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1974-04-10 - Orange Coast Pilot
• Newp~rt Council '.Election Resul ts: • I I ' • Golda Meir Vows Reine~k e P leads To Quit Thursday •Absolutely Not O _ver Dayan Row Guilty ~ o i Lying DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * * * . WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 10, 1974 VOL. 11,.NO. Ito, 6 'ECTIONS, 1• ,.AC[~ ~. .. ' ' -'-<\,,."'" Spri1ag is H e 1·e Playing leap rrog on the pink coral sands of Elbow Beach in Bermuda during the island's annual College \Veek has become part of the "rites of spring." Up front are C<1therine LeDue leaping over Dave Given \\•hile Dianne Zembruski and J ohn Cange mi await their turn.• Sru1 Jose l\la11 Shot i11 Leg Fo1· 'Flli·tatious Re111ru·l{' SAN ~-llAl'CISCO 1UPI) -A San J°"' 1nali "'as shot in t.llt! leg when gunfire follo"·('(! "'hnt police said was ri nirt:itious remark . ~lth>in Johnson . 3~. ~·as reported in satis£nc1ory condition arier surgery al a hospital. His ;illegcd B!!sail11nt. l)anicl Jue, 33, \\AS treated for facial cuts and boOked RI city prison on a chllrgc of at· templed murder . Police said six persons attending a mortgage company sales meeting \\•ere l'nt{'ring their car Y:hcn one of them call· rd "I-low you doing, bahy-:·· to a v1oman in Jue's car. Jue dr£1"' a gun and fired four shots that struck .Johnson's auto. Police ~aid Johnson v.·~~ shot when he and a f1·1end rushed Ju . ree ncum ~e1 vpo 1•t 1f i111aers l(uehn, Rogers, Barrett, Dostal '• Uy L. PETER KRI EG 01 ti. 011ly l'ilol S!lll ~c11porl Beat h 1otcr ... rcrurnecl 111- cun1bcn1... ?\l1J;1n [)0..,1;;1 and \101\Jrd l{uger.~ \\1 the Clly Coune1 l Tue~ay ;111d clectctl t 110 nc1v t'OUlltll n1crnhl,rs \1ho had bo!h can1paig1K'<I <igainst special u1- tcrcst groups. The election 11·as hig-hh:;:ht cd by lhc Vlllur; u1 ,\!rs. Lucille Kul'hn. 11 1\0 Reiuec kc Plell: 'iVot Guilt)·'; Trial Juue 19 \\'1\SHl;\'GTO;\' lt'Pl1 -Lt. (;01·. Ed Heinecke of Callfon1i:1 p \ca d c U ":ibsolu!e!~ not guilt.r'· today to three coun!s of lying lo lhc Senate Judiciary Commitlc.>e during IC'stimony concen1ing financing u{ lhe 1972 Republican nationa l c:On\•ention . A tcn1ativc rrial date or June 19 \\"as set by L'.S. Uistricl .Judge Barrington Parker. TI1at 1s t\\·o \\'eeks after a June 4 California Republican prin1ary in \\'hich Re ine cke is a candidate for the nomina - tion lo succeed n.onaltl Reagan ;is go\ernor. lte1neckc·s \a";.·en1 asked Parker tor an earlier tnal date "so his innocenl·e n1ay be established b<:'forc the prirnary.'' 1~ari.:er 53\d ~ had a "cro\\'ded court calendar but \\'Ould consider the re· quest." Reineckc·s Ja\\·ycr, F. Joseph Donahuc. :ilso asked that the trial tw movrd to California . Pa rker took lh.."lt request under consid('ration and said ht v.·ou ltl rule la1 er. Reinecke \\'as intlic!ed on perjury charges for testimony about an offer by ln1ernational Telephone and Telegraph Corp. tITT I 10 help finance the GO P con· vention then scheduled ror San Diego during hearings on Richard G. Klein· dienst's nomination for 11ttorncy general. Speaking \\'ith r<"porlcrs shortly before his court appt"<Jr;incc. Reinecke said or the c11se against him : "It appP.llrs non· professional. It's a thm~y charge. There is something \'Cry str~nAC nbou! the IStc REINECKE. Pai;:c ZI :.cored n ;.inol!'h1ng tnu111ph in Di,1ru·1 Ii O\l'r l'l;1n111ng l't}ll1n11~~1011 (.'h:11rrn:111 \\"1lhar11 .\).!l'l' ;u1tl 111u 01l1t·r< \ 1nut·h t:lu,l·r r•u·t· h.1<1 hc(_rn ;.in11r1p;1h·d ?\Ir~ h u1·hn's uµ:-l'I O\cr--h:1\li1\11·d !h\· surpri.,111).!ll ~n1:d! 1n;.in.p11 by 11htl'h \'1t't· .\tayor 1!0;;1•rs \\:l:-;.ibh· In r1·1n in h1~ I>isllict I scat against a 4·h:.illengt Uy ~I r.•. i'•'l! For~11 lnc11 n1llt:n! FfltJrth n1~tritt (Q11ntL1n1;u1 [)o~tal 11,t~ 1h•· largt~t 101c gt•ltcr :i~ h·· 11 011 a .<:f.'tlond 1f'r111 111 D1 ~tncl ~ llct1ltur .J. Peter Barl'i:lt 11011 <1 !'urpri~· in~h ('<l'Y 1·u·tor;1 in llis111e1 3. d('fcat111:.; 1110 r•t hi:r rand1rlatc~ \Oler' ,1ppru'.l'd three rhartcr l'h:•nRl~ hu1 ft'll'C \cd 1Y.u othc•rs. The lo:.ers both deitlt >11!h t'll \ .. o\1ned prorx·rty 111,.. t11rnout of \'Otcr s 11·as J1~htrr th;tn had b1:t·n <1pt1C"q1a!td. Only !!.4V!'I 1..cr:.nn.., 11~·111 to !11<· poll" That \\'JS :!i lll'ftTnl uf the :r .. s1 2 ehg1b1t·. C'1t~' Clerk I.aura l.a)\LOS b\;in1ed 1h1· IO\I' turlliJll1 on ~:;istcr \·aeatron~ .ind 11 in- d'.' \\l'<ithcr. '"I had a Jot ot precinct l\Orkcrs tell nl•· th:it peo1>le had refu.o;ed 10 go out 111 lhi· high \1 inds." she SJid. The result!> arC : DISTRICT I llo" ;ird Rogers. j ,032 Peg Forgit. 3,997. DISTR ICT 3 Pete Barrell. 4,288. Ellis Glazier. 2.849 (Sre ~E\\'PORT, Page 21 ---------- 'IT'S FANTA STI C. S.-tl'S ADl'Ell1'JSE H "Fantastic~" Jn that nnc \1·ord . thl' ll untington Beach man u·ho placed th•· fol!0\1·ing ad in the Da ily Pilo1·s ela~~tflcd lHll'er1ising section described ho\\' Y.l·ll 11 v•orked. Here's 1he ad: '&6 V\\' Van. Runs great. t Phone No.) 20,00> i'lctttal mi . 5800. lint Bch • Naturally. ii sold llle \'tin '\aturally. a Dailv Pilot ad tan sell 1 o"r m1·rchan· d1se: f ('S\ it yourM>lr. r1ae~· ~our l'ld h\' phone tdircct lint'1 by dialing 6~2·56iR. ' . "'. , T , 1 IXOll. .~ llX :lf or<' l; 11 u .~11al !\\:'\SAS ('l'f\'. ~In 1l'l'l • - Thi' h~'acl of 1hP n:ifll\n·, !arjl•·,1 111- 1•0111,. !.•'\ ~l't'\ 1rr l'1t,l1t•\ ,., l'n·iL· t\••llt ;o.1\1111 C'an11nl 1h'fh11•! ;, 1·r,J11n· 1ar1· ~17111flll p;1 \1n1·n1 l<•r u1·t·rtlu1• J'll;!1 !,1'\1'" on thi~ .1 •·:11··~ r!'t11n1 l ll'nry Bloc k. prc!'1d• ·11 11 f r · an'.I H l!loc•k. '<iltl 1 lH.'"'da\' th:1t \IXOll.., d<'1·1•1nn .,. p;iy tne ;11111un1t \Olun· 1 :1111~ \1;1, "h1;.:h!y unu -.11:11 ·· \1xrin h<1.~ ht't'!l hilh«t for ~lli'.OllO 111 ha1·k 1;1x'ti frnrn 1!iii9 through l''i'.! Th•· lllll n•prc"{'n1s dedur1 1on' t;ik•·n fr1r 1lion:1110111,f \II'~' pre~1d1•11- t1:1I p:ipt•r-. tu thl· \ n ti on ;1 I i\r1 ·h1\'es. Thi' ~1 ;111111· n1 hrn1t;1 1 1on~ hai !'\· p!P'<I !0r !h" "l il '1Jll 1!11e frorn llJli'J Shc"ll Re si•.rn r Ove r DaYan Ro'\ TEI. A\ 1\' ti.Pl• -1~rimr ?\lln1:-ll'r t .i)\r!.i \h·1~ tr.Ir! hrr l.;1bor l'arty l()(la;i· ..,)1,. \1 ill r1;..,11:.11 Thun.day Th•· l ~r•tt•h pnl!1u·:tl ll'llilS l1lr•11 up O\f'r ;.!ro111n~ (i(•n1;indi th.it /X>frn!-•' ~1111isl•·r ,\fn~h ... l>;1r:111 r,.~1g11 l)("l:&U-.c of lsr:iers :tlit•-•·d unpr• p~rtOn<'"" \1h~·n l·:g~pt ;ind Syr1<1 ;:Ht:rekt·d Oc1 ~. Yon1 l\1pµur. \Ir" ~lcir had forinC'd a shak,. C11r1li- 1 u111 tl)llo111nj.! lhc Oc·1ohrr 1\;;r \111h !).110.Jn n·ma111111..: ;1~ clt•ft•nsc mini..,ter. hut 1·;1ll,.. fc.r ht .. rf'S11::n.il1u:i J)C'r:.1c!I'{! Tt1e lsr.1r!1 thi•f of ,..1;11f. <; •. n. 11:111d 1-'.l:izar. rl',ii:tn•·<I 1;1~1 111•Ck lhr· i"1-yl';1r..f Id pnn11 1n1n1 ,!t'r told h•·• j):.1rt 1 \ ll'adc·rs r.1:11 ~h<' h:id df'i1n1tt·l.1· TANK, ARTILLERY DUELS FLARE AGA'IN -Story, Page 4 rnad" ll]l hl·r rn1nrl :1nd sill' t01J!J 1101 l"· N>1111111L·ed lo st:1~ 1n 1hc po ... t ,!)(, hn~ hl 11! ... 111t't' 1!.'li9 <111 off1r1al ..ouref' said · I ha\·1· rl•alhed th•· t•nd of lh" ru.1d." :\\rs. ?\lc1r said "I cnn jl;Q on ll•> l11n11tr This hfls nothin~ to d1J 11llh \los~ !J,1}.111 t.ut tin I~ 1\ 11h 111y~t'lC ·· 1·11cr t1 ~\."I~ l.A>t•11 a !'t•r1c~ of ))Ol1t1t:1l c r ist>" !!UlCc the (k!Ol>t.'r \\':.r and 111 J:inuarv both ~Ir~ ~lc1r and l)<i\flll threatl·'n«.I 10 rcs1~n ' The c:1h1nl't cr1~1~ dC'l\'.lt'nt'(I t'at11l'r le> day 111th ;1 lrg<•I op1n1011 h1nt1n~ fl\ Da\'<in's rr.-.pon~1h11itv for J~r•n·l's ur.- prep.1rC'dnc''\ tor the <xtobcr \\ ar l'oht1cal 'IOllrCf'~ srutl 11 >Uld force hln1 to t}lU! und thus toi>}Jl" thC' g 11 rnnnt'nt. Th" opinion h1 J11.,t1c,.. :i.111nster \h111TI J. l't' :\lF.IR , l'n~e Z! on • Ill Ba1·t lett's 4 tl1 Te1·111 Co11fir1ne{l H\• TF:HRY f0\'11,LE 0 1 lh• O'olf ,Ito! SlfH T l'd Hartlf"t! \\nn hh fourt h tf'rm 11n !h•· r1t1 c111111cil 1n TUl''1<l:1;. ·,. elrct11'il'l':1i all !iii'•·" llunt1n;.:ton Beach 1;icun1ht'nt, t·;,•11~ 11011 ri:-tll'«[J11n. Th•· l<11u·th 1·nuner1 ~1·:11. \'ac:1 tr'<l in:, 11•;1r 'h1· .Ja<k (;11••·n. 11;1<. fll!l"I hv 1J(·11!.'<Jlll•·t' ll.1n11·t1 \\u ~l1·r \1ho f1n1'h·d .1 ~tr<1n,! third 1n 1h1· tot.ii h:1llot 111;.? Tiu· f1n;1l !;11h· 1r:1 ... : -·1 C'd Jl,1rrll'tr 11nt urn hon'. . 5 :i'tl -\•)rm·i 1 r11>11~ 11111·1unhl·n1 '· ;, ::·:·1 -llarr11·lt \\ 1•-d•·1 .. -, :11~ -Al C'ut'!l ru11·u111brn11 I !ilJ -l:alph Bau•·r :J.PJ',;1 -~L111'u;; l'11r11·r, :l.iZ'l -1.~'Qrl!•· ?\h-<·r.lL'k•·n .. 161! rol!·1l\td hi l'h11iri ]'utn1:in , 2 til19 : \\'11!1:1111 \rr11-trouJ.,. '.! 197 .. John Fl111"td, J.ifi~: Jolin S11<11n. l.;i:J2 : Holx'rt ,\J)xor!'•. 1 .~~I 1:11h,.1• l'.lil~n ! !.i~1. Bru i.'t < .,1h111·l--11n •(,,'l TI1·· 1 "1< r t JrrlfHI' 11 ;1" .1 1011· '.!n jli'r· Cl'!ll. \111h rint_1-!:!.flfil nf t!'i•· fil f\9 1 rv:1·l··1t•d 111l•r<. o;:<,in!! to th(' polh T t11>: 1\;1 ._ !hf• <;('('ond t1n1" in B:ir1!1•T!'o; 1St.·l' HE-ELEC."TEO. l'age 21 Orani;.e Coast \\'eather \lo~•ly rl('<i r lhrou;::h Thur~d~y. l\.1rn11·r d;1;-~ 1111h hii:hs :it 1hr l:it·;1rh1•, in tht· 11pp•·r ~I!> r1,11l).; 10 111·· 101\ if1<. 1 011! r11,i.:h1., \\llh o·.lr· ui:ht 1011 .... 1.1.;l.l l:\Sllll: 1'011.\ \' ·.\l11tll'!I '/'rrc.· n 1•1•11· rrn1•1r,.. ) 111• '""''' /'ltd,\ i"•rt'1lfl•il •ll!fl'~. llJ"l•I'/ ;;('~/'ri/,.•. fi •' fjP' I' ··( 1J1o• f11ih<'rl lirnrl·P1~ 11 ;,., r1l- '•''1d -;11,,l•' 21111rrirpl,rt'tft''11 !l•'l'lr. 1•1\• sr rt '"I 1111 !tu11/1/r .• 'itr ;'t)J !' !H( f't.'~11' 'ii. 41 Y•v• l•r•llt ' ~ ... ,,.. ' •••t.nt " ,,..., ... ,,. " ' M •••t " Mow••' 14 lt t•~ll•n •• I M11l11•I J 11""1 ,. (l•nlllto ". N1,..,.,, ·~· •. " (Onltt• " o ...... to11111r 11 1! (•tH-•0 " '""pl1 11•" 0.•!11 Nth(o\ " ,., ... .... , .. " "''"'''" '~·· ' ,_,, ... ""''"'''""''~' )t.ll ·~· ""'''~'" "" ''"'"''" 11·1'1 Ttit\•'8• " .... " '"~"'' 14 JI MOIOKO" " N>,..tlNr ' .. ,,,. L.,IM,, " "'0t•• Nt..,I '· " ' 2 Oe,Jl Y PILOT s WedntSday, Aprll 10, 1974 ~ix on Takes Case to Michigan Small-towners By llELEN TllO~IAS B,\O 1\XE, i\lich. lUPI} -President Nixon. jaunty and sn1lHn1. "8instormed U1roug) ~tlchilJln"s rural ..,,Thumb" rcr,ion1 todtl~·. JiQpl.nlt Jo boos1 his 1Vntcrg.:11e • scarred political fC>f1.unes 11rtd ~hose of a ltt publh:un oongre!i.<iional ~undidiltl·. t\I01'C than 5,000 tur11L'CI out at the Tri· Cit.\ Airport tl{'tlr s.. • .,,naw for the Prt•!ldt!nt'!I :ir1·1v.1I al lh1• slur! of hi!i I l· lO\\!I 1our to r;11n1J111~n for ,fames j\1, Sp.1!1lng .J1 l:f)l' c:indid:ilc in the 8th t»n:ti'l'..,'>.lu11dl !)1:.tr1c l. " T.1isti11 Yoaiths An aide called the tour ... l<oling ground" for me Pr .. ldtnt. The ,..Wta should.be la>own "°"" alter the April 10 special el«tlon wbeo Sparling fa..,, DenlOCl'at Robert Truitt for the seat left \'icant v•hetl Rep. James Harvey, a Rl'publican, was appolnk>d a federal judgt. f\·fore cheel'll than boos greeted the Presiden t ut the Airport but the signs v.·cre about eve n. Some read , "God DI~ Nixoo" and "llang In There. Dick." Other~ said. "Impeach the Crook,'• and "If You L<>ve Us, Leave Us." -2 Electrocuted ·.· Coing Swimming ,.._ fir., ¥'-!!Ith \1•ho ltsled the waters of the ('olor:ido l~!V("f 11e(lr J>arkcr, Ariz., wi lh his 1~e Tuesd11y after tv.·o buddies from tilt) Tustin nrc;:l dove in :ind vanished lo- da)l'1>WC:I his life to cautlon. ¥un1a County Coroner's deputies today k.i ltl\llvc\y listt!d the deaths of the two vicU rns fisht.'<i from the popular boating ~ waters as due to electrocution. Karl Siegel. 16. of 12881 Bubbling Wells noSo . Santa Ana . and ~ .. 1ark s~·eeney, 17, of *11!01 S.E. \Vulnut Ave., Tustin. a~ fl:l;ti'rttJy <io,·c dirt."Ctly into a leaki ng clktl'ical current spreading through the ""·ali:-'f from a boat dock. ~ Siegel "'nS dead on arrival at P<4:Ker Community Hospital. where his compa nion-who still had a flicker of life carli.cr-di1..-d shortly after arrival. Fro•H J•oge l RE-ELECTED ••• four vicforlM that he was top vote getter jn the cll'clion. \Vhen first elected to the c!ly council in 19-14 he was also thrc high m;in -that-time picking up the grand lot~tl or 495 votes. Re served four years to 1948, then was off., the council un til 1966. v.•hen he came oti 'lhc newly expanded seven-member council. He "·on re-election in 1970, fin~ islift'lt second to Jack Green. 1'6tlay Bartlett blamed both the poor wTather 11nd • apatlty for "the pitiful ttmtoot." bu~ thanked hls friends for U1PiT' help in winninc. i:Te. surn1ist'<l that the incumbents v.•on beeause "There "'as no fi ghting cause Remains were taken to the Parker Funeral Home pending autopsies, but sheriff's deputies said all indications pointed to electrocution due to the power source leaking current into the river. J le said a party ol youths bl(hxling Siegel aod Sweeney-who v.·ere staying with rela tives tor Easter Vacation on the California side-were at a boat dock: five mi1cs north of the desert resort com· munity when it occurred. One of the victims jumped into the river iind wtien 1ie failed to surface within a reasonable time the second made a dive. He to.>, failed to come up. at which lin1e a third boy wisely tested the water and felt a surge of electrical currtnt shoot into his foot from the .area sur· rounding the boat dock. The power current was cut olf. alter whid'l a 'third adult present helped recover the victims from the water. The youths had apparently taken a boat across the river from the point where they were visiting and p.il\ed up at the dock where the fatal mishap oc- curred. One report whicb could not be con· firmed was that the craft suffered engine trouble an<t they had docked in an effort lo re-start it. Sheriff's deputies said it y.•ould be possible' for a faulty ground wire at th e electricity~uipped dock to have leaked a sufficient c:urrent to cause the deaths. f'ro•P .. el REINECKE ..• 1hl1>llmc. You had to get out and make whole UW!g _ 1 Can't Mlp bat question yd!W own bonfire." .. 1 he i behind · • .Norma Clbbs. who nearly grabbed tne I whole moUvat on · 1t.' 'tt-Asked If he thought the indictment was honors.as lop vole getter, credited "the politically motivated, Reinecke observtd ~e·• anti. smal l cootributions for her that it cante "very close" to the primary .. strOng showing. ;:ttj\ lot of people just thought t \\'Ds a .,.Parker gave Reinecke's lawyer until glitsy wonlan and ought to stay on the April 17 lo file other motions in the case ccinncil,'' she rcnectcd today. "Those an4 gave the Watergate proscculor's of- i;.m <i!I contributions raised almost $1,700 fice until April 24 to respond. A hearing 1• • on the motions was set for Saturday. f9J' n1y campa ign:' Both sides indicated they would be • LlRc the ot.hrers, she was disappointed prepared for trial by May 20 if Parker iii tl\l' low turnout. •·1 was discouraged by COllld find room on hls calendar for an the ~p<ithy. Ifs democracy by defaul t earlier date. 'Cnt•rc r<'-ally \1'crcn·1 any issues... Parker said,"] have a calendar where : 11...u-rit•tt \9-ieder. wbo a yc:ir ago was defendants are languishing in custody ilt1knOv. n in the city. made a surprisingly and l imagine tbat other defendants :Uropg showing to finish third in the four-v.·ould like a similar fast disposal of the ir Way race. cases. I will have to let it slay as it is for · :-Sl)e admits lo spending a lot of money now but J will reconsider my calendar." d'fJ tlle campaign -near the $5.000 limit The three counts of perjury stem from ;...~nd say~ it h~ to be I.flat way. his testimony in 1972, when the com- ' ll was~ l a sin to spend money. To get mittee was investigating Reinecke's rela· elected. 1t costs. You hnve to com-tioMhip to a reported offer of up to Ql~fficatc." she expl.a.incd t~ay. ''But .I 1400.000 from the Sheraton Co rp., a t}11nk., the m~st _exciting thing about ll/subSidiary of JTI'. to help undernirtc the )"H!Vl t I.he w~nn1ng, but .fhc people who GOP ~nvcntion in San Diego. ~'l1M.<d me v.·1n. I hope 1n the next ~ew The ITI' offer reportedly was made )'l'<irs \\'C can get more people excited "'hen the conglomerale was seeking set- ubou t loc:il government so they'll come llement of an anlitrust case with the Got nnd votr." Justice Department, Which it eventually . Al C~·n faced the loughcst battle to re-obtained July I. 1971. L,11T !11s !>£'at as school boa rd member The co1nmittee '¥1.'anted to know R:-111»1 1:3aucr clusel~· followed him most "'hether Reinecke informed fonner At- orthc r11)'.!ht. 1:3ut in the end. Coen finished torney General John W. hlitchell of the ~ilh il strong n1::iri;in of more than 700 offer before or after the settlem ent "'as Ybt t... made favorable to rrr. :\ ~litchcll testified he knew nothing of • ' • • 1 • ' • . • - OIANGf COAST DAILY PILOT 1,.. C>o"1o· C~ °""-"""' ""'" _." '"~ "'--, .. _ "'·-"11\>l'O"~.,,. , .... 0.1"'1'> c. ~ 1 ........ "·"~ ~. S.0.-••• -·--~ .~ "'" , ,..,,_, ,..,. ..,~ r...,1 •. "" Cow ..... .. ... , .... , st..ur. •<uOlllNIOll S.ldl/J""""" '•Vo•• lO<l"""i...cl\.l,._..,,s_..,.., ' L ~~ "'' ·,.., _,_ c...;.,,...,... I> """"' '"" ,, •• • ..... Ill -~-"""' ,..., r,., •. 1,. 1>1•''~"'"1, .. ., •• ..,,. ..... -.,., ·~-' m w ... L.., '''"" ClJ"lll M-.t.aoloftl..,9'off. >· • .1 .... N W-i ,.,.. ·~·t •""l"urlloW• 'I ....,..., " /'.'1•1 "-·,. .... ._,,.,.,°''"" Offlm ' """"' uo-•BlvS-N .. ~ ......... "'~ ~,,...,._.,,~ "'~'~-" ,,., .......... _ " ~ ........... ·1~/~&oo .. ~~"" •t ·-.... .il)')t...o1~t·c-~~· Ttltr.h-17141,42·4121 Cla\\ff td Ad~tf'fl•l..q 642·S611 llOfll'C.0..Wal~ !;oul>l!llu,_114.,. 492-4420 ,, ...... ,...,,.~o....,..(>:IV"'.~- S40.1120 ~"""""""' ,,,. o. ...... 0.11 ~(loot>. ·-N4A "'°"''"-"Ol'IO,'IO" __ _ ·-·---... y M--,.,_. !M(lol!_ol_.,,._ ~ tJt .. roll°"" ,_.SM ()wll M-C:.,_ ..,. '-'-"''°"11<1-•100-..... &.,..~ ••OO""'"'~'• "'"itn<l"'i.,,._,,oo~ •· ) the offer until alte r the settlement. Reinecke first said they discussed it hefore the settlement in May, 1971. Latl'r, ht> said the discussion occurred in September. 1971. And, rettnlly, he said lhe conversations took place in M.ay and early June of that year. From Page J MEIR ... Zadok said Dayan is not legally bound to resign. Dayan requested the opinion. '·''The opinion said that a minister is responsible for v.·hat is done in his ntini.stry," one source said. "That's \\'hy if you read the opinion correctly you tmve to rca'ch the conclu•on that Dayan must go." The three factions of htrs . 1t1eir's Labor Party held urgent meetings in the committee rooms of the Knesset (Parlia- ment) building in efforts to !Pllve the cNis btfort: a poaA!ble vote of no con· fldl'llcc comes up In a scheduled Knesset debate Thursday . Party officials ga~ng tn the cor- rldon ou!Side the roonu hid tptCU!atcd mat ~I.rs. ~ltlr and the government may resi~. ' ~tre. r.teir, In a black coat, sat at the rear of the room whtte her Mapel fac- tion met. She appeared tomber. Otayan entered the corridors amlllng and chatting . tn the rcom, be sat on the far sld• (l!lpOSile Ille 7~yeaM!d prim• minister. The campaip trip, Nixon's finst since 1972, wu paid lot by lhe Republican Na· Uonal O>mmluee, and viel'·ed as a referend\ID of his popularity since the revelaUonl of Watergate. Sparling in· vlt.ed Nixon to lrJJchlgan to givt tile President a chance to Lake his O\olo"n case. to the public. Some GOP leaders would have preferred that Nixon stay home. Sperling arranged a motorcade sweep through a siring of small villages and towns In the Thumb area that has tradl· tlona lly given Its rural conservative vote to the Republicans. The area is a 'Did I Lay That"!' ptnlnsula that juts into Lake lluron about ao miles north of Detroit. Niion was met by Gov. William G. Milliken, Sparling and his wlfe, and WI.Stant Senate Republican leader 11<>11tr1 Griffin. Grlfnn has thrown his poUUCal weight behind the Sparling cam paign In recent days and his 11taffen1 have •been In the district helping prepare for the presider.. tlal swing. l\'ixon wa~ accompanied by top aide.t, ·a speech wriler and . two \Vhitc llouse Ophelia, an ostrich at Lion Country Safari in l..aguna l lill s. gazes in stunned disbelief at one of her eggs as she tries to figure out the strange markings. It was a trick perpetrated by an artistically·in· clined employe of the African wildlife preserve, who felt that a gaily deco rated egg would be more in the tradi tion of Easter. . Orange County Gay Group Pla11s 'Coro11atio11 Ball' physicians. Wife Pat did mt io alone. The President has a lot riding on tbe race in a district lb.at h.ai been heavily Republican since the ''°5. lie avoided tbe blue collar citiff Of Sagin3W and Bay Q . ly where organized labOr il 1t~!Y. SM~ porting Traxler. 1be elecUon may give a reading on Nixon's ability to help or hinder other Repub lica n candJdates in the November congressional elections . Hundreds lined both sides of the street From Pqe I NEWPORT J ohn ~1cKcrren, 2,051. DISTRICT I ~111an Dostal. 5.706. Lyn Geronif!1~ 3,238. DISTRICT 6 J.ucille Kuthn, 4,531. BUI Agee, 3,145. John Baker, m . Joe Stewart , 615 Proposition I: Yes -6,791: No-. 1,223 Proposition 2: Yes -4.963; No -2,394 Proposillon 3: No -4,477 ; Yes -2,614 Propo1ltlon 4: Yes - 5.319: No -2,419 rroposltJon 5: No -5,653; Yes -3,011 • • • ~1rs. Koehn carried 37 of 46 precincts in her sweeping victory over Agee, Baker and Stewart. Agee W011 the olher nine, polling heaviest in precincts bordering the former Pacific Coast Freeway right· or-wa; that he had oppoacd as a proposed Corona del Mar highway bypass route. ~lrs. Kuehn v.·on both ber home Irvine Terrace precincts but \\'On beavicst in Pr(!(:inct 38, Cameo Shores a n d Shorecliffs, where she oulpolled Agee, 155 lo 44. Vice Mayor Rogers failccl'to carry h,is own di.strict and th at threw a scare into his supporters during the early vote- counting. The Jo'irst District precincts were the first to report and Mrs. Forgit began pi!· ing up a big lead. But Rogers ""'on con- sistently in most other pr(!(:incts and slowly pulled out in front. He 1051 District 1, which Includes the Balboa Peninsula and Lido Isle. by a m to 689 vote. J le carried Lido Isle by 13 votes. Dost.al bl.lit a commanding lead over schoolteacher Geronimi early and car- An organization or Orange County empress, there will be compcUtion for ricd all but five precincts. u the pmidential motorcade paused at the lluron Coullty Counhouse In Bad Axe. In bright weather with. • tem- peraturl't in the 409, l':ixon spent several minutes chatting with townspeople about _ inflation, fann prices and polities. A few signs called for hi s impeachment but there was no other visible evidence ot ill will among the onlookers. The President arrived in Bad Axe by hcllcopter. Oien shiftt'd to hil bulletproof IOnousine. T1·icil Set Fo,. Sher.iff i Candid.ate A Co!ita .~lesan who is seeking election to the Orrice of Orange County sheriff \\'<IS ordered lalc Tuesday to face tria1 June 3 on charges of possession of mari- juana for sale. Superior Court. Judce Everett \V, Dicke}' .set the trial date for Jerry Lee l.awrence, 32. of 118 Santa Isabel Ave. and CCHlefendant Mark H o f f m a n Armstrong, 20, of 33451 Palo Alto, Dana Point. Both men are !rec on the ir promise to appear for tr ial. L.1wrence's trial come$ just a day before Orange County voters complete the ballot., on whidl his name will appea r as a candidate for the office being va rated by Sheriff James C. l\lusick. Police reports on Lawrence reflect his reported stat.ement that he is the founder of a sect "'hich champioos .the use of marijuana. He is listed in those reports as a "vegetable merchant." Both men Y.'erc arrested at Lawrence's home last Jan. 2 by Costa Mesa police who said they found severa l bricks of marijuana in a suitcase uocarthed during a search of the house. Discri1ninatio11, Cl1,nrged in Bar 'S pecial' Offer hom:>5txuals is planning a "Coronation the titles of prince and princes:!, duke lie. show~ .strong support throughout Ball" 1t1onday night at the Balboa and duchess and baron and baroness. the city, winning by the ""'idest margins COLU~mus. Ohio (UPJ ) -A dis-in areas around Upper Newport Bay that criminatory practice charge against a Pavilion on the shores or Newport Harbor. The spokesman said men in drag will are most affected by Orange County Columbus, Ohio restaurant, for which i\iore than 500 persons are expected 10 he eligible to compete for the the em· Airport jet noise. Dostal ha.s been 8 probable cause was found by the Ohk> attend the dance. wt:ich will be press, princess and duchess honors. leader in fighting the al rpor1 . Civil Rights Commiss ion, could someday highlighted by the selt.'C'lion of an The spokesman said the ball was Barre~ s~il~rly showec_t city-wide sup-affect "ladies day" and ••ladies night." "Emperor" and "Empress .. and t>ther origin<1lly planned for the Disneyland port, Wlllfling 10 33 precincts and tying ~ials long offered at sports events and "royalty." liotel in Anaheim, but a representative of \\'ith Gla zier in lv.•o others. night clubs around the nation. Sponsors or the event call it "lhe first the hotel canceled their reservation, Barrett and Mrs. Kuehn both had cam· The commission found probable cause · major attempt to bring the gay coin· saying a mista ke had been made and the paigned strongly wi th pledges t 0 Tuesday for a ch a r g e against a niunity in Orange County together." room they 'd re.served had already been represent all Newport Beach residents restaurant offering women two drinks for The formal ball will be patterned after booked. and not be swayed by special interest the price of one, while men pay full price similar e•ents held annually in San Fran-The spokesman said the group then groups and "emotional and vocal '' for each drink, on Wednesday nights. cisco. Los AngeJes, San Diego and Long tried to book the Grand Hotel in minority groups. Gera ld P. \Volfe 11, assistant to the Beach. Anahcinl, but experienced a similar Barrett also campaigned as a strong commission 's compliance director said About 1.000 persons attended tbe Long refusal. proponent of "fiscal responsibility." he filed the charge against Schmidt's llcach ball on the Queen ~la.J r.tarch 2t The Pavilion "'as then chosen as !he The charter changes had drawn little Sausage Haus and Restaurant after he Gay courts from throughout California site. interest during the campaign alt hough saw a sign advertising the special. are expected to suen: the Orange Coun· Newport Beach police say they are most cand idates had recommended re-•·The practice is an apparent ty event. aware of the group's plans. A police jection of the two propositions that "'ere discrimination against men in that it of- Four men 0 per a 1 i n g as ABCD spoktsman said the departmNlt is not de feated . fers di fferent treatment between women ~iates are sponsoring the dance at <inticipating any need for any special Proposition 5 lost by the biggest and men." said Wolfe. "However, the nO prof it. They asked not to be identified type of law ffiforcement. margin. it \l'OUld have removed lhe sequences go beyond that apparent bec.ause of fear of repercussions where "\Ve niay have some people on the charter restriction against the sale of discrimination because it perpetuates an they work. scene to make sure there is no !rouble."' public\y~wned "'·aterfroot property. Sale attitude toward women that denies the A spokesman said the group hopes 10 the police official said. "but they will of property v.uuld have been permitted consequen«s go beyond thal apparent become a permanent promoter for the ...,....."h"'.av~e:_t'.':ll'.'.:e':ir_co"'w"1n'..'se<~u~r~it!'._Y_!peo~p~le::._·· ___ _:b"ly~a~v:".ote':.'.o".f_'.the~peo~'.'_'Pl~e::_. ______ ...!:::.~'.!'::...:It!:::'.'....:'..!~~~'!!~ gay commun ity Lil Orange County. "We hope to organize the gay people here because so many of the yoWJg kids are leaving for more hospitab!I? areas ··a spokesman said. able ' "\Vc'rc poople and we deserve a chance,'' he said. Besides. selection, of an emperor and Cyclist Files Suit .t\!,!ainst ~ Mesa, Hospital A young motorcyclist who claims he was jailed by Costa Mesa police - des pite the fact that be was IU!ferlng from head injuries that later required brain surgery -has sued the city and the Costa ~lesa J\iemorial Ho spital for $1 million. Paul Alan Birk states in his Orange County Superior. Court lawsuit that he was held semi-conscious in the city jail for si~ hours on July 20. 1973. alter spen- ding two hours Jn th'e Costa ?\1esa hospital. Bick slates he suffered his head in· juries that night when he was thrown from his motorcycte at the intersection of Bristol street and Paularino Avenue: in Costa ~Iesa . The lawsuit states that Bick was later transferred to the Orange County ~1edical Center where a fractured 1kull was diagnosed and where brain surgery was performed. Wife, 70, ,\rrcsted ROLIJNG !!ILLS ESTATES (UPI) - A 78-year~ld man was stabbed to death 1\itsday and hla 70.year-old wlfc was ar- rested In connection with murder.~ ac- cording to sheriff's deputies. Deputies said John Lewis died following an argu- ment with his wHcj Mab<!l. I • May the Joy of EASTER be with you and yours .John Harl Lynn Harl HARTS SPORTING GOODS 532 Center St. Co•ta Mesa , ,.. DE 'S<i m c n· vi, ~o 01 ,.,. of r d S: ~1 "' I' t: I " s l c r c ' it c ' 0 I ,. ' it • 0 p s ' 0 I •• . i , 0 g " a p f r • ' r ( • At Your Service A Sund:l). \\'rdne!id»y :.i.nd 1-'rldit) reatwr1> Gt.Jr Pot Of tbt Dall y l'i1ot /Juu11 I ,\r Yo•1r ,\1·rru ,. Ut<1111Jr Coasr f1r11lr1 /'1lur l'.0 Oor /.'iGO, Cos111 ,\/•'WI. ('a . !.1~626. /uc/urlc !JI>!., r,•/t•pl101u· u iirn/11•r. -........ f 't•t• ('t•ltllfiftllS, fJt1l',1 i)E1\R !'AT: \s lhf' co1nn1u1111v rli111c 111 Sanli.1 Ana Opt'tl to California rcsidl'flts or must one he <t resident of Oran~l' l;Qun1v·• I would likc to look. into fl'C<'i\ 0 ing nit-dlca! trl·titn'M.'nt et this clinit ;.ind .'iO "·oulri ;1 rt•l;ili\'t• of mine \\'ho is visitin~ Jrn1n Northl'rll C:ilifomia. Could ,0u al:;o tell nh· thl' cllnic's hours of Operation" 'I'. \" •• S:1n1 a Ana Ilg!~. ~Tctli<'ul. d1·ntal and other hcall h l>l'r,·icrs ofl'rrt'd by the Co mmunity Clinie of Oruni.tc Coun ty :ire available to l'ount~ rt'sldc111s onlv. Hours aJ operation at llH' f·lini r'" nt'"' · lo('ation. ZOOO \\'. \\'alnul . Sant11 An11, art> rron1 9 a.m. lo 7::10 p.m. i\lond ay throu~h Fridny. exrtpl lor lh~· clenlal olfi«r ••hi rh closes at 5:30 p.rri. Patients ('an mnke ;.ippointmtnts h~· t·all ili!! Sll-2161 in1edi coll or lll-l)j1 lclen1al1 .' 1•t•1111ie.11: f111 tl1l~ ''1011 DF:.\B PAT: \.<1 st i'\O\'C'lTibcr I ordrr('~ ;1 :"C'\ of Lincoln-Kf'nnt'dy 1l(>nnir<; for S4.:'ID. Th~ check 1,1 :l" r:l.;hed b\' 1hf' l'nltcd S1alrs Coin Con1pan~' o F Char!ot1e, :\.C .. but I lle\·r r received the pcnn1cs and my letters 10 the finn rl'lllain unan~"·ered J. B .. :i\l•111w~rl lkaC'h The st•\ or pennies has now bcrn shipped to yoLl. The lJn lled States Coin Compan~· has dra"'n thr altention uf \'arlous ~o\·ernment officials because uf its produclS and selling practlce11. The city or Charlollt~ recently druppecl ch~rges a~a inst th r Cflmpany's chirf officer, Claude I.. Little. "·hen he ajlrecd to satisfy a larJ!e nuinhcr of customt'r 1·ompl ainls. A spokrsman for the U.S. Trt>asury Orpartmcnt said that ~·hilt embossing a l'Oin is nol te(•hnically illeg:il. the Bureau of the :\lint does nol app ro\'e of th e co1nn1ercial minting l\f official coi ns. The pennies ha,·e th e profile of Prrstdcnt K e n n t d y superimposed on the re\·ersc l>idr of lbc Lint'O ln penny. The Postal Ser\•lce just concluded u ca~e in\'Ol\•ing the markttin~ or such a coin by the Jay Norris Corp .. Freeport. I".\'. 1'he ser"icc di sputed ~ clahns that th e cci ns \\IOUld incrtase in l alue and \\'t'rt historically signlfie:inl. New orders ror such coins are being ·jnterccpt cd by postal officials. ll11d •••• ,,!ll"flllllllillfl · DEAR PAT: ThP recent programn11n1-:" of "Th(' Trn Cornrno:indn1cnts" froni !l f;}.m. to rnidni gh! for hro days ... Heidi .. at 8 1>.nl. to Ill p.m. and Charlie Br0\\'!1 and Dr. &uss specials at 8 p.m. and !I p.n1. during the v•eek ;ire no! ideal times for children, nnd l'fK'se are just a fey.• ex· <'mplcs. School nge yoongsfers usually fall aslC<'p during thl'se programs or are .sent lo bed because they ha\'e to get up l'arly the ne . ..;t morning . Another example of bad planning is schC'duling specials ;1l the s;ime time on diffl'rcnt stations. l'\'f' 01lrcady \\ritten to the lhrC<' 1najor n£'\\\'Orks :ind rt•ceh·('ft :i n{'ga ll\'(· response :ind on (' 11 hi rh is complch·!y ;Jpathctic. rs rhcre an~· other 1n<'ttMXi of C'Ompla1n1ng about my TV gripes'? L.G .. \\'estrnin<;1t•r Take no te or lhe co1npanies sponsorin-.: rom n1ercials on thr "had li n1e '' prj•· J!rams and flrr off a Jrt ter to the1n. ",\\a. jor'' mo\'ics, s11t h as 111l' 1·cn Coin · rn a nrln1cnt~ ... are 11re~t·ntcd 111 :1 lalt'r hour lnr larger audiencr iu nd rou1 · 1nerc·iull \it·Y.lng, hut you may n1akc au i1npression on sponsors of lale hour t·hi ldrrn-oricntcrl pro~ra nis. Conr urrcnl ~prcial<; :111110,\' tilt· 'lt'\\'fT. hu t there is lillle likelihood htii; pracllrc 't'·ill be tlistontioued. aj!a in d11t tn "pritne ti rne ·· t·o1npl'titio11 for \ie\1ers bl'l\\l'l'n !he 1na- jor net\\orks. ,lid It~ ('1111s1111rer·s DEAH. PAT: !\1y sister li\'C's 1n l\l1nnis and she 11-rotc rf'Cl'ntly th:n she 1s ha,·in~ an impossibll• time j!"ettin!-! a deft>t"fl\·e nc1\' dln1ng room lahlf' repl:ll"rd 1r11h :i r1t'I\' one. 1'nc table arrived 11 Ith \1obhly legs ;ind a marrl.'d fi nish It scr1ns that ;1llt·cations of respon~ibiliiy art' being pas~cd baek and forlh 1:K-111L"l'n the rr1aller and the manufacturer. \\ith nothing being done to rcctif.r the 11Situa- tion. She's tried every consumer help source she knOl\'S about and asked tnl' if r ~od any ideas. I don't. but I 1 hou~ht pcrhups you niight be able 10 adl'isc her. K.!\ .. J.:1p;11nu Beurh Sbr C'an contacl lht' Fnr11hure l17dustl)' Ccu1suml·r Action Pnncl: 1.0.,. lrox t&l. llli;!h )'oiut. 1".C. ?7~1il , Started l<ilit }'tilt h\' tht' Southern f'urnllurt ~ianufarturtrs A. o;oe .• "hich has ahout 35 pt"rccnt of th e U.S. f11rni1urc mnrkl·t . f'ICAr uill :icttpl Nllt.!ttUner 1·011111luints nnrl olltn1pl 111 rt,oh t them. 1'11111 1\railabl<! DEAR PAT: I 1,1•as giren an A~fa Solinetrc II carncrn but I hat·c no in- stn1ct1on manual on ho"' to use ll. I there an \' \\a,· I l'an get :i m:inuol7 · · B.R .. f<'ounlAin Va\IC"~' Refllt\''I an in~lrurtlon man11al lrom Ai:fa·Gtv:tert Inc .. 95 North St .. Building v •. Tericrbnrough. "ll'.J. 07008. Another rca•l er. ;\I. r. .. El Torn, ton find fllm !~r his ,\2£11 can1ern 111 Cal's C'n m;:ra. Ji.II 1 ~t"' pilrt Uh cl., Co~ln \te .. a. Cal'!> 111!-0 'corrit'-8.'Ui pll't11r1· fllm for 11 KOdfl li camrra. "lllch 1\1.'\" .• Costa flltsa . h>1d rr<1utstccl. ! , ...... 'f' --D•il~ ,Uol Siii! "ftOIO COMPL EflON OF ROSSMOOR TOWERS IN LAGUNA HILLS WILL BE NOTED AT TOPPING CEREMONY Mayor Joseph Al ioto W ill Speak; 4,000 Pound Bread Tree Will 81 Hoisted to Roof S111le1·viso1·s Eye Ne\v U11it To Ove1·see Developn1e11t Pn)poSl'd nf'I\' housi ng tr;1cts. l.hopping l'Pnh•rs. industrial pnrks and other maior dt'\"l'IOptncnts in Orange Co1111ty ni;l.\' ~oon f;Jc_'(' <U~lhl'l' tlC\\' layer 1.t gO\'l'rn- n1ent . 'J'he Board of Supervisors u11a11 11nnt1s1y· rndorSl'd tough nt>ll' controls Tuc!>rla\' u\·C'r inrlirect air pol!ulion sources )ll'O· posed by the stat.e Air JtcsoureL·s Boilrd 11\HB L Bul supervisors agreed to Sl'Ck sornc l'na ng<'s in !hr rcgul.1tions, \\ hich c~nne up for publi(' hearing Thursday in Los Ani;rles. Amonj! 01her things. supcr\'iSOr~ \1·an1 1hc rule:" to authorize crf'ation of ;in .i1r 1) 1llunon control eo1nmis.<>ion. \.\ hirh 11011ld rf'\'ic11· n1~1J0r nl'I\' dcl'elnpm('nt..; ro Sl'I' if they \1il\ contribute to sn1og. (]cmcntc C of C Kee p "i auts to 'J'u stin District Proposals b~· resident s i11 1'11s!1n seek· ing to srcede rrorn the S<1ddleb:1ck Con1- n1unity College i)istrict sparked an op- posing resolution by San Cle1ncntc Cham- ber of Co1nmerce DirC'ctors Tuesday. The chan1ber leaders ag re t d unanimously 10 send H resolution to the Board of Go\1ernors of the Community Collcge>s or Califomia opposing an~· dele- tion of l<'rritory from the college district. The premise by directors .,.,•as a simplt' one -rear that loss or so much territory \1·outd automatically tf'mO\'f' \'as t an1ounts of taxable property from lh<' rolls "Ir \\OU!d be a1yful because 11·e "·ould be callf'd upon to absorb thl' losSt's in our ol\'n tax hills." said nc1Y chamber prf'si· dent Dr. Rotx.·rt UeaSll'}'. Tucs<l::iv·s cha1nbcr re:>olution also cu1t•rs the potential setes.~ion of lr\'1ne lroni the district. ~~~~--~~~~~~ • U,t Tel""'91t T1·ai:elh1' f,ad11 Jenny Gray is the latest entry In the ~llss Tele\·ision Quest contest, which offers a world tour as fir!it prize. 'l'he 20·}~ar· old Sydney. 1\ustralia beau1y sure would like to be the win· ner. Nof that she isn'l one now." ,\~ t~ rules <1ri' IM)\\' \\Tll\l'rl. A ir Po!lu11on Control Officrr \\'illiam F1tchtn 11011ld ha\'c s<llc \'eto po\1£>r Ol'l'r 111aJOr dC'l'Clov111<·nt 11 h<' thinks it \\'111 ha\'e an a<lvrrsc t•lfect on the air. ln1lircct air pollution sources ;1rC d('fin- t·d as contributors to s111og 11 h1L'n cr1111101 h<' pinpoi11tcd 10 ont~ particul;or cause. A major nc1v housing tract or in· dus1 riat park eould Ix· rrjcctcd if 11 \\OUld add a large nu1nbcr of pollullon prv- d11cin~ autoinobill's. In urcing creation or th<' nc 11 L'Qm· n11ssion . Thomas 10\d !>U pcrvlsors It 11oulri pcrmi( an apph(·:int to prrscnt his side of the issue and J!il'C' llll' county a chan('(' to "cigh the soci:il and £>cono1n1c tonsidcrat1ons of the proJe<:I. L'ndf'r thf' lnd1r<'cl sou re r !i amC'ndn1ents prOJ)Cl!'<'d hy Thom<i s. ;,n applicant \1ould hJ\·c still another lc\fl or go\'cm1n('nt to go if lhe ncy.· com· ml~:-ion rejects his projL"<'I. The Board of Su!X'r\·isors. sitting a!I 1hc Air Poll ution Cont rol District Doard, 11ould hea r :.ill appeals. Thou~h he 1·oted for !he ne\1' r<'gula - 11ons, Sul,>l'rvisor Oal'id Baker tallcd it "il h:1ck-door ... 1pproach to the problem." "Crea lion ol another agenc\' mo:iv only 'compound th <' problc1n brt;iuSe it doesn't do an::thing to stop the rral !'Ource of JXlllut ion -the automobile." Baker said 1\fl<'r a short hearing. the board agre<:'d to send Thon1as or one of •nis aid<'s to the ARB n1ceting 10 suggest changes in the rcculations. Besides creation of the ne"'' agency. the board also agreed to have Thomas ad- dress the pos. .. 1b1l\ly or putting tougher controls on c,1r rmissions. .S uiffling Seal Sunning Self, SeuL to .Sla111u1 er PORT llCf.l"F.:\fEI i\Pl -As any good seal knows. \\·hen ~·ou·,·e got a cold the doctor's ad\·icc is 10 st;:iy warm and dry. So thal's ju.~t \.\•hal he did. And y.·ha! did he get for it but lhroY.11 in jail. The unnamed sc;il canoe ashore r-.lon- d.iv. suffering ""ilh a conHnon cold. \\'hen children bl'~an thro\1·ing tilings at him , police stepped in. Sgt. John llopk1ns said he rounded up a small poss(' :r nd some blank<'s '·and "'C? just tacklc<l it. \\'e pul a gunn.1· sack O\'Ct its face to keep it from biting and put it in the patrol car ... lie Y.'ilS 1aken ro the poli ce station and pla('('d in a holding cell to kccr him \.\'arm. Hut official records mu st s!ill be k<'PI. so the $Clil .,.,·as bookcdjor inv('stigation for violating Section 148 of the penal code: rcsistin11 arrest. Ile prottstcd' loudly and was fin~lly set free on the bca<'h late Tuesday. Case dismissed . Eltphunts Eurn Their Passo ge \.OS A:"\GEL.ES l:\P1 -\\!hen 1h"'ir truck broke do"·n on lloll}'\\'OOd UOulel'ard . the circus employes luw!w exactly "'hat to do : get the passengers to help. . The p..'lSSCngers u·ere. elepnants from a circus in r-;orthridge. So the circus u'Orkers put one in the hack to push and one in front to pull. 1\1'0 other PfiChyderms stayed ul'!Oard for the ride. The engine restartPd Tuesd:iy ar1 r the truck 113! push«I ntxiut 2 111 feel, ' .1/ioto to Sp<'u h . 1l Ce r e111011ic:s I IL La g· 1111" 1-1 ills . San Franrisco .\la~·nr Joseph Alioro 1,1·ill SP<'ak at a "topping t•rrrn1on~·" marking con1plrtion of thr sirueturnl frame of the 1 .... ·111 l~-i>lory Ho~sn1w r Towers in l...a~una llills nt '..! p.111 . ,\pril :.'O. Thi' C"rrmony. tra1ht1onally ht•ld 1ust itmnn~ thC' con.,truc1 ion crC'll'. h;1s tx·"n l':'lpandcd 10 inehidc lcx::il dign 11arir<> and :i score of 1<'lc,·is1on and 111011on pil'turo st.1 ts. A ''J::Oo'XI luck " r,·1·111 1hf' 1orp1n~ rrrt•nion~· i.~ usuall~· rn;"Jrkl'd b~· lrarii· 11ons suth as ho1stinl'.! ;in A1nt'r1can f].1g or pl:ini in~ a tret' on !he 1op story or th\· n<'ll' buildin~. Ro~s1noor ot ficials plan to hoist a ({l(l(i· pound St. John·s Bread Tre<' to the rool· lop by hrliroptf'r during thr ccren'\Onv . The Sl 7 million rondon1 inium cornple'\. 111th :Ill units. 1s scheduled 10 open by latt' ~umml'r. Pan of the Lci.~ure \Vor ld rtt1rcn1t'nt community, !he To"·crs "ill offl'r r('!'li· fl<'nls acron1modatlons simJl;ir to a hotel : thrCl' nirals a da\·. housekeeping services. round-the-<"10Ck nursing. and emtrg<'ncy sound system link ups frorn t•ach condomin ium lo a central S\\'itch· board. \V 01nan Singer Stabhcd, Shot, Stuffed in 1'runk SAr\ FRA:'\CISCO r,\Pl -The body of a 25·ycar-0ld ni~hl cluh singer "·ho had been stabbed. shot and ,.,Ja~hed Y.'ilh a samurai s"''Orcl \\'as found roday slufff'<I in a s1eamf'r 1n1nk in a downto1~·n apart· ntl'nl, polil'e said. Homicide u1Sf)('Ctor Horen Gilford iden· tifil'fl the \'ict irrf as ~1<1riko S.1to, a si nger a1 th<' T1.miko har in the Japanese Cullun> Cf'ntcr. She had cornc fron1 Tok~·o six mr111th.~ a~o. Police said ~l iss Sato "·a<; last sef'n r.londay "'hen 5hc said she had a 2 p.ni. appoint1TIC'nl at the ap3rtment \\'here her half.nude bod.v lat i:r \\'as found . TODAY by •• 1· WORLD 'S OLDEST JEW ELRY The Egyptians, using sla ve labor. conductccl extensive unclcrgrou1Td 1ni ning for 1urquoisc for at least l\\'O thousand years. and it is probable that lhe 1nost ancient t urquoi ~c 1nincs are at Sarabit ~:lkJ1adcn1 on the Sin<1i Peninsula. \\'here thC\' n1:iv have hcC'n "orked :l~ early aS 3400 R.C. The \\'Orlcl's oldest Je\rel ry pieces nrc-unquestionably fron1 the Sinai Penin.sula. anti ittC'lude th(' can·ed turquoi~e in the braccl Is ()f Queen Zer of Egypt'li First Dynasty . ~lost famous of turquoise depo~if~ are in Iran. \.l'here m ining is still acti\'e an<I may date bark to the be· ginning of the Chrislian era. Persi3. China, T ibet and ~outh"·e~tern United States are the (\nly 1mpor· tant sou rce~ or turquoise today. · The na1nc turquoise n1ean ~ ''tur· klsh. ·• and this gcn1 \r3s gi\·cn lt5 i\a1nc probably l.Jecau se it -"as or\· ~lnal\)' bro11ght I ~ Europe through Turkey fro1n Persia Ce11trnl .A11tl101·i'tu Board Eyes War ·On Child Abuse· ll) \\'11.1.IA\I SC'llR EIBLI< 01 Ill• O•ll• ,Ill! St•fl Oran~c ('.ounty dl'rl;1N'd all'1lll \\':J r T11£>!'-<la)' on 1h1' i::rowini:; pm \)ll•n1 of child abuse tind nc J.:lN:t 1'he l3'::"1;1rtl nf Su1)Cn 1"'1f!-< \'r11MI 11naniffiou:i.ly 10 ere:He a tcn1r.1l author11y for L'h1lri abui:;f' prl'\'t"'lllL011 11nd 1n· ttr\'t"ll!l()n 1hat 1,1·ould 1»11 the tl'~llirj"'~. 1lf pri l'atc and pubhc .;1i;:cn1"1c~ l•J con1b;11 the probll·n1, In a leni;thy rC"port 10 thr bo.1rtl. t'oun- 1\' Ad1nini~trRtJ\t Off icer llubt·r\ Tho1na~ o.illinl'd the t');\C'Ot of tht problrm qnJ i:;aid m(l<:t at1en1pt.• ti) sol\'C 11 ha1·l' failt'(f nti~er<Jbly 1'0 fiir ··During 1971·73. 20 rh1 ldrc11 undrr f11(' \'l':irs of ;11:e wrrl' hom11·1dr 'h.'1i1ns 1n Ur<Jnj?c Count.\·." Thon\a~ "-1id. ":"\inl'lt't'n of those cases hU\'I' lx:en la!!l'Tt'<I :is <'h tld :ibuse." Tiion1:is it.1id "a 11·t!l·l-OOrd111a!C'd rh1ld nhusc progran1 !hat pr(l11drs 1•:ir l~· deh·C'· i!on and intrr\'l'llllOll 111:1;; hal'c-:l\'('rt<'d 1hr~c deaths." lie told tht" bnard 1h:it "dr:l!h is hu1 onr 1nd1cator of ch1ld ah1t"<'" ~incl' !ht• abli~cd anrl nt•gl('t'l<'1I ehi ld suff('rs 1·1n1'l- !11,nal traun\3 bc:-ides Ins ph,r.~1t'a l 111· 11Jrll'~. Thon1as s.1id his ::tudies nf !ht' prohlrm and go\·en1n1enrs 11ppro::it•h lo it .ils•1 lt>ads "hnn to ron1:ludr . "1hc1·(' I" a hil'.!h l'Otrel<Jt1nn ll<'!\\'f<'ll ."!n ah11"4:d rhild :ind 1hr abused child brc_,J1111ng a cluld 1u r1cs . Thoma s s.iid tho'> k£·y rc:iSfln public and pn\alc ai,:cnctl'" h:l\l' h('C'll un ahlc tu sl1111· d0\\11 lhl' ;i bu"<' ratr i~ t-rr111<;c <'al'h or~anl1ation h;i~ its 011·n ~uiik>hncs and "'C'l"\'iC<'S. "Sornc!11nrs thc"e conlh<·t ;:ind ir I" d1f· l1c111t 10 O(J(·rate a~ a l'Oordinated s~·~t<:m th<lt is L•ff{.'<'li\'e." hf' told the hoard . Thnm:is li sted l.i...; inajor i:;hortl'O ings of $UCh a fr ni;nocnt cd attack on child rhuM', 1ntludi11g: -r>upli c:Hh.>n of St"r\·1~ because of n1ult1pl" 1uris<l1<:-tion~ -t.:nkl tisractory pro~1i:;1on of ~n·IC11 ht•c<iu.sr no l'll'ar r<'i>pvn~ibihty i" i,'1\'rn u1 (',11·h C'3S(' -Fai!urr to f\lci lit:ltc-!ht r{'f()M in,c: ol e!ul d ilhll.'!ot.' ,..a~·,.;, -~·ai1urt> 10' dt'\t'loP an tfft"C'!l''f earl}' i.ll'ntifil'<ihon and prf\'rntion pn~ra1n. -Fa1lur(' 111 rn..•rdina tr th1' l'lfort.~ or all 1n,·011·('d pubhc and pn\'atl' :igrncLt':! .. -Fa1lur(' to del'C'\OJ) a c r n I r a I rrporting and infom1a11on dis.""mination ~.\'t.'111 1hat als.J Rcnerates u!ieful data. TI1oma .s listed ~rt maJOr shortco1n1nf:!~ ro1rdt11nt~r.-olflt'C !lhould rut acrQS.c. d('p.1rtn1r11t l111t·~ to 1n!\urr tht ,IOb is donr 111.,~t effl'C'lil'l'ly lie s:iid thr ab~L'Sl' ('•()rJ1n;i1or !';hould .at<;0· h<' ot1tsidl' th!! criminal JllSt kifo ~r•tem hr{"(lu~c of :t rcl11l't:u1cc hy ~me 1X'{lrlc to rr)x>rt \IJ t!IC" 1xi!1t't' in a}\~,. l".1.~•'S . lie :lls.1 s;1ul lhi' r rin11nal JIL~liN' <;1S.Tcm h.is not rr"1f'lll·ed the prohlt'm and 11'rr1·l'nlinn would be lat·1ti1ated by a non- pu11i1il'C approach. '/ltt• ehilt! 11bt1S1.' roord111:itor "''1!1 "'Ork uta Of lhC' crw11y \\'Clf.irr dcpar1ml'nt 11nd "dl h;u·r a co1nmi\!f'<' of npproprlatt' tlc·1x1r11ncnt~ n11d Mrnrnun1ty ili:l'nrics to hrlp dt',·clop a plnn of a1tat'J.. on 1he prob- 1rn1 . 1'ho1nas :::i1d !he (·reation of ~uch an :11:e111.'\' \\I ll ct'n1rali7<' 111nd-ra is1n~ cf·, torts.· h<'lp dt>\'Clop a ccnrr;:il registry, pru\'111<' ::i pla('(' for l·hild ahusc tails 10 eo1nc in. llr,1·l1)p a d:ita basr itnd help ('(iueatc tht' pu hltc about thC" problt'm . Sup{'r\'isors 11111 {?l'I :011 ;1nnual rl'poM <•n the progress made by thr new org;in11 .. at1on htH th{'y asked TI»rnas ln r.·port ba"k thi~ sun1mrr "''Hh an interim pr"ri°rC'l"S study Searcliers in Geo1·gia Find Body·, Fear More C,,\J:\E:..o.;\·11.1.~:. (;a. I lPI I -:\ \\Ork crcy.· of FRI ag(·n!:>. Shl'r 1ff'.~ drpur1cs and prisoners unc_'()\'Crf'd 1hc body of ' a n1;1n on a strC'tch of the ~\ulbl'rr\· H1 \1•r 11 hrrc ;;uthoritir:-; l'Jlf'L't1l;1tc as in:in~· as I'.! C'Orpse.'i 111ay l><' huriNI. The bcxly "·as 1dt"n tifcd Tu•~<.rtav as th:it of Oi is R('1dling .Ir . '..!I. of \\'1nd\•r. (;3., n1issing since last ~•1\'('tuhcr. Rrldlini;:'s ra1her . 01is .Sr .. n ~r.,.i1·e ~tation en1ploye. !laid his son disnppcarf'<l fron1 home and hr fe<1rf'd the "not too hadly decomposed .. bOO,\' inight be hi.~ son . "I hopr it a1n·1, but l'in afraid 11 is." s;iid Rridllng. ~lcdical authorilil's rrom lhC' slate crime lab confirrned his fc;1rs . Thf' FUI, brrnk!ng its silence on th~ srarch thiit hrgJtn Friday. said the dig- ;::1ng \\'as lin ked to probt's of •·a nun1hcr of robbcrirs. ;r number of murders. ex· plo~ions an1 aJ'S(}n in :'\orth Georgia." Special i'~!I e:::rnt flohert Kane refused to say ho\\' many bodies were Ix-in;:: sought. but unconfinned rcpons said authorili<'s "·rrl' look ing for as manv as 12 persons missi ng in the area the p<'l~l 111·0 years . Hill B{'ardsl <'y. dirr-ctor or the Grorµi a Bureau of lnvf'sti~;:-.iion rr.ru 1. s:ud !11(' hollies b<'ini; soui:hl 11crc hl'lie1·cd to be \'ictims of n fl'tKI l:ict"''C<'n nlOOn..,hioe and au!ornohilc thrr1 gani::s ln \orth c:eor.cia . f'.c;irds]r\' sa id lhc FBI ordered !he !>Carch ;ifter recl'ivini; :i tip fron1 ;i prisonr-r \\'ho. ''whl'n he's "''i lling. is pret- ty dam111'(f rcli.1h!r. ·· FBI agents. 1l;1rro\\' Coun!\' and Hall County drput1rs and inn1atcS rron1 U1r- Hnll County publ ic '>''orl\s can1p continued !hr di ~~in~ at a s1 tl'. off r.eorgia Road 21 L that "'"is barred 10 nc\4·s1nen. 1l('idli11::: said his son had "run around \1'1th Bill~ Su11d<1y nirt. 33. indicted in connect ion wi!h a bank rohbcry. and ~ ~nid Birt had threatened the lift or Ol1" Jr. lie ~aid he la.~t say.• his 500 t\'O\'. 4 11·ht·n he tam£> b.'· R<'idlini;:'s scn•ice sta· 11on in a car "that didn 'l ha\'C itn in- spcc1ion .!!ticker. and didn't hav~ 111 mof. tier." The ta1hE'r said Olis Jr .. a rock quarry workr•r . ''"·as cr31.y about hi s wift ;ind bab~·" 11nd ""'ouldn 't or stayed <t night av.·ny frorn them "A'ithout calling." Pu ren(,:j Slain; po )·, 14, Seized \\'!\ONA, f..lis.1;. IUPI) -A 14· year-0td boy \\'as captur«I tarly ll>- day in ;:i hea vily .,.,·ooded arta ~C\'l'ral hours after he aJl~OOly ~Mt his p::ir<'nl s to dl'ath and "wn- ded 111·0 .\·ow1g<'r sis1tr.~. :\lnn!l!omcr.1· l-Otu11y ~neriff ~la~· ie E. Ellis ~a id offiC't·rs fron1 th" i:;t,1!<' pi·nitcn1i;1ry at l'<tr chn1<1n . u.~ ing h!oodhounds, found Charl<'S r.,rrrst h1din1.: 1n <t "OQrll'<l ar<'a of f'arroll C11unty "hen' he ahandooed a <-:er and a .4!0 gt1ugc shotgun . TI1c \'1c1ims \\rrr 1dcnt11icd as :\l;1ry J;u1c \\'in[icld, 40, <ind Jakr \l'infichl. 4j. .• '1 Ladies BOLOV A Electric , ' Guaranteed Accurac y ... to w'ithin a minute a month• • •1-e"' ·1 ,c,vit to 1-i c•tt i t to•rr1"ct, 1• ~r.ui1~ 10.1r1111t1 ,, h• 0~1 ''"· , . J.C. JJ.1unphrieJ JeweferJ · 1121 NEW'°kT I LVt> .. COSTA MESA COHVlNllJ<IT ~ll ~l :1tl,.•t 111 tl'll ~ ... 1o1 t loc .. now ' . ' ,,., ....... ,.., _ '""'" c~ •. ,. '"'°"'f 111.1111 I " " • ;; 4_ All V P/lOT Wtdnrsd.ay April 10, l'i74 Bribery Probe of Connally Reported ' ' : . .All Over Bttt The Sl1011ti11g DUST SE'tTIJfliG DEPT. -The la~t round of City Couu cil elections are O\'C'r here on the <.'Oas t and in Orong£> County. Tuesday's balloting maybo suggests a couple of things: , I~t too great a year to be an in· cuieliJ:nt seeking r.e-clectlun; jt appear1; to bf! n time of great ,·otcr yav.'rung; and it's oot a bad year 10 be a wontan can· 'didate. All this might be surmised ns tl.c politico soothsayers shake faulty crystal bnlls today. tryi ng to figure out "'•hat Joi-. ged up their pr{.'<iictions. Incumbents. for example, didn't fare too well at the ballot box yesterday. ColUlcilmen Jack Du1ton and ~lark Stephenson gal. the boo! in Anahe im. J<>t• Hyde and Charles Heiser v.·ere si milarly dispatched from their scat:1 in Los Alamitos. JIERE ON THE COAST in Ney,·porl Beach and Huntington Beach cleclions. the voters \\'eren't as unklnd to the "in" olfice holders but the re!ulls probabl y caused them a couple of twitches. ~ ":ltt:;Newport Beach for example. in· :GOent Vice ~tayor lloward Roger~ :tallal to win in the waltz whi~h many -~ed :13 . Forgil . wife of the former • rt councilman Al. pullOO within ' votes of 4,000 In her race against ; · mbent vi<.'e mayor and l'o\'O.term ;~uman. She trallt'<i Rogrrs h,Y riJ)ihly 1.000 ballot s at the end as Rogers gathered 5,032. Which means, of course, if 500 votes had been S\\'itchccl around, it 11'0uld haYe been a sticky race indccd. JN HUNTl~GTON BEACH , 11·hcre four seats \\'ere up. former mayor and in- ~~nt Councilman Al Coen found ""1'tse1£ in a dogfight to relain his chair. ran fourth in 1he four-seal contest. h challenger 1-farrlet Wieder runninR .ahead ol him for third spot, 5.335 10 13 votes for Coen. ck in Ntwport Beach. the elecuon ly also suggested ·I.hat being an in· bent city commissioner doesn"t rticularly hack it at the polls these ys. ~ Newport's District 6 r a c e . ~ger Lucille Kuehn easily out- di~tanced incumbent Plannlng Com- missioner Bill Agee for the open seat where no couneilnianic lncumbent prljSid· ed. Mrs. Kuehn gathered 4,531 ballots \\'hlle Agee trailed with 3.145. NEWPORT COUNCILl\IAN ~lilan 1\1. Dp.tjal proved. howev£>r, in his District 4 cOntest. that being the incumbent isn"t always lhe kiss of death. Dostal 'o\'as believed to be in a dogfight to rttain his seat bc<.'ause certain parties in q.\\11 were trying hard to pin !he PrO?ru>ntory Point rap on him. Promon· tory:is an Irvine Company apartment dt.\'fopment thilt has dra~·n less than rev,.reviews as it sproutt'd on the poinl OJC{looking Balboa Island. ~·~~·ay. the rap didn"t stick as Dostal easily outdislanced challenger Lyn C. GCJIQOOmi, 5,706 to 3,238. rwfean'o\'hile. the results in lluntington Bcik:h and Newport suggest that the female role oo our coastal political scene continues stro ng. WITNl-:SS Tlf E nforcmention!'d strong run of i\1rs. Forgit and the easy S\\'ecp (or Mr~. Kuehn in the NeY!'port ract'. And irt Huntlng1on Bt'ach . Ilic very rnuscul1l1' ~cond·pl;1te finish of Councll\l'oman Nprma Gibbs and the lhird·ploce race of 09uncilwon1on·elect '\lieder. M for lhc voters then1selves, only 20 p{©Jnl turned out in lfunlington Btach ~"2'1 pt_•rcPnt in Newport. -~ if the i5 percent or so.. \\'ho st11~·ed ho me 1\1r~ay 111 bolh IO\\'r\S don't like ih<' way lhings ~o the next four years, lhcy dr,n'1 h:1vc rnuch beef COmillG. Outbreaks Flare As Syrian Tcan1 Departs for U.S. Bv The Assoclnted rress Srria s3id tank duels :ind artillery ex- changes flared again tod:iy along Hs -10· mile front wilh Israel in the G<!Jnn ]-I.eights. The la1est outbrC'ak in the 111011!h-long series o( border skinnishes \\'as reported as a fi\•e·man Syrian delegation led by i\taj. Gen. Hikmat Chehabi, the army in· trlligence chief, headed for 11llks in \\lashingtoo 1Yith t;nitcd St;1tes Secretary or State Henry A. Kissinger. 1\ go\'ernn1ent spokesn1an in Damascus said tht 1nissfon \\'ould 0111.v prrsent Syri a"s idl·as on o Syrian-lsr;n:Ji 1111htar~· disengagcn1cnt anti report ha 1:\.; any Israeli proposals Kissinger might hare IN JEltUSALE,\t, l~rar!i Foreign l\1inister Abba Eban said the issue of .Jcy,·s in Syria u·anLing th l1n1ig ratc to Israel \VOuld he broughr up at the '\lashington talks. Both the Syrians and the Isra elis ex· peel that Kissinger n1ay n1ake ano!her trip lo the J\.1iddle East to continue his shuttlt:-diplomacy belw£'en the t\1'0 coun· tries. perhaps at the end or April . Syrian President Hafe z Ass<i d wa s ex· pectcd to Oy lo MOSCO\\' on 11iursdAy for five da ys of talks \\1ith Sovirt leader~. the Cairo newspaper Al Akhbar rrponcd. The paper's ~1oscow correspondent. qlJOling Arab diplomalic sou rces, said Assad \\'ould be at the head f'I( " larRc Syrian dt!egation . Bul he did not say \l'hat thl" talks \\'Ould be about. DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE c; .. ,....,,c:., .. o, ,I' · 'JJO<O"',.,..j '-'OrlCllV·fr<l•y II VOil «>Mt~_,."°"' Dll-Dy~ JO D"' c•" •"'1 YOIJ< «i!>Y "''''lie l!<OUO~I 10 wOU C.•IO 1'9 •1•en uoM I 00 p"' S,IU<d.lv~ S""'1•1 II -11<>""' -~·•e ""'"c<iftv bf 9 •"' Sal"""'• 111 a •"' ~""• u n or.a• to0y ..,It N b'OVOl'll IG VOil C.1 .. tre I~~·~ u"'ll 10 I 1!1 S.nC._,! C-•"•"" &.K'< ~·~Jo.I&~ t.l:,>~V¢ ~.,. F't>o'll So.,1~ ..... LOQ<>N N-1 Killer-fatlier Gets Sentence Cl-llCAGO (UPI) -A father who \\·as con\'lcted or btating his 7·year· old son t<J dea th because the child \\'Cl his pant s has been sentenced to a three·to-10-ycar prison term . '\lilliam Lindquist. 32, stood ~ilrntly bcfort Circui t Court Judge Philip Romiti Tuesday and lhtn buried his race in his hands "'hen Rcunili pronounced sentence. Lindquist .,.,.as convicted f\1arch IS of in\'olunlary 1nanslaughter and a~gravated balltry ln connection \11th the death of his son. JohMY Lindquist. in August of l9i2. Big Contributor Clc1nent Stone Stifled by Judge ;\E\\' YORK I UPI 1 -Defense at· torneys in the Mitchell.Stans conspiracy 1ri<Jl ha\'e called can1paign contributor ,,., Clen1ent Slone to the Y.'itncss stand in hopes of showing big political donors did not ntccssarily expec;t anything in return but good government . But questions posOO to Stone, the largest contributor 10 the Nixon presiden- lial campaigns of 1968 and 1972. \\<ere ru\. ed irrelevant time after time by U.S. Dislrict Judge Lee P. Gagliardi Tuesd ay in response lo objee1ions by government prosecutor John R. \\'ing, St4)ne \vas callt'd during the eighth 11 eek of the trial of former Comm~rce Sl'Cretary A1aurice Stans and former U.S. Attorney G£'ncrat John N. l\fitchell. both charged \l'il h conspiring to block a Srcuritil's and Exchange Commission i SECl il'lvcstigalion o( financier Robert 1.. Vesco in return for a secret $200,000 cnsh ca1npaign contribution. ~lltchell and Stans headed Nixon's re-election effort. Stone, a short, dap~r. 71·year-0ld IJI orlcl-Natio11al 1\e1rs Also Page 21 ' ~now Storms on Rampage • ( Neiu Englt11ul (:orcred; W C'S/ G<>t~ Warnings "'~\101o1AI Wl ~lrol r !>! f\1!(! l()t l( •\1 ,,. 'I •"' I~! 41 •" -14 ) lat•l"'~'HOW ' ,,, ~~l'()Wlt) l lOW TP!t w•ll""'"'ll" ••Id lhert .....OVlcl IW ••l!•t r1111,..1 lfl t11"1Mrth1r1\, 1M llltll l!I !!II·""'°-1..0i .-.notltl "~hff tlll~ ., ,..,.,.,~~ U.S. ,'i11t11111n1·11 A Tfll(ll bllill•~I Of tllO>o (Ovt••d ""'ll'Cl"' Nf"' CMtM>d rtllW tooi•Y tlld ,...,.,,.._ 1•!" tncl 11\lll "''l1:>0JCI to~ 1111 • Jack Anderson Claims Watergate .Panel Quiz ]<'ire Controlled 111 New Mexico CLOUDCROFT, N.M. (UPI) f'irertghters have halted a blaze in the Lincoln National Forest lifter flam£'s started by a small boy playing with n1atches surged for three days through J4 ,i70 aces and t'ro small esort towns. "\Ve've got a handle oo it, but our forecaster says '\\'inds are supposOO 10 pick up again to SO miles an hour," said Fortst Service spokesman Frank Carroll. "\Ve slill have about five land movers 11'0rklng on the northeast side and ""e hope to be able to mop it back far enoueti so that ,...e "'OO't ha,•e any trouble when the winds come." Some 1,000 firef ighters were on the scene. The fire erupted Saturday 80 miles south of the scene of the Capitan ~IOWl· lain fire Z4 years ago. in which fire fl ghten saved an inj11red black bear cub Y.'ho grew up to be "Sm.,key the Bear." of the Forest Service's fire pre\'ention program. WASHINGTON IAPl -Columnl!t Jack Anderson said toda y that rormtr TrtaSUJ'Y Secretary. John B. C<>nnally is under investlgatior1 by Waterg3te prose- cuton for alleged bribery. Comally. who In recent month.1 ha.! ad· dressed Republican groups and met ~ith party leaders in more than 30 15t8Les In what may be an effort to Jine up support tor a 1976 GOP presidential bid. denied the al~gation. (Anderson's column ap- ptars regu]arly in the Daily Pilot.) JS ms COLU~IN, Andenon said FBI inves1igators assigned to the Special prosecutor's office have evidence that a.malty pocket..i 110.000 from Asso- ciated ~Wk Producers IQ.c., the nation's largest dairy oooperative. Andel'IOn indicated me money changed hands in 1972, \\"hile Conoolly was still trea~ secretary, but did not cite a specific date for the alleged transaction. Anderson quoted FBI sources as saying the $10,!XX) was passed by a Milk Producers officia,l to lobbyist Jake Jacobsen, ~-ho delivered it to Connally. JACOBSEN IS Ull.'DER indictment for perjury after testi fying that he stashed the $10.fXKt in a safe deposi t box and never removed it unlil the FBI opcned ttw:-box last November. The indictfllCfll by a \Vatergate grand jury said Jacobsen claimed the money "1o1·as to bE' paid to a public olficinl for his assi sta nce" in getting President Nixon to raise federal milk price supports in ~larch, 1971. The official ~·as left Wl· named in the indictment. Anderson said toe FBI sources told him that Coonally returned the $10,000 \\'hen he learned the milk co-op \\'as being investigated in oonnection with contributions to Nixoo's re-election cam- paign. ANDERSON SAID FBI agcnt3 ha ve found that some of the bills in the bank box ~·ere not Issued until after the date on \\·hich Jaoobsen claimed the money \1'as deposited and left untouched in the box. BUJ,LDOZER RIPS IJIS TV SET UP LONOON COLNEY. England fU PJ I - Tony \\"amer's television set still ·wouldn't \\'ork after he spent $120 on repairs. So he had the set smashed to pieces by a 32·ton bulldozer Tuesday as his family cheered on. '"The TV 'o\'as ah\•ays going y,•rong," \\'a mer said . ''C.ood riddance to it." ., According to Ander.;on, a Connally associate tnas said that Jacobsen offered the SIO 000 as a campaign contribution for dlsinbution to GbP cancUilates bul 1hat Connally turned dov.'Jl the offer. The cotunWst said that a year before the money allegedly changed hands, Con- nally in 1971 had mel wllh 1t-lilk Producers official .Robert Ully at a YlashingtM. O.C.. air tenninal and assured Ully tha t an incrrase in federal milk price supports. 50U1ht by the milk CO-Op. 'o\itS "in the bag." '°''hite House: 'To Release I ~fore Files' \\'ASHINGTO N (UPI ). -The 'Vhite !Jof.l!,e says additioMI material requested by the House Judiciary Committee v.·i.JI be provided for its impeachment inquiry by the end of the month. Rep. Peter RodiM (D·N.J.1, committee chairman. says it may be the end of June before there is a report. President Nixo'.n, through his attorney, sent Y.'Ord to Capitol Hill Tuesday that a revic\\' is under \\'a}' or 41 additional tape recordings requested by the CQmmittee and should be completed by tnc end o( the congressional t:aster recess \\'hich runs to April Zl. AT TIIAT mtE. the White House said it llill furnish additional material, but it did not say ho\\' much . if any, of lhe ex- tra information w'Ould be turned over. Vice President Gerald R. Ford said Tuesday the \Vhile !louse \\'ill '·respond affirmativel y to all requests for tapes and other material which it coosicicrs relevant." Senate Republican leader Hugh Scott sakl today the time required to ·Jisten to me tapes \\'O!Jld delay any conunittee ac- tion . He said the average leng1h or each lape is eight hours and it 'o\'OU.ld require 336 hours of lis tening time to go through the tapes requested by the committee. Rodino said the full House likely v.il\ get the commiltoe report late in June. ··\\'c hope .in the first \\'eek of r-.tay to take up the evidence concerning im~ peachment." Rodino said. "'\'e may have 10 call orner 'olitnesses. The Charlie Apple ... yours for 3.50 with any Charlie purchase Chulie ..• a most origin3I fr~ance by Revlon. lt's goratoos, a young fragrancr. Full 0£ sur- prises. Just like you. And 1hc Ch:ulir Apple filled -·ith Solid Perfume iJ yours for only 3.50 9.•i1h any Ch<1rlie purchase. If you haven 't !JICI Chulie yet, what are you waiting for? Choosr Concen- trated Co logne Spray, Concenuaced Colog ne, COflCt'rura1cd Perfume Spny, Concc nrrated Per-' fume Oil or Conccn1ra1ed Perfume in a Po1. The Charlie Collcaion • • • 3.so· 10 8.50 Cosineria ,. Oil Firms To Sc.~ttl e Dan1ages WASHl~GTON fAP1 Four major oil t'Ompanies suf'd by California for a half billion dollars-alter the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill ha\·e ( BRIEFS ) ngreed to pay any da1nages in a similar suit by the slate against the federal go\•em· ment. But the damages should fall far short of the $500 miMion the state had sued the fed eral government for. the Justice Department said In an· nouncing the oil oompanies' agreement Tuesday. The suit against the federal govern. ment has no connection '"·ith the $500 milUon suit against the four companil'll. The four corn1>3nles are · Union, Gulf. Texaco and ~!obi!. Plaintiffs "'ith the state In the suit are !he city and county of Santa Barbara and nearby seashore Carpinteria. e Pinn Dropped By The Associated Press Gov. Ronald Reagan's odd- e\·en gasoline sales plan has been dropped by all San Fran· Cisco Bay area rounties. Supen·isors in San ~taieo, Santa Clara and Solano coun· ties voted Tuesday to drop the plan. joining Al;i.meda and Contra Cosla rounlies \\'hich abandoned the plan earlier. ~1arin County's ,·o\untary plan faded a\\'ay vdth the ~as line.~. San francisro County ne\'t'r implemented the plan. e Sel1ool Poli••y PO\VAY IAP ) -Youngsters who don't believe in plt'dging allegiance to the nag \\'on't be on:lered to do so any more at Poway public schools. On the advice ol the San Dit>go County Council. the Poway school bo3rd adopted a policy, effective Tuesday. that states: '·Persons \\'ho. because of religious beliefs. desire to refrain from recitation of the pledgt' or sal uting the flai:. may do so: ho~·e\·er. these persons shall be expected to stand quietly at attention ~·hile the pledge is given.·· e Do11a1io11 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ci· ty <.'Ouncilmen voted 9-6 to award a $50.000 donation to public teh!\'ision station KVST. despite complaints of the sta· tion's leftv.·ing bias and the alleged criminal records of sonic of its directors. MILK TURNS SOUR Ev•n Michael Landon's .Mil h~ Acls Ch all enge<l B'" FTC v SAN FRA NCISCO fUPll The federal Trade Com- rnission says it's not true that "milk has .something for everyb ody.'' as ud- vertisements daim. The FTC said Tuesday it "·ill file a complaint against the California !il ilk Producers advisory board and its ad· vcrt ising agency, Cunningham and \Valsh. lfl<' .. of :'iew York, charging that the ad\•erlisini: slo,cans \1·hich have f<'atured such celebrity endorsen1ents as Ol~·mpic S\\'imming chan1· pion t.lark Spitz. Oakland A's pitcher Vida Blue. Hay Bolger. Abigail Van Buren and actor ~'lichael Landon are 1n isleading. The ITC singled out the "milk has son1ething for everybody" and "cvcr}·body needs milk" slogans. TllE PROPOSED compla int charges that the ads misrepresent that: -.\1ilk is es sen t i a 1 . necessary and needed b~· all indi\'iduals no matter ~·hat 1heir state of hcal!h: -.\lilk consumption i s beneficial to everyone ; -E\'eryone can ronsume unlimited quantities or n11lk 11·it h no harmful effects. and -.\lilk consump1ion 11·ill pre· vent or reduce the possibilities of rontracting <.'Olds o r arthritis. The FTC said the board and agency would be given an op- portunity to agree to a consent order, 11•hich pres u fi1 a bl y v.·ould ban anv furthe r use of the advertising claims. CAIL PILOT 5 -----' SLA Me11abe r s San Lea 11d ro A re a Ri zJp ed : Change of Ve1111c • De11ied iI1 T1·ial By Fr ecik 'Mi11i -tivi sler ' •! '' ~ SA:\ l..EANl)llO 1 l'Pl I -A strong 11·1nd hit .'!bout ,1 ](1. hl()('k arPa of San l..t•<1nd~o Tut'sda1·. caus111~ no 1111urit·, Out le:ivinJt n trail of t1prvn11·•I r ~t·l'S, dO\\'ll(>d f1·n1'l'~ 1111d !O:'"ll· off shingit's. f1r1rt!" 'nil' Jardi n(' f.1n11\y's ~tf'l'I 1<>11l ~ht'd \1 ;1s hlt111n du11 n. f1·t1t'l'" <:ultap.St'l'.f and 1h1' l\•Jt•\ l.!ol~Jtl ,11\h'l\I\;\ b r 0 k I' Ahuut lj ))l'r~·t'tl\ of !he ~h111gJ1-s on the roof 11(•r(' 't he "t'il!h\·r lK'r,1c ~!rl no1 lu1111rn1 l/ll' lOr'nabo. a1tho111.:h "1111Ht.· r1•:.1d<'1 .. icl 1h1•\ ,,111 :i fHrlll\'I ~HI r\''1·111hl111i: a ""hu•· pttiM." ;o.!ARTINEZ {V PI ) -A judge has denied a change of venue in lhe attempted murder trial of alleged Syn1- bloncse Llbcra!lon Ar my n1embcrs Russell L.i11\e and Joseph Remiro. Contra Costa Superior Court Judge Samuel llall turned down the request Tuesday and ordered the pair to be ready for trial ~lay 28. Defense attomrys argued publicity about the case v.·outd make it impossible to find im· partia1 jurors. ' Howe\•er. lla\I said he fC'C1s a jury can be •·carefully screened and 1nstrocted to consKler only the charges ~·hich are pending against them In thls jurisdic.1lon.:· The pair are chargrrl in con· necUon ~ith a Jan ., .JO incidf'nt in Vt'hich the y. alle~eclly fi red :it a Concord policcn1an :-iftl•r he stopp<'d their van in a rc~identia\ area. Polire said la11•r that SI.A material l\'<JS inside the vehicle. Bod y Founcl In Pieces LOS ASGELE.~ ll'PJ) - Tht' coroner's office "·as 1 try ing today 10 identify th£'1 body of a young \\'Oman. found 1 hacked tn pirces and stuffed in screr:1I cnrb:lge can" hehind a motel in Studio City. I The young woman had ap- p.1rcntly been dead son1e time.I sf1id police v.·ho responded to a call from an employe at the El ' J)orado ~lotel. \rho fow1d thel body Tue sday. The body was cut into "a nu111bcr of pieces." al! of 1 v.·hich v.·ere round. exCf'p1 for a, portion of one leg . 1>0lice said. 11d vis or l~esig ns OCEANSIDE IAP) -At tht' mayor's request. a me mber of the ma~or's youth advisory commission has resigned after pleading guilty to felony possession of marijuana. T h.i? ex· co n1m issioner, Phi1\lp Soto. 28. Oceanside. ~1 lso is chairn1an of the associate.'<! students at ~l ira Cos1a Cornmunity College. lie resignt'd Tuesday. L1ttJe and Remi ro are a!~o under indirtmcnt in Uak l.11111 for !he ~lnyintt rr Sr-'1·1 Superintendent .\tarcus l'o"!t r and the attcmptc-d n1urd1·r of his assistan1. The df'fl'nS•' produet'tl rnor<• th<an 1:,0 nt·v.~ si urit·~ "nd pho1os tllt'nl1oning th1· p;ur 1n C:OOll('Cl!Qll V.1\h !ht• PatrH'lil Hl•a rst k1dnaping and lht· Fosler ~ta~ 1n~- CALIFORNIA .. It sound1•d l1kl' 11 1ru<'k drivini:: ;1cro~~ our rn1Jf. · ';utl Ed"·u1 JardLnt• 11/los1· 11111111· suffe"t·tl Sl.000 d;unagC's • blu11 IL orf a1KI :1 11 l11do11· 11·11s ~111:1,l1f'd h~' fl~ 1ni.: sl11ngl1·s 1111111 .u·ro"-:. tht• :-lr1·t•l Tiit' hop~!i.'h l):illf'J'U 11f th1• dan1:igt• indicah'd .1 "1nini· 11\'!Slt•r" hit tJ11• l'itv /H'· <.'Ordinl! 10 San Lc.1nrirn nr· ,\ l.ir~t· ll't'I.' \t :1:; 11pro .. t1·d aboul :1 bl11ck fn1n1 Jard1111•', honlt I! l;.1nct1•d un a 1·.1111p1:r an1I bndl\ d.in1:-igl'Ct th1• \1lu· C'!.' • • • IS •• interest earned by savers • '· · "'}!11 I ....... -# j ' Consider our problem: We'd like to show you 1usl how much interest has been earned by savers at Avco Savings but, frankly, ll}ey're earning ii so last thal showing 'you is impossible. Every second ol every m1nu1e ol eveiy hour ol every day, day-1n and day·oul, your money's always rnak1ng money al Avco Savings. We simply can't snow you the total. It v.i an'I hold slil1 long enough to lake the picture. , ______ _ Main OHlc1: 2650 Zoe Ave., Hunlinglon Par I(· B•ll·Mlt'fWOOd -6250 AUa11tic Avo. · Cotl1 Me11 -3310 Brl"ol SI.• l o1 Ang1l1t -4929 W1lth1ro Blvd. • Port H!aMrM -2671 No. Ven1u11 Ad. South G111 -42-0 Tweedy Btvd. • Sludlo City -12229 Ventura BIYd. • Touanc1 -1e2 Fashion Squa1e •Ventura H1adqu ... 11r1 -2~ So. M<lll Rd · W111 Lot .t.n91ll1 -11!151 S11n111 Mor1+ca Blvd. ' .. vr·1·r;i,,11·r' ~.11d -, 1. 1 r lli.,1!ht•1 11111 {'Ollll!llll• ~;h,. n1•\I ~. ,,,1,11 <1:1_1~ .. 1\1ha11t..h llu·ri·\ .1 1·ho1nl•t· ,.f lo•:•l fr·"I 1111111 c·~·u1r.tl \',111··\ 'rlf\.l~d :, u1nrn11ii.: :11\d ;1 l·1i.illtT <1f 1 ,1111 111-;1r lh•· j 'r1·1:un 1~1rd1,.. kl tt•r 111 tlu• d.tl • : • • • WIS.It WED. thru SAT., APRIL 10-11-12-13, 1974 OPll DAILY 10-10, SUI. 10·7 ~-:) ' . I SHARP i ·~: ' OPEN DAILY 10-10; SUN . 10·7 ' WED. thiu SAT. APR. 10-ll, 1974 ·-·- RE GULA R SIZE QUEE~ SIZE Regular or Queen size seam· less stretch nylon panty hose with n ude heel. in basic na· tu ral shades. Regular 1n sizes SI M, MI T. Queen sizes Mor T. fit up to 200 lb. Save! Charge It ! ''-:!~"""'~ • ....... -o:.·.-. ·.:. ·.~-• .. ·--~..=:..:.. "''."" ·-· -· -. ..:;:• .. ~ \;.:..:!·. w. -· ---'=" ~ _.:.;,; • '": • .!.'°;':.:... . -r "'.!:~'!" I PRESENTS The Fun Makers And Energy Savers ... EXTRA LARGE CAPACITY MICROWAVE OVEN OUR SA LE PRICE 88 Boked p otolo "' 4 m1nv1e1. C"IP bocon on 3-4 m1nv1e1, complele dinner with roo1t '" oboul 36 m1nu1e1. Coo~1 cool, wve1 e nergy P!vg1 1n!o ony normol hovwhold cvr<ent. E•tfo lorge copoc1ty B.onv1 Browning 0 11h by (or· n1ng . 1!7500. 2-WAY POWER 9'' :::;. TAKE-ALONG OUR SALE PRICE 88 Ploy 11 anywhere Cleon. C"IP b loc~ and while reception Comet .,;;,h AC cord cor or boo! c1901et!e lighter cord a nd 12·pock botte11e1 3M20K'M. 111111 •Al l <D,fl .. ,. COIOll -·-··-·-·----·-· ~~;~;;;~.~.;~~;_~-,_~"°'~";::;;';;l"~-9-;:..-;";;,, tll1Ul41DI 111(1 I~-;;, ..... _ .. ,_ ,,,.._,_.. .... __ ... .. -... ,_ ... Poclr of 1 '1 80,,eC1es Arid Cot Cigarette l ighter Cord /riclucied tOYll A llU lOI IKtll' I\'°" ,,., , .... __ ·-...... . ·--·-·----·--lll(IUlt LIM' lll(I llDllDVll .... -···-.. 1'-~0f.·,.=·-;~,f.;';'~,..·"1>;,MO~.;d;;tt~ • .;..,u;;>o"i'""0 i.,.H 0 .. ·;--~ .... ,;.. .. ·,-_,r--;..;;. ·~;;;;--·'~>""":,:,=;;c"~-=co==C----0'-'""';t'~'--i ·-·~ ... -~ .. ···--.... ........... tllHO ' 11Vlti1tf llVltlltf ---:::----- ' ' .r, i • - ... -.. ~ . .. ,_ .... --¥JUICU '""·-·-- • .~ . -~ ~-:t:.:" ¥111Ull w1u .. 1snt ~-~· ~· .. -..... __ . .. ··---- ' • I J ,---.___/ 8 DAILY P ILOT ED ITORIAL PAGE ... - Communication Gap The [,aguna Beach CJty Council needs to do some- thing to better communications between it.self and its citizens. A case in point is the council's recent policy state· n1ent stalling consideration of major new development to allow the planning state to work on the city general plan. Effect of tJ1c pollry declaration aside, it is clear the discussion should have had wider exposure prior to the council 's action. A silnple fonn letter from t he 1myor sent lo and inviting comments from interested groups was very much in order. The council isn't legally bound to do anythJng more than run legal nolices and publish an agenda. But in a town as poUtica lly active as Laguna. it is obviously to the council's advantage to make an extra. erfort at com· murtication . Encouraging Choice A heartening total of 10 candidates from a wide variety of occupations, backgrounds, and interesl'i - filed by the deadline last week for the vacant seats on the SaddJeback College board of trustees. If the candidates lake the cam paign seriously and make a whole-hearted attempt to reach the public, it appears the campaign could provide just what it should provide: a lively fo rum for issues vital to the college and to higher education in general in south Orange County. By calling an election when the y could have made appointments to fill the thr~ vacancies, the Sadclleback trustees at long last said to their taxpapers, "\Ve want to hear fro1n you." Ten candidates responded , giving voters solid, in· teresting cbolres. Regardless of who wln.~. the campaign promises to bring a needed gust of fresh air into Saddle- back's relati onshi p with the comm un ity. Dcnsit y Loopl1ole Oran ge County Supervixors moved wisely last week to tighten density restrictions in the community of Da.na Point but they left one gaping loophole that could nlake the whole effort valu eless. They voted to double t)1e lot •size regulations for duplexes from 1,000 to 2,000 square feet per unit. That means a duplex wouJd requjre a minimum lot size of 4,000 sqare feet. Since many of the 80-odd lots still vacant in Dana Point are slightly less than 4,000 square feet, Super· visors gave their-zoning admirtistrator authority to ap- prove duplexes that Call wilhin JO percent oftthis mini~ mum. · This was a reasonable allowance but the board ~ded one more loophole that borders on ijle irrespon· Sible. - Rather than make the new Jaw an urgency measure, effective immediately, they decided to let it follow the normal 30-day waiting period. ,I ;/ / 1 /' 1 • • //' ' • I " I The varied slate is a significant change from past campaigns, when more often than not incumbents were rMlected by default because no one else took the trouble to challenge them. It would seem the board is concerned about density but not concerned enough to close the gate before all the horses get out. 'Would you m.iad wearing this button at our press conference?' Leaks Undermine Legal Processes To the Edllor: A!. a private citizen, I am compelled by a sense of fairness to report that I am appalled by the amount ol Watergate Grand J ury Information that has bteft apparently leaked to the press and political partisa.M. In my opinion. lack of confidence in the Special Prosecutor's Office appears nearly r e q u i red , especially when ooe ackno"•ledges the documented lapses of professionalism by Leon Jaworski, his predecessor, and the staff. WllEN ONE comiders the evidence of President Nixon's tapes being played al a cocktail party. when ooe comlder'! the a d m i t t e d fact oC Archibald Coi:. d1vulging privileged information t o political partisans sudl as Senator Ken- nedy and staff at a social occasion. and when we now learn, that Congressman Jerome Waldie, another active pa rtisan, had information on the indictment of Lieutenant Go\'ernor Ed Re i n c c k e ol California beroreJ the actus\ indict- ment,~aDd e~. apparently, before ~1r. Reinecke hi mself , the non·pa rtisan role of the Special Prosecutor's olfiet. l'ieems already lost. ?tty sense of fa irness tells me that the rights ol many individuals have been sorely and grievowly compromised , and the whole question or the abllity of any individual connected with \VAtergate, in· eluding the President him.sclf, to have a fair hearing seems almost now im· possible. Is not the prosecution of the \Vatergate political excesses being totally com- promised by similar political ei:cesses by some partisans or political ove r·iealot.s in the Special Prosecutor's Office? WALTER E. ECK, M.D, Lo"e Laguna, Too To the Editor: ~1y fan1ily has Jiv~ in Laguna Beach since J902. ~ly grandfather, J oseph B. Jahraus. \.\'as a member of the first city council and he helped st.art tne Laguna Beach Water D e pa rtn1 en t . ~ly grandfather and my great grandfather. Elmer Jahraus. initiated the actioo that saved Mirsler Park. for the Pt'QPle of Laguna Reach. There can be no other family In Laguna U1al Jov~ our I0\\'11 more than rny family. OUR LUf!ffiER. company is the oldC!it business in Laguna. We have leased !he pr0per1y, \.\Tiere the lum~ryard is located, to a group, t'Ol'l.'\isling of old time: t.agunans, \\'ho plan to build a shopping comple~ which \.\'ill l'nhance t h t do\\·n1o"·n 11rea. My fnther. f) i ck .Jahraus. had received offe rs fn>1n others lnC'ludlng supermarket chaiiu, but did not accept any of them bec::iuse of his JO\'C for Lagtma. Now \.\'e arC' mo"ing the lumberya rd to 1 locaUon along Laguna Canyon Road. (iettlng City approo,·al ls lx!comtng e \'Cry slow task, for member1!' {l f lbe Plannlng Commission and Board of Adjustment have concern about possible damages 10 tnc area. and ha1.ards of floating lumber should the area nood. During the big rain of 1!169, one of the areas 1101 n<>c>d«I in ~guna CanYon ..... as the on~ where ~i: Quotes i\flte: Kaslotf, S.F. -"'Mitre: are advantages to bolh li\'ing together and maniage. \\1e decided to g~t married primarily because of our mall : besldes, '\'bile ll «Udn't chanGe us It made our lfl.. la11o1 happier." ( MAILBOX ) Letter1 f'r()fYL reader1 ar.e wtlcome. Normally, writers should co11vt11 their messages in 300 word! or Less. The right to condense letters to fit space or tlimit1ate libel is reserved. All Jet- urs must tncJude aignature and mail- ing addre11 but 11ames may bt with· held on reqvest if tufficient reason is opparen r. Poetry wiU ftOt be pub- lislwl. plan to build. But the PlanJtlng c.om. mission and Board of Adjll5t.ment are concerned about consequences of a "100 year" flood . I don't know why? The \voo:I . cars and other debris from the h>;tnes aOO businesses fa rther out a1ong Laguna Canyon Road would •lack up high to form a debris dam preventing the "100 year" Oood waters from ever reaching lbe Laguna Beach Lumber Company. WE ARE going to save as many trees as possible and plant many more to enhance the beauty of our ne"" building . 1 guarantee our landscaping along the Laguna Canyon Road will better enhance the entrance to Laguna than the city's center divider, Ptfy family would not do anything to destroy Laguna's beauty or create a danger, harm(u\ to anyooe v.'ho visits or liv~ in Laguna. \\'e love Laguna Beach too -you know? JEFF JAlffiAUS Ger1erous? To the Editor: r wish the oil companies, in their ex- . pcmive television ads . would stop trying to scll us on Ole idea that !hey are rcany honorable. The next thing they will be telling us is that they are not ''crooks." U they arc as gene rous a n d humanitarian as they say, they should kee p their mouths ::Jlut and lower the C06I. of their prOOuct.s to the oonsumer. ROBERT JACKSON VCI Experie nce To the Editor: ~ty husband and I attended !he UCI open house April 6 alid found It an enriching experience. \Vithin !he space of thrtt houNI, \\'C saw a film on Ezra Pound. the "poc!'s poet," hea rd a lecture on ;i recent stay in the Sovi<."l Union by Professor K.E. Balles ('>''hlch was 11· lustrated with excellent slides ) and""sa\.\' 3 Kenneth Clark film from hls series on civ lli:tation. ALONG WITH th~ Nltural l'X· perienccs. v;e got to meet some of the UCJ professors, a ree1l tttat ln itself. It is too bad more of !he county's citizens dk1 not 1nke advant11ge of th ia u.perience. I btlic\'e too many people sit in their bonlcs and complaln about money spent on hlgher education without getting nut to see for themseJ ,·es OOw It is being spcni, The univcr1ity does, after all. of· fer 11d\•a.nte5eii: for all citizens. lf Ibey \.\'Iii just make the effort 10 find out about tllem. 1 btlleve our cities should take mort adYantage of the Wllverslty and 115 resources. Ylhy not a public lectUre 5eril'!, fr~. featuring UCI prolt$SOr1! There Is a wealth of knowledge there thct should be sho red by more than just lhe students. J bcllevc. Dear Gloon1 y Gus Are we really expected to believe that if you are caught not paying huge taxes you are more heroic? · fNot me, at this happy IRS sea· """). DEMOSTHENES Ill • .....,... Oui ~h er. IUlllmlnM 1W ...... ~ '"" Oo ,.., ..cnurlll' ref!..:! "'' VllW1 11 lfll ... Wi.N....... 5etld '''" ,_, -v• lo Oloomr Gw1. DllMy Pl191. Y outl'L Image Distorting Value of Age ~YDNEY J.HARRI~ A friend of mine. ~·ho reached his 30th year ot eminence "'ith a company, was asked v.'hetber the occasion was going to be marked v.ith some celebration or an- llOWlcement. "No," he said, "'>'·c're going to pess up !he "'hole thing as quietl y as possible. Things have changed today-v.<t an- nounCl' youth, but \\'e play down scniori· ty." Indeed we do. and our society is the poorer for it. Certainly youth should be encouraged. wherever possiblc--bl.11 not at the expense of agl', not to the ex tent of depreciating aDd diminishing !he value of loyully and long service and depen· dahllity and all the other anc\rn!. virtues. That wciely is best \\'hich attains an equilibrium bcl-\1."ecn the nct'<is of yout h and the rewards of age-whi('fl listens to the young. and honors the old. A rigid and repressive society gi\'l's i!s young little chance: a nuid and innovative 30Cic!y neglects its obligation to the old. fll ~~ 00 their best \!.'Ork for hooor and respect as n1uch as for money. If these are not forthcomi ng towa rd the end of a long tenure. then g~ls shift lo the purely im ntcdiatc and material and self· seeking -and no long-range compsiny or \'enlure cnn sust;iin itself on these terms. Tne n1aturc population of the U.S. has nn enormous ambivalence tO\\'ard youth. On the one hand. it is resentful ;:ind tyrnru}(lU.s to>A·ard expressions of youthful lrt<'dom; on lhe other, it is envious and cnlul:tli\'e of lhe !ates! trends in youth CtJllurc. In S<';.;uality. in drc5-'. in idiom and In ur~siyle. TillS A~IBIVALENCE has created ifs 01vn backla.sh tO'>''ard older people. ~ company wants a fresh, yonng, \•Ital irri1 ni:e: and the image is often more lm- portont to it than the substance. So substa~in tenns of year'! () r service-ls often Mcrifi~ t~ cogmetic rtjU\'Cfl80on: the tinn Y,'RTIIS a "mod" look to demonstrate that it is up-llH!Ate. and it can get the mod look only by Jct- 1!.%lntng Its older people. .. tu diacrl.minatlon by color and 1ex ls diminls'i'llng, discrimination by nge is btglnnlng to take its place. This \s not 1nerely a pe:rsonal Injustice to the ''ic· Um: ll violently SUU.. the subsoil of the "·hole social structure, so that young peo- ple eott:rin~ the labor market "'ill no Iona.er 8.hape their carctr·lives on the bails of permanence and dcptndablli ty but on the axiom of gettlng the most possible In the. short time ivailable to tht!ir "youth 1maae." WHILE THIS iJ MPJ>"nUig, young pro- pie 1i the lo"·cr lt\'tls of tducaUonal l)()mp;tence find It harder to get }obs of an)' aort. s Jewish Co11111111nity Bala11ce Strai11ed I , Zionist Line Hits Kissinger WASHINGTON -The llrct glim· merings of a potentially ominous attack against Secretary ol State Henry Kissin· ger by pro-Israel hard·liners have begun appearing in this country 's Zionist Je"'- ish leaders. 1.iuted criticism or the first Jewlsq Secretary or Slate brgan immcdiatcJY after his brllli1tnt perfomiant:e separa- ting Egypt and 1'1· rael in January. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOAI, a. hard·Jine Zionist lobby, in its Febru· ary bulletin hltlcii:· ed that agreement a s "strengthening the position of the belligerent Arab \l.'Ol'ld and the Soviet Union." By 1.lareh, ZOA no longer muted its crit· icism. Directly attacking Kissinger for the first time, it next criticized the politi· cal leadership of Israel itself 1rhich, it said: ;,egards Kissinger •'as a second Dis- raeh. "IN THE United States. on the !')\her,.. hand." the bullt"tin continued. "Jc\.\•lsh leaders. both Zionist and non-Zionist , are jiUt>ry, ""Ondcring '>''hcthcr he is not Jean. ing over baclffi·ards as a Jc"' to placate the Arabs and their Soviel protectors." This toughening ZOA Jin.:? in no way reflects opinion in the political center of the po"·erful Amcrlcan-Je\\·ish com· munity. Bul some of these moderate Jewish leaders now fear this may change as a result of the dangerous increase in Syrian-Israeli military activity on the <:.olan Heights . Kissinger's pressure for Israeli conctssions t~re could \\'iden ZOA's anti·Kissingcr ripple in10 a far broader attack. KISSINGER has never Wlderestimated the delicacy or his position to"·ard the ( EVANS ·NOVAK J American-Jewish community. lfe has remarked pri\•ately that if either the Israeli go\'eminent or the American· Jewish community ever concludes that he i!I pushing Israel too hard, he could be outflanked. Although t'ne moderate J c w i s h leadership's poHtical roots are deep in the Democratic pa rty, it gave President Nixon substantial support for reelection in 1972 and declared a moratorium oo criticism of the administration's Mideast policies <A'hen the Yom Kippur y,·ar began Oct 6. Now that trll<.'t is showing signs ()f strain, quite apart from the hard·line posilion of the ZOA. AN EXAi,fPLE is Rabbi Israel ~1 iller. president of the Zionist Federation of America (an umbrella organiiati011 \\'hich embraces many organizations /. lie \\'as less than enthusiastic in a statement last "'eek giving Kissinger good mark.'> in 'nandling both the Arab-Israeli connict and the question of emigration by Soviet Jews. "We have no complainls for the time being against Kissinger." ri-Uller v.·as quolcd by the Je'>'ish Telegraphic Agency, "but that does not mean that \.\'e are going to follow him blindly." • Kissinger has tried hard to keep the American Jewish community ncutralizt'(\ in his hazardous effort to reverse 25 years of American diplomacy. But in his zeal to prove: U.S. good faith to Arab leaders, ne opens the ~--probably in· c\itably-to Jewish complaints that he has gone too far. TllUS, ZOA's ~1arch bullt"tin, in a sarcastic item, said that "the kissing contest currently underway in Arab capitals is being lost by the Soviet Unio;i and y,•on by Kissinger -·•a nt1v suitor for embraccmcnt by sheiks. presidents and kings of Arabia.'' Considering the modest border ad· just-mcnts Kissi nger has mediated so far, this gives the merest hint or \.\"hnt he: can expect. Isra eli \'dthdrawal from l'IJe Suez Canal was far less painful than others in store for Israel. Kissinger is now con· centrating on the Golan HeighLS. but after that comes the emotional question of the West Bank and .Jerusa lem. Here Kissinger's problem is com· pounded hy the nimsy st ructure of Prime twlinistcr r;olda i\t.eir's new govenunenL As a price for giving her a JXlrliamentary major, the new relig ious party extracted this concess ion: no change on the \Vesl Bank (Samaria and Judea) '>''it.hoot a plebiscite. 1.10REO\IER. ~me Jc\\•ish leaders here are convinced l'n.it Israel's true in· terests -and certainly th is c.'Oun- lry·s -require major border rec- tifications. including establishnient of a 1-'alcstinian state on the \Vest Bank. In trying lo achieve this. they sec ru\o1hcr trap for Kissinger : President Nixon's own vulnerability to pro·lsracli hard· liners in Congress '>''hose \'Otes he needs in the impeachment battle. So far. there is no di sagreement bet\.\'L'<'n Ki.c:.sing£'r and thc President , · v.·ho desperatf'ly needs anolhcr fo reign policy triumpn : political solution of the 2~ycar Arab-Israeli war . To get it. he see1ns "'illing to lake lin1itcd risks \\'ilh his hHrd·tine .Je"•lsh c.'Onstitucnt\'. But each Kissi nger move ahead 1\•i l\ lighten battle line; al ho1ne and in ls'racl, potentially subjecting r..tr. Nixon to in· creasing pol itical threats. To manipulate and control these pressures 111ay be bc.>yond anyone. even so subtle a diplomat as Dr. Kissinger. The rising tide of JC\\iSh criticis1n Sho\IS thaL Touring Officials Enjoy New T r end \\1ASHJ:\'GTO~-Forcign governments in ·quest of U.S. benefits now use n!\'l?rsc ( ) lobbying, lnstcod of calling upon U CK ANDERSON Congress. they bring the congressmen to J n. them. Just last January ror ci:ample ~ . . . . Vance lla rtke, D-lnd.. a.ccomp3nied their s1afr assistants havt! been galhvnnt- by his wif , hls daughlcr and tv.·o aides, ing around the globe al the exprnse of breezed through five foreign governments. On Apri l 13, for in· countries in about stance, a dozen congressional aides \v\11 three \l."t'.cks. In each · T · f ,. r· -• of the countries hi.' arr1\'C in a1wan or a vaca K>n 1nanCL'U \•isitL'<l. Ill le11st pcirt by Nationalist China. of Hart k e's ex· Th1,.~$tate Department ~<tblcd the U.S. pcnses 1~·ere picked crn~ in Taipei requesting PX cards up by the host gov· for the junketing aides "if c1nba!OSy in cl'nmenl. position to issue them." The en1bassy State Dcparbnent replied Iha~ the aides \.\'OUld need ''of. cables revCAI that In Iran. for inSt..'lJlce. ficia\ passports" or "~·e will be in the the gov~mment "Informed (11at1kc) that rnlher uncomfortable position of btlng he wilf be the guest of (lr.101 :md that wmble to obtain PX cards for some." lhey "·ill arrange program including ho- lt!I reservatlOM and traruspor1:i1\on. ·• TUE PAKISTANI govem~I . ;ic;. cording to the cables, provided IJ:trtke \Yilh "hotel mervattons, car and dri\·er and transportation from KaraChl to Islamabad and return." In t.f!)'lon, "Senator and 111rs. •lartkc and daughter will be guesl1 of (the government ) with hole I, tra\1el eX'pC!lSel\ paid.'' 1n lndoncsilt, 1he scnntor "'a~ a "guest of Parliament," And in Ne'lt.' 7.ealand, he was also a government gu81. For spending money, accordlnc 10 I.he cables. lhe various O.S. t":mbUS1es pro- vMied Hartke with an additional f15 a d!ty Jn local cum:ncle5. NOT ONL V n1ember3 of ~ogms hilt 1' nie senior staft nltmbcr, Ralph Vandervort ot the Senate Sparo Com· n1inee. told us the trip v.·as "kind of a publlc relations lhing" Cll lhe part or the Chiang Kai·shck government. TlfE FE\\' thous3nd dollat1 old C.biang spcocls to woo U.S. officials, judging by past pcrform3nce , i!J money welt spent. Jn 1he past four years,lhe hns roUected $373.7 million in U.S. military aid. The Sot.Ith Vletna.mcse govemmenl has done far better, having ~glcd O\'t'r $1 bllllon In arms ald In 1973. Now the Nixon AdmlnlslrRtion has rtquest.ed another $474 million in "emergency funds" for the Salpt regime. E\•tn as tht rtquesl Is ptnding be!ore ConJ!?"B, State Doportmtnt cab!"' rc\·eal that the Saigon i;:o1·en1111cnt has 111viLOO eight key coni::resston al st<iff n1cmbcrs to visit South \'1 c1n.:1n1 10 ,·Jcy,· "pr('Sent rcali1 ies." FOOTNOTE: Congressn1cn and their aides \\'ho acctpt fn.'C trips :ibro;id fron1 foreign governments rnllv be in 1 iolation of lhc Coostitution. Y.hicli forbids U.S. of· flcials from a~pting any •·ctnotu· mcnt . , . of any kind \1'h<1IC\'Cr. from any King, Prince or foreign stale " OIAHGI COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Vr.td, Publisher Thoma,, Ktevd, Editor Barbarn Krtlbi('h £~1orial Page EditDr 'Jll(' td\14)till.I JlJIV:O o( the O;oly Pi:Ot lo«'ks 1G inform and &t!mulatt' t'f!~el'I hy P~lt"nling on thli ~t' dl\·fln;e1ccn1mrn1:uy' on top\~ or ln~ lt'1 ... st by S)'ndh'/\ll'ft rolumnii!s and l:t1 toonlsts.. 11)" pr,l\•id1ng a forum for rt•d~n· \rlt'\ls atlfl by pre~1in~ this nC\\,.PIPl."r':oi ()flinionJ; anti i<k>u o::i turrtnt 1optci. The l'dltor\-:1 opinions ol !hf-Dally l"'llor JIPfl'!'at onty in tbe tdlfortAI roluinn at I~ Jnit of the! lMC~· Opinms tx~ by ttw! ~ ummm and ('•rtoonbta 11nd Hllln-' Y.Titn"J llN' thtlt O'a·n anti '10 ~e-- mmt ol rhtlr vi""~ b)o lhl! Ua.lly Pilot at'lookt be lrJtrred. Wednesd•y, April 10 , 1974 l/1•1 T•i.M11 •Explore, Gt-011~' Dr. Edward G. Gibson, civilian membe1 of Sky. Jab 3 cre,w. told stu· dents at alma mater, K!!nmore High School in Bu(falo. r.·tonday thlt they should· 'learn. ex· plore a1fd grow.' GibsOn is formerly of Sa.n Cle· 1nente. Ca11cers Ti ed to DefertSes ATLA,TIC CITY, N. J. IAP 1 -A 'J't'xas sd~lathas reported l'\'id<'nre ,uggeatini;r canN'r<; rnay ha\'e a special '·b11llo,:?ic:at shield" that enahlt'S thrm to thwart the bodv's chief natural defenses against foreign invaders. Dr. \\' T: Kniker, in reportin g this Tuesday, said that if the concept is con- firmed , lhe protccti\'e shield itself n1ight prove vu lnerable to some cspeeially designed chcn1ical counterattack - thus pro\'iding a new approach to cancer rreatment. RUT Kr-..'IKER stressed that \1·hile 1he research results to date suggest ;i pos.o;iblc new «ad toward ;iiding !hr battle against ca n c e r . irnport;int ~ questions renH1in 111 he ans"·ercd bl-forC' final a<;sess- ment can be made of the "'ork's importancr. if an~·. Th e microbiology researcher. ot thC' t:ni\'C'rsity of Texas llealth Center. San Antonio. told )\!)f111t it in a report lo the 58\h annual meeting of the Fl'deration of American Societies for Ex- perimental Biology . T-Te amplified in an in- terview. JIE ALSO SUGGESTED lh<1t !he work. if conrirtnecl. might thro"' nc"' light. on onC' or S<'iC'n<'e·s other ~real enigmas: \Vhat protects another type of bod ilv forci~n invader - the still unborn felus in a mother's \\'Omb -from being rC'jected by the mother's bodv? sPecificallv. he said, the nc11• resrarch sugRests that both canrers and fetuse5 may ha ve special'' b io Io g i ca I shields" -that is. !hat thev manufaclurr and continuously pour inlo th<' hlood strean1 materials capable of sup· pressing the action of the body's "lyn1phocytcs .'' K~lCKER SAID TllE nelv resC'arch by himscH ;ind eol· lea~ues \1•as pro1nptcd by ex- iSling kno1\'ledqc !h1t "fcl al and caO<'C'r cC'lls share many other common features, in- cluding !he release of so-called 'fetal antigens.' " The lat!rr arr> m:-iteri:JlS which lend to arouse the body 's deftest invasion. LA Rolls ·~ S1vellecl LOS A:\'GELES !APl - J\l!•re than orte-lhird cf the children on Los Anseles County's welfare r o 11 s 11·ere born illegitimately1 savs \Velfare D i rector Eliis P. ~1urphy. , Jn a report to the Boord of Supervisors. ~lurphy said there arC' aboul 133.000 i 11 es i I i ma t e child ren reccivinR v.·elfare. There :'Ire 01bo1tl 102,000 illegitimJIC ehildrcn in the co•mlv CDrcd 'for by relali'\·cs and do no l recei\"C "'elf are. he said. •AUTO ,_ . ,.., J:,,f { '.i: ~) • IOAT ~, ~.~~~~--:-141-151• fl. RABBITT INSURANa ""' ,,, ... .. tf!ll'J&. 111111 .......... c. ...... . ~ '''"'" IWIUl•otel l l Oll' Prof Sniffs at Vitamin C Theories By FRAfli'K CA·REV Al' kiMU W"Nr A1LlN'rlC CITY. N.J. The he&d ol a major medical center says \'itamin C gets virtually nowhere in preven- ting or s~ colds. but has some btoeQdaJ efttol on their SC\'f:tkY· OR. THOMAS C. Chahne ... , preside11t ol New \'ork City 's J\1t. Sinai Medical Center, lhij.<> chaUqed a throry by Nobel Pr\ze-wiMer Dr. Llnus C. Pauling thal massive, daily doses of the ''itamin ean pr.:· vent the .common cold. O\almen made his com· ment.s i\londay in a report to !he 58th annual met>llng of the Federation of A n1 fl r i can Societi es for Experimdltal Biology. He sa id he hod dug into .ill major clinical reports -both pro and coo -pubh~hed on the subject during a 3~-\ t':lr period betv.•een 1942 and 1974 by investigators othl'r than Paulin g. ¥d he sn1d ht• harl come lO th6e COllClUS!u!l~ -VITA!111N C r; ET S virtual ly no\1'hl.!re a~ :1 l'Uld- preventor or as a <'CJid- sOOrtencr. -Tht' vitnm1n, also knoY.'n as ascorbic aC'id , does h:,-.\•e somt> bt•nrftC'ial cffl'.'ct on the se1·t·nt) or colds . but "The ef- fects arc quant11atl\"cly 50 sn1all and the possibilrty of sug~estion 3s the primary mt'chanLSm so IMge lhal it hardl~' seems v.·orth"·hlle foi- ;inyone to take all those pills for ~uch a 1ong tirnr. "This is l'S\)c<-'ially true 1n r11•1v of the f!H'I that there nre a;; yC't no data on Jong-term toxicity." Add 1n!! a personal touch , Chalnu~rs told fellow scien- tists: ''Tlll:!: BEST "'AV to con-report by saying that elude thiJ review ol the ,,widespreed sales of 1he book evid<'nce for and against the 'Vilanlin C and tht> ComnlOfl clflcal")' of ascorbic ncid ui Cold' by Prof Linus Pauhn~ p'rt'l'eot\011 of the oon1mon cold havt• undoubtedl'' rr>suhcd ln and an1clior::aUon or i ts even greater salts of ascorbic symptoms is to state th:-it the acid to th(' self-pre5(.-ribing author of the reviev.·. ~-ho has public." Pauling woo the colds as often and as severe as Nobel Prize in chcmlstrv in nny mnn. does not l.'onslder 195-1 . · the \tery minor potcnti;il benefit that nlight rC'sull rron1 \llAL~J Ell,.\i SAlll h 1 'i taking ascorbic acid thrC'c rC'vic11• t'fll't•r('d IJ s1tKli1·s by times a day for lire "·orth 1 I invcst1g111or,;. ('ithc r the C'frort or :he ri~k, no ;\nd \'1t:irn1n C':<: lr;1<'k 1nattcr how slight thr: l:1ttcr record frQnl Sl'\'l'll ··poorly n1iRhl be ." ('O!ltrolled" sttld1l'S \\JS ouly ;1 Chnlmcrs led up 'to his tiny ht! l:i.'!t('r, h1· said. ---------~----------------- I . ( T I • _ he, :pret tiest Easter outfits in town for girls. From JCPenney. 5 99 Short puffed sleeves and a timely c inched waist. That's what little girls like in th is 2-piece A1nel ., lriacetate dress. Button lr im and pretty prints for sizes 4-14. . ' See Penneys Exhibit al the Lo s AngeleS-Sportsmen ·s Vacation Travel Show. April 12 thru April 21 Los Angeles Convention Center. Discount tickets available at the following stores. CANOGA PARK OOWNEV HUNl'INGTON fl(ACH LAKEl'/000 MONl'CLAIR NEWPORT BEACH NORlHR!OGE ORANGE 'THE CITV' WHlff\l'/000. 599 Two piece dress with short pulled sleeves. This time with rib tr im at the waist. Arnel'!l triace!a le prints tor girls, size 4-14. 799 Girls' sl ingback: shoe ol shiny vinyl in black or wh ite makes a great basic shoe for all her spring things. ' I I " \/ I ( 59~ Girls' fancy self lace trimmed 01kin1 , panties. 100'~ nylon in white and paslels. Sizes 6-14. JC Pe nney 3for133 Girls' knee h•g h sot Ks. All her lavonte styles 1n while. b11gh1s .ind pastels. Sizes 6-10. We know what you're looking for. Shop St.llday noon to 5 p,m. at the following stores: , UAILV l'!LOI 7 'I \ ·..,11111 111 I I Jlr r I' t l,l l' .\la~rath . prc~1dc nl o! the Sl.11(' 1 nt\l'l"SJI\ of Ne" \'01\.: at li1 ngll::in11on . \V .1' namC'rl ~lnnrl:i' p~· dt'nl uf lht' l lll\l'r .. 1!\ ul :'\l 111nc,11ta l!1• hi' C'OIBt'S one of I hC' \ (11111 . c,1 prcsutcn1, or .1 111.1 jor Ulli\'l.'l':>il ,., RABBITT '-U TO -HOMf.OV."' lll~ INSURANCE . ""' .. 1' !01rt H:ubor Bo~le~.;ird COSTA "'[$A ~ 548-5554 f:.d ,;\ ·r-- ' \ ' I 599 L 1" Ii' r, • •-, r·· , , · ' 1'' • I! ,f1S>!•r 11 fl"" l'r•·I' / polyeS!t;• f','1 r1 r ,,•,,io:v11lh an Pmb101der11. r·· ,, l nl1sse slur!. For sizes 4-6X • • • 699 81Q S1Sll'.'r'<; m1x1 !<>nqlh !f,1'°'~ I ~,,., r'• po.lyestf'• cc·1~,r'\ 101'"'1 !.:.·•; .v.1 on a wh ite rutl,y top. S·li'> 7 1.:. , --·- . ,~-l :i .: ·1 l f , I I I ,. ' c ~ • ,. - ' • f ., J • ~ .... ' .... It ' ' ,. • ' ' ' , ' • • ".,.. • f ti .. ,, ,, . ' . ' ,"I • ' • 1. , , t ' . . • • • I a. ' . 199 ~--· '•+'' !.) •'' ' . G11lg' po .n1el palt ernto hA ! SI p VVh1te ground f1o r11' pr1rit.,., • ., lt1r" trirti. Sizes 7 1 t tlH·l '. ' FASHION ISLA~D . Newport Beach (71 4) 644-2313. ' HUNTINGTON CENTE R, Huntington Beach (7 14) 892-7771 . HARBOR CENTER , Costa Mes• (1141 046-5021. . ' , t • I ~"-"-•'_'v_•_1_Lo_r ___ _ Wfdnt\d.lY, April 10, 1974 I ·Color you beaut iful for Easte r I \from ·Penneys! 15sa l'he perfect pant suit for Spring in easy care 100°/o polyester. Choose. dazzling print top models in either turtleneck or zip~front slyling. Spec tacular red and blacks top frosty white fla re leg pants! Sizes B to 18. ' ' • • ' ' ' 66~ Women's seamless nylon mesh pantihose wilh reinforced panty and toe. Fashion colors in sizes short, average, Jong. • • ...,,.... ~ ... . . ... "' ' . . .. • • f ' . " . . . • ' Misses lace.trimmed full \" ~ ' shp of non-cling Antron Ill® nylon tricot. ~ Shirred bodice. In while \ · ..- and assorted pastels. \ Y.' Misses sizes S·M·L 1, • ~ ' ' /I ' . ' , ; .. i .. //, 1 i I '" / ' ! '. ' 1l' I ' (, ·7_'. ,.. .... . ·/ \~ ......... -. "-! .. JCPenney } 20%: off1 all s5 . to s10 ~ndbags. • Sale56~ Reg. ST. Should r bags in four styles of glace polyurethane. Wh ite and assorted fashion colors in marvelous pouchy styles. Sale 640 Reg. $8. Glace polyurethane bags in several exciting styles .. White and fashion colors to match all your favorite ensembles. Salesa . Reg. $10. Large, roomy bags in grace polyurethane. Valise style and convertible straps in white and assorted fashion colors. ' ' • , .. ' • , ' ,,. ' . . ' ' ., Slit prlcta tl\tctlYt thru S1turd1y. ' I • • \ t -...:..._ I • , .. We know what you're looking for. Shop at your local JCPenney store. · Shop Sunday noon to 5 p.111. at the folowlllfJ stores: ! • FASHION ISLAND, Newport Beach (714) 644-2313. HUNTINGTON CENTER, Huntington Beach (7 14) 892·7771. HARBOR CENTER, Costa Mesa (7 14) 646 -5021. . .s.: • • , . • - ' ; I On Fran open 13-sh at C Cam was faun net $200. N c F w; Theta v.•ill I syste Angel day. The! Hug Tele Tuescl "'·ill of pictur of bet JOH dent Angel larges States home. The a\'aila subscr Palisa \Yestv.· \I.' est Rey, !\tonic com pa subscr Thel would \'ear i from coin i-1 cable LAT !'Xpa areas ty ~· sysle The °"" the Ti Sam ." "Sleut turio Blues' slated Geo n1ana divisi sign first ~ '"Ml a\lOV.'S friend. movie than a entcrt said "Rese syste best like theal The unedit inte week , • p.m. \\'eek I on Fr c R (UPI paint lra pain ing on J Sw :ust I ~tT._,,.lt Ott Slage Viet Hero Giiilty PlllLAOELPlllA iAP > - 0.1vid C. Dolby. 111n111·r nf thi> nal ion's highest honor for mili111ry \'alor. has agri"t'd tll plead guilty to passing $1.~ in bad cht>cks. U.S. ~lagtstrate Tullio G. Lromporra says. DOLBY, OF OAKS, Pa .. nl•ar Phi ladefphla. \\'111 be returned to Ha1,1·ati for sen· of Honor. Th1' a11 :i1d 1-.1n11· fl)r :H't1011 1n 1!166 1\hcn 11olll\ killNl thrl't· \ 1(•t Cone n1.1ch11u· ~unnl·r~ carr1l'<i 11 St'rtoLL~ly \\OUn,1h'd sold ier lo safl'IV. ::ind cra1.1.lt'<l undC'r hell\'Y fl(e lo \\ 1thln fJi.I rt\C lC'rs of n Viel COili! bunkt•r to set off smol;e bon1bs to aid un ai r attack. tencing. llE A L.~ HECE IVE r> tlh' Dolby, '!7. 1,1·as called "onr of ~1lver StJr, l'urpl1· Jh·art ;ind t\mt>rica's bravest rnen'" by South \"1('tn:1n1".i top 1n 1l101r~ ..... President Lyndon B. Johnson honor. 1 ~ ;it . \\'hite House ct>rt>monies in Tl\O da~·s aftt•r ht' rer1•1\·1•d 1967. "'hen he "·as presenlcd the ~1cd .1J of Honor . sc.·1t'1'.d ..-.·i th the Congressional i\lcdal thousand proph· 1urn1'<I 0011 111 ·~~~~~~~~~~~ OAIL Y PILOT ~) • in Cli eck P<1sgui g L.A. LINES 531 I Mo•r" TE,LEPHO NE COMPANY OF CALIF. .\"or1hea:-t l'h1!Jdelph1J ll r .1 ralh in 111.; honor In' !ht• d:1):. th.it forltt•\1"(~1 Dolby 1\·as a r1·lt•Ur1!~ ;1!· l•·nd1n1? fu n1·11ons 1111h l'l'f'lplo• \1k1' Bob llOJX' and fortn('r l\•nns)ll'an1a (;{)\". «:l)"TilOn<l Shaft·r. TI11'rc 11:1~ a t• i;t1rrn11- 1al du1ncr 111 1\1!( ho.111r h1 ft,"' \\·ter:in.; of Fort·ign \\~1r• ll E \\'AS OtSCHAllGE I> 111 Ft·bruary 1968. llr 11·or~1'(1 :11 .1 l>l'r1rs of l'Oll"i1rur11on l(\h-.. 111 !hr area n•·:ir his p:11·1·111s' :\ur n.;1()1,1•n llOtlll'. and in Flond.1 Hu! a frirnd ~:11d ht· 11 'l' 11•11 h.1ppy In ~larch. 1%!1 h•· ro · i nt1~tt·d 111 !hl• .\nn~ alld .1,k 1'\I tu Lo. r .. turnt·d tu \ ,••111.1 111 f " !1].4 JOO! Rt11 Miii, C••'• ""- lit• \\;1-. •ll!I~· on1· ul 1hrl't·.~l1•1l L..---~---~~~~ .ii 11t llnnn1 \\ 111'1• t • ltl th• 11. llun" h1•tor1 10 rl·turn tv .11· 11\1• d11•~ I I I\" 1\l.I.. DOl.R\' ,.p1·11\ ,1 !11:.1\ nf f.,llr ~··,11·,_ l!l \ h"lil.111\ I INSTANT CASH! We buy diamonds, old gold, solver. gerns1ones gun,. ::.tereos, mus•caL instruments most evoryth1ng. J1unn.: h 1~ I.1st l1)11r th1'r• 6tf. 1, ,, •·1··· •'•)tl\1· 11111• •r hi ·,fl, 1111 tf"· l,111 II" 11,1• .1rr,.,1t·d II\ - 1n1hl.11\ ptil 1•· 111 ;1 !1 1·,1111 ;11 !i R ,,r11·1·-; 1 .>111 H.111 11 1:,11 ,1111! 11!11r1,1I· (o~li MtsJJt..,.tlry&l..oall l<i' I' l .o •!ll . .!J q l,111' ll \ (JI 111,of 11,111.1 !II hi. )111''-t''!>IO!l I O •I"\ II.!• J't•/1·,1 •I'll f I H!ll oil" ' :1 1AJS Newport Boulev11rd Co~Ll ~.1t"~a Ca. 9?627 Phone . (7\4) 646·17~1 Frank Sinatra. now 57 , opened an eig-t-city. 13-show tour li[9nd ay at Carnegie ~fa ll. The Carnegie performance was a Variety Club Foundatio n b e n er i l n e t t i n g around S20Q,OOO. Penney s has dress shirts and pants . for all t l e men in ' the house. , J ' '· New 'Z' ' " " . Channel . \ Fo1· LA ~ I...00 ANGELES !AP\ 1 Thela Cable Tcle \•ision says i will launc1 a pay televisien system of movies in the LO! · Angeles a1ea beginning Fri- day. April 26. Theta, G\\Ticd jointly bv Hughes Ai1craft Co. and the TelePromp1er Corp., s a id Tuesday the ne\v ''Z"' Channel ~·ill offer at least eight motion pictures a rron th at a fla t rate or between $t 95 and $9.JO. JOHN \\'. A'J'\\'000 , presi- dent of 1'teta. sa.id Los Angeles \l'iL become the largest city in the t:nitcd States to havt pay TI1 in the home. The new '·Z" channel \\"ill be a\'ailable initi'illy to cable subscribers ii pa c i r.i c Palisades. Br en t ,,. nod. \VestY•ood . Bevrrly C r cs t . \llest Lo.s Angeles . ~farina del Rey, and the ci~es of Santa illonica and Beve1!y Hills. The company has m.ooo cable subscribers in tho..<c areas. Theta said !he "Z" channel ~·ould be offered later this year in a central a1ca running from \\1oodland HiJs to Lin- coln Heights. There arc 56 .000 cable hon1es in these areas. LATER, 1'HETA pla ns to expand the rnovic channel into areas of San Bernardi10 Co11n· ty \\'here it operates cable systems. The fir s: \\"eek·s 1noties on Ule "Z'' channel \\"ill be "Sa\'C the Tiger · and ··J'Jay It Again. Saw.." "J eremiah Johnson ."' "Sleuth." ··Tue New Cen· turions," and "Lady Sings the Blues.. arc othe r ma.'iC!S slated for early vie1,1·ing. George B. Storer J r , , manager of the Theta's pa~·tv division. said he expects to si gn 30.000 subscribers llc first year. '"MIE FACT TllAT pa y TV al101,1·s fa n1ilies and th eir fr iends to see a major feature movie in the hon1e for less than a dollar is obv ious\~· a big entertainment bargain,'' he said at a ne1,1•s CQnferenre. "Researctt ~·ilh other pay TV systems has shoY:n that tile best customers are those who like movies but do not atterrl theaters." The movies \\'ill be show:i unedited ~·lthout commecial interruption seven days a ?.•eek, 1,1·ith one movie at 7 " p.m. and one at 9 p.n1. The \\'cekly schedule \\'ill change on Fridays. Slippery Con Loose READING. E n gland (t:PI) -\llhen police painted. their s t a t l o n :lrainpipes with greasy paint to stop people climb- ing up, they didn't rec1-on oo Joe S\\i ft. Swift. 30. ~·ho 1,1·as in :.mtody at the statiro. :ound the paint a big help in sliding down the drain· }fpes and escaping. GlVll W"R OLD GUNS MANNING'S . COLLECTORS SHOP. •.ltl~ ' ' ' 1 . I ' I I f ! ' • 'l ,1 J SflOfl ~eeve ~irl w\Ui long point truttondown cbltar po 1y1s1er/chtton . w rute surfaces , V:.ilh a orle~ checkl d patterns . frlen·s s,izes. ! Greal looks from Penney's ... men's polyester double knll culled slacks lo r all occasions. Men 's sizes in aasorled colors. See Penneys Exhibit at the Los Angeles Sportsmen's Vacation Travel ShoW . April 12 thru1 April 21 Lps Angeles Conv•ntion Center. Di scount tickets available at the following stores. C"'N0GA PARK DOWNEY HUNTINGTON BEt.CH L"KE;VIOOO MONTCLAIR NEVIPORT BE"CH NORTH"fllOGE ORANGE THE C!TY VIHITT'l'fOOD ,· __ And just in time for Easter. ' Dress shirts tor boys 1n v.·hitC . In polyester/cotton broadc!olh w11h short slee¥es, long point collars. Sizes 8 to 18. Pre school sizes 3 to 7 .... 3 lor $5 698 Dte1 .. up b1ggy style 1lack1 !or boys. Dacron polyester in assorted solid colors. Boy's sizes. 'i Pre-school s izes 3 10 7 ........ 4.99 I 1 P.S. All men's ties reduced 20%. Sale $2 R•9. 2.50. Snao·on and Cl1P·Ol'I tio11 t•es. Mostly po1yes1e1 111 patte111s. s1r1pes. soli d$. Sale 280 Reg:. 3.SO. 4 ... w1de·IOOk ties of polyes1er •n a great assortmeri· ']! solids, all·over palterns or Slf•Ot'S. Cot1ec11on ot Qiana 'I' 11es, Re9 S::>. Sile $4 , Sale prices t lltclivt lhru St lurday JCPenney We know what you 're looking for. Shop Sunday noo11 to 5 p.m. at th~ following stores: FASHION ISLAND, Newporl Beach (7 14 ) 644-2313 . "·-V /:'/, '.-{-~' HU NTINGTON CENTER, Hunl ingr on Beach (71 4) 892 -7771. HARBOR CENTER, Cosio Mesa (714) 646-5021 • • • • .• , .... v ,. ' " Men's sup~r-comtorlable short sleevit dress Shirl ol 80°a dac1on polyesler and 20"a cott on. In assorted pastel solicls, ml'n"s S•ZCS. Long sleeve, two buttof"\ cutt model $7. Double knit 11are leg slacks !or men in 1ooa;, polyes1er. Gre;it colo1s 1n men 's sizes. ' 111 DAILY PI LOI I Hu11tington Rota1·y Club' to Conduct Blood Pressur Check UPIT ......... By TERRY COVILLE ot 1111 D1H1 1'111t $1111 "Extmd Your Arm, Extend Your Ufe." is the s104an pick· Lod by the l,Jw1lingl°'f Bc:ich 576 See ~1uri1 ia's ChessFete llotary Club tG publlcize ils JlHls.sive blood pressure testing campaign April 1$ through !\fay 15. l\1cmbcrs or Holury, wllh help fron1 doctors and nurses at Huntington lntcroommunlty and Pacificn.,tiospitals, hope to give free blood pressure readings to 1nore than 15,000 resid£'nts during the onc- 1no111h catnp;.ugo. trruned About 300 have sllghtly elevated blood fOT Apr IS.%0 and 25-27. \"Oluntl>crs, plus 150 nurses and pressure. In a "tion to Thompson, eight doctors \.\'iii mun more ONE 01.!1' Of<, every 10 AcC01"1iing to W a It er Johnson -A1.rs. Witcher• ha I some ol he volunteers lhuu 30 screening sites in the persons s a b ood pressure Johnson, publicity chairman coordinat the month's e!- community from April l!i to problem, but orten the !or the Rotary campaign, fort Or. Russell t-.t. r..·lay JS. symptom5 are not bad enough about 80,000 HWllington Beach Morgan, Lindley, Jerry ·d 1 l6 to prompt the individual to see r~ident.s ought to be tested, Vanlman, Richard Grmdy, -Any resi en or over a doctor, according to Dr. but the club expects to reach Lyman rover , SaJly can have a blood pressure William Thompsoo, chief of about 15,000. • ~ Rowlands, Jill Heller, Eve cht.'<:k. If the pressure is staff at Huntington Intercom· Downing. ~arg~ Byrnes, Dale higher · than norn1al. the in-munity and chairman of the At ANY OF mE testing sites Dunn. , dividual wi!I be ad\'isecl to scf> blood pressure campaign. v+'ill be at local elementary Also, WU\am p et e r s on , a ph,vsic1a11 for f u rt h c r Dr. Thor;opson $1YS that car· schools and at the high school Allen llathtock.. Jerry Shea, diagnosis. ly dctcclion ()f even minor campuses part of the time. Scott Flanaian, Norm.Worthy, THE PHOGJlA~·I is oo--To find out \.\'here t~c blood pressure prOblc.ms c.an There "'ill be volunteers at Ralph Klser1 Stan Young, Ray Ge ts Wl•h The !ale Sen. Everett M. Dirksen failed to make the mari gold the national. flower, bul his hometown of Pekin. Ill. hasn'l forgotten bis efforts. The flower will form center of new flag wh ich the city will adopt this week. SJXl11SOrcd by notary and the. nearesl screening station is. help an individual avoid ser-Jluntingtoo Center rrom 2 lo 9 Picard, Rohirt Burbank . Orange County HC'art Associa-:ind "'hen It operates. phone ious problems later. About 10 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Father R6n t.olloty and Dr. Al Cries or "th1•1·i...·· and tion. Jl t're's ho"'' _;'_"_''-'_k"_., __ Carolyn \Vitchcr o.r .::'h:_:•:_l::l:••::rt:_..!!lC'.:'.:'een:::::t:.:•::f_:t::hose::::_:'•:::•:led::::.:u::su='':::'~~:Sa:t::u::rda::::cy:_· •:::•::d:_•::he::...:sa::me::::._:hou=::l"S~-G:•::':.:ib::·~--------- "C'hL'Ckmatc" flll('(I tht• :1ir ,11 ----- r..1artna High School 111 lluru· ington Beach. as lhr fi~t an- nual Stholastic Cht•ss Tourna· Ul!'nl l"ilnt•ludt'tl this \\CCI:. ( An une:tpt'<"h'flt\• kin.;•' lTOWd of ~76 (lrangl' Cp\1nt~ students. fro111 k111dt1rJ.!:l rll·n through 12!h grad·~-1 urn1·~I 1,1,1.I rOr the matches. ' . Elr.llTEEN Clll :SS pl:.i :.l·rs complclt'<l r h c tourncirnent with pcrf('ct n•cords. TIIC to u r n a n1 c n I "·as sponsored hy lh<' OrJnge Count y Ctw'>ss A.~socia t1uo, :iud will he repealed t•:ith \'l'<lr during Ealilcr week . Each school in Ornn/H' County "as invi ted to parti£'ipatc. Tht• folln.,..·ln!! are sludcnts v.'ho rcrnained unbeaten: FIRST GllAll t: -H.usscll Stele, 1()-0 record. fron1 Fre- mont School in Ga rden Gro \'C. Second Grade -P a u I Thiele. J(}-0 , from llcritagc School in Santa Ana. Fourth Grade -K i m 11artcr. JI.(), srhool not listed and l..<i\\'rence Ko11~h 9-ll, from ~1csa Verde ~:hool in Costa Mesa. FJITlf GltADE -Brian Kato . 10-0. school no•. hstcd: Danny Graff. 12-0, from Col· lege VievJ School in llunt. ington Beach ; and Jim Kil· day, 9.0, from Paulari110 School in Costa M('!'!n Sixth Grack• -David Stele, 10-0, from Frr.n1ont School ln Garden Grove: Joe Morris. I(). 0. rrom Park \1icw School in llunlington Beach; and Andres Taleifhik. 11.0. Del Norte School in Santa Ana. Sevenl.h Grade -Steve Loescben. IS-0, F r e m o n l Junior Hlgb. in Anaheim; Bill Anderson, 11-0, Sl Bonaven- ture School ln Huntington Beach: and John Hurd, 13-0, Davis School I~ Costa Mesa. EIGJl:rff GRADE _:... Randy \VHHams. 13-0. Davis School in Costa ~1csa. Ninth Crradc -Darrell \'ap, 8-0. r..1arina High in Huntington Beach. Tenth Grade -\Villiam Carpen ter, 9-0, La Habra High in La 1-labra: and Brian 1'rcla, 8.0. Edison High in 11untington Bench. • 1\\•clrth Grade -SrnH Workman. 3--0. ri.tarina 1-ligh in 1-luntinglon Beach. Cla ss Se t On Fa11iily Parents inlerestrrl in at· tending f ami!y Focus, a oorent education c<1ursr or. rercd by the Orange Coast \'~!CA, must register by April 23. The course, \vhich \.\'ill meet rrorn 7-tO p.m. on six s11c· rt-ssi\'C Thursday nii;:hts begin· nrnt! April 25, 1\•it1 '":1ih1rl' relationships bchvcrn faniily ni£'mlJcrs. Tht• co:-11 is SJO For ro11 rlo•<; ;:ind $25 for indi\"iduals. \\'llh cnrollrnrnt limited to 16. · Furlhrr inrormation mav hr ohtalned by calling the Y:\tCA office at fH2·99!lO. Ma n, 84, Deb roo1netl L 1\CGl/TO~. En~l and 'Ul 'I \ -Hoad S\\"Ct'pcr ~ it'Orgt· HO<!llL~ •:1id 1f h•' had kno11·n the job \\"as not pcrn1nncn1 ht: ,would not h:l\"C l ilkPn iL F11r h(' ha~ Ix-en lold !O hand 1n his hroon1 at thl' age of 84 af1 r r 1rorking fnr lh(' nr;irbv Hothcrhan1 Hurni r ount:il for 60 1 .-.:1r~ His joh 1s !)1~1 ng tixed un· dcr a loc;il J;;O\'('rnml'nf rcorgani1.:l\ion. In prott'Sl. h(' s.·11d he will ]10~ro1 1 (In o f f i c 1 a l prcscnt;illon C('remony l'OWlcil plans for him. ~h1mbl~1. MNll~I Air Ca"• Trine ll••h •1 ro11t ttotr It Wouldn't be Easter Without new shoes. And Penneys has parade-worthy buys for the whole family. 1499 Young men's wing lip spectator ()){ford. Uppers are man·made" feather·look malerial, Unit mold, PVC sote and 15/8" heel. ~rown/tan. Y()ung men 's sizes. 1199 Women's popular sandal s!yle heel. Synthelic uppers. Tr 1c()t and loam lining. 14 /8 heel. White, bone and fashion color$. Women's sizes. .. \ " •• • :• • • r Men 's patent lealtter slip-on with leather lining, sleel shanks and rubber toplift heel. While in men's sizes. , 999 Boys' big perf wing tip shoe wilh lhe today look. Bump toe last with richly antiqued vinyl uppers. Pen tred!I sole and heel. Brown/brown. Junior boys' sizes. Prep boys' sizes, 10.11 . JCPenney We know what you're looking for. Shop Sunday ~n to 5 p.m. at the following stores: See Penneys Exhibit at the Los Atgeles Sponsmen 's Vacati on Travel Show. • f I April. 12 thru April 21 Los Angele s Conve ~lion Center. r ' 699 Discount ticltet s available at the follow ing stores. CANOGA PARK DOWNEY 11UNTINGT.ON BEAOH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH NOAT}lRIOGE ORANGE 'THE CITY' WHl~OOD. Girls' patent vinyl strap shoe in black or white. Trlcot lined with composition sole. Girls' sizes. 8 99 Girls' vinyl patent T-strap with allractive platform styling. Double open shank. Composition outso!e and heel. \ White in girls sizes. Boys' cap toe. oxford w11h platlorm look sole. Brown vinyl uppers with .,en1red8 sole and he~l. Junior boys' sizes. Prep boys sizes, 8.99. .. :· . ,. ·: . • L1tim1.Sffdl1btc-All 0111..-1 4fi·040T 64Z·17'i3 (714 ) 644-2313. HUNTINGTON CENTER. Huntington Beach (7 14)892-7771. HARBOR CE NTER. Costa Me~o (714) 646-5021. FASHION ISLA ND, Newport Beach • ' l est stric was N c, J Coa turer and I anno its fa Hobie r...:nr I.Jobie niono fGr y The perfo 1y. a desig is ma and poun incl justa scl f·b extcn Th or w 1\·ago Th 1nan Cata B B De Raur over Sa iii ~!em Jli-P Fi OV Char (3) sssc La John CL Purf CL 12) Jcrr. CL Kn Ham Bu' s L p IAP . held I he worl encl Sa hou' lain "' I ,~ ... com Pon "'" T Grc: Brit" •bot !Jsh reac "' 1'Unsafe'' Boats Out Coast Guarcl Enipo1verecl to Sto1) Tliern • Beginning Apr~ Coast Guard district oommtuxier will have the authority to ttnnin.ate an intended voyage if he determines the vessel is umuit~ to make the voyage. Under the new law. lhe com· mander may designate a specific bo::it as be in g "manifestly unsafe for a specific voyage on a speciric body of water." BOATING ~~urthermore. t h e com- mander cannot relegate th e authority. He n1ust make··the determinatJon himself. The. boat 0111ncr or operator against 1o1·hom the ru\£' is 1n1· posed has tht> right under th e '---------...; Ad m1n1strativc Pro<.•c.•c:hlrl'~ Act to petit1on for rt.'(.'00Sidera.t1oi1 and rl.'pra l of the ruling. AN ORIGI NAL proposal to . allow the rule to be made because of .ope rator in- competency \\'3S omitted (rom ttle finaJ rule. S1X"cif1c:i11y, the di s Ir 1 c t con unander rn:iv rulC' a boat uns.:1fc for ;1 s1~'Ci!1c \·oyagc due to : I. t:nsuitablc design or con- figuration. 2. lmpropt>·r construction or inadC'qua te. materia l Cfln<iition. 3. Improper or inadequate New Classes E1iter Lo11do11 Bridge Race '-- operaUonal or safety equip- 1ncnl. In the preamble to the rule. the Coast (~uard notes that on the averag~ there art About four manirestly u n s H f " voyagC'S attcn1pted each yt•ar. such as a canoe Lrip aeross th,,> Atlantic or a rubber raft \'O}age to Japan fr o n1 Californin. SEAR Cll ASD n est u l' teams spend a "disproportionately I a r ~ c :1mowit of C'o1n1niln1ent" or rcsourl'C'!ii 111 ln1C'king nnd r1~.,. <'tlln~ fh(·-....· ix1 rt1rip .. 'lnts \\ hrn lhl' 1ni..,~1on ;ibvr\$, :1C1..'0rti1ng lo lh1· Const (;u11rd . It was :ilso nn!t'd Iha! tht· ro.~~l ( ;u,1rd d!~tricl COTll· ni:indccs 11·1 11 be looking f,1r ''blatant . ext rt• 1n e and n1anife.'iot deficiencies" 11hC'11 dc terminin'g ""'het.htor a Vt.'S~L·I ls Wl~afc for a voyage. Th tre Ls' no plan lo in· vestigate ev(.'f)' po t en l in I tra~anie voyage. 0 n l y those th.:it ha\'e the l'armarks of disa ster. the ruling :.t;.i!L'<i. ClllCUS VAllGUS COMES TO TOWN KIDS FREE! W,TH TICICnS llOM ANY PLAZA sro•E • Meet Laurie Kasper One of the Daily Pilot's R2P_1eJ People NEW HOBIE -This 10-foot monohull is the llC\V· est addition to t he I-Jobie Ca t family. It is the onlv strictly monohull produced by Coast Catamaran and was designed specifically for the junior single- T"·o new classes of sailboats Three ra('('s v.·ill tx> s:i1!l'd -Guide Set are expeclcd to boost lhe en-\?.'O on Saturday. April 27 ;.ind try list in the London Bridge one on Sunday, April 23. The updntl'<i ChartGuide f11r Hegatta al Lake Havasu April Entries close Apnl 20 but Catalina Co\•es boating, diving 1 27·28 to more than 2.50. addllional registrations 11•i!I be and !i.shing may be obtaint'd :-.1"ri1·• "!I< .1nll'I!' ·" 1111111·' ,1 11.·ll .i• 111<11• ··11•·1,ol ··'•'n"' ••fl llio· po ·•>pli• ••I lho• llr ,1u~ .. C ••.o•I !1,1 \• 1«·•:1 .11!1••11 .. l•••lll •••llllli>Ull•,11· I•• l'•·••l•I• 11,,I!\ I .••II••' f...1•1»r. !1•'\\\'•\ 11n·!11l"r "' llio· l'•••)'l•· :-0·••1••11 •l.111 11 ,,i,1,·1 • .i .1 ,i,. 1···· 11{ JHtln1.1l1.111 1r••111 1',111t.•rn1,1 ..,t,.t1· l 1111,·r·1!1 .d !.>•ll; I\.·" II I .111111· I• "''I ~Ill\! l•,,1'1 111111' 1011,111! .t 111.o•!o•r ·' 111·;.:rL'i• l!I '"'·•I ,,nj,,.1 ,,! I! I "'ii• ''"<'l •·d l.11 1••U• 11f"' IJ,•,ol• lo1r 111•\.\·li·'l"'I'• 111 tho• :-0.:111 (,,d:111·I \.+11°·1 .•r•·., h··t"I' 11•111111~ lilt• 1i.1d1 l'il"I •l .111 111 !''•-':-Oho· h.1• lto•+•ll Hn 1hL· •1.Jll 11! I 1·•oi1I•· 1 i.or111. rl1 \\ 'litl• n' ..,,., 11••11 , 1, t •lo•' ·h• , .orno I•• th• li,11]1 l'il"r [_}i_p,vlej is the Daily Pilot's Award-w i11ning section for wo me11 ( a11d other people, too) Sunday is Flltl&AY Tht• new classes added to acCC'ptcd "'·ith the p..'ly1nent of by mailing $ 2 . 3 9 10 this year's regatta are the a S!O late penal1y ChartGuide, P.O. Box 2111. Hobic-12 and the Prindle-16. In "'\'c do not ant icipate the Anahci1n previous years the list has fuel shortcige 11·111 have a Fonnerly called Catahna !:ctn limited to Hobie Cat l<ls significant t'ffcct on !he regnt· I/arbor Gui1\r. the nc\\ :id· and 16.5 and the P-CalS. t~1 .'' said Robert r . ~lcCultOC'h. dilioo hns ~vised and :idth•d Ne ·1v flobie C"t Racer Joins Fleet in the l1).jj\iiji!1}j Last year !here 11·erc 249 race director. "Suppliers at boaung l'Ourses. ney,· locatinn 1 l ~~~~~~-~-~"~·~-~-·~·~Llbo~ot~s~in the regatta. makini; it l . .ake lt11·:isu City pron1i~c ruunt'!', addetl sho r e I 1 n t'I the targesl inland sailing event there. v•11I be enough fuel to telephonl's and Avulon rn1.10 1r· .. ------------------------------..1 in the U.S. get the rompt•tilors home." ing numbers. ______ ___c ___ ------------------ Coast Catamaran. n1anulac· lurer of !he lamed Hobie 14, 16 and 12 foot catamarans has announced a new addition to its family of sailboats -the Hobie-JO. linlike the others in the Hobi e stable. the flobic-10 is a n1onohull designed cspeei::illy for y0tu1g sailors. The ifobie-10 offers high performance and good slabili· ty. according to Hob ie Alter. designer of the Jfobie boats. It ls made of ABS-Acrylic plastic and weighs approxiinately 100 pounds. Some or its features include a kick-up rudder, ad· justable centerboard, large sclf-b::iilcr and telescopic tiller extension. The boat is easily trailerable or will fit into most station v•agons_ or can be car-topped. The ilobh.'·10 is being manufactured in C o a s t Catamaran 's new Irvine plant. Beegle Cup Captured By Debra Debra. skippered by Hichard Rauff the host cfub \\'as the overall "''inner in South Shore Sailing Ctuh's Clyde Beegle ~lcmorial Trophy rac(' of the I Ji-Point Series last Saturday. Final results: OVERALL-(\) Debra: (2) Charlotte. LA'e Painter. SSSC : (3\ Puff. Rick Cronholm , SSSC: 14\ Spirit, GClrdon Larsen. SLBYC: 15) Nikki II. John Kinkel , V\'C. CLASS A-(1) Debra; (2) Puff: ~3l Spiril. CLASS B-rt1 Charolotte: 12) Nickki II ; 13) Pegnsus. J erry ~1ontgomcry, CBYC. CLASS C-~ 1 l Tigress. Gil Knudsen. SSSC :1 2 ) lfampshire Rose , De n n is Burnett, SSSC. Suyulu II Leads Race P 0 RTS~·I OUTH. England (AP) -Sayul.!1 II of r.texico held a narrow lead Tuesday as I h c 25.000·mi!e round·the· ...,·or\d-yacht race neared an end. Saula II held a lea d of only hours o\·er Adven ture of Bri- tain on over-all hnndicap lime as the leading yachts l)assed through the Bay of Biscay . ac· cording lo organizers I n Portsmouth. 11·herc the race startl'<i Sept . 8. The elapsed time leader \\·as Great Britain JI. a 72-foot British ketch. 1o1•hich s\J!hteQ about 50 ntiles sou\h\vcst of \'shant and was ex~ted to reach here \Vednesday night or early Thursday morning. It 24-hour uc.urity gate-gu•rded community Gunrise Country Club ~:t-->..dc- Palm Gpri118s Resident Director of T1nni1. CoKh •nd C•p· uin 1972 and 1973 U.S. Davia CupTHm. ~,a Architectural Integrity. Th M~l Beautiful Bar8ain in lhe World (}nc. t"'o and thr~·bedroon1 condom iniums on lhc rair\\ay frorn $33,995 to SG9,995 Here is th most exciting and dynamic concept in desert livi ever offered . Ownershi fa beautiful, singlc·story, fairway condominiu on fee land in a 24·hour gat~· guarded com 't plus all the advantages of beionging to the m elegant, private golf club and tennis club for the price of condominium ownenbip alone. ·-Your proprietary membenhip rights in ix;th the golf and tennis clubs are included in the pun:hase price of your condominium and remain with your condominium. To make your investment even more valuable, )'Ou'll find only four single-story con dominiums to the acre. Spacious, luxuriously appointed one, two and thrce·bcd.room condominiums as only Sunrise, the desert's most succeuful builder, can build them. AU in a location that is becoming one of the desen's most popular and sought al\ er, Visit Sunrise Country Club now, With more lhan 450 sales in the last 6 months , Sunrise Country Oub is lhe desert's most sucessrul community ever. A Dcv,)opment of Sunrise Corporation California • Arizona • Nc\'ada rrr,on l'~!m "fl'll C', 1 .1~~ II"' 111 ~,.,d\.IO'i1 ,1 ,...,..,,,,..,. <:1.i.!1 lh •r.,r '""•''·· ~ ,, .. ~ ! • • I ~ ..,,.11,. '( Pll01 Wtdn«day, April 10, }q74 THE FAMILY CIRCUS By BU Keane • ' ........ , .. o•• f•·•• ·• \1 I .... "Stop thot woi t1n'. Jeffy! Don't you know there's on oil ~hortoge?" Catholle Reseureh Saliva Test New 'Contraceptive' VATICAN CITY lUPl l - Tests on a "'Oman's saliva might provide a new method or rorecasting the date of menstruation. making it easier to t'Ontrol births by the rh ythm 1nethod, according to Vatican lladio. TI1c Ron1an Ca tholic Church bans all artificial lor1ns or contraception, allO\\'in~ birth control Gnly hy n1eans of abslincnce or the Ogino- Knau s rhythm method . ortcn described by doctors a s unreliable. TllE RADIO broadc a s t Monday an interview wi th Prof. Salvulore T\laneuso of Home Catholic Universit y, a n1en1ber of the research team working on the new method. ri.tancuso sai d ii "·as still too early lo predict the reliabilit y of saliva tests although his team found the ehen!ica l eon1- position of saliva changes dur· ing and just before ovulation. J{E SAID HIS team tested lhc amount of Ci!rtain enzymes and other chemical in saliva. "and in some cases a varia4 lion of a certain stalistica l "significance "·as obser\'ed in the preo\'Ulatory s t a g e , especially an increase in the . salivary concentration of these substances. \\"hile there con· stantly \\'as a dropping off, a near-disappearance. of thc!\e substances exactly at the lime or ovulation." · \\'hen asked if Salh·a tests might help birth control by natural means, he said: "IT IS OBVIOllSJ,Y very premature to make conclusive considerations on this observa· lion. 'l'hese studies are now In what I would call a pioneering stage and many mo r e observations must be added to create a statistically valid group of data." lie said "it is possible that in th<' near future someone 111ay succeed in findi ng not on- ly the substance most reactive to ovarian hormones. but also a method lhat "i ll disclose, in a simple way accessible to everyone, a· variation a few days before ovulation and thus provide a natural fertility c.on- trol method.·• Ex-f oothall Stai· Faces Deatl1 Rap JACKSON, T\1iss. (UPll - Former colleglale foo1ball star Tommy Bout"·ell "'as released here in I/le CUS!ody of L..,s Ve,gas police for his return to t>.1evada lo face charges of murder and armed robbery. Boutwell. 27, fo rm er qu arterback for the Uni versity of Southern !\lississippi, turned himself in las t "'eek to .Jackson authorities. He "·as sought in r-=e\·ada in con· Toss Vieiv On Streak~ :'110SCO\V (UPI ) -The So\·irt nl'""S agency Tass explained ~lreaking as a pN•t.::s1 a g a i n s l the dullness or l'a pi I a l ist .society. "It !!f quilr possible th nl strt•aking is just a passing phenomenon." Tas!I said in the first So\·1et ro1n- n1ent on the craze for run· ning nude. ncclion \\'ith the nlurder or the \\'ife of a Las \1egas casino slot manager. OFFICERS SAID he y.•aived extradition and left Jackson Tuesday. Boutwell U"l\s \\'anted in connection Y.ilh the fata l stab- bing of ri.trs. t.farvin Krause, 64. in an alleged robbery Jan. 14 at lhe Krause residence in a ·l :.as \'egas suburb. 'The vir· tim's husband y.·orkt'd as slot manager of Caesar 's Palace hotel<asino. Investigators said I he \~·on1nn "'aS killed and her hus. band injured when '"'o men "'Caring ski masks entered their home. LAS \1EGAS police said another suspect. identifit'd as J erry \\'eakland of Las Vegas, \\"as arrested last month in lhe case. Bout\rell . y,·ho still holds a sc hool record at Southern l\tississi ppi for most passes lhro"11 and CCKTiplcted in a sioglc game. played briefly for the r.liami Dolphlns following graduation. He al!IO played In the canadian 1'4 ootball League and \vith a se1nipro team in Las Vegas. GOOD FRIDAY l The Little Church By The Sea • will be open for your Meditation-Prayers -Scripture Roodlng I I :30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. WodMsday l'rayor MoetlncJ 7:00 p.m. Sunday School I 0:00 o.m. Sunday Worship I I :00 Cl.Ill. UY F. CURTIS, Mlolst.r Phone 494-6400 Jtle1ital lll1aess C11re Just Ask the Witcl1 Docto1· PlllLADELPJflA (li PI ) - A clinical psychologist who spent ty.·o years studyi ng hoy,· Tanuanian y,·Hch doctors treat mental patients ti.as concluded that lci;s primitive cultures "ha\'e a IGt to learn" Crom 1.h<'m. "\\'estcm mafl is in a staic of turmoil about the values by 11·hich he LS gorng to llvc ... no one i.s trealing the real pro- blc1n," llr. llerbcrt Rappaport of Temple \Jnivc ri>ity s.aid. ""'e do have a lot to learn from them." Rappaport said lnterviey,•s with medicine men in Dar es Salaam and tiny African tribal villages convincl'd him the w itch doctor s "'e r e "charasmatic men" who have an "aslute a"·;1rencss" of ho"· such tilings as jealously or fa1nily ('Ol}f!icts can affe<'.1 people. lie sa id n1ed icinc men son1elin1(' pr~r1bc herbal remedies. pc.'fforrn an ex· orcism rite or o t h e r Cfremooies to relieve their pa- tients' mental problems. Rappaport, given a tv.·o-ycar Fulbright fcllo"·ship to study the Tam.anians, said that in a rile ca lled Tambiko -usl'd to overcome bad luck -a 1>erson's relati\'CS participate in daOC"CS, rituals and feast~ to hcl1> rid hitn of ['111!1 :tnd ff'ar. ' ,~. ~'J "' -.; . ... . . . . ' ' ' Seeks Seal ~1rs. Diane Rider. a reg. istered nurse and lob- byist for the Colorado r\' u rs e s Association. said ~1onday she ..-·HI seek GOP nominatio n for the ltouse of Repre· sentatlves. She is the former hliss Colorado 1971. Hcl!e nt's Post B~RKELEY IAP l -Sail Fr.tnclsco attornty Davtd J: ~tcO;:inial has been namod f'l4 J offl<"io rtgtnt o( the Unlver&.i.tY of Call rorni:i by virtue of h\s election to the ~1edwllcs Institute presidency, t be unl\•ersl1y a n n o u n c e: d . ~le Daniel , 60, replaced Joseph A. loloore Jr. as president of l-===-=---=o~~~=---='-:'.the::...'.ln::'s'.'.tl"'.:tute. • FUE LECTURE OH CHRISTIA.II SCIEHCE .,... Wey N Hopt ... Fr11d1• .. IJ.y , ... .t.. lrk•- THURSDAY -A,._IL I I -I P.M. SECOMD CHUICH Of CHllST SCtlKTtsT 1100,.cific V .. wDr., C-dltM• ·-- Any store can have big savings after Easter Pantyhose NOW 99¢.nd 2/$1 , Reg. 1.29 and 77~ 20%off no-seam bra 1.99 Reg. 2.49 Just lhe thing under knits. l ots ol stretch, plenly ol oomlort Polyosler/nylon spande1 doublellnlt. Whlle, 32·36, ABC. Sale. Shaped brief 2.99 Reg.4.50 ) \ I ;·· /· • ' J? \V I ' BUENA PARK ...... °'=+"-" 0,.. hlr f\Jt .. f\JO ,...._ -..., I 0 .. f I I ' ' ORANGE Clty0r.lf9 .... ._.,..,.. °""" '°'' , .. hly s-.., 10 .. ' \ 20%off our entire stock of men's dress shirts 4.00 10 6.40 Rf9. SS to SI The colon? The great es I. Wlielhef you're a sot id type OI' run to palletns, yoo11 tlnd 1 lavorile In 1n 61Sl"C81"• polyesler blend Iha I stays fresh wash 1tter wash, never needs ironing. long or short sleeves, too. 20%off our entire stock of ties 1.20 1.$4 Reg.1.5010 SS 20%off all fashion jewelry All our baubles 'n bangles in thoseoreal 90-wilh shades. now on sale. Hurry over. PicA up all the Easter trimmings. JCPenney 12J ~56 id9 0 9 ·-··-·-·-·"·~-· CHARGE lT w •lh your JCPenney Cnargc Ca1d. llyoudontr"ia'lle <i charge. , 1us1 see now last we can ~ open uoyQi.r new accounl · . SANTA AHA j l ffo s. . .,...,.. . Ka. •• s.. c .. ,, ,,.,. °'" 10.f , .... o.u.,. ,_. ... , 10 ••• '" • • B Da par ner ( ·11 ~ LO •. P'lc sing '''hat that. mar IJ:.i Frid; his s Ra"· O\'e Hor lhe suici ··p not 1ra1 no1t:i do 1r ha pp .Judy said. ~I L lins foun< in I ~lar they kilfi Offi us:i n Cf"nl Be fold Dam ry Ang Uan1 In <!Ctr drug D Raw kille back her "'S the """n • • Ul"I Te!1,not1 B1•oad1vay Debiit Danny Th o1nas ancl his daugthcr. ;tarlo enJOY a part y foll o\ving 7'.l arlo's performan ce 1n 1-lerb Ga.r d· ner 's ·1'hieves' \rhich opened this week in Kew )'ork l'ily. Da111011e Def ends Ma1~1·iage Plans LOS AXG F.Ll~S 1:\1'1 - .. P1ccisc understand:· said si nger Vic Llan1ont'. ··1 r~ not \\·hat some people think it i~ - !hat l'in bur~·ing 0111' ll'lfc <UH.I niarryi ng ano1h{'r ... IJ111nonc is getting 1n;1rried Friday -three ~'eeks after his secood \rife. actress J ud~· Ra\\·Jins. ~iM of a drug overdose at her home hci;c. Her death has been listed by the coroner as a possible suicide. .. Please understand !hat l'ni 1101 a heavy. tt1ar I had nothi ng to do \1'ilh 11·hat happened to .Judy." he said. !ll iss H;1•r- lins :J6 11<1s found dr:id DAMONE in hr r l:cd !\larch 28. Polir!' ~aid lh;.t they found a bolt ~·' ni p:1 •1l· killing pi lls on her ni~ht~l;•rd . Officers said sht' had b"i·n using the pills :iltcr son·c rl'- cent deni al 1rork . BC'Side her 11·as a ne11spapcr folded lo an arti(·!e abo111 Damone. 45. planning to mar· ry Becky .-\nn .Jones. 