Employment, Environment
and 0t.vel0pmont1, may have set 'the '
tooo for the face·l~tace meeting with
Joseph Bodovlt.t, director, and Melvin
Lane. chairman, of ibt state coastal
.. It is now my pleasure to introduce
a man111 Remmel btgan. speaking llbout
Bodovlt.t. "I doni U-U I bave ever.
disUked an)'One more in my llfeUme."
Bodovit;, !iiting next to Remmel._
Th< labor l•ader then charged that
Dodovitz' recommendations on
construction permits have hurt workers
and e11Ued him a "contrCWtl'$lal guest." ,
, "The usual poHte U'Ung to say at
this point,'' Qodovitz 4_aid as he stood
up to begin his spoecti, "Is to ~k
the person for a generous introduction. ·•r don't think I'll do that here.'' 'he
said, laughing. Remmtl smiled.
• •
Supervisor Cllspers Gives Site '75 Per ce nt Chllnce'
By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL or t111 0111.,. '11o1 sr.11
\\'ith sea lions playing on the rocks
beloW, Supervisor Rona ld Ca~rs toured
Crescent Bay Point in La a Beach
today and said he want the scenic
spot saved as a park.
Caspers personally viewed the point
at the request of a group of L.1guna
Beach citizens trying to find ways for
public acquisition ol the point.
"I'm absolutely for it." Caspers lold
the group. "If 1 bad to lay . odds, I
give tbis park a 75 percent chan<.-e
of making it." ,
'l1Je citizens group is seeking to
purehase f9ur lots on the point. Lots
are valued ~t $150,000 to $200,000 so
ttie total cost wouJd range from $600,(l()(f
to $000,000,
The citizens group, led by Lagunan
Helen Pines, was formed after the South
Coast Regional Zooe Conservation
Commis-5k>n approved ~ request from
Jack Glenn to buiJd a home on one
of the point Jots .. The-house now is
in the framing stage.
The current plan for the park,
Clescribed for the supervisor by ~lrs.
Pines, calls for grass and native plants,
along wilh minor rockwork a n d
She suggested that an "interpret ive
area" be located .on the point, with
plaqUes . pointing out the ~rious types
of sealife;-°wikUife and plant Jile around
the poin$.
Caspers, late because he h&crto wall
in line to get propane gas for his car,
met with Laguna &:!ach Councilwoman
Phyllis Sweeney, Plarutlng Commi.9sioner
Sally Belleru<, Joloi Gabl1eb, president
of Ille LISuna Beach Property OWners
As9oclation and Mn:. Pines.
During the mee<lng, Gabriels presented
Ml>. Swe<ney with a che<:k for $100
toward the purchase of th~ blufftop
caspers'suggcst<d. that money n«dcd
10 buy !he polnl oouJd °"""" rrom a
combination of city. counly and st@.1c
lunds •
An environmental aide to Caspers, ,
Scott Ferguson. said fede ral revenue
sharing funds might also be available. -
, "The job now," Caspers said. "is to
convince the county and state that this
park has regional importance, and that
it's not just a local thing."
Gaspers said he woold invite othet
super!(i.sors and their aides to Crescent
S11aootlti11g Seera
Bay Point just to see what a sceniC
point it is.
He said that his membership ,on the
coastal commission also could help save
the point.
During his one hour visit at lhe point,
Caspers used binoculars to watch sea
lions at play on Seal Rock located just
be low the point.
Gas Lines Long as Ever
For Debut of Rationing
Of lilt' hilt Pilot Sl1tt
AbOut half ot Orange Co .u n t y ' s
m~sts were out of luck today as
Loll1t Rate Cut
Quarter Point'
Nationit City BanJ<, the nation's ..
Second largest, today announced
a rt»uclion ol one quarter point
to a:s percent in thel prime interest
rate effective ~1onday.
The 'prime rate is the amount
banks charge biggest and most
creditworthy borrower$. It has
been dropping stesdily iroM Its
hi s1oric high of 10 percenL that
prevailed lest October and briefly
in Decem bcr,
' Citibank's 1nove was expected
to touch off a new nationwide round
or re<ludiQns l n the rate.
• I
the state's manda1ory gasoline distribu·
lion plan went into effeot:-
Bµt it took more than an odd digit
to get gas today. .Jt look a lot of
patience. (
The · unes were just as long as ever.
in all coastal communities. wi11t he
. 8 CENTS_ IN MAtlcH, Page 12
exception of MiS!ion Viejo. There for
th~ first time in' recent memory, La
Paz Road was not blocked to traffic
by autos lining up for gas,
Elsewhere in Califomia, the mandatory
odd~ven plan also railed to deliver the
desired results.
Lengthy lines 1"Cre reported in bos
Angel~ County and the San Francls:co
Bay Area counties. ·Police said som~
persons \\•ho were allowed to buy gas
today feared lhiit they wouldn't be able to get gas again until Tuesday.
t'A lot of people fig'ure Sunday Js.o't
going Ip happen. '° Tucsc4y la the
end or the world." iaid motori3;l Ed
(See GAS, foge !l
Haldeman "·as Nixon 's chief of.staff,
Ehrllchman his chief domestic adviser,
and ri,utchell was .his atwmey genc_ral
and tiis cam paign manager for both
successful _prcsidenliaJ elections.
Other defendants:
-Charles W. Colson . for 1n c r
presidential counsel. who took a leave
of absence from ·his lav ·'firm upon ,
being indicted and declared : "I know
that in the end n1y innocence will be
-Robert C. ~1ar<lian, former assist.ant
attorney general in charge of the Justice
Departincnfs internal security division
and also a former campaign aide who
attended meetings at which the June
17, 1972 . break-i n into Democratic
national headquarters at the \Valerga tc
\\'35 proposed.
-Gordon Strachan. a youthful \Vh itc
House aide to Haldeman who from the
(See 7 11'i1llCTED Page 2)
Orange Coast
. Weather r -
Looks like more showers are on
I.he agenda tonijht and Saturday.
Lhtle change in temperature with
highs at the beaches 55 rising to
the low 60s iilland. Lows tonight
Jazz b11.ffs· along' tlW! <h'cnge
Coast are awaiting tiext week-.
e11d's Ora11ge Coo.st College
Jazz Ensemble Festival. Drurn-mer Loule Bel1son and trumpet
player tl-tay11ar~ Fergl'8(1)1 u:itl
perform. See today's 1Vttkender.
Al Y-Stl"llW 1 ... ,,ft. tt
l.. M. ••t•· 11 I C•fffttlll• ,, 111
Cl•,tflltO n4J C•1t11Ct U (oouwtnl U
o.ll'lll Nttlcet t
ltUIMlll '•ff e Jlh1eMt ' 11.1)
"''~ " AM laMtr1 II
MllllMJ; • ~vln 11.-
. ..
,, ..
~ . ._ ..,
-·---~,....-... ~.,:.:.· . -~ ..
...... ---~---
Testing tlie lJ' ater
·Not many or the beachgocrs lured to Laguna Rearh 's strands got
beyond th is toc·1csting stage as chiUy water!t kept most folks sun·
bathing up on,.....the sand . The recen t good \Veathcr ha~ drawn large
numbers of persons to the .'\rt Colony beaches. but, lifeguards re·
port few rescues f~r Obvious reasons.
Laguna Police
Nab 3 Marines
In Pottery Case
f)!ona Page l
GAS .. ·.
Yatka, of f:..-Os Angeles.
One station owner in downtown Los
Angeles refused to open today until he
rec~ived police help to sort out eligible
Laguna Beach police arrested th r c e and ineligible drivers . Another altendant
ywng Marines today following the theft said he y,·as "too busy" lo enforce the
of an estimated $150 to ,$200 \\'Orth· half-tank minimum purchase provision.
of merchandise from the Pottery Shack, State officials predict things will
1212 S. Coast Highway. smooth out by next week when service
~ 'the men were stopped oo a routine stations, belea~red by f e w e r
traffic check by a San Clemente customers, will 6e able to keep t~ir
pumps running longer into the day. patrolman ~·ho noticed a bad taU light Drivers who filled up today probably
; oo tbe Marines' car. \YiU not be able to get gas again until
' fnSide the car, ~late! and numerous Tuesday, according to the Auto Club
ceramic figurii:ies of rabbits and birds, which reports that despite the new
all with the Pottery Shack price tags, distribution system, only one station in
100 wilJ be open Sunday. "<ere observed on the car seals. Lagw1a The "evens" trying to get a full tank
Police Sit. David Avers said. · Saturday won't rare much better.
Police held tlle men on suspicion of .Auto Club officials say open stations
receiving stolen property. Arrested were : will be a rarity with only 50 pe rcent
Wayne J. Gallagher, 21 ; Thomas L. of the s.taUons in metropolitan areas
Brown, 22 : and John E. Phillips, :!4, planning to remain open.
all of camp Pendleton. One Ciosta Mesa man headed for the
The men were arrested shortly before mountains said the new distribution
3 a.m. after th.e SAn C I em e n t e system -had forced cancellation of his Deparbneot contacted Laguna Beach and .1 Laguna officers cheeked out the Pottery ski ng trip.
Shack. The merchandise Md been taken "7\·ty tank is lhret? quarlers full and
from J be outdoor display arc.'.!, police t"'o stations refused to give n1c gas.
said. I can't make it lo Big Bear and back
Earlier, Laguna patrolman Terry on one lank. This just wrecks my \\'hole
Fi-omP .. el
7 INDICTED. • • •
"'itness stand at Sen a l e Watergate
hrarings last Summer Advised young
people to "stay away'' from politlcs.
-Kenneth W. Parkinson. attorney for
the Committee to RHlect the President,
who like Col90n insisted that ultimately
"my innocence will be demonstrated.
The seated report wa s presented Sirica
In a 1nanila envelope. J-h1 opened it,
rrad its contents and resealed It.
Jn i!s 50-pag indi cl1nent. the grand
jury charged t t Haldeman . who had
been N1xon ·s c sest aide, lied before
the \\'atcrgate co lttee when he said
NLXon remarked " would be wrong ''
to raise SI million to buy the si lence
of the SC\'Cn original \Vat erg a ( e
Ha ldeman quoted Nixon oo the witness
st.ind July 30. 1973, after disclosuig he
llstevcd to some tape recordings of
Nixon·s \\':1tcrgate co nversations after
he had Jefl 1he \\'h ite Ho~. •
The grand jury charged that
Haldcman's statenienls. "as he then and
there well known , v.·ere ""blse." The
grJnd juf}' listened lo the Ulpe of the
/\larch 21, 1973 m~ting where lfaJde1nan
sa id t\ixon n1adc the remark. 1
At the \\'hite House. drputy pre~s
secretary Gerald L. \\'arrcn de<:lin('(!
to answer when asked if Ni.ion still
conside[.Cd H1~ldcman and Ehrlich111an
''lll'o...Of the finest public servants·• he
had known.
He paid them that compliment on
television on April 30, 1973, the day
they resigned and presidential coun!Cl
John \\'. Dean Ill "·as fired .
The ,-:rand jury, listing 45 specific
"o\·erl acts." sa id· the sevro defendants
conspired in the \\'atci'gtile cover-up by:
-t:sing "de«if. craft, trickery and
dishonest means" lo block investigations
into the \\':.itergate break-in.
-Altering, destroying or concealing
documents and re<:ords related · to the
-Paying $557,500 in "cash f1mds"
to lhe original seven \V a t e r g a I e
-Making offers of clemency to fo ur
6C the origlnaJ defeitdants.
All but Mardian also were accused
of obstructing justice bv ti"·;i.rting var-
ious investigations.
l\1itchell ·was charged with four counts
of perjury for making false statements,
Haldeman ana Ehrlichman three counts
eac h on the same charges, and Strachan
one count of making a false declaration.
The charges were in relation to
testimony at the Senate \\'atergate
hearings. before the grand jury, or in
statements made lo the FBI.
If convicted, Ult! maximum penallies
for the seven indicted today could range
from five years in prison and a $5,000
nne for Merdian, who was indicted on
a single count: lo 30 years plus fines
or $42 ,000 for ~titcbell, ~·ho was named
in six counts.
Maximum penalties facing the others
are JO years in prison and fines of
$10,000 fo r Colson; 25 years and $40,000
for Ehrllchman; 25 years and $16,000
for Haldeman; JO. years and $10,000
for Parkinson, and 15 years and $20,000
for Strachan~
" From P09e l
\Vcekend," he said. Temple had slopped the same Ci!r ... but u d h 1 , legitimate," Bodovitz coocluded. as he at that time. there \Yas only one ~\tarine n l'r 1 e new regu allons. customers and the builders, bankers and reallors in the vehicle and 00 potl<ry. \Viii not be served unless thei r ~<ll ~
From Wire S«vtcea
\VASllINGTON -The announcement
that sc\'en former top aides to President
Ni:<on have been indicted in the
Watergate ca.se produced applause and
some hoots at a nleeting of the
Democratic National Committee here
Committee Chairman Robert S .
Strauss interrupted the proceedings to
read the list of seven declarµig . "I
believe all of us are pleased that justice
might finally ~·or1t its will."
The loudest applatlse came when
Siraus.'l read the name or former Atty.
lien. John N. Milcl}ell, who was head
or President Nixon's 1968 and 1971
There was some laughter too. when
St rauss noted there ·hadn't been much
of a hand for the indictment of former
presidential ti ide Gordon sirachan.
Strauss said the smiles were "not
for this great national tragedy" bOt
because Democrats "'ere "hopeful wC'l!
ne \'er have anmhcr one . .,
Meanwhile, congressional lraders of
both .parties urged that the · American
people withhold judgment on the seven
fom1er aides until a jury trial established
!heir guilt or innocence.
Sen. Sam J. Ervin ([).N.C.1·. chairman
of !he Senate Watergate commillee. said'
it \~ould be i111proper for hi!] IO comment
on the indi ctments.
But Sen. fArn·ell \Veicker <R-Conn .),
snid he stood by a statement he made
al lhc opening or conunittee hearings
last May that the slgnific8nce of
Watergate was "not in the acts of men
breaking, entering and · bugging the
Watergate, 'but Jn the facts of men
who aJmost stole America."
~ ... Nothing should be said that will
interfere with a fa ir trial," Senate
Republican leader Hugh Scott •told
newsmen after the indictments were
made public.
Senate · Democratic leader M i k e
fl-fansfleld said he was glad legal and
judicial processes were being followed,
then said of the indicted seven: "They
arc not guilty until they are proveo
Rep. Robert F. Orinan (~7\fass.), a
member of the House Jud ic iary
Committee and the author of the first
re.!Olution to impeach Nixon, said:
"This is a great American tragedy.
Her~ we have these highly sophisticated,
highly educated men in former high
PoSitlons named for these acts. I hope
the hearings will be held expeditiously
and be over with.''
Slide Shuts Highway
PACIFICA (UPll -A landsHde al
Devil's Slide forced closure of Highway
I near here Thursday night, t h e
Cali fornia Highway. Patrol repOrted.
Laguna Be:icl1 lligh School
head varsity cheerleader Diana ·
Lu Johnson , 17 , is recuperat-
ing at horn~ after breaking her
leg in three pla ces in a sk iing
1nishap·. She-"'ill be out of
school about two ·fllore weeks
and has given up skii~g.
Lagu11a Plam1ers
Study Proposal
. For Subdivision
. A 33-home subdivision that has beeii
proteswd by residents along San Remo
Drive "'iii be studied ~fonday night by
the Laguna Beach Planning Commission.
111e Arko Consultants project is
earmarked for ' 24 acres of land be1\\'een
San Remo and Park A venue.
Members of the newly.fonned Temple
ffills Com111uni1y Association appeared
before the •planning commisslon this"
week and cla imed the project v.·ou\d
'add to J>ark fng and traffic problems
and increase density.
Planners .~ill tackle lhe mailer during
the 7:30 p.m. portion of t_he shxly session
at city hall.
At 4:30 p.m. commissioners will
consider changes in standards for 1he
M·lA· (light industrial) zone in Lagwia
Canyon. The new standards v.oold bar
development on slopes greater than 50
percent and change front, side arid rear
yard requirements.
· Also scheduled for discussion at the
7:30 p.m. meeting is a new hillside
'density plan and the Laguna Beach
sphf.re of influence, and the housing
element of the General Plan.
• '
Trustees >
Laguna Beach school trustees have ...
called a noon meeti ng r-.1onday to lake
a second look at a teachers' de1na nd
for a three percent pay increase.
The teachers, who received a f\vr
percent pay boost last summe r. want
the extra amount to meet the cOl.'lt
of spiraling Inflation \\'hirh they clai1n
is rrducing their "buying JX>Wer.''
\\'hen lhe teachers first made ihf
reques t, the board turned It dO\lo·n. saying
the distri ct rould not afford the $40,000
it would coSt. Since lhel). th e teachers
have indicated they'd be willing to
boycott certain class a~ignments to
force the board lo hooor the request.
Supt. Donald \Voodington said trustee.'\
"·111 rneel in sccrel session to decide
the board 's • position . Boar<!
representali\'es to the negotiations will
be_ told how lo handle future meetings
"'ith the teachers representatives on the
salary question, Dr. \\'oodington added.
Deadline Listed
For Candidates
Iii Water District
Persons "·ishing to file as candidates
for the Coastal ~funicipal \\'atcr Distri_ct
board or directors have until ·"larch
8 to make formal declaration at the
office of the Orani.:e County .Registrar
·of \'oters, 11 19 E. Chcslnul Ave., Santa
' TIR? district, a water· "~·holesaJCr"
to local water districtS , includes Costa
r-.-tesa, Newport Beach , Laguna Beach,
South Laguna, Dana Point, ~pistrano
Beach and San Clemente.
Directors meet once a month at
district office, 306 3rd St., Laguna Beach.
· Each director 1recei\'es $50 per meeting.
T,o f!Ualify as ~.-idir~ector. can<llMte~
rriust be registered voters. a relident
of the dist rict and of tht! division for
\11lich he. is to be elected.
Further information is available by
calling tbe regis1rar of voters and :isking
Cor candidate filing departmenl.
Fisher1nen Re turned
SAN DIEGO (UPl l -Thre e
Americans ~·hose sportfishing boat was
seized by 1'.texican officials off the cons!
or Baja C.S:lifornla were to be returned
to San Diego tod ay, the Coast Guard
here said. A Mexican government craft.
the Juarei, be-lieved . to be a Mexican
Fish a.Jd \V ildlife Adm inistration boat,
Thursd"ay seiz_ed the 37-foot El Navato.
out or San Diego, the Coast Guard
' lank.L are less than hal f full. S1;ition lauf;!hl'd together. · ~ ---·--··----.• .,,--=':I"' ----~'3't'reTJdants iffiij' lr!m:J.rnttef"'St!e·~ ftfOle!eif---JIUi'/~J~!U)al'l.i£~Q~ the lio~_'~----
den, Lan e and Bodovitz faced a po11te
.ASJ . ' -- . how 0/ Gfegance --·-N. c· gauge. lXOJl fO IVe Assembly Speaker Bob M o re tt ; 1--,--~·-=--== _. -~-----.W"-----~c1"i"tlcMl.,.zc"'tr-c'·tt1r1f1spcttion prov is i o n .
r--alihough he believes a ban on the sale Dinner Tonight. of less than haU a tank .;, a "g\)Od ..._., thing."
Nixon \\'ill enterta in anoth er group of
about 30 congressmen at a White House
dinner tonight.
It is the setond ni ght in a ro\V he
extendrd hospitality to House and Senate
n1embers from both parties and their
The Nixons and thei r guests also \Vi!\
be viewing afll'r-dinner movie. The film
tonight is the motion picture '·The
Friendly Persuasion." a scrcenpl:iy from
the 1956 novel by r-iixon·s cousin,
J essamy n \Vest, about the Qu.'.l kers.
Tl'le 0re"lle C..r DAILY PllOl, w!lfl ""'""' 11 tomll1!1td lllt N ..... Pr~1. Is ~lllftell Dy
lfl9 Ora"" Co..11 l'WllU.'"9 ComtMny, ~
r.rt •n1ont •rt .,...,.,,....,.. Mondty "'~
l'rlll11, l'llr Coote Mn.a. "''"""°'' lt<ld!.
lill'lll"91on • 9Ht/\/l'1>1111tfln V1H1y. i..o ........
~. l,...bw/S..0..IK>otcll """ ~n Cl"Nlllt /
l•n J111n r.,,r.1r-. A 1lnv11 reoloftal
e<111;,,,, r1 ,._,1.i.111 111_,, 1,. 5vtlctan.
t11e P-l"'INI ~la~'"" Pllnl 11 11 JJ:) Wtu
••r ~trM!, Coott M ... , c..mo•nl1, ~
ltoberl N. W11d
p, .. w..,., lrlCI PllbU111"
J1ck R. C11tl1r
Viet '1-blcl""I '"" Otlltr.i Mln.IOfr
T11011111 K., .. a
Th""'' A, M111phi111
Mlft*Olr!o E<lllW
Ch•tftt H; 401 ltlc•11tl P. Nell
Alihtltll MtNf11'19 l!'lfJM<-1 ---22.2 F1t11t A~•"••
Mtlllllf A4dr1111 ,.0 , h11 666, •J6S2 --· 0... MIM! m w.tt .. ,. llrtel ~ ltedl! zw "'-' ......... ,.v HW11ititl9n 1-: 17'11 lefC'I IOuleqtd
Mii o-tl: -'"""'II Clmlne llH
"'"""'' (714) '4J ... JJI
c:e..MM A4;e;1IA1f 441·1171
1.-... IMdi AR o.,.,,,... ... : T...,.._ 4f4·f"4
Cwrrlfl!I. 1'11. °''"'" C•ot P~li.111111 Cll'fteenr. Ho "'""' 11ortet, IH1111r11*'-•lr•l•I ll'llMtr tr N~lfllUOn'IS!Olt 11twti.:
,....y I» fWioM;ft wl!llwl ""''-' llOI' n'llHleft tot unrlll!t .--.
,..,..· Cll!il -!Wt Mill I! (Olli M~ll,
C1lllOll'fll1, 1<1•01"'*' •• (lrilt• U.'6
menm1,, ti' IM11 u u 1Mt111'1IJ1 11'11lol•rv •nn111111tn• o.u 1ntfttl'llr.
"They (the attendants) are not going
lo~ slicking their heads in Jhe windows
and checking, saying turn on the key
and let me look. The guy's going to
roll up your head in his window and
say, 'Pump until I tell \'CJ to stop,·-"
Moretti said.
Violent Storm
Kills W'o rk111an
l In N. California
S1\N FRAl\'CJSCO IAPI -One pe rson
died in a fierce Pacific storm !hat
batrerro ~orthtrn Cal ifornia \\'ith violent 1~inds. hea vy rain and sno11 ...
Highways were blocked and lhousands
of people along !he northern and central
coasts v.·erc ~·ithout eleclricity for a
litnc Thursday-as PoWer line:s S11apped
in the strong winds.
"Sustained gusts reached 00 to 70
miles per hour on the C<last rind . in
Ute mpuntnins .and 1\'c1·e near 5.'> m.p.h.
in the Sacr11111ento V111lcy and the San
Francisco Bay \,lrc11." the Natlonut ..
\Venther Service repor1C'iL
l'olice said a crane operfllor In
Richmond. just north of here. appa rentl y
droll'ned wben a 40 m.p.h. gust topplL'<i
hi.1 cr:1ne b110 four . fe or water at
R llhlpyard. Rescuer! \\·orked hours
Thursday lr)llng '° relrie\.'e the
unldetitiflt.'C:I n-ian Crotn !he wreckage .
The weather service warned coastal
areas lo bra~ for more southl!l'ly 1akL..,
24 to ta m.p.h.. ::.irough Satu:dey
including gu~ts of up to 78 m.p.h. north
of Point Arena.
\\'ith another storm front 300 miles
i,resL o! California uri.s m 0 r n l n g I
forecastc.rs predicted nnottr;;-· u r .. 1 ot
heavy rain and snow in the n1011ntains
today. turning to sho"ers Saturday.
In Sacramento , the St:ita-Ft1:dcral flood
Contrtll office prcdlclcd flood "'llfnlng
·stngei \\'Ould be reached tO<Jny on the
Rusli:in ttl\'Cr ar Gu~rncvlllo. Sonoma
Co u.n t y, :ind on (he .I;cJ Jt/ver nl
Ft·rnbridi;r. Jtumboldr County.
but antagonistic auflicn~ al the
l>rl':1kfast session. _J .....
"If nolhing else,'' CEEED Executive
Director Gilbert Fefguson cooceded,
"thfy're brave men."
Bodovitz "'ho said ma n y.
environmentalists have "read us out of
the race''"'for supposedly granting too
many permits -t~ the 35 listeners
that thooe same statistics show "the
general fear that the ~·orld v.·ould be
stopped (by Proposition 20) is just not
Reaching compromtses between j>\ibllc
interest and pri\'ate property rights
•·n1ay be painful." 13¢ovitz said . One
of his cxa1nples \\'as the s t a t e
commission's most controversial action
to date -the initial denial and
subsequent approval or the expansion
of the San Onofre nuclear power plant.
fie said San Onofre "typifies what
'this ·i.5 all about," that development
"1lich is consistent ~·ith protecting the
l."oastal environment v.•ill be appro\·ed
and that which isn 't, won't be.
Gas Prices Take
Auotlier Boost
As Supplies Dip
Gasoline prices· shot up t.5 10 six'
cents tod ay and some oil companies
reduced their supplies even further.
(Additional story, Page 12 today) .•
Here is v.·hatJhe customer can expect
to pay more on each gaJJon of gasoline '
as a result ol price increases authorized
by 1ht Federal Energy Ofllce :
Union 1.5 ctnl.5
F.xxon 2 c~nts
"lobil 2 cents
Shell 1.5 cents
Arco } ctnts
CheVn>n 3 cents
Texaco 6 cents
Al the same lime Texaco and Union,
already 80 percent b(low thelr_ 1972
volume, announced they were cutting
back su pplies even fu rther.
E:<xon and ?ilobll deliveries will remain
unchanged and those or Arco •tll
lncrea:ie slightly .
The flemish B,ombe cabinet shown here comes from our dra ·
matic ·et cetera collection by Drexel .. , A seemi.ngly efld·
less selection of desi gn , woods and finishes. You are sure
t.o get the feeling that .each piece was custom built for you
alone. '
• •
' I
. •
1727 WESTC!.IFF DR., ....._
-.340 J<ORnt COAST HWY.
(Open Sunday l2·S :30) 378·1279 ..
.. ' ..,, .
• s
Saddlehaek '
Today's Finni
N.Y. Stocks
-. ~
Gas · Lines Still Long; Tapering Off ·Forecast
01 .... 01111 1'1 .. 1 $1•11
About hlllr of Orangr C q u n t y 's
motorists were out of luck today as
the state's mandatOrY. ga!<<1lmc distribu·
lion plan "'c11t 1n10 elfi.;ct.
But it took more than an odd digit
to get gas today: It look a lot or
The lines were just as Jong as ever
in all coastal communities, "'ilh he
C»Ception of tt1issioo Viejo. There for
the first time in r~nt memory, La
Paz Road was not bioc ked to traUic
by autos liningt.ip for gas.
Elsewhere In California. the mandatory
odd--even plan also failed to deliver the
desired results.
Lengthy lines v•ere reported in Los
Angeles County and the San f'rancisco
Bay Area counties. Police said soinc
persons who v.·erc allowed to bu y gai;
today feared that ttiey '•rouldn't be alllr
to get gas again until Tuesday.
"A Jot of peopl!! figure Sunday isn't
going to happen . .;o Tuesday is th!!
end o( the world ." said motori st Ed
Yatka, o( Los Angel es.
One station owner in do"11to"'n Los
Angeles refused to open today until be
reC'Cl\'cd police help to sort ou~ ehgiblr
;ind ineligible dn \·ers. Aoolher attendant
!'aid he \\ii~ "too bus\'' to enforcl'· the
half·tank 1n1n1nnud purchase pro\•is1on.
Sta te uff 1e1als predict things will
smooth out b\' next v;eek "'hen S<'r\·ice
slallons. bt;leagucred by r e w t' r
l'UStomers. "'ill bt able lo ket>p their
pUQlPS running Jorlger into the day.
Drivers \\'ho rilled up today proba hlv
"ill not be able to get gas again unt il
Tuesday, aCL"Ording! to the Auto Club
• I es
Big Storm
'With Fury
SA~ FRA~CISCO (APl -One person
died in A fierce Pacific siorm -that
battered r-oorlhem Cal1forn1a wit h violent
l\'inds. heavy rain and snow.
Highw ays \\ere blocked and tholl'iands
of people along the nort hern and central
coasts "·ere without elcclricity for a
time Thursday as power lines snapped
in the strong winds.
"Sustaipcd gusts reached 60 to 70
miles per hour on the coast and in
the mountains .and v.·ere near ~ m.p.h.
in the Sacramento Valley ;ind the San
Francisco Bay area ," the National
\\leather Service reported.
Police said a crane operator in
Richmond. just north of here. apparenlly
dro\\ned v.·hcn a ~o m.p.h. gtJSI toppled
his cr3 ne into four fc. or "'atcr at
a shipyard. Rescuers "·orked hours-
Thursday trying to retrie\'C I h c
\\hich reports Iha! des pite the O('w
ths1nbut1on systt'm. only one s1;1t1on nt
100 1\111 be.open Sunday.
The "l'\'c ns" trying to get :1 1ull 1:t11k
!>aturday \l.'011·1 farp nlul'h bl'llt• ..
Auto Club off icials say op.·n ·~1;111011,
11 111 be a rarily "'ith only 5-0 percent
of !he stations in metropolitan arc'as
p!nnn1n,q tp rt'main open.
One Costa ~lesa man headf'<I for till'
rnouniains s:ud the new di s1nbu11on
· H. R. "Bob" Haldtman
...... .unidentified n1un from the \l.Tec kage.
Officials Peg Damage at $800,000, Discount Arson 11 CauH of Blaze
$800~000 Fire at El To~·o
. ~
100 Firemen Battle Blaze :at Lake Forest Club -L--.
A roaring fire of unknown origin
caused an estimated · $800.000 damage
10 the Lake Forest Country Club in
El Toro early today.
Nearly 100 Orange Count y fi remen
battled the blaze for t"'o hours after
Trustees Fae~
Site Hassle
At Saddleback
01 Ille 0.llY ,llet Stiff
Controversy surrounding a proposed
lntennediate school site in Lake Forest
. is expected to Surface at the regular
n1ecting of the Saddleback Valley Unified
School District board of trustees f\londa}'
nig ht
Residents in the adjacent tract-<ln
Rollingwood and Shaclo\\'fax Drives, have
been meeting wit h district officials to
it broke out shortly be£orc 2 a.m. It
was visible ror 15 miiles.
,;Firemen und er the command of
Orange C.Ounty Division C'hief John
Thunnan were able to contain the blaze
to the clubhouse itself and there was
never any danger of it spreading to
adjacent homes," a department
spokesman said. A light rain was falling.
·The four-yea'r-old Spanish'.style building
State Assembly OKs
'Ms.' Voting Measure
AsSembly has passed and 9CDt to Gov.
ROoald Reagan a bill permitting women
to register to vote wxler the prefix
ltts." ·
The wQman 's rights bill {AB76.S) by
Assemblyman Lawrence Kapiloff ([}San
Diego), won approval Thursday on a·
43-0 vote ~ to accept minor Senate
amendments. Kapiloff said he had been
told Reagan will sign the measure.
"·as the central recreation facilit y for
1he Lake Forest planned community and
is situated on the shores of a sn1:1ll
manmade Jake near the in1erseetion of
~luirlands Avenue ancl Ridge Route.
The department spokesman s a i d
firemen were hampered in their efforts
to quell the blaze by the Spanish tile
'roof Of the l"'O-StOry Structure.
"That type of roof made entry of
water into the attic very difficult ," the
spokesman said.
The building housed a restaurant and
bar, a locker room . sawia bath, exercise
equipment, and homeowner associations'
"Due to the early hour, the building
was unoccupied at the time or the fire
and there were no injuries while the
blaze "'as being fought ," the spokesamn
The cause of the .costly fire is still
under investigation by county fire
inspectors and they would not completely
discount the possiblity of arson. They
did say. however, it ap'Peared unlikely
the blaze was set inrcntion:..liy.
voice their comp lain ts about having a ..
school oh the 2().acre site. y · t-h -s • B · glar ~~ld~~·:d~I •oold mean loss OU urp.1~1ses . ur
of huodredS of 'eucalyptus trees-OOY.' .
oovering the site. . ·
-The school district could buy lanrl -R -kin· v • • -H
che•per elsewhere in .'he auchdance ~1l11SlfC g 1.elO om_ e area, thus savmg the trees and saving J
taxpayers' money. •
-The tsite plan includes covaring a A ""~ b 1 • the M' . Vl Jo t"'O bottles or whiskey and cash were seasonal creek, running It through a .,._~ urg ar m LSllKln 1e
pipe and threalenln~--wha t.,r l he area ransacked one borne and was. -stolen from the ~lackie-Smilh home after hom~"ners say has .. tlt.>e~lgnated ""Or~g on another 1'hu~ay when he the burglar entered the family room
cs e bufrer strip. v.·as mlelT\lPted by the timely retum via a &liding glass doot.
-An intermediate school w o. u I d home of a high sc:hool student, Orange
generate more-noise and traffic al~g County Sheriff'~ officer& .d.id. Deputies believe the same burglar was
Jeronimo Rood than a rcstd e11t1al Deputies beheve the young man who spotted at the Krenz home "'hen student
de\<'t\opment which they \\'OUld prefer. was spotted run~ing from the home RJck James Krenz. 16, entered the house
The lhlrd intermediate school in the of Rlcbard FrankJ1n Krenz, 40, or 26802 and found the int.ruder ransacking
Clistricl's building program, the t.ak Carranza . Drive, was the same man bedrootns.""11\e man proiflptly fled.
Forest facil ity \\'OUld house up ti.I I 200 who ea.rher ransacked the home of Offlan have not yet determined the
"Stud5lt:s. It ViOllld include 8 running Jan1es c. ~tack.le-Smith, 35, or 26612 IOS8 at the Krenz home. 'lbc loss at
track. tennis court.,., basketball and Va1pafal.9o St. the Madi&Smiih residence ii estlmalc.td
1Ste SCllOOL, Page 21 CX!icers said skin di\•lng equipment. ..a.t $266 .
• •
\ • •
The \\'Cather ser\'ice "·amcd coastal
areas to bract! for more southerly gales,
24 ·lO 48 m.p.h .. t:irou!ifi Saturday,
including gusts Q[ up to i8 m.p.h. north
of Point Arena. .
\\1ith · another stonn front 300 miles
"·est of Cali.fornia this m orning ,
fort"Casters predicted. anottr::::r · u r it of
heavy .rain and snow .in the mountains
today, turning Ip showers Saturday.
111 Sacramento. 1hc State-Federal Flood
Control office predicted nooc1 .... ·ar-ning
stages "'ould be reached tod<i.y on the
Russian River at Gucmeville, Soooma
Count y,-and on -the-Eel-River-ai--
Fembridge. Humboldt County.
By late Thursday night, the v.·eathcr
service reponcd three inches o f
precipilation at ~ft. Shasta and l 1<z
u1chcs along t~ northern coast and
in the Sierra Ne\'ada.
1'hc Stln Fra11eisco Bay area and
Sacramento Valley each reported about
one-half inch of rainfall .
Blo\\·ing and drifting snO\\' as low as
the 3.000-foot elevation \\'Ill mean poor
visibility and hazardous driving in the
foothills and moun1ains. Chains \rcrc
required this 1noming on l:.S. 5-0 over
Echo Summit.
l\IacArthur Boul evard
Work.Bids Go Out
Bids .,..ill be .opened ~larch 28 in Los
Angeles for an estiffiated $441,000
resurfacing or f\facArthur Boulevard.
The st retch to be smoothed runs from
Pacific Coast Highway in Newport Beach
inland to Bonita Canyon Road in the
city of lrvine. according to the stale
Department of Transportation. In all.
three miles of paving on H ou t e 73
will be resurfaced.
Loan Rate Cut
Quarter Point
NEW YORK (U PI ) -Firs!
National City Bank.· the nation's
aecond largest, today announced
a ·reduction or one quarter point
to 8.5 percent in tbe prlme interest
rate effective ~londay.
The prime rate is the amount ,
banks charge biggest and most
credllworlhy borrowe:rs. It has
been dropping steadily from its
historic high or 10 percent lhat
prevailed last October and briefly
Jn December.
1 Citibank's move. was expected ~ to touch off fl now nAlionwide round
~t reductions in the rite.
Ul'I Ttltpl\Otn
John Ehrlichman
Belli Su.spe1uled
Froni Practicin g
Laiv for 30 Da ys
SAN. FRANCISCO (AP ) -fl amhoyant
and controve rsial trial lawye r ~1eh·1n
~I . Belli was suspended fron1 practicing
la"' for 30 days by the California · 1
Supreme Court tod tty.
The 6-1 decision said BeJh \\;JS
suspCnded for violatin k sta lt ru les of
professional conduct prohibiling a law}cr
from sollcitlng em p I o y men t by
advertising or other means. .
Belli had oo immediate comment
Tile widely knOl\'n trial atlorney·s
cllen'ts hi.ve included Jack Ruby, charged
"'ith shooting Lee Harvey Oswald.
&Iii was admitted to the practlce
of law ln 1933 and has lectured
extensively. ,
In its decision, the court SBid that
In 1966 Belli tured Richard fo'ultoo as
his manager and repr 5elltative ln the
lecture business and authorited him 10
secure lecture dates, ~ign contracts and
arrange publicit y, advcrtbcn\ents and
Among other actl\'lfi cs, r u I t o n.
orrungcd Ior 11dvrrt1s mt:nr. to :.ppcar
in The New York Times and New York
Magazine showing Belli 1s pjcturc with
hi~ endor.stni ent of a ~1"11 v.•hick(!\',
Belli himself had J)O!Jters AJld nyefs
displayed descrlblng his loourts. •
~' ,,1pn1 h.1d forced c..inccltat1on of ht'I
~1..1u1~ 1rip.
"\I\' tank 1-; lhrt't' <1u:1rtt'rs lu ll ;ind
l>AO :;1;1!1UIH l't•fust•d 1u ).;l\t' llll' i;::i'
I l'a11·1 rn:ike 11 to H1~ llr;ir .ind hack
11!1 one 1,u1k This iust lll'l'l'li~ n1y 1"holc
11.·t·kend,'' he s:11t/
L'ndl·r the 11t.·\\· rei:ul:llions. customer.o;
\\'ill no! ht' ~cr\·td un!Cl!!<o !hei r ga.o;
tanks arc ll'~S than half fu ll . Station
atll•ndants n1;iy drn1and to ~cc the fuel
tSt·l' GAS. l'a:;e ::J
J 11ry N a1nes
\\'ASHl:\f;TO:-i !l'P\1 IL R.
ll;1!d1 •rnan, John J). Ehrliehman .• John
:"./ ~litehell and four or Prcs1dr n
l'\1xon·s funner hii;h \~'bil e Hou se and
pol11 1c<.1l associah·s 11 ere 1nd1c1c.'<i today
by a federal grand jury ~·hich h;:1s
lx·en in\'!'Stig:>ting '\'atcrgatc for :!O
Charges of conspirin~ lo obstruct
justice "·ere fi led against all SC\'Cn
defendants. Addi tional ch:ifges of ~uch
offenses A!s perjury and dC'stroyini::
l:!\ idence "·ere broughl <1~:1iust six o(
i\ixon hin1~cl f 11·as nol indicted. But
\ra1erga1c ~p<>cial µro~1·cutfJr IA'On
.l a11·orski !ur ned O\'l'r !fl l'hll'f l '.S,
J)1s!ncl .Judge .John .J. Sint,1 a "sealed
repor L" frorn the grand Jllr~.
lls conttnk. w1·re not disclosed. but
ii had tx>en rt•porll'd !hal the jury
intendl'tl lo n1akl' a ~l·par;1 t1• rc1X1rl
on its ··icws of :\1xon's possib le rol e
in \\'atergate and !he <.'0Vl·n1p.
Further \\1<1tcrgutc·rclated indictments
arc exprctcd fro111 oLher gra nd jury
in\'cstigat ions into ahuse,of can1paig n
fund s. the ITI aff:ur and the Ell~l>crg
Prior to today's devclopmt'n!s. :'l(J p!'r·
sons had brC"n charged in connl<.11on l\ilh
\\'at('rgale and rel ated C\'Cnl ~.
T"·o "·c~e ron\'ICted /(;, r;ordon Lidd y
and James \\'.. ?llcCord Jr. l. ·2 plea ded
guilly and eight . invaued . ~ 1af
Haldeman-"'a~ Stxon'rrtrtct of-staff,
Ehrliehman his chief domc~t1e adviser,
and ~l itchelt \l.'3S his attorney general
and his campaign 1n11n;:u:?er for both
success'ful prcsidenti<.1! clcct1ons.
O!hcr defendant~:
-Charles \V. Col<;(lfl, f or 111 f' r
presidcnti;i l roun~t·!, 11ho took a !Pave
of ;1 bst'11cC' fr11n1 hi~ I.ii f1rrn upon
hc ing ind ic ted :ind d1·r·J;1rt'd : "1 1know
th;ll 1n the end in•. 1nnot·e11ct· 11·itr !~
l'S!uhl 1shed... ·
-nohert C. ~!;1rdi;111. rorn11·r assis!:1nt
attorne.v gcnc rul in eh.irf.!e of the Ju.~tice
!Xp<i rtn1cnt's 1nrernal sccunl\' di\ i"'IO{l
and also a forn1cr c:in1p..i1J,:n aide Who
altendt'd mC<'l1ngs at 1\hicli 1hc· .lune
Ji. 19i2 Urc<t k·in into Ocrnocratic
nalional hcadquartl'rs t•t lh•' \V;1tcrgatc
~·as proposed.
-Gordon Strachan. a you thful \\'hit.c
lloUse aide to llaldeman who from the
'Ste 7 l:"1i[)JCTEU Page %1
Orange _Coast .. •
Loo ks 11 kc more s/iov.•ers arc on
lhl" <1gc1Hla tonight and ·~turday.
Liu le change 1n temperature \\'ilh
highs ut the beaches SS rising to
!he low r.Os inla nd. Lo"'S tonight
Ja::. bufj$ alr>n9 th(! Orange
CoUst arr tiwaillng 7IC%t wtek-
ttid's 01·on at Coo.st Col teoe
Jm: £11.setnblc 1''t$tlvol. Dru m..
'11er l t1lf 1e Bcllson and trun11-wt
player ,\Jc1111ord f'eru11san ud!
per form .. S11e 1odoy·1 \V eek:e1«le r.
111 ,._ i•rvlc• l Mwh/M l'•l!ft 11
lefUflt 11 N11i....1 "l•w1 •
L. M. II»'• 11 OtUI" C ... llty I
C•l1l..-..i• J, tl "'-11 ,1'-ll
CIQJll•I• #~J lt'-11111'.tillt 11•11
C1111ltl II $ytw;1 '""' 11 C••Hwll<'• II iMttt 1"11
0.ltll 111•tk" ' II.Cl M•B1!1 11-11
£fil11lal '''' I Tlltlw!M.t11 11 "l11•11t• ll•IJ T~HI-M4t • ~O'fft"f 1' W"IMr I ·~ L•"fer1 14 W•111t11•1 f'itO<jt ' U·U MfllM• 4 WHkl H.w\ ~
Me~••' ".a .w1.i.~~ 1.wt
1 ·z. oAJLv ·P1Lor IS
·.Viejo . Plans .
St. Patrick .
Day Parade
Sure 'n bcgorra, ifs time for the
Mlsskln Viejo St. Paddy 's Day Parade
The annual Marth 17 event, sponsored
by the Mission Viejo Ac ti v j tie I
Committee, thil year will feature . more
than 100 marching units, roe~. a n d
individual entries.
'Jbe parade steps off from Mission
Viejo lllgh School at 2:30 p.m. and
wtnds its way aouth Ovtl' a mlle 1 and
a half king route to the MWion Vie}o
Golf Club.
Awards for best entries in various
categories will be awarded after the
parade. A lradllional corned beef and
cabllqe dimer again will be fee1ured
a( the MbslM Viejo Inn following lbe
award Ceremony.
~ muter of ceremonies 'tilt be
Da\/e"DeSoto otradlo ltalloo KMPC.
celebritlel st:heduled to paliicipate in
the puadf! are Fifth Dl.Strjct Supervisor -.
Rc:ma1d caipen, country music recording
star Terry Stafford and several members
of tbe IOs,A!igeles Rams.
~ Joe Lamberta and Tom
. Mlld>eU said ali lldlool and youth groups
In tie aree, community clubs, bands,
drill tea.ml, buinesses, or informal
8"""' .,. lnvited'to emer.
other groups that have signed up
for tbe parade include the U.S. 1.farine
Corp& Color Guard: Mission Viejo High
Sobool Marching Ba"md: El Toro High
SdlOol Mard!ing Baod"; • U.S. Jlavy
!laid an11'F111 Team.
Aloo lbe 11«,.;1...,. Caniage Society
of Alllerica; the !rill> WQC:lOUllds; Scoot 8nd YMeA groups; Mission Viejo .Bo-
tanlcas Ind 0ronge c....ay Fire Depart.-
meat. • -Furtbi!r tnformation on entering a noat
may be" obtained by calling Tom t.titchcll
at the 1.tision Viejo Golf Club or writing
the Activities Committee, P.O . .Box 2134,
· M~ Viejo.
. From r;.,,e l
'wlJeybal1 f.adlltlel. •SOllool 'cllltrlct officials hope to gel 8Jllllinll lnlD1 tiustees Mooday nigbl
to jJm'diuO lhe Ille for $990,IMXI.
, . , From Wlre Se'rvlce1
\VASHINGTON -The announcement
that seven former top aides to President
Nixon have been indicted In the
Watergate case produced applause and
iome hoots at a meeUng of the
Democratic Na tional CommlUee here
Committee Chairman Robert s .
Straws interrupted the proceedings 10
read the list or -seven declaring , "I
believe all of us are pleased that justice
nUght finally work its will."
The loudest applause came when
Strauss read the name of former Atty.
Gen . John N. Mitchell, who was head
of President Nixon's 1968 and 19n
There was some laughter too, when
Strnuss JlO!ed there hadn't been much
of a hand for the indictment of former
presidential aide GordOn Strachan. -.
Strauss said the smiles were "not
for this great national tragedy" but
becau.se Democrats were ."hopelul we'll
never have another one."
Meanwhile, congression.al IPaders of
both parties urged that the American
people withhold judgment on the seven
former aides until a jury trial established
their guilt or innocence.
" Sen. Sam J. Ervin (D-N.C. ), chainnan
of the Senate Watergate committee, said
""1 T.._... il would be improper rOr him to comment
TROUBLES DEEPEN · oo the indiclmenll.
ForrMr AG Mitchell But Sen. Lowell Weicker (R-Q)nn.),
FromPqe l
7 INDICTED ~ • •
said he stood by a stat.ement he made
at "the opening of committee hearings
lasl -May that the significance o{
Watergate was "not in the acts"b£ men
breaking, entering and 'bugging the
Watergate, but in the facts of men
who almost stole America."
"Nothing should be said that will
witness ~stand at Sen ate Watergate interfere with a fair trial," Senate
hearings . last summ~r advised young Republican leader Hugh Scott told
people to "stay away" from pollUcs. newsmen after the indictments were
-Kerineth W. Parkinson', attorney •for ~ made public. .
the Committee to J\Hlect the President, Senate o:inocratic leader ?tot l k e
wbo like Colson insisted that ultimately ~a!'!field 18.ld he was glad legal and
''my innocence wlllDe demonstrated. JUd1clal processes were being fo~ed,
fte sealed report was presented SlriCa then said of the l.ndJcted seven: They
in. 1 manila enVelope. He opened Jt,, are ~.t guilty until they are proven
read ils conlenls and resealed II. guilty. . Ali6i lrlaled oo . Mcnta1's agenda is
""'*"'1i ot "preuinloary ,Plans for the
tadlbt ~ -
In Jls 50-page lndlctmen~ ~ arand Rep. Robert F. Dnnan ([).Mass.), a
jufy charged that Haldeman, who bad mem~r of the House J u d 1 c l a r y
been Nlxoo's closest akle lied before Committee and the author of the first Scboal district officials counter the
~ents abjectl.ora: by pointing out -
the site l! a con90lldation from an
I original plan ,for , two s ma 11 er
in'-tiole .schook which called for
a total ol 40 acm. , .
Robert FerJUIOO, dl~t of planning
and-development-lo• tllO_dlstrict. •Id.
he bellevea the . total cost or the two
20-...-e sites, though . lhey probably
are cbelper: per acre than the single ~; Woufd.,atilt mean a gr:eater~·
expenle tJ tlJl:Jll'YerB.
He added that financial study of the
cost factor ls stilt in progrees and will
be pert of hirnport Mooday night.
He added lhe ....... uona1 facilllie5
of Jbe scbool site will be available for
the communfty'a uae which is c:me
Id.vantage and stressed the district would
attempt to &avt as magy trees as
the-Wltertate committee\ ~hen he aid ~lut'°'! to lmpeach-Ntxon, sakt:
Nixon remarked "lt would be wrong" This is a great ~erlcan tragedy.
lo raise $1 million to buy th'e silence Here we have ~ highly aophlstlcat~,
of J be ~ven ori&inal w a t e r a ,8 t e highly educated m~n in tonner high
defen(lanls. · poslUom ·named for these acls. I hope
Haldeman quoted Nixon on the witness the hearinp will be held exped!Oously · · and be over with." s_l4!!LIJtlyJO,..li1};-o!ler dlscloslngJ!.e Gov. -Rooihi Reagan, 8--1eadlng ha~ to some tape reoordlngs Of Republican contender for Prelident ln
Nixon a 'Watergate conversatlo~ after 1976, said he is confident "justice finally
be bad loft the \Yblle House. Ill li'"" the W t le d I :-The-grand-jury char~ th at w preva u1 a erga scan a .
Balde • 111 Is .. n.A-and The Governor, who has supported m.an s s _ emen • as 11"':';'1 Nixon during the controversy said the
there well lfnown, w~re false . The cases of the seven-"'are ~ beto grand jwy listened to the tape of the . w re March 21, 1'13 ineetlng where Haldeman the courts:. where ~ence or guilt will
said Nixon made the remark be dttermined. This lS the proper course
· .<t the · Wblle Houae, d~puty press a~d I 1\m ~fident lhal jus~e llnally
seCret.ary Gerald L. Warren 4ec)lhed y;fil prevail.
to answer when asked If Nlxan 1ttll
considered Halderiian and Ehrlldunan
"two ol the finest public servants" ht
had known.
He paid them that compliment on
• • ,.
Let's Neck,· Baby
Binnie Alwine may not lie a secretary who has to put up with an
over-amorous boss, -but she does have her problems ln her job at
Lion Country Safari in Irvine. She finds herself baby sitting a giraffe,
rejected by its mother and broug_ht into the office to assure proper
.feedin g.
F ro1n Page 1
GAS ...
Aasembly Speaker Bob M or e t ti
criticized the inspection p r o v i s i o n
although he believes a ban on the aale
of leu than ball a tank ~ a '1,Bood.
"They (the attendants) are not going
to be sticking their headl in the windows
and checking, saying turn on the key
and let me look. The guy's going to
roll up your head In his window 8ftd
say, 'Pump until I tell vc.; to stop,' "
Moretti saJd.
He predicted the attendants would
refuse to become pollctmep for the
Ted Grussing, a<food wholesaler from
Huollnfaon Beach, reported lbal lhe odd-
even plan only appeared to give more
"'odds" lhe opportunity lo get In the
panic line.
"Yesterday I had to go to four stations
before I eould 1e1 gaa. Today lhe lines
are just as bad. The stations have
Cll"! Uned up fo to 12-de.p.
Gas Price~ake
Ariother Boost
4s Supplies Dip
-Gaaoline prt""' lhot ~P "l'.5. to six
'cents today llnd some oil cbmpanies
reduced their supplies even further.
(Additional story, Page 12 toda)i.
Here Is what the customer can expect
to pay more on each gallon of gasoline as a result"Of price increates authorized
by the Federal Energy Office:
Union 1.5 centa I
ED.on 2 centJ
Mobil 2 centa
Shell t.5' cents
Arco 2 cents
Chevron 3 cents
Texaco 8 cents
At the sam, time Te1aco and Union,
already llO pm:<nt below !heir 1m
volume, announced they were cutting
back supplies even-further.
Exxon and Mobil deliveries will remain
unchanged and those of Arco will
increase slightly.
_ Sall.. Diego Bus
'Rulin g ',Pnfare'
To Ca nines?
SAN"DIEGO (AP) -"Dop pay 111e1r· 1
1'Docs have l'lghta, too ...
"Muule the board(
1be aigna protested a rule which took
effect today !orbldding tSoa;s, except for
those assigned to blind people, from
rJdina city bules.
To 'how tbelr concem, a half'Cioten
pooches picketed the ofljce of the San
Dle10 Traoall Corp .• str<!lllng Thunday
with leashes held tightly ~ their ownen.
The men, women and dop then
paraded through a room where transit
board membera were meeting. A
spokesman said later he would meet
v.ith representatives of the pro-dog
groups, Including Mercy C r u a a d e ,
Friends of Animals and Pet Assistance.
Tom Prior, general manager of the
city-regulated bus company, said I.he
policy was adopted after r I de r 1
. complained"" that dogs oceupled seats:
while they had to stllld. Others found
their clothing sollOO by dirty animals,
Prior said.
The energy crisiS and more infrequent
use of cars have boosted "'the bus line
to a record patronage.
Forens ic. Team
Reaches Final s
Eight members of the Saddleback
College forensic group reached the final
of the annual ruverside Speech aJKI
Debate -recently. In notice men's ccmpetjUoo, four of ' . the finallst.s were from Saddleback. Ken
,Dul'.e wu .aecood; Randall tWxl was
tbild aDd Bob Glli and Bob t.urence
bad ~le mentions.
In the finala of tbe women's oral
lnterpretatioii, three of the flnallsta were
from Saddlebaci :, Valerie Bodllord,
Dbrtna Moore and Joam Weeks.
Oulrlene Hengesh reached the finals
in erpository speaking.
Advisors are ~ Mes.mer and • DoyleM~y. f
Irvine Village Forum
Slated Wednesday
-'The eighth Village Forum drawing
reprooenlOUves of Irvlnt ' cmupunlty
assoclatlom together for 1 n f o rm a I--..,
d!SC'USSlon will be held at 7:30 p.m.
"When are you going to expose this
phony gas shortage? I talked to my
brolher In MlnneaPQl!s laal niahl and
they're ~ually having ~ gas war thete.
The prl¢es are In lhe fow 40's. I COtlldn't
believe I~" Grussing said. -
The·mandatory-dblributioo plao which
went into effect as of 12.01 a.m. alJo ·
takes In Alameda, L<is ·Angeles, '€oiitr1
Colla, Sail Mateo aod perts of !Uverslde Coimt1es.
Slide Shutsc !ligh~·ay ~°!!,,~:iy ::,!too~ 4ikamJKarenR ~
PACIFICA (UPI) • 7'lindiliae at-ioant. --·
Devil's Slide foreect-.iosure of Highway California Homes Homeowners
1 near here 'ItniFsday· night, t h e . Asloeiation memben are hosts for the
California Highway Patrol reported. forum.
The original two Lake F o r e 1 t
intennedlate sits were at Mulrlands
-ot-eanado--1 adjlCffll ,lo the. • Jelevisloo on April '°•-1973, ...... tbe day
Ibey ralped and presldettUal coumel
John W. Dean Ill waa fired.
.CSF De.an's List
--new Et Torollliii· "CCfuo1 ••-·lllda•
Roule Drive " and Trobuco Roed.
FergulOll said from eiperlence . with
r.. Pai lnlermedlale next to Mbsloo Viejo
High School, 'he district has decided
aga!MI two faclllll .. being built together.
He al!IO added the present board favors
9Chools of aboUt 1,000 k> 1,500 students
over the 700 to llOO student size proposed
for the two Lake Forest sttes.
·Inyo Fire ·controlled
BISHOP (AP) -Fire. fighlers aided
by snow controlled a 480-acre brush
fire .today in the Inyo National Forest
northwest of here. 'Ille fire . man-caused,
broke out at mid-afternoon 'Illursi!ay
Tiii ~( .. II 0"-IL'I" ,ILOT, Witt! Wllktl
" ~ 111it Ht-'r••· II JllUblllMlll W .. Ot .... c .. 11 ~rw.1r11 CtmNny, a...
r.tt td1tlln1 _,.. 111111111"-d, Mtm1y ttlreut"
frlf.,y, ,., Cftll MtM, · Hf'#llOff 8t«fl.
....,,,....,. .... eltlClll~ltll'I Vtllty, t..W.
84Kll, 1no1n11..-. .... di 1r111 s.n Cltme!oltl
ltto JUlft t.,111r1,., A •lllfllt '-olonll
lllotlooo 11 ~...... ''"""" ll'd 5.llndln, TM ll'lncl•I M!li.11 .... pllnt It 11 JXI We,I
Ill llrltl, C.11 M-. Ctl""rnif, r»•.
· ~1~1rt N. W11<11i
,, ........ 1111111 ,1111111\tf'
J1c• R. Cwrl1y V"lcf 'mll:l.1 trlll GtMrt f Mt!llW
lh'"''' K11•il Eflt...
lh.Mtt A. M11r11hi11
M"""lrif U......
Ch.1'111 H. Lt" Rlch1'4 r. Nill
Mltltnl MMlllN M itttl,
C.11Mttr.m.,....tn1/rtltl .....,..., ltlcfl: uu ..._+ ......,.
........ 8tldl1 .. ......, A-.. ~ ltitdrl! 1"7S ..,. .... 1e11 ... t.I °""""'! M Nlrtll 11 C-11,. .... ,...,.._ m•1 ....... ,,,
CleelfW Mtw*I I ; '4J.1&71
lee C't Ifs Al ..... lllttl , ........ , ....... .
(Wf'fllll, ltll,. °"""" C..\t Fwlll!IMt ""'°"ft~. .... -1llrlon, """"'*"-· •l'lltllf fMtftr ... ..-'........... ........ .... y .. ~.. •lll'IWI ...... ..... 1111~1111 .. ClllYfllhl .......
,_.. Cll.. ...... Miii If (9'11 NllM.
C.N""'ll, 111'*"'-"ltt! trf ~ D.U -ttll'f'I IJrr JMll IJ.U -ttll'Jl lllfM!tflt
fllffNtilM-ll.11 "-ltlh'-
Tbe IJ"and jury, listing 45 speclilc
"overt acts," said the seven defendanta
conspired in the Water]ate cover-up by:
-Using "d~it, craft, trickery and
dishonest means to block lnvestigatloos
into the Watergate break-In.
-Altering, destroying or concealing
documents and records related. to the
4 -Paying $557 ,500 in "cash funds"
to the original seven W a t e r g a t e
-Making offers or clemency to four
of the orig inal defendants. ·
A11 but ?i-1ardiallf'8ISO were accused
of obstructing justice b•· l'iwa rtlng var-
ious investigalions.
· ?wtltchelf was charged with four counts
of perjury for making false statements,
Haldeman and Ehrlichman three counts
each on the s:ime charges, and Strachan
one count·of mating a false declaration.
nie charges 'vere In relation to
testimony at the Senate Watergate
bearings, be.lore the grand jury, or in
statements made to the FBI. .
If convicted, the . .rntu:imum penalties
for the sevep indicted today coold range
from five years in prison and a S5,000
fine for iMardlan, who was Indicted on
. -. single .count; to 30 years plus fines
"1"6( J42,000 for A-fitchell, whb was named
in·l'Six counb.
Maximum penalties facing the other1
are 10 years in prison and flne:!I of
$10,000 for Colson; 2S years and f40,000
for Ehrlichman; 25 years and tlt,000
for .Haldeman ; 10 years and ,10,000
for Plrkinson, and 15 yeors and $20,000
for Slrachan.
Irvine Police Lo g
52 Accidents
A total of SI occldenas. oooe fall!.
was ttp0rted In January to Irvine Police,
,public safety department statlstlca show.
Qf the total number of colllslons, 18
lnv"i>lved Injuries to a I""'! ol 27 people .
There were 10.6 percent Jn o r e
accidents In January than during
December and th~ 52 colUslons were
up 20.9 pen:enl from the U reported
\n January, tm.
• •
Twenty.three former S a d d 1 e b a c lt
C:OUege students have been named to
the DeM's List for outstanding
achievement at Cal State Fullerton for
the fall semester.
Two or them, Joanne Frankel of El
Toro and Dixie Scott of Santa Ana,
maintained perfect 4.0 grade Point
averages (straight A's) for the tenn.
A student must have-a 3.5 aver&ge
to qualify for the Dean's List.
Other former Saddleback student!
honored inClude :
-Capistrano Beach: Laura Lamberg,
juolor, French.
-Huntington Beach: Donna Green,
senior soclology.
-Irvine-: Joseph Harch,
junior, business.
-Laguna. Niguel: Christian Klelback,
senior, soclolol)'. -sen Oemente: Bonnie Dale. junior,
communications. ·
-San Juan Capistrano: M I ch a e l
Brown, senior, political science; and
Carolyn Curley, junior, p&ychology.
Band o.f Gypsies
Roams Cotmtry
PHOENIX (UPI.) - A band ol 104
Yugoelavlan gypsies are dlsperslnc
across ·the UnHed States after · be.Inc
releoled hy U.S. immigration officlab.
Grove Calllaoo, 41slricl director for
the JmmlgraUon and Naturalization
S.rvtC<1. Hid Tbunday the !P'Paies .
roWlded up last wtekeod near Noealee
after being smucgled into the United
s11tt1, lliere free to travel ap)"A·bere
In the 00W1try. But, he &aid, Uiey mu.st
report lheit addrt.., lo t h e
Imm.iaraliOn Strvlce wi\hin two weeks
and deeiak>nl then would be made on_
their a\ltus.
CalllsOn said many of the ~lea proably were ••staltless pertona' who
<lllllOt be . deported lo lbolr home
counly. Bui, be Aid, "'tt la unlikely
lhey •ill be p0nnllled to mnaln In
this country."'
The fl emis h Bomb e cabinet •how ri here comu from our "dra· ·
matic et cetera co llecti on by Drexel .•• A H.emingly end-
leu sele ction ?f de•ign, woods en d finish es. Yo u •re sure
to get the feeling that each pie ce was cu.tom built fo r you
1727 WESTCLDT DR., -
-c:---. ,_..._. ___ ~
2l64t HA.WTHORNI llVD.
(Open Sundo,r ITT•3D) 311-IZl9
I .
. '
. '
. -
' ·-. . :
• ;--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
' ' . . . •
.. Brandt f or. ·saddlehack
The by to the future of Saddieback Coll~Js lead-
ership. Faced with a dNilnexation attempt' Tumn
residents, ·which could mean serious losses in th stu·
dents and tu revenu .. , the school needs the moot. kno1!fedieable dlrectlon It can gel ' •
" >.m.ong th.e Mven candi.W.. on Tue.day:a llallot "for
a new !nine-El To~ trustee, the best cbolee to aaaure
the kind of leadonblp the tcbol>l ll80jfs II Norrisa Brandl ~Mn. Bran11t ts a former toafhei and bu had ex·
Wllive experience In comm'"1ty lnvol•elllfilt. Most lm-
PQriltni. uil'\lughout Iha campaign ahe bu shown •b• is ~Moul -al!d ,kDO'fl'llGit~e about -Saddie-
blck Coll .. e. '
She bu attendell ·bolrd meeUngs, '1slU!d on cam-
pus, done roaeall:b, and Ullecl questiou. The changes
ahe call! for are oolllld. She hlls made It clear she will
ask for help .from the communilty, atudtillts, and faculty
to set a ~live cllnellon for future board policies and
work to unj>rove the ealilpus'• public relations. She bas
concrete Ideas on how to~ IL
Slddleboclt College·';,ui' be best senecl by the elec-
tion of Norrisa Brandt u its new trustee; .
. . False Logic ,
• rl • • 1be Onnge County Harbor Commiiisk>n list week
aUlhorbod the relatively small expenditure of '3,000
to add two night IW'fillg llghts to the Dana Point Jetty.
l!lx!'"{'t for Its .er;y· minor effect orl the energy short-
age, ·wr1!enr'probljlly wouldn't-bO wnrth ·commenting
on except for ·the .\lnµsual arguments by which Com·
missioner Thomas O'Keefe,. who ts also a San Clemerite
councilman, attempted to justify it to fellow commis-sioners. ·
AfU!r a short staU!ment on why the lights would
be useful, he launched into much more vigorous oratory
on why, as a loCal representative to the Harbor Com·
mission, be ought to be given approval for local projects
TM ·Real
Tcuth A bout
Parenthood .
Tbouglltl II Lone:
Gus j ·
Wouldn 't It bO a boost to the ,..rgy
crisis if we bad all the energy
saved by the lazy and inconslder·
ate anvers who never use their
.turn signals? , ; ... J .C.V; -....;. ... _ .................. ..
................... rtty ....... ""
.. _ ., ... .. •• ".'' s..11 .,..., ....
.....,. • ......,, GwO o.Nr '"''·
like this one simply for the Wing. Tbafs what local
representaUon means, be argu94 • •
Thl,s, Of course is lnberenUy false logic •. The pur-
pose of locsr comin!sslonen is to represent local needs.
not to demand -that other commissi.oners suspend their
judgment.on all projects that are strtcUy local in nature.
'\We are disappointed that O'Keef~' advanced this
spedous argumen~ and we are dlJappolnted that the other commlsstoners -except C. C. Wooley of Garden
Grove -did not set the record, and O'Keefe, straight
o~ this fundamental matw.
Tuesd1ty Election Choice
The Laguna Beach political scene bas been clouded
by ~ last-minute emergence of two write-in candidates
fQI'i the city council race.
This is almost always an unfortunate maneuver. Ten
official candidaU!s haveJ ollowed the accepted course of
a full political campaign, appearing at forums. answer·
ing .questiQ~ and ~nding to newspapetJnterviews.
CondidaU!s who chOf!SO to avoid this public exposurn by
seeking write-in votes do not deserve the consideration of the voters. .
· • The. Daily Pilot's recommendations for the Laguna
Beach CUy Co.uncil, as detailed tn Wednesday's edition,
rematn: incumbents Carl J·ohnson and Phyllis Sweeney,
and Jon Brand.
* * * For the San Clement.! City Cquncil. the Dail y Pilot··
recommends votes for incumbent Dr; \Vade Lower and
James Straus· and B. Patrick Lane. • • •
-If-·-_.. ..... _
;"L _/ l I Jn san Ja.an Capistrano, the candidates best quali·
fied for election to the council are Douglas Nash, John
Sweeney and incumbent Edward Chennak.
The city parks override in San Juan Capistrano de-
serves support, but the proposal to fonn a city police
department is premature and should be voted down .
·~ '.' I
I '"I.);;.;-. /vlA.U cµ~
Why· N~t Atlaenian-style D e11aoeracy"I
. . ~. .
Alternative ., to Election Politics
( .... _MA_IL_B_o_x ___ J'
To the F.ditor: of lhe_ loca1 elected st~te officials begging
It is ~..dlfflcult to step back and take the highwaymen to slam another freeway
an objective view of the \\'orld in general tbrough our area. People have sensed
and the United St.ate$ in parti cular. something is going wrong in ravaged,
Maybe the CWTent disturbances are exploited. polluted Southe rn California,
nothing more 'than ripples in history. and that the trouble begins with-mega·
:'iet,u -a contemporary citizen; il is highways and the me tropolit a n irD:lme, even galling, to endure amoag malignancy that acrompanies them. Letters from Tenders are welcome.
costs v:ill get out of hand. Actually,
the reverse is the truth. F'or it should
be apparent to all citizens that the
surest way to au or those indi vidual
losses \\'ould be to tum the town over
to tQe outside speculators led by tbe
Real Estate Board. .
• JAMES W. DULEY other things tbe stupid chicanery which NonTUllly, wrtters should convey their
elista at the Federal level (let's not THE AIR is polsooed ; there is nO m.e ssages in 300 words or less. Tiie T W
fool ourselves, legislative as well as relief from noise and congestioh. there right to condense letters to fit space l~O rong•
e1ecutive), the state level (let's hear are degrading loog lines at gas stations. or el iminatt-fibel is reserved . .ALL let-To the Editor :
The only truth about child-rearing that
I am absolutely positive of is the fact
that if a sufficient . sense of self-worth
ii not instilled in the child at an early
-.~~eVen a lifetime of continual success
cannot obliterate that person's nagging
oecret....,. of Inadequacy.
by distorting the master's message so
that it Is . no longer recognizable as.
his own. (As one· may be sure that
Plato did wiUb,tbe unwritten gospel of
it for our well-pensioned legislators), we OO'm' the beaches with pt>wer plants ters tnust include signature and mail· · At a recent Laguna Beach Oty Council
and of CXllll'Se the local 'level _(we'll -and sewage, we bulldoze down our green ing ad.dress but names . may be with-meeting the Canyon Acres Nelgbbclrhood
mention no namesl.i In fact, I've had hills, oondominiums'creep over the land !ield on req uest if stiffieient feasOtt. -Associatlop sugge&t~ tMt !ttbdlvisions
1.lt up to here. in a blight of wasUrig sores. and there zs apparent. Poetry will 11ot be pub-·be included in the urgency ordinance. Our 1
' are too many cars and too m.atly people. liBhed. reasoning being that there is still so • • •
M<>st people, if you ask them to think
about it, would reply that ~God" is
a noun; only the better theologians would
qgest that, properly viewed, He Is
a verb. • • •
Except for the very poor, It Is . not
what we earn absolutely but what we
earn relatively that· determines our
degree of content or discontent with
our kit; it is easier to bear the thought
of a stranger making a hundrect ti.mes
more than ~ do -than of someone in
our peer:group making only $10 a work
soCrates.) • • • IN ORDER to start IOU\ewhere, ho \\· U a kid stands 1n an open fi~k! with much It> be done in the im plementa tion
Evil news tra~eis around the world about elin\inating those "t 0 n d r 0 u s the wind in his face, he is a trespassing -of the General Plan that the oon;unissioo
in tLtime il.Jakes a good deed to animalthe. s, I the? 1 el~painfrepresenull bt~tivesthao: criminal, but if-a developer digs up He comes to ·1..aguna \\ith much and staff. were being needlessly bclgged
get ffOrn one door to ant>tber -and-Uiis ~ peop e t is Y o v1ous the whole ne1<1;ne is soci~y·s pillar. -~en~ in the maintenance of down with c.onsicJerations of IUbdivisiCHis
was true long, long before there were the ~y~m isn't all that good . walkways. He a-p p·re-c ia i-rr-wr· -many of "'hich would not reach them
pen radio or television. ~y we seem to be able to SO MANY uneasy all:t competent local dett!fllllnatio~ to k~p .our ViJlage at Rll were the ordinances in effect. any iiewspa ... , ' • throw some Of the rascals out, but governments have said "enough" 10 the ~t~bere 1n our res1dent1al areas. not
The people wbt> are 90 fond of prating another-eijijilly OOrreodous crop 100n dehumanizing and soiling fabric ·or more nis 1ng sid~al!tS-curbs-gutters. But In "PARK CANYON" seems to require
tha-t we must "fight fire with fire" appears. freewafs. But not ours -we . shall our ~merc1al . areas. we must have so much ugly cut and fill -and adequate
are ignorant of the way this is really ....._ A!k'" me to suggest an . alternative. be the last to ask for one. Freeways sa_fe Walkways •.f we are to compete parking cr_eating the need for even ~
done-Which is by containment, and DOt Let• aelect our represeataltves by lot. are proven hazards to respiratory and with the automobi.le. cut and ~111., a dangen:iu.s and ·dubious
by con£Uct. _ · _ · . _ In ~ .ftrst de~cy the . Athenl.ans circulatory health. Their constructiolt So the offendwg ti:eet have been str~~ hillside butchenng, and the
• • • · did it this way. We gain~ unmecliate 11 a death and disability certificate to removed and a barrier ins t.ailed to unwilling. for~rance of all t_h e
What scholars -call "erudiUoo" Ji benefits. True represeritaoon, for one th ds 1 .15 lb A ~ protect \\1l lkers, bushes have been cul $Urround1ng neighborhoods that one can
U pl "'•-'• .th the ru1tina : 01 1 thing; men and wt>men of a I I li ousan athong 1
1 patin • .nyon:.i .~ away, blacktop laid, and a retaining only wonder at the enthusiasm of the lll08 Y, ae ....... m wt r-backiroundS and persuasions. W e ves ~ear e esca a . g noise: auu. air \\'Sil at Oak stree t moved back. developer. · .
• • • antlqwty upon it. . eliminate the asinine i nt e rmi t tent pollution of the San Otego free way and The unders'gned . t lk "Park canyon" stated that its projoct
Trying to learn by other people's • • • poliu·ca1 sq"•bbles· It is entirely l'V\•c:ible the crime and congestion it has brought, . h to . I • mve eJ?te,. we ers, will be no worse than the subdivision · · to ·1 luti! ~ •--• tr hose growth and glory , .... · r--....... 1r ""1"--•'-,_ 't 1--r-~•-••--"" wis t>xptess our apprec1a ion to our--~eoce is __ C:US ~an Y as . _ e ... as'-_ .... o-~~u-a ee w . -.-11:ial-iht.-~'.lil'3':-ioteH~-"O}-w;.-~-mu.._., _ __......_.,~ ~~~~i---·-·new-publiC~rks·· director, Stan Scfioll ~-8cross-1he~street-'rv.'t>~gs-,;trrnot"·
----learning-:$Q.~,....:::m-'Mlbout-gdtioi; ;;., yua""Witl oever Bff"lnme ot:ttie-most'l:ltF" representatiVes would go up. )'>have yet another. and our city mana er and city 'attorne make a right and old ordinances do
the-water. -. • • -quent~ways-ol---deiboostrating thal you --Perhaps we oould . start out at the . ~ tbe Corona del \Jar and the for backing him .J ln follt>W!ng th roogh not our General Plan make. ·-
Cloe profound difference between
Euroj>eam and Americans is that .they
can ~vo· -.Ioleot !fj)llllOlllf' _ aod still
remain good menas. whereas we take'
every diaagreement about ideas as a
reOec:tiOD on oor personality, aod our
U111JDOBll · are either repressed or, ,if
~' end in estrangement. • • •
In tbe end. every talented .disciple
turns against his master-if not by
promoting a rival theory , then eventually
think more: of °!hers, lb~ of yourseU. local level -at ~ city level or maybe ' ~ ~ewport ,,Freeway a re. on this project on behalf or the walkers R.A Y UNGER
• "" . . the county supemsors (that would be freeways to nowhere, . ~e open~nded of our commWlity. We would hope that President, CANA
Nlne•tenlbs. of what is called our a fme place to begin). Corona del Mar to subsidize developers thi s initial project will be followed by ·~_gby" .ii our temperament; just B.J. ROGERS engaged in dishonoring open land along others in other areas of town where ~ ~tentlii: of wh:Bt we.c.au-our'l!olt...-tlle coast and coVerfug It witb tbe-1Jitter the -pedestrian proo1em iiSCYere. -'Ille
tics is OlJl': economic pomlion.. . Freeway Bllglat congestion of man at the expense t>f cumulative effects on downto\\n parking
• ~ • .. To the Editor: anything wild, native or g~n ; the and traffic should be considerable and For every one ~ who goes abroad Ne'lfport ·in the swnmer to be an iron-well worth the maintenance costs.
to savor the e1ot1c, a bu6dred make. Sometimes ti Seems easier to build 00\Dld dea4knd parking lot. MR. AND MRS WLLUAM SUMMERELL
the same trek mertly to escape ~he a '50 million Corona del Mar Freeway For the privileges of subs.idizing the MR and MRS -'ARTifUR DUS-ENBERRY
hwndrum-and take ltaajong, by see= ~:~.outc:a n:;.;:~ to !:n the dissolution of open land remnan~ .. we .MR . AND. MRS. PETER• TRESSELT
overseas what they h ve become s~·cle of !be a·ty _, .... 11 ·--' _ _. taxpayers are to pay about $100 mtlhon. MIL DRED B. HANNV~i to. at home. A ~-"vw.n.ou et.1iu ......... It would seem we are about to assault
Fear Ta ctics
R e bel
To the Editor: ----~ ----11
I was,. delighted recently to read a
neW! i{em released by the.? Hi ghway
Patrol Lt> the effect that almost all
drivers are breaking the law by
exceOOing the 55-mile-an hour speed
l have been driving at w~er speed
1 deem safe for myself and Will continue
to do so.
Real Silent Majority:. Non-voters
' . -
our land simply because it is there
or that we build more roads because
we can't figure out how to stop. To the.F.dltor:
Regarding the emergency zoning
ordinance recently pcwed by the Laguna
Beach City Cou~u. it seems -t9 me
the council faced 'the iS6ue quickly and
~tY CAR is my private praperty;
the gasoline. in the tank is iny, private
praperty and I paid one hell, of a lot
of money for the road.. that I wheel
up· aod down.
you wind up in the same room." boldly. • I don't need a criminal politician to
tell me how fast or slow to driv~
The pt>litic.ians openly admit that the
WASHINGTON -Fram now unW
April ts, we sba11 undergo a rlsiJlg
cmcendo of TV ads begging us atve a painless dollar to the cost of
. J>Olitlcal campaigns by ehec~ a bo1
on tbe lnoome'lu forms. Then In !be
( j two doors. Whlcheve one you take,
VON HOFFMAN-~LIBEJW.S"""1e-w-t·h·a t
conclusion with Lyodon Johnson in the
_, '605; the COMervatives have learned the
. same from Richan! Nilon In the '70s.