2G. of Los Angeles. \ltss Ravdins and Damone 11·rrc di\orct'd in 19i!. In 1970 f)amone's first l'nfe. actress Pier Angeli. died of a drug Ol'Crdose. DM10NE SAID :0.1 is s Rawlins had been ta king pain- killers for years because of a back condition. He \\•as sure her death Y.'as an accident. "She "''as in deep pai n. and the dental work just com- pounded it." he said . "She's !liken 'too many pills bl'fore <i nd had to go to th\! hospital. I don·t think she kne11· 11·ha t she 11·as doing . "I \\'as crushed 11·hffi .Judv died. but I !ol'e Bec kv and m~· thl'l'l' li!lle gi rls . need a 1nother. It 11·as no suddrn thing. \Ve have been planning to get married for l\\'O years. Judy kne11· th is. "I HEARD ABO UT J udv's death before sho1v time. bu.t I !i\ill 1rcnt." he said. '·Ho11· could I do ii? Because I had nothing to do y,·ith il. and I ha ve fou r mouths to frcd. "\\"e 14-·cre planning-to get married i1nmediately, b u t :.ifter J ully's dt•nth \\'C post pon-ro th ings indefin itely. Then "·c dreided to go ahead. \\'e \Vere 1 hinkiog mostly of t h e children. Becky \\'ill be a fi ne n1other." The 1narriage '"ill be the first fo r ;\11ss J ones. 0 A ~1 0 NE SLPARATED fron1 :\liss Ra\vlins in 19i0. He \1 as married to :'\1i5s Angeli from 1954 to 1958. The 39·year· old actress "'·as found dead in ;i Beverly Hills apa rtment. She had been taking drugs for :1 stomach co ndition. but cor· oner·s investigators "'e r c unsure \~rhethcr 1hc fatal overdose "''as accidental or suicide. Damone \1·as interl'iC\\'ed by te lephone in Las \1cgas. l\"cv .. 11·\1erc he is starring 3l the .\IG~f Grand Hotel. He sll'id that his singing career is '·just going alon~ like old man ril'cr." He said hr \\'as making Sl00.000 to $400.000 an nually. • WESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY • COLLEGE OF LAW OF ORANGE COUNTY CAllFORNIA'S LAR GEST LA W SCHOOL OFFERS A CHOICE OF FOUR PROGRAMS OF LAW STUDY, • IN l lTHll 21/1 •• l Yl"RS cf fUll·TIMf ltw 111-d~ 11 s .11i clou·ao,., ~"~" P•' -..oe •I, or • JN EITHll l 'f• •• 4 Yf ... IS of '"If.TIMI dot ~~t~rng, '" wtt>end l•w 1•uo'~ (l don•• per w~•~. J.• l>ov•i por clu1I, ., • You c•n ••'" ya~r JUl lS DO( 101 [J D 1 oe~•~• '"d becCl"'t ' ELIGIBLE TO TAKE THE ' CALIFORNIA BAR EXAMI NATION WllTI O• 'HONf fO-(AT ... lOGUI 800 South Brookhurst --An.iiheim 92804 17 141 635-3453 APPLY NOW FOR THE FALL SEMESTER, BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 5, 1974 ALL FOUR LAW STUDY PROGRAMS AVAILABLE IN FALL 1974 111.101/'lll ltlGll LI fO• n o1 u.tl' 1"WUO STUOINT 10.uo "''10\110 fOI VlTl •ANS . Reacl tli e Dail )'-Pilot ____ DAI LV ~l~J :f Casey Jo11es No Wo1ne11 ~s Lil1ber CLOVIS, '.'l.~I. (l'Pli - Casey Jones is right thcrl' n1ountrd to the cabin and riding the rails aboard J d1e:.cl locomotive. And she has the throttll' firmly ln hl'r hand. C.:ASE Y, \\'llOSE real n:1n1i' is Elaini', is u:iid. to be \h{' fir,\ 14-0man 1n the United States to Join the Brolhcrhood of l.ocomotl\'e I-:ngineers, lhe n:1~ t1on's oldest rail road un ion. She doesn't rega rd being a railroad engmee r a particu lar- ly d1ffJcult profes~1on for a 11ilm<1n and d~·~:i't ttunk of ht·r~clf as a 1101111'n's hbt·ra· ILon:ihst rl'en thoug h i-hc is an1ong onJy a fc>A' o! her St'X lin the JOb. ··1 couldn't ha cJ.. 1>1~111~ ii SI\ 1tchn1an... ~ti-.· ~ a i d . .. Thl·_y·rc on the i.:round 1n;1k- ing up lhc tr:un. I don't think a 110111:111 uiuld t:iko.: till' abt1«l· of that Job . ''IF' I \\'ERE a \rontcn's hb-- ber. I'd want a job hke that" (.a§(y, a ~year.aid mo thl'r ot tour 11 ,t, h1rf'<l l!I' !ht• SJnt.1 ~(' lla1!ro.11l l.1..,1 f:1ll Jnd >Aon t b<>eomt• :\ full·flcdgt.>d ensine1•r ~ •ff I 11·,•re n 11·0111- ,.,.., lll1brr . I'd 1ra111 1., no: th1· 1'J:-1t~~1 rh1ni: 10 l1·Jrn. ":\..·1 ('ral t1n1e.s J 1·c thou~ht 'I JU.St 1'an·t do i1 .· !Jut th<' guys g11 e nle cour:t~1•nirnL" she !>aid 1t•n11t fl j11f1 111-'f' SO.\JE or TllE lllt'll sht tl111t.• u nr~~ 1111h ari' proud of her "Shr ·s s11t guts or sh..: ~ ('OU!d11'1 gu 1!." said EH until ~h1.· f1ni«hrs :i school 111 • \loodv ·oad lo n a Am:irtllo. Tf':<. this !'pnng Sht• · , . · ' 1 rr. i. 11· i'> Olll' or 1hrl'l' 11.\)ffil'n sant.i I he n1an u·ho lurL'<I hi'r :-.11d F1· h1ri'cl as 1:tll(1nc~rs. :'>lrs. JOlll'S h;.is h:1d to JlUI up Shto adn1ils ihJt runn1ni-: ,1 \1 uh the {:1ct that ra1!roacl t ... llll n ,u't n t u,1.J to h.1\ 111g :1 11on1:11111 orku1t:: ll~ lh1·1r .. idt· "For Ln.~lanl·l' thr l:ini;tua(!l' ,1round het1' 1,11 ! thi• ~·-t ·· said \\ L \\"oouvn \IHS. JO;\I::.';' husli.111<.1 . 1:111, 1111r k., lvr th1· ~.1111~· Fl· ,,., •• br,1k1·11i:111 Th t: 1 r ch1ldr1·n . rHng1ng 111 <1it1· 1111111 2 (0 12. h,11·c :tl'l'l'P1l\.I hl'r nt•11 Job "Tht•y h;tl'C <1h1;1~s ht•.1nl 1111! l:dk ,1buu t \\"Otk. ilnd now Lh<"Y JU~l f1i;url' :\!Jtn u 's gon1• to 11""0r k. too." shr :-. .id UPI ltl._..!f 'BRAKE ' .TIME Engineer J ones We're saving you riow, when you need it most. ' -. ----.. -··-·-· JC Penney '2J 4 ~6 18~ c 9 ·-· .... ·-···-··--- CHARGE IT W•l"I )Ou• JCP+>l'\n"y C"l;irgr CJ'C 1#...~-I lt)ou aon r n;i, .. a c".;11r,e, just :;.ee how !J<! ~.e C.1'1 OO"f'I up your n~,., <11..Lourot - ; . ' ---;::__i __ ~~ J ---... ... ~ """'-~ ~--_.,. Get in the swim of things and : save. One and two-piece suits in wild prints 'n colorful solids. In quick-dry fabrics that'll keep their shape. And yours. BUENA PARK •1eti at OrMf'~ 0,.:11 o.n, t:JO to t!JO p.111, 5vrttt•y IO· to 1 ' , ·-.. .~ ~ , !-•• • i ' ' \ I -...;.. --ra ! _,,.__ I i , \ f I Our entire t t ' ., • , ' ·stgckof Women's Sacks $7 nd.up ' l , ORANGE c11., Or. at Gw•" Gro•t l l•d. Opt11 10.• p.11'1. Dilly Su11da., I 0 lo 6 ~- I .- -' ·\ r~ ; I . / ':,. ·---~-.. ,.-~-p~~" ----,l• -J • \ \ \ • t I I .- :tir I . . ; I I omen's lt'ashion. to , \,.$_4 B!l~ I • i I • .. , '· .. 1L I L -' ,.,,.--·, ~·-: ~ I . -~ , A$upel"'t:rop f gr.e<P4oolc tc{ in~ 't · eshest fa9rf'~~colors,-;. p~ s1n st~le ' could find. j An easy-car o ;&.o they'll k//p miling . a~ after_ wash. ~ 1~ .,J •\ .. •' ' ~-......_~ \ ~ •j .~ '.) -. -..-ii : ' ..... SANTA ANA l •OO So. l rillol · "4o. of So. Coo11 "''' Ope11 I O·t P•"" 01lty S..11dor I 0 lo ' - l r 1-1 OAIL.V PILO T Slocum 'Plea Rejected Jzid ge lT1 on't Reconsider De 1J.ial uf Probutio11 DY TO:\I 8<\RLF:Y of IN O•llY l'llel il•ll \ancy F1·nno m1rtnt IX' l'lldtHlRC'rcd 1/ Slo<:un1 \.\Crt' fre ... · 011 prol).loon ilr bi.ul SANTA A~A --A Inst nunute bid b1· Dr. \\1esley Gardner Stocun1 to prc1t>nt his shipment Lo stale pri!IOn "~ rejected late Tuesd<JY at the conclusion of a bil· lerty rought Orani;ti County Superior Ccurt hearing. :'llllS. FE\',~O. \\ho l1vrrt 11·11h S-IOC'11rll <it his Bi1·<·r11id1~ hor111• 11!~1lc h1· 11 11s undergoing-triul on !ht• urand !lu·lt chnrgt•s. 1rc;tifiL'<i th:.H SloC't1n1 p;1id l;1rl.(c· su1ns ol n1011cv In )X'r"on:; 11)H) crC'at••d d1sturban<.'<'S ui 1hl'' l'Ourtroo1n during lh1· Judge Hannon G. Sooville refuS<'rl 10 reconsider his earlirr dfniat of probauon for the former Costa Pilcs:i physician 1u1d ordered his imm«iiatc tr.:-insportation 111 the stalC''s Chino facility. trial. · S~-, S\)ld hi.~ iHITI 113.~ llJ lll<Jkt' \1,J(• lat'( (,f his carllt>r 1nurdC'r trial kno1111 10 Jurors :ind Thus conipcl lht• 1.°0url tu Lav.1·crs for Slocum . 47. ~1){'11 1111sul'· cl'Ssfully pleaded for 1hc1r cl1e11t to he freed oo bail pend.in~ a hrarin.: o! the a\~ peal they filed 11ftcr they lcfl J ud::;t• St'oviUe 's cou r1 roon1 . Nl 1'EU SOiHE .J/EJ,P JVTTll l'OUR TAXES~ JUIXiE SCOVIU..t: had ·~arlicr -.:er'" tcnt'Cd Slocum to one to JU }'('<.1rs in ~late Sr\~T:\ A.\'t\--Orangr Coun1ians ran prison jlftcr a jury found hini guilty uf rcc<·ive son1Cl last minute h('lp in prC'par- mulliplf' ctlArges nf grand th<'fl in 1ng their fOOcra! 1nroine tax n•t u111s defrauding of lhc state's 1\lcdi·C<il pro-Ho1urday \\hen lhc loc:ll IRS office \\ilj gram. v • • I "lie S\\'indled th<-stale out of rnOrl' r£'main OJ>f'n from 9 a.in. to 2 p.nl , 'fo than $200,000." Deputy Otslricl Attom<'y taxpayer convenience before 1\londay·s Rich Farnell rcn1indcd Judge Scoville. filing deadline. "The only place for 1his !~1:111 i~ stat\.' The Orange Cow1ty office is loc:itrd in prison." !he City f'inancial Ct:nte r. :! C11v Farnell also retni ndcd Judg:e Scorlllc Boulcv;ird East in Orani;r. and telep hone that the life of key prosecution 11 ic.ness inquiries 1nay be dtrrcll'<I to 836·2:laJ. Co111put~r Progra111 Ref11sed SA NTA ANA -Orange County supervisors have rc- jedcd a systc1n of com- puterized health screenings for coun~y employes propoSC'd by County lfeallh Officer John Philp. Instead they ordered Philp lo cornc back v.·i1h a new pro- gram lhat would provide for complete phys i ca I ex- aminations for all current and prospcclivc e1nployes. Philp's pro posal \\':IS for ex· pcnditurc of nearly $200,000 the first yea r and up to $150,001 a year thereafter on a systen1 or physkal screenings of en1ploy es and applicants. PlllLP'S PROPOSAt ca lled for questioning of all e1nploycs as to physical hCallh und perfonnance of e o 1n p I e I e physicals on only tho se employes ""·ho are susp«led or having some kind of ail· ment. Supervisors 'were told all the data could be fed into a com· puter for instant recall. The main goa l of the screen· ing process is to cut dov.-'TI on potential insurance liabilities among cmploye:s or job <ii( plicanls. the board was told. ---- The STYLIST· stretch-stitch sewing machine gives you so much for the money! •HJ' 3 built -in '>lre1ch ~•1tlhr, plu~ bu ilt -in lig·tJg, IJ.,h1on .111d hlind ~l itchi: .. ~SI ltch·'l'ICl ti on t.11.il .ind .. 1i11. h · width di.ii • S\'lf-1 hrl'Jdini; t.11-.C·up k·vl.'r clin1in,11c,~·yl'lc11Ju c.uJtng • Pu,h·bul Ion I l'Vl'l 'C lOl11l nl •Smooth llow IJbric fl'Cd climin.ite .. de<:lare a mistria l. Slocurn 11·as acc1uiUcd 111 the same tuu11roun1 four years ago on charges 1ht1t hr killrd ;ind cli <on1cmberl'd his ln- t:.int daui:ht('r and s1lrfft.'tl her rf'rn;iin:. in 1 a ft<'t11•r 111 his ~1 L\~a Ve rde tmmr . Tht> j!l'ISll' <liSCO\'C'ry or th1• Sl'\'Cral part-cls,hl' lllO\ 1ng rncn ll'd 11) tus arrest and a trial in 11'n1t·h hi$ v.itc 11as till' key prOSl'L'UllOI ~ \\j(JJ('SS. . FAH~t'.1.1. ltt:Vl\'ED tl'll' 1nurdcr allrf.'llion 1n Jucl~c Sro\'illr's rourtroorn l·y dc<'lnring: "Slocum gol a11ay \\ith r11unl1'r. .. li e bc:it his {'hlld and admi\lC(J 11•h1lc he was drunk that he n1urdcred her nnd p111 her rf'm.1ins in th(' frcc zrr," Farnell s~id . lie rC've;1led oulsidr !he eourtrornn 1hat ~frs. Frnno rcpQrtcd 1ilat st:1te1ne111 -to police shortly hclorc· she left the • fii\'l'rsidc •oomc in fea r ror hC'r life. JudgC' Scoville rcjecl('d the deh•nse sL+t!j:!1·stion that ~!rs. Ftr1no madl' the slat~mtnl ;is' ~1 ··$pu rnt.'<l \\'Oman 11 ho 11cll kllO\\'.<; that she h::1s nothing to fL·;1r fni tn Dr. Slocun1 ." "I ha\'e heard nolhin::,: tha t could 1>crsuadc n1c to change 1ny c;1rl1cr ru!- 1ug," he s:iid. "The .~cntcncc is t'Qllfi r11u.'<l ;ind Dr. S!ocun1 11·i ll be tra11sported !u thino r11r1 h11irn:· f'5Jt -~J .. But Philp 111as chanengcd by Superv isor Ra lph Diedrich. \vho said employcs could lie on their health questionnairt,,; and there would be no wa y to catch up with then1 . bunch ing ·~~~:--... .ii,_,IQ .. l.:!lll:::i: Jnd pulling '--,~--Jo ____ _ ONLY "1108 HAS poor ph~·sician followup and could rc~ult in losses 10 the county.'' Diedrich said. "A good. complclr physical exam is bcllrr lh;in !his." Philp argued that !he one doctor and l\\'O nurses he i~ asking for \\'Ould be sufficient to handle the program and he said very fe\v lies ~·ould br !old . "Certainly this is not a lie delrctor test. but we should be able to keep up ~·ith most of lhe e1nploy-es:' he said. BUT 01,EDRICll tllOUi;hl othcl"\\·isl' <ind \\'On board ap· pro1·al for a study of n1or~ cx- !('nsivc -and possibly n1or<' costly -co1nplete physicals for ;iU rmployes :ind pros- ix·ctivr hires. SuJ>('n"l:'M ltonald Cas~:rs voted against the more ex- tensive rxarninations 0.--cause he.. said the number o( health clain1s ai?ai nst the rounty's. pol icies weren't enough lo justify the expense. But Supervisor Robert Uilt· tin said the county doled out $1.3 million in· insurance claims last l'ear alld anv si ngle clain1 ·could co<:.! a's much as 1he scrci.'n1n~ pro- gram. Coast ~tnd c u I A ~s wnes Po~l Steven Richard Burlingham of Corono del ~iar tms ~n erecter secretary ,.,r DeHA Thcla Pi Li terary Society al 594'~:::: ... ~--~._ The FASHION MATE . 111 ZIG·ZAG sewing machine 11 does so much .f'f for so little! • 1\ll thl• convcnii'nc:c~ ot buil 1 · in ~\rJii:ht .ind lig-1..ig ~111 chc~ • 1 nccdlc po~ition~ .11 .1 lever\ touch • Bohbin winder rch:'.l'l! pr,·\'l'nl~ O\cr 1v1nd1ni: • Sn.1r·nn pc<'''l'r Ion! • EJ'\' l111J.:1'r tur1) lll'l'dll• in,t·ni11n II ~ ONLY \, . '• '"" ) ~ l..:--!...'._" <' • Q I :t,1!::-1' !/ ..t' l 77 l \1::. J $~'195 Versatile ZIG·ZAG ' sewing machine ~arryirtg case or cabinet el!lra ' • ~t'W\ buttonhole\, -,cw~ on buuon,, ovi'rcdgl'\, rTll'nd, , . , .111 11o·1thou1 .itlachmcn!, •Hinged pre~!tt:r lool let ~ you ~w over hcJVY f,1bric,, even over b,-h1ing pin~ • Di JI SCI lings to se lect jU\l the riAht tcn~ion ror your !Jbri(, Jnd thread CHOOSE THE SI NGER • SEWING COU RSE THAT'S RIGHT FOR YOU! Register now for your choice of 6 beginner, intermedia te, :tdv111y:ed counes. Convenient weekday, evening and Saturday classes. From S14.50 toS29.5Jl incl ud ing SJ.95 textbook. SINGER ~ Sewing Centers and participating Approved Dealers For store nearest you, see the yellow pages unde r SEWING MACHINES . ..,1ngcr hJ' J hbrr.1.t lr.1.dt·in pol!~v. 1\1~. J Credit P1~n is av~il•ble •t ~1ngtr !ifwln1t Ctnltr~ •nd m•ny Approved Dt•lfr5. .... Trm ..... ~ el rHr \!Ht.tit r O\IPA"'V (&OWl\Ctll c 191• rHr ''""(";lit CO"I'""" .... AM illill'I' ille ........ .i Tll•llllltl'Gllt """WOl'ld. Bob Jol'\CS Uni versity i "l =====~===--==~=======~-===========:=:=====I Greenville. S.C. ----- The llcritagc 111gh School gradunlc is the 50fl Qf ~lr 3nrl ~Int r .t:. BurlinAhnm of 12fn St<irbo:ll'd \\'n.v. lie i11: n sophomore n1 ~ j o r i n p io hl!Slory. Ti·y Sati1t·day's Ne ,¥s Quiz ' ' " .. -I • I • Hot-shot buys for shutterbug~. BUENA PARK • luclll .. Ore:spMtwpe J °""'.,..,. t:JO .. t :JO ,.._ _..., 10 .. 7 CHARGE IT with your JCPenney Cha1gc Card. II you don't have a charge. iust sec how last we can open up yqu1 new accounl PricK Effective 4 Oays ~ ORANGE City Dr ... ~ °"'9•• ll•d.. O,.• '~' , ... o.ity s...y 10 •• ' SANTA A ~A .. , 1'00 s.. "''"'.He .• t s.. c .. ~, "-• 0,... l~t ,. ... h6ly s. .. , 10 •• ' I • E I fAP) reti red dent o quirer. POM Fraser. lloll died ,. coach Gibson. an d J di recto the earl LA Dr. B '"""" his " Esper radio r 500 stat died M throo Spain a slations LOS Funera ~tonda 91, hol for the cushion Friday. as "Tif Ripley' for ru 1919 a in 19.tO. CUssen, CJCecuti world in 19'l9. Sunday LOS Salvato Italia De Joi.eD~ H. F 8t•t "-Of! S9•vlt11 IN Mortu.ry. Flo M•i1 ,, ltl•. Nf •tl<lkncl , or.e '°" ,Ii .i1u;hte<", y HlllctJ!nlOll, tl>llOAn, F Bell BroMw ~·~e-n "' -pit'ltif llnd d~!Y. 1&3U B~I 8 ... WIST 427 E I , Coro no Co5to M II 110 McC llA 1795 MISS 2883 ,, " N•wp , COL 7801 B SMI ' .. , For the Record Deatlts Else-tfJltcr e was illTIOfl& lbe laa ol lf>e carousel horse carvers. v.'33 buritd Tuesday In llollywood f.1emorial Park Ct:metery. Cemlgliaro died of a heart. \ an\k Thursday . GLENDALE I UP I ) RUSHVILLE. 100. (UPI) -t~untral ser\'lces '!'W be held J•bfllp H. Wllltk, 5". son of fo~riday for Robert Gohllttln, l!MO. Republican presl~tcuial 70, nlOvie p~uccr a n d nommee Wendell L. \\ IUkle, former head of production at v.·as found dead today In the 'l'wcntltth Centqry Fox garage ot his Rush County studios . Goltlstein died or a farm home near here. Willkle cerebral tiemorrhage in his- apparently died of natural London home ?IJonday, his causes. fomlly announced here. WASHINGTON IAPI Edwio G. Neurtf, 90 1he first chairman o( the Prtsldenl's Council of Econom1c Advisers. died Sunday. r{ourse, wro headed the council during the. Truman .administration, was -president ol Brookintr.1 fnstituUon, a private research organization in Washington. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Veteran radio n t w s ma n \\'hilelaw Rt!ld Leath, 42, codirector or public affairs for ~tation KGBS died Tuesday at his home In Pacific Palisades ;;ifter a ~gthy il lness. ,. - WES'J"PALM BEACH. Fla. r AP) ..._ Roger H. Ferger, 80, retired publisher and presi· dent of the Cincinnati En- ciuirer. died i\londay. PO~tONA r AP ) -llarry Fraser. 85, v.·ho directed 250 l lollf\\·ood films in 30 years. died Monday. Fraser. v.•ho coached such stars as Hoot Gibson. Rex Bell. Tex Ritter :ind John Wayne, was a director of \Vestem films in !he early da ys of HDll)"vood. LA CRESCENTA (AP ) - Dr. Braulio Pe~z l\larclo, 70. known for three decades for his "La Voz De La Esperanza" (Voice of Hope) radio religious broadcasl8 to 500 stations around the world. died Monday. He was heard throughout Latin America and Spain and on Spanish-language stations in the United Stales. LOS ANGELES (AP I - Funeral sen'ices were held !'olonday for TUfunl S. Denton. 91, holder of the world record for the longest nin in three· cushion billards wro died Friday. Denton, betl<r known as "Tiff " bas been cited in Ripley's ' "Believe It Or Not" for ruaning 17 straight balls in 1919 and equalling that record in l!MO. SANTA BARBARA (UPll - funeral services \\'ill be held Thursday for George T . Cussen. 71 . an air l ine executive since he went to work for Charles A. Lindbergh in 19'l9. Cussen died -Of cancer Sunday at Cottage Hospital. LOS ANGEGELES IUPll - Salvatore Cemigliaro, 9-1. lta1ian-bom \\"ood sculptor \\'ho Dealh l\'olice• ,.-4111.t.NKS h H. F1lrWnkl, .._!11"<!1 of LIMli>nl IL 0.f9 of -lh A11tJI 10, lt1•. rvkH l»fldtno. SMllll'!' L1<1un1 B11c11 Tuery, '9ol-1Sl5. WALLACK Mr l• W1ll.te1. O.te flf de11t! Apr!! 191•. N1!1v1 of 0rl l1fl. C:1Uf. Us! >idencl , S111 Cl-I& Swrvlvld bl' e "°" ,A.av W1lhr.c:t, S•n a-•1 LIQMeo-, Y¥Vf'I .... S)lllOlll ~r. "elr' chlnlOll, 1..Q1111 lllle!lf livl iir-l<ICI• ildn!t'I, FUllll'll Mt\lkw WR. lD AM, II Bro&dw,.Y Cti1pel. ln11rlll'llllll, F1lr· ven M~i•I P1rtr:, In lll U bf na-\. "'°"' wlihlni IO rMkl 6onellons, ell! ll'nd to The Am1r'k1n C1r1c1r S.- "'· 113$6 lrvlM 111va., Tuffin, c..n1. I &~r Morhurv:, d!r1e1or1. ARIUCKll I SON WUTCLIFF MOllTUAllT 427 f . I 7rh St .. Co~o Me10 646--4888 -·-IALTZ-llRGHON FUNIUI. HOME Corono del Mor CO!IQ Meio -·- 673-9450 646-2424 llLL IRCMUIWAT MORT\WIY } 10 BroodWO'(, Cotto M-so .548-3433 -·-McCORMICK LAGUNA HACH MOllTUARY 179.5 l ogu!IO Co11yon Rd. 494-94 1.5 -·-McCORMICK MISSION MOllTUARY 28832 Com1no Cop11110110 Son Juo n C1:1p11.1rono 495.1776 -·-PACIFIC VllW MEMORIAL PAIK ~Ao11uarv ClioP"'I 3500 Poc ·lie View Dt•ve N"wporr 6"oc.h, Cohlorn10 644·2700 -·-PllK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNlllAL HOME 7801 Bolui Ave , Wew111in1ter 893-l.52.5 -·-SMITHS' MOllTUAllY 627 Mo1n Sr Hun1ingron Bo!Ot"li Sl6-~39 Dissolutions Of Marriage THE NEPTUNE socrm Ctm•ltlt C,._lfllr ~ Wllfl ..... mlftltMift ., ... Tri. 1>1t111t1-lll 11""4t A""""""" Tt t"9 C:HllT l~\'tt· """'""' ftmtr•I Ctrntltl'Y 1'1'1Mllft 24 H•11r Ser.k• 714·•4'•74)1 I WtttntsdJy Aprlt 10 1"174 D.AIL V PILOT f ;; .. WMAT'S County Delaying THE MOST 1 COMFORTABLE Courthouse Job Work on Floors · PLACE IN SA~IA A:'\A Orang<' ('ouotv :.upt>r..-i~rs agrrcd 1\u.:sdny to finish off only t\\·o or th<' four sht.·11 floors In lht: U<'w t'OUrtl10u~ building even 1hough it m<iy l'OSt nnotht·r $310.000 to cornpletc the Job in a few ye::irs. The board had ~ nskcd by county Superior Court Judges to spt'nd S3.4 111lll1on 111 compete I.he floors since all av:ulahlc coonOJOfs ;ire no\\' oc·t:upiOO and the nutnber of Judgt.·s is incrc:is1ng steadily. At 1he request or Super\'ir;or ~al ph Oit'drit h. th<' co·Jnl}' Ul~"'~U~.~[t::Jl!.ij)~;:..;s;,!~ Building Services 0t_.par11nl'nl rrstudil'd th<' rl'<JUl'St to SN' hO\\' nwch roofn is n1 t•dcd 1111-I n1e<lia,tcly. Dimes Mai·clri11g Rot1t e Set A new 21).mile route ha~ been staked out for April :.'O \\'hen thou.sands or Orangl! O>untians JOtn the annu<il ,,_·larch of Dimes "\Valkalhon. ·· and "'·ind lhrough the cit~· of Irvine for ~ 111iles. ending b:ick at the courthoul'{ .. "\\ c <ll'C1ded on thts nf·"' routt bccaLLi;e 1hc ~lreets in th{· area are \\idc, thL'Y h:J\'l' blkl• ]Jnl'S and !/l{•y arcn 'I hc.l\'i\~· tr<1rcled, .. j)\1 l'llS :;atd. S!.'.lrt1ng lime ii;; bet11·<1l'n 7 .'Ind 10 n.rn. und anyOHL' 1101 fuu.shcd by 5 p.m. ~·ill bl! p1.:k· cd up by v.·alk officials. Last year's w a I k at hon grOS.'led 5-100.000 with 18.000 J>JrlicipnnlS. and Ov.·C'ns is hoping to collect $500.000 wi!h 25.000 p;1rlicipanl! this yt>ar. Acl!huonal 11t.lkathon in· Supcr\'iSOrs \1'erc told !hilt con1plction of the l\\"o floors \\"t)Uld sallsfy gTOl\l!l r(•(jUlll'· n1l•nts lhrou~h tht• t.•nd nf th~· dt.'C':ldC \\i1f'll the l 'flllllly \I di h;ivc mo~ th.111 ·HI 1udgl'~., ('Q!ll!):trl'd 10 30 to<l:1y, I !'u1X'rv1sors rt•Jrctrd a pro· po..:1 \ by Uuilding St•rv1t'l'S L>1· rl·ctor JOSl:ph Sn11M·li. to ap 1 prove all four floors rind th<•n phasl" cons1ructllln into t\'.o p:1rt~ . I Con1pli't1on of t110 floor"\ noy.· \l"Ou:d oost about $1.7 \ 1nillion but the CQsl of ron1· pleting the nt'xf t.,.,·o sc1·C'rril 1111!:i11011 and othC"r ('O~ts :Jf\' l.1kl•f1 111(0 ;!l'('QOU\ Aul ll1cdrieh J')Ulll'<i out I lh,1! ;1:) f1:\.'h <1S 18 (l!MI p1 I' y(';Jr i111n1eri·!it C<ltllrl hi.· :.:1\ 1·cl O\cr lht• [1\'0-\t'llr C'OllSlJ'Ut'!ll)!I Jl('tl'Xl by builtllni:t ool~ 1 .... 11 vf 1ht' four floors l"IO \\ 1'h:1t, )1(• Q(lld, 11111 b.11.iflf"\' off th1· <,'O'>l inrr1 :ist' t The d1•J11~n pnch.t~t' f11r 1!11· llr'>1 1\11) noor~ \\\'Ill l•l th.· llunt111Kton lh•::ich ar\·!1111···· 1ur:il f1rrn 11( Totll .uut 1'ruJ1J..111r S1ni~k f'"t11na11·tl t•t1n,1 ruct1on 11.111 tnkt' al1<1ut 13 ll"M•lllhs ont't' 1hc h1ds art· ;1p· ;irO\t"(I · 1 CHEVROLEASE LEASE '74 CHEVYS! low R1te1 • f1rly Deli very Ask for LIASI SPECIALIST I ••• HOWARD CHEVROLET -...1.rtfow & J•111il•••• l lw d1. H1w.-rt l••1h f'rtd Ch\.·ens, \\'alk co - ch.airman and (:Olden \\'~t College athletic director. s:iid the route "'ill be-gin at the Orange County H a r b o r ~·llllicipal Courthouse on Jarn· boree Rood in Xe\\ port Beach "1'ht• rout l' JS nmstl~ 111 non· rcs1dt11\lal areas \l'!th the b.ig· gc~t p.1r1 or the \\'.:ilk laking pl:1e1· out Jn the rount~. ·• forn1a11on m:iv be obta ined at all Ttr TO<' 1narkets. loc:1I stilools or radio slat inn K~~?.Y. vcars doY.'Tl the Vine could rise 133·0555 in more than S2 r111llion "·hen I'------------" ---------- Sears • Where Thrift Is Always In Style , I ' . -· IJI J•r i cr~ ~:rfrrti\'i' 1hroul!h !"a turdiJy, 1\pril IJ _.,,... Misses' and Half-size Dresse s In Carefree Styles for Spring ·= Assorted Handbags .~'I-!"' -,. ='t /~ ""' ,,,;,,~ 3 88 ( .1,u.1l .i nd drl"\I\ \I\ ll ' I J\h111nc-J ot 1 ,1fllr~1· \Jn~I In .1 nh.C scll \11011 ut l C1lur.s. CoS.t a l\'l esa Bue na Located On The Lower Level Snappy Junior Pant Se ts In Plaids, Solids, Prints1 Jacqua1·<l s c ·h01JSl' lrom this f.1nr.1 s11c ,s.:roup l•I p.1n1 set~ 1n a<~nrtl.'d l Olors ,,n,! l.1bric~.Jun111r'51ll ~ Ultra-sheer Pauly Hose !"11·a r~ 1,,..,., Pr1r1·! \\'1th rt'1nh1 rc~J f11l" .101! nuJt: hct..I H.un·ft.:\l~LlOf 0 11t ~Ill llf' '>i.l'iU Jb~ .. • Park 1388 .. lor.-Jl ,..11,...,: \lfln•I~· lhru :0-uturol•• Sears :1:1~:1 Uri<tol St. 8 1.';f) 1.u 1•nl111a \ \'('. Orange 2100 i\. T 11slin ,.\,,., ·•~.to \.\I,,., •1 ::to 1•.\1. l'lion•• .; to-:1:1:1:1 I' li on« 11~11,,J IOU l'l,onP fl :J7-2 111fl '""''"' 12 ''"'" '" :1 1'.\I. I I • THE WORLD? \\"hen you're t iretl nr sad or ill or }.!lad. v.ouldn't you say th;,t the v.·urlds' fine s t uud n1ost mai;:nifict'nt clt'l'tri<·~al\y 3djustabl,bell v.•ould Ile the n1os t 1·0111furt,d1ll' pl.ice 111 thL' \1'u1 lt1 " For OVC'r 20 y£':1r .... lht· folk<c, a t 1\tlJu~"':,\.ll t'd havt-• t:-1lked lo lhuu:.and ... ur)Ot1 thou..,;.a1u.J~ of IN..'Oplt• about th1·1r brclcl1111.; pruhlt·m~. Our :-ur\'<'YS .show t hat 111ost of lht'!iC JX--Oplc ""'('rc !'lcrp1ni.: on 11 ;.at beds \VhH'h wcr(' eilhi::·r I 1)11 :.ul t ~1r too hard ; too Ju1npy or too old. Tl\l''ic t·o11<llt10 11s "''Crl' l'11ntr1but1nf.! to in1prnpt•r l'<'"t ;111d hack prohh·n1s. Al :-.o, flut beds ;1r '• lotally l11;illeQu<.1t1· tor p1·u11tc ""'ho should ~ll'CP \~1th lhe1r hcatls or fct!t t·li·v-.itcd . J1irlurr-ynurs1•lf rr:1ding 11r \l.';1t£'h1n1-t ')'\t nr 1ry1n1-t to sll'\.'ll illl pn1p11··d up 011 pillows -shd1ng clown, r cadJUsl ing :.incl trying: to be co1nfortahlc. tlon 't you look just ltkc the n1;.an p1cturt'tl hcluv.'? Our f'nf.!inecrs :11 S]('C'r<'r l.ou11 gc Conip;iny havC' h C('n h u1ldin~ t he t·u rnplt·t1· ;Jl l·t•l cc..·tri1· 1\djU~t ·1\·H1 •d s Ill :ill ~I I.CS, l\\1 11'> In k1ni..: ... h1r ·over 20 )l•:1rs. :111d 1t '~. a('knowlCdJ!t...-1 In 111· lh<' finest, mosl 1nai.:111!itl'lll bed iu the v.·orld . The f.!i rl i n thr /\djusl ·A·Bcd pictured bclo\~·, as you t•:.in :ii'C, has propt.·r ~upporl for th>' C'lllJI(' 11·11:.:th nr her ~111-nc .•.'l'hl· hl·d. a real b:ic~;.ivrr. pro\ uh·, t11lat l'l~fort 111 any ul ~1 llKKJ l/O!'lturc pt·rf1·<·t p11~1tH10'> th,1l A<lJUSl·1\·Jlcd ut lt"l"I>. ·rhc master f'raf!.:;mt•n :1l AdJt1:-.t·1\ lh"'il l1udd 1 he~ .. muf,!n il1r·t:nl fir111111>s~1·, <•l prtc('S m1"l i'\1 •ry1J111· 1·;111 ~!IH,rd '"Ou ba\·t,: ;1 1·h1>1 1·•· 11 f 11\t' rnattrcss l11'fllrl"•'''' tnnn ,,,fr fo ~11111·1 111 111 J-:vcr;.·orll:ha-; ;1 11.1rl 11 ·11l :1 r 11 <.·cd o r , d!·'ll I.: \Vht:l1 11 l'tllllt'-. 1 •1 Jrl a!trr·ss f 1 rn1 11•·'~ s n 1·n ns ull \\"ith "111 h1·d rxp~~rt •; ;1 rld 1!1•t th•· proper lied JU'! tor ;.uu. ' 'illis i1 1t.djw1t-4·1ed crt>swd up!" AdpJ<;I 1\ l\t·d l ·~)J..s l1h(' \uur pi ,.,,.111 lk•d ;111d !11 "> ~·n ~ h 1•.i1lho,11 ii t•r h1·d~tt•;.id . ~·t· 1h1·111, lry thcn1 ;1 1 .1ny of flur ~ho..,,rn11ms illonclay lhrt1 Saturd:!)', 9:;JO lo 5:30. or rail fur pritcs and 1nform:.it1on. ADJUST-A-BED by Sleeper l ouni;ie Co • NEWPORT CORON A DEL MAR 3137 East t.oa'.t Hwy SOulh of Fashion 1-.lillrw:f 673-5655 ORANGE 41 1 Soutn Main Ni;ar F11;.ri1on Sauare 639-4142 • l f 6 DAILY PILOT ·· .. 61i>"6: ........ -., 'r'CllJ SJIOULO MARt.I ~\ '\•H~T Sf~i\frro\ AMO SAVf. WIUiiL.i OIL.! .. l'UB LI C NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IUPl!RIOlt COU!tT 01' TME STATE OF CALIFOllNLA P'Oll THI! COUNTY 01' 011.t.NGI! No. A·""1f t!OTICI! 01'" Hl!ARnfG 0" PETITION 1'011 PllOIATI! 01' WILL AND FOii LETTERS T&STAMIENTARY E1t1ft o1 CHAllLES E. kEATH, D,..;eall'd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhll! MAlltY COLLINS HEATH M ' l!leO l>lf•ln • pettnon IO<" l"robll• o1 w111 1nd 1or 11-J'IC9 ol L1ti-er1 'T"11mm10,.,. to lhe llefltloMr r1tll<'e1W:I to Wiiiet! 11 mMle lor Jurttier ri-•tlculor•, Ind !twit !ht lime Ind PIK• ol hNrl"I! ,,,., ... IN llK t>nn Ill fllf' All!'!l XI, 197._ 11 lt:lO 1.m., 111 IM o::iurtr.m ol Dt!Mlrl~I NO. l of wld .,.<our!, ti IOIJ Civic Cenllf' Orlv11t W111, In ,.... Clly of Sanll A,.., C1Jlloml1, Oal4d April I. \'74 WILLIAM E. Sl JOHN COlmly Clerk Fltl!OltltlCIC I. Fll1SCHLtNG, l!SO. Attomrl 11 Uw l"'t Vtt!tur1 lllvd., Sui11 7JI S11cl'*' Cllllornl1 'JJl• Tl'I; 121U '11-lt11 Allwnt' tor: .. ,1111-r PR·I" \. '"11bllshed Or•"ll• COo111 01/Jr P ilot. l·Prll '· 10, 16. ,,,, 111'·" PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION 01' .. ARTNIERSHI .. Pul)llc nollc• It her.Ov pl....,. 1n.1 D.,..ld A. Pr,et-J,,.,..., 400 Jlme• II . K11l):lo.. llut!Ofort dol"ll llU1!t1e11 vndtr IM lie· 111111111 l!rm "'"" '"° Ihle ol H1mllton· JoAn Co., t f, 14)u ScOfell Pint SI , C!JV <I l'01H1t1Jn VllltY• CovnlY or or.,>ge, Sl•lf af C•llfantl•, i:lld on Ille 11! d•Y of :111v, 1'73, by m1111.wi1 tonMnr. dl•~ve ,,. ••Id Hrl~lp 11td ft'rmhwre 11'1clr r.la. hons •1 1Mrlner1 1...,..in. S•ld bli•IMU In I ... !11111•• wll/ bt con-~ by J•mH It IC:>bl-. Wl\o wUI PA~•nd dl1d11rge •II U&bll!llH •nd deb!I di '"" llm •nd rk1lv1 111 monl11 IM'r•b'-10 me firm. F11rtlwr rootlet II htrel:t'/' Olven ltl&T t~ llfldt'l'llOn~ wtH not be r9Wl'On1lblt. from ,-,11 dl'f ll<t !Of" lnw oollo11rlon1 lnc11rre<i llY J11me1 R. Kubik In hf.• own n1me or in 1·~ n&lfll 01 1111 firm. OATl!D Al Fount1ln \11U1y. C1tl/fornl.i, l~b 9111 <11r of Ap•ll. !97~ DAVID A. PRYCE.JONES Publlsllll'd Or1nQ1 CGest D1llr Pll11! Ao•ll 1~. lf7( 1160·7' PUBLIC NOTICE . ""' su .. 1Ea1011 COURT Ofl T!iE ST'ATE Ofl CALll'OltNIA 1'011 THE COUNTY 01' 0411ANGE ... _ NOTICE 01' HEARING OF PETITION 1'011: PROIATI! 01' WILL ANO FOR ll!!TTERS TESTAMIENTARY Esl•ll Of HAROLD J , MOCll, AKA HAROLD JACl(SON MOCIC. D«Hwd. NOTICE IS HEJtEllY GIVEN lh1tl 1'111,.ltAM J#ICKSON MOCK l<•s 11111'(1 llHeln I Pllltl"" klr Prob!i!I of Wlll Ind for l11111nc1 or Let11rs Test1men11ry to tnt petitioner fl:f1t19rlel lo wlllen 11 m1dt •or lurtt..r 01rtlcul1rs, Ind 11\1! tl\e 1111"1 "'" Pl.cl ol lllfrlnq !fleo 1.im1 1111 m.n ,.., tor Aprlt JO, 1'it, 11 9.JO 11.m .. In 1111 ...,.,.,,g0m o• Of'o•rtment No. J ot Mid tour!, 1! 700 Clvk Cen•ttr Drive West. In 11\e Cily o! Santa An1. C1lllarl'!ll. 0.,ld Allril I, 1'74 WILltAM E, 5! J OHN 1 CC>l.Only Cl..,~ \'OOllHl"li:S, KNA•\.IE. VOOllHEl!S ANO WHITE 1lllf HIWlhOl'ft9 l tvd. Torr1nc1, C1tU . .OSOS Ttl: f21JJ J71-MM A1t~1 lor: perllloMr P11blli.hed O!'.in!U' Ca.ill O•l!y Piiot. April lD, 11, 11, 1914 1'5)-U PUBLlC NOTICI-~ SUPERIOR COURT 01' THE STlTE 01' CALl l'ORNI .. FOR THE COUNT'Y 01' ORANGE No. A·7'574 NOTICE 01' H EARING OF PETITION l'Olt PROBATE 01' WllL •trtO 1'0<1 Ll!TTEltS O II' AOMINISTltATIOH W!TH-THE-Wl&.L ANHEICEO E1111e at DI.Y ID l"SKEJI GEODES, :·,..,t•M!d NOT ICE I ~ HEQEllY GIV!:N Illa! '0HN A GEODES ~1s "It'd l'••t ln• 1 .·d ''"" '"" Pmb!t•t Of \'I/II llOd kif Wntt o• L•n~• <:>! lldml.,l11•11tlon ·~·•i..w111 1nMUlO lo I~ peUU-r fr1!\Cf tn wll!rl\ rs m11dti for t11•tll1" 1 •rlltul1trs, •ncl rri.t the 11~ ,.,~tf 11l1c1 ··~ • •· ··~ ··• •·-•orll JO, 1'14, 11 t:la 1.m , in tllt tour!._,, of ..-r1m .. 11 No l .1 \••a cou11, ~• roe lvlc Cl n1tr Od•f W1~1. In Ille City ol !•nl1 lln~ Calll<1•~I~. OllN Aorit I. lt74 WI LL IAM E SI J 0!1N CC>l.Onlv {!•• ••i[PHliillO, ~tlEf'MEll:O •NO OUNOAS .i.1tO'l'ner1 •I L•w ·111 DuPont Drivt S~•!t II lr~ifle, C~llfernl1 th44 Tol1 (Iii) Ill-Hit ,.uornev! I~•: Ptolllon•r P11t>llJnc<1 0..~n~o Co•\! D••lv !'lib!, ;pril IC. \I, II. 1914 11~-lt CHEVROLEASE LEASE '74 CHEYYS! Low R1t1s • f1rly D1llvtry Aak for LIAS! SPICIALISTI •• HOWARD CHEVROLET ,._Arthw I l•N•l"ff II.-"•· tM .... ,, h•ch 133-0555 ... ' i~ ' , Wednrsday, April 10, iq74 ~ ' .. ... , . " I . • I . . • Holiday in citrus-flavo red sun logs. No\v's rh c time ro sun and shine. Sun ... in coo l terry and th e briefest !ihort - short s to eve r beckon a tan . Shine ... in J cheery ca rd iga n knit, companion to a knotty haller. Tops S-M-L. Pants. 5 to 13. By Bronson of California. ·a. nylon and cotton terr y jacket, green, yellow, white, orange, navy, S-M-L $20 b. couon polyester short white, navy $12 c. cotton and nylon terry ha lt er gree n,. ye ll ow, white, orange, navy S-M-L $8 d. couon/polyeste r knit hal ter orange , white, navy, green, yel., black S-M -L $8 e. co tton/polyester ca rdigan orange, white, yell01v, black, green. navy, $11 f. polyester and rayon jea n pant , green, yellow, white, navy, and oran ge 5-13 $16 Come to a Bronson fashi on show in the Campus Shop, Thursday, April 11 al 2:00 p.m. at Wilshire, West L.A ., and Sou th CoaSI Plaza. campu s shop coord inat es & swim\vea r 43 -a ll 21 stores and the ne\v . may co fastiion place in ce rritos. Sun Togs ... EXPR ESSION74 MAY .CO ' • \ V.?!7 . -i:.. . < • " c " \ South Coost Plaza, 3333 Bristol St .. Cosio Mesa Shop Mondoy thru Fridoy 10 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. Saturday 10 A.M. lo 6 ' , . .. • 546-9321 P.M .. Sundoy ' ,• J.·· 12 • ... .. ,. •• • Noon to 5 • 1 " , . . · ... ~ ~ . / .~tf.~~ ' • P.M. / .~ c t p A' e i of A s p d' e 0 p s c a c fl ti c t s i t d - OAIL Y PILOT J 1 ------ Nut Hut's Nutty Signs--Takeoff on Bur1na Shave Da ys LOS ANGELES (AP J -J.~or the couple hundred thousand commuters "'hose rate It Is to drive lhe Santa ('rta Freeway eac\h day, al le'i'l ooe "'ighl moment ~s guaranteed. That's When they pass Chip- per's Nut Hut. a nut pro- cessing plant just outside the Los Angeles city limits. • ··Do it now 'A'hile you still have the energy,'' rend a re- Ct'f\t message. Anolher declare d : "Streakers repent • your end is in sight:• On April Fool's Day. com· muters were told, "Senate cancels \Vuterg1Ue hearing. April rool." SEVERAL Vt:ARS earlier. FOR 11 YEARS lhe daily "'hc>n Mayor $.3m Yort)' was messages on a Large sign on Tht.' author of the messages is a former ncwspapc.-r1 nan and headline "'rller. tlugh S. Doddridge. Doddridge, p~S•· dent ol !he Nut }fut. doesn'l find ii difficult to come up with bright lines -he used to "'rite them in the 1930s for the Ne\\' Y<>rk Dally Ne"·s. ··\\'hen you're thinking signs you come up with '"'O or three togelhcr,'" he says. ·'You sec some1hing. Or hear something on the rndio. Then you play "'ith the \\'Ords." the root hav~ amused coni-feuding "'ith the Los Angeles mulers and helped relieve the Times the ·sign read: "L.A. tension of driving one of the Times nanles Yorty ~-Ian Of \\11 EN S\\'ALLOWS return- city·s busiest freeways . the Year. April foo l," ed IQ San Juan Capistrano. 1 h~ sign read . 'Cnpistrano Is for the birds." Some are puns : "l..Msie is a publicity hound,·· "Onassis has Callas on hi5 hand s .'' ··\Vhistle r's rnolhtr 14'as fram- ed ." ~ow and then Doddridgt goes rlsquc or takes poe1ic license with the scripture : "l.o\'C thy neighbor but don't get caught," ·· ~lanana n1l'ans romorrow -pa jama nwans tonight." "De.rmiti<in of a 1nadam: one 14'ho gi,·es vice lo the love torn,·· S0.\ll:!:Tl~1 ES ll E J) I u g s c a us e s · ··overpopulation IX"gins 01 hQ1ne, ·• w h i ch brought u l\'tler of thanks from Zero Population (;ro"'th And ht.' also plugs his O" n businl'SS ' ··1rs ~a 1 ion a I Peanut \\'eek -take u nut U• lunch" pnd "E\'eryonc herl' -.·orks for peanuts.·· His 5taff go! up ea rly in the rnornini: and {ldrlt'ti a postscript to the l 11 I t t' r · "'You 're lcll1ni; us emplo)·cs.·· HIS BI GGEST COLlP can11· on an April Fool's OJ" ">"lt"':ol yt·ars ago. His sign said . "LB.I --------------------· ------------- Ul'IT...,._. Pellt•§OM•ffUMd? !Wbert 'F, Ellsworth, fonne.r Kansas con- gressman' and Nixon campaign Worker in 1968, will soon be non1· inated by Nixon to a key Pentagon post, ac- cording to sources al the Pentagon . Radiatio11 Exposed On 2 Jets '\\'ASHI NGTON {AP) Passengers aboard two Delta Airlines Oights may ha ve been exposed to radiation from an improperly shielded l'lhipmen1 of radioactive materials. the Atomic Energy Coounission says. The AEC said Tuesday preliminary resear c h in- dicated the maximum ex· posure would not be strong enough to cause nau.sea or any otPer immediate physical problems in the a,·eragt• per· soo. n SAID, HOW EVER. it "·as checking to determine "·hether any pregnant \\'omen or smal l children were aboard the t\\·o nights and where I h o s e perSCl\S m;.gh t have been sit· ting. Pregnant \\'Omen and small children are more susceptible to radiation. an A E C spokesman said. The AEC said preliminary lnfonnation ''indicates that the radioactive material was improperly placed in the con· taincr. thus leading to a partially un sh I c l de d con- dition." JT SAID TllE ma terial -32 curies of solid Iridium 192 - \\'as shipped April 6 from "Streakers repent -your end Delta night 311 and on· Aoril 6 from Atlanta to Baton Rouge. La .. on Delta flight 585. The shipt'l)ent was delit•cred to Gamma Industries in Baton Rouge April 8, the AEC said. 111E AEC SAJD it could not say whether persons in the front or rear of Ole plane \\'Ould have received the most radiatioo. because it had not determined in wbich cargo hold ·the radioactive material was pl.aced. It said it informed the hea1th de'partments in Virginia and Georgia of the J>OSSible exposures and that "the extent or possible exposures and the health effects, If any, ore ~ing evaluated." 14 occ .Students Honored Fourteen Orange Co a s t College stOOents have received permanen~ men1bership in the st ate"1·i d e hon orar y sc h o I a rship organization . Alpha Gamma Sigma. To qualify for membership. stOOents mmt complete a minimum ol 11.S units per semester ror three semesters, earning at least a 3.2.5 grade point average. In addition to the permanent awards. ~ tfiilent.s ••ere honored for qualifying for temporary membership. Students awarded pttmanent mffllbershlp were: Jesus Anaya. Law~ Boldt , John }<~armer, Eileen Ford and Richard Todd , an of c.s .. ~lesa. , Norman Andros!, Donna A,.go, Peggy M<"<:onnick. Nev.-poi1. Beach; Karen Bren- nan, \\'estminster : J a m e s Flmea, Diane Parquet, Albert S%!t)lor, Hlll1llng1-0n Beach. ard William McLeod and Amokt Timmermans, Sant.a Ana. PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, APRIL 11, THAU SUNDAY APRIL 14 FOLDING WEBBED PATIO CHAIR ~ \ '15· • Sturdy 1lumlr.Jm conWuctlan. • ColT'iorllbl• flit ....... ., EA. NO.All CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLUID • Quirt Mz• un. e No Uste, fllrHJP or odor. OUR REG . 49c !! CAN CORRUGATED FIBERGLASS PAIELS • 6 fl length. • SUnd1rd 26" width. • Choice of colors. OUR REG . J.49 4! EA . 2 "x3''x8 FT . STUDS • Utility grllde. • Surfaced on four sides. 89c ¢ EA .' SPRED SATIN -~..,.,,WALL PAllT OUR REG, 7.99 • Ow-er 2600 COion. • Curable, KC;epts hard scrVbbi119. • Dries in 20 minutH, easy d•n-up, . OUR ·. 6" HAIGllG PLAITS • Healthy Potted hinging pl1nts. • Accent with macra me or use hanger supplied. OUR REG . 3.99 RED CONCRETE BRICK • Boild a iwtio, bar· t>que, ttc. • Buy now and save~ OUR REG . 10c ¢ EA. 7 FT. HIGH STORAGE KIT • 4" wide x 12" deep. • Made of tough 5/8" ~h board. • C~ete with backir.g. 6 FT. SMOOTH BOARD • 1" x 12" width. • for use in horn! or garden. OUR REG .. 119 SP RED HOUSE PAllT ¢ EA. • Tough acrylic latex. Protects 111 wrf1C9'5. • Orie-s in 30 minute!. Easy water dea~up. !! GAL. Na.3000 OUR REG, 9.99 \ 32 OZ. SIZE • LIQUID PLUM-I Q • ""''"' '"'"' ""' 11:.iuid:.rj keeps them clear. "I .J W"' • J~I PQUf' down I t:Af' dr1in and ~ how 1liJ' I last it works. OUR REG. 99c .. ¢~ ••or.~ 12"x12"x1/2" CORK • Package-of three • Use as pin board room decor or Pine! a wan. OUR REG . 1.19 ASSORTED BAR SWAGS e Ch~ from 3 styles. e Sm1rtly dni9ned SW;t!J 'Mth B" ball. • IS ft. ol wire, 12 ft. ol ch1i1n. • Hook.!. and hart:lwa re tntluded. OUR !' REG . 16.99 EA. l'lo81l l•l ~J 4 J PORTABLE CAR ~ • WI llSllYl THI lttOHT TO UMlt QUANllllfS SCXO TO NORMAl 'flSOl'Uil USA.GI. ' •• • ll MONTI • N •POMONA • NORWALK •GARDIN GROVI • HUNTINGTON 12260 I . GAIVIY llRNARDINO 6.SS NO, MtllS FllESTOHI l lVO. 12662 llACH »e OIAlfGl SllOW 10, at STUOEIAKEI CHA,MAN AVE. 7100 IOINGEll tkOCltl IAU MrwttN Kl 111 NIAIMOU NUIAllOJ OM 1'0(1 ... I U Of. 'CllNll AHD U tow"1AO Af'IO MIU.I JM! 10! DI Mt llHWU llt.l-11.110 OIM..C:ll ll.110 •1 •WOODLAND • SANTA ANA • RIVIRSIDI • GARDINA • WHITTllR LONG BUCH Hill! I"'" \0. WUTllll 13SSS 2317 I. SOUTH 5T. 22940 VK:TOIY lkVO. 3309 SO. aarSfOl 10331 MAGNOLIA lllfGltAP'M 10. NIAl (Mttt' '111 11.llllOOf •CllOl\HOM N(ll 10 tAl.ftO 111.0«llAl! AHO IOUlll ....,.,_ toUfll COAll NIU ITlltllU•U Ml MO Of IOIKIAN$ OfWAn Nl•I tOtODI I fAU.UOCC touAH l resigns" Th:1t "as u fr1d:ty :ind the sl i;:n was u11 Sunduy \\'hen Lyndon H .. Johnson told the nr1tion he 141')Uld not ru~ again The si gn pose!I n probll'll for <;o rne n10tor1o;;ti. -the~~· tr.1\l•hn,.: south 1°hc s1~n fa<'f"~ nor1hhu1u1d 1raU1t• A frit·nd tohl !)nddridl.!t' hl' \\a!I tr:tvt•hng sou1h ;1n<l furn· 1•d his ht':id to loo k ;u lhl· !iign through lhl' re11r 11 111110" Al 1h.1t point the c·;1r 111 fro111 ~lopped <ulrl 'n1:1,.h l)()ddn d,.:l' h:"i~ :1 SJ(.ln 11 h1eh :1pph1·~ "l)On't ti~rnpt Lott' - tlon 't cail~llll' ·· 6 INCH POTTED FOIL · WRA.PPED EASTER LILLI ES • Be1iirt1lul as\ortment of llot1st qu1iloty. hardy n~ms and lllloe-s. • full bloom ot budded plants • Colorful foil wrapped with accented bow lot holiday qolti!d. IMPERIAL Ill DISHMASTER e WHh'1, \Ctil~ o.KI ru~. • ALUMINUM WINDOW SCREENS e Sturdy construction, Built to IHt lonq. • 24" ~ 24 ... .. OUR REG . 1.39 24" IC 24" x JO" . 36" . ¢ 36" x 36" . 36" x 41 " . 36" x 48 " ' EA. 36" x SAW HORSE BRACKETS or 12 FT. MICRO TAPE • Quality met'thand•se. • Fot the de>ot-your'lellt·. OUR REG . TO 1.69 54 ". EA . ..,_ • 1.49 1.59 1.89 1.99 1.19 1.39 r----- EA. EA . EA . EA, EA, EA. 1 ANGELS 1CONSEVATION: TIP I O•tN na1tt 0 ..... \ ,, '" No. 13 1 Proper t uning at I frequent inter ... ah I c1in 1ncr11s1 y o111 I engine lilc 20'*' to 60"4 and in,r11'' I I mileage 0111r1ill by IO"Ye tol7,. I I I ------ •U 111/rl't •I IA~I WIT• "!Cl\ \Al & \!J"' -· HUOf Quufllllfl 'l'u ,.. op"" IAll • • 18 OAILV PILOT ~aron's Nightmare-to Fame, Fo,rtune Laver Wins In Tokyo; Kingson TV ATI.ANTA (AP) -Bl<ary-eyed Hank Aaron. hi! ener&Y and emotion sapped by a tensklc-packed c:ha$e of a legend, says the average person "doesn't realize ~·hat H nightmare this ba.9 tx.>en." It was a nightnlart to fal'ne and fortune for the quiet 40-ycar..old slugger ot the Atlanta Braves. 1 The chase of the great Babe Rut h had ended on opening day in Cincinnati last Thursday. The crowning or baseball 's ntw bQme run king came in dramatic fashion here Monday night. \Vith an o\•erflow crowd on hand for the Brave::;: home opener, Aaron.~ripped a fastball from Al Oo~·ning of the l.m Angeles Dodgers over the left field fen1..-e for his 715th hfctln'c ho1nc run. The cheers had long since halted but the telegrams of congru1ul11tions were still pouring Into the \\'C'slern Union of· fice when the icy·ncrved slugger finally got to sleep about 6 a, n1. "I am a IUtle tlrOO." Aaron sakl when he arrived at Ath1nta ,Stadi um late Tues- day and sat out the Dodgers' 9·2 victory over the Braves. "We had a Uttle get· tQielher at my home. My family was there along with a. few close frteods . We talked , that's aboul all, We talked most of· the night:' Aaron had said shortly after the hi.storlc clout that he now wanted the Na· 1ional League record for hits, currently held by Stan Musial at 3,630. He is 119 shy of that mark. "I'm sorry I brought that up la.st night ," he sa id. "All I want to do is swing the bat. J'm oot going to get In· Will l(uln1 Says .4lsto1t • Leave Aaro11 Dodgers Looking Alone Now? Like 1955 Te·am Now, dear commissioner, are you . .coing to follow through and check ~lank Aaron's playing status for the remainder of the season. or did his 715th home run hfonday night get you r office off Atlan· ta's back? Furtlter news on the World Team Ten· nla elllbltion at Newport Beacb Tennis 01.b A'prU 27: lt's all 1et and admlsslo.n will be free. It'll be a pqbUc 1ampllng ol tbe new te•m concept for tennlt and one , ef dr.e partlclpantl aboakl be John Alex· uder of the Loi Angeles Strings, 11tboadl bis appearance Is uncertain at *ii time. Moment of erqbarrassment to an Orange County published Item called Team Magazine: Its klentificatlon of the WHITE WASJI et.•l'li. WHIT• March cover shot Is v.·rong. El Dorado High's Tyrone Branyan is the lad portrayed and be Ls identified as Tyrone Bryan. ATLANTA (APl -Los Angeles Dodgers manage r Walter Alston s11 id it was a stiff ba ck -not the Atlanta Braves -that knocked pitc her Don Sut· ton out of the game Tuesday night. Sutton, 2-0. combined with reliever Mike Marshall to limit the Braves to seven tuts in the 9-2 Los Angeles victory, ''Don Sutton pit ched a 'A'hale of a game ," Al ston said. "His back stiffened on him a little and that's why I took hlm out. It's nothing serious. We h.ad a big lead an.d the bullpen needed some 'A'Ork, so I decided to take him out ." Atlanta got only one run off Sutton in the National League baseball game, a Dodgers Slate Aiw. 10 Lot All9t!11!1 al Allaff!I /411f, 11 Los Angele1 at A!11nt1 ('-P'· 12 Los Angelas 11 Houlton .. ,30 "·'"· •:30 , .. ,, .. S::IO p.m. fourth inning home run by Dave Johnson which appeared foul but was ruled fair. "All he gave up was a long foul ball," sa id Alston ... No, scratch that. It was ruled a home run and that's what it was. When you hold this club to one:: run in seven iMings in this park, you've done a job." It was the Dodgers' fourth victory in five games this season and Al,ston sald, "This club reminds me of my 1955 club which wpn its first 10 games and the first 22 out of 24, I think it wa s. "But it's really hard to compare two clubs, especially when they are 20 years ApelclfJI kt yea wbo ttM penoml apart. That was a veteran club with dtecb for ordtn oa NCAA basketball more home runs in a smaller park. This dwaplo•ldp pmes at Saa Dlego Mx.t club is more inexperienced but it is ')'ear. ne rood folb patting on the event faster and steals more bases." M;teded IO tell us penonal cbecb were Los Angelei capitalized on wildness by t.boo ,wttea tbey 1ave m criteria for mall AUanta sl4rter Carl Morton, 0-1, loading enter tickets, ' i.. the bases in the first inning. Willie · Tlte playoff semll am! finals were sold Crawford then drove in two runs wtth a eat ever die weeUad. single and Jlon Cey hit a sacrifice fly to Doug Stockham, fonner Westminster lligh ba>ltetball coach, Is rumored to be One Of the candidates for the Foothill Hlgh cage coaching vacancy. • / A pod batch of tllrkeyt In ti•• spring or 1173 ii tbe m1ln reasoa fish and game 9aeborttle1 1n predlctl•1 a good gobbler lmadng seuon tb..ls year when action ope•,Satmd1y tn 11 California C(lllllties. Yea laave 11 days &o flnd and kill a gob· bier ud ~ may U&e a shotgun or bow 1od am>w. Use of tbe latter almost lleflel Ult: Imagination wlten It comes to nallbt& one of these wily bln:ls. Further support is being lent to the story 1hat Santa Ana High track coach Earl Engman is retiring from that post at the end of lbe current campaign lo 'concentrate oo administrative.duties. . He asked to host the Sunset League finab this year-when SA was not oblig· ed to do &0. And he's indicated that being coach·administiator Ls an impo5sible combo, so since one chore must go, ifll no doubt be coaching. center for a 3-0 Dodgers lead. Los Angele! got two more runs In the third after loading the bases on singles by Joe Ferguson and Crawford and an in· tentlonal .walk to Cey. Steve Garvey hit a sacrifice fly for one run and Bill Russell singled in the other. *' LOS AHCi•LES ATLANTA alt,~1111 11tr~rltl L•cv. 1b 5 2 2 o G•rr, If • o l o Bu<k,..r, If l I 1 0 lum, rl 4 O O O P..ck>t'tl<, II I 0 I I EYlftl, Jb 2 I 0 0 Wynn, cl l I 0 7 OIJMni.on, lb ' I I I F'r~lllf1. c l 1 1 0 T..,.alnt , lb 4 0 7 0 WCrlWIOtd, rl 5 I J l Ottk t. ct 4 O 1 1 Ctv.lb lOOlO.r".( 4010 G.lrwy, lb a 0 0 1 (lloOlni.on, 11 l 0 0 0 ll111Wll, ti l I 2 I F•IHll1, p O 0 O O S11l!Ol'l,P lOlOM11rr1H,pl'I 1000 Mo11.pri 0100Morf0rl,p 7 00 0 M•rllllU, p O o o o t:111 .. 1y. p o a o o MP!<'fl, $1 l 0 0 0 Totals 3J t 11 I Totl l• l J I 1 2 Los ""9tlb 302 000 1JO-t Allanll 000 \l)O OCl-l E-EY1ft1. OP-LOI Ar>Qe!H I, Atl1nt1 ,, 18 - La.c:y. ll:in1.!I. Hlt-OIY• JMf\11111 (I). 58-Buck,,.r. SF-C1y, Garvty, W)'l'ln. II" H II Ill II JO S111!on IW, 2.01 1 S I ! I I M1rihllll J I I 1 1 1 Morton (L, 0-1) 6 1 J 9 6 1 6 t e •• ,,,,1 1J2J 1 10 l'rl1tll~ lll o o o o o S1Yo-Mln~1l1 (ll. l -2:ll. "-lO ...... Owi1er .Uses PA System To Blast Padres' Play SAN OJ[C:o IAP) -''I'\'e never seen :mch stupid ball playing in my life," said Ray Kroc. the new O'ATier of the San Diego Padres. He wasn 't just d ialling with rriends, ho\\'flVer. lie \\':lS Wiling it to all ~.06.1 opening nii,:ht fans at Padre Stadium 'T'ue!.day 3~ his tearn \\as trucing a 9-S shellacking from !he Houston Aslros. Kroc used the puhlic address systetn to announce his displeasure . Later. players on both teams 'A'ere miffe1f at Kroc as Kroc had been over the Padres' fourth loss in as many starts. 1\s the Padres. trailing 9-2. were aboW. to come to bat in the eighth inning, KroC got on the PA microphone In th e press box and said: "l suffer with you:· There 'A·erc ebccrs and laughter from the stands. • About that ·lime. Kroc y,·as inte rrupted u•heu a streaker raced across the dia· mond. totally nude. "Get that streaker ou! of here. throw him in jail," Kroc screamed over the n1ike. Loo Lacy doubled l!i the seventh and later scored on Jim WyM'S sacrifice fly . The Dodgers added three runs on two hlts in the eighth. The Braves managed another run in the bottom of the ninth. Hank Aaron, who became baseball's a1l·tim e home run king with his 71Slh In Atlanta's triumph over the Dodgers Mon· day night. sat out the game Tuesday be<:ause of the cold weather. * * * Not Bothered By Historic Hit, Says Downing ATLANTA (AP) -"'Ille last one be hits is the one poop1e will remember," said Al Downing. "! just happened IO be the pitcher who gave up No. 715." Downing, 1he Los Angeles !ell-hander. made his comments 'I\telday. one day after Henry Aaron delivered one of Downlng's fast balls 400 feet over the left field fence in Atlanta Stadium, surpass- ing Babe Ruth as baseball's all-time home nm king. "To me. the last one. be hits will be the bij: one, not 715, That's the me that wlll • go down in the record books forever," said the 32.year-old Downing, a 13-year major league veteran. "It doesn't bother me toe bit," sakt Downing, in his fourth aea!IOO with the Dodgers. "And it won't if people will just forget It and let the season take Its course." Downing admits he will be associated wlth Aaron when ttle home run is discussed but "I don't think that's fame. rm not associated through success. It's association through failure." Do'A·ning had been unbeaten against Atlanta until l\.londay night's nationally televised contest which drew a record Atlanta crowd of 53.715. He was 5--0 against AtJanta and had served up t\\"O homers to the 40-year-old Aaron in 1973, the only ones given up by the Los Angeles staU. What thooghts does the bachelor, who makes his home in a Santa l\.1onica beachfront apartmen1, have one day after being a part of history? "I feel like I've got to bnJg, up on my control," said Downing in the Dodgers clubhouse as La; Angeles got ~ady to play the second game or a four-game series after Aaron helped the Braves to a 7-4 victory with his two-run blast in the fourth inning. "That's the Utlng that bothen me, the control. I haven 't been sharp ln my last {\\'O starts. 'lbe home run, Well, that could happen to anyone. I'm basically a fast ball pitcher. but I have to keep the ball down. That's where I tried to get It to Henry but it came up and he hit It like a good hitter does ," said Downing. "l\-!y only thougflts after he hlt It were to get the nen t,_:o guys because It wu now a tie ball game." added Downing. He walked the next two batten and waS lifted Crom the game as the Braves added two more runs and Downing was pinnt'd with the loos. "flank Aaron is one " the vreatest guys I have ever met lle's bet'n super to baseball, done a lot for y9ung blacb and is just a super person ," the soft-spoken Downing added. "Li ke t said before.I'm ji.m_ the guy he hit 715 off but he'll'probably hit 3S home nlll.'I and finish with 748. That's the ooe that will be remembered." volved In any more record chases." Aaron said he finall y relaxed some. "When I got home 1 was the most relaxed I've ~ ln the last year-and·o- half. I was Ju.st grateful that it was over with." He said he managed to sleep only three hours or so when he had to run an tr· rand. He bad intended to take a nap in the early afternoon, but his telephone kept ringing. The bat and historic ball "'ere placed on a pl&ne and sent to the Magnavox . .. C:Orp. in New York for dlsplay. It was repo rted the famou.s equipment was in· sured for a half·mlllion dollars . Among the roasages o f con· gratulatloM were ones from Billy Williama, Roy campanella, Yoel Berra, Bill C..by, Ted Willlaml, J .. Louil, the New York Giant.a footbl.ll team and the Atlanta JiAwks basketball team. "lll!tory wa.s set and that's the end of it," }lank said. "Now maybe we can get on with 1he bwlness of playlng bueball again." . ·---.. - UP'lT ........ HANK AARON SHOWS STACK OF TELEGRAMS HE'S RECEIVED. Slam Downs Angels Rangers' Burroughs: Can He Hit 50 Homers? Jeff Burroughs might be capabl< of stroking 50 home runs this season. Nolan Ryan, on the other hand., might be capable of wa1king 600 men. That's what rans might have thought Tuesday night at Anaheim Stadium after Bum>U~ and the Tens Ra°'ers ruined the home opener for Ryan, smdling him and the California Angels, 10-2. Burrou&hs slugged a grand slam Aft1Jel8 Slct2l All O•!Mt ... KA I ( 17 .. l Al)r, 10 T•~•• al C1hrornl1 .A?•· 11 T•••• 11 C1ll!ornl1 Al)r. 11 CMc1oa 11 Calltoml• 7:~ p.m. 7:$$ o.m t:S~ p.m . homer. highlighting a nine-nm second in- ning before an opening night aOOience of 25.241. Thinp doo 't figure to get easier for the Angels tonight They get IO loolc al Fergusotl Jenkins o! the Rangers. who Is coming off a one-hit triwnph over the Oakland A's in his American League debut. California \\'ill counter with 20- year-okt Frank Tanana, 0-0. in the seoond. of the three-game set. "I won't be shocked if he hits SO," Tex· a.s manager Billy ti.fart.in saXt of Bur- l'O\ll!N. "I don't know about Aaron's recont but he could be the guy ,. top Roger ~fari.s' rec:onl o( &t. '' Burrougm, a native ci. nearby Long Beach who just turned 23 last month. is coming off a season during whk:h he hit 30 honters and drove in 85 runs': Alter four games this young season he bas t~·o homers and six rbl. Fifty homers? "If you keep trying la get be4ter and better each year you'll wind up a raving idiot," be said. "Fifty homers sounds rldiculou.1. l doubt II J can hit !O and I don't think I'll come close to 50. Heck, l"ll be happy if I hit 10 and have a good year otberwl..e." Ryan, meanwhile. continued iO have control probl~. He walked to in an opening day victory at Oilcago and walk· ed flve more ln one-pl~ IMinga againSt the Rangers. "Yoo have to be concerned," he said. "I looked like a spring trainina: pitcher. I don't want to get off to a poor start. I'm just going to try and improve my rhyUun. and concentration.'' Tlt:XAJ Dff1b on, ?ti c..-v •. ll> 1-11 .... 11'1, 11 AJoftnlOfl. It lhirr-oughl, rt ll•fldlt, r f _Gri...1. dh H1 ror""•· lb F .-.ooll, 1b llrown, » L""lno, (f l llllnO•· c l lbbr. p 1flo r ,. rM J 1 , , • 0 0 0 ' I 1 l • 0 0 0 J I I ' 0 0 • 0 4 3 l • l l 1 0 I I 0 1 0 0 0 0 • ' l J ~ I II 0 •• 0 0 CAl.l,ottHIA .. , ..... 1t1.....,.,,ci ,,,, DOO°'"', 111 l 0 0 0 V1l..,tl"•· If J l I O L1houd, 11 I 0 0 0 FRoblnton. dll t 0 I I E111!-'"· lb ' 0 0 0 ltOU...,. lb 4 0 0 0 s1 ... 1oi1, rt ' 1 1 1 Elltdrtft, c ' 0 2 0 Clo1lk, •• ' 0 0 0 l'fRyan, o O 0 I 0 Lockwood, p 0 0 0 0 llM1y,pfOOOI 'ka111rM, p 0 ••• lot1l1 ;ti 10 9 lO TOflll JO 2 S J Tn11 oto llDCt 100-10 C..ll!omll 000 HID JOG-2 E-0. N91tCn. DP-T1•1.-, C1Ufor!l l1 I. LOI -Ti~•• 4, C1!1b'"nf1 I. 28-L1n1lt11. Gtl-. ltl-'111· ..,11 .... Hlt-l vrrovgha (ll, Sllnlvn 121. SF-,, llol> lt11on. ,.,..,,1. I? M R •tt la SO l ltll>y CW, 1·11 t S 2 2 J I N.11.Wft lL,l-U 1 J 1 1 S I Lockwood 2 J 2 2 1 2 II:. MIV I t I I 0 l l'IOlltnN 2 1 0 0 0 0 M8P'-by Lodo;wood (H11r11!). "'I' l lllbV tll•,._ tell\). WP'-L.Od< ...... T-2~\l. A-U.MI, 'TOKYO -1'11rd-.ded Rod Laver ol f.ofoooa deI Mar e.ued to a .&-2, 6-4 victory over Spain's Alll«llo Muion today ln the ~.000 World Championship Tenn~ green group event. The shocker of the day 'A'a! Arthur A.she's surp<be 6-3, U , U lo5s IO Paul Gerken. Seventh-seeded Jan Ko d e 1 of Czechosk>valda was also upset, bing to Britain's Roget' Taylor &-3, 7~. In other matches, seaiod.....ied Bjorn Borg ol Sweden rallled IO beat Haroid Solomon 1-4, 6-2, 6-0: Eddie Dibbs beat Tom Leooard ~2. 6-4, and sixth seeded Roeooe Tanner overcame Tom F.dlefsen M , &-1, 7-41. e King•, Chicago Vie CHICAGO --; 'lbe • Cllicago Black Hawks, second-best in the West for the first thne in four seasom, tangle with the Los Angeles King3 tonight in the open er of their National Hockey League playoff series. It's on TV tonight (Channel s at 5:30). The Haw~. fa vored to survive the best-of-seven Stanley CUp quarterfinals, shut out the Kings three limes, lied them twice and Jost once in regular se.8l0fl ac· tlon. Playing ti es was a Otlcago strength thll season. The Hawks played 23 deadlocks in their 78 games "Ailile lo.sing cnly 14, fewest in their NHL history. eBulb Win -CHICAGO -Bob Love scored 21 of his 32 points in the first half and the Olicago Bulls -wi!Mtood a late Detroit rally for a 98-94 victory over the Piston:1 in their Na· tional Basketball Assoclalion playoffs . lt gave Chicago a 3-2 lead In the best· . of-seven Western Conference semifinal series. ' e Celtics Roll BOSTON -Veterans Dave Cowens JoM Havlicek and Jo Jo White combined for 13 points in the last five minutes lif· ting the Boston Celtics to a lOQ.97 vic:'t.ory Tuesday night O\'er the Buffalo Braves and take a 3-2 lead In their best-of-seven N81;ional Basketball AS90Clation playaff series. e Bill .lumps HONOLULU -Calvin Hill of the Dellu Cowlxtys, Randy Johnson of the New York Giants and another top Na· lionaJ Football League player signed con· tracts Tuesday to play for the Honolulu Hawa.Ham ol. the new World Fociball League. eNutue Rmnps MONTE CARLO -Mike Estey and Harald ·Elschenbroich scored u~ets Tuesday ln the Monaco Open Tennis Championshlps while llie N a s t a s e romped as he opened his bid far his fourth straight singles title here. Estep eliminated Tom Gorman 6-0, 7~. and Elschenbroich, of West Germany, beat Nicki Pilic, :Hi, 6-4, 7-6. Nastase trounced Georges Goven, 6--0, 6-0. In other matches in the tournament for World Championship Tennis red group players, OlfJ Drysdale beat Patrick Cramer 5-2, 5-2 ; Jose Higueras ousted Jim McManus 5-4. 5-1 , and Tony Roche topped Frew ll-1cMillan, 5-4, 6-1. e L11tz Defeated ORLANDO -Top seeded John Newaintbe breezed past Frank Froehllng frl , 6-1 Tuesday night In first-round play of a World Championship Tennis blue group tournament. Third seeded Alex Metreveli fell to Je(f Borowiak in lhree sets, 6-4, 2-6, &-1. in-other first round act ion, Geofr Masters defeated San Clemente's Bob Lutz 6-4, 7~; Dick Stockton beat Owen Davidson 6-7, 7-6, &-2 : Brian Fairlie dete1ted Fred McNair 6·2. 6-3; Ismail El Shafei beat Patricio O::>rne)o .f.6, 6-4, &-t; Clark Graebner defeated Rem Case &-2, 6-0, and Jalme Filol beat Boro Jovanovic, 6-3, 6-3,. Wl1eelock's Bia& Carries Anteaters To 4-3 Triumph RIVERSIDE -Gary Wheelock belled a 410-foot home nm over the left center field fence to open the ninth inning and give UC Irvine a 4-3 victory over UC Riverside at EvAM Pai;1t. here, Tuesday night. The victory v.·as the 22nd of the year for ~ No. 1 rated Anteaters who we~ for<ed IO come from behind throughoot the game and were never in front unUl the ninth lming homer. "I v.ish ~1rJ Kroc hadn't done that .'' said an upset Willie ~1cCovey, the Padres' playl'r n.>presentative and high· est-salaried st..ir. ··rve never h<'ard any· thing like thal in my 19 years in baS<'· b:tll. None of us like bclng e<tlled stupid. We're pros and v.·e're doing the best ""A·e Nicklaus Tops Masters Cast Wheelocl.'s belt WU his flf1h of the seuon and ties him whh catdltr Terry Stupy for the team lead In this depart· mtol Dave Lyons and Keith Bridges singled In the 1hlnl and ~Ian S.lasro sacrl!iced C3n. f) "His words 'flill ring in the ptayers• ears for a long time." •·Somebody ha.s to t11.lk to that man,'' said Hquston rnanaatr Preston Gomei, deploring Kroc's ~rks. OcnJs t-i!enke:, the Astros' player rtprfJICntall ve. sa.Id he plaM to phone M"!"il! Miller, head of !he Major League Pla\tqr>' ASS-O<iatloo,. lo protest Kroc's actlq\a, "Jfo ruined· a big night In 1hls eily, for our team a1 well ils hls. Netther ooe of ' us ,iayed 'hi~ but~· things happen. He made this • bod ilJfh& for baseball. He lln't dealing with bimburgor people, ha'• deellng wftll_prora.tonal 1111let'9." 1 JACK.NICKLAUS ' • AUGUSTA, Qa. (AP) -'111en:'s John· ny ~tiller and' the youth threat. Thern's Gary Player and the foreigners. There's Tom Weiskopf and defending 'Champion Tommy Aaron. There's Arnold Palme!' and Sam Sn~ad. But over and above them all looms the awesoine figure of Jack NieklaU!. 11 usual the man to beat, the dominant, domineering character in t -h e In· ternatlonal cast assembled for the 38th }.tasters golf tournament The 12-hole ...,ent. g""'"'lly •ck.now!· edi:ed as one of the v.'Orld's premier sports events, gets under v.•a)'lo Thursday on (he boautlt\.llly cmdltkned, flO'A'Cf'o bedecked Augusi. National Goll eoun.. An ellte field ol 71 of the ""wkl's best shotmakcn -ln<:!udlng 13 fo~gn players, 11 Amertcan amatturs and 55 U.S. professionals -are primed to test the 7,020-yard par-72 layout. that the legendary Bobby Jones hclptd de•il11 and cl"tate on the site o( a former nunery. The powerful Nlck.lou.s,. COC'ISldered by many to be the finest player the game has evff seen, is a favorite in every tournament he enters. ... In this one h~ role is heil[!llened, be! .... Stupy walked ,. load the bues. doubled, oven tripled. Jell Malinoff had on Wield single for one The Golden Bear has a special affutity run and Rod Spence 1''N safe on an error for this tournament. He's won it four for another. 1ime.. a record he sharts with Arnold Home town product Steve \\'hlttbtld. Palmer. And In his last three starll here spark..i an eigh1h IM!ni run ,. U• the he's been aecond, !int and third, In that game wi1h a Jingle up the middle. lie had order. barely mbs«t a grand 1lam homer "My goals m'l always the u.me," said earlier in the ~mt. Nlckl1us. M'lo has collected0a ~ 14 • 1,"""' d • 1 , '';"T,.:.' • • 1 1 major champtonshlp titlet. 'Ibey re the hi•-· ,, • o o o H\>!Mllr1 .. ,, • o • • , blg four. t.oumaments the P.tastm, U.S. ~:. • ! ~ ~ f r'~· ,: ~ : l ; and British Qptna and the PGA. s"""•· 11 • o ' • W11W10C.11. •11 • 1 1 1 "~ ~re the ones I build my schedule """ .., ,i!:::.:: l4 • 1 0 ' arowiu. · ' " 1 , UC IN'!"' DM 000 111 -. 4 10 "And the Mute:rs ls the first of lbe.m. • tti .... wff 200 010 ooo-J 10 • ' • ' I I Slow-starting Diahlos .Tumble, 5-2 Cold, ~'i11d Ca11't SJo,v LB 's Hulst G-0 Thras hing MD 's Caro zza By STEVE B~ND Of ""' 0•11~ ....... lttH' A1ilslon Vie;o \\'IS rocked for four runs in the first inning and never l'«'Overed1 dropping a $-2 decision lo Villa Park Tuesday night in the cham- pionshJp game or the Santa Ana Elks baseball touma· mcnt . Coach llarry II j Ike 's Diablos, Y.'ho reached the title gam~ be b In d outstanding pitching and fielding, \li'ere touched up for three hits whilt! Baro11s • Bag ~-1 Triumpl1 By CRAIG SHEFF ._ lllt 01lly l'lltf Stiff Senior right-hander B o b Pati.50rl allowed li\'e scratch hits in sparking Fountain Valley High to a 3-1 victory over Pacifica in second roWld play o( the Bolsa Grande baseball tournament Tuesday on the loser's diamond. The win put the Barons o( coach John Cole into the championship bracket where they met Troy at Bo\sa Grande this morning. Troy had advanced with a victory o\·er San Bernardino. Patison was near perfect (or 1'"ountain Valley. He Tan into trouble in ooly the sixth and seventh frames but w as overpowering enough to bail himself out. In the sixth Pacifica batters stroked a trio of blooper hils to right field with lwo out to load the bases. But Palls-On in- duced tbe next batter to pop up meekly to short . commluing 1 .... ·o erron in the first stan:a of 1he contest played al '•ll!morial Park In Sanl<l J\nol.. It \\3S a championship game in nl'tme only ;is bolh clubs a~ µeared bothered by t h e blus!ery wearher. ~lission Viejo rtnishcd. with six · errors v.·hile Villa Park booted five balls as the 11 1nlscucs matcllcd the lofal nunlbcr or llits-amasst.>d by the 114'0 teams. Villa Park put the game aw11y quickly with lhe four-run first Inning. Les rield! started 1he .. w~ (or MiMion Viejo v.·t>en I~ Villa Park third basemau drove a long hit over Tony Richardson 's head in lefl held for a le3d-off triple, A y,·alk, erTOr, !iingle. all- olher CITOf and still another &ngle, pushed across the four runs Qcfore the Diablos could SIO\) I~ rally. l\1ission Viejo battle.cl baC'k to slice the margin in half in 1 l'le top ol t.br S('C()nd '\'ith t\\1) do1°rn, Scoll Lnng slammed hi' first of '"'o hits. :a dooblt. Bob Batts lint>d a sinJ("le to !{'ff. scoring Lan~. and took second oo the latt• throw to !he plate. 1\\'Q of Villa J•nrk 's errors scon:.'CI Bales but lt "'as lhc ll)SI tallv for the D1abJ05 y,·ho had nmners qi in all bu! one of lht' ren1aj111ng inning$, but cqildn'I SC'Ort'. Sile 1ices Friars ! ' By ROGER CARI.SOS Of IN 01Uy ,lt.,t llt" .. • •• Gl.F.;.IOALE--Eric II u I ~ t shook off the cold and v.'tnd 10 \1·1n tht• Glendale ln1·ltalional 2·mile run Tuesday night In 9:10.2 . ~li.ll('r [)(>i Jllgh's c 1 ~· 4-1\ ha ,., c b a l I pluy-0rrs-boun•I ~lonarch... made hash 0 f AngC'lus Leagi.1t rh al Servile for th•' S('('Ond thne 'T'uesd;lv a ft f' r noon--<h1pl1C'atlng r1;1 ~:irher &-fl rou t l l ' ' ' ' ' ' ,, ' ' • ' f • • ' • • ! • i g • O.lly I'll., l'ltott •Y ll 1<1'1•rd 1(1M111tr I Thr Laguna Beac l1 ~ r.ophomore earn(' b;.1~k tu 1 nnchor the Artists' \'lctorlou~ 1 d1~tance Ol('dley relay leant g y,·ith a -1 :2L9 mile. 1 Laguna Beach was in third plAce. more than 150 yard~ bf.hind. "'hen llulst got thr ba1on and made up thr dif- ference by 1he third lap on the Clcndale !ligh track , The other limes on the rel:l )' ~·ere Phil 'l'timb/e's .1 :2.18 111 the 1320. Dou~ C;iS(''~ 5L9 •1n Ille •~o and ~larty Kruege r's 2:08 in the half. Case high jumpr<t 6·6 to finish second to Glend;ile's S!f'\'C l.;1 Hu,c;ch and had ,, ClflSC mis.c; at 6·8, lie "'as O\'Cr the bar but tipped it wi th his heels on ti\<' wav doy,•n. The Ar1is1s 8Jso captured second in the t'A·o mile rclav a,c; llulst c!ot'kcd a 2:03 ha!( TI1c balance of 1he tin1es SAW l\nK'gcr running 2:03.9. ~like Rennini.: 2:05 and C hri s Gallo.,~:ay 2 Oj for an 8: 16.9. In the frosh-s0ph division , Derk Prati<'\' set a school rl'('()rd. running 9.4 in the 70 ~·ard high hurdles despi te rac- ing in10 the wind. The only dtfft'rtll<'f' this timf' \\':IS Iha! Sc>r\·ite n1:int1,i:f'<I to garnf'r fl\e hits off p11cht'r ,llOn C<t!oua after be1ni.; no·hit br 1>:i1r :\ajf'r:i i!:lrl1cr. ('aio11~" did 11 nil 1\ir ... da~· at 1\nnhelm's l .. 1 l"alma Stndhnn. stroking a p..11r of rbi triple-: nnd a stni;tli•. scornu; onCf' and h.1ndcuffinR rhe losi nJ.? J.'ri<irs \l'hile sirikini;i out "tx. Ii i.~ only sJ1:1ky ~pot C'an1e '" the ~nrl 1nn1ni;: \\ hC'n lhr gan1t> 111as sliJI in dou bt S<orvilc pu! ru1111crs on firf't nnd thlrd 11'ith n single :1nrl C'atozza's !hrov.·ini: f'rror "·i1h no ouL n ut C1to1z:i .!"t't1!1'd down , "hiffed t\l'O batlt'r" and for<'l'd the zhlrd to sky out lo end !he 1hrt>:it. :'11.Jlt•r Dri "'etl l 10 work 1n th<' third "\th a 1hree·n1n out· burst h i~h1ighted b~· Catozza',,; f\\'(H]UI triple and a douhle b\ ~fall Smith. · Lig htning st ruck Ser\' i '·" Lio11 s Use Lo11 g Ball To Do1v11 Rivctl , 13-8 By TIO\\'ARD L. llAXDY 01 ii.. 01n1 ,, .. , "'" pitcher, had his troubles earl\· but "'rathfred the storm anrt 1rcn t !he distance lo post thr \'ictory , 01g111n 1n the llf1 h lnnm~ aftt-r 111'0 out. ~rnlth mmk' it 10 flrst l'll'1 an 1nf1cld lut and Put f~Cf'les followt'd "'1th .. 3i~foot ho111rr 11110 the.-ta Palmu S1ad1u1n footb.~11 ~tands CatiJ7;'a got the last ru1 arross in !ht .~f'v,•nr b "1th hi~ !it't'Ond trirle a(trr Chuck L1n- 11rr1 \I ;ilkl'tf Tht• \ 1t 1ory put" \1.v:cr Ori into solt· J>OS.\1•c,<.1on of Jfflt pliil'C 1n the An~~u~ l.eaf'Wt' 11 111! 11 f(Jur-~<in1C bulge or<'r third place with :six gatneo; re- n1ainfng. I('<• I " ~•Mav~I <I ll •ld• 6 OillV Jo ll1110lll1, ,. NenGu •I ICov•< ti) l;l•lev, "" P~l'O II f 1,.lgM, ' Tal1I• ~·~··· 0,1 ~ .... • -" , .. • • • f ~ 1, ' l ' ll 0 ? ; i • • • ~ ~ o, ' • " • • . " • • ' .. 001 a10 ,..._. 10 • -G0-4 i t U11i Nab s 3-2 Victor y 111 Tour11ev • Then in the seventh the ~fariners scored an unearned . run and bad rWUlers on second .and third with t"A1> oul, but MISSION VIEJO'S BOB BATES PUTS TAG ON BOB ANSARI WHO WAS OUT TRYING TO ST EAL. \V~tminstff lliJ:h Schoo l UY"d the long ball to brt'ak Ol)('n an extr.1-inning, 'A'ind- hJoy,n consolation ('hampinn· ship game O\·er roothill'!< Knights Tuesday afternoon 10 post a 13-8 victory.· in the S.inta t\na Elk3 tournatncnt .1t ~lc moria l Park, After Foothill came from behind to srore four runs in the fifth and take a n10men- tary 8-5 edge, Pa ine sellled do"'" to pitch shutout ball {or the final four innings . OCEA\'"SID~: -Cniver.rily lligh ~td v;inccd to the con- ,0,0!;1:1011 finals of t he Oc·t'<111;;1dt base0.111 toum:i. 1ncnt with a 3-2 victory O\·cr S:in \l:ir<'os Tuesday ;i I 'k·r:inside lligh, Patison fired a third strike past a Pacifica pincb-hHter lo end it au . He walked ju.st ooe baiter and that came in the final frame. In tact his control was so good, only three outs were made in the outfield. H1u1tington In 13-2 Triwns' J anton, Stavro Meanwhile. the Barons got timely hitting Crom Vince Bienek and Dennis Tressler, Laugher Spark 5-0 Tourney Victory Bienek hammered a one-out triple with teammate Rick By JOHN CASS Woolard on fi rst fn the opening ••:mllli•••i=i••• frame to give the Barons a 1-0 l!Wltington Beach High has I ad had little opportunity lo relax e . Tressler made it 2-0 in the during a baseball game this fifth when he hooked a double season but Tuesday morning it down the left field line, scor· happened. ~ Dan Jackson from second. Coach Don Terranove's ?-.lmutes later Rob l-lartn1an, Oilers posted a wind·btown running for Tressler. scored laugher decision over Tustin. when the Pacifica shortstop 13·2. in second round action ol muffed Jack Upton's ground 1he Bolsa Grande invitati()llal ball. tournament at Los Amigos The windy affair was a High, quickie with Patison throwing As a result. lhe Oilers came the final strike an hour and 4~ back this afternoon in eon- minutes after he tossed the solation round action a t first one. Rancho Alami1os, ,,_lllR v1n1r ui •• r" rbl Tme Oilers \\'CTI! in front in 1''1!ii~, 1b 3 0 1 1 the first inning y,•ith a pair of H•rd"'-"'· 11 ° 1 0 n runs on four base hits includ· Vloolltd. lb 2 A 0 0 ~°Tier.!~ ri ~ 0 ' V ing a double by Ed \rign;iroli v•1en11. 11 1 o 1 o and the rout v.'a~ on G•r!lrld. II I 0 0 0 o, a1-k, c1 1 o o o Stan Terry. one -0f the hit· B}' IJA 1\'K \\'ESCll 01 ltlt O•i!Y llllel 11111 Shutout pitching by Jor Jan· ton and the hitting of ~like Stavro brought San Clemente lligh's baseball team a 5--0 vic- tory over H.ancho Alamitos in the Bolsa Grande JnritationaJ baseball tournament Tuesdav at Rancho Alamitos, · Janton limited Ra n' c ho Alamitos lo four hits, while Slavro had a t\\'O-run homer scored three runs as the Tri1ons v.·on a spot in the con· solation semifinals toda y against Huntington Beadl. The Tritoos lost their first tourney game Mooday. All the help Janlon needed offensively was provided by ·ff u "/.: Sla\·ro in the (irsl inning. \Vi!h one out and tea1nmate Al San- <loval on base \'ia a walk, Sta\'ro hit a high drive 10 left J.\'hich was boosted bv a 2S.. mile an hour V.'ind and sailed 330 feet and Ofer 1he fence, Sta\TO srored again in the third. reaching base on an rr- ror <Jnd l'\'t.•ntually crossing the plate on a !>1ng!e by D:in Dodd, Again in the rifth, Sta\·ro tallu:~d v.•hcn he singled. stole seeond and can1e around on an infield out and infield single by Bill Enqui st. San Clemente's other run or the game v.·as a gift. Steve (;ates reaching nn a y,·a!k and circling the bases on a pair of Hancho Alamitos errors. Janton. meanv.·hile. struck ... !lr•ln111d, ( l 0 I 0 , 1>itli00!. " J o o o ILng stars on the gusty day JK--U·2D 2110 h fl Oaden, ~b \ ~ S g t .'.It saw y balls playing Ft?f0ii1"$ Sc.r• 111 lnnl11<1• lJ J ~ , tricks on defensive plavers of r h • both sides. had a rull-Scoring ~z.3'i~r"' V•11tV m S!18 !:.j l ~ triple in the third and added a thrce·run homer in the filth v.·hen !he Oilers broke it wide open with six runs. Esta11cia Ni11e Suffers 11-l .l ,oss to F11llerto11 JC Nines In Action SANT A MARIA-Golden lVest College faces College of the Sequoias Thur s day afternoon in the opening test of the Allan Hancock baseball tournament. here. "1'in or lose, the Rustlers ,viii also play gnmes FridHy and Saturday. Golden \Vest has an 18-8 record to date. In the only other area JC 1 baseball· activity this week, Orange Coast. winner of four of its last five games. visits Saddleback Saturday for :i doubleheader. The first game begins at noon. Grune Called ' APPLE VALLEY-El To"' High's baseball team was ... scheduled to play two gJmf!' ' today In the Apple Valley 1oumey altt:r 'nlesday'.s sec- ond round tilt was called off • beceuse ot rain. Y.'ith things going well for liunlington Beach. even 1hc eollrtcsy pinch·futters got inio the act. Bill Hu tton. Rich l-len- dcrson and Paul. Dugmore all had base hits in this role. Bob Stirrunler had three singb.-andr drove four runs across in addition to stealing tv.·o bases. All 'but two of the st.aners had at least one bit as the Oilers put 16 safeties on 1he scoreboard. In the blg fifth Inning. 11 players went to the pl.ate y,•ith Terry's three-run Mmcr ca~ ping the scoring and assuring the victory for pilchet John Kremer. Kremer had six strikeouts and gave up only six hits on a day when airborne balls might drop anyplace. untouch«:I. e,, RON EV ANS or·,,.. 01;11 l'lt.i 111H Cold "A•inds and F'ullerion·s batters equally bu ff e led Estancia 's baseball team, and 1he Eagles took an !1-1 1hrashing in the B<llsa Grande loumament Tuesday at. ,flan · cho Alamitos. The loss dropped Estancia to the tourney's consolation bracket. v.•herc it resumed play tod~y . and lowered the Eagles season record to fHI, From the outset, Tuesday's game was a Ful l e rton sho v.•case. The "''inners hit ty,·o home runs and jumped to a 3-0 ad\•antage in the fint inning, and scored in every inning bu~ one the rest of the way. On the mound, Funerton right handers Rob Perei and Danny Hernandez held Estan· cia to jusl foi.r hilS. and got god de(ttLSive b8cktng \vtlcn· C\'f!1" the Eagles lhrealtt><'d Estancia's only run camt 111 Ille fifth inning and was l dirert resull o£ Ptrn IO£lng hi' coolrol. Scoll Thompson. Dave l.o6eth and Bob Madden nil dn!w walks to load the Ohlstn al.90 got a fr('e ooss to force in the run Th<' Eagles had Sl'OrinR j chances in the second. sixth and SC\'enih iMings, but each 11n1c a s1rikeout or key tlt·fcnsivc play would kill rally possibilities. Dennis Krause ~'as thl' big hiller for Fullerton. rapping a l\l·o-run homer in the first in- ning and ending the day "''ith three /11ts u1 three tripS , tour runs scored ond three rbi. Jim Leicht, y,·ho had pilched a \·ictory the prc\'lous day, also had a llon1er for fullerton in the fi rst inning i1n1nediatcly fo/!oy,·ing Krause ·s blast. l • ' • ' ' ' l ' ' • ' ' ' • 0 .... • • I • • ! g I • i I I I ' . : ·i ' ' .. I • i • ' I • II bases. and ca t ch er Sieve '1111ert°" in nt 1-11 ' o . ,. ............ ,,. ........... ,,. ............ ,,. ......... '."" ...... .,l r=::i~::::::::::::::::::::::::=:=:;J-.. '~·~·~:;;";.iiiii.; .. ~·;"~._;;,;;·;·~1 DOU YOU' CAii IDll l OUOH? WE A... START HAIDP -CAN HELP ~~~~R, .. w,..,A_LT~RS OIYI l'OOll MILAGl1' --~ THE CARBURETOR SHOP Wnhn'W-""'""""' ,,.1"""9Clll ll.VO.CC.JA lilQA 642 .. .116 ""'"thol .. 11 '""-~11,. ,..,,,.a...-.t...,...ott.ooo"--,052 Newpott IMvd, c--...... ,, • leose A 7~ Datsun 610 s~ .... ,,,.. - • f1oltr1100E L COSTAMISA DATSUH ll4JH.t.•I011l¥'D.C.M. 540..6410 our six and l'>alked two in gaining the vi<'tory. It v.·as the st><..·vnd shutou! in suC('cssioo for J anton, v.·ho pitched a league vf('!ory one \\'l't'k ago . The senior ri ght-hander ex- llerienccd so me prohlems v.·ith the gusty \1'1nd. and 'had run- ners on base agains1 him in all but one inninA. The \c..~cr's mos t serious threat came in the first inning. when they got a runner lo third. .. ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' . "" s,,..,ov•I. ,, 2•'1oll\, cl S••vto, h1 : J ""'' ' i ' ' • • • ' ' • J "'"''°"· 7ll El\QVl1!. U p '""IC<\ ,. c.u~1, If Pol e, lb J6ntr)l'I, O ~·•rO. SU~•O, o• Tot•ll • ' • ' ' ' . ' 0 ' ' " ' iCOft by l~nl1'141 ' ' • 0 j • ' ' ' ' i;t anc~o ~, • ..,,101 000 llOC o a • • 1~~ CJe..,•·M• i,1 !I~• ' l ' 0 " • DEMONSTRATORS EXECUTIVE CARS -5 2497°0 (RT850195"') TRADE-:IMS '73 MEICEDIS 110 ,,_ ""'°""'"" ..,_..,,.._ 1""'1G81 • '73 MA1DA IXZ C- • -. ,.,., ""• !!O!Hfvl • '12 JAGUU U6 S-.. Aul0"'1"'· II• COOd . l!"•O. •DOlll!tt jllllff'() $7497 • • '71 AUDI I OOGL ~ ~~-"-rooo;i ,_ !UOl',Gl • '71 l'O«D .... Vl.tll:ll ....._ _ _... t1*'JI • 'OflAT IZ4~ ~-" .. IM -~ Larry Kubacki dro\·e in a pair or runs 9.ilh his srcond home run ol lhe day. RobC'rt llale rollowed v.·ilh a solo bias! and Tim Funke conlributed his lhird triple or lhc ~amc, Pitcher Daryl l)aine also had a triple in the final inning as !hf' I.ions scored five timesJ. It y,·as a day \\'hen ;iny llrill hit in the ai r "''a.~ suspec! antl f~'" \\'Cfc caught by either Sidi.'. ~ But 1he ninth inning b[O\\'s: by Kub.icki, !lale, Funke and Paine "·ere "'ell drilled shots that v.·ere caught in tl1c jet stream winds and t :i k e n beyond the reach of the Foothill outfielders. Pa in e . Wes !minster's . " ,, " . Jlr h.:id nine strikt'oot~ but surrendered 1:. ba.c;c hits. many of them or the suspect \'aricty. In the fin al four In· nings the Knig hts had only t \\'O :singles. Tim Richard~ and Funke had four hits apiece for the I .ions y,•flile Cumal Rungo. Kubacki and llalc a!! had 1hrcc rbi. Ea gles Win Tl\'O Relays Estancia lligh's girl s wrre successful Friday a!lfl S:ttu r· d:iy at the !..as V{'gas ln\·i1a- The Trojans met \'isla t0t!a v :!I :i.lira Co!la Collci;e fc. .. thr coft'>olat ion ti tit, UnivcrsH}' ret'<'ived out· standing pitching from Scott Kaf1·.~11;m in do1\'n1ng the No. I ll':ltn in !he Avocado l.t•:igur Kafci;jian, .1 senior-fiRhl. hander. struck ou! scvt'n anri \1·nlkl'd f\.\'O. JI!• ga\'l' up jus1 thret' hits wilh two of !hf'm coming 111 the sixth v.·hcn San ~larcos S(.'Ofl'<i tv.·o unearned runs. But hv that time. the Trcr jan,o; h;id built a J.O lead. 1'he first tal\v came across in the fifth on s"1n~!es by Oa\•e Scroggins and Pablo Silva. an error and Tim \\'altach 's sacrifice fly to ri~hL .,...,,1m111111r c1n tional lrack and field relays a" •• ' ft "'' the Eagles \\'Of\ tv•o relavs In !hf' sixth. ;i single b~ Ka(csjian, a "'alk. an rrro1· 11nd Scrog~ins' double plated 1~·0 n10r<'. ll OJI'", Cl ""'""'01 .• , l'lu'!Oa, ti Pi;~~. o ,,,,.., il' l("C&~••, lb 11;,~••, la t<illf. lb F .,~ •. ~. d Vlol\h, < P»tty, r"' c.-........ .,... ?a T ""'• lb l O!ilh ~ ~ ~ ~ besidc.o; an individ~I champ ·in l 1 1' t Ilic 100.yard dash, ~ ~ ~ ~ Li"-1 llaggai h.-d the Est.an· ! ~ ~ ~ e1a team v;ith an JL9 y,·inning ~ ~ ~ S JOO 1 D o The 440 relay l(';im of 'lj~s ~ ~ 0 : Haggai, .Jill Angel, Lhli:la ~1 u 11 11 Lovt1t and Valerie Spe.:lr v.on in 5t2 and !he sa1ne eomho rook t.hc 800 medlr\T rclav 1n ~·IVf II C•~••· II Vl•lll<h, lO (.,, •••. lb v.1,,,,.~, a < '''<0 •I P~'MU<I. ( r .. 11n_,,.. 1n \~rc"6t :o ~. ''''"'"" ,. o·tt>VO~l1~. n r , • ., • ' ' . l'.'~1..,;nll•• ~'IO!n•ll ' ' . 10(! lll 001--ll !J 0 OH o~o !>'»--I 1 ! ' 2:0'.!.0. . . C..:.l01?0 J~1 ""0 00)~ 1 1 1 --- Baseball Standings ,\,\fEHICA \ l.EAGL'E East l)l\·i~lon \'"e11 York Ualtunore Boslon ~l ilv.-aukee {).>troll (.'Jc.,·elnnd ''' L Pel. 0 J,00) 2 ~ ,~){l(I ' 0 I I 3 3 \\',st Oi,1!.ion Oakla nd Angels ~linnesota Texas Kansas Cit~· .Chic.a go 3 I ! I 2 2 I 0 ' , ' 3 JIH\dlf't 0 1""\ '' 1·,•u•et ii C!•1el•~1. ""' l"'l'I lltlllmo•t 11 801to<>, ""·· r•lfl t .... v~·~ J, oe••o•' ~ l'l~~f\O•• l. (_~l<"'j~ 1 0,1•111'1<'.! 6, l(~~U\ (olV • ,,,~., 10, A1111I• ) TH•r'I Glmtl .:M ·""° .41111 .11~ .i50 .667 .687 .500 ,333 .1100 GR ' 2 2 . , .. 11•1•1....,..e fl'•l,,.,t• 1.01 •' II~"~" !Wlllf G.Ot Cnit"° f1S1n"•an o,n •• .'Al....,.1<11• 1H•na1 ~·1> nn"•u~~ {CoH:io•" f.JI or v;,~r ~.fl •I CLtv"•rd IJ p,,,~ 0.0) Ot~I•"" !l'•on:....,~ C·ll at <•~WI· C:lfV 11.,Mrr 0-CJ Tt•1t fAf>il•"t 1.0 11 .l.11ttl1 \T•fll"I Hl Ortlr ~m.1 Kf\90ultCI -· \',\TIO\'AI. LEAGUt; St Lotns rh1c:1go .\""' York \lontreal f•hi lade!ph1J Pl!tsburgh • Ea~t Oi\'islon ,,. J, " 0 " 1J 0 I 0 2 2 Oodgrrs \\'tsl [)l.,·i!>ifln 1 I 1 I San Francn1c'O C.:n1einnat1 Atlan ta llou~1011 San Dirgv " ' I u 3 " ' lwfMllY'I Gll!IH ''"""r~I 1• l'J+nD.,rQn, MX!., •••n !.• .. 1.C...•••IN• v~ ... rntl,••n ("'·1 ~;o 1, Pn•ls.,.1p111, o OOO•ff't t, ... !ldfll~ ) >i. '"" •. Jin 0if90 J (_lntl~rt•!I •· $1" F•1ncl:oee 2 TM1r'1 G-1 Pel >.1100 1.111Xl .500 .11~ .3.13 .1100 .!00 .800 .600 .400 .WI .000 GB . ' I c, 2 2 2Y< 3'> ,1Pl'l;J111fli>11i1 !ll11tnva.. 0-0 11• (.I'll(~~ L """•<~I & 1.01•"tlft11a1/ !GuHtll 0.01 11 ~ .. n '••"ICIKO ((114..,.u °"tefl IJCFI" l.OI 11 Al'lMl'I t~•••rl\.O" f ,Jl "~\le<' llt-rl\ ('II •' °'"" 0 •"9" !0119' 0 II l• l0\11' ICurll• CM)I ol t.1~ "'o<'' {l:"<lt,...n 1).01 Motll•t•I tlllen•a OJll •t '"ll11H1rQ" i••1tt Ml 1'n1,~1y'' Cl'nt• " \."<Iii ti N~~ y..,~ 100\IOl~~·d•fl '°~·le~"lpJ"I• A• (II•(.,.. I' ... Ir.of •I P lll\l>vrgfl 0'"•" 11 R•t•nll l•W•IOfO Ol S.fl ~ \ - • 20 DAILY PILO T wt<tntsday, APfll 10, 1974 Ca1cn1lar Tll<l, .. 11 !~. ll) l•Mt><l!I -t.•l•"C'I•. 1'-11/11 Vtf!t't H,,.,llf'ICll.., l••eti -~II Cltl'l'lf.,lt ti I oli.a Q•t-'°""'''" ,...,., 091 •I PM x n U!. ~ w.,,1 •• "•r>C«• twr,..y, Uft•V<l<'I"' Of $t11 Ole!IO ti UC l•vlr• 11 31)). ~ll>efll (tllf1)('11~ (<>II-t i LA 81Plil! (Oo.lbltllNll<rt 11 'llJOtll. Top Jaycee Spikers Harness Re sitlts A lamiws Entries • PtHlllO O•tt"' (J ll•lcv) N•!iotllt (~•tl IS 0oHol'l'lf•l J1tf'""°"' C•t!" (( ICY<ll c"''°'" o.i,19n 111 v,u,, ic::..,-1 l•fW'lf< CJ Ru1wllt \."' ,1.1.,n1lltt l!lllritt It< WMl,,..,dl~ C!t1• Trtdr ,,,1 11ti \-.!.f'l'illt ti M1t1r Del 13 ISi. Run at UC Irvine T""°'''' Aprll t, U74 Cle11, Ir.Ck ft 1I 1111.ST I.I.Cl -OM milt. l"lrtt .... 1 1:4, "'·"'· ,, l!•Kll ,.In ! lltu U l!•K ltl Ill··~• lltl 11111 "" Jl tc.1 f'lltST ltACE -0... 11111• 1'1«, Cl~lm•ft9 .lll _, Pw•M i1900. TCD Cltl,..!119 lt"ICt ,.JOO. NINTH •ACI -0.... mllf; Ptet Clalml"'O Alt ~. PVtlf '1100. clt •mlno o•lct Ml'° OJI-CMJI Colt19t, 5-lt!><otli;. G~ W••' fn Soul,....n Ct llttll'nlt ,.1,v, 11 uc tr~!M. Glrll 1tnnh-UCLA t i UC !•~•ne 11 rt rn.I. l'rilH v cit.pr. UI Swlmrnlno _ C.ltlaen WHI ti Cl C:•Mlno 00 t m I, IUM""!l-C.old•n Wt" ti Ha~O!<:~ lw•ney, Stll Fr.t.nelKO ~!llt 11 UC ...... n. (J.)Ol ADBY INDUSTRIES IS LOOKING FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL. See our ad •n Ille busol'll!U M ChOI'. Rob•rt J. Wigmor• Trark athletes from 40 junior colleges U1roui,tflout the Southl{tncl v.·ill converge <it UC J r\'ine Thu~ay for th<' annual Soulhen1 California 1-k>lalS· 'flli' e\•ent. h6stcd by Golden \V('st C.Ollege, artually begins :-it 10 o'clock Thursday morn· Ing at four different JocaliOfl!i Cf'rritos, Fullerton, Cypres.o; :ind Comptop. Th.afs ~·here the four mile relay and field 1·vents will be held. 1\ction then shirts to UCI \•:ith the shuttle hurdle relays launching I he af. t~rnoon·s program at 2 o'clo<:k. The rinal event is the open ty,·o-milc run \\'hich i! scheduled for 5:30. U11kersfield is favored again in the power1>8Cked Division I t large schools) with Fullerton nnd Mt. San Antonio expe<:tt'd to give the f<enegades the t1.1ugJiest tests. c:rossmont and t..A Harbor are the favorite<i to win the t<'am title in Division II, Pa lomar and Citrus are tab- bed in Division I 11 and LA Southy,·cst and We1 LA are the strength of Division ·JV. Orange Coast j a v e I i n throw t:.<r Tony Ciarelll tops the list of area entrants. He has a .. best toss of 2IJ.5 this season, y,•hich is the second leading l'or Coast Area Baseball Results JvrolOI' Vl r>llt Edi-p 11 UI l otu G•1ndt W1l~er. rf l-J.1-0; Ro.che, •I C 0-0~; llv<ier. cl l·l.O.I; ouver. cl t-0--0·0, l_\.11,, 11 ·~.J.J; 1"0IT'1;i~. ti; H<>lmOIMI, II J.0.1.0; C.t rr. I"' 1·0-(.0; AnOt<lOn. Jo ,4-0.0; Plll ... oon, ~II r 1.1.1; Wtl~•. g.r, Q.4.(µ); Glt>sOn. Cl 3·1·1.0i Ct•llllo. t o.v,,..,.._ c 1·1.0.0; 51roll\kltr, ID; K•1~r. ID ).J.0.1 IF YOU'RE IN A Area Net Results CAR POOL ) ••.• •nd .. 1.., yov< Jtrt "' con. UW. llM"lf, y111 1111'1' IN able lo ,.. •• """"'" ... '"' , •• 111••••11<•. GIVt In • Clll -pl<fll,, WI Clll ~•Ill .. CMNl'VI monfY '" y •" r •vtt""'llOl<o l111ur-.c1 ,.... 11'11111>1. WIGMORE ..... , .. ,s INSURANCE 979-2555 E"I'°" Hunting!.., Paramount Sports Guer'Jf~ing. in :Jenni:J FINAL WEEKI -PRE·EASTER YEUOW TAG SALE! IOO's of items reduced 200/o •• 40°/o! e Worfll Up Sultl e Sw..,•r• e J.clill'h • MH• Slrilm.Shem • WotM11 o,.... .. ~Im and mwc11 ""'' LOOI FOR THf YELLOW TAG! NIW DUNLO" YELLOW llUSTltALlit.N TENNIS BALLS $1 85 CllNS 0" J LIMIT 4 C"NI I "l!lt CIJSTOMllt Cwlftt trMMtt ti J ...... llall•I EXPEllT STlllMOINO tllrll llEPAll.$1 333 E. 1•t111nd l ht lllttot'l'ltll•l""t Hoint If Ptfttllltl) PHONE 642-6886 ...... 11~ Tv ..... '#IHI .. Tll•rl., S11. t -4, l"rl. M , S.... 11·1 -·~ He's on the Daily Pilot team • • • Standings ANonus LEit.GU~ w 1.111'!'• ~ I ~<;rV•lt I lUshOll "mu 4 r:~1p:"' ~ 51 ... nlhon• J T1jMSdrr'1 ltl'Mll'I Mltrlr Del 6, Sen>lll! O ll ltllOCI Amt! 11, 51, Anl"°"y t 51. Pllll S. PIU'I 11 1 TllltrldlY"t Gtmft• M1t'r Del •1 Pi111 )I s ... ~11e 11 8 '""° Am~! 51. An!llOflY II Sr P8UI HOWARD HANDY ' ' ' ' • ' l hf' ~ports r.c!!ne ol UCI, So111~e111 Col1for11•0 College, oulo race t1ocL.:s ond ort1o golf co11rses o!I co me under Howard's gaze. H is spec1ol cont r1bvt1011s lo the Doily Pilot )p¢r!s poqe' lnclud• the Sunday leo!11•es 011 oldl1rr'('r~ ,., H)QrlJ and o weeldy col11mr1 Or'I 011to roc1ng ... always wr111er1 w•!h Ille occenl on local inlere ~t. Thor'' lhe Doily P ilors trodl!'morlc:, when it co,;,e s 10 couetoge of news for sporu fo.,s . . . • Best in the league for .. Orange Coast sports news DAILY PILOT ., •• ' • ' ' • • mnrk in the stntl'. Cia rell i will <.'Ompetc al (.'{·rrltos. The state's No. I javelln thrower-Palomur's n i c k Jackson 1226·11 1wil1 compete at Cypress. One or the top races figures to be l)lv!~1on !V's 880 relay \\'est LA has clocked I :28.4 in the event and O>n1pton has done 1:29.l this season. Other top m~rks includ{' I .A Southy,·es1·s 3:1J.8 milt' rcluy ; Pierce's 7:43.4 two-mile relay: and Palc;unar's 17 :55.2 4·mile relay. Of'llMI• (Htl Elllr111ll Fl1l(I •v•nh · 111...,ll"-lonv Cllttlli, Jim B•a-11 h/9h i"""P-Ge"'ve ICt,n!, OOvCI M•rl1n. DOii ~1vlf-Lt•"Y UPl1'119ro...,; •-lump.-Jeff Ptc~. SM"\. l •rtl; l rlplt !u""-P"°•• Brfl'll; pl..:U'l-Gto•!le Fcoenqo, Ille.I( llow1""'. llunt1lf1111 evtn•,· •«l relev-M••lln. Brue. Glr1>CJl1, A•I Lldclll, Rlt~ 09'!mtl : m ile ••lev--Ci~"v Lln pn, Gl••W>le, UO<ll• and Ov1mel; llO •el1v-M.¥lln, G!raiolt. L I <I d I t , On...wt: °"'" 1 ·mll e -Ou tn 1 Wel!rnfr•, [Vin J.,..1•. J o n n t ewwuoh, ICeltn c""nlnpntm, Ml•• J""'•· Mlt• Au1!1n 1n<1 ~TfVt Vltrteek. ~n W••I Entranh Field ewnts: long j ump-M ik e I•Ckt•d co n 1l<I ; !rip It lum1>-ZtCkff"On1kl ; POlt ~tull-loO ~chfnk ; javallr>-ltlck Cvrrv, Ken .Cnorttr; oii.cu•-Let c;,.1.,.y, Mike Oorn1s; .J>ol DUI -Galn•v, Oo"'t' Runnl1111 even!• •·mlf.I rtlay-MI•• !lr111n•leln, St•w Ret<I, C~uck C•rnlc t v,Ml te W\11)1.1•; •'Cl rtl•v-TOIT' 8owrn1n. K_.ltr, Dtvt Po-"· Currv: Milt rt•1v-Bc>wm1n. P~I, RMd Ind Oetlt!I) Mtvtrl; U0 r111v-8owman. KllOl'>t , P-11 •nd Currv; ~lie •llf>.-fom SltcY. SMdlelll<k t: .. 1r11nn Fleld' .._.n11: S1'co! pul-Otn P t hnkt. lim ()ooley; di1<.11t-P.1hnkt, Oocolfy, long iliml) -Gltnn Broldley. Dlvl1IOlt II cerrl!Ql, £a11 LA, Gronmonl. LA 1r-TKll. Or1119t CGl•I, Roo Helldo. Stn Olf90 M~. S1nt1 Monica CC. LA H8•Dor. s.Jn Be,ntr<lil>G. 09itndllllll cll.lornl>lon -GrO\r.monl, Divh!ot1 Ill y1~~'1;!icorn~~1.ru~; ,e;,Y:."~~nt;-o;.d"~ Soutnw"'re•n, Venrur1, Moorp1rk, ~,,,. 11 B•'""'' .Oti.....ing cne.,.plor1 -Chaffey. DlvlSIOft !V ' C041'9f of !119 C1nv<)tlt, Collie Ill Int Dei.e•t, Compton, OleNlalt, "'""'' V•l1t>. LA ~'""°"''• MlrtCcllt. ~Id• dlt tHck, $.)11 O!eQCI CC. Wtil LA. ~tero:l!r>g ch1mp!On-LA Souinweil. Timi ScMfvle Cltlml"'ll. it.fl tqll. PUftt J:IJOO. K .!> C•-1GCll'Clonl l.CI 7 . .C 'Cl flonnlt t MIUllt (WI"') J.Otl 7.60 F•~ftC" PtOPt 101 F•tr>e:O) Tlrnt -7.01 'IS "llO rtC«I Otrl! HI "'°" P11oll~ Knlgn1, Wt•tom• tt1novfof N,, Roe"" sux •ln1, Clmmv n l!llACTA l ·li: ' C•M 6 , ..... nit • MIHHI, P•llt J\I .~ Sl!CONO •t.el -OM 1'1111, l tot. c •~·•n!na ll•n<ll<•11 "h '"'· Pv•,,. ., .. 81111 Leg1 1 llfllfvl 8~!118 LO!'O ![l~l~d ~""'°'"' Son (Willl11T\1) T •m~-lot•S ... "" '·~ "'"., •1<ed -Cr11tv L-11. Swett lo Mffl, F11• P11, "lt>lon Vntko•d J, l~ny ll •C jCll''I' TH l•o ltACI! -°"' m1i.. Pac•. M1!e1en. ConOl!laned, i YN• old1 & ...-. Pwrw U IOO. l•tvfn1 !Ceot>l 6,IO 1 lrO 1 60 Rte ... lor Wiii /WlUlt Mtl rto 1 .0 K••lyl..c\ l urnev f811~y) t:lill l \,.... -lot l/S Alto •K<'ll -lrilh !(oleo, 11-IV II•· rlvtl, 81...0.tr J lrn O, Amigo Cllltt FOU•TH. liit.CE -P,,. ... 1~. Pace. Co••OUIOMG !NW·U. J v••r ota• .. uftCltr P u r .. ' l tOO, ~It.Of G<>ln IWlnltrtl RtMY' H1lr (0.l(lml<) N~hvt Gl~moti• !Otnn.") 1ome -104l1S •.OO 3 "° l ao !1.111 J.IO 1.10 11110 ttced -Llllcolldd, 5!00 WUth, B•n 8•v II, P-y Svt. At'>(!y'I Cl••ltt . fll'TH RllCI!' -Otw mile. Ptce. Con<:l!llOllM (NW..4). J Ytl r Clld1 I. ~-·. Pvnt S2'00. 80fltll (Wltll1rn1) •te 380 i IO Pl•le• War Chit! !Wlllltmt) 3.60 1 IO ~ull Otvll IC•1nel 3.0CI 1 1rnt -iOl 2/S Al•CO •ttl'll -Oki< Oidt 0 ,, St<'>O& Adrnlr1l, Ptrlttl lem1><>. SIXTH llACIE -Otli! rnlle. PKt. Clelrnl11111. "11 •Qn. Pvrw snoo. ~tlktlltlw!~ (10001 II.GO 9.60 3.to Chuclt Ft,, (M11tot) '·'° 3.60 F rtt He11,,.,. IH<>lll l.IO 11 .... -2.os us. Aho ract<I -Ptl•lclt p., s...-e.n1, Ltlln Lcwtr, H111!1't 8•$1, SPtt'd'I' P en . 'i l!llACTA .. s.tk•lltlwlll & J.Cl'IUc.lr 1'1n , Pl ld 'tn ... SEVl!MTN It.KIE -One ll'lle. Pace. C.ondlllonrtd CCO-Jl. All &Ql'I. Puna '""'· Ttml.'l l•tl CWUtlt rn1) ).Otl 1.60 2 :Kl NttlVI Sut ( Otnnh! 4,00 2 llO t"OW"Y 8ov rE. COOlll l.60 Tlrnt -1.0t llS "''° raced -8,own Flirt , PK!lit Sh•lttr, Erlct P1I, .,94 My W&y l lOHTH I.ACE -Ont 11'119. PK I. Cl•lrnl11111. "II •9". Pur~• '3100. Sparls .. ,_ (WUll1rnt) •.IO •.00 7.(1) 01rl11111 !l•el (P•ullco"J t .60 S Cl ThO!'Clfl Vlt!Of'' IC:onr"") 3.«I Time -1.0S l /S Atio rteed -O•rl! Ollltr, Midway, O•tP" 11"1t. Crol11n" Htntw..,., Burt•Dll H IXACTA l·S ...... 1 AnM I. l>Otr- 1111 lr1I, P•lf llJ7.00. NINTH ltACI! -ON mil•. Pa-cf . Cl~lrnlfllll. it.II -UH. Purse $1900 -'1mtiro ;,,,,, (G•undyl1.20 3.60 4.00 Slr l oa !G L-1 e 111 o• 1t1o;111h tll. Gordon! Joe Thhll• {J. llu1wJll G•••~vl l••u !S Ot'°""•l Jtl•tnO'I Tll!f'r \C. ca ... Pc..U JI.) $11vtr I t J Be.,nt111 Jl:oxk W>rl"9t Ct11 !J. O.n"11J Gr~nd lroo111 O•. Ford Jr l Sl!CONO ltACf -OM !"lie. Ptct. Ct11m111111. C~ll•·Ottd Pur11 l1tOO Clelmlnq rtnc• SllrOO R09ln1 l t •• !G LorlQol Ptcillc Chl•f IS Detorntr\ A"<lyl WI-(P COit man) In e"°" IG, HCl!ll AMYi Eric JR Wllll1m1l SICll'mv OellMKe IL. G•tOONI J 1111 CL. V JClhniOlll ""''" S.COll l1tt 111. Dvnnt11te•I Aho Ell91Dll P•r.cov l ov , ••• IT. Wint) Sierra 8111v (R, O«ikinl THtlO 1.ACI -Ona rnllt. Pact C-111~. l yetr old malatnt. "~'" ""' Bedu 51r•1191r (J. Crtnt) A·Gl!ldff> tmaqe (S. 8tyl•11) Mire II. 11&1 !G. Holll Prilf Wlnnt< CJ. Gru'>(I~) Ccowwl1 Dtr'l\Ofl CK. 1"11l'>trJ M T II (0. ACktttnlft! " A·TtrpOrl ADDIV CJ 0'8rl1nl Stnd Croft !P, C<>lemfll! A -Jc. 0'8 rftn lrl lt>td ..,,,.,. llOUltTH ltACI!' -Ont milt . PK t . (lelrnlna. All t Qtl Purs1 t2100. Toi:i <lllmll".I ~le• WOOll. LIKll"I Min (G. Lo..go! Rel"°'" Ari /J. G•.....Ov> MyrM Lobtll (II . LHll Mr. J1ck fl. D1u!lonl 1"00 Sllr !It. Gco1ogn) S""l"'y (G. Holtl Ocorni11lont M•• tE COODI Adlcos Ctrl (J. Miiier) Flf'TK ltACE -ON milt . Pt<I. c-l!lontd. ~vet• old• & u~•. Puri.to nooo. Non·wln"I• ot 1nr" 1..:eo, TMrld Alrn1hut1t \J O'lrlfll) Miu H-v Pol CJ. 8tllev) Point P"'dut !J. R~telll Ol1rnontt Prlnr::e CG. Holl! W•1"r ltlldnly IJ. Orut'>(!y) s..i Stm O IC. C1mp0911 Jr.I Sdll Pff Ot. C..m...ll Olrtct Ctl/M I J. O.nnltl AIM Ellt lbll Lumbtr e ve 8yt CJ Wllllamt l Sl'lta'/'dlle Vlvac1 (0 . k ktrmanl SlllTH RACE -OM milt. P1<1 Cl1lrnl11111, All 19ft, PurM lll'OCI. Cl1im· •no Prlc• woao. WM RlcMrd 0 IC. Ctmplltll J,,) Lvcky Coln CJ . G•\l'lld'vl Ovtt Flo !J. 09,,.,1,1 J•vtlon Molltwk (J. Rutwlll Ml1I•• OU Beau (J. S"'rrtn) MDl<siQ...,,. N fl. RalcMord) Uncle TIU cs. Oe-rl POC>llr (hllCk CJ. fQC!d 11) Sl!'VEMTH ltllCE -Onl milt . Pict ConoltlCllled. AU 1get. Finl"' & m•r•1 wtokh 1111...e net won • uooo n,.1 rnontv In ,,74. Purw MODO. TM Fullt flon. Ml Cl!•lln• IE. WIMll1rl KIWI Amb9r (0. (r..,,k\ Oel1w&re M CG. M.llTOIJ Sh!tWIV Widow IC. 8ov1) N•t!vt Gem <J. Otnn!1) 5ar1h P uict IE. CObtll E t~r1• 10. "cktrrnan) Tllnlnw• l'lnt 10 Ackt•ll'tnl e ..... B•tl 41t . Wlnlfl'I) Sld1141Y Brown IS. 09,_r) My FrOllY 1J llu1Mll l ~OtCtllllll' /It. WlllHom•I P11llt1lt11 Pick (M. Avrt'"' Oon'! Loo~ 8•c~ (L. C.•t9Cll'Y1 ~f.O!I R1llt• (It McGcon111~':":___..:::_...:::::::::::::::::::::=== three day wheel alignment s most co rs Regularly $12.95 Call for an appointment. 1:11D,p we're the other guys atffhlt11 Cherie• Americo" l •pr''' •M•ul•r Charge •lonkAtMfi(onl Alignment• Shocks• Brakes f'it kl '"""'' llt '·"'·' Sllet-O!vlsJ.., I: FulltrTCll'I; Olvls.l11n II C•,,Hot; Olvillon Ill: (yprt n . Plvlilon IV: Comrt•on-J•111>• "co rO.-rl 10.60 t.IO Delll•O K!d (Holl ) 9.60 l!IOHTH •it.ell -Ont mitt . Pl~. Time -7.0d Cl1lm!f'ICI All 19ft. Pu .. e lDOO. Clt lm· B. F. GOODRICH STORE ltUftfli"'I tvtrolS 111--Fou•·mUt rel1y {11 lleld ~n! •llei!; 1-tnu•Ue "'"<lie• · 1.•S-UO re•~•; 3--K>rlM mtdlty rlll•v. J:l'll- dlstar>e:t """''"'°;• -flO ,,,,.,. '10-1wo.rn111 rein; "-""te ''''•· S·JO -OPe!I fwo.mlle "'" "lw rtet<I -llco.-v Grt lltft, Fliolly Ing Drlte '8000. S~, 0.Dol Mtn, !lttr>l"Y 81y, Flyifllll Gtntrtl Grty CJ, Tcoddl 2049 HARBOR ILYD. lot Boyl COSTA MESA Ou!c ~mtn !llu C""' (l Oennlt) ~Col fol- Ji •••<1~ '·"rm-;.,, ... a •·J'"'.-·-~-·_•_,_._~_._'_"_"_· -'-"-'-"""--'-----'-'°"--"-~ __ ._-. __ ..,,_c'"'.:c;.ca.:_:•c' "':::c·:•_·•:._:•c•c6-_:•c•:Zclc..__:5~4~11-4'.:::~i~U He, 1Nld lllf.M LOSDBElES COllVBITION CENTER OOWN!OWN ATJIGUlROI. &.P~ PSA 'Wallts U, dear the air (and dear up )Qr q111estb\S albottt callfornb _,_COl••••ltilll). ,_,_ ? ? "'''"'""';;?:·· ~-.~~~ Now that the PSA Gr1nningbirds are rn full flight, we !hough! you should gr! the lull story. Exactly where 'vve go. V;hen vvc go, how often, and how much it's going to cost. Oesp110 required cutbacks, we still have more California llights than any other airline and nobody l)as lower fares. To prove it, here's our entire schedule -flights, fares, the works. Complete and uncut So yo.u can cut out and fly some place. NEWAND UNABRIDGED 1974PSA GJUNNINGBIRD SOIEDULE ,"'--TE~RoVr 4Np sJIY~ • ..1''• • • • r• 'PSA FROM LONG BEACH TO: ) 1-.... LEAVE ARRIVE '• ,> SAN FRANCISCO $20.25 ( .. __ , 7:15am 8:10am Non-stop Ex Sun \ .I\ 8:30 am 9.25 am Non·stop Sun 10:30 am 11 .25 am Non·stop Ex Sun ') .,.' 12:45 pm l 40 pm Non.stop Sun ' I.I 5 45 ~ : pm 6 •O pm Non·Slop Daily 6:50 pm 7.45 pm Non-stop Fri & Son I I -, ~ SACRAMENTO $23.00 •' 1 7:15 am 8:55 Am One-stop Ex Sun ',~ : 8:30am 10·1Sam Ono·slop Sun _.1 , 12:45 pm 2:50 pm Vin SE,.. Sun _ _., ) 5:45 prn 7.35 pm Via SF Oalty /"!!t '"'''p A '· -SA G1vcs'(OO 1.1~ .. ---·' r VALUES FOR TODAY THRU SATURDAY AT ALL STORES WESTMINSTER 15221 IUCHILYD. PHOHE ltl-1544 tJerd:,y thv h-ido-1 •• 8:30 o.m..q p.rn. Sot~ .......... 8:300.m.~ pm. !..n:by .... , , 1, •• ~00 o.m.-4 p.m. SANTAANA IJO I. ARST ST. AT CYP'USS ""°"' 547-7477 lribdo., dni Frid!1y •• 8:30 Cl.tn.·q p.m. ~ ••••.• , •.• 8:30 o.m.~ p.m. Surdoy ••••••••.• 9.00o.m.-i p111. FULLERTON ISlO S. HAllOl ILYD. PHOHI 170.0700 Mordoy tlYu fuday , , 8:30 a.m..q p.m. Sot..doy •...••...• 8:l0o.m.~ p.m. Si.fdoy .. • • • • • • • • 9.00 a.m.-4 pA RECHARGE YOUR OWN AUTO AIR CONDITIONER REF IGERANT"12" CARBURETOR CLEANER llf mo•t gum1, "'""",),, moi1tvr e ond """ r o••on lhol buold• urt ;n luel 1y11em1, Cleon• while you dro~t. !:.moDI""• .dlmg, .·~. ~··· "'· Applicpbte for u1e on o vlomobil• a ir u 1ndl· lioni11g, w indow wnih, f•t•••• (obin•h, r1ftig- e•otco11 and olh1r equip · ment-1,1W,g lefrj.g.rCNlt "12': oJ~cE 59c CAN AUTO COOLANT RETURN SYSTEM bt-ncr go• mol.eoye. ONE PINT CAN M•!p1 pr1v•~I t<Mltftf Ion, •"•' t..orlno probl .... 1, "''"' ,,.....,., ti~""" °"' ::.::.';; 1" ... ,, ... 9 .. '11"11~ t i' f EAST TO ® . INSTl l l LICENSE FRAMES JOO % PUllE PETROLEUM Oil SAVER FAN BELTS HElPS STOP Oil BURNING Redore\ lost p o wer & comprei· sion. Add lo your 011. Reducei ~;~~!· oil bum 4 ;,g & 4 u ho"I 15 oz. c CAN · KEEP A SPARE IN YOUR TRUNK Moch lo• ton11 1if• ond Pt1ti10on _for,,.,, onu , Kt tP ono h<>ndJ ltr 11ner11111<le1, ··i~f ~··a·a:. ••n•••t1r •••••n"• Delco AIR SHOCKS FOii ROADSIDE EMEllGENCl{S COMPLITIL Y AIR ADJUST AIU a .ita.111111.14 •i:•i-e:1 "' I OYS Slll SHOel llSOllNIU r°" lll •llll AllO lltOO[LS 0, •&SSEllO[ll CAii&. Cl..CllS.. STATIOI WACiOflS.. l lGHT TllUC•S 6 TllllllllS • HNii• "'!!In•-1t•noV• i.. •• r""" 1111r1LUT11111 • C~ .. •o!•• ,.,, • ..,.,,"9 lbool c0id1'0tl•ll'AIUIU • lnflto•t• "' lt(ond\ to lt•rl CIP • 10ol1S ,.,1 rs ,~.1 t) '~·1 '• 1111•1 MADE 01 BUTYL RUBIE!! 69ClA WITH GINUINl SHIMANO au.a CHA.HOii QUUllln t iGl!n •IMIVIO ROAD FLARES 6488 • .. cou U L ... .. , ,. ' I , .. "'" .. ••• ... , .. wn STA •• W'< ,~. "' ·-·· ~I If• '""eo' retc)IUI 1n1H11 1tc1111!1I ,,,,,,,g •o• g! ,,,. fl)lfcowt "' "'Id t »el" I '" "''"" Mrt ln ,_, C!tv I ~·~11<1 ~·! • icrrn I ,,_ '" the Pi ·D~llcol "' 1 ... Cl! 111911 (()nntt ~·>d \a pnn• n ' jf1d~01 n(QUI~ OEIOP 1·'" h1 • """'" on<odt ot tn~ "' I"' VO ·~ 11\t> ~ <W P•C>l><>5 Vlllo~ll "'"~nc . ... ,,,, uroDO~ '" '"'' in ;uC>m•• "' "o' "" 0 U'C<P<I' ...ce<'ll '" ' 1d•d p "' n~·et>v o•de• """'d ~~·d c ~n~tl v.c•• " w preci 'lrct.co ll•P ·~ Jl'""~' (1IV '" to•co~•a t~lled p•ovia ele<:h O '" terl1iv o•din~ .,, 111 ,, '" oau '" .. "o' •• •. '"' , .. ... ... '" ••• ... o• WH !ne n· ,,~Ol)l. 111 le thfreo ,~wlu• ;~·· nc11ul' '"' ']Mil' •O I'll lhe toll""· '" Mid • h!ld I l\IJ•l>O ''0'~'' hPrPin or>(ltll1 C.1•~ ··~•<'II Jt! !co IP.'n ,,00 "' 1-.e I ,,_ ~.,, ... lrclud ·~' ,,,,,,.,, ooM• l>Ona~ ' lt'dtO! 1~e ~· p•ove ~··~ ~.O<I ~ " rne "' ·~ r~c ~'" rt•OPG •Oh~ mHnn '""n' O•oo .. lhP I ~wllml ,.! vol ,,_ "' ·vcn ,,.,,. l \~'d .. , ... -t~ O"d•r t'•;m l~·d ·~~u .,.,.,, ,. ' 1·re-cl rlflcii '"' ... ~, .. ll•cov! tilled j\ro;o~I t l•cl• " cert II corm ft ('! tll " " • .... ,• "' 0 "' ,,, "' ,. " ., , ..• ' ""'' •' .. " •v c ,.,, ., "" • PUHLlr SOTICI:: • PUBLIC r\(ITl('E l'l'ULI C ~OTICt: 1(1(1 (l/IO•( '' ' Xl I~ Cu~·l "-• • l lC.l 00 /,l•n'"'U"' :'O IN("~'-I , • ... "' (g"~ p ,~,.•1e"' J 'I. P~I•" Tre.-1u••r .... ·~ n 100 c.,,,.c f•~' :l JQO; (UDH fffl 1!00W ""'" '"""' ii I~ (~Ilk: F•I • ,~, ?ll :0 16U.llll lr3 PllQI, A~rd I 9, IC II, 12. 191< l'UHLIC NOTH.:f'.: Oil S.hj1) Explode s: 8 l\li ss in g Pll ll.1\DEl.Plll:\ !l'P!1 - ;\ c.:ret'~ oil t:inkt•r h..·t~ •''<• plod('(! :\! drn:k~u!c 11 hi lt· unlcxidlni;: its caq.:n. ~tllint: 1111c r rc•11 man :u1d lo•.111111: 1•1i,:ht utlh•r p•·r'>4•1l ~ 1n1,•1nt: 1'h1r1t·t·n e r<'v.1111·111b"r eluding ;1 y.·11n 1,1n. and ;1 )JI· Pit r guard 11rrf' inJurl•d 111 I •· • \· ptos1Qn v.·h1ch lt'ft The 6.'11~f,.,l, tanker t:has. ch..1rh'r1·d '.<1 •he A1lan1 1r IU<'hfleld Oil Co lwk· off its r.1r~o or V1~n1'tti.·l;111 rrude oil :1t Art.\.1'$ Fort :\l1f· fhn lkpot 1'ucsd,lly night \\ h1·11 1hc ccn tl'r st·ci1on of 1hl' :-h.qi • l'Xplodcd ~honly before 1u p n1 . After thl' {'Xpl~ion thr ship broke lnt1 1 t\\o hurn1n!; sec· lions 1111d :1 \1•1111,•ss said "1: look~ l1kt· ,1 f\ll~!l'd l)(l1•r <':lll" Tht· ('0:1-.r r:u:1 nl t11i.1:1\' l.tlll~ c·h1·d .i tr .111d fl\t'r ~··a11t1 "t fcirt s t1• li<('.ltC live rre11rn•'l1 and a 11vn1:1n and two f'h1lrlr111 -lh1· la1t1·r three \ 1~1 tor' t•1 the ship -reported 1nL-'-1H.~ fo\10111n1? 1hc blast ;ind f1r1· Somr of the mi~si n(! v.+•rl' feart'd !illll ;1board ~h~ 1a11l.~1 which ~lllrd 10 the bouom of lh<' [)(>]av.are Hivcr :1 bo11t one rnile !'Ol:th of the l'h1l.1d<.'lptu,1 f\a1 :i i Y,1rd 1·11 E llEAU (HE\\'\I.\'\, round nt'ar !hr t·<"m··t •·h· ,inu ~lf'C'I dork, h:1d nnt ~"11 11J .. n tif1C'd. Iii· wa" hurn•· t l)r~und rl1.~g1ut u'.l11 pol1t c· ~;11d Thrt·c of th1· 1 n J 11 r 1• ,! Cfl'\\ITien and tht• p1••r ~u;ird "·err. rt>porJcd in l'11l 1•al t•on- d1t1on. Thr"'<' ot her• 11f'11· .~rl· nulled to l·11y h1l,p11:d:> 10.1th lr:,str injufll'S :i nd 1h•· b.11:111•·" of the 1n1urt'ti 111·n· tr1'.1lcd and relea ... cd. The f'oa.-.t c;uard ~aid !~ mf'mbt,r" of thl' rank{'f's 3.1- man c rl'll v.ert on 'hort lta\ c nt th•· tun1• c)f th1' 1·\plO"lrlfl Phdadl•lphia flrt' ofltt1.1!'.'> S:lld C3U._.' Of th•· bJ:1:.\ V. '-IS ~till 11 n di·t1·r tn1n1·d F1rrf1~ht«r". \\ h" hrflt1~h1 1rn- Oi1n1r~ un1[er l'11ntrol Ji!~! hcforr mhln1gh1 . 11···n' stil l 1111 !h1• SCt"J\I' ;JI d,11 l>rt•.ik hu~IJ\~ 1!111>111 !he r1arti:.1ll ) ~uDmergt.'d 1.1nk('r ,.. '\l•11· \"n rk 1.1\l'lll agrnl ~ Ila~ !-U l·tl Hohhy l;l'll· Ir\', t 1~11rn 111i,: ~hr h,nl n11t p;ud 10 peri·t·nt t'~lt Ot! -.1111ll' f1f lh•r 'lll).; Ill).! il'l'' .\L\'!\t \ l'- a ,)..111 ..; $~:i fi:iO .ri ;11 !t•!!C'dh llllpd!d fCl'" ~111 1 S·l I ,OltO 111 danl<i ~'I"' 'I' . I . I' I a Set For ff('11l1 •\' ~ \ \ A:.."TO\'!(l ! t'l'l 1 \vru,l'<I n1ul11pl" :i 1 .t } • r l·.luu·r \~·.,, n1• l !1·nlt·~. «hur~«d ti\ '>I\ of 27 d£">1 th-. t1f h'l'l1-il~(' 1,.,,s 1n a !hrl·<' \t~r ~·\· !orturi' n1urdl•r .... prt1'. \l'il! h'l 10 1n;1! .J11h· I!, un!•·"s hr· !:-. 1••111ld n11·n1:1 ll\' 1n1·nmf"l·l l'lll Tho "':11<• tbtJlk'-11" l' ... uu• 1:111 !)1 ,1nt·t .ludg.• l'r1·sto11 H 1~1.d ,Jr. T\ll'"d:n !'""'' 111•· dl"'t,•11,1' a 111 10.v.\••·h 1!t·IU\' 111 th1· li-ll'ilr-ol<I j11111•>r tu~h s1·h1 ~1I drl'\pnut's ~··r''•nd hl':1r· in~ th1\ ,l l·:n· !o '-11uh ~···J-..WI \ f1· .. 111 p~1 l·h1:1tr 1''" wl111 f"11· <llJ<'ll.-d 1• X I ,. 11 ~ I \' o• o•\- ;r 1111 n:i ! ions If drft•n:;l" v.-~· lud·n,·, t·r111 t·lud•· lh·ul•·y I' "'111". 111" 1u11th v.111 f.11·1• 11 II !or tl11· T! ·111h'r •·f l 'h:1r·.-, t .,111•1" ;ii"'' 17. 11 h•1 11.1 .i!i"L;•·tth rnurdcrt'd l;t -.t .l un•' '!.7 ;1• d bl1nt•d ;11 ;1 !'l1U!h<·.1~t I lr1t1'-!•1'.J t) .. 1l shed 4'11bh1r "'ii-. nu11·J1•r i int:: n1;1'-ll·rn11111·d (',)rll. ..... :.i DAILY PILOT 21 Sl.000 Veteran Tuition Pay11ie11ts l lrged v~)m \\'irC" SC"n\r('JI \\A"lll\4 ;Ttl '\ The \1111·r10-.1n l .. '\!l•ul propl"l:-.1.'<1 1t1- d.1.\ 1h.d l Ullhrt'S" p;i~ up !O ~\ !W~I ,1 \I' 1r 1.!l (Ul\Jt•I\ t111d !1'l'~ fvr \ 11·tn,1rn·1·111 1('11·rans "'1 th•'Y 11 1!1 h,1\•' a \1id1·r 1•)KJ11i· uf ~<'ti.10ls tht•v l\trl ;,f. h•n1 t ;1111 nd · . T • ,,.,,,,,,. "'i""~ :unoo< \ 1•!1·~.11"'.• r•·,uh1n· 1n difll'f1·n1 •',1!•" \I 1.i1 1hlf,·r1n~ '~sh·nt~ '1 I h'' ·· , l·11 . .ri .. n son'" ~··fill "1 \,if' ololi• p.1~'1ll'IH Iii !1111 :1 .. 11 '· ,. i!1f!l'!f•th't l>l "1.11•· ll1•:11Ullf1!~;1J t'""l !~ 111· J1r.1l•'l.t, !J1•· l ·1-~•11\ :-.:uU ti, \11·11" \1 1·r~· pr,..~·rnt~r I" 1: IL ,.,,\,·1:1hn1,~1 1hrt•1'\"1' 11! n.11,011;1\ 1l·t1·r.111.-. :1tt.1u·, ,l!l!I f••:1;1\\lli!,ltl!•ll l'l i'Tl!lll~'-1011 "r t1t•· !1 .' "n in 11•,11nlf11 11 11•;·.11,.d '"r lh•· S l·t1;1t•· \ •'!• (,l!I'-I "•11111•11llti' •. "'iff11·111 ,, •• ,,_. \\" \>;l!l\1 ,]'1 )\ 1· t'•!1•r:1I 111•.1,l •·r ol111·1,1J-,; h.i\,. ho •'11 oi1·do·f1'1l l11 !'n·,1d+•n1 \1 ~0111 It • • '1\ I••[ 1.q"' !11 tho • Ii.ii•' 1 ~111••"' 111 a1•hn<: 1·1rnn1s of last \It." .. 1ur11,l\.lt'1.'S Ill th~· S.lUth • .i·,,I \lld11, ,r lh•· I 'r1·,.rl,·nr 111.1d·· .~ 11 11 rh11r.d !llur of th1• :x .. n1a. 11•1 ''· .ir• 1 'l'u1•5(!,1v an<l found r• .. ,:(•, 11•i.1th v( v.hat h1· t'lill · •"I !I ,. 'I~"-' I 1l1 ·1'.1-.1:1l L1!1' 1lh.1'~' r I trl\1' f'l f'r !i('t•n" • """''' DP11i11! \lfl>l·\ l'.i \\' ,., ·i nn:. B<'l\ I•', fo1r111rr pr<':-.i· <1"11' .,f !hf' l'n1tf'd ;..!in•· \\ o~l.··1 ·' h;,~ dt•1111'll h•· h;11\ .1n1tli111<: 111 <lo v.1th th•• 1%'.l ;,..._,,,,.:n.1!1(1n f"lf !us unh•n T1\':1I .J11"*·ph ··.J·~·k Y11hlt>1l'lk1. f;,,\I,. 1.i .. ~ Iii•• ~f;1111J l!l )J1~ 0111! Ll'f•·!li.P 'l'llt•SfLll'. l lv I'- ! 11;1 r<:"d 11 irh n111rd(' 0 r 1n th<' ~1;i_1 i!l'~ or \"ablon'lk1. lus \\if·· :1•1d d:1t11lht"r on t:I•'<" 31. 1969. • \t'11r ltl <SltJtJ11r l',\lTEJ) :\\T !O:\~.-.: \·, \~':1n11nR.<i 11f fan11nt. "an 1 •'f"U." u:f1:1!1nn and !ht t•nrl of th•· hOnd hf•· for :1fn11rnt 1-oun· ·111 ~ ,111· li('Jn~ !'4.\Untlc•d ,,1 111 .. ~!"''·1:11 l ~ (; I' II o' r ,, ! \ • :11hr1 '"'•1110 ~ ,. 1· r 1· l;11'\·l;,.n1·r:1I Kur·t \\ ;1ldh1·11n :uid A ~ s l ' n1 h I y Pr't·Sld(•nl Lropu!d•) llan11•·:-. llf Ec·uador ll1!U th•· d1•lt•J:11h ·' frorn \J'i 11:111ons 1\w-.<1:1\ lh.it uri,:c•nt 1n!~'! n.1t 1t•n,d t'<A.1p1·1 ,t· ll'lfl :.ind 111·~· approach•··" ,H•' 111·1'<!1-d 10 c·op1• 111lh ti'" :-.hvrt ;l J:l~ or f·.txi a ll rl r1• ... ,11r1,·~ 1hn»L!l'llUIJ:'. ;1 I ! l"OUIHl'lt'S e ,\tfri#;(, l~••tl!t ;..!-:\\' \(1/tK ~1r 1k1n1: 1'tl1111r1.d 1·r11pl11\'1·~ t)f I !llh'<! l'r"s.' 1r,;, ru.1·1· -..1 l'l·•11n1•·d 1 .. 11u1 h \1.U.11 .. n.!tn~ ,, :!..kl.1 11.i1k .. t11 \ 111•\\ II ,l\ pn)l•'<l ·r11,,)(f,1~· 111 .1 \Oil' cuu· du«!t-t! b~ th1• \\'1 n· ~·rv11··· 1:111ld. \\hlt:h ~tld :-i l"Jlll i(~l l !'l '11111!.•\•'~ p:ir\ll'l\'·111'(1 Ill 1!11• :,;r1kt. 'llt1' t11 n \t'.1 r l'klj'\. c•)\"<'rinJ.( ~511 t'I'! wor ker'. pro\ ldl~ :1 11>1'11-stt·p ra1 ~· 111 !lit• l••P 11111111nu111 ~\;1ry lur n1·~:-..i111·n fru111 the pr1·:;i.'n' s:wo ;1 11et·k to ~15 • t .'lt•t•l itltlN ,';pf CA\'l'.~'.HH \, 1\u,lr:il1.1 Bo!h 1~>1.1.'l'~ of th1• ,\u:>lrul1.1n l'arlt.1rl"l•'nl ,1111 ht.• •!1,,nl\'1•,! lf"I 1n.1kt• \1'nl' rnr .I g111••r.1l .. 11'l'1l<W p111b;1t.h »rt \l,1.\ 11 .. r 111 l1"11n1· \1 1111,r.·r t ;ouRh \\ !ll!l,1111 :Ullh>IJl)111! \11d.1~ I 11· v.;i, 1·h,.1•r('(! h~ thr l.:1h(1r 1'.lU<"U~ 11h1·11 h<· 1na11 .. his ann .. unt't·1n1·nt 111 r('"\)0r\.'I!: II• tllf· llpp11~1t1\\n 's •!1·rl.1r1·d 11!· 1t·nt1on to oppo:-t· :1r~ proprl:1t1n11 hill'\ ;nnuunt 1 n~ hl :t;270 tnilllon In th(' &•n:itr • '·""' (,'f11.<f1 \'1~:\111A\E . l.nns -A h:it · 1alin11 nf n·b1.'I tr•~·P" at1.1ckr1J a J.(O\"t·rn1nt·nt-.lt'ff'nd1•d 1·111111.:(' in south <'~·ntr.il !.:10s tOc.1.11 111 th•· fir5t hattlr sln<·e lhr ll<?\\" l.Jol1;1n l'Oal lt1Qt1 ~O\'<'ntrTWnt \\'<JS f11r1n1·d last Fr1d;1 ~. ol· 1!1.·1<1! :-iiurt"·~ s:11d J.>.:f~·ll\t' ~JIHl~'(•I' pr I t1 (' •' s1 .... •uh \;, ('h.1n1p l~Sllf'k l•<(il.; ••d ;1 '-Tron" rrot1·~1 ai,::un'' th·· f1 :zh!u1l! 111 th" f1r~t 1u•·•·l1nJ.! ,,1 l'r•·1111"r ~11\;u.,, l'hounlit'' nt•v. ::!.;..rnan c;1li1n1•l tod;i~. A [fililli Place Ta Shop! / PANTYHOSE , I )' ' CHARMEEN ALL NUDE PANTYHOSE L .1y' .u f 'i'i ,,~o hf.P,r 11 t· .. ,j. CHARMEEN CONTROl·PANTY IRONWEVE TUMMY TRIMMER PANTYHOSI ' •1.• 1•1~,." ,,. Jr·~"vl ~~··, l ~ 2: 3.00 2; 3.00 t! .. :_ .1 {\·:~. IRONWEVE SHEER SUPPORT I J, PANTYHOSE I J:· l '.~·1111 lyC'd S~d·; . '' 213.00 IJ " IJ n u fl 1" • J. • ,,_ .-J .; .. ~ c> '.1-- \ .' I .. '"':-' .. ' ' . 'l,: I (':, t_; ; ' • ,.I .{J ~ - CHARMEEN AIR SUPPORT All NUDE PANTYHOSE f 1.,11cr 1~fl t snrnr lil tnl' waul '11 1!~ "11t~" a· J r ·~cp~rt • IRONW!VE Knee Hi 's s~e~1 ~toe• ~t= tvr tJit ·, boots and v.r w~.ir. 2 l 5.00 3 : 1.00 CHARMEEN MEDICAL SUPPORT HOSE fer ~~a •11 ~r,a..'1, r.~mfort _211d :a • ~11' 2 ! 3.00 PRICES PREVAIL thru SAT., APRIL 13th li n II " Ii ~ \J " ii II ll I \J I I n .i:=:=~===:::i:::i i:=: = c::.. = c::=02"" . J 29 DAILY PILOT Wtdnnday, Aprll 10, 1974 ·QUEENIE WELr:OMCfO l>ll ~LYJ!U "You sec more and more of that these days." L. M. Boyd Weird Animal, Tl1at Manatee • The manatee is not a pretty critter. Lives in the sea. Shaped like a sack. Sunken eyes. Bristly mustache. F!'l1 upper lip. A tail like a spade. GroY:s about 15 feel long. Weighs a too. And tape measures more' than seven feet around the waist. That beast is thought to have inspired among ancient sailors the earliest notions about beautiful mermaids. Those old boys must have been out on the v.-ater a long time, what? Bananas breathe. They inhale oxygen, exhale C'o.rbon dioxide, and generute their own heat .•• More than halt of the new cedar chests are bought by boyfriends . • . Our Chic( Prognosticator thinks we·n all be us· ing aluminum plflnies pretty soon ••. Police report a handgun is sold nationwide every 13 sec- onds , •. \Vere you aware that an estimated 20 mlllk>n plastic bottles are rloating around in the north Pacific? BARBIE Q. "\Yben "'I S Barbie or Barbie doll fam e born?" A. Just 16 years ago. Q. ''How much is the average sale on a ltfaster Charge card?" A. Close to $20. Q. "~low often docs lhc ~erage rollege girl shave her legs?" __ ..'::\ A. twice a v:eek. Even more often in the summer. What. you slill haven't figured out hcnv to make $1 million? Nothing lo it. Sell disposable diapers from vend- ing machines in nirports. bus depots and service .stations. That's Item No. 14568 in my Bright Ideas file. PRESIDENTS Could you say you've ever loved a United States Pres- ident'! Depends on \\'Tlat you mean by love, I suppose. But pollsters put the question to a-Sizable sampling of citizens. And only 39 percent of them said no. That presi- dent y.·ho got the most love votes in this surveY wa s John F. Kennedy. Franklin D. Ro05evelt came in second. Dw ight Eisenhower, l~rti. Young lady, if you want tllat little toddler of yours lo slay out of juvenile court later, teach same how to read. It's no\v reckoned that almost four out oI fi\'e children legally nanted as juvenile delinquents have reading prolr !ems. \Vas on ly 102 years ago that the first umbrella v.'aS opened up in this country. In Baltimore. At least, no ear· 1.ier use of the gadget appears in the records. Acldres.~ 111ail to l.... J.1. Boyd. P.O. Box 1875, New- port Bcacli 92660. . stward<flo ....... GMo~l ll"~~ino I ·, ..COT-ADVERTISER IO 8 OZ. SIZE GILLITTE Right Guard DANISH HAM 1 oz. Vital is DRY CONTROL For MEN 70Z. SIZE Protein 21 UQulD SHAMPOO ( Dl·GEL" UCWIO ...... (loo iii 3.·99 12 OZ. LIQUID DI-GEL Anli·Gas ANTACID . . 1.19 PAK OF 51 STYROFOAM . ' ,~; 6 OZ. SIZE CUPS • :::::;;:r.:::.'!iii:ri;:-·=.;:;;=;;;=t--.... ,.,,ii"ill lf nrr@ @ LI l!;@ for i~ EASTER m ,. by ARMAND -H 100% Polyester in the f.J latest desi11s and m ~ •i~~ steel [;! "":::::~ :~'t::~:;111col1rs.97 ·~ ch,. ea. • •1 1 fu Li Regular or Pre-l ied 89 C i'.l f'j Pe,1/ar styles i• 1re1t Spri111time .ti pi c111r com~i11atio11s. ea. ~1 :.';:;;:;:r:;;;;:::::~:::;r~:::;;::::-H-::;:::;;;;:;::: . ..:::::::::.::: ... _ .. ::.:::~ .. H-;:§ -----~ ' . . BASKETS Outdoor Needs 38 QT. Ice Chest "Poly-lite" -R!<es"11 9 98' plated steel handles with bottle openers. • 55 QT. Ice Chest "Poly-lite" - leather grained 16 89 l!llerior with one-piece line s. 1 l"k·proof drain. 2 Burner Stove Standard propane 16 88 camp stove. 10" center burners . • ' DOUBLE Lantern Double mantle for '" wi~ '/;, 16.4 oz. or 14.101. 2 88 , . dispoS1ble bottles. · • . . ANTl-PERSPIRANT • Rea:ular • Unscented • Powder r 1r t~e E11 Decarati11& Mac~i11e STYROFOAM .·<~ 3" Chick -~,. laster novelty Sits on a buc~e1 with handle. PAK Of 3 • LUDEN 'S HOU.OW MILK Chocolates ror Btautilul, Btauti.ful Hair! ., .. ggc Ml'tl LOW NKI AT 49~2.98 Easter Grass NONFUMMllLE for Easter bas~ets. 1.09 -~ ....... ---~ :"k' -!f '\ ' 1.5 23c 2.5 31 c IZ. IZ. HINKLE'S EASTER EGG COLORS : "Merry Bunny" '1 :(;,., · "Mommy Bunny" 1V2 or. .29 ... Fill 'N Thrill 1GGs As sorted colors in plastic to fill '\ No mixing! No mess! F1~c glossy colors. ill I "Spi rit ol '76" , ~ij · . J. "Bo ss Rooste r" -.. -..:.:"" -'.:..::.··, LUDIN 'S 2V1oz. . . --43~. PALMER HOLLOW MILK Chocolates INFLATABLE Playmates 'Smile Saver' CAMERA 01 ITFIT Golflplete oulf1t 111 one pac~age! Includes pockrt l~tamat1c Cam"!ra and till n!ce~sary equipment. 24.88 for IASTO built in squeakers afld adorable detail, 88~. wi!h surprises. age JV," BAG OF 10 2Vz" BIG Of 24 HERSHEY'S Milk Chocolate EGGS large si1e wit~ .. colonng 00ok. !ell 2 99 ', like bunny and caod.es. 1 Wheelbarrow 4 19 Push ii along ... topped\¥1th c.indy. 1 Basket Giant size ~11th plush bunny. large 4 99 chocolate bunny and Easter candies. 1 MITAL Sand Pail erDrum A witlo STIOO ~ 1.69 ... Wrist Watches MagiCube_s BRADLEY -Fun time .. , en1o~ed by all 111SI Raggedy Ano, HOI Wheels or Barbie . ly GENUAL nECntc fl.ASH WITMOUT IAmllES! FM X ~po & Pot~et lnsumatlc '.16.9~ 11 1A:29 ... ........ -...._ .... 11 • ,' •• , • ' JJ PILOT·AOVEATISEA Ill If 1• lllPU SIZE or 211 llCllUI JOlillSIN &-.SIN Soff Puffs .f•C..•la&~cm 12 OZ. SIZE . Vanish TOILETIOWL QElNER tM1TlllTOMllACH-..._&., .... , ...... IOTIUOF 225 Bufferin TABLITS Twicus Fast as Astlrlo! . 32 OZ. SIZE Dr. Pepper RETURNABLE BOTTLES 2.19 ROLUR DERBY Shoe Skates fnf> Ofl~•nAI \1deNalk s~ate 1 \Vh1!e for girts and Blac~ lor Lnys. A5·!'d ·11~~-PR. RATTAN . Desk Organizer r or r.ta t1onery su119ties, corres"°ndence, b1l1~. etc. Decorator colors. GILLETTE Platinum-Plus 2.99 . .~ ~ ' I -"·-"-"'__:":...' -'A":_"__:lcc.O, .:._19:.;_74 _____ .::_DAIL !_PIL_OT_2 3 TOOTHBRUSHES "N1ttr1I 1111!1•~"' 3i1.00 I BOX OF 14 Kot ex FEMININE NAPKINS .. 1 ............... _ "'-./ . . :;) ,, v~ ""-..t • .., • • KO TEX TAMPONS '"or" 1.19 16 OZ. SIZE Jergens BUBBLING BATH BEADS You ·u Feel Salt All Ower! • 4 I ., . .... I ' ' I l 11 OZ. SIZE NON-STING Soft & Ori \i,/i. f)ri Anti-Perspirant :.:it f""l1" Scented er Unsce111ed · d KODAK Kodacolor -X CARTRIDGE FILM for lnstamatic Cameras CX !10.CX1 1\or , CXl 17fl' (•po~urcs). 88~ KODACOLOR II 'ftr Pocket l1stamitic Camer1s ..• 112 hpuurll! ggc . POLAROID Colorpack Film FOi clear. TJpl 108 3 98 crisp pictures! ' . lrP•ll 2.98 • ,. • • • I j • I ' J 24 VAIL Y PILOT Wrdne~dJy, April 10, 1974 Jach Lord: Confidence Pays ....... ,.,. c.,.... .... ~·... >·•t••· 1'WO WAI.I....,.,. lflTSI IOllN HOOD 1t1 Pl.Ul • )&MlJ OMNll ONf LlnLI INDIAN (\\ By JEKllY BUCK LOS ANGELt:S 11\Pj -Six years ago, J11ck Lord confidenlly predicted: "This show ls going to make it. I don't see bow it can rail.'' Before that first S<'a!!On in 1968 was half over, Lord nearly had to eat those words . "Hawaii Five-0" .,.,·as going down the tube. But at Christ.mas tiine, CBS 'pulled a schedule sleight-of· ...... t1 11111 THllU TUES, 'TIL 2:» J111n W1•n• "Mc Q" "' 1"1<1110 "SE.llPICO" (R) f:'.'>IOUNlAIN VALLf'f .,.f,~~'"-""!J ~07';-:"1':.o::'c.1 11 FIU TH•U.TUl:5 'TIL._l :XI ' Woocly AU ... "SLEEPER" + "COPS & ROBBERS" "INSPIRATION" byLrr"'-* Pliltl "SOLD" 7:l0 I t :JO hct. E• ... • • • • • • ''l'A,,LLOH" "SUTHltl" ''Slllrt•" "COf'S & IOllllS" "'A"LLOH" "SUTHll:" ''TMl PAP'H CHA.SI" "Clr-IDllELJ.A LlllltTT" '1'Hl WAY wf Wiii" "SUMMY WISHIS, WIHlll lAM$_" 1-lt l ,.,.lei 11,)0 IO J :OO II·""· C•~c101 $1111, a. Hol1,) $1.00 Kids Like To Ask Andy THE GREAT GAT/BY MOLIDA Y S'CHEDULI 1:00 • 4:JO • 7: IS • t :4S MOH.·TUES. 7:15 • 9:45 Try Saturday's News Quiz We Dare You ' hand. It svdtt•ht.>d the show from Thursday. where It V.'&S ,being slaughtered by "Ironside.'' to Wednesday. 1'hl.!re , it killed off the opposition. Bu r t Reynolds' "llan August," and the rest Is ratings history. CBS has since moved the series to Tuesday. anyone who's spoken about is llpoken against," he replied. "I had a deal with the network going in that called fGr star billing. There was a reason for that I don't know where t,he criticism began. It's mostly about J immy MacArthur. "But he wasn't even in our pilot. I congratulated him detective shows on the air. What's in teresting is that whil e the show's producUon values are a little flashy, U!rd's style Is not and it works out well. The \Ustl locaUons, the exotic faces and the snap and crispness of its color -Lord cred its this to ~I a w a i i ' s nearness to the Equator - ~ letters from people wmting to University. llls works hang in see something of his tersooal the h-1useum of Modem Art lire. J think the Jnystery and the !\1etropolitan Museum piques people. I thinll It also In New York and th c annoys them ." Smithsonian Institution. In his ov.·n life, Lar• isn't a Lord also adn1ils th at mystery, although heh a very Hawaii's distance from the private person. ~le s,id th~t n et v.• or k decision nv1kers living in H.onolulu. mere He provides the show with an intends to remain aice the autonomy he enjoys. show leaves the air. doesn't Despite his confldence and THE POINT IS that Lord, on the mainland for a brief vacation v.·ith his wife, Marie, is a supremely confident m11n . A fcv• disgrlllltled voices have intima ted that it is rnore than ju::;t confidence. • give him · a sense of illllation, the success of' the show. he said : "No one in television Over the years, reports have v.·aftcd over the waters !hat all is not n1nk and honey on the island paradii;e where the series ls filmed. That Lord Is possessed of a large ego and once rt'wrote his network biography in tenns that would have flattered a Creek god. Thut his fellow acto rs are a bit rankle(! that Lord retains exc lusive right to be called "star." The credits read: Lord 11 po11essed of" I urge ego aHd once rewrote his n e twork blographfl '" terms that '"""'d have flattered n Greek god. "EVEN Wll E~ I was in v.•ho cares about his v.'ork is lfollywood I was nevfJ' of it," totally satisifcd. You have ·to ·he said. "I never ran',\•lth tbe n1ake compromises. ll's the crowd. I'm a loner, with the 5001)et form . You get 14 lines exception of a few people I and that's il. •· grew up "'lth on Broadway --------- Paul Ne \,·ma.n. Ton}' HE'S THE 'STAR' Five·O's J11ck Lord "Starring Jac k L-Ord, with James MacArthur, Kam Fong and Al Harrington." I asked Lord about these rumors and put to him the question of ego and star billi ng. His blue eyes seen1cd to ice for a n1omcnt, and he conside r e d his words ca!'ffulty. ''SOl\tF.oNE ONCE s aid WOODY ALLEN TAKES A NOSTALGIC LOOK ATTHE FUTURE •• , when he was hired. He's a marvelous ac~r. b~t I don·'t see "'hY any actor who had nothing to do with the pilot or selling' it oo Madison Avepue should be handed star billing. "Stardom is something you earn. Tbe two shows l starred in. 'Hawaii Five--0.' a nd 'Stoney Burke.' I helped sell them on Madison Avenue. So, you n1ay call it ego. I call it good business sense." LORD SAID he did not know of any open friction on the show. "llawaU Flve-0" is a Oamboyant show and one of the con.sistently b e t t e r Plenty of FREE PARKING ••hind WtdillCJS M-of- • . ' ~~ Undid Ar!lsls "SLEEPER" -Daily al 7:00 a.cl 10:15 Sunday o.!y -3:40·6:55· I O:OS "COPS" -Daily al 8:40 s...day Only -2:00-5:15-8:30 Horry Caul will go onywh~re to bug o private conversation. His talents ore unequalled. They ve already been responsible for lhree murders. ,, ..,., ..... -·°"""""'17< fiands focd Coppola r.o-""'""' John GazaJe • AllenGarfield·Cindy Williams . u.--..,., ~~ Frederic Forrest • Dcwld 5hft • r..d Roos IN HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER HARBOR BLVD . AT WILSON ST. COSTA MESA 646·0573 .2 MILES SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FWY. f impart a special look , 'Add to this the bizarre crimes and the frentic pace and you ha\'C a very stylized show. On the otht>r hand ,'as Sieve ~1cGarrett , the head of the Flve -0 un i t , Lord 's performance is sturdy, almost dour. His chiseled face wears a troubled, no-nonsen s e expr~ion. It plays off well against the flamboyance of the show. He defin itely is no t lost among the flora and the fauna. AFTER SIX years on the alr. Lord 's McCarrett still remains a mys tery n1an. \Ve S('t? only one side of hi1n -the business side. "Not knov.'ing him works for us," said Lord . "We get Francios:i . Sle\'C Nl'Q\leen. Darren ~1 tGavin. I ditn't have many contact! with l~olly1rood. I ,\ranted to spend my time wilh my wire.''. Lord, 43, and his wife. a fonner fashion designer. live in a condominium 8t Kahala Beach. He is an accomplis hed painter. lie majored in fine arts while on a football scholarship at New York Ballet Set Edward Ville1la, regarded by many as America's outstanding ballet star. has been commissioned by CBS to create and dant'C in a one-hour special. "Harlequin," OOscd on the 16tb century commedia dell'arte character. The program will be aired at 3:30 p.m. April 10. NOW! TWO OF THE BEST PICTURES OF THE YEAR TOGETHER! ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS Jf-CK LEMMON (I) ~JACK GILJ'CR) onl-...... Ull.RIE Hf:gojfMA,~ -i...~SIW.-.N ~~IDllND'JSfUJ'IMAN ~!l;STM 5l-\ollCW'I C.w!~J:»IGM.DSIN ... _ .. _ __,. fal~~J-- . WIDAM lmR IWTYS THE EXOROST ELLEN 11...lRSlYN MAX\.rn S\OCW·lEEJ((]B KITTYWlNN J'CK ~ JA&::;N MlLER.r.;.r.. r.... UNli\ IVJR • ..,.·r..i..d1rWlll.IAM lffiR IUffi' " r.o..t-ULMARSl-W.L·s..o.1iW1ll.IAMlffiRIWTYt:i foo 'IO. 1.1\)A '!loo C......W.. C-,. JRl-..:.=w•l WIMNIR Of TWO ACADEMY AWARDS MON ... TUIS.-WID.·THUlS. 2:00 • 4:JO. 7:00. t :JO RI. 2:00 • 4:20 • 6:50 • f :JO • 11 :50 SAT.· SUN.i 11:41O.M.·2:00 ,..,., • 4:20 . 6;10 . t :20. 1 liSO EDWARDS HARBOR al ADAMS . COSTA MESA. PH:S..~102 ON HAR BOR BLVO.·ONE MICE SO.OF SAN DIEGO FW'I. II ' SELECTED ON MORE u10 BEST" LISTS THAN ANY OTHER ALM OF THE YEAR! '~ Gll"''m • • tf.CASJl.'~ an CCP"O.Jo co "'<d.c""" ""'""0~0Rt"lM ·PON'/I~' ~t!MoJ·C~llWJltHSJ.""\.! CNCl"Q>l*•...W:o:Ef<l'(~P.; • (f;CJ;WU~·w:'.l!JM'oN;...c;:~ -l>l'GlOOIGf. l()CA.! G'>d Gl.Ol'• !VJ/ &. Wt.J.>00 "lf'C.>: • °"""'""" "-GlOAG{ l.UCAS C(>.,_..00"" G>Jl" ~l · """""=""" r,. JD~ 1000 COf'f'OlA . • l,H\o{PSAl PICf\lo'I • !IOHCC:XQI>• l frem the people who 1avt you "The ja1.1. Sln .. r'' STARS: Cleavon Little • Gene Wilder Mel Brooks • Madelyn Kan n • Harvey Korman Hli1bo1 Bou1..,•td nt11 Mtfltdd9t1 $1nt•Aftt• 531·1271 I -- , •• • THfATnr 1 In th• City C.ntr1 o,.nv•. 997.ot32 I -" ...... SIAD/UM -I :: .. ,..""'' ,, ,,._ ... -· -.... $140/UM •3 :.:: .. ~ .... .L.C. .. <. "':.9 -"'-'-'·-..... $1AOIUM•4 :;.:, .. .A'.U<lU..t.!.>U.: ,. "' "Ai.ICI IN WONDllLAND" ... "CHAlllLIE AND THI ANGEL" ..THE STING" ... "CHARLIE VAllRICK" "ILllPll" ... "COPS AND IOlllU" 1~1 "THE CON.YlllATION" IPG I -"JUDGE l OY llAN" Paul Revere and the Raiders leaturing Mark Lindsay - Tonight thru Sunday ~ g:'IRE g:'LASHBACK! & Spectacul ar Fireworks Se t to the Sounds of Rock Music! ! Tonight and Tomorrow Night KNOTT'S BERRY FARM. lluenl 1'11rk, Ca.-Open [\·tryda~ (>I IJ S27-17ifi Two Concert Groups Off er Rare Talents No single organization has done more to bring top night artists Lo local communities than the far flung Community Concr:rts "AssodaUon, TOM BARLEY One need to look no farther than oor two Orange ())uruy offslx>ou ol that growing and popular chain for prool ol the kind of talent that is in- creasingly being m a d e available for I o c a I con- sumption. Our Lag\U1a Beach Com- munity Concert ASSO('iation 14'ill close its \·rry successful 1973-74 season April 22.. with a visit from the Orpheus Trio - a magnlficeot finale indee<I if this superb group repeats the triumph it recorded on an earlier visit to our country. AND ANOTHER memorable finale seems assured when the very lovely Karan Armstrong closes the Harbor Area Com· munity Concerts Association scason ~1ay 11 in Nl"Yl'port Beach. Music Box list of those coming at. Lractions and It is obvious that there is going to be no lower- ing o( the high sc.andards con- sistently maintiined by the organization. Among the attractions will be the Aman Folk En!lernble, The stunning Irvine S11prano J is a flnn favorite in these AllM.I TltONO parts and it woold take much n1ore than a corooary oc-- clusion to keep this critic from the concert hall when Karan is on haod. Community concert groupi; rery sensibly begin to think aboul musical things to come at this st.age of the year and that is f!xactly v.·hat the am· bilious Harbor group has on the agenda right now. TltEY WUL kick ol! their aMual membership d r i v e April 22 with a dinner at lhe Airporter Inn which will feat ure a discussion of the artists and groups lined up for local consumpt ion in the 1974- 75 season. r.-tarilyn Kunde, the group's hard driving publicity chairman, tw been kind 1 enough to supply me with a Pianist Stan ff"{'('man, one that spectacular aggregation of folk artists. v.·ho so magn1flcently depict I.he mu.sic and dance of Eastern Europe. the ~liddle East and Africa. THEN TilEY'LL have little Stephanie Chase. that superb yo ung violinist 'A'ho had us on our feet bellowing bravoo v•hen she last appeared in Laguna BcadL of the most gifted and versatile keyboard artists on the circuit, will be another Jlarbor Area visit.or during the coming season . And then they'll have the Songs by Si x. a v o c al ensemble that comes to Orange County with top flight credentials. And that's hardly s1.ui>rising in view of the fact that their stylings are the product ol that first class choral master, Robert De Connil'l". TH E L~CREOIBLE thing about all this is that all four concerts ar:e made 3\'ailable to members for $10 in the case of 11dult subscribers and · S5 f0r students. Looking a~ain at thc l ca liber or thc artists aSSC'mbl· ed. one v. onde.rs how nn earth I the. or~anizers of the prtlf:lram · can orrcr so 1nu<.:h for so-httle This 'A'riter is often lO- undat<'CI 'A'ith can~ about these · L'om1nunity concert programs ar !hrs umr of year and it rna•' sa~·c a little tirne 1f I gn e ~t•U a much lx.-tte r number to 1·:ill in the ease of the llarbor ArC'~ group-640-1180 from 10 a.in. to 5 p.m. during th<-'A"l'l'k beginning Apnl 22 and 6i~712 or 84.2-8203 at all oth('t tJm<.'5. locidcntal\y. that Apnl 22 dinner 'A'ill feature another slar allractkll -none Other than Shirley Kupferman .,...ho nttds no introduct ion to Harbor Arca subscribers. Alhlc tc Actors HOLLY WOOD r UPI • -Six prof('S.-.iooal athletes. Tom Mack and Pat OJ.rran of the Los Angeles Rams, S;tan Love and r.1el Counts of the Los Ange_les Laken;, and jockey5 Peter ~1oreno and P a u I Romero. make their acting debuts "ith Jack Lemmon in the film version of "Tht:- Prisoner of Second A\'enue ." r'v I· ,.... ' ',1 ,., 111. -: , • ;t ; ! · r • R01 ERT 11EDFORD .. m1A FAl1ROW KAREn BLACK /COTT WIL/On /Am WATER/Ton LOI/CHILE/,, BRUCE DERn Tom " • ]:-:-~ 1. • J. ! ; .• •. ' ... ' . .. '0 '"~ ~ .... -~'OP.lClflC"0S~- IUOIA PAil DIM -Ill UNCOLN Wiil Of KllOn •utlU,.f.• 821·4070 WINNER 2 ACADEMY AWARDS "SOUND" -"~C'llEENPLA Y" ''A gangster picture, a love story ... a superior film.'' PAUL ROBlRT NfWMAN RlDfORD ROBlRTMIAW I',~ I<' (if ,Pllfl(...CT i.,-' A GEORG£ ~ HU..l FllM ml~TIN6 PlttfOl.MAl'ICl 5CHIOUll W...._.n.n,.#rl..s.t~S-. I 1:00-2:1S-4:l0..•:4~f:N.I1:11 ,.._.T.,i. 7:1S-,:JO ACADEMY AWARD BEST PICTURE PUtS u n •C'TtU' GLENDA JACKSON ,.A TOUCH Of CU SS" .ito GeOrge ~ ""'-c._....-· Ciene Hockman . .. The Convetsation" HOU DAY PUfOIMAMCE SCHH>UU l·J.S-7-t·l I W-·T•s. 7:1S-t:l5 " 'llWIHG SADlllfS' II A eoMIOT llOT,• TOtl"ll:l LOOllMG '°' LMtt+fnl. '°""' .,..,, m .................... _ .... ~ ..,.......c.-... .................. . RATED R -Stewatd Kleln. WNEW-tv HAAEn BlACK /COTI WIVOfl /Am WATERJTOn LOVCHILE/,JJAlKE DERn Tom HOLIOAY MATIHlE\ DAILY 'flifD. THIU WM. 2:00.4:30-7:15-9:45 MQM..T\11:1. t•ll'llMQ.\ .f.T 7:1S-t:4\ -"'"'°" ....... "'·-· , .. ! .. \PG) 10ilnUiJ. \PG) • <UI ' ••• """"!"""' .... • .. -........... ... ST.f.•Si RATED R AC.AD. AW.US ~Si M.f.ltK.f. lrU.'°"' • JAJ>al C.t.Alt Pl.US ACADEMY AWARD WIHHU Ifft Sbfl 1 111M) Actw: .i.t. ...... _ lti ;m~rf J.gprf (!Jqna..t ALSO lT.lll T1rnott'ly Bottom• Lll'ldwt .,,._ i·;;. . .,,.., ... .-:.:-·;;.'I . . . . . !. ". • • • • • I• • Cl~~\IACl"NlfR r ~ . ., !: . 111.hOI Ar A.DAUS GCMT.t Ml\.I · '1JIJ:4t•1 • 97'-4141 • \loi.I \: -l""~ .\~•l•r, M \ flC 1 I' KE.ITH CARRO.A.I t~[• ';H(tl Y OOVAL ALSO ACADEM Y' AW•ID WIHMll -IEST ACTRESS •• Moo._, ...... -A Tuuch Of Class 1PG1 ........ ...._. . ... ~ ····-~·· ····· ······ ............... . • • ·~ACH ••~O ....... ~ ' • ... CO•••'"""' 0 .... l>'"QO •WO ... ~ ......... u ......... o ...... c .. alt.a ttllt Zftd STAll RIMG F•ed ""acMutray Cu;r•• Le1cnmjn ~ ·J'1 Ru$sell ~l.irry Mor;an IN MISSION VI E..JO [I•.\ . ....................... . .r STARS MAX VON SYDOW • LINDA'BLAIR ELLEN j)URSTYN • JASON MILLER l'kfoltwAMCI \CHlOUU -c>M.-WlO~THUt:\. l:~=»'l:\G-t:l0.11 :\0 HI. -l :ob.4:10.6:\0..,:20..1 l·\4 S.f. f .. \UN.: 11 :4\ ,.._J:OO ,_-4:l0..6:l0-tcll).t I:~ HOLIDAY MA TINffS DAILY OODY ALLEN TAKES A NOSTALGIC LOOK AT THE FUTURE. 1'1; -:;: .. 11n11td Art1m PLUS THIS 2nd COMEDY CLIFF GORMAN JOSEPH BOLOGNA ;,, W~!n) W. fil~..tl mn;y~~w ~1 PGJ ~---- '~ • ~~ ·f:OWARDS -t "W°1 CINEMAWlST :J 1 .,.-.~"'' ""Co•ll••' 1·,.,, I ,; ,., __ .,,, .. r-,~, .. • 111} ~.ol"ll . . J DAILY PILOT Wtdntsday, April 10 l q/4 TONIGHT'S • TV HIGHLIGHTS j CBS D 8:00 -Sandv in Disneyland. Sandy Dun - can si ngs and dances through the P..1agic Kingdom in this lighthearted s~cial with Ernest Borg nine, Ruth Buzzi, John Davidso n, Lorne Greene and the Jackson Five. ABC O 8:30 -"Mercy or Murder." Bra~lord Dillman and ~felvin Douglas star in this serie s pilot film about a famous attorney who co mes out or retirement to help his son defend a noted doctor · accused of taking the Life of his "tenninally ill wife. Denver Pyle, l\1iJdred Dunnock and Don Porter al so arc featured. · .. TV DAILY LOG OuMocl. O,vid Birney, Don Porter. A l1mous lttG¥MJ comes out al te· ti1ement to ~d his MIA In the defen5e of 1 Mled dottor 1cc11ud cf t1kln1 the lilt of llis 111m111111y. ill twife, m ..... lriffi• s-. G) MtwM: IC) (10) ... llU Htrst C•llJM .. (wts) '54-Joel McCl'ta. tD Tllf1tre iii Alltric• ''The Con· lfKlol" (21/1111') PllJWf!tlll 01•1d Stotty's WOik is I PflMICllM dr11111 wl!idl eaplo<« !ht rel1tion· 5'\ips amonc 111ree ce11111tiofts °' -•me dw ill todays dl•ncln1 8rit1in. CID P110r1•• RMll , .. 0 l®I Ill) (jJ ~ ... ~ C... Suiiillh• an: Rt,n· ~ olds ii PtffY c.omo·s .~ IOI; 11111 ont·llour musit1I v1r1et1 19eci11. o @oo m111c w••t1t••••1 MO'rit: (C) (Zhf) .. A11ip111111t I• Kill" hu1p) '69 -P1t1lt11 O'Neil, Jo111 Htt•rtt. Herbert Lem. Si1 Joh n Giel1ud. Eric Portm1n. An lnsura11Ct i1wt1ti1alor stU out to determine wMther lrMd Is imohoed in lhe slllkl111 of two ships, alld becomes t1u1ht up in llomldd1, @ Tiit hk!OMS t'ij) Mlrie: (Cl (Z•r) "'Ut1tdn ea,11. cm" (dra) ·~ -Jostph Conon, Ingrid 8e11m1ft, MiehMI Wildin&. m-mcam11114l!Mudl t:JO ..... ._,,.. ........ 7:•1::.~..:r:-WMT111,..,r .......... ltt'1 Mab A Dell Tiit firlPMtkell . ·-$ ..... , ""'-(tom) '66 -Y1nuw Rcd11nt. , ... U ti!!! CIJl ID ,... """"" • O,-umitt" Slenn keals lllU!s 11 a psJdlopllhlc bomber whost vie· tims ~ lo h\le no ntrtion lo one 1110the1, and It's lloj1k'1 prob· lem to stop llim Mfoft Ill kllls ~'0.ceSJ """ r'i""""""' O i:tiJffi m1>1c lll l•t "Th• Brothers" An lnditft youlh's ~101· cycle 1ecident le1d1to1t1ious 111[ury for his b1<1ther. In SOffOW, tht ,outh i on Into the mountalM to ofter hlmse!f 11 1 S1Cfilk1 lor his broth· er'a W ltli. and there Btn llllOI li~ds 1111 youth H U dtllh l/Ol!J e1posu~. OIYid Werntt'. i""""'"m"' ........ tE :==... ·-m ~=~-l l•t•rflCI Dnu llSaill.-d ~r ... ..._ ... 1:0011 ::'~scp;t 1 s.., ll:Jlw=:.-~ hRussia'" • DhMY!HI s.dr 0.11t111 is • I '" S:-t f l1t1ll Pied P'iptr whe J11p ll'ld S,.•slll C.ffy ditllttl lttlr ••J througll the m•&it . ; ~ ~ • Wirltr Mtrtldt world at Disr1111111d with her 1uts\s llM tht Lord c:li* [rlltSC l«llli"e, Ruth Burri . .klhn 11:00 Q Q Q €!)mm News D1w111-. Lorne Grttne. Tiit JtcJi; (3) (I) [)QI &') Ii} (j) News son flW. Ttd ltlli1ht, LoqiM ' 0 Tiit lest el Crllldlo MHS1111 111d Ooc SNtflnst11. (il h"l' MnM 0 ®! m Cllnt ~The ~eop~ P•.r· 0 Mt'fil!: "ttllfl T11non'" fdr1) l•f" Ollw 111d his unit 11111 b11 'S2-Li.,n Redmond NIJ Monis lrom 1 boot.if ot111flioll. ind in thl I MiUiM: l•"""'t• · lllOCISI arrrst Ille mysttfl01ls leader. The UlttlldlHlt1 o !HM: <C> <211f> .,...., Zen" o m LIMc tay (id·fi) '66-Nidl Ad1ms. AIU11 l1~· tJ TIW S.IRI a11d1, ED IRtf!rfKt D Cowboys Joke Develops (~ 001 Tiit PM11ttn * into a LIFE Struggle 11:15 (DCi11e1111 3' 0 l{ll Cl) r@ Tiie Co.tiers "The 11:30 II Cllil @ I (fJ CIS lilt Movie· 11111'" N11ht1in1a1 6tspentelr li&hls (C) "'Wtlcomt Kome Jo~nftf 1r1,: lo s1v1 the lilt ol Jimmy. lound 101~ (du) '7Z -Martin Landau ne" 11~1!11 two Ila)'\ 1ftt1 1>ein1 Jallt Ate11nde1. ' r.~uRhl tn I COJO~t trap, Q ff}@ IJOj m tohf!nr C.15011 ~ Dealtr's Clloke O Mftie: "The Mallls1111R" (wesl S.lari 11 AltftntUtt "53-W.,ne Mo1ris. Ue111 Verdu~. M11lt111 rt1111 ftltlwtl 0 @00 m WWI Wtrid s,tt:Wil ci3 ('J Oriti 11.oms fastn s,edal tJl) Dnoll Yo••r 111) 0:6' MMW: (C) IZllr) "Wild 11 tllf: Wind" (Cira) '57 -Atlthony Quiflll. lZ:tO (i} Oflt $11f ae,..iil A~nl M11n1ni. m .... : "KelltdY'° (tlftl) 'JS-ED W1$11iflstH C.IMICll9 Ricllard GtttM. LO/elta Yow"&. rn cu.p1o11U11,..,.,... m ... ~ m ia,-" 1.a11p1p ~ mo., tt NirM l :lO 0 DRAMATIC NEW MOVIE * "MERCY OR MURDER"• A DOCTOR ON TRIAU O !ftJ(J)(DAIC W1d t1tt sd1r Mftit: (CJ (90) °'MtlCJ M Mtt•r" (611) •74 -BrM!orct Dill1111n, Dell· ¥fl Pylt, M~ Oou1tu, Mildred 1:45 0 Morit: "Pride tf st l 1ti1" fct11) '52-0in Diii)', JcMnne Oru. t:OO tD AJl.Ni(ttt 3ber, "A W•IR'I Stull." "MIT)' of SottbN" 3:10 11 MoM: "Clpt1111 ~ c.01 '!>J-'11d11td Cr1tnt. KOCE, CllANNEL SO Orange Counly's tJ llF' television station, KOCE-TV. has scheduled the following Spt('lal programs today. Dc!alled listings of Channel SO's protrams are carried in the O.illy Pilot's TV \.\'eek eac h unday. :l1tt rnlr•MllOll f9 ,..~ylk•I Qnf•I• '"1 iC) ~::IO llr.-11"1f S~•tc/111141 !CJ (1(0CE' •t• OtllrW t't Cloll1lflt Ctr ... • tCI i<OCE/ " 4rJll l!ltclr c c""r'"' ICI fCTWI ... $f11'1'1t II'" (Cl /CfWl .. l"lntl'¥ •If Mlflltt"'fflf !Cl I ,• Sutady n1ul Frie1ads ~ Surrounded by assorted 1nice, ducks and other \J/alt Disney crea tio nJ, Sandy Duncan takes a colorful swing down Mai n Street in a musical-variety specia1 , "Sandy in Disneyland." to be broadcast tonight at 8 o'clock on CBS, Channel 2. Tl1ey're Still Training. Movie Tale11t at U1tlversal Studios By BOB TllO~IAS LOS ANGELES (AP l -The search for future movie stars, once a subindustry 1 n J lolly~vood. has just about vanished except in Univers;il Cit y. \ Universal Pictu t·cs is the on· ly studio that still has a talent department, and It is alive and well under the dire<.1ion of Jl,foniq ue Jan1cs. a handso1ne brunette with a fondness for the actinc: breed. "f don 't think 111ost people lik(' actors pc-rsonall y "'hich is a terrible comment lo make,'' Jl,liss James observes. Actors ha ve giant ec:o problems; if they don 't. they're no good as actors. Yoo have to un· derstand them to like them, and I do." 1\fJ SS J A!\I ES' UJl• derstanding and perception has helped turn a nun1bc r or unknowns into w o r k in g performers: Ja n1cs Fnrcntino. Katherine Jtoss, Susan St. James. Da\'id Hart man , Edwin L. James. 1\·lic.:hael S::irrazin. J a n1 e s "\\'c don't believe in the jdea Brolin. Don Stroud, Susan of running a school. \Ve realize Clark". Don Gallo"·ay, Carrie that v.·e are dealing with a Snodgress. number of individuals, and a The Un iversal l)('W talent teacher who might be good for dep:irtrriCnt is light years one might not be for another rcmo vco.t from the s tar. The young people make it buildir:g system that created thei r own responsibility to get such :.cars as Robert Taylor, dramatic training. Rila Hayworth. Ava Gardn('r ~·Tis.'i James' satisfaction and P.1arilyn t\fonroc. St udios comes when o Lindsey \Vagner in those CrD-~1agnon limes had advances from a l"'o-line bl! scout s pro"•ling the country, in a "~1arcus \Velby" to the searching for pretty faces In lead in "ThC\ Paper Chase." little theaters, model agencies 1'.liss Jame.! also has her and beauty contests. disappointment s. as when a The prospect "'as brought to Carrie Snodgrcss creates a HollY"''ood and sent to studin sensation in "Diary of a !