'Jbe usual response to this observation
Js that you've gDt to participate to
~dumge lt. Such talk bas a convincing
ring until one has participat..I, elected
his man and then found out he might
In the next few years, the Orange,
Newport and -Corona de! ·lltar Freeways
are to be _ shoved down our throat.
Freeways can · be stopped and these
will he. They shall he abandooed beca\l!e
there is no good ~ for their emtence and there are a lot . of better
thing:s to spend ... dollars on. than
our own lelf-destruc:tioo.
THE ENTIRE city was on the verge
of a speculaUve fervor the like of which
has caused such problem.! in Arch Beach
Heights . Ou~-of·town i nte r ests ,
stimulated by our Greenbelt effort and
Village preservation and p 1 a n n I n g
programs, v.l!re intent on capitalizing
oo the Jact of zoning safeguards. To
fon!Stall this destructive frenzy, so costly
. new law is not for our safety but on
account or the phony gas shortage.
fall , we'll he subject-
ed to another brow·
l1e4tlng media bar:
rage "*'1111 urto
110 and register to
'!bole who don't
compemalel for In felidtoos bumper
lticters, among Wbicb are· Vjlin the
Bo4er JQYcott: Vote b: Si.rile Hassen
-He Ciln't Gd You In Trouble; aod
'l1le Lesser of Two Evils -.. Is Evil.
(llO<t lrilormatloo oo the League can
he bad by writln& ;o IBox 1406, 5anla
Ana, callf. 92702.)
r ~ and don, vote BUT IF abstention II t«> unacceptable
I Wiii be ICCllled ol a tboupt to get any of thal free publlo-
1 the crime " .. ,.,... • aervice air time, at leut f4 percent
1 th." Worlhlm cit!-of tbe eligible ·-.., cas1 no .bo11ot
-tbllt Ibey .... they'll be llllonoed In Jf72. Or' to put k In other-.lerma.
tllot they haff not the rliht to eomplaln It means that "the cwerwhelmlllg -, I .... tbal tbe rotten ... -the1'tt moud•I•>'' the Nill>n people like lo mer
ping to get 11 the -Ibey ~. . ~of alloot ·-uifrd. of the
lucb --· howeter, are subject Sy i-· who doublee 11 the pmident ~ m l1Nbi11ntab'I Finl Law. 11 was the ol 111!!!:!. Ramparta Colle e anl!
Jab!, .,...r-Alblnlan polJllcal -; chairmao ¥the t.earue of Noo!voter.,
Aleunder Bnllloyntolly, who dedarod remarkrr that !be "Di~-mllllon
that all tmlveraal\Y btld pollUcal alopnl who didn't vote for Nixon are the iuI
.,. 1pao 1!7. So, ~ltboU811 YoU silent mojorlty. They're ao stient --wm't beer I TV lhll year. you they've IOI earpbooes oci aod theyn con oerve aud your country ' llltenlng." · by•-. 11 would he a millake to_,.
ID fact, tbll dimpltable pooldon bu that all people who duo'! ~ do IQ
-orpailld ~ since 11'11 for the ....e -But -.hjltever their
in a omaJI -c:allea Tbe League -· Ibey obYJously C<lllClutled Iba~ of NCJD.V-.. 1lterl being a hip oo bOlonce, the small e.ipendltu. • In
comlatloa --and -eDer&Y It takel lln't wri II, parbapa jolmn, the Leque to -on members, heca111e they qree with 1-, who 1171,
bUt what II ·Wltlto In nwnhen II "VotlnC ii Ute lolnc throagb -ol
• •
• '
• just as well have supported ffie loser
for all the difierence il made. 1bls
is not. to say that more than a very
few -voters are dlsilluoioned, dropped-
out l'onner participants. MOii people
catch an early that what Is want..!
of them is tbe appearance o f
partidpatian, not the !Mt. Have YoU
ever thought about the ccmotatloo of
--cOnnnonJy uaed by the media
aod the polJtlCiana to aeopihe tlicllO '
who do more than dleck oU their dollar
aod vote? Wordlllke mllitanta ,
tttremlrlS ... activilta?
The primary, function of m a n y
American elect1onl Isn't oelection but
legit!matian. Jt'I IO upenslvt Validation
-akin IP the anolntlltg of ilngs. Cloe way to ufake 1t 1'a of ao lnherlt«I
rltusi WOuld be to idopt Sy Leon'•
~~we-...hav• an extra bos on the · bo1lol, ooe that ttada
.. Ncme of abote." • ·
Many more JMJOP1--'Id llO to the
polls oo Election Doy II Ibey bow
they didn't haft lo -for tbe --
H•PPV Walkers
To the F.dit«:
People who like to walk to town along
the coast side of Glenneyre north of
Calliope Street, have been pleased to
-... • cleaoup job In progress these
paat mootbs. One stretch llO(th of Gene'•
marW In particular was troilblesome.
A row of trees bad been plant..!· In
tbe dirt walkway at .,me t~ past. can were always parked at tbe curb,
IO that one bad to trol out lnto the
-against • •peeding traffic gl)ing -. aild hope to make II to where
the walkway plclced up again.
OOMPIA1NT8 by resident. oeemed to
fall on .S..f '""· Maintenaoce of rood s
to oerie the au)omobile got all the
attention:' ·
But lo-and behold, oor new public
Mrko director , bas heeded our pleas.
-E. ·-. Swtdlsb Consul GenmJ, S.F. -"I am a total O!)t1mlst.
I duo't know t!te meaning of life, but
I do !<Dow whal we do does not 10 Into
thin aif." I
in increased governmental costs and
so destructive of legitimate values in
the town, the city coun£il acted quickly
and boldly. 'Ille "'"'ell ,siid "No" to
the outside speculators and said "Yes" •
to the citizens who settled here for
the guality of life Lagwia offers,
What .is regrettable in all of UUs
Is that the local Real &.late Board,
abetted ·by !be Chamber 0( Commerce,
should aide with lbe outside specu]ators. _
Wheo put to it la.t spring, the board
and the chamber would not support ·
an affirmation of the Greenbelt. \Vhen
put to It thil 1¢ Dcccmber, the board
aod the chamber chose to support the.
Newport lo vestment Co m p a n y • s
developm<nt project lo< Sycamore .lillls
by a resolutl~ on Lhe day of the hearing.
Now, when put. lo it, the boa:rd and
the chilmber .again side with the outside
interests in behalr of zoning chaoS to .
serve them. -·
ALSO, what ls most regrettable 1!
the use o( t~ fear tadic by t~ ~al
Estate Board. All property rights in
tilt!""'"· oo U..1·say, arc In jeopardy,
taxes wUl increase, nnd governmental
This ·small amount of di30bedience
is oo cred it to the American motorist,
for he is only doing what is natural.
His foot Is heavy.
Room N. Wttd, PllbU.htr
Thomal l(eevil, Editor
B111baro Krtiblch
.Editorlol Page Editor
,,,. . .atk>ilal , .... ol u.. Daily
PIJot .~k• 1o infom\ Md stimulat•
readets by prNeTJtirc on this pac., dlveDf!,"commtntary'on topla ot fn..
tertll by iYndicattd rolumnls111: •nd
t::a.ni;ionbts, by provfdlnc a ~m tor
rcaden' '1ew• itnd h)' ~Int thla
ncwapaptr't ci>lnkMu and kteu on
C'UrrtRl IOf:'le*. ~ ~itorial oplnionl
o( tM Daily PIJot appear only in the
editorial t'Olumn •t tht top o( the
pqe. OpWons e."A:~ by the cot. '""nlsta and cartoolliN •nd lett .. writers are theU" Own and no ~
mtnt ot thtlr v\t!wl by "tht DtJb --ldbo-Frij.•Y. Moreb I, 1974
Judge Rules' Free
"Malling 'Misu sed'·
, SAN DIEGO (APJ -R<p. newsletters durin& his im
campaign at ta1payer s '
ex~, a jOOge has ruled. l, BobWil30Cl, (ft-Ca l if .),
misused h i s congressional
!ranking privilege by malling However, U.S. District Court
Judge Gordon .Tho mpson
refused to Order W Ison to
pay \damages TI1ursday, and
said .
, .•.
I • I
-4 ' '
J ac kson 5
year-old member or t h c
Jackson Five singing group
has been cleared of a charge
of receiving stolen property.
The disrri.issal by Superior
Court Judge Harry V, Pec1ris
wall disclosed Thursday, the
day trial prottedings were to
b41ve begun for Toriano "Tito"
Ot the same time, .the judge
BCcepted a guilty plea from
codefendant JoJm P. Jackson,
22. who Is neither a relative
nor a member of the rock
A third defendant, Sanders
"Bubba" Bracey, .. 24, was·
ordered to appear for trial
on th€ charges. He is accused
of participating in burglaries
of 50 San Fernando VaUey
@partments. The t h e f t s
allegedly Involved stereo and
television sets.
Redd Foxx ··
Takes Rest
"Wilson apparently acted in
good faith. since in dolng so
he wa.<i ulilizirm a l'ustom
practiced by nearly every
other coogressman In the
United ~tes."
\VilSOfl"as sued by Frank
Caprio, his Dem oc rat ic
opponent in tne 1972 cledion,
for $36.352.96. The money
represented the cost of the'
postage. Capfio said he sought
the mMey for the taxpayers,
not himSl'lf.
WU!On malled 247,412 copies
of his newsletter. "Bob \Vilson
H.eports," about two We<!ks
before the June 1972 primary,
ln which he ""'as unopposed,
and 207 .000 copies about t\\'O
""'oeks before the November
In both cases he used his
congreSsional frank, or free
mailing privilege.
The judge found · both
mailings to be violations of
an 1893 Jaw governing
franlting. The law '!-'as revised
last year to permit unsolicited
mass mailings to constituents.
but they still are baMed in
the last four weeks before
an election.
, U~I TelHIMl9
f'ree f'ootl
A recipient of the
J-learst food giveaway
program checks the
contents or his shop-
ping bag and expresses
satisfaction over U1e
three chickens. two
cabbages, two cans of
to1nato Juice and . jar
of peanut butter he re-
ceived Thursday. The ·
program, aimed at w¥f-
ning the release for
kidnaped Patricia
l:learst, began its sec-
ond -day of operation at
10 locations 1n the Bay
.Two More Depart
Worldwide Churt h
LOS ANGELES (AP) -more administrators have
Allq Redd Foxx, the star resigned from the Worldwide
I' of NBC's "5anford and Son," Church of God, bringing to
. • 29 the nwnber of ministers
LS oOt expected back for the and executives who .Jtave
The two vice .presidents also
had asked the Armstroogs to
restore to their for m e r
standing the lriinisters and
administrators who have been
suspended or fired. t·.'.· ttmainder ol the season. resigned or been fired m That was the word Thursday recent weeks.
from Aaron Ruben, the show 's 1be latest departures were
Stanley Radc.r, g e n e r a I
COW1Sel for the multimillion-
dollar church and_college, said
the pair's proposal was
"totally unacceptable" to the
elder Armstrong.
1( producer. by David I. Antiao,. director
· Fon:, 51, is slill in the of church administration, and
(· hospital after wxlergoing tests Albert J. l'Wtune, director of ; • . evangelisnf campaigm. 1bey I• for a ~ condltMlO that resigned Wednesday n i g h t "! . bas ~kept him out for three afte: church ~leaders Herbert
.... u. w. Armstrong and his son,
The 85,000-membcr church
has been tom by controversy
recently_ Six ministers who
resigned signed a letter to
church members w h i c h
alleged that the Armstrongs
have been spending church
contributions lavishly.
Ruben said he was revi.sliit 1·0amcr Ted A r m. s t r o .n g .
·three scrtpts written for Fon r~fused to m~ with regional • directors to dlSCUSS problems who playa: the role of Fred they feel exist within the
Sanford. P a s a d e o a -headquartered
~@ta !#'I:fr~
· Be~id~s lowering eligibility re-
quirements, now the Savers
C!ub offers you neW opportu-
nities to save on automobiles ·
tire!, furniture, television sets:
home appllances-;-carpeting
and dr.apes. And you can stretch
your budget with money·savlng
discounts on entertainment at-
tractions, travel tours, restau-
rant dining Jlnd rurchases Of a
wide variety o quality mer-
minimum amounts of $1,000-
, passbook accounts In a.ny
amount. So long as your sav-
ings total $2,500 In one or more
.. LFS savings accounts, you are
.. ellglbJe for a Savers Club
1"' membership.
HOMI .O,,ICI: 2&0 Ocetn Avenue, Laguna Beach, C11lfoml1 82!51, Telephon.:
A94-7541 •LAGUNA NIGUEL: 3 Monarch Bay Plaza • SAN CLEMENTE: 601 Nor1h
El Ctmlno Aeel • LAGUNA Hll:.LS: 24038 Calle de la Plala • LA~E ELSINORE •
600 West Graham Avenue
\_ ••
• -
Frld11. M1trh l , l.9]4
. .,
Reln«lw l's. -FroU!!IOfl
' ~~ttle Rages Q_ver -Royalty i_Oil ·; .. ·!
~ ':I· •"'
Royalty oil Is that which charge hrke the 1-.I the etote coo do ~ to affect Inflation. " \ '
Callfoniia receivea· for ceiling for its oil, the coeit to hold down lhe , COit or Intheefenla'priceinaeMe
, SACR.utENTO ( Ulll_I -A
di\'ided Republican "! t a t e
Lands Commissio n has
OOcided to fight the federal.
government for authority to
sell state royalty oil at
irremium "energy c r J s i s ' •
allowing P<trol~ companies of guollne could go up as llvilg," be declared. Is .,..med. R<lneclre said,
to drill pl CalJlornla tldelancts. nu:h as tlret cents per FIJ>urmY dlsmlMed t be mot«lsU lhould be given • \
Union Oil .Co. has wagt!d \allon. argument, raying the quantity ""'1'9P00dlng cut In the state
a vig«OUS campalgrt slooe 18.!t "'Ibi.s is one place where ol1 royalty oil waa inwfflcleot a:.asoUne tax. -
fell to bring tho state Wide<-lr;~;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=:::=;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;:;;;;===-.o
federal f#lc~ loor.ls. B d Ba $8 R I ---ITT1 ~ ~ ~ I !~~~§~ R::~atio: vo!:!r'M~s! ·\l/L1~~ 11 ( successful, CaLiforn!a
government stands to gain
$200 milli~ or more annually,
said State Coot.roller ~oustoo
I. Floumoy,commlsslon
chairman. He argued it was
only fair the state get
•·market vahte" fot i ts
tidelands royalty oil.
' Butfellowcommi ss-ion
member and rival Rep.Jblican
gubernatorial candidate LL
Gov. Ed Reinecke warned that
if Calilornia was allowed to
cash in on the intematlonal
oil fl'UlZy and raise its prices. It \ol-'ould drive up the cost
of gasoline to the consumer.
11le tYro leading G 0 P
candidates clashed openly at
a lands. commission meeting
Thursday and battled to a
a "steamroUer-elfor1" and a ~~· ripolf or the Of License CITY COUNCILMAN
... ~' Flotrnoy aooounced he SACRA~IENTO (AP) -The
would fly to Wdllngton, D.C., state Alcoholic Beverage
Monday to "exert e v e r y Control Appeal! Board hu
possible pressure" on Federal upheld a decisk>n revoking the
F.nergy Director W 1111 a m liquor lleense of Bob's Gaa:
Simon to nvel'8e the state Rouse in Guemeville on
price celllng. He aa1d a lawallt · ground! it had permitted
was being considered. p-ostjfution. ·
The board announced
Thursday that it agrees with
the findings of the state
Department of Alcoholic
Beverage Control that the
establishment ?tad been "used
as a 'house or assignation, in
that females were allowed and
pennitted to solicit a n d
arrange for a c t s of
! :b
a. S<ripes. Circling the polytster
shirt by Rhapsody Fashions
jn blue/brQWn, pink/ green.
green/white. i0-20, f9.W ta. . Californiennc uals
' b. Pants ~io. Carefree and casual.
Plaid shift jat;kct and pull-on
pan[S, sleeveless shell. Navy, .
bro'''n or red on vlhitc
--poryesrer.-10-18, 29.99
Sherwyn Casuals
c. Pancsuir. Windbreaker srylc. ------
Pull-0n pants. Sleeveless shell.
Polyester in many palterns and
colors. In sizes 8·16.
Originally $60, 39.99
Sherwyn Knits
d. Camel's hair. Luscious.
Pantcoat with side pockets,
back bclr, top stitching. Camel
or navy. Sizes 8-16, 49.99
Order by mail or phone.
Sben,,,yn <;oars
Shop Monday 1hru Eriday, 10 :00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. , Bullock's Santa Ana; I Fashion Square, 2800 N. Main Si-, -Santa Ana, Telephone: 547-7211
_ Saturday, IO :()Oa.m.to6:00p.m. Dullock's Sooth Coasr Plau.,S.n Diego Frccw11 at Bristol, Costa..M<Sa, Tele~hon<: 556-0611
• r \ -
' I),
. I
to pa ti
ex Ci!
c • J
pl ,,.
Bonimgton Beaeh
Fooniain ·Valley
). YOl. 67,1NO. 60, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES
.. ---•
Today's Final ,
N.Y. Stooks
Gas Lines ' Still Long; Tapering ~ff Fore ast
Ot .. Delly f'lmt ll•ft
About half of Orange C o u n t y ' s
motorists were out of luck today as
the state's mandatory gasoline distribu·
tion plan went into effect.
But It took more than an odd digit
to get gas today. Jt took a lot of
'lbe lines were jll$l as long as ever
in all coastal communities, With h e
ex.ceplion of Mission Viejo. There for
the nrst time in recent memo()'. !f
Paz Road was nol blocked lo traffic
by autos llning up for gas. I
Elsewhere in callfornia, the mandatory
odd-even plan also failed to deliver the
desired fesulli.
Lengthy lines were reported in Los
Angeles County and the San Francisco
Bay Area •counties. Police said soll)e
persons wtlo "'ere allo"·ed to buy gas
today feared that, lhey wouldn't be able
to get gas again until Tuesday.
"A lot of people figure Sunday isn't
going to happen. so Tuesday is the
end of the world ." said motorist Ed
Yatka, of Los Angeles.
One station owner in downtown Los
Angeles rerused to open today until he -
. . 1xon:
Gasoiine Hotline
Call 834-2330 i!Jr Vdd~even Data
Orange County officials set up a gasolin~ hotline Thursday to
answer questions about the new odd-even license plate gasoline
marketing system.
THE TELEPHONE number is 834-2330.
1'he Daily Pilot attempted to .reach· the number for three hours
today before getting through. All previous tries drew busy signals.
Pla11 Slatecl
received politf, help to sort out eligible
and ineligible drivers. Ano~hcr allt:ndant
said he "'as ""loo busy'' to enforce the
half-tank 111inlmum purchase pro\•ision.
State officials predict things "'ill
smooth out by next wee~ when servke
· stalions. beleaguered by f c w e r
customers. will be able to ke<"p their
pumps running longer into the day.
'Drivers who rilled up today probably
"'ill not be able to get gas again until
Tuesday, according to the Auto Club
• I e-s
11l11ch rl'por1s1 t~at despite 1he n<'11·
distribution system. only on<' stalion 1n
JOO "'111 be open Sunday.
Tht• '"evens" trying to get a full tunk
Saturday won't fare much betr.:o:-.
Auto Club officials say open stations
"ill be a rarity with only 50 percent
of the stations in metrOpolilan areas
planning to re'main open.
One Costa ~1esa man headed for lhc
mountains said the DC"" distribution
~.\·stem had forl't'd l"anc:cllahon of hi!!
skung tnp
'":\ty tank is 1hrre quarters rull .1nrl
IY:O st ation.~ rl'fused lo Cl \'<' me g;1 ~.
I t•an't n1ake it to Di~ Hl'ar and hack
on one tank. 1'his JUSt 11Tccks n1y \l"hol~
11•ee kend ." he said.
Under the nt'w rei;:ulations, rustomer~
\\'Ill not be scr,·cd unle!'~ their i::ao:;
tanks are-l<'SS 1ha11 half full. Stat ion
~ttendants may d('n1and to ~e Ille fuf'I
!Sc!f' GAS. Pa):l" :.1
• n IC e
Jul·y Names 0
\\'ASlll NGTO~ ll:Pll H. R.
Haldeman . .lohn D. Ehrlichman . JGhn .
• •
Ten special operators will be on duty seven days a week be-
tween 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. to answer calls coming in on the special
Los Angeles County also has a special telephone switchboard
to handle gasoline marketing questions.
A special s111dy commiuee a~reed
Thursday ni ght to submit a-plan for
unification or the Huntington Beach
Union High School District to the County
Committee on School Dist r i ct
Organization within two "'eeks.
:'\. ).litche ll and four of Presi d<'n
;-;"ixon·s forrncr high . \\'bite House and
political associates "'e re indic-ted today
by a f<'<iera l grand jury which has
been inv~sligating \\'ate rgate for. 20
. \
THE LOS ANGELES telephone number is 624-7777.
In both counties, telephone operators will provide informatid'n
only about the gasoline plan.
Complaints about violations of the ~ystem will be referred to
local police departmenfs, or the count-y sheriff. Requests for
emergency services will be referred to the California Hi ghway
Patrol. Complaints about gas prices will be referred to the U.S.
Internal Revenue Service.
Huntington Trustees View
'IDegal' Caterin__g, Contract
Charges by · George Logan, president
of the Huiitington Beach Union High
School District board, thal a district
catering contract is illegal will be
discussed by the board at , sr p.m.
of his contract with the troubled district
because he was losing up to $1.000
a month.
The closed executive session of
trustees at the district office oonference
trailer, 1002 17th St., lfuntington Beach.
-was ..hua:i.edly~ schedul~ todrur_ after
Logan sent a· letter to his fellow board
He safd· the-contif:uillg-COOl.rilv}!rsics
had kept district officials from talking
about the e!Lce increase be says he
must have.
Now the caterer is negotiating with
the district. said Logan, who charged
.Thursday that district administrators
have aJready_ granted '"substantial"
increases-in the food..prices.-
''I objected to this procedure or
granting increases in the district
contracts without board approval," aakl
Logan, who also criticized the granting
of the sdlool milk concession to a non·
local dairy, Rockview.
Logan 's allegations involved a ycafly
contract for vending services a t
lluntlngton Beach and Westminster High
Schools held by Jay Mastroianni of J ay 's
Cat<rlng in Huntington Bead!.
Mastroianni ooce said be wanted out
Titan Missile Fired
Mastroianni couldn't be reached this
morning for comment on Logan's
statement,-or on the board-presideitt's
charge that Mastroianni "in fairly strong
. terms threatened to get me if I didn't
let this new raise go through.''
No proposal f o r"'llnlfication will be
valid until the county commiltee
approves it and puses it on to lhe
Orange County Board of Education.
A few details of the five-wa y plan
·still need to be worked out, but
representatives from the d I s tr I c t s
involved -Huntington B e a c h City,
Ocean View. Fountain Valley. Seal Beach
and \Vestminster elementary school
districts,_ and the high school district
-are in basic agreement
• The study committee \\·ill ask the
county committee to meet on, or after.
~1arch IO to consider the plan to create
five separate systems out of the high
school district·
One quest ion holding up total a~rre.
mcnt is hov; I h e bonded indcbl('dness
of the high school district. or the amount
owed on bonds pw-chased by the district.
is to be divided.
The Seal Beach School Dist11ict'. v;hi ch
has no high school in .its_ district and
sends 1tsnigh Sl'l\OOl ~studcnl3 18
l~untington Beach High. says it '1'i11
not pa y a portion of the debt from
the bond!-.
\Vestmin.c;ter and Ocean View School
!)ist ricts are reluctant to accept 1h1s
arrangemrnt. and have indicated that
the full school boards or these districts
must vote again on the question.
Exact boundaries between Ocean \'1e\i;
and \\festminster have tO be resol\'L'd
prior to completion of a final plan.
The t~·o districts have to decide where
the boundary will run in the area of
the Huntington Beach industrial tract.
Several other areas. were of con~em
to individual school districts, includ1ng
Ocean View's and We s tm inst e r ' s
positions of oot suppotting unification
if the June tax override election in
the hig h school district fails.
Ul'I Tllflll'IOIO
Fo'rmer Top Aide Mitchell
Charges of ainspiring to obstruct
jtistieti were filed agatn!l all seven
defendants. Additional charges of such
offenses as perjury and destroying
evidence were brought against six of
Nimn himself was-not Indicted. But
Watergate special prosecutor Loon
Ja"·orski turned over to Chief U.S.
District Judge John J. Sirica a ''sealed
report'" from the -grand jury.
Jts contents were not disclosed, but
it had been reported that the jury
intended to make a separate report
on its views· of Nixon's possible r:ole
in \Vatergare and the coverup.
Further \Vatergat e-rclated indictments ··
are expected from other grand jury
investigations into abuse ()(·campaign
funds. the ITT affair and the Ellsbcrg
brea k-in.
Prior to today"S developments. 30 per-
~"'8d..oecn cbilrged in conRtction "'il h _
--W1tterg11te and ~~nt.ot.---~
T\1·0 "'ere <"onvicted (G. Gord9n Liddy
and James \V. l\lcCord Jr.). ·2 pleaded
guilty and l'ight awaited ~ ial.
Haldeman "·as Nixon's chil'f or staff.
Valley Plan11ers
Approv~ Propos~l
For Restaurant
Ehrlichman his chief domestic adv iser.
and i\Utchell wcrs his attorney general
and his campai«:n manager for both
SUl.'Cl'ssful presidential elections.
Other d<'fendants: .
-Charles \V . Colson. r or mer
presidential counsel, who took. a leave
of absence from hi!t la\ firm upon
being indicted and declared: '"I know
that in the end my · inno«nce will be
esta blished."
IJ'I Tilt,..., ..
John Ehrlichman
H. R. "Bob" H•ldeman
{AP) - A ntan JI lnteroootinental
ballistic mi.'5ile wu launched down the
\\'estem Test Range early today, the
Air Force announced.
f.1rs. Mastroianni, reached at the
catering business she helpe: nm, aaid,
"l know oolhing about it."
When the study committee meets again
Wednesday, it will discuss reports from
school boards still troubled by parts
of lhe plan.
-{:;r -tr
School Division Plan
A Hungarian-Italian restaurant
propostd by LasZlo Kovaks has been
approved by the fountain Valley
Planning Commis&ioo.
The-:coosi.itional use permit allows
Kova k.s to build the restaurant in the
Fountain Valley Plaza Shopping Center
at 18120 Brookhurst St. and serve beer
and wine.
-Robert C. Mardian, former assistant
attorney general in charge or U\e Justice
Department's internal secu rity division
and also a former campaign aide "'ho
attended meetings at which the June
17, 1972 break-in into Democratic
national headquarters at the \\'atergate
u•as proposed.
-Gordon Strachan. a youthful \Vhitc
11ouse aide lo Haldeman "'ho from the
1\'ilness .stand at Se n a I c \\'~tcrl:(a tc
Store Manager,1
.Nels 8380 Cash
Ora11ge Cout
Looks like more showers are on
the agenda tonight and Saturday.
Little change in temperature with
highs •I the beaches M rising. !O
the low 60s itlland. t.av_looight
Jazz buffs-along the Orange
Ccmr are ifWditing nert weeic..
end's Orange Coast College
Jazz E1uemble Festiool. .Drum-
mer, Louie BeUson and trumpet
player Ma~1wrd F1rgu:ioH WUI
J>er/onn. See todo11'1 \Veekender.
Al T-Servi-cit J ,
... 1""9 II
l..M.~ 11 C•IMwllfl S. ,, c ...... ,.. JM2
CM!kl 11 c, ... .,... 1r
0..... -~ ' 11....,,.1 ..... • ,.._. ll•U
~ II """~ 11 M•lkl: I --
The commission took it.~ action
;,i \\1l'dncsday meeting "'hen il alsa :
at hearings last sum1ner ad\'1Se<l young
people to "stay a1vay" from politics.
May Face ,Opposition
By HILARY KAYE He cited possible disadvantages in the
6t t111 o.llY ~lief ti.ff fi · I A spokesman for J,200 W.St Orange academic program, extra 111anc1a
County teachers warned Thursday night burdens on teacher! and taxpayers and
that teachers might oppose a plan to disenfranchisement of students and
divide the Hqntington Beac?:I Union High tea~rs as some of the, preliminary
School District into five separate unified ' concerns. sdtool systems. ' He said WOCUT's lawyers a r e
C. B. Wright, a teacher ~t 1'-farina examining the plan, and the group
mgb school, read a statement to the expects to have a definite position within
area's Unlltcation Study Committee from three weeks.
the West Orange County United Teachers UnW then, Wright asked the lmification
(WOCUT), Tepreeenfiilgleachers from study committee -which includes
Ocean Vie.wand Westminster elementary ~ Bu.ch City. Fountain Valley
IChooi di.stricts a n d the high achool and' St.al Beach districts. as well as
-Continued ac1ion on a "requc~t by
James Oerl'ly to operate a horse !raining
stable at 17472 Newhopc St. for 30 days
tG allow resolution of a right-of·~·ay
-Heard that Louis Barralon of 17138
San Ricardo St. withdrew his request
to establish a massage business in home.
City planners had recommended -denial
or the pennit. . .
-Approved architectural plans for a
bowling alley planned at the southeast
, con;ier-of Warner Avenue and Brookhurst
Street by Dr. G.D. Heuler. The alley
·itself has been granted a penn.it by
the oomm issklfl.
' Quarantine Lilted
district. the West.minslcr, Ocean View and high
'Jbe statement sakl that, ir the school -not to ae:nd a unification plan SAN PEDRO (UPI\ -The roun1y
WOCl.rl' finds t 1;1 e pion detrimental to to t~ Orangt County Commltt~ on • flea.th Departm('nt Thursday lifted iu
1eschers and Students. it wtll do SC:hool Dl11trict Organitalion. until all Hktay water sports quarantine ol \he
"everything in Its power 10 .fight the affeetied groups have ' chance to come Cabrlllo Beach area . and other sections
unHicatlon election In November." • to grip:I wtth ihf potentiihproblem.s. of Los Angeles and Long Beach har)lprs,
Thi• could include taking ool ads iD Administrators 81'1d '.st!hOot tMtoos on foJlowing .laJL week's .sewage ~'pfll.
newspupers talking to the comm.unity, the committee agl'Ct.'d that. the teachers' Counw .health offi c:!als aaid bacteria
and oth<,.,;.i.. dl$<ooragfng reildenU conl!ml! are lmport3nt~ and must be le,.t_s In th• ~ harbors 4roppcd ooc~
from voting for the P-!an Wright sal lSet TEACHERS, Page !j 1 ~w1th1n pfc Unu~
-Kenneth "1• Parkinson. attorney for
the Committee to Re-elect lhc Pr<'Sident.
who like Colson iruiisted that ultimately "mi innocence '1'ill be demonstrated.
The sealed report was presented Sirica
in a manila envelope. He opened ii,
read its contents and resealed it.
In its SO-page indictment. the grand
(Set 7 ll\i'DICTED Page %)
Musical Slioiv
At · Valley Higli
A musical variety shew sponsored by
the fountain Valley lllgil School speech
club will take place .at 8 o'clock tonight
01ld Saturday.
Performances will be in the school
theater in the round lt 17816 Bushard
lnc:llJded will be exce.rpls from thrtt
Broadway musicals: ''South Pacific,"
"God,;pell " and "Fiddler on the Roof.''
Tickets al $1 for adults and 75 cents
For students can be purtb»scd al the -·
A man "ho 1novcd in tx.•~ind lh<•
rlt·rk while his fcmal<' accompliC'C
engagl.'d the cmployc in conversation
1onk S380 at kn1fepoint Thursday night
fro1n a ~ILd"'ay C:1ty n1arket, Orange
County Sheriff's officers said.
l:>cputics said clerk ~Paul Voshel\'s
:iuention' "'as distracted "'hile the male
half oi the duo got bct""ttn him and
the cash register in the ~Udway Market,
8131 Bolsa A\•e.
Voshell, 56. was forced to hand over
$380 in takings and ·$10 from his own
pocket while his male a s s a i I a n t
brandished a hunting knife a few inches
from his throat.
Both suspects hurril'dly pocketl'd the
money, ran to their car and drove
off at high spet.'d, Voshell told otrleers. •
Old Couple Beaten
LOS ANGF.LES (UPtl -The shtrlff's
dr.partm~nl said an elderly t'Ouple.
identified ns Smil and TerH& ~lcine.
were beaten and !tabbed to death and
!heir Fk>rence-area home ransacked by
thieves Thursdny. The bodies of ~feiu.ct.
8.'I. and his \\'lfc. 78, were found by
' I
. '
% · DAILY PILOT ··----•
' Council Decisio1a
W·ate~ 'Gulpers'
Might Pay More
01 1"-Dtllt Piie! lit!!
, Large \\'at.er ~1Sumers in Huntington
Beach soch ~ Ed~n. McDonnell
Douglas and lnajor \ a p a r t m e n t
complexes, may sooq face m o r e
expensive v.·ater bills. 1
City councihnen will be asked ~Ionday
'night to eliminate the cheaper rates
allowed IW!rs who consume more than
5,000 cubic feet or waler in a month.
Erle LA:lvejoy, the city's water
superintendent, ·said today the rate
dlange would give tbe city an estimated
S14,400 In ext~ revenue in a year's
time. It may .cost F..disoo, Uie city 's
From Page 1
jury charged that' ~laldeman, who had
t;ieen Nixon's closest aide, lied before
the Watergate con1mittee when he said
Nixon remarked "It would be wrong"
to raise Sl million to buy the silence
of the seven original W a t e r g a t e
Haldeman quoted Nixon on the witness
stand July 30, 1973, after disclosing he
listened to some tape reeoroings of
Nixon's Watergate conversatioM after
I he had lefl the While House.
The erand jury charged t b a t
Haldeman's Statements. "a.a be then and.
theTe well known, were false." The
grand Jilly listeoed to the tape of the
Marth 21,, 1'13 meeting where Haldem.8.n
said Nixon made the remark.
1 At the White Houte-, deputy press
5eaelary Gerald L. -Warren declined
to answer when asked if Nixon still
conaldered Haldeman and Ebrlldunan
"two <>f the finest public servants" he
had known.
He paid them (hat ,.L'Ompliment on
television on April 30, 1973, the day
they resigned and presldentiaJ counsel
Jolm W. Dean Ill was fired.
I The grand jury, listing 45 specific ·
"overt act.a," aald the seven defendants
a:nplred in the Watergate cover-up by:
1 -'Using "deceit, craft, trickery and
I dislxioeot means" to block lnveslJiaUons
into the Watergate bred-in.
--.:; -Aftering, destroying or concealing
I documenta and re<onb related lo the
~ Paying $517,500 In "cash funds"
to the original seven W a t e r g a t e
-Making offers of clemency to four
of the ori1lnaJ defendants.
biggest water user, an extra $700 a
Of the city's 33,000 water consumers,
only 139 would be a~ec1ed by the change
in bulk rates. Those 139 use about flve
percent of the city's w11tcr suppi)', said
HomCO\l'ners, merchants and other
small water users have already felt
the sling of rising water rates in bigger
bills Since January.
The city water department raised the
minimum bill this year from ,2.25 per
month to ,2.70 per month. That rate
is paid by everyone for the use of
1,000 cubic feet of water or lesl, in
a month's time.
Lovejoy said ttie city has the power
IG raise v.·ater rates automatically to
reflect the price it must pay for water
imported by the Metropolitan Water
District. Council approval wtil not
need~for the minimun1 increase.
He estimated that the change in the
rriinimum rate will bring an addilion nl
$200,000 a year into the city water
departntent, a much more significant
amoUnt than that produced by the change
ln bulk rates.
Residents, commercial Interests and
industrial users pay about $2.3 millloo
a year for their water.
The onJy reason the bulk rate change
is going before the council A1onday,
during its 7 p.m. meeting, i.!I that the
city wants to ellnlinate two bulk rate
categories, not merely change them,
ln water billing, the more water you
.use, the lower the charge !or additional
"'ater. Example: if a homeowner uses
1.000 cubic feet or water in a month,
he pays $2. 70 foi i( Bi.it I! he l.L':ICs
2,000 cubic fet, he pays $2.70 for the
firs,t 1,000 and $2.40 for the second
Lovejoy said the city discovered that
.bulk users, consuming n10re than 5.000
cubic feet of \\'ater in a month, were
paying tile same rate !or their water
which the city paid to MWD to bring
It here.
By eliminating the tower ratea for
the biggest tmers, said Lovejoy, the
dty can regain the profit margin it
earns from a'll tbe other 32,861 users.
San Diego Bus
Ruling 'Unfare'
To Canines? I All but Mardlan also \\'ere actuled
ol 9'>s1roctlng jUJtlce bv tiwarling var-
ious lnvesUgations, ' Mitebe11 was charged with !our counts SAN DIEGO CAP) -"Dogs pay their~
of PerJ~ for making false statements,__ fare."
Haldeman and EhrUchman·three counts "Dogs have rights, too."
each on the saipe cha_rgca:r..-af!d Strachan '.:M.uizle the board."
one-count of making a false declarallon. -The signs protested a rule which took Tbe Charaa were in relation to telWnony at the Senate Watergate effect today forbidding dogs, except for
heorlnp, before the erancl jury, or In those assigned ,to blind people, from
statemeut> made lb the FBI. rld'mg city buses. •
H convicted, the muimwn bemlties To show their concern, a~ haJf-doUn
!or the seven Indicted today coold range pooches picketed the office of the San
from five years In prison and a 15,000 Di ~-·· ,......
P.llr ''* SllH l"I"'' Lost the lt'ar
This closed Rocket service station at the corner of
Harbor Boulevard and Edinger Avenue once sold
gasoline for 32.9 cents a gallon. Its sign touts a gas
war -another casualty of the energy crisis.
station lost the war.
From.Page 1 Ousted S~~ B~h Mayor GAS ...
Old Civic
eenter Eyed .
·By Agencies
Agehcies \\'hich deal In "people
i;ervictS" \\'ill probably be lhe next
tenants after city officials abandon the
, old Huntington Beaqh civic center.
\ And they probab)y won't pay much 1rent -perhaps SI a year, J>l!r-~
-acrording to a city counclr'PoucY
adopted Monday. \
Without establishing details ol the
arrangement, councilJtlen aireed they
would prefer to see tbe ol.d center at
5th and Alain streets become a soci11l
services center more tlian a park or
private offices.
Some of the agencies which are likely
candi~tes for office space include the
Salvation Anny, L:gal Aid of Orange
County. a v;ell baby clinic and a
probation department branch.
.A list of a dozen agencies, most
supported financially by the United
Crusade. \l'as presented to the C1>uncil
as possible tenants .
Tv.'O groups, the senior cilizens and
the l!untington Bc;rch Free Clinic, have
already been pronl.iscd space for their
r-.tayor Jerry f\1alney v.·arned that
details as to v.·ho \\;ill occupy the
buildings, which offices will be used
and how much money should be charged .
will be worked out for later council
approval. Monday's action m e r e l y
indicated the council's desire for a
"people service" use.
One of the critical questions
councilmen stW face is the renovation
or memoriaJ hall. the largest building.
A staff estimate indicates it might cmt
l600,000 to $900,000 to fix it up for
the senior citizens.
.. Thal helped tip the scale for social C. · .-;.;..Jl'"'.i --aaiw.....,.,,......__-~ -... • , -., · -...... -··-sefvi~ lH'caUse cOO.ncfltnerr deflnltelY -0 un c Assembly Speals'er Bob Moret t 1 want a senior citizen facility and they
criticized the inspection provision need county funds to help do it. To Run Again for
' Morton A. Baum, the (onner mayor
of Seal Beach .who was recalled by
voters in 1971. is trying to win back
a seat on the city council this year.
Baum and four other candi<lates,
including three incumbents , will be vying
for three council seats in the Marth 26
election. The former mayor, 36, 'o\ill faC
Thomas E. Blackman, 41, the current
mayor ol Seal Beaeh and the man who
replaced him in the 1971 reeall election
ill the Third Coundlmanic Dlstrfd.
Bawn and two · other f o r m e r
councilmen, Conway Fuhrman a n d
Thomas Hogaro, were recal.led after they
voled to fire the city manager, Lee
rusner, and the city attorney, Jim ·
Baum, of 815 Catalina Avenue. ls a
phormacist. Blackman, of 421 Beryle
Cove Way, is a teacher. District Three
Another Boost
As Supplies Dip
includes the area north of Pacific Coast
,Highway and a small portion of Leisure
The race In the first district, the
area south of Pacific Coast Highway
referred to as "Old Town", is between
incumbent James W. Dunn; Jr. and
Steven P. Kenyon.
Dunn, ff, was appointed to tbe council
in August of 1973 to nil a vacancy.
He lives at 516 Ocean Ave., and is
a business executive.
Ken9on, 28, of 1201 Ckean Ave., is
a businessman.
Incumbent Harold K. Holden, 72, is
ruMing uoopposed in the fifth dlstrid,
which includes most of Leisure World .
llolden ls retired. He lives at ltliO
Pelham ROad,
The League of Women Voters his
scheduled two candidate forums for
March 20 and 21. On March 20, the
forum will be at 7:30 p.m. at McGauab
School. The March 21 forum IS set
for 7:30 p.m. at the Oakwood
rrtments. 333 1st Street.
although he believes a ban on the sale Tom Mosely, a staff aide in the parks
of Jess than half a tank is a "good department. said he felt the city could
thing." . ask the county for $400,000 ~ $600,~
"They (the attendants) are-not going to help establish such a social service
to be sticking their heads In the windows co~plex.. . and checklng. saying turn on the key City. Librarian Walt~r Johnson told
ancl let me look. The guy's going to councilmen the hlstor1cal society ~ad
roll up your head in his window and expected to use some of the office
say. 'Pump until J tell vc.: to stop,· " space !or a museum and a cultural
Moretti said. cen!er. . .
He predicted the attendants would <_:tty Admlni~tor Da\'e Rowlands
refuse to become policemen for the said the county . looks askance at .culture
plan. · centers" v.-'hen 1t comes to banding out
Ted Grussing, a food wholesaler from county money· .
Huntington Beach, reported that the: odd-~ayor Jerry 1t1atney also said he
even plan only appeared to give more !Junks the cultu~ cen~ w o u I d run
"oddJ" the opportunity to get in the counter .to the social sernce asJ>e:ct. paruc line. . ~ city experu to abandon city hal!
''Yesterday I had to go to four statiorui in m.id-~iarch. bu.t oo dates: have been
before I could a:et gas. Today the lines set for new tenants to move 1n.
ar~· just as bad. The stations have
drs lined up 10 to 12 deep.
"When nre )'OU going to el'])Ose this
phony gas shortage? I talked to my
brother in Minneapolis last night and
they're actually having a gas war there.
The prices art in the low 40's. I couldn't
believe it," Grussing said.
' Slide Shuts Highll-ay
PACIF~CA _LUPI)· -A landslide at
Devil's Slide forced closure ot Highway
I near here Thursday night, t h e
California Highway Patrol reported.
fine for Mardian, who was lndlcted on ego "''lll13lt ........ .,., strollinr Thlll'lday
a ·•inele count:. to 30 years plus rmes with leashes held tightly by their owners. Gasoline prices shot u~ 1.5 to ~ix --·-. ------·-· 1 of $42,IMXI !or Mitchell, who was named The men, wo.rnen and ®C-.U>eu cents today. ~'!d some ~C!!l _t::2m~e~•"-+-· ~-· ... ~tlae<I thiOO~m "'here transit~llfelr Silpplles evenrurtlier. (Additional story, Page 12 today).
• • ~ Girls Athletic
boa'rd members • wcre..Fmeeting. A Here Is what .the customer ean expect
spokesman said laterrfie \\'ould meet lo pay more on each gallon -0! gasoline
with repN!sentatives of the pro-dog as a result of price incN!ases authorized
groups, including l\fercy crusade , by the Federal Energy Office:
I _Group.. Convenes Friends of Animals and Pet Assistance. Union 1.5 cents
. Tom Prior, general manager of the Exxon_2 cents
city-regulated bus company, said the r.1obi\ 2 cents
The 23rd annual Otange County Girls
Athletic Association (GAA) convention
will take place from 9 a.m. to l p.m.
""Saturday at Westminster High School.
policy \l'as adopted after r I de r s Shell 1.5 cents
complained that. dogs occupied seats Arco 2 cents
while ~y had to stand. Othenr found Chevron· 3 cents
their clothing soiled by dirty animals, Texaco 6 cents
About 200 student athletes are expected
to attend the sports clinics in volleyball,
sottbaJI, advanced tennis, izymnastlcs
and self-defense at th& school at 14325
Goldenwest St.
Of the 43 county high schools invlted,
31 •re sending GAA representatives. a
Westminster High official J:8id.
• Th• Ortl'lft C.11 OAILY l"ILOT wllh Wfllcll
It COflltilflMI ...... H•-l'rHt, It P\1611-W
Ille or..,.. co.11 l"utlltlllnlf CO"lllll\t. St~·
... ,. ldl!lens ••• """"""· ,...-.'( 11•...utll
Frld.ly, lot Cotlt •Mtt•, N-rl lffth.
1'11111llnt!M 1.-C:ll/l'-ltln YtUty, Ltt.,,..
htdl, lrvlM/llddltllKll •nd S.11 Cle111t11t1/
''" J-""'"'··-... '""" ... -1 M111'n It 'pUblllfltd lllvnll•'l't .... 5ult6iya.
TM Jll1MIHI f'Ullll.tllfto pltnl It 11 a]p Wtll
ltt Slrttf, CMl1 #MH, Cf~lor11ll, t:MM.
111.,•r+ N. Wttd
,.~ '"" f'llltllth«
Jtck I. C11d1y
\'h Prtttftill trod ~r•I Mt .... tr Th•111•• 1:: •• .,1r
Th1111t1 A. Mut,11; ... , '.
MIMlll'll 1!1fllr C~ttl .. H • ...._ 1t1ch1r4 '· Nall ........... INMlllll llllltrt 1.,,., e • .iu.
WHI °"""' <-IY llllttor
He ............. OMte
17t71 ···'" .... , • .,.,...
Prior said.
The energy crisis and more infrequent
use of cars have boosted the bus line
to a record patronage.
From Page 1
dealt with, bul decided against holding
up the proposed plan.
The committee is hopeful lhat during
!he time the final details of the plan
are settled, the problems \l'lth the
teachers can be resolved, too.
Committee members explained that ,
certain dates rriust be met to get the
unifi cation plan On the November ballot .
Charles Palmer. depuly superintendent
of tbe Huntington Beach City School
District, 't\'amed that, unles;; ·tne plan
is forwarded to the county committee
almost immediately, the chance !or a
November election may be lost.
Nixon to Give '
Dinner Tonight
MtUll!f ;.,44,,111 ,.o. h1 7t0. t2641 \VASHINGTON (AP} -President °""-.. ~ hecfl· m """' A....vt Nlxon Will enlerlafn another gi-oup of ,.,=• =~ ~ 'T.!,::,r :!':~... about 30 congrissmtn at a Ylhile House
""' <i.-t11 at 1r11r111 11 c-i!W •••I dinner tonight.
lei rt .. , 1n41 '4l ... IJ1 It Is the second night irt a rnw he
c...,._. ,...,.,,, .. 64J.1671 extended ho!pitality to }louse and Senate """',..,. °'i::Hr """"-"... members lrom both parties and their
c.,,,-1t111, 1t1i. °""" c.." ""''"""" wives. =:,1. ,.!',~ .. '";' .,::,~rr=~ The Nlxons and their guests also will
""'t .. r1ptWKM w1ifltvt ._.., .., be viewing afler~lnner movie. The film
1111tt1ti1 tt ...,1t111 ""*'· ' t I ht . th ti I t "Th huncl • .r ... _, ...... 111 e1 c .. 11 """" on g 1s e mo on p c ure e
c111f111"1'111, MMl'llllllfl w nrriw n.d--Friendly Peniua11ton;'"' a screenplay from =~~.,, .,'.:uit!·~~1111'1 fl'llltllf1 the 19\)G ll(IVCI by Nixon'• oousm_
Jes5a!JlYn West, about the Quaktrs. .
• •
At the same time Texaco and Union,
already 80 pereent below their 1972
volume, announced they were cutting
back &upplles even further.
Exxon .and Mobil deliveries will remain
unchanged ·and those of Arco will
increase slightly,
Indian Education
Group Forming
People interested in serving on an
advisory committee on American Indian
education In the Huntington Beach Union
High School District are invited to a
meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday.
It will be in room 139 of the ma!h
science building at Huntington Beach
High School, 1905 Main St.
District officials want to develop
special programs for Indian students
wlttt federal funds expected from the
Indian EdocaUoo Act.
Studenls, parents, teachers and
rtsldents are sought as committee
State Assembly OKs
oting Measu1·e
Assembly has passed and, Jent to Gov.
Ronald Reagan a bill permitting women
to rtgister to vote under the prefix
P.1s. ''
The woman'• right• bill IAB7111 by
Assemblyman Lawrence Kapiloff (D-San
Diego), won appijvaJ Thunrday on a ·
43-0 vole lo accept> minor Senate
amtndmenlO. Kapiloff said he hid betn
told Reagan will sign the measure.
• ' · The flemish .Bombe cabinet show.ii here comes from our 'dra :
metic et cetera collection by Dfexel .•. A seemingly end-
less selection of design,· woods and finishes. You are sure
to get the feeling that each piece was custom built for you
l 727 WESTCUFF DR., 642-2000
.WllllDAY1 • SATURDAY1 t :OO ,. ltlO
343 NORnt COAST mW.
21649 MAW'IHORNl llVD.
(Open Sunday 12-5:30) 378~1279
• •
At Your Blaze ·Hits
·Service· Lake Forest
A Sanday, W-y ud Friday
Of Ille Dolly Pllol
Sales T ax R efund?
DEAR .PAT : 1 bought a new station
wagon oil June 30. 1973. Since 'it wasn't
registered until July. the Stale Board
of E<ll@lization soaked me the add itional
one pcrctnt sales tax. amounling to $50.
Since that lime, the sales tax has
reverted back to five percent. I "·ant
to know if the glorious State of California
has made any adjustment or refund
to those who can prove that they paid
the elttra oae percent. Fifty bucks !s
a lot of gcetus in our home.
A. K., Costa !\tesa
The Board of Equalliatlon says if
you ha\·e a ,refund comlllg, it mast
be collected from the dealer or lndlvidlllll
\\'ho sold you the car, not the state.
Your sales tax percentage should have
been based on the date you took delivery.
If the sales papen bear a July date,
your only recourse would ht. to reqae:st
the seller to change the date to June
30 aod pay you the $50 tax refund.
Ne ·llefund SeHt
DEAR PAT: 1 orderOO a diet which
was money·back guaranteed from the
Lyd ia Feldman Plan. I re turned it
because I was dissatisfied v.·ith it. I
neve r' goL my money back and my
let ter to Lydia Feldman came back
WJOpened. What's going on? -
J . 8., San Clemente
• Cluhl1ouse
A roaring fire of unknown origin
<.'lnl'led an est1m,1ed $MW},000 damage
to the Lake Forest Country Club in
El Toro early today.
Nearly 100 Orange County firemen
battled tbe blaze ror two boors after
it broke out shortly before 2 a.m. It
was visJble for 15 miiles.
"Firemen under the command of
Orange .C.ounty Division Qlfel John
Thunnan were able to contain the blaze .
to the clubhouse itself and the.re was
~ver any dange r of · it spreading to
adjacent homes," a depar tmen t
spoke!man said. A lii bt rain "'as falling .
The four-year~ld Spanish:"style building
was the central recreation facility for
the Lake Forest planned commwlity and
is sttuated on the shores ol a 1mall '
manmade lake near the intersection of
Muirlands Avenue and Ri<;lge Route.
The depa rtment spokesman s a i d
firemen were hampered In their efforts
to quell the bl aze by the Spanish tile
roof cl the tv•Mlory structure.
"That type of roof made entry of
water into the attic very difficult ," the
spokesman said.
'The building housed a restaurant and
bar, a locker room. sauna bath, exercise
equipment, and homeow~ssociations'
''Due tp the early hour, the bu~ding
was unoccupied at the time or the fire
and there were no injuries while the
blaz e was being fQllght," lhu pokesamn said.-I '" -:
The cause of the costly fire is ~till
uriier . investigation by county fire
inspec1ors and they would not completely
disoount the IJO&!lblity of arson.
Gasoline Supply
HoMback Cited
• '
Skidding and spla shing, 1nen1ally retarded youth at Fairview State
Hospital. in Costa J.l esa shoots thro4gh th e ,.\dventure Playgrou nd
water slide. See Page 7 for the sLxth insta llment of 'eries Jn Fair·
view. a nationa l pacesetter in progra1ns for the rclard ed.
'Sauna Bath Saga' Heads..
Fo~· Its Fi11al Stage s
01 tlM 011/J 1'1191 S111!
... Anaherni redhead wilt get noth ing for
an alleged psychiatric! condition that
An Orange County Superior Court jury asscrted ty led her to don SCYV clothes began what seemed certain to be its "1
Jasi weekend break today in a trial and pick her bedmates from bar
that was labeled Thursday by Judge ha bitues.
William L. Murray as the "sauna bath Lc~·is pleaded ~·ith the jury late saga." Thursday to rejcct Huston 's fiery final
The U.S. Postal Service won a declsk>n
in civU court in November against the
Lydia Feldman Plan of Hollywood for
misrepte¥Dtlng its products I n
advertising. The nrm, a repeat At Your
Service complaint subject, nqw is
problbUed from accepting new orders
responding to Jts ads. A representallYe
of the Plan is permitted to Inspect
'an mall and honor refund requests.
1l'be postmaster in llollywood intercepts
mall and holds it for 48 hours for
this purpose. If no one C1>mes to Inspect
it, the mall is returned to the sender.
The inspector on I b I case said
complaints should be sent to the aUomey
representing the Lyd ia Feldman Plan,
David 1tf. Brown, 6922 Hollywood Blvd .,
llollywood, 900!&.
The jury will re turn to his courtroom CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) -A . statement and compensate his clie_nt Monqay for hi.s finaJ instructions before ---~ United Mine Workers official sa-oil fiir What he said was the "destruction J" going into the jury room for their last companies aod service station owners act in the three-month trial of ~1aria of this once happy woman 's life.
intentionally held back gasoline supplies Parson's $1 million lawsuit against the "She faCf'S con1milment to a mental in the \Vest Virginia coal fields. u~rd H Ith A boyoott by an estimated 21,000 •w 1 ay ea Spa of Orange. hospftal ,'' Lewis said. "Even if she is
miners in protest o( gasoline sborUlges If the jurors go along with· San allowed to remain at home she faces
has crippled coal production across Francisco attorney flfarvin Lewis Sr.'s costly psychiatric counseling that will
southern West Virginia. . final argument. they will give his 5(). last for the rest of her life."
St.eve 1.J.ming, asslstant to U'tfW year~ld client SI million for the multiple The angry Ruston cootemptuously
President Arnold ?.tiller, said Thi.n;sday personality C01¥11tion allegedly created dismissed the hl\vsuit as '·a lavish
that oil ·companies and gas station when sbe ~·as trapped i'n the sauna production " in ~·hich ~1rs. Parson, her
0"'11ers were holding back supplies until room on ri.1arch 2. 1970. husband. her. family and her lawyer
tod<\}', when increased prices alloY;ed If they agree with defense auomey :·are trying to gouge $1 million out
··by the federal government go into effect. Donald A. Huston's finaJ Statement. the of !he Holiday lleallh Spa." ,=-:================================;;;;.;.....=......;.....;,I
said he'd
work for all
the city if
we elected
him four years
ago ...
We did and
he did.
Now H~mett says
·he'll work four more
Let's put JACK BACK
H n
Co~ta Mesa City Councilman
ttAMMiTT-POI COUt«:I. CAMP,,.,... COtil d I fM
c ''111au;:1.,.._SrctillM',441L'l7alt.WfeC.C.-.._C..,.Z.U7 . \
I •
Pricn --.......
Friday, Marel'I 1, 1974 ,H DAILY PILOT :3 . ' 'Brave ./JI.en'· s
Coast Panelists
Face Developers
Of ""' oau, l'l1t1 s1111
Two slate coastal commission officials
today brought not a dove of peace but
.a mess.age of cooperation to members
of the Orange County construction
''Thi:s isn't a peace offering today.
We want 10 talk about common areas,"
r.telvin Lane, chalnnan of the State ~
Coastal Zone Conservation Commission
said at the Airporter Inn in lr\'ine.
"The lawsuit you brought againsi us
has bl-en settled ." Joseph Bodovitz.
commission exe<'utive director, told the
. board of directors of CEEED (Council
for Economy. Erl}ployment, Environment
and l>evelopment ). ~
"And at least in the opinion of Orange
County Su p e rior Coun. y.·e're
legitimate." Dodovilz added. referring
to the di..'CL!iiOn that ruled the 1972 coastal
zone act constitutional.
"\Ye n1ay still ht' bastards. but y.•e'rC
leg itimate," Hodovitz coocluded , as he
and the builders, bankers and realtors
laughed together.
Like t~·o Danit>ls going into the lion's
den. Lane and Bodovitz faced a polite
but antagonistic audience at t h e
breakfas t session .
"Jr nothing else," CEEED Execulive
Director Gilbert Ferguson conet."Cies;t,
"they're brave men."
BodovHz "'ho said many
enviropmenlalists have ''read lL~ out of
the r<ice" for supposedly grnnling too
many permits -told the 35 li.steners
that those same statistics show "the
general frar tha t the \.\·orld v.·ould be
stopped 1by Proposition 20) i.!I just not so.·· . k
Re~ching compromises bet-..·l'Cn public
inTercst and private property rights
"may be painful." Bodoviti said. One
of his examples was U...e st a t e
commis.sion's m05l controversial action
. to date · -the initial denial and
sµbsequent approval of the expansion
of the San Onofre nu clear JX.l~·er plant.
lie sa id Sa.n Onofre ''typifies what
this is all about," that de\'elopment
which Is consisteot with protecting the
coast a~ environment will be ·approved
and that which isn 't, -..·on't be.
Bodovitz and Lane both strongly urged
the CEEED members to take pa rt in
the planning being done by the Sou th
Coast regional CQmmlssioo as part of
the coasta l master plan due in the
legislature by 1976.
Lane assured the skeptical cro-..·d he
belie\·es the commissions ·•v,.ill create
more Jobs than we cancel out" in die long run. ·
Planning for more use of the ooast.al
:zone by more people means building
related facilities like hotels, roads, bike
paths, Lane said.
Under questioning. l:lodovitz indicated
he . is._ opposed to A.ssemblymnn Robert
Badham 's (R·Ne-..'J)()rt Bead1) bill to
split the South Coast oommission and
C"realt> a separate panel for Orange
Counly. "\'ou'd find in practice it
~·ouldn't help," he said.
The change \1"0ufd do "untokl d.1n1age
to the planning," would add "trcmcndo~
pressure'' to .already critical deadlines
and financt..-s :nKI ~·ould •·slow everybody
do~·n to atld 12 new people,'' he
Predicting that "it y.iJI be very hard
to get t'ilo·o--thirds (approYal of both
houses of the lrgi..!ilature ) !Of' tha t bill."
Hodovitz. added the current Soulh Coasl
commiss ioners arc 1noro ay.·arc of
planning issues because of their}·ear
~·ith pcrroiL'i.
The commwlortS wUI be :LSking for
addillona l · funding to r e I i c v e
overburden«! planners. he indicated.
"I'm going to recommend," Fergu.son
said. "~·e go on record in fa vor of
more money." He paused, and added,
"bttause we don't want you to have
any cxcu.5CS for not doing .a good job."
"Fo.ir enough," Lane responded .
* * * Politeness Out
In Introduction
' At CEEED Meet
\'oo Coula tell fiom lhe start it wasn't
.all going ·to be smooth_saijing loday when
the coastal builders and the bureaucrats
met over breakfast in Irvine.
Peter Remmel, president of the Board
of Directors of · CEEED (Council for
Economy. Employment, Environment
and Development), may haYe set the
tone for the face-to.face meeting with
Joseph BOdovitz, director, and ,.felvin
'Lane. chairman, of thl! state coastal
"It is now my pleasure to introduce
a ~an," Rernmet began; speaking a boot
Dodovitz. "I don 't know if 1 have rvcr
disliked anyone more in my lifetime."
Bodovitz, sitting next to Rem,rnel,
lau ghed.
The 1·abor leader then charged that
Bodovitz' r ecomme nd at ion s on
construclion permits have hurt workers
and called him a "controversial guest."
"The usual polite thing to say at
this point," Bodo•ltz said as he stood
up to begin his speech, "Is to thank
the person for a generous introduction.
"I don 't think I'll do that here," he
said, laughing. Remmel smiled.
Early~ tob-s of c.qii oron<}e orod yello ...
Gow yolJf 0""11 vegetoble gaden ord SO¥e.
• , _ HPrid "'"""
New -bea;,.q t,bid ~' ,.,;,+., ~ ~ f,.,_.r, IOI' «J!..q or c.c:irrWq A CtOU ~I·
..._.. f>QgO ord Seq.OO~e ... · $1''
Tlf 99¢ GREEN RO'I
Casual Furniture
Indoor o• O<Jldoor S Pc.. !Mt
'"'on', •"er rull. t..,.'l40"
Crecr.ed IOI' 1ne '"'at 99 poo9e "'•'(;_ 95
For Special Occasions
Of'lllfllGJ , .• PAmH, ITC,
I.Sii AIOUT out
l'IAllT RfHTAL saMa •
flS!:t IASl
2 tor lht Prict of. I
.? 2~s49s
. .
• 4 ""'~' ~1t.,y ' :
The Gas Wm·
OU: New Front
see now. Today is for the oddballs.
You've got to end in I, 3, S, or 7. Seven
Of . . ' ' •
• ...
...-J' ,
Kis~inger Carries Buff er Plan '
' \ ----,~-
. Is.rael Pro~sals to Damascus
From WI.re Servlct:9
TEL AVIV -Secretary of State Henry
A. Kissinger today picked up Lsr.i.ell
disengagement proposals for the Golan
:Heights patterned afte( the successful
Egyplian-Israeli troop separation in the
Sinai, officials reported.
_ This wou1d mean creation of a second
United Nations buffer forte to patrol
between Israeli and Syrian soldler1
somev.>bere In the SOO square miles of
Syrian territory ropturOO by Israel In
the October Will'. they added .
BOTH SIDES would have to t.bin oat
their front line trOops and fire power
-the limit on the Egyptian front wu
. 30 tanks apiece -aod would negotiate
for possession of strategic posts on
Biblical Mt. Hennon, th< officials said.
Klsslnger:-woo··'8rrived-·ln the Jewish
state from caJro, is taking th e
Israeli proposal!! to Damascus and will presen~them personally to Preslilolnt llarez d of Syria. \
Syria has demanded return ol all
Israeli upied Syrian land -the Golan
lleighta captured' in 1967 u well 83
tile 300 square · miles ol addiUonal land
.. ~ed In (Jct-.
The Israelis have said they will return
the land tAken in Oct.ober, but not the
v"hole Golan Heights or the I~ Jewish
rrontier lettlemesitJ on !and °';pturtd
In 1117.
Kbslnger'a medlalion elforll are
designed .. llOfton the conl1lct )'1111 ...
Interim lroop \ "'IN'fltlon acconl that
would redll<" Ille dancer Gt fighting
during negotli.tkm on ·tl w'lder
settlement, probably at Geneva. •.
TO GET TALKS for an interim
agreement star1ed, be penuaded tile
Syrlalw earlier this week to give lsrod
. a lbt of 65 l.srileli war prisooen held
in Syria and to allow Red Q-oss Visits
to the POW1. Red Cross aources in
Dam&SCUS said their representatives
began the Visits today.
M.,.wlllle, Presldeol Niml uioy mark t_. resumptioo of lull dlplomaUc
retstions between Egypt and the United
States with • visit to c.a1ro in the
, neit few mcnlhl, aC<On!lng to EiYJ>tlan
am-IJ1118le Aslnl Gborbal.
I Adminllltratlon olllclsls llild tf the
President did make a Mkldle East swing
ff wooJd bO IOJ!lcal to expect him to
visit Iara.el as well.
· ccma 11. --------
Britain's Labor
ANNOUNCING THE resumption ol
.relations Thunday, Egyptian Prelident
Anwar Sadat said he had eJ:teoded an
invllatlon, throJ>gb SecroUuy ol Slale
Heilry A. Kissinger, for the Preshiml
to come to Egypt. 1be eemi-offidal
Cairo ... _ Al Abram aald the
trip would come In April
Ghorbal, at the White House for a
reception In booor ol the lnternatlooal •
forum on women given .by Pat N~.
was uked whether the Mkklle East
oil embargo against the United St.ates
would be lilted ..... He said, "! hope
Mrs. Pat Nlxnn hold> hands
with Egyptian ambassador-des-
,ignate Ashraf Gborbal during
reception f o 'II International
Forum on Women given by
Mrs. Nixon at White House
ti ff you end In l , 3, 5, or 7, you
get the wonderful priv ilege or standing
YOW' aut9 in one of those line!.
I Remember. Governor Reai;:an and all
our wonderful leaders told us those
gasoline lines will e"aporate just as
soon a11 the new Merchllndising Control
System went Into effect at all our se rvice
Don 't look now, but there's another
' _Party a Winner?
one ol those lines.
Get to the end oC it." The end? It's
somewhere near Carlsbad or Cardiff.lJy-
JUST REMEl'tmER, this Is a
Merchandising Control System, Governor
Reagan pleads. Not gasoline rationing.
Don't caU it rationing.
What does Merchandising Control
mean? •
LONDON {AP) -Harold Wilson's
Laborltes held onto a slim lead loday In
Brllaln's general eleellon, but Prime
1t11nister Edward Heath's Conservatives
were closing· the gap as results pollted
In rrom rural areas.
LONOON (UPI) -Lattor Party
Leader Harold Wilson e,merged today
It means somebod~ else has the -as the likely up.set victor in Britain's
merchandise arid you re supposed to cliffhanging general election but with
control your temper. only 4 miporjty government to try to
. ·So'-if-today 'you had T Caf \Vilh a:.1'SOfve the n3:tlon's greatest• economic
liCense plate ending in an odd number, crisis since World-war JI.
or a. plate without any numbers at · (•
all (you know, the kind that say SCAT). LABOR AND Prime Minister Edward
and if you could find the end of the •··
line ~mewherc near Cardiff-by-the-Sea,
and 1f you had enough cash ln your
pocket to .match today's new price
increases, and it you had less than
half a tank of gas when you finally
got to the pump, maybe you got some
fuel. ~
WOE UPON T1IE hapless chap who
finally got to the front of the line
-and fowxl he 'd left his itas ~ key
home on top ol the dresser.
Or, consider the pl.ildlt qf Air Foree
Technical Sergeant Chuck F o s t e r ,
stationed back at Langley Fie1d In
He got turned down for gas on both
odd and even days.
Seems h1a front license plate_ ended
in a 3 and his rear plate ended with a 4. ·
New 'E1hiopia1t
.Chief Says He
Crut End Revolt
new pri~ minister e~ conlldence
today he could end a four-day armed
forces revolt that has threatened the
authority of Emperor•Haile Selassie.
Prime Minister Endalkachew
fdokennen said troops would remain in
control of the -capital and the northern
city of Asmara fer the tllne' belng while
he formed a• new .government.
OR YOU CAN d Army, navy and air force troops kept , pon er the predicament their tlg'ht gn'p on Ethiopia d-mte the of the Orange Coast motorist who., is ""'Y' odd today, but finds )limself In the emperor's decision to name a new prime
Wlb alt"'" dill f h · minister and boost anned forces pay. -e •v @P on <l avmg more than Even ai tlie46-year-old Premier spoke half a tank of gas. · It's hls day, but he isn't alloWed a:t a news conference, several thousand
t buy students marched past his 0 f f I c e.
0 • He c 't bu Sat d bee Iha chanting "Go to Hell Go to Hell ." They an Y ur ay a.use l's carried placsrds calling for his ouster. the day for the evens. He can buy Sunday, which is an odd new political parties, freedom of the day~ but he isn't likely to find any press and 1and for the poor. statJOns open. .''~ly information ls that most segments
He can't buy l.tonday, because that's 'of the country -including the armed
lleath's ccn.servatives were racing to
a probable photo finish, and everything
indicated Wilson would have to form
a government that would depend on
at least tacit support from the moderate
liberal party.
At 3 p.m. (8 a.m. PDTI, party
standings .in the election to the 635-scat
!louse or Commons were Qmservatives
2% seats, Labor 300, Liberals 11,
lndcpendenl3 19, with 10 seats undecided.
P.uffing his pipe, grinning and waving
to cro~·ds of supporters, Wilson returned
lo his London tiome from Liverpool
and at once called a meeting of his
Labor Party shadow cabinet -the men
\1•ho ~oold form the govenunent if labor
were 1n power.
l!e said a new government must be
formed at once to get Britain back
to a full work week from the threeoday
week imposed on· iOOUStry two months
ago to save fuel stocks in the coal
'"Ibis. is of paramount importance,"
Wilson said.
THE LAST mtE Britain bad a
minority labor party goverrunent with
liberal support was in 1929 under Labor's
James Ramsay ~lacDonakl.
But the ~lacDonald government was
overwhelmed by the 1929 world economic
crisis aod fell after only two years.
It was replaced in 1931 by A coalition
"national" government dominated by the
Britons, ·caught up in their greatest
economic crisis since World War II ,
were in no doubt about · 1he serious
political crisis they now faced. There
were such newspaper headlines . as :
"Deadlock Feared,""'Who Rules Britain
t ·The London stOck market plummeted
nearly 30 poi.nlS in the first two hours
after opening. On the foreign exchange
market the pound slipped t~'O cent5
. aga!M tile dollar.
another even day. forces -are perpared to give m~ a
chance to govern,'' 1t1okenncn said. A tr Lo
Lgl'SA LUCK, fella. I hope you make "I don't expect love at ,'first sight. C ess se8
o neit TOe'SdaY. -·~-'-----11t-·wiw~iUl-·Ulaikkee-ltliiml1'•o..loto-I.f.S10re....t9nfidence.
If you have any questions abou t this. If ·I am given ca.Im, I cruldO .th_e __ p-~.Ii · -B•d
call th< ·~·I gove\1)ment number set job." ar ament l
up to smooth • out your lillle gasoline As fOf file-anned forces, ~1okennen
problems. You will find the number is said. "I'm sure it will not be too long
busy. before they go back to bam::cks. Their
And finally, your quickie gaS<lline quiz presence at the. moment is required.
for this first day in March: • they have to keep law and order."
WHAT WAS TfiE PRICE of a gallon
of gas here on the Orange Coast on
the first day of March in the Year or our Lord 1968? •
ANSWER: It was 26.9 cents a gallon.
Of .course, they were having a gas
war at the lime.
You remember gas wars, don't you?
Masked Man Shot
RENO, Nev. (UPf) -A suspect in
Reno'! "r.fask:ed ~toll'Stcr" case was
shot and woonded shortly after a Y.'Oman
was attacked in her home. Police Capt.
Frank Better satd Thursday the masked
man attempted to rape the ~'Oman and,
when he left, a neighbor fired at him
twice with a .22 caliber pistol.
· Delivery of the Dally P:bt
ii q.nametd I
Moncll'M'•U., II )'(IOI oo ~oi "-"°"' -br!t 5~30 '"'·~I -IOllf CIQCl'll ..,11 be brDUQl'l' IO JOll. C..lt ... 1.i..n ..,.,. 1;00 D m.
s.1"'1Srf ll'CI $urdly" II '°"' 111:1 ""' ...,..... ~ CIQCl'll l>I' 0 o.m. Sal_,. or I • m. Su,..,.,.. C9M •"" I 0011i MIO.~ll:IJICIU 0.111 .. 1-llflil101.lfl. ,......,..,
"""'~ Cownty A!!"' ..• ' .
. ••..•• t4t4:UI
... M0-1220
In Ne,vham East
LONDON---(UP-1) ,-Actress Vane!sa
Redgrave, advocate of v .. orker power
and frequent critic ol U.S. foreign policy
lost out Thursday in her bid for 3.
seat in parliament from Newham East.
She also lost the $375 deposi t which
every candidate must post as a penalty
far not getting at least. ooo-eighth of
the vote. Of the 65,222 ballots cast
in .Newham East, Miss Redgrave had
• only 760 at ·Jatest count.
The 37-year--0Jd actre$, who combnled
campaigning V.'itll nigbUy appearances
as the star t>f a ~ i t revival of Noel
O>ward's ··Design fot Living," ran as
a candidatt; of the ~orkers Re\'Olutionary
Party, which believes Britain is pre--
paring concentration camps for dissent-...._
R.E. Prentice retained the seat for ]a~, polling 24,2oo VQIU .
'Dear M;. HNrst We, the SLA,
have kidnapped your daughter
ta help the people.'
Tiju.ana Police
Chief Arrested
For Narcotics
TIJUANA. Mexico (AP) -The dllef
of Baja California's judiciary police in
Tijuana hall been fired and Jailed In
Mexico City ln a narcotics case, federa1
attorney .Alfonso Lopez Quiroga said
The charges were brougbt by mililMy
authorities against Capt. Jesus Torre!!
Espejo, who headed th< judiciary police
in this border city for more than two
yean1, Lopez Quiroga said.. ,---?
Senate .Puts Off .Voting
On Increases in ,Sa'lary
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate,
!Dm by election-year jitters over raising
the pay of congressmen and othcf' high
government official!:, has put oft any
votes tmtil t.fonday.
And, under a complex agreement
readied 'lbursday night, _It may take
most of next week before the Senate
decides whether to kill the alary ..
'budgetal by President Nixon ar to accept
a oodlpromise.
'Ille a'greemenl sets m time for a
final vote and, because ol a threatened
filibuster by Sen. Ted" Stevens (R·
Alaska). to prevent actioo blocking lhe
pay boosts, a vote 'WIS scheduled for
Wednesday on cuttihg of debate.
e Jmpe•rhme•t
continuing verbal a v a I a n ch e on
impeadunel'lt, President N i J: on 's
altomeys hold firmly that he can only
be impeached for crimll!al· olfenses.
ln a 61-page analysis, five ol Niion's
atlOfl\Cys argued nrunday f~ a sbid
interpretation of the Ox'lstitutkln, which
states a President can ony be impea~
for "treason, bribery or other high
crimes and misdemeanors."
was not dai:ged. r
Police said Anthony Shafrazi, 30, "''ho
identified himself as an artist, was
charged with criminal mi5dlief after
( IN SHORT ••• )
he sprayed the words "Kill lies all"
In loot·high red 1eu.rs acr..s lhe 1937
mural. Jie was released on $1,000 bail
and ordered to appear for a hearing
on March 14.
e Pet1slon Reform
WASHINGTON (AP) -A maoslve
pemion reform bill, c~ key tu
features and providing new protecUon
for millions of Americans in pivate
reUremeot savings p1ans, bas paaed
the House 375 to 4.
Rolighly 3Q millioo worbrs ..
cover<d by these private pension
~. which have more thlll $ISO
billkin In ....... .'!be bill pueed by
the House Thunday would overhaul Iba
system and relonn lax treatment ol
pension programs.
A 111ilitary plane carried Torres off
to Mexico City three weeks ago and
he i.. 'being hekl there in a military
camp, said the federal aUomty. Torres
is a military· orncer.
Gov. A1ilton Cutellanos said in
f.lexlcall that "it is a military matter"
about which he had oo details. He
appointed Francisco Avalos to succeed
e Pl.,.sso Safe
NEW YORK (iJPt)-An Iranian artist
sprayed paint on Picasso's "Guernica"
mural in the Museum of Modem Art
1'J,ursday bu inuseum tedlniciaM quickly
removed the paint and said the painting
e Bugging Sult · ..
WASHINGTON CAP) -Vlrtually final
agreement has been reached on a
$775,000 out--0f-rourt settlement ot allts
arising from the Watergate break-in,
Democratic National Chainnan Robert .
S. strauss says.
.. .
' I ' ' '
' i
• . •
CITY GOVER-NMENT •••• • " • ..
' •
*Are You Fed Up Wft.h •• .SECRECY IN GOVERNMENT "
* Ar.e You Fed Up With ••
··ZONING · )
• .. ••
-\f~-!-·~*~A~re:_:Y~o~u ~Fe~d ~Up~w~·1~th~INTOLERABLE PARKING u • • • OBLIMS, _____ _.;___
White Stuff Stretches From Great La~s to Coast
Hlllt 'N Alblft'f • " Atlllll1 .. ~ ...... • 8tlffalo • " Cllarioltll " ~ " ..... " " ClllClllMI! .. x <_ ... " x llR " ,,
="c:i M " ti " I(•-City ..
t!:tJ1M' " " .. " Ml " ..
MllWMl!ttt ij n MIMHpail1. ~ Oi'IHra • _y .. " M
Olll•llomol OtV .. " ~llt$~ftfl " " .. • "''"'°' llftl• " •• ·-· " " ~m=-.. " ortl • o;,, •1 " llt\ctwiloncl, VI. .. • .!iac'l'llTl"'ft .. ..
.SI. Lllllll • ll " t:: L1k1 City ...
f:rtnel!IC'O • " Sff111e " ..
Wllhll'!OIOl'I " "
• _,
·" .I<
. N
., ·-.,
.u .~
·" "'
clllnt9 of ~I tochiY ll'ld S..t\ll'dlY.