\fad classes to learn how to walk, Housewife ," then \•anisbes talk, sing. dance, fence and from sight. ride OOrseback. The young "The real tragedy with ac- hopefuls posed for publicity tors is when success happe~ photos · at the beach. Dales too fa st and they can't handle were arranged so they could it." sa id the talen t executive . make.the gO&Sip columns. "\Vith Carrie it happened too fast." "TIIAT'S Al4-gone now.1-,;mmmmmmmmm•I thank God," said A1iss J ames,11 daughter of the late managlnR editor of the Ne\v York Ti1nes. Fom1ly Twin Cinema ------. ----- "THE NEW LAND" u ... ..._ . Ma V• Sydow .... '"THE HB.LSTROM CHROHICU" go,; u, ui.w tJ..,, bf..,,. JWft """-'of; 't"" ~ ' ~ = .... 1.1,•ll\' Ila~ o C'halll:;t"-l '·•·0 II 1!h \ lh1•hl~ I •un1~11r 1t1.i.· GOLDIE HAWN. c;o.s,.,,~ BFATRICE ARTHUR BRI IC' IJAVISU« KIRBY ft lllt {)HI: A girl with a great~· Every cop in lhr staR was atter het · E~_<lseW..behmdhn. TUC PllftADI •11n c11nncPP I UL llUflllUilllfU CAruc1111 Dit.ll 'f 7:3Nt30. Sot., Jvn, t :JO ~•.lO·S>30.7::>0·9•30 (Harr y Coul will go anywhere to bug o privola con'leriotion • 111~18110011'HU~\TST ~o..,,!o•~ Voll~~ ~~l 1 l4~ CINEMA l ca.t lwlaoe41 "MAGNUM FORCE" 101 -.. ...., ............... ,.,_.,.,.,., "PAPER MOON" lPGI CINEMA II ... w .. ....., ........ "ROllM HOOD" "OME LITTlE IHDIAH" MATIHHS DAii. V DOOR OPEN 12 t400H • • NOW SHOWING • The ultimate in around the~ surfi!'Q thriUsl ..... _ --......... ..., ..... "ILUI WAmt- WHITfDUTH" _ ... _ ......... • ·-Fashion Island Newport Beach r Beating the Syste111 Novice Director Scores With 'Badlands' By 808 TIIOMAS UIS ANGELES (API Director Stanley Kramer once told film students, "lf you want to break into the movie business, don'l start at the bottom and work your way up. Go ou t and ral!f!: moocy 8nd make your own film." Today an astonishing number of young film makers are doing just that. Some fJ( tMm have come to grief, spending $200,000 .,. more on movies that will never be seen by the public. A few, like Terence ~1alick, make it. Malick, SO, wrote, directed and produced "Badlands." v.·hich "'lm ra,·e reviews al last yea r's New York Film Festival and is be:lng released by \.\'arner Brothers. Five years ago he was teaching philosophy al MIT. "I WAS TEACHING wbile I v.•as doing niy doctoral ·ri>rk for Oxford. where I had spent a couple of years," recalled the roundfaced, b a Id i n g f\.1alick. a Harvard J:r~duiue. "I "'asn't a Vi!ry good te1cber. so I dropped it all lo come out here. \Vhy? I'm not sure. Ex· cept !hat I v.•anted to make a living from something: I was enthusiastic for ." lie had neve r been a movie buff. but he thought he miRhl like to try his hand al film makin g. Ha pp i I y , the American Fihn Institute in IHI WAY .. ... ~.,."' rltl1M1 ... w ru r10C1UC1001 ""'"' I AA! SU ... -llOllll l'Ol l&CI ·--,.,;., .... •t! ..... 1-•TI ENTERTAINMENT 1969 \\'8S begiMing 'its pro- gram of fello"ships for bud· ding film makers. btalick was · accepted. l\falick made · a 15--minute rilm there and mooo.lighted as a script doctor on such movies as "Drive. He Sa ki" and "Dir· ty Ha rry." He eamed enough to send his wife Jill throu gh law school and set aside seed money for his first feature film. J~e began writing a script based on 1he murderous ram p age or C h a rl es Starkweather in the ~fidwest. ~OR!\IAlL Y a young fihn maker "'OUld submit his script to the major film companies. hoping they \IOOld have the vision to back him. r.1alick chose another rnute. "I didn 't try to get studio baclr.ing and I didn't ll)' to get stars,•• he remarked. I "l would have lost mntrol If 1 had. I knew that first·tlme directors beealllf cannon fod- der !Of' the studios. lf J was going to de\•ote t"'O year• of my life to a project, l wanted to enjoy the fruit of my labQrs." HE FINANCED "Badlands'' like a Broad.,.,-ay play, selling bits and pieces to investors. Hls father, an Oklahoma oil company official; contributed $7 .OOJ. h i s mother~ltnr $13,000. A Bol5ton lawyer put up $39,000 and Los Angeles ,linanciei Max P a v I e s k y $50.000. · In 1171 ~ta1ick had enough money to start filming in·Cok>rado wllh ~fartin Sheto as star and 'l'rarren Oa(es- playing a brief role as 'h favor. "Badlands" ne8rl y floun- dered several times. Afalick hired a Holl ywood special ef- fects man to stage a OOuse fire. 'Ille "safe" fire burned the house and tv.·o cameras and scorched the special er- fects man. The lnt.emal R even u e Service threatened :iction bP· cause "ilhholdinR t n x e a \\'ere spent on filming. A marshal paid calls concerning olhe r debts. 'Ille nommklo crew of fi lm students and skin- flick fakers didn't \\'ork out. l\talick fired most ol lhem and shot with a crew ol four. lt was down to t\\'O when he finished the 14-v.-eek sctiedule. Jo'!~"!~?..'?.~.~~rd Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams Pius Ae•demy Aw••d Nom•n .. BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Sylvia Sidney WinMt "'-tiorwl Bovd of ,Re..,...,, ""-" ,...,, ..... ._ °' ,,._ .. """"'' ,....,.,h .. , .. r.o=-='-=• COl-1.1 P'Cftlll(I ....... ~ .UIM "'-•IT U.lll -.,~, ... ll(Mll 17'• ek"""14 ftCn.11/1 '"'l.>Dll >If COl.11"1" "CWllU _11..,.1. -. ~-~~~·~-~: SHOWING NOW! • , ........... ··-· !POI .. -=-:.~ A girl with a great following: Every cop in the state was after her. 1111:11n ,,... Everybody else was behind her. , GUE HAWN: ' me Plll•AOI 111n Cl/ftOC(l(I IUC ffDltllilllfll CllTHCllll !iNJJm lllWfllm lftlWlllll/l11 . .,1mU11S . ._1lll lllU •ill~lllIIS '•1mlll1111Bol ·-·illlll--.... l!!ll!llR IPGI Plllll111'UllllCE--1 1aa1~ Dll IA*I iil&VI m · I IYllWllII' · Uml ,..... a11m.i .., ..i 111 llil.i. "' ·~ I c::m:1> ANl\ttf l~.1 , nn1 vt 1 N Rilt9fside Frwy. II Limon An..lwim • 525·3528 -· PAClrlC'S CO.HIT · GIOIG( c. scon "THE: LAST IUN" IP'G} MANN TIME:S DAILV-1 t:ao.3::lO.S:J0.7iJO & 91~ ,. ~----wi"NN ~ m SOUTH COAST I PLAZA II 685 Suntlo-SUMI Cos'• Mn1 • 5't-.33SZ 103 FM STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR • • ' w I w. "" • '°" ... ' .. ' •• • ' • DK " JEA ... w" Tn• .. .. u '''° •• ' ' E CON DK • '" " ''" l11u pell! "' ... M' <W '"' •• ' c o! " • ''" ... .. m ... ... '"' u" w "' "" ""' Tiii: .. • ·~ •• ' ' • " w. ~" b w ,.., '"" pl1c "' ' <W ·~ D .. .. u• • TH • ·~ T ' c • T "' T ll, ,/,. ' T - T '" ' c "' i! l • ' . ) r PUBIJC NOTICE Pl/BIJC NOTICE Pl/BIJC NoTJCE 1~11! ... COUllT 4'I' l"HI! fllOTtCI TO CONTRACTOll c.AU.1111• P'Olt 1101 J1'AT• ... CALl"*•l.t. flOll kfwlcll D11tr1d: C..11 C-.U.Wty C..U.,. CIJltin 1111 CCMMTT OP OIANH ... ~: k ,.,,,_ lld ~ ..... -IH,OllMAT~ 1105 -SUICOHTllACTI '01. PLUMllHG: -w .. ~ ......... , .... 01NO D• •ITITIOJt HIATING, VE.HTIUTIHG ANO A.Ill CONDITIONING1 '"° t:lt:CTllllCAL: ).Of P' WILL_ ANO l'Oll •M.. J0111 <Ny of Nt'll lf14 ~,,.T,':.'-wiu.O• ............. , .... ,ION •If Ho. •?9 -PlllMI GIENIEllAL COHSTllUCTION COHTllACT -J.oa 11'1'\_, --• n lrll .. ., ot ~' "'" IJlllt fll LOllA L. IAW:l!ll, .U LCMIA Pl1<1 01 l it llKll.,1 Oftl(I of 111w '°"'CN""'8 A ... I, C..11 COM~Uy Coll'" MA.CULL .... ltllfl, l kl lUlllA M. IAltlll. Oit!tlc:I AC11"lni111111tn lllflollW., 1»'11 "°'""-A-. C..tt MM, Ortl'IOt (Mt1, C>lcMMd. C1llti:in111 HOTKIE II HllllEl 'r DIVIN tlwit PrtfK:l ~imc.11011 Nlfl'lt • =~ llliiw W:Epl~I ~-fl~I llffolll • DllAMA WO•I('~ & .MUllC I UILOING -OllAM()I! COAST COLLt:Olf I ' 1 .,..i llW "i.t' 11'1.na ''' CM IW.: Oflk1 11 .... 0111rk t Olrtcftr .. P11~;c11 '•dlllltt t !IO --OI '-"' ... 1 or AllMllll11r1tlell ONlet 01 1tt1 Atclltltct, WHlll l'l'I l hll'ock 1. ,.,1,,...., UJO l •Y• Orlv1, C.,_ wllft.n..wlll IMt•ld to flW Mlltl-r, C1ti1 Mir Ct !lfot11lt '~' I• Wlllcll Ii ~ for fW1 .... NOTICi IS H1E11f9y GIVIN Ille! .... "'°"'""'"*' kllMt Ohll'lct or O<t119t :f',!~~\:.-" n::_::~!".!..i ..... ~ pltc~ C-1~, C1l!fornlt, K ll!of _,, .,.. "'......, tt1 00¥ .. flltllll a.r•, Mrtlnentr ,.."""' , .. '"" ., •:• ''"'" /11 .... C-to::'or " •• "O•llllllC-T", wffl •9'tl-. "" 10. """ "" ""' ltlan IN t llt.,..ll•HIO 11,..,., 'Average' E~i:r·Ioye Vacation Compared 0.-rt_,I No ) Of MIO CIUrf -1 100 -lld ..CS. for 1'l'9 '*'"' II I «fllrt(t lor -'"°"' ,,..j1C1, Citic Canttf Di1v1 '#flt, 111 "'11, (jly ., llG6 111111 bt rtetlv .. '" tllt Oltc. IOll'lllfltd 1i.vt, •t!d tl'llll k ootMd tNI Slflll AM CllllOn\11 ~lcl'r , ... ..._., '' .... •eow-1111 .. lllM tlloll 111•<•· .. ttd M.rc~ 11, 1t1• ,,..,.. wUI M •' 1tOO.OO ftpot,lt ..._1,111 !Or MC:ll .. , ti Old OOCw"'*''-to ,,..,'"'" WILLIAM I!, 1'1. JOHN Ille rtt1"1 lt't told (,Jlfldllloft wltl\lft II.,. ··~ t ntt' W 111.i "'9tl1Plt .. It. CouftlY (t.rll ' l!Wll Diel m\111 Clftltrll'I 11111 M r~\'t' le NII U110lrKI Oll(.lilll*\ll. •.\UL. A. HUil.\ l!.ai b'iil .,_.II Ot Ktlll'IO'tlll .. b'r tlll HoCurlty ,....,. .. to Ill t111 (Olllr1d OOCu- .\,.._, .-L-!!WI" Mf DI' lilt lltl 911 ~ 1llCKOl\lftc;ltf1. HltW L .. 1 .. lolllfll Tr11 DISTlll1'1' i,-, "'9 r!ohf ~ ~•1«1 Ill}' I" 111 lllclt Of 19 Wll~t 1ny 4lf IMI' 11'fl lff'Mt lr .... v!trltl" I" l!lfwrNllllft '" NW taf1 or 111 ll'lt' DlcHlllll. C: ... t Mtiw, (.111 ..... 1 f14t7 f111 IOOOWlfll ~ ol 11\e -Ii ..,._,. Ot 1!1C MNttttity 10 IMP Dllltlc:I 11 ..... Tll1 1n•1 Mt-U•1 ... W141 'CMlr9tf _._ Ind.°""° prior to llkll tofl 1M ''I"" Ctl'llllCI~ An--fert l'ltl"-ll'L\.IMl lNG WOlllW: • PWll ...... °'""" CMtl Dlfl\' Pl~, HEATING, 111!.NTIU TING AND .\lilt COltDITIO#ollNO WOlll( A.,tl i. ._ 10, lf14 1111-1~ ELECTlttO.L WOlll( , ---~~~~---------)Sl.tOmllll~ tot Ilia. tor rl'll Wkolltft(I _,.,_, Of ll\t "'°"" -I 111'"• II I PUBLIC NOTICE (-lllM tor ..,,.,. .,., " ..,..,1 ... " Oi1•rkt h w«•Utt.ol blall•'· .. •~OKY" • l<lllc0fllr1<t "'"""'*" for 1111 '-' ~ wt1'fl 1'flt """"' G-•• Gor\1!rwdloo, -------,1~,.,,-,------·)tCMlrKfot Mlltel.O by tM OIUrlc:1. (OlofltloMO ff" 4Y1i!f1M Miit wlll Ml Ot '°"' lkleted " t llowlo. ' SUPl!lllO. cou•T 011' TMIE Sullmlti.r1 It/ Old• IOI' !tit "''""' ~ .. c .. t1•11tllotl CllllfKI tl'llll llKludl 111 STATI! O" CALl .. OllNIA 11111 ... °" k I .. Oil TM•·COUMTY 0, OllAMG• ' l'l'-11, IMi1' It I I Pllf'O\'Od ,,_,, lof': ~ftl Wort. H•1lnf, V111tll1tlftl INIO Air CCMdlllel\lllg Work, l !Ktrkll wo.11:. "' ...... ,,.,, ~\ltlftllllett of blOt "' 1111 ,,ft ~·I c-1ruc.tlon ,_,tcf ""''' .. , .... '' I •OTICI 0, Nl.t.a11rto 0, ,tTITION C-Ulon ol blotcHne end II MiKtlCI by Ol1!rlcl II 111tetuM bl04ff, " '-"K iii• ,Oil PllOIATI! 0" WILL ANO '0• "'""""'''(! tgt"""'1tft for ""t>!cl tmo\lllll wl!ll !M Olllrlct-t11Kt .. 1UCIA!llr.c:10r1. Ll!TTEllS T&ITAMIE llTAll Y (-1toorite1 or Q11tllllee1 bift wlll nof bl COMIOtr• or lli-d. llltdtfl for 11\t- Etltle ot> llE X,01.0 LEWIS GORDON, Prime G~ne••I (Ot\f.ltll(liOI\ cenftKI wlll tw nolllltQ of iM Ofllrlc:I MIKllCI I UO. Oo<••Mll. cen111<10" t l'ICI •1>1><1We<1 bicl '"'°""'' -o.w prior If bid llClll\1119. JE~0J,..'i:~~I 11~~!:i'oc~Oll(~11 rio~ lrw Dl~l lt lCT 11a1 0111rm111ee1 lht eri•tl pi1vi1liftg r.it el ""' •'-"' •111•1 1111 fllld llettln 1 ptlltlon for Pr<IOltt 111 In 1111 loc11ily ""'kll Ml1 "~ ft let tit l>tflof""'" tot ~•c~ cr11! ar lfPI ol --""" Whl 11111 lor ru~rite of ltlltr1 nnclt<! to "'''ult ttot Clll'll•KI, 10 tit •1 la!IOW1~ Tetflfl'llnl••Y lo Ille pt!ll!OJlt• ·····•1Kt C••ll, Cl111lflu Hen, "'TYIN ........ .. IO Wl\lcll It mt<:tl for !urlhll" otrlfcult••· lltlCltlAYElt a<ld llltl lr.t 1lme 1rio alt ct of "411•1!>0 1~ "att"'41n !11o J ....,., Pio! ltH "''" J(I( oer llowr t llcvt Jaurntyl'l'lln rttit. umt ht~ t>ffl'I Ml lor April l J. 1t11, 1t Fortman !6 •on """l not 1~1 r~1n lk iie• llOu• 1llovt Je11rn..,men rtM. ''" 1.m., In ~ courtroom 01 Orl<kltytr & ~tori. MtilOl'I • .i ... '·" Uy SYLVIA PORT ER How does your vacation compare? ''ou are in the rnainstrea.n1 of Arner i ca · s \t-isur~thn~ ecooon1y as the mid·l970s ap. proach if emplO)'CS in your of· fice get : -A paid vac.ation of one \\'eek n n d perhaos a bit m or t' th Ra one v."t'ck after onl y "i '( mooth~ 0•1 the job: -1\ j)aid \'tle.'.lllOfl of I ..... 0 \\Ccks "Olll llt after· one yenr·s C"mp!oy•11e111 con1p.1n..v in California put IL "Part~imers gl!t thr SAmt• anu)llnt of U1nc off as full·thnc 1 t-n1ploycs Iba.std on length of st·rv\c<.>1. but are p..1!d Otl th(' b.1s!s of a1 er;1g~ hours 11•orked JK'f ""('('k." ' \\'hilc office 1· a c n t ion poll<ic~ coollnuc more liberal than f:1ctory policies -oOC<' an t'n1ploye reaches a c:ert.ain ]('ngth of st:rviC'C', the situ.:111011 1..-qu:ils out. Althou~h il n1:iy lake one group longer th<Jn anothl'r to rl'ach 11. man! than fl1·c out of six ('Orporalions ha1·r the srunt ma11:i1nlUll 1•ncat1un time off. ABOUT 01'E-third of the COll\P.,'\llll'~ ~Ufl't'Yt'CI say l'X· ccutlvt•s and other high·rank· ing off1rials get longer vacu· llons tha n r ank·and·ftlc il1nployes "'ith the samr seniorllv -":ith banb and ho~ph<ils 1n051 likt'ly to do this and offlctS and plnnts le~sl likely. ~lore than tv.·<Hhirds reportf'd, I.hough. that ex- L'f.'Ulives get no spec i a I 1>r1,ileges. Across 1be board. employes in lhe t:.S. a re enjoying rnorc and mort lool-"·~keods - becaUSe of · our !Uonday hol1· da~· law, becau.sc of the in- (_'rcaslng con1pany practice of granting 1ooi;i "'eckends sur· rounding O.r istmas and July ( plus the sprcnd in~ pr.1clit-e of a four-day holiday over 'fhanksgo'1ng. :ind 111 a 11 y ''flooting" holidays too. ~l'lm1nt No. l "' •~IG cavrt. ~· 100 llllCICTENDIR Civic Ct nl1r Ori~• Wtil, !n lr.t CU~ M lir•c~l-er Stn!I Al\I, C1ll!orn!•. CAllll'ENTERS Dt!ftl A.pr!! 1. 1911 C.1•pen!•r . WILLIAM •• ST, JOHN, Ttblt PG"tr "'"" OPttlll)t , ...... ' " 1.01 ' " ' " '~ -At le11s t thrl't' "·ee~:i 11ff ~·ith pay aflcr 10 yc:irs on the job -and 1norl.' tha n thrt'c ou1 or 10 office "·orkers get ttu s length of vacat!on alter fn·t· years on tile job: Corporate Gadflies Counly Cl•r._ Mlll .,rl<;tlll , ... . THOMAS L, LOllO lltlltr (P,,_11,...!lt) ....... .. ,. . . . .......... . nn1 "''" .. Vtl9ncl1 FartM"' 6Gt Ptr t.ovr more 1111n llltr.t•I cltn111ttllOll LlfVRI ttUk. Ctlil .... tt t2•JJ IVPt•V•lecl, ••<11>1 l>e'llVINllC Pllllet. Tth C711) IJ1...,_ CAllPET I LINOL EUM LAYEii Ali.rlll\I !or: 11'11111-r CtrPf1, Llnoltum & Soll lll1 LIYt r , , , ..... 11o111111e1 0••"91 Coa1t Otlty Piiat, CEMENT MASONS Aprll l. '' 10. lt74 1111.11 c,,,_, Mi-., !lotting t NI ,,_Ung mec~lne opertror ----c=:=:-c=-ccoc=c=c----·JC-t Mt ..... Jau•MYINll .. . . . ..... .. ····· PUBLIC NOTICE Cw•P & Gurtw Mt<.lllne OP1r11or cc-t enl'rl ----------------1Fort"'ln IOc: per lletur 100¥1 JOUrMyrNn '"'-· ELECTll lCIA N$ G....-11 Foreman . su,.1 11:1011: COUltT OP' THI! STATI Of' CALIF(tltJ.UA 1'0 1. ..• ,_ .. ••• ••• -A mon1h's \'acatlon :1ft~·r 21l years of ~crvicc and mor<' than four out of 10 get four "'eeks off after 15 years: -All sor ts of specials and extras after longer service for the company, including sab- baticals for c d u ca I ion n ! purposes or extended tra\·l'l : 2 ·Brotliers Brigliten .S t.ock (Y<1:iv11) Meets Foremer1 THI! COUNTY 0, Ol:AllO•t Joutnt>-N1 A 1fff• n ... MOT1CI OP HllEi•iNo 011' PnrTION FO•• .... n C.tblt Sllll<•• ... f'Oll PllOIATI 0, WILL ANO ,0111 C•lllt Spllc.-LITTllll TlflTAMl!NTAIY C"'tlflld WtlOtt £•11 11 o f MARY Al ll'IH E ~LAl1Elt CONGLETON. ·-· MARY l. ALPINE. ~~~~·'wo•······· Otett M<I. NOTICE IS HEllEllY GIVE N llltl Ornt,...,111 tron WO<~•r ............... . EUGENIA A. SCHWEMEll ll'ICI MAllY A1!n!0tcln<;t l•on Wor~•· .. ANNE lllNDGE lltvt tlleG 11tr•ln 1 5tructur1l Iron Worktr .. . . . CttllllOll for PnK>•lt o1 Wiii ,,., for f or•f'l'Wln 7k per hetur m1111 !Jwn nlg111:11 tlt111llct!I011 1upervi ll0. ltllllPICI of l •Utrt T11i.m ... llt'Y lo ""' LATHllll 11.~? 10.00 ,.., 10 ,, •.v ·~ ••• I.II 1.11 I.II I.IS -The pr i\'ilegc of splilttnl! your vacation into \\\0 nr more segments and actually taking your ''acation time :ll just about anytl1nc you.want Plllfi.-11, ttf1r1nce ro wllltll It m,1d1 L.ttll•r ... ' . . ... • ...... ,, ...... , .. , ........... , . . ... .• , . 1or furtfllr Pl•llcwlirt. •nd 11111 tr.t 11m1 Fort'm1n not lt1• •Jwn 10':a Pl• l\cllir more thin Jour111rm•n r11t. • , LO'.'\G ER VACA TIO\S. 1nd p!l-(1 Ill llltdnv !ht •• ,.,. Piii bHo LAIOllERI ""°''°"April n. ,,, •. •' t ::io 1.m .. tn 111e L.tborer1. ventt•I or c011S•nic1i... .. . ...................................... , ... ) shorter Jength~f-scrriee rt'-c"",,;_,, ot D1p1r1..,.111 N~. 3 <if 1tld 0Pl!"••or• •NI lt"dera of pt\f\111'1111( '"" et1c1rli;: Ioctl!, court, 11 100 civic cent•• O•lv• w1:11, rn vltirt!len m1(111,,,.. 1nd 11m11,~ ll'IK.t.1n1c1110011 quircments, m ore fl•·xibilltv in th• Cll'f of''"'' A111, c111111H1!1. 11111 ~fNlr•tirtr t11111ue111 h.,.,n ... s,tu scheduling. and a libcrnliza-Ptr«t Aprll 1. lt74 Ai.pMU rtkt r and lron1r $.9" WI LLIAM E. ST. JOtlN, AsDl\tt! Sllov•ltr .. ·····. ... .... ....... S.1"l lion of related v it ca Ii 0 11 c~nty Cltrk Concre11 c,,.., -lmpervia111 ll'llmot..,t •NI form oU•r ... . s.1ls policies_ these ar(' I.he !rends J . LIOHAllO 1.YONI S1nobl11ter Cnoultmtn) ......... ,... ........... 6.119~ All_., 11 Ltw S•l'ICIPt•u ... !QDt 1enat n .. ..... ......... .. •. s.1JJ in c:on1pan y \'acalion benefits tit UllllM Ctll"'"'I• ltftll l vlldhlfl Pll)t l1rtr . . ... ., ..•. 6.IJS I J k f d ffll w111111re ,,.,.,. · P1P1 L•Y••• 11,c~up ..,.n !.t JJ cmp oyes C'3n oo orwar 10 PUBLIC NOTICE .......... , Nlllt, CA ...,,. WlnGCtw ClffMI .. ....... .... S.t4J this year." ~ays the pri\'alPI.\· Tth ftl)) 27'l·lt71 W1 tc~m.on .... .. ... i tJJ AH-y ..,, Pttl!llMrt For1m1n ~"""ti.our"'°'' tnt n 111111111 ,1,nilit•li°" •u•~IHd. cir C u I a t c d PrenliCt<-ll:ill ,llblhlllol er.,... Cotti 0111}' P!IOI, OPIERAT IHG lfNOlNIEll$ ''P ersonnel ~rvi('(> ... April l. I , 10, ltl• 11S2·14 Group I ...•..• •.. 1 H Group 2 1.u Jn the survey of 1974 ''ac·a· g~:~~ ! 1·1' lion trends among a cross·s1.:c· -+-------------1.oraup s ::~ lion of offices. factorie-:. I 1'14 Graup I I 11 h · J nd I U,l:ltlOll COUllT OF TNE . ospita s a banks. rnorl' STATI! Oft CALl'O.MIA ,0. Graup 1 ·•· ··•· • · • 1.1• TNIE COUHTY 0, o•AHGE For ....... ~ !'ft" hovr more 111111 11111111:11 CltHltlttllotl 1u~1rwl1ed. tha n one-third of t h !' NOTICI! 0, w"e .... :i::' 0, II' ET IT ION ~!.1!!:..1 .. 11 1'•·rmn 1)1 ltll) -)O(;_ lllDYI ,Jou,,...,,,... .. ''"· respoodl'fltS reported lhl'Y had ,Oii: PllOIATI! 0,. WILL AND For.....,, IJ"""' or morel -IJt •00¥1 Jaurr11vt'Mn •t ie. changed their vacatioo polic:le~ COOICIL .uio f"Olt L II TT E. $ lt~u••• Pr!11ll Ptlni.-...... ,, ...... .. . . 1·" in the last t•so .\'Cars. 11•ith T81TAMEllTAllY llrinll >wing 111ge . . .. .. J.tl r.111111 ·o1 l.06EllT H. SCHOLEftELD, ndll'!l5!<!f .... . &.\I most or the changes IO\.l'ar<I D«.Msed. 51NIPl1tltr 1wlng 11t11t • l . .a.l )"be )" • NOllCE IS HE"llEllY GIVEN '"'' Jot.l•ne~""" SPf•Y ... ' J.tl I ra 11.atK>O. IAAIAJlA J. COlLIEll Ml !HNI r.tr11ri I JOl.lr,...,men. Sprty l\'llng 11101 ...... l ,ll Q. \Viii encrg_,, shorl3~(>~ nf· p('lftlen for PrOOlll o1 Wiii Incl CDdlcll Ptjllfllang.-• 1.11 11111tor11su1nc1 o1 L1t11•1 Te111......,11rv ~ llock T•~· 1.11 feet company vacrilion plans'.' 10 111e ""1111or11r. n11trtn.c:• 111 wtrkh 11 ll'ttti RDCJt; 10111111 B•uOke•I .. 1.u A. No , said m ost of the eor· m"'' 1ar furllltr p1rtlcullra, 1nd 11111 1111 s.tr11t ll:ock /U1lng Skim I O•) ....... -..•. l.H 11m1 ,,., Pl•tt °'·""~,;119 1rw Mme II•• Pl,E TRADE S porations surveyed. However. Pffri set•fllr April 21, lf11,., t ::io 1.m .. 1n Ph,irnb•'• '"° 1t11rn11n..-1 ·········•· · · ···· · · ··· 1.42 from a m anufacturer in N1•\\' th9 courlroom ot . OfOe!lmenf No. J of G-.,1rtl Fer....,.n -20•0 •POvl IJl'Ot• JourMy,,..n ''"· u!CI cawrt, •' 100 Civic c.n1 .. Oriv• ForftNln -10•.;, '°""' o~ Jou.....,,,..n '''" York came this: "\Ve us<'d lo Wfft, In''" CJIY o1 kn•• Ant. C1lltorn11, s.wtr •nd Storm Orti" Pl"l•yer ...... . ....• -··· .............. J.U let emplo)·es \.\'Ork through the O.ttd April 1, lt74 ,l.\STEltl!lllS WI LLIAM E. ST. JOHN, Pl1111r For.,....n -SOe above Jaumevmtn 11:11t. plant shutd0\\11 if thl'Y wiintcd. COl.lnl'f Cltrt: Pt11!.-1r .. IRSP'l!LD, llt SfllllO. TOUMGlll PLASTEll TENOEll Nov.•, \.l'C'll buve to insist that 1.ft5 ..... -. PUBLIC NOTICE 1 ... H11tt'WMll .,,.... P1111., tender ............ 7.lli as many einplo.ves as N\Ss1b1c NlllY'ftllf, Ctllf. tol21 1100,EllS /""" Tit!: 111i> ..... ," "0•1..,... 1 91 observe the shutd0Yt11 period Al"'-1 Mr: 'lfill-r sua Foreman 1.11 · rd t ,. " Plttllli.htd 0r1~ Cot•I 0111v Piiot, JautneytNn 1.sl 10 O er O conser\"e cnC'r e-Y· April],£. lt, 1f71 llM·1• SHEIET METAL WOltltEllS From a utility in Kentucky· Shft'I M1111 Worlc•r ... ......... t .11 "It")) probahl•• ~·t do•-on For~n -11•. 1bave Jaurneym•n r11t. .• '-"' ·11 --cc=C7'::-ccoccco-cco'°"'"°'c---)c""'1t Fotenwn -11>oo 111DYt Jo;>Urnevme11 r111. long 1·ac:ations." And fron1 a SUPl!•IO• COUIT 0, THE TEAMSTElll f · \\"" · ITATE o, CALl,OllMIA ,011 For'""" JOc It or"'°'' Tum•ttt1 under Jurrtcllctlon of f111"11"' manu acturer Jn 1scons1n: Hy ~111,TON ~IOSKO\\'ITZ 01 '"' Ot l!y "11•1 Slt lf Corpor<•IC annual 1111'el1ni:-.. "hll'h arc nnw btin~ held 111 c1tit•s :1c1·011~ th!' rountr\. \\'Ould ht· a lot dulll'r if it "'t'it· not for lhc present't' at so 11111!1} of !ht·ni of Le\.l·is l>. and John IJ f:ilbfort. Sclf-St)k•d ··corpo ra 1 e gadflies,'' the Gilbert i>Tolht·r~ h.:-ive been going to .innual [ !\IONEY TREE) mc-et1ng3 !or 34 year~. aeting nn the old-fa5hiont'CI nn11on lhnt slockholdc11> should ba\'c ~mcth1ng to say about 1hc- opcrat1ons of rompanics lu \\'hic:h they O\\'n shares. IT llAS BEE\! " i d e I~· rt•coJ!n11l-d by m()<;t thror1sts or coqX1ra'1• bt:h;il 1or Iha! 1nanagcn1en1s arc rt-sponsiblc i:iqzely to 1h1•1n ~ch·"~ Thr :in- nual n1f't.<1 1n1.:. at "hich dirt'C- lors or the ron1pany ar1· ('lL'Cted. i~ certainly the clO.~('!'-t 1h1ng we-have to a Hussian· st) !e polling place. The Giiberts. h o "' c v c r . persist 1n pw-suinA \.\'hill thl'}' <'<Jll ··corporate .democracy.'' They jct from meeting to n1eetil'IJ!, asking 11uestions. dcmanthnA mor e information atld l"-"ldr..cnng 1nanagcmcn!s aOOut high salaries and liberal stock opl1ons for e xC"ctllivcs. This yrar, for l'xamplc. the ~o Rrofits TNI COUNTY o .. OllANGI Union. ••duding 1ny fOUipmt!ll ·-lll:ln t Ions •NI "If u.·e \lt'OUld be unable to get MOTICI 0,. HN;;,,:i'rl:' o, ,•TITIOM A.~!~:'!;c!.,.:,~~!~e. " 11~1., ,.,Pl ~lprnen• 1.a materials needed for pro-J 'P ,Oil PllOIATI 0, WILL ANO ,0. 0.-lv., of Vltlllcl• or CDf"PiriatiOll of Vt "lcl• of: d uction. WC \\.Ol.J!d authorize a 11 C n }) y Ll!TTlllS TllSTAMl!MTAllY 2 t•l11 -Vllhlclt$ lai lllt n 6 1en1 ....... 4.SS Etl•I• ol ALICE c. LISTER, OK1111d. Forli Ltll Orlv•r . . .............. ·•···· 125 shutdov.·n for \'a cat i 0 n NOTICE 15 HEREIY GIVEN 111•1 F\lel Tr11t-.. . .... ···~···•· •H purposes MARILYN A. ROWE 1Y1 filtd htrc ln t True-. McH/11~ P-•r Doorn .................. ,._ •.11 p • I • ' ~=• :r L~:':1~"r.,:~~r~o :: w:'~1;.·~~~···································· 1 10 AitlONG OTHER significant UlC )Jtlg Plfl!l-r, t11tr1m:1 to wlllc~ 11 tdt !of" Wtkl•r . . . . .. ........... , .......... , . . . ......... , .. 1.$0 lu"""' P1rtlcu11r1. 11111 tri.1 ""tlmt '"" w1n.c:11 lrvck Orlv•r -12\IK Plr how 111c1nio....1 ""'en -r•tlnt \'8cation trends: pl•~• of M•rlnt 1111 """ 1111 Pffn 1e1 "°"'., wl11Cll o.-11mu1r 1a«l1l tt11e11ment1. Vacati"on •-ofi"ts ar• bei"ng SA\I FH.\:\CISCO j L·rr t -for April tl, 1f74, t i t :JD 1.m .. In !hi Ot!v.,1 of Tr1nUt·mi• tru0;1 11ndtr J y1n!1 ,......... •.It vu•~ " p· ! JI t courtr_,-. of Otp.lrtmen t Ho. l ol' 11ld Drtv.,1 of T•tri11t·ml• 11uc1i1 l Y"• or ""°'' . ......... '·" substantially intproved for int Hng pclUHCS "'1 no c01.1rt, •t 100 c1v1c c.,,,,, Ori~ w .. 1. 1ri TILi LAYl!ll 111 part-t"ime emploi··•s. Aboiit rnn~(' you r1 eh, the F ederal 1111 City al S•n11 An1, Ctllfor11!1. Tiit Ltv-r .. ,. ... 1 IJ '-8 k f ( )"f . 0.1.0 Apr11 1, 1t14 \. ,,.-«..,,." _ UHt rh•~ 11 mtnl si.~ ~· ,,, t D0"4! Journ•vm1~. h If h · -..t ll··~i'r1 c an o a l orn1a WILLIAM E. ST. JOMN, fllE MEL••• Jill a t e companies survcyl".\J . COi.in!'/ J~•'}• ~ T•lt "~""' ......... ···········-··· ... ,.in -56 percent of the banks, 85 ~~~·~ coinincnl h.v Angelo ••tMUlll 0 • 0 • • ctrt111111 ....... ........ •· 1191 percent of the hospitals. 52 · ::;....::..•'o';:'w 111119 . Thi letrtgolng Khldult ol per di"" Wit~ I! btlftl ~POl'I I ..,,,~l»Q city Of •lgn! r h ff" d "1 C<irella. \ICC president in M_,.., .. ~·ce1ltwllll ~"' ~~.~· '"' ••t• tor holldev 1ric1 ev1r1rm. ~ 111111 111 11 1tt11 t1m1 1nd percent O t e o ices. an ·• char,11.c nf C'a~h and hS<.'<•I ~·-: 1n•1,.. .... 2.w,,n,,_ It .,,,n bl -nd•lor'r uPQn i11e coN T~ACTOR " ........., 1111 con1r1t1 11 •w•rded. percent of the p lants -now t response to "' nd wPOn tube • ..,.... hi " ne1 1 1 1 provide paid \'acations for opera ions. "'as 111 · PllPIJIMd '0r11191 c-11 D111y Piiat. ~ ,11 _..-.:., .... :;.:1:; 111.,; 1,, ~-.,.=J11°" of~lll ':1;:;,,N • 1P« 11111 '0'" • k reports lhat the introduction Aprn "' 4• 10• 1'7' 11"°" No bkldtr n'llv wlll't0r1w 111, bid tror • P1tloc1 of ,..,,.,.,.-1v1 IU> 01r1 1r11r ttt• part-time v.-or ers. of an alununuzn one-cent piC'C'c PUBLIC N011CE d•l•K1'°'1111 -nineatbldJ. Usually, t ime off and vaca· ,·, ,·n1m1·nent and that !he)· A PIV.....,, tro1111 •Ali 1 Pll'iorl'lllnc• Pond w111 tie '""'ired prr°" '' ,.,..,., al rht tt"on pay a-calculated ac-----.,~~..,...,...,.°""'"'c-----Jron111<"1. r11e P11)'nltrlt botlcl 11111 '*'"'m""'' .....,, 1i.n bl 111 ""' """' 111 '°''" · '-Id · th a Jue of P'ICTITIOUS IUllNllJI In Ille COlllrKT OocUfYllJll•. cording to a fonnula ·which in-\\OU increase e v Thi fol~,::,.: sT:::i:1•M~,1 OOllll co.11 c-11v co11te1t or11r1e1 eludes both length or ser\"iC'C !hr C1lppcr penny. binle:°~e~~ ISLAND llEALTY AND IN· ~~°a,~':11:'.-:,._ / and number or hours ll'Orkl'd. "Even though Congress is ~;~~E:,!, ~~;-1:!..J!:""' .~ ll'ubt11111<1 Or•ntt co.t1 0.11., .. ~:'l~f·,:~" ir. i;;'.11"" 1239.1. "'ilh pay allo!ments prorated in\·l!!ltigating the economies of 111111t1, c1111orri11 t?66t 1---D.mioi;';o;;;i;;-;;i;i--"~,.::..:.:._=c--'c=-c'..,----,----=.:.:1 a-rdingii·. As an insurance s uhs tituling a luminum for T!ll 1111c-Wr11 c...,.,. .. .,, Inc., • PUBUC NOTICE PllBIJC NOTICE "" · t he e •ent p1"ece " c1utot1111 carp0r1tlOI\. 1131 w111c1111 --1 t'oppcr in on -... -· Orlv•. Newport ltKll, C•lllornlt t26'G P'ICTITICIUI IUllM!U r·THE LAZY WAY·1 Carella said. "It's not con-Th!J bl,IAl11111 ll C-ll(ltd bY I tor• M.\ME STATaMIMT I t"' PM•tlan. Tht foltowi,.. P1rt011 •• c1o1.., 11u11,..11 PtCTrTIOUS 1us1we:1s TO WEALTH ccn:ahlc thal these coins 11°1ill TM BlK._bvrll ,_.,..., Inc, ,,. MAM• lfATllNllUtT ] h f " h f t SM•ttv s. 11.c:-.r.ur•, . SIMCO ENTE1tP•1SE5. :1Ctl1 51l'l"IOI 1111 fol l-1no "'"°"It dol.., troninus I 1_ .. ,,_ ... 111 o11 .... 11oo.11i.n I >e soug t a 1er in t e u urc SKret1rY I • Thli ''"""'"' -.1 n1111with1~ cou,.. Pl1c1. cas11 M111, c1u1. "42' •1: __._....,..._~.-..,.. bc<.'ause of their ,.a ur to \01n ~f•n ol Or•noe Covnl'f an 1Mrc11 ''· co':~.rvi~.!". ~~fuf.n s.moe Pltct, c:r &.~~·~i~s, tA~~ ~:::;: I Cell_,., I C.illleclors. After a ll. th e F.nsn Thi• 11u11111u 11 cOl'lduc•NI by ti\ lri· 111(11, C1llto1nle nuo nu IMfOIMATION L:nlted Slate1< mint produces "wPl!lhld Or•AG"' Cot1t Oellv 10",u';: dlvklw t. Warld T•tm T.,,..11 !1>C., •10 ~ (714 1 $$8-1113 :J 7 b"))" . Mirth 27. tlltl AprH l. IO, 11, lt7• ,. • HtrokfV. SilnOll<lt N-pOtl C11111tr Dflw . S!ll!t h2S. l•GeWI S"-O;t,.!Wtort.h... 0\'('r I IOn one-ctnt p!CC~ r11i1 11111m1n1 ••• fl!ld w1111 111t: coun-N...,..,r 111K11. c1n10.-n11 nuo - - - - - -annuall)'. ,. ·-~ PUBLIC NOTICE. IV Cl1rtc II Or11191 Counl\' on M•rcll 1'. lhlt tou1111111 11 t-1Ktld av t •-r•I ----~-,.ccco-,.°"==c----·]lf7'. P1rlr11r1111p. l----:;:::=============--===-.::===:::;:::----·1 ,1'1'1TIOUS IUSlMllSI ,1UM Wo.-ld Ttt m T..,nr -. 111( I NA.Ml ITATIMl:NT ,.ubl!1llld Or•• Cot1t O•llv PllOI, llr Tim $, Grt nc!I Tiii lol ...... 1111 Plf'loon 11 dol!'lfl butlnt11 Mtrcll 2(1, 21, tt'ld April 3. 10, lt74 tflt.n S.cr1t6rY It: • Thll 1l•llmtnl w11 llltd Wilh !ht llEMOlll, J» E, 17'11, Cot!f Mt1t . Cou11!'1' Cllttr. ot Or1ntt (OUftl'r Oii Ap1ll I c111t. nu1 PUBIJC NOTICE '''' E'tt\Vll M!ln Sf!l!'wood, '911 ltlntt • Rd., N"ewfl<ll'I lfftll, t1111. t1WO J ------,-..,.~-,-:-----J MAllL. •l!OAlll .\MD Tl\1A bvtft1111 11 conduc:ltd bY 111 I,,. ILP·7•1n OAVIOSOH •. INC. dlvklu1L ll'ICTITIOUS IUSIMISS All_,,_ tl Uw lrW!\'11 5111......od MAME tTATl.MlllfT •m MMAnllltr I I ..... I .. Plttr 'Thll '\ll!fn!fftl Wtt llltl:I wflll , ... C..,,. Tiit followlP!t Pl,_ l fl citing .. ,_,..,. I.Mc.II, C•tllwlttlt ,,..._ fV Cltt1t ol Ortll!ll COWMY Oii Ml<Ch U. ~Jfflt'll II! ,n .. I 191' •.nm DE.MAllCO, llAllGil!llt & tEltAL, Jjl) 'Wllllllld OrtllOI C1111t DtHv "llDI, ll'ulitll tllM Ortnoe COlll Dtll'f Pll"', N.._, (tf!llr or .• Suitt too, """porl A,.-11 J. 10. 11. , •. 1'1'• lllJ.7' PllBIJC NOTICE M..rt11 :V. a110 April I, IQ. 17, lf11 IOS.·14 llMCll, C1lllotnl1 ,,...,, """LIC NOTICE Fr1n-. OM\lrco. Jr .. '21t l'ryll'lln l'"UP lload. Stvtlll Cl!'/. Clll""'lt f111(1.f --~===-.r._,,,,,, .. ,,----J ltkllet .. D. 111<11•· fd Sii'! M.lrlrto ,ICTrTIOUS IUSINl!IS A-. Sin Mlr1M, Ctlilornlt tllOI 1--------------ftAMI: SlAfl MINT Mintld i!ttrel, lHO -"Nltl..ood L.tfll, Tfll follo'lrirlt lltf'Mllll lfl OOI"' bvtJ. N.._-f l11th. Cttllor11l1 9'!440 "'"c.ll.'.1FOllMIA MEDIC ENll:ltPltlS-lltatotl'I l'f, ""°''ho\, -0(111\ l lrCll • 1t n ,tCTITIOUS a USINl.SS lllAMll STATIMllllT to1IH'lnt1 ~ 11 lllOlne 111nrn1u ''. '"' ''"''' A-. Suitt lOt. L1tO Ol'l'"':'COl"Olll HI Mar. CIRfWT'lll ,,.,, Tiit _, lllkt\tlr4 (, (l.r-btf11· 2$111 Vl• Lt ti: Al..,.,ltot. C.llforf'I• "1lt. $1N1, ,.._ V-t Etlllt1. Cllltarfllt THE ENTITY. "'I N. N_,...t t i ..... Ntnon.tl l.tDarftorY Ellf9<1WlMt. lf'IC.. I " »62 Ktlttlf Av_, Slll!t lOf, Lor. ~~1 Su!t. A. N...._t ''''"' Ctl '°'"'' Allfl'll'°" C1Uffrftl• tam o.rtrloo« ~i.,.,P~vtf'l,Olll ',!!,' ~ Colltllor1tl.,., Inc, 11111• ol' T~ Ml""• •• CCWIOllci" 111 I Ctlll'llrnl• nut ' lnarpor•fl~H C•~ltt"nl1\, tU N. C1lllom.l'.T-iO'::"A'L""""LAl~ATO•V Al111 Ill, Wo!HI. »d hn'r Orl.... N...-part t t...,,. 1"'11 A, N...-oofl l ..ch, " " ""' SMlll (If'!', (1!1"""1 ''60ol (1..,,ft ,,_ 1Nl'IEll:,lll51!S. INC-... ,..., •• Tllrlll, U• 1u ....... v. let Tllh ltvllllttt h tollolluc:I.. by • l yr A""'"-C•lltontl• tOo:M ww111"' M. H. PM t'"" L 111"'°""' '"" ""' Cfllhtt. N--Cltll1Mlr1tlvt. Ill(. -· ---· Tiii& lftltmtlll w11 filed wll'll !I'll Newpor! .. tell. Ct flllnllt '1t61 l y l 1rtllOlell'lcw X. INl\Ollt'f (OllllfY Gltfli ot Of"lftl9 Ctllnl"!'"' April t, C::~w;.t :.~~.f~1C~11::!.~ JN!' Tiii• ~~=I -llltd wUtr. ,.,. ,,,. , nnt '~'' tiu11"'" '' tOllclllelto 11'11 • 0-11 counl'f '"'"or°''"'" c-rr "' Aprll t, L AA•I wtMr11!!p. lfU ll'AC'"' •OIJ, W • ·-" .• -CT llltfttf.\_11:0""0 tlA•S, IMC, "'• ......--r•tOfl. OAVIO P. OI U.M , llflt. ... • ..-11 Wlf!IW AttefMY If L.l!t 1•......,,..., I"" '""' "'' '"''-' .... , 111tot-w$t _.,,.......,"""' ....... , ...... ... Altlftlft, (II Mnll• ... , ,_IV '"""" ot Cff1"'' Cou"'r (Ill Mt,,., Cw.N M Mtr. ('41""'11 f)IJI Atltt1 """ ····-· ..... n. ltT•. Tth 1110 Uf·tnl ltlt.OC: ~ • ...,, .. 1tWr1111G °''""' Cotlt Ot!IY ~11.1. ~lllhl!H Ont..... (1:1911 Ollly P!!... •wM1111t11 Ot•• COlll "Ofll J,JO. 11, 24 ln1 11M•ll Mt rtl! ,,, IM Nt'll), 10, II. ltl4 101\·T' hrll" 10, I,, U, lt14 ' Mercedes.. Benz from s1•&.permo. ,...,,, 1114 230 Moclel Of'\ • 3fl IOIM!h Ol)lfl•il!'d leaM --House of Imports ftfa ,.endlntef l ttd. l lHM l'lltl 71• 52.).11:IO G ilbert s plan to attend more th:in 200 annual meetings. In .\lay. tht-1r schcd.ule includes 40 nitetings. beginning with ,\mencan Brands. the c.·1ga tf'U(' m11krr. on .\lay I <Jnd Prid ing \\'1th \\'allt'r Hl·ade. t h<' mo,·ic theater operator. Oil .\l:iy 30. wi 11 GltBE RTS represent at these meeliog any stock-holde r "·ho scnd.!I a proxy to the1n. but basically they arc r <' p r e s ent i n g 1hcn1sclvt•s becausc they do )1old shares in all these corn- panics ,...hose meetings they anf'nd . ' 1\s be!its advoca!C's of grctilf'r rorporate d isclosurf' of info1matioo. tbC' Gilbert~ n1akc a clean b~ast of their intt'resls. Their annu.:tl prox~· st;11en1C"nt sho\.l·s lhnt !he\' h.'.J \·e holdings 111 2~3 l'Oi- pora!ions. An1ooi;: their larg<'r stakes are n.;.2 shar\'5 o f Americnn Express 622 shares of Ban kA.m cri(·a. 431 share!l of Chasc .\lanhattan. 2~3 share.~ of Exxon, 251 shares of .\lohil, 1.082 sb.ar£'~ of Sperry }{a nd, 682 shares of Lnion Carbide and I , 6 O o shares of XC"rox. Those eigh t holdings alone arc worth mrirc th11n $350,000. TO TllEIR cred it. t he (;ifhert brothers also issue an annual rl'fX.lrt on !heir ac- tivities. And this report is in- f1nitclv more readable than most Of the annu::tls issued by corporations. You can get a copy by send ing $8 to thr (;i]berts <at 1165 Pa rk Ave .. ~e.w )'ork 1002.8! but here arc snippets from the latest edi- tion: -\\'itliam Black. chairman of Chock Full Q'\'uts. dofsn't l''·en bother to attend the con1· pany·s annual meeting. -At last ~car's rnect!ng of Firestone. the cornpany refus- ed to allo"' a stockholder to use a 1apc r ecorder. -Jfarold Gcnctn. hC"ad of lnternatiooal Telephone & Telegraphy, was as ked if his company "·as invo\\'cd in \\'titergatc. He replied: ··r-to. \.l'e have enough problen·~ ·· -Texas Pacific held a stonny mt'Cting last year al the encl of "'hich a shareo\\11rr said : "They ovght to hold these more often." T h e Gilberts commented: ''This v.·as certainly a valid ohserv.1· lion since the 1973 meetini.: "·as the first one 10 be held in 12 years." -.\Jany companies persi!ll in hold ing meeti~s in p\at"Mi that are out~f·!.he-v•ay for shareholders. Eastman Kodak. for e :i:ample. al"·ays convenes in Flemington. i'i.J .. \1·here. the Gilberts point out. "no train stops and bus service is lar from adequate.'' -The ne"· 110-.>tory Sears to\\'er built by Sears. Roebuck in Chicago docs oot have a n aud itorium large enough lo hold a shareholder meeting. The GllberL'i called this "ln<:k of foresight amazing,'' adding : "If corporate management 'l\'OUld think less about option!!. bonus pa)ments and the li ke. and more about "''Ml the ov.·ncrs "'ant. 3 bt'tter climate for the conduct of rorporatc businc:ss 'l\l>Uld exist.·· ARE Tilt GILBERTS ac · com~lishing an)'thing "' l t h their maade? You \\'OUld s~y "yes" if rou a:>mpared today's corporate aMual reports w llh the ones issued five and 10 years ago. There's more In· fot'mation in thtm than t\'t'r btrore -ll nd 1~ Gilherts !lave a right to claim crtdl1 ror al IC&J1t a part of this in· creased disclosure. DAil Y PILOT 27 , . ..-------------------....... 0Yer The Countcr NASO L1s11ngs !o r Tuesday. April 9. 1974 ·' 1• ... • ~"°\~l·l ... 1 CQ.,. to"'> )It l} ,,,.., .. ,, 1, ~ti• Dll•I< DB ' t -, 1.,..,. lo ~...: oM Ml ~· 1 0....~·~ I, ' I)·• M, I/')! MO'~ G.t • ""'"" ~""' ""'"'fl c,. y "• I Y.t '· M ,,, '" ......... ,., ......,, ... ~ .~ 1• 1 ~ •1 •e• II \• ......... -. ~ • ' ... ...... ) • l' • ... ·-l'I' ~··1 1~ f l .. ........ ci. • ..,. o..~· .. 0 l • ) • "'' /"II """' °''''' l''·''"' :1 h ll'W'"OI• II ~' "" • tno ! <"I I •h l' -'~ .......... ,,, •••• , "' !1~ "" 1, ,, ... ~ o ~!no r " nf II P• I I' ""'' ·~ Ci• ........... ......... \I> ' h " " 1~~ I .. ' '~ 'l ·~ , ;.1 I 1' ~. ""'" ~ ' ' ...... ~-!• ., ........ uo .. . ' ........ .. " . ... tklW' ll• •o•n Ot 0.~•tl I t • ...... ' '~ '1·~· '""~· c l •• ""'' <IO ~· •"(1~ r111Mv oi 1• r ••' ,,,,, '"""O>ll ..,. .. l"" ~\\ ~ ·~ ' '"°''"" '" """'" o• C'"""'" /''~•" "-I•• ll '" ,,..J fl'\ "6• {•wlu '" Jo l .. 1 \ .... ~ , •• :1 • "-' . !• • t/ j• ' lo I! , 11 ' ' • I\ '• ., '"~""°""' ·>·I""' 1 •lt•rll •)I ,....,, .. ' "' . "" ~..... . . INOU~lltl l l\ '•"Of! ti ll-~· AMO UllLl fll\ l '"" t\r II I I 1,,..,..., • ,,., L\9 )" ~ AO"!• '"f '-"~ltlll ' • ' :1 ~1o;,,,.~~ , , • , "'"" In•\ '\..:> "'' WI ' :; . (\ .... flf"';~~ I ... ~, lJ-1• I ........ ~. ., ···••("' ....... . ···• , "'· • I',_, .... ,,, ' '•I '>I<! • , ~·~ q, ., H •IP ~ •' ! '' , llm I • ....... 1. t ... t• ~. ' • " ...... ~ ... A~ MoP~ AOWlll (I) ..... AIO Al~. l•~I • '0 "'' l' ~ "" ' •• lie••~ ll ·~ " 1 '·! (••·•II !r. ;J !I " , '•! 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"'"n ))lo J.1;. l\ltl hi.It lfll!lll ~Cf•t ••• , •• •t•+• ..... •·· • ' 1 ' R11 ss G1·ai11 Deal Fi1·111 P1·ofit~ Up ).ff•:;\1PlllS, Tenn. rAP1 -.~ !1t1n 1hnt ha!i bctn t"ngagt<I in J.!r'ilill salr~ to tl1c ~\'1<.'l Union und Ch111~1 li:1s rcporh·d prof its tor a 1\•('l•111 r1111e·rnu11th l>l'rlod 1rrri· up aJ!I 1><'rccnL Jl1111 1·1~·r. t·on1pc1n,\ nff1c·i:ils ~;11d 1k alln!!' 1111h tht' r~o l '0111n1un 1~t fl()\l'L·rt; 11l'rt not tl't' 111.1in r1·a~u fnr tl1c fL'l'Ofd protlls r1•J,'Ol'h'fl T111·.~da~, it~ lor lhe nlnt morUhs ending F£•b. 28 "·rrc 111ore than S39 unllion . up fron1 111ore th;1n $1 l.~1 n1i\lion. Bill Barksdale. a Gook ~1>0k<'srnan . :<>:iid lhe rise In p1·ufi1s \\':IS n1orc the result or th~ r o o h ·rransport<lllon Division C<lnle ring the marktl on shippin~ than on lrading \l·ith 1l1e t~onununisl nations. ·rhc di1 ision controls mort> th;in l.500 rai l cars and 200 b:.iri,:£·s. Ir 1c; thcrt>forc able to rni,1 e gr:iin 10 customers 1\hilc r ' l~ecessiou '1' d '1' eu .ency • LOS A~GEL£S 1AP1 "1\ 1\·orltl\\lde 1cndency toward rOO?ssion oow pn.~\·alls" In the a[tcrinath ol the oil r n1bargo 11nd price cst·altH1on. say!' thr 1>re.sidc11t of 1hc Bank of Anicrica. A. \V. Clausct1 dccla rctl lhis v.·eek "v.·orld\vide in- fl alion has bee n ex- arcrbatcd bv v.·orldwi(le shor1ages or" basi c oom· n1odilics. Oil is juS1 !he lat<'st and the tnost painful of thOlie shortages -and the most publicized." • Slu1on Says S1111trner Driving Trips .Safe Bet . \\'A Sl !l \'GTO~ ! rPI \ F:ncrgy C'hil'f \\'il liam. E. Sinton ~aid tr1dti\' \tl('re \l'tli be f'nough gasoline available r~r An1ericans to !11kc I he 1 r nonnal sun11ncr !rips this ''e<lr. · Slinon said th:it "1ih rapidly hllpro1·1ng ga<:0linr liUJ?plies :-- as oil is abain reac·h1ng !his countrv from thl" ~tidd le Eillit Sln1on was as ked to com· n1ent during an interview on the NBC-TV Today show on a st...1temcnt by Sen. Henry i\1. Jackson ()).Wash.) thut oil co1npany profits \\'OU!d be ''obsrenc .·· flit/I\ l 'llr"THIES Inc· s:i1d 1·arn 1n~.-. lll'rl' I.It 90 ~'r IM.:f ~h;1r,• f•lf lhl' "-111\f' j}('r1otl a 1·rnr <igo .\rt1·1·-1;1 'i 111·1 pmf· other c o m p ~ n i e s find '------------..J thl'ln,,rl\·t·s 111rhou1 a ~ans of the. situa tion has returned to "near norn1al " "I don't th ink that I'd use that adjeclive." Simoo said. "I v.·ould say th at in the tradi· ti()na1 way or firl ancial reporting as con1parcd 10 the first qu arter or 1.'.lst year that th ey're going to be ('Ill· barrassi ng (because) or the gasoline :shortfall and the ex· perienre that the American people have had . R. J. DALBEY & ASSOC. financ lol Consultonti Ptno11oli1td IR•t1""'11h MDRM)ttil Aec.-'t Oflt/ ' I'll_, ... , __ ,. cona..i'l,t. •-Oottl•MIM CONNELLEASE dt·l11e1 ~·. S1ncf' the 1972 flussian !'l.11<'. ( rioh lndust ri~s has launched a n1;1.,si1·e txpansil>n can1· pa1gn 3<'(1uiring gra in f•le\ a tor.~. const ructing storage• f:1l'll'itic:; nt ports and forn1ing the transporta tion division. UARKSDAl.E SAID Cook l:l [i] has bt'o'.)111e the third largest grain firn1 in the rountry sincr it entered the fi eld JO Yt.'<l rs ago. Yo11r focto11 A11tho1hod Che•rolot L•asl"fl D"lor • Ht"' '74 Y .. a Hotchbock 56840 1"~11 MONTK ' r1~· I ii• & l •c. o~ •i:io•. C.1ed11 ?• MO. 0 .€ l CONNILL CHIYlltOLIT 2121 HAlllOlt llYD. Total 1ncornc for the com· J1J.11Y. including net s;1le s. l' o ill modity n1crchandising margin. and oth<'r inco1nc. \\'<'IS 8307.6.3.017, up fron1 Sli;'i,<165.779 tile precrding \'{'ar. the firm said in its financial report. COSTA MESA !46·1200 i\flSSION VIEJO l iUPORTS -MERCEDES BENZ - ·'ciles • Serv ice • f..,,ea s111g 28701 MARGUERITE PARKWAY 495·1700 MISSION VIEJO 131 -1740 Se!! D~ Fwy. lo A•ff'Y f'\iwy. tdt, rl91tl o" Merperitt OUTSTANDING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A<tp1dlv e•pand1ng 1nternat1onal company is seek1n9 an ow11er/manage1 for 1h1s area. Our company has patented and k!ases anh·shop!+lt•ng devices. which have been !>UC· ccssl ul 111 rcd.1c1ny mecchant!it' losses by as much as 80 tn 90n~. crr·;it1nu ;in unltm1ted ,.ind waiting m<lrkct Cur· renl ne<1ol 1a11on~ wo•h nill•Onill cha111 s1ores m;a~e 11 1mpe1 ii· t1ve 1h'1t w e ;1p11null a (IUilhl1ed 1n<t1v1dual 10 scrvocl' these aCCOltnls ii~ .,,,.II ;i~ acr.ounts w111l local merchants. P11re~t con1panv supplies 1111 necess .. ry tra1n1n9. ilnd assists 1n c::.tabl1~h1nq h}.;.al ;i1;co11nl~ Sc1v1c1ng onlv 25 accounts. ~houlf1 11rov1df'; .i n1onlhlv 1nr:o1nP 1n (';•<."~"of Sl,300. Appo1nh•c rr·Qu.,e1ne111s. 1ncluc1" a $5.9!.iO e,ash 111vest· rncril . good relc111nces. and the ~b1l1ly \\) s1.i11 1mmed11111!'1V 011 ,1 lu\1 01 p.u1 11mc bas•~ ~nr rnorc 1ntormat1nn find possibly a P"rson11l 1ntcrv1ew. vi11t11 g1vir1~ vour full name, address. business and home phone. TODAY• ADBY INDUSTRIES, INC. 1306 SECOND AVENUE SE ATTLE. WASHINGTON 98101 Order Yours NOW ••• (~~ r\\·~\i k{;,~t~~ ~· -=:O'v~ r.- • PERSONALIZED 1000 Beautiful Stick-on · Labels •STYLISH •EASY TO USE I I I I I •ORDER FOR YOURSELF OR A FRIEND r MrJ . Joh" Dot t1J M.1 •" Shrctl ""~town . Anys1011 l2J•S Fill in th•' coupon. cl ip •nd :Tt•il with S.l.lS to: Pilot P11nl in9 l.1bel Olv .. Post Office BoK 1 S60 Cost• Me t•, C•liforni• 92616 It Svro 11 11-.. yo11t ZI-. COilt 1411.114;1110'1&----!....---------------- I AralJ Oil Reaches "AS THE SUPl'l.l t:S agai n brgin to land on !his AAorc. \\'e'll ha l'e a :,ufficiency or , gasoline \11ith the production IP\'€'ls that ha 1·c been U l"l1't"""9 B1itte1·11 Cll.ftl'fJed 1·he first. fifty of these ne n• cle<.·trit ~cars built by Sebr1ng·\·anguard . lnc. of SCbring. J-'1:1. v.'il l be ready for dt'livery by the end of ·Apr il. according to th e nrn1·s prc~ident. Hober1 (;, J~eauinvnl. ·rhe ear runs at 28 n1p h for 50 hours 011 a .i;inglc IJa!lcry l·h:irgc. Ai11erica \\'ASlllXGTON /AP) -A big lanker·!oad of Arab oil has rr:ich<'d the United Stales in the firs t major ship1n ent received since the lifting last 1nonth of the Arab oil em· b.'.lrgo. The Fl'dcral Energy Office announced Tuesday I.hat the Italian lanker Elba Lolligeiti has arrh·cd at r\orfolk. Va .. carrying 3-ltOOO barrels of crude oil from Algeria. EX XO~ CORP. said its ov.•n initial shipn1cnt of 1\1idcasl oil since rrsumption of Arab sup- plies -50.Cffi barrels or crude aboard the Es.._"-0 Barcelona ~ras due to arri\•e tod ay in Ne11.· York Harbor. Anticipating the rene\\·ed nvai\abilitv of Arab oil. lhc FEO has 'told U.S. petroleum companies to dr:H\' upon cur- rent invcnt ori('S to boost gaso line allocations for the month of April. The Arabs lifted on \\larch 19 the <'mbargo \\'hieh they had imposed duri ng. I h c ~l idenst v.·ar in October. but actual casing of !he oil squee1c has l:)c(n d<'layed because of 1he lime required for tankers lo reach C.S. portl-1 . Statistics disclosNI by !hr Comn1crce De1l.1rtment · sho\\· that dc~pit<' the cmlx:irgo. hun- dreds of thousands of barrels of Arab oil did leak th rough to the United States l'rom fhe r..l idca.~t. The bigge st lC'ak was from Saudi Arabia. sou rce of 552.212 hnrrcls of oil reaching U.S shores in February. the dcpaMment said. TlflS CO~"TR ASTS \l'ith !he 5 n1illion barrels ()r nmre that Saudi Arabia re,,,"Ularly had I hc:>cn shipping to th e Unil('d S1a1l's per 1nonth prior to im- 1 . po~ilion of the embargo. TI1e ConunerC"C Dc partmenL fi:;tircs sho\\·cd that duri ng !be fi\'C n1onths of the <'mbarga a total ()f 25.8 1nillion barrels of oil from !he ~fideast reached the United States. establishi'd Certainly by the end of ~l:iy," Sin1on said. Simon also predicted tl1at fin.I quarter profits of major oil companies \rill be so high as ID be "cn1harrassing " lo thern \\'hen con1pafl~ lo the first three 111onths of 1973. Nuke Pla11t 111 Oregon Op1msed Til .. LA~tOOK . Orr. 1APl - The prospect or a nuc lear po"·cr plant on the Oregon coast pro,·okcd a ncgati\'C reaction Tuesday nir;ht from an over-no1v cro,,·d al n public heari ng. 1'hc. meeti ng v.•as the first of sel'eral hea rings pl anned by ''DUT .. ·"'"~ llA\'E to ~It baCk and lake a look at h011' !he oil company profits hal'r measured against all other eo1llp;.1n ics o,·cr a long period of tin1c and you'll see !h;il I hey fall in th e rn iddlc range." As for i;asolin c supplies. hr said: "If the Atnerican peop!t' l'Qntinue lo abi de by norrnal t•onser\'ation practices. 11·e·11 hr ab~ to live in a norii1al fa~hion." Simon s;iid he \\as "t'n· courai;:ing ~the An'lerica n pr<r- plc lo take a normal summer \ acation . no1 to postpone going to New England or do"·n to Fl orida if that has been their traditional practice. There is going lo be gasoli ne out ther!'." But he cnutioned that 11 is going to cost niorc to go on the trip.~ because ··prircs arc going to be high!'r . especially an1011g gasoline stations that rely on fore ign i1nports.'' Peo1lle WJ10 l11vestecl i.t1 Qil Stocks Not Doi.t1g TJ1at G1·eat xr:\V YORI\ ! ,\Pl -l'o,1r· in!? lnl priri·~ and profll~ h;l\f' br1>Ught Jilt Ir i n \' e s t 111 t' n t b.:'nrrit rrccntlr 10 tlir )l('Oph• and ins!i l ulion~ 11hQ. throuch ~lock. Q11·11 the bi ;! Ill· ternat ionn! 01 1 rotnp;inie~. ~l'rri c·C' ~li0\\'S a decline of 10.:J pj•rct·nt frorn thr 1•nd or Srpt1•n1hrr -JUSt before lhc· 011 squct.'~.l' intensified 1\·it h \ht• !.larl of the Arab oil embargo -10 !he end of \larch. 1}()l1t1cal quesiions ha ve ~n (]uir;.;t.\· lranslatcd b~· investors into ··uncertainty over the lr\·r[ of future earnings." A111on:; lhC' n1ajor issues t1tcd by nnalysts: the Oregon Nuclear a n d .------------~ The rh:incr~ nn.• in !act. th:1t lhose 11•l'JO hough! share~ nf thoc;c oil stock~ ;1 .1·car ago. corr~c!ly ;intiripating t h !' energy ~qurC'zc. lost n1 011c~. For cxan1µlr. ~l ock in r~xxon Corp .. the \\'Orld's biggr~t oil company. sold for as n1uC'h ~1 ~ S\03.2;) a sharl' latl' IJst spring. Early this week it 11a:> going for about S80 on the i\e\\' York St0<:k Ex rhange. That figure 1s Ju;;t s ight y \J(•l tcr lh:in !ht• 13.3 percr11l drop registf'r<'<I ovc.r 1he p<>nod by 1\lood°y's O\•('rall in- clustnnl index . -Pressure on the indwlry fron1 Congre~~. A measure un - rlcr stud.v b.~· lrgislato~ in \\'a~h ini;!lon 11·ou!d end !he oil· depiction allO\\'ancc a lax hrt'.1k lnitlatcd years ago to C'!lCOUrage de\'Clopn1cnt 0 f (·nrrg~· r<'sources. In addition, a "1rindfall profi!s.. tax is being con~idcrcd which the 1\1nerir:in Pctroleun1 Institute c!>!iinatcs could amount to pa~·n1ent.s of $5 billion an- nuall~· b\" 1979. Thermal Encr.gy Council to gauge public rcarlion to pro- posed sites for po\\·er plants. One person speaking In fa\'or of a eoa stal nuclear pl1tnt \\'as George llcl kcy of the TillanlOOk Co u n t y Creamery Association. ll clke y said he felt the community needed additiooal power y.ources and that it v,.·oold benefit fron1 a nuclear plant. Ponel ()usts Oil Tax Bid '\'ASHINGTON IVPl l The! !louse \\'ays and i\feans Committee ha s voted to phase out the 22 pcrctnt oil depletion allo\\'a nce as part of an cncrg~ F illu JJ t1 t Bible Site ~IT. Sl~AI. Isrcali-Oc· cupicd Egypt llJPJ1 -,\ g<1solinc station opened Tuesday in rhe fooi hills of ~11. Sinai 1\·hcre tradit ion holds that ~1oses rccei\'Cd the Ten Com1nandmcnt s from God. J)c!ck. 1hc gol'crnmenl· O\\'ne1I nalional r U e I dislributor, opened !hr one-pump &talioo oc1 a d1r! lrack a mile from SL C.:athcrincs ~tonaslcry to scn·e members of the Jebcliya tril:M! of Bedouins "'ho lire in the area . TllE !\EXT T'\'O targc.'il rornpanie~ suffer thr ~l!.1111' fate: ~lobil is do\ln !o :ihoul s-1a fron1 a 19i:i h1sh uf ~7:i .. 'i0 a <10 percent drop: and Tcxaro is bcl\\'<'Cn S'.!7 and $'.!8 afh•r selling for ;1s rnuch :is i~:t I ~ l11sl year. A particul:irl~· c;har11 del'lin1· in the s1och,,; of the big oil firms ran1c. iron1C'ntly. 111 J;.nuary. ju~\ :is the C'Olll· panies \\'Crc rrpor!ing prol1I gai n" of frorn 45 1o fi() pt rCl'rl1 ror 1973. \\'hy has it workrd out !hie; \\·a~".' Crriainly not beeau~ of in1rncdiat(• earnings prosprcts. \\'all Strf'cl anal~·sts rxpcct lhc oil t'Q!Til)anics f i r s I quartt'r fin:t ncial r c po r t " . 1rhirh arc due late this mont h. to br. 1n 1h1• \\'Ord,; of Oft(' hr o k r r . "Crnb::irrasslngly good." \1 0 ~ ,. f'l:'\Al\C IAI. o\J~er\'t'rs agr<'c the principal reason to be politica l un· certnintir5 hanging O\'er the oi l induslr\' in aln10.s!. cverl' Pnrnrr ot t·h,~ 11·orld1 lne\uding 1hr L:nitNI Stn te~. -"The recurrent bugaboo of 11 ha! the go1·ernrncn1s of the oil producing countrie.s will allo\\'. •· as Albrecht put s it. Lend Ha tc l! p LOS A~c;ELES -Security Pacific r\ational Bank an· nounced it \1'ill increase its pri n1c lending rate fro1n 9~.4. to 10 percent. 1ax bill that. 11·ould cost oil ~---------- companies $16 billioo over the An indt•x of 2~ oil stockl'i kept by ~lood~··s Investor<: Hol>c:r! AlbrPcht. <1n oil in· dustry anal ~·st ror .i large brokcrag•.! fi1:111. ~a1·s those The increase is cffcctivt: to- d3y 1hc bank said. ne:<;I si:o; years. Tuesday's dec ision may be eh:illengcd by liberals 'vho 1rant to hit the oil C'OOlpanies h.::lrd<'r and by conser,·ativcs 11ho think the measure gOC's too far. Both woups hope to amend the bill on 1hc llousr floor although normally tax bills arc not subject t.o a1ncnd· ment. Complete Mid-day American Stock List ' "' 1-l•! vn• "~' • •1~1 i'' "~' Vnl '-'" L,o•t\Jlq. L.,·1 (/''; ~· !~''' , 1C"'I l~·'Ll\•l -A• -(~ (,...,,,,, I ~ lll '" ,, " 1"1"'1''1 • 'I Ull~l.,<>u ' I ' • \.,tr~·~lll l ~ •-' A•ll lo ?~ 1 '•-'• (,OhlN l ~>D 11' l"'fW' "' ' ln,!•n\.I'• '(JQ•••i•ot 1"16•• l '><n1l11\l'l •ll 1 1'1 . .. &l l'M•!• " (.;vn:a 1n<o ~ Lr.··•'""' lnh'T,,1, • Oro11 l,.n,,n '11 • '• • .,,,,_5 •'t> ;' .I • .ollit •M• ,., / t C...mol>tf>Q ,, ' i•' L•n,1"-· .~ •n8,,n>t " Q:,.,no.1n 1 I 1 •• S•1C.1h :.I• ! ~., ,, .. (_H~•"l i • {~mp ln•J 1 11 0 . l•n ''·'1•'' t»1f.:i.1•"•' ,/' O•Jhl• '>1•·•• '; SMDtna"t l lo,, o\c!•Cnl,,.,,t t J• {.!ln[o (.... to J1• t<n I 1,1.,, I<~ I !Mll11n•I~• >t' Q,...,...,lJ:) 10 11• '!.1Mtonl>1> \ ]tl-'o Al,J.,..,i liu t I 7 , •, (<In Hm>Ud 1 ~ [y~n ,\ '°"I I 1~11'•n11\ TJ I< Oo~t'·.t "" " ' )<!Mt 11<:1<•' J • ,._ •, Allob< O•IV. ~I ; ,, '• C!ln H .. 1 :• o E .. u~,. 1, : ~, Intl ~!.,!r'> ' '1'1~10 •\rl•n I! J • • o;o,1..n(1>."4> • 4 -• AllolO(~P'• ~ ,, '• C.on1P ... 1 ~~ I. • -Ff'.. 1 ... ,'!>~·•'W1ll)''l)• 1· ,.,. -<,((111>11«> , 11i... A"l<O•O lO 1 ~· '· (dn .Y~•.1' I '"b"'" ·~ 1" 1 ..... ,,.,.,.~ '! IUJ!r1Jr1 I ;1 St(dptll<l/100 II • Do Gctsoli1ie-scivi11g Gi111111.icks Deliver? n•t.•P!>l.OIYI 1< >. o (dn O<ci<ln! '""' ,,1 ,1.,,t,u 11 •I"'"'"'"{" ~'It• •"G'.•r•1, ''''' • !o;:i llQ,a!.e.!I IJll'•-• A!h•S" 10 1 ~. {...plld•I {.p • • ' ',,, '•1 ,,)() • ~ 1nv•10 1•. I . !'(.["~'' l' , .• Stl!<••l!y ll " 4 ..... A!C Pn!o l• '1 •.• c~•d .Oe<l ' r '""'' •n , 1. "'"OvA l 9" :~ l 'Gl '""''. 11• '>Q<-·t•O 1111 ? l o•'• "'"'"•lk :G \ , c..i ......... 1~ ~ ' I''"''"'"' '• )L.. 1 .. ,1:u1y 1 .. 1 '· Pu .. ~1 • '· \ 11 ' ~peum.VI l<I 1 } •• •o lll•nWO<Kl~ I~ , t.irna!n ~" ,•It: f,,,,,,1, nST \ 1 in'"'·"' l> 1 1 ' ~~•S•ln ~~ I" I \~P In G!<I ! <I • , A>d'I ~ ""I I\ } • '• C~· Pln .S.O~ • I,. ' .... ,,,,." \~ I i"'l..IQ! ·•J ! ' ... "~·· L~'" I !' S!d O•rdo 1~ l •••• f\tco1,,c~IO 1 \,, '• t r.,u{,WI , 1 '''l"•"l •·· .... 1 n, I •Il l Cn•r< '' '°•1o•'1 1 •~1 '1 • S!dl~l>!Cr< 11 \ '• A•lr~nAotl' I I • [~'"'1'0'"' '• • :: ; '1 llo~,,. ' 1 •• J J "'"'0"' j.,, I • •· ~tMOt P• •t ' ~ .-'• A.•lt~•.., .. JI • tJ•IL<A.l iJ 107 •1 r"I'~"'" • J•nOE.~~· •• r·~r~Mlll "' II'•''' ~inP .. .a wi, I l•o All ...... 11 {.p IT :I• .. fd~lltv~(l.J 11 11• ftl"'"Y I~· II , )"~I··~ 1 l'lil• <'11 >,,,[)<, '''' Sl"'1QO'{.:~ 7 1~.-·o Anet Coro ~111~ c. .. ,,,~,.0111 1 1.r. f.,,,1 .,11 .·I / 1r.. hiool•• "'" ~.. 1>,.1 1.,·,~"''' 1 , \i<nl•i Avn • ~ "llt< (p "'1 t '\~-'• ( .. ~1 lrO'> {.p t 8', f °""~ 7M , l~ IC IC -l'~TJ')<n IJ I 1 St .. !~"'" In' I 1)', ', Ry Th~ Associated Press "Sa1·e up to tv•o gallon s or gas r\·cry hour you're on the hi,l!'h\\·a,-. ·• "BurTI 1\·a1er in your car up to ri \'e n1ore n1iles per gallon." "A111azmg ne11• igni1ion ac· Til·ator ... mulliplies ~park to gh·e ... better gas milt>age." Those claims for three d<'.\'ices ad\'ertiscd in an auton101h·e pans ratalog are typical of the benefit~ pro- mised motorists by compani('.S that s<'ll so-called gas sa\'ers. f,\' A Tf,\lE OF shortagel'i and higher gasoline pri~s. promoter.; of sut'h devices a~ pear to ha\·e increa.c;ed sales tffort11 in i(Ollle slates. But do !hr g:idgets really de.Ji\·er? .. , dnn·1 knov.-· of an~1hing lh1t 1nolo"'5ts can attach n·,at "'·Ill Improve !heir mileage a slgnifiranl amount." says Automoti\'c cnj:!in~r Bob Knoll . hend of Consumers t:nion 's aulo t('st divil'iion. The Penns\·lvania Bureau of ConsulTI('r ·Protection h as is~ue<l a J:l'f!eral v.·aming lo 1notori~1 -. to be \\'lit\' of clnims thctl \'ctrious J:!adgeii; will Im· pro\'r ga.s mileage. A~O STATF. att ornl")'li J:('ncr11l 1n Ca li fo rn i a. Arkan11a s. Kansas and ~fin· nt.sota ti.i,·e looked into the ad\'trtisin~ of \'a r i o u s mRnu!aciurrn. Jn sonu~ casf>H<; tht?)' hR\'C takt:n or lhreatened lt.11:al nctlon o\·er the clain,s. P1:1rtirulurly popular a.;ong m.:1nuraC1 urcr~ this )'en r are dr\'\t-1•.s tha t mi x v,.·att:r v,.•i1 h rht• ~n.wllne. i\ ~hop nc11r Albany. N.''· rrported in.stAning about lOO ll<n<O ln01 1 J . (1nPwLp!l ~t1!Yl ~9.••1 fit).nv"'' 1 '·''''•!r·•i II /• P,,MC.,1 ?'lt> JI II•'' ~l>·lt,, Ind I J , , ,,·11cl1 dc1·1·ce•. ,,·ho'c•h t •n11<t" ..,, " ,., l•n s. 7><1 \ ', ... '" '>"L" i ,, ~"'" • i,,, ~ • ~.,,,. • ,, i i ., •• s1,,hncit1t 1'•-'• ·' Am Ao•o""1 , 1 ~ •• •, {L'ntw o ~~ 'J . r .iv•.1i •.1 , 10-. ~•'"D~'•' -'1 r ..... ,,r 1··1 I in. ~·~'1P1tt~w. 11 7 • t 'II ' a~" " ... On!tQI ;/ I ~ -'o {.onviil("'' I ~•-'• M ~·>vf.ti•~ JU l > t.,,I ('!,')r • 11 • S!~rn,,en! 11 <> • • gua ran ecs v.·1 1nrrr ."IC .. -.,Ft!~.'"" 1o ,. . , c.n"'r"i nio ,..,, , .. 0 ~ '• :';1~~d,; ~.\· 1 ~ •• ,,,.,,.,., ·~ 1• 11, , P•·~•10 1,.~ i q. • >tormO• 1~ ·1 1 ~ •••• car's mileage fron1 1.4 to 5 AF1n,11 ..... l 1 . t ><11 r o,• l ~ , 1 ... 11,.i>i>• , ~ •'n•'1"'t ,~ '' '• p .. ,,n l),..., •· 1 . • s rP cri 1M n '> _ l>n1C...r<1 C~ ,,,,, ••• t HLC<i•D .. 1 ••• ,,,,,..,~.,;.) 'I · .......... ~,~ I ,, •.1 .. ~n1 .,r..., ' ., ~l•v•~W.,11 , 1 t.••. Jlli!t'S per gallon. J1 C()SIS Amh•" ,IU> • I • {.Ooll" I "'',l /J , F l~<J In~ 11 I ' , ''"~11~ ' 1 'l ' ' f'•n1<on 1<1<1 ~""d" llb I '", , '4, 9.50 plu~ S20 ins1;~!\nt ion. An•MOtlM ~"l ~ '' •, {.~"""' f.n ' ' n.o C•o•1~1 I 1 • •n;;o'·r :o; '•; • Pq> &cy 1 '') • !.o.Jn [I~< t!I 1 ll'•• ' A f't'Uol~ I .lt ... ti Miq "'I ! • .. r 10,.fl ii ~• n , "'" n•a 1'~ • "''""m n ~: , ' ~~l"f•~d 1• ) 6 .. , "The i·'rc going like",mm',',',,"'1 11 ~",.,, t1"''~""' 11 •·· • F 1~k•J""s. ?1~ •. """"'"' ,,' ·-~--""'fi:i ~ , • .,..D<,,11.:Jb '''• .,, ("('~" ;~ ',, '• f••T•?•.., A ~ "~ ~1•n ~, .. • • ::.~'<tu<n tn '> ?'• . g a n g bu st e rs . " said a Am R~<c..n ' ~ • c•~·· "'" ·~ • ~ f1'0dtdm.> !Q ' • t·:.:~·i~~"o 1: ~:~-o~~: 1~,' ' sw •nd fl(! 1 1• • •, spokesman for the sh()p. ~r,~~:,,:~ 1: ~ :- ': U~l~y ~~1 o: .~ ·' : ~~·~'.~~1;, ~ ?. ''. L.••• ~o·r.111 n ' • "·~·· ~. • ; • ~;~t~~at':o 4~ ~;:;;1'..:. AMl({.p 04 ~· U , • r ·••Nr;n , , ''''"'"" !1(1 o JI'•· • l~ l,,\<u• '' '' ' 1'•11 D'M \.f I~;•• • S1>trf'I'+ En'<l I l -'"' l>nQ•ot 1' b 7·, .. 1, (n~uln '"' 1,,11,1,0l'•C 11 lb•· !,,,...,...11" '• 1 ~,,,~c.o r,.,. •• 1. " -1'T- A "PO'"ES'l''f G lllnl-11" '<, C.0·•1"111•" • • .... ,,~·.\• "s ..• !.u~,.,i~. 'i • ,.,.,,,c,,,.,, ' 1~'""'''"" •li-1•. "' n .. ·": or .enera A O•~.!" •1s 1 .. -1 ·•~ c.o1 • ..,,.,.,. ,1 ,, 1"'""'"'"'' ~ 1 , .. l •h·•,,t• 11 ' 1•.,1;1~r .. 1, ·• • 1.,,,..11.,•o 1 n•o llfll)l..,d.,.-1 ) , ,. (c!on•·""'' , ' (;G-lA• II•! •'II 1~ • ~"'~mt><n • I T.,rLm lf.<1 ) )'•-'• :0.IOICf".S, ho\\·erer. s.1id i1 S tui"''•"" i> 1<; ;o ••.• c.01 ... •.110"'' , , C,...i>•!l ln.,., 1 ••· ., L·''""~111 .. , ;• • l'<>u~.1~.11 ~ .• • ''"''d c.n•o ~ 1 •• •',",,"~o .',/.. ,':,,.,.··,· c.,,.,11<1{.,,.. n 11· c...1~·•VP J l ·•'• 1~.11.,C.o"l • P..1n;:la J~ ?• '' • T•fl!'ll'Ca "'1\ 10 • •.• enginerrs '·koo1~· of no furl .. .,., • c1mc.· 1"'1 . 1 ' .W•<ll'l l" 11 1 •• tr•1. .. 1 '6 1 11 '""'11'" '.j ~ '" r'"'°'C."'1> 1 1" A•uC: pl d • 8'o -" (1m!A.lh J I , • , C.••nG< !>ill h 1 •, Ln """''""'-II 10 .. • ' '·•f"~•n ~ ~ 1 l••Aa .... I" 6 ti ,. 0 economy ben<'flts from water .iu m., l,,, ~ ••-'• c.,...,1 1.1 ."'" , "• Gl:'••n•• i. , ,,, 1, u"1u·•T •< 'J•-'• "n•'••LG• 1~.~ '*'"'"P""' ,, 12••··'• ... mln(a<fl A 11· .... (Q.mnii• U> 11 I I C.•AB~··a· ' 1 . L•\l,.f l7<t ' \' .• "''"~" ·a J ,, ' ,,, •nu Co IO 4 -• inif'<"lion." .,,Q .. (1"<1 I • ••• (Qn'lll'.l<l"I I~ )1 •• 1 """ C.·~ t!I R ,. • • l •b<'•IY ~.,, 1 ) P.OI~· 1 .. 11 ~ " ' l om(l:e t(ld , '" • \\' . . • _ ... A•l'"!ll(p lit 1 8 . {.amp L:i~·I> J , '• c;..n lnl•fla< .1 I l""CO·" ....... II 1' ""vl'llfi OYI I 1 l~UJo• '~1 I " •••• ater 1nJPCll01l 'WaS t1 SeulnA•woo11 co J 41:-'• C:QM,,., 11d, 6 , c.,.nR<oc ln• 1 .• , <•.,.,a•I:••• 1 '••'• ~·,i,11e•n 11 '1 ° f,,,,,..,..,lJ 1 1 , SOme \\'•rid \\'•,r II fo'ghlcr"1"""••C.O ~•1~r-'• c.o"'•df~b ; ,,, .• c.<nlle,.:i•·• 1 , L,=",.M11 ,,''11 •·· 1 <.A 1"~"'' ',, To!••""1•nl 75t1S.••·'·1• " " A\~ldOol C. I~ 10'•-'• eono<oc (p • 1 , .. {..rn')" Int ~ 1 °' ,., ".,,\ • l'ult,.H(rW' 1 'l • -• T~-& Ctrv I~ 1 Planes.butthe purpose "·as to•~PRO .•Oo:t '•••'• tan~lf•Ct< 1 • c.:i ... ,,.,,1n 1 ~ • l lV CP•1' 1' .i .• -• 1>u1n"""~• J1;. ··· '••~dNY'' 11 l'••'o '"'''' !"( I I · Ul'fUO' Int I 1 • .. ( .. •rttF v.i 1 u' '• Lvn<'l 'C'.~•I> !1 , • • -oo 1 •. ~1Mn, l• I , ,. '• pre1·ent "'reil0rn it ion u n d c r "'~1.., .. C:D 1 e • '• Con\011 c,,,,. , ... -• c..on1v1 ...,~ 11 n • • -MM--11 11 ---u u-,, •1<0 lndll•t I 1' • C 'o > l > ""'"''" M•t I I ••· 1 Ft~"<I"• 0 1 11 ,> • 1/1 1' <o 00.. o , he I d ri l t bla' '' ' 0"' P ·'0 n 11 • ~!~,'..'!'~?,,~ , 1 '. '• ,\..,"~"~~!; ,1a 1 • •. fl,.n11w 1 llO 1 i~ • u~~flt tOJd ,, , , •• <l\"Y oas an no oo tn~:;t~~911"'~ 1·~1~; •. , ~~~,~~~ 1~ 7:'.''. ~ .. 1'ii\.)';°? , ,~ •. , ..,., .. ,,,..1., n ~· , 11,""A..,.,.,,, 11 1 , un •'"'~'" , , econom.\·. the G~1 spokcmnan ••Ft1tot<1w1 .11 11 .... eonn i1 w1, , 1 c,1~.;.., ;Q , ~, M.l•hl• ~~1 ' 1 •· '• ll.d1"11"'"" 1 ' v n11 •• .,,,wi 11 1 , , sa~~:;r Arknn~.1~ statr attor~y !~{!:1~ ~; ~ !~ .. ··· ~~~~ :1:~ 1: ~ : : ~:.: 8:~~~~!,F \ ~ . ': tt~U!~*~·J '. .~ : ·: ~~~~i: ~:f :J ;: : '. ~a1~~1'J; ~ 1~ :: • A.V C(O'I' 'J , Cnu .. nMwt j I ••'• C.O!dn (Ttll ~·l~ /lo (1 <1 WI\ I\• R••!l~<ll" ";, Uln'1!()1 .J~ n ,. general t('1'!('d ;i \\'ater in· •V'/f;CG<Oln , u . •en~ c;ib1~ ~Q '" , c.·1~''"'"'" 111 '~ ;".;'~~~",0! .u! ~· , ~;:,..IJD,..,e;; i 1:· • vnPDv•.'.ltl i ~. jcc1ion dc\iC<' !'(l\ri itfonuon :tt..••l u•. ~;:~.~:~. : ~': : ~~·\~;; 11!:· · '""~''''"' i · ll•o"''""''' ,,,,1 •. '" ~~r~::·/~ ~,r.-.· Ark ,rinsas and conc hidr" ii wos ',',..,.,,,,.!' ~1, ,•, ,,'.,: , •, C•·ct1~P 1 ~ 1n 11 • • '• ,..,,11ur<1 •) r Fi • ~a•11ion /1 · • '' 11~~-.~1 11~· ' • 1 · • u·, ll•tt11t•n " 1• • • ·• I' ~" C•••tFooo"" o ) 't (Aul<llnt .,! l ' <, <1<n10 '•• ll•"\.'ll!!A 1010 .. 0 US llul>f•~ I I'.•'• "\\'Or1hle«, And .1--!I npl Blln•Uhl .ld 1\ 11 t • CtO>•Al.•1 1~.,JJ•,, '• (..Qultt tn •1 1 I , ...... 11 .. 1Gn ~ /} 'Q ....... ~ O•l .Jll 'I •'• UllS Corro 1 J•,~•o ·~· a .. _ .. ," • ''• Crn .. Ml!.00 4 ' • (;!'""'"'"'Ir l~ )Cl '• w ... ,,1 1no ••• ' A~'"I"• '° I I•·., UV!IWtWI' '1 11'• ••• perfom1as 1hc n1 nnufacturer O•rryRGSll 111 "'•-'• """CP.1~ 1•" '• C..An•ltMi;<t 1 io1 '· ~""'",,'" l •k 1 • 1 ,'& llkt\tAA•<M "• ·-vv-84r•rWr ·"° .1 t •to •• Cr •"•' °'' 1• 11 •• J , "'' ......... 11\11 ' 1 ... '-'•th( .. n c.o .I • • • 11 •• N•tO i-1 ' • • • Vfll•1 ...... ,. 16 ~ •••• ad\·ised.'' B..-ltll ,.11 l t•o ••• C~ECp .oo.t 1 11'•-U C..l ll•1 Pf• 1• J •• M•th~~q !0 'b • •• H><MoO•C .. I I'' Vtl""'t .4'0 '41•'• ••• &l\.ltt f'tllt U S~ , .. (ubO<C.0 .1'> 1 6 of \I (.! l~t~ 14 , IJ', Y.<Oltt Cn 1!I I ~ •-'• lil:11)1J:I l"f(d J , t• '• Vfhi;o•• 1f t l 'o ••• B•l"'Ot .lOd tO 10· .. + • --OD-c.is.tnn s <> 1 ~ , •. , i.•1111 .... 111 4 to 1J , \, lio~o •~M.n • @ •• '• V•.,Oo•tt v.i 1 ,,, CON. 'SU'. IE RS •~,·'ON. has !'~":'.. ;!! '"', ,• .".'. °"~" 0<1 i •', ~ •, c,..~,.....,.. 11c i l•,". ·, '-'•OwF• l><l 1 u -'• II+•~· M••n 1 "• '· V••o 1-.(n•ri • , • , , lJl"ll .,..,....,..,.,_, fl•l•DMln ?! ~··-~ &rt"'1'1 .0>b t \ AA•I~ Enrn •Ii• • Ao~~•M pt• ••I••'• VtK~ln• 1, 1 '"• •t ~ \hi -·" " , ,._' "• MillCon•• •\ I t 'o• '• Fl•o••-MI I JJ '' not teslcu any ga'.'!I sa\·ers s flt•o"E"t llt , '''•• .~ ~1":.~cwx1 • J • •.. c ...... !Od 10 ..... -•, """°""' 1..., ,. ,. , •• ~..,,"' , , ,. , ~f;"'•011C:ti t• 11°0 '• .,.,~,...,,li)b 2P ••t 't C,,o..C 1111 I o 1 •·· M•!lf>I El"Q, , '1 ,. , lit•t""•F~ l• 1 !'I ,1 D• I"''>' I •-'• ye.nr. but in 1971 checked a k"11 R1 ·'Jd ' ,3 .. •·• Ol'J"' "'"' • :t .. '. • c,r..,.n '"""~ ' , 0 ... ""'" ~ 1; • 1 , , ,.,,,,,,,.. 11 1, ,. , v'""DI' , .... 1 • •· • Bfoql'tll'y""' I ... •. Ol'lln ~ .. II I 10 ·-., c, •• n ... o G'<I 1 " "l " (~O 1 ...... highly ad,·rrtised $.).% dc1ice Btrqon~ s 3." Onfll;:1,IO;S • I • •• W!Mlq"" I • MD.an'IC:O(.o J ' '• l'ON•n I-I I v~·'"""P \ 1·-·· •-G fil'mron>tl 1 -lht '• Qo<(ll)'l•ll l' , '"• ·-M" MC1~(0 .. 1• 1 I• '• 1;"''"" -• • v"''""'" n , , ... k00\\11 a.s t11e •. T. F.nergv ~·l•t CMll I ,., •.• °'~'""' )j •• !\'• '• 111111....,I " '•o . .....!Xllf> TM ' I • II .,, tuu 'l) •·llt "'"'. C"ham~r and foiond ih", 1 ·11 """•• .,"•,•.':! :», ,',,", •.; ·. f>••on J .. t J 1 •• •. ..a,,~ h , 1 , i.1iq r,. aOI' -, I • "' , . .,, 1n1~1 • • • .,, ·~~'] 1o , , vc " .. Ol'w~ co ,. r , , 1'1.ttlAowt ~-1 11 Ml•·•l.!tl 1~ 1 • • · • 110,.•n u ' '1 • · v, '""'c ,. ,, 1 , ;'did CSSE'l\tlalh• nothing" .. ,,,°"u1~1.2~ jO ",:>,-,· :•, 0."'1'!ond M I II ' t to•tmtn 10. I It• • P.1.Pll Cr> >1 " ll' 0 11""' "<I In• ~ I' \'. """'00<! 1 J •-1 tn "......... Oofbl)!a"'""' • 1. "A•1t MI (I' I• '1'PO "'°"" ' ) ..• ll\C.lnntn< " 1 ..... ~' '"' 1 1 ••• Jn 1972. the Con!umrr's fltn-sM ~ ' 11 • \o o.ua.11S1 ~' • 1, , "•""''I 1", , Mu11 Am 11 ' ~ • • q,..,., ._.. • ' • .,, , .. •t , ,., , , • I • , ~'·-·I i.. p 81.....ry S f 1010-'~ On!r<1 tOOP t I, "'"'Yo.1 P'O 1 • "I H , R•~n ,_ 1'lll 11 I • "'' • T W I n . n1on C111...._ri ... " !11t: a~r e100vr-. u u •o-•• 00-rt.1•, n.,., • H•V•...:0•11 • ,.. ..... ~ 1' • •• • 5~ w~ .. ~ 1;~ , ,, Blount .• ) )~)-~~ 0.t f<N<tt (p , 1 ... ( "~··~ "• I< 'II 1•·' '~ .... D< .... q .. I I ' • wo.n • (.Q I I' 0. ;\lagnUI\\ v,.'h.ich 113{ btiO~&ea1nAo . .O I 1 •:: 0.1•,•<He" r f H::r.;1::..-::i !•I 3 N .. \,1;.,.Tt"' I It .......... {.1>1• •II I • 'l.•,'11'd!~!I ~ J ,, hen\·ily promoh'CI in Texas nnd t:i::'1;:: ,: ~~~ ~ g-.,:i:;'' ~ 1: ~ : ::;;~:i;:~ ~ ~::: ~~.'!:.' '0 0r1~: ;; r.:::~ t~ ;~ ,, . ~· .. :•,1:.,1",~ I~ ~ : • C•l1'forn'1a-·•aga'nfound11.-1o-c.1t • , .. _., Ot.troT<h 1 1 •• ",2,,'·,','l ""''" •, "· '"M""'""' 1 • .. 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M ' ~ 11 • ' • • ,. ~·d 11• ••• ,,, " l ~•t>l"\0.f.I tti''t•• "'l "r>•G ~ Dl~I ot • • 1 ,. ~~•ldfl)l,J~~ .. 1 ., •t1 , ~('II " I "~·f!,•~••l""••• O<••. ~ •• ·~~ "'l~ ,,.,, Ill ~ f l fl •• .,, ••• I'> .. .. .. ,. ·- 642-4321 Direct or Collect • :JO DAILY PILOT E111oti<J,nal Explo~ion Sickening By DR. STEINCROllN Dear Dr. Steincrohn : You once wrote that it's bad to simmer in resentn1e nt. You said th::it il's bad for the stoinach -SQtne people get an ulcer from it. You said it's bad for ,the intestines -some others get colitis. That il's bad for the hiait and blood press ure. But isn't it also true that outbursts of anger a r e hannful. too? Don't you think DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE you shou ld also stress the danger of te1nper tantrun1s? -Mrs. 0. C0:\1r.1El\'T : I have stressl'd it. It seems you've mis.'ied those columns. Anv extreme is bad -whether i)'oU simn1er or explode. · • Ifs true that I've known u great many patient-. v•hosc arteries. stotnach, intestines. etc .. suffered from the steady deterioration produced b y unremitting resentment and hate. One patienl resents a fel!o\v emp\oye for years -silently -because !he other got the vice presidency of th e organization he thought he himself v•as entitled to. It's no \\'OOder that at last it bores a hole in his stomach wall and gives him an ulcer. A \\'ife is disturbed daily by her husband's chr onic alcoholism. At lasl he r arteries can't take it :iny1norc. and she gets high blood pressure. or course it's bad to si1n- ~r. But frequent explosions are bad, too. I recall the head or one business concern Y.'ho prided hi1nselI on being a fair and underst.::inding person. But he had one fault -an un- controllaWe temper. He ex- cused it by saying. "I was born this '''"Y· It's somet hing I can't help.'' HE \\10ULO lash out at nn employe W1expectcdly ..:. like ~ a bo)t or lightning. It didn't • make any difference if they : were a.Jone or in a large mceUng.' He would get rl'd in the face, his eyes would bul ge, and he'd bang his fist on the desk or against a wall. One day this fiftyish n1an ,, got so excited and so abus ive . he ble\V out one of his 0\1•n brain arteries. The sudden stroke killed hin1. J1is 1vife said. "He v:as hasica.lly such a kind n1an -but he couldn 't control his te1n{>C'r. Il e'ahvays said. ·1 can't h(•Iµ myseU. J was born n1is \\'ay.' " ) !\·!any of us Uikt' a "ropout" by saying. "\ 11':is born thls "'ay. I t<ln't. help il." Ex- tremes of simn1ering and tcn1- per explosion arc cur~h\c. ~ot e;;isily so. but Ctlt'able. l'vr knov;n n1any \1'ho ~g,hl themselres not to si1nn1rr too long, and other!\ who taught themsclvC'S not to.. boil over. Still oUiers havd found a philo...-.ophy that helps them rL~ above conditions mentally and not experience s u c h negative emotions. Born that way or not. a new attitude turned all these into ralional, easygoing individuals. Although sornc indlvid uals can be brimful of energy after five or six hOUrs sleep a night. lt is worth exp<'rimcntlng by adding an hour or two of sleep nlghtly a week to see U your \\'Cll·bt.-ing is Improved :ldviscs Or. Steincrohn ul his booklet. "HO\\' To G t A' (ioocl Nt~ht'll Sleep." F'or a cop)' write hirn at this paper enclosing 3.1 cents and a STAl\1PEl>. SE:Lf' • ADDRE!iSED . EN VEUlPE. Ot. Stclnc.tof\~-O>f!'I• t•&a•• mill afltJ l!'(O!'POflllt 1nt~r• In tOhJmM wMtl fltUIDl1. bl.II t'tllrt1t ht (•"1'1111 IMWCI' Dy llflft bKlllM OI YOlu"'t rectfYM, lie) 'tt1•• McHevtlll $yM\c11t, Inc.) • ..... \ Wtdntsday, April 10, 1q74 Prices Gttd 1•rv T1esd1J •• llJtt'ft ~· li1•t 11 ll•lt 1111tlll1s! 111 Silts 111111111 ~=--··· --""·' ~::.=; 411 6.24 BEACON 'S HEAVYWEIGHT BLANKETS 8 ... neo"'J 7·2"90 lleo"Y we'9~1 nylon blonkt!-I" 1olld Gold, Per1immon, 01••• & Peococ:l IMoi'e. P••mo11opprd 10 •tdue t p~1119 w••h t.t. of th.., ' blonl.."''· nylp" bl"di"'51 . Eoiv·eO•t , Moehine wo1h & d'VI " reg. 29c ea. 0 ''1'"' 11 ' 6 7 ~ '1•hl f•r $2.SO • TO EASTER BASKETS & NOVELTIES Colo•ful, h1;gh1Jy ber;bbon•d Eol!•• bo•~•" ,n '"e' ond 1hnp•1 lo• '""''V tot on vour g1t1 lill All filled 10 ove•llowong w;!h moulh·wo!e•ing good••• & r •«!•ng fvn g1I" & turph••• _,. oll 01 Thr,t1y'1 b<.odgf!·p!eo11ng P"C<'I, , •. 49c '""' 89< Re9, 79c lO 'h 01 . Sptti•I .. 17 Jewel .Waltham, .ffelbros ·Buren By Hamilton PILOT -AOVERTISER J 'Shtffield 25 Jewel Calendar Self· Winding Skin Diver Watch 899 MEN'S AND LADIES' QUALITY WATCHES .. No1ionolly odv•r•;•ed brond nome 17 l"'wel wotd•e• by lomo"1 mokers in beo111•f11I new ,ry1e1. many w•th delu•t teor11•e1 yov'd •~peel <1nly on e•pen1;"'l' wo1ehe1_ 8o~ed lo• Eo1•e• gifhng ,,, plu1 w1'11en g"o•o,..tee. Originally sold for 9 9 9 20.95 & 22.95 FAMOUS SCRIPTO ELECTRONIC LIGHTERS 13.oz. GWSWARE FAMOUS MAKEUP REAL CHOCOLATE DERAN'S BUNNY CUTE PANORAMA HINKLE'S POUND BAGS Beautiful l;gh•cr> ..,;,h lile1i"'e 9uo•anlee. Need no fhn•. ttfOI w;1h bu· 1one.Poe1o •crv•tol p•odu<el 1po11<. 5Cll•n chrome f1ni1h or DoomOnd Cut C•ou .Hot<h, yn<lf ehoite, Th• pt •f...ct Eo1•e• Gi l!. HOLLOW BUNNIES HOUSE Df 166S ; !ASTER 166S IGG COLORS CANDY BARS The n"w lool -A•IN:e ponerned 8eouly 1(Cl<lp on wotld famed g!o11e1 on glow;n9 8urnt 01onge maker'• eteom mokeup. In n1..,e11 °''" ............ 11" ... Tt.~ 111.a . ''"'" ~· 1 .... .i. o.,,,,.,, •• ,, ,0_"'"" '"""" colo• hom Libbey. S1oc:k-up & w~•. 9lomou• 1hodc1. Buy ••v••nl SIMI LAC --~ '... ' \ ... ·--·-... _ '*' ''•dytoteed ~ .... _,_ .... o· A ~~llll lT! .... '• "'"' 69c w/lron 32·0!. SIMILIC BIBY fDRMULI ~1ooy to feed -~~{----··-- ·.:..···· ...... .,.~ ~ ~ ...... _ ... "'' 223 l.11 METIMUCIL LAXATIVI IA·Ol. Bu!J., Ve9e1obl~ 59c ,.,. '" ULTRA BRITE TODTHPASTI Pl.. of' 5·0t. lube• ........ d \18 99c rt9. re,. 1.53 1.11 TAMPAX B FF!RIN TAMPONS PAIN ILIEYER •O l!eg. or !.upe< 100 To • 129 Colgate 100 Mouthwash 24 0UNC1 .. :89c 1°9 Dristan Tablets ~~l~~EG~:::NTTABLns ...... 93c 169 Ba nes H·nd CONTACT LENS r . 1 WETTING soLunoN. 2 ouNcE. ......... 96 c B Roll On DEODORANn v.oz . 7Jc an -REGULAR DR UNSCENTED ....... "". 143 Vitalis Hair Tonic ~~~:L~~.E.................... 123 141 Efferdent Denture Tablets~~!o ... 97c l 34 Nutri-Tonic Shampoo $1.00 Volue 59c 1\ 1\1~ reg 177 2.39 LE PAGES GLUE CORN BROOMS Costa Mesa Santa Ana ._ __ ,::23:.::3:.:L;..:.:17.::tlt:.:S;::l·---<1-..:l..:40;.;6;..W,_. & ltitlo4 Costa Mesa Santa .Ana 23001-·-J3251rf,.iol-- • w ·~ o;c ... '"'"'' sale price WICKER BASKETS S.O••e•1 wo•h >mQo!h, bull borr>boo e•11~flOI, Wo.,ebo1l.e1S, ft.,,, ond ho! roll bo10eto, 11o•den bo1l.t't1. Discount Price 10x10·1N. HIBACHI A rugged CCI II ••Oii hibotho W>lh big odju1tob!e gtlll, super 166 special METAL PATIO TABLE IQ" d•ometef co1uol patio !able• wolh colorlul lotl\og•op~ed m•tol lop\, b•oSI fonl•hed lubulor f~s. Sale Priced 1299 BACK PACK & FRAME fomou• Comprnos•e•. h•gh 111.1oli1y oluminu"' frome ond n~on bog, .. ~ ·-.,.., 'Bii""'-..,.,.. SCOTFDRD . .. ' . -.. ' SUPER SPECIAL 7'' IMPORTED SCOTCH Ol1!itl"'d ond ble.,d.-d !n '"Scollo"d, Soue $1.00. l•m•ted NT>e offe•, STEAMS ET ....... Du~ ~····- • ' • ,l. ~. '~ , ..... '~~ .!...~ ~ _._ ~ .. . -· 24 OUNCE 24 OUNCE 99c 1s9 SPANISH WINES En1oy Tin lo, Slo~co. 1!0K1do. So~· flCI, lo Moncho, P·not Noi• o• Blonc, "'"''" 22• Case 24 for 12-0Z. CANADA DRY Your choke of 1egulor o• Oiet ;., tnony dolfe,tn! flovor1, 12.01, COftl. lttular 4.49 333 i'.l• 2aa POLAROID II FILM Salt 88' Price CLUTCH WALLETS with 11 7aa rollers MIST HAIR SETTER ZOO BATH PETS POC~j] RADIO l ·t•pOl<llt Po!oroid "Sq'°'"'' Shooi.1" <olOt' ''"" ftu Eot.o lto th1•.l••k with con• ~nitn<• lto'°J1•1, Color1, '""'' olore . ~ Oro BTorootRocllflolcl Westminster WtthMahr .t hWtft Wttt ( I Stll hair ill ju1t 2 mi...ut•• Cotflpltt• with ktclol $ovnci, April Silo_,. floolit'lg Joy 1)11-'o Uofl. MOll~I')' or £1 .. phol'U pi1'1 ta.p, I SSll. Huntil!Cjtott Beach 9161 ................ . Huntil!Cjton Beach 95 Hwotlogfoo C- Sotld 1101• AM pono bl• 10> dio, I e CAROL MOORE, Food Editor BEA ANDERSON, Editor Land of Plenty Has Diet Pitfalls Bv JO OLSON 0 1 ti. oaHr Pilot si.11 Is it true that there is a relationship between nutrition and cancer'.' \Vhv do Seventh-<iav Adventists with a lo\v {at intake also tiave lo .. ve r rates of cancer'? And 1~·hy do American and European immigrants to Israel have lower cancer rates than those from Asia and Africa? These 11·ere among the ques tions posed by Ernest L. Wynde.r. MD, when he addressed the Science Wr iters Seminar sponsored by the American Cancer Society in St. Augustine, Fla. Dr. \Vynder, presidrnt of the American Health Foundation in New York, said there is increasln'g evidence that nutrition plays an important role in en1.-ironmental factors linked to cancer. Excesses in nutritio11. called the "malnutrition of the afOuent." may be Ole culprit. Dr. \Vyndcr said. A comparison of the death rates or Japan and ~the United States shows "significant difrcrences for several cancers," he said Also. Dr. \Vynder noted. data on Japanese immigrants sho\VS that second, or even firs1-generation inunigrants to the United States tend to reOect the "American life style" as it relates to d,evelopmcnt of certain cancers. "They assume American d i eJ a r y habits develop American cholesterol levels' and also acquire their rates of heart attacks." Dr. \Vynder said. Also, studies in Ja~n have sho"'" that colon and breast cancer are more common an1ong natives "'ho have begun to-"\Vesternize ., their diets. Seventh-day Adventists, who generally ha\:C a lower fat consumption bc<:ause of their Jo\••cr n1eat consumption, have shown \o"'er rates or cancers of the colon , pancreas. breast. pros!nte . and possibly kidney than other Cali(onuans. Dr. Wynder said. . . ?\tales am ong this group also live six years longer. . It is not the factor of obesity. Dr. Wynder stress«!. but "the kinds or foods which have an excess fat content.'' Cancers of the rolon and pan creas "appear to relate to cholesterol and bile acid metabolism." he added. "Cancer of the colon. in addition. seems to be associated with the nature of feca l bllcleria. Hormone-related cancers . Or. Ernst Wynder as v.•ell as perhaps cancer of the kidney may be related to the 'effect that nutrition appears to have on the constitution of the cell membrane and, thus: perhaps on the interrelation of the hormone and hormone receptors." In vie"' of these studies. Dr. \\'yndcr suggest American adopt a "prudent diet." reducing total fat calorics from 43 10 35 percent. and rl'ducing cholesterol from liOO to 300 mg per day. "It is time to recognize that Ole high intake of saturated fat and cholesterol is intolerable for the health or the largely sedentary tAmerl~an) population.'' He also suggested cutting red meat intake to oo more than three limes per \\'CCk since it ci>ntributes 45 percent or an Amer ican 's total fat calories. Dr. \\rynder also said perhaps America could set aside one day a year as a "health d::iy'' when the papulation would ha\'e check-ups aod health education . "We also aU suffer rrom !he 11Jusion 0£ immortality. It's the ooe next 10 u11 who \\•Ill get a diseaM!. That's why Americans ket>p srnoking." Celebrate With Brun ch Next Sunday is the perfect time for entertaining at brunch ... after the sunrise service ... tor fri('nds parading in the ir finery ... or just because it's a beauti rul weekend. Ever present eggs ean be creamed . baked or scramb led to be scr\'cd v.·ith ham. bacon. sausage or li\'er. The festive occasion also calls for fancy breads, such as cinnamon rolls, stollen. coffee cake or Bishop's Bread. that go so \\'ell v.·ith an array of fresh fruit. BERRY SAUCY \\'AFFLBS 2 pounds country or breakfast sausages 1 can ( 1 pound J jellied cranberry sauce I can \6 ounces) frozen concentrated orange jlli<..'C. thawed and wldilutcd 1,t cup dehydrated onion soup mix 4 cooking apples. cored and cut into 1 ~ inch thick slices 2 packages (10 ounces each ) (rozen \vaffles. Fry sausages in a large skillet tmtil brown. Remo\'e sausages and drain off drippings leaving about 1 ~ cup in the skillet. Add cranberry sauce. orange juice and onion soup mix. Simmer until mixture is smooth and bubbly. Add sausages and apple sliret and simmer for about 5 minutes or until apple slices are tender but still hold thei r shape. Heat wafnes according to package directions. Place waffles on a serving plate. Add sausages and apple slices. Spoon sauce over waffles. Serves fi. CRANBERRY llA:\I J'li' EG GS 4 thick slices baked smoked ham 8 eggs Salt and pepper ~~cup butter or margarine 4 slices bacon. diced and fried until crisp and weq drained I cup cranberry-orange n !ish 1,~ cup minced celery Butter a l quart shallow baking dish heavily -w·ith butter. Use ham slices to line the bottom and sides of dish. • Dress up fruit drinks at brunch. Garnish cranberry cocktail with orange pinwheels. Place a spear of pineapple chunks , strawberries and mint leaves over glasses of. grape or orange 1u1ce. Or whip canned pineapple juice with egg whites and sprinkle with cinnamon just before serving. BrC'ak 1•ggs one by on(' into 1111· hnn'· lined dish Sprink lr t·gl!"i'. 1111'·1 ~ 1!1 ;111(1 pepJX'r. Cul bu!!t'r into p1L"e1·s and sprink!t• O\'l•r the eggs .. Bnkc in .1 350 dPgrl~' F <11,•i1 for :m t1 1 35 n11n utes or until 1·gi;s <1r1' :-1 I tJut !lie yolks arc still soft. \\'hllc eggs are bak1n6. 1111 \: 1-r1..p bacon . cranbc>rry-orange r•·l1-;h ;ind Ct·lery in a sauct-pan . Kt•t•J> 11 .11 rn ove r low heat stirring O<:casionally. Spoon rC'lish arou11d !ht' outl'r Mg1· 11f 1h1• bak ing dish and se r\'t: :d nn1·f' in .J. portions. llHU~CJI EASTEH tr.f,S 2 tablt'.'Spoons butlt•r or 1n;1 rg;1 rJJ1(' 1 1 cup chopped onio n 1 1 cup chopped pnrslt·y 12 pow1d 1nushroorn s, slit'l·d 2 1ablcspoons flour P1 cuµs mi lk J cup oran)'.ie jui ce 1 1 teaspoon salt 1 ~ teaspoon pcpJX'r 1 1 teaspoon dr ied lt'.':1f !;1rr:igon P~ cups diced cookl'd h,1111 6 hard-cooked eggs, h<tl\l'd 3 English muffins. :iplu <lnd toasted In large saucepan m1:lt buttl·r: add onion :ind pa rslry. cook un1i1 lln1011 ts t•·n- der . Add mushroonis and l'OOk until tcndcr. Sprinkle with fiour : n1ix \1·cll. Sur ill milk, orange juice. s;'l11. pepp~r :ind ia r- r<igon. Phtce over lo\1• ht~:it and t ink. st1rnn'.! constantly. until sa uce tomes to a bfl1l. Stir 1•1 h.11n ;•n1! ~ ~r, tJ,..1! ~1·r1·1· O\'t·r !u:1~11·J !llU'llll 1i;1ht· I cup si1ft bullt·r or 1narg:1nne I " 1111.; 'u;.1r I 1.dd1 ··; ':II g, '1 h·d ur:1l'g•· 111Hi .j l'~~~' '. t·uv 11ht·t•' g"r111 5 1 Ulh un)>1!i. d ;,'I purp<isl· nou r fi ti :i,1,n:1:1 ' l1;!l..111g )IQl'.(!t r I It' I.'!' 1 !l ._;ii I '.'. t ll !I' u1·:111 ~1· Jlllct· ,. J ( Ui• I 'l)..·tl\lllt't• p;H·k._1g1•1 <,t•:nJ ~\ll'l 1 t hui·ul:1 1~· Pl•'!'•·~ ~ cup cliuppl'll nuls ~.I {'\l]l !'<l!~Jll' 1:1 cup choppf'd 1n1xed cand1C'd ~ruH In laq{t' bo\\I cri·a1n !Ol?l'til1·r h111t• r ;1nd !>Ugar. Add orange nn(J. B1·:1I in l'gi.:~ :O.llx v.h~><1t g{'rJn. flour, hak 1n~ 111111·11,,r ;ind s<1lt. B!1·nd 111 <>ll•·r11;1ll'h 1\1:h nr•tllJ.!•' JUic•" S11r 111 t·l11xil1:1tl' p1(•r1·-: ~ind rt rnain1ng 1n~red1c·n 1 ,;. Tun1 11110 grc~1scd and flourf'<! JO·u1ch !uhr pan Bake 111 3jl) dt·~r1·1· ~·. 01·e11 I hou r and '.ID n1i nutl'S. or until crikl· \tstcr 1n~cr!cd 111 brc<i d cumi:s out {'!van. Cool completely . .\-111kcs 16 srry1r1g~. PJ\E.\l'l'LI'.: CH ILL 24 chickt•n livers 1'.! slu.:l'!i b:1co n 1 1 l·pound Ll' ~--uuncc1 can pineapple sl1et•s · l'1(hl:1t o\t·n to~;;, dl'~r{·t·s F ~pr111i..lt" rliickt·n live rs l1g+11ly 1111h .. ' -~ -~~ , :'all t'ut c.1rl1 I ac·1111 !'ilfll! 1:l h:11! \\'r.ip l'<l\'h {'1i1t•k1•11 l111•r 111a11;111 ~lnp o! IJ;1t'<l11 ;111d '•'!'U1•· 1111h ~111 .1 11 ~h. .. 111•r-. or l•ICthpu h.-; Bak(' fnr 10 n1111ut1•,; l; l'-t•nf.! l11·C'r.'i 111t11 p:1n Jllic···~ "1 .. r.11 11t1h'• \1luh· bak· 1ng IJ1·;11n uff f:.t( llr.1111 p1n1·,q1;;I,• "lit"' 1.·ry 11t>ll. l'l:1l'l' 1lr;111H·d p111e<1pJ :t• :-lu ,., 111 halo.1ng p:1n. ('ont1nue t':1k1ng ch1!'kL"11 l11(·rs 111\h Lar·nn ;inr! p1n1':1ppl" s\11'•'" !or ;, 10 10 rn111tU ··~ tinlil h;i{·un 1.; trl"l1 :1nrl p1nt'.'<11>" pl" IS 'hr 1;11>1~·hl,1 ti~·.11•·11. ~1;1lo.e~ H ;,l•l'1 - 1ni.;;-; l:lll''\f'll 11 \ \1 I\ nl'liEHCl'PS f; OUT\!'••S ti~!l:t'd h;1!1l . '[l\'t'l'l'd :'. f:lli i•·,j~~11lS hll\1<'1' :! talil""Plw1n~ flour 1 t<·:1SJ)'.)()1l prropnr•·1! i)lJOn ~Lyle lllllSl:lrd clip ind!.. '1 tt·aspooll s:ilt I tup grated .\1ontert'.'.\' Jack ch('('£e 1 1 ttip gr<itr<I l'arn1e:-.:i n c!lCf':>c I 1ti-i:unrt·I r.in 1n11.~hroon1 e;ip<, Toas!C'd Hutll·rcups .\l•·lt l::ul!f'r and lilr-nd in ·fl our anti tn11~1:ird. !'>11r in· rn1lk and salt. Cook . stirnng. o\·er rncd1u1n hrnt until sauce t h 1cktn~ ;ind co1rl!'S !11 boil Stir 1n eht<t'S''"· h;i n1 and 1n u~hroomi;. ll eat 1hrnugh. :'poon 1n10 BuHt•rcups. .\l:ikcs 4 .st·rvings. Toas t1·d Bul!1·reu ps: Butter n ~liees llre;id it-rusts trun111ed 1 Sprink!t· v.uh 2 t;1lll1•sµoo ns grated p;1rtnl' . ..;<1n che1·~t·. f'r•·<..~ 1·aeh ~lice gt"n t l~· 111to a rnuff1 n c;up. B<.1kl' in U5 degrt:l' 01·l·n 8 rn1nut1·s 32 DAILY PILOT Wtd"6dly, Aprtl 10 }q74 Battle ' Against Cancer Women ~Working \\'omen all over the world have the same wants and desires, aocordirig to Dr. Uldmlla Bauchidze, a doctor from t.hs Soviet Union who is visiting America ·oo a two-month survey trip of leadlng c&ncer research in!Ututes. "We want peace mo.st ol all, I think ." she sakl. of herself and other Russian ~1omen during an interview in St Augustine. "'n)at's the same the world over." Dr. Bauchidze ls chief of the departmen,t of blood lransfusio~ ;it the ~titute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology in r>.tosCow. During her trip she visited the National Canter Institute in Bethesda. M.D., Anderson Ho.5pltal In Houston and Memorial-Sloan Kettering in New York. Be<:oming a doctor meant for ~trs. Bauchidze six years of study in a medical institute following her 10 years in grade 'IC'hool and high school. 1'1ore than hall of ile physicians in the Soviet Union are women, she said, and medicine is one of the two most prestigious professions for women. Tbe other is l'<lucation. Siie decided "1llle still In high school !hat she would like to beoome a doctor. 1bere is no opportmlty f(I" private oractice in Russia, she added , so all inedical students either b e c o m e )hysicians or researchers.. Dr. Bauchidze is married to a surgeon. l'hey have no children, but her mother lives with them in their large apartment in ~'1oscow. he works a 36-hOur, five-Oay week and all her own housework with the help her mother. Muscovite is "quite satisfied" with reception she has received in the Stai.., but she II not approaching . ~ .J Dr. Ludmll1 Bauchidie her visit from the standpoint of a tourist. "J came here to MJrk." she said hrough her interpreter. Irene ~turr~y. "I an1 quite satisfied," She said she has read Solzhenilsyn 's book "Cancer Ward," but she did not like it much. fl believe this is because I don 't see our fight with cancer as portrayed in this book ." she commented. Vr. Baochidze also said she believes .,.,"Omen of lhe world are similar in other respects beside for peace whlch she 1nentioncd first. "We like to work. we Hke to read, we like the house. \Ve" like to dres up. We're not much different." I Links All Peoples Old Drug • • • New Role 'R I escuer Follows Storlet br JO OLSON or n. o.1ty ,li.t St.tt l\fethotrexate, one of the oldest anti· cancer drugs, has a new role in fighting certaJ:n lcinds of cancer. • Given In larv d..,.. and then followed by a "rescue'' with Cilrovorum Factor, lt1ethotrt1ate has proven beneficial in treating patients • with c a n c e r s untrea'table by any other means. ~ 11W: technique had il!: rool!: to years ago, according to Isaac Djera!sl., MD. director of research hematology at 1'-tercy Catholic Medical Center, Darb)', Pa. Scientists kn ew then that drugs are orten of "limited value" for the treatn1ent of cancer for two reason : they work for., a wh ile and then the tumor becomes resist.ant to their effort!, or the tumor cells are a resistant to the drug to start wilh. "Overcoming the resistance ~ drugs appeared. therefore, to be of paramount Importance," Dr. Djerassi said. Scientists studil'<I the kno\\n facts about !he special features of the mechanisn1 of action of a drug, then began ~'Ol"king Y.ith r>.1ethotrexate. This drug, Or. Djerassi explained, is a Jolie acid autogonist, a member of the class of drugs Introduced by Dr. Sidney farber in 1947 for treatment of acute leukemia . Methotrexate ts a "spoiled vllamln," or a ehemieally changed Colle acid. Basic research In the 50s Included giving Methotruate to paU""' (In Ille vein) over many hours at a sharply increa9ed dosage. The hope was to destroy as many cancer cells as poeisible~ In 1964 the rescue factor was added, to relieve the patient of the side effects of the massive doses of Methotruale. Though the main purpooe o! the 1964 study was to "develop treotments for cancers which are untreetable by any any other meam," it was found that ttme with cancers other than lung and pancreas were helped. These Included , Dr. Djerassi said, cancer of the breast, u t e r u s , lymphosareoma, m e I a n o m a and neuroblutoma. ln 53 ol 58 patient.! studied, "a defutite decrease of tumor size was observed." Dr. Ojerass\ added that different modifications of the treatment must be used for various types of cancer. "It appeared, therefore," he said, "that we had here not only the equivalent ot a new drug, but of a new treatrnieot modality.'' Aoot'ner significant study dealt with osteogenic sarcoma, or bone cancer, a disease which mainly a/fe<:U children betv;een the ages of 7 and 15. Emil Frei Ill, MD, director ol the Children's Canrer Rmear<b Fomdallon in BOston. said that the tumor usually begins in an extremity, but by the time amputation has tax.n place, the blood metast.e9es to the lungs have already occurred in more than 80 percent of the patients. They are not large enough to be shown on X-rays, but appear \\ithln "the ftrst 12 months following diagnosis." In his use of the rest"Ue treatment with ~felhotrexate and Cllrovorum Factor, four of 14 patients sho\\'td "substantial" tumor regression and in ty,·o patients, the regression was complete. One patient still ls alive and free of the disease alter a »month trial. Dr. Fret concluded that ''th e 1'-fethotreute arovorum rescue pro. gram, ai least for some diseases Js superior to Methotre1ate alone." ' Dr. Djerassi said tnat "the full impact of this treatment method is not yet kncr.1-n. especially if and when applied to the management of patients with operable or minimal size tumocs.'' Sports, Art, Travel on Club Agendas THE NEW LOOK! ARE YOU FAT? OVERWEIGHT? ODRINEX contains !ht most tflttllve redu cing aid avallable without prescription I One tiny OORINEX l1blal belOfe mMls 1nd you want to ut less • down 10 your a lorltt · down ioes your weiaht I Affiliate• Artlst Vincent Farrell will demonstrate oil p a i n t i n g t<dmiques Monday, April 15, J at z p.m !or memben of the t Art Affiliates, Laguna Beach t .r&iseum of Art Admi"'°'I In the meetlnC In the l'DUJeUi'll U Sl, to benefit the museum. Teachers Orange C.Oast DI v I a I on, Callf<rnla Retired Teachers ! As9oclation, will travel to •Antelope Va11ey to view the ; wildflowers Monday, April IS. l The bua will leave from the i entrance 1of Taj ~ta h a 1 , !Laguna Hills at 8:30 a.m 'rehrning at 5:30 p.m Ticket 1 information Is available from ,,Traveltime, Laguna . Seniors . I Hart>or Senior Qtizens Club ' , ( l '.MOD :March .;Routed or Ne .... -poct Beach will mark its 17th anniversary P..1onday, April 15, in the clubhouse, 15th and Irvine, Newport Beach. The Choral Group will perform and a parade of Eas1a' hats will be featured. Monday Club Sinfier • ml.Wcian Castle Newell \\ill present a musical program for the Monday Morning C1ub o£ Huntington Beach ~fonday, April 15, at 11 :~ a.m in the Sheraton Beach Inn. L&cture Series Work Smarter, Not Harder will theme a five--week lecture series on home management beginning ~1onday, April 15. Dorothy Wenck. hom e ad vise r for the UC Agricultural E x t e n s i o n Service, will present lectures at 7:lJ p.m in the Golden West College center. A 20-mlle route through the city of Irvine has been selected for the 1974 March of Dimes Walkalhoo Satur<l:1y. April 20. Acmrding to Fred Owens. chairman, more than 20,000 participants. backed by 100.000 sponsors, are expected to participate. Hundreds of volunteers also are donating their time !Pr the "walk of love," v.·hich has a $300.000 !{oal to help right birth defects. ~ tournament have been donated W llie American Cancer Society. Helping to raise the $138 donatioo were \\'inners Ital Kaodler, Mary Ann Darin , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tomasulo, Ken Deane and Caroline Williams. LIWC ~1en's ·Day at the Lido Isle Women's Club will feature spcrtcaster Gil Stratton of • KNXT and CBS radio "calling them as he sees them" on the sports issues of the day. COLLECTOR Shella Schw1rt1 Br idge Play Proceeds of an Am<!rlcan Contract Bridge L e a g u e \vhile helping raise funds for To.larch of Dimes programs. The wal k will begin at the I-larbor h-1unicip:il Court-K oll Center, Jamboree Rd. and 1\\<1c Ar1hur Blvd .. bct\veen 7 and IO a.m. It will take \\<il kers five to seven hours to cornplet<! the route. t\t·cording to officials of Rad io Station KEZY, ro- srono:;or. !here will be six checkpoints along the route s!i1ffccl hv nie mbers of Orange County Kiwanis clubs. l'led.(?rs wi lt be collected on the verification of the Kiwanis Club members. Special services y,•ill be a\•ailab1e at each of the 1be luncheon meeting is planned in the clubhouse. Stratton. a Golden lt1 i k e winner, is the voice of the LA Rams for preseasoo games. Town and Gown Dr. Grant Beg\arian, dean of the sc00ol of performing arts, University of Sou t be r n checkpoints. including water, snacks and medical attention . All walkers still on the route \\'ill be pi c ked by authorized Marcil of Dimes officials at S p.m. and returned lo headquarters. Those attending sh o u 1 d ;:tOOro!l"'h the Harbor Court from the San Diego Freeway, !·• kee 1 the \\'alkers' path clear, Owens said. He sug gested wearing li~t clothing and good \\'alking sh~,.,. with two nair of soc ks. eating a substantial bre.akfast before the v.·alk and bringing a light . lunch and canteen of \\'Oler. Police officers \\'ill be on Cal ifornia will speak to the Toy,•n and GoY.n Auxiliary of Orange County. The Tuesday, April 16. meeting and luncheon will be hosted by Mrs. John Cashlon in her NeY.'J)Ort Beach home. Delphians Delphians, a national organization dedicatl'<I to study and c h a I I e ngin g .,.,'Omen's minds, ,,·ill sponsor an invitational coffee Tuesday, April 16, at 10 a.m in the Bahia Corinthian Yacl!t Cub, Coron.a del ~far. Chapters gather for 00. minute seminars twice each n.onth. Interested women are invited to attend. Art Museum Shella Schwartz will di splay her collection of museUJ11 quality antique j e w e I r y Wednesday, April 17, at the 9:30 a.m. breaklast of the Sales and Rootal Council of hand throu l!:hout the \\'<Ilk tn avoid traffic congestion and he lp \\'ith route safety. Among those walking will be the Ne\\'J)Ort Harbor Art Museum Tickets are available Wednesday. April 17. at ll:lJ through the museum. Tiara de Ninos Tiara de Ninos Auxilary, Olildren's Home Society, will honor new active members \\'ednesday, April 17, at 11 :30 a.m in the home of J\trs. Richard Belveal. .. Women Voters The Orange Coast League of \\'omen Voters is sponsoring a Community Decision !\laking Seminar on four conse<:utive Wednesdays, beginning April 17. Led by !\Is. Judy R1sPner. the series 1vil\ be offered from 9 a.m unt il noon in the Park Newport Spa Nel'.·port Beach. Reservations should be made by April 12 and inform a1 ion is available from the League office, 645-7120. !\lark .Goffeney. 4. Ca l•fo mlci ----------.I poster child for the f\1arch of! !Jimes. He was born \\'ilhout :---------.., arms and is a \Valkathon \'eteran . Also. Pete Strudwick. an Anaheim junio; high sch~\ I Leachcr, \\'ho is a marathon "11T\'lel' lfe lor>c; '""t'E'~ '! I run !he 14,000.foot Pike 's 1 Prt1k. despite thr fact th:i1 he \l':J o: born 11·\thout fl't'!t Also "'n\kini: "'ill he r>.tark Denis of KEZ\' nr.d \l;ir k Lofns. fir~t i::1r;ng r't>ft'n~i •·c end for the New \'ork Jets. J. A cmon·s I SPOR'!SIVEAR I WESTCTlff PlAZA . ...,,,,.. """" 54 4121 BALBOA ISlNll 216HonneAve. 675-191)( OwC'ns. director of athleiics at Golden West C.Otlege, called fnr morC' adult oarticipation in the :walk, whlch i!i open .to rconle of all a~es. ) ~1a k~ it a fam ily affair." ,.....==================:;-I 11;;;;:=~:;;;iiij;:--;•lira;--: 1'j 1~.,;i that 11 gi." WORSHIP DURING HOLY WEEK 1>fir!lcipants an oppor!urii v 1 at ;mprO'e the;r own h•alt h ST. ANDREW'S THE COFFEE BEAN N11mbrr 7 HARD-To.flND FILTERS FOR $1 25 MR. COFFEE ..., • ~~:O , • • COME IM .t.MD S.t.Ml'U l'llSH ROASTtD COFHE FltOM AROUND THI WORLD DfCAfFINA]'ED COFFEE, FINE TEA, GIFTS ll55 VIA UDO -MIWPORT HACH ............. ~lfttw-41 W...W. IM 1'lw 61S.•t41 I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 $1.-... ..... -Mewport '-It APRIL 11 -8:00 p.m. 'lt\AUHDY THURSDAY COMM\JNION "Whal tho Worid -llow"' PortlV:forlJI•-• . *APRIL 12 -8:00 p.m. GOOOFRIDAY "Won Y°" Thin WllM Tllty Cniclfltd i!4J Lenl7" . -·..-.-- EASTER SUNDAY '8:00 a.m. • '9:30 a.m. • '11:00 a.IL "WWlhoWorid--. Port VII: To S.. Dr. a.iM K. .......... , ..... EVERYONE WARMLY WELCOME •QIN c.... rt-·~ CLEARANCE SALE! l EVERYTHING GOES! UP TOSO% UMPS MlllOIS Al<Tl9UIS CUSTOM FLOULS AmFICAL nus l'UI MIHOIS off JAC KSON ST REET 'Olsl1neh11e Home AccesM>ries 11120 IROOICHURST STUET ,.....~ .... r-talo V*'I 9 1 8 6822 ' 0.-, IM, dlMcf S.. 0 • ' • • Is at ... matfie'.1 WIGS & Beeuty Salon JSO.O, L I 7tll St. c.t. M--Ml·J446 l•Hmwr-S.-- Thou11nds of women lrom coast to coast ltPQfl ODRINEX his helped them lose 5. 10, 20 11Qunds in a shofl time • so can you. Get rid of ua:ty 111 Ind li.t lonfrf ! ODRINEX must utisly or YoUr monry wlll be rtfundtd. No qUtSHons n ktd. Sold with this auarantM br • • NEW! EENI MEENI NOW! NEW AT THE BIDTIQUE A fantastic selection of bikinis with a new twist! Mix & match the tops & bottoms ... and get the perfect fit! A great variety of prints & colors ... Just in lime for Easter vacation! Come see them soon! ••• --~b BIDTIQUE -- 3467 Via Udo• H•wport hoc:h • 673-4510 IHtrlTo Tlt't U. TIIMfN) EASTER OUTFITS HANGfEN Ntlon T1unks lACUNA SURrtlN£ Sport Boiitn CJleettrs ' C l °" K Or • Fo ;n So I Be ha m pla .. 00 . In l • Ch ag ol at H ,.. E at in w • PAIL V Pit.O T 3 J Her Nude Ritual Rebuffed SPECIAL SUZI GOODELL-KENELEY September Rites Set \ DEAR ANN LANDERS: A1aln )00 prinl.00 a lcuer from " paWully ~·11y woman who W\dressed in the cl05et. r just h3d to "Tile and tell )'Oll the other side. I'm a "ckl&et·undresser" loo. but It's not my idea. )fy hwbiid \mi sts on it. On our \\'edding night. he undres.se<i in a _hun-y, jumped into bed. turned h.is head toward the "'all and yelled .. Hurry up." I st.all!!d a Huie. hoping he \\'nt.1ld tum around and admire my beautiful, shett c h f f r o n n.igblte, the one 1 had w ca rt r u I I y selected ror that SflC- clal night. lie boll~. "\\'ill you please tum out tr:ie lights and gel into ~;" I asked. "Don't you ""'ant to see how lo\·ely I look?" lie replied, "\\'hert''s your modesty~" from that e\!e!'ting on . he tw made it c.lear that nudity or e\•en senU-nudity ts repulsive to him . He coosid~ it cheap aod \1Jlgar-"un\\ilely beha\i or." \Vhat ~·o..Jld make a man think that ~·ay':' Except for tois, our sex life is grcat.- LIG lfTS OUT him~r to half a pit? ~tay~ he v.:is h u n g r y . Sortte k;ds don't fi.'l' tancy desscns al home 1tnd ''hen tht~y get around sonlblhlng speeial tlwy l;l"l carried av.·ay. Your suggestion that Ult' girl S'JX':lk 10 tht' kid and try to trat'h htm :i frv.' manners v."&s diSgusting. I think a ~n feelings are a lot 1non.> im J))rt<tllt than a half a pie. A.LSO A J';OSJ!EH . DEAR NOONER : Sorry, but a Ii-year· old boy Mao do«a·1 kno-, 1ny bf'itrr lh3n to cut blmstlf balf a pie Is tn dirt need of Instruction. la my oplnlon, !iOmeone 1b1t 1luuony ii not only un3ltraeli,.f'. hut unhealthy. DEAR A..\;N L.AXDERS: \\'ould '\OU belie\'e that our son,..,,.ho ntadf' Phi &ta KapP;i in his junior yl'ar at Dart mouth is so dumb that he ignored the instruC1ion!i on a 1>un lamp and spent t"f d.irs and IV.'O nights in agony? lamp. mnk~ .'lure M>meont is in the hou.~e and ask d1t.m LO <'01ne and get you \\iUu11 lhr(-t minutes. llcat c:in put you lo !ilt.'t'P in a hurry nnd if you i;hould dozr otf under a sun \ao\p. you rould ge t third dc:grc<' bum!l .-~tOTHEn o~· AN IDIOT D~~AR ~10TllER : Btllc-r red lhan de1d. Thanks for th e lipoH. DEAH AN:"\ LA ~Df.RS : l'\·c b r •' :1 ma1T1cd thrt>e yt aNi. ~fy husbal'ld i~ \•l'r~· h1tndsome. \\l'len \\-Otnl"n k('('p brln;ing 11 up I get uncomfortabll' \ly parents li\·r ~(I miles a1\'a~·. TtK'y ;1rr not "'·tit rrioui;h 10 tr:l\'f'I and I v.ant to go \'isil 1h('111 . ~Iv husband likr~ lhtrll hut !ht'-,~ ran't ~peak much r:ni;:hsh and I knOv.· he 11·0tlldn't f'njoy ~oin~·\\·1th nlt'. Frankl~·. l'tn afraid lo l('a\·r h1n1 hon1e l;>ecau~ f'\·e hea rd ·lh:it n\1·11 11'nc>Sc \\'i\'CS take \'a ealions "1thout 1hen1 play around. Son1e-ll0\1' ttK-y fer! justifif'd. Tell me "'ha t !o do. I'd die if an}1hini;t ha~ned to niy n1arriage . -lJ:"\SUTi ~: JN LONG !Sl.A~f> LAMAUR PERMANENT Sft99 WAVE ·7 ~ M1,lltf' H .... Styli'!' To ~.,, ... B1owcu1 & Iron lor a Natur_.1 \ Looi. •a 5G-4ono t1a1 r shghtlV higher .. .... .... ~ ..,,.. -:t.' I , . MR. JON JON'S BEAUTY SALON 2750 H1f'bor lhci., Coif• Me .... ··~~·· .,. ..... _ . ' .. . ....... ,, ~ .. '-'.· ' ..... :-.... ' - \fr .... --·· 0.0• "'' ' &##' C1ll S40·JZ 41 . -.i • .r . ',_-.~ .... ~ , ~ .. ·.~·,,. • 0 . . • 0 • . I ~ • • ,, • • b SHOPS ARE JUST FULL OF GOOD THINGS FOR YOU TO GIVE La Serna High School. "ltiU:ier graduates, Su z i GoodeU-Keneley and Oilvid A. Rotundo are planning t o ma.rt'): Sept. 7 in the Renaham Chu r ch, llenley-<>n·Tha1nes Oxon, Enjiland. DEAR OUT: ''oor bmband was r1ised to btlle,·e tbat a nude body l'I dirty and sboukl not be seen. A hangup or tbls kind t'&n be extn mcly difficult to overcomf', be<:1nse It was, probably oac of the flri;.t tbil'lgs be lcamed. Pltast> print thi s letter for othr r educated damned fools since a v.inter t.a.n seems to bl' in ,·c.guc and sun · ~'Ol"Shippers and skiers v.·ant to be bronze all year 'round. DEAR US: A hush:ind v.·bo iii inclinc-d ____! OR HAVE FOR EASTER' Thtir parents are l\Irs. llilde Keneley, South Laguna ; Robert. Goodell . Granls Pass. Ore., and the A. J . Rotundas. \\1hilticr. You're lucky C\'Crytblng else. Ii ,;l rt•t" ~frist dlngba&s who thing like !hit ha\'C a lot of other nuttv Ideas "-blch ~amper tbe sexual perform:incc consider· ably. DEA.R ANX : I am fuming O\'tr thaL letter .signed. '·Tears in Tulsa ." Ho"'' terrible for a mother to alt..'lch .so n1uch importaoce to a Boston cream pie . So "'h.at if her daughter's boyfriend helped If yoo purch.aS(' a su n lanlp, read Uu• inslrul'tion, and please bcJie\·c them. Don 't expect your face to shov.' any c.<hangt in oolor tor at least JO hours aftC'r you·,·e used the lamp. :"\c,·er get any clOSC'f than t\\U and a hair feet from the lamp. Do not stay Wld('T' the lamp for more than three minutes at a time. it roo are tired v.·hrn rou get under the Ill fool aroo nd "ill dn Ml v.hethtr bis "ilr is in tov.11 or out nt 1.011TI. Go 1·i11it \'Our ailing paretrts and h:i\t a good lime.· f'.:vC11 1f drink.Jn:! is !/H! "111" thu1~ 1n 1our CTO'>l'd. it necrin 't C'r()\\d you out. I.earn the f:H1s from Ann t.Anders·s LJOOk.l c<, "Booze and You-For TC("0<1gers Only." Scod 35 C't'nls in C\'.lin and a Joog, ~tf.acfdrcssed. stamped ('11\·eJope to A:u1 l.:1nd ers, P.O. Box 3346, 222 \V. Bank Or . ('h1('a{;O, 111. WifH. Your Horoscope Tomorrow Aries Shows Talent THURSDAY APRIL 11 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (Afarch 21·April 19): CommunicatioM open in new areas. You are able to put creative talents to use. Leo, Aquarius individuals might figure in important v.<irs. Qreak through to fr e Sh -·· TA URt:S <April '.!0-~lay tll1; Follow through on inner feel · ings. Don 't dismiss hunch. Something or someone is trying to tell you something. Be recepth·e in sense that you have an open mind . G~ONI (May 21·June 2G \: Highlight versatilitr. Give fu!l pl ay to intetlectwil curiosity. Ask Questions and expect .-answers. Patience is ally no"', but thi s doe.ll not mean you shou1d "'ait (ore\·er. CANCER !June 2l.Julv ·22 1· Practical matters dorriinate: . F' am i I y relationships com- r mand attention. i\lonev. basic -· costs . far-reaching pl8.ns are i ~ picture. Be frank LEO <July 23-Aug. 22 ): # Oiange of scenery could be or, agenda . Relationsh.ip \\' i 1 h Betrothal Revealed Mr. and ~lrs. Percy A. Schmidt or Huntington Beach have announ c ed the engagement of their dau ghter. Ginger Lynn Schmidt. to Garth ~f. \\.ilson. son or ~!rs. A. K. tlfcArthur. i\fiss Schmi dt is a graduate ot ~farina lfigh School and attended C.Olden \\'est College. Her fiance, a Costa Ates.a rtsident. is an alumnus of Estancia High School ,_ member of op~site sex in· tensifies. Be comn1unicali\'e. Listen and learn. Test idea s. VffiGO (Aug. 23·S<pt. 22 ,) ~'hat means most to you becomts: available. There now is greater degrtt or domestic harmony. Family member nlakes roncessiort. Bf' a gracious "\\inner:· LIBRA tSepl. 23-0ct. 22 1: Accent is on gett ing around. testing, experimenting and making selections. D e f i n e terms. Re f i n e tcdlniques. Pisce11, Virgo persons are like- ly to be in picture. SCORPIO iOct. 23-:\'ov. 21 1: i\loncy. and how it gel! that ~·ay is featured. ''ou build, ac· cept responsibility and collect "'hat is needed. Olde r in- dividual is in picture but you should not be intimidated. SAGITTARIUS (~ov. 22- Dec. 21 1: Veil of secrecy is removed. Clear sailing now in- dicated. "'ou rrach 1nore persons. Recogn itioo comes yoor v.·ay. Be ready. CAPR.ft:OR.~ (Dec. ?.!·Jan. 19 1: (..'reath·e solutions can be found to problems 'vhich had bttn hidden. obscured. Direct approach succeeds. L co figures prominently. AQUARrus (Jan. ZG-Feb. 18 \: 1\ccent on bringing: out your na tural qualities . Friends, desires, goals are in picture. \'ou can relea!C you rself now from burden "'hich should not be rour ov.·n in first place. PISCES (Feb. 19-~larch 201: Tiiere is room for you at mort eJe,·ated position. Know it and act like you are a1.rare of it. Aleans be definite, confident and rela:i;:cd . IF TODAY IS YO U R BlRTJ{OA Y you are intuitive. innovati,·c. ha\'e sense of drama and a unique ~·ay of expressing y o u r s e I f in humorous manner.1., Aquarius and Leo persons are drav.rn to you . August should be one of your tn<ll';t significant months of !his year. You are due for greater recogn ition . You l'rill be happier because emotional \round is heal ing:. begin I EASTER PERMANENTS ,,_ IN COST A MESA 1695 IRVINE BLVD .• et IRVINE & 17th STREET -64S.1050or548·9986 •. liiii No Appointment Neuwry . _ attending Orange Coast 1----------------------I College. He ~ served with the i\larine Corps. A June l wedding is plannl'd in P~k·s \\'edding Chapel, Westminster. , ... ,. ..... e.t .. MEAT · 0... lwklMr .. attl1t .,. .. .-..... all .. --· COAST SUPER MARKET WI--.-. ... 673-3510 :13'7 E. COAST KWY. CORONA DEL MAR 10°/o OFF YOWColr#m'fMt.fWA' OFF DO IT YOURSELF WITll PROffSSIONAL EQUIP.· STEAM CARPET ClfANERS •IT'S UST A.e rrt SAN •ff YOU CAM TACUUM YOU CAMUSIMIMA.CHM • 1MS IS PIOPISMOMAL f9UW. MOT SfOll 19ffM.S • llff 't'OUI C.UNTS MIN Piii. DIOOOlfllO & WT ..... • M>tl & OLD SHA.WOO ~S UMQYID • llSTOllS COLOl TIXTUU I utn MATTID nu • MLlT..OISHA.CiS 1'111Cl IHCLllDIS: rtCI +!.I' I DIUYBT, CH1M1CALS • IMSUUHCI MAC ... 5IT Ufl' A ralOtW. fHSftucnoMS Compare Our Pritts . You Won't Befitve Them DIU't'HT 7 DA TS A Wiii(! CARPETS 541·5713 UPHOlSTERY "'"1 nnnrn wt• .. .,...,, ..... ,... .. , A•ta ... 16, lt74 . IASRR"' LILIES !1~ . FOIL WRAPPER • IOIM'-'l'AW!l , ....... --........ "' I fOUJn•YAWl,t l l t -....W,f e edlNMMOV'I. ,_, •-• ... . ....... MOYI,,,..,~ ... . • *°'---""°""· ,, .. , •. -'"'-111 • .t. e ...,_,OM IUC.11, n •I u...-. e IA .u.M, 1-t Mf#I• ... • UI •llMoll. 1•1t I . ._.., VI•"" • IN'ICAmt, , .. , ....... ,.. • lNllCAm., 111 , w, ... ·r •UMtO .. !Ml t _...._ ...... e ~ llJll[I!, MMlol,......., 11..I • IQllfO M..ICM. •11•., _ • W)OlllO MAQ\ ·-ill ; ~-· '· .... • U)I ~ .. ,. ::""~! ... ... .'°' ........ '·''" .... .. Anne lllein; Jonrs, Mrw Tork; llrylr ; Schroder; J. L. Sport; S11n·Hot1; Hondbo9s. Jtwwlry & Swch. WESTCLIFF rLAIA I 1HI & troinc, Htwpcwi lot.ell ""' THE Hl:WPORTER IHH ~wpotikecli ~ f1 ••l•s•• ( ORANGE , " JUICE ~I ~'~19~ 6·01. CAN 4 • •IU.llWY 1( R'oiis l 39~ d WllOll ... l ·M .. , ..... PCMtttO• SMOKED . ~HAM I .l •. 77* /fl MAIKlf aAP&:IT \ llS. H llllTllMIL• (( HOWN AND SIRVl 'i \. 1 ROLLS I ~• 13~1 ~. ~ ./ 4' ~-~·· 12-CT. d PKG . JERSEYMAID .- BUJJER I 1· 11~ 16·01. CTN • IOlllJCI, MJO s....1-• 11,, • """"'· loJO p c--.... • ,,,.,, •to l•••tt.l~ -• wotlmtt ttt•I I ww.,;., 11,• • e _,,,.,,, 11411 I W~"'-tlO<I ·~'""·',..,~ ... Mo •• AJ:.l •••••• OPIN It ~M '' ) PM EASllR SUNDAY t i DAIL V PILOT I Eggs Stretch Food ~ollars TW~ Mn WHM..,,.,...11t.11 PETULI 169 SOLE ~,-.. ,.... . . . . . . . "'" ' Chili Suits Her to a Tee t Golfer Improvises rt lly JOllNA BLINN every time, starting \1•ith ;1 1Z cup beef broth can of cheese soup. clilut in" Salt freshl y ground pepper #OV.'SON. ~laryland -b • • that wilh a little milk. to taste rol ~1aM is a beaullful "To that. J add some grated !lot cooked rice fer "'oho approaches cooking chcddat) cheese, par s I f· y, llcat oil in large skillet for !he same unassuming 1nushrooms, and son1etimcs l)u1ch ovcni; add onions. I nnt.·r ~he ploys gotr. cri sp bacon slices to garnish pepper :ind celery. Sautc •s \'t•ry successful in the the .s..1uce. vc gl'lables until they arc half· • ChC'fl . l'Vcn though shC' "It's so thick and nice :ind lender. f •Jv admits. "( never have gooey you can <i ln1os1 cut it Add ground IA·cf. cook over 'nP1an. 1 don 'l do a menu· •Nith a knife." she laughed. low heat. stirring ofte n. Pour t thing. I can·l stand U1a t. Carol's biggest problem is oH excess fat : discard. Add '·Everything else in my life keeping her ki tchen clear salt, curnin. chili po"·der and l so rigid that sometilnes I enouJ:h to cook fn'e front the caycnc. blending \\·ell. Cook j-j;t wander through I h c overflow of equipment fron1 ovcr,Io11• heat for few minutes, :ioccry store looking for some he r dark room. set aside. ~ of inspiration." CAROL ~1ANN'S !\lean\1-hile. cook tomatoes, e tall. slitn golfer 1vas kidnc\' beans :ind beef broth in I king ·while she puttered in CHIU CON CARNE large. pot over low heat until kitchoo of her pretty I tablespoon ol ive oil n1ixt11rc thie kf'ns (atout I tn1ent in tills Quiel 2 medium-sized onion s , hour L Stir often. Add more ltin1ore sub'Jrb. pct\ed and chopped liquid lbroth l as needed. ''I can cook Jots of things. I green pepper. cleaned and Co1nbine to n1 a Io· b can I l it really depends upon . chopped. optional niix turc with 1n('at n1ixturc t George wants because I 2 slalk.s t-clcry. ('hopped Cook about 10 m i n u t cs ..,,on't cook just for me. 1 1 ~ pounds lean ground beef (longf'r, if desired, by adding . mctimcs he calls during the 1" teaspoon s;i\t rnorc broth ). Taste to rorrcct y and "''e dtcide \1;hat he Pinch cumin sCC<l St!asonings. nts. 2 tablespoons chili pcl\\'dcr Spoon chili o\·er hot cooked • 'I'll throw in a suggestion (nlOre if desired I ri('e in 6 lari;::e bcn\·ls. . t"'·o. like my n1acaroni and 1'1 teaspoon cayenne Serve "''ith cole sla\\' i red sc or silly spagheui. I can 116 oun('('sl \\'hole. and green cabbage finely rimarily. George likes-onr· skinned tomatoes. chopped sliv('rcd. to.~gcd w·ith light l h meals!" 1 c:.in 116 OWl('CSl kidney l!al ian dressing ! and Italian • he \\'as lalkin~ about t!~C b<-iHlS, drained bre;1d sticks. n-ln..ticr·life, TV newsman.------·----------- ~rge Jtogers . .tCarol. y,·ho is six feet . !l\·o Echcs tall. and lhe top money ncr so far 1his year in the dies' Professional G o I f lSsociatioo, wa s talking about ~ stage.by-stage dinner she twl~ have later in the ~cn1ng: •""1'111 ha\'i ng dinner alone tonight. so l'n1 not cooking. r11 flx a raw bl'c f sandwich (steak tart:1rt•1 at six. That's the iar!y part or n1y meal. I'll fMtvc a froLcn noodle tuna Pi:sscrolf' around !en .. , '.C:irol ~ffs at the idea of ~Jng <i "schizophrenic eater" ~;1 US1:' she> chn<'~ h~· stage.s. •""\\'hat's "·ron" \1ith that? I fat \rhat I li kr ~1 hen I like . I aon·1 play 1h~ games about ful cs ;111d thin~s At l<.'as!, I hj>pe l dr1n ·1." she said. ,nak1nt? h1•1· he:id. ; Unlike her ;1ppcaranet' In ~ kitchen. 'he's un~1hi ng but 'cau e~·br;urtl'rl on the link.-;. ~·Carol's t~·s1 one .dish Ft"••lion 1s li<•r < hili .• ""l'ou 1nus1 re:1l1Lt' th<Jt I 8.l"·a \·~ makes too mu ch' 1 at"·;i ,·s use ~ who!" bun<'h of bnloiis to bl'(M'TI "'·ith the nieat. El l~· thn.rs happening on !he \'I'. I <'®k up the 1omato ucc," she said. reeling off rl'Cipc. )ler seasonings :i.re st rictly rdlng lo how she feels. · "That's v.hat 1s fun at>Out cooking 1 ne1'('r m11kc a h the sam1· y,a~ 1w-ice'. I lots of salt. pepper und bs of chill J'O"''clcr. t ha\'e o tee rack and r just 1hrow in hat I feel li~e : a little cumin mnytxi AOme cayenne. 'I have 90mc books on rbs and gourn\Cl cookin~ I never use tht:m. ~ause recipes look too fancy. tin~ ou t so mu c h ntrlbutes to my food tastes. •·1 Y.on't lry a bowl of chili t unle.,;s ll'iii In a cafeteria lrorc I know the.(>eOple." rors nlac1ron1 and cheese highly unorthodox, but quick and dellclou5. ''J ll!t? dlffere:n1 ingredients DE STOnEGROUID WHOLE WHEAT BREAD fresh from yovr oven at only 19c:LllAF w ith this combination: ~ . . J. -i -.g -. , ..... _-=--. Mft61C MILL OVEN READ! BREAD FR1lM WHOLE GRAIN IN 15 MIN. The World's finest home wheat mill and food mixer A uthorized Dealer PERMA-STOR FOODS 2960 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA-, CA. 92626 Tel : (7 14) 556·7290 HOURS: Mon. • Sit. 9 • 6 Cloud Su"6.., Food Prepa ration Demo nstrations Saturday April 13th 11 :00 • 4:00 NEWI Backpack and Campjng Supplies ' I Slick to your food budget - <'Ven In periods of Inflation - by us i n g doUur stretching, protein-stretching eggs hard-cooked eggs you have on hand help to s 1ret c h the protein or I cup of leftover ham to provide a family or six 11dth oo~third of the U.S. It Ctl.ffi._ID e..n .d e d D a 11 y Allowance of protein. ' EGGS 'N AU GRATIN POTATOES I package \5 1.~ ounces) au gratin potatoes 2 tablespooos bolter I~ cups boil.Ing waler 213 cup milk SOLID -AU ..... 3s 9 LOBSTER MEAT . . . . . . ~ ALASll'AM l't.IME I --169 HALIBUT STEAK -:·.'":". ~ 1'4t• Ho.-\: hify I 0 • 6:JO. e..H S-. 14.5 E. B~way, Costa , __ "Eggs 'N Au c; r a t i n eotatoe:S.:' ts._a_ r..a.lnbo.w3lu4!d example. of using hard-cooked eggs to increase l h e protein content, provide con" trasting texture and improve the appearance and uppctite Dppeal of a dish -incXl)('ll· sively. 'l'hcre are many ways, too. the imaginative home chef can lncorpor<1te hard-cooked eggs with other foods lo help meet a family's daily protein rcqui rcrnents. Try some of these combinations : 6 hacd-cooked eggs ( 1 sliCf'd, 5 chopped ) I package 110 ou n ces ) frozen peas USO• CHOICE CHOICI La111b Saddl• For this meal-in..one at a niere 31 L'tnts per scn1ing. Add chopped hard-cooked eggs to a mixed green Slllad or sieve them over the top for an attractive garnish. C.Ontbine chopped or sliced hard-cooked eggs with your favorite creamed vegetable. I cup chopped han1 o~ luncheon meat t( teaspoon mir;oram 1~ teaspoon salt 1: cup shredded American cheose Parsley SIDE 87 ~ F°""'""JoM ...... ,, . ' The Chopping 1 , Block ' s12s .... A .... WT,Hln. s .... LH ci.,., ....... c..,. J Leqi GroMdL_. --~ Hard-cooked eggs go Place wedges of hard-cooked eggs around a fruit or other cold salad plat e. Use sliced hard-eookcd 'egg s as a layer in a "dagwood" sandwich. Place potato slices. chf!Cse sauce mix, butter, boiling water and milk in a boWI; mix lo blend. Stir in' 5 chopped eggs, peas, ham. marjoram and salt. PoUr into ungreased 2-quart casserole. 'l'J.VERH HAM Whole or Haff O~EH SUH. 9-6 F...-Joho WHOLE HAM 91 c ... • Blend1 chopped or sievM ha.rd..cooked e;::gs with your favorite snack dip. The Chopping Block Special! a long way in garnishin g and enriching budget foods . Here they extend Use halved, wedged, sliced or chopped hard-cooked .,:gs with or in place of expensive meats in casseroles. Bake in preheated 4 O O degree F. oven 31).JS minutes. Sprinkle v.-ilh cheese. Let stand 5 minutes be r ore serving. Garnish with reserved egg slices a n d parsley. ~takes 6 servings. l(ids Like To Ask Andy All U.S.0.A. Choice Cu!s. Avg. Weight I 0 LI. TOP SIRLOIN 10 LI. GR. ROUHD s599s I 0 LI. CUT CHICKEN 6 LI. ROUHD STU.K 6 LI. 7 IOHE RST. 3 LI. HOME MA.DE SAUG. CUT & WU.' TO OlDER MARANATHA MEAT CO. au gratin potatoes. • 1S00Adams Ave., Costa Mesa !Al Ha•llO• -"l••I lo , ........ Tfl••l••I 546 -8196 -Open Seven Days-9 a.m. to 6 p.m. iiiiii; ' !"'lc•t Good W.<IM•d•Jtftrw l'l•dft•tdl!l • CLOSED £ASTER SUNDAY FAMILIES GATHERED FDR EASTER DINNER ... CHILDREN HUNTING FOR EGGS ... .ALL PART OF THE JOY OF EASTER . RICHARD'S HAS ALL YOU'LL NEEO TO MAKE .YOUR EASTER A HAPPY ONE! 9000 GROCERY ITEMS, 32 DIFFERENT FRESH BREADS, CHEESES GALORE -ALL PART OF THE VARIETY, SERVICE, & VALUE RICHARD'S HAS FOR YOU. START THE FESTIVITIES AT RICHARD'S -WHERE YOU'LL FIND THE EXTRA TOUCHES FOR A MEMORABLE OINNERll Grocery ®Duncan Hines Cake Mix ..... 49e ® Lindsay Large Pitted Olives ....... 41e UNCLE BEN'S ® Long Grain & Wild Rice .... 79e 0 Reynolds Aluminum Foil ""'"·-·'~• 1.89 o Schilling Salad Supreme ..... 57e ®Minute Maid Orange Juice ~:-:.~ 69e O Pictsweet Peas ,.,..,_,.,. 49e Delicatessen 0 Richard's Home Made Soups °'" 49e 0 RICHARD'S WISCONSIN AGED SHARP Cheddar Cheesf ...... • 89¢ O Richard's Egg & Potato Salad ..... 59c. ® Knudsen Cream Cheese ''" 49e Liquor RI CHARO'S 0 Charcoal Filtered Vodka "'...::" 4.75 SMIRNOFF 0 Charcoal Filtere'd Vodka ALEXIS LICHINE O Cabernet Sauvignon JACQUES-NEY • O Pinot Chardonnay Macon H•CHARD'S LIDO 3433 VIA LIDO N.B. Open 9·8 Daily, Sun. g.j 673-6360 ·• .., ..... .... .... ... 6.09 1.99 ~ .... V-IDaotoAdAn..._llldSjllci~l'1nch-I. 0 RllUI• Delly Vllues. Meat O Bar ·M Tavern Hams ""'"""'" 1.98 lb • RICHARD'S O Fresh Hen Turkeys 79e lb. O Jones Link Sausage "',M ...... , ... 1.39 lb. JON~S O Hickory Smoked Bacon '""'""'"' 1.39 lb. ~eatJ, 0 Marinated Ducklings ............... 1.19 lb. O Stuffed Chicken Breasts ...:::.:, .. 1.39 lb. 0 Western Oysters ,, ... ;. 1.19 ea. 8eatooa O Small Cocktail Shrimp ":".::...:' O Northern Halibut Steaks a"''""' 2.S9 lb. 2.19 lb. Produce O Cantaloupes ............. 29c lb. O Texas Grapefruit _...,,,.. 6 for $1 O Celery ...... ,....... 2Se ea. o Spinach '"'' ..... 2 bun. 29e Bakery O Poppy Filled Coffee Cake O Hamburger Buns O Easter Bread O Chop Suey Rolls 1.21 6 for 48e 1.19 1 for' 51e RICHARD'S HARBOR VIEW 1860 MACARTHUR N.B. Opon 9-8 Doily, S..n. 9·7 644-8680 Coupo11f00d 4/11 ·4117n4 I ~to0d4/11 ·4117(74 I 1. Coupo11f00d4Jl1 ·4/17(74 ONE COUPON PE• ADULT CUSTOMEI. OHIO'.MION PU.ADULT C\JSTOJll 1. RICHARD'S AA LARGE I I ONE.00\.IPnH PEl ADULT CUS'TOMEa. YUBAN White Eggs I ONE LARGE I • Instant .8 oz. .... I Avocado I I I I 29c I ldozen 44~ I I ' 011• Dortft ~1!ci~!~ ~~111 tll!tt Uc '· I """11Cll COUPOl'f I OM (ft' .. Awoctdo 1!k D•. I Coffee Rev. $1 .49 79.C lITT'H TlllS lVtlPO!'f 0..1 I 01. Yut1111 '"'"""' CoflH 1to • STATER •ROS. MARKOS • WILL •E CLOSID EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 14TH 9.-,1 M &Ul.K 51,ICES 99• SLICED BACON ... _" . OSCAR M.A'l'EI s109 SLICED BACON ........ " PANOL A .t•l COOKED 79• SLICED HAM ..... ~ ........... oz. OSCAR MAYER 98' WIENERS ~::~~ ............ 11 HOl!Mfl ICOlBASE vAcuuM PA(I( s109 TAVERN POLISH SAUSAGE . 12.oz. HAM fAllMlll JOHN SKINt t?s'-39• PORK LINKS ............ a.oz. MOHll cu11usn• wiEN'Eii's .. , . , . 11 89$ LI. $2 l 9 CANNED HAM for Your . -$ 598 foster feasting fARMLAND 5-POUNDCAN DUBUQUE $729 HORMEL or swin _ ..... S.LB. CAM •• ,. IJl'TOPUfOM#ITO 39 c CUP·A·SOUP ...................... , MIS 11.lllTi GOlOl.H QIJ,l.llllS c: MARGARINE.................... 47 fRUll&~f 3 5 c FRUIT COCKTAIL .......... .<':~ ~ (AllN,t,llON e NQH.D,l.llY COfflt CHAM.II 74 c ~ ... :: COFFEE-MATE . . _ .. '..'.:?.'a ,.lUIUlf AUCI TtD 8 7 c BUNDT CAKE MIX .'';~~: PROGRESSO SOUPS .'"""' 1001 31' GEBHARDT ENCHILADAS . I•'°' 59' r • • .. • ~ "'" A l • 0 . ~]3$.AT LOW.LOW.PRICES RANCHO BRAND STATER BROS. OWN FRESH FROZEN . HENS OR TOMS c Prices Effec . 1-Full Days. April 11th-17th. SHOULDER CUT 8EEf •GUARANTEED. • 79·~ ROUND BONE ROAST ........ LB. iouN'i · ·s:rE'4K BONE-IN .. LB . s-, 17 CHUCK' GROUND ROAST BEEF STATER B~S . C~RTIFIED · jlEEF •!!LADE CUT c LB. 6-TH RIB & 7-TH ROAST STATER BROS. CERTll'IED BEEF e GUARANTEED $1~! .6TA TER 811.0S. CERTIFIED BEEF e GUARANTtED FRESH e Dl!MCIOUS • ANY SIZE PACKAGE c SLICED. BACON FARMER JOHN• 1-LB. REG. OR 2-LB . THICK 89Bc RIB STEAKS ............................ u . 'S\AT[R !ROS. CERTlflEO BEEF e BONE-IN RUMP ROAST .................... LB. CHU(I( CUT e TlNOll 99c YOU• CHOl(I Ot \llAI( a. •o•sr . $159 $TARI t•OS. (llllJllD t ll, • GU AIANfllD $189 7°BONE ROAST " SIRLOIN TIP BEEF ......... CUBE STEAKS ............... .. t ONlllSS tllf ~OUlDll $129 •II CUT $149 Will lllMMID • llNDt• e GUAIANTllD $165 ROLLED ROAST ................ ,. BEEF CLUB STEAK ........ T·BONE STEAKS .... .. HOIMll llA(ll, lAtll 89' ~fAtll llOS (llfll!ID tlll 89' NO lAl\S e Will fllMMID e GUAIANTllO $169 SLICED BACON .................... CHUCK STEAK .................... PORTERHOUSE STEAK ,, ... fAIMll JOHN • IUlll, e $M011,10 98' IONlli\S l llf $139 ,,,., •• a1os. ·c11nn10 1111 $199 POl:ISH SAUSAGE ........... STEWING MEAT .......... TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ... ' . • • ' ENCHILADA SAUCE~~·<:.:.l, . 00 01. 23' ENCHILADA SAUCE ~"~' ~' 37' =~::::~-~ .. ' .... 1 9 c NABISC O SNACK VARIETY WHEAT THINS 5 7 c CRACKERS 50CIAlllS 8 OZ I.I.CON THINS • ' CHEDDAR CHIP$ ......... PKGS. , VIENNA SAUSAGE ....... ···-· ,., 37' RED CHILI SAUCE ~"~'--,,., 23' G. WASHINGTON :-,:,~--... ~G 29' RY -KRISP """"' ..................... ~1 43' ~ ' 'RY·KRISP .,G"'"""'°"''···... . .. ,,.1. 50' ~ L""' .&,,, ~ 1-t P..c.eu. OH-IOf Mf_,t,f ,I.ND SllYl 5 0 c GARLIC BREAD .............. ~;~~ HAL Wl'I' 10-01 46 c DESSERT TOPPING . _ . GllfN GIAAl1 10.0l 43• CJ!lN GllJ'll WITN llJTtlO 43' BROCCOLI & CHEESE . LE SUEUR PEAS ..... OOOL GtflH Gl~NfWlfH{H!llot~utt 43• 0><tQY 37' CAULIFLOWER -·· -OOO L BAlEO POTATOES -"'' CJlll" (;10NT w1,.. ll,JTfU 43• Wll(,HJ WU{~O~ s143 WHITE CORN . 0001. CHICKEN CREOLE , "o• GIHH G<•N!W<!~M/Tf!l 43• C"'tl.l()l !oO!ll C•I~"" 34' LIMA BEANS . .. ''"· BAKE·A·TATA . ""'· 1•1DGIOIOl-lDA~ 'AIC 84c BREAD DOUGH ........................... !i!~: IA.NOUIT tut~l1·Yl.ot.1..VH JftW.fHC141l.t.OA.cM<~lN I OUMJ\.l,,.c;~ s 1 46 BUFFET SUPPERS ... _ .. ·---·'·"· . -n ~ s147 w"°'' ~ 58' FISH STICKS ... "·" ORAN~E JUICE "o' . ..,~ ~""''"s 36' I-IN. PIE SHELLS. __ ,... SArEMOIEATSTATltlROS. ~~ & Zea«4 AidL S4<M9L ULTU BAN IN~l:\':,a v::.~{~" 5000 DlODOUNT "'"M 6AC """'"° .,, .t·OUHCI ~-84' , ........ , 96c· SUCllT EXCEDRIN LOZENGES TABLETS KOTEX1--~~_ .. ~-=8~9~'+--·~='.:=9=0_c ""'"""""" DIP STYUNG TEGllN GELS SH-POO ... 42c Of·l1 n.-n 7 9 C nt;e~o:;',!,. 1.!9: DEPENDO 1------+"==~ PRIP·H SUPPOSl10IJIS .OWl(UANll VASEUNI PnROUUM ""' 49 c • ""'M $1 39 J.J•OL 00 u·, LB. • LARGE !RISH TENDER GREEN 2 9 C ARTICHOKES ..................... (,,. c U.S. HO. 1 SWEET 1 9 RED y AMS ............................ LI. 9 c SMALLIAHCY 4 9 RID LBS. APPLES OIUCIOUS ............. c us HQ-1 SWHT NS 2 29 BROWN ONIO "LIS. TORTILLA CHIPS :::.~,. "°' 45' TORTILLA TACO CHIP "'"°' 45' PIE CHERRIES ~;:·;::.~' ,o, 55' SUNSHINE FIG BARS '"°' 89' ' . APPIAN WAY 42C CHEESE PIZU .. 1J •. oz CAKE DECORATORS .,,.,.. ..o, 62' ROYAL GELATIN .,,,,..,, •• , 19' GOLD MEDAL FLOUR · , 98' CASE SWAYNE YAMS ··o, 39' LIPTON ~A BAGS • .... '1.23 CALGON · ONDITIONER ~:,., ""· 89' BALSAM REND ~'"""'' .. n 1 32' JERGENSJIATH BEADS .. 01 63' LYSOL SPRAY DISINFECTANT _'" 84' APRICOT IMUCl.111 6 7 c PRESERVES .......... ,. .• ,. MOP & GLO ~~n:.~·"1 no1 11.23 KINGSFORD BRIQUETS "" 59' LOMA LINDA VEGELONA >001 '1.07 REDl·BURGER , •• .,..,,. ""' 94' BROWN IN BAG "''""'" ... ~ 57' CALGONITE ~~;:;,~· ,.., 90' WINDOW CLEANER :;,:;."'' EASY OFF REFILL =_ .... ,, .• L 43' EASY OFF AEROSOL ~ .. "''" 46' !.!!!H EGGS . (JlJJ PRICES EFFECTIVE 14600 So. lrook.lwrtt A•t .• Wtthftift1taf' 1100 Eesl Cciilifl1 A•t., OrolM)t' 1175 laker St .. Coile Mtso 707 W•tl Hlfttlttflth St .. Cosio MtMll 1522 WtslMtMl..-ll•d., Wtt;ll'lll'lt tff 2110 l'ltw_#Orl ll•d., Cosio Mfl41 G~~~~A s· 3 c ,,-:::;::~';. •IA/I DOZEN S1ons 7-FULL DAYS uu Ed1.,... ......... i;"91 .. ·-· 300 ..... U.ColoA•• ........ ,.. 14171 ... HilA•• .. '""" . 260) Wt1f S.•tMffftfft St., $..to AM 2630 fdifMJH' A•• .. Santo A1ta 14212 MIHs A•1t .. WWttler THURS.·WEDS. 1111 Chop...,.~''" G••" Gro•• 1230 MeFoddeft A•t., Sonto AM 3462 loltKo A.,.., Los .t.1...wtos APRIL 11th-17th 2360 Hori~,.,,,..,.., S..ta ... 2564 w,.1 lroodway, .,....,,. 18~81 M"9""'1• An .. F-oio Y•y • BOLD DETERGENT c MOTHERS'1'RIDE;.,:'.. FRENCHS VANILLA FRENCHS WHOLE CLOVES SOUR CREAM •;·:::;.0• MARGARINE ~.~~:.:;. COOKIES ~~~~~· .... t • Ol 45• "' 41 ' ' .• , 39' . 39' " 53' ., 71 ' • • • 36 DAILY PILOT~~---Wcd11~~d.,~ A1lril J.0 1'1 .... This Easter staodhy$ take a turn with only slight n\Od.Uication. Exper ic n C'l'd 1\'~i)~ht watchers have n111st"rOO 1!1• courage to serve: thuir dishes to guests and fan1\ly withou t saying a word. ;;ind the corn· pliments roll in 11ny\\'ay! Cher Susan Bi<'gbeder of Weil{ht \Vatcher-: :H!\'l~1~.~ J•f mark your shopping list to In· elude ar1ificial sweeteners (white and brown '. :lnd butter flavoring. 8 1\KED JlA:\I "'ITJI fllUSTARD GLAZE 4 pounds precooked boneless ham Whole cloves v, ('\JP prepared mustard 2-tea spoons brown sugar rep\ace1nent 1 teaspoon clru'lamon 2 teaspoon<; lemon juice Trim .off skirl .ind fht frnm hRm. Score ham by ma king diagonal cuts across surface to form diamonds. Place rlo\'r in the center of each dlan1oncl Combine mll~tan:l, lemon Juice, bro"11 sugar replace· meot and c-inn:imon. Spf('n1I over ha1n. Bake ill 350 degrees for l hour or until thoroughly healed. Serves 8. PINEAPPLE SAUCE 1 cup crushed pineapple. WISwcctened, packed in its 0'.'1\ juice, no sugar added 1,1 cup prepared mustard 1 cup orange juice 1 tablesJXIO!l brown sugar replacen1ent '' teaspoon ground allspice 1 teaspoon vanilla Combine p ineapple, mustard, orange juice, brown sugar r eplaceme n t and allspice. in a saucr-pan. Si'll- mer for 25 minutes. stirring frequently. Add vanilla berore serving warm over ham ~lites Serves 8. SEASONED ROAST LEG OF LAMB l leg or Jamb (about 4 Stew Juicy Fresh and frozen vegetables Ukc tomatoes, carrots, okra and green beans combine with delicate chunks of Iamb to produce one of the most OavorfuJ stc\\'S you've ever tasted. Where does the grapefruit come in? A cup of fresh Florida grapefruit juice is one o( the cooking ingredients and it serves to tenderize the meat. The grapefruit flavor isn't apparent in the Lamb Stew, but it improves and ac- centuates the flavor of all the ether ingredients. Grapefruit juice gives the effect of white wine in the stew. GRAPEFRUIT LAMB STEW 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 pounds lamh should er, cut in 1-inch cubes 2 tablespoons flour l Y.z teaspoons sugar I teaspoon salt ;:1 teaspoon pepper l cup c.hi cken broth 1 cu p Florida grapefruit juice 2 large tom:itoes, peeled. seeded and chopped 1 clo \c garlic, minced v, teaspoon dried leaf thyme 1 bay leaf 3 potatocs. pared and cut in· to quarters 4 carroLc:. pared and cut into quarters 6 small on ions 1 package ( 10 ounces\ fro1..en whole okra. tha'A·ed -1 package ( 10ounces1 frozen c\.it green geans. thawed . ~-lelt butter in a dC?ep kettle. Add la mb cubes :ind brfl'A'Tl oo all sides. Sprinkle meat wHh nour, sugar. s:11t :ind prppcr Cook over low heat fo r 10 minutes. Add c hic ke n broth. grapefruit juice. tomatoes. garlic, thyme and bay leaf. Bring to a boil, cover and cook for 1 hour. Add potatoes . carrots and onions. Cook, covered, over )ow &eat 35 minutes. unt il meat and vegetables arc lender. Add okra and bean~ and cook 10 minutes longer . ~rve$ 5. Tr iple Decker These sandwidlel ' l n) moist beca~ as a lt>ena~er painted out. "llw'y have more sides to JHlt st>rCOOs on ... Crl.sp leaves of wc:stern ke:btrg letttlCt', sliced ch~e and Uvcrn'\1rst ito bet~l.'Cn three pieces of thln·sliced rye bread, each spread generously with m:iyoon:iise and n1ustard, • • Feas t High 1n Taste, Low 1n Calories pound <J) I I: !i':l."!JOO!lS S<Alt 1 1ea1~roon coarsely ~round pepper I Combine salt . p c pp f' r . rosemary a11d ga rllc 1>0wder. Sprin_kle over lnn1h :inU plat'l' QI! r1 raek. ltn;1~1 :it 32.i 1lp:,:1· .. t s r ... r :1u n11n1 11 1·~ J'>f"r f'(JU01I nr To desired degree of tlo1ncnc~s. &r\CS 6 CJ::L~llY 7\ll~'T SAt:CE l~ cup ct'lcr_v. hnely chopped and cooked I cu p rice \'tnega r 1, r up fr<•sh u11 11 · ('ltvppt'd ,-\r!lf!cial :oilVC'<'lencr to l'<jll<Il 2 tablespoon~ I t~ a s:1U1,_'(!p;1n r<1mhinc celery, vinega r. mint and ...,\\'~·eh:ner. JIC'al 10 a boil. Let ----------- • t:i11il tin11l r<flL '°fa\· 111' serv· t•d 1-\lll'OI tr 1•h 1!h·d. 'St>r\'C!i f, l'A HSLl::Y 1~0T1\TO~S 1:; O'Ull<,;.1.:S. n~·y,• µ..1tatoes, peeled l L'llP ehickt>n bouillon Bu\l t>r salt ~ !f1bl<•spoo1t<: p.1rsli"~, fresh chopped 1•·1pl'1k,l Place potatoes in a small b:1kln~ dish, Sprinkle \\'Ith but· tE'r s.1lt ;ind add bt>ui llon . coo\.: u1 :1 400 rlC'gree oven 20 minutes covered and 2 O rnlnutt:~ un('(l\Crt'd. or until tcndM" and browned oo top. Sprwklc "•!th parsley and p.11)rika before .serving. Serves G. GJ~GEll FRlJ IT ~tC\1.0 2 ta bles poons unfla\•ored gelatin 2 1.:ups diet.cue ginger ale '-z teaspooo ground· ginger a tablespoons juice from canned pi n eapple , uns'.'·eetcned 8 slices pineap p l,, unsv.·cctcned, packed in its Ql\'11 JUl«: •• DO sugarJ\dded. I cup fre.'lh strawberrlts, wash<d and billed I pear Poor gel.'.l tin o\·er '3 cup ginJ!.er a l~~. Heat 1 1~ cupg ginger ale to boil. Stir In gelatin mlxture. RerMve from heat. Stir in glng~, and pineapple juice . CUt pear in10 8 v.·cdgcs. Ar-onion range IJ.Jlf (J{ the fru it bi a &-~~ t'tlP ch31npagnc \'inegar cup mold. Pour 1'! or the AT1ificial S\\'ctlefl(!r to equal i;elatln rnixture over fru it, 2 table$)1QOf'L" &igur !uoliLsoL.Ajl<LrelnlliniJ]i. J JWIJOOll "'ll und t;l·la 1[\l lnU> mold. 1 ti'aspoon c,•lrcy 8et'd until firn1. Serves 8. I tablespoon debydrat~ red or grffn pepper nakes t'ALlCQ CO~W 1 tablespoon chopped pl. J 1: cup finely shredded rtd miento cabtxige Combine tabbap"S r..ombine 112 cup fint'ly shredded remaining ingrt'dients. Pout green cabbage O\·er cabbag<-': toss tOOroughly. 1'\ cup <it-hydrated n._u_·n«<_l_0>:;,_,,11_1.-'$(-n-·es 6_. ____ _ Turn your shopping_ cart into an Easter Basket of savings. Don't hop from store to store! You don't.have to hop from store to store to save on just a few items, when at Lucky you can save on thousands of items everydayl FULLY COOKED HAMS IH ... NK PORTION HOCK .. MOVIO SH•NIC HAlf HOCK llMOVIO 77.~ 83! ~.~!! .... ~~~!~~~ ~~~ ........... 93c ~SWIFT HAM 5 '1::' 689 ~~9 .. ~~.~~~c~u~.~~.~ .................... LI 1 Of YOUNG TURKEYS V.1.0.A. liJllAOI a ........... 59! RIB ROAST \/llC~~"c,~~1~::llY 11 e •O•HllD l 11r: LI 1"""41.l•MO. Ill, ••. LI 1.)1 J !CUI \/1'1 •Yf • .. l. 4Jcl ~.~~~~-~§~. ~~~.~ ......................... I 99 ~l~Y.~~,.~.~~~.~-······· .. ~ .................. 69c LINK SAUSAGE YOUNG TURKEYS •AIMll•OMH 44' 'W!OT I UTTl lltALl. ,,. 7·BONE ROAST . ... .. ..at· Sl(INl lU ...... l•Ol l'•G li..lllt S •••••••••••LI 1 (11' CHUCI( £~~.I.~~.,~~! .. ~.~.~ ~~~.~~~ .. I 9e T·BONE STEAK ....... I'' b·11.1rrl11t11•rt 10 BE THE FINEST QUALITY AVAlLABlf <11111 J! f Jerv!l.-1, LOW Pr1CI'\' •tl f l Oll'\ .. . ~.~.~.Y.~.Y.~ ... ~~.~~.~.~ .... ~~M .... 73' PORTERHOUSE STEAK 111 l lE&f LOIN ................. ••••••·••-•••• ., ••• ,. •. LI RIB STEAK .,, •1ri:r: ··············································"' TOP SIRLOIN STEAK I" •ONIEltU, Ill • lOlll •••••••••·•••••••••·•·•••••LI ~~.~,~~ .. ~E.~~~!"'".19c ~QT.!!Q,~~ i~:?,~o'. .... 19c FROZEN FOODS PACKAGED GOODS l'miil DAIRY FOODS ~ CANNED FOODS ~r.~~,~~E~RY RHUBAR·B·· ·····" 29c ... ICEBERG PICKLES ..... ,~"'!.~59 ' ~~~.~~. PINE~PPLE ······· ...... 49' ~STEAKSAUCE ........... 1.~~~=61' HONEYDEW MELONS 19' ~ HIGH IN NUTfUTION It:) LARRY 'S SANDWICHES ..... ::':.~ 96' SOLE DINNER .......... ~1:;.1.~:~?::J 1.23 HARVEST DAY ROllS .. 1':::":;~¥:;! 43· ROYAL GELATIN ................ ':/::: 19' LADY LEE YOGURT.. .......... !,'!;', 69 ' ... SALAD DRESSING ..... i':.~m7'1~ 39. .-~·=w'::'::1 '::'::u•=Cl~O.::U'.;.· ·.;.· .;.· ..;.....;.....;;.._;.;· ·.::· ·.:;".:;' ·.::";.:....:..< ~SARDINES ............. ~~01:~~,; 38" JENO 'S PIZZA. .......... .ci~~1~1~:1~~ 1.93 DINNER .............. , .oo:o•t~~ 1~~~ 59 ' JOHNSTON CHERRY PIE .... ~:.: 1.36 TOTAL CEREAL.; ........... ::~~~~! 49' EASTER BASKET ......... ~~~~.':::~ 63' WHIPPING CREAM ...... ~'.'.1l~~~: 39• KRAFT MARGARINE ....... 1.~;;;~~:59• BRIDGFORD BREAD ....... '.'.'::= 88' EASTER CANOY. ....... ~;T.~(l\1~i'.:39' .,,.. HAWAIIAN PUNCH ...... ~·.~;: 39~ HOUSEHOLD ITEMS IMO DRESSING ................ ~~o~: 47" tf'4 ICE CREAM ............... 11 "'~·8~69" SNOW 'S MINCED CLAMS ..... ~~ 48' DENNISON CHILl. ....... ~~.".':".~l1~~ ss· VANI LLA EXTRACT. .......... ~1::1 49' EASTER LILIES ~ORANGE DRINK ~'.~.~~~.'.1~~~1(-: 30' TREESWEET JUICE.. ............ Wi:: 28' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE.. ........ ~,:; 54• VEGETABLE S .....••..•..•. ~i~f:."! 46' -JI UlllO ..-11< lUTlll, I•" Ulloll """ llJHll. ll 11.C\Jl l'tlS .. , .. "'"" O<!:P!'ID 11\lt{{jlJ "11• Otflll lAUl~IOWfl """ Ci«llf ' PACKAGED GOODS d'4 WALNUTS ............ ~~.:~~1 .29 PLASTIC WRAP ............... 1~~~:·3 1 • O""' BROW N IN BAG ........... ~~,~~ 56' PAPER PLATES ................ i~~·,;:~99• TOWELETTES ................... ~·:;:~ 65" O""' PUREX BLEACH ............. G~~~~~ 49' ..-Nu SOFT RINSE .......... ~\'\".: 1.21 __.PINE-SOL CLEANSER ........ '.:i' 15' ' HILLS BROS. COFFEE .• T.:::1.39 OSCAR MAYER LUNCH MEAT.1 .25 HILLS BROS. COFFEE.. .. :~; 1.05 ll~C Vll ,llCl,•WN:IOll«l&rt,IHU NG n((IJ'(, 'IW.&l OJI• OSCAR MAYER HAM STEAK. .. 2.29 HILLS BROS. COFFEE.. .. :1:!3.08 "ICIO, II 01 l'lG llfCTll( QI UQIL&I DELI ,ITEMS OSCAR MAYER HAM ............. 1.02 __.APRICOT NECTAR ......... ~~39• ("(!0''10 ~llCIO I 01 .. G t:f"'MOTT 'S DRINK ....... ~.~~i 69' OSCAR MAYER SAUSAGE ........ 77 • ~l(<C l,..IJ, t OI "G l:f"'BROWNIE MIX .......... ~~~:; 67 1 ~COCOA MI X ............... ~~;1:i 731 Ii"' STUFFING MIX ........ 1~'.1:~'.~Ji':.: 42" ef' FANTASTIK .......... : ... l.~~.0J~~~ 55' SPIC & SPAN CLEANER .. ~~~: 1.05 SAFEGUARD BATH SOA~ ... I/::. 27' PERSONAL IVORY SOAP.,,., .. ~47• ... SWIFT HAM PATIIES ......... 1.69 71 o: '"" ... CREAM CHEESE.. .................. 43' ""'l.lCU"'i&. I Ol "'G BOTTLED LEMON JUICE.. ... ~~~ 37' ..-FRUIT COCKTAIL.. ... :~.".;,~ 33' DIET DELIGHT PEACHES .~~.~~35' __.MILK SHAK ES .......... ~.~~:?. 21' 5 BLOOMS ANO UP __.CUT GREEN BEANS .... ~~~; 25' __.MUSHROOMS .......... ~J,',~ B9' ... LIPTON TEA BAGS ........ '.•.f. T.17 ~SCHILLING MIX ...... ~~~;,;~~~~ 21 ' r:f"' FOOD STI CKS ...... ':'.''.~~: '.'.~10• .. -:;. 49 • I!~ __.BORDEN CHEESE.. .............. 1.45 •"lflltA", IUOC /lWtN "U I. If Cl NG __.CACHE VALLEY CHEESE ..... 1.79 luCIO l"l>I, 11 01 .. G PET FOODS CAKE Mix ""1 ..... •IU-01 87' 'If"' .......... ovu 11.JllOgl tO, __.FRI SKIES CAT FOOD ...... t,;t, 16' The few items lilted on this Piii' ara just a few ex1mpl11 of the many values in store for you. ~GREEN OLIVES. .•••. ~i~:~ 89' ...ORANGE DRINK ........... ::r.\: 49' CHOier NOT AVAILA&ll AT MONll0Vr4 STOllE, ..-M.J.B. RI CE MIX ........ ,,,/,':, 23' POTATO CHIPS .... i:.u.•:.~.'~.·~~;~ 81 ' ... LIVER CAT FOOD ........ '.'.~".:::: 28 ' PURINA DOG FOOD .... '.'.~,\~~4 .93 SALVO DETERGENT TABLETS No·m•a1ur1. na·wo111 wa1li eo~•! , ,, , ••••• •••••, 13S.OI. IOX CHEER DETERGEN T For all 11m1>9rohir• wa1liing I •• , •• , , •••,,,,,,,,,, .t44I. 90)( BOLD DETERG ENT For bright ond bald colora, •• , .••.•• , • , ••••• , , •••• ,, •••• M-OL DASH LOW SUDS DETERGENT For 101y waah a~d 101y rln11 everylim• •••.. , •.... , , 20-Ll IOX 2•1 1•s 1•s 519 .,., EVERYDAY LOW PRICES ON HEALTH AMO BEAUTY llDS rm '*' .. ~ ay.1 "' " ..-..... ~61.yl ADORN HAIR SPRAY ., COLGATE TOOTHBRUSH 2,c Sof1 brl1111 lyp.. I 129 Ri g .. X·Hold, Vll•!T'O!f . l l OL . --if,. 1 ... Y •. &L / ~·· Y •. ~ I -• -...., ..,.., ... . "....,. ""f · WHITE RAIN SHAMPOO ~1 TEGRIN SHAMPOO - Th. .. cl.a"" 1hompoo. 69 ~ J H•lps r•ll•v• 169 Wltf\ I~ • C il<l'll"V and 1• OL -~ •collno. ... OL -' ·~~ - BAND-AID BRANO PLASTIC STRIPS 59• ... , GIK.r61.rl COLGATE ' . ' Colgo~e ••• ' TOOTHPASTE • OL 63' lkc;i;· •• ..~ 61.yl GROOM & Cl~EAN I .. S OX "'~ 79 ~ ,.,,,. n.t.•s A e N .. Yt• ••• In Oront• Co'"'y Ano ...... no W. Ll PAW AYlllU( 110 SO, S1An COWOI. llY .. llllllA PAii ttJ\ Ll PM.II• AV'llM ""'' -llM llAllOI llft. OAIDClt GIOYI U011 IVCUD i n1n 11072 MAGllOLl.l JnUT llllllTlllGlOll IUCll ttll AT\AlnA A\'111111 1 ... IOU• OllCA .tVlllUf f IMUIU tilts 1'211 CAltOt I OAD AT LA PA( lA M!IADA IA MllAD• $110ff!llG UllTtl .... ~ llUO I. W '•AH AYllfUI f.lll1A AM U2' SO. ttlf!Ot lftlO "'"" um Nlll'POflf A YrMUI WtlifMlllSlfl ... wmr.1N1n1 AYOl!ll 1M11 WllllGOAU s111n WlllTT!a ISMS wt1A If AYlllUI DISCOUNT SUPHMAllm IN OIANGI coum -._,.111 TO SllYI YOU 'UIOOOll '" NO. IUWO n 11n IMl11llOTOr IUCll lttM MOtlllllllf Jfl 8t lA IU.NA Al 10. ""''°' ttYD. MtllA AIU 6.11 ICMl"ll Ulll Ul ln nous.,.'' 11 '' • t:f"' RIPE OLIVES. ...... ,~::~:io1:~!39' -i~ • \ KEROSENE LAMP Trodltlo"al •orly Am1rlco" "c;ounll)' ki!Ch•n" k•rot•n• lotnp witk 91011 <hl"'n•r and bo11. Assartld c;olots. 411 UDICO ICE CREAM FREEZER For MHorri.,,.ocf.• type le• Ct9011'1. WHAM-0 HULA HOOP AU ,.._ 1009 ogoln. 9'' HAMIL TON BEACH STEAM & ORY IRON Sw ikli1t rnuontly from "St1om" 10 .. Ory" produ(ll ~n1rou1 1r1om lor a ll ironing. Handy cor"rol. , , fabric C.i;id• ;:.. 011 hondl1. 711 I/ __/' -~ PATIO TABLE $1urdy llttl1 pollo tob t• with ui(Hld boM a nd ro.irtd m••ol 148 IOfl In cotol'ful Ml!MIW .. lgnJ, PATIO CAND LES '" BEVERAGE• SPIRITS GOLD SEAL SCOTCH .~.~~'1r'~9 .77 HARVEST DAY WINE ... :::~ 1.45 BUDWEISER BEER .......... .,,::: 1.39 fAVAllAIU Al OUI llOlft WITll UWOI OIPT.) .. 11IY l l/YS" Jlt trtt•s1•in11 1111dt Dtni•le by n11~rlKl1111s' t1111,.r11r pr11111ol io"1I al· low1nc11. The "1.l l IUl" i111111 htttd Jrt 1~11 J It• ot lht 1111"' ttlr1 u l•ts in ~'~" t.r yt1 ... Wt s~urn 101 st•U·~D '" tlrtt "•(Y IUY" 11111t JOV ft"flll lly ~u '"d en)lly GllEAIEI (VUIYD Af SAYlll~S! S.T.P. GAS TREATMENT F0t b1t1•r 1t9rforrnonc;e, 79c !mprov.d gas rnll•oa1. 11111 •• LEE Oil FILTER Fits most Ford & 197 Chrytl•r oulos. l'Lf·1 ·,, •••••••,. RISLONE ENGINE TREATMENT 1 19 N•w lmp.-ovld fcwmu!o. ''*"·· JOHNSON 12z WAX PAK 121 ,, .. , ................... _ ..... . • 8 I for ., t~1k .. a, '" pa ,., ,,. ref Im wa sm Jex Ing ~ ble gel mi ... yea jui this L '"Ii ag pc ol ' pie fuf I I I 2 • 8 ora in w Jo ing (j ll3 F r on <>hl nn .. 8 PILOT·ADVERTISER N Pun kin Dessert Cooled By BARH AM GIBBONS \\'ho says pumpkin is onJy for rail! With tho! sun.'l}' navt"\r of orange added. purnpki n p10 take!! on a \11lo!c n l' w "<lll}1ime" tv.