In LO$ AnollH ttw fclrtclll u!l9d
(OI'" C0111kl•n1ble cloucllneu tlffy wlltl
-lltllt ,,_.. .... ~Illy -r
,,.,. fl')OUl'llllnt. Tt. Nft !'.91"' ""' 'fl• CM-of rlll'I _. llO petCtnl
loftlellt, •
'Nllldl '"'ttd 'JO to :It mlln -
ftoul' 11 Ille "*"'1•111 rtt0r11 lf'lll
m r111.Hfl ,_ll>ecl In ti. -.
TM _,,, lllW wn it •#iO JO 1AOCi
V.S. S11m-r1t
$Miii r.U 11'1 IPlt ~ llKklts
11111 llHll'I"""°" -rnlntt COll"l'Mol«I
In !he TIO"flltm Slerrat.
All tn<ll ol meow KCUllMllllM 11'1
llW ••rlY mortllng "°""'' at Kltn111t1 Fin,,, Ol'f.I Mullan. IClll!o ltl'ld 9rHfDl"CI, 11'1, Llthl .now 111 t111 Ea1t 1trrtcllfd tfom IM ... *''" Gr"! Ukn lbrOUQll lilt f'IONllll'ft N!OflltllllM ll'ICI ti .. rll ol !ht AlllH'lllC CO.st. SC1T1•td r1l11 ~,.. Ml'l1tl!M<Md lft tlll .fDVll'llf"n A~llllflt. A trw peia.t Of ~ lntlmlplld
&n "'hff'Wltl lfllr lllffl"tf Otlllm lt~t \'tit ~f ..... of !tie Mllll'I.
,M!ld ""'"'"''.,,.. 1h• Pf'f'Hllld fOi'" tM , .. , of fllt country, WfTll
W.,.mll' r.ldlngt fOt'ttlll IOI' tilt flO'ffltrn Pl~=-llllOt!' Mlt~IHll!fll VllM't' •nf .#If Ille loi.llfl'Wtl!,
Ir •
* Are-You-Fe.Hip-With ••• NO ANIMAL. CONTROL
Only You Can Elect The Candidates ~Sh-~EEJ
Who Are Bes t:'Qualifl~d . HERE IS-How:::"·""''"'-
i1 1:•~•1i:l•J:lrt.~~··1(•llJ:l _J,_11,,
Jl4 ................. .... ' .
-· -
11 •. ••
"' r ·
' ,,
" .. • • •
.. • • •
-t.f ~allqnility Restored
. .
. '
' .
In 19119, Fountain Valley'• tranquility was shattered
by a recall election and a bitter political battle whlcb
reaultedJn·tbe ouater of three veteran cOu cllmen. That
fi&)lt,' f0<1Unal.)y;-fallod to leayel any long-term scars
aad Ille bultlln' ba\ll'OOlll conlmunlty ol more tban
50.000 realdenll Dolr is approechh\g a ~ery quiet, Jow·
key codncll eleolion W. Tliesday.
As In 19119, the jpbo ol three veteran councilmen
are on. the line, bllt W. time there isn't liltely to be any
ouster aqd tbere lbouW "°' N.
Ma)'Or George Scott and Councilmen Al Holllnaen
and Ed Jlis~ have done a iood job ol calming and im·
proving a city that could have spent yean squabbling
within lllell alter !be political turmoil of 19119 .
Under their1'ead8nbip, tile city bas cut back poten-
Ual blgb density, apartment projecta, planned vast, new
recreaDonal 11Cilili90; establialled coniroJJ .on potential·
noise, lnlftc and air pollution; and eUmlnated petty,
Internal bk!kerln , ' ·
The Dally ~ot endorses the re-election o!I George
Sc<itt, XI Ho!Ilnden and Ed Just in Tue.clay's municipal
Too Much Haste
" ijuntlngton Beach city cpuncllmen have developed
the sloppy habit -helped and encouraged by the city
staff -of approving-new ' Jaws ·and other measures
without adequate study. It seems to happen because
the staff has not been able to complete the work on
measures in time to allow sufficient review.
A glarihg example was the council's approval last
week of a contract w1th.california Animal ContrQl..{0AC)
councilinen minutes before their meeting and City Ad·
miniJtntor Dave Rowlands urged approval beCame CAC ·
wanted to start. work.
Cully fusing to · cast his vote on an item be hadn't
C;ncilman Al .Coen was tbe lone objector. right·
even ~· sure enough, the contract had to be brought
back ttiis week: for a series of changes-due to minor
mistakes. Though this week's changes were minor, the
fact they bad to be made at all indicates the error in
such rapid approvals.
Councilmen bear the respon~bility to be lnfonned
before they a~t. 'Ibey perfonn best when they ~uire
and use pie time necessary to fulfill that responsib1lity.
Plastic Bike Trail
A. cooperative project by a cl.us ol Estancia High
School students In Costa Mesa and the HunUngton
Beach Environinental Council alms to build the lirst
plastic bicycle trail In HunUngton Beach.
The 40().foot long experimental traU will take the
groun.d-up "lmains ol at least 20,000 plastic bottles and
use them to replace up to 50 percent of the sand and
ceme.nt materials to build the path.
If the plans are realized, the trail will connect Le-
bard Park on Cramer Lane to the Santa Ana bicycle path
on the top of a 20-foot high levee.
The proposed eight-foot wide , three-inch thick bot-
tle trail could be the precUrsor of a whole futuristic style
sysfem connecting th e parks along the Santa Ana River.
The concept is exciting. The recycling or otherwise
often unusable materials like plastic is important in to-
day's ~ociety, when natu~ resources are precious. The
council members, Es_tanc1a students and teachers in·
valved deserve commendation.
·(~ '·' i. i ·'• /, ...
for dog c_a~hing se~ces. Th_e contract was handed to"-\
The Real
'Truth About
Tboagbt1'1t Large :
'!be only truth about chlld-reMmg that
I am absolutely positive of is 'the' fact
that if a sufficient .sense of self-worth
is mt Instilled in tbe child at an early
age. even a lifetime of continual success cannot obliterate that person's nagging
aeaet sense of inadeq~cy.
• • • .
Wouldn't it be a boost to the .,,.,gy
crisis • if we had all the energy
saved by the Jaey and inconsider-
ate drivers who never use their
turn sigMls? J .C.V.
by.-distorting the master's mes.sage so
that it is no longer recognizable as
his o'Ml. (As one may be sure that P~to did with the 1D1writteu gospel of
Socrales.) • • •
E\til news travels around the world i\1061 peopl<, if you ask them to thlnk
about it, would reply that "God" is a noun; only the better theologlan.s would in lbe t~ It take.s a good deed ~
suggest that, properly 'viewed, He. is get from one door to anolhcr -and Ons
a verb. • was true long, klnl l:Jtfore there were
"' • • \ ., any newspapers, radio, or television.
Except tor' lhe very poor, It is not " • • •
what -we earn absolutely but what->Ne 'llle-people woo are so fond of prating
earn relatively that detennines our that . we. must "fight fire . with fire"
degree of content or discontent with are ignorant . of the war this is really
our lot; it is easier to bear the thought done-which ts by containment, and not
.. ¥ • •
of a stranger making a hundred times by eonflict.
nmre than we do than of some.one in What JCholars call "erudition" is
mooUy' pl,giarism with the patina of
aotiquily upon ll
our peer-group making only $10 a week
more. • • •
Trying to learn by other people's eq>erience a customarily as· ·rutne as
learning to swlm without getting into
the water. . . • •
One profound difference between
European.II and Americans is that they
can have violent arguments and still
remain good friends, whereas we take
every disagreement about ideas as a
reflection on our personality, and our
arguments are either repressed or, d eJPre.ssed, end in estra;iJement. • • •
In the end, every talented ·disc iple
turns '!lalnst his master-if not by
promoting a rival theory , then eventually •
• • •
To plant a·tree ""'5e growth and glory
you will never see iB one of the most el~
qua1t ways ol delDOll.Straling that . you
think more of others tJian of yourself . • • •
Nine-tenths of what i5 called our
'.'philosophy'' is our temperarnent; just
aa .nine-tenths of what we call our ''poli-
tics" is our economic PQlritlon. • • ••
For every one tourist ,vho goes abroad
to savor the exotic, a hundred make
the same trek merely to escape lhc
humdrum-and take it along. by seeking
oversea!! what they have. become u3ed
to at home.
-Why Not Athenian-style Deuioeracy?
Alternative to Electi~ Politics
To \he F.cli~:
It is dilflcuJt to step back and take
an objective view of the world in general
and the United States In particular.
Maybe the current disturb;µi ces are
nothing more than ripples in history.
Yet, as a contemporaty citizen . It is
irksome, even galijng. to endure among
other things the stupid chicanery which
elist!: at the Federal level (let's mt
fool ourselves, Jegi!lati•e as well as
e.1.ecutive), the state level (let's hear
it for our well-pe.nskloed ltgisJators).
and of course tbe local level (we 'll
mention no names). In f.act, I've had •
it up to be.re.
IN ORDER to start somewhere, hol\·
about eliminating those wondrous
animals, the elected representatives of
the people? I~ is painfully O;bvious that
the system isn't all that good.
Occuionally we seem to be able to
throw aome of the rascals out, but
8!!_0ther equally horrendous crop aoon
"Allow me to suggest an altemaUve.
Let's select our representatives by lot.
In the first democracy tbe Athenians
did it this way. We_ gain some immediate
benefits. True representation, for ooe
thing ; men and women of a I I
backgrounds and persuasions. W. e
eliminate the asinine i·n t e r m I t t e n t
political squabbles. It iS entire~y possible
that the average inte.lllgence of our
representatives would go up.
Perhaps we could start out at the
local level -at the city letel or maybe
the coonly supervisors (that would' he
a fine place to bcg_in). B.J . ROGERS
Free"'"" Blight
To the F.clitor:
Sometimes it seems wier to build
a $50 million Corona del Mar Freeway
than think out the right thing to do.
Recently, Costa Mesa has seen the
spectacle of the city council and most
of the local elected state offlcials })egging
lhe highwaymen to slam another freeway
throu gh our area. People have sensed
something is going wrong in ravaged,
exploiled, polluted Southern Californ ia,
and that the trouble begins with nwga·
highways and the m e tropolit a n
malignancy that accnmpanies them. .
11IE AIR is poisoned: thert it no
rel)ef from mise and congeseion. there
are degrading kxlg lines at gas stahons.
we cover the beaches witb power plants
and xwage, we bulldoze down our green
hills, coodominimns creep over the land
In a bllgbt ol wasting sores , and there
are too many' can and too many people:. ·
If a kid stam... in an bpen fiekl with
the wind in bis face, he ia a trespas1ing
criminal, but' if a developer digs up
the whole fiekl, he is society's pillar.
SO MANY uneasy a~ competent local
governments have said "enough" to the
dehumanizing and soiling fabric of more
freeways. But not ours -we shall
be the last to ask for one. Freeways
are proven hazanis to respiratory and
cl~ health. Their construction
i!/ a death and disability certificate to
thousands along its path. Anyone who
lives near the escalating noise and air
Pollutkxl of the San Diego freewa y and
the crime and congestion it has brought,
must ask, "What 's in It for Costa Mesfi?"
to have yet anoeher. •
Both the Corona del Mar and the
propmed Newport Freeway a re
"freeways to nowhere ," the open~ed
Corona del Mar to subsidize developers
engaged In dishonoring opm land along
the coast and covering it with the bitter
congestion « man at the expense of
anything wild, native or green: the
Newport in .the summer to be an iron·
botmd dead-<nd parking lot.
Letters from readers are welcome .
Normolly, writers should convey their
mes.,ages in '300 word! or Less. The
rig/it to co11t:U11se letters to fit gpace
or elimiriate /ib et is reserved. All let·
ters mlL.!t include lignature and mail·
i11g add rets but nanu?s 1iiay be with-
held on r equest if 1ufficitnt reason
ii apparent. Poe trr wiU not be pul>-
li.s hed.
being c&!t back and forth between COIID-
tries via the med ia of the TV commercial.
mREE weeks ago the ma jor TV
networ~ carril'd on their newscasts the
video taped commercial or a new product ·
being intrQduced In Austra lia. It was
a spray anti·perspirant named "Uncle
Sa m." The ad was a montage of
America n scenes suggesting t h a t
Americans ""'ere using the product.
Recu rring throughout the sequence ""·as
a young man, dressed a! Uncle sam,
playing the piano and singing the
commercial. IIis mannerisms carried
the stereotype af the homosexuil The
final scene of the montage shov.'ed the
Statue of Liberty holding aloft a can
af the product In place of her torch.
ln ' a la ter sequence this was changed
to !hot of -the old girl applying · 1~
product to her ann being held in the
air. .
A! the . prod uct is not affcred for
But to violrotly attack my fc\law man
or destroy thini:s in order to achieve
that is. to me. \·cry stupid. Ca n the
means really justify the end?
Think about the material things tl61'
are destroyed (schools. stores , etc), afi'if",,
then think ho""' n1uch il takes to rebuild
those things. not only monetarily, but
!he time and patience. real people rnl151
devote to recons1ruct something ripped
apart in a fit of insccurily and hatred.
From what I am a""·are of whe n I
see this happen, the hatred comes from .
and is pointed at oneself.
I, 1G9, am bitterly opposed to so mt
laws 'ind social morals put on mt'.
but l can't think of any other plaC('
l could have wha t I have now, nor
have -l heard any o t h e r feasible
alternatives to case the problems tha~
race all of ~ every day .
IF WHAT you want to do i! destroy
what little we have to share now, then
ask yourself who v.·ins and who loses?
\Viii there be no end to this inane
ga me? If this vicious circle docs nol
end, then what will be lefl? What abou:
the babies, the children. the young one~
\vho haven't learned bow to hate yet?
What will v.·e lt>ave lo them?
If v.·e can't retain enough of our sight
to look at ourselves then let's spend
what little energy ""'e have left for
the young ones who will hold the dreams _
and ideai that some of ll! have los t
in the all too painful process of growing
old. ro.1aybe they can grow together
in'Stead of grow old. • --
sale in this co untry and the commercial To the Editor :
~·as presented as part of a nev.·scast I assumed it was shown to express r ~'as delighted recently to read a
the network's displ easure at th e new!i.o item released by the l~ig!!Jay
somewhat insulting connotation . Patr61 to the effect that almost al! drivers are breaking the law by
WHAT appeared la me to be a exooeding the 55-mile-an hour speed·
retaliatory gesture, a ne~· co111~rclal, limit.
has been made for American audiences. I have been driving .at v.·hatever speed
Representing the hotel subsidiary of PSA I deem safe for myselr and will continue
Airlines the seque nce advertises the to do so.
-Real Silent Majority: Non-vorers
For the privileges o{ subsidizing the
dissolution or open land remnants. we
ta.Jpayers are to pa y about $100 million.
It would seem we are about to assault
our land__ simply becatR il is there
or that we build more roads because
we cari't figure out bow to stop.
In the neit few years, ~ Orange,
Newport and Corona del Atar Frteways
are to be shoved down our throat.
Freewaya ""' he stopped and these will he. Tiiey lhall he abandoned becauae
there is no good purpose for their
exilemce and there are a k>t of better
things to spend tax dollars on than
our own ae:lf~ion.
aceommodalions to he found aboard an ex-British luxury liner now bert hed l\IY CAR is my private property:
permanently as a tourist attraction in the gasoline tn the tank Is my private
one of our port· cities. The cartoon ·property and I paid one hell of a lot
of a fat little man . comple~ ·in Oannel of money for the road tbal 1 wheel
April 15, we ahall undergo a rising
cmcendo of TV ads begging us to ·
giye a painless do!'ar to the cost of
poliUcal camJ)ligm by· <becking' a box
on the tnoome-tax .forms. Theo in the: compensates for in felicitous . ~per
two doon. Whichever one you take,
you wind up 1n the same room."
TV Threat
nightgown and sleeping>cap, lies full up and down.
length on the ship, whlle voices sing I don't need a criminal Politician to
of the pleasures to be realized as guests tell me how fast or slow to drive.
aboard the fl oating palace. At the close The Politicians openly admit tbaL the
of the commercial the litt le man sits new law is not for our safety but on
t. En 1· h fl · k accounJ of the phony gas" shortage. up, waves a. iny g 15 ag, win s This small .amount or di!IObedience at the TV audience and in a squeaky w ice snklely offers a suggcstk>n ""'hich is no credit to the American motorist,
might ea~ily provoke war ~·ith the for he is ooly doing what ls natural. fall, we'llbe subject·-ltieken, among wbJch are Voin the
ed to ano~1er brow•··--~~~.--~Boter:i~J'.Co~yi:ot~t:!J; ~V~ot~e fOr Sterile Hassen ----•beating-media-bar -He Can't Get You.Jn..:rmu.b.I · nd
rage ordering us to The Leber oL Two Evifs - ls Evll.
THE LIBE~ came to , th a I
cooclusloo wilh Lyndon Jobn>on in tho
'60s; the c:omervatives have learn~ the
same from Richard Ni.loo in the 170s.
The usu.al response to Ufts observation
is that you've got to participate to
change it. Such talk has a convincing
his man and then found out he might
just M well have supported the loser
for all the dillermce It made. 11l1s
is · 1¥lC-to say that more than a very
few lion-voten ar• disllluslonOO, dropped·
out former partlcipllDts. Most peoplt
catch on early that what is wanted
of them Ls the appearance o f
partlclpallon, not 1he f .. ,.. HaV<! you
ever thought about the coonotatiojl of
-!DOii commoaly med by the medl1
and the .~ to •deaerlbe -who clo .,... lh$D cllect oil 1beir dollar
and vo&e:? Wonla llke m l lltanta,
tDremlrts Cll' Kli'11ts?
llis root is heavy. ~ll--the-F.dil<"---------~B:'..:rit:ish Empire. --..~--------------..,JllLSCQ'.CL_ Sl,.1fl!lrl00Qii"' n. Experts warn of the dangeB of WW History, J am sure, reveals that sillier ff and.. register to • (More information on the League can vOte: be . bad b}!' writing to Box 1406, Santa
Those who don't Ana, Calif. 92702.)
1 give ~don't vote BUT IF abstention II too unacceptable
I will be accuoed of a thollghi to get l1lY GI that free publlc-
the crime .of .. _ IAa-0 percent
-r-· ,, service air tlme, .at -f4
th." Worthlesl cit~ • of 1he eligible vottrs cut no ballot
...,. that Ibey are, tbey11 he lnlonned in 1972. Or, to pat It In other tenl>s,
t U.t tbe1 have not the rl&ht to complain .it means that '1tbe overwhelming , ucl lbal the rottlll ..,.....,.., they're mandaie" the Nl>on people lite to refer
..... to get ls the -they -... "'. -of -· --Of tbe
c &ldl Ill-. bowe•et, are 1t1b)ect ~. who doubles u 1he Jl"lldeot r to llidl\lnllt)''s n.I Ln. It was tbe of ri&ht.wlnc Ramparts eon.,. •nd
: late, pt Albanlm political scle!Jtilt, chainnan ·of the Leque GI Non-Voten,
Aleslllder -yntlky, who decilr<d remll'b that the "ninety-millioo 1 that all unlvmally held poIIUcal slopns who didn't vote for N-are 1he real
are lpoo facto false. So, allho<lgb you silent majority. 'l'lley're ,. 1llent hec:a-
,...., hear It on 'fV this year, you they've got earphones on and 1hey're
1 can serve yourself and your count7 listening."
by abltention. tt would he a mistake to llllllll1!
rn f1ct, this diareputable position has tha l au people who don 't vote do to
found or11nJzed e1prt51M>ll since lrll for the same reasons. But whatever their
in a small group called Tiie League ,.....,., they obviously con~lpded that,
of Non-Voters. 'lbere bcln&. a hi&ll on balance, the small e•~ltu.~ In
correlaUon between non·votcts and non· energy It takes Isn't wort.fl It, pe:rhape
jolnera. the !ague 11 short on members, because they agree w th Leon, who aay1, oot ehat It wants In numbers tt "Voting Is like going thniugh ... ol •
'!be primlry func:tion ol m a n y
American elOcticm llD't scleotloo but
legitimation. lt'a M e:s.perLtive validation
procoa Uin to the anointing ol kings.
One wry to mote It 1.., of an inherti...l
ritual would be to adopt Sy Leon"•
ptOPOlll that we have an e:1tra bol
on the Presidential beUot, one thlc reads
"None ol. lbe: above." ,
f.lany more people would IO to the
polls on '!:lecllon Doy II they knew
they didn't hav• to 1~ !or the
Candida"'. ,
III, and the many ways in which incidents have resulted in y,·ar.
dvilhatlon could be plunged into the PAUL DEES
war that will quite passibly "End all
Wllrl." Who Wh11!'
I SUBMIT to rtaden of your columns
that It might not take tn 1mprovok<d
1uadt by a military force; the death
of -goyornmait heOil 1t the band
of an usassin, or the finger or tome:
nervous duty officer pusllthg 1 ml buttoo
lo a bunker deep In the bowel• of
the W1h to plummet our globe into
the .. ,.trophic bolocaust ol at-ic war.
Conolder the Po"lbUlty that instead
ol a lack GI c:onummlcaUon It might he
an ovtr-ttalous form of communlcatktn
which llShen in the beg1nnlng o1 the end.
l refer to ft>e teemingly innoctnt lnsults
"""' E. Skold, Swedish Consul
General. S.F. -"I am a total optlmlst.
1 don't know tile meaning of life, but
I do IDlow what ,.. clo don not go lnlo
lhln alr."
To the Editor: •
I am a young Y.'Oman, soon to have
a child, and a welfare recipient. I am
not proud of the fact that 1 must depen d
on other people for my existence. People
that v.'Ork hard ta-make ends meet
.for themselves and their own families
are the people that also support me
and my ·unborn child . At the same
time, I am not ashamed to admit that
J need help until I am able to provide
for my.elf again. I thank the people
and the •tructurt of thi~ country (as
bad ea shape ns it's lnl that the hel p
I need is there Just for the asking.
IL really sickens me to think there
are people in this couutry lha.t think
~ 1ht world owes the m some.thing. 1
1 I WATClf the nc~'• and see people
fighting over a bag or food. i'euple
are starvtnt all over the world. lf s
true. and I sometimts would like to
.hnvr: more meat or mllk in my d.iel
Robert N. Weed, PubU.Mr
Thomas Ktctnl, Editor
Barbara Krt ibich.
.Editorial Paga Edftor
,,,. <dltor11t ..... of ""' bolly
Pilot Kdct to lnfoml. and ltinlul&!e
ttadtn by pttsenti,. an this pap
~rcctnrMrttary·an topcs ol. in-
lfftst by 'Yndlc•ted cohunnlinc and
car1oon~t1. by proovkttrc a Ion.Im for
~readm' vif'Ws snd by pttttmlna: thi1
ncw1papitr't op1Norul and ideu on
cumnt topica,· 11W! edl!OflaJ opinions
of the DUiy Pilot •PPl!tr Cf1Y in Jhe
tditorill ~umn at ~ top ol the
pq:r:.· ()pin;.,n; r:,;~ by the c.d-
umnlltJI and cartoontN •nd letter
Y.Tlttn ~ lhf'lr own and m ~
mtnt of lhc.ir vlMn by the [)d:r
. Pilot lhcNkl bt inftrrta..
~FJ!day, March I , 1974
_ _. . .
• --
Judge RUies Fr ee
Maili.rrg 'Misused'
SAN DlECq I AP J -Rep ..
.., Bd>Wi\900, (R·Ca l i l.),
~ h i s congressional · ' :... ff'lllking privUege by mailing
'· ·~· .,
J ackson 5 ' .,
1~' CI d ·· eare
year-old member ot t h e
Jackson Five singing group
has been cleared of a charge
or receiving stolen property.
The dismissal by Superior
COurt Judge Harry V. Peetris
was disclosed Thursday, the
day trial -proceedings \Ii' ere to
have begun for· Toriano "Tito"
ot the same time, the judge
accepted a guilty plea from
code!endant John P. Jackson,
22, who is neither a relative
nor a member of the rock
group. .
A third defendant, Sanders
"Bubba" Bracey, 24. was
ordered to appear for trial
on the charges. He is accused
of participating in burglaries
of 50 San Fernando Valley
apartments. The t b e f l S
allegedly involved stereo and
television sets. •
Redd Fo xx
Takes R es t
newsletters during }l!s 1972
cainp:aign at taxpayers'
CX"pe'IUC, a .judge has ruled.
However .. U.S. Distric t Court
Judge 1 ~ T h omp s on
ref~ to ~r Wilson to
pa y damages 1jhursday. and
"Wil!!Oll a pparently acted in
good faith, since in doing in
he was utilizing a (·usto1n
practiced by ooarly every
other cqngressman in the
United St.ites."
Wilson was sued by F'rnnk
Caprio, his Demo c ratic
opponent in tbe 1972 election,
for $36,3:;2.96. The money
represented the eost or the
postage. Caprio said he sought
1he money for the lalpaycrs,
not himself.
Wilson malled 247,412 copies
of hi:s ncwslctter, "Bob Wilson
Rooorts." about ,tv.'O weeks
before the June 1972 primary,
in wtlich he was unopposed,
and 207 .000 copies about two
w~ks before the Nove1nber
C!oction .
In both cases he used his
coogregional frank , or frtt
mailing privilege.
The judge found b o t h
mailings to be violations of
an 1893 law governing
franking. The Jaw. was revised
last year to permit wtSOliclted
mas> mailings to constituents,
00! they still are banned In
the last four weeks before
an electim.
• Ul"I ~Hlolo
F r ee Foorl
A recipient of the-
l·learst food give away
program chec ks the
contents of his shop-
ping bag and expresses
satisfaction over the
three chickens. two
cabbages. two cans of
to1nato juice and jar
of peanut butter he re-
ceiv~d Thursday. The
program, aimed at win-
ning the release of
kidnaped Patricia
Hearst. began its sec-
ond day of operation at .
JO Jocalio ns in the Bay
Two More De.part
Worldwide Church
'· ~ PASADENA (AP) -Two L6s ~N'CELF.S (AP) -: more administrators h a v e
1 Alling Redd Foxx, the star resigned from the \YOr~dwlde ~ of .NBC's "Slnford and Son " ~ of God, br1ng1~g to
church. . _
The two vice presidents also
had asked the Annstroogs to
restore to their f o r m e r
standing the ministers and
administra tors who have been
suspended or fired.
' 29 the number of m1n1Ster:s
1s not expected back for the and ·executives who have
remainder d the season. resigned or been rm in
That was the word 'Thursday 'recent weeks.
~'\> ln>m Aaroo Ruben, lbe show's 1be lat..I departures were
{-~ snctucer. . .-r by David L. Antion, director
·~ Fem, 51c Is still in the of church adminislraUoo. and ~ boopila1 after und...,0in( test& . ~~.,;,,~-ii::
f« a nervous condi~ that resigned Wedne9day n i g ·h t
, bu kepi him oul for three after church leaders Hetl>ert
weeks. W. Armstrong and ~ son,
•i Ruben said he wa:s revising'' Gamer Ted Arm.strong. . . . refused to meet with rcg\onal three scnpts written for Fo~, directors to discuss probJems
who plays the role of Fred they feel eiist within the
Sanford. P as a d e n a -headquartered
Stanley Rader, ge n e ra J
counsel for the multimilllon-
dollar church and college, said
the pa.Jr's proposal was
"totally unacceptable" to the
elder Arrru:trong.
'I1le 85,00lknember church
bu been tom by controversy
recently. Six ministers woo
resigned signed n letter to
chu rch members w h i c h
aneged that the Armslrongs
have been spending church
contributions lavishly. '
~ta !!A~J
HOii! o..a: 280 Ocean A¥enue, Laguna Beach. Calif01nla 92651, Telephone:
..,..7541 •LAGUNA NIGUEL: 3 Monarch Bay Plaza • SAN CLEMENT£: 601 North
,, c.m1,,., Atel • LAGUNA HILLS: 24038 Calle de I• Ptilll • ~KE EL!INOflE •
, • 800 Wnt Graham Avenue
• -. .
Reinecke l' 8. ·Flourtaofl
• '
-" ·Fr1day, MM!t;-1, lirn4 DAJLY PILOT .")
Battle ·Rag~s Over R~y~lty _ Oil-:i:!1
dlvlded Republican St ale
Lancbi Comm iss ion h.1s
decided 'to fight die !edl!ral
government for au'thortty ('!
sell state royalty oil at
premium 11energy c r I s l s ' '
Royally oil Is lhal which
CaUtornia r e c e l v e s for
allowing petroleum "'°1panles
to drill nl Calilomla tide lands.
charge twice the federal tJie otato can oo sotnetJU,.
C<iling l<J< Its oil, the coot lo hold down the -of
of gu>IJne could go up as living." be declared.
to affect ln!latiat. -~.
In the event a price iQCreM J 1
Is -~... -ll&id··
moch as lme oolts · pe< Flotrnoy dismls<ed I h •
.............. ~.
motwist.t sboold be given a
cuaftll>Ondq cut in the sta~
gaaollne taL J
Union OU O>. bu wq<d
a vigorous campaign since lut
fall io bring the state uncle<
federal pricing controls.
gallon. argument, saying the quantity
"This is: one place where of royalty oO was insufficieht
J f successful, California
go\•ernment stand:s tO galn
$200 million oT more annually,
said Slate Controller Houston
I. Flournoy, comm is s io n
chainnan. He argued it was
only fair the state g e t
"market value" for i t s
1ideland.! royalt y oil.
· Butfellowcommi s sion
member and riVal Republican
gubernatorial candidate Lt."
Gov. Ed Reinecke wa"1ed Quit
if Cl.llifornia was allowed to
cash In oo the lntematlon.al
oil frenzy and raise its prices,
~ did 00( atttnd the
e.ftemoon se!mon because of
''prior commitments." He de.
nounced the ,meeting as
a "steamroUer effor1" and a
"bure<wcratic ripoff o! I h e
Flourooy announced h •
woold fly to Washington , D.C.,
Monday to "erert every
p>SSible pnmure" on Federa l
Eil<rgy ·Director W 1111 am
Simon to reverse the state
p-ice ceiling. He said a lawa.Ut
was betqi considered.
il wouJd drive up the cost THE ADDr.ONAL money,.. of gasoline to the consumer.
The two leading G o p Flournoy sat would help the
candidates clashed openly at state make up for revenue
a lands commlsiion meeting losses call.9ed by the energy
Thursday arid battled to a crisis. and would allow tor
deadloc~ ircater exploration of new
petrole11m sourees.
Btrr FLOURNO~ quickly Gov. Ronald Reagan told a
summoned the · commission's news O'JOference Thursday the
Boar d Backs
R evocation
Of License
SACRAMEl'fl'O (AP) -1be
stale Alcoholic B e v e r a g e
<hitrol Appeals Board hu
upheld a decision revoking the
liquor license of Bob's Ga.s
House in Guerneville on
grounds ii had pel"!llilled
The-board announced
Thursday that ii agrees with
the fllldings or the state
Department or A I coho! ic
Beverage Control that the
establishment had been "used
as a house or assignalior1, in
that females were allowed and
pennitted lo solicit an d
arrange for a c t s of
prostitution." .
third member, Republican federal Jrice celling wa.s ,
State Finance Director Verne "discrimlnatory" against THE· DEPARTMEm' said
OIT, to an unusual second California. The Assembly, it nrade the decision after
session, where OJT sided with meantime, put the -legislature investigations ln 1971.
Floo 00 ~ as nnnnirrina the 1be transcript of the' appeal l1lCly. it:UllU .._.,.,--e
The 'JO!e was 2-0 to take federal limits. • hearing Feb. 7 said ooe or
"any action'' needed to California should-fet "fair the licensees:, Robert E. LeeL
reverse a Feb. 21 order by market value" fOr oil just was told by a d i s t r i c
Commended by tM Seventieth Auembly
Di1trid, California State Aaembly,
for his urvice to the
City of Costa MHo
City Council Incumbent
the Fedenll Energy Office . '3S it does in selling surplus attorney's Investigator in 1970 I
limiting f.he price California property or anything else, "about alleged prost.ltution
can cbarge for royalty otl to Flournoy said. occurring at licensed premises
an average of $4.21 per· ban-el. But Retnecke, · who also ls during the Bohemjan Grove _
Before the order, the state. chairman of the State F..neqy encampment and that he
was receiving up to '9 ·a ?laming Council, 3rgued tha.t shoo1d tell these unidentified ~~~!. ~~~~~~~~il~C.~lif~onu~·a~w~as~all~ow~·ed;"._~W'__~~·~rl~s~w~l~ea~v~e~the~p~re~m~i~se~s~."__:I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:"
:b ,.
a. Stripes. Circling the polyester .
shire by Rhapsody Fashions
in blue/brown, p~k/green,
green/white. 10-20, 1'?.99
Californie nnc Casuals
-b. Pants trio. U.refrec and casuaJ.
Plaid shirt jacket and pull-on
pants, sleeveless shell: f.{avy.
bro,vn or red on whicc
polyester. 10-18, 29.99
Shef'\\yn Cnsuals
.. c. Pantsuit. Windbreaker scyle.
Pull-on pants. Sleeveless shell.
l>Olyester in many patterns and
colors. Jn sizes s.16.
Originally $60, 39.99
Sherwyn Knils
d. Camel's-hair. Luscious.
Pantcoo.t wich side pockccs,
back belt, top stitching. Camel
or navy. Si zes 8-16, 4.9.99
Order b)· mail or phone.
Shcrwyn Coats
• •
Shop Monday thru Friday, 10:00 o.m. ro 9:30 p.m. , Bullock"1 Sant> Ana, I F.shion Squatt, 2800 N. Main Strttt, Santa Ana, Ttlephone: H7-72 l I• . ,
Sarurday, 10:00 •·1)1· to 6:00 p.m.. Bullock's South C<iaR Plau, San Diego F,..,..r 1t Bristol, Costa Meu, 'll!lcphon<: 556-0611
' .
I .
I ~
.. .
' I r p
0 ·a
· al
I ~· •. -.
• • IXOll I es n
'Astonislaing Turns' Ji1ry Nam es
Corona del Mar Haldema11,
BULLET IN IJypass_Not D-ead
Of tlte D911Y Pl ... Sllff
The controversial Corona del Mar
highway bypass proposal miraculously
remains alive today following two aston·
ishing developments be:rore Newport ~cft councilmen Thursday night.
It's alive because .iwo-things didn"l ha . (llle!I.
Mayor Dooakl A. ?tlclnnis, hi! anger
thinly disguised, aJU10UllCa! al the outset
Hearst Food
Plan Halted
.. Until Tuesday
, SAN FRANCISCO (UP!f -The nat
frle ,food dktrtbatlon la the giveaway
program •lmed at wfnaing Ute release
of kld•aped Patricia Hearst lhil: arter-
noon was postponed uatll Tonday. _
of the Hearst food giveaway program
·aimed at winning the release of kidnaped
Patricia Heant considered t o d a y
l'•hethe.r to pastpone the nelt distributkln
day ICbeduled for Saturday. (Related
plcture, Page 5.)
The • program 's head, A. Ludlow
Kramer, said Thurdaf's successful
operation during which 1 ·ore than
$200,000 worth of food was given to
25,000 to 30,000 persons so ex:hausted
. the volunteer staff that they might not
be abJ'e to prepare for Saturday.
"Most people are so tired we might
skip Saturday and do it on Tuesday
instead," Kramer said.
of the sometimes biucr and stormy
public beariJlg on the $67 million traffic
plan that councilmen would not be able
to take any action. •
1be city clerk's office forgot to publish
a legal notice of the bearing, the mayor
revealed, apologizing to the Overflow
crowd in_city ball
Councilmen reset the official hearing
date to March 11 but ~k testimony
anyway, anticipating the same barrage
of opposition that led -P I a n n i n g
commissioners to declare the proposed
Fifth Avenue bypass to be a dead is;ue.
~Bfrt ·things didn't go that way.
The 20 ·Speakers who paraded to the
microphone during the next three houii
ignored the rest ·of the study as ·thC);
divided almost evenly on what ~hould
be done fo solve traffic congestion ln Corona del Mar.
The testimooy was highlighfud by
· speakers like PlaMing Commission
Oiairman William Agee who acidly
attacked "pressure by a small bot fairly
detenn.ined, segment of our developmcnt-
oriented bus~ comnnmity" supporting
the bypass.
Agee, a dty cotmcil candidate, also
blasted the Daily Pilot.
"Not the least . of these pressures.
I'm afraid, came from the constant
ban-age of ediforilils from our
friendly Costa A-tesa newspaper lrying
to tell the rommiUee and the residents
lligh Cost of Mailing
of Newport Beach what was best tor ---·
them,'' be said.
Inflation takes another bite on Saturday when these new postage
stamps come into use -10 cents for first class mail and 13 cents
for air mail. That's a two-cent jump instead of the periodical one-
cent increase, showing that we're taking a licking on postage too.
"You remember, I'm sure. that it
was this same riewspaper that told us
to Vote for th~ Pacific Cioa.st Freeway:
and \he residents didn 't listen to them,
thanlt: heavens, and naturally. voled 6
to l against the freeway ," Agee said.
But Agee shortly found himself on
the receiving end of sharp criticism,
some of it from J. Leslie Steffensen,
former chairman of the CitizCns Charter
(See CORONA, Page 1)
Ga s Li11es Lo11g·as Eve r
For Dellttt _of Ratio11i11 g
i';E\\' ''OllK I UPI I -Tht' .\l!t('hrll-
Stans obstruction of jusllce trlu l 11ao;
adjourned this artemoon unlll f.londur
ri1·t' hours urter II began ""bile lhe prr·
siding jud.i:e ronsldered n defen se mollon
for a mistrial because of a remark iti
the government's opening &lalement.
J·Ialdeman .. John D. Ehrlichmaq. John
N. ~titchell and four of Presiden
r\ixon's fon ner high \Vhile !louse and
polilical associates were indicted today .
by a federal gr3nd j1il')" "'hich hns
been in\'es tig!!ting \\'atergatc for 20
months. ·
-Charges of conspirini;: to obs1ruct
justice v.·erc filed against :111 seven
def1•ndants. /\dditlonal cha,·ges ·of such
offenses as perjury and dcstroyin,e
t'\'idencc .,..·ere brought ag;i inst si:< of
Nixon himself v.•as not indicted. Bul
\\1atergatc special prosecutor Lron
Ja.,..·orski turned over to Chief U.S.
l>istrict Judge John J . Sirica a "scaled
rt•port" fr pm the grand jury. ·
Its contents were not disclosed. but
it ,had btt-n reported that the jury
intended to make a separate report
·on its vie .... ·s of Nixon's possible role
II\ \Vatergate and the coverup.
F'urlher Watergate-related Indictments
;ire expeeted from olher grand jury
investigations into abuse of campaign
funds, the I'M' affair and the Ellsbcrg
brcak·in. ·
Prior to tochly's developments. 30 per·
sons h::id been charged In conn<.ction with
\\'atergate and related events.
Two u•erc convicted (G. Gordon Liddy
and James \\'. fllcCord Jr.~, ·i pleaded
guilty and eight awaited ~ ial.
H:ildcn1an was Nixon's chief of stafr,
Ehrlichman hi s chief domestic adviser.
and fl'litche11 was his attorney general
and his campaign manager . for both
:;uccessful presidential elections.
Other defendants:
-Charl es \V. Colsoii, former
The seCond-day of operation Thursday
went smoothly, In sharp contrast to
the program's first day a week ago
which degenerated into fighting and
brawling. · V. 1 _ S
But as Y.el there slill was no response lOtent tOfm
· 'from Patricia's kidnapers, the Symbion·
01 "'' o.i1~ r ;1oi. ll•ft
to get g.:is again until Tuesday.
··A lot of people figure Sunday isn·t
About half of Orange C o u n t Y ' s going to hap~n, 50 Tuesd ay is the
motorists were out or luck today as end of the v.·orld.'' said motorist -Ed
presidential cowisel, who · took a leave <¥e 7 INDICTED Page 21
'ese Liberatioo,/lrmy, who have held her u·lls·
sim:e Feb. 4. The SLA has maintained _Al .
an eigbt'-day ·silence since insisting that Workma1t
l1i N. <lcilifornia
the state's mandatory gasoline distribu-tion plan went into clfcct.,. .... -~ -__ .,.alb,.o! ~-_:-_ ---· _ _ _ . .
But it took more than an odd digit One station °"·nc~ -i~ do;;J~'fl . l....Qs A pplalt Se Boos the food program established · b y
Patricia's father was not big enough
to show good faith.
"Well, we're all hoping. God knows
we're hoping," said her father, Randolph
/... Hearst, publisher and editor of the
San Francisco Examiner, wh,en asked
if the SLA would respond to the
successful distribution.
Ttiursday's ~recipients s to o d
patiently in line cold, drizzJy day
at JO distribut' ten in the San
Francisco .B y Arlll, then came out
smiling with bags •of groceries in their
arms. Hwtdreds more left without a
fuss when the food ran out within a
few hours.
"'There wasn't the d e m e a n in g
&Peetacle that occurred last Friday,"
Hearst said in a statement to newSmen
at blJ Hillsborough home.
or .. ge -••
to get gas today. It took a Jot of Angeles refused to open tooay until che · '
From De1n ocruts .
Greet ·I ndicLl ne nt
patie nce. received policl' help to sort out eligible
The lines were just as long as ever and ineligible drivers. Aoother attendant
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) _ Orie person in all coastal communities. "'ith he said he 11.·as .. too husy" to enforce the
died in a fierce Pacific storm that PRICI NG BAT RAG ES ha lf-tank minimum purcha se provision.
battered Northern California with violent OVER ROYAL TY IL, Page 5 State officia ls predict things will smooth out by next week "'hen se rvice
WinW, lftavy rain and snow. GASOL INE PRICES UP stations. beleaguered by £e we r
ffighways were blocked and thousands 8 CENTS IN MARCH, Page 12 customers. will be able to keep their From Wire SCrvices
ol people aJong the northern and central pumps running 1o11ge r into the day. \\.ASflINGTON -The announcemen"l
coasts were without electricity for 8 cxccplion of fl.fission Viejo. There for Dri vers who filled up today probably that seven former top aides to President
timC Thursday as pawer lines snapped the first time in recent memory. La will not be able to get gas again until l'ixon have been indlcted in the ·
in the strong wirids. Paz Road was not blocked to traffic Tuesday, according to the /\uto Club \Vatergate case· produced applause and
"S tained •-ched 60 •-70 by autos lining up for gas. , v.·hieh reports that despite the new some hools at a meeting of the us gus~ rea -w Else h C l'f · h nd f Democrat•'• Nat1'onal Comm1'ttee her•• miles per hour on the coast and in w ere in a 1 om1a. t e ma a ory dislribulion system, only one station in ...
the ,_,_ ,and 55 h odd:even plan also fail~ to deliver the 100 will be open Sunday. today. mouni.au.g were near m.p. -d 'red uJ Committee Chairman Robert S . in the Sacra.mento Valley and the San esi res ts. The "evens " tryjng to get a full tank Fran~ Bay area," the National Lengthy lines were reported in Los Saturday v.·on't fare much bet'.:!:. S1rauss interrupted the procee~fngs to
Weatbei-Service reported. Angeles County ~ the .,San ~ranci.sco Auto Club officials say open st11Hons read the list of seven declarin~. "I
Police said a crane operator in Bay Area counhes. Pohce said some will be a rarity with only 50 percent believe all of us are' Pleased that justice
Riclunond, just north of here apparently · .persons who were allo'fed to buy gas of the statltkis in metropolitan areas might finally work its will."
drowned when a 40 m.p.h. lust toppled today !eared that"1hey wouldn't be able (See GAS, Page 21 The loudest applause came when
his crane into four feet of water at .Strauss read the name of fonncr Alty.
a shipyard. Rescuers worked hours Gen. John N. l\litchell, who was head ·
1bunday trying to ntrieve t be G . o}i,,Pr~si~ent Nixon's 1968 and 1972 u;:n~:'t: ~ce~~~ka~~s~ asoline· Hotline c T:r~gn~~s some laught~r-too~ when
areas to brace fol more· soulherly gales, Strauss noted there hadn't i>c()n much ~o ft I. ,. h of a hand fo the indictment or former l!l~-.0..-+....2"--~-·--m,.,... . ..,..-..iroug -Saturda1y, ,_, -11----------------------------ii-~::;:;s; = including gusts of up to 78 m.p,h, norlh presidential ai e or on ;'.>(racnan.
Looks like more showers are on of Point Arena. • Call 8.1 4-2330 for Odd-even .Data Strauss said the smiles were "not the agenda tonight and "Saturday. \Vith~ another stonn front 300 miles for this great national tragedy·• but
Little change in temperature with v.-est of California this · m 0 r n in g, because Democrats were "hopeful we'll
highs at the beaches 55 Tising to forecasters predlcted another ·, u r 5 t of Orange County officials set up a gasoline hotline· Thursday to never have another one."
the low 60s inland. Lows tonight heavy rain and snow in the mountains answer questions about the new odd-even license plate 'gasoline . .Ptfeanwhi1e, Congression11I J11ader,, of 4s-55. today, turning to showers Saturday. marketing system. both parties urged that the American
Jou. buff• along the Orange
Coaat are awaiting neit week-
end'• Orange ,CO<Ut College
Jon E1~em.ble Fe1Uvol. Drum-mer Loult Bell.loft a1td trumpet ~
player Maynard Fergwun will
perform. See today'1 Weektndt'r.
........ Mrricil J
"'"" n .... M. ..,. 11 ,......... J, .f1 ''""'"" .. c....ia 11 C1_.. 1P
OMftl •Int f ......... ,_ .
f'I-ll•U ,..rv_• ,.
.............. 1• ... _ . .. ~.. ...
In Sacramento, tbe State!F'ederaJ Flood • people withhold judgment on the se\'en
Control office predicted flood warning THE TELlP.HONE number is 834-2330. • former aides until a jury trial established
stages would be reached today on the The Dail~ I>ilot attempted to reach the nu'mber for three hours Lheir guilt o·r innocence.
-Ruuian River:. aL Gueme\'ille, Soooma today beforeigetting th.tough. All previous tries drew busy signals. Sen. Sam J . Ervin CO.N.C.), chairman
County, and on the F.el River at Ten special operators will be on duty seven days a week be· oE the Senate Watergate committee, said
Fembridge. Humboldt County. tween 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. to answer calls coming in on the special it would be improper tor him to comment
. By late ThuJ'ld.ay n\gbt, lhe weather line. " on the Indictments.
.service reported · three inches of Los Angeles County also has a speC.ial telephone switchboard But Sen. Lowell Welcker (R.CoM.),
precipitation at Mt. Shasta and 1~ to handle gasoline marketing questions. said he stood by a s!Jllement he made
inchu along tbe northern coaaz. and at the opening of committee hearings
in the SierTa Ntvada. THE LOS ANGELES t t h be · 62 77 7 last May that the significance or The San... .Francisco .Bay area and e ep one num r 15 4• 7 · · Watergate was "not In the aelS of men
Sacramento Valley each rePorted about In both counties. telephone operators will provide information breaking, entering and 6ugging the
one-half inch of rain(aJI. only about the gasoline plan. Watergate. but in .the facts of men
Blowing and drlfllq "'°" as low as Complaints about violations ol the .system wlJI be referi;ed to who olmost stole Am<rica ."
lhe 3,000.foot elevation will mean poor local pofice ilepartments, or the county sheriff. Requests for "Notlllng •~ould be said lhat wlll
vi,ibiHty and huardoul~driving in the emergency serv1ces will be .referreCl to Lhc California Highway interfere with 8 fllir lrial," Senale
foothills and mountains. Chains we.re Patrol. COfnplainl$ about gas prices will be referred to the U.S. Republican leader Hugh Scott told
required thlJ loominc on U.S. 50 over ... Internal l\frlehue Service. newsmen after lhc Indictmen ts wctc
'--------------' ... Echo Summit. msde public.
• '
, -_._
I \
Tod ay's Final -
UPI Ttlepltel"'
John Ehrlichman
H. R. "Bob" Haldemtn
ForrTMr Top Aide MitctMll
. ' . ' •
Bar Probe
C I • ontinues
I From Y.'lre' Ser,•lce1
A Callfomla State Bar Assoclatlon
lnvestlgalion of President Richard 1M.
Nixon, himself an attorney , plus "five
othel"I including his J>CfiORal lawyer,
Herbert Kalmbach ol Newport !leach,
is eicpected to oonclude in (v.·o to three
r The final decision in I~ matter could
l be to aispend for practice or dllbar •
all $ men depending on what is
concluded about their involvement in
the Watergate matter.
"Hundreds of man-hours have been
' spent si far on the invesU&ation," said
Bar Asloctation President s e t h
1 Hufltedlet in a Thunday interview 1n
' Loo Angeles.
1 "We &f!! in the proce s!I of making
10me preliriiinary determinatlons as \0
whether to proceed." he said, adding
it has not been possible 'to obtain much
I information from the Watergate Special
Prosecutor's Office yet. '
· The inveatlaation coverB Nixon, his
former chief domet1tlc affairs adviser,
, Jom Ehrllchrrum, his personal lawyer,
' Kalmbach, Robert C. Mardlan, Gordon
• Strachan and Donald H. Segrettl.
Kalmboch pleaded guilty Monday to
charges of violating campaign funding
Jaws and is awaiting sentencing l)y
Federal Judge John Sirlca I n
FrldlY, Martl'I l , 1974 . .._ • '
~ix.-n~s Dope . . \"
Gu.ilt for Courts to Establil1i
W ASJUNGTON (UPI) -President NII on II t:0nlldent all Allltl' icans wlll join him In ~n1atn1 th ai 1111 tormw Wbl.. Houaa
aides who were indicted today "are pr<1sumed tnnocut Wl1fU guilt
is established Jn the courts," a spokesman said. \
. "The President has always maintained tl)at the judicial system
is the proper !\)rum for. the resolution of the questions concerning
\Vatergate," deputy press secretary Gerald L. \Varren said.
The tndjctments indicate that the judJcial prGCess Is finally
moving toward resolution .of the matter, \Varren said, addina:. "It
is the President's hope the trials will move to a just conc lusJon."
In advance of t.he indictments against former aiders J{. R.-Halder·
man, John D. EhrJichman and Charles \V. Col~on and.four former
associates, a Nixon aide said the President was concerned that fam·
ilies and friends of some or the defendants would suffer.
or absence from ll i!I la,· ftrm upon
being indicted and declared : '\I know
that in the end my innocence will be
established .''
-Robert C. Mardian, former assiatant
attorney general in charge of the Justice
Department's internal security division
and also a former campaign aide who
attended meetlnes at which the June
17, 1!172 break·in l\lto Democratic
n'ationat headquarters at the \Vatergatc
was proposed. . ~n:lon Strachan, a yO'uthful White
House aide to Haldeman .who from the
witness stand at Sen ale Watergate
hearings la!lt summer advised yaung
people to "stay awiy" from politics.
jury charged that Haldeman. who had
been NiJ00 '1 close!lt aide, lied before
the Watergate committee wbea be aakl
Nl'lon remarked "lt would -be wrong"
to raise SI mlllloo to buy the 1Uence
of the seven original W a t e r g a t e
Haldeman quoted Nixon on the witness
stand JutY 30, 1973, ifter disclnslng fie
listened to some tape recordings of
Nixon's Watergate oonveraatlons after
he had left the White House.
The grand jury charged t h at
llaldeman's statement&, "as he then and
there well knov.n, were false." 'The
grand jury listened to the tape of the
March 21 , 1973 meeting where Haldeman
.said Nixon made the remark.
' .
Pll•• .... el
GAS •.•
plano1"C to mnaln -One °!"lo Mera .-bead<d tor tht
l1lOllJ1{alm Aid Ibo -ciJltrlbutJOD
IYIWft hod lon:ed -ol bis
~ :--Ill b quarters lull and
two 1taUOn1 refused to g!Ve me gas.
l can 't make it to Bl& Bear and back
on ooe tank. Tbls just #re(!ka mY whole
weekend," he aald.
Under the new regulallon11, ®Stomert
wlll not be serVed ~ un1ess their g,a1
tanks are ltsi than hal! full. st'ation
attendant• may demand to see the fuel
Assembly Speaker Bob More t t l
criticized lhe inspection p r o vi s I o n
although he believes a ban on the sale
of less than half a tank is a "good
thing." .
"They (the attendant!!) are not golnJ
to be 1Ucking their beadl In tbe windows
and checking, saying turn on the key
and let me look. 1be juy'1 aoine to
rollt p your bead ln hJs wtndow ind aay, 'Pump unW11 tell yoJ IO 11op,' "
Mo U aald.
He predicted the atteodanll would
refuse to become policemen for the
plan. Ted Grussing, a food whole1aJer from
HunUngton Beach, reported lhat the odd-
even plan only 1ppeared to give more
"odd11" lhe opportunity to get ln the
panic Une.
"Yesten:lay I had to go to four 1tatioDJ
before I could get 1as. Today the llne1
are Juat as bad. The stations have
can Uned up JO to U deep.
"When are you going to erpose thi.!I
phony gaa shortage? I talked to my
brother in Minneapolls last night and
they're actually having a gas war there.
The prices are ln the Jow tO'a. I couldn't
believe I~" Gnwlni aald.
r • ..
. ......
~ .. , .. " ll•lt P'IMl!t lfrong Turn , · -----
I He bu alllo resigned lrom the Newport
1 Center Jaw flnn he organiled eome
a1x yeara •go !I a result of the charge
I and guilty plea. . ni. bar aaaoclatlon atw.. with the
California Supreme r.Ourt the PoWer--to
dlsclpline uneOiical conduct by attorneys 1---~·1Icensec1-to·practlee-in the llato.
U the ·elite aupmne court nilee that
the allet!ed oflenae involved lnoral
I airplt.ude. the lawyer In question ,Is
-Kenneth W. Parkinson, attorney for
the Committee to Re-elect the President,
who like Colson insisted that ultimately
·"my innocence will be demoMtrated.
--i'b:e sealed report was prescnttd-srrrca
in a manila envelope. He opened it,
read iLs contents and mealed It.
At the White House, deputy press
secretary Gerald L. Wai:ren declined
to answer when asked if Nixon 1Ull
COMidered Haldeman and Ebrlk:hman
'two ol the !!nest public servants" he -f< -f< -f<
Truck driver Gary \Vilccltt·s-rig took an unexpected tum about 8
p.m. Th~sday as be was turning it around in the Big Canyon devel·
opment 1n Newport Beach. The tractor slipped Of road and down
a hill onto golf course, knocking over a light pole as it went. Wilcox,
27, escaped injury. Tow truck later hauled 15,()()().pound tractor out
of predicament.
had known. . £' _ • ·
He paid them thil rompUment-ut~S~iGeS-l'~M 1 p re' televl!ion on April 30, 19?3, the day ' . . -Oflfl '8--. .....op e
-In Its 50i>3ge ""tnmament, the ~gr'irid
they,mJped and pmldential eowuel • -"---· ~~ .:::;; .:;;'I
.rohn w. Dean m wu n...i. -· Anot1ier ·Boost · · . · ·
suspended from practice while the bar
' c:ooslders whit penalty IO recommend.
. The. Iler'• recommJldatlon, following a ' bearinl referred to as a trial, goes
CORONA DEL MAR BYPASS ..•• to t6e high court for action. The court
,'usually, but not always, follows the I recommendation. 'Ibe existence of the bar's investigation ·Review Committee. Store and Rogers s i m i I a r I y I of Nixon and the other11 Was revealed Steffensen cha rged that Agee and interrogated just about everyone else
A111. 1 by the then-bar preslden~ others oppose the proposed bypass who appeared to disagree with tj>em.
I Leonard Janofsky. Ordinarily, all such simply because it would rup near their Russell Serber, representing the
• in-1ptlons and the proceedinp that homes. Cameo C.n\munlty M!oclatlon, who Aid
I follow are kept strictly teerel. but He leVel'ed the same accusation al he was -11k1 .. ~ for residents of Cameo . Janofsky sakl an ucepUon was made Councilm Sto ~--· -~ ... . beot•ne of the public nature of the . an John re, a ""'1uue1 Hlghl11nds, Cameo.Shores and Sborecli!f.5, Highlands resident. said if the choice ils between a parking
I al!alr. Steffemen also diarged that th< ban Oil the highway and a bypass, they'd
cilizem' committee that g u Ide d take the bypass.
I' Pow: er Go"'". Off .,,reparation of the 185,000 study was Officiah ol the Harbor View Hills ~ ·atacked w!Ql Freeway Flghten. Community Association earlier had
I 0 You're not respomlble lor just 100 submitted a petition signed by 4,500
I T C• • people. or a few people along Fifth per'900S -861 of them from Corona n _ 'lf1.0 ttUJS • Avenue. You represent S0,000 pe<J!lle In cfel Mar -opposing the bypais.
•• 1 ~ ~~:°" Beach," Stetfen.sen Serber and others accused the petition
Southem CalllornlA FA!.on Complny ' sporuors ol misrepmenlill( the facu n_,_1_ ~....1-"·-He. said the comultant's report failed 1n obtaining sianatures. I o1,~ aald -1 -power l>llur• t ed tely bat ould hi ~ that left 1,11111 Wlltdlll, Newport Hoigbll . wio ~ _equaand wl~t wthe bw -ppen "Canmunlty acceptance has been
I and Olista Mesa houaea and buslnesses 111 ~ iuuu -Y · sorely mislabeled. 'Ibe people '<'"OUld
without ,power for Marly four hours "We can't do this by emo1.lon. We rather see that (the bypas!I) than any Wedne!ld~y 'night was caused by two can't just 11ay we don't want a street change in ~t Highway," he said.
succeeding but \IU'.ellted mallunctions. to go by my house. or John Store 's Variou!I speakers before the council,
Po1'er went out at 5":37 p.m. when -b()use-,''-Steffenseri said. including a spokesman for the comultant
a,' """""ead, a connector that ties "Giye ua-facts, the people wlU accept finn, Alan M. Voorhees and Associates, ~ cable to overhead lines. facb," be sald.i had pointed out that the propoeed Bonita
failed on 16th Street east of Irvioe Steffensen and virtually every «bet Canyon routing of the Corona del Mar Avenut. speaker whokin . opposed elimination ol freeway WOUld solve . problems with
The connector "'.Bii no IOOOer repaired. st.reet-'par · g on East Coast Highway through traffic. ·
thati 10 minutes later an underground -wtllch the cxmultant said was the . Serber and several other :i:ptakers,
transformer on Sberington a~ became alternative to the bypass -•·ere including Jerp ~Hill, former president
flooded and was knocked out of service ·repeatedly grilled on their posit!Qn by ol the CC>ror1a del ·Mar Civic Association
until 9:20 p.m., leaving t'. "! same resi-Store and Vice Afayor .Howard Rogers, and John Ha.skeIJ, 710 Ramona Drive,
As Supplws Dip ·Bus Rides Demanded for Dogs
Gasoline prices shot up 1.5 to six
·centa today and some oil companies
reduced their supplles even further.
(Addltlonal. itory, Page 12 today).
Here la: what the cu.'1omer can expect
to pay more on each galkin of gasoline
as a result of..prl.ce increases authorized
by the Federal Energy OOloe:
SAN DIEGO (AP ) -"Dogs pay their
.. "Dogs have rights, too."
. "Muzzle the board."
The signs protested a rule which took
effect today forbi~ dogs, except for
MacArthur Boulevard Uniort"l.5 ctn.ls
Euon 2 cents
Mobil Z cenb
Shell 1.5 cents
Arco 2 cents
Chevron 3 cents
Texaco & ctnls
--Work Bids Go Out
At the same time Te'laco and Union,
already 80 percent below their 1972
volume, ~ they were cutUng
back 11Upplies even further.
Euon and t.fobll dellverles will remain
unchanged and those .of Arco will
Increase slightly.
Bids will h< opened March 28 in Los
Angeles for an estlmated $441 ,000
resurfacing of MacArthi:.r Boulevard.
1be sttetdi to be smoothed runs from
"Pacific Coalt Highway in Newport Beach lnlani!-to Bonita Canyon Road in the
city of Trvlne, according to the state
Depanment of Transportatk>n. In al),
three miles of paving on R o u t e 73
will be resurfaced.
those a!lsigned to blind people, Jrorri
ri<Ung city bu!ll!I.
To show their ·co-ncem, a ha1£-doien
pooches picketed the office of the san
Diego Transit Corp .• strolling Thursday
with leashes held tightly by their owners.
1be men, women and dogs then
paraded through a room .where transit
boan:I members were meeting. A
spokesman said later he would meet-
vl'ith representatives of the pro-dog
groups, including lifercy C r u s a d e ,
Frien<la tf Animals and Pet Assistance.
Tom~Prior, general manager of the
city-regul_ated bus company, said the
policy V.'as adopted after r i de r J.
complained that dogs occupied seats
whil e they had to stand. Others found
their' clothing soiled by dirty ~als1
Prior said. -1
The energy crisis and more infrequent
use of cars have boosted the bus line
to a record patronage.
darts Withou~. wtm've both ind.lcated they strongly queslioned whether that (ree~ay would
1----11 ---oppose the bypass. ever be built.
---·-"!-'wet-lo-remind-you ol·a·statement---rutoog_pleaa-to •1-loasH<cer--aie-
State Assembly OKs you made oome time ago," Store snapped bypass option open came from the
at Steffensen. "You v:::l!·"'d out of a Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce
,.._ l V • M me.ting and turned and said 'I don't and Newport Beach realtor Cbrl! .lftS. oting easure see why we need that 'free•·ay Hopper, who named more than a dozen anyway.' " •. ' Corona del A1ar businessmen she
Assembly has passed and sent to Gov.
Ronald Reagan a bill pennlttlng women
to register to vote under the prefix
1\-1.!." The woman's rights bill (AB765) by
Assemblyman Lawrence Kapiloff (D-San
Diego), won approval Thursday on a
43--0 vote to accept minor Senate
amendment!. Kapiloff said he bad been
' tol.d ~agan will sign the measure.
"I've been wrong before " Steffensen represented. replied. ' Ms. Hopper spoke strongly against
. The · exchange continued w i t h any plan that would -ban parking on
Steffensen s~ying that he, too, lives the hlgh~ay.
along the Fifth Avenue corridor "and Opposition to the bypass came from
nobody ..»ked me or anybody I know two speakt_rs representing Harbor View
along Fifth Avenue what J thought about HWs homeowners, an, o!fici~l of the
it.'' Corona Highlands Associatjon and Paul .
Fire Hits . Rest
Home in Newport
Hummel, current. president of the Corona
del Afar Civic Association. •
They, af!l<Mlg others, al.so spoke agains.t
the proposed mult~level' Interchange for
Coa.!t lngbway and MacArthur Boule--
van:I. .
Aaee's comments were still the most
startling of. an,_bow.ever. ..
'TM.Or• ... ca.~1 oAtLY .... Lor,"""" ..,1ctt A fire blamed on a smoldering He had served as chairman of the
citiiens' committee that guided the atudy
and as planning commission chairman
"'hen that body reviewed the plan.
11 ~ ""' ,. .... ,., .... 1t ..-.i.... rt cigarette caused about $2,500 damage
..,. Or ..... ea.ti """"""..,. c..,..... . ...,.. and forced evacuation of both noors
He was called on l:iy P..tayor Afclnn\s
, ••• •111111-. .... JUMlllMlll, ,,,,.,.,.., lllfWlll "'"''· ,.., c1111 MtM, .,......, ._.,, of a Newport Beach rest home today. ,.,,..'""*' a-1111'-Nlll v11i.y1 Lllf*ll Fire. Department investigators said 'letdl;-'l~/ .... lftldl n 1111 C1trrtMIU .... ";-' liboUf" 50 pel'sQns -Wefe ushered· cJUt Of
I 11n J~R t1tM1r-" •lfto1• · r.oi.n.1 the New~Vllla Adult Restdent Car .. """-ir•lttllft""'"" .. ,. ....... ~ ~ e ~ ll'lllf1P•1 Plllill&111nt ,i.n1 11 11 U1 w..1 nte~ aria way.
,., 11mt, tot•• 111 ... ta11ttn11t; nu1. Damage was confined largely to the
1t1ft1rl N .. w,1, one room and mo.!lt of th e
Pr11111e111 .... Puflo11tMr tentatively estimated loss Involved furn-
'· .lick It. CYrl1v , ishings, said Inspector Art liforton
.. "'" "~kllllt w 0-11 ~ He sakl structural damage to the. home
-to ouUine the -work of_ ~ groups .
and he did so briefly before launching
. ccid..o,ttod'--=-,.-,-~~-1-~
In his charges against the buslneu
community, he said, ••n.ey attempled
to sell the committee, t 'think, bf. some
scare tactics and inflated demand figures
on desirability oC adopting ~Ive
technical solutions to our tr a f f I c
problem•. and t think this wa!I without
any consideration given to the residents
which they seem to term as pres.sure
' '
• '"-"';;11!1•'•" for the eld~rly was minim: 1 because
""•"'•• A, M.,RIN a sprinkler system acUvated, quickJy
....,... MllW exUnguiabing U'le Dames.
L . P1hr ICrlM ' ........... ,"' ..... ·---, •• , .._,... '"'"-4
,.,uu-, A!Ur"" ,,0 .... 1111, tJ .. I --
Cl n•• .Wuatl I a ..,_..11~
~. 1'71. °''"" c-""91W1"'9 c-. Ht -.... lllw""' ... ldllwlll INlfttt ... 1e1 ...... ..,...,,. ,.,.Ill
.... , .. ntAllllall """""" -111 .....
"""* " "°"'""' -· &.-Mi dllt Nil ...... Ill II C.I• •Mn.I,
Ctll....,..., llrflittti.!1111 " Ul'rllr .._..
-911h'I .. NCI UIS !MlllllWJ rflllltNY
.... IN!llM tl'M lfttl"llftl'I,
Voting Registral'!! -
. At Fashion Island
'Ille orange Coast L<ague of Women
Volin will have voter · rtglfrars our
tile Island Hoose at Fashloa lsl11nd
Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. !or
Newport Beech resldcnll who wish to
beconM! ellrible to vote In the April
9 city election .
The deeidline for reglstratlon or for
r!COrding changes or addms I! Man:h
10. The Leap will cOnciuct a -00
reglstiatlon ttAk>n t-1arch 9 1t the wne
time and p\aC(!.
He concluded with pnl!e for the
constlltant for, ai tie put It, misli;;J
pre.ssures from the "special Interest
Agee did not talk · about the: two
meetinga he and other city officials
had "¥iitb t be COMUltant in private
without input trom other memben Clf
the ciUiena' Committee..
Sour<e• have told the Daily l'llot that
Agee, Hogen and Sto~ an pressured
the COOJU!tant to remove the Filth
Avenue bypass from bl•
'They, and the consultMt, admltttd
the meetl'4!• took']>lll<t but donled there
was any praaure to rewrite the report.
·The flemish Bombe cabinet sho.wri here comes fr~m our dra '
motic et cetera coilection by Drexel ... A seemingly ~nd
leu selection of dHign, woodt end finishes. You are sure
to get the feeling that ea~h piece was custom built for you
alone, · · ·
1727 \VESTCLIFF DR., 642..2050
-4.94.-6551 7etJ 11111 ' "
• I
JJM• HAW1H0lNl llVO,
!Ope" Sul>da> 12·S:30) 378-12711
•• ~·
• , ,-.,.
• ·-
DAD.)" PILOT EQITORJAI, PA.GE ""."' .. • ·' ~ . • .:l i.ilp'. . . J ).". The:;: COst · Of :··Q· .uality' ·~·:i~4'.
~ ; . /
Harb<ir Area ~were &i..,, !be ·discomfiting
news Jut -that Newport·Mesa Unified School Dls-
trlct-ol!lciall probably will uk voters lo approve a tax
override 'lritbin the next three years: ·
· Becau.oe· !be Newport.Meaa district Is one ot· !be wealtbler school systims In Calilornia, t1\e announce-
ment bu been greeted wlth oome skepli!'ism.
However, the f1cta ;sugest that .in ovelTide may
be necessary 1f lhe school' .l)'ltem. i.5 to continue p~
vidlog the high l~l of education Harbor Area resi·
dents are used lo paying for.
lt'a "all. beca~6B !Ill. a pniperty tu reform bill
passed In 1972, has,_~andated a new school financing
scheme thaL leavea r<ewport-lolesa hamstrung between
runaway inflation on one side-and strict new spending
limits an the other. ' ..
·Wbile poorer IChool systems are allowed to spend
more and more so they can "catch up1" Newport-Mesa
ii tied lo about lhrft peJ<Onl Increases in. each of tbe
next four years.
That doesn't begin lo offset lnflaUon. It doe;n•t
even cover m.u>dated teacher salary in<:reues.
"'1ong with )his apendlng limi~ SB 90 also would
result In decreases In the property tu rate -one of
the purpoaes of the bill, which is · supJ)OSed to equalize
the quality of · education throughout California.
This may sound good on the surface, but with the
national inflation rate now going up one percent per
month and. threatenh\g to move eve n-faster, it is clear
that three percent per yeu is far less than is needed
lo kf,!ep up with rising costs, and keep Newport·Mesa
providfng top quality scli00Ung. ·
trbe limitation on hiring new personnel, as recently
----announced-by-th-e district, is qpe way schools can try
to make ends meet. Kef!ping a sharp pencil on the pay
structure is another. '
with c:umnt lnllatlonuy spin! while mllntllnlnK a d ..
clin1ng tu rate. --
Thu. It Is evident that a tu override vote enventu·
ally will be necessary lo find out ii taxpayers a~ willing
lo maintain high education levels. The measure prob-
ably won't request an increase In taxes, but will only
uk voters to ~eep them a~ tbe present level.
In view of inflation, increases in assessed \laluation
and the new one-cent state sales · tax fmtended to p~
vide new dollars only for the poorer districts), even
keeping tax rates where they are will be a reaJ strain
to homeowners.
. But recent state Supreme C(>urt decisions bave made
it clear t~at wealthier distric:U like Newport-Mesa are
simply going to have to strain more if they want to fi·
nance their children's education at a level above the
statewide average. .
The ~ne question, which C!A-Dnly be answered at
t~e polls, 15•whether Harbor Alli taxpayers are willing
to make that extra-sacrifice needed for a top quality
school system.·
Bridge Bargain
Newport Beach developer Don Koll has offered to
build a bicycle bridge across !be west Lido Channel -
at no cost to the city.
The offer w~s greeted ell.th1:1Siastically by Mayor
Donald A. Mcinnis because the city was prepared to
spend $80,000 for almost the same thing. Koll said it
would cost hi m only $10,000.
Mary Blake, chairman or the Birycle Tra ils Commit-
~ee. was even more excited. She says the Koll desi~n
1s more r.une~ional and-better-looking than whit the city
was cons1denng.
U Koll's bridge is cheaper and indeed better, that's
an interesting commentary on the way the put>Lic and
. '
. •
'\~: ,. ~ I
·1'.> • ~ ,. . . ' " ~:-.....
;::i': .J>
MAAJW::>v= But even with these measures, it is clear that New-
port.Mesa will begin to fall behind ii it tries .to coniend private sectors. can operate. I N ''How ABO\.lT A SU MMIT MEET ING?" ~.------------~~------------_.._JL-_.:...:..:...__:.~ _ _..:__ __ ...:.:._ ___ .:___
f The Real I ---
Why Not Atlaetiian·swle Dentoeracy?
·1 Truth About
Gus ·
Alte:rnative to E·lection Politics
FNEY J.iilluu~
Tboagllll 1t wge: •
'!be ooly truth al!out child·rearing that
I am abeolutely positive-of...1s...lhe fad.
that if a sufficient sense or se1£-worth
' i5 not instilled in the child at an early
age, even a lifetime of continual success
cannot obi.iterate that person's nagging
secret seMe of inadequacy.
• • •
Most pOOple, if you ask them to think
abnut "· would reply that "God" is .
a noun: Ollly the beUer theologians would
llllU..t that, properly viewed, He Is .
a verb. • • •
Except for the very poor, it is not
what We earn absolutely but what we earn relatively that determines our
degree or content o~ discontent with
our lot; it is easier to hear the thought
of a stranger malting .a hundred. t\ID.t:S
more than Vt'e do than of someone ih
our peer-group making only $IO· a week
more. · , • • •
Trying to learn by other people's
eiq>ertence is customarily as futile as
learning to swim without getting into
the water. • • •
One profound difference between
Europeans and Americans Is that they
can bave violent arguments and still
remain good friends, where.as we take
every disagreement about Ideas as a
reflection on our personality, and our
arguments are el~er repressed or, d
er}>ressed, end in estrangement. • • •
Jn the end, every talented disciple
turns ·against his master-U not by ,
·,promoting a rival theory, then eventually
• Airport ooile.abatement? Just don•t
-&I.low ixpaostan .cl. _orange Cou~ty
Airport to 1965, needs. OvercroWd·
ing. will discourage its use event·
ually. w.n.s.
....... , 0111 ...,...., lf'e. ........,..,.. IW
.....,. ..... --......;rtty ,..,_, .... ..... "' .. .. ... , ..... '""' ,.._ .... ,_ ......... , 0... o.u, "li.t.
To the Editor:
It ls diffiailt to step back and tSke
an Ol>Jective view of the .,.orld in general
and the United States in particular.
Maybe the current disturbances are
, nothing more than ripples in hlstory,
Yet, as a contemporary citi7.en, it is
irbome. even galling, to endure arnoog
Oilier thlnga the stupid chicanery wblch
emt.s at the Federal level (let's not
fool .ourselves, legislative .u well as
executive), the state lev.el (let's hear
by distorting the master's niessage so
that it is no longer recognizable as •
his ovm. (As one may be sure that
P1ato did with the unwritten gospel of
it for our well·penslooed legislators),
and of course the local level (we'll
mentk>n no names). In fact, I've bad
it up to here.
Socrates.) • • • IN ORDER to start somewhere, how
Evil news travels around the world • a~l tllminating those w o n d. r o u s
In the i.Jme it takes a good deed 1o " onimals, the elect_ed repreoentaUves of
gel from one door 1o another'-and this the people? It 1' painfully obvious that
was true· long, long before there were the system isn't all Qlat g ood .
any newspapers, radio, or television. Oocasionally we seem to be •able to
. · • • ,• throw .,10me of the rascals out, but
1be peOple who are lio fond of pr&llng -another equally horrendous crop !000
that· e must "fight fire with fire" appears.
are 1~ant of the way Utls is really Allow me to suggest an alternative.
dooe-'6ihlcb ls by containment, and not Let's select our represeotatives bf lot.
by coolllct. • In the tint pmocracy the Athenians · --· ·.-• • -did it this way. We gain some immediate
What Scbolars call "erudition" is benefits. True representation, for--ooe
mostly plagiarism with the patina of thing; men .and women of a 1 ~
antiquity upon it. backgrounds and petSUasions. ·We
• • • elirhinate the asinine i n t e r m i t le n t
To plant a tree wbose ... gl'Owth and glory political squabbles. It is entirely possible
you will never see is one of the most elo-. that the average intelligence or our
q_uent ways cl. demonstrating that you representaUve.s wou1d go up.
think 111-0r'e of others than of yourseU. Perhaps we coukf start out at the • • • local 'level - at the city level or maybe
Nlft&tertbs of what b called our the county iupervlsors (that .,..-ouJd be
''pbilblopby' ii -oar temperament; just a fme place to begin). .
as nine-jeltt!B of what we call our "poll· B.J. ROGERS
tics" i( our economic po&tion. • / • • • Free Enterprue
For every ooe tourist who goes abroad
to savor the exotic, a hundred make
the same trek merely to escape lhe
humdrum-and take It a1ong, by seeking
overseas what they have become used
to at home.
To the Editor:
It is always distres.'iing to hear
someone within the free enterprise
system suggesting that we tum some
problem of the private sector over to
Real Silen.t Majority: Non-voters
W ASIUNGTON -From now until
April 15, we shall umlergo a rising.
crescendo of TV ads begging us 1o
give a painless do!ll\f· 1o the. C!!'i-of
politicar campaigns by cbecW!&. a box
on the income:.tu forms. 'lben in the
two doors. Whichever one you take,
... 1 · )'-OU wind up in the samf: room."
VOl.'I HOFFMAN -THE IJBEMLS came 1o that
_ -' _ <oncluslon with-Lyndm-Johmoo iJ\ the
fall, we'll be subfect·
ed. to another brow·
beating media bar·
rage ordering us to
go and register to
Those who don't
compensates for in felicitous bumper
stk:ker!i, among whldl are Voin the
Boler JoycOtt ; Vote for Sterile Hassen
-He Can't Get You In Troubl.; and
The Lesser of Two Evils .;.... Is Evil.