·ist ... a ~\'.f't•I· tart i."lOr! that Si"C lll$ par1 icul~rly apropos of spring. Our pwnpkin pie for all seasons has another unique feature : You n111kc 11 1ri thl' refrigtrator. not the 01·{'n, an imJXlr1ant advantage when wa m1er \1-"Ctlthcr loon1s. TI1is ·pie filing h.:1~ :i 1 smooth, creamy, custard-like tex turi.'. achieved 1~·11Mu1 l::1k· lng, and "'"lthout eggs. fi,fakc the filling in your blender. v.·iUi the-.aid of plain gelatin and \nst;tJ1l pudding mix . the kind th.at needs nu cooking .' C'lnncd pumpk in 1 a\"ni inblt'.' year-round ! and fresh orange juice ndd lo the nutrition of , this calorie-r<'duc<.'d ck·~~crt. Like nit ycl1011· fruit:> :-ind vegetables. p u in pk i n is partieularly rich in vitamin A. One slice of this pie provides tnorc than one-third ~·our daily rl'(,Juirement. To make this dessert e1tra easy for busy-day cook!, v.·e use a packaged gra ha m cracker pie crust. !he kind you simply fill and chill , . 'Ibo&c on \·ery low -ealorie diet! can enjoy, thla dl'.$Crt simply by omitting the pie shell ; just prepare the fUllng and spoon it into custard t:'tlps for chllling. You need only h.'llf a vick- age of instant pudding n1ix to prepare this dcSSC'rt. Sa\·e the other half ror aJlQ\hcr pie another day. or n1akc 11~·0 pies, and ff\!cze one for future use. SU~.\Y PU:\f PKJ N PIE :i, cup orange juice I en\'elopc plain gela1in Yi cup boil ing water I cup canned un~·eett-ned pumpkin (not pie filling \ 1,.2 package (1 ~ cup) inst.ant vanilla pudding mix 11 ~ teaspoons pumpkin pi(· spice 1.1: Lea.soon cinnamon Dash bullf.'f salt 2 tableSl))OnS sugar ~ t ab le s po ons sugar suhlstitutc 8-i.nch graham crack<'r cru st Combine l\\'O tablespoons orange juice \\'ilh the gelatin in your blender contail'!Cf". 'Vait a minute for the gelat in to soften. then pour on the boil- ing \\'at er. Cm·er and blend on high speed. until all g e l a t i n .granules art dissol\·ed . Add remaining orange juice. and aJI remaining filling in· gredients. Blend until smooth. aun 15 m inutes in refrigeratcr, !hen iix>on Into prepared crumb crust. Chill several hours, until firm. ~lakes eight servings. 143 calorics each. Orange nut drops. but· tersrotch slices, chocolate chip cookies and n1orc ! F o r d('(:alor ize<I snacks and diC't tips, send a stamped. self-acl- dr~ cn1·clope and 25 ct11ts to SLl ~1 GOUll~tET COOKIE RECIPES. in care of the Daily Pilot, 50 \\'est Shore Trail, Sparta. N. J., 07871. Fruit Coupled Ta.kc advantage o( ]US('iOU!I fruits \\ilh desserts like this one. Con1binc p inea ppl e chunks. orange pieces, prunes nnd sugar to sweetCfl. ~!ix v.'ell and chill. Just before M>rvlng. p:ffitly add banana "coins," crumbled glngersna~ or n1acaroons and toasted Califon1!a 11•111.nuts. Serve in 11lass dishfs with n top-knot of \\'hipped cream. Good Deed make the scene Sundays le in the l1].jjijijl!1ll • I I \, I 21-UZ . C \:'(S I Cleanser I HI, l·l \l'.Vl \I If' Tomato JUICE AJAX . !I•·~ ~) .... •6·02. 99' ~) .. , • I!! ,.,, ·-~~ ,.,. ~ Edam or Goudas ·:~,t~:~~'·59~ D GILBEY'S GIN ....... :·:·: ':'. •:., .'9" ........ • .... (•!""!' ~· D INGLENOOK WINES "':., .:~":'.~:· .. '2',', D GALLO WINES : ·:" : ?': ,";•:·:•·: .. ·:· .'1" Q GRAPE JUICE DRINK . ·.::i~~:: . " .. 89' fl CHIVO WITH CHIVES .. :'.":. ·: ... 49' •. ~Jiillt l9\\WA-, , s1 a9 ARRID "" '1 '1>"''". •GI \;"•'· t • ,.'. /~~'.. 1;•• ~~1 •• \"~~?i.~~~~ ·11;,.1:1 EA . l.t...l ~· ~ Flower Boquals 8£A \JTIHJl 79c 1~l5H EA. Marquerite D1isies 110 79 ' BU..,CHE ~ [A Hydran geas IN fUL\ $3 91 t lOOM ti ' P015 U, Cal1dium Planls • • • • • • • ... 1:!-l}/.1'11 \jl Hawaiiiln • 111.111 . FICl~/.t:\ Cut Corn ' . " OAI LY Pll~ :;1 i.'011 \'tJl'll !"11 0 1'1'1~(; t O~ \' t:.\" I f:~("E 1'11 RI t-,.l)IA RT \\'II.I. Ut: Open Easter l·\ .. ltlC"l 'll\l,\1'111111 Hash PUNCH or ·PEAS ~~ BROWNS : , .. ,, · ... FRO;EN 39' EVER ~RESH ~ $~. ". GREAT WITH. $' ' " . ' EGGS! ~ OR PEAS & ~ ' FR0°ZEN CARROTS . " •• :.,)\ ....• I'' •)) l·l 1 1 i)\ \l!I -I'\ Ill" ...... ~ ~·· ...... , ,, -.,.. . Orange JUICE VITA;A<T • I ' • D FRESH BUTTER .. ;', . 81' "NO SUGAR ADDED ' · D DINNER NAPKINS .' _ : '. 29 ' 7 D STUFFING MIX ... :'!. :· 59' " I "" . c 25-LB . RICE ... :·: :'. . EXCELLENT TO BAKE OR B.B.O. 11·1 4 LBS . ... p •••• 1 .. .,... ..., " ' .. D ALMADEN · ...... '3" • ••• ·.'.. • • • • • (.I D CONCORD WINE .. " ..... '2" D MATEUS ROSE' .•... /: '3" D PABST BEER ... : .. 12 :s2.32 ~i; M ~l.J'l: t"V:lh ;r· • 1· • ... tr ,,. · -~n· •· '· ''M ''"~ D BANQUET SUPPERS :.:·:.: .. :~·:: .. "·:i" '1'~. D FRUIT PIES .·:•:·<.::: . .':".·: ,.,, •.. 55l. ""~·"' -.-.· ----;;;,·~C>'.9 ; l :,fV~ _,' •• '"<. · FOil VIP.APPE D ".)~./'" / tOTS OF BLOOMS :~:'J~. ·1; .. -Easter ' . j ,l " f ~~,~r .. ~~·.i~ .. r>·~ I .. . fj : . -'1.~... .I.£. o ... Thrlrtlmart Coupons For Guaranteed Savings! 270 I Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa • 13922 Brookhurst, Garden Grove I 30B W. Edinger, Santa Ana • 5858 Warner, Huntington Beach • 23811 El Toro , El Toro ' .._ . ' .. !'8 :S DAILY PILOT Wtdrttsday, April 10, 1CJ74 J A Supplement ! Well-seasoned f i ' I Toasted wheat germ knows no season. lt goes along hap- pily wi\Q whate.ver else ls on the menu. Ncsll2d-'bi a flnvorful cheese sauce 1'ith fre11 asparagus and hatd cooked eggs it becomes a most tasty ·tutree but eacfl ~ient retains its .. 1 own identity. ! Tender crisp p arbplled asparagus is left in big ·pieces, the wheat germ goes in a • layer and the hard oooked I eggs are sliced -all of which adds up to good eating and a nice contrast of both textures and flavors. Sharp cheddar cheese and $ romano or paimcsan jazzes up the sauce in a savory way. The sauce is simple to make so preparation ror putting the casserole together takes no more time than to cook the t,ggs. Incidentally, lo get "the most tender hard cooked eggs. start I them in cold water and heat to I boiling. Then cover the pan and reduce heal so eggs are barely simmering. ' Not only does \vheat. germ 1 add a nice iiutty texture to l this a.gangc1nent, it also I brings with it a natural ·wealth of spring· tonic nutrients like protein, the B vitamins and iron as well as vitamin E. I . ... I Potassium Plus ' I \\'JIEAT GER~t S P R I NG CASSEROLE 1 ~z pounds fresh asparagus 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons Ooui ''l teaspoon sal t 1.ii teaspoon \vhJte pepper 2~~ cups milk I ilup grated sharp cheddar cheese '2 cup freshly grated romano or parmesan cheese ~cup regular "'ilcat germ 4 hard cooked eggs, slieed 2 tablespoons m Jn c e d parslf'y Trim asparagwi:. Drop in!o boiling salted water and boil gently 5 minutes or just until tender crisp. Drain. l\·lelt butter. Blend in flour. salt, pepper and milk. Cook, stirring. until mixture boils and thickens. Stir in cheeses. Place half of asparagus in bottom or shallow 11i2.quar1 baking dish. Sprinkle with 1,:. cup y,·heat germ and top with hair the sliced eggs. Spoon on half or cheese sauce. Arrange the remaining asparagus over s a u cc . Reserve 2 tablespoons v.·hcat germ and sprinkle remaining over asparagus. Carefully spoon on rcn1aining cheese sa uce. Arrange egg slices on top . Sp rinkle \\'ilh wheat germ and pa rsley. Bake in 350 degree oven 20 to 25 minutes or until sauce is bubbly. !\lakes 4 to 6 servings. \ Batter Better r\ow that rooking from scratch is having a revival, homemade pancake batter is .. of intCrest once again. These griddle cakes frature bananas. a good source of vitamins and minerals - par1 icular\y potassiun1. A person v•ith a heart con- diti<>n wh<l lakcs a diuretic to rid the body <>f sodium of1cn suffers fron1 enormous fatigue because alons: with the SO<hum the drug often l eeches ~ potassiwn. Ealing bananas helps lo sup- ply the lost potnll.Slum and restore energy. l ' I HANA.NA OATitlUL PANCAKES JJ\ cups milk .If.I cup butler or margarine 1 ~i cup.41 quick~ing oats, uncooked ~~ cup unsifted nour 111 tea poons bo""" pow<!tr ,~ teaspoon sa lt 1 tablespoon sugar · 1.4 teaspoon ciM:tn)()n 2 eggs, separated 2 ripe bananas, peeled and diced Tn a. I.quart sn~pan heal the milk and butter until but· ter n1clts and small bubbles appear aro.und the edge. Remove frorri heat and stir in the oatJneal; let stand until cool. On paper. thoroughly stir together the flour. baking poy,'tler. salt, sugar and cin- n11mon. \Vhisk the egg y<>lks into the ~1tmcal 1nixture: add 1hc flour n1ixture and stir just un- 1il blended. Beal egg whites until stiff; fold. along with babanas, into oauneal mixture. Onto a lightly greased hol griddle. u~ing moderate heat, drop b[lflcr by 1 ~ cupful$ se\'eral inches :ipart. \\lilh a small metal spatula , spread each p3.f1cake until 3 to 4 inches In diameter; cook un- 11! bubbles appear and top Is sllghlly dry -about 3 mlnu~s; tum 3nd brown othtr side. Sc.rt·e with soft butter or margarine and mnple syrup or honcy. l\tukc.' ubout 16 pnncnkes - 4 !ICJ'\'ings. IRVINE'S ASPARAGUS FINEST All GREEN -LARGE SIZE · c LB. ~ " . . . . RED RIPE LOCALLY GROWN CALIFORNIA GROWN AVOCADOS NEW CRCP • SWEET MILD LARGE SIZE BERMUDA ONIONS FRESH ARTICHOKES LARGE SIZE • 39.~. 2 ~29c 29.~ or ~ONIONS 10~ .. GARDEN FRESH @§)RADISHES HONEYDEW WATERMELON CANTALOUPE VINE RIPE MELONS PRICES EF 19( RED RIPE lb. WHOLE 10( VINE lb. RIPE 2'1. FLORIST QUALITY EASTER LILIES S BLOOMS ~ UP IN A 6" POT 249 DECORATED LILIES CELLO LACE PAPER • SPECIAU.Y DECORATED BASKET • CUSTOM BOW IN A 6 INCH POT POTJED MUMS l ·!lOOM • 6 INCH POT HYDRANGEAS COlORFUt AZALEAS 6-INCH POT TULIPS CALADIUM 29!.. 4 ~!. .4~!. 2~!. 3~! HYACINTHS 2 ~?. ORCHID CORSAGE 1 3~ .. Ptl.IS 10 OTHER VARIETIES OF FRESH CUT FLOWERS & POTTED PLANTS. FREE lemon lea( and (/oral paper with pur· chaie. All planls are foil wrapped with bow, \ WHAT'S IN STORE . • • ~ .~ SUDDENLY, IT'S -~ : SPRING . Although \Vi.! don'1 have much in Jhe w<iy of season:.. \vhcn spring <ir rive•-, we know it! l'he other\~~se bro\vn hills t urn green ouernight. and the flowcnng fruit trees burst in10 bloom. Springtime al"·ays seems to bring back mem ories. V{hen I \~'as a child. our family looked for\vard 10 the announct'· menl of lhi! appearance of !he ma:.:.1ve displays of spring "'ildllo~vers. We packed a huge picnic lunch inlo our old Hudson and headed low.,rd 1hc Rid ge Route 10 see the vivid orange purple·pink splil~hed hill sides. Our picnicground "'as usually in the rnidst of a h~·ld of blue lupin e. When the m,1:.:.cs of spr ing blos~o111s arrive in our produc11 \Varehouse. i! i:. ..i!so a brilli,1nt display. Aisles of lilies. hydran· geas, alaleCJs. stoc k and glads are gathered for the big sprin g flower sale. Through the efforts of our produce merchandiser, Dick Gladden, Alpha Beta has become one of the world"s largest fl ower retailers. For several years the Co mpany has led the way in both cut and potted flov.iers. offering quality blossoms at low price:.. He tells me that the Jilies, hydrangeas and c1laleas-all come from 16~·Counl Bottle 199 EXCEDRIN TABLETS 10-Counl GILLETTE BLADES 1Q9 PLATINUM PLUS 15·COulll .... LI 3 Paek • Blueclot ' 10• SYLVANIA FLASHCUBES 3 Paek 159 SYLVANlli MAGICUBES 11 Exp.• CP116 .89 TECHNICOLOR FILM . 399 .... !he ared Clround 1-talf Moon Bay. the ~tocks Jre gro\~·n ni.!ar Ventura. and the gladiolas c om~ from Oceanside. Flov..•ers for a loved one; what heller w..iy to ccll.'brotc Eu ster und \velcomc !>prin g·) - Ed ster han1. asparag u:. and straw· bt>rril.'s are other sure :iigns of spring. Our buyer:i have done an exceptional job in acquiring !he fines! <1t the be!>t prices for your holiday table. I've included one of my fav orite ways to use the small pieces from 11 ! shank of a baked ham and still have o "company" dinner. Old Fashionl'd B<tkcd Ham Loaf 3 t. ground han1 ~lightly pa(kl'd} I r. cr1Jcker crumb ~ 124 ~1nglc) I 8 OL. can tom4IO ~aute 2 egg~ I c. milk /ol fthod /o1 u, v.•cll and pack into 11 9~ ~ 5~ loaf pan. Glazl' v.•l1h 3 tb~p. tatsup. Bak~ ac 350'" for 1·114 hour. ~"'~'I'' 6. Serve 11o•ilh ,;,ou r c1eam l'l nrseradish •aure. green :-1;,lj)d, fresh j)sparj)gus. bro11.•n and 5ervl' rolls, and s1rawbl'rry ,hortcakc. ll~lng A Bil 0 1 Natu1l' To Color Your [.istl'f f.gg~ Pick sprigs of gr4~s. ll'rn . or dainlY leaves and .urangc thcrn on a u•hitc l'99· Cilrl'fully pJ4ce • 1he t'9!1 ln~lde a rl1~an "1ctircd" nylon and draw ' nylon tight. Cul nvlon. and 1.isten ~('C UI fly u•i1h .1 rubb<'r b"nd. Put Into 11 2 quint ~<1ucepan with lhl' dry ~k ins lron1 lour brou·n onion~ and cold u•.itl'I to cover. Heal unlil watl'r just conn~~ 10 boil, and simmer over low hl!al until egg~ are drep rust color. Ren10\·e egg with a spodn, cool and r.1movc nylon • ~~ .... J Esther CrCtmer Director of Consumer Affairs ALPHA0 BETA 69 • BRIQUETS • 20 POUND BAG 1.29 • "'lltl" 100 sl Roll -II~ White• Dfieo••ted • Asstcf. .38 .... ___ , SCOTT OWELS -60 Count Pat "-•ge CHIFFON 31' DINNER NAPKI NS 4.75 ounce Bar YARDLEY .47 LAVENDER SOAP ·~-~ 11 E-o. • Clt126 " KODA COLOR II ~.· .99 FILM -11 Exp. C110 1.lt COSTA MISA-44! I. 11111 St., ( 25 Oun ce Box .. l!atian • American 11 Ounc.e Bot. SWI SS CHALET .44 FIRESIDE .33 SALAD CRISPINS SNACK CRACKERS 10 Ounce Jar 7 Ounc.e J1r KRAFT SPOON .39 KRAFT MARSHMALLOW .33 MA LLOW CREME 16 Ounce Bag 10 Ounce Bag • Flavor KRAFT MINIATURE KRAFT MINI MARSHMALLOWS MARSHMALLOWS .79 10 Ounce Bag • Foil W1ap ALPHA BETA .79 Hollow Cnoc.01a1e f,1ALT MILK EGGS 8 Ounte Bag • Palmer 2 Ounte Bag • PaimC"r "PARSNIP PETE" 125 "BUSH BUNNIES" .45 Hollow Choco1a1e Hollow Cndcola1e 5 Ounce Bag • Palmer 4 75 Ounce Bag • Palmer "BO NN ET BUNNIES" .95 "PETER SWEET SHOP" .98 Hollow Chocolate Hollow Chocola1e 1 l·OZ. Aerosol • RP.g •Menthol 30 C<!unl Box Newborn BARBASOL SHAVE .29 KIMBIES 1ao CREAM DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 24 Count BOM 28 Ounce Bollie MeQ Q[rs'sSuper LYSOL .89 SANITARY NAPKINS .79 DEqDORANf C}EANER 60-Count Tablets 12 Count Bot.• Aegul•r EFFERDENT 101 KOT EX .42 DENTURE CLEANSER SANITARY NAPKINS 12·0z. BU. • Reg • Mint (;tosE~u'ii rnornPA1TE .59 PHILLIPS' MILK OF .69 MAGNESIA .S·Ounce Spray • Aeroaol ALL DAY 88 36-Counl Bollie FEM'NINE DEODORANT • BAYER CHILDREN'S ASPIRI N .26 2·~nee Tube .95 CLAIROL CONDITION 2..5-0unce Bottle .51 16..()unce Bottle • Egg • RIJI. • FLETCHER'S CASTORIA su..\vE'0 sfi;\1,;Pdo .• .57 IJ·OZ. Reg. or Unscen11d L'OREAL .89 16 Dz Creme Rrl'ISe • i!eg. • Lemori SUFFRAGE HAIR SPRAY viGRAli" M0VlTAMl~s"'"'' 189 1•-0unce Aerosot 1l-•n 'Avocaoo or Go!o • Tillon n DIAL 121 WEAREVER ANTl-PERSPIRANT SQUARE GRIDDLE 3" 4,25-0unce Bottle .79 ~EAR'EvtR° FRY.PAN'"'"" 349 BROMO SELTZER """"'"6TOM IUCH-t04l A._. HUWTIMGTOH II.ACK-I'll H: W.-St. ' ' . BONELESS FULLY COOKEQ EACH FRE SH OR FRESH FROZEN • USDA GRADE A ALPHA BETA EUTCHEl'S PllDE BEEF 98 L~. 1~~ . 1~~ 1~~ LARGE 121 END lb. fjlRMIR JOHN ' \'lel1nesday, April 10, 1q74 DAILY PILOT 39 FULLY fA'R/lllllJOHN SUTCHER'S PnlnE SELF-BASTING ·==-YOUNG TURKEYS ECONO PAK • l ·lBS. OR OVEI! BEEF P'ATT\E MIX ~~o~~~ BEEF 88 ~.. ~~~!~I ~~x~~.~~ .... !3 F. SM O KEO ,~~~~~~~~~·~·'~"~"=~·~,~~~"~"'~"~"~-, DUBUQUE • ROY"-l BUffEI 998 1 COOKED PURE PORK J.lB. 88' HAMS SAUSAGE , Rotl "· SKINLESS LINK c . SAUSAGE a oz. PKG. 44 "· COoK.111l """ frM/t Trussed with eosy clomp for conYenience. Sostes itself with corn oil. Cooking instructions included. LB. ~.~.~~.E~ .~~'M' ~~:;,lb .. '.:. BONELESS HAM I U.5.0 A. INSP£Clf0 • fRE5H f~OlEN NEW ZEALAND LEG 0' LAMB J 19 lb. JfNNlt O' • MIX!O • llGHT & OARk TURKEY R,9,~~L. , .. 2~~- 1 hrovh17 HORMEL 'CURE 81 ' ' 209 ' lb HORMEL 1 'CUREMASTER' 2 ~,9 1 Over soo Double Discount LB. r~~~ \ -"'*~:IT:*E* el ~ p.11 .. 111JOHN BACON I ··~ this ~eek! Double Disco unts arc extra sav1ngs in addi tion _ to our regular lo1v discoun t prices. Temporary 3'2 Ounce 601 5 Varieties BANQUET 1q s BUfFET SUPPERS 48 Ounce Tray • 3 l oaves BRIDGFORD WHITE BREAD 10 Ounce Bo~ • 8 Var•eheS .84 BIRDSEYE INTERNATIONAl 45 VEGETABLES • 10 Ounce Bot ALPH A BETA 3 BROCCOLI SPEARS • 2 10 Ounce Bo•• fROZEN ALPHA BETA CHOPPED BROCCOLI 3 Oz Pkg • Italian GALLO SLICED SALAMI •.5 Oz Packa ge Salami w/Pro~olone i6 Ounce Package Smoked • Polish WILSON SAUSAGE tl·oz. Container • Reg.• Ho! SUNSET CALAVO AVOCADO DIP 32 Ounce Jar .26 .62 .93 11s .53 11 8 Ounce 801 • Pecan SARA LEE COFFEE CAKE 11 '25 Ounce Bo• .98 C•nl'lamon S11eu5ct .98 Butter St1eusel .95 38 Ounce Bo• JOHNSTONS -132 CHERRY PIE 12 OZ . CAN ALPHA BETA 113 ORANGE JUICElf 6-0unce Can • rROZtN ALPHA BETA ORANGE JUICE 12-0unce Package • Kolbase HORME L POLISH SAUSAGE 6.5 Ounce Aerosol Cal'I QWIP REAL CREAM TOPPING 9 25 Ounce Can Chocolate • St1awoerry BORDEN FROSTED SHAKE .24 152 .53 .20 Barrel Cured • Whole • 16 Ounce Package • Meat ~~~~iE~;~KLES .96 ~~~~~R~AYER . .95 8-0unce Car1on longhorn Jack Cheese ALPHA BETA 41 LAKE TO LAKE · 87 WHIPPING CREAM ·• WISCONSIN CHEESE • unce ac age .57 AlPha Beta • 8 Pack BIRKHOLM'S .49 CINNAMON ROLLS PUMPERNICKEL -.39 15 Oi. Pkg• 12 Paclt PARKERHOUSE ROLLS 12 Ounce Bo-•Small United 12 Ounc:t Pkf • 12 Pack ALPHA BETA .59 ALPHA BE A . A3 ANGEL FOOD CAKE BROWN/SERVE ROLLS MILK0& BUITERHBREAD .39 Buttermilk • Regular Wheal • Flaky • HLtm~TOH IU.C~l4)1 •• 'w.e fOUWTAIM VALUT-IJfO w..,., pi.Jrchas~ allo1vances from the manu fac t urer~ =---~ -=-~ that 1vc n<1ss Jlonq ~ you. Look fo~ the hundrerls ~ _,, . of shell taqs 1hroughout the store. ~ 4 f4 Ounce P.icka';<> s1K[ils'cocoN'u'i''" .69 16 IJunce Package Wi111e Ange! • Choe Angel BEITY CROCKER CAKE MIX .69 16 5 Oz. Lemon en.iron .69 40 Ounce Bottle SUNSWEET .5 1 PRUNE JUICE· 4 5 Out'lce Cal'! ORLEANS COCKTAIL SHRIMP ',Gal Bonte .89 ORCHeARD'DRiNKS' Punch ,47 8 Oz. BotHe • Green Goddess. Creamy Russ 7 SEAS LIQUID DRESSING .39 ftVIMl-11041 Cilffr, .,.,....., P..ti • EARLY CALIF 1111 OLIVES .lflf __24 Ounce Jar · HEINZ SWEET PICKLES .67 115 Ounce 801 •Taco SCH ILLI NGS CASSEROLE 21 3 Ourice 0 011; TAMALE PIE BAG n SEASON .. 1 5 Ounce (nv. Ch•cke., .JS 16 Oz . Stra ined Or Whole , OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY 29 SAUCE • 48 Ounce Boule OCEAN SPRA Y .79 CRANAPPLE DRINK '6 Ounce Ca" • TREESWEET PINK .44 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 14 Ounce Bol!le CHRIS & Pins BARBECUE SAUCE .37 Hickory • Regular • Hot 23 Ounce "' SOUTH LA.GfJH.4-.]0122. S. COit! Hi1ti•.., . I~ O'"'C" Jar • (10IO"n Oe11r..,o u~ BLUE RIBBON APPLESAUCE .29 5 Pound Bag PILLSBURY 97 FLOUR • 5·LB Bag UNCLE BEN'S 2 CONVERTED RICE Sl <t-Pack • 10 Varic11cs HUNTS SNACKll7 PACK .If .47 7 01 Bo• • Gen,,r;i! r.1 111~ BUG LE SNACKS Cr•SP•·Ta1ers Sriac~~ "' · 01 ca., • .59 ''ll1r1 ~''""~ ,., v1a1«r STARK IST TUNA 10 0 .'. C<in .II 1.3 Ol. Can 1.09 G2501.Cari • .68 Cnunk L•Qh! tn O•I STARKIST .TUNA 1.?50l.Can ... 16·01 • C1n /Ra1s 5 Pound Bao GOLO MEDAL FLOUR 25 Pound Bag • 41,fS 15 Ou nce Can ANDERSE N'S SPLIT PEA SOUP 6 O<ince Bo • • Long G•a•n UNCLE BENS WILD RI CE ~O 5 01 • Honey Spice Nur • Pf'anu! Bul1Pr • Cl"IOC. Chip • Bun"' Peca<i BEITY CROCKER COOKIE MIX BIGG NATURE VALLEY .65 GRANOLA . 10 01.1l'lce Jar 101 .29 .68 .77 20 OUNCE CAN • IN JUICE Chunks. Shced. 01 C•usned ALPHA BETA 35 PINEAPPLE • FOL GER'S INSTANT COFFEE 113 SCHILLIN.G'S CINNAMON .89 .51 29 0U1'1Ce Cal'! PRINCELLA YAMS ..... ,.,, .... ,~. ··~"! !O ••T~s• ,.1.:110 CO'llme<e••I dt•I•'•· Slltl tll tontUtd 011 1111010!1 •lt"'l· S1t1111ct•o,, 9u111~·tec o• 1ou, fllC"'1 11!uncec, (i)'0"1'"9"1 ,,,,A/phi Siii CO/Flfff!f, All r.g~ll IWJ~l'Yfl/. .__ . PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ALPHA BET A MARKETS . . . ' ' ' tJO OAllY PILOT , Wtdntsday, Aprll 10, 1'174 ~--:----.-... Turkey prices Paltry LARGE FRESH GRADE"AA" EGGSDOZEH · FRESH SMALL GRADE AA EGGS ......... , ....................... ~ •. doun 3 9c SPRINGFIELD FIRST QUALITY GRADE AA BUTTER I LB. CARTON GINGHAM APPLESAUCE 160LCAHS Tl,DE DETERGENT SPRINGFIELD MAYONNAISE KLEENEX 50 FULL QUART PUSS N' BOOTS MOIST MEALS DINNER COUNT . NAPKINS CAT FOOD llG 120LIOX CONT AIHS I POUCHES BETTY CROCKER 3/51 PIE CRUST STOVE TOP INST ANT STUFflHG MIX-CHICKIH 01 COlll Uli-lG. 4t' 6 OZ. IOX 39c •.·MIX SPRINGFIELD PINEAPPLE •SLICED• CHUNK OR• CRUSHED ZACKY'S FRESH POUL TRY ONLY THE IEST IN QUALITY FOR YOUR EASTER DIMMER I \1/• OZ. PKG. IN JUICE 19c BLG #2CAH 39c . ' . . RED RIPE. ·~ WATERMELON HALVES 9' lb.'· LARGE SIZE VELVET YAMS 19~ FRESH LOCA·L STRAWBERRIES ASPARAGUS c LARGE 39 FRESH "N" TENDER LB. . SPRIHGFIB.D AVOC.ADOS LARGE 29C SIZE . u. ORANGE ;JUICE ' llG 120L CAM Z LI • IOK GREEN GIANT •LI SUll TINT PIA.I , IHlunHSAUCI IOOI ... KG. •SHOEPIGWHITfCORM 39c IN IUTIER SAUCE-10 OL f'teei. • IAIY LIMA IEANS ht luntR SAUCf:-IOOLNG. 6/99c HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS . HAPPYLlGS ~.,+-_4 ·-·· . 'PANTYHOSE llCi. $1.00 .. Treats SHANK r.t.RT 69~ ZACKY FARMS 67c FRESH HEN TURKEYS .','t~~ LB. SCOPE MOUTHWASH II fl. 01. FAMILY SllE REG . I.Sf AT SOME ATORIS Thrifty Ht:R.\11TS .1 cuµs unsiflcd nour 1:i cup non-fat dry milk po~·dcr 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 ~ leaspoon bak ing sod1\ l leaspoon salt :! teaspoons cinnarnon I teaspoon nutmeg 'i cup ma rgarine I rup sugar 1 cup dark com syn1p 2 tabltsp00ns water 1 egg '?cup rai~lm BARM .BONELESS TAVERN HAMS ..,.,., °' ""' BAR M BONEL~SS ROLLED HAM Grease and nour a 15 by 10 by 1 ;nc11 i<llyroll pan. BAR M BULK STYLE Thoroughly ~tir together the flour, dry milk powder. baking SLICED powder, baking soda, salt. cin· oamoo and nutmeg. BACOLI In a large. mlx-ing bowl " cream marganne and sugar. Add oorn syrup. water and <i:g~odually On<i thO<VUghly .llAR M BULK STYLE ·bc:'lt ;n nour mixture. Stir in WIElll.IERS raisins. Tum into prepared , " pan. sprcltding to tdgtt. Bake in a pttlbeakd 375- degree oven until ed(tt art brown -25 minutes. Cool 1n p.tn' placed on wire rack. QJt Into 3 by 2 inch bm. Remov~ with • small mel41 spatula. S!Ore In a tlghtly covertd tin box. ?l-1akes ZS. IAR M IULK STYLE POLISH SAUSA.GE IAR M FRESH SLICED BOLO~NA 79• lb. ZACKYFARMS FRYING CHICKEN :O.":! FARMER JOHN SLICED BACON COLUMBIA BACON JIMMY DEANS PORK SAUSAGE NORTHERN 45~ 12 oz . ,KG. 98~. $11!. FILLET TURBOT FARMERJOHH WIENERS . 98~ KHUDSIEHS URGE I OZ. SIZE CREAM CHEESE • -1 SECRET ANTIPERSPIRANT 14 OL AHOSOf. CAM REG. Sl.15 AT SOME STORES SECRET SPRAY DEODORANT ll OZ. AEROSOL CAN lllEQ.. 2.1 SAT SOME STORES 89~ 69• LB. Stor."-'9 A.M.fo9 ... M. Closed ~ster Sunday Prices Effective: 'lllunday"'"' Wedoosday April I I thru 17th l'ric" Mlbjfft .,. , .... '" """"' WI GLADLY ACCIPT U.S.D.4. l'OOD COUPOHl ' 89~ 79~ 98~ 3/$1 .COSTA MESA PLACENTIA 19th and Placentia • 710 W. Chapman • 5 PILO Re Calif fifth tlooal. Either o< we quently Gold was counUe 1.ume rs two Jt'I I pie, re Ve Coov doubtf taste g ttley're saU<e cheese. Tb;s mixed and w with nutrit' meal of sli boiled Or. !ions. · protei n lunch Tb;s can be rover bread slices just m 3 ta b 2 "" go Grou Salt I ( m m l ( c :di 2 "" l ta Tbln ch Pre F. Cook bar~y minUte Mil'. edam salt, mixed and sauce. Pour ea,.. crum and sliet's Bak mi nut servin tions. p p ring Remo• m e1 addin g ta~1e. 11fak ~leal rernov to sou If ref rig than dilute ml\k Fre A g Jy cho P<PP< radish lied d ingly crun ietbtt • PILOT ·ADVERTISER Requests Answered Crusty Steak Serves Singles Calif'Ornians eo t about one IJ\·e alone or share m<'als wit h ftfLh more bee-! than the na· only one <Xh{'r person. ~ ~ cap!t.a <.'Of\1Ulnj>4.1on-'Ibis rectp<' m.akes--n-o serr· E1thar \\e eat l3rger portlon'I ings but can easily be dOObled ot we eat, beer more fre· or tripled when~vcr the need The finished steak comes OtJl 1 , ttaspoon $\I t CTU61Y and golden on the Ol1\·e or cookifig oil oulsiclc and medium 1"DN! on t\lt bee! into 2 ~ings. Let the Inside -and most deice· sta11d in beaten tgg 15 quently. arises. tnble to eat. · r..A.1 GOLDEN CRUST B E E F m1nutts. UI 1.""Uge steak In flout STEAK mixed \\·ith bread crumbs and Golden Cnist Derr Steak It is difficult tt.i broil thin was ck>veloped in answer to slcaks and have them juicy counlJes_, requests from con-and flavorful •:hen cooked but 1µmers for reeipes for one or soaking in efg and drcd&ing in two servings. crumbs helll'!. 1:i pound beff top round sail. steM. ~Inch thick Pour t'1·ineh oil in skillet. t egg Fry ste-ak quickly in hot otl 2 lablespooiu flour . over high heat until golck'n, It's amazing how many peo-Fry the steak quickly tum· ple, regardJ ess of age or sex. lng only once ~ilile cooking. 2 tablespoons fint: dry brt:ad «lxA1t 3 minutes on each .side. crumbs ~tnkcs 2 !iervings. Vegetables C.heese Added Convincing youngsters and doubtful dads !hat vcgetoblcs lasle good isn't diffi cult when they're baked in a crc.in1y sauce fla vored with imported cheese. ~ nus crunchy combination of mixed vegetables, mushrooms and water chestnuts enriched with cheese m a k e s a nutritious a n d economical meal when served ~ith a salad of sJiced to matoes and hard· boiled eggs. Or. by adjusting the por- tions. it can he servro :is a protein-rich vegetable dish for lunch or dinner. This easy-to-n1akc casserole can be prepared in advance. covered and refrigerated. Add bread cn1mbs and cheese slices or decorative cut-outs just before baking. DUTCll ri.tfXEP VEGETABLES 2 (JO ounce) packages frozen mixed vegetables in butter sauce. 1 (I~ ounce ) can con- den se d c rea m of mushroom soup 3 tablespoons dry white wine 2 cups shredded edam or gouda cheese Ground Nutmeg Salt and pepper 1 (15 ounce) can sliced mushrooms, drained or 1 1~ cups sliced fresh mushrooms J f8 ounce) can waler chestnuts, drained and sliced 2 cups bread crumbs J tablespoon butter Thin slitt>S of edam or gouda cheese Preheat oven to 35'0 degree F. Cook frozen vegetables until barclv tender. about 4 min~tes; set aside. Mix soup. \\'inc. S'hredded ectam or gouda: sprinkle \\'ilh salt, pepper and nutmeg. Stir mixed vg:clabJes. mushrooms and 1'afer chestnuts into sauce. Poor inlo 1 ~~-2 q u a r t casserole. Top v.rith bread crumbs \\'h.iskcd \\ith butter and decorate with cheese slices or decorath·c cutouts. Bake uncovered for 40 minutes . ~takes 4 main course sen•ings or 8 vegetable por· tions. Pea Soup Prepared \\lien barn is on a company menu froe?.e the leftover bone and use at your convenience. SPLIT PEA SOUP Lct'to\•er meaty bone from • baked -I pound green splil peas 2 quarts \\'alcr Large ooion. sliced i\fedium carrot. slictd Tops from 4 celery n b6 Bay le.at 1 ~ teaspoon drit>d thyme Into a large saoo:'pot tum A11~will 1N~IHMI SUt.t'$11114q.A,prl/ H · MeatMasterr~M=e=a=t=s=--~~-- Luer--1-Watet & Spices AdclW Cooked '"· ... ' .al.,, H 1.09 I l am sh1nk portion ••• R1tpfls E1clusi'le -A Blend "' 8e1l 1nd Soy PJotein Conc.1ntritlt Jan. H1qh Super Burger 0'·" .... 69 8"1 Blade Cut Chuck Steaks Lean Beel Chuck Boneless Roast L11n·Tend1r Stewing,Beef 8111 Loin Braising S)rips 8 11l-L1rg1 End Rib Roast Fr11h Lean Grouod Beef Pork lolf'\-Rib End Pork Chops Lean Fresh Pork Lesi-Bonetess Pork Roast Pork Links -1 lb. plrg. Jones Sausage Sllced-1 lb. pkg. Jones Bacon 8 011•1ess-luer-2·3 Lb. Avg. Mini· Hams B1r·M-Ae1dy lo Eat Boneless Hams Hickory Smoked-1 lb. pkg. Ralphs Bacon Cirtle C 0' 1 Lb. Pkg. .89 1.09 1.59 lb. 1.59 lb. 1.59 lb. 1.69 lb. 1.29 lb. .... 77 1.37 1.39 1.39 1.27 1.17 1.Q9 •••• 89 1.98 ... 1.49 1.69 ... 1.28 1.59 ... 1.09 2.49 ••. 1.98 2.59 ... 2.49 1.27 ••.• 89 Iowa Farms Bacon .79 Ralphs Golden Premium Ice Cream ::~~ .89 Health {J Beauty ~Asp;m ~.28 ~~-C-.ct • ~ .58 flllflinlr>t DeoctorlM All Day Spray • S11nt1n Oil or lot~ Coppertone w.!11-1.i .... ' Hair Conditioner , llcluld Sl'l1mpoo Wash&Comb .$01. 88 c•it • ••• ..... I OI. ....... l.J OL borue 1.34 1.19 1.29 ... U.s.o.A. Fruh Whole--A Southern Fryers frMtl-10 o~ jar Jan.. High Western Oysters Fresh -Eureka Filet of Sole Salad Size Cooked Shrimp Daws F111her-Whole California Fryers C1tilorni1 -Drumsticks • l"'gt.1 Fryer Parts ,,. Young -Meaty Turkey Breasts ol '14 98 1.59 OKh • ~ ••. 1.49 !.49 ... 2.29 .59 ... ..13 1.09 Jb, .89 1.49 ..... 99 Super Spirits l1kesl'lire G111 o' Sandra Vodka S1ve..SO t.1tf gilllon Rose -Cl'l1blis-Burgundy Christian Bros. Wine Cl'l1blis or 8 urgi.111dy Almaden Mtn. Wine lmportMI ''om Portug1I Mateus Rose ' Best Foods 6.99 Mayonnaise~·; .85 Frozen Food . , ' ... • The·re's nothing m'ore erijo93ble th~n a family gathering and festive dinner <II Easter tlm<io,.and at Ralphs ljiU'll lind !owl!< meat prices on all the meat we sell. Compare the'oost of flt'eats in January with today's low cost at Ralphs. Mn come in and enjoy the savinp. "'""-~~P.,.. Deli Grade AA-Medium 39 Eggs ..... • . Pl trick Cudah)' Capned Ham R•tphs-l o1I Style .• Cheese Sp1~acr 2 lb. 6.98 1.39 R•fpht-~~~~t._or • 98 Beef t:IOt9g[la , ... • Kosher 1'Ct'IOCkwur11 or "' 1 45 Hebrew Nat'I. Franks ,, .... • .Butterlfli1k or Countryi S1rte Pillsbury Biscu~ Sunset Cala vo ·Avocado Dip . Ralph1-Non·D1lry · Hi Poly Creamer Troplc11n1 -100% Pure Orange Juice fl1lph1 -Pl.Ire Otlry . Whipping Cream ""\\ ;• • • • ' I.' '"' .15 "' .59 pint .25 ~ !1 gano,, .89 ... ~ •• 41 .. SuperB~ While or Wl'l•ll -$11\dwi«t or SpUI Top Ralphs Bread '-R1!pl'ls-Pl1i111 'Dinner Rolls R1lpfl1 -Apple Breakfast Swirls R•lph1 -Chocol1I• Chip TeaCak~ l Bold ·~~::" Detergent 2:,~;.43 pkg. ol 11 p~g . ... ••th .53 .39 .89 ..... 84 pk!J. • Pantry Fillers G•••l wilh M•lft or T11rll•Y Case Swayne Yams MorehO<ll•-S-1 Sil• Mustard Horii -~II On,.OS Ground Coffee Ai9o-h t l Ch .... • Dog Food C•lgo11. 8ovq111t Bubble Bath ' Syl~•"••-12 l'lt tht ' Magicubes all the ingrcdi('l'lts: bring to a boil: cover and simmer. stir· ring occasionallf, for 2 hours. Remove bone and bay leaf. Ralphs Everyday Low Prices • • Super Pkooduce Sirawlierries .37 Nrw Crop -Sw•el. Juicy Valencill Oranges [•tr11 f11ncy Wi1s•11nqton Red Delic• Apples f '"'h -c .. sp Celery f •u•h -Velv•ty ·Red Yams f '••h-Tops Remo~ed Carrots g• Pot-Foil WrlpPf:d wlrtl Bow Easter Lilies l lCl't 6" Pot -Folt Wr1pped with Bow Mum Plants IS" Pot-f oll W11pp1d wit!'! Bow Hydrangeas 6 ' Pol-Foil Wt•PP•d with Bow Tulips ();~hid Corsages Fr 11t h Cut Carnations 811ut!lul Mi11d FIOWlt Bouquets • ...... 15 "" .19 ,. .••.. 29 .10 1.97 11th 2.97 4.97 2.67 1.37 1!27 1.27 Easter Values Kra ll -Whi1• or Flavo1ed Miniature "~::: Marshm;Jllows .29 Foll Wrapped Hershey Kisses 1 2S Value -6 Ounce Ca n Almond Roca 12 or. .... eltf'I fl1lphs Super-Popular Shades I Size• .'OT .99 .57 Panty Hose HiC Drinks ••• ""· 28 Cl/1 • Pantry Fillers 3·,or. 18 "' . t•ot 27 ~w· • 601. 45 .... 1tot 38 Cl" • 1.32 Puree liquid and vegetables in electric blender. Reheat, adding salt and pepper to Lasle. .: .. .,.,..... .. ~-\.-... • ..... ~, Sc~ ...... ~G>o-, ...... 51 t 0<• .. --l·•-11.~~ .26 J:::. .2.2 ":.' •• 46 •"& ........... u ............... . ~:~ .29 (-'"''"'*'--'-'OV"'l•IO • -;.•, .A6 ~f;Uces a little over 2 qaarts. ~teat from hambone may be removed :trd diced and added to soup ber<>re reheating. ff soup is made ahead aM rtfrigerated , it mal' be lhicker than you like: in this ca.~ dilute with water, stock or milk Fresh Note A geoorous me3l\lre of rinc- ly choppod green onion. green pepper. ctlery. waterc~ and rad.lsbC' added to crtamy bot· !led drtsslng ~vcs a surpri5· ingly frt'Sh note nnd crl!!p crunch. A p<rlect loWln; for ice btrg lettuce wtdges. • Pacquln1 Hand CtNm :; .86 Cool Whip .v . C1nn•mon .. ~ •· -~-~ .87 ·---.... .27 t>_ ................................. , .. 6 a.n-G•y OlnlrDtnt Meat Pltl ,... Lipton's Soup Mt•el "'' •"' ~........ . ----~-·-· M•1ki11: .::0 1,07 Onkln Rln;• ~ .35 Chocol•te Eclalra Evapor1ted Miik ••-··C••-PoMed Meil t ... _...,,,. __ c,.-•°"'"' Lipton'1 Soup Mi••• ·;.~ .• 43 MJB Rice Ml1e1 ........... ~ Choj)9ed Muthrooms ··:, .51 , ...... , c--···'""'"" Cl'llcck•n Fl1ln Mlaes l ip1on's Soup Ml!e!. ···~-(··--Ice Cream Topping ·-·-~ ...... Meal Tenderizer ":: .• 35 .. ~..,.... ,_,__.......... ~-l---Pacquln1Lotion = .77 Fl_,,. Stieb 1~";: 1.43 GtlyY Qulk ...... 18 ........ -...... Sun1hlne Cookie s ·:.::-.59 ''"'t --·-···· •Pickle Chips •• , .30 ••e.:. .35 ._, ... ,_~, ............. .. • Splil Pea Soup *Asterisked items not available .........,,~" . ....-,..... , .. ~ ..... -·-· -ml~.-. ._....,.. .... .,,ciw.w..,,...,,.. ~ in the following stores: -r:v ~-. l ............ , ...... -. .... . .....,_ ..... _ --·*"u.o..-~ ... ~. lnm+bag to lllalphs andsavcuptotc Ralphs will credit JOU 2f fOt each l•roe double strength bag (and 1t per single s1rength large big) you return and re·use each hme you shop. '-"" ............ 'll!t8".f-.. .............. ~i ••••• '-"•--f\(:fl "i..... ... ~··· , ........... )<"'"'' ,,.,,. .. - l••""t -161'H _....,. ,,,, .. .,., OC>'\ "'~'~• , .. .._.,ru• .. ""'-.ii ~·-.-.M-1 .. Jl..•O.,. , .. ..,._, ... w >1•.o .... .... ., .... •:"'""' ~' ....... -t.m ............ . ...... , .... 11.-i~ ,_, ... °"" .... ,._. ,( t•-...... ~t t ...... -...... ~. -... ·•· ····-......... ·:-.11 .. _ ... ~ ... -·o ........ _,,_. .........-••"-l'601r r _ .... ~n~mi~v~n~o:~~'~V¥r'l'~~n~ 9901 ~OAMS BlVD .. HUlfTillGTON BFAOI 'ftte lll!!r-lwl with ~&ow price~ 380 E. 17th ST .. COSTA MESA 17261 17th ST. rusTIN ~l N. lOARA. AIWIEIM 6142 WARNER, _HUNTINGTON BEACH 15471 S. BROOKllJRST, WESTMINSltR STOlll HOURS: 9-10 Dolly. 9-9 s....tay ' " ., ., •' ·1 ' •I .. 4% DAILY PILDT Wtd.....,, April ID, 1•1• Hom~ News: Cupboards Bugged? Destroy All the Eviden~e By DOROTHY WENCK or-.. CtltllltY *'""' Af'<il- Our fam ily has finally Y.°On the war against the drugstore -l>eede. Ar Je:ist for the_ momenl The drugstore beetle Is one of the most persistent of the common insects known as pantry beetles and weevils t>utt invade stored foods. fltost ot these in.54..'Cts are about J/IOth of an in<'h long, are brown in color. and seem to be able to get in and out of very tiny places -including food packages that appear to be :sealed. They anacl. a great variety d. stored foods. seeds, pel foods, spk-es, and even drugs, but they seem to prefer cereal and cracker products. It's a ra,re homt> that has no' had an 1nfestaUon of these insectl'I at one ti me or arlotl)er. My husband first discovered "our'' drugstore beetle!ll when he noticed I.hat the raisin in his rai.sin bran v.·as mnving ! CJoscr examination showed numerous little bea s t i cs hJdden under the bran flakes. \'le got rid of the infested raisin bran and I also looked in the packages or other nearby foods to see if there "''ere any signs of the insects. Seeing none, I decided that the problem wa s solved. This was my mistake. It resulted in many months or frustration trying to get rid or .a very large crop of pantry beetles. 11\ese inlect.s move very rapidly from food to food, package to package. They lay tiny eggs, hidden In crevices of cereals, between layers of crackers, etc. White grubs or larvae hatch out of these eggs and crawl around feeding he.re and there. 'I1hey become full grown in about two weeti:s In wann weather and then' construct deli.eate, tiny cocoons. Out of these cocoons come the adult beetles. The entire life cycle may take place in less than t"'O months. The adult beetles may live as k>ng as three years. Yoo may buy lnfested food and not know It because the ln.9ects are in the egg, larvae, or cocoon stage, or because the adult beetles are hidden within the food. And if 'you find a n Infestation in your food and do like I did, ju.tt casually check other foods, you may miss seeing the ~sects and give them a really good chance to multiply. So "'hat should you do if you find just one food in your cupboard with bugs in It? Fl"'~ dispose of t h e c ontaminated fo od. 1boroughly clean UM! shelves and storage area ao there is no looee food for -lo breed 00. Assume the "ust -that all the foods in your cupboard t'Ollld be contaminated. But you don't want to throw av.·ay all that po<Sibly good food, do you ? So do one of three things: I) Place all susceptible products containers v.•ilh tight fill ids -like glass jars, or l alcd. st ror.I' plastic bags. If ts hatch out, they \\'OO't be able to move to another food. 2) Store susccplible foods in the freezer for a \vhi\e. Temperatures b e I o w 40 defitl"Cf!S kill m061 food Insects within a fe\v da ys . 3) lfein food for 2 hours al a temperature of 12Q lo 130 degrees. Spread the material in a5 thin a layer as possible and stir it fro m time to time. To kill in!lects In dried frui t. drop the fruit in bolling water for I minute. .... I than using any sort of Insecticide in )'OUT f o o d cupboanb and )'et we stilll to recommend them for use in A sorptlve d1111 containing have t~. I'm convinced areas where food is 5tQffil. slllca gel and pyreUuum is dust irlto the cracks. (It OOmts In a plastic equeez.e bottle.) C.Over the shelves with a layer ot shell paper before replacing about this? A. Take the noodles back to the store and ask the manager for a replacement. A. Thfs ls an "old v.•1\•ts tale" for v.•hich v.·e can find no scientific 5upport. ll owe\'cr. if it "-orks for you. use It -t~ bay lea\'es certainly V.'On 't hurl the food. But just for safe·keeping. ~tore the food in oonta iners with tightly fitting they're breedifl&: down in U you do use them, handle ooe form of lmecticide to use Q u Es T 10 N s \\'E ARE betv.·een the cracks. Isn't v.1th care and follov.· the against pttnlry beelles. This there 90me klnd oJ Insecticide di.red.ions for use precisely. acts by dehydrating th e storage areas. food. ASKED : that would be safe to use ln Most lmportailtly, do not al.low insects when they c raw I Q. ls it true that kooping Q. We ha ve done everything the cupbOard? foods or utens\11 to be through it. Q. J fOlind bugs In a sealed bay leaves in nout. rice. in<t you recommended to get rid of A. All insecticides are contaminated with any insec· R.emo,·e all food and utenslls package of noodles which I other such foods will keep out the pantry beetles in our poi5000u~ and \\'e do not like _:ti:::c:::id:..•· ________ fro_:::;m:._cu::pboatd=:::.:::'::· :._thcn:::::._blo:._w_the__:___:_fust=:_boug='.Ch:._t._Wh_:.::•.:._I :._shoo__:_kl:._:._I ::do:__::lh::.• ~pa=n:::try~bee=ll::esc_? ____________ _ lids. 100. VONS VALUE GROCERIES I JERSEYMAID 79 ICE CREAM c~!~'fy0 A$~T[O fl.llVOAl.HM.f G .. l I ·- Aqll Food Clkl Mix IE TIYCllOCO:ll~ 69 •l ·Ol. ~110 , .89 DnlllJAlpf.,Jllg to~~~.,::ssf,_t .83 lt.COH Tt••NS, NIM1etSuckCncktr1 :,-;_~~ .57 c.,n11 Mana1llows Dirt• Fiil• CGcelll ti SAN FERNANDO PITTED OLIVES M!Dl!Jl,I lllH , e.oz. CAH '"" 29 ... . u .oz. "" .78 .39 Mortlloau S1l1d Must1rd '~•": .36 WNOlC DCllll 8'rlJ Cn1berry Slac1::,1~: •. 31 F ..... 11 ~d Food CMIClllM.llV(ll 18 I ..al WI 011 rlSM "-OZ CAN , . llllUe's Simi Swlll Mor11la ·~i .34 BlldH Bnln M1c. I Cblddu ';·,g' .23 i CASE-SWAYNE GOLDEN YAMS Yahn lulul ColfH Giid Food Slor111 Bigs Reynolds Aluminum Foll ClllllOI Olnn1r N1pkln1 . Crysl1I Liquid D1l1rg1nt I DOLE SLICED PINEAPPLE •••·OZ CAN • .45 ""' , .. •O-Ol '" 1.44 .49 1.54 .29 .53 .25 Scott Tow.ls &IGAOU.V.'l<lll ASSTO 38 OR0£00P.AllD"O·C1 l>OlL • Cold Powtr D1t1111n1 0 -0l '" lllllllll Solid Air Fr11h1111r , ~·~i, .79 .63 C&H SUGAR ~USDA CHoiCE 118 ROUND STEAKS llOl>(·!N ll • - USDA Chol Cl Port1rho111 Sinks "1.69 USDA CholCI Top Slrtol1 Sinks "1.99 USDACholc1C11bStnkl ,~:~," 1.59 USDA CholCI Rib Sinks ).\;,~ " 1.38 VONS VALUE PRODUCE Ii RIPE, SALAD TOMATOES ~U ... PANOJUIC~ .. ~29 Fresh W111r1111lon Finey Rid Y1111a Vll YITV fC,lTUllC Aort~1 Pink Bnpelrull Fr11h Squ11z1d Onng1 Juice " .10 " .29 ... 19 " .59 WINES& SPIRITS l "t.MAoEN 3. 1·8 1 WINES lotOUNIA•N ""'l f a.AL I UllGUNO'O',(;,.AlllSOlllVll .. [ • Billo Harly Bt11111M1y 1111111 Swtu ColllftY M1tna l•,ortld Rose 0:~:: ::~~( (A5T(ll PHI Mwon 1111111 CHiii ";",,';~' IAWl 1.M 2.79 2.09 3.19 2.25 ~ VONSVALUE ~DELICATESSEN ~BONELESS • 6 59 SWIFT HAM c':o f·~8 PE.&•CAM 11 If • Vons New York Cb1dd1r~:i~~~7:tt l• 1.65 V1ns Fruh Sll1d1 •01A~~.g~~;~ ... l!0 .. 1 .43 Jneymld Sour Cre1m ~' .. ~f';, .. ~! .31 Piiisbury or Blllud Blsculls :;~. .14 ·USDA CbolCI Top Round St11ks " 1.59 Buttery Rip• AvoCldOS 't,7;: ... 39 C111~1u Mist ~l1ky ·~,"' 5. 59 OsClr M1y1r Smokl1 Links 'ii'l. 1.15 1.35 USDA QolCI F1lllly St11ks '~\. 1.49 Crisp, Cnt1~ Clf1ry :~~ ~ .19 a1..,-18lft ""!!.11o':L~:O' 9.99 H1r11el Kolb1se ·~~~31A~'lr~~Ol Ii VONS CREAM CHEESE l ·OZ P~O .39 ILsDACHOICE 159 ' looLEHAWAllAN 69 !:!~~J~~'FEAK~ • ~~~~rPPLEs EA . Ii MILLBROOK 6.. 99 ~~o2~A~G•• I Bonlless Round St11ka USDA 1 29 CttO>Cl ll. , USDA Chol Cl Chack St11kl "~;~· " .79 • USDA CholCI R111p R011l1 '?~' " 1.29 Should1r Clod ROlals ,~!. u.1.49 Bon1l11s Rump Ro1111 ;GROUND BEEF A'IY $tl[ P•CO!.AQ[ Port Loin Chops " 1.39 "" 79 l l .99 Frnb Pork L11 Butt Portion ·~,'i':" .89 Port lain Rib Chops 0~,._;1• " 1.29 Fresh Leg o· Pork ~~:~~;:J: tB • 79 Bird Finn Whol1 Hog S1u11g1 'l<~c .B9 l 'FARMERJOHN 39 ~1~rl!s~N~Q£ •-oZP~o • fllOllN Lanc1111r Ro11llng Chlcklns.:;0.:, , .. 79 8utt1!11ll Hin TUrtlJS ;e;'~i '" 79 Frash Su Biss 50':~g~:l"'1 la 1.59 Rldlsh11orGrt1nOnlons ;::i~ ., .10 Rtd Delicious Appln w·~~'.!':l'0'" G1rd1n Fresh Rom1lne f::~~~( l ... 17 Golden Suaklst Lemoaa "'v'b°v~1~:~Zf 1• .10 L1r11 N1vtl Oran111 ~":,i~\' I ~:a .98 VONS VALUE BAKERY ~BROWN 'N SERVE 39 TWIN ROLLS U·P•CI\ !IVY • . - E11l1r Glory C1kls Blkld Fl1ky Eu Roll r' l AY[JI IASTUll DECO. '~ '" '" 1. 79 .49 -·· IA¥1 .U 1&·•11 >!Al f G.&l Prill Uquld Sblmpoo Vou 81111111 Condllloner DlrlCI Ald Hand Lollon 11-0Z. "' L11t1rln1 Moulllw11h Colg111 Toolhp11l1 ·~l .100,, s-oz f\Jll 9.98 .as .78 .53 .79 .58 C11u111n Kosher Slyl1 Pickles ~·~' . 95 Voll Sliced Swiss ChHSI •. ,~".~, . 71 ~FROZEN) ~1""-......_r_Fo_o_o_s .... Ii MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE .49 Sour Dough Bread .. ~s~lgrv~~"'1',~;r .. l:a .. 59 Rlchs cone1 Rich "°""ft!o'7.~~-EP. .59 Links. P1ttles or SU cu f~~~~r.gl~';,"a .. 75 Sloulf1rs Aspuagus Souffle •;;~' . 79 l~PlliG '0111 •0UI\ Birds Eye Cool Whip ":~.;:·:::"' .55 Biked SHdtd Roll '~~:~11u:1~~s,..'.!,,.. .49 Hot Crosa Buns ,,.....0!,10 .. :.~rc~'l,..,..O\.ts .63 Phillips Miik of M1gn11l1 .~\',~;; .88 Kern's Str1wberrlescool~.1:'fo~~~,;P~o .35 Blyw Aspirin '"1~~c"'i".~~1E' ,,_,,.,Madonna Easter Lilies · 1 01 111 tl'lt world'• flow1r1. roone hu been •• long 01l19d 11 Ille Illy. It w11 known •3 centurt1t 1go In Atll Minor. P1Jnt1r1 I nd pOets ol 1ntlqurty ~ r1eorded 111 grae1lul ~· Vont 11 proud to l11111re 1xetu1iv.ly In 111 ol p.-~ Ill 1ior11. Ule g11eelut. eteg1nt t.l1donn1 Llh11. You m1y chooff hom "" otner1, but non. can eompar1. .52 SUI Lii Pound C1k1 11· •. oz. ... Vons feat utes a complete selection or fresh BAACHS Candles !or Easler basket l1lhngs. Also on hand at most Vons markets are Easter Daskels, shredded grass. pl ush animal toys and other traditional holiday favorites. .79 Spread the fn1il to drv before storing. Store heated foods in Insect-proof coo1a1ners. TroplCll Stnwberry Pruna ·~.0:-.39 These methods u·UI kill the flnq Frying Shrimp " 1.99 "'4:.' ELE6AllTMUMS2.69 l't ~~ .,,~BHuttlul bloOmlng Mum1 !fl 1 wld• INOftmltll of tOlofl N CI'! gllly dec:orlled In 1~ pol. Gt.ce )'OUf hom4 w1111 1i.;.nt Mum1. CYMllDIUM ORCHID PUNTS CHOCOLATE EGGS ~~~~Otl:~!fOA~At,I( 48 .;~ •r., ~ ' oogs. """' lhem 0111 .. '' F1ngflnusKlduyBt1ns 't;>,c .18 contain thetn and are ~fer ' ' Recovery Don't be afr ai d of unflavored gelatin ; it's 1norc resilient than you think . It a recipe says; "Odil until sligtllly thickened beforP :u1· ding solid ingredients.'' and the mixture chills until quite finn. v.·hat do you do~ Ifs easy. If you hare pl"l'par<'d the mixture in a stainless Slt'f'I or enamel sauccyan and chilled k, place tht> pan OV(>t )Qw heal and stir gent lv until lhe mlx· tu re is the right consistency. Add the Ingredients, pour the mixture Into a mold or bowl . and return to the reh'iger11tor. h will rt·gel as ~ nothl113 had hAppened. You can Charge DAILY PILOT Claulfled Adi . i WEST PAC 29 VEGETABLES ro,;" PfJl.$,COl'IN.I EAN& 0~ "'tl[D VlO i Fancy F1n11 Mlnd1rtn Dnng11 ·~•'J .25 K1rn's Wllh1 Vln1gu '181,~\' .27 Grun Bllftl PISS '"1""""' .26 Br1ndywlH Mu1hrooftll 11~:~~'o~"g ..... l2 Pl _I .. , Wl .... lAl Cl'I R1gu Spaghetti SauCI " ~"/;;',~'" .79 s,1nm St1H1d Oliva , ~il':.. .69 loLORIETTA TOMATO JUICE Hlllt111 O's Donllll Blobl A· 1 Splgblll Vo111 8rld1 AA Bulltr .39 .65 .81 Turbol Flll1ls .~;~;.., ... 89 tiFARMERJOHN 87 !~!~!l~•1!~a~.~~o.I R1lh Sliced B1con ll .99 Swift Brown I SlrVI Slu11g1 ~~J .89 flnn1r John Him '1.lllVCOOotED 89 1utr •0•11or. LI • Fully Cook Id Ham Sinks "'~:· .. 1. 79 flnn1r John Tavern H11111 ~.l. ... 1.89 HOLIDAY VALUES ~TECHNICOLOR 89 FlLM SALE 12'-IJU, C-Pl\1111/l lAITl• t,1flilOllll(S ,,..Q • Pollrold 108RColorPlk .::O\'~. 4.44 SytvHll M1glc1bes '::l'.l.~~ 1.28 Sylnnl1 A11hcabes ·1-1~·.~-.:· .89 CoCI Coli or 7-Up 8111111 :,:~ 1.57 - All STORES CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY FRESH CUT FLOWERS . 99 8rlgh11n your llom4 wltrl fl'N h CUI no~r•. CnooM lfom our wide ••IOflm4rrt 11\d ml•ed llouquete, Colo•I to Ill your holldl y IMOCI. Belvttlut l!opleal plan le, N IY «:i car• ror. wlll'I a ml"lmum ol llH11 ~ming lplkH . 5 g1llon IUbl . 14.95 llOST VONS 111.Al\llflS / ' :1:-0Z. It?• I 1 • 1 68 .... ~· . 3;,.oz. SIZE E86 ........ , . : • ; : . 1·LB. FRUIT I NUT ..• 88 642·5678 10111 Adams Av!·· at Braok!iunt, H11ntingtan Beach 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach' 21082 Beach Blvd., Hunti ngtan B~h 34081 Daheny Drive, Capistrana Beach Laguna Hills Pima £1 Tara • 17950 M I' Fo 1 · y • agna 1a, un ain alley I . ' I - Smolc.ed and Cooked Shank Portion ~~~!~~.~.~~~~'. ~~~;~s129 (Sha u Ider Clod) !Jt~!.ha~e~!~J~~··· lb$298 (New Yark ) ORANGE JUICE SODA POP Cragmont 6 s1 ,,, .. ii Ouarls depo1hJ . IN OUR DAIRY CASE ... ARGE EGGS CreamO'th e 54- Crop 1.do1. " Ctn. Lucerne Cream Topping ~:; 55 ¢ Lucerne Ch iffon Sal ds .. USDA Grode 'A' 10-14 lb,, Awg . Wt. ~~·!.o!!~~~~~o~~~s . lb. 89< Hormel Cure 81 Clo S·lbs. s199 A'I· Wt. Bonele's Holl Hom ....................... lb, Midget Turkeys ~::;i., 69< Sofewoy-USDA Grode "A" l'o 7 to 9-lbi. Avq. Wt. ········ · Fryer Parts uso• G.od• ·•• • Breo't w it h Ribs • Orumiticln 8 8( •Thighs• legs .................... lb. ICE c·REAM BUTTER Shad~ Lan e 1-lb 7 9 ( . First Quality Ctn · Grade 'AA' · IN STORE BAKE SHOP 0.-l•Ston lcRritt Art ~ ~ Located Al 1000 lay.Ide DI-., H.I . , , :.\ •.!!~! .. ~~.~~$189 !lh~!!~:.~~~~~""5 9( PINEAPPLES I Large Siie "" From Hawaii Navel Oranges ,.o~·~~~;:~";. a .~9 98( .. -Fresh Asparagus ·~:~·:;. ... ,. 471 Sweet Corn .'.:I:.~·:.:;:.. 2 .... 25 1 RedVelvetYams u .......... 29 1 YellowDnions ~;', 3 ~~;491 Honeydew Melons .. 19 1 Green Cabba ge.~~:::~:·.~~ •b 91 0 J • ...... ,.,.. """89 1 Cr1'sp Celery '·"·"•·• .. •.•···· 25c range u1ce ~lkh lflVi1o';"'HIC, Gol. (•111111 Hl.d!.1111 ~ ~o . .!rit\dav~10~11----Vt .. ,< f ILOT 1.'J Po'ilc. ~Shoulder Blade Boston Roo st (Pork Buttl lb. ~s~~~~;~~~.,~.~,st ...... 1b. 99c { 0-Bone Roa it) ~~~r~o~i~o~~!~.~,1 .......... 1bs1 79 ~!~~~~h!~.!~~R~.i1~~·~ .. I~ 1 °9 ~~o~~~m~~~.~.~~~~'" ... 1b 99c @ MJB COFFEE Regular, U.S. Gov 't. Inspected for Wholesomeness (In 2 or 3-lb. Rolls). lb . BROWN 'N SERVE ROLLS ·'· o t h,1 1 ou r r "·r:l.:"/f'l'<; 1nily ! 11,11) tht' opnor t 1111,1y 10 011 - ~l'rve rast1·/ '.'.1!,h t• "i( f.1n1 t· J1es . you r S,1 fl~v. •v · t."rc \v dl 11 t b~ ::iren r~~r tiu .. 1111.·~" nc>.t .. Sunday. You r < 1111p':'r •. !l1011 in ~ r'olJflrlltl!; I J { 'HIJ!"l t' Y0ll ( .. ~' tooi :.tiopr·i11· 11\f'.1d C"f [a ~ter .•' v.11 1 be 1no..,t 1: P'•'r:•a ted. WI"! ·'• ,1'\ hope that ~ru • t Pl itv. tO•J, en· : .• : " JOYS i1 hap;)~ hi.i!iJJy, • : •• ':'-,·/ -: • ' .1 •. , o\. ~.:.:-'. '.' ~·' SLICED BACON Dubuque Mi5S Iowa l -lb .79( Pkg . PORK SAUSAGE FarmerJohn l-lb .79( Regular or Hot Pkg . ~~.~~y~~ O~~.'~! 5. ........ 4 i:~$ s S 9 ~~~!.~~.~~~,,?Jice'. ......... lbs169 link Sausage 8·0•.43c Fa rmer John Pod1. or McCoy Beef Pkg, PANTY HOSE , Sofewoy U_nconditionolly Guaranteed! \!"1""' CANNED YAMS ~D ixie Dandy 29-oz.39( lilllPl Cut & Whol e Can ~ VODKA or GIN & @w;;~•;,:~'P $699 .,,; Half Gallon -1·• •l "-• BOURBON Kessler Whiskey ,_H·~& ....... _ ~~· SJQ4 9 ... ~ .... , ....... Ancient Age Bourbon ~··· .. ~· M.olt\J098 .. ,, .. , . Gol Cutty Sark Scotch l-po•"A ,,.,~SJ 79 .. ,,...,, SI. Elmo 's Rum "•-V"•'n ,,1o~ SJ69 1,i.~•• 1a.,, .. , PINEAPPLE Lalan i·Packed 20-o•.38( Natural Ju ice Can CHATEAU LA SALLE Chri\tion s2 10 Bras. California Filth ... lance(s Rubeo Red IJ·~ SJ91 Pa ul Ma sson Emerald Ory ,,.~s2 1s Gallo Hearly Burgundy •·· 12 " '"' It alian Swiss Colony Chablis .. •"S2l9 '"' PEAS & CARROTS ~APPLE PIE ~ :~~;:;;~m ~5 10.o•.$1 C7¥i ~:\~·:~ •D·o•.99( ~ O uol1ty Pk91 . W .. P1@~ Raspberries ....... ·~:: 59¢ Baked Potatoes ·:.:· 3•,;;:.s1 Pie Crust Shells ·:.:· 'i•:~45¢ Corn -on -the -Cob ~:· 4 ,.:.~49¢ Mixed Ve~eta hies ·:.:· 2;~;71 ¢ Partv Pride Ice Cubes ~:~ 3 9¢ N• S.111 T•D••len tf f•r ltM1t 97 COOL WHIP • . -Bi9;;.;;.~~.:.;..E.ye_4...;;;....;;9;...c_ _ Ctn . VARIETY DEPARTMENT SCOPE ~ ~o~~~;i:·h 7 4" ~ ~ 12·0l . ~ }ijl Size ~. COLGl\TE ii;";;~ 39< KODACOLOR FILM .----...;=: c.x 126-20 s1 2 8 ~ ,,___-~ ! Exp . Color 11 ifi/11_.-J f;Jm ~ , -WI.. Each • \ ' ' POLAROID FILM @ '108· $]99 Color • Each ~........,~-MAGICUBES ~i Syl•onio :t•3 s 128 • ffll THE WEIGHT • $f[ THE llAUTY' •TWO 01STINCTIVE 'ATTffllNS .ifu(j)~ DINNER KNIFE • 14 MoMrc• ley rtcrlo, S...tt. '-...-• SHte AIMI Frttw.,. .. LA ,.._ Ml, ... Vlfjo •IOI L II C...._ Rtol. S• C~t • 14<11 l Clill'fff Dr. ot W..,, ln'M , • 2402 M ........ t. Dr. Priwcry .. T~o • I \ • • \1 .j.j DAILY PILOT Frozen Food! ORANGE 25 JUICE....... c Florida's Minute Maid! (12 oz. 49c) Springfield Peas .. 19c Sweet and tender! IO ounce package Vegetables Willi Clllll SIUC( 39c Green Giant Cauliflower, Chopped Broccoli Morning Star : ..• 75c For breakfast -Links, Patties, Slices! 8 oz. Pecan Coffee Cake gsc Sara Lee makes it so good! 12 V2 oz. pkg. Real Whip Topping 39c -For~our favorite desserts! 10 ounce Delicatessen! Fisherm an's \Vharf! No presPrvatives Danish Ham •••.• 73 e l)anola'. 4 x 7 or 41 ! x 41.1 hlice.~! 4 oz. Sliced Swiss • • • • 59 c Dorman's, frorn \Viscnnsin! 5 oz. pkg. Cheddar Spread • • 79c Kraft's Sharp, for snacks, stuffing! 8 oz. Cream Cheese 1ou1c. 42c _Kraft's Philly -Ji(ood so tnnny v.·t1ys! CANNED HAM SLlSll! Dubuque nr Hnrn1ooy ~ 1..ea n, lender! ·. R RAllCllO'S WHlSKEY S 4 99 Six year old 81)Ut n1ash! Quart Black & White ••• s799 Save 1.36 on fine acotc.h! Quart Black Velvet ••• s11 39 . Canadian Whiskey reduced l .00 half.gal! V• R s199 1n ose ••••••• Paul ~auon'1, for any meal! fifth GALLO WINE Chabli1 Blanc, Hea rty Burgundy! • • WitdottdQ', April 10, 11174 PILOT·AOVERTISER I • • .. El ·R ancho will have all the good things you'll want to serve! WE WILL FRESH SPARE RIBS EASTERIPORK 89~ • 'l'lu ,v're so li!tt n an·d i-n me~!\.! \Vouldn'l barbecued spare ribs be a reel fa mily·lreat. thiMv.'(l()k'.' . . Chuck Steak . . . . . . 99~ Ctn1er ('ul .•. lJ.S.I J.A. choice beer, budge!. p riced! Boneless Pork Roast . s 15: Chicken Breast -llll •• s 15! Boneless, plump tender breast.& in the cla!15ic manner! Beef Rib Bones ••••• 79 t So mu ch lean meat on these for baking, or barbe<'1 1P! Sirloin Tip Roast •..• s I'.' Uoneless heef, for rotisserie or oven! Chicken Breast Willi-•51'!. Bonelesa. stuffed with Mn. Cubbison'• dreseing! ., You 'll 11•ant it to b4' ''""' ttpC'cial! 1'/Jal "tt u:l1.v 11•r'u" paid particular attention to t.he va riPly fl[frrf'd in thitt u1eek 's specia/JO! And, uihiff.' 111~ 'ur ro,1.,·iderPd your needs for th e f,'o.~ter 1nen • u•f' haoen 't forgotten all th e other days of the ureeh. 1'11ere',. .tomething "'Pf'tiat for every dey ... and all at ii~ial prices! ~~1~'.'!~~ !~!!eSo !!.1 ~~! ia regist:~~~ Ham Slices 11111111! • • • • • • s 1 '!. Sliced from the heart of our own ham ... th ick or thin! • El Rancho Ham 1'1lllU • • • • 99 t Big enough -and flavorful -to aatisfy c.he whole gang! IE CLOSED EASTER SUIDAY l+i'c ps in effect Thu r. through Wed. April 11 through April J7 El Rancho Ham im,_ •• 89t Perfect size for the intimate dinner -with all the goodness! EL RANCHO'S SHANK HALF! • • • • • • • • • • • • Here's the one El H.ancho's famous for .•• our own ham, Juicy and tender, with satisiaction guaranteed! EL RANCHO'S FRESH HENS • • • • • • • U.S.0.A. Grade "A" ... plum p and tende r ..• sizes ranging from 10to15 lbs. (Norbest. Jr. 'l\Jrkeya • 6 to 7 lbs •••• 69C lb.) U.S.D.A. CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN • • • • • • • • • 11 /j_ 'J"hcy'll Jove the hearty tendern ess of t hi s choice cut, no matter at which meal you choose to serve it! (U.SJ>.A. Choice Aged SLeaks 2.09 lb) Sl iced Bacon •••• 89 c •. Ground Beef •••• 5129 .. Sausage nOIST'fU • • • s 12? r:I Rancho's ov.'n lean ranch style! E;xtra Lean -choose bulk or patties! Fresh! Our own old -world recipe! SE6 BASS COOKED $249 SHRIMP • MAHI MAHI 89~ Fre~h fillet,. fur 1nij!hty line t·Atini::! Ptnect sire 1ror shrimp cocktail! The real thing, from Hawaii waters! Super Fresh Pro duce! IPBDlllPUI RIPE COACHELLA RUBY REDS ••••• Jlr.1/ ::io11wcet! So juil'Y~ Sr-n.·e h11lve11 for breakfast, brt•!l lor 8 IAsty treal, IK'gmenl ~ Ill. u lactur iq,UctZ8 them for navor and Vitamin C! Asparagus • • • • • • .43~ Orange Juice • • • • 49! Utrge lender spea[!f:" •. and all green ~ El Rancho's fresh ly squeezed. no addi tives! Pineapple •••••• 19c. $pinach • • • • • 2 "' 29c )o'rom Hawaii •.• ripe maturity fru il! Latge bunches, all green, garden fteth! and Easter Lilies . • •Comport tht qtlo.lity! : •• ours on all five .bloo m11 or more , .• realty fl~i1t quality, in foil u1ropped po"l1! UiiJt o l1'ly you tan offer with pride! Or, make ;vou r sell'ction frurn our di11pla.y of C..'hry,anthemum i, A:oleai, 1Ulip1, Africa n Violeta, Caladium1 ••. cat·h an outstondin1t healthy ~JX'Cirn('n of horticultural knt.tui-huui! FRESH EGGS 59! El Hancho's J.:xt ra Lar~e. Gradt> '"AA " Food Coloring • • • 33c Schilling's, ctn of 4 colors, I oz ea. Marshmallows -TIIEs 1 gc For holiday specialties! Springfield, 10 02 Angel Cake Mix • • &9c Betly Cracker's ... Make it memorable!. Snack Crackers • • 55 c Nabisco's, in your choice of varieties! Sliced 23( Pineapple Springfield -ha lf slices in 11 t can! Jell-o Ill FUVlllS • • • • • 1 ge For sal ads, desserts ... big 6 oz pkg. Marshmallow Creme 29c K.raft's ... so smooth and versatile! 7 oz. Sweet Pickles • • • 59c Heinz , .. whole and crisp! 24 oz jar Stuffed Olives • • • &9 e Tee Pee manzanillas ... 7 oz. jar Rice for Stuffing.,. 59c \Vild, with wh ite or brown! 5 oz. RIPE 39 OLIVES lllGE C Lindsays ... pitt ed ... No. 300 can Springfield Yams • 29c Cuts of sweetness, in No. 21/i size can Morehouse Mustard 15c You'll want it for a ham glaze! 9 oz. Hills Bros. Coffee • 99c One lb. ca n (3 lb. can ..• 2.91) Dinner Napkins • .. • 25c Kleenex .....: so soft! package of 50 BROWN OR POWDERfD SUGAR, Get several! Springfield ... I lb. ctn. Clorox Bleach • • • 55c Save on the big gallon size! FLASH 93c CUBES I'll~ Of i Sylvania (l\-111.giC'uhes ... Sl.49) Open daily 9 to 9 Closed Eoster !)unday iVp sales ta dealers ARCADIA: ,t PASADENA: SOUTH PASADENA : HUNTIN GTON BEACH 4 NEWPORT BEACH: 1717 Newporl Blvd. and S1in~el and Hunt1nglon Or . (El Rancho Cl'nler) 320 VJest Colorado Blvd . Fri:mont and l!unt1n~lo11 Or W.11n1·1 .111d Al1·nnqLJ :1 (Rn1'(lw1I• (>'n'• rJ 2555 [~~lhlufl Dr. ([a~lblu lt V•llage Center) I ( ,-- .J ;J PILOT ·ADVERTISER WfdnncMy, AptlflO, )~74 UAJL 'f PILOT OLD MISSION ATMOSPHERE . ' Unb<'lli·vablc home on comer Jot "'Ith n1tni- cu1X'd landscaping. t'antastlc custOm inter- 101·. Custom brick a nd stone"·are I hrouf:h· out. llui,:t! ramlly rncHn. lmpl't>SSive v.·c t bar. Loads of spanhih tiJP, l\1ust ~. lncludl•s 4 lx-drooms and 2 1to1;es. Hurry. only .$52,500. Call 8·12-::la35. CLOSE TO PARK AND OCEAN LOW CA~E YARDS Great n£>ighborhood. \Valk to park. Cozy home with 11'l&iSlVI.' SlOl\I.' rirl.'Pl8cc. Gor£:"• eoU!I rear 1JA tio and rrun t l'f't>S. Very prh•ate. BOAT DOOR. Only $44,900. Call IXM'. 842-2535. S&S PARK HUNTINGTON BIKE TO BEACH Bcautirul S&S ckJ51.' to the Ocach. 5800 TOTAL 00\VN. l lug" living roon1. r amily room ¥.i th "'el bar and fi replace! La rge ramly slr.e bedrooms. l\tOTOR J.!Ol\IE STOHAGE. S&S bca~h only 58()() total do"·n. Curlous-963-6767. · UPPER BAY FIXER UPPER $32,000 S32.000 bu)'s lhl" san1e model that Just sold ror $4000 mOrf'. Carilf't. drape. and paint to your 0¥.'n taste and SAVE! 3 BR. 21,i baths. family room, fi~plaC'f'. huge 111as ter suite. ]Qr;, dO\\·n! Roll up your sleeves and caJJ 546-2313. LIKE 3 umE HOUSES AT $16,650 EACH 3 patios 3 )'ard.~. 3 entrances. Easy care landscapi ng. Rent schedule $4&>.00. A good ln\·estment starts at 646-71n. DON'T LIVE IN A SHOE If you have many childl"('n-Try this- 5 BH-'f\o,.•o stories tall Lush carpct-u-all to u·a ll Gourn1et kitchen-~Iom's de light t'an1ily roon1-run l'Very night l\luch more than u·e can mention Goodies g-alore-grab your attention JJon't delay--CaJJ today 546-2313. ASSUME VA LOAN $217 TOTAL PER MO.! Assume 24.600 1r;. VA loan. Total paymC'nls i:.117. POOL \VITI[ LOTS OF DECh.1.\'G. L.argC' corner Jot. Lari.:·~ living nreasr f amily '>i ze brdr ooms. Lo\v dou·n to 7';, V.A. Loan. Act no\v. J UST LISTED. 963-6767. CRISPY EAST SIDE Complell!ly red('C()rated. Carpets ll1ld drapes, step down family room "'·ith open Ix-ams and used brick fireplace. Eastslde R-2 loca· tion. llurry $33,000. Ca\1 646-717 1. WAKE UP AT WORK and have a nice 3 bedroom home. 2 car detached garage, large rellCf'd yard \\0ith built-in ba.rbeque. just 1; block from 17th St. Zoned C-2. Only one like it available. S36,500. Call 646-717L "NEWPORT WEST' ASSUME WALK TO BEACH A<1sume 5~~ t"l.JA loan "·Ith payment at $212 Iota.I or $4800 00\VN "'ilh nC\\.' 1)8.}1TICnts. Bc·autiful uw rade 2 story Ne\vport \Vest home. Lari.:r living areas. family sire bed- rooms. CORi\'ER LOT 7'2 x 100. Room for 12 x 50 motor home! \\I AU{ TO BEACH. Assumt' Joan or small dou·n. Curious call 963.6767. PACIFIC SANDS TRI LEVEL WALK TO BEACH DeM Brolhf"rs best Pacific Sand.~ near lh<' b<'ac h. GARDEi\' KITCHEN. T:ustic fan1ily roon1. t 'ormaJ dining and living roon1s. Large family size bedrooms. T\\10 LEVEL r.EAR YARD. $5000 total do"'n. Act nou· 963-6767. JUST LISTED. WALK TO BEACH 29,700 It's trur! \Valk to beach. Total price 29,700. Great 2 story famil)' t.ome. Large living areas wl•h crackJlng brick fln'plnce. Brick family paliCI. Community pool. Try 1500 dO\\"Tl. C:all 963-6767. NEWPORT BEACH 1700 Newpon l!Yd. 646-7171 - MESA VERDE CUSTOM HOME $86,500 MESA VERDE POOL-JACUZZI 3 CAR GARAGE .An out,..,tand1n:.: r<>n1binallon 11f lflClt.'tlC>n. qul\hty A home de!!IJ,'Jled f11r n fnrnily thal l'njoy~ bt'inJ: and coinfnrt -rvund-lht'·<.'lll'llC'V fron1 :\lt•...a tQRether. 1-ll'atcd llWimrnino;: pool ulth slute. dl\'• \ll·rde Country Club. r .. :iiun•s ~.li:lO SQUAI'{' f<.~·t Ing· bvard. and jacuz71. Op1'n fJlan k1t1'hPn -~ nf J1vini; art•a \\Ith •I s1.a('l11us b•'ffl't10ms. lnq.~c family 1'00!11 \1•1lh rui1tlc fir,.r1l<1ct' and \\l•I bar. f<1m1al dininJ.: 1'1M•n1, farnily 1~11 1n1 \1 ith flrf'placr. Lu.\:urious 1n11.Sll'r l:M'<lroom suilf ""i\h iQlin1ate 11·f"t har. alr·('•ind111on in.; .~ 1·h>i·lro111c air lllu:r flrrplae•'. \111.rn1 cnthl'iil'ltl l1o•an11-d ,..l•Uint::. and s~Stl'n1s. ;;.ear i.,:.111\~•·. tr111h·r l_1oh'\l 1'lr,..1·~s In hui.:r \\Ulk-in -dr1•;,sinc rlrwf"I. 1'1't'mnun !.!l<ld" Ian::•• y111'{! \1i\h "'"1111 for r•1,.J nnd n1u1·h rnv1~·. n ppointn1l11 I ~ 1hroui,:h.,ut. .~>(9 !)()(J. Cull ;H6-2JI3 11·,, 1 1 ~ y••aro;;; 111·\1 . t,r1111r1fvl 1·.,nttil!"n 1hrnur::h- 10 iru.J,l(•Ct this 1nosl dcsil'u bl·~ vropo.•rty. uu!. l'I"""' !•hun" .'ill•-:.!.-l lJ fi•r ndcl11iu11ril 111for- n1ar1•111 ond 11111••in11110•111. .BALBOA ISLAND WAT.ER VIEW DUPLEX J1Lo;;;t 6:> sT!'l)S 10 beach -100· t() bl>a t 1noorint:! lfarbr)r \'II'\\' from both unit~. Sc·1111ra11• .\.:H•·~t hidca"ay c'<111111l••lf·ly rur11i sh1'<i. (J\\l\rr \Viii help rtnanc .. :! Jlurr~! Call 5 16·:.!:J IJ for delaib. IT'S NEWPORT HEIGHTS lt's 3 bMJrooms If s upd111rd !rs J:"Ol hoa t room 11 ·,. got hie 1r1>1•s l t's 1·x1"lll ndable It's \'llCRrl{ I t'~ 847.~00 gi:·t cl<'lails at 6•16-7171. PRESTIGE NEIGHBORHOOD AND ABANDONED Lucious Jand~ca11ing. !lorn" up:n-adrd. Fonnal dini11~ roo1n. Fanla:.tic family room \\'ilh \\r t bnr. li\'1:\lEDf,\TE POSSESSIO:\" can Ix' arranged. Only 543,950. Call nlt.\: 8·12·25J:J.. PRESTIGE RANCH LA CUESTA Exir..,rn..,ly d•"<ircabl<' 2 sl"!') !''""i ii~·· hon1I'. Ur1- i.:rad•'<l 1n ('\'••1·y \1 ay. :'\••ur h•'arh. Sharpr~1 hon1!' 1.n th" n1ar)l.,·t today. 1-furr) lor more 1ufn. Call 1:!12·'.!J.~ • $39,900! E.\:Cl·ll«nt h••lllu v.11h 1<11·;.:1• family r110n1. Jlrn1y shake r0<1f. U•\•'l) ana rlo"'' In 111.'ach. S«' Ll no"'· -at thi" \<•\1· pt·1cr it'll t.:" fas t ! C'dll H 17-GOIO 110""· NEPTUNE'S DELIGHT 5 BDRM. + POOL BIG POOL HOME $39,900 f ix it and sa\" ~! \V .. ul!! ,. .. 11 r .. r 1111•n · 1n 1·11111•· t'o11dl 1i .. 11. :'-1 11•1 "'" 1111, -.:1.H\! 'It·· honu· \I lrh .. p.-1.1k!,1n.: 1"~'1 t1> HJ•1 •h·('1:i1,• 1 .. 1, p1 u ,. ta:.:. Call kli·lilll~) 1 ....... : S&S PARK HUNTINGTON BIKE TO BEACH f.•"ll1tiful s.ts 1•1 .... ,. '" 111" 111 ·111 h. :~-.:01 TC•T,\I. ()11\\"~. llu-.:1· 111111:: PM•lll. t ;un1l.\· 1°•~1111 11uh \1·1·l har 11n<l fir··1·lar·1·· l.ar::,. fnn1ily s11•• l11 ·d· 1'•1'•nl:<. '.\ILITtlf( Jlt l;\I~: ST<iHA{iF:. :-;.~s ll1:a1·h unly ;).'100 tul<•I d .. 1111. Cur1uu!>-91>,\·ti7li7. SUPER PRESTIGE HOME! BARGAIN PRICED {)11·nf'r hu11·~ht U•"' untl 11·~·r1, f11.,1 -~1· on ~r1 S}l,\HP 'I. ~1•uy. \\<11•··111 ,· .. nd1to .. 11 on l\EST ,\!:~ .. \ ln llt1nt1n~t·1n llt.•acll. Al ::;1 • ..:.~:10 11' a ~i.·al: C;1!1 t>-17-<iOIO tu lil.,., CIUSPY CLEAN AND VERY Cj)UIET har<l11•"od f].,01~. d•·ln.:hHul .1;11·d 111 c:11·J ! 111•11:hhn1h•,.>tJ. s.:~~JO. 1· •• 11 1;11;.7111 CORONA DEL MAR SELECTIONS ROSY FUTURE Sn1all .~nphi;<;licated hnn1•• nn H·~ lot in old Corona dcl J\lar. DonL' 11·ith a fc1:I fur ton1or· ru\1·. 2 bo'<lrou1n an:a~ 11i1h huil l·HlS fcatu1·...U in ma.31l r ~unc. lnd1~Jr·nutclor1r 1lvi11:; roo1n "i!h a ~rl·at lofly fl'l!llng. Call quickly to :.ee t his fascinating 1,1'01.oertr. 67~. SWEEPING VIEW ot Balboa bay by night nnd ponoran1ic ocean vlC-\\' by day -3 spn.t•lous bedroonts plus niaids quart,.r'!'I. Gracivus rourt yard ·C'ntry - suprrb Juc·ation. orfc1·C'd at S1 33.~ -Call 613-8.-150. 257 FT. ABOVE SEA LEVEL AND "WHAT A VIEW" Bl'l'll.111 lakinL:" J,>.,fl oot'f'Hll .(-C111nhna 1i0 11 \\'11!1·h 1M :1111 11111 -t1n-•·I, S1.;1ddu1...: l11•a h•d l"''1l -.1 h• c11.,un1, .ind f:1111H.v 1•ni. ~\ ha1!1~ :; t'ar ;::a1·.1~1· 'I. u~•·d hr1 C"k fin·pl!H.'•'' oq\cl•,.•r f1r1· iin'.. in !••r1•1,n1 /,\:\l-F'.\!• ..- CD'.\J's fin~·~r Ill•/\ .... '"find 0111 11.Uuul all the• other -· ~. Call l'\u11 : : ! 673-M.550. CHOICE LOCATION GREAT VIEW WEST CLIFF f'lu, ''""-) J,1· !J•ill•" HI \\"o •l<'lif! h Ill 'it<1ll•·,, <'oill l111••11 . ~ .\ J'"·ll•·•·: "I ··d1•"''n h·•t11'' 111!!1 ;111 •' · IJ•·1•• J1u111l.1 , n!••rla111n1··n1 :11,·a .'\ .. 11. 'aq• 1 .. :-,,., d a fa •l •·~crr1\1. Call 1111h l\.ly -i.;:;.l-·1:111. 2 BR ~~~'~·E'~~,~~m,:~~~:~ ,,. ~ E\""'llnt I IX'droun1 homr \\ilh rabulous harOOr i"-'n~ivc \\IYl<i [kl~lirll:, llf"au lif•d 1·11 1 1~·1<1, !"I"· and" 111·,.an vil'.'11-. This homP \\:ill satisfy lhP m~I d1o;;;l'rin1lnn tl11<; hll)"r. Dr1unalir sunk••n l•11n dr111•·•. ra•y·i ar" l;i 11d..;1·ap111c. n1 •111· 1"""1 lil'lnl!' '''°m, htL'.hllf?ht•'<I \\ilh t'1'-'c:ant \\hitr 1,...r·ra:r.lfl. Srrhidrd l'°"I 111 a i::ardrn atmn'I• and :\1 11..Llt•'.\· S ~t·h•1ol r1"1H·t 1ui.\11•11o;;; unrl phl'f•'. p .. rf,.('t r ... r lnrtuor..(iuldoor ,.n to:rtaininc. .\n •·xquis.itr custom horn<' and y11u fl\lll th•· "BIKE TO BEACH " $34,750 4 BEDROOMS \\'tt\k "!' h1k•• I>• b<·(l.1 h. 1.1,1nuh i-11•' ho••I· f•K•n1 ... l.nr~e 11\in • 11.1·ru.,, l':->EJI Rllll'I\ fll!EPl..\CE. Co~uitry ~If•• l<11~h111. l;111d- '"·•Plll., t h" b>· .. 1. lry '.\;)(I() IDIRI du .. /l. Jl"::i f Ll.::il't.U. Call WJ-t.j"67. CLUB HOUSE TOTAL FAMILY LIVING $8 PER MONTH Cluh hiiu-.('. Pool ! Jri<'u111: Sa111111' T~ •T.\I. t',\:\\lLY LlVl'.\'G onl,1· ~:..: l~'t' 11; .. nth. 2 1-1 .. r~ ;H~llJ ·''l· ft. hon1i'. l:a1~,"f\ o'l1 t1 ~. J Ill~• J11 int; l'•K•rll. \"111111,.d ;ind IJ<•11111•'d ,....1 hn.: ... l:11 .. 11.- f1n·1 rl;i1'"· F•1rn1al rt1niui.:. l !•>11h·111:o k,.1·, k11.-. h\'11. :.! ...... t"A :\lll.Y l<L•l l)l. \\"ET B.\J:: s, 1o11r· a1 " unt1l11.1 r•••1n. t"anHl.1· ~11." IK·dr•u•11i... 1:Jt_.,\:\Tll' '.\IAST~~ll ,..;t·rrt:. :<!'';°()011 11 .1al 1! .. 1•11. ('a l! 11011 ~:.1.tiiii7. EXCLUSIVE LISTING EASTSIDE 3 UNITS Ctutnning pro1"H·1·1y arr"'" r1~f111 ...;anti\ i\na t 0nun11·3 Ch1h. F.·11111r•·:. I Bt: .+ d··n l~•lllt' l•llh :.! I 1;1: 111111 ~. In , .. ,.t',.11,•rH 1· .. 1uht 11n1. l'ru·,.d a1 ~.-iti.9"10. 1111~ •h .. ulcl .~rll 111111·kly. l'l1 •a"· ['ho111• ;, l•i·:.! I\:\ fvr 11dd1l1uMI Lnl.,r· 1nut1vn and Of'l••1Jlllll•'nl .' FOUR GOOD REASONS TO BUY OR LEASE THIS PROPERTY I. C1unrn•·ri·111 ! ldcn!LI)'. :.!. llrf'at Al'•·a. ·I. Price". tW' le~cl J.,1 ••ll l'ark AV•' .. Co;.ta ;\lrsa. ~;~.9:x>. l>Ulod b·rm:.. ti lti· 7 Ii l. ASSUME 7°/o V.A. $260 MO. TOT AL i111\ 1·ai.h '" a~"un1•· :.;r<'1\t lor111. Prinl" l•11i1· li"n (']•1•" l o~ n11q,,r ~h"i'l'in :.; t·1·nl1·r,. \Valk li• :.<·111,,.,1~. Pr•·lt) l!'t'<'·llrll'!l arr.~·• i11 lfu111 - int;l'ln Beach. Full J•l"ICt' S.Jti,930. Jlu1Ty'. b l"'i·WIO. NEWPORT BEACH, HORSE RANCH ESTATE :; n<·n ·•. 'J i,1or~· 1·1·11·1111• rolnr11rd "Slate, "\'"''t•in.: stair"a"v· d•·n \\ilh \1<1ll 11f b•oOk • o·a'""· '''li.'.Jra t" 111111d & P:u·•·tal; .. rs <1u111·1.-.rs. ·~ 1·c11· i.;ara:.:1• 1i.,u~1· iit1d \ i•·11 f•f ha)'. lla.s ~t11blC"d a.~ many a.s 60 hur:.<'S. State a!)- 1•rt11scd a l St75.000 -f ur an 8'PJl'uintn\Cut rall (71·1 I 6·11.i·il"'il. INVEST! h 111111 -anrl rn•-,nl for •l rnun·_ t:a -y-t• .. 1Y·nl <ir<«t. .~-.~.1)011. i'u1· lull ti• t ,ul~ r,dl l'!li·t.iUl•l. EXECUTIVE FIXER $49,900 T1\n hul".'.c firc11lacr!>: Ru.: fa rnily rotJ111 ! r1.r111il l rllnlni;: Cul-d•'-SIH" 1.,,~ T\\'f• Sf .. r~- 1 t ... 11r•11.111' !/•11111111.:ton B··af·h! 1'1·17-6010'.! EASTSIDE COSTA MESA 4 BEDROOM $36,950 1 ~,r., •• r ~11nd•· 1r•·1·,-l1t·•·1·la•·('-nicr ):'.lrdo;.. l1nm1.'<.lialr-occu1,;1n~·~. 1i lti-ilil. 5 • BEDROOMS $5200 TOTAL DOWN S1•:i11hh \lt,tlf. ~-,10f1 Trital rln"·n. 5 FA:\llLY ~lz~: Ht:IJJ!I 111:\1~ .. I hath,,. t:XTl:A l.1'P.GE r ,\ \[][.\' ,\l;t:AS' r1r··1·lan~. U1'Cl'8d1•d CHI'· 1•·t.•. J rar ··~. 1\,11l pa1" r, r~•nrlu1!( .• \1trn•r<1. '..I'.: •:l.r ~iu·a:n. l~1r:.:" !•1r!y Slll' J•11io. r r1L0 \T,\/.\' ,.Al.LEY f"l .\'EST. S.i:.l(IO Tollll dO\ln. Ai.'t nn11·, JU.~t lb tl'd. 9tiJ..671i7. OCEAN VIEW, $69,500 1·n•1•t1:'\l ·~ l1'·rlro1.1n. family roorn, ah11 nrlr1n t ""!I par • 1 !l'fh1r.•11I, n1irn111"'rl 11nlls. d•n1hl•• •:11n1~·· 1• l!h ••J••n•·r. I 111 l•1p nf th•' 11 .. rld \ n•11 ·.1 hi1·h r11 nn .. 1 h•" ,,11 .. 1 n1~·1t'fl. r .A(it' ;>; ,\ h].,\(°I/ 1";111 •il'i·il71. land. Call n<l\\· fr1r ll pri\·att" ~ho"idg. 673.8Z>SO. Cftll .i1111nrd1atl'I). l)j",'\..."l.l."ifl. ~----~~iii~~~~~~~~ COST A ~lESi\ 2790 Harbor llhd. so.2J u HUNTINGTON HEACll 17931 leach llYd. IM2·2535 ' , 21030 lrookhunt 963°6767 6014 Warnff Avt . 147·6010 • CO HO~,\ DEi . ~l,\ll 33 2 Ma rquerite 67l·8550 INVESl1~1ENTS 18662 MacArthur ltvd., Sult• 103 1 .. 1.. 8ll·ll05 ' .. DAI LY PI LOf Vi'fd11Nrl.ay, April 10 1(174 • I ---- ' MIXED SINGLES by Wm. F. Drown ond Mel Casson DOOLEY'S WOR LD by R09er Bradfield ......... ~~~~~ ........ -nlA'T ~Mei<! ~ f;TOOD ME UP j.Aqf lll1GIJT ·' TUMBLEWEEDS by Tom K. Ryan JUST"IHINK-RIGHT NOW 'THE EASTER CAf 15 BUSY DECORATING Dr.SMOC!( ON EASTliR EVG Httl SI.JOG DCNm 'IJ.lE OUMNEY AND LfAVE S/JME fOR EACH Of us -'IJ.lE E.665 Wt LL HATCH ll'lTO CUT£ l LIT'TLE KITTENS... ~ l • -1).IAT WILL Gl<OW 1"11'0 HUGE .... l:caffJ_ by G~o e Lemont FoR YER INFUIMA f'IO N, SNOOKIE PARi.IN'. .. A FELONY'S A Ill& OFFENSE ..• j.IK~ RIPPIN'·OFF A ~ANK ! ... A MISVEME'ANOll'S A SMALL OFF£N5f ... l.IKE RIPPIN~OFFA Mll1GET Fli P ICOL.OOS! 1"M IS t..11"f't..e!' Gt llt.. IN 'fHf: WMV: 74 W0~1"H OF=' PSY'Cl-llA1"~1C ME!L.P WOUt..P ae A&OU.,.. AS useP'ut,... AS-OM, SAY ... .. MUTT AND JEFF J EFF. I 'M LAT E WITH MY INCOME TAX-~ WILL YOU HELP M E? t l ' FIGMENTS .I: f(NCYI \bUR SPl1AIHED ANkl.E J<r.l<LY IU15 eur IT1L UURf 1.E!'>S IF '(IX) TRl' NOr ro m111K Aerof 1r ! YOU WOtJ'r HAVE 10 FIGURE A THING! . ' l 1 NANCY ' ER···AUNT FRITZl·- YOU HAVEN'T PRACTICED YOUR TYPING LESSONS TODAY OH, T HANKS FOR REMINDING • ME, NANCY /\LL YOU l-~A\'~ 10 00 IS LEND ME THE MOIJEY 1'D :: PAV IT! ' -.1 ', f::: If,,. , '/ CANDY PEANUTS fly Al Smith by Dale Hale by Ernie Bushmiller F'UNNY' PAPe12s Wi-10 c:;1ves s:'SY'CM I A1"~1 C M!!!t..P FOJ!l. ONt..Y 7~.1 GORDO '!\' . MOON MULLINS ·~EXT! ® · ANIMAL CRACKERS DODO,ICAWr HELP lHINl<IN G EllEl(!{ONE'6 0Jr TO GET ME ... • •• PERH~PS, qoo SHom.D D16COSS J~l'S \IJIT~ A c;tlAUFIED PROFESSIONAL· .,,. .. ___ _ -·-- A NERVOUS TA 'i!- /)E/VAIST.? I DID .. ·THE DOC'TOR ADVISED TK«T" M'< FEEi.iil'° S WERE VER<,> PARANO\D· ' ! 1"Mf: $ 35 AN MOUFl K INP? by Gus Arriola by Roge r Bollen NA\IJ ... HE IO~S ;soor AFTER Mq MOl-IE<'.J. TODAY'S CRDSSWDID PUZZLE " -ACROSS 45 Unusual 1-46 Med, .l, ; 1 Tho Res. l ~; lndrv1dul'll Coro-:;. I ; : 5 S!rikcbrcakcr:47 f..1a1.s11.11 1 Informal --·· 9 Coral <19 Mi.ldd:e : : i::land ···•1111 1 14 Smell toauor 15 Broad-5 1 Tau!. topped hlll 54 Criallcngcd 16 Aad•oacllv1ty ~ Ash uni I receptacll! 17 MISS 60 Turn Horne 61 Citrug 18 Amoreal plant :! 3!lC words .r 20 City ir1 63 A sl1gl'll .. Iowa coloring .. -21 Nol yel fi4 N '-d1y Dakota "' 22 Compositions city • 23 Facial 65 Employs • openings 66 Ending 2~ Futed with cad gaze and 1n1cr '11 Tne "A" of 67 Soeedf ·BA" "'68 Most 29 S11ppcry 11setul 69 Bambi. for 0"'1 30 The ~ P!'rlaleuc.h: . . • . . v ill 3-' P<!r year: Aon• 36 Pret11tw1tl'I clomea111 naul 18 Silk Prelic )q Metao™>•s, e:uptiem1sms, e\c.:3 words j 1'12 RegardinQ ., 43 Nc~t ,, 44 Aecc1~,. . . ' 1 J • . " . . . " ' . ' 10 ; ' " ' ~ " ; ·; ' " " .~ t ' " .. ~ ~ " .. ... .. } ., .. ~ .. ,. " " " .. '• ;. .. •• •• •• ~ •• '· \ .. '· DOWN 1 -··· goosr: Large gannel 2 El'us1on ot sr•ou-; lluod :3" H• ti? .. ,, " " S1l~pr· ~.in .~ wn•r1•. • • " •• " " " " -.. ., " .. 7 " " Yesle1day·s Putzle So•~.,11. "' ' ' " " ' " A ~ ~ 11 ' L " ' •• 0 [ I. f " ' ' ' f~UPi lll£AS ~ ro1>11 1.'f!JlllPS ( A hl1 T ~~t-\! ••. ro1e 1 s ;pr lOD~ L~r. (O'IC P•os:Jf! r,•IL,l 'I D<P ;,~ P~~P l rfo"tf,L tli(ft;Tf 1 ~ £T (~l 1\ Prl~ 1v T !I C l ~"l " ; ' " r " ' " " " " " " 1111c r 5 A.;tard (> ApOI'! p,11\:. 7 --···-· -· "' '"' ' tood ~J [1ghl G~rman :\4 Froma dl5tan .. e '.l5 Sh1P ot 140.' !7 Ru!-slan Na\1Jra lly 11.inqs V:ir. 8 Qu!l:iw ~U Bl1d 9 AstulC! ·10 One· F1l''IC., 10 Very :;tlorl 4 I Uny1et<t•nQ Skirt 46 Anc1en1 1 t Toward ltir. •\s1an moutn t.fl Exoer•mcntnd 12 Bnit! lctlcr .iq E~e.,de1ecl 13 Suooorhnq .t.O \\'oodv carts plants 19 Bacterium S;:t From t'1cn 2J. Begin un!1! non 26 Qtf tn°' 53 Go into ground 54 Gel ,,d of :<'8 Compass 55 Ending y,·1th point: f~d and gen Abbr. 56 Get along :io Gollef s • prop ST "GIOCl'."V 3 1 Douglas Dean f,, ? words 59 ·-··egg 3? SlaPIC 112 Take a bf!!li • \· ' " " " " " ' " " ,. ' "' " l1 )J ' ' " " .. •I •• -" " " " .. " " " • JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH LET~ see IVMAT MY HO,.O§COPE $AY5 FOil TODAY ... DICJ<TRACY i FIFTY Ti'IOU.,.!N N01'11lNG LA.RGER l• Tl"\~N TWENTIES.' YOU 61V,-E,.,IT~T.00d NfONICA ! I 'VE ALREADY / i TOLD HER HOW Wl-IAT 'S i TO MANOLE IT! lN IT FOR ME'? llf OD,.t.Y YOLA 5MOLAl.D T.tlo:'.f NO Pl.EA'!11AllE. FICOM 1 THE M l~FOICTLANE.~ Ot: OT1-1E:flS. '' l\ ' .. .. -/0 by Harold Le Doux YOU 'RE OO!NG IT FOR ME •• , YOUR BROTHER ! MY WlfE Al"D K.\05 NEED Tll.E MONEY! I'M NOT GETTING OUT OF >iERE FOR ANOTHER TWENTY Y£AR$ ... tF THEN! by Mell by Chester Gould .--~~~-~~---. OSSING TME GUN OUT OF R.EACM, Lill c.o£S INTO MER JUDO Tl?AINING- EXECUTlllCi A DANGER· OU5.PAINFUL TilROW- -8UT.UNFORTUNATE.Y, LANDING HIM NEAR uzz·s s Mo11 ® ~ (! ~ •1oh, I always buy fl ared skirts-you C'au shi£t lhe blame to I hem instead of your hips." DENNIS THE MENACE ' l J a 15 PJLOT-AOVERTISER Wtd~~1. April 10, 1~74 \Vtdntidt1y, April 10 1974 ........._..,_ ~&found .......•...... §050.~ .................... The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast T>onlpCrtOl>Ol'I • , ••••• , , •• , • , 91().).'l"l'n ............ DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS ~ ................ ='<)!O You Can S~ll It, Find It, ( 642 _5679 J Trade It With a Want Ad One Call Service Fast Credit Approval Rtflloh •••. Generel 1002 -~'-"" ~ General i002General 1002 General i---G-0-IN_G_W--~:::: E R RORS. Advert is trJ 1hou1d check the Ir ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1002General 1002 General 1002 l•i?'"l eral 1002 But Not All Gene ELL ads dally & rtpert urors imme<Helely. The DAI LY PILOT •ss•mtY liabilily for the fi;s1 BACK . BAY AREA incorrect insertion Only. QUIET CUL·OE·SAC STREET -3 Bcdroont. The Villa Granada ~ -----.......... fa1nily roo rn. 2 bat h. flrcpl::u:c ~Ii: clci.'. bltn!>. General 1002Ge;~loo2 Big assun1:1ble loan. 71'J<; interC"l• ('all 4 BR. -TOWNHOM ES $49,900 EASTBLUFF Just a few 1·hoiC'C', J::olf oouri.e vil'\v !()l-11tions stlll a\'iHI· abll'. Th<'M' sp11rious cnndns o~fitr ne"' earptling, 1•IC"1·. kitchen, auto. i.:-ar;ii.;r door. \\'l'I har. lun1inous l'f'l l., pri\'. dl'l.'ks ,f,, t'OOln1uni1y pool. "Elcg;1nt llvini:; in 11 p!'t'Slig<' ro1nn111n\I)"' MODEL OPEN DAILY 8.1."1 Anu_gos \\'11y 1J11n1001i.'•" ltd, to l'~ooilhluf Dr., to ~!:11 Vi.~ta, ru Do'n1111~0. ro A111ir;os \\'ay~. .1'01· inforn1alio11. 6,1.\· l l:\'.t N••d .sports •41dpm11nt 't For CL:issi fit-d A.d ACTION (.ill A GAILY PILOT AD0 YISOl &42·5678 CAREER OPPORTUNITY ! Qualifications: Integrity & Enthusiasm l'ind out for your:o;cl f -E.\11:--J ,,·hil c you LE.'\RN ho\v to 111ake it in Ilea! Estate Sales : CONTINUOUS & EXTENSIVE TRA INI NG PROGRAM MONTHLY! (1all today-it's FREE: l'\o obli gation-let's talk about it no'''~ Start earning ''Idle yo1I'rc learning in the cl<:1 ~)jl'Oo 1n & on the job. .. ., Pro9ram Starts April 15 Make Reservations Now Our graduate~ of ·r 1ie J{c;:il 1·:statcrs Career Kick-Ofi ·rraining Prog ran1 tell us it's fan· lastic! FOi\ PllOFESSIOr>:ALS BY PllOFESS!Oi\- :\LS: Call ~·l a r i 1\1111 I-laze. 833-3305 for de- tails. "\'ou'lJ be glad you did ? General CORONA DEL MAR VI EW !! Sp('t•f;Jf'Ullll' \"if'W nr har!,otr s.: C111nli1111 f!"111 t h1~ 1.,1.,..l) lan1ily hont<'. I Bdt•111,.., ca11ng n11'a 111 lhl' k1tt•h1•n plus 1va1·111 f;u1nl.1 r 111 !,ar~e 11\S!I'. SUll(', !'l'C'~rl:.:<' Harbor \'i1•11· II o 111 ,, ,. n <'i'..(h 1•nrh11 01I Quick ro.~SC'S,:. 1f d<'~ll't'<L You U\\I\ !he \;ind . s~.~illll. C. F. Colesworthy TURTLE ROCK BROADMOOR This J~r. '.l Bit , f;nn. rn1 . tion1r i" 111 111ri\'<'·in ,.rind. \\'on'1 ln~t l1Jng-ot $.)S.!ll)'J PRICE REDUCED 11.\'.IL ~n11·1\~<'! ~' HR 1·1 1~ton1ill'.! [O ·I l1U"f' h<ll""' ~1:11nta1ned 1r1 1nin1 conil. Off1·rr-r! at s-..1.~iOO. 1.---------,i Realtors 640-0020 CLASSIFIED HOURS Ad vertisers may place their ads by telephone 3:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLE X Corbin.Martin Inc. * 644-7662 * quitk -\'acant. ntovc in quitk. 540·1151 1 GOVERNMENT REPOSSESSION I RELEASED FRIDAY -lucls 11n11· open. :\rat. redecoralrd 3 lJerlroon1. Large p:i.110. 1rork· shop and garage. Quiet trcclinccl street. :\n~" one eligible to bi d. SIOOO." l)cnvn pnyntcn t. Full price $24 ,!150. 11lirry, c\IJ 540·11~1 . fj••' "1111pl(' Co11•lon11ni•1111 ~ Hedrt!IJl\l. 2 b•ilh, Pnnl, I:•'•' 011<' li!•Kk 101 \\1·~l1:1ff. s.i:,,OOJ I FOR UL !f!!!l\'o IRE.IS - Eastside Charmer ('11!\• ;! l1•••lt'lollll "''l~I~" <111 ( hn:.;" rnrrl!'I' lnl l<1;1,t~ "' REALTORS Walker & lee ... , 1~···· Sl890 Down · Beautiful i\·tonday thru Friday 8 to noon Saturday T 11'1 .~. fl, n, 1-h:i::: -1 l-lxlrn1. -\-·1;1111. On~· .. : 111 · ]fl\\'('SI Jlri"rtl !l-:! Pl'••r>''!'l1' South ol the i-1 11•y. I •Hlill!'\ 1·h;11T·1 ,\11 1 .. rn1~. r.11! ;~II\ !Li' \\l>n'! 1.1.~1 6Hi-iill WANTED \ :-\E\\' or l'XIX'rl!'tl•'"d 111•'11 u;· 1·-:--:::-....... lllli~~-----\\'Qll11'11 \\"1• .,ff,.r l'I::l::-:u.-.; I COSTA !IIESA OFFICE 330 \V. Bay 642-5678 NE\VPORT BEACl-l P.:F:A•.T()ltS 3333 Newport Bh·d. Sl~r~: J!l ll 642·5678 673-4400 HUNTINGTO'.'l BE1\CH 11;;;::::~;:.::~!:::;:;:o::;:;:::::;:::: 17875,:0'~2!!oBl'd. .~~ LAGUNA BE,\Cl[ I New l isting . j 222 For<'st ;\\'C, ?. Rerlroon1s ~ forC'\'er \'1c11·! 49·1·9·1Ci6 I ~-rwn1nl 1linin;:: J'f'IOn1, 11all~ SAN CLE~lE!'iTE <lf glaK~. 2 firepl:1•·(•s + 305 N. El Camino Real .~11r111v hr<'akra~l. m~n1, '.'l'~ ·i92-4'20 '"i>ETE~ BARRETT I NORTH COUNIT dial "'' s<o-1220 -REALTOR- CLASSIFIED 642•5200 ~..,. -Brin9 An Offer - "'.l'->01! T"""""· ·' '"'"· 1 Walker & lee Cl'r11al off1 ,·•· n1 !hi' h<':-:1 r orun:1 drl ~111r i.,l':111nn ,\ ~~:;;::':"~';;:":':':':' :.:::::: tup ('f•~lllll"'i'Jll. pl;11\ Hild Open Daily \1·11 r••l't 1,1,,n•l r >upl•·\ :1 r:.rrn1'I, :! i." 1· ,,·11, •111 J••l•']y \'fll"ll•'I' iiJt, l!llllt •·u11 1 d1!1n11. Sl~O,!~;() r:dl 671 .. '!•;t;·: r,7~~~.~~I E\•·~ ~urwnnr honus pl;ui. Th1·n• nre a111plC' p11rkin g fru ·1!111t•s fnr your <'U:-t•un•'l~ nrvl '""11• sis!Pnl :1d1.1•1·1j_,1111{ i.t1p;~11·t For ).'f,\l\' 'n11firl1•n1i1d ;1JJ- pQ1n1uu.•111. C:•IJ: 313 E. 22nd St, CM I Stop In! associated BROKERS-RIAL TORS 025 W lalboo 67J..J66J John Allard, Manager 644-7270 --------- WESTCLIFF Call Anytim e 646.3928 Eves: 646.4543 Lachenmyer Realtor E.\r'li. c;!::--J i·,.1111 ""'"1 ~· "1\IJI:.,' !ll'\\. )I!~ •i•" ·!<. f '"'" Jfi!rll \"!\llif>' .• r;.r,!\'i o\(: 1 ~'11'! 1.;h•· lip 111 .. ~1 1.p' "I.ls!" I! In \'la~~ili•·rl . "hip , !n ,..;h•wr J:··~ul1~· f;I~-·~~·~ S@RJ.1~-zzr,~5 · * Balboo Bay Properties * I BAY AVENUE~--,N"'EWPORT HEIGHT S I 4 UNITS • \111 a~:.; flcnt1·d \\"J!I '\'rad~ :"7~1.500 ROYAL HOME :1 HH , 2 bn .. '' lge pr1rk- l1kc y;i rd . !\"e1r full size pvol. In nice rC'~i deni ial IJl'l'tl. $4:!.000 . j:iti-8800. I llupl(•\. J.O\'L•ly :l ._ ]1Ji 0\\1ll'l'0$ lltll( ;\ f)i{,1 '.'ent JI. .l ~cst_loc. ~111 nC'r j <111;..1ou ~ SRY.500. 6·1--7491 HORSES-HORSES I '!'rec i-hn ded :1 lill .. 2 ba .. \l in1.hor.'>t! ranch.1 IJac k J~;1y ~1relot . S:>9.950.' t.i73-'i4'!0 . m .REALTORS ra i 4 Local Offic'es To Serve You General THE BLUFFS · BRAND NEW • $74,950 l1eau11ful unc .. ~1nr1· "P;1ula " 111odcl on l(}\·cl\' grecnbr!t. 1 ;rt'atl~: in1provC'd plan. late!>\ kii· l'hcn So. bath:i. l 'atht·dral he3.n1 t'Cilings . I ... II.I I l ·C •U ~ HELP - Th e S~1IC'S St:-iff <1! t r111r1uc>s bt'tlll· tll ul .\lesa \\•rtlc Ol!i('C is 01cr11·orl-.cd -but \'C'l'/ 11l'H pn icl. So f.1r thi s ~C'~1 r they huve t•:tch e<1 rncd .:111 a1 ct'agl' of SJ.i:ll'l :1 n1u nth ~ '!'hat'!> pheuotnL'll<il. liut it 1.:·;_111 ~C'I a hit 11r1ng a11fl lh1· btl.,llll'~' k~('P ' l'ut'u111 g ~".\lore :-;i!r"Pl'!)IJI C l'flt1 ld r:i.,1!~: ht' addC'd tn th i~ 1:1l l·tlll'cl. prof11,:;1nnal and con~l'n1<1J :-.tafr . l·'.xpt•riC'11t'1· :1t1(I rt·~11lc·nl',1' 111 \I(''" \'t•rdc prt·ftrrt'd IHI! nnt rcq111rt•d. (';111.11111 \\oo<l or llgdc•n Sngn . UNIQUE HOMES Realtors, 546-5990 2850 Mesa Verde Drive, Costa Mesa r•a u~ •o• • ••u ,,,.,.,,. oo •••u• VALLEY REALI\ ~ !llA(. llll[AP•U!>( U•f~1tA11 \lOC• t •r .,All(.f CV .. P~ll• 552-7605 t~lruel Terrace •""11 v1P11·..; lrn"l 1111 r'""'\ 1 1r,:•1 ~11nn1~!1 t 1 I ,.~ '' r· ;1"\·n1:T 1·1~ r.,,. i' .. 1 RURAL CHARM '1 J!d1 Ill l~"l~t· + <'t<lll]t\'\ !-Ito!'•· 1"1' 111<'"111<': "Ii 111• !··.:" Jj1( 1 · 11J nun fr••1r1 f<l,•nt1l't• ,\lo.U! 'J U••I'(• l.1u•I 1\Sk111i,: $ l•l,lJ()I). REAL 494-6561 I DEADLINES D<'adline for copy & kills is 5:30 p.m. the day be- for<' publication, except for Sunday & Monday Editions v.·hen deadline is Saturday, 12 noon. In 1h(' n1t1\'h d<'srrrtl Harhrw Hn::!il;:inds art•'1. T h 1·" r h•_•ch'll01l1 p!u . .; /11n11l.1 ro0n1 hon1" >'f)Q1lt•s..;ly rl••i111, 111•11 earp•I-. !11•1 f1r~·111~11 ·r~. :\•'ill' ,\l·u·1n1•1·s Si·ll•"•L ('all I U~ f<OI' 11\"]°t' oll'l(iiJ~. 0111\l'l' n111~t rnu\-l'. tii:\-'\."~-il- 1221 PEMB ROKE Open !>ail~' . , ,\ hl)n11' fn1· lfl\'PS1111('ll1 ;"\I $';'.,?,~,{)()-[Wt·· 11rale '" you!' r;1~1r>. ·l B,.,f. l"Ol)!11 \\1111 tlh:1!, tr;1il<'r •JI' IJ'-J"l sp.1t·t-. Up1·t1 J.:,_ That Intrigu in g Word Gome wifh o Chuckle pJn·.; fn'1\':11.. I,, ... -~1 l '."II , 11,1• C' .I I r •n' r; !'• ~II I l0'11 '!"O beOCI'\. co ' . I CLASSIFIED REGULATIONS ERRORS : Advertisers should check thei r ads daily & reporl errors immediately. T 1-1 E DAILY PILOT assumes liability for the first in· correct insertion only. C1\~CELL1\TIONS: \Vhcn killing an. ad be sure to make a record o[ the KlLL NUr.lBER given you by your ad. taker 85 receipt of your cancellalion. This kill nun1ber must be pre- sentC'CI. by the advE"rtiser in casi'.: of a dispute. c,\t\CEl.LA TION 0 R CORRECTION OF NE\V AD BEFOR€" R.UNNING : ~\'<'ry effort is made to l:ill or correct a new ad that has been ordered, but \\'<' cannot guaran- tee to do so until the ad has appeared in the paper. 0£i\1E·A-UNE ,\DS: These ads are strictly cash in advance by mall or at any one of our of. fices. NO phone orders. Deadline: 3 p.m. Friday. Cost8 ~Iesa nrfice 12 noon -all branch of- fices. TI·TE DAIL'!' PILOT re· sen·es the right to clas· sif)'. edit, ~nsor or re· !usr nnv advertise mcl}t, and to 0ehan~r it.i. rat••s & re1ndn !lons \\·lthout prior noticr. CLASSIFIED MAILING ADDRESS P. 0. Box l:SOO, Co.ila ~Irsa 9262b Y•• can Chor11• DAILY PILOT Classi fied Ads 642·5678 id,t•<I bf CtAY '· POlL.t.N ------FOR All ~t!f!l!ll IRE.IS o ~~J··~ ... .,ft !ft"ft•', c; ·-· ' • \_··J-'.' ~: "' . ll i •.- le,,,., I~"''!:;•:-: e ... c·~: C-:~- 1 OPf:NTrL9 •/T"SFLJNTOBF ll!Cfl ' { '~ ~ I c E K c 0 l I ch-,;';. ... llD'"I 11'"'' '"""" '""'" '"" """" ' I' I I' I I '.;;;;/( .. / '1 . ~ 1 oulgro\\'!1" S.•11 it last 1\i!h . . . . . . . {' (_ ~ .) _ General I a Daily P11'11 rl.isstfterl Ad' "-V~~ 1002 _Gen•"' 1002 1 .... I ~(-. ~E,_G-,~-A-, _.I · ~-~v· II C I I I HE V L 0 I G«xc·vr• · '"'"'"' '0 o dwell Ban''er · 1 1 ~ ,,., "'"'" ,, • 1 ,., .. , ..... , I\! , . . t"1']<, !hJ! r , .I !I'"' r.• l'-RES/Of/'-JTIAL BROKERAGE CC~PAN't'-· cl-J11rie'1 rhr•'r · .,. .• ~.,1,,, 1 TURTLEROCK BROADMOOR Fornier 1nodel honte. plan =I. 3 Bedroom!', 2 Balhs. fa1nil y and forn1a\ dinin g rooin.'l. central air conc1. Close to cornn1u11it y park & p<><).1)~65.000. . COMMERCIAL IN VESTM ENT Sn1all cornn1crcial building in \\-·est Ne\V· port. Excellent parking. Seller prefers shorl escro\\·. Priced right at only Si2.500. LIDO EARLY AMERICAN Large 5 beriroom and den hon1e . Great loc ation on street to street lot . S167.500 . NEW LISTING BIG CANYON Dramatic ho1ne \Vith va ulted open beam ceilings, 4 bedrooms 11 :i baths. Large pri- vate yard on cul-de·sac street. Lo\\'CSt price on today's n1arket. $149.500. PRICE REDUCED S5,000 Ne \\' f'ark II "f,.orclha m" \\'ilh rt Jar~e. pro· fc1'sionally la ndscaped yard . 3 bedrooms. 2' 1 baths. for1nal tl ining roo1n and coun try kitchen . i\ear pool and tennis, and no''' onl y 859.900. Al so available for lease or lease option. lm1nediate occupancy. SANDPIPER HOME -VIEW 4 bedroo1n . 3 bath. Dramatic cathedral ceil- ings. \\'Ct bar. 3 car ga rage. Private court- yard. large niaster bedroo1u suite. \lacant & rcndy for you. 8!=17.500 . DIAL 644-1766 2161 Sa n Joaquin Hills Rd., N,8 . A COLDWEL L BANKER CO. rl ~T-U _Y_H_Q_C-~, w, ·, "' '"" ..... ··· • " ' I I' I' I I o ,,.,.,,. .. ··-·· · · "' .... , _ . . . . . Lf ' • l .-•• -~ " ~1 ~~-'-..... -'--'--~ ... -".,.,.~ ,p •• -"";.. j .. ,, a ··... .. ......... I' I' 1' I' 1· I' I' I " .• ,;'. '. . :r ~ . , , . . . . _E> _ .. ::-._:::_· • ~' .. 'l~l~l~l~I~• I I I SCRAM.LETS Answers in Classification 8080 ,.' l•\ll U\ :·· •" ~" '-.... , ;· . • !~ \~.71 ; : ll•)IJl\l Gf,.I"'' . ::. .. ' .. 1 f c;O' \• ' ... ~ ,. #-:""''' 1' ;~- ! '"~~~~ 61~~06 I (a ,.(11 . "• l .... •• . . -- • ' ,. ... ,.. .. ... ,<• ,. ....... JI. , .. .-; .. .. .... .. , ... . .., ...... ~ , .... ..,.._ •l 'k., .. ·~·--,~· '<I/\"' ~l 0 '""' ~'W '""' ·~ ....,,.1 61 •. . . . ·' '' ' v ' .. -, ., .. , . ,,..;: .. -~ ... " 1; •.... 11 e.. • •• v., .. ' ,, ,.,, .. +!\ "' .. ,~ ' t ~·" (?)I ~lS•· 11 7 ~ 13 ... i~ ·~:].;I' r4 ,, e.: \A(ilTl•••\ll .. ' ,1 ' ~ .. -. ' . ' -.., 1 1J.3• Se.~1 · l•'t.1Qi"/ .. (Al ll(OI,. I" '1 .,,, • '' "., ···~•111 d! 40·6'~ \1 •tll.l••tU\ If you're plafl!ling a Newport Beacitmove 11Yrry for your c~ic.e~ !l t ~ 1.·111i°11'l,1'•"11.111rl!h· 1.-,! •1il111•' ,,• 1 f!i11 r~•I••'•' 1i11~d1.111H~1·., :\, •p1!' 1·; .. l iJ,.1 " ']H::"n! · ,. , ·11 1d<11n111111111 it• •111t • t t 1· '1:-11·1-<1r<•11nd h,1ntl•• •111" '· •ur· • .ir1! .. '1 ' lf " ri• 'll•·t!,,I,. c"H h ,, 111,1•!··ip1o < •' ,,: 1·1·•n·_ . ,•11!,,T· , ,,n\,·n1··1ll" .i!Jd q 11-i!i11. , r1 -lr 1t 'I'd< "11nd .. , k• 111 "1'l.i1 ,. V.<'t h.ir . 1 . .,1,111~ \l 1-1v1 ~ll1:•· '-i 11n I 1T.-k1h h.·n p•i\'<I!>' •")C)• "' d d• 111hk• 'l•lf 1'(" \<<'< f~tl{ll•l l-:i • ti:;, .... Ill! lud.• h1•.1T· rJ • •.:111n11 n•J r· .. I \ ·, ! 1.•n1t1 .. <•111 r!•. ''"·' 111• 1 :p• P'"' ,, 1 i 11~l1r1·j .1nr! ·11 ;•!' •\'1J1 J -,,, ... • :~ . .,J ',, IT < II I' ,,11 1.•-''"' '· r'' ·I ' ( I<',\ !01do1'.·1 "!1.1.u, I h1~t>. o,1n<l I our Bt-drnnn• Londo111iniu1n fl onlP'> from S63,000 to $93,000 • . . '" • •! t t " ... $3150 Down* ' " " • ti• ~··<e·• C!l .,~~·10:. 1 1 •"<'"4 ,, ~ v•~· io·~ c.,~ I>'''' O! f•n. 1, Ml..,;.,., ·' + 11 lo t. VM<" '-..1 ~JISO Oii l60 """"'~h l"I~'"' •, • ~ , ~ ''"' '•h •"(I ••loO(l•T'O ,~f\ Kitt'•~·+~ • '<U ~J~C~·, AGE""'£ "'··-r ...... ,.,..,.,,,~"""...,,.t i... ..........,,,,_, ~.. ...,...,," ....................... 1.o--o1c:-• ..-... -·-If). I =--___ .,, -~-· ' .-\_ ' -· ------·•->...._ t' General l l1rn ) r1t1 r i::•1ll ,.~r~<ij j ,,,.I ••• ~ .. 11 1110·111 \\J!h :i D.11!) P iln1 ('l;i<1~1!1ed ,1,f •<11•! U'-" Ibo• 1!1"11•~\ f•>I' '! ~!"!',--..,. (',1ll l;1'.!.-:ii1'~ Trw:ln~. -----1002 General 1002 MACNAB IRVINE _______ ... _____ _ BAYCR EST W/VIEW Spacious. one·of-;J-lond cusl1J1n. 2 bedroo1n s t'Oll\". den . l.n \·el v \\nod., & 111:-irhlc. Sl75.000. Ken 11 ~11·t Jc·y G42-8'!:i5. IC}4!l1 COUNTRY GENTLEMAN EJsthlufl hnn1c -p1ml ~1ze !r1t -con1· pletely land.~caped . 4 IJed'i·o(Hll!>, fa111ily roon1 & s~p;irat c study nfficc. $87.500. Larry L>ycr li-l:l·8:!:l5. i C/.iO 1 CAMEO HIGHLANDS Super :~ bedroon1, \ ie,1· ho1nc. \\"ide open fe~li n)'.!. :\'e\1 k11chen 1r self-cleaning oven. S79 900. ~lartha ~lacnah 642·8'.!:l~. 1Q451 UNIVERSITY PARK "l~d 1nburg" l)lan. :1 bcdro<J111s, 21:: bil th s. Large ('Oll nt ry kitchen fu1nity roon1 . $45.- 000. <),\nt·I' \nys :o-11b1n11 ;di offer:-! .J ac k ll Q\1'C'l l H4 ~·G200 i <}'.J0 1 "PLUSH DUPLEX" Curona cl cl ~Jar'. Open bcilm <:('11ing s. rlre- p:i:1ce. th 1c:k ~h~1g cnrpets tJu·uout ('()mfort & inconle & close to the beach~ SI14 ,500 . Carol Berry GH-6200 . IQ40 1 ' • .,. Irvine IOI Dov•r Drive 642·1235 1644 MetAtl!lur 6'4·1200 Newport Beech, C1llfotnla 12611 48 OAILV PILOT Wedneldi>Y April 10, 1CJ74 ~---'-~ G.nera.'1° ----~1"0"'02 General ---~~100=2 Gl ner1I 1002 Gener1I 1002 \/rdnt1d11y Ap·d IO !'11 .. PILOT t.D\'ERTISF~ ~6 1002 Gener i i-_____ 1_00 ___ 2_1c-.-,-.-n-.-d-.-1-M-.-,--1022 I Huntington Be1ch 1040 I nuntlngt ! . ~~· 1040 General • rl«4tile Sfflitlt ~ REALTORS"' INVESTORS!! • TRIPL.~X Sec thci;(' three top cnnclitinn :1pa.rl1ne11t c: i.AJC'!1ted n1 nn c.\'1,:clle.111 r~rital ~1rc;.i . Eac:h unit ha~ 2 lH:droon1 l~ 11 ;t l><1ths. Shr\\\'s $530. a 1nontll 1ncornc. llurry. only $4i.~50. OPEN DAILY 1-5 1·m ne'\ on 1hc 1nnrkct. t'n1 lar.~l'l~ luxuricH1s and I h<l\'t' a \111·:\r lJI,. ·r111:: I~:\,. \:\U ('.i\'J'. ALii\A . !'>cc 111y ne''' t;al'/lcts and dr:1pcs :.u1d the fresh gret.'n nstro tur on n1y pal to. 641-Vista Bonita . . . . . Buy me -$67,775 CALL 644-7270 2828 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar •""'"""'""",--w-.-c-.-.-H"<LP ·;,~ottui11~unvc,"l..,ll:llll SELL. OR TRADE A HOME AN VPLACE"IN THE NATION 1002 G9neral Atag:n iricent rn;un ('hannel vic\1 . 0 l~dr n1 .. fl bath ho111c \\'ilh for 1nal dining r111. 55 Ft. lot, 4 car garage. pier & i;lip. 5575.000 WATERFRONT LOT You can build the house of you r drca1ns on this 57.5 ft. lot on the n1ain chann el. $400 ,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 8Ayside Or., Suite l, N.B. 675·6161 Gener ii 1002 General 1002 EASTERN COLONIAL CALIF. SUNSHINE 4 BR -2 B,\Tll CENT.l:.:lt 111\LL P l..AN Enjoy b.:1rk f'fl!<'I two ~h•I)' r·harm with Calif. sunshin('. The lour huge bcdroo1ns plus family roo1n n1ak<'S lhls ho1nl' great for f;unily 1ivini:. Offeml 11t Jlt"t $.19.950 "'Ith HY.: dn ter111s <i\'11il11 bl<'. C111l ~15-!H!ll WALKER & LEE Rl-:AL ESTATE t'OSTA f\IE&\ OCEAN VIEW Cl)nlplctl'I) rt n c 11 "d . :: B~roon1. fa1111ly rn1. 'J. fri1h·~. \\l'I hor. hit; J):il10, f't'<.' C;i111l \na lrou1 c-1·1•ry l'flOlll $1~.ifll), IT.'~l \Vesl!'..'.lilf Dri1·c Nr11·1X1rt Bc.>11ch 61~1tl1 $390. Moves you in! 545-9491 2 lk<lroon1. 2 l.ia.1h ,\dull ----------~I Condos. Sl'lll'r p:1ys all Jf:.n '\' Slltll('lhi~ you "''11111 scll'? Ol:lS!dfi1·d Rd'i do '~l!ll • t.•a ll N0\\1641·567,'\. to I ('osts. No i:;1n1n1h·ks! C:iJI it lt'S-4206 nr 83.)..3846 l\1:i•111. A CONvDllFNT S~NC AND S£WINC CU!OE l'OR THE GAL ON THf CO, -~;\'.(~~ For an ad In Call Mary Beth Women·• world 642·.5678, ext. 3~0 Seamed-To-Slim! Crochet Two! 7099 ;~ I~: • ' ~ ·;. • • . ' . ! • ~ • 'f ~ ' • SEE ME -l'n1 in Jlarhor Vic1v lli.lls, 4 bdrn1s. hril'k cour1y~1r<I. C'lcguncl'. PiC"k out nc·\l' cnrpcl. 1f you 11·1~h. Sc'c me nl 12()1) Key \\~:-.I , I l<1rbor \ JC\\' I ltll ~. ~\.1.500. SEE ME, l'M IN LAGUNA -Sitting pretty. true \'IC\11, 3 txlr11'1s. :! baths \11th bca1n ~. bricks ;1nd hcaullful. 1Jr.:aut1ful char1n. Sec inc at 2828 'J'crry Bo.ad, Laguna U(•ach at $9.500. SEE ME . 1·M IN HORSE COUNTRY -~cw· port's Up1>r.:r 1 :~1y -bcaut.i fu l. A 4 hdrn1. fan1 & dining rn1 . All recently rL'<ICc .. hcan1 cell · ings, front cOllr'l ynrli, $li5 ,000. 2.365 • f\lcs a Drive. IJal'k 1:ay. SEE ME, ON SANTIAGO-l'n1 ne11•, vac<1 nt and very spat:ious, 4 bdrn1s, 1900 sq; fl.. corne r lot nnd roon1 for your i1nagi.n ation. !'111at 21:11 San tiugo !'or only ~7.500. SEE ME, l'M HOT -and have ha rd\vootl fl oors, coppe r plun1bing, 4 bdrms. big kitchen and a 40' 1>001. I'm at 1520 DoroU1y Lane, I !a rbor I I igh!ands fo r $79,950. SEE ME, l'M IN PORT -at 1945 l''ort Car- ney, a beaut iful 3 bedrn1 -1 bonus, super con11nunity of llarbor \'ic\v llornes, S89.500. SEE ME, l'M ON THE ISLAND -Cute too! 4 bd r1ns. plus gues t unit , top decor. updated. formal dining. Sec inc for $112.000 at 21:1 'l'opa1.. J~al boa Island. SEE ME, l'M CARMEL -and culc! 3 Bcdrms, big: fa m r1n, ~iggcr pa tio, a rts & craftsy improvcn1cnts. 1~eal ly nice a l $75 ,950. Sec n1c at 1818 Port \\'heeler. SEE ME, 1·M EARLY AMERICAN-a tra· ditional ho111e. ti bcdrn1s, 3 baths, big Jot on a str eet of ni ce homes. Clean and neat, sec me at 2421 Sierra Vista (off 'l'ustin). Bring $74,500 in Early An1cri can Dollars. SEE ME, l'M PERFECT-3 bdrm. 2 baJh du plex. like llC\I', qua lity throughout. near footb1idgc. One of the best at $117,500! 420 t;old enrod. SEE ME, l'M CONTEMPORARY -Brand nc\v, exciting desi~n s, skyli ghts, courtya rds, 10.000 sq. ft. lots. 3 <Jnd 4 bdrm n1odels fro n1 $82.000. Sec 1ne on Irv ine Blvd., corner of \Vindwa rd. Nelvport IJcach. SEE ME, l'M SUPER DUPER OUPLEX - 5 bdr1ns in on e. 4 in oth e r. near ne\\' condi· lion. price reduced $6.000 to S129.000, now vacant at lil8 1\cacia. See 1ne. SEE ME, l'M CLASSY -4 bednn. 2 slory bi g cul·cl c-sac lot. trees. clcail condition . Better :>l'C it at 1939 J\ildeer Cirl'lc, Mesa \iercte. !;i5!).90(). ON TOP OF THE REAL ESTATE MARKET \lo'ITH THE NICEST PEOPLE SE LLING THE NEA TEST HOMES CORONA DEL MAR. 675·6000 MESA VERDE, 546 !i990 • CALL US Gener.• __ 1 _____ 1_00_.2 1 -Genml 1002 Old English Charm I PENINSULA 6 Months Younq ~:n,.~· 10 vii\·(' irnn~tl~~,~ I TRAN.s:;t~:~~~'~J\\'N J•:Jt li>n1.; f1Jt'!'l'S sal<' ot lhl.~ I ll\'1:h<t•1r1I l)uplf'!'I. Be~! fl:-.cr Th<· o"·rwr h:1s IX'f'n in 1111<.: in 11111 11 at S:tl.9M · takr hl';1utifut n.•11• honlt' 111~1 uvt·r p1·1 hn~ll4'ini,:'! I l•llli;:' C'll<lll.l:h hl Ul•~Llld!' it l ';1!I (il,'1--.:11~1 hraut1fully . t·:vrl',\'lhlm.; "fYFl<'f ~·,r,r; ..• ,\,,A""!! TOP-0-THE Price Reduc ed B .. chwolt r~...:IOSU'O ;\lu_.it ~K' 11 ' ! t.y f'riday I HILL $2,400. I S<3,tXKl, %~"'11 BKR . \Y11h ;1 drun111ll\: ISO d1·~ 2 Bdrm . + Pool Hu ~rbOur _1_0-42 plu~ 111.'1'1tn vlf-1\, ,, I lirt-ur1fully dt."rorl'tt'd 3 Hit $221600 nY O\\fll'r, 5 RR. I ha,11. on & l)\·11 or ·I DR cu.sto1n bulll You l'lln pa)' S200'.I ntnrt• than 100 fl rornrr lnl \\'llh 60 tt. lwni<' l\'llh hui.:{' i.:en11• ~m. lllls fur 1' "'""' urut fir )OU d«'k B1•st \ 1t"1v In lhr forn1aldl11 lng,11nd .lu"ur11JU!l j i·un huy my up.;r:ult>d uni1 1 ll11~hnur . S \9!1,000 n111~11•r 1>ul!t>. Ouh11tl1• 11 t''<· 1, r l2 OOJ b(•loy, rt'p!.ii•r 1nen1 :!1~2-:!'ii7 1rn.;1v1• 1i11tln 1l1•Ck!I, bl){ I L~t' ~-.-------=., lr'f'l:!l anl1 u 1'01 l,lf>fi<l All al :! lklrm rondo .. d•'5lrab1e 1 c'c•c1c"c0:..------1-~o... HARBOR VIEW HOMES 1!11' (!nrt1• of a •111 I c r I 1.:-round l!'\'ll Moor plan. 11~ 1 1 ul"'l~lllt · veoro; "<''''· rtt•shlv Pl11n tl'CI ----------- /\. 1'~t:J.'.:~~· t1t i11th t.ouc>~ul.ly panr·!(d n:id OUTDOOR l'opul;;r "S0111c.rsc1 n1odel". l.urgc~t plan; 5 bd rftlS. & ran1ily f ill. Upgrade<! Cfl rpet!; cust. drc1f}(!S. \\ell landst:apcd -a 1·L i~tic: red1\'0<KI cteck1n ~ . .'<lrit \'iev• of \·nllcy & night lights. ·rou o\\·n lilt: lund ! nut leasehold), $93.~ Call ti.II.-:'" ~n-nf'j"rl \11·1nr, moni, plush .,_-RELAXATION \\ll.Ill)ll/K'l"•"d 1'!ln1ni; :u•t :i. rwau!lful pMft'~ ... tu111\I land· .~h.1i;: 1!...ttpc'!~ & 1·u111nn1 111 ·;ipi11.i; 11lth 1111rinkh•ri! 1u11I ~ dr;q)j•$, (J\'l'!°\'llZe•I pnnlT)• 1\)\'1·rNI JHi!lu . A 4 h41r1n,. . ' ' rttY'll, ru~tt)rn r!l~ l'OUll!('r 21i halh Colh·.e•· P11rk hOlllf' l<1p11. 11t1nkP r•:O'lf, u e u I' in Ri>MI 1•on1l1!1on n11d l)fl ly "JUST THE BARE FACTS" sPhonl.~. 11·itlkln~ d1stancr ro J blk from ('(l111111un11y poul. ''OLD CORONA''i H un1111~·11n Cl'nh•I', ~11Hn· CN>lt! for 11urnn11•r fun tam·1 t'on,·e11ient "J·:·plun ·. in origina l "!)luffs'' .. , ~·ith .\tt. & ~rccnbclt l'if:1V. L~e. encl. courtvard cntrv. f\1t:\\ly decor. 3 lldrms. & f;un . · rn1. -l•,:.: baths. "\\lorth a look". ~74 ,!lOO lll!ni.: po(}I And 1n1111y pui•k 1·1·uw1n:1hl)' 1111vt'd 111 $.j.'),000. 1. nrn111! 111•\•,' •lupli•!f\ \\1th I :1rf',I~. Nth\ 52<00 bclo .... , 1·oi:I CALL SSl-7500 IM'.1111th1I d<>r;uls rinfl IOJ• Ile•\\, !l'rln1•(p.i]S ronly • VISION • 11u11h1} ft•n1u t<"-. Sl~'fi .A.Kl I plc-11""'· t nll 10dny ~ ' 847-3095 Z Br11n<\ t1''\\ '! bC'rlrn.,111 uni! ""h .'l r~·rn111t1l1~1 "1•h:1r111 TENNIS ANYONE snooJO or THE BEACH? Red Hill Realty P.F.,\LT'' REALTORS L'ni\' Park Crnter. ln •int' ~ J 1"' 111 fro1nl ,\,k1111.: 11 'i-1111 i • T.1k1• 11111r 1•hf1lit'. Thl11 IJ(>11Ut· ;; ·r1l•1 df•ll lii111'{'" ••n 1•nt 1ful ·in-le \rl. I ll1-.lr'l'l''111 1 OPEN-UNTIL SOLD l•)t ~·ui Jll .. ht~l r .. r !<LU111111 ! I '''"''ll!ll'~' h<•nl(' hH-: 1,11h . , ro•n1,11~ ;11111 "nlv ,ll'J•~ r<i \\ iliHl1 1-1·;llkiiii.: dl~lunc·<> 1\pJ1 I ~ llt'l'C'. 'r'/ll 011,·n thf' ~====:;:::::::::::::;:fOOl General lOOl 'llf1P'' 11ntl l.1t'.1cl1~i-. J:1•<JUC'\.'d ! \'1•r) l'UOrti)I "·irh ~··i·ludoJ<I ~;;:'~., ~'.~~~·'.n;;k.-145.~~i~i.'('I~ Glen~u(i)al Q) K-! ,'l\ .... Si'l."ffl b t t I ~~:~<11;rn:""~~ ~~~~ f;~ 1 ',·,·;:_,·,',,",'1-~~~ill·'~~··s~~· FIVE BCDROOM . 1nu 1\1n ,u;-· ! \'.'"'; 1fl.ri1';' I only Si~.9ti0. ., "1-..1 ,, CALIFORNIA "'"TY'"'";""·""" """ilY 1 u1n or ~ und1•r ;1 I);'\~. 'I ~ .. \I, \\,\I. ~ • t d l f'l:nr•!ii''<'< of !h1• ILt:I• of 1h•• I I RANCHER !'l'•J!i·l1~ ,IHU \lilt m•! h;o\'I' 1962·'471 ( .. ,. ) 546 8103 REALTY NEWPORT VISTA . :r•.7 .. IJI) FL'I.!. 1'1.tlCE ·• n1.•J•11· i.:.i~. ··l•··t1·111d "" .... • Since 1946 phu11h1111.: lull f<u' ••r\!' y1•:1r Downtown Cotta M ... l'l'l\'1!11' tr1•1· 1111 .. d ,1rr-1·r l!I fh1~ h"llll' IS llf'AUIJfol. .!1i,;1 :1f1!'1' ('~1·1 .. 11 'lflM''' I Cl'S'l'O~! l'Dp(' 1;.w1 .. 1yh• 1171 f:1hnlou1' :-.'•"1!~·11 \'1~111. ,..;, .. ;1 !1•1\· ul Hus IO\'C'ly li(llTII'~ h"n1r-l•~·at£'d rinlv :.! l·!k~ HARBOR 642-2991 ··l11d1•d 11.1lll'd 1.:1··1111111, 'Iii' f•·;.iur1·' n1T': ~hakl' rnof, (',\[.I. !i75'·7?.!.I 11~1111 park N w«lkin~ 11!~· 1 --~~ r<1und 1~·111i11f(il !':d1fonu:1 i-•'I• rlin rnL l1u1ll ·in n111~•· 1un<'•' '" lll';tc·lo. :N~(I i:q ft Lady LaSalle n11wli !~•111•· :>11.i1·1r•u~ ill• .~· ~·1C-n, Ila~ i-lutlt' 111"<·111111•1', h"u\•• r111 Ii:•· 1"1. :.! fqJh·~ I $62,SOO ~·1~':'1t~r ;j.~'i';1'.1.·11::~; :1n~!.'."u11·t;1;/; ::;;::~~;j'·~f ·~11;'.::.11x,·l~~h~!.1::·~~:.11:: 1'01npl. l't."1!('l·uralf'd i F'f~· 0\\1\f'rship, nrar largt'sl I I t 'I 1 h Ontu J'l•er1•;1tlo11 Rrf'3. 1ilt1h1•11 111111 1'1111111..: :1r1-;1 1.1f• 11< .. • ·••r" nn• nlU('. I t. Jt • t "1" ~ HV i\PJ''T. ONLY J.nr,:1• h\'1111: 1~••1ll . (inrd1•n 111111·1 u1ur1• .1 ,>.,_,,.-.}, I , 1,." •nai:ier ~uir•· c: 11 " , 1 WALKER & LEE 21 University Realty f,u·ili1v. l'n111•l1•d d.;11 11t!li ~ 673-6510 i: u 111i.:: i,: ni:~ 1 u•ll'S lu t>11t1•r· I • _ HY O\\~ER I t . ' ' HEAL l'~STAT 1·; See The Ocean• I 1:11nt'l'!I 1>11110 n\·o•rl.1nk1ni.: 1 (.'Qi.:r5:9~1iSA Frn1n your front slt•J>. \\:ntk ...... 7-,12 ~.~., 00,,7 Altrnl." Aml1l'rs1 n1 od c I , rollnn: J.:'l'Pt•n la\\·n~. Bo.it+ I 11111' "hnrt hk"k rind 11R1l'h ""'" or "'>U"°""' , Uni\'l'rsil\' Park. 1 RR, tr1t1ll'r :1<'C'l'ss :t i·nr g-arai.:c ) the hoats T'<'IUl'n nt sunsr•t. I I '>J"{'n11uni grecnll<'lt Joe., :•nd ~11np. S.1:!.950. ('11 l I HIG CANYON. D {'an 1' Tnkc au ".".·ry n101"rung-.iol::. BIG & BEAUTIFUL 5."1:!-~7SI or 83.'>-0lt! -•-Sp1'1·1a1·ulr1r l.utr Couni..' & t1u th!' "1·L i\ll lhi~ (/ln is this I lx-ilroom hon1e. Laguna Beach 1048 fi[,.0::0.1. I :O.lod<'ls f•1r SHI!'. ''I sn be 0t~·i111 \'1r11• !'1'11n1•s fh)111 1~· :-·ours 11111'11 :01lU hu)' !hi.~ \'auJrcrl Cf'ihngs, dhle ftl"C'-NEGLECTED 51!1.::00 10 s::?jiO,lU.I. u 11c 11 1-)ltll'IOUS 3 Ult family room 11l;l1·e. familv rnon1 11 uh BA YCREST Daily lU lu ;,; ::o. h~1111c i111h hu:.;1• ni.lsll'r bed· o'fln1·1·r~ali<1n i1il. lJo11 nstairs I 8 Rue Grand Vallee l'O(llll 1,11:1~ 1"'1·•1011· upkrl'r IJ<.'{lt\t<J111 fo1· i.::ucH~. l..Jt.11{{' l{<~'lr.r1•, ~,\\'1:: '_rll!1l'~1\,\'DS CiJ:: Ci.1111·1111 N1•\\'llflrl Hi'arh t.lnl~. $.Iii • .00. ~<1r :1pf1t. ,·;,II i hnnu;; rY»)n1. Cu~ton1 rll':lfl''<I }o ;,nla~l u: 1111lh•1n;u1·, !I 11111 . 1 ~14. fi-11..f,(fJ; hll·i211. I ,~. c 'ill'l~·h'•t \lllh rki•p !'Ith H"1nan ;;J1lr11d"r 1111 lu(lint.: ' · M.111\ 1· ~hat.:. ,\ 1nu~t 1u sf't' $li4.500. <1unk1·n l11 !11t.: 1w111 \\Ith Balboa Island 1006 l"oll, n1assive liri·pl<11 ·1 .. ~'tr hioi1.. ~ The Real Estate Fair n·1111y i11:1<1h'r i:uili' i1Jrh ::rd I ' :J ' 839-6133 or S36-2S51 1.11tJ1. '.l b1•dr'f•>11l 1·fuld1'1•11 .. LOTS OF CLASS ~I ===========: 11·ing or nH1irt~ •r11;11·t1•rs. f<lH tl;o.."l)J.:lt IIIXl.OOO. ls· DUPLEX . llwnPT'. hu ilrter ! I U1u1•Jlh't ((•rll'111I tli11i11t.: !lt1t:(' 11 J 1 'i ED ROOM BONANZA dn•;1111 kilt'ht•n. '.l'2' f.1 1111 1~ l1111d hun11• 1il11~ in•·nmt•. 11·ant~ IU SC · lti.1!1<' l !'t~ I' · ! B ~llJll(' f'Oll!TI. ]))IS IJf po!Pnll:il B1dbou ·s ~hlll'jl(.'~I 2 ho'fh-or>nl BH. 2 B,\ IJ()llli' ..j. lll'I\' 2 ·I \Jp. I Do\\'n . :1 ba1hs, I .11 1 hoint• + 1 l••cll·••• !!•"•rt· HP.. ap! on .lg<' lol 11t•xl 1o. C'I· B<•al'I• Toii·nh<lll"l' 11 ith l)L(})s I and 011· s:11·11 1·t· fll' 1'1'. ,,, I JI ll &ucr htU'l)'! Ciill &\~0?.03. n1rn1 , Lik~· nc•\\' in;;idc• an1! ty pal'k. Su. l! 11·~ ··~I ;111rt 11•n11t1> <"ltJh. \\'·tlk to.l t1ll1. 1'~\t1·11~111•ly r<'n1rodt'lrr! 1~!~ . •,n IO\\ll. ~\Ill.OW. 't'llflfll~. i:h11ppinc:. 11nd g•Jl f. I \\l!h lj1J:dlty 111:11Pli111 ,\· f;.,',..]f>J~. $;)!!,:J(IO. 11·vrkr111111S111p 1:1~! )•'Ill' 1 T:ti-1t•full\' tit'1'ul':olt'f! /Hid r .. 1V1na df'l i\lror THIPIJ·:X HUNTINGTCJll HARBOUR roR~SI L OL~O~ SUMMER ..•.. . ~f'tt1111::: a 11:1'. rl,...·k 11rc11 in lh•• frY\n! nf !hi~ :.!·~1y .. :! hdt1ll. "\'iC\\' horn{'" II !II nl· 11111· vn11 lo l•nt\'h the l'l"i'fitl h11rPt•nt111!;s & 1hr s1•111n:: sun. durui):' sunHllf't' '7•1. A11d. t•U! of lhc r1.•ar 11 in· flo1'.t:, nrl' !he 1n1nonunil' 1·ir,1·s nf Che natl\'e Califor. 1n;1 fl~.i1hills. Ila .... :1 bl l·in huh·h .I.: h1'11mcd L'l'.'illnc:~. $·17.!JOO. ..,,/O/an REAL ESTATE "' flF lf J. TOR.) l!l~'HI lr~'.:11inn . Two h!•11·ks I,':• ~ ISi:. lil!n l'itr•Cl'. Pll'H. REALlY lo IJt•ad1 tirut l>h'P'.111 i;hup· dwh~: ~,:r1~. -~~·11~. S~l .. :~~l ];lJ I ('(),\ST II\\,. l!l·l·!J;;l(J Glt>OOC'YIT' ~!i~IG pilll{. Ju!-111~1!'<1, 11u11't ];.i-1, Mkr.~1.1-•• 1).,,,, .M1~9ti,111·\1 s 1711 . X.lf,..\~ .~. 2l3: 591·2li·[i ,.:,lJ 1)()11. ~~16.j,.'\80. 1024 1 I 2299 Ha rbor 64S-0303 Co sta Mesa CALIF. CL\SSIC. · Popular OCEANFRONT COMMUNITY A COLDWELL BANKER COMPANY ~HERITAGE REALTORS ·• •. ,, ,,,~t t t'f' lpl 6' • Pri\·a1" .__1u·h ,t· 1"l111Jhnu!'f"; N 0 M rk I .. , . .... . . :> •• • ' '"' ew ft Q et VA ni;sun1nblc l~n. ~12_.950. n1rr ~ sq. fl. nl luxury ISLAND LIVING >·or< SAL.>: BY OWNEFL \'a1·:on1 hu! nr11lv d••i·nr:iR•d Chan11u11!; 2 "tnry ::. r:n :: Bit S.· rl•'n 1 ~·1,111d 11,,111,.: I hnn1r: l~lho:i 1~.1;:~"~:.~r SO. r'>t'11• rrpri.:. fh't·pl, hltln,,: B.:\v & \llllag-('. liLi--::.1S6 Spf'1•1;il ~nl'ak Jll't'\ ll'I\' ,,n 1tu~ 11:0 ~l'I;'. c·;+ll RhR. 9ti3·~1. lt1in~. ~ Hiltms .. 3 b.1th~; "l !1111 of F,111\1'" 4 l.l<•rtnoon1 \A AS:sUl\IP'TIO~ • 561.500 hugl" h1·1ng 1·n1. v.ilh \'HUiied h•11nc. J.J'l\t'I\ 1ntrnur 1!C'tut'· Pr~s11:::1• areri. ;1 BR. pool, l'•·iL N frpJ1-. Forn1al dhun:.: 11!1n11 1111h 11iu"h 1·.1 q1t·t~. loii.: .: ~11. •'ncl p11•1y ar!!ll. Ov.11· r111. off 11ell equip1K'd kil · l'<.!<h l1n•pl.11 't". 11.,1 ·k 1111111 1·r 1C'ry ;inxious. BKR. I l'hrn, 1\·ith ;.:ooking isla111I .~ 111\•11. 11ilh plutol. ononl.(l' .'I.: !~~~ .. if.~1. I hrkfs1. hrlr. PanelPrl fnn1il)I Jlt•fu·h ,1.,.1.~: J'rit·l·d :it I ---I rn1. 11 1rct h:ir. i\lstr. sui lt• u~.:;oo: s('1· l11ur"d,11, rro111 NEW CUSTOM hrts pr!1-. p11!in & g11 rdC'n 1 10 ~). ::1:i:i Uray La111·, 3 i~'dronm, 2 hn !h, rpls, h:.th. A Vf'T)' funelinnnl, 11·"11 L'n~ta i\h·sn. dqi~. bltni:. Grrat lorfltion. pJ;111nl'd honir'. 11·l1h ni ce "n•·I 11n11 ... •ki• k + lrt.: i-lu; Ca pistrano Beach 1018 N'llo'I' 11·:1111~ ln1·1111lL' pr•.,p. • Qr.111i,:1· 1>!' Sun IJ1ego 1 .JL'ST Fli\ISHEf1 By B111id<'I". ('oun!y. i\i<ktni.:-S\l.1,;11Jl. • 111.11 C1111C' Cnr1n1·Ht:1. Suhrn1r do11r1 nr lnulr: ! ('1111 1 Sf):1nif:l1 s1ylr :: BR, 2 BA li·[,.SIOO. I hn111" 11•/!rp!l'. e11 .i11 rntll~(' "nrr!CJ"f!.rria. .. ·-.r; ov11 , .~· 111·1·11, ~hill: t·11 rpc't 111111· ~ COATS \\'alk 1•1 llf'\I' Civic Crn1l'r, g1u·dc·11 !..·patio ii rcai:. An f'~· s1:h()lils and shops. l\IO\'C in t'f'p!lonal offrri11g nl $149,;,00 •· .. ~ .. :~ .. 'd-1 c_··~_s; .. ~_9·;_t:~_3~-·-·_11_.',,'~ i ~ ~~~w -4'1 o\.S67l '4••·1100 ,, .. u1. Url'Hki:;;;;t <it pnvalt• & · tL \, E. 1111\\rtnl l\ t :o . I' 1•H• '"/~unny •':<po~url'. WALLACE • tt...i I ..... l'o·.t.~-I C11111pl1•!t'll ft•rlt'l'.'d .. ~::9,\(\/'l, c·:11! J\uildl'r d11·1· l: t, REAL TORS H RD TO FIND I """""''·"°· '·"· .,.,..__ -s46-4141-A Corona del Mar 1022 (Open Ev1nin9s) DREAM HOME S34,SOO I~ TO\\;>. J.1\'l;\'t; 111th !'1'i1l ! _ ~.·u111111y 11111111~1)h•·t"~. 1 ,,.~1 * OPEN SAT. 1·5 * ;\ll::.SA VEJ:llt: Goll COUl'S(' ln11n;u·1Jl!•I(' 3 l..IC'dnn. '..1 l>at!l .. l11·d1nr1111 h1111u• on l11r,,:t• 3308 OCEAN BLVD ll•inl<'. •I B !~. lJ 111 . t' 111 . h'1111('. :\l•lfif'tTI blln". plu~h ' ll~,· tll'1'1l lo!. Clo!-!' tu Ni'll · • 1·rr1i:-. rlC'lu.~e fan1 rm. I C'h:•rn1 :.;nlon:-: Bt•;iur .. ~pi· k111·ht?ll RBQ & 1'1'1111c: ;1rt':L ~p;irkhni.:: i·lt'an. ;\Janii•urerf 1••1l l>.u·k 1~11 . ll.1nh1!•MI ,.10u~:; Bl: .. :!'~ u.1• hrun<' L~t· 1nrtStr 6'lrn1 suih'. '"rd. Trtiiis flrxiblr. ~"f' flo•>r,. l>oulill· .,:.1r;1i.;c• ;11ul I ,, , ,·,, ... ol 0,.,.,.,,, ,<· J• 1,.,. ,.,. "' "·' 1, lay • , •n · I t' I I '~ ~ "" anrl llf'ii('I<'. Call Ii-l:J.S·t!~ ~· !'•'•'111'( p:illO. ni·('c 1111 .v :! Frnlr~ .. ffl11)ltl l rlin 1111 . 11/l'Oll\'t'r~1!1•ir1J1 I'll & ~ •·• -.,.. ·11 t t ti' '· ·" SourhCo, Rf'alro1'!-· ·~· .. ~v 1l1 1n~ .... 1 1111;ii~· •' lniclv ~11<',..1 IH'ou:-1• 1v full 'I frpl(• "llf't liar. ~),j()). 1i~•11· I' •)illill' Sl\.·, Jlt'I' Ill" ha111: idt't1I 1 .. r 111nth1•r·il1· 0111}1;"!', :'>-l!l-~'t.'S I O\\'NF.J! l1'a1·l">. i\o dn1111 1111·Judin~ ('l'rL)'th111g. C'a!I 1-----C I • l hrirm \\'llh (·1n1ilv l.111· or r1•1•tii<. t'n'!-! 111111' ,,f. $1 '.\.('0) r1.S1>uinf'S I',•, loan for " .. ·. . ' • f<or l'01np!i'\t' 1h•rall~ ;116-:\'l'it} ,,, .. ,...1• Call 1,1 ~1., .. ,\"J,in...: JBP. ,1li·\ 11 1. 1,, 1,1, '<' 1 m1: . fr pl!", . fluuni: r 11.1 , ti-1 ·~kl . •. -. ljJ • 'c Illy l1u1l!·lll" ~.nl'lO.•C'rl p3HO, • 1 .. . ___.... d1•ro1'ah'~I. llas la t·g-r sunny Bl:: prwil. hrk S::9.!f.JO. (Jll ...._ p:1!10. $:.)()9 1no. puys 1111. I !1!"2 1~-~ q ¢ !l1\11Cr·1\i.;t. li-16-7411 or .· ' -''"·------- ~HERITAGE REALTORS Happy Sunshine Home- 111 0t·l'a11 On :.! lo1s. 3 1\n·h ll;o:-. 21>00 Sq. rt. 1 ~lnr;.-. Arll~I nr Dt>c"Ur:itors dc-111.;hL N•t:uriry ga1t'.' gi.ii.1'd<:. l{f'> dU\'l.'d to Sl:J9.000. for 11ulck i:alt'. i\lovC' in today. ~uintard ~R EALTY Since lf4' Downtown Costa MMI 1171 HARBOR 642-2991 f1•0111 lhl' Ci.11t• (\~I f•\h•t'11>r ' • I In 1111• ~;;.i1·fous 11u1•r1or Ii \'. ~ .. llo\\u.nl .~ (~11. -----------s1~·lls 4·har111. <0:1ll :~1.»-~l!ll , H..Jl,.. .... un.i..~.,. I S 0 h C ti ' I :.i·l.)-1261 01\'l\'~~R l\lUSl ~('II -!BR. 2 BA I B,\CK BAY i\RF:A '1 C';~li fornia Clai:sic, l t~ -~M~O=N-.-B~A~Y~T~E=R~R~.- Walker & Lee TIRED OF \\fj\\p~\~!~ a 1~1~1t·1~ .• : 1u.;,\[. E,'\'l'\TI: 1 l1w:1h'd. hop tn !o1•n"h in , t'(JST1\ i\IE~\ RENTING 1)111"1 ,.,(',• :11~'11. S111·1•p11112 1)(,)l'f Y. l'RJ',Kt<l.lX s;;1 .. ·r10 11:1l~s froni IA•nch; .'~u~try A linl'ly rlc1a1lcrl 2 h<l1111 ' 'R~Al.10~ ' :1 Bf{,:? h<i.~. Fan1·rn1. !-1(1!1(' I ~llthl'n. fron~:\: ;-e:u sr:;~· hon1r: l'{'('enlly built for !h(" »~1oo•c ... i'4!,~ .... 1 rrplt". Qu1!'1 ,\. •·11111·1·n1!'nl. rrs & inotc 01 ' · prcsrnt 011·nc r. C1"!n1pl<'tl'l,\' r~-•n·::zi ~;i!l 1'!.'..·r~<f>-%1:1~:.!I __ Huntington Townhouse hugr fonnnl i.li11ini: rm:, t .~. .i:. . ' •• 545·9491 I,.,,,... ,1.111'<\11>f' 10 1111111.·r n1:11" .. 1 ., 111• 1·an plll .111t1 1r1 ;+ ~ 111•(' ·11111111• ,,,,. 11•• !lol\111, HI: ~11!!t'S, 1.,r 111~11 l11·in'~ TUSTIN Fri'•' 1·1•111:11 ~•'f\'I•'''· l'" 11 1' •>Ill ;11\!t •hllt'. II II\: t' I i I t.ii;.1711. · rw,1.1" n11 111·11~ r1· ... -rn;\1 ;: ONE of Orant:t' Coun11··!! finr TILi-'. l'(XJL: ;\\.111 ·'Ii" rtrn I c...-... -.eoo.·-,\s~un1ahl1• :i' ,•: \'.\ lu.111. 1 ·"-IG-.~..O 11·•:od 11anrlNI. ook fll'~., f'ON'l>O -EXTJ~,\ ~lf'E , ;; RH, l1 ~· BA . S:!l,!)(111 famiJ:-· rm. I.gr. outdrior Iii" Swimming & Pool I . ..:11., :: !~Ii .~· !)Pl\. ':.! h,1,, ~~~-,:1 11urhan1. Pool ing 111'C'as. rull flCt'nn \•le11·: frpli« 1·11>lnn1 •"P!~ t.c •lqJ~.. :.? HH, 11" B,\, S\9,!lOO Sl·l:l,000. I._,,•. l l l hu111t'.'S. Tu),ttn lllll!!. 11v1 ••fl c"n11~. •·•111lr>n l•h'U rflilfl, O\'l'I' I ar'I\', :; l\,[t' C"Ul'llH·I kil('h('ll. (';111 '1 ht• _S::O,'.l<YI fh1n1·1· b·lf,.;-i_'l,)11; __ I !!~i'l Cont~~Pntal Dr~.~ool._ TURNER ASSOC. Private Beach Dana Point 1026 ".IKR : 5-IS-11 11. C've. J.Jr--1611 tlOJ i\. Coos• lh1)'., Lab'Ufla . txh-n1s, 2 d bl garai:1·~. hn ...... 1 W lk & le 1'11:•h1a1L·d' '(1L' 11\\ :-. n11•nt \1'/1,·in<' <'I' 11 .1 r. a er e THI:: !..\:\(), ~nl~ S"..-.6. P•'I' \\11:11 i11rirl• 1'1111111 n flt'rst:ln I CASH HO 494-lln 11;11:1; lh"\' ;1lw1111 a c·h:irm· CLOSE TO 24 URS \\'HITE \\'ATER ffl<•Sllinl' & 111'.!. 11\·tl il<'"1r:1ll'<.I 2 MP. • IJ~\'\i\ .~"'T i\l.\H.IN'.\ For Your Home l..B v1c11'!! 101"1'\'f'r. Custon1. $10i,()OO. 1i1~1&1z.s:~-.i1. ~(A• liT ATI IH•l PIT! \\h{'!l \1111 11 ~~11111<' ------------7 \'.\ lo.in.· HI' o kc r 2 B.\ hl\1111· "" .i J.:1'll"MU'> "'1"0'l •• B0H .B,\ .. fpl. Sll.!ffl. I ~o hiddl·n cost~ dela\'s 2 BR, 2 b.tt hon1C' 11· A.I.A. SEEK & FIND" Spun fillers L G 0 (' T J T II G 0 C T G L A 0 G A N C /\ ,\t A l U E 0 T R I 0 II E S R 0 II 0 0 0 S M II T G N 0 U A J T ,.I f.1~. A G T C E T T 0 fol 0 S A T J U I T I I' J 0 T 11 C A E R P K R R J J S S 0 0 U A A 0 OLKISI LI AJDA AAT N AOG RLAAEOAA lltl SB FS IJ E SA llH O H XHALF' RUTG E SWCW G AO E O OG It s A K S 0 0 AX C TAWA L O TX C Fl.A ' It YT OL U OOHK O FAMKl!ft!S I ALI M J A ~f N I B 0 R C I. If l I S U J C D R L R X F r 0 W 11 A I II P l A J 0 T E RABBIT SILK !il!Al. WOOL ' fil A 100 Ir lu1 111 C'onm.L dl'I · ~ 11· 1' nun JI ;i .rrl Z'<iu ohl is.:a11on~ 1.~ 1·rs l~\~ Pl~n for t'.' x pans ion . )l·1r Th" r1\ll'rta1ntr<: )llnrli;1.•pping i.nd f1'n1·1n~ I BRASHEAR' -REAL TY Eiitranee I\' 1·11 y !\rd, B h H.d 11r,:111n Only $li!l.~..W (all ln(·luil~~· ,\flrrnouns, call I B4l 7411 E 968-117 Conff'n1p. 1lC's11i:n. PriC('(I for eac I e-a-way lill·l:.!11. l2l~I .... ~.f..{:~ • ves 8 quit•k sall' Uy 0\.l'll('r 81 • ~ Fouotoin Volley 1034 ' -R-EPOSSESSIONS !'9.:.00. 0P"o "°"" n•. I l'~"•'llP•' I!• lh<' sc•ii~nity of 1hf' I -----Sat ,{· ~u11. Jlt..i S11rnmil Dr. :\J .. \.-.:1111;. 11nlv ~1lll" !•• tl11• t I • • O d L• • }''or infl'lnnitOon and location fh1n1 •r. 1714• 499-~!.:: __ .... nd .t· ~111f r1~\n1 !h'" ( ~~ ut oor 1v1ng of lh1.'1"i' ~·11,\ g,' VA 1u1nies, BETTER THAN NEW i.1i11•1nu..; ror11h1. <1101t.·1• 1•1111 I ---At 11'~ l'l·~J' s .... ·11nnii•••· '''''' l·unt11cl • ~·-t 1 I ' I ~1r1·n 111•:11ly 1·n1npc!f'tl "·.IHI 11 II\ 11!'1\'lll\' Jllll\o.J, --ll'f'l'l';1l111nal far1l1ti•« o>,·•ke KASABIAN I 1 r i l l(l111(•s !o hr rroud of. all .1.~h· !II~ Ill' l't• t':t I,., . I ~EAT TUIS: th1~ ;111 nu1st.11l(li t1~ 3 I \l'!!h \\' h ! Ir \\'11 t (' r 01· f<'n1•·:11P11t !n :<hv1i111n:.: :111<1 1() .. r:on i;tdl' ,,f Jl\\V, l"l:t\ l11·d1n.1111. 2 hnth Tn\111hr•u<.t.• Real Estate 962-6644 t"nbulou!\ l lilish.Jc Vlf'"'·s. !I u n 1Jn~1 on lh1rboul'. J.'l'tlUlll! fur th1• k11I~ ai;~ \);1ri,:-.<1111. 011n•'l' l'll)S St•l,I. O\\':\'J·:r. rnoi'('s. SZ.6.iO doiiT1! l\IOVi' after school is out in s.:.1,;,i'(). 111'. Po11·n. 1h1' ~11'{·~r 1 Hr. & dC'.11 \\1th s~.Dl>O. :-; '.i bdnn. 2 ha ln\\·nhot1sc lilnt' to enjoy n beaC'h-sirlc ',u·t,.trf,1r. :,•'~,a. Cll·L u,·i:1• !h(' 531 .. saoo I '1i111 FA h<'al .. rhnini: rin. Su1mnf'r. JI!('" ii', !il l ,\' lll'I 1:1r r()I' I ..... ,, . ,. t I Red co,pel, Realto,. \'f>ur 111n1hi'r·in·lai•. THEN : I' "tl -in'<:. u" Otll 1 r.'lp•':<. ;·fl11 h~1vc-:l Bl', '2 Ba fnr your I ~~~~0· brk 526,jOO, Call "497-1761 faniilv. ,\~lJ: n I Br. I Ba. 16139 B kl 1-y *0 / Bld.-~5~1-*-~rir.ii.i(' 11111. th.it t'l'n1s f<u· roo • Hll'Sl , ' O\rNElt 11nx1ous. P no 1 wner r · " e 0 E • ho • $'1"" d 3 t t ul brriuliful OC('A.n \<ie11 s21::i n1t1. 10 hl'lp 1n:1k(' 1h1· pen venrngs n1,-. ~ ;,,, o\1·n. ,,.. rm", p;iyrno'nht. PrLl"': S99.:.00. I fflrnll~· r 111, frplr, l ilt-in~. hnn1rs. 4 tloor p1Rn!I .t- 0111'11 hou)(' lhL~ 11'\(l'nfl. 6U -. - -)';lfi1>. Cu ~l Onl flt'f'Ol". 5t'llin~5 lo i'lloi/114" frnn1 . J Cimioiun .A\'f' 6;;,...."1.'Jl Huntington Beach 1040 "~todcl" ronrl!uun. brk B:!nn .. hlT·ln kttch .. rust!<' Sll,!rlfl. c:ill ~12-f,ltfll. \\'Md & till' d<'<'ki. Close to I-IOl.\n & l'M>fl~·h. All bfmd11 JlAHBlllt \'IE\\ lllLLS. HELP!!! 0\\'XER 11.n.,1611~. Nt'11r bl'h. p:1k'I J."1111u1cin1? a\•al l . Ul.t;SK1!·,'u1:'.r 3 n,1,t:.. d11•11, 2,''1 PRICED TO SELL 11'"1 ni!l ~ .... ~v.im rl,l1b. 3 SIG:IXI To $.'iG.!lOO ~. • lU1un . ""l' w . . .,. rrns. ;:; uu,, fam1 v rrn Sou hroa p Ir' 1 111'\Ni, l10'tu11 cln~is. LlkC' ".•1111.i run~. ilf'S<.•r1bt th{' I frpk'. hullt-tn.c, Clv . pat io~ I st Af' Jl.! nc. Ill.'" Qui-c•t !r;lrc•'l \'lL'll', th11nn l~llli _ ~lmrlm T1111n· l.«J.r.t'/pur<:/111.St'' Pl'OP<"rty. • 49+-0.iOI • LOTS S!lG,000 nnchxJl', Jandl Prin. 00111" r.uhnh' \\11<) "'Ollhl brk C9(1()() Call i~-Z'Jl:il RE:'<.1-$4Z:-,. nnh &W-6379 hll\1' lhoui::ht a lO\l'l) ho111e I · 11\,TY $62.000. Tu·o 11leRl 11l•lo.' by 1\rle •itcc;: · . · hkt• this f'oulrt '* 011·n('f{ for ()\\'NER 11ruo1k1uJ1 Beautiful 3 OPTION 182,900 !or tV'ln111 hon"'" !n I CD;\1 !'-1nust bt·~iu!. du11l1•-.: unly 5"1 !lOO bdr111. 2 ba to1-1·nho11se \\'Ith Tt'p of lh1.· wurld-Calalina ~t'l"P•fl':!!I "''l\1"1'11 and llll\SI 2 5101)', lu"urlrous 3 BR. :.> ~9,6. 2' 2456 dinln~ mi. frplc, b11~ll'IS. \'if'IV 4 BR ... r R .. }''p, ....... ,_ l'l"'•rlnl rf'"ltlenrh1t nN'rl h:1. J1i('U~2l ·'"· h, 1nen .. 11· • I di,h11·a~h"r. P11!io. 2 """lj. 2 "-t d -e b I BR ........, ,.,..r, (' ('{', tt::IHY. Ill'\\' l'C'O. , ,:\• h O\'C'rlmk.i t!ie lnrn1ny ran•. mriim1 1(,·~1 1n11tr ll'T rluhhou~es. $:279~ dr.•1'fl' brk lrJmf'<l. occur. Loli·-00\I.,, nnd f'l('('"l!I or Bt.t: C:111von sultl', J frpll'!I L:ntr 2 1 b.'t,. 1 S27.9:i0. Cl11l S•l2-.\\"1'1 _Po'llllhll'. ~no:·r. R70-lll19 Cnunt1'} l'luh $89.;(l(J 1•n1•h, ..:."l•mc 1!1i.;~1al ~i'jJ.7il'i9 _ • O•Jtrloor~ 11 ~-lo.~ • ~~.~. Vir"' lBR srt1 lll)f'-o PVT HE\C:ll ~ .1d;1111~ n1 \lu.cnnhn, 1111 I 1" s.-ii l s 640 1120 ... ~ ' . ' . 0 E • ltfl(K"ll . • )'('lur ~ll pmen1 • soo,rm. 2 honlf'J on Ill! .. Ot.-ean ~'IC'\\'. 1~ Sllfort'('llff 4 pen Ven1n9S "llh n 1n"·-ro•t Dllih Pilot ()('f'an ir:idr of h1-1-:--. nr S22.1/(1C! (\ .. >-J.\'il) Bl<ir Cl111t1ilird J\d! 61~~ r•J...\(1.; Rf::.i\l..TY ~91-9 ! '~ COATS I CW WALt,•,cE REALTORS 962-4454 I \BIG CANYON 17 .. Ji..Ul AOl/E.R l l-1l ~ l~ti;i.ntsda1. Al)fll 10, 197.; ... ~a'1~\llA!' At.-!U I h·· Newport Beach -1069N°ewport s·~.-,co,hc--710~6=i-rr,-w-po-,,-.a.,-,-,,..h--..,1~06-9~D~u-pl~.-.-.. -,~·u-.-,-,,--t Real Estat e w~~2~90-o~-H-o_u_•_·-·-u~n-fu-.-.-•• -h-ed-:-' Hou,., Unfurnished for wl1 1800' · GRAND OPENING __ ..;....;.. _____ l\\.ANTED l'\\1y (hr-••·! !ron1 _co_s_t_o_M_•_•_• ____ 3_2_2~ New~rt Be•ch 3269 Newport B•y Tower1 HOUSE + APT <m'tlf'r. B&!boa I '111 n d 1 &r 2 BEDROO~f • duple'<. 6 ' l-3 -14 l \>r C'A~'T LA.-.::T '!Bl\. Sl:'ii!J 1--~~~--~--- '0'DO>ll'IU'I flO> ~··· NEW 3 BR, 2 BA hOu.'I(• plUl! 12u1-t:»-Y.!Cl.J f.OL•l"> G"ru.:" BIG CANYON ... . ' • .. i l.,;.j 2 BR, 21i BA Apt. t'-IC'•, l!ilf'!I!""!!""!!""!! TO I' ·nu:;:· s17·, :.' UI~. 111· VIEW HOME ~yfronl llornes ',.. Boal Sii~ patiol, ial"llK"· )11. rd ~ · J~ PI.t:X td~. >""rr•i::·· tw'('h"Uo..•tn, t.u111h· Fu.II ~'tlrlt)' lllghrlse Nt''4'JIOrf 1-ft'ights. &j6-.t4l-4 bntMI ,IJ I .\h.l\"E ~! Sl\J • 2 BH 1,.),1, IH!Hut.; i;r.·,•ii S1f't•I " l'Oncrt'lt' l'onlitructlon BY ()y.rl('r, :Jnl t~nd. 1:;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-;.~ kid,, ~(Id. lil:llrtl~esAI ('Oul ... (' \!f"V.', ) .. •l'i f'\ 01n· .~ \!Pl1 :\h thr V• Del Lago I Sta Ad'j~;ss Counts FOREVER VIEW Of ?\e,vport ll ~1rbor & ('atahna. Spacious <I l~llroorn fan11ly hu1nc. j\'ewport lleights exclusive. • PrL\•alr Ba.l<""Jni('l'i $700 mo tnron1t', ?·2RR .... 1, Homefi ders * .. 7~9641 6 1!-...:£~'i 1QJ>1 "Apartment Value~ Above th'e Others" :: garage spacH for mo51 s:u'°"'· ~tun !it'll, S.1\5.~. Houses Furnished 1 Bl<. ~!!.A <"'"'J". !'Ml. 1lhl 1 11ni1,o;, 6TJ..i245 It fiiJ...940.1 i,:;ir , ~,i rb. t11~p. 1nu11;i.· I Roor lop sundc<.-k Income Property 2000 Balboa Penin sula 3107 :\J.intai •llo J{,·f 1r.'<l $-:l~I Unusual Opportunity 1 0 1 -----~-~---·1 ----·--------rnn. SlOO ~·J,.iaiun,: . .rl'l-::J6.l Hl•.<t.lty (;01111•·111~ GRUBB & Purcha~ Baytront Pro()f'rt)' 6 UNITS w .. \IJ\ 1:0 H.J':AD. 1·3 BR. I till ~1~111, 1 1642-8235 64-46200 [lllS CO In NC\\'POrt &>e.ch. '· .,, •· .. , r·-.-"' ~·~11 1-· •--"'""""'""'""""----·~ • JIO F """° Rd Na ~• ~ "''· -··-""" '1.m; o mt """"" , .,,, •. 1 REAL TORS e67s-tSSI ., . . ' $76;QQQ Homeflnde!:_s * 547-9641 bhl\I', rrtr.1.1;. !r . ..:d_ ~"1 .,,~·u· llAH.l\IJ!t VL', ·I UR. :: t,.11 :;;,.":":"':l~~""'""'"":~~~"""""""""";6~7;5~·7~0;8:0:... ( True. 6 pndc ol ov .. nc~!p Corona del Mar 3122 1~r1td1s_ $1 · I h. 67.>J ~:..i 11r :.' 1!11!, \\'1•ri1n1. ll···LUli lt.l I ff )'OU fik" a 'A'ODdsy. rustir. arnn mrnt.s. Shnrpe~t on tht•j 1 .. r:t2ii7 \'u .• \tlJii<'•'nt l\Lr!. l ·,1111111 _L_•~g_u_n_a_,~-'-'"'ch,__-:_-::1~0c4:;:8 Mesa-Verde 1063 ~.~;~a'.~1 ~~~f !':::e::rf~~ b ock ~ ~l!'\'l'r a ''111·aru·y ·;BET1'\' A. Cl<l'li~. lh•ttll0r 1 ~ BJ(t...,nhlii ·. :'\r Sl'. l'L11.i 1~0..·! ... 1..1'1,1! J,..,.,,1 1i1 1,, .. falftlQS.I ·.Real hrl•nd 1u1rf till·US lS <'hlhh•i•n \\cll'On\C z ,.,1r )11\'d ,\\,1\l Jun" tdl-1'~'~1 \\'OODSY Alll-..:A:2 Br . 2 ha , YOUNG )'VU will lovr this hon1t". l bunrr unit~. lncall'(\ a! rnd ---·= · Macnab· Irvine I Ix-ant t"t•11lng, ltl)lc, din 111 mtlJQr sh0pp1ni;: :ind hl\'d , . , 1 , . . ., .. h ..... ~\ Ii>. d1•1•, <\•I) , !•1, .. 1u.u INCTlEDIBl.F: COASl'i\I Arf-n . llach bi':im C<ttht'dr.1.I nlt.'a, kllt'~('ll b!t·ins, 2 dr l\i'llr hospital -\'('r, !'I 'll \f.Alt HU\ \l R~-\1,\L:-i -.: Bl:. :?·~ B.\ I 1\'lli"l~· :.1il111 "" j)Llll• I lt•k e '"' ~•t.e e AJ • ~·1 G&H c .... • 1 H \ <<'~'"• ,.. '·"• •• I'"·~ e J l>,.01, o~• . o·~~-, ' "'~ e G,.,, !. ..... , • 1. .... ..1 • .... •(I .1,, 0 l""" 1 ;. L .. ~q !l')ilc., viev.· c!t>(•k. ~111,;-n. MESA VERDE Br, 2 Un. I.rg I.iv. m t, of 111111,1 cul<(J~c. 1 hlOC'k Laguna Beach 3148 ~.ir, S~i;i. 1110. <1\•n1 r I\\ I.:-. I 1 I. J ~ t t I.I !'111.Y 1 \'If;\\'~ ln1pt·(i.•11h1t· 1 Hr. ,\ 1·rilin;;:. :~ llf!r., 2 ba . (Anlil)' fN'1'zrr. rel "'Ill~ 1nqkcr t11hlt'! Cir>nd llPl'n<iAl>I<: \\ r\' l~I( . 2 l~l • 0.••''111 t 'runc r 1111 n n. 1'11'.lOL fl ftl• ~-' 11o11111• r l'tk 1. ., 1il $. '" fan1. r r11. 2 f1'Pll'". on 1. I'm,:: !'llr ~11rncr, hn>phu'f', :..e1\· d111h"shr, v.·a.~hr 4lryr~ I V.<'ll m1u nta1nl'<i () n l ~1 C U:"'ll(J. Adults unl~ S:.«J .1 :':."~~17 11 :1 -; l'.\I I hit .. ;~'.I &ere. P"-"'l!~l'un?:1 Slli>.:fi prn r1lc 1•11 urt y arrl nff 1 Ln: Jlt'l\'flll' p;;llo off h\' $11,400 do11.n 10 Si~.000 ftdl . • • ~ \'7.\(.'.\.\·r 2r.1t-!l"u~;-1i".:. ~l'H:'\ llH l':'\~l I:;-. Studios, l , '2, 2 & Den, $175 to S485 Mesa Verde & Adams 540·1000 N . . ., I '!l.J ~~·r bt'dronm, AJnkr n rm Olfrrii; lnrb:ir outdoor I 1~r1l't'. llun;.'-\\'flll.t la ... t lido Isle 3156 51 ~• A!.;o 1 Ult r•..:lrv. sa.1 •:11,1 nlu11 ·I ll!t .• _ l!.1 , I~· hou.,es Un11.1rnis h ed !;p1~ ~~':11~ ~J~;; ~~~~I ~~~n:~·1!ft~f\\'f\t'r $!7.~· :~u~e ... ~~~"~~·.1·"i:~~ l~S1IMm· ,,,.~31't'~'·1i~1 B•:.\L'T •I Bl!. :'\ 0 n~ ~ [11..ant._,~i..:L }\.'<-' '.!i'!t-.. I ~· I i,~:. i:;z~~'.;:'·~; ~:'"''..~'';!!\~ :;~\ ·~ ......, 'N'.I 5-W)-06.1.\ Or contnc1 O\\'IM'r in " I ' 't1n1n1••r "'nf.11 67~..:lil~I. Pa!n1 ~f'rin.l:l\. 111-t , 32:).l2l1 , J a.ki-_0076 ~ B r~ BEA~1! lltJL','J·: 111'.tr 11,~1~uc 1 1 ~ \ ~· ua:. ::lt\. ,a ~lism~:l~l\·~, •• °'r."'.~,'''·,111''1'1\ ..•• , "''°',,'I Mis$sionMAViejo KE1067 To "4_'\;. 1'1!..ll for npp't. [~· ·p n .11h .. in1 , pwr 'hfl Yrlv "r Da na Point 3226 s ... u Jlh>. 1;1~-v.!.,\, ' '• ~ • ' ' ) S th L 3186 .'!.irin.,, $~•1. J~t -t· Sii.Aii I .u~. I Iii,. r .. 1~•''· 1,.·,1uf Townhouse yofrn 3525 rlunllnglon Beach 3740 !an1. m1 11 C'r h.1 r. S:nn•· -• Newport Sho,.es ion • ou agu n1 ih·p.,.;it .i:,1-:.isi,; 1•1 .. 1 d• n·r ,\ :1 .. 1 .• 1~i. frplc. ~h..ik4· rool. ll\•'llnr:11 ---i.: •I'll• 11• ....... 11 11 1\ 1 )..) vie\\-s. \\'ont lni1t .•t .s&i .. ·iie LIKE NEWll 4 UNIT APT. BLOG. ! HH nr;tr hr.11·h. n1••'. f1,1n1 Hun tington Beach 3240 j..._R, 1" ·' • '·'· I $ ') >=:1 y .\Br 2 ha Upgrarll'd Great rental area!-i;oo.I ffi. .l i:n•' ~: ''1 .\u.;., Z~ l"r St,r1 -----j ·' •ltJ EXF:Cl:Tt\IE )!,\.'\Olt 4111 1~ MONEY . fhru 'u1 2'c-·•. '1 1 vrs1n11 cv~r~ :\fN<.'i 'four·• :n:,;o !'t A\•· S.•u1h !..:1J.:un.1 ,.1111 1 1• ,,-•. 1,,.0. 2 !!(' ... !•\'{;[.,\S:> \h·,1 1n ll\'!I i • (l .Lr i,:ar .. pa 10. . • • · ~ ----'· • • .r.. · " Ul' • ~u•r) l ' 11.hn 1 lllT\'. 3·1 liR., i::a1n1· !'n1 11t•1 r.unt.lt"l:lt. \\';ilk to beach & Bil unlls, illl'. SS:-1~ yr. T~ House' Unfurnished (n • .i. ;: 1r. ;1J•pl1 ... $\;oijJ I \fl;· n; !~ 11 ' ''.' -~ 'j bar, 3 frpks .. r-.1 .. :..1~·un ull' )>ooh;, S.'1.'\.900 IO': do\.\11. $65.000 J ~J,,!;J:\l·: 11 ,1 ~UH. f/Uu't · IL :~.1 ~. \u" · ~.u fin>. & roif, h:rl(~·,ua·.~. CAYWOOD REALTY Wesley N Taylor Co Gener.JI 320'2 · · . : ti' 1~·11 \\vi .. W l·uli..i. 1 ... , All}' in\'~\rr.rnt Iha! rould • • 111 ''•1• 111"11 a · t>l l-11~' ~\\'{'('ping OCC\111 \'I l' \\. * ···1290 * nr:.\LTOR~ \ \C.\\'f' z Bl~ Dt1p!1•\ ' • ' I ll: 1>N> niak{' you 11s 111uch rl.'l 20"1 ~ J l 1 \ J,V\N, prolll in 12 nvi. inusl lw• ---2111 S.111 Joaquin ll tll~ Hr1 ALA RENTALS ! $".!°!• 1..:,.1~. :-.rn.;li<, y:11 d. i:ur I .11·~·1 l•'I\ l.t1sh . •n ~ l\!'Jrlh vnur !irn''" \Vhf'N'~ San Clemente 1076 :'irwpurt ll•'Hl'h 1\.11 l'.llll wi \Pf Hcmefinders * 547-9641 1\\.111 11•1 ll··•>.t', ~)I':. .. .,.1 .• 5, .. t . . I . -TS -(IA"11 ... \lfVl(I . . s .. ~,' .\],,, l~t·lt'l'<'ll1 ,,, r• 'l 1000 N. Coa!'t 1l11"y., Laguna ~1lr,,\f~l 1s~~?,,"fo~:,1m:y O:"J·2: S ECl~UO r-:O lll.L£" ~acioos ** 8 ~NI .. '!fjc :-J:\l:t .. E . ._ or F:1n11h1'-;.~ 111 : ,\l,L'.\ r tol l ''-"-'~ ll ·IBR rslate home 1r1th I llA~P\ TL)'.;;~;>;1:~ f ~it HOU\lS 1 ~"11'''· htk~· '" b..··1','11 ·'1"1 :: ;.,( H I. I 1.1 ~ (l 11 11, 1 1,,1 . ff\< r. • ~ ,h.11.c' ~··"""). ~a.L.<t>r .. ~J,\J)RJD :0.!0 DE!. Fr111u/'l'S ' . • " OC'J..,\:"' HP..f.J..ZE::S "'''· 1.a. Ilk,• rl•'I\, $21.l .. \~! I l. I laq:.:t' Bil, f'l1111al on. 0.u~s'.n nchni.; ~,in &. hill J:\('(1:0.lE $t.2'0 I) OU,LS It•·•· ~';'.1-,l~) 1 \11 .• ,·,.1111i. l•••l/\1·11111' ~p.~t>inu.~ 1.n. 11· fp. C i\. \ h v.s ~n ~ ar.:r<' on pn,·at" I l'EP. :\IO:"Tll . . , ' • -. -, S .i ' .i. .\ ' ~ . I "' l'rl•·i•d ri~ht ,11 $·l~.'(N) \'.i· lane, Ft"atures Pf'l''!-11 Doors. RIVIERA REAL TY NfWl"OIT 1.&Al.C M •41 ·&l l l t.11\ 1.L'r. ! !IP., 2 B.\ .l :•n11•I ,l,,_\r·<', 1..l l ·l•:•l/1,1~ 'i~~· ha\'" hi,nl('s 01 all pnee r~"'tv."Onll ronstruct1on, l~IX· I !J,\LL<i.\ 1, 1, h ~lJ i. :-., "· l •«'••t~d . ~.J•I lll••n'h ~·la·!li;, ·'· 11 11 .i I.ii \ u, 51 ,..11111 ... r.in~C'S . i·all ury carpets, 4 cin'ulatin~ __ • _642"!.007 * . _ ,l\ 1, I, util pr1Jd l!nrr;.· .111'1 .~;1~ .. l'! _ ) l.J, !.pi.,~!\.,. 1 •• ,,, h·:i.., L frplC"!", 4 ba, 20x30 hv rm. TR IPLE X BARGAIN k~;.\1. :-;.-,1 l\.i. I" Sl'•J 1t1111 \I·.\\' 1 11i:-.1~: ~·1 11 : !.~ .. \~!<. :! 11t111 ...,,.~1··',1"'"•·.J,.I •1 VAL Ey ~1~ qu~rtcrs, P r 1 c e d 2HR/1' ~a1, ('ltt h unit, hl!i ·i~. l.;u . .:.un.1 u111 !kl. r~·i ,,i( !Ir, •Tpl:., drp~. sz;,::. .. na hl> 1J l1J·l ••1 , \l !·1>,,1 Realty 586-0222 -'· ~1 er market hy FA ht, gar's, laundryrtn L t:O.! h.,~ : Br ~1·i0 :">0\1 ~..,.~ tih~l ~ ~ ',",' ... ' r :;~;:e,r. ICl:i.11 OQn :'11111'L'i· ~13.900. I .\11.ril. :.rn1!1 l>t:t " l'hlld l•vo·ne -------3244 .,,,,",,',·,.· ·''' I!.\, l u ' u i ,\ ir "· •x·,, n enry P.rJ. or, BOB OLSON REALTY 11 li s lit'lua '..! Ill:. ~H;."i , ~ i ,u .. , , I "1' ·~11•1 \ .,,u····~··. ;.;,. Ju•i. 11,·J.~,. .,01_.-.0. 'I , . \\(\>\' J.:,1r:tbl' "' 'H)iTVJ'n 6l.·960l 54t>-S.:~-io B.\C'K l~ty ~. Hr ~I~ S.I:!:• (" !:!{, ~ IJ.\, d111:n.,: 1'••111 Wa lk to the Beach Lovl'ly l..11!-"Una charmrr~ On a la~e. nir('Jv Jand<;<·af'J('<! lot. \\'i!hin "'alk1n~ rl1~laTl"" to lhc i;urf. /ln11 a('('('ntJfl!:" I high beanx'fl t.'('ll1ni::s Rteh. r\1~tom dc<..,r. Bnrk pn t~. ourdoor BBQ. lncliirlrs a I bc:iutlful!v dN'V'lr:'l!rd 1-,-i1r"1 "'~---=~~-~~ apa11mcnt. $G7,jry}, [:111 H'r.' •)11 n~·r· • 3fif<. OOu"t' Air 491-ROO:!. eond •':' 1n1. $Zi7 1no BI:AtlTJr1;1. Rl·::-.1onr.t.F.D IL\rt F.~D,\ DUPLEX $112,51'.Xl. r:vrnint:"I 4~24:SI San Juan Cpstrn. 1078 Income P roperty 2000 1 rqll•·. all ;1pph q, :.! rar Z l~hm, '.! 1.,,, 1>" ludr<l •Hv '·I 11.u r .. r \ 1•·1• J!.,111•· 1 1111,. :\IA:"\' .'!OH ~: 1'0 ('1100~~: ll<'V.J0.1.1111 'l'I ....... ,,,$,ul 1111u1u, !~"-'!.)~It '·~·•''I ,1()\1 .1111r~a:!1 .n.1 I 1 .· SUBMIT OFFERS '· 's · L·A·N;1\D.,L,o'·'R"D"s'.\sLI.'. :'\ ' ' I l>t. l'l.', h•'"' l.ill'li \'11' I :lS,\IJJ!!f' j,,;,n s•.~ dt)ll'n. [mRBElL J ""·'"'·""' """'""'· ' ) :'.l!:_~l"~ V1.1_'~9"-~-"-"~~ ~ Newport Beach 1069 1920 S. Coa st Ill\')"., Beach ~--~ WATER CHANNEL ON 2 SIDES FIE1\t.:T. 3 Al'rf', <'.-il·lusi\·r hon1c llill'll Q\'l'rlookini:: San .Tunn Cap1s1r;100 \'allry, Ortl'g<t 11111·. ho r s e s i"'rm1rted. DIAL REALTY 19?.-11$4 1. Rnrc C"D:\I C· l lot n11 Pal'lhc Coal't Hi;:::h1\lty ~I<'. Ira:;(', or build Iv !<Uit 50,@ cars a da.v pass !his lot daily. Askin;::: $6J.'000. t·~:E FHEt: t '0111 l '11 T,...111y I ALA RENTALS I · r ·""'· L.;.1,t I !111..1 .... ;u1 111 \\ ii 1 . 1 '.J' 'J '• 11111111, :! h,1 1'· • '' '<Ill• • ·• I ., !'h•· \\ill"'··" .... , .. , ... ~ ;) j "'" • Y•.•I !II••, hol-1•1', ~ 1}1!1111. : 11.1 i.,:r1·1·nt>o·lt I Nw epo;!2~o~•!-. 3272 ;o;'1'111)')rt & Uay. f,11·1'1~.-..1 1 ..... 10011 . h·I• .,, ,.,;r ...... s ,_, Wh T L• I l l11hn1 , z t1,, .v 41,.11 1:-.J .\\ !~·11.·r .! Bl: l•1·h1,•· ere o 1ve. I h11nH·. Lni\•·i ·iri i· .. rk . Liu1•i•·.1. 11i1«t·" 111.1111,.·.1•11 2 Hr 1ov.·11houY' ·pool S;MO P •Hlr'r i i~·il ,111,j r•·nni:-. S.'lt:O u ,,,\'. );·111/.\llJ. :1..1-1>l1,, L • , 1 • I. \ J••'· ' , . 'L 1, ' \ " ! ,\ r, r. Uuplexes Unfurn I \ .• 111. n., · · 'll i ;1 .i J\1\1 \t I ti!: ,\: l •1•n j600 I ' ,., ·\ r ! p l'I• '\ X '!•I, I ; II.,, ) '·Ji '·pl , 1 • ·u;' ) .. I II,,-,,,, i' ,\ .: , ·, ',• ,' • ~ '· >\ J'"' <;• >.:"U'' ;~, 1•;•,• I•!,\ 1•11\,,., I'• 11 '' 111·"111"' ')\\1 .\ .. /''" .... ~ ·~·' : •t I 'LI ' :1:. '"I l 1 Io!• I. 1 //I 1 " \ I• I • I I'" I ,1, 1 · I;,,, ' ,.,. , \IO I l.1 :• , < ·• ' •111! •·I ~ 1 .. 1 q, ;"'""" l•l )•.•• .. 1 .. ~".• 21:1 ~, J•\ 1 !•.it ... , 'II I•'. ~·L •., 'l 1•l 1~1~ 1\1 ,ul 1,1, .d -41• ,j ' ' i •• l . . ". ' I ·;;. h-~L' ,\ II(• , I•· S!Jll. I '• I (,I • .1( , • •' ·> '' • I , L,, 1,1 .. ,, .. ,, !u·.1,., .· , , ,,.,(,' ~-•·' lrol·· Id I CLOSE TO BEACH!! 1;r.o111 ·"'" , H ""' ' 1 .... II.\, '1trl ~o1 r. di hlln'. '\.,.., . t., 1' ., n · .. r 1 .. 11 1. "' 11!~. ..1 I l."h ,,\ l!H 11·1. 'I• ~part ment s Furnished Laguna H ills lOSO \Vt1h y11ur own pi,.r & float nn 1.10' of wnicr. ,\ gori::("1US :\ HR. f(lnl !Trl ronvl'rtihlc !n !lh Bdrm, 2 b.'J, :!.(UJ I<'! N!C'F. 4 UNIT APT Lari::-,. lot, $8000. income. S79.5!Xl. E\'cnini::!I: 492-f\2&1 2. Santa ~\nn eli!;hl store sl}()Jr 2 Br. l ... aizuna ·\'Ii•"' S:i-!:1. 3 l...Jr111., 'J. !J.1, :'\c'" Turi It:· San Clemente 3276 pin~ l.'enter. Provrn l'l:'ntal 3 Hr. Cdl\! · f1rt·pla1·•· s:;:.u. fU(.'k <Juvl··~·-.~ n•·,or hiM!i Balboa Peninsula 3707 hls1ory. Nl'XI lo A!pha &la, :l Hr. Cd.\!. n•'W S1'.17$ '<'hl•ll. '"11Ul\, fl't" !-.\:\ ri\S l ll' !:>!0••1<·1 !1[1., .. l;J:. ------~~r. Laguna Hills ,\~kingS269,51Xl. 3 Br. i\Lriurn ,t (>iJ'k I ·1t11 t1 $~''!)I ii ;. !.,\, v11 i.;ull 1•,u1., .. , J,," roon1 s:~~-:· : ··.;····:···.··r"· 1 Story Condo rt liomr. I.~ p;:1 1io ~ .. rnr>l'f' [ F<•r :'ln unhelirvable SI:.'!!.~ I~ ' l~lt !I\ • )~1 l)H ''I UllH,; l<otll•, ~~...V. 11"• 3. f\f('sa Verde triplex . prl("t'tl 2 lir. F'P. DR. f'd:'I! S~!l"i " " • · -· · lmmacul~::? h;.02~1omin-l tor trade but rouJrl bt' pur· 3 Ar. Bayfront slip s.'liVI: 11· lll'll' "'11<1" o:i ).;l('•"n-,\i,\ilt .. lJ .. ·lw ., ·LI~·"•.! rhased \\'i1h con~·urn'nl rs-I Ar. t·n 1·11·11, n"w S:)?.i I 1" Ir, !•)I.I~ ari.I l»au~, · · 'i • ..u :,n~1.~·. S· 111 l)e:sc loeat1on o! !\('\\" Jl"iiiiiiiiiiiii port Isla nd. .., , . lhdr111.2.11.,ln1\1·1~11y H F U f 3300 f'ro1\' O\\·n('r 1\·ants lan;:f'r '" J,r C'am(~t 1i 1i.:lil,1nd.~ S.'>'i':i 1 •. ·k • , 1 ses urn/ n urn "'r ;·r• . · I i·! -.i r , Jt1~t I l'<.('• ·ui .!/~ , , iunl \1•ilh J,:our111l't krleht>n. 1 private encl~! pall'1. 2, car qar:igc. H<'1! 111!• nY1f. eommuni!y pool 11~1ill'f p:trkini.: sp11('('. ,\s:.ut1 \(' ~11A Joan Sl!r1. per 1110. i11c·lud1•'j principal. interest . ra.\t'S and insurance. C•tll ~'.!311 C:1 !l &lll-~Gi:! Li~tin;.,-s '.':l'rd•·<I M b'I H s Oran!!(' Count y res1den11;il ., u · •· f\l \\, ••nru~ ~.tJ. S ... 0 1 e ome income or commen·~al. Ask. ·I Br . P ••n 111 ~ u la , 11.111 1101 r"' n •a!ion · · · ;....,I HAL. ISLE, :"\"11 ly rv11t·1·. :! __ f_o_•_•_•_l• ____ _;.10100_;..; !n~ s1t .500. Rarfr•1n1 . $!11() CAL l 552-7~00 Hi t /!,,, ... 11.111 ... uu1.11. r .,1 li Hr t.1d•1.\~ l•,L''h SliOO • VISION. \,1y.f1i1111.\1.1y l.,1.1,. ..... ,,.,,1 MOBILE HOME c ,,LL 67:>.7:!.:!:i I Br Lirlrt. Fun 11,h1•d s1 :1l1 Condo U t . 3425 J=OR SALE : r.,1t 6-;:,...7?.!"• ~--~-~-~~:._ SILVERCREST Red Hill Realty .~1.11:1• ',, ,,., 1;1,rr, "" ,_ l 'f \f I'' l 'f.\[.fO ltS' pt!ll••, n••11.~ •l"l'1t ftl1 •I '~~!~~~~~~~!I MOBILE HOME \_;uv' /"••J.i ('t•nh:r:· 1;._1:,,.' 1u1uui:hout, llU:. !', 1,,,. 20' x 53', 2 BlJ 2 8} carp., t .. 1,11~. •'I'" , .111.1111 ~, ,q· ..,,,, draped, bl!·lns., relrig., " 1:uu1 .,1,..in 1• 1.,h .,11i..,, \\'asher & elect. dryer, 11•ired ! \\e preSt>ntly ha\'l' 11. hnr \"'''• 1~· .... 1, • 01, 1~·11, :-.11•>J' II ---------ftJr 220 air oond., kllch. ~r>!t·ir iun ,.[ 2, 3 {o ·I 1!,.1•• l•• 111.,.111 .. 1,.,. J '· ~ EASTBLUFF f'lock. storai::e 1111ec1. 1an11. HOUSE ,,,.r1,....,n1 r· 11ta1,, troni s . .;:, , ·•:·11···11 i~ •.• ,,,1 ~ .... 1.,u11 .. I ~==''=:;':'='='.='='~'.".': CONDOMINIUM S<.'llped p.alio. TI1ree yrs. oil! 1·3 BR, 2 BA llou5e plus to 5;,:~ •. n1•1, 11:-. 11 ~11 :1~I • · 1,1, 1, \\o1111 '" l.•.;ll' "'"" Laguna Niguel 1052 ~.O Sry f1 .. 6 l'lflnn . :1 l\'ll/i" · hkc nu. Loca!rd in new 2<! Bl~. 2 8.\ Ap1~ P•tltros. r• '·"'" H1 Iii•· ·'""·J \\r· "'' • 1u.1< '" '• • "1 •· • J. ' .. (ill' j bd1 ni. .C· dc·n 1. Coin· ~duJr pk. llllo'il)' from noisy fl'plcs. > ;ird . .;, l>i. u n d r \ , I •'I •' 111 ~.11 .. ~·( 'l !1, h••u,.,11, ' · · , "" ·. '• ........ ,. GOLF l'6Ul-St' i1· 111·r;n1 I pli>t,~ly rcfurbishPd lhniout.' St. One·hal! bl. fro m club. I i:::i.rages. &11)...1.ll I . I r,.·1·d~ 1"-'"'.':':"'.'::'.~~~~~- view. 3 J3dm1~. 2 h;1!h.~. house. P.rduced 10 Sl2950. --------~~~~ WATERFRONT •'nn<to. on 111n!h f11ir11 a.v nf Yoor i·hoict• of ""'" carpt'.'t· Call EVES. 2\J.69.\.4690 1 lll_'\ ·l·plr:-;rs, ~ .,"\lxlrin, r, '-" in", n•'lll <ifophances. !\('If· 6"711 '2 · 2 .......... tso·,, .. bv s1d"\ "'\nl with SLIP. 2 La•ge beautiful 1-:1 Nh.•ul·l i::-olf .. J • J · • '"'' '" · ~ · .. ~ · ·' roursc. P!u;; shH~ crpl'K. clr11111nJ! dhl. oven, i::ara!.:e CAN BE SE EN AT: l<t~ she!t<'r. Call 1101\·. Full I 433 W.111h COSTA MESA bedrooms, 2 1;2 ba th ~. dra""". la t"'r m\·cred fla1in 11 l'IC'<'. op.•nrr. i1···r bar, enrl CRESTMONT ~r,.',~1S1:i\J,000,!.,c;.lSP,t,· J{caltur LANDLORDS FREEi C ii r pet s, drps. Very .~J ,., 111ut S· <;ou1 mu1111 y pouJ. .... ( or ~~._... ,~ --~ \.\'/ indnor·outflonr crpl'i.:. I ('!u•r ro n1arkc1. srhool. ESTATES _..::__·"____: --· · ---. 1;i:::-.;Tl"P~'' · p r iv a I e . $500. Bkr . S19,:icKl. Ry fh1·nt'r. fall -.11r,p1•in;;, 1·hur1·hrs !.· Fn.~l1· 1051 Sit(' Dr .• Bren. (Centrril 12 l:NlTS·F.ASTSIDt::, CO:'· y,,u <;,.;··,\II. ·i-1.-· !!nu~1·' l ~t \\e~r<'m /{.uik 6 1•/i.'. d33-2560. 711-5-.17-!f.ilT 01· 11~:-,·:1-2'600 : 1,,11 1~1anri. Ours1;ind1n:.: Al'C. across fl'On1 Rrc;i TA !\!~~.'),\. Rrrril:, ~!iiVt'. ~\-;•1l1l•I" !,.t· !'•·111 In (I C I: l'nl\l'l ~i:> 1•,rk, lr\·in:• aft 6 pin r:dl ii 1-l!V"....4i2flfl \·a1u,~. 1·or11p:il'C'! St;G,500. (',ill Comm. llosp.l l.J)t •.;G •·r~t drps. SIR."JL'J u~t~m; !110 lit'IJ.ET!.\ t l ·ri,\T~.Ii '.! Days 55.2-700-0 Nights :'\/'.\\ /'{;!tT C 'l!~ .... -r L'<J:..!J11 SEA TF.llRAC'E :: B.!:. '..",, cn.11~:: 11} tn ~. Brnkt·r. CONTACT RAY, PK . .'IGR: I :SJ6,li,OOi. O\\?lrr. ,.J:i.;..'Jl,!}.i !tui.., '·"'d'" _______ _, ___ 1 \ 11·.\\ JI!:. 2 • l~A. Ii;.: :!',,;.,1,",1' '··1:,. ~~,,··~'.''·'r'hr •1,•,•;·_. 1 BALBOA lur shn11·in". I :\!fJJ:j]L 1lon1c P.1rk on l'ul· Homefin ers * 547-9641 ko• 11 1,11 ., " '"' "' ., I :.! f"j/~ f'1111d11, 1\/{' , $.!:.'j/l)lo') ' • 1 ' • l•\•'I\", '"!lo· !1ra(1'> H.n·rr. Arlj. l•t! H\·a1J Jr•JI \\'. 1:111 !'T, ..;:,n1., 1\lll : HI: l'.ond ... ,\ c· S1'.!, ,• S.'J:,, 1•.1t·111r, 11,·1 1,.u·, ": U.tl•·ur11t•!o. J;('~t 1 .... ·nh~c. 111.~ ~mallNt 'PENINSULA FOR .sale Sx:\S !raill'r \\"(!h Fnr11n Co. Rraltor 6-12-51'1)1) --'H f~ ('nn1!<•, ,\ c S-,;:l , .. s1:;,I s_1 .. -1/;\fl) .1~'.'}"' .~i'>-6i.!ti ••r prlf'(', Only 5.\9.900, Q11 nr l' ma J I cabana·reasona/:r/(' J..2 BUR:\! houi;:ei:, pool, F:. LANDLORDS I .._ B l~ 11 .. 111,,s .... $l'•,1 & ! :1;, l I f.'' bl .... ~, .I. 49.?,.{1'21'1. :: i1c'<lroom, 1 b<llh hrlmn plus rcnl spaC'C!-onty adults ov('r Costa :O.!Ma. S67,IY(). Jtnom . . • , : Bl{ H ... rllc~ .. s:i:.", .-., s:i.1.:1 Hl':..TJ:..L.n 1;..: 1;,_,1,.11-, .. fll' •.. _, hou·h"lnr t'f'l\l (ll. Builr·1ns. forty nreft apply.no fK'ls·M'f' 10 add. A1.,'1. fi..12-1~11 \\l• ::iJJ\'c1a ~1Lc 1n :"'t11 v 1r. .. FHA RESALE f1t~·pl;u·e and patio. Sti!.OLO. rnunat:lT ran h(• nlo\·ed .---lkal·u e t,;urvnJ tk, :-.1 .. r e 1 Bl: 11 ·m•-; ..... S'::J ,t· Sll..lj :-l"f), JM"ib1d1• Ta.n111t'.11·k • 7°/o LOAN fl.1.1>.ilil. JGIO :-\e\\'J)()rt Oh·d. Cosra (SC ) Triplex $56,950 .:. LJgun.a. Uur l:l·111.J !'l'r· 1 lll! l,l•Jlll'', ::· ...... ·).}/JI T•,11nhnn1 4·, 1 7~1r. ]~;on! 3BIU2BA condo. Pool, dhl r,.~ 'Y '•L ~. /j 'S FU'' TO Bf lo·Cl' l\frsa. OCl::A:'\ VIE\\' • 19J..I:~-, \ ll'L' !~ I· l!l:.l:. tu Yv u T11 l.,\.\t II !.1-.,,1.J \ /;HI<', ('•Jf, .\{'11J;11ul l ·1 •• 1. S"7'01 r ~ \u \'i "'' ll'-•ll·'..11 '~1 jl' !,.·n, t.dl 1.~;1;.1,1;, 1,4 .. gar, cv1:'r'\11· -1iE,,i.n · i ® :\ll~'T St."' 11'1 apprrr1;11c In lots for sale '2200 ·NU-Vii:w RENTALS ., !7:\I~ \T I. 11 ,1-l.:;1.;, .v 111•1.k .. nd~ " · Bayside \'if1;1t:e fcatulini:: 1 1 e f>.1\-~.l1.'1 e Li::. Br·~. Ii\' rm l\'/frplc. LOT:.> \\,,:'\TEfJ lb:.:-.\llul.l __ ia· ;.1 i .•• I• L;\l\'!.l:.~1T'1' !'t\!tl\ ,,,,.,,. Tl !I . Bl.! ~F-' .. Br.~·-!:,,, 1-*--L~E~ASE/OPTION * ' , l;un 1'111, lll'lr;.'. t.!f 1n k1 r.•tl1!TlUJ<h r!o .... n p;1,\'/ll('/lf .t• 11:1: ll•IU~'" ~-· Ut1I r,.uil ;! 1•1 •h<•J•)J)/).: l'<'fll 1·r ! ll'lr111, f/{'I', dill', ~:7t ... l•J \'1~·., '' ·-·.·oo :; I~!: :_i 1 ~ \ __ --t·hPn, lantasu<; priv. r atilJ !<ulurd1na11,-.n ll'l t111 1 I 111 Bl:, dt•n, $\ti: •. 2 !\!:, ~ It\, ~ l· 1. 11 .. n. 1.1r-..:1• fr,,nr tt nr1 ~111• 11• I'll 21.1· .::,1...,11,; .111 SI P-R .ght He •e' c 11 67"'~ I 1 1 · 1 r1•.1r l'"'1•r-l""'I an•I ""'' i 11 111. '''.·•.'.~0. r 11•1111 1)11 o 1 · n 1......,.,,.,., or fiT:>-53.-iS. 1.'l.L. s om ¥Jm("l' in ('{l.'l" arl'.'I. 1 •• ,Jk 111 t~ .11 o, J...-.!t 1tupl1•:-. " '" Tl . " II I ,.. -\ I r h' II !•I'll. 5 :'J.•. ill•• J: ... r 1.!!...lf.'I (\ PLACE RE.\LT\' 1·!\-!1701 l!S"il1pcn•1°us arJJr ll'.'1\· ------1 1r\\"S prl'l'ITN , •1 \\I ,\lw v.,,lr( 1•1 1i r ar h . ·~ llJ~,i 'f'l'l ~.1 !111•. t.lt11,, 11 1,1. ~ :: hdrr1 ha!< 1h'l'>C rx!ra~ 1 1 ~ L'tinsidi>r l'X C'lush·r il!"l'as a.Ii B,u•h•·lvr L·r111-., SB ~110, TURTLEROCK 1111 1,;<11" . .,.,J k111 1J'"'''· ~ l ido Isle 1056 \'flti'r!' lmkin(! for' Acau !iful R.t1IE1t1t.. a. ""!!. 9i !l-15l'i l!.1H)'1i1 $l L1, Cd:'ll Sth1; /IL: :'\{'\\, 2 nr. 2 ha , 1\1r. Frpli', t'iif ).;!II' ,\dlt,, '; ~' flt)l)r pla n 11 ith full dinim: Generll .M I Real Estate Exchge 2800 _S'+:i0~~l't'. '.ti:h'>l.:ii __ •'l'J•1~. dq.~, :'.! l'ar gar, u.,,. ,,, _•,~:.i-11..:, S UMMER NEAR rn<1m, t h<'f's kir rhcn 11·i1h I ! 1..,,1, fn 11111 11u1n r1111 111l.,1<';lt'd :'111:-i~l l!.'-\'l ~.,11 , " AP.: + nunpu~ rm ~ ~rll·f'll•nnin1•. n\·r n. l'lush . L Fl~l-.1:. ~l ~t·.E 1 ..... ~ " " ' ' ,, B p t 1400 TRIP EX •l'o· I c, '' I ; .,, e L'1il 1~!_1\\'a_il :,1 ._ ... ~\·L•·" ;..1-'.\\' :.! Hit. fl/I'. , r•I, 0101 ,. B 11 \\·,·11 ,. '' '' • ,,1 "• ,.,,.11,.1.•. •.·,·-r1---. P·•<·. I us1ness •oP•• y ", . ., 11 a ,., (·~· _ ~ 1 '1 is: ,. • r ,. '"" " ., *LANDLORDS* c :-.:t\'l·:1: . ..;1r'r.· I' rk·f\"•1\ '.! fri1lr·. \'1""" S'.!l:1 n: .. ]{'il~/op11nn. Sll!l.'~¥1 ~1111k1• mof. Park-hk1• ,·anls. °'111cr of lh1s sharp ';\lf'~a . .. ~ S G N Fo H f d * 547 9641 H!t :: U.\ T')11nhr1tt.•' r,n !J l.r-.,b .·1 .'i:Oi .~11, LOVELY OE I Fr·{' l:1nrL ~1;:1,9Q'.I. Call UR GOOD V<·nlf' pmp<'rly 11· .. ni ~ in ome In ers • 1 1 - , flit r I ·• r-1hs 1:1 1-~i':-i). REASONS O i radeurT'l6-IOunus.,\~k· (',,111un11,,, 1 ~<11!