(More inlormatloo on the Le~ can
be..bad..by_ wrillnc 1o Box 140!, 5anta
Ana, Calil. 92702.)
give and don't vote BUT IF abstention· l5 too unacceptable
will he accused of a thoug!lt 1o gel any ol that free public>
the crime of "apa· service air time, at least 44 percent
th." Worthless cili· . of the eligible voters cast no ballot
Tiens U\lt lbey artt they11 be informed In .1972. Or, to put It Jn other terms,
ihat they have not the right to complain it means that "the overwhelming
and that the rotten government they're mandate" the Nixon people like to refer
ping 1o got i. the one they de""'· 1o -.ied ol about ...,.thin! ol the
Such statements, howe:Ver_. are subject electorate. ~ to llrobuyntll:y's Finl Law. It was the Sy 1-.. who doubles as the preoident
late -·t Albonl111 pollUcal sci-"" ol rigllt·wmg Rnports College and • •·-, ~-. chairman ol the Le-ol Non-Voten, Aleunder Brobnynllky, who declared remarb that the "nlnety-<hree million
that aU. universally held polltical slogans who didn't vote for Ni1on are the real
are lpOo f1ci0 !aloe. SO. altllougll you silent majority. 'lll<Y're so lilent becouse
woo't hear lt on TY this, )'Hr-, you-lhey·vea:ot eutJhooes on and they'"'
can serve younf\! and your coontry li'teninf·" • •
by abotention. \ It would he 1 mllllke 1o _,,,.,
In tact. tills dilr<prtable pooltlon has that Iii piople wbo don't -do ..
found orpnlzed oxprealon •Ince 1t7t i... the oame -.. Out ftltever their
In a small 11""'1> called 'l1!e Leegue -. they obvioully conc:luded that,
-...r-i;on.VDR!s;-'nle~ being a-bl:Ch en beJtnct. be--U e~sallitl.ke In
()l)rf'tlatioa between non-voters ·and non-eneJ1Y it '8kea tsn•t worth It. perhaps
jolnera, the League la ahort on members, beceute they asree with LMn, wbo 1ay1.
but what It nnll In numbe11 It "VOiing is like' ping th""'l)l -of
'IKB; the conservative.s have learned the
same from Richard Nuoa in the '709.
The usual response to this Observatiof'!
is that you've got to panicipate to
change it. Such talk has a coovincing
ring until one has participated, elected
bis man and then found out he might
ju.rt as well have supported the loser
for au the difference it made. 'n:il5
is not to say that more than a very
few non·voters are disillusioned. droi>Ped· ·
out Conner participants. Moot people
. catch on early that what ' is wanted
of them is • the appearance o f
partlclpetioa, not the fact. Have you
ever thoUght about the cmootaUon of
~~nls moot cotnmonly used by the media
and the poUtidam 1o describe -
wbo do more lllan check oil their dollar
and voteT Wonls Hte militants,,.
extremists or activists t
Tiie primary f\llctlon of m an y
Amerlclll -Isn't selection but
legitimation. It'• ID txpeMIVe validation
"""""" •kill 1o the anointing ol klnp.
One way 1o make It ~an Inherited
ritual would be to Sy Leon'•
plO(JOlll that we ba•e an extn bOI
on the l'nllldenllal blllot, ooe that reods
"None of the above.''
Many ....., ~ ~ .. 1o. th&
polls on Election Day if Ibey lm<w
they didn't have 1o vote i... the
the government for correction. Such is
your editorial plea on finding the parking
lot to your favorite watering hole alwa ys
crowded: ask the PlaMing Commission
to look into the commeN:ial parking
111ERE are stringent p a r k i n g
requirements for new restaurants based
upon patron seating capacity and they
are adequate. While .some restaurants
are doing a great business with parking
lots o-ammed at lunch time, others
are nearly empty inside and outside.
Thia is a refleCtlon of the restaurant . not the Pia.Ming Commission. It's a
mult of the freedom of choice y,·e
enjoy under oor free enterprise system.
Would you really have it otherwise?
Would you really like .to tum this
problem ol your favorite eating place
being too popular over t o I h e
government? I'm certain they could
pontincate, study the problem, even ·hire
consultants and fmally come up with
new laws; but l'm~t at all sure
the public would ooitent.
LAND near restaurants is usually
very expensive. All ru;tomer parking
costs are 1.dded to the customer's bill.
· It is lii the best public interest not
to overdemand on such things as parking
requirements:, ~ilich are oow about
optimum, alt thlngs c o n s i d e re d .
Additional requirements could mean
fewer restaufants to choose from. higher
food and drin~ costs, and a les.1ttlJ:nC
in the. quantity and quality of services;
and IBlhapplly, probably •ii of the above.
Consumer preference and · t h e
tradiHonal demands within the
marketplace, government willing. ~ve
always been suff icient to correct
probletn.1 such as you describe. You
can bet that· when the other cwtomers
at your favorite eating place get as
up-light as you are over parking, t.hcy'll
go some _place else. There will then
be more than enough room for you
to park right up next to the door.
But, by that time everyone, including
you, will be packing some new watering
bole and you'll probably be driving
around the block again trying to find
a parking space. You 'll still be faced
wilh the same choices: go to an
unpopular n!Slauran~ bring your lunch
to ·work, or start for lunch earlier.
But, whatever you do. don't ask the
Planning Commission to herp you. They
have .a way « making all of us pick
up Uie tab.
Freetca11 Blight
To the Editor: ;
Sometimes It seems easier to build
a $50 million Corona de! Pttar Freeway
tban think out the right thing to do.
Recently, Costa Mesa has seen the
spectacle of the city council and most
l Lelte rs from rcOde·rs are welcome.
Nor1nally, writers s/Lould convey t/1eir
messn yes in 300 tQOTcb or les1t. Tiie
rig/it to condenst letters to fit space
or elin1inate libel is r eserved. All let.
ters must i11clude sig11a1ur.e a11d mail·
i11~ address but names nwy be wif/1 -
lield 011 reques~ if sufficient reason
is apparenf. Po~lry will not be pub-
we cover the be~es with power plants
and sewage, we '1Jldoie down our green
hilts, condominiu1ns creep over the land
in a blight of wisting sores, and there
are too many·carJ and too m311iy people.
If a kid s~ In an open field with
the wind In his fke, he is a trespassing
crimiq,al, but If, a developer digs up
the whole field, h' Is socieiy's pUJar.
' SO l\tANY uneEy and competent 'local
governments have said "enough" to the
dehumanizing and soiling fabric of more
(ree~'ays. But oot ours -y,·c shall
be the last to.' oak for one. Frl!eways
are proven hazards to respiratory and
circulatory health . Their con'itrucUon
is a death' and disability certilicate to
thousands along :ls path. Anyone who
lives near the scal:Hing 'hoise and ai r
pollutioo of the San Diego freey,·ay and
the crime and congestion it has brought,
must ask, ''What's in it for Costa h.fesa~"
to have yet anotber.
Both the Corf11" drl Mar and the
proJ)Med Newport Freeway a r e
"freeways to ~here.·· the open~ed
Corona de! Ma~· to subsidize developers
engaged in dis ring open land along
the coast and ring it with the bitter
congestion ol an al the expense of
anything wild, native or green; the
Newport In the summer to be an iron·
bound dead~ parking lot.
For the privileges of subsidizing the
dissolution of open land remnants. we
taxpayers are to pay about $100 million.
It would seem ~e are about to assault
ow: land simply because it is there
or that we build more roods because
we can't figure out how to stop.
In the next few years. the Orange,
Newport and Qxooa del ~far Freeways
are to be shored down our throat
Freeways can he stopped a~ these
\\'ill be. They sball be abandoned because
there is no good puf1>0Se for their
existence and there are a lot of better
lhjngs to spend tax dollars on than
()l/.r own self-destruction~
-of the !Ocal elected state officials begging To the Editor: •
.the highwaymen to .slam ano ther freeway I am a young 'woman, soon to hove
through Mr area. People have sensed a child. and a wt•lrare recipient. 1 Rm
tomething ls going wrong in ravaged,· not proud of the fact that I must depend
exploited, polluted Southern California, on other people fot my existence. People
and that the trouble begin! ,.,;th mega. that v.·ork hard to make ends meet
highways and the m e t r o po 1 i ta 11 for themselves arid the.Ir OY.'TI families
malignln9' that accompanie.s them. are the people that also support. me
-... ~ and my unborn child, At 'the ~me-
TBE AIR ls polsoped; there ls no time. I am not astiamed to edmit that
reUef from noise and congestk>n, there I need help tmUI \ am able to provide
are 4egniding long lines at gas stations, for myself again. I thank the people
flm'1 H1plllM , cllre<:\Of S.F. J;t.um
ot Art -"I have a rtNOOable amount
of se~.<flscipllne, but my greatest fear
Ja._beCJomlng laZ)'~-1.!.vL.llwqJ_fe)t if
you'r< deocl you can't do anything and
U you're alive you can do everylhln1.
To me, Juincsl ls a form of death.''
and the structuf'fl \if this countcy (as
bad a shape as i~'f lnl tlla1 the help
I need is the.re ~$t for the asking,
It ttally sleken. f11C to think there
art people ln thil .,.counlry that think
the world o.,..·tt theni something.
I WATCH the ""!" and see ~le fightlna-.,.,_.......,.._.,'-food_"~
are rtarvlng all OVJ.T the y,·orld, it's
true. and J sometimes would I~~ to
have more meat or milk In my )diet.
But to violently altack my fellow mn•,
or destroy things in ordr r to achieve
that is, to me, very ~tupid. Ca!T t~
means really justify the end '!
Thlnk about tfie mal erial things tM t
are destroyed (schools, stores. etc), and
then think hoy,· much it takes to rebuild
those things, not only monetari ly, bul
the time and patience real people mus
cfevote to reconstruct something rippei:
apart in a fit of in.security and hatred
From v;hat I am ay,•are or when
see this happen, the haired comes r~
and is pointed at oneself. .
I , too. am bitterly opposed to som
laws and social morals put on me
but I can:t· think of any other plao
1 could ha\'e y,·hat I ha"c now, 00t
have I heard -any other feasibl
alternatives to ease the problems tha1
face all of us every day .
IF WJIAT you v"anl to do ,is destro:
what little y,•e have to share now. tt.•
, ask yourself y,·ho wins and Yt'ho .(oe•
Will -rhere be no ebd to this ir B
game? ff .this vicious circle docs ino
end , then Y.'hat will be left? What abotS
the b·abies.-the.children. the young on~
y,·hp haven't learned how to hate yet'
What will y,·e 1£>ave to them?
If y,·e can't retain enough or our sighl
lo look at .ourselves then let's spenS
y,•hat littJe energy y,·e have left for
the young ooes who will hold the dreams
and ideas that some of us have Jost
in the all loo painful process or growing
old. P.faybe they can grow togelher
imtead or grow old .
To the Editor:
l was delighted recently to read a
news item released by the ltighway
Patrol to the effect that almost all
drivers are breaking the law by
exceeding the 55-mile-an hour spec<!
I have OCen driving at v.·hatever speed
t deem safe for 1nysclf and will continue
to do so.
!\.IV CAR is my private property:
the gasoline in !he tank is my private
property and I paid one hell of a lot
of money for the road that I wheel
up and down .
I don 't need a criminal politician to
tell me bow fast or slow to drive.
The politicians openly adrnit that the
new law is not for our safety but ori
acrount of the phony gas sho~
This small amount of d' 'ence
is oo credit to the American motori'i:t,
for he is only doing what is natural.
llis foot is heavy.
J L\I SCO'l'r
Robtrt N. Wted, Publisher
Thonuu Kttvil, Editor
Barbara Kt'tibich
.Editorial Page Editor
~ editorial ,Jiii# of the Daily
PilOl -kekJ to Worm and •timulate • f
rtaden by Jlft'lttllir'!I on this pqe
dlverw•&mmentary' m toplea of m..
lt'r'l'st by .gynditaled CQl.urnnJ51s •nd
cartoonists, b)I P"OYktlna a forum for
midtra' vlew1 •nd b)' prettntlna-this
ntwapaper>, opinions and ~ on
CUl"f'f:nt topka. The edlloriAl opin~
ol the o.il.y Pl'°l •Pl'l'C•r onty ln the
ed otlt.l l'Olumn at 1~ top ot the
paae, Opildont c-~1 c:swtd by the ('Of.
umnlstl and ea.rtoontsta •nd ltntr
y,Tft!rl art 1ht-ir own and RtJ ~
ment Of l'.ht>it vlP"A by. the ~
Friday, March 1, 1974
Judg e R~es Free
·I-SAN DIEGO (Al') -Rep.
i' Bob Wiison, (R·Ca lif .),
mial5Cd h i s C0C1gressiooal ! . franJtjng pri\•ilcgc by mailing
' I~ J ackson 5
,; Member
newsletters during his l9i2
can1paign ~I taxp:i yl·r s'
cxpmse, a judge has p.iled.
1~oy,·e•;er, U.S .. District Court
Judge Gordon T hornpso n
refused to order \\'llson to
pay damages 1'llursday. nod
' .,
• .. DAILY l'!LOT 5
ReinecJ«f.'l's. Fl011rnoy ., . ~
B~ttle Rages· Over Royalty Oil· ;{i
SACRAMENTO !UP!1 -A Royalty oil Is lhat whldl charge twl<e 1be !eden! the •to ..,; do ...,-.. <o affect inltalion. -1 I
divided Republkan S t a l c CalifQl1lia re c e i v e I' for ceiling for its oU, the a:ll9C to bold down the '*" ol. lo the event a price ina'east
. Land9 Co m m i s s i on ·has allowing petroleum companies ot ea.sol.me could go uP as llvilr," be declared. b granted. Reinecke sakl
decided to fight the federal to drill nl Calilcxnla Udelands . lftldl as llne cenll per FJoumoy dismissed lh • motor'tl.t lhould ~ givoo a
goverriment for authority to Unklo Oil Co. bas waled R•.~oo: • argument, saying the quantity ~dDI CQt kl ~ stall'
sell state royalty oil at a vlgonw campaign 1ince last 'lbUs is one place where of royalty oO wal iMlfficient gasoline tax. ,.
Premium "~ c r I s i s ' • tall to bring tne state wxier
prices. federal pricblg coritrols.
I r successful, __ California Reinecke did riot attend Ult
government stands to ga in eftemooo llCSlliq!i becaU§e ol
$200 million or more aMually, "prior commitments." lie de-.
Board Backs
1-, Cleared I
"Wilson apparently ar!C'd in
good faith, sioc-e in dv1ng oo
he V.'as utilizing a l'U:iom
prftCticed by nt'ttrly-eYet')'
other congress.nmn in the
United States."
-said State. Cootroller Hou~ton nounct'd the m e e t i n g as
I. Flournoy, com rn i s s ion a "steanroller effort'' arxl a
chairman. He argued it was "bureaucratic MJdf o( the
Of Lice nse
VAN !\11.JYS (AP! -A 19·
year-old member of I h e
Jackson Five sinf!ing group
has been cleared· of a· charge
of tteeiving stolen property. ·
The di!!!lmissal by Superior
Court Judge ltarry V. Pcetris
was disclosed Thursday. the
day trial proceedings Y:cre to
have begun for Toriano "'l'ito"
Wilson v.•as Slk'd by Frank
Caprio. his Democrat ic
opponent in tile 1!172 eledion.
for $36,3.52.96. The rrmey
represented the cost or the
postage. Caprio s.1id he sought
the n10ne-y for the taxparers,
not hims<.'lf.
THO'.\lPSON "'AS to 1 d
WUsoo malled 247.412 oopies
of his newsletter. "Bob \Vilson
Rt'pocts." al>Out tl'i"O wee ks
before the June 1972 primary,r
Ot the same time. the judge in "'hich he v.·ns unoppooed.
accepted a guilty plea from and 207,000 copies about tv:o
codefendant ~ohn P. Jackson , \Yttks before the Noven1bcr
22, 1''ho is neither a relative election.
nor a member of the rock In bot~ cases he used his ~ cQngressronal frank , or free
group. mailing privilege.
A third defendant, ~nders The judge fOtJnd b o l h
"Bubba" Bracey. 24. was mailings to be \"iaJa1ions of
ordered to appear for trial an 1~3 law gov c r n i n g
oo the Charges. He is accused franking. The law was re\'ised
I . . . . . last year to pennit unsolicited , of part1c1pat1ng 1n burglaries mas<:i mail~ to ~ituents
I of 50 San Fernando Valley but they still .. are banned i~
apartments. The t h e f t s the last four v.•eeks before
I allegedly in~olved stereo .and an election.
r television sets.
Vl'I T•""91•
Free Food
A recipient of the
I learst food giveawily
program chef'ks the
contents of his shop-
ping bag and expresses
satisfaction over the
three chickens, two
cabbages. two c.ans of
to1nato juice and jar
of peanut butter he re-
ceived 'l'hu rsday. The
progra1n . ai1ned at win·
ning the release or
kidnaped Pa tr i c i a
1-learst, began its sec-
ond_ daY. of o.e_eration at
10 locations 1n. the Bay
: Redd Fo xx -Two More Depart
t Takes Rest ..• Worldwide Church f 1 PASADENA (AP) -Two church.
LOS A·NGELES (AP) more administralors have The two vice presidents also
··~ Alling Redd Foxx, the slar resigned from the Worldwide had asked the Armslrongs to
_ of-NBC'.s "Sanford and Son," Church of God, bringing to restore to their r o r m e r
ls not expected back for the 29 the nwnbcr or ministers slandirig the n1inisters and
remainder d.. the season. and executives who have adminislrntors who have been
1 resigned or been fired in suspcndl'd or !ired. ~ That was the word Thursday recent week!. "" Stanley Rader, g e n e r a I
from Aaron Ruben, the show's The latest <fwart.ures were counsel for the 1nultlmilllon-
p:oducer. . by David L. Antioo, director dollar church and college, said
, Fon, 51 ls still in the or church adtninistratJon. and the pair's proposal w a 5
•· hospital. undergoing tesb Albert ~· Porhme, .director of "totally unacceptable'' to the . evangeltsm . camp&gnS-They elder· Armstrong.
i; for a oervom coodlUoo that resigned Wednesday night The 85,IXX>-member church
.~ has kept him out for three af!er church leaders Herbert bas been tom by controversy
ftets. W. Armstrong and his son, recently. Six ministers who r Ruben said he was revising Gamer Ted Ar m !!I t r on g , reo;igned signed a Jeller 10
three. scripts written for FoD;, refused to meet with regional church members which directors to di_scuu .J>r?b!ems alleged that the ArmsLrongs
• .,. wbo plays the role of Fred they feel e~t within the have been spending church
Sanford. . ~ Pasadena-· headquartered. --eontrlbutioos lavishly.
. ~2,500
Besides lowering eligibility're-
quirements, now the Savers
Club offers you new opportu·
nllies to save on automobiles,
tires, furniture, televisio n sets,
home appliances. c arpeting
and drapes. And you can slretch
your budget wllh money-saving
discounts on enterta inment at·
tractions, travel tours, restau-
rant dining and purchases of a
wide variety ol quaUty mer-
chandiee. •
minimum 3mounts ol $1 ,000-
passbook accounts In any
ambunl. So long as you r sav-
.. ingstotal'$2,500lnoneO{more
LFS savings accounts, you are
"' eligible tor a Savers Club
'"' membership.
' .
;;;£;a~,gaf#~<% ...
HOME O"ICE: 280 Ocean Aveflue, L19una Beach, Calllornl1 9'651, Telephone:
.. 94-7541 • LAGl.JJllA NtGUEL: 3 Monarch Ba)' Pla11 ••AN CLEMENTE.: 601 North
El C.mino RNI •.LAGUNA HILLS: 24038 Calla de 11 Platt •LAKE EL..sfNOftE •
only fair the state get taxpayen."
"market \•alue" for its Flournoy announced he
tidelands royalty oil. Yioold fly to Washington, D.C.,
' Butfe\lowcommission ~1onday to "cicrf every
member and rival Republican possible JX"C9SU1'e" on Federal ·
gubernatorial candidate Lt. F.nergy Director W i 11 i am
Gov; Ed Reinecke warned that Simon to reverse the state
if califomia v.'llS aJloy.·ed to price ceiling. ~le said a lav.'lllit
cash in on the lntemaUonal be' ldered
oil frenzy and raise its prices, · was mg coos ·
it y.·ould drive up the coM or gasoline to the oonsumer. THE AD~mONAL money,
The tY.'O leading GO p Fl~ wd, would he!p the
candidates clashed openly at , state make up for revenue
a lands commissioo meeting losses caused by the energy
Thursday and battled to a crisis, and would aHow for
deadlock. greater exploration of new
petroleum soorees.
BUT FLOURNOY quick!~ Gov. Ronald Reagan told a
sumn1oned lhe commission,... news conference lltursday the
third member; Republicnn federal price ceiling wa.~
State finance Director Veme "discriminatory'' a g a i n st
Orr, to an wiusual second California. The A..!sembly.
session. where Orr sided with meantime, put the legislature
Flournoy. orl record as opposing ·the
The. vote was 2--0 to take federa~ limits.
"any action" needed to California should get "fa ir
reverae a Feb. 21 order by market value" for oil just
the Federal Energy Ortice as it does in selling surplus
limiUng the pri<;"e California property or an}1hing else,
-can cbarge for royalty oil to Flournoy said.
an average of $4.21 per barrel. But Reinecke, who also Is
Before lhc order. the state chajnnan of the State Energ,Y
was receiving up to $9 a Planning Colmcil, argued that
bam!L · ~ California was allowed IQ
state Aloohollc B e 'f e r a g e
Cootrol Appeals lloOrd has
upheld a decision revoking lhf
1iquor ~ of Bob's Gu'
House in Guemevillt on
grounds it had pennltted
• The board announced
TOOrsday that it agrees with
the fmdings of the state
Department of A I coho 11 c
Beverage Control that the
establishment had been "used
as a house of assignation, in
that females were allowed and
permitted to solicit and
arr~nge for a c t s of
prostitution ."'
it made the dcci.'iion. after
1nvestigati0ns in 1971.
The transcript of the appeal
hearing Feb. 7 said one of
the licensees, Robert E. Lee,
was .tokl by a dis t ri c t
attorney's investigator in 1970
''about alleged prostitution
occurring at licensed premises
during the Bohemian ..fjrove
encampment and that he
should tell these lDl.idenlified
girls to leave the premises.?'
Honored by Orange Coolt Community Coll~
en Citizen of the Y1tGr
Commended by ~ Seventieth Auembly
Di1trict, California Stote Alaembly,
for hi1 HfYice to the
City of Cotto Me:M1
City Cwndl Incumbent
eo ... ~ IO Re-El<!Cf w.11 Jorda"
Vouglln ReOciu•g. choormon, 1.'iOO ..,,;,,,.,,, Cotto Mno
' . •
ISOO W•l Gtaham Avenue Shop ~ionda~ thru Friday, lO~OO a.m. tO 9'.30 pJD. ·I Bullock:s San1:i Ana1 1 Fashion Squ~t, 2800 N. Main Srrec<, San11t Ana., Telephone:... )47·7211
S.Nrday, 10.00 a.111.10 6.00 p.m. Bullocks Sourh Coas<
Plaza, S.n Diego Freeway at Bri>rol, _C:O.ra Mm, Telephone: 556-061 1----L-+
• ' • -•
• , • •• ,·
f ' •
• r • Today's Final
N.Y. Stocks
• • • IXOD I es n
, • 0.11'1' ,. .... Stiff ,,....
Otfleer of Year
anet Gusta\•eson is the Costa
esa Police Department's 1974
"Officer of the Year." The se-
lection of Mrs. Gustaveson, who
has beene with the department
for eight years, was announced
Thursday at an Exchange Club .
of Costa 1'1esa luncheon. A
forgery detective, she is the
first woman to win the honor.
Po -ive r Goes Off
l1i T·wo Cities
Southern Ca!Uomia Edison ~mpany
officials said today the power failure
that left 1,600 \\restcliff, Newport Heights
and Costa ~1esa houses and businesses
without power for nearlY four hours·
·To Tuesday
sAff .. JNCISCO !UPI I -The ""' free food dlstrlbuHo,. in the ilveaway
program aimed at v.·inning the release
of kldnaped Patricia H~rst this, after.
noon was postpoa;ed until Tue&day.
of the Hearst food giveaway program
aimed at winning the releilse of kidnaped
Patricia Hearst considered t o d a y
whether to postpone the next distribution
day scheduJed for Saturday. (Related
picture, Page 5.)
The program's head, A. Ludlow
Kramer. said Thllrday's successful
operation during \\'hich 1 ·ore than
!200,000 \\'Orth of food \\'3S given tO"
· 25,000 to 30,000 persons so exhausted
the. voluntee r staff that they might not
be a:b\e to prepare for Saturday .
"f.1ost people are so tired we might
skip Safiirday and do jt on Tuesday
instead ," Kramer said.
The sl'Cood day of operation Thursday
"'ent smooth1y, in sharp contrast to
the program's first day a week ago
which degenerated into fightin g and
brawling. ,
But as yet there still was no response
£rom Patricia's kidnapers, the Symbion-
ese Uberation Anny, who have held her
since Feb. 4. The SLA has maintained
an eight-day silence since insisting that
the food program established b y
Patricia's father was not big enough
to show good faith.
"Well, we're all hoping. God knows
we're hoping," said her father, Randolph
A. Hearst, publisher and editor of the
San Francisco Examiner, when asked
if ·the SI.A would respond to the
successful distribution.
Thursday's -food recipients s t o o d
patiently in line on a cold, drizzly day
at 10 distribution centers in the San
Francisco Bay Area, then came out
smiling with bags of groceries in their
arms. Hundreds ~re left without a
fuss when the food ran out v.·ithin a
few hours.
"There wasn't .the demean ing
spectacle that occµrred last Friday."
Hearst said in a statement to newsmen
at bis Hillsborough home.
"I think, despite the (rustrations and
.. the obostaCles, the_fOO<Ldistribution-today
approximates what the SLA wanted, and
.'ol·e're gonig to do all we1 can to keep
our part of the bargain.'' he said. ·
Kramer, Washington secntary of state
and administrator of the "People in
Need" program set up by Hearst, put
it more blunUy: "Dammit, we 've proved
to the Symbk>nese liberation Anny that
this system works."
, 1 \Vednesday night was caused by two
succeedirig but unrelated malfunctions. Gas Prices Take
Anotlier Boost
As Supp~ies Dip
Power went out at 5:37 p.m. when a pothead, a connector . that ties
underground cable to overhea~ lines,
failed on 16th Street east of Irvine
Avenue. The connector was no sooner repaired
than 10 minutes later an undergrowxl
transformer on Sberington Place became
flooded and was knocked out or service
uotil 9:20 p.m., leaving t' ., same resi-
dents without power.
Oraage coast
· 4.ooks like more showers are on
lhe agenda tonight and Saturday.
Little change in temperature with
highs at the beaches 55 rising to
lhe low OOs inland. LoWs tonigli.t
Gasoline prices shot up 1.5 to six
cents today and some on · companies
reduced their supplies even further.
(Addiliooal story, Page 12 today ).
Here i! what the cmtomer can expect
to pay DlOl'e on each lailon·of gasoline
as a result of price increases ,authorized
by the Federal Energy Office:
Union l.S cents
Exxon 2 cents
l\:fobil 2 cents
Shell 1.5 cents
Arco 2 cents
Chevron 3 cents
Texaco · 6 cents
At the same time Texaco aJld Unlon,
already 80~rcent below their 1972
volume, announced they were cutting
back supplies even l\Jrther. -
Euoo and Mobil deliver1es will remain
unchanged and those ol M<» will
Increase slightly.
Yqrty Subpoena OK
Jazz buff• along the Orange
Coast ore awaiting . tteit week-
e11d'! Oron.ge CO<Ut College
Jau Enaembte FestiooL Drum.
n1er Louie BeUson mid trumpet
player May11ard Ferguson will
perf~rm. See today 's \Veekender. LOS A.i.~GEL~ (UPt) _ A jOOge
Al y-ht'flct J MutHI F..W.. u Thul"lday upheld the rlgh\ o( • Qty ... ,.., tr H.iltMI H-,• Council rornmittee to su..........,,. the L. M. llJ. II OnHt C-IY "t"""'-tflllfnllf ,. 11 .._... ,.,11 rcords oC former Mayw Sam Yorty ~:,:1~~ »-:~ ::::.·~,... "ir during Its probe -of the c i I y ' s =-::.ic" 1: ::;:-JNniett ;tn controversial land nap with Occidental
•-.n..4 ,... • T"""'-11 petroleum. The comm~aee •ants the: '~ 11·:,: =.:: ~ former' mayor's records tn connecOon 1-~-1--,.-..__-11 ,,,_,. ""' ,.,),--With ita loveetip!ion Ol llielM swap :!':' ~ :::=" ,.,} ln wbkb 1be city gave driU sites to
• •
Occtd-1. .
lligh Cost of Maili11g
Jnnation takes another bite on Saturday when these new posta ge
sta1nps come irHo use -10 cents for firi;t clai;s 1nail and 13 cents
for air mall. That's a two-cent jump instead of the pcr1ot.l ica l one·
cent increase. showing that we're taking a licking on postage too.
Gas Lines Long as Eve_r
Fo1· Dellut of Ratio11i11e; u
By RUDI NtEOZfl':LSKI to get gas again until Tuesd;1y.
01 11'4' OiilY Pilol Sl•H
J111·y Na1nes
\'F.\\" YORI\ (LTPll -Tbr .\lltchcll-
St:ins ohstrut·tlon of justit•c lrlul \\HS
adjournrd this aflt'rnoon un tll l'llonday
fi\t> hours aill'r it began \\hile the prr·
sidini:c jud~e co nsidt·rerl c dtftnse motion
for a mls1rlu/ because of a remark in
the gove r'nmt>ot's opt~ing statemtnl.
\VARHINGTO~ •L'Pll ll. R.
lfa!dcman. John D. Ehrlichman . John
.\1. ~1 1tchell and four of Prcs1dc11
\'ixon's feirn1er high \Vhite ltousc and·
~tical associates wcrr indicted today
hy a fedl·ral ;,!rand jury \\'hi('h bas
~n _ in\'':!sti:;1 ting \Vate rgate for 20
rnonth ,;.
C"harg<'~ r1f l'f1nsp1r1ng lo oh.~truct
JllS\ice wtrt' fill'fl alJa1nst all seven
dcfcndanis. Add1Iional chat"gcs Of su<:h
liffcnscs ;t~ pt·rjury and destroying
evid"ncc \\t>re brought Ri:tllinst SO( of
Nixon hunse lf "''as nol inchctcd. But
\\'atcrgatc spt'C'ial prosecutor (,ron
.Ja\\'Or~k1 turned over to Chief U.S.
f)islrict .l udge John ,J. Sirica a "scaled
report" fron1 the grand jury.
Its coolt,n!s were_ not disclosed, but
it had be-en TI'porlcd that the jury
ullcnded lo make a separate report
nn i!s vic"s of :\'ixon's possible role
in \\'atcrgalc .and the coverup.
Further \\'atergate-relatcd indictments
are ,txpcctcd from other grand jury
1nvc'1igatioos into abuse of campaign
-funds. the lTI affair cind the Ellsbcri;
Prior to today's de\·elop1nents, 30 per-
sons had been ch11rgcd in conn1.ction \\'ith
\\'alergate and related e\·ents.
T\.\'·o were ronvicted l<i. Gordon Liddy
and James \V . ~1cCord Jr./, ? pleaded
guilty and eight a\\·aitcd : ia~
llaldeman v.·as Ni xon's chief or staff,
Ehrlichman his chief dornestic adviser.
and ~1itchell was his aUorney general
and his campaign manager for both
successful presidential elections . ._
O!her defendcinLs :
-Charles \\'. Colson , f orm c r
prcsidenliHI counsel. \\ho took " lt:<1ve
!See 7 ISDICT£D Page ZJ
H. R. "Sob" Haldeman
Ul'I T•l•pllollJ
John Ehrlichma n
About half of Orange Co u n I y · s
motorists "'ere out of luck today as
the st ate's mandalClry gasolme disiribu·
tion plan went into effect.
"A lot of people figure Sunday i~1i't t? ),.'f 1:f
going to happen. so~)'_ io;; the -::;:=-===-==
. end ol . ..i... wodd ." said-mot....._E_d -,iA"1"'1p"'laiis-e, Boos
But it took more than ~n ·odd digit
to get gas today. It took a lor of
The Jines were just as lon'g as ever
in all coastal CQmmunilies, \I ith h c
exception df l\fi5sion Viejo. There for
the firs\ lime in recent memory. La
Paz Road \\'as not blocked to traffic
by autos lining up for gas.
Elsewhere in California. the mandator)·
odd-even plan also failed to deliver the
desired results.
Lengthy lines were reportt'd in Los
Angeles County and the San Francisco
Bay Area counties. Police said some
persons wbo were allowed lo buy gas
today feared that they wouldn't be able
Yatka, of Lbs An geles.
One station owner in downto\\'n Los
An geles refused to opee tooay until he Fro ni De 1nocrats
received police help to sort out eligible
and ineligible ddve". Another attendant Greet ln.cl;ct1ne1•t s;1id he was "loo busy·• lo enforce the ., .,
ha lf·tank m1nin1um purchase provision.
Stale officials predict things will
smoot h out by next . "·eek "'hen service
'"11.'ltations. bclcai.:uerecl by f e w e r
custon1ers. "'ill he able to keep their
pumps runni"g longe r into the day.
J)rh·ers "'ho filled up tod;iy probahJ,v._
\\'iii not be able to i;et gas again until
Tuesday, according to lhe Auto Club
"'hich repo rts that despite the nev•
distribution system. only .,one station in
100 will be open Sunda y.
The "evens" lrying to get a full tank
Saturday \\'on"t fare much bet:e.-.
Auto Club officials say open stations
vo'ill be a rarity with only 50 percent
of the sfatioos in metropolitan areas
(See GAS, Page ~I
-From Wire Sc'r\•ice!I
\\'1\SJ-fJ NGTO'.'J -The announcement
!ha! seven former top ai des to President
!\'i~on have been indicted in the
\\latergate case produced applause and
sOme hoots at a n1ceting ot the
Den1ocratic P:at ional Comn1ittee here
Committee Chairman Robert S.
St rauss interrupted the proceedings ro
read the list of seven dc<"laring, "I
believe all of1-1s are pleased that justice
might finall y work ils will."
11lC loudest applause came when
Strauss read the ·namc of former Atty.
Gen. John N. l\litchell, who was head
of President l\i:icon"s 1963 alld 1972
Gasoline Hotline
There was some laughter too, u•hcn
€trauss noted there hadn't be<!n much
of a hand for the .Indictment of former
presidential aide C'r0rdon Strachan.
Strauss said the smiles were "not
for this great national tra,1tedy" bt1t
Call 8.34.2330 for Odll•e'Velt D(1.La because Democrats were "hopeful we'll , . . ,... never hav~ another.flne."
~ P.1eanwhllc. congressional lrader<; or
Orange Co~nty officials set up a gasolin~ hotline Thur~day. to both parties urged that the American
answer questions about the· new odd·even license pla~te gasoline people "''ithhold judgment on the seven
marketing_ syst~_1n. former aides until a jury tr'\ es tablished
their guilt or innocence.
THE TELEPHONE ntlmber Is 834-2330. -• Sen. Sam J . Ervin (J).N.C.), chairman
·.The Daily PilQt attempted to reach the number for Otree hours of the Senate Watergate committee, said
·today before getting through. All previous tries drew busy signals. . it "''ould be improper fo'r him to comment
Ten SQE!Cial Operators will be on duty seven days a week be-on the indictments. ·
tween 7 a.m. and 1-0 p.1n. to answer tails coming in on the special Bul Sen: .Lowell \\'eickcr ffi..Conn.1, said he stood by a stal.cment he made
line. "'1 h I 1 , h 'tchbo d at the opening . of comn\illce hearings Los Angeles CQunty. 3 so a~ a spec 3 leiep one SWI ar last ritay · tbf.lt the significance of to handle gasoline marketing quesuons. \Yatergate was ;'no t in the acts of men
-brtaklng, ·en1erlng 3nd bugging th<! THE LOS ANGELES telephone nun1ber Is 624·7777. . • \\'etergatc, but In the focts of men
Former Top Aide Mitchell
In both counties, telephone operators will provide informatlon who almost stole America."
onlvabout the gasoline plan . "~othing should be aaid that •Ill Titan J\lissile Fh·ed
( ...
• Co mplaints abou~ violations of lhe iyslem wiU be referred to interfere wllh a Ca.ir trial," Senate
local police departments. or the county sheriff. Requests ror RcpubliCAn leader Hugh ScoU told VAJ>DESBERG MR FORCE BASE
emergency services will be referred to the California 1-Ugbwa newsmen after the ind1c,tmtnt.s were _,fJ\P1 -A Titttn ti in1ett0ntinental I
Patrob-€omplain!F<lb<>\lt gas prices will bLrJ~mm!Lil!LllleJJ:.S..+-m~..pu~--.,,.--,-_:_,.~-::-:-:--~""°'m"'ile ••• ,,,_,...,o!to:Hl""11r111.-'----I
In ternal Rev~nue Service. Senate DernqcraUc leader ~t i kc \festcm 1'tm Range early today, 1.he
lSei: REACTION.' Page ti Air Forc;e a1tnoon.cetl.
• •
. -
Let's Neck; llaby
C~lif ornia .
Bar Probe • •
From \\'Ire Strvkts
A C&lifomla Stale Bar AS!Oclation
lnvestieation of President ruchard .:t1. ..
Nixon, himself an · attorney, plus five
others Including h1a personal lawyer,
Herbert Kalmbach of Newport Beach,
is expected to conclude in two to three
months. -.....
The final decision in the matltr oould
be to suspend for practice or disbar
all six men dependiilg on what 11
concluded about their lnvol\•ement in ·
the Watergate malter.
"HWldreds of ~-hours have been
spent so far on the investigation," iaid
Bar AJSociaUon President S e t b
Hutated.Ier. In a Tburaday interview In
Los Anceles.
"We are in the} r o c e s s of making
some preliminlry determinations as to
whether to proceed," he aald, adding
· it bas not been · possible to oblatn much
:;~ie Alwine may not be a seCretary who has to put up with an
-amorous boss but she does have her problems in her job at
Ljon Country Safari in Irvine. She finds herself baby sitting a giraffe,
rejected by its mother and brought into the office to assure proper
__ feeding.
inlo~tion from the Watergate Special he
Prosecutor's OUlce yeL This 45-foot whale 0 swimming" thiough the cafe-Seirs says.it was _made 'from two pieces of butc r "
The investigation -covers Nixon, his teria of Pau1arino Elementary School Jn Costa ll1esa paper, painted on both sides. Members of he~ me-
Whale Of A Project
former chief domestic affairs advtser, · was made by mentally gifted stude)lts who are nagerie include a dinosaur, pandas, monkeys, tigers
. John Ehrllcbma.n, bis personal lawyer, ,.., '..' ~sl~u'.'.dy!'.:i".'n!g~Jh".'e'.....:a~ru'.:.·m~al'.....:ki~n~gd".'o:m:::·_:1:_:'•::•;::ch:::•::r_:Le:.::n:or::•~_:•::n::d:...<>:l:h::•:r..:•:::x:ot:ic::...::a:::n::im:•::l:.• __ a:::ll::...:cli:::l•:::•:...lz..:e_o_r_la_r.::g_er_._ Kalmbach, Robert -C. Mardian, Gordon -·
From Pagel
Strachan and .J)anald H. Segrettl.