•·,1 :.:n· .. nl1o·l1 :::z:i r 1''"·ll'l \l 1 .-.;TH !·ri ·";..'v..~1:1: ., . -.~ll•l•l. ·' •.. 1 T ,,.,,.1 I \\ I' I I • '''" ,~, .~. e lt•<>' ,I ,"''O">••··· 1 .-'' ·""P'" 1<•11', J . '"'. •II' Qpl1n sunny ;L1tn<)~[!•l• 1t' ., ·~"'JV , .~ , [TARBELL J -----l.'-J \'J·.r:..:rrY-l'f..;~'··;-.: p~11,, __ S:tj» :"" ,!.! .J,t• s~.~ITERRANEAN [ffifil!]@~. BUY OR LEASE SAN JUAN z ~!~ C••Utllr,v ~·'ll llli;, si&ii. HI:. ~ 1;,\ Tl\ n h 111·. ·, Bl~. 2 r:.\, i•d)<p, l'!fol' l ntnJ.;H', :I RR .. fl'm 1!11. THIS PROPERTY I ISLANDS Spl11 !l'\(.'] :; Bl: \\f ti.•~··· f1_l "l!_l'H•". f•IVl pr1\J. s.:-,t) I dqi,, f~· t 'r. ,1 ·'.:•I l-" , "" ..._ •'"' I. Commrrt·1al ldenl!1y. 1 I · I ------'l'n. ""'···'·'·.I••.• ,,, ...... 1,1. I nH·nl, Jlll.I i Bit •1•11 .. n!-,,~,, 1\1·nll \11;, 1 '~lf•~.l $..~.00'.J ., Grci.t Ar"o. I ,\mf'rrea's la~! t:rt'R! Un· .~11 1m, p'.JOI. /\ ~J .. ll ! rl1•n ... '-f.\\' Turl l••ri>1·k :! Bf{ t.· :\f:\\ ~ BH T•llirrh" 1 • .,1, :'.-11•i1 Coo,,t 111\)., ~e\1 Jl'111 ., I • I hi tout:lll.'<l v.·a1er l'E'~:11·t . &a. il•1rs...• IU1n1·1l Lil C;.111yu11. l"'n. J. H\ ...,/ t.Jrn, r•"· ~ .. ·,· .f •II ,\n1li. •I,,~, Lirlo J~lanrl hon11•s, 11.1tku1::: dts1:i.nee ol shops. chun h1•s, l'IC. LIDO REALTY un \la l ido, '-ff *673-7300* Kca<'h. I 'r" mmt'dia1c Ava111 !Uy. utLful \\-onfi('1l tr.11] 17""' x A•·t ~·"', 97" :<.t:O I t I Pri '"' .. ,,. ~~7:1!"~() ( .• 11 ",,,.. J. ~·i".l-.;:111111·,;,:-·;..,112 Classic Baycrest i IM' 1~~~l Jot 011 Park A\'('., 4\il' (\n 1he ()l'(';,n . Nrx1 ttJ --'\l,\:'\i i'.1) ____ 11 •. >-l11,11 Tll~: J :Lt:F ~I:;;. r .. n•I•• . Bf: B!i; I UH . ,\. :l ba. formal CoJ!<!a :\JP~. $.39,950, Cood , Lopez Island airpon. Tnu!c • C::il:.1) l:U~ILl\.') • '.\~;\1 :; HI! 11.,nlf'. 1n Turli>· J s•nr\ <•1rrn·r Sl!oi rn•• 1hn rn1 .. f;1m. n n, 2 frpl. I rcn11~. 616-TI71. I for Ornngc Cou::tv rr<.ldrn· .'lif).4)~1 1{1 .... i. I\ •!k..t" ~hi ... l••nn1s, 3<il \'1~t;• Su1·rl". 611-72:'12 1 •. .,1 .. ,,.,. 11 .. .,, .. '•',~"'. tml in1.-ome. $12=>,000 clt'ar -----I 1 'I' I' -__:G'E"M·= ~TIL t . ns FUN TOBE fHCE• Balboa Island 3206 r.:270~i' -r ~·1 fl\ P'Y (' \! :Ill~ -21:.\, 1 .... r. \l .. r~ $3l WE EK & UP '11 :">"'l lllll~ 1 ..... 111~. w 11c.,,(1.:11 p .... : J.,.,,n1.i. "'l•~<JU \il.I .\)!l::O IlALBUA lNN ,I/_, 11 ,,., I ·' '''" li7~u :\I·.\\ : n1:. ~ 1. .... 1q.: .. .i1 1.1111-. ,, "' 1 tr, :· iJ '" ,·. 1.1.1 .\\ ul 1 .• ""' < r n.u •,;_, A'"1 )'J..'d:J.'I l /~I: f1n1 .1:.1 I 1"1 .. ,r~ l '11\,1h· 1• •· 11 1: .11.,,, ·•I'• ... t,j-;~,;:•1. Corona del Mar 3722 \'11' \\' .\1'1 :-i, I t~l:-111 ,\1!11h· ••II•) )..;u.1 /II' lln.1 f.~. i I ~' J: \l'\ILl ;JJ~ •111. 'Ill••' (l ,,. u, i·111, 1•.1 I (o!>ta Mesa 3724 Unbelievably Be autiful \.\I, l' l.'>l .l,!. ! .. 1rd"11 ,\1• ,\P11.ll· . '"' I" f ttJ11 •. o'\••1)1111\,t', ... lr<.l<ll ' .,,,(' 1·1 .• 11. f.. !•"! J'• l:1n ,..; li!i'.O , .... 1, i•~ ;:.ii. I ~Hf!\ l .I "J!\ \ t H:\1 ] i ,: :'\J"I l , !' ~"1 I •.1 r.,.,:,,, $30 WEEK & UP e !'<luo!1" .-, 1 l:lt i\i,1>\, • ·11' .... '.l,1111 ,.;. l \ i. c .\1 ... 1 • J 'h"li•' :'i•!'\ U'i• -J [td )•...,} • Clol/<h t rl ,r;, I'~ t .'if'< tll•ll I.~~'' :..t•v.1.,_,rl B!1d , l '\! Jl'i-~t"I:.,, or 61.1-'.,~,; 11.1 ~. f 11rn l,.;~·;111. fJUJ• · 11111•, 1~1 /J' 1.' ~Jf~I U1JI j~I r_..if·•~· :,,i \\ \\ '1"'''" l1t·d!,;.,oj \\.~I •I I ,;, :•,,' '\l.\l.!. !1.1 'Wl"I 1ji.1! t l.•1 p ,.j, ... , ! .... 1;· ~·· •• \JI. ,.,,., \JtJ•I j., t.\l 'I' l '-•·ti '1ll!llh·I' ,)\.Jt~j , 1:1· \l:r t v :::-i 1 J r !ot.~ .. f 1.11111~. J)'~ll, \\;ilk 1., p.ll"!' r• 11;.'., nll fr•i:r: i" )I Srll. 1.:., '0:\1 \\'. lr'1 1i ~t .1-\>\-Hl'.l'.! :-.1··\r u:1: :.p1 u1 ,.,f'll'I ~l,'.J/n11, :">ri jl<'!~. }.q• I \\ .dk,·r r~.·,di .. r. f; I~-:~~.~ ,.1 t .,, ~\.:~. :-.1 .. · 1;1 !1 I'.' I• ,\tJLJ!I-. I,' • ! '·" : \\ \\ .i .... 111, { \! _H~gton Be!_c~~~ I BR. SISS-$165 :'\/.\\ l>i,\ 1Ji •. i'l.\' :.,11.1..:• !.1 •JJ \ I;•, ~. • \ I • f•i< I ,\ti 11' {' ,,1.;•i< , ;' • . "". •: ~.1:1 11. J" fr.-•. •• h0 1.: ... ,, l.·1, JI!; ~1. i ·l· 'J II• f.,~lt •I dr:1\I, 11 1.,,. \\, "l1·11h I' l•·i c .. ~. 1,t \, / ' , 11 t 1: '• FABULOUS LIDO ISLE I [~ ~ MAMMOTH ·1 .1:. ru111 .. 1· s:i1.,,.1 :. I JJJ.f Tui;:!ln i\l'c., ;\.13. CONDO • LITTL~: lSL\,"l> .• 1:1',\\lJ 11<·11 :.Bl: :!B,,, l.1111 I!• I ,; i·21f; ,,r• ;1,111 r:r.,\LTUP.S &12-!fiZJ i Char1111n;; unrurn. ~ Bdrm. ri:i. !l•·n. l<1rin;,J d.111111;, '""·' 1 1 Completr ly furnish•·rl .1 IM'd· h1tn11· 1, /!q1l(• , ;:.i ra~t· ~· tr;ll Jr, 1n~·. .\\ .1.! :q'i""'\ 1 _C_o_•_•_•-"""-='-'-:;;;;:;;:::37~2~4::'_C_o_•_<.,•_M-:;e_•_• __ _ · ...... · 1 room houl<' 1n Tyrolr11n \'11· r••ttltJ. Yt·'<rl~ Apnl 1~,·11' 111 '::..,ill: 1, C d · · l:n:c 1)11 all 11.·rarhrr rond \\rn. \\'1n1 .. ~:.1·;_tii ..... ~·n1 Lclguna Beach --3'248 l Welton@Compa ny 3724 • 2{lS \'IA D}J(1B:\ • ~. nn. PROMONTORY BAY I o::,ro:;~1ums 1700 Sleeps ll'!l, lnr!udt·~ l"Jlf•I \',,C;\\T ' SupC'r \(l'll, 2 ,., ...... ·.·111.1· l'.\l,TF.·ri I ronv, d<'n. 1 \ A n1o~t TI', snov.· mobile, and un·! Ul:, 11 .. 1\ :.liai,:, •h·11~ b.· •1 conipl !1'hu1J1 .Ju.>I Ilk<' n 1 Cu~um1 \\<tl r rfron r lot in I BY . St rl furn l l1m1tt'd hot 1\·11rer. Trade for piunt i:ur. $'.!i~i. yr I y ;\r·1\lf r·,1 qlf•ted 2 RR C'1I·, llC"' homl' ........ Slll,:i()() pru11r J~nl!on .. Approwd Blk 01;~('~ ;a:~: Jncuzy.i expensl\'(' \'tf•\\' hon1c or tii()-.1307 t110?e. FrpJ(' ~·;imily t'n'ln1,\.·1 • a)-1 VT,\ fl'f!.,C,\ . 4 BR. I /•lans ava1!;_ l~r insp. pt\tl! & b('nch club pri~·. , l"l'Sldl'ntitil Jncon1c. A'king Balboa~P-e-no;-.-,u~l,--3~2=07 ;~~·:;~;,. t1(';1':\~k~~ .. ~~71~-~ I "•n. li••.·ok(•f '"'·•!loo """':l, 6·~6~ hoar dork avail, Bll ·1n. $t9.9.:lJ. , "" ·~ •• ok ~· •• :i. t1rive by, 5Ti L<•nl· 2•~BA.tu~tQn1 b!lil1 !'hn11 s FOR SALE !)\\'. slv. refrlt,t. \\'111er Call6T>7m LUXURY LEASE ll +r'<ty !..:inc anrl •·nll ~···· ... ~~ -------l!~.~ $37.SO beauti!ull~ ....... SJO!l.:ioG. Condo In The Bluffs \'I<'\\' $2\,900. llunL lh•rhour 10th .~ Bn). Q1\n11r RU!, ~.11 11.'oi '', .,. oo· J '·r & don.,,,,., 1,,..,1'1 __ '-_59_2-_29_n~~--~~ .'>l&-M'IJ r,r ,.,,~ ST.1-20!2 ~~-~--~ BRAND NEW 11 I h n l II ·~· _-------St'l'r:1~ 0 ('l'llll \'11:!\\' ;\'t'V. I pt\Ct OQ J.m CJ. t9 coivlo on "'1de, bt'auulull)'· Commercial Prpty 1600 Coronil del Mar 3222 ru~1n1n ~ J:R. :, B.\ 11/ \\'{'(:k ly Uat t· !(1r f·11L r r11\/J{'d '-l 1n..:l•· l 1nrl~"11lt'd folrl'rnh r l 1 _ _ _ ~ _ I fr;1l1 t.it·lns, Jr; .ru<•f 1 S l \l ,\sk1n't $19.500. c;all 17141 1 _._.PRO-FE-SS-1-0NA-L ._ MOVING ALLOWANCE i.:.11<k11/ dt·•'k~ J.. tt ··I , pc<.·ia • IJ\'f·-ln !{11l c .... ,.,. I , .. ,1 G"l~~o1~;: f'tfl !'"I or "~1171 I. '. 'I 1-2 ' I I ·-'' '" '-"""' .,.. " $lrrJ of{ Isl ;\ln'c: Hcnt. 1:•1f•ti.;r ...,.,,,'!, l:i -•·t • Mrt1 1~•d 1 t19l•i • Air Cot1ditiom:d f.,..,.,_L•l•D•o•"1'"s'"L~E'"""'""' I MONTE GO MODEL BUI LOING ii , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'""iii l;\E\\' :: UR. 21 J BA. lrpl, ~ 1:1: 'l. 1:.\ :'\•• t'nd CJ .. ,c ,,, • Fr" Utill tlfl • w o,ll•ri & Dr,•n . 2100 Sq. 1-'t. A.llracll\'t' ff'I'(':' i:ar, super nt'l.t;'hl"lrhool'I hi .i•·h, tiu~ .~ ~ h ,111 ~ • kltc1'ie11 f•clllrln II' .ll•crf'otio" .lloo1n SAYFRONT ] 4 Bedmorru:. 2 B81h !lt:'Whnt:. l'itta r n1a.1n DESERT HIDE-AWAY S.l-!0-5\QO. 6'7:',..JOil)/Jii'.'r-292$ $.jt't/:\10 ·ISl-iQjg -Lln~tt1 FMr~ldtU • Ampl• P'i..trl n9 Eleiant :; llllnn. 5'2 Ra.th•. I.~ \oA'R"a"o' R" "v"1'E"wbclt. ~)U~t=t~A.~tr1'!~.~:r~~ II v H1ll!', J Br~2BA. iii I, Loguna N iguel 3252 ~·I , ; ~::,~~·;::t : ~~::,',',"',','!,' P'ool Pier & slip :• lrpl('',!t f'11mll~ H ,..A I · o ,_ ' I 1-·• I J -"' MES Arnple off !lll"Cel parking ..... mp e1ely lurn~h"'l n p;1...... "' yn • •ouM.'pct: • 1 roomy./ v.~tl~r. Fuml<1 ncd HO SIOO.CXX>. Call Jeny O'Brim. flvr 11crtll in JJappy Valley drape<!. \\i v. MJlf!I, &1.;.7311. 2 Bfl, 2 B,\ C1Jndo r•n lh" c•11f I _ \\'aler Fa/!s-lagoon,-F·ountains & in Pl'riN.'1 l'!lnrhtion. REALTY·83J.0780 PETE BARRETI Pri('(' s1:,,0Cll or "·Ill <''I:· cta:A,,'1 s1d,, of II\\')'. 2 BR., ~ursr <•\Crlor>ltini; ~ln,k•· I' Stay ,\ Dav , \V ~k. ~lonth or \\'halC\€:r Agf'nt. G73"6llll'I I rhange, L.1rry Pl!'l'.ter. f,pt . beam t'f'll $26:, ,\lo ' SJ00/.\10. can bi'lf'd'(' ;:) I .\I, I • FANTASTIC sUV-'""· '1, ho. fornml d'";"'1" -REALTOR-PET8 BARRETT R8.U.TYI Y"rly c.11 , .,,.,,., '"~""'1 11 DAILY RATES FROM $9.00 Back door 11.1 t>t>ach 1valk f;i:n nn. lri;: lot. t'll · 642 .SltlO 612-1.l \l 3 BR 2 13,,.\'St· •rh-Coll!t~ \~1RR/'.IRA, rn! vu l·I 1\'/lenrus rourt ttrlJ ..t llH ... df-.~;11 nr ~ellc-"•lli p;irk ,, S.t-OO!nn-:"u cstru hh llf'n1!. I: buy \1\1. l.ll1\' 11\.\:f'" ;t· N11y ~!l••J'f'1rll'.: B)' 01\0C'r. Sot:l.:dl, PL,\Ct: l~f.ALTY ~!f\-'17G.I 1 . ~rdcn pitlil'I No"· t/fl/00 \l°"1~<.1i; Ml~ VTej~ 3267 j 1 INS. l{UM')'' q fM:•!I S~u _1 -'l, ~lJ .l'Fl'i"~CO=,c.!=l0'°"-,"\1c"-,-"-· :,? 425 ViH Udo Nnrd. G1:'i-r 11 I f ho'(i, h'°'rh ~pllt l('\'rl, r\('"" I 2 Hf{, 2 b.1, \'lf'1\' Int, 1111 Sell idlt" \lt'm~ wllh I\ Daily I h' rMec. lly OV.'nt'f. s.\il.51.JO. S2i5 "I~~ nr jl 1 Pilot C111AAlfif'd 1.rl Gl1·56i11 5,'.;J...f.hOO Ot', ('\~"!'¢. 6-14.-11913 [ • ..r ... ~ RE.ALTO::::S 2177 HARBOR BLVD: COSTA MESA , CA . 92626 645·4840 - ..,,._,,,.~ Sl00.000 '" TD JlA)'~ $134$ 1\'/ p.1t10 \'l'11rly 11tart!n,. EVERYTHING BUT ""'· Trade I"' ,,,... '"" _!.uJL_!~~Wlmt:!_: ~ Sprndabfto, Tn• J he It t' r . " ~ 'IUld in Southl'm Cull( 2 BDR\f. S'>. of llwy. $m $2Cltal «aim, prlm< lot. .......... '"' • ST1. C'lng r1rpo1nt . .Im Dv.•n, Re11.lo11on1k'I Sell idlr ltl'.mli wl!h n DAiiy 1111167,,..1).ll:j!) Bkn 67>6700 Pilot Cl::iss1fied ad. $1~78 CI,,\SS !-itl.l#"i hl!·-~·j~ • $40 WEEKLY Executive Suites 7 J.7 'orktown Blvd. 5.16·0411 STUDIOS & I BR't., •• } "\ f, I '" 10 "' il• ,f• I I· I "' I . ' ' • ~ g I l• .r .. r ..... 1 • • 1 '" e I ,.r '• • I"' . to. •• 8 1 • 1,•' Laguna Beach 'I'\ .. 3748 !.~h ... 1. !"n1S~l\1h"r ~·' • 11 • I '•••I, I ..... 1, p/l I 111.1, \ 11. .... Inn l'•I •1':1> Ne wport Beach 3769 l !.!. \;..~I.!:. l•·•lt1.1il) lu1n 1.r.: ... 1 .. 1.,11., 11i'". \ 1.u, I ' ' ' HI ' I L .[~ \ • ·,111:• '-' ' ... \ '. " (1,' ' ,,. " ... '" ·. I HI I ll ho• " . ... ' -" J l.L' .:. / ., "· J. " u I •"''I I I ,.11.: 'I• 1•"'1 lrll .\!1 '\ 11, ;-.,, ·'' .:~ll l !ll. L •I 1,~, •.-.) !J \:\.\\Jj\ Iii.;. ''(<,ll11Hll!I .. 1JI{, : 1:,\ Yrl;. S ll~J/1.io 1).11~ 1.tlv 1 l,o.:, /<I ii',,,,..,! ,-.i, ""'"I• '" ' \''"II) 11.,,. ·"''"•I ho.I ' . ,, .::i .:in 1..lcmente 3776 •II t l• o1.• "' 1• I :1 ~' .. ' ' ' •j••l1·11 ~I'"' I " ... 1 LI • I '"'"" < lol I •l I' ... · SAN CLEMEIHE H O fEL • 11: 111 L. .1 \J:. ~ i • • .\I 'I., 1 .. 1 l • nl I -' /.L. l I ~ l~I' ,\· th II, l11·o:th~t l~•ll, I •ill)• '• • Jltl'l! ,\ 'I"" I·• 11• 1"11. C ·.,I) l •2 1~1~1 lurl ···~~;~t men!s_ U~~~:_I Balboa lsl,1 nd 3806 , I I. J!(J\ ,1.., I' ,., J:.o}ll vnl 1 ·"·11 •.. !< "'. '"' •q il .. ···1 >1r1•· I. ... • ~ 1.1: ~I \,., •ku.1 Jri····· ~ .•.•. ) 1.... ,l.11 1) I ,\'ion!~ •'I".' II,. fl,,llilUlld ! I ' ·•~·'" HI '" , 11,1.~ OCEANFRONT - 1111 J 1 I~ ' • 1" ,,.. l ~1 .J;, :J 1 • ., \ " ,.,_t ,_,, Laµ1strano Beach 3818 ---·-----·----\r.,·. t" •• n \'11 .\ 1 1.1:. :.: f .. \. 1,,,1,,•r .. , rr•''· 1lq1,,, hli ,II'. )Ll.t/l!il> t,\L 11 . .:1 Corona del Mar 382 2 • • \'[~.\'. :.: l:r ~I 11/ 1 1 '" .. r 1111· 1.. ,, • 11•·\1 •l!• ·";I, $~., 1~1 la•· : 1;1, ' ' ' I ;>1•' I olJ< I• " :1 ~~ 1•1 .;. •• .i. "~ '•.~ J .i .. \1 I , ' 'H' <!I "I' • l,1, I,, \\lu/dlj , .1. ' " ,i !' 1;;,,....,. • I Cosla Mes a 3824 1 .I ~· ' ! •·l • i·I "' .\di.Ii ' \' ·."•,i 1, I I'!' I ' ~ 1 j I) 1 t.l>I' ,i 1 , I, f !lo!< \\' ' , ,r ' .... ' .. ' I • .1 '' .. ,, 1· .. 1 ,,: ' I ·I I ! :: \: " •I' '•I • ):j ! ' "' 'I. "'' J .'. !.'1 l Ii { 'il' \,I );1: ! •fl•• 'l • \\ I . • ·~J) ! • " ' \'.' ( " • ' • \! ! '· ,, ! 1.11 .. ... ;~ . I' .. ' I LOVELY 2 BR , 111 BA " .' /•!· ! 1·.1 1·. •I'' \'' ! 'I\] r ·1. -; ., \~ • i'J: 'I i. ',j' I., • H' 1 " ' '. , . " \ '\ !l.•111u1 •'1 1.: . .-jl'l l Hl•f'.\I 'It'-• I :in· ,\1li1 f12-11•\I ,.. ·, /1' I~. • ' \\ 1 . 1 Ir..;. ,, ~ l!P, .I[ I I I•'' d!'i1f"·,!, \. '·· z~.:· I i' • ;. 1~· ~!· \ '.f:q11t• ~1 ,\ ,. ; h \ ~ •rd. : Ill! 1"111 .. I I> j I• I !• •·J"• 1~ f"' I:' !I'"' \l\1 . ' ... • .. ' f ' ~-r.. ~.. PllU1 Wtdn6d1st, Apr1t 10, 1"111•• •• ~iJllfsdnt. Apr.I JO, 1·114 P1P01·.AoVERTISER J. 1 L Ap1,rtme~t1 Un/urn. Ap1rlR\tnt1 Unrurn:-Af>tl FUrniU nfvrn ltOO-BUirn;;;-Rentel 4450 -L01t-& ·Found-5"'300=c"'a_r_p-•n"t'"•-,---...,60om151'p~,:;ln~t;;:lng~/riip0::1::pe::r:;l:::09 ~60'><7i3::c:T14'7•7lp.:,.W,..,,"TtOd'-r,-.Mi"'F.-.7'°1DO""'tJIOW::1p Wenf;ct;_~,/jJti ~ost1 Mi>M l824 L19un1 B•ach 38-48 1 -1 Pll01U Studio •t taa r k GENERAL. CARPE:l\'"rRY Accounting Clrk to $625 BRAKE & OR -p -room. 2'll A Broitdway, CAI.It'. AN1~1AL CONTROL CUSTO~f 1-~INISH WORK * Wiiiard Painting BllinlfU81 FRONT ENO MAN !l:E\V Duplex 2 Br. 2 Rill ~ ,,. ; Laituna ~och. Sll:i. nlO. llunrln1rton Beach Sht'11'-"" Small jobll OK ~ Contr1ctor1 * 1-·tt P&ld/Alao r~ Jobs xtnt aatuy. f!iltae bt clean 1.rplt'. patio, <'rpl.§ & dri•~. 'l1 / Avitll. 5ttnt 194-0023 B:,il f:ctlson St. 536-r>ll 6o16 JtESIDENT!AL WESTCLIFF cut. All rTplict contklenUal. nu'ln)' buJlt-lruc. Adulr~ only, l,l'>rt11 ,....,... AS-~ ~--(BllLil: ol llunumc Socictyl C•rpet Service & OOlif?itERCIAL P•--I .i.......,... \\'rife Cla55ltled Ad Na. 101, "I I .. ,.., ... incl _ ...,,vRE F'O~ l~E u-iN ft. J\11ln1al As1l11.ftnce Lt-1\.i\JC . y•--Cral •-·-~"" . O •-,~ no i>tt•. • ,. Y e:iw ,..,,,, -· ·• .. -fronl ""t 23:1> ~·1 It Ju~1 off .. .i a JOlfN S CIJ'PC'I II Uphol$1try uJClt amen I !\lark Ill Centerl Dally Pilot, P. · DWI ww, ulilhtt's, Csll c~U 1 ~-191 2 131 house, f-lc, ·-' "'· · Low '-'*' ~.,..ng • neuter-s l I \\/'all T~ll'twina: c.cs ?i1 Ca 9'J628 --• ,, ~farlner's l\lile & Npt Sch 1 i111:" lnlor 5J6.-~ll Ori SMJnpool. I o • 1651 E. Edinger, S.A. t• eM., · · Mesa verde 3863 from $ .. jll, I lill, lro1n Si95. Polit Ofliei'. &l2·9620. ANltlk\i.s IMPOUNDED RelanlanlSL Df~~nl & "'allpaprrlna: 5(2..8836 BOAT ----------1 Pool, ll'nn!s, i"Onlhit!nlul all color briahtrntrs & 10 Nl"Vi· At'Ou.~tk·al Cell~gs e Jl():'>IJ·_; AT~IOSPHF.'Rt: bn:t1kf&t. Sc1~1'fth; fl\lnily 600 SQ. ft. SIOn!, ):Ull,,hlt> Lll.b. tnl:-+:, B&\\', malt ntlnute bleach fM \\'hite Plrue: Cnll Fot E.ltlmatt A/R CLERK " ~''"·~"' ., k, "R. 11,,,, .. , 01", seehon. ('I~ lo l'hoiopi"'-' lor OR's ofc or : SllS. lrl11h St·t. len1 Sa *642-5775 64G-1136* v.'Dnt«t for 1 ....,.,na-OnJigt: I ._,. "' ~ -._, " ~ • fl l h "" ~11 .,.. Co.!111 ?tlcsa. 646-2130 lrl1d1 St•!IL·r. nude carpets. \'e your money .. ~ ... PINECREEK 30!(1 :'>111•'1.' Ave>. 516-103-1 . ne lf't11• • ,,..,. • .., C . U\ I by uvtng l'llt' extra lriP!I. Stale Llc. Nu. 2810.18 Co. firm . .!\t wit have at INSC CARPENTERS 1L IVES UP # HAY F'ront Tnkc--Our Food X· '1t.nrnc. 1 V, mn c \\'Ill cle•n llvlni.: rm., dining I ~'!!'~'!'!'~~~~!'!!!' 1 yr expcr • v.• light phonn. ii'' I New_20_rt Beach 3869 _ ... __ Stiwl-Nr iwboa.Ecrcy.Jan •. Coc~rr, n1b1. Tri. 1\1. &: hall SU Any PAINT-ING-BY-DRAKO "tki't ~· ~fll" &:_oWO"· _ . 0 ITS-.NAME , • . -DELUXE adull po o I• Id ' ,,,.,,,, s~1 ·•d" ~hep, n1lx, Olk, 8 1'Y.·n l\t. rm.. · ·-rm, r•--m•nl "-1Ae1 WEE KS FREE * •~ ~ I"~ "°""h $10 Ch•U'' "' 15 LIC>".NSED -·931 "' a vn....... , ,,,uu ~ * 1 ii:1u'den IJung11io1v, nr oc."t11n, ---, -l'Q1n., X, n.._"(I, nuaJc· """· " ' ...,, .<;n \\'11 nl!ed exper\tonctd lof~rt ' v\'t'r 500 lul l h'et'll nn<.I 10 v· t d I M 1,,,,1, J..... ""1tio, G nnnl11, lndu1lr1al R ental 4500 Shep, rnlx, Rik, H1wn l\f, YTI'· exp. in \\'hat count.11 not Re1lden1lal ,, Con1m<·relal CalhyCo, \\'~ ~! tin& Fix· wtw:> take pride ln their •I ,,, II 15 a e esa . ~ '" ,,.,., ~ method, I do \\'Ork niy!tE'U. Ex!. & Int. S ........ ial\stt ' I ·'~""~ ... ·~· ~~;i;io~~ ....... iii!~· I • 1·cun1l '~' l \\'lll11rr11 s , , .. ., , . ~11u118 , 1l"nnti1, 846--02:'J9. I Shr,p, 1nix, \\'hi, Br wn, .. 1. 1 ..() 1~-v.'Qrk, to v.-ork 011 de.luxe i:1~JJ lt1 a relaxini: ioc:11i1~ for ,\OtJLI l11\Hf!F~N ,HO~I~S Al11> l Br. tl'0•~1 SIJJ. NOW LEASING G1·ryl~und. Ut'\\'n &. \VhL 1''-c;ooc-ref. ~11 101. Color Con11ull lllf:. Cw:fom ANCIENT MARINER powt>r llport/lshtrs, In a )'Our '"paclous ni;-1v \-01· 2· ll!Vl:"\:I·: 1\VI'.:. Al ~U·.~A ~ Lub. nilx, Blk. f1•n1. CARPETS .S(fan1 Clrant'd WQrk at comp(ltlriw Pritt1. company v.•lth a h.tlun. bcdroon1 1iJ11111n1e111 1''1'0111 ,\h1vc 111 "'' <lt•110Sil uujy ~ooms 4000 Huntington Be•ch 1.ab, pup~. Blk, fl•n1. Snn!li:tl"!I, Doodori:tes. \\'e f 1w esl. 6~~ NEEDS TOP \\'ACFS &: B~EF1TS ~Ti5. .,,11-nhure avallril1h'. I Hit Sl'lO 2 Br. S230 f 00 • NEW M-1 (~rni Sllep, mb:, pup, f'. take !llf' dirt o ut . EXTERIOR ONLY DAY BUSBOY & PAC~FICA Oftl1·~ up1•n !):00 Ii) 6:00. Ml Di•,'>' ,r, Nn.:hl ~··1u·ll)', Pont , i11 ~~'i $201q" \\'kk UJ), \\'Ith !!40 ~I· f t. & L1P \,{'1111 Shl'p. flllx. f , CtUi.l'Rrtlt<eil, [l'f'f.l e!!.tlmatcs KITCHEN HELP BY KIPPER rah'\i 1•1v R<I., C(IJl:lu ~lt•sn. J rn.•11111. H•·<'. Rldg. \\' t•1t<·r· • l'1 11 !1.: ";! '.~' up npt ll1n1!11n" t· X1•1• tnnd St. ON.·kcr, 1nht, ll& \\', inflle Kl1..'<'n Kar~1ir \\'est Uc'd., Jru;w·cd, F't'('f' E''· Apµly in Pl!nort 3-~ P~I 1 iPhont': J.1;).2:!00. 1 ·1~C' ro1. L1ll h,rd&. 1'<llnr ·rv. :>l*-·11·1-l. or (i.l;)...,,.1)67 11..1.A 1970 I Af .. h;on, Bl<indr, fi'rn. 71 +-556--0108 Richard 77•1-l.122 or lm .J-3322 ""-"? \\' C NB 928 \V. 17th SI, Colla. lilua Qu i'"'' l'V\I"' " "'""' • MSl Ii\\')'., . • "'·'"' ,.,.,,1'0 MARTINIQUE APTS. l·:,1 /\pl. h11~ f'll!1h1\l'~J1htr. 1 I r41 pr1vn1~r1111·,~~1:11· 1~1 . t..nt./ilroblr, Blk. Brn. ~I. HOUSE $21.9.5. P.oom SI. p A p E It 1-1 AN r; JN G & ""'7" .... !l & :t Hit. J\JSQ Pi·il', puli,,~. r•·fl'I~ ~h:•i.: '1'1 ,t· 1•1'1 Pttll(l 5r ~: :,'IU r.i·oo 11~· :>. 111" /Need lndl•ltr /"'I Space? X·Cunint, PUl)!lit's Stt•1un house 139.95. UphoJ. pal111ini.::. 21 yn: !lwbor BOAT QC INSPECf6R. I' 1 N I "1' J£'l'k. · _!!·17!j{j, :>-X fl~ I l'rl•nt' liullrllris.:-/2800 ~ tt ot She11 .. lil•~11•le. 11v1I~ I.ir, Ins, h'llar. 776-5li0. are11, J{l'f11. furn. No. 183281, ASSEMBLERS Cnlomarans. Boat l\lfg ex· 17°'77 1 · ... r. ·' lJJ", l\,\·1tall.11 Ol11) · =..t).·I~:.."· JtOO~I IOI' n:11t Pri1-. 1•111. ~· i.1'''' ,1, nffj,.,.. .1 111111,... 1 ~\fi,:l1nn, \\ &· Jilk , nu1!e C•mont/Concroto 6019 6"2·:r.r"6 ~fin . 6 nM>'11 rx~r. prrl'<.I in Pfr, !!Orne college Mlprul. ~ . .,.uu a An.a 1 1 •'·· c .. \J Ill'" s«J•\'l"F. ·ro DOOi< ·h Blk '' -==c--c.---~--c-0-1 PC hi -E p " s. •s r.11i:r. ll.3 ti.lo().5:",.I! '' · c. • ' · hnth. 0 11 the h r!l ch . llf•ll'••r. P\;11 ·1•nh 1 ,\\'t', Ctl!'f11 ;' cp. n11x .. ~ ·' ·, PROP. ii•allro11erins;. stall' a5~m )', hlU'll('~ con· 19.... , omona St., A .... P.<'11so11uble. 61j..4{jJ7 ult :1. I 'l··~a r('tTil'r, 1nL\', H&\\. n1ulc OOt\'CRE.lt: Plltk>i1, 400 sq rt lil'. No, 27951~. Insur, nil nt'Clor llOldfl'l"r ~mt.Jy. p.m. LEASt: l'on~~'· J Hit. 21~ ha. PARK NEWPORT Cllltl~TIAN l'lf'':;;..m, ~iurkin~ 11 n. Jolhn,.,.ui .. BKH li ~i-~lii2 ~c~~·ipoo, \\'~U. le111. or more 65c per i;q II. Doll,. typei; p~per. il 1 S4243!1i. Colflr ro:l1• nol req'd Xln'I llKKPR, F/C, for la-.-· of· PIHiu, 1lhl gor. p u o 1 , APARTMENTS , k' 1 . f' ('\J I :!121 PJ;u,•11t1H A\', C.\I X·Ca11lne, Tttn. ' c~2 ~1 • 1 co benefits include l v.·k fl . NB ~ jat·u1.1:i. Allj i\lcN1 \'••.nJt• B..i.t:hf'lor I or 2 Bccfroo1ns ~l6·l22 1 or &12-0Z'n . INDUSTI:l.•\L ... c.·o. "··'·1t;J{· ... ' • "" 'c,i'TS·· 111• ---~-~----\'!IC. a er mo& ...... ns ~SllJ")'. Call ror appt I 1111111• 11 11· Pl 1· " · Bo•<r ••p nAlo er· .,.,.....,.. Ple1ter/Ropeir 6077 fl 6 · ~' lmas CM Ln ·" uxp Cc.iuntry Cluh. Atilt~. s.:;1a. nurl To11•nh11us;:os ~.--.----•. -Cl \l O~ rtct· "' \Ct lo, CE~1ENT : Palio, <lrivH, \\'k oft 11>'/pay. Group ill!!. 64G--0700 \\'krliiys S!t l-t:::j;;, l!:v ~·:-1 i t"r. Sl!l-1.5(1 Of)l•u 9_6 D11.ily tO~ t;n11)l(l>::Nt ~lun, Kitt•h '" . ·' ' · ·. 1 Persi!ln. gray, male \1alks·Repalrs, AA\\' S. PATC!f Pl.i\STF:RlNG ~larts date ol hire & many 5.'JG.-0928.· • ,S"" n....1~ Tennis ~'"'lJi"' $(k1/r!10 -1 utH . l~·.ti~•· 111 •}l(llt'<' .)lls.,.ion Gl':ly, n1lxed, fen1., kittens l'f'm(l\'C. F'ree e.!>1 . '.>~~. All IYJX'll. 1'"'N"f' cstht\&11!'5 mo1'P. BKKPR.. ABJilstant, wl(f:n. -~~~------I ,·~-f ,...,.,F Shi<m 1 1 nd ~~116 1nomlni::s or e\'t!'•. \ 11·.n /\Ulh 11111'1 t.;.l ._1f_rv.')' Grny, Blk , slri(lf'd, f('111. Chjld Care 6020 Cull 540-£8"-5 OOCUMENTOR ore skills, Lively Y<IUni '<'tV>S~ l'Onl 8 s 8 ----- - -l\lTl'!I~ 111 A.\'t•ry . 1 J.;iiy, Oranitl'. lnni:hnir, n1a1e • -Plumbing ·6078 Division of A~f Compeny. C811 S11lcy, BRIGIIT. Lri.: 1 n \\'/ dJ'P', I :Lt J..nn1t..or1-c on S:ln Joaquin Vac1tion Rentals ..4250 Hl•11ll•or:-1 11arl1t•lp1tt1oll !olO-\NU OTlll:'I~ 'i36-2:H~ c1'11L" . I 8334574 t'fl>l.!1, i::urni::1·. All ~ion·~ I ll11ls ll£¥tl -li <'i t•·d 1,)i!I 011,11l'I' li'.il·l lt~ _:_ _......: _. _._ .....:• _ u cure, nK"f' pa~· area. • , . , , 2921 So . ..._.~~~;1ter, S.A. ~lost> Q\Hel bldg for n1a1u1"' f714) 644-1900 LI DO ISLE '1. RR., 2 BA, I~-,-1-.-.--· .,~ ~-·I FOU~'T>; Cl'nn11n Shepherd· good n1E'als. l_:.o\'ing care. 6 ~·· P., ?'f1S I L\i~lBt~(, ..-19"'.>JJ BKKPR. As!!l!tanl, aome 1•01111lc 11.-/ oo rhihh''n or ---;---; ~ , 1"•ail .July ,,. i\ug. Call l"Ol· N~.~\ .1.1.J~f • !\!:1·'1;-~ lJ:u1s. ! /ll1sky, nwlc, I yr. Groll l'l\O, or old l'r :H~i098 j Ri m~ll ls ~ Rr~ul!. \~11._1;r t:<1ual Oppor. Emp!O)'er typing, Exp. ,\. maturity 'IXJ!~, Sl::.O/J\1() 6<16-J ltil •:-.:f.\\ I UHT I S I. AN I)· lee! 2J:l-i1J.'\-O.t27. . •12~ NJ. ~I. .SI iti, ~-1~·· Jh. h111111• nc'i'rlL'll for• thl!i !!:entlc C t t 6021 heal< rs, disposal.-, furn.u • s. __ dPSin1 ble. Srn~ll ofc, ---::r1-u·:\iJCTO!TIA.-..r·-;---Bruut. J B1', 2 11:\ !•Pl. lr/1lc. -----1 ~ 1"<1111 O!r11·~. c1·p1 .... lat~<" "f'i'Unrll lni;" doi,:. Hc is on rac or rl i;h1v11shrs. &12-626-1 ,\f/('. & ----~'-.,,,__ h.i1n11, 1i:ol1•1:. $:': .1 0 / 1\1 o . Rental1 to share 4300 ~·~:1.r . '.1 .. nn;; .'\11~1~1(•1111 ~ houS<·trHil'll•d, niu iui('rly ,t,. J ri"k T<iulanr, pat \us , 1~//\ .. Con1pl('fr Plun1bmg ASSEMBLY WORK S 2C,!1~~rl;·p/f1~i,','~~. ! ·,~lrt:~· \,~,Jl~~i ) e11rl)'. R ,, S -6 9 8 8 (Ir r '-' n111i.1l \\ n). C.:.111. D(l)ll 101•,•s t hlldrcn C•ill 493-"19-l·I l'f'1nnd add I il' B-1 269072 &>1vice. 1.1(', 272\¥.H. On S\\'ing Ntlfl lull or BOYS & GIRL 1-,,~;...:1001. -\\'ANTt:D !lln11n.,., f;1rnlgh1 r.01t1-~i0:1:1. ('>1·11~ 6\fi--0681. -.. ' ' · . r-.t \\'.' , C · Sti-4_03 ' Roof' 6081 p/thnc. $2 hr + bon\JS. Ne1\'llpaper carrien, min. putln. \Vtr pd fi:l6-112U ---l!AY~'P,oNT 111nlt• 11) ~ha• o\ H1· hl'f' & u11l. llANDS0~1 t:; rt'\\'Al'd, 1 yr Y •1) o. ' 1 • ing Xln'! ronds & benefits. age 10 yrs. for l"Pl','J)tlll 6tii Vk·tl'w1u SI "L" .... S\fi:, Cl 10 b1·h, llB. $10:0. !.162·!\6(i.11, * COSTA MESA* old n1ale, 11'(1 lb~. 1\'hltc Electrical 6032 --~~------C I N e 642 1877 Beach. Ne111>0rt fff'•itl:ls .t- Nr. Ne11• 2 llr, ti!111~. 1ti·ps, ('fl,\NN!'.:L HE,'I--! 2 TO AA q-B ,--1 1100 · 131(1 · l7:~J · 2:..00 SQ ft c;rea1 Pyrennf's dog namr.d -J~Pi\l~. a~l ~J'fJC~ ~tr,ai;. ortec, n<.', · · · -" Nt>ll•port PPnlniU.la C.ontact 1 f 1 A 1 1 2 Br, '1. Ha, l\'1'1 ii.~ pnol, · Ur<' ni•w " l't rnnnl !n1!us1rh1I 11ni1!i, St:~: -"King". Con!!ll'1 inin1cd. El..i'..'CTll/CIAN -License ,ree es · c · • ~ or ASSE>. !BLEruS ~Ir. 1-J,·d<, CirTulallon Dept. (;rpr,pou , !'Jl ,J:llf. lU IN, tillJK, sx..o. IPllS(', 0\1·ner, With ll untingrn Bch.' ROBERT 1 .... ATIHES!\ <711)·1ro..2-119 l'o. 23.1108. S1nall jobs, \\all, 51t-3..'Wl,R3l)...50W. DA!LYPJLOT.".•11612·"·1 no pets. :rm \\'. BM)". C,\1. ri ttl'r 6• 073_2017 847--0.l 17 or R.12-'J040 n 11 c i\I !)-9 t>:'-l . 20 I 5 • /Alt 11 6084 Pre c is Ion electro-n1rch. •· ...,. Dan. P.''nt 3826 I cu or-osta ' ""11• 1 · '1 , LOST: Fein. Nor v.· e I 1o:an niiunt & tvpail'$ . .>48-5 3. ewing ere on1 _ as~embly. & le11.\·e a;Jplll'ati9n. 2 BORi\I du11lt·.x unfurn. G arages or Rent 4350 I r · I G d 04 -d I NE\V r>l·l : IOO-.;oJO Sq Ft Jo;lkhoun1., \I~" Rn hoa e r ening 6 5 ALT ERA'JlllONS·Rcsl llng. Requires: Strong meeh. ap-CABLE TV t n 5 ta 11 er , 2 Bit 2 b;1s, Jltil'. cnrr , EJec. range._ lrplc. A u 15• MINI WAREHOUSES SIK)p & Olfil'('S. Ampl prk11: \ aent Club, ~IJl'h. dug tug Lad' Ex rt Y Re( lilude. Ass~mbly or machine Unde...........,•nd, f'Xp'd ..... f, B d ' 1"10 no JJC!)I, Sl&-s.Ji9 • ....., ~ I I I 64&-40'!7 ]{'S l'o't'aJ', pe . . .. _ h I lul c \1 •&•~M ... ~ rnn ne\1., _ . 010., I STORAGE '"'" ., p iasr J)l\T· ras 1 Sl'I' PARADISE 96.'h>SOG lluvp exper. e p . ·· · Traintt considered, E qual BR, oc..'<·an ''u, <ll x S210. n10 .. 2 UR near IK'aeh. ne11· sto1'e ~ :\ xlnt loc, nr S.D. f')°'.IJ•, fOUND: Ke)'~ . M>\'i'ral GARDENING p.;-·----,--609.._~1· 1 .&~1~2·~""°iii~· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii opportuni~· cmp~<t!r. 3321 <193--6039 l'('fl'ig, shaJ;. Adults no pets. • 0 'lovc·L~ or ~Tove-Ou! 646-1252 kinds, in 'St>vf'n·Ele1·l'n" Tile \\'t'st Coast HI~ h 11.• a y, "BR. Iba. n111ge, ""rba-sn.-,, \'t•ar!y &IG-/J()j c,·-,.·,ues. J. ronl sj.ao Jll'I' -Rent-als-W anted 4600 I l'nrking l<il. !':-111111 Ann ,s~~~~~:7,{' Rl'stonuh;o,n ----------1 i\si;t :\1gr run. .. um Fin Open t\~\\'J)Ort Beach. 642-3260. ' •· •-387 1· Jlei.i::hl, 1<1-i-i ll. Ca 11 ' ...._, .... sea~. ~lont Y CER;\)IJC T!LE NF.\V l; Indus. Engil'le{'r Sl3K di:1p, Wsh"u~hrr, Lnund San Clemente 6 llan1llro'l & x.·11·l:1n•I S!. JIB '' I '" & s · kl r J'{'n1orlel. F'rt>e es1 . Sn1 i...tr.; C,\ NV Ass ER . Bel!!!:r r · 1 f'LEX s•" --------ALLSPACE · 1 Br hnulil". Yrl)' u111 :,•r SJ.j(), I 51G-ill27. ~ n '•wn(''' · pnn (' JV Design Drafts t:IC'C $840 rie, in · · ·"" rno, 1 H1·pnir. Call IH2-8&19 11·£'lcomf'. 536-2-126. «h-· ,.h_ \ ,..,...._ neighborhood. So r t ap-5:!2·929~. i\t:\\~. hu1:e, de U .x e, l1)r responsih/(' prof adults,• fOUND: TaJlf' Rl'COr'dl"r, 2 ·::«:<: y, ~.11la , na ..,.<J N 111 1 Shorcclifls Blulf. 1, 2 & 3 96G-1970 I Itel 67:i-1Hti5 aflcr j, mo\'if' Canit·rali. o v.·n"" r Japanese Gardener Top Soil 6091 Clerk Typist S:l:'il proerh. 0 sro ng or c 08-OC'~:AN \'l£'11', I En. hltnx. l'('fl'li.r, gur, 1r11sti & wtr pd. Adults, tl(l pers $'1 65 nionth. 14!)3.2517. Huntington Beach 3840 CHILDREN and p•rent1 love the l•.rge, s pecious ep1rt· ments et B • n bu r y Cross. e Child1'C11 6 .!:· )iiuni::rr 0 Stair li<'"n5"d pre Hdli e Cblldn>ns 11J:1y area • l.ori::c 2 .t: l BR npts. • 2 ;;dul! 1'N'. cr.nlrrs • }~asy at'('('S5 10 D\OSl l'lll· • fJloyment /l.J'el~ • !'\r. shopping &. ft'\\')'ti. • Jro1n $16J. BH, 2 & 3 BA enclosed i::1•N<, Office Rental 4400 -ld<!ntlty by n1akr, nl(l(t.-•I & EitfM.'r. Complcle Gardening St'cre1ary Sji5 ~g.p~~e~~n~4~~: $3. per pool, 1rplcs, v.•lk to hrh. ~rial. 1\111e lost . 11.B. Polit~ •'-l..t1ndscnping Se r\' • TOPSOIL • CO\fPOST Stat Typist S500 Ocean, ci ty & goll rourse NEW OFFICES ( ~in•-;•J If• 1 .!.._~~· a:i&-51121 _ j.ffi.072·1. Takata NurSC'l)'. * r-.IULCJI & * RED,VOOD Accounting Clerk lo $550 CLERK Typ\11t, 60 w.p.m. vic11·s . .$175 •• $29:}. 496-0616. i\!Rf'ORT . '"" . P'OUNO: Sinai! blk & tvhitl" FftE~: Sp1·ing l..;i11'n Fe('(lin~ Call 586-69l'.I R<'L'ept Cashier S5al aecurall'ly. Public contact. 2 Bit, 11; Ba, carpeted, No lease roq'!I, ~·1,i1 Sf'l"l'lt:f•. rlnc:, \\'e ll nuinnrrNI, 8.,.·eet. I\' rnonthly nta\nt. Free E5t. ( W ' d Cl , Sr. BuyE'rl lndusrrial $14K Con11. llo!lp. 642-2410 drapes, frplc & srove, Drps, r1·p1~. 111usl.'. A/f', all Vic-. \V. 1ith & \\'hillier Ave. 6•16-220!'1 aft. 6, Hobbie's I In OW ean1ng 6098 r-.1nlnt. ~len/Lands<.'ape S525 CARE ER TRAVEL dish ... ·asher, i'ncloscd gar utll. Sin),!le ufl'S f I' 0 ti\ Busines• Oppor 5005 c.~I . ~1~8-:Zl<IO Gardening Sl'r\'it'l'. I I ' Transp/Scheduhng S12K ~fr. Giiiiam \\'ill be In Santi 11·atcr pd. $215. 1110. call $125/tno. \.'\I i\10 . llENT , ~ . . A Dl":i \ ou C;in't Refuse! G. ~!gr, sheet metal $12K A Sa A ·1 l3 · •192-6'178 FREF:. t--OUND : Gern\1111 Sh~11'1l'rd J::.xpenl'tl<:.<'d Japanesc \\'indow \\'ashlnt?. Single Shlp/Sched Spec. $12K na t. pn 8.ccep~ NF:\V GARDEN APTS. PALIN\Dl~S ('ENT1';r:. e Liq Lie on Sele $30M f~nHi!r. h!onde \' i <' ~n It Y Gar:'Prll'I': C<implttt> yard srory hon1e $10. 642·27:->I nfl Hrceptionist to $600 ~:~~'~;~ :r v.~m::ing~ 2 BR, 2 BATH. $19.; 2082 S. 1':. Brlslol • Candy Store Go!dl'n\1·rs1 ,i:, Gn r r i e ld . n1a u1 tC'1u111l'C, stu;ibbery, ~1. ple11se. Sec'y/T ustil1 lo $600 I r ssi I 3 BR. 2 B/\Tll. dshwhr, frplc. NC'\\'[1011 fi(•:h·h li7-7010 e Gear Mfg H.B. Very gcn!le. 812-6478 ~ree t!lll. 54&--0;;i27 I imiiiiiiiiiiiii Call Jeannie Sisco rr;n~~re~~a~~ ~er:.~fu~~ • s2:;o. Call •193--01•11 (Cnn1pus·li'\•1n<' Jntrrs«rtlon\ e Fl Sh LOST \'le. Brookhur.st & GA&DE~ING se r11i cc.1 r===:=I [Ill & Sid l loffmnn rrec 10 tral'el, Neiv York. ower op 1\IAbon1a . Hnnl . Heh . Con1pl la..,.,•11 nialnt. Clean-I lmployment If 1 NEWPORT Florida, Ha11·ail & return Nt:\V 2 BR, 2 BA, VJE'V • Equip. Leasing rtf:\\'ARD Blk !\I. Lab 1.li.1t ups, hauling. Aft o\ P:'>l I f Person-I Ag-cy Carpe1~trlrapes. $19:l. : HOLLAND BUSINESS 9G8-220l &l.>-lllro . ,... ..... 11· chaperoned grounp. Xln'I e 400-2828 a lter 6 e • :H0-060!1 S1U.1'::S 6.J;..4170 LOST·Prescrlplion gla!'~s. EUROP.oE7",\~N~G~,-,-d~,-,-,-r . 833 Dover Or., N.B. g:;:=t~I ;ir S.:00 ne~~ 2 BR. 11 ~ Bl\, crpt, d1-p~. _ __ in rro case, April 6th, vie or ~lalntenanre. Landscaping. Job Wanted, Mel• 7015 642-3870 transportation furn. I. pa.kl . gar, lndry rm. oc-can \'lcw f'rancis1-an Rl'slaura111 SJ Trt'e re rtl o v <t I . Very r or lntervv.• Apply, Mr. xlnt cond. sm. -192-1121 ADBY Capo. Bt:\\'ARD. 492-0i'ilS reasonable. 6-t2-a:i29 C\'CS. EXP'D r-.-tOTEL i\IANAGER AUTO SALESMEN Gilti11m, Royal Inn, 1600 E. S J ' INDUSTRIES --SN"ks motl'I 10 manage. Need ror one of Orange 11 st s A. Sa 1.2-J ..,.,., an uan • LOS'f.fl'rn . Irish Setter, ai,:1• j \'ARD Clranups, Garage Bl5-l79l or 616-3632 County's leading Pontiac 5 • · · t ""'V· Capistrano 3878 IS LOOKING ~r.<. ITl'SSAJ 1'-io collnr or C\i•anups & Litr Hauling. CPA firm ha!l career opening BANBURY CROSS 1 , , _ NEW OFFICES FOR SOMEONE lh:l'nst". Reward Slj, Rl'IH10n11hl<'. 646-4676. Job Wanted, Fmele 7050 ~~~~rsE:~Jie~f Y~n ~ lor bookkeeper. Multiple INt'a: 13cAch l.:!\'fl k \\'ariwrl AVAIL NO\\. $!9;;, Brand IN LAGUNA NIGUEL I SPECIAL. ~19-t. ~10\V ,f..: Ulgt· · n1nnthly ---1 benefits. ExP'rienced or ledger exp des I rn b I e. new 2Hlt .......-..1 ln.undry l.()Sf·. ".'· 1 <\pro'J tilh ~···•'"" , .. ,,.,1 • .-0_ ,,-•lo•n"p l\F.ED help at home:" \\'e machine oriented. c.1A-• 16761 VIF.\\' l'l()JN'r LA l:'Jo: ' ,-~· '.. ' Only •2c ~r 1q , ft. ".·., o"o"•<l I•> '1" "" uvn~,., • " "'"' "' "'" ,_ h · 1 '--'· not, \\'f! V.'ill train. Ask foc ~¥ • 842-660• e large '11"'11· 493--038i ., ~ ,.,.," .. 11 " Stntc Pk. nians rlnn-on).X & haul!~. Ge0n:e J.~142 a\'e 1111 es, nurses, '""'Jlt'S, commetu1urate \\'/exp .For .,. ·100 fl. & UP. All u!il hk·I. husiness M'Cliuu ., 1'0n1p11nioni;. l-lo111emaken; Andy 11.ppolntment call L oi 5 , UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 2 BR . Bl!ns, rl('l\'ly dec~n11 Cd. ,.nt•I ~:u·agl"S. Beautiful Jandt<caping. Lrg play arua, a 1'hilcl 's drcan1. Clo~ tu shopping ,t 111·hls. Children wch-on1e. ~1.iG-·11501 If oo ans 847-ilJI. ±S . r-:---; 2 BR tol' lea!ie. 1\\1 electric_ O!ihl\'hr, hltn~, shag crpl, rh1)s, prh·, p111io 111/yard. Nr. llunt!n~ton Jlartiour. S:?l:(l. Arlul1s 11nly, no pets. A\'~il •l/l:l. 616-43GO. i)ELUXl:'.2-BI?-:-2 B,\, blt- in . .,, rnelo~ed l'.;'a 111 g e , laun{h'}' r' in . Con\'enlent localion, 1\•11tk to llunt1nglon CcnlPr. $\!!Ohno. Please pl100<! 979-2:1.11 or 962-8118. NEW DUPLEXES 1 ~4 ba, pa1lo~. crpls, drpi;, O\V, tp, 1\·ttl k ro hrh. 2 BR· S2ia. 3 Blt·S.'l.t;i, 15rh & ,\ca· cia, i).19-6179. {JV(>n S..'l t Sun. $150-r.~ n1i. m. Qf HH. :! BR. hll1is, C'rpts, drps, pool, play .vurcl , l'aqx:irt S: lndry f1tC'il. pl & I sn1I l'lul<l ok, 11('1 1JC IS. S-l~-4604 alt :1: :111 P~J. Cll1':Z OHO APTS:, 8:!34 A•lri nt11 1,2 .t· :J lilt. priv gur., pool, 11·11sh(•r, dr:-·('r, Closr lo bel'IC'h. 5.16·03:~~'==~~ -WALKT O BEACH 1 .~ ~ Bit ('!'Ills, drps, ga1·. h1rn11 :'.!Iii lti1h SI. Nn pcli; 111 •.•• ,.,.,. :l?h-2Jti.i_2.11 .... 19~ I F.XTR,\ lari.;" :! hr, 2 hn rf<'-luxr f"IL'll~1rl1' npl nr. bi--o.irh S\6.J. :!."::.'() t'Jori<la. NEAR BEACH Brund \r11· l)(•hi.xr 3 llH, 1'1'p1:<, rlq,~. hll·lllli, J:llll'/lgt_'. :.11 l\th Sr. 1113. S.17~3.%7 S2j B•111US II 1111 Ad S\7fJ up t ,\· 1HR. :lhi1, kiri~ 1•k ll!S~l :'>lor11 l\;tl l..Anc- f.. or Ueurh <'1ff Liarflrl~I %:!-.~!r.1 1 l----1-)()(i HUX __ _ Santa Ana 3880 C1·prs. dq1s. air, 11·rlhnr. ~~~l~mnd chip. Reii•ant Lawn Maintenance Upjohn :>17-6681. DAVE ROSS n4-833--065l. CHI LOREN 2i99'1 C;1mitK) Ca pls rruoo llE.\LTll food· Bt>aulirul -\\'eekl y Scrvier IH2-9907 1 ,\CL'O~lPLISltED p ia n 1 s 1 PONTIAC CO~tPANION SenKir citizen S.1 n /Jir:.,"11 Jo·rw~· to Country Storl', escablished-General Services 6046 .,.·ill play for fashion shov.·s, 2480 HarborBhi:t lady pref. live in, r ood AND ADULTS LOVE ,\\'Cl')' Pn1·kl'o·:iy turn off. ~01'0n11 ck•J ~lar area, I )['I 1 pitrties, I'll'. 6-10--0554 Costa l';lesa 54&-8017. PA2R&K.1 ~'R.AaZApl1l. I I 831 -1600 SU-3-4!)9 · I _ hrsonals "THINGS" by r-.toosc. Gcn'l Help Wanted M&F 7100 AUTO ~a:· 5S~~~:r~r15:~n~ D I Offi 8EER BAR FOR S>\LE · Cru...,oolcy, "'"'';r.;, "'""'' ' --DRIVER NEEDED •·k•nd• PJ.iy .. Area * e UJe ICeS * NE'11·por1 Blv<.I location bi!tg. I'.: I cc . RcnKMJclirtg *AAA Better Po1ition -CO~M=PA~R-E--F-!Rsr--!-The-n ~~~~rl~~~=una call John 6-16-9928 P ersonals 5350 642-5613. Sl'crl'!aries & Bookkeepers A l l a I Chrysler/Plymouth forget a ny s.alrs offer that Licensed day care cent. t'or l..ealil'. 3&l 11q. t'L roinni / lnve1t Wanted 5020 PLUMB ING, ELECTRJCAL. Liz ltrinclf'r's Agt?ncy n~di; dril'er for .service can't P ROVE its op. Fl'Om $190.00 buslnl'ss. t2 olflc:;cs i>hi.~ 1't'-SPIRITUAL READER CAllPC:N'\'H.Y. No job tou 4020 Uirl'h St, Suite 10;1 departnient, Ask for Vic portunitles are the best. To PARK PLAZA I I 1·cprion 11rca & 11torage 1. 1\d· NEED _$7000 to i;tart small Vpen 10 A:\1 lo10 Pi\I :<n111Jl. F' & B Jton1e Repair, Nril'port Beilch 833-8190 Snyder consider oun, \\Tile for 805 Weit Stevens 1,·,".,.',:',.'.:1,.,'.ot>riulj;c Co unl y llOfll bus! planning lo i,'1'011'.I' Advlcl' on 1111 n1allf'rs. 64:.1-1403. No Charge i'o You ATLAS fu ll DETAILS: R. D. Pate, "' f or <let11,ils, 963-«>92. 312 N. El Cnn11110 Rral 110\IE n«p \JR SEJ\"ICE E o bl' J 1=< Ch I /Pl h Pres., T~xas R ('fi n e r > !Oft Sou11!0"1'rl Call 546·8801 -~-----' r:. ' ~ t ~s 11. 1sne1 '""' rys •r ymout S t A 54 ,1121 Morf, Trult Deeds 5035 San Clrn1entr. }~or 11ppl , 20 yrs c.\fl. $6. hr j Corp., Box 711 , Ft. Worth, e n a ne r -----Call 492-90.1.J, 492-91 :16 CJ\U.. J..:LLIS j l8-i637 eves A RECORD 2929 Harbor Blvd., Tex i6l01 -· ---20 PER FOOT Cosla !llC'sa 546-193.J NEW FAMILY APTS. c . LOANS UP TO 90'/• 11"ui1t2"ltt:PAlit'"'Sr.:it.J1C~ 1 CR E D rr INVESTIGATOR • •l,O(Xl sq fl. Jo.ntu··· blrl~. 5 1 t TD L Si11gle-\ViJo11·c-d·DivQrccd AUTO 1 · 1 11 1 1 ndl Ag Grand Open1n9 •• priv .. I lg. 2UX 1i Crplt>, s oans LIVING l,:;111>1.•nlry, t'l~1n1b1ng, t:.ll'c-f ;~~~. =g ~:::ny u; Nt:\\' 1·2 & J BR's. ParJ.;-like Pt111ld. air. ron1cr. parking, Is a ball \\'hen \'OU rind the ll'l~lll, Hcas. ;i.l~IOO!. Q SERVICE WRITER pll'asa.nt !iiUITOundings. Must St"ltinj;S. R.ec. room . Pool . lndscpcl. _,_ '~'"'"· Insur. 8 ~-~t;-;, INTEREST righl person. • Hauling 60S 1 ' S25 000 000 ha\·e t11'0 years credit ex· Play an>ds.'Patio~ & IOI 2000 .PluL~nl lll, c.~I . 2nd TD Loans 5-,17-6667 24 llou rs Experienccd. lmpof1 Dealer. perlenceincludinghome im· IOI.!!. Gn~ & \Valer Pd. Shag, 6·12~091 . YARD, garac;C' C'l~anups. J ' Ask for Bob Seve.rson. pro\'enll?nt kwls. fl.fay be drapE"s & so forth~ t:XECUTIVE SUITE PREGNANT! renlO\'e I recs, dll1, ivy, S I I .,..9303 required to 5upervisf' other Starling II.I $169 + dep, Ovl'rlooking N.B. llarbor. 600 Lowa5f r•te5 Or•ng• Co. Caring, l'Onlidenllal l'OUnsel· d f' I \' e 11·a y s • s l u rups. a es iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii credit J)t'rsonnel. Salary Newhope Meadows sq f1. also othcn 600 ro 1300 ing & refemal. AboMIOn, Sli-2£66. ' 75 D f 1974 ' open. 1n4l 538-0393. 517 s. Nt•11·00pc, S.A. SCJ fl. Centinela Bank Bldg Settler Mtg. to. adoption&. keeping. GE.I-RID o~· UNSIG1-ITLY 1 '" ays 0 I AVON 5S4-2600 on Coosl lhl'y & f"e11/X)11 ~2-2171H bo 545-2 0611 ,\PCARE &l:?-WZ6 TRASH & DEBRIS $12 1 L k Wh t VALLEY S•ys •• , --~-~-~-~=.Blvd. :serving at rarea 4 yrs. VJ\SECTO:\IY LUAO . CO LLEGE 00 a PL'l' SOr-.fE ZING Apts Furn/Unfurn ~~ 612-1611 1!1\\'E SECOND TR us T I Confidcn.lial 1n f or n1a I ion STUDENT ;J.18--6-128. REAL TY hes to offer JNTO SPRING live BIG! from $145 ,,, Oakwood G11don Apan-a mcnl~ GREAT R(CREATIQN $.'11m· m1no, '..tunJ•., llea:in cubs. boll1 .. rC1~ :rnn•'i, prri r. pro shop f!01t dr1v109 ~nqc, pany r..,.;m, e1c rUN ACTIVITIES· r un 111ru Ou.:crot. "•'C S,,,'\d,11 l n.:nr.h, OOO's, tr•p11, pa r11eii, and m'""' Ot'P.ICE ~P.\Cf", •. 0 I\ DEED 11·ilh balanl'C or t:OUlls<'hng & rt•ferral. L-ITE-11 ,. -Li T Decorate )'Our house or bU)' $~""" tu~ -APCAf{}' Jncorp \ Non-au mg, te ree Hl'.:NT. Coi<ltt i\h•s:i, Harbor •llW, Pays n1_1hly ,,...,,.,, Profit .,\' enc, &i2..4•l)6 Triniming, yard clran-up. fR([ TRAINING ne11· clothes "·/the money al /\darns. &'au!lful n1odert1 ~eed ~ash-11111 sell for , , .~. .) ·• .' · t·ree estiniatc. :'139-47'.lti. )'OU earn selling Avon ai r. niusit·, j11nitori;1I. Class 1()l'k, 61.>-DGJ lNCREA:sf'-your bustl1n£', 1·3 SKIPTu \DER & 1 --k Pnxlucts. Flexible hrs. ir1 1\ \V:ilk1·r &. I.A'<' Bldg. Call I ~ C'llP slzrs in 2 \\'ks, IK) f'X· 1 • ' t unip ll'll<.' PROGRAM your ov.·n neighborhocxJ. Call . G('n(' llill, 5:i7-0l;\6 ol· I )~ erciscs, 11nds or J.:in1n1lcks "·or.~. tonc~'Cte, s.:.et~!, 54G--7lHl. ;~16-fiX:!S. loll and fOll'llf Call .JuaniIB, !ll2-42i2 Sil~ 'll:'.'.3a ~· _ l . :.. * l t.iO t'BFE Rl:"NT LIFE or DEATH; Let our ~tOVlNG, 11auhng. E.x~r. thnt u1llize11 !he n1ost mod· BABYSITTER, my home. N I ,. , · . ~ DI ' 11. ~ babic-s Hve. For allerna!il'rs ltcllnblc. Reasonable. 1' rec em lf•ehniqucs. fl B , d k 8 '" , i n c.1sc l ('(f. x. o lCl'S, BORTION II --est 8:12-T;illl EQUITY ADVANCE .. area," ay-s w . :~ ndj, Ahµ.:1rt l'r Jlotcl. 5.">c Lo1t & Found 5300 to ~ ' C'9 LIF E --·---· . p.n1. 968-4331 962-7279 :-iq. ft. Incl. ate, loll -.. LINE :>11-5522, 2-l hrs. LOC1\L 1110ving & hauling by BANKING sc1'\:icl's, 2172 DuPonr n11. 8. FOUND: fcn1alc GC'rm11n BESf ~!AS.SAGE IN N.B. i;!u<l"nt. L.a~.<' true_~· !tea~, PROGRAM STENO CLERK s:~i-3'1.23. \~ ti! noon !. :ihcphl'rd, bl :tl'k back-tan lip 3400 Irvine Avl'., SuitC' 1038 . liarry, 53~1!~_ 0'.:....~~ N Openint in Huntington Beach o~SK :<pa,;,~ avallabl£' $50 & pail's. 1 C\\'POrt \\'cst area Open 8 A?.T. ~ton, \\'ed. Fri., 1\10 \llr-;li? Local fwn. vr office; required 50 \\'flm nK), \\'ill p!'O\'idt:' fur1liturc · llli !1b'2-9m. 1\nn. 557--0539. gen. hauling. -;,·i, Ft. Jurn. that keers your s11les IOC:l'lh· typing &. 5 h 0 r l hand , 111 55. 1110. ,\ n s \\'e r l n g FOUND:Adorablc Cock·a· ~I ASS.AGE & SAUNA \'an. 6~2--0:W. er. Previous oUke ex per . S<'l'\'lee a\altnblc. 178i5 poo? I.Dog: Blk hair, male. Call She\'A. 963-1217 llAULING. y-,.-~~C~J-ean-,-,,, EXCLUSIVE "ONE preferred. Beach Bl1'fl ., Jiuntington Vic. l\lar1gold & t:oa.st H11·y. 8839 Ad11m~ A\·e .. llntg Jkh. l\lov1ng, Reasariable, Ask Ucaeh. 6-l:!'·-l:r.11. Cdl\1. 6iX>i3S * p ,\Li\1 ·"-Ctt«I Rclliler * _lor Pnul. 5-18-3892 TELLERS l::XCt:I.t.r::-:T. presllge loca· l.o~'T:Gernian Short' Jiair Ad/rerluction 100.11 13f'ach Housecleanin9---60=54c. YEAR WARRANTEEO Part time opening in Hun- tinn dLl'f'<'tly adjnl-enl lo 1-'0lnter, lirn & \11utc. fcn1. Bh·d, Stanton 527-3406 tington Beach, Ne 11.1 p o r t Jl('\\' Lido \'lllri,11:e con1plex. Vic. Kings ltd, N . n. RESPON College Stodnt ... ;n HOMES" BeaC'h It. San J uan 1\pp1,l:<. !'J.'.O ~'I fl, $325. mo., 5-JS-SS20 d!i fas1 & eUicient housl'. Capistrano. 3111i \'1r1 Ll1lu, N.B. 6Th-7002 .t.:UUND, Dog, Part Sh c P, I ~· 11 flll cleaning S3hr, -I hr u1i11, call Apply In PeT'500 NEW . Hlk & Beq;e niale. Vic. Bay . l3obb1e f>M-~~7 or l\'e messg that gels )'0\1r listin~ sold Room 201 Plu."h ofri1't' BhlJ,:., 2 JO 6 & U1'anwr, (.'.~I. 548-98:.~ _.!!_5'~41.cSi«~· _. =~~~~ (nst. 1055 N. r.lain St .. Santa Ana. 1'111. ~Ul ll'N. 0 1nf('l'{'ll(._'(' I'm, roUNl>: r-.tale, young liish 5450 HOUSE <?F CLEAN RAPID GROWTH SOUTHERN CALIF. X•·nix l'o p!cr. Nc11r O.C. :tir· St>ttl'I'. Vfc. Nc.,.·port Beach Travel _ C-.ir~ts. w11ldo1o1·J, fiooni, 11t NATIONAL BANK pnrL ,'(:r~:«i-10. tiil....U:f.i NEED 'd l ,..1 ··d ., uphul. Speclnl rates (or reg, Now Hiring DAYS .. NIGHTS COOKS Apply 3-5 Dally 151 E . Coast Hwy. Newport Bffth Eqlllll Oppor. Employer COOK BUSBOYS WAITRESSES DISHWASHERS Surf .. Sirloln 5930 W. Coa111 Hwy., NB COOK EXPER. • 2 RR Fron1 SHi!l--'lll.1. Cr111s, drp~. jl(Jnl. 1{111', ('hllrl .Ii J)t'I <ik. jl-12--0~!l or ll 12~1~ifll ll(AUTIFUL APARTMENTS· S1ru11~~. 1 & ;> bflt'lrooms f uin t. •1f'\fu1t'I, \V1tn .til !h(l f .:1.1<;.; MOCl!!I$ Ofli'fl 10 to 1. ~01ry, no pri1:, or cti1ld1en. Oakwood Ga.rde.n Apartment~ NE\\' o~·r!Ct.: _Two iwnis Al\.lt.'TllYST nng. J/:la, fJ ~ . a r1 e o 011 a . liL'l'V. OO-tilS:!!I. lhnt f!"" ·idrM you 1\·llh op.. An Equal Oppty _ _!=mployer. 1.l .x l j 11nd 10 x 1.2. All Vic. Harbor & !:Saker. C.111. kri~1.t{i Apr.U. can John E.XCELLl:.0'N~'T0~H-,-,-.,-,-,,-.-,~ing o""FrtF1"cniE''s 10N'A'1"1'o'"N"""wm1'o"E1 BANh: ulilitic~ PfUd. $100 per ltt!war<.I OUe.red. ~7~7. by (ht~. 0\~11 lransp. $ti pt:r 41 hf'.d conv. hospital in Santa Ana, 6-2pm 3 days, 9: 30-Spm 2 day1, J.19-3061 _,.,;;"';;;; .. ;;,.~,.,~; .. ;;.._~"~;;.1 . Ntwport l•acfl /Nort l'I l"!~t •~O I~!~ 6~~.1))6(1 N•wporl B••ell/SOu01 1~1~ "* 1~.l'f t4~·111'C n1011th. Costa l\tes11 area. FOllNlj'l.:ninlc ~t:---liei·nru'li. 1 <lay. 836--0648. Expen'enced Cost Accountant to $121< !>.IS-7729 or6·12.-.8372 l~ · p~ •1-~•--'-S~·--·K 1 year. liltu;k ~pol. Vu;. of SeMcn Md~ t.IEfu\ Cleaning Ser y Ice , thnl nllo"~ Yon to h:tndle p f O '""'" "'" · ·"'"'' """.., -· Ut:LUXt.: 3~5 -tlq. ft. ofc., Cst. Slillllt ;\IJft liclg111s 54!1-25Jo I -Crpt 1t..llldu11·~. fln;, etc. nny frnni:;fcr ~iluJtli('ln. roo perator· lodustr.fech Engr Sl3K !111')·., Cd:-01. $1·10 l\1o. fNo;-G•·tn1nn • Sh0rt halr . Resid/Con1m'l. 5J711.J2. EXPERIENCED Cost AcC01.ml8.Ilt fo S12K "B'A'"v'°'F"'Rn~Olt·~TllkrO, FF671~C6E700S f111I, Vic. 1.1n & h'\'inr in '""""' llou'Se1:1r11.nlng thoroughly United Callforni1 Bank ~t=tAry :: ~' '" ~~___!__all ·1. Babysitt ing -done, Rellablt! w / re f 5 , 222 Oc:ean Ave., Lagun• Dlctsph Secy Com:tr 10 $750 . -~~~~~~=,_-1Lit1o Shop~ ffl't'll, !'\t)i1•po11 UJ~'T 1nlxC'd S11r1nlcl. B & \V. RABYSIITINC Lie. Vfll•. Hensonabl~5331 ___ OR NOT 4f4..6.S46 Field Claims Adjuster I ~\ i'i1A~CllA 1\~. Hrflch. \larluu~ ~b:e suites. Fen1. snlall. \11t'. Santa Ana Nurst ... 111 baby.!tll, niy JAPANESE Houseeleanlng An Equal 0 pp o r t I.In It y Trnf!", ~ to $7'25 lrviMe--3844 Sp;u'1011~· i\ir)' .\pl.it., close co Phone, 675--12:..J{J lle1gnts._31lH1149, llo111e. Vi c. Orange Ave, .t:1'pert , {)\\'n u·ansµoruuion. If :ou 11·11n1 10 hr 111 mt'mber l ~~=~Em!'1:'p~lo~"'!""''!"'~~I Insur Claims Au lstant ---------' p~1i·~rl,t.I hci•t~. Gtlli f \\'1tr liHAN°ll Nu 600'. 4:x: 11 fool. l'ND: Set ol car keys on Heil C)I. J.'ncd yd SS d11y $1 h1·. £.U..Sl96 aft :i Of A winning 1ean1, and part f irt> & Otsuelty to $700 PARK WEST '· 1 u •~ nn.Y or nn11 1Y Wr all or p:1rt. lrnm1-d oc-& HrookhUl'llt .t'.V. 4/:1 -~2-8&18 Pa lnti'ng/~P-.~-,71.,-."'""'60"l"3 n! ::i nntk>Ml cotn!)flny IUl!t'fl BEAUTICIAN-Ass.isl-ant to Sale~ ~fktng Sec'y to STOii "/1N'n Bh-nu: ire c l'p)'. Bettut ,..,,tnhf\:1 \•'•~. u 1-3'"" -r-• , ... A · s k ,,...., O\\"ner of shop, 4 """" \\·f!ek . llookk-,.,~,--1 ~ APTS dt.!th.,.·hr, Sh;u: C'rpls. Sntall blk from OCt'~ 5.""•ISJ. .M ._... BABYSIT my IK)n1e. dl\Y or -------fl"I ·~ n'lt'nt:in !O<' · •. ,. VELVET f'OC, ~ "'"" '"'"""' r • iict ok 'Pool Cas BBQ. _ _ __ _ . ..,.. _ rND: Bla-,7k-La~b-p-,p-p-y"""fml-night. Ages 1·4. lt1y own PltOF. painlt!r, horiest work, rhnrtg(' (lkl'Jt Ent rpri5ffl. RecepttSecn!tary lo { amily Apertmtnts 1. 2 & 3 BR Stuilio. NEWPORT BEACH ral)OUI 4-ti illO!i. Vic. ~lission child needs company , ~••· Int/ext, lrt..oe estim:llte. I hen )'Oii O\\'l' It lo yourselr BLUEPRINT ~ciri~ 1'yplat lo S550 I' I P ,~ f' I -'" -·3 R•ls •-•0 ~59 "'° ~1~ lo 1':11! lor a mnll .. •nto'"I r oX R.....,...k>nlst S5llO 2 R., I 13:'1, lh unw ~VMili,t>lr r \', 8 ""' rp .. \\~I bar, pr!\1, ba. Vltjo ISJO..-••ll ~ . ~·· • '"-.... '"" " .. _ .. ,,. II ~ J I°'' 'lo " u_, id -~ --lnt rrvk-w. Draftamen/woman, >rlni<d Imm sm. On Culver Dr\\'(', "" () ...,.., per ' . .nl ·-i5. e Dr .. NB 6'i5-4illi1 ··No: Keya Vic. Keel Or. in C•rf)9nter 6015 J.'O lt p RO t' !'.: s s I 0 NA L OPERATOR J\.O'll off Son Ou•go r""'Y· i78 &'OU Pl, C.:\t. Nl'\\'PORT OF'F'JCE SPACE Hll.J'bor View 11ills. N.li. i'Ali"\TING. ~!ml. call IF YOU WANT A A=n~* p.l.,;~.s::: 3S!l P11rk\'k-w Ln ~2-tr.{JO 642-2007 l'icar bay. l5(}.1100 sq. ft. u-U-0615 EXPERT CARPENTRY llJl)'lin1c. CAREER INSTEAD ~ir~. ~~;. .. bb!oo~ta: CALI. TRISH HOPKINS Lt(gune 8e1ch 3848 p• r k E M~~;~TS. 497-1215 fND: par a kc(> t Vic. Re~~~~i~~~995 1"""1N:T.n:=·•"10°"R'""'•"'c"'·x=.r=-1:"'·""'10"'1"°t OF A J0 3 call elude th(' roil~ng plAM : J ERRI \\-l{IITE~fO~ ' 8 1\ hi r.i rN'UTES TO NPT. BClt. 1617 WESTCLIFF, NB sunurbta tract Muses in >c===-,-----.,..6015 Qual.H.y i\ot·k & Apartment, 11 P11 id Vet·t1Uons ID\Alr DCDt"r...a..tn , II. tt \.\Iller octfln Bal'h. Jl 2 an •. from 11:17 ~5 aqJl. & U Jl• 54J...Q032 il.ll ~ lrpenttr Spt:c'l•listi:;. fi.l2-l..s4. M s . McC•nn 639-1501 • Pa.Ir! Ab:r.cnl'e ~""ERYJC"'cESr"!:""'w::»C("'~ \-\t'W. pool, Crp\t1, rlr('lll, ----NO\'A ~, ti "-·1i..-* Group In.•,-·-r. JiJM~. flefrl.g. $27:i. 675-6ll5 Adult!!o, No Pell. Nfo:W ~an View Ole's, CAI t'ND: Mnn't wriltv.·a.tcb Vic, riu tc ve UM. "tto"· '"'"'" ewi. L'i61 i\1r1'8 Or. 11 11.'Y, JIB . 1700 s/f-lf'r. \an l\lruina High SchOol tennis C ARP ENTRY · ~1 nllte_r Avg home $;{.j(), 2 t;lory $3.j(). * Paid ll•1lirl1l)s 188 E. lilt'! :.:1. 131 1n ·1ne1 ~' (• "'k t N 1 Bl ~) •1 J J 'I " I ~ .. ,. .,~...,, O)tUit;. t!<IQ-tLa'I Crnftsn1tin·l'l"modrlln< & Lie, bond, Ins. 536-62U. Appl> In JX-'nlln Suite 224 •-.1•-NFJARl~'i rK'"'' 2 ·" l BR ""' $ m5m1., !':'P vu. !' \' ( c. ""°'1'(~~""'"' CLA y -· '" h. J bl • ~ OF'C ""I 1~ t SI J I.OST,.-... Lido 1•1-c-, blaok & flni&,!t. u•ork lfllArAntei>d. -INT/EXT PAINTING " AL CO. 11' lh• \\'llli•r V t'W', Cll:11 lo · J-:"'_ I«!, 'l'W' t. U !Ab C vn FRF~F~ EST l ~J ATE S . I "'-..._ _ ~ IWlnf'h . $27G-$300 1 e p I! t' a ... ~5\ficd i\I\] c.n &-12..s618 lor ooclor. If II n' I 111 1 0 n "'hlle-'l'ell'tl!r, fem, c-Qll •l!&-31M btl. ltlam/1tftar 6 A. I lll'llngc! ... ,,. Jim D<~l.\19 1101 Pl.oct'ntla, ci.1 <J~\';M nr 4!>4~1\ltt..-h>tluy\ G11tlltn~. S.l:W, 61..-3771 11m. CLASS Sf-:l.LS _ 642.5678 Equal Oppor. Employl!'r m I .. 1 ' • f hl! fntl .. !t draw 1n the Wt·sl. •• ·• O.Uly P11ot CIU1tfild 'I __ ,.. " • PILOT·ADVERTISER 10 11)74 W~1111rM:f1y A11,d JQ 'l~il DAIL'!' PllOT .)I !Help Wa nt.ct, M&F 7100 ; .!:!.!_!p Wa nted, M&F 7100 H1lp W a ntid,-Mi .j: 71 00 H•lp W •nt.d, M&F 7~ ! Help W •l)ttd, M&F 7100 Halp W anted , M&-F .7100-;-F;ae !o'.V~ 8045 19 HOIP"Wontod;-M&F 7100Htfp Wentod;-M&F 7100 -Delivery-Sunday Only llOUSEll'ORK, ..... ,.1. ' MOLD OPERATOR PLASTIC l"-ILL< ,-r1 ·111·:-.;n::, s_ 11S hr , l.-·11~·~ 4.~p111 d.1\1\' • S.•t CSIJI )h• !)u k, S '6-:. Ci.a. \\llll \\ \;>.r..: "\\1'1 :r.~ ~l<Lr. 10 -r··I hOlllC! 6 v.k [11:!\"I ,\ t \I. 11111!1• k111y nruu't.l \ltil1'\f OF DAILY PILOT TO CARRIERS. RE- QUIRES THE USE OF A I.ARGE STA· d•Y5 11i·kly. O.·n lntnlp TECHNICIANS Ri>h1. CaJI 6il·4S26 , MENS t'tlut1:-.~ ••Lu l••llt' 11,.11.. Ail wtrrtr. IH2-3.'C:?!i or l•Jt \\•Ul 1IJ It ·1,,tl ••II ti:U-liW t ..... ' \lt'n 1•r .,,,j. •fl l ·I li(JLIJI.:'\ J_,\H (';"i(111o<o0 \.,• 1d1fh1h I .11 ... • .. 11P".J !:Mu.,JI nut lo•, \/'I) !1111ni;, ,-.;1'V.l10r1, Scl·UJI & cµt•r:ttt' rranotlrf f:xpcrtit:nC'l'd Lil Uu1unal1ni::J INSURANCE-It/or lnjtot·1~1·1 1n n J (t 1 n i,:1 hl>fn{lWl!I .Starung V."llJ!<'S •'quir. Sin;Jl .t1hnp t' o n1 ni t'n u r.,a 1 1~11h TION WAGON OR VAN. CONT ACT MR BENTON WILIJAMS, ·sso WEST BA y SPORTSWEAR TELEPHONE WORK AGENCY GIRL STACOSWITCH INC "'l"'n1·.i, ,. I• 1. 1 \ur.' 1r1 fiN' &.: honK"'Cl'ol'IK!l"ll '":..pt't• ' • pl'n;on Edlt'r lndu..;tr1l·~. IL'TK~ ~'t'lllMry. ,\lust two t1.;9 ~<'r. 5~"1.J :'ih·-..i lnl' :'101 !).i1e StfL't!t, STREET, COST A MESA. TEtEl'HONE 642-4321 FOR APP011''TMENT. :'{o M"lhni;:. 15 10 ]{/ hounl pt'r 1 llHk ft. pt•r hour IA>· nr F llml" i'J hr day Ul)f'r,il <'\t•n1ni,::. lr.~fl(' or CaplJ· \II , l\'llH I ,\ • . t" ,11 trLJ.luJi \1•11 • I l• •II ·~·1-•1 "~ Hl'"I' !i:<••I h-11111· Ca 11 Si j•nl1'!11t ,.1 "<Ir ' •" • An Equ1I Opportunity Employer Help Wen~od. M&F 7100 I Rooc.i l)pli,t Good lUllAry lor ;..&~:'>(H I , :-.1'1.\(lOrt Bc.u:h the ti•h< 1,..-0~ Onto•• t'o. ~u:i.J 011p1~r 1.mplo)Pr ..- I ·-• ========! PRESSER, EXPER . lihoppini: tii1o!'QU.llts, ,,111 t crono llrl'& 0 _No HJ.:t' m1u~ ..... 1 irln~c l:Jent'lu~. I n1t-nt ~-l-.i6ti0 or ll:U. .. "ltit> 111·11(" a , .., ,, u•., i. " Furniture 8050 t\,t) .\p">I) ll\ ••t'I"' •II \I JI•\< I _. , I ,, , !~, 11..\1 sr:,\I! ~ U.·,r •• IO lin1Hzl.' 11.u fdJ li<:•'. l"I' '"I 111 i.;1 lll, l'l'li<"\ I t ,,1,•I , $7 1 I ltl'tl I 1t1;1n1~. 11•••1 t'lflltl'll, 1',1 '' f '"111 t " ~I\! fl\ltll'l•\, \1 1110' llll•' ) ' l'J ~l't\' l'l!,L' IH•ll'I""' I ,,1... tu ;\hu1) t•!l!l'I' ll oil l•ll);"\11' bl\-1~\l._1 l\J,,(,,.,,J. l.1<'d, \le ,, l\1'111, Help Waotod, M&F 7100 -COUNTER GIRL, tuU time Clly Cleaners. l ll o.,.,,. FEE PAID Ave. Lag. Sch 494-1~ TYPlST 10 s:.:iO COURTESY 1'~emale B"' good oUlce t!Xp. Type 50 ft(-. Driver needed ror new car curate. agency Appl.y In pen;ori CO~IPUTER OPP. ,. SOOQ Jim S'-mons Imports knc)1~1lcrlgt! of k('ypunch 1301 QUAIL ST. FEE REIMBURSED NEWPORT BEACH ACCTG 01-:PT. ""° Payroll, AN.'1>1 rt.'t'f"ivnhle, DELI\'ERLY man for early .,,,. Bt'CUl'U le • ""'' ,, A ~I Ti nll'I r o u l ~, )OU ma ls Econontic:al l'.llf required. S!::CR.ETARY S.i7l Adul11 only. 2 1t hnr. daily. Telrx nvic-hine f');p. Dlt'lft· No soliciting, no rolleellng. ph()l'l(" i'xp. Lots ot lk>ll•11 \Ve st min i;1 er. Garden Giit!. FRIDAY l60J a.,.,., llnlg: &h area. S II 80, type 60. 10 key a1ld, 638-1921. ' 1ouch AC'CIS pa)ablf', li({'li; DELIVERY me n, ""' 23 rft:<"l\'ablC' Nw.e phorir 1n1tn· ,.,.,. Pern1. p /1i1ne. Early "" Lun1ber ex p hrlplul.' morn. nev.11paper df'li\', ,. V2 FEE PAID NB hom('ll:.' S'.!00 "'' mo SECR~'TARY " SOOQ + bonus. &12~. lype 50. phom;, filJfl{;:, flOSI· DELIVERY· llOUSf\\'IVl-.:S, 1ni.;. Allrl'll'fl\f' p /Ume. sg1t1 ~hifL !Jen. G.1:::-.>t.;RAL OFC ~ j(\ $600 ta! lab Ca 646--54);8. Tl'lt'x n1achine l'Xp. hi'lpful. Dental Assistant dit·taphone, t~J.lt' ltt<·ural!•, Very hi'&\'Y phone ordt•r f:'\p Perlodonll1I nreds f':'<J)Cr. Luts of detail !/lime 85SI. Ex p nnde1! FEE dutir:ll oppor II B nrro. RECEP'!'" TYPl.'>"'T s.»7a 171~! 962.{;671. Heavy call dll'l'C!or rxµ i\c· DENTAL /\$~!STA.NT <:Urli te l~'Pllll Experienced, enthus1a11tlc, CASlllE!t S2 ·i0 pt"'r hr and neat. X-Ray cerllflc:ate. Good ('ll~htl'.'r exp. Bonr!r1bl1•, cau 5'18·8814. some-"eeki'nds, Hunlln~ton Bt•nl'h arPa Desperately DLXTAL OFC Chan·!'1rle Orthodontist exp '-'h ' l'lo:fl hel pful. Vrry _l.!OOd hl'nrflts. Needed t'RO'.l>T OFrrc i-: J Xln! typli;1, plt'as.int pt'r-I ~ .. w, ., "°'' " '"""' * Secreta ries propll'. RUTH RYA~ ,\CE:O.(l * Typists 1793 l'\€'\\ Port, C :\I 611>-IS.'ll * Bookkeepers 17931 &aeh. !l 13. $17 9617 * Acctng Clrks FULi. tin1e n1ert:handisr hi:1ndlrr. Contacr ;\fr. Cook, * Gen'I Of c Rt>al's Fum11ure, &l2-0261 * File Clrks *GA RDEN ER* VO LT Be ) our ov."J\ boss! Po" " f nme. Your 01\ 11 l<l"Cll ln1t•nt Perso nnel ' l11i;:h lncon11•. Guari:1n1rP<l Tt'1npornry Ser\ ff'l' ' A1rpon an"a t°l)t 1ntt"r.•1c11·. 1 .II) !Ir "" til.!-.'t \T!. NR ('all J.'trn, M3.1-g.1:;o NEEDED _ _ l'P.!!~'1 1,1~ J!'O .\Ju"" ' INSf'ECTlO~ ~I" n1ln t'"<fl"I" '.lh1~r k1~1" Appl)' In 1•rr110t1 DESMOND 'S I IMMEDIATELY h<'k !<om" """"I"'" "~"· RECEIVING d•'!'"''11 r!lu 5:>1-:ia1ci 11r1 er ti p111. 1;;~1·'.!1.13 d"l)ll: NEWPORT I INSPECTOR (25) -P r oductio-;;-Work1r1 t<1u,d u p1,.1r. 1:.111pln)Cr J.:,1,,111,1011 11.1~ 1'rrnH••I a ------------Rl'l:1u1rt'!L 1-:1 y I'll r x l''i• Unsk1'lled I I I k ' 113 F a1hion lsl•nd P•~l'li>fl('~ It!! l'rll \I~~ i'ill'Olli: 11,.f'• 01' llf'Ot ti\ tl•lrl 11111' 1·~1 Sal•·!l H1•11 1'11tlll To $10,..;._.l). bl\C"kgf'O\lnrl ln in~p.:"<ltllln nt on h.1111 '111r1u: .~ 11 ••. ' sh1t1s CUS'IOMER SERVICE Nlv. pr1n11-d r11X'ul1 1io.,ri1... ASS bl 111 <iiw 11!11~11• ~ lll<llrlinu: !\.11H.H•· •'Slnhhsh."t <1<'C'\"tltn1 .. ~hull )Jr nblt' l•I U!I<' 111, em ers l'lnrt! L•11'1•1t'fl 111 J ll111t1n)-'1fllJ lu1 !l\J)"f !1n11 St.,_ ,.Ul!; a ~IM'l'llQn n11•11su11n~ l:•IUI.;"~ Bo• H h \\o• 11"' a I in:•· 111 111·1 1<1p lt'jl · !•Jr \'l!' tltt't!!t•lt• •' & p k llfHhUl'I ''t f<••I "'ii!•" L,>• />I"• '''I"'''''"· <',,II I\•~· 11\i'ali\U'I' pnrti. In lUU· ac agers I ' ... ~ .,_ l1>rm11r~'f' 1\•1th hi r 1nls. rin•!u• 1 ~ \t~I 111' 111 !h•· 1 •. 11') 111.111, '~1-.:';\AJ l.Jcruu' Saln.ry t'Om1111'n~1.1 '' h p1•11 •'~'Hr.1 ina1w•1 •.;•'in ,1 l.1<11111, ,.,.,.....,1p1\1 .\..:•'111.1 {'lo:[)t.'!'l{'rl('{' S.-rMI ''1>Ul1l··,.;~,~ .. ,-.-~ 'r• ,,.,. II l!h I'\< ··JI• Ill \1,1,.:t'' "' Ill. u ... ·• .\},~ :\lil h\•J,,,.,n Standard I Memories, Inc. 1\ suht.11lhi.I") •)! l,\J>PLll:::D '.\1 ,\C :-; ET /CS CORP VOLT .. ,/.rod l I.Jr. Instant Personnel ll.11h t;:..1lf'11°·rh1~l 11n.! 11 •Ill•,., \I 1 .-1 TrniJY1r:u"\ St•ntl'€' 1••~111 •n, .11,,11111.1, tf ,,,L ·'· · .:-. \'l~•IWhh: "'1111,111 311 111 <:"n1pu,. Lr. Sulit' 1((1 , 111~· 111!Pr• '!•'11 Ln f•H •lu· 11 .. 11 "11" '11.1<1~' U<""' "" 1•'•1": :'\t'll'""ll Br.11 -/1 .'l''" l7ll l 1111rk 11itll nu 1''""'t•nJ.: 11 l'"'l'•t 1' ... 1t 11111<• 11u1.: '"" ..,. •I(• 1111"1\•' "''flll' •"\••::. .1" lqw.l C>p1:i .. r t:1nplui1·r 11.•i.:•''• 111.1k1m: 1"nd111o111' · 1 I r 1 I 11 1011, r 1·>. tu'l> · 1111l .. IJh• u" 11 1111.:" t•·n··r11 ~. ,.,,11 I '--""!;'[Ult', Li•ltl l'•~lllh·1 !1~7 •t,•,;11 f,,r A!J[llll!!lfl1"111 "I • ~ ~iJ.11 1 l'..oll h• 11, n 11 , !•JI npply al t',11nb1i • \l111ul11·1 r11r111u 71,11\ l"l•11 ,\11 J!unr •11'1•1 113"-'.)'~ To•J,.typr S.:VO 1 SEND A M ESSAGE ~-"-~"1 '...:11t''"--l I t't',t: PAil) I \\'O>I A~ '" l'l<t) \\!th l:.hl .. 1~)' r.1,mlOl"ui; v1n,·1• , i' f' k ~I I • r.-..Jn. h11-.ln 1 fno.:e~ily ,t· st11ll!t• 111111\ Hlu11I C.-1(..)1."19 _ r"r 1n11i0r111n1 /) u ~ 1t1o 11 I \"QI';'\(; J,1d) · 1''' :-llll'>!llllic_ ! ;l'f'(tl IM•f11•fllll C'i:1ll Lll 11"1"1 f)l'f''-" '.\!!.;!'. S IC/I!!} Hlnkf', ~ll·T.W Ali-o let> ;11.~ ""rk 61-.-71 "i!J l>f•nn1s & lk't1n11' l'1•r!(1111n<'l A;.:f'lll')' .. 1 11'\i!M', 2().o\;,I :-.11,•f1<'lM111 J>r TELLERS ~.\J'ot'r & ti.1ln(t·~. llun- 1lni.;1un B•··•l'h ,t,, ~.nt11 t\11.1 .. r(·,1' ~ u!l IUllf' \\.,t'k :..11 ,\:\1 (h• 11 1r.111~1,.•1 1.1h"n 11\,,',S.tr} ,\11•1\U't' l '.111 '.\h /\.·11.1 , ~·~.ml TEMPO'S· Dial·A·Job! l'l· .. \li-\) v>11 t"'/< ,, 1rlu)' 1 .. 111i,11· •• !Ul•t: ,,.1\ LOI-( vj•("1"1ur111) I~ Antique' SOOS l !I L .\,\Tlljl'~. ·'·\l.t-. ll.\1.1 .• 1~ •. t'.,, l.•l .1111.r.I• ' " l. '· ·'-•! ,..;_ 1, ., !Jiii \11l"I U•, C\! ,\' rll,/l r: •'•ll<'ll. , J,n1 ,, .,r •I .~I r·~·.,,.r )•J 1 •,.1 1 .. ..-.• ~ l•·t"I• .\\l'tQL·~ l)1\... H·~·l..11, $l.\J \I (i( •~111!111•'1• I', S.\!l '.!'!JI S Anr1<· ~t n ·r1 S:1n1,1 ,\11,1. CJJltl ••titll An t••11111l npponunl1y t•rn1•loyt•r NEWPORT BEACH 100~. Free-rempcrary Office Positions l'ur ~out ,.fl u• 'kill-. lrl~!f•fl II" n •h ~.11u ii 0111•111111111.1 REAL ESTATE 'ol• 'li\.1llo11.tf~ • 1.1,. r • 111,," 1~·1-.....nn .. 1 .1 /,,., I uu ... ' I 1.. I> • !1111 n1.111,1i;l' I"' .11 , ltir Sl\ld<<I . ' KEYPUNCH SELREIARIEo I I:•.: •J.117 Applianc•s 8010 1-------1 JANITORIA'-HELP I Pt•rn1 p/Un)i\ '.li.B. \\'•• nc~·d ~ lli:•iJllL". I 11,r rH•Jr'n ! n1gh1.~ . ..i-U d:-1}:, ,1k ('°'~I pa}, :tt.'l-l(l2'1 J,\NITO!t°J,\I. -St'r.1i:;-z~1~1 tuktni; epphcations fo r lull t1111e 1'>.pcr1c11c."fi.I 1x·n.unnt'l 5.l7-ti88 KEYPUNCH OPR '.:.·I hr Slllllf: )>hlfl CLA-VAl CO. S:;1 \\. Jj!h S1, t: '.\!. Call '.\lr t:hanl :,18-2'.tOI, l•\I '-".ii 1 1..AllGt: '.\ll;'!;lt: L'O I 01,uH;(' Co., 11C'e<ls ~harp, ;i~i,;fl's~11.· S.•lt\' tc1 ti~ P11 ~1ck•n1 1,,. c1111l~ 1ntt·1·1·~1.1ni; .iob Jru ,\ •\IMl"h'!l•• I•• 11•11!( Ill ILi' ' \o lllJl!.,'. :t11·.o Carol er Suzie, 833-9145 Personnel Resources Tempcrary Services 1 11."i! l ••\('. ;\" 11.!. :-,,.\ll-'<•11 In La guna H ills H as Immediate Openings F or Nursing Staff Perso nnel '•H\' 111~1! J.,1n n 1111111•1· 1 .. 1•• 11 ... 11 ·•l'-·17'1 ... 1n1n.;:; .,/f1t111•·•1 111111 CnnTu•\ .!! ,,\1.t .. "'l.:\IJ\ \\ ,\' r l·. /J th•• n·..,,1u·, ·' ,,f 1.•11n: I •1 ..:1·1 11o1t1111. , 'I' 11111~ t '' 1 pl u' 1lH• lll'J>,o 111.J:1 1lh1Pl ••I )>(Ulli•'l,11 1'o1 l1llV !'ll••ll Ill 'Ill 1Jl11•''' 1~1.,1111.1 g,. H 11 ("II l"l e 111r••l 1•f•·JL.d,!i>11111•11•1 .!!JI" i.IJ-1 ... •.i •"•il.u~ v111 n ;-.,\l.l·.S ~111, 11111 '"''I'· "'11 11• l\o' k('Jli1' ~·11 Zldll~ll~, ;,[If I I LliJ l'I ,, \ .•l •-°t•U~ ..:, 1· 1 \l :.( I H I".:.;·' .N,rn1•I•· 111.11,1 r. r.\I• L 'olo,ul~ 11••1" '"' 1!.;I jR eal Estate 1SALESMAN ·'' o It I.I]'\ * AT .THE BEACH * 1 llll•J \'.,lui "'"IL111t.! .\/ _., 01nul.111••i.; l1.1... 't ~11111 l •I.LI u-.. 1~11111o nt.., 1~" •h·~'· \'JL<jlot ll••i..~ "l l•'" 111,,lllll~ · ~•!U !htlU•' ,,U\\ )"<I d!I . , . APPLY BY PHONE t ,1/1 ""1· I l.J1! 11; 1.-i t 11~ klllll\ "ll•ll )UU L 1>1(i1LJ• ,U'I' t\t.1 111,\l l•t <"flh In 1"-ll><llllill) · Ul\1)1 Ill' /l.l\'1• lllt Ju~! l'l.ll\ 1'f'V\ l•ll' ,\(llj' ·''·" r.1~ ,, r tr: ,\T Tt:\IJ'U lemfta Temporary Help TVUL uESIUNER ~ 1111 1:111-\ ... ~ • <J • , •' .•I ' "l•I, .. '" •" I• ,, ""''" 1•11•'•1 '"II• ')" • ~· .<~1 'I '•'' II ' •I t l.11; I 1 l \ 11: r: l 111 I•• 1 1 " I l• ll H.: Jl.,f!Hl!l I I 1 I' I o I , \\ tlllo', I I ,.,I !I I< $1.,1 .... ~-.~\'.•/( K1·.,'.\UJl!I< ,\Ill•' :)'>:> \1 t\11 !J•••J ;111tn 11 •l'll"I )<t,J Ho'tlJlllll11ul\,.I .\ l!U·ll' \ !It'''\' d•·l1\1•/), :i-lt..-Mti1~ Rent Washers/Dryers ,_ 1." r 1111 .n ...... • td~' 1.11.: "' l!tBLr "-••1111 . .Ir;. ··1 1.i-11/11,h, !'.•I ,1 Ill• !" I ." .,o1i .1lo-.>-I • u!' 'v,l-1hJO L· ... 1111,, 111 l!h·I •·I h I•: h l"l l"i ll!.•ll•• ,,1, .. h111, ''''l ' •' /!•1~"11 •\l•l u1 li111ld1u.., \, \,\1r.1f (,,1, Ill~' r '. 111~ 1 Ive 111 l••.J-. ,\/ 1n .. h!· "''•""' .. ••I 1,u, lt .. ., .. ,n.1r•u U•'! • ::0' l••I' j•I• ll,11',1f111t1 •d \tr'• ,/• '' Hit' plu.; ln lllM 1..:11 ,. 1 •• \(1\' l\•'IH!l•,I•' ' 1 ,, t', r I! :11.11111 1.,, ru11n.: :-,,,, ... L ,111,1 ~·•.-1 ,,,nth11•111 }ill l.l'lllJ1'1 J]o"ll' ujipul', ,,,l.11 1, 1 ,.,,;_I~~' Jtdid IJo'Ut'/11~ •. v 1il'Ul r1 ,h.11 Ll F !I II! 111;:. "'')"'lilt: t'Xji.u1thn· '. tU~lt•!ll, I ,\ I ( ·i;. H't' 1.r•>ll!h {'' ·"'lid 1·,:,U!ll•' ,,; 11\ltk•'I' l)l)I un tl•••l\I', ~l.J, ,,di •il lt :1,,,,.,·;1 !!o.,\;\'I , lotU l\llo Jri<lu~111(', 11.llf.l \\". J.:nlOli <'I '.\1 1\l !.\•; l\il,,h•·1 s1 ·, II'\\. uh I 111.1!1 !1 '"'• h •>. 'l•111i,:, ,, ~nll'. Sh~. l""I•;~.~~" .,..U•\lll'~ll' •I •! Jlh ,.,,,11•f) l ~U•!IJ) J \ r I.I.I ti\ '"''' ~·, • ) 1 lloll. "111 .. " •1• \\ ,.,,,. '"'" I• '>I )1-1 « ""'I II ! ' l"I I\ < "II ''"' • "lhl \,' J ~., .. ' • ,_ '. ' ~ "' ••• ' • .; I I !',\llU <hllll'. l•.11l,p11 .. t! .. , h·~···.:·. 1~1111 111.1\ ...:l,1 lo , "'" •''ll•dlo "II'• I 1111' I "" 11< llo· 1,111 •,.••I 1 '"', l '"'" •I•"' •h~ I •, • l,o t\ t.,,t,r\ f ,v ...,,j '·J < ll''"' "'" ,, • \ t I) 0:) 'I",, 1., ,, , I ' J. U~Utu>) ..... ' ,,.,' 111,\(\1; lt11. Li11I· I> 1hl > "" ..,111,; ''"!'Pl <11.: ,1 1<1.11 ~-· 0 l1!1k <l<'.11\11 ~.'••,1 <11. , ,,., I ,..,,1111 .\l.11 .!1• l:uund J.1Uk• I , .... "'· "' 1··1.1,., .\ l•i.ilf\1. 1 .Ju.,t 1"ru11~1i'"!, $I 111, i. .. 1-~\·.'.i, "••:! (:11111101, l'.\l t;(.l()J) 1;\ '..; J.' .-... 11 I ... JI•, I 1•11•11111 t 11111n..; : .. •1 l'l•I .11 l Ill' ~ \• ;>.lilt \"l~I. t.11:~ "'•I,\ •di !.••, \!L~J ~·II, 11\"I,' ••!h1 , HI lill~•I illllll•!h 't i, I,:,, "IJ 11"1'•~••1 >iu_; LUii "! l ,, ' :>MhMM ! .-URNITURE 1-11 'n'r1ULE~ALE o14·1Ui0 ,J ,\l ll. I •I II, h 1·, 1-.11 111 ,,J\ L1I U t l.l< 11• 'I , ·' "~'''; 1,.; ... , \1 I! l 111,\r,1 11·. '''· J.,11111 .. 1, 1 I" . J JI , 'A) ,"w1IL•l 1),1!.. ,11u1q110· 1.1loh· Sil~! ,,l,~'1J \ !IHl',.-..-..r,1\.-.. SllJ \".l. loLt'\11 1u1>l P1111•'h S!.J .... 1 .... .>l.\: Custo1nt'rs. !:.:am ~o"', Pay th..• llijht J:"Ll'I Ui9-00JJ --Leial-Trainee-- ltnndJ.: gl'IU'i1ll :ICll\'ll!t"S 111 11+·11 kno11n Jn11 ul!I< ( B11gh1 ,1; t!.1:,.:l'r u11li11du.il l'llU;,!ht. t::>il llllti; U[1j')il'(Ul1· ~ Cnmpu.c; Dr ' Su11t 100 I l.'lll'r uy. c .. 11 Stn: Knorr .. ~l.l·27!tl. INev.•port Beach ~H!l-i7~1 534-7187 or 5J4..3144 IA·n111s & Denni,, Pl•rsonn1>j, F.qual Oppor. Employtr '""""""""""'""""""""""" .\gt•n1y u Jr11ni', l08.! 1 Gl'nC'r:i l Ofc Traill('(' ~l1t hl'l'iQn IJ1 RN's l'.\1 1' .v /\11.;l1\I\ LVN's IJ;i~, ,\ t•\\',, AIDES I '\1 .•11.i1 .. Opt•nin:.:• ·•L" nn 111,.d1t·1I '\II"" ,,I fl,~ of "'l!f'< I ii llil!"- !ll~ unu ,\ !( t ~ t l 1r111 1Y11 h.i1'•' pn1,11.-.. u1r•·. I ' .. 11 I (' r 1 n t'" 1·" •1 n1 . II "'t'l'rt,1r1"' ,[nit\ \"ll.l,..\1;~, 1~r:,\J. 1·.; r 1 TL I.\' \'1•;,n·:-.1 ~=:-.·1 ,. 1rl11,1u1~tqn TO $650 r.>.1·11111.: u1•p ... 1 1 .. 1· Lu 1i,:!1t :it· ii"\ i)\L l;ll"l 11/o lf. •Jfl lht' n1"1" ,\l.1-t 111,, 11orliu1..; •11 /1'"/'I' L .... d •ktll~ 11; <">.· ( 1111.1r1•J .. ti I l{•~l'IJl•I. UI ~' r .) , -, '/\1\\ TltLl'K LIRl\.EJ{:-(',. I"'' I• 11• ,, l•l l'l ll ru11 /lllY ,.,. 1ru1i.:1• bt.•r..,hts .\pply, Shi'll :-t,1Hu11, t.ih .'V. lr.tni', '.l>.U l\ooLll 1 i"o' .J~ ... 5.!ll t1t1.r. l'l•K .. 11. J,t·iro: N 1\1•f•! l lo"I "' I•" .. '' l".111 ;.111\'L,1 , ...... 11 1ifH, t1un11uh' ,,,h l',\l'l')lllllll.: J.:11•' l)•tl-1". ·~"'""'!•.!I.I•' tdl·-"11· f I QL'llh ~r1I«. S.•( IL011.1I, LikL· d• II l"l1•'t' 1111•, li!lfl/h ,\II 1u1 Ski , .1,:.1-1•J:'.1 'DISHWASHER & \VAl'ffil:SS 1 WARM & WILLING! LIND't:Y l'\11',-"~'~1~1,~,-,.~,,~,-.. ~- for coffee shop, 2633 ,v_ c~t. I Suprr ('1'}n1panl' I)> looking: ff'/r Ll:'\D:-1:.:\" '.\ledl• ;ii 1:.1111)\<f)· l',f' t• h I ',ill f 'hiJ \lo ·'•Hll• •' '•;:. r ,.,7_ RIVIERA tBJ<..llJAlttt. Or ~1 ... ·t1!· Garage Sa le ___ BO.SS 1·' o.~.·~ ,. Hwy, Nel'."J>l)rl lkoch or call indl\'ldua! \\ilh kn.il'k for menr ,\)lt.'lll")' '.l;i't.ods I~:'\ '· 642-8'175. f1gurPS Tr.~n1enrlou!i ~ .t L\ ~·s & Prr•t hl'lll5 '.\!ah· ,v l \1n1 p,111 11" l"•ncfl!," \lnl r:"'"'Jll11"Jn1~r : .. ,,~1 1 1 TRAINEES qU•'"rl ,\U!'•1n:1111 \1 ,,,n1·r, ,1 11 ,.,. 11 " ( ,lllj•l•t~ll !t!I\ :\etl\(), 111'. I , \I • (, .... ,\., :-.it ,\ .~UI! DISTRIBUTORS need rd ri.;t·t'llf'nl opportun1!y Call ft·111 For 111 I dut~. stnll 00'\li' Pt F 1in1c. \1'f>rk rit Ll'nn :\larlih, S:l3-271Yl. f);-11. ri'l1ef ,1; oth1•1 1111'(l1l',1l home. Take a l'lo,.:;er look : 11i5 &· Dennis Pt'r1'0nfl(>I t1rl·t~ IJtli·l.~lh, C""-L• .\I'·~·· l\u/'~111.:. ••}t\J, .111.111 •oHldl· UP FRONT SPOT ! 1 .. ~, • .: 1 :u~llll'S~ Ctr lJr, :·~II· 2'.JO I ')..,,) +'llf'h ;-o.,,,..ll(),~ fl•' I• I ~ .... 'ul,i, S.!.) r \ d.11>,, 1111•1•-11..-1 •n J.JLn111.., f:lu11n1l•U' 1• .. 111"1 o111111 ~ 111 111• l'tl.~:-3 1 11.1 I B icycles ---8020 ~'. ).!IJ J..1t.,k. SI.• H.•t l, •1u1 1ll'" 1, .. ,111~ j rho•t c•ful 111•h1uh1ol 111 'Ill"'" \\111 tnun dcµcnilithle IX'llplC' ··--~.,11 \\01u1ru1' t l••1hl~, ,i.01 Glenn 675-:>260 At:ellt'\' of !nine, ~1 \IH·h· ~l<'s:-t ---· DRILL PRF.SS &-tUT't'('I clson Dr _ , L\';>. ,\.-1 1 f 111111'.;: 11knd~ ,\J11>l~ '1''11111111 ti i h,•·1~!h ~111 r t.111 Li1 ~A.E{.\JT ll/E SUITE ! u1•1llhng1111tr11tvrs '.\luJtl 1~· \a1"S1lyi..~ I l.iL'l't'n, 1 ~1 ·'·U olb-1!1"1 I l.1 •11 1~1\• l1 i.. 111"11 .:. .,. , r< 1 . .r:; $b.J!> ·lo IK·1,1111.: Jllll~r 11• LnJ•·t"\ivll T\\'O I~) 3JJ<I ~ o.: h 11 l n n .l'llJ •If' 1,.,, ,\li"'-1' flJ~ 1..:u•li Personnel Dept. 1,.,,,, ,.,".'•''' 1.,,,,,, • ,1 1 ,,, ... ,, ... E•<"I , •• ,,. , .• , 111.the operators for .~mall GIRL rnday. IA!; '.\lulti-( Ch<1llrm;1ni.: pt1'-ll~•n 111 1.lfg. firm. Plea,;ant \1-0rking: I rnillion Dollar Corp. has a l,.;cn <1U11:s. Top S .1< bcnl'.'fLti>. cond!Uons & b'OOd f'Ompany ~rctar1al opcnin~ 1n 11~ Cnll &1:l-'J \\j -~ ,. tl:.l. l'AID 111e lu ~111111 Lnllrr· :<liLH V"-'o~• • -~ ·"' ...,..,, 1.111\11•.11 I Saddleback n. 11111'> l't I .. ,Ill\• I \..'•I~\ ,,[ l.:•·1 1••1':11.-t>tl l• t' "I .t f:i111ou... •I ll•'i t·s~ •• r~ UJ• 11111~.., "11 1:,i Ci;I. Ol:t-31oi • l '1 .II MttlL/\S • ln.111•·. X-2 ,\J,,11• l"ln 11• I' l<1lt S · t t 1· 1 ., I '''' t 1 "-11 ' paid bf:>nef11~. Tapn1;il1c 'I !nine Olhcc Onlv f)C'Ople • 1~:-;-s l\ELJl:.F. [.\":'\• Corp.. 18.ll h:etli'ring, ll'Vllle. j.IOS.~e~~lllf; younl{ hT·1i;ht ,( Ri'hef .\r<lt'' ,t. Urd\•! He'" 979-6080. pos1t1\e out looks llf'«I ap-Top .,.,.,,g,_.s_ 1rl:.!-:t.i0i E mplo ment Counsellor ply Typing, a fe11i· ;:rnf'ral Y office skills & the ah1l1t~ to Due to gro11o·1h of . our bus· "'Ork \\ell 11 /{X'Ople 1iill lness, v.e fin! l~kl~~ for 11~ quahfy you ~·ree parking, amh1t1ous ln<h\. \1 1en1plo\ · pleaseant surrounrhngs ,i;, mt'nt agency or personnel olh€'r ~nefits For in· exper. Call C01J.sllll Person· ti'r-.irv.· Call l\lrs Sutton al C . H . I RECEPT . S ECTY ommumty osp1ta '1 .• , .. 1 I" .. 1 .. , ... "" ('n m 11'\HI<' Jlo·1.,..-,n,,1J!•, i,:ro(Jo'I :!.1--.(il l',IM d!:o• \'11!\!l•I< l1p1~t ,.;trnih.11 ! •lr •fJ<I l~• .. •111,1 Hilt~ 11111111.; 11'(1•! ,\J11~t h11• -~'· • •••1111""'''~ "lkS 111,;n ._ ... ,..,,_.r ~ , -ir •1 ,,1r ~111 ... :) u s1,..,~ .~-1111111 H-oc1e1 "'''"'·.,, -111 ...... / i.1.ii1 ,u,1.,1 1 .. i,:1.u.., 1111 u N'I" ~h1fl S2 11 th st.in :!r•l 'hill, Luce llrl\nd 1i.·v.. h~nr tHu•' ._ ~.1! .. •t10l t•!11•c fll'tlllU!loUS ~.'~"I fol 'l'1Jt J(:tl'l' Ill ,:t) ~!W l~J-1,-.•2 r I•• 11 L•!I j.)IUl ,\Jitl'fl . .\.~(I dil)' \1 .\:'\rt-J), r~,)~ 11.· HI~·· 111 l~!\IH, \utu II••!"'·~· '"I ~ ~.-!i1~) 1\l_,..J !"l.' J•tli~ U.,.11· I Al'l'l.\' ).!'••I l~~nd ,\I r~·;o>-01111 1.>lo. • '" ._r. t·n /J.1•t111 • :0.1 1•·111 1 111. .... .).: L1t:11n1 ... /'c1~1111tl 1,111 .i.11-t~~ .v i111'K tin'-. l»\llri.; '"''' ,1 (714) 837-2121 ""P• ,\1:.1 1 ln1•11,..,I. Cull lilkl· Sa11 !>11'~'' t-l'l'+'1i1i_I' '.\II~ Clt"'h') ~.:.-·:!GO ~l :'A) lu t.I I"!'" !~d 'luin,.11 1•1-, :\!•111 !IH'H t-1·1 I Small p1t'•is1•1n f)/lt't~. ~t-up \i., 1.,ir·oi1o1 I R E C EPT. $500 '. SECRETARY 1.lYJ'JSf, ii.·cunite w.,., 1,m & 0111•1.1!<• \,l.fu•11• "I ,_. I "I 1 • I '''••lo~·I MACH IN IST ·~••"' • or.111;.:r ('Nt.<.l J'!a~ILI ~ • A.:•·nl > ,,t lr\U\l', ;,...,.. B "d' M . I 8015 111·11 .... 1 \1,. 1····11 ll111·11/ :i'.Jtl \I ,.,,, Ui111 S! un tnn ater1a s ,\11.1111,.. .. n!Jr ___ •1 _ ···-··-·------l•ll} • .J.!jn1u 'd•,~ffe.·1 1•1 (.'~!fl r-.1~·:.;1, (.'11l1f, .• ~.1-111~1.: 1111.l'fl!ll•' ----' \\ I· ! .. 'j{,;I t l '011y, I ~I"" lild 1 e Surplus Building r.q11.1 llj•J••l f,lllf!)"}"f ·'"'' ,,,,. "' ,,,,,.,,1 .~•!l!'J>lll.; c•·r,1 1", ' • ..-1' 0 1•110r. 10 Jr,1111 n~:-.1 rna!'h1n,•s 1n1 lud1ng ltl!'ll'I 1 / ,,,,,, , r'fllll· 1, 1 ·fl . 'll•tj1l11•l\l<11,t\1 ,;..,,,.~. ,,,.,,1-.r 1, rho.IS 1-'>· Ci•ll lflthr· & 1!'1·111.:lr n11JI. ,h,1rt 11~·. p1 .. 1H" .i 11" k 11 C ~ :-lur~1·' Aid•'~ t::.:1,.-·r 83'9.770 * 100°' FREE lo l~pl!•!i s Is vn~u·ul·t1on :.-1.r,\7~~1 bc!1111 ~ ,t· I I nel Agency. ;>.l()..60jj, 2790 113~.;. lfarbor Bhcl .. C'.\I i --"''-':G:Cl'=R~L~F~R~l~D~A~Y~- :-.1 ...... i.1 ...... 1\1'.N,, '-'i .-~\\ l lJ... •l'l !.)WI'!., .,,,,llA•, i'.) ! .. ,..1 .,.,/l'lulrh~·o 1;<1ud l1t1111l' uni) $~~'· 1;12~.•l I Household Good, 8065 ESCROW SEC'Y Large \\ i'!I k110\1 n co. \1·111 ll"flin sharp lnrl1\' as assis- tant to escrcn\' oll1c:t'r. ;,:-, 11-.p.m. typing, no sh Good personality & eager to learn. J•1on Best Agency 17400 Brookhurst, F. Vly. SUite 213 96J.-.67Ta EXPEDITOR/ DISPATCHER run,. l::.\p1•r. i i• 'I u 11 ,. d 11 IJ I ' 'ii -; io t'\1w1 rwlplul. Of,,; to be --~-~111nll ~!\Op, d.1y~h1f1 ' ~·( (~•111 ·,1"'Sjl 1111"' r·,,1, ]'1•) .... ;ll!ltl ,\L•ll•\ l·~.,1 • .i 11\lt.ll.Ciil l'cr .... ;!~ TYPIST !':1r1 llnl'" \\"holrson1P girl f11day for STACOSWITCH, INC. .. l.11l ,,111-).11,1 -'1 1111•1 \\'1•,111h ·'I> '" i·i1 cJ11.1hl1<"1 L:rill :,»-~1.Sl or I pho!ograph) '" 1 1., .i "''·"'id~ l"I co mmcrcia ' 113~ liak,.r, Co~!a '.\lt'si.l. ."U1:.:1.; .\t•lt'. full '>I' Jl/ll1nt'. l'l"~'t ("•II l•r1• 1'"', t1"n~ fourh•·i lll!•J t~•!Uul Uppui· 1>7:1o-'::S:l:-.. nrhre. Conlact \I /propll' .11111111 ,, " "'' 1,1'• r u ·"u i "-·I f kl/• a ... ,,.. :,.i!J-3()11 R ECEPT I CLERK l-.1n111 ... 1t•1. IYl'l"TS, 011v UVU' OC S l "• CCuo L ,\,1;.(l' L'1tJI h..!·~ll !J •----------' typing, A/P & A/ R. f-,qu.1! Oppvl._ 1-:mp!n~\·1 .,. , ,. 11 ,,. ,1 ,11,.r ._. .. ~! 1,11.,11, ~Jnf! Al·111r:11r. 5-15-1-W.1. Apply u1 person, 2 OFFICE GIRLS 1.,11 •. ., ,,1,111r ~ 11. ,111 dill :1n·<1, .J.¥)...l.,fl 1?.63 Logan .\\'C, Cosla :\l,\Cl !lt\IST Prnlu!)i>e ,\· NEEDED I'"' 1·,11 c·.,,.,.1,1 1'11•,,•1111'1 SR. PRESSMAN \\,\IT!~ES.St:...; ____ _ i\lesa. llll'tal n1odcls Capable of 1!11d1u h ll'p!lone •ll•P<Jlt h .\ "!i' 1, .!7'+11 I! 11 l••r Blv1t ,\11 1,11,, •• '""'" u,...,11111~ 1111 ,111 Nc..:d rt l11tlt• P\tra n1r1r11·y ~ toul1ni:: 1nfc:., as \.\'l'll ;u; pro-I ('\I · ··1--• u·· II / r "r (•\'t•n1n:.: Cu,ta :'>I··~• \\ "'"·· ~•llUo ~""C"·'"'• '""'I.I 1,1.,, .1 uw o1 .. , "l~. bu1 ... uck::t ~UKP LUS .,,i,,.., ,.A}, •••••• ,1, "'" .l•Ull Li l.I u .0<'• JV·" . -----~ I ' ,\J{J•J·. f, I I'\ !t; J~ rY"n ( iulol .-..1~1~. ~ I '•· :-.·~111111.<I, II!~ I 1L 11 \)i•t',1" ("111 :.1~1',! 8040 J.·~~1.~y ____ , 8070 ---- e PUPPY WORLD e 1:-;JJl.\'.li j••\1 1•1!1 1i...ugh! "'•Ill, II ,U!\"ol J Ill •j• 11JI"'' • al,., I"' • i •ll'lll<lll. ~J7i ~.t-.. !•• 1 .• :.,1, .'1 •• \ GIRLS·GIRLS-GIRLS .11 u~1 .ot·~.:i111t•tuuri1l' _" '·' -1 •11u1•••"''' ",..,.,,., ... 1 )C<1I~ f' IWt'f part 1n1e c,141u,,uu,,,,, Juiy l'!Mll•·•, 1otypr. Con1pof1(.'nt 1nal't11n· \pl 1,· " 1, ~~.-.n RECEPTIONIST \\",\/Tltt-:S.'~:S :-; o ex· Ea'y fu" ]Ob. d•". o· "'"hi. 'I h & • ' 1" l"""" I '"'"''' • ,, ... 11<1••" 1·11 l~u11,,, Uull lo."tT1c1, 1· ..... " ,.. , "" ing. "ust a\'e exp o11n YEL OW CAB CO J" I '/' I II ' l'\o t'XP rK'«'Mary. \\'e 1r111n tool•. Top "'Y & frin'" L · t ;<'n• 1.11 ,,ff1o ·f· \ ,1 r 1 r II 1 ''1 •,•J•I L .. 111.h" t r-·rirnc."e nec.,•!Jsa ry, 11· a in.;\'"<', u.1.·11,,huuJ, u,._k.,. _s .. ,.") n n I 1"11 du~ , I k I • r 1 , 1•r , -1 11 I Ca ol Sm't 1111 of l'n!hui;1;1i;n1. Apply 1 1,1,1 .. 1·ul•l 11,., 1;1,11~, l· 1 .. 1,, \"OU. You must 1 ·p peop e & .._,,.,lits !'.: u i::. ,.\l'<:Utitlt! -"'... v n, _ ....... ~ u · l'"''-1·lr111· 11 l•1'll1•'n 111!11 lr'<I!\! r I I•"'-'· J ,1jli•ilt.i<t' ."lj><1-Jr., ..iu,... c. I Ji I / ·-..,...,.._ -I 'I '"5800 t.11\n ':! "'J} & I l'.\l. I ' I I 1 •• 111•1.d•J,, I"' I''·'· Xl7-{ri91j ...... at ra~t , PP Y any .\!old. 12131 1"ti0-!>5-iX. Order Desk T rnee • '"" n·,1~1n~1h1lrl1•'' u~1 ,,........ TONIO'S : .. 1. 1111t:1tJ "J . 1 ·' ,, } artrrnoonorr\f' ~130 \\'ei't I 'I Cl . SI II t F,inlii.l'!lt 1l'1l.Jlllll" IH'n•·r .. nl 11r~··•111r,.•1 C •llf••r 11•11111 ,\1,,, 1,,,. ·'' ,,.1.._,~·r r l 1,,' :-tu•I ·'t'L>l•t' .11v~t M iscellaneous 80&0 Co·,1.,t JI gl•11a\ :-;,,,port · ,\ llNE 111P c po.•r, ., " 11 , 1 • /I "II 110 '.lie11pJt1 Crntrr Or Lil~•·•\"' u 1,, 11 1 .. ,., •. 1 ·.~•-• -----I • ·' ,,,. 1 "h c luJ' 111'L"hl .\' ....... r Ill· '" Ill Tl'",' -' Llj·l.d ''•"'" '-l•\lllU)~I ' .,.._, t Beach j • :>to sta11. ., np u~-., ~ :-;c11110rt lkarh &~1-.wul /;\<;l 'l.ATt-. Ytllf~ Jlfl:\11·:1 lt>rhnn, oldf'r niau Pl'(•[, l<lil-d11·idt1"! l>''• ktrlt:" i.:••1'1 1w1• 1: I· (' ~ /' T IT Yr I "T WAITRESSES ;>.Lt.US .\ 110'.\il:.:, ~nuJI :'\It\\ :u\I! ar!, .. 1,1 !hr• ,,11111 \\'e are cul"t'('nlly looking for GUARDS ary OJX'n, 1 '.\lat.:Jllni~i !Lull tn t',\t'• lll'!ll ~~iru1,,u1~ ~!" • r • 'l'I ri1 •·! !;11r '1, rir ~t-.t~\ ll r. :-t"l!"n Sall'1'm.1n 111.1•" l•·t11, :-.µ.·~· •. ,,,.,... 111,.1 ru,ri r.riui rol a capable 1nd1\·1rlual lo t':<·1r-;N'd \0 pf!inle guards for J ourneyman. s:d<"n)' OP\'ll. L,111 ,\Jruion .1,.,nn., ,_,11J' 111 1\ ~J, :-;1 11r \111"lrl r111J 1u1u, o1:1)S ~nil\, 1nus1 :.Tnh1r<> n11n 'l )l'"S rlln!V'r r!•J!,;'. '.\11,, pvi<!lt•/IJO.\I•' ,, ir·,,,,.,r "Lii loloii -in 1•1!1 n 111 ptd!te and ron!rol ninli'nnl 0 1.,0 •• Co •>'t'a Cal! 1zr11 r,.,,,,,0 Coil>"'"), '''0 • ·-'·.. ]h·nn" .1.:. 1x11n1~ J't1..,.1n11t•I ('r,n1 "T ,1 sr .. 1·1.11 1 \\•)I, ,,._. t ·f' '" , ..... 1~ ..-'"111u1 !~··1~1· 1·:-;p lunch & d1nn1•r )•"' :'\•,(I' i.11•· .. 1 .. 1 '"n' n '• all -1"<11011 "' "' "" ,,~. " ........... I fir11·~1 111:11,.11.1 1 ~ .. r 1~ .. J,•r ov.· ,,..tv.t:!('n P·~" .1·~.;9-,9 Joi· ,0 I e r 1 \ e,,.,. ."•. 11u ,_.,,, ~""" A..:t•nt) tJf lt1LnL, 'l11,,~ F •r.:•1 .\T.,1111;1..;• ['" , 11.i• 1 •.• <\~ 1111 I ,,111, i~'n" ~lllHS O!)t.'n up11 y 111 111 ·r,..111 l'"111vr1~11111 ul uldcl' l'o111ilt k t t s \\111 nd ,,., · ·' u _,.,......., .. v • 10-11 3 • , 1 1 111 .. 11 c-1rntort11hl·· 1i .. 111r d'1~11'00ail'y"0',~7~inin 1111 \\Ork Lo!.1111TI'~~ h Sccu:i!), Inc. ---MACHINIST \1u·11l·1..,,n !Jr ,, 7-,:1-1m __ 1 •1.1 ... ·'' 11 .1 c, .iJIJ .")<, LtM1ot ,., ..... ,i;.:~0o2r ,:_·=>C!~'.~.,',','~ ..... 1 n Al;', ·" 1 1nt "' 1 c ti1 1 r ~ n i\\•·J .ii.:,_. 1~,111,, ui~l<>i· ~40:!. ~• ' RECEPTIONIST 1''> · 1 ~•i.:UJl.i h"·1111 ""'' ."'", . ...,, """' ., · bo.-,;uti in pro cesi:: s tatu s n>: r. T011·ork1nlnu1n i'hopon OROERDESKTRNE T ION l..«guniiNl'CUrJ 1 II C1 i.u,.:;· 11 ,\J•,\\1:-i J;"I. -port•.n-.ttousslock roon1 JIA.1°"D'\' ~!Ar\. Nev>poc l I I • I I Jrn°'r1d ,-.:,1111""-,\· lo1nSEltV !CI-_; :-;T,\ 1 , • ,, ~.-·--~ 1.\l•L \J.L\J,d{,\.•~·· ,.,,,i., ,..,l,.l,AIJU.'-i.l ~'••lU Lio ... ''"'' 1001ng or in·J><Llll 111,)nu. J I I \\Aln\''~S F S ,.,.,rul ........ , I · ~n.,0 .. , <.lroog plus ... .,,,, .. ,,11 1, &lm-11an1 tcqs ni t" hand111ll1ng, g•J1J1l ,\s.~-,,1 ,., .. , /l l'I•""'' ~1·snu111, e Xf\l'rJencf' c.. •... ,. .. 1 .~1 .. , · ~Jl'•ll •v, L1, ... 1,1p1••11 l;l••J1•· .;."~''' ·-· -mmensurnte l\ilh "'kdvsonly. Refs ....... d Ren. phUllt'\OH'C,\:11\111.!lllt' \.111 \Jr .. S1"1r·r 1;7·1-.\l.1/'J prt'I 'clay~ t•\e, u "") l'ood. -,>" 1"' ". 11 .. ,~ IJt ~U "' lllli•t 11 Hl1 ,_~ ' " " general lathe ,\: :<()n1e null ~ " · " I d I II lions 01-0 D• • nl" 11s J ,,__,, .. v • ·~.. ,, \\Ork rt."'Q'd. 11141 ~17_...J"lij · , 1 11 & coc 131 ">.rl<'r r 1 ll./.JtL•l1 J/!,1.1·•· 11 .. 1<.·11 experience. Si'ncl resuzne or J~. P. O. Box ~. Balboa ,,13 860-20l2 L<J,1:,1:11 J•vr:-.onn('I ,\g( II•:,. --11ou·1 Lil!lt' ' J1ld), .'>ll" ·"''·•· • • ~ •• 101l· uL •11•o_1iu1.; 11t .. ,.1p1vu 1 h.ir~ ,\I) 111,,i.•rials. 11 .pp/y· Srat1on. i •. i .. . ~•1"1·bl.J"J5,:li:IO ll<1fOOr1s1 \(J ,r 1 ·r·1 ·rirn"r'T •1'11t•"I In 1t'ln !7th&lr1 1n(' :'\B nec:essary Apply hr .... 2· J1u1,,, .• ll·•3.1'-___ ;llA!Dlorcluhv.·ork,rl'llahlr Lii th1riinr1<ll" "ffl<I' \\"1lllS ' '' '11 ' 1 4p111 daily, t..:munrl P.ound lv!Jlt'lf'J v.u1.Jr,1,,, ·'th'' I PERSONNEL l\1,\NAGER Hospitality Hostess i;:irl O\t•r 21 s t t'ac! y Trill!\ .;7·•-til7() 1:.HVfCI:: S1Rll0f\ e p H€'Staurant tiOO Harbor r U!( .)I.ii\. ,\1\4,.; 'J. y r :\1.ut' j,,, I\\' t llllo n <Ir I >. I '· 111- , ---11,ulll•d, t ,\11 , lull llm•' 1\1,. I " I ,, \! ' lJ!J l,11~J1:,ll .'>II\'• ~Iv.; I.\• 1:1n11u•• 1-.· •.''l"l'"l\f', r. lllll, Standard Memories, Inc. A subsid111ry of APPLIED l\IAGNETICS CORP. 2271 S. Anne SI . Santa Ana, Cii.lif. !1'1704 Ser vice 1.111ployn1l'nt w/L'Olld 1><1~. PAINTER lr>•r·1p-1,_,.,,...-11 •.111 1 '" ~·o .,,.,,L·.i;•"St l !"ll'('-':', ln~Ul"fllH'(' ,\: JlOild \":tl'S I '1'1 •·<' r If 1-111 'I~' 01(00 p) pt>,.,..,' o7oN ;c.. '"' ' \\ \JTJ'i . tJ ~•>. t.l.r-,iJ.i(, .. U !•11 1~ h J!ltl" l .. r .~ lln"ll Nrrrl"' ma111re V.OITli'n to ,\iiply i!IJ \V. Bay ,\ie, E:..pf•r. 111 .1 1 u le n '-' n c r . ,1 -1 ' J ·-L '.\!. ' I ' '· ...... '!. t·:..1K·r · "c l:.Ll:.UA"."r & IOIP!h!,;"Ot /)J<.r i ,,t, .1 1l11r ~1flr,1~" l'ah \\"Plf"Oll'le Tl(!\\' ri'!'ifirnt~. t"/llnlf' Sl't.' Pl'r ~n nn ... J • lr-"'r r '•r•h'IT'1 Sl:.i•V!Cl-" \II nd ! llYt!r. ,\pply Ill l)\'IMJ:l II \KC (h;mp IL1~ .. 1~·r" J1k, 1101.1~ 23. Fl.',b/" houn;, p/tune li.alboa. !Closed :\ton & ·'''""'•'''~. l f'lll~~· 1-;1.,.., 11,,.1,r"•'<'l'll',, ·, • ~1a, , ,e .an, ltn·krr'"''·::;i l.JJJ ;-. I.I < e pu11s ' • 1 · ~ " ' lull 1111t1n~ !fJO L L:uast 1>1n.~! b1."" l~•,-.i-'1'.!. 1~11 1•r ,\· Cll11'1 ll11y r.tt1~1 ha\'e {'ar & fypcv.Tl!er. I ~t-..,•. __ ------I Balboa Bay Club f1!r ~l~~·rl" l1•!v (i):\! t'nll 1111•1:· :'\ H ' · Can111w1 1:1·.,. ,..,,111 I i('ml'ntc 5~7-3095 15400 E. Echngrr. MAID WANTED l2'll \\ Coasi 1111...,. NB r.,1.1Q11, aft f>pin : , -\\ .\J 1 J:L~'I '.\1,\Lt: St Bernard P,",~:~·. ~inlaAna. Do QI 1 ~1 11 ---·' - -I' 1---Sl.\\11\lf '.\lt1.thlllt' Op r s .I EXPERtl:.::-;c~:D O:O.'LY AhL. ~ ti]j'r..., all "'"' n ,,~,.xo261t'0 i Ot' I Pl\HT Timt!, t'll'" & Sat. ·"1'1: llt~·tll'(I :'\•1 '':'IJl('L nee. Ask Carmel's 0111111, & l'ie J,,.lJ) .oll•L ·" -... ... ~··•I HOSTESS/CASHIER ~ ideal for students, guar. M a nage ment Trainee for f-'a1 1u:in. Jr.·llle area, I BUY!! ' . ""'•I l:.111111utf' l. 1·1·'• ,. • • • . 1. ,,, ,, 11 1••1 ynu Good v.'&ges. Apply, Don Jose 1\11\IDS O\'t'I' 17 Laguna ll1lls hourly rale, ~n .. 1d1• 11ork, 1 FJ :F. PAID .>ltt-36-~I I ~~~· ~~~· Cooi.t HI\)', I~~~~~ ~ii'~~is.t~~· 7 nw. An equRI opportWlity Restaurant, OO'Jl E . Adami;, H)aU 1...00.K<'. • _6:"16-S~Y.i. 892-22.lt'.I :.; ·•lnn.1! r1r•-., hi~ :1 un1'lu" !.. SllAHI' (;,.1, I• !1me-af-----;-, . -, I a1'S-53·~1 /~!!!!!!!!!;•m;;;;p!!IO)~··.•,,,,...,... Hun!. Bch. ~~255() PAHT T1nu· Deli Cl• rk. ,\p. 1 ~·\ irin::1 r·•r'f'I r rii;~rtunll~ ll'rr11•u1~ i... .S.11 to ml'('t \\AITRJ.::)~; ~ust ~ 1%· 'F T-y 804S MASTERS AUCTION 646-8686 ., 833-9625 l'F/C BOOKKEE PER \vi I h 2·3 l!OliRS \\"ork a Day,' '.\J,\l\'.ICURIST, <'."<pi'r I 11111c ply 111 TJ('rain, ,\n1 11u11) s ··rl .,~, '1t11\•r'"111 ~, 'rl~c~rt1'' 111.1l1hc in "111r1ll /"elfHI store. ~u1f1 ~ ...-'~1,..,nei.:p pre ~-o -04J. ___ _ j 6 Tn1n1e1! opcnint;". IJ;1lhoa :\l11rkl't '\'!tf:: }j\h C:'.11 IMr l\'lt1ll:\ A ,U•' \f'lo) • Ul.onken,hir ~lrlOl'Ji. 2936 'PP . 1 .,,_• . heavy R<'al E.~tate b.11;~· i\lon-t'n, 4 • P ni • tn R.iy Club. For inrC'l"\'ii'll t.'nll, . ' -·.:...' -' • ·-o~~·ZilJl Alv. fr<• roih<t J 1 1 \I . )ij--:ti> S.I{ \\' !91h SI, C '.\I s'.\l,\Ll. 11rrrd m1:-;"'1 1>111,. •II 1, '" ,:, I,.). '•'11'.l ,). Jtit!,'ll.R.1;~.1~1 ground. Send t"t'SUmt' lo P.t• pharmacy. S1ock v.· or k , PBX Opi'rator. A11~11cnn>.. n,,nnic .r.i rrrnn·~ Prro;onnf'1 • t1111(_'' 111,1; L. ;,, . 1• •• \\A1Tfl.ES.'*:s-0;US BOVS p11'S, .!lpprox ;; n\O!i, In Bo:oi: 2480, Ne.,.,·port Be 1cl1 t'!ean up, dehvenPS, Hun. 5-tl-099'.! s.r.·1t-e II. li. hf!"'. 1-~>.·l ,\-.'f'nrv nf lr.•in«, ~ Sll!l f'l:'\t. (Ll.R~ i:xpo.•rwru·f'Cl l"Jnlv. Sc'<' r-,1 1,s !UUl' fvr 1·:1t~li'r • • \1 .I ,I.., t lJI~ KIT· 1 111' , J !.dr1 ~nfuu,11r•J I"• 1.1, '"1"1 \ •}ur\l"r 1111,. 92663. lln~ton Pro! Pharmacy. pt:ru•ne•' prrfrrTf'<l 53ti--8SSI \T1,11r1~n Or Jr ~1..-,1'l •"J "~·-l'.:xp . l\lcLeofl, l:k·rl l.iroil'n ~ 9(i.~-:JOS9 18700 '11a1n St HB ~lt."d1c11I , 1,1 ... r1•11'<-·d 1ri.:,..1,H, I .~, "~I -,... • . 7 F/C BOOKKEEPER I•' I! 1l.11! :, t-.. '\T~:J{· for promotional marketing co. in Costa r.1e"'a. Part time. call r.tarty ~ FIRE WATCH OFFICERS e P/time ()pe!ninp · ' * FRONT OFFICE * r.r-r \If "-'•l··~ r 1r1! r1mr ---1:,-.,._.. I SA~h1\ IA:-; pupp:i-. mrK, f1 olisi::KEEPiR Prof~ 1'~~~~i~e ·1:\fll"'r Jn"r"r1,1ii.1r;. ,( l)fh,....: STAT TY PIST I\\ \Jl1 :t.-i.;~1i;;~.-1· 11J·•rl~_i:..,.}11.~i:in1r .• pnl'l'nts 2 sf'hl. Aged G.P. needs capable pet}'On to Opr. Trnes. cn11rJt"c; rrr(rJTNI ,\11rlv tn l ~I. 1 :ill I ,i,1l-IJJ1 al1l'r .1 l'hildren seek reliable exper. handle all front offl c.-e duties. Busy gro11•1ni;: r.o. has 0111•11. rl"f"'f'n :'\r•t'P'""' <::1.iti•ni<'rc 1\11 u111 "•! "I" 11.ng fvr ,ln 'llJ!-j:JI.! ht>IV.l'i'n ·: & :ipill -, -Yll old, mixl'd Shep, 1·1 1 ... r •. •1.> l\1·,r l!!th. ( ···'' "' • i.rl'l l.~12 \II 1:1.·,1 '1hrr nilnk 1..-mr ~.,, !LI. in l1t·uu!tlul •·und '\+• l'nl•H· $1)1()"1 \\ill o;r!J full f'harae exceuti \·e RIVIERA 1 1ni,:sons1\1ng&~ra \ey.11·J 1'l'Y\1'1 .. ,.h'' "" \kin 111r11111d 11 •L!\1s111.jl li.t•k· --- --. 1 .,. .,.1ft~· •· '' · -~., · ~ .. r -\\"\Jrnrss l::xpr ovrr 21 f~rn 'pr1yt>d \ery Ji!ente. housekeeper. ~-:i + shills for \.1-'0llJen ii!> 1r.11n1~·~ \Ir n··rrv \\"•"" • !l.l(l)j I I;, l>Hl.: ,JJ \\ IJ n\ , •• • c . I";_.""". roon1 & board. Phone Employment i\gi'nt.')'. Inc on lnJl'Ction rn (J lol 1n;: -: --)JH· 1 1~ 1r. 1 .il 1n111.,,d ,1, Dish\~·a,her f rtn1f'. olon1:1I :> """"'") 1,, 96S-7696alt2pm . ~Buslrle!i&:CtrDr,S1e~ n1ach111(.'s. Train nn ichifl r.\; fill''" r~rt ~u,,,.,, ,\It r",111 .. u 1 ,11 ~ 11,,w·.,r .. n1 Kitchen. 312 \\', l!lth, t:\L UJVAI314£Urov.npuppy,&p- $.'o'+•J r1r 1,..,1 offer ~16 e All equip furn. • Retired Pt'rsonnel dents weolrome HOUSEKEEPER/Sitter. Ute Irvine &-U.9-llO )OU "·an\ to v.'Ork Exp«r. '1 L· ''II'·'· \l·r• f'\t; J'UI 1n!•• !•otnpuh..'l':lo. ~~IS-OJ66 prox. 4 mO!I. Dcxtlf'ri\lrl) .. & Stu· du!irs, Thurs.Sat, h\·r in or opernto~ .1ro•pt•'CI iil!¥I nrrr ·"11 ~lllfl~ l'\r\"'"'11' ~nr Appl Conlacl \\,\'.l>TEIJ . rel1.ibl!' rourolr nt'E'<.I~ i;:oorl hon1e 842-1623 Id boy V('rv eli'nn plan!. Xln r \lan<"t 2lf\2 \'In E.~trnda, c .. 01 5,,,,,,,, ""-'~ I •-·I .. S,\l.t: l't:fl~IAN nt·r..;;. • "' • ,, " 1o1 •I J~u.?c ~1~ :-.; l..:1 C1rnt•f.>a lil\'tl t:.11 .-' 1.:-,!)-1 hi) e Xln't p11y, advance oppor. Apply Unlvc~I 403 N. Jlorbor Bl .. S.A Equal Oppor. Employer Food Supervisor CorW. Hcspltal 64Z-<693 FO!\'Y Lady Coiffures looking for aood styUst. Busy lhop. eau 963-:ntt. FULL Time \Vash ~tan need· ed for new c:ar dealer. Ap. ply In ptnon J im Slemon1 lmport1 1301 QUAIL ST. NEWPORT BEAOI FUtL Cll~\RGE BOOK · KEEPER to 11'0rk fl)r ae· eountt1n1. p /tlm6 or tltime. Salary commtn. w 'rxp. Sub- n1lt mume to P .O. Box 23M, N.B. !J'S3, ou1, 1 Z)T o · non· MENS SPA ., I 11 11 u .,.... ,/t7"oJV 10 n1.1nni.:c ™'" Y .,..1 t Ct:r1; Grrman mix pup1u"~ ~moker & refs, 552--0613 henrfi!x lnclurhng pa 1 r1,_._a~'1 tni 1 • \1c.., f'1n;1nciol St•1"\'iet• l'fi'l'l•ntlpnal veh1cl(' And 1 \\'hlte, ~11 nr R • \V 6 Irvine ATTENDANT l !:l'OUP h1!1utanc'f' SAi L AWAY l.q .. l Uppor Emplo)'tr mini·w;iN>hou~ , to r 11 i:: e I v.·ki . Ci1ll (lr:-,._,1792 Nrt'fl youn~ mnn Q\'i't 21. to 3 00 .1'~t·r-.11~n1~ht r"'"" \\·ur•r t In •'Ill !hi-rompli'x JM1111ted In Sllnln I . --·-I!. r•.1 1 n I 1 n:.:' . ur1g llOUSEKEEPER. care ol 1'-0rk P1 ·11mc, 3 dfl)'ll, 4 :vi· ~hdnighl-,A:\I. 1\-...rlr! \\ritr lo \l;irineni ~1.\TIO~ atrcnt1ent oldi'r Ano . Snlr1r;· If'/ IM' ll"l:Otl&t<'d ("'f,JlJ.11::1'. 1m.I).'. ~t'm~ :·~· "' ·•1""· l .in •I~,. n pe ~. homt & 3 chi Id r en. 1· 30 p.m. k all rh1)' El.ctronlc Mechcal 1•,, ,. r• r1 r. , ·.Ile rHan ~1t•lt·mxl 2 l"n 10 10 •.'llfi'L ior-hld«:I N"nt fre<' ,...,.n n-mr > 0\1~i.: · .11 • ~ 1 ' • 1h··lri1r1s, {'\1• C ,, mm , ~lon-f'rl. 'l'urtle Rock at"t'll. 11ieekencb. No experitl'llC(' ln1truments, Inc. P.lll~o C'Iltl, ~~I \"11 (hifl 40 hN; p U$. 26001 ht.,-lroom mtJhl 111] utllltlf>, 'hors, I yr. C i-08.'IJ :i.11 tip1 ·· 1~11 ~11 tram. 9~3942 alt 6 rcq. Se.! Contact Pcrmn~I {Subsidinry of C;1IJL "ii"-.: ---·""-IW llrl, :.u1<.,10rl \'1eJO p.-<tld l"o!i..<1lhl,.. for r1'1An nr r.1: \CT Cl'n11an ~t1rrrth~1r \I \' y on p 11 1 n t 1 n t: ~. p.m. SJ.1.-3893' :0.faBoagobor B Cl b Jnj('('lion l\Inld1ni;1 F ASHION ~i·i7116 _ \\..,n111n !fl rn tAln ou1~fdt" ft nio-... ftm. hns had popp) \\'at"rrolon, IO'Bpt\l(""i J>ric. HOl'SEKBEPER Child al • ay U 265Dr11atSAvc,C~l I STORE CLERKS 1•n1~ . ~h111 fill !di· .•hot!' Lnvnblt. &ir,.11~ Nito~ll.pvt.pt) t>:?i!Uu1 ,1 Fri E 1221 \\'.Coe.st Jtwy, N.IJ. l Block SQ. c l Hakrr ,\!\II Brl!l"r s1,,11~.,. 11r E\ ,. p ., ,_ C-• IK'l!1 '.\lay :Jth P. lea"(' "'--•, .• -:--..... -. -u··-'. sil\•tr 1unt1•~i..1.),\11<iht'im. ·w.~lOCJ Care, .. Oft'-• xper.1 ~~"'." .............. ~~:""'.I 1 ...,...11'11,""il ~,,,1 rr"ume ,,, rJr nc\1' 1r i• .-\'ta "'"' C 11 1 •. 1 ~ -1A:U ,..,.., ,.,. .r•"'-"' U .. ~·1, -"""' N B. r OU P.l'!dhi 1 ,... ~I St k Clttk \i nu· 1 • 1"1 "' • 0 ''· 1lp~I tntwr.• cnt . f'ree to /~ 1 rl --I ~'""" ., .. ., ~IES°-~e r v IC t "stabllshec:l I=========== nn~~111~1] \<I "\n r.i;, IJ 111.1 1, C'°1 $!~1"1" OC. 11' r1;11j~ P lltlt. I' (J lkl""< l~. good horn• ·~ ~,, ( I! · ,\, ~ !II'<' ~rt Ill;[, &42--3»9 rnute run or part time. C11ll J'llor, P f1 n,,, 1-,i11 Cr ''·' } l•Ylr h i·k,., :)(' c.t 1 'Jn r,...111 \h• ... ,, (",; 9263i _ _ __ -~-~ l'11«-llOfl 11'\unnyhmnk 1• ,\p. JIOUSEKEEPER: Ll\<t in, 1<.\ I.A! 84&-5455 Plastic F abricators \!1·~11. Cl !'l~ Ch It.,, c .. ~hicn. C ood \\T.L-IJF.ttS CTX1'~.:: . BJ-:AGLF:, 10 l\k' pr111si'l1 S!#l \\'lll ~II f!lr no {'hlldren for buslnes! ' r. VI. · I need -!1111111 ,\n' bl'netll~. Pttt11 • • · 1 1->UI, to t:'I hr1n1., lf.1rl pup-tl'll 1 n-r.;s.1 couple 1n Irvine Call ~· ~?,~J::~'i "1c:~~ Win ~~~ ~~~~1!1Asi~r::,~1 1C:-~~1.;;f t'ih'!7~~ r~~rx:~\r':;: :': 11'1 : ~~~~~~: ~~;1~: ~~ f~'<.!7~e"'~J~:1 ~~1m ~itt:S~ p) ~hne' t'('1n,,1,. ;,11;..r,1, i. 1-.:V\111 1: t: 1\hr ~ Sterkk, days only. 83,YS! cau ~'JS..fWS..11 a ft 6pm. lamlryohnS,, rRppJni; & tll l"'\ k "'f'f'kerlll• 1\1 11~1 h 11" I,· \\('I:! & Thon 9nm-Apply 2500 s. SUM.n. Santa r .. nl. hll'lt'\( l~b mt.\, 5 ~ l~hl"l'hr $11) l!r1rd\"'.IOd llOUSEKEEPER, live·in. --MOLDERS nxilrlrnt,i: rclnftln::ord plA~ll"f rtft>renf"'•. Bw::5t!I lnletl\{I· i•i· x ~vt' ii5 E: Ana old. Good v.·/thild r cn . l'lf••t Q111:-;lJ11"t"W1I nil( S10 Qo.Vli rm. tv. Good pay. prorlucl , J>j(tler lntiu.~tr\i'( lton."'11 ~13 \\'e~ICllU Dr " C • "' ' .. I ·ll~bT'kn 711'.!6 a!'1\-Jll7 Some f..'l\Wi!h. ~2-31ll. U r a en 11 ~'needed for Inc, 2101 (k)ve, NCY.'J)OM :\('1\ ........ t ~·h 1.111 "''· Oltta. CAA, \'11p·1ni:1i'~ f'O!t fl'llll1'1Y! Rl"t1I __:_ . -. A 1 t Oeacll. 5-16·210L . ,~,, ~ , \Our house. a p!., SIU!"' l)on't gl\oe up lhf' Mlp' Sf-tQRTS jar 'I.lilt!'. 1'L!i 42 llOUSE\VJVES, $40-M 'lll·kly &~o)r:s;1 ~ coeo,:.~ ~919 1 ,.•----... ---li11i\¥ SO)methln~ Y'"' "1Ull 111 -.1 II 1illt' ltt'!'l\11 1vllh A Onlly I °hid~, C!tc. thru a Cally P ilot .. Ui.:1'' ii in cl1',sifled, !'\hlit -~h1' tmcd 1 Xev. ~O, ~f~'.~ct!:1'."~ti&.t\me E. QccidentAl, Santti ,\nA. ~Cl~.A~·~!lS~<~LU..S~~-~G<~U<m~~· ~~"'o.:.:ll_'_c~J="~"~"~'"'"'-1 ~'='~'--"~'-'11 1'!1111 01•!1.~U1r11 1111 "42-:.Si8 n11•,ll!NI Ad. lo Short' Rt'sulls' 642--5671! Colet TV inu tubt-1 &JG-:.U. , • . " " 52 OAIL'r' PH.OT Wtdntsda1, Apr11 l0, 1974 WtdnHdl)', Aprll 10, 974 lsce leneou1 IOIOMISC.-Winfed IOll Pianfl& Orgens 8090 TV, Radio, HIFI St. to9I 8"t1, Sall t06ct'-Mobi • Homes 9140 -~--·-------- SCRAM-LETS WOOD WORKER In "'""'h •I • PIANOS ZENITll, RCA & Sylvania 13' SAILBOAT used equipment. Ne-0011 floor ~ & ate~. 1974 models Chryaltt, &tut with trailer. n1ndel table saw & shaper, • ORGANS pnr«I to Cltar. All avail. IJ' a.talnle.U I jib. Seats 4. ANSWE Rs A\80 benctul, tahle11, e1c. moc.Ml1 In 1tock It: on Dacron aalls. 97'0 model. Conl(IC"t Don \\'al tan Open Nights 'tll 9 dl!!pltt.y. 3 '/'f ~~ tube, 1 Ptrfect condition $I 5 O, lln)'tlnw, 64.\-tim. S•I• 'to'I 5•30 Sun 12 /1 )T p.1U11 &: aerv~. Calh 90 551~. See at 49ll Karen Cock!.--W111i:er -llovcl -• • • · ~ or terms to ~ mo. ABC Ann Ln rrvtne Touchy -01E0< ouT w ANTc1 , Rentals from $5 en1" TV •mi _.,.., · Gnx.~ry prk't's 11.re c.·hen~· Offs•t Plate Burner or OOZ1 Allanta l{W'lllng1on COMPANY goirv out of il'I" f&:iJt l10'4'ttday11o. I h1ld fl Bearh. 963-3329 or 96J-.5659 bullneu. Selli11& rtmalnl~ and e Pianos & Grends Sailboats at coct. 11 FOR ule SX35 tnriltr 'Aith Aut~1torU! II c;q ) amall cabflna .. reuonablc _ rent 1p.ace ~ only adultl iiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iliii over forty netd appl)'. No ptll. Stt ~r. ~" be movtd. 1640 Ntwport Bh'd., ea.ta a.1~ Antiques & Classic 9S10 Motorcycles/ Scooters '24 a.toot:t. T f'ORD 3 Dr. ENGUSH ~1, ho t h lmmae. sm f'il, 67:Mi00 9150 ~546-007-~·----~ --------R•c Voh lclu 9530 dozen egg11 that had tht• pri<.'I' Light Table AM/Fl--f SttrtO w/8 track. 2 Sandahark, 15' Tiki Cal, 19' change three 111111' ... ,.hlle 1 ALL MAJOR BRANDS spt>aker1, headphones. rm P-<:at. can art. 5, M2-3"9l ·13 TRIUMPH 750 « .. ex· wu ln UH! CUECK OUT U11l'. I 1-i70.l5G4 I N<>w Spl. 1:5 fro111 •••. SS95 1U1ttiona. 1->a,yotf balarw.:e -~=-"'"'-=-"'-=~~ tended forks, pull beck GAS TANlo\S ln11fl11ed by Autos 9 TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY f'OR AU. FORE IGN CARS Call or rorue !n to .cc us. . NEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 \\'.Coast H1\')'., N.B. __ 64=2·;..940:::5:_.=- AUTOS _IMPORTED OVERWEIGIIT? I.me ugly s· CABOVF:R Travet te Vlled lrom ........... S!lj $99.98. U.S.A. Slereo.179 E. SC!'i!.m w/oa1r •. ~o ban, ~ paint, Calli. f\.1ajorwa,y. Truckll and fat with Oic Dlada.x plao S Pln)'('MI " • · • • · • · ·· • ~ 17th St, Costa M esa. -• mu or Ill · 1helld. 6JS..2981 -''t1rur. &'if! \\':-18th-St., e:~t . . c11.r11per lctJ)ll 4, elcc. {:rund~ " .......... $395 fA>-2W2 Also 3711 s Bristol Bl ue &: While fiber glui. --Aud 'o R,"ulluce -excea fiw.ds wl!h ""'1'r jnclu;, Uedo;1ns SJ7j, NO Df:Al.EllS PLEASE: 12 btkl No. of s. 'coas t !«!P ... ~~l'ld., $aJO Ca l l CLASSIC '63 Honda 150 4 Wheel Drives 9550 ::;::;::. ____ -~ F1 ~x. The Druggist, llun· R11-2689 • O ~ Dream Xlnt cond. $300, ~L.....ton Beu.ch -~-----~ rgenl Plaza). $0420. Pu-I -" 2 Id s~ 1912 01-~ plckun "' T ''"*' Ofc. Furn. & Equip. "85 ALL MAJOR BRANDS !!!i!~~~~~jSIDNEY Sabot, like new ........ " w mo 0 • ""· r..Y l. .... " • MOVING . lleds, chrs, hun.c· with all • ~-··• f ~~2729 A.IC, P/13. PIS, auto, set · \\'urllt~..--r w/rhy I New) 1199_ I '~ • 1 • • ._"" or 1111tor 1}ff ,..ad. ~fake offer. 1ng lmp!f, gan1e tbl., play SIX ..,_.cl 'I! wing $300 675--868.1 '73 HONDA, CL~. 1600 mi, pen, 'gar: tools. 556-0S65 it/I· Thoma• .... tUis1'lll .... S\9,) ..._Fqt 'rment 1 ,:,:"'~"°"·=:::·..::.:==-~ E)icellent col'ld., Call alt After 6 c-11 11 960-2893 c 5 ROOM DIVIDERS Lo1vrcv wl11vm l'lr" l s2G!J;• 36" Trt·fo.faran, p8111y flnlsh-6 ~ & ""-•-'o" Trucks 9560 r p.n1. -• FREE e ed . I M II ;.-;v n'IUIWI, 64&-.1-0w Very reasonnblr , w11h p an1. usl ac . UPRIGtIT Jreezt"r, t-.tapl <> 1 h c r,1 n--t M i E 9030 $450 6~ "~" C Din. I.able & 6 chail"ll, ~ns ?.00. oCn Nfl.N'y, •tr; d Organ Lessons Pvt! s, ar ne q . . CLEAN •n Hondas 175 IU1d l~ hevy Pickup. \VIII sell ~,36hunk bed1, &: refrig. N.8. t '1 o. NpL ~741.J FULLERTON MUSIC 90 H.P .. Omc I/0 drlve. WANTR';1,:!n!.0~ea kite. 450. $500 and $700. :1! 0~1~~t~n~t'~ ~ ISi~! t;u1•ll•I. fnun1oin Vnllt•y $575. w/all oontroll &. 646-30.12 alter 6 Pfo.i ' 968-2176 bed &. Jenden. &&Z-3171. SS WHJTt: Contour Dc>nral }o;X~C ~•1'"1 <"hrs SlS 25· Oks 557-4136 panel. In boat &. runnln.g. HODAKA Steens 100, '71 Xlnt ·':;°"°'·:,,..,~~-~--~ Chair, black. $1600. or Qficr, Sl~I Ufl, ~cy t•.hr.. $.ii 21 122 :-: Jfnrllor. ~'uller1on Celling larger mo I o r . SABOT, Schock bull!, fiber oond. ::!00 mi. S21 5 or best ;:67 El .i Xln'1 cOl'ld. Call &i-l-12-Kl l'IC'rce R67 \V 19. C:\T. 171 ·1I05 &tl-~ glass ma1t & \WICXJ m&5l. offer 49-1-9968 ~ Cnmlno. p/b, p/1, r i;12-:tlO..I!. . c-..~I w/satiA. $250. 60-5954 cond, 4 "1pd, V-8, mA~, SPRING S(;"Ef"TAI. 1 ~ ofl nur-Pets 80B7 50 GAL. Aluminum, r u.: SNARK ll' $SO '71 Yam. 360 P.tx. Xln1. l'On<l. almos1 nl'Y.' ;1·d tlre5. $10:-iO. m11I 111 --on ~lrtun Clran-'-'=--------'= CO NT I NUOUS FREE tank pressure tested. Al $651)/cash or $300 T.0 .P. to.tu.st sell. 64.')..3UCS. W: ybur 1·anw1 :.1fi.·,;r1. *Security Pet Prod.* Oil.G AN Cl.A:SSE.S FOR ncY.', $100. 64.7-8495 49'1·1436 549-1312. Vans 9570 F'T lDl Ham mdlo. Ncvt'r AOlJLTS. Every Tucsclfiy Boats Power 9040 HOBIE 16. Yellov.•/y,'hitf", 400 llUSQVAR!~A . Good ron----------! P.l'<'f 281' lb. Cott. C'h. 20c lh. ?:30pm . Start nny y,·eek. ' No. 41~. slripe salli. a~an. d ·~o:: l.15Cr • O.H I,':;; -S2.;JO. 10/more $2. Tom Oll'lerich In chllrge. BOSTON WHALER JOO 6 !Op 54S.-l.8« !Hon. _,:;, ·73 Dodge Van. Auto !rans. mag whls, I.ow mill'agl', clean. Pho11c 548-4561. Phone_•_l97-2Gl~\'M. ~?-3977 1418 E. \Vilshlrc, Coast 'ldu!ilc Costa P.1r11a. 16' · • • m, · 979-7382, 11.J't 5 9'79-2G99. VER\' J-'i~lol .$1'.!, I~•\ 1,f SA Nt'wport Blvd . at Harbor. hp John~. Xlnt cond. Boat Boats Slips/Docks 9Q70 HODAKA Tl' tram't>, has ' ,, .•• p·· ... ~ •-'""I' $'7 _1.. , r·? •. ·><>r.,1 'l'r!r cames 1 P.totorcycle·I-'-'-..;..' ,c;.;~~;.:;,.;.:_'-'-' -• I & tank M k ff .,,,... '"'"..: · •~'"" F.A~F.R Puppies, tiny Tuy ,;.,...,..,..,.~..,'..,•,.....,._.[ du•! •·au-'-s. •-• tank, ~nee 1 . a e Der. ~1\dt"" S.'l. 54R-9832 1, '"" "" .;i ..: ,,.._., 5-19-4338 Ml W . _, 8081 Poodles, wltite & <'hl\m· Sporto'ng-Good-1--_4 depth fuv.ler, c om pa s s, WANTED. Boo.I Slip or Side sc. ant~ I pa)(nt.' R y,·ks (lld. 5"6-122'1..:_ 1:t117 canopy, console c over , lie, for 71' Sallboat, on Bal-DIRT Bike. 'il Yamaha , 100 1--.;.._--·-----Pianos & Organs 8090 water tight Trir llgtns,\!boa!!!!''!''"'!!!·!!673~·!9033~.~~ 1'1X . Excel rond., very Jast . POOi T bl ' " x 9 many other cu 1 tom ""=""'·~"cc°"C-",i·~""""'=,_""c:'C'·~~ BY THE WAY ! ~ 8 c, IZ • -;: ruJ;lom made, 3 pc. slate, features. $3,250. 5-18-7337 I ''"'' PENTON 125, '71 Xlnt concl. llavc you been lo !he f'rrl· dlen VIiiage Fll"R J'llnrt in Leul'.adia? Jf 110 1, drop h,v on your \\'tekt•ndlr. & see thr Borgalns -An!lqul."s, ln<linn & Antique joll•elry, ~ri1· tive wood, gb1siowiiJ'e B.: !<111111 .supplies, co\n.c;, new & us•·<I ck1lhing & lots mor1.•. Sll('e· ials on pnxtuce <>vrry day. Look for \\'aS,.'<>n un top ol huildlng, lake 1:1 1(:1 La Cbsta, Rh::h t to 101, Jcf( 1•1 Peddlcn; Vill~c -1680 N. Hwy. 101, Leucadlll. &>llel'l! 3 days $-1. t°rl'e 11dn1is:-.io11 lo Public. lll"M'M'itlions i53-8001 . Open ~5 t-'l'id11y, Saturday & SundAy. ~--F'OR S.Llc St•c, !llfu, antique vanity, drnpi-·i>. (~F: wai;hr1', oak piano lx'nch. All A· I. 496-9'203. \VANTEIJ PIANOS -ORGANS New & t's('d. Great st"icc tlfln, Compcti!ivf' prices. Oren J.:vr!>. & f:untfays. The best ;tl•al s 11re rt.lwavs at: W allichs Music City South Coast Plaza S.IO·:?S30 * FREE * PRACTICE P IANO w 11 h lt\•<J10ns-our s!udio. A I so On1m t. Guitar Lci;!Vlns. NIG UEi. r-.1us1c. J ... 1~unn Ni1.,'11C'l 4~li80 Pl.A ''ER MANOS NF:\\' & llSID. ROLT .C:. Dave Dupree, 2940 D Grace Lane Cos1a.c•::.•~=--\\'t;TU-:117.F.n f:plnl't ~n. "'/f;cp. Leslie spkr. X!nt cond. $450. 540-0138 tx-f. 7:?.0 P.1\-f. w/11<.'C<'l'JI., Cost SLIOO., &ll ls· BOAT~l-1otor & trailer, T~ S395 or bell! offer. $.175. Golf clubs, 1natch<Xi d Ive r s boat. P o w e rl'·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ii J SiiiZtJKic-f.4~9·•~·996ll~'Q;;;;;;:r,•1 set. A-1 concl .. cost $-125. catamaran, w/Merc motor.1 1 SUZUKI, 100 M.X, Clean, fast i\..<1k'I!: S17'5. fm-1251 _SS.10. &l;;...8495 Campers, S•le/ &. dependable. $.100. SILl~-Scubn Tank., free 16'7" long Boli ton W h a I e r Rent 9120 6itr7609 Corncl!us A<·.JO romp~sor EnJ:". like new. See &.. l'x-1--..;.;.------= '72 HONDA, Cl. 350, 5,800 ff'O!ntlv rrhlt w/ new f>h p runine at Schocks in ,12 QJ , .. 1, p mi., Good condition. $550 • !lC' -nlntor, 4csm, $550, NN'l'°rt or call 673--ml. ,EVY ...... v ,. ton U 673-2460 "51--0$0 -----w I We st way A cabover ~."'=~~~-"""°-Boats, Rent/Cher. 9050 camper . 51 ... 4, tulJy -wp. Motor Homes, ANTIQUF. Shof (; II 11 , r-~ .. \Vcs!lr;.·-Richards, 11.pprox. <I:?' N~;\ .. Chris. Craft $2500. 675-{il!i7. a:: Sile/Rent 9160 dnte 1885, 12 gauge. Dest of. fly·Ilrld~l' Spo rt FL"ih€'.rman . 2 CAMPER SHE~. XLNT fl·r. 9Ci:?-15.S7 Plush. Full eJectronics, full COND, MUST SEE Store, Rest., Bar 8095 ~a ll1•y, · ~ho...,·t'r, ell·. !-'01 646-6076 chnrttt by day or week. 6 Mobl'9 Homes 9140 FOR f:ALF., ~111.ndnrd t\fll{'rirnn Shufn" 80/lrd, in- qnl l'f' 752 S:linl Cl;tir !\f,~~1 Swaps 8096 people max. Fish, cruise, cocktail, elc. S5&-663i days, MOBILE HOME 002·2301 cv .. nings/wcekcnd~. FOR SALE : Boats, S•ll -SILVERCREST i/3 INT In l'lew Islander 36 MOBILE HOME S\\';\P t-.1EF.T · f"!ltlvnl of 5t-.f Cash-Assumed D e bi 20' x ~·. 2 BD 2 BA, carp .. Ar1s r:rounil~ 5/ol. 51:>, $4 000 at S7Smo 673-Z490 draped, blt·inl., relrli;: .. *RENTALS* All brnn.;s -23-26' ~Hi's. lS- 21' lt1ini's, Van con\·o:r 'i;, "Fully equipped, 11ir, l'l'ry <'lean." !\'O\\' acc'l'pting I/lie morit'-1 rons!KnmenL'I. Oal"'s ~!.1-f. Rc-nl als Santa Ana. 8.18-0900 5/11, 5/12. Cnll 4.!>1-0709. ' ' ' wuher & el~t. dryer, wired BALD\\'IN Parlor Grand. T-V, R-ado~o, H-IFl-St-. I09I K ITE, No mut, good cond for 220 a ir c:ond.. kltc:i. 1973 71' \'IIN NEBAGO motorOOme, has everything. Rel\s. rates. 962-45$7,cc-·~= Trailers, Travel 9170 6'~". Ne\vly refinished. S300 or best offer. clock, storage shed, lnnd-~1ANTED to buy older guns. _1"2"-200""-. -'C'-"'-1 '-&'-lf•..c''c.""''-· __ ADMTP-AL C0t1!l(lle, 2 3 ' • 642--34!14 scaped patio. 'l'hn!e YJ"!I. old Plcnse cu ll • llke nu. Localed In ncv.· * USED BRICKS * * 870..,1:.64 * 14' TRAVEL Trlr .. SI()\'(', j('(' box, port·a·pot, Slel'ps 5. $.500. SJO-.i391 PT{JVATI: PARTY \\'ANTS Black & Whill' TV, am/tm Clostilf1ed ads sell big ltema, adult pk. away lrom noisy 5'18-9617 TO BUY PIANO FOil. ~tcreo, xlnt working order, small Items or any item. St. Onr-haJt hi. from clul>- CLAs.5 SELl.S • 642--!''678 CASfl. 547.9~.Jj $6j, &12-9582 house. R~. to $12,950. Cnll AUTOS, AUTOS, AUTOS, AUTOS, EVES. ,,,......,..., 697-7152. IMPORTED 9700 IMPORTED 9700 IMPORTED 9700 IMPORTED 9700 CAN BE SEEN AT : ·64 FAl£5N 6 L·y!, 3 spd v:l.n . Trade for V\\' dunebu~'Y or _pickup. 53&-9-119 Autos Wanted 9590 WE NEED YOUR CADILLAC Sharp, clean late model cars. Paid for or Not . Ask For Chuck Trapp Used Car l\1anager \\'('-pay lnl' 1>ricc 1n l'Ush for your clean used cars & truck.~. Howard Chevrolet l\lacArthur 11nd Ji1n1br11·r·e Newport Beach mo:..·u TOP CASH $$$ paid fl1r used Al.I t: i;.1r .lN'I~ 14.114:t·J'1©1 AMC/JEEP J!lfi!l lllH·llu1' Blvd. C.\T \VE BVY ffo.1PORTE:D AUTOS BEST PRICES PAID! Dean Lewis Imports 1~66 llt.rl1t1r, C.:\f. 616·9:{{1: '71 AUDI 1001.S, xlnl c;:.nd, 4 spd. 4 dr, air, hl'&I , radio, ~upl'r dcnn, ~lust sell, Best offer. 675--1398. 6T.H700 BliifW 9712 AVTll. Wllt l rot BAVARIAN I&: i 1974 BAVARIAs & 3.0SAs . 7 'lo cboo!;e from EXCELLENT PRE-OWNED BMWS e '1>6 1800 TI • 4 speed ti '10 2002 • low miles • '71 2800 CSA -sun l'OOf • '?2 3.0 CS1\ ·low m ilt~ • •ri Bavaria 4 speed :1 )T . or 50,000 mile warranty uvai!u h!e on all new 1971 .~ '73 B~1\\"s. Vl'I::~ SU:'\l)A YS ta=! Z.S.102 l\latgu<'rite Parlo\'ay i\lisSion Vi:-jo 831-2010 • 4!6"49-19 L'~t: AVF:RY P\\'Y Jo:XJT. -ORANGE-COUNT~'S OLDEST 1974 BMW's PI LOT·ADVERTISER %0 BM 97T2 ~'74's Are Here! lmmedlete Oellveryl Save On Remelnlng '131 CREVIER BMW Sales e Sel"\ll.1.-c e Uas.1ng 208 W, lat, S.A. 83.>3171 00800 Sunda~ C•prl 9715 '72 CAPRI Sport Coupe. 6 cyl Autom11th·. ~ Ci:ow, new rsdll\l 1lrn, n. &: Jf, lt1~t See to Apprt<'i8te. (lmJo'Nll. Only $3499 Howard Chevrolet r.tn.e..\rthur and Jnn1boree Ntwport Beach 833-05>5 CAJ>n1 '74, Mwi:t sacrifk:e, getllng mlill'ried. E ves all 7. $1~-loo.i. '72 CAPIU 4 sp. a.Ir. vinyl top, new tires. S 2 ;; 9 j .... -3881 ' Datsun 9720 WILL BUY YOUR DATSUN, TOYOTA OR VOLKSWAGEN PAID Jo--OR Oil NO'f. \\'ILL PA 'l TOP DOLLAR. C \LL KENT ALJ.£N', !J40.0442. •b ~240-Z, · ~ mUes, under y,•arranty. l-1Ull sell imme<l . $·1900. or be!\ off£"r, 673-61.ll mornll'lgS till lO::W, evenin&i> an.. 5. '68 DATSUN 510 \Vago n Xlnt thruout. Recent \'alvr griMI. Supt'r et'Onomlcal' S 1 O 9 5 49'1·5463. '73 2·\0 Z. Silver, Paoosonic slcrco, 11!r, front scope, mags, Jo miles, pert cond. 6-14--0;;45 '70 D'CA-=TS=u~N~5~170~X~f'"n~t -ru-,. ni~ rondltion, rK>w paint, over 30 P.lPG 4.94-3432 'ti9 • 2000, 55ro.1 , 2-01='PG~.~Ex~. • L'l'l oond.,$1350. 6~9 0'71~D~A=TS=UN~-p .U. &..~Cam~-.. -.. 1 Xlnl cond, self oontalned, 29 fo.IPG. S'ZSOO. offer. 962-5984 Jaguar 9730 '6G, 3.8 Seel. Classic. Has everything. 22 + !>t P G , t..ooks &. runs great Cheap. S;J3-6'.'li5"----- Jen5en 9732 JENSt:N l :'.'TE:J{CEP'l'OR UH')::e Sclcc1lon of Colot1' In1nledi<1tc [)(>1i1·cry FUU. SEH.VICI:: OEPARTr-.1E"NT liiiiiiiiiiii~~;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;~~;i~~~;;;;~~;;;m;iiiii;;;~~I CRESTMONT I ESTATES 1051 Site Dr., Brea. CCentrnl J'.ft. acl"05!1 fron1 Brea Comm. J1osp. I Lot •'16. CONTACT RAY, PK. fo.IGR .. Auto Ser. & Parts 9400 CJfEVY, 90 hrand spnnkin,g new, complete small VS moton;, fits all Oicvys ~9.i each. Delivered f r e c . 21~TI9. Have an extra spac-c hea1Pr you QO longer use? Sell it rio\I' \Yilh ii J 1.11h· /'il"t Classified Ad ! ~2-5678. CASI ! FOP. i'Ol lP. C'A~ 5'16-7070 ----Get inlo lhc Oailv Pilot In ~01:k ready for imn1ediatc delh·e11'. Exc:e!lent savings on remaln!n,1: 1973 models. SALES-SERVICE I.EASING OVF.R.">EAS nELIVF.RY ROY CARVER, lnc.1 NEWPORT IMPORTS cny1rc JUOGEO BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ORDER YOURS TODAY FOR EARLY DELIVERY! WE ARE ORANGE COUNTY HEADQUARTERS FOR HONDA SA!-JS-SERYICE-PARTS UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE •HONDA •SALES •SERVICE •PARTS 2850 Harbor. Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9640 ' ' " I for showing. Classifit'd Ad ~aml' 0and srll son1cthing you no 1011,i::cr nred or u.c;c! Call &;~-~8. HOLL.'l HOYC~ li:\11\ :n1 .E.;, !7th St. :aoo \\'. Co.isl H\\)'., N.B. C.1st,1 :\ll'sa e !HS-44-1~ 642·9405 ~~~U;..;T.;;;O.;.S•:..No.:E::.W:,;...._.:.9800 AUTOS, NEW 9800 AUTOS, NEW 9800 iluTos~ N Ew --9800 ~A7U"'T"'o"'"s,..,N~E~w~-~9~8oo~ When a "small car" JUST· WON'T DO Brand New 1974 MERCURY MARQUIS \ BROUGHAM 4 DOOR $ OFF WINDOW STICKER PRICE ~UXURY EQUIPPED WITH ... Twin co.mfort l~~n~e seats. vinyl roof. steel belted white side wall tires, tilt steering wheel , Power 6 way seat, auto. temp. air cond1llon1ng, AM/FM radio, ti nted glass. body side moldings. { 4Z67A52686) HUGE SELECTION OF BRAND NEW '74 MERCURYS-ALL AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS!!! • SATURDAY SERVICE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT IS OPEN SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. hnson and .son LINCOlN MERCuRY -.. ' -· C0UGAR:·· 2626 Harbor Blvd. of. Cars Costa Mesa I I I 540-5630 . ' OA!l Y PI LO f ~;:J %1 PtlOT-ADVERTISER W"'M\d.Q. Apfll 10, 1q74 \''td'ltl'1~\\ A 10 1'"'7~ liM£•f}.;;•;-_-:_-:_-_-_-_-:_-_-_-..:°'9.:_7"llj!"T"o"'y=ot"•,-----=.:=e_.;:97'5 Gener1I 9901 . Cadillac 9915 Chevrolet .... -992·0-I cnl v;ole t ----99l0 ... F~;d ______ 99_40_ Must•ng -9952 Ply mouth ---· ' SEE TllE AlJ.. NEW '74 TOYOTA ""' °""· eon. ..... mi. '73 ELDORADO •n CHEVROLET •73 CHEVELLE •71 FORD PINTO ROTARY •962 °'""1" "°"· 1.ESS n1AN '"ooo "'"'"' PICK Bothf:dcond~ ~ Bunn iili"nn<i v.·uh beiJ.oe top CAMARO MALIBU UP a ••• O.al Anywhere I AMC 9905 ll.l'ld nu1td1111J.t: full lcalhc':r in-LESS THAN· lT,OXI !\Ill.ES :! Door. E<.'0001nlc \'S f'n~i1w , ANO 11lE LEASE OR TRADE u.'rior. l''ull l"IO\Vtr, f¥Ctol')' Cn.rvu·y \'f'llow "'ilh blaek lllC"lory air l'OnlllUoninv. '14 ROTARY All Modolsl RAMOl.ER. '6.'1. 6c)'I stU·k. air c'Ondl.tk11U1..:. Ult v.hN"I , ''11\YI interior. Ru.Hy rtn•k, J>OYil'r lllt<'t'rina-. pov.·cr d isc .. 'P«'f'd traruln\lai..~11)11. r,11\11'1, helltl!r, t'lUolOOI ~'<ll'rior. Rx4 DEAN LEWIS ~l!'~.rondi\)Qfl. $1)$. Call AJ,f /Jo~t •ll'n.'Q mu.lliplrx \~.:._,1•utomatlc, lnrlory fll r brukr1. til111tl'<'rlN: ~~~t\t'I, ~"" \!.'Ith 8 tr.it'k tape plll}cr, fYlnu tkll:ung, JlOIO.'t'r ~H't'r-o u lo ma t c trt'tl\!trn..,...:ion. '""""'t'.r door k.i.•k.,, crut~,. '~'"' un:. 1~·.-r bntkf'.111, Ai\I f~t l'ftdlo, hl'.,tl<'r, Yohhr sKle IO.Rll T-6 RAJ;ISl.ER Amba.undor. ..--....., ··' 1 g t t In ' u'Ql, totk.lly "IUil>Jl'.'d. f221-IU\"r.-"O n1 ... t11l <'~ "1111 1mt·k 1 !'ell. <"W'totu '111~· tenor. TOYOTA C'1CllM, ~Jl-"' CIUI. \\'1•1•kduy S1>1."'\:Ull. fhfl(" plltyt•r, bul'ki•I M'llhl. <"11bnolef\~~2·19'sop. IS7GJEP1 n,,,. .. t ... ~. ...., $6999 '(l)U'IJ JW"I h.'l\'(• to !\('(' this -9'"""' Ul/10 I~" 1, ho , \f '"" ~.., '73 JAVELIN l8n1rx;: 11ulQn101Jlle lo lrlit>\'<' how ']~~:]~~~["' JQYOJA 'TI TO\'OTA. ~fark JI, i::.xc. C d'll 9915 t600 M Mr N -t•t.w... l 19&i 1!11rbir, C \1 1>4'~,.<iV1 ' \3:."l{.'OZI. $1577 ""° ,ar r,.. . "'"'"~-~ BE.~ orrEH. l\Ll'i' ~· b. 1:t7ll.'OI1. Carlll J;u· ~ -, ....... ,J .... m, ~lllllS CADIW~ '"'"""'" ·-..........,. rond.,lov.· mi .. S2,000 or bc.'51 a I •c 161 llf..alS CAIJllAC. ~-~··~·~·~; .. ~;M;;I~~ --------~',',"",·. WkM,d;-ft~. ttti, 9'i"J-«XlD, '72 EL-DORADO -#zts Ill 9 • '62 F1\l.L'ONT .. urury ~1u1rt' .. ..~ -ttoO Mak: 11wL I \\-~n. Aur\J. Ir.in<,"' l'\Jllli 1.sro TOYOTA Coron: 4d Cotl\'l'r11blr. l ... aun•I R""-'"• '72 SEDAN OE VILLE c..._ ....... , '73 NOYA ,:•""l't. Xlr1t r nu1~r••1lr1t~11 ~, E F'-1 s eo-~ rudlo ll/" ... "'" 1 ' ,,,,r. 1\'hlte top (',\ffUl'l;\le Vt'htle l\,, I ' c~·~. A,,,,,,.,,·., ,),,,,.ft,! ,S:ltll. ".~t~_lil·fo1·c t.i <\ ~...., • u10 t., ,,..,.hi Ana A,9,.;.2 ... , .... «= or r . lt";i lhrr lnlf'rklr. 1-·u11 poy,'l'r, ... _.·n.::u1ty l"I" <'Xlcnor 11!1h .... ,~ " ~ .., ~ •. 1.,7,,., 1 558.7lln '>; rv<>J I 11hill' 1111,·l lop nud mnh·h· S!N•rin" & Ul'llkf'ii, ltnrhn & ....:::..:...__ '"""' 1~.!_l'r 1 1111_'·--- • '67 MUSTANG J-'411tb.'1t•k · \!1!'1"1 ·11 I" "' S!t'('fUlj!, r\•r (\1r~ .• !:.it1l1•1 t. llC!lh'r I.' 1' I' p r In J1 ·1 I TI~hout I { 'l'r.: \l_!I I Only $1299 Ho word Chevrolet ~la~·,\11hur 11n1I JJn1t.on'I.• r>.··11 l•lrl lk-.1rh '\;'.,'I 0.(~, Old•moblle 9955 Salr.s & :i;,.,:vi::.- OLDSMOBILE GMC TRUCKS HONDA CARS UN!VERSITY OLDS '-;;;,;-~:;=,;;;~-==IT';i;;;;;;;;:-:-----.,,. lactory n r roricHl!onil\g, •7 E C ·~ -,-'71 MAZDA RX2 Triumph: 9767 A~1 r·,., $htl't"CI \\1th II lrnl'k ini: lt•<1thf'r lnll'l1Qr f ull ·O L AMINO llrnt('r. I /II 111 II l' u I a [ l' '12 ~"{IRD J.Tll 1 ·.nu11 r~ --.-.-------1 lape pl&)'t'r, pow<'r door p(l1<>('1'. lac;lory n1r LVodllK11t-Autr.malil', f'oo.\rr StC'C'rini.:. ThtcM.11.;hl'lut. I 1J:l(;,\S1. :-;..111 ir>• ~ p."1~. \\' u t:: n 1 ~ Harbor ll!vd. ' Co~!n ~l,·u ~9C40 1 Rotary· 4 11pd . Vinyl Roof, '69 TRlU1\tPll GTS ,+ ft'blt lock.•. ~· ml!t•ai.:e (~1~161 ini;, tilt f;l«'Mn.i: wht<j•I, f'actory Air, ltadln k llc>til· Only $2399 l<>.1d1..J1 mtl XlnL lln Radio Jieater. Exl."eptkww.l, eng, trans. am/fm, 1al)C' $51" A,\1 l'~I •lilt'l'\'('I mult1plC'"<, f'r. LI:tm NiN', eoc.-1 :\I lle$. h\all. ''31-l)IO nir __ _ J..ow P.IUes (978EADI. deck, <W~rdrh'i!, new ch1tl'h, pov.·l."r door lnrk11. ~· tln·~ Shell i7?;il!L ~. Ho~ard Chevrolet \lA\'J:;1:1cl\ ·10 l':l'IJo .. 1111\. u Only $2199 ne,.~~.',,""', ,SllllOor~oUer c=kJJllSCADCIJACJ ~ 11\an 26.000 n1llr~ and Only 52099 )!3c,\nhur nnd J,1111 oor.: .. • r h, i••1vrr, 11 i't>nd. 1111111 ...,., immacul111e. Of.5F..0CJ. Nt-V.'Jlnl1 llf'arh 1 Xln't ... 11.l :.'ti,000 nu·~-Di! Howard Chevrolet Volkswagen '770 - --. Howard Chevrolet """"" '''""'----- ?.1ncArthur 11nd Jan1horce .... .....,, NAlllS CA.DK.LAC :'ll.•i-.\r!h11r ;ind JnnlliOl"l't' '671 nn·:\'Y ln1p.d.1 , ~i:..:: ··n1:. (j{)(l[) l•'l1.1hl .. ~ l~I .. , ··~. Ne\\•1xirt lieat·h 1 2IOO Korb-•L~ :-,,11 ,,.,,., 1;~·ll.i·h 1 111•11, !11<' M•L. 1 h'.ll'k 1,1 •. \1);11 . l> nip;;, 1111l, 1t·n111, 0~~ ""~~ '73 Volvo I ..-. ·-r.-; . 1'un;ihou1 • Aut<>n1a11". t ... ~"' •73 COUPE DE VI LLE ~--M.,• •••91 [ '~;-1(,,::,:, S.· 11111111"'"· 1::0oxl t\rt·' 1• ... 1 _s~ .. 1. ('111151.~_,;o-;1 ---lr>J)' Air. \'1n~l l( .. ,f, 1~-••h" "-rc-,01 Bon 9740 1800ES niil1 ·•f:1". S."i.".n. i;:r; \\', \\i! .... 11 *'69 FORD FALCON* m. ~ J: Rl>nll lAAallC.'@ ,£0111 y,~lh \\hlh' C'.\I 111 °1l('r luu11·u·ulJ!•". 1!110 1----------4 s~l \\'/<Werdr1\'e. h·aHll'r vinyl top and i.:old l11pN.11, Camaro 9917 1 Brand New •74 .. - -:>-1!~--..1~7 S~nfl11 nulc~ Hf'lfl .. \• :C,'11 <lLI 1..: ~ul~ 1:."'' r. rlo· 11\-f'\ ti111runi::; t.;_>li<l ' .:;, I I' 'ti!" . _,, .... -~ 9<JS7 1 '.I P into ' . 72 Pinto lntt'rior, onl)' 16,(X)() 1niles Rnr1 leather intC'rlor. ~'ull I 'li7 CIH·.\' !'\." [.11pa l •. 111·,\ -. 0 ly $2699 and hkc IX!\\. JIO"·er, faCIOI)' Rir l1UXillvm· • 1 MONTE CARLO '.\.:1.1·1~:1~11 •• ,, 1Vv1i ,.T.~ • ['.< -1 Of· 1 ~averic~ 9947 n 831·2040 I~. Hit sl~·rin~ V.'hPl'I, ,\~1 1 I .., '·~7 (',~\l,\nf) l.in1l1t'<I nH••r' ()~J.Y I t -~"· ··:..1·~ nit. !. .. ~J~I 'ii )1.\\'EHlCI-;, f, '\I, i1utn Howard Chev rolet I •n PLYMOUTH SPORT SUBURBAN WAGON .~ !o.1''11 Jo'i~1·1tu·y 11\r ".inrllll••rl· Ill.:. ,1UIC1n1a11~-. poY.•'I' ~lt l'I· In,.:, pO\\ t'I' hrtll.11"!1, ri.oli" hr 11fl"r, rnor nir k I', hhr '1f!1• i1 .tll t11"{'1;. ro1•f'r t:ul 1:""' .... h"Mlo\O. ,,, . ...__ lhl1n ~'7.1••! 11111~·!1. t JOJ~·NA' $2999 HAIRS CADll.lA( 2----c--~1eoJI '73 DUSTER ll11\'1!r·•p, " ··~·I Auron1t1!1• 1'1111, r tit.,·riui: ,\c Hn•k"~· I-' u'1t+l~ 1\1r. ll &. II. ~\II'• ;._l<t', \.HI', '.\lil<''I. !K:f7Jl~:\' Only $2999 Ho word Chevrolet ,\!.11 \11h11r l\lld JMn1l•'I"" \.->11~•11 IJ.to,u·h ).'.\--0,'.,',' ATLAS Chry•l•r/Plymouth Op••n J 1,ul.)' & /)llll '111 (.Q J')I 2'1.:"J 11111'!::)1' 1\1\d. '''''11 )le.Cit 546-1934 50 USE.D MERCEDES ON DISPLAY Saddleback Valley I''.\! nulln, Jlll\rc•r d•.oJI' lflo.k),. s, .. "',; ,-.• ·,1. .. ,_1•. l•k·1·•.)~. ··r $3799 Corvette 9932 11/ ... ,\\! ra.1i .. {; • .".! '"!id' ,\ln!',\rrllur ;onil J;unl~•l't'<' L I U 111 ,·cx 1 • ., .. ..:: e\t'i<, 11k1•1,.1~ . ---------C Voga ~74 Imports Oil 111 cs.$58'9 ·I· 1[Chev;:-olet 9920 t SC'i".•r.>o. 12101 ~1 COltVE'ITE ·-n. ~lln~r11 ;1 SIMtlx_:!t nH•-r l:f:!-l!.11 _ 1 :-.t•111"1t1 H•·'•<h -~--------"- 'Tl MERCEDES BE NZ FA:-'TH,\CK. \'\\' ·1;9, ttacHo. HOward Chevrolet !:' P\l"r. A'.\t t''.\1 . 11ir. nur() Mercury 9950 r ---"~:~rf'i.·.-_,___ '73 VEGA \duh 1111TM'tl l"'"'G" ... ,,,..,.. T!. Hl':-OAH!ll '"r air il1·1•• LUXURY 4 5 SEDAN R II ll"°''' \ T .......,nr M!MM ,.t.Nll &( '6-El C l\l'I C \\'II \l1u·,\11hur ,11111 Jarnl.10.!L'l'(' ' • "' #o 1"' ·1 \lf'l•t' \I 'IX " , · '" • ' • ,.,... ...~......,..,.,.. :;i -a1n1no .. ·'A 1 <'All ''"''""' ·, P \1 llk•I·•~. ' ·' un1 •'1::" ,. ·. • 1rt1n~. 111\I 11111••, 1.1u.:i.::.11:· Beats the 1..·risis, nKln! n1iles "?llllJ. fl\'1•rh:111~. ;:d ~hher. rot 51'11 10 JU~! Bn}Qll(' \lu"t I :-.1:•1 flfl!'! n.•,,, h Tl I.,,,, ~·-I ,.,, ,,j I r l~tl•"' r 'l h.•! !!••[•. 1,ch! ::••lo l "·"Ii I '11 l'' ~ '.' . ' ' per iallon,de.~ii::n&i·ngint' :\Int 1~111\. ~l:il:;i. Sw1. & ~tt.-llwd. Si'C 1n npJ1n'<'1;:1tr '.\Inn. Ku.rr~-.·· t11·1.:111;1l ···•11t'r 1,1 ~(1 \1 1,1 1:111-inw (or Jong lin1e 0.\'nc>r.;hip, !~5:.i6 -AA!'I.\ C-: ... Mo-f1 Thur.;h111•nb,!'.·'l: 613-TTil I 7.l :"\(l\!,\, -''I t·.,1. ~1lth, Cougar 9933 1 11u·o11n•!, l•"r do"' t.r,ik .. ~. C!l5SIC 1nc11, 1uiSIO(:r11U1· 970 .. ra f>, l'au•r. . _, . F00R Still•, 1967 .r.1 C',1n1inoJ. ..1•1~ 1~,"'.',',7.:_..o:.,"',~ '01 Xlt·i. ::·••I .t"'' 1n110-.,,.:o• ;,1, :1"• I • I' I \'\\' di h -· --------I'· s-I r11•l1•• lil\l•·<I ::J ,,, ~~.'.!I-• beauty and ~:1 !cty. choo~ 1·hro1nl' rim~. llf' .... rnrllnl \\1,1~.~ YOU J API:.R OR \.~. 4 !>pd. I\/(, p/s, p/!1,1 ____ v •~"--Xlnl ""M! :-;,-.1 tw·oJ;,;,, ---- from ty,•o: $&19:'•. Could nr-111"t•!1. St.·'50. 5'I0-33'i9 aft 5 I Ali\T ,\ ltOO~t. \\"rill' lhC' 1nt11.,'l'I & Wo"'"I l1rt'i<, S!Hl\ 'ti'..' n11,:\·y S.:l.'lir 6. :.! fir, ·l~.001 nu. $1cn.i :..::•:...ti17l . Mustang 9952 , ,, •!I\', '; !'' ' 1 l"-<•!1., I,, I 'I" I !'..'.' i:~J ·''· \' \ ' \'•. l•.11 nrnge lea.c:e for ' Muitable 11n1. an)()Ullt 01 ~per or . paint ~lu;;t ."C'll, c.1:>--3 ~('1 :lfl ;, 11ut". SJ:,tl :,~l(...3i ll ("'". • . ii took behind n Jlll'lun•. f•r '67 Xlt-7, \1in)'l 1 .. p. ~ 1 1~.i '.\lu r:1ni:: !i r1.•l1n.t•·r 1 ·;-::: -1'1.\Tf • :--.iuir,~• -.i 11 ,, party ...... ~ UO + ''173GBZI. \• \\' 'ift. I/• nti .. 111n~ \\'hls . Thc>n nex! tlmf' you order. CHE\'-. -.69 lm[lo'.lbSSLl7 hli_r...i.i i,:. _''~•·-: & 1<>k~~~-\11h··'~ ,.., 11rn111i:: ~··nr, i-!l('k y,·1111 n1.'lll'.~ ,,11d rhtl• th. rarlioi, ""''' .,,,,1,, h.-;u!• 1 --,\,.l·l""l i-lrrro, :!ilu:<t !lee !0 you'll know CXl\C'lly ho11· ,\..\1 /F:\f srrrro. Aut'l .. \IC. '6-t CJIE\"'.i' :iut01. '..! dr h.t. r:1dirils. Sl!!'(i 1!'11-·,7)~ i.:••YI i.::.' 11111<"'1:'' i-:,1.,.11 •. 111 l.•>Y, nii . 1;7.t-19.~. House of Imports 11 ppn'<'.. many :o; Ir I\ I . n1urh n1att'rial )'OU'll nt'C'd. p S, p B, 1-;ronli-. :\Int Hrhlt ll'IOlor. Cler111. $250. FOrd ""'40 '"'1'1111'•!1 ;\7,001 1111h·~ s1 ::·o11 Plym-·th 9960 523-7250 Sl7fl0 I Ollf'r. '.l lG-:126! \\'ant a low-prlC't"'I C"ar ; rond. Slim nr ? !'4">S·li1G. 1 21'.t1:,92-21n·~· ~----..,.., :.lfi..~1(1\I -~--------- ,71 MERCEDES SHAIU'. CLl-:AN \'\\', look,~ ltrnd loday's Oassi hr'(I Ads. The fns1c-~t rlra ... · in lhf' \\'f's!. ·~-CHEVY ::Z'i, 4 spd, nu1kt' '7:': PI ,'\TO SQl'llll< \\'(;~ 'G\I '.\!.\C'll J Aulu tnorL-:. •!iS;k .~ runs lk nr\\•, $69~1. fhc fastest draw In the \Vest. ... a Daily P1lnt Classified offr.r. Xlnr 1"0r1d '.\lu-.t !>('•' '" op· t>r:ike~. r:irl lo/ht"<lh'r lupf' 250 4 Or. 61:').7363 ... a Da\lv P ilot Clt.ssll\ea Ad. Call f:.l2-;.s1.1t. X1"l-83.J7 aft f'r 1 J'llTI 111,•t·i111 ... fiT.1-'6\i. :.II :. .,,.,.k 49'1·'i1166 ·11 nu:·tr1·:rt 1\..-i. 1· 1:111 1~1s. A•tlo• .v->1, I; u11nl~ Sl'\00 !'Iii ', l'lj:, ! -1 •·· "-.,.,,n ,\111 ntn.1L " !'••'-•• r ,1 .... 1·1n..,, F-1•·1011 !1 11 \\j f \1 !.•~•· ;\1·111 IJ•I• \Iii• 1-·I .. \• 11110•1 U!I I j,;\ I it! I 0~1y $3199 Howard Chevrolet 'I•• \1 r )l,1 .,1i.t J .u11l ~11·1~ ..... ... , l••I I I :1".1( h '.: ,, ,_,, \I<,.\ IJ.1l •hl>,~l~,11 II I IU Ill~ '.I I'••', 1.,.'lloHI ,-.,11d '..!" \l!'t; 'il99 .i owner. 26,000 ml. Con-'6·1 \'\\' Van. He-blt l'nt.:.. AUTOS, NEW 9800 AUTOS, NEW 9800 AUTOS, NEW 9800 AUTOS, NEW--9800 AUTOS:-NE"°W,,--"°'9800 course co~ th,ru-0ut. Auto !tUn."J good, loolai WXKJ., trans, pv.T sir g, f.aC'I. air $650 493-6039 AUTOS, NEW 9800 AUTOS, NEW 9800 cond. Am·fm radio. Nr nr1\'l ""=c',7.C-C~-=-::--o;= Michelin radials. U c ~o. 'il \'.\\I. Bu;::, P~t:lt 30,000 ES.1300. m1. 1-:s<.'l'llf'nt, $1TJO. S59!1;i G-1~10'2!! 6-IZ--OTI7 TOYOTA OF ORANGE '7[) v~\\'. Bug, \.J:IY.' n1i!es, 1400 N. Tustin St. Orii;inal 011'Tlf'I', $1·\50. Orange 6.19-6TJ() 641}--132'i EX'EC. CAP-S f''Ol t LEASE. 'ii \'\\', Radials. hl.•:t\'Y du1y Choose f.t'Onl 4 fully N!UlJ>-shcio.:ki;, tY<ll1t!'-', ::i1 1111>'.: pet! 10 ... · 111ilc>a~1· 450 s~~ 11 LilJ. <1~12.i 36 ro.to lcaSI' f.!15.78 per nin 'it SUPEit Be<>tle. r.>r ... ly OEL + Tas Lie·. Serial iminlNI. ~.000 n1i. Jn1111al'· No. 00~16. 'fnke yuur car in ulate 1-onrl. 6T."l-52ti0 trade. J I '62 J, SI B,\ A 1ugg:y n1:1t. Im emOftS V\Y :'\o cng. Reasonahly Imports straight body 11:,0. 642-ZWl :301 Quail 'fi3 V \\' Buo.A..\f.nt, ~ ?\ewpc1rt Beach lln:.,., $3!lj: '" ,.,,,,...~ 833-9300 ti IO""'l•~IJ ENTER FRO~t ~1ncARTHun1'·,=;~v~1=v=B=,-.-. ~Goodoc-.,...-.. ~ng~.-.~,~'· · hrk~. J:nod 11rei;. Kt'Cds 1959 MERCEDES paint. S6i5. 642-1™ 190 SL 1972 V\V Super Bretle, P../H, ROADSTER w orig hrd1op F.xct'llenl rondit ioo. $17JO. Collccior's Dream-Rare hard Call 6T...,..56Tj 10 find model. Brand l'll'Y.'l-'~.60~V\=1·~. ~..,,-. -,.,.,~,.~,""..i~.~.- ?.fichelin radial tires. Ne"'' S36-5195 pain1. Like new cond thru- oUL l-'KG 915. Volvo $4999. 1..:-:=------9771 TOYOTA OF ORANGE '74 VOLVO 1400 N. Tustin St. Orange 639-6750 J\fERCEDES BENZ -xurr SELEC110N: 220'1 thnJ 300's. 15 to choose from at SADDLEBAC'K VALLEY ThlPORTS S3lwa»Q or 495-1!).19 '74 M·B, 450 SLC, Silver w/Blue lthr int, 1.0CO mi. Immac. By O\\'Tlt'l' 642-057.f, GU--1603. ~8-801•1 1910 280S. Auto, Af.1/n.I. ro.t1d Call 644-4-110. flO\\'f'r, f1ir, blue book. Best Deal Anywhere! LEASE OR BUY All Models! OVERSEAS DELIVERY SPECIALISTS DEAN LEWIS VOLVO 1966 llarlX'lr, C.i\1. &Ui ·!l1/l1 AUTOS USED MG 9742 General 9901 '6'9 11GBGT. ti1rom" \\ire v.•hls, Ai\l/flll, clean ('ar. S.5 pm, 5:6-3215, nft 6 pm, ~1989. im YELLO\Y l\IGTD. X!nl cond Li> mileage, $2,000. call -Opel '67 OPEL \\'G~, gd cond., nrti< body 11'0rk. St~ · S:OO. 8•UJ. lj3(). Peugeot 9748 NEW PEUGEOT DEALER Compli:t<? Salrs and St•r.'icc. 50 con1pacts on display. PACIFIC MOTOR IMPORTS PEUGEOT /SUBARU 1551 \V. J.inco!n A1·e., Anaheim 5J.1.S2l0 Porsdle 9750 '6.1 S.90. 17:'1/J cc, elcc. sunroof, ne""· 1rans, stereo, xlnt cond. Best o f I e r 5.1S-4m 'fi2 99. SUPt::R Cl.ASSIC. $4,000 to cood hon1c>. Call &t2-()2S~. 1963 PORSCI IE :::Jill. b'OOd ccnd. Best offC'r. 641-4827 'G8 911L. 5 ~pd. A..\I ~-i\r radio. n('Y,' clu!<'h, $4250. 962-462'l or 6T.->2'.li9. Toyote LEASE A BRAND Nl:\V '74 TOYOTA 1))) Corollo &>d.1n fOC' only $55.25 per mo. 36 mos. open end lease. BILL MAXEY TOYOTA ' d t '. ,, ' '\\. , , r < jl •n TOYOTA tliOO GT ~.tnjected,. he ad" rs, Konls. Nu bric•. t irc!!t Ir batt. Just DyncF-tuned. Gd ~!PG. FuL $2000. • &6-2342 . '73 CELlCA Landau coupe. Auto. trans., air & map. 831~3.MO Dir. DM't drop lht bttll ... Get a Job ""'ilh a low-cos! Dally Pilot Clauill«l Ad ! 642-.Xi78 SPECIALS OF THE DAY! '67 Cougar XR7 F'1<llY L0<tdfd ""~· s1a·3a"""' '68 Bonneville '°"'" H~r111Q11 1 O""'er. rtal ~harp IWIAl60 1 5888 '73 Chev. Impala Cv11am (Pf E•tfa 1h1111. '~s2taa·· '74 Pont. Ventura JOgor. J.olll) m11 ... ··-s2·1aa"" '72 Ford Wagon LDW mll"9e. '""sf 548"" '72 G randvlll• '°""' HordlOP. Al:>Mllvltty ~Id. lfld&Ol $2888 '69 Buick Skylark 'l)Qor HlfdfOCI, Vltiyl T<111, E~1r1 5Norp. Fully Lo.<ltd. !Xllilll6) $1188 24'0 Harbor Blvd, COSTA MESA 546·8017 ' I • THANK YOU FOR MAKING MARCH THE FINEST MONTH IN OUR HISTORY! We"ve got some extra special April deals for you BRAND NEW 1974 CHEVROLET BRAND NEW '74 NOVA VEGA HATCHBACK Full Factory EQu1pmen1 GREATEST SELECTION Tonted glass. wtieel covers. wh 1re s1oe wall 111,..o;, rao•o. nea1e1 · hr avy duty rad1:11o• (906)(279114) OF ALL NEW VEGAS TO CHOOSE FROM! YOUR CHEVROLET TRUCK HEADQUARTERS BRAND NEW 1974 3/4 TOM FLEETSIDE PICKUP (642)(133838) s3199 BRAND HEW '74 ELCAMlMO LOAOE D Au1omaltc. power steP11ng, power brakes wheel cover:, WSW l•re<. bumper guards. body Side moldong~ linted glass (670)(42007 1) LOADED: Automatic transmission, radio, heater, power steering, power brakes, Air Conditioning, vinyl Landau roof. (699) Lease the "CONNELLEASE" Way. 2828 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA s3399 PER MONTH 36 Mo. 0.E.l.-0.A.C. 546-1200 • ' • LL'74'1 ON SALE BRAND NEW 1974 6 CYLINDER DUSTER BRAND NEW 1974 PLYMOUTH FURY II LOADED: 4 Doo; Sedan. Automatic transmission, air corditioning, power s1eering, power di!>C b'okes, rinted <$as~ rod10, he:Jter, AJR CO\IDITIONING, Vent windows. vinyl seals. BRAND NEW 1974 SATELLITE Seid ~RH41-G411-197~ ~.'.JI :O-(l~l-14( 1007}) L(W)E.(} o( Door Secb>. )18 VS. power-si-"'q. po.... diK brole-.. rodoo. heolet, r.med ~ . ....-.yl •ool. vSiyl soda mouidinq\, wflite lode wd1 r11e~ BRAND N,EW 1974 CHRYSLER NEWPORT • -..- LOi'IOED: automoti<. rod;o, hearer. power s!eel';nq, powei-disc brakes, faclory air cordi!ioning, t1lt-1elescop1c stceflng wheel, vinyl !iide mouldings, white :.Ide wall rires. .;, ' • ' . ' UtstandillCJ values on brand new 1974 c;.hryslers and Plymouths, now! We're way over· stocked and must move these automobiles out! Shop Atlas Chrys· ler /Plymouth today and really save! SEE THE ALL NEW 197 4 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER FAMILY WAGON NOW ON DISPLA'f! GREAT USED CA I R BUYS OF THE WEEK '680 '.~l.'!~ YMour -. . • ~: • • PILOT-~OVERTJIER W!dntMi.!1 , Aprll 10, 1974 Otl!l Y PILOT 1)1) '74 FULL PRICE CHARGER . ' Fullv Faclory EQu1POOd (\...,..L21G-4G 102407 . . 52888 · -T & L , •. . .. ~· • SPECIAL NOT :c;;r n 1PPl:.O 10') A it md !•c 0.1 l·n ;pr ~eat rtua! or1 te ournpe1 :;, PllN1•1 i.tPeru1q, mu' n rr.uch m, nP B 11AT4X02 11)4o 1 FULL PRICE 53388 • T & L '74 DODGE Station ~ L.fi,p ~ w •l~ro,~1~ _ agon , ~ . R'C . --....__ • oEt\'YE ~· ~-·.:...r . SPECIAL • e::- NOT STRIPPED ... ,., ,,,.,., "'"" FULL PRICE 53288 • T & l 81g 6,lullv1nyl1n!erior,heater,much.muchmore.order 1nyour :. WE DO HA YE Small Vd .• 1ur mJht:: rx''·'-'' '>ICt·ona P..•N•·r L.rdi..c~. l·I D sri,.11gs 1&r r1nrro w.110 ,l11f'ICJ LO .iwo .i·t . 10 .1mo oatt M uc:h·muc n more \0 14A r 4SOJ/~8 3J FULLOIO<IOday 52688 ··:·~~COL TS! M:~~LS PRICE .r., FULL PRICE 53188 I . ' 'WE NEED Y .. ' OLD FASHIONED NEWENGlAND SAUS & SERVICE • T & L s 1488 f 71 CHEVROLET IMPALA s 1218 FULL PRICE , FULL PRICE HOT SATISFIED WITH SERVICE? Try VICTORY "You're the Winner" SERVICE HOURS Mond11y 7;10 °"'lo 9:00 P"' T~1 .. fri. 7:10 crlft lo S:OO P"' We accept oil Warranty Work on All Chrysler Products DODGE• CHRYSLER• PLYMOUTH Motor Horne Service I oo! ; • • i • E ·' '68 BUICK ELE£TRA IVUT·3861 . f~ory air, Loaded lnctud1ng ,.1.3 VEGA Hatch~ack I >046GWX. Auto. trans., • ~:IP~";:~:!P;.~~ ~b~;~ik~::· .. $1 0 8 8 nnwer steering k .t690EMZ "" roof rac · 1in1ed glass, 1 I!. ,.~0~!,~ :,,~'.~~~~'~lo, 10 $1 3 8 8 Hes. l.S02CTQ '72 TOR.I~,~ l~~.~0 ~., $ Loaded, incl. V· ' k ..-420FWZ . I gage rac · stceri09, U9 • • 288 ' . . BRAND NEW DOOR 1 9 7 4 p INTO 2.:,1 ...... ~:,'1::~.:~.:.'.:::;. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY tiealer' v1nv bumper group. seats. delu•e Lie, 4RIOXl65J30 BR974 MUSTA NG II 1 HARDTOP ,10 "'"'·· IMMEDIATE DELIVERY .. ,,J lltre, 6 c:vl., a wh11ewa11 . heo!lter. radio, d ldSS License t ires, trnle g • No. -4F02Y268716, • ~.[J!l, ..... , ' Ap· I :0 l ,.1 - 68· 000,Q~. Y,~~ .. -~·1;;· $ WINDOW .VAN. ~ .. ;.License No. e9zco L"lrge lctm1ty spec '69 OOOG~lAL~<Cose No, $ VB. llulo. trans., dbc. f ' . 41M2C . ., . ,,1SER l·J ....... • VOL resi The be gener fecL a well Alt offici ner G or nc is ch lo co 0 st st cl d s \ gove pro acr Tu Th tcct Bev Mon · .Si mitt plai ill have gove the and .. Sie of oi .. , peop ·hear getr Si ha\'i po bl H RA< ---• • (' San Clemente Capistrano EDITION N.Y. Stocks VOL. 67, NO. 100, 6 SECTIONS, 84 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, APRIL I 0, 1974 TEN CENTS Density Rollhacl{ Hearing Set in San Clemente lnitial public hea?"ings are scheduled tonight berore San Clemente planning commissioners on m.'.ljor staff proposals to roll ba<:J;: the density on several residential zones. The initial step for commissioocrs y.•ill be the determination on a slaff bid for a gene ral plan aihcndn1ent "'hich \voo!d af- fect. all multiple-residential rand uses as well as some single-fa mily projects. Although the proposed changes nrr not officiall y shifts in r.oning la11·s. City Plan· ner Gene Schulte today said thal because of new sta te laws, once the general plan is changed, the zoni ng maps would ha \'e io correspond as '1'ell. The most severe rollback '." in dcnsitv affect the land-use dcs1gnataons Or highest inlensity. . , l!nder the proposal -a CQmpromiSl' from initial suggestiort'i made last year by City Councilman an,d Coastal Com- 1nissioner Arlhur Holmes · lhc!e cl~ges \\'OU!d be effected : -The ci!y's new open-space art>as would have a maximull1 density of 1.5 units to the acre. -LoVJ·densitv-residential and ml'diun1- \o\\·-density residential areas rroui;hly l h{· R·I and R·2 zones1 wou ld not change. -But in the n1edium-densily rcsiclen· tial areas as defined in the 1nastcr pl.in. .. . .. .... , ... / ... , ~ -~,,,,...... .,...-.-. \.-·".... ' --.~ . . --. . ..... . " ~ ......... - \.. , ..... 'Did I Lay Tlaat?' Ophelia . an ostrich at Lion Country Sa fari in Liguna lliUs, gazes in stunned di sbelief at one of her eggs as she tries to fi gure out the strange markings. It was a trick perpetrated by an artistically-in· clined employe of the African \\'ildllfe preserve, who fe lt t hat a gaily decorated egg would be more in the tradition of Easter. Sieroty 1issails Secret Oil, l J.S. Off slwre Bid By CANDACE PEARSON The oil industry and the fed eral government have operated too secretly in proposals to open up 7.7 million offshore acres for oil drilling, it u·as charged Tuesday. The public's interest isn't being pro- tected. Assen1blyn11ir1 Alan Sieroty (D- ~verly Hi ll~/ said at a hearing in Santa Mon ica. .Sieroty. \vho chairs the Select Com· mitlee on Coastal Zone Resources, coin- p\ained that: -Opinions of orficials in coastal cities iO: Orange and Los Angeles Counties haven't been sought by the federal govern ment. -Current leases or drilling rights b~· the state and federal govern1nent bring tolWJ!uch profit to private oil CQ1npnnies and too little to the_publlc. "There·~·a.n awfuT lot of money here.'' Sieroty said , refcrrnig to current prices oI oil. "It's a resource that belongs lo the people." he added at his co1nmit1ee's ·hearing. "t'n1 not sure the people are getting an adequate retum." Sieroty accused the oll oompanies of having a "callous disregard " !or the public interest. He told research sci entists from the RAND CorporatiOll that he \\'ants then1 to Cork Popping Brings l ,i11.vsuit A u-niter \\'ho ela1fll~ he \\'llS seriously Injured In a Ne•vport Beach restaurant v.'tf~n ti popping cork from a champagne bollle struck him in the ye ants SI00.000 jn dam<igcs fmm the makes ond distributor! or the but> bly. Stuft Shirt cmploye F. a.1areo Forster of a pioneer Snn Juan capis1 rano family· names United Vintner!. Inc. and Heublein Ina. as defendants in hl:i Orange Coun ly Superior court lawsuit. Forster claims he was struck in -the eye by the flying cork from B bottle of .Jaques Bonet ch ampa gne. on Aprll 7. 1973. while serving the be\·erage to diners. look into the possibility of the state gran· ting its O\\'tl contracts. not leases. for drilling and then marketing the oil itself. The hearing \\'as concerned "'ith the state Lands Commission's plans to allow resumption of offshore drill ing from ex- isting \\'ells. The testimonv also dealt in detail \\'ith federal proi>oSals for offshore leases <1long !he coast fronl Ventura Count y to San Cle1nente. Acrording to a preliminary sludy by RAND orficials. the richest potential fields are off Huntington Bea ch and Son· ta ~'ionica. "t don't sec any reason why the oil companies should have total control ove r (See OIL, Page %J Coronation Ball Set in Ne,vpo1·t By Homosexuals An organization or Orange Co11nly homosexuals is planning a "Coronati<>n Ball" l\tonday night at the Balboa J>aviUon on the shores of Nc,vport Harbor. ~l<>re than 500 persons are expected to attend the dance. w!-ich \Vlll be highlighted by the selection of an "E1nperor·· and "Empress'' nnd lither "royalty." Sponsors of the event call It "the first major altempt lo bring the gay rom· munity in Orange County together." The forma l ball will be patterned after sfmilar events held annually In San Fran- cisco, Los Angeles. San Diego and Long Beach. About 1.000 persons attended !he Long Beach baJJ on the Qu~ ~1;. / !\larch 24. Gay eouns from throughout Callfomla art expected to ;tten·: the Orange C<>un- ty event. Four mtn operatin g as ABCO ~ociates art &ponsoring the dance at no profit They asked not to be identified because of fear of rel)t!rcusslons where they "·ork. A spokesman Silid the group hope!! to become a jM!r1nnnent pronwter for the gay community in Orange Cciunty •• "We hope to organize the gny people here because so many of lhe :;oung kids are leavlng for n1ore bospitabl>J arcair, '• a 1Set GA \'S, Page 11 the prc·scnt density of 7.1 to 17 units to the acre \\'OOld revert to IO dwelling units . -In the mediun1:high-density dcsigna· 11on the old figur es of 17.1 to 36 wlils to the acre \\·ould roll back to 2-l. -lfl the cily's highest-den sity uses. the proposal calls for a ?N!Ximum of 36 unils \(1 the acre. 1'hat \\·ou!d effect the niost drastic of the rollbacks. because the present rules call for a maximuin of 5.l. Once planning commissiooers Hni sh wi1h the lengthy deliberations on the ne\\' 11\101\'able densities, l h e l r recorn· n1rnd<11ion \\'OUld go 10 c11 y councih11c11 ff)r still more hearings and a fi nal dl·term ination. "But the \\'ork \\·ould be far fronl 6\'c1· t ren then." Schulte e.xplaine<l. "The slate says thl t \\c first havP 10 change lhr gencrnl plan and rhen gll onto the n1ore highly dl·fined zoning. "That n1cans that onl'C this i~ done. \1·e'll he back \\'ilh more c<>nunission ;111<1 coun<'il hearings on the sa111e proposnls fnr lhe zoning n1:ips,'' he s:i1d . Tonif'.lht's SC'Ss1011 rnarks the in· au!'!uraluin of a ne\v conun ission n1rf'ting policy that sets up spccil!c n1eeting t1n1~ Throcgh ti~ Yf':tr for lh\' t~CIU11C<1 I changes in tht> ~1·11t•ral plan. Besides the gl·ncra l tlens11y <'hao~f'5. se1·cral other 111<.jor prl.lposals fllr t;i>e(i fic propt•r1ir5 f;1lt undf'r !h" :-nn·,t• 1>roced11r11I blanket Thi' Ch11n:h1n<'1i'.... Eound;i 11on Sf'f'k' rh~ng1·s in 11,J land alung Aven1ck1 de l.1 l~.st rcJla IO a !IOI\' fflr Th(""C11nsfrucl1 on Of :l large·scale, rctirr 111cn1 .re~1denci' t 01n· plP :( \1hLl'h \l'ouhl u:-c ~n1c l·ity land .11 Bou1ta Ca11~011 P;trk as part of 11 ~ park· 1 n~ cc1m1nitnwnt. The found:lllO!l nt'C'd~ a 1·hange fr11n1 lnv:-<IC'ns1ly rrs1dcntinl !a11rl 1 us1• to hi t.:h·,len~u y rl·.,1dcn11 :1! Yl't another de1"e\op1ncnt, a con- <111n11111 u111 pt.111 {·:1 !1111~ 1 .. r n1ori' tha u 1011 111 .ir ~ vn lhl' 11ld l r.1 ...... 11111 pro\X'l"'I~. 11•111 1"l"<Jlll rl' ~1 f'h:tnc1· fr<>1n 1n1·1!11un-t11:.:h d"n:o.11\' 10 n11·c!1unl·tl1·11~1t1 rcs1drnha! 1'hl· i'1r1r d1•il/.!l1'1l 1u11 11oi11fl nltOI'' no 111orl' th,111 Ii: u1 ut~ tu 1h1~ aert' ,\nlon.: thl' <l1h1•r ~1·111•ral 1tf'n1~ Otl th,. ('t1u11c1!~ ... Jan1n1td :1g1•11dil toni~ht ,111· pr opvs.11:-IJ\· ('h:1rles l lun1 and hL!'i f\•l\01\'· r\':dtor :i nd~ n101 h1·r Addie Ul'll llunt (or p1.·n111,s11H1 to hurld :1 Ul'll' adutl-residl'llt l1111t·I on !hrt.'l' \<'!~ nl':tr 240 A vcn1d~1 01:1 ;\l:ir Cornnu~~i"ncrs d1·h11 1·d action 1110 11cl·k ~ ;1g11 .~nd a1k1·{i' for 11n · tn· I ll'(Ullll1'lll:1l·Ullp;1ct !\•port Oil Ille ·I~· 1i\\Jn1 lac1 hr ~. Suspect Leads Clemente Officers on ... S1111 J llflH Strict Building Laws Enforced San Juan Capistrano city council n1en don'l agree that it's 1\·hat's up front thal COWllS. The city fathers voted Wlanimously th is wrek to req uire strict architccturul standards for a state high\\-;1y rnain· tcnance building . even though a badl~· nredf!d California tligh\\·ay Patrol stution 11 ill be buill in front of it. Ron Thropp, representing the Sti>tc Dcparlrnent of GC'neral St'rvices, assured !he counci l that the high\\'DY patrol sta· lion \\'ou\d eonform lo the city's architec· tural requiren1ents. But the 1naintenance station, lo be built fir st. 111)uld not b<' Spanish, missiOll. or early California St~r]c. ··u would be adobe-colored and 1\'ould ha\'e a red roc k roof," he said of the n1eta l building. C<>uncilmen pointed out that the maintenance build ing would be \'isible fron1 the San Diego Free~·ay \\'hich is a Ingber elevat ion. The t\\'O buildings arc proposed for property on c.1n1iuo Capistrano nc;ir the airport. Thr land is O\\'n1,.>d by the Dcpartn1cnt of Transportation. and the lligh"•ay Pntrol int ends to buy the fro nt JXlrtlon for its o"·n offi ce, according to the S{Xlkes1nan. Thropp "'arned that if the ma intenanct! building is not exempt rrom th e architec- tural a n d street-im provement re· quirements. the state n1ight scrap the u·hole project. "I assun1e the state conducted stud ies lo fi nd beneficial sites." said i\layor Hoy Hyrnes. ":\ow \\'e'rc !old the whole thing "·ill be jerked if "'e don 't a pprO\'C an esthetically unbcroming building. llcre's \\·here we should contact our state legislators. \\'e're being browbeaten. \\'e're being told f<> accept something unaccep1 ablr. There is an clernent of !See STi\i\DARDS, rage 2! Rock8 Crcisli l1ito Coast lT1 onici1i's Car t\ San Clemente \\·oman dri1·ing south nea r the unused Ree\'CS Ranch freeway O\·crcrossini:t late Tuesday narrowly miss«! serious injury \\'hen three rcrS<ll\5 sta nd ing on the bridge pelt ed her car 11'1lh J;irge rocks. One n1i,.,~ile shattered th e windshield of the 11 oman's cnr. ~lr!i. Jlclcn Bagley of 1512 Calle ll:i· cienda fl'l"IOl'tcd the incident to police a ft•v.· n1inutcs later. Officer.~ said the rock -abou t l\\'O in· chcs in diameter -hit the \\·indo•1· and narrowly missed the driver's fa ce. Officers checked lhe area of the bridge but could not find a trace of the rock thrO\\'ers. The overpass is one <>f fe\\' left in the area that does not ha\'e high fences to prevent pra nks. It carries no traffic. ex· cept for occasional farn1 \'Chicles and herds of cattle. Si11)e1·viso1· Hopeful 'Ru11s Sl1ow' at Cl1ambe1· Meeti11~ L, l'\e1,1•porl Beach's Ilr. Nolan frizzelle- a candidate for the f'Hth District supervisorial scat -had the S<ln (,1cmente Chamber of Commerce to him.<teH 1'ucsda~" nic Harbor Area community lcade.r and challenger to Ronald Caspers brought his ronser ... ative platform to chamber directors as toe only one of four candidate!\ to accepi an in\~t ation. Dr. Friu:elle mildl>• assailed Cilspeni -although not naming the .supervisor directly -(or "saying one thing and doing another," Then he Indirectly rapped another c.:in· dldate San Juan Capistrano's Jamc1 Thorpe for advoca1ing a no-gro~th platform. "lie ad\'ucates oo gro"·th, but nc\'c.r mcnllons tilt cost to the public." said Dr. f"rizzclle . The candidate-"'ho led his area'! Oi>' position to rne C<>astal lnlllali\Te -!<iid he still feels the sa me about 1he pr~ visions of Proposition 20. lie decried lls status a another level of regional go\'emment run by a ppointed . . I " -not elected -orficials. He called fQr "an objec1ive approach" to the conflict bet,1·cen the rights or dcvel<>pers nnd the need for open space. 'IT'~S FAl\'TASTJC' S.4YS A.DVER1'ISE R "fantastic!''. In that one \\'Ord. the lfuntlngton Be.ach man who placed the followtng ad in the Daily Pilot's clnssificd arl vcrtlslng section described how ~·ell it v.·ork~. llere's the ad : '86 V\V Van. 20.000 aC'lual mi., Runs great. $800. lint. Bch. I Phone No. I Naturally, It sold the van. Naturally , il Dally Pilot ad can sell )'C"~ merchan· disc: Test it yaur!elf. Ptac. your ad by phone tdlrect linl'!) by dialing 6.U.sGi8. . I I • Wild Chase 1''. , T 1, 1.rnn ~ 11x itl ove U nu~ual K1\.\S1\S C:IT\". ~to. 1l:f'l 1 - Thi" head of !he nation's lari;e.,t 111· eome lax se r\'il'C helie\'l'<; l'rl'l'L· dent :\i'l:On cannot dtdu ct ;i \'Olun· 1;1ry (,lil.!1l0 pilyrncnt for 0\'1•rduc 1%9 tax C's on thi ~ ) 1·nr'.:1 return. Henry Block. presidl'Jll of I ! ,inc! R. Block. s:tid Tut>sday 1h:11 1\1:0.011 ', decision to p:iy rne an1ou11t volun- tarily \\·as "high ly unusual." ~ixon has been billed for S.\67.0Ci':l in back taxes rro1n \!JG'j through 19i2 . The bill rep resents deductions taken for donation of ''ice pres idtn· tial papers to the Na t i on a I Archives. The statulC' of \i1nita.tions ha s ex· pi r('<I. for th e $171.000 due lrorn 1969. Heavier Patrols On Rail Tracks In Cle1nentc Set Police Ca1·s Nea1·ly I-lit •• U~ .Jf >ll' \' \l.TEfl7,A t 01 l~t OlllJ P'1191 S!I" .\ 2!·Yt'<ir<itd rt·~1dl·111 of :i dn1\nto11n San Cll'lllll\lc hnti.:1 Jaccs thar~t·S uf n~!-o u lt 111th ;1 dt•a•!l)' 11e:1pon on JlOlll·c· offi cers tocl<.1y afti.:r a hi gh-spcOO. prt da11n chase th rou gh r c s id c n t i n l slrl'('l" and l:i 1n1lt·s of trl'e\\il,\'. H~1nd,· J.i i1n Ho1nit11. a rt·s1den1 o! the Snn c1Cn11·nt <: llot{'L led Police Lt. tllr- ford (iah•'1i. I \. :ind 41atroln1nn Thn Hopkin. 2t on :1 chaS<' l;1~t1n~ nc:1r ly :1 h~1 lf hour. police !;aid . And the [\\·f/ orf1t·1.·r:-allrg:c t'na t Hon1it- li tr1('d to rnrn the two pursuinc: police un its dolcns of tln1e~ during !he 1rursuit llop kins said the 1nc1dt•nt lx·~an nt ·1.25 a.m. \\hl'll he 1ri1·d to pull Hon11ni O\"•'r on South El t:arni no Heal for a routin·· t·heck att\'r the n1a11 had bf'cn susp1ciou~ ly cruisi ng th<: high \\ay for at least au hour. Instead . officrrs n!lcgc . the driver i;;pe<J San Cleinente police launched a ne"' in-off and !f'd Hopkin frotn the or1g1na! run ... _ ove r point to Ola Vista . 