Kilmbach pleaded guilty Aionday to
· chara:es of violating campaign funding
laM and ls awaiting sen_tencing by
Federal Judge John Sirica In
• • • Washington. . He bu al!o resigned from the Newport
I of absence from his la~: firm upoo · the Watergate committee when he said Center law rum he organized some
Nixon rema rked "It would be wrong" six years ago as a result of .the charge being ~lcted and declared : "I know and guilty plea
that in the end my lnooccnce will be to ·raise $I million to buy the silence The bar ~tion shares with the 1 established.,, of the seven original W a t e r g a t e _. Callfornia Supreme Court tbe Power to
· -Robert C. Manlian, former assisulnt de~::~~~ quoted.Nixon on the witnes.s discipline unethlcal conduct by attomey1
I th J . s•·-• July 30, 1973, after diaclosing he licenaed.to practice in lbe state. attorney general in charge o e ustice ui•JU of If the state supreme court rules that
Department'a internal .security division listened to some tape recordings lhe alleged offense involved moral
and I I aid bo • Nixon's Waterga'te cOnversatlons af~ .turpitude, the · la=er m· question· Is aJ90 a onper campa gn . . e w J h Whl H • "' . he had eft I e te ouse. · suspended from nnct.ic.e while the bar_ attended meetings at whlch lbe June Tile grand jury charged that r·-1ty to eco end
17, 1972· break-in Into Democratic Haldeman's suttements, "as he then and 1't51~s w~ation, rfoll:g ~
nation.al headquarters at the Watergate there well known, were falsel ' The hearing referred to .. as 8 trial, goes
poMld . grand jury listened to the lape df tbe to. thl_blth _coql'._\ foJ IJ.ctjon. T~ court.
WIS pro · _ March 21, 1973 meeting wbere Haldeman usually, ut oo• alway• follows the -=aord0n-str1Cl'ian, a-youthful Wliite · d the k ' • ~ said Nixon ma e remar . recommendation.
, HoU.e aide to Haldeman wbo from the At the White House, deputy press ne e:rlstence of the bar's lnveatlgation
wttnea stand it Sen ate Wa~rgate secretary Gerald L. Warren declined of Nixon and the others was revealed
baa.Mp last summer advised young lo answer when asked if Nixon still Aug l by the then-bar president,
I people to "at.ay away" from Politics: -.considered Haldeman and Ehrlichman LeOOant Janofsky. Ordinarily, all such ~
-Kenneth W. Parkinson, attorney. forha ''twod .!'.wnthe. finest public servants" he investigations and, lbe proceedings that
'Muzzle People~
Bus Rides Demanded for Dogs
SAt; DIEGO .(AP) :._ "Dog3 PaY thtJr
:'D1gs have rightJ, too."
"M.uzz.le the board."
The signs protested a rule "'hicb took
effect today forbidding' dogs, except for
1hose ass.igned lo blind people, from
rldlng city buses.
Goiiig ~y
Wa y, Fella?
To show their concern, a half-Oozen
pooches picketed the office of the~ San
Diego Transit Corp., strolling Thuriday
with leasheS held tightly by their owners.
The men, women .and dogs then
paraded through a room lll:J!re · lrBJ1Sit
board members v.·ere meeting. A
spokesman said later he would ~eet
with represenlatives of the pro.dog
groups, including A1ercy C r u s a d e ,
Friends of Animals and Pet Assistance.
Tom Prior.,. general ·manager of the
city-regulated bus -oompany, said the
policy v.·as adopted after r I de r s
complained that dogs occupied seats
while they had to stand. Others found
their clothlna: soiled by dirty arumals,
Prior said. ·
From Page· 1
GAS ...
planning to remain open.
One Costa Mesa man headed for the
mountains said the new distribution
system had forced cancellation of his
skiing trip. .
"~fy tank is three quarters lull and
twQ stations refused to . give ~ gas.
i cin't make it to •Blg Bear.3fld back oh~ one tank. This just wrecks my whole
wee"kend," he said. ·
• Under the new tegulaUons; customers
will not be served unless !heir ga11
~ tanks .are less than half _ Lull. Stat.Ion
attendants may demand to see the f~l
Assembly Speaker Bob Motettl
critiClzed the inspection p r o v i s I o n
although he believes a ban on .the sale
.of less than· ball a tank is a "good
thing," . .
a.uu ..;. follow are kept s.trl~y ·secret, but the Committee to Re-elect the Presiden~pald_~ that com_l!liment on J ce wa.s_made 1--'--~wxliO~HRCOlaon-Wlit«! "UiilWUmate1y te1eviiion on April 30, 197~ the day because of lbe public nature of the
"my inDoceDce will· be demonstrated. they resigned and presktentlal t'OU11Sel affair.
VISALIA (UPI) -Tula,.. County ·
supervisor Raymond Muller of
..Tum ll<l!a &OLJ;o"ght In th
energy crunch when he ran out
of gbOline en roule lo a board
meeting in Visalia and had to
The energy crlsiS'and more· infrequent
use of cars have boosted the bus line
to_a record patroott·ge .
"They (the attendants) are not .going
to be slicking their heads in the windowt
and checking, saying tilm on the key
anc! let me look. The guy's going t.o
roll up your head in his window and
say, 'Pump until I tell yo l to stop,' ''
The lea!Od report was presenled Slrica Joltn W .. Dean IIl was fln!d.
in a manila envelope. He opened 11, The grand jyrf, Ustlng 45 speclllc.
re1d Jta cooteata IDd retealed ll ... overt actai" said the. seven def~anta
1 In Its 50-page indlctment, the · grand conspirtd In the Watergate cover-up by:
jury charged that Haldeman, who had -Using "deceit, craft , trLckery and 1 been Nixon's closest aide, Ued before dishonest means" lo block lnvestlg~tlons I . ' Into Ille WaJ .. gate break-In. ~ -Al tering, destroying or eonceaUna:
Design Expected .
By Next Month
~ . documents and records related to the M . ~ ~i!for. P~ying i5si,s00 1• ''CMI! ,.l,;c1s.. . For Mesa arina
I ''10U'RE A GOOD. MAN,•CHAR:J..IE I BROWN," Newport Harbor Hi,gh drama
dept. Auditoriwn, Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m. I BASKETBALL -Newport Harbor at
I Paloo Verdes, lirSt round CIF 4A
playolf1 .. 1 p.m. ~ ·
occ LECTURES .:... "Religions and i ·values," Dr. Allred Painter l_ecturer,
! Science Lecture l, 7:30 p.m. •'Solar I Energy," Dr. Joseph Farber leclurer,
r Science Lecture 2, 7:30 p.m. I KIWANIS TRAVELOGUE -·
"Mexico," Allen Hubbard lecturer, OCC
I Auditorium, a p:m.
Coast Repertory Theater, thru Swt. 8
to the original seven W a t e r g a t e
.-Making ofrers of clemency to four
ot the original defendants.
All, but Aiardlan also were accused
of obstructing justice b•· tiwarllng var-
ious investigations. "
·Mitchell was charged With four count!
of per~ury fur making false-statements1
Haldeman and Ehrllchman three counts
each on the same charges, and Strachan
one count of making a false declaration. *-fr . fr I .
1'fansfi'eld said he was gl ad legal and
ju~icial processes were being followed ,
then said oJ ¢c indlcted seven : "They
are not gUl.tty ·until they are proven
Develoj)E!rs expect to have a n
arehltectural design for a lakefront
development in the Cost~ Mesa ma~na
area by sometime next monti), Vice
~layor Willard T. Jordan saJd today.
'lbe Lake Forest lype of projecJ could
become the first phise pf marina
· development if additional property ·can
be acquired to drive a cbaMel out
into the sea.
Jordan said be had met with executives
from Kaise"r -Aetna and State Fann
t.1utual Wednesday and said they are
engaging in talks with Beeco Ltd.,
another property owner, about tbe
potential of expandlng the project ·into
a full marina. rr
The announcement follows closely a
repart made· by the. I.oog Beach
engineering firm of Moffatt and Nichols
tbat a marina is Indeed ecooomicaJly
feasible . ,
' SUNDAY, l\1ARCH 3 ~.CONCERT -Coast Community
t Symphony Orchestr,a, OCC Audltoriwn,
Rep. Robert F. Orinan (0-Mass.), a
member of the House Judiciary
Committee and the author of the first
resolution to Impeach Nixon, said :
However, the Kaiser-Aetna and State
Farm project as presently envisioned,
would consist of only an artificia l lake,
but with provisions for later connection
to the sea.
' .1
4 p.m. Adm. 11.50.
n. 0...,.... C-DoY\.Y ,llOr, _... ~ .. ~ .. ..._. ..................... ...,.
.... ~ c... 11'1191hlllftl ~-..... . ,.... .......... ,. ........ ........, ...,.,.
,,..,, fW C.fte Mr-· ......... IMdl. ............ .....,,_ .......... u • .,, "-""'
9-dl. lr.lrle.'s..11"edl: ilNI lffl C._lt.I
SM -l-·~tr-A 1111119 "'llloMI
•Ftllrl II ,.,itiltMC a.tin1l'1 _. ""*"'
TIM ,..fnc .... I wtllll'lllll ,..,,, It ft U0 """' ••r l!rwf, C.11 Mtw', Cellfwlljl, -"""
lt•ltert N, "•-' ,,.llNnl 11111 ,111111111tf'
J ec.t Jt •• C11rl1y
\llcl PfftkNl!I .,.. 0-rel.Mell...,.
Thoftllt1 K11•il
. •""'" lh•lll•t A. Mur,iii11• • MMl9lflll .... a .rt.. H. L... l i1k•,.I p; H1H ,... ...... ~ .... c---
"This i!i a' great American tragedy.
·Here we have these highly sophisticated,
highly educa~ed men in fonner high
positions named for these acts. I hope
the hearlngs will be held expeditiously
and be over with." ,
Gov. Ronald Reagan, a leading
Republican contender for President ln
1976, said he is confident "jusUce finally
will prevail." in the \Vatergate scanqal.
·The Governor. who . has supported
NiXon during U1e controversy, said the
cases or lhe seven "are now before
the courts where iMocence or luilt will
be determined. ,This is the proper course
and I am confiden t that ju.stlcc finally
will prevail.·• ·
Sta te Assembly OKs
'Ms.' Voting M~asure
Assembly has passed and tent to Gov.
Ronald Reagan a bill penniUing wom~n
to register to vote under the preflX
. 1be v."Oman's rights bill (A8785) by
Assemblyman Lawrence Kapiloff (D-San
Diego), won approval Thursday on a
43-0 vote to accept minor Senate
·amendments. Kapiloff said he had been
told Reagan will sign the. measure.
. .
Guilt for Cour.is to Esuiblish •
JIO Wod "' "'°"' ~ WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon is· confident all Amer·
.,..,_. AiHttt11.,,o, lu IMO, t2•2• icans will join him in fecognizing that his f~rmer Wb,!te ~ou~
oe.r o--. aides who were indicted today "are presumed mnocent unless guilt
...,... -.oi: •......,. ...._. is estabUshed in the courts," a spokesman said. · .... \T=1'1~1":."'.!.~::' "The President has always malntained that the judicial syst_em
..,. c:a.i-tti JI!',... •• c...... -ts the pro~r forum for the resoluUon of the questions concern.1ng
T, ;'1 a rncl '4Mll1 \Vatergate," .. deputy press secretary Gerald L. Warren said ... a .., .U1a 1t'ni; Ut·••n The Jnd.Jctments . Indicate that the judicial process is . f1n&!!Y
~ 1m. 0r..., c... "*111111111 moving toward resolution of the matter, Wal'fen said, 1ddmg, 'ft
1=:': .... ~"';' =~"= is tbe President's hope the trials will move 1.o a just conclusion." ::;.,. ... .,'~ =' ..:•• .,. . . In advance of the indictments against tormer aides H. R. Halder-
...,.. -.. _.... "" • c•• ,.., man 1 John D. Ehrllchman and Charles W. Colson and fou r former ~_a:·.::.~J-,:..,,~~;.;"g;=j=•~SS;S;a<o.< I~ a Nix n at de Wd the President was concerned lhat lam-~-,-~-......., .. 111• '"""",." • Uies and friends o some onhTaifendants wou a su1 er .
• •
hllchhike ot the courthouse. •
However, as IOOh as he stack
out bis thumb Thursday his luck
changed. lie was picked UP, by
the first car to come by which
happened to be driven 1 by fellow
supervisor 0 o n a l d Baird of
Power Dr ive Slips
Pacific Gas &: Electric C.O. reported
Thursday thot it$ customers slipped in
the drive to coiuerve energy:'lbe PG&E
told the Caliromia Public U t i 11 e s
Commission that Its load was down
just 9.6 percent this month. A 15 percent
drop had been rt;e0nuneoded.
li-foretti said. .
He predicted the aUendants would
refuse to be<.'ome policemen for the
plan. .
Ted Grussing, a food wholesaler trom
Huntington Beach, reported that the odd·
even plan only appeared to give more
"odds" the opportunity to get in the
panic llne.
The tl emish Bomb e ca binet sh ~w n he re comes from our dra·
mat ic et cete ra c oll ection by Drexel ... A seemingly e nd·
less selection of d esign, woods and fin ishes. You are sure
to get the f eeling that each piece was custo,m bui lt for you
a~~ .
1727 .. \VESTCLIFF DR.. 6;12...205()
ll~· H"W'lHOJl:NI llYD.
(Open Sunday 12-5:30) 378+~279
I .
~ •• "
-'i •
c ..
• • The Cost · -of ali.iy
, ~ .
. Harbor Area llll'l)'tl'S were Jiven the dlsoqmllUng .news last WMit that Newport-Mesa UnUled School l>ls-
trlct of!ldals probably will ask voters to aeprove .l tu
override withlo the nut three years.
Beauae the Newport·Mesa dlJtrlct Is one of the
wealthier, school syaleljls In Callfornla, the annoWJce-•
met .......... veeted"with some lk•rticlsm.
HOwever, the facta 1u&11est Iba an override may
be ,_aary If the achoo! ayatem la lo contioue pro-
viding the high lev~ education Harbor Area resl· denta are UJed to payln r.
It's all beclU§_e 90, a p'4>perty taX reform bill _.,.__la 11m, b• •NldoMcs a ..., ICbool-flnancing
scheme that leav., Newport-Mesa blJDIUimg between
runaway lallation on one aide and strict new spending
, llmlta on the other. .
While poorer school syatems are allowed to spend
more and more so fhe1 can "catch up," Newport-Mesa
is tied to about three pen:ent lncreaseo In each of tbe nert lour years. ,..
'!bat .doesn't begin to' 2t1aet Inflation. It doesn't
even cover mandated teacher aalary mtreases.
Along with this spending llml~ SB 00.also would
,..,suit In decreases hr the property tu rate -one of
the purposea of tbe bill; which is sup-1 to equalize •
the quality of education~tbroughout California.
Th1i may-sound good on the surfaee, but with the
national laflation rste now going up one percent per
mootb,..and threatening to"p:iove even lister, it is clear
that tli?M portent per year is far lees than is needed
to teep. up wilh~g. com, and keep Newport-Mesa
provldingtop quality schooling.
1be llmltalion on }\iring new personnel, ,as recently
announced....-by.....ihe-distrlct.,.J.s-one-..-way-&cllools can try
to make enlis meet. ~eeping a sharp pencil on 'the pay
structure is another. '
But even with these measures, it is clelir that New-
port-Mesa will begin to fall behind if it tries to contend
with current infiationary spiral while maintaining a de-
clining tax rate.
Thus•lt is evident that a tax override vote enventu-
ally will be necessary to find out If taxpayers are willing to main.lain high education levels. Tbe measure prob-_
ably won't reque<t 10 Increase in tu .. , but will only
ask voters to keep them at the present level
In view of 'lnOatlon, increases In assessed valuation, ~d the new one«nt state aales las (intended to pro-
Vlde new dollars --0nly for the poorer districts), even
keeping tu rates where Ibey are will be a real strain
to homeowners.
Bqt ~JI! stale S~preme Court decisions have made
it dear !hat wealthier districts like Newport-M.-sa are
simply going to have to strain· more tf they want to fi-nan~ their children's educaUon at a level above, the
statewide average. .
The. one question. which can only be answe~ at
the polls, is whether Harbor Area taxpayen are willing
,....g> make that extra sacrifice needed for a top quality
school system.
Choice for Mesa
, Forty!one precincts will be open next Tuesday for
Costa Mesans to mark their choices for two .four-year
seats on the city council. ·
The city is fortunate In having ivailabl~ ·for the
posiUons· two 0£ the more solid perfonners in city busi-
ness since incorporation in 1953 -incumbents Jack
Hammett and Willard T. Jordan.
Hammett has a community service record dating b~ck al.mos~ l,'5 years •. including seven years as a plan·
n1ng contrms&oner. Hts last four years on the council
have been vigorous and productive.
. JordilD: ~o rose''o the city council from the plan-
nm g comm1ss1on and. has an 11-year record as an articu·
late and responsive city councilman.
· The Daily Pilot endorses their re-election next TueST day. c ''How ABOUT A SUMMIT MEtTING?"
• Why Not Athenian-style De1ttoeraey?
T~ Real
Truth A bout
Alternative to Election Politics
ftoqbb •t Lar1e:
The only 1ruth about child-rearing that
I am absolutely positive or Is the fact
that if a sufficient sense of self-worth
is not instilled in the child at an early
age, even a lifetime of continual success
cannot obliterate' that persOn's nagging
secret sense of inadequacy. • • • .
~lost people, U you ask them to think
about it, would repJSr that "God" is
a noW1; only the better theologians would
31Jggest that, properly viewed, He is
a verb. • • •
-Except for the very poor, it is .not
what we earn absolutely but what we
NrD relatively that determines our
degret! of content or discontent with
our Jof; it ls easier to bear the thought
of a stranger making a hundred times
more than we do than of someone in
our ~group making only $10 a week
more. • • ••
Trying to learn by other people's
experience is customarily as futile as
learning to 8Wim without getting into
the water. • • •
One profound difference between.
Europeans and Americans is that tbeY
can have violent 'arguments and still •
remain good f~, whereas we take
every disagreement about ideas as a
refl<ctJon on our persooality, and our
arguments are either repressed .ot1 if
espresed, end in estrangement. • • •
In the end, every talented disci ple
.., turns against his master-if not by
promoUng a rival theory, then eventuall~ .
The_~~ and ~lding exterJ~r_! ,
at ,Davis "Middle School Rre a dis-
grace. Student morale can't be very
high in such ari atmosphere.
! D.J.D.
' ~ ... -.• ,.,.......,...,.
,.,.... ...... "" ~ty riMct Ille ..... ., .......... SeM ,.... ...
,.... .. ..._. .... DellY 1'16-t. •
To the Editor'
It is difficult to step back and take.
....... an-objective view or the world in general
and the United States in particular.
Maybe the auTent disturbances are
1'llhin& more than ripples in history.
Yet. as a contemporary citizen, it 'is
irbome, even galling, to endure amoog
other tbinga the stupid chicaqory which
exists at tbe Federal level (let'• not
tool oursef'ves. legislative u well as
executive), the state level (let's bear
it for our well-pensioned legislators),
and of course the local level (we'll
men tion no name!). In fact, I've bad
it up to here.
by distorting tbe master's message IO
tha( it is ·no longer recognizable as
~his ovm. (Al one .,Jnay be sure that
Plato did with the unwritten gospel of• -
Socrate.s.) . IN ORDER to start somewhere, ho ~· • • •
Evil 1 newi tra1r11ls around the world
in tbe Uine It lake! a good dee<I to
get from one door to another -and this
was true long, loog before there were
any neWspapers, radio, or television . • • •
The people who ire 90· fond of prating
that, we must "fight fire with fire"
are ignorant of the way this is really
dOoe--whicb is by contairuQent, and not
by ·c:onfllct, • • •
· What scholars call "erudition" Is
.... uy plagiBrlsm with tbe patina of
antlqulty upon It. • • • •
To plant a tree whose growth and glory
YoU will never see is ooe of the most elo-
quent ways ol demonstraUng that you
think more of others than of yourseU. 0 • • •
N"Ul&lentbs of what ts called · oor
i4philosophy" is our temperament ; just
as nine-tenU. of whal we call our '"poli-
tics" ls our economic pol!ition. • • •
_ For every one tourist who goes alroad
to savor the e:rotic, a huodrtd make
the same trek merely to escape the
humdrum-and lake it along, by seeking
overseas what they have become used
to at home.
• about eliminating those w o n d r o u s
animal!, the elected reprueotaUva of
the people? It is painfuµy obvious that
the system isn 't all that good .
Occas1onally we seem to be able to
throw aome of the rascals out, but
aOOtber equally horrendous crop soon
Allow me to suggest an altemaUve.
Let's select our representaUV'es by lot.
I.n the first democracy the Athenians
did It this way. We gain some immediate
benefits. True representation, for one
· thing; · men and women of a l I
bactgrounds and persuasions. We
eliminate the asinine i n t e r m I t t en ·t
political squabbles. It is entirely possible
that the average intelligence of our
representatiyes would go up.
Perhaps, we could start out at the •
local level -at the city level or maybe
the county supervisors (that would be
a rme place to ~gin). B.J. ROGERS
Freeu>a11 Blight
To the Editor: .
Sometimes It seein.t eas1er to build
a $50 million Corona del Mar Freeway
than think out the right thing to do. ,
Recently, Coota Mesa has seen the
~ spectacle of the city council and rllOl!t
of the local elected state officials begging
the highv.·aymen to slam anothe r free"·ay
throu gh our area. Peopl~ have sensed
something is going wrong in ravaged ,
e1ploited, polluted Southern Californi a,
and that the double begins with mega·
highways a:nd the metropol itan
malignancy that accompanies them.
'JUE AIR ts poisooed; there is no
relief from noise and coogest;on. there
are degrading long lines at gas stations ,
we cover the ~cheJ with power plants
and sewage, we bulldoze down our green
hills, coodominiums creep over the land
In a blight ol wasting JOres, and there
· ·are too many can and too many people.
If a kid stands in an open field with
the wind in his face, he is a~ing
criminal, but if a developer digs up
the whole field, be is society's pillar.
SO MANY uneasy and competent local
govemiftents have said -·~enough" to the
dehumanizing and soiling fabric ol more
freeways . But not ours -we shall
be the last to ask for one. Freeways are proven hazards to respiratory and
cin:ulatory health. 'Ibeir construction
is a death and disability certificate to
thousands along its path. Anyone who
lives near .the escalating noise and air
. pollution or the San Diego freeway and
the crime ~ congestion it has brought,
must ask, "What's in it for Costa Mesa?"
to have yet another.
Both tbe Corona del Mar and the
proposed Newport Freeway a re
"freeways to nowhere," the open-ended
Corona de1 Mar to subsidize developers
engaged in disbonofing open land along
the coast and covering it with the bit ter
congestJon of man at the e:rpense of
anything wild, native QI green; the
Newport 1n the summer to be an iron·
bound dead-<nd parting tot.
For the privileges of subsidizing the
dissolatlon Of open land remnants, we
taxpayers are to pay about $100 miUion.
Jt would seem we are about to BMault
Letters from readers are welcome.
Normally, writers should convey their
messages in 300 words or l.tss. The
right to condeuse letters to fit space
or eliminate libel i.t re.teTVed. All let-
ters must i11clude sig11ature and mail·
i11g addre ss but names may be with·
held Oil request if rnfficient reason
i1 appare11!. Poetry will not be pub-
"" being cast back and forth between coiin-
tries via the media of the TV commercial.
TI-IREE weeks ago the ma jor TV
networks carried on their newscasts t~
video taped commercial of a new product
being introduced in Au stralia. It was
a spray anti·persplrant named "Uncle
Sam." The ad was a montage of
American scenes suggesting l h a t
Americans were using the product.
Recurring throughout the sequence was
a young man, <tressed as Uncle Sam.
playing the piano lind singing the
commercial. His mannerisms carried
the stereotype of the homosexual . The
final scene of the montage showed the
Statue of Uberty holding aloft a can
of the product in pla ce or her torch.
In a later sequence this was changed
to shot of lhe old gi rl applying the
product to he r arm being bcld in_tbe
As !he product is not offered for
sale in this c:ountry and the commercial
was presented as part of a newscast
I assumed it was shown to express
the network 's di!pleasure at the
&emewhat insulting connotation.
WHAT appeared to me to be a
retaliatory gesture, a new commercial .
has been made for American aJdiences.
But lo \'iolenlly attack my rellolv mat
or destroy things in order lo achiel't.
that is. to ml'. vcry-.slupid. Can tht
means really justiry the encl?
Think about the material lhings that
are destroyed (schools. stores, etc), and
then think how much it takes to rebuiJd
i. those things. not only monetarily, but
lhe timl' and patience real people m111t
devote to reconstruct something ripped
apart in a fit of insecurity and hatred.'
From y,·hat I am aware or when I
see lhis happen, the hatred comes frOm,
and ~pointl'<i at oneself.
I. too. am biltc.rly o~cd to some
laws and socia l morals put on me,
but I can't lhink of any other place
I cotlld have v.·hat I ha11e now, nor
have I '" heard any o I her feasible
al ternatives to ease the proble1ns that
face all of us every day.
IF WHAT you want to do is destroy
what little we have to share now, then
ask yourself who wins and who loses?
\Viii there be no end to lhis inane
game? I! this vicious circle does not
end. then what will be left~ \Vb.at about
the babies, the children, the young, ones
who haven't learned how to hate yet?
What will we leave to them?
If we can't retain enough or our sight
to look at ourselves then let's spend
y,·hat little energy v.·e have left for
the young ones who y,·jlJ hold the dreams
.. and ideas that some of us have lost
in the all too painful process of growing
old. Pt1aybe they can grow together
instead of grow old. • ,
R e bel •
To the Editor :
I was delighted recently· lo read a
news item released 6'y the Highway
Patrol to the effect that almost all1 drivers are breaking the law by
e1ceeding the 55-mlle-an hour speed
limit. I
Real Silent Majority: Non-vot,ers
our land simply because it is 'there ~p!esentlng the hotel subsidiarr of PSA
or that we build more roads because, Airlmes the. sequence advertises the
v;e Can•t figure out bow to stop. -acco"'.li;iodahons to ~ found aboard an
In the next few the Orang cx·Br11ish luxury hoer now berthed
N-.v.rt and Coronay~Mar Fr e. pennanently as a tou_rlst attraction in ~~..-eeways one or our port cities. 1be cartoon
I have l:iecn driving al whatever speed' ·
I deem safe for myself and will continue.
IO do so. I
~I\' CAR is my private property;·
the gasoline in the tank is my private!
property and I paid one hell of a 1ot1
of money for the ~d tbat 1 wheel
up and doVt·n. · ' , ' W ASIDNGTON -From now until
April 15, we shall undergo a rising
c:mcendo of TV ads begging us to
give .• palnlesa dollar to the cost of
pollUCal -campaignf .by-checking a bo•
oo the -me-lal: fonns. Then in the
fall, we'll be subject-·
ed to another brow· • IJ•'I
beating modi• bar·
rqe ordering us to
go and register to
Those who don't r ... give and don't vote
I will be accused of 1 the crime of ''•pa-t. th.•• Worthless cfti-
l .... that they ""· they'll be in!orm<d
' that they 11a .. oot the rilht to complain
and that the rotleo government they're
gobw to get ii the ooe they dt>erve.
Suc:b llatemeatl, howe•er, are subject
to Brobaynuiry'I l"tnt Law. It was the ~ lite, · ,,...t Albon!an polJti<al "id<lltill,
Aleulld<r llrobnyntoky, who declared
that all universally be1d pollUCal alogens are lpao la<to !&lie. so. altbouih you
won't bear It oa TV thll year, you
can aerve youroell and your country by•-· In fact, this dlsroputabje poliUon has
r-orpnllod -•Ion s1noe 1m , ID a ama11 fP'CIUll <alled The League'
ol Nog.\l<llen.._Dlm. ..l!d!li • lllCb
oorrelldon bt!Cftftl IX&voter'I Qd ,.,...
jolnan, the Leap la abort oo members,
but wbat It waoil in namben ~
two doors. Whichever one you take,
you wind up 1n the same room.''
• THE LIBERALS came to t b a t
conclusion with Lyndoo Johmoo in the
'liOs; the conservatives have learned the
·compensatea for In fellcltom bwnper
stkten, among which are . Voin the
Bote.r Joycott; Vote for Sterile Hassen ·
-He Can't Get You tn Trouble: snd
The Lesser of Two Evils -Is Evil.
(More information-on the League can
be bad by wrltine to Bos: titO&, Santa
same from IDchard Nlion 1n the '70s.
1be WiUll response to this observaUoo
is that you've got to participate to
change tt. Such talk has a oonvlnclng
ring until one has participated, elected
his man .and then found out be mlgbf
just as well have supported the loler
for all t.be difference it made. 'Ibis Ana, Calif. 92702.) ~ is not to say that more than a very
BVTJF abstention ts loo unac'ceptable few oon-voters aie diJlllusloned, dropped·
a thought· to gel any of that free public-out former participants. Most people
service air Ume, at least 44 percent catch on early that what is wanted
of the eligible voten wit· no ballot or them ii the appearanct or
in 1972. Or, to put it' 1n O(ber terms, particlpatioo, not the faci. Have you
It means that "the overwhelmlnfl ever tbouibt about the connotallon ol
mandate" the ·Nlaon people 1lkl! to refer words .-commonly -by the media
to c:onsilled ol . about -ol the and the ,.Utlclans to describe -electorate. who do ~ than check ofJ their dollar
Sy. Lean, wbo' doubles u the ~t and-vote.? Words like m 111 ~a D t I ,
ol right.wing Rampons College and extremists or activist&!
cbairman ol the Leape ol_ NOn-Voters, reiurb thal the "niDet)'-OlrM ml1IJoo The primary function of m an y
who dldn 't -!or Nttoo a,.. the real American electlooo lsn 't selection but silent majority. 1'\Q''tt IO anent became legttimaUon. It's an e.xpensl ve vaUdaUon ...... .......... 11111 ..... J>fOCl'll aJdn to the anointing ol ldnp. ~.~ _,_.... "' _,re One way to mate ll l.,. of an -rited
It -ad be a mi.tate to ......., ritual -1d be to ad6pl Sy Loon 's
are to be shoved down our throat. or a fat little man, complete in flannel
Freeways can be stopped and these nightgov.11 · and sleeping-cap, lies full
will be. 'Ibey lhall be abandoned beca~ length on the ship, while voices sing
there ls no good purpose for their of the pleasures to be realized as guests ~ and there are a lot of better aboard the Ooating palace. At the close
things io spend ~ dollan «L than of the.. commercial the little man sits
our own seU-de:structic:m. up, Wives a tiny F.nglish rlag, )¥inks
I don't need a criminal politician to
Uell me how fast or Blow to drive.I
The politicians openly admit that ~ ..
new law is not for our safety but on
account of the phony gas shortage. I
VERLYN MARTH at the TV audience and in a ~ueaky
voice snklely offers a suggestion which
might easily proVOke war with the
British Empire.
TVT .. re•t
To the Editor'
Experts warn of the dangers ol WW
III, and the many wa)'1 in which
civilization oould be plunged into the
. war that will quite possibly "End all
I SUBMIT to. reader! o( )'OW'' columns
that It mlgbt not l'al:o an Wlprovoked
•ttack by a military force; the. death
of _,. gownun<nt bead at lhe band
of an assasa1n, or . the fmger of some
nervous duty olf1ctr pushing • red button
In a bunker deep In the bowels of u.e earth to plummet-our gJobe..--into
· the catastrophic: holocoust ol atomic-war.
COOl!der the -tbllily that lnatead
of a 1'tt cf communlcaUoo it might be
an Oftl'"Zfflows forpt "!-~munication which ushers in the bqiMing of the end.
1 refer to the -"'infly innocent tni\llli ..
"Sleep on the Queen."
History, I am sure, reveals thal sillier
incidents have resulted In war.
Who Wins?
To the Editor :
l am a yOung woman, soon to have
a child; and a welfare recipient. 1 am
not proud of the fact that I must depeDd
on other people for my existence. People
that work hard to make ends·. meet
for thermelvt4 and their own families
are the people that also SUPPort me-
and my 1.mborn child. At the same
Ume, I 1m not ashamed to admit .that
I need help until I am· able to provide
for myiel( again. I thank the people
and the structure of this country l&S
bad a shape as It's lnl that the lie.Ip
r need ls there just for the asking. ..
It rtally sickens me to thi nk there
are ~e in thil country that think
the world owes them 10mtthlng. ·
This small amount of disobedieoce
is np credlt to the American motorlltJ
for he is only doing what ls .natural..
His foot is hea''Y· 1
-Robert N. \V«ed, Publilh.e:r
T'"'-Keevil, Editor
Barbara Krtlbich
,EdJtorio& Page Ed itor
tbat all people who don't 'fo&e do 90 propoul that we hive an extra bol
for ~ 11me. ~. But wha&e\l!r their on t.be Preadential ballot, one that rada
.......,., they obviously ooacl-that, "None ol the allove." · Bua E. -. Swodlah QinsuJ
on bolanco~the small ~tu.~o c'!inC--cc:~ ...,. people -go to the C-ral, S.F, -"I am a total optlmlsl
energy It Ides Isn't worth It, pomaps polla M'Eleetlilt! Doy lf they !mew •. I don) tiiow the ...in& al life, but
• I WATCH the news and see people
fighting over a bag of food. People
are 1llrv1flc all over the world, il'•
true, and 1 someltmts would Uke to
have more meat or milk In my diet.
The ~torW ;~ of thl!I' Dal.17
PiloL'.lttb to Worm and ttinn&la
rtiaen . by pneecrtinc on thb J*P:
divene•commentary·on top&es o( 1""
Tmst by l)"ndlaittd coiunu\lsl• and
cartoonists, by providlnc a ronim trw
mdm' vln.·1 and by prnMt.1'11( thi8
MIV. .. Plptf'I' opuriona and ~U 1M
CU!T'tnt topics. The tdltorlal ~
of lM O..Uy PJk>C. •PS>t"at Oflly tn the
tditorW cotwnn &l '"Iha top ol h
pace. Opinkh opr"Hled by tbe • ·
umntst. and e&MOOnlN: •ad Jetta'
'fn'ittn are thelr own and no eDlbw-
mrnt ot 1he:lr ~ tty "'lhll ~
Pilot lhould lie Intend.
bee&,.. ~agree with 1-1. -says, they didn't bsve to ¥Oto !or the I do taow wbat "' do -not go Into
"Votln( la UM! goJna th"""" ..,. of candldata. thin air." '
-' '
Friday, March 1, 1974
Judge Rules Free
Mai1ing 'Misu_sed'
I,. SAN DIEGO (!\Pl -Rep.
Bd> Wil.,., !R-Callf.),
• mial9ed h i s congressional
franking privilege by mailing
r Jackson 5
:t ·;_ Member
VAN NUYS fAP) -A 19-
year-old member ol t h e
Jackson Five singing group
htis· been cleared o( a charge
or recel~ng stolen property.
, The dismissal by Superior
Court Judge Harry V. Pcetris
was disclooed Thursday, lhl·
day trial proceedings were to
I have begun for Toriano "Tito"
Ot the same time, the judge
j accepted a guilty plea from
I . oodefendant John P. Jackson,
22, who is neither a relative
nor a member or the rock
A third defendant , Sanders
"Bubba" Bracey, 24, was
ordered to appear for trial
en the charges. He is accused
of participating in burglaries
of 50 San Fernando VaJley
apartments. The t h e f t s
alJegedly involved stereo and
television sets.
Redd Foxx
Takes Rest
Alling Redd Foxx, the star ' I of NBC'• "Sanford and Soo,"
1 is not'. expected back for the
~ re:~ ~:i::SS:~Y r· from Aaron Ruben, the show's
produett. L
Fou:, 51, is still in the
boopi!.tl alter undergoing test.
f<r a nervous condition that
·tw kept him out for three
.... ks.
Ruben said be was revising
three scripts written for Fou ,
who plays the role of Fred
newsletters during his 1972
<'ampalgn at taxpayers'
expense, a ju~e has ruled.
However, U.S. District Court
Judge Cordon Tho·mpson
refused to order Wilsoo to
pay damages Thursday. and
"\\'il.Di .apparently aC'tccl in
~'OOd faJth. since in doing so
he was utilizin~ a rust.om
pr~iced by nearly every
other congressman in the
United States."
Wilson ..... as ~ by Frank
Cnprio, his Democratic
opponent in the 1972 election.
for S.16.352.96. The nlOOey
represented the cost of the
postage. D:1prio said he sought
the mone.v for the talf.paycrs,
not hirll.5Clf.
TllO~IPSOl'\ \\'AS to Id
Wfl900 mailed 247.412 copies.
of his newsletter, "Bob \Vilson
Reports." about two weeks
before the June 1972 primary,
in v.·ttich he v•as unopposed,
and 207.000 copies about two
Y.'t-ek.s before the November
cleclion. ~ ·
In both cases he used his
congressional frank, or free
mbi!ing privilege.
The judge found b o t h
mailings to be violations of
an 1893 law gove rning
rranking. The law \\'as revised
l.:ist year to permit ~licited
rnass mailings to coostitucnts,
but they still are banned in
the last four weeks before
an electioo.
more administrators have·
resigned from the Worldwide
Church of ~. bringing__ to
29 the number of ministers
and executives who have
resigned or been fired in
recent weeks. •
The latest departures_ were
by David L. Antioo, director
of churdJ. adm.inistraUon, and
Albert J. Portune, director ol
evangelism campaigm. They
resigned Wednesday n i g h t
after chmch leaders Herbert
W. Annsti'OOg and his son,
Garner Ted Arms tr ong.
refll!ied to meet wiUt regional
directors to c!iscuss problems
they feel exist within the
P a s a d e n a -headquartered
The two vice presidents also
had asked the Armslrongs to
restore lo their f o r m e r
sfanding the ministers-and
administrators who have been
suspended or fired. -
Stanley Rader. ge nera 1
counsel for the mullimillion-
dollar church and oollege, said
the pair's proposal wa s
"totally unacceptable" to the
elder Armstrong.
The 35,<XlO-membcr church
has been tom by controversy
recently. Six n1inisters who
resigned signl'd a Jetter to
church members w h i c h
afleged that the Arn1strongs
have been spending church
contributions lavishly .
minimum amounts of $1,000-
, . passbook accounts in any
IQ amount. So long as your sav-
ings total $2,500 in one or more
~ LFS savings accounts, ygu are .. ellgfbla for e Savers Club
1"" membersl'tip.
HOME Of '1C!: 250 Ocean Avenue, Laguna Beech, Cet11ornl1 92e51, Telephone·
49.f..75"1 •LAGUNA NIGUEL: 3 Monarch Bay Plaza • SAN CLEMENTI': fi01 North
El Cimino F11al • LAGUNA HILLS: 2A038 Cane de I• Plata • LAtCE ELSINORE .. .. 600 Wesl Grahllt'll Avenue • • •
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• Fridl)', Marth l , 1974 DAIL V PILOf ;j:
Reineclre l's. -Flournoy
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Shop b1onday 1hru Friday, I 0:00 a.m. 10 9:30 p.m. I Bullotk'J Santa A~a, l Fashion Square, 2800 N. Ma.in crtet. Santa Ana, Tel_ephone:
Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.rn. Bullock's South Com Plw, San•Diego Fr«W•f at Bristol, Cos<• Mtsa, Telephone :
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