1ers1rled patrol pohcy today in Int: trou· 1 Gates sa id h(· 10111<,-I l'tlr pursuit :1lonA ble spots along the vand al1s1n·p agul>d th;jl roadi\·;J\' oind Roinitt i 1r11·d t11 ra"' Santa Fe tracks. hin1 nt \h1· Outst·L The llt'\I' patrols c.1n1e a\ lhe insisten ce ··rd sav that he iri(·d 10 511 1.l'\'e and 111· of ra ihl"ay agents investi~ati•ig '"" lale!<l i ne of u5 or 1ht· ot her nh<>ut 10 111nc;; ,, -and most se rious -case in 1rl:ich va n· nHle." 1 ;ates .~ai<I. dais piled boulders at the tracks north of Tht' pursuit tiit lrPt•ii,1y lanl'S ;ifl«r the \Ve.stern \\lh ite House and derailed Jtoinitli assl'rl<'dl \' cir clC'<I brick .<.oulh· !lie front eng ine of a large freight rn r!y bound on El Cai111110 ltl•:d :ind S;lnta Tuesday n1oming. ;\l3rgarita Police ;ind the age nts arc cornbining ~pecds throuL:h the cl f'~l'rtC1l 'lfl'('\ !heir investig ation u110 the derallmcnl as :ind frei•v.·ay !ant·s rf'ached fllJ 111 p h , 11·ell as 01 her rock ·thro\\'ing incidenLc; policl' ~<i id. 'rnl'y 1ncrc<i~~I ;1s !he u111ts \\hich erupt reguhirly in the area. hit rhc frc·cw:iy ln\"eS tiga lo rs said it ,.:'Is lortunatc Flftt!l·n n11lts fro1n thr snuih t il\1 Tuesdav that th e trair 1~·1:1~ !raveli ng at hm il!i, 11ith high11ay p:llrolmeu v.a111ng retluct..(i speeds hccau:-c ~f a !ong·slan· nc~r Oceansid e, l{Qm11t1 ;1 ll•·~t.'<ll .1 j;tl\'C tl1ng rule settlni:: a \O\\' li1n1t near lhc up . pulled to the Sid" or !he rr1a d 1111<1 I· l'residcnlial estate. fi:red no niorc rc~1stanet·. Jlud thr freigh t been tral'chng faster, The ~oung ~rr\"l('C sta11on aucnda n· the derailing "ould ha\'t' been more police s.1id. t :ivr ·no c1Jhrrl·nt " rc<t:;(.111 .serious. An cst1n1a ted 300.cm torus of for the alh..-i:cd a~.'.lu l ts. pohcc .,n1d cargo and roll ing s1oc k formed !he train r;ates sai d no dama~c en sued 10 any hit by the vandalic;m. polR'e !>31d tod ayrc.-------;;;·..-G·11ASE..l!'aJ":eC1.l..--..:_ __ _ As it "'as. only 1he front cn1o:i nc of the triii n left !he tracks in lhe 1:30 ;1.m. 'fn· cident. and cranes \\ere not tc<1uir ed to repla ce the engine. \\'orkinen accon1 plished The task in about four hours. u.sing special jacks and levers. l\'laric \V allace Last Rites Held f'unera l riles "·ere conducted in Cost.a ~lesa tod ay for lifelong Ornngc Coun ty residen t :'II.rs. ~taric. \Va llace, 7;). of San Clemente-. ~t rs. Y.'111l11ce died 1\!Csday after a lingering illne5s. The rcsklent of 2i07 \'la ~lootcclto "'as a nati,·e (){Orange. She leaves a Son. Ray \\1allate of Snn Clemente; a daughter. V\'Oflne Sutton: a brother, Earl Hut· chlnson of Long Bc••ch . and five grandchlldrt'n. Srervi rei ~·ere conductl'd al Uell Rrondi.ray !\thrtuar;• chapel "';n, burial following at FairhavEn ?.1en1ortal Park. friends \\ho wish may make n'M!:mor ull contrlbutkms 10 lhe An1 crlcnn Cunl'\.'T Society, 18356 Irvine Boulevard , Tuslin. I Orange ' Coast .,._.,_.,___ < """" Weather :'llostly clrar through Thursda)'. \Varmcr d11yii \\1th h1ghll ut the beaches in the: upper 601\ ri.!!11\g to the 101\' iOs. tool nights "1th O\cr· n1gl1 t lo") 43-53. 11\SI n •~ '1'011.\ \' '.'lon~y T rr f.'-.' a 11r 1r fr111 11rr 'Ill tl!P JJcJJIµ l'·/ot's f111rrnr al pagr!. (t>d(ly 1lt scr10ts rlit (111t1c , of rlie (;1/l1ert bro1l1t rs ,,.110 1/1· t~11<t sotnt 200 corporn fr~ a ~eor. j11st st1r~111p "J> 1ro11blt". Sec story Ofl Paae 27. ., "••• ''"''' ) ... ''"' 11 l M, .. ,_ J) <:11o1tr"t. J CllulllH O·tl (tfl'U(t ., (NU ... IA ., 0.ttt\ MOl!(fl 1J £•1f9•!11 ..... • l!~ltMlifllMfll J'-lf ''"•"'<• 21·1' .... ~ "'"''''"" 1' •nn Uflltt" n I ~allllt• f "''"'' Tr.-11 M9v1n t• 'M M"lltll Julld1 H Htllllfllj ,,.,.., t, )1 Otl G'tf (~!11¥ 11-U .. _1• J1 ,. 11'1.-ia ''"'' )I s .... " 11.111 SIMI! Mlllltlt " H T .. t~ltlllft 111 TI1111•i, t4-tt N-<l tt\.. ' """ H..,.,. 4, 11 l , • -. ' " , .. ~eir Quits 'lihursday, • Slie Vows .. ';q"EL AVIV (UPI) -Prinlc ~linistcr <;,o~da fllcir told her Labor l':'!rty today ~ttt:. \viii m1gn ThurOOay. The Israeli polit1e11I crisi~ blCY.' up over ~wing dc:1nands 1hat l">efc nsc !i.tinister ,,\loS hl' Dayan rl':.ign bt-cnusc or Jsr31.'l'S allcgOO unprcp;1rt'd11css \\hl·n f-:1.!.YPl and Syria a lt~cked Ot1. !i, ''oen K1ppur. ·Mrs. !\Icir hnd rorm<·d n sh;iky t'O:ih· lion follovr1nJ: lhl' {)(:tolx'r v.ar y,·iJh ~yan rema1JHng a~ dtft•nse rn1n1s1cr. but c~ll.s for his rcsign::itio:l 1)l'rs1~1cd. Tire lsr<1C'h ctuef nf i;1aff. lil·11. Oa\'itl E!li'iar . ret.1gned last \\CC~ .')1ie 75-~l·ar-0ld pn1111· rnin1~1er told hl·r p'arly's it'ade1·s l'f\.'lt she Juul dc!!nJtely ----~-TANK', ARTILLERY DUELS fLAR E AGAIN -Sto•y, Page 4 rtH1de up her n1ind nnd she <:ou!d not 00 convu1ccd 10 sUiy in the post she has heid since 1969, an offici:tl sourt'C' said. "I ha\'t' reached the cud uf the road," ~Ir~ 1\lcir sard . "[ c:in gu on no longer. 1'his h:1s nnlhi11g to clu 111th i\loshe Dayun but ·only \\1th rny.:.c lf." 'f'herc 'uas l><"•'n a series nf po!ilical l'.lt-1ses since the Oclol>cr War and in Jawary both i\lrs. t-.tc1r and Dayan lhrtatened to rL't;ign. Tbe cabinl"t crisis deepened earlier to- day with a legal opinion hinting <Jt Dayan's respon sibilily fo r Israel's un· prcJ)nredncss for the October \Var. Political so urct·s said it could force him ll)"tfU it and thus topple the government. The opinion by Justice ti.1 inister llaim Zadok said Dayan is not legally bQund to ,.,.sign. Dayan requested the opinion . •1·The opi nion said that a minister is ~ponsible for v.·hat is done in his ministry.'' one S-Ourcc s:1id. ··1'Jal's \1•hy if yuu l'ead the opinion corrrctly you h;11t• 10 rr·ach the conclusion that Dayan , 1nus1 go." Th~ lhrcc fa1c.1 ions of Mrs. Meir's f.[1bQr Parl y hl:ld urgen t lllL>clings in the <'ummiltee rooms of Ute Knesset ( Parlia· 111v11t ! building in ciforts lo solve the ('J is1s before a possible vote of no con· !1d11nce comes up in a scheduled Knesset l.lebalc Thursda)'. l'<Jrty official~ g<J thcring 1n the cor· ridors outside thl': rooms had speculated mat lo.-lrs. lo.1eir and the govcmmcnt may resign. '1.1rs. f\lcir. in a black coat. sal at !he re<J r of the roo1n where her ~tapa.i fac- lion met. She appeared somber. -: , Dayan entered lhe corridors smiling and-chatting. In the room, he sat on the tar side opposite the 75-year-0\d prin1e minister. ~: ........ ~ Discrimination. Cl1.argecl in Bar :'S pecinl' Offer . : COLU~tBUS, Ohio {UP I) -A di s- :Cr1 iTI.iruilOry practice charge against a 't.<Jlumbus: Ollio restaurant. for which J>r<Jbable cause 'vas found by the Oh io -<'i~·il Hight~ Commission. roufd someday ·uffc.ct .. ladies day" and ··ladies night" 'spc.~ials long offered a~ sports events an<l Jn~ht t·lubs around the nation. : The commission found probable cause :Tuesday for a ch a r g e ag<.1in~t a :rl'stOurant offering "'omen two drinks for ;thw price of one. whllc 1nen pay full price ;for ieach drink . on \\lednesday nights. , Gerald P. \\'olfe IL assistant to the i·ommission·s con1p!iance director said r,hc filed the chargr against Sl'hmidt's Sansagl' Haus and Reslaurant after he ·:-;111 a sig11 <.ulvrrtising !he special. l •"Jhc prnt:tic:c i~ an apparent : <!1scr~n1in<ilior1 ag1.1inst nu·n in thu l it of· ·11·1·s diffl.!rt'nt trra!rncnt bc11vccn wonll.!11 11nrt l1H'n." :-aid \Volfe. ··However. the "tl·qutt•tt"' J,!;O hcycinc! that appa rent di,tr1111in:i1 1v11 hcc;iu~c 11 \>trpetuates an 3!1J!11d.· tov.·;ird \\Ornen 1h0t t denies the t·ot1St'<Jt1ent·e~ go beyond 1lr.11 apparent " • .,. ,.,, J ..... ~-·~""''" 1 .,.,,,,,,,.,. t••'' r,• _,1,V""'°'*"'l"I ·~·"' ~ ""'~ '·~ •• ~ ... 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DOWN lsr1el's Golda Me ir Nixon~ Vesco , '· l\let Secretly 111 A11stralia? CHICAGO (UPI) -President Nixon and financier Robert Vesco n1et secretly in Salzburg. Austria in f\1ay, 1972 , the Chicago Daily News said toda y in a copyrighted story. The London-datelined dispatch by Ray· mond R. Coffey quoted B e r n a r d Cornfeld, deposed head of U1e troubled Investors Overseas Services (IOS), as saying Nixon talked with Vesco during a presidential stopover en route to a Jl.1oscow summit meei:ing. Coffey said Comkld made his charge In a four·hour interview. Cornfeld, a onetime sociti l worker, wa s the founder in 1955 of IOS, which is credited with Jn· troducing mutua l funds into Europe. He sold his interest after losing in a po\\'er struggle with Vesco in 1971 when the complex was near ruin. It collapsed later that year, "Comfeld, who was released fronf a Sv.·iss prison Friday, said he has evidence of the clandestine meeting of the Presi· dent; Donald A. Nixon Jr., the Prseldent's nephew, and 'assorted henchmen' of \1esco." the paper said. Comfeld said he v.·oold return to the United States after April 15 lo make himself avail.:1ble to Waterg ate in· vestigators, the story said. Comfeld's claims disagree with White tlousc claims that the President never met Vesco. now being sought for ques- tioning about an a)Jeged $200,000 secret cash conlribution to Nixon's re-election campRign. The alleged donation is a key issue in the New York trial of former Al· tomey General John Mitchell and former Commerce Secretary t-.1aurice Stans. "Comfc1dls3.id Vesco hired n plane to fly him from Ne1v York to Salzburg, 111here President Nixon was staying on 1\1ay 20-22. 1972 . on his way to the fo.toscow summit meeting," Coffey said. "Comfeld said his information comes fro1n a former IOS employe "''ho helped make the arrangements for Vesco and , his party. and from flight logs. "Cornfeld said there is 'not anything tl\'b::on and Vesce) would have been discussing other than that VCSCQ needed help ' in the Securities 0tnd Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation ol his !OS maneuvers,'! the News said. Comfetd spent 11 lll(lnths in jail before the Sv.•iss set his bail at $1.7 million. He was charged with fraud, dishone.<;t management and incitement to spccula· tlon during his tenure as head of the JOS. Nixon Trods 'Test Area' Of Micl1igan By llELEN THO:\IAS DAD AXE, l\·lich. <UPI') ...-President :\ixon. jaunty and sn1iling . bamsiormcd through ~tichlgan's rural "Thu1nb" region today, hoping to boost his • SC'arrcd lltical fortunes nnd those of a Republican congressi<lna.I candidote. ~lore lhan 5.000 turned out at the Tri· City 1\irport near Saginaw for lhe President's arrival at the start of his 11· IO\l'TI tour to c;impaign for James fl1 . Sparling Jr .. GOP candid;itl' in the 8th CongrL-sslonal l)i strict. An aide called lhc lour ''a testing ground" for me l'r~ident. The r<'Sults should be knov.11 !IOOn a!ler t~ 1\pril 16 !>(>l'Clal election \\'hen Sparling farei Oen1ocrat Robert Traxler for the se.11 left vacant when Rep. James ltarvciy, a RcpubLican, · as appointed a fedual Judge. ~-tore cheers lMn boos greeted the President at the airport bu~ lhe signs w-ere about e\'en. Some read, ··r.oo Dies.~ Nixon" and "~fan~ In 'M1rre. Dick." Others t\id. "Impeach the Crook ,·' and ··1f you Love Us, l.e11ve Ur ." The carnpaign trip. NiXDn's first since 1972. was p.'lid for by the Republlcan Na· Ilona\ Cornmittee, and viewed as a referendum of his popularity since the rcv@latlons of \Vatergate. Sparling ln- vitM Nixon to Michigan to give the Presldcn( a ehancc to lake his own cue to the public. Some GOP Tenders would h:1,·c preferred that Nl:iron stny home. \ • Reinecke Pleads Guilty' Trial on Tliree Counts of Perjury .Set for June 19 W .\S1UNGTON (UPI) -U . Gov. Ed Re~ •. e. of California p I e 11 d e d "absolut~ly not gujlty" today to three coont.s of lying to the Senate Judiciary Committw during testimony concerning financing of the 1972 Republican national L'OnV~tion. A tentative !rial date of J une 19 was set by U.S. District J.udge Barrington Parker. That is tv.·o v.·eeks after a June 4 California R~publican primary in which ltelnccke is a candidate for the nomina· lion lo succeed Ronald Reagan as governor. Reinecke's lawyers asked Parker for an earlier trial date "so his innocence may be established before the primary." Parker said he had a "crowded court calendar but would consider the re- quest'' • Reineck.e's laW)'ef, F. Joseph Donahue, From Page .I OIL ... this resource,".Sieroty declared. The only oil company spokesman present, representing Exxon Corp .. teslified new undersea drilling techniques allow oil exploration to take place '1i thout above· v.·atcr platforms visible from the distance. A spokesman for Lockheed Missiles and Spa~ Co. e:irplaincd ab o u t subsurface recovery systems operated by his firm. Rand Corp. of Santa Monica released a report this week Indicating areas with the highest potential for oil production lay close to lhe most heavily used beaches. The report cstirnated a peak output of 400.000 barrels o( oil a day could be pumped from a 100.mile·long are;1 parallel to the coao;t from Pt. Mu gu to San Clemente. extending seaward from the state 's three-mile territorial limll to as far as 50 miles. \Villiam Grant of the Bureau of Land munagenient. in answer to a question by Sicroty. said there was no other place in the United States \\there such drilling had been conducted so close to so large of a population center. Sieroty 'asked if President Nixon's staling that he wants the 7.7 million acres 01K!ned up for oil leases "n1cans it's an accomplished fact -no matter v.•hat social-ccono1nic, environmental issues :1risc·!'' \\.Hliam Grant. director of the ·Pacific office of the federal Bureau of Land lo.1anagment (BLM), said, "No, it's not." Sheriff Hopeful Fnces Marijuana Chllrge Ju11.e 3 From Pagel • • • coercion here." Thropp said he didn't mean to sound coercive. but the state has limited budgets for thi s type of project. John S1\·ecney told Thropp the l'ity 11·ants tfi e sa1ne type structure Lhat "·as built at the (iarden Grove. Counciln1an James \\'eathers pointed out , however. lhat the entire discussion was theoretical because !he state is em· powered to build eny type of stn1cture it v.·ants. From l'age l CHASE •.. cars. "But the.re were a lot of close calls. Ile lost his car &cveral times and broadsided through lntc~lons. "WhSl.t was really frightening is that he drove I.he entire 25 minutes with his left hand out the window, resting on the top of the door trim . "l:le .did lt all wlLh one arm," the of· ·ricer said. ' Romlttl wu scheduled for arraignment today on lhe felony charges in whlch his cart' a~led to be fhc \Yeapon. No bail 'had been set earlier today . ) ' . also asked that the trial be moved 10 California, Park.er took that request under cons ideration and said he would rule later. Rcjnccke was indictl'd on perjury charges for testimony about 8/1 oner by International Telephone and Telegraph (;g,p. ll'!T) to help finance the·GOP con- vention lhl':n scheduled for San Diego during hearings on Richard G. Klein- dienst 's non1inaHon for attorney general. Speaking with reportel'3 shortly before hi~ ciourt appearance, Reinecke said of the ats< 'fairu;t him: •'•Jt appears non- profe~iona . It's a nirnsy charge. There Is ~Cthlng very strange about the v.·OOle thing -I can't help but question the whole motivation behind it.·• Asked if he thought the lndictmelit was polltically motivated, Reinecke observed. that it came "very close" to the prirnarY. T11stin Youths Parker gaye Rei.necke's lawyer unUI April 17 to Hie other rnolions ln the cnsc alltl gave the Waterf:ate p~cutor's of· lice until April 24 to respond. A hearing on the motions w.as set ror Saturday. Both sides indicated they would be prepared for trial by "°Jay 20 I( Parker could find room on his calendar for an earlier dale. Parker said, "I rni .. ·e a calendar "A'here defendants ere l11qguishing in custody and I imagine that other defendants ,.·ould like a similar fast disposal of their cases. J will have to let it stay a.s It is for now bul I will reconsider my calendar." The three counts of Perjury stem from his testimony in 1972. v.·hen the com· mittee was investigating Relneckc's rela· tionship to a repor~ offer of up to $400,000 from the Sheraton • Corp., a 2 Electrocuted Going Swimming A youth v.·ho tested the v.•aters of the Colorado River near Parker, Ariz .. v.·ith his toe Tuesday after two buddies from the Tustin area dove in and vanished to- day ov.·es his life to caution. Ywna County Coroners deputies today tentatively listed the death.$ of the two "ictims fished from the popular boating resort waters ns due to electrocution. Karl Siegel. 16, of 12881 Bubbling \Velis Road, Santa Anu. and Jl.1ark Sweeney, 17. of 1201 S.E. \Valnut Ave .. Tustin. ap- parently dove dircclly into a leaking electrical current spreading through the v.·ater from a boat dock . Young Siegel was dead on arrival at Parker Community Hospital. where his companion-v.·ho still had a flicker of life'" earlier-died shortly after arrivaL Remains were taken to the Parker Funeral llon1e pending autopsies. hut sheriffs deputies said all indications pointed to cleciroculion due lo the power source leaking current into the river. He said a party of yooths including Siegel and Swee.ney-v.•ho were staying "''ith relatives for Easter Vacation on the From Pagel GAYS ... Californ ia side-v.•ere at a boa.I dock five miles north of the desert resort com· munity when it occurred. One of the victims jumped into the r i·Jer and v.·hen 11e failed to surface within a reasonable time the second made a dive. He to.J, failed to come up, al v.•hich time a third boy wisely tested the v.·ater and felt a surge of electrical current shoot into his fool from the area sur· rounding the boat dock. The pov.•cr cu rrent v.·as cut off. after v.'hich a third adult present helped recover th e victims from the water. The youths had apparently taken a boat across the river from the point \\'here they were visiting and pulled up at the dock where the fatal mishap oc· curred. One report which could not be con· firmed was that the craft suffered engine trooble and they had docked in an effort to re-start ii. Sheriffs deputies said it would be. possible for a faulty groul'KI wire at the elcctricity-eqaippcd dock to have leaked a sufficient ('Ultent to cause the deaths. Toner to Assume Clia1nber Position ' subsidiary of ITT. tu help underwirte tne GOP conventJon In &in Diego. The 111' offer reportedly was mad~ v.·hcn the conglomerate v.·as seeking set· tlc111e11t ol an nntitrust case v.·lth the Justice Depar1men1, "''h..ich it cventunlly obtained July I. 1971. The Comiflittee wanled lo know v.·hether Reinecke in£om1ed for1ner At· torney General John \\I. fi1itchell of the n!fer bl:forc or rifler the settlci1ncnt was made fa vora ble to !'IT. Jl.titchell testified he knew nothing of , the offer unlil after the seulc1nent. R4:inecke first said they discussed 11 before the settlement in May, 1971.' Later. he ~aid the discussion oc-curred in September, 1971, And, recently, he said the conversations took place in lil~y and early June of ,lhat year . Lost Cluutce To Pay Tnxes Orange County property owners must pay their second installment on county property laxes today or face penalties of 6 percent and f3 ln costs per parcel. Orange County Tax Collector Robert Citron said taxpayers should bring their payments to his office in person or have them posLmarked by midnig'llt tonight to a\'Oid the penalty. Metta Neagle Rites Conducted Roman Catholic funeral riles were con· ducted this morning in San Clemente for !\Irs. Metta B. Neag le. 82, a recent ar· rival to San Clemente who died Sunda y. Mrs. Neagle was a member or St. Bernardine's Catholic Church in San Bernardino and recently came to !he city to reside at the Casa Romantlca retire- ment home. sre leaves two sons. Joseph Edward Roland of San Clemente and William Oliver Roland of Downey. F o u r grandchildrefl and five great · grandchildren also survive. The rites today took place at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church and were followed by burial in Ascen sion Cemetery in El Toro. Lesneski ti.1ortuary was in charge of arrangements. May the Joy of . EASTER be with you +.---and • yours .John Hart Lynn Harl HARTS SPORTING (i()()DS 532 Canter St. C..•la Maso .. > I l . \ • I ' ' • • ' • I i' ! ! l " ' ) \ • Wedne~da y's Closing Prices Ne"' l'ork Sales l 'olume 642-4321 Direct or Collect to subscribe to the Dally Piiot YOUR Hometown Community Newspoper ---- NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SC DAii V ~) 2fJ 'ear'o lligh-Lo"s i\11p ear E' ery,Saturday Stocks l\'lec111cle1· ,. 111 Ligl1t T1·acli11g NE\\ \OHK 1Al'l side 1n tont inucd light "" -l"J11tS <lnftld IHltk !O t h~ lllllll'i rrr1d1ng u1 th1.: stcx:~ 1n:trktt \\\dlk~ ,\111h~1~ att:ttht.'<l \1\l li> ~1gn1f1t Jn('C lo lhl m 1rki I s zntandcrin~~ 11hKh l\(r. interrupt 1 tur .!:~ n1111U1•' I It n !hf 1non11n~ b1 1n 1 <1111prt1C'lll f Hlur1~ at tlll \1111 'ork St0t k ~ "' h 1111.:l Th1.: !)()11 Jone~ 1n<lu:o!r111 n1.:rJ.,1 1 ( ltt hl ._.'!> lu~I l 13 points to fl~:1 71 1ht 111 1rktt ~1111pl\ 1.; m:irk1ng tun• s.:ud :-.1J11011n l\1~r I{ I LUll.: \\ 1.:bbt.:r J It ~~Jn ~ l urt \ud II ... Ill\ fc{'hng rhat 11 11111 do t 'IM'lltl 1lh 11 1th1nt; w111J 1 ( i.:• 1 so1111 hard nr11is on lilt! thrl'..: 1 s -nfl 1t1on-u l..:Jl'~l frill ~ ind Hll]k 1ch1ntn\ -.. 4 1)6 "' '" ~M l o,11 C Q\fC. • • ~ ' , • ' " • • " • • • , ' • ' . ' .. • • ' '" ' " '~l 1 ').I )• l • Jl J • • • " . 1~ u " • " " • • , " ,. " -.. I• • • I) o 11 •-' . " I'' 11 , " ~-=·-----· [. .r 111a11ce , l Bri efs e Roek1cell ~l'ITSBURGll IAPI J{ock1,1 ell lntcrnat1onal Corp CQmpleted acquis1t1on Tuesday of Admiral Corp a full-hnc manufacturt'r of electronic pNIClucl! and hon1e appliances '1 l\dm1ral stockholders \Oted 1n Chicago to appro\e the agreement It 1s cffcc:tl\ c un mcd1<1tCl\ • ' • SA\ fH \\CISCO I AP I - Citing continued lO!ISf;'S :ii; grav<1 tcd by the rising CQstS uid unccrta1nt1cs of 1 h c 1.:nt ri;; cn ~ii:; Sc>a1J a1n L1t1< s of C.:ohfvrn1 1 his d1scont1nuc<l !I!\ frf'1;:h! sel'\J<:c fro1n the \\c;;t (,1st to Jl1111ir11l anti ( U Im Thi f'limpan\ ~nuounc!"d Tuc ~da) that n 1s .. clhng or tran~fr rrlnfi! lca~t~ 10 .;hip~ equ1pm('nt •nd fac1ht1t'' U5<'d 1n 1hc q;4 r\1C1.: t 1 ~1llt.5on \:i\ g:i11on < o J(J l111t•1•it ,,,, ''''~' ltti1c eo 1 vo11~ u11 i • l "'•1 ·~ Ol'I r~. Ame•~·" c•~ ~ J ... ~. • " Coo "'tilt I "r." • R I t( C "· I OV\ ~ 0! r; ~ • d A~A"'' a 0 'NJll Pm~• •• \ 30 DAILY PILOT i E11ioiional I ' Explosio11 Sickening By DR. STEINCROllN Dear Or. Steinerohn: You once wrote that it's bad to simme r in reSCfltn·1ent. You sa id that ifs bad for the stomach -some people get an ulcer from It. Yoo said it's bad for the intestines -some others gel colitis. That it's bad for the heart and blood pressure. But Isn't ii also true that outbursts or anger a r e hannful, too? Don't you think DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE you should also stress the dange r (!f temper tantrums? -Mn. 0. 00~11\1E"'T: I nave stressed it. It seems you've missed those columns. Any extreme is b3d -whether you sim1ner or explode. It's true that I've k.novro a great many patients whose arteries, stomach. intestines, etc .. suffered from the i.1eady deterioration produced b y unremitting resentment and hate. One patirot resents a fello'A' employe for years -silently -because the other got the vice presidency of t h c organization he thought he himself was entitled to. It's no wonder that at last it bores a hole in his stomatji wall and gives hi1n an ulcer. A wife is disturbed daily by her husband's chronic alcoholism. Al last h e r arteries can't take it anyn1ore. and she gets high blood pressure. Of course it's bad to sim· mer. But frequent explosions are bad. too. I recall the head of one business concern who prided himself on being a fair and understanding person. But he had one fault -an un- controllable temper. He ex· cused it by saying. "I was born this ~·ay. It's something I can't help.'' RE "'OULD lash out at an emp\oye unexpectedly -like a bolt of lightning. It didn't make any difference if they were alone or in a large meeting. Ile would get rl.'d \n the face, his'eyes would bulge. and he'd Dang his fist oo the desk or against a wall. One day this fiftyish man got so excited and so abusive. he blew out one of his own brain arteries. The sudden stroke kilfcd bim. His wife said. ··11e "'·as basically such a kind man -but he couldn 't con trol his ll'ntpi:r. He always S3id. ·1 can't ll<'ID mrself. I was born lllis way.' " ~-lany of us take a "ropout'' by saying. "l was born thi~ \\'BY . I can't h<>lp it." Ex- tremes of simmering and tem- per explosion are curable. Not easily so. but curable. I've kno,vn 1nnny "'ho taught thcn1selvcs nol to simmer too long. and others who taught lhcmselvcs not to boil over. Still others have found a philosophy . that helps them rise above conditions mentally and not experience s u c h negaUve emotiorui. Born tha t \vay or not. a nc"· attitude turned all these into rational, easygoing individuals. Although some individuals can be brimful of energy after five or six hours sleep a night. it is worth experimenting by &dding an hour or two of sleep nightly a week -to set lf your •teU-being is Improved Hdvises Or. Steincrohn ln his booklet, "How To Gel A (iood Night 's Sleep.'' Yor a copy write him tit th.I! paper ~nclosing 3S cents and a STAMPED . SELF ! ADDRESSEU EN· VELOPE. • Wtdnnday, Apr il 10, 1'174 Prlcts Gotl ._,, Tuslay •• hllfft ~ •ll•t ti llllil h11tltltt! ... "''' le •••llfl , \ ~~-·~r~g~~ 477 \ ~.24 BEACON'S HEAVYWEIGllT BLANKETS 8eoc:on'' 77lf0 heo...., w•~hl nylon blank•to in •al:d Gald. P•""""'on. OIM. t 'PaocCICl 81u•. P••monapptd 10 ••d11c• P~"'g wirh hie ol .,rhe blat1lfl!, n"tlon blflding.,[01y.c.o••. Moch"'' wo1h' d,.,.1 ' • • < TO I. • \/tdnrsda1, Aprll 10, 1974 17 Jewel .Waltham, .ff el bros ·Buren By Hamilton PILOT ·ADVERTISER J 'Shefflelll 25 Jewel Calendar Self· Winding Skin Diwer Watch I MEN'S AND LADIES' QUALITY WATCHES Noi.0<1al!y od>'efloied b•ond t1ome 17 -el wo!che1 by fornov1 mole" r,. b•o11hlut n•w 11yl•1. many w•!h de!u~e l•oru•e• yo.,'d e•pecl only on ••P•n,ive wo"he1. 6o•ed tor Eo1le• gih"'g , .. plu1 wnrten g11oron!e•. EASTER BASKETS & NOVELTIES ColOfl.11, brigh!!y be•ibbot1ed Ea1te• bo1le!1 1n "''\ and 1hope1 !or eve•y 101 0<1 yo11• g•ft '"'· ATI l•lled to ouerflow;ng wi1h m°"th·woleting good"' I. eocll•ng fun g lh1 I. '"'P''''' ... olf 111 lhritty'1 budg•t.pleoiing p•o;e1. Artita Y libbey Buy a and So•• $1 .32 2;:~a. 81or$ l Sensot1ono ' Pure hose from a World-famed Mak er 0 ''''"' 11 ' 6 7 ~ so14 for $2.SO 10\.AJ 01. .Originally sold for 9 9 9 20.95 & 22.95 '""' a9c .. ,. 79c 1,1ci•I .. 13-0Z. GLASSWARE FAMOUS MAKEUP REA L CHOCOL.11£ DERIN'S BUNNY CUT£ PANORAMA HINHLE'S POUND BIGS FAMOUS SCRIPTO ELECTRONIC LIGHTERS S.ou1if111 lighr.rt w;!h tifplim• g1J<1•ont..1. Nf:ed no ffin1, •rf~I with bu- lont-P••ro c.ry,tol p1od11<•• lf>Otl S.Ot"' chrome f1t1i1h or Diamond Cul C•o1 .. Ha 1ch, ~°"' choil:•. Th• P••lect foite• Golt, Th• new look-Atlil:P po1ternt1d glo11e' in glowing a., ... , Oionge tolor ftotn libb.-y. Stock-up & "'""· Beouly Koop on w<.>rld famed mo~e•'1 <•tom moke11p. In new••I glamour 1hod1,. Buy 1everol. NOL LOW BUNNIES HOUSE Of IGG S EASTER EGGS EGG COLORS CANDY BIRS -.-......... : .. '"ol•od M•ll , ••o·~ •• SIMI LAC ·-- '.!ady to teed ... ___ .,. -·~ ...::.:~;:.::.:- '::."•• ...... 1 .... 1 ---.... -"" '""' 69c .... 223 w/lr•• J.11 32-0l. SIMILIC METIMUCIL BIBY FORMULI LIXATIYE Ready to f11•d 1•-01. Bulk, Vfl!lf:fo ble r11. 59c '" ULTRA BRITE TOOTHPASTE Pk. of 2 S-01. Tub .. , r•!I· 11a 1.SJ TAMPAX TAMPONS 40 Reg. or Super ......... "•· 99c 1.11 BUfflRIN PAIN RELIEVER .129 Colgate 100 Mouthwash240UNCl ... 88c 1°9 Dristcmn Tablets g~~~~1G~:;:NTTABL1Ts ...... 93c l 69 Barnes Hind .~~~~~~J ~~~~TION: 2 ouNc1.......... 128 96c Ban Roll-On ~:g~~::~~1~s~!in10 ........... 77c 143 Vitalis Hair Tonic ~~~~L~~.1.................... 123 141 Efferdent penture Tablets:~!o ... 97c 134 N t • T • Sh 16ouNc1 99c u r1-on1c ampoo c11M1 ......... $1 .00 Y1l1t 1 I\ . i I ~I ' I ,., 111 2.39 Your 119 1~15~1 Chaict 111 LE PAGES GLUE CDRN BROOMS PllRSE ACCESSORIES NOVELTY BANKS MIC.key Main•. 0-ld Cotm•tic lo;1. l.,.910,i O\oc\, l'iftocd'bO, l\oQV•· dyAnt1. Santa Ana 2JJ L 111• St. 1406 W. & lrislol ......~_;;;:;.;..:;;.;.;.;;;.;;;;.~~-i--'-""-~ Costa Mesa Santa Ana noo ,...., "' -Jns 1r1s1ot "'MecArilw ....... s..~ ....... 1 ..... °"' ........... -···· ''""" sal e price WICKER BASKETS Bo'''" wnh 1moo1h, buff bo.,,boo e•1t•io•. Wo1t.,ba1\1u , f•u•I and ho1 roll bo1leu. go•d•n txnktu super 166 1pec;o1 1 METAL PATIO TABLE \q" d>0meter co\110! paho tablet w.1h coloflul l11hog1oph1d metol top•. b•o•• f,n .. ned Nbulo• leg1 "~ ·-..... l_., ... - "ii<" 24 OUNCE 99c .. ·• .. ,, --.............. . ' ..... ......... ....... "~-:.·· 24 OUNCE 1s9 SPANISH WINES ft1 1oY Tin10. Blanco, Ro1ado, Song. 1io, lo MoflCho, P-nol Noi1 O• !le1nc. SCOTFDRD Discount Price p!r~:d 12 99 · SUPER SPECIAL . . . ... 7'' "'"'"' 2 29 C•se 24 for 10.lO·IN. HIBACHI BACK PACK & FRAME IMPORTED SCOTCH 12-0Z. CANADA DRY ,., •11119ed co1t "on h'boeho w11h b.g od111•toble g .. 11. fo.,,ou1 Compmo,ie•, h.gh quolily olum'"""' home ot1d nylo<1 bog Oit1a1.d ond blended in Sco~ond. So~ $1.00. limi!ed '""• offf:•. Ya.o• cho.c• of •'911lor Clf Ol•t In mony d:ffefen1 flo..,.t..12·0•. ~on1. ,.,, 3.39 POLAROID 18 FILM 8o•~pOWll Polo11jd "$.q..011 s.t>oot~# color I~"'! lot 'f.)" • • • Sale BBC Price CLUTCH WALLETS l•o•h••·lool whh con. .,.nle<1ce +•o""''"-CGlo•i. 1tyle1 galo,., B oro El Toro 411 lockfiold Westminster 111::••stw .. G-oadtft West .. STEAMS ET wlthll 7aa rolltn MIST HAIR SETTER ~h hol1 In lu11 2 mlnu"I. Compl•t• W.ltl 'oclo! So<lno • ,t S~TI , ••••• Duk 133 ZOO BATH PETS Ap1~ Showe" floo 1i119 IOy P"'" llon, Monkf'fl or ll• phonl plut aoop, . .,.,., 4.49 333 POCKET RADIO $olid "011 AM ponoblo ~ ••• HuntillC)ton Beach 21 IJl·-••d. "'·-· Huntington leach Siii w-- • \ 7 • I ' 4 D c \~ Bea the offi ca I I. sea cu hK> ' " ' 1dll mi wh ed. 00 af 10 in p to de ra OV f . ' • h • . 4 DAILY PILOT * • Bribery Probe of Connally. Reported ' :I f • Jos t • r4· , -.~~. wUb '·'-· T ·;·'· om llirpbine ..... >:;>~" All Over But DUST SETIU~G DEPT. -The last round of City Couucil electklns are over here oo the coast and in Orange County. Tuesday's balloting maybe suggests a couple or lhl11g1: It's not too great a year to be an in- cur\llPnt sci!king re-election: it appears to ~ time of great voter yawning: and it's not a bad vcar to be a woman can· did11;te. • All this might be surmised as tl.e politico soothsayers shake faulty crystal balls today, tryinfl! to figure out what fog- ged up their predictions. Incumbents, for example. didn 't fare too v.·e\I at the ballot box yesterday. c:ouncilmen Jack Dutton and Mark Stephenson got 1he boot in Anaheim. Joe llyde and Charles Heiser v.•ere :similarly dispatched from their seats in Los Alamitos. lIERE ON THE COAST in Newport Beach and 11untington Beach elections. the voters weren't as unkind to the "in" office holders but the results probably caused them a couple o( twitches. Jn Newport Beach for example. in· ~bent Vice Mayor Howard Rogers r , to win in the waltz which many ed. ' y Forgit. wife or the former rt councilman Al, pulled wit hin ·votes of 4.Q90 in he r race against umbent viCe mayor and two-tenn 'Iman. She trailed Rogers by y I.000 ballots at the end as Rogers g 5,032. \Vhich means. of course. if 500 votes had been S\Yitched around , it ~·ould have been a sticky race indeed . I\' llUSTJi'GTON BEACll. where four seats \\'ere up, former mayor and in· cumben l Counciltnan Al Coen found h~lf in a dogfight to re1ain his chair. I~-n fourth in the fou r-seat contest . \ challenger Harriet Ylicder rwming \ 1 ahead of him for third spot, 5.335 to .f votes for Coen. ac k in Newport Beach , the election 1tl)y also suggested thal being an in· Tbent city commissioner doesn't icularly hack it at the polls these s. Ne·wport's District 6 r a c e , ,.. lenger Lucille Kuehn easily out-c~Simced incumbent Planning Com- missioner Bill Agee for the open seat 1\'here no councilmanic incumbent presid- ed. 1'1rs. Kuehn ga1 hcred 4.s.11 ballots 1rhile Agee trailed with 3,145. NEWPORT COUNCIL;\IAN e'\an i t Dostal proved. however, in his islrict 4 cqntest, that being the incum nt isn't <flways the kiss or death. .._ Dosi~] w~s believed to be in a dogfight to retain his seat because certain parties in tmvn were trying hard to pin the ProIJ10nlory Point rap on him. Promon· tory ... is an Irvine Company apartment dev~pment that has drawn less than rav""eviews as it sprou ted on the point ovei:SOoking Balboa Island . At!fway. the rap didn't stick as Dostal easil1 outdistanced challenger Lyn C. ~ronomi. 5.706 to 3.238. M~.nwhile, the results in Huntington Beach and Ne\vport suggest that the ferriale role on our coastal political sce ne continues strong. ·WITNESS THE aforementioned strong run of Mrs. Forgit and the easy sweep for ~lrs. Ku ehn in the Nc1vporl race. And in Hun tington B\>ach , the very 1nuscular ~-place finish of Counc ilwoman N))rma Gibbs and the third-place race of Counci\woman~lect Wieder. As for the \'Oters themselves, only 20 pfrcent tunled out in Huntington Beach ~~7 percent in Newport. i6 if the 75 percent or so who stayed hOine Tuesday in both towm don't like the way things go the next four years, they dr1n't have much beef coming. . ·r Roaritag Flauaes Fire fanned by 45 miles per hour winds raced through several blocks of downtown Grand Junr· tion. Colo .. today. It destroyed newspaper plant or U1e Grand Junction at $2 million. Daily Sentinel, "'ith l o~hes put Outbreaks Flare _,\s Syrian Team ' Departs for U.S. By The Associated Press S}Tia said tank duels and artillery ex- changes flared again today along its 40. mile front with Israel in 1hc Golan Heights. The latest outbreak in the month-long series of border skirmishes was reported as a fi ve-man Syrian dele gation led by r-.taj. Gen. Hikmat Chehabi, the army in· tetligence chief, headed ;for talks in \Vashington ¥.'ilh liniled States S«retary of State Henry A. Kissinger. A government spoiesnlan in Damascus sa id the mission wootd on ly prtsent Syria 's ideas on a Syrian-Israeli milita ry disengagement and report back any Israeli P.ropooals Kissinger might have. IN JERUSALE~I , Israeli Foreign r.Uniste r Abba Eban said the issue of Jews in Syria wanting to emigrate to lsrael v:ou\d be brought up al the \Vashington talks. Both the Syrians and the lsraelis ex- pect that Kissinger may make anot her trip to the Pltiddle East to continue his shuttle diplomacy between the t¥i·o coun· tries. perhaps at the end of April. Syrian President Hafcz Assad ~·as e:<· peeled to fly to ~foscow on Thursday ror fi \Te days or talks vd th Soviet leaders. the Cairo newspaper Al Akhbar reported. The paper's 1'1osco\V correspondent. quot ing Arab diplomatic sources. said Assad v:ould be at the head of a large Syrian delegation. But he did not say ~·hat the talks \\'ould be about. DAILY PILOT DELIVER Y SER VIC E ~"~er>! of t~ Q...jlf p Of " guoran11!'ed Mo!llU'1·'•.a.v \! \'Oil 00 'IOt ..... \'Oii' PllW &,. '30 D"' , cell Jf'lll \'Oii' COll'I ""II De b'OUQllt IQ 1°" "'''' Ml 111<11\ -~ 1 00 0 "'· S.: .... <av l/'d 5-, ti I""' ilO r'()! '«-"°"'' CDD• b'I' t • "'-s...oav. Of I•"' Su111U"1, ce" '"" • coo·1 ... Ill OIGU9'1'1 10 1')ol Cell!. .. 8 II ..... MOI• 10 I "' ~~·--W..""""9 . . .. . .. . . •• Killer-father Gets Se ntence Cll lCAGO !UPI) -A father who \1·as convicted of beating his 7-year· old son to death because the ch.ild ~·ct his pants has been sentenced to a threc·to-10.year prison term. Yi'illiam Lindquist. 32. stood silently before Circuit Court Judge Philip Rorniti Tuesday a11d then buried his race in his hands ""hen Romiti pronounced sentence . Lindquist ~·as C'OO\'ictcd ?-.larch 15 of in\'oluntary manslaughter and aggravated battery in connection with the death of his son . Johnny Lindquist . in August of 19i2. Big Contributor Cl ement Stone Sti fle d by Judge ~E\V YORK cUPl ) -Defense al· tomevs in the ~1it chell.Stans conspiracy 1ria\ ·have called canlpaign con1ributor \\'.Clement Stone to the ~·itness stand in hopes of showing big poli tical donors did not ncecssarily expect anything in return bu l good government. Dul questions posed to Stone. the largest contributor 10 the Nixon presiden· Hal campaigm of 1968 and 1972, "'r>rl! nil· t.'Ct irrelevant time after lime by U.S. District Judge Lee f:'~ ·Gagliardi Tuesday in re!ponse to objections by government prosecutor John R. \\'ing. Stone ~·as called dur ing the eighth 1\·eek of the trial of former Commerce Secretary ~laurice Stans and former U.S. Attorney General John :-i. i\litchel\, both charged \\'ilh con.spiring to block a Securities and Exchange Commission /SEC) investigation of financler Robert L. \'esco in return for a secret $200.000 ca.:.h ca1npa.ign contribution. t-.litchell and Stans headed Nixon·s re-f!lection e{forl. Stone, a sOOrt. dapper, 71-year-old JV urld -1Va tio1tal i\'ew.~ A lso Page 21 l'irc Controlled In Ne'v ~i cx il'o CLOUOCROFT, N .~1. rt:P\I Firefighters have halted a t,\:,zr-1n lht Lincoln National f orest ;iftl·r nanu·~ starte~ by a small boy 11\~y ing \\'11h matches surged for three da!'!' throt.gh !4.4i 0 aces and \1\'0 small r<.;11rt 101·.11 ~ "\\'e've i:;ot a handle on it . but our forecaster says \\•ind s arc supposi'd 1n pick up again to 5(1 miles an hour ... said Forest Scr\'iCt' spokes n1an Frank Carroll. "\\'e st ill hJ.\'C aboul fi\'C land 1no\'rrs \1·ork ing on the northeast s11t· :11111 \It' hope to be able to Im? i! back far enough so that ~·e "·on '1 have anv troublr \\'h1·n the vdnds oomt'." Some 1.·000 f1rcfigh1rr;; were on the sct'nc. 'l'hc firr erupted Saturdny 80 n1i]('s south of the scene of th (' Capit;in ~1oun· tain fire 24 years :l.f!:O. in 11·hirh flr efi@hlers saved an injured black l><'ar rub 11·ho 1lr('11· up to be ··sn~'lkl'y th1· B<'ar." of 1he Fore::.t S<'f\'tce \; f1rl' pr(•vention prograrn. Jack Anderso1i Clai111s Watergate P<inel Qziiz 'ASlll:\GTO;.J 1 Ari -ColumnL.\I Ja Anderson said tocltn• 1h:i t fonnfr Tr sur)' Sctrrtary John ·n. C'onnally is und r investiga11011 by \\'ate rgJtc prooc- cut for alleg<'<l bnbe~. ('o{lnally. 'ol ho in rl'Cenl 1nonths ha.~ nd· dr essed Repub\i('an groups and tl'lt.'L 11 l!h pat1y leaders 1n morl' 1han 30 st.!llt'S in ''h<ll may be an effort to Jin<' up support fnr a 1976 GOP pres 1dt•nt ia\ bid, dc111e-tl tht> allei;:ation. ! Andl'rson'!i C"'ll u"tlln air JX'ars rebrul arty In th<' Duily l,.1101.1 IS !US cotu :i.1s. 1\nd~rson so1id FBI investigators a~ignl-d to the special prpseculor's office hav~ {'\'idcncc 1hat Connally pocketed Sl0.000 from AS50· ciatt.'d i\tilk Producers Inc., the nal ion·s largest d;1iry roopcrat ive. Anderson indicated t'nc 1noney changed h.1nds in !Qi'!, \\hile (<ln11ully \\'as still trrasury secrt tary. but did not \:itc ;1 specifi c date for the nll<'g t'd trans:1ction. 1\nderson quotrd FBI sourCC'!" as say1 11~ the $10,000 ''as passed by a "tilk Producer!' 0H1c1al 10 lohh\ 1.;1 .Jakt• J<icobsen, \\'ho deth·cred it lo Connally. .IACORSF.:"\ IS r:">.·nt-:R 1nd1elrnent fo r pt·rjury aftrr \t'slif~ 111~ th;1t hl· Jit:1~ht'<I !hi'.' SlllJ)l lO in :1 safl• 1t•·poc:11 bo'i ;1ntt Ol'\·cr rl•mO\t'<I It u1111l tht.· FBI opt'nt':I thl' box last ~01•cmhcr • Thl' indietmC'nt h~ ;1 \\':1ti·r~atc grand 1urv said J aeobsl'n t.:l;111nt'1l !ht• mo1H'V "11i1s 10 Ix.· p:utl to a puhhl' u1t 1t1:il For tu~ assistance" in getung Pre11ld«nl \'1,.on to raise fedC'ral mil k price !>.upports 1n ~farrh. 1971 Tht· Qff1rial \\:111 left un- nan,ed in the inrl.iet111rnt Andl·rson said rl'k.· FBI ~ourt.:e~ told hin1 th<it Conna lly r<•tu rnrd the $10,000 \\hen he 1cnrnNI the n11lk co-0p \1as being inve:;!iga ted in connection \I 1th cont ribi.Uion!> to ~1 xon's re·C'lcction ca1n· pa 1gn. Al\l>F.RSOS SA ii) FBI agents ha \'r fou nd tha! !-Onie of !hr 1>1 Us 111 the han k box 11·rrc not is!lU<'d unlll af\rr the dat{' on 11·h1eh J nroh~l'n cl:11 n11•d thr nloncy 11as dl'po~itrd <trld l('f\ untoucht'd 1n lhc hox. HU /,tUOlEH HI I'S IIIS J'V SET V I' 1.0.\'.J)Q\" COL\'E\'. Eni;:land f l'PI 1 1'011 \' \\'an11·r'c: telcv1~1on :'Jct snll 1\'0u.ldn't 1vork ;iftc r he spent Sl'.!0 on rt·pau-s . So he had the 11ct smashC'd 10 p1L·ccs hy a 32·1011 hu\ldoze r Tut·sdav ;t~ hi~ f;in1lly cheered on ··The T\' 1\•;is ;d11ays J::Oing v.·rong,'' \\';inu·r s;11d. "f;ond T"1ddanrt tu 11 ·· ACX'Ording to ,\cvll·rs<1n. a Connal\y :1:-..w1·1;ll (' 'nas JOaid 1hat Jocoblirn offcrq<I 1h1• $10 Ifill as a rarlp..1ig11 t~ntributlon ror ch:;;:tribu11011 to {,\)l' cand1dati'S but th.it l'o1u1allv turn<'d do11·n the off('r. Tht' t'Ol11nln1sl\~UI 1hat ;1 ~ear bt'for(' th1· 1nonry a1lr~\iply ('h<illl!('(I hands. Con· n:.ill~· 1q lflil hact ITil'l 1\1t h r.11lk l'r('klu«'f.<; oU1rH1l Holx'rt Lilly at a \\'a:;h1n~100, !).C . :ur ll•m11n:il and ••~<>!Ht"d I Jll~· t h~t :in 1nrrt·asc in federal 1nilk pnt·r S11\lport~. sought by the n1llk (_O-OIJ . 11as "1n tht· b.1g " ~'hite 'llo1use : 'To Release 'T or e Fil es' \\'ASlll ~GTON 1l!Pli -The \Vhile l!ou:;r sa~·s additional 111,at C'rial requested !.~· lh{' House Jtidiciary Committee v.·ill br prol'idcd for ifs in1pcachnlent inquiry Ly the l'nd of th<' month. Hep. Peter Hodino f l)·~ .I 1. C1:1mmittct' cha irman, sa~ :-; 11 1n:iy he !hl' t•nd of June before thl'rt' 1.., a report l'rcs1dcnt :>:ixon. through hi!i attorney. Sf'u\ 1tord to Capitol Ilill Tuesday 1hat a r1•\'1f'11' is undt'r \lay of .f l additional tape n•eord1np;s rcqucs\ed by the co1nntitloo :ind should he t'Onlplct cd by rue end o{ !he congressiona l Easter recess v.·hich run~ lo Apnl '.!2. AT TllAT Tifl1E. !he \\'hile House said lt 11·1ll furn ish add itional material , but it did not say ho'r 1nuch. 1f ~1ny. of lhc ex· tr<i 1nfonnatiop \1·ould be turned over. \'1ct• Presi dent Ge rald It Ford s:aid 1'ucsda,v the \\'hih· !louse ~·ill "respond ;1fi1rn1;1t ll'\'l) 10 all rt'qurs1s for tapes :111d 111.hcr 1na11.:rial 11hich 11 considers rclt·\';1nt .'' Senate !{l'pubhc;:in leader llugh Scott ~.•id today the tinlc re<1uired to listen lo rnc t<ipcs \\ould delay any conlmiltce ac· 1100. lie s;1id !he a\'eragc length of each t:1p1: is eight hours and it \1·ould require 3.Vi hours vf l1<;lf'ning umc 10 go through ttK' tafH.:s requrstctl by 1he comnl1ttec. llorl 1no :<.H1rl the full llou.~e likely \\i ll Ii"' lht• romn1ittce report late-in J une. "\\'r hope_, 1n !hr first \l'C\'k of l\.1ay lo t:•kt' up 1he e\'1denrc roncl'rning im· l"'aehnl~nt," llrxlinn s;iid. "\\'c tnay ha,·c 10 call orner 11·\tncsscs . , The Charlie Apple ... yours for 3.50 with any Charlie purchase , Snow Storms ' on Rampage l.h:u lie ... a most original fragrance hr Revlon. ll's gorgeous, a young fragrance. Full of sur· pn~C'5. Jusc JikeJ·oU. And che ChJrlie Apple filleJ w1ch 5olid Perfume is you rs for only 3.50 "''ith any (.hJthe purcha.sc. If you h.tvcn't met ChJrlic :tt, 11h,1r arc you wailing for! Choose Conctn· 1r.ucd Cologne Spray, Concencratt•d Colo~ne. C.1nKtn1ra1td Perfume Spra)', Concen1r aced Per - '• ~ ' Neiv Engla1td Cove red; West Gets W Hrnin gs NAllOMAI WI •lKI t M t Yl(I !Off( •~t 1• l •>A I ~l "' ••I • 14 • -.wlll{!'ll (If lllt >tt\I. 11:•11\ and ,_ orlll..O K•llH IM "'°'""'"' flO<~e. lnO \Ill l"l-0 !hi! "•ilk Nw1'""'n!. UP •o I llKMI of lflOW ltll 1,, I~~ S.11 L•i..e YllltY, T.-.v9'tr\ .ov1-1n were luueo tor Viti\, nortr.r"' ArflOf'I , COIOrt~ tnd W¥-lllO, Tiit P11•iot1tl Wttlllff w.I<• wtrMd of lh• tPOrOl<ll .i 1 wiftttr-11\t 110rm !11 a.rh ti Mont1N. 11'1t lfll..:1 mt l11r tl'>0"1'¥m ltll1 !OtlMI •l,lflla.d ,,., l$ u lflCllel of ,....,, Iii Yt fft"Onf, H""' H"""ll'"ltt tl'ld """'· "1t't l llf bl~ll •"°"" 1tQrrn ~ 'Ill v•1r," t t ld I \llt~l'l ... 11'1 JQr $!tt!•11t1 M(lf,lflll ll'I I 1kl "'"°'' '"' tOUlh4rl\ Vlf• -·· WN'!t t~S.r1 WCl(O"'Cll 1111 ~-tllt• • ·""'" wlfit-• ... "'"' "'°'°"'" 10!,ll'ICI ~-IMMIH. c ....... w .. alher l'tfr todf'f. Vlrltblt wll"ll1 ,,11111 ll'ld _..,.,1,., Miit'• &«oml119 "'''"'' ty 10 hi 20 .llOll lfl ttltrMOl\f !odlY IP\d TIWt'Mt\'. Htt/'I lOlfY !,, mid Mis, Co.ll!fl ltmptrttur11 r-.i'IQt lrom .0 to 61. ln!tfld lt mOl"1l11,.1 r11141 lrom SO to ''· Wt ltr ltfl'IPl•tlvrt Sf, Sun. "'"""' Tides WIOMl lOAY '"Oflli llltl'I tJ :eo 11.m. l.O SKOllCI IOw 5tlll p '"' I.I fHUl.SCA'I' Fl,st hie~ t :n 11 ..,. t.t Fl"llow ,~il •"' 0 1 M<Olld h19h n :&l"fl m. .,, S«Otld I~ t 01 11 ""· l ! ~ t•ltt •·'9 '"" $ti' t )I I f(! 1-\((111 •IW l\:l\ •·"' S9'1 I )I p rn ' i fume Oil or Conccn1rJ.ctd Perfume in J ]'ui. ·rhe Cha rlie Collcc:don • • • 3.:>0 to s.;;o Cosmccics SOUTH COAST PLAZA at Brino"I.. 556-0611 Bullock 's South Coast Plua. San Diego Fre<war I • .. ,, '. • ' . I • .. At Your Service A Sunday, Wednesd11y and t~rid1.1) Fc:¥1Url" Of ihe Dally l'ilot Go! " 1>roblt>111? ·r11"u Pal Dunn. fla t Y 011 r S" r t11(',. f'o1• ('01111fin11s flttlpt DEAR JJAT : Is the t-on1n1u11it~' r\Jnic 111 Santa An.'.l o\}('n to· C<1lifornia rcsidrnts or 1nuSt one be ., 1't>sidl'1\I or ()range County'! I \.\'Ou1<.I Ilk!! to look into receiving m~licnl 1rca1n1l1nt at thts clinic antl so would I\ relative of rninc \l'ho is visiting fron1 Northern Ca.1iforni11. Could you also It'll n1c the clinic's hours of operation? T. Y .. S:tntu Anu 111(1~. !\ledlcal. dental and 01her health srr\'lces offe red by the Community Clinic of Or:1nge County a re available to r<1unty rrsidt•nts only. Hours Qf operation at the clinic's nc~ locallon, 2000 "'· \\'nlnut. Santa Ana, art fron1 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.1n. l\1onday through Friday. except for the dental offi« 11·hich t loses at 5:l0 p.m. Pstlrnts can m11kt uppointmtnls h~· calling 134-%161 I medical I nr S::~-l;J.1 1 (dentall. Pe11t1il's 011 fltt' \l'afl DEAR PAT: Last 1'\ovc1nber 1 ordered " set of Linroln·K enn1..'Cl,v ptnnies for $4.30. The check .,,:as tnshC'd by the United Stairs Coin Cornpany of Charlotte, N.C .. but I neve r received the pennies nnd my lcUtrs lo the rinn rl'J naln unansv1ered. J. B., Nc"'·port Bench The set of pennle.'i has oow been shipped to you. The United States Coin Company bas dra"''" lhe attention of ''flrlous go\'erntnr:nt offi clols i>e(ause of ils · producl« t.ind selli ng practie~. The city of Charlotte recenlly dro,pped charges a11:alnst thr compan y's chief officer. Claude L. Ultle. when he &.!;'reed to satisfy a lari:e number of customer com plalots. A spokesman for th e U.S. Trefisury Department said that while embossing a coin ls not teehnically illegal, the Bureau of the ~flnt does not approve of the commercial minting of of£iclal coins. The pennies have the profile of President Ken n e d y super imposed on the re\'etse side of tht Lincoln penny. The Postal Service ju.~t concluded a case ln\'Ol\•ing the marketing or such a coin by the Jay Norris Corp .. f reeporl. N.Y. 1'he scr\•lce di sputed •(')a ims that the cains "''ould Increase in \'alue and were historically signUicant. r\ew orders for such coin~ are ht-Ing ·jntcrcepled by posta l oUlcials. Bad 1•rogrt1111tt1i••fl · DEAR PAT: The rcccnl programming of '"The 'fen Co1nmand1ntnts" fro1n !I p.m. to 1nidnight for t11·0 d:iys. "llcidi"' al 8 p.n1. to 10 p.n1. and Charlie Bro\1·n ' and Dr. Seuss specials at 8 p.m. and !l p.m. during the 11·rek ,1rc nol idC"al tin1es for children, and l'rlC-se are just a fe1v cx.- amplcs. School age youngsters usuallv fall aslrep durin~ these 1>rograms or ar~ sent to bed because they ha1•e 10 get up early lhc next morning. Another example of bad plannin g: is scheduling specials ;1! the same time on different stations. l"ve <already 11-riltcn to the threC" rnaior nC"tworks and rcccivtd a ncgat il"r response and one 11·hlch is con1p!ctely ;ipathetic . ls there any other met hod of complaining about my TV gripes·.· J .. G .. \\'r-stmlnstcr Take note or the comptinies sponsorin g 1:ommerclnls on the '"b:1d lime" pru. "ran1s and fir e off n lf'lter 1-0 th cn1 . '·,\la. jor·· rn O\"it•s. snt'h as 11tr Ten Cnm· rnand111cn1 s." arr 11r1·.~rntc·d ;.II a lalcr hour for 1argl'r i1udi1•nl'r ta nd l"01n· ni rrcia!I \'il·wing. hut ,·ou mav 111ak" :111 i1nprrssion on spo11~0r!l nf · 1;1lf hour c·bildren-oricnte!I prOl!1'an1s. Cnnt·11 rrt11t s 1>f'cial.~ annn~ tht \"ie11rr, hu t lhl·rc is lillle likelihood htis practlcr "'-in be discontin ued. ai:ain du t to "prime tirne " co mpc1ilion fo r 1iev.ers bel"'l'tn lhc 1n:1- jor net"'·ork~. ... A itl ''' C'11J1s11111ers DEAR PAT: !i1y ~isl~r Jh·t s in Illinois :lnd she ll'r\llt· rl'Cl'nlly thal sill' 1s h;1.,.inl!: ;i n imposs1hl~ linll' ~cuin)! :1 defccti1'l' nf'\1· d1n1n~ room tnhlr rl'f)l.1r(•d 1dth a ~\\' onr. Tur t11b!r 11rri1red "i1h 11nhhly leg~ and a 1n<irrl'd firnsh 11 !-of'f'ITlS tha1 aHrgn1i ons of rc·~po11~1l uH1 v an• llf.'ing pa~"t'd baf'k 11nd lnrth h1•t 11f•('ll th l' 1·clailcr nnd \ht• 1nanu1ni·turrr, 11·ith no1hin~ IJ<·in~ done to ,:t1.'lil y the i:Hu!1- linn . SJ11•s fried f'l'f'ry r.on~11nll't hcl11 sourer. she knO\\S ahout and :iskr<l llll' if I h<id any ideas . I don'L but I thoul!hl pcrhape: you n1lgh1 bt nhle to :-idvlsc hl'r, K.!'\., l.aJtuna Heuth She can contat't lht> Furnlturt Industry Consumer Action l'uncl. P.O. Box !ISi. lflgh Poinl, N.C. !7261. Slurted hist ~·ear by the Sout hern f"umi111rt ~lanufacturtrs Attsoc .. "'hirh hll!i uhoul 35 pcn.'t'nt or lhf" U.S. (urnl!urr mnrke1, FICA P "Ill acctpt cu11«111ncr t:om1>lalnt~ an1l :.i11cn1pt 111 rrsol\'t them. t 'l/111 A 1·11U11bh• DEAR PAT : I \\'AS given an A1d:1 Sol incll c II camera but I h<l \1• no 111· strvclton 1nan11<1I on ho" Iv u~ It. Is there nny ,,_.·ay I cnn ,,:ct 11 m:1n111i\7 H.Jt., Fountain V3tlry Hr11u1·;;1 un in~lr11cltnn manual fronl Aafw.(i"vacr1 Inc •• 9S North St., Uuildln~ V .. Tetterboro11gh. ~ .. J. O'iOOR. Another r1·1tder •. ~I. G., El Torn, can find Ultn for bl~ Aifu ca1ntrn Bl 11l'!i Ca111e.r11. l?iU . !\'e\\port Olrd .. Cit•lll \)l'~IJ. CUI''\ al~O c:11rr1t•5 a:!8 plt·l11r" lllm for a Kod:.1k r.1mtr11, l'hleh fl!.\\'., l'us111 \It~;,, lH•JI requested. 1 • \ Otll"t ,.llt l Stt+f ,.,,.._ COMPLETION OF ROSSMOOR TOWERS IN LAGUNA HILLS WILL BE NOTED AT TOPPING CEREMONY Mayor Joseph Alioto Will Speak; 4,000 Pound Bread Tree Wiii Be Hoisted to Roof ------~-- Si111e1·viso1·8 Eye New U11it To Ove1·see Development .-ilioto to SJJcak ,'it Ce re 111 ouicli Ju Laguna flills Proposed nc11• housing tracts. shoppin~ ('enters. industrial parks and other 1na 1or dcvclop1ncnts in Oranl{c <;ounty 111a~· soon face anothel' ne1v layer of govcrn- 1nl'n!. The Roard or Supervisors unanin1ously endors<.'d tough ne111 ront rols Tuesda y over indir('CI air pollution sourl'CS pro- posed by the stale Air llesources Board <ARB). But supe rvisors agreed to s1•e k sornr manges in the regulations. 11·hich rontc up for public hearing Thursday in Los Angeles. Among other things, su1:1ervisors \1•ant the rulrs to authorize creation of an air po llution control commission. 11'hich 11·ould rcvic\\· major nc"' de\'clopments lo st•e if they .,..·ill contribute to srnog. • Clcn1cntc C of C Wants lo l{ccp 'l'nstin District Propo~a\s h.v residen ts in 1\1stin ~eek· ing to secede fron' the Saddlchack Co1n- n1uni!y College District spa rked an 01>- posing resolution b~· San Clc1ncnte Chan1· bC'r of Commerce Dire<:lors Tuesday. The charnhcr leaders ag r e e d unanimously to Sf'nd a resolution 10 !he Board of Governors or the Communil v Colleges of California opposing anv rlclC- tion of tC'rrilory fron1 the L"Ollcgc ciistril·t . The pre1nise by directors 11·as ;1 si1npl<' one -fear that loss of so 1nuch tcrritorv 1\oulcl auton,atically r('n10..-c 1· a s.t amounts of taxable properly fron1 the rolls. .. It 11·ould be awful because we \\'Ould be called upon to absorb the losses in our o\l'!l lax: bi lls." said new chan1bcr presi- dent IJr. Robert Beasley. ·ruesday's chamber resolution also c~·<·rs the potenlinl secession of lrl'i11c lro111 the distrk:t. --------------- • U,1 1t11 .... M l 'r'n1·e lh1 ' l ,nd11 • Jenny Gray Is the latest entry in the Miss Television "Quest contest. which offers ;i worlc.I tour as first prize. 1'he 20·ycar· old Sydney . 1.\u~tralia bcnu1y s-uro would like to be the win· ncr Not th:it she Isn't one no"' As the rules are no1v l\Tillcn. Air Pollu!ion Control Ofrictr \\~Hliam Fitchtn 1rould ha\·e sole veto po11·er over 1najor development if he thinks lt 11'ill havt 11n adverse effect on the air. Indirect air pollulion sources arc dcfin- t•d as contributors to sniog 11·hic.Y1 cannot be pinpointed to one pa rticular cause. A major nc\v housing tract or in· dustrial park could be rejected if it would add a large number of pollution pr()- ducing automobiles. In urging creation of the new l"Om- mis sion. Thomas told supervisors it "''ould permit an applicttnt IO present his side of the issue and give the county a chance to \1·cigh 1hc social and economic considerations of the project. tinder the indirect sour cc s amcnd111ents proposed by Thoma s. an applicant \1·ould have still another lcl'~l of govenimtnl lo go if tht' nc1v ron1- mission rcjt:cts his project. The Boa rd or Supervisors. sitting as the Air Po1!111ion Control District Board, 11·ould hea r :di appeals. Thou gh h(· voted for the ne1v rcgula- 1io11s. Supervisor David Baker called it ··a back-door approach to the problcni." "'Crcntion ol' another agency nlay only compound the problc1n bctausc it doesn't do an~ thing to stop the real source or pol\111ion -the auto1nobile," Bakrr said. After a short hearing, the board agret."'<i to send Thon1as or one of •nis aides to the 1\RH 1neeling to suggest changes in the rcgu!a1ions. Besides crt•a!ion of !he new agency, lhe board also agrl'C'd to ha1·c Thomas :1d- tlrl'SS the pos~ibility of putting tougher controls on car C'missions. Sniffling Seal Sunning Self, Sent Lo Slcr nuner PORT HUF.\1 E~IEIAP) -As any good San Francisco fl.·layor Joseph Alioto "''ill speak at a "topping ceremony .. marking completion of the st ructural frtr mc of the twin 14-story Rossmoor To'.l·crs in Laguna llills at 2 p.1n. April 20. The cercn1ony. traditionally held just among the construction ere\\'. has been expanded to include local dignitaries and a score of tcle\'ision and nwt ion picture stars. A "good luck" e11cnt. !he lopping ceremony is usuaHy marked by trad i- tions such as hoisting an American flag or planting a tree on the to p story of the new building. Ro.55moor officials plan to hoist a 4.000- pound St. John's Bread Tree to the roof- lop by helicopte r during the ceremony. The $17 mill io n coodDm inium compl~x. ll'ith 311 un its, is scheduled to open by late su1n1ncr. Pnrt of the Leisure \\'orld retirement corninunity. the Tu"•ers "'ill offe r rcsi- dt'nts accommod<itions sim ilar to a hotel : thrl•c menls a day. housekeeping serv ices. round-the-clock nursing, and emergency sound systen1 link ups from each oonclominiu1n to a ccntr<1I s"·itch- board . W oma11 Si11ger Stabbe<l, Sl1ot, Stuffed • JU Trunk SAN fRA/\'.C ISCO I AP) -The body or a 25-ycar-old night club singer 'vho had tx.-en stabbed, shot and slashed v.·ith a san1urai s"'·ord \vas found today stuffed in a steamer trunk in a down\O'o\.'TI apnrt- n1enl, police said. Homicide inspector Rntea Gilford iden- tified the l'ictim as !\fariko Sato. a singer at the Tomiko bar in the Japanese Cult ure Center. She had come fro1n Tokyo six monlhs ago. Police said t>.liss Sato '"as last seen ~londay "'hen she said she had a 2 p.m. appointn1cnt al the ap.1rtmcnt "'here her hnl f-nudc body later ...,·as found. sea l kno11·s. 11·htn you\·e ~ot a cold the doctor's advice is lo stay \1·arm and dry. ~ So that's just whal he did. And \\•hat did -. GEM TALK he ~ct for ii but thrown in jail. The unnamed seal earne ashore !\ton-J day, sufferin g with a cnn1n1on ('()ld. \\'hen children b<-gan thro"·ing things at hiln, I ~ police stepped in. TODAY I by Sgt. John llopkins said he rounded up a small posse and some blankcs "and ...,.e ju.st tackled it. \Ye put a 1?11n11y sack ol'er its fa ce lo kl'eP ii fro1n biting nnd put it in the patrol car." lfe 11·:1!i taken to lhc police sta tion and placed in :i holding cell 10 kcep hin1 \.\'Urn1 . But official record!: nui.st still be kept . ~ th!:.> seal "·as booked for invC'sligation for violating Section 148 of rhe penal code: resisting arr('Sl. He protestt.-d loudl y and \\'as fina lly set free orr the bcal'h lr!lc Tuesday . Case disn1isscd. Elep1iants Earn Tl1eir Pas1><1 ge I.OS A~GELf_;:s tAl't -\\'hen !heir truck broke down on llollyl''ood Boulevard. 1he circus en1plo~·es knew exaclly \\'hat to do : grt the p:t.'>~chgcrs to help. 1'he passengers \\'ert' elermants fronl a clrC\ls In Northridge. so the circus ...,·orkers put one in the back lo push 11nd one in front to pull. T""·o other pachyderms st11yed aboord tor lhe rtde. Tht' rng\o(' restar1rd Tuesday uftcr the lruck \.\BS pushed nbout 2 JO feet. I J, C. HUMPHRIES • WORLO 'S OLOEST JEWELRY ' " The Egyptians, using slave labor . conducted exlensive underground rni ning fo r turquoise for at least t\\"O thousand years. and 1t is probable th at the most ancient turquoise ntlnes are at .sarabit Elkhadem on the Sinai Peninsula, \\'here they may have brcn 1rorked as early as 3400 n.c. The '''orld's oldest jev.·eJr.,· ~ pieces <ire unquestionably fro1n the Sinai Peninsula. and incl ude the carved lurquoi..:c in 1he bracelets of Quec11 Zcr of Egyp1's First Dynasty . i\losl fa1nous of turquoise deposits are in Iran. \rhere n1ini ng is sWI active a~nd n111y date bAC'k lo the be- &inning or the Christian era. Persla, China. Tibet and southwestern United States are the only impor- ta nt. SOltrCes of turquoise today. The na.n1c turquoise nieans "Lur- klsh," and this gen1 \\'as given ils 11?1nc probably because It \\'as orl- l!"lnall y brought to Europe through 1'urkcy frorn Pcr!iila. ' \ s DAILY PILOT :; C~tral A•ctlaority Board Eyes War On Child Abuse By l\111..UAM SClfRElBER Of "" ~lt'I' ,.llet ,, ... Orange County declared a.11-c>ut· war Tuesday on the growing problem of child abuse and neglect . The Board of &Jpervi.!IOrl'i \'Otcd unanimously to create a central authority for child· abu!e pre\'Wlion and in- ttrvention that wou ld )XJOI the resources of private and public agencies to combat the problem. 11) a lenglhy report to the board, Coun· 1y Ad minist rative ()(fleer Robert Thomas outlined the extent of lhe problen1 and said most ·aucn1pts 10 soll'e it have lailed mj,'ierably so Mr. "During 1971-73. 20 children undfr fil·.e years or age were homicide victims in Orange County." Thomas ~id. "Nineteen of those cases ha ve been labeled as child abuse." Thomas said "a \.\'ell-coordinatM chil•I abuse prog ran1 that provides ea rly detec· iton and intervention may have averted these deaths." He told the board lhat ''dc3th is but one indicator of child abuse .. since the ab~ an(! neglected child suffers emo- tional 1ratlma besides his physical in- ujries. Thomas said his stu<lies of the problem and gol'emment's approach to ii also leads him to conclude. "there is a high correlation between an abused child and the abused child becoining a child juries. Thomas said the key reason public and private agencies have been unable to slo"' do11·n the abuse rate is becau~ each organization has ils 01vn guidelines and services. ··So1netimes these conflict and ii is dif- ficult to operate 3s a coordinated system that is effective," he told the board . 1'homas listed six major shonco ingS of such a fragmented attack on child ~buse, including: -Duplication of servia!S because of multiple jurisdictions. , . . -Unsatisfactory proY1s1on of serv1<.'ft bc{·ausc no clear responsibility ls givtn in each case. -failure to facilitate the reporting of child abuse cases. -failure to develop an effective early iden1ifieation and preventM>n program. -failure to coordinate the efforts ar all in,·oh·ed public and private agenclei;. -Failure to develop a c e n t r a 1 reporting and information dis.semlnation system that also generates yjefu l data. Thomas listed .six major shortcomings coordinators office should cul aCTIX\'I department line! to insure the job is done most cffeelively. lie said the abuse coordinator should also be outside the criminal justice l!lyslem because or a reluctance: by some people to report to the police in abuse tasCS. He also said tht: c ri minal justice system has not resolved the problem and pre1·cntion "'·ould be facilitated by a ~ pwiitive approach. The child abuse coordinator will "''ork ou1 of the oounty v.·e\fa re departmen t and 11111 ha1'e a committee of a ppropriate depa rtments and ro1n1nunity agencies to help develop a plan of attack on the prot>. lem. Thomas said the creation of such an agenCy "''ill centralize fund-raising ef· forts. help develop a cen tral registry, provide a place for child abuse calls to come in. develop a data base and help ed ucate the public about the problem. Supervisors "''ill get an annual report on the progress made by !he new organization but they asked Thomas to report back this su1nmcr with an interim progress study. Searchers in Georgia I Find Body, Fear More GA l~ESV tLLE. (;a . r UJ>I l -A "·ork crew of FBI agents. sheriff's deputies and prisoner! unco\'ered the body of a · man on a stretch of the !\lu lbefT}' River "'here authorities speculate as many as 12 corpses n1ay be buried. The body "''as identlfed TuC'sday as that or Otis Reidling Jr .. 24, of \\'indcr, Ga .. missing since las! Nove1nber. Rridling's father. Otis Sr .. a servif'c s1atio n cmploye. said his son disa ppeared front home and he feared the "not too badly dcromposcd " hody n1ight be his son. "I hope it ain"t. but I'm afraid it is.'' said Reidli ng. !\Iedicat' authorities from the state crime lab con firmed his fears. The F"Bt. breaking i\3 silence on the ::::earch !ha t began Friday. said the dig- ging "·as linked to probes of "a number of robberies, a number of murders. ex· plosions anli arson in ~orth Goorgia." S!>C(ial 1131 agent Robert Kane refused to say how n1any bodies were being sought. bul unconfirmed reports said aulhoritie:; .,..·ere looking for as manv as 12 persons missing in the area the pa .. t l\\"O yea rs. Bill Beardsley. director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation IG B!l, said the bodies being sought ...,·ere believed lo be victims of a feud between moonshine and automobile theft gangs In North Georgia. Be3rdsley said the f BI ordered the search after ~ceh'ing a ti1> frorn a pri.c;onc r \\'ho. "w hen he's "''illing:, is pret- ty danined reliable.'' F'BT agents. Barro"' C-Ounty and Hall County deputies and inmates frorn the !he digging at a site. off Georgia Road 211. that "''as ba rred to ne"'·smen. Reidl ing said his son had "run around" \l•ith Billy Sunday Birt, SJ. indicted in conneclion with a bank robbery, and he said Birt had threatened the life of Otl!!! J r. fi e said he last saw his son Nov. 4 \\"hen he came by Reidling's service sla· lion in a car ·'that didn't have an In- spection sticker. and didn't have a muf- fler." The father said Otis Jr .. a rock quarry "·orker. "was crazy about his wife and baby .. and "\\·ouldn't of stayed a night 31\'flY from them without call ing." Parents Slain; Boy, 14, Seized \\"J:'l"ONA. i\l iss. <UPI) - A 14· year'()ld boy "''as captured early to.- day in a heavily .,..·ooded area SC\'eral hours after he aJlegcdly shot his parents to death and woun- ded 1 .... ·o younger sisters. !\fontgomery County Sneriff fl.tax- ic E. Ell is said officers from 1he state penitentia ry at Parchman. US· ing bloodhounds, found Charles ~·orrest hiding in a 'ol'oodcd area ol Cam:i!l County \vhcre he abandoned a car and a. .410 gauge shotgun. The victims "'ere identified as i\lary Jane \\'infield. 40, and Jake \\1infield. 4i. Hall County public works c:a~m~p~co:::'.'.n~t~in:u~oo::_-!;====;===:=:===;;=:::::=~ !I. ~... ~kt1 -.rr ..... ..,,,-;_ Ladies BOLOVA Electric ~ Guaranteed Accuracy ... to within a minute a month• J. ( J./ump~ries JeW1ferJ litl NEWPOkT l lVD., COSTA MlSA COHVIHllNf lt•flll.J Jr 'FIAi\ IN TMt JAMI lOCAflOH la~IA,.0•1,t•I -Mt•t.< C••"t• rHONI t •t .. '91 .,. • ' • • • ' ' '· ' " ' ' " " ' • • 1 •. J .. 1' .Aprl l\J !114 "' OAIL1 I IJ. ), • ---•• For the Record WHAT'S County Delaying; 1 THE MOST COMFORTABLE Courthouse Job Deat1ts Elseivhere ·wai; among the last o( Lbc carousel horse car\'ers. was buried Tuesday In Hollyv.'ood ~lemorlal Park Cemetery. Ccrnigliaro died of a heart auack Thursday. Work on Floors PLACE IN RUSHVILLE, Ind. <UPI) - JlbJJip H, WUlkle, 54. son of 1940 Repu blican prtsidentlal nominee Wendell L. \\'illkle , ~·as found dead today" In the garage ol his Rush County fann home near here. \\'illkie apparently died of natural causes. GLENDALE ( U PI) Funeral services v.'ill be held Friday for Robtrt Golckteln. ~O. movie producer a n d former head of production at Tu·enlieth Century Fox studi03. Goldstein died of a cerebral hemorrhage in his famil y announced here. I ~ ' ~ . ' .. :)A'.\1"A A;\A Orange inf1;1tion n11d ott~r l'Of.I!> .u·1 Counly su1>er\'iSl'.lrs asr('t'<i l<l~Cll Ultu ll\'C'OUtll Tuesday to finish off only 1110 But Da•dri ch po1111i-...t n11t ctf thr. four !!ihL·ll f\ovn~ 111 1hc Uta! ;11' f11l·h :1s S1R.t11.~1 l1t'r llCI\' courthot.sc bullduig ('vcn ).:.1r u11nt1·rl'st 1·ould be !'<:11\11 O\'L·r th<' 111'().1 (';1r run st ru. 11•1!1 though it 111ay ('OSI anolhi'r JA•r(od by hosl<l1nf! onl!. 111 .. of SJI0,000 10 cvn1plt1\\' llM.· Job 111 1111• four fl(1on, nov. a ll·11 yc:irs. 1·hat. l"ll· :-..!itl. v.1 11 h.11,11K1 ' Thi.• bo~u·d h:id bt'i.'n 11~~..:<l 'off 1h1· <'OSI 1ner1a.s1· by r'OUnly Superior Court Loodon home Monday, his 1 E~~~!':r~~~. ~A~! first Dissol11tions --:, i S . chairman ol the Presld<nt's Of M • Jr ar ties ee111g II Do11hle jud~t':-> to ~pend SJ .i n11l11on 10 Thi· clt•s11!n Pll'k:1g1' f,.r tqo· 1.:on11>t·lc tlk· {toors since <111 fir!'\ IY.o flour.., Y.Llll lu 1•1.· <.11 atl•tble L'Olirtr<>0fs arc llOW llw1t111g1011 &·aeh flrC'h!if'<'· oc<.11pied a1!d the riun1bcr of lur.11 f1r111 111 To1 n .ind JUdg1·s is u1crt•as1ng :.1ead1!~. Tru~k1t•r Sn11s.i•k l'!'<tin1;1 tt•d Council of Econdmic Advise~. . arraage It's double trouble ·when a :-itarine gets slopped by the S<'lpcr l.Jrothcrs. 1'be ~~OO ~~if~ing~~ ~~i~a:;~:~? twin sergeants share the sarne quarters at the El Toro ~tarine .\tr Stati on \\•llcrc At th<' rcQLU.'~\ of Supervisor i:on!'<!ru('1 1011 11111 ta~t· ;iJ,.--u! Ill Ha lph D1L'<ir1ch. tht· t'O'JUt~· nion:h~ 0111.·c lfil' hals .11·1· .qi· Hu1ld111 g St' r' j{'{'S Dtp..1:11 nt•nt -;;P;';'';";'O;,;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:, fl'Sl \1rl 11'<1 !ht• fl'qlll'~l 10 !il'1.''r Truman ·administration: was they're both !\t i's. Both are veterans of the \"i clnan1 \\";u· \i.'hcre IX'1 th \\'Cre ·vtce president of Brookings ~:iw":"'H/".!vE~~,::;~f~:;:_:i., woundcd jn the left leg. )'ou can't tell them :ip:1t1 until th l'y !:>land ;11 altenuun. tnstitlltion, a pri vate research arg-J;,, ua1iet" "'1 '' -oi>t~t reveaLing that Larry (left) is an int h ta!lc1: than Gar~. FllcllU., L•r·i Alt•n· .... JIC~ .... V!olel -----------ho\1' 1nu1·h roorn 1s :1~·t'd"d 1111·1 nit'\llatcl;.. «gani7.At\on in Wastlinoton. Mcll;-rv, v oitt Aa"*1 1nd P•t•lck '/""" t> Fttr\CIS I.OS ANGELES fUPI) Veteran radio new s man \Vbltclaw Reid Leath, 4!. codirector of public affairs for station KGBS. died Tuesday at his home in Pacific Palisades after a lengthy illness. WES!' PALM BEACH. Fla . (AP ) ~ Rocer It Ferger, 80, retired pUblisher and presi· dent of the Cincinnati En· quirer. died ~1ooday. Cart.,., ICeMelh AH111 '"" G~ Su. Goev1e1, E•i.it al\d enria111 JOl'•l. LO\liM 11>11 R-1 A. Hl fTIJ"ond, W••leY II . l~•r!1 J, J•r"1111n. Olll!f L. Ind Ilk""'' N. Goo<1r1111, II-rt E. 1!\d 5nlr111 J. G11n•txw"OUllll, 5,,_tO<l [, l.lld PhUlp N. (llavarrl1. Co..Oe1!1 II. 111<1 JOhrl 0111•11 LN , 01vld J1mts 1nG l 1rt>&r1 Pt1rl ,,,...,OI', EVI Mlrll Ind R-rt Will« Thin. 01nl1I 5ttPIMn Ind Undt JO Blllltr. Cy11t"l1 IM 11.'IH ~ W1ln. Richard "-.AM ttU1 H. 06\lr1v. Jin C. •M '"'""'' lllo41nd.. Jr, 0 \edl, L1Url1 tfl<I D1nicl M llJ, Jow~ne Fr1nd1 1nd Jollrl Cowtlll SwlMgOOll. Ju.et Marie Ind Gary L. W-fl:ltd, Tltt' GIY Ind Rk lllnl ·~· llooll,H, John W. Ind J\ld'f A. WlllMt, !( ....... ,, AHfll Incl Audrn -· 1111:111, Dll1n1 M.. I nd L1rry G. NOl'm&n, Jtlt\ lftd JHI lHOf "r:a.,1,~p-evertn, Jr. "" 811rton, J1ccwe!lne S. 1nd Roger R. L1m.b, R-rt J, Ind M .. trilllle E. ~:..r:..~~~ 1"°1.8:~' L~.:.. E. S,i:tnc9r, 11111'111•~;"{,.:.,, Jr. MIO srwirvl ·~ Holmes, Elon G. 1.-.:1 J...,r, Lea Dimes Mai·cl1i11g Route Set A nev.· 2().milc route has be.en staked out for Apri l W when thousa nds of Orange Countians )Oln !he annui.d !larch or Dime:i ''\\'alkathon.·· Fred Owens. walk co - chainnan and Golden \\'est College athletic director. said the route will begin at the ;ind 11·ind through th<-clty of Ir\ inc for ~ m1!t"'. {'fl<hllg Wck at the t'OurthoUS('. "\\'c d1..'l'idcd on this ne\\' route be('ause the strecL" in the area are ~·ide. they ha1c bike lanes ;ind !ht•y ar(•1i'l hc.11 ily tra1 cl('<i, ,, o~cns said. '"The-rout!' i.s mostl~' in non· Orange County H a r b or rc~1d<'Tlltul areas v.1tl1 lht· !:>1g- l\1unicipal Courthouse on Jani-g1"i\ part of the 11;1lk In king bo ree Road in Ne11•port Bt:lch pll.IC't out in tht· countr;. ;ind lfJ :1 111_ and :-inyo1u· nvl f1n1:\tlt'<.I h~ 5 p n1 111!1 ht· pick· ed up b~· \\'~ilk orf1c1als Last \'t'ar's .,..·a\k a tho n grosse<i' J.100.00l "ith 18.000 r.1r1 ic1p.1nts. and 01~·cni. l" hop1nJ.? !o COll('('l $500.000 11·ith 21.0011 r.1rtir1p,1nts th" -r.1r. Adc11lu'!n :1! 1<..ilk 1rh n 111· for111:11 1nn nl .1~ Ix.· obt:i t'<I :11 ;.ill 1'1l' T•w n1.1rk(·ts. IO('a\ s<·hooi, or r:1d10 statu1n ·i.;zr. Su1-x·rvi:'-OrS ll'i'I'(' told thnt \·0111 pl\·tio11 of 1bc \w1J f!onrs 11 011ld satisfy gr o11t!J rl'qll l!l'· nit•nts 1hrough lh1• t'nd nf 1lu· dc1.:ade 11hrn th1• l'OU!\IV 11111 h.11c rnnrr-than \fl ;url~1·~ comp<trl'd 10 30 H)li:iy. :-OUJ>l'Tl'l-.Ors r1•j(•C'IC'd :1 pt'O· po,,it b~ Bu1 ld1n~ Sl'r1 ll'l'S lli- rcl'tur Joi>(.•ph !)1nistk to :lp· rrove :lll four floors and 1h1•n phV.Sl' C'Onstructivn into · l\10 pnrl~ t'on1pll·linn nr t110 !111<'1"'" 11u11· 1<oould eu:st ahout J.7 million but !he CflSf of corn- plctin~ th!.' next tv.·o .~c1·i.:r<1I CHEVROLEASE LEASE '74 CHEVYS! low Rites • E1rly Delivery Ask for LIA.SI SPECIALIST! •• HOWARD CHEVROLET MecA11h"" & J""'"•••• 11v.i1, N•wJl>lll1 le11ch yc;:irs do\\·n !ht• l'.lll' could rist' 833-0555 to mor(' than $2 1flllll11n \\'ht1U1 "------------J POMONA (AP 1 -llarTy Fraser, 85, who directed 250 llollf"'"OOCI fi lms in 30 years. died Monday. Fraser, who coached such stars as Hoot Cibson, Rex Bell . Tex Ritter and John Wayne, was a director or Wes!em films jn the early days of Holl ~'Wood. v.11,.,....,.,, N1ncy L. ll'IO Slrnn L. ll1lleY, Loris l.lld DolMIO L. :_.u;,1~ ~~.i:~·D~n:n:~:~~I G. 1 ~----------~· LA CR ESCENTA iAPl - Dr. Braulio Peret l\farcio, 70, known for three dccadcs for his ~·La Voz De La ~ranza " (Voice of Hope ) radio religious broadcasts to 500 stations around the w(lrld. died Monday. He was heard throughout Latin America and Spain and on Spani sh-language stations in the United States. LOS ANGELES (AP ) - Funeral services were held ~londay for Tiiford S. Denlon, 91, holdC!" of the world record for the lmgesl run in three- cushion billards whJ died Friday. Oeilon, better known as •'tlf£," has been cited in Rip1.ey's "Belleye It Or Not" for running 17 straight bells in 1919 and equalling that record in 1940. SANTA BARBARA (UPI) - funeral services will be held Thursday for George T. Cussen, 71 . an air lin e executive since he went to work for Charles A. Lindbergh in 1929. Cus.sen died of cancer SUnday at Cottage lfospital. LOS ANGEGELES IUPI I - Salvatore Cemigllaro, 94, Italian·bom "'ood sculptor .,.,.ho Deatl1 Nol ices "AIRllAMKS Jostth H. f::•lrbln-•. r.slden! ol LIOUnB B•ach. 0111 ol dNlh At1rll 10, 191~. s"rvic1s 119ncllna. srwitt1r Lao"na Beien Marfu,lry . .t'/t-1535. WALU.Cll Flo Marl• Wallie .. 01111 of df•ll'I April 9, ltU. N1 Uv1 (!If Or1ng1, Calif. LIJ1 re1itttoc:1, Sin Cl&mlflte, Svrvh•ed by ""e -,R1y W1!1K1. S11n c1..,...,,.,., "~ughler, Yvot1ne Slit!""' br'olher. '!"1r1 H11ld\ltlll)IO, t.ono 8H(h; flVI gr1nd- c;lllld,.,n. Fllntrll :Mrvkn Wiii. 10 AM, 61'11 llt'Olldway ClllPll. lnlcrnmerit, F1lr· Pia.,.., MllTIQl'lll P11rk. tn lleu of flow · f!fs, ti-wl&hlnq to rn1~1 *''"''°"s' llllltSI wnd to Thi AIMrfCl n CI Mel'" So- cle!Y, lm6 Irvine llvd., Tt.1it1n, Ctllf, Bell lf11Mh!ny Mort111ry, olrlldor1. AlllUCKU & SON WHTCLlff MOllTUAllY ,.27 E. I 71h Sr .• Co"o Me.a 6"6--4888 -·-IALTZ-8EIOHON FUNHALNOME Corono del Mar Costa Meso 673-94.SO 646.242 4 I -·-llLL llOADWAY MOITUAllY ) 10 Broodwoy, Cosio Mesa 5-48-3433 -·- McCORMICK LAGUNA HACH MOllTUAIY 1795 l oguno Canyon Rd. 494.9415 -·-McCORMICK MIUION MOITUAIY 28al2 Camino Cooostrono San J11on Cop•i.lro"<) 49.>1776 -·-PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAIK '"°"" 3500 Poc•I< V'...., Dr"'- Newport &.oeh. Co11lor11to 644-2700 -·-PllKfAMILY COLONIAL fUNUIAl HOMI 7801 9ol.o A.,.,, Wesim1n$ltr 893·3.S2S -·-SMITHS' MOllTUAIY 627 Main St H1i1M11n17P11 S.oi;h .),)6.6539 Kt11nl!ly, /lftotl• Mlrlt Ind Mlchul D1vld. Jr. llurnlllm, Jtcklyn lAe 11nd Da:i!tl Scon lltlJr.1, K11rhl"'1 J. Ind Glen L M•llltllo, Miry •nd Warrl!'I Ger•ld • Goul1rt. e art>&r1 JHAM ind ROblrt A. Rflo.loes, J1nt Ann Incl Br-1 C. V1t1Ger Bos, c ri1rltnt Vfclori.t ar><1 Gr~ Earl A!n1lle, Erntsl E. ind Miry Jl"f W"llt, Margaret 1111<1 and WllU•m Htr ... rt Hen<;lrb, C1rl LM Ind la11ra LH Reeve. K ... 111tPI II. -Ingrid E. Robin..,,,, Hoity Jo Ind ll"51'1r LYnn Mvrlltlv, P1lrlce A. llncl Mlc~1tl J. ,,.,..,,,....,, B•rM•a L •nd llruce A. H1germ1n. MllOOe Lvdlt. Ind Oontld (1rne,, Cll!Mrll'le Ander~ a n d Tr.cwn11 Patrick Atlt11. C1rol Slit Ind Rov Wlndl>U w ... ner. K"""'11 IC. <Jnd P11rlcla A. 511-la. oi-M¥1e "" Edw1rtt A. S~l>lltn•""· Wlnl1m l(erlle'Y 11 n d Dtnehe Je1n R1111n11Utn, Eitwlrd F. and A.-M. l(err, Jl "fl Ma.rl9 i nd J1mtt Pllrlc-Ct af9, JI,... L, '"" C•Ylll l J. Wint Prlnc:1, HugPI (. 11nd Emm1 F. S.bo, BNll $. •nd Mkhitel 0. W1lkltr. (l>itryl Lynn ind Rot1nlt Gt ne N1z1rl11n, T""Y Ind Blt111r1 C. Scl\olt, C1'11rl11 f::. 11111 Fr-. Jo.in Di Creclli;o. JlldY K. -NICl\Ola, J . Miiier, P1lrlcl1 Lwnn 11nd "oOert ·-· "llcoll Mardi 1• Qvltl<MU, Ml9d"-E. 11111' Cllltrle1 w. H1r111,, Ccrd Fem ltld Htrt"I' Edwll'd PrllYtm::e. Rllb\' L ._. EtlW1rd L C1rr, R1x1nn• M. •1111' Clllrltt F. Wrlolll, J11ll1 V, Ind Thom11 J, M11l1r, Jo"n T. I nd ~ry T. ChklKktl, Je•rw111 Marl• and Daftt;ld ,,,....,,,(. Htr,...ncte1, 11_,,,.,., 11111' Anlalln sr1w11rt, Pa!rld1 O. 1nd Wnlev End1!.-,., Vicki l~nlll Ind Jlmtl Artllur B•ker, Vlcklfltt Ind Cl1nl'lln W•rr!n, T!rr!nc:e M. Ind Nt~ll l . R~. Jovce Mllr11 ind John Melvin "llHI M111:~ 11 THI ijEPTUNE soc1m ~llft'!"'"' c,._11.,, s~ Wlll'I iflHlllllMl\ell ti ... TM Oltnlfitd 11,.,,.. Alflnl_,... T1 Tiit Cffnr 111~ MortNty "-·· Cl""""' .... ,. ..... 24 Ho1i1r S.,.lct 714·646·7411 1 Sears Where Thrift Is Always In Style .. ~- Pricf'~ Effl'rli\·e 1hrou11h Sarurday. April \:! \ Misses' and Half-size Dresses In Carefree Styles for Spring Pr::iccic::il Jressc·s ... all Joublt· knir polv· L'Stt'r 1n iacquords .1nJ ~oliJ \. ~l ,1ch1nt" \\'JSh.1blt·. In rerriiu: Jof}'lt·s. i\l 1 s~t·~· .u1d ) l.1li·Slll:S. ' 766 Assortt•d l,landba;,i: ( ,1,u,11 Jrlll ,!rt''' \r1 i,_., l.t\h111nt-,! ••1 ~1rllr~t 11n\I In .1 l\1l~' \L·lt·~111111 ol 1 olnr' Located On The Lower Level I I Snappy J nior Pant Sets 1 In Plaid , Solid s, Prints, Jacquards \ / ~+·ar~ l'rir1· ! I lit' r.Jnt \t•f Ill ,1\\0ff~·d (IJ[Or\ ( hoo,t· frv r<f1 h1' t .111r.1~11t .l!rnu r 13 88 .111d t.1lin t) Ju nuJ r ~1t.L ~. Ultra-sheer Panty Hose :--1•1r• 1,,.,.. Prir1•! \1.'nh rt·i nl•)rtt.·,\ '"l Jn,l nudi: ~H·tl Ku11-rl·'1,111·1 (lr1L ~11t '''' •1'i. I ~o Jh, " • 1 ~' Sears Co~ta Mesa Bue11a Park Orange ~tn..,. 11011,...t 1\l ntul •~ 1hr11 ~11 tur1l11;>" 1 lJi:JO \.,~.,,.,~::to I',,\, :1:133 Bri•tol SI. l'hum· .; m.:1:1:1:1 Hl:lO I.a 1•111111:1 i\,·c. I 1l11 •n1· ){:.!'\~ I f)I I :?100 :\', ·ru"lin A'1'. l1h11111· ,.,:t7 .. 21(1C) :-Ou111l1n I;! \ .. .,n '" ,; I'.'' 1THEWORLD? \ ' \\rticn you're tired or :i;ad or 111 or nlad. 11 ouldn 't \OU :-.ny thiil lh(' \\Urld!!i' f i 11 l; f; l ll 11 tJ Ill 0 l" l ni :\ ~n t (I Ct' 11 t I . .' ll•('l ri t' a II )' :.idJU:..lablr l)(•d \IOU\d ht.• the 111 0-.l l"l•rn torl . .tllc pli:1 l"l' 111 tlu· "urhl" Fnr· O\'C'I' :.'O }C'ars. I lic rolks at AdJu~":,\.Bl:'d ha\t' 1:1l kcd tn tl1nu!'<and:-. upon lhou:-.and.) .1r 1x•oph• ;1h•)UI th1·1r bl•dd1n~ prulil1·11'1..,. Uur ;-:-.urvc~ s !«hO"' that mo:-.t of l hcsc f)t"<>plc "'er1• ~lt>t·pinp, on rt:it hl•rl -. \\'lll <'h "'er e t't lh<'r tno !«Oi i or loo h:trd; l oo lt unpy or too olil. These tuud itions v.•crc 1·nnl rihutin 1! to in1propl'r rt''I ;inti bar k pr11h l1·m". Also, flat beds .:ire l l•t ~llly irH.Hl cc1uatc for pcopll' ~·ho s hould !«h'L'P v. 11 h their heaUs or rcl'l t•li:vall'<l. Pi cture yo ur.;clf read or v.·atchini:: 'l'V or tr tu ~11.'CJJ all pro p1w d pillo'o\'S -~lilli ug r('adj u slin~ and tr .!: to be comfort a hl dnn 't you Jouk just the 1nan pi cturl.od ni::inecrs at Slee per IA igc Company ha 1·c e n bu i l d in i: th e n1plctc all·e lcctric djust·,\-Bcds in :il l ·ilcs, tv.·in:-. lo kinf.!S, tor U\'Cr 20 }'Par-;, aud it ·s a<:knnw!cd!!C'd lo l'L' lh1· finest, mo:-.L 1nal!1Ullt't'lll bell in lhc world ·r h c ~ i r I I II I h (' i\djus l-i\·13ed pi ctured tx-low. as you c<.1n sec, has proper sup1K>rl for th1• t·nt1r1• lt·nf.!lh of her ~pinc.,.Th c bl'd, :l real ba('~av cr. l)!"(>V1 d1 ·-. l nl:.l rnft.'rnrl in any or a 1000 no~tu r1··pl·rll't'l poslt1 nn-; I h;it Adj u:-.t ·1\· Bed offers . 'rhc maS\f'r 1·rail!«rftt•n ~1! i\dju:-.L·i\·ll1·d hullrl lh•·-.<· m;i gn1f 1t·L'lll IU'lllll"l'.!'<I"\ <1t prlf'f'S 11111•t l"V•·ryn11e 1·;111 ;1t lo 1d Yoll lt..1 1(: :1 l'hn1•·1· 111 111 1• 111.ill rt':-.s l1r1nn, .. .,,,.!'< lrnn1 ;..ofl 111 !'<HJ11•rl11 111. l·:vt•rynnl· has .1 f1.Jl't11 ·11lar IH!l'd o r d l''>l lP l~hl.:H ft {'(Jfll"l-. ,;, ' m:1ltrr·s .. r1 rn1nf'"·" ~n cons u lt 1\·1th our ht·d (•X )iC rl s <.11\!I ~1 ·l l ht• proper ht·d JU-.! lor )••U '"Thit it Adjutt·A·l•d dre'\wd Yp!" Adjust·A·Bt'rl look" t1k(' your p1·1·-;t•nt '"-'d ;11111 hi s an~ liP ;1dh11a rrt or hl·d~t c;id N:·•~ fh (·1n. t ry lh1•1n .1 1 .1n\ o r nor ~hov.roonl \ '.\l11nd;1v thru Saturc!:iy, ~JU tn S:JO. or t•all l'nr pr1rcs und information. ADJUST-A-BED by Sleeper Lounge Co. NEWPORT CORONA DEL MAR 3137 Eesl Coao;I Hl"Jy South ot Fa~hion l ~and 673-5655 ORANGE 411 Soul"-Mtln Near Fasr'l10n Square ·-' 639-4142 I I \ .\. • 1 D.Atl V PILOTt PUBLIC NOTICE ' SLP·14116 HOTICE' TO' CREDITORS SUPElllOR COURT OF THE STATE "OF CALIFORHIA FOil THe COUNTY 01' ORANGli! No. A·7'1tM • 't.Elllle of CAA:MEN LEGA. NEE: MARIA OEL CAflMEN, Otc;ee•ed. NOT1CE IS HERESY GIVEN to JM crfdhors OI Ille •t>ove n•mW deo;eden! '"'' •II per,ons 11avln11 Cltlms •1tafnt1 !llt IO•d dKedent are required lo flit tllem, wllh llW ne<tuary voi><:l>erJ, In Ille ollk e ol the Cl~ll of me above enlllled court, or 10 PFllMnt them, wl!ll Ille ~ssary vl)U(hfln, to ,.,, 111'\derslgtl<!<l a1 tlle r>ome ot lr.'E>&c:utrl~. OLIVIA DEL RIO, ll\9 ~AcGEE AV E , BERl(ELEY, CALll"ORNIA '1470J, w111c11 Is tht plec .. ol 11us1,..., ol "'" 1111d1rsf11neG 1n 111 m•llers perlainlrl';I 10 In. eo!ale 01 said llKedent, within l our mono" 11rter !he Uri! pul>llc e!IOfl ol 11111 notice. 01Ted March \9, 197• OLIVI A DEL RIO. E~tnJto!:w o1 the Wiii of Int above narrnid decedent 01,.IVIA OEL 1110, H\' McGee Ave . .., ••i'llMY. Calllo•nla t410J ~ 141'1 St7·J1o:2 EJ.Kvlrix In Pro. Per. M•rc 21. u ld April 3. 10, 11, 197' 1on-1' Pub l>ed Or•noe C~11 0 1lly Pltot, PUBLIC NOTICE SUPl!lllOll COURT 0" THI! STATE OF CALllJOllNIA flOfl. THE COUNTY OF OlllANGfi ..... A-1ts77 NOTICE OP ttl!"ARING OF flETITION fOfl PlllottAT,1! OF WILL ANO FOii LETTERS Tl.51:.t.MENTART E1t1te of Cl\ARLES E. HEATH, Otu11«1. , NOTICE 15 He.REIY GIVEN !hf! MAO.Y COUl.INS Hf!>.TH 111s flied llerein • ptolltlon 1111' pnJtwi.k, of Wiii encl ID< iu...nc;e of Leltef'S ~11meni.rv lo ll>t 1Mtlllio!l9f' ref81"9f'Kt to .,.111cn 11 l'l'llClfl IOI' Nr!Mr oerllcul1ri, 1ndl.1Nt IM lime 11\d pl.Ke Of heiring 1119 111me h1• been 111 for AP<'ll :II), 197.( 1t 9:00 1.m., 1,.. Ille courtroom of Deoertnienl\ No. 3 ol 1ald cowt, al 700 Civic Center t)rlvt Wt$1, In tP9 Cl!, of Sant• Ana, c111forn11. Otlt<I April I, 197' WILLIAM E. SI JOHN County Clerk ,111101.lllCK I, FRISCHLING, t:SQ. A.ft_., If Uw lff'll Vtnlur1 •lvd., Sllitw nt EllClllO. C•lllornlt tilt• 'flJ: (21J) ,.l..Jtlt Alltonlrt' for: Pell!l-r . PR·144 Pubtlthed Or•"!!• Coa1t 01ily Piiot, .II)<!! 9. lt, 16, "'' 17'9·1' ,. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNElllSHIP PubUc notice Is herftly itlven 1n11t 011vid A. Pryce-Jones, end Jerrnis R. itubll" lwretol11re doing 1>1..,1rws1 under the fie· IUlouJ firm name and 1!vl1 of Hamilton· JMIS Co .. ,, l~' Scolch Pl"!! SI ' Clry .,( Founleln Valley, CounlY of Ora"!le. SFite of Callfornl1, did on IM h t dlV of July, lp13, bY mutual conter11, Gluolve llMI s•ld part.......,.lp and lll<'mlNile !Mir ,.I•· tlor11 es J>artner1 tlle1'ein. Sall! bulllltS$ In tl\9 lulure will be con- Gucled by J1mn R. K~blk, who wlU pay.end dlKl>ar!!e Ill l11bll!llH •NI detlls of tN nm ind receive 111 monies Pi1v11>l1 10 tnt flrm. Further no!I~ Is Mrftly glWI\ ttuil the Ulldef'Sloned will ..or be r1111Qns!bl1, trom !'.Is day on tor 1nv ot>llgatlons lncurrKI f:Y-f James R. Kubik In hi• own name or In 1~, n~me of !he firm. OATEO AT Founttln Valley, Calltornle, 1~11 9!h day ol April, 197' DAVID A. PRYCE-JONES POll!ished OrtnOI! Coast D1i1y Pllol Aprfl 10. 197• 1760-1~ PUBLIC NOTICE • 1201g 5UPER101t COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF OR.ANGE .... _, NOTIC& OF HE ... RING OF PETITION FOlt PltOIATE OF WILL AND FOR LRTTER$ TESTAMENTARY E1la!e of HAROLD J, MOC!(, AKA HAR0\.0 JACKSON MOCK, DIKeaYd. NOTICE IS HEllEllY GIVEN the! \\llLL1AM JACKSON MOCK hes !!led t11trern 1 petltlo" for Pro1>.11e 01 w111 arid for lssuer>e:e DI L~llers Te•!amen1arv !o the pe!llfon1>r refilrence lo W!'llch Is made lO< further p.ortlcul8ro. end 11111 rne time r~d p!ect o1 hearloq The 1amt has been ..,1 for April xr, 197,, 11 t :JO 1.m .. In lhe <our!room of OP011rtmcn1 NQ. l of •aid tcur1. •1 70ll Civic Cll'n!lll' Drive Wc1!, In 1he (l!V o! Sanll II.till, Californi a. Df !ed Al)tll 8, 197• WILLI AM E. SI JOHN County Cle•• VOORHEES, KNAILE, VOORHEES A.ND VI HITE 11JJlll H1wthomt ltvd. Tortl nct, C1llf. 90SOJ Tl'I: !11ll 311...at Allll'fteVS far: ptlJllo,..r Publl!httl Otin(lf CClo!SI Dally Piiot, A~rll 10. 11. 11, 191' 1157-7, PUBLIC NOTJCJ<~ SUPER IOR COURT OF THE ST.I.Tl; OF CALI FORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No. A·7'J74 NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR PROIATE OF WILL AND FO!ll LETTERS 0 f ADMINl5TRAT10H WITH ·THE·WILL AffNEXEO EstMe o! DAVID TASKER GEODES, ~xe~•ed NOTICE JS 1-lERESY VIVE"! !n<>t JOii "! A GEDOES hM 111KI here!~ I t•l>lollon !Gr Prn!M +e ol Wiii ~n<I tor ~•ua"ce ot Lt1tefs of Jo<1mlnl1!ralipn ·1·1!h-tr..-wi11 an,...,td to tt>e i>tlilloMr ·d wtnc• to wnich 11 made for tudMr f..tr1lc11l11rs, and 1hat !ht time dn<I place· I .. "' "' ~ • "' "''" ,., ,,. Aorll 30, lt U, 111 9:31) a.m , In lhe covrtroom o+ .•e1Mlrl-nt NO. ) cl •aid CQu•I, 81 700 Ivie .C~nlec or;v1 Wei!. in !he C•1V ol •ent~ An8. Calltn•nl~. Dated Aorll 8, 197( WILLI AM E SI JOHN (<>univ ct-· "1l!PHERO. SHEPHERD ANO DUNDAS A!!-~• t i L1w ·112 OuPon1 Or!vt Suite 11 lr•illl, Cllilorftlt .,16+4 Tt h !114) l lJ·IU' 1.19-YS loo: Pe!lllo,..r PUbtl~ht<I O..r•qe Coast Oailv P!lo!, !,prlt 10. 11, 17, 197• ' 1'51.1·7• CHEVROLEASE LEASE '74 CHiYYS! ltw R1ty • f1rly D11ivery A1k for U ASI SPICIALISTI at HOWARD CHEVROLET __......AJ•Me,..llwth. Hew~rt ... ctt 133 -0555 ' ' ,, ' Holid ay in citrus-fl avored sun togs. Now's th e time to sun and shine. Sun . , . in cool terry an d the briefest shon - short s to ever beckon a tan. Shi ne , . in a cheery ca rd iga n knit, comp.inion to a knotty halter. Tops 5-M-L. Pant s. 5 to 13. By Bronson of California. a. nylon and cotton terry jacket, green, yellow, wh ite, oran ge, navy, 5-M-l $20 b. cotton polyester short whi te, navy $12 c. cotton and nYlon ler ry halter green, i'elimv, white-, orange, nav y 5-M-l $8 d.,cotton/pol yester knit halt er orange, white, navy, gree n, yel., black 5-M·l $8 e. cotton/polyester car digan orange, whi te, yellow , black, green, navy, $1 1 f. polyester and rayon jean pant , gree n, yellow, white, navy, and orange 5·13 $16 ' Come to a Bronson fashion show in 1he Campu s Shop, Thu rsday, Apri l 1'1 at 2:00 p.m. at Wilshire, West L.A ., and Sou th Coast Plaza . campus shop coord inates & S\Vi mwear 43-all 21 stores and th e ne\v . may co fas hion place in ce rritos. Sun Togs ..• EX ~RESS ION74 MAVCQ , • .. - .. ' • • .. • \ ;« "i-' j_"" l;,. ,· '. \ .. ' , :• \ '< . \ ,_..., ' '· .. • South Cops! Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa -546-9321 Shop Monday thru Friday I 0 A.M. to 9 :30 P.M. Saturday 1 o. A.M. to 6 P.M., Sunday 12 Noon to 5 P.M. ...J . .. • ' I I I J I • .. • • . . • '·· Laguna Bea~h EDI T ION Toda~''s Fin ni • l\.Y. S tocks VOL. 67, NO. 100, 6 SECTIONS, B• PAGES ORANGE COUNT Y, CALIFORNI A WEDNESDAY. APR l110, 1974 TEN CENT S County Gays Plan •coronation Ball ~ An organization or Orang.e County homosexuals is planning a "Coronation eau·• i\londay nii;:ht al the Balboa P'Jl'ilion on the shores of Nevrport rfarbor. !\lore than 500 persons arc expected to , attend the dance. v•l'ich will be highlightl'd by the selection of an "Emperor" and •·r::mpress'' and other "royalty.'' Sponsors of lhe event call it .. lhe first major 'attempi to bring the gay .com· • munil~' in Orange County together." The formal ball "'iii be path'rned aft~r similar C\'Cnts held annualty in San Fran· risco, Los Angeles. San Diego and Lon~ Beach. About 1.000 persons <ittelldcd lhe Long Beach ball on the Queen "I:: J r-.tnrch 24. Gay courls frotn throughou1 Calilorn111 are expected !o ;;ttcn • the Orange Coun- ty e\'COt. Four 1ncn o p e r a t in ~ JS ABCO Associates arc sponso ring the danrr at no profit. They askl'd not lo be id ent ified because of feo.r o! repercuss10ns "here they work. A spokcsmo.n so.id the group hopes to become a perma11ent promoter for the gay r<lmmuni ty in Orange County\ ··\\"e h<lpc ~o or~anlze the gay people here because so n1any of the }.'._oung kids are lca\"1ng fgr morl' hospitab!..: arcn.s."' a sjiokcsman saul. able • "\\·c'rc people and u·c dt>sl•rvc .1 ch:ince." he said. &-sides sclcc11on 01 un ~inpt>ror <ind C'mprl'SS. thcrc \\"Ill be con1pct1t1on for the tttl('S of prinCt' nnd 1)rinccss. duke ;;nd duthl'ss alld baron ano banlnl':..S. 1'hC' spo kC'sn1:1n said n1cn u1 drag \\ r.l ~ l'h~ib!e to· eompc\C' for the the cn1· P,rl-$~. 1)r1nccss and duchess honors. Thl· :.pokrsn1an said thr b.1!1 ""11s ongu1atly pl,u1nL'<I (ur 1hl· JJ,~111,yl.1nd llotcl ln r\nab1·1n1. bin ;1 repreSl'll!.it!\ ,. u( 1h1· hou·I C"anccli••! th<.'1r r1'Sl·r\ ;11 1c1n . ~:1) ing a n11~t:1kc h.ld ht•t•ll 111,1dt' illld 1!1c 1·oon1 •thl'~ "d rt·~t·f\"l'G h.1d :llrt·:id~· hl·~·11 l)(J()'t.rcl Tht• spokt•;;;n1:i11 s.url !ht' <;tfl1 ,11 ttu 11 tnl'd 4£1 boo~ lh•· 1:r:u1d llotl"I 111 :\n;1hc1n1. buL l'Xl>l'r!CllCld .! SlflUl.ir ft•fu...-·11. • • Till.' l'.1 \l!,1111 11,1-. 1h~·t1 lhu . .i'll .1S thl· .'I!•' \1\11i.1r1 l!1 .11l1 1~di•'" '' !111·\ :111· ;111;1r1· of lni· rr•11111., i•l,111.. \ poltcc- "IN•~•'"rn in ~.11d lht• dc[1;tr l1111·11t i_ .. H"' .1nt11·1p.1llll'-: ,1tl\ 11t•1•d fo1· :HI\' :.p1·1·1.d 1,1 p1• 01f l;n\ t'lll•)r1•t·nu·1\t "\\,• 111.1\· h;i11· 'iJI\\•' jk'Op\\• \lll 1h•· :-r1'lll' h• 111.11." .. ur•· th• n· 1-. no troulll·· 1h1• pollt'L' ol!11 1,1J -;11,! ;'hut lhl'Y \\di h,1'.t' lh11r ~11111 ~l'flHll\ p1•1l)1!1• .• 1ero ssa1 s I 1rms ,. ... , .. • ... •. - • • ' • LAGUNA BEACH LIFEGUARDS TOW DIV ER ASHOR E Resident1 Alerted Officia ls That Youth Was In Trouble SCUBA DIVE R MARK FRANCHINO, 17, IS SAFE ON BEACH AFTER SUFFERING CRAMP Lifeguards Charlie Ware (le ft ) and J im Stauffer Towed Victim Ashore a t Moss Point Tower i11 Laouna :'.'.) For Police Radio Will Be Debated Des pite official claims that a 100-foot police radio tower and antenna would blend into its hillside background, a test Tuesday with an e\·en shorter tower showed it would protrude into the Laguna Beach skyline "''hen vie\ved fron1 downto\vn. The tower question 1r-· •11 b<> v:eighed th is afternoon by the L ' Bca(·h City Council. \\'hich will r ·11tl'd 11·i1h four alternatives to 1h, to\\·er pro- posed by county con1 ·a!ions and l\lotoro\a Radio Compan) oflicials. The present ·.,. radio system depends on an an ten1 ··:1!ed on Top of the \Vorld fire sic. That site is pi ·~ inadequate police communica tion.<; the department switched to a coun .. 1\\idc sophist icated Mtra-high frequency radio systf'm . 'Ole new site is at the irater cnmp~ny's !l-1oorhead reservoir nbove High D ive. The city council has been concerned lhat the ts.ver \Viii be visible and a eyesore on tje hill. Two T rusl ics E~ca pc Jl,fcALESTEH , Ok la. l!iPl1 -Two Oklahoma State Penitentiary trusties ab- ducted a prison doctor and escaped early today. Dr. Rafael Cott 1vas released unharmed 312 hours later but the in· males were still at large. Cott, 3$, telephoned hi s wife from Oklahoma City. 'IT'S FA NTASTIC' SAYS ADVE R1'1SE R "Fantastic!" In that one 11·ord. the Huntington Beach man WhO placed the rolJowing ad In the Dally Pilot's classified advertising seclion described hovr \VC\1 it 11.'!>rked. Here's the ad : '66 V\V Van. 20.000 actual mi .. Runs great. $000. lint. Bch. !Phone No.) Naturall~·. It sold the van. Naturally, a Daily Pilot ad ca n sell ye"-merch1u1· dlse. 'l'est it yourselr. Plac ¥ your ad by phone (dirttt llhe ) by dialing. 642-5678. Lagn11a Res~ue Lifeg11H rds Sare Te e11 Sc ub a Dive r Laguna BC'acb lifeguard~ resrucd a 17· year old scuba diver at the :O.loss Point Co\"e area th is morn ing after the youth got a cran1p about 150 yards from shore. ~lark \V. F'ranchino of \\'est Co\"ina u•as pulled to shore by guards Jirn Stauf- fer and Ch<1rl ie \Vare when rl'sid('n!s of the area called the dcpartincnl after being al erted by 1he s\ricke n di\'cr"s bud- dv. Garv Lloyd. 16. of \\'est Covina. · Fr anc.hin-0 ·"·as to"·cd sonic 500 yards from rocky ~foss CO\"C around a cra:;gy point and !hep 10 shore at \\"oods' Cove below Diamood street. He v.•as rch.•asL'<l after emergCflC'Y treatn1cnt at the sccnc. lie told Ufcguards hl' had ~eittcn a severe cramp in his left lei;: ;1•h1lc under \\"11\t·r. lie camr to tne ~u rlacc. dropped his 111 r tank.!> and \\"l·TJ:lhf bt•lt and 1nrt:.itrd his li fe \"r~t 1~·h1lc hi~ di\ 10;; Luddy \\·1.:nt for help. Fo1~ Laguna Viewpoii1t The Orange County Harbors. Beaches and Parks comm ission voted Tuesday to conside( the cslablishment or the pro- posed Viewpoint Park at Crescent Bay l'oint in Laguna Beach as an ite1n of eountywidc interest. The coinmission asked the Board of Supervisors to sui}port state legialation "'hich v.·ould permit the use of revenue sharing funds to purchase the park. There arc nine lots, valued at Sli0.000 each. in the Crescent Bay Point area under conside ration. The commission hopes to be able to acquire three or four of the Jots. Laguna Beach city councilmen had previous1y indicated that the city would Zone Conscrvaiion Commission , said !hat some commission members u·an1cd 1o preser\'C 1he land by barrin g dc·,·elop-- n1enl on the proper1y. Cas!J('rs saiJ that such a pohcy \\·ould be unfair lo the property O\I ncr The proposed park v.·ou!d be loc;itrd on undcvclopt..xi land alon~ Crescent Bny Dri ve overlooking Seal Rock. It is con- sidere<I one of the fe\I• places in thr ar('a v.•herc ihe publi~ can obse r1·e a seal rookery, or breeding grounds. be willing to finance the landscaping a:ld maintenance of the park but could not ,_. afford the purchase price. BELFAST. Northern Ireland fAP l - Educator Slain 111 N. lrelancl Establishment of the park w11s en· Terrorist ~unmen killed the headm 11ster dorsed by the director of the state P11rks of a school near the lrl~h border today and Recreallon Dcpartml!n t. \\'illia1n and left hi m riddled v:llh bullets in the Penn Alott . who visited lb<! site April 2. kitchen <>f his home. Support has also come from the Sier ra l>oli ce ident ified the 1·ict1m as George Club and from a citizens group. Friends Saunderson. a rormer colonel in the or Crescent Bay Point. which has raised lister Defense Regiment. :\orthern more than $1 ,300 in privair fu nds toward lretand"s national guard . Ile lea, cs a purchasing the lols. Ronald Caspers. • "-'ido"' and an adult fam\ly. Orange County Fif1h District supwvl~r. Saunderson was a British prmy officer has also e.xpre!sst'd interest In the in \Vorld \\1ar 11. }le left the UDR a yeat purchase or the area for a park. Ca$iWrs. ago and returned to teaching at TeenorC'. who sits on the South Coast Reg10nal County f>"'ermanagh. friends said •. '\'' . '. T . 1 I.\ Oil .~ 11.1. ~f oi:e U 11 11.<~11ol t\.\:\~S CITY. \Jo 1 L"f'l l - Tht· h1·Rd or !ht• nnt1on·; l:1rges! 111- l'Onll.' 1nx servrcc bf·l1t.'Vt'S Prt·~i· dent :\1xon cannot dl"<luc1 a \"{llun· tary ~171.009 paymtnt for n\erdue 1969 la xes on !hi~ yr:ir"s re!urn li(•nry Block. prcs1d• .,\ of Ii and R. 131ock. 5a1d Tul·sd:1v th<.it .\ixfJn '> decision to pay t'n1• ~moun1 \Olun· t:trily 1<.;i; ··high!; un11~11;;I .. :\"ixnn h:is hc1·n hil!('f! fnr '!!ii.OOIJ 111 h;!! k 11\••S lron1 l'lf.'l 1!1rou"h 1:•7~ Thr ti1!I rr·pn's•·nts d1 duct1u11.~ tal.!'11 for do11a11on of 1 u·1· prt·~uh·11- l1al p:.11,crs to tli.: .\ <i t ion :1 I ,\rch!\cS. Thi· J.l<.itutr of lin11t.1t1on" ha~ t'"-· p1n'lt for tht• ~liJ.l)ltO d•u· fre;1n Uli/1. . 4itorney Blllsts I rri 11 c Raid .4.t C'ouncil ~fee t Hy JA.\ \\'OTlTl l O! ""' 0.11, ,llol Siii! Fountain \"allry r\11onH.')" .J a n1 11 :-. Sprin g accu~cd poli t C' Tu1·sd;1y n1 j.!ht of using dope and lx>rr :is cnticcml'nl" to Jure suspccls "hich rco;ult~'<I in n1:i ~:-. arrests Alarch 2i or rnorc than 100 ;0t11hs. most from the city of lrvinl'. Spring 1ncide his allega11on~ durin~ an appearance before the Irvine CH)'. Coun· cil. 1\ spokesman for the Costa :\lesa Police Department. the contractor for law enforcement in lr\'1ne. calegorically denied Spring's charges. Spring is the atlorney ror the i>Jrcnts of si:< young prople "'ho "ere nabbed in the maS.!>IVC roundup or drug suspect!. The arrests were duhbcd. "Opcrullon Jr\'ing ·· The Al!Orncy told Irvine councilmen 1n his a lle~;itions th at po\1('(' und erco1•er agents hnd furnished nnrcotlcs and alcohotlc be"crage'S to minors and "thr· enr1rf ruid "'as planned and designed to ~ccure maximum pul>Hclty for the <ir- re!iling agency." A 101at of 100 person!. inrlud1ng 70 1Stt DR1JG., Pag~ 21 .\r t ['e~tivals Seek Ex hi bito r Pa r ki ng Spat·c t\ St-rtcs nf reeo1nmendat ions to CJ\C La{!una Can~on parking during ihc :;un1- n1cr art exh1b111on<s \\'err flrnft•·d Tu11'i· d;iy by a spce1al com rnl\ll1r· ('on1[)<)-.1'<I rif rl'JlfC.'iCO\;Jt1Vl"S of 1·;11·h (Jf l .:i~u11n Ut'iH.l1s three ;1rl 1t1lt\:1l~ Thl' 1>lan <"iill!> fur p1011d1ng n '.llllJ ·i•·!• ,. arl :1 f•Jr 1·\h1bllor p:irk11H! 1,:1 1, ... ' ! lr'.111t ((11111n1ny I.ind oppo,lll l .. 11'1\ Jlun! ., ;ind 1n<·rf'<t~cd lran1 1r.1n~p,.•!'!:1IJ••l1 hl'111c!'n 1hc-fc:.111;il \Jte<, .i~id par~111~ ~u·c,1. By ren1n\ 1ng Tht• r:<h1h1rc1r1;' 1·;1r-; lrr11n lhC' road!'tdc c;;o~·on p<trk1ng 1n1pru1·1·d \ 1~11or porking \1 111 rcsul! .. 11 an :-.pu·1 . con1m1ltec chairman s:ud . Co-.l of pro\ 1d1ng the parking 11111 br :in (':.tnn,.itcd sa.ooo !O Si.Ol~J tn he dl'fr;ivecl by '1 ~10 per arust ass(·-.~n1ent b• 1l!f' Fc~t1\<;Ll of Art~. S;111du.~t Fe~11,;d anrl :\\r·A·Fair org:11111;i11on<> r·ards ,,·ould tw ,~~ut·d 1·• •·\"h1l111f1r<: all11\\·ing th!'1n to ride lhc tr<un:. v.1l111,ut rh:1r_'!C . Tht' rhrc·1· h•-ti\;11, ;1rf' ;i I ~11 1·tK•!"lt•r:illn~ nn r~1;1hh~tnng l•1ad1ni;: 1nnc-. f•1r !he exhibitors nc.lr lhl' cxh1bit1on :-11 1':-0 ~1:.. Spiry ~Rut -he• 11;1-. pl<'<l't•1! \11ih !hf' cooperation of 1·:11eh of rh1' urg;11111a. t1ons. anrl cxe1!ed that al! t!1rce \11·r" \.\Orking hig«th(·r. ''Th is 1:;; obviouslv a :.tcp l'l tlif· 11~h1 dirt•cuon ... :;he ~,11(!. The n:co111n1cnda11ons 1\111 t)\_· ft)r"urd· I'd lo the t•Jty 's parking d!ld trru1sr11u:ta- t1on eon1mitt1'<' \\hich is cx 1x·t'tL'1'.I to report to the city counl·1I April 17 ~I!' S1nry said Jihc h<Jpcd that mrrehants 100 could itC't 1nv,,[, ell 1n r<'duc1ng the parking problen1 and ~11,1:· ~C'S\C'd ;i p:1rti:1I !'iUh."1dy Of !he C'1ty lr:Jlll s~1~ten1 coutd rc~ult in 111\.\·C'r f.trc~ und 111- c1't'as~·d u."11R•~ hy !'inmmcr v1 .. 1tors. Sh~ had propi)scd 1hnt 1hc festivals turn n1er 10 J)('rccnt uf lh('ir i;:at1~ rc-tl•1pts 10 ~1•ldll<' th<> 1r11m~. an 1dc11 l'ountcrcd by the rxh1b11or parking Area The L'<1m1n1ttt't' includes :O.ls. Sp1r~. prer.1rlcnt Arl -A·f :l1r. J un1rs SchnHll. i\rl Fe..'ilivnl dtrcclor: I.Jon \\'~ir. Sawdust lrca<\urrr: Belly 111 ye r ". Ch.imbcr of Commerrc-1nanager. and S1an SCholl, publlc \\Orks dlr«tor l11 l ltt ~t1·y ' U.S. 'Too Sec i·ct ivc' By l" \\l)ACE l'E.\HSll'\ Th--nil 1ndu'ilry :ind 1h,• fl•dt·r;1\ ):.O\i•rnn'·:tl! h,1\"l' oprr:ir•'d l{l(• 'l'tr1·!I~ in p:opo-,.1 .. to <iJ"ll'!l up 7 i n1ill1011 offshnn· ;u·rr~ for oil rll'ill1ng. 11 11;1~ ("h<trgL-d T1l\'!'lfia;. Thf' publie·~ intt•rc·st i .. n·t hC'inl'.: pro· lt'r1rd. A""''n1hl\ man Alan :-;1~·rOI\' i !J- 111•\'l'rly ll 1IJs1 :.~1d :it :1ht:ann~1n's,1ntJ ~lriri1r·1 51t•ruf\ 11hfl rh.ur~ !hl' St·ll·tt C'orn- !l'IUt(' 1111 {'•Ju~l.il Zon•· H\"•OL1rt·••s. 1:01n· p:.11n1·d th;1t -~ lp1111011-. 1Jf olttc1.1I" 111 c .. .i ... !:tl t"lll\'' 1n 01.111~·· ,111d \.o'i .-\ni.:l i•·~ l'1>llt1!11 , li;,1t·111 ti<·•·n ·•iu-'h' li~ 1 11~· h·d··r;ii t:flrl'rl1~11·n1 -t'urr• :1! lc;1<;(·s of drilhni: r1~h1s h1 !h1• :,.i.l't' :ind rt'flf'r al govl'r!lnll'nl hrin ~ tflO 11 1.·h pr11f·t t11 priva1l· 011 cor11p,1n1l'" .tnd tc,u l1ttlt· tu lhC public. · Th1·rl··s <in :111f11I lnL of n1ont\' ht'rt• ~1t·rr.t1· ~·ud. refcrro1g 10 currciit priers (,1 rul. ··11·~ .1 11 ·~ourr(• lh:!I l~·lnnt:" tn th•· p••npi•· · h·· addt•d :it hi.s 1·on11n1 \11'l!:; 11•·,1r111~. · J'n1 not ~urc !ht· pcnplt• .1r1· :;•·!tin~ .u1 ;1d•·l111;1l1· rl'turn .. Si1·roty :1el'U:-.l'd lh•• fJil <"t)n1p:inirs of h;1\ 1n~ •1 "'1".d\nu~ d1sreg:1rd"" for !h\• p11bl1c in't·r• ~1 Ht• 1old rl·'i1'ar<'h sr1f'n!i~1 .:; lr11m !h1· I: \;.ill C11rpor:it111n !h:i t hr· ":in!-. 1h .. rn t<l l1t0k i:t!n 1h\• Pl"'""1h1lJ1~ of th·· !.l<11t' ;.;ran t111~ ii" •11rn r·nn!r:i<·ts. 1101 10•:1~··~ fnr dnllin!.\ :ind then n1arkl'l1n:.: th" 011 1l'il'lr Thi· ht·;111nii 11 :1~ ennr•·n11·d 11·11!1 th•· ;[ate l~·ind" ("nr11n11s ... 1rn1'-. pl :1n:;; I•! ;oilH\\' re.,un1pt1nn uf <Jlf~ho1·t· tlrill111!.> fro 111 , \ 1~11ng 11t·ll-.. The rl·.-.111110111 :d..o d• .1·· 111 1l1·1 ••. r 11 1· ft·d,•r;d prn111,,.1i-. t ·i~ ••l!,hoi•· !t·.1~•· :Jlfln· 1hc 1·r.,1•\ !COl11 \"o ·ll!tJ1·.1 L'•illl1! ! , S;111 I lt·n11·n1t•. \\"tHldlfll.! Tn ' i•1«·11!hl! I'\ lu<l•.· ! . )l \.\[I o!t."1:d• lht •. ,,I?•·. !K1ll·nl1;il 1,,.1r1 ... 11• .. :r Jllu1•1u c···n J, ll'h ,.ind ~an· l.1 \!11/JI• ii ··1 d1J11 I s1·1· :u1•· r•·<1..rin 11hy rhr oil cnn1p;1nlt'" 'hflul1I h:J\"l· !n!al t'Qntrol O\"t·r ih1., rl·sour(..-~li•rul\ d1·cl<1rl·d Th11 onl\ 011 rnn11lan.1· spokl•c;rnt1n prf·~··nl. r~·pr1·~l'nl1ng \':\:>:On C-Orp .. t•·•tifi1'(l nc\1 und1'rsp;; <lri111na techniques ;11!n\1 01! r•l(plor;111on 1fl li1kc plac1· 11·11hou1 :1hfl1• -\\atcr pl.;tform~ \1Sibh' frnm 1h<' d1~1ancr .\ spokl'Smon for l.f.lckheed io.l 1ss1l1·~ .:inti Sr1:1ct> f'o. r~:pl;11ned ab o u t 1Sre OIL, Page 21 o~~:: a\, -=oast l \'eath er ~Ju-.th tle<ir through Thursday. \\,,r111i r d,1\<\ \\llh highs al tht: bl'uc·hp" in th~· upprr r.os ns1ng to thl.' IOI\' i('ls. (ool night.'! \~Ith O\"er- "Hbllt 101\.'o ~3.;,.'J. l :\SIUI·: l'OllA \' '.\/l)UC'!/ 7"ref · a !l('W feature '111 rl•r IJu .. y Pllot"s }uumcial {lr.1/r\. lru/11 11 dtsrribr~ /lit.• on11cs 11 1 l/r;o r.1lber1 bro11!Prx Tfllo Of· lt>11d .~n1111• 20(} co1 por<Jlf'.'j o yeur. 1•1.1t .~rJ1r111n ''P iroitble. See ~!CJ/ !I 011 Pc1r11• 'Zi. ol! Ytv• SU~!Cf ' ...... ltlot ' ''"'"' " ... ~. ,_ " '· " .. ,. " l'o'!l~lfl •• C.i110•~<I • 1,0.11•11•! F'unf1 ft C1111o11it11 I\ ~I """~ ""' •. u Comor\ " o •• .,.,, c-1, , .. ,, C..iu.,..ro " "·~·'· ·~ Do•• Wot"'' " SrlY11 • .,w n £111Wll t .... , ' S01>rl1 ••• EM1r!1ln..,.,.1 ",. ~19<11 Mflftlti. ··~ F1111nt• ll·tt Ttlt•,,,.n • •oM " Tiot1t.r1 ,,.:u Ho..i1ftot " ...... • AMI llftMtl " Wwltl Ntw1 I, JI ' \ '· ·I • . • • • L_• _____ w_"'-"-'..c\day, Aprll 10, 11}/io Meir Quits ·-·11• ursda y; • S:lie V ows '"-~ .. I T~L AVIV fUPI} -Prhnc l\tinisu•r Golda l\1cir told her Labor P;;irty today sbc' will resign Thursduy. The lsracli political crisis blew up over grov.'ing demands that Defense l\-tinister i\foshe Dayan resign because or Israel's al!l!.Scd unprepa redness y.·hcn F.gypt and Syria a\l<ickcd Ocl. 6, \'orn Kippur. Mrs. i\1elr had formed •I shaky l'Oali- tion following the October w<tr 1\·lth Dayan rem:uning as dcf('nse minister. ~ calls for his rcsignatlo:t persisted. 'Ibc Israeli chief or starr. G£11. David Elnzar, resigned last Y.l'Ck. ~ 7~ycar-old prime minisicr told her party's jeuders mat she had definitely TANK, ARTILLERY DUELS f'.LARE AGAIN -Sto ry, Page 4 made Up her n1ind <lnd she roold not be roitvinccd to st:i.v in the post she has held stnce 1969. an <>ffi cial source said. "I have reached the end of lhc road .'' 11'rrs. M('ir said. "I can go on no longer. 1'hi.:! has noU1ln~ to do \vith 1'1oshc Dayan but only with myse U." ·rhere has hccn a series or political c'riscs since the Octobe r War and in .January both l\rlrs. l\·leir and Daya n threa tened to resign. , ·The cabinet crisis d<'Cpcned earlier to- day with a legal opinion hinting at Dayan's responsibility for Israel's un- preparedness for the October \Var. Political sources s.1id it could force him to quit and thus topple the government. The opinion by Justice P.1inisler Hai.Jn 7..tldok sa id Dayan is not legally bound to resign. Dayan requested the opinion. "'f'hc opinion said that a minister is responsible for what is done in his ministry.'' one source said. "1'lat's ~·hy If you read the opinion correctly you have to reach the conclus ion that Dayan must go." The three factions of !\1rs. 1'1eir's Labor Party held urgent n1eetings in the con1mittee rooms of the Knesset (Parfia· mcnt ! building in efforl s to solve the crisis before a possi ble vote of no con- fidence comes up in a scheduled Knesset debate Thursday. Party officials gathering in the cor- ridors outside lhe rooms had speculated • rn.at Mrs. 'P.1eir and lhe government may resign. Atrs. ~1eir. in a black coat, sat at the rear o( the room where her Mapai fac- tion met. She appeared somber. Dayan entered the corridors smiling and.chatting. tn 1he room . he sat on the far side opposite the 75-year-old prime minisler. Dostal, Rogers , 1 1}.uelin, Barrett Ne,ivport Winners By L. PETER KRIEG Of 1119 Dally Plkrl Staff ~cwporl Beach volers returned in· rurtibcnts ~1ilan Dosta l aOO Howard J~ogers to the City Council Tuesday and L~t·cted t~·o new council men1bers v•ho had both campaigned against special in- lcresl groups. The election ~·as highlighted by the '1etory of Mrs. Lucille Kuehn. who scored a smashing triumph in District 6 over Planning Commission Chairman William Agee and two others. A much closer r<1cc had been anlicipated. !'<1rs. Kuehn·s upset overshadowed the surprisingly sn1atl margin by which Vice ~layor Rogers ~·a.~ able to reta in his Oistrict I seat against a <'hallenge by ,\!rs. Peg Forii1t. ln<'umbcn! Fourlh Oislrict Councilman l ~lSlal was the larJ:cst vot.e getter as he \\r•n :i ~econd 1cri11 1r1 J)islrict 4. Re>:-illor .I . Peter Barrell \\'On a surprh,. int:ly rasy victory In l)islrict 3. dl'feating !1\"0 olhcr cand1cla1r~. Votl'rs approved rhr<'c charll·r (·hangl'S hut rt•j t•f'ted two o!hc.rs 1"he losers both di:a:t \\ith c1ly-o\\nrd pro1>e.rty. OlAHGI COAST l8 DAILY PILOT ' r. •;"Oo.1,r' • ,. . .,.,,.~,.,.,,,. ..., ................ ""'"' . .,, •. ., .. °",_ "' . -. ' ... ~· 1 _11 1~· ......... c.. ~·· r .. ~ .. ,.. , "' •" •+ <r " ...... ~ ''°''"' ... .... . ..... ' ' >1"1 •< A I f"I' .... , I'•• •· i, r<11••,,,. · "'· '~---' ...... ~ .. j)• • .. , r I ~;., , . .....,,, "·1 r ,,, ,.. .. , ....... , 1-1 ........ ,...,'", 6 f~Hl ~h7.:!f'f.O~ ,., 'ff'<o!.•--ql , ••• L..-kac:h Otflct 1?) ~"•°1t "-,,. /.'·1.W.,A;Jr,o, 1-0.fl,,.lllA,({W,1 ....... ~ ..... ,., .... , ... ~·-...... , ,..,. • ,\tJ .... .,frl!~-~ "1' a. " 1 ,. ,. t""• • . ........ , ............. '°''-~'-· ... ,... ...... l•ltph-171416 42·4121 C lo~'lf"'d Ad•~1~ 64l·Sl71 Lo°""'o It.ch Al Oejtori-11f1.: Ttk-,.tloM 4f4.t4•l .. •• ' c>•·"" r •' '""' .... , (t:-- '" ... !()<... .... ~1,, ....... , ... ... "" ........ ''"""""'"II _., • <ii..... '''·"" .... ,_ ~ """'-r >'lotf· .. 11..-.. 0-"'" {'4 ·~ ........ &, , .... liO't .... ,.,.,y "9""i1 .. _...., ,...,i.oo,--••111~tJ OO~f ·~ From P .. e J Co1111ty Y 011ths • DRUGS •.• jilveniln and 30 adults, were arttsied In lhe operatloa. , Speclfieally. the allecatioos were that : -A male undercover narcotk:s agent, repeatedly solicited minors to use 2 Electrocuted narcotics and furnished both narcotics and alcohol to them. t -A fOmale undeh:ovu 1glhl, ~anlz ed a party on Dewberry Way that wu raid1-d l\tarch 'n. -The Costa Mesa PollL'e Department re!C'a.st'll to the Dally Pilot a list of war· rants to be served durlng the bW!lt givi ng the names and addrcs~ oI ce rtain Juveni lf!S and adult& and the crimes with ~·hich ttlose persons would be charged. -Several judges, city of I i c i a I s , rt•porters, and deputy di'!ltrict 11ttomevs \\'ere invitcd to accompany police on the raid. -The ra id ~·as designed for m.'.lxlmum p~~llcily '"wit~ut regard to the preju- d1c1al effect this I ublici ty may have on l;1te r rourt actions.," -It is lhe continuing policy of the \.osta Mesa Police Department to stop and harrass juvcnllC'S ~·ithout ~·arrants or probable c1:1usc. The '":>uncil received the aJlegations without comment. Spring 8<1-id the parents bclleve "the c,.-ouncit has the duty to inq uire into these matters responsibly, objecti vely and with all due haste." Lt. John to'. Rega.'l , chief of the Costa ·111esa-lrvine narcotics bureau under whose direction the raid was carried oi.it. denied his agents used beer busts as cn- ticen1ents. Though he said he '\\'as \\'ell aware or the ~l/cgatioru even before Tuesday's meeting, he would not com ment on thcn1 in detail. He said he did not wish 10 jeopardize his cases and predicted ihc facts would be clearly revealed in court Lt. Regan agreed that one of the female agenls was present when officers moved in for an arrest. . "W~ are prepared lo answer all ques- tions m court. The judges wouldn't ap- preciate us getting involved in a verbal trial in the press." U . Regan said. Summarizing the parents' objections, James Hoo1e of Turtle Rock, father of one of the arrestees, said, '"l'hc in· troduction. of undercover agents -of secr~t police among our children. posing as friend and peer, is to me repugnant "Who selected these secret agents? \~ere they carefu.lly screened to insure highest ~oral character and integrity? ~as their primary motivation the best inler~sts of our children?" Hoote asked. . Spnng added the alleged police prac-1!~ ar~ producing "a whole generation of Juventles with utter rontempt tor the Jaw." "We are afraid, we're intlmldaled " sai d one mother. "\Ve're afraid of all the legal entanglements -but all ;ye t now is that we don't want secret police in our homes and schools." .1:he parents have organitcd an "Irvine C1t1zens Committee" which they say in- cludes 200 adults and youth. Th~y said they are meeting regularly to discuss and try to document their complaints against police. The next meeling, open to the public, is set for Friday at the home of James }loote, 4991 Paseo de Vega. "The reason we haven't made our complaints to the police department is th~t they arc not responsive," one parent said. "The city council has hired this police service, so they sOOuld take responsibili ty for 'vhat happens." Paul Ellis, a neigh bor of the Dewberry Lane home \\·here several youths wl•re arrested in the raid, said he couldn't agree with the parents' com plaints. "\Ve"ve lived across the street fronl this family for five years," he said. "I honor th e police depart1nenl. I've fed in· formation to them and I'm going to con- tinue to do so. I'm astounded at some of the remarks tha t have been made. This thing is not over by any means -just ask any of the neighbors who know what is happening." Robert I1ayworth of 4242 Seton Ro:id said he believes Irvine has become "a n1iddle class ghe tto." ''\Vhen your kids say they're going out. \\'here can they go around here? Alpha Reta? There is more to do in Leisure ~\·orld . ·· There is nothing happening to improve the situation for our children." From page .l OIL ... subsu rface J't'U)Vfr)' systems operated by bis finn. Rand Corp. or Santa Moo.ica released a report this week indicating areas with the highest potential for oil production lay close lo the lllO!t heavily used beaches. ''ideo Ne l\'Sn1 cn Investi gated By Se attle Chief SEATI1..E (A P).-/\ctin.; Poliec Orir.r Robert tlanson said Tuesday th e Seatlle Poll<'<' l)eparlment inveS!iga led the backgrounds of thrl"t.' television new~men while for1ner Oiicf Gt-orgc TieL«:h was running the department. But. Hanson denied publlshed reports that lhe departmen1 had also ln- ves1lgated members of Mayor 'Ves L'blman ·lli slaff. Tht televis~oo newsmen-0\:arJes Royer , Don ~fcGaffin and John Lippman of K!NC.·TV had broadcast comments crlricaJ or then Cl!.ier Titl!Ch. Tie!~ is oov.· police chief In Santa ~fonlca and v.·as fonnt'r dlief 81 Ga rden Grove. The investigations Were halted as soon a.5 a Jeii:al adviMlr to Tielsch IMrrK.'<! ••bout them and told ·Ticlsch lhty were llllpro~r, llanson said Tielsch then ordered Lhe tiles on the newsmen delltroyed. The lnvestlii:atioo lasted only a Jew dnys last winter, t~aMOn said. • ·-. Going ·swimming A youth who tcsh.-d the water9 or the Colorado River near Parker, Arii., with his loe Tuesday after two buddies fro m the TusHrr area dove in and vanished to- day owes his life to caution. Yuma County Coroner's deputies today tentallvf!ly listed the dea ths of tht tv.·o victims fished from the popular boatiog resort ~·aters as due to electrocution. Karl Siegel. 16, of 12881 Bubbling Wells Road . Santa Ana . and r.1ark Sweeney. 17. o{ 1201 S.E. \Yalnut Ave .. Tustin. ap- parently dove directly into a leaking electrical current spreading through the vtater from a boal dock. •Did I Lay That?' YOWlg Siegel v.·as dead on arrival at Parker Community Jlospilal. where bis companion-who still had a flicker of life earlier-died shortly after arrival. . ' Ophelia, a~ ost.rlch at Lion Country Safari in Laguna 'Hills, gazes in stunned d1s ~hef at one. of Jle~ eggs as she tries to fi gure 1:1ut the strange 1nark1ngs. It was a trick perpetrated by an artistically-in· clined employc of the African wildlife preserve, who felt that a gaily decorated egg wo uld be more in the tradition of Easter. RemaiM were taken to ·the Parker Funeral Jlome pend ing autopsies, but Reinecke Plea.: 'Not Guilt y'; Tru1l Jun e 19 LA COJHJH.eJ&t Nixo11 Eco11omy F ailiu·e, Says Ex-Irvine Exect1tive \\'ASHJNGTON (UPI) -Ll. Go\'. Ed Reinecke of California p I ea de d "absolutely not guilty" today to three counts or lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee during testimony concerning From Wire Services Robert W. Long , assistant secretary of agriculture and ex-Irvine Company ex- ecutive, said Tuesday that the Nixon ad· ministration's economic policies have failed and ··maybe we just have to learn to live with innation." Long also ~·amed that the inflation "i ll include food prices higher ::.an those to whirh consumers are accus!omed. Speaking at me Great Western Li vestock and Dairy Show in Los Angeles, the former Irvine Comp.1ny vice president of agrirulture, noted th:it La.gu1ia Boa.rd Probes Proposed Sliopping Center the administration's belt-tightening rinan cing of the 1972 Republican national convention. measures have not worked and the public A tentative trial date of June 19 was docs not want sterner measures. set by U.S. District Judge Barrington Those hicasures would include higher Park er. That is two weeks alter a June 4 la.'{es, less public spending, tighter credit California Republican primary in which ..:ind possibly a revaluation of the dollar. Reinecke is a candidate for the nomina· "\Ye ha ve been follo\ving a tight money lion to succeed Ronald l{eagan as governor. and conservative fiscal POiicy since the Reinecke's lawyers asked Parker for inception or !his admini stration," he said. · an earlier trial date "so his innoceoce "Tha t policy has failed to do the job." may be established before the primary." "~taybe we just have to learn to live J>arker said he had a "cro\\·ded court \\'ilh inflation . There is a question as to calendar but would consider the rc- how lruly honest we are abou t strong quest." public statements against innation , Reinecke'.s lawyer. F. Joseph Donahue, because it is our collective actions which also asked that the trial be moved to indu-it... r ..... Cali ornia. Parker took that request The ccmomic goals should be relative-under conside ration and said he would ly full employment. s a t is facto r y rule later. economic gro"1h and generally stable Reinecke was indicted on perjury prircs. he said . charges fo r testimooy about an offer by As to his prediction ol rising food Jnternational Telephone and Telegraph prices, Llng said that in the past farm c (IIT hel subsidies have been paid by the fede ral orp. ) Ii p finance the GOP con- governmcnt ~·hit'n have tended to favor vention then scheduled for San Diego the consume r. during hearings on Richard G. Klein- Subsidies are being phased out and the dienst's nomination for attorney general. I' . Speaking with reporters shortly before .fl.1embers of tbc Laguna Beach Boa.rd new po icy is "to keep our cotton picking his court appearance . Reinecke said of of handl!I off '' the marketing of fann prod· Adjustment will consider two items ucts. the case against him : "It appears non- dealing with the prQposed 44 million Agriculture Secretary Ea rl Butz "is professional. It's a flimsy charge. There l.Aunberyard shopping complex in completely sold on the basic princ;iples of is something very strange abou t the downtown Laguna in a meeting at r7:30 the market place operating without whole thing -I can't help but question government interference, .. he said. the whole motivation behind it." p.m. Thursday at City Hall. Asked if he thought the indictment wa s A I r f d In return , Long pointed out. farmers pprova o a aca e at the shopping \.\'ill havr to· "respond to increased op-politically moti va ted, Reinecke obserVcd complex's parking lot \\'ill be requested . , that it ca me "very close" to the prin1ary. of I~ boa d d h portun1ty ' and be prepared to withstand . r an t e continued con· h Parker gRve Reinecke's lawye r un1;1 t e criticism of consumers "'hen food si der Lion of the relocation of the Laguna prices go up. and to "'witTistand the Aprll 17 to file olher motions in the case Beach lAlmbe.r Co1npan y \\ill be un-dei1aken by lhe board. ll'ITiptalion to seek public tax support" and gave the \Vatcrgate prosecutor's of- ~ relocation or the lumber company \\'hen they fall. fice until April 24 to respond. A hearing is to a Laguna Canyon Road site north of on the moti ons ~·as set for Saturday. Canyon Acres Dri ve. Residents or a \\'f Both sides indicated they would be bordering Arroyo Drive have expressed ll if C, 70~ 1\ r t·cs lecl prepared for trial by 1itay 20 if Parker concerns about the impact of the Jun1ber could find room on his calendar for an operation. ROLLING HILt.s ESTATES (UPI) -ea rlier date. Plans presenting both a through street A 78-year~ld man ~·as stabbed to death Parker said. "I have a calendar where between Arroyo Drive and Lag!Pla Gan-Tuesday and hi s 70-year~ld .,..·i fe was ar· defendants are languishing in custody yon Road. and a cul-de-sac within the rested in connection \\'i~ murder, ac· and I imagine that other defendants lumber company site with access only to cord ing to sheriff's deputies. Deputies would like a similar fa st disposal of their Laguna Canyon Road have bee n ~aid John Lewis died following an argu· cases. I will have to let it s1ay as it is for shcrllf's deputies said all indicatioru pointed to electf"O('ution due to the power soµrce leaking current lnt.o the river .. He said a party of youths Including Siegel and S\\·eeney-~·ho were staying .with relatives for Easter Vacatton on the California side-were at a boat dock fi\"e nii!es north of the desert resort coin· munily \\'hen it occurred. One of the victims jumped into !he ri·Jer and ~·hen .1e faill'd lo surface 1.1•ithin a reasonable tune !he St"cond made a di\'c. lie lN. failed lo come up. at .,..·hich' time a lhird boy wisely Tested the water and felt a surge of electrical current shoot into his loot from the area Sur· round ing , the boat dock. The po~·er current was cut off , after \\'hich a third adult present helped reco\'cr the victims from the ~·ater. The youths had apparently taken a boat across the river from the point \vherc. they were visiting and pulled up at the dock ·where the fatal n1ishap oc- currcd. , One ri;port wh ich could not be con- firmed Was that the craft suffered engine trouble and tbcy had docked in an effort lo re-sta rt it. Sheriffs deputies s<J1d it ~·ould be possible for a faulty ground wire at the electricity~uipped dock 10 have leaked a sufficient current to caUse the deaths.' ' Rocks Crash Into Coast Jr7 Ol'nan' s Car A San Clemente . Woman driving south near the unused 'Reev,es Ranch freeway ovcrcrossing late Tuesday narrowly missed serious injury when three persons standing on the bridge pelted her car with large rod& One missile shattered the windshield of the woman's car. r-.1rs. Helen Bagley or 1512 Calle Ha- cienda reported the incident to police a few minutes later. Officers said the rock -about two In- ches in diameter - hit the window and narrowly missed the driver's face. Officers checked the area ot the bridge but could not find a trace of the rock thro~'ers. The overpass is one of few left in the area that does not have high fences to prevent pranks. It carries no traffic, ex~ cept for occasional farm vehicles and he rds of catUe. Last Cliance To Pa.y Ta.x es Orange .Coun1y propcny o~'ners must pay !heir second installment on county property taxes today or face penalties of 6 percent and S3 in costs per parcel. Orange County Tax Collecto r Robert Citron said taq>ayers should bring their payments to his office in person or have thcn1 postmarked by midnight tonight to a\·oid the penalty. prl'SCnted. Residents are opposed to U!:iC ment with his ~1ife~ fi.tabel. now but I wiU reconside r my calendar." of A1Toyo by heavy !nicks. -~-------_:_ _______ _:__:__:_c_:_.:..:.::.:::.==:.=:::.::...::::.:::-~::_--'==============-' Board members have bc('n concerned about lun1~r storage in th(' cu nyon rlood plain. Other itcnlS to be considl'rcd by lhr bo.1rd include t\\'O proposed hoUSl'S ;11 Arm Beach Heights and desi5n revic1v of an auto part s store on Broad1\ay. Tee11 Sc11tc11ce <l In Gu11 l 11cid ent bOS ANGELES IAP) -Daniel 1.ce. l\tartin. 18, has been sentenced to one year to life in prison for the shooting of a pori~man \\'ho lost part of his right ear. Orticials said the Pasadena youth. \\110 plP.ai:led guilty, assaulted officer Arthur Ruditsky '>'-ilen he stopped ;i car No\•, 28 in ll oll)"''ood to issue 11 traffic ticket. II \vas later learned the l"<lr W<IS stolrn. Corli PoJ.lpin~ Brings Lo 1cs 11it A \1-aiter who clairrii; hP "·as 5r:rlolL.ttl)' Injured in a Ne,.·port Beach restaurant '>'-'hen a poppln,'f cork [rom a champagnt boU le struck him in the eye ants SI00.000 in <Wmages from the rmkes and distributors of the bu~ bly. Stuft Shirt employe F. M~rco forstc.r of a pioneer S.1n Ju11n Dipistrano family names United Vln1ners. Inc. and Heublein Inc. os dcfendanta: in hil.l Orange County Supe rior Court lawsuit. rorsler claims he was struck in the eye by the flyin~ cork fron1 a he>ttle of Jaques Bonet chi:.mp:igne on April 7. 1973. while serving lhe beverage IQ diners. ' I • , May t he J oy or EASTE R lie with you and yours .John Hart Lynn Hart HARTS SPORTING GOODS 532 Cenltr S!. Cosio Mesa • I ' ·I I I I ' -..... --... ., r - .. Saddlehaek 'J'oda~''S F inal • N.Y. Stoclis EDITION VOL. 67, N0._1_00, 6 SECIJONS,_8!1..eAG£5 _ ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1974 TEN CENTS Mayor Pryor Proposes Police Referral Pla'n In response to parents upset by what they clai m is wifair ,police behavior in the ~larch '!1 narcotics raid in lt\•inc. ?\layor Gabrielle Pryor Tuesday called for immediate action to set up a referral center to deal with issues of policing, youth services and "problem kKls." -ryie council backed her w1animously. \'ot1ng to send the concept to th e city ~ s1aff f~r a JO.to 60-da'Y study. "Th l.S is an idea whose tilne has con1e * Irvine -dramatically,'' ~!rs. Pryor said. "II u•ouldn't necessarily be a panacea but it is badly needed and \lo'C should try it for a year at least .'' She said she felt imm£'diatc action is n~ed to help resolve "\\•hat seems to be a Social problem of n1ajor proportions." ~irs. Pryor made her presl'ntation at the end of the council m~ting. Earlie r, lhe COWlcil had made no coin· n1ent on a spffch by attorney Jame s {:: Spring of Fouutal.n Valley Yiho rcpresen1~ ;1 group of parents wthappy \\'ilh hO\\' police handled the..?i-larch '!1 raid. .. ·"Policemen sholfkl not be expccl<.'d 10 act as substilutc parents, nor can the ~liCe force be looked to to soh·e con1- 1'nwtily problents.:· ~lrs. Pryor s;ud 111 . ,h~r "'rittl!n statement. • In its community r('1atioos \\'Ork . lhl' police department should 00 stressing four {!lain points. ~trs. Pryor Said : "·h111 Drug · Raid Rapped by Lawyer IJ1aive1•sity Pu1·k Branch Library Given Approval Orange County supen •isors gave their blessings Tuesday to construction of a SJJ0.000 branch library in Jrvine's University Park develoPIJlent- The ne"'' library. '>''hich V.'as designed by Irvine architect George T. Kno\\'lcs, "ill be built on a ty.·o-acrc site al the in- tersection of Sandbury \llay and \Vhite\vood \Vay adjacent lo a ney,• city park. Supervisors \\'ere told that the 10,000 square-foot building \Vas designed to 'fit in \~'ith the architecture of the sur- rounding hom es and \Viii provide max· imum pedestrian access. The plan Knowles m:i"•cd to the board consisted of a si mple, square structure l\'ilh a central. circular core coll'laining the checkout de sk. a con1muniry meeling room and other .!'iervicc areas. The outside of th e building. \\'hich \1i ll be conslructcd primarily of natural \\'ood, takes on a t'Ollical shape \1 ith a chimney-like skylight ln the center. Knowles said the structure "'as design- ed "passivel y" to fit into the qui!!! neighbornood surroundings. The architect told super\•isors the S35 per square foot cost i~ becc1ning stan- dard for such buildings and should re- main fairly stable for the rest of the year. Bids are due to go out on the building early this sun)mcr and construction should be completed by this 1in1c next year, Kl,lOwles said. Advance Billing for Two Ad vance billing for a $16 million park and rec reation bond measure and a $2 niillion bicycle and hiking trails bond proposal Y.'as approved unanimously by the Irvine City Council Tuesday. State law requires that. prior to an election on a financial measure, voters be given exact predictions or "'hat the proposal will cost them. The infornialion is mailed with the sam1>le ballot. Financia l estimates on the pa1·k bond show it would t'OSt voters 22 cents per $100 assessed valualion in its fi rst yea r, and up to 38 cent s in future years. The bike issue would cost about six cents per $100 assessed valuation each year, the cily's financial consultants predict. In other business Tuesday, the co\lncil: -Turned dO\Vn a request for $100 for postage from "Jn•ine Is ... Citizens for Arts and Culture." a yearly festiral. Council members said they lelt the Irvine Is group should be on it s O\\·n no1v and should attempt to raise donations ror the pos tage. -Authorized the city's participation in an abandon ed vehicle abatement pro- gram of the stat e Department of 1'ransportatil)n. -Declared April 20-27 American Field Servtce \\'eek. -Reiterated a resolut ion by the city of Ne\\'port Beach to support localized mini· bux transit service and 11' c a I i z e d passenger service by the Orange Coun1y Transit District. County Gays to E11tice111e11t Char ges Lai{l Do wn Uy JA~ \\'ORTll 01 l'h• .O.o1Y "Hot Stiff Foun1a in Valley Atton1cy J a in e s Spring accused police Tu£'srtny night of lt.~ing dope and beer as {"n!i ccmen!S 10 lure sus1x•cts 1\hich rtsul!cd in 1nas.-; arrt'>fs i\larch 27 of more rhJn lllO yout trs. most from th!' city of lr\·int'. Spring n1ade his allegations during an ap1>earancc before the Irvine Ci ty Coun- cil. A spokesn1an for the Costa i\lcsa Police Department. lhc contractor for law enforcement in Irvine, categorically denied Spring's charges. Spring is the attorney for 1he parents of six young pt.>ople "'ho were nnbbed in thc-mossive roundup of drug suspcets. 1'he arrests \\'ert dubbed . "Opc r<i11011 Irvi ng." tt. The attorney told Irv ine councihnen in his allegations tha t police undercover ;igents had furnished narcotics and <i lcoholic beverages to minors and "!he C'lllirc ra id w;1s planned and desigrH.'<I tu secur e maximum pubhci1y fur the ar· resting agency." A total of 100 1>e rsons. 1nclud1ng iO juveniles and 30 adu lts. 1rerc arrested in the operation. Specifically. the allei,:ations were that· -A male undercover narcot ics <tgcnt. repeated ly solicited n1inors to use narcotics and furnished both narcotit·s and alcohol to th('m. -1\ female undercov .. r ;1gcnt. organil- ed a party on De1\'bcrry \\'ay !h::i t 1\aS raided i\larch 27. -The Costa ~lcsa l'olicc lh.'par1 n1cnt released to the J)ai!y Pilot a !is1 of 11;u·· rants to be served durin g !he busl g11·1n.c: the narnes and ;iddress es of cert ain juveniles and adults ::ind the crinies with which those persons "·ould be charged. -Several judges. city off i c i a I s , reporters. and depu ty dis1r1ct auorne~ s were invited to accompany police on the raid. -The raid "'as designed for maxin1un1 publicity ""•ilhout r£'gard to the prc1u· !See DRUGS. Pagt 21 Dan~e E1nperor, E1n1Jress to Be Crotu 1iecl in .iVetvport An organization of Orange County homosexuals is planning a "Coron ation Ball'' ~-londay night at the Balboa Pavilion on the shOres of Ne\\1port Harbor. hiore than 500 persons arc citpected lo attend the dance. \\'~ich will be highlighted by the selection of an "En1pcror" and "Empress" and \lther "ror.alty.'' S~nsors of the event call it "lhe first major attempt to bring the gay com- munity in Orange Counly togethe r.·• The formal ball will be patlemed arter similar events held annually in San Fran- cisco. Los Angeles! Sen Diego and Long Beach. About 1.000 persons attended the Long Beach ball on the Queen Mu a.1arch 24. Gay courLS from throughout Califomia are elp!\Cted to &ttcn .. the Orange Coun· ty event. Four men operatin g as ABCD As.sociates arc spon50rlng the dance at no profit. They asked not to be Identified because of fear of repercussions where they \\'Ork. A spokesman soid lllll group hopes to .. become a permanent promoter for the gay community in Orange County. "\Ve hope to orga nize the gay people here because so many of the young kids are leaving for more hospitable arens, ·' u spo kesman said. able "\\1e're people and we deserve a chance.'' he said. , Besides selcctlon oi an emperor and empress, there will be competition for Kiss inger J{c tu1·u · \V . .\SfUNGTON tU Pi l -Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger returned Tues· day night from his tfkiay blexican honeymoon to resume the frantic diplomatic schedule he h33 maintained since adding lhe Cabinet post to hi.! White Hou.se duties last Scpten1bcr. Kl!iS· inger will go to New York lnle Sunday to make an Important speech Monday morning ctt the Unitl'd Nallons special session on Y.'Orld resour..:es. the ,titles of prince and princ£>ss. duke and duchess and baron and baroness. The spakesman said men in drag \\'l\1 be eligible to compete for !he !he em· press. princess and duchess honor~. The spokes1nan said the ball \\·as originally planned for the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, but a representative of the hotel canceled their reservation . saying a mistake had been made and !ht> room they'd resen·eC had alread y l:>cen boo«d. The spokesman said the &rnup Thl-n tried to book the Gr.:ind ifotel In Anaheim. but experienced :i i;in1 ilar refusal. The Pavilion '>''95 then cho!icn os the site. Ne'i\•port Beach police say tht'Y are aware of the group's plans . 1\ police spakesman said the dcpartn1enl Is not anticipating any need for any special type of law enfor<!i?ment. "\Ile nu1y have some people on the scene to make sure th ere is no 1rouble." the police ornclal said . "but they "ill havl! their own security people ." • laws ilre and ho11 th•'Y J rt l'flforc;-Nl . thl· CUUSl'(\Uent't'S llhl'll a l>l'r>:-On t•hOO:O:C'S 10 hl'l';1\., thl' l,1w. ho'>'' l.i\1$ n1:i~ bt· t·h:uu:· l'd . <ind how t'tin111111ntt1l'S c.111 u:-"' ~l·!' polic1ni: "II St'l'lllS S.lfl• 10 S..1V '>'l' ha \'r 0:1 our hand~ <I 11u111ix>r of t·tilldtt•u ;111(1 yuun~ ;1du!1s 11ho h~si•n to hrcak 1h1• la~·." she Jddl'Cl. "Th1: t'tt~1 1nus1 111a\..t• ,1 t'.1lh1nril .. !· !rrnpt lo h<.-lp~ both paren:s :i nd youni.: ' p1•oplc t'Oll\' 1·. 1th pt'r:)on;d ~nua111111.; \•,hit·h S1·1•n1 10 pn1d11 'l' 1n-.11nnounr.1hl1· prob]l•n1~ fur '01llt' HUii\ tdU;1I" ~hl· :-t1µi.!l'~1l·d th.it lhl' n h•rr.11 1·1·lll••/' U. a l\.'.il\..·ln ur l'.Lli-111 ~l.1t1u11 hu l lll/"11:- 111 U{'•'<I of 11rof,.~ .. 11111al hl·lp "r <1d1 1~·· ,111d ;1 pu1n! fn,,111 11h11h r1 h·n 1! Ill e\1 .. 1111~ l)r:u1,t!t· C11unt\' puhhl· and IJil\ alt' M.M..1.1! .1J.;t'lll'll'<; Ix made . T hl' ct·1i1•·r ~~h.1uld al:'lll t~/..l· rl'rPrr 11, fro111 rh1· l!l'IH)Ol~ ;1n(l r:ol1cl· dl·pnrt rn1·n1, ~---~---------- ,\ ' : \, , ~Ill' !'Olld \I :-houl•t ho• 1,)(':llrtl Ill 11 I lilt' .iu1J f'.1fh>1.I h\ 1h1 t)r:1n:.:c l'11.J!I'.\ .\\ .. •11,tl lh·at1 h I t..·par1u1 .. 111 !>l llf 11 P41-,1hl1 · \luf1' th.111 ::1.111 :i~1·11r11•, 1·~1"! In t)1";111:..:" ('01u1•y !u h1·l11 ;1 11<.'l ""11 111 ll· d :-oh•· ... nd. "\1·1 1.1~·\., uf 1'Qo.1rd11~.11u·111 .. 1• 1 f ftt11d1n~ ;ind li,11·!, uf f,•( 1h11•, 111.1"1 1· 11•1y d1fl11·u!l fur thf• 111\ 1u11P11~u,,1 ,_roar~ ,111d 'h•• -.1·J1uul, !11 t.1!,l· ;ul1.111',1~· u! !ht• !.lt'lll'f rt:-. !ht·\ h.11 c· hi ol!t•r. '• Orange Co un ty i:ire Ocparttncnt personnel l!;id to 1nake the trip to !hi" i1laeke11ed lot at Bry;i.n 1\vcnue and L'a1np Street in Jr\'1ne !\\•ice ·r11e-.da.v \Vhen fla1nes brukc out 1n aband oned rant h house on t\\'O occ:as1 ons. ln,·e.-.11:,:ator::. ";11 < ;i u::.c 1-. u1H h:r ir1vcst1gation bu t th(·rc ,,.:i, nn ;11.:tual d;1111;1;:l'. tl nl' J o pla nned ra~1 ng i';i rJdc 1d ll!l! 1ru rk~ l\YJ..:c drc\1' publl(''s a11cnt1<1 n. Nixon Receives Cheers l'rc:.:id1 •11/. (;ires ('0 1ulitlate' l!cl p H~ llELJ·;,\' Tll0\1 \S B,\f) AX I~ .. \J ieh. 1l'l'l 1 -l'1 •·~1dl'11' ~ixon ~a~ eheered hy 1hou-..1nds •if p<'rSOllS a:-h1: !oJll rl·d tht• \[1C'/l1,,;111 "Thun1b'' 1oda~ to hol:)lt"r a Rl·puhlit:.in candidate for Congrl'Sl' and tu °''"'\ 111. i111n \Va1crgatl'·Sl'<irr1•.I pol111c,il popul an· I~. ~i xon :1c1cd like 1hr (·;1r.<ii1!.1•r hi111~1·1f as hl· n1:1dc a .li·mll!· .-;'.ll'l'IJ tlin•ugu farrn u1g ari•as \11rh ./:1n11·;. Sparlu1g Jr .. Rcpu hl11::i n t:1nd1d:11f• !Pr ~1 H·l11l!;1:i·~ 8111 IJiS!l'l t't 'l'~I[ 111 il ~fk:l'! 11 tll'l'tl<.11! T Lll'S- dar to r111 " \ ,J/•;11}~·\ \]O:)( vf lhl.' 1111\l' l~i'h );1x•1!1 >iJHl Sp;i rJ- 1:1;:: ~tQod 111 !ht· jJrL·~1dcn!1c1I htihb!t·lop !1111uus111c 1111\in;.: l\l c n111d:; that rur_Jlt!U. cou1Jtl 1J1U\1'!> 11.or a gli1np'i~' uf !ho• l'rt''iJ· 1h·nt un his fi r,,\ pvt1~ie;1 l t'iunp;ugn tr111 ~Jilt'(' !!172 I! 1~;i ., pr11n:inl:io-~JXlln 11·ho !h,,• cro11d c:1111c lo '>L't' 1n 1/11., tfJnS•·l'\:l!l\f' ~1rca . ;1n•I n111~1 ,,f !ht· SHtll'I su p110rted him. :::.-.in1,· of lr\1•1 11 r1•;1rl, "\\v·rl· !Hr l•)ll ~I r l 'n·~1d1 111 ' "\\'1· l.111·1:_ You. \Ir · \1:o.;on." 'I Lint: In Thnrt•." · \\'c Lo\!' You ' Sp;1:·l1 r1g. \\t·;1nng ..i '11't•nch eu;11. li;1d l!n· d•·1111·;1nor •1f a ~·er•·! ~1·r1a-.· ;1:~t·11t a~ lir Hl01t'tl ,1 lo111g,1dc .\1:--0111 .•u1n~·!Hn1·-. Fro111 Tnst.in J\1•en 2 Boys Electrocuted 111 River iri A 1·izona A ~outh \1hfJ tes!t'<I lilf' v.:it~·r.~ o! t~ .. Colorado River near P•u ker . i\riz. '>'i'!1 his tol' Tue:iday af\('r !1vo budd it'S fr(1/l1 the Tustul <Jr('a dO\'e in and \';;tfl i~ht·d to- d;iy O'i\'('S his llfl' 10 ca ut~11i. Yuma Coun ty Coroner':;; d cf)U!t~·s tod11• h:ntatively lis tl.'d !he dct1ths of !hr• !'>'O victims fi shlod fr·on1 th t! popu!~r hoat ing resort \l'atcr~ as due to cl('('!rotut1on. l\arl Siegel. 16. of 12881 Uu bbl1ng \\'•·11~ Road. Santa Ana, and ~l ar k S\\'t•1.:ney, Ii, ·IT'S FA 1\'TASTI<:' SA l'.S AD l'EU TISE I~ "Fantastic'.'' In 1hat one 11·ord . !hi.· Huntington Beach man '>''ho placed !hf' follow1n~ 11d in the Daily P1lo!'s classil 1l'<I advc·rlisin~ scc 11on dck nbt.'<I ho'>'' ·"·ell 11 "'orkcd. llcrc's the ad· 'li6 V\\' Van. 20,000 act ual mi , Huns great. $300. lint. Bch. 1 Pho11c :So. J !'.'aturally. it sold the van :-.:11tura!ly. :1 Dally P!lol Ad can sell ~·('· mcrc-hn n· dl!c Tt'.'st It yourself. Pi nt. ~'our ad br 1Mwinc 1 direct hne 1 hy dla'.ln~ &42·:'1678. .· • or J:lOJ S I·: \l alnu1 \\'t' Tu~!1n. :i1r pa1·('n1ly do\'(• d1n·l·tly u11n ;1 ll'ilk1n.: l'lt·ctr1ei1I 1:u1'1 t·nt ~nr\':1d111~ th1·•1ul.:h !he l\<lll'r fron1 ;1 f}o,11 1!01·k. V/)ung ~1,.i.:1•1 11.1, it1\1d 1111 ;1rl'l \<JI ill l';1rkt·r Con11n111111~ 1!11,p1!<JI. 11ht'!'I.' h1;; tr1n1p.u11on-\\ho :.till hi1d <1 ll1ck1·r of \lie 1•;11l1f'r-d1t•d ~hnrlll ;1f1lr .11ri 1,1I ll1>111;11ns 1\t'l't' 1al\t·u to !h1· Pnrht·r Funl·ral llor11e pl111d1ng ,11J1011s1; . ., h111 ~h··nff's ch•µut1•':s ~;,110 ;111 1:1d1c«1tion~ po1n!t·d to 1•lel'll'Ot'Ulhin du{· lri tht· po\11:r ~·1Ul't:l' h·;ikrni.: t:tlf rt•nJ 111111 [,1r ri•''r II~· "iHd <• pv1 I\ nf .111uths 1nrludin:.: ~lt'J.;t:l .u1d S11 L'l'l\1·~ -11ho 11crc ~t:i~ 110~ 111th r"l l,1t11(r;, for E:i~tt•r \'.1t'<11lon on tho· l'.•l1fu1 n1a r;.:de-'>'crl' ;Jt :1 ~'°:it J·,l·k l.\ · 11\lit·' north of th1• dr•!'r: rl.':sor1 t'till:· n,un1!~ \\h\·n 11 orl'ur-rt-d. One of 1hr \ 1ct1m" 1u n1pc<I 11110 tllt· r1.1•r .ind 'A htn 11•· f<illl-rl to 11urlart• \111h1n ;1 rcai:o11~b!e 111nt' !he St-cond n1adc a d1l'l' lie lilt\. fadl.'(J to come up at 11 hirh !lint• a !h1rd bi1\ 'A l~l'll IC' .. t«I the l\:llt't Jnd It'll a SUr,RC O( . r\ectrtcal ttlfrt•nt shoot into hi' 1001 from th~~ ar'"' :1o11r- round1n't the Mrit dock Tht• powrr turrent 1\;l( c11t or! :iftrr y,h1ch il third udul t prr,t'nt hi:lµ..."'<1 Tt'L'O\'er 1hL· \\Cllfl'~ ~fOOl lh•· ll,1\t'r 'fhr rou!h~ h;1d ilJ>p<1rcnth tt'l ~•·tl I boJt ;1cro.·~ thr rnrr !ron1 the po:n1 ISfc nT::.\TllS. l~llllC ?~ ' / tn .lliclii!.!'1 111 ' 1111h hi~ ar1n dr.11J1·il 1>r1J:1·r •11 1:I) ;1round rht• l 'rl·~Hlent Sp:1rl111J! . ..oli1Ht·1I \1.xnn'., ht·lp u1 I. 1 l\·t·ll"n i1Jd :1g;1111.~t !>.·111ucr.11 .J. RoheJt Trax ll'r in till· '1.i.:('1.d, 1·!1·11111n for !11• .••·;1\ uf lit·puhh1'i1n .Jarn1·.' H,1r\r·.1 \1: ri•st~!'l" I frun1 1i11• 1!•111~~· iu htTHn11· ,, f1·dl'l'.1I Jll<h!·· \' th• Tri·( ,11· \up •I" I' 1r ~;: 1• l il'l'l' 1111· pr1 .. ;1r!1·11r1;1I : 1·1,, ,1. !1t./tl \\';• .. t1111:::•dl, nfll''l,1 1 < '''II f rrJlllf ;1! l.i llf;•t \ttl<•!I, lh •)1 ~P\(•f:d ln1n•l1··d 111''''!1'1 I "I \' :1•. 1,, .f I ;-;i~n~ r•·;1d1:1i.: n., 1:11 1' ·ti 11 ..... .r ' [111pr:1t ti · .11:d · Jf ~ 1. 1 I .<11 !' I " .Lv;110• 1 , ' ·111• 1·1'!1.1 rl \ta:.;i ·I " h'J• I 1.ill1 di tli1~ :11q-0n 11ht·it \1\·111 · 'o1r1! h 1 . ;1tt:11·11·1n1 n1\ 1r1 0·1ulnn r!1• r .. 1r i11 \1 . ll<lnl <JH\] 1;ufl1•0."1l p .. !•I ,,,,,ii!> \',/)l(',J h1· ('l;11n1·>1I ~·1,:1~110·•\ ril "'~'d Tr:1xJ1 r t.11:-tnhu11·1! ~r.1t' 11" 111 .. u1..::n: hi· ~11pp11r1•r' r.1 rn·,·· \1'10 11 'L'1>!111•·oot•I\· :ind \l:Jl'llo :ind ~;11rl All\ 1:1'n1011..:1r.111on.~ rin.·d 1.;1cl .. 1r1· 1:1 !he t ·lf1"'1lOn SnJJll' uf 111•· II •our~ .\1\f1n 11 .. 1t1·d dut· 1ng 111"-l '··hnur \1,11 :1rr ~n ~rnn ll :hL\ 1lu tScl' Cll EEH.S, l':i~c 21 . Coast Weatl1e 1• ~!vs\\\ t•ltat' through 'fhur<id.11 \\<;1'11\t'r d,l\S "11)1 )J1j!)1S :1! lh!' IX'ftClll'S l!I \ht• lll)llfl' !1\1~ 1'1~1ni: lo the 101\· ;n~ \ oo l 111i.:h1s 111rh 01 l'I'· 111t:hl 101\.., 1.1.,;;: ' l:\~111!·: TOii \ Y '.'lr111r11'fHr'.'11, !!'O!irr 111 11 ,, . fJfl·I ' /'1/1,' , /1101r111· ,,/ 11011r •. rod'"I dt'H'11i,1 •1 <· .,. r •·.~ ni flof' {;1H1rrr !Jrr1/1•1·r, 1r1,., ,,,. ''""i ~0111e 'J{JIJ t•11po1·rj:1 ~ r1 yr11r. 1·1.~[ :S'1rr111!J •'II '•u•1(>/(', $('~' ~l11r'/ l/ll /'11!)1' 2;. "' 'l'Our ~"'"' • ~.ittlO• • flOll·~· " .. ~. Tn<l " ' " .... " ....... 1• l' C:•h19r11•• ' -"1<1'¥•1 l'llHI .. Ct.IO!f..O "" lt•l•t1•I ·-· .. " c;.,.,.,, " 0••-· c.,, .... U-11 C'11\>.,,.ttl .. .. _II II II Ott!~ N~llr•• " s.,vt• , .. , .. " f;do ... toAO l"A•t • \n~.-11 n~ fi"'''"'"""'"' , .. ,, t tO(~ M••~tll "" "•"•"<t l T If •~,v,4n ,, "" " T'•••'tl" 11.Jc +Ortt<O~ • ' '''"' • ""~ L•norf'\ • Wt~ld "lt W\ .. " I• '· ·- ' '' 2 DAILY PILOT IS w -----______ •_dn~day, Aprll 10, lq7~ • 'Join Two h1cumbe11ts By L. PETER KRIEG 01 tt. cunr P11o1 11.11 fofewport' Beach voters returned in· cumbe.nts f\1\lan Dostul and Howard 'Rot;ors to the City Council 1\Jcsdriy and elected two new counc1\ mcn1bcrs who had both c;in1p:iigncd ni;ainst special in· terest groups. The election "'as highlighted by the ''ictory of . i\1rs. Lucille Kuehn, who seorcd a sn1ashin~ triu1nph in District G over Planning Corn1nlssion Chairinan \\'iltian1 Agee and two others. A n1uch closer race had been antic1p1.1-ted. ~1rs. Kuehn 's upset overshadowed the surprisingly small margin by which Vice 1\faypr Rogers y,•as able to retain his District I seat" against a 1·hallcngc ·by /.1rs. Peg Forgit. Incun1bent Fourth District Councilman Dostal was the largest vole getter as he \\'Oil a second term in District 4. lltaltor J. Peter Barrell won a surpris- logty easy victory in l)istrict 3, defeating l\\'O other candidates. Voters approved three charter changes but.rejected t'A'O others. The losers both dealt with cily-owncd property. The• turnout 0£ voters \VaS lighter than had been anlicipated. Only 9,499 persons w~nt to the polls. That ..... as Tl percent or !he 35,512 eligible. City Clerk Laura Lagios blamed the low turnout on Easter vacations and win- dy weather. "1 had a lot of precinct workers tell me that people had refused to go out in the high winds," she said. o.U,•f>llot Sl.tt .... ,. LAGUNA BEACH LIFEGUARDS TOW DIVER ASHORE Residents Alerted Offici•ls That Youth Was In Trouble Laguna Bes ~u e Lif eguC1rds Save Teen Scnbu Diver Laguna Beach lifeguards rescued a 17- year old scuba diver at the l\1oss Point Cove area this morning after 'the youth got a cramp about 150 yards from shore. t.tark W. Franchino of \Vest Covina v.·as pulled to shore by guards Jim Stauf- fer and Charlie Ware when residents or the area ca11ed the department after being alerted by the stricken diver's bud· dy, Gary Lloyd , 16, of West Covina. Franchino was towed some 500 yards from rocky fl:loss Cove around a craggy point and then to shore at \\'oods' Cove below Diamond street. He was released after emergency treatment at the scene. He told lifeguards he had gotten a severe cramp in his lclt leg whil~ under v.·ater. }fe came to the surface. dropped his air tanks and weight belt and inflated his life \'est while his diving buddy went for help. 'Live Witl1 h1flation,' . Aide Says f'rom \\1lre Services Rol>f'rt \V. Long . assistant secretary or <igrk:ulturc and ex-Irvine Company cx- t"'cutlvC. said Tue!iday lhat the Nixon atl· minislration's economic palicies have (ailed and "may be v.•c just luivc to !cam to live with lnflallnn ." J..ong also v.'am<!d tha t the inflation will include food prices higher ..• an those to which consumers are accustomed. Speaking at roe Great \Vestern Livegtock and Dairy Sho\v in Los Angeles, the for1ner Irvine Company vice presidenL of agriculture. noted U::it I he administration'.!! belt-tightenin) measures hoive not worked and the publ~ does not want .!llemer measures. · • Those measu res 1vould iJ:lC!ude higher t:ixcs, less pu blic spending. lighter credit and possibly a rcval lion of thC dollar. "\Ve have been £0110'>'·1 ight money and conscrv11tivc fiscal Polley e the in ception or this ad1ninistrnlion," he said. ··11nat policy has failed to do the job." "Jl.laybc we just hrive to learn to live \\'ith inflation . There is a question as lo how truly ho nest 11c arc about strong public statemen!s against inflation, because it is our co1!€.-cll\'c actions \\'hich induce it." The economic goals should be relativC'- ly full employment. sa t is factory economic gro wth and generally stable prices. he said. As to his predil.1ion of rising food prices. Long said that in the past farm subsidies have been paid by the federal gove mn1cnt v.·hi''n have tended to favor the consumer. Subsidies are being phased out and the nev.• policy is "to keep our cotton picking hands off'' the marketing or farm prod· ucls. Reinecke Pleads Innocent 1\griculture Secretary Earl Butz: "is completely sold on !he basic principles of lht' rnarket place operating \\'ithout gove mn1enl intcrfcrcnre . ., he said. In return, Long pointed out, farincrs "ill have to "respond to increased op. portunity" and ht! prepared to v.·ithstand the criticism of consurners '>''hen food prices go up, and lo "11·it'nstand ti~ te1nptation to seek public tax support'' whl'll !hey fall. _4s1cs Trial Be Conducted Before State Election WASHINGTON IUPI) -LI. Gov. Ed Reinecke or . California p 1 ea de d "absolutely not guilty" today to three coonts of lying to the Senate Judiciary Conunittee during testimony concerning financing of the 1972 Republican national convention. A tentative trial date of June 19 was set by U.S. District Judge Barrington Parker. That is two weeks alte r a June 4 California Republican primary in which .{leinecke is a candidate for the nomina- tion to succeed. Ronald Reagan as governor. Reineeke's lawyers asked Parker for an earlier trial date "so his IMocence may be established before the primary." J1arker said he hnd a "crowded court calendar but \.\'Ould consider the re- quest:' ijeine<:ke·s lawyer, F. Joseph Donahue. :.ilso asked that the trial be moved to California. Parker took that request under consideration and said he would rule later. Reinecke \Vas indicted on perjury charges for testimony about an offer by lntemational Telephone and Telegraph Corp. (!TI') to help finance the GOP con- vention then scheduled for San Diego Jrviae lo Continue Bi cycle Li censing 'Ille city of Irvine'!! bicycle licensing prog ra m will continue April 17 '>''i!h 111.::enS<·s available fron1 9:30 a.m. to noon at J\lcadows Trailer Park. i\pnl 27. 1\V'1 licensing scs~ions are slated: from 9 to II a.111. :it \\'al nut Village Shopping Ce11rrr :ind from I lo 3 p.111. at Univl'rsi ty Park Shopping Cente r. Jnfonnation on bicycle safely mny be obtai~d by call1nj! tht"' Dt.-partmcnl of Public Safely a!. Irvin.:' Ci!y llall. DAILY PILOT ,_~•"'I" (44<0 °'""" Pol<·• ...... """" .. ..,... ""'*''""''"• ~.' '"'"""""~Y'""~"'I" f_ ' • """'' .~ .... , c..,.., ~·· '\;"""'''" r.~ ........... r· r;, • ..,, "'""''·>Y ->.n~ • .. 1.~ ~, r,,. '' ~I~.\ N< """'! 1111 .. :11 >1'•~""l'""' B-•· "'~~ .... 'I"' v,n •• L"OU ... ~~. i.v,..., ~"""' • .,.., . '" C.•...,,•n!el'lo• Ju.W< c,,.,..,,.,., ~ ~"'II• ""lo'"" "''"'" .. "'""~ .,,.,"'111'" •"'1 .... ". ~•r, l~"lll'l'>O:!UOIPl-""'11-l "•'!WO W•~ e,,,o,1,n1 ee,11 M..-•. c.~i.:.m..,'}~6:>I. P•..b<r• r~ w.,,.1 '"' .•<Jllflllar1171'.br•-· ~\II(~, lta~t...:tC.--.olMI- Offk;tl {" ..... ,,. .... '"'Wt .111 •• q ...... t1_,-a.." •U•,.,.~9o·"""""' l ....... u.. .... 'J1~ .... ,..,_,.. ....... ,..,.>fl It> • ~ I 'I!" ...,.,_.1;1o ,,... ... 11' 0«"Cl-"'~ Jrl:SN.111' I' t. ,,.......,_ ,, .. ,.._ 17141 642-4)21 Clo11if1td .td•ff'fl~ 642·5671 hft Cl~t A.It Dtpertllltflh.: ,,,,.,,._ 4'2·••z·o (;(ipy!,,.., ,,,. er-(.-.I ""'°" ~ .. e:,.... -·!'to_,_"'"'"-_ ...... " .. .,, ·-·----~ .... """ ~«I ~-1 ....... -0!<Xit-;!\gnl- ~tllM "°"' _ _.,,tool• r.ir-. C.k ..... ,., l.iDK,..,..,..«ill'_ IJOO ~ II'/ IN~ 1•00-r, '"'~ .............. ,00~ during hearings on Richard G. Klein- dienst's nomination for attorney general. Speaking with reporters shortly before his court appearance, Reinecke said or the case agairu,t him : "It appears non- professional. It's a flimsy charge. 'Ibcrc is something very strange about the whole thing -J can't help but question the whole 1notivation behind It." Asked if he thought th6 indictment was politicaUy motivated, Reinecke observed that it came "very close" to the primary. Parker gave Relnecke's lawyer until April 17 to file other motions in the case and gave the Watergate prosecutor's of- fice until April 24 to respond. A hearing Heroin User Guilty in Deatl1 SAN FRANCISCO {AP) -A heroin use~ has been found guilty of first-degrte murder in the death of grocery store owner Anthooy P. Cal a. Van \\'esley Purcell. 29. said during his trial that he was "pretfy loodcd" on heroin when Ca\a was gunned down dur- ing an attempted supcrn1art robbery Jan. 2. Purcell was convicted Tuesday by a six-man. six-woman jury on seven counts of robbery, one rount of attempted rob- bery and two counts of felony for car- rying a concealed weapon. on the motions was set for Saturday. Both sides indicated 1hCy would be prepared for trial by J\1ay 20 if Parker could find room on his calendar for an earlier date. Parker .said. "J have a calendar where defendants are languishing in custody and I imagine that other defendant s would like a similar fast disposal of their cases. 1 will have to let it stay as it is for now bul I will reconsider my calendar." The three counts of perjury stem from his testimony in 1972, when the com- mittee was investigating Reinecke's rela- tionship to a reported offer of lip to $400,000 from the Sheraton Corp.. a subsidiary o( ITI', to help underv.'irtc the c:o p conven tion in Sun Diego. The JIT offer reportedly v.•as 1nade when the l.'Onglomerate '\\'as seeking s€.•t- tlement of an antitrust case with the Justice Department, v.·hich it eventually obtained July I , 1971. The comn1iltee wanted to know \vhetlier Reinecke informed former Al· lorTH?y General John \V. ~titchell of the offer before or after the sett len1cnt was 1nade favorable to ITI'. J\titchell testified he knc\v nothing or the offer until after the settlement. lleinccke first said tliey discussed it before the settlement In JI.lay. 1971. Laler. he :;aid the discussion occu1Ted in Scptetnber, 1971. And. recentlv. he said !he con\'crsations took place hi ~l ay and l:!ar!y June of that year, Hiker, 1(1, Kille1l ALTAOENA (UPIJ -A l6-year-0ld Long Beach boy died Tuesday when he apparently fell ...,·hile hiking in the Eaton Canyon area of the San Gabriel lt1oun· la ins above Altadena. Sherilrs depulies said Dennis Dergo had been camping with five friends when he decided to climb a hill. Last Chance To Pa.y Taxes Orange County property owners must pay lheir second installment on county propirty-taxes today or face pcn:illics or 6 percent and $3 in costs per parcel. Orange County Tax Collector llobert Citron said taxpayers should bring their payments to his office in person or have them postn1arkcd by midnight tonight to avoid the penalty. Frotn Pnge 1 DRUG .t\.CC US _i\ TIO NS • • • dicial effect this i ublicily may have on !;lier court actions ... -It is the continuing policy of the Cos1;i ~lesa Police Dcpartmcnl to Slop and h:.irrnss juveniles without warrants or probable cauS('. The .. >uncil received the' allegations \l'ilhout comment. Spring said the parcnls believe ''1he council has the duty to inquire inlo these mullers responsibly, objlctive\y and with all due haste ." Lt. John F. Hega:1. chief of 1he Costa ~lesa·lrvine narcotics bureau under v.•hose direction the raid "'as carried ovt. denied his agents used beer busts as en· ticements. TIIOugh he said he wa!; 1\·cll a\vare or th e a\legn tions even before 1'uesdny's meeting. he v.•ould not con1ment on 1h...-n1 in detail. He .said he dld 1101 wish to jeopardize his cases and predicted the fac!J; \\·ould be clearly revealed in cour!. Lt. Regan agtecd that one of th e female agents was present when officers moved in for an arrest. ··we arc prepa red to answer all ques- tion$ in courl. The judges v.·ouldn't ap- prcciate us gelling involved in a verbal trial in the press," Lt. Regan said. Summarizing the parents' objections. .Ja1nes Hoote of Turtle Rock, fother . of one of the arrestee.$, said. ''The In· lroduction of undercover ARents -of .s ret police among our children. posing as friend and peer, is to me repugnant. "\Vho selected these .secret agenls? \Vere they carefully screened to insure highest moral character and integrity? \Vas their primary motivation the best lnttrestJ: ol our ('lhlldren?'' lfoote asked. Spring added lbe alleged police prac- tices arc produ Ing ·•n whole generation of juveniles with utter contempt for the k1111 .• , .. \Vt· are afraid, \vc•re inlimidat€.'<I." snid one mother. "\Ve're afraid of all the h!l{al entanglenlents -but all ;r.ie kHo\v 1.;; that we don't want secret police in our hon1es and schools.·' •. ~he parents ~a1·e .organl7.ed an "Irvine I Citizens Comn11t1ee ' l'.'hich they s11y in- cludes 200 adults and youth. ' I Th~y said they are n1erting regularly ! Ip discuss and try to docurnrnt their romplnints against police. The next niceling. open to the public. is sl'l !or Friday at the home of James lloote, 4~Jl l'aseo de Vega. '·The reason v.•e haven't n1adc our con1plain ts to !he police department is lhat they Qre not responsive." one parcnl said. ··The city council has hired lhis pollt'l' service. so thC"v should lake rcs1>0nsibility for 11·hat h:ipprns." Paul Ellis. a neii,;hbor of lhe Oc\vbcrry Lan...-home 1\·hcrc s1!Vf'r:.tl ~·onths '>''('l'C arrested in the nud. said he rouldn 't agl'ce with the parents' cun1plaints. '·\\'c·\'l' Jived across the street fron1 lhis family for five yea rs:' he 11a.id. "I honor the Police department. I've fed in- forn1a1lon to them and r111 going lo ~n· 1inue to do so. r1n astounded al some of the rcn1atks that have been made. This thing is not over by any n1eans -just ask any of lhe neighbors \\'ho b'tkl\V ''hat is happening.'' llobert ltayworth or 4242 Seton Road said he ~lievcs Irvine hns become "a middle class ghtuo. ·· "\Vhcn your kids say they're going out. where can they go around here".' Alph,1 Beta? There Is n1ore to do In Leisure \\'orld." There ,..Ls .. JVJthlng happening to improve the situa tion for our children.·· \ • . 'Did I Luy That?' Ophelia. an ostrich al Lion ('.ountry Safari in Laguna lliUs, gazes in stunned disbelief' ai one ~of her eggs as she tries to figure 01,11 the st range markings. It was a trick perpetrated by an artistically-in· clincd cmploye of the African wildlife preserve, who felt that a gaily decorated egg v.•ould be 1nore in the tradition of Easter. • Sierotv i1ssails Secret ., Oil , 1J.S. Offshore Bid By CANDACE PEA RSO;<o: 01 tho DlllY ,_llot St1U The oil indust ry and the fcdl'ral gO\'ernmcnt h:ive operalcd loo se<:rcll y in proposal.~ tu open up 7.7 niillion offshore acres for oil drilling, it v.·as charged Tuesday. The public's interest isn't IX'ing pro- tect€.'<I, As~cn1bly1nun Alan Sicroty rJJ. Beverly Hills) said at a hearing in Sanla J\lonica. Siero ty, who chairs the Select Corn4 nlittee on Coastal Zone Resources. com- plained that: ' -Opinions of officl:ils in coasl:1I cilit's in Orange and Los An geles Counties haven't been sought by the federal go\'Crnmenl. -Current Je~es or <lrilling rights hy the stale and f01:leral government bring too 1nuch profit to priva te oil l.'On1p:.inlcs and too little to the public. ··There 's an a\\·ful lot of mont•y here:· Sicroty s.1id, rcferrnig to current prices of oil. ··u·s a resource that belongs to the people,'' he addl'<l at his coinmittec's hearing. "I'm not sure lhe people arc gelling an adequate return." Sieroty aro.1800 the oil comp.1nies or having a "callous disregard'' for the public interest. He told research scientists fron1 the RAND Corporalion that he wants them to · FroH• P119e l DE.i\TtlS ... \\'here they were visiting and pulled.up at the dock \Vhcre >the fatal n1ishap oc- curred. One report v.·hich could not !>C con· firmed was that the craft suff rrcd engi~e trouble and they had docked in an effort to re-start it. Sheriff 's deputies said it v.·ould be possible for a faulty grouod '>''ire at the electricity-equipped dock to have leaked a sufficient cu rrent to cause the deaths. look in10 the possibility of the state gran4 ting i!s own contracts. not leases. for drilling and then marketing the oil ilsell. From Pnge l CHEERS ... not even appear on stale maps. The President 's bulletproof. bubbletop limousine v.'as also no"'n l r om -- \\'ashington for him to use. The disirict has been a strong Reputr lican area. School children on :i special holiday ...,·ere among the airport v.·elcoming cro1rd l\'ho tun1ed out in sunny v.'e8ther "'ilh rne temperature in the 40s. The \velcoming commit1ec at the airport included Rt'JM.lblican Gov. \Villiam G. !\1illiken bnd Sparling, but Milliken did not join Nixon in the motorcade. ·instead, he dL>eidcd to go ahead with plan<> to at~ t~nd a meeting in Toronto on v.·ater pollu· lion. In brief remarks on his arrival, Nixon assailed v.·hat he called "the bottleneck in Congress'' for not supporting his pro- grams and called for the election of peo- ple who \\'ill work with him, such as Sparling. ! Nixon mingled with members of five high school marching bands among the \relcon1crs 1.1nd after 33 minutes. boarded a hellcopter and flew lo Bad Axe. Sen. Robt"'rt Griffin IR·!\1ich.). the nlinority whip, also greeted the Presi· dent. Griffin has lhrown his politica l '"eight behind the Spa rling campaign in recent days and his sta ff members have been in the district helping to prepare for the presidential swing. Nixon appeared in a jaunty mood as he boarded his plane al Andrev.·s Air Force BaSC'. !\'id. for the 00.tninutc flight to f\~ichigan. He was accompanied by top aides. a speech wri!er. two \Vhite House physicians but not wife Pat. a usual com- panion. An aide said ~lichigan was a testing ground for Nixon and it was not necessary 'for the First Lady's presence. } • May the J oy of E ASTER be with yo u an d yo urs .Joh n Hart Lynn Har t HARTS SPORTING GOODS 532 Center St . Cosio Mesa " ) ( . \ I ' a· ' . . Tot As a "' appa (~ra ;1ppa po] iii C'Onfi Of fie es pee d Leon :,taff. WI l'resi (l (' 'd divul politi nedy \1·hen Jcro hnd Lieut of n1enl Rein ur th al re M right sore I 1he ind iv cl ud i fai r possi Is polit pro som Ill th To Ou ~476. this. John" prl'Si f'resi prcsi .JOOn. l'rC'Si TH divid ~i6.3 IM!fC ~1. j Ill Ont' 1f'rl'S 1!11nn do I 111or ~16.3 Tl /lint ru1s1 'l!IJ ~/()<!(J To I II' or biill Hee per <~m El earn doll • . '· . . DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE A Fair Trustees or the Sad dleback Valley Unified School District took a step in the rlghl direction last week when Ibey ~ JIP "-P<>lkY 10< selecti~a..riskJnsura11ce pro- gran1 and broker. 1'he outco me of a si1nila.r insurance search -for group and medical C:O\/erage -was not as satisfa ctory and resulted in b1lter objectioos from local agents who fell bypassed . . i\s ~·ilh o_ther sj tualions facing the distMct in its first year of independent unified operation. the con· troversy erupted in part because no clear and equitable procedure has been resolved. In the past. too often the only brokers notified of district insurance needs were friends o( administrators. The policy for the risk insurance program stresses all openings must be legally advertised and live brokers must be given a look at the specifications. This is a vast improvement in both Jairness and public relaLions. It should help end the complain(s of neglected local brokers. A si milar procedure should be applied to th~ group and medical coverage as welJ. Industry's Ne'v Look · An industrial area used to be something to be plished as far out of town as possible -an ugly but necessary evil in the economic scheme. ?iiodern planning has managed to make industrial zones co nsiderably more palatable. The new industrial complex dreamed up by Irvine Company planners sounds more like a residential project, complete with shop s, restaurants. recreation areas and mini-greenbelts. Bid Policy Large Industrial installations will ring each o{ six "vlllages," with smaller fir1n~ forn1ing an i11ner circle and. gr~nbclts (·onnecting all to a co nuncrcial ('Ore. The new complex . now undergoin g planning rcviCY.'. i.s expected to add 54 .000 jolJs and s ubsta ntial tax bnsc to the city of Irvine in the next c!nze n )'enrs. Its forerunner. the 11 irport lit', already pays 55 per- cent of Irvine's property taxes and generates 50 percen! of its sales ta x revenue. The eco non1i c bcucflts of industrv within a rit v arc undeniable. ,\nd if ~n area cao 1Tieet 1oday's ·hit:h planning slandards . .:i n industria l zo ne no longer uccLI to be Lbc stCpl'h1 ld of the t on1n1 uni ly. E ncourao-in(J' Ch oi ce t"' t"' A heartening total of 10 candidates froh1 a wide variety of occupations. l>at kg:rounds, and interests - filed by the deadline last week for lhe va cant scats on the Saddlcback College board of trustees. If the Candidates take the campaign seriously and make a whole.hearted ~1!.tcn1pt to reach the public. ll appears the can1paign cou ld prOvH\C! just \vhat it shoultJ provide: a lively foru111 for issues \'ital to the coll ege and to higher education in g:e11er;1\ in south Ora nge l'ounl\'. 'l'he var ied slate is a significant change fron1 paSt campai gns. when n1ore often than not incu.n1bcnts were re-elected bv default because no one else took the trouble to chal lenge them. • • By calling an election "'hen they l'Outd have 1nade· appoint1nents to fill the three \'acancics. the S;iddlcback trustees at long last said to their taxpapers. "\\"c wan t to hear from you .'' ,/ I // ./ -· ·-. - • / / The Irvine Iodustrial Complex East (IIC·East) - not to be confused with the original Irvine Industrial Complex around the Oraoge County Airport -will be developed near the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and its planners say it will be unique. 'fen ca ndidates responded. gi\•ing: voters solid, in· terest_ing l'hoic~s. J{egardless of "'ho "'ins. the c11111p.:i.i gn promises lo bring a needed gust of fresh 11ir into ~.1dlile· '\ \'ould you mind wearing this button at ou r press co11forenc e :" back's relaLionship with the community. SB Leaks Undermine Legal Processes To the Editor: As a private citizen. I an1 compelled by <1 sense of fairness to report that I am appalled ·by the amount of \\ratergate l:rand Jury Infor mation that has been apparently leaked to the press and JX>litical partisaru. In my opinion. lack of t-onfidcncc in the Special Prosecutor's Of!iCt' appears nearly r e q u i r e d . especially when one ackno"·ledges the dOCWllcnted lapses of professionalism by I.eon Ja"·orsld, his predea.-ssor, and !he ~talf. WllEN ONE considers the evidence of !'resident Nixon's tapes being played at a eocktail p.1rty, \\'hen one considers the :-. d n1 it t e d fact o{ Arch ibald Co x, divulging privilegOO informat ion t o poli!ical partisans such as Senator Ken- 11c.'<.ly and su.t ff at a social occnsion, and \1'hen we nol'I' lea rn. that Congressman .Jerome Waldie, another active partisan. had information on th e iTKlictn1ent of Lieutenant Governor Ed 11 e inc c k e of california befo re lhl' aclu.'.11 indict· n1ent, and C\'en. appar('nt.ly, before i\lr. Reinecke himself. the non -partisa n role or the Special PrOS(CUIO r's officr St."(?JTIS nlready Jost. ~1y sense of fairness tells me that the righls of many individuals have been .'!Orely and grievoLLSly compromised. and 1he "'hole question of the ability of any individual connectet'. v:ith \\tatergaic. in- cluding the President himself, to ha\·c a fair hearing seen1s ahnosl now im· possible. Is not the prosecution of the \Vatergate political excesses being totally corn· promised by sin1ilar polit ical exr.esses by se>me partisans or political over-zeale>ts tn the Special Prosecu!or's Office? \\"ALTER E. ECK , ~1.0. ,,·;·""" De.<e r ves Help To the Ed itor : O\Jr President has agreed to pay S4i6.3'11 in back taxes and interest. For this. he should be commended. President . Johnson look the s.1me drduction for his urt<!idcnlial papc>rs that he advis«i !'resident Nixon lo lake for his vice· pre:."idential p.-1pcrs, but P r e s i d e n t . John.son's deduct ion v.·ns never disputed. 1'rc·siden1 l'\ixon is being persecuted. TJIERE .'.!fl' 1nvre than 200,000.000 in· di\'idu:ils 1n the l 'nited States. If OnlY ~76.341 of lhe8e (less than one-fourth of l pcr<·cn tJ v.•ou!d st•nd :i SI gift to Richard ,\L Nixon he 1r<K1ld then have sufficient n1ont•Y to pay his baek taxes with in· tr rt'sl i\fld be able lo retain his current 111u1nc1al status. Th is is the least we can do lor a President v.·ho desen1cs a lot mor('. i\'ly gilt is on Its \\'ay. I ,hope 476.J~O ot!HJl'S 111ill do llke"'l!e. C:LYDE F. :.lcDEnllONT The \~"/lire 1/ou~t ha.~ a1111011nc ed tlu11 tlie J>res1rle11t di&cfJ11 rages fu11d- ru1s1 ng t ffo rls to Jitjp poy liis lazes 'Hlll wilt be ubl1ged ... to ref11.se auch 1/011011011."t. £d 11or IJ11f1tir 10 Rlr /1 To the Editor : n's sure tough to be n Hov•~rd Hnghes or n J . Pa11! (;cuy, both repu!l'd biUionalreli, when !ht Soclnl Security or. I i~ rtluses to pay you more than $347.50 ptr 1nonth, Che rnaxin1um n:ti re1nent in· c.vme for unybody. ESPECIALI~'· when )'OU urc able to earn only 5 per<.>r11l 011 your bill ion dollars. or s~.166,666.67 a month on >Our ( MAILBOX ) Letters from reade rs are welcome. Norr11a tly, writers should convey their messages ill 300 words or less. Tlic right t.o condense letters to fit S!)(JCC or eliminate libel is reserved. All let· ters must include si gnature and "1ait. ing ad.dress but t1an1es may bt with· l~eld on request if sufficient reaso11 is apparent. Poetry u.:ill 11ot be pub· lisli.ed. in11eslments, and on top of th.at you col· lect you r $347.40 from the governm ent. The lav; is grossly unfair to billionaires, millionaires and half-millionaires -here they pay lhe retired truck driver or carpenter about one-third of his pos· sible $12.000 aMual tncoine, for ex·. ;.11nple. before he retired "'hilc poor atessrs . Getty and Hughes are paid only 0.~ percent Of Yth.'.lt they formerly earned. Isn't il about time lo change this farcical law 1hat pays the reti red Huie fellow the same. amount as lhc retired millionaires? Jn Washington when you question them about this iocqui1y. they say. "\\'hY. that's ins urance! lie paid the prcn1iums for it." Boloney. It is still a sn1elly inequity which in a rea l democracy, would be rectified. FRA~K KLOCK Ge11ero1~s? To the Editor: I wish the oil companies, in their ex· pensive television ads. would stop trying to sell us on the idea that they are really honorable. The nex1 thing they will be telling us .is that the y are not "crooks." ff !hey are as generous a n cl humanitarian as .,they say, they .,hould keep their mouths shut and lower the cost of their products to the consumer . nOBERT JACKSON llCl E.rperle11re To the Editor: My husband and I attended the ua open house Ap.ril 6 ~~d . found it an enriching experience. Vi1th.ir. the space of three hours, v.·e saw a film on Ezra Pound. the "j)O('t'S poet,'' hea rd a lecture on a r~nt stay in the Soviet Union by Professor K.E. Bailes ~ whiclt y;as il· Justratcd wilb e,;cellenl slides) and saw a l\('nneth Clark film from hls series on t1\/lllwtion. ALO!'G \\'fTl l these cultural ex· perienccs. we got 10 meet son1c of the t.:CI professors. a real treat in Itself. It is too bad more of the COWlty•s citizens did oot take advantage of this cxperirnce. I bclte\·e too many people sit in their homes and compla:ln about money spent on higher education without getting out 10 sec for themsel\/t3 how It Is being !pen!. The unh•ersity does. after all . of- fer advantages for all cltizeM, lf thty "ill just make the effort to find out about thcn1. I bcllevr our cities should take more advantage of the unlve:nilty and its ~urces. \\'hy not 111 public lecture scrlc.s. free. featuring UC! professors? lbrre i! a wenlth of knowledgt! there that should be sha red by more Ulan just 1he students. 1 believe. JUDITH P ~OLSON • Dear Gloon1Y Gus i\re \1·e renlly expect rd to lx'li1•\ c rhat if you <ire cuugh! nnt pa" in~ huge taxes you ~rt 1norc li~'r'lie .' (Not me, at this hap;;:: IHS ~'.1· son 1. OE .\10ST11f:'.\l·.S !II OIDO"'' Giii COfl>"'el'tl lrl 1ubmttltd 11'1' r1a11eri a llCI CIO ftOI ... , ..... 11, ••l1KI "'' VI~,., I I ll'tl ... WSP•e>er. $~~11 JOUr pc! ••• 15 Gtoo"'' Gui, 0.!11 P1lof, }' outli l11ictge Distorti1ig J' alue of A g·e ~YDNEY J.HARRI~ t\ friend of rni ne, \\'ho rt':.ichcd hl<i :Jitth \"Car of emllll:llCC \\Jlh a L'OIJl\)J!lY. v..1s 3skcd v.·hcther lhe occasion "'as gol ng to Ix' marked v.·ilh some celebration or ;1n- noun ccmenl , ··:xo," he sa id. "v.·e're R<>ing 10 p.1s...<> up thl' v.hole thing as quic1 ly as possible. Things h.'ll'(• changed 1od:1\-.,.,t' ;in· nounce yout4n. but v.c play dov.n senion· ty." lndet.'tl v.·e do. ;ind our society i<: the poorer !or it. Certainly ,you1h shoul d be cnroura_gcd \\'here\'!'r possible-but not at the c.~pcnse of agt·. not to thc t'>lll·nt 01 dcprl!Cialing and diminishing lh r \'<.tlue 1)( loy111!) and Ion~ SCl'\'J('l• ;111d dt•p1 n· dabi!il\' :ind all 1ht' other ;111t·11·nl v1rtu• '· 1'hat· socle1y 1s Uc ~! \1'h1ch ;1tlfl1ns an r<1uilibrlurn bt.•t\\e1·1l th1· llcf·d.-, 4•! :;outh ;ind th(' rt\\lards of ;1gc-1~h1C11 11:-tt·ns t11 !he you ng. and honors the old . A !'1g1d and repr('Ssive society gi1 L·:o. 11 ~ ~ot.11g Jillie eh:u1t'C': a flui d ancl inrl0\:11111· society neglects its ob!igntion Ii.I tl~,. old ~JES 00 !hc>i r bes! \1'ork for honor :.ind respect as 111uch as for m<1ncy If th1.':>e arc not for1 hcuming to'A·ard thr end 11f <a long ll'nure, lht•n goals shift lo the purely imml'fiiatc and n1:ttcri<1l :ind ~clt· seeking -and no long-range ('01np.1n~· or venture c<1n sui\lain it St'lf on these t1•rm.'\. 1'oc mature population of the L'S. h•·~ an enormous ambiva l('nce tow:ird :;oud1 On the one h;ind . it is resent ful and t:-Tanrious tov:ard Pxpre)Ostons of you thful frt'Cdom: on the other. II IS (>llVIUUS <ind rmulat1\t! of tht• latcsr lrentl-; 111 ~outh cul ture . in l'eXUnlil y, in drc)S. In id1t11n and in life-91)'1('. TIUS Af\fBIVALESCE has C"rc:itNI 1\~ O'o\ll backlash ·lov.·urd older pcon!e. ,\ cornpan y "·ants a fresh , young, \'1\a\ hn· agt': and the image is ofll'n nl(lre im· por!ant to lt thnn 1he subsllince. So substance-in terms of years of se r''lce-i! often sacrifiC'Cd to c.'OSm<.otic rcju\'enatlon : 1he hrm 1\ants a "n1od ' look to demonstrat.c th.it it 1s up-to·d<1t1 and it can get the mod look only b~ Jct· ti.:;on1 ng its older people. At. discriminat ion by color and sc:t i'> diminiitning. dl!Cfimin;ition by ag~J 1~ beflinnlng 10 take it' p\ac<.'. This Is not merely a personal injustiC'C to the \ 1C· tim : it violently shifts lhc suli..o!I Qf lh1• v:OOle. social structure . w tha t ~·oun,: p...'0- ple entering the hlbcir ma rket "di no longer shape their carttr·l1\'e1! on !he ba5is of permtinence and d ~p1.•ndabil.1\ but on the axiom of ~cttin~ tl"K• mQst possible In the short t1n1c a\·uU:ibh.: m their ••youth hn~ge." \\1111..E TlllS s •happenin,q. youn~ pro- plc nt the Jov.cr le\'els of educational competenc~ find ii harder to get Jobs ot any sort. ' Jeavisfa Co111111111aity Bolnnee Strnine d . Zionist Line Hits Kissinger \\'ASlll:o.;C TON -The (1r.··t g!1r> n1c·rin~s of a potenri:itly 01n 1nou .~ attack ar.i :1lnst ~·t:retarv of Sra1e llenrv l\i~o::in · J.:t•r by pro-l ~r1.1ci hard-liners ha \·c bi•1;11n ap1lt'aring in this counlry·s Zi11'11St J t'\\· l::th ll•ll di'rS. ill11h·d erilic1i;.1n or !he lir.•l Jt·\\1~h Secretary of State began 111~1 nl'd1~tl.'ly 11fh·r his hr1!li ·111t pcrfornla111·c· "t'l•;,ra· ling l·:!.:~:1l ;11111 1,. rat•I in Jn11u.1rv. Tl~C' tl %1onist Org.'.l1111a!1fl!\) of t\n1 crict1 li'.llA 1, a hard·line Zionist \, ' lobby. in 11s Fcbn.1· '1· ary bulletin criticiz- 1·cl th:t t a'irec menl a s "sl rl.'11gthcn1n~ !he position of the bf>ll ig('rcnt Ar:1h 11orld :ind the Soviet l'ninri." Ry illi\reh, ZOA no longer mu ted ::s c:ril· ic1sni. Directly atta cking Ki~sin~t'r fur l he first li1ne. it next crit iciz('ll 1hf' polili· cal leaders.hip of Israel itS<'I! •.• hit'!L it said . regard s Kissinger "as :i .~"vond l)lS· r:1eh.'' "JS TllE t.:n1ted Sta irs. 011 111e 11!111·r h.111d." lhL' bulletin l.'OUl111utd. ··J1•\11sh l•·r1dl·rs. l.oth Z1onisl ;111d 11n11·i'.1onis1. ;ire J!l!1·r~. v.vn<lrr111g v.h\'lhf'r ""is not ll';u1. in~ ovrr back.,..·ards as :i .Jc11 to pl;1l;tt•· the Ar<ibs a11cru11.:ir So\'ict prull"(:lr1rs." TI1is toughening ZOA linl' 111 no \\'<lY reflects opinion in lhc politic:1! retl!(•r of the po\1erful Amc rican·.l<:11i~h <'0111· rnunn~-Hut St11nt• or th1·,l' modt·r~1h..' ,J r·1\ish le<iders no"' fear !lus 111:.i~· ch:in j:!;c ;i~ a rc'>ult of 1hC' dan~l'fOHS u1crc<1se lll :-.1rian-l•rae li 1nil ilary :1eli\1t.\ 011 the !;oln n Heights. Kisslnge(s pres,ure for l'lr<it'll l 'nfl('essions th1·1'f' rould \\Jelen Zf),\ \ :1 nt1.l\1ss 1n!.!t•r ri pple into :1 tar hro:11k·r ,11\ock. l\ISSl:'\'GEll has 11ev1'r unden·~1o1natrd 1h1..: dchcacv ol hi· po~11 1011 1011.ird th1: .. ( EVANS ·NOVAK J 1\rnenc:1n-J l'l\Lsh tom1r.un11y. lie has rrrna rked µn v<itt•ly that if t•itht'r !ht• l ~r.irli ~o\·pnunf'nl ()r lhc Am•·r1c:1n· ,h ·1\L!ih f'i lm1nun1!\' ('\t·r tonclud~ th.1 t ht· is pustung lsr;i~l too hard . he eould be outtli1nkt-d . 1\llhough rot· modcra t(' J c wish l(';1df'Nh1p·s polit1c:1I mnt~ arc deep i11 1he l)['ffificratic party, H g.'.l11c President :-.·ixnn suhslan!ial support for reelection "'j 1912 and declared a moratorium on t'r lici!'m of rhe admini stration's ~lidea~t pol ir-ies i,o,·hrfl the Yorn Kippur v.ar tx-gan Oct . 6_ :\u.,,,. tt1<1t truce is sho"·ini:: si gns of ~tr:11n. quite apart frorn the hartl·line position of lhe Z<>A. A:\ EX A\IPl.E is Ra bb i Israel ~tiller, prci;idenl of lhc Zion i!Jl F'ed.cralion of A1nc·rit':l (,1 n umbrelln orgnnization \1'h1rh 1·111hr<1l'~~ n1an v org:ini1a!iorL" 1. lie \1\1s !C"SS thaii enthusi'astic in a statement la<:! V.l'1·k g1\1ng l\issin_gt.-r good n111rk.~ 111 '11:inUl1ng l)t)!h lhl.' Arab-lsrar.:li confl ict and the question of emigration by Sovii·l J e.,,,s. ••\\'r ha\'e no complai nts for the time l'ICing again~t Kissinge r." ~liltC'r t\il!> fJUOtr'(\ by ttK· Je.,..·ish Telegraph ic 1\gt>nC:-, "!Jut that drM'S not n1ea n lhal \\t' arc going to follow him blindly." l\iS'l inger ha.i:i tried hard lo keep th e 1\nt<·ricu n Jc.,..·1sh cornmunity ncutralizt'd 1n his hazardous rlfort to rc\'ersc 2j ~t':i ts of Am,·riran diplnnl<iry. But in his 1.c:i l ro pro\'e t.:.S. iJood hulh lo Arah leaders, ·nc opens the door-probably in· ('\"1tabl ~·-to Je"ish co1nplaints that he ha s gone too far. THUS, ZOA 's f\.!arch bu llct111, 111 a sarcaslic item. said lh;il "!he k i~i nu: contcsl current ly undcr'A·ay in Arab t.'l p11al~ is l'w-1ng !oi;t by 1hc Sovif'l l 'nio.1 :i nd won b,v l\is.,111i:t·r -•·:i n1•11' "i1J1tor for 1·n1hra~·1<i llt 'lll by :o,h•·ik o::. prl')1!ih·nts rind kin~" ,,f AralJi01 " ('nn$1d••nn~ lh1• 111odi•'t l:nrrler :.i.d· ju<;!nu·rU.'i J\is ... inA1·r h:i" lnf'tliall'tl so ftlr, !hill J!l\'('"i lhl' n1('rC''i{ htnl of \\h;,I he C.'111 t·Xl)('l'I f<;rn••ll \1 1!hdr:1v.al front rnc SU<'l l';1nal '>4':1s J;ir lt·~s p;unful 1h:1n Olhl•rs in .s111rl' for 1~1:11·!. l\i~'lrlJ!•'r '" n<ll\ 1.-u11· 1·1•1111 .1 1!11'.! ou lh1• tiolan llr1gh1 .S. hut alt1•r lh,11 l'O!!lC"< th1· l'l!lO(l!!O.d fjUr.511011 of.tin· \\'('sl Jl:1nk i1nd ,fl'rU~:l!l·m, ll1'rt· l\1•~111~1·1", prohk•rn is c.11111· pounct.·d liv the nin1!iV ~1 ruc111re of Prim•' .\linister !:oid:1 .\ll·1r~s lie\\ J!Ovcmmen!. 1\s ;\ pru·1· for i:1t HlL: h\·r ;1 p.1rliarnl·111ary n1:1jor, the ncv. rrlii;:ious p:1 rt~· e-.:tr:tclt'd this t-Olll't'S."1on. no l'h<illl.(c on HIC \\'c~! Bank 1San1a ria and .l udP;i ! \\lthout a plcbisc1!l'. f.IOHEO\'Elt, f'•lllC .l l'\\'1Sh leaders hC'f(' ar1· cun\ 1nccd rn;'ll 1.~rael'-. true lll· ICrt'stS -;uvl l'l.:l't:unl) t hi ~ t.-oun- try's -rL'i!1ll l't• rn<l1or· bo r(h•r r••c· 11fica11un!i, 1111·l11rlin;: 1•stahti•hn11·nt nf a 1~al1.'Sl1111<111 Slit!\' on the \\'~l U;.1nk. tn lr)in i: lo :1r !11r\i' this, 1h1·1 ~·-e :1nothr r trap lur K1~:-111i,:er : 1~rl:sall·11t Nixon ·"' 01111 vu\ncr;1bihl y ro pro-l ,r1u·li hard· line~ 1n Congress v.'hosc vote), hl' n1.'e<b in the ilnpc:tl·hmcnt battle. Sri f;ir. !her·· is no •li<;:it:rl't"menl bel11·c1·n K1~"1n,;;1·r ;111d thl' f'r('S1denl. 11 h<l des1}Crn1elr nri·d~ :inother fr1rl'1g11 l1!,1!1cy 1num11n . politir;1I sr1 l1J1 111n flf tl11· 2;11'.·ear ,\ralrlsrut•h \\ar To J.!I'\ ii . hr sf-1.:rns 111lhng t•) r:.kc tim1fed ri:-.k..o; .... 11h l11s hartl·l1ne .lt•11 "h const1lut·nt\ Bui •·ach K1,.s1n g•·r JTlU\C :ih1:11! 11111 !l;.:hh·n ba tt lr l1nrs a\ horne and 111 /,r~1t·I. putl·ntia !ly :-11hJt'C't1 ng '.\I r .\1,\011 111 1n creasing poht1ct1 I t11rc:1is. To rnan1 pu l.111· 1111d eontrol lhe•e prt•:..,11n•s 111.iy !~· l1t",orld ;1111 <1nf" c1en :-o suht!t· a d1pJ111n.1 l :1:.. ll r. l~i~1 11Acr. Th•· l'l'Ulg 11d1· pf J1 \\iSh Crt!ICISll! ~h<r\I S 1h:1 1. Touririg Officials Enjoy New Trend \\" t\SI IJ :"\f~TO'.'\-~~ortign go\·ernrnen1;; 1n qtJ('S \ of t..S. benefit.~ nov. ui;e rl'\ e1°l'lt' lobbying. lnstc:1d of calling UJ>Un Coni;ri.·s:s. I.hey br1ni; !he ron~ri:!.Sml·JJ :1. them. .Just las! Janui\ry for exa mple St•n . \' ri n c e lla1·1 kc. IJ-lnd .. <1ccon1p:1n1t.'d by his 'A ifr . his daugh L1.r i1nd l\.\O :11dcs. brt·1"7t'<i thrQugh flv1 · countri''"i in ;11>•1111 three \\'f'<'ks In e:H·h nt !ht• rnun rr1+"'!! h" \ 1 si1~·d .. 1l le.l lt p;u l l of Jl a rt kc''s ex· pcn'>es "·"re pic:.r.d up by the he>Sl gov· crnme nt . Srnte l"ltpnr11nc n1 cabl e!! reveal that In lr/\n, for lns1a1<tl'. rhe go\"ernrncn t ''informed ! fl urtk1• l I hat he "·ilt be the i;:uest of t Iran 1 and 111;.t I hey 11 ill arrange program incl uding llQ- t('J rescrvatK>ns and transpor tation " Tll~: l>AKlSTANl govtmment. 11c· cording to the cables. provid1.od llart ke v.·ith ··hotel rl'Scrvation.s. car ruld driver and transport.11\on from Kar:ld il 10 Islama bad and return." In Ce)"lon. "Sen:ilor and :\1rs. llarlkr and daul.!h1er "'ill IX' J.!Ucs ts or •the ~O\l'rTUncnt ! with holi'l. tr::ivel txperucs v11ld .. In rndonc!lln. the si•n[UOr \\;JS ,1 '"guest or l':irha1ncnt ." And ln Net\' ~aland, he was also a JIO\'l)mm .. nt guest. r·or spcndln~ money nc:CQrdinl!'. to 1~ ~ables. the \'arious U.S embassies pro- vided HanJ..e with an addition.:il $i) a dar In local curr 1Jtlcs. Y\'OT 0;\1.. \' nu~mbers of Congf"CS! but '• their staff <1ssista.nls have been ga\h,·ant~ ln ~ a round the globe :tt Ute expcn.~P ol £orc1gn governments. On April 13. for in· ~t:tncc·. a dot.en t.'Oni;irc5Slo11;J! ti ldes 11111 arn\·1..: in Ta 1w:in for a \;1(;,1tion f1n:incl-<l b\ :o.;ation<ilist China . The State J)(o pa rtment c:ibled the 1 ·_s. i:rnb::issy in Ta11>ei rcque:;:ting I':\ (':1rds for the junkPting aides "if <'lll ba s!lv 111 position to i.'>SUC thcn1 ." 11lc c rnhil&~v replied th;it tht; ;iide5 woul d ncl'fl "of. lic ial passports" or "we \\ill ht' in 1he ra1hc·r uncomfortable pos1!1<>n of hcsn~ unable to oblain l'X cards for ....01nt·:· 1'he sen ior staff Jllf'm bcr. H:ilph \'anden·on of the Senate !:)pact corn· millet'. told us the trip wus "kind of a public relations th.ln1(' on the p.irt or U1c (.biang Kal·shck 'government. THE t"t.:\\' tho usand doll11rs old Chi:ini:: Sf't'nd3 10 .,,,-oo t:.s. offlclat,, judgi ng h~· past ptrformrtncc. i~ money "ell ~1>en1 In Ilk' past four }e:trs, h ha:-collcc l•'<I ~73 .7 mll11on in IJ.S. military :tid The Soulh Vietnamese govcmmcn! has done f;i r beller. having 1'r3nglcd O\'er $l hilHon in anns aid in 1973. Nov.· the Nixon Administration has requested nnothcr M.74 milllon in "emergency fuOOs" for th11 Saigon regime. Ev~ as lhe rcqu~t Is pending btfor(! Congress, Slate Duponmcnl" cn blcs rt>1 ... 11 1hat :he S;i1 ~on i:o11~n1n1,.111 ha~ 1n\1ILii eight k1·',\ t-011grt·si.1n11:1I ~ta l f rnr'rn tw•rs to visit South \'11·t11;in1 111 \Jt•w "prt·~t·nt n:tilitn"' F()()T:o.;OTE: Co11g rcssr11t'n ,ind lhl·1r :11dt•s ~ho :it•ct·pt fn·e lri ~ <1hru<11I lroi11 fl•\'l'i~n go1 crnn 1l·n1~ mil) 111· u1 \ 1o!at1011 <1f 1h'" Con~1itu1 10n. 1\hit•h fortu<ls LS of· 1 f l(;f;do;; !N.Jrn .;<·C1'f1l 1ng nnv '4•111olu· 1n~·nt . . of tin~ kind v.11.ir1 1·~r ftoin <Jn~· l\1ng. !'ru1t1.· or f11rl'ii;11 ... i;1l1' ·• OIANGr COAST DAILY PILOT Robrrt .\' \\'red, f11ll1llslicr 1'1111111ris J\cc 111/, 1:1J11or J:a rhnrr1 J\rf'1!11r.ll f.dHOrllll /!age l:ditor ' 'Th,. (•tblr0nal flll;'t' ot lh,. Di\1ly P 1iot M"•'kic I•' 111fi11'n Md ~11mularf" rra<l1·N h)• J1rt'•''fll11U{ on fhii 11111.!" d1\·rr~ <'tmmcn•;u;· ''" 1.-.p1,.., ,,r tn· Irr•'' hy ~l'l/11f'J1ltoff .~,1umn1s1s and CatlOf\f\lflf,;, ti~ pro'l\'lth~ & forum for tf'a•ltrs' \ tc-.. • .. no-! "> prn"1tlng 1h1• n,.11,.pa~r·, ur1nW)n~ 1'1'111 10, .. u o;i cuT'Tf'n! lopiro: Thi" 1'!1l!oru1l opln~"""' ol lh•· !>11•:)· J·,~,· :111-.:·11r tinly 10 1h,. Mitor111.I '"lumn 111 '""' tr1ri or ttir p.ii;;r-. Op1n1nns f'1<PrT!:""1 by lhe <"'!· umniits and 1·att111.•rO~tl' ll •MI ltll,.r \.\Tll<'1'S ar,. 1hrl1 ""'"•nil oo •-ntk>t'ijt•• mmt or 1hl1r \ '""''!{ 1,y th~ U.'llly PUot ShoUltl bt 1nf{'f'rrd. \\'ednesday, r\pr1l 10, 1074. \ ' Oil Firn1s To Settle Damages ,.W ASHIN\;TQ,~ AP] ~ Four major oil companies sued by California for a half billion dollars after the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill have ( BRIEFS ) agreed to pay any damages in a similar suit by the state against the fed eral govern· ment. • ' But the damages should ran far short of the $500 million the state had sued the federal J!:Overn1nent for, the Justice Department said In an- MI LK TURNS SOUR Even Michael Landon'5 •· nouncing the oil comQ.1nies' agreement Tuesday. TI1e suit a~alnst the federal govern- ·ment has ~ connection \\'ith · the $iOO million suit against the tour companies. Mil h Acls C_halle 1 ~gecl B)· FTC The four compan ies are Union, Gulf. Texaco and l\tobil. Plaintiffs "'ith the stale ln the suit are the city and county or Santa Barbara and nearby seashore Carpinteria. e Plan Dropped By The Associated PrHs Gov. Ronald Reqga n's odd- even gasoline sales plan has been dropped by all San Fran- cisco' Bay area counties. Supervisors in San i\1a1co, · Sant a Clara and Solano counr tics voted Tuesday lo dro1, !he plan. joining Alameda and Contra Costa counties v•hich abandoned the plan earlier. ~1arin County's voluntary plan radOO away "'ilh the gas lines. San Francisco County ne\·er implemented the plan. e Sthool Policy POWAY (AP)-Youngsters who don't believe in pledgint:: allegiance to the flog won 't be ordered to do so any more at Poway public schools. On the advice or the San Diego Coun1y Council. the Poway school board adopted ~ pollcy, eftecth•e Tuesday. that slates: "Persons i,o,·ho. because or religious beliets, desire to rclrain from recitation of the pledge or saluting the flag, may do so: however, these persons shall be expected to stand quiet ly at atlenlion ll'fu.le the pledge is given." eDonatlo11 LOS ANGELES fAP ) -Ci- ,ty oouncilmen voted 9-6 to award a $50.000 donation to public television station KVST. despite complaints o£ the sta- tion's leftwing bi as and the alleged criminal records of some of Its directors. SA.'1 FRANCISCO (UPl'I - The l-~ederal Trade Com- mission says it's not true that "milk has something for everybody.'' Ds ad- vertisements daim. TI1e FTC said Tuesday it 11·i!J file a complaint against the California i\lilk Producers advisory board and its ad- \'Crfising agency, Cunningharn and \\lalsh. Inc .. of New York, charging that the ari \'Crlising slogans "'hich have featured such celebrily endorsements as Olympic S\\'imming cham- pion J\Jari; Spitz. Oak!~~~ A's pitcher Vida Blue, Hay !f'.lger. Abigail. \'an Buren and actor ~1ichacl Landon are n1isleading. The I-IC singled out !he "mi!k has son1ething for everybody" and "everybody needs milk" slogans. TJI E PROPOSED complaint charges that !he ads misrepresent Iha!: -ri.·1ilk is essential. necessary and needed by all individuals no matter "'hat their state or health: -J\1i/k consumption is beneficial lo everyone; -Everyone can consuinc unlimited quantities of nulk "'ilh no harmful effects. and -l\lilk consumption "'ill pre- vent or reduce the possibilities of cootracting colds o r arlhritis. 'The FiC said the board and agency would be i?:ivcn an o~ portunity to agree to a consent order. "'hich r r esu ma b I y would ban any further use of the advertising clui1ns. .. .. t0~1. APtll 10, 1CJ74 SLA /fle111bers Cl1ru1ge of Venue Derried in Trial San Leandro Area Ripped ~· '• By Freak 'Mini:;twister' (i SAN LEANDRO fUPJ ) - A flcials. The weather service ;.w~ltl strong wind hit about a Ill-The Jardine family's steel not confirm the ~·· block area of San Leandro toolshed was blo~11 down, although some reside • W:I :.TARTINEZ fUPJ) -A Little and Remtro are also Tuesde.Y. caUSihgno~Jnjurles fenef3 collapsed-and the-k-... t.levl.lon antenna b r • k e . tu1,:y saw -nne,.. judge has denied a citnnge of under indictment in Oakland but leaving a !rail of uprooted .J. z, A~., t• per-nt ol •k-resembling a "while pl~' renue in the a t t e 1n pt e d for the slaying of Sch ool tf'i?ts, downed fences and tom-lA1U ~ "'" uic ~ ~ murder lrlt1I of alleged Syn1-Superintendent ~1arcus fi'o~ter oft shingles. shingles on the roof "''ere Forecasters said ..t1"~ r bioncse Liberation A rm y and the attempted murder or "It sowxled like a truck blown off and a window was "'eather Will continue for 1he members Russell Little: and his assistant. CALIFORNIA driving across our roof, .. said smashed by flyi ng shingles next several days, 8'\l)o)l!:h Joseph Rcmiro. The defense produced more Edwin Jardine "'hose home from across the street. there 's a chance of IOC'Dt(tost Contra Costa Superior Court than 150 news stories and su ffered SJ.000 damages. A large tree was uprooted in the Central Valley Thursda y Judge Samuel llall turned photos mentioning the pair in Tiie hopscotch pattern o( the about a block from Jardine's down the request Tuesday and connection with the Patricia damage indicated a "mini-home. II landed on a camper morning and a chance .~f;.&in ordered the pair to be ready Hearst kidnaping and the twister'' hit the city, ac-and badly damaged the vehi-. near the Oregon bordet leter for tria l J\1ay 28. f'oster sla ying. cording lo San Leandro of-cle. in the day. Defense: attome:ys arguedll-----'---"-------------------''---------------------------:---:=-:,:.,- publicity about the case \\'OUld 1 1nake it Impossible lo find im- partial jurors. llowever. Hall said he fcets a jury can be "carefully screened and instructed to consider only lhe charges "'hich are pending against them in this jurisdiction.'' The pair arc charged in con- nection with a Jan. 10 incident in "'hich they allegedly fired at a Concord policeman arter he stopped their van in a re~idential area. Police said later !hat SL.A material was inside the vehicle. Ilod v Fou11d J In Pieces LOS A'.'JGELFS fVPl ) - The coroner's office \\'lls tryi ng today lo ident ify the body of a young \\'Oman, found hacked to pieces and stuffed in several ga rbage cans behind a 1notcl in Studio City. The young ~'oman had a~ parenlly been dead some time. said police who responded to a call from an employe at the El Dorado ri.·lotcl. \vho found the body Tuesday. The body \Vas cut into "a num ber of pieces." aH or "'hich "'ere round. except for a portion of one leg, police said. .4<lv isor ll esigns OCEANSIDE (AP ) -At the mayor's request. a member of the mayor's youth advisory commission has resigned after pleading guilty to felony possession of marijuana. The ex ·comn1issioner. Phi1\ip Soto. 28. Oceanside. also is chainnan of the associated students at ~lira Costa Com munity College. lfe resigned Tuesday. • ; • ·- ; • Interest earned by ·savers Main Offic•: 2650 Zoe Ave., Huntington P•rk • hll·Mawwood -6250 Atlanlic Ave.· COel• ..... -3310 Brl1to! SI.• Los Ane-ln -4929 Witshlra Blvd. • POtt HNMIM -2671 No. Venture Rd. Sowth Gate -4240 Tw•ed)' Blvd.· Studio City -12m Ventwe BM:I. • Torrmce -182 Fur.Ion Square· YtfttVI'• Headquwter•-2So So. Milli Rd.· Wnt U.~-11551 Sant• Monica Blvd. • \ .. ,_,, WED. thru SAT., APRIL 10-11-12-13, 1974 OHi DAILY 10-10, SUI. 10-7 m SHARP . ' ... ,•" . . . ~ .. it.' " . ·'·' : ' ... ·. . " r_, I ... . •I .. .. ·1~. . . " ' OPEN DAILY 10-1 0; SUN. 10-7 WED. lhru SAT. APR. 10-13, 1974 l m _ _..... "'!''"' REGULAR SIZE QUEEN SIZE · Regular or Queen size seam· less slretch nylon panty hose with nude heel. in basic na- tural shades. Regular ln sizes SIM, MIT_ Queen Siles M or T, fil up lo 200 lb. Save! Charge It! -•• ~ _,,. .. ·--..,~r -·-· ... ~ I PRESENTS The Fun Makers And Energy Savers ... EXTRA LARGE CAPACITY MICROWAVE OVEN OUR SALE PRICE 88 Soked potato io 4 min11tes, criip ba<oo in 3-4 min11te,, <Omplele dinner with rOO\I io gbovt 36 minulei. Cook\ <ool , wve\ energy. Pl119\ i"to o"y "ormgl hou~ho~ tUnenl. Eklro l<1rge capocily. 6on11t Browning Oi\h by (or· n1ng. R7500. ltlUlewtl ·--,,,_..,_ ftllltr• '"""' ..... _._ .. ,..__ .. ··--·-· JIOllTUAll ..... u ..... _ ,.,,__._ ·---• --· ·-lll llDAtlMH , .... .,. ... 11•••u11 -·---·-, ..... _ ... _ ...... ...__ '¥'" ,, w .. ,. ..... , __ ..,,, __ ' 2-WAY PO.WEI 9'':"!. TAKE-ALONG OUR SALE PRICE 88 Ploy it anywhere. Cleo.,, crl1p bloc:ll ond whlte rec•ption. Comes with AC/<ord, <or or bo<JI cigoreMe lighter cord ond l 2·po<ll batteries. 3M20XM. ......... ,_, .... -... -· • .... -.... ·-IMMl<nf , ..... ,. _,,, -·--.... ___ -·-. --'"'" •r•&n ·--·-,.,,.,_ ..... __ ·-... ·-JO, tfl &IKlltS TSO.IA• 8lll fOft&IU ........ _ ,,, __ ,.,. __ ---·--... -.. ( Pa rle of I 2 flalleries And Car Cigorelte lighlet Cotd Included. ..... 1&1tt•1.._.us ., ... . .... ~ .... __ ............. .,, __ ·--.. ___ l&l<AllU lMlM&Cll ....... .... _ ... , ---~~ ·-·---·----tllll• ' ........ "'°"" ,,., __ _,.._ ... _ ""!~-·-.. -...... •ALllUA ...., ... WIST••sn• .,.,,, __ ,,,, ___ ·-----·- J • . - VOL. 67, NO. I 00, 6 SECTIO NS, 84 PAGES 'A GUTSY WOMAN' Incumbent Gibbs • 'ECSTATIC, EXHAUSTED' Incumbent Coen Alicia We1itworth Wins City Clerk Job Easily i' j L D1t11 PllCll $1'11 P}Mll ELECTED TO POST City Clerk Wentworth Thief "Borro,vs' Hospital Coat, Gets $400 Loot A young man wearing a white laboratory coat and an air of authority stole about $450 from cmploye locker rooms at two \Vest Orange County hospitals Tuesday. 'The thief "'alked unhindered about the corridors of liuntington lntercommunily Hospital and then searched through lhe personal bel')flgini:ts of cn1ployes until he had about $400. lluntington Beach police said. ' Then, he asked dirc'c1ions to Fountain Valley Community Hosp(tat. \\'here he apparently coirried off 11. simi lar thc rt. fountain Valley police said the suspect onlv got $50 to $60 at that location. The \.l'hllc lab coat helped the thief pass as a hospital cn1ployc, flunt ington Beach police indicated. "lie got into some strange places, such as our coronary unil. \\'here the nurses shooed bim out,'' said Richard Grundy. admi~al<>r at Huntington lotcro>m· hough hospital employes must wear ncatk>n badges. said Grundy, new v.·orkers sometimes don't receive the lags right away. After ·crunqy rea lized the morning thert had occurred, warning phone calls y.·erc made to neighboring hospitals. for Fountain Valley. It was already too lale. SLA Cla in1" Deed PllOENIX. Ariz . (AP ) A n anonymous caller. identifying himself as head or the Symbione~e Liberation Army, told the Ph0tnix Gazette Tue$day his orgnni1allon was responsjblc for pouring gasoline iW! the city's sewer system last Y.'ttk. I By JllLAR Y KAY E 01 lhl ~ilY Piiot Stiff Alicia \Venlworth \\'as clectett city clerk in 11unlinglon Beach 1·uesclay , defeating her nearest opponent by n1orc than 3.000 votes. The fina l results ~·ere : -Alicia \Vcn t"·orlh. 6.316 -Katherine Y.'a\lin. 3,148 -James Dukette. l.OO'Z -Bernard ~lahoncy. 997 "It ~·as very humbling , sin ce I "·asn't able to campaign,'· ren1arkcd ?-.!rs. \Venlworth today. "\\'hile I \\'as setting up tile election. all the others \\'ere out campaigning full·time. I'm ,, r r y i;rateful. '' ti.lrs. \\'enl\.l'Orth pulled ahead of th(' others early in the evening, scoring \•ic- tories in every precinct but se,·en. The 47·ycar·old clerk \1·as <1ppoin1cct to the post in 19i3 to till the vacancy causrd by the death of Paul Jones. Pri or to her appointnicnt, ri.·lrs. '\\'entworth had scr\'ed in the ci ty clerk 's office since 1961 as deputy city· clerk. The victorious incu1nbent s.aid today that she expected a ti ght race bet1,·ecn herself and hlrs. \\'allin, since she did not even have a campaign manager. "Until two independent comminces picked up my candidacy late in the race. there \va sn't much of anything," she ex· plained. Perhaps her major opponent n1ade the mistake of begino1ng her campaign too early, Mrs. \Vootworth suggested. "first time candidates often make the mistake of iust starting too soon," she said. \Vhile voicing gratitude for her o"'n ''ictory, Mrs. Wentworth commented on the paltry turnout -20 percent of !he elislble voters. •·vou can't really pin it do"'" to one factor," she offered. "It's happening all over -people could care Jess. Perhaps it is Wa tergate. Perhaps it's a lot of other things.'' 2 Kirluapiug A rres t ~ \VASHINGTON {APJ -The arrest in New Jersey or lwo more men in con· n«:tion with the kidnaping of 8-year-0ld John Calzadilla o{ Dix Hills. N.Y. was announced today by FBI Director Clarcn· ce Kelley. Kelley eaid agents also recovered most of the $50,000 ransom paid by the boy's father after the kid- naping A.1arch 6. The arrests brought to 10 those in custody in the case. 'IT'S FA 1VTASTIC' S.4l'S ADVERTISE R "Fantastic!" In that one "·ord. the Huntington Bfach man Who placed the following ad In the Dally Pilot's classified advertising seelion described him' well it "·orked. Hert'! the ad : '66 V\Y Van. 20.000 nctun l ml .. Runs great. $800. Hnt. Bch. (Phone No.) Nalurally. it sold the van. Naturally, a Dally Piiot ad can sell ye .. ~ mcrchsn· dise. Test il..,roursclf. Plac. your ad by phone (dirccilmc) by dialing ,642·5678. • -• ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, APR IL 10, 1974 Harriett Wieder .. Joins · Veterans Bv TERR'' CO\l lLL E 01 ,,.. Dl !IY "llol Sitt! Ted B.'.lrtlelt "·on his fourth tl'nn on !he c11y council 111 Tue.sda~"s elC'CllOn a-. ::111 threl' Huntington &ach u1cun1bcnts easily \\'On re-election. The fourth counci l sea t. \'l cntC'd this year hy .Jac k r.r<'en, v.·a-. fi\lt'<l by nC'~·con1cr llt1 rrict1 \\'iedrr "ho finished ;i s1r-0ng third in the tot.::il b;il!o!ing. Thl' final ![lily v.•as: -Tl"<l B;1rtlctt 1 incun1bt~nt 1. 5.39.i_ -:\'orma (;ibbs liocumbeot J, 5.3.lS. -Harriett \\'1cder. 5.312. -Al Coen tincumbent ~. 4.613. -Ralph Ba uer. J.885. -~tarcus Porter. J.i29. -George ~lcCracken. 3,61 I. Follo\\'l'<i b.v : Philip Putman. 2.609: \\ 11l1an1 Armstrons. !!A97: John Flood. J.767: Johl1 S\\·ain. l.532 : Robert Albt-ri s. 1.421; Robt>rt Rolen. l.15j: Brute ( ;;1bric \wn. 9j:l. this lime. You had to set out and make your Oli\'n bonfi re." :\'orma Gibbs. "·ho nearly grJbbed Ila· honors as top vote getter. creditNI "!hi.' proplc" and s1naH contribut1011S for her s1rong shO\\'ing . .. A lot of people JUSI thought ! "a·" a gutsy "'On1an and OU!Zhl lo stay tln the council." she rcflcl'lt'fl tod a~. "Thoo;c o;n1all contributions raised almo~t Sl.iOO for n1y campaign ," Like the others. she \\·as disappoinll'cl 1n lhc lo~· tumoul. "I v.·as d1srouraged hi' the apathy. It's democr:icy by dcfauli. There reall\' 11i·eren 't an\· 1!1sues." Harri ett \\'ieder, "'ho-a year ago "'.'l.~ unkno\';n in the cily, mad(' a surprisingly strong sho"·ing to finish third in the four· "·a.v race. She acln1i ts 10 Sfl<'rKl1n i:: a In! of n1on1•\· on the can1pa iizn -nl';ir 1h1· SiOOJ h111;t -and sa) s JI h;id to hi.' that \\';i~· TOP VOTE GETTER Incumbent Bartlett Coastal Oil Today's Finni N.Y. Stol'ks ~TEN CENTS NEW FACE ON COUNCIL Harriett Wieder Tht• \'Oler turnout \\'as a 1011· 20 pt'r- ccnt. \\'ilh only 12.064 of the 64 ,894 registered \·oters going 10 the polls. This \\'as the Sl·cond time 10 B:.~tlett ·s four victories that he v.·as top ·ate ge11er 111 the election. \\lht'll first elceti"d to the city council in l!H4 hr v.·as ;ilso the ~ugh man -that ti me picking up the grand total of 49;, ,·otes. ''It 1\·asn·! a sin 10 Sflt'11d rnone~ To i;:rt (')ectcd. 11 eo!':~. Yuu h.1\·t· to r·o111· munu:ate.'' she t•x11la ined 1odav. "But I think the most l'Xtit111g thing. about 11 1vasn't the \\'inn ing. hut the people "ho helped n1e "'in . I hop<' in the nl'xl few yl•ar s ~·e can 1-:1.·t rnore flt.'Opl(' cxc11t'CI about lo<·al government so thcy ·u (._'Qn1c out and vote ." Sieroty fl its Sec 1·ecy He servC!d four years to l!HB. then "·as off the counci l until 1966. \1·hc:i he came on the nC\\ly expanded seven-member council. He \\'On rc-elC'C11on in 1970. fin· ishing second to Jack Green. Al Coen faced 1he toug hest b..1ttle to rc- t;i1n hi s seat as school board n1t'.'mbcr Ralph Bauer closely follo,\·ed hi1n mo~t of the night But 1n the end . Olen f111 ish('O v•ilh a strong rnargin of inorc than 7fl0 votes. In D1·~lling P1·01Josals Todny Bartlett blamed bnth the poor \\'rathl'r and apathy for "the pi1iful lut·nout." but thaoked his fnt·nd~ for th~·i r hl'lp 111 ~'inning. He surou:;cd that the incu1n hcnt-. v.·on bcc<iu:.e "Thl're 11·as no fighting cau~c Ry the end o( it hr \1•as ''ccslat st and exhausted.'' accordiog to his v.1rc. ~·clicia. The rlcctrd counl·il n1C'n10Cr, \1 Llt lie !'l.!3tc<I . or rc·SC'<:1tl.'d, ~tonday night. Golda Mei1· Tl11·eate11u1g To Step Dow11 u1 ls1·ael .IERlSALl::~·l tAP i -Premier Golda \lrir ;innou ncccl to her L1bo r party 1odil \' sht' 1-. resigning as Israel's leader and sa id "1his brin,::s dov.n tht' \\hole gu1·ern· ni cnl." Par1y executives c nr rging from 3 closed mectinA said the i5-year-old premier, oven•:helmed by a crisis un Israel's setbacks in the \11ddle East ~'or . !o!d them. "I cao no longer bear !he burden ... it is beyond m:· strength." Party officials said ~trs. ~!cir \\·ould st.::iy on as head of a caretaker c<ibinet until ne"· clt'ct ions can be held . but ad- TANK, ARTILLERY DUELS FLARE AGAIN -Story, Page 4 ded thal clcclions arc unlikely to be organized lUllil August. four months a"·ay. · -'lrs. ~!ci r said she \l'Ou!d formally tender he r rrsii;:nalior at a cabinet meetiog Thursday. "I have reacht'd the end of the road." said the grandmo1her premier "ho has led Israer thivugh some of its most critical days. She said her dec ision "'as "i r· revocable." "I ·111 sorry this brings dov.·n the \1·ho!e gover11n1cnt .'' she ,!old the rneeting , rrO\.l'ded "·ith party s1;i!~·arrs. a f('\\' lsr<ieli r<'1>0rters and ao Associated Press Jlel\'S01f•n. l..-00k1n~ firm bul somber. :.ht· told the La!>0r pnrty: "IJon't try to C'hangt' niy m11Ki .·· ~l rs. \lctr 's n10\'C lef1 l sr~cl 111 pohlic;il turmoil and led by 1.1 lam<'·duck c:ibinct on the eve of cruciai ne~otiat ions \\•1th United States sccretar\' of St<1te llcnrv A. Kissinger. trying 10 end an ilrtillerY "'.'.Ir unde r 1\'ay on the S~rian front. .. , a1n exhausted." :\!rs. \f£'ir \\'as quoted as saying in reference to tht• cabinet crisis she h;i s gr:l{l\llcd \\ ith since !he October ~1Ldeasr ·.•oar. There 1vas no immediate \\'Ord on the future of f)efensr :\l1n1s1cr :\loshc O;i~;1n 1rho is heing urged to resign O\'CT lsr;1cl's \\':lr shortcomings. Party men1bcrs attrnding the eloscd meeting quoted ~!rs. ~!ci r as s:1y1ni::. \ly dC'Clsion has nothin~ to do l\'ilh D<1yan ... She resigned a month ago because of party squahbling. But she changed her mind because of "·hat she 1crrnC1'.1 a military crisis on the Syrian fronl. Israel has been afnic1ed "'\th constanr turmoil since the October \hddle East "'ar. It centered aroun:t fixi ng the blame for 'nation's unpreparedness for the Arab attnck Oct. 6. Hy C .\~l>.\t't: l't:::AHSO~ 01 "" o •• ,., "llol ~llrt ThP ud indusl r~' and 1hc rcd1'r}ll l!O\·rrnn1t·n1 ha\·c opcr;itl11 too Sl'crr!h in pro!J(lsals Ii. npi ·n u1i ii n1i1 1i1;i1 otr~hnrc :icrc> for 011 dnllinP.. it 11 a" ch,1 rged Tuesda y. ' The public"~ inttr('St isn't being pro· ltc!cd. Ao;st·n1bly111an 1\li1n S1croty ID· Beverl y lh lls I said at a hearing ln SJnta . \lonica. S1ero!y. l\'ho chairs the S1 .. icct Co m· mittee on Coastal Zone Besourccs. com · pl<11ned that : -Opinions of o(f1 cial s in coasta l c1t irs 111 Orange :ind Los 1\ngelt•s Counties h;:n·«n't been soughl by the federal go1·crnmcot. -Currrnt lrases of dnlhn~ ru::hls by the stal e nnd federal govl'rnmcnt br ing loo much profit 10 pri\·;itc oil t'01npan1c~ :ind too little to the public. "Thc rr 's an av.ful lo! of rnonc v ht·r.· .. ~1rro1y said, refcrrnig to current pnc:cs Of iUJ. "[!·~ a rt'.'sou rcr !hilt belongs ro the p1~lpl(', .. hf' ;1ddr:d :1t his con1m illel'·s ht·<iri ng ... I'm not sure the people arc gett ing an adcqu!1te return " TJast Cha11<·e To Pll)" Ta.re.~ f>rangl' County prop..:n :; 0111n1·r~ n1u~1 pa) tht'1r S('COnd 111s1allmt11t on count y property taxe..~ 1oda } nr lace penal1li('s of si'( pf'rc1 n! ar.tl SJ in csts per parcel. Orange Cvuoty Tax Co!lettor Robert Citron s:ud taxpayers should bring Their payrnen1s to his .)fficc 111 µcrson or hll\'P thf'n1 postm11rked by n1idni gn t tonight l.J a\'oid the pena lt y. Raid 'Enticement' Charged l ' alley 1J£llc )·er Accuses Police • Lii By J AN \\'ORTil 01 "" ~ily l"llot l.r•lf fountain Valley Attorn ey J !a m es Spring accused police Tuesday n i~ht of using dope and beer as enticemimts to lure suspects \lt'hich resulted in ma ss arrests ?\1arch 27 of more than 100 }'Ou!}ls. most from the city of Irvine. Spring n1ade his allegat ions during an appearance bcrorc th e Irvine City Coun· cil. A spokesman ror 1he Cost;i ~lesa Police Department, the C(Jntractor for law enforcement In lr\'ine. categorically denied Sprlng's charges. Spring ls the attorney for the parents of six young people 11i·ho "'ere nabbNI in the massive roundu1> of drug suspects. The arrests were dubbed, •10peralion Jrvlng ." The attorney told Irvine oouncilmen in I I his alle~ations that police underCO\'tr agents had furnished narcotics ;ind alcoholic beverages to minors and ''the ent ire raid \Yas planned and designed to secure rnaidmum publicity for the ar· resling agency." A lolol of 100 persons. including iO ju\·eniles and 30 adults . "·ere arrested in the operation. SpecUicalJy, the Allegatlons "'ere that : -A male underco\'cr nnrco\1t'll agC'nt. repeatedly solicitt'd minors to Wl(' n11rro1ics and furnished both narcotics a1Ki alcohol to them. -A female undercov .r agent. organiz· ed a p.'lrty on Dewberry Way thnt "'a5 raided ~farch 2i. -The Costa ~lesa Pol ice TX!partment released lo the DAii)' J>ilot a llst of v.•ar. ranl.5 to be ser\'ed during the bust glvinA !he names and addresses of certain I ri;i11 e l'£1 .~e juvenlles and adults and 1hc crimes ,,.,·nh "hich those (X'rsons \\OUld be charged . -Se\'eral judges. city of f i t i a Is . reporrers. and depuly district attorne~\ ,..,ere invited lo accomp;1ny police on 1hc raid . . .:.. The raid y.·as designed for mli x1n1un1 publicity "v.•ithoul reR.lrd to the prcju- cl1c111l effect thi-s . ubll~lty may h:l \P on l:H t•r cour\ actions," -It 1s the ron11n11111g pol1ev of thl' Cosla ;\le.sa Police Dep..1rtment to stop ilnd hnrra ... s JU\'Cniles "·ithout "arranr~ or pmb3b1c cause. The • >unc~I recei\'{'d lhc allegations without C'Ommcn1. Spring said th<! p:irent~ bche\'e "the counc:il has the duty to inquire into th\'.!.~•· matters re~sibly. objeetl\'C.\)· und v.1~h all due hasie.'' Lt. John f . Aega:i. rhll·f of the Co.'ita (Sec DRUGS, Pa1u: ZI ·' ~1cro1~· areu~cd 1111' 011 t'on1p;in1cs of h;11 int.: ;i "l·.1llnus d1~1 c;;a rd.. for lhc puhhC' 1111\'rCo;L 111· h•ld fl'~r:1r1"l1 ~1·1rnu~t.; lron1 thr J:,\\ll l 1:·;1nr.111111 !h,11h1•11Jn!" thf'm 10 11..-1~ 1n1oi 1h•· fll1.",illd11v (lt 1he st:i tt• gr~1n· Tin-.: 1t, 0\111 i·u:lli.ir!-.. 11r11 lf•:l<;f''i. fn1 dn!l111:! and 1l11:n n1.1rkellng lhl' ot! ils<'lf Tht· heari ng 1\:1.; c.:onecrn1.'<I \\'lth th1' !ll.1te l~1nd~ C'o111n\1~~1on'!' plans to ;il\o\v rl''i un1pt1on of olf;,hore drilling fron1 r:o.- i-.ling 11l·ll~ . The lt'Sl1 n\011y :.ii."° dCJ lt 1n del~ul 1\'Jth ft-<i•·ral proposals fl)r offshorr leo~es alo:ig lht' roas t fro n1 Vent ur<i Count v lu San ('J,•men!t'. - Accordin ~ !o a· prcliinlnary study h:: BA.\'!) ol ti e1;il". !hi· n<'hcst po!cn1 1a\ fit·ld~ arc off ll l1nt1ni.;ton Ut·aeh :ind S;in- 1:1 \lnniea. "I don't Sl't' any f('iJSOn \\hy the 011 t·o nipa n1 t's shoul<l h;i\c to!;i! control c11t·r 1h1s rcsourre." S1f'rury decl;ircd '1111· unl.1 011 i ·on1p~1ny spokes1n;1n Jlrt'"''ll! rf'pn•st'llt ini.; Exxon Curp lt·~tified flt'\\' uud..:r..l·a drilling !cchn 1q1J1·~ al!o11· 01! l''(plora11nn to tfl kt' p!,11" 1111hou1 .ifXl\I' · 11 atC'r pl;e1form~ 1·1~1bl1 · fron1 lhC' d1s1:intt'. A spokt·sman for r .oc~hrf'<i .\11·<.1],., :ind Sp:ic" Co. cxp!;11nl'd ;1 ho 11 · suhs urfacc relO\'cry s~,,!l'ms opera lt'<I h~ h i.~ firm. H.1nd Corp of SJn1:i \lnnit.:a rel eased a rtpon lh!:. \11·• k intlica!ln,! :1re:i~ 11 11h thC' hight'!>\ J)!1'rnt1;d fnr <111 producrtun 1:1\ c!uc;r to the 1llo~t hl•,1\·i11· ust'(i ht .. 1!'ht '~ . Tll'· n ·1)!.1rJ 1·s11m.ilt-tl a Jk:ik ou tput 1.it 400.000 h,1rrel~ of 011 a da\' Nnlld ht• 1)11111pt'(I fron1 a 1ou.n11lf~-long art·.1 p;1r,1:l•·I !(J !hr coa.'t lron1 J•i. .\IUKU to S;1n Clemf'nl l'. exl1·ncl1ng ~c;11va rd fro111 !ht· sta le•'<; three·n1ilc tt·rnton;1I hn111 to i.IS f,ir <i!> :)() rTiill·:,. \\'illiam (irant of rhc Bureau of Land man fi.ge rnent. in answt'r to a question hv ~1erorr. said !hcrl' 11"C1s no otht•r plac" 111 rhe L:n11ed State~ 1,1·hr re such drilling hild 1 See <>IL, f'age 2 I Orange Coast U'eather ~losl!) 1 ll'Rr !l,rnu;:h Thur.sdoy. \\'tt rml·r d:.t \S "llh highs at the ~aches in ttw Ul)Jl•·r 1)(1o; r1..;i ng Lo .lhl' 101\' iOc;. C(l()I nights \1 1th O\'Cr· n11-:ht lOl\'5 •lJ•i1 l;\Slllt; l'OUA \' '.\f()llf'!J, rr('(' . ll 11.f'tll feature 'ut llu1 /)u 1l11 Pi/{•t !f f111mic/ul f1<1gr(. 1atlo!1 Or$cribes rl1e outic.! 11( rl1t' \.1l b1·r1 br(l tllPr.~ 1cl10 at· te11rl .~on1e 20() cr1rporare~ Q year, 111~1 1Jf1r r•1ru 11p lroitb/e. See !/(Jf!f (/)I f'flf/f! 27, At Y1ur Str-~otl ' Y.IOlfloil• • ••• ,,ft, " -.~. ·-" ' • .... " Ml•lt'• 1•-1' C•01ot" ~ I .... ,.,,.ftf, " c~n111•• o.w N•t1e"1I ""' '· " c • ..,.~, • Otl ftff ttllfttY U·I! Crenw1ro ,_ • ·-· ,, ... Otllll lloll~I\ " l¥1Yil l"1r11r ' Edl!trlt l ... ,. • SIM!i ll·M E11lt"1i-fll Jl.)1 ..... Ml l'lcth ,.. l'INfle;I •·n '""''~ " .. ~ " f!Ho1!tr1 ~·-11 "'"'Ke" • """•Iller "IHI '-'"'"" • W.,ML lltwt ... I • "':•OA.ILY PILOl ____ H _____ W:.:•::dnl'~ay, April 10 1.,1 Huntington Vote Results 2'1122 C...pf$trll'IO l.111• JONo H. E&<le< ~cl\OOll ~1tsr 0c:w111o1ew L•"" VIII.I PiK•t.c Ch.ibno~11 81/fh Sc.l'IOOI LeB••d ~c-1 Kt111.,. sc.,001 Gl\Jff ln!e<1ne<;1•1tt kloocl .. 11 Dumb•~• 0<1v1 ~1)1 R•ll•ltr ("Cle Al"IV.JIO' !Kl\001 L•""' ScllOO! m2 Vel1rdo 011.-. h""l•lnVIOll C0111J..,..,t1l ll ClvllhO\ne """''rd School t1unt1ngton 81y Clubl'IOuw Ri~ho Hun!lnoton Mobll1 Home P•rlr; (l11t>llOll$1 r :.111er1 Scl'IOOt t.le..-l•r>d Scllool Pen-y Schoc>I Sis. s1.._ & Jude Scllaol ~Ill Ctpt Co1!1g1 L1n1 Pr tr '!IOI! School H11ntin11ton By.. Tt..SN CIUOhol/11 P1d llc ,,.u.,. P1rlr; Clubholn1 Ml'" ""' Mol>oll P1rk Clllt!nol,lw Like P1rtt Ch1bhou ... c1 rv Mml11!1tr1llve A11111x a-di CllllS C-.1tUno C1r1ter Women'1 Club Flisl United Metnodist ChUrCll ol Hlll'lllf'IQIOll 81.c:ll HtinUnglon BIKll Hlgr. School Mutlc R_,.. Hlll'lllf'IGlon Shor1tllll1 Clil0hol/5I Crnl \lie*' kllool \"'lie HuntlngtOll -Rtli<-t Home hY ~~ Clubllolne L-'il" Vie*' Scl'lool ""-••nl View Sci-I Rmt"° VllW Sc-I Olil Vlrw Scmol PIM'k View SCl>OOI 5.un View Scl>ool Mll"dY f lrt SUllio11 lf;I) M8~lln l.4,,. 1'67 O.nu~ Drl•t GI.., Vlew SttlOOI Gill School Scllroeder Scllocll Sptllll!d1le $c.l>c:o;1I CN($-$l1c~ ScllOOI 11'1 Medlonl' Orlw Robln...-1 !chool Catleot VI-!idlool Circle View S<hool ,.;f,,t 81pti1I Cr.urcll of Hvn1l1191on Vlllllllt ~ Avenue ,!rt Stt tloo Wiflap View School Set .fftll Mlltllle Ell•lts Clllbhouie eDfl'llN,lflf!y U"ll-' N..l!'lodlU Cl'lu rth •'a &•IOoe-w•ter on ... 561-... ln Mobll1 ~ P•rk Clubllouw i.291 Aflltler l1r-1 t1'n Or1y L1n1 •11 v i.w Clrclt O<oldilr"I VI-SCf!OOI Pltl NorlflUtld LMll ...._ View ScllaQI HOPI View Sc'-1 8D6Cl'l·Vl1W Mob!le Perk ~1JI Kl"1" Orlw L~rk vie ... 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'J'hough he s<1kl he \\'8S well awa re ol the allegations C'\"Cn bC'fore Tucsd ay·s n1eeting. he would not comment on thcni 1n detail. lie said he did 110! wish lo jeopardilc his east!S and prcdictOO 1he facts ...,·ould be clearly rcvca!(.-d in court. OlAMGf COAST 110 DAILY PILOT ~ .... °'•""'" C.Of!.I °"''• Pil"I ~~ ...... ~ .. ~-- 1 -~·"·"· .. p,.,. .. ,., .. , ..... , ... , ..... ()<.- { ••• l'Jt ,~."'4 (.,,._.,y ..... 1. _..,..,., ••• I 11 ""l '-' ~•h '" '°" '""' !v Cn-.11 ....... _ '"""' ·" L•..._" •• ' "r"'' ti.-., n' ,,.. 1.,0 Vt 14> l •1 .,,. 9'-• •· . 'WI ~..0~-· •"-1 ........... ~ J,,. , .. '"'"' ....... ..,,. ... ,, .. "'' !'I"·'""'' ' ··~·~· .... •"I ., 1/.,,1" "ll'ot'•'"''Clr•"'"•'J_1(l W""" \l>t '" •' ( 1. ~ (;.ii· ........ ~ ... , ~ -~.•''I \\/~,.·! p, .. ~, '"'"' ~<:' '°'l•i>olf' r• ~· , ,· r ., .•• v~.~ .... ~·1•"'3 1.,,,......,~ 1~·'1' " M1.or7""" ~··"-'~"' .. C"C>lct H lDC."1 r.-l'rlrdP.Naf "'"'"""'""'--t"""" .. T...y r""""' .,....,.0o.-ec""'''l1to1or H11tthtft011 h ec:h Offl(t 17~,~~~p..,~ ~ Ad.iea. P 0 p.,. 710. 'n'-4~ o"""" OHktt I 1l'"'-'t1"rt 111 •-.-•-,r -..10 M-\JOW··o'HI• _., .. , '•••, ·I)~""' \\111.,..,1'.,lloV••• I .~,--x-.,.,....,,c..,_...,a•., Telrr.hOfll 1714 1 l<l l·<IJZ I Cl11tlf 1d Ad.,trll11ftt 64l·5•71 ,,..,,.,. .... ~Oo·""J'l{,,., .................... 1 ... 540-1 lJO ~,~· .• ,. °'-(,,.'"""""-CO" ~,,,., ''"""'""''ilN'· ... _,,.,,,. fld,t~.i ......... O' ·~--·· ~ ..... ""' ~ ~oG -~· .,,._ . .i_ ..... ,.·,..ol-11"!- k<lf"(I ~,_~ """'' ..... "' 11(...,,1 ...... c,,.,1(1', """ 5',illlUoOfloY!e.C .. -1100 'IWllllll'lf¥,lrr ... ~ •• Ol'l,,_,,,,w .. , ·--·'ll'"'"' 'loo-~ l.t. llcgan agreed that one of the fi•inale agents v.•as present when offi cers 1ll10\'C'd in for an arrest. "\\'e are preparl'd to ansv.·er all qucs- 1ion." in court. Tht· judges "'ouldn'l ;ip· i>rC.'Ciate us grning involved in a verbal I rial in the press." Lt . Regan said. Sun1mririzing !he parents' obj«clions, J>inics lloo!c of Turtle Rock , father of one of the arrestees. said. ''The in· troduction of undrrcover agents -of secret police among ou r children. posing .:is friend and p.,."t'r, is lo me repugnant. "\\'ho i:.elcc1cd thrsc secrcl ag1.'flts7' \\'t•rc they e;:1r<'ful!~· s<.TC<!n<'CI to insure hii;ht'SI n1or:il characl<'r 11nd integrity? \\';i~ rh,·1 r pnn1ar.v n1nli\'.'ll\on the b('st iniert'SI~ of our childn•n "!" Hoote :J!'ked. Spring udd<'d the alleged police prac- ti('t'S nrr produc ing "8 \\'hole f!:r ncr<11ion i•f 1111 vnill·~ v.ith uuer contl·1npt for the la11 "\\,, :irr ;1f1-.11d. 1vc're intin1ida1ed."' ~nirl <illl' lll\J1hcr ... \\.'c're afraid or 1111 the !r~ctl 1'nli1tlj,:ll'mcnl<i: -but rill :i.•e know Is lhHt "·r don't "'anl sccrrt police 111 our homes and schools.'• Thr p~renls have orgjnlt.ed an ''lr\•int' Cill7('n' Committee" which lhey say in- chld~ 200 11dults and youth. They !llid they nrr mcctin~ rrgularly lo discu~s llnd ~ry to docurnrnt their Cflmpl;iinls again.st police. The next meellng, op(!n to the public, is :t~t for l"~iday :11 the home of James llootc. 499! ! •,1..,1•n d~ \"egri ··Thf.' reason we haven't made our con1plain1~ 10 tht police deparlnH!nl Is !hat !hf'~ arc not r sponsive," one paren.t -•11d · The city council has hired this 1;ol1Lc scr\'ICC, so they should take 1<$poll!!lblhly for what happens." Paul Ellis, ~ nt>lghbor of the Dewberry I.an(' hon1e whl!:rc· sevcrnl youlhs wen~ arrcsted in the raid. snld he coutdn'l ni,rrt•e with tbe pttrent.s' conlplnlnts. ' I ' , Garden Grove Qu estion Slated r\t Board Mee t Anolhrr discussion of the possible linkup \rith the Garden Grove Unified School Dislrict is scheduled tonight ,,·hen 1rustees of the Coast Comn1unily Co11cge District :neet at 8 p.m. in Costa ~!esa. The college board v.·ill convene at district headquarters, 1370 Adams Ave. The merger plan scheduled for discussion v.·ould ex pand the college district's boundaries lo include the Garden Grove district and feed all Its high school graduates into Orange Coast ;ind Golden \Vest rollege. No action is scheduled lonii;ht on the plan wh ich also calls for the eventual const ruction of a satellite campus in the Cdrdcn Grove area. tolltg1' trustl'Cs hnve indicated thnl l:>cfore the~· oomn1lt thci;nselvcs to any n1{'rgl'r they want to hear comments from rcsident!i of the Coos t Community College Dislrict. l,.or lhat purpose, public hearings have bef>n scheduled next Tuesday at Orange Coas t College in Costa Mesa and nC-11t \\'edncMiay at Colden \Vest College in Huntington Beach. Both arc scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.n1. E. Ber Ii 11 Shooting BERLIN lAP I -A Brtllsh army patrol heard five shots Tuesday night·aod then Y.'atched three East German soldiers drag a person fro m a loke divtdlng Eas\ and West Berlin. police repor1cd. Police. lillid it was too dark to csablish whether the apparent vicllm of an unsuccessful clcJtctlon au.empt wu woundtd or dead In tbe shoollng near Gross-Ollen.ickcr·Sec. , " " a " n '" ~ " • " " tj " " ., " N .. ~ .. .. " " " " " " "' .. "' " "' ~ " • " " " .. " " " .. " "' • " .. • " " " .. .. .. • " • " " .. .. ff .. .. H " • " " ,, .. " '" " .. ., .. "' "' .. "' S.Jll ' " " " " " ,, ' " " • • " ' " " • • " " " " " " " • " • " • " " • • • " " u ' " • " " u " " • " " ' .. • " " " ' " " " " • • • " " " " " " ' " • " " " ,, " " ""' " " ' " " " • ' • " • " . " " " " " • " " " " " " " " " " " .. " • " ' .. " • .. " " " • u • " • " ' " " " " " " " " " ' " " " u " ' " • ' " .. .. " " " • • I ' " ' "' " " " " • .. " " " " .. " " ' " " " " " • " » " " " " " ., " " " " " " " " " " " " n " " " " " " n "' " • .. ~ " " " "' " H " " " " .. " '" "' " .. " " .. • " " " " " '" '" " " ... -.. .. :~ < "' " .. " " " ' " ~ .. " tj " ~ ,; " " '" " • '" " " "' " .. "' "' "' '" ~ .. "' '" '" .. " a " " " • n .. " "' " " " "' " ~ " " "' "' x u .. • " • "' "' " '" " " " '" .. " " " " " .. '~ ,. '" "' " on • FOUR MORE YEARS Ci ty Attorney Bonfa Reinecke Plea 'Absolutely Not Guilty' . WASIIlNGTON (UPI) -Lt Gov. Ed Reinecke of Califorriia p I ea d e d "absolutely not guilty" today to th~ counts of lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee during testimony concerning financing of the 1972 Republican national convention. A tentative trial date of June 19 was set by U.S. District Judge Barri ngton Parker. Thal is two weeks after a June 4 California Republican primary in \\'hich Reinecke is a candidat e for the nomina- tion to succeed Ronald Reagan as governor. Reineckc's lawyers ;isked Parker for an ea rlier tria l date ''so his innocence n1ay be established before the primary.'' J>arker said he had a "crowded court calendar but would consider the re- quest." Reincckc's lawyer, F', Joseph Donahue. also asked th.at the trial be moved to California. Parker look that request under consideration and said he would rule later . Reinecke 'vas indicted on perjury charges for testimony about an offer by lntemalional Telephone and Telegraph Cor p. (lTI) to help finance the GOP con· vention then scheduled for San· Diego Curing hearings on Richard G. Klein- dlcnst's nomination for attorney general. Speaking with reporters shortly before his court appearance, Reinecke said of the case against him: "It appears non- professional. It's a flimsy charge. There is something very st range about the whole thing -I can't help but question the \vhole motivation behind it." Asked if he thought the indictment was politically motivated. Reinecke observed that it came "very close" to the primary. Parker gave Reinecke's la\\')'er until April 17 to fil e other motions in the case and gave the \Vatergate proseculor's of- fice until April 24 to respond. A hearing on the motions was set for Saturday. Both sides indicated they would be prepared for trial by May 20 if Parker could find room on his calendar for an earlier date. H untingto·n L Atwrney Wins Again By ltJLAR\' KA YE (It n.. D•ll'I' ,lift ttaH The cand.idate spent only $275 on his entire campaign. did not collect cam· palgn contri butions. and was selective a.!I to ..-·hicb cand idates' affairs he would at: tenet Sound like a sure loser? No. it wa!I a surt "'innt>r -Don Bonfa. ci1y attorney in lluntington Beach who ran unopposed. Bonfa, v.·ho \\':IS just clecit.."CI to his .M'C- ond tcnn as city auomey, has ne\•er faced opposition in an t>le<:llon - a fact tha t ma kes life much easier and happier for him . "\Vatching the returns was a nice, romforting . fee ling," Bonfa admitted. "Since r was the only unopposed can- didate, I led the ballot, which was nice." "I don't enjoy politics and election!, and would not have run !or this office in· itia\ly," the city attorney said. Bonfa was appoi nted to the post in 1968, when Dale Bush resigned after ro mpleting only two years ol his four· rrar term. Bonfa ran for the posi tion in ·1970, but \\'as unopposed al that lime. 100. "If I had opposition. I would fight very hard for re-election. sin~ I like my job." Bonfa promised. "But it 's never hap- pened yet." Running WlOpposed calls for few ex- penses. Bonfa explained that he paid the $100 filing fee, and an additional $175 for filing bis statement of qualifications on the sample ballot . But outside of his time. that was all he spent. - The city attorney said he did what he felt was necessary to in!onr. the public of his qualifications, opposition or not. He placed his statement of qualifica· lions on lhe sample ballot, and provided the same information for an election ex· tra put out by the League of \Vomcn Voters. Bonfa said he also attended several gatherings v.•here candidates were allow· ed to speak. Instead of feeling obligated to attend every meeting. as most can- didates feel. Bonfa was able to attend on- ly those gatherings that fit into his schedule. "I went to some of them because it gave me a chance to meet with the pro- p\c -something I'm not always able lo do in my job," Bonla explained. "Even if you're runni~ unopposed, I think the people still want to see and hear you .'' From Pagel OIL ... been conducted so close to 80 large or a populatloo center. Sieroty asked if President Nixon's stating that he wants the 7.7 million acres ope~ up for oil leases "means it's an accomplished fact -no matter what social-e<:onomic, envirorun ental issues· arise?" William Grant, direetor of the Pacific office of the federal Bureau of Land f\lanagment (BLM). said, "No. it's not." But Grant said his Los Angeles office wasn 't opened to handle the details of the proposal until after Nixon's speech. Several speake rs before the committee said the beaches are "people-oriented" and expressed fear that oil drilling could hurt recreation and marine life . Sieroty asked Grant if there had ever been any oil drilling proposed this close to so la rge a population. Grant said no. • May the Joy of EASTER be with yo u and yours .John Hart Ly nn Hart HARTS SPORTING GOODS 532 Center St. Co1ta Ml1<1 • J I I \ ' 1 \ ' ' \ -~--- H :1 At Your Servi'ce Vesco-Nixon Meeting Reported A SUnday . \l!'t dnesdu) 1i1nd t"rld<1) Fi>:~lltlrr or the Daily l'ilot -~- r.or n 11rot>ll'n(' ·rtu•11 Pa' Ornni Pa! Yo ur f~or Ct11111fint1s f)ttl!I DEAR Pi\T · Is thl' con1m\!ll1!Y rlu nc in Santa Ana op..•n 10 ·c;1l1fnrn1a rCsidC'nts or must one bo..: :; resident of Orani:c Count y·: 1 "'Ottld like tn look in10 rcc('i\·ing nu-dic<1l I r("at1nl'nt at this clinu.: ;ind so v.·oulcl :1 rl•la1i\'C of mine "'ho is \·isiting fro111 i\orthern C..iHfornia . Could you also 1cll 1ne ihe clinic's htlurs ·or operation'' T. \'.,Santa Ana llg1s. Cetttral A11thority ' Boar~ ·Eyes War On Child Abuse By "'ILLIA~I $CHllEIBEH ~ ~ D.ilf P'lltl S•eH tJrani;c C-Ounty declared all-out 111·ar Tucsdqy on the growing problc tn of child alJuse and neglect. The Board of Supcr\'1sors \'Vl\!d unanimously 10 crca\l' a centrfl! aulhori t\' for child abuse pri;-\'cntion and 111· lrr\·C'nlion thal 11.·ould pool the rcsou rCl'l' 1•! pri\'all' and pubhc ngcncics to combat thl' problcn1. In a lengthy report to the hO:ird. Coun- 1y Administrati\'C Officer Robert Thon1<.1s outlined the extent of the prob\c1n a11U said most aurmpts to solve it ha\'c failed n1isc rably so far. "During l9il·i3. 20 children under Ii\'{' years of age 111·ere ho1nicidc \'ictimo; in Orange County." Thomas s.<11d. "Kinctccn (of those cases ha\'C been labeled as child abuse . ., t1onal trauma besides his physical 1n· JUrlCS. Thotnas 5.aid his'stufli~ of the problrm and g.1\·emmcn(s approach to it ;ilso ll'ads h1nl to cofl('\ude. ··1hert.' 1~ a high <'Orrclation bct\\'l'Cn an "iibu~ chilrl and th(' abuS('d child bccon11ng a child 1urics. Thilmas s:iid th\: key rcaYin p~10Hc and private agc·ncici. ha\·e ht-l'n unahle to sin\\' dO\\'n the abus(' ratC' is bcr :iuYo cai.:h organization has its 0\\'1l ::;u\d('l inl's and services. "Son1ctimcs thcsc conllict and it is d1 !- f1C1.1ll to operate as a coo~d1na1ed S\'Stc in 1ha1 is cffccti\'t'»' he told 1he board. Tilomas fisted si x major shont.'O ings of such ;i fragmcntc.-d attatk on t:h1\d ;ihusc . including: -Duplicalion of scr\·iccs because t•I n1ultiplc jurisdictions. • • .,. ... --. .. .-·- -\ DfOIY Pdol \ .. !! l'~o•o ()f ..--\t1 Stl'i(l I lt11 ,1,11 I I'! l'1··~1d1·11l "\111.1•n .ud I•" 11 • • 1, .. 1., r· \' " 111•·' "1 n·!>' \'I,~ lh• :'>.! ,\\I! \ \I I!,. "k o 11,11 , \o I' 1d ''"'' II ·• . ·, I" I •,..II'• .t ... 1 .. 1 lh• I ••\HJ'" d 11, ,! • ,\ 111~1'.1!· 11 \. Ii I .,1,•I I. 1 .. fi,, 'l''"·t1 l!1•r11ard I ' .. tJ.' • ' ,t. 1 • ' ' ' I I• "l ' 1 · • r. 01) ~I .. 0' 111"·' 11·of..,,,1."' •I•~ ,[1 1..; .ll!L \1,'••ll ~.ol••l o\ \ll'il \I (·,o !l•lrlfl p•·<'•ldo·p' 11 ,·,·;••\• 1 O'I\ i"~I"' 1•1 \\,., o\t\ .... 1:'111,·I 111• • '11\L: .('1ol, 1 ,,1111 I •fl to·).! H\,j/jo• 11, < h,1r1:• 11\ ,1 !""I 11 Jr ll'', I I I• \\ ( .. 111( o ·\d ,J 1>1\• 111111' ·.•lo'I 1J \\ 'i'l,o•!' II .I• 1!11 l11illlfl1•1 >ii 1'••1 •1 !\~.;, \lllio'h I' /(1•d1~od \I ii.] ill q,,dlf1'11\"· tllli'\l,i\ l1J1i<:~ lf!'ol 1·.11r<>1M• l!1 ,,0)11 111 !lll!'Tl''1 .. t!o I l!!~ll!I' 111 ii l'"111·r ~1111~ I• 111•(> \,.-.,., 111 l!l;J 11·h"ll 1 :I•-' 11'0\l'li'\ 11 .1 • IJ' If I \Joi, I' t 0 111.qi ,. ! i.il• I ! II. 11 I• .,: I Hit.lo Id \1 I , 11 ,1 1 • it·.o • d ti' 1·1 .,i, .~ 1•n-.011 I 1 nl.1\ 1 l ), •• io , .. • 1•lo 11 1<1 1" , I 011d• ·t111•· 111 111 "' lh• l'1• •1•111 l•1111.1!d \ \•\"'' 1· .. :•1, 4j.-1\! lh pll< II ;111,j ,,.,,1111• '• 1<)11 11'' i\ledical. dental and other health ser\·lcrs orftred by the Community Clinic of Orange Coun ty art' available·to' counly residents only . lloUt!> o.i ope ralion at th l' clini c's nl'\11' location. 2000 \\'. \\'alnut. Sa nta Ana , arc from 9 a.m. tn i:30 p.m. \londay tbrou~h Friday. exrtpl for lht drntal office "'hicb clost1i al 5:l0 p.m. Patients can make appolnlments hy calli ng 834·2161 11nrdica\1 or &.11-1~~' {dental\. Tho1nas saitJ "a v.·e\l-coordu1ated chil,I abuse proJ?;ra1n that pro\·idcs early dc!cc· iton and inter\cnlion ma\• ha\·e ;J\'crtc<I -Uns.111sfac.tory pro\·1s1on flf sc ~1 il·C''i tx>r;iusr no clcar r~sponsibility is g1\cn 1n each case. -Failure to fa ci litalc the rcporti11g •Jf child abuse cases. LAGUNA BEACH LIFEGUARDS TOW DIVER ASHORE Residents Alerted Officials That Youth Was In Trouble u! \ ,.,,.,. 111• 1•.q1•·r ,110! · • 1: f "111 \,·,1p111f H1-;1111 I •!•\J+•lff 1.rJ h• II lid f1 '111n ht 1h..~ '•+I '!.Jlt·, oil• r \1•ril l, t.i 11111>.· 1he~ ,Jcaths ." · I le told 1hc board that "death is but one indicator of child abuse" !iincc ihe abused and neglected child sutfcrs c1110- -Failure to dcrcltlp an cffct•I\\'(' 1'arly 1de11tif1t'ation and prC'\'C'ntion proAram. -Failurc to coordinate th<' effort~ or :ill in\'Ol\'('d public and pri\":t !<' agent'I!"• -Fa1 lur(' to de\t•lop a c r n t r a I rC'porl ing and information <li~scrnin:11ion ~.\·s1cn1 that al so gl'ncrates u~t·hil drita Lagu11a Res~11t'" lo;'l • 11 ,1 I •I' ,11 oll' ! " \\ 111'1'1' ,11• I' re1111ies ., •• 1f1e \¥011 DEi\R PAT: Last i\O\'l'n1bcr I ordtr~I a set of Lincoln-Kenned~· !X'nn\cs for St30. The check 11as (';1~hed by thr Lnitcd States Coin ron1pany of Charlotte, ~.C .. bu1 l lll'\'C'r rcCCi\·c<:I th<' pennies ancl 1ny lcl!c·rs in the firn1 re1n.:i in unnns11·("rc<l. .J. It. ~l'\\·porl Bl'aC'h Tbt set or pennies has ncnv been ~hipped to you. The United States Coin Company bas dral''n th e attention of \'arious ~o\·ernmer.t (lfficlals becaust of its products and sellln,; pr:icticMi. The city of Charlotte recently dro.pped charges agai nst the company's chief officer. Claude L. Little. "'hen he agrttd 10 satisfy a largt number of customer complaints. A spokt!>man for tht U.S. Trea~ury Department said that while r mbosslng a coin is not technically illega1. the Bureau of the :itlint does not apprO\'C of lht commerl'ial minting Gf official coins. The pennies have the profile of Presidt"nl K e n n c d y superimpostd on the re,·erst side of tht Lincoln penny. The Postal Stn·ice just concluded a cast in\'Ol\'in~ the markf ting of :<1uch a coin by the Jay Norris Corp .. Frctpott, N.\'. The service disputed l'laims that the cains "·ould inerrasc in \'al11e and "'ere historica lly significant. !\'cw orders for such coins are being intercepttd by post.'ll ofricials. ~ ... Bnd Prt»9ra111111i1111 DEAR PAT : The recent progr.:in1ming ,of '·The TC'n C:omma11d1nt'nts" fron1 !l p.m. to midnight for t"·o d;1ys. ··Heidi" . at 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Charlie Bro'>''TI a.nd Dr. Seuss specials at 8 p.m. and 9 • p.m. during the ·wt.-ck arc not ideal times · .ior children. and rncsc nrc just a fc'>'· e:-:;. ' amples. School age youngsters usually fall asleep during these programs or are sent to bed because they have to get up early the nc>.1 morning. Another example of bad planning is scheduling special s at the same time on different stations. 1\·c already \\Tittcn to the thrc(' ma1ur net\rorks and rect'i\'t'd a ncf;!al i\'r respon se and one 1\·hich is con1plc1cl) apathetic. ls thcrc any other n1cthod of complaining about n1y T\' gript·.5~ l..G .. \\"t!'lmin~trr Nixo1i Policy 011 l11flatio11 F <tiled-Lu11g from \liirt Sen ·ict" Roh<'rt \\'. Long. a~sistant secretary of agriculture and ex-lr\'lne Comp..1ny rx· ccuth·c. said Tu esday that the ~ixon ad· mi nii;.tration·s rconomic pohci('S ha\'c failed and "maybe \\·e just ha\'t 10 learn to \i\'e \\'ilh innation." !Ang also v.•amcd 1ha1 lh<? inflation \\ill include food prices higher .. <in those to "·hich consumers ;ire accustomed. Spca.king at rne lirea1 \\'cslcrn Li\'CSIOCk and l1airy Sho1\ in Los Angeles. the formcr lr\'ill(' Coinpnn~· \'ice presi<lent of agriculture. noted ti ·t the aelministr11uon's belt-tightening n1C'asurcs have not y,·orkcd and 1hc public rlof'S not \Vant stt'rncr measu rl'S. Thos..' n1casurrs '>''Ould in<-'ludc hiiihcr ta,'<es. less puhlic spcndin~. !L~hlcr credit and possibly a revaluat ion of the dollar. ··\Ve have been fol10111·inA a tight mone~· and consen ·ati\·<? fi scal policy ~incc the inception of this adm inist ra!Lon." he said. "That policy has !ailed to do the job." ··~taybe v.·e just ha\'e to \cam to h\'e \rith inflation. Tbcre is ;i qu estion as to hoY.' truly honest V.'C arc about strong public statements against inOati<ln. because it is our collccti\'e actions v•hich induce it." The ccorio mic go<ils should bC rclati\'C· \y full c1nploymcnt. s a l i s I a cl or y econo mi c grO\V\h and generally stable pri ccs. he said. ,\S to his prediction of ri sing !ood priccs. l.Dng said that in th r pllst farn1 sub~idics h~v(' been p.'.'lid by 1hc lcdcr;il governmC'nl \\'hi<.'n ha\'e 1cnd<.-d 10 \3\'0r the con~tuncr. Sub!';idies arc being phased out a11d thr nc"' policy is "to keep our cotton pi cking hands off '' the ma rketing of fa rm prod· uct.s. Thomas h!>tl.'d six n1riJor ~hortt·nn1111~~ L'OOrdinators office ~hould 1·111 :ic1'tlS~ dcpar\nll'nl li nes to insure the Joh i;i rlune n1ost cffccTi\'clv. Ile said the ·abuse coordinator should also be outside the criminal justic~ ~ys\('m bccau~c of a rcluct:111cc b~· sonlC' proplc to report !o the pohCl' in ahuse <.:ases. li e also sai1l the <" riminal 1us.hcr ~ystem has no1 r('seth·~ the prublc1n and prt\'cntion v.·ould bl> faci litaled by ::: non- puni ti\'C approach. The child abuse coordinator v:ill \\'Ork out of the C()Unty 11·cltarr dcpartrncnt and \\'il l hal'c a CQmmincc of appropriate d<'partmc-nts and t'ommuni1y agrncir'.'i to hclp dC\'Clop a pl<1n of attack on !he prob- lem. Th0mas s;1id lhe rrrat1<ln or such :1n agency \1ill ctntr~1l11c fund ·raisini:: l'I· forts, help dcv('lop a central rcgist ry. pro\'ldc a place for rhild :iht1~c callo; 10 C<llll<' in. d~·\·clop a data basc and ht'l\l educ:att' !hc puh!ir about the prnhlein. ~upcr11i.nrs \\·ill get an an11u11l rcilOrl "" 1hc pr ogress made by the new organi 7~'llion bu t 1h1_.y ao;ked 1'ho1n:is !tl rrport b;i('k 1his !'Uln1ncr \l'ith :in intcru11 progr("ss study. I\,. ' , I XOll. S Tax More Unusual t\A \SAS CIT'l:'. \lo. 1t:Pl1 - The hcad of !he nat ion's la rgcst 1n· romc t.1x scr\'icc hclievcs Pres1- drnt \ixQn cannot drduct a \'olun- tary .~li!.000 payment for O\·erduc J!lfi!l t<ixcs on th 1~ y<'ar's retu rn. llcnry Bloch. prc~1dcf~l 01 11 ar.d It Bloch. said Tui:sd:iv tha! r-;i~:on·~ dcci~ion t•) µ.1.1 rnc ~n1()11111 volun- t:'lril y 11as "hii:;h\y 11nusual" ~ixon has bo~c n billed tor ~41}7 ,{)110 in hack u1xes fron1 l~9 thrnu~h 1972. The bill fl'prc~ent s dcduttion;; taken fnr rlrin::it ion nf \'1rc prc~1dcn· tial p:1pc rs to rhr ~ a t i on a I Archi\'es. J,i.feg11llrtl.~ ."it1re 1'e1'11 .""1·11/><1 /)irer l .;1gun ~1 Hl•.1ch lift'r:,11.1rd-.. 1····1'l1t'•J ;1 1:. y(".1r old ~cuha di\'C'r ;1\ !h•· ~lrio.~ \'\11111 ('t'l\1' nrca this 1nor111ng .1!!•·1· tho· .1 1111til i;ri! a cran1p ab<Hll 1~,11 \~1rd~ fron1 ~1111r•· ~1.1rk \\' . Fra11cl\1nr1 nf \r1·~1 Crn 111:1 \\ill) p111lC'd \o ~horr h\ guard~ .f 1ni ST<.Hl1· lt·r .ind (h,trl:c· \\':i11• 11\l(•n r\'~ido•1H• c)f 1hr area tanro 1h1· dr11:~r1 n1cnt :ifh·r hc1n;; ;il~rlcd h~ th\' s1nck1·11 dh'o•r'~ bud- dy. (i;1ry 1.loyd . !6. r•I \\(• .. l (11\'1n.1 Frilnl'hiuu 11ri.'i 1111\e<l •OfTil ·,iii.I .1;111t, \tulol IOI f;1 \111,-( •11• dlulll1d ,1•1"-' . Pl/!111 .111d lh• ti '" '>h{ol'o· .11 \\1)1•1• I u\•' ho•k111 l~l.llH•ll\d .:1,.••1 ll • 1\,1• 10·1· .1"J .11\0•1 '1•'11f'i'.:•'ll•'\ t!'l '.1!111•·11! .d th•·•\ ··i.· I l• \uld l1t•·.!ll,1!'(j lw h.ul 1!111\0 11 ' '"'l'<"l' 1·r.1 lll1' Ill h1' kt' J. ~ 11hii•· 11ni\•·1 11,1"; H1· (',1111•' t11 1'1' ·1111.U'.' 1tr .. p11\'1l 111· .1 r t,111k., ;inti \\1 ·1~h1 h··t: .in1! 111t:o11t·d h1, !11•' \~,1 11b.!o 11,, d1l!il.! 1,1;rl•I\ ·,1 101 l11·lp . To Oversee De,1 elo1>111t~11l l'ro1xi.i.,P<i 11~11 housing 1r<1t:I' ~11oppinl;( ernters. indu s:r1al parks and ntht.'r 111.1\0r dC'\'('lop1ncntl> i11 Oran1!1' Count\' 1n;l\' -:0011 l;'IC'l' a11olht•r 11•111 la1er 1·1 ~011·ni- 1ncnt The Bo;1rd of SL1)X'r\·1>.0r~ 1r11an1n1ousJ\· C'ndorscd tough nl'" conlrol~ Tu(·~da~ o\·er irll'lircct :11r polluti•111 ~urccs pro- posed by the stal.C ,\1r Hcoources B(H1rd (AR B). Bui supcr\·1SQrs <i t:rt'l'<i to :-.Pek ~mt' <-'n:ingco; in thc regulations. \\hich rom1• up for puhllc hearing Thursday in Los Angclco;. · Among other thin~s. supcr\·iSllr~ \\-;in1 1he rule~ lo authori 1.c creation of nn air p..11lution con trol rommission. \1 h1 rh 1\ould rr \'ie\\' ma)Or nc1\ dl'\'elopm"nts lo sec if tll<'y v.-iH co11trihutc to smog. A~ the rules nrc OO\\ "·ritt1·n. 1\1r Pollut ion Control Off1cf·r \\'1 \li:"lm Fitch("n \\'OU!d ha\'c solc \"C'!O po11 <'r O\'Cr ma1or clr\'clopmcnt 1f hi' lh1nk '\ it 11111 h;1\r :1n nd\'Cr~c clf('ct •ln 1h•· air lndir tC! air pollu!1011 r..)11rc~·~ arc: dt•!in· cd as contrihutors 10 .-.inr;i: 1\·h1L'O c.·:111110! be pinpointrd to 0111· part1culnr taU~l' • f\ 1najor nc v. h()lL"llll! 1ract nr 111 du!i1 r1al p;irk ('{)Uld.he rr1t•c1c:d it 1t \I Ot1ld add a 1ari.:c nu1nhcr rif pollution prn- liut·ini.: .1utun1•1h1h·~ In lll g111i.: rl i:.tl l•Jll •JI thi 111•',1 1 ~.111 ••. 1!11,,1011. Thn111 :i ~ 1<1ld ·tlp1·r1 1~.1 :·~ 11 t 1·.n11\tl lll'rn111 an :1p11l 1c:o11I 1 .. 111'•·"'111 Jn:-. ~id•· nf lttt· )~~UC :11ul J:!"l\'" lh•· ('Oil ll!I •• f'h:"HlC'•' Ill l'.t'li.!h th1• ~(U.1;1 1 .111d t'lUI' 'illll l'(11lo;1dtr:111t111s ot lht• p!'tojt·~·T L"nd1·r !11~· 111ct1r1·1·t ',, 11 1 , 1· ;!ITit'ncln11•111, prnpo,~·d L\' Tll<un;1, .111 :11l1,hr:1nt 11nuld h:1\•' ::111 1 :u:otho r li>\•-1 01 i::u\(•rnn11·n1 !"I 1..•1 If th1· 111·11 10111 rn1~~inn rf·J•'l'I:-t11 .. l)l'•lJ(·t ! 1'hl' Rnard ol Sup··r\ 1 ... or•. '11!1111.\ :1., rhc ·\1r 1'r,!lur1n11 {'on!rol ll1"11'1(1 !:<1.1rd l\(1Uld hl'.'IT :1l1 :1ppe;1\;; Tiiouch 111' \11\•·tl for 1111· nt·\\ ft i.:ul .• 1 1nn~. Suprr\IS<Jr 1J,1\1d l\;1k"r r .illt"! 1' · :1 h:•ek -Ooo r <•rrroach 111 iii• pr·ilih n1 .. "C'n.1t1un fif :1111'/lh• r <i;.;•·r11·' fn;11 c·n'.\ COlffi)Jl'Jll!lrl the prolil• 111 h••1 .!lJ"' i: dio··· 11 ·, d10 :i111 !h1ng !n ,t1111 tht' fo·d ,r111i• nl polhll111n -1111· alll· 11111ti1lo · 1:,1k··r '·•!'I Aft•·r ;1 -..hort h•'i1r1111! 1li• l~,;1rrl ;1!.!1" ••I :o ~ .. nrt Th1on1;1, <•r loll•· ul .11• .11!1• r" ·111· :\Hll n11···l1nl! II'/ '11:,::.;1·.,1 1·h:.11,.1, 111 1!1• rl':.!111 «111011 , fii'\ld\'' l'f(',!11(111111 lh1• I]!'\\ d:!•'lit I 111> !t0•1rd al\11 al!r•·P<! 111 11.0\•· Tli·•ll1,,.. ;,d dr1·~~ 1h1• !Jl '''1!J1ill_\ 'I p11tt 11q! !"•11.,)10 1 C()lltrul~ 1111 0·:1r • 1111,~1•n1' I I lt:.!.111,I !111 ·!llr\ •.lid • ·•l!l'•·l+!, 11.uu1., 1\1•.1:..11• ·.11111 \\Ju'• 11., ... ,. , l.111n' 1[1:,1 11,,, l'11•,1d1111 n,·1'rr \l\o·l \ •'-'" 1111\I \10·111 ""~~\ii '"I lj ll~., •,,,1 •. 11 .. il•••!ll .111 ;ill··~···I ''!1~11~111 •1·i.:lll o ,,,II , >UiH\•d'l"P 'll '\i\"11 ~ ft '·t·h·t:1 U>tt , .t111p;·1,~11 'I Ji,. .il\.·~('d !11111.111,.11 1 .. ,, L,.\ ...... ,. 1111h•· \,•11 '1'11!!; 111.11ot1•••1ll1•r Al· I 11111'\ 1 ;,.11 .. r,1! .!")111 \1l 11·l1t II :111d \ .. 11!1\'r ( ·,.!11!11+'!'• •' ..;,.., I "I.II I \\iiil! II •' ~I .Ill~ · ( 01n1l1·ld ,,11d \r ,.,, h1rv1\ .1 pl<11 h' lf'I ill 111111 f101111 \,·11 '1111 t; i.1 ~.d1hl1l'I! ,\ho•f'o• l'•'1••!d••l1t \l\IJf\ II ;!'-'l.11111 ~ (J!l \111 !H ~~ \:,~'.! •111 hi' \I.I'• Ill !hi' \l••S11111 •1111111111 nlt'l'll11).! ·· 1·11111•\ ~.'l!U • c .. 111l••l•l •,11d h1 .. 111tnrrll.•li"ll f"flf11t'• 1ru111 ,1 t•1rn1•·r 111>; 0•11111!•>11· 11h•• h"lp•·t1 mak1· th,. ;1rt!1n~1·111•·111 ... l••r \1·,cu ;icJ h. lo.1)'!\ .1111! fl'l•\'1 llu.:ht ••:,!• t 11•1,!,.1,1 ul 1h1•1•· n•of .1•1\:l.111,. \,\toll ,1:1d \,,,, . ., II 111h! l\;1'10." [,1" 11 "I J ' ' H 111· !'•1 Hl \h.11 \I'~<'" Ill'' f!CJ 11. 'p ·i. •l.1 "1.:• 1111'1• ,i;1,t F.1:,·h;•:T"~\ I •'!llo!l•..,:•!11 \i-'.t 11111'•111.!•llt 111 •J: h l.:> I•!., !ll.111• 11 • r-;!11· \,.11, .... 11r1 1 nt•· 1 .; .. · 1! Jl 1 .... 1.rJ1 .. 1n , 11l lw1 .. ,.,. '• • ..... 11•'· 1·' ,ii-. 1,.111 .1• ~l i n11ll iot1 Ht 1\ > 1r.:,• J >.Iii.! '1 .11111. d1-..h•fl<'"i1 o••,i";.1.'•' ,~1 1•11 ,·,·1111•111 lu ··f'li '•'Uli!· : •on ol,i: ... " '!'till!• ,( ltl':Jd 11f !lh' l!l!' . l/iolo lo ."ip <'"/,: . JI (cre111011 it>.~ 111 /,(l:,!_llllfl /Jill.~ ' '.,,n Fr,1nci,1«1 ,\L1vor .l o~1·ph i\h11•f, 11 ill l>!ll':1k ,1\ ,, "'!npp1ni; <·rn·n1()n· n1;1rking t•()mp!t•l1n11 n! th•· ~lrur'111 .~ fr:1n1•· rif Ill•• 111111 11-..,l'lf\ lln .. ~m•• ,r Tn\\t·r;; 1n 1 .. 11111111 11 111~ .11 '! 1' ·n \ 11 -" Th•· ( • ···11••1111 1r;1r:1r1<Hl,ili, h• ld 1:. :11nr111~ rh•· 111n .. rrurt1••!1 •1•·11 h1 '" ··\p;,nil• •l 11, 1n• l11rl•· liw . .J d1.:1111.11 :• ~• ,.1 • · •+I I• I• \ 'l'•l I .111rl 1101 or •111 f n ·, • 'of_ \ ~·•~id h11"' '\!'/•' Th<> '!·,ir\: • • r• :111111 1 u,11;i1I., ·11.1rh··d h• ti Lfl, !!l•rl' ,11,·)1 ,,. t1"1 t 'I o!I \1< • 1·,1 ,.;" fl 1. "~ :•: 111•111. ,1 11• ,. 1111 ')J, IHJ1 ·,!•ory of 1h 11• .1 hu1l•l111.' fl.,.,.1111/\11 '>(fll'ld ;ol.111 ... hf•l .. ' ol 1 111111 1••n111d ...,: .lohn l'•l•.,1d 11•·• !ol th" 111·1i '••p t)\ h•·lio ••!•'• 1· 0J11r111~ IO•• r • r•·\11• H Take note oi lhe et1mpanies <;pon~orinp. commercials on lb r "h:1d time" pro· grams and fire off ;1 1c1trr to th rm. ".\la. jot" mo,·ics. such a~ Th<· Ten 01111· mandn1rnts." 3rc prr"t~nlcd :it a latrr hour for larger aufliencr !and co m- merciaH \'it"'ing. but you rnay makr an impression on spon~rs o{ late hour chlldren..orteoted prowams. Concurrent spf'Cials annoy lhe \'le"rr, but there i1 1\tt1e likelihood htis practice "ill bt discontinued. a11:ain dur te "prime limt .. competition for 'ie111·er!i bclY.'een tbe ma· jor_ n1 1111·orks. Agriculture Secretary Earl But1 "i ~ rompletely sold on th<! hasir principles ol the market place operating \\1\hout government interference."' he said. 'The sta1utC' of hmit.111ons ha;; ei;- pircd for the \!iLl)')O dut.' fron1 1969. Lad ies BOLOVA El ectric Aid to Co11s1t111er."" DEAR PAT: ~fy sister h\'l'S in llli1101s and she \\Tote r~{'nl!y that ~he is ha\"ing an impossible lime gcttinf:! ;1 rlelec!i\'C new dining roo1n tJhlc rcplatL-d '•••ilh '1 nc\\· onc. 1'nc ta bl<' :irri\'fd \\I th v;ohbly legs and a m:irrcd fini~h 11 Sl'Cms th:ll :1\1cgations of rcspons1h1li1 ~· tu e hc1n~ passed back :ind fonh 1)(';1\rrn fh(• rctailC'r ;1nd the 11\:.tnul:'.lC1urcr. v:ilh nothi11~ lX!1ng donr to rcrtity lhe situa· tion. She 's tried l'VC'l'Y cQn~u1ncr Jl\'l !l sourcc she kno"·s abou1 and ;t~kcd 1ne If I had any ideas. I don 't. but 1 thought perhaps you might be <iblc 10 advise htr. t\.~ .. La~uoa Bearh. She can contarl tht f'urnllllrt lodustr~· Coni1umer Actloo Panel. 1'.0. Bo~ 951 , •Ugh Point. N.C. 27261. Stwrttd Just )'tar by tbt Southern Furniture Manufacturtrs A~SM ., "·hlch has about l5 ptrctnt of tht U.S. furniture marktl, f'JCAP --111 accept ('(lnsu mt r co 1nplolnt 9nd attempt to rr!IOh'e tbem. f'lh11 1\vallable DEAR PAT: I was given 311 Agfa Solinctlt> II camera hut I ha\'c no in· ~tructlon manual 011 ho\\' to use it Is there nny 111·.:iy 1 c:tn !(Ct a manua17 H.R .. l-'ounta\n Valley Retiuf'i-1 nn in~1r11r1 ion m:inu:tl trom A~a·(it\'Otrt Inc .. 9~ Sor1h SI., 811\hiln~ \ .. Tct.tcrborou~h. "\ .. I. 07068. Anottitr r<'adrr.. ~t G .• El Tnro. ron !ind fi1rn ror his Agin tnn1rra at C111'!ti famtrn, 1110 Sc\\port 1\1\11.. Cris111 \1e-ia. COt·~ also carrlt!! 8lS pirlurt film lor 11 Kodak 1·amtr11. \\hlch \I.\\" .•. Co~t9 ~lt:<n . l!Ud rtqur.,.ted. , From Countr • TODAY 2 Boys Electrocuted • by In River in Arizona J. C. HUMPHRIES A )'outh \\'ho tested the "atcrs of the Colorado Ri\'cr near Parker. 1\ri1.., with his toe Tuesday alter tv.·o budd its fron1 1he Tustin area doVl' in :i.nd 1·anishcd to- da \' O\l·es his life to ca11 1ion. Yuma County Coroner's dcputi~ todllY tentatively listed the d('aths Of the l\\'O 1·ictims fished from the popular boating resort ~·aters as due to electroculion. Karl Siegel. 16, of 12881 Bubbling Wells Road . Santa Ana. and :itfark Sy,•et!ncy. 17, of 1201 S.E. Walnut Ave .. Tustin, ap- parent\)' dovt directly lnto a leaking eltttrical current spreading through \he 'A·ater from a boat dock. Young Siegel wa.$ dtad nn arrival at Parker Community Hospi tal. ..there his compnnion-v.·ho &till had 11 fl \c'ker of 1i!c rarlirr-d1ed shortly after nrrlval. Remains \\'ere taken to the l'arkcr F'uncrnl lloine pcndlng autopsies, bu\ ~hcrHf's deputies ~id all lndicatlons JJO\ntcd to clcl'trocution due lo the power source leaking <.:urrcnt Into tht rlvtr. lie said a 1u1rl>' of )'ouths In hKling Siegel :;ind s~·ecncy-'A'ho °"ere staying "''ith re\::11\\·ts for t-:aster \'acnlion on thr California side-were at a bo.1l k fh·, n11lcs north of the dc.scrt rcsorl coin· munity wh<?n it occurred . One of the \'ictims Jumped into tht ri•·cr and 11·hcn ,1c failed to surface within a rc.asonablc lime thr :-ccood made a dive. He to..i. hiiled lo comc up. at v;hich time a third bo\' 111·istlv tested the water llnd ftlt a suige or ·electrical c\lrrr.nt shoot into hls foot from the area sur- rounding the boat dock. The poy,·er current 'A'as tut off. alter Y.'hich a th ird adult prestnl ~.elped rtco\·cr the \'ictims from the y,·ater. The youll'ls had apparently ta~en a boat acrol>S the river from the poin\ \\'here they \\'Crt \'ll>iling and pullt'd up al the dock \\'here the fatal mishap oc· curred. WORLD'S OLDEST JEWELRY . The l~gy ptian s. us111g ~1n,·e labor. 1conch1 ctcd exlcn sivc und crgrou ncl lrninin;: for Turquoise for at lcar-.t tv.o th ousand year~. :.ind 1t is probable that the n1o~t ancient turc1t.1oise 1nines are at Sarabit Elkhadcn1 on the Sinai Penin sula. "·he re the\' n1a ,· ha\'e bf>en \' orked as early a:-· 3-lOiJ B.C. The v.·orlc\'s oldest je\\clr\' pieces nrc unq ue~t1onably from thC Sinai lleninsu la. and include the C'arved tur(1uo1sc in the bracelets of Queen Zer of Eg)'Pt'S First Dynasty. ~tost ranlous of turquoi ~e dcpos11 ~ lare in Iran. "here n1ining 1s ~till acli\·e anrl may date bark to the be· ,~innin g of the Chr1 ~tlan era. l't.>r"iia. 1('hina . Tibet anc\ south\\'C$lcrn l"nited Slat e~ are lhe only i1npor· ltanl sourC'C" of turquoise tod:iy . One report \\h1rh C'Ould not bl> con· firmed 'A'as that the cri1f\ sulfePC<I cni:inc trouble and !hey had dock('(! in an rllort 10 re-1H . .;1rt it. Sherifl's depulic~ ~aid it \\'OUld bf' possible for a h1ulty ground \\'Ire a1 thr elretricity-equ\pped dock to hll\'t lc.1kcd .l ~fficient current to cauM! the death . \ The natnc turquoi!!C 1ncans "tur· lkish,·' anrl thi.~ gen1 ·.1a" given lt~ \ na1ne probah\\• bcc·ause it "t.1·~ or1· g1n;11ly bro11~i11 tn l:'.uropc through Turkey trf\nl Pcr~i a ' ."' / '. Guaranteed Acc uracy . .. to within d minute d month' ... . .. • •'-! ._ I ' •' • •• : I I •• I 1 :. 1 ·,•'• • .. .. ' " J. C JJ111nplirieJ Jcwelr.i llil N(WPORl ILVO , COST A ~l).-. i: CC>iVll</lfNf :fu,•; lo·••-· .• j ........ ,. )0 ·1~1 ~ '• tMl \-"lil t LOC -"110 .. 1,.a .. 1 ,., ,,,. I \ ' r' • Y PILOT Wtdnt~ay, April lO, 197~ • ~ribery P:robe of Co·nnally Reported with- Tom rphine ·< ·''\;i,'.· Over But The Shouti11 g DUST SETl'LING DEPT. -The last round of City COuucil elections are O\•e r here on the "C.'OUt and in Orange County . ~·s balloting maybe suggests u ~of things: . It's not too great a year to be an in· cumbent .seeking re;-electlOQ; it appears to be a time of great voteryawning ; and li's not a bad year to be a woman can- didate. , AU this might be surmised as tl.e politico soothsayers shake faulty crystal balls today, trying to figure out v.•hat fog· ged up thei r predictions. Incumbents, for example. didn't farc too well at the ballot box yesterday. Councilmen Jack Dutton and Mark Stephenson got the boo! in Anaheim. Joe Hyde and Charles Heiser were slmi!Rrly dispatched from ·their sea!:it in Los Alamitos. ' Roaritig Flan1es Jack Anderson Claims Watergate .Panel Quiz J -I \\1ASl~INGTON IAP I -Columnisi Jack Anderson said today that former Treasury Secretary John 8. ConnaU}'f is under investigation by Waterglte prose- cutors for alleged bribery. Connally. \\'ho in recent months has <1d-, dressed Republican groups and met \\'ith pRrty leaders in more than 30 states in what may be an effort to line up support for a 1976 GOP preskienlial bid. denif'd the allegation. 'Anderson 's C'f>lumn ap- pears regularly in the Dail¥· Pilot. I IN fUS COLU~l:'>J. Anderson said FBI investigators assigned to ·1he special prosecutor1s office have evidenoe that Connally· pocketed $10.(l()() from A~ cia1ed Milk Producers Inc., the natlon·s largest dairy coopenitive. Anderson indicall'd rnc money changed hands in 1972. while Connally '.l.'as still ·trca'sury secreta ry, but did not cite a spc<:Uic date for the alleged transaction. Anderson quoted FBI sources as saying the $10,000 was passed by a l\filk Producers official to lobbyist Jake Jacobsen, who deli vered it to Connally. JACOBSEN' lS UNDER indictment for perju ry after testi fying that he stashed the $10.000 in a safe deposit box and never removed it until the fBI opened the box last November. Acrording to Anderson, a (bnnally associate •nas said that J~n often-d the SI0,000 as a eampaiin contribution tor distribution to GO? carid1dates but that Connally turned down the Olfer. The rolurMist said that a year before the money allegedly changed bands, Con· nally in 1971 had met ~ith ?i.filk Producers official Robert Ully at a \\'ashington. D.C.. air terminal and assured Lilly that an increase In fedtral milk price supports. sought by. the milk r1><>p. was •·in lhe bag." White House: 'To Release l\1ore Files' HERE ON THE COAST in Newport Beach and Huntington Beach elections. the.. voters weren't as unkind to the "in" atlfoi::bolders but the results probably ~lll!J!.· them a couple ot twitches. Beam. for example. in- t Vice Mayor Howard Rogers lo win in the waltz which many Fire fanned by 45 n1iles per hour winds raced through several blocks of downtown Grand June· tion, Colo., today. It destroyed newspaper plant of the Grand Jw1ction Daily Sentinel. with losses put at $2 million. n.e indictment by a \\'atergate grand jury said Jacobsen claimed the money "'>''as to be paid to a public official for his assista nce" in getting President Nixon to raise federal milk price supports in ~larch. 1971. The official "'as left un- named in the indictment. WASHINGTON IU PJ ) -The White House says additional material requested by ~he House Judiciary Committee v..;Jl be pro,ided for its impeachment tnqulry by the end of the monlh. Rep. Peter Rodino (D-N.J .), committee chainnan, says it may be the end of J une before there is a report. Forgit, wife of ·the former t councilman Al, pulled within rotes of 4.000 in her race against t mbent vice mayor and two-tenn CXIUl'lcllman. She trailed Roger! by roughly 1,000 ballots at the end as Rogers gathered 5.032. Which means. of course. if 500 votes had been switched around, It ·would h<l\'C been a sticky race indeed. N UN11NGTON BEACH. where four ·~f-W· ere up, former mayor and In· bent Councilman Al Coen found If in a dogfight to retain his chair. 't.-111 fourth in the four-seat contest. ' h challenger Harriet Wieder runn ing I ahead of him for third spot. 5.335 to 4 13 votes for..Qleq. . ack in ~rt Beadt. the elec!iOO y also suggested that being an in· bent city commissioner doesn·t lcularly hack it al the polls these • JD Newporrs District 6 race . ctiallehger Lucille Kuehn easUy out- dllt.lnced Incumben t Planning Com•. rrilss .. ioner Bill Agee for the open seat ".flpt no councilmanic incumbent presid-ed, .M"rs. Kuehn gathered 4.531 ballots '"Jrile Agee trailed with 3,145. mEWPORT COUNCfi....l\tAN Milan r..i. 00,fal proved. ho'>''e\•cr, in his District 4 ~l, that being the incumbent isn't alW&)!S the kiss of death. .DQ.sl~l '>''~S believed to be in a dogfight to-~1n h!S seat beea!J3e cet1aJn parties In ~ were trying hard to l)in the ProfMttory Point rap on him. Promon-taJY:.4 an Irvine Company apartment df.'etbpment that has drawn Jess than r~views as it sprouted on the point Q'(eliooking Balboa Island. -Afl'"''ay. the rap didn't stick as Dostal ~fy outdistanced challenger Lyn c. ~l\(lmi. 5.706 to 3.238. Me~while. the results in Huntinglon Beach' and NewJ)Ort suggest !hat !he female role on our coastal political scene continues strong. WITNESS TlrE aforementioned strong 11'1 or Airs. F'orgit and the easy s1veep f01' ~!rs. Kuehn in the Newport race. And i~ Huntington Beach, the very muscular ~mi-place fin ish of ((luncil'>''OOlan ~,rma Gibbs and the thi rd-place race of ~il"'oman-clcct Wieder. ;tar-for the \'oters themselves. only 2Q percent turned out 1n Huntington Beach and 2i percent in Newport. f,o if the 75 percent or so \vho stayed bqm~ Tuesday i" both towns don't like ltie "·ay things go the next four years, ~ht•y dr,n·t have much bee( ooming. Outbreaks Flare As Syria11 Tean1 Departs for U.S. By The Associated Press Syria said tank duels and artillery eit· changes flared again today along its 41). n1ile front with Israel in the Golan Heights. The latest outbreak in the month-long series of border sk innishes was reported as a fi1•e-man Syrian delegation led by l\laj . Gen. Hikmat Chchabi, the <Lnny in- telllgt'nee chid, tided for talks, i(I ,. \\'ashington With United Stales Secretarjr of State llenry A. Kissinger. A government spo kesman in Dan1ascus said I.be n1ission Jloyld only pre~ent Syria's idras on a Syrian-Israeli 1ni1itary disengagement and report back any Israeli proposals Kissinger n1ight have. lN JERUSALEl\1, Israeli foreign Minis ter Abba Eban said the issue of Jews in Syria wanting to emigrate to Israel would be brought up at the \Vashifiiton talks. Both the Syrians and the Jsraelis ex· pect that Kissinger may make another trip to the l\1iddle East to continue his shuttle diplomacy between the two coun· tries, perhaps at the end of April. Syrian Prestdenl Hafez Assad was ex· pect.ed to fly to Moscow on Thursday for five days of talks with Soviet leaders. the Cairo newspaper Al Akhbar reported. The paper's l\1osrow correspondent. quoting Arab diplomatic sources. said Assad '>''ould be at the head of a large Syrian delegation . But he did not say "'hal the talks ~·ou\d be abouL DAILY PILOT DELIVERY SERVICE O..' v~-v o' +., D::i r1 ? .,. 1U0''.'l"'~...j l\lof1C11y·Ftoe,~ II \'Oil OD !IOI hl>"e you• Pl<MI Dy ' lO p"' call • ...,"°"' '°"'f ..,11 bo lll<>uQhl to yg.., c;.u, atl !•-·~ """' 1 00 p "' S.!u•O•Y.,., s"'""'" II \'oY OD""'"''~"' YO\O' COO\I IN 9 I'" Sat"'<llY 0t 9 a"' s.,..,., c.a11 '""•COPY -l>l ll'""'Jn! l<l l'U<J c.111ttl11••~ ""'" 1g ."' "'"'''"•'9$! -'lql"" hild! lllCI ""'""""r.". --·· ... Son c:.i.-r.n:~ C..~no<'ICI 91KI! Son,,_ c.tO<-:io o.... ""'.,. So,j!h 1..ag.,... l6'1""" N•Q,,,_ . 642·4321 Killer-father Gets Se1itence CHICAGO (U PI ) -A father who "'as convicted of beating hi s 7-year- old son to death because the child '>'·et his pants has been sentenced to a th ree-10-10..yea r prison tenn. \\'illiam Lindquist, 32, stood silently before Circuit Court Judge Philip Romiti Tuesday and then buried his face in his hands when Romiti pronowiced sentence. Lindquist '>''as convicted !\larch 15 of involunlary manslaugh~ and aggravated battery ln connection wl!h the death of his son, JohMy Lindquist. in August o{ 1972. • Big f:Qntributor Clement Sto1ie ' Stifled by Judge NEW YORK (UPI I -Defense at· tomevs in the ~1itchcll.Stans conspiracy trial ·have called can1paign contributor \\'. Clement StOOe to the ~·itness 'stand in hopes of showing big political donors did not necessarily expect anything ln return but good government. But questions posed to Stone. the largest contributor to the Nixon presiden- tial campaigns of 1988 and 1972, \\'ere rul· ed irrelevant time after time by U.S. District Judge Lee P. Gagliardi Tuesday in response to objections by government prosecutor John R. \\·ing. Stone \\'as called during the eighth 1\·cek or the trial or former Commerce Secretary J\laurice Stans and fonn er U.S. Altomey General John N. Mit chell, both charged with conspiring to block a Securities and Exchan ge Commission ISECJ investigation of financier Robert L. Vesco in return for a secret $200,000 cash campaign oontribution. l\titchell and Sl11ns headed Nixon's re-election effort. If! orld-Natio11al l\'ews A lso Page 21 ~ :~now Storms on Rampage· Ne'tv En gland Cove red; We st. Gets Wcirnings H~llOlol.o.t WI U•ll • U W~1C I 1011 (.0.~I 1~ 1 •M I ~I 4 • 11 • )4 " Ill !._, I •!IQ t 1(11(1( .o,~I €J dfMrl ~'•4• ~"" '""II c••" '~"IJO•ln Wf't '" ~If.Cl lf'Otl'I Pel•'ll CO!'t•OltOl'I le ll'f Mt~ICt~ bclfOtr !Of wl,,ch 11 JJ "1.Cl.11. •M t lfl/ll•IOOI WfW\. Lt9111 r••" !tll lri 11\t $.lri 1.,..1'1.•rllftO 1rwl Rl,,...1/rtf: •r.•t •M I~ !Pit Stn ft1,,11rillroo MOll"l••"''· f !Wfll. -• ._ 1111.-.ltt ti 1111 It•' .Id IM .oi.ttlltr~ iitrt1, ' onw o t1 11•,.& I ll C·IHI!----~ fB•AtH~ltl>tOW ' •l• ~~ll(>w1•~ 11ow Tiie we1tllep•'tf~ \tlrl 1-. ...wld bt ll!llt Qlfr\Ot I~ ltmt>Hl!Ultl. lMI ~lot\ n down~ Ltl Al\flfltt rt•tllM O!i!'f 6J T1111!1aw, 11.s •. '1u111111ar11 A ll'tk1' Oltil-•I of '"°w tovt•t>CI flOt!ller"' Ntw l"'Olatld t•t11 tod•f • ..., -·· r1ln 1"4 dvll wf'l»tG t<t•Oll lllt I CnfVll•d WP.ath'!r "•Ir todt'!'. V1•l•lllt wll'ldl 11lQ'hf tllC -"'I"' llollr1 Mtoft\I ... wttlfl" 11 10 10 20 k!IOI• 111 1nemooru tod1y 11"11 T"""M11y. 111111 10fl1 !" ,..!rl Mk. C11.u11t r-r.iurto• ••~ tt-60 ro ., ·~11"11 !l!'fl"'''"''' ••119t ,,_ ~ to •1. Wtttr ttmot•tll1" •· SuH , H"""' Tldf!1 WIONlSOAV Stconrl M•ll U·OO P.IPI. $.0 Se<.~ loor ,~.pm. f,I THUlSOAY '1"' l'liol'I f·n 11 "'· 2 t ,lril low ' n • .... 0 1 $tcor>d 11191'1 11 Q p.m. t.• Stcond 1-6 01 P,"1. ' I SIP'I ,;,.i •.Jt 1.m 5e1\ ' "° •"' Moot! rht\ 11.lS O "'· $f1,,1 ll Oft! 1''ire Co11trolled 111 New Mexico CLOUOCROFT. N.~1. !J.:Pll firefigh ters have halted a bl:.Jte in the Lincoln National Forest after flames started by a small boy playing '''ith matches surged for three days through 14.470 aces and t1vo small t'SO rt 101vns. "\\'c·,,e got a handle oo. it , but our forecaste r says winds are supposed to pic k up aga in to 50 miles an hour .'' said forest Service spokesman Frank Carroll. "\\'e still ha ve about fi\'c land movers '>'"Orking on ttie northeast side Rnd v:c hope to be able to mop it bark far enough so I.hat we won'l have any trouble '>'·hen the winds oome." Some I 1000 firefigh ters were on the scene. The fire erupted Saturday 80 miles south of the scene or the Capitan l\1oun· tain fire 24' years ago. in which firefighters sa,·ed an iniured black bear cub '~ho ~rC\\' up lo t)e .. S1nrikey !hi:> Bear." of the fore5t Service's fire prevention progra1n. Anderson said t'ne FBI sources told him that Connally rct1.1rned the $10,000 1\·hcn he learned the milk CO-Op was being in\'csligated in ronneclion \\'ith contributions to Nixon's re-election ca1n· paign .. , ANDERSON SAID FBI agents ha\'e found that some or the bills in the bank box were not issued unti l after the date on "'·hlch Jacobsen claimed the money "''as deposi ted and left untouched in the box . BULLDOZER RIPS I/I S TV SET UP LONDON COLNEY. England (UPI! - Tony Warner's television set still '>''OUldn·t work arter he spent $120 on repairs. So he had the set smashed 10 pieces by a 32-ton bulldozer Tuesday as his family cheered on. "The TV '>''as always going \\'rong,'' \\'amer said. ''Good riddance to it." President Nixon, through his attorney. sent word to Capitol Hlll Tuesday that a review is under \\'SY of 41 additional \ape recordings req uested by the committee and should be complet ed by tne end ol the congressional Easter recess which runs t.o April 22. AT TIIAT TL\1E, the White House said it \\'ill furnish additional material , but it did not say how much, if any, Of the ex· tra information would be turned over. Vice President Gerald R. Fo rd said Tuesday the \Vhite House will "respond affirmatively to all requests for tapes and other material ~'hich jt con.siderr relevant." Sena te Republican leader }~ugh Scott said tOOay the time required to listen to l'ne tapes would delay any committee ac- tion. He said the average length of each tape is eight hours and it \VOuld require 336 hours of listening time to go through the tapes requested by the committee. Rodino said the full HOUSt' likely \\'ill get the committee report late in June . "\V e hOpe in the first 'veek of May to lake up the evidence concerning im- peachment," Rodino said . ''\V e may have to call orner \\'itncsses. The Charlie Apple ... yours for 3.50 with • any Charlie purchase Charlic ... 2 most original fragr ance by Revlon. Jr's gorgeous, a young fngrance. Full of sur- pri~. Just like you. And the Charlie Apple filtcJ \\'Hh Solid Pcrfun1e is yours for only 3.~0 \\'Llh any Chulic purchase. If you haven'c met Charlie }'C't. '"hat art· you waiting foe? Ch oose Concrn- tr:ued Cologne Spray, Concencrarc<l Cologne, Concentrated Perfume Spray, Conccntcated Per- fume Oil Ot Conce n1ra1cd Ptrfumc in a Pot. 1'he Chulic Colltciion • • • 3.50 to 8.50 Cosmc1ics ' Bullock'< So uth Co:ut Plata, San Diego Freeway at Bristol, 516-0G l 1 L l ..... ... .' L To th As a sen appall Gra appar politic oonr. Office espcc docu Leon Slaf~ \\'I( Prcsi a coc •dm divul po!iti nedy "'hen Jero had Lieut of 1nent Rein _or th lafre M right sore I the indi c\ud' fair poss Is po lit pro som in lb To l I city oroe polls beh "Iha tion porn rel di en chai yct re ~\rs part '>'\·r To I the \ho "'a ·~ cul am co dis cd sig of tin ha an Th pl of ..... .. ; . .. .. DARY PILOT EDI OBIAL PAGE • Tantr :s . Temper tantrums have become all too common dunng the conduct of normal business by the Hunting- ton Be ach City Council One of the worst occurred last week during a flare-up between Councilwoman Norma Gibbs and ri·1ayor Jerry l\1atney . l\~rs. Gib~s -in a rather empty ~esture to an ap- plauding audience -cast the lone dissentlng vote in opposition to construction of 60 apartment units. The other councilmen voted for it only because they were ordered to do so by the Orange County Superior Court. 1'1atney. enraged .at Mrs. Gibbs' tenacity, publJcly berated he~. called her action "a dumb thing to do," and slan1 1ned hts gavel 10 silence the audie nce applause. ll 1nay be that l\1rs. Gibbs' action was just a grand· stand play. but ~·Jatney's sharp, personal rebuttal wa.s heavy-handed and uncalled for. It reduced the council session to a petly squabble. Such personal beratement by the mayor has become an unfortunate aspect of his conduct during the past ~ew months. A strong mayor ls ,desirable, but a dictato'r 1s not. ?.1atney has leadership capibilities but he needs , to exercise his power more judiciously before he alien-· ates everyone on t!ie council. P ermit Reasonable · ·The Fountain Valley City Council. or for that matter. any g.ovemmental body, is not in the business or guar- anteeing a lack of competition for existing local mer· chants. • Out of Line the const.n1ction of a liquor store in a shopping center at lhe northwest corner of Los Jardines \\'est and Slater Avenue was a reasonable one. "l'he opponent o( the ilquor store pern1 it was the o\vner of a nearby store \Yho ad - mittedly didn't \\'Jilt the new c.on1pct1tlo11. Althou gh the store would be acros.~ the street rron1 an elementary school due to open in the winter of 1975, that does not i1~ itself respresent a ha1.ard. As ~layor George Srott pointed out, 1 here i~ a di(fcrence between a s~re and a bar . If the proposal had been for the la.tter, th~ issue would have <:hangc<l ronsiclerably. . ~lost \rest tlrangc (tunty school di slricts scored high when the state C\'al'fialcd their t:arlv Childhood Education iECEl progr:uns. v.rhic h h3\'C atte;nptcct to of · fer individu alized instruction to youngsters in kinder· ga.rten throu¥h third grade. But 1-luntington Beach City.School Disinf;t, v.·hii:h ranked in th e 46lh percehtile. h:is had a fcv.• problems so far. . ·· The .district's educational philosophy is primarily c~nservative -a far t ry fron'I forward-looking ecluca· uon sou&ht by the ·State in the LC'E: progran1. . Son1e parents in the district are con~·emcd over the d1!:crepancy and would like more advancetl teaching methods in both ECE anrl other clas:;roon1s. The parents are calling: for a d1~!rit !wicle surve\·. It would be wise for administrators and tru<;tces to ag'rcc . If the majority tonl'Ur!', the changes should be n1adc . ' l ' ./ /,/ / ,/ / I .. '\' At the same time, it should be and rightly is con· cerned with the welfare of school cbildren within the cit y; proposed businesses which could affect them should be closely examined. Ir not. the progran1 should be dropped. for C\'en tliou"h so me aspects are beneficial 1t is Y+'asting the taxpa\·c~:r money under its present operation. · 'II 'ould you mind wearwg this bution ai our /He ss cunterence:''. In these regards. the council's action in appro\1.ng 11 Leaks Undermine Legal Processes To the Editor: As a private' citiz.en, I am compelled by 1 sense or fairness to report that I am appalled by the amounl of \llalergate Grand Jury Infonnalion that has been apparen1ly leaked to the press and political partisans. In my opinion. lack of confidence in the Special Prosecutor's Office appea rs nearly r e qui red . especially when one acknov.•ledl{es the docu mented lapses of professionalism by Leon AJ'av.·orski, bis predecessor. and the staf~. ( MAILBOX ) Letters from reader! are we/cnme. 1VormaUy, writers should conllt!y !heir niessages in 300 words or less. The right lO condense letters to fit space or eliminate libeL is reser1:ed. All let· ters must include 3ig11ature and mail- ing address but 11ames Tnay be wifll· lield on request if :ru/ficlent rcasoii is apparent.. Poetry will 11ot be pub· Ii.shed. preciate in monetary value and thus also be a gOod investment. Architect Kurt ritcyer was the only person at the ceremony who even men- tioned the Allied Arts Comm~oo. I think that the art is certainly an integral \\'!IE~ ONE considers the evid ence nf President Nixon's tapes beiog played at a cocktail party. when one considers the ~ d in i t t e d fact of Archibald Ccix, divulging privileged information to political partisans such as Senator Ken- nedy and staff at a social occasion. and \\'hen we now learn, that C.Ongressman Jerome \Valdie. another active partisan. had information on the indictment or Lieutenant Governor Ed ll e i n e c k e of California before the actu3\ indic t· 1nent. and even. apparenUy, before ~lr. Reinecke himself, 1hc non-partisan role QfJ the Special Prosecutor's office seems · part of the Cooter. A catalogue should have been available at the dedication ceremony and the Allied Arts Comm~ should have been publicly commended. ra1ready lost ~ly sen.se of fairness tells me that the rights of many indh1iduals have been sorely and grievously cnn1promised . and lhe v.ilole questinn of the abllity nf any individual connecte<.'. "'ith \Vatergatc. in- cluding the President himself. to ha\'e a fai r hea ring seems almost now im- possible. Is not the proseculion of the Watergate political excesses being totally com- promised by simih1r political excesses by :;:ome partisans nr political over-zealots in the Special Prosecutor's Office? WALTER E. ECK, M.D. Appalled To the Editor : I attended my first Huntington Beach city cooncil meeting last '.\iooday in order to make a better decision at the polls Tuesday . I was appalled at the behavior of ~layor Jerry Matney. His "!hank you's" seemed to nu an obliga- tion rather than be really meant. He V.'3S pompous and know-tt-all. He v.·as rude to fello\V council members and to the au· d1ence. This man ""ls elected by hls peers to chair the council and represent the city, yct he lacks even comr,non oourtesy and respect for his fellow council members. ~\rs. Gibbs and ~fr. Bartlett in p:i rticular. His remarks to Norma Gibbs ~·ere outrageous. MICllELE BUHGEs.5 Center lmpreulce To the Editor: I attended the dedication ce rcmonit!S or the ~luntington Beach Civic Center and thought that the event, for the most part. '4'1l.S imprcssi,•e and Vr't!tl-pla.nned. The roordinaUon and execulion mu.st have bctn a back-breaking task. TIIE OSE thing the.I did disturb me "'·3s-the lack of public commmdatioo ror cultural aspeclS of the C.enter. I \l.'IS amazed and pleased to see 11uch a fine conection of mU!eum-quality a r t displayl'd, and 3S$UT\cd that It v.·:as loan· cd for the celebration or YillS on eon· signmel'\t. Art.er questioning any numbe r Qf pt.-ople. I finally learned ttult our llun· tlngton Beach Allied Arts Commlsslon had selected and purchased these \\·orlt.! and that they arc indl'ed City property. Tbb collection Is not only cslhe!ltally plta!ihg, but. sinct h Include!! the works of .!IOOlC alreidy famous altisls, will ap- I THOUGHT that the potted plants in· side the Center were outstanding and hope that they are permanent in· stallations. The dedicatioo bromure w a s beautifully dooe and mllSt have entailed a tremendous research effort. Reproductions of early Hun~ton Beach phol<lgraphs which "'t>re on the \\·alls to the left of the council chamber lobby ~·ere most interesting and af ex· cellent quality. VIRGINIA WHIPPLE Ge1U?rous? To the Editor: l wish the oil companies. in their ex- pensive television ads. would stop trying to' sell u.s on the idea that they are really honorable. The next Uting they wUI be telling us is that they are not "crooks." If they are as generous a n d humanitarian as they say, they should keep their mouths shul and lower the cost of their products to the con.wncr. ROBERT JACKSON VCI Experience To the Editor: My husband and l attended the UC! open house A~ril 6 ~. found it an en riching experience. W1th1r. the space o< three: hours , we saw a film on Ezra Pound. the "poet's poet,"' hc<trd a lecture on a r<.'Cent stay in the Soviet Union by Professor K.E. Bailes !which "'as ii· lustrated with excellent slides) ard saw a Kenneth Clark film from his series on civilization. ALONG WITH these cultural e.x· perlcnces. we got to meet some: of the UCI professors, a real treat in i!M?U. It ~ too bad more of the county's citizens did not take advantage of this experience. l beli<"vc too many people sit in their homes and complain about money spent on higbtr education without gcttlng out 10 set for themse.lves how it is being spent. 'lbe university doe!, after all. of- fer advanta ges for all citizens, If they \VIII just make lhe effort to find out o.bout U\<m. I "'6elieve our cities shoukl take more advantage of the univenl!y and Its re!JOurccs. Why J\Ol & pt1bllc lecturo series, free, featuring UC I professora? There Is a wealth of knowledge there that sbotdd be shared by more than just the students, l believe. JUDITH P. OLSON Dear ' Cloo111y Cns Are ,.,.c rrally expcch1d to' t·~lic1 ,, that if you arc caubhl not p<1~·1ng huge 1axt>s you are NOTc hcr'liC: l~ot int" at this h:ip;;y !HS !A'J• son L DE:'il0STll1':.\l~S Ill o.....,, 011• '""'"""'' ••t wtimitt.., "' rt1nt•• 1nc1 oo no1 .-tu••ll• ,.u,c1 t~• ,,,.... Pl ..... • ..... 010'1' s~nf Ytllf P•I Rt"1' to Gloomy Gu~. 0111y P•kll. 11 outlt l11iage Distorti1io· ~ J' alue !_Jf Age ~YDNEY J.HARRI~ A frirnd of nune, \\'ho rr;ichl'd his :10th year {}( emmence with a i;."Olnp:in} ..... ,,,, asked \\'he!her the occasion "'as going to be marked "·ith some celebration or an- nouncement. .. :\o." he said, "v;e'"" go111g to pa s.<: up the .... ·hole thing as qu1etl.\· as po~~ible. Things have chan gl>d today-\•e :ill· noun cc youfu. but \\e play do\•n seniori- ty ... lnch•cd \\'e do. and our sociriv i$ the poorC'r for it. Certainly youth sliould he en('{)Ura gcd v.·hC'f<'\'t'r possiblt"-bUI JlOI at tht' expense of agt·. not to the cxt~·nt ot depreciating and diminishing !he vnlue uf lo}alty and long Sfrvicc and tlC'pc•11- d1:1hih1y and all tht• other anl·1ent \'irtue~. That soctcty is bC'i:t ~·hich at\atns ;1n equilibriurn h<'tl'.ecn the n('(·d~ ol you1h and the rewards of agt>-1\ hien l1st{·n.~ to the younf:. 1:1nd honors the old. :\ r1g1<l and reprcssi\'C society gives its yot.:ng Jillie chance: a nuid and inno\'al!\C. society neglects ils ob\Jgalion tu the olrl ~1E:'\ DO their best \\·ork for honor and respect as niuc h as for mone~ If these are nol forthcoming to\vard thf' end of :1 long tenur e. then goals shift to the purely immediate and m:nerial and self· seei.:ing -and no long-range company or venture r:in sustain itself 011lhc~1cnns. 1'lle n1atur e population of th•· C S. hai. an enormous ambival<'nce IO\Vil rd ~outh. On 1he one hand, it is rl."'cntful and tyrannous 101\·ard expr<:~sions of youthful freedom : on the other. it is t•nvious nnd c.mulati1·e of 1ht• 1~1c-:t !rC"nd s in youth culture. in St':<ualLty, 111 dr('ss. u1 idloin and in Ute-st yle. TillS A~IBl\IAL}:.'\CE has created i\.'j o"n backlash toward older pcoµl c. ,\ CQmpany Wllnts a fresh, young. v1till 1m· ugc; and the linage is often more im- portant to it than the substance. So substance-in terms or years 0 r service-is ohen sacrificed to co~mctic rejuvenation: the firm 'rt1nt5 a ··1nod" look lo demonstrau_. thal it is up-in-date and it can get the mod look on:y by Jct· tioonlng ii! older people. As discrimination by roJor ;1nd srx is d!mini~ing, discrimination by acl' 1!' lieginnlng to take Its place. This is not merely 3 personal injustice: to the \'LC· tim : it \•lolcntly shifts the subsnil nf thl' .... 001e social structure. so 1h.·u )Olin~ JX.~ pie entering the labor market 1'·1ll 1¥> longer shape their caretr·hi.:rs on !h(' basis or pennanence and rii:pcnd<iblhty but on the axiom of g('1t1ng the rTl(ISt JJOS!lblc in the short time :-;\al\ahle te> their "youth imnge.'' \rlllLE TlllS is 'happening, younR pro- ple at the lov.·er levels of educational compel nee find 11 hardl!I' 10 ge t jolh of any 50rt. H Jewisli Co1111111111ity Bnlonce St1•ni11e1I Zi~nist Line Hits l(issinger \\.ASIH'.\GTON -lilc hr·~ i;\11"· ,.------------.. mrr.1ngs of ,1 poten11n!ly ominous :iuack ( J capitals 1' ~·inr, 10~1 hy 1hC' Soviet rnin.1 and wo11 hy l\i!'~ln;!t·r -·'a n1·1\· ~u11nr for •·111br;1('~·1nr·111 by ~ht·i k~. pr('s1clr n1s and kings ,,f Arab1:1 " aitainst Secretary of St<11e llenr\' l\1::~111-EVANS • N' OVAK gcr h~· pro-lsraci hard·linl'rS ha\1e bci::u11 :1ppraring 111 this country 's 7.in•1i~t .h•t1 · · 1,h lt·adt'rS . .\lutf-d cr1tic1s1n or lhc Sf>crclnr)' ot Stale began ;1[H1r lu-; bri!l1·un IX'rtonn:1n1·1· ')1'1•:.ra· llrLb J·:i;~µl a111! 1 ... raf>l in J<111111 r~· Thi· Zionist Or1:an r•a11u11 uf An1eric,1 tt.O.\ 1. a hartJ ·li nc Zionist lobby. in its Fchril· :1ry h111letin t rilt!!i7- t'd th<.1l :i~rcerr.cnt flr.'i( JI",\ l~h irn1!lrd1a!t'i ~· ti s "slrengthl'n111g thr pos1l 1on of 1h1· l>t·!l1g"n"!"lt ,\rah \\Orltl and lhr. So\•iet l'nion."' lly ~larl'h, ZO A no longer mut1·1I' ::s eril- lcism. Directly attacking J\i~sing11r for the fir st time, it next cr!ticiz i"I th" politi- cal leadcrshi1> of Israel itself whii:h. it s::iid . r{'gilrds Kissinger "as a .•"t'Otld l)is· r.1ell ·· "IN Tiff'.; L"nilrd States. on the 'l!h1•r hand." Thl' bulleun conlinu1'{!, "JeY.1sh lt·:1d1·rs. l,o1Hh Zionist and nnn·Zionist. 3re Jllt~·ry, \1onclc rlllg Y.hct hcr n-~ is not lc<1n- ing O\'cr back"·ards a.~ a Je" tn pl11ca1<' the Arabs and their Soviet prott>ctor:. " /\111cr1,·an·J1•\\1sh cQmrr.un1ty. lie h:i.~ rcn1arkt'd pr i\':itcly that if cilhL•r th\! fsr<it'li govrnHTll'111 or the i\mt:'r1ca11· .)t"\11sh l'Qn1n11u111\' !'Ver ronrludlis th31 he is pushing lsra~·l too hard , he could be oulflankrd. AltOOugh roe 1noclera1e ,J e ~· 1 s h h~:idf'rship's pol itical root s arc clCf'p in the Uemocraf1c p.1rty. it gave Pre~1dcnt r\1xon substantial support for T('('lt.'Clion in 1972 ;ind declared a moratorium on L+it1t:1~n1 of tne administra!ion·s :\lidcast policir~ Y.'hen th<' \'om l\ippur ;1ar began Oct 6 :\011· that truce is sho..,.,·ing signs of st r:i1n. 11uit(' :ipart fr om lhc hard·linc position of th<' ZOA. Ar\ t::XA~1PLF. is ltabbi Israel ~1\l\cr. president of the Zion 1!R Federation of A1nrrica I an umbrrlla organi·1.ation 11h1rh emhraC't'S many organi1atioos 1. lte \vas l!!SS than enthusiastic in a statement last ~·f'('k Ci\'ing Kissinger good ma rk..<> 1n n:1nril1ng bUlh thr ,\r:ib-lsracli conflict and the question of emigration by Sovirt Je;1s. "\\'t! ha\·e no cornplaints for the time bclnl! agains.t Kis.<>ingcr." ri1illcr \\'a,.; quoted by th« Jr~·ish Telt'[!raph1c Agl'nC~. "hut that docs no 1nl'an that v.·t: arf' gointi to fo!lo"' hi blindly." Kissinger has tried ard to kC<'p thr Amtr11:;1n Jc;11sh co nun11y neutralizC'd in h1~ hazardous tf ort to reverse 25 )t·1·1r~ of Atnt."r1ea n 1p!omacy. But in his •i~aJ 10 prO\'C · ... good faith to Ar;ib leaders. •ne o ns the door-prob.1bl y in· r\·1tably-t Je.,.,·ish complaints tha t ht' has gone t far . {'on.-;Hl•'ring th(• modl·st borc!C"r ad- jus tmi•nt..i Kis~1nf::tr has mediated so far , lh1<: r,111•\ thr. 111ere~t hint of 1\hilt he can f'~l)('i·1 lsr:i\·h w11hdr;i1~:i1 from rne Sue7. (';1n;1l 1\:1,.; far IL'S"l pa1nf11! th11n others in store fnr lsraC'l l\1s:-ingc·r 1s now con· l'l"ntrat1ng on thr Colan Hl'ights. but aftf'r 1h;4t rome~ th1· f•molional question of thr \\'rs! Hank itnd Jcrus.'llrn1. !lerc Kis"in~f'r's probk·1n 1s rom- poundl•d by 1h1· t!1n'!Y st rurturr of Prime rilinish•r tivlda :0.l<ir's new government. As a pr11·1· for ;:1\1ng her a parliarnentary 111:.qor. thf' n•".1 rl'l1g1ous party C'Xtractcd this eonc·e~'ton . no change on !hi' \\'esl Bank 1Samar1a :ind .Judca l .... ·1thout a plCblSC'l\l'. 1\101tEO\'ER , .-.O!ll(' Jc;1·1.~h leilders here arc convinced rnat l sraer.~ true in· tt::rL'Sls -and ce rtainly this coun- try 's -rl'<Juire major honlrr rec· 11fications. including establlshn1ent or a Palestuuan state on the \\'L-sl Bank. Jn lrying to achi<'\'C !his. thl'y sec another trap for t\tssi nger: President Nlxoo's o~·n \1Jlncrab1lily to pro-l sraC'li hard- liners in Congres.'> whosr votes he needs in the impeachment battle. So far. !ht:r•· 1~ no disagrccme11t l'C'IV.'('{'n .1>:1ssinger and the !'resident. 1vho des per:i!e!y nN'ds anotl'K'r for cibfl pnlicy trium pn : pohtital Solutir>n of the 25-}r·:ir Ar;tb-lsrnf'li v.ar. To ge1 it, IK' S•'i"n1s 111lling to take hm1llil risks .... ·nh his h;1rd·IU1f..• ,)(:\1ish tonstilul'nC\' Th is toughening ZOA line 1n no \\<If reflects opinion in the political center (1( !hr· 1-..JY.'f'rful /\merican-JC\\1i::h rom· rnun1t\· Uut S<lmc of lhc:.t 1nodtratc ·'L'\\·1sh lea ders no,,..· fear this in.1\' c.·hangt: .ts a result of the dan gcrou-; 1nCr1::lS(' 111 S~ri11n·l~racli military ;u:tu11v on the (;olan HelJ:hts. i\1ssingcr·s pr~·s~urt' for 1 ~r;11·lt con(·f'ssions thf'rr Lould 111den ZUA ·~ unti·l\tssingt!r ripple 11110 ;i l:ir hroader cittack . TIIL'S, ZOA 's rifarch bulletin, in :1 ...:1ssl ~'Gf'.:fl has ne\·f'r und<'rf'~limai~rrastic item. said that ''the kiss1n~ the dchcac)' nf Ju :. pos1t1on to11<1rd the contest currc,111ly undcr;1•ay in Arab But raeh Kissinge r rnovr ahl•.1d ~111 111,thtl·n battlr lines at home :incl in Jsraf•J, poll'll!1ally suhJ!'{'llnf! .\tr. Nixon tu tn· f'rrasing poltt1ral thrt·3b;. To 1nanipulatc ;11111 con!rol thfs1..· prt&surrs mr1y bt• t){'vond an yont·. ct't n so suhtlc a d1p lo1nn1 '" Dr. l\1ss1ngl·r. Thf· r1s1ng udr 11f .h·111.,h crtlH:ism sl"K1\1s that. Touring Officials Enjoy New Trend \\iASltt:..(iTO;';-Forcign govcrnmC'n!s in q11c~1 of L".S. benefits no~· use fC\'('r:.c lobbying. Inst ead of c::ilhng upon Congress. they bring U1C congn:ssmcn to them. .Just la~t .January for txamplc St.·n. \'a 11 cc Hartke. O·lnd .. a1..'to1np.1n1 •'<i by hls 1\1fe, his daughter and t"o ;,iJdcs. brcrled thruLJgh five countnC$ in nt>.n1t thrt:t• •\f'l.'°ks . In 1·.1ch or th" t·o11ntn(·~ 11 .. \ 1s11 ~1tt. at \ra~t J'llll t l or J[artkc's cx- p<'llSCS 1\·cre picked up by the hosl gov· crn1ncnt. Srate l)(>part1ru:nt cables rc\·eal that in lr11n. for ins1an('c, the government "informed il lartkr1 lh;1t he "·ill be lhe guest of ! Iran I nnd tha t they v. ill arrange pro~am includin~ 00- tc! re~rvatlons nnd trnnsportat1ort ·· TJIE PA1\TSTAr-.'I government . :1c· cordinJ:l 10 1he cables. provided Hartke 11nh "'hotel reservalions. car and dn\er ilnd trarnporunion fr ont Kar3chi lo I~l::i mabad and re:h1m. '" In ('eylon ... Senator arxi :\!rs. Hartke and da~1~htcr Y. lll be ~ucsts of t the .:o\trnment1 "·\1h hotel. travl'I C"(penscs 1>.1id.1' In lnrlonMi1a, !h<' Sffialor Y<as a "guest of Parl iam<'nt." And in i'OC\\' i'.t."<ll!Jnd, he "as alS<l n go\'Crnm.._nt guc-st. For sp!'ndin1t money. aC('llrdln~ to th" cnblcs. lhll l'ar1ous l;.S. embi1s.~1cs pro- vldC'd Hartkr \>."Ith an 3ddit1011JI $i5 a da~ In locRI curN!nC'i<''· r"OT O~L'' me1n rs of Congl"t'S3 but (JACK ANDERSON) their staff assistan ts have been gall1\·:1nt· 1ng around the globe ill thC' \':<pcn.!.i: of foreign go\'cmmcnts. On April 13, for 111• s1ancc. ;,i dozen congressiona l a1d..:s Y.1\l arril'c in Ta111·an for u \·c.u.:<ilion !tn;.inecd Ly ~ationallsl l.'hina. Thl' St;11c Dcpartn1cnt cabled the l' S. cmbas.~y 111 Ta ipei r('qucst1ng PX cJrds for the junkf't1ng aides "1f f'tnba"SY in pos1\Jon to is sue then1 ." The ('n1bi1!'sy replied that the aides .,.,ould nr't'd .. 0r. f1cial passports" or "we "l!I ht> in thl' rathrr uncomfortnble poisition of h<'in~ u.Mbl c to obtain l'X cards for so1nc ., The senior stnff mt1nbcr. R:ilph \"and('l'\-'Ort of the Senate SpaeC" Com· m1ttc<:. told u.' the trip v.'d., "kind of :1 pubhc rclati00$ thing" on th e part of 1hc <.'h111ng Ka1 -shek govtmmcnt. THE FEW thousand dollars oki Ch1anf! spend! to v.·oo U.S. off1clal.1. judJ11n~ h~ past perform:ince. is mon~y 1''<'11 spent. ln 1he past fou r ~ears. he ha! t.-ollcct~'<! S3i3 7 million ln l.j_S, m11i1ary aid. The SQuth \'leln11me'!'ie gol'~minrnt ha~ done far be\\tr, h<1\ing "·runJtled O\t'r SI billion in arms aid 10 19i3. ;\',,.,.,. !hi! :\ixon Adm1ru11raHon has requested anothrr $4it millian tn "emergency funds" for !he StHgon re~lmc. E\·cn :t.'i the rcquc!t Is pend ing before: tongress, SUite I>e:pt1rtmcnt cabl rl'\'<'al lhal the Saigon ~01·1·rnm1·11t h:i li 1n1t1l'd eit:ht ~ey L'Oni;:r1s~1nnal \t;iH r.1en11>Crs lo \'is it South \ 11·u1.1n1 to \ 1c~· · pn·-.cnt rc·ah111·~.·· Vf.111T:\OTE · rf)ni:.r~"Tlll·n and thf'lr :1rd1' ~ho acc1·p1 f n-e tri~ ;.ihro.id fro1n r11r1•ign ~O\'C'rnnlt'Ol.S may IX' in I 10\at1on of 1hc Cons11H111r1n. 11h1ch for hids l'.S. ol· l1t'1<1ls !ro1n .1rcrpnnJC :1nv ··~n1ol11- rni·nt ... ,Jf anv kind Y.nati,\'r r fron1 .1ny King. Pnnce· or foreign s1.1h · OltAMG-1 COAST DAILY PILOT Rohcri ,\", \\ll'td. P14blisiitr T~cin1'1s Krcril , Ed1Wr )3arlit1ro l\Ttib1c h Edit11r1ol f'aae Ediror Th" "1it"ria1 pas,,• nr 1hr Da 1l v P1~<11 wk~ u1 ~nl'lrm anil Jtlmulll!~ rt':al'h n !'!)· rn·.,'flllrlll on tho;; ~!:::~ tll\•'rv" r-t.rnmr ntiu")• nn l<'lfl\~ ol in· U1• t;t hy ~·no:lu ,.,,.,., •'fll'umn11!!1 and r;u-1or.nl1ih., liy p1 .r.•1'11n~ 1 IONm lflf" r"•1trli' \ 1""' Ii :anrl h) """en11ni:-th1 oi: l'l""'~l)llPM' <i op1nl(ll'I• llollf\ ldNLt on cumn• 1or1r~ Thi> f'rl\!M'!al oplnM" nl lh" ''"JI\ !•i,,,• •l"Pf:•r only In ih" ("!11nn1l i,•lumn at 1hf. IOfl ol lh,. rll'li"· (~1n1~ c:..prt!W'd by t~ rol· ymnl~!I 11nd cart~m1"1' and IP!!fT '...T1ltn If~ lhi"lr °""'·n 11'11 """'.-nclof'IP· ml'l'lt or thr!r vie .. " I')' the 1):1.Uy f"lkit should be lrJt'fml. Wednesday. April 10, 1974 I I .. • • f • \ trdnttday, Aprll 10, 1974 DAIL PI LOT 5 SLA lfle11ibers Oil Firms To Settle Damage s W. ----~TON (AP \ - 01ange _of Venue Denied iI1 T1·ial San Leandro Area Ripped t --, Fou~~r oil companies sued by CallforniR for a half billion dollars after the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill have (.....__B_RI_EF_S __,,) agreed to pay any damages in a similar sull by the state against the federal govern· ment. But the damages should la.II far short of the $SOO million the state had sued the federal ~ovemment for . the J usliec Department said i n an· nouncing • the oil companies' .agreement Tuesday. The suit against the federal govern- ment ha,s no connection \\'ilh the $500 mi llion suit against the roor companies. The four companies arc Union, Gui!. Texaco and f\.1obil. Plaintiffs \\'ith the state In the suit are the city and county of Sa nta Barbara and nearby seashore Carpinteria. e Pinn Dropped By The AJ:S-OClated Press Gov. Ronald Reagan's odd- evcn gasoline sales plan has been dropped by all San Fran- cisco Bay area counties. Supervisors in San :\·latco. Santa Clara and Sola no coun- ties voted Tuesday to drop the plan. joining Alameda and Contra Costa counties which abandoned the plan ea rlier. Marin County's voluntary plan faded av.•ay with the gas lines. San Francisco County never implemented th e plan. e School Pollc11 POWAY (AP)-Youngstcrs who don't believe in pled ~ing allegiance to the fl ag \\'On"t be ordered to do so any 1nore at Poway public schools. On the advice of the San Diego County Council. the Po.,.,·ay school board adopted a policy, ef(ectlve 1\iesdqY. that states: "Persons who. tiecause of religious beliefs, desire to refTain from recitation of the pledge or salut ing the nag. may do so: however, these persons shall be expected to stand quietly at attention l'i'lliJe the pledge is given.'' e Donallo,. LOS ANGELES IAP I -Ci- ty oounc.ilmen voted 9-6 to award a $50,000 do~tion to public television station KVST, despite complaints of the sta- tion's leftwing bias and the alleged criminal records or some of its di rectors. MILK TURNS SOUR Eve n Michael Landon's .~ilk Alls Cliallengell B:y F'}'C · SAi~ FRA NCISCO I UPI ) - The f-~ederal Trade Coin- mis!'>ion says it's not tn.1e that "milk has something for everybody,'' as ad- vcrtise1nents cla im . TI1e F'"l'C said Tuesday it \.rill file a complaint against the California P.1il k Producers advisory board and its ad· vcrtising agency, Cunningham and \\'alsh, Inc., of NeY: York. charging that the advertising slogans \lth ich have re~tured such celebrity endorsements as Olympic S\\imming cham- pion l\lark Spitz. Oaklafid A's pitcher Vida Blue. Ray Bolger, Abigail Van Buren and actor l\li c ha el Landon a r e misleading. The FTC singled out !he "milk has something for everybody" and "everybody needs milk" slog.:ins. TllE PROPOSED complaint charges that the a d s misrepresent that: -1\filk is cs se nt i a I . necessary and needed by all individuals no matter \\1hat their slate of health; -1\li!k consumption is benefi cial to everyone: -Evervone can consume unlimited quantities of n1il k \vith no hannful effects, and -~•tilk consumption will pre- vent or reduce the possibilities of contracting colds o r arthritis. The FTC said the board and agency would be given an op- portunity to agree to a consent order, which pre s umabl y 'A'ould ban any further use of the advertising claims. Bodv Fou11d ,/ In Pieces LOS A~GELES IUPI) The coroner's office "'as trying today to identify the body of a young v.·oman , found hacked to Pieces and stuffed in Sf'veral garbage cans behind a motel in Sludio City. The young 'A'oman had ap- parently bet'n dead some time, said police v.·ho responded to a call from an employe at the El Dorado ~lotel. v.·ho found !he · body Tuesday. The body was cut into "a number of pieces." all of \\'hich \\'ere found. exce pt for a portion of one leg, po!fce said. Advisor Resigns OCEANSIDE (AP \ -At the mayor's request. a member of the mayor's youth advisory commission has resigned after pleading guilty to felony possession of marijuana. The ex-commissioner. Phillip Soto. 28. 0Cfanside, also is chairman of the associated students at l\Iira Costa Community COiiege. He resigned Tuesday. OPEN DAILY 10-1 O; SUN. 10-7 . WED. lhru SAT. APR. IO·ll, 1974 • "'" ;_,,,,:· ....... _, --r ' •_. REG ULAR SIZE QUEEN SIZE Regular or Queen si ze seam- .less strelch ny lo n panly hose with n ud e heel. in bas ic na- tural shades. Regular in sizes S/M. MI T. Queen sizes M or T, lit up to 200 lb. Save! Charge It! .. ·;r .. . -·~" ....... , lnter8st earned bY savers IP . ·.J ·z .·I · Consider our prob em: We'd like to show you just how much interest hu been earned by savers at AVco Savings but, frankly, they're earning It BO fast that showing you is impossible. _, . .. • ... :......;- Every second of every minute of every hour of every day, day·in and day-out, your money's always making money at Avco Savings. We simply can't show you the total. tt won't hold stilt long enough to take the picture. ? • • M9in Ortic•: 2650 Zoe Ave., HunUngton Park• lelf.M~ -6250 Allanllc Ave.• co.I• MHll -3310 Brl1tol $1. ·Loe Ant91a1 -4929 Wilshire Blvd.• Porl Huene"'9 -2'71 No, Vllfllura Rd. South o ... -4240 Tweedy Blvd .• Studio City -12229 Vtn1ura BIVO •• TonMC9 -1~ f:Uh!OP ! Square• Ventura Haadqu.....,1-2MI SO. MUls Rd.• Wffl i..,.,..._-11551 Santa Monka•BNd, ~,,,. .,. , ' ' at •••• '" . ' '1,1 t· 1,l·~,.; .. f.i.tl ' f.(,~tl ',11,NJ ''~·{> • 111·~ ;· .,u'h ,.u~~· .. WIS· I t WED. thru SAT., APRIL 10-11-12-13, 1974 Oftll HILT 10-10, Siii. 111-7 SHARP PRESENTS Th e Fun Make rs A nd Ene rg y Save rs ... EX TR A LARGE CAPACITY MI CROWAVE OVEN OUR SALE PRICE 88 Baked poloJo in 4 rr11nutes, cri'p bacon in 3·4 minvte,, complete dinner with roosl rn oboul 36 minute,, Cooks cool , so~es energy. Plugs into ony normal household current. Eidro la rge copocity. Boous Browoiog Dish by Cor· niog . R7500. I ·--------fll.UftOll ··--........ • ..... -.... ........ _ .. tAellHAnt .. .I IAl llHAIH , ... ,.__ __ , __ .... ··-·-... ,(l&le ,_, __ --U.l l A H inll'I ...... _ .... --· ......... , .... ·---·-ll•t&UIT ,,,, __ 2-WAY POWER 9'' .... ... ,. TAKE-ALONG I OUR 88 SALE PRICE Play It onywhere. Cleon, cri1p bloc~ ond white 1"9Ception. Comes with AC/tord, tor or boot cigorette lighter cord and 12·pock botterie,. 3M20KM. '".,.''" ·-· ···--.... -~ -·--·-,,_.,, , ...... (11 "' -·--•:.•1--·-~--...... e1u .. ---...... _ ,,., ___ .. _ .. M.lOIMQlll '"'lll9tAll fMAIKf """·-'"--.. ,.. __ ·----·-_,_ .. SHARP Pac k of l 2 8oftirties And Cot Ci901elle U9lt1irr Cord Included, tOYllA Ult ltl AIKIUS ..... ..... ._ ,,.. __ ,_ ........ _, __ ·-------""""" ltM•A<ll ·-"· ... ,_ .... , ---...... ·-·---·---"AltO .._, ll'llftlet: . ....... -·-----·~~-·-·--WAWKIA YlllTlllA ww•t•1m urn·---.... _,_._ ·----·--·- I I I I' I I I I I \ I I I I \ { t I I \ • T oday 's F l11al N.Y. S tocks VOL. 67, NO. 100, 7 SECTIONS, 92 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI A WEDNESDAY , APRIL 10, 1974 N TEN CENTS Cheers Greet Vo~er Tabulation·s at City Hall ' No ono was popping champagne cork! but thert: "'·as a definite party-like at· mo.sphere in the. lobby of Newport Beach City Hall as election officials tabulated votes TucsdiiY night. The roomful of spectators broke into applause as \\'inning candidates made their appearances, once trends had been set. The applause gre w louder each time ne w totals were posted on the huge scoreboard. ew: .Reinecke ' Reaffirm,s Innocence \\1ASHl NGTON (U PI ) - Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke of Californ ia p I e a d e d "sboolutr:ly not guilty" today to three counts of lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee during testimony cOnceming financing of the 1972 Republican national convention. A tentative trial .date of June 19 was set by U.S. District Judge Barrington Parker. Th at is two weeks after a June 4 California Republican primary in which Reinecke is a candidate for the nomina· lion to succeed Ronald Reagan as governor. Reinecke'~ lawyers asked Parker for an earlier trial date "so his innocence may be established before the P.ri mary. ·• Parker said he had a "crov.•decl court calendar but would consider the re· quest." ' Reinecke's lawyer, F. Joseph Donahue. also asked that the !rial be moved to California. Parker took that request under consideration and said he ''ould rule later. Reinecke '>''as indicted ~ perjury charges for testimony about an offer by lntemational Telephone and Telegraph Corp. <ITT) to help finance the GOP ?>n· vention then scheduled for San Diego c!uring hearings on Richard G. Klein· dienst's nontination for attorney genera l. Speaking \~'ith reporter:i shortly before hi s court appearance, Reinecke said of ihe case against him: ··It appears non- pr<lfessional. It's a flimsy charge. There i! something very strange about the u•hole thing -I can't help but question the whole n1olivation behind it:' Asked if he thought the indiciln ent \Vas politically molivated, Reinecke observed lhat it cante "\"c ry close" to the primary . Pa rker gave Reinecke's la")'er until April 17 to file other motions in !he case and ga ve the \Vatergate prosecutor's .of· fice unlil April 24 to respond. A heanng on the motions \\•as set for Sat urday. Both side:i Indicated they "·ould be prepared (or trial by l.lay 20 if Parker could find room on his calendar for an earl ier date. Parker said, "l have a calendar u·here defendants arc languishing in cus tody and I imagine that ot her defendants v.·ould like a similar fast disposal of their cases. I \~ill have to let it stay as it is for now but J will reconsider n1y calendar." The three cou nts of perjury stem from his testimony in 1972, when the com· mittee ""'as in,·estigating Reinecke's rela· tionship to a reported offer of up to $400 000 from the Shera ton Corp., a su~idiary of ITT, to help underu·irte the GOP ('On\,ention ln San Diego. The 1IT offer report edly v.·as made when the conglomcrate was seek ing se t· tlement of an anlilrust case with the Justice Deparllncnl. which it e,·entua\ly obtained July I. 19il. 'IT'S FA NTASTIC' ~ SAYS ADVERTISER "Fantastic?'' ln that one \\·ord, tbe Jtun1ington Beach man ..... 11o placed the following ad In tht: De Uy Pilot's classified advert ising section described ho"' u·etl it worked. Here's the ad : ·a& V\Y Van. 20.000 actual mi., Runs great. $800. JlnL Bch. (Phone No.I Naturnll\', It sold the van. i\"alurally, a Oailv Pilcit ad c:i.n sell ye··· n1f.'rchan- dlse: Te!t II yourself. Plac.~ your ad by phone (dlr~t Hne:I by dialing 642-5678. The room was crammed with can· didates, tl\eir fr iends and supporters as well as numerous casual onlookers. in· eluding Costa r.1esa Cily Councilman A:Mtl Pinkley who declined any formal comment but gave a stroile: indica l1on he v.:as plea!!Cd with the results. So were 1he y,·inncrs. "The ·people y,·an.t ~good governn1ent Tht y v.·ant responsibli.> f:tOvemnu'nl. They don't want Sl)('Clal interests:· \\'.'.IS the assessment of ~lrs. Lucille Kuehn after her stunning uPset O\'er Planning Com· mission Chairman \\'1Jlia1n Agee and 114'0 others in District 6. ~!rs. Kuehn credi!c'<i the ''loyalty and dedication" of her suppor1 crs for her \'IC· tory. Interestingly. so did Agee. \\'hilc he did no t ma ke an appenr.1nL"t' at City !tall. Aget had th is to "say \.,.hen con1 actt'CI by telephone 1oday. "I congratulate ~!rs. Kuehn and "·ish ht'r all the best. I feel confident she \1'111 do the tK-sl for th<> city. ''\\"c \rerc defin1tely out-Organized. defi nite!\· out.fin anced and I think .,...e had 11 lot or \·otl'r apathy and'thosc that \l"t'rt• highly or~<tnized. '>'"ell lmanced and "ho got the Piklrs endorseznent caine out prt'tl}' Wt•IJ. "Th at "as clc::i r by the results ." .\gCl' sa id. Counc1ln1an ~lllan Oostal. t>lCCt('l.i ro a !ler.ond \t•rn1 fr orn Uist r1c·1 ~ by a \\'ide 11111rgin, refused lo s;1y J1l)'lh1nr. until the las t \"Ole had ht'i•n rounti.'d He then C'allt'd hi:. \"i1:tor;.· a ""re:if· f1rmarion of the \\Ork that l\·e Jt'· rornpllshcd o\er th<' l<J:il our ~t·:1 rs'" TI11• nHi n ht• hea l. schoolteaf'ht·r I.;. n C 1:,·ro111n1i. roni.:ratul.1tt-d llostal Pnd t'<lrn· pl1n1e11t{'d hi111 on !ht• l11t:h ll'\"t'l of IL ·,r c.1111p;11qn . . • ··\\,•.ra.nc u110 1h<-r.1('(' f'lll a h1v.•\'fl·t bud~t'I and {'\prt·~,111i:: on1' p<Hnt of 111·1\ 1\nd I 1h1nk th;1\ !ht' rr•sult,; ~ho11 ed !h;ll llOt l'l('f\boch· IS pll.'il~l'd 1111h lilt' l'\Jrfl'lll .... ~ . 1rrnd of dr1t•lup111rnt 111 :"t•wport Rf';ich \ thin !.. \Ir. I Jo.~1;11 no\\· has ~nl<' n('1v r11·1v1l01nt" ·· t:1·ro1u1111 said ··\\1' bo•h r:111 ,1 ('hns1ia11 can1µa1g11 . \\t· r.1lk1'{I :1hou1 thl' 1~ucs ;1r1d "!..cpl 1·11·r1th1n,.: ,1hn1 1•·hi1..1rd."' hl· i-a1d ll.;rro•lt 1·,1ll1'<l hi" l "h1rd IJ1stnt.:! 111u:11~1l1 ;1 1ua11dJl1· 'In l..l't'\1 ~1'11port l\,·;11·h ;1 th•la:!1tf11l p!,t\\I !O ht t' ... 1'h,•l \l <I.~ hh l':lilip.1lJ:ll 1'\1J;,:.i11. 'I ~1lo ·Jli.!1• n\•, !110.s! l·(1or1~ 1011:ird tha1.' ($e-e TA IJCLATIO'.\S, l'ai.;r ~1 or a ·S ewcomers LOSES OWN DISTRICT Re•lected Councilman Rogers Garden Gr ove Ques tion Slated :\t Board Mee t Anot her discussion of th e possible linkup V.'ith the Garden Grove t:nified School District is scheduled tonight \\"hen trustees of the Coast Community Co11ege District :-nee.I at 8 p.m. in Costa )lcsa. The college board "'ill conven e at district headquarters, 1370 Adams Ave. The merger pla n scheduled for discu9sktn· \fOUld expand the college district's boundaries to include the Garden Grove di strict an d feed all its high school graduates in to Orange Coast and Golden West college. No action is scheduled toni i;ht on the plan which also calls (or the e\·entual construction ol a satelllte campus in the Garden Grove area. , College trustees have ind icated that before they co mmit themselves to any merger they want to hear comments from resi dents of the Coast Community College District. FOr tha t purpose. public hearings have been scheduled next Tuesday at Orange Coast C.Ollege in Costa ~lesa and next Wedoesa.y at C.olden West College in Huntiogtoo Beach. Both are scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. TOP VOTE GETTER District Four's D:>stal I l • • • !"(-," .... ··~ .. • :. t •• ~ ·' , . ••••• ,Jt "'-·'· Z•:":~·(;.. REPLACES CROUL New Councilwoman Kuehn Golda Mei1· Tln·eate11i11g To Step Dow11 ii1 l s1·ael JERUSALE~I I AP I -Pren1ier (',olda :O.leir an nounced to her Labor party today she is resigning as lsraeJ"s leader and s<ii d .. th is brint;s do11 n !he ·'>''hole govern· n1ent. ·· Party executives c nerging from a closed meeting said the 75--year-old La st Chance To Pay Ta xes Orange County prop.::rty O\\ncrs must pay their second installmcnl on ('Ounty propert y taxes toftay or face penalities of six perccn~ ar.d S3 in costs per parcel. Orange Cuunty Tax C<lllector Robert Citron said taxpayers should bring their payments 10 his office in person or ha\'C t ~m post marked by midnignt tonight 10 a\1oid 1hc penalty. premier. ove~·hc\med by <i cns1s on lsraers setbacks in the ~lidd !e F.ast "·ar. told thcn1, ""I can no longer bear the bu rd i:n ... 1t is beyond m:· strength."" Pariy officia ls said ~l rs. )11.'ir 11·ould stav on as head of a ca retak('r cabin{'! un!-il ne"' 1.'ll.'ctions can be held. ·but ad · ------------~ -- TANK, ARTILLERY DUELS FL AR E AGAIN -Story, Page 4 ded tht1 t elections arc unlikely to hr or ganized until August. four months a11•av. ~1fs. ~leir said she u·ould forrnal!v tend er her resignation at a cabinet meeting Thursday. "I have re.ached the end .. of !he road."" said the grandmother premier \\"hO has led Israel through some of i!s rnost critical da ys. She s<iid her decision "'·as '·ir· re\·ocablc.'' ··1 ·m sorl); this brings do11 n the whole go\"c rnmcnt:' she told lhc meetin g. crov1ded '>''ith party stah1·ar1s. a fr11· Israeli reporters and an Associated Press ncv.•smcn. Gays Plan N ewport···Ball Balboa Pa uilion to Ho~t .Ex pecte<l 500 Hon iosex 11 C1 ls An organization o( Orang!! County homosexuals ls planning a Coronation Ball Monday nigtrt al lhe Balboa Pavilion on the ahores of Neu1>0rt Harbor. ?if ore than 500 pel"90M are expected to attend the dance. '>''l'lch will be highligbled by the selection of :>.n "Em~ror" and "Emprus" and l.>lher •·royaJty." Spc>nSOn of' the evtnt call It "the firSt major •ttempt 10 bring the gay com· munity " Orange Count)' together." The formal ball will be patlemtd after s1mllar events held onnually In San rrnn- eisco: Los Angeles. San Diego and Long Beach. About 1.000 person!! attended the L<>ng Bench ball on lhe Queen 1'1: · ~larch 24. Gay courts from throughout California are expected 10 <-ttc.n. the Orungt Collll· 1y event. ~ • Fo~r men o p e r a t 1 n g as AB D • Associates arc sponsoring the dance at no profit. They asked nol to be identified because of fear or repercusskl ns "'here 1hey \\·ork. A spokesman said the group hopes lo become a permanent promoter for the gay community in Orange County. "\Ve hope to organize the gay people here ~Use so many or the )'Oung kids are leaving for more hospitable areas." a spokesman said. able ''We're people and we deserve a chance," he said. Besides select ion oi an emperor .a nd en1press, there will be compelition for the titles of prince and orinc.:~. duke and duchess and bnron anct baroness. The spokesmnn Sflld n1en in draq 11'111 be eligible to compete: for !he the em- press. princess nod dutheas honors. \ ' I The spokesman said the hall 11·as origi nall y planned fo r 1he Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim. but a representative of !he hotel canceled their reservation . saying a mislake had been made and the room they'd reserv~ had already been booked. The spokesman said the grn11p thl'n tried to book the Gr.:tnd Hotel in Anaheim, but experienced a simila r refusal. The Pavilion \\'as !hen chosen as the silc. Nc11•pc>n Beach police say they nrt awa re of the group's plans. A polll'C spokes1nan said the depa111nent is not :i ntlc\p.atlng any need for ;:iny special type of law enfo r«mcnt. "\\"e may have, son1e people on the scene to m(lke sure 1hcre •~no trouble." !he police ofrlclal said, "but they w\11 hflve th~lr own security proplc. ·· ' • I TAKES KYMLA'S SEAT Election Vic tor Barrett M cl 1t 1tis (:lciini s He'll l'onsider Se co ncl Ter11i .. i\e" port Beach's new city rouncil \\"Ill n1ect Tuesday lo decirlc \\·ho "·ill be mayor and vice ma yo r for thl' next t"'ll )ears There arc gro"·ing signs there m<iy not be an~· changes rn ade. in the ll)p spot at lc:i~t ;\la,.or Donald i\. :\1cl11n1s s:1id after the C'lcction Tuesday night he will con- ~1dcr ser1·ing a SC("Ond !crin. ""If four fOl111ctln1l'n cornc to me and ri~k n1c to sc·rvc. I v:ou ld du ,1," )lclnn1 s said. \"ice )la)nr ll ov•ard 1l1Jger~. 11·ho 111 thc past had ex pressed an interest i11 b('('Om- ing ma~·nr 1f rc·clccted, said Tucsd:1y nigh: he v:1ll not ca m1>air;n for ii "I an1 not S('{'king to br mayor. \\°1.•1·c }:lOI to S<'at a ne"· council. They "lit niakf' up thei r minds." Hogers said Councilman :\lllan )I . Dostal. r~ clec1cd by a lari::e n1a rgi n. ;\as ;i!so Mn- .'i1dercd a possible canrl 1datc But h" said natly he doesn't ha ve Time for th(> jQb. lJostal didn't comment aOOut thc- po.<;sl b1ll ty of seek ing the 1 ice maytlr·s se;1t. ,. t '.\:cv.·lv elected councilm<'n Pr!r B::in-t>tt and )1fs . Lucille Kuehn puhlicly dcchncd to con1mcnt oo who y,•ould get th<'i r sup- port. There \•.:ere indica\1C;ns. ho\t"e\·cr. th<it onc or bolh "·ould support ~1c l11nis. 'fhc ney,· counci lme n '>'·ill be seated dur· ing a forma l swear1ng·1n cere1nony prior to the m~ting at 5 rm. in !he c11y coun· c·1l chambers Tuc5day. Counlv 1'ra nsit ~lcc tin o Sla ted !'.'.' The future <l( the Orange. Co1Jn~y m;i~s transit systt'm v.·iJJ be Ille topic at lhe Corona de\ i\lar Olamber of Commcrti: lunchl'on ~ling al noon April 6 at Kan\' Bestaurant. 2121 E Co a s t Jhgh"::iy. torona dtl ~lar. A reprb(lnlatl\·e of tM: Orange County Tran~u Dist rict 1,1·111 .<.how slides and ex· plain !hf' OCTD'll short Md \011,i:: :l'nn pl<1n' arwl 1he C\Ul'S1ion of funding future dttcloptnl.'nt ... Thc cost for the luncheon i. ~ SC. :ind lhe publlr l'l 1nv\ted. Re&f'r\"~111011~. \\hich :ire requirNI . may he mnde by culhnf! illrs. Je5SIC lhll at 6il-40M. • 1Vl1·s. l\.uel111, Ba1·1·ett Win Fi1·st Te1·111s Uy I.. 1•r:Tt:R KFll E(i U! ,,.. Dillf l'llot Stt tl :"e"'1>vrt Bt·acl1 1·0\l'r~ retumrd HI· ru1nl>1:11l'i )!ilan l~t al Hnd llo'>'·ard H.og1·rs to the t:1tr Council Tuesday and ,.J,·1·tc1I twn new council ml'n1bers v.·ho had both 1:ampa1f;:n<:<I against !ipec1a l 111· t•·rc~t grnu1'l!>. Thi• elel'tion \l'a" highlighted by the 1 lct11rv nl ~1 r~. Lucille Kuehn. \\."ho ~fnreit a ~1nashi ng 1ri un1ph in Dist rict 6 oi·t·r Ptann1n~ f<11nn11ss 1011 Cha1rn1an \\'1ll1ar11 Agee and t\\"O olhers A n1uch rJ,,s1•r race h11d h1·en 1111!1ci patt'li .\1r1'. Kuchn's up~l'I O\"Crsh:idowcd lhc !iU rpn.~in~ly sn1:ill n1ari.:in by ""h1i:h Vier .\la~ 1)r ltogcr" .... as ab le !n r{'l;1in hl'i District I seat :iga in~t a rhallcnge by ;\lrs i'tg l'org iL ln{'t1n1bt'n1 l'"ourth !)istric1 C'ouncilnu1n J)o~ta l wa.<1 !he lar~l'.<;I 1ote i.:ctter dS he \'.Oil a St'rond tC'nn in J)istrict 4 . Hcaltor .I. Petl.'r B:irrett iro n a surpri~· 1n~Jy cas~ victor)· in !)istrict 3. dcfca11ng !wo olht·r cand idates. Voters ripprol"C'd three charter ch:inges but rejected t\\O others. The losers hol h deal t 11·i1 h cil~'-01\ned proper!}'. The turnout of voters 11·as Jii;htcr than h:id been anticipated. Only 9.499 person~ 11·rnt to the poll <;. Thal \\<l.S 2i pcrc:tnt of lhC' 3."i.51 2 cl1g1hlt' l'JI\' Cll·rk l .. i.ura LRRIOS blamecl thl' ln11· t"urnout on Ea~ter \<1ca11ons anrl 1,1 in· dv 11earhcr. . "I h;ul a l•JI ol prccinc·t 11orl..er~ tf'l! n1r that people had r•·l u~cd tn ~o out 1n 1h" hi.l:h 111n1t~. ·· ~hi' i-~11d The rt't-ulr~ arc DISTR ICT 1 llO\\ ;in\ B oi.:cr~. ,JJ1.12 l'ci; Fri rg1l. 3.!JIJi l)ISTltlCT l Pf'le Barrtll , 4,21'1. Elli~ r.1a11r·r. 2.819 ,Juhn .\lel\rrn·ri. 2.0."1! DI STR ICT ·I .\Jil~ri IJoslal. ;, ;or1 l.~11 Gl'roni1n 1. 3,238 DISTii ICT G Luri!lc t\urhn . 4 .~ .. 11 Hill AAt'c 3.1.t:i. John HHkl'r, 877 .Joe Ste\\·art. til.J l'ropMition I : jSee ~E,\"POHT. Orange Coast Weathe r ,\lostl) clrnr throuf:h Thur~ay. \\'arn11·r clfl;.s 11 ith lughs at the beathes In the up1>Cr fiOs risi ng to rhe 1011· 70~. Cool night~ 11·ith O\·Cr· night Jo"s 4J.;,J. l:\Slltt: ·1·011A \' ".'fn11e!J Trct.' a nru.• ft:ll!Vrl" .,,, Ilic na1ly P1lo1 s (n rl1'!1cia / l"l!/t'{, 10<1011 rlescrib"s tJ1c 01111rs fJ( the r.ilbert brntl1Prs 11•/10 t'll· 1c111J 200 corpora l~ meclt"1tQS a 11eor. J''SI s11rn11a up roublt, Set sruru 0 11 Page 27 , A! 'I"-'ff YtCt ' ~l)llioe o ' ltt llltt " ~·" ''" " ,, • '"' " ...... Yif1 ... (,011 ........ I """'••! r:w11•h • (11'9111"9 ... No!i1111I "'"'' I , " '"'"l' • o ...... Cev11t1 It 11 c .. u .. .-. •• ., .. !, ,, ... Dt l 111 Net.c11 " iYl•ll ""'" " E•ttffi11 ,,,, ' St Mii U•tt lllll""""'tfl' h ·lt , .... Mllttll Jl·T't ,1 .... 11e;1 ll·lf ftlt vltotll " "" " '""'"" lt·'f li11'9HOPI n -.rllt• , 41111 LlllCltrt " #trtf Nt wt " I ~~Yo~ \Toted in Newpor~ Eleetiou -• District One DL!tr!ct Three Distr ict Four District Six .. PRECIN CT Seeley Garage . Balboa Inn E~Club Pai-'ks, Beaches and Recreation Building 'Bonner Garage Lido~sle Clubhouse .. City Hall Council Chpmbers •• Walson Garage • M9rvay Reside"ncc West Newport Library • Newport Shores Clubhouse Ebb Tide Mobile Park Newport Heights Elementary School HO?JCe Ensign ~1iddle School Gjass Garage st. Ai\dttws Presbyterian Church • O•kWood Garden Apl s. South Clubhouse, Bayside Village 1 Ne,wport Harbor Lutheran Church . ' Obejl Garage 1'4arfners Elementary Schoel Smith Residence '. Bn~Garage S~th Garage ' " Stuckey Garage ·Jll;rry Garage EastbluH Elementary Schoel Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish Half Puk Newport Spa (A) Pa(!<-Newport Spa (B) . "- ll&lboa Island Methodist Church Balboa Island Fire Station ' .. ~i'J'es Garage 259 131 191 34 113 82 77 144 JOB 33 Ill 84 163 170 188 123 103 101 27 127 B9 19 li.O 32 35 SB 48 62 8B 72 129 94 77 36 31 41 I 11 154 119 94 116 99 94 64 77 "157 126 166 29 .25 29 121 B3 Ill 63 61 72 151 87 120 68 49 62 110 71 91 91 63 84 13B 103 133 124 95 128 171 88 99 129 135 24 101 ~ 95 B4 ·103 121 30 6B 23 79 67 17 ' 7 14 14 39 IB 69 35 77 93 13 63 29 6r 2B 60 45 BO 33 122 65 74 15 57 7B 53 74 .., c 0 .., ~Station (Santa Barbara Drive) l i ~· 73 76 17 62 107 47 .63 •27 138 109 9B 102 12 70 95 42 7 f4i ' 197 98 132 IB ' 68 80 29 4B 31 64 59 34 38 28 60 ll2 12 80 77 17 46 19 38 49 53 33 35 30 42 66 53 43 35 15 36 35 37 23 122 63 49 54 0 26. 28 21 68 3B 40 32 30 73 <;~Garage • COl'Pna de! Mar Elementary School Giimes Residence ... Corona de! Mar Community Church Klllle Garage · Jones Residence 'l Corona del Mar Fire Station Harbor.View Elementary School New!"'rt Harbor Lawn Bowling Assn. Ne"Port HUis Clubhouse Kin"g Garage ~tephens Garage Abentee Votes TOTALS 182 107 ~116 . t4& 125 129 9B 241 .... 175 117 89 68 164 5032 • \41 79 105 83 70 B8 62 57 43 40 B2 ' ' 60 136 119 60 122 77 BO 50 71 Bl 115 1> 73 91 l4B 124 61 56 44 44 76 102 3997 42BB 2B49 2051 From Paqe 1 E -~ .. " u F .:l" 247 125 126 73 65 42 123 97 65 50 B7 42 143 184 B2 ll5 105 94 71 65 4-0 32 45 ·21 54 33 20 B6 54 59 132 • 84 104 51 18 15 150 Ill 75 127 78 58 117 41 40 198 92 66 42 20 20 144 62 62 123 25 43 186 51 77 84 40 33 136 50 54 129 29 36 212 3B 64 161 66 53 198 64 93 150 51 49 164 49 79 27 13 4 120 46 62 106 95 58 56 68 63 92 69 48 \ '35- 229 90 109 103 1 6~ 98 88 ). 30 !BO 49 67 23 78 71 61 . d4 44 145 63 100 71 92 101 186 140 223 183 55 147 103 73 63 Bl 54 45 66 155 5708 51 41 87 99 3238 3145 36 14 17 17 40 IB 14 20 5 18 19 10 23 23 II 30 12 23 15 26 13 12 19 33 19 27 20 21 18 24 26 12 21 .:; 32 27 30 12 26 lB 12 7 7 B 8 12 31 B77 u .c c. .. ~ 0 .., 199 18 73 12 130 9 67 18 200 IL 100 10 84 7 33 6 55 7 50 lB 94 7 35 7 138 24 10.7 22 108 6 165 23 26 6 107 15 86 2 121 14 64 12 99 19 103 I 148 4 143 14 147 6 12B lO 97 16 6 34 73 9 108 JR 51 6 60 21 ~ 2 201 25 91 41 1f4' 27 33 II 155 13 94 14 41 17 B9 19 64 22 105 6 76 10 54 6 99 IB 4531 615 NEWPORT ELECTION T.t\BULATIONS • • • Barrett s::i id. Accountant John ~lcKerren, v.'ho ran third in that race. said he was especially disappointed by the low turnout of voters. Only 'll percent of the registered VOfcrs ~nt to the polls. ' 1'1 have to S('C his litt le participation by the public in the nJMlng of our government.'' ~l c.Kerren said. 'IcKenen, 'a member of the Civil Service Com· :· • • ,, , • • •' ORAHGECOAST N DAILY PILOT ,,.. ()-eo.u 0. • t'.,. .... ~ -·" .. ~ "'"""'"""""-'-+' "l>vlll·•_,,,, ... o.~:i-c.o..i Plllok•~"'1 (,,.,.(*>, --"l>C'•'n ..... .., ......... ,...111 .. ""'1, "'""': .• , ,. "''M• "" <A•" ~ "'""""" 5-0i'.!' ' ''""'"" 1'-..,.,.,.,.,.. to"' V•ll"'V ~ ... "''!lo ..... ,,,,..,, .-. , "°c' ,.,, &.<> °"""~'~,,.., ...... c,,,.,.... i '-\~ •"9·-.NI .,_, .• ..,.,. .. --......... .,. • •'¥! -~ 11,o,. f~ ....... -~pl.o_,,. <' ~Nf,I 11••.'>tlMl.GoSI•-"""-t;"&.."'ti b'J R. '""'>' ...... ,,.--u.n.r ...... · .. ii.- • r~r"""' fl''11 Jf."T'(Jo,., ,..,,,. ........ ll•""'U""1l"''"' L p...., l<r....q NO•llO'I a..._"c.c' '"'"" .... ,.. ker.llbfflc. ) l J l ~ i!ouliwcrd 1>'"'"1 Adr:P'"'I'.: P ,1 Bo. 18/S,. f]MJ °"'""OMc.• (""l.o AI' ..... J-iQ-..ftity~·.-l•-• .. oCI' ~:?'~"-"' "'""""1'"" ... _ ,,.,~""'~'"""~ • 1.111'•-· :»!NQo!f>Lll.~'ftl'IQlll~"' """-'" l'Ut ~CO,..•...,......_,...., C.--/ltl'o "'9,._,.._...,.,.u,..._ ..,16"1ol.,._ "' ,,_,_ ............... , f"t .....-... .. --•llllfl"ll·-111--"l ~• r~ Cl<IU llOllf--f! Cotl• "'" ... Qll•O,W .... ""'*""" .. " bof-l)Od'-...-"' ... " 1100"*"""''""'*'_..,~1JOO_.,.... • niission. said he intends to stay active In city government. Dr. Ellis Glazier. who finished sl'COOd lo Barrett . "'as obviously stunned by the margin of defeat. He had expected a close race but he lost by more than 1,400 votes. He stood alone and "'role down the voters as they came in. lie had no com· men!. Councilman Carl Kymla , who didn't seek re-elec tion in District 3, said he "'as extremely pleased with the results throughout the city. lie had supported Barrett and lhe·three other winning can· did:ites . "I'm very pleased with the outcome. Not just because the people rm sup. porting, but I think this re-establishes my fa ith in the people of NCWJX>rt Beach. They i-ho"·ed a desire to ha ve a well· balanced city council, '1 Kym la sais. Vice Mayor Howard Rogers. who was re-elected but by the Smallest margin of any of the winners. had little to say, "I "'ant to say thanks 10 the people for thrir confidence ." Rogers said . ~!rs. ForgiL \\'ho lost to Rogers by ju5t over 1,000 \'Otes. call('({ ht;r loss "just on<' of lho.~e lhings."' She "8id. "The to"'n u•ilt still go along. !It's just one person.'' ~lrs. Forglt'I husbund. former coun- cilman AJ Forgll, had no philosophical comment. "T'm on the road to Oregon the fil":'lt er May to fish for salmon for four month:!:, Forglt said . "IJ she'd havt y,•on. I'd h:ive h:id to stay here Rod n1n ~ stare. I haven't done that In year.ii." The Forgits 0\1 .. n a hartl"are store . J\layor Donald A. hfc.tnnls, fornter may0r Dareen hfar.;hal/, form er coun· t•il nwn Robert Shelton and Les StPf- fcn.~n. chalnn1n of the comrniltee that draltC'd thl• charter amendm<'nls. "·ere alt pre$ent tis the vo1es were cowite<I . f\iclnnrs said he "'AS very disappointed at the turnout but nddai he will ' be ;'dcligntcd to St:N~ wl1h the Incoming ' I councilmen." Mrs. Marshall and Shelton, both of • whom had supported J\.·1rs. Kuehn publicly if not actively, said they "'ere pleased with the results. f\trs. J\larshall said tha l she was disai>- pointcd by the low turnoul but was im- pre~cd with the amount of public participation in campaign acti\'ilies and by the number of candidates ' forums that had been conducted. Sheltoo said the "'inners "should bring a good balance to the council. It looks like a group that would work \\'e!l together. It's a healthy sign for the next tv.'O years," he said. Steffensen. nnother supporter of f\\rs. Kuehn . said he wasn't surprised by her victory. "I thought Lucille \\'Ould do well. She ran an intelJigent campaign -and it's a \1·omen 's year." District 6 Councilman Rit'hard Croul, \\'00 i\lrs. Kuehn will suct'C<'d , and "'00 i;upported her. said, "I couldn 't be hap. pier. 1'tlc good guYs "'On." One prominent Ne"•port Beach resident \\llS 011!\\·arrlly unhappy. i\lrli. Cnrron Beek. \\'hose fam ily opera tl'S rhe BalboH Ferry, had been a su pporter of Gh1zier and Agee. ··t'1n \'Cry disappointed ," she !Wld. She said the \\1Ming cancUdatcs spent more t.han the losers. F'om1er ma)'Or Paul Gruber also watched !'he proceedings. An Agee sup-- porter, Gruber declined to make any comment. . City Clerk Laura Laglos sald she wo s pleased wilh the use of lhe new punch nlachines us~ by voters ta mark ballots. Ballet counting "'ent. smoothly <':Xctpl '>'11('?1 the \\.'Orktrs in Ptttlnct 41, 1't Harbor Vie w Elementary School. Y.'erc , ''"'o hours late In bringing th eir ballots to be oountcd. ' Precinct ln~or ~lrs. Grace Doyle expln int.<d that her sin.fr had one vote unaccounted for and spent the l'A'C hours trying 10 Ond ii. She wd they'd forgott<n abolll a ..i. lbey'd challenged. 0 z 274 54 89 31 153 43 B6 2B 238 41 165 34 87 25 51 .17 64 13 109 23 172 22 59 6 147 65 153 25 124 23 227 36 .Ii l 5 164 18 131 14 172 34 87 22 137 26 l16 20 210 26 170 31 220 28 172 13 17B 14 2 28 136 15 142 34 9B 14 124 17 69 8 270 21 141 40 182 53 127 62 174 33 170 23 110 39 274 31 182 28 148 13 l13 9 98 13 193 31 6791 1223 PROPOSITION 2 3 4 205 96 58 45 113 72 56 40 180 68 117 66 51 45 "36 31 42 25 73 42 119 55 42 14 92 94 109 56 90 43 159 84 3B 16 135 36 97 26 135 49 . 59 40 100 54 90 42 160 55 131 59 IB9 62 llB 54 121 58 8 II 99 38 104 50 B2 27 93 43 55 17 210 72 102 63 115 92 71 92 144 44 126 51 B6 51 206 Bl 143 54 111 39 9B 21 59 42 136 82 4983 2394 0 z 81 2()3 223 26 80 64 39 131 115 37 57 51 156 93 196 73 116 !OB 37 58 75 17 46 4B 19 48 51 37 74 83 72 98 131 22 31 48 42 143 105 52 JOB 100 51 B7 101 65 156 154 24 ,30 37 99 74 136 44 BO 108 47 138 135 41 53 69 54 95 100 44 84 98 66 141 166 44 13B 129 84 13B 184 64 105 140 65 105 153 18 28 7 59 68 100 50 103 124 30 76 75 45 68 93 31 39 65 122 137 225 61 103 115 66 144 131 47 121 65 67 114 141 71 97 127 4B 79 77 115 172 218 77 104 148 55 B2 122 42 64 107 36 61 74 99 117 159 2614 4477 5319 '- 98 51 74 50 73 B7 41 24 23 40 51 13 101 70 45 94 17 37 29 59 33 57 41 65 63 54 42 35 7 45 49 38 44 13 61 63 91 88 54 64 61 76 54 35 17 35 57 2419 5 113 258 38 104 59 152 31 107 128 175 70 139 54 90 2() 58 11 74 52 95 82 131 27 40 51 198 52 14B 50 103 98 191 34 27 107 91 55 B9 55 170 43 69 55 122 57 92 B7 162 62 157 92 175 75 114 74 124 II 26 69 B5 57 14-0 47 76 54 106 32 51 137 181 58 145 76 175 .70 131 73 150 76 129 50 110 127 IB6 87 138 67 100 49 83 35 73 104 113 3011 5653 l'rom Pqe 1 NEWPORT Yu -8,791; No -1,223 ~lilt·%: Vea -4,9'3; No -2,391 ~I: No -4,477; Yes -2,614 Propoolllon 4: YB: -5:319·: No -2,419 Propo111Jo11 5: No -5,6531 Yes -3.011 ••• r-f rs . Kuclln carried 37 of 46 precindA in her S\.\'eeping ''ictory O\'er Agee, Ba.ker and Stewart. Agee "'011 the other rune. polling heaviest In preclncu bordering the former PaciJlc Gout Freeway right· ot-way that he had oppose:d as a propo6ed Corona de! Mar high~·ay bypaa route. ~lrs. Kuelll "'on both he r home Irvine Terrace precincts but ~·on heaviest in Precinct 38, Cameo Shores a n d Shorecllffi, whe re she outpolled Agee, 155 to 44. Vice Mayor Rogers failed to carry his own district and that threw a scare into his supporten during the early vote- counting. ~ The First District precincts were the first to report and J\.fr5. Forgit began pil- ing up a big lead. But Rogers won con- sistently in mo1t other precincts and slowly pulled out In fron t. He lost District 1, "'hich includes the Balboa Peninsula and Lido Isle , by a 772 to 689 vote. He carried Lido Isle by 13 votes. Dostal bui t a commanding le.ad over schoolteacher Geronimi early and car· ried all but five precincts. He showed strong support throughout the ~ily, winning by the wideit margins in areas around Upper Newport Bay that are most affected by Orangf! County Airport jet noise. Dostal has been a leader in fight ing the airport. Barret similarly showed city-wide sUJ>- ~rt, winning in 3.1 precin cts and tying "'llh Glazier in t'>''o others. Barrett and Mrs. Kuehn both had cam- paigned strongly with pledges t.o represent all Newport Beach residents and not be swayed by special lntere!rt groups and "emotional and \'OCal" minority groups. Barrett also campaigned as a strong proponent of "fiscal responsibility." The charter changes had drawn little interest during the campaign although most candidates had recommended re. jection of the two propositions that were defeated. Proposition 5 lost by the biggest margin. It would have removed the charter restric!ion against the sale of publicly-owned waterfront property. Sale of propeny would have been pennitted by a vote of the people. Proposition 3 was also defeated sound+ Jy. It "'ould have allcwed leases (If inJand property to be approvl'd bv the council foe periods up to SS years. There is now a 25-year limit. Le.'.lscs for longer periods must be approved by voten. Proposition 1 made some ted!nk:al changes I<> the charter. Proposition 2 authorizes an increase in expense money paid to councilmen from $200 to $300 a month. It also allows eoun· cilmen ta pay expense money to members of boards and commissions. Proposition 4 allows the public worts department to enter into contracts 1·alued up to $12,000 \\ithout seeking bids. There had been a $5,00) limit. lliker, 16, Killed ALTADENA (UPI) -A Hi-yea r-old Long Beach boy died Tuesday when he apparently fell v.•hile hiking in the Eaton Canyon area of the San Gabriel Moun· lains above Altadena. Sheriff's deputies said Dennis Dergo had been camping with five friends when he decided to cli mb a hill. May the Joy of EASTER be with you and . yours John Hart Lynn Hart • HARTS. SPORTING GOODS 532 Centtr St. Cosio Mua I ' ' I . , I d r t , ' To a ap G n w J h L ol m of ri c f T p J d 4 t f T!! DAILY PILOT EDITOBIJ\L PAGE Puzzling Dismissal . On the surface, it W<>uld certainly appear that there lll more to the dismissal of Newport Beach's top planner than city of[icials are willlnc to admil It seems1Jhll~ely that"a lilalfW11h-tlle-rcputatton of Advance Planning Director RQdney L. Gunn would be pul on the .spot for dlsmisSal because ht was late for a council meeting. But that appears to be lbe case. Mayor Donald A. Mclnnls Uld the otllcr six coun· c!lmen didn't seem u psel because they had to delay con· s1deratlon of a revised report for half an hour or so at a m.eetlng two weeks ago: They simply went on to other business and took up the matter lat~r~ . Appar~nUy Gunn's boss, Community Development Director Richard V. liogan, felt otherwise. He told Gunn the next morolng to find another job. From all appearance!, Hogan Celt Gunn''S' lateness embarrassed him ln the eyes of the city council. If that were the reason for dropping Gunn. it "'as Sf!l&ll reason Indeed. Perhaps deeper personality con· flicts were invoWed, but to the public it appears !hat an incident that could have been resolved quiellY. and pri· vately will leave the city without the services and back· ground ~ of a respected professional planner. Mini-bus Needs Name This summer, Newport Beach plans to operate four mini-buses in an e xperiment at providing local bus serv- ice for residents. The program is a constructive attempt to solve the city's parking problems as well as to lessen the summer traffic jams and conserve gasoline. The summer municipal bus system marks a progre~· sive move by the city to help work out its own transi t and parking problems instead of leaving the burdens on the Orange County Transit District. wh ich bas. dozens of cities to v.•orry abou t. The tlty council's adoption or the mini·bus. concept also Indi cates council m"ernbcrs are av.,:ire o( the prolJ.. !ems of Newport Beach's underage population. senior citizens. less affluent residents and others who v.·i ll find the mini-buses a boon . Now all !he bus sys1em need!> Is a. name. Coun cil· men have started a public contest to pi ck a name. En· tries should be sent to the cily m3nager. ' Defiitin 2 w a 'Fanul y' The NeWport Beach Planning Commission i!i eon· sidering a new building code definition for a farnilv so that ~hree. four or five unrelated person s could nO longer Li\·e. together in a residence zoned for a single fan1ily. The reason given is that fl\'e unrelated adu lt'> :Hid five automobiles to the bea~h area's parking problen1s. . The result-Of l ~miting the size of a "fan1ily" to fCl''· er than four unrela\ed individuals. however. could throw hundreds of UC Irvine a.nd Orange Coast College stu· dents out of a home. •. And there would be nothing ii"l the proposed change to ~reve~t an affluent family with gro1A•n children from having five or mo re automobiles, or to stop a dozen or more distant cousins from living together as a familv. llforeover. such a change would have a tremendous e~fect on ov .. ners who count on renting to students for nine m~nths each year, then quadrupling rates for sutn· mer residents. Not many families related bv blood or ntarriage· "'ould be wiJJing to mo\'e oul of t'beir homes for lhree months every sumn1er. • ' t.I .1· I/ , / .. I '\l'ould yo u mind wearing this button al. 01 1r press co11frrencc'.''. N Jewisli Co111n11111.ity Balflnce Strflinetl. Leaks .Undermine Legal Processes Dear Gloom y Gus Zionist Line Hits Kissinger To the F..ditor : A3 a private citizen. J am compelled by a sense of fairne55 to report tha t I am appalled by tbe amounl cl Watergate Grand Jury Information that has ~n apparently leaked to the press and political partisans. In my opinion. lack of confidence in the Special Prosecutor's Office appears nearly r e q u I r e d , ~lly when one acl<nowled ges fhc documented lapses of professionalism by Leolf..~.-. bis pttd""'5SOr, and the staf.' ' l\ N ONE considers the evidence of President NiXon's tapes being played at a cocktail party, when one conslder1 the a d m It t e d fact of ,o\rchibald Cox, diwlglng privileged information t o poUtical partisans such as Senator Ken· nedy and staff at a soc ial occasion, nnd ~·hen we now team, that Congressman Jerome Waldie, another active partisan , had information on the iOOictment of Lieutenant Governor Ed R e i n e c k e of California before the actw.I indict- ment, and even, apparently. before Mr. Reinecke himselr, the non-partisan role of ~ Special Prosecutor 's office seems aln¥Y IO<t. My sense of fairness tells me that the rights of many individuals ha\'e been sorely and grievously compromised, and the whol e question of the ability of any individual conncctCC: with \''atergate. in- cluding the President himself . to have a fair hearing sec1ns almos t now im- possible. Is not the prosecution of the V.'atergate political excesses being totally com- promised by similar political excesses by !'iome partisans or political over-zealots in the Special Prosecutor's Office? WALTER E. ECK', M.D. Nixon Deserves Help To the Editor : Our PrC!'iident has agreed to pay $4i6,341 in back taxes and i!'Jterest. For th.is, he should be commended. President Johnson took the same dedudioo for his presidential papers that he advised Pmiident Nixon to take for hi.s \'ice- presidential papers, but President Johnson's deduction was never disputed. President Nixoo i.s being persecuted. THERE a.re more than 200,000.000 in· dividuals in the United Slates. JJ only 476,341 ot these (less than one-fourth or 1 percent) "·ou\d send a $1 gift to Richard 1\1. Nixoo he would then have suf'fici l!:nt money to pay his back taxes with In- terest and be able to retain his cWTent financial status . This is the least we can da for a President who deser\'C..'1 a lot more. llty gift Is on its wuy. I hope 476.340 others v.·111 do likewise. CLYDE fo'. ~fcDER~lONT Tht \Vhite lloiue luu anuounctd that Utt Preside11i discourages f und· raittng efforls to hel p pa y his ta.Us iind will be obliged to refuse iuclt donottans . Editor Vnfalr to Rich To the Editor: It's sure tough lo be a lloward Hughes or a J. Pa:ul Gttty, both reputed billionaires, v.·hen the Social Security Of· fice rtfus~ to pay you more than $347 .50 per month. the maximum retirement In· come for anybody. ESPECL\Lt.Y y;'hm )'OU arc a'ble to um only S percent on your billiOn dollars, or $4,166,666.67 a nXlnth .on your ,• " ( .... _MA_IL_B_o_x __ ) Letters from readers are welcome. Normally, writers should conve11 their messages in 300 words or Le.5s. The right to condense letters to fit space or el iminate libtl is reserved. AU let- ters must irn;lude aignature and mail· i11g address but names mau be with· held on request if sufficient rea1on is apparent. Poetry wilt not be pub· Lis lied. investments, and oo top of that )'00 col- lect your $347.40 from the govemmenl. The law is grossly unfair to billionaires, millionair.es and half-millionaires -here they pay the retired truck driver or carpenter about one-third of his pos· sible $12,000 annual income, for ex· ample, before he retired "'hile poor f\.fessrs. Getty.and Hughes are pa id only o.{)OO(X)(KXM)t& percent of what they formerly earned. Isn't it about time to d,angc this farcical law that pays the retired little fellow the same amount as the retired millionaires? Ln Vt'ashington ~11en you question them about this Inequity. thcy say. "Why, that's insurance! He paid the premiwns for it ." Boloney. It is still a smelly inequity wttic\J in a real democracy, v.·ould be rectified. FRAl';K KLOCK Generou•:> To the Editor : I wish the oil companies . in their ex- pensive television ads, would stop trying to sell ~on the idea that they are real1y honorable. The next thing they will be telling us is that they are not "crooks." If Ibey are as genen>WI and hwnanitarian as they say, they should keep their moutM shut and lower the ~t of their prOOucts to the comumer. ROBERT JACKSO~ VCI Experience To the Editor: My husband and I attended <he UC! open house April 6 and found il an enriching eiperience. Witbir. the space ol. three hours. we saw a film on Ezra Paund, the "poet's poet," heard a lecture on a recent stay in the Soviet Union by Professor K.E. Bailes (which "'as i!- lusiraled with excellent slides ) and sa"' a Kenneth Clark rilm from his series on civilliatton. ALONG WITH lllcsc culfural Cl· peri~ces. "'e got to meet some of the UCI professors. a real treat in Itself. It i! too bad more ol. the county's citizens did nOt take advantage of \his experience. I believe too many people sit in their homes and romplain about money spent on higher education without 1etting out to sec for themselve3 how it is being spent. The university does, after aU, of· fer advantages for all cltizeM, If they will just make the effort to find out about them. I brlleve our cities should take more advantage of the university and its resouret9. \\'by not a public lecture series, free. featuring UCT profeMOrS? There is B wealth of knowledge there thel should be shared by more than jusl the students, t believe . JUDITH P. 01.';()N ' Being short of breath . thin k 1'11 go do\~TI and do my strcakini; on lhr Balboa Island f(•rry II J B GIMfnY GMI <ommt nh .,. •ubmllll'd b• ,M .. rl IM .. .,., ~tUl'ril'r ""Kt tflt ,,....,, If lllt lll'WIPIH•. StflCI YOlir Pt! -Vt II G-y Gori, Dt i!y PoJot. Y outli Image Distorting J7 alue of Age ~YDNEY J.HARRI~ A friend of mine . who reached his 30th year of eminence v.ith a company. v.•:is asked whether the occasion v.·as going to be marked with some celebration or an- nouncement. "t-;'o," he said , "v.·e're going to pa ss up lhe v.•bolc thing as qui etly as possible. Things have chnngcd loday-1\'C :in· nou nct yout'n. but v.c plJy dov.n scniori· l \'." · Indeed v.·e do. and our societv is lhe poorer for it. Certainly youth shou ld be encouraged y.·herc\'er possible-but r«lt at the expense of age. not to 1he f'Xtf'n t of depreciating and dim inishing the \'al ue of loyalty and long scn ice and dcp('fl· dability and all the other ancient virtues. That society. is best v.·h1ch attains an cquilibriun1 between the needs of youlh and the rewards of <igc-v.·hicn listens 10 the young, and honors the old. A rigid and repressive society gi ves i1s \'Olin!: lltlle chance: a fluid and innovative society neglects its obligation to the old. P.IEN 00 their best work far honor and respect :1s nJuch as for money. If these are not forthcoming toward the cnd of a long tenure. then goals shif t to the purely immediate and material and self· seeking -and no long-r11nge c?mf»l ny·or venture can sustain itself on these terms. 1'nc maturc population of the l.:.S. hRs an enormous ambi,·atencc tov.·ard youth . On the one hand, it is r(>Sentful and tyrannous loward eicpressions of youthful • Jrect;tom; on the other. it is envious and emulative of the latest trch ds in youth culture. in sexuality, in dress, in idiom and in life-style. THIS Ar.IBIVALENCE has created ils 0\\1\ backlash loward older pt'Ople. 1\ company wants a fresh, young. vita l in1· ag(': and the image is often more im· portant to it lhan the substance. So substance-in tenns of years of ser"ice-is often sacrificed to cosmet ic rejuvenation : lhe firm '''anti. a "mod" look to demoMtrat.e th at it is up·lo-d:ue. and it can get the mod look only by Jel· tit.oning Its older people. A!'i discrimination by color and sex is diminidtlng, discrimination by age is beginning to take its place. This is no t merely 11 person.al injustice lo the vic- tim: lt violently shills the subsoil of the \\'hole social structure. M lhat )'oung pc4> pie enlerlng the labo r market uill oo longer shape their ca recr·li\'t'S on the basis of permanence and depcndablllty but on the axiom of gelling the most possible in the short time available to their "youth Image." '\'llJLE TillS i3 'flappening, youni.: peo- ple at the lowtr levels of cducotlon.1\ competence find it harder to get Jobs or any sort. \ \\'ASHINGTON -The firrl ~llM· merini;:s of a potential ly ominous att.1ck against Sccrctary of State Henry K1s-,1n· ger by pro-Israel hard·lincrs ha \'c br.gun ap1>e:1ring in this C'Ountry's Zinn1~t Jl'11 · 1l'h lea ders. ~lu !cd cri ticism of the fu<>t ,J,.11 1~h ~-·cretary of Slate began 1n11nf':l1:;~cly nfJc r his hr illi:int per form:inc'l' "el .r.r a· ling t:i:~llt anti J<.;· rael in Janu;:iry. The Zionist Organi7.allon of America 1ZU/\ l, a hard-line Zionist lobby, in its Febru· nry bulletin criticit· cd that agreement " s "strcni::thtning the position of the bell igere nt Arab 1\·orld and the Soviet Lln\011." lly r.!arch, ZQ,\ no longer muled :ts criL· icisn1. Directly attacking l\ls~inger for lhc first timc. it next crillcizl'<l the polili· ca! leadership of Israel lts<'1f '.1·hich. it said. regards Kissinger "as a srC'Ond 1J1s- raf·li." ''1:-4 THE L"nited States. on lhe 'llhcr hand." the bulletin continued ... J(:v.·1sh leaders. both Zionist and non-Zionisl. are j1t1ery, wonderi ng v.·hethcr ne is no t lcan- 1ng over backwards as a Jew to placat€' the Arabs and their Soviet protel·IC!r~." This toughening ZOA line 1n no 1\·ay rencets opinion in the political cen1er of the powerful American·Jev.·ish l'Clffi· munily . But some of these modernl c Jev.1sh leaders nov.· fear this may Chan~t.' ac; a rrsult of the dangerous 1ncrcast• 1n Syr1an·l~Taeli military acuv1ty on the (;o!an Heights. Kissinger"i; prvssure for Israeli concessio ns there could 11iden ZOA's <inti·t\1ss1ngcr rtµp lc m10 a far broad er attack. KISSl:\Gl::R IKl!i nC'vcr underestimated the delicacy of hi s posit ion lov.·ard the EVANS·NOVAK An1t'Tll'i1!1·.l~·1111.h rornrr.un11 r 1 lc J1as rt'nlnrkcd priv.111·ly 1h.11 if f'ilhcr 1hi• Israeli go,en1n1C'nt or tlx' ATTl{'nc<in· .ll'l\ish conunun11v f'Yf'r l'onclude:s that he is pushing lsr:1P! loo hard. he CO\Jld b<- outflanked. Although t'lll' modcra tC" J 1· wi s h leadersh ip's poht1cal roots are deep in the Democrat ic party, it ga ve President Nixon subs tan tial support for reelection in 19i2 and declared a moratorium Oil critieisrn of thc admin istration's r-.tidca:.t pol icies 11·hcn the Yorn Kippur v.ar begil!I Oct. 6. :\ow that 1rucc is sho"1ng signs of str:i1n. quilt ap.-1rt frfn1 the hard·lillC positi1,n of the ZOA. A.'; F.XA~1PJ.E is Rabbi Israel ~lil ler. president of the Zioni~ fc.>dcration of An1crica (an umbr ella argnniz.a tlon l'i'h1ch t.•n1hrnce!I many arg;inizalions). li e u·as: [('SS: than enthusiastic in a statement la st v.·t..:k givi ng Kissinger good mark~ in 'nandhng both tht• Ara~lsracli ronflicl ;ind the qu estion of emigration by Sovie t Jf'v.'s ... \\'e have no complaints for the time IX'ing again.c;t Kissinger." ~Ullff' v.·;is quoted by ttle Jewish Tt·lf'graphic Agency. "but that does not mean !ha t "c arc going to follow him blindly.·• l\ls.c;1nger has tried hard to keep th<' Amcric;i n Je\\ish community neutralizl'<i in his hazardous effort to rc\·crsc 2ii y£'c1rs of Ame rican diplomacy. But 1n his 7.c<il 10 prol'e U.S. good faith to Arab leaders, •ne e>pens the door -proba bly in· evitably-to Jev.·ish complaints tha t ht· has gone too far . Tll LS, ZOA 's r-.larch bulletin. in a sarcastic ilcm, said that "the l.:is..~1ng contest curr ently underway in 1\rab tap1!nl~ j~ bein ~ lost by the Soviet r nio.1 and 11 011 by l\i$$tng1·r -.. .., ne1\' suitor fo r l'tnbr;1c('n1rnt by ~he1ks. pre!'lirlcnl.l c111d ~1n_i:s vt 1\roihia " 1 ·r.n .... 11ier111~ thf' n10dt'!Sl hnrdf·I' ad· ju.~trnrnts K1Ss1n~er has mt'<liated so far, l hi~ l'.!IVl"S thl· inerrsl lu nt of v.h;,1 he C'<ln f'Xpcrt lsr:1eli 111Lhdr.1l'ia) frnm roe Sut-1. C;111<1I wa~ f::ir lC'~..., painful than 01hcri. 111 ~:ore for lsr:11'l. K1ss1ni;er is now t.'On- t'1'f1trating on lhc 1;ula11 llt·ighl!!. but after th:1l corrk:S the rrnot1011al question of lh c \\'{'St Bank and Jerusnle1n. llere Ki!>.c;ingC"r ·~ problc m is com· pounded b>' the flimsy $1ructure of Prim<: r-.l inist<'r lri:lld:t ;\lc\r's Rl'Vi' govemmen! As a price for g1\'1ng her a p.1rli:imcntary Jll.'ljOr. the flt'W rt'IJ!i:IOU' party t'Xtr<lc:le<I this Lilnces.c;1on : no chani::e: on the We"il Rant;. 1 Stlmar1a and Judea• without a plCblS('!\C, ~fOREO\.ER . ~m(> .JCl\'ISh leaders hC're <•re COll\'1nccd rn.at Israel's tru c HI· tc~ts -and ttrtainly this COtLtl· try's -rcqui rr ll):JjQ r !)order r<'t· tifications. intluchn~ t'"'1'1hlish n1ent ol :t l'<1lcstinin n st:it~ uu !h(' \\'t·st Bank. In trying to achiC'\'l' this. Uwy see another tra p for f\is~ingrr: l'rP<;idrnt l\ixon's own vuJnl'rability to pro·l."iTI1eli hard- liners in Congress v.·bose votes he needs in the impeachment baUle. So far. !here is no disaw<'ement betv.·~n Kissingi:r and lhf' l'rf'side:nt. v.ho dl"sperau.-ly needs another fort·1i:n poh(·y tnump.1· poht1c:il solu11on of ll11' 27>-~l'<ir :\rat>-lsr<ieh 11Jr To ~et 11. hi· sr1·rns \\'lllu1p: to take hn11tcd ri..,k.s \1'1th his hard-l1n~ Jc11i)t h constituent). flul eac-h Kissinger movf' :thcad \\ 111 I 11!htc11 ha!tle hn•·S .it hnmc ::inti 111 J<:r.1cl. (l('ttf'n tially sul.IJN·!1ni,: .\Ir. Ni>.on lo 111 t rcasing JXllitical threatll. Tu man1pul:HI' • and control the~ pr('ssures n1;iy bi' lx·}ond an~on~" e\'cn ~subtle a d1rJ 0111;it ei~ Dr. Ki.i;.<:ingrr. The r1sini; 11dt· fir J1·11ish critic1.sn1 sho11·s that. Touring Officials Enjoy Neiv Trend \\'ASHJ~r.TO,-.;-fore1gn go\·cmmcn!.s in quest of l'.S . lx-ncf!ts nov.• use rcversc lobbying. lnstcnd of cathng u1)0n Congress. they bring the concrcssmcn 10 them . Just last Janua ry for examplr Sen. V a n c e ilanke, D-lnd., acromp;in1ed by his "'1fe. his daughter and two aidt•s. br eew:I through fi ve countries in about three Y.'eeks. tn each . of lhe countric!i It" • \'is1tcd, at least [ltlfl of II a rt k e's ex· pcnscs "'rrc picked up by the host ;:ov- emn1ent. State Department . cables reveal that in lri'l n. for in~1antc. the government "inforn1t.'d 1Hart kc1 thtit he v.·ill ~ the guest of I lr:1n 1 and that th~y "'l\I arrange progrnm including ho- tel rescrva tiorui and transparta11on." Tiit; PAKISTA!'li'l go\'emmtnt. ac- cortllng to the cables. provided llartke w1th "hotel reservations, car and dri"er and transporta.tioo from Karachi to Islamabad arxl. retum.'' In C'.eylon. "Senator and ~trs. Jla rt ke and daughter will be guC"StS of ~th(' government I "'Ith hotel. travel expenses paid." In Jodones1a. the smator .v.as a "guMt of Parliament." And in ?-:cv.· Zealand. he was also a gnvemm.:n t JtUt"St. For spe_ndlng money, accorchnt{ to lht cnblet, the vnrlou.~ U .. embass1e5 pro- vided Hanke with an add!Uonal $7~ a day in local currenclts. NOT 0~1. Y mcmbtrs of Congress but .. ! their st:iff assistants ha1·e been galhvnnt· 1ng around the globe at the C'Xpett"" of foreign governments. On April 13, for 111· st<:ince. a dozen congressional aides v.1!1 arril'e 1n Tai .,.,·an for a vacation financed by :\at1onal1s1 China. '!'he State Department cabled the l' S. ('1Jlbassy in Taipei requesti ng l'X C~•t·d~ for th<' junketing :tid1·i; "1r rmbassy 111 position 10 ii.sue them ." The rn1h11 ~S\' repl ied thal ihe n id~ v.'()uld nl'ed "nl· f!cial pass ports" or •·v.·c .... 111 !).· 1n lhr ralher uncomfort<'llJle position of ht>in~ lUlablc to obtain PX card11 fo r :.<1me.'1 The senior sta rf rnembcr. Ra lph \'andervort of t1lc Scrtate Spact Con1· mitlrc, told U.'\ !he trip w.1~ "ktnd of a public relations thi ng'' !'.i'I 1he part of the Chiang Kai ... \hek go,1e.mmcnt. THE F~' IOOusand dollars old Quang spends to woo U.S. of(icia\s, jud1t1ng by past performana. i.s money well spent In the pa5l four years. he ha!I (.'()\I ctl'<l $373.7 milhon 1n l:.S. mlhtary aid. The South \'1etnan1ese gol'cmmt>nt hall done far better. ha\'ing "l i'nglcd OYer Sl h1llion in arms aid in 19i3. ~ow th~ ~1xon Administ rauon has requested .anoth('r S•7~ million in "emergency funds" fo r I.he Saigon regime. E\'Cfl as th requel!t Is pcndlni; be.fore Congress, state · Otpartmcnt ca.blcs r1;\·eal that tht Saigon i;:ov,.,mmrnl h;1<; m1 •lt'<I ('i~ht key ('01J::!r1·-,c;1011 :1l ~t:lfl !ll(·rnlX'rs 10 1·ts11 South \ ll·lnam 10 ,·irw "pr~S<.:nl r(':1l1tic~ · F<X)T7'0Tr: Coni;:r~ ... :11t·:1 ;ind tht'1r rud£-s "·ho act't'pt fr('<! trip~ .1hro<1d fron1 fflrrign go1·cmments m:11 ht· 1n 1·10!:1t1on of the Con.c;titution. ~hich forhids 1· S. of· hc~als from ac<'t.·pttnj! ;onv ''('molu· ~nt'nt .. , r.f Rny kind \1ha1,.,,·,,r. fro1 n Jny Ku1g. Prince or forl'q;n ~t.1tc ·· OIAHl;I COAST DAllY PllOT Robert ,-.;. \Vrrrl, J•rJ:iU.sh~r Thonin.i KPc1i1/, F.di tor lillrb<ira KreH:uch EdlltJ r!(ll Pn{}e Editor Thi' f'fhtonal '"'~" of 1ti-o Daily r•i.01 "t'('kll 1'l 1nrorm. and st!mula1(! lt~"f'll hy prr>M"nll"I on Uili; 111\l:~ d1v1>1"St' ('Omrn,..n1ary m tf)piC"'I <1r 111- lf't"l'l by S)'nrilt'lllN1 "OhUT1ru11l1 •nt:I cUfoon.~h:, by p1.,..'1d1~ • forum IN t"'ldPt'll' v1nt.·1 an<! h)' prnentln1t "1110 l'l"llt'Spilprr't l)p tnl()ru; arwt IMM ,~., C"Umnt tnrn•·\. TN-Mll<l!°1a.l op1n)l)ft• ()! 1ht Da11y Pi·,,, Al •r only In •!'le td1tvnal ~ltJmn a~ t~ 1np l)f 1hf! p;1gr Op1n1r,:a 'l"r"SV'd by 1hr !'I,]. un1n11ts nnrl c11.r1ovn1st.s 11nd )rl!Pr \\Tllf'T"!I l\tf' fh('\r t110 n 1no\ "' .. no.torcr- mcnt of thf1r \·1r\l.o; I') the Dall)' Pilot !lho\lid t1': 1rJtrrC'd.. Wednesday, .1p.-H 10, 1974 Oil Firms To s(~ttle Damages WASHJNGTON IAPl Four major oil companies sued by California for a half billion dollan after the 1969 · Santa Barbara oil splll have BRIEFS ) agreed to pay any damages in a similar suit by the state against the federal govern· ment. But the damages sh<Juld fall far short of the S500 minkm the state had sued the federal government for, the Jwitlce Department said I n an· nouncing the oil companies' agreement Tuesday. The suit against the federal goverT). ment has no connection "'ith ~ the $500 million suit against the four companies. , The four companies •are Union, Gulf, Texaco and ltfobil. Plaintiffs "'ilti the state in the suit are the city and county of Santa Barbara and nearby seashore Carpinteria. e Plan Dropped By Tlte Associated PrHs Gov. Ronald Reagan's odd· e\'en gasoline sales plan has been dropped by all San Fran- c~ Bay area counties. Supervisors in San ~1atco, Santa Clara and Solano coun- ties voted Tuesday to drop the plan. joining Alameda and Contra Costa counties wh ich abandoned the plan earlier. ltlarin County's voluntary plan faded away with the gas lines. San Francisco County never implemented the plan. e School Poli<'!I POWAY {AP) -Youngsters who don't believe in pledging allegiance to the flag \\'On·t be ordered to do so any more at Poway public schools. On the advice . ol the San Diego County Council. the Poway schoo1 board adopted a policy, effective Tuesday, that slates: "Persons who, because of religiom beJtefs, desire to refrain from recitation of the pledge or saluting the flag, may do so; hoWe\'er, these persons shall be expected to stand quietly at attention while the pledge i.J given." eDoftatlo11 . LOS ANGELES r AP) -Ci- ty collOcilmen voted. 9-6 to aWS:rd a $.50.000 donation to public tele\'ision station KVST. despite complaints of the sta- tion's leftwing bias and. the alleged criminal records of some or its directors. MILK TURNS SOUR Even Michael. Landon's Milk Ads Challenged B:r FTC SAN FRANCISCO (UPI! - The Federal Trade Com· mission s.ays it 's not true that "milk has somethl~g for e v erybody ,'' as ad- vertisements claim. ThC' F'T'C said Tuesday it v.·ill file a complaint against the California Pt1ilk Producers ad\'isory board and its ad- \'Crtising agency, Cunningham and Walsh. Inc., of New York, charging that the advertising slogans which ha ve featured such celebrity endorsements as Olympic swimming cham- pion Mark Spitz, Oakland A's pitcher Vida Blue, Ray &lger, Abigail Van Buren and actor Michael Landon are misleading. The F'T'C singled out the "milk has something for everybody" and "everybody needs milk" slogans. THE PROPOSED complaint charges that the a d s misrepresent that : -fifilk is essential . necessary and needed by all individuals no matter ~·hat their state ot health; -fi1ilk consumption i s beneficial to everyone ; -Everyone can consume unlimited quantities ol milk with no hannful effects, and -fililk consumption will pre- vent or reduce the possibilities of contracting colds o r arthritis. The ITC said the board and agency would be given an op- portunity 10 agree to a consent order, which pre s u ma bl y v.·ould ban any further use of the ad\.rertising claims. SLA /tle11abers Change _of Venue Denied in Trial Body Found In Pieces LOS ANGELES (UPI) -. The coroner's office "'as trying today to Identify the body or a young woman, found hacked to pieces and stuffed in several garbage cans behind a motel in Studio City. The young woman had a~ parently been dead some time, ~ said police v.'ho responded to a call from an employe at the El Dorado Motel, who found the body Tu esday. The body v>as cut into "a number of pieces.'' all of v.•hich were found, except for a portion of one leg, police said . Allvisor Resigns OCEANSIDE (APl -At the mayor's request , a member of the mayor's youth advisory commission has resigned alter pleading guilty to felony possession of marijuana . The ex -c o mmissioner, Phillip Soto, 28. Oceanside. also is chairman of the associated students ·at ~lira Costa Community CoH!'ge. He resigned Tuesday. WIS-It oru IAllY 10-10, Sii. 10-7 SHARP JtdnndaJ', April 10, 1974 DAI L PILOT f) San Leandro Area Ripped -. • •• . ~- \ WED. thru SAT., APRIL 10-11-12-13, 1974 ~ ..... OPEN DAILY 10-10; SUN. 10-7 WED. lhru SAT. APR. 10·13, 1974 ... -~··-·· REGULAR SIZE QUEEN SIZE Regular or Queen size seam- less slrelch nylon panly hose w ith nude heel. in basic na- lural shades. Regular in sizes S/M, MI T. Queen sizes Mor T, lit up lo 200 lb. Save! Charge It! ·~ ......... ·-•;r~ ... •• • ·~~·-!~ ...... .. . .;-;.;:: .~- PRESENTS The Fun Makers And Energy Savers ... EXTRA LARGE CAPACITY MICROWAVE OVEN OUR SALE PRICE 88 Baked poloto in -4 rnin"tes. critp boco!'I in 3·-4 minutes, complete dinner with root! in obout 36 rn1nules. Cookt cool. saves energy. PltJ9S into ony norrnol hoviehold cu,,ent. Extra lorge copocily. Bo nus Browning Dish by (or· ning. R7500. m m-_,.., ·--,..,_ .... ,,. ... --·--6*Jbe>or-1'J '""'"" ........ , .... -... '1•--.. _._ __ ·-· _.._.. ...llU, .... ,.,..__ ·--... . -·-... , ....... , ......... , .. , .... ldl .... .,.. ... , .. ,.w, ---.. ..,..__ ·--..... __ ,,,, __ ·-,, ___ ·- ' I 2-WAY POWER 9'' ~. TAKE-ALONG OUR SALE · PRICE 88 Ploy It anywhere. Cleon, ~tisp block ond whil• receplion. Comt1 with •AC/cord, cor or boat ciOC!lr•tt• lig,hter cord orw:I 12·poc~ botterie's. 3MlOKM. _, .. ,.,, ... ·-.,., __ ..,._. .... --·--"" _,., -·--···--·-~-. -wr•w. ...... ..----, .. , ... _ . ... __ .. _ -~ -·-M.LtlUWUJ "'"' ...... ,_ .... ..... -.-.. , __ "··--·--... _..._ ·-· • ' ! 'oclc ol I 2 lafleries And Cor Cigaretre Ughler Cord lncfutMcl. ... ~ ., ~-· YllbKll ,.,,,, __ ·---· ,,.. __ __ ·-- ·-._ . ._ ..... ' ---. ... .... ~--·-'":::t:. .... ·---·- \ I J ' : J I ) • ----- Today's Fl11nl N.Y. Stocks VOL. 67, NO. 100, B SECTIONS, 96 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1974 c TEN CENTS Lawyer Assails Mesa Police Raid Procedure By Jo\N WORnt Of RM 0.llJ P'li.t Staff foun tain Valley Attorney Jam e$ Sp_rlng accused police, Tuesday night or US lng dope and heer as enticemeats--10 lure suspects which resulted in mass arrests ~larch 27 of more than 100 youtlf;. most rrem the city of Irvine. Spring ma,~e his allega tions ~uring ,;in appearance·before the Irvine City Coun- cil. A spokesman for the Costa i\1esa Israeli Vpheaval Police Depa rtment, lhc cont ractor for law enforcement in Irvine, categorically denied Spring's charge. Spring is the attorney for tbe parents of stx young people wbo were nabbed in the massive I'OWldup Of drug suspect.S. The arrests were dubbed . "Operalion ll'ing ... The attorney told Irvine counci[n1en in his allegations that polire underce\•er agents hacf fu rnished narcotic:!\ and alcoholic be\•erages to minors and "the ent ire raid \\'as plann«I and designed to serure max:imum publicit y for the tlr· resting agency." A tota l of 100 pe r.soos. including iO juveniles and 30 adults, \\'ere arrested ln the operatiod. · Sptelfically. 1he allegal ions "'e re thnt: -A male underco,.rr nnrootics agent. ~ repeated'!}' soliched n1ioors to use narcoiics and furn is hed' both narcotics and alcohol lo them . -A female undercov~r ageni. organ iz· cd a party oo De\\·berry \\'ay Jhat \\'as raided l\.iarm '!1 . -The Costa ~lesn Police Department releast.'<1 to !he l)aily Pilot a ljst <ii "'a'i,- rants to be served du ring lhe bust giving the names and add resses of certain JU\"enilrs and adults and the crimes \\ 11h "'hich those persons .,.,·01ild be charged -Se\'era l judges. city off i c i a l . report t'rs. and dt>puty dist rict a11orncy~ 11·cre 1n,·i tcd to accornJ)tlny pohce on 1he raid. -The raid \\'as dcs1g11«:! for max1nlun1 publiCll)' ··1\·i1hout rt•gard lo 1he preju· dicial etfe<.1 this , ubhc1ty 1noy have on later coun :ictlons " -It is the eonlinul nJt pol icy of the Cos1a !\le5a Pohcc Dc1wrtn1e11l to stop and hnrr:iss JUl't•nilts Y.ilhout 11arran1s or prol)i.ible cause. The .. iunciJ rttei\'eQ !ht• al!cj.!!lllOllS \\'1thou1 C'OllHJlt•nt Spring said lhe p<ir1tnl!'i bcl1c.1·c "!he c-Ouncil has the duty to inquire 11110 lhl'SC n1attt•r:. rl'spoosibly. obJeCtl\'t'ly and 111th all dUC' b:J.S!(' ' Lt. John f Ht<i.:a:t, chie f of 1he Costa ~lt'!>a·l r\'Ul<.' narrotirs burC'au under 1~·hose d1rec11on th!' r111d "'ns carried out. nenicd hi5 agt·n1s .uSC(J beer busts as en· tiC('fll1•nl.:s. Though he s:iid he .,..·3s t1·cll at1•arc or th(' alle~ativn:. ('l'Cn before Tut"sday·.i; n1l·1·t1ni'.(. hr 111Juld 1101 C<lnlmrnt on tbem 111 d~·t1,11L ill· said hr did not 1~·ish to Jl'Oparcli1c hrs t'\l.'){'~ tind prN!lct~ the 1 Str: Ulll!GS. Page· Zl ' Golda Meir Says She's Resigning Nixon Gets Cheers JERUSALEM CAPl -Premier Golda , 1'.1eir announced to her Labor party today she is resigning as Israel's leader and said "this brings down the whole govern· ment." Party executives e.nerging from a c!OS<.'d meeting said the 7S.year-old premier, overwhelmed by a crisis on Israel's setbacb in the ~1iddle East war. told them, "I can no longer bear the b~n ... it is beyond m~· strength." Party offic ials said Mrs. ~feir would stay on as head or a caretaker cabinet until new elections can be hekl, but ad- ded tbal elections are unlikely to be organized until August, four months away. 11rs. Meir said she v.·ould formally Ed Reinecke Seeks Trial Before June 4 WASHINGTON (UP]) -Ll. Gov. Ed Reinecke . or California p I ea de d "absolutely not guilty" today to three counts of lying to the Senate Judiciary Chmmlttee during te!'ltimony concerning financing of the 1972 Republican national convention. A tentative trial date of JWle l9 was set by U.S. Dist rict Judge Barrington , Parker. That is tv110 weeks after a June 4 California Republican primary in which Reinecke is a candidate for the nomina· lion to succeed Ronald Reagan as go\'ernor. Reinecke's lawyers ·asked Parker for an earlier trial date "so his innocence may be established before the pri mary." Parker said he had a "crowded court calendar but \\'ould consiper the re- quest." Reinecke's lawyer, F. Joseph Donahue. also asked that the trial be mo ved to California. Parker took that request under consideration and said he would rule later. Reinecke wa s indicted on perjury charges for testimony about an offer by International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. (lli') to help finance the GOP !!On· ve ntion then scheduled for San D11~go during hearings on Richard G. Klein- dienst's no1nination for attorney general. Speak ing with reporter:s shortly before his cou rt appearance, Reinecke said of the case against him: "It appears non- protess ional. It's a flimsy charge. There is something very strange about ~be "·bole thing - I can't help but questt0n the \\'hole motivation behind it." Asked if he thought the indictment was politica llv motivated, Reirlecke observed that it c.ime "very close" to the primary. Parker ga\·e Reinecke's lawyer until April Ii to fi le other motions in the case and gave the \\fatergate prosecutor's .of· fice until April 24 to respond. A heanng on the motions \\1a.s SC!t for Saturday. Both si~ Indicated they wouki be prepared for tritll by ~fay 20 if Parker could find room on his calend3r for an earlier date. 'IT'S FANTASTIC' SAYS ADJ'ER1'ISER "F;1ntastic!" la that ooe •'Ord. lhe Hun1ington Beach man who placed the following ad In' the Daily Pilot's class~ed advertising section described how well It worked. Here's the ad : '66 V\V Van. Jhms great. tPhont No.) 20.00ft actu81 ml., $800. lint. Bch. Natu rnlly, it sold the ,·an. Naturally, a Daily Pilol ad can sell )"C'.... merchan- dise. Test it yourtclf. Plac~ you r ad by phone Cdlre<I line) by dla~ng ffl-6611. ~ tender her resignallon at a cabinet meeting Thursday. "[ have reached the end of the road."' said the grandmc1hcr premier who has led Israel throu gh some of its nlost critical days. She said her decision \\'as '·ir- re\·ocable. ·· "I 'm sorry this brings dot1•n !he \\'hole TANK, ARTILLERY DUELS FLARE AGAIN -Story, P1ge 4 govemment," she lold the meeting. crO\\·ded with party stal\\'arls, a few Israeli reporters and an Associated Press newsmen. Looking firm lxtt somber, she told the Labor party: .. Don.t try to change my mind." . ?wfrs. l\.lcir 's mo\'e left Israel in political turmoil and led by a lame-duck cabinet on the eve of cruciai negotiations with l.1nited states secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger. trying tG end an artillery '"ar under "·ay on the Syrian fronl. "I am exhausted ,'' l\f rs. !\leir '''as quotOO as saying in reference to the cabinet crisis she has grappled t1·ith since the October Mkieast "'ar. 1bere was no immediate word on the future of Defense !\Iinister !\toshe Day an \\ix> is being urged to resign over Israel's t1·ar shortcomings. Party members attend ing the closed meeting quo ted l\.1rs. !\teir as saying, !\ly decision has noth ing to do with Dayan." She resigned a mon1h ago because of pa rty squabbling. But she changed her n1ind because of t1'hat she termed a military crisis on the Sy rian front. Israel has been afnicted \\1ith constant turmoil since the October ~Heidie East war. It ce ntered arounj fixing the blame for na tion's unpreparedness for the Arab attack Oct. 6. Last Chan ce To Pay Ta xes Orange County property owne rs must pay their second installment on county property tax es today or face penalities of six percent and $3 in costs per parcel. Or1nge County Tax Collector Robert Citron said taxpayers !hould bring their payments to his office in person or have thcnl postmarked by midnight tonight to 8\"0ld the penalty. VOWS TO STEP DOWN lsraiel's Goldi Me ir Dostal , Rogt>rs, Kuehn, Barrett .'Ve 11iporL Wi1u ii>rs Cy I •. l'ETEJt KH.IEG Ot ,,,. 01t11 1"1 .. 1 11111 i\c·.1-pc?rt Beach \·oters reiurncd in· cumbents ~t1lan ~!al and lloward Rogers to the City Council Tuesday ;ind elected t"·o ne\\· council members "'ho had both campaigned against special in- terest groups. The election t1·as hig hlighted by the \·ictorv of ~!rs. Luci lle Ku<'hn. \\'ho scored a s1nashing lriumph in District 6 over Planning Com1111ss1Gn Chainnan \\lillian1 Agee and l \\'O o!hcrs. A 1nuch closer race had been antk·1pa\£'d . ~!rs. Kuehn 's up.st!\ o\·ershado.,..·ed the surprisingly small mari::in by \\'hieh \'ice l\fayor Rogers \\'as able lo retain his District I seat against a rhallcngc by ~lrs. Peg Forgit. Incumbent Fourth Dist rict Councilman Dostal t1·as the larges! \'Ole getter as he wun a second tern1 in J)ist rict 4. Rea ltor J . P<.'!er Bnrrctt 14·011 a i-urpr1s· ingl}' easy \'lC!ory in District 3. defeating t\\'O other candida tes. \"oters approved three charter changes but rejected l\\'O others. The losers both dealt with city-{)wned proparty. The turnout of \'O\ers \1·as lii:ht<'r lh.in had been anticipated . Only 9..499 persons .,..-ent to the polls. That "·as 2i percent of the 35.512 eligi ble. , City Clerk Laura Lagios blamed the low turnout on £as1er vacalions and "·1n- dy \\'eather. •·1 had a Ii>!. of precinct 't4'0rkcrs tell n1e _that people had refused lb go out in the high ~1inds."' she said. !See !'\E\\"PORT, Pagt %1 By ltl';LEX THO~IAS 81\D AX E, i'otich. i l'P\1 -Prr.s1drn1 f\:ix:on "·as cheered by thousands uf persons as he toured the i'otichigan "Thun1b" toda y to bolster a Republican c;1ndidate for Coni;:ress and lo ~1 his O"l'Tl \V;nergate·sc<1rrcd pol itical popul;iri- ty. ,"Xixon act ed lik<.' !he ca r.cii<h1te hi111.!-!:11 as he made a 57-mile sweep through - farming areas \V ith James Sparling Jr., Republican eahdid:!te {or ~1ich1gan 's 8th Dislrict seat in a special election Tues· day to fill a \"acancy. !\·lost of the time both Nixon .ind Sparl- ing stood in the presidential bubbletop limousine "'aving to crowds lhat tumt.'<l out in dro\'es for a glimpse of the Presi- de nt on his firs t political cani paign tri11 si nce J9i2. It t1·as primarily l'\ixon t1'ho !he cro11d came to see in this conservalive area, and 1nost of !he signs supported hi1n. Son1e of then\ read. "\\'r're fnr you. f..tr. Presiden t," •·\\'c Love Vou , ~lr. ~lxori." "!fang In There.'' "\\'e 1-Dvt> \'ou " Sp:trling. wearing a trench eoat , had 1ne de1neanor of a Secret Ser\'ic~ Agent as he 1110\'ed alongside Xlxnn. sometunes \1•ith his arm draped prolcl'li\·ely around the President. ' Spa rling solicited :\ixon ·.o; help in hr~ election bid agai nst °"'moctat J . Robert Trax l<.'r in the special election for the sent of Republican J am~s llar\'e~' who resigned from the !louse lo be1.'0n1e a federal judge . At the Tr i-City Airport near Sagina\\', where the presidential plane St·t do"n frorn \\'ashington. offici.1ls estimated a cro.,.,d at 15.000. A1noug !hem \\Crc sl'vc rrtl hundred dissenters \\ho held up signs re:l ding ''Resign \\'ith lionor," "ln1peaeh·· arKI ··If You Love Ls - Lea' c ls." The cro\1 d staged a noisy rill!Y at the nirport 14·here Nixon ci ted h is arhie\'ements in ending the v>a r in \'iet- nam and domestic propo5.3ls v;hic.'n he el:umcd Cong ress blockl'<i. Traxler distributed statements urging hi s supporter.~ to greet :\ i x o n "('OUrtco uslv and \\'armly" and said an y d1·monstratlons could backlire in !he ek'<'tion. Some of the 11 tours :\ixon visited dur· i11g his .p ~·hour \'isit are so sn)all they do no! e\'Cn appear on state rn::ips. The ·Prrsidcnrs bulletproof. bubhlFtOp lin"10us1n<' "as also no11•n fr um \\'ashington for him to use. The districl has bcE!n a st ron;:: Repub- lican area. School ch1ldre:i on a specia l hohdny 11ere <Hnong the airport 11clcoming cro11"d '''ho turned out in sunny v:cathcr 11ith t'ne temperat ure in the .Ws. The t1·elcoming con1mi1tee <H the Gays Plan Newport Ball Balboa Pavilio1t to Ho lit Expectecl 500 Ho1no sexuals An organization of Orang.:: County homosexuals is planning a Coronation Ball Monday night al the Balboa Pavilion on the shores of Ne\\-port Harbor. More than SOO persons are expected to attend the dance. \\tich ••Ill be hlghUghted by the selection of an "Emperor" and "Empress'' Jnd \)lber "royalty." Sponaors of the event call it "the first major attempt to bring the gay com- mimlty tn Orange County together." The Comtll ball will be. patterned after similar even ts held annually In san Fral1· e:lsco. LM Angeles. San Diego ~nd Long Beach. • About J,000 persons aucndl'd lhe Long Beach ball on the Queen ~!::. · ~IArC:h 1~. Gay courts from throughout Californla are eKJ>C(ted to 121ten. the Orange Coun· ty evtnt. Four men operatin g as ABCO 1 ' Associates are sponsoring the dance al no profit. They asked not to be identified because of fear of reptrcussions where they \\'Ork. A spo1cC.sn1an S3kl lhe group hopes to become a permanent promoter for the gay community in Orange County. "We hope to organhe the gay people here because so many of the young kids arc leaving for more hospitabli.! areas.'' a spokesman said. able "\\'e'rc people and '>''e deserve a chance." he said , Bcskfes selection oi an emperor and empress. thert'! \\'Ill be t.'Ompctition for , the titles of prince and princtS$. duke nnd duches.• 11nd baron arid baroncu. The spokesman Sllid men in drag will be. tligible to compeic for the the ctn· press. princess and ducht" honors. The spo kesman said the ball \\'C1!1 originally planned for the Disneyl<ind Hotel in Anahe im. but a rep resentati\·e o( the hotel canceled their reservation. sny!ng a. mistake bad been n1ade and thl' room lhey.'d reserve<! had al ready been booked. n1e spokesman said the grn,,p l~n tried to book tht Gr:ind llotcl in An8heim, bu~ exptrlcnct.'d a similar refusal. The Pavilion was then chosen as the site. :\'e't4·poM Beach police say they are a"·are of the group·s plaM. A poBcc spokrsman sa id lhe department i'• not anlici~1ing any need for any ~la! type of la..-.· enCorcement . ··\t;e mAy ha\·t some people on the scene to make sure there is no troubl<'."' the pollce official said. "but they will ha,-e their own securi ty people." ' • <11rport 1nc!udl'd Hl'puhlican fi()\'. \\'1lh:11n l;, .\I Llliken and Sparhniz. but ~11\Jiken did not join !\'ixon in the motorcade. Instead. he decided to go aht'ad "'1th pl ra ns to at· tend a n1ectlng in Toronto on \\'ilter pot1u· tion. In brief rl'marks on his ar'ri\'al. ll>ixon ass;1ilt'<l ""h<1t he rallrd "the bo11lencck in Congrt·~s" for not :-.upporting his pro- grams nnd c;illcd for thl' l'IL'Clion of pro- plc 11ho 1,1 il! ~ork \\Uh hun. such as S1)arl1nµ. '.'\ixon nungltd 1r11h nll'n1bc.'rs of f1\0 (' hi~h sehool n1orrh1ng h:1ncl~ urnong the 11·1·\colll(•rs and tifter 33 n11nutes. boo.1rd~'d a hehcoptC'r and flc'A' to Ua<l Axt'. S('n. Ttobc.'rt c;rrff1n 1R·\i1C'h.1. thr n1inori ty \\'hip. also s:ree\ed the Pr<.'Si· dent. <:riffin has throY•ll his political \\Cigh1. behind the Sparling ta1npa1gn 111 recent days rtnd his slaff nlembf:rs ha ve heen in the dlstricl helping to prepare for the prcsidtntia l s\\•ing. 1'\ixon appeared in a j<1unly mood as h~ boardt'<I his plant' at Anclre14·s Air Force Uasr. ~1d. for !he 9(1-niinute fli~ht to .\lichigan lie ""as aceon1p.1nicd by top ;11des. a spcrch "'rltt'r. \y,·o \\'h ilc House ph)s1c1ans but 001 \\'ife !'at, a usu:il oom· p1111ion . An aid~ .\11id \lil·hig;J n "''ns n 1est1n:,: ground for '.'\ixon and it \\'a~ not nect's:.:i ry for the first L.1dy's presence. De11it"s Testi111011y Mitchell Takes Stand For l-Iis O·wn Defense DENIES TESTIMONY Defendant Mitchell Sheriff Ho1Jef11l Fa ces .M ari.i11<11H1 l 'l1arg e Jun e 3 A Co~ta \!~an "'ho ls S('('kinl? el,,ction to the office of Orange County ~lit·riff was ordered late Tu<.'~{•Y In face trial June 3 on charges of possc~sion of n1arl· Juana for salr. Superior Court Judl!e E1·,.rrt t ''" D1ckl'y set the tri.1l dale for Jc·rry I.cc l.(ll4Tence. 3~. or 11A Santa 1 .. :ibt"<l /\I'(', and co-<ieftnd:int ~lark II of fin a n :\rm~trong. 20. of 3.1~j l Palo 1\llo, fJana Point . Both men arc fret" on their pro1nise tri appear tor trial. Ld\\'TC:!lce's tru1I comr~ Jll"t a d.1y before Orange County ''oters como'ete the ballots on \\hlch his nan1P. "·ill appear ,as a candidote for tht• office being 't•C81ccl hy Sheriff James C. ~lusick. Police reports on l...1\\·rcnce reflect his rrporlrd statemtnt !bat he is the founder of a sect "-b1ch ehamplon, the u~ of marlju11na He Is Hstl>d In those reports as 8 "\'cgetable merthant." Both n1cn \\ere nrrested at l,.1\\'r nce·s homt last .Jan. 2 by Costa illc~ Po1ic~ t\·hn ~Mi they found sevcrnl brlck11 .>f mariju<1na In a suitcase unenrlhed during a searth af the house. .. NEVi' YOf{t\ f AP ! -forn1cr Alty. (;en. John :i. \litchell took the stand in his own defen"e at his federal courl con· spiraey trial today and expressly denied MJmc of the testimony of go1•ernn1ent \~·itnesSC's. I Ile lated story. Page 3.) \litchcll ~·as the first former Cabinet offi rer to defend himself against a cri111ina! charge in court since 1923 \\'hen lnt<'rior Secretary Alherl Fall \''as chilr~ ed in !he Teapot Don1e scand111. \litchell and fnrmt·r Com rn er cc Secretary \lauricc Stans are charged \\'ith in1peding a stcurlties fraud in - \'e~t1~;1!ion of financier RoJx.rt Vest'O in rrturn for his secn:t $200.000 cash ron- lnbot1on to !'resident S1xon 's re-£lec1io11 c<in1pa1gn L"nder queslionin~ by tu :. ttH~:yer. 1-'et<'r Flc1ning Jr .. ~lilchcll sai d th:it he fir:.t rl'membrrs mcc1ing \'csco in ihe late spring 111 19i2. Harry Scar;). a lorn1cr Xe"· Jersey ll 1!pubhc;.u1 !t:~11ltr. IH11> h·~tif1cd tbal ;11! u1tro<luccd ,\1 1tchi·!I to \'c:\<:o a yea r before 1 li.11 :'>tars Y..t~ 1nd1c1cd aloni; \\'1th ~lttcheH, St,ins and VcSl'O Uut \\JS granted iln - 111111111~ lrorn pr'QSCf'Ution for hrs guvcrn- n1cn1 t('~tunony. \'t'sco has fled lh(! coun- 1ry ond is a fugi t1\e. \l1tchell said it \\'as concc1\'abie he. met \'r:.c..'O \\hen Sea rs said he did but he had no rtt'Oll tclion of the 1971 int roduct K>n. \lltchell "'as more specific in his denial of tcstin'IOny by r.. Bradford Cook . f<irmer chairman of the Securities and (See ~tJTCllELL, Page 21 Orange Coast Weather ~lostly clear through Thur.!H.lay. \\'<i nner days voilh hishs at the beaches in the upper 00s r15 1n~ to the IOI\' iOs. Cool nights t1'ith O\cr· nig ht (O\\'S 43.;.;.l, l:\SIPI: 'l'OP.\ 'l' ·.\lonty Trf!c.' " '1ert1 fraf11 rc 111 the Dail11 P1/ot ·.s f1n1n1c1Cll (H'l~t!>, today de.tor1bts t!ic '1nr1cs •Jf /lie Gllbt1·1 brollicr.; u:/10 at- tcrd 200 corpqrtJle 111tc1i't1g.s n yel1r. just .s1irr111g tip tro11bfe See story 011 Pagt 27. 111 Ytvr ''""'' J ''"'"' n l . M. h Jlf tt (1t! .. ,.... ' t11t\lflt4 ..... t •.ruct .. (Nu ... r• •I D11!11 Mtlicll 1 I l.lf11tfi11 PH1 I ffl~rlt!flMttll ,.,11 ""·~· Jl.tt Ft... 11 ~NKI" tt l,llfl "'"''" ,, ,( ~•lltlit~ ' ,,..,.., 11.. u Mt~lH lf.U M\111111 """'' ,. fhl .. 1111 Mtwl I, 11 Or1"'' Ctu11!1 1 .. 11 ,_It ., . ., 1¥1••• ,..,,.,. ,, ,_,, , .. " SIM.II .t.Utll.tlt :tt..Jll Tllt~h .. 11 ,. fhlllltL'I 2 .. 11 ""'"""' 4 Wt111f Ht •I I, JI • • 9 :DAlt.Y PILOT C Wtd!IMda~. April 10, 1111 .. ~hTe1·m-~ . .. -. Captm·e{l ]Jy Ba1·tlett Uy TERRY ('0\111.t.1': 01 l~t O•hy P!lol S111! 'l'cd lk1r11l'lt won his fourth tern1 nn lhe t·11y council In 1'Ul'sdu y s l'l<"l'tlon .is all three lfuntini,:ton Bea<.•h inctnnbcnts c.1s.ily won re-election. The fourlh <.'Ounc1I sc~t. V :l\'.~tlf'd this year by Juck (irl'•'"· \\':J~ hlll'<.I bv newconirr ll<1rr1ett \\'ie..h·r 11 ho f1n lshl'd a strong third 1n ll1l' totul h<lllot111g. The final !Jlly Y.'<lS. -Ted Bartlett {Llll'Ulllbent I. 5 394. -Norma (:ibb5 fincumbcrHI, 5.33.l. -;offarriet t \~'iedcr. 5.312. -Al Coen li ncumbc<nt 1, -1 .613 -Ralph Bauer, 3,885. ~P.,lar·cus P'orter. 3.729. -George l"olcCrackl!n, 3,611. Followed by: Phillp Putnu1n, 2.600: \\liUiam Arm strong , 2.497 : John 1~10CMJ , 1)161; John S\vain. 1,532; Robt•rt Albert~. J,421 ; Robert Bolen, 1,155: Bruce Gab~ielson. 953. The voter turnout \vas a lo1v 20 1X"r· tent. v.·ith only 12,064 or thr 64.89~ registered voters going to the polls. "nlis was the second time in 8::.:-llell 's fc:iur' victories that he was top 'Ott• gyltcr ln• the election. When fir st elcc!<.'<1 to the city council in 1944 he was also th:! Jigh m'an' -tha'\ time picking up the grand total of 495 votes. • He served four years to J!H8. then was off the council until 1966, \vhr:i he came on the newly expanded SC\'en·member Council. He y.·on re-election in 1970. fin- fsM)g second to Jack Green. ~oday Bartlett blamed both the poor weather and apathy for "the pitiful UVfiout," but thanked his friends for t~lr he.Ip in v.•inning. He sunnlsed that the incumbents v.·on because "TI1ere \\'as no fighting cause ibis time. You had to get out and make your own bonfire." Norma Gibbs. who neDrly grabbed the bOoc;irs as top vote getter, credited "the people" and small contributions for her itr'Ong showing. ·"A lot of people just thought I was a gutsy woman and ought to stay on the council." she renected today. "Those "11•11 contributions raised almost $1.iOO f<>r my csmpaign." -· ~uke the others, she v.·as di.sappointed )ft' the low turnout. "I y,·as discouraged by 1Uie apathy. It's democracy by defnult. There realiy weren't any issues." • Harriett Wieder, who a year ago was iioknown in the city, made a surprisingly ! ~~ sho~·ing to finish third in the four- ~ay race. She admits to spending a Jot of money on the campaign -near the $5,000 llmit -aod s1ys it had to be that way. /1+1 " Carpenter Held ·~11;1. Costa Mesa ,\ . Theft of Booze • "A young carpenter \vho claimed he 1\•as Jrying to build up •his bank account b\' ~lltisting a case oC sco tch from a Costa l"i:sa store for resale v.•as jailed Tues· iJily .. ,.. _ The su.spect y,•as booked on suspicion of , burglary after allegedly returning to the . ..sqerc of the crime, a Thrifty Drugs ·outlet at 233 E. 17th St.. police said. F.rnploye Roylance Benton Buck told Pafrolman Ed Dr}'zmala he spotted the youth. 20, lugging out the whisky and .. cl}ased his car on foot from t~ renr en· • ttancc around the comer of the s'nopping ~t('r. · lfe claimed he reversed dirf'ctio ns <ind ... '-''hen he rounded !ht' con1er of the com- : mer:ci.aI building. there n•as the ea r • again. back for another ~.95 case of • heather deY.'. This liffi<' Buck, of Garden Grove. nab- .. bed the suspcl'\, 1vho allegrdly claimed • he needed money b<'cauS<' he had bt:tn _ out of \\'ork du~ to ;in on· the· Job inju r). ·' ..... {'• ......... [ ............... . I _, '"" •••• I'·~• ", "•\ ... "• , •· ;• , •" r , . ..,,,.,~q ~ , """''"'"...,rt . .,..,"" t,, • • T II • II• ,,,, ,,, • • ""-' "• ~·, • .. _r""""~ ,,,,... f I '' ,, ,.,,,., •O<l ..... -&o .... ~ .......... '.' ... ~~~•""Sao >-,., ...... ., 4 • , .. 'f•1o0n"' ~Oo"Df' ,. l!o,i.41'4'> ,,,_.,.,,..., •.., "'°•' l~~"'"'·'C>OIP""'"''"°lr'f"'" "JJYW~t! 8'• $"~(•t,C~•u Mf:"' C.~loo"'• ~"":>to i;.,.,t,..·~1 w ... 1 ~ .... -""'""''"1•11 Tl , • " 1 I""' I ..,.. I " ' " Y•.O-rl•'"' l"Ot~~t •• ,.j ,,> llJ•·•'~"'y,...,,.-,.. 1l1 I C.•.te ...... OHk1 •()Vl~·~.,.·-- ~J .. "1M'Y .... ~ !\., "'1 '·if.ti, °""' °""'' ~ .... ""'" ........ \l\J-•l"•'ll ... "' ~ • .,., .... e. .. -1~:· ........... _ '''"''""1''"0."'r t"'·~~ ..... h>...._W · .• r -•"'t )''!o ....... L ~II.Al ~""'' ,,,. °''• "-• l'tA>I--........, e ,...,, ,.., ...... ~ .. ---..... ~ ... "' '""'...,,_, .......... "'" ~ ... -IOK ... !IO"""-"'~·-QI•- (~• r )'ltooo NO!!" c:.,.., 1o1~-. ra1"" ~ ~·-,,.,..-.. t )Nl"'"fl"'lt '" ••u '"~'""~· ·--"-•l jf"I-' • 'Di1I I L1111 Tliat?' -· "' • ~·.---... --·''.:.' ..... . . .... ~c ......... --.. . '! • 'Lid Is Off' Action Expected In ·Hearst Case S.IN FRANCISCO (UPI) -11H> FBI ngrnt in churge of the Patricia Hearst k1dna1>111g says "something could happen 11ny 11n1c" in the case <1(1<1 that he is con· vinccd "JX.'<lple \\'ill be ·arreste<:I and peo- ple \\'ill be brought to courl.'' The remarks by special agent Charlt.s I3nli·~ came after U.S. Attorney Gi!neral \\'1Jham Saxbe said in \Vashington : "Now the lid is off. I think y.·e arc going to see some results." The FB1 has restricted It! investigation somey.·hat because o! fears for l-1iss Hearst's life . But Saxbe tndlcated to CHANGE OF VENUE DENIED IN SLA TRIAL, St°'y P•ge S freedorn to operate," he added. However, l:iates said Hearst "has had nothing to do with directing ii (the in- vt:stigation) in any W"'!i'· ··1 don't know what 'the lid is off' nleans." he added. Bales said he is "convinced the FBI y,·Jll soh•e this case and people will be ar· reste<:I and people v.·ill be brought to court. There is no quesiion in n1y mind about that. "I don't have any information that ~·ould indicate anything specific as of right at the moment but I know that v.·ith tile type of investigation v.·e're con· du cting, something could happen at any time." ' ~-- .... .a r ca\enu• T0'1Gtrr COAST C01'JMUNITY C 0 J., L !'.~ G E BOARD -Regular meetlng, 1370 Adam.,, I p,m. ' ' A L COHOLISM-AN AODICTIVE DISEASE" -Dr. Robert Sclunitz let:· turer, Raleigh Hill!! •lospital. 1507 East JGth Street, NeY.'])Ort Beach , Telephone 64:>-5707. UCJ LECTURE -"Coping with l'><'ath," Room Ii~ Computer Science Bldg., 7 p.1n . TllURSDA\' SE~10R CITIZE~S CLUB -Com- munity Recreation Center, 12·3 g.m. COSTA MEllA WATER DISTI!ICT - Regu lar meeting. 77 Fair Dr. 7:30 p.m. LlBRARY STORY HOUR -Pre-school stories. l0:30 and 11 :30 p.m. School age film. 2:30 p.m. t-.lovics for Adults 7:30 p.rTJ. Ophelta._an ostrich ·at I~ion Country Safari in Laguna 1h11s. gazes in ~tunned disbelief at o ne or her eggs as she tries to figure out the !itrangc inarkings. It was a trick perpetrated by an artislitall y-in- tlined cinployc of the African wildtire preserve, \vho felt that a ga.ily decorated egg would be rnore in the traditinn of Easter. ne\\·smen Tu esday ttlal he feels the FBI has an implied go-ahead frotl) the Hearst farnily to go all out to find the y,·01nan's k1dn<1pers. l\1iss lit'arst's f;11hcr, RandQ)ph A. Hearst. editor of the San Francisco E:<· 11rn1 ncr. and his y.•jfe are in f\·lexico for a rest follo~·ing hvo months of attempts to nrrange their daughter's release from the Symbionese Llberation Anny which kidnaped he r Feb. 4. TI1e cooll's kidMpCrs y.·eie also de· oouiietd Tuesday by altome~ Vincent llallinan. 8 trustee or the $4 million Jlea rst food ransom. ffallinan called the kldnaf>('rs "bard crin1inals" and complained that since he orfered his services as an intermediary with the SLA last v.·eck he has "not heard a y.•ord from them ." ucf DANCE C'ONCERT -Fine Aru Village Theater. April 11 -13, 8 p.m. Ti ckelS $3. Garden Grove Question Slated r\t Board Meet S111)e1·viso1· llopef ul 'Ru11s SJ1ow' at Cl1amher Meeting I learst denounced the kidnapers for the first time Tuesday in a news conference at a small resort near La Paz. ''They arc just terrorists," Hearst said. "They are counter-re\'olutionariM and are hurting their own cause because pet>- ple will nol go along with this sort of ttung." Tliere' s Al·1~ays One Wlio Doesn't Get l,he Word ..• Another discussion of the po.ssiblt lin kup y.·ith the Garden (;rove Unified School Dist rict is scheduled tonight when trustees of the C<>ast Community College District meet at 8 p.m. in Costa r-.t esa. l\ewport t3each's Dr. SolHn Fn1.zelll· - :i candidate for the Fi fth D1str1cl supervisorial sea l -had the San Clemente Chan1ber of C<>mmcrte to himself Tuesclay. The Harbor Arca communily leader and challenger 10 Ronald Caspers brought his conservative plat form to chamber directors as me onl y one of £our ca ndidates to accept an in Yitation. Dr. F'rizzelle mildly assailed Caspers • -although not na1ni ng the supervisor directly -for "saying on e thing und doing another." Then he indirect ly ra1>pcd another c<in· didate San Juan Capl su:ano's James Thorpe for advOC<lling a no..groy.·th platform. "He ad,·ocatrs no gro\1'lh. hut ncivi>r mentions the cost to the public," said Dr. i'~rizzelle. The candidate -u•ho lC'd his area's op- position to roe Coastal Initiative -sai d he still feels !hr same about th£> pro- \•Jsions or J>roposil ion 20. He dl'CI'icd its status as another le\'l'I or regional governmen t run by appointed -not elected -officials. lie called £or ··an objective approach" to !he conflicl be tween the right s of developers <ind the n1.'Cd ror open space. From Page 1 DRUGS ... facts "V.·ould be clearly rcYeated in court. LL Regan agreed that one of the female agents was present \vhcn officers moved In for an arrest. "We are prepared to ans y.·er all ques· tions in court. The judges 11·ouldn't ap- preciate us gelling invol\'cd in a verbal trial in the press," Lt. Regan said. Summarizing the parents• objtclions. James Hoote of Turllc Rock, father of one of the arrestees, said. "The in- trodui::tion of undercove r agents -or secret police among our children. pos'1ng as friend and peer. is to me repugnant. "Who selected these secret agents~ \Vere the:y c:ircfull y screened to insure highest 1noral character and intcgrit )•·? 'Vas their prin1ary rnot iva Uon the tx>st in1r res ls of our children?" Hoote <iskl!d. tipnng adcll'd the allrJ!f'd \JO\ice pra('- 11c1•s arl' tJrodueing "a \\•hole g1•ner:1tion of j111 l'nilCS \\'ith utter CO!llt!nlpl !or the la11 .. .. \\l· <ire ;1fr.11d . lll'·rc inlitnlflnt('d." ~:inJ Onl' n1olh1•r "\\'c'rc af raid of :ill the legal cn1a nglen1rnl$ -but all .1c k11ow is that \\'e don't w.i nl :-ccrct police 111 our honu·~ and schoob. · 1'he fiilrl·nt!l. hn\'c org:i n1i:l'd nn "lr,ine f itii.ens Comn1ittcc" \\'hich thry say 111· ('luJes 200 ~tdu ll.s :ind youth. They s:11d lhl')' arc rncrllnb rl'gularly IP cli~cu~s and !r)' !o docun\C'nl thC'1r 1·0111plnints :i.u:un sl poht1'. 1'hl' nl':>.l meeling. open lo thf" J1uhhc·. 1:, s~t 1ur Friday at the hu1nc of atlll'i) llootc, ·19\H l';1 sro de \'ega . "Tht rcaSC111 '''c hal'cn 'I n1ad(' our 1.'Qmplnint$ to thi• fl()!icC' rleriartn1C'nt 1s that 11lc·y ar<" not rt>sponsivr." one parent sr.id. "The city '1>Unc1l has hirrd tt11s poliCl' scrvict>. so 1hry should 1.1\.:c rtsponsibihty for \\hat hapµt•ns." Paul r:Ui'.11, a neighbor of the lkwbtrrv Lane ho1nc \rhcre !ievrrul \·ou!h:!I "'''!'~· ,1rrl':>tcd 1n !hr raid. salt! ·ht· couldn'l ugrec Y.'1lh the parents' con1pl<i lnl!), "\l,'e'\'c lived across U1e slreel rron1 this tan1lly for fh·e years." he s:1id. "I h<>oor lhe pol!ce department, J'Ye fed in· formation to them and I'm going lo ron· linur to do so. I'm alltoundl'CI al hOmt or the remarks thht ha\'e beer1 made . This thin~ is not o\·e·r by any nltans -just nsk any or the neighbors "''bo know \\'hat Is happening." Robert Hayworth or 42~2 Seton RoJKI said he believes Irvine has bc<:o1ne •·a 1nlddle class ghello." "When your kid!! say they're ~oing out . "here can they go around hrn:'..' A]ph<l lk>tu? 1'hl•re i.s n1orr. to do ln V.lsurc \\1nrld." There 1!1 nothing Mppcning to Improve the 111luntion for our children.:.:_ "Pt'Qpll' h:t\'c lo be made aware or !he 1n1n1ense CO!'tS in1·olved y,·)lcn govcrn- Olf'tll 1:1kt'S property fo r open space or r<.•crcrilion and atS<1 removes the value from the lax rolls." Dr. Fri1.zcl le said. "The public is ne\'Cr told the real costs of such projects," 'flC added. fie accused the cu rrent crop of supervisors or "engaging in schoolboy conflicts" ond assailed the bickering between supervisors representing diverse districts. "It is 1in1c that lhcy governed for the county as <1 whole." he said. Spokesmen for the chamber said Dr. Fri7.7.elle v.·as the only candida!c of four to <iccept the directors' invitation for a forum al the regular monthly session. Cyclist Files Suit .t\e;ait1st ' Mesa, Hospital Saxbc y.·as quoted by the WashingtOn Star-NeY.'S as saying the "bureau has done everything to cooperate wiLh the family. "Now that the family is not thinking she is going to be returned 'day by day and doesn't thi nk the ransom wi ll be ade· ciuale, this will give the FBI more From Page 1 NEWPORT The results are: DISTR ICT I Bov.•:.ird Rogers. 5,032 Peg Forgit, 3,997. DI STRICT 3 Pele Barrell, 4,288. Ellis Glazier. 2.849 John t-.l cKerren. 2,051. DISTR ICT 4 l\lllon Dostal. 5.706. ~ Lyn Gcronimi, 3,238. • • • \\'hat they had bet <.1wn the Co6ta r-.tesa City C<>mmunication Center and the police department records bureau today was a failure to communicate. Communications technicians called upsta irs from the basement to records to say they were installing a new master generator. All the records clerks need to know, explained the rommunications boys to one girl \\'ho forgot to relay the message, is that you ladies don't use you r el cc· trical maCnines . Came 8:05 a.111 .. ho\vevc r. and an unruspecting clerk Darlene Osner punch· ed the button to start the Xerox .ropier machine -which in tum shut (>ff the building lights and activated the clan8ing jailbreak alarm. Order v.•as quickly restored. The college board \\'ill convene at district headquarters. 1370 Adatns ,\ve. The merger plan st+.eduled for discussion y.·ould expand the college district's boundaries to include the Garden Grove district and feed sll its higb school graduates into Orange Coast and Golden \\'est rol!ege. No action is scheduled tonight on the plan which also calls for the eveatual construction of a satellite campus in the Garden Grove area. College lrustees have indicated that before they commit themselves to any merger they want to hear comments from residents of the Coast Community College District. For that purpose, public hearings have been scheduled next Tuesday at Orange Coast C<>llege in Costa 1'fesa and next Wednesday at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. Both are scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. From Pagel A }'oung n1otorcyellst y.·ho claims he UISTRIC'T 6 \1·as jailt>d by Cos!a Y..1esa police Lucille Kuehn."4.531. Firemen Quell F airvie'v Blaze In Costa Mesa ,\llTCHELL • • • Bill Agee. 3,145. dl'spitc the fact that he y.·as suffer in~ .John Baker, 877. Exch<inge Commission. [ro1n head injuries tha t later required ,Joe Stc\\·art. 615 A small, smoky fire of undctennined Cook said lhat on Dec. 13, 1972 he tal'k· brain surgery - has sued the city and Proposition t: origin erupted Tuesday night in a dirty ed V.'ilh r-.titchell in the latter's office. He the Costa i'·lcsa f..lemorial Hospillll for SI l'cs -6,79 1; No - 1.223 laUQdry storage roon1 adjacent to Ward said he told t-.litche\I he learned that rn ·11·10 13 at Fai'rview State Hosp1'ta\ in Costa l\1 itchell made a telephone call to the 1 n. Jlro-ltlon 2: A · ,~~ 1'1esa. mer1can Embassy in Switzerland on Paul Alan Bick states in his Oran~c Yes -4,963: No -2,394 behalf of Vesco, who had been i·alled Damage to the affected area in the County Superior Court lawsuit that he l'roposltion 3: large facility for the mentally retarded there on the complaint of a dissident was held semi-conscious in the city jail No _ 4,47i: Yes_ 2.614 was minimal , mostly involving scorched stockholder. for six hours on July 20, 1973; after spen-bags. firemen sakl . Pleming asked if Cook had made an y J>ro~ltlon 4: h tat t din~ t\\'O hours in the Costa l\tes;1 .-.. Costa l\lesa Fire Department Battalion sue s emen . hospital. Yes -5.319: i\o -2.419 Oiief Bob Beauchamp credited Fairview "The subject y.·as never broached and Bick states he suffered his head in-Proposition !i : sceurily officers and ward personnel Y.'ith v.·ouJd never have been under those kttping it contained until firen1en ar-circumstances." 1'1itchell said. juries that night y.•hcn he \\'as throy,·n No -5.653 ; Yes -3.0ll ri\'ed. He said Cook, then general coimsel ofo from his 1notorcycle at the intcrs('ction r-.rrs. Kuehn carried 37 of 46 precincts cause of the 10 p.m. fire is under in-the SEC. had come to him asking of Bristol Street and Paularino Avenue in in her S\\'eeping victory oYer Agee. Baker vestigation, but firemen said it could ~titchcll's support for his appointment as Costa 1\lesa. and Stewa rt . Agee w011 the other nine. have been a cigarette accidentally bund l-chainnan. The la\\'SUi t states that Bick was la ter polling heaviest in precincts bordering ed up in laundry of ooe of the smoking Fleming said Cook testi!itd that the former Pacific Coa'it Freeway right· patients. ~Htchell told him he did not phone transferr1.'<l to the Orange County of·\\'ay that he had opposed as a proposed Olief Beauchamp ruled out any in-Sv.·itzer!and and that f..1itchell added, t-.1edical C('nler \Vhere a fractured skull Corona de\ ~tar highway bypass route. tentional setting of th e fire . "\\'hat if I did?" y.•as diaJtnosed and 1\•hcrc brain surgery I/============:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.-=:.=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::;::::;:::::::::::::::::=. 11·as perfonncd. Forucd W.-ilso11. <, Letter '.Rrirnetl' l.Oi\00'.'l' (UPI\ -A proJ)('rty dc.::iler involvl'd in a land transaction that em· Ohrrassed Pritnc 'linister Harold \\'i!son ~ays he burned a le tter bc..1ring \Vilson's forged signatu re ix-cause of thrcuts to his children. A police spokesinan said Tuesday th:it Ronald ~lilhench, 32, told detectives he drslroyN!. the letter several weeks ai.(o after rCCf:'i\'ing l\\'O threatening telephone calls. Tiie \cltcr. on \Vilm's official !rouse of Co1nmons stationery, speaks cryptu.;llll>' <ibout l\1ilhench using his discretion in lhe \;ind deal. u·hich occurred at a tin1e y.'flrn \\'ilscin and hi s Labor Part v llll'n11X'rs 11·rrc ~h.1rply C'astigaHng ihc forn1cr ConSt·rvalh'<.' Party govcrnn1en1 over la nd speculation. The .transoction itself \\'il S k•gal, (anadian Scouts 1'o Visit Coast Boy Scout Troop 37 of Lido l~le "''111 host Boy SCoot Troop 25 of Calgary. Canada. 'from Ap ril 12 to April 17. The 18 vl!ltlng scouts and their three scout leaders will stay at the Sea Scout Base on Pacific Co.isl ll i g h w 11 y Among the highlight& of thtlr ''is1t will be a trlp to Disneyland. The C.1lgary troop has offered to ho!<t 1M Lido Isle troop at the Ca1gary Stampede this year. May the Joy of EASTER be with you and yours John H ar~ Lynn Hart HARTS SPORTING GOODS 537 Center St. "'''" """' Any other Boy Scout lroop interesttd in meeting 1nrmbtrs of lhP. Calgary troop cnn contact Assistant Scoutmaster H1!1 l L-----------------------------------------_J Shavl'r at 6i3·5580. • ~, I • • I ·I -. • I · I • •• L To the As a • appall Grand appar politic confld Office especi d Leon staff. WH Presid a coc adm di\l\ll politic nedy v.·hen Jcro had · Lieut of Ca ment • Rein of the al My rights sore! the indlv· cl ' fair possi ts politi pro some in th To th our "''' this, J mone """ fina1 do f mo -11~.3 Tl r/lot rois1 :1Jtd dOI To It' or bllli lice per COi E ., do)J • DARY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE ·· Billboard Te·st Due Reacting to public pre,.ure, the Coota Mesa City Council has initiated yet another attempt to get rid or the )>illboards wh ich clutter all the main thorough!ares. "f , Past atte1npts have been unsuccessful. A billboard ordinance was drafted many years ago only to be pigeon· • holed becau1e the council backed oU. :; ' Coun cil members made another stab at it in Novem· .... •her, 1972, when they requested a. study t o del.ennine if , ~ 20 or the billboards "'ere up illegally. as had been al· ~ M--~:Jeged by men1bers of the Beautl!ication Committee. The study was never 1nade . Now council n1embers have ordered another study on the same subject: Are seven or the billboards remain- ing even thou gh their permits have run out? Are the other 13 standing in the so-ea.lied "red 1one" which pro- hibits billboards? The answers clearly have been too long in coming from the city attorney's office and tend to support. the conclusion that the council hasn't had its heart· in the billboard issUe. Co uncilman Alvin Pinkley repeatedly has declared he would vote for the elimination of billboards if he could get tw9 other votes. ~ , Since he made his last offer there have been two changes on the city council. The time appears ripe for another vote test not only on the 20 billboards ill ques- tion but on Lhe question of billboards entirely. Fairgrotmds Future '''ith most of Costa Mesa already developed. the Interest of the community is now focused on one of the last large available vacimt spaces, the area surrounding the Costa ~1esa Civic Center. Because there is no guarantee that it will always re- main undev<'loped -especially the land occ upied and controlled by the Oran ge County Fair -city planners have studied the civic center d1stric1 a.nd spelled out some guidelines for Its future dcvelop1nent. Three concepts have been atlvanl'ecl . Two or then1 propose t() keep the fair property \lnder public owner· ship and reco1nmend lhe const ru~'llOI'\ of a cultural· recreational center. either by U1c ('ity or L'ost:i :\te":i or by the cit y 1n tooperation wilh the (31r. The thi rd land use concept shows con\'crsio n of the f:iir_grounds to es.sentially lo\\' and rnediun1 density rcsidenti:i.I units. Since i;o n1uch is at !"take in the civic c-cntcr area. it would appear prudent to keep th e fa irground s under public ownership and control and to use 1t for 14 !ugh· est purpose of communily benefit. l'oli(·e 1-lairstvles •' A new trend seems to be developing among Orange Coast law enforcemenl officers "'·ho finllly gave ur gracefull 3 few n1onths ba tk arnl accepted newer hair· st Jes a d Rroo1ning methods pi oneeFed by the young. 1 that ronte1nporary young people are follov.·in~ fads o th~ fooli sh Fift ies as exen1plificd in the barrage or nostalgia. shows such as "~fappy Days" on television. the police seem to be going back to them. too. A new look has turned up among some of our local senior citi zens in the field of law enforcement. Actually, it is more of an older look. at least older than that afforded by the shag cut of masculine hair· styling. or the so-ca.lied wash and wear cut. Costa ~lesa Police Lt. 1\very Smith has now turned u~ sporting one of Lhe ?ld 1950s type flattops, complete with a dab of Butch \\ax and an up-brushed look. The new old look on one of the pioneers of lonocr hair on the force is reall y rather distingushed. c. 11 '\ \"ould yo u mind wearing this button al our press conterence?'. c Jewisf1 Co1111111111it?J Balance Strai11e•I Leaks Undermine Legal Processes Dear Gloomy Gus Zionist Line Hits Kissinger To the Editor: As. a private citizen. I am compelled by a seme of fairness to report that I am appalled by the amount of Watergate GraM J ury Information that has bffn apparently leaked to lhe presS and politica1 part.i5ans. In my opinion . lack o( confidence in the Special Prosecutor's ornce appears nearly re q u i r e d . e1pecially when one acknoVl·ledges the dOCUl'OOlted lapRS of prciessionallsm by Leon JaWorski, bis predecessor, aod the staff. WHEN OSE considers the evidence of President Nixoo's tapes being played at a cocktail party. v.·hen one considers the ad m itte d ract of Archibald C.Ox, divulging privileged infonnation to political partisans such as Senator Ken- nedy and staff at a social occasion, nnd when we now leam. that Congressman Jerome Waldie, another active partisan. had information on the indictment of Lieutenant Governor Ed R e i n e c k e of California before Lbe actu3l indict· ment, and even, apparently, before ri.1r. Reinecke himse lf, the non-partiS..'.ln role of the Special Prosecutor's office seems al ready lost. ~fy sense of fairness tells me that the rights of many individuals have been sorely and grievously compromised. and the whole question of the ability of any individual conneclec: \\o'ith \Vat ergate. in- clllling lhe President himSt"lf. to ha\·e a fair hearing seems almost now im· possible. rs not the prosecution of tl1e \Va tergate political excesses being totally C{)m· promised by similar political excesses by some partisans or political over-zealots in the Special PrOSC<:utor's Offi ce? WALTER E. ECK, M.D. l\'lxo11 Deser1,e s Help To the Ed itor: Our President has agreed to pay M7S.,341 in back taxes and interest. For this, he should be commooded . President Johnson took the S<Jme deductioo for his presidenli~l papers that he advised President Nixoo to take for his \'Ice- presidential papers, but President Johnson's deduction was never disputed. President Nix0rt is being persecu\cd. THERE arc n10re than 200,000.000 in· divkluals in the t:nlted Stat.es. lf only 476.341 ol these (less than one-fourth of I percwt) would &end a $1 gift to Rlcbard ~I. Nixon he would then have sufficient money to pay his back taxes 'i''l!h in· tercst and be able to retain his current financial stalus. 1'hls is the least we can do for a l'resJdent who deserves a lot 11\0rl!. ~fy gift Is on Jts way. l hope 470.340 others will do 1lkev.·ise. CLYDE F. i\tcDER~ON'T Tl~e \Vhite llouse 11as announced thot the President di.!co11rnges /und- rai1i11g t /foris to help pay 11/.t ta.tel :111d ltiill be obliged to refuse. such donaiio11s. Editor llnfal r to R~h To the Editor: It 's sure lO\Jih to be 11 l(~·:iird Hughes or a J. Paul Getty. bOth reputed billionaire!!, when the Social Stturil)' Of· ficc refuses to pay you more than $347.60 per month, lhe maxi mum reti rement 1n· come for anybody. ESPECIALLY 1,1,ten · )'Oii are able to l'am only ~ pe_rctnt on your bill ion dol lars, or $l.166.666.67 a mot1th on )'our ( MAILBOX ) Le tters from readers are totlcome. Normally, writers s1iould convey their messages in 300 words or less. The r1aht to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel is reserved. All let· ters mtLSt Include signature and mail· ing address but names may be with-· held on request if •uffident reasOfl i.~ apparent. Poetry wilt 11ot be pulr li.slied. investments. and on top of that you col· lect your $347.40 from the government. The law is grossly unfai r to billionaires. millionaires and half-millionaires -here they pay the retired truck driver or carpenter about one-third of his pos- sible $12,000 annual income, for el· ample, before he reti red while. poor ri.tessrs. Getty and Hughes are paid only o.~ pereent of what they fonnerly eanlcd. Isn't it about time to change this fa rcical law that pays t.he retired little fellow lhe same amowit as the retired millionaires? In \\'ashington when you question them about this ineq uity, Uley say, "Why, that's insurance! He paid the premiums for it." Boloney. lt is still a smelly inequity \vhich in a real democracy, would be rect ified. FRANK KLOCK Ge11erous? To the Editor: t wish the oil ·companies, in their e:ii:· pensive television ads , v.·ould stop trying 10 sell us on lhe idea that they arc rcany honorable. The next th ing they will be tell ing us is that they are not "crooks." If they are as generous a n d hwnanitarian as they say. they should keep their mouths shut and lower the cost of their products to the comwner. ROBERT JACKSO N (}Cl Experle1w:e To the Editor: ~fy husband and 1 attended the liCI open house April 6 and found it an enriching expe[ience. \\'ithir. the space ol three hours, we saw a film on Eira Pound, the "poet's poet," heard a lecture on a recent stay in the Soviet Union by Professor K.E. Bailes (which was il- lustrated wl1h excellent slides ) and sa"· a Kenneth Clark film from ttls series on ctvlllzation. ALONG WITH these cultural ex· pcr1encts, v.·e got to me-ct some or the liCI professor1, a real treat in it$elf. It i., 100 bad more ot the county's citizens did not take advantage or this eq>erienee. I believe too many people sit In their homes and complain about money spent on higher education wlthout geu.lng out to see for the:rmelvea how it iJ being spent The university doe.s. 1fter all, of· fer advant.ages for all citizens. if they "ill just make the effort to find out about them. I btlle\'e our eltles should take more ad\·antage of the university ind lt.s resoun.'t$. \\'hy not a public ltcture sertes, free . featuring UCI prore:ssors ? There is a v.·calth of knowledge there that should be shared by more than just the students, l believe. JUDITH P. OLSON • Certainly agree v:c nct'd an ord1· nance against tho se cate.rers \~·ith their ner\'('-'o\'Tacking nir horns sounding off at 8:30 a.m. and eighl times more every day 1 abou t \;,{) feel from n1y house'.\ Just try play- ing you r sterro that loud ~ L. ~t L. o.....,, G11t c-•• .,. .-lfl"" '" r ••dtfl 1rw1 ~ no! ~n.l1rn, ,,11..:1 t~• ...... " "'' 11ews••-· s ... c1 '"'" ... , -·· IG GIMM' Ci111, 01My ~!lot. Y outlt l11iage Distorti1ig J' cilue of Age ~YD NEY J. HARRI~ A friend or mine. v;ho rl'.'ached his 30th year of eminence 1,1,·ith a compan~·. v.as asked "·hether the occasion v.·as going 10 be marked v.-ith some celebration or an- nounce ment . ··~o." he sa id, ""'·e're going to pass up the v.hole thing as quietly as possible. Things hare changed. tod::i~·-\1·e an· nount'C youllt, but v.·e play dov.-n se nion· ty." Indeed v.·e do. and our society is the poorer fn r it. Certai nly youth should be encou raged where\·er possible-but not at the expense of age. not to 1hc extent of depreciating and diminishing lhe \'alue of loy11lty and long scr\iCc and dep.:n· debility and all the other ancient \'irtucs. Tha t SO<:ietv is best 1,1,•hich attains an equilibriurn bc111 ecn the n~-e<ls nf you1 h and the rewards of age-v.hit'il li~tens to the young. and honors the old. A rigid and repressive society gives its \'Oun~ little chance : a fluid and innova tl\'C society neglects its obligation to the old . . l'lfE~ 00 thf'ir best v;ork for Mnor and respect ;1s much as for money. If these arc not forihcoming tov.·ard the end of a long tenure. then goals shi rt to the purely Immed iate and matl'.'rial and self· seeking -and no long-r11ngc comrmny or \'enture can sus1ain it ~'1f on these tcrtn.~. 'me ma1ure population of the U.S. ha~ an enonnous ambl\a!ence t0\1ard youth , On the one. hand. 11 is rcsentrul and tyrannous to"·ard cxprcssiol\S or youth ful freedom: on the other. it is l'nviOU$ and emul11tive of 1hc latest trends in youth culture . in sexuality, io dress. in idlom and in life-style. TlllS A~IBIVALESCE has created its o"'" backlash to1vard older people:. A eo1npany ·wants a fresh. young, vital Im· aite: and the image is often more Im· portant to it lhan the substance. So S\1bst.:inct-in tenns of years o f srrvi ct.-is orten sacrificed to c.mm etic rejuvenation : the firm \.\ants a "mod '' look 10 demonstrate lhat ii is up-to-dine, and ft can get the mod look only by Jl!I· ti~n 1ng lls older people. As discrimination by t"Olor and sex 1s dimln11Ming, discrimination by age is begin ning to take its place. This is not merely a personal injustice lo the ''le· Wn : it vlolently shifts the subsoil of the 1vhole .social structure. so lh:lt ynon~ pro- pie ent ering the labor market "lll no longer shape their carecr-Hves on 1he bo.sls or pe_rmanence and dcpcndab illlJ.' but on the axiom of gt ning the 11105t poMible in the short time 0\'31lable 10 their "youth imaae." \\1tnLE TJftS i\ 11\Appening. youn,q pc-o- pl~ at the lo~·cr le\·eb or cducation:il compet ence Ond It hardC'r to get jobs oj ;1ny .sort. • \\"ASlllNGTON -TI1e tir~! i:l1r'.· mcrings of a potentially ominous aitack agai nst Secreta ry of State Jlr nry K1sslr1· gcr by p~lsrael hnrd-linrrs have begun appearing in this count ry's Z111111~t Jc1•· lsh leaders. to.luted critici s1n of the fir~! Jc•1 i~h ~cret.Jry of Stale began irnnitdL;.tc \y afte r hi s br i!h:int perforn1an1·c sc 1.a ra· tin~ r.:i,:ypt and l'i· rae l' in .111.nuary. The Zionist Oq~an11.a11on o( America t7.0A f. a hard-line 7.ion ist lobby. in ils febru· ary bulletin criticiz· ed that agreement 11 !> ··strengthening the position of !he b<il\i~('r('t1\ Arah "orld and the So\'iet L'n1on."' Uy ~!arch, ZOA no longer muted ;is crit· icism. f)i rectly attacking f\i~~inger for the fl rst time, it next eriticiz.e<t the poli t1· cnl leadership of Israel itself \rhi{:h . 1t sairt. regards Kiss inger "as a .~l"'cond D1s- ra•'li " "I~ Tift: United States, on the 'llhf'r hand,'" thl' bulletin continued. "Jey,·1sh leade rs. hoth Zionist and non-Zionist. are Jlltl'ry. v.ondering l'ihethcr nc 1s no t \C'an- ing o\·er ba ck1,1,·ards as a Jc"· to placilll· the Arabs and their Soviet prot('C!Or.q,'' This toughening 7,0A line In no "ay reflects opinion in the political center or the pov.·erful American-Jev.ish com · munity. But some of t he~· modt ra:c Jewish leaders now fear tlus m..1: ch:inge a.~ 3 rrsult of the dang l'.'rous 1ncrf'<1:-1e in S\·rian-lsrae\i military ac-tJvity on !hi' Golan Heights. f\is.~inger 's prc·5\'Utl' for Isra('li concessions tht re cou ld "1dl'n ZOA's ant!-f\1ss1ngc r ripple. into a f<i r broad cr attack. KISSl'.\'Gt:R has nt·\'C'r und('re.'i !omated the delicacy of lus pos111on towar d the ( EVANS ·NOVAK J Arnrr itan-J c" 1sh f'Omn~unil)'. lie has rema rked prl\'a\t·ly that if rithl·r 1h<' Israeli go\'rmn1rnl or the Amo.:rican- Jl'111sh l'On1mun11y e\'e r couclude11 tha t he is pushing Israel too hard , he t'Ollld be outnank ed. Although rnc moderate J c v• is h leade~hip'll polit ica l roots are deep in lhe Dt>mocrat ic party. it ga\'e PrC'Siden t !\ixoo subs!antial su pport for reelection in 1972 and dC'clared a moratorium on 1.'ril ici~m of the administration's ~tideasl pollcies ...,·hen the Yorn Kippur v.·ar began Oct. 6. Nov.' that tru ce is shoy,·(ng si~ns of ~train. qu1 tr aPart fro1n the h;1rd-\inl'.' pos1l1on of the ZOA. Ar\ i.:XA~IPl.F. is R..ahbi Israel ~liller, president of the Zionist Fcderr1tion of ,\rnt•r ica Ian umbrella organiz.allon 11h1('h emhraces many org<tniiatlort<;). lie 1,1,as less than enthusiastic in a i;tatement lt1!>1 W('t!k giving Kissinger good marks in n;uidl1ng both the Arab-Israeli conn1c1 and the question of emigration by So\'irt Je...,·s. "\\·c ha\'e no con1plaints for 1he time ~ing-against Kissinger." r-.11Jlr r "'a.i quolf'<i by the Jev.·ish Telegraphic 1\gcncy. "but that docs oot mean that 1,1,·e are going to follow hii;n blindly." K1s.,.inge r has tried hard to keep the ,\mcrican Jc11o·ish community ncutralil«i 111 his haznrrtous tffort lo rP\'erse 25 ~Pars of Amcrk·an d1p1omacy. But ill his zeal to prO\'C. C.S. goOO faith to Ar:i h leaders. 'Ile opens the door-probably in· cvitably-to Jewish complaints that he has gone too far . Tllt:S, ZOA 's ~iarch bulletin. 111 a sa rcast ic item. said that "the kissing rontest currently unde rwa y in Arah <::irit:1!s i~ bo>ing 10<>1 hy the Soviet l:nio.1 and \\'Oil l)y l\is'-'111,'lf'r -•·11 nPV.' suitor fClr 1•n1hr:1i·r 1nrnt hy :.hPiks. prl·Sidt:nls and king:' 11f Ar:1h1·1" t'<>11sid1·rin~ 1h~' n1od1~t borde r ad· Jl!Slml'fl t.-: h.i.~~in~f'r h:is mediated so far, tlus g 1\·r~ l!h' rner,.~t hint of y,·hat he can l'Xpt_'('I lsr;u·ll \\llhrt t.1\\'al from r.lC SUl'Z t'anal v.:is far lC'S~ p;11nful th:in others in s1ore for Isra el. K1S!'lingl'.'r is no1\' ron· Cl'lltratu1~ on thf' <iolan Hrights. hut after lhat rom<-< the emot ional ciucstion or the \\\·st nank and Jerusalem. llf're f\i$1ngrr's problem is C"Om· poondcd hy the nimsy structure of Prime !\Unistcr <;otda .\ll'ir's nl'.'w go\'emment . As a pr1tl' (or r,1\'1ng her a parliamentary n\a jor. t~ n1·11o· rl'\ig1ous party extracted this conces.<;iOfl : no chan~e on the Y.'e!t l\a nk isam:ir1a anrt JI.Idea) v.·itOO\Jt a pl ehisc1te. flltlREOYER. irime Je'o\·ish leaders here a.re convinced rnat Israel's 1rue ln· tcrests -and Ci'rtai nJy this ooun· try's -rt'<Julrc· 1najor bordt.r rec· ti fic a!ions. in<.:ludtnr, e~iablishn1f'nt of a l'aleslln1an st.ate OH the \\'est Bank. In lr\'ing 10 [lchil'vc lhi.~. they sec anottltr lrap for Kissinge r: President ~i xon 'i; O\\TI \ulncrahili ty to pro-1 ,;raeli hard· linrrs in Congress v.·hose votes he needs 10 the impeachment battle. So far . there 1s no disagree ment hcl"'l'Cn Ki ~1ngcr and the Prf'Siden t, v.·ho d~pt>rately needs another fore ign 1)1)!1cy triu mpn : po htieal irilut1on of the 2j.-ye:i r Ar:.il>-Isracli .... ·ar. To grt ii. he si·l·ms "'1H1ng to take limited ri sk.>. "1th his h.1rd-l1 rl(> .Jev•ish CQ!lStituenC"t' But C'ach Kissinger move ah ead v.ill tightt•n battle lint-s ;it home and in l!ir.il'.'I, po11·1\!1ally subjtt.11rl!( to.Ir. 1'li xon lo 1n creasing pol itical threats. To man 1pulat" :111d tonlrol these pressL1res m;1y ~ llt'yonrt anyone. Et.VC1l ~·subl!c a diplon1<it :1 ~ l)r, K 1s.~1nJ:e r. The rising !Id<' 11! Je>1i~h crl!1Cis1n ~m· ... ·s that. Tou1·ing Officials Enjoy New Trend \VASHI\CTO \-Foreign govemmen1" in quest of L;.S. benefits no1~· u.;c rf'\'t'tSC lobbying. Instead of c.-alhng UJ)()ll Congre:is. lhcy brin g lhe congre~'imen 111 th em . Just las t January for cx:1mplr Sen. Va n c e llnnkc. 0-Jnd .. <1t'('Q1npan1('(! by his wife. his daugh!i:r and tv.o <11dts. bref'ied lhrough five countries in ;:1bout three v.·eeks. In each or the coun1rles ht' vlsitt'<I. at lc·ast pa1 t i or Hartkc's el(· pcnses \l'<'rt: picked ur by the host gov- crntnent. Stale Deparl1nen t rabies reveal that in Iran. for 1nl-'-l:'lt\('e. the government "inform ed (llnrt kl' th<1\ he l'iill be the guest of (Iran i anrt th:'.l t they v.111 arrange program inch1dint! ho· lel reser\"ulions and transportat!<Ji'l ·· TllE PAXTSTASI go\'en1mcnt ar· cording to the cables, prov1drd Hartke v.'llh "hot el rcst'rvatlons. car and dn1·er and trat1$portatlon from Karach i 111 lslamab.id and retum." In Ce)·lon, "Senator and i\trs. llartke and d:'l u,i:hrcr "'111 bt' guests Qf 11hc govcmment 1 11.-ith hotel. trav<•I rxfj('nsf"\ paid." In lodones1:1 , the sena tor 11·ns ,, "guest of Parliament." And in Nc\1' 7~Rland. he was also a govemrn .. nt RU(':(l. ~·or spending money, accordlnit to the cablr.,, lhe various Ll,S. emb::1s~1l'i pro· vided lfartkc with an additional S75 a day Jn loca l currencies. fltOT O~L \' 1ncrnbers of Cong ress but - th,.l r staff ac;sisl<ints have b<-en galh\·;on!· ini;: nround the globe nl tt.e CXJM'n.,r or foreign go\·t:mmenu. On 1\pnl 13, for in· ~la ncr. a do1.rn congrc!l!iional a"1dl'S "ill a rrive u1 Ta1 \\an for a \aca11on hnancl'<l by ~ationa!<St China. , The Stti lt.' Department caOlcd lhr r s. ernbaSS.)' 1n Tn1pci re<1ues1in11. PX cards for tt1c 1unkc·t1ng aid1.~ "~( ~inOOss~ 111 posillon to J.~suc them." The cn1 b.1s.sy replied that th e aides "·oultl nt.'td "Of· Ocial pas."!ports" or "v.·e will be in th" rr1t.hl'r wicomfonablr posi tion of bC'1ni.: un:ihle lo ol)tain l'X t~a rd.s for wme " The ~enior ~1aff mem hcr. Ha!ph Vandervort of the Senate Sp:i<'C f'll1n· 1n11tcl', 1okl us l.h!! trip 11>'uS "k100 of .1 public relations th inJ.!'" en the par! of the Chiang Kal·shek govcmmcn1. Tift; f'E"' tho1lo;anc1 dollars old Ch13ng spends to v.·oo l,;,S. offieial'I . judging by pas1 performance. iii rnon(')' "'ell ~pcn1. In the pa.st four yl'ar!. he has ('Olltcled S:Ji 3.7 mll!1on in L".S. milita ry aid. The Sout h Vietnamese go\'tmm~nl h.1., done far b<'ll rr. hll\'ini; v.r:ingled O\'C'r .$\ h1lhon In amu aid in 1973. :'\C114' the 7\ixon Adm1nl!l!rat1on has requcsU.YI another $4i~ million ln "emergency funds'' for the Sn1gon rrgi me. E\·en as the request Is ptndlng bclorc Congress. State Dcpan.ment cablrs r(•\'(':'l l th at the Sargon gO\cmmrn t hri~ 111\11~-d eight key coogr<'ss1 onal ~taff n1C'n1bt·rs to \'islt Sou th \'1i:Lnan1 10 11c·A· "11n·~t'.l\I reahtic~." l'OOT\'OTE C.lnt:ressmen ;i nd thrir .1 id1~ v.·ho ttc~p: fN.>e trip!. :'l broad from for1·i~n ~01 rmm<'nts m:i v bf-111 1iolat1on r,f JhP Chnslllut1011. 11.·hl<'h forbids IJ.S. f'Jf· f1t1:1ls frorn 11ccep:ing an y "emolu· n1•·n1 , , . rJf any kind 111 h:1t('\'rr, from ;.,ny King, Prince or fo rrlgn ~t.:i tc." O•AHGI COAST DAILY PILOT Robtri .'\. \\',.td, r ubli&htr Ti1omlls Krir•·1/, £c1 1t1Jr Rcr /)(Jra hrt i!lic'i EtJu-0 r1al Pu(JC Edito r Th,. f"l1i'nri:1I pll.ll'" nf HI" 0111!) P1iro1 ,y:'('i<.., to 1rilo!1'T1 ;.nd 11tlmul11o1? f't'at.I('~ by p~·nt111;: on t h11 pai;:t> dlY"'n..o N1:nmrri1ary on tttplt-J; of 111- ll'l'f'~l rt)' ~·n.110:-:11,.lf ruhunru1t5 and clJ"too111,.t1, toy pr.r.·ft!1nit 1. ftll"Um frir rr'!ldl'~' \'lf'Y•J lll'oli b)' prl'M"f11 inK' th111 n"""ll>'IP«' op1r.~ and kttu on Ct1m n1 1om,.., Th" f"111onal ~n~ ~: tl'K-l.t1Uly l 'l~T 11.w11_r Ol'lly In th,. rd1IOn.il CT1Jumn at 1n .. top ol thfl Jlai" Op~n1~ t\prf'.-d by tht col· ~mms:ts n,,.-1 CAr10(!fUIJlS ~!'rd \au"' 1111'1t~ art lhru """n and no f'l'll'!Or•f'• mcnt ol !h~r ,;,...,.,,. by lhr 0.1.ll_v Pl.II:!~ Jhou.k1 ht ulf~m'd. \l ednesday. Apnl 10. t074 I 1 '.JrdntSda1. Aprd 10, 1974 DAIL PILOT 5 Oil Firn1s To Settle SLA Me111ber' San Leandrq Area Rippetlj' }'. Cl1ange .of Venue Denied in Trial . • I Damages WASlnNGTON (AP) Four nw}or oil companies sued by Callrorn.ia for a half billion dollars after the 1969 Sanla Barbara oil splll have (..___B_RI_EF_s ._..) agreed to pay any damages In - a similar suit by the state against the federal go\·crn· ment. Bul the damages should fall ' MILK TURNS SOUR far short ot: the $500 minion Even Mich1el Lindon's the slate had sued the federal go\•ernment for, the Justice Department s:ild In ~·" M'lk Ad nounclng the oil companies' .. l • S agreement Tu esday. The sUit against the federal go\'ern- ment has no connection with "the $500 million sWt against the four con1panie!. 'Ille fo ur companies a.re Union, Gulf, Texaco and Challenged B:y FTC ri.fobll . Plaintiffs "'Ith the state SAN FRANCISCO <UPll - In tbe suit are the city and The Federal Trade C.Om· county of Santa Barbara and nearby seashore Carpinteria. 8 Plan Dropped By The Alsocl1teaPress Gov. Ronald Reagan's odd- even gasoline sales plan has been dropped by all San Fran- cisco Bay area counties. Supervisors in San l\1ateo, Santa Clara and Solano ooun· ties voted Tuesday to drop the plan. joining A1ameda and Contra Costa counties "'hich abandoned the plan earlier. f.1arin Coonty·s voluntary plan fadOO av;ay "'Ith the gas lines. San Francisco Cowity never implemented the plan. 8 School Pollclf POWAY (AP) -Youngsters who don't believe in pledging allegiance to the nag won't be ordered to do so any more at Poway public schools. On the advice of the San Diego County Cowicil. the Poway school board adopted a policy, effective Tuesday, tha t states: "Persons "'ho, because or religious beliefs, desire to refrain from recitation of the pledge or saluting the nag. may do so: however, these persons shall be expected to stand quletly at attention l•i'hile the pledge Ls given." 8Doaatlon LOS ANGELES <AP) -Ci· ty councilmen voted 9-6 to award a $50.000 donation to public television station KVST, despite complaints of the sta- tion's leftwi.ng bias and the alleged criminal records or some of its directo rs. mission says' it's not true that "milk has something for everybody.'' -as ad- "ertisements claim. The FTC said Tuesday it \.\·ill file a complaint against the California ~1ilk Producers advisory board and its ad- vertising agency, Cunningtuun and Walsh. Inc .• or New York, charging that the advertising slogans which have featured such celebrity endorsements as Olympic svrimming cham- pion A1ark Spitz, Oakland A's pitcher Vida Blue, Ray Bolger. Abigail Van Buren and actor Michael Landon a r e misleading. The FTC singled out the "milk has something for everybody" and "everybody need s milk" slogans. 111£ PROPOSED complaint charges that the a d s misrepresent that : -~lilk is essentia l . necessary and needed by all individuals no Matter ~·hat their state of health : -~1ilk coosu mption is benericial to everyone: -Everyone can consume unlimited quantities d milk with no harmruJ effects, and -Milk coosumption Will pre- vent or reduce the possibilities or contracting colds o r arthritis. Th< FTC sald th< board aod agency would be given an o~ portwiity to agree to a consent order, y,:hich p r es u ma bl y would ban any further use or the advertising claims. Body Found In Pieces LOS ANGELES <UPl ) The coroner's ofrice ~·as trying today to identify the body of a young \.\·oman. found hacked to pieces and stuffed in several garbage cans behind a motel in Studio City. The young woman had a~ parently been dead some time. s:ild police who responded lo a ca ll from an e1nploye at the El DoradG Motel. who found the body Tuesday. The body y,·as cut Into "a number of pieces," all of "·hich y.·ere found, except for a portion of one leg. police said. rJ<lvisor Resigns OCEANSIDE (APl -Al the mayor's request, a member of the mayor's youth advisory commission has resigned aft.er p\eadinJt: guilty to felony possession of marijuana . The ex· commissioner, Phillip . Soto, 28. Oceanside. also is chairman of the associated students at M1ra Cos1a Community College. He resig ned Tuesda y. O~EN DAILY 10-10; SUN. 10-7 WID. thr• SAT. 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Huntington PiWk ....... .,... _ '* AllMllC Av. .• eo.e. ..... -3310 BriatOI St.• lol _Al'ltelel -'4129 Wli.h!re Blvd.•'°" Hal••• -21171 No. Ventu!'ll Ad, SoUCh O• -4240 Tweedy BIVd.-. Studio City -12221 V.nllft BIYd. • T--. -112 Fllhion Squ1r1 • Y.....-1 Hl9"uMen-2~ So. Mills Rd. • w.-Lot ........ -11S51 Sanl• Mol'i~a.BfV<I. ., -tAl.f 10.IO, Sii. 10.7 WED. thru SAT., APRIL 10-11':'12-13, 197• ~-- SHARP PRESENTS The Fun Makers And Energy Savers ... EXTRA LARGE CAPACITY MICROWAVE OVEN OUR SALE PRICE 88 !cited poloto in 4 m1nut11 , crisp bocon in 3·4 1ninvte1, complete dinner with roo11 in obout 36 minutes. Co0k1 cool. sove1 energy. Ptuw into ony normol houM1hold current. E11tro 1orge copocity. Bonus Browning Dish by Cor· ning. 117500. • l I ~-ln.!!!?;I: ----......... .... __ _ -·---- .,,. __ _ ·-· 2 ~WAY POWER. 9'' ::;, TAKE-ALONG OUR SALE PRICE 88 Pkry if onywht .... C'-ton, crisp block ond whi11 re<1ptiot\. Comes with AC/cord, cor or boot ctQor1tt1 lighlw cord Of'd I 2·pock bon1rilt. 3M20IC:M. _, ... -------.._.,, -·---·- / . ' tlll& •SA ----- ... __ ·-- m .... __ . - ..... __ -·-· "'""-o' 12 llolf1ries And Cor Clf10tetle lisrh,er Cotd lrt<luOH . • Jt~ • " 1•: